' ALPHABETIC CATALOGUE ENGLISH BOOKS CIRCULATING DEPARTMENT Cleveland Public Library AUTHORS. TITLES AND SUBJECTS. 1889 ( 1 I \ II \XI>. (). Iiu i'm mi \m, Printing & Publishing Company, ST. CLA1K VND WOO IZ4-ZG, art LIBRARY BOARD, L885-90. 1885-86. !< MIX (.. WHITE, I'm idi it. U'M. I. GLEAS< IN, Sei RETARY. DR. II. C. BRAINERD. I . BRECKENRIDGE. I. II. KENNEDY. ERNST KLUSSMAN. DR. THEO. A. WEED. 1886 87. DR. II. C. BRAINERD, I'm sidi n r. I . BRECKENRIDG1 , Secretari \\ M. J. GLEASi IN. J. II. Kl NNEDY. W. C. POLLNER. DR. M. Ki iSENW ASSER. JOHN G. WHITE. 1882-88. DR. II. i BRAINERD, I'm L. BRECK1 NRIDG1 arv. WM, J. Ml l \s I JOHN ( . |HT< HINS. I. II. KENNEDY. W. C. POLLNER. HENRY W. S WOOD. INNS S'A DR. II. C. BRAINERD, President. L. BRECKENRIDG1 . Secri iarv. J()II\ l . Ill TCHINS. I. II. KENNEDY . W. C. PI 'I LNER. VAC] ..\\ SN \.|HK. HENRY W. S. WOO L889-90. DR. II. C. BRAINERD, Presidi m. JOHN C. HUTCHINS, Secretary. II. O. BECK. DR. A. B. CARPEN IKK. Z. M. HUBBELL. P. II. I.AVA.X. HENRY W. s. WOOD. W". II. BRETT, Librarian. MARIA I. HUBBELL, Assistani Librarian. CECELIA M. HUTSON, Assistani in Cataloguing. INTRODUCTION This Catalogue includes the English books in the Circulating department on July i, 1888, with a few in Italian and French, and also a few of the English books added since, being a little less than 32,000 volumes. The German hooks in the Library and the hooks in the Reference department are catalogued separate!). PLAN. — It is on the dictionary plan, that is. all the entries, whether authors, titles or sub- jects, are arranged in one alphabetical series. 'The object is to enable a person to find a hook of which either the author, title or subject is known, and to show what the Library has by a given title, author, or on a given subject. Each hook is entered under the author, if known ; under the title, with some exceptions, hereafter noted ; and under the subject, or subjects, of which it may treat. AUTHOR ENTRY. — Under the author's name, in its place alphabetically, are given, all hooks which he may have written or edited in the following order : first, collective works : second, separate volumes; third, chapters or portions of hooks which he may have written, with the I k in which they may he found; fourth, any hooks of which he is joint author; finally, any editorial work. Under the same entry are given hooks or parts of books of which he- may be the subject, giving entire books first, then biographical sketches or criticisms forming only portions of hooks. The imprints showing the number of volumes, place of publication, date and size are given under the author or editor, if known; in anonymous books under the title entry. TITLE ENTRIES. — Title entries are usually made under the first word of the title, not an article; sometimes, however, the entry is made under the best known portion of the title, as for instance. '•The Personal Histor) of David Copperfield " is entered under "David Copperfield." Such titles as History of. Life of, Memoirs of, Poems by, are not entered, the entries under the author and subject being sufficient. In many cases the title has been abbre- viated, but the intention has been to drop only superfluous words. SUBJECT ENTRY. — The subject heading may be general, to cover a class of books, as Art, Agriculture, or Domestic animals ; or, more specific . as Engraving, Ensilage, or the Horse. Under the general subject are placed all books which are too general in their treatment to he placed under the specific subject, and a reference made to the included classes. Under the INTRODUCTION". subject entry are given, first, entire books ; second, parts of books referring to the subject. As a rule a book is placed under the most specific subject which will include it, for instance, Delaborde's '-Engraving," and Chattock's •■Etching," are placed under " Engraving " and ''Etching," respectively, while Hamerton's " Graphic Arts," which includes among other subjects, as indicated by the title, chapters on both etching and engraving, is placed under "Art." The numerous subject entries referring only to chapters or portions of books are made for the purpose of meeting the frequent demand from the schools for brief accounts of persons, events, or other subjects. PERSONAL ENTRY. — Under the Christian, or first name, are placed all sovereigns or princes, as William, emperor of Germany-, all canonized persons, as Thomas A' Becket, saint; all friars and others who drop their surname. Under the family name are placed, in general, all persons not included under the foregoing. Note especially that under the family name will be found all British noblemen, and all ecclesiastical dignitaries, with a reference from their titles. Noblemen, other than British, are usually placed under their titles. Married women are plai ed under the name of their husband, with a reference from their maiden name. English compound names are usually entered under the last part: foreign compound names under the first part. English surnames preceded by prefixes are placed under the prefixes, as De Quincey, Van Buren, etc. French surnames are placed under the prefixes when they are or contain an article, as I.e. La, I.'. I >n, Des. All other foreign names under the part following the prefix. PSEUDONYMS. — Works written under assumed names are usually placed under the real name of the author, if known, with a referent e from the pseudonym. The most notable ex< eption to this is in the case of George Eliot. ANONYMOl S WORKS.— Works of which the authorship is not known are entered under the title. CHOI' I OF SUBJECT. — < >f two synonomous names one is chosen and a reference made from the other, as for instance, " birds." with a reference from "Ornithology." This lias also I- in a lev, cases ol words not exactly synonomous, where there seemed to be h.inlh ■ to require separate entries. Of two subjects exactly opposite one is n .11 m I .1 referem e made from the other, as " Temperance," with a reference from " tntem- pi ram e CONTENTS, < ontents of manj of the more important books arc given, usually under the Ithough in under the lubjei I entry. TRANSLATORS. — Books are not usually entered under the translator's name, units', ire well known and likel) to be inquired for under thai name. GG1 IT l IN - rhroughout the Catalogue will be found references from general subjei ts to the mon eral subjects, and also, in some cases, refei is from specifv [NTR0D1 I HON vi. nibjects to the general subjects which include them. Und< ibject"Hi iven .ill histories which are too general to I"' included undei the name ol anj pecial country, history of each countrj is given under its name in thi I te In on mnts of special periods, or events, involving more thai war, Mexican war, with a referenc e from each countrj concerned. Under the heading " I phy" are given only collective biographies; the lives of individuals are under their nan The value of biography in connection with history is so obvious as to hard!) need a suggestion. Under the heading " Literature" will lie found nut onlj works in literature general!} but also under its sub headings the literature of various languages. Man) of the most important ami valuable works may lie found in the Referem e department and also among the German books. The Librarj is constantlj growing, and it is the desire <>r the Hoard to add not only the m important new hooks as they are published, hut to supply the main deficiencies among the older standard works. PREPARATION OF THE CATALOGUE. — The initiatory step toward the Catalogue was a resolution introduced by Mr. Gleason at a meeting of the Librarj Board, March ;. 18S5, •• that the Librarian he directed to prepare a Catalogue to he so arranged ami classified that the average reader will be able to comprehend it," and the further motion by 1 >r. Brainerd at the meeting on March 17th. "that the Catalogue be on the dictionary plan, that is. title, author and Subject in one alphabetical series.'' After a very full discussion of these resolutions, participated in by all the members of the Board, the plan was adopted whi< h the Librarian has endeavored to carry out in the following pages. At this time there was in the Library a ( atalogue of the < 'in ulating department consisting of ten sections hearing dates of 1S75 and i8;n, supplements to 18.82. and a Catalogue of the Refer- ence department bearing dale of [883, on the alphabetic .1 1 lassed plan of the Brooklyn Library (atalogue, and a similar ( 'atalogue carried as far as the letter " M." in nine manuscript volumes. all the work of the former Librarian, Mr. I. 1,. Beardsley, and also a card Catalogue of 18; with some additions, which was not in a condition to he used in the preparation of die-Catalogue. At the meeting on March 1 7 tin. 1S85, the Librarian presented a report on the condition of the Library and recommended that the hooks in the Circulating department he rearranged and renum- bered preparatory to cataloguing, which was approved. The Librarian was already engaged in the preparation of a Catalogue for the German hooks in the Circulating department, in compliance with resolution adopted January 6, [885, and was not able to begin the work dec ided upon until the completion of that Catalogue, near the close of 18S5. The work as planned 1 sisted in reclassifying and numbering, labeling, rearranging on the shelves, and preparing .1 new shell Catalogue of all the hooks included in this Catalogue, and the making of a card Catalog for most of them. This work was completed in the spring ol 1888. The copying of the manu script for the printer was then commenced and as s,.,.n as a few hundred pages were ready, in INTRODUCTION. May. 1888, the printing was begun, which is now just finished. All the work which was done previous to May. iSSS. was simply to rearrange and place the Library in that condition in which it should always be kept, and only the time since can fairly be considered as spent in the prep- aration of the Catalogue. CLASSIFICATION. — The Library is classified upon the Decimal system of Mr. Melvil Dewey, Director of the State Library of New York, with some modifications. All books, except fiction, have a number printed in the Catalogue, which should be used in calling for them. Novels have no number, and should be asked for by author and title. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. — The work of cataloguing has been done in accordance with the Rules for a printed dictionary Catalogue by Mr. Charles A. Cutter, Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum. The Librarian would also acknowledge his obligations to the Catalogues of the Astor, Brooklyn. Boston Athenaeum, Boston Public, Nevins, and Dayton Libraries; to Mr. Charles Alexander Nelson, Librarian of the Howard Memorial Library, for valuable suggestions; to Doctor Charles Kendall Adams for his kind permission to use citations from his " Manual of Historical Literature." EVELAND, 0( 1' IB! R, 1889. COR U ECT I o NS, / "2- 4- '2->o PAGR 14 Advbnti kk.s of a bric-a-brac hunter. 440-45 read 440-44. 32 Allen, J. Battles of the British navy, F01 8308-22 read 9308-22. 49 Anselmo. For Didier, M. read Didier, Chas. 50 Antinous. For Taylor, G. read Hausrath, A., (George Taylor, pseud.) 119 BHAGAVAD Gtta. For Chatterji, M. M. read Mohini M. Chatterji. 155 Bound in honor. ^1/1/896.-^41. 144 Blue ribbon. For Tabor, E. read Stephens n, Mrs. Eliza (Tabor), 160 BRAHMANISM. For Chatterji, M. M. rtW Mo- hini M. Chatterji. 1S5 Budget of letters from Japan. For 462-64 read 452-56. 218 Cari im.k school. /•'<»• Sidney, M. read Lothrop, iWrj. II. M. (S.), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) 227 Cvn101.11 dogma. For 2$\S 411 r,,i/ :S;S 4S. 229 CAVALR'i life. /i»- Winter, J. S. read Stan- nard, .!/>.-. H. E. V., (J. S. Winter, /..-.•«r3594- 55 read 9308 1 -6. Hall, II. Byng. For 440-45 read 440-44. HAMILTON, Wm. Lectures on metaphysics. For 189-42 read [So-42. Homel, D. Read I [olme, 1 1. Hope Meredith. For Tabor, E. read Stephen- son, Mrs. Eli/a (Tabor). [RVING, W. Tales of a traveler. For 8 1 8-886 r,-,;8-43 I. ate Mrs. Null. Stockton, F. R. Malvern Chase. Insert Symonds, W. S. boys who became famous. Bolton, S. K 410-16 Posey, Thos., Am. general, />. 1750-1/. 1S1S. Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. ig. pp. 363-403 412-86 Reese, D. M., ed. Elements of zoology. X. V.. 1868. 12° 590-22 RUSH, Richard, Am. statesman, l>. 1780-1/. 1859. Occasional productions, political, diplomatic and miscellaneous. Phila. , i860. 8° 798E1 Schiller, J. C. F. von. Works, v. 2. Cent* nts : Historical dramas: Wallen- stein's camp, Piccolomini, Death of Wallenstein S36-2 THOMSON, Chas. Wyville. Depths of the sea. 5895-8 CATALOGUE CATALOG UK. A. B. C. A A.BB01 I A. H. C. of Gothic architecture. Parker, J. II 723-4 A. L. 0. E. pseud. See Tucker, Charlotte. AARON, highpriest of the Israelites. Hills. < ». V Companion characters, pp. 50— 73 22'7-47 Weil, 1.. Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud, pp. 114-170 2214-95 Abaim ARD. See Abelard. ABANDONED. [Part II of Mysterious Is. land.] Verne, J. A n m Constantine. Halevy, Ludovic. Aunt Tigrane. Fabre, F. VBBESS of Jouarre. [Drama.] Kenan. E. 842 ; ABBEY, Henry. Ballads of good deeds, and othei verses. X. V., 1872. 12 . . . 103d City of success and other poems. N.Y., 18S4. 8° 103C2 Stories in verse. \. V., 1869. 1 2°. . . m;( 1 Contents. — Blanche. — Karagwe, an African.— Demetrius. — Strong spider. — ('.race Bernard. — V . . i ( \v.\.\ \ , Henry E. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers. PP- 5-11 41247-j Abbey, Richard. Citj of God and the church-makers. X. Y., 1S72. 12°. . jSi > 1 ; Abbeys. Timbs. J. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls ofEngland and Wales. . . 9318 s — Tozer, II. F. Researches in the High- lands of Turkey, v. 1. pp. 50-142. [Monastery of Mount Athos] 4400 g — Crake. Rev. A. D. I asl abbol of Glastonbury. [A novel.] — See also Convents. Monastic Institu- tions. A.BBEYCHURCH ; or, self-control, and self- conceit. Vonge, Charlotte M 990A2 ABBOT, Eara, /'. />., Amer. scholar and bibli- cal critic, b. 1819-1/. 1884. Notes and appx. h: t )i me, Wm, M ii ol the 1 -mi 1 oT ci sy 1 espei ting 1 In- I In ee I Iea\ - enly Witnesses. 1 John, 5:7 ;;u 1, Abbot, Francis EHingwood. Scientifii theism. I.. 1S86. 12° 201-10 is oi christianit) and ft ee religion. In Freedom and fellowship in religion. pp. 222-264 2 °4-j? VBBOT, Waldo, (lui Sunda) School, and how «re 1 luct it. With introd. In John S. 1 Vbbott. B., 1863. 16 . . ^BBOT, Willis J. Blue Jackets of 1812, hist, of naval battles of war of [812: with acc't of French war of ij X. V., 1887. 8° 9765 12 Hlue Jack. 61 : n the war ofseci ion. X. Y.. 1886. 8°. . . . 9782-12 See also Abbott. \ BBi 1 1 . rhi , Si "it. Sir W. \ 1:1;' iTSFORD, S otland, bene of Sir II". Scott. I en-it. E. Mount Vernon papers. pp. 115 12;. and 135-I44 Irving, W. Crayon Miscellany, pp. 243-3'9 - ■ Abbott, A 0. Prison life in the South dur- ing 1864 -65. V Y . [865. 12°. . Ufa/. Gen. Augustus. I ow, t . k. Afghan war. from journal and corres- pondence of Maj. Gen. Abbott. . . . 101B5 . Benjamin, *. 1732-e/. 1 j . P. I'. 1 nf- of eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 240-270 4147-; \ Benjamin Vaughan. Judge and jury. Popular explanation of the law. N . \ . 1880. 12 ABBOTT. - 4 ABBOTT. Abbott, -Benjamin Vaughan, continued. — Traveling law-school and famous trials. B., 1884. 12° 3434-13 Abbott, Chas. Conrad, .1/. D. Naturalist's rambles about home. N.Y., 1884. 12°. 5904-12 — Upland and Meadow : a Poaetquissings chronicle. X. V., 1S86. 12°. . . . 5904-125 — Waste-land wanderings. N. V., 1887. 12° 5904-I3 ■II. Edward. Long Look house . . . 690-12 — Paragraph hist, of Amer. revolution. 975-" — Revolutionary times: our country 100 years ago 975 -12 ABBOTT, Edwin Abbott. Flatland : a ro- mance of many dimensions, by A Square [pseud.) B., 1885. 16 . — Good voices: a child's guide to the Bible 24S 11 — How to parse : an attempt to apply the principles of scholarship to English grammar, with appendixes on analysis, spelling and punctuation 1 152-2 — How to write clearly : English composi- tion. B., 1875. 16 . Same. B., 1876. 1 1 7-14 — Parables for children 248-12 — Philochristus : memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. B., 1S78. 12 2329-107 — Onesimus : memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul. B., 1882. 12° . 242-2 — Shakesperian grammar. L., 1SS0. 12° 8237-2 — and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people. B., 1872. 16 . . . 110-12 Abbott, George, archbishop of Canterbury. Lodge, E. Portrait 1 , of illustrious per- "sonages of G. Britain, v. 3 pp. 2S5-293. 411-65 1, Jacob, writer for tin young, b. 1803- d. 1879. American history, v. 4-8. 4. Northern colonies 982-12 5. War of the colonies 974~ 2 6. Revolt of the colonies 97491-2 7. War of the revolution 975—13 8. Washington 924B99 — August stories. 4 v. 1. August and Elvie 103A11 2. Hunter and Tom 103A12 3. Schoom ' Marj Ann 103A13 4. Granville valley 103. \ [4 — Florence stoi ies, 6 1. Florence and John 103A15 1 oimkie i' 3. Orkney Islands 103A17 4. En| lish Channel 103A18 5. Isle of Wight 103A19 ■ 11 103A191 tories. to v.. 1. Malleville 103A2 2. V. 103A23 3. Mai y Erskim 103A27 4. Mary Bell, 103A21 Abbott, Jacob, continued. 5. Beechnut 103A24 6. Rodolphus 103A28 7. Ellen Linn 103A22 8. Stuyvesant 103A25 9. Caroline 103A29 10. Agnes 103A20 — Gentle measures in training the young. 1936-15 — History of Alexander the Great 114B6 — History of Alfred of England H5B3 — History of Charles 1 222B1 — History of Charles II 222B4 — History of Cleopatra 230B1 — History of Cyrus the Great 268B5 -and Alexander the Great 268B51 — History of Darius the Great 2 75BS — History of Queen Elizabeth 3'5B3 — History of Genghis Khan 4'2B4 — History of Hannibal 453B8 — History of Julius Caesar 200B3 — History of Margaret of Anjou 611B4 — History of Mary, Queen of Scuts. . . . 616B4 — History of Nero 679B4 — History of Peter the Great 724B6 — History of Pyrrhus 750B1 — History of Richard 1 7S7B2 — History of Richard II 7S7B5 — History of Richard III 787B7 — History of Romulus 794B1 — History of William the Conqueror . . . 953B4 — History of Xerxes the Great 989B1 — Jonas series. 6 v. 1. Jonas on a farm in Summer. . . . I03A3 2. Jonas on a farm in Winter .... 103A31 3. Jonas as a Judge 103A32 4. Caleb in town 103A33 5. Caleb in the country 103A34 6. Jonas' stories 103A35 — Juno stories. 4 v. 1. Juno and Georgie I03A4I 2. Mary Osborne 103A43 3. Juno on .1 journej 103A42 4. Hubert 103 A4 — Marco Paul's adventures in the pursuit of knowledge. 6v 1. In New York 103A5 2. On the Erie canal 103A51 3. In Maine 103A52 4. In Vermont 103A53 5. In Boston 103A54 6. At the Springfield armory. . . . 103A55 — Rollo series. 14 v. 1. Learning to talk 103A6 2. Learning to read 103A61 3. At work 103A62 4. At play 103A63 5. Al si I I IO3A64 6. Vacation 103A65 7. Experiments 103A66 ABBOM M'J-.I. \ bbi 'M, facob, ontinued, 8. Museum 9 lii.. i o. Con ii. Philosophy 12. Philosophy : ail 13. Phil oph; 14. Philosophy : sky. cience I h 1. Heat 2. Light 3. \\ .hi and land. 4. Force The tenchei Voting christian >eriei 4 \ . 1 \ oung 1 hristian. [With ski author anil bil 2. Corner stone ;. Waj id 4. Hoai j head and M 1 1 lonner. . . . Abbott. John Stephens Cabot, b. 1805-1/. ■■877- American pioni id patriots. Benjamin Franklin. . . — - Christophei I 1 ilumbus Daniel Boone 1 1. 1 ketl Ferdinand de Soto Geoi ge Washing >n John 1 ! K > Miles Standish Peter Stuyvesanl K die — Child at home I n Austria — French revolution of 1789 I [istory of Civil \\ . 2 v . . History of Frederic II.. tlielire.it. . . Histor] of 1 Kni \ IV 1 [istory of Hernand I [istory of Hortense Id, iry of Joseph I ■ I I istorj of Josephine II tory of 1 ouis XI \ History of Louis Philippe I I I lory of Mme. Roland History of Marie Antoinette — History of Napoleon Bonaparte — History of Napoleon III — History of King Philip — History of Ohio — Kings and queens — Mother at home — Romance of Spanish hi-t ^BBOTT, Lyman, b, 1833. -\'i~ of the Apostles; with notes, map-, etc. N.Y.. 1S70. 8° - In aid of faith. X. V.. t886. 12°. . . — Jesu- of Nazareth: His life and teach- ings. N. V.. 1S00. 12 10 103A7 io;.\7J 551-12 !7i 12 2.11 11 24I [2 .' 1 1 1 ; -•|i 1 I 206B5 ,. , 1:1 843B3 924B1 206B5 851B4 859B1 557B6 1936-14 9444 '- 9781 12 381B98 463B1 -' tri ; : i s :i ; i 586B4 587B2 i'i 2 w 1 664B2 727B8 .115-12 946-12 227U 1 2329-u I iy in linn and Hall. day. II. 1 reading 1 and I hen ' ies. N. \ ; 1" &05 12 Conttnti . — What thl M r tscr. — Why k read trash, by C. D. Warner.— What ■ ins — Plans of rcadin N bj I I Plrnis of reading, by C. Hamlin. — Plai reading, by H. W. Beechei img, by H U Mabic— Choice of books, by I Hale.— How to make dull boys read, by J. II •■ the results of reading, by J. Cook. — Hints for people that do not read, by L. Abb con- tributors, tor household libraries. byG 1 feria, />. about 1S07 -./'. 1883. '.. Walks in Algiers and it- surroundings. wiman. In ing, \\ PP- 279-3'° i wiman, or Abdul Ralin b. about 1830, gran.i Boulger, D. C. ' entral Asi 11 trait-. pp. 1 41 Audi, i ions. Ross, C. K. Charlej A'Bei ket. S Thomas A'Becket. i 1 ' hist. ngland. I.., n. d. S° 9301-11 ■11c Blackstone. I... 1 - Chicago, i s 7i io° 3409-17 1. . ' lompanion charat PP- 9 - ('. D. Elementary principli machinery in it- 1 ..11-iruction and working. L., 1868. 12 — Rudimentary and elemt on the construction and working of machinery. Prideaux, T. 1 if fuel 621 B i2 . Carl. Linguist, Contents. — Language as the expression of national modes of thought.— Conception of love in some ancient and modern languages. — :-h verbs of command. — Discriminal. nyms. — Philological methods. — Connection between dictionary and grammar. — Possibility of a common literary language for the Slav nations. — Coptic intensi6cation. — Origin of lan- guage. — Order and position of words in the Latin sentence ABELARD. ABRAHAM. AbELAKD, or Abaillard, Pierre. French scholastic philosopher and logician, b. 1079 -d. 1 142. Richardson, A. S. Abelard and Heloise '03 B 3 — Wight, O. W. Li\e- ami letters oi Abelard and Heloise i 3 B 5 — Wilberforce, X. W. Priest and the man — Brigham, C. 11. Memoir ami papers. pp. 185-207. [Abelard and his age.] 204-12 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 204-213 410-19 Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties and contested events, pp. 49-66. . . 9°2-3 — Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of cele- brated characters, v. 1. pp. 103-139. 4 IO -°3 Lewes, G. H. Biographical hist, of philosophy, v. 2. pp. 346-361. . . i4 1 ~55 Milraan, H. H. Latin Christianity. v. 4. pp. 179-225 2821-5 Ueberweg, F. Hist, of philosophy. v. 1. pp. 386-402 I4I-9 Wright, T. Essay- on literature, etc. v. i. pp. 218-236 93 o6 -9 Aisell, Mrs. Lucia Elizabeth. Recollec- tions of the Emperor Napoleon on St. Helena. L., 1873. 12° 664B3 ABERCROMBIE, John, Scottish physician, />. 1781— . about 1 738-i/. 1801. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious pi oi ' Britain, v. 8. pp. 123-129.. 411-65 SOMBY, Ralph. Weather: a popular on of the nature of weather change-. N. V., 1887. 12° 5515-12 I ill-,, J. I'. Modem service of com- 1 1 ial and railway ti legi a phy, arrang- ed in questions and answers. Cleve'd, I883. 12° 538-13 1.1 iiv, John, /■> , , 1 70 1 d. 1 ' ■ ■ Mem 1 John Abemethy 103IS7 Barton, uglish actress, /,. 1 , [atthi f . B., and llutton, 1 .. Vctoi and actri v. I. pp. 189 2oS 4170 (, Vbject Apol F. jr. I wo pp. 43- 79 '91C4 ABNEY, W. de W. Photography. In Science lecture- at South Kensington, v. 1. PP- 1-32 502-81 Aboard ami abroad. Breed, W. 1'., D. D. 442-18 Abode of snow : upper valleys of the Hima- laya. Wilson, A 4545-9 Abolitionism. Sc, Slavery. Abominations of modern society. Talmage, T. DeW 197-y ABORN, Frank. Elementary mechanical drawing for school and shop. Cinn., 1886. 12° 744-12 — System of teaching drawing for common schools. In Essays and addresses read before the north-eastern Ohio teachers' association, pp. 379-412 3706-6 About, Edmund Francois Valentine, Fr. writer, 6. 1828. Germanic — Handbook of social economy; or, the worker's A. B. C. X. V., 1873. 12 . 330-13 — Man with the broken ear. — Roman question, tr. by H. C. Coape. L., i860. So 2824-12 — Story of an honest man. — Tolla : a tale of modern Rome. — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 18. pp. 418-430. [Review of Roman question.] 818-27 — Friswell, J. H. Modern men of letters. pp. 360-370 804-38 — Men of the third republic. pp. 271-284. 4105-5 \i. 11 t Chautauqua. Raymond, E. . . . 3747—7 About in the world. Friswell, J. II. . . 382E1 About Mexico, past and present. Johnson, H. \1 990-5 ABOU1 money and other things. Craik, D. M. (Mulock.) 655E2 Amu "i old story-teller-. [Sketches of au- thor-.] Mitchell, 1). G 418-6 VBOl 1 ihe stars. Page, W. R. In Stories for children. By Eleven Sophomores. pp. 75-80 856A9 ABOUT the theatre: essays and studies. Archer, W 781-12 \i:mi 1 woman, love and marriage. Saund- ei . F 1933-8 1 bii . memorial of 1 'In i-tian gentlewomen. Bright well, C. I.. . . 413-22 Vbi m 1 suspi 1. Riddell, C. E. L. Vbove the clouds. [Drama.] Baker, G. M. 785-22 Abraham, or Abram, Hebrew patriarch, tld, S. Baring-, I - end ofOld Test. characters, pp. 135-190 2214-4 I [< adley, J. T. Sai 1 ed I and mar- tyrs, pp. 33-57 22'7-45 [osephus, F, \Y..il , pp. S37-844. . . 913-5 — Keary, A. Nations around, pp. 1-68. 910-54 1'hilo [udaeus. \\ orks. \ . 2. pp. 43- 94 I5I3-7 \\ eil, > I. Bible, the Koran, and the 1 .1 1 in 1 1 ■ 1 . pp. 08-96 2214-95 AUK A HAM. - 7 DS Abraham \ Sani to Clara. I ledge, F Pro e wi iters of < lermany. pp. i" pi. Abraham, George Whitley. Essays, hi ical, ci itical and political. I . . 1868. 103] j Irish Ch I the Great. — Philip Howard Harfoi Michael Lngelo Guizot 1 Richard I 1 omwell. — Dc Montalembert's Western 1 til Phe four last Pope! I 1. .ry of Jesuit history. — De Ravignan's Times of Clement XIII and \l\ Miss Strickland Mary Stuart. — Me>i Demetrius the Impostor. — Cockburn's Memorials of his 'rime. — Ceylon.— I, a Belle lison .1 la Campagne. -German theorie t Christianity and its origin. — Burke's Vicissi tudes of families. — Senior's Turkey. — Help's Spanish Conquest in Vmerica —The Tur) ii relation to Prophecy— Lord Broughlon's.Italy. — Peel's Memoirs. — Education in Ireland -- Principles and Parties. — English and Irish Liberals, Abraham, Battle of the Heights of. Idams, W. II. D. Memorable battles, pp. 355-365 VS0S-2 Low, C. K. Great battles, pp. 186— 198 9308-4 Parkman, F. Montcalm and Wolfe, v. 2. pp. 259-326 971-67 Abrahams, Israel. Article in Inspiration a clerical symposium, pp. 155-174. . 2202-47 \nKA\iis, I aure Permon Junot, duchesse d 1 , />. 1784-^.1838. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. 2 v. N. V., 1873. 8°. Same. N. V., 1857 664B4 Abridgment of the Christian doctrine. Tuberville, H 2382-8 ABROAD again ; or, a fresh foray in foreign lands. Guild, C 440-432 Abroad : journal of a tour through Great Britain and on the Continent, fog- hill, J. H 442-23 Ab-sa-ra-ka, home of the crows, (ai ring- ton, Mrs. M. J 4787-25 Absentee, The. Edgeworth, M. Absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism. Gray, A 5377 | Abi' Taleb Khan, Mirza, Hindoo traveler, h. 1752-rf. 1801. Travels in Asia, Afri- ca and Europe during the years 1799- 1803. tr. from the Persian by (.'has. Stewart. 3 v. L., 1S14. 12° 439 \i Abyssinia. Baker, .V/>- S. \V. Nile trib- utaries of Abyssinia t<>; -' De Cosson, I'. A. Cradle of the blue Nile — Dufton. II. Narrative of a joun through Abyssinia — Gobat] S. Journal of three years' resi- dence in Abyssinia. [Missions.]. . . — Halls, J. J., ed. Life and adventures of Nathaniel Pearce, written by himself. \i ■. 1 iia, 1 mtinued. 1 1. 11 1 , 1 . \ March to Magdal Hotten, J ' ile. 1 \\ iili list of 1 ■.!.'-• 1 ■ Hozier, II M. British expeditin inia |mii\ ea 11 ■.. E I .•■ -. eai n E. Afrii | Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. . . . Russell, M. Nubia and V- '''3-7 I'hiersch, II. W. J. Abyssinia 963-8 Winstanl) , W. A visit to \>- . mia. . .;• ■ 1. J I osteriana. pp. 303-313. . [Review '.I II Salt's voyage to Vbys- sinia] Hamilton, 1 Oriental zigzag ; or, wan- dei ing in Syi ia, Mi ia : '. \ byssinia and I !■'. pp. 1 i s 267 462-46 Loring, W. W. Confederate soldier in Egypt. pp. JS9-450 462-62 Low, 1 K. Great battles of the British army, including the Indian mutiny and Abyssinian war. pp. 555-565. . . . 9308-4 Waldmeier, Theophilus. Autobiogra- phy, pp. 1 142. I Mi ;ions.] 921B4 Dalton, W. Tiger Prince; or, adventures in thewild mia. [A romance.] 25 \iiiia. North-eastern. \i sma and the Acadians. See Nova Si otia. \i > [DENTS. Adam-. < I \ .teson rail- road accidents 652-15 Benton, S. Home nursing and how to help in cases of accidents 6138-2 First help in aci lents and in sickness. 6138-35 Hope, G. Till the doctor comes. . . . 6138-45 - Same, bound wit/i Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking "i; i~ Napheys, G. H. The body and its ail- ments, pp. 200-254 and 306-318. . . 616-65 Athard, Louis A. E., French an -d. 1875. Belle Rose. History of my friends; or, home life with animals. N. V.. 1875. I2 : . . 5905-15 VCHARNIANS. Aristophanes. Comedies. v.i. pp. 1 49 In Frere, J. H. Works, v. ; 1 62. . . Reeve, Mrs. I . M . formerly Miss Budgen. Ai hum ir, R. \. I ight science for leisure hours, pp. 299 }l6, [New theory of Achilles' shield.] ; Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes, pp. 166 173. 2QOI-S Symonds, I V. Stud es ' the Greek poets, v. I. pp. 91 1 ;,;. . V as \n. R und, W. M. F. s. See Chemisl ACKLAND. ACTORS. ACKLAND, T. S. Story of creation as told by theology and by science. L., n. d. 1 6° 213-2 ACLAND, C. T. D. County boards, In Probyn. I. \\\. ed. Cobden Club es- says, 1S82. pp. 89-116 3521-77 ACLAND, Christian Henrietta Caroline, called Lady Harriet, 6: 1750-a'. 1815. Child, Mrs. L. M. Biographies of good wives, pp. 215-218 4i3- 2 5 - Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Women of the Ameri- can revolution, v. 1. pp. 147-154. . 4121-35 Acoustics. See Sound. Acre, St. Jean d'; or, Ptolemais. Great sieges of history, pp. 399-420. [A. D. 1 191 and 1797.] 903-4 Across Africa. Cameron, V. L 467-3 Across America ; or, the great West and the Pacific coast. Rusling, J. F. . . 478-8 Across America and Asia. Pumpelly, R. 438-75 ACROSS Central America. Whetham, J. W. B 4728-9 Across Chryse from Canton in Mandalay. Colquhoun, A. R 451-23 Across Patagonia. Dixie, Lady Florence. 4829-4 Across the Atlantic. Haeseler, C. H. . . 440-437 Across the Carpathians. Cambridge, 1862. ■2 C 4439-12 Across the chasm. Magruder, 1. N. V. 1885'. 16°. Across the Continent. Bowles, S 478-17 Across the desert : a life of Mns e s. Camp- bell, S. M 2218-57 Across the Pampas and the Andi ford, R 480-25 Acta Pilaii. Sluter, G., ed 2324-7 riON to the word. Pollock, W. H. /;/ Norman, II ed. Broken shaft, pp. 1 ;i . R. Our colonial empire. I.., 1881. l6 ° 9307-2 . Thomas C. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. PP- '2-18 41247-3 and actii Lrcher, V\ About the theatre : essays and studies. ... 781 12 Badeau, A. Vagabond '31E6 nard, J. Retrospections of America. 473-16 Brown, M. T. hy of 1 781-15 ... W. \\ Ri il the Bi Book of the play 782-3 tor and his art . ... 7-1 Arnaud, Delsai radnx of acting. ... 1 W. Theati . iccks. 882-31 Ai 1 ' >RS and acting, continued. — Dora n, XV. J. Their majesties' servants. 782-35 — Fitzgerald, P. Romance of the English stage 782-4 — Frobisher, J. E. Acting and oratory. 7S1-4 — Hatton, J. Henry Irving's impressions of America 473-45 Leeds, J. W. The theatre: the non-ac- cordance of stage-plays with the Chris- tian profession 1952-5 Lewes, G. H. On acini, and the art of acting 781-5 — Matthews, J. B. Theatres of Paris. . . 782-5 — and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and acting of Great Britain and the United States. 5 v 4179-6 — Morley, H. Journal of a London play- goer 782-55 — Russell, W. C. Representative actors. 4179-8 — Smith, S. Theatrical management. . . 7S2-7 — Sykes, Olive (Logan.) Before the foot- lights and behind the scenes 782-45 — Tasistro, L. F. Random shots and southern breezes 475~9 — Winslow, C. R. Yesterdays with actors. 4179-95 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta. 1st ser. pp. 123-153 '53E39 — Chaney, G. L. Every-day life and every- day morals, pp. 131-160 194-22 — Coan, T. \L, ed. Topics of the time. No. 6. Art and literature, pp. 70-133. 704-28 — Cook, D. Art in England, pp. 201-229. [Story of a scene painter.] 7592-3 — Crane, J. T. Popular amusements, pp. 47-62 195-3 Ford, R. Spaniards and their country. pp. 524-340. [Spanish theatre.] . . . 446-37 Gosse, E. W. Studies in the literature of northern Europe. pp. 134-156. [Danish National Theatre.] 8303-4 Halliday, A. Sunnyside papers, pp. 272-284. [Day with the actors.] . . . 451E8 House, E. II. Japanese episodes, pp. 200-247 452-5 1 ore, I Prose and verse, pp. 145 176. (Private theatricals.] 645E5 Heed, W. B, Among my books, pp. 169-181. [The theatre.] 783E1 Schiller. I- . Essays, sesthetical and philosophical. pp. 333-372. [The stage as a moral institution. — On the 1 in the causes of the pleasure we derive from tragic objects. ] 836-2 \\ Is, G B. Essays, sketches and pi 76. I Dramatic topics.] 965E5 1 ■ raphies of the following : >I ii" Bl K .11 .1! in li, Junius Brutus and Edv n u hman.Charlotte. Duff, Mrs. M (D.) ACTORS. -9 A 101 md o g. Biographies, continued. Fechter, C. V. Forrest, i . ck, l I I " ii i flei • ; Ki I . Ken ' \nii, Maci eacl y, W. C. Matthev ( , Modje ka, II. Rachel, E, R. F. Siddons, Mi . Sai ah. \ andenhofl I W.M.I, i 1,1, Voung, C. M. \ mi . in high I i f i \, i . ,ii Stephen, K ing ol Eng land ind Dukeol \ ndy. Bound with Henry of Huntingcl m I hronii le pp, |2i i |o 1309-45 Auair, G "• John. Biogi aphica 1 annual. pp. 252 -254 |.I2-2] ADAIR, l/rj.Mary, I llet, l/rs. E. I . Wo men oi thi \ m rii in revolution. v. 3. PP. -7" 273 M21 JS Adalbert, St. and martyi , Bp. b. 939 1 99; Vlaclear, G. F. Apos- tles "i mi Europi 268. i' Walsh, W. P. Heroes ol thi mission field, pp. [07 [24 M49-9 Adam. Weil, 1 J. Bible, \ he Is 1 n an, and the falmud. pp. i" 17. I Vdam, a Mi iham- medan legend. | 2214-95 Adam, Alexander, //. D. Roman antiq- uities. Phila., 1S72. S 1 Men who ha> e 1 pp. 228 231 4IQ-757 Adam, Mme. Edmond, (< ouni Paul Vasili, pseud.) The world ol London. N. \ .. 1885. l6< 4421 9 An \m and E\ e. Parr, L. Adam Bede. Eli Adam I lepbui n's vow. Sm an, A. S. ADAMNAN, a .'..■■, . about 024 a 71 1 1 Travels ol Bp. Vri ulfin the Holy Land. /n Wright, T. Early travels in Pales- tine, pp. 1-12 Vdams, Abigail (Smith, Tohn Adams, b. 1774 a*. IMS. A, Ian.-. 1 I I miliar letti hn Adams and bis wife during the revolution 107II1 Clement, J. ed. Nobl of Ameri- can women. pp. 39 51 412 ;2 — Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 26 ;i (.121-35 I [ollov ay, 1 aura 1 . I ,adies of theWhiti I louse, pp. 60-1 15 41 239 t Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massa- chusetts. H., 1SS7. 12° 9824 12 Adams, Chas., D.D. Earth and its won (.'inn., 1S70. 16° ssi 1 ; Memoir of W. Irving, VY.,n.,l. 12. 51 Poel preacher: a brief memorial of Chas. Wesley. V \ .. 1859. 12° D.D., contit W01 Luther h 16 . . . .... principal milil 1 796 . h|2.. Adam , ( ' ' Ad- nooi Ii. V Y.. 1856. 12 817-13 Adams, Ch 1 1814 .////-; . ■ . . B. 1 'logy ; Adams, Chas. Coffin, L'n ition a rei Cod : by the St. M N. Y. V \ .. 1 12 213-1 2 Adams, Chas. Pollen. I »ialei 1 ballads. N. Y., 1888. 12° I07( I 1. 1 other poems. [878. 12° Adams, < ha , I rancis, lawyer mid diplomat, 1 81 7, I amiliar letters 'if John ims and his « ife, with n Mrs. Adams. N. Y.. [876. 12 . . . 107B1 Mi f. Q ins, comprising portions of his diary from i ; 12 v. Phil., 1S74. s [07B3 h. In Carroll, II. ins. pp. : ■ :I2 ; Welles. (,. Lincoln and Seward: re- marks upon the memorial add res in- .hi \\ in. 1 1. Sew ard. . . 4122 ■. Adams, Chas. Francis, jr., b. 1835. Chap- ter of 1 In. 16 1 ge fetich. B., 1884. S° Notes mi railroad accidents. N. Y.. [879. 12° — Railroads: their origin and problems. X. Y.. 1887. 12 Public library and the publii /;/ Green S. S-, d. Libraries and schools, pp. 5-24 Adams, Chas. Kendall. Democracy monarchy in France. [1 V V., 1874. S° 9444-«3 Manual of historical literature compris- ing brief descri the most im- portant histories in English, French, and German, with methods and courses of study. N. Y.. [882 8 904-2 ed. Representative British orations with intn ; •■ N. Y.. 1884, 1 . . . 14 2 <-- [6 AD \MS. ADAMS. ADAMS, Chas. Kendall, continued. Contents.— v. i. Condition of England under the Duke of Buckingham, by Sir J. Eliot.— On the subject of grievances in the reign of Charles I., by J. Pym. — The right of taxing America, by- Lord Chatham. — Address to the throne con- cerning affairs in America, by Lord Chatham. — The right of England to tax America, by Lord Mansfield.— Conciliation with America, by E. Burke. v. 2. Refusal to negotiate with Napoleon Bonaparte, by W. Pitt. — Rejection ofNapoleon Bonaparte's overtures of peace, by C. J. Fox. —Free speech, by Sir J. Mackintosh.— Limita- tions of free speech, by Lord Erskine. v. 3. Policy of granting aid to Portugal when invaded by Spain, by G. Canning. — The reform bill of 1832, by Lon M ul v —Effects of pro- tection on the agricultural interests of the country, by R. Cobden. — Foreign policy of Eng- land, by J. Bright.— Principles of the conserva- tive party, by Lord Beaconsfield. — Domestic and foreign affairs, by W. E. (Hailstone. ADAMS, Charlotte. Laura and Lucy. 1-., l6° -. 107A14 Adams, Emma Hildreth. Digging the top nd other stories, (.'inn., 1SS7. 16 . 107A2 - To ami fro in southern California; with sketches in Arizona and New Mexico. Cinn., 1887. 12° 4794-13 Adams, Francis. History <>f the elemen- tary < hi "'I 1 ontest in England. I ... INNJ. N 37942-2 Adams, Francis Colburn. Siege of Wash- ington, D. C. N. V., 11- d. 12'- 1 . . . . 9809 2 Von T Ileburgs, Phil., 1868. 12 . Adams, Francis W. 1.. Australian essays. Melbourne, 1886. 12 4-14 1 1 Contents — Melbourne and her civilization.— Poetry of Adam Lindsay Gordon. The Salva tion army. Sydni j and I" 1 1 Lvilization Cult- ure. — Dawnward; 1 dialogue. Adam ;, G< ■ ■ ■ Bui ton. Media val ci\ iliza- \. \ . 1883, [6 . 1 1 1 1 itory primers.] 921-2 Adams, Henry. 1 Ran lolph. B., [882. 1 ■ 761B2 1 >o< Liments relating to New I land federalism: 1800-1S15. B., 1877. 8° ■ 3291-2 Adams, fiev. Henry C. Charlie Lucken at school ami college. Phil., [887. 8°. [07A33 - Tales of Charlton school 107A38 [.., 1870. 107A47 \\ roxb) • ollege. I ... [87 \. i ebts: an essay in ce oi finam e. N. Y ., 1887. 8 . 3323 2 11 1 Beaul M ul butter- flies; with thi oi a butterfly through 'inn ion . I ., 1 " ' 5958-13 and singing birds: the 1 1. 16 . . 6386 2 1 , 16 . 577H1 ADAMS, Henry Gardiner, continued. Fa vorite song birds; their haunts and halut>. L., n. d. 16 598-12 — Humming birds. [Colored plates.] L., n. d. 12 59S86-2 — Language and poetry of flowers. Phi la. t 1S68. 12 7168-2 — ed. Cyclopedia of sacred poetical quota- tions. L-, 1S82. 16 2451-13 Adams, Mrs. ]. S. Allegories of life. B., 1S72. 16°. Adams, James H., governor of S. Carolina. Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 153-158 412-75 Vdams, Jean. />. ij\o-d. 1765. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. Tytler pseud.) and Wat- son, J. L. Songstresses of Scotland. v. 1. pp. 21-51 4178-S Adams, John, 2nd Pres. of U. S., b. 1735— d. 1826. Works with life of the author, notes and illustrations, by C. V. Adams. [Preliminary genealogy, and first two chapters, by John Quincy Adams.]. . 818—14 Contents. — v. 1. Life. v. 2. Diary, with passages from an autobiog- raphy.— Notes of debates in the Continental Congress in 1775-76.— Autobiography. — Appen- dix ; Notes on the argument of counsel in the cause of writs of assistance, and of the speech of James Otis, 1761 —Notes of the argument in defence, and statement of authorities, in the 1 ause of Michael Corbet, and others, charged with the murder of Lieut. Panton, 1769. — Origi- nal draught of the declaration of rights and g in \ ances, made by the Congress of 1774. v. 3. Autobiography, continued. — Diary. — Notes of a debate in the Senate of the U. S. — Essays: On private revenge.— Self-delusion Dissertation on the canon .m<\ the feudal law. — Instructions of the town of Brain tree to their representatives, 1765 — Earl of Clarendon to W Pym.— Gov. Winthrop to Gov, Bradford, — In- iim tions of the town of Boston to their repre- sentatives, 1768-69.— Independence of the ju- dii 1 ir\ ntroversy between W. lira t tie and I Adams, 1773. — Appendix : On the powers of the Senate in appointing ambassadors and fix- ing thi grade, bj T [effei on, 1790. v 4 Novanglus Thoughts on government .ippln able to the present stati ol thi American colonies. — Report of .1 stitution or form of government for Mass., 1779.- Defence of the . ,11 in iio.il - ol government of the U.S. V. 5. Defem e, vols I 2 Appendix : Letter thi \ bbi de Mablj , on 1 he propei method 1 il treating American historj v ' Di 1 vol. 3, continued Discourses ..il Davila, a series of papers on political his- tory - Four lettei •• t g an inti n sting corn spondem e between I Ad im; and s \>1 - on ..o niinc.nl.— Three letters iii K Sturm. the constitution of the U. S. — R. Sherman to .1 \.l mis, in reply.— Letters to J. Taylor, in re- ply to his ■in' inn's on some parts of the ' Di fi hi e ol i ii- \ mt rican c< msl il til s, Review . 1 propositions i"i amending 1 1 nstil 11 tion, submitted bj Hill ho use to thi Si nate in 1808. v. 7-0 < Miii i,d lettei , mi . 1,;. ■ , 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ 1 . 1 ii . 1 1 lence. — Indexes. \li VMS. \l» \M- Adams, John, continued. Adam . I Q. ind C. F. Life ol John \ l i in [07B2 Mor e, l< > li 11 T. [ohn Idams. j Amei ■ in ser. I 107B23 ( look, I larence. I lomes ol Amei . stati men. pp. 125-150 112 53 I hi ight, N. \.\\ c- of th( ".in pp. 29-44 I 1 ' 1 • Ellet, Mi r, I . I . < "in 1 .in les ol 1 lie Republic, pp. 42 56. 11 1 1 i.i. I . Presidents ol 'in- 1 . S, pp. 57-71 • • +12-43 I .if-si rig, B. J. I 1, 1 it ' 4«2< 53 \l e, I ■ ■•. \ ii" ' i'i' iquem e. 1 . 1. pp. 2]2 250. [Biog. sketch. Speei I in defence "I the soldiers. Inaugu- ral address.] Sr,j 1 Parker, I . Historii American . pp. '47 -.!' 11 ' : Parton, J. Pi 1 ■ - | k of bii »g. pp. 173 '95 I'" "•■-' Quim j . J . Figui r ■ ol 1 he pas't. pp. ^ N 95 755B6 Stoddard, VV. 0. Joli n Adam and Thomas Jefferson, pp. 1 174 412 88 Waldo, s. P. Biog. sketi lies ol \ ... can 11. i\ al hen ie -. pp. 567 ;n2. [ Fa- milial lei iri.ni [1 lin Vdams and I hos. fefferson.] 4121-9 — Webster, D. Disc, in commemoration of John Adams and T. Jefferson, in speeches, pp. 183-226 815-9 Same in Amer. oratory, pp. 475 503, 8152 2 See also Banc] oft's, I tildreth's, and other histories of I'. S. \n\\is. John and Abigail. Familiar let- ters, during the revolution, ed. by C. F. Adams 107B1 Adams, John Quincy, 6 1767 d. 18 l&. Memoii -. compi 1 portions of his diary, 1 7 n 5 1 ■ . 1848. ed., by ('. F. Adams ti >J 1 1 j Contents. -~y. 1. Bin 1 ; 11 Mi sion to Holland vl I i : tin intmem to Portugal Man missi »n ti I issia. — Senate if M i — Senate of the United States. — 1767 1 v. 2. Mission to Russia The mediation. The m rgt 11.11 ii m foi pi I- 1-. 1809 1 1 \ Negotiation foi Pari in the hundred ii.iv* The mission 1 Gi Brii tin, ■ ■I 17 v 1 Depart) v I lepartment o-ai. v. 6. Department of state.— The preside) 1822-25. Ih. presidi w j . iK-'s-2$. V. 8 !li The last two yens of leisure — The twentj The twent) third ci n cress, 182S-33. Adams, I Q i ontinued. The twenty third congn tweni 1 : .■ i twcnt v 1 1 The twi twenty eighth 1 v 1 ■ 1 ' I I I ! Lives of James Mon- lSv( t 1 -' I I Poem ig. skcicli iu Putnam, A. P. ed. Singei > and longs of the libi faith, pp. 9-14 M01 >e, I 1 fohn Quincj Adams. [American Stati -.) Quim v.l. Memoir of J. Q. Adam . i Seward, W. II. Life and public ces ol I Q. \ 1. mis 107B6 Bryan t, W. ( Pn 194 ( liilil, D. L. II Amer. si men. pp. 301-3.57 412 53 ' .Ii. in. W. Sea and the Sailor. pp. 277-281 81S-32 ■ ox, S. II. Interviews, pp. 213-273. 241-30 Ellet, Mrs. I •'.. I . Courl 1 the Republic, pp. 123 142 412;'. ; I 1 hi . I . I'n U. S. pp. 1 209 4'2-43 Marshall, T. I . Spi ei lies. pp. 142 186. |< ii. • censure I. Q. Adams.] Moore, I. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 2 17 258 S152 '• - F'eny. I!. F. Reminiscences, pp. 21- -'4 412-75 Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. I. PP- -' 3D 74il ; l ,iiid Ail. mis. ( h n te . I 1 .1111 is. I.i; fohn Adams. 2. v. Phil., 1 S7 1 . . . 107P.2 Adams, Mrs. Leith. Aunt Hepsy's found- ling. Phil . [S87 12 . ' reoffrey Sterling. M tdi Ion I Phila., 1887. 12°. Adams, /. Q. Adams, b. 177; •■ 1852. 1 llet, Mrs. I I . Queen ' Vmi ty. pp. 109-112 ;. Holloway, Lau C. I he White llmis,-. pp. 24^ 283 ;i Adams, Mi W. Adams, Nehemiah, />./>. Bertha and her baptism. B , 1866. 12 ider the mtrzen mast. B . Adams, i with ihe p..ets. [Selections.] January. S09-14 ADAMS. \D \MS. Adams, Oscar Fay — February. . . . — March — April — May lilted. — June -J»iy — August - eptember i Ictober — November — December ... Adams, Samuel, I ■■..'■■ ■:. 1722 ,/. 1803. Hosmer, J. K. Samuel A. lam-. [American statesmen series.] .... Wells, W. V. Fife and public services of Samuel Adam- .y.-.v.— This contains extra, t- from his corre- spondence, state papers, and political essays. - Dwight, V I ives of the signers, pp. 44-5 ' I ,, sing, B. I . Biographical ski ti hes "I the signer-. pp. 33-36 — Moore F., ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 319-330. [Biographical sketch and oration on American independ- ence; with portrait.] — Parton, J. Pi ople's \ I if biograph) . PP- 553-55 8 Adams, Sarah B. Amy and Marion's voy- age around the world. B., n. d. 12°. \nwt-. Sai. 1I1 (Flower.) Nearer, my God to thee. B., 1877. 12 Ad ims, /.'. 1 ^ ebster, /'. /'.. ■■ [815 of. 1 864. Bishop, J. P., ed. Mi m oir of Kr\ . S. \V. Adams Adams, Wm., D. />.. II. />., oj Veto 1 /'. 1807 d. 1880. Reuni Hie. In Bi on [837-1871. pp. 246-315. Also biographical sketch of Adams, pp. 5 1 j s 1 1 Adams, Rev. Wm., ofOxford, - I... 1885. 8°. < in History \ ' — Poi Dunes, 1657. — 1 a W.I itish History. - : 1 I.I i.i.l, 1485.-- Adams, W. H. D. Battle stories, continued. Flodden Field, 1513.-Marst.u1 Moor, 1644.— Naseby, 1645. — Sedgmoor, 1685. — Culloden, 1746. Anglo Indian History. — Plassey, 1757. — Meeanee, 1843. — Haidarabad, 1843.— Guzerat, 1849. — Buried cities of Campania. B., 1869. 16°. [Same us Pompeii and Hercula- neum] 4059-15 Eastern Archipelago. F., [880. 12°. 490-14 Egypt, past and present, and recenl events in Soudan. 1 ... 1885. 12°. . . 402-1:! — Eminent soldiers: biographical sketches of great commanders. F..11. d. 12°. . 4151-2 Contents.— Grant. — Marlborough. — Moltke.— Napier. — Napoleon Turenne. — Wallenstein. — Wellington. — Everyday objects: natural history. Edin., 1870. 12° 589-11 — Famous books : sketches in English lit- erature. N. Y., 1879. 12° S04-12 — Famous caverns and grottoes. I... [886. 12° 5514 s z — Famous caves . mbs. 1 ... [886. 12° 55148-3 — Famous ships of the liritish Nayy. I .., [870. 16° 93081-I 1 i Queen Anne; or, England'- Au- gustan age. 2 v. I... 1S86. 8°. . . 9369-13 Contents. — v. 1. The stage. — Music and mu- sicians.— Art and architecture.— Army and Navy. — v. 2. Men of letters — Coffee houses and clubs — Great English Churchmen. 1.., 1S79. 12°. 4145-2 Contents. — St. Anselra. — Thomas Becket. — hen Langton. — William Laud. — George Herbert.— Jeremy Taylor.— William Tyndale. — Hugh Latimer.— Bishop -Heroes of the Cross. 1... 1NS0. 12". 414-2 ', /, r. lunik, Bernard of Clairvaux. I . . , 1 1 atherine ol Siena Gil lamo Savonarola.— S. Francis Xavier.— Anne Askew S I 1 a. 1 I, Sales.— S. Vincent de Paul Henri Martyr John 1 lolei id a Patti — Hunter and trappei in X. Amer. n. 1. p. 16 796 13 In priil 1. 11. [Travel and ad venl are. ] \. \ ., [886. 12° 4159-H Contents. Sir Sidney Smith Mi. Earl of I Intnl. aiaM Annimns VaiuL. i 1- . pli u olff Lieut. Schwatka's sleigh journey.— Sir Samuel Baker Sir James Brooke William I iill.a .] I'.il . . . . — Edmond O' 1 '..I... .... Prof. |. II P. .Inn i ' ' . Ion. I, an. I of the lucas and the City of the Sun: I'i/arro and the conquest of Peru. I'... isS5. 8° 994-2 I. 1 ..f the Nile ; or. 1 ..\ 1 1 pa I and pin , 1,1. I... lNya. 12° 1112-12 Fili- 111 1 In 1 a . ,:l w mid, founded on Meunier's 'Les an iinaux d'autri fi I .. 1S72. 12° 560-I3 809-15 S09-16 809-17 809-18 809-I9 809-2 809-2 1 S09-22 809-23 809-24 809-25 IO7B7 [O7B8 4121 3 )I2I 53 8l52 I. 4IO-S2 43"4-'4 1071 '5 [07B9 2851-6 26036 -' . \|)\\|s \l.l I \II)I Adams, W. 1 1. I >.. continued. Light ! "l lightships : const! i mi "i ■ animation. \. \ .. i 12° Mei le in Engl I .. [863. 12° 983 20 Contents. II \ I I id H I r .■ 1 [ on tforl Ci 1 i ,'.. and Bdward thi I;!.' 1 1 ' 1 1 11 V Cromwell Blcnl , [, t'l. sej , 1757, and Cli 11 and Wellington. — Crimean war. I ■•■, squire, and knight: a romance. B , 1883. 12 107 \; 1 npeii and Hen ulaneum. 1 .. 1881. 1 ■ ; ■ buried cil 1 npa- nia] 4059-15 Queen "I the Adriat ic ; v . ■ e pa and present. I... 1S69. 12 9453-2 Se< ret of iss. \ . V., [879 [2 1 Some hen ies - if travel ; cha m [he hist, nil' 1 omp. anil re 1... 1880. 12° I 1 59-i 5 Contents. Mai 1 Polo i \ Ruxton in Mexico and R01 V j Ml Barth tnd I entral Africa. — Atkinson in Siberia and Central A 1 ■ tie in the Soudan. Mac! I than 01 Warburton in West Australia. Bui 1 rce of the Nile. Steady aim : examples "l model n raphy. I... n. d. 16° 410-12 Sunshine ol domestic lifi I '2° M3-13 Contenii \ 1 .idy t Lisle Elizabeth Gaunt — Elizabeth [nchbatd.— Lady Arabella Stuart.— Flora Mi donald. — Lady Jane Grey— Mary. Countess f Pembroke. — Jeanne d'Albret ' ! 1 tand. — Temples, tombs and monuments of an- cient Greece and Rome. I... [S72. I 4052-2 — Valley of the Nile: it- tombs, len , and monuments. 1... 1S07. 12°. . . | An wis. Urn. Taylor, (Oliver 1 I pseud.), 6. 1S22. In-doors and out. I'... 1876. — Our standard bearer; or. life of Gen. !'. S. I irant. N. Y., 1888. 12 435B1 1 \\ ay of tin- » ,,1 Id. I:., is^s — joint ■',/. Calkins, N. A., and Adams, \\ . 1 - 1 er Soi-22 Adams family. Muzzey, A. B. Reminis- ences. pp. 48-76 4121 6 ADAMS Express Co. Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 248 257 ADAMSON, Robert. Fichte. Phila., 1S81. 10 . [Knight, W I. Philosophical classics.] Adaptation 1 :1 nature to the phj s- tcal condition of man. K i . 1 . 1 . I . . . . 210-104 At'i'i.Y, Markinfii Clellan. \ . '. 1 Vddii id. \. V , 1885. 12 Addisi in, 1 CD P ilmy- ra : the 1 > Ibrahim Pasha. 2 v. 12" 1 Addison, Joseph, 1 7 10. Works; embracing the whole of the ; -. . V V., 1854. 8° 107E4 Poetical works, with 1 1 B. Macaulay. X. V., 1S00. 12°. . . . of a Virtuoso. lr. 1 ,'ie. — Wisdom, wit, and allegory; sel. from Edin., 11. d. 12'-. . . I ays. Steele, R., 1 I. 2. .5. 4 I- ;I 1 1 ... In Steele, R., 1 lian. .5 — and Steele, 1 In "Spi 1 ' . A.. li essayist 184E1 .. g| \\ ith es h, by J. Habberton. N. 1 .. 1876. 16 thope, W. J. A Eng. men -er.] 109B1 Joseph Addison. //; Ward, T. il [-2 8092-9 Quincy, T. Ni lish opium eater. retort upon Addison] Di ke, S. \ ■ Our great benefacl pp. 38-43 410-42 r, Mrs. I. II.. (Faye Huntington it men. pp. 12 1 . I '. I .. 1 ights of two centu- 149-160 410-536 ne picture 1 1 : 1 20 Howitt, Wm. Homes .and haunt; Brit, poets. *. 1. pp. 139 156. . . 4i N -t .: Johnson, S. I ets. v. 1. PP- 533-590 4! W rks. \. 2. pp. 1 ;i 148. Great triumphs. 207-211 4>o-7 Men of history. I 4IO-75 That keray, W . M. Eng. hut -:- - 1 atheart. Macdona . Lincoln. Carey, M ADEI All /'". 1793 i s 1 ■ Strickland. A. Quei land. Kaufman. R.. ADELAIDE. - 14 ADVENTURES. Adelaide, continu ■'. v. 3. pp. 2S3-310 4111-84 --Parker, C. G.,,v/. pp. 667-671. . .4111-85 ADELE. [A novel.] Kavanagh, Julia. ADELER, Max. pseud. See Clark. Chas. Heber. Adelii (A oj / ttvaine, 2nd Queen of Henry I. Strickland, A. Queens of England. v. I. pp. 1 12-135 4III-8 — Same. pp. 166-198 4111-81 -Parker, C. G., ed. pp. 36-42. . . . 4111-85 AnELPHl ; or. the brothers. Terence. Comedies, pp. 197-253 8725-7 ADELSBERG, Austria- Hungary. Cobbe, F. P. Hours of work and play. pp. 131- 140. [A day at Adelsberg] 240E5 Adirondack mountains, X. Y. Cook, M. Wilderness cure 47475-3 ley, J. T. Adirondack; or, life in the woods 47475-4 — Murray, W. II. II. Vacation adventures in the wilderness 47475-6 Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondack? 47475~7 - Stickler. J. \V., ed. Adirondacks .v. .1 health resort 47475-8 — Street, A. I!. Indian Pass 47475-81 Woods and waters; or, the Saranacs and the Racket 47475-82 Sylvester, N. B. Historical sketches of No. New York and Adirondack wilder- ness 9835-8 — Warner, C. I'. In the wilderness. . . 47475-9 Appleton, T. G. Windfalls, pp. 34-81. [Month in the Adirondacks] 121E6 I mghs, J. Wake robin, pp. 77-99. 196ES ! 1 1 -.in. U. W. May-day, and other es. pp. 41-62. [A poem] 318C2 Hammond, S. II. and Mansfield, I.. W. ' retry margins, pp. 2S7-332. . . . 456E3 ii. < '. S. Amateur 111 tin- North- ods. h: Newhouse, S. Trapper's guide. pp. 159 174 7968-6 Lanman, 1 . Tout of the rivet Sag - nay. pp. 70-92 4714-5 l't in, < . .1. Undei thi rei pp 92 1 ■' 745E2 Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing 7959-° Aim Deming, P. Hermann, Rabbi. Immortality. /" Little, W, I . K ii"-.- and others. 1 m- [09 218-56 A I. Ml'. I ITRATIV1 II. .1.11. 575-52 Admii Rafl G W. Guidi to toi in Ohio, 1441 7 At. Mil- -.: Mi Sea king and 4' 59-35 n, R. L. \ irginibu Pueri [ue. pp, 179 204. 1 ! liral I 851E4 AI'Mirai s, continued. — See a/so Lives of Anson. G. Blake, R. Cochrane, P. Drake, Sir F. Farra- gut, D. G. Foote, A. H. Nelson, H. Admiral's ward. Hector, Mrs. A. F. (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) Adopted son. Van Lennep, J. ADRIAN IV, pope. {Nicholas Breakspeani\ sue. 1 1 54-f/. 1 1 59. Williams, F. Lives of the English cardinals, v. I. pp. Sl- 140 4142-9 Adrian VI, . 1521-f/. 1523. Mon- tor, A. de. Lives anil times of the Roman Pontiffs. v. 1. pp. 698-707 . 2S21-53 Adrift with a vengeance. Cornwallis, K. Adulterations. Battershall, J. P. Food adulteration and its detection 5431-15 — Felker, P. II. " What the grocers >ell us:" a manual for buyers 664-37 — Dunn, J. B. Adulteration of liquors. /// Temperance tracts, v. 2 19S-85 Advent. Alford, II. Meditation, in Ad- vent 240-15 — Stowe, FL B. Footsteps of the Master. pp. 21-48 2321-7 — See also Christian year. ADVENTISTS. See Second Adventists. Adventurer, The. Hawkesworth, J., ed. v. 19, 20, 21 of Chalmers, A., ed. Brit- ish essayists 184E1 — Johnson, S. Works, v. I. pp. 310-355. S28-52 ADVENTURERS. Fuller, H. W. Noted French trials. Importers and adventurers. . 3482-37 ADVENTURES. See Voyages. Travels. Also, the names of different countries. \n\i\ii its and achievements of Ameri- cans. Howe. II 412-55 Adventures in Canada. Geikie, C, . . . 471-4 ADVENTURES in Mexico and Rocky Mts. Ruxton, (i. F 47 2 -8 Adventures in Morocco, and the Oases ol Draa and Tafilet. Rohlfs, G. . . . 464-75 Adventures in the Apache country. Brovt nc. J, K 479-2 Aiivt x 1 ures of a bric-a-brac hunter. Hall, H. I: 440-45 \n\ 1 x 1 11 of .1 marquis. I lumas, A. A dventi 1: 1 of a 1 in ing dip! al tsl Wi koff, II 951B1 \ 1 1\ 1 1 1 i' 1 of a widow. Fawcett, E. Adventures of a young naturalist. Biart, 1 150A2 Ai>\ 1 x 1 1 1 1 ,1 .11 attoi tie) in search of pi acl ice. W arren, s. A 1 >\ 1 x 1 1 11 ol Big fool \\ allace. I iu> al, J- C 922B3 11, 1 .in of 1 aleb \\ illiams. 1 rodw in, W, 1 1 1 1 of Captain Hattera Verne, J M»\ I \H RES. - '5 I ,OP \i.'. i . 1 1 i i .,ii iptain Mago. i ahun, I.. Adventuri ol I iptain Simon Sunn-.. Hooper, I. I Si 7 49 Adventures ol I lai rj Rii hi 1 Meri .hill, G Adventures of Hucl lei errj 1 lem- ens, s. I . (Mai I. I '« ain, p //./.) Vdventures ol |i \ Brow n. Alden, W. .1 "I \"i A i>\ in 1 1 res "l Kwei, the 1 Chinese girl. I M ra, /■<• ud.) B., n. d. [6°. . [07 Vg ; Adventures ol Mr. Ledbury. Smith, .\. Vdventuri of Mr. Verdant 1 Ireen. Brad- li-\ . E. (< uthberl 1 li le, ud.) . . . 827 jj Advi n 1 1 r 1 of my cousin Sn 1 h. Adams, C. (T. rempl . ud.) ..'.... S17 1 3 An\ enti r 1 ; ol Philip. Thai keraj . W . M. Vdventures ol 1 ad. Converse, F. H. . . 2 15. \s \n\ 1 nil. of I elemachus. 1 enelon, I . de S 848-4 Advi ntuf t - ol Timia . reri j stone. Bunce, O. B. Adventi res hI rum Sawyer. Clemens, S. I.. (Mark Tu ain, pseud.) VDVER 1 [SING. Brool , 1 1. M . ed. Quaint and ci us advertisements. [Olden time lei ies.] 9825-254 MilK. J. D. An ul money making. . . 658-63 Sampson, II. History ol advertising. . 6589 7 Wynter, V. Subtle brains and lissom fin- gers, pp. 44 51 304 91 Vdvii 1 to a young reviewer. Copleston, K. In Famous pamphlets, pp. 293-316. Advicj to In h girls in America. Clare, Sister Mary Frances 4755 1 27 Advice to young men. Arthur, I. S. . . 197-14 \i 1 11 -. Lamia. De Quincey, T, Avenger, The. pp. 1 31-142 284E49 1' Mill. ,\ \ 1 i 1 V tale ol -lave life in Rome. N. V.. 1866. 12°. Aerial world. Hartwig, i. 5^1^ \ Aero) 1 1 1 - S Meti Aeron m in s. Mansfield, 1 . B. Aerial navigation. 1... 1S77 5336-5 Mai ion, F. Wondei ful balloon ascents. N- v - lS 7l 5336-6 Pettigrew, J, li. Animal locomotion; with a dissertation on aeronautics. V Y -> lS "4 5' — Dickens. ('.. ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 52 <>(>. I A voyage in the air. J. . . 604-3 — Hartwig, G. Aerial world, pp. 456-543 N- V.. 1875 55>5-4 Hunt, I.. Hay by the fire. pp. 260-283. 491E41 — Timbs, f. Inventors and discovei pp. 115-120 — Verey, J. open. in: or, sketches out of town. pp. 218-239 '" 1' 1 I; 1 1 Bidd le, I .. v. . own. Ai i li Plutan h. M 1 r. A. Buckli nig lli.... . . . , Content* ! ' 1 New translation, by Plumptre, E. II. V Y.. [882. 12" Contents. — Life ol 1 'ii who fought against I hi 1 iliants. — Agamem- non i hoephori. — Euhienides.— -Fr.ii;ments. — .iix of rhymed chi I Agamemnon. Browning, R., tr. Agam- emnon, I Saisiaz and dramatic idyls. pp. 7-102 II. rbert, II. II. M., 4//; earl of Carnar- tr. Agamemi 8S Prometheus. /wColeridge, S. T. Works. »■ 4- PP. S44 i"5 828-32 Blackie, J. S. Horae Hellenicae. pp. 60- 110. [On ilie Prometheus bound of \llls.] 8804-2 Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 122 H4. [Review uf translations 1 41 8-43 1 Si en against Thebes: with an in- troduction, commentary, and transla- i) A. W. Verrall. I ... iss : . 8°. 8821-9 V- lings f 1 .Kschylus. Her- . J. G. I. ... Hinges, ('.. tr. . . S821-4 Copleston, R. S. Eschylus. [Outline of his life and writings.] [Collins W. 1 . ■ •'. Ancient . | 8821-3 kie, J. S. Lays and legends of an- cienl G pp. 161-165 160C2 . |.\\. rheatre of the Greeks. pp. 71 Si and 191-221 Lloyd, W. \\ . Age ..f Pericles, v. 1. chaps. 2l explor- ation from Herodotus to Livingston . . 460-5 Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in the far I11. pai 1 y Through Africa p." . ; Livingston, 1). African explorations. . |.6o 6 Macbrair, R. M. Africans at home. . . p$o "t Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala 960 ; Williams, C. Narratives md adventures of travelers in Africa ". 400 94 Wilson. J. L. Western Afriea, its his- tory, condition ami prospects. N. Y.. 1856 000 n Bainbridge, YV. F. Along the lines at the front, pp. 223—236. [Missions.] . Baldwin, J. T. Pre-historic nations, pp. 306-^51. Africa and the Arabian Cushites 910-15 Barker, Lady M. A. Traveling about. PP- 203-294 \Vi 1 ( Beehler, W. II. Cruise of the Brooklyn. PP> '47-^74 i.;;i t8 Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. ;t" 330 ami 45° 4"0 377E7 Frost, I. Modern explorers, pp. ,;2 70 ,.•/;,/ [52-176 4!7 38 1 lecicn. A. II. I. Historical works. v. 4. [Ancient history of Carthaginians, Ethiopians ami Egyptians.] Madden. T. M. Principal health resorts of Europe and Africa. [Algiers, Mo- rocco, pp. 53 oS. Egypt, pp. 11.; 123.] 01 ;; 6 Strabo. Geography, v. ;. book 17. (.'; v ; — Verne. J. Exploration of the world, pt, 3. pp. 66-14S 136-92 2. North-eastern; including the Vail the Nile, [Egypt, Nubia ami the Egyp- tian Soudan) and Abyssinia, A110 \, continued. Baker, S. W. Allien N'yanza, basin of tin- \ ■ I »- I mailTa. Nile ti ilnitai ies ol Aby inia, DeCi E. A. Crad le of the blue Nile 1 Dufton, II. Journey through Abyssinia. v I 11 or. F. S. Incident on a jou iln ough Nubia to I larfoor Head. F. II. life ami adventun 1 1 .iln- \ ' 1 " ' ■ 1 1 1 e I e r . . . . Jonveaux, E. I « ) ■ I t Al Si hweinfurth, G Heart ol VI Southworth, A. S. lour thousand miles of African travel 4628-84 Speke, J. II. Journal of the discovery ■ if t he -..in ce ol 1 he \ ile ; Taylor, II. [out nej to ' entral Aft I g ypl to the White \ ile. I Wilson, ' I , and Felkin, R. \\ . Ugan- da and the Egj ptian - 11 le m e, I Met 1 ni lull... W. ill. Naturalist's library, v. 2. pp. 17 8 4 590-5 ;. Vort >n : including flu Harbary coast, the Sahara, Central Soudan ana' I 'ppcr Guinea. Barth, II. Travels and discoveries in North mi! ' inn al Africa • . 4661 r Burdo, A. Nigei and the Benueh. . . 4' land. \l., ana Oldliehl. R. A. K. rati ve of an expedition into the intei ni Vfrica : I 1 ler, R.andJ. [ournal of an expedi- tion to the Niger Mackenzie, D. Floi the Sahara Met 1 1 in. M . B. I tome life in Afi Mitchinson, A. W. Expiring continent. [Travels in Senegambia.] I'aik. MungO. Life and travels: with a supplementary chapter detailing the results of re, cut discoveries in Africa: 7I4B8 n ith account of his death from jour- nals of Isaac.,, the substance of later discoveries relative t" his fate, and the termination of the Niger. . . 714B81 Rae, E. 1 lountry of the M jour- ney from Tripoli, in Barbary, to Kair- wan Ramsevet. A., and Kiihnc. J. Four years in Ashantee. . 26665-S Raynal, G. T. F. Settlement and ti of the Europeans in the Fast and W Indies. 1... 1 79JS. v . 4. Riley. I. Loss of the American brig Commerce 460-7 Riley, W. W., S« |uel to Riley. 1. 1 oss of the American brig Commerce. AFRICA 18 AFRICA. Africa, eontinueil. Tristram, II. B. The greal Sahara. . . 466] 1 Beste, I. K. I >. Nowadays: at home and abroad. L., 1S70. v. 1. pp. 173-191. [Algiers.] 440-16 — Half hours in many lands, pp. 361-373. [On the Gaboon.] . 439-4° — Knox, 1. W. Underground world, pp. 118-128. [Mining in North Africa.] . . 6229-5 4. Central; including Lower Guinea, the Co) ,,; it, tlu Lake Region, Zanzibar ami Mozambique. — Burton. R. F. Lake regions of Central Africa 4676-23 - Two trips to Gorilla land. 4671-2 - Cameron, V. L. Across Africa 467-3 Dawson, E-. C. James Hannington, first bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa. . 454L2 Du Chaillu, I'. B. Explorations and Ad- ventures in Equatorial Africa 4671-3 [ourne) to Ashango Land, and further penetration into Equatorial Africa. . . 4671-31 - Stories of the gorilla country 4671-36 Elton, J. 1'. Travels and researches among the lakes and mountains of East- ern and Central Africa 46/9-35 Geddie,J. Lake regions of Central Africa. 467-4 Id dley, J. T. Achievements of Stanle) and other African explorers 4675-4 Johnston, II. 11. The River Congo. . 4675-5 - Kilima-Njaro expedition 4678 5 Kerr, \Y M. Far interior 4070 ;s Knox.T. \Y. Bo) travellers on the Con- g 4675-54 if, J. L. I'ravels, researches and missionary labors in Eastern Africa. . . 2667-5 Livingstone, D. Expedition to the /am 467 -49 1 is) 11a) 11 Centi I Africa. . . . 467-5 1 ''in 1 al Vfi ica )o;o ; Madan, A C. tr. K iungani, [Stoi ie; Mission School.] 467-55 I. J. Angola and the River Congo. ... (.673 6 ird, J. F. Stanlej and thi ' 4675-7 Pinto, S. I low I crossed Mi ica. 2. \ . 407 6 Pitman, E. R. 1 '<■ il Ah ica, Japan and . . . 263 7 Pringle, M. A. Towards the Mountain loon L678 7 ey, II. Twenty years in Central 2667 7 dey, II. M. I low I found Living ■ I.676 7 1 the founding of its frei 41,75 g 2 v. 1075 si Sul I . ,01,1.1 Dl I ing in Zanzibar 107.x N AFRIi V, , on I in iiid. Thomson, J. Through Masai Land. . 4078-85 - To the African Lakes and back. ... 4070 8 - Valdez, F. T. Six years of a traveler's life in Western Africa 4673-9 — Young, E. 1>. Nyassa : a journal of ad- ventures whilst exploring Lake Xyassa, Central Africa, and establishing the set- tlement of " Livingslonia." 4679-98 — Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 2S1- 299. [Missions.] 263-35 — Lowrie, J. C. Manual of the foreign mis- sions of the Presbyterian church in the U. S. pp. 56-7S. [Missions in Western Africa.] 2635-4 5. Southern. - Anilersson, C. J. Lake Ngami 4689-2 - Notes of travel in South-western Africa. 4688-13 Okavango river 4689-22 Ashe, W., and Edgell, E. V. W. Story of the Zulu campaign 96S3-2 — Atcherley, R. J. Trip to Boerland. . . 46S-14 Aubei 'tin, J. J. Six months in Cape Colony and Natal 46S-16 Baines, T. Explorations in South-west Africa 468-2 Baldwin, W. C. African hunting from Natal to Zambesi 7965-2 ll.illiiutyne. R. M. Six months at the 1 ape 468-22 Darker, Lady M. A. Life in South Africa. 468-23 Bisset, Maj. Gen.— Sport and war. . . . 468-24 Chapman, J. Travels in the interior of South Africa 4689-3 Gumming, K. G. Five years of a hunt- er's life in South Africa 4689-33 Cunyngham, A. T. My command in South Africa 468-3 Douglass A. Ostrich farming in South Vfrica. "385-3 Drummond, W, II. I arge game. 1... (875. ... 79(>5-44 Du Val, G. With .1 -how through South- ern Africa 4682-3 I'. 11 mi. ( .. A. I hrough the Kalahari Desert 1.689-4 fountain Kloof; 01. missionary life in h Mm .) 2668-4 Fuller, A. South Africa as a health resort. 168 37 Gillmore, I 1 - Tin- greal thirst land: a ride through Natal, Orange Free state, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. . 468-4 1 .lout, I . Zulu-land 46S 3 ) I [arris, W. G. Wild spoils , Soul h Vfrica 4689 5 I lei l.l ni, M \ lady ti ader in the I 1 in -. id 4682 4 I lolnli. I ■'.. Seven yeai ■ in South M 468-45 U-'RII \ ig \l I I-.Im.i.ou \i kii \. continu I Inn Inn ion, '/ . In lenl - in thi ['ran vaal r Leyland, R. W. I lolida; in South Aim a p58 5 Little, J. S. South Africa |i.S 5 1 I ,ivingstone, D. Travels md 1 earchi in South Africa | M .inn. R . I I migrant s guide lo the colony of Natal | Moffat, R. Gospel 1 mong iiic (Jal fres Missionary labors and scenes in South- ern Africa. M «>ln . I u the Victoria Kail "i the Zambesi |.68 56 R., Ex. 1 . \l. \\ iil> ihc < ape Mounted Rifles in South Africa Roche, II. A. 1 in Tu-k in 1 lie Trans- vaal 4"Sj 7 Sell ius, F. C. II iiuici s .i andei ings in Aim ,1 4689 8 Taylor, II. ,/. I'ravels in South Africa. 468 Si Theal, G. Met . History. of the Boers in South Africa 968-8 Kami folk I.,,,.. 3868-8 Trollope, A. South Aluca. 468 9 Acton, R. i Kir ilonial empire. pp. 1 i" Froude, I. A. Historical and other sketches, pp. 187 231. Leaves from a South African journal.' 383E] I \ fe, I. II. Entei pi i the seas. pp.217 229. [The Cape and S. Africa.] 437 1 K nox, T. W. I fnderground world. 391-402. [Diamond fields of S. Africa.] 6229 5 Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions. PP- SIS 411 2634 8 Wilson, \Y. S. I lie ocean as a health resort, pp. 279-302 6135 9 6. Miscellaneous. Foote, A. II. Africa and the American flag. [Slave trade.] 966-4 I eveson, II. A. Foresl and the lieid. . 7966-5 Sporl m many lands 7116b 51 Swainson, W. Birds of Western Auica. In Jardine, W. ed. Naturalist's library. v- '- 590 5 Dix, J. A. Speeches and occassional ad- dresses, v. 2. pp. 41 55. [African . olonization.] S| 1 ; 7. Fiction. Mc< abe, I . I '. 1 >ur young folk- in Africa | Mho. \V. S. Kaloolah. Reid, M. I he \ ee Boers. Schreiner, O. (Ralph Iron, pseud.} Stor) of .111 African farm. Skertchly, J. A. Melinda, the caboceer. 828A4 Stanley, II. M. M\ Kalulu 850A5 Vlexand 1 api Egypt. Libel I N ttal. Nile. Nubia, Sah Transvaal. Tunis. Zambezi. Zulu-land. ,' M.i, Blaikie, W. '.. Chamb \. W. Livingston! Wilson, J. I Bain ridge, W. I . North-eastern. Wilson, 1 . I Vorfh- 11. Me: 1 iam. M. II. Ram r A. Central. Dawson, E. C. Krapf, J. I .. I.i\ ingi tone, D Madan, \ 1 11 i Ic, M. A.— 1 ley, II. \minj;, I . !■ I II. A. Lowrie, J. C. Southern. Fountain Kloof. Grout, 1 . Livingston* Moffat, R. also Biographies ol Livingstone, Moffat, and other missionaries. VI N Aiun vx languages. Johnston, 1 1. ||. The Rivei Con . ; ^75 5 Krapf, I. I . Trai and missionary labours in Eastern Africa. pp. 561 511D • AprER a shadow. Arthur. I . S. a calm. Morton, J. M. 1 omediettas and farces, pp.85 i< 5. After dark, and other stories. Collins, W. After death. Luckock, II. M \i in death: the disembodiment <>( man. Randolph, P. B After dinnet 1 H At 1 1 1: In- kind. 1 '.0\ entry. J. \s. Fisher, .1/ I (Christian Reid. pseud.} ' dise ; or, legi sile. Bul- I I R. I .. tton. \l III pla 1 for little one-. I'... 18S7. S° I : \t in, C". i;:.\s At 1 ik the freshet. Rani. 1 . \. Af 1 1 k the storm. Arthui , T. S. 1 southern Reid. W Aiiik years. Sequel to "Culn ley. W.J. (Glance Gaylord, pseud.] . Afterglow, Lathrop, <;. I'. [No Name series.] I ropean Ti 1 ing- ton, A. I .. 440-455 AFTERMATH. ACM tSTICISM. Aftermath. [Poems.] Longfellow, II. w 586C4 Ai 11 kUAKiis; or, Janet's ime friend. Phil., 1S70. 1 6° [09A5 Against the stream. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Against the world. Walworth. Mrs. J. R. HI. 1 iemxon, king of Mycena: Farmer, I.. II. Boj s' I I. of famous rulers. PI'. 1-29 4'5-4 Scliliemann, II. Mycena?. pp. 49-5S. 4°S4-7 I schj Iti^. Agamemnon. 1 !•>- mer. Iliad. Ai lAMEMNi »n. I ..1 - 1 di .un.it ic idyls. Browning, Robt [87C6 Agamenticus. Tenney, E. I'. Agassiz, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cary) and Alex. Seaside studies in natural history. Ma- rine animal^ .if Mass. Bay. Radiates. B., 1871. 8°. SameiS65 593-2 -joint author. See Agassiz, I.. J. R. Louis Agassiz: his life and corre- ndence. 2 v. H., 18S5. 12 . . . uoB8 Vgassiz, Louis John Rudolph, Swiss nat- uralist and teacher in Amcr., b. 1 807-1/. 1873. Geological sketches, 2 v. I'... 1875. '2° 55°4-2 Contents. — v. 1. America, the Old World. — irian beach. — Fern forests of the carbonifer- ous period. — Mountains and their origin. — Growth of Continents. — Geological mid- dle age.— Tertiary age, and its cHaracteristic animals. Formation of glaciers. — Interna] structure and progression <>f glaciers. Exter- na] appearance of glaciers. — v. 2. Glacial period - Parallel roads of ( rlen Roy. in Scotland. — Ice- period in Amer. — Glacial phenomena in Maine. — Physical hist of the valley of the Amazons, Methods of study in natural hist. II.. 1864. 12°. Same 1874 5901-2 Structure of animal life. Six led., 1862. N. V., 1874. 8°. Same 1866 5901-25 Lectures at 1'enikesc. In Tribune pop- ular ]t. 1. pp. 47-65. . . . 502-9 Additional contributions. In Witt, J. C. and Gliddon, (i. K. Types of mankind. pp. lviii— lxxvi 572-7 Meniial of Hugh Miller. In Miller, H. t prints of the 1 reator. pp. \i xxxvii 5504-6 and Mrs. I., it .1 Journey in Brazil, B., [SOS. 8°. 6 plates ,Sl 12 anii I iould, A. A. Pi 1 zoology, pt. I. 1 i ologj I'- - 12° 59OI-24 . Mi . E. (< . . ■ Louis Agassiz : fe and com pondem .-. 2 r. . 1 10HS llartt, < '.. F. Si i e nil i of a jour- ney in Brazil 55S1 4 i.l II. il aye IIuiuington,/*tW.) men. pp, 17-20. . . . 410-585 AGASSIZ, Louis John Rudolph, continued. — Johonnot, J. Princ. and practice ol teaching, pp. 14(1-167 ;;i 5 - Whipple. E, P. Character, pp. 200-292. 946L4 - Recollections, pp. 77-118 946E7 A.GATHA and the shadow. I'.., 18.S7. 12°. Agatha's husband. Craik, Mrs. 1). M. (Mulock.) Agathocles, the Eleusinian. Kent, ('. Footprints on the road. pp. 290-327. . 410-597 Age of Anne. Morris, E. E 9369-6 Age of chivalry. Bulfinch, T 3831-2 Age of Elizabeth. Creighton, M. . 9355-3 Act. of falde. Bulfinch, T 294-22 Agi of Pericles. Lloyd. W. \\ 9184-5 Age of reason. Paine. T 20S-69 Ages before Moses: lectures on Genesis. 1 libson, J. M. 2231 1-5 Agesii.aus II, king of Sparta, />. about II. C, 369-1/. 289. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 32-34 410-19 Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. 11.. ed. v. 4. pp. 1-49 and 152-158 4101-7 - Kaufman. R., ed. pp. 15S-166. . . 4101-75 Sankey, C. The Spartan and Theban supremacies 91S6-7 AGINCOURT, liattleol. A. U. 1415. Adams, \\. ll.D. Battle stories, pp. 93-116. . 9208-13 - Memorable battles, pp. 103-117. . . 930S-2 — Low, C. R. Great Battles, pp. 27-43. . 930S-4 -Sec also Histories of France and Eng- land and Life of Henry V. AGINCOURT. [A romance. J James, G. P. R. Agis IV, king of Sparta, J. I!. C. 240. Plu- tarch. Lives. Clough, A. IL. ed. v. 4. pp. 445-466 4101-7 - Kaufman, R., ed. pp. 202-207, ■ • • 4 IO, -75 AGNEL, 11. R. Hook of chess. N.Y., 1868. '2° 789-15 Agnks, Abbott J. [Trauconia stories.] . . 103A26 Agnes. Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. W. Agnes 1 1 ilton. Hoffman, M. I. Alms I lopetuivn's schools and holidays. Oliphant, Mrs. M. (). W." 700A7 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, Mrs. II. li. Ai.M s Sorel. Janies, G. 1'. R. Agnes Surriage. Bynner, E. I.. Agnes Wentworth. Palfrey. S. 11. (E. Fox ton, pseud.) Agnosticism. Harris, J. A. Principles of agnosticism 2398-5 Arthur, W. Religion with. nil God. pp. 169-543. Agnosticism and Herbert 1 1686-2 Cobbe, F, P. Agnostic morality. In ' hi, T. M., ed. Questions of belief. pp. 57-81 204-18 Harrison, E. and Spencer, II. Nature uid reality of religion 204-18 AGNOSTICISM. VGRK L'LTI I' I. Vgni '-.i [i ism, contimii ./. Haw thoi in 1 , J . < lonfessions and criti cism. pp. ii 70 457 |: - ! iOri nii'i , G. C. I in ■ 1 1-1 and new. pp. •> 39 -'"I \K t !osh, I . Criteria oi divei <■ kind truth as opposed to agnosticism. | Phil- osophic series. NO. I. I l-p 6 Manning, 1 1. I.. 1 ;/, Essa) on religion and literature, ser. ;• PP- -°j 2 .)°- Porter, V Fifteen years in the chapel ol Vale college, pp. 24 1 ' 207 2^2 77 Agricoi.a, Cnteus Julius, Roman ;; ./, 93. Tacitus, C. C. Works, v. 2- pp. 343-389. Iii ( - oi V.gricola. 8786 8 Agricultural ant of Texas. McCook, H.C. 59593 6 \i.kii 1 1 1 1 u m chemistry. 1 laldw ell, t i I nl. Agricultural qualitative and quan- titative chemical analysis, after F. Wolff, and others 543 25 Donaldson, J. Clay lands and loaim soils 6311 ; Johnson, S. W. How crops feed, ... 631-4 [ohnston, J. F. \\ . Relations « hich science bears to practical agriculture. 631 1; I iebig, J. Chemistry in it-, application to agriculture and physiology 547 53 Same 63 1 ^38 Natural laws of husbandry 631-5 Principles of agricultural chemistry. . 631-439 Nichols, J. R. Fireside science, pp. 156-185 502-65 Norton, J. P. Elements "t scientific ag- riculture 631-7 Pleasonton, A. J., and others. Influ- ence nf the Blue Ray of Sunlight. . . 5356-7 StSckhardt, J. A. Familiar exposition ol the chem. of agriculture 631-8 Waring,. G. E.,/r. Elements of agricul- ture 631-9 Warington, K. < hemislry of the farm. '>;i 93 VGRICULTURAI ..immunity of the middle Ago-., and inclosures uf the XVI cent. in Eng. E. Nasse 5332-6 ACRICULTURA] pests. Cooke, M. C. Rust, smut, mildew and mould 5886-3 — Fitch, A. Insects of New \ ork. . . 632-3 Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to veg- etation 632-4 — Ormerod, E. Report ol observations of injurious insects and common farm pests ■> 632-6 Packard, A. S. Guide to the stud) ol insects. , 5957-7 Riley, C. V. Potato pests 632-7 Smith, W. G. Diseases of field and garden crops <>;_•[ 7 — Treat. M. Injurious insects of the farm and garden 632-8 Vgrh ultui Wood, 1 . Ou S, also In 1 1. eous andj \ 2. Fori ign. .;. Agrii tilture and poli- tics. 1 •■'- American. 1, K. I .. ,nid I.. I- . Mi '"•ok Andrew s, ( ,. II. |: gricultural engineering. . . 631-15 I!., J. I . \ liomi Beatty, A I 1; I agricul- 630-2 1 '■■ ' hei . II. W. Pleasam talk fruits, flowers and farming 6304-17 Bentz, I . and Ro\ ille, \. [. C. de. its of agriculture. Bound with Johnson, I., i hei ow n • 1 ; I.e. J. L. Farm and the fireside. . . 6304-2 Brat ken. G. I Farm talk '1504-; (lift. Win. Tim Hunker papers. 631 ( 'olman, 1 1 . Agi icull in e and rural ei omy 6302-3 Darlington, \\ . American weeds and useful plants 5816-4 Donaldson, J. ana Burn, R. S. Subur- ban fanning 630-24 E .11 m 1 "in eniem e . 6308-4 Farm. The: manual of practical agricul- ture. In Rural manuals. No. 2. . . 630-7 Farming for hoys 630-35 Flint, C. I.. Grasses and forage plants. 6332-3 Garrettson, J. 1 I hland 420PM Henderson, P. Garden and farm topics. 6^04-4 How 1 found it North and South; to- gether with Mary's statement 6301-4 Johnson, C. W. Farmer's encj .. 6303-4 Loring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Joth- am Lupton, V I. Elementar) princip c scientific agriculture Martin, E. W. lli-t. ol the Grange ement 3369-6 Martin, G. \ . Farm appliances. . 6308-6 Fences, gates and bridges 0^04-0 Masters, M. 1 '. I'lant life on the farm. . 6 Mitchell, 1' G. \l\ rarm_of Edge wood. 63 Rural studies with hints for country es ... 639E7 ! 1 1 , , ,\ ti where to find one m, J. P. Elements ,'i scientiri riculture 631-7 — Our farm oi foui acres. 630-6 Roussel, A. The forest waters the farm. 71 . Saxton's rural hand hooks. i>t. ser. ... VGRICULTURE. A.INSUE. Agriculture, continued. : - Richardson on the h< r honey bee, pests of the farm, domestic fowls. — Milburn on the — Simmonds, P. 1.. Hops; cultivation, commerce, and Uses 6339-8 — Ten acres 1 050-8 - Thomas, J. |. Annua] register ol rural affairs, 1857. ''305-8 - Farm implement 6308-8 Waring, G. E., jr. Elements "1 agrii ture 051 -9 — Brockeii. 1.. I'. Oui Western Empire . 47 s '9 - Bushnell, 11. Work and play. pp. 227- 261. [Agriculture at the East.]. . . . 197E4 Dodge, M. A. (Hamilton, Gail, pseud.) 1 i sketches, pp. 107-140. Glorying in the goad 455^3 — Flint. C. 1.. Progress in agriculture. Jn 100 years prog, of LT. S. pp. 19-102. . 609-6 July. X. Man before metals, pp. 252- 79 5/1-5 — Loring, G. I!. Agriculture and tlie horse. /// Murray. W. H. 11. The perfeel horse, pp. 545-427 6561-68 Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations. 1st. PP- i75- 2 39 609 7 ht. A. S. Book ol 5.000 receipts . 603-9 \ ultural chemistry. Agri- cultural pests. Cattle. Cereals. Cof- fee. Corn. Cotton. Cows. Dairy farming. Domestic animals. Drain- age. Ensilage. Fertilizers. Fruit cul- ture Gardening. Grapes. Grasses. Horses. Irrigation. I gar- dening. Orange culture. Poultry. Sor- ghum. Tea. I iii... 1. Veterinary art. Wheat. 2. Foreign. Caird, I. Agriculture. In Ward, T. II.. 1 ■ of Queen Victoria, v. 2- pp. 129-152 938 o [mpey, F. I ! 1 res and a cow. . . 630-4 ipp, A. An.i.ly. for better for idy of rural ... ... 1 ... - 442-502 F. <■!..! y and shame of Eiig. 1 ipei t) and 1 he econ- omy of estates 6302-5 I . I . \\ 1 1 an let in England 142 7 Waring, G. I .. jr. A farm 1 I . . ... hi Nethei 1 rids.] . . . . 1492-9 Agriculture and Politi II. ( I lannon) ol ■ 1 . an A Agrii ulti re, continued. M ly, W. 1 .. Land and labor in I". S. Ricardo, D. Work,, pp. 455-408. [Pro- tection of agriculture.] ..-Ac I. ami. Free trade and protection. An RUTIN a II, mother of tin: emperor Nero, b. about 1 5-1/. 60. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 132-133. . DeVere, M. s . The great empress. . . - See also 1 leQuini ey, < Isesars. V.i ESSEAl , II. F. D'., chancellor of France, " 1668 d. [751, I ,egare, H. S. W rit- ings. v. 2. pp. 559-598. [An essay.] Am ilar, Grace, English feiuisk authoi . 1816 /. 1S47. Days of Bruce. X. Y., 1NS1. Home influence. X. V.. 1878. Home scenes and heart studies. X. Y., 1878 Mother's recompense. Sequel to "Home influence." X". Y.. 1875. — Yale of Cedars. X. Y., 1876. Woman's friendship. N. Y., Women ol Israel. 2 v. X. Y A11-1 iiin-Ff. pseud. See Swazey, Sun ill, John Y. Aide, Hamilton. Carr of Carrlyon. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1862. 16 . Morals and mysteries. Leipzig, 1S72. — Nine clays' wonder. B., 1 S 7 5 . — Penruddocke. B., 1873. Aikin, John, M. />.. and Barbauld, Mrs A. L. Evenings at home ; or, the juven- ile budget opened X. Y., 1S55. 12°. AlKIN, Lucy,/'. [781-1/. 1864. Memoirs ol" the court of Queen Elizabeth, n.t.p. 12°. I . 1;. ..n, A. I... ,,/. Correspondence of W. I . 1 Tanning and Lucy Aikin. . Aikman, Win.. D. />.. Amer. Pr .1. man, b. 1824. A bachelor's talks about married life and things adjacent. X. 533-6 !3°-77 1872. ., 1S71. . J. B., also Y., ic I .leal home ; or, the lantil) and Us mem bers. \. N .. 187... 12 . Same 1872. \i\n 1 . 1 liber V Aims and aids for girls. Weaver, G S. . . ib itacles. James. ( I. P. R. Aimwell, Walter, pseud. Set Simond . W. Aim .1 1;, Alfl ed. ( !hai le Lamb. V \ .. i8,s.>. [2°. [English men of letters >er.| Ainslei torie Weel .11. C AlNSLIE, Herbert, B, i., pseud. S,. Wait- land, Edward. Ainslie, Hugh, Scottish poet in America, b. 1 70-'. Biogi apli n ,il sketch and poems. In Roger-. C , c..tiisli ininsi 1 els. Pp. 192 194 AlNSLIE, Whitelaw, hint author. Murray, IF. ami olhei s. British India. ; >. 410-10 ml \2 818-56 413145 1 12A2 315B4 220IIS5 10; 15 193-14 1057 o 554B4 929 \8 80021 7 "511 7 AINSWOR'l II. ALA Ai\s\\ in; i ii, Win Francis. Ge a phii n I . linn ii ' In Xenophon. \n sis. pp. 263 ;;S. AlN iWOI I II, \\ 111 I In . 181 \ui iol : or, thi elixii ol life. I.., 1 Cardinal Pole. 1 \ . in 1. I .eipzig, 1865. tabli di Boui lion I ., [880. 1 ' table hi 1 in tow ei . I ., 1880. John I ..i« . Leipj ig, [864. Lord maj or ol London. Leipzig, 1 81 1 1 Myddleton Porafret. 1 \ . m 1. Leip 1 ( lid court. L., t88o, ■■I. -.in 1 ,1 in-, . Leip ig, 1 Rooku I. I ... 1878. Si. James ; or, 1 he com 1 ol Queen Anne. I 1 ipzig, 1844. - Son t h Sen bubble. I .eipzig, 1 868. Spanish matt h. Leipzig, i 81 Spendthrift. I eip ig, [868. - Talbot I larland 1 .1 tale of 1 he da) of 1 inn les II. I eipzig, 1N70. rowei ol 1 Ion. Phila. Friswell, J. II. Modern men of letters. PP. ->7 -7" - Hoi ne, K. 1 1. A new spirit of the PP. 3'3 i'o 4> s - IS 1 111 castles. A n, 1 ecilia B. de I . (1 iballero I An;. I lai tie) , W. N. \ii and its rela- tions to lifi 628 1 J Mull. II. \. I'heair we breathe and ven- tilation I, .s 1 . Smith, R. A. Air and rain : beginnings of chemical climatolog) 55157 7 T) ml. ill, I I ii .hi!, floal ing mat- ter ,il the air in relation to putn and infection 6132-8 I lenton, J. Railej -. I louse sanitation, pp. 1 1 1 1 628 1 M iller, y I \ ,i i 1 entilation. hi simple lessons for home use. pp. 217 -•t; Noyce, I . Outlines ol' creation, pp. '"it 5°7-6 -- Voumans, K. L. Handbook -,i linus,.- hold science, pp. 150-204 640-9S S also Aeronautics. Atmosphere. Chemistry. Health. Meteorology. Physics. Pneumatics. Ventilation. Aik-ci \ ami ;ui -pump. Timbs, 1 . 1 ventors and discoverers, pp. 55-5S. . 609-7,. Airs i 1 Arcady. [Poems.] Bunner, II, •'■ Airy fairy Lilian. Argles, Mrs. M. (Duch- Airy, Gei : ell. Treatiseon magnet- ism. I .. 1S70. 12- 539 1 1 Am ins, in. Win. Bush, C. I'. Martyr mis- ionarj . or, five ) eai s in < hina. 112B1 W.i ' . uring in- dustrii n, |. mill 1,' Aj ax. Sop 1 Akknside, Mark, l-.i.. 11 '77". I' ed. with Re^ .A.I >;. 1 e. I'... 1S54. IV IIJ' J , icellaneous Dowden, M. Mark Akenside. In W T. II. English poel , pp. I' ,11 I , . 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 , J . ( . B v. 2. pp. 86-94 [ol S. Lives of 1 .v. 2. pp. 573 581 . ^821-5 Al \i.\m \. Bali 1 ' Flush limes of Alabama and Mississippi 817 1 . |i]>. 307 .",24. 1< ion.] .... \ ... Ih, 11. 1 . 1 otton states in the spring ami summei of 1875 F. 1 :i ney in the ■ !■ y,: 475 7' Tharin, R. S. Arbitrary arrests in the South I in, G. C. Bij I, Hither : stoi I nlian war .5 1 1 A7 Alahama, 1 i kra Si mmes, R. Cruise of the Alabama ami the Suinpte Sei ( 1, '■ afloat : career ol the Sumptei .mil Alabama. . 1815-81 Al IRAMA claims. Argument .11 Gi pp. 80-103 Cushing, I Washington. 341 Latham, II. Black and white, pp. 300- 4<'4 Rose, G. iA. Sketchle] . Mi-. Brown mi the Alabama claims. [Bur- e.] . . . Al VB ASTER, Henry. Wheel of the law. Buddhism illust. from Siamese by the modern Buddhist : a life at Buddha, ami ,111 account of the Phral 1... 1871. 8 . — lr. Modern Buddhist: being the of a Siamese minister "I state on his own an, I oth< -. L., l8j 12° Al \~K \. Dall, W . II. Alaska an. I source-. [With Bibliograph) on Alaska, pp. 505 a Mi • imilian 1 laroline Eman- uel, countess of, t>. 1752V. 1824. Pa \ ' 1 I ee, ps, ud.) 1 ounte -- of Albany 1 14P2 I I e, I. II. Memoirs ol the Pretend- ers an. I othei adherents. pp. 372 376. 411-50 \l ' ' ■ [ohn, b. [833. I iterary art : a - ation betw een .1 painter, a poet, and a philosopher. X. V., 18S1. H>°. No; 1 | he's self-culture. In Sanborn, F. II. I .iff and genius of Goethe, pp. 17-6 .-,,);,, ;.. /// < oncord lecture- on philo ,1" 143 2 Albemarle, Dh VI011I . 1 1< orge. Keppel, 1 .. T. Al.BKRONI, Julius, i. 11,0, ,/. 1752. M.i I iographies. v. 2. 410-67 I ictoria, prim Cotha, b. imm 1 1861 Prii 1 . ' || 1 with outline ol his '• ' ■ l& S258-22 Martin, I. Life of II. R. II.. the Prince 5» 114B4 Albert, continued. — Victoria. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, from 184810 1861 916B3 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 1. pp. 1-130. [Review of Martin T. Life of the Prince Consort.] 426K I Albert Edward, prince of Wales, />. 1841. Forbes, A. The Prince of Wales at home, In Parton, J. ed. Some noted princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 100-106 410-83 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 35- 44 4104-6 — Robinson, X. The three daughters of the Prince of Wales. /// Parton, J. ed. Some noted princes, authors and states- men, pp. 107-III 410-S3 — Rose, H.J. Among the Spanish people, v. 2. pp. 200-224. [The Prince of Wales in Spain.] 446-8 — Russell, W. H. A diary in the East dur- ing the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. I... 1869 462-77 Albert. See also Albrecht. Albert N'yanza, great basin of the Xile, and explorations of the Xilc sources. Baker, Sir S. W 4628-2 Albertis, L. M. d'. New Guinea: what 1 did and what I saw. 2 v. I.., 1S80. 8° 495-2 Al.BlGENSES. Shoberl, F. Persecutions of Popery. \. 1. pp. 44-101 2723 7 — Stephen, [. Lectures on the history of Fiance, pp. 157-190 944-85 Ai r.iM iyams, Cains Pedo, Latin poet. El- ton, C. A. Specimens ol the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 331-336 87001-3 Alboni, Marietta, contessa di Pepoli, Italian vocalist, /'. 1S24. Clayton, E. C. Queens of Song. pp. 439 450 117S ; I en is, ( ;. T. Greal singers. 2nd ser. pp. 159-180 4178-4 \ 1 1; k 1 1 11 1 of Main/, elector, archbishop, cardinal. Sutter, I. /'•. Luther and the Cardinal. ...••■ 592B8 Aiia;i 1, Jeanne d'. See Jeanne d' Albret. Albuquerque, Alfonso dr. Portugese con- aueror in India, A. 1453-,/. 1515. Par- Ion, J. People's book of biography. pp. i'i 3'° 410-82 Vogel, T. A century of discovery, pp. o" 130 \n 93 \m 1 - 1 1 X. \ ., 1S74. Alcestis. Euripides. Tragedies, v. 1. pp. 215 24O 882 ; • Alchemist. [Drama.] Jonson, B. Works. PP. 340-375- • ■ . . 518C3 - British dramatists, pp. 142 179. . . 8223-2 \i.< ii i:\iv *5 vlcoti Alchemy. Hecket hoi n, C. W. Sei rei o cieties. v. i. pp, 21 | 233 ; 1 Mai kay, t . Popular delusion 1 . pp 93 221 1742-6 \i 1BIADES, Uhenian statesman and general, . B. C. 450-1/. 404. Bruce, J. Cla ii and historii poi traits, pp. 43 ;i . MO-19 — Cox, G. W. Athenian empire 9184 ; Plutan Ii. I ,i\ es l lough, \ 1 1. ed. v. *■ PP- "-57 t""i 7 - Famou Greeks, pp. 66-88 inn 72 -Kaufman, R pp. 126-134 |im 7S Old world worthies, pp. 45-73. ■ . 4101 7; also Grote Gi eei e. v. 6 8, and oth- ei In 1 ."ii ireei e. Al 1 iphri in .1 poem. In Moore, I . ["he epicurean. Works, v. 5. pp. 329 372. . . . 1,(51 : Alcock, Sii km lii'i i"i il. Capital of the 1 > .t narral i\ e ol ;i three ye u residence in Japan, j % . \. V., [868 I2 ° 43-' M Concluding chapter. In Margary, A. k. Journey from Shanghae. pp. 330-374. 1.1 . Alcohol. Keen, J. B. Handbook of I 11 '" '" al gauging 659 5 Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. 1. pp. 2 J9 291. I iquors w e ferment 660-5 Prescott, A. B. 1 hemica] examination of alcoholic liquors Prescott, II. P. Strongdrink and tobac- 1 smoke 663 6 ./A,' Stimulants. Temperance. Alcott, Amos Bronson, liner, teacher ami p/u'losop/ier, i. 171)9,/. iSSS. Concord days. B., 1872. 12 11 ( | -z New Connecticut: autobiographical poem, ed. bj F. B. Sanborn. B., 1887. '2°- II3CI Ralph Waldo Emerson: estimate of his character and genius. B., [SS2. S c . . 317B] E VI 1 Klc Sonnets and canzonets. B., [882. 12 . 113C3 Table-talk. B., 1S77. 12 U4E3 Conjenti r.— Book 1 Learning. Enterprise- Pursuits. Nurture Habits. Discourse. — Creeds.— Interleaves i Method.— Genesis.— Person. — Lapse. — Emmortality. — Tal.lri.. I!., 1868. 12 H4E4 Com/ch/s.—BooV i.— The garden. — Recrea- lion. - Fellowship. - Friendship. — Culture. — Books, Counsels -a Instrumentalities. — Mind. — Genesis.- Met.unorpli Individualism. In Concord lectures, 1882. pp. 129-130 143-2 [on: .1 monody. In Sanborn, F. B. ed. Genius and charactei ol Emerson, pp. 420-42(1 317B2 Alcott, Vrno Bron Pei onality. In Con PP I" ;-' . . 1 1 tun . 1882. pp, 1 1 ; I'eabod; .1 P I' I of M "1 Frothingham B 1 1 " 1 ngland. pp. 249 jS; 1 Alcott, Louisa May, American mil I'. 1833 d. 1888. Atini Jo' ■ rap-bag. 1 . My boys 1 14A2 Shaw I ,11 aps 1 14 A21 3. 1 11 1 > 1 - 1 ■ chow ... 114A22 I My girls 1 14A23 5. Jimmj ruise in the Pinafore. 1 1 4 A z i 6. Old-fasl led Thanksgiving. 114A25 Eight cousins; or, the Aunt hill. . . . 114A; Gai land for girls. . . 1 14A ;j I [ospital skelche . ... 114 fai k and Jill 11 (A ;.) fo's boys. Sequel to "Little men.' 114A36 — Kitty's class day 1 1 4 A ;S Little men, Sequel to "Little women." 114A4 I iulc w omen 1 14 A ; Lulu's library 1 [4A5 ; — Moods [ X4A54 ( )ld fashioned girl. Ii., 1884. I! 114.V. Proverb stories. Ii., [882, -• 1 . ... 114A63 Coat* \ :it Kipp.— Psychi untry Christmas.— On picket duty. -Baron'sgl red cap. — What the hells -a-a and did. Rose in Id n. Sequel to "Eighl ins." I!., [885. 16° 11 Silver pitchers, and Independence. Ii.. 1S71,. 16 114 V68 Contents.- Silvei pil< hers Vnna's whim. — L'ranscendental wi R omance of a sum- mer day.— My rococo watch. — My the river. — Letty's tramp —Scarlet stockings. — In depend- ence : a centennial love Spinning-wheel stories. B., 1884. 16 . 1 1 t \ 7 Contents.— i r rand ma's story. — Tabby's table- - Eli's education. — Onawandah. — Little things, Banner of Beaumanoir —Jerseys the 1 ittle house in the .;;irilcn.— Daisy's jewel-box, and how she fillet Corny's catamount. — Cooking-4 lass — Han the tortoise. I fndei the lilacs 1 1 ; Work 11 Ralph Waldo Emerson, In Parton, I Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 284 288 Preface in Parker, T. Prayers r. St 1 ce i scenes in Washington, tiom from Transcendental wild oats. //; Mason, E. T. /. Humorous mas- terpieces. \ . 1. pp. 1 1" 138, ALCOTT. 26 ALDRICH. Alcott, Louisa May. continued. Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who lie- came famous, pp. 104-121 I'.mon. J. Noted women, pp. 78-90 liii'TT. Win. A., educational wrii 1797-1/. 1S511. House I live in; or, the human body. N. V.. 1856. 16 . . . Letters to .1 sister ; or, woman's mission. Buffalo, 1S50. 12' Voung husband : or, duties of man in the marriage relation. X. V.. 1855. 12 . William Channing Woodbridge. [A bi- ographical sketch.] In Barnard. H.iJ. Educational biography, pp. 26S-2S0. Barnard, II.. ed. Educational biogra- phy, pp. 240-207. [Biographical .Ketch of W. A. Alcott.] YLDEN, Edmund K. Christian believer's burden. In Grout II. M. ed. Gospel invitation, pp. q-20 Al REN, Ellen Tracy. Stories and ballads for young folks. \. \ .. 1879. 16 . . Ai den, Mrs. Isabella (Macdonald.) 1 1 'an ^\ . pseud.) Browning boys Chautauqua girls at home tunning workmen Eighty-seven Endless chain Ester Reid. ■ ■ Ester Reid yel speaking Five friends I our girls at Chautauqua I [all in the grove Household puzzles Interrupted Julia Reid King', daughter I .inks in Rebecca's life Little fishers and their net- Man of 1 he house Miss Priscilla I [unlet Mrs. Harrj Hat pet - aw akening. . . . Mi ilo Smith looking on. . . . Modei 11 pi ophets New gral 1 unity tree 1 Ini 1 1 immi m place day Pans) .o.ncs. , Pansy Sunday book. P01 kel ni'-.i ure. Randolphs, The. .... Ruih 1 es. . . . . . from fa Tin' Tip Lew 1 imp ana ill (Faye 1 lunl ington, pseud.) I- lifferenl land points and Livingston Mi I \1 Divei n .... 012-14 1937-14 1933-14 4»S7 - 4157-2 2 5- -43 114A0 14A2 4A22 4A24 4A28 14A3 4A32 4A33 4A36 4A38 4A44 4A47 14A5 4A53 4A56 4A59 4 V6] 4A64 4A07 I.A69 4.A71 4A74 4-^77 14 \.s t V82 lA8 3 1A85 , \s.s I I \o I \oo I Wi 5 A 12 714A4 I4A26 Alden, and Livingston, continued. — - Dr. Dearie's way 714A27 - Profiles 714A86 Alden, Joseph, D. IK. II. D., b. 1807.- Science of government in connection with American institutions. X. Y.. [866. 12 320-12 , id. Bryant, W. C. Studies 190C51 - Natural speaker. X. V., 1S70. 12 . . S01-12 ALDEN, Wm. Livingston, l>. 1S37. Adven- tures of Jimmy Brown. X. Y.. 1885. 1 6° 1 14.V94 — Cruise of the Canoe Club. N. Y., 1883. 16° 1 14A96 Cruise of the Ghost. N. \ .. 1S82. [6°. 1 14A95 Domestic explosives and other sixth col- umn fancies. X. Y., 1S78. 12°. . . S17-185 Moral pirates. N. X .. 1881. 16 . . . . [ 14A98 Gibberish anl An unnecessary inven- tion. /// Mason. E. T-, c'd. Humor- ous masterpieces. v. 3. pp. II2-I2I. S17-O3 How to build a catamaran. In Thomp- son, M. Boys book of sports, pp. :iv 221 701-S Al.DERSYDE. Swan, A. S. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, Am. poet and misc. writer, b. 1836. Cloth of gold, and other poems. H.. 1874. 12° II4C4 Contents. — Cloth of irold. — ?>iar Jerome's beautiful hook. — Interludes. — Haby Bell, and other poems — Judith. — Sonnets. I lower and thorn. Later poems. U.. 1877 '2° H4C5 ..'. -Springin New England. Mianto n-ona. — Legend of Via Coeli. — Interludes Flight of the Goddess*, etc.- Sonnets. From Ponkapog to Pesth. B., 1883. 12 . 440-105 Marjorie Daw. t Cut: tits.— Marjonc Daw -Rivermouth ro- 111:111c <: . -Quite so Voung desperado. — Mis. Mehetabcl's son Struggle for Jife. — Friend of my youth Mile Olympe Zabriski.— Perc \n toine's date palm. Mercedes and later lyrics. B., 1884. 8°. 114C6 Poems. I: . 1885. 12 itp; Prudence Palfrej . Ik. 1870. 12 . Queen of Sheba. Ik. 1877. 12 . Stillwatei tragedy. B. 1 .• Ston of a bad boy. Ik 12 115A12 Rivermouth romance. /// Mason, E. T. ed. Humorous masterpieces, v. 2. pp, 280-294 817-63 joint author Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W., and Aldrich. T. B. Second son. \. Y., 1888. 12°. Bolton, S. K. ka a. Vmerican authors. pp. 286-30S 1 1 81 2 Derby, I C. Fifty years among authors. PP. 227 '34 4181-3 Ridein'g, W. II. Boyhood of 1 1 v ing .1111 hoi.. pp. 1(1 27 1 IS 74 \l DK WDi i: Ai.iikiiii.i . Reginald. Life on a ranch. Ranch note in K an a -. ' loloi ado, In (linn I ii ritory, and Northei n Ti N \ ., 1884 12° 17 s ' • Ai.i>i<<>\ win. Ulysses, Italian naturalist, b. about 1 s-i d, 1607. Memoir of. /« I. H dine, W., ed Nat uralists' library. V. 17. PP. IT v S \i 1 mil beei . Cm iositie ol Bickerdykc, J. 6633 16 All \Kiu. Aleai ii... I low ells, W. 1 1. Mini fin Italian poets, pp. J33 J59 8501 \iii Forbes ol Howglen, Macdonald, C Ai i- mi:i i< 1 , JiMn le Komi d', French mathe- matician, b, 1717 A. 1783. Edgar, I '■ Boyhood ol great men. pp, 205 209, 4.10 44 \ 1 1 1; 1, //. M 5. 1 'oppinger, I:. \\ 1 Iruise of the Alerl I ;7" ; Markham, A. II. Great frozen eti Voi age "I 1 he Alert during the Vrctii expedition ol 1875-6 40S 62 Ai 1 \. [pseud.) s, , \\ hite, lli 11 A. Alexander i. S?. pop, . w, . 109 d. 1 19. M 1 hi 1 01 . A. lie. Lives .in. I 1 1 nu'- .il the Roman Pontiffs, v. 1. pp, 25 jS . 2821 5; Alexander 11. pope, >"■■ \cki-d. 107.;. Montor, A. de. Lives and times of the Roman Pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 290-294. . 2821 53 Alexander 111. Laurentinus Bandinelli, pope, sue. 1159-4/. 1 1 Si. Montor, A. • U'. 1 ,m es and times 1 if 1 he Rom in Pontiffs. \. 1. pp. 350 356 2.N21 53 Alexander IV, pope, we. 1254-1/. [261. Montor, A. de. Lives and times of the Roman Pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 420-43;;. . 2821 53 Alexander VI, Rodrigo Lenzuoli Borgia, pope, b. 1430, sue. [492 ./. 1503. Col fin, 1 '. < . M" 1 \ "i lil. ci 1 \ pp. 1 59 171 920 2; Montor, A. de. Lives and times of the Roman Pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 634-644. . 2821-53 Alexander V 'II, pope, i. 1599, i Alexandei the Great 114861 Mahafh, J. 1'. and Gilman, A. Ston Alexander's empire 9187-0 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portra pp. 56-65 410-10 Farmer. L. H. Boy's book of famous rulers, pp. 71-109 415-4 Fitly celebrated men. pp. 07-6S. . . . 410-49 1 \l I N am. I 1 mied. .1.11 (Faye 1 Iuntingt< St., 1 11 of great men pp. 711. ; 1 1 in. I \ II 2111I pp, 101 206. Hale, E. 1 B . 1 10 5 j 5 Men ..I histoi y. pp. 9 1 2 . 11 Plutarch. Livi gh, \. II v. 4. pp. 159 255 (101 7 Kaufman, R., ed, ill 1 lid «"i LI worthies, pp. 95 1 57. 1 1 Ranke, I .. von. Univei sal hist, pp m Schlegel, F. [.ectures on modern pp. ;i 1 ; 1 1 ' csar ami Vie an historical comparison \\ 1. \\ .. ed. Hundred greatest men. pp- ,;7'> 382 i' V'onge, l M. Book of worthies, pp. >54 "9 I' See Groti Gn ece, >. 12, ami othe 1011. Arbela, Bat- tle of. Alexander I. Pavlov.itch, emperor of Ku ia, b. 1777 (A 1825. |o\ neville, 1 . Life and times of Vlexander I, Emperor. 1 1 4II7 I lolland, U.K. I ireign reininiscet PP " ; 12; 379B9 M .ill. W. Foreign biographies, v. pp. 1 21. 163 410 07 Alexander II. Nicolaevitch, emperai Russia, b. 1818-4*. 1881. Forbes, A. \l. ■ •. tndei 1 1 in the field, 1S77. //; ton, I., ed. Princes, authors ami men. pp. .524 330 4 m s ; Proctor, E. I'. A Russian journey, pp. ;>;.;-'' 447 74 rowle, G. M 1 ertain men of mark. pp. 213 242. Three emperors \i 1 xandi 1; I. Joseph, prince of Bulgaria. Koch, A. Prince Alexander of Batten- berg 114B5 ALEXANDER, bishop of Alexandria. Writ- ings. In Ante-Nicene Christian Libra- ry, v. 14. pp. 333-303 Alexander, bishop of Lycopolis. \. \b<)0-d. 1 718. Vogue, K. M. cle. True stuiy of Mazeppa. pp. 73-237. . . . 947 9 Alfgar, the Lane. Crake, Rev. A. D. At. FIERI, Vittorio, Italian poet, b. 1749-1/. 1803. Autobiography. With an essa\ by W. 1). Howells. B., 1877. 24°. [Howells, W. D.,ed. Choice autobiog- raphies.] I15B1 — Fuller, M. Life without and life with- in, pp. 93-101 4ooi-;5 Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 81- 100 460F.4 — Howells, W. L. Modern Italian poets. PP- 5i-'°i 8501-37 Men of history, pp. 236-238 410-75 Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in So. Europe, v. 2. pp. 174-187. Two dramatists of the last century 445 86 Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 92-98 41S7-1) Ail hi Balzani; or, extracts from the diary of a proscribed Sicilian. X.V., 1862. 12°. Alfonse I, founder of 'the Portuguese monarchy, b. 1094-rf. 1 185. I'arton. J. People's book "I biography, pp. 277-2S2. . . 410-S2 Al.FORn, Henry, dean of Canterbury, Ellg- lish poet and divine, b. iSlo-tf. 1871. How to study the New Testament. Gospels. Acts. L., 1S65. 16 . . . 2266-2 Fpistles, 1st. section. 1... 1871. l6°. 2266-2 -2nd section and the Revelation. 1.., 1.S70. 16° 2266-2 — Letters from abroad. I . 1865. 12°. 44512 Meditations in Advent, on Creation and ■ 11 Providence. L., 1866. i6 c . . . . 240-15 — Queen's English: a manual of idiom md usage. I... 1S75. 16. no 13 -Review of. Moon, G. W. Dean's English: criticism on the Dean of Can terbury's essays on the Queen's Eng- lish 110-65 Whitney, W. I ). Oriental and lin- guistic studies, ser. 2. pp. 166-180. 104-95 VLFRED the great, km oj England, I: ai0utS4.g-d.gai. Anglo-Saxon version 1.1 Boethius, De consolatione philoso- phic ; with F.ng. trans, by S. Fox . . 8297-2 \l.liott, J. King Alfred of England. . 115B3 Asser of St. David's. Annals of the reign of Allied the Great, /wtiiles, J. A.. <•(/. Six old English Chronicles, pp. 13-86 93°9-8 U.FRED. '< VLGKKIA \i i red the great, continued. Henty, G. A. I h agon and the ra\ en. | A romance.] 1 1 ughe . rhos. \ Ifrecl i he Great. - . 11 U4 I'.uili, R. Life "l Alfred the 1 Ireal. 1 1 ,1; Bi 1 ioks, F. S. Chivalric da) pp. 98 i*3 186A3 i Ihildren's storj I k. |>p. 11-16 1 [1 ■ ■ 1 cr, I . II. Boys' book ol fa ruler-.. pp. li«i hi.) | 1 1 Gilliat, E. Champions of the right. pp. 18 35 ■ 4104-4 t lilman, A., ed. Magna Chartsi PP- '' s 3-i92 903-3 Heroic life; or, pic tun I heroi ;. pp. 1: "4 I'"l 5 Mason, )., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. II-13 LIO-7 Men "I history. |j[>. 24 27 410-75 rales "I heroes, pp. 9-80 pi 96 \ w eedie, \Y. K. Life and « orks ol earnest men. pp. 225-240 410 945 Wood, \\ '., ed. Hundred gt eate I me pp. 398-401 tio-975 At 1 red ilir ( nr. 11. k now les, J. S. I Ira- tnatic works. \. I. pp. 177-230. . . 5401 j An Kin Ernest Albert, duke of Edinburgh, b. 1844. Bisset, Maj. Gen. Sport and war. pp. 222-253. [The elephant hunt ; South Ali ii a, 1867. | (.68 2 1 Alfred Hagart's household. Smith, A. \i\i. Clarke, I.. 1.. Common sea "I the British coast 5898 9 Hibberd, S. Sea-weed collector.. . . . 5S.N7 4 Landsborough, D. British sea-weeds. . 5887 5 Mackie, S. J. Sea-weeds as 1 bjects ol design. Jn Art studies from nature. PP- 91-132 745-4 Macmillan, H. First forms of vegeta- tion, pp. 191-279 s s s 6 Simmonds, P. F. Commercial products of the sea. pp. 311-338. [Sea-weed and its Uses.] S Sl >; 7 See also Botany. Natural history. Ocean. Algebra. Bourdon, P. 1.. M. Elements of algebra. Davies, Chas. ed 512 2 — Day, J. Introduction to algebra. ... ; Kirkman, T. P. First mnemonical les- sons in geometry, algebra, and trigo- nometry 531—13 — Loomis, E. Elements of algebra. . . . s>- 4 U Treatise on algebra 512 — Olney, E. University algebra si-' 7 — Robinson, H. X. New university alge- bra 512-74 — Schuyler, A. Complete algebra. . . . 512 76 Mo. I. lard, J. F. and Henkle, W. D. University algebra 512-8 Todhunter, 1. Algebra 512-0 continued. I Ii. I 165.. . . M . 1 , lckr, Abb) 1 i, Ir. Little our l.oid ii » bo h as i rucil b<-i Virgin Mary. B., 1887. 12 11 Hot ir. From < anal lioj field.] Helen I ord, B 12 . 'i 1 . Win. Rounseville, / 1 >■■ man, h. 1.S22. Critical h the if a future lift B . |886 Contents. Introductory views, Ethnii thoughts. hi teachings com 1 future life Chriktiaji thoughts H torical ami 1 ritii a Supplemen- pters Friendships of women. B., [868. 16 . I of tl ient. I'... [866, u 8911-2 School of life. Ii.. [881. 12° 570 12 Solii ii | of man : the "in Inn . of human life. B., I.N71. 12°. . . 19 111,11 VI Ii t ude Poems and biographii In Put- nam, A. P. ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. too 47; s. Blackburn, H. Art- ists and Arabs ; or, sketching in sun- shine Cler, Gen. Reminiscences of an ■ 1 1 Zoua\ es "47 s ; I himas, \ I ' I :. 1 Algeria 405 ; Knox, A. A. New play-ground. . . Naphegyi, G. Among the Arabs ... Sala, G. A. Trip to B nul- about route Seguin, F. G. Walks in Algiers and its surroundings Bennett, J. H. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean, pp. 441 5-5 i arleton, G. W. < >ur artist in Cuba. Peru, Spain ami Algiers, pp. 131-144. [Hum .lies.] rch for winter sunshine. PP- ' 18-157 Great sieges of hist. pp. 463 . es of Algiers, A. D. 1 5 ; 1 1816.] . 903-4 I. \\ . Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 64 70. [Battle of Al- giers, 1830.] VIcCabe, I. D Oui young Americans in Africa. [A travel.] pp. 1. 400-65 ALGERIA. 3° — ALL. Algeria ami Algiers, continued. TyndaH, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps. pp. 429-473- Voyage to Al- geria to observe the eclipse 4494-8 also Africa, north-western. researches, comprising inquiries re- specting the mental characteristic- ol the North American Indians. School- craft, H. R 387-8 .1 in legends of New England, I.e- land, C. G 3 8 7-5 6 Alhambka, Moorish Granada. Irving, YY. The Alhambra 44 ,,s -s — Baxley, H. W. Spain. \. 1. pp. [98 286 446-17 — Coppee. II. Conquest of Spain, v. 2. pp. 422-431 9462-4 . E. E. Seven Spanish cities, pp. 93-117- • 446-45 — Hare. A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. PI'. 142 I 7'» 446-49 Lathrop, (i. 1'- Spanish vistas, pp. 136-146 446-5S Prime, S. 1. Alhambra and the Krem- lin, pp. I 2>l- 154 44" 74 Romer, I. F. The Rhone, the Darro, and the Guadalquiver. v. 1. pp. 1-57. 44t>-7$ , Spain. Granada. \i n 1 Maud Mary, princess t>j Great Britain. grand duchess of Hesse, b. 1843 J. 1878. Letter-: ed. with biog. sketch by Dr. Sell of Darmstadt i 1 5 U7 Hall, M. Royal princesses of England. l'p-477 4" s 4111-49 Stanley, A, I'. Westminster sermons. pp. 273-279. [Memorial sermon.] . . 252-85 Aim e Brand. Kiddle. A. G. Alici Franklin. Howitt, M 492A1 L'Estrange's motto. Hume, R. \i [1 1 Lorraine. Blackmore, K. I >. Alice Murray. Hoffman, M. 1. Alice of Monmouth, and other poems, Siedman, E. C 85CK 1 • lie mysterii Sequel to est Maltravers." Bulwer-Lytton, E. 1;. I I ., liaron Lytton. Sherwin : tale of the di Thomas M All' 1 or, a sisters work lis V95 thro' the looking-glass. Kroi Kate Freiligrath- . . .... 785 58 ier, S. 264A2 lerland. I 1 ' a r roll pseud.) . . 381-32 shau . ' 82 1 V8 Ai II" I manor : a Baillie, J al works, pp. 1 1 . " 6 Aliens, The. Keenan, H. F. Aliette. Feuillet, O. Alikhanoff, Lieut. Marvin C. Recon- noitering Central Asia, pp. 361-383. . 455-61 ALISON, Rev. Archibald, Scottish divine and author, b. 1757-r/. 1839. McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, pp. 308-315. . . 1621-4S - Sprague, \V. B. European celebrities. pp. 278-281 4104-85 A 1 [SON, Sir Archibald, Scottish historian and jurist, />. 1792-d. 10O7. Essayson t he na- ture' and principles of taste. With col- lections and improvements by Abra- ham Mills. N. V., 1844. 12 . . . . 701-12 - History of Europe from 1789-1815. 4 \. \. V.. 1856. 8° 928-15 Contents. — v. i. 1760-1799. — v. 2 1790-1807. — v. 3. 1807-1812. — v. 4. 1812-1815. History of Europe from 1815-1852. 4 v. X. V., 1856. S° 928 -15 Contents. — v 1. 1815-1823. — v. 2. 1821-1S31. — v 3, 1815-1842. — v. 4. 1841-1848. Epitome of Alison's history of Europe. Edin.. 1849. 12° 928-16 Military life of John, Duke of Marlbor- ough. X. Y., 1855. 12° 013B4 Miscellaneous essays. B., 1856. 8°. . . 115E1 Contents. — Chateaubriand. — Napoleon. — lios suet. — Poland. — Madame de Stae'l. — National monuments. — Marshal Ney. — Robert Bruce- Paris in 1814. — Louvre in 1814- —Tyrol. — France in 1833. — Italy. — Scott. Campbell and Byron.— The copyright question. — Michelet's France. — Military treason and civic soldiers.— Arnold's Rome. — Mirabeau. — Buluer's Athens. — The reign of terror. — French revolution of 1830. — Fall of Turkey. — Spanish revolution of 1820. — Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands Kararasin's Russia. — Effects of the French rev Minion of 1830. — Desertion of Portugal. — Carlist struggle in Spain. — Wellington.— The Affghan istaun expedition. — The future. — Guizot -Ho- mer, Dante, anil Michael Angclo. Bayne, P. Essays in biography and crit- icism. 2nd -er. pp. 86-107 1 59] ■'.<< 1 ;...!« in. P. 1 'in of the past. pp. 196 220. [Review of history of Europe.) . 430E5 Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 1-80. [Review of history of Europe.] .... 4O0E4 Alkahest, The; or, the house of tic Balzac, 1 1, de. A11 aboard for sunrise lands. Rand, E, A. 439-78 All among the lighthouse-; or, the cruise ol the Goldenrod, Crowninshield, M. B 6279-35 \ii around the Wrekin. White. W. . . 442-945 \ii fools. [Drama.] • hapman, G Work-. pp. 4<> 77 221' I \i 1 1.. 1 greed, Bui j . B. de. \ 1 1 foi hei ; or, Si I uAr\ assistant. N. Y.. 1877. 12°. Ail. -hallow eve; or, the test of futurity, and 01 li. 1 [Ol " . \. V . 8°. ALL. 3i \l 1 A11 1 • ii"i gold 1 I1.1i glil ters. In I [all, A. M. Turns ■ '! fori une 1 )< 1 \ \ \i 1 around I he yeat vei c fr< im Sky farm. 1 ■ I. ill-. E. and D. R ! . 4 j m 9 Ai 1 sorts and ci md ii ions of men. Bi W. and Rice, I . An Souls College, Oxford, Eng. Bun M, Worthies ••! all souls .i7' s t-' --' Am wrong: .1 Leal from .1 drama. Phila., 1877, 12 . All's well thai ends well. [A comedy.] Set Shakespeare, W. ALLAN, David, Scottish historical painter, b. 17.) 1 d. 1796. Cunningham, A. I'.rit- i>li painters and sculptors, v. 5. pp. 25-47 +17-3 ALLAN, George, '1. 1806W. 1835. Biograph- ical sketch and poems. In Roget . 1 cd. Scottish minstrel. pp. 281 283 80921-7 Allan, Robert, />. 1774 -i :i 1 > l<- . Porter, tdmiral I '. 1 ' A11 w Qualermain. Haggard, II. K. U.ldridge, Lizzie. [Biog. sketches of] Florence Nightingale. Frances Ridle} Havergal. Catherine Marsh. Mrs. Ranyard (" I .. N. R.") I ., 188 '2° H3 [5 VlleghAnia ; or, praises of American he- roes. Pindar, C. 1 733* 5 \iiii.ii\n\ mountains. Zeigler, W. Ci. and Grosscup, B. S. Heart of the AI- leghanies 4756 9 Chambers, J. Lovers four and maidens five. I A no\ el.] Fisher, F. C. (Christian Reid, / I. ami of the sky. [A iui\ el. | \i 1 egories. \-l:\ni-. W. Sacred alle- gories 143-24 Bunyan, J. Hoi) wai 243-29 Pilgrim's progress 2 1; ; — Cheever, II. T. Keel in the bottle for I u k in the I toldrums 24 ; 4 Tucker. C ; (A. L. O. E., pseud.) The citj "I Nfocross and its ruinous physi- cian 843-7 Wright, I. McN. Mr. Standfast's jour ne) 243-9 Allegories ol life. Idams, Mrs. J. S. \i ii.im, Joseph, English divine, 6. ioj3- 2742 4 Aim \, Miss A. J. cd I > gon d1 I>i I Whiti dy, west of thi \l 1 ... h ii 1, in Horn [thai a, N. \ .. 1848. 12' . \i 1 1 \. Vlfred II ' analysis, v. 1. [ntrodui practici I ,1879. 8°. Con! 1 .1 . and their derivatives. Pheni v 2. 1 I ... [882. 8°. . .'. Hydi 1 1 ..ml fats. Sugars, starch 1111I its isomers. —Alka loids and organii b v. 2. Revise. I. I ., 1886. 8°. . . 543-14 At 1 en, Alex'i V. G. ' ontinuit) ol 1 hris- lian thought: a study of modern thi in the light of iis history. B [884, 12 230-14 \i len, (". Bruce Cottagi butldin hints for improving the dwellings of working men: with a chapter on eco- nomic cottages, bj Edward I ■'. \l I.., 1886. 12° - --Same. I., 1.S70. Bound with I.I Principles of design 720-41 — Stitch in time 1 or, une thousand ami one things worth knowing. V A . [877 ■2° 603-I3 Contents —Tea, coffee, etc. —Fruit. — Spice. — 1 tlina, porcelain It. etc. — Cc- . etc. — Cheese, butter, etc. — Narcotics.— textile fabrics.— Metals.- Leather, etc.- ' Medicines, etc. - Woods. Minerals. — Fer- mented liquors.- Artificial light. — Sugar. — Pa- pet '1 1 Oils Cosmetit s ami perfumes I he human bi-tly . - The atmos- phere.- Electricity Arts and scieuct Iv .is. -Kins and leaves.- About many thi Allen, David India, ancient and em. It.. 1856 8 A11 i\. Edward Kllis. Economic Cottages for allotments, /h Allen, 1 Ii building, pp. 14 s 1 56 72s 1 2 A 1 1 in. Edward Heron-. Manual of cheir- osophy : being a complete practical hand-book of cheirognomy and cheir- omancy, by means whereof the ; the present, and the future may be read in the formations of the hands. I . 1885 '- '74 I'l. tical cheirosophy 1 a synoptical study of the science of the hand, with ex- planatory plates and diagrams. l,y K. B. ley. \ Y., 1887 10°. ... 1 Allen, Elizabeth Akei pseud.) Poems. B., 1868. 16° ... 1 1 ;. ; ALLEN, Col. Ethan. American officer ,-■ ■ revolution, [737 d. i-s, De I'uv. II W. Ethan Allen and the Green mountain heroes of '76 115I','/ M.T.KX. 3 2 ALLEN. Allen, Col. Ethan, continued. — Blakemore. B. C. Historical*: for the young folk*, pp. 110-117 07^8-25 Glazier, W. Hero( - I three war*, pp. -: 105 41--31-4 — Headier, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 362-365 4121-46 Howe, H. Life and death on the ocean, pp. 133-148. Vivr:"i ■■ . ol 1 ol. Ethan Allen 4S7-4' S -Spark*. J. American biography. 1st ser. v. 1. pp. 227-356 412 86 ALLEN, F. M. Through green glasses [Irish tales.) \. \ '.. 1SS7. 12°.. . . 827 11 Contents. — Andy Merrigan's great discov- From Portlaw to Paradise. — King John anil the mayor. — Wonderful escape of James I. — Last of the dragons.— Siege of Don Isle. — Raleigh in Minister. At 1 1 \. Frances, wife of Ethan Allen. Ellet, E. f. Women of the American revolu- tion, v. 2. pp. 205-212 4121-35 ALLEN, Frederic D. Remnants of early Latin. B., iNSo. 12 126-2 Allen, Frederic H. Voting folk*' In of the reformation. B., [887. 12 . . . 27110 i) Allen, George. Life of Philidor, musician and chess-player; with a supplement- ary essay on Philidor, by T. von Heydebrand und der Lasa. Phila., 1863. 8° 727B4 At 11 ft, ( Irant. Bab} Ion. N. V'., 18S5. 12°. Be koning ham I, and ot hei sti tries. I ... 1887. 1 ■ Content* g hand. — Lucrctia. — ' I ! Wulfric. — My uncle's will. — 1 I 1.1 Olga Davidoff's husband.— Cann's treasure. -Isaline and I. — Profess- oi Milliter's dilemma. In strict confidence.— h party's find. — Harry's inheritance. Charles Darwin. (] ngli h worthies ser.) \. V., 1SS5. 12° 276B3 Colin < ■ alendai . Mil- record of a summer. April < It toher. V V., 1883, '2 ," I 1 ; ense it origin and de\ elop- An essay in comparative psych- B., 1879 'me. I... 1879. 1821-2 m sense science. 11. , 1886. 12°. 502-14 Evolutionist at large. I.., 1KS4. 12 . . ■. < Hid their pedigrees V Y.. 1884. 12° 582 13 ake : a tale. V V., 1886. I'hilistia. L., 1 V \ .. 1877. .701-14 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ Ait en. Grant, continued. Contents. — The Reverend John Creedy. — l'r Greatrex's engagement. — Mr. Chung. — Curate of Churnside. — An episode in high life. — My New Year's eve among the mummies. — Found- ering of the "Fortuna." — The backslider — Mysterious occurrence in Piccadily. — Carvalho. — Pausodyne. — Empress of Andorra. — Senior proctor's wooing. — Child of the phalanstery. — Our scientific observations on a ghost. — Ram I la if Cawnpore. — Chapters. In Proctor, K. A. ed. Na- ture studies 502-7 Allen, John, political and historical writer, 6. 1771-d. 1843. Brougham, II. His- torical sketches of statesmen who flour- ished in the time of George TIL v. 2, PP- 399-403 4IO-I7 Allen, John (i. Topical studies in Ameri- can history. Rochester, 1885. 1 6°. . 9736-2 Allen, John W. jr. Paul Dreifuss : his holiday abroad. B., 1882. 12°. . . . 444-13 All i\, Joseph. Battles of the British navy. 2 v. L., 186S. 12° 8308-22 ALLEN, Joseph A. Juvenile offenders. Methods of discipline: reminiscences of Westboro' State Reform Schoo'. I'. 1881. 16° 364-2 Allen, Joseph Henry. Christian history in its three great periods. tst period: Early Christianity. B., 1S83. 12°. . . 270-15 Contents. — Messiah and the Christ. — St. Paul — Christian thought of the second century. — Mind of paganism. — Arian controversy. — St. Augustine. — Leo the Great. — Monasticism as a moral force. — Christianity in the East.— Con version of the barbarians. — The Holy Roman empire. — Christian schools. -2nd period: Middle ages. B., 1884. 12 2/0-15 Content* Ecclesiastical system - Feudal so- ciety. — Work of Hildebrand.— Crusades. — Chiv- alry -- Religious orders. — Heretics, — Scholastic theology.— Religious art —Dante. -Pagan re- \ iv.t] - 3d period : Modern phases. 15., iSS;, 12° 27O-I5 1 ontcnts.- Protestant reformation.- Catholii reaction.— Calvinism.— Puritan commonwealth, Pori Royal Pa sage from dogma to pure reason. — English rationalism — Infidelity in 1 rcrman critit Spt ulative theol- -Rcign of law Chronological outline. — 1 mini nt names. -Index. Hebrew men and times from the Patri- h to the Messiah. R, 1879, 12° 221 1 j Our liberal movement in theology, chiefly as shown in the historj of Unitarianism m Mew England. B., [882. 12 . . . 288 14 I »Mil. 1 I liristian history, A. D. 5°~ rSSo B., 1884. 12 270 14 Allen, Mrs. Josiah, [pseud.) Set Holley, Marietta. Ml EN \I.M A i len, I ,ewis F . Rural architecture farrn liouses, cottage and oul buildings. N. \ ., 1H52. 12° ,1 Note and addil ion In Smil li, 1 . II. I. Landscape gardening 710-8 Amis, M. I Sa\ ourj dishes l"i bn il fa 1, lunchei in and dinner. I ., 1886. 16 641-12 Ai 1 1 n. M .11 y 1 ... joint 'in,'': 1 afli 11 d, VI. J. and Allen. M. I . II. alth and trengl h for girls 6129 76 \i 11 \. Rn . Moses. Headley, I.I. lains and clergj ol the revolution pp. I3 1 HO M - 1 45 Allen, < >tis Everett, 1850 d. 1 Sketch of Otis E. Mien. In Memoir ol F. R. Firth, pp. 125-156 356B1 A11 in, Paul. 1 1 istory of the expedil io der ( laptains I ewi and I lai ke, to the sources of the Missouri, I 1 ■■ the Rock) mountains, down ihe river 1 olumbia to the Pacifu o< ean, [804 6. 2. v. N. Y., 1842 74. 16° 478-12 \ 1 1 1 n, Richard I . I lomestii animals : their diseases and remedies. V V'., ' s 47. 12° 636 15 ,1111/ Lew is !• . New American farm 1 1 N- v.. <*:•>■ '- 1 \ 11 1 \. Roland 1 1 . \ew I ngland tragedn in prose. 1. The coming of the Quak- ers. 2. The witchcraft delusion. B., I869. 12° 9824-I3 Aii i\. rhomas. Headley.J. I. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. [27 ■57 4121 45 Vllen, Win., cardinal, : . 1532 «/. 1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- onages ol I Ireal Bril iin. \ . 2. pp -!' y6 41 1 "5 Allen, Wm., I desman, b. [806 d. 1879. Carroll, II. Twelve Arneri- ' '" ■ PP- 3°" 130 412-3 Ai 1 1 n, Wm., English diemist and philanthro- pist, b. 1770 -. [843. Lives made sub- lime, pp. 68-95 4144-5 \i 1 1 n, W'ni. Henry, American naval officer, />. 17S4. ^/. 1813. Frost, J. ed, Pii rial history of the American navy. pp. 246 262 41232 .; Allen, Willis Boyd, Northern cross; or, Randolph's la-i year at the Boston Latin school. B., [887. 12 n; V96 — Pine conesi B., 18S5. 16° 115A97 Silver rags. U.. 1886. 12 115A98 ALLEN, Zachaiiah. Solar light and heat: the source and the supply. Gravitation : with explanations "f planetary molecular forces. V V., 1879. S c . . 5301-2 Ai 1 IN. & alii \llyn. \i 1 1 -. Bay. Sti Vllibo < 1 mel Austin, I [oly Scriptun ,1 hiel i Phila., 1871. it hi Ih 1 igland. v. 5. , Henr) if God, and other sern 5, V V., 1876. 12°. . . Moral teat hing "I the New : In Popular objections to revealed truth. pp Supernatural characl ianity. In Faith and free thought. )>|). 247 \i 1 . ini 1 . Auguste. ' twing. V Y.. [871 II Illustrations. In Robert K. Chi drawing without a master . 1 , Claud [eai Ft n i ' ary in America,/'. 1620-d. 1690. Park- man F. I. a Salle and the discovei the < .le.il \\e>l si,, -a. f. G. Di id exploral i the Mississippi Valley, pp. 67-77. . . ii offern, J. and othei -. ' metals and their alloys K irk, E. The founding of mi I '3' 2 °5 Washington, American pain 1779 . 1843. Lectures, on art. and ins. liana, R. II. id. V Y.. 1850. 12 The h Sweetser, M 1 . Ulslon. [Artisl I raphies set.] Ware, W. Lectures on the works and geniu > ol W ashington Allston. . . I lana, K. 11. Poem PP- I Rev iew "I Sylphs of the seasons.] I iller, M. Art, literature and the drama. pp. 2S4 207. Mr. Alls ares. [ameson, \. M. Studies, stories and memoirs, pp. ,;2> 365 Tuckerman. II. T. PP- '3 6 '57 At I STl .N. A n Ritual of Freemasonry : to which is added a ke\ to the Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange and Odd Fell ieties. N. Y., 1865. 12 , Almanacs. Cruikshank, ( alma- nack, iS.;> l,i l! ^4.! inclusive Barr, A. I '. Romances and realities. PP- 3° 2 :n 1 : 741 7 ■ 704-lj II6B1 400 E 2 ALMANACS. 34 ALTEMUS. Almanacs, continued. — Lardner, D. ed. Museum of science and art. v. 7. pp. 1-56 603-4 ALMANZA, Spain. 1707. Great battles of British army. pp. 132-135 930S-4 Almeida. Francisco d', first Portuguese vice- roy of India. 6. about 1440-a'. 1510. Maccall, W. Foreign biographies, v. 2. pp. 222-235 410-67 Vogel, T. A century of discovery, pp. 98-115 437-93 ALMEIDA, Wm. Barrington d\ Life in [ava. 2 v. L.. 1S64. 12° 4922-2 Ai MERI v. Edgeworth, M. Almost a duchess. [No name ser.J Almost a priest. Wright, J. McN. Almost an Englishman. Scudder, M. L. ^lmosi faultless. "Aloha!" a Hawaiian salutation. Chaney, G. 1 4969-26 Alone. Terhune, M. V. (H.) (Marion Mar- land, pseud. 1 Alone in London. Smith, H. iHesba Stretton, pseud.) 863A1 ALONG Alaska's great river. Schwatka, F. 4798-79 the lines of the front : a general sur- vey of Baptist home and foreign mis- Bainbridge, W. F 2636-2 \long the way. [Poems.] Dodge, M. M. 290(8 Alovs. Auerbach, B. Alpenstock: ■.< book aboui the Alps and Alpine adventure. Rideing, W. H. id. 4494-7 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Kells. |. ed. Memorial of Samuel Kells 312B6 Alphabet, The. Taylor, I. The alphabet: an account of the origin and develop- ment of letters IO91-9 Abbott, J. History of Romulus, pp.36 794B] Donnelly, I- Atlantis. pp. 214-237. [Chapter 011 the origin of the alphabet.] 400 ; Jones, G. Life scenes from the < >M Tes- tament, pp. 114— 128 2206 45 Lesley, I. P. Man's origin and destiny. pp. 214 252. Growth of tlie alpha- '"-■' 5/1-55 Alphabets and ornamental letters. Ames, 1). T. Alphabets adapted to the vise of architects, engravers, engineers, artists, sign-painters, draughtsmen, etc. . . . 74411 2 Callingham, J. Sign writing and glass -sing i„,Xi j [1 \i. manual of blow pipe analysis, , W, A 5491 ~ At pho 1 if ( Germany 1 ii /» Chapman, G. Works, pp {81 115. 221(1 1 ' ■ \ . • 1 Switzei land and the neighbi g 1 oun K94 ' , Alps, continued. — Burnaby, Mrs. F. High Alps in winter; or, mountaineering in search of health. 4494-z — Cheever, G. B. Wanderings of a pilgrim. 4494-23 Eddy, D. C. Percy family : the Alps and the Rhine 440-301 Freshfield, Mrs. H. Alpine byways. . 4494-4 Headley, J. T. Alps and the Rhine. . . 445-455 — Hocking, S. K. Up the Rhine and over the Alps 440-48 — Johnson, A. C. Cottages of the Alps. . 4494-5 Macmillan, H. Holidays on highlands; or, rambles and incidents in search of Alpine plants 4404-6 Nichols, S. H. Monte Rosa: the epic of an Alp. [Poem.] 686C4 Rideing, \V. H. ed. Alpenstock: a book about the Alps and Alpine adventure. 4494-7 — Tyndall, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps 4494-8 — Waring, G. sZ. jr. Tyrol and the skirt of the Alps 44364-9 — Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years i86o-'69 4494-9 Wills, A. The "Eagle's nest" in the val- lev of the Sixt : a summer home among the Alps 4494-93 — Cobbe, F. P. Hours at work and play. pp. 159-172. The Diablerets 240E5 -- Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays, pp. ;2,S-54.S. [Geology of the Alps.] 502-46 Prime, S. I. Under the trees, pp. 1 7 7— 194 745 E2 See also Switzerland. Mont Blanc. \is.ip, John, /'. 1776-rf. 1841. Biograph- ical sketch, and poems. In Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 123-130. 80914-4 At sue. Richard, />. 1761-fl'. 1815. Charms of fancy, a poem; with notes, and sketch of the author, by Theodore Dwight. N. V., [856. 12 115C8 Biographical sketch, and poems, hi Ev- erest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 93 '94 80914-4 Alston, Joseph. Correspondence: put poses of the Wilkinson and Burr revolution.. In Safford, W. II. ed. Blennerhassett papers 162B3 \i i'i%, Mrs. Theodosia (Burr). Corre- spondence: purposes of the Wilkinson and Bun revolution. In Safford, W. II. ed. Blennerhassett papers 162B3 S also Bui 1 . Varon. \i ston. See also Allston. \i 1 \i' hieroglyphs and llittite inscriptions. ' ondei , C. K 4023-3 \i 1 1 Mis. I nnr. mi Ton. Helena Mojeska. N. V . 1883. 12° 640BS ALTGELD. 35 \ MAI \i [geld, John P. 1 1. ii penal m i and its victims. Chii >, 8°, \i nonA Peto < Uiphant, L, \i i in, Edmund. \t g the law makei \. \ . [886. 8° 3287 2 Alton Locke, tailoi and poet. Kingsley, C. \i 1 minium : us history, occurrence, proper- ties, metallurgy and applications, in eluding its alloys, Richards, J. W. . . A 1 \ \, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duki Spanish general in the Netherlands, />. 150S utch republic, ' Prescott's Philip II . * 1, and Si hiller'a revolt of the Netherlands Alvarez, Francisco, Portuguei pri 1 .uitl writer on Abyssinia {after 1540), Frosl T. Half hours with the early explorers. PI 1 ' 8 3-90 437 37 \ 1 vii. 1 1 a, Count Goblet ./". Contemporary evolution of religious thought in Eng- lancl, America, and India. N. V., 1 SSo. 8° 201-102 Religious value of the unknowahle : ap pendix. In Harrison, F. and Spencer, II. Nature and realit} of religion. . 204 38 /Vlypios of Tagaste. Webb, Mrs. J. B. . 928AS \\iwas, Philip. Payne, E. I. ed. Voyages of t he Elizabethan seaman, pp. 209- 221 137 73 \m aiii 1 s I. iing of Spain, 1 ^ 1 3. 1 lin, N. Spain and the Spaniards, pp. 287-298. [Prim and Amadeo.] .... 146 V \M\i'is of Gaul. Lobeira, V. ir. bv Southey, R. 3 V 863 ; ■\mw\ society. Nordhoff, 1 . Commun- istic societies of the U.S. pp. 25-62, . 3389 6 AMATEUR Angler's days in Dove Dale. Marston, 1 ■'.. (Amateur Angler, pseud.) 7959-2 Amateur mechanic's workshop. Lukin, J. 670-6 Amateur microscopist. Brocklesby, I. . . 578-18 Amateur poacher. Jeffries, R 5S.1 52 Amateur theatricals. Baker, G. M The drawing room stage 785—2 Contents. — My brother's keeper. — Revolt of the bees. — Tender attachment. — Among the breakers. — Gentlemen uf the jury.— Seven ages. — Boston dip. — Duchess of Dublin. Exhibition drama 785-21 Contents. — Enlisted for the war Never -..\ die. — The champion of her sex.— The visions of freedom. — The merry Christmas ; or, the old woman who lived in a shoe.— The tournament of Idylcourt. — A thorn among roses. —A Christ mas carol. — - Globe drama 785-215 Contents. — Flowing bowl. — Better than gold. — Comrades. — Nevada; or, the lost mine.— l'a.i redemption. — Rebecca's triumph Am ati iiu, ,/. Mini' '■I John 1 > \ "! on the wat 'social stage I loaf \ 1 . 1 1 .... Iat< bona ... ' t'.sr little more Belle I Art "f amusing 1 aldor, \l I Social charades and par- lor operas 1 obb, M. I .. I dramas. . . . Dii 1 . V\ B 1 rost, S. A. and Tayloi \S . Whal shall we do to-nighl ? I iii kens, 1 . I lialogues from i 1 Fette, 1 1 8015 -,51 father's marriage. — An epoch in Mr wii It's life Sara Wellei unt of an tion Mi 1 ham- pctrc. Sam Wellcr's ph . isits his mothei 111 law.— Bob Sawyer's party, pts i and ■ Sam Well one. — The trial s.iiti Weller is ., witness Rival editors. — An incomp letter. — Widower. Inter view between Mi Picltwicl in ill ' Romantic adventure. — Pip's letter to Joe Gar- ger\ Vnglo Bengalee insurance compai board Mysterii f the insur Mark Tapley prop .1 . hange 1 fo cupation Mirk rapley returns to the Blue Dragon, pis. i and a.— Mrs. tiamp upon the moulds. — Mrs Camp on dut Mr- Gamp and Mrs Prig quarrel. — Walcini a lodger -Mr Swiveller goes into mournin] p restored tc 1 f his family . — Mar NOI : - Miss Monflather's boarding — Mr Squeers at the inn.— Practical education. — Mr Lillyvick's si I appointed expectations Mrs. No kleby's suitor. — John Hrowdie'> rhescare Popping the question. — Mr l'raddle's preparations for housekeeping. — The dearestgirl Mrs M Stinger's prisoner. — Bad news 2nd ser. Contents. — Merry Christmas. — Cricket on the hearth. — llattlc of life.— Two Clubs.— Pur- suit of knowledge. — The proposal. — Mr. Micaw- bcr's gauntlet. — Scenes in the fleet. — Mrs. Well er's will. — Miscellaneous, — Follen, E. L. ed. Home dramas for young people " Gill, W. 1 II.' as "S51-4 Howard, C.J. ed. Book of drawing room theatricals lieu s, J. B ama- teur acting Contents. — Trumped suit. - Courtship with variations.— Teacher taught. — Heredity.— Frank Wylde. Monroe. 1 .. B. ed. Public and parlor readings. [Dialogues and dramas.] . AMATEUR. AMERICA. AMATEUR theatricals, continued. — Private theatricals: being a practical guide for the home stage, by an olil stager. L., 1881. 12 785-75 — Steele, S. S. Drawing-room play--. . . . 7S5-82 — Venable, W. H. Amateur actor. . . S015-9 Contents.— Oberon and Titania.— Mrs. Willis" will.— Little Red-riding-hood.— Lady Penlwe.i- zel at the artist's.— Discomfited riv doctor.— Sentimentality.— Forest exiles.— Ner- val.— Matrimonial infelicities. — Country versus city.— The witty servant. — Quackery discov- ered. — Harvest storm. — Van Dunderman and his servants. — The heartless landlord. — Pedant. — Caratach and Hengo. — Surprised suitor. — Loves of Miss Tucker.— Chagrined authr.i — Father's sacrifice.— Pyramus and Thisbe. School stage 8015-91 AMATEUR trapper. Hauling. S 7968-5 Amateur's flower garden. Hibbard, S. . 7'5~45 Amazon, The. Dingelstedt, F. Amazon, The. Vosmaer, C. Amazon river. Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the river Amazon 481-17 — Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon, L. Explor- ation of the valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Depart- ment 48l-45 Mathews, E, D. Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers 4.S0-6 - Mulhall, M. G. Between the Amazon and the Andes 480-65 - Orton, J. Andes and Amazon 4S0-7 — Wallace, A. R. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro 481-9 Warner, J. E. Para 1 no on the Am- azon 481-91 Agassi/, L. Geological sketches. \. 2. '53-229 55°4-2 — See also South America. Brazil. Amazulu: the Zulus and Zululand. Jen- kinson, T. II. L., 18S4 9683-5 \\ii'iK. Hartwig, G. Subterranean world. pp. 449-457 553-43 Is, P. I.. I I prod of the sea. pp. 463-478 5895-7 1 k gods. Spofford, Mrs II. E. il'.i LEY, Viscount. See Russell, John. Fawcett, E. St., bishop ) 1, b. about 340-0'. 397. Thornton, R. St. Am- : his life, times and teaching. . . [16B2 Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers PP- 59-78 204-12 \. Posl Latin Fath- ■ • 2812-53 C. 1 e pp. 1 51. St. Ambro e and the union of chut 2702-5 • 1/ I: AMBUSHES and surprises. Malleson, G. B. 903-6 AMELIA (pseud.) See Welby, Mrs. Amelia B. Amelia; or, the triumph of piety. Phila., 1S74. 12°. Amelungen Lied. Wagner, W. R. Epics and romances of the Middle Ages. pp. 19-226 S3 1 5-9 Amenities of home. [Appleton's home books.] • . . . . 193-16 Amenities of literature. D'Israeli, I. . . . 804-35 America. Subdivisions : Antiquities. Bib- liography. Discovery. Geology. His- tory. Miscellaneous. Travel. Note. For fuller treatment of American sub- jects see various countries of North and South America. . Intiquities. — Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America, in notes on American archaeology 407-2 — Fontaine, E. How the world was peo- pled 573-37 — Morgan, L. 11. Ancient society. . . . 309-5 — Nadaillac, Marquis dr. Pre-historic America ... 407-7 Short, J. T. North Americans of anti- quity 407-8 — Lillie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. pp. 241-251 2933-5 — See also Mound-builders. Bibliography. — Bancroft, H. H. History of the north west coast, v. I. pp. xvii-xxxiii. . . 989-2 Robertson, W. History of the discovery and settlement of America, pp. 9-16. Catalogue of Spanish books and mss. on America 97°-" Discovery. — Banvard, J. Novelties of the New World. 970-2 — Bowen, B. F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1 170 A. D 970-22 Dalton, W. The New World and it> dis- coverers 97°-6 Stories ol the conquest of Mexico and Peru 9902-3 He Costa, B. 1. Pre-Columbian discov- ery of America by the Northmen. . . . 970-3 ro 1. T. Half-hours with the early ex- plorers 437-37 Hale, F. E. Stories of discover) told by discoverers 436-41 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America 4142-u Palfrey, J. G. Historj >i New England. 982-71 Payne, I I /. Voyages of the F.li/a- bethan seamen t" America 437-73 Rivcro, M . I ■'. dc and Tsi hinli, J, J, \ on. 1 • 1 in ■. tiquitie 40S5-8 Robertson, W. Historj of the di CO' nd etl lemenl 1 >l America 97°-7 AMKRICA AMI II' AMERICA, eontinu Smith, |. I. Northmen In New Eng- land; or, America in the [Oth y. 970 75 Tillotson, J. Golden Americas 992 9 Tytler, P. I . 1 [isl al 1 iew "f the progress of discovery oh the re north- ei b its ol America I7'~9 \ ining, E. I'. Inglorious 1 ol im bu . - 971 1 g 1 offin, 1 '. 1 '. Story ol 1 .ibei ty. pp ' 19 920-25 1 'u .hi, II. 1 '. I [eroes and main 1 science. pp. 7-66 1-16-3 Kingsley, 1 . Lectures delivered in America in 1874. pp. 65 07. First discovery of America 535E2 K neeland, S. \n Amei ii an in [1 eland. PP. - -| ; 23" 149' 5 — Verne, J. Exploration of the world, pt. .5. pp. 160-170 i;<> -u Noir. Accounts of the discovery of Amerii maybe found in the vari ■ histories ol thi ynited States, New England and Canada See also lives of Columbus, Curie/. De Soto, I a Salle, Pizarro, Raleigh V*i pui 1 i, and othi 1 explon 1 logy. Agassiz, 1 . Geological sketches. . . . 5504-2 I 'in. 1, J. D. Manual of geology. . . 550-29 Macfarlane, I. Am. geological railv guide 557 1 reikie, I I treal ii e igi . and its relal ion to the antiquity of man. pp. 380-399. 551-5 History. Banvard, J. Romance of American his- tory 974 22 — Boynton, C. I!. Foul great powei England, France, Russia and America. 929-2 1 1 1 ] > s , A. Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. . . 970 |8 — Robertson, W. History of the discover) and settlement of America 970-7 Miscellaneous. — Disturnell, J., ed. Influence of climate in North and Smith America 551 56—3 — Godman, J. D. American natural his- tory 590-38 - Whately, Is. Historic certainties respei 1 ing the early history of America. . . . 667B5 — Barneby, W. II. Life and labor in the far, far west 470-13 — Baxley, II. W. What 1 saw on the west coast of North and South America. . . 439 16 — Stillman, J. D. 15. Seeking the golden lleece (; g 16 — Barker, Lady M. A. Travelling about. PP. 79-200 i39 1 1 A hi 11 \, continu, d. II. \. Sport in many ! PP. I'M S 8 7 \ Im ent, \ft 1 1 \ .1 1 1 1 ad 1 Amerii \ and I ranee : the influi n 1 . S. on France in the 18th ' entury. Rosenthal, I \ Ml I: h \ .1111! -.in bun 1. history, v. 3. | >. nol discovered by < lolumbus. ovei y of Amerii a by the en in the tOth I entury A -11 ii'. . The. James, 1 1., jr. erie Hut ton, I Booth, The elder and younger. Clarke, A. I! 1 1 iisliiii.ui. 1 11 |i itte. Waters, 1 . ].. 26564 Duff, 1/' . M, '1 1 Ireland, J. \. . . Fechter, Charles Albert. Field, K . . 340B4 I t, I ilwin. Barrett, I Jeffersons, The. Winter, W 513B2 American addresses; with a lecture on the study "f biology. Huxley, T. II. . . 575-51 Amerii :an at Bn iwn, J. J . . Ami tin in artist, pseud. S« Osborne, Laugh- ton. American authors for young folks. Harris. \ . I'. 1 1 si [8 \\ authorship: an essay. In win, P. Out .if the past. pp. 176-195. 430L5 American banker, pseud. See Patten, 1 B Ami ii' i\ b iron. I 'e Mille. J. Vmerii w battle-lyrics. English, T. D. Boys' 1 k ol American battle-lyric- American beaver and his works. Morgan, I- n 5993Si-6 American bicycler. Pratt, 1 . 1 ... 792-6 AMERICAN bird fancier. Browne. D. J. 7162-5 ■ can Board of Christian 1 "ieign Mis- sions. Anderson, R. Histi ry of mis. sions in India History of missions to the Oriental churches History of mission- to the Sandwich i 26969-2 — Rice. II. Nature and culture, pp. 191 202. Mission monument and its dedica- tion American botanist and florist. Wool. \ [CAN boyhood. Hi. Idle. H. P. . . 1; \ [CAN cardinal. I.eavitt, J. M. [CAN chess-players' handbook. Mean American citizens' manual. Ford, v. pts. I and 2 Same, pt. I, only 3207-41 AMERICAN colleges and the American public. Porter, N AMERICAN. 38 AMERICAN. American colleges: their students and work. Thwing, C. F 37 8 7~ 8 American comments on European question-., international and religious. Thompson, J. P 884E5 American commonwealths series Si a H. E., ed. California. Royce, J 9 8 94~7 Connecticut. Johnston, A 9S26-5 Kansas. Spring, L. \V 9881-8 Kentucky. Shaler, N. S 9859-8 Maryland. Browne, W. II 0842-25 Michigan. Cooley, T. M 9^74-3 New York. Roberts, E. II. 2 v. . . 983-75 Oregon. Barrows. W 9895-2 Virginia. Cooke, J. E 9845-3 AMERICAN conflict: a history nf the great re- bellion in the U. S. of America. 1S60-65. Greeley, H. 2 v 9781-37 Ameru in conspiracies. Victo 0. J. . 34 6 7~9 AMERICAN convent as a school for protest- ant children 116A8 American cottage builder. Bullock, J. . . 728-23 American cottage life. [Poems.] Upham, T. C 9'«C5 American debater. McElligott, J. N, . 8001-6 American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. Schuyler, E 3 2 77-7 A .11 in IN di nigh; player. Spaytrh, H. . . 790-7 American electoral system. O'Neil, C. A. 32473-6 American elocutionist and dramatic reader. Lyons, J. A., ed. 801-58 American eloquence : collection of speeches ' and addresses. Moore. F., ed. . . , . 8152-6 American entomology. Say, T 5957-8 American evangelist: D. L. Moody and I. 1). Sahkey in ('neat Britain and Ireland Hall, J. and Stuart, G. H 254-5' American explorations in the ice v m Nourse, J. E 498-7 American explorer-.. Higginson, T. W. . 970-4 American family in Paris. N. Y., 1869. 16° 4443" 12 American farm book. Lewis, K, L. andh.F. 630-13 American flower-garden directory. Buist, R 715-2 American forest. Hawks, F. 1 7H-55 American foundry practice. We I I 1 671-9 American four-in-hand in Britain. Carnegie, A 442-21 \ I. . 634-9 game. Herbert, H. W. .- . . . 796-45 issistant. Bridgeman, I 635-16 Ami. m AS gentleman's guide, n. t. p. 16 . 395-15 1. Trafton, A. . . . 4 n 1 n ege. Andei ion, I >, S. I.. (Sola, American girls' handy book. Beard, L., and A. B American girls' home-book of work and play. Campbell, H American grainers' hand-book. N. Y., 1 S72. S° "■ American grape growing and wine making. Husman, G American horse book : containing treatment of diseases of the horse; also remarkable performances of trotting horses of Amer- ica. Chicago, 1878. 4 American horsewoman. Karr, Mrs. E. . American house-carpenter. Hatfield, R. G. American Hoyle. Dick, W. B American in Iceland. Kneeland, S. . . . American institutions. Tocqueville, A de. American Jockey Club. Fairfield, F. G. Clubs of New York. pp. 167-201. . . American juror. Wilson, H. B American kennel and sporting field. Burges, A American kitchen gardener. Fessenden, T. G. Bound with Saxton's Rural hand books AMERICAN mechanic and working man. Alexander, J. W American men of letters series. Warner, < '. D., ed. Cooper, J. Fenimore. l.ounsbury, T. R Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Holmes, O. W. Franklin, Benjamin. McMaster, J. B. Fuller, Margaret, countess Ossoli. Hig- ginson, T. W Irving, Washington. Warner, C. I >. . Poe, Edgar Allen. Woodberry, G. E . Ripley, George. Frothingham, O. B. . Thoreau, Henry D. Sanborn, F. B. Webster, Noah. .Scudder, H. E. . . . Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Beers, II. A. AMERICAN merchants, Lives of. Hunt, F. . AMERICAN Metrological Society. Barnard, I . A. P. Imaginary metrological sys- tem of the great pyramid of Gizeh. From the proceedings of the American Metrological Society AMERICAN notebooks, Passage>. from the. I lawthorne, N American notes. Dickens, C with Pictures from Italy American orator's own book. N. Y., 1855. 12° 1 1 11 w oratoi ) ; or, selei tions from the speeches of eminent Americans, com- piled by a Member of the Phila. Bar. Phila.,1873. 8° American owl, Travels of an. Johnson, V, \\ 746-15 786-24 698-15 6345-45 636-17 6364-5 694-4 787-4 4491-5 3207-88 367-4 3455-9 . 798-2 7162-5 3368-15 246B4 3'7B5' 381B37 388B3 507B4 740BS 788B9 885B5 93iB3 954B9 41238-4 4031-3 458B4 473-28 445-29 Boi 1 ; 8152-2 517-525 AMERK \\ v> \MES Amf.ri< \-. party. Sons of 1 1 1 . in I In i.ii v "i Mi.- 1 1 e, progress and de itinj ol the American party 3 2 95-4 \mi i i. i -. patriotism. Bishop, P. P. . . . 3207-22 \ mi mi \\ |icnnian. I law linn in . I \1111n in political economy. Bowen, I i3°-24 American political ideas. Three lectun delivered at the Royal Institution of Greal Britain in May, 1880. Fiske, J. 5207-37 American political philosophy. Taylor, J. s s< 't v i \\i 1 i:n \\ politii 1. in I 1 awford, F. M American | »« .1 i t i. -. History of. Johnston A. Not* Sm atso t Inited Si American popular speaker. Sypher, J. R. 801 9 American poulterer's companion. Bement, ('. N 638-2 American Presbyterianism. Briggs, C. A . 2851-25 \Miih w printer. Mackellar. T 656-5 AMERICAN Protectionists' Manual. Stebbins, G I' 3353 7 American religion. Weiss, J 204-95 VMERICAN republic. Brownson, O. A. . . 52073-2 American rose culturist. N. v., 1852. 12 . [n Saxton's Rural hand hooks. 2nd. ser 7162-5 American sanitary engineering. Philbrick, Is 628 58 \ mi 1 tn 1 ■ ■,.■!, ttor. Trollope, A. Ami in w shepherd. Morrell, L. A. . . . 6375-6 American socialisms, History of. Noyi 1 11 ;; v " 7 American society. Towle, G. M. . . 47.; ns Ameru \n sportsman. Lewis, E. J. . . . 791 1 Ami RII an standard of excellence, as revised by the American Poultry Association, 1883, giving a description of all the rec- ognized varieties of fowls. 1SN5. 12°. Same. 1886. 12° AMERU \\ state and American statesmen. Dbc. W. (. 3207-3 American state constitutions: a stud their growth. Hitchcock, H 34035 I Vmerican statesman: a political hisl iri Young, A. \V i'ii AMERICAN statesman: Daniel Web Banvard, J 930B6 AMERU IN statesmen series. Morse, John T.. ed. Adams, John. Morse. J. T 107B23 Adams, John Quincy. Morse, J. T '07B5 Vdams, Samuel. Hosmer, J. K. . . . 107B7 Calhoun, John C. Hoist, H. von ... Gallatin, Albert. Stevens. J. A. . . . I.01B5 Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge. H. C. 4 5 2 1 i 1 Henry, Patrick. Tyler. M. C 1 ii - i Jackson, Andrew. Sumner, W. G. . . 510B5 Jefferson, Thomas. Morse, J. T. . . . 513B4 Madison, James. Gay, S. H Marshall, John. Magruder, A. B. 614B7 . ontinued. Monroe, James. ' rilman, 1 I ' M01 ris, ' rouvei tii I II ; ■ 1 odge, II' Union. V W. I- . P. ' entur; 1876. pp. 133 157. • ■ ' ■ em tman, I ■ ' .5207-77 1 aphj . .'i 1 nd illustrai ii [. B Ameru \ . rraci Society. Noble, w I P. Centurj of gospel work. pp. 158-171. 277-7 VMERICAN trotting horse. Harvey, E. In 1 iw net 's • vc lopedia. pp. 503-583 ' [1 \n trotting register. Wallace, J. I! 0505 ■• \ M 1 1 [1 \ ■, I linn nick, J. 1 >. s oi-74 feed and u seful plan 11. \\ American wild-fi rig. Long, J. \V. 7061-0 \ mi 1; 11 w woman in Europi I 1 bino, Mrs. s. R Ami uii an h home . or, prim iples of domi B I ecn defended. ' 'offin, R. I ' lub. Fair Held, F. G. I lubs of New \ 01 1. pp. 202-214 \ 1 , \ . jr.. M. />. Sex in industry: 1 . , the working girl. B., 1 i 16° 31 Vmes, Danii 1 Alphabets, adapted to the use of architects, engravers, engine. ists, sign-painters, draughtsmen. \ \ . n. 1. I2 C Amis. Fisher, American orator and stalest />. i-jS-i/. 1S08. Speech on the British treaty. In Americai 121 81522 Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 16. pp. [90. [Review of works.] B18 27 Harsha, D. A. Most eminent orators and -men. pp. 338-352 4'o-s4 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence. I. pp. 91-117 Thaj er, I B Fish 1 'n Homes of American statesmen. AMES. — 40 \MLSEMENTS. Ames, Mary Clemmer. See Hudson, Mrs. Mary Clemmer. Ames, Mrs. Xelly, pseud. Sec Kirk, Elea- nor. Amestown, Ohio. Hildredth, S. P. Mem- oirs of the early settlers of Ohio. pp. 421-427 4I27I-4 AMHERST, Jeffrey, baron, British Juki-mar- shal, b. ijij-d.ijyj. Lodge, E. Por- traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 105-108 411-65 AMICIS, Edmondo de, Italian writer, b. 1846. Constantinople. N. V., 187S. 12 . . 4496] ; — Cuore : an Italian school boys' journal. X. V.. 1887. 12° M7A2 — Holland and its people. X. Y., [881. I2 ° 4492-13 Military life in Italy: sketches. X. \ .. 1881. 12° 94508-1 - Morocco: its people and places. N. Y . 1882. 12 464-15 — Spain. X. Y., 1881. 12 440-1.; — Studies of Pari-.. X. Y.. 1879. '"'• ■ ■ 444j-'4 Contents.— The first day in Paris.— A glance at the exposition. — Victor Hugo. — Emile Zoia. —Pari* Amiel, Henri-Frederic. Journal intime; tr. with introduction and notes by Ward, Mrs. El. I.., [885. 12 . ....... N44-2 Ammf.N, Daniel. Atlantic coast. X. Y., [882. 12°. [Navyinthe civil war. v. 2] 9782 in Am men, Jacob, brig, gen., b. 180S. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 901-90;. . 9697 7 Am.miam sMarcellinus. Roman history, dur- ing the reigns of the emperors 1 !onstan- tius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens. L., 1.S62. 12 8789 6 Among mj I ks. Lowell, J. R 588E1 Among mj books. Reed, W. B. . 783E1 Among our sailors. Jewell, J. G 651 1 Vmokg the- Alaskans. Wright, J. Mi V (.798 9 Among the Arabs: a narrative of adventures in Algeria. Naphegyi, G ( . . =, 6 Among the Arabs: adventures in the di [Travels in Arabia.] N. Y.,n. d. (6°. 459 \\ Among the 1 arbonari. Stebbing, 1 .. Among the hills. Poynter, I I hills, and other poems. \\ hit- 1 '■ 9481 1 \mong the holy hill I it Id, II. \l. . 1^58-34 Vmo 1 •, pt. \\ hatelj .M.I y < [ndian . 1: II, 1 II, A. 9707 iN Amo 1 .. , d, W. O. ■■ the lav* I. : 1 ... 1 he Wynds. 1 ' '641-5 1 ' 111111)111, J. . ! Among the pines; or, south in secession time. Gilmore, J. R. (E. Kirk, pseud.) Among the Sioux of Dakota. Poole, D. C. 9707-7 Among the Spanish people. Rose, II. I. . 446-8 Among the stars. Smith, M. L. G. ... 523-8 Ami inc. the stars; or, wonderful things in the sky. Giberne, A 5 2 3~4 AMONG the FStchas of Central Asia. L., 1 6°. Vmongst the Shans. Colquhoun, A. R. . 4534-3 Amoor river. Atkinson. T. W. Travels in regions of the Upper and Lower Amour. 455—13 - Collins, P. McD. Overland explorations. 1864 45 2 9-25 Voyage down the Amoor 4529-26 A also A^ia. Siberia. AMORY, Martha B. Domestic and artistic life of John Singleton Copley: with no- tices of his works and reminiscences ol his son, Lord Lyndhlllst. B., 1882. 8°. 246B6 Amis, Sheldon. Political and legal reme- dies for war. X. Y., 1880. 12°. . . . 3413-2 — Primer of the English constitution and government. L., 1S86. 12° 3461-14 Science of law. N. Y., 1874. 12°. Same 1885 3402-15 — Science of politics. N. Y., 1S83. 12°. . 320-15 Amphitryon; or, Jupiter in disguise. Plau- tns, T. M. Comedies, v. 2. pp. 1-62. 8723—7 AMUSEMENTS. Subdivisions: 1. Utility and morality. 2. In-door and out-door amusements. 1 . I 'tility and morality. — Crane, J. T. Popular amusements, with an introduction by E. S. Janes '95-j Haydn, H. C. Amusements in the light of reason and Scripture 195-45 Ynss, L. C. Amusements and the Chris- tian life in the primitive church and in our day 2571 8 Beecher, II. W. Lect. to young men. pp.215 2 5 1 - [Popular amusements.] . 248 i| Bushnell, II. Sermons on living Sllb- Pl :, I 196 ' Croly, J. C. Jennie I uueiana. pp. 167— 1S4 ■ , , I Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Stumbling-blocks, pp. 260-299. . . 204-37 Gladden, W. Applied Christianity, pp. 248-283 2571. 3 Plain thoughts on the .111 "I living, pp. 169 186 107 33 ( .1.11,1, A. Com 11 11 ' 1 ience. pp. ' 1 . -' 5 1 502-14 I lolland, J. ( .. E\ ery-daj topii . 1st 1 1 pp. 258 280 }*;l'^ |, jrons, W. x . Mel hod . ol ocial re- form, pp 1 -'7 3°4-55 Wll SEMENTS. I' Ami i.ii .1 , ontinUi | ' . iS; 208 Phelps, A. Mj | folio, p] '87. •'" i , In-door an, I out-door amu Beard, I A. B. \ tner. girls' handy I- 7 1" is Beeton, S. O, Book ol nts. ;M> i6 Belleu , l' - I'ii loi amu ements. . . . 786 2 1 Book "I ridd le and in e linn, 1 amusements ;*>> 4 Boj ; own book: a complete encyclopa J 1.1 of sports .mil past ime . Uhletic, ii nut iii, , .iii'l recreati e 780-25 i'i n in , E. E, and Si 1 1 bnei , I .. B. I'.n I'n \ .11 Mi ies 785 j; 1 lampbell, 1 1. \nni . girls' home of work and play 786-24 Gill, W. F. 11 recreatioi . . . 7851-4 Peppei . I II Si "'ii 1 ific amusements foi j oung peopli 5302-6 I'I hi, he, 1'". D., ed. Amusemi 'ill 1 inl 786 59 P ling pictui es : being pictorial re- busses and theii hi wers. Bound with Planche, F. D, \. ./. Amusement without end Sherw I, M. I ■'. W. Home amuse- ments 786-7 1, 1 I I : 11 "III and young 7 s " 75 ed. Populai for field and fire- — Smith, II. Festivals, games and am ments 7N" 8 Steele, S. s . Di roi im pla j and imusements 785 82 — Valentine, Mrs. Young ladies' home hook 786-91 Williams, H. T. and Frost, S. A. Even- ing amusements "86-95 — Wilson, O. I.. Parloi varieties 785-95 — Yates, E. Business of pleasure. 2 v. . 442] — Chase, A. W. Recipes, pp. 62S-63S. . 603-25 Mackarness, Mrs. II. Young lady's book. pp. 270-463 603-48 — See also Amateur theatricals. Archery. Billiards, Boating. Camping. 1 Fairs. Games. Fishing. Horseman- ship. Hunting. I. awn tennis. Magic. Physical culture. Rowing. Swimming. Trapping. Whist. Yachting. \ M 1 t R 1 . I, mii facque . >fessor of i literature, Ik 1S00-1/. 1864. Hamerton, P. G, Modem Frenchmen, pp. ! 4105-4 Amy and Marion's voyage around the world. Adams, S. B 4374 1 1 Am\ i an . i Iheesbro, C 22 1 , V I Amy Hi M. Fren 1 , 1 ■. 11 1 boyhood. p| An aba , J. S. tr h vrsis. Fenel 1 d le L. Live "i 1 tncient phili pp. 107-112 \ .1 1 1 Greek lyri lit B. < . 563-1/. 47S. Elton, C. A. Spe the 1 I ts. v. I. 165 1 - 7001-3 Moore, I Poetical works, v. I. \<\>. 51-147. [Odes of Anacreon.] .... ANAHEIM, California. Nordhoff, I muni if the United Slates. |6l 3«5 Analoi course of nature. Butler, 1 239-24 An VI a SIS. Set • . analysis. Analysis of American law. Powell, T. W. 3432-6 Analysis of English histor; , W. A 9301-85 Analysis of English words. Sandei and McEIligOtt, J. N 115-.S IS "I Mr. Mill's system of i ling, \\ 189-85 ANALYS] il [lament. ' harncteristics of styles. Wornum, R.N 745—0 ANALYSIS of the phenomena of the human mind. Mill. .1 1S0-63 Analytic elocution. Zachos, J. 1 . N30-98 An vi ', 1 ;, I 1 hui er, I. ... 531 Anari 1 1 1 - ni . Laveleye, I I le. I pean terror. /nCoan, T. M -~> >cial problems, pp. 19S-22S 304-2S An vm v-i: 5; or, memoirs of r. Greek. Hope, T. Anatomy. Alcott.W. A. The house t live in; or. the human body 612-14 Cutter, C. Treatise on anatomy, plr ogy and hygiene Hitchcock, E. and E. jr. Elementary anatomy and ph — Huxley. T. II. Manual of anatom; vertebrated animals 596-4 — Le Pileur, \. Wonders of the human body — Loomis, J. K. Elements of anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the human system Mace, Kan. History of a mouthful of bread ; and its effect on the organiza- tion of men and animals — Martin. II. N. The human body. ... 61: — Owen. K. An. Homy of vertebrates. ANATOMY. — 42 ANDERSEN. An \n 1 mi , continued. — Parker. W_K. and Bettany, G. T. Mor- phology of the skull 61 11 1-7 — Crosby. A. B. Anatomy of the violinist, ( He Bull : his pose and method of hold- ing the violin. In Bull, S. C. ' He Bull: a memoir, pp. 329-340 [92B1 — Holmes, O. W. Soundings from the At- lantic, pp. 282-327. The human wheel: its spokes and felloes 483E8 Joyce, I. Familiar introduction to arts and sciences, pp. 301-402 504-48 Trail, R. T. Hydropathic encyclopedia. PP- 53-234- 6t57-9 — See also Animal mechanism. Brain. Com parative anatomy. Histology. Heart. Microscope. Natural history. Nerves. Physiology. Also Art, artistit anatomy. Anatomy of melancholy. Burton, K. . . 1733—2 Anatomy of negation. Saltus, E 1696-78 ANAXAGORAS, Creek philosopher, b. B. C. 500- d. 428. Blackie, J. S. Lays ami le- gends of ancient Greece. p. 194. . . 160C2 — Fenelon, F. de S. de L. Lives of the an- cient philosophers, pp. 130-137. . . 418-3 Anchored. Bates, L -139A12 Ancient America. Baldwin, I. D 407-2 1 si and modern furniture and w I- work. Pollen. J. 11 749~7 1 NT cities; from the dawn to the day- light. Wright. W. B 401-9 Ani iin 1 cities of the New World. Charnay, D 4072-3 Ancient city. Coulanges, [•'. i-- tory. X. V'., 1879, 12 . Same. V V.. 1S69 905-15 — Pictorial school histon of the I niled States. X. Y., 1S75. 12° .1- ; 1 | rd. Bloss, C. A. Ancient history. . . 010-2 Andi rson, |o ;eph, //./'. Pagan lime • : Bronze and s '' I khni'l !• ' 1 tires in archaeology, 1SS2. j . Amu rson, Mai \ . h" ri, an t, It ter, W. Stage lift ol Marj son Matth 1 I. 1 1 Britain and the I 1 -i. . \ DEI I 1 1 American girl and her four years in a boy's 1 ollege. X. V., 1878. Andi rsi in, Rasmu B 1846. Amer- ica n"i discovered by Columbus: an historical sketch of the discovery of Amei ica by thi ' n In the ti . with an appx. on the histoi 1 cat, linguistic, literary and value ol the Scandinavian languages, 1 I aph) "I the pn 1 olumbian discoveries of America, by P. I!. Wat- son. Chicago, 1883. 12 \nise mythology : containing all the 1 1 1 > ths of the Eddas. Chicaj 12° Younger Edda : al ed Snorre's 1 la, "i the Prose Edda; an English \ ersion of the Forev .liny of Gylfe ; the Afterword; Brage's talk, the Aftei word ol Bi age's talk, and the important passages in thi etical diction (Skaldskaparmal) ; with an introduction, notes, vocabulary and index. < Ihics 1 ■ ■ 12 and Bjarnason, Jon. Viking tales ,,f the North. Sagas of rhorstein, Viking's son, and Fridthjof the bold; from the Ii eland ii Also, TegneVs Fridth Saga, tr. bj Stephens. Chicago, 1^77 12° . . \\i'i rson, Robert, gen.. Sumter, i. 1805-1/. 1871. Reyes, I . D. Fifty years' observation of men and events, pp. 367-374 1 Sumter, Ft. Anderson, Rev. Robert, . vman. \c'.le. K. The closing scene. v. I. PP. ^ s ' ?"4 Anderson, Rufus, O. /'. Foreign sions : their relations and claims. V Y., l.Soo. 12 Histor) of the missions of the A. !'• I . I. M. in India. I;.. [8j . . Historj "t the missions of the A. B. C. F. M. i" the oriental churches. B., 1875 72. 12 - History .d" the mission of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Sandwich Islands. H.. 1870. 12°. Same. I'... 1S74 .... ■ 970-15 295-2 8396-2 532B1 WDERSON. 44 — ANDREW S Anderson, Samuel. Survey of Palestine. In Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Re- covery of Jerusalem, pp. 34i-3 7 ■ • 2212-9 Anderson, Thomas M. Political conspir- acies preceding the rebellion ; or, the true stories of Sumter and Picker N. V., 1882. 8° 9784-14 Anderson, Wm., popular preachet b. 1800. Gilfillan, G. Modern litera- ture and literary men. v.2. pp. 292-302. 41S-43 Anderson, Wm. On the conversion of heat into work : a practical hand-book on heat-engines. L., 18S7. I2 C . . . 5368 15 Andersonville prison, Ga. Goss, \\ . L. Soldier's story of his captivity at Ander- sonville 9802-4 — Spencer, A. Andersonville 9802-S Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South. pp. 192-206 9802-12 Andrews, S. The South since the war. pp. 301-317. Great military prison of Georgia 475~'4 — See also U. S. historj . . ivil war. ANDERSSON, ( arl Johan, Swedish explorer, b. i82/-44~4 Andrews, Fanny. A family secret. Phila., 1876. 8°. ANDREWS, G. II.. C. E. Rudimentary iii.ii isi agi ii uli in .d engineering. 3 v. ill one. 1... 1S52. l6° 011 Cont' ';t' v i Building M01 ive pow .1 mil machinery ol 'I"' iteading 1 es and implement ANDREWS. i AM.' I«, | I- \ i i i 'a s, ii. P. Si ■• ten . to I - gi c.i i truths illustrated. V Y., I 24° • . . 118A45 Andrews, James Pettit, English hi . '737 d. 1 7>»7- AiH.i dote , eti ancient and modern, with observations. I... 1789. 12" S077-14 Andrews, Jane. 1 u h and .ill ; or, how the ieven little sisters prove their sisterhoi A companion to "Seven little sisters." B., 1S78. 16 [18A48 Geographical plays. B., [880. 16°. . . 4207 i( — Only a year, and whal il brought. B., 1888. 12° H8A5 Seven little sisters who live on the n und balltli.nllM.it in 1I1, .111. B., 1861. 16°. [18A53 -Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago i" now. B., 1886. 16°. . . [18A55 Vndrews, John \. History of the Sabbath .iml firsi daj of the week. BattleCreek, Mich., (873. 12 2591 2 VNDR] W s, John V\ . I hur< h law : suj tions mi the law of the Protestanl Episcopal church in tin- V. S. of Amei ica : its sources and scope. Columbus, 0., [883. 12° 1424-2 Vndr] w s, Ntiinirl, I God's i .". elations of himsell to men as successively made in the Patriarchal, Jewish ami Christian dispensations, and in the Messianic king- dom. V \ .. 1S86. 8° 232 12 — Life of our Lord upon earth. X. Y.. lS 7i - s ' 2.329-1.5 Andrews, Sherlock J., judge, b. iSoi-. 1812-. Science of socie- ty. No. 1. True constitution of govern- ment in the sovereignty of the individ- ual as the final development of Protest- antism, democracy and socialism. No. 2. lost the limit of price : a sci- entific measure ol honesty iii trade one ol the fundamental principles in the solution of the social problem. X. Y.. |S .vl- 12° .V04-I.S. Andrews, Wm. A. A daring voyage across the Atlantic by two Americans, the brothers Andrews: with introduction and notes by Dr. Macaulay. I... 1SS0. I2 ° 4.w5->C> \ i'K 1 ,\ : or, 1 he fan Andi a ■ die pp 1 62 Asi'Kii 1 X, — joint author, Vilmorin, II. mi,/ Ami 1 ieux, . 'I he A.ndrom \< in En ripicli 1 2. pp. 127 159 8823-2 ROMEDA, daughtei 0) ill,- /Ethiopian Cepheu and Cassiopeia, Kingsley ' ' . pp. 181 210 Morris, L. Epii of Ha e pp. '7 I' [P in ■ ks, K. I\. I v, . 104. [Poem.] Andromeda. [A novel.] Fletcher, Julia C. 1 leming, pseud.) Andros, Thomas, American divine ami pa- triot, b. 1759 d. 1845. Howe, II. and death on the ocean, pp. 195-210. tivity of Thomas Andros.] . . . 437-4S Ami doti Uden, W. I.. Domestic ex- plosives Si X 1 1 . 1 1 ews, J. P. ' . ancient and modern 81 \ in 1 dotes illustrative of New Testament texts 2268 2 — Art and artists 7 Bat 1 ington, J. Personal si his own times 1 --|;- erdj ke, I I and 6 — Bigelow, L. I. Bench and bar 3409-2 Bombaugh, C. C. Hook of blunders. . 8077-16 Literature of kissing 8076-21 Book of modern English anecdote-. . . S077-63 — Bowes, '.. s. Illustrative gatherings. . 253—2 Boyd, M. Reminiscences of fifty years. 1- Social gleanings 1 79! :s ■ Bungay, G. W. Temperance anec- dotes 19S-19 Bui ke. O. [. Anei dotes of the ( on- naught circuit 94107-2 — Clark. B. F. Mirthfulness and its , 1 iters Clergy of America 2509-3 — Clergymen and doctors: curious facts and characteristic sketches S077-1S Crabtre, A. D. Funny side of ph} Craft-. W.I. 1 : the text-hook of the age ] dia of anecdotes 80; Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature. . S04 l-'arrar. E. W. Recollect ions of seventy years rney, I. W. Anecdotes of public men 4 1 2-4 itt, \V. C. ed. Anecdotes and rem- iniscences of illustrious men and men of modem times. . . - -- ANECDOTES. 46 ANGELIC. Anecdotes, continued. — Hood, E. P. World of anecdote : a col- lection of facts, incidents and illustra- tions of ways of doing good, adventure, science, etc 8077 441 Words, thoughts and deeds in the lives of men, women and books. . . . 8077-442 Martyrs, the Bible, prayer, etc. . . 8077-443 Christian life, preachers and preach- ing, and noble women 8077-444 — Hook, T. E. Choice humorous works. 827-62 — Invention and discovery 507-4 — Ireland, W. H., ed. Napoleon anecdotes. 665B7 — Jackson, T. Curiosities of the pulpit. . 2509-5 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about doctors. . 4167-5 — Jennings, G. H., ed. Anecdotal history of the British parliament 32842-4 — Keddie, W., ed. Cyclopedia of literarj and scientific anecdote 8077-5 — Kennedy, P., ed. Book of modern Irish anecdotes 8077-52 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopedia of commer- cial and business anecdotes 8077-55 — Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. . 826-54 — Mair, J. A., ed. Modern Scotch anec- dotes 8077-6 Marcv. k. B. Border reminiscences. . 47S-604 Melancholy anatomized 1733-21 - Milledulcia: a thousand pleasant things. [Selected from Notes and Queries.] . . 8077-62 Modem English, Irish and Scotch anec- dotes 8077-63 1 ]y, 1*. L. Anecdotes and incidents. Bound with Best thoughts and dis- courses 254-53 Moore, £ .. ed. Anei dotes, poel 1 j and incidents of the war : North and South, i86o-'65 980-6 Morrill. J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons 410-78 Morrow, A. ('.. ed. Best thoughts and discourses of D. L. Moody: with anec- dotes and temperance talks 254—53 Naval anecdotes 3594-63 Neal, J. Great and little plagues 372-7 — Omens and superstitions 1 74—7 Percy, R. mid S., ,•-. The Pen anec- So 7 7 7 I 1 D. Incidents and anec- hi civil war 980-7 Put D 1 Law and lawyers. . . . 3409-7 Rogers, S. Recollections of the table tall which is na 792El II Mi 1- of advertising. . '.589-7 ■ ■II, J, Vlemoi ■ i 1 il :n 1 and artist, 758-7 Anecdotes; continued. — Sargent, L. M. Dealings with the dead. ...» 393-7 — Scientific illustrations and symbols. . . 507-77 — Sheeley, A., ed. Anecdotes and humors of school life 3708-8 — Smith, Sol. Theatrical management. . 782-7 — Smith, Steph. Romance and humor of the rail 652-75 — Spence, J. Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men. . . 8077-8 — Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, etc 758-8 Starling, k Noble deeds of woman. . 413-8 Taylor, J. Fast life on the modern high- way : being a glance into the railroad world 652-8 — Thackeray, YV. M. Thackerayana : notes and anecdotes 828-898 — Timbs, J., ed. Century of anecdotes. S077-88 Modern legal anecdotes 3409-8 Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war 980-9 — Tucker, T. VY. Waifs from the way-bills of an old expressman 652-S5 Wakeley, J. B. American temperance cyclopaedia 19S-92 Anecdotes of the Wesleys 938B2 Whittle, D. W., ed. Wonders of prayer. 244-9 — Woolever, A., ed. Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor 807-9 Anecdotes of a life on the ocean. Cow- ans, D 4374-34 Aneroid barometer: its construction and use. N. Y., 18S5. 24° 5334-2 See also Barometer. Ange. Lean, Florence (Marryatt). ANGEL, Henry. Practical plane and solid geometry. L. 16° SU-'S Same. Hound with Plummer, J. I. I11- troduction to astronomy 520-74 Angel. See <>ko Angell. \ <;ki. and the demon. Arthur, 1. S. \ (1 1 1 .children. Higgins, C. M 47>Ai ■\m.ii iii the In. use: the betrothal. Pal- more, C. K 7'7Ci V.1.11 in the house: the espousals. Pat- more, C. K 7 1 71 2 \ m.i 1 -Messiah of Buddhists, Essenes and 1 In 1 il. in-, lie Bunsen, E 290-35 \ 1 1. of the iceberg. Todd, J 890A7 1 . 111 •■- from the ipiril « 01 Id. I av. n nee, J '76-58 \ ...ii 1 Bolanden, t . \ on. Bound II. .linden, < '. von. Progressionists. \ iin wisdom concerning the Divine idem e, Sv. edenborg, E 2894 7 1 ■■ ■ mi h is, 1. .in erning 1 he I " 1 ine Love and Wisdom. Swedenborg, E. . 2894 7 \\<;i;uco. -47 - ANIMA1 - Am. i i [i o, Fra Gio' Guido, or, Guid oli li Piel i " . i ailed also Fra Gii .nun .1.1 F'iesole and II Beato( Italian painter, o. 1387 1/. 1455. Sweetser, \l I FraAngelico [Artists biographies ., ,.| 118B6 I loremu , S D Greal lights in 51 ulp lure and painting, pp. 80-82 117 I lames \. (M.J Mini .1 .-,11 [j Italian painters, pp. 89-94 41 75—5 Keddie, II [S. Tj tier, es ud.) Old ma ters and their pictures, pp. 36 40. Am. 1 1 1 I.. B. "1 low I was ed i-d" papers, pp. 102 111 3704-41 Same. In College and the church. . . 3704-4 Am. 1 1 1 . John. Elements of animal physi- ology, chiefly human. N. Y., n. d. 16° 612-16 \ m.i 1 1 . .s' Palgrave, I. History of the V Saxons 931-67 - Taylor, E. Tales from the history of the Saxons 9318-75 Turner, S. History of the \m - from the earliest period to the Norman conquest. 3 v Wright, I I he- Celt, the Roman and the Saxon 406-9 Milman, H. II. History of Latin Chris- tianity, v. 2. pp. 175-235 2821 5 — See also England, history. Literature. Anglo-Sa ton. Angola and the river Congo. Monteiro, J- J 46 1 . 1 ' 1 it. 1 s ri Robin on, A. M. I . Mar- garet of Angoul i'ii 1 Italian aril it 1 5 jo ■/. 1620 1 llet, I . I Wo- PP 19-55 , Joseph Han I book of 1 he English I.., 11. d. 12° I I o 1 \ Man, a witness for Christianity. Faith and free ■ [< Ihris- Idenci eel tires.] . . . 232-25 Introdui tion, In Cramp, f. M. Baptist histor) 286-3 INIMAL cl i 547-53 — Same 631-438 Animal creal - [ones, T. R 59°-5i Animal intelligence. Romanes, G.J. . 5915-7 Animal locomotion. Pettigrew, J. B, . . 59147-7 Animal magnetism. Be mont, B Hallucinations. . 1742-2 — Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritual- ism, etc 177-2 Davis, A. I. Memoranda of persons, places and events 1 Delcu/e, |. 1'. F. Practical instru in animal magnetism 1 77—3 Fahnestock, W. B. Statuvolism ; or, ar- tificial somnambulism. 177-4 Grime-. J. S. Etherology ; or, the phil- I i of mesmerism and phrenology. N. Y., 1845 1 1 therology, and the phreno-philosophy of mesmerism and magic eloquence. . 1; Mysteries oi the head and heart. . . 170 45 Librar) oi mesmerism and psychology. . 17J Townsend, C. H. Facts in mesmerism. 177-9 Carpenter, W. B. Principles of mental philosophy, pp. 611-635 170-2 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture, pp. 134-144. Recent studies on hyp- in 451E1 ANIMAL mechanism. Griscom, J. II. An- imal mechanism and physiology. . . 1 -- ; Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. . . . 50147-0 Pettigrew, J. 1>. Animal locomotion. . . 59147-7 Holmes, O. W. Soundings from the lantic. pp. 282-327. The human wheel ; its spokes and felloes Animal parasites and messmates. Beneden, P. J. van 59165-2 Animal physiology. Carpenter, W. B. . AniMAI plagues: their history, nature and prevention. Fleming, G °3°-37 Animals. Achard, I. \. E, Hist, of my friends ^905-1 5 Aristotle. Hist, of animals, tr. by K. Cresswell 590-12 Bigland, J. Natural hist, of animals. . 590-15 ANIMALS. 48- ANNE. Animals, continued. - Bilby, T. Book of animals 59°5- 2 — Brown, — . Anecdotes of animals. . . . 59°5 _2 5 — Brown, T. Habits and characteristi animals and birds 59°5 -2 4 — Clark. D. Vf.,ed. Traitsand anecdotes of animals 5905-28 — Clark, 11. |. Mind in nature 5901-33 — Cupples, Mrs. Geo. Singular creatures. . 5905-3 — Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions in man and animals '795~J Variation of animals and plants under domestication 575~ 2 7 — Fleming, G. Animal plagues 636-37 — Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological myth- ology. 2 v 29OI-44 Half hours with the animals 5905-4 — Hamerton, I'. 1.. Chapters on animals. 5904-4 — Harting, J. E. British animals extincl within historic times 599-4 — Hawks. F. L. Natural hist.; or, Uncle Philip's conversation with the children about tools and trades among the inferior animals 59'5~4 — Hehn, V. Wanderings of plants and ani- mals from their first home 589-45 — Ileilprin, A. Geographical and geologi- cal distribution of animals 59111-43 Helps, A. Some talk about animals and their masters. . 5904-44 Hibberd, S. Clever dogs, horses, etc. . 5005-43 — Hooker, W. Child's book of nature, pt. 2 504-46 — Jackson, T. Our dumb neighbours. . . 5905-49 Stories about animals 59°5~5 Kingston, W. H. G. Stories of animal sagacity 5005-51 Kirliy, W. On the power ami goodness of God, as manifested in the creation of animals 59 1-4 I - e, M> . R. \n.-i dotes "f tin- habil - and instincts of animals 5905-55 Menault, E. Intelligence of .mini.il-. . . 5915-6 rt, St. G. The cat : an introd. to the study of backboned animals, especially als 59987 6 V. S. Facts and phases of ani- mal life 5905-6 Packard, A. S.,y>. Life histories of ani- mals, including man 59'3~7 H i-i]'. 1 ks 'if natural i y 5905-05 ] M nl ii - irolution in ani- 5915-71 11. 1;. Queei little people. . . . 5905-86 Tenn and .inn^ of animi 500 S; ■ \. \. Natural histoi il animal 590-9 Animals, continued. — Ware, J. Philosophy of natural history. 5901-9 — Watson, I. S. Reasoning power in ani- mals 591 5—9 — Wood, J. G. Bible animals. ■-.... 22159-9 -Man and beast here and hereafter. . . 591 5—95 Petland revisited 5905-91 — Wright, E. 1'. Animal life 59°~97 — Fichte, J. G. Science of rights, pp. 495- 505. Concerning the nature of animals. 3402-4 — Huxley, T. H. Critiques and addresses. pp. 303-310. Genealogy of animals. . 502-49 — Smiles, S. Duty. pp. 542-365 194-81 — Wilde, J. F. S. Ancient legends, pp. 2- 120 3°4l-9 .Si, also Animal mechanism. Biology. Domestic animals. Natural history. Paleontology. Zoology, and the names of various animals. Anna Amalia. duchess of Saxe - Weimar. Gibbs, A.S. Goethe's mother. Corres- pondence of Catharine E. Goethe with Goethe, Eavater, Wieland, Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar, Friedrich Mm Stein and others 1.2 ul'.o Anna Clayton. Moore, Mrs. II. J 642A5 Anna Karenina. Tulstoi. Count I.. N. Anna Maylie. Pratt, Mrs. E. (F.) . . . . 338A3 ANNALS of a fortress. [Military engineer- ing.] Yiollet-le-Duc, E. E 6231-8 ANNALS "f a quiet neighborhood. Macdon- ald, G. Annals of .1 sportsman. Turgenieff, I. ANNALS of an eventful life. Dasent, G. W. Annals of rural Bengal. Hunter, W. W. . 9546-4 Annai s of the poor. Richmond. L. . . . 242-7 Annals of the rescued. Wightman, I. B. . 19S5-92 Annai. s of the Round Table, and other stories. Bingham, J. M 156A2 Annai s of the tractarian movement. 1S42- 1860. Browne, E. G. K 2839-2 Annan water. Buchanan. K. Anne, queen oj England, b. 1664-rf. 1714. \' Luiis, W. II I >. Good Queen Anne; H. men and manners, life and letters in I ngland's Augustan age. 2 v 0500-13 Ashton, J. Social life in the reign of en Anne 9369-17 Gerard, I. W. The peace of Utrecht. . 927-4 Morris, E. E. \m ..I \nne 9369-6 Stanhope, P. II. History of England. 1701- 1715 9369-8 Farmer, I.. IE Girl's book of famous pp. 26 3 282 413-3S 1 iftj famou women, pp. 301-305. . . . 413 \\ Jameson, \. (M.) Memoir ol 1 elebrated female overeigns. v. 2. pp. 82 125. . 415-5 Lodge, 1 . I'm traits uf illustrious person- age of Great Britain. \ . 7. pp ig |6 1 1 1 65 \\\l I'/ [ ED Anne, queen land, i">iti>.: Mi ickland, A Qui en ol I ngland. Kaufman, R., ed. v. 2. ; > ] > 1 1 1 1 1 V| Parker, C. t r///, /-. 150- rf. 1536 1 maun, P, \111n' Boleyn, 2 \ 1 71 \\± Bruce, I . Classit and historii portraits. pp 250-252 410-19 Fifty famous women pp, 207-300. . . 413—41 Froude, J. A, His il and othei sketches, pp. 17; 180. Coronation of Anne Boleyn 583E1 llalr. S. I I essons from women's lives. I -1 ■■ '7-25 M3 17 Herbert, II. W. Memoii \ of Henrj VIII ol England, pp. ;,2i ;6S 1.62691 Hewitt, M. E., ed. Lives of illustrious women of all ayes. pp. 177-199 m ; v> 1 1 idge, E. Portraits of illustriou - pei 51 >n agr . "I II I'.i 11. nil \ I |i|i. 27 J4. 411-65 Moore.T. Prose and verse, pp. 117 144. 645F.5 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 113— 121 410-9 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England, during the reign of Henrj VIII. pp. 64-157 4111-86 Queens of England. Kaufman. R.. ed. v. 1. pp. 37S-402 41 1 1-84 Parker, C. G., pp. 233-268. . . 4111-85 — See also Froude's England, v. 1-2. Lin- ganl's England, v. 4-5. ami other his- tories of England. Anne Boleyn. [Drama.] Baker, G. II. Plays and poems, v. 1. pp 11 2 ;6. 171C45 Anne, of Austria, wife of Louis XIII, regent of France, i. 1602-r/. 1666. Freer, M. W. Regency of Anne of Austria. I19B2 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. PP- 3°7-3" 410-19 — Bush, A. F. Queens of France, v. 2. pp. 108-143 41051-2 Anne, of Bohemia, 1st queen of Richard II, t, 1367-rf. 1394. Strickland, A. Queens of England. Kaufman. R.. ed. v. I. pp. 234-242 4IH-84 Parker, C. G., ed. pp. 134-139. . . 4111 v- ANNE, of Cleves, 4th queen of Hcmy VIII, b. 1 5 1 6-f/. 1557. Herbert, H. W. Memoirs of Henry VIII of England. pp. 391-412 462B91 Strickland. A. Lives of the queens of England during the reign of Henry VIII. pp. 17S-220 4IU-86 Queen,. if England. Kaufman. R.. ed. v. 1. pp. 409-421 4tl 1 S 4 Parkei. C. G., ed. pp.278 204. 4111 85 Froude, J. A. History of England, v. ;. =hap- '7 ... 935-4 of Denmark, queen 1 574 1/. i> 1] ■, 1 I II. Mem of the courl of England, during ol the Stuarts, v. 1 117. 1 land, \. Queei of Engl ind. Kauf- man, R., ed. V. 2. pp. I 1 ; 1 t ;. ;t l l - | Parker, 1 < ... <•. about Soo-d. 864. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe, pp. 151-171. [St. Anskar.] 4142-57 Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field, pp. 87-106 4140-9 ANSELM, S., archbishop of Canterbury, b. i033-. etc., see Fathers. ] Antediluvians and patriarchs. Kitto. |. . 2206-5 \n 1 1- 1 ■ 1 ( ton, J. I ). \nlelo]>e and deer of America 50071 2 - Jardine, \V.. ,-./. Naturalists library. \. 5 c '°-5 also Animals. Deer. Zoology. Lawrence, 1 . \ . Aviii" Conway, M. I >., ed 208-2 An 1 Hon, ( "has.. American classical scholar, b. 1797 ./. 1S07. Manual of Grecian an- N \ . 1852. 12° 4053-15 Manual of Roman antiquities, N. Y.. [874. 12° (Dili 17 \ s 1 ii"ny, St.. of Italy. Seven 1 hampiont -'I Christendom 382-8 Gilli pie, W. M \ nthony, 1 ii.i alii Gersl ner. In V ■ annual. pp. I36-I4I 1 1 ' ' 1 tanton, 1 C, Gage, M. J., eds 1 .3243—8 'ell. R 587 VN R. ',0oo- 1 An 1 111 Anthropomorphism. Spencer II. Illustra- tions of universal progress, pp. 440- 45' 142-83 An 1 'i-slavery. Sd- slavery. ANTI-tobacco. Livermore, A. A., andol hers. 1987—48 Antietam, Md., Battle of [1S62.] Palfrey, F. \V. Antietam and Fredericksburg. . 9781—19 Swinton, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, pp. 20S-225 07s, 8 - Twelve decisive battles of the war. pp. 139-1/7 978l o — See also Army of the Potomac. I . s 1 listory, civil war. Antignostikus ; or, spirit of Tertullian. In Neander, A. Planting ami training of the Christian church by the Apostles. . 2701-55 ANTIGONE. Sophocles. Tragedies. pp. 102-202 8822-6 Antilles. Ober, F. A. Camps in the Car- ihliees 4720S 7 An 1 in. lis. favorite of the Emperor Hadrian. Symonds, 1. A. Sketches and studies in So. Europe, v. 1. pp. 294-33S. . . 445-S0 - Ebers, G. The Emperor. [A romance.] Antinous. Taylor. ( !. Antioch, Syria. Great -lege- of history. PP- 317-J5 6 903-4 ANTIPHciN, Athenian orator. Jebb, R. C. Attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. v. 1. pp. 2-70 885-5 ed. Selections from the Attn orators, PP- 1-19 885-51 — Plutarch. Morals, v. 5. pp. 17-21. . 8888-4 Antiquary. Scott, SirW. An i'iquities. See Archaeology. Anih.ii iiies of Greece. The state, s, lid mann, t <. F 32038-7 Antiquities of the Christian church. Ping- ham, I. 2 v 281-2 Antisell, Thomas. Manufacture of ph genii hi hydrocarbon nil-, from coal and othei bituminous substances, capable of supplying burning fluids. V Y., [866. 8° 6652-2 An ris 1 lit nks. Fenelon, I', de S. de I . Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 1 7 S ■ s 4 4'8-3 An 1 i-theistii theories. Flint, R 21 19-4 Anii.ink, Denison, C. W. n. 1. p. 16 . . 284 \o \ roiNETTl 1 lenison, M. A 285A18 An 1 1 ini \ I (udevant, A. L. A. 1 1. ii .1 orgi Sand Vntonina. Collins, W \\ Antonini -. Marcus Vurelius, Roman Em or a nil phil op r, 1 .■ 1 a. [80. Hediti 11 11. bj ( i. Long. B., n. d 12 . [Same as Thoughts.] 8766-2 I hi .lights ; tr. t'\ < .. I ong. P.. n. d. 1 ■ 8766-2 \.\ToNIM S AI'OI Antoninus, Mnrcus lurelius, continued. tion from t hi 1 1 g h l o I \ 1 Aurelius Antoninus ; ed. bj M.W, I ' ti m, h iili biogt aphii a! introdm nun. B., i\s, m 8766 3 Wal ion, P. B, Mai 1 us Aurelius \ llilllls '. I Arnold, M . I >says in crii ici >m, pp • s ; 124E5 Brooks, K. S. Historic boys, pp, 1 24. 4.10 n 1 apes, W. W. Roman empire 0) the econd enturj r, thi age ol the An li. nines. pp 84-135 9197—31 Farrar, I . W. Seekei s aftei ' lod. pp. 257 33° iSo-4 1 Historj "i the Romans under the empire, v. t— 2 919 67 ANTONINUS Pius, Roman emperor, 161. < 'apes, W. W. Roman em| ol the second century ; or the age of the Antonines. pp. 77 84 9*97 3' AN rONIO and Mellida. | Drama. \ Marston, J. Works, v . 1. pp. 1-144 614C1 Same. In British dramatists, pp. 547 ,"1 8223-2 Antonio's revenge. Marston, |. in British dramatists, pp. [64 [82 8223—2 \NTONlus Marcus, [Mark Antony.] Roman 1 i ■ I 10 Mei iv ale, 1 History ol the Romans under the em- pire, v. 2-3 919-67 Roman trium ^ira Les 9195-6 Plutarch. Lives; Clough, A. II.. v. 5. pp. 155 244 4IOI-7 -Kaufman, R., ed. pp. ^38 444. 4101 75 .. also Shakespeare, VV. Vntony and 1 leopatra. Antonius : a dramatic poem. Heywood, J. l ' i" 1 " 5 ANTONY, St., oj Padua. Enderdon, VV. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 198 209. 414:; Antony ami Cleopatra. | Drama. | See Shakespeare, VV. Ants. Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps. 5959 s McCook, II. 1 . Honey ants <<( t lie yar- clen of the gods, and the Occident ants of the American plains 59593 7 Natural historj ol the agricullui . . ol fe> is 59593 6 Allen, G. Hone) ants. In Proctor, R. \ . Nature studies, pp. 22 20. . Lardner, I'., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 9. pp. 97-128 Strahan, A . •'. Bo) s' and girls' I" si ience. pp. -S7 269 Treat. M. M\ garden pets 59 — Wilson. A. Facts and fictions of zoology. PP- 55 "5 Seeaiso Insects. Naturalhisi A MTWRI formers in fori pp. ■;.• u,.| Win ! 1583 15X5 an Hllotson, J hi 1 ; 7 4 1658 pp [o . [04 ! " 1 ■ . A. Wild life 011 the plains. 1 len. 1 '1 00k and th< Urbim 1/ R. Princes of art. hi 4171, Apennines. Arthur, W. Ital) in i lion. pp. 205-222 Vpes. H 192-4 Mr.. Hi. St. G. Man and apes 5914-45 VI \i 11 1] isms ( liavasse, P. II. Aphorisms on the mental culture and training of a child 372 :: Col ton, W. I in- sea and the sailor and literary remains, pp. [93-215. . Mill, J. S. I iissei latioiis. \ . 1. 232-236 I ' ' ' , ions. Aphri 1 ncienl I lellas. 1 : tein, I Afi u<\ . See Bees. APO( VLYPSE. 5a Bible, Res-elation. \ 1 ealed. Sv, edenborg, E. ApoChkyphal books. Apochryphal \ and Res elations. /// Ante- Nicene Christian library. v. 16. . . 2813—12 B iles ol othet nations, pp. 95-ic .'1-25 Hitchcock, R. I Bi ow n, I . I e ti hills; of tile twelve apostles. Apocryphal New i menu the Gospels, I ties, and other pieces now extant. attributed in the fir nturies t" Jesus Christ, his apostles and their companions, and not included in the Testament. I .. iSjo. 8°. Same. B., 1832. 12 ■ • . . i pe, S., tr. I 1 li f Bai nnbas. . . 22- St-c also Bible, Apochrypha. APOLLONIUS, ,' Tyana. Fronde, J. A. His- torical and other sketches. pp. 1 135. ACag-liostroof thesecond centun :s;l 1 Short studies, v. 4. (Same sketch.] J83E2 API ILLONH'S Rh. 'dills. |; 1 the lets. \ . 1. pp. . s-ooi-; los; or, the waj , A. I 28 \ oil's. X.-- 1 'hristianity, iCIA pro vita sua. Newman. J. II. APOLOGY for the true Christian divinity. lay, R APOSTLES. - 52 APPLETl >N. ES. Greenwood, F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles, [and] John the Baptist 22171-4 — Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes, pp. 520- 565. ■ 2217-45 — Hitchcock, R. D., and Brown, F.. Teaching of the twelve apostles. . . . 2299-4 — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. The apostles and early church 2206-5 Neander, A. Planting and training of the Christian church by the apostles. . . 2701-55 — Renan, E. The apostles 221 7 1-7 — Teaching of the twelve apostles. In Bibles of other nations, pp. 187-205 290-25 Se< a/so Bible, New Testament. Church history, and names of the twelve apostles. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. Maclear, G. F 4U2-57 APOSTOLIC Fathers. See Fathers. Apostolical constitutions, ed., with notes, by J. Donaldson. In Ante-Nicene -tian library, v. 17 2813-21 Apostolical records of early Christianity. Giles. Rev. J. A 2701-39 itolical succession. Powell, T. . . . 2581-6 Appalachian mountains. Hunt, 1. S. Chemical and geological essay-,. pp. 239-282 502-46 [ackson, R. M. S. The mountain. . . . 55147-5 APPARITIONS. Aubrey, J. Miscellanies. 174-13 Boismont, A. B. de. Hallucinations. . 1742-2 .-, C. -^"ight side of nature; or, ghosts and ghost-seers • . 1 74-25 Dendy, W. C. Philosophy ul mystery. 174-29 Howitt, M.. ed. Apparitions, dramas, second sight, etc. In Ennemoser, J. li tory of magic, v. 2. pp. 341 38S. 174-32 Lee, F. G., ed. Glimpses of the super- natural >74-5" -Owen, R. D. Debatable land between this world and the next 1 76-73 I otfalls "ti the boundary oi another world 1 71- 74 K. A. Borderland of sciem e, 5°4-7> Timb I 1 ol London, v. 1 . pp. 1 ■ ■ d v. 2, pp. 1-26. ... 9391-8 communications with it 174-') 1 re. ipiritua lism. Su- Witchcraft. A it- \i Mrs. Veal. DeFoe, D. Works, pp. 529-533 828 34 A11 i 1 < I iurgi e, A. W. . . . 98 1 9 i'. hi.-. . 1 \l ungi 1 . 1 1 i ion "i the M. I-.. ( Ihurch, 1 rid proi eed- I). Fuller, F. Q, . 887 4 Apperley, Charles James, (Nimrod, pseud.), b. 1777-rf. 1843. The chace, the turf, and the road. L., 1870. 12° 6364-18 — (Cecil, pseud.) Hunting tours. 11. t. p. 16 7962-15 — Life of John Mytton. L., n. d. 16 . . 660B5 Appius and Virginia. [Drama.] Webster, J. Dramatic works. v. 3. pp. 123- 224 ... 930C8 Apple. Bailey, L. H. Field notes on apple culture 6341-2 — Todd, S. E. Apple culturist 6341-8 — Burroughs, f. Winter sunshine, pp. 129-14S 196E9 — Downing, A. J. Fruits .111 J fruit uees ul America. pp. 70-231 634-3 — Elliott, F. R. Western fruit book. pp. 49-194 634-35 — Saunders, W. Insects injurious tu fruits. PP- I3-J39 63 2 -75 also Fruit. APPLEBY, C. J. Illustrated handbook of machinery. L., 18S2. 8° 621-15 Contents. — Section 1. Prime movers, includ- ing fixed, portable and marine engines, boilers, locomotives, steam launches, heated air, gas and water engines, turbines and water wheels. Section 2. Hoisting machinery, including winding engines, hydraulic, steam and hand cranes, winches and jacks. Section 3. Pumping machinery, including pumping engines, centrifugal, steam and hand pumps; with prices, weights, measurements, and some data on working expenses and results obtained. AppLE-blossoms. [Poems.] Goodale, F.. and D. R 432C1 Appledori cook book. Parloa, M. . . . 641-73 Apples of gold. v. 5. B., n. d. i2 J . . . 121A4 Apples ol Sodom; a story of Mormon life. Gilchrist, Mrs. R. (L.) APPLETON, D. ami Co., publishers. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books ami publishers, pp. 173-192 4181-3 \iiii TON, .1//." I-:. 11. Half-life and half a life, in Modern classics, pp. 398- I 17- \i 11 1 ion, Samuel. Peabody, E. ///Hum, 1 Lives ol American merchants, pp. 429-442 41238-4 APPLETON, II as Gold, Imerican aut/ior. b. 1812-rf. 1SS4. Chequer-work. B., 1S70. 12 121 E5 Contents. — Artist of L'anagra I lie love of thi firsl rate. — Una replica. — May a monkey possess geniui I li- gashed helmel The Philistine.— Rambling in England -At the Pol- lards In ideal of the future The island of Bo 1 < Fre< trad< \i\ Scheffer. — The luck of Van Spendiu Sighl Nile journal. 1'... 1876. 12° 462-14 Syrian mnshine. B., 1 S7 7 . 10 158-13 \ 111 111 >\ S3 Appleton, I'homas Gold, continued. W fall B . i s 7 S. 12°. . 121E6 Contents.— Something ' \ month in the Idirondai \ pi. I 1 phrenology Months in th< ihad n l to t the East. — Lavater; or, the two faces Kini; dom of the commonplaci Wen the ilavi stut* . .1 part ol 1 1" nation 1 A merit an good nature ''hi contemporaries. — A broken heart — Hale, S., ed. Life and letters "i r. G. Vppleton 121B8 Appleton'S home books, .v. Home boot* Applied Christianity. Gladden, W. . . . 2576-3 Applied geology. Williams, S. G 553-9 April. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with poets. April 809 17 — Burroughs, J. Birds and poets, pp 109-124 196E3 — Higginson, 1'. W. Out-door papers, pp. 225-246 470E7 April hopes. Howells, W. D. Apthorp, Win. F. Bibliography of Rich- ard Wagner. In Burlingame, E. I.., tr. Richard Wagner, pp. 291-302. . . . 921B2 Aquarium. Edwards, A. M. Life beneath the waters 5899-3 — Hibberd.S. Book of the aquarium. 5899 4 Wood J. G. Fresh ami salt water aquarium 5899-9 Beeton, S. O., ea 1 lotne pets. pp. Soo 6386-3 — Campbell, 11. American girl's home In. ttk. pp. 215-224 7S6-24 Damon, \\ . E. Ocean wonders, pp. 180-223 5 8 98-3 Girl's room: plans for work. pp. 213 225 74<>-.i Hibberd, s. Rustic adornments, pp. "-S8 712-4 Arabella Stuart. [A romance.] James, c. p. r. Arabesques. Greenough, Mrs. s. D. (L.) Arab! Pasha. Long, C. C. Three proph- ets 410-65 Loring, W. W. A confederate soldier in Egypt, pp. 193-207 462 62 Arabia. Subdivisions. 1. Travels ami de- scriptions. 2. History and antiquities. I. Travels and description. Aiiiung the Arabs. L., n. d 459-14 - Beke, t'. Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian 4591-2 - Besant, W. Life ami achievements <>i E. II. Palmer 71 ;U- Kluni, A. Pilgrimage to Nejd iv.s .■ Burton, R. F. Gold mines of Midian. 1 .. i*7^ 4592-2 Land of Midian. 2 v. L., 1879. . . .j 5 - Pilgrimage to El-Medinah ami Meccah. 459-25 Field, H. M. On the dcert 4591-4 1 1 \, eontinu I.' ane, II Mj journej to Mi Six in. .mil- in Met . H. Palgrave, W. G. tral .ni'i e • tt ' 1. it >ia 1862 i' il '. E. II Desert of the 1 1 tylor, B., «a 1 in... 459-87 1 pton, R I 1 Gleanings from the desert "I Arabia 459-9 Wise, D Boy 1 (59-94 — Bonar, II. I lays and nights in the I pp. 20-132. X. V., 1S65 45 is_ I7 1 1111 bin, I. P. Observations in the East, v. I. pp. 109-200. X. Y .. 1S45. . . — Fogg, W. 1'. Arabistan. 1 1 Hartford, 1875 459-35 — Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea and the Holy land. v. 1. pp. 351-458. X. V.. 1S51 ... Stephens, J. 1.. Incidents of travel in I'M-'. Vrabia Petrsea ami the Holy I'll- i. 1. pp. 163-240 andv. 2. pp. 7-99- N. Y., 1S54 4499-72 — Strabo. Geography, v. 3. 42; Sj Wylie, I. A. Journey overthe region of fulfilled prophecy, pp. 66-74. N. Y., 184S. Hound with "Old Humphrey's walks in London." 4421 5; 2. History and antiquities. -- Crichton, A. History of Arabia, ancienl ami modern. 953-"' Smith, W. K. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia 3211--' — Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations, pp. 55-12.Y Pre-historic grea ne \i..- 1>ia 910-15 Gibbon, L. Roman empire. Chap. 50. 9199-5 11. s. Life of Mohammed : with notices of the history of Islamism and hi Arabia. I.., 1869 Lamartine, A. de. History ol t"urkey. v.i. pp. 35-192. X. V.. 1.S55 9496-5 Lenormant, I-'., and Chevallier, E. An- cient history of the East. \. 2. pp. 2S1-370 9,0.6 w.ti's. Mohammed ami Mo- hammedism. Saracens. Sinai. ARABIAN days' entertainment. Hauff, W ARABIAN nights' entertainments. Phila., 11. ,1. 12 Arabian princess. Memoirs of. Rui [An autobiography.] - - ■ Arabs. Su History. Tr.i\els and description. History. — Condi. 1. A. Dominion of the \ m Spain. 3 v — Copp£e, H. Conquest ol Spain, bv the Arab-Moors. 2 >• ARABS. 54 — ARCH E< U ( >G"S Arabs, continued. — Osborn, R. D. Islam under the Arabs. 207-6 - Palgrave. W. 1 '.. Essays on eastern ques- tions 29/- 6 4 Travels and description. - Baker. S. W. Xile tributaries of Abys- sinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs 4' 5- — Blackburn, H. Artists and Ai.il->; or, sketching in sunshine. [Algeria.] . . Blunt, A. Bedouin tribes of the Eu- phrates 4577-'° G., C. A fortnight's tour among the Arabs on Mt. Lebanon 915" 6 9 Jessup, H. H. Women among the Arabs. 2656-4 Myers, A. B. R. Life with the Hamran Arabs. [In the Soudan.] 4''-"' 65 Xaphegvi, G. Ghardaia ; or, ninety days among the B'ni Mozab. [Sahara.] 4.661 7 D minique Francois, French astron- j and physicist, b. 1786-rf. 1853. Bi- ographies "I distinguished scientific men. B., 1S59. 12° 416-15 Contents.— 1st ser. Autobiography.— liailly — Herschel.— Laplace.— Joseph Fourier. ind ser- Carnot.— Mains.— Fresnel — Tho.s. Young. — James Watt Aral, Lake. Wood, H. Shores of Lake Aral. . .' 4554-9 Arany, [anos, b. 1844. Poems. In Loew, W. X. Gems from Petofi and other Hungarian poets, pp. 68-90 Si, 41 5 Ararat, Mount. Parmelee, M ■ P. Life scenes ami >nj mountains oi Ararat 2656-6 it, F. Journey to Ararat 4576 6 I I'ranscaucasia and Ararat. pp. 190-293 457" - Aratra pentelici : lectures <>n sculpture. Kuskm, J 732 7 Aratus, Greek poet and astronomer, /•• B. C. 300-250. Elton, 1 . A. Speci- ts. v. 1 . 1 1 ] 1 . 305-3" 87001-3 tesman and general, b. B. C. .•71 J. 221. Plutarch. Lives, {'lough, A. H., ed. v. 5. pp. 367-420. . . . 41m 7 - Kaufman, K., ed. pp. 253 202. 4101-75 1 the Indians of southern Chili. Smith, $3-8 A Kin r a. Bal 11 1 S. fifteen 95 903-25 ARIII'I R I lull in, R. S. 9819 Akin 1 Geneva tlemenl : a plea foi arbitration Arblav. Frances (Burneyl d', b. i752-. 1826. llinton, K. J. English radical leaders. pp. 275-304 4 I 1 5 \is h of Htusand fall of Jerusalem. Spoon- (i. E. I Iistorical scenes, pp. 29-40. . 903-S5 Archaeology. Berthet, E. Pre-historic world 4064-2 ■ Collignon, M. Manual ol Greek archajol- °g) 70938-3 Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting. ... 57112 ; Dawson, J. W. Fossil men and their modern representatives 571-27 - Donnelly, I. Ragnarok : the age of lire and yravel 55 1-4 Fergusson. |. Rude stone monuments. 400-45 - - Kiske, I Exi ursii ms of an evolution ist 357E3 Fradenburgh, J. V Witnesses from the dust • ■ 1 ■ ' I unme, ( •. 1... ed. < lentleman's magn. zinc library, pi. 1. Vrchasolog) . u 16 1 I .ubbock, I Pn liistoi ic nines 571—6 \1 1 .01 .bind. I '. Builders ol Babel. 572 6 Mitchell, A. I In- pasl in the present : what i civilization ? 571 05 VI tiller, 1 . 1 1. Ancieni its re- 7093 AKCII I ■( )l,i Kn \R( HIM I. hi • \ ri ii y, continued. Redding, VI, W. Vntit|uilies of the oi i mi unveiled i> i \ , Sayce, \ II, I re >h lighl from I he an - ienl n , muments 2212-23 W .ii i'ii. W. I . Paradi ■• 1 id ihg 1 radle ol the human rai e 11 the North 573 92 \\ estropp, MM 1 land 1 1 ol an h \\ 1 ighl, I I he 1 elt, the Roman and the Saxon 1 Wynter, \ Our social bees. pp. 54 (, 7- Bui ied hislorj 104-9 alsi \ I Architei I lire. Vrl. Cataci mil) 1 emeteries. Citic Coin md 1 inagi 1 istume. Ethnology. Epitaphs. Folklore. ( rems. Hera Idry. [ndians. Ins. rip- tions. Man. Manners and customs. Monuments. Mound luiil.li.-r-. Pot- .ii Tombs. S ■ lli itor) , ancient and the names ol countries of the am ienl world. I Inder 1 he names of modern counl ries sei 1 he subd ivis s : . if given, nnil also examine travels and d< Si ription and early hi \ m .. ' ar, or Carrha. Works. 1,. by S. II. F. Salmond. In Ante Niceni ( Christian library. v. 20. pp. 267 p'i 2813-4 Am her, I-:. M. Christina N01 th. \. V., 1872. 8°. Archer, G. W. More than she could bear. Phila., 1865. Archer, rhomas. Bj fire and sv, ord : a stoi y of 1 he I fugunots. X. Y. 12°. Decisive events in history. L.,n.d. 8°. 90-; is Contents. Battle of Marathon. Defeat of the Carthaginians at Zama. -Fall of Jerusali m —Dedication of t -Foundatii Venice.- Landing of Si Augustine in Rritain. — Defeat of the Saracens at Tours. Norman ■ l*hi .I roi Kenry I V at Canossa —The first . riis.nl.. Sicnin:; of the magna charta. - Dawn of the reformation. — Defeat of the Spanish armada Maintenance of the "pe- tition ..f ri^ht "—Surrender of Napoleon 1 Restoration of the Germ Wayfe Summers, 2 \. in i. I.., 1863. Archer, rhomas, joint author. Strauss, (i. 1 . M. and others. England's work- shops 609-75 Ari hi k. Thomas! toxi n P .fi table plants the principal articles of vegetable or- igin used for I I. clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medicine, perfumery, eti I .. [865 Archer, Wm Vboul the theatre: essays and sin. lies. 1 ... [886. 8 C 781-12 \ 1 . 111 1 . Wm., coiUin tlenti \ re .■ ■ ■ tics' English peare aili I II H -inula Drama. ///Ward, I II. i of Victoi 2. pp. 561 592. . . . I. In Not man, 1 1 , id. Broken shaft, pp. 1 \i 1 56, 11. Wm. Henry, joint author. iJilke, 1 .. Ware, I V\ , ai, 1 \. hi r, W. II. 15217 Ari 111 R '. \ ii mi R W prl 1 .■ 1 . M Witchei 11 1-8 Boy's « ..1 kshi 15 607 22 1 ampbi II, II American girl's li""k. pp. 175 l8o Di ppi ng . 1 .. Wondei I ngth kill. pp. 2S1 2.)5 791 Strutl, J. Sports and pastimes, pp. Thompson, M. Boy's book of spi PP. '74 '96 \ ..iing lad) I ! pp. 405 414. . 51 . See at Gam. \i hi Allen. W . 1 heoi j of a N. Y., 1874 62 I, W Prii [867 1 lieal the..; arches. V \ .. 1874 I heory of solid and braced elastic arches. N. Y., 1879 6242 53 \ iHissi.ii arches applied to stone bridges, tunnel and groined V V., [879 Green, 1 I 1 ■ ai ches. N. v.. 1879. pt. 3 Hyde, E. W. Skew arches. N.Y., 1875 '-'-' ;1 ARCHll ! larnhielm, I W liaison. Hawthorne, J. Ak. hid \M"s II, it ... ./. B. 1 . 427. Cox, t.. W. Greek statesman. 2nd ser. pp. 121 12S 4102-3 Ari 1111 I. ..veil. Edwardos, Mrs. Annie. hadow . Peebles, M. 1 . 722A ; L.OCH1 I ilit- classii poets. *. 1. pp. 117-120. 87001-3 Archimedes, Creek mathema Hale. 1 Stories of invention, pp.20 ;; j Timbs, I. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 15-20 609-70 Whewell, W I poli- tana. pp. 305 1 - ' men. ARCHIPELAGO. 56- ARCHITECTURE. Archipelago on fire. Verne, J. ARCHITECTS. Clement. C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers and their works 703-4 — Phillimore, L. Sir Christopher Wren. . 970B5 — Urbino, -'/ r. S. K., tr. Princess of art. 417-9 ARCHITECTURE. Subdivisions. 1. Diction- aries. 2. Historical and miscellane- ous. 3. Gothic. 4. Grecian. 5. Domestic. 1. Dictionaries. — Gwilt, J. Encyclopaedia of architect- ure 720-44 — Parker, J. H. Concise glossary of Gre- cian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic archi- tecture 7203-7 2. Historian ami miscellaneous. ins. W. H. I). Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome 4052-2 — Barnard, H. School architecture. [Bib- liography, pp. 413-434.] 727-2 — Bullock, J. Rudiments of architecture and building 721-2 — Bury, T. T. Rudimentary architecture. 720-55 — Clement, C. E. An outline hist, of architecture 720-25 I 1 1/, I.. Nature and function of art, more especially of architecture. . . . 720-35 Fergusson, J. Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored 722-3 — Field, \V. Stones of the Temple. . . . 724-5 Garbett, E. I,. Princ. of design in arch- itecture 720-41 Horl C. VV, Architecture for gener- al readers. . 720-47 — Leed-. \V. 11. Rudimentary architect- ure: theordersand their aesthetic prin- ciples 720-5 Lefevre, A. Wonders of architecture. 720-57 Moseley, 11. Mechanical princ. of en- gineering and architecture; with ad- dition- 1>\ \> II. Mahan 620-53 I Notes and sketches of an architect 7294-65 1 Hist, studies of church building in the middle ages: Venice, Siena, Florence 7244-6 1 V Sacred and constructive art. 701-68 — Redgrave, G. R., ed. Outlines of his- tment 745-7 Richardson, T. A. Art of architectural - .. 1 - Ruskin, J. Inipiiry i if the con- 11 tu d y o I "i 83 nd painting. 704-815 ''■ ' ' tage, villa, 720-75 Architecture, continued. Seven lamps of architecture 720-76 Stones of Venice 723-7 - Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to architecture and building 721-8 - Architecture, Gothic and renaissance. 723-8 -and Slater, J. Architecture: classic and early Christian 722-I1 Tuckerman, A. I.. Short hist, of archi- tecture • . 720-9 Viollet-le-Duc, E. Habitations of man in all ages 729-9 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kens- ington, with notes on decorative art and architecture in England 745-3 - Duncan, H. Sacred philosophy of the seasons, v. 4. pp. 254-357 210-26 — Graham, J. M. Hist, view of literature and art in Great Britain, pp. 239-271. 820-44 — Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. Architecture, sculpture, and painting 704-51 — Joyce, J. Familiar introd. to the arts and sciences, pp. 194-203 504-48 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle ages. PP- 373-412 7094-5 — Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians, v. 2. PP- 331-348 462-55 — Lesley, J. P. Man's origin and destiny. pp. 183-213. Origin of architecture. . 571-55 — Lossing, B. J. Fine arts. pp. 11-113. . 709-5 - Mangnall, R. Hist, and miscellaneous questions, pp. 346-363 904-6 - Milman, H. H. Hist, of Latin Christian- ity, v. S. pp. 409-451 2821-5 — Mitra, R. Indo-Aryans. v. 1. pp. 1- 92 9541-5 — Myers, P. V. X. Ancient history, pp. 208-2 1 8 and 43 5-47 1 910-65 — Rawlinson, G. Seventh great oriental monarchy, v. 2. chap. 10 9'57~7 — Ruskin, J. Two paths, pp. 113-150. . 745-8 — Samson, G. \V. Art criticism, pp. 199— 251 70I-74 — Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress, pp. 434-439 142-83 - Torrey, J. Theory of fine art. pp. 179— 196 701-9 \Y 1, J. G. Nature's teachings, pp. 159-221 609-9 3. Gothic. — Boyd, E. W., ed. English cathedrals. 724-2 — Davidson, E. A. Gothic stonework. . . "23-2 [ackson, T. Modern Gothii architecture. 723-3 Parker, J. II. A. B. C. of Gothic archi- tecture 723-4 Introd, to the study of Gothic architect- ure 723-5 Rchlegel f von, rEsthel ic and miscel laneous works. pp. 149 199 704 88 ARCHITECTI RE \\U I H Vrci ii. onlinued. 1 './ Han. \ in ii i o, M. \i ■ in i ir. by \. Gwilt, / ' ■ i .■ ' ■ i I II. [nquirj into the prim ipli i il beaut) ii ii irchitei ■. . . 7-;- 8 i lollignon, M Greel archojolog; pp i 99 70938-3 \l ihaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece 1495-55 5. DoHteslii . Allen, C. B. 1 ottage building. . 7^0-41 Allen, I.. F. Rural an ' z8l J Andrew . • 1. II. Agricultural v. 1 . Buildings 631-15 Atv i. I ' I < iuntry and ;ubu houses 72N [3 Modern American homesteads 728 14 Barn plans and outbuildings 7 jSi 1 2 l'i 00k f, S. II. 1 1« elling 1 690-4 B nil . \. \\ .. 1 ..*'. < !ol tage : "i . hints ■ ■nee. mical building 728 ji Bullock, J. \ me buildei 7-' s -',1 Downing, A.J. Cottage re idi nc< 728 27 Gardner, E. < '. I limn.',, and ho« n make them 728 1 Illustrated homes 728 |i 1 1 inkle and 1 ■ 1. Book on building. . I lolly, 11.11. Model n dwellings. Die hou e 1 pocket manual of rural tei 1 ure. | Rural manual, No. 1 | K ing, I >.,. d. I [omes for'home buildi Oakey, \. F. Building a home. 728 7 Pallisei ' i b I I. . ... . . 728 72 Reed, S. B. Cottage houses. . . 728 75 House plan> I'm everybody. . 728 7" Richard on ' I [louse-building. 728 8 Sloan, S. II. .in. itead architecture. 728 85 1'iuliill. \\ . B. Suburb: gi . . 7J.S 88 Vaux, 1 . Villas and cotl ige ■ Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. How to build a home. [Same a Stoi j of a house.] ... Storj "l 1 house ; Wheeler, G. Homes for the peopli 728 96 Rural homes 7281 8 Woodward, G. E. Cottages and farm houses 7281 9 Woollett, W. M. Villas and cottages. . 7JS 97 1 1 I. 1 . II. Farmhouses, pp. 9-40. Set Art. Bridges. Building. Carpentry. Cathe- drals. I le< 1" ation. 1 (rawing. Engi- neering. Masonry. Ornament. Paint- ing. Renaissance. Rool h of Materials. Tombs. Ventilation. Warm- ing. \ki i n 1 . ■:■ n 11 Bai raw, J. Voj ages of I and research mifd. 1, F. T. II . .... I 1 . ■ . I 1 1 1 1 ', I . 1 the " Polai ex] " Tigres • le of the " Po i\..rs ; and I le I ong, < 1. W. Voyage of 1 1 nette." der, W. H [1 pacl Ira . . v Schwal h ly, A. W. Threi I [all, C. F. Vrctii researches, and life 1 taux . I Li: ' . 1 I Haw ks, F. I .. I Phili versa « hildren about the whale ii iherj and Polai • ... I [ayes, I.I. Vrctic boal 1 i 469 1 ' 11 -I 1 ol 11 I |,,i ; ..mi \ \ irdi Hi.' Asia and Europe ; 1 1 I is : sec unl i.iii fohn Franklin, [853, '54 and '55 . [First] 1 G n in ;' John Franklin. 1 1S50 '51. | Kennedy, A. W. M. C. Arcl and back in six week-, being a summer tour to I .apland and v - 1481 s Knights ol the frozen sea Knox, T. W. \ ■. i< 1 the " Vi\ to the N'i'i tli pole and bej 1. | \ . . lew ey, K. < lei man licc\| 1-70. . . 1 , 1 ns with the ;ea-hoi \ achting in the Vrctii sea • MacGahan, I. A. Under the northern lights . . ham. A. II. 1 oe.it 1 Northward, ho ' 498 621 Polar n ince \\ haling n's bay and the gulf .a Boothia Markham, 1 . R. Threshold of the un- known regi " 1 Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta . .1 Newcomb, K. 1 the "Jeannette" Arctic expedition lenskiold, A. 11. Arctic 1S58, 1879 '. \ l" . . . . ARCTIC. A.RIANISM. ARCTIC regions, continued. Northern regions 498-69 — Nourse, J. E. Amer. explorations in the ice zones. [Bibliography. pp. 565- 570.] 49S-7 — Osborn, S. Polar regions 49^-7 2 — Payer, J. New lands within tlie Arctic circle 498-/3 — Realm of the ice king 498-77 — Recent polar voyage-- pj8 7 s — Richardson, J. Arctic searching expedi- tion 49 8 ~79 - Polar regions 498-8 — Sadler. S. W. Ship of ice. [A romance.] 797A2 — Schley, W. S., and Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greely 498-84 — Schwatka, F. Nimrod in the North . . 498-S42 — Scoresby, \V. Voyages to the northern whale-fishery 498-845 — Smith, D. M. Arctic expeditions from the earliest times to 1876 498-87 — Smucker, S. M.,ed. Arctic explorations during the 19th century 498-88 — Stables, G. Wild adventures round the pole 849A3 — Thirty years in the Arctic regions. Sir John Franklin's four expeditions to the polar seas 498 89 Tillotson. J. Adventures in the ice. . . 40s 9 Tromholt, S. Under the rays ol the aurora borealis 4471-8 — Warren, W. F. Paradise found : the cradle of the human race at the North pole 573-92 — Wrangell, F. Expedition to the polai sea 498-97 — Frost, T. Modern explorers, pp. 80-100. Nordenskiold's exploration of Arctic Asia 437-38 G lrich, P. B. Man upon the sea . . 437-43 Ocean's story 437-44 Half hours in many lands. pp. 63—142 . 439-46 Howe. II. Adventures and achievemenl of Americans. pp. 485-510 412-55 Kelly. C. Voyagi and travels . . . . 439~53 — Verne. J. Exploration ol the world. v. 3 . . I (6 92 Whymper, F. The <■■' v. 3 4;; 05 / Franklin, J. I robi sher, M. Kane, E. K. Lockwood, J. D. Richardson, J. Howe, H. I .ife and death on 1I1 1 ocean, pp. 323-340. [Destruc- \iclic."J 437-48 1 "x. S. S 440-243 \ 1 ■ 1 1 1 . bishop. Ti in the Holj Land; by Adamnan, In Wright, T. Early travel \ in Pale itine. pp. 112. | I, I.I. 204 No Arenal de Garcia Carrasco, Mrs. Concep- cion. Spain. In Stanton, T., ed. The woman question in Europe. pp. 330- 353 .5"" s "s Areopagitica. Milton, J. Prose works. ■ v. 1. pp. 166-191 828-61 In famous pamphlets, pp. 11 81 . . 335E1 Aretino, Pietrp, Italian satirist, -. 1402 d. 1557. Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pt. 4. Italian literature, v. 2. pp. 383 4^ s ... 945°°-7 Aki.v, Mis. Harriet Ellen (Grannis.) Home and school training. Phila.. 1SS4. I2 C . 372-15 Arey, Henry W. Girard college and its founder. Phila., 1856. 12 37~ ; 74 s - 1, Francois. Biographical sketch of Ensebe Salverte. In Salvene, E. Phi- losophy of magic. pp. vii-xii .... '74—8 Argentine Republic. Crawford, R. Aero the Pampas and the Andes 480-25 — Hadfield, W. Brazil and the river Plate in 1868 481-43 — Mulhall, M. G. Between the Amazon and the Andes 480-65 — Page. T. J. La Plata, the Argentine con- federation and Paraguay 482-7 — Pelleschi, G. Eight months on the Gran chaco of the Argentine republic . . . 4S2-74 — Sarmiento, D. F. Life in Argentine re- public in the days of the tyrants . . . 4 S 2 8 — Clemens, E. J. M. La Plata countries of South America, pp. 95-344 4S0-24 ARGONA1 is. King-ley. C. The heroes. pp. 7«-I9I 2941-5 — Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales. pp. 272-336. Golden lleece 2041 45 \10.1 w 1 \ 1 .11 Geneva. A complete collec- tion of the forensic discussions on the part of the United States and ol Greal Britain, before the tribunal of arbitra- tion under the treat) of Washington. N. Y., 1873. 8° 3416 2 ARGYLE, Anna. i>li\c 1 .ai cy : tale ol the Irish rebellion ol 1798. Phila., 1874. 12°. Argyll, Duke of . -'•'.■ < impbell, G. L). Ariadne. Blackie, J. S. Laj and legends .1 Vni ienl 1 tree< e. pp. 95 i<> |. |< rreek mythology.] 1601 • Ariadnj Florentina : lei n 1 1 aving. Ruskin, J 760-7 Arianism. Allen, J. H. Christian hi isi period. pp. 100-121 270-15 Blai l< I W. M. Chri >l ian • liurch. pp. 74-101 270-2 Bolmei . W. B, The church and thi fail h. pp. 95 124. I ncil o1 Nicaea.] 270 — Butler, C. M. Eccle An tical hi story. 1 i - - pp. 107 213. 270 25 VRIANISM Mil IIMI I l< Akiani .11, continual. . i . \ l ' l in church undei the k, mi. in empin 530-24; 701 1.1I1I I-'.. Roman empire. Chap. 21. 9>99 5 I [efele, C, I . icil of I lie 1 hurch. 1. I. pp. 239 297. V. .'. pp. I-384. I : Milium. 11.11. 1 .Mill ( In 1 ! 1. mi! \ IT. I. PP 571 M»- ■ ■ - s -*' 5 Vth in-. Christianity. 'i 1 1 history. CI h council \ 11 . 1. 1 mi 11 ianism. Vl , Ludovico . 1 . 1 1 Orlando Furiosi tr. with no by W.S.Rose, -'v. i [864. 12 . . 8512 j 1 . . retold foi - liildren. B., 1880. in '. . . 851 1 1.1I1 .in, W.I. I ii. , [a 1. p. , 1 . pp. 186 2;N 8021-3 I I mil. I . hi h.ili purl 5. pp. 299 I' 15. 85OI I [ami mi. V. (M.) 1 - 1 . . "i ii.. poel pp. 154 [68 118-48 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 1 4. v. I. pp. 493 522. v. 2. pp. '-5° 94S° 6 1 Aristagoras, tyrant 0) Miletus, d. about B. C. 1.9S. ' ..-.. G. W, "... 1 ates- men. i-i sei . pp. ^2 92 1 1. 1 1 , \i 1 1 11. 1 the fust, Athenian statesman ami ral, d. about B. 1 '.. 468. < 'ox, G. W. Greel men. isl set . pp. 1 128 4102-3 — Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. 11.. \. 2. pp. 280-315 - Famous Greeks, pp. 7-24 4101-72 Kaufman, k.. ed. [05. . . . 411.1 7^ Smith, S. I' '., ed. Mytl iei oes. pp. 236 251 2901 s Vonge, C. M. B n hies. pp. 70-91. . . .' 41m 96 \i. 1- 1 11 11 .. Fenelon, !•'. de S. de I.. \inienl philosophers, pp i.S 197. 4 1 s j \i 1 m ■■ 1 England \. . . 442 14 Aristi nil ines, . wi . 6. about B C. 114 J. 380. Comedies. Lit translation, with notes, b) W.J. Hickie. I... [853. 12 8824 1 Contents. — v. i. Acharnians Knights. — * Louds.— Wasps. Peace.— Birds, v. 2. Lysi- Strata.— 1 I. usa.'. — Frogs 1 t. — Plutus. Translations from Aristophanes. /;/ 1 rere, J. 11. Works, v. 3 82 ,i t /, \. ii , i p . Collins, W. L. Aristophanes. [An- 1 ifn 1 English readers.] . . 8824 3 — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic arl and litera- ture, pp. 153 17.; Wood, \\\, ed. Hun iicsi men. PP' '9-2' , 1 \ ii 1 ■ . 1 1 1 : olitana. J 1^24 F. de S. de 1.. An< ienl ph ophers. pp 198-214 lis ; Mei ■ . / I 11 dine, W., . ural- ist's library. \. 14. pp. 17 112. . . 590-5 Men nf history. [41. . . . . 41 Mill. J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 5. pp. [69- 215. [Review Aristotle.] 633E3 W I, W .. d. I [urrdred greatest pp. 212 216 |i Arithmetic. Annan, A. Stepping thmetic 5111; Haddon, |. Rudimentar) arithmetic. Bound with Arman, A. Step] irithmetic 511 1; Hipsley, W. Equational arithmetic. How to bei me quick at figures. ... 511 ; Raub, A. N. Complete arithmetic. 511 71 to 511 72 Elementary arithmetic. . . ;u 7 Ray, J. Rudiments of arithmetic. 511 I, J. I'. Complete arithmetic. ;ii 8 — While, E. E. Complete arithmetic. . . ;i — Voting, J. K. Rudimentary treatisi arithmetic and key. Dodgson, ('. L. (Lew ;- • A tangled tale. [Puzzles.] . . ARITHMETIC. — 60 ARMS. Arithmetic, continued. — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to t he arts and sciences, pp. 144 151. . . . 504-48 — Templeton, W. Engineer, millwright and mechanic's pocket companion. . . 6208 8 Arius the Libyan. Kouns, N. C. Arizona. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country 179~ 2 ' ens, C S. Marvellous country ; or, three yea: 1a and New Mexico. 4; H , I ! ge, II. C. Arizona as it is 4701-4 Mow iv. S. Arizona and Sonora. . . 4791-6 - Adams, E. II. To and fro in southern California: with sketches in Arizona and New .Mexico, pp. 49-61 4794 ' 1 - Bishop, \V. II. Old Mexico and her lost [ton nice-. pp. 469-509 472 15 Box, M. J. Adventures and explorai in New and Old Mexico, pp. 317-334. 472 10 Brockett, L. P. Our western empire, PP- 492 529 47 s 19 Powers, S. Afoot and alone: a walk from sea to sea by southern route: ad- ventures and observations in So. Cali- fornia, New Mexico, Vrizona and LS 473-76 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and - PP- I-" I3S 75 Rideing, W. II. A-saddle in the wild West 4 ->■■ 1 7 Ark ol Elm island. Kellogg, E 5>'Ai 1I11 people. Martinet. AM, An- ionic. (Plato Punchinello, pseud.) . 2827-6 Arkansas. Brockett, I.. P. Our «. re- pp. 53° 55" 178-19 1 1 the e vera] itates. pp. 17 s 49° 3463-3 — Nordhoff, I . 1 otton tates in 1875. Arkwright, Sir Richard, inventor of the spinning-jenny, t. 1732-1/. 1702. Adams, \V. II.H. The steady aim. pp. 59-68. 410 u Children 10I pp [96 200. . 4K1 27 Cooper, I triumphs ol pei e\ ei ance. '2-94 1 . i . . 1 . Pursui 1 ol kno w lei PP- 49«-5o7 in Drake, 5. A . ed. 1 hir great benefai pp 101-404 MO-42 Fifty ci en pp. 254-256. 110-49 I tale, E. 1 I ■■ of two centuries. Pl>- 5«5 - ■ lio 536 1 e, II- Eminem American and Eu- PP '5's 2l,i| Jl 2 J7 I I Gn triumph of g real ■ ■ I'- Ii tin isel pp. !°4 •" P" 757 ' ' 1 elf-mad n pp. (.Ii 92 Arkwright, Sir Richard, contin, — Taj lor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. PP- '7 in '.; — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 56 69. 4169-9 Inventor- and discoverers, pp. 296- 3 01 609-79 W 1, W., >'. Hundred greatest men. PP- 4S1-4S4 410-975 Armadale. Collins, W. W. Arman, Abraham. Key to Haddon's arith- metic. L., 1862. 12 . Bound with Ai man, A. Stepping -tone to arithmetic. 5 1 1 — 1 5 Stepping stone to arithmetic and key. 51 1 — 1 5 Armenia. Anderson, R. History of the missions of the A. B. C. F. M. to the oriental churches. 3 v. B., 1873. . 2656-2 Curzon, R. Armenia: a year at Erze- '"'"'i 4 = 7" i — Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the cam- paign of 1S77 9476 6 — Parmelee, M. P. Life scenes among the mountains of Ararat. [Missions.] . . 2656-6 Parrot, F. fourney to Ararat 45; Pi er, 11. F. Turkish Armenia and Minor -157 s — Ussher, J. Journey from London to Persepolis ; including wanderings in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia, etc. . . 450-9 West, M. A. Romance of missions. N. Y., 1875 2656-9 — Young, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 114-10S. N. V.. 1884 263-9 — See Ararat, Mt. Akmim. Susan, Lady Bellasys. Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of les II. pp. 199-206 411 55 ArmiNIUS. .V. Hermann, German leader. ■■ II . Edward, English paint, r, . I S 1 7 . I c. .me on painting, delivered to the students oi the Royal Academy. N. V., 1883. 8° \i;mi 1'AGE, Ella S. ' lnldh I of the Eng- lish nation. V Y., 1S77. 12 . . . . 931 15 Highways of history: the 1 n be- tween I ngland and Si otland. I ... 1SS5. 16 940-14 \i: Mi n K, James. Iron and Ileal : bi pillars, and iron smelting. 1... 1871. 1 62 — Same. /'■■ Prideaux, T. S. Econ- om y of fuel 6691-14 Powei in mol ion . horse pow er, « heel in driving band and angular I. I . [871. 12°. Bound \1» I. C. D. MarliinciN 6218 1 Vrm ■ .ci 1 1 nj 1 ■ VI. ml 11 1'n nl. 'II. I '. Anns and 1 mi mi in .mi 1. 1 hi |, and the middle .1 I oderil ■■ 1 1 1 .1 ins •:;:; 1 2 ARMS. 6i \ r ''i ind ii m ntinii Cults, I I .. Seem of the middl pp ;n pSo. ... [l i i I , 1 I I ill I,, mi ■ ■ Li Ellg- lish antiq pp [02 n ; Lac roix, I V r I in 1 1 Id li it : 5 '■"• M ilitarj :u i and ;i ience. Vrm i'rong, i gi D i '.-ii ! ■ 'i ii in, iml revi I. mi. in \. \ .. [886. t2°. si \ ini ■. 1 1. 'in ', E. I lui Lion i" i he i inl\ oi organii i hemi trj cai bon and mpounds. N. Y., [876. [6°. . . ;.|7 2 and Groves, Cha I . M iller, \\ . A. Eli ry, theon tical m d practical, pi ; ^ 1 7 ' ' An ms 1 ri ' m i, John ■.■.■■'. i . 1 758 d. [843 1 ife of Anthony Wayne. /// Sparks, j. Librar; ol bio- graphj 11 . 1 v. 4 pp. 3 84. . . 1 I 1 1. "i Richard Montgi 1 y. hi Spa 1 \ . J, Librar; ol Vmerii ■ igraph] 1 . 1. pp. 181 226 1 Akmsi rong, John, British poet and physician, I'. a 1 1 1 7. in d. 1 77.1. Saintsburj . 1 ! John Armstrong. In Ward, III English poel v. 3. pp. 183-184. Vi .1 11 ., . .. Lebbeus. Temperance reform- ation : its histor) from the organization of the I 1 mperance □ the adoption ..1 thi liquoi law "I Maine, i s 5 1 . in, 1 the equenl influeni 1 the [. 1, hi of thai law on the po- litical inti . irk, 1852. N. Y., 1874. 12° Armstrong, K. Construction and manage- ment ol team boilei - with an ippen- dix, b) K. Mallet. 1... 1871. [6 Bound with Lardner, D. Rudimentary 1 1 1 1 i t- - .hi the steam engine Vrmsi rong, \\ 111. I'll. ! ; .1 storj ol Viennese musical life. Phila., [887. 12°. Armstrong's Primei ol English hi --t<>r\ : with map-. V \ .. 1885. in" Army. See Military \i .1 1 in, I \ ivy club. Fairfield, !■'. ( ;. Clubs ol New Vork. pp. 344 349. . . Army life. Forbes, A. Soldierin scribbling m, K. Joui ii.il ..I aims life. . . . 1 Ireene, I . \ . Ai m) life in Russia. . . Villargennes, A. J. I >. de. Ai mj life under Napoleon Bonaparte 664B95 Arm\ of the Cumberland. 1 i-t. II. M. Army of the Cumberland 97 s ' -' 1 Fitch, J. Annals of the Ainu ..t the ind. 198 1 1 6211 45 9301 1 1 367 t I.388 39 478 i8 \ .in Hi. 1 ii.-. I . I:. 1 [ •jf thi : 1 i I In. in. 1 . 1 .. II. : ' hi Pi to 11 the \. n I tin;;. . . ( iordon, ' . 1 1 1 ■■ Cclar mountain War diary ol '.A.I', I \ 11-111, 1 '. J. Medical recollection t he Ai my of thi I Mi 1 lill in. 1 : and military histo I ' the record of the Army of thi I Red-tape and pigeon hole general from the rank- during a campaign in the Army of Ropes, J. C. The army under Popi 1781 1" 1 .. T. Three year- in the >i\ili ' Swinton, \\ . Campaigns "I the Ann) .if the Potomac Walker, F. A. History ol thi \i in '. .m|. in the Arm mar Wilkeson, F. Recollections of a private soldier in the Army of the P — See also Antietam. Bull Run. Chan- irsville. Gettysburg. Peninsular campaign. I". S. histoi lives of Burnside, \. I Grai S. Hancock, W. S. Mc( lellan, G. B. 1 .. Akm\ undei Pope. Ropes, J. 1 781-18 Army, i n Army. Arnaod, Mine. Angelique, joint a, umosne, M. /.' >■ ml, Mmc. A. Ai' i te Vrnai 1 1. M. A., and Panckoucke, I I '.. trs. Life and cam; poleon Bonaparte. Phila., n. d. i. Arndt, Ernst M (/. i860. Life and adventures ol 1 M. Arn.li: with a prel K. Seele) . 1 W. Religious life in ' N son ARNIM. 62 ARNOLD. Arnim, Elizalietli, or Bettina. German au- thoress, h. 1785-1-/. 1S59. Goethe, J. W. von. Correspondence with a child 8353-2 Arnim, Harry Karl Kurt Edward, Count. ["little, H. German political leaders. pp. 73- 8 7 4106-S Arnobius, the elder, the African, rhetorican and apologist. Adversus gentes: seven books. I'.ryce, A. H., and Campbell, II.. trs. In Ante-Nicene Christian li- brary, v. 19 2S13-14 Arnold, of Brescia. Hodgson, W. pp. 3S-44 4U.3-44 D, Arl Inn, Through Persia !>> avan. N. V.. 1877. t2 r 456-12 Arnold Benedict, American general in the- lution,b. 1 741— (A 1S01. Arnold, I. X. Life of Benedict Arnold 124B2 Calvert, (i. H. Arnold and Andre: an historical drama 202C4 Sparks, J. Library of American biog- raphy. 1st. ser. v. 3. pp. 3-335. . 412-86 — Blakemore, B. C. Historical-, for the young folks. pp. 1 17-125 9738-25 Headley,J.T. Washington ami liis gen- erals, v. I. pp. 146-199 4121-46 — Leake, I. Q. .Memoir of the life and times of Gen. John Lamb, who com- manded the post at West Point at the time of Arnold's defection 554BS Lippard, G. Legends of the American revolution, pp. 151-296 9758-5 McConkey, K. Hero of Cowpens. pp. 25-32 646B9 I'arton. J. People' k of gt aphj . pp. 5 2I -S 2 S 410-82 Victor, O. J. History of American con- pp. 1 1 5-145 3467-9 Wise, D. Vanquished victors, pp. 80- 105 410-97 I [oppus, M. A. M . Great trea ;on. [His- ical romance.] D, Edwin, t. li. 1852. In- dia revisited. B., [886, i2° 454->3 in idylls : from the San krit ol 1 he Mahabharata. [Poem]. B., 1883. 12'. 123C2 Indian poetry. I... 1886. 8° 1 ,' ' Cor:/ : jl I 1 1 3." — t ; 1 [Had f India" I Mahab- la. )-- " Proverbial wisdom " frniii the Hito- n t al poi 01 . the great renunciation: it if Gau Lama, prince of IihIi Bltdd- 1 1 mi 1879. . 12 ;( 3 1 ;. 12°. . . . 1 .1 , Coni 1 11 an 1 11 temple, A cas] re- Arnold, Edwin, continued. — Pearls of the faith ; or, Islam'- rosary : being the ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah [Asma-el-husna] : with com* ments in verse from various oriental sources. B., 1S83. 12° I -.iC'j5 -Poems. B., 1SS6. 12° I23C37 Contents. — Indian song of songs. — Raj] 1 wife. — King Saladin, — The caliph's draught, — Hero and Leander [from the Greek of Must — Feast of Belshazzer. — Three roses. — She and he. — Rest. — Adelaide Anne Procter. — After death in Arabia. — In memoriam. — Florence Nightingale. — Dedication of a poem, from the Sanskrit. — Translations from the Greek poets. - Secret of death, from the Sanskrit ; with some collected poems. B., 1S85. 12°. 123C4 — Preface. In Arnold, J. T. B. Palms and temples 462-16 In Chatterjee, B. C. The poison tree. In Robinson, P. Under the sun. . . 589-S — Hazeitine, M. W. Chat- about books, poets and novelists, pp. 300-325. [Re- view of " Light of A>ia."] 804 45 — Wilkinson, W. C. Edwin Arnold as poetizer anil as paganizer. [Review oi "Light of Asia."] 2933-8 Arnold, F. Farm on the mountain. . . . 124A5 Arnold, Rev. Frederick. Robertson of Brighton : with some notices of his times anil contemporaries. L., 1886. s° 790B3 — Turning-points in life. X. V. 1875. 12°. 194-16 ARNOLD, George, American writer, b. 1 N ; 4 ./. 1S65. Poems, grave and gay. B., 1867. 1 6° 123C7 — Why Thomas was discharged. In Mod- ern classics, pp. 162-179. Arnold, Howard Payson. The great exhi- bition : with continental sketches. X. V.. 1S68. 12° 440-12 Arnold, Isaac Newton, American au/Aar, 1 S 1 5— i/. 1884. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Chicago, 1885. 8° 572B2 — Life of Benedict Arnold: his patriol ami his treason. < hicago, 1SS0. 8°. VRN0LD, Julian T. Biddulph. Palms and temples; a lour months' voyage upon the Nile : w ith a preface by E. Arnold, I.., [882. 8° |<>2 16 Arni hi 1, M at garel (Shippen) . Bene- ■ Arnold. Ellet, E. I . Women of the American revolution. v. 2. pp. •1 1 220 4121 35 ii. Mm lie\» . /,'. /-. 1S22 d. 1888. 1 lulture and anarchy : ) in polil H ul and social criticism. V Y., 1S75. 12°. ill Cotttt ' '.ill,,' 1 I 1.1 likes Barbarians, Philistines, Populace. — Mil 11 and Mill 1 I \.i 1 .. o 1 1 11 hi 1 t neccssarium. ' tu ners. VRNOLD 63 ■M l» 1 .11 ontinued. I )i ii ■ in li 1 1 1 1 Contents, Nuno the remnant Liti I I iys ii cism B [865 < ■ > Contents. Fum I lit 1 In..' 1 M. ci di Guerin ■• I 1 11. 1 ■ si mi imcnl i foubcrl pinoza As \ u reliu in lating riomei I 1 General Grant: an estimate. B., 1887. 12° r3S Bl2 God I 1 1" Bible : a rei ii v ■ il objec- 11 1. 1." B., 1876. 12 2202-14 I [ighei 1 I Is ami ttnh ersitii in I ler- I • 1874. 12 3; Literature ind dog ma : an 1 ly towa a bel ti ' appn inn 1 1 1 he Bible. B., 12 2202-15 \!ii' N. Y., 1879. 12°. . [24E6 Contents Democracy Equality. — Irish 1 atholicism and British liberalism. — Porro unuiii est nccessarium. — Guide to English literal I dkland. — French critic on Goethi Fn h critic on Milton — Gei S:ind. \i-» I'm in . I;,. [867. 12° 12 ;t 'i Si. Paul ami 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 < Mm 1 ,111 : with other I .. inn;. 12 201-103 Contents. Si Pauland protestantism. — Puri- 111 and the church of England Modern dissent. — A comment on Christmas. • I >say. At Guerin, M. tie. Journal. . 440B2 Introduction. /« Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 13 1 1 Introduction and bioj 1 sketches. In Ward, T. 11.. I nglish poets. . 8092 Isaiah oi feru >alem. In Coan T. M., ed. Studies in literature, pp. 193 229. 804 ■ Schools, In Ward, I. II., d. Reign of Quei a Victoria. \ . 2. pp. 23S-279. . Sweetness ami light. In Prose master- pieces from modern essayists, v. 1. PP. 233 2 7 ,s 808 : Burke, 1 1 ciu-i -. speeches ami tracts on Irish affairs 32041-25 1.. I. Boston M"n re ' oi ■ nee. I'p. 87—113. [Matthew ■ . • . | . . 1 ' 1 1 1 ' ; \|i iiv. I . ki ■nun 1 . ..in es. \ . 2. pp. 50-56 1. in. E. C, Victi nan poets, pp. 90-100 S21-85 Sw inburne, A. C. I ■■ udies. pp. 123-183. [Review of •• New poems."] -Thome, W. H. Modern idols, pp.7 20. \i8 88 Whipple, 1 ■'. I'. Recollections of emi- nent men. pp. 2S0-304 1, Robcrl Vrthui I rid the D 1 ■ plantations. 2 v. ' d" t and historian, 1 1 .1 [> II. I V Y.. 1871. 12°. - ■ ! I 1 ■' : I. Si 11 1 ! raphical sketches. In Wai . I II.. cd. English poets, v. 1 ;. pters. In P H ome I lannib tl Ups. In S| nei I Histoi 1 2S Stanley, A. P. Life and corn 1 Arnold 124B4 Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 203-214. [ReviewofHi 1 1 5I 1 Bui klej , T. A. Dawnings ■ I 58. 410-2 I real men. pp. 329 33 6 i, I.I-. History of rationalism, pp. 520 523. 21 I.., ley. J. B. Essaj -. v. 2. ]■: Remai kable men. pp. 14 s 183. tiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 52-60. ii Arnold, Wm. Thomas. Roman system of incial administration to the ai tantine the Great. 1 2 I etches. /« Ward, T. 1 1.. I ;■ ARNOLD and Andre: an historical drama". Calvert, G. H Arnot, Wm., Presbyterian nu d. 1S75. The church in the house : les- sons on the A . N. V., 1873. 12 present w lies from nature and art. N. V., 1873. " "' '5 ARNl mi I natural philosophy. Bain, A., and Tay- ' ."■ 12 1 744- d. 1803. Clayton, 1 . < . IT- 55 GROUND -64- iRT iD a spring. I Ik./. A. I '.. Around the hub: a boy's book about Bo ■ Hi. Drake, S. A 9 82 5-9 Ground the pyramids. Ward, A 4499-92 Around the tea-table. Talmage, T. DeW. S71K1 Ground the world. Peebles, J. M 438-71 Around the world. Prime, E. D. G 138-74 Around the world in eighty days. Verne, J. \i''i mi the world on a bicycle. Stevens, T. 4.38 $7 AROUND the world: tour of Christian mis- sions. Bainbridge, W. F 263-2 \i:i . Bil\,pseud. See Smith, C. II. Arpad, founder of the Hungarian mono 1. 86g-d. 907. Wyatt. W. J. Hun- garian celebrities, pp. 29 51 41043-9 •■' 1 E. H., pseud. See Rollins, Ellen II. Arrah, Neil. lame-. G. P. R. Arriani 5 0] Nicomed ia. Anabasis of Alex- ander : or, the history of the wars and conquests of Alexander the Great: tr. with a commentary by E. |. Chinnock I... 1884. 12° I14l;M i 1 . 1 hat les, count. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 2 v. I... [862. S. 94509 2 Arrom, Cecilia Bohl de I anish novel- ist, b. 1797 ,/. [877. (Fernan Caballero, pseud.) Air built castles. 1.., n.il. 12°. Contents. — Pt. 1 si. .in mason Fisherman. — Don Oil, the sub-chanter. — Admiral. — Con- icrip! t in Ii- in Ann 1 ii Pi 2 [A medley 1 Don Juan Well 1 Good and bad fori une - I lona Fortuni and Don Dim ro Elia : a tale of Spain fifty years ago. N. Y., [868. Gaviota: a Spanish novel. X. V.. (864. 12°. Zimmern II \nd A. Foreign novelists, pp. iS; [93. [Biog. sketch and ex- . [ 808-99 nunc. Talmagi I I ii W. 252 88 my qui\ er. < laughey, J. . . Z49 3 Arrowsmith, James. Paper-hanget panion. Phila., [856. 16 6982 2 , J. d'. Brol l"'i ■ 'I the 1 firislian 1 ning the « at nl [870 71. \\ 1 1 ter, X. V., 1873. 8 27178 2 Art. [. Historii al and mis- Vncient. ; Media val. I I ngli Ii. 5. German, Fleini h and 6. Italian. 7. J nese, 8. An education. 9. \ anatomy. t . //. Allston, W. I t and poems. 704 [3 Vrt am 758 2 A tki 11 on, I B. Vrt irtl r i 7087-2 3. 1 .. W. \\ li 11 1 arl ' 7< > ■ (8 i 1 Papi on arl 704-25 if arl 09-3 Art, continued. — Dwight, M. A. Introduction to the study of art 707-3 Eidlitz, L. Nature and function of art, more especially of architecture. . . 720-35 — Emerson, R. W. I aj . 1st ser. pp. 324-343- ; |SI i S01 iety and solitude, pp. 39 50. . . 319E2 General view of the fine art-, critical and historical 7°9" 4 I lanieiiiin. P. (i. Thoughts about art. . 704-45 -Hegel, (,. W. I-., and Michelet, C. 1.. Philosophy of art 701-45 lameson, A. (M.) Diary of an ennuyee. 445~5 I 1 ;- iiiUm the madonna as represented in the line arts 755 _ 49 - Legends of the monastic orders. 755 5 - Sacred and legendary art. 2 v. . . 755 -6 Sketches of art, literature and charac- ter 7°4-49 Jarves, J. J. Art hints: architecture, sculpture anil painting 704-51 - Art idea : sculpture, painting and archi- tecture in America 701 5 - Art thoughts: the experiences and ob- servations of an American amateur in I urope 704 52 — Lessing, (i. E. Laocoon: an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry: with remarks on ancient art 701-58 I 1 sing, B.*J. Outline history ol the fine arts 7°9-5 Liibke, W. Outlines of the history ol art 700 -6 , C. X. Sal 1 1 '1 mil 1 1 i'i 1 rin tivi arl 701 68 Palgrave, F. I I ays on art 7 r M 7 Pater, W. 1 1. Studies in the histot j 1 1 the renaissance 7' 7'' ' li.ii lifife, \. 1 .. Schools and mastet 1 il painting 759-6 Reynolds, J. Lifeand discourses. 7S s I '.N Work- 7 75 Political economy of art. 7°4-8 The 1 1 in- and the beautiful. 7"l s I- 1 1. W. M.i I ol 111 1 1 in 701 74 Sandell. 1. Memoranda of arl and art- ists 75 s 7 el, 1 11 1 thetic and miscel- '.ink. 704-88 \K'I. 6 5 \r i \ i i . ntinued. 1 1 \ [deal in art. . 701-83 I . ■ . 1 1 11 . on ar t . 70 1 Philo iophj of art. .... 7m s 1 1 v. J. Thei try ol : art. 1 1 vi u hii 1, R. St. J. 1 In 1 1 1 in hi ;mil symbolism : with kinl on 1 inlv ill landscape Van Dyke, J. C. Principle • of art, \ iardot, I . W In ol Euro] • 904 Wallace, 1 1. I.. Annul ;i em 1 y in Eu- rope 704 Weeke .11. Lectures on art. . . . . 704-97 Wornum, R. N. 1 haracteri in ol tyles. 745-9 Wyatt, M. D. Fine art 709-9 Badeau, A. Vagabond 1 ; 1 1 > Bai in!, < . A. I'i inciples and portrait . pp. i.i I 156 1 ■'' ' Brown, I. Span- hours, v. 1. pp. 439- 458 188E2 Bunce, O. B. Bacheloi Bluff: li i -■ opin- ions, eti pp 84 98 and 1S5-204. . . 11,1, Calvert, G. II. Briel e a ) and brevi- ties, pp. 55-60 201E5 1 haney, G. I.. Every day life. pp. 3- 22 194-22 in, I. M.. d, An and literature. I 1 "1 1 the times. \n. 6.] .... 704-2S 1 1 11 e, M.S. 1 liovanni I lupre. pp. 165 218. Dialo ■' 297B6 Fuller, M. Literature and art 400E6 — Giles, II. Lectures and essays, pp. ;n 1 1 1 1 'hi istian idi 1 in 1 atholic arl and in protestant culture 422] 2 1 Si >el he, J. W. von, Wisdom of G iethe. [Selections.] pp. 201 22: $3539-2 Hawthorne, I. Confessions and criti- cisms, pp. 24N 266. American wild animals in art 457I .2 Holland, J. (i. Plain talks on familiar subjects, pp.27] 308. Art ami life. . p,l | Lloyd, W. W. Age ol Pericles. 2 v. 9184 5 Mi. nun, E. I.. Westward empire. [< 'haptet - mi art.] 901-6 Mitra, K. Indo-Aryans. v. 1 954] 9 Morley, J. Diderot and the Encyclopa:- dists. v. 2. pp. 45-83 288B4 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences ol Euro- pean travel, pp. 76-99 440-72 — Perkins, F. B., ed. The picture and the men 41227 Progress of nations, pp.381 425. . . . 901 65 • Renan, E. Studies in religious history. PP- 307-379- Religious art Sinclair, J. Lectures, pp.26 47. [Sci- ence applied to art.] 604-7 — Smith, A. Essays, pp. 405-434. ... 1 Spalding, W. Ital) and the Italian islands. 3 v. N, V., 1S54. A11. continued. \ ■.■ MM'. \l ■ 1 I I I Brot ' ' olism Chi 1 . gra\ ing. Etching. Gen I dening, I I'liy. 1 Hiiiy. Ornament. Painting. Photography. 1 v. Sculpture, Tapestry. 2. Ancient. MUIlet . CO. Ancient art and 11 main-. Rebi '.I Dn 1 1 cicnt art. Paine, H. A. Art in ( I recce. . . .701 — Winckelmann, J. H ncient art ks. 4 v. 7 is, I . Wealth ol G in works ol plastic art. /// Sears, P.. ' udies. pi 1 . J. A. Studies "I ihi Gn I v.I. pp. 363 1 In X i cral historic Greece, Rome and other countrio of tht cicnt world contain chapters on art. 3. -•■ . Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle and renaissance Reber, F. von. .Historj alarf. ~<- — See also Middle ages. 4. English. — Conway, M. D. Travels in Smith Ken- sington. — Cook. ]>. Art in England. . 7, Ward, III. . II. Byways of literature. pp. 90-107 804-94 Arthi r, Chester Allan. 21st pres.oj I . S., 6. 1830 J. [886. P e, B. I'. IV. 1 remini cenci v. 2. pp.425 482. . 741 1 ; 4 Ar 1 in 1;. Timothy si writer, b. 1809. Advice to young men. Phila., i860. 12 197 1 1 Aftei .1 ihadow . N. Y.. 1869. 10 . After the storm. I'hila., [868. 12°. Angel and the ilciinni. Phila., 1S07. 12°. in al Brantley. Phila., 1877. 12°. I ,' ml I uiu ling. I'hila., 1805. 12°. I li .11 1 In ,t"i ie ■ ni'l life pictures. I'hila., 1 ; 9 12°. 1 li.liii 11 « ing and ol hei itoi ie . V Y.. 1865. [6 Horn id badows. Phila., [867. Leaves from the book of human life. I'hila., 1853. 12°. ARTHUR. VRTISTS An i in u, I . S., continued. Life' ill how i" meel 1 1 Edin., ii. d. [6 Light on ihadowed path Phila., n. d. i ■ Lighl md hadov of i eal life. Phila., |0. 12°. I i ii Gl ' , ' tri I eam rii,! i., 1859. 8 . Marty: wife, md 01 hei lale ■ . Phila., 1858. 1 ■ \in. Ellis ; or, i he 1 unaw aj mati h. Phila., 11. ,1. 1 ■ v., ,,n thing foi peai <■. V \ ., 1869. [6 . < ge bl ifre ;h .,,,,1 faded. Pli 1871. 12 Our homes, Phila., 11. d, 1 ■ , 'hi neighbors in tin- corner 1 Phila., r- t lui in the world. Phila., 1864. 12 . Peai em ikei ind 01 hei itorie N. Y., is... ,. 12°. R ii I,, ha • < -1 ings. 12 . Rising in the world. N. \ .. 1853. 24 . Six nights with the Washin Phila., 1865. 8°. Sowing the wind, and other stories. V V., [865. in . StepS" toward Heaven; or, religion in mmon life. Ph ila., 1 857. 16 . Sunshine .,1 home, ind othei torie . V \ .. 1865. 11, Sv, eel heai ts and wiv, V V., 1 858. 1 6°. 1 'i nights in a bar-room. B., 1854. 12°. Three eras in a woman's life. Phila., n. d. 12 . — Three years in a man-trap. Phila., [872. 12°. I n ed ol I,,',, ekeeping. X. V., [868. 1 8°. I I mi I!!,,,,, 1 em pei 11 ce ociety, and othei tales. V V.. [878. 16 . True path, and how to walk therein. Phila., n. d. 1 True riches. Phila., 1S50. I'u ,, wives ; or, losl and « on. Phila., 1854. \\ .,. 1 ■ prospei . Phila., [858. 16°. — What can woman do? Phila., 1856. in Wh Phila., 1873. 1 6°. \\ oman to the resi lie. < 'inn.. 1874. 1 - \\ Oman's trials, Phil ,.. [859 — Words ol cheer. Phila., 1857. s, ni ol ,,, \ 1 , iend . In Tei tracts, v. 2 [98-85 — joint author. See Carpenter, W. 11.. and Arthur, T. S. \i 1 III U, Win., t. 1819. ' 1 oral law. \. V., [884. 12°. I I11 i,l, . I ■ ■ 201-104 Religion n ii houl G01 m. I.., 1885. 12°. I Ii. I I. ( '. Pulpil • 6O3 , . \\ in. "The people' daj ippi I .ii. 1 M. I' . his advoi i , 1 1 1 1 Sunday. 1... 1885. 12 I he popi . the kings and the peop ory of thi it to make pope 1 , of the « orld bj ruction ol I . [877. 8° Arthur, Wm. Italy in transit N.Y., ,860. 12° Arthur B ii, a < le. I lolland, I. '.. \| in, 1 Brown. Kellogg, .'. E. . . . 531 \i \i 1 1 1 1 Lever, C. \ ol 1 of Don - . 1 .. *■ \r in \\ . II. Artificial propagation of fish. Garlick, 1 An 1 11 i.KKY. Taubert, Capt. . 1 artillery Artillery tactics ,,f the United v army, assimilated to the tactic! of in- fant]'. ' dry. V Y.. [882. |2 — See also Ordnance. Ak 1 [ST, The. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. 1 I 'i.J An riSTS. Art and artists ; 1 lement, ( Ii. Painters, sculptors, etc. 703-4 Ellet, E. I'. Women artists in all and countries M74 — 3 ei. R. My reminiscences 434B8 - Keddie, H. (S. Tytler, pseud.) Mi painters. ... Old masters. . . Scott, W. B. The little masters. ... 7; ■ Tuckerman, 11. T. Ii,„.k of the artists: ican artisl life 1 , Inn,,. S. R., tr. Pi in, es of art : painters, sculptors ami en 41- , igraphies of the following: American. Allston, W. Cole.T. Green- , II. English. i. Carter, J. 1 D. Cruikshank, G. Frith, W. P. II. n, I, ni. I'., k. Hogarth, W. Land- seer, E. Leslie, C. R. Maclise, D. Reynolds, J. Rossetti, D. G. Tade- ma, L. A. Turner, I. M. \V. laude. Fland- rin, J. II. I.e Brun, V. Millet, J. 1 Palissy, B. ARTISTS. — 68 - ASHBURNER. \i riSTS, continued. German, Flemish and Dutch. Durer, A. Holbein, II. Rembrandt, H. Ru- bens, P. P. Van Dyck, A. Italian. Angelico, Fra. Uu.in.in4n, M. A. Cellini, B. Raphael. Reni, G. Rosa, S. Titian. Vinci, L. da. Spanish. Murillo. Artists ami Arabs; or, sketching in sun- shine. Blackburn, H 465-2 3' biography ser. See Sweetser, M. F. Artists' children. Keen, Mrs. S. F. . . 529A1 Artist's dream. Logan, M. C. Artist's married life: being that of Al- brechtDurer. Schefer, L. [Biograph- ical romance.] Aktmax, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. Rochester, V V. 12 . Same. Dansville, N. V., i< s 54 37I9I-2 Arts in the middle ages. Lacroix, P. . . 7094-5 Arundel motto. Hay, M. C. ARUNDEIX, John Francis, baron Arundell of Wardour. Scientific value of tradition : a correspondence between Lord Arun- dell oi Wardour and Mr. E. Ryley. . . 290-15 Aryans. Burge, L. Pre-glacial man and the Aryan race 573— '9 c, G. W. Mythology of the Aryan na- tions 290-34, I ornander, A. An account of the Poly- nesian race: it- origin and migra- ' tions 9996-4 \Nott\ Author holds the theory that the Polynesian rai e were Aryans.] .11 Outlines of primitive beliel among the Indo-European races. . . . 290-5 - Mitra, R. Indo-Aryans : contribul s towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediaeval history 95-1 1 9 Pari--, L. His star in the East: study in 1 \i y;ni religions 290-C5 Stone, C. J. Cradle-land of arts and 1 reeds 293-8 ( I. id. I. I . 1 hildhood of religions, pp. "7 135 290-32 I 1 I..'. J . Exi ursion 1 olutionist. 71 557E3 11 lontributions to the hist' u j 1.1 1 1 pmenl if I lie human rai e. PP- "17-151 571-4 it, I .. and 1 hevallier, E. An- v. 2. ... 9IO-6 common mortals. \\ in >\ el, | N, Y., Phili] I ' I ha] D 1 ' 'li- bor, 1 J.) As it should be. White, E. A. (Alex, pseud.) 396-95 As it was written. Harland, H. (Sidney Luska, pseud.) As long as -he lived. Robinson, F. W. "As we went marching on." Hosmer, G. W., M. D. As you like it. [A comedy.] See Shakes- peare, W. A-saddle in the wild West. Rideing, W. H 4789-7 ASBJORNSEN, P. Chr. Folk and fairy tales, tr. by II. L. Brsekstad. Introd. by E. W. Gosse, N. V., 1886. 8° 3848-2 ASBURY, Francis, first .Methodist bishop in America, b. 1745 -a'. 1816. Strick- land, W. P. The pioneer bishop ; or, life and times of Francis Asbury. . . . 126B2 — Gorrie, P. D. Eminent Methodist minis- ters, pp. 187-21 1 4U7-5 AsBURY twins. [Sequel to "Our Helen. "| Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May, pseud.) . . 621A1 AsCANlO. Dumas, A. A ;i 1 NSION. Stowe, H. B. Footsteps of the Master, pp. 293-308 2321-7 Ascham, Roger, b. 1515-rf. 1568. Whole works: first collected and revised, with a life of the author, by Giles. 3 v. 1... 1865. 12° ' 828-14 Contents. — v. 1. Life and letters, v. 2. Let- ters and Toxophilus. v. 3. Report of Germany. — Scholemaster, — Latin poems. — Grant's ora- tion on life and death. — Scholemaster. ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. L., 1863. 12 828-15 — Adams, W. H. D. Famous books. pp. 86-113. [Review of "Scholemaster."] 804-12 — Children's story book. pp. 81-85. • ■ ■ 410-27 — Quick, R. H. Schools of the Jesuit-, pp. 19-26 ... 37094-7 Aschenbroedel. Carrington, K. [No name set.] RSON, Paul, Heldreich, T. von. and Kurtz, F. Catalogue of the plants hitherto known of the Troad. In Schliemann, II. Ilios. pp. 727-736. . 4026 7 \ 1 1 1 , \1u1r S 1 Vskew, \niie. A.SGARD. Keary, A. and V.. Heroes of As- gard : tale- from Scandinavian myth- ology -.,.. 295-48 Wagner, W. Asgard and the gods. . . 295-93 VSHANGO-Iand, Journey to. Du Chaillu, PI! 467I-3> A iiwiii. Stanley, II. M. Coomassie and Magdala. pp. 1-264 960-7 \ 111 1 1 1'. (has. A. Product and exhaus- ii> I oil n ginns .mil geology of natural 1 111 Pennsylvania and New York. In 1 1 1 M , li. |, Pi actical treatit e on petro lettin. pp. 457-4S0 55328 j ASIIllliKNll \M. 6g AS1 \ \ hburnham, Bertram, i lent ; with 1 . . in nut events. [Mi ion-. | — Goldsmid, F. J. Telegraph and travel. 450 4 Heei ■ ". A. II. I.. Politics, interco and trade of the Asiatic nations. In Historical work., v. 2— 3 906-4 Houghton, R. ( . Women of the Orient. 4; — Hue, E. R. Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet and China. . 4,1 --, Knox, T. W. Overland tin 450-48 Mai Farlane, C. Romance of travel: the It -1 450-5 Mac < mil. in, J. A. Campaigning on the (l\us, and the fall of Khiva 4555~6 Malcom, II. Travels in south-eastern Asia. [Missions, see v. 2. pp. 1 7 ^ 295-1 Meign an , V . 1 I 1 ti i Siberian snows. . . 450-54 Mori 1 . 1/ I I .11 ..ti . and Australia described 450-57 Mounsey, A. II. Journe) through the asus and the interior of Persia. I-. 'S72 Mordenskiold, A. K. '. I the Vega . 49S-69I I 1 .. Marco. Travel- 450-7 Knox, T. W., t./. 450-49 Murray. 1L. ed. 450-69 Towle, G. M 741 R2 — Prejevalsky, N. From Kulja acro-^ the Tian Shan to I 1 Nor 455 7 — Redding, M. W. Antiquities of the ' ' 402-7 — Strabo. Geography. v. 2. hks. n "•""' "3 I .1 Central Asia : travels in Cashmere. Little Tibet and Central Asia. ["ravel by land and sea. L., 11. tl i-on, I. M. Y. pan, Kamt- schatka, Siberia, Tartary and var parts nf the coasl of China, in II. M. S. •• Barracouta." , W. K. Ruined cities of the East 402-S — Ussher, J. Journey from London to Persepolis, including wanderings in Daghestai . Armenia. Km tan. Mesopotamia and Persia. . 450-9 ASIA. — 70 — ASSAYING. Asia, continued. — Vincent, F., jr. Land of the white ele- phant 453-9 Wood, II. Shores of lake Aral. . . . 4551 9 — Frost, T. Modem explorers, pp. 9-31 and So-100 437-3^ — Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the ■• Marchesa." 4376-4 — Ireland, J. B. Wall street to I ashmere. pp. 73-7S and 112-526 439-5 — Leyeson, H. A. Sport in many lands. pp. 76-363 7966-5" — Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt, pp. 352-367. . . 480-46 Peebles, |. M. Around the world, pp. 121-377 4,v s -" 1 Pumpelly, R. Acres, America and Asia. pp. 79-445 43 s -75 See also Vfghanistan. Am ■ river. Arabia. Ararat. Mt. Armenia. Asia Minor. Assyria. Babylon. Bactria. Bokhara. Cashmere. Caucasus. Chi- na. Corea. Euphrates. India. Japan. Kamtschatka. Kurdistan. Malaysia. Mantchuria. Mesopotamia. Mongolia. Palestine. Palmyra. Persia. Philip- pine islands. Siberia. Siam. Syria, I rtary. Thibet. Tonquin. Turke- stan. Turkey. Also History, ancient. 1 \1 him] . Anderson, R. M issions to the oriental churches. 3. v 21,511 2 — Barker, W. B. Lares an. I Penates; or, Cilicia and its governors 9564-2 — Barrov , J. O. On horseback in Cappa- doi ia. I M issions.] 2656 25 Bryce, |. Transcaucasia and Ararat . . 4576-2 Burnaby, F. On horseback through Vsia Minor. 2 \ 4456-2 Push, E. C. My pilgrimage to eastern shrines. 45^-2 Curzon, R. Armenia: a year at Erze- in and on the front iei - "I Isu isia, Turl 1 1 1 -ia (570 ; Durbin, ]. P. Observations in the East II" 1 ' i ! .mmI re eari hes in Minoi 457-35 Pa ee, M. P. Lil i ng 1 he mount 1 \ rarat. [Missions.] 1 11 Bible land 2208-59 ["ozer, II. F. Turkish \ . menia and i \ 1 '• 1 1 4 5 7 8 Li n e p , \ . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n g t h e 157-' ss of Asia n . I . 1 . 1 1,. 1 1 i B ci ered. Ph, I.,., 1885. p.p. . 2209-32 Asia Minor, continued. — Herbert, Lady — . Cradle lands, pp. 304-332 458-46 — Lee, J. S. ' Sacred cities. Cinn., 1877. 458-55 — MacGavock, R. W. A Tennessean abroad, pp. 2S2-304 439-6 — Maximilian. On the wing. L., 1868. PP- 198-272 4495-6 — Menzies, S. Turkey, old and new. . . 9496-63 — Strabo. Geography, v. 3. bk. 14. . . 423-S3 — Taylor, B. Land of the Saracens, pp. 186-323 4409-75 — See Cappadocia. Asinaria; or, the Ass-dealer. Plautus, T. M. Comedies, v. I. pp. 477-524. . 8723-7 AsKAROS Kassi,. [A novel.] De Leon, E. Askew, Anne. Adams, W. H. D. Heroi of the cross, pp. 323-348 414- 2 Sunshine of domestic life. pp. 11-45. 4'3 '3 — Fifty famous women. pp. 93-99. . . . 413-41 — Hodgson, W. Reformers and martyrs. pp. 406-320 4«43-44 — Manning, M. A. Faire gospeller. — Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. pp. 21-29 2726-8 Aspasia. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 26-27 410-19 — Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia. . 828-581 Same. Works, v. 5. pp. 315-549. . 82S-5S — Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles, v. 2. 9184-5 ASPASIA. [A novel.] Hamerling, R. Asm is uf (ierman culture. Hall, G, S. 45'El ASPECTS of nature in different lands and different climates ; with scientific eluci- dations. Humboldt, A. von 5°3-39 \ 111 is of poetry. Shairp, J. C S031-8 ASPENDALE. [A novel.) Preston, II. \Y . Aspenridge. Thompson, J. C ' S,S 5A5 Asphodel. [A novel.] B., 1S66. AsPINALL, I., joint author. Law, II.. ami Others. Rudiments ol -'nil engine ing 620 '•< Aspinwall, Gilbert. Scoville, J. (W. Bat nit, pseud.) 1 lid met < hants "I New york city. 2nd ser. pp. 309 320. , . 4'-47 2 Aspinw m 1 . W. II. Sco\ ille, J. (W. Bat rett, pseud.) (>ld merchants of Nov \ ml. city. 1st ser 41247 2 \ 11 rath iNS of the w in Id. 1 diild, 1 .. M., ed 208-18 \ \m. Bain bridge, W. F. Along the lines ,,i [he front, pp. 181 [89. [Mis- ,.| [636-2 I looper, T. I . Travels ol a pioneer ol 1 m i< c IS ' ■' I \\ oodthoi pe, K. G. Lushai expedit 1N71-72 9S402 9 \ VYINO. AttW I. I •■ Pi .oil. ;d blow pipe assaying, 549 1—2 ASSW [NG 7' VST1 O !OrVn A . , i < . continued. Bodi in. inn, 'I'. ,1111/ Kei I li. \ lying ol li id, i oppci , ilver, gold ami mercury. Brow n, \\ . I . Manual ol .1 ij ing gold, coppci and lead ore I V Imi I., I . I .. ,md I lietz, I - .. 1 I "I' 1 1 1 and .1 -.i\ ing 6691-3 Mitchell, J. Manual ol practical assay- ing. < 'rooks, \V., ,J, 6 1 Practical assaying 61 Ross, W. A. Uphabetii al manual "I blow pipe analysi 5491 1 I ical analysi Mi lu \ .1 1 . a) St. Dm id's. Annal ol 1 1" reign ol Alfi ed the Gn at, from A. 1 1. g y, 887. In Gili . I. V, ed. Six old English in les. pp. 43-86. . . 9309-8 \ isi, St. Franci di I 1 -.St. Ass'l \. Turgenieff, I. Hound with Un- foi 1 tinate « "man. \ \ki\. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and il palaces 4025-2 Brown, F. Assyriology . 2212-2 Budgi . I A. Hist, ol E ai h icldon, 1 on ol Sennai he: ib), 1. ing of A^\ ria. B. I '. <>S 1 f)dS 9152—2 Fergusson, I. Palai es ol Nineveh and Pel opoli 1 ..1 722 ; 1 1 1. J. !'•■ Me opotamiaand Assyria. 915 1 \- Nations around. I.., 1S70. 910-54 1 ird, A. H. N ineveh and Babylon : i ' "ml expedition, [849 51. 1.02 Popular account of discoveries at Nine- veh 4025-51 Ragozin, /. A. Assyria. [Story of the nations.] 9152 1, — Rawlinson, G. Five greal 1 .1 rchii . V.I-2. . . . 9,5 j \. II. Assyria: its prince-. priests and people m ■ ■ Smith, G. \ j i i.i \ ' ;: l! di . iveries, during 1873 ;4. 4025-7 Fletcher, J. P. Notes from Nineveh, and travels in Mesopotamia, Assyria and Syria, pp. 24) 292 4577-4 1 1"\\ lit, W. I [i story of the supernatu- '■>'• v - '• IT- '7 . •"" • 174 l8 — Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient world. pp. 35-76 .90 s lyce, \. II. Fresh light from ancienl monuments. pp. 100-134. L., 1.884 2 j 1 .' 23 Strabo Geog liy. v. 3. bk. in. . . 423-83 — Sei ! I .ii, ancient. Ii 'i OGY. Brown, F. . 2212-2 Asi 1 in 'in-. Kirkw ood, 1 >. Ysteroids ; or, iniii"! planets between Mars and Jupiter. 52344 5 Tyerman, T. F. The asteroids and the theorj ol theii formation 5 2 344 s ■ 1.. I illn Irious \. 4. pp. 1 11. rett, pseud.) Old Y"i 1. city. In 1 Irving, W. \ an enterprise beyond ihi I tains McCabe, J. D Gn 93' Ml n 11. pp. I I I I 2' .. ; I I'art'iii, J. I j; 1 ; Al pp. I "' I/!. »I2 72 Astor, \\ in. B. Parton, I. Cap lins of industry. 12. . . die, J. (\V. Barrett, pseud.) ol New Y'irk cit; isl er. 41247-2 doi f. \ denl ino n his- the [6th century in Italy. V Y., 1885. 12 mountains. Irving, W. Asi i<\\ tali a country town. Y CM, Lilly, W. I' logy ; h ith a gi and taldes fm calculal '745-5 VI ler, R. K . Romance of a IT- 4" 49 5 J °4 '• 1 . A. i iiu place among infini- ties, pp. J 14 ' ;- A-l RONOM1 : B. < ialilei, ' lalileo. II I.. I li i -. hel. \\ . Newton, I. Somerville, M I stronomy. Astronomicai clock. Spalding, M. I. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. - momical li I ti mrg. Astronomy. Subdivisions, i. I! General treatises and text hunks. 3. Special subjects and essays. 1. Rela- tion to religion and future life. 1. Hist pular hist, omy during the 19th century. . 5-09-2 Grant, R. Physical astr ny, 1 oomi . 1 Recent prog stron- omy. .^09-5 2. Ball, R. S. Elemei y. . 52 I'.i.h klesb} . I . I lemei ■-. J. Elemei 52 Dick, r. \\ orks. v. ;. i — Flam mar i' the heaven-. erne, V. Among Sun, m on and stars. 41 — Guillemin, A. The heaven-. 55 ASTRONOMY. - 72 — ASTRONONH Asi RONOMY, continued, - Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of astron- omy 520-46 — Hind, J. K. Introduction to astronomy. 520-47 — Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos, v. 3-4. . 503-4 — Kiddle, H. New manual of astronomy. 520-52 Short course in astronomy 520-53 - Lardner, D. Natural philosophy and astronomy 520-55 — Lockver, J. N. Astronomy. [Science primers.] 520-581 Elements of astronomy 520-58 Star gazing, past and present 5 22 ~47 - Loomis, E. Introduction to practical astronomy 522-5 - Treatise on astronomy 520-59 — M'Intire, J. New treatise on astronomv, and the use of the globes 520-6 — Main, R. Rudimentary astronomy. . 520-61 - Mattison, H. High-school astronom) . 520-62 — Mitchell, O. M. Popular astronomv. . 520-64 — Newcomb, S. Popular astronomy. . . . 520-67 and Holden, E. S. Astronomy. . . . 520-68 - Noble, W. Hours with a three-inch tel- escope 522-65 - Norton, \V. A. Treatise on astronomy, spherical and physical 520-61} - and Porter, J. A. First book of sci- ence- pt. 1 504-6 - Oliver, I. \Y.. ed. Astronomy for ama- teurs 522-7 - Olmsted, D. Compendium of astronomy. 520-71 - Introduction to astronomy 520-72 - Peabody, S. 11. Elements of as v. 520-73 - Plummer, J. I. Introduction to astron- omy 520-74 Rambosson, J, Astronomy 520-77 Robinson, II. \. Elementary astronomy. 520-78 - Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, [. A. Astron- omy. 520-79 Handbook of the stars 520-8 - Rollwyn, I- . A. S. Astronomy, with new explanations and discoveries in spectrum analysis 520-81 Smith, II. I.. The world ; or, Inst les- sons in astronomy and geology 507-8 Smith, M. I.. G. Among the stars. . . 523-8 Steele, I. It Fourteen weeks in descrip- tive astronomy 520-85 \n wei io practical questions and prob- 504-8 Warren, II. \\ . Recreations in astron- 520-9 Whiti 1 I Element of theoretical escriplivi isl n 520 04 3. Special subjects and , a 1 I '. More « orlds I li. ne. . . 52 ;i ; 2 1 1 I ' a 1 parish 523-2 Astronomy, continued. — Ennis, J. Origin of the stars, and the causes of their motions and their light. 5231-; — Leitch, \V. God's glory in the heavens. 523-5 - Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy. 5204-6 — Mitchell, O. M. Orbs of heaven. . . . 520-63 Planetary and stellar worlds 520-631 — Nebula- and comets 5 2 3~6 — Olmsted, D. Letters on astronomy. . . 520-7 — Proctor, R. A. Borderland of science. pp. 1-241. [Essays.] 504-71 Easy star lessons 52389-6 Essays on astronomy 5204-7 Expanse of heaven 5204-76 Flowers of the sky 5204-71 — - Mysteries of time and space 5204-72 New star atlas 523S9-7 Orbs around us 5204-7, Other worlds than ours 5 2 3 l j~7 Poetry of astronomy 5204-75 Saturn and its system 52346-7 Transits of Venus from A. D. 1(13910 2012 5 2 396-7 Treatise on the cycloid and all form- of cycloidal curves 5213-7 — Walsh, J. B. Astronomy and geology compared 502-93 — Whewell, W. Plurality of worlds. . . 52313-9 — Ballard, R. Solution of the pyramid problem 4031-2 — Bernstein, A. Popular books on natural science. pp. 57-68 504-2 — Carpenter, \V. B. Mechanical philoso- phy, horology and astronomv. pp. 3 6 7-57o ... 502-25 Clark, L. Theoretical navigation and nautical astronomy 527-3 -De Quincey, T. Narrative and miscel- laneous papers, v. 2. pp. 7-60. . . . 284E43 Hartwig, G. Harmonies of nature. pp. 1-10 501-44 — Helmholtz, 11. Popular lectures. 2nd. ser. pp. 139 198. .... 502 43 Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to arts and sciences. pp. 276-294 504-48 Scientific dialogues. pp. 53-141. . 5302-5 Lardner, D., ed. Museum ol science and art. v. 6. pp. 161-208. v. 7. pp. 145-208. v. S. pp. 1-48 603 1 Popular lectures on science and art. . 502-56 — Mangnall, R. Historical and miscellane- ous .pi. tions. pp. 322-329 904-6 — Noyce, E. Outlines of creation. pp. 1-2S 507-6 Peck, W. N< >MN 73 \TIII \ \'.' H As'l Ri >NOMY| continutd. Proctor, R. \. 1-ight sciem e pp. i 85. 51 12 1 \.s om h li 1 ons, pp. )OS 335 '"'' 5 \ n i"'. ■' [*ril im populai pp. 1-45 502-9 li. V Essays, pp. ;j* 384. nomii .il inquii ie 142-8 w Li inv. \\ . 1 1. < Iriental and lingui stud ii 2nd 1 ' pp. ; 1 1 122. The I unai .nil i> 104-95 Iso \ ceroid ;, \ trol . 1 orael Earth. Ei lip es. Gravi \ .!• 11; 11 inn. Planets. Spei trosi opi Sun. Telesi ope. Universe. 4. Relati Chalmers, T. Christian revelation, viewed in connection with modern astronomy 2102-1S Figuier, L. To-morrow of death. . . 21S 31 Mitchell, O. M. \ -! 1 . .11. ui\ hi the Bible 22152-5 Seiss, J. A. Gospel in the stars. . . . 22152-7 Stars and the earth 5204-8 Townsend, I.. T. Arena and the 1 1 ie 204-89 Upham, F. W. Star of our lord. . . 22152-8 Whewell, W. Vstronomy and general physics 2102-97 Asylums, Mttllei G. Life of trust. . . . 651B6 — Richmond, J. F. New York and it. institutions, [609-1873 4747' 7 — Harley. T. Southward ho! pp. 79-S7. Bethesda (7 5 s 4 At a high price. Burstenbinder, E. (E. Werner, pseud.) At any cost. Mayo, Mrs. I. F. (Edward Gari ett, pseud.) \i bay. Hector, Mrs. Annie F. (Mrs. Al- exa nder, pseud.) At Capri. Bauer, EClara. (Carl Detlef, psi itd. ) At daybreak. Stirling, A. At home and abroad. Fuller, Margaret. . 439-34 At home and abroad. Taylor, B. 2 v. . 439-87 At home in Fiji. Cumming, C. F. G-. . . 4961—3 A 1 linne in Italy. Hianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R ' 445 '7 At last. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) (Ma- rion Harlan At last : a Christmas in the West Indies. Kingsley, Chas 4729S-5 At love's extremes. Thompson, Maurice. A 1 our be,t. Ellis, Sumner 322E2 At swords point.. Thomas, E. A. At the altar. Burstenbinder, E. (E. Werner, * At the lion's mouth. Chellis, Mar) Dwi- nell 223A5 A 1 the 1 I Marlitl A I the meny of I ibei 111 . v I ll A 1 the N01 th pole. \ ei ne, J. i glove. M s. \ 1 1 i Hay, M A 1 the sign of the B I Al the sign of the Silvei flagon. I A 1 tin 1 H. G. 4 i'sAj At the world's mercy. James, Mrs. F. A. \ anlen, pseud.) griffin. Holt, \ 1 . I \Nl \ in the South. Howe, Maud. \i \i intis: a .tory of the sea. Simms, W. 1 . P01 in-, v.i. pp. 121 08. . . . Vtcherli .1 land, _|. Trip to Boerland ; or, a year's travel, .port, and gold-dig- ging in the Trail Xatal. I... 1879. 8° \iiiiik du lys. Roberts, Margaret. ATHANASIA: or, foregleams of immort . I . II 2;; 7 ATHANASIUS, St., bishop of Alexandria about 296-d. 373. Gibbon, E. Roman 1 e. chap. 21 Milman, II. II. History of Christianity. v. 2. pp. .;7'i 447 270-48 nley, A. P. Eastern church. pp. 159 - M ■ — Sly also Arianism. Atheism. Blackie, J. S. Natural hi ol atheism 2119-1 — Braden, C. Problem of problems and it. various solutions ; or, atheism, Darwin- ism and theism — Buchanan, J. Modern atheism. 211 — Cobbe, F. P. Faithless world. 211s 2 Religious duty 241 — Flint. R. Anti-theistic theories. ... 2: — Hedge, 1 . II. Atheism in philosophy. I Plato against the atliei.ts, with critical 1 1) I. 1 ,ewis 2118—71 — Brownson, O. A. Work.. v. 2. pp. 1-100. [Review of Refutation of athe- ism.] — Fisher, 1 '.. P. '• and theology, pp. 46S-4S6 204-31 1 orimer, '.. C. Isms old and new. pp. 40-61 ' Aims 11.. Deipnosophists ; or, banquet of the le.11 neil. ir. by ('. 1 1. \ v. L.. 1854. 12° • ATHENAGORAS. Writings: tr. by M. 1 Keith, ,iii.l B. P. Pratten. In Ante-Nuene Christian library. pp. ;- ATHENS. 74 ATLANTIC. Athens. Athens: its grandeur and d< N. V. 12° 9181-2 — Boeckh, A. Public economy of the Athe- nians .Ki24~2 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. 1.. Alliens, it, ri-e and fall: with views of [its] litera- ture, philosophy and life 91S1-5 — Cox. li. W. Athenian empire 9184-3 — Eddy, D. C. Walter in Athens. . . . 4495-4 Bancroft, G. Miscellanies. pp. 247- 279 I34E2 — Blackie, J. S. Lays and legends of an- cient Greece, pp. 37-45 160C2 — Colton. W. Land and lea. pp. 254- J 2 .* 4495-3 -Great sieges, pp. 131-137 903-4 — Lee, J. S, Sacred cities, pp. 202-226. .458-55 Legate, 11. S. Writings. v. 2. pp. 502-558 S18-56 — Phillips, J. L. T. Site and antiquities of Athens. In Many lands and many peo- ple, pp. 54-65 439-63 Symonds, J A. Sketches and studies in southern Europe, v. 2. pp. 66-91. . 445-86 — See also Greece. Athens county, Ohio. Walker, C. M. History of Athens county, with bio- graphical sketches 9864-9 — Hildreth, S. P. Memoirs of early set- tlers, pp. 40S-414 41 271-4 — See also Ohio. ATHERN, Anna. Here and hereafter; or, the two altars. B., 1861. 16 . . . . 127A3 Atherstone priory. Comyn, L. X. Ai II' iL. X. Y.. 1S73. '2°. ATHOLE, Duke pf. Sei Murray, G. A. F.J. Athos, Mount, Turkey. Curzon, R. Mon- asteries of the East. pp. 282-390. . . 271-3 Tozer, H. I- . Researches in the high- lands of Turkey, v. 1. pp. 50-142. . 4496-9 Atkins, M. A. Earl Whiting; or, the ca- 1 of a nameless boy. B., 1870. 16°. 127A4 Must; or, Ann Holbrook's girlhood. 11. '• P- .;-'" 127A42 Atkinson, I Imerican economi 1.S27. Distribution of products; or, the mi 1 hi and the metaphysii >1 x. v., 1 385. 12 331 1 1 5 I" rat< ol v> Whal 1 railway, ilu: farmer, and I .abi 1 pital, allies not ninnies. V V ■ '879. -4° 3361-2 how 11 1- now di\ ided : what part of tlo present hours ol labor ■ . 1 hi replj of E. M. 1 the 1 aboi : \1i.1n ■ joinder. N. 1 12 . [Qt .... , ... 336-14 Atkinson, Edward, continued. — Introduction In Upton, J. K. Money in politics 331-86 Atkinson, J. lieavington. Art tour to northern capitals of Europe. X. V., 1873- '2° 7087-2 ATKINSON, J. J. Practical treatise on the gases met with in coal mines and the general principles of ventilation. New- castle-upon-Tyne, [879. 12° 6224-12 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and western Siberia: a narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary, and a part of Central Asia. Phila., 1865. 12 . Same. X. Y., 1S58. 8° 4529-14 — Travels in the regions of the Copper and lower Amoor and the Russian acquisi- tions on the confines of Indiaand China, with adventures among the mountain Kirghis. and the Manjours, Manyargs. Toungous, Tourzemts, Goldi, and Gel- yaks; the hunting and pastoral trib N. Y., i860. 8° 455-13 — Adams, W. II. I). Some heroes of travel. pp. 157-228 4159-15 — Taylor, B., ed. Cyclopaedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 997-101 1. Atkin- son's travels in Siberia and Chinese Tar- tary 436-8 Atkinson, Win. P. On history and the study of history: three lectures. I!., 1884. 16 902-15 — On the right use of books : a lecture. B., 1880. 16° 805 15 All. A: a -lory of ;i lost island. Smith, '/>'. I. (,. Atlanta. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. [Cam- us ol the civil h ar.] 07 s 1 2 ; Atlantic and transatlantic sketches. M 1 Capt 470-61 \ 1 1 . 1 •'. Ammen, I laniel. | \ avj in civil war.] 9782 61 Ait. win essays. Higginson, T. W. 170) ; Alt vNTIC island-, as 1, -soils of health and pleasure. Benjamin, S. G. W. . . . 1-97-2 An w in ocean. Andrews. W. A. I >.i oyage 1 1 he \t lanl ii ocean. . 4375 16 Beehlei . W. II. 1 '1 uise of the " Brook- lyn." 1375 lS nson, C. W. I he voyage ol the ■ - 1 hallengi r." I he Ai lantii .1 prelim- inar\ account ol general result ol the expli 1 1 1. M. S. " 1 hal- lenger" during Ihi peai [873 1 the pari oi the ) eai 1876. v. 1. . . 437 9 An. an 1 11 tales : Ilei tion ol - fi \ 1l.11 mill- . P., [866. 12 . A TI.W IK i \llli Atlantic i nued. My i , ! n i ►« he undid i i ■ i i il hi iron mills, by K M h Dav i P u i ' ties, by M \ I I '..il imill in I thai ii "!• bj R I S I .ow ' I! Whj ['homa ■■ ' i h " ■ ! .■ I '.....I ,, | , |M II'. ) I ' I . . 1)1 I' II Hl.li Itrewster' temptation, b) I ' ■ rdhori Queen III, I M.I.I I' I I ,1 Ml I M la, by F. i el i ■ ' Denslo p ilai i I , , I D. Whelpli i ' , ■ i i . I: I i, I m II ndhalfalil I H 1 1 . . • i I I il. An win telegi aph. I ield, II. M. His- [oi j "I il"- Vtlantii ti Goodrii h, I . I!. Man ii|» .i pp 54' 560 137 1; Ocean pp. 572 593 4 37 44 Howe, Henry. Adventures and achii ments of Americans, pp. 1 1 > 1 [62 . . 412 55 Pepper, I. II. Cyclopsedii sim- plified, pp. 421 120 5°4-7 M. mil m. pp. "3-82 Taylor, I!. At home ami abroad, (si ser. pp. 238 303 439-87 Whymper.F. Thesea. \.\. pp.98 104. 437-95 Atlantis. Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the an- ted ii"'. ian world 400-3 Smith, I ■ I ■• Alia : a story Ol a Inst ml. Bacon, F. New Atlantis, hi Ideal ' om .« e tlths. pp. 169-213 ; Atlas essays. No -\ Biographical and critical. N. V., 1877. 8° 418-14 Contents Lord Macaulay, by P. A Frce- nun tin. ricknor, by E. P. Whipple.— Ernsl Curtius, by R. P. Keep. — Philip Gilberi ll.un 1 11..11 by i. T.. Austin Henry Wadsworth ■ Fellow, by R. Palmer — Wm. Cullen l'.r\ ant, . r r i . 1 dgai Ulan Poe, by .1. 1! Ingram. — Chas. rennyson Turner, by \ 1 Symingl >n I dward A. Freeman, by II I Coppee. — Chas. Sumner, i'v G I H an. — John Stuart Mill, by N. Porti 1 I niart Mill as a religious philosopher, by X. Pinter. No. ;. Labor. The Republic. N. Y.. 1878. 8° 504 i; Contents — Working cla in i ui pi by 1 Hughes.— Labor in England, by 1 Brassi Grangerism, l>\ F. Wharton I id the Potter law, reply. -American republic, bj I Sigel. — Indian citizenship, 1>\ F. A w. titer. — Chinese question, by E. D, Mansfield.— Guar- ■ f nrder and republican government in the stai.s, by I M t ...ley. — Some ch and balam ■ ent,by T. M. Coi ley. — Difficulties of republicanism in Europe, by I \ I i Atlases. Colbeck, C, ed. Public schools historical atlas 421-2 1 olby, l'. Diamond alia-. Westei hemisphere Kim. 1. J. Scripture lands, lllu-.ii.ui complete Biblical atlas 2;. A 1 lasi ., continu Mi 1 Ii II.111. 1 1 . i:. 1 Maj. I ■■ •:.. II l: - Momni .'-ii. II,. . 1 1 Vtmo Hai Johnson, S. W. Ho Vii lation to vi ■ 1 iye, 1 de. Sublimi pp. Lardnei . I •.. td. \l and art. v. 5, pp. 117 I 12. . Loudon, |. 1 iculturist. pp. "7 89 ! v. 1. pp. 220-301 and v. 2 1 5514-7 Atoms. ! W. K . Atoms. In 1 D., ed. I lalf li 1 l.ii -.. nil' e. pp. 420-446 -Same. In Lectures and essays p] in 133 23°E" ' oke, .1. !'• New 1 hemistry. pp. 1 22 148 54«-4 Herschel, J. 1 V\ 1 amiliar lecture scientific subjects, pp. 452 iyi. . . 502-44 \\ in i/. VI. \ ory 54 1 1 1 11 xi. Bushnell, II. Forgiveness and law, grounded in principles il 1 by human analogies 2;j 28 God mi 1 hrisl \ I he . icai rounded in prin- ciples interpreted by human analogies. . 232 27 1, I ■'. VV. Sermons and addresses delivered in America, pp. 259-268. . Finney,' . G. Sermons on gospel themes. pp. 204-214. Oberlin, 1S76 252-3S Hitchcock, R. I'. Eternal atonement. PI'- 3-" 1 252-47 Hodge, C. systematic theology, v. 2. pp. 563 501. [Theories of the atone- ment. I 2305-5 lowett, I'.. The doctrine of the atone- ment. In Theological essa\s from vari- uthors. pp. 221 -237 — Park. E. A. Prominence of the atone- ment. In liospel invitation, pp. 299- Smyth. N. Christian tail- and t pp. 210 224. N. \\, 1887. Atonement of I. earn Dundas. Linton, E. 1 . Phila., 1876. 8°. ;i in Madrid. Calderon de la I 111 11 : or, Sam Slick in England. Hali- 1 ATTERBURY, :ster. •rails of illustrious pel :ain. >. . 7. pp. 117 1-5 411 65 ATTERBURY. 76- AUERBACH. ATTERBURY, Francis, continued. — Macaulay, T. B. Win. Pitt, Atterbury. pp. 169-210 4H-72 ATTFIELD, J. Chemistry general, medical and pharmaceutical, including the chem- istry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Phila., 1883. 12° 540-12 Attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. Jebb, R. C 885-5 Attic philosopher. Souvestre, E. Attila, king of the Huns, d. 453. Curteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire. pp. 136-154 9199-3 Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, chap. 34-35. 9199-5 — Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. v. 2. pp. 39-209 9199-6 — Lathrop, R. II. Barbarians overthrow. In Oilman, A., ed. Magna Charta stories, pp. 157-169 9°3~37 Attila. [Historical romance.] James, G. P. R. Attorney. Irving, John T. Attwood, George. Practical blowpipe as- saying. I... 1S80. 12° 5491-2 Atwater, Amzi. Whittlesey, (has. Early history of Cleveland, 0. pp. 293-320. 9861-9 Atwater, I dward 1-:. History and signifi- cance of the sacred Tabernacle of the Hebrews. N. V., 1876. 8° 22112-1 Atv\ vter, Lyman II. Manual of elementary logic. Phila., 1869. 12° 189-13 \ 1 ■ 00D, Daniel T. Country and suburban houses. N. V., 1871. 12° 728-13 Modern American homesteads. N. Y., 1876. 8° 728-14 Aiiiwii, rheodore. Preston, H. W. Trou- badours and trouveres. pp. 43-84. . 8401-7 Auber, It. unci Francois I sprit. Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario, v. 1. pp. 3-52. 4177-3 - I*. Great Italian and French composers, pp. 195-205. [Boteldieu and Auber.] 4177-4 Upton, (1. r. The standard operas, pp. 9 -i 772-9 Ai'ber'it.n, J. J. Six 1 1I1, in Cape Colony ami nd one month in Tenerife and Madeira. I.., 1SS0. 12° 468-16 i.l II. Merle d\ See Merle d' bigne. ..John, antiquary, />. 1020 d. 1697 Miscellanies upon various subjects. I.., 174-13 Kn ■ n| .1 1 pp. 24(1-260. 5 ; 1 1 ima 1 h, H. 1 Pulpil elo PP. 7oo 813 2521 , 1 1 • ; d. 1503. '•■! 1 A m I ireign biographies v. 2. pp. to.,- 177, ,,,, ,, Auchindrane ; or, the Ayrshire tragedy. Scott, W. Poetical works, v. 9. pp. 117-226 814C4 Auckland, Lord. See Eden, Wm. Audebez, J. J. Fish, H. C. Pulpit elo- quence, pp. 218-226 2521-4 At IHFFRET-Pasquier, Edme Armand Gaston due d\ French statesman, />, 1823. Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic, pp. '35-'46 4105-5 AuDIN, Jean Marie Vincent. History of the life, writings and doctrines of Luther. tr. by Win. B. Turnbull. v. 1. L., 1S54. 8° 592B2 — Life of Henry the eighth, and history of the schism of England, tr. by E. G. K. Brown. L., 1852. 8° 462ISS — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 10. pp. 463-491. [Review of Life of Luther.] 818-27 Audlev, Thomas. Campbell, John. Lord Chancellors, v. 1. pp. 4S1-510. . . . 411-25 Audubon, John ]a.mes,American ornithologist, b. 1780-r/. 1851. Audubon, Mrs. ].., ed. Life of Audubon 129B5 St. John. Mrs. H. Audubon, the natural- ist [29B6 Chasles, P. Anglo-American literature. IT- 57-93 473-22 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 381-385 4IO-44 Famous boys and famous men. pp. 279- 283 410-478 Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 89-110. 430E5 — Homes of American authors. pp. 1-17. 4181-4, - Hood, E. P., ed. Masters minds of the West. pp. 451-4S3 4'2-54 Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 163-167 410-82 Smiles. S. Brief biographies. pp. 98- '■4 4"' 934 Webber, C. W. Wild scenes and wild hunters, pp. 87-122 7966-9 At t-.u, Adelheid von. It is the fashion. Auerbach. Berthold, German novelist, b. 1812 ,/. [882. Aloys. N. V., [877. Barefooted maiden. B., 1862. Black forest stories. N. Y., 1S74. Contents. — (lawk. — Pipe of war. — Manor house farmer's vefela. — Nip-cheeked Tony. — \ inment. — Hostile brothers.— Ivo, the gentleman. — Florian and Crc 1 lutei bacher. Brigitta. N. \ ., 1880. 1 mnii ts and tlu-ii children. N. \ .. 1877. Edelweiss. B., 1869. I .11 nun tales. N. Y., 1N74. Contents 'Christian Gellert's last ( h ill- step-mother.— Benigna. — Rudolph and I 1 1 I I 1 il ri nulla. [oseph in the snow. N. Y., 1874. I ,, ml. ill. 1 N. V., 1S7S \i ERBAI II 77 \i l i 665B56 9802- 14 41841 -6 4184 809- 21 \i erbai ir. Bei thold, continued. I ml' N. Y., [87 1 Lorley and Reinh ird N, Y., 1X77. Ma tei Bieland and liis workmen. N. Y., 1883. 1 in the heights, 2 v. V Y ., [875. Spinoza. N \ . 1882. \ ilia on the Rhine. 2 v. N. Y., 1 Waldfried. \. Y., (874. /iiiinii 111. 11 .■..■,/ \ Foreign novelist >. pp. 27 34, 1 Biogi aphii .1 1 ket< h and extracts.] 808-99 eau, Piem Francoi Cha Mead- ley, J. T. Napoleon and his marsh »■ '• PP- 94 t2i \ 1 1 .11 1 I . I 'id 11 II. 1 1 on hn 1 an.l sei ession. Phila., 1863. 12 . . . Ai<. ikk, Guillaume \ ii toi I mile. M tl thews, J. B. I i'ii. Ii dramatist . oi 19th entury. pp. 105-136 Mauris, Maurii e. French men of Ii pp. S9-10S \| 1 ST. Vdams, O. !•'., ed. Through the year with the poel >, | August.] . . . August stories. 4 v. See Abbott, Jacob. AUGUSTINE, 01 Vustin, St., archbishop of Can- .'i ■■ 1 1 I 1 ■ , 1 . I medi eval I urope. pp. 87-98 Montalembert, < I Monks of the West. v - - pp. 137 --.; W alsh, \\ . P. I leroes of the mi m field, pp 67-85 V.UGUSTINE, 1 V 1 1 1 . ■ I i 1 1 , \n;.ii, linn . 1 St., bishop of Hipp . J54 d. 430. Seven- teen short treatises. 1... [884. 8°. . . Contents. — Concerning faith of things not seen.— Of faith and of the creed.— Of faith and works.— Enchiridion to Laurentius on faith, hope and -charity.- On the Christian conflict. Of the catechizing of the unlearned Of con- tinence. — On the virginity.— On the good of widowhood.— On lying. — To Consenl nst King Of the work of monks. -On care to be had for the . '. Museum "f science and art. \. 10. pp. 17; [92 603-4 Metcalfe. S. 1 ,. 1 aloric. v. 1. pp 344 5301-6 1. I. New lands within the Arctic circle, v. 1. pp. 322-335. I 187 AURORA. --8 AUSTRALIA. Aurora borealis, continued. Procter. R. A. Flowers of the sky. pp. 91-113 5 2 °4-7' — Reclus, E. Ocean atmosphere and life. v. 2. pp. 4--5 6 55H-7 — Set alio Meteorology. Aurora Leigh. Browning, E. B 186C6 Aurora society. Nordhoff, C. Communis- tic societies of the U. S. pp. 3°5-33 2 - 33 8 9-6 AUSONIUS. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3. pp. 245-264. . . S7001-3 Auspicious day. [Drama.] Webster, Au- gusta 93°' 5 Austen, Jane, English novelist, b. 1775-^. 1817. Emma. L. 16°. — Letters. ed. with introduction, and critical remarks, by E. II. Knatchbull- Hugessen. 2 v. L., 1884. 8°. . . . 130B8 — Mansfield Park. Phila., 12 . Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. L. 1 6°. — Pride and prejudice. Leipzig, 1870. 16°. — Sense and sensibility. Leipzig, 1864. 16°. — Kavanagh, Julia. English women of let- ters, pp. 247-250 4182-5 Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 75-S5 804-56 Austin, Alfred. Won by ahead. 2 v. L., 1886. Austin, George Lowell. History of Massa- chusetts from the landing of the Pilgrims to the present time: including a narra- tive of the persecutions by state and church in England. P.. 1S76. 8°.. . 9824-15 - Life of Franz Schubert. B., 1S73. 16°. S12B1 - Life and times of Wendell Phillips. B., 1888. 12° 729B4 A 1 STIN, Mrs. George L., ed. Little people of God and what the poets have said of them. B., 1877. 12 8099-16 AUSTIN, James G. Practical treatise on the preparation, combination and applica- tion of calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements. I.., 1S62. 12° 6662-15 Austin, Mrs. Jane (Goodwin,) b. 1S31. ,her. N. Y., 1869. 8°. The Desmond hundred. B., 1882. 16°. [Round-robin series. | Dora Darling : the daughtei of the regi ment. B., 1884. 16°. — Moonfolk. A true account of the home of the fairy tales. X. Y., 1874. l6°. . 381 1 nobleman. B., 1881. 16 . 1 1 ies. I Nantucket scraps. I'... 1863. l6 Outpost. Sequel to " Dora Darling." I'. 1884. 1 6°. Shadow of M untain. N. Y.. 1870. 8°. Austin, John, b. 1790-1/. 1859. Lectin, .jurisprudence: or, the philosophy of positive law ; revised by Robert ('amp- bell with preface by Sarah Austin. 2 v. L., 1873. 8 C 3402-2 Mill, J. S. Dissertations and disi uss s. v. 4. pp. 157-226. [Review of Austin on jurisprudence.] 6 At STIN, Elliot. Kingsley. II. Australasia. Baird, J. Emigrant's guide to Australasia 4 U 3~2 — Jacobs, T. J. Scenes, ini ad- ventures in the Pacific ocean 490-5 Markham, A. II. Cruise of the " Rosa- rio." ■ ■ • +93~6 — Palmer, G. Kidnapping in the South seas 493-7 — Pinkerton, J. Early Australian voyages. 493-73 — Powell, W. Wanderings in a wild coun- try : Xew Britain 4936-7 — Barker, M. A. Travelling about. pp. 3-7S 439-14 Australia. Adams. P. W. 1.. Australian essays 494-14 Barker, M. A. Letters to Guy 494>-2 — Bonwick, J. Curious facts of old colonial days 999-2 — Bush wanderings of a naturalist 494 — 2 — Davison, S. Gold deposits in Australia. 55341-3 — Forest, J. Explorations in Australia. . . 494-35 (lane, D. M. New South Wales and \ ic- toria 4944-4 — Hardman, W. Explorations in Australia. 494-45 Hill. R. andY. What we saw in Austra- lia 494-48 Johnson, F. E. Nevt Smith Wales and how to get there 4944-5 I l.ryd, G. T. Thirty-three years in Tas- mania and Victoria 4946-5 Peck,G. W. Melbourne ami the Chincha 1 lands 43 8 -7°8 Sydney, S. History of Australia. . . . 900 8 Stilling, A. W. Never never land. . . 404; 8 Sutherland, G. Australia: or, England in the South. 494-8 Warburton, P. I'.. Journej .ichiss the western interior of Australia 4941-9 \. ton, R. ' lur colonial empire, pp. 78 103 93° ' — Ballon, M. M. Under the southern cros pp. 1-245 I'" ' -' I. I Boston Mondaj lectures [886: I '1 n lit. pp. 24S 257 265-3 I hi! 1,1 \\ 1 rreater Britain. |>p. 37 ; 439-28 and others. Local ;.-'. 1 mi I and tax- in in the Australian colonies and Ne» /' aland. In Probyn, I \\ . 1 obden I lul 1875. pp. 233 243. 3521 ; \i STF \l.l \ — 79 — AUTHORS. \ i i'RALIA, continued. Forbes, \. s "ii> ei I ome i ontini pp, 6 ; 77. l ^'" ial Australia 1 1 tei 1 I teriarta. pp. 460 464. 1 1<<-\ iev oi F linders, M. ' 1 rerra Vu tralis.] I 1 oude, J. A. Ocea I igland and h( 1 1 olonies. pp. 82 229 | I . |. I I . I : pp. 157-202 137-4 I ki 1 . I''. Journe) round the world. pp. 378 ^' s 43 8 I 1 I I .i 1 , 1 1 . I 1 < th on the ocean. pp. 551 570. 1 onvicl life in lustralia. | [1 nl.iii >, I . s Voya [1 1 il the U. S. ex- ploi ing quadn m. [i|>. 218 J74. . . . 437 j 1 Kershaw, M. Colonial facts and fictions. PP- ' 157 494 55 k nox, T. W. I ind world, pp. 755—767. Mini 1 : esoi Australia and New Zealand ■ . 6229-5 Minturn, R. B. From New York to I >elhi. ■ 'fi 138-6 Mortimei T. Far off; or, Asia and Australia di 9] 507. . . 450-57 Peeble . I . M. \i ound the world, pp. 51-80 438 7' . I V Allil" iai d for sunrise lands. PP- 299 362. 439-7S Robertson, A. M. Vegetation of western Australia, hi Rattray, J. and Mill, II. 1 1 ry, pp. 233-240. . . . 714-7 Smiles, S., ■•■'. Round the world : includ- ing a residence in Victoria, pp. 60-196. 1 — Smith, S. Works p] 21 I Rei iev of Collins, I ). English colony ol Nev S37E] Stretton, C. Sport and sportsmen, pp. 257-3I9- I ; m, V. ' . Moravian missions. PP- 4I5-45> \ incent, I . I id through the tropii s. pp. i" 1 1 25 1 }8 ., Warren, F. R. Dust and foam. pp. 317-327 439 93 Wilson, W. S. The ocean as a health resoi 1 . pp. 202 237 6135-g S ' of Powell, W. \' ii.miw wanderers. I cc. Mrs. S. 47;!-:,, rVusTRIA-Hungar; divisions : 1. II tory. -'. Travels and description. ;. M Ham 1. Abbott, J. S. ( . Empire of Austria : its and present power e, W. History of the House of Aus- tria. 1218-1792. 3 v Han; I a. Genesis of the revolu- tion in Austria. In Kelly. W. K. His- torj I ! 1 [o; iei , I I M war. . . Kelly, W. K. History of th( Ho Vustria I ci ion ol ' 1st to of 1*4*. I 1 ontinu- ation :■•] ... 9426-31 Mam ice, I I I nient 1 929-5 8 Stiles, W. H. Vustria his- tory of the late political m ivemenl Vienna, Milan, Venice and Prague. . . 1 i the court, aris- . a. . . 94 2 6-9 Bro 1 1 1 v. 16. pp. 209-226. Austria and Hungary. . . . 818-27 2. Travels and description. Arnold, R. A. From the Levant, the 1 and the Danube, v. 2. . . 4499-15 Elliott, ' . B. Travels in the three great empires of Austria, Russia and Turkey. 44°9-3 lann, E. Watering places and min- eral springs of Germany, Austria and erland ' Leveson, II. V. 1 11 esl and the field, pp. 279-314 7966-5 3. Miscellaneous. enberger, J. Austria. In Stanton, I.. .:'. The woman question in Europe. pp. 175 [88 396-S5 In the land of marvels : folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. . 38436-8 Mundt, K. 1.M.1 (L. Miihlbach, / Andreas Hofer. |llist. romance.] eph II and his count. [Hist, ro- mance.] \ftne. Siege of Vienna. i mce. ] Bohemia. Germany. Hungary. Maximilian I. John, Don. Mcfternich. Ai i'enrieth, Georg. Homeric dictionary. tr. with additions and corrections by R. P. Keep. N. V.. 1877. 12 VVTHOR ol Beltraffio. lames. \l.,Jr. iRS and authorship. Authors and publishers: a manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. X. V., t sv ; ;s and authors : cu - and ketches aeli, 1. Calamities and quarri authors S04-36 il Hamilt Battle of the hooks. ■ Duhring, J. Gentlefolks and others. . 304-33 lie; How they strike me. these authors. . . . . . . AUTHORS. — 80 — AVRES. Authors and authorship, continued. — Higginson, T. W. Hints on writing and speech-making. 117-44 — Jacox, F. Literary life; or, aspects of authorship 804-5 — Saunders, F. Story of some famous books S04-75 — Walsh, W. S. Authors and authorship. 804-77 — Prime, S. I. Under the trees, pp. 73-79. 745E2 Whipple, E. P. Literature and life. pp. 7-41 946E61 — See also Biography, collective, authors. Author's daughter. Howitt, Wm. Authorship of Shakespeare. Holmes, N. 8238-4 Authorship of the four Gospels. Marvin, W ■ 2271 -11 Autobiography of a Latin grammar, n. t. p. 12°. Autobiography series. See Howells, W. D., ed. Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes, O. W 483E5 AUTOLOGY: an inductive system of mental science. Hamilton, D. H 1S0-41 Automata. Lukin, J. Boy engineers, pp. 105-120 607-41 — Timbs, J. Inventors, pp. 72-S5. . . . 609-79 Auton, C, pseud. See Hoppin, Augustus. AUTUMN holidays. Boyd, Rev. A. K. H. . 179E6 AUTUMN musings and other poems. Hazard, Elizabeth 459C9 Autumnal catarrh. (Hayfever.) Wyman, M 61649-9 Avarice. Hargreaves, J. G. Blunders of vice and folly. pp. 17-44 '99-4 A vi '■.-Lallemant, Robert. Humboldt's so- journ in Paris, 1808-1826. In Bruhns, K., ed. Life of Alexander von Hum- boldt. V. 2 491 B3 AvELINE, E. L. The mother's fables in verse, and Tales and fables in verse. L. 1 6° ■ . . . . 8099-17 Avenger. De Quincey, T 284E49 Average man. Grant, k. Alida C. Vassar college. In kett, A. C, 1 d. I'.iliu ation of Vmerican girls. p] . ; \6 [61 576-2 1 has, Pai ton, f. People' - 1 1, of biography, pp. 122-127 -V 1 " 82 H ley, J. T. 1 li.i|i lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 299 1121-45 Avery, Elroy M. . In misti j . V V., l88l. 12° 54O-I3 ■if natural philo oph) - \. Y., 12". . .... Word . ■ I N . E. 1 A. pp. 20; 1 . . 3706-6 Avery Glibum. Newell, R. H. (Orpheus C. Kerr, pseud.) Avesta. Bleeck, A. II. Avesta: the re- ligious books of the Parsees 2925-2 Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions, pt. I. pp. 171-208 290-3 — Geiger, W. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in ancient times, with an intro- duction i»n the Avesta religion. . . . 9176-4 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions. Persia. 2925-5 Miiller, F. M. Chips, v. 1 652E1 — Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. I. pp. 140 197 104-05 AviENUS. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the la iic poets. v. 3. pp. 303-30S. . . S7001-3 Avis Benson; or, mine and thine. Prentiss, Mrs. E. Avis, Richard. Bird-preserving, bird- mounting and the preservation of birds' eggs, with a chapter on bird catching. I.., 1S80. 16° 5794-1.1 AviSON, Chas., musician and critic, b. 1710- d. 1770. Browning, R. Parleying?. with certain people of importance in their day. pp. 135-156 1881 4; AvoLIO; [and other] poems. Hayne, P. II. 459I 6 Avondale, Pa. Knox, T. W. Under- ground world, pp. 578-587 6229-5 Awakening of Italy and crisis of Rome. Wylie, J. A 2745-9 AWDRY, Frances. Story of a fellow-soldier : life of Bishop Patteson, for the young, with preface by C. M. Yonge. L., 1880. 1 6° 718B1 --and others. Miz maze: or, the Wink- worth puzzle : a story in letters by nine authors. L., 1883. 12°. Awdries and their friends. Prosser, Mrs. — . AYACUCHO, Peru. [Battle 1S24.] Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo. pp. 1-16 903-53 AYER, John. Introduction. In Paleario, A. Benefit of Christ's death 2347-6 Aylmere; or, the bondman of Kent. 1 on .ml. Robert T 241c, Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer. Griffin, G. AYLWARD, J.T). Mystical element in relig ion, and ancient and modern spiritism. In Manning, 11. E., ed. Essays, ser. 3. pp, 68 1 10 204-58 Avnsi I'.v, Mi 1. J. I '. Mm 1 a\ I'm n 1 11 i" Hindostan, Kashmir and I adakh. I ... [879. 8° 154-14 \ ', 1 1 i, Alius], pi u 1 isiiuin, lln. Embly. 1 ■ Life and worl "I Wm. ;ustus Muhlenberg, \. V., 1880. 8° 1. si I-' VYRES. 81 — BAM I i IN ,\ . i i .1 !ei i. B. 1 1"» i" painl phologi ph in watci i oloi and in oil, how Lo worl i ■ i n | make thi ■ 1 1 1 o photograph, rctom h negal ive , and in- structions in ceramii painl ing, N. v.. 1883. 12°. Same. Phila., 1S70. . , 751 15 Vytoun, \\ in. I .. I iii. md loune. 1 1 Percj [om titl. 1 Lays of the Scottish ■ a i aliei and uthei poem >. N. Y., li 12° Same. Bound with Mai aulay, T, li. 1 1 ■. of an Rome 6031 5 1 Martin, I In odo | Bon ( Faul- tier; pseud.) Book ol ballads and Fir- milian, \. \ . (867. 12° 125C1 Rogei , 1 ttisl itrel. Bio- graphical skeli li and poems, pp. \,' M I \. ( 'l.ivfull, ( '. \ IRA, Don I .-li ■ d'. |. inline, W., ed. Nal uralists' librar) . v. 19. pp. 1 7-76. Vie 1 1 "i 59°-5 \ irian. Spofford, II. I .. (P.) \ kRiAS, Brotlur. See Mullany, P. !• . Azeglh 1, Massimo d'. Ettore Fiei 1 m< in , the 1 ballenge 1 il Barletta. B., t 1 . \ n 1 ..I.. .I. 1 Lapi; or, 1 be las t days ol I- l"i enl ine republic. Phila., 1 860. 1 2 s. Sum 1 in the Azores I li-in iqui I • I. I . i Azores 1 , [•*. \Y. Azore 1; or, « 1 Wi ck . I .. II. Among the Azi ires. Bi njamin, S. ( ■. W. Atlanti PP- 33 5'' World's paradises, pp. 128 138. Bi a ey, Lady A. In 1 he 1 1 ade , the tropii ., ui'l t he roaring fortii . pp. 458 5°'J ... ; Murray, 1 . A. Travels in North Ameri- ca, in vi^ii [o ( ul. u and the 1 1 ' Banci ii. 11.11. Native rai the Pacific states of North America, indi v. 5 Biart, 1.. and cusl s Prescott, W. 11 1 . . [i Wils R. A. Co Me cii 0. li 11 klehurst, T. I ". M pp. 7' 1 n> 47-1^ Mm .Mil, I . II. Am ienl 1 » iety. pp. 186 214. Aztei ' ' mfedei acy. Southey, R. Poetical works, v. 5. pp. I'n i,i loc in Aztlan. I'» B., G. S. Stud) "I ■ li' prologue and epi- logue in Engli sh litei pi in in I li) den. L., 18S4. \i . I'.., I I.. Farmer at home. 11. t. p. 12. ojoj-2 B., M. A. A. Clouded in mystery. Phila., 1874- Baalbec. I . 1 .. Excursions to 1 Jerusalem, Dam a - 11 and Baalbec. . . (vS =,' ('..,('. A fortnight's toui amongst the Arabs on Mount Lebanon ^584 4 Baarnhielm, !//...> E. \\ . Archibald Ham- ilton. B., 1869. 16 130A2 " Bab " ballad -. 1 rilberl, W. s 4221 1 B IBB v ■ . 1 . Chas. Mason, J., ed. Gn triumphs ol real men. pp. 586 588. |i<> 7 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp.276 2N4. |i 69 B 11 is. Emma Whitcomb. Household hints. I Applet' m -' home books. | N Y., 1881. 12 640-13 Babcock, Keii.i B. Clemence, the school- mistre ol Wa\ eland. ( le\ eland, 1S70. 12°. Babel, Builders of. M'Causland, D. . . . 572 6 BAUER, founder of Mogul empire in India, . 14S3 1 , [1 ' r ikine, W Hisi of India 95423 .; 1. in the wood. I leWille, J. B IBOLAIN. I li " \ • ■ Babu i . .'•' . < '. I I in future pi mm. pp. 267 -290. . . Baby Rue. Clark, Mrs.Q. M. | No name series. | Babylon and Babylonia. Budge, E. A. \\ . Iij I". :■ "i ' hi life and history Ileelen, A. II. L. Politil and trade of the Asiatic nations. //; lit 1 in, A. 1 1. 1.. II I v. orks. 2 906-4 ■■], A. II. Disi mong the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon Nineveh and Babylon 40.', nan. J. P. Thrones and palai Ion and Nineveh Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon. Five greal monarchies. \ . 2 ;. rid: Euph and Tigris, pp. 0-69 (lie. : sieges < >f history. pp. 1 1 '--■ 1 \ . A. N 1 1 0-54 Myers, P. V*. N. Remains of lost em- pires, pp. 200 253. BABYLON. 82 — BACON. Babylon and Babylonia, continued. - Rawlinson, G. Religions of the anci- ent world, pp. 35-76 290-7 Sayce, A. II. Fresh light from the anci- ent monuments 2212-23 Hibbert lectures, 1887. On the origin and grow 1I1 of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. 292-8 Seven wonders of the world. pp. 63 131. Hanging gardens ol Babylon. . 401-7 Wright, W. I!. Ancient cities, pp. 35- 55 401-9 Babylon. [A novel.] Allen, Grant. Baby's grandmother. Walford, L. Li. Bao m 1 Euripides. Tragedies. v. 1. pp. 249 jSj S823-2 BACCH1DES; it, the twin sisters. Plautus, T. ,M. Comedies. v. 1. pp. 145— 210 8723 7 Bai ' 111 5. Brown, R. The great Diony- siak myth 2941-2 Bacchi i dethroned. Powell, F 198-74 Bacchylides. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 257-261. 87001-3 Bach, Alberto B. Musical education and vocal culture. Edin., 18S3. 8°. . . . 774-15 BACH, (ail Philipp Emanuel. Letters. //; Wallace, Lady — . tr. Letters ol distin- guished musicians, pp. 49-67. . . . 4177-9 Bach, Johann Sebastian, German musical compose)-, b. 16S5— imple 1 il Plul. 1.. 1868. 1 6° 11 ill. 1 il' 1. E. I ■'. W 11 ol the Amei ii an revolul i . 1. pp. ; l s |i 'i , , P. vi in 1 "ii Bluff; hi • opinion . enl imi pulations. Bunci B. . . . in;l , Bai hi lor's story. Bunce, O. B. BACHELOR'S talks about married life and things adjacent. Aikman, Rev. Wm. . 193 1 ; Back, Ca/>/. Sir Geo. Taylor, B. Cyclopae- dia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 597— 613. Pack's Arctic land expedition. . . 436 8 — Tillotson, J. Adventures in the ice. pp. 207-213 498-9 Back to back. Hale, E. E. Pack to the old home. Hay, M. C. Backgammon. Hick, W. B. American Hoyle. pp. 370-393 7' s 7-4 — See also Games. Bai KL0G studies. Warner, CD 817-92 :, Truman J., ed. Shaw, T. B. New history of English literature 820-S1 BACKWOODS of Canada. Geikie, C. . . . 471-4 BACON, Allien M. Manual of gesture. Chicago, [873. 12° 801-15 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam and viscount St. Albans, lord chancellor of England, b. 1 561-f/. 1626. Works: with life by Basil Montagu. 3. v. Phila., 1S54-55. 4°. n- 1, Contents. — v. 1. Life. — Essays. — Appendix s.iys. — Meditationes sacrse. — Of the colours of good and evil. — Miscellaneous tracts . human philosophy. — Apophthegms. — Ornamen- ta rationalia. — Collection of sentences. — Notes for conversation. — Essay on death. — Advani ment of learning. — New Atlantis. — Wisdom of the ancients. — Civil history. — Biography. — Mis- cellaneous tracts. v. 2. Sylva Sylvarum ; or, a natural history — Tracts relating to Scotland. — Ireland. — Spain. — England. — Speeches. — Changes. — Papers re lating to the Earl of Essex. — Theological tracts. — Judicial charges and tracts. — Miscellaneous tracts (trans, from the Latin v. 3. Letters from the Cabala, the Resusci- t.Uio, Bai ..1.1. .11. 1, Birch, the r.ritish museum, Lambeth lihr.iry. Millet, Stephens and Mat thewi Miscellaneous letters. — law tracts. — Great iiisi.niiiii.il of Lord Bacon. — Miscellane- ous tracts, trans, from the Latin - I I ays, moral, economical and political. Bound with Conduct of understanding by John Locke, with an introductory ty b) K. Potter. ,\'. Y ., 1S55. 24 . 131 E3 Essays : 1 ir, ci lunsels, civil and moi al, and the wisdom of the ancients. P., 1879. Same, iNS;, 12 1 ;iE2 I :aj : « uli annotations, by R. W1i.hi l\ , in. I a glossarial index by F. I Men I. P... 1868. 8° 1 ;il 1 Reign of Henry VII. Hound with Mil 1..11 I . Britain 9306 6 Boyd, A. K . II. Aul umn holidays, pp. ■ ■ .'oi'. I ! iew of life and charactei 1 ;i B38 Spedding, J., . •'. Vn ai 1 1 "I 1 he life and 1 imes ol Fi am 1 1 B; 1. >.!'IU Buckley, 1 \ Dav ■ of genius. pp. ->oi 217 |.IO-2 < lampbell, J. I I chancelloi v. 2. pp. 238 564 '" ' i Children's story book. pp. 105 [09. . . 410 27 I iuIh-i ty, I. £ laws in ihe phi I ph ■. ol Bacon. In M an n ing, 1 1 . E., d. I ei - ;■ pp. 285 ;i 1 1 1 a ter, I. 1 1. 1 l.i) i- I [untington, Stories ol greal men. pp. 21 26. . . 410 585 [1 !•. J. II. Courl of England during the reign "f the Stuarts. v. 1. pp. 286-298 |ii 5S I .1 w rence, E. Live ol 1 he Briti h hi >■ torians. v. 2. pp. 370-376 41S2-54 Lodge, I Portraits of illustrious per- onages of 1 treat Bi itain. v. ;. pp. 1S7 194 411-65 Macaulay, T. B. In Men ol history, pp. 1 15 <47 410-75 — Mason, I . Great triumphs of great men. pp. 224-230 410-7 Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousne persons, pp.83 85 410-7S Morris, 4' '45 609-79 Weiss, I. Wit, humor and Shakespi pp. 245 300 " — Whipple, I'. I'. Literature of the agi l'.li/alieth. pp. 27S ;;o 8203 9 Outlooks, on lociety, literature and poli- tics, pp. 3CO-JO5 C M"1 63 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp 222-227 I 1 " 97S Bacon, John, English sculptor, i. 1740-./. 1700. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 3. pp. 174 213 417-3 Mason, J., ed. Greal triumphs of : men. pp. 2S9 201 I lo 7 Bacon, Leonard, Amen . . iSo2- 2 Badin, Stephen Theodore, first priest ordain- ed in the U. S. Murray, J. O'K. Catho- lic pioneers, pp. 427-433 4142-d Baer, Karl Ernst. Haeckel, E. Evoli n of man. pp. 48-69. [Review of Theories.] 575-45 Baffin's bay. Markham, A. II. Whaling cruise to Baffin's bay. . . , 40s 623 also Arctic 1 egions. 1 1 1 1 i> chemes. B., n. d. 8°. Dr. Geo. W. (W What I did with my lift) millions. I'hila., 1S74. 12° S17-1S7 Wat i'i on, H., ed. < iddities ol southern life. pp. 439-445 > s 1 7 "I .1., Asiatit Turkey. Fogg, W. P, ' listan : tra\ el thri >ugh Eg) pt, Ara- bia, and lv, ia to Bagdad 159-35 — Palmer, E. II. 1 1. mum All .1 . Ii i.l. ( ,i- liph of Bagdad 154H0 \\ 1 , , 1 1. 81 13 traVI let in Arabia, pp. '32 459-94 1 . . 1 , I no>, . list, i'. I72S-,/. 1801. Scott, W. I .mi,,, m ilists pp. 605 617 i|Nj 82 ' .' and jour- unlit, 6. 1S20 ,/. 1N77. Economii stud ■ by K. II. Mutton. I... 3304-18 Bag] hot, \\ alter, continued. English constitution. ]!.. 1873. 12°. . 3461 • Lombard street: a description of the money market. N. Y., 1S73. 12". 3311-2 Physics and politics; or, thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" ami "inherit- ance" to political society. N. Y., 1S75. 12°. Same, 1873 301 2 Contents. 1 he preliminary age. — The use ol conflict. — Nation-making. — The age of discus- sion.— Verifiable progress politically considered. Po dilates of English political econ- y: with a preface by Alfred Mir shall. N. Y., 1885. 12° 330-18 BAGENAL, Philip H. The American Irish and their influence on Irish politics, '••• '882- '" ,;;;, 2 Bagg, Lyman Hotchkiss. (Graduate ol 69, pseud.) four years at Yale. New Haven, 1S71. 12° 378746-2 Bagnall, James E. Handl ; ol mosses, with an account of their structure, classi- fication, geographical distribution and habitats. I.., 1SS6. 12° 5882 2 Bagot, Elizabeth, countess 0] Falmouth and Dorset. Jameson, A. (M.) Beau- ties of the court of Charles II. pp. [81 tSS 41 1-55 fe e, J. II. Court ol England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3. pp 2S1 283 41 1-5S Bagwell, Richard. Ireland under the Tudors with a succinct account of the earlier history. 2 v. I.., 1885. 8°. . 9415-2 Bahama islands. Ives. C. Isles of sum- mer; or, Nassau ami the Bahamas. . 47296 : , Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands, pp. 13-3 2 497-2 World's paradises, pp. 157-165. . . 439 17 ey, Lady A. In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties, pp. 285 .55 s 4375 -' Mackie, J. M. From cape Cod to Dixie, and the tropii s. pp. 318-348 473 6 Baile, J. Wonders of electricity, ed. with additions by Dr. J. W. Armstrong. N. V., 1872. 12 537 1 1 Bailey, Miss- . (Edna Lyall, pseud.) Don- ovan: a modern Engli ill nun. N. Y., (886. 12°. - Iii the golden days. N. Y.. [886. 12°. — Knight-errant. N. Y., 1887, 12°. We two. N. Y., 1886. 12 . — Won by waiting. N. V.. 1NN0. 12 . Bail] ■ . Anna. Kllet. E. F. \\ omen ol the revolution, v. 2. pp. 251-255. 412] 15 Bailey, Henry I \ es. Litui g) 1 »a 1 ed will, the Bible. I.., n. 1. p. 12. . . 26031-2 BAILEY. HAIN Bailey, Jas. M. (Danburj new m in, Dan bur j l m ' h ith a full aci ounl of Mrs. C'obli i H 1886. 12 817-18S I 1 1 g I I 1 M I I 1 I 1 < 1 H ol icotland mil [rel md. I'... 1879. 12° 1 1 ■ 1 j I ife in Danbury. B„ 1874. 16 117-1 Bailey, John M Bool ol ensilage ; or, I he new dispensal foi 1 \ . V., 1881. 8 B A I LE Y , 1 1 1 - F i e 1 d n o p p I e c u 1 1 u n N. V., 1SS1,. 12 . '■)]'■' I 1 1 1 afield n I" nil pla nti and the cii -I plants. B., 1885. 12 Bailey, Mark, rreatisi ilocution. /// I I r 1 1 1 1 . 1 . < ; . S. Fifth re idei . pp. 9 60. Scfl {$ Bailey, Philip James. Fesl 11s a 1 V \ .. 11. d. r6° 132C2 \l j tic and othei 1 :. It., 1856. 1 -• 132 Coni M | tii Spiritual li end 1 'airy tale Fuller, M. Life without and life within. pp [53-I 57. I Re\ irw "I I'V in - I (.0 1] 5 ( lilfillan, ( t. Modern literature, v. 2. PP. 54° 546 l' s I I Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. '• PP- 3 6 3 37' 946] Bailey, Samuel. Ribot, T. English psy- chologj - pp. 315 a- 2 1621 7 Bailey, T. J. Defei lei in the chin rli ol England, including statutes, documents, and other evidence attesting the validity of Anglican 01 del and the jurisdiction and mi ssi I the Anglican episcopate. I... 1871. 12° 2837-2 Bailey, ["heodorus, rear admiral, b, 1804 1877. 1 [eadlej , J. T. Fan ;ul and our naval commanders, pp. 224 251. \\ Bailiff's maid. John, Eugenie, il Mar- litt, pseud.) Baillie, Lady Grisell, 6. i"d5 d. 1746. Ked- die, H. (S. Tytler, pseud.) and Wat- 50n, J. I.. S01 f Si Ol land. V. I. pp. 1-20 • j 1 7N S Baili IE, Joann . 171 ,i. Dramatic and poetical « 01 k -. I ., iS^ ;. 8°. . . [32C6 liix. J. Lions: living or dead. pp. 345 -35° t'° 4 1 1 '. hi. Win. I tomes and haunl British poets, v. 2. pp. 285-294. . 41821 1 — Robertson, E, S. English poetesses, pp. [39-181 41SJ1 7 Rogers, 1 .. ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 38-46. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . Keddie, H. (S. 1 j tier, pseud.) and Wat- son, J. I .. Song stresse 1 il Si 1 il land. V. 2. pp. lSo-334 4I78-S Baii in, John M 1 It.MI.I II , I 257. Baillii nanter Baii i m Grohman. Seei Irohman, W. A. U-. Bailly, John Sylvain. Arago, I . I distingui 1 I ■ 93 -57 M6-15 1 1 Memoirs of thi V. 2. pp. 80 89 Baii \ . ■ I I:.. 1S.S7. 12°. It \n y, Win. L. ' tin ow 11 i : miliai natural history oT thi States, ed. I>) 1 I 16 Trees, plants and Rowei and how 1 hi ) gi '■•■ Phila., 1870 i6°. . . . BAIN, Ich author, i. 1818. Edui \. V., 1 12 ° I a.n. I H ill. I... 1 Engli I ipo 1' 1 m and rhetoric. \ . V., 1873. 12° 801-17 Log i e . N . Y . , ' S 7I '-' 189 15 Men psy- .. ilogy and the hi toi v ..I philo ophj . N \ . 1 M.S. 12° \I in : of iheir re- lation. N. Y.. 1873. 12°. Same. 1S75. , M01 impendium of el I N. \ . 1 12°. . . . ,,,, I, On teaching English: with detailed amples and an enquiry into the defini- tion of poetry. \. \ .. 1887. 1 .• 11711. \. \ '.. 1SS4. 12°. . . ■mi the mind Errors suppi ' 1 .! controvei ; ty ideal, pa I rt of Stud) -Re- re of delil . 1 enses and the intellect. V Y.. 8° 1 elation ol nervous and menial fo /« Stewart, B. 1 onservation of en- ergy Notes. In Mill. J. Analysis "I the phe- nomena of the human mind 1S0-63 — Mill, J. S. I 'i ■ ions. \. 4. pp. 101 156. [Revie chology. ] II. Illustrations of universal pp. 300 324. [ Review of ions and the will.] 1 I . i on Monday lectu ogy. pp. 220-241 5 I IAIN. - 86 BAKER. Bain, Alexander, continued. — Ribot. T. English psychology, pp. 194 254 1621-7 Bainbridge, Mrs. Lucy (Seaman.) Round the world letters, n. t. p. 12 . . . 43S-14 Bainbridge, Wm. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 358- 382 41232-3 Bainbridge, Wm. Folwell, D. D. Along the lines at the front: a general sur- vey of Baptist home and foreign mis- sions. Phila., 1882. 12° 2636-2 — Around the world tour of Christian mis- sions : with maps of prevailing religions and all leading mission stations. B., 1882. 12° 263-2 — Self-giving : a story of ( Christian missions. Baines, Edward, English journalist and his- torian, /'. 1774-1/. 1S4S. History of the war-, of the French revolution, 1792- 1 S 1 5 : comprehending the civil history of Great Britain and France, during that period. With History of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, by Wm. Grimshaw. 2 v. N. V.. 1S55. 8° 9444-lS — Small beginnings, pp. 265-284. . . . 410-93 BAINES, Thomas. Explorations in south- west Africa: being an account of a journey in 1S61-62, from Walvisch bay on the western coast to lake N'gami and the Victoria falls. L., 1S64. 8°. 468-2 Baird, Chas. W., D. D. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. 2 v. \. V., 1SS5. S° 2S45-17 Baird, Henry 1 nomist, i. 1825. Derby, J. 1 '. Fifty years among authoi -, hooks ami publishers, pp. 558-562. . 4181-3 Baird, Henrj tfartyn, D. D., 6. 1832. His- tory "f the rise of the Huguenots. 2 v. I.., 18S0. 8° 2S45-2 - Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 v. X. Y., 1886. S 2S45-21 Modern Greece : a narrative ol ■ < residem 1 and travels in that country : H itli obser- vations on its antiquities, literature, language, politics and religion. N. Y.. '2' 1495-2 ! Emigrant's guide to Australasia: comprising \" ' 1 ilia, 1 New Soul li \\ 1 1' . Wi 01 11 An n. ilia, i li Vustralia, Victoria and '. land,) Tasmania and nd. I... 10 (93-2 Baird, Robert. Religion in America. N. V., 1856. 8° Biographical keti li of 1 In Journal ol Ihn resi- dem - "in. pp. 7 in Baird, Robert, continued. — Introduction. In .Merle d' Aubigne, | H. Discourses ami es-.iys 252-653 Baird lectures. See Flint, R. BAKED meats of the funeral. Ilalpine, C. G 452E1 Baker, Benj. C. E. Long-span railway bridges. Phila., 1S70. 12 624-15 Baker, B. F. Theoretical and practical harmony. B.. n. d. 8° 77 17-2 BAKER, C. Alice. Summer in the Azores, with a glimpse of Madeira. B.. 1882. 24° 44699-2 BAKER, (has. R. Practical and scientific fruit culture. B., 1866. 8° 634-2 Baker, I). W. C. Brief history of Texas from its earliest settlement ; to which is appended the constitution of the state. N. Y., 1873. 12° 9S54-2 Baker, Daniel. Noble, W. I*. 1'. Century of gospel work, 1776-1S76. pp. 364- 3 8 9 277-7 Baker, Edward Dickinson, senator and colonel, b. 1S11-1/. 1861. Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 407-414. . 41231-4 — Victor, O. T. Incidents and anecdotes of the war. pp. 216-228 980-93 Raker, Geo. A., jr. Bad habits of good society. N. Y., 1SS6. 16 395-19 — Point-lace and diamonds: poems. N. Y.. IS75- 16° I33C1 Baker, Geo. E., ed. Life of William H. Seward with selections from his works. N. Y., 1S60. 12 S18B92 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors. pp. 477-484 4181-3 Baker, Geo. M. Drawing-room stage: origi- nal dramas, comedies, farces and enter- tainments for amateur theatricals and school exhibitions. B., 1873. l6°. . 785-2 — Exhibition drama. B., 11. d. 16°. . . 7S5-21 — Globe drama : original plays. B., 1885. 16° ' 785-215 Note. For contents of foregoing sec Ama- teur theatricals. Handy dramas, for amateur acting. B., 1877. 16°. . . : ; Contents.— Flowei of the family Mysteri "ii- disappearance. — Above the clouds.— Shall our mother: Paddli youi own i anoe. — One hundred year ago. Little brown \v in 1 1 hi 1!' phant. Mimic stage: dramas, tedie bur- lesques and farces for public exhibitions Hid pi ivate theatricals. B.. [868. 12". 785 125 Note. For content! ! — Vmateui thi itricals Running In wale. I'... 1875. 24 . . . I32A3 Social stage. 11. I. p. 16° S015-2] Note. For contents ■ A.matcui tin itricals. ed. Handj peaker, | Includes reading club Nos. 1 |.| !'•.. 1 s 7 7 . 16 . . . 801 10 BAKES U I. Baker, < ieo. M., continued. 1 1 mi pi il.i i : populai ' ' and n ading in diali i t. I'.., 1888. 16 . > Prize speakci 13., 1 11, Bai m, Mi r. 1 1,11 in 11, Newell (W01 1 \l idi lim 1 lie, pseud.), i. 1X15. .111,1 11 1 11, B., 1869 [6°. . 1 , 1 qui te !■■ ■ "i '■'. edded life. V N ., 1869 12 ( ,11.1 and 1 ii, doctor. B., [869. 12°. 1 1 ihion and foil) 1 .1- A-.i Governoi pai don. n. t. p. 16 . . . . 132A24 I [ole in ill-- pocket. B., 1871. 24 . . . 1 ;jA i Juliette ; or, now and forever. N . \ .. 1 I ighl and si B., 1 16 . ... 1 . Tim the scissors-grinder. B., 1862. 16 . [32A29 Sequel to. B., 1862. Hi 1 Truth ami trust. B., 1868. [6°. 1 J2A J2 ;to be useful. B., 1S69. 16". . . 1 \\ heel "I fortune. B., 1866. 24 . . . 1 S2A34 White and black lies; or, truth belter than 1 ,! , I d. B., 1864. in . . . i,>2.\.;i BAKER, James, lieut. col. Turkey. N. \ ., 1S77. S° II 1 , John F. Federal constitution: an . V Y., 1SS7. 12° 3462-2 Baker, Mrs. Josephine K. Calvin the sin- ner. B., 1879. 12°. — Tom's heathen. B., 1879. 12 . BAKER, L. C. Mystery of creation; 10 which is ailileil a new view of future punishment, l'hila., 1884. 12 -, Baki 1 . - s Samuel Whin-, Engh ' traveler, b. 1821. All'en N'yanza: great basin ,,1 the Nile and exploration ol the \ ile sources. Phila., 1869. 12°. Same, [868. Same, 1S70 i''-'S 2 Cast up by the sea. N. Y., n. d. 12°.. 132A45 1 ypress as I saw it in 187,1. I ., 1S79. 8 . 4574 2 - Eight years' wandering in I 1 Phila., 1S69. 16 . Nun,-, 187,1. ... 1,1' ■ Ismail ia : a narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the uppn in of the slave trade: organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. N. \ '., 1875. 8°. 41 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia and the sword hunters of the I [amran A Phila., 1868. 12 — Rille and the hound in Ceylon. Chicago, n. ,1. 12° 15 hue tales for my grandsons. I.. 1883. [6 132A5 .', Bummer and liis p tancc Cl in r 1 i ., ard Harcourt; or, the young All and the golden bas : andfather's itor 1 phant tales and reminiscences of natural hist Conclusion. nued. Ail. 1111 . \\ . I I I 1 In on ti myth. I.., 1867. II Mathematical theory of lh< with rules at length and 1 worked nut for theuseofprai 1.., 1 Bound with I 1 1. Rudimentary ti ne I and dynamics, embracin t of hydn and pneumatics; with central foi and super-elei rail. I.., 1851. l6°. / ilin- sun, ( '. Pneumatics — Prim tatics and dyn il liquids I by Ed- 16 . ... 531-13 Rudimentary treatise on land and engin- eering surveying. I.., 1875. IU J . . . 52 I . Valentine. Clouds in the tra\ • dventures on the 1', Turkoman frontier. 1.., 1S76. 8 155 15 Marvin, C. 1 ntral Asia. pp. 73-94 ; . W. S. ' 'i igin antiquity of en- graving: with some remarks on the utility and pleasures of prints. B., 4 BAKER, Wm. Geo. ' hristian lawyer: be- ing a portraiture of the life ami charac- ter of Win. Geo. Baker. N. V., 1 . Wm. Mumfoi - 1 . 12 1 ler Quarlerman, N. V., 1 ; His majesty, myself. B,, 1880. 1 I No name series.] I -■ . Mose I v ans. N. V., 1874. 1 Timothy. N. Y.. 1 theophanii ■( our 1 I., men I thle- hem. N. Y.. 18S3. 12 . .■;-• 1; niians in 1 exas. N. V., Bakew 111. Frederi< history and d< markable inventions dui century. N. Y., i860. 1 - . 609-2 ■:ws- BAKEWELL. BALDWIN. WELL, Frederick t '.. contimted. — The kaleidoscope. — Magic disc. — Diorama.— Stereoscopi I lectrii telegraph.— Electro-mag- netic clocks. — Electro-metallurgy, -lias : tng Electrii light - Instantaneous light* Paper making machinery. — Printing machines. Lithograph) lerated waters. — Revolvers and Minie rifles. — Centrifugal pumps. — Tubular bridges — Self-at ting engines, including the Nasmyth steam hammer. Balaam. Hills, ( ). A. Companion charac- ters, pp. 74-96. Balak and Balaam. . 2217 47 Maurice, F. I). Patriarchs and law- givers, pp. 221-240. Prophecy of in 2226-64 Balak. Hills, < ). A. Companion charac- ters, pp. 74-96. Balak and Balaam. 2217-47 Balai riON, Last adventure of. Brown- ing, R. Aristophanes' apology, includ- ing a transcript from Euripides, being the last adventure of Baiaustion. . . . 1871 65 Balm now tdventure. Browning, K. . 187C7 BALBEC. $ B. iall.ee. Balbi ia, Vasco Nunez de, >. about 1475-,/. 1517. i es ol \ 1 N de Balboa, Her- Corti ! ancisco Pizarro. \. 1 .. 1854. 16 4159-2 1 offin, C. C. Story "I liberty, pp. 129- ' '■'• 920-25 Helps, A. Spanish conquest 111 America. v. I. pp. 321 411. . . . 970-38 Irving, W. Christopher Columbus, v. 3. pp. 138-261 243B4 Mac call. W. Foreign biographies. \ . 2. pp. K17 125 410 1,7 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneei . pp. 5 ! ''' 4142-6 \ ogel, I . ' nit my oi di -c"\ ei \ . pp. i J ta 137-93 on, R. li. Spanish and Portuguese Soul li Vmei ica. \ . 1. pp. 46-64. 992 95 Balca 1 . ' unless of. Se, Lindsa) , A. Bai 1 11, Elizabeth. Zorah : love tale ol 1 n Eg) pi. B., [887. 8°. I li , paradise. In Thompson, M. Bo) ' book -1 |n .1 1 . pp. 252 256 791-8 Balch, Win, S. Peculiai people or, 1 ea li ty in romance. Chicago, [882. .1 and olhei tales. I Idler, Karl I rd maim. in III, ,,"//; if tin- Latin kingi oj /,nt- [130 Mr, J | I . I . S. Ml'" [)] |-I03 41 , Baldwin, Elihu VV. Myers, J. II. Elihu W. Baldwin. In Biographical annual. pp. 181 190 412-21 Baldwin, Henry. 1 li 1 hid ol Mew I ng land. X. Y., 1884. 8°. ... 7156 2 Bai dwin, Jame . Art ol cl 1 1 \. V. 1 1 1 • 571-16 Baldwin, James, continued. Book-lover: guide Lu the best reading. Chicago, 1SS5. 16° 805-2 English literature and literary criticism : English poetry. Phila., 1882. 8°. Nji 14 - English prose. Phila., iSS;. S ; . . . S20-13 I ential studies in English and Ameri- can literature. Phila., 1886. 12°. . . 820-14 — Story uf Roland, n. t. p. I2 J 3844-2 — Story of Siegfried. N. Y., 1882. l6°. . 8314-2 Story of the Golden Age. N. Y., [887. 12° 8834-14 Baldwin, John Dennison, arcfueologist, b. 1809-1/. ibSj. Ancient America, in notes on American archaeology. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Same. 1S72 407-2 Pre-historic nations: their probable rela- tion to a still older civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia. N. X ., 1872. 12 910-15 Introductory generalities. — Cur- rent chronologies, the relation of Hellas to - ivil ization, and the meaning of pre-historic times. — Pri historic greatness of Arabia. — Phoenicians Cu 01 Vrabian origin of Chaldea India, Sanskrit and ante-Sanskrit. — Egypt previous to Mem Mir. 1 and the Arabian Cushites. — W 1 1- 1 11 Europe in pre-hisl I Baldwin, John Loraine, ed. Laws of short wins], and a treatise on the game by |. Clay. N. Y., 1878. 16 Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary psycho and education. N. Y., 1887. 12 . . . [80 [75 Baldwin, Joseph <)., b. 1 Si 5 d. 1864. Flush times of Alabamaand Mississippi. X. Y.. 1S70. 12° 817-21 Party leaders: sketchesol Thomas Jeffer- son, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew fackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph ol Roanoke. X. \ ., 1866. 12 . . . . 412-18 11, I'.. I'., ed. Humorous master- pieci 1. "in American literature, v. 1. pp. 118 142. Sketch of Ovid Bolus. . 817 63 — Watterson, II., ed. Oddities ol southern life and character. [Extracts from Flu ill nine. I pp. 92 1 ; 3 817 94 Bai dwin, Mai y Bi i so ie. Pil man, 1/ 1 R. Mission life in < Sreec e and Pale line 20,0 6 ' liAi.nu in, II 1 " oj 1 'ant, ■ Barri, < riraldus de, 1 mbren The itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales. /// Historical worl pp. 324 17" Baldwin, \\ m. Cha . Afi nan hu 1 1 1 im Natal to Zambt i, 1852 60. n. 1. [). 12° BALDWIN: being dialogues on view up 1 im 1 s. Paget, Violet. (\ ei non Lee, pseud.) ; 1 1 1 1 i: \m:.\i. 1808 d. 1870, I 1 ■ ' 1 I moil ol Mil hael \\ illiam Balfe. ... 133B2 I . 1 Mir, II. (S fytlei Musical coinpi ers. pp. 312-318. . 1 1 7; j Q. \ mi have I them pp. 228 235 110-85 Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp. 25- 59- ■ 772 9 I: \i 1 in r, Alexander, Ri gei . I Scottish 1 1 pp, 1 .'j [24. [Bi graph 1 il ketch and poi ms.] . . . . 8092] Balfoi r, 1/ CI Lucas, fob Tu rest ; or, waj ■ ■ 1 N. Y. , 1 870 16 132A62 Oni bj hi ' "11- I ... 1872. 12 . . . . 132A65 V\ ■" n hi 1 ii emulal ing I ... n. d. 12 . L13 — ■ Work ing \\ omen of I ry. I ... n. d. in' )i.; is Balfour, John Hutton, /■'. A'. S., ScoitisA 'anist and /■ 1 lSo8-. L., n. d. [6°. 531 1 , Elemenl > ol 11 omy. N. Y., 1880. in 520 in Experimental mechanics. L., 1871. 8 531 \ •, Mri hanics. N. Y. f 18 [6 531—11 Ball, V. Jungle life in 1 r, the journeys and journals of an Indian ge- :. L., 1880 8 454-10 Ball, The. \ I irama. | Chrtpmo 11, G Shirley, J. In Chapman, G. Works. pp. 481 51S jj m 1 Bali i Bali . v. 1 m 1 2 1 1-: 1 l 1 1 ballad Lang, A. English ballads. In V. T. II., ed. En 1 pp. 03-205 I inton, W. J, t«rt S R. 11 1 ■ lish I, S. I. .us ballads. . I ' . J. G. Am ienl Spanish lads Spanish ballads 8611-6 1 < .!'. .1 liei n 1 bal- lads of England from 1642 ds of the r 1 R. C. A. Vr. : — Ritsi Robin Hood : collection of poem . . Robei ts, J. S., I ' ballads of I nd 8211-8 Taylor, Tom. 1 1 111. IV ly, W. M. Balla Is - Thornbury, W. Life in Spain, pp. 134 isli ballads i Tileston, M. W., ed. I bal- lads 809-91 ids for children. Sewell, Mi . M. .1'. Ballads in black: original shadow panto- mimes. 1 ha . . 1 E : Ballads, lyi ics and hymn 1 llici Bali vds of good deeds and oilier vei 1 Ballads pi the revolution, and othei poems. lond, G. 1 BALLANTINE, IK niylil marches through Persia: inii-i.iUicii.ni. by J. II. . B., 1879. 8 l!\i 1 vi> S ottish pp. 410 deal ms.] . BALLANTINE, Win. barrister's life. V • u . . 133B4 Ballantyne, John. McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, pp. 1 Ball an I'YNE, Robert Michat sun ; or, ranibli Norwa; 1 ling, the bold. Chicago, n. d. 12 1 33 A 24 t in the ice. 11. t. p. -' 1 1 BALLANTi NE. -90- I'.AMPTON. BALLANTYNE, R. M., continued. — Fire brigade : or, fighting the flames. Phila., n. d. 16 133A2S — Floating; light; or, the Goodwin sands. I ■■ > s 75- l6 ° Ij3 a 3' Gascoyne, the sandal- wood trader. Phila., n. d. 12 133A33 — Giant of the North ; or, pokings round the pole. L., 1882. 12° '33 A 35 — Hudson bay; or, every day life in the wild;, of North America. L., 1879. 12° .... 133A39 — Island queen ; or, dethroned by fire and water : a tale of the southern hemi- sphere. L., 1885. 12° 133A41 — Lonely island ; or, the refuge of the mutineers. L., 1880. 12° 133A45 — Red Eric j or, the whaler's last cruise. 1 In- ago, n. d. 12° 133A58 - Rover of the' Andes: a tale of adventure in South America. L., 1885. 12°. . 1 33A62 — Silver lake ; or, lost in the snow. Phila., 1868. 16° 133A05 Ballard, Mrs. Julia I'. Building stones. B., 1871. 16°. . . . '. [33A96 — Insect lives; or, born in prison, (inn., i879- 12 5957-2 BALLARD, M. C. John's schoolmaster. Ill Wonder stories of science, pp. 259- 272 602-9 Ballard, Robert. Solution of the pyra- mid problem; or, pyramid discoveries, with .1 new theory as to their ancient use. V Y., 1SS2. 8' 4031-2 Balloon ascents. See Aeronautics. Ballou, M.ituiin Murray, American aut/ior, /'. 1S22. Due North : or, glimpse -,| Scandinavia and Russia. B., 1SS7. 8°. 44S is I 'hi Si mth . or, < Liba, pa it and present. I'., I885. 12° 47291-2 I '11c Wesl : or, round the world in ten month,. B., 1884. 12° 438-15 Under the Southern 1 ross ; or, travels in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Samoa and other Pacific islands. B., 1888. 8° 490-2 cd. Notable thoughts about women: a B., 1882. 12°. . . . S07-15 Treasury of thought: forming an en- opeedia ol quotation b on ancient and modern author,. I;., 1S72. 8°. . S07-16 fas, European cii 1I1 mi 1 protestantism and catholicity c pared. 1 , 1859. 8° 2827-15 Brow nson, ' 1. A. \\ 01 Its. v. 2. pp. 16 ' 1 1 ', '. [Ri 1 iew oi 1 [uci ion to mil philosoph) . I Bai.tii Sea. Macgregor, J. Rob Ro the Haiti 148-6 Baltimore, A/d. Campbell, G. White and black, pp. 251-258 473-2 — Dall, C. H. Patty Gray's journey : from Boston to Baltimore 473-265 — Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. pp. 167-1S5. Baltimore long ago. . . 532E4 Mackinnon, Caft. — . Atlantic and transatlantic sketches, v. 1. pp. 86- 92 470-61 ■ . Honore de, French novelist, A. 1799- d. 1850. After dinner stories: done into English by Myndart Verelst ; with an introduction by Edgar Saltus. N. V., 1886. 1 6°. Contents. — Introduction: Balzac. — The Red inn — Madame Firmiani. — The " Grande Breteche." — Madame de Beauseant. — Alkahest, The ; or, the house ol Claes. B., 18S7. 12°. 1 esar Birotteau. B., 1886. 12°. — Correspondence of Honore de Balzac : with a memoir by his sister, Madame de Surville. tr. by C. Lamb Kenney. 2 v. I,., 1S7S. 8° 133B6 l oiintry doctor. B. 12°. — Cousin Pons. B., 1SS6. 12 °. — Duchesse de Langeais. B., 1SS5. 12°. Contents. — The Duchesse de Langeais. — An episode under the terror. — The illustrious Gaudissart — A passion in the desert. — The hidden masterpiece. — Eugenie Grandet. B., 1886. 12°. I Vie Goriot. B., [885. 12°. — Two brothers. B., 1887. 12°. — Unrequited affection; or, daddy Goriot. [tr. of Pere Goriot.] L., 11. d. 12°. S.iltus, E. E. Balzac 1 ; 1 1 17 Gautier, T., and others. Famous French author,. pp. 174-251 4184 4 — James. 1I../V. French poets and novel- ists, pp. 66— 14S 4.184 [6 — Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European his- tory. \. 2. pp. 24S ;2.S 9204-5 Stephen, L. Hours in a library, pp. 238-277 !so( S 1 - Zimmern, H. and A. foreign novelists. pp. 242-254. [Biographical sketch and extracts.] 80S 99 BALZANI, (go. Italy. I... 1883. 12°. . . 858 2 Bambi 1 . Edward Fi her, joint author. Kan- kine, W. J. M. and Bamber, 11. Mi 1 li.inn ;il text-book 621-73 Bambino, 11 Santissimo. McCormick, E. and others. Wonder stones of travel. pp. 200-217 4388 9 Bamford, Mary E. My land and - friends. IS., n. d. 8° 5905-18 Bampton lectures, [860. Hessey, J. A. Sunday: its origin, history and pre enl obligation 259—5 i:\MIToN. I; V Ham i- rON lei ture . >>;?i>:n ,l. 1862 Farrar, \. 9. 1 1 1 1 1 fn 1 hough 1 in 1 efereni e to thi 1 ! I ian " lig [864. Bernard, 1 1 K Pn 1 ol doc- trine in the Nev* 1 1 ti nl ■ ; 1 1 . 1 865. Mo ley, I B. Eight le le ' . 1 1866. I iddon, II. P, Divinitj ol Lord and Sa\ ioui Jesus Christ . 2521 5 1869. Srail li. R. P. Prophi cy : 1 pre] aration for < Ihrist [872. Eaton, J. K. T. Pei m Christianity 1874. Leathes, S. Religion ol the 1 In 1 ,1 iN;ii- Alexandet . \\ . Witness ol < he Psalms to ( In isi ^iii'. 1800. Historj nl the I Inited States, to v . B., 1854 74-8' 1 bntt m/j v. i ■;. Historj of thi i I miza tion of t he l mini States. v. 4-0. History of the [causes of the] Ameri- can re irolui ion v. 7-10. The American revoluti n -[Centenary edition.] 6 v. B., 1876. 1 .■" 1 1 Note A revision of the io v ed the same pei iod History of the United States ol Vmei ica, from the discovery of the continent. Author's last revision. 6 v. \ . Y., 1883. 8° 972-23 Content* 1 1 nglish people found a na tion in America, (.492-1660; the colonics obtain geographical unity, m6o-88. v. 2. Colonization of 1I1 W tnd 1 * reor- gia, 1688-1748; Britain overthrows the Kuro- pean < olonial sj sti m, 174 \ ), Britain esl rang \ I 5-74. v, 4. America takes up Lrm foi self-defence and arrive! at independence, 1774 ■ v. 5. American revolution, [uly 177) Nov. 1782. v. 6. I ormation of the Am i itu- tion, 1782-89. Not. v. 1-5 covers tl is the original to v. edition and thi ' ' nary cd. v. 6 is equivalent to tin Mi I of for- mation nl constitution. History of tin- formation "I the constitu- tion >f North Amen. a. j\. N. V., 1874-76. 8°. 9708-2 Cant ' v Wild tribes .* Civilized nations, j Myths and languaj 1 ,4 u i - ties. 5. Primitive hw Bancroft, Squire <;«./ Mrs. Marie (Wilion) croft \: hei . W. M r. and Mrs. Bancroft. fn Matthews. J. 1;. Hutton, I /' . Ai • 11 • and V. 5. pp. 2\ 36. Bangkok, Siam. Feudge, F. K. Bangkok-. //; Many lands, pp. 141 149. Bangs, I. K. and Sherman, Frank I >. waggings of old tales. B., 1888. 1 Bangs, Nathan, (ntroducti -s-rick- land, W. P. Pioneer bishop; or. life and times of Francis Asbury BANIM. — 92 Banim, John. Boyne water. N. ^ .. 1866. [6 — Celt's paradise, in Coin duans. Bouna Murray, I'. J. Life of John Banim '34» 2 Denounced; or, the last baron "I ( rana. X. V.. 1866. 16 . Peep o'daj : 01 . John Doe. N. Y., 1865. 16°. — Peter of the ca tie ind I In- Fetches. N. V.. 1867. 16°. Murray, P. |. Life of John Banim. . . 134B2 Home, R. H. New sjiirii of the age. pp. 271-277 41X2 45 Banim, Michael. Bit o : writing. N. V., 1866. Croppy, The: tale of ilie Irish rebellion, 1798. N. V., n. d. 12 . — Father Connell. X. V.. 1S75. 12 . Gho t-hunter and his family. X. Y., [869. Same. I... [833. M or of Wind gap and Canvassing. X. Y., a. d. 16 . Banister, .1/-". /. P. Grant. Guilford, L. T. I.'se of a life : memorials of Mrs. /. P. ( Irani Banister 134B ; Bank of England, and the organization ul lit in England. 2<1 eil., revised; with the evidence of Mm. Isaac and Emile Pereire before the French com- mi ion "I inquiry into the bank of I ram e. I... 1S66. 12° 3311-25 Banks and banking. Banker of Bankersville. Thompson, M. Banker of Bedford. Musick, J. R. Banker's wife. Gore, Airs. C. G. Banks, Sir [oseph, English naturalist and traveler, b. 1 743-r/. 1S20. Edgar, J. (i. Boyl lofgreatmen. pp. 375-381.. 410-44 — fardine, W.,ed. Naturalists' library, v. 38. pp. 17 [S. Memoir of Jos. Hanks. 590-5 Lodge. I . I'm traits of illustrious person- es of 'It. Britain. v. 8. pp. 233- 242 1H-65 Banks, Mary Ro s. Bright days in the old plantation times. B., 1X82. 12 . Banks, Thos. Cunningham, \. Briti h paintei and ;culptors. v. 3. pp. 74- ■07 417-3 Banks and banking. Bagehot, \\ . Lom- I itreel : 1 desct iption of the money market 331 1-2 ■ Iiank of England, and the organization of it in England 4 j 1 1 -N I 3. Banks ol New N ork. ,i 1 Gilbart, I. W. Practical treatise on ing 33' 1-43 hen, G. J. I he >rj ol I ;n < 3317 4 BANNOCKBT KN Banks and banking, continued. Howe, J. B. Political economy of Gn Britain, the United States and France in the use of money 331 4.; fevons, W S. Money and the mechan- ism of exchange. [International S( 1 tine series.] 331—5 Keys, E. W. History of savings bank-. 2 v 33 I2 -4 Macleod, II. I). The elements ol is ing 33"-5 2 Theory and practice of banking. 2. v. 331 1-53 Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street 331 1-56 -- Price, B. Currency and banking. ;;t 7s — Price, F. G. II. Handbook of London bankers 331 1 7 Purely, W. 1 .ondon I .111! ing lile. . . 331 1 73 Rae, G. Country banker; his clients, cares and wot k 3311-8 — Ricardo, D. Work-, ed. by J. R. Mc- Culloch 4," 77 Walker, J. II. Money, trade and bank ing S3I-9 Atkinson, E. Distribution of products. pp- 193 228 S3°4-i5 Bolton, S. K. Social studies in I tigland pp. 143-153. Post office savings bank 3°4" 2 4 Danson, I. T. Wealth of households. pp - . 175-200. . . , ■ . 1 I.. S. and F., C. W. Lessons on prai tical subjects for grammar school chil- dren 3407 _| — Gallatin, A. Writings, v. 3. pp. 231- 488 818-43 Historj and resources of the American republic, pp. 185-193 974" -' Seaman, E. ( . Progress of nations. 009-7 — Spencer, II. Essays, pp. 319-352. . 404-78 Bannatyne, M'Leod. Essays. In Mack <■. IE. ed. Lounger, v. I. . . . 184 1 1 I ays. In Mackenzie, IE. ed. Minor. V. 1-2 184E1 Ban 10 and blessed. Biirstenbinder, E. (E. Werner, pseud.) Banneker, Benj. Tyson, M. E. Banneker, the Afric-American astronomer. ... i;|l'i Banner, E. Gregson. Wholesome houses: domestic sanitation ami ventilation, with a chapter on ventilation of rooms and railway carriages. I.. 1882. 12 . . . 628-14 Bannister, J. T. Survey of the Holj land; its gi ogt aphj . hi on % and destinj 1 with an introd. by Rev. W. Marsh. Bath, n. d. 8° 2209-14 BaNNOCKBURN, Battle Ol [1314.] Adams. \\ . II. li. battle stories, pp. 310 329 9208-13 BANTON I: \ f ' i : ) I > I I I I. Banton, Peaki . , .•".' ell, < i ,111:1 Hi n i l litei t iii. Banvard, Ji [oseph, 1810. I'hi can late 1 ; or, II 1 ions "l 1 lie lil<- and chai ■ > ol Daniel Web designed fi u V 1 n mth. I'.. [86 1 ■ Nqveltie ol the Nev World : the idvenl ures and discoverii ol thi ploi .1 ol North Amei ica. 1: . 1852. iG Same, i860 P mouth and the Pilgi im ol adven ture in 1 1"- histoi y ol 1 he ' settlers. B., 1866. 16 I'i i-. ilia ; or, trials foi the truth : an In loric tale ol the Puritans and the Baptists. I'lnl.i.. n. il. 16 1 Romance ol Amei ii an history. \'<.. 1 i [6 ic si enes in the histoi y ol Mar) land and the - ► 1 < 1 French « ar. I' . 1 16 9842-2 B \i'i ism. Adams, \ Bi nd her bap- tism 2611-2 Adams, W. Mercy to babes i6n 3 I lodges, W . Bapl ism tested bj script ure alid history. .'01 1 , Merrill, S. M. Christian baptism: its subjects and modi :6n-l Sadler, M. F. Second Adam and the new birth 2611-7 Stearns, I. G. L>. Meaning and powei i>r baptism jiii 1 8 Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. IT- 1-21 257-7 Baptisi missions. Bainbridge, \\ I Along the lines at the front Binney, Mrs. J. G. Twenty-six yeai in Burma : records of the life and work of J. ('.. Binne) [56B1 Chaplin, Mrs. A. C. 1 >ur gold m American Baptist missions in India. . 2654-3 — Smith, S. F. Missionary sketches: his- tory of American Baptist mis-ion union 2636-7 B mi tSTS. Cramp, J. M. Baptisi histor) . . Barclay, R. Inner life of the religious I the Commonwealth. . . . Confessions of a Baptist. /« College and the church, pp. 150-159 3704-4 Where i- the city? pp. I 50 280-9 Banvard, J. Priscilla; or, trials for the truth. An historic tale of the Purit: and the Baptists 134A4 lor, G. B. Walter Knnis. [A j .] 876A9 — Thompson, C. Delaune: the English Baptist martyr 885 \ 1 Baptists, continued. \\ |. Ma on, I' , Spurg ' 1 1 It. Wayland, I . II Mrs. B Brantley. Arthur, BAlt-sinister. \\ alworth, M ! ier. ell, \\ . 1 . pp. 1 .s 7 \ . Trollope, A. U est i Span- ish main. pp. 199-213 I 1 : 1 ite's trial. 1 I 1 hayer. Miller, A. J. history. I Barb \i; ^'s vagaries. I idball, M. L. Barrari 1 1 1. S,, 1 liorgii Frederick 1 Bai bai ossa. l:V state-. Kir. I Moors: a iui ni \ 1 1'ripoli ii ■ lirw.'m Russell, M. History and 1 1 1 he I'u b 961-7 1 1 ni. E. I in| ■ if life at li and ahi oad. pp. 70 1 78. Rule in 1 Half hours in mam- lands, pp. 251 -77 Schu 1 liplomacy. pp. 13 -!- i 0. Algeria. Tunis. Tri- poli. Africa, nortkw BARBAI 1 I). Mrs. Anna I.etitia ( A i k i : . 171 ; . 1S25. Tales, poem- and ess with a biographical sketch In Grai \ 1 1884. 16 828-K — joint author. Aikin, John and Barbauld, A. 1.. (A.) Evenings at home; or, the juvenile budget opened. \. Y.. r 12° II2A2 — Ellis, (;. A. Memoir, letters, and a sc- um from the writings of A. L. Bar- ,bauld. 2 v 135B3 Ball I Working women of this century. pp. V 1 1 \ 413-1S — Hale. S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 85-109 — Robii . \ M. F. Mrs. Barbauld. In Ward, T. II.. .. English poet PP- 576-577 rtson, 1 - English PP- 74 "7 4i v -i " Barbedi in, 11. Stephen Heller: his life and works, ti . by Robei rth- wick. I ... 1S77. 12 . . . 401B1 BARBEE. 94 BARKER. Barbee, Wm. J. Physical and moral as- pects of geology, containing the leading facts and principles of the science, and a discussion of the great moral questions growing out of modern geological dis- coveries. Phila., 1861. 12 55°'- 2 Barber, Edwin A. Philadelphia post-office. In Sylvan city. pp. 207-227 47b Sl s Barber, fohn W. European historical col- lections, comprising England. Scotland. with Holland. Belgium, and part of France-: giving an account of interest- ing events, biographical and geo- graphical descriptions. N. Y., 1855. 8°. 9208-2 -joint author. Olney, Jesse and Barber. J. W. family liook of history. . . . 903-7 [ncidenl in American history. B.. n. d. 12 . [Same as Thrilling inci- dents in American history.] 9738 2 Thrilling incidents in American his- tory. N. V.. 1869. ii' 9738 2 Barber, foseph. Crumbs from the round table : a feast for epicures. N. \ ., [866. 12 b 4 2S 15 B iRBER of Bantry. ( Iriffin, hio. pp. | 463. • •■ -I'-', 1 1 I 1 ,-ii. Inih ons in the principle ol 1 ing. 1 . 1874. K, .... 641 I. 1 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 . 1 torii 1 1 873 1 -■ Lettei to Guy. I ., 1885. 12°. im ' ' lii nli Vfrii a. Phil 1., 187; i [6 Ribbon tories. n. 1. p. 16' . 1 [5 \.' Spring comedies. I ... 1871. 11 1 mi 1 land. I ... 1873. 12 !'■;' Station life in Ni « Zealand. N. V., 1872. (6° t— 16 s ■ al 1. 11. 1. i'. i" - 135 V22 — Sybil's book. I ., 1874. 16 . . . . 1 ["raveling new and old ground. I ... 1872. 12° I.i'l I 1 . \ ni ralasia ' irth inn 11.. South \ in. n . ( \ 1 1 1. .1 \ 1 1 White rat and omi itl ies. 1 , -, Barki 1 . Mai 1 1" u I tenry. (The old iailoi , pseud.) Lifeof Nelson. I ... [867. 16 '. 676B1 Barki k, Mi .. Sale, . d. 1 .itl le Pa ture book. I... n. d. 4 135 V35 Barker, V\ in. Bun 1 liai dt. Lares and Pen- ates ; or, Cilicia and il governoi . bj W. F. Ainswoi th. L., 1853. 8°. . Barker, Wm. Robert ., 12° Barnabas, St. Epistle. /« At Christi irary. v. 1. . 2813-13 Mi. 11 pi , S., tr. Epistleof B the Sin litii 1 of the 1 Epistle. In Holland, II. S. III. !O0-22 2' I [ills, O. A. Co pp. 2217 47 1 . . \i;v Rudge. 1 licken Bartholomew fair. [Drama.] Jonson, B. Works, pp. 41 1 450. Barnard, Lady Anne (1 '75°-"'- 1825. Extrai 1 li hi the journal of a residence at the ■ H and : 1 in into the interior. /;; I in I aj , A. W. C. Live- of the Lind- v. 3. p 573 B 3 Rogers, C, ed. Scottish Minstrel, pp. 17 21, B igraphical sketch and i..| 80921-7 — Keddie, II. (S. Tytli - Wat- | . I . Songstresses ind. v. 2. pp. 1-107 Barnard, Chas. Knight of to-day: love and si ience. N. \ .. 1881. Barnard, Chas'., joint author. Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Light Barnard, i (Mr.~. Maria G .' Jane K ford. money, w ilh flowers, straw- berries and veg II. I. p. I- — Soprano, The : a mu rone masters. 3 v. B., i k . .7: - M Handel an Barn \kh. Edna A. M 1883. 12 BARNARD. 96 BAROMETER. Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, pres- ident of Columbia college, b. 1809. Imag- inary metrological system of the great pyramid of Gizeh. N. V., 18S4. 8°. . 4031-3 Report on machinery and processes of the industrial arts and apparatus of the exact sciences. Paris exposition, 1867. X. V., 1869. 8° 606-7 How I was educated. In College and the church, pp. 29 38 . 3704-4 — On early mental training. In Culture de- manded by modern life. pp. 309-343. 3704-9 — Barnard, H. ,ed. Educational biography. pp. 497-524 4157-2 Barnard, Frederick and Ross, Chas. II. Behind a brass knocker, some grim reali- ties in picture and prose. I.., 1S83. 8°. S27 i<> BARNARD, Henry. School architecture; or, contributions to the improvement of school houses. < inn., 1N54. 8 e . . . 727 2 — Introduction. In Brockett, I.. P. His- tory and progress of education 3709 -' Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism. N. v., 1S59- S° 37144 - Contents. — Part i. Life, educational pnnci- pies and methods of John Henry Pestalozzi; with biographical sketches of several of liis assistants and disciples.— 2 Selections from the publications of Pestalozzi. - Educational biography; memoirs of teachers, educators :i 1 >< I promoters and benefactors of education, literature and ciei 1 ["eachei of the U. S. X. Y., 1 i-8° 4>57-2 iiei 5 ol 1 iermany. N. V., 1 * 4157 21 Lett' , 1 and I hough 1 3 on studie and conduct. Hartford, 1873. 8°.. . 370-16 Raumer, K. vi n German universi- <<•' 37843 7 Barnavai., Louis. Lovi poems, ed. with 1: by 1 I11 . I leK ay. \. Y., 1883. 12 . [Probabl) « ritten by < has. lit- Kay. I 1 ; , ' ! Barneby, W. Henry. Life and labour in the far, far Wesl ; being notes 1 f a tour in the western slate . British 1 olumbia, Manitoba and 1 he north-wesl territory. I . 1884. 8°. 170-13 ., Albert, /'/. vterian minister and 1798 1870 Lectun 1 ' 1 1 it) in the 19th century. V , i ., (868. 12". . . 239 t6 on the ' I V Y., 1872. 12 i Gospi : . . 1 .'■I, . 2282 j and Barnes, Albert, continued. -Epistles to the Ephesians, the Philip- pians and the Colossians ' . . 22857-2 Epistles to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon. . . 2288 2 - Epistle to the Hebrews 228S7-2 - General Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. . . . 2289-2 Revelation 229 3 Scenes and incidents in the life of the Apostle Paul, viewed as illustrating the nature and influence of the 1 hristian re- ligion, with a memorial of the author by Rev. Daniel March. Phila., 1885. 8° 221S-609 — Throne of iniquity. In Temperanci trai is. v. 2 19 Fish, II. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century. pp. 253-266 2521 4 — Phelps, A. My portfolio. pp. 205 218. Preaching of Allien Panic- 204-7 Baf tES, Alfred S. I it 1 by, J. C. Fift) years among authors, pp. 575-579. • ■ 4>Si-3 . 1 'I1.11 lotte M. S. Plays, prose and poetry. Phila.. 1S4S. 1 2 81S-2 Barnes, Josiah. Green mountain travi entertainment. X. Y., 1861. Barnes, Thurlow Weed. Memoir of Thur- tow Weed. 2 v. B., 1884. 8°. . . . 932B2 Barni 1 1. Henrietta O. Women as philan- thropists. In Stanton, T.,ed. The wo- man question in Europe, pp. 108-138. 396 X Barneveldt, Jan van Olden. Dutch states- man, />. 1 549-1/. 1619. Motley, J. I . I ilc- and death of John of Barneveld. . 1 |6B8 Barnewall, Rev. John. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyi i and 1 onfessi n . pp. 445- 451 4142-65 Barnewall, Margery. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors. pp. 75 8l. . 41 12 65 Barni y, Joshua, commodore, b. 1750 d. 1818. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 106 134 41232 3 li \kmtz, Albert, n. t. p. 12° 138C7 Barnum, Phineas Tayloi , 1810 ■■)<■ .mil triumphs . or, fort) ) eai 'n m . Bufl il 1 - 12° 137B2 Bungay, t '•. W. 1 Iff-hand taking >. pp. 199-204 112 25 B 'i, S. \V. Romanism as it is: an e> po iitii 'ii of the Roman ( latholii ) tein fot 1 he use of the \ mei ii n people. ll.11 tford, 1871. 8 1829-2 I! \RN\\ in, Robert \\ . Perrj . B. F. Rem- iniscei I puhl en pp. 1 24 1 28. 112 75 Barometer. \ 1 bai eter ■ ii n Hon and 11 >e. -53 1 1 rei reation. 604-4 BAR( (METER. BAROMETEl i ontinued. — 1 . 1 1 • 1 1 , ■ M I nd v. |. pp. 177-188 Pepper, I . II. Pneum itii -. pp. [8 H — Timbs, J. Invent"! and disco\ rei pp. 5" 51 Baron, Richard and Deutsch, ' 1 1 1 1 1 - , 1 in. 1 I idd li hanns. n. by Trauerman- tel. \. S ., [867. (6 I; vri i'.i Coi in 1 , I ulia. !;.!". w 1: . including the battles of Lewi and Eve sham. Blaauw, Wm. II.. . . 9334 Barr, Mrs, Amelia Edith. Border shi I., rdi .-. N. v., 12 . I'..i\\ on : romance of M \ ork. N. \ .. [886. 12 . Cluny M:h pli. 1 -11 .1 tale ol brotherly lovi . N. \ .. 1885. 1 ■ Daughter of Fife. N. V.. 1886. 12°. — Jan Vedder's wife. N. N ., (885. 16 . M.i 1 in fate. N. i ., iNN.s. 12°. Paul ami Christina. X. Y., [887. 12 . - Rinnan, es ami realil ies: tale "I truth and fani y. N. V., [876. 12 . ... 1 ;61 9 Scottish etches. N. Y., 1883. 12 . 137A4 Si|uin- "l Sandal-side: a pastoral ro- mance. N. Y., [886. 1 Voung people ol Shakespeare's dramas. N. V., [882. 12 BARR, Wm. M . Practical '1 n the combustion ol coal ncluding di 1 i j > - various mi 1 foi ati 1 heal by the combustion of fuel, whether solid, liquid iseous. Indianapolis, 1879;. s • ■ 6698 2 B vrrau, Theodore Henri. Pale - ol filial love. I... n. d., 16 1^7 .\ 5 Barre, W. L. 1 ife and pu blii Millard I illmore. Buffalo, 1856. 12 . 353B1 Barri Lawrence, 1 .. A. Barren title. Speight, T. W. Barrera, Madame de. Met Rachel. V \ .. 1858. 12° 758B2 B \i;i; John Philip. Buckley, T. A. Dawnings ol genius, pp. 137-141. . . 110 2 1 1, B. I.. i. Swedenborg library. 12V 2894—2 Contents,— Sci Sw irary, 1 1 . I rank. 1 ireal I [esper. N. V.. 1887. 12 . Barri i i . Joseph 1 1. I S ml in- 11. t. p. 8° 572B3 n. I low he lo^t hei true love never runs smooth. N. \ .. INS;. 12 . 1 Edwin Forest. B., 1881. 12 . [American actor series.] > 7 7 1 i 5 Barri I ./«<•°-35 — Cunningham, A. British sculptors and painters. . v. 2. pp. 54-123 417-3 — Keddie, H., (Sarah Tytler, pseud.) Mod- ern painters, pp. 58-62 759-S1 — Mason, J., cd. Great triumphs. pp. 264-267 4IO-7 Barry, John, commodore, founder of the U. S. navy, />. 1745-a'. 1803. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history "f the American navy. pp. 75-88 41232-3 — Murray. J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America. pp. 326-331 4I42-6 Marry, John Wolfe. Railway appliances. X. V., 1S76. 16° 625-2 BARRY, P. Fruit garden. X. V., 1872. 12° 634-23 BARRY, P. Shoeburyness and the guns : a philosophical discourse. L., 1865. 8°. 6234-2 Barry, Rev. Richard. O'Reilly. M. Irish martyrs ami confessors, pp. 272-277. 4142-65 BARRY, Spranger, /'. 1719-d. 1777. Pollock, W. H. In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- inn, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 1. pp. 123-13S 4170 (> Bart Ridgeley. Riddle, A. G. Bartki.ktt, Deane. Merit of the specula- tive and active part of mankind. In Steele, A. and Addison, J., eds. The Guardian. \. 3. pp. 40-48 1S4F.1 IIakiti, A. Religions of India, tr. by J. \\ I. I!., 1S82. S° 293-2 Contents. — Introduction. — Vedic religions. — Brahmanism.- Buddhism. — Jainism. — Hindu- ism. Barth or Barthius, Caspar von. Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 1S9- 193 4"°-2 Barth, Heinrich, h. 1812-rf. 1865. Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa: journal of an expedition in iS pi 55, n. t. p. 16 i< >t > 1 to Adams, \V. II. I). Some heroes of travel. " iv> 4159-15 raylor, B., ed. Cyclopaedia of modern I. v. 2. pp. 8S5-90S and 93S-959. 1.36-8 i: rthelemy, Jules St. I I 1 1 . 1 1 1 . - . Rae, w . F. Men of the third republic. pp. 58 69 4'°5-S BARTLETT. -99- rOLOMMEO Bartlett, David W ., ■•. 1828. Heroes of the I nilian rebel] I olumbus, 1 860. 8° 9544-2 Com, ■■■/. 1 'i . f.i torj I iptain Hod on, tor of the king of Delhi. Eiavelocl R i •■ Mi Pol< hampti 'ii, 1 ha plain .ii I ,w know \ I i esi ipe ii m Gwalior, Story ol I iwn| re, by Captain PhompSOn, one of the only /our stir- , ■/, .■/ 1 ■ ' /■', g~at '■■ ■ 1 baplain's narrativi ol 1 he siege of Delhi Ad> enl m Ed d ■ in lvi>liili mid, Futtehghur, and ' lude. — Sir Henry Lawrem e and the defense of Lui k now. Greathed and Campbell after the fall of Delhi. I ife of ( General Franklin Piei ce ol Ne w 1 [ampshire. Auburn, V Y., 1852. '2° 732B5 — Life '"l J" hi '! Arc, the Maid of Orleans. l'liila.. n. il. 12 -75' ; - — Modern agitators; or, pen portraits of lis ing Amei ii an ref n met .. N. Y., 1855. 12° LI2-2 Conienti \ P Rogers 1 lieodore Parker. — Frederi lass. — Ichabod Codding. — Harriet Becchei Blihu Burritt. Wil- liam 1 loyd Garrison I ihn !'• Gough. — t < . Finney. J. K. Giddings. — William Cullen ■Bryant.— Lyman Beecher. Henry Ware] Bcecher.— E. Ii. Chapin. J. ('.. Whittier.— Horace Bushnell. Wm 11 Seward.- James Russell Lowell. Horace Greele) I hurlow \\ eed Brown. — What I saw in I Ion. Auburn, N. Y., 1 - 1 1 • 1 ■ — Derby, J. 1". Fifty years among authors. pp. 1)36-640 (iSl ; Barti 111. Mrs. I. M. D. Until the daj break. Phila., 1S77. Bai fohn. Shal e peare phrase I k. B., 1881. 12° 82355-2 B \t< 11 1 11, John Russell. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas. New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. 2 v. N. V., 1S54. 8°. . 4789 2 Bartlett, Josiah. Dwight, X. Lives of the signers, pp, 1-7 4 1 j 1 3 1 ossing, B. J. Biographical sketche ol the signers, pp. 13 16 4121 ;; Bartlett, Samuel C, /'. D. From Egypt to Palestine, through Sinai, the wilder- ness and the so n tli country : observations i't a journey made with special refer- ence to the historj ol the Israelites. X. V., [879. 8° 459-2 Sources of historj in the Pentateuch: si\ lectures delivered in Princeton theolog- ical seminary, on the Stone foundation. V \ .. [883. 12° 2231 J — llcw I was educated. In College and the church, pp. 60-68 Bai 111 11. Wm. Francis, general, \ 1S40-1/. 1S70. Palfrey, W. F. Memoirof Wil- liam Francis Bartlett 1 t8Bi 1 1, \\ m, Hem 1 1854. P m Sicily. I.., 1 64. 8° Pilgrim fatl or, foundei 1 ol England in the reign of James I. I.., 12° Bartli Gi 1 iols for thi plej containing the history, develop- ment, and present working lish si hool for the industi ill classi 1 1 8° 37 Bah roL, B. II. Treatise on the marine boilei ol ! " 17. S. Phila., 1851. 8 r -. 62112 2 Bartol, 1 .mi Augustus, Unitarian minis- ter, . 1813. Pictures of Europe, framed in ideas. B., 1855. 12 440-13 Cont ■ 1 ! wo journeys. — Abroad and it home — Beauty of the world. — The moun- tains —The rivers. — The lakes. — The sea.— : to nature.— Testimony of art to teligion. — The enduring kingdom. — Tbc church.— S I intry -Mankind.- - Destiny. — The guide.— 'The ascent of il Blanc, by I. T Talbot, M. D. Principles and portraits. B., 1880. 12°. 1 Contents. I't 1 Principles.— Definition.— Education. — Deity. — Science. — Art.— Love. — Life. Busin i —Politics. — Play, I't 2. Portraits.— the personality of Shakes- peare. — Channing, the preacher. — Bushnell, the theologian, — Genius of Weiss.— Garrison, the reformer. — Hunt, the arti-.t — Rad I!., 1S72. 16'. . . >38E3 ntents. — Open questions. — Individualism. — Transcendentalism. — Radicalism. — Theism. — Naturalism.. — Materialism. — .Spiritualism. — Faith.— Law. --Origin.— Correlation.— Charac- ter.— Genin- ETathei l.iylor — Experience. — 1 — Ideality. 1 merson's religion. In Sanborn, 1 . I;.. ed. ('renins and character of Emerson. pp. 109-145 3171:2 — Goethe and Schiller. /« Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life and genius of Goethe. pp. "07-I34 Introduction. In Whipple, E. P. Ri lections of eminent men 946E7 Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and son. the liberal faith, pp. 347-353. [Poems and biog. sketch.] Bartol, M. Honor May. B., 1S66. 1 1, Daniel, Italian Jesuit author, />. 1608V. 1685. History of the life and institute of St. Ignatius tie Loyola, foun- ■ f the society of Jesus. 2 \. V V., "S55- 12° « Browning, R. Parleyings with certain people. 1 1 BaRTOI ommi iaccio della Porta and 11 frati. />. 1469-j'. 1517. tntis. S. D. Great lights. pp. IOO-IO3 417 4 BARTOLOMMKO. BASTI.W. B \i; 1 1 iLi immeo, i ontinued. - Jameson, A. (M.) Early Italian paint- ers, pp. 159-169 4175-5 Barton, Bernard. Household verses. Phila., 1849. 16 138C3 Barton experiment. Habberton, J. Bartram, John. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 342-350. . 4 I2 ~4 BaRY, A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns, tr. and annotated by F. O. Bower and D. II. Scott. Oxford, 1SS4. S° 5«>4-2 Barye, Antoine Louis. Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries, pp. 93-106. . 410-536 Barzia, foseph de. Gould, S. Baring-. Posl mediaeval preachers, pp. 134-154. 414-4 Bascom, John, fires. Wisconsin univ., 6. 1832. iEsthetics; or, the science of beauty. N. V., 1S72. 12° 701-16 — Comparative psychology ; or, the growth and grades of intelligence. N. Y., [878. 12 180-18 Philosophy of English literature: a course of lectures delivered in the Lowell institute. N. V., 1SS4. 12°. . 8201-2 - Philosophy of religion ; or, the rational grounds of religious belief. N.Y., 1S76. 12° 201-11 - Principles of psychology. N. \ '.. 1872. 12 . Same, 1S69 180-19 Problems in philosophy. N. Y.. 1885. 12 142-2 Contents. — Methods in philosophy - Relativi- ty of knowledge. — Spontaneity and causation. — Freedom of will empirically considered. — Consciousness and space. — Ideas, primitive, subsidiary and general. — Fundamental relations of logic— Universality of law. — Being. — Final causes History of philosophy. — A philosi (if history. — Science, philosophy and religion: lec- tures delivered before the Lowell insti- tute. X. V., 1S71. 12 142-21 Sociology. N. V., 1887. 12 338-11 Words of Christ as principles of personal and social growth. \ . V*., [884. 12°. 2272-2 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 448-461. [Review ol Science, philoso- phy and religion.] 818-27 — Howe, J. W., ed. Sex and education. "-I '69. I 'hi e say.] 3761 , 1 ;.\ si.-l .all . Thompson, M. Boys' book of sports, pp. 339-348 7'n 8 — Brooks, N. I airport nine l8l Our base-hall club and how it won the championship [86A56 Everett, W, Double play 328A6 ow, John Bernard. Quick, R. II. Educal 1 reformei pp. 139 1 56. . 3704-7 Bases of the temperance reform. Burns, D. 198 2 Bashan, h district of ancient Palestine. Mer- rill, S. East of the Jordan 4587-6 — Porter, J. L. Five years in Damascus: with travels and researches in Palmyra. Lebanon and the giant cities of Bashan. 4579 7 1 liant < i lies of Bashan and Syria's hofj places 458-74 Bashfii. lover. Massinger, P. Plays. pp. 467-494 616C3 Bash., St., surnamed t/ii great. Smith. K. T. St. Basil the Great 138B8 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men. pp. 24-34. 4 IO ~945 Basil: a novel. Collins, W. W. Bash : a tragedy. Baillie, J. Dramatii and poetical works, pp. 1S-4S. . . . 132C6 Basil Godfrey's caprice. I'arr, II. Hash, Marsden; or, struggles in life. Sar- gent, Geo. E S06A1 Baskerville, Alfred, /;■. Poetry oi Get many, consisting of selections from up- wards of seventy of the most celebrate! poets. [German with parallel trans, into English.] Phila., 1S67. 12° 8319-1 Basque provinces. F.llis, K. Sources oi Etruscan and Has. pie languages. . . . 1092-3 Monteiro, M. Legends and popular tales of the lias. pie people 30400 6 - Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyrenees 44479-S5 Kingsley, C. Prose idylls, pp. 177 222. From ocean to sea 535I-" 34 Bass. Henshall, Jas. A. Book of the black bass 7958-4 IIass rock, Scot/, 111,/. .Miller, II. Geology of the Bass rock 5541-6 Bassano, Jacopo. Venetian painter of lire 16th century. Jameson. A. (M.) Early Italian painters, pp. 350-352 4175—5 Basselin, Oliver, r.csanl. W. Studies in early French poetry, pp. 81-97. • • • S401-2 Bassett, Jas. Persia, the land of the Imams: a narrative of travel and n dence, 1871-85. N. Y., 1886. 12°. . 456-15 BASSNETT, Thos, Outlines oi a mechani- cal theory of storms, containing the true law of lunar influence. N. \ '., 1S54. 12° 55 ! 55-' s True theory of the sun : showing the "in 11 origin of the solar spots and na, and of atmospheric storms and vi lones. \. i .. 1884. 8° 5237 2 Bastian, linn) Charlton. Beginnings of life : being some 11 count ol 1 he nature, le 1 'i origin and transf n mal ol lower organisms. 2 v. N, V. 1872. 12 570 10 I In hi .mi as hi 01 gan of mind. N. \ .. l880. 12° 170-16 BAST] \ I . I I \ 1 1 \ i , I i . i ii ii [g ;i i i Ir. It . , b) P. J. Stirli Edinburgh, [873. 8°. . . I ...11 Chica 1869 [2° Conti .' iphisi .h.i t I . . 1 1 . n . I I 1 • . I . II nil . .1 political ei om im e 1 the author, by P. J. Stirling. Edinburgh, n. d. 12° ;;•) 2 1 I I I l^^ ill polil I my- pp. i> • .11 Walter, E. Whal i frei trail aptati I I Bastial Economique ." 335 95 I . 'I ) . . full 1848 d. [884. II lie, 11 1 ights of two centui ies. pp. 123-134, 1 1 Bastii e. Historj ol 1 hi Ba tile a. t. p. (lark. 1>. \Y. Fireside reading, pp. 128 [40. \l. de la Tude in the Ba tile. (.388 3 Hist Hi tor) ..I the Ba itile 9208-2 Knox, T. W. I ndei gn iund u 01 Id. pp. I 1" 17" ' [A, I . dge, I'. R. Batavia. /« Many lands, pp. 130-140 439-63 Bati \\ in. P., 1 on/ed, ■ ■.'. /'. 1N20. I 'ollai .1.1. \. 1 ife ' if Robei 1 E. Lei PP. 722 737 41225 5 Bate, Wm. Thornton, captain. 1 sublime, pp. 157-175. . / Mil 5 trio. Bi the ] [Poems.] B., [886. 16 I ad's love. B.. 1SS7. 16 . — Pagans. X. V.. [884. 16°. Wheel of fire. X. Y.. 1SS5. 16°. BAT] . Mi \'i. . 1 I leanor Putnam./ Old Salem. B., 1886 12° 47445-7 Bates, Ch < ] II. W. Seven voice of sympathy. . . 587C9 Bates, E. [Catherine. Nile days; or, Egyp- tian bonds. Phi la. , 1 S79. 12°. Bates, Edward, attorney-general of the ii. S., b. 1792-^. 1869. Perkins, F. B., al. Picture and the men. pp. 177-179. . 4122 7 Bati . Henrj Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons : a record of adven- tures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life and aspects of nature under the equator, during eleven rs of travel. I... 1S75. l ~- Same, 1873 48l-«7 — ed. Central America, the West Imlie> and South America : with ethnological appendix, by A. H. Keane. [Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.] I... 1S7S. [2° 127-2 ! • PI '. d. 16 . . . . 1 Bi ginning. I • 1 , \ 1 1 12°. How it '■' -- Purpose. V \\. 1 the ' ovenantei -. B., Newkirl B., [I .1 I85I. 1 rg. Phila., 1875. 8° mure the theoi y of 1 \ . \ . . I i.. - tmi . [866 i7o-iS i ulteney, Wm. Baths. Ba [thing. V \ .. 1 24° [Health primers.] I Lewis, D ' >ur girls. Morris, M. Management of the skin and hair. .... Mm i.iy. E. 1 . < '■. I mi key. pp 259. [Turkish bath.] of the Saracens, pp. [6o. Bathing and bodies ; . Wonders of water, pp. 266-282 5514-8 Health. Hydropathy. Mineral waters. Bathi H ry. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 5. pp. 354-383 f-25 1 si, Richard. Essays. In Hawkes- worth, J., ed. The adventurer. ... Pais. Dallas, W. S., and other-. of animated nature, pp. i-[2 59°4~3 — S L, Andrew. Frost, T. Early ex ' '■ — Kingsley, II. Talcs of old travel. ly sel [. ... 4127 1-4 hn M. R : two - . J. C. Bi ;manship. X. V.. 1SS6. 12 BATTERSHALL. BAUTAIN. Battershall, Jesse P. Food adulteration and its detection : with photomicro- graphs plates and a bibliographical ap- pendix. N. Y., 1SS7. 8° 543I-I5 BatTEY, Thos. C. Life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians, n. t. P- s° 9707-14 B \ 1 1 l.E-fields of Germany. Malleson, G. B. 9434-6 Battle history of Scotland. Maxwell, C. A 9403-6 BATTLE-lyrics, Boy's book of. English, T. D 80913-3 Ba 1 1 T.E of life. Dickens, ( has. Battle of the books. Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) 1944—4 BATTLE-pieces and aspects of the war. Mel- ville. Merman 622C6 Battle summer. Mitchell, D. G 9447-6 Battles. Adams, W. H. 1). Memorable battles in English history 930S-2 — Allen, J. Battles of the British navy. . 930S-22 — Calendar of victory 930S-26 1 .11 iington, H. B. Battles of the Ameri- can revolution 975-3 < Ireasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo. 903-25 — Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo 9°3-53 — Low, C. R. Great battles of the British army 930S-4 Great battles of the British navy. . . . 930S1-6 — Malleson, G. B. Decisive battles of India from 1746 to 1849 95402-5 — Tytler, P. F. Memorable wars of Scot- land 9403-82 — See also histories of various countries, wars and armies, and the names of im- portant battles, and commanders. I. 1 m 1 - (Hi the union. Glazier, Capt. W. 978-4 Battles of the republic, by sea and land, from Lexington to the city of Mexico. Harrison, II. W 9738-4 Battj es worth fighting. \. Y.. 1S76. [6°. 1 19 \; Batty, Joseph II. How to hum and trap. Phila., 1878. 12 700- 2 Practical taxidermy and home decora- tion ; together with general informal for sj much. N. \\, [883. 12°. . . 5794-15 BATI i a. Ilm, /'. 1300 d. 1353. St. John, J. A. < elebrated travelers. v. 1. pp. 1159-78 Hi B nt, VS I .11 1\ 1 1 1 poetry, pp. [54 157 n.|<>i 2 Baudelaire, Cha Poems. /// Curwen, II. French love songs and other ]'"chk. 841-3 — Gaulier, 'I . and othei 1 I tich 1 , ' ; 4184-4 l ,11., jr. 1 1 em h poel i and 1 1 it. pp. 57 65 4184-46 Baudens, Jean Baptiste Lucien. On mili- tary and camp hospitals, and the health of troops in the field : being the results of a commission to inspect the sanitary arrangement of the French army, and incidentally of other armies in the Cri- mean war. tr. and annotated by Frank- lin B. Hough. N. V., 1862. 12 . . . 6139-2 Bauer, Karoline, German actress, b. 180S. Memoirs of Karoline Bauer. B., 1885. 12° I39B5 Bauer, Klara, (Karl Detlef, pseud.) At Capri: story of Italian life. Phila., 1S74. 16°. — Clemence d'Orville; or, from the palace to the steppe. B., n. d. 8°. — Valentine, the countess. Phila., 1874. 12°. BAUERMAN, Hilary. Text-book of system- atic mineralogy. N. V., 1SS1. 16 . . 549-2 Treatise on the metallurgy of iron; con- taining outlines of the history of iron manufacture, methods of assay, and an analysis of iron ores, processes of manu- facture of iron, steel, etc., etc. L., 1S72. 12° 6691-17 — Same. First American edition, revised and enlarged with an appendix on the Martin process for making steel, from the report of Abram S. Hewitt. N. V., n. d. 12 6691-171 Baumann, Frederick. Art of preparing foundations. In Powell. G. T. Foun- dations and foundation walls 693-6 BAUMHAUER, Dr. M. M. Netherlands. In Emminghaus, A., ed. Poor relief in Europe, pp. 256-273 339-35 Bai 1 . Ferdinand Christian, />. 1792-a'. i860. Fisher, G. P. Supernatural origin of Christianity. [Examination of theo- ries.] 239-39 — Gostwick, |. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 44 ( '-477 239-43 Bai i;. Win. Religious life in Germany dur- ing the wars of independence in a set of historical and biographical si eti he 2. v. I . [870. 12° 2743 2 B lN, Benj. Sinai and /i<>" ; or, a pil- grimage through the wilderness to the laud ut promise. Phila., 1865. 12 . . 458-15 Bai 1 iiN, Louis Eugene Marie, aiii, French theologian, b. 1700 ,/. 1S07. Art of ex- tempore speaking; with additions b) a member "I 1 in- New Vorl bar. N. Y., 1865. 10 . Same, V \ .. 1874. 12 . 800-15 \lu .ili. mi, ( . \\ . Essays, historii al, crit- ical, .iinl politii al, pp. ; ;6 ;S5- I Re- view ol li belle ■'! on .1 la 1 ampagne, in 1 ili spirituels. ] n , 1 . i:\\ A.RIA. 103 — Baa ii'n B , 1 1 hi hunting Peard, I ■'. M. I 1 tli and town. |.\ novel.] Schmid, II. The habei 1 ter. |A ao\ el.] aptain Bonham \\ . Eastei n being a nai rative ol ' he voj agi ol II. M.S. "Dwarf," in < li i n n, Japan ami 1 10 1; m ol the coast ol Tartar) and ea tern n the ('.lira to the rivei Amur. 1... 1^75. 8° 451-ifi I; w, I in. t Belfort. Handbook of the his- phy. I.., 1886. 12°. . [41-14 Religi ocialism: being essays in list Ci iticism. 1... n. d. 12° BAXLEY, Henry Willis, M. D. Spain: art remain - and ai 1 realil ie . paintei . pi iests and princes: beingnotesof things and hi opinions formed during nearly three years' residence and travels in that try. 2 v. I.., 1875. 12 146—17 What I saw on the and South America. N. Y., 1865. 8° 439-16 1: \ 11 r. Vndrew. McCosh, I. Scottish philosophy, pp. 42 49 1621-48 Baxti r, J. is. I ci in : ice. Friend- ship, \. Y., 1S71 . 12 774 17 Baxter, Margaret. Kavanagh,J. Women of Christianity, pp. 236 -'42 41 j 55 Baxter, Rev. Michael Paget. Coming won- ders expected between 1867 and 1875. I'lnla., [867. 12° ■ Baxter, Richard, />. 161 5— <-/. 1691. Saints' everlastii d bj Benja- min Fawcetl N. Y., n. d. 12 . . . 2374-2 Boyle, G. D. Richard Baxter. . . ■ ■ 139B6 Men who have made themselves. pp. 336 34" t 1 " 757 Stephen, 1. 1 a) ;. pp. 5^-75. . . . 870E2 — Tulloch, J. English Puritanism. pp. 281-390 411-98 Whittier, J. (',. Prose works. v. 1. PP- 3SO-390 947E6 BAXTER, W. E., .1/. /'. Winter in India. X. Y.. n. .1. 12° 454-17 BA1 of seven islands and other poems. \\ hittier, J. G 948C43 BAY-path. II. .Hand, J. I ,. Bayard, i leo. 1 la ihiell, * 1 -.'. . t8 : 1S62. Bayard, S. J. I ife ol George I lashiell Bayard 139B6S Bayard, Jas. A. Speech on the judiciary a. 1. In Amei ..mi 01 atory. pp. 151- 202 S152-2 Moore, I . American eloquence. v. 2. pp. 5Z-9 2 Sl 5- " 1 B Piern Si 111 111 , \\ . I ,. 1 B Wall I of the 1 B rd, from the I rem h of the 1 .0;. it, M. ickens, Bulwer, Thackeray, lis, and Acton Bell. v. r. CI ■ Archibald \ loleridge. — Wellington ^ parte. — Plai Characteristics of Christian civilixai crn university . — Pulpit and the press. — " The testimony of the rocks :" a defence. BAYNE. 104 — BEARD. BAYNE, Peter, — Lessons from n. , Carlyle, Ten- nyson and Ruskin. N. V.. i 12 S04-2 — Life and letters of Hugh Miller. 2 v. «•> I87I- >2°- • • • • — Martin Luther: his life and work. 2 v. I- '887- S° 592B35 Baynes, Robert II., ed. Lyra Anglicana: hymns and sacred songs. Leipzig, 1S6S. 16 2451-2 I: \i: book of decorum. The care of the person, manners, etiquette and cere- monials. X. Y., 1870. 16° 395-2 Bazar book of health. N. V., 1873. 16°. 613-2 Bazar book of the household. X. Y.. 1S75. l6 ° 193-2 Bazire, Edmond. Henri Rochefort, a sketch. In Claretie, J. French celeb- rities, v. 2. pp. 59-77 4105-35 Beach, Chas. A. Pitzmaroon ; or, the magic hammer. Springfield, Mass., 1S74. 12° 3S1-2 Beach, Rev. I'. X. and others. V, stories of science. B., 1885. 12°. . . 921A59 Beach, Elizabeth T. (Porter.) Pelayo: an epic of the olden Moorish time. X. V., 1866. 12 3 140C5 Bl ICON, The: a serious musical drama. Baillie, Joanna. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 300-3 11 132C6 l.i icon Miih, Earl of. See Disraeli, I min. 1 . J. II. Life in I Itah ; or, the mys- teries and crime rmonism ; an ex- he secret t oi 1 he lattei da) . mis. 1'liila., 1870. 8° 298 ■ — Undeveloped West; or, five years in the 11. 1. p. 1873. 8°. . . . 478- 1 1 n 11 1 in. in, \\ in. A. lii igham' dis troying angel 1981-4 BEAL, Samuel. Catena of Buddhist from the Chinese. L., 1871. 8°. Si-yu-ki. Buddhist records ol : he ei 11 world. tr. from the ( Ihine ;e 1 il IIiucn Tsiang. A. D. 629. 2 v. 11. d. ■■■veil years foi Rai hel; or, Wei I tched fn life. I ... ■ I o. 7 2°. '. of English hi B. C. 10 nt time : with gel and literal h of the ! 1. 12°. . . . 9301 1 7 • :1 Smith. How to work with 1 ope. 1.., 1 i'CS. Beale, Lionel Smith, continued. — Protoplasm; or, matter and life: with some remarks upon the " confession " of Strauss. L., 1874. 12° 576-2 Beale, Stephen. Profitable poultry keeping X. V., n. (1. 12° 638-13 Beam an, Edmund A. Swedenborg and the Xew Age; or,- The Holy City Xew Jerusalem. Phila., 1881. 12° 2S94-23 Beamish, Richard. Psychonomy of the hand; or, the hand an index of mental felopment, according to d' Arpentignj and Desbarrolles. L., 4° 1746-2 Bear, The. Peirce, B. O. In Stories for children, by Eleven sophomores, pp. ■5-^3 856A9 BEAR-hunters. Bowman, Anne 179A6 BEAR-worshippers of Yezo. Greey, Ed- ward 452-43 Beard, Adelia B., joint author. Beard, I.ina and A. B. American girl's handy- book 7411 1 ; Beard, Chas. Reformation of the 16th cent- ury in its relation to modern thought and knowledge. L., 1883. 8°. [Hib- bert lectures, 1SS3.] 2706-35 B] Mi 1 Main./! < '. What to do and how to doit. American boy's handy-book. X. Y., 1882. 1 J 780 2 - Flat-boating for boys. [pp. 222-230.] How to cam]) out. [pp. 233-240.] Odd modes of fishing, [pp. 171-173.] In Thompson, M. Boys' Look of sports. . Beard, i.e... Miller, J/. /'. Idling and drinking: a popular manual oi foil and diet in health and disease. N. ¥"., 1S71. '- 643-17 I lay-fever; or, summer catarrh : its nature ami treatment. N. \ .. 1876. 12°. . . 61649 -' — Stimulants and narcotics. \. \ .. 1871. [2°. Bound with Beard, G. M. Bating drinking 64 j 1 7 Beard, Jas. Melville. K. K. K. sketches, humorous and didactic, treating the more important events of the Ku-Klux- 1 ii movement in the South: with a discussion of the can 1 which gave rise to il and the social and political issues emanating from it. Phila., 1877. 12°. 984 -• Bii m;i 1. John R. Ret ised Engli li 1 the want of the church and the demand ■1 1 he age. I... 1857. 12° 2.'. 1] Beard, I.ina, and Beard, A. B. Ameri- handy-book. N. V., 18S7. 16-15 Bj 1 1, 1 1. 1 l'ii 1 in., with 1 in a n 1 I. [884. Beard, W. H. Tuckerman, II. T. Bool the artists, pi 1 758 9 BEARDSI.E 105 HEAI l I'.i I . A. Snl n . n I h. mi ol \ I 1 I.... //,- iiii.i.K an ■' 1 hi n \ V, . d . I hing with tin fly, '7 I" I '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■. , I I 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 . Ill in William S. I fohnson, II . 1 1. \. \ ., 1876. 8 517B7 I'.i \i;i v 1 I, in 1.11 McLean, M. W. n. 1. p. i<> Be \i;\ 1 , I in \ Wai len, Sister Ui ila. 1 ... [886 1 ■ Bears of Augustusburg. Nieritz, G. 685A2 Bl vsi e\ , I . W. r pei ii mil ovi house. Phila., [866. 12 . Beaten paths ; or, a ivoma Thompson, I". W 440-9 Bl \ 1 ..\, Alfred 1 has. Quantil ie . 1. ■ I mi urements: how to calculate and them in bricklayers', masons', plast- erers', plumbers', painters', papei hang ei , gildei 1', smil h >', • ai pentei and joiners' work. I... [871. 16 . . . . 6908 2 Bl lton's bargain, Heel Mrs. Annie I., (Mrs. Alexandi Bl vtoi \, I '!'. id, Lodge, !■'.. P01 traits ol illusl 1 iov 5 pei age ol deal Bi ilain. \ . I. pp. '><> Ill |ll'', Bl VTRH 1 . Ka\ anagh, Julia. I'.i \ 1 ui. 1 Cenci. Si . 1 em i, Beati ice. Bl vTRix Randolph. Hawthorne, Julian. Beatson, W. F. Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of Anglo-Indians. pp. 113-103. . . . 411-01 Bl Min, James, Scotch^ [735 t. 1803. Poetii al works : n ith life, b) J. S. 1 libb. n. d. 1 6° 14111. with a memoir ..f the author, by Rev. Uexandei Dyce. B., 1854. 12 . . . 14K -i Poetical works ol Collins. Graj and Beattie pp 185 384 8092-25 Essays. In Mackenzie, II.. ed. The M11 ror. v. 2 [84E1 Mi 1 osh, J. Scol ii -li philosophy. pp. 230-258 11. j 1 (.8 Bl \1111. \\ in. Life and letters of Thomas 1 lampbell. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 12 . . , BEATTY, Allan.. Essays On practical culture, including his prize Maysville, ky . [844. 12° 630-2 Beatty, John, The Belle o' Beckel's Phila., 1883 12 . Hi -. champ; or, the ei ror, lame-. 1 .. P. K. Beauchampi 1 sequel 10 Charlem Simms, \\ . ( .. I'.i u . in 5N1 . Ui ide Hyacinthe du Bois de, French xoriter, [804 ..-'. 1S75. Louis \\ 11, hi-, life, his suffering, his death: captivity of the royal family in the tem- ple, ir. and ed. b) W, II. litt. - 1 . X. V.. 1853. [2°, Same, 1855. . . . 5S6B9 1: I, S11 I .11. Biogi i] ! I of Ins III. - 1.1 Bl vi 1..1; 1 , I 1 |>bell, J. 1 1 . .1 .... Beauharnais, Eugenie Hortense d< I I.. 1 lens- ■ml. Be 11 m \i;i 11 m . Piei re French dramatist, 1 1 imenie, Loui de. Bet imai hi > times 142I;; I 1 ench humi ■I 1 7 iii 1 n.15, and 1 hi fohn, 1571 ■•-! - dramatists. A king and no king. Knight of the burning pestle. Philaster love in eeding. In British il. atists. pp. 240-515 Plays, finesi In Hunt, Leigh. Beaumont and Fletcher 142C2 Bradley, \. 1 . In Ward, T. II.. English poets, v. 2. pp. 43-46. . . Coleridge, S. T. Works, v. 4. pp. 199-220. Noti Beaumont and Fletcher Dai lev, ( i. In Campbell, T. and others. Lives of B pp. 235 29] ;i Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2. pp. 55-66 -- Literature of the age of Elizabeth. PP- 157 "77 8203-9 Bl m MONT, Sir Geo. Howland, tart., Eng lish landscape painter, '. 17;; d. 1827. 1 unuingham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 5. pp. [17-133 117 . — and Lady B Knight, Win.. Memorials of Coleorton. 2 v I'.i u MONT, Dr. Joseph E. ' Hood. ! British pulpit, etc. pp. 265-284. . . . 4144-4 1 1, Pierre Gustave Toutan general, b. 1S17. Roman. A. Military operations of General Beaure- gard, including a personal sketch. . . 142B4 | 1 Wearing of the gray. pp. 83-95 — Pollard, E. A. I if pp. 231-270 41-^5 5 BEAUTIES and achievements of the blind. Artman, Win. mid Hall. L. V. Beauties and deformities,.!' toba Coles, 1.1'. harmonies and sublimit; nature. Bucke, Chas 507-2 BEAUTIES. 1 06 r,Ki>K Bl U 111 of sacred literature: a compen- dium of Christian doctrine, faith ami practice, selected from various authors, ed. by a lay member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. N. V., 11. d. 12° 241-22 B] VI ills of the court of Charles II. Jame- son, Mrs. Anna (M.) 411-55 Bl IUTIES : selected from the writings of Thomas De Quincy 284E7 Bl \i in;i. The. See /Esthetics. Beautiful birds described. Cotton, J. . . 598 52 Beautiful butterflies. Adams, H. G. . . 5958-13 BEAUTIFUL homes ; or, hints in house fur- nishing. Williams, II. T. and Jones, '/> ■ C. S 746-9 Hi. At 1 IFUL snow and other poems. Watson, J- W 027C1 Bb vuty. Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. pp. 265-290 318E1 — See also /Esthetics. Costume. i rY and the beast. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. Tytler, pseud.) Beauty in dress. Dewing, Maria R., (Miss Oakey, pseud.) 3912-6 Bl m iv is power. N. Y., 1S71. 12 . [Same as Defence of women.] .... 396-35 Be ui.k. Morgan, L. II. American beaver and his works 59938l-6 - Strahan, A., ed. Boys' and girls' book of science, pp. 94-104 507-83 Who were the first builders? .... 5904-93 — See also Animals. Zoology. BECHSTEIN, Johann Matthaus, German natur- alist,b. 1757 ,/. 1822. Natural history of cage birds : their management, habits, 1 I, diseases, treatment, breeding, and the methods of catching them. I.., n. d. 16° 6386 1- Beck, T. Romeyn. DeWitt Clinton, In Home ol American statesmen, pp. 415 424 412-53 ! ; ' 1 1 ■ Bernard II. Disturbed Ireland : being the letters' written during the winter of 1880-81. I.., 1SS1. 12°. . 32041-2 — Scientific London. N. Y '., 1875. I2 °- • 509-2 Bei 1 BR, Wilhelm Adolph, German antiqu- ary, b. 1796-d. 1846. Charicles; or, illustrations of the private life of the enl Greel 1 with note ind excur- US( , 11. by Rev. F. Metcalfe. I.., 1854. 12 . Same, 1866 4053-2 Callus; or, Roman scenes of theiiin. oi Augustus : with not exi ursuses, tr. by Rev. I , Meti alfe. I.., 1X41). 12°. Same, 1873 4056-2 ['horn as A Bei ket. Bl 1 ha . I lenrj . \\ ho 1- John No- V \ ., [887. 16 . Beckett, Edmund, rst baron Grimthorpe, /». 1S16. Rudimentary treatise on clocks, watches and bells. I.., [883. 12° 681-17 Same, 1S6S. 16°. [Has on t. p. author's former name, Edmund Beckett Deni- son.] 0N1 171 Bei ki 1 r. See also A Beckett. 13 kii, Wm., /'. \-joS-d. 1770. Bourne, II. R. F. Famous London merchants. pp. 1S7-206 4112 Bei ki ord, Wm., b. 1760-1/. 1844. Vathek : an Arabian tale. I'hila., 1854. Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 97-106 S04-4 Neale, E. Closing scene. 2nd ser. pp. "7-59 410-S BECKMANN, Johann, German naturalist, b. 1739-//. 1811. History of inventions, discoveries and origins, tr. by Wm. Johnston. Revised by Win. Francis and J W. Griffith. 2 v. L., 1846. 12° 608 2 Bei KONING hand and other stories. Allen, ( .rant. Bl 1 1.11 ith, Arthur. Majolica and fayence : Italian, Sicilian, Majorcan, Hispano- Moresque and Persian. N. Y., 1S77. 1- 737-2 BECKWOURTH, Jas. P. Life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth, written at his own dictation, by T. D. Bonner, n. t. P- >2° I43B5 BEDDOE, John. Races of Britain: a contri- bution to the anthropology of western Europe. I.., 1885. 8° 57242-2 BEDDOES, Thos. Lovell. Gosse, E. W. /« Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 4- PP- 552-554 S092-9 Bl i 1 or Beda, the venerable English monk and ecclesiastical historian, />. about (yjz-d. about 735. Ecclesiastical history of England, also the Anglo-Savon Chron- icle, ed. by J. A. Giles. L., 1S71. 16°. Same, 1875 9309-2 Browne, G. F. Venerable Bede. . . . 143B7 \ enerable Bede expurgated, expounded and exposed, by the Prig S27-74 Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 290-297 414-23 1 hildrei j book. pp. 7-10. . . . 410-27 I loyd, Mrs. W. R. Watchers for the dawn. pp. 9-23 2706-55 Bede, Vugusl in. I el ters to an Episi opalian, on the 01 iv in. in tor) and docti ine ol the Book oi 1 n pi ayer. Balti- mori . 1859. [2° 2603-2 Hi de, 1 uthbert, B. t., /• 1 ud. & • Bradley, Edwai d. BEDELL. — 107 — 1:1 I.' Ilhl 1 1:1 in 1 1 , < tregorj Thui Ion, /'. /'., ■■ Canterl pilgrii 1 1 the I .hiiIm'i h i.m I the Sheffield V \ ., 1S7S. K," ■ Pastor, The : pastoral I lieolog; . Clcvi land, [883. i2° I'liniii, William, bishop. Lloyd, Alt K. Flow e Iiristian chi airy, pp, 221-256 114-5 Bedel) le< lures, 1881. w illiaius, J. World's testi 13 to [e us < hrist. . . 2576 92 1883. Cotterill, II. Revealed religion expounded bj its relations to 1 h<_- moral being of God 1885. II 1 II. M. World and the Logos .' ; (8S7. Mi ' i".li. J. Religiou 1 peel ol ■ 1 ilution 2398 67 l;i in 's ' hai 11 v. Smith, I [annah, 1 1 lesba Stretton, pseud.) 81 Bedford, Duke of. See Plantagenet, John. Also Russell, John. Bi dfokd pai k, / ngland. I 1 mvi ay, M. D Travels in South Kensington, pp. 217- 234 745-3 r.i 1 Widow. Set Whitcher, Mrs. F. M. (B.) Bedoi in tribes of the Euphrates. Blunt, Lady A 4577-16 1: 1 in 1 . 1 h.i \\ n, (Ravenswood, • d.) Edmund I lawn. X. Y.. [873. I'.i ei HCROP 1. Vonge, C M. Beech EN brook : .1 rhyme of the war. Pres- ton, M. J 745Cl Bl 1 atherine Esther, 6. iSoo-i/. 1878. rlousekeepet and healthkeeper. X. V., 1876. 12 640-15 Religious training of children in the 1 Imi.i1. i he family ami the church. N. Y.. 1S64. 12 247-2 Woman's profession as mother and educa- tor; with views in opposition to woman suffrage. Phila., 1N72. 12° 396 2 andStovte, Harriet Beecher. American woman's In. me ; or, pi inciples of domes- tic science. V V.. 1S70. 12°. . . . 640-161 - Prim iple ol domesl ii science. X. Y., (870. 12° 640- II) I lei by, J. C Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 448-450. . 4181 3 BEECHER, < has., American writer, />. 1 S 1 5. Spiritual man B., 1879. 12" 175-2 ci/. Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, coi res] Ii nee, etc •. . 143B8 I'.i i' her, Edward, American clergyman, b. 1804. I listory of opinions cm the scrip- tural doctrine of retribution. N. Y., [878. 12° 2376 2 Hi 1:1 Bi 1 1 in 1 . 1 1 onlinued. Brownson, • l. A. W01 1 ... 1 . 7. pp. 54 ; 566. [Re\ 1 1 ■•I. I W. Oli-I pp. it- Ei nil- U , J. C. 1 pub- lishei tii. 1 . 111 u, I l.ni;. Wan I, b. 1813 1 I [ion. N. \ . 1 23 Contents.- p. 1 I .lutionary philosophy on the fundamental doctrines ofevan] lian- ity. p 1 iteei the .111 J theories 10 the practical aspects of religious life-. part I, only. N. Y., 1885. 8°. . . . 2 I 1 1 12°. ... . 14.; K 1 595 pulpit 1 > n 1 1 ■ V Y ., 1866. 12° I reedom and war : di on topics suggested b) thetimes. B., 1863. 12 . 1S08-16 111 talk> : a series of familiar discoui general Chris- tian expi I I . I .llin- 1 X. Y ., 1S70. 12° Lectures to young men. Ii.. 1868. 12 . 248 1; Life of Jesus the 1 Ihrist. V Y.. n. t. p. 8° Life thoughts, gathered from extempo- raneous discourses, by one of hiscongre- gation. N. V., 1S71. 12' Norwood: village life in New England. V , .. [868. 12°. Notes from Plymouth pulpit: with a sketch of Mr. Beecher and the lecture r bj Vugusta Moore. V N .. 1S65. 12° Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, Row- ui. I fat ming. N. \ .. 1859. u Same. 1S74 6304 17 Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. X. V., I867. 12° 2442 Royal truths. B., 1867. 12. 24.1-2; Sermons. 2 v. N. V., 1868. 8 . 2^2 15 - Plymouth pulpit, 7th ser. Scot., 1 >- 7 1 Mar., 187 1 by T. J. Ellin- N. Y., 1873. 8 252 16 Star papers; or, experiences "I art and V \ .. 1855. 12 . Same. 1859 14-I ;i new edition. V V'., 1873. 12 . 1 _i ; I ; Yale lectures on preaching. 2 v. N.Y.. i^7- :: 12 2,1 1; Beecher as a humorist: selections Irom published works, compiled by Eleanor Kirk. X. Y.. 1- ... I42I , Proverbs from Plymouth pulpit, William Drysdale. N. \ .. 1887. 13 BEECH ER. - 1 08 BEES. I'.i Ei HER, Henry Ward, continued. — Introductory preface. In Una and her paupers: memorials of Agnes E.Jones. 518B2 — Plans of reading. In Abbott, I.., ed. Hints for home reading. pp. 48-56. . 805- 12 — Selections. In Mason, E.T.,ed. Humor- ous masterpieces. v. I. pp. 106-117. 817-63 Abbott, L. and Halliday, S. 13. Henry Ward lieecher: sketch of his career. . 1 4 i 1 ' 7 s — Beecher, W. C. and Scoville S. Biog- raphy of 1 1. W. lieecher '43 B 7° _ Pond, I. B., id. Summer in England with Henry Ward Beecher 204-11 - Iiadeau, A. Vagabond. pp. 279-285. 131 E6 — Bartlett, D. W. Modem agitators, pp. 203-229 412-2 - Brownson, 0. A. Works. v. 3. pp. 460-4S4. [Review of Sermons.] . . . 818-27 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 104-115 412-25 — Cook, Joseph. Current religious perils. pp. 131- 140 204-231 Derby, [. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 446-476. Beecher family. . 4181-3 Md abe.J.D. Great fortunes, pp. 499- 525 4123-6 Partem, [. famous Americans, pp. 349- 372 412-72 Stowe, H. B. Men of our times, pp. 505-575 4122-83 l:i ECHER, Mrs. II. W. Letters from Flor- ida. N'. V., 1879. 12° 4759-H Beecher, Lyman, />. 1775-1/. 1S63. Auto- biography, correspondence, etc. ed. by (has. lieecher. 2 v. N. Y., 1866. 12°. 143B8 Bartlett, D. W. Modern agitators, pp. 192-202 4122 — Fish, 11. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 409- 422 2521-4 Beecher, I'hos. Kennu utt, b. 1824. Our seven churches. N. V., 1870. 16°. . 280-2 Beecher, Wm. C. and Scoville, Samuel. i Lphj ol 1 [1 in \ Ward Beei her. N, V., 1888. 8 I43B76 l.i echer, Willis J. Farmer Tompkins and hi Bible. Phila., 1874. 12 2202 2 1:1 1. in I rederick Wm., captain. Tillot- .11. |. Adventures in the ice. pp. 198 9 1 . I . I Exploration of the woi Id pp. 201 -206 136-92 Franconia story. Abbott, J. 103A24 BEE< HWOOD. Springer, R. R. Beech v, Hen rj Wm. Memoir of •Sir J. Rey- nolds. In Reynolds, Sir J. Works, v. I. 704-75 BEEDV, Marj I Girls and women in Eng- and Amei ica. In Brackett, A. 1 .. Educatioi of American girls. pp. 2 1 1 254 376-2 Bl 1 1 bonanza; or, how to get rich on the plains. Brisbin, J. S Beehler, W. H., lieut. Cruise of the "Brooklyn:" events of a three years cruise [1881-84] m 'he U. S. flag ship " Brooklyn," in the South Atlantic sta- tion; with descriptions of places in South America. Africa and Madagascar. Phila., 1SS5. 8° 4375 18 BEEKMAN, Cornelia. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp i9t-204 4121-35 111 I -man of Orn and other stories. Stock- ton, Frank. R. I'll 1 1 liickerdyke, J. Curiosities of ale and beer 6633-16 — liyrn. M. L. Complete practical brewer. 6633 2 Hi 1 1 BOHM, Julius. Wanderings in Patago- nia; or, life among the ostrich-hunters. L., 1SS1. 12 4020 2 Beers, Henry A. Nathaniel Parker Wiliis. [American men of letters.] P... 1885. 12 954B9 — Outline sketch of American literature. X. V.. 1887. 16 810-2 1 lutline sketch of English literature. N. V.. 1SS6. 16° S20-15 ed. Century of American literature. 1776-1876. N. V., 187S. 16 . . . . 81 1-2 BEERS, R. W. Mormon puzzle, and how to solve it. N. Y.. 18S7. 12 298 ■ ■ BEES. Harris, W. 11. The honey-bee, its nature, homes and products 639-4 - I inline, W.. ed. Naturalists' library, v. 34. Edin., 1859. 12 590 5 - Jenyns, F. G. About bees 639-5 — Langstroth, L. I.. Hive and honey-lice. 639-6 Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps. . . 5050 5 Noel, M. Buz; or, the life and adven- tures of a honey bee 639 66 1, hi 111 by. M. Mysteries of bee-keeping ex- plained 63 1 and Root, L. C. New bee-keeping. . 639 7 Richardson, II. D. Hive ami honey bees. /// Saxton's rural hand books. . 636-7 Pan, A. 1. Romances and realities, pp. |0i 136E9 Buckley, A. B. I tirj land ol si iem e pp. 193 -';; 5°4 ! 5 — Bui roughs, J. Locusts and wild honey. pp. 9 14. Pastoral bee E5 Pi pai ton. pp. 63 90. Idyl ol the I c\ bee '"'d ' 1 nupbcll. Helen. Amei ican gii Is' home I k. pp. (84 s s, i 786-24 1 lhase, A. W. Recipes, pp. 030 648. 603 I lickens, < '.. ed. Sun ;hine on clail) path pp. ; ;o 1 1 ; \ in \i phase oi bee life. 604 ; I I ibberd, S, Rustic adornments. pp. 229-276 7 1 2 1 IS — 109 — 1:1.11 Bl 1 , continued. I .11 dnei 1 D., VI I 1 and art. v. i". pp. 1112 603 Mr. 1I1. in. \., it, B03 ind iris' book of 1. 'in .'. pp, ■ ;i 2 11 an 1 ;• '• jo8. . . Hi 1 .1 . \uv n in 11.1111 i.i cchi, Marii .ni.l Sulla. L., 1880. I'- . 1 1 poi 1 mi. 1. nt history.] **<■>=; Sn Jol anklin. N. \ .. 1881. 12 , |8iB8 1:1 1 1 .. I [ward Spencer, English postiivist writo . >. 1831 . Cal iline, < lodius and Tiberius. I... 1S7S. S p..; ■ Hi 1 1 . Grant, E. B. Beel rool ugai and cultivation "I the beet. Bound Reed, Win. Historj ol sugar 6641 7 Beethoven, Ludwig van, musical com^ I'. i770-n In eafni 826 54 Legouve, E. Arl ol reading, pp. 357 364 S00-5 Lillie, 1 .. C. M 11 ii and musii ian H ir young rr.nl. -1 5. pp. 164— 171 77°-6 Mosi heles, I. Recenl musii and musi- • ian . pp. hi 126 771 1 1 5 Pai i\. C. II. II. Great 1 omposers. pp. 1 56 104 4177-68 Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp. \o 4" 772-9 W I. \\ . Hundred greatest men. PP- tn "i I P Beetles. Spry, W. British coleoptera de lineated 59575-7 • Duncan, J. Beetles, tn Jardine, W., Naturalists' library, v. ;., 59°-5 1 Natural historj . Zo- ology. I'.i 1 roN, S. O. Book of amusements, n. t. p. 24 1 1 ., continued. . 1.1 1 . ■ 1 . 1 1 , . 1 1 1 , . ■ \ ■ 1 I . . . n. 4. 8' Bool "i In rear and manage in .!. 16 ■ Beets, N Lifi II. van del Palm, D. D. ir. by J. P Wi tervelt. N. Y., 181 12 . . . . 712B5 j 1 1 : 1 t . I V. C. and I ■ Bl 11 1 an audience; or, the use of the «iil in public speaking Befori [he curfew and other pi Holmes, 1 Hivei \\ endell : i ilu: daw n. ' leo I nilac. I the footlighl and behind the scenes. 7 Beggar ol Bethnal Green. Knowles, J. S. I iramatic works. v. 1. pp. .545 -3 1 1 I and grandees of Spain. . J. W 94 " r.i 1 11 1 iho] or, the < i uy ol the single. Byi ii.'. Mr . W in. Tin 2719-2 r.i ii .mm.. Bates, Lizzie 1 jgA 14 .mm. life. Tulloch, J Bl ginning of the Middle a 1 lurch, R. W Beginnings of Christianity. Fisher, s, A. J. F. Socialism and Chris- tianity. N. V.. 1SS6. 8° 338-'4 Behrens, Bertha, |W. Heimburg, pseud.) Penniless girl. tr. by Mrs. A. L.Wister. Being a boy. Warner, Chas. I) 923AS5 BEKE, Dr. Chas. Tilstone, English traveler, b. \%oo-d. 1S74. Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian. ed. by his widow. L., 1878. 8° 4591-2 BEKKER, August Inimanuel. Hadley, J. Essays philological and critical, pp. 56-80 450E1 Bf.kker, Balthasar. Fisher, K. History of modern philosophy. Descartes and his school, pp. 521-528 1641-4 Bekner, Volney. Masson, M. Celebrated children. pp. 273-279 410-72 Bee's first corner. Conklin, Mrs. N. Belcher, Lady Diana. Mutineers of the bounty and their descendants in Pit- cairn and Norfolk islands. N. Y., 1871. 12° 4904-3 Belcher, Sir Edward. Smith, D. M. Arc- tic expeditions, pp. 596-625 498-87 Belcher, Joseph. Historical sketches of hymns, their writers and their influence. Phila., 1859. 12°. Same. Albany, 1865 245-2 Bed iguered city. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O.W. B :i> Regis. Mitford, M. R. Works. PP- 307-495 828-62 Belger, Mrs. Fanny Courtenay (Baylor.) Behind the Blue ridge: a homely nar- rative. Phila., 1S87. 12 . - Juan and Juanita. B., 1888. 8°. . . . 139A8 — On both sides. Phila., 1887. 12°. Belgh ■■!- Barber, J. W. European histor- ical collection- : comprising England, "si otland, with Holland, Belgium and a part of France 928-2 Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe, v. 1 440-29 — Lavelcye, E. de. Provincial and com- munal institutions of Belgium and Hol- land. In Probyn, J. VI., ed. Col. den club essays, 1875. pp. 245-282. . . . 3521-7 Locke, I ». R. Nasby in exile 440-59 Morgan, Lady S. O. The princess: a novel. Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea. v. 2. pp.455 471. Catholic and protestant countries 204-84 Stanton, T. Woman question in Europe. pp. 364 373 Tappan, 11. P. Step from the new 1 to the old. v. 2 440-87 Crests from il :ean u 01 Id. 440-915 — See also Nethei land ;. w itei loo Belgiojoso, I ristina Trivulzio, princess. Oriental harems and scenery. X. Y., l862. 12° 4579-2 Belgrade. Whittle, J., tr. Visit to Bel- grade 4497-5 — Great sieges of history. pp. 434-443. [Sieges, A. D. 1439-1789.] 903-4 BELIEF of the first three centuries concern- ing Christ's mission to the underworld. llui.lekoper, F Z324-4 Beliefs about the Bible. Savage, M. J. . 2202-8 Beliefs of the unbelievers and other dis- courses. Frothingham, O. B 252-39 Belinda. Broughton, Rhoda. Hi t imia. Edgeworth, Maria. BELISARIl'S, Roman general, b. about 505-rf. 565. Stanhope, P. H. Life of Belisa- rius 145B2 — Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties ami contested events, pp. 23-30 902-3 — Gibbon, E. Roman empire, chap. 51- 53 9199-5 — Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. v. 3-4 9199-6 BELISLE, D. W. History of Independence hall ; with biographies of the signers of the declaration of independence. Phila., 1859. 12 98281-2 BELKNAPPE, Robert. Campbell, J. Lives of chief justices of England, v. I. pp. IU-116 411-24 Bell, Alexander Graham. Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 501- 506 410-42 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 597-603 410-536 — Prescott, G. B. Bell's electric speaking telephone 53^2-7 Hell. Andrew. Drake, S. A., ed. J . . . 145A2 Hope Campbell ; or, know thyself. 1.., 1866. 16° 145A22 - Huguenot family; or, help in lime "I need. 1... 1868. 16 1 is V.' ; Kenneth and I [ugh ; or, self-ma stei ) V \ ., 1866. [6° 145A25 Margarel ' ecil j or, I can, bei luse I ought. I.., 1868. 16 . Same, N. Y., 1870 145A3 S\ dne) Stuai 1 ; or, love seeketh nol her own. N. V., 1S70. !(.■' 145A35 Win, h 1 mj lil ene 'or, eeing our- selves as we ee others. I.., 1873. 16 145A4 BELL i i Mi i i , Sir i lii .. British anatomist, '■. [874 d. 1 S42. Expression : it- an itomj and philosophy. \. \ ., 1873. 8°. . . . ["hi hand i hani m il en- dowmen t as 1 incil esign [Bi 1 in atise.] \. V., 1855. 12 . . . 210 102 Pii hot, A. Life and lal 1 1 il Sir Charles Bell 1 1 Beli . 1 1. 11 k lii e, S. Off-hand | ail of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 19-25. p \, Bell, Geo., major-general. Rough nov an old soldier, during fifty years' ser- M. e. z i . I.., 1867. 8° 1 ) s I • l Bell, Henry. Nicoll, H. J. Gn ments I thi 1 :e « ho achieved them. pp. 364 1 1 2. Menu I il- 1 inn : Watt, Stephenson, Fulton, Bell |i"i 7 Bell, I [em j Gla >foi d. Rogei . 1 Scottish minstrel, pp.436 438. [Biog. sketch .ind poems.] 80921-7 Bell, Henry II., American admiral, i. 1 J. [868. Headley, J. T. Farri our naval commanders, pp. 523-530. . 4122—39 Bell, Sir I. Lowthian. Chemical phe- nomena oi iron melting. I.., 1S72. 8°. 6691-2 I trade and its allied industries. //; Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Vii lull. I. V. 2. pp. I96-237 9j8-9 I ". 1 1 1, Iniiie. Structures in concrete. Con- struction "i I a Corbiere lighthouse the St. Ilelier's harbour, buill in Crete at Jersey. L., 1880. 8° 627 1 Bei 1 , Jas. Chemistry of foods, with micro- scopic illustrations. I.., 1 S85. 12 . . . 5431 2 Contents. — v. 1. Tea. — Coffee. — Cocoa. — Sugar Honey. v. 2. Milk Butter. — Cheese. — Cereal f Is. Prepared starches, etc. Bell, Jeannie. Effie Raymond's lifi going with the stream and other stoi and poems. X. Y., 1883. l6°. ... [45A48 Bell, John, i. 1690-1/. 17S0. St. John, J. A. Celebrated travelers, v. 2. pp. 125-163 M59-78 Bei 1, N. R. E„ (N. D'Anvers, pi ud.) Raphael. I.., 1879. 12° 764B1 — Science ladder-,. N. \ .. 1882. 16°. . . 504-4 Content* Forms of land and water.— Story 1 early exploration Vegetable life Flower- less plants. Lowest forms of water animals. — Lowlymantle andarmor wearers. Bell, Patrick. Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 218 n\ ! Bell, Robert. Life of the Right Honor- aide George Canning. N. V. 1846. 12° 204B1 Early ballads, illustrative 1 traditions and customs ; ah ', Ball andsongsof the peasantry of England. I... 1S77. 12° 8211-21 1 — BEL] l Bell, Robert, ed., continued. to no rodui ' ■■i.,u I.., n. d. 18 . I .., 11. d. |6° Bell, Wm. A. Ne« tracl in North Amer- ica, n. t. p. 8 1 1] w m. I .. ' .11 penti > ncc and ai 1 of framing on new .'i impro 1 ystem : wil 1 building balloon frail ham frames, mill 1 church spire-, 1 . bridge liuild- with bills, estimati and valuable table-. 1'liila., 18S I.i i 1 Smith abroad. Piatt, Mrs. L. K. . . i. . 1 has, J. Breton Mills. N. V., [879. — The way out : SUgge social re- N. Y.. 1884. 12° 304 2 I id. Looking backward 20OO I.SS7. I'... 188 I. 1 Miss Ludington's sister: romance ol im- ""i i.illly. B., l8 hy, Elizabeth Whitfield. Tilly Bones. hi Mason, I'.. I'., ed. 1 1 umi ■ ster- pieces. v. 3. pp. 48-68 817-63 Hi 1 1 LMV, Georgi \niie, English actress, b. 17;; d. 178S. Fit icy. In Matthews. J. B. and Mutton, I.., cds. Actors and actresses. \. 1. pp. 209- 2«7 i . unless of Fatcoi daughter of Cromwell. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of the Stuarts. V. 2. pp. 379-382 4II-S8 Bellay, Joachim du. See L>u Bellay, Joa- chim. and the buy.. 1 orbin, Mrs. C. F. . 247A3 Belle o' Bi I ue. Beatty, J. Belli Ri >e. ichai I \ I 11, Rem 1 French view of Emerson. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Ge- 11111--, and character of Emerson, pp 10S 317B2 1 1 -en-Mer. Benjamin. S. G. W. Atlantic islands, pp. 17-1 187 OPHON. Blackie, J. S. Lays and legends of ancient Greece, pp.47 ' — Morris, \V. Earthly paradise. pp. 83-161 — Midler, I-'. M. Selected essays. \. 1. pp. 4S2 499 Smith. S. 1 ' - ths and hi 160-165 and ringers. Smart, llawlcy. . , Frank. Art ol amusing. N. V., 1S75. II- BELI.EW. BENEDEN. Bei i ew, Frank, continued. — Parlor amusements; or, the art of enter- taining. N. V.. 1S79. 16° Bellew, H. \V. Afghanistan and the Af- ghans: brief review of [its] history and [an] account of its people; with special reference to the present crisis and war with the Amir Sher Ali Khan. I... 1879. 7S6-21 95S-1S — Journal of apolitical mission to Afghan- istan, in 1857, under Major [now Colonel] Lumsden ; with an account of the coun- try and people. L., 1S62. 8°. ... 4552-2 Bellew, J. C. -M. Poets' corner: a manual for students in English poetry with biographical sketches of the authors. L., 1884. 12 8092-16 Bellew, Wm. Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. v. 2. pp. 92-105. . . 4113-S Be] 1 ini, Jacopo, Venetian painter, d. 1470. Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculp- ture and painting, pp. S3-85 4'7~4 Oliphant, M. O. W. Makers of Venice. pp. 262-290. Three early master-. . . 9453-66 Bellini family (Jacopo, Gentile and Giov- anni.) Jameson, A. (M.) Early Italian painters, pp. 134-140 4175-5 Bellini, Vincenzo. Ferris, G. T. Great Italian and French composers, pp. S5- 104. Donizetti and Bellini 4177-4 Upton, I i. P. Standard operas, pp. 47- 57 772-9 BELLONA's husband. Genone, Hudor. Bellows, Albert J. How not to be sick: sequel to Philosophy of eating. N. Y., 1S6S. 12 . Same, with appendix, "Is phosphatic bread poisonous?" N. Y.. 1869. .12° 6I3-2I — Philosophy of eating. N. Y., 1S76. I2 ° 643-2 Bellows, Rev. Henry W. Old world in its new face: impressions of Europe in 1867-68. 2 v. N. Y.. 1870-69. Same. v. I. 1868 440-14 Re-statements of Christian doctrine, in ty-five sermons. B., 1867. 12°. . 2308-2 — Introduction. In Martineau, J. Relig a, affected by modern materialism. . . 215-6 Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 112-119. . 131E6 I'ii Beckett, 1 R udimen tarj tn on clocks, watches and bells 68] 1, Km 1 . V E. Romam es and reali I [75-«8o 136E9 1 1 1 .• ei 1, II. R. Music and morals, pp. <"'■ 771-47 leu itt, I.. Half-hours among ami lish antiquities, pp. 149 178 406-5 ol Penraven. Far j eon, B. I . Bel Marjory. Meade, I . 1 . Belmont, August. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. PP- 26-31 41247 -3 Below the surface. Elton, Sir A. 11. Belsham, Wm. Memoirs of the reign of George III, from his accession to the peace of Amiens. S v. L., 1805. "& . 9373-2 Belt, Harriet Pennawell. Mirage of promise. Phila., 18S7. 12°. Belting, i i omu ell, J. II. Belts and pul- leys. . 62185-3 Be] ion estate. Trollope, A. Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, Italian tra: />. 1 77S— ■:/. 1823. Narrative of the oper- ations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs and ex- 1 avations in Egypt and Nubia; and oi a journey to the coast of the Red sea, in search of the ancient Berenice ; and another to the oasis of Jupiter Amnion. 2 v. I... 1N22. 8° 403-2 — Craik, G. E. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 53S-5-P 4to-35 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 5'-5 6 4IO-757 — St. John, J. A. Celebrated travelers. v - 3- PP- 327-345 4159-78 — Taylor, B. Cyclopaedia of modern unci. v. 1. pp. 229-241 436-8 111. mini, C. M. American poulterer's com- panion : the breeding, rearing and gen- eral management of various species of domestic poultry. X. Y., [878. iz°. 638 J Ben Brace. Chamier, Capt. — . Ben Brightboots and other true stories, etc. Yonge, CM 4s s A.) Ben Farrar's experience of the .sunny side of the cross. B., 1S70. 16° >47-\2 i'.i \ Gilberl victory. Bisbee, Susie A. , 158A6 Ben Milner's wooing. Parr, II. Ben Sylvester's word. Yonge, C. M. . . . 990A ; Benares, India. Kennedy, J. life and work ill Benares ami Kumaon. pp. 1- 231 2654-45 - Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics, pp. 155-1S0 438-9 See also India. BENBi '\\ . John. Edgar, J. 1 .. Sea km^s ami naval heroes, pp. 262-271 1.159 ;s Beni 11 and 1'iu. Bigelow, I.. J 3409-2 Ben in R, * Has. Practical tn atise "ii the propel 1 ies "I 1 ontinuous bridges. N. Y., 1S76. io° 624 1; Propi '1 1 tons oi pins used in In idges. \ . N .. [873. 16° 024 iS l:i ID! IG H illow. Fuller. J.G 391 Beneden, Pierre Joseph van. Animal para- iites .ind in'- mate, V Y., 1876. ■2° 59165-2 BENEDICITE. 1 '3 BENJ Wll V Hen ii ol ! i ■ p u isc , and goodness of Gi I m fested in his « ork i. i Ihild, G. C, 10-1 Qi edici Ibnei '• ' I • T. < hap evolution. pp. 164 170 lui 45 Benedii r, l.i 1 hi C. Run through Europe. \ \ ,, 1868. 12 . Same, 1871. ... Benedii 1 . Frank 1 1 e. Her friei .V \ 1 9 12°. John Worthington's name. V Y., ■ 8°. Mi Doroth) h e. N. Y., 1873. 8°. Mis Van 1 ortli n I. N. Y., 1874. 8°. Mr. Vaughan hi ir. N. ~\ .. [875. 8°. M; daughti 1 Elinor. N. \ .. 1871. 8°. Prii 1 hi paid. Phila., [883. 12°. Bl 1, St., Italian founder of the dictine order, >'■. \&o d. 543. Clarke, J. I-'. Events and epochs in religious histoi) . pp. 92 98 204 [65 1 l(ini-i)i .. < '. E, I land] k of 1 hris- 755- 2 Hodgkin, T. Ital) andhei invaders, v. 4. pp. i"-' 498 hi 99 6 Jameson, A. (M.) Legends of the monasti lers. pp 19-249 755—5 \ I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I I II. I 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 : lily, v . 2. pp. 22 38 2Nji 5 Montalembei 1. C. I Monks of the West. v. 1. pp. 305 345 271-6 Benedict, l\ ■ o-d. 903. M lor, A. de. Roman Ponl iffs. v. 1. pp. -; s 241 2821 53 Benedict, \ 1 1 . su . 1334- d. 1342. Montor, A. de. Roman Pontiffs, v. 2. pp. 5°3-5° 6 -'" Benedict, Mil /./. . ■■■.- . 1724 d. Montoi . A. de. Roman Pontiffs, v. 2. PP- 236 J t s 2821 53 Ben r, XI\ 1758. Montor, A. de. Roman Pontiffs. \ . 2. pp. 269 298 j.Vi 5 ; Benedict, Sir Julius, musical composer, l>. [804 d. [885. Sketch of the career of Mendelssohn. In Lampadius, \Y. A. lii, .'i Felix Mendel isi ihn Bartholdy. PP- 1S3 195 624B5 BEN i\ of I I:.' 11 tntury: I osius). 1 reorges de Blois 16562 Hi \11m1 i\i s. I'i ime, W. C. [ go : >ng- PP- ' 1 . St. Bl ■ 1 D1CTI S. 2 V. 1 .. 1SS7. 12°. Bl m dik 1. Dr. R. Tei I hand- 1 ks: the chemistr) ol the coal-tar lours, ed. n ith additions by E. Knecht. 1 ., 1S86. 12 Benefit of Chrisl 1 , , I . W01 1 1, India. Hunter, W. W. Ai I • ■■ i 1 h 1111 uf Henry II, during hei 2 v. . n. ii. I- - eck : a true a victim. V V.. 1880. .. Wallaci 1 us of Tudela. Wright, T. I tine. pp. 63 126. . . Bl 1 Bi dell. Hilda and I. N. V'., l880. 12°. shadow. I;., 1- 1 148I 1 [IN, Park, ed. Wrinkles and re 11. t. p. 12° 603-2 I ; ian, C. Haphazard personalities. PP- '40 155 412-58 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler, American author and artist, b. 1S40. Atlantic islam ire. N. Y., 1S7S. S° Cont Channel islands. — Magdalen isl :. — Newfoundland .— Belleislc- . r. Prim e Ed ■■ ] ' island.— Isle of V. i May " in the gulf of Si. Lawrence ami adjacent waters. N. V., 1SS5. S° 471 t 2 Multitudinous seas. N. Y., i ?s 1 i 2 1. Pei sians. B., 1887. 4 . , facts and fancies of a yachtsman. N. Y., 1 .... Contents. — We two on an island.— Evolution of lilt: American yai 111 itlanlic railway.— \Vhai i >boat. — Hi4Jen treas t" the depth um- stantial evidence.— Light hi u : y .if Persia. N. Y.. 1887. 1 2 . [Story of the nations. J Troy, its legend, history and literature: with the I ill in the ' - ent invesl tion. N. Y., 1880. 16 . I I ■ rai ■ 1 Turkey. Greece, and the isle V V.. 12 Whal is art - or, .11 1 i W f life, nery and climate in no N \ . 1SS0 16 BENJAMIN. 114 BENVENUTI. Benjamin, S. G. W., continued. I ntents. — Damascus. — Brusa.— Bosporus. — Smyrna. — Scio. — Naples. — Corsica. — Mentone. — South of France. — North of Portugal.— Azores.— Channel islands. — Isle of Wight. — Bahamas. — Fort George island. — Lake George. !i rmudas. — Teneriffe. — Madeira. — Sandwich islands. I'.i.wi 1 1, Emerson. Phantomof the forest. Phila., 12 . — Villeta Linden ; or, the artist's bride. Phila., 1N74. 12 . Bennett, Henry, earl of Arlington. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages 1 Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 171-1S0. 411-65 Bennett, Jas. Gordon, journalist, b. 1S00- d. 1 S 7 ^ . Mr 11 of James G. Bennett and his times, by a journalist. X. V., 1855. 12 146B9 — Famous boys. pp. 26-38 410-48 - Fiske, S. 1 Iff-hand portraits of promi- nent New Yorkers, pp. 32-3S. . . . 41247-3 — Hudson, F. Journalism in the United Slates, pp. 428-490 8059-4 McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes. pp. 389-406 4123-6 Parton, I. Captains of industry, pp. 74 4""' 7 Famous Americans, pp. 261-305. . . 412-72 BENNETT, Jas. Henry, J/. D. Winter and spring on the shores of the Medi- terranean ; or, tlie Genoese Rivieras, Italy, Spain, Corfu, Greece, the Archi- pelago, Constantinople, Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, Algeria, Tunis, Smyr- na. Asia Minor, with Biarritz and Arcachon, as winter climates. L., 1875. 12°. Same, \. V., 1870 4440 -2 Bf.NNF.tt, John Hughes. Text-book of physiology, general, special and prac- tical. Hula., [873. I-' 6121-2 I'.i nm 11, Walter. Madame de Maintenon. I.., 1880. 12 1 Bennigsen, Rudolph von. Tuttle, II. Ger- man political leaders, pp. 01 too. . . 4106 8 Benni iCH, Francis. Rogers, < Scottish minstrel, pp. 415 1 [9. [B sketi h and poems. ] 80921-; Bi NONl I'.l.il e, M D Mai li llan, M. r.i 11 Dl I aac de. Besant, \Y Freni h humoi ii.. pp. 199-212. 8 I n In Vrt and nature in Italy. li., [882. 12 145 1 , 1 1 1 om onnets. tr. I". Gi irgi I leming. li.. [881. (6 851B1 losepl ' [821. Gorrie, P. 1 1. Eniinen 1 Mel In idisl mini iters. Ml. i r.i 1 VI I itory of Ru ia I .. [885 16 94; 1 , BENT, J. Theodore. Genoa: how the re- public rose and fell. L., 1881. 8°.. 9451-2 I'.i -, 1 , Samuel Arthur, ed. Short sayings of great men : with historical and explan- . notes. Ii., 1SS2. 8° S07-2 lii n 1 ham, Jeremy. Godwin, P. Outofthe past. pp. 22-55. [Review of Theory of legislation.] 430F.5 Legare, II. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 440 481. [Review of Principles of leg- islation.] 818-56 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 1. PP- 355-4' 7 633E3 — Neale, E. Closing scene, v. 1. pp. 250-280 410-8 Bentinck, Lord George. Francis, G. II. Orators of the age. pp. 214-220. . . 411-37 BENTLEY, Dora: a true story of a faithful life, by S. A. R. Erie, I'enn., 1SS2. 16° I47B2 BENTLEV, Richard, English critic and classic- al scholar, />. 1662-1/. 1742. Extracts from dissertation on the epistles of I'ha- laris. In Donaldson, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks, v. 2. pp. 43-135. . . 882 31 — Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy and ritual 26031-4 [ebb, R. C. Hentley. [English men of letters.] I4~li.S — De Quincy, T. Essays on philosophical writers, v. 2. pp. 1-143 284E45 Benton, Samuel. Dome nursing and how to help in cases of accident. I.., [880. 1 ■ 6138-2 Benton, Thos. Hart, senator, b. 1782-d. iNs2. Thirty years' view : or, 3 history ol the Hoiking of the American gov- ernment for thirty years, 1820-50, with autobiographical sketch. 2 v. N. Y., [858. S 3207-2 tlents. \ 1. Autobiographical sketch. — Preliminarj ■ i 1 - 20 — History of the go vera men t 1 \ Hi 1 1 h e gov en t from 1 evelt, T. Life ol T. 1 1. Be 1. 147H5 Bunga v, G. W. 1 Iff-hand taking pp. 145-34' I 1 -' *5 k reinoni, Je ie | Benton.) Sotn enii s of mj lime (8 |B ; r.i 1 1 and Roville, A. J. C. de. II. 1 1 -I agi iculture. tr. and adapted to the 1 '. s. by F. 1 .. sk ei . \. \ . I S |.S. 12°. I In "i ton 1 Ileal hand books." 2d ser.] 7H>2 5 Benveni 11. F. I . 1 1 Ii of 1 he F 1 em h re\ olution, 17S0 05 1 with an appi n dix embodying the principal events in h .1,1 1 7X0 to 1 lo pn ru 1 time, 1 .1 politii il mil philo ophii al poinl of viev 1 1 880. 8°. .... 9444-2 EOWULF. l:l i I : i . . ■ i i 1 1 . | : I modern rh) mes, l>j II. \\ . I .uinsdcn. Cox, G. W, \nd Join . I . I l l ' .mi es of tin I ... 1*71 . pp. 382 398. Same. V \ .. 1880. pp. 1 9 •"' Beranger, |i in I'terri de, i 1781 I. 1857. Two hundred ol hi lyrii al poem . u . with hiogi aphii ketch b] V\ Voting. N. V., [81 1 • 841-2 1 . in .. In 1 in h en, 1 1 . French inj and "i hei 1 m< 841-3 B w 1 Ii hu ists fr • century, pp. |iS 150 S.j< .7 • 1 1 mtier, I . and ol hei 1 amou : Fn authors, pp. 252 256 4.184-4 Kent, 1 Foot] ' pp. l 1 I'.i in', II10. Mayo. \\ . S. 1.1 Hoa .Mini. I [owells, W. 1 > Mod em Italian poets, pp. 188 195. . . . 8 Berengai ■, queen oj Richard I. Bio , ( \ Hi 1 the tin- [-27S 41 ; in 1 leu in. \l . I ... Live illustrioti • 1 imen ol all age , pp. 45-74 p ; pi kland, A. ', 11 ol 1 ngland. Kaufman, R., ed. v. I. pp. 110-122. 4111 Nj Pal ! 1 '7 711 p I 1 S; Berenger, Richard. Essays. In Moore, • I . and I lodsle} . R., ..•'. I'll i- « orld. i. -• .; t84Ei Beresi oi D, k [0 Le 10ns in biography. [Treasure trove ser. Travesty.] Beresj 1 d) Nicola. \\ alforcl, E. Tales "i our great families, v. i. pp. 247 262. \ in the no if Ben ford 41 1-99 Berger, 1 lorenci K. Winter in the city I .. 1S77. 8° 1 $8 2 B \. Joseph. I history of the middle ages. I.., 1S46. 12 . . . 802 1 Beriot, Chas. Auguste de. Ferris, G. T. Great violinists and piani I pp. 132 1 1 4177-41 - Phipson, T. 1 . Biographical sketi and anecdi ti of 1 elebi ati 1 nists. pp. n>o 181 p 77 7 Berk, M. \. Manual of ancient Jeru ami sacred places. Newark, N. J., 1858. 24 22091-2 Berkeley, Ge Cloyne. Works: with his life, and lettei 5 to Tho Dean Gervais and Mr. Pope. I... 1837. 8° i 1 ays. Si ei le, K. ami Ad The guardian, v. 1-3 184E1 , A. C. Berkeley. [Philosophical classics. Knight, W.. ed.] [48B2 I ife 1 1 ley, I . 1 1 PP t McCarthy, J. H. 1 1 M< 1 1 Mill, J. S I '1 197 [Revii v ol I on.] rhrd :o2. I Re\ ie« ol Worl .] Mm lis. G. S. British thought and iliink- 1 lliphant, M. O. W. Historii : of tin II. pp. 11 |H-78 Slew art, I >. v. 5. 57-119 On thi W I. \V., ed. I [in urn. pp. 245 249. . . . : 1 \ men. / \\ illian ,;;/./ I estei , 1 '.. I '.. Berkley, E. Pharaohs and Ihei \. \ ., n. d. i2 n 912-17 Berkshire county, Mn . Pool, M. I . Vacation in a buggy 47441 ' - Smith, J. I . \. raghconii : romance ami beauty of the hills 47441 7 Berlin, Germany. Lander, S. w Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea. v. 2. pp. 7411-761. Koine and Berlin. . . le, J. Bu . family. ^ \. [Story of Berlin life.] LIN and San-souci. mance.] Mundt, Klara, Muhl- ./: s - ["he world's A. In the trades, the ics, and the 157- BERMUDAS. - 116 BERTHET Hi i m da . continued. — Howe, I. W. Wintei homes for inva- lids, pp. 128-139 6135-4 — Irving, W. Wolfert's r 1. pp. 109-125. SiS 1.87 — Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics, pp. 3S5-395 47.>- (j McQuade,J. Cruise of the "Montauk" to Burmuda, etc. pp. 51-83 4729 6 Murray, II. British America, pp. 138- 162 971-55 I rollope, A. West Indies and the Span- ish main. pp. 358-378 47 '■ ' 9 Whymper, F. The sea. v. 1. pp.187 195 4.57 95 BERNADOTTE, Jean Baptiste Jules. Set Charles XIV, John, king of Sweden. Bernard, St., abbot of Clairvaux, h. 1091-d. 1153. Adams, W. II. D. Heroes of the cross, pp. 53-103 4'4-2 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs, pp. 157-164 204-165 — Harrison, F. Choice of books, pp.311- 54S. [Review of Morrison's life of St. Bernard.] S04-43 — Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 85-97 4104-52 — Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry. pp. 25-58 4'4~5 — Wood, W., id. Hundred greatest men. pp. 163-166 4IO-975 [ARD, the wise. Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine, pp. 23-31. . . . 45^-57 BERNARD, Bayle. Life of Samuel Lover : with selections from his unpublished papers and correspondence. N. Y., [874. 12° '. 588B1 RD, (has. de. James, IL, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 186-197. 4184-46 Bernard, Frederic. Wonderful escapes: 1 i l; i n a 1 chapters added, by R. Whiteing. N. V., [875 363-25 l.i 1 -ami. Rev. Henry Norris. Mental char- acteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ. N. V., 1888. 12° 2329-17 Bernard, John. Retrospections of Amer- 1 7117 1S1 1 : ed. by Mrs. B. Bemai d, with introd., etc., by 1 H utton and J. B. Matthew-. N. \ ".. 1887. 12°. . . 473 16 1, 1 ., I lehany. Progress of doi trine in the New Ti tament. X. Y., 12 Bam] ei ure.] . . . 239 17 Bernier, 1 . 10.' 1 d. [688. St. |ohn, J. A. G v. '• i .,;... 1150 7 s Bernsti P 1 natural [".,1869. 12 504-2 Cont t ' rth. — Vcloi it v. — Nllt! i 1 of ■ ! fO! man. Bernstein, Julius. Five senses of man. N. V., 1S76. 12 [82-2 Contents. — Sen si; of tout h Sense of sigh] e of hearing. — Smell and taste. Bl i:\iiiai. ; or, the son's revenge. Mundt, Klara, (Louisa Muhlbach, pseud.) \i in, Arnaud. The child's friend. N. V.. 1864. 1 « >' [48A2 in, Wm., D. D. Jacob Lorillard. fn Hunt, F. American merchants, pp. 391-400 H238-4 Berridge, John. Kyle. J. C. Christian leaders, pp. 216-253 4145-7 Berries of the brier. [Poems.] Bates, Alio '39Cl Berry, Abel B. Last Penacook; a tale of provincial time-. I'., n. d. 12°. BERRY, C. B. The other sitle : how it struck us. I.., 1SS0. 8° 470-14 BERRY, I). M. Petroleum and asphaltum of southern California. In Lindley, W. ami Widney, J. P. California of the South, pp. 337-342 1794-55 BERRY, Mrs. M. E. Carolina, the .hotel- keeper's daughter, n. t. p. 16 . . . 14SAN — Lottie Lane ; or, " By their fruits ye shall know them.' - N. V., 1S69. 16 . . . 148A82 Berry, Mary. Lewis, Lady T., ed. Extracts from the journals and correspondence oi Miss Berry from 1783-1852 148B6 — Martuicau, II. Biographical sketches. pp. 259-264 41140.: — and Agnes. Milne,. R. M. Mono- graphs, pp. 147- 216 I" 1 77 Berryer, Antoine Pierre, French political orator and leader, b. 1 790-1/. 1S6S. 1 01 menin, L. M.delaH. Eminent oral* of France, pp. 229-240 4105-2 — Q. Von have heard of them. pp. 1 1 5— 121 410-85 Bersier, Mme. Eugene. Micheline. N. V., 1S76. 12°. Bert, Paul. Depasse, H. Paul Bert. In Claretie, J. French celebrities, v. 2. IT 124-136 4105-35 Hi i 1, the enterprising boy. Robbins, S. S. 786A2 Bl k m and hi 1 baptism. Adams, N. . . 210 1 ■ B i'm d. McKeever, II. B. . . 001A1 Berthelot, M. P. E. Explo tve matt 1 ial ■ . tr. bj Marcus I lenjamin : with short historical sketch of gunpowder, tr, front German of Is. . Braun by J. P. .1 and a bibliogra phy of work-. > in losives. N. Y.. 1883. 24° ... . 662-2 Berthet, Elie Bet I, French novelist, 1 in world. tr, by Marj \. Safford. Phila., 1879. 12°.. 4064-2 Parisians of the stom a 1 I lie t polished stun, 1 he : tion of Paris igi of mi 1 -l- iil.k I III m 7 ll I ier, Louis A . marshal of France, . 1M5. 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 1 . ■ 1 . I I \ I. pp. 75-93. 665I Berths, Won I odgi . E. Portraits of illusti G I n. v. 5. 159-164 1 11 i', Bertie, Roberl Lindsey [,odgi E. P 1 1 Mm 1 1 i 11. 1 ■. 1 H es of 1 It. Bi 11.111.. r. 4. p ' p 1 65 B 's d ream. Stii I \ . In St. 1 . hildren, by Eleven sophomoi pp. Si 94 s s'> v> I'.i 1 1 1 \\i : an Itali Di .] /// Sii , W. G. 1 v. 2. pp. ;i !-328. Bertram family Charb ' I R. 1:1 r 1 1: \\i Noel. Ma) . E. J. Bei 11 vm . The. Trollope, A. I'.ik fRAND .I.- \ ... M.ii.i tl ■'■' - I ..II .1 1 II 1 mine. N. Y .. 11. .1 1 ; [883. 1 6°. and Rice, J. men. \. V., n. d. 4 . B) Celii i tale ..f I'oi tsmouth town. N. V., n. d. 8°. Golden butterfly. N. Y.. n. d \h little girl. \. V., 11. d. Ready-money Morliboy : a mat B., n. I. p. Sn I of London. N. Y., [881. 12 of \ nl. an. \. \ ., 11. il. When the shi] home. V Y.. n. d. 8°. With harp and crown. M . 1 - B Ovei 1/; . 1 .. tr 71 1 A 2 1 Labouchere, Henri ilu Pre. Ufred de. Turkish empire, tr. l.y E. J. Morris. Phila., 1854. 12°. . . 1 r. Sir Henry, English invent [813. Bolton, S. K. P who became famous, pp. 112 12? 410-16 — Hale. 1.1. ' mention, pp. 609-5 ed. Lights of two centuries, pp. 577 5 86 410-53 6 — Jean-. W. T. .f the age of PP- 9~'3° 4169-5 Great triumphs, pp.588 4IO-7 — Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 206-211 4169-7 teel. Bloxam, C. I . Metals: their properties ami treatment. ]ip. 80-89 669-18 — Greenwood, W. II. Steel and iron. pp. 460-505 I.arkin. J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide : with recent impi ments of steel by the 1 -teel procc--. h, L. Bessemer process in the I'm In Griiner, M. L. Manu- facture of steel 6691-5 1.. ka\ anagh, J. BESSIE. BEVERIDGR. Bessie books. -V. Matthews, J. H. Bessie Lang. < lorkran, A. Bessiers, Jean Baptiste, French marshal, />. 1768--/. 1813. Headley, J. T. Napo- leon anil his marshals, v. 2. pp. 174- 665B56 B] son, Chas. Jean Baptiste Cartier. Lear, Mrs. H. L. A Dominican artist. [Taken in substance from Cartier's Vie du R. E. Besson.] [48B8 Best, Larry. The planet: a song of a dis- tant world. Cambridge, 1869. 12 . . 14SC4 B] 1 method of counteracting modern infi- delity. Cliristlieb, T 2311-29 Best of everything. Philp, K. K. ... 603-6 1 reading. Perkins, F. II 8052-7 IIi-si reading: hints on the selection of book,. X. y., [872. 12 8052-72 Besi thoughts and discourses of D. L. Moody, ed. by \. I - Morrow. . . . 254-53 I!i;st words of the best authors. [Laconics.] L., n. d. 16 S07-22 Beste, J. Richard Digby. Now a days: or, courts, courtiers, churchmen, Gari- baldians, lawyers and brigands, at home and abroad. 2 v. L.. 1870. 8° 440-16 III ill IM-Edwards, M. .Sir Edwards, M. Betham-. BETHEL society. Nordhoff, C. Commu- nistic societies of the U. S. pp. 305- 332 3389-6 BETHELL, Augusta. Millicent and her cous- ins. N. Y., n. d. 16° 140. \2 BETHELL, Richard, baron Westlmry. Traill, II. I). Lord Westbury and Bishop Wil- berforce : a Lucianic dialogue. In 1 'i. in. I. M., ed. Studies in biography. pp. 176 192 249E4 BETHENCOURT, Jean de. Verne, J. Ex- ploration of the world. v. I. pp. 84- 163 43M Hi 1 in. -ha. I l.J I . I'... (Barbara Elbon, pseud.) Hi 1 in \i , ( leo. W. Memoirs of Mrs. Jo- anna Bethune. N. Y.. 1S64. 12 . . . [49B2 — Discourse. In Jenkins, J. S. Life public services of Gen. A.Jackson. pp. 3 s ' 397 5"> l; 3 G. W. 1 mi hand takings, pp. I 17 "55 412 25 Fish, H C. Pulpil eloqueni e. pp. 308- 2521-4 1 man. C. Haphazard personalities. PP- 250 253 112 58 1 (Gi aham.) Beth Line, ' , W. Mi-moil ol Mi >. Joanna I le ine : with an appendix containing 1 itings 1 io |; 2 B NE, John. Hood, E. P. I'eel.i poverty, pp. 412-416 410 58 Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 292-294. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . 80921-7 Betrothal, The. [Urania.] Boker, G. H. Plays and poems. V. 2. pp. I- 124 '7IC45 Bl 1 i'< 11 hei>, The. Mau/oni, A. T; 1 ill m.i), The. Scott, Sir \V. B] 1 and I are out. 1 arleton, \Y. Farm ballads. pp. 17-20 206C3 [Substantially the same poem.] In Emer- son, N. S. Thanksgiving story, pp. 63-6S '. . . 318C4 " Betsey," Cruise of the. Miller, 11. . . . 5541-5 Bl ii\ Lee: a fo'c's'le yarn. N. V., [873. 140! 2 l'i 1 1 \\y, G. T., joint author. Parker, W. Iv. and Bettany, G. T. Morphology of the skull 6tn 1-7 lii 1111; than gold. [Drama.] In Baker, G. M. Globe drama 785-215 l'i 11 Lit than good. Ridley, A. E 783A5 Bl [TING. Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 276-200 .... 502-69 BETTY, Wm. Henry West, '. 17m {. 1S74. Matthews. J. B. ain/ Hutton, L., ids. Actors and actresses. v. 2. pp. 297- 3'4 4170-0 Betty's, vision. Broughton, K. BETWEEN the Amazon and Andes. Mul- hall, Mrs. M. G 480-65 111 1 \\ EEN the Danube and the Black Sea ; or, five years in Bulgaria. Barkley, II. C. 449J Between the gates. Taylor, Benj. F. . . 4794-86 Between whiles. Jackson, H. (II.) Beulah, Gatherings in. Copley, J. . . . 241-28 1:11 1, Friedrich Ferdinand, von, count, Ger- man statesman, />. 1S09. Memoirs. 2 v. I... 1SS7. 8° 149B4 Bevan, E. J., joint author. Cross, C. F. mid Bevan, E. ]. Forestry and finest pro- ducts 71 t 7 Be 1 \ .. ( I. Phillips. I I. tn Simple in for home use. pp. 6] NN 607 5 — ed. British manufacturing industries, v. 3, to and 1 2. Bi itish manufacturing industries, III \ \\. John A., M. />. March of the strikers. 1... INNS. 16 . Bevan, Rev. W. L. Student's manual of ancienl geogi aph) . ed. bj VV. Smith. I... 1875. 12 1 ' ; ■ Hi \ 1 i\i 11 .. John ion, J. I''. < Ihemisl ry ol ' ' ion lib'. x.l 660-5 Mann, K. J. I irink. In simple le 51 n for home usi pp 85 1 "1 607-5 l'i 1 iM 1. Win., bishop of St. Asaph, l>. o ' 1 71 18. Se 1 - in Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgj and ritual, 26031-4 i;k\ i;k i i;\ i ip i;li;i E li i I i fro m I ,, i l, hi 11 i I... [871. '""• . . . 931 ft «/ Light prior 1 Hospital ' tholomcw Pan iot car] or, 1 it 1 how q in astlc, .n"l « hal bcfcl then Last of 1 on tabl 1:1 verley. Walworth, M. T. .1 it, un Cox, G. W 111 i ddle pp. 2<>N 296 B] « ick, li'-. 1 '-I \ rhomns Be- wicK and Kis pupils 149B6 I 1 11I , 1 .. I . Pursuit of 1 ■'. ledgi , pp. r IO-4'S fardine, W., ed. Naturalist's libi v. in. pp. 17 72. I Memoit 1 A I hos. Bewick.] 59°-5 Knight, C. Half-hours with the Lest let- ter writers and aut >bii ■" 1 iphei . tst. pp. 89 1 16 826-54 din U.DERED querists. 1 Irofton, F. B. . 81; Beyond recall. Sei geant, A. ikers. ( iwen, R. I >. Beyo 1 I hi ■ tes. Phelps, E. S. Beyond tlie Mississippi. Richardson, A. D. 478 7s Beyond the shadow. Bloede, G., (Stuart Stei ii' . pi '4ii.) . Bi yond the ii"'.'- Reed, P. F 38 Bezold, Wilhelm von. Theory "I color in its relation to arl and art-industry, tr. by S. K. Koehler, with introd. and notes by E. < 1. Pii kei ing. B., 1876. 8°. ■ ■' 7S2-2 Bhagavad Gita ; or, the Lord's lay. Chat- terji, M. M BlANClARDI, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in I'... [884. 12" 445-17 Biarr] 1 Bi nnett, J. 11. Wintei and ipring mi the shores of the Mediterra- nean, pp. 425 440 ■ • 4449 -' Blai kburn, H. Pyrenees, pp. 220 234. 11 |S 2 - fames, 1 1, jr. Portraits 1 1 plai e: . pp. 173-177 t; - Taine, II. A.. Toui 1 hi ough 1 he Pyn 1 1 444 s 9 \ 111. rill, M. K. Sh IT 19 47 444', Biart, 1 ucien, French nati. [829. Adventun ' poung naturalist: ed. b) P. ( tillmoi e. N. Y., n. d. 12°. 150A2 — Aztecs: their history, manners .111 d Loms. 11. by I . I . 1 iai nei . 1887. 8° Involuntar) voyage, tr. bj Mrs. Cashel Hoe) tnd fohn 1 illie. N. V., 1880 i" . . .' Hi \s. Fenelon, F. de S de 1 Li' the ancient phil phet 82 1 1 8 , 1 lin.i 1 restamei Vpocryph '•■ 1 ment. .1 1 2. Bibliography. ;. Antiquil hy and histoi ;. l. Aul h in and criticism. 5. ography. ind -elec- tions. 7. ' aries. 8. Mi cellaneous. 9. Natural histi bi ioks. 1. / Bible containing the 1 lid an.] iment. Hartford, 1N27. 16 . . I.., n. d. 16. 2. -iiy. . A. Biblical study with a cata- logue <>f books of reference, pp. 420 j86 -'. — Sutherland, J. T. What is the Bible? pp. 163 179 22 3. Antiquities, geography atid hisk - Barrows, E. P. Sand geography and antiquities 1 B likie, W. G. Bible history 221 i> Bohar, II. Days and nights in the east, i- Bi momi, I . N inei eh and its palaces. . 41 Conder, F. R. 'nd. C. R. Hai I the Bible Dawes, Mrs. S. E. Hours with mamma. 2211 ; Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria: their physical features in relation to Bible history 2212 26 De rl S. Buried cities re ered Elliott, C. W. Remarkable charai and places of the Holy land Fradenburgh, J. X. Witnesses from the dust ge, W. I. Studies in Bible land-. 1 1 . Holy land and the llible. . . 22. II ' - with the Bible. 6 v G. R. History of the Bible. . . Hanna, S. R. Bible history : a text-! k. 221-44 Headley, J. T. Sure. I mountain-, char- : scenes in the Holy Ian. i. . 2211-42 Sai : ed 51 enes and < 221 1 -41 Hood, P. Villages of the Bible. . . 221 I [owe, I- . < 'riental and II. I gypl in it- biblical rela- Kiny;. J. Recent the temple hill at Jerusalem. [By-path Bible knowledge.] BIBLE. BIBLE. Bible, . ontinued. History of the Holy Bible 22I -54 Scripture lands 2209-54 — Konig, F. E. Religious history of Israel. 221-58 — Lenormant, F. Beginnings of history. . 22311-64 — Life in Bible lands 220S-59 — Macduff, J. R. Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains 2211-51 McGarvey, J. W. Lands of the Bible. 458-598 — Morris, R. Youthful explorers in Bible lands 458-64 — Nevin, J. W. Summary of biblical an- tiquities ' . 2213-7 — Oort, H., Hooykass, I. and Kuenen, A. Bible for learner.-.. 3 V 221-7 Poole, R. S. Cities of Egypt 403-6 - Porter, J. I,. Giant cities of Bashan and Syria's holy cities. 458 74 -- Rauyard, E. Fresh lea\e, in the book and its story -21-75 — Robinson, E. and Smith, E. Biblical researches 45S-78 — Scripture manners and customs 2213-S1 Sharpe, S. Text-, from the Bible ex- plained by the help of the monuments. 22<>s 84 — Thomson, W. M. Land ami the book. 2 v 458-87 Land and the book. [New ed.] South- ern Palestine and Jerusalem 45S 871 - Thrupp, J. V. Antient Jerusalem. . . 22191-8 Tillotson, J. Palestine, its holy sites and sacred story 221-9 Tweedie, H. K. Mountains of the Bible. 2208 59 Van Lennep, II. J. Bible lands. . . . 458--.,! I 1 avel in little known parts of Asia Minor 457-9 Walsh.W. I'. Echoes of Bible history. 221 04 - Whitney, 1.. II. Hand book of Bible ;raphy 2209-95 Wright, W. I:. Ancient cities 401-9 Vonge.c. M. Voting folks Bible history. 221-09 Mitchell, S. A. Ancient geography, pp. 1 17 2nd ' . . . 4 , 1 ,, [1 ".'- . Uso I'. ilc-. tine and othei countries of the Bible. 4- I alion, • anon and criti, 1 Vi nold U 1 ind the Bible. . 2202-14 I in i.iture and dogma 221 1 IK. Re\ ised Engli -h Bible. 220] 1 2 her, W.I. Fai mi 1 I ornpkins and his Bible 2202-2 H ' I ' I li 1 igin of the Bible 221 Blunl II 1 11 1. igned 1 lences in the h riting . both ol the I >ld and NV« 1 ■ i.iiiienl 221 1 o ,1871. 1 I " .1 in atmenl of |U< 11 BlBl I . continued. — Bowen, F. Layman's study of the Eng- lish Bible considered in its literary and secular aspect 2201 1-3 — Briggs, C. A. Biblical study 2202-23 — Burr, E. F. Ad tidem : or, parish evi- dences of the Bible 239-23 — Bush, J. S. More words about the Bible 2202-234 — Curtis, T. F. Human element in the in- spiration of the sacred Scriptures. . . 2202-24 — Demaus, R. William Tyndale, a biog- raphy: contribution to the early hist of the English Bible S99B6 — Dore, J. R. Old Bibles; or, an account of the various versions of the English Bible 2201 1-4 — Dunn, H. Liber liborum. ... . 2202-32 — Essays and reviews 204 jS — Farrar, F. W. History of interpretation. 2202—35 — Fish, J. G. Bible in the balance. . . . 2202-37 — Fraser, D. Synoptical lectures n the books of Holy Scriptures 2206-3 — Fraser, W. Blending lights 239-41 Gi 1. A. Creation; or, the biblical cosmogony in the light of modern science. 213-36 — Haley, J. W. Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible 2208-45 Ingraham, J. P. T. Why we believe the Bible 2202-46 -lions, W. L Bible and its interpreters: its miracles and prophecies 2202-49 facolliot, L. Bible in India 2038-5 I add, G. T. What is the Bible? . . . 2202-55 Liglufo.it, J. l;.. Trench, R. C. and Elli- cott, C. J. Revision of the English in 1 ion of the X. T 22011-5 — Mcllvaine, J. II. Wisdom of Holy Scrip- ture with reference to skeptical objec- tions Mi. us, 1 1. 1). Deathless book 220- Merrill, (I. E. Story of the manuscripts. 2202 o Ranyard, E. Book and its story. . . . 22011 6 Savage, M. J. Beliefs about the Bible. . 2202-8 Smythe, J. P. How we gol Bible. . 22011-68 Stoughl J. English Bible: its trans- lations and translators 2201] 7 Sunderland, J. T. \\ hat is the Bible ? with app'x containing bibliography. 2202 84 lu« 11 lend, I . T. 1 redo 230 93 Tuck, K., . d, I [audi 1 ol biblii al ■ I iffii ill: 1 . - , 2.'oS i| Walden, T. Oui I ngli h Bible and n 2 JO I I c| Whiton, I- M . Evol ol revelation. 2n< ■ lit, G I . Divini autl tj of I he Bible 221 1 M V I 1 1 md realities, pp. 193 1 , . 1] ) ul 1 lie I tiglish Bible, 1 ;61 9 BIBLE. i • i BIBLE r,i i i i . continued. \1 i I . I I ""i and i' 1 1 li . pp. i,., 88. Story ol tin Bible Renan, I . Studie histoi y. pp. ioS is • I if the Bibli 104-75 Savage, M. I. Religion of evolution. * pp. 170 [93. Bibli 'in 1 ! 1 Bible. . . 214 77 Sw edenboi g, 1 1. 1 lol) s * < iptures and the key to its spiritual sense. In Barrett, I;. I., .■,/. Swedenborg library, v. 7. . Washburn, E. \. Epochs in church his- toi y. pp. 239 Aim and imli ol biblii il criticism Word worth, ' . On the interpretation "f Scripture. In Replii 1 1 and reviews, pp. 350 1.24 204-29 5. Biography. Ash ton, s. 1 .. Mothers "f the Bible 221 79 1 1 olliei . J. A. \ oung men of the 1 < 7 28 Geikie, C. Old Ti lament characters. . 2217-42 Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs 2217 \\ — Hills, O. A. i ni]. .mi in characters. . 2217-47 Hunter, 1 1 . Sai red biography 22 1 — McCook, H. C. Women friends ol [1 12179-5 Steele, E. R. Sovereign Bible. . 2217-8 Williams, II. 1.. Boys oi the Bible. . . 2217-9 1 .- • iphie of David 1 lijah. Joseph. Mary. Mos s. Paul. Peter. Ruth. 1 .. . — Graff, J. F. Graybeard's lay sermons. . 241 45 — Gray, I. C. Biblical museum. 5 v. 2207-41 Topics for teachers 220S-41 and Carey, C. S. Class and the desk. 4 v • • . . 2207-42 — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. 7 v. 2206—5 — Peloubet, I. N. ana M. \. Notes ... International Sunday School li t88i 221 ■ Schaff, P., ...'. International re\ continental j 2281-8 Spurgeon, C. 11. Commenting and mentaries. [Bibliography nen- taries.] 22079 7 — Vincent, j. II. and Hurlbut, J. I.. 1 esson commentary on the International i • foi 1881 221 White. E. cieni r 215-83 Wood, J. G. Bible animals 22150-9 Browne, T. Works, v. 3. pp. 151- 203 S2S ; DeQuincey, T. Note book of an Eng- lish opium eater, pp. 72-S0. True re- lation 1,1 1 In Bi I'll- to merely human cience 284 1. 11 Mi Whinney, I. M. Reason and revela- tion hand in hand. pp. 95-207. ... Smith. S. Oci ' ii mal e >a ys. pp. 215 274. Rationalism and the Bible and 836E6 /. 123. 10. Prophetic books. — Briggs, i , A 'ilr ianii prophecy. . . 2203-2 1 Greal n nmmal ion. . . 252-351 1 ion 252-352 1 " ' ' 252—353 nth vial 252-354 2203-36 . W. J. Bible and its interpret' its mi [pi ophei ie 2202-49 BlBl 1 . continued. — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Isaiah and the prophet-. 2206-5 — Newton, T. Dissertations on the prophe- cies 2203-7 — Riehm, E. Messianic prophecy. . . . 2203-75 — Smith, k. P. Prophecy a ]'u ]i.n. ni"ii for Christ 2203-84 — Smith, K. \V. Prophets of Israel. . . 2226-82 — Thomson, W. H. Great argument; or, Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. . . 2203-89 — White, E. G. Spirit of prophecy. . . 2206-8 — Winthrop, E. Premium essay on the characteristics and laws "I prophetic ij inliols 2203-95 — Cheever, G. B. Gospel of the Hebrew prophets. In Boston lectures, 1S71. pp. 227-292 239-2 — .S' t v also Prophecy. Old Testament. Subdivisions: I. Texts. 2. Illustrative works. 3. Pen- tateuch. 4. Books in the order ol the authorized version. 1. Texts. — Xoyes, G. R., tr. New translation of Job, Ecclesiastes and Canticles . . . 224 o New translation of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs 2242-6 -New translation of the Hebrew proph- ets 225-6 2. Illustrative works. — Baker, \V. M. Ten theophanies. . . . 232-15 — Brown, E. Assyriology 2212-2 — Clement, M. E. Bible stones simplj told 22II-2 Crafts, W. F. Must the Old Testament go? or, the relation of the Old Testa- ment to the christian life of to-day . . 2202-25 ( iouhl, S. Baring-. Legends of Old Testa- ment characters 2214-4 Green, W. II. Moses .mil the prophets. 2397-45 — iamieson, R. Eastern manners, illuslia- t the Old Testament history. . . 2213-5 I ■ i, ( o Lifl ' 'ni liimi 1 In I lid Testament 2206-45 nu, P., //'. I 'i 1 ei Min |e« s I" \ "luire 2226-58 Macduff, J. R. Healing watei oi 1 rael. 2235-6 Maui ice, F. I >. Pal riarchs and law-giv- : I" Old I ' 1 iment 2226-64 Mo ley, I. B. Ruling ideas in early no and their relation to the ( Hil Test- ni I. nth 2214-6 P. m Inn on, ( o Eg if 1 and Babylon from 11 1 and profane nun es 910-76 ic 1 il illustration "l lie < >ld Test- il 2.'l 1 7S Roberts, A. Old Testament revision . .22011-65 BIBLE — 123 - BIBLE. Bible, ■ ont Shai pe, S. Hi itoi j ol the Hi n:ii ion and its lil re. ' 1 — Smith, \\ .. ed. 1 >M I nl history. 221 85 Smith, W. R. < lid I e tame 11 1 in the ■ ish 1 hurch 2 ■ ' Pi . iphel > of Israel, and 1 heii plai e in history i" the ' li is< ■ 'i I he 81 h 1 entury, B. C 2226-85 Will on, \l. and R. P. Mo 1 Bible history, v. 1 2211-95 3. Pentateuch. Bartlett, S. C. Sources oi history in the Pi ntateuch 2231 2 Bi . sell, E. < '. Pentateui h : its origin .Hid structure an examination of rei hi lies 2231-25 Bush, R. \V. Popular introduction to thi Pentateuch (' ming, J. Moses right 1 Bishop 1 olen so « rong : popular lectures 1 m the Pentateuch 2231 4 Gibson, J. M. Mosaic era 2231 5 K in in 'ii. II. \n historic' i-critii il inquiry into the origin and composition of the I [exateuch. [Pentateui h and book oi Joshua.] 2231 55 Vrmstrong, G. D. Two books of nature in. 1 revelation, pp. 99-153 215-103 Deutsch, E. Literary remains with me- moir, pp. 404-439 204-25 4. Books in the order of the autlion rsion. Genesis. - Ackland, T. S. Storj ol creation, as told by il logy and by science . . . 21 3 2 Brow ne. i'.. II. 1 ienesis, w ith a mentarj 22311-2 Campbell, S. M. Story ol creation . . 213-15 1 1 111.1 ni . T. J. Book "i Genesis, with ex- plan itorj notes 2231 1 3 Davies, T, V. Genesi disclosed . . . 2231 1 1 — Field, G. Two great books of nature and revelation 213 31 ( ieikie, ( '.. I [ours « ith the Bible. I ion to thi patriarchs, v. 1. . . . 2206-4 Gib "ii. J. M. Vge befoi e N i- ie i 1 lei tures on (ienesis 22311 5 Guyot, A. Creation 213-36 I [edge, I ■ . 11. Primev al world ol He- tradition 2214 45 I i' obus, M. W. Note on ' Ienesis . . 2231 1 6 Lenormant, F. Bool ol Genesis. 22311-65 1 wis, T. Six days ol creation .... 213 54 M'Causland, D. Builders oi Babel. , 5720 — Man's age in the world 573 " — Murphy, J. G. Commentary on Genesis. 22311 7 — Order of creation 21 Powell, I;. 11. Baden-. Creation and its records 213—71 nilli-d. 1. I». Si 1 ' . ci . \ 1 1 Fresh light from thi . 22 ■ .j li. G. ' haldi A. Sacred 1 ... 21 n, M. I . 11 ol life . . \\ .11 in 1 , S. I he word : walks 1 22 \\ .u 1 ing, C. li Mosaii inl ol crea- tion 1 hadbourne, P. A. .Natural theology. pp. 296-32O 210-lS ! ni, ]. D. Manual ol pp. 7°5 770 ' . . . 550-29 I lonnelly, I. Atlantis, pp. 1 ■.- 1 - Ragnarok. pp. 316-340 Mollo} , G. < reology and 1 1 pp. 158 ... Rawlinson, (1. Origin of nations. 165 253. Ethnii affinities in the an- cient world. [I :v on the 10th chaptei of Genesis.] 400-7 ins. — Bartlett, S. C. Fn I estine. 1 ; Beke, C. Discoverii in Arabia and of Midi. in 4V1I 2 i , F. C. and (lark. S. In Cook, F. 1 Bible commentary 2 Field, II. M. On rt 4501 4 Gaussen, Prof. . From Egypt to Sinai. 22312 tckock, II. M. Tables of stone ... 22 Palmer, E. II. Desert of the exodus. . ; — Poole. K. S. Cities of Egypt -Randall. D. A. Ham-Mishkan : the wonderful tent 221 12 S Robinson, 1 . S. Pharaohs ol age and the exodus Sayce, A. II. Fresh light from the an- cient monuments 22 igsch Rev. Henry. True story "f the lus 22312 2 I epsius, 1 ■ R. I.eiiei I gypt, pia and the peninsula of Sinai . •. its, A'umiers and D, ik, F. C, -./■ Bible commentary . — Kitlo. |. Daily Bible illustratii and the Judges 2206-5 .J.J. 1 '• . — Maclear, C>. F. B -hua. with notes, maps and introduction — Smiley, S. F. the gospel of Christ as illustrated from the book of Joshua BIBLE. — 124 — BIBLE. Bible, continued. — Tyler, W. S. Joshua and Judges. In " Boston lectures." 1S71. pp. 132- 170 239-2 Samuel. — Kirkpatrick, A. F. Samuel, with maps. notes and introduction. 2 v 22 54-5 — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Samuel, Saul and David 2206-5 — Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyr-, pp. 220-235 2217-45 — Hills, O. A. Companion characters: se- ries of studies in Bible biography. pp. 136-155. Samuel and Saul 2217-47 — Maurice, F. D. Patriarchs and law- givers, pp. 336-347. Eli and Samuel. 2226-64 — Weil, G. Bible, the Koran and the Tal- mud ; or, biblical legends of the Mus- sulmans, pp. 171-200 2214-95 - Williams, II. I.. Boys of the Bible, pp. 1 1 4- 1 24 2217-9 Kings. — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Sol- omon and the Kings 2206-5 — Macduff, J. R. Healing waters of Is- rael : or, the story of Xaaman 2235-6 Job. Davidson, A. B. Book of Job, with notes, introd. and appendix 2214-3 Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Job and the poetical books 2201. 5 - Townsend, I..T. Arena and the throne. 204-89 Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon; or, the wisdom of theOld Testament, pp. 11 '"5 224-3 Donnelly, I. Ragnarok. pp. 276-315. 551-4 Mozley, J. B. Essays, v. 2. pp. to 1 254- • 204-63 P. ibns. Alexander, W. Witness of the Psalms t" 1 In isl 2246 1 V. New rendering of the Hebrew psalm-, into English verso 2242 2 I loin - m 1 posil f the book of Psalms 2246-4 Hibbard, V. G. Psalms chronology ar- ranged with in introduction 2246—5 - Kitto, J. Dail) Bible illustrations. Job and the poel ii al books ' ■> " Van Dyke, II. Story ol the Psalms. . . 2246-87 \ nr .nt. \1. U. t .airs into the Psalm- . .011.1 1 v 2246-9 1 I Poetical \\ orks. v. 1. p] 1, 01 [95. al \ . 2. pp. loo jio. Para- phrase upon tin I' il i David. . . 803C1 Perry, W. S. I.ii. 1. .,,,, ! ' > ■ 1 ■ 1 ■ Bible, continued. — Sprague, W. B. Excellent woman as de- scribed in the Proverbs 2247-N — Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon ; or, the wisdom of the Old Testament, pp. 1 1 7 T 7 S 224-3 Ecclesiastes. — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Job and the poetical books 2206-5 — Plumptre, E. II. Ecclesiastes; or, the preacher: with notes and introduction. 2248-7 — Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon ; or, the wisdom of the Old Testament, pp. 199-285 224-3 — Sandys, G. Poetical works, v. 2. pp. 3 II_ 333- Paraphrase upon Ecclesiastes. 803C1 Song of Solomon. — Hopper, M. Echoes from the song of songs 2249-4 — Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations. Job and the poetical books 2206-5 — Sandys, G. Poetical works, v. 2. pp. 335-356. Paraphrase upon the song of Solomon 803C1 Jeremiah. — Streane, A. W. Book of prophet Jere- miah, together with the Lamentations. — Sandys, G. Poetical works, v. 2. pp. 357-371. Paraphrase upon the Lamen- tations of Jeremiah 803C] Daniel. — Punshon. W. M. Lectures and sermons. pp. 3-36. Daniel in Babylon. . . . 204-72 — Smith, U. Thoughts on the book of Daniel 2255-8 Hosea. — Cheyne, T. K. IP. sea; with notes ami introduction 2256—3 >ia/i. Perowne, 'I'. T. Jonah, with notes ami introduction 22592-7 Micah. ' In vim, T. K . \l i. all ; with notes anil introduction 2250 ; ; Apocrypha. Selections from the Apocrypha. P., 1S7S. 2201 8 I'' ell, E. C. Apocrypha of the Old I 1 1 anient 2291 I [1 '-a iii, W. I Ii stoi y of 1 he supernatural. v. I. pp. 188-193 174-48 New Testament. Subdivisions. 1. Texts. 2. Illn irorks j. Go pels. |. Books in 1 he 01 dei of the au- ilnn i/r.l versii m 1 . Text New 1 1 iii 1 ..I mil Lord and Saviour fesus Chrisl BIBLE. '25 BIBLE l'. 1 1 1 , continued. Illustrated edit I the revi ed I 1 : It, w 11I1 .1 tOI J ■ if Hi' ic\ 1 ion. 8° 2261 8 New 1 e itamenl . 1 1 fri im the G ■ ["isi hendorf, by G. R. Noyes • I Scott, I . New 1 1 it; ni "f "in Lord and Savioui [1 us ( In ist 1 1 1 hi ndi irf.C. Ni :w 1 esta menl | author- ized English version, with introd. and various readings from the three mo celebrated mss 2261-9 2. Illustrative works. \ir ..iii.Ui. J. A. Notes "ii V 1 ment literature and ec( lesiastical history. 2268-1 Alford, 1 1. How to study the New 1 1 iment 2266-2 — Am llustrative "I" N. 1. texts. . 2268-2 Bernard, T. I). Progress of doctrine in the New Testament 239-17 Class and the desk. Gospels and the \> 1 -, by J. C. Gray 2207-42 Epistles, l>\ ' . S. Carey 2207-42 Delitzsch, F. Jewish artisan life in the lime of Jesus 2213-3 — Dixon, W . II. Holy land 2269-3 — Giles, J. A. Apostolical records of early Christianity 2701-39 Hausrath, A. Hist, of the New Test. times, v. 1. Time of Jesus 2269-4 Htawes, S. New Testament manual. . . 2266-4 — Jamieson, R. Eastern manners illustra- tive of New Testament history 2213-51 I ightfoot, J. B. On a fresh revi ion ol the English New Testament 22011-51 Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. Mitchell. E.C. Critical handbook : guide to the study ol the authenticity, canon and text of the Greek New Testament. 226-6 — Old picture Bible 2329-7 Reuss, E. History of the sacred scrip- tures of the New Testament 2262-7 Schaff, P. Companion to the Gree lament and the English version. . . . 226-8 — Seidel, M. In the time of Jesus. 2211-S1 Smith, W., ed. New ["estament history: with an introd. connecting the hi of the Old and New d laments. ... Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ 2269-55 Stowe, C. E. Origin and historj of the books ol the Bible ! Trench, K. C, N 11 the miracles of our Lord 2 3 1 7 8 Notes on the parables of our Lord. . . 2272 7 Synonyms of the New Testament. . . 2268 S Vincent, M. K. Word studies in the New testament •ntinued. Willson, M. and K. P. history, v. 2. Bi . \. Ni itt 1 n ■ : 2 v. 22; Bi e, A. It. Mirai ulou ■lenient In the gospels. 2317-22 1 out of mat is brought to light by the ' . 1 1 » ology. pp. 512 544. I Is 2O4-3I I "in gospels in one. . Gil re, J. R. and Abbott, I . Gospel "t-y : the life of 1 from the text of the four evangelists 227 ; ory, D. S. Why four gospels? or, the gospel for all the world 2271 4 I linsdale, B. A. Gi d au- thenticity of the gospels 2271 5 M. W. N pels. I and John. . 2277; 5 — Junes, ( ;. I if from the four els 2329-54 Marvin, Wm. Authorship of the four Is 2271-6 Norton, A. I ' the genuine- ness of the gospels . . . 2271-7 — Ormin. The Orniulnm. 82112-4 — Plain commenl ■ four hoh pels. . Seiss, J. A. Gospel in the stars 22152-7 hope, P. II. French retreat from Moscow, etc. pp. 111 1 mol- f the gospels 902-74 — Trench, R. C. Studies in the gospels. . 2271 8 — Warren, I. P. \ ment with notes. \. 1. Fout gospels 2274 9 Westcott, B. I. Introd. to the stu the gospels 2271 •; W hedon, D. I). Commentary on the gospels. Matthew-Mark 2; Luke-John 227 Matt (an. A. Gospel according to St. Mat- thew, with maps, notes and introduc- . . . Morison, J. II. Disquisitions and en the gospels. Matthew Mark. M.iclc.n. G. F. Gospel according Mark, with maps, notes and introduc- tion. . . . . Riddle, M. B. Gospel according to Mark. 2: 11. F. W . I ccording Luke, with maps, notes ami introduc- tion BIBLE. 126 BIBLE. BIBLE, continued. — Jacobus, M. \V. Notes on the gospels. Luke and John 22775-5 — Taylor, \V. M. The lost found and the wanderer welcomed 2272-6 Anderdon, W. H. Evenings with the saints, pp. 287-289 414-23 John. - Plummer, A. Gospel according to St. John, with notes, introd. and appen- dixes 2289-7 - Sears, E. H. Fourth gospel the heart of Christ 2275-8 — Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief, pp. 221-260. Apos- tolic authorship of fourth gospel. . . 239-38 - Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity, pp. 33-152. Genuineness of the fourth gospel 239-39 Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ, from his own words. pp. 264-275. Genuineness of the gospel of John. . . 232-S8 . Icti . — Abbott, L. Acts of the apostles. . . . 2279-1 — Arnot, W. Church in the house. . . . 2279-2 — Haines, A. Notes on the Acts of the apostles 2279-25 Clarke, B. First heroes of the cross. . . 2279-3 Jacobus, M. W. Notes on the Acts of the apostles 2279-5 Lumby, J. R. Acts of the apostles, with maps, introduction and notes. . . 2279-6 - Whedon, D. D. Commentary on the New Testament. v. 3. Acts and Romans 22795-S Romans. - Barnes, A. Notes <>n the epistle i" the Romans 2281-2 Moule, II. 1 . G. Epistle to the Romans «ith introduction and imtes zzS\ 6 Kiddle, M. 11. Epistle in the Romans. . 2jSi s Whedon, D. D. 1 'ommentaryon tlm Te lament, v. 3. Acts and Romans. 22795 s Corinthians. I;. 1 in- . A. Notes on 11 1 'orinl hians. . 2.' Note 'ii -'111.11111111.111. j.'' . I. Pauline charity 2." Lias, I. |. in ■ 11 i econd epistle to lli.- 1 in milium i, -.-, 11 h notes, maps and , I-'. W. Expositoi \ ii 1 hi 1 on St. P i"i In- Corinthi \\ In hi- ioke, S. A., ed. I it.-, letti PP- 497-734- • 79-01 dry, A. I'. Epistli to I In- I ■ ispel 1 toi pp. 415-436 In G i'Ii. ..log- 204-67 Bible, continued. Galatians. — Barnes. A. Notes on the epistle to the Galatians. ' Boundviith 2d Corinthians. 22834-2 Ephcsians. Philippians and Colossians. — Barnes, A. Notes on epistles to the Ephesians, the Philippians and the Colossians 22857-2 — Barry, A. Commentary on Colossians. In Ellicott-, C. J., ed. New Testament commentary 2287-3 — Hoyt, W. Gleams from Paul's prison. . 221S-66 — Pattison, R. E. Commentary on Ephe- 22S5-7 Thessalonians. — Barnes, A. Notes on 1st and 2d Thessa- lonians 2288-2 — Mason, A. J. Commentary on Thessa- lonians. In Ellicott, C. J., ed. New . lament commentary 22S7 ; Timothy. — Barnes, A. Notes on 1st and 2d Timothy. 22SN 2 — Spence, H. D. M. Commentary mi Timothy. In Ellicott, C. J., ed. New Testament commentary 22S7-3 Titus. — Barnes, A. Notes on Titus 2288-2 — Spence, H. D. M. Commentary on Titus. In Ellicott, C. J., ed. New Testament commentary 2288-3 Philemon. — Barnes, A. Notes mi Philemon 22NN 2 — Barry, A. Commentary on Philemon. In Ellicott, C. J., ed. New Testament commentary 2288-3 Hebrews. — Barnes, A. Notes mi Hebrews 22887-2 — Farrar, !■'. W. Epistle Lo the Hebrews, with notes and introduction 2288-5 Moulton, W. F, Commentary mi He- brews ■ /ami Barnes, A. Notes on James 2289-2 Plumptre, P. 11. General epistle ol St. James, with notes and introduction. . 2289-8 Punch. 11 d, I . 1 1. Commentary on James. In l-'.llu ott, C. I New 1 '.-■ I . inicii- tary 2288-3 Peter. Barnes, A. Notes on 1st and -i Peter. 22S9-2 Mason, \. J., and Plummi 1 . V niciu.ii) mi Peter. /'■■ Ellicott, C. J., ed. New I.' .in, hi. 11 y • — Plumptre, 1 11 Genei 1 epistli St. Petei nil St. Jude, with notes and ..In hmi 2289-81 John. 11 A. Notes on 1st and 2d John. . 2289-2 BIBLE. — 127 — BI< I .Ml Bible, ontinued. I ' 1 11 1 ■ 1 11 1 c- 1 , A. Epistli of St. John, m il h nol 1. ind ip] 1 1 Sim. lair, W. M. O ■ n irj on [ohn. /// Ellii "ii. 1 . |., .,/. Ne« 1 1 iiii-iiI. 1 1 \ < B , \ Notes on I tide PI u 1 . \ Coi 11 1 ai tii .,■ ill ol St. J111I0 2289 I Plumptre, 1 1 1 . ' leneral epistles of St. Peti 1 and St. I tide, with n and in- troduction ■ - elations. Barnes, A. Notes on the book "f Reve- lations Baxtei , M. G iming idei \ expected between 1 s< .7 and i S75 Smith, 1 . I 'ho tig hi - on the book of Revelation 229-7 United States in the light "I prophi cy ; in, .in exposition .it Rev. 13: II— ■7 9739-7 Swormstedt, J. M. End ol the world - 1 ; or, antichrist 229-74 Trench, K. C. Commentary on the epistles to the seven churches in Asia. Rev. 2: j 229 8 White.-, J. Lift- incidents, in connection with the great advent movement, as illustrated by the three angels of Rev, «4 ' Huidekoper, I'. Judaism .u Rome, B C. 76 to A. D. 140. pp. 255-269. . . 296-4 \ 11 torinus, St. Commentary on the Apo calypse of the Blessed John. In Ante- Nicene Christian library, v. 18. pp. 394-435 2813 — Seven churches ol \ m 2208-59 Bi m 1 houi s. I ims .- , from the note of M. 11. M. Duncan 2206-2 Bible in Rome: with a record of Protestant missii hi s e il s bli >hed since 1873. I Barlee 2645-2 Bible in the house. Boardman, 1 1. A 1944-18 Bibi 1 in the public schools. Arguments in the caseof John D. Minor, rsui Board ol Education of the city of 1 tncinnati, el al. Superior Courl of Cincinnati: with the opinions ami decision of the < nun. ('inn., 1 - Hovey, A. Religion and the .-state. . . Spear, S. T. Religion and the state : or, the Bible and the public si hools. . . . ries. Wat net . Su tan . ["he » ord : walks from Eden 377" - 2577-4 3771 8 1 11. Ranyard, I . or, Bibli 1 he I .ondon | Wright, J. Mi si 11 ■ I !' B and 1 . to the ethnic scriptures by I . M. II To h hich 1 twelve apo Talmud ami apocryphal hester, 1SS5. 12° Bibi [1 \i. museum. < Iraj , I. ' I'm 1 i' V] researches in Palestine. Kobin- t Sin ilh, I- BlBLli IL things nol generally known. X. V., n. d. 12° 22 BlBl kai-iiy. ■ K. Manual of rical literature Bi rei ding. - Perkins, F. B. Besl 1 eading — Py croft, J. Course of English rei Delepiet 0. I Ustoi 1 hies. PP- '"7 <:•> B - and reading. Also Bibliography under the more important subji mania. Burton, J. II. Book-hunti 11, J. Spare hours, v. 2. 581 Mathews, W. Hours with men ami books, pp. 336-346 B ying- ■ ' Bichat, Marie Francis \.u ier, . mist, /'. 1771-./. 1S02. Wood, W., Hundred greatest men. Book 6. pp. 360-363. 4' i hi. Curiosities of ale and beer. L., a. d. 8° ERS1 am " papers. /« Swift, than. Works, pp. 544-555. Bickersi 1 1 11. Edward, In. . it/, writer, b. 1786-rf. 1850. Birks, T. R. Memoirof the Rev. Edward Bickersteth. 150115 411c. W. IS. European celebrities. 225-231. 4' ! \glish - . 1^25. England's daybreak : nar- ratives of the reformation during the 14th and following centuries. X.Y. 16 . 1 5.> A 1 - ripture testimi the one eternal Godhead ier, and of the Son, and of the HolyGI with an introd. by Res. 1 •'. D. Hunting- ton. N. Y. ( 1871. 12 . V x .. 1 s ; 1 . 12 BICKERSTETH. 128 BILLE. Bickers tkth, Rev. E. II., continued. — Yesterday, to-day and forever: poem 111 twelve books. N. V., 1869. 12°. . . 150C5 BlCKLEY, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers. L., 1SS4. 8° 379B7 BlCKMORE, Albert Smith. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. N. Y., 1869. S° 492-2 Bicyci inc. Cyi ling. Bidder, Geo. Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 19S-203 609-79 BlDDLE, Geo. W., tr. Two orations on the crown. .Eschines and Demosthenes. Phila., 1881. 8° 885-2 BlDDLE, Horace P. American boyhood. Phila., 1876. 12° 150C8 BlDDLE, Jas. Frost, J., ed. American navy. PP- 305-337 41232-3 Biddle, Nicholas, American naval command- er, i. 1750 -d. 1778. Frost, J., ed. American navy. pp. 89-105 41232-3 — Waldo. S. P. American naval heroes. PP- 37-74 ■ ■ • 4121-9 Biddle, Tyrrel E. Treatise on the con- struction, rigging and handling of model yachts, ships and steamers, with remarks on cruising and racing yachts, and the management of open boats: also lines for a racing cutter, suitable for a 5 to 20 tonner. L., 1879. 8°. . 6238-2 Biddulph, Thos. T. Practical essays on the morning and evening services, and on the Collects in the Liturgy of the Church of England. 3 v. L., 1822. 8° 26031-25 BlDPAI, or Pilpay. Fables. N. Y., 1872. 12° 3811-7 BlDWELL, Chas. Toll. Balearic islands. L., 1876. 12° 4467-2 Biel, Gabriel. Gould, S. Baring-. Post- mediaeval preachers, pp. 61-68. . . . 414-4 BlERCE, Lucius V., ed. Seneca, L. A. Morals: by way of abstract 158-8 Bierce, M. A., (Grile Dod, pseud.) Cob- from an empty skull. I.., 1874. 16° 827-2 BlERSTADT, Albert. Tuckerman, II. I. Bool ol the artists, pp. 387-397. . . 758-9 BlETIGHEIM. N. V., 1SS6. 12°. Big brother. Eggleston, G. C 311A7 and how to earn I hem, by A fore- man. N. Y., 1SS7. 16 336-16 BlGELOW, Jacob. Modern inquiries : ch? ;ii al, prof ' ellaneous. I'.., 1870. 12 1 so 7 152E2 1 ol education Classical R ford. — J i . 1 1.1I ol the A ■ ctcry.— A< 1 ion of co chituatc water on lead pipes and thi influenci BlGELOW, Jacob, continued. of the same on health. — Self-limited diseases. — Treatment of disease. — Medical profession and quackery. — Rational medicine. — Paradise of doctors : a fable. — Medical education. — Early history of medicine. — Whether cholera is con- tagious. — Cattle disease in Massachusetts. — Homoeopathy. — Address delivered before the American academy of arts and sciences. — Aphorisms on the war. — Dialogue between Na- poleon I. and Jeremiah, a late citizen of the I S. — Dark side, the bright side, the practii al side. — Useful arts considered in connection with the application of science. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 12° 602-2 BlGELOW, John, journalist, />. 1S17. France and the confederate navy, 1862-68: an international episode. N. Y., 1888. 12° 9815-2 — Molinos, the Quietist. N.Y., 1882. 12°. 642B1 — ed. Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- lin, edited from his manuscript, with notes and introduction. Phila., 186S. 12° 381B2 Life of Benjamin Franklin written by himself. 3 v. Phila., 1S75. 8°. . . 381B21 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 676-680. . 41S1-3 BlGELOW, John R. American's own book . or, the constitutions of the several States in the Union. N. Y., 1S4S. 8°. . . . 3463-2 BlGELOW, Lafayette J. Bench and bar: complete digest of the wit, humor, asperities and amenities of the law. N. Y., 1867. 12° 3 4 09-2 BlGG, 1 has. Christian Platonists of Alex- andria : eight lectures preached before the university of Oxford in the year 1886. N. Y., 1886. 12° 2812-2 Bigg, J. Stanyan. Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits, pp. 143-162. Re- view of Night and the soul 41 8-43 1 BlGG-Wither, T. P. See Wither. T. P. Bigg-. BlGLAND, John. Natural history of animals. dint Natural history of birds, fi hi reptiles and insects. I'hila., 1869. 12°. Same, 1865 590->5 BlGELOW papers. Lowell, Jas. R. .... 589C3 Poetical works, pp. 172—347 589C2 I'.n i.y, T. Book of animals, for the amuse- ment and instruction of young pi rsons. \. Y., 1S50. 1 6° 5905-2 Bill, i .edj ard. \\ intei in blond. 1. \ \ . [869. 12° 4759-16 r.n.i Alp peace papers. Smith, Chas. II. S17-86 U111 Drock's investment. Chellis, Mar) D. 223A51 Bille, Carl Steende. King and Queer ol Denmark and Royal children, /// Par- ton, James, ed. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. 112 120. . 410-83 1UI.I.I VRDS. i ia BIOGR VPHYs, Jin i iard >. Phelan, Mil hael. ' i tme "i bill» Billing, Vn hibald. Si ii nci of gi m , ■ i oins .iin! medals, ancient and Ii i n I . 1875. 8° 735-2 l:n 1 ing, Sir Tho ■ impbell, J. 1 Ihief just 1 1 ngland. v. 1. pp. 1 jg 15s. \. \ .. 1873. v. 1. pp. 140-1 \6. Phila., 1853 1 1 1 -' 1 Bil lings, K. R. 'I oba( co : i 1 s histi u ) . t 1 ii 1 1, i, culture, manufacture ami com- mi] 1 . : with ai 1 ount of iis variou modes of use, from its discovery until now . iin Lford, 1875. s ° 6338-2 B11 1 iM.-., John S. Trim iples ol v entila- tion ami heating ami their practical plication. N. \ ., 1884. 8° 6281 2 Billing . ]os\pseud. See Shaw, II. W. Bil ling ton, Elizabeth. 1 llayton, I ',. ' Qui 1 i' -1 ong. pp. 153-172 4'7*>-3 — Ferris, l '•. T. ( .1 eal lingers. \ . 1. pp. 86 132 p, 8 1 BiLL\ Grimes' favorite. Nowell, H. I'. II. 692A] Bimetallism, Barbour, 1). Theory of bimetallism jji 5 -2 Barclay, K. Sihcr question ami the gold question 33'5- 22 Cernuschi, II. Nomisma ; or, legal tender. 3315—25 — Farmer, E.J. Conspiracy against silver. 3315 .i — Laughlin, J. C. Bimetallism in the U. S. 5315-6 • Silver question reviewed, by an Indian "lln ial 5315—4 .'. also Money. Hanks ami banking. Finance. Gold. Papermoney. Silver. Political ei "ninny. Binding the sheaves. Robbins, S. S. 786A25 Bingham, Caleb. Fowle, W. B. Memoir. In Barnard, II., ed. Educational biog- raphy, pp. 53 77 4157-2 Bingham, Jennie M. Annals of theRound tabic, and oilier stories. \. \., 1SS6. 12° 156A2 Contents. — Longfellow night. — Whitticr "' hi —Morning glories and shoes.-- Hospital sketch. — Graduation sketch. — Sketch on wheels.— l'riscilla Grimes' Christmas. — Ecclc- si. istes xi:i. — tine beam. — Grain of mustard seed. — " Much required. 1 ' Bingham, John A. Introduction. A- Pit- linger, Wm. Oratory sacred and secular. 800 7 Bingh \m. Joseph. Antiquities of the Chris- tian church; with two sermons ami two letters "it the nature ami necessit) "i ilution. 2 v. L., 1S45. 4°. . . . 281 - Bingham, Mrs. Wm. Ellet, E. 1 "I American society, pp. 135-147. . . 41239-31 BlNNEY, Joseph (i. Twenty-six years in Burmah : records of the life ami worl "i J. (i. Binney, by Mrs. J. G. Binney. I'hila.. iNNo. S . 1 5<»r.I 1 II. C- P eloquent e. pp. 580 593 II I, I i ill pulpit, pp. 55 lop ; 1 1 1 wm. Elementary 1 1 "ii : a new method of teaching thi nical and engineering drawing. 1 . 1 515 2 1 ' 1 '.- ,1 1 illation on the origin and nature of life. S7" ( 2. ' I D II larwin. . . . 276B35 — 3. 11I. on. II. Si Buddhist catechism. — 4. S., I . I . Can matter think ? . . . 1 — 5. K m l> 11 in 1 212 21 Bi 1 the Engli tion. Guizot, 1 P. G. . . . . .1114; BlOG hi ual. 12° (12 21 Mi -I illci, I-. M . . 41 I'.n igb Miin ai In, t"i \ "l phil phy. 1 1 . . 1 1 1 4 1 5 ; BlOG] vPHICAL stories. In Hawth I [lew I 1. ties 2" Biographies and miscellanies. Irving, W. 1 Biographies of distinguished scientific men. Arago, I- Ii 1; \111v. 1 ,u lyle, T. 1 1 itical ami mis- cellaneous essays, v. 4. pp. 51 66. 1 oan, T. M., ed. Studies in biography. I I i' "1 I he lime. No. 2. 249E4 1 [elps, A. I 1 iend in council. 2d ser. v. I. pp. [84 211; p'i I 8 Iin iGRAPHl Subdh'isi • Am lent. Ai lists. Asiatic. thois. English. I ! nch. General. German. Greek. Hunga- rian. Irish. Italian. Musicians. Pol- ish. Religion. Roman. Science. Scottish. Spanish. United Mates. \\ omen. .v / i ontents at a under au- thor's or editor's c ! rs. Matthews, J. 11. .://h hi toi ian . .| 1.N2-54 I Personal traits ol I v. , . . . 41S2-56 Biography, continued. — Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of 19th century 41841-6 — Mauris, M. French men of letters. . . 4184-6 — Mitchell, D. G. About old story tellers. 418-6 — Queens of literature of Victorian era. . . 4182-7 — Rideing, \V. II. Boyl 1 of living au- thors 41S-74 — Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. . . 4182 1-7 — Rowton, ¥., ed. Female poets of Great Britain 8092-75 — Russell, W. C. Book of authors. . . . S04-74 — Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists 4182-S2 — Thome, W. H. Modern idols 418-88 — Trollope, II. M. Corneille and Racine. 41841-8 — Walsh, W. S., (Wm. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures of earlier Victorian poets. . . 418-94 Modern authors 418-95 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors • ■ 4187-9 — Willmott, R. A. Early English sacred poets 41821-9 — Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. . 4181-9 — See also Authors. Bric-a-brac series. Sans-souei series. English. — Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London mer- chants 41 1-2 — Burnley, J. Sir Titus Salt and Geo. Moore 411-22 — Campbell,). Chief justices. 4 v. . . . 411-24 Lord chancellors. 8v 411-25 — Carlyle, T. Reminiscences 411-27 — Doran, J. Queens of England. 2 v. . 411 1-3 — Finch, B.C. Princesses of Wales. 3. v. 411 1-4 — Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. 411 4 — Gardiner, S. R. Historical biographies. 411-45 — Hall, Mrs. M. Queens of England In due the Norman conquest. 2 v. . . 4111-45 Royal princesses ol England 4111-46 Howells, W. 1). Lord Herbert and Thos. Ellwood 4 II ~S3 Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of court of < liinles II 411-55 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known. . . . 411-56 — lessr, 1. II. Court of England under the Si uarts. 3 v 411-58 Me irs of the Pretenders 411-59 ECaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers. 2 v. .' 4"-595 — Kingsley, R. G. Children "I Westmins- ter abbey 411-6 Lancelott, F. Queens of England. 2 v. 4111 5 Lewis, T. Friends and contemporaries ol 1 "i '1 1 llarendon. 3 v 4110.' Lodge, E. Poi traits ol illu ;l 1 iou person- ages ol 1 Ireal Britain, s \ 411-65 1 ..hi. inn 1 imes. I \\ es o( W< llington and 1 • 1 411-6S BlOGfc \ni\ — 13' l:H n,i' M'11 , Bn igraphy, i ontinu Mel ii thy, J. I reorgi 1 1 1 1 1 6 \l .u aulay, T. B. William Pitl and I ran ei Vttei bury 1 1 1 72 Manning, J. A. Speakers ■>! 1 lit- hi ■ ■I ■ ommons 411—75 1 lliphant, M < K \\ Ri ign ol I leorge 1 1. 411-78 Rae, W. F. Will hi rid n, 1 411 85 Redding, 1 '. Personal remini ;i eni es "I eminent men. i r 411-87 Ritchie, J. E. British senators 411 9 Schmucker, S. M, F Georges tiiii s Smith, G. B. Prime ministei ol Quei n \ ii i"i 1. 1 1 1 1 11 j Smith, 1 loldwin, I hree Engli h men 1 Pym, ('nun" ell, Pitl 1 1 1 04 Stebbing, W. Si ime verdicl ol I j reviewed pi-95 Si 1 n kland, A. Last lour prim 1 e ol the house of Stuarl 41 1 1 S7 Queens of England. 6v 4111-8 Same. 8 v 41 11 Si -Queens of England: wives ol Henry \ III 1111-86 — Talcs of heroes 411-96 1 '.11 lor, W, C. British Plutarch. - . . 411-97 — Thackeray, W. M. Foui Georges 11111 s, - Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility. . . 411 075 — Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leaders 11 1 98 — Walford, E. Tikis of our great Ian 2 v 41 1-99 — Warren, 1. P. Three judges 411-992 European. — Bulwer, II. L, Historical characters. . 4104-2 — Gilliat, E. Champions of the right. . 4104-4 — Heroic life; or, pictures of heroes. . . 4104-5 — Hewlett, II. (r. Heroes of Europe. . . 4104-52 — Klaczko, J. Two chancellors 4104-56 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders 4104-6 — Martineau, II. Biographical sketches. . 4104-62 — Neil, S. Epoch men 4104-67 — Nicol], II. I. Great movements. . . . 4104-7 — Page, H. A. Golden lives 4104-75 E. ile. Contemporai \ por- traits 4104 77 — Sprague, W. Ii. Visits to European ce- ities 4104-85 Wilson, U.S. Studies in history, legend and literature M°4 94 French. Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the queei France. 2 v 41051-2 Cormenin, L. M. ile la II. Oratot France 4105-2 — French celebrities 411 Hamerton, P. G, Modern Frenchmen. . 4105-4 — Rae, \V. F. Men of the third republic. 4105-5 in',, continued. Abbott, J. S. ( 1 Adams, W. II. D. Eminent " In perils oft.' 41 Some : navel 11 Steady aim: examples 1 n idi rn bi- phy 1 1 ■ . 1: Bal 1 p Bai no ii. 1 1 . M.i,,., 1 j 1 - - ., Kl. ill. 1.', W. G. Li . 1 1 i I - anthropy — Bolton, S. K . I '■■ fa- mous Bi igl 1 .■ ,11, C. I.. Fatly live 1154-2 — Brook--, E. S. Historic boys ill B ham, II. Sketchi 410-17 Men of let 1 1 ( 1 Bi uce, J. < llassii and hi u traits. ; 1 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius. . 410-2 — Caldwell, II. Doing our best ;i 1 .11 Ij le, T. < in hen >es, hero 01 ship, eti — Chesney, C. C. Military biography. . . 41 Children's story-book of good and '"- " ; 1 ' rke, J. 1. Memorial and biograph- ical sketches. 410 2l| Columbus and Vespucius 415 I". Triumphs of perseverance and enterprise 410 ;2 — Craik, G. I.. Pursuit of knowledge. . . 411 — Dix, J. Lions: living and dead. ... 41 — Doran, I. Monarchs retired from busi- ness- 2 v 415 3 — Drake, Cavendish and Dampier 41: — Drake. S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. 410-42 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . 41044 Footprints of famous men 410 45 Sea kings and naval heroes 4'59-j — Famous boys and famous men 410 478 — Famous boys and how they hecamegre.it. 41 — Farmer, I.. (II. 1 Boj book of famous rulers 415 .; — Fifty celebrated men 410-49 — Foster, I. II. Stories of great men. . . 410-585 1 intology and dwarfiana. ." 41 — Goodrich, S. G. Heroism ol 410-51 Grant, J ivaliers of fortune 41 — Hale, E. F. Boys' heroes 41c ,-,/. Lights of two centuries 410 Harsha, D. A. Orators and statesmen. 410-54 Hayward, A. Eminent men and writers. 410-^5 Historical and literary celebrities. . . . 410-25 — Holcombe. J. P., I iterature in let- ters. Book jth. Literary biography, anecdote and criticism in letters. ... s BIOGRAPHY. — 132 — BIOGRAPHY. Bn IGRAPHY, continued. — Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty. ... . 410-555 — Humphrey, F. A. Kings and queens at home 4'5 _ 45 — James, G. P. R. Fives of Retz, Colbert, Witt and Louvois 4 IO_ 5 Memoirs of great commanders 41 5 1—5 — fameson, A. (M.) Celebrated female sovereigns 4 r 5 _ 5 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. . . . 410-597 — Kirton, J. W. Guthrie, Mathew, Burritt, Livesey 410-6 — Famartine, A. de. Celebrated characters. 410-63 — Fong, C. C. Three prophets 410-65 — Lossing, B. J. Two spies: Nathan Flale and John Andre 4151-55 — Maccall, W. Foreign biographies. 2 v. 410-67 — Maceuen, M. Celebrities 410-68 Markham, C. K. Sea fathers 437-63 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men 4'°~7 — Masson, M. Celebrated children. . . . 410-72 — Memorials of early genius 410-74 — Men of history 410-75 — Men who have risen 410-76 Milnes, K. M. Monographs 410-77 — Monarchs of ocean 4159-6 Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons 410-78 — Midler, F". Max. Biographical essays. . 410-79 — Neale, E. Closing scene 410-S — Parton, J. People's book of biography. 410-S2 - ed. Princes, authors and statesmen. . 410-S3 Portraits of curious characters 4138-7 Q. You have heard of them 410-85 — Rank and talent of the time 410-87 — Remarkable anil eccentric characters. 410-89 Remarkable men 410-88 Russell, Win. Extraordinary men anil women 410-9 St. John, J. A. Celebrated travelers. . 4159-7S Schmucker, S. M. Fife of Elisha R. Kane [and other American explorers.] 4159-S — Seymour, C. C. It. Self-made men. . . 410-92 tnall beginnings 410-93 mill . S. Brief biographies 410-934 I hati her, B. B. Indian biography. . . 9701-76 rhomson, K. (B.) mid J. ('., (l Fails of Tyrone and Tyrconnel. . . . 4113-6 — Sullivan, T. I), atid others. Spec from the dock 41 1 ; 85 Italian. — Dennistoun, J. Memoirs of flukes of Qrbino. 3 v 4107-3 — Oliphant, M. ( >. W. Makers of Florence. 4107-7 — Trollope, T. A. Decade of Italian women 4107-S Musicians. — Barnard, C. F. Tone master series. 3 v. 4177 2 — Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. . . . 417S-3 — F'erris, G. T. Great German composers. 4177-45 Great Italian and French composers. . 4177-4 Great singers 417S-4 - Great violinists and pianists 4177-41 — Parry, C. IF IF Studies of great com- posers 4177-6 Phipson, T. F. Celebrated violinists. . 4177 7 — Wallace. Lady — , tr. Fetter- of distin- guished musicians 4177-0 Polish. — Trauermantel, ed. and tr. Love of coun- try; or, Sobieski and Hedwig 41042-8 Religion. — Adams, W. IF D. ('.ic.it English church- men 4145-2 I [eroes of the cross 4>4~ 2 Anderdon, W. IF H'enings with the saints 414-23 Charles, E. Three martyrs of the 19th - enl in y 4149-3 — Chenowith, C. van I >. Stories of the saints 4'4~3 — Gorrie, P. D. Eminent Methodist minis- >" 4147-5 BIOGRAPHY BIOi Bn ir.R vphy, contin i Id, S. Baring Posl liocva! preai h . . . I'll ( iuizot, F. S.i i iii Loi [Calvin. pi i I (errick, R. I'.. Somi ... ... p i ; i I [odg ."ii, W. Red " UK i tnd martyi 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 1 !. E l'. I'.i in >h pulpit. . . . |i 1 1 i I 1 1 . [ i . \ I I \ I . i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i • I i | ■ l ,11 . Mi . II. I .. R.e\ ival "I pi ii 1 iff in ih.- i ;i 1 1 . mi in \ in France. 1 1 i-' I I ,ives made sublime (144-5 Lloyd, 1/ . W R. Flowei of Christian chivalry. . . 4 '4-5 Loserth, |. Wiclif ami Mils. |i ) ; 5 Mai lear, I .. I . Vpostli ol mi dirci tl Europe 4142—57 \l 11 hall, J. C. I ali- an. I time "I ' airy, \l n hman ami Waul ) I |'l 6 Murray, I. O'K. Cal holic pi :ei America li-l' 6 O'Reilly, M. Memorials "I those who suffered for the Catholic faith. 4 1 1 ■ 65 Patrick, St. [and others.] Livesoi t'4 2 ~7 Ryle,J. C. Christian leaders 4145-7 Steele, E. R. Sovereigns of the Bible. . 2217 8 Stevenson, \V. I '. I 1 1 es and deeds » orth I, now int; aboul 1 1 i ; 7 l'i i\ nig ami » orking. . . 4146-7 — Tullock, |. Leaders of the reformation. 4133 8 I 111 nlnill, K. Pulpil orators 1 ■! I 1 ami Sw itzerland (146-8 \\ .J sh, \\ . P. 1 leroes "I 1 he minion field M49-9 Williams. F, Lives of English cardinal . 2 v 4142-9 u 1 rmaii. 1 1 . E. Rei "II' 1 is 1 a la ; Inn popes (.142-94 \ onge, C. M. Pioneers ami loumlei . . 4149-98 I I .\ nanl. J. Book of religions, pp. 55° 43' 209-3S Roman. Beesly, E. S. Catiline, Clodius and I rius 4103-2 Herbert, II. W. Captains ol the Roman republic 4T03— 4 Science. V.rago, F. Biographies of scientific men. 416 15 Brewster, D. Martyrs of science. . . . 416-2 — Ewart, II. C. Heroes and martyi science 4l6-3 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about doctors. 1 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of sleel 4>s>9-5 — Lloyd, E. M. Vauban, Montalembert and Carnot (i68 5 — Parton, J. Captains of industry. . . 4169-7 — Smiles. S. Boulton and Wait 4 1 '>s 7.1 fa . B Ilej and 1 h Ii 1 . Men "I ind u try. Timl.s, J, I ileal in- 1 Wink-, \\ . I •'.. Ilia tlish. otsmen. . ("2-4 I [oVl le, J. SO (II Mi ii l.l.ni'l. A. aland. 5 v. 1 1 1 Kaufman R., td. 2 v. ( 1 1 I Iniliisiili, K. (11 Memoii 1 of I hi [ai obites. ; v, 11 1 Span, Prescott, W. H. Ferd inand and Isabella, a. 1 1 1 1 I 1 and I 1 Mon roi 4 12 1 4 Baldwin, J. G. Pai 1 1 • 1 • Bai tlett, D. VV. Modern agil Biographii al annual (12-21 Bogart, W. II. " Whogoes thi 1 1 • Bolton, 1 1 Boutwell, G. S. I . soldier ... || I lungay, G. W. kings. 41 2 Carroll. II. Twel i • ns. 4 1 2 ; 1 leiu. hi. |., ,/. Noble di • meri- can women 1 ight, \\ Signers of the declai of independence 4121 ; — l-'.llet. E. I . ' the repub- lic ••' Q ceii- 1 'I American soi Women of American revolution. promi- iieni New Vorkers (1247-3 Forney, J. W. Anei men. - v • • • (12-4 — Frost, I. Heroic women ol the west. .4123 Pictorial history of American navy. ji Presidents of the LI. S ('2-43 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. 412 H tersly, L. R., td. Records of living 1 - of the l'. S. navy (I — Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clei revolution 1121 4; Farragut and our naval commanders. . 41.' Grant ar..l Sherman 4122 : Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson Washington ami his generals. . . 412 — Hildreth, S. P. Pioni fOhio. 412 — Holloway, 1 ■ I 5 of the White House. , 41 Homes of American statesmen. . 412 53 — Hood, E. P. Mister minds of the west. 4 BIOGRAPHY. (34 — BIOLOGY. Biography, continued. - Howe. II. Adventures and achieve- ments of Americans 412-55 Memoirs of American mechanics. . . 41237-4 Hunt, F. American merchants. . . . 41238-4 - Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. 412-5S - Lee, Robert E., and his companions in arms 41225-5 I.' sing, B.J. Signers of declaration of independence 4121-53 — McBride, J. Pioneer biography. . . . 41271-6 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes 4123-6 - Muzzey, A. B. Men of the revolution. 4121-6 — Parker, T. Historic Americans. . . . 412-7 — Partem, J. Famous Americans 412-72 - Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. 412-74 — Perkins, F. B., ed. Picture and the men. 4122-7 — Perry, P.. F. Reminiscences of public men 412-75 - Piatt, D. Memories of men who saved the union 4122-74 — Renwick, H. B. and]. Lives of John lay and Alex Hamilton 412-8 — Sabine, L. Loyalists of American revo- lution. 2 v 4121-S — Santvoord, G. van. Chief justices of the United States 41233-4 — Scoville, J. A., (W. Barrett, pseud.) ' >ld merchants of N. Y. city. 5 v 41247-2 — Shanks, W. F. G. Recollections of dis- tinquished generals 4122-S - Sparks, J., ed. Library of American bi- ography. 25 v. [For contents, see Sparks, J., ed.] 412-S6 — Stoddard, W. O. John Adams and Thos. Jefferson 412-SS — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. . . . 4122-S3 Thwaites, R. G C. Draper and M. M. I I son 412-91 Waldo, S. P. American naval heroes. . 4121-9 Wells, G. Lincoln and Seward. . . . 4122-9 Women. Vdams, W. II. D. Sunshine of domes- tic life 413 '.; - Women of fashion 413-14 Aguilar, G. Women oi I rael 413-145 Alldridge, 1.. Nightingale, Havergal, \l 11 h and Ranyard 413-15 Bali ' I Women worth emulating. 413 17 Working women 413 l.S I'.lu , 1 '. \. Heroine oi I he ci u side. . 413-19 Bolton, S. K. Girl who became famous, 413-2 Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies. . . . 413-22 413-224 Bui 11 , J. Mothei of thi I. 413-23 1 V end 4 1 ; 24 1 Ihild, I .. M. Gi ! 413-25 nd, Mrs. V Memorable women. 413-28 Biography, continu, d. — Darton, J. M. Heroism of Christian women 413—3 — Ellis, S. S. Mothers of great men. . . . 413-35 — Farmer, L. (H.) Girls' book of famous queens 413-38 — Fifty famous women 41 3-4 — Foster, I. H., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women 413-52 — Gray, E. C. Wise words and loving deeds 413-45 — Hale, S. J. Lessons from women's lives. 413-47 — Hewitt, M. E., ks. In Weisse, J. \. The < > 1 » c- li s k and free-masonry, pp. 28- 34 — Birch, W. de G., Biographical no- Mi Sami Kirch 1 5 — 1:1 Birch, Tho historian', l>. 1705-1/. [766. Court ami limes of Charles I : including memoirs of the mission in England oi the Capuchin friars in the .. i Queen Henriette Maria, by Father ( lyprien di ' iamai lie. ed « ith introd. and notes by R. F. Williams. 1.. 1848. 8° 2221:13 ters "a punning, Steele, K. and Ad- dison, J., eds. The guardian. \. 1. pp. 239-244 184E1 — Life of Sir W. Ralegh. In Ralegh, \V. Works, v. 1 828-75 — ed. The court and times of James I : illustrated by aul hen tic and confidential letters. 2 v. I.., 1848. 8° 511B2 . Walter de Gray, ed. Biograpl notices of Dr. Samuel Birch from the British and foreign press: portraits and a bibliography of his principal works. 1... 1886. 12 1 5 7 1 : 1 Biri hwood. Willi.': Bow les, 1 1. 'i . ,' ' .■'.) 510A6 Edward. < v. British ulptors. v. 2. pp. 208- 4«7-3 Bird, Frederick - 1 I and wind mills ; or, life in Holland. 1., 1882. 12°. . , 1 lands; 01 Syria mission. — Tri b dell. In Pi ii"- ,1 D. G. Forty in the ... Bird, Isabel] rd.) 1 . 1 lUtting out tires in citi< nil villages, with practi- cal sugge the security of life and property. N. \ i 2 Bird, Robert M Nick of the 1 or, Ji . N. Y., 1852, I2 ° I57A5 Bird ami the bell; with other j ich, C. P Birds. Adams, II. (.;. Caj inging 1 Favoril ng birds 59 Humming birds -Avis, K. Bird-preserving, bird mount- ing, and preservation of birds' eggs. . 5794 1 ; Bailey, W. L. rds 5 Bechstein, J. M. Natural history of cage birds 1 — Becton, S. O., ed. Bonk of home pets. 63S6-3 — Bigland, J. Natural history of birds, fishes, reptiles and insects 590-15 - Bird-keeping: guide for the management of cage birds 6 Brehm, A. E. Book of birds, tr. by T. R. Jones ; .mi, T. Habits ami characteristics of animals and birds 5 — Browne, D. J. American bird fancier. 71 — Church, E. R. birds and their ways. . — (lark, 1>. W., ed. Traits and anecdotes of birds and fishes 59°5- 2 9 — Cotton, J. beautiful birds described. — Coues, E. Field ornithology ; iguier, L. Reptiles and birds — Flagg, W. Minis and New England — Gentry, T. G. Life histories of the birds tern Pennsylvania Harting, I. E. Our summer migrants. II pley, C. C. Aunt Jenny's American .... line, W., ed. Naturalist's library. v. 1-14 590-5 — Jones, T. K. Natural histoi — Kirby, M. te. pp. 157212 7124 Irving, W. Wolfert's roost, pp. 30-47. buds of spring 818 [Hj rCingsley, C. Prose idylls, pp. [-26. A 1 harm "f birds 535''- 14 Maynard, C. J. Naturalist's guide. pp. 81 107. 1 )atalogue "I the bird 1 1 11 \l 1 .11 husetts 579-6 Mini is, F. 1 1. buds. In Simple 1 mi for home use. pp. 337-362. . . 607-5 Owen, R. Vnatom) oi \ erlebrates. \ . 2. pjp. 1-265 59'4-6 - Smith, V. ( . Nile and it-, banks, v. 2. pp. 1 • 1 7 283. Ornithology of Egypt. . 1 -Treat, M. II in. in in nature, pp. 5' s '> 9 Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago, pp. 55 2 575 I"" 9 Voung ladj pj ■ , ; ; 2 1. . 504-97 1 iic bird . Pigeons. i 'i 1 my. /mil gy. Also Km 1 ! Wake robin I .1 ' PI 100-386 .8824-4 Birds, The, continued. Frere, J. IE, //". In his Works, v. 3. pp. I45- 2 34 828-38 BIRDS ami flowers ; or, lays and lytic ol rural life. Howitt, M 490C1 Birds and seasons of New England. Flagg, W 589 (9 BIRDS of a feather. Bradley, Mrs. M. E. 1.S0A37 Birkbeck, Geo. Small beginnings, pp. 259-265 4io-93 BlRKBECK, Win. Lloyd. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England : with suggestions for some improvement in the law. L., 1SS5. 12 333-2 I'.iKi.s, T. R. Memoir of the Rev. Edward Bickersteth : with an introduction by Stephen IE Tyng. 2 v. N. V., 1885. 12 !5°B5 Modern physical fatalism and the doctrine of evolution: including an examina- tion uf Mr. 11. Spencer's First princi- ples. L., 1S76. 12° 1686-24 — Philosophy of human responsibility. In Christian Evidence Society lectures. Faith ami free thought, pp. 87-129. . 230 25 Birmingham, England. While, W. All around the Wrekin. pp. 162-225. . . 442 945 BlRNEY, Catherine IE The Grimke sisicis: Sarah and Angeline Grimke, the first American women advocates of abolition and woman's rights. B., 18S5. 12°.. 437B8 BlRRELL, Augustine. Life ol Charlotte Bronte. L., 1SS7. S° [84B78 1 Ibitei dicta, t-t ser. X. Y., 1885. 16 . 153] ;■. Contents. — Carlyle. — On the alleged obscuri- ty of Mi Browning's poetry. — Truth-hunting — Actors. — A rogue's memoirs.— The via me- dia I ■.,! 1 Mi 2,1.1 -ci. N. V., 18S7. 16° 153E4 Contents. — Milton. — Pope. —Johnson. — Burke. Mu f history. — Chas. Lamb.— Em- m. — Office of literature.— Worn .mt t\, —Cam In idge and the poets -Book-buying Birth ami education. Schwartz, M. S. Birth of chemistry. Rodwell, G. 1. . . 5409 8 Birthright, The. Gore, Mrs. Catherine G. Bisbee, Mariana M. Tent V, Chautauqua. I',., 1SN0. 16 in., As l.i 1 , 1 . Mi ■,. Susie \. ben Cilhci i's \ 1, tor) 11.. n. d. 12° [58A6 i;, coEi E. 1.. Glimpses through 15NA.S2 Katherine's experience, 24° 15SAS , . Jeanne. Kavanagh J. \\ om, n 1 1 , 1 anity. pp. 191 198 4'3"55 1 ; . \. W. Loyalty on 1 In frontier ; !., ol union men ol 1 hi outh- >i e 1 : with im idenl .,,,'1 advi nturesin rebellion on the border. St. Louis, 1863. 12 9795 -• Hi , ■, \nii.i. Willis, N. P. Hurrj gi tph r ■ '"'■■ ■ 95 ;l ; msiior •37- Bisnor, Harriel I Floral I . fi i i ol Mil ota. N. Y., 1857. 1 - 1 ' ■ Bishop, Henry, ar, ti I nies .in 1 1 A/ Mil. 1 [rish melodies 77 1 1 '■ Bishop, i abell 1 1 (Bird.) ["hi goldi n ( 'In- 1 one [tin N. V., 1883 S 153-2 I ady's life in the R01 I ) 1 in tain . N. \ . 1879. 12 17 s '" Six mom h 1 In- palm groves, coral id vnli ;i ■ - 'I 1 hi I ilands. I... 1876. 1 2 . Same, 1882. $69 1 7 1 nl. .mi. 11 1 1 n ks in Japan : an account of II iM-U on hoi i-l' nl; in ilie interior, in- luding visits to 1 he iboi igines of N ez< and the shrines ol Nikko and Ise 2 v. \. y., 1881. 8° 452-2 Bishi ip, Jes 1 P m, in 1 1 1 : ■ . uel W, Vdams, late pastor of the firsl Baptist church, < [1 \ eland, 1 >h io. I le\ e land, iM'H. [6° 107119 Bishop, J. Leander. History of American manufactures, [60S-1860 : exhibiting the origin and growth of the principal mechanic arts and manufai ture and annals of the industrj ol 1 he 1'. S. in chinery, manufactures, inventions, tariffs and the results nl each decennial census, with statistics of manufacturin and descriptions ol manufactories of the present tunc. 3 v. Phila., 1868. 8°. . 6097-2 Bishop, Nathaniel II. Thousand miles' walk across Smith America. B., 11. d. 12° 480-2 — Voyage of the paper canoe: a geographi- cal journey of 2500 miles, from Quel to the gulf of Mexico, during the years 1874 75. B., 1878. 8° 470-16 . Putnam P. American patriotism. V \ .. 1S87. 12° 3207-22 Bishop, Win. Henry. Choy Susan and other 1 ies. I'.., 1S85. 12 . Contents. — Choy Susan in 1 Bunker- too. De I11.: Braxton's new art. — One of the thirty pieces Mclntyrc's false face. Mis Calderon's t icrman. Detmold. B., 1879. 12°. • Fish and men in the Maine islands. V \ .. 1885. 12° 4741-2 1 lolden in 1 11 e. B., [887. 12 . House of a merchant prince. B., 1S83. 12 . * >M Mexico and her losl proviri es a journey in Mexico, southern California i'. I i 1.1. bj u.u . >l t 'nl., 1. N. Y., 1883. S° 472 15 Bishop and Nannette. Smith,.]/;..l B BlSHi ip' - son. The. 1 '.try. A. Otto Eduard Leo pold vim, prince, German chancellor, I*. 1815. Prince 1 . by F. Maxsi I'-'i ' li, M. Bi imarck in •■ ' I man war, 1S70 71 1 Our chancelloi 1 1-'. hi f -1 n al pii 1 .ue ■ i .11 h. \\ Pi on ■ Bi in. 11 1 1 . . . 1 sM'.-t Hesekiel, J. G. I.. Life ol Bi muck. . 15865 - Klaczko, |. Two chanci Prince Bi imarck \\ Prince Bismarck: an histori- cal biography. 2 v 1 Brow < >. A, V-> orl v. 13. pp. 384-400. Review of Bismarck and the church Sis 27 — Hay ward, A. Eminent statesmen and "liters. v. I. pp. do. 132 4IO-55 Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. pp. S7 65 410-94 Tattle, 11. German political leaders, pp. 1 21 4106-8 Bissell, Edwin Cone. Apocrypha of the Old Testament, with historical introduc- tions, 3 revised translation, and m critical and explanatory. Edinburgh. 4° — Historic origin of the Bible : handbook of principal facts from the best recent au- thorities, German and English; intro- duction by R. D. Hitchcock. X. V., 1S73. 8° 2202-22 — Pentateuch, its origin and structure: an examination of recent theories. N. V., 1885. 8° 22.; 1 25 Hi 1 1, .!/.//. Gen. — . Spurt and war; or, recollections of lighting and hunting in South Ail ua. 1834—67; with a narrative of II. K. 11. the Duke of Edinburgh's visit tn the cape. L., 1S75. 8° . . . 468-24 in 11, Andrew. History of the Common- wealth of England from the death of Charles I, to the expulsion of the Long parliament by Cromwell: being omitted chapters nl the history of England. 2 V. I... 1867. Jill. M'< arty, J. II. .' 1 1 59 Black ii e. 1 gee, Albion W. Hi m 1. poodle. 1 iuthi ie I Vn ;tej . 1 1 Anstey, pseud.) I'.i vi k prophet. 1 larleton, W. I'.i vi 1 1 "In : or, l.'ii he "l mi ions and mini in i. Nevin, R. P 2117 <> r.i vi 1. :ea. Oliphant, I.. Russian shore "I 1 he Blai k sea 11,1' .s.v 1 Irimea. Russia. Turkej \ 1 Minor. r.i vi 1 burn, I [em y. \i ti 1 and Arabs ; or, sketching in sunshine. B., 1 >> 7 1 24° M ■ Mm. n hi. mi . .1 tour in the ti i\ conn- try- I-. 1873. s 44348 2 Normandy picturesque. Ii., 1S73. I2 n . 4442 2 Pj i enee a descripl ion of ummer life al French watering places. I... 1870. 12°. Same, 1881 4448-2 -Traveling in Spain, in the present day. 1... [866 s 446 19 I'.i vi 1. 1:1 RN, \\ in. M. Admiral Coligny and the rise of the Huguenots. 2 v. Phila., 1869. 12" Mil; Geneva's shield : a story of the s» iss ref ormation. N. Y., 1868. 16 160A2 History of the Christian church from its origin to the present time. (.'inn.. 1879. 8° 270-2 — William Farel, and the story of the Sw iss reform Phila., 1865. 12 3 j8B6 l'.i vi ki;i rne, Francis. Burke, O. |. Lord chancellors of Ireland, pp. 277-293. . 4113-2 — Shiel, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. »■ -• PP- " s '5.! 3409 75 Blacket, foseph. \\ inks, W. E. illustri- ous shoemakers, pp. 2311-242 411m 05 Blackford, Mrs. . Scottish orphans: founded on a historical fact; Arthur ■ Monteith, a sequel to Scottish orphans ; ami Tin- young West Indian. Phila., 1874. t6° 160A5 I'.i vi mi . Ii.lm Stuart, Scottish author, J. 1809. Four phases of morals: Socrates, Aris- le, Christianity, Utilitarianism. V V.. 1S72. 12 190-2 Hoi 1 llclUni. 1 : essays and discussions mi some important points of ( '.reck phil- ology .in.l antiquity. L., 1S74. 8°. . — Lays and legends of ancient Grei Edinburgh, 1SS0. 12 160C2 Messis vitae : gleanings ol song from a happy life. 1 .. 1886. 12° 160C25 Bl Vi 1. 11 . I'. Iin Stuart, continued. theism. V V.. 1 ■ 2 1 1 9 - 1 1 in self-i iilture, intellectual, : and moral : vadi and lit.. N. V., 1874. 16 Contents. — Culture of the intcllei 1 physii Songs of religion and life. V Y., 1 W Ii 11 does history teach .' .\ . \ . , 1 16 Philosophy of the beautiful. In 1 T. M., ed. Art and literature, pp. 1 e,l. Wisdom 1 he In kni , ( ■' Scottish minstrel, pp. 1 18 456. Sketi Ii and poems. . . .80 Hi vi i.Mni 1 . Richard, b. about 1115s,/. [ohnson, S. I ingli -h poel . 1 . 2. pp. !'-S° 'is 1:1 vi kmorr, Richard I loddridge, ■' 1 ■ Alice Lorraine: a tale of il Downs. V V., n. d. 8°. 1 hristowell. N. V.. [878. 8°. 1 lara \ aughan. L., 1864. 8°. < Iradock Nowell : a tale of the Ni N. V., 1S66. 8°. ' ripps the carrier: a woodland tale. N Y . 1S76. 8°. I -I 111 I I II N. Y., 1883. 12°. Maid of Sker. X. Y., 1872. S°. M in \n, irly. \. Y., 1880. 12 . Remarkable history of Sn Thomas Up- more, Bart, M. P., formerly known as "Tommy Upmore." N. Y., 1884. 12 . Springhaven. N. Y., 1887. 12 . Bl 1 -11 . Win. Introduction. In 1 lodge, R. I. The plains of the great w pp. xii lv Blacksmithinc. Crane, W. I. E. The smithy an including [farriery and] coach-smithing Black: Wm., English juri 1723-1/. 1780. Commentaries: for the use of students at law anil the general M. I '. Ewell. . . 3 t 32 2 A Becket, G. A. Comic Blackstom. 34 Brightwell, C. I . Early lives of great lawyers, pp. 124-134. ... 4154 - — Reed, W. Ii. Among my hooks, pp. 1 10 12S 783E1 BLACK.WELL, Antoinette L. (Brown), [825. Island neighbors. N. \ .. 1871. — Physical liasis of immortality. X. Y.. 12° 218-18 S lies in general science. X. Y.. 1 1 -' 1 BLACKWOOD. [40 - III. AIR. BLACKWOOD, Frederick Temple Hamilton, earl of Dujferin, b. 1S26. Letters from high latitudes : being some account of a voyage in the schooner yacht " Foam " to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitsber- gen, in 1S56. B., 1S59. 12°. Same, N. V., n. d V s '"^ BLACKWOOD, Wm. Curwen, II. Hook- sellers, pp. i99- 2 33 4 J S-33 Blackwood's magazine. Tales from Black- wood. 12 v. in 6. Edinburgh, n. d. 16°. Contents- — v. 1-2. The Glenmutchkin rail- way, by W\ E. Aytoun. — Vanderdecken's mes- sage home. — Floating beacon. — Colonna the painter.— Napoleon, by J. G. Lockhart. — A legend of Gibraltar, by E. B. Hamley. — The iron shroud, by W. Mudford. — Lazaro's legacy, by E. B. Hamley.— A story without a tale, by W. Maginn.— Faustus and queen Elizabeth. — How I became a yoeman, by W. E. Aytoun.— Devereux hall, by C. A. Southey.— The met- empsychosis, by R. Macnish. — College theatri- cals. v. 3-4. A reading party in the long vaca- tii n. —Father Tom and the pope.— La petite Madelaine, by C. A. Southey. — Bob Burke's duel with ensign Brady, by W. Maginn.— The headsman. — Weary ful woman, by J. Gait.— How I stood for the Dreepdaily burghs, by W. E. Aytoun.— First and last, by W. Mudford. — Duke's dilemma. — The old gentleman's teeto- tum.—" Woe to us when we lose the watery wall." — College friends, No. 1. Charles Rus- sell—The magic lay of the one-horse chay, by J. Hughes. v. 5-6. Adventures in Texas. — How we got possession of the Tuileries, by W. E. Aytoun. —Captain Paton's lament, by J. G. Lockhart. — Village doctor, by the countess d'Arbouville. — A singular letter from southern Africa, by J. Hogg. — My friend, the Dutchman, by F. Hard- man.— College friends, No. 2. Horace Leices- ter.— Emerald studs, by W, E. Aytoun. — Col- lege friends, No. 3. Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. —Christine, by F. Hardman. — The man in the bell. v. 7-8. My English acquaintance, by F. Hardman.— The murderer's last night, by T Doubleday. — Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B. D.— The wags.— The wet wooing.— Ben-na Groich. — The surveyor's tale, by W. E. Aytoun.— Forest-race romance.— Di Vasari, by i i award: Sigismund Fatello. — The boxes. v. 9-10. Rosaura.— Adventure in the North- wesl territory. — Harry Bolton's curacy. — Flor- ida pirate. The pandour and his princess. — ity draught, — Antonio di Carara.— Fatal repast. 11" vision of Cagliostro.— First and last kiss.— Tin- smuggler's leap Haunted and the haunters, by E. Bulwer-Lytton, — Duelists v. 1 1- iz. Natolian tory-teller. — First and last crime. John RintOul. — Major Moss. — The premier and his wife. — Tickler among the thieves.— Bridegroom of Barna.— Involuntary rimentalist.— Lcbrun's lawsuit.— Sno wing- up of Strath Lugas —A few words on I ophy. — Mackenzie, R. S. History of Black- ■ , ine. In \\ il son, |. No< v.l. pp. \ ii \\. . 955El BLADI and the ear. Muzzey, A. B. . . 247 58 Bi Ai 1] o' grass. Farjeon, B. L. Blades, Wm. Enemies of books. N. \ ., iSSS. 1 6°. [Book lover's library.] . . 8053-23 Contents. — Fire. — Water— (las and heat- Dust and neglect. — Ignorance and bigotry. — Bookworm.— Other vermin - Bookbinders.— Collectors. — Servants and children. — Post- script um. — Conclusion. — Shakespeare and typography : being an attempt to show Shakespeare's personal connection with, and technical knov 1- edge of the art of printing. Also, re- marks upon some common typograph- ical errors, with especial reference to thetext of Shakespeare. L., 1872. S°. 82364 2 Bl.AGDEN, Isa. The woman I loved and the woman who loved me, and a Tuscan wedding. Leipzig, 1872. 12 . I '.1 VGROVE, Geo. II. Shoring and its ap- plication. L., 1SS7. 12° 624-19 BLA1KIE, Wm. How to get strong and how to stay so. N. V., 1882. l6° 6136-2 — Sound bodies for our boys ami girls. X. V., 18S4. 16 6136-23 Blaikie, Wm. Garden. Bible history, in connection with the general history of the world. L., 1868. 12°. Same, 1866 221-10 — Heads and hands in the world of labour. L., 1865. 12° 3361-23 — Leaders in modern philanthropy. X. V., n. d. 12° 4156- 2 Contents. — Introduction. — John Howard. — William Wilberforce. — Elizabeth Fry. — Thomas Chalmers. — Zachary Macaulay. — Stephen (Irel- let.— Joseph St urge— Andrew Reed.— Thom- as Guthrie. — David Livingstone. — William Burns. — John Patteson. — Titus Salt. — ( reorg< Moore. — Agnes Jones. — Personal life of David Livingstone. N. V., 1SS1. 8° 577B2 Blaine, JaS. Gillespie, tmerii an statesman, />. 1830. Twenty years of Congress : from Lincoln to Garfield ; with a review of the events which led to the politic al revolution of i860. 2 v. Norwich, Conn., 1S84-86. 8° 9783 [8 — Eulogy 011 President Garfield, hi Thay- er, W. M. From log-cabin to the White House, pp. 451 483. 404B9 Irish question from an American stand- point. In Irish question as viewed by - hundred eminent statesmen, pp. 189 199 3204-51 Bale 1 hi, * '. W. James < >. Blaine : a sketch of his life [6085 Walla< e, F . T. Men and events of half a century, pp. no 123 922E4 I'.i ur, II ugh. Critical dissertation on tin poi in of ian. fn Ossian. Poems. pp. 88-1* So.o; 7 BLAH Bla i k, Le wi ll Un w ise lav lei i ili. operatioi ol i tariff upon inc! ... \. \ ., [886. [2 . 535 z Blair, Montg . Perkin I . \t., ed. I'n lure .iii.I tin- in. -n. pp. 180-184. I ' ' I'.i ur, Robert. Sainlsbury, ( '•. Rob'l Blair, (n Ward, I II.. td. I nglish poets, v. ;. pp. 21 7 21s Hi aiu, Win. 1 lay, II. I ipium habil . pp. 1711 [98 1988 1 i'.i \ 1 him. Vlberl I . Oui bodie md we live. H. . (885 612-2 Study "I 1I1. I ngli ti cln ii B., 1886. 12° 820-16 Hi \Ki , 1 1. -in \ V., (Terenci Mel I rath, ,:'.) I'h tin es from Ireland. N '. Y., 1SS1. 16° 4415-6 Hi vke, 1 1. -in \ N, I in • in the Army of the P in .11 . n. . 1865. 12 . . . . Blake, 11. >mei 1 . ■■ iS22-, Philip Paul, ' ' and hymn writer, i. 1838 d. 1876. Hold ili. fort. B . [877. 12 164C2 g victories ol ihe " Bliss and Sanl 1 in mils," with biog ketchi ol IraD. Sanke) and P. P. Bliss 245-8 Piei son, A, T. E^ tngi listii vorl pp. 21,2 276 ' ' 1 , I; 1 .,, S\ [ve itei . Sketi hi ol the < hristian lii,' and public laboi oi \\ m. Milli 1 . ed. bj fas. White. Battle 1 :reek, Mich., 1S73. t2 63 [B; Bi iss, Win. K. Paradise in the Pai ifii 1 1 k oi tra\ el, advi nl ure .'"'l fai ts in the Sandw ii h 1 land \. Y., 1873. I2 °- -l'""' -' I'.i 1 1 111 D \i 1 romance. 1 [a h 1 1 -. X. Block, Dr. Maurice. France. In Em- minghans, A., ed. P 1 liel in differ- ent purls of Europe, pp. 202 238. . . 139-3 Bloci vd\ and the cruisei . Soley, J, R. .17S2-6 Blockadi of Phalsburg. Erckmann, E. and 1 lhatrian, A. Hi., 11. 1, Gertrude, (Stuarl Sterne, pseud.) Beyond the shad. >w ;, ind othei poem B., 1888. 16° 8so( ; I'.i . .is, I' 1 .in, is I ouis de, 1 Bio ;ius), abbot, /'. 1500-,/. 1 5<-5- \ Benedictine ..I 1 In- iiiili century b) gi di Bloi . tr. b) Lad) Lovat. 1.., 1878. 12 165B2 Blomeield, Chas. J.is., bishop, !>. ljSb-d. 1857. Socrates. /« Encyclopaedia mel ropolitana. pp. 1.^-50 ii' 1 Martineau, 11. Biographical sketch. pp. mi 168 4104 62 Bl c 'i enant. Trumbull, 1 1 . ( . . . . 221 1 ,. BLOODV chasm. 1 leForest, J. W. Bloomeield, Georgiana (Liddell), baroness. Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life. 2 v. N. V.. 1883. 8° 1051:4 1.1 „, mmi 1 n. Robt., 6. 1766 d. 1S23. \\ irks, with memoir. L. 16° 1651 5 1 1. 11k, (I. L. Pursuit nl knowledge, pp. 420-427 HO-35 1 iiu , eli brated men. pp. 286 289. . . 410-49 1 1 1. E. P. Pi ei igc ol poverty, pp. 227 230 1 1' >8 — Men «li" have made themselves, pp. [80-186 410-75J Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 507-511 410-92 - Winks, W. E. Illustrious shoemakers. pp. 89-103 4169-95 mi Warren, Eli ' ! ','ili 92 1 \ 5 Bl , isn i. S 1 Blois. Bloss, C. A. Ancient history : rev. and ini- proved l>y J. J. Anderson. X. V., 1SS0. 12 Bl ■ 1 ol the 1 ■ • ;' ■ ' ■ Conl tile. I: I ,. M. ] I. II n.l lllel.il> cellany 1. 1 mi, nil. Smith, Jul Blossom club 1 /« Clubs of New \ ork. pp. 250 254 Blot on tl 1. /« Brou 1 Biol other dram pp. 9-111 Blo'I upon the brain : tudie ii hi lory and ilogy. Ercland, Win. W l: Ma O'Rell, / ud.) Drat ibe boy >! .11 . rei ollei tion ,,f an ex- I inn ■ 1 in England. I.., n 12° 1221 2 1 - |i,lm Bull and his island, tr. from the h. N. \ .. 1884. 12 142 7' fohn Bull, Jr.; or, I rem h as she 1 dui ed ; prefac ' C. 1 ton. 1... [888. 16 . [Same a " I '1 th*e I 12*' -' Bloi nt, i lhas., earl 0) /' 1 E. P ail i "i illu 1 1 i. iu pi Greal Britain, v. ;. 1 4' ' *>5 Blow, Susan E. Study •■! Dante, with in- trodui tion by Win. 1 - I lai ris, II- D. V \ .. [886. 12 8511-2 Blowpipe. Attwood, Geo. Practical blow- pip, i) ing — Brush, <.. I. Manual ol determinative mineralogy 54 Elderhorst, W. Manual of qualitative blow pip. lysis and determinal mineralogy. .... — I..111 . I 1 ■ ilysis. . . 5491 s Planner, K. F. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with tlie bl pipe K.iss, W. A. Alphabetical inanui blowpipe analy-is Blowpipe in 1 hemistry, mineralogy and gy 549' 71 I'.i, .nam, Chas. Loudon. Metals, their properties and treatment. 1... 1S70. 1 Blui i el ol 1S12. Abbot, W. 1 17 5 12 I'.i 1 jackets of '6l. Abbot, W. J. 9782 12 BLUE laws. Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 1. pp. 353 382. Oui colonial blue laws Blue laws ol Connecticut. Schmucl M., ed he sunlight and of the blue 11 .if the sky. Pl« asonton, A. I. others BLUE. 144 BOATS. Blue ribbon. Tabor, E. Blue stocking. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Blucher, Gebhard Lebrecht von, German field-marshal, b. 1 742-1/. 1819. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany riming the wars of independence, v. 1. pp. 58-64 2743-2 — Mundt, Klara,(L. Miihlbach, /««f nations. — Conditions of the state in externa] nature; the land. — 1 and fall of the state. — End of the* state. Forms of the state. Sovereignty and its or is, public services and public affairs. roses. Morse, C. F. Blyth, Thomas Allen. Metallography as a ience. I ... 1871. 1 2°. . . 669-] Blythe, J. A. St. John. Lonely life. Phila. 12°. en i'l( 1 1 Mohan :d \ 1 1 . i . rfemi itrs ol Mrs. Siddon , I .mill. 11 2 v. I.., 1827. 8°. ... 822B6 ■i. Bi ucc, I 11 ni pp. 118 12(1 MO-19 1 1. v. in, \l I ■ .. . d. 1 in ol 1N11 trioti w< 1 1 ; 49 BOAR! I 1 . . 1 I 7 \ S BoARDMAN, Andrew. Defence of phrenol- ogy. N. V., 1851. 12°. Same, 1847. 179-2 — Notes: an introd. essay and an historical sketch. In Combe, G. Lectures on phrenology 179-3' Boardman, Geo. Dana, b. 1S2S. Divine man from the nativity to the temptation. N.Y., 1887. 12 2321-2 — Studies in the creative week. N. Y.. I8S2. 12° 213-13 1 MAN, Henry Augustus,/'. lSoS-. and Davie,. G. C. Practical boat-building and sailing. 7943 '' — - Pitt, T. L. Boat building 7968 6 Qualtrough, E. i . Sail u .' hand) book "In man ma una 1 704 7 1 ampbell, II. American girls' home 1 k. pp. 203 781 I 1 g, I . W. \nn 1 nan « iM fo« I sllOOl ing. pp. 78 ')2 7 Thompson, M., . d. \'^\ ' I< oi sporl pp. 197-230 ■ '" Walsh, 1 . 11. Em yi loptedia of rural porl ; 7'" " Waj foi I" ". taki and do 1 lungs. pp. 7 791 87 Canoi [ci boats. Rov S .1 hi . bocc \< :< [( i 1 1 BOH] Boccaccio d tldo i ni , Italian wield i ,i , ■ i . Dryden, J. Poelii al worl . ■. . |. pp. p 1 1 2. '['ran -lai i ... ■ . I I lunlop, r. History of fictioi pp i : I lall.iin, II. Introduction to the liters uii'c ol I uropi [Si i indi in !nd vol.] |.n [fellow .11. W, i 'oel and 1 13-535 s °9 Schlegel, I . von, I i hel ii and ti neous works, pp, too i \ \ Simondi di i mi i, I C. 1 HisI view ol the literature "i the *oul h ol Europe. i . i . p] vj\ • 12. In Men iry. pp. 261 263. ... ; Symond ■, I . \. Italian literature, v. 1. PP. 99 1 |8 94506-7 1 ml. I lead huntei i ol Bo : nar- rativi I up the Mahakkam, and down the Barito ; also journeyi Sumatra. 1.., 1881. 4 pi 1 1 ; B lAM-Whetham, J. W. See Whetham, J. W. Boddam-. Bodemann, Th. and Kerl, Bruno. Tn on and mercui y. tr. ij W. \. G I yeai . V \ ., 1SS0. 12 66 1 i Bi 'i 11 n See. 1 1 .ake 1 ( S. J. Shores and cities ol theBodenSee. 4494 2 liiHiii', strength and skill. Depping, G. . Bi iDINES . "i . 1 amping on th< Lyi UpdeGrafT, I. S 795 86 B o, Luigi. Italy. In Emminghaus, \. ed. Poor relief in differenl pari 1 urope. pp. 27; 296 BoDLEY, Rachel I . Introduction. In Ram, ih, ii s.ii as\ an. Pundita. High ca ti Hind 1 45 1 71. , . 5i> Thomas. Lodge, 1 Pot traits of illustrious' personages of ( Ireal Britain. V. 3- pp. 63 72 |ll 11, ->Mii bool ' Si • [1 1 . II. E. See Anal, mi) In Body ami its ailments. Napheys, *'•. II. . 616 65 Bodyke: chaptei in histor) ol Irish land- lordism. Not in. m. I lenry. [Qui of the da) . No, 42.] 9418 5 Bock, Josel im . ■ pract. gui the art as practiced in connection with letter press printing. 1.., n. d. 12°. . ; 1 Augustus, German philologist and antiauat y, ' . 1 7 s 5 d, 1867. Pu lii econ- omy of tlic Athenian-., tr. bv A. Lamb. B-, 1857- 8 3324 j e, 11. S. Writings. \. 2. pp. 502-558.. Review of Public econom) the Athei 818-56 Bodtcher, 1 udvig Adolph, Danish poet, b. 179.; ■'■ i s 7 I I '■■'■ e, I . W. Literature of northern Europe, pp. 107-17;. . . H H In r ei 1 I!' nun, /,', . 1 1, an y I ical and Ij in 1 1 i by I. B. \\ akeley. N. Y., 1861 1 Boehmi , J i .ill ud- ies 11 , . tr. by I . I: I 170B4 11. thorn ' all .1 1 v. 2. pp. ; '5- • -.1111- 1 icrmany. PP- 35 45 Howitt, W. H . ural. v. 2. pp. 399 410 174 4". Bohmert, Dr. . Switzerland. In Emm- inghaus, A., ed. Pool relief in diffi parts of] pe. pp. 157 184 Bi iers and B erl 1 vaal. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, Rom- an philosopher and statesman, b. 4~$-d. 525. King Alfred's Saxon version of Boethiu . De latione phil tr. by S. 1 , 8297-2 n ii'i'l, I . A. I'i 1 heir authors, pp. 6-26 B \l. 1,1 II. Field, cover, and oting : embracing hints for skilled marksmen; instructions for young sportsmen ; haunts and h ime birds; lli^lits and resorts of water fowl ; eding and breaking of dogs. ed. by Chas. |. Foster. N. Y., 1874. 12 . . 7961-2 1 . \\ 111. I leni y, (Sentinel, / Life ..I Daniel B e. n. t. p. 12° . 174B2 or, men and ei N. V.. 1866. 12 412-23 I Chas. Stewart, admiral, b. l8ll. Head I 1 Farragut and our naval commanders. pp. 1S7 105 ( i ' leo. Markham, 1 '. I-;.. ./. Mission to Tib 1 201 : Bogle o' the brae: a queer courting Hogg, Jas., (1 hepherd.) In Club '..-'. pp. 22] 240. Bohemia. Merryless, J. Carlsbad and its environs 4434-6 — Krasnohorska, E. Bohemia. /« Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Euro — Smith, I. M. Stars of the reformation. pp. 18 36 2706-72 — Vernaleken, T. In the land of marvels: folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. Wratislaw, A. II. John llus 2 — Nina Ralatka. [Novel.] Bohemian, The. DeKay, 1 BOHLEN. 146- BOLLEY. Bohlen lectures. — 1S79. Brooks, P. Influence of Jesus. . 232-19 — 18S2. Harris, S. S. Relation of Chris. tianity to civil society 2576-4 — 1883. Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought 230-14 BOHN, Henry G. Papers on fishing tackle, fishing stations, etc. In Complete An- gler, of Walton, I. and Cotton, C. eil. by E. Jesse 7959-9 — ed. Foster, J. Fosteriana : thoughts, reflections, and criticisms of John Foster. 377E7 Hand book of games. L., 1864. 16 . 7S7-3 Hand book of proverbs, comprising an entire republication of Ray's collection of English proverbs, with his additions from foreign languages, and a complete alphabetical index, in which are intro- duced large additions as well of prov- eil.^, as of sayings, sentences, maxims and phrases. L., 1870. 12°. . . _. . 3S19-2 — Polyglot of foreign proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Span- ish, Portuguese and Danish, with En- glish translation and general index. L., 1867. 12° 3819-3 BoiARDO, Matteo Maria, /'. about 1430-1!'. 1494. Hunt, Leigh. Italian poets, pp. 233-295 8501-4 Boieldieu, Francois Adrien. Ferris, G. T. Great Italian and French composers. pp. 195-265. lioleldieu and Auber. . . 4177-4 — Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp. 64- 68 7/2-9 Boileau - Despreaux, Nicolas. Besant, W. French humorists, pp. 285-309. . . . 8407-2 BOISE, Jas. K. First lessons in Greek, n. t. p. 12° 12S5-2 BoiSMONT, A. Brierrede. Hallucinations: history and explanations of apparitions, vision-,, dreams, ecstacy, magnet ism and somnambulism, tr.b) Robt. T. Hulme. 1 olumbus, O., i860. 12 1742 2 Boisrobert, Francois le Mete! de. Be ant, W. French hi 1 ts pp. 220-238. 8407-2 BOISSEREE, Sulpiz. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 2. pp. 260-295. ■ 2 7-l3 2 1 , Robei t Apthoi p. Eustis. B., 1884. Bi iito, Ai rigo. 1 Ipton, G. P. Standai 'I opei .' - pp. '"i 74 772-0 Bi 'i i , mi nil .ci II again ;l 1 he 'I i ei m- 1 ly called the h eati 01 ;w eal ) ng ickne ' 1 ' mi .. Jhon. /// I lecker, J. 1 . ' 1 j 11 . 1. mil . it the middle agi PP- 353 3 s " 6109 4 , Geo. Henry, tmerican dramatit poet, /'. 1S24. K mark, li gi ml ol 1 hi hound , and othei poem ;. Phila., 1 12° I71C4 Boker, Geo. Henry, continued. — Plays and poems. 2 v. B., 1S57. 12°. 171C45 Contents. — v. 1. Cakiynos, tragedy. — Anne Boleyn, tragedy. — Leonorde Guzman, tragedy. — Francesca da Rimini. v. 2. Betrothed, a play. — Widow's marriage, comedy. — Poems, songs, sonnets. — Poems of the war. B., 1864. 12 . . . 1 71C5 — Introduction. In Taylor, B. Studies in German literature 830-9 BOKHARA. Burnes, A. Travels into Bok- hara ; being the account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Per- sia 455-2 — Vambery, A. History of Bokhara. . . 9586-9 — Wolff, I. Narrative of a mission to Bok- hara, in the years 1843-45, to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Con- olly 455M — Lansdell, II. Russian central Asia. v. 2. pp. 66-174 455-54 — Vambery, A. Life and adventures writ- ten by himself, pp. 210-232 911B8 BoL, Ferdinand. Gower, R. Figure paint- ers of Holland, pp. 27-30 41747-4 Boi.anden, Conrad von. Progressionists and Angela. N. V., 1873. 8°. Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. BOLINGBROKE, Lord. See St. John, Henry. BOLIVAR, Simon. Parton,J. People's book of biography, pp. 486-491 410-82 Bolivia. Spence, J. M. Land of Bolivar ; or, war, peace and adventure in the re- public of Venezuela 487-8 — Helper, H. R. Oddments of Andean diplomacy: and other oddments, pp. 27-271 3419-4 — Mathews, E. D. Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers 480-6 Bollandists. Stokes, G. T. TheBolland- ists. In I'd. in, T, M. , ed. Studies in literature, pp. 150-192 804-3 Boi.ler, Henry A. Among the Indians. 1858-66: sketches of Montana and Sail Like. Phila., 1868. 12 9707-18 Bolli ;, Albert, S. Chapters in political e< ny. N. V., 1S74. 8° 330-22 Financial history of the U.S. 3 v. N. V., 1879-86. 8° 3327-2 Contents. — v. 1. 1774^89. v. 3. 1789-1860. V. 3. lShi-85. rn -Mi. \ 1 \l kx erest, C. A. Poets • 1 1 ' - in hi. pp. ;' 5 '-"■ I Biog. sketch and poems] S0914-4 Bolles, Jas. A., I). />. Hoi) in. Mil iy. \. Y., 1870. 12 2615-2 B i. Pompejus Alex. Manual of tech- nical analysis: founded upon the •■ ll.in. linn I. " ..1 P. \. Bolley, by B. 11. Paul. I .. [857. 12 543-2 liOl.MAk. 1 1, HON Bolmar, A. Ci illei i ii 'ii "i colloquial phi i ■ mi e\ er) topii arj I aintain conversation, with remai I. on the pei u liar pronunciation and use ol variou » en! , i" fai ilitati i In i' qui iti I ■ .11 ir. i pronuni i: n ol thi I h. V \ ., 11. d. i6° i:.' : Boi mi R, R, i . \\ in. Bn-\ i. ( Ihurch and i he faith i philosophical histoi \ "l the i atholic church, containing a theory of the church, an ac< il "I its e tablish- menl . <• . ia) mi the i gi ii.' il council Mini important trovi i sies, an ex] sition and defence of ilie 72C5 Bolton, Jas. J. Golden missionary pen- ny, and other addresses lo the young. 1.., 1S68. 1 6° 24S-2 B \. Sarah Knowles. Famous Ameri- can authors. N. \ ., 1887. 12°. . . . 41S1 2 ttents. Emerson. — Longfellow. — Irving. — Prcscott, Hawthorne and his family.— Holmes. I "U.I! T u Higginson R II Stoddard. — E. C. Stedman. W. D. Howells T B. Aid- rich.— R. W. Gilder.— Will Carleton Geo tt Cable.— S. I.. Clemens, (Mark Twain Chas I hull, y Warner. How success is won. B., 1S85. 16 . . 412-24 Contents. !Yut Cooper. — John B. Gough. — John G. Whittier.— John Wanamaker -Henry M Stanley.— Johns Hopkins.— Wm. M, Hunt. — Elias Howe, Jr. — Alexandei II Stephens. — Thomas A Kdismi.— I Ir. Win 1 G. Morton, —Rev. J. II Vln. . in Lives of girls who became famous. N. Y.. 1SS6. 12° 413-2 Contents. Harriet Beecher Stowe Helen Hum Jackson. — I.ucretia Mott. — Mary A. Liv- ■ e. - Margaret Fuller Ossoli. — Maria Mitchell I mi 1 M Vlcott. — Mary I. yon. — Harriet G. Hosmer. — Madame de Sta. I I' Bonheur. — Elizabeth I'.arrctt Browning. — ■ "Uc Eliot. I Ii. .1!" 1 1. 1 1 \ Ii; ibeth Chompson Hutlcr. — Florence Nightingale. — Lady Brassey. — Baroness Burdett-Coutts. — lean [ngelow. — Lives of poor hoys who became famous. V Y.. 1SS5. 12° 410-16 Contents. — George Peabody. — Bayard Tay- lor.— Capt. Jairrcs B. Eads.— James WatL— Sir I osi pli Mason - Bernard Palissy. Bertel rhorwalsden. Wolfgang Mozart Samuel ison Olivet Goldsmith.— Michael Kara day. Sir Henry Bessemer Sir Titus Salt.— Joseph Marie Jacquard.- Horace Greeley. — Wm. Lloyd Garrison. — Giuseppe Garibaldi. — Jean Paul Richter. — Leon Gambetta. — I 1 ( '. Farragut Ezra Cornell. — Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, Chomas Cole.- OK- Hull. Meisso- nier - -Geo, W, Childs. -I iwight 1 M ■ Abraham I incoln — Present problem. \ \ .. 1S76. 12 . II. 1] 1. in, S, K .. continued. 1 Ian. I. I!., 1 ■ -1 1 ■ S 'il women. B., 1888. 1 Contents. Juliet I Mary Louise I;., il. 1 . mi . . I', u illard .1 1 R \l i 1 ■ 1 hune [argaret ol Ol lean . III-. * Irani Camp l.ell Rachel Littler I cr. 1 lara Bai ton Vlice £ I . - ■ man Si. .ne- from hie. V V.. [886 1 • ■ Bolton, 1 hi . I. . I 1 .in I" ' ture. [Poems.] V N .. 1887. 12 . . 1. . ... gh, 1 . 1 Book of blui com] 1 ibernicisms, hulls that are noi Irish, ami typographii Phila., 1871. 16 I iterature ol kissing, glean tory, poetry, fiction and anecdote. Phila., 1S76. 12° I. leanings from the harve 1 field ..f lit- erature: a melange of excerpta. Balti- more, 1869. an . 1 ,u. 16 . . . . Bomfas, Geo. C. Life of Frank Buckland. L„ 1S86. 8° Bo . Gautier, pseud. See Aytoun, W. Ii. Bonaparte, Elizabeth (Patterson.) Didier, E. L. Life and let teis of Madame . aparte Bonaparte, Jerome. Seeji 1 mi B Bonaparte, Joseph. See Joseph Bonaparte. BONAPARTE, Louis Napoleon. .'. \ on III. Bonaparte, Napoleon. ... m I. Bi in 1 \i; 1 1 . /';//.', , Piei 1 e. Mi 11 . , J. T. Famous trials Bonaparte family. De Puy, H. W. Louis Napoleon and his times ; with notii his writings ; memoir ol the Bonaparte family, and a sketch of French history. Bonar, A'.-.". Andrew A. Palestine for the young. B., n. d. 12 Bonar, An. hew R. Last days ol the mar- tyrs ; or, sketches of witnesses for the fai l h from early limes to the reforma- tion ; including notices of the martyrs for the covenant in Scotland. F'.din- burg, 1S65. 16° Bonar, Horatius, />. /).,/>. 1S08. Days and nights in the east; or, illustrations of Bible scenes. N. Y., n.d. 16 . . . . Everlasting righteousness; or, how shall man he just with God. N. V., IS;;, 16 . God's way of holiness. N. V.. 1865. 16 . Hov, shall I go to God? and other read- ings. N. V., 1SS3. 16 . — White lields of France; or, the story of Mr. M'All's mission to the working men of Paris ami Lyons. I... 1881. 12°. . Rogers, 1 ., Si ..ttish minstrel, pp. 482-484. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . 1 7 1 A J 1721 S 8077 10 172B1 . ; ' to 458-17 2347 2 240-2 S0921-7 BONAR. 148 — BOOK-BINDING. Bonar, las. Malthus and his works. N. V., 1SS5. 12° 330 63 Bonaventuri : prose pastoral o( Acadian Louisiana. ' ble, G. W. BONCXEUR, L. L'instructeur de l'enfance. [A firstbook for children.] N. Y., 1867. 12 122-22 Bond, J. Wesley. Minnesota and its re- sources; to which are appended camp- tire sketches ; or, notes of a trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk settlement on the Red river of the north. N. V., I854. 12° 47/6-lS BOND, Wm. Cranch. Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 270-275 328E1 Bondman, The. Massinger, Ph., P pp. 90-119 616C3 Bondman, The: story of the times of Wat Tyler. L., 1S33. 12°. Boner, Chas. Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria and in the Tyrol. 1.., i860. 12° 7 — Forest creatures. L., 1861. 12°. . . . 5904-17 BoNHEUR, Rosa, French painter, b. 1S22. Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who be- came famous, pp. 1S0-193 4I3- Z — Ellet, E. F. Women artists, pp. 201- 284 4174-3 — Poster. I. PL, (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Remarkable women, pp. 12-15. . . . 413-52 Bi iMt ICE, St., archbishop, b. about 6So-. 1S33. Alpine regions of Switzerland and the neighboring countries: a pedes- trian's notes on their physical features, scenery and natural history. Cam- bridge, 1868. 8° 4404 17 II. in ME aerie. Pratt, Laura Lormg. . . . 744 A 2 Bonnv Kate. Fisher, Frances C, (C. Reid, pseud.) BONNYBEL Vane. Cooke, J. E. BONNYBOROUGH. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) BONOMI, Joseph, antiquary, b. 1796-1/. 1880. Nineveh and its palaces : discoveries oi Botta and Layard, applied to the eluci- dation of holy writ. L., 1869. 12°. . 4025-2 BONWICK, Jas. Curious facts of o Id colonial days. L., 1S70. 12°. ...■■•.. 999-2 — Last of 1I1.' I . 1 sin an i ans ; or, [he black war ..I Van Dieman's land. L., 1870. S°. 99906-2 1 im nationalities. L., 1880-81. 12 . . 57242-3 Contents. Who are the Irish ? — Who are the i.h? Who are the Welsh? W ho are llie ' ll Book aboul boys. Mom 11.11. R. II.. (A. R. lb. ,.r, /■.<,■»,/.) 3704-45 Book about doctors. Jeaflreson, J. C. . . 4167-5 I'. 1I...111 .i.h M t n 11. R. II., \ P Hope, pseud.) ......... 3704-46 1: about lawyers. Jeaflreson, J. C. . . 3409-49 B c anditsstory. Ranyard, E., (L. N. R.) 22011-6 Book-binding, Nicholson, J. B. Manual of the art of I I, finding 686 6 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle igi pp. ;;i t s t 7094-5 Pang, A. Hooks and bookmen, pp. 93 i..s 8051-5 P..].. v g 1 . . ipes 656-6 I'enii. A. Home library, pp. 63 78.. 8051 65 BOOK KEEPING. i \'i BOi Bi iOl iii ii IG, I '.ilkn. , S. S. < bus i i"i Fulton, 1 -. S. and I istn . I >. tt . tii '! ) tem "i i i keeping : ni' I 'I lie I 111 iy ' I [addon, I i omm i k-keeping and phraseology in foui u Marsh, C. C. of double I k-keeping 657-6 M i\ hew, I. Prai tical bo ig. 657~63 ersity 1 k-keeping 657 65 I'm kard, S. S. and Brj tnt, II. B. 1 h n<-» Brj .mi and Stratto ing-ho book keeping 657-2 6 foi l ci n ner. 1 1 unt, Leigh (.91 E 1 Bi 11 1] fi 'i the home 1 Amei ican cottage life. Upham, T. C 91 i< 5 Booi i he 1 11. John Hill. . S051-2 Book "I animals, for the amusement and 11 .if young persons. Bilby, I . V V., 1850. 16 5905-2 Book of authors. Russell, W. ( 814-74 B01 ik >>r In-. mi v. I 1 udon, I.. E. \\ .11 ks. x . I. pp. [69 231. ..." SjS 578 Book ol \ erbui j , Ea 1 le and Butler. Edin., 1865. 12° S2S-69 Book <>f common prayer. Bailey, 11. I. Liturgy compared with the Bible. . . 26031-2 Beele, A. Letters to an Episcopalian on the origin, history and doctrine of the Book "I common prayer 2603-2 — Biildulph. T. T. Practical . liturgy of the Church of England. . . 26031-25 — Blunt, I. II. Annotated Bookof common P' *''■ 26031-3 — Bool "I common prayer. Cambridge. 16 26031-1 — Bright, VV. Ancient collects and other prayei 26037-2 Brogden, J. Illustrations ol the liturgy and ritual 26031 | Butler, 1 . M. I Listoi | ol the Book of common prayer 2603-3 Coxe, V C. rhoughts ou ilie servici Evan, D. Prayer-Jjook : its history, Ian- guage, and 1'.. nn-nt* 2603-4 Freei I'. Prim 1603—42 — Goulburn, E. M. Collects of the day. . 26037 1 I I ill mi, R. 1 1. I ... 1 ures on the morning prayer 21 Hildyard, J. In letters (1858- in reply to the Bishops in cpnvo- on, the House of Lords, and else- where in the revision of the Book of 2 v 2603-45 1 11. koi k, 11. M. Studies in ihe In of the Book oi common prayer. ... 1 ■' . I Inl tion i" Hi. 1 inoii 1 Wheatl) . ' ' nal illustrati .... 2' Barr, \. I 1 .00-207 1 ,,| , e, S. I . Work . v. 5. pp. -•1 55° S28-32 i. W. Ii. Among my books, pp. 77-89 ; rtyjmddings. Brown, Susan Anna. if golden deeds ■>( all times and all lands. Yonge, CM 903-94 f life. Gait, J. /;/ 2. Li 254. 1 ) . Nora. B of nature. 1 I, J. M 507-3 BOOK of snobs. Thackeray, W. M. artists: American artist life. Tuckerman, II. T I< ■ ' of the running brook and of still waters. Campbell, Lady Colin. . . . 7956-3 : ravels ol lor, W. II , ; 1 . of vagaries. Paulding, Jas. K.. . . . 718E1 1 and reading. Abbott, L., ed. Hints fnr home reading S05-12 — Atkinson, \Y. P. On the right u books: a lei ture S05-15 Baldwin, J. Book lovei : a guide to the best n i ing S05-2 — Blades, \Y. Enemies "l books. . . . 805 — Books and authors S04-2; Bui ton, J. II. "1 '1 inter. u lyle, T. I loks. . . . 2 Cox, E. W. Ai ts of writing, and speaking S00-24 - I i.rliy, J. I .*. 1'ili j -and publishers 41M ; ncier So>i ;; ter, W. E. 1 ibraries and Harris* !.s, etc. . . 804-4^ eltine, M. W. Chats about novelists Lang, A B nen. . . . Langfoi 1. I. A. I ml their authors Manne S ime of the advan- tages of easily accessible reading and recreation rooms and free libraries; and suggestions for the selection of books. $054-0 Mathews, W. Hours with men and books. 617E54 Maurice, I.I' 1 -hip of books, etc. S04-6 BOOKS. iS° BOOTH. Books ami leading, continued. — Monmoftier, J. F. and Mcjilton, J. N. . High school literature S01-64 — Moore, C. II. What to read and how to read 8052-6 — I'enn, A. Home library S051-65 — Perkins, F. B., ed. Best reading. . . . 8052-7 — Porter, N. Books and reading 805-7 Pryde, D. Highways of literature; or, what to read and how to read S05-72 Pyi 10ft, J. Course of English reading. S05-74 — Rees, J. R. Pleasures of a book-worm. S051-7 — Ruskin, J. Sesame and lilies 79SE3 — Saunders, F. Story of some famous books S04-75 — Spence, J. Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men S077-S — Stephen, L. Hours in a library S04-S4 — Thwing, C. F. Reading of books: its pleasures, profits and perils S05-9 — Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them 805-92 — What shall I read ? S05-95 Wheatley, H. B. How to form a library. 8051-9 — Barnard, H., ed. Letters, essays and thoughts on studies and conduct, pp. 205-230 370-16 — Birrell, A. I Muter dicta. 2d series, pp. 284-291 153E4 — Clarke, J. F. Self-culture, pp. 307-326. 374-27 — Craik, D. M. (Mulock). Studies from life. pp. 67-86 655E7 — Emerson, R. W. Society and solitude. pp. 181-210 319E2 — Fields, J. T. Underbrush, pp. 3-04. . 350E9 — Helps, A. Friends in council. 1st ser. v. 1. pp. 221-242 461E8 Hunt, Leigh. World of books. In Prose masterpieces. v. I. pp. 25-40. . . . 808-7 Hurst, J. F. Life and literature in the Fatherland, pp. 175-268 443-49 Irving, \Y. Sketch-book. pp. 96-104. Iln- in oi I k-making 818-485 — King, T. S. Substance and show, etc. pp. 354-jSS 534E9 - Lamb, C. Last essays oi Elia. pp, 27- 35 554E4 ell, J. K. 1 '< "" 11 1 .0 j .uid other addre e . pp. 105-135 5SSE2 I ubbock, J. Pleasures oi life. pp. 4S- 88 600K1 Munger, T. T. On the threshold, pp. 155-1S2 204-65 Quincy, J. P. Protei 1 ion ol tnajoi tl pp. 109 127 304-6 Smith, A. Dreamihorpe. pp. 187 tio and 146-26; 835E1 Cur wen, II. A h istorj ol ellers, 1 he old 418-33 B01 iKSELLERS, continued. — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers 4181-3 — Mendell, and llosmer, Misses — . Notes of travel and life 470-63 — Perthes, C. T. Life and limes of Freder- ick Perthes 723BS Boon, Story of. Jackson, Mrs. 11. (11. J . . 510C1 BOONE, Daniel, b. 1735-fl'. 1820. Abbott, I. S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky '74^' — Bogart, W. II. Life of Daniel Boone. . 174B2 — I hake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 195-200 410-42 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 471-479 3 2 8Ei — Heroes and hunters oi the West. pp. II-18 9S7-52 — M'Clung, J. A. Sketches of western ad- venture, pp. 45-86 9S7-5S — McKnight, C. Our western border, pp. 253-343 987-59 — Peck, J. W. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biog. v. 23. pp. 11-203 412-86 — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 191-208 410-92 Boone, Mrs. Daniel. Frost, J. Heroic women of the West. pp. 26-31. . . . 41239-33 Boot and shoe-making. Leno, J. B. . . . 685-5 Booth, Almeda Ann. Garfield, J. A. Works. v. 2. pp. 290-319. [Almeda A. Booth: her life and character.] . . 818-45 ■ [Same article.] In Hinsdale, B. A. President Garfield and education, pp. 365-426 404B4 BOOTH, Edwin, American actor, b. 1S33. Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 2S6-292 and 347-354 "3iE6 — Barrett, L. In Matthews, J. B. and Ilutton, 1.., eds. Actors and actresses. v- 5- PP- 57-76 4179-6 — (.'lark, A. B. Elder and the younger Booth, pp. 1 19-180 174B5 dillin. C. \Y. Studies ill literature, pp. >55-!74 804-4 McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 591- 600 4123-6 BOOTH, Mrs. Emma Scan*. Karan Kim gle's journal. Phila., 1885. 12 . BOOTH, Junius Brutus, English tragedian, />. 1796-rf. 1852. Gould., T. R. The trage- dian ; an essay on the histrionic genius of J. I!. Booth [74B6 Booth, E. In Matthews, J. B. and Hut- 1 I... in — Wilson, II. S. Studies in history, etc. pp. 1-6S 4104-94 BORNEMANN, Mrs. M., [Oraquil, pseud.] Madame Jane, Junk and Joe. Borneo. Bock, C. Head-hunters ol Bor- neo 4 ii 1 1 7 Burbidge, F. W. The:; thesun. 4911 2 llatton. F. North Borneo, explorations and adventures on the equator 49 1 1 4 — Jacob. G. L. The Raja of Sarawak. An account of Sir James Brooke, given chiefly through letters and journals. [S5B6 — Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo. . . 4011 5 1 St. John, S. I -if-- fareasl ; or, n ■■ VI. mi 1, \\ . II. 1 1. I., 1 tern archipi ! Earl, G. W. Eastei (4- pp. 199 !42 11 .. W. T. Two years in the jungle, pp. 333-489 ; V. ill 1 e, A. R. Malay an hip. I I- [04 49°-9 nwood, J. Adventures of Reuben I ' 1 ■. idger. [A 1 M. I . II. Kan away from the Dutch. [A romam Borromi ' 1. See I hai li B eo, St. Borrow, Geo., English writer and tra /'. 1803 ', ''"-' priest. N. V., 1851. 12". -Wild Wales: it- people, language and ry. I ... 1868. 12 ; - Zincali, The ; 01 lain, with an original collection of their songs and poetry. Bound with B01 ■ . ' ■ Bible in S n. Smile-, S. Itrief biographies, pp. 87- 97 4>°-934 BORTHWICK, J. Douglas, ed. Harp naan ; or, selections from the poet Bible historical in Montreal, 1866. 12" 2451-24 Bi 1 k 1 , Bi ian. 5 . Bi ian B01 oihme. 1 . Bei nard. logic as the science of knowledge. /« Seth, A. and llal- dane. K. Ik. ids. Essays in philosoph- ical criticism, pp. 67-IOI 1 Bi ' bi " iM I ' uissant, A. I., t ',. Zimmcrn, II. '?«./ A. Stoiies from foreign novi pp. 291-503. [Biog. -ketch and ex- tracts.] S08-99 Bo 1 . Angiolina. Clayton. E. C. Queens ng. pp. 451 458 Bosni \ 1 reagh, I. Ovei the bordi Christendom and Eslamiah. . 4496-25 I . .::-, A. J. Through Bosnia and Her- nia a. j th, W. Slavonic pi th of the Danube, pp. 73 -96. . . Ranke, I.. History of Servia. pp. ;ii 374 — Set- also Turkey. Benjamin, S. < i. W. The n paradises, pp. 21-30 BOSSUET. 152 BOSWKI.L. BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne, French bishop and pulpit orator, b. i(>2j-d. 1704. History of the variations of the Protestant churches. 2. v. N. V. 12 2827-2 — Lear, H. L. Bossuet and his contempo- raries. L., 1874. 12° 176B5 —-Alison. A. Miseellancii 1 .-.tvs. pp. 42-51 115E1 — Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of celebrat- ed characters, v. 3. pp. 214-323. . . 410-63 — Saint-Beuve. C. A. Monday-chats, pp. 44-S3- - | 844-S - Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators of France. pp. 1 1-48. [Biog. sketch and oration for the Prince of Conde.] 4146-S W 1, \V., ed. Hundred greatest men. 187-190 • • 410-975 Boston, England. Hawthorne, N. Our old home. pp. 163-194 442-451 BOSTON, Mass. Bacon, E. M., ed. King's dictionary of Boston 47446-49 - Buttei worth. H. Young folk's history of Boston 9825-27 - Clapp, W. W. Record of the Boston stage 7S2-2 - Drake, S. A. Around the Hub: a boy's book about Boston 9S25-29 Historic fields and mansions of Middle- " ex 9S244-3 - Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston 9S25-3 - Frothingham, R. History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lex- ington, Concord and Bunker Hill. . . 1)751—3 Gilmore, P. S. History of the national peace jubilee and great musical festival held in Boston, June, 1869 77*4-4 Jubilee days: humorous features of the world's peace jubilee 7714-41 - Kidder, F. History of the Boston mas- sacre, March 5th, I 770 9825-5 King, M. Handbook of Boston. . . . 47446-5 I ui'lri, s. W. Spectacles for young ej Boston 47446-6 Scudder, II. E. Boston town 9825-8 Wheildon, W. W. 1 uriosities of history. Bo on, Sept. 17. [630-1880 9825-9 Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 327-332. . [31E6 D . S. p. J.if L - and society in America. 1st ser. pp. 207-219 47; 27 Fowler, W. W. Fighting fire. pp. 192- 4 ' 7- [The Boston fire.] 352 ; 1 - Hale, E. E. Woi I ingmi n' homes, pp. '55 '78 337«-4 How itt, M. \ ignetti oi Amei ii an his- tory, pp. 106 [12. Boston tea pai | 0738-45 Murray, W. II. II. Music hall ei mori - v. I. pp, ■ ! i 76 Moral 1 ondition of Boston 252-7 Boston, Mass., continued. Merrill, G. E. Master Hathorne's family. [A story of 1670.] 627A3 Quincy, E. The haunted adjutant, [and other stories.] . book: being specimens of metro- politan literature. P.., 1850. 12°. . . 170E4 Boston cook book. Lincoln. Mrs. D. A. . 041-6 BOSTON girl's ambition. Townsend, V. 1 •'. BOSTON lectures, 1S70: Christianity and .scepticism. B., 1S70. 12° 239-19 Contents. — Doctrine of human progress con- trasted with the naturalistic, by S. Harris Positivism as related to the development and destiny of the individual, by J. R. Herrick. — Uncertainties of natural and religious science, by C. M. Mead. — Equilibrium between physical and moral truth, by T. D. Woolsey. — Sover- eignty of law, by A. P. Peabody. — Miracles, by J. H. Seelye. — Rationalism, by G. P. Fisher. — From Lessing to Schleiermacher ; or, from rationalism to faith, by E. C. Smyth. — Histor- ical basis of belief, by J. L. Diman.— Argument for Christianity, complex and cumulative, by N. Porter. — 1871. Christianity and scepticism : com- prising.! treatment of questions in bibli- cal criticism. B., 1S71. 12° 239-2 Contents. — Relations of the Bible to the civ- ilization of the future, by A. Phelps. — Primeval revelation, by C. M. Mead. — Moses, by J. P. Thompson. — Joshua and Judges; or, the he- roic age of Israel, by W. S. Tyler. — Hebrew theocracy, by L. Bacon. — Prophet Isaiah, by J. Lord. — Gospel of the Hebrew prophets, by G. B. Cheever. — The apostle Paul, by G. P. Fish- er. — Criticism confirmatory of the gospels, by J. H. Thayer. — Jesus Christ, himself the all- sufficient evidence of Christianity, by D. S. Talcott. — Exclusive traits of Christianity, by M. Hopkins. Boston Monday lectures. 1SS0-S1. Christ and modern thought. B., 1SS1. 12°. 239-21 Contents. — Prelim, lect. Methods of meet- ing modern unbelief, by J. Cook. — The seen and the unseen, by T. M- Clarke. — Moral law in its relation to physical science and to popular re- ligion, by E. G. Robinson. — Christianity and the mental activity of the age, by I Guai The place of conscience, by M, Hopkins.- t>< velopmcnt, by J. McCosh. — Calm view of the temperance question, b} II 1 rosby.— Old and new theologies, by J. R. Crooks. — Facts as t" h\ 11 e 111 \<*w England, by s u Diki niticance of the historic element in scripture, by J. B. Thomas. — The thcistic basis of evolu- tion, by I C. Smith. — See also Cook, Joseph. Boston school kitchen text-book. Lincoln, Ml:. I ). A 64I-6I Bostonians. J es, Henry, jr. Bostwick, Lucj P. Margerj Daw in the i. in hen, and h hal .he leai tied 1 here. \illnmi, V Y., 1883. 8° 64I 21 Bi '.win, Sir A lex. Ri gei , C, d. tish minstrel, pp. 155-159. ! Biog sketch and poems.] 80921-7 Bl isw I II - 'S3 — B01 VNY I i [as., i , i' ■ i/. 1 796. I"in nal of [oui to ihi Hebrides with Sain Johnson, II.. I '., containing ;ome poel ii it piece I". I 'i . John or relative to the tour, rid m ei befori erie 1 ] 1 1 1 vei ation, literarj ind opinions ol men 1 1 1 I 1 Willi ;lll .mill. nil of tin: dis- ii 1 es and 1 .1 1 ■■■ ■ il I '■■ m ol K ing fame II, in the yi ai 1 ; p 1 ■ 1 Si. 1 1. 12° I|i-' 111. 1 1 - .'in. 1. I I lin ."ii. including a journal "I his 1 to Ihi Hebridi viiii nerous additions and note John Wilson Croker. ^ v. \. Y., 1855 ■ . 4 v. \. v.. 1858. 12°. 517B4 Same, includii ence with Mrs. Thrale, [and the whole] rev. by John Wright. 10 v. 1.. 1S7J. 1 -' . 517B41 1 .11 lyle, I . I iaj • . v. 4. pp. 67— 131. , • ■ ■■ 1 ■ 1111 field, I Battle, 1485.] Ad \\ . II. 1 1. Battle stories, pp.343 .;i s . 9208 1, I'." 1 \\\. Suidi isions: 1. General. 2. Economic. 3. I ieogi aphic. 1. General. Allen, G. Colin Clout's calendar. . . . 589 1 , Flowers and 1 heir pedigrees s s - 1 ; Bailey, L. II. Talk-, afield about plants and [Ik- science <'f plants 5S 1 2 Bailey, W. 1.. Trees, plants and flowers. 582 1 Balfour, J. II. Fii -\ 1 1 ol botany. -,s 1 64 1 arpenter, W. 1'.. Vegetable physiology and systematic botany 5S0-2 ke, M. C. Freaks and marvel plant life ;8i - Manual "I boti terms 5803 ; D'Anvers, \. Science ladders. Nos. 3 and 4 504 4 Darwin, C. Differenl forms ol flowers on plants of the same species 582 j Effects of cross and self-fertilization in the \ egetable kingdom Insectivorous plants. s x is 1 1 lliinbing plant- sNi s I-' Darwin, C. and F. Power of mov< menl >n plants . . 5S15 4; guier, I . Vegetable world. . . 1 .1. R. \\ . Seaside naturalist. . . 5895 35 I iilli'i, A. S. Propagation el plants. . . 63 1 | Iby, H. \ egel ible and animal p :y 591-34 V .... First lessons in botany and iology. 580-36 How plants behave. 3815 5 How plants grow 580—361 Introduction to and systematic botany 1 essons in botany and vegetable physi ol °gy- • ■. continued, "ina! nf the bol hem .... sain.-. Bound wit of botany, \eon- I ms in botany, and Field, f.] ... 1, F. II. Prim: any I lenfrcj , A. Elementary com any Herrick, 3. B. I hapters on plant life. . 5804-4 \\ I< V Hooker, J. D. Botany. [Science prim- er.] I in.. , W. P. 1 rues '- ■ al pui pose in nature Kellerman, W. A. Plant analysis. . . . 580 5 Koehler, A. Practical botany, structural and systematic 5S0-53 Le Maout, E. and Decaisne, J. General system of botany, descriptive and ana- al 580-6 . I. Ladies' botany. 2 v. . . . 480-57 Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits and leaves. 582-5 inn. F. Wonders of vegetation. . . 5804-6 Macmillan, II. Firsl forms of vegetation. 586-6 Masters, M. T. Plart life on the farm. . 6 Pettigrew, I. II. Physiology of the circu- lation in plants, in the lower animals ami in man 59' ' ' 7 Pratt, A. Haunt- 1. f the wild flowers. . 582 7 Roget, P. M. Animal and vegetable ph) siology •sup. E. I'lant-life 5S1 7 — Strasburger, E. Mi ii botany: manual of the microscope in vegetable histology 5 - Taylor, II Sagacity ami morality of plants s s l s Text-book "f western botany, [consisting of Coulter, J. M. Manual of the bot- any of tin- Rocky mountain region, . 1490,/. [527. \\ il On, J, G. Sketches of illustrious sol- PP. 45 57 MS 1 s Boi rbon, Louis de. & . 1 onde, Prin, . de. history of the ro] 1 1 Dauphin, 1 ouis \ V 1 1 oi Fi ance. N. v.. 1853. if 986B93 ;. Robert. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 1. pp. 212 21N. . . 411-25 • 1 ouis. rurnbull, R. Pulpit orators, pp. 7" 98 4146 s BOI i;i> VI "i E and Louis XI Y ; or, the preacher and the long. Bungener, L. L. F 193A2 Bourdon, Pierre Louis Marie, Frenchmath- ematicuin, {>. 1700 J. 1S54. Elements ol algebra; embracing Sturm's and Horner's theorems, ed. bj C. Davies. V \ .. 1866. 16° 512-2 BOURGEO er Mat B the 1 te 1 "I ili' congregation ol ' ■ D . V V., 1880 12° I. 1 1 I'.. 1 latholic pionci America, pp. 20S 303 Bot 1 ..1 1 . Paul. Renan, fose| I In Claret ie, |. und others. Fn lebrities. v. 2. |>[>. 40—58 \\ Bi 1 1 ■ iignon, II. On iitle plagui tagiou t) phu in horned cattle, history, origin, description and tri ment. Phila., 1869. 12° I G. An Apai he 1 in the Sierra Madre, an aci edition in pui nit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the spring of 1883. X. Y., 1886. 12° 9707-2 Bourne, Benj. Franklin. Captive in Pata- gonia; or, life among the giants: a per- sonal narrative. H., 1S53. 12°. . . . 4S29-25 BOURNE, Edward G. The surplus revenue of 1837 : being an account of its origin, its distribution among the states, and the uses to which il was applied. [Ques- tions of the day.] V V., 1885. 12°. \\i- i\ Boi RNE, Henry Richard Fox. English sea- men under the Tudors. 2 v. I... t- '2° • 437-17 Contents. — v. 1. Antecedent I I manship.— Voyagi Henry the I .' K's n.ivy.- < ,ith.t\ an enter] I her. — Sir Humphrey < Gilbert.— Sir V- ^h. — John Davis.— End of the Cathayan v. 2. Queen Elizabeth's navy.— Sir John Haw kins and Sir 3 D rven- ■ h — < ireal Armada fi — Famous London merchants: a book for i \ N. Y., [86g 4112 Content* Sir Richard Whittington. - I'll ■■ ; Sir William Herrick.— Sii I nythe. Sit Henry Gai Dudley 1.— I h >mas ( iuy — William Beckford — Henry rhornton.— Nathan Meyer Rothschild. — Samuel Gurney. — 1 .. i ■ .iiody. 1 ife of John Locke. 2 v. N. W, 1876. 581B2 Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. L., 1S62. s 823B2 Romance <>f trade. I... n. d. 12 . . . 380-2 Contents Wandering Jew — Wandering S in trade. Monopoly t ash- in trade. — Great fai I Ll marts — Manias and rj ible traders. [. S. Mill. In Mill, John .Smart, his life and times. PP- 5- 2 9 Boi RNE, Hugh. History of primitive meth- odists. /« Dow, 1. Life and writ- ings 208 -^ ROURNE. BOWEN. Bourne, John. A catechism of the steam engine. N. V., 1873. 12° 6211-14 — Handbook of the steam engine ; a key to Catechism of the steam engine. N. Y., 1865. 12°. Same, 1S72 6211-15 — Recent improvements in the steam en- gine ; containing descriptions <>f the more important modern engines, ami among them of the .steam, air ami gas engines shown at the Paris exhibition in 1867 : being a supplement to the Cate- chism of the steam engine. Phila., 1868. 16 6211-16 Bourne, Stephen. Trade, population and 1 1: papers on economic statistics. L., 1880. 8° 3304-2 BOURRIENNE, Louis Antoine Fouvelel de, French diplomatist, i. 1769-0?. 1S34. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Phila., 1832. 8°. 664B7 — Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. L.,n. d. 8° 6641:7 BOUSFIELD, II. B. Six years in the Trans- vaal ; notes of the founding of the church there. L., n. d. 16° 46S2-2 BOUSSENARD, Louis. Crusoes of Guiana; or, the white tiger. L., n. d. 16 . . 178A2 B01 11.11, Rev. Chas. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle age's: also .1 descriptive notice of modern weapons. 1.., 1S69. Same. N. Y., 1S70. . . . 3551-2 Gold working. In Bevan, G. P., eJ. British manufacturing industries, v. II. pp. 51-71 670-21 BOUTELLE family. Muz/.ey, A. B. Remin- iscenses and memorials of men of the rev- olution, and their families, pp. 300-307. 4121-6 Bouterwek, Friedrich, German philosopher and critic, b. 1766-d. 1828. History of Spanish literature. tr. by Thomasina Ross. L., 1847. 12 86(^2 B01 roN, John Bell. Roundabout to Mos- cow: an epicurean journey. N. Y., 1887. 12° 44°->7 B01 i"i 1 1, Geo. Sewall, American statesman, /,. 1818. Lawyt 1. the statesman and the soldier. N. Y., 18S7. 12° |t • • 1 , Contents. — Rufus Choate, tin: lawyer. Dan 1.1 Webster, thi state man.— President Lincoln, the statesman and liberator General Grant, 1 in oldiei ind statesman, ipeechi .ii"i papers relat ing to thi re bell ion and the overt hrow oi la irer; B., 1867. 12 9808-2 I houghl ;on educal 1 topi and insti- tution . B., 1S60. 12 170-23 Why I am a Republican. Hartford, [884. 12° B01 vii!>/' I . W. B. S1..1 j ..I I let bet 1 I ,,,■ ell ; 01 , li.m 1 "i" 1 1 1 handsi ime does. 1 ■ A. 12 '79A2 B01 VI RIE, William Preydell, earl of Radnor. Francis, G. II. Orators of the age. pp. 172-176 .... 411-37 Bow "( orange ribbon. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. Bowden, J. The naturalist in Norway : with some account of the principal sal- mon rivers. L., 1869. 12° 59194-2 Bowditch, Henry I. Public hygiene in America: being the centennial dis- course delivered before the International Medical Congress, Philadelphia, Sept., 1876: with extracts from correspond- ence from various stales, together with a digest of American sanitary law, b) Henry G. Pickering. B., 1S77. 12°. . 614 2 Bowditch, Nathaniel, American mathemati- cian, />. 1773-d. 1S3S. A life of Na- thaniel Bowditch [79B2 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. Il6- 123 410-478 I bind, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 268-2S2 4'°-5 8 — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 336-341 410-92 BOWDITCH, W. R. Analysis, technical val- uation, purification and use of coal gas. L., 1867. 8° 665-2 Bowen, Benj. F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170, A. D. Phila., 1S76. 12° 970-22 BOWEN, Chas. S. C. Administration of the law. In Ward, T. II., cd. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. I. pp. 2S1-329. . 93S-9 BOWEN, E. E. On teaching by means of grammar. In Farrar, F. W.. ed. Es- ) 3 on a liberal education, pp. 179— 204 375-3 BOWEN, Eli. Coal and coal oil; or, the ge- ology of the earth: a popular descrip- tion of minerals and mineral combusti- bles. Phila., 1S65. 12° 5532-17 Bowen, Francis, American scholar, b. 1S11. American political economy ; including trii hi', on the management of the currency and the finances iince [861. V Y., 1874. 8°. Same, 1870. ... ,; ," ' 1 Gleanings from a literary life, [838 1880. N. Y., 18S0. S° 179E1 Contents.- < Contest between thi ancients and moderns. 1 lassical ind utilitarian studies. — M in. .111 v ' 1 i 1 ' "ii 'In ilvei qui stion, 1S77. — Perpetuity "i national .!. l>t. 1868.- Financial mdui i of tin war, 1865. — Utility ami limit 1 tion ol i'i 'i 1 polit. economy, 1838. — Dualism, materialism, ■" idealism, 1878. Ii idea of cat die latest from the velopment theory, i860 Diseasi ""I malform ations not hereditable, [861. Psychical effects 1 etherization, 1873 Buckle's history of civil i /at it. 11. 1861.— J. S Mill . ..ii.iin i> .I I I mi i:mu I \ - '57 - II' Bowl , Fi i c i tti • ■ ih. mi I 'hilosophy, 1869 I In- human an I I 1 4 alt hu ti and p in Blai Pascal, 184 I lys I ■ attacl on Chri tj R toration of the ti 1 p iri thi baltli 1 1 m. in ii 1 , \ layman' tudy ol 1 he I ngli h 1 sidered iii its literal \ and secular as- pi 1 I. N. Y., 1885. 12° !201 1 [ntroducti m Thi Bibh as an H' it 11 in I '-I ment I' 1 1 .1I1] m| mil I I] 1 1 ,. ipcl i''| Phtlosoph; 1 r 'i** Bible. — I h .ti.i I In 1 ;iml the iustitiiii ■ 1 Mi Histor) 1.1 1 in United States. In Webei . 1 i. ( Outlines of univei sal history, pp. i" r" 9°S 93 lil, ni Baron Steuben. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 9. pp. 5 88. (.12 Si' 1 ii, ol Benjamin Lincoln. /«Sparks,J., ,-,/. \in, 1 1. hi biography, v. 23. pp. 2 1 1 434 1 1 _• .V . Life of James (His. hi Sparks. J., <•f the currency ami accountancy of tin- Unite. 1 Kingdom. P.. 1S54. 12 . . . 3314-2 Bowker, Richard Rogers, I conomics for the people. V Y.. 1SS0. 16°.. . . 330-25 lit work ami wealth: summary of econo- mics. \. Y.. 1SS3. 12 . [Economic tracts.1 Introduction, /;.• McAdam, 'i. Alpha- 1 finance 1 the Mor- 1 - and Ik- 1 ing. 66. 11 47J 1 'u, 11. ■. West. n. t. p. { : Switzi 16 1 . ■ ■ Iv. 1 70I: ) Bowles, 1 G D I ... 1871. 8°. . . Flotsam and jetsam: a yachtn 1 shore. \. Y., 1 12° Bowl is, \\ m. Lisle. Jerdan, W. have known, pp. 23-32 411 50 l!i i\\ MAX, Anne. Ileal hunters. n 12° I79A6 Boy pilgrims. L., n. d. 16°. . 17 Kangaroo hunters ; or, adventures in the Phila., n. d. Hi . 1 ; Bowman, Mi N. 1;. Gertrude, Queen of Denmark. In Thom, W. T. Two Shakespeare examinations. p.p. 105- 1 1 1 82 Bowman, S. M. and Irwin, R. I'.. Sherman ami h ns. X. Y., 1S05. S . S2ipS Bowne, Borden Parker, American edu I'. 1S47. s: a study in first principle-. X. Y., 1SS2. S° 1 i theism. X. Y ,, 1887. 8°. 201 1 1 Studies in theism. X. Y '., 1SS0. 12°.. 201 1; Bowne, Eliza Southgate. Girl's life eighty i - ago. Introd. by Clarem X. \ .. 1SS7. 8° Bowring, Sir John, LL. IK Philippine islands. 1... 1859. S° 1 I ! in ators of the age. pp. -45 248 -;n (7 Bo ham puzzle. Habberton, J. 'apt. Michael Jas. Ail venture explorations in new ami old Men X. Y., I.S69. 12° 472-16 Box, Thos. Practical hydraulics: rules ami tables f.,r the use of engineers. P., [873. '2° Practical treatise on heat, as applied to the u-eful arts, for the use of engin arch: 12 . Boxand Cox. Morton, I. M. Comediettas and farces, pp. 1 1 34 B 1 instruments and the slide-rule. Kentish. Thos 744-40 BOXER, Rev. Jas. Sacred dramas. B., 1875. 12 CffHi nn — Finding of ghter. BOY. -158- BOYNE. BOY and the constellations. Goddard, Julia. 294-4 Boy emigrants. Brooks, Noah 186A5 Boy engineers. Lukin, Rev. J 607-41 Buy from Bramley. Townsend, V. F. BOY hunters. Reid, Mayne 77SA2 in grey. Kingsley, H 3 8l ~5 6 Bo\ knight. Henty, G. A 464A4 Buy pilgrims. Bowman, Anne 179A62 Boy travelers in China. Wise, Rev. Daniel. 459-94 Boi travelers series. See Knox, T. W. Boy who sailed with Blake. Kingston, W. H. G 535A25 Boy with an idea. Eiloart, Mrs. — . . . . 312A2 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson, (Coun- try parson, pseud.,) Scottish essayist, I'. 1825. Autumn holidays. B., 1S65. 12 . [79E6 Counsel ami comfort spoken from a city pulpit. B., 1S66. 12° 252-23 Every day philosopher in town and coun- try. B., 1865. 12° I79E7 Graver thoughts of a country parson. 2 v. B., 1864-65. 12° 252-24 — Leisure hours in town. B., 1862. 12°. 179E8 Present-day thoughts: memorials of St. Andrews Sundays. L., 1S71. 12°. . . 252-25 — Recreations of a country parson. 2 v. B., 1866. 12° 179E9 BOYD, Belle. See Hardinge, Mrs. Belle (Boyd.) Boyd, E. W., ed. English cathedrals; their architecture, symbolism and history. N. v., 1SS4. 32° 724-2 BOYD, la-., English scholar, b. 1795-rf. 1856. Notes and indices. In Adam, A. Ro- man antiquities 4056-14 BoYD, [as. R., American educator, />. 1S04. Element oi English composition, gram- 1 ical, rhetorical, logical and practical. V V.. 1867. 12° 1 17-2 BOYD, Mark. Reminiscence "I MU years. V Y.. 1871. 12° 179B8 — Social gleanings. I... 1.875. 12°.. . . lyoBM Boyd, R. Nelson. Chili: sketches of Chili and the Chilians during the war. L., 1881. 12° $3-2 Bi r, 1., Robei 1. Wondei ful 1 areei "f M 1 1 and Sankcy, in Gt. Britain and America, villi the li id "id triumphs of faith, as illustrated in the lives of patri- archs, prophets, kings, and apostles. \. V., n. d. 16° 254-5 Boyd, Win., carl i'f Kilmarnock. Jesse, J. 11. 1 1 "it he Pretenders, pp. 1M. 411 59 1 !. 1.. 1 B 1, 1 « W h.ii ton, p eud.) Memoii of 1 he Jai obite >. v. 3. pp. fSi 479. pi' k ' BoYD-Kinneai fohn 1 John Boyd-. Buyer, Jean Pierre, b. 1776-a'. 1850. Mac- call, W. Foreign biographies, v. 2. pp. 204-221 410-67 BOYES, J. F. Lacon in council: a medley of maxims, epigrams and opinions. L., n. d. 12° 807-26 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, b. 1848. Goethe and Schiller : their lives and works, in- cluding a commentary on Goethe's Faust. N. Y., 1879. 12 4183-2 — Gunnar: a tale of Norse life. N. Y., 1S80. 12°. — Falconberg. N. Y., 1879. 12°. — Idyls of Norway and other poems. N. Y., 1S82. 12° 179C7 — Ilka on the hill-top. N. Y., 1881. 12°. — Modern vikings : stories of life and sport in the Norseland. N. Y.. 18S7. 12° 179A72 — Queen Titania. N. Y. 1SS1. 12°. — Story of Norway. N. Y., 1SS6. 12°. [Story of the nations.] 94S1-2 - kales from two hemispheres. B., 1877. 12°. Kideing, W. II. Boyhood of living authors, pp. 163-177 418-74 Boyhood of great men. F'dgar, J. G. . . 410-44 BOYHOOD of living authors. Kideing, W. H 418-74 BOYLE, <;. Ik Richard Baxter. N. Y., 1884. 12° i.;oBo Boyle, Hamilton. Essays. In Moore, E. and Dodsley, R., eds. The world. 3 v. . 1S4F.1 BOYLE, Isaac. Historical view of the coun- cil of Nice. In Eusebius. Ecclesiasti- cal hist 2701-33 Boyle, John, earl of Cork. Essays. In Cole- man, G. and Thornton, B., eds. The connoisseur, v. 1-2 184E1 — Essays. In Moore, E. and Dodsley. R-, , ■,/',. I he world. v. 1-3 184E1 Boyle, Richard, 3d carl of Burlington. Lodge, F. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 7. pp. 205- ji.S 411-65 Boyle, Bob, -it. In i t and philosopher, /c 1626 ./. [691. Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance, pp. 117-120. . . . 410-32 1 1:11k. 1.. I.. Pursuit of knowledge. pp. ;■•'' 138 410-35 I .id;;.-, E. Portraits "I illustrious per- il i ; i. nl 1.1. Britain. \ . 6. pp. 227- 238 4II-65 — Titnli . J. Great inventors, pp. 245 253. 1160 o B.iyi.i led mi- ■■. 1864. Mi 1 1 s ale, < . 1 !on- iri -.I the Roman empire 2701-5 1865. Merivale, C. Conversion of the in .1 1 he! n nations 274-5 Boyne Water. Banim, J. i;<>\ NTON BR \< l.l.l l Bi > ■ N 1 1 in, I li.i :. Brandon, I ■ n clergy- man, />. [806 , J. II. 1 1 1 1 tt 1 Mi ■ 455A4 ■ mi Griffith, R I hop, with plan .'■ foi in-door and out-dooi work. B 1 16 « Boyton i i ! rmick, E. nd Wond .cl. pp. 2 \\ 2 r.". ro .. \\ in. O'Ri illy, M. Irish 77' ; : 1. M. Kcd ling, ( '.. Personal rem- iniscem • of < minent men. v. 1. pp. I ' Bi pbell, J. ' justii of 1 v. 1. pp. 79 N5. 41 1 24 I . 1 lias, Luring, b, 1826. Dam classes oi New Vork, and twenty yi woi k among 1 hi m. V V .. 1 J72. 12''. Home-life in Germany. >. Y., 1853. 12 ;,! ; with an expei iei 1 — New wes ■ . alifornia ii N. 1 ., 1- 2 J 4794-iS Not e-folk; or, a visit to the homes ol Norway and Sweden. N. Y., li 12 the old world : a manual of eth- nology. V ¥"., 1S64. 8° 572 2 Shoi io news-boys: with a his- tory of the formation of the news-boys' lodging house. N. \ ., [866. 16 . . . Brai i, I".. J. C. Eucalyptus plantations, [pp. 241 282.] Forest-tree nursei [pp.i 54.] In Rattray, J. and Mill, H. I is. forestry and forest products. 71; 7 Brai 1 BRIDGE ball; or, the humorists. Irv- ing, W \ ■■ ■ 1 . [824. I'.cau- marchais. N. Y., 1868. 8°. Brack] has. (tooth, colonel. Fred- erick the Great. X. \ 12 . Same. 1 382B1 -.rn ...1. Henry M., b. iyS6-d. 1^71 . Recollections of persons and places in the west. I'hil.u, 1S6S. 12° 1 — Second war with England. 11. t. p. 12°. 971 B GE, Hugh Henry, 1 ; 1M11. Moore, 1., ed. American quence. v. 1. pp. 356-360 Brackei 1, Anna C..<. 49-71 4169-95 BRADDOCK, Edward, general, b. about 171 5— d. 1755. Sargent, W., ed. History of an expedition against Fort Du O uesne in 1755, under Maj.-Gen. E. Braddock. 9749-S — Parkman, F. .Montcalm and Wolfe, v. 1. pp. 187-233 971-67 Bkaden, Clark. Problem of problems, and its various solutions; or, atheism. Dar- winism and theism. Cinn., 1S77. 12 . 239 22 Bradford, John. Taylor, C. B. English martyrs, pp. 1 13-130 2726-8 Bradford, Sarah H. History of Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. N. V., 1S65. 1 6° 724B7 Story of Columbus, simplified for the young folks. N. Y., 1S63. 16°. . . . 243B1 BRADFORD, Wm., governor of Plymouth col- ony, l>. 15(10-1/. 1657. Richardson, C. F. American literature, pp. 72-81. . S10-7 BRADLAUGH, (has. Impeachment of the House ol Brunswick. P., 1875. 12 . . 937-2 — Hinton, 1-;. J. English radical leadei PP- 3°5 .i^5 4H-5 McCarthy, J. II. England under Glad tone. PP- .i s 5' 93 8 ~57 Bradley,A.C. Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 1 1 8092-9 . . I 1 Ch ipters. In Siam and 1 as seen by our American missi aries 21 159 ; Bradley, />' 1 '■■ rd, (Cul hbei 1 Bede, B. K., pseud.) Adventures of Mr. Verdanl n, N. V., 1870. 8° 82 I in Tartan land. n. t. p. 12°. . . I) 1 -' I t , ey, Geo. Granville. Rei 1 illei I < Vrthui Penrhyn Stanley. N. Y.. 1883. 12° 851B8 1 1 , I [enry. Storj ol tin Goth . fi the eai lie ' 1 ime to the end "I 1 he "ii 'I inion in Spain. \ . V., [885. 1 hi m . I 01 Bradley, Mrs. M. E. Birds of a feather. B., 1869. 16° 180A37 — Douglas farm : a juvenile story of life in Virginia. N. V., 1865. 16° 180A25 — Handsome is that handsome does. . . . 180A27 Bradley, Wm. Henry, M. D. Everest, C. A.,ed. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 307- 314. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . . S0914-4 BRADLEY, Warren Ives, (Glance Gaylord, pseud.), b. iS47-r/. 186S. After years: sequel to Culm rock. B., 1867. 16 . 1S0A35 — Culm rock. n. t. p. 16 180A39 — Mr. Pendleton's cup : story for boys. 1'.., 1S6S. 16 180A43 — Will Rood's friendship. B., 1S6S. 16 . 180A48 BRADSHAW, John. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. v. 2. pp. 137— 150. . N. Y., 1S73. v. 1. pp. 382-392. Phila., 1853 411-24 Brady, Jas. T. McCabe, J. D. Great for- tunes and how they were made. pp. 435-447 4123-6 Brady, Sir Maziere. Burke, O. J. Lord chancellors of Ireland, pp. 270-277. . 41 13-2 BRADY, Richard, bishop of Kibnore. O'Reil- ly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors. PP- '65-174 H42-''5 BRADY, Samuel. Heroes and hunters of the west. pp. 38-44 987-5 2 - M'Clung. J- A. Western adventure, pp. 379-391 987 58 Brady, Wm. N. The kedge-anchor ; or, young sailor's assistant. N. Y., 1879. 8° 651-2 Mr ig . Braxton, Confederate general, b. 1S15- d. 1876. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 2S4-308 41225-5 Bi " '., II. A. Tekel; or, Cora Glencoe. Phila., 1870. 12°. Brahe, Tycho, Danish astronomer, b. 1546- . Martyrs of science; or, the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, pp. 117-183. . . 416-2 Brahmanism. Chatterji, M. M. Bhagavad Gita, 01 I "id'- Lay ' Kaegi, Adolf. Rigveda 2931 -5 Miiller, F. Max. Sel iys on lan- ige, i" I hoi and 1 :lig 652E4 RUckert, F. Wisdom of the Brahmin: a didai tii poem 8318-75 Barth, A. Religions ol India, pp. 39- 100 - 1 mil. J. Relig 10I India. ///Faiths 1 il 1 he world. pp. 1 in 1 ! 10 1 I I.111I v. i.l.. 1 . ' In isl and other in 1 i'i \ . 1 pp i'i" 205 '"17 Pari 1 His star in the east. 102 ler, J. T. History of Indi • 954-9 BRAHMl I. 161 BR V BrAhmo Samaj. Cobbe, F. P. Hi I w..i k and play. pp. 59 86 • r 1] , 1 11 , Mi 1. 1. I .. ' '1 n hi in! 11 peo pie. pp. 1 1 ; [62. 1 ,1 r 1.1 UN r. 1 itian, 1 1. The brain 1 an 1 u ■ 1 mind 170-16 ( lalderwood, 1 1. Relal s ol mind brain 170-19 1 1. 11 Ice, E. 1 1. Building of a bi ain. 5761 1 liiii.nl, W, K. Seeing and thinking. . i.Ni 3 Corning,. J, I. Brain exhaustion, with ome 1 ■ 1 < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 j nli 1 .11 ions on cei ebral dynamic s 6169-3 I low -■'. I ■ S. Brain and nerve es ha u nun: "Neurasthenia," its nature and in al n r in 11 inc-iu 6169-4 I aycock, T. Mind and brain '7°-55 l.uvs, J. Brain and its functions. . . . 170-6 Winslow, F, 1 lb icure disea >es of 1 he brain and disorders of the mind. . . . 17; 9 Calvert, G. H. Brief essays, pp. 78-89. 201E5 I I in ton, J., ed. Physiolog) for prai tii al IM'. PP. I 32 6I2I-4 Sequard, < !. E. Brow n-. Have we two brains? In Tribune popular science. I' 1 i- l'P' 2 <)-3S 5 02 -9 abo Anatomy. Insanity. Intellect. Mental pathology. Mental physiology. Nerves. Psyi hology. BrAINARD, (."ha-.. II. Recollections of Thackeray. In Parton, J., ed. Prince , authors and statesmen, pp. 52— 56. . . 410 83 Bl linard, John Gardner Calkins. Everest, ( . W., ed. I'm 1 , n| ( nnnccticul. pp. 259-276. [Biographical sketch and 1 nis.] 80914-4 Hood, E. P., ed. Master-minds of the west. pp. 13 31 . . 412 54 BRAINERD, David, missionary to tlk Indians, I: 1718-rf. 1747. Peabody, \V. B. O. /// Sparks, J., ed. American biography. V. 8. pp. 261-372 412 Si. Vonge, C. M. Pioneers ami foundei ;. PP- 34-47 4H9-98 Brainero, J. A., joint author. Wright, 1 . and Brainerd, J. A. Historic ini idents and life in India 454-97 Bs \i 1 iiu vi 1 e, Joseph Bevan, .,/. Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney, with selections from his journal and correspondence. 2 v. in 1. Phila., 1S62. 8° 443B6 Braki spi \ki . 1 aw rence, 1 '•. A, Bramah, Joseph. Howe, II. Eminem mechanics, pp. 350 354 41 -37 4 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 209-211 410-92 Smiles, S. Industrial biography, pp. " s -44 H09-8 — Timbs, J. Inventors, pp. 370 372. . 609-79 1 e, C. M rali from the er ol Men y. \. Y ., n. d. 12 . Bramh 1 rchbp. of Armagh, Ik about 1593 d. 1663 I. Illn 11. tioo of the liturgy tnd 1 ilttal 21 Br \m 1 1 1- .11 ij Bishop follj 1 ■ er, 1 Bl 11 ro - l.-lin. 1 ampbell, J. ( jii^i ii e . nl I Ingland. v, 1 . pp. J2 1 Phila., 1853. v. ... pp. 53-64. N. Y., 1873 411-24 1 mong the rose ;. Miller, In Rain 01 ies. pp. 241 2S4. . . I Marj ii \ maidens, n. t. p. 16° 1 I udi 1 and h, 1 rule) from - buchadnez- zar to Vespasian. I... n. d. 12 . . . 13-3 Con!, tii Babylon. — P--r ia • mcce 1 pi and Syria Independence. — Rome.— \ I.) I ilph and Bruno. I... 1 S 7 5 . 12 . - joint author. Awdry, Frances, and others. Miz Maze. I .. (883. 12 . BRAMWELL, F. I. 1 Hi the steam engine. In Si tires al South Kensington. v. 1. pp. 11 1-172 502-81 M. 1 llivet I ■'.. ed. I [amilton speaker. V Y., (878. 12° SOI-2I Brand, John, Eng. antiquary, t. 1741-*/. 1806. Observations of the popular an- tiquities of Great Britain; chiefly illits- trating the origin of our vulgar and provincfal customs, ceremonies and su- perstitions. Arranged and revised by Sil Henry Ellis. 3 V. I... 1N53. 12°. . . 3832-2 Brand, Wm. Francis, Life of Win. Rol- lingson Whittingham. 2 v. X. Y.. 1883. 8° • 0471:7 BRAND of Dominic; or. Inquisition. Rule, Wm. II 2722 6 Brande, Wm. Thos. and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. Phila., 1867. 8° 540-2 Brandenburg, House of. Ranke, L. Mem- of the House of Brandenburg and hisi ~ia, during the 17th and 181 h ' nn ui ies Brandes, Georg Moritz Cohen, />. 1S42. Eminent authors of the 19th century: literary portraits, tr. by K. I!. Anderson. \. V.. 1886. 12° Contents. — Paul Heyse. Hans Christian An- dersen. — John Stuart Mill. — Ernest Rena Esaias Tegner.— Gustave Flaubert. — Frederick Paludan-Muller. — Bjornstjerne Bjomson — ttenrik 1 1 Lord Beaconsfield, a study. X. Y.. 12° Brandon, Chas., duke of Suffolk. Lodge, 1". Portraits of illustrious personages 1 Gt. Britain, v. I. pp. 91-98. . . 411 65 BRANDT. 162 BRAZIL. BRANDT, Henry von. Chesney, C. C. Mil- itary biography, pp. 241-292 4 1 5 1 —3 Brandywine, [Battle of, 1777.] Lippard, G. Legends of the American revolu- tion, pp. 299-3S8 975S-5 BRANKSOME Dene. Walmsley, II. M. Brannan, Win. P. Vagaries of Vandyke Browne, an autobiography in verse. Cinn., 1S65. 1 6° 180C5 Brant, Joseph, (Thayendanega,) Mohawk chief, b. \l\2-d. 1S07. Eggleston, E.and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket . 1S0P.4 — Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant. . . 1S0B6 BRAN roME, Pierre de, French historian, b. 1540-*/". 1614. [Selections]. In Vance, Alex., tr. Romantic episodes of chivalric and mediaeval France 944-93 Brasidas. Cox, G. \V. Creek statesman. v. 2. pp. 158-179 4'°2-3 Brass. Larkin, J. Practical brass and iron founder's guide 671-55 Brassey, Lady Anne. In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties. N. Y., •8S5. S° 4375-2 — Sunshine ami storm in the East ; or, cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. N. Y., 18S0. 8° 4499-22 — Voyage in the "Sunbeam." N. Y., n. <*• f 4371-2 — Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who be- came famous, pp. 300-319. . . . . . 413-2 BRASSEY, Thos., English contractor, b. 1805- d. 1S70. Helps, A. Life and labours of Mr. Brassey 1S0B8 — Japp, A. IL, ( H. A. Page, pseud.) Golden lives, pp. 136-179 4104-75 Bra ey, Thos., baron, son of preceding, b, 1837. Foreign work and English wages, considered with reference to the depres- iion of trade. L., 1S79. 8° 336-19 — Work and wages practically illustrated. V V., 1X72. S° 336-2 Laboi in England. /// Atlas essays, No. 3. Labor. Pile republic. pp. 20-37. 3°4 _ I7 Navy. In Ward, T. II. , cd. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 1. pp. 234-280. . 938 9 - 1 1 inidii , K. J. English radical leaders. 1'P- l6 ' '79 M '-5 BRAUN, Karl. Short historical sketch ..f gunpowder, trans, by J. P. Wisser. /// Berthelot, M. P. E. Explosive materi als. pp. 119 138 662-2 B ER, 01 Brouwer, Ad riaen, Dutch paint- er, b. about 1605-r/. [638. Gower, R. Figure painters of Holland, pp. 9 13. 41747-4 M; , \l. 1 Vlrlii, it, ■. I children. pp. I4S 4>°-72 Bl 1 girls. < atherwood, Mai y II. and others 209A4 Brave hearts. Raymond, R. N., (R. Cray, pseud.) Brave lady. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock.) Bravest of the brave. Plenty, G. A. Bravo, The. Cooper, J. F. Brawnville papers. Tyler, M. C. . . . 6136-86 Braxton, Carter. Dwight, N. Signers of the declaration of independence, pp. 3 2 i-3 2 4 4'2l-3 — Lossing, B. J. Signers of declaration of American independence. pp. 197— 200. . 4121-53 Br \y, Mrs. Anna K 1 i ^ a , b. lyqo-d. 1883. De Foix : a romance of Beam of the 14th century. L., 18S4. 12°. — Fitz of Fitz-Ford. L., 18S4. 12°. — Protestant, The. L., 18S4. 12°. — Talba, The. L., 1884. 12°. — Warleigh. L., 1884. 12°. — White hoods: an historical romance. L., 1884. 12°. Bray, Mrs. R. M. Petite ; or, the story of a child's life. N. Y., 1873. 16 . . . 1S0A8 Brayman, Jas. O. Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Phila., 16° 180A9 BRAYTON, Mary Clark. See Maynard, Mary- Clark (Bray ton). Brazen gates. Smith, Julie P 381-81 Brazil. Agassiz, L. J. and Mrs. E. C. Journey in Brazil 481-12 — Andrews, C. C. Brazil, its condition and prospects 481-14. — Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the river Amazons 4S1-17 — Burke, U. R. and Staples, R. Business and pleasure in Brazil 4S1-2 — Burton, R. F. Explorations of the high- lands of the Brazil: with a full account of the gold and diamond mines. . . . 481-22 — Codman, J. Ten months in Brazi'. . . 481-25 — Ewbank, T. Life in Brazil 4S1-3 — Hadfield, W, Brazil and the river Plate in 1868 4Sl-43 — Haiti, Ch. F. Scientific results of a journey in Brazil, by Louis Agassiz and his traveling com] 5581-4 — Herndorl, \V. L. and Gibbon, L. Ex- ploration nf the valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the Navy department 481-45 -- Kidder, I). P. and Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and 1 In- Brazilians 481-5 Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. |So 7 Oswald, F. I . Days and nights in the tropics 481-7 Smith, II. II. Brazil, the Amazons and the coasl 481-8 Wallace, A, K. Ti.m el ion I he Amazon and Kio Negro 481-9 iik \/u 163 1:1 1. r.i 1 1 1 , - ontinued. W.11 ner, J. E. Para: cene on I he \ m 1 /nil |> I 91 Wells, |. W. Three thou and mile through Brazil 4M 02 Wither, T. P. Bigg-. Pi :ering in outh Brazil \&l 9 ; 1 iallenga, A. Soul li America pp. 359- 400 480-4 Half-hours in many lands, pp. 185 212. 4.39 1 < > I [elpei , II. R. 1 tddments "I Andi an dipli imai y. pp. 335 4 ~ ' • . I mperial Bra il 3419-4 Jenkins, |. S. Voyage of the U. S. ex- ploring squadron, pp. 41-57 437—5 1 Reynolds, J, N. Voyage of the U. S. frigate 'Potomac' pp. 24-58 4571 8 Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. IT' 53^-553. Catholic and protestant countries 204-84 Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South seas. v. I. pp. 13-IOI 100 St — Ellis, E. S. Up the Tapajos ; or, adven- tures in lirazil .i 1 I Vs — See also South America. Bread. Jago, W. Chemistry of wheat, flour, and bread: technology of bread making 6642-5 Wynter, A. Subtle brains and li ;om figures, pp. 376-384 304 91 Bl BAD and-cheese and kisses. Farjeon, li. I.. BR1 mi an I oranges. Warner, Susan. . . 924. \I2 BREAD-winners, a social study. N. V., 1SS4. 16°. I'.ii iKERS ahead. McKeever, II. 11... 601 \.' BREAKFAST, dinner and tea: viewed classic* ally, poetically and practically : con- taining numerous curious dishes and feasts of all times and all countries. N. V.. 1875. 12° 642S-2 Breakfast in bed. Sala, G. A S02E1 Breakfast, luncheon and tea. Terhune, Mrs. M. V.. (M. Harland, pseud.) . . 641-44 Bri iKlNG a butterfly. Lawrence, G. A. lit 1 vKING the rules. Paull, Mrs. H. li. . . 718AS kKSPEARE, Nicholas. See Adrian IV. 1 ■ 1 1 : 1 i 1 . John de. Murray, J. O'K. Catho- lic pioneers of America, pp. 222 233. 4142 6 Parkman, F. Jesuits in X. America. . >>;i 61 Breck, Joseph. New book of flowers. N. V.. 1866. I2°- "I5-I8 BRECKENRtDGE, Rev. John, b. 1797 d. i S4 1 . Controversy between Rev. Messrs. Hughes and Breckenridge, on the sub- ject: "Is the protestant religion the religion of Christ." 2S2S-4 I'.kt 1 kENRUH-.i:, John ('.. I'm neral, . 1%21-d. 1875. In Pollard. E. A. 1 ife of Robert E. Lee. pp. 601-620 (i [ IDCE, Robert [el n. Clarke, J. 1 Mi morial an. I bii he \. PP- 2.i.i 242 Fi li. 1 1 . 1 Pulpit eloquent e. pp 284 2521 4 bi n in the I ■. Payni I 1 *>i< 1- tut , I.. Political eloq in I .ieece : I >e thene . with extracl from his ■ ■I in. hi , tnd a critical discu ion of the '• Trial oi the 1 row n," tr. by M. |. M Mahon. Chi 1X81. 8°. ... 8856-6 Bl 1 in, \\ P., D. />. Aboard and abroad in [884. V V., 1885. 12° ,42 IS BR] 11 m, Alfred Edmund, German naturalist, />. lS29-i\. J. Lions: living or dead. pp. 237-243 410-4 I illy famous women, pp. 2S5-286. . . 413-4 BRENNAN, Martin S. Popular exposition of tricity: with sketches of some of its discoverers. X. V., 1885. 12°. . 537-1S Brentano, Clemens, b. 177S-,/. 1S42. Krieker. Kate Freiligrath-. Xew fairy tales from Brentano. . . 581-23 BRENTANO, Lujo. On the history and de- velopment of Gilds and the origin of Trade-unions. 1... 1870. 8° 3369-2 Bl i ' 1. Abraham Louis, ■'■. 1747. Small beginnings, pp. 206-213 4'°-03 I . Johan. footsteps of the reform- 1 foreign lands, pp. 1,0-145. ■ • 2706-42 Bresciam, Rev. Antonio. Edmondo: a sketch of Roman manners and customs. N. \ ., 1877. 12°. — Lionello: sequel to Jew of Verona. I... 1S61. 12°. BRESSANT. Hawthorne, Julian. [•ON mills. Bellamy, C. J. BRETTE. 164 — BRICKS. Brette, Rev. P. H. E. French principia. pt. 3. An introduction to French prose composition. N. Y., 1SS7. 12 . . . . 122-25 Breughel brothers. Sternberg, Baron Alex. BREVIA: short essays and aphorisms. Helps, Arthur 461 E5 Brevity and brilliancy in chess. Hazeltine, M. J 789-4 Brewer, E. Cobham, />. 1810. Dictionary of phrase and fable. L., 11. d. 12°. . S06-2 — Guide to Roman history, from the earli- est period to the close of the western empire. N. V., 1S57. 16° 919-21 — Guide to the scientific knowledge of things familiar. N. Y., 1850. 16°. . . 504-23 — Theology in science. L., n. d. 12 . . . 215-12 Contents. — Geology. — Physical geography. — Ethnology. — Philology. — Plurality of worlds. Brewer, J. S. Reign of Henry VIII, from his accession to the death of Wolsey ; reviewed and illustrated from original documents, ed. by James Gairdner. 2 v. L., 18S4. S° 9352-2 Brewer's family, The. Ellis, Mrs. — . . 314A8 Brewer 1 <>x, G. Douglas. War in Kansas: a rough trip to the border among new homes and a strange people. N. Y., 1856. 16 9881-2 Brewing. Bickerdyke, J. Curiosities of ale and beer 6633-16 — Byrn, M. L. Complete practical brewer. 6633-2 — Pooley,T. A. Brewing and distilling. In British manufacturing industries, ed. by li. P. Bevan. v. 12 664-2 — Prescott, H. P. Strong drink and tobac- co smoke 663-6 Brewster, Abraham. Burke, (). J. Lord chancellors of Ireland, pp. 307-314. . 4113-2 l'.i j WSTER, Annie H. M. Compensation ; or, always a ful inc. 1'hila., 1S70. 12°. — St. Marlins summer. B., 1S66. 12°. Brewster, Sir David, British philosopher, b. 1 7 S 1 pi oi l he Chri tian. I,., 1870. 12° 52313-2 Sii Isaac Newton, n. 1. p. 16°. . . . CS0B4 1 osi "i" j : 11 In toi v. theory and con- ii 11 lion. I.., 1870. 12° 7698 2 Drake, S. A., ed. Our greal I fai toi ;. 137-4 1" 1 1 ■ ■ 1 -• Brewster, continued. — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 584- 586 410-7 — Timbs, J. Inventors. pp. 250-252. [Kaleidoscope.] 609-79 Brewster, Emma E. and Scribner, Lizzie B. Parlor varieties, pt. 2. Plays, pan- tomimes and charades. B. , 1886. 16°. 785-25 Brewster, Geo. Lectures on education. Columbus, 1S33. 8° 370-24 Brewster, Wm., b. 1560-a'. 1644. Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 351-359. 920-25 — Derrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 265-288 4143-4 Brian Boroihme; or, Brian , Boru, king of Ireland. It. about 927-1/. 1014. Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. pp. 25-43. . . 410-165 — McCarthy, J. H. Eminent Irishmen, pp. 52-59 941-54 Bki AR-hill lectures: certain aspects of the church. Smith, J. C 2838-75 BRIc-a-brac. Hall, H. B. Adventures of a bric-a-brac hunter 440-45 Bnic-a-brac series. Stoddard, R. IL. ed. N. Y., 1874-78. 16°. Anecdote biog- raphies of Thackeray and Dickens. . . 4182-S6 — Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs ; a journal of the reigns of George I V. and William IV 437^3' — Personal reminiscences by Barham, Har- ness and Hodder 4182-87 — Personal reminiscences by Chorley, Planche and Young 41S2-85 Pel >onal reminiscences by Constable and Gillies 4182-92 Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt and others 4182-91 Personal reminiscences by Cornelia Knight ami Thomas Raikes 4182-89 — Personal reminiscences l>v Moore and Jerdan 4182-8S Personal reminiscences by O'Keefe, Kel- ley and Taylor 4182-9 , — Prosper Merimee's letters to an incognita with recollections by Lamartine and Geot ge Sand 4184-8 BRlC-a-brac stories. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. 348A3 BRicK-dust : a remedy for the blues, and a something for the people to talk about. Pomeroy, M. \l 817-75 r.Kiik-l. lying. Burn, R. S. Building con struction: show ing the employment of brick, siime and slate 693- 23 — Davidson, E. A. Drawing for brick-layers 744 3 Bricks and brickmaking. Davis, C. T. Practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles, ten tta, etc 6663-37 Dol E. R tidimenl irj treatisi the manufacture ol brii 1 and tiles. • . . 6663-4 BRICKS. BRIDGM Bricks and brii k mail ing, mtinued. Knapp, F . < 'hemii al te< lim ■!• g v. 2. pp. jn 146 ■ • • • Bricks withoul straw. Tourgee, V. W. l;i 11 i.u 1 'i 'i i, Edwin I lampii 1 . Boat 1 g ; or, I he hi of rowing md tra I -.. i*7"- 12 7949 Bridal man h. Bjornson, B. BRIDAl ol Borthwick. Moir, D. M. hi Club-book. pp. 41-60. Bridi . The. 1 1 ii .1111.1. 1 Baillie, I". a. I tra- 111. mi and poetical works, pp.665 l,s l ' Bridi "i Messina. [Drama.] Schiller, K Works, v. 3. pp. 445 516 836 2 Bride of the iconoi last, .1 poem, ami sug- ge -i ions t"» .ml the mei hanical arl of verse. II.. 1854. 12 iS;i j Bride of the Nile. [Hist, romance.] Ebei . < ieo. 2 V. Bride of the Rhine. [Rivei Moselle.] War- ing, G. 1''. 4434-9 BRIDES and bridals. Jeaffreson, J. C. 2\. .5925-5 Bridge, J. Frederick. Counterpoint. I... n. d. 8° 771S-2 Double counterpoint and canon 7718-21 Bridge, Horatio. Derby.J.C. Fifty years among authors, I L^ and publishers. pp. (130-636 4'8i-3 Bridge disasters in America: the 1 ause and the remedy. Vose, Geo. 1. 624-9 Bridgeman, Orlando. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. pp. 22$ 236. . . 411-25 Bridgeman. See also Bridgman. Bridges, E. s., lieut.-col. Round the world in six months. I... 1879. 8° 1 38 17 Bridges. Baker, B. Long-span railway bridges 624-15 — Bender, C. Practical treatise on the prop- erties of continuous bridges 624-17 — Proportions of pins used in bridges. 624-1S Burr, W. II. Stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs and aspen ton bridges 624 2 — Cain. W. Maximum stresses in framed bridges • ampin, F. Treatise on the application "f iron to the construction of brid girders, roofs and othei works 624-25 Cargill, T. Strains upon bridge girders and roof trusses 624 '7 Crehore, J. I >. Mechanics of the girder: a treatise ..n bridges and roofs 624—3 1 ii mp >ej . ( i. D. Tul111l.11 and other iron girder bridges. Bound with Campin, F. I ' eatise on bridgi , eti Dowling, C. H. Iron work: practical formula' and general rules for finding the strain, and Weal-ills' weight of « roughl iron bridges 1 ntinued. Green, C. E. Tru e and at 2 Ml I laupi, II. 1 leneral theory COI 1.2 1 l \ ■ Hutchii 1 G of bridge building in wrought 624 Ranken, 1 . A. Strains in tru of diagrams »..■ R er, A. Elementary theory and cal- eul Shreve, S. II. < >n the strength of brid and roofs . (.. I.. Manual for railroad en- is 625-8 Winton, J, G. M idem workshop prac- tice — ISaki yell, I ' I ireat facts, pp. 294. Tubular bridges 609-2 — Mah. in. I '. II. Elementary course of civil engineering, pp. 204-269 620-5 Martin, (.. A., ed. Fences, gates and bridges 6304-6 Bridget, Saint, Life of. Bound with Life oi Saint Patrick 4142-7 BRIDGEWATER treatises. Bell, C. The hand, its mechanism and vital endow- ments, as evincing design 210-102 — Buckland, W. Geology and mineral with refi natural theology. 2v 55°'-23 — Chalmers, T. Power, wisdom and good- 1 ui the adaptation of ex- ternal nature to the moral and intellect- ual constitution of man 210-106 — Kidd, J. Adapl itiot ol external nature to the phj sii al condition of man. . . . 210-104 — Kirby, W. On the history, habits and instincts of animals. 2 v 591-4 — Proui, W. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. 2 v. 210-107 Roget, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology. 2 v — Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics, considered with reference to natural theology Bridgman, I. B. Hymenoptera. In Tay- lor, J. E., ed. Notes on collecting and ■rving natural history objects, pp. 95-105 BRIDGMAN, Lama I 1 ■;. blind deaf mute, /'. 1S29. Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman . 183B1 — Hall. G. S. of l.erman culture. pp. 237-270 151E1 Kilto. J. I pt. 2. pp. 41 75. 1 Parton.J. Noted women, pp. 243-255. 41 BRIDGMAN. — 166 BRIGHT. BRIDGMAN, Raymond, L., ed. Concord lec- tures on philosophy, comprising outline* of all the lectures at the Concord sum- mer school of philosophy in 1SS2, with historical sketch. Cambridge, 1883. 4° 143-2 BRIDGMAN, Thos. American gardenei sistant : direction, for the cultivation of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and grape vines, ed. by S. Edwards Todd. N. Y., 1869. 12° 635-16 Kitchen gardener's instructor; contain- ing a catalogue of garden and herb seed. N. Y., 185S. 12 635-17 Bridle bits. Battersby, J. C 6364-2 Brief biographies. Smiles, Samuel. . . . 410-934 Brief honors : a romance of the Great divid- able. Chicago, 1877. 16°. BRIERLY, John R. Public schools of south- ern California. In Lindley, W. and Widney, J. P. California of the south. PP- 351-357 4794-55 Brig and the lugger. Walmsley, II. M. Bound -with Chasseur d'Afrique. Brigand life in Italy : history of Bourbonist reaction. Mallei. A. 2 v 9457-6 Brigandage. Moens, W. J. C. English travelers ami Italian brigands 4457-6 — Van Lennep, H. J. Ten days among Greek brigands 4572-88 Heckethorn, C. W. Secret societies, v. 2. pp. 41-58 3669-4 BRIGGS, Chas. Augustus, D. IK, />. 1041. American Presbyterianism, its origin and early history; with appendix of letters and documents, many of which have recently been discovered. N. Y., 1SS5. 8° 2S51-25 Biblical study, its principles, metho I and history, together with a catalogue of books of reference. N. V., 1S83. go 2202-23 Messianic prophecy the prediction ol the fulfillment of redemption through the Mi isiah: a critical study of the Me of the ' Hd Testament in the order of their development. N. V., 1886. 8° I ) anklin. />i \\ ■• ican 1 !'- 53 );, .;,. Geo N. Richard-, W. C. Cleat in goodness ; men I ' "' N. 183B2 B G W - I 'ii hand takings, pp. 249 2 5 2 >' ' Bri i 5i heating : an exposi- , , 1 the \"" rican praetici "I warm- 's \ . [883. 24 6281-23 Brigham, Chas. Henry, American Unitarian minister, b. 1820-d. 1879. Memoir and papers, ed. by Abiel Abbott and E. Ii. Wilson. B., 1881. 12° 204-12 Contents.— Memoir, by E. B. Wilson. — Papers selected, by A. A. Livermore : St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan. — St. Augustine and his influ- ence. — Symbolism of the church. — Gregory the great and his influence. — Mohammed and his religion.— Hildebrand and the Catholic church. — Abelard and his age. — St. Dominic and St. Francis. — Copernicus and his work.- Martin Luther. — St. Theresa and the Catholic mystics. — Ignatius Loyola. — St. Charles Borromeo. — So- cinus and his followers. — Puritans of England. — Unitarian principles and doctrines. — Charac- teristics of the Jewish race. — Christianity the universal religion. Brigham, Wm. T. Guatemala: land of the Quetzal: a sketch. N. Y., 1887. 8°. 47281-2 BKiGHT-eyes. Sec Tibbies, Mrs. T. II. Bright, Mrs. Amanda M. Oxley. N. V., 1873. 12°. — Three Bernices ; or, Ansetmo of the crag. Phila., 1869. 12 . BRIGHT, J. Franck. History of England. 3 v. L., 1877 93°-2 Contents. — v. 1. Mediaeval monarchy from the departure of the Romans to Richard III : 449- I 4 !! 5. v. 2. Personal monarchy; Henry VII to James II : 1485-1688. v. 3. Constitutional monarchy ; Wiljiam and Mary to William IV : 1689-1837. liRH, in, John, English statesman, h. 1S11. Speeches on the American question : with an introduction by Frank Moore. 11., 1S65. 12° 980S-23 — Preface. Tn Kay, J. Free trade in land. 333-5 — McGilchrist, J. Life of John Bright. . 183B35 — Robertson, W. Life and times of the Rl. Ilun. John Bright 183B4 Smith, G. B. Life and speeches of John Bright 183B5 — Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe, pp. 72-78. 440-381 — Francis. Ii. 11. Orators of the age. pp. [82 iso 4»-37 Mi 1 larthy, |. Modern leaders, pp. 100- 115. . . 4104-6 Nicoll, II. J. Great movements, pp. 221-264. Repeal of the corn laws. . . 4104 7 Pai ton, I . < aptains of industry, pp. ;i j 223 4'69~7 Towle, G. M. Certain men ol mark, pp. 183 212 410-94 - Glimpses "of history, pp.29 52. . . . 9°3~9 Bright, Wm. Ancient collects and other praj ei . ;eli 1 ted f<>i dei otional use from various rituals: with an app'x on the collects in the prayer hook. Oxford, 1875. 16° 26037-2 Brigh 1 days in the old plantal ion lime. Banks, M. K. ' I'.KICII'I "•7 l ; I ■ II I -II. Brighi id ' i and bold strokes, Craik, )// 1 I'M i M uloi k) 652A2 liuii.ii i ' diseasi P ge, < '. E. Nal ural pp. i hi 132 6164-7 Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy, b. 181) d. 1 s - s • Vbove 1 ubie 1 ; or, memorials of 1 In is- 11. in gentlewomen. I.., 1867. \^°. . 413 22 < ■ \ , counti 't Bal rra her daughter, Lad) A nne I indsa] Mad Guizol .Mi.l her daughter-in-law. Caroline Perthi Mi l - rani of Laggan Madam Meckel Lady Fanshawi Winifred Herbert, . ountess of Nithisdali ! >a,qucen ol Pru -.1.1 M 1 g Susann ih Wi lej [Catherine von Bora, Luther's wifi Mrs Lucj Kutchinson Me al ol 1 hi 1 arly lives and A of greal lawyei I ., 1N66. 12°. . . 4154 2 Palissj 1 he potter; or, the Huguenot artist and martyr. B., n. d. 12°. . . 70861 Romance of modern missions: Home in land of snows, and other sketches of missionary life. I.. 12° 263-25 BRIGIT1 a. Auerbach, Berthold. Muni vt-Savarin, Anthelme. Handbook ol dining; or, Corpulency and leanness. tr. by I,. F.Simpson. N. Y., 1S70. 12 °. 6428-7 Brindley, Jas., English engineer, b. i~i(>-l the U. S. A. and in May 9, 1S65. N. Y., 1865. 12. 3557 2 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, M. D., American archaologUt, b [834. Myths of the new world: a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of •America. N. \ .. 1868. 12° 2907-2 1 '.1 1 , 1 ontinued. aim. 1876 12° and '. • Geo. H I ! In relation to 1 1 Spring- Si 11. Ma,,., n. d. 12'. [See next try.] Pi to cultivate pn ervi it in 1.1 lu-alih. Springfield, 1 ■ [Same as Brinton, l>. England. |:i;H \nma bridge. Dempsey, G. D. Tu- bular and other iron girder bridges. . 624 2s Brii isii Amei ii 1 • da, 1 lomini British angler's manual. Holland, T. t*. . 795 I_ 4 BRITISH animals extinct within historic times. Halting, J. E 599"4 BRITISH arms in north China and Japan. Rennie. D. F British butterflies. Coleman, W. S. . . . 59f BRITISH coleoptera delineated: figuri all the genera of British beetles, drawn in outline by \Y. Spry 59575 7 . 1 1. M. Moun- tain and prairie 47' ' 3 s — Johnson. R. B. Very far west indeed. . 4711 5 Leigh ton, C. C. I ife al Puget, Sound. . ; Lord, J. K. Naturalist in Vancouver's island and British Columbia 4711-0 Mayne. R. C. Four years in British lumbia and Vancouver's island. . . - 47'' 7 Wellcome, H. S. Story of Metlakahtla. I Missions.] 2 Forde, II. A. Black and white, pp. 506-517. [Missions.] 1 anada, Dominion of. BRITISH. — 168 BROAD. British dogs. Dalziel, Hugh 79S-27 British dramatists, n. t. p. 8° 8223-2 Contents.— Preface. — Origin and early his- tory of the British drama. — Biographical notices of, and plays by John Lilly, George Peele, Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, John Web- ster, John Marston, Philip Massinger, John Ford, Thomas Heywood, James Shirley. British essayists. Chalmers, A., ed. jS v. i$4Ei Contents. — v. 1-4. Tatler. — v. 5-12. Specta- tor. — v. 13-15. Guardian. — v. 16-1S. Rambler. — v. 19-21. Adventurer. — v. 22-24. World. — v. 25-26. Connoisseur. — v. 27. Idler. — v. 28-29. Mirror.— v. 30-31. Lounger. — v. 32-34. Ob- server. — v. 35-37. Lookec-on. — v. 38. General index. British expedition to Abyssinia. Ho ier, H. M 963-5 British fertility. /// Burroughs, J. Fresh fields, pp. 191-216. [Essay.] .... 196E4 British Guiana. See Guiana. BR1 1 isH heroes in foreign wars; or, the cav- aliers of fortune, Grant, Jas 410-53 British in India. James, W. M. ... 9543-4 British India. See India. British invasion of New Haven, Connecti- cut. Townshend, C. H 9755-9 British Israelites; or, evidences of our He- brew origin. Senior, H. W. J. ... 2969-7 BRITISH manufacturing industries, ed. by G. Phillips Bevan. v. 3, 11, 12. L., 1876. 1 6°. v. 3 670-2 Contents. — (inns, nails, locks, wood screws, railway bolts and spikes, buttons, pins, needles, saddlery and electro-plate, by W. C. Aitken. — Pens and papier mache, by G. Lindsi V. II 670-2I Contents. — Jewelry, by Geo Wallis.— Gold working, by Rev. Chas. Boutell. — Watchi 1 loi ks, by F. J. Britten. — Musical instrument by E. F. Kiinbault. -Cutlery, by F. Callis. v. 12 664-2 Contents. — Salt, preservation of food, 1 and biscuits, bj I 1 Manley. — Sugar-refining, by C. Houghton 'oil Butter and cheese, by .1 rgan Evans. — Brewing "'.1 distillin , 1 A Pooley. ish marim hology. Thorpe, C. . 594 4 British museum. Hodgetts, J. F. Oldei I 'land, illustrated b) the Anglo-Sax- ntiquities of the British museum. md 2d series (.06-45 Mantell, G. A. Petrifactions and then 1 hings; or, a hand-book to the uf organic remains of the Briti h museum 560-61 B tomi, J. Nineveh and its pais pp. 249 347. Assyrian relics in the h 4025-2 ISH navy. See Gn il Britain, navy. British poeu. Cabinet edition. 41. I.., 1851. 12 8092-18 Contents. — v. i. Milton. — Cowper. — Gold- smith. — Thomson- — Falconer. — Akcnside. — Collins. — Gray. — Somerville. v. 2. Henry Kirk White. — Burns. — Beattie. — Gay — Shenstone. — Butler. — Byron. v. 3. Hannah More. — Pope. — Isaac Watts. — Hay ley. — Mason. — Prior. — Grahame. — Logan. v. 4. Dryden. — Lyttleton. — Hammond. — Charlotte Smith — Richardson. — Bloomfield. — Gilford. — Canning. British pulpit; sketches of eminent minis- ters. Hood, E. P 4144-4 British reformers, v. 8. [only.] Phila., n. d. 12° 208-11 Contents — Cranmer. — Rogers. — Saunders. — Taylor. — Careless. British rule in India. Marlineau, II. . . 9543-55 British seaweeds. Landsborough, D. . . 5893-5 British senators; or, political sketches, past and present. Ritchie, J. Ewing. 41 1-9 British soldier. Stocqueler, J. H 35542—7 British spy. Letters of the. Wirt, \V. . . 956B3 Britons and Muscovites; or, traits of two empires. Guild, Curtis 440-433 Britta : story of life in the Shetland islands. Temple, Geo. Briti an, Harriette G. Shoshie, the Hindoo Zenana teacher, N. V., 1873. 16 . . 2654-2 - A woman's talks about India; or, the domestic habits and customs of the peo- ple. Phila., 1S80. 16° 454-175 Brittan, Samuel Byron. Man and his rela- tions, n. t. p. 8° 176-12 Brittany. Bromfield, J. Lower Brittany arM the Bible there. [Missions.] . . . 26541-2 Macquoid, T. and K. Pictures and leg- ends 4442-5 1 -Taylor, T. Ballads and songs of Brit- tany 89168-8 BRn 11 \, Emma Hardinge, tr. and ed. Ghosl land ; or, researches into the ncfysteries of occultism. I'.., 1S76. S° 176-13 BRITTEN, F. J. Watches and clocks. In British manufacturing industries. v. 11. pp. 72-10S 670-21 BRITTEN, las. flowering plains ami ferns. //; Taylor, J. E., ed. Notes on natural histor) objects, pp. 117-138 579-8 Britton, John. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 33-46 411-56 I'.i 11 I'ON, I'll. is., /'. IO50 (/. 1714. Hood, E. I'. Peerage of povertj pp. 115 (49. 410-58 Bi 11 1 ' is, Thos. Allen. Ti 1 mi 1 ■<• mi the origin, progress, prevention and cure of dry lot in timber; with remarks on the means of preserving « I from destruc- 1 by sea worms, beeth . . ■ ti . 1... 1X75. I2» 62OI-3 Broad grins. Colman, Geo 827-4 BRO \l» i i,i) — BROGUE Bro \D i' me ol honour ; or, i lie trui and practice ol crm airy. I Hghy, Ki nelm II. 5 v Broadm in, Andrew . Notes, introdm lor; ay and historical ketch. In < ombe, ( ':. I ,ei 1 11 1 < phrenol gy '79 - 3 Broadus, fohn Albert, Baptist do yumn, 6. 1827. 1 .eel are: on the hi torj ol pi •■icli- lllg. V \ ., I876. 12° 25I-I7 ; Mrs. Care) O ley annal pre- yed in j ..ill.. \. Y., n. d, [6°. (84A2 Dame Wynton's home: talc illustrative "i 1 he Lord' i prayer. N. v., n. d. 16 . i n 1 \ i\ 1 1 e in, iii"i 1. or, ' ' hoes of a moth- er's voice. N. Y., 11. (I. 16° 1 Penny wise and pound foolish, n. t. p. 16° 1S4A25 Rectory and manor, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 1 S4A 27 Sunday echoes in week day hours. 8. v. V V., 1872 No. 12°. 1. Tale illustrative of the collects [84A29 2. — church catechism (84 \; 3. — journeyings of the children of Israel [84 \ 3 1 4. — scripture character 184A32 5. — episl li i and pels 184A33 6. — parables 184A34 7. — iiin.u les 184A35 8. example of Jesus Christ. . . . [84A36 \ ■ ndale lost property office, and " I re- member ; " or, photographs from a home album. N. Y., n. d. 16 . ... 1 BROCK, Mourant. Koine, pagan and papal. I.., 1883. 8° • : Bl OCK, Sallie A. Kenneth, inv king. N. Y..I873. I1K111K, Will. I'.iographii il ,kcl. Il "f Sir Henry Havelock, K. C. B. Leipzig, 1858. 16 157H5 Brockett, Linus Pierpont, (Philobiblius, pseud.) History and progress of educa- tion, from the earliest times to the pn ent : with anintrod. by Henry Barnard. N. Y., 1866. 12° 3709-2 Near of battles : history of the Franco- ( lei man war of 1870-71 ; embracing Paris under the Commune ; or, the Red rebellion of 1S71 : a second reign of terror, murder, and madness. N. V., lS r>- '2° 9448 15 -Our western empire; or, the new Wesl beyond the Mississippi. Phila., i.s.s^. 478-19 hts and shadows of the rebellion, n. t. p. 8° 9S0-2 Appendix. hi One hundred years' progress of the I'. S 609-6 < haptei "" hospital nursing and training. In Una and her paupers 518B2 . John, Amateui mil inanipul. and mil 1 \ . N ., I 8° "■m "i Iroi omy, N. Y., 1 1 ■ 520 18 Bkocki iv moor. V \ ., 1874. 12°. ■ M' 1 n 1 nc 11. m day: a country with a future, and a glance at the | and antiquities of the Montezumas. I.., 1883. 8° 172 18 I i.im'I 1 '. I ey, J. W. An- ecdotes of public men. v. I. pp. 23- 28 412-4 BRODERIP, 1 I .ii" " ' ' ' '. and . for children. I.., 18O9. 12° 1S5A2 Wayside fancies. L., 1857. 12°. . . . 181 Wee Maggie and other stories. N. Y., [867. 16° I85A23 BRODERIP, Win. John. Zoological recrea- Phila., 1S49 5904-18 BRODIE, Sir Benj. Collins, English surgeon, />. 1783W/. 1862. Mind and matter; or, physiological inquiries, with additional notes by an American editor. N. V., 12° 170-1S BRODIE, Emily. Norman and Elsie; or, two little prisoners. X. Y., 11. d. 12°. BRODIE, Geo. Introduction, In Constitu- tional history of the British empire, from the accession of Charles I to the ' ttion 340 25 BRODRIBB, Win. Jackson, joint author. Church, A. J. and Brodribb, W. J. Pliny's letters 8762 ; Brodrick, Geo. Chas. La* and custom of primogeniture. In Cobden Club essays, 17-n6 304-3 il government in England. In Probyn, I. \\ ., ../'. Cobden Club essays, 1875- PP- '-95 352«-7 In Probyn, J. W., d. Cobden Club s. 1.SS2. pp. 5-87 3521-77 Note. The second essay is based on the pre vious one, but revised and entirely rewritten. ii. St. John, B. Subal- pine kingdom, v. 2. pp. 226-233. . . 4451-7 BROGDEN, Jas. Illustrations of the liturgy and ritual of the United Church of Eng- land and Ireland, being sermons and discourses selected from the works of eminent divines [of] the 17th cent. 5 v. 1 ... 1S42. 8° 26031-4 i IE, Albert, due de. The kin, being the secret correspondence of is XV with his diplomatic agents, 1-74. 2 v. I . .11. d. S° 5S6B7 BROGUE. — 170 BROOK K. Brogue, Allien, continued. — Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. pp. 96-107 4"05-5 BROKEN chains. Bttrstenbinder, E., (E. Wer- ner, /send.) Broken cisterns; or, the story of Jessie Worthington. N. Y., 1858. 16 . . . 1S5A6 Broken columns. Cheseboro, C. BROKEN dreams. Gardner, C. E 403C4 Broken seal; or, personal reminiscences of the Morgan abduction and murder. Greene, S. 1 1 3662-4 Broken shaft. Norman, H., ed. Broken toys. Steele, A. C. Brome, Dr. — . Essay. In Steele, R. and Addison, J., cds. Spectator, v. 4. pp. 353-359 1S4E1 BROMFIELD, Jas. Lower Brittany and the Bible there: its priests and people : also notes on religious and civil liberty in France. L., 1866. 16 26541-2 BROMFIELD, John. Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 148-155 4169-7 Bromley, Thos. Campbell, J. Lord chan- cellors. V. 2. pp. IO9-I25 411-25 Bronchitis and kindred diseases. Hall, W. \V 6164-39 BRONCO. Wheeler, A. A. In Stories for children, by Eleven sophomores, pp. 104-118 S56A9 BRONKHURST, II. V. I'. Colony of British Guyana, and its laboring population: account of the colony and of the black Creole, Portuguese, East Indian, and Chinese coolies, their manners, customs, religious notions, etc. L., 1883. 12°. 48S1-2 BRONTE, Anna, (Acton Bell, pseud.) b. i820-. 1S40. Belinda. N. Y., [883. 12°. 1 ometh up as a flower. N. V., 1880. 8°. 1 1 Cupid. N. Y., [880, 12 1 • 11.:. »reel heai 1. 2 v. in I. Berlin, 12°. foan. N. \ . 8°. - Nancy. \. \ ., [882. 8°. — Nut wisely but too well. N, \ ., 1873. Red as a rose is she N. Y., 1SS0. 12 . — Second thoughts. 2 v. in i. N. Y.,i88o. Heywood, J. C. How they strike me, these authors, pp. 97-112 804-47 Broughton, Rev. Thos, —a'. 1777. Tyer- man, 1.. Oxford Methodists, pp. 334- 3 60 287-8 Bl -I -11 r, Henry, 3d viscount, J. 1687. fi ■'. J. 1 1. 1 nin oi England dm u the reign of the .Stuarts. v. 3. pp. 350-354 411-58 Brown, . Anecdotes of animals, n. t. P- I( >° 5905-25 BROWN, Alice. Fools of nature. B., 1S87. 12°. BROWN, Chas. Brockden, American novelist, b. 1771 -./. 1810. Dana, R. II. Poems and prose writings, v. 2. pp. 325-343. [Review of novels.] 818-33 — Prescott, \V. II. Miscellanies, pp. 1- 56. [Memoir.] 744E5 — [Same memoir. I In Sparks, J., ed. Amer- ican biography, v. 1. pp. 119-180. . 412-86 BROWN, (has. R. Government of Ohio, its history, resources and jurisprudence, also a brief outline of the government of the U.S. Kalamazoo, 1875. I2 °- • 32077-2 BROWN, E. E. Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1!., 1S84. 12° 482B2 — Young folks life of Washington. 1!., n. '' ,2 ° 924B33 — Chapters. In How to learn and earn. . 3719-4 Brown, Francis, b. 1802. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 153-159 245S-7 Brown, Francis. Assyriology its use and abuse in ( tld Testament history. V \ '., 1885. 12° 2212—2 — Introduction. In Lenormant, F. Begin- nings of history :: ;M ,,, ' ed. Hitchcock, K. D. and Brow n, F.,eds. reaching of the twelve apostles. 2299-4 Brown, Rev. George, 6. 1702. Recollections of itinerant life: including early remin- isces, t'iim., 1866. 8° 1S7R; Brown, Geo., .eminent Canadian, b. 1818 d. 18S0. Mackenzie, Ale\. Life and hes of 1 [ n. 1 leo. Brow n [87B2 1 1 Geo. L. Tucki n II , 1 " f '"' ; "" ' ■ PI 146 IS4 Bro ■ D college gii B .. 1886 1 ■ Bro .m. . . 1 1 ■>....- mei 1 .'I 1 . a || the e H hi u| in dyna- mics, hydraulics, hydro matics, steam nill and other rology, an ery. N. Y.. [884. 12'-. 6 nufacture of paper from wood in the U.S. In Proteaux, A. Practical guide foi the manufacture of paper Brow n, 1 toratio I Life on the lag 1 ■■■ 1884. 12 44 S3 _ 2 Brown, R, . Howard X. Religion and I • A/ Modern Unitarianism. ■ ' 1° '67. .... 2884-3 BROWN, I. Moray. Shikar sketches with note on Indian field sports. I... 1887. I2 ° 7964-2 Brown, las., of Little, Brown & Co. by, J. C. Fifty years among authi and publishers, pp. 670-675. . 4181-3 BROWN, Mrs. Jane. Frost, J. Heroic women of the West. pp. 122- 163. 1 aptivity of Jane Brown and her fam- llv 41239-33 BROWN, John, of Cambridge, Eng. Sixty years' gleanings, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 187B7 B I, Capt. John, American abolitionist, />. 1800-,/. 1859. Redpath, J. Public life oi < lapt. John Brown ; with an auto- raphy of his childhood and youth. — Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life and letters of J olln Brow 187 I . R. W. Miscellanies, pp. 249- 2 °i 318E8 — Field, K. Haphazard, pp. 34-38. [ohn Brown's friends 350E5 — Haven. G. Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war. pp. 152 176. . 9S' — Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, pp. 289 815-7 — Thoreau, II. D. Yankee in Canada, pp. 1 52-181. Plea forCapt. John Brown. S85E7 ir, O. J. Histor) I' American con- racies. pp. 521-546 V\ I -on, II. Rise and fall of the power, v. 2. pp. 587-600 3269-9 — Townsend, G. A. Katy of Catoctin. [Romance.] Bki hi N, Sir John. ;; maiiufa. . l>. 1S61. Jeans, \\ . I. 1 | the age of steel. BROWN, John. John Bunyan : life, times and work. B., isss g I(J BROWN'. 174 — BROWN. .. John, /'. />., of Lang/on, Berwick- shire. Exclusive claims of Puseyite Episcopalians to the Christian ministry indefensible: with an inquiry into the divine right of episcopacy and the apostolic succession : in a series of letters to the Rev. Dr. Pusey, to which is pre- fixed an article on the Anglican reform- ation. Phila., 1844. 12° BROWN, John, M. P., of Edinburgh, b. 1S10- . I andon. N. V., 1877. Same, [886. 12 817-24 Selections. In Mason, E. T., ed. Hu- morous masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 153- 167 Si; 63 Hingston, E. P. Genial showman: be- ing reminiscences of the life of Arte- mus Ward [87B8 Haweis, II. R. American humorists. pp. 121) 142 1 I M I Browne, Charlotti Elizabeth, /*. 1790-1/. 1846. Balfour, ( '.. L. Working n 1 >■ man of this century, pp. 13S-174. . . 413 [8 — Neale, E. Closing scene, v. 1. pp. 94-"o 410-S BROWNE, Daniel Jay. American bird fan- cier. In Saxton's rural handbooks, ser. 2 7 10-' 5 Browne, Mr. Dunn, pseud. SwFish, Rev. Samuel. Browne, Edward Geo. Kirwan. Annals ol the tractarian movement, 1842-760. L., 1861. 8° 2839 2 Bl ov\ .1 . I dward Harold, D. D-, bishop of Eh,/'. 181 1. Exposition of the thirty- nine articles, historical and doctrinal. ed. by J. Williams. N. V.. 1SS1. s . -,3s. 3 2 — Genesis; or, the first book ol Moses, with a commentary. X. Y.. 1 s 7 3 . 8 . J2311 j Bro 1 i 1 . 1 collet 1 ion • >! poi m ol Ihe 1 ivil and soul hern. N. V., 1 ■ Bro 1 1 . 1 1 i. [Fathers for Eii| hi 1 r.i-7 Bri iwne, ' .. Lath trial i 1 - 1 30. 2 v. r... 1882 12 Contents.— v. i. I i union [with In land] ' 181 1-20. B Browne, II. LI. Reason and religious be- lief: an essay. 1.., 1 12 • • 2317-2 Browne, Ii \ ing. ' 1 ' the law. San Francisco, 1876. 16 . [Le- gal recreations, v. I.] 34°9- 2 5 Contents.— Conduct of conn un- I 1 t : i- '.1 — Animal kingdom in court.— Negligent' /un- der the code— Society f"r ii I Ity 10 lawyci N : mar- ried rade- marks. — Law and lawyers in literature. B.. 1 1 • 3409-23 Browne, I. ' rii hton. Introduction. In I 1. 1 tel, Dr. . Ovi 1 in high lis ni I lentil. 11 k 371 7 1 I Bri >\\ m . [as. P. Mi n 1 ridan. In m, I . B. Works, pp. 1 -43- • Browne, [ohn Ro 5, American traveler and hun. I 17 d. 1875. Adventures in lite Apache country : a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on tlie silver region.- of Nevada. N. Y., 1874. 12° — Crusoe's island : a ramble in the foot- steps of Alexander Selkirk; with skelch- I adventure in California anil V. hoe N. \ .. 1875. 12 — I.:,i i V \ .. 1867. 12°. . . 44 — Yusef; or, the journey of the Frangi: a sadein theEast. X. Y., 1S5S. 12 . Same, 1S0S M — and Taylor, Jas. W. Reports upon the mineral resources of the U. S. Wash- ington, 1S67. S° 553-2 BROWNE, Junius Henri. Four year- in se- cessia. n. t. p. 12 9802-2 — Sights and sensations in Europe. Hart- ford, 1884. 8° 440-176 Browne, Lennox. Voice use and stimu- . 1 ... 1885. 12° 774-23 — joint author. Behnke, E. and Brown, L. Child's voice 774 -2 BROWNE, Marmaduke I 1 - from the old dramatists. 1 .. 1878. 12°. . . . Contents. — Veni v.— y J. Drydcn. — Mourning bride. ' \ w 1 ongrevc. — Jane Shore, by N BROWNE. — 176 — BROWNING. Browne, Marmaduke E., continued. Rowe. — Cato, by J. Addison.— Gamester, by K Moore- — Douglas, by J. Home. — Revenge, by E. Young. Browne, Montagu. Practical taxidermy: manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving ami setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. >-. ■'■■ ''• '2° 5794-22 I WNE, Phillis. What girls can do : book for mothers ami daughters. I.., n. d. ,2 ° 3965-2 Browne, Rev. K. W., Ph. D. History of classical literature; Greek literature. 1'hila., 1S52. 8° 8S0-2 — History of Roman classical literature. L., 18S4. S° . 8709-2 Browne, S. H. Manual oi commerce: con- cise account of the source, mode of pro- duction, or, manufacture of the princi- pal articles of commerce. Springfield, 187I. 12° 650-2 Browne, Sir Thos. Works. 3 v. L., 1S52. 12° 82S-2 Contcnts.~v. i. Dr. Johnson's life of Sir Thos. Browne. — Supplementary memoir by the ed. — Mrs. Lyttleton's communication to Bishop Kennet. — Pseudodoxiaepidemica, bks. 1-4. v. 2. Pseudodoxia epidemica, bks. 5-7. — Re- ligio medici. — Garden of Cyrus. v. 3. Hydriotaphia. — Brampton urns. — Letter to a friend. — Christian morals. — Miscellany tr.t. ts.— Repertorium. — Miscellanies.— Domes- tic .-nrrespondence, journals, etc. — Miscellane- ous correspondence. — Religio medici, and other essays, with in- troduction, by J. A. Symonds. L., [886. 16° 828-21 Contents. — Sir Thomas Browne. — Religio medici. — Hydriotaphia: urn burial. — On dreams. — Letters to a friend. — Christian morals. — Selections from writings. In Montagu, 11. Selections, pp. 186-197 241-63 — Adams, W. II. I). Famous books, pp. 193-226. [Review of Religio medici.] 804-12 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. I.. Miscella- neous prose works, v. 1. pp. 187-242. 601E5 feaffi . ■ .111, J. ( '. Bi .mI, aboul doctors. v. I. pp. 47-61 4107 5 Johnson, S. Works, v. 2. pp. 370-379. 828-52 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter- writers, v. 1. pp. ;;i ;47. . . 826 51 Mason, J., ed. Greal triumphs, pp. 1"' 123 410-7 Browne, Wm., l>. 1591 -. pp. 65-70. . . . 8092-9 Browne, Wm, Geo. Kelly, ' . \ oyages tnd travel . pp. 668 689. [Ti tvels in 1792-98-] 13V 53 1 . U 111. 1 1. md. Maryland : the hi tory ol 1 I'll itinate, II., [884. 1 2 . 9842 BROWNELL, Henry Howard, Ami rim 11 poet, b. 1820-rf. 1S72. War-lyrics and other poems. B., 1866. 12° 1S51 s BROWNIES: their book. Cox, Palmer. . . 1SSA502 Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett,) Engliskpoet, />. iSog-rt'. 1S61. Poems with memorial by Theodore Tilton. 5 v. N. Y., 1863- 64. 16° 186C4 Contents. — v. i. Miscellaneous, v. 2. Miscellaneous and sonnets, v. 3. Aurora Leigh, v. 4. Memorial and last poems, v. 5. Essays on the Greek Christian poets and the English poets. — Poems. 2 v. N. Y., 1SS0. 24 . . . . 186C3 — Aurora Leigh. N. Y., i860. 16°. Same, Leipzig, 1872 186C6 — Poems of childhood. N. Y., 1867. 12° 1S6C7 — Prometheus bound, and other poems, in- cluding sonnets from the Portuguese, Casa Guidi windows, etc. N. Y., 1S57. 12 186C8 — Selections from [her] poetry. Leipzig, 1872. 16° 186C5 — Lady Geraldine's courtship. In Modern classics. . . 186C1 — Arnold, W. T. Elizabeth B. Browning. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 562-567 8092-9 — Payne, P. Essays in biography and criti- cism, ser. 1. pp. 146-210 139E6 — Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous, pp. 194-212 413-2 — Fuller, S. M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 19S-206. [Review.] . . . 400E2 Literature and art. pt. 2. pp. 22-30. [Same Review.] 400E6 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature, v. 2. pp. 239-251 4IS-43 — Griswold, II. T. Home life of great authors, pp. 274-2S5 41S-45 — Queens of literature, pp. 105-126. . . 41S2-7 — Robertson, E. S. English poetesses, pp. 255-320 41S21-7 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists, pp. 57-109 S04-S Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, pp. 114-149 S.'i \, [Same article.] In Modern classics. . 186C1 — Tilton, T. Sanctum sanctorum, pp. 25- 63 8S9E4 Willi. W. S., (Wm. Sliepatd, pseud.) Pen pii him. of modern authoi s. pp. 15 418-95 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. I- PP. i 1 " i"3 "I'd . 1 1 .1 ., 1 Inn y P., ed. New theol or, advanced trutl ipii nu.il jubjects. I'lnl.i.. 1875. 12° 249-28 BRi i\\ mm; '77 BRi \s nini >, Mi hai li. Fort) yeai "i a liunlei ' i life, | Autobiography.] n. t. p. 12° i.sxi;; Bri iw iking, Oscar, Inn ■■in. lion in i In' h lory nl educal ional i lie . \. V., 1882. 10" 1709-2 Fram e and I nglantl in 1 793. In T. M., ed, I listoi ii al studies, pp. 1 1 1 17 s 902-25 - Modern England. In 1 n igl , M.,<. 1812. 2 v. B., 1856. 12 i,s;( 1 — Poetical works. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1N72. 1 6° [87C2 Contents, v. 1 A soul's tragedy. -Luria. — Christmas eve and Eastei daj Men and a ■ 'in' 11 v a. In a I1.1I1 1 n j 1 :i ■.una I Iramatii 1 . mani i Selections from poetical works. 2. v. I... 1880 Si. 12° ,s 7 i ; Favorite poems. In Modern classics. . i86( 1 Select poems, edited with notes by Win. J. Rolfeand II. E. Hersey. N. \ ".. 1886. ■6° 187C4 Agamemnon, La Saisiaz and dramatic idyls. B., [882. 12° 187C6 — Aristophanes' apology ; including a tran- script from Euripides: being the last adventure of Balaustion. B., 1875. ■2° 187C65 Balauslion's adventure ; including a tran- script from Euripides. B., 1S71. 12°. 1871 7 Biol in the 'scutcheon and other dramas, ed. with link"-, by Win. J. Rolfe and II. E. Hersey. N. V., 1887. 16 . . . . 187C73 Dramatis persona:. B., [882. 12°. . . 187C8 — Ferishtah's fancies. 1'.., 1SS5. 12°. . . 187C9 - Fifind at the fair and othei poems. Ii., '• s 7-'- 12° ISM I Contents.— Filinc at the fair.— Prince Hohen- itii 1 - hwangau. -Herve Rid. — Inn allium. 1'.., 1S76. 12° [881 (6 .1 seria. I!., 1SS3. 12°. i88< 2 — Lyrics, idyls and romances. I;., l.NN;. ■6° 188C25 Men and women. B., 1867. 12 . . . . [88C3 — Pacchiarotto and how he worked in dis- temper; with other imenis. 1'... 1S77. '2° i88( 4 Parleyings with certain people in their day. B., 1887. 12 . . . 188C43 Contents. Apollo and the Fate, 1 prologue. Bernard d< Mandeville- Daniel Bartoli.— George Budd D gton. Fran, is Furini. Gerard de Laircsse. — i ■ ■ n Fust and his rriends, an epi- logue. cotton night-cap country; or, turf and towers. B., 1873. >-° 1881 5 Bro I an, continued. d the hook. 2 v. B., 1 Sordello, Strafford. I eve and 1 ' tei day. B., [864. 12" Bui I Mary E. Browning's women. . . 1 I I n. Introduction to the 1 etry. . . 189C2 1 ' . S. Handbook to the wi rl Browning W all, \. S01 ■ told in prose. 1 Birrell, A. Obiterdicta. ser. 1. |>p. 55- 95. I 'ii the allegi 1 ty of Mr. ning's poetry '53I-39 Cooke, G. W. 1 ' lems. pp. |88 S04-J2 - Devey, J. Modern English poets, pp. !76 I- 1 821-3 - Friswell, J. II. Modern men of lei pp- 119 '.;' 804-38 — Fuller, S. M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 207-221. [Review.] . . . 400K2 lii' 1 ture and art. pt. 2. pp. ; 1 1 5. 1 review.] 400E6 1 ii vt old, 1 1. T. I tome life "f great authors, pp. 274-285 41s 45 Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 505-514 410-536 Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, pp. 293-341 821-85 - Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 410-416 ; riim ne, W. 1 1. Modern idols, pp. ji 4^ 118-88 Browning boys. Alden, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, /■„ ud.) 714A2 Brownings, The. Fuller, J. G 390A22 Brownlow, Wm. Gannaway, {/'at ton Broom- Imv,) American politician, b. 1^05-1/. 1877. Sketches of the rise, progress and decline I ecession, with a narrative of person- al adventures among the rebels. I'hila., 1S62. 12° 188B4 Brownlows. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. .-.The. Smith, M. P. W 836A8 Bri iu ssi in. 1 ii estes Augustus, theologian and essayist, b. iSoj-r/. 1876. Works, ed. by Henry F. Brownson. 20 v. Detroit, 1882-S7. 8° 818-27 Contents.— v. 1-3. Philosophy, i. Philosophy and common sense. — Schmuckcr's p —Synthetic philosophy. Kant's ritii of pure reason. On a priori autobiography 1 Schools of philosophy. What human reason can do. — Gratry on the knowledge ol Gratry's logi Problem of causality. — Primitive elements of thought.— Maret on rca- 11,1 revelation. -Rationalism and tradition- alism I in refutation of atheism. cen/o Gioberti. — Philosophy of the supernatur- al ophy.— Church review and '. in. — Cartesian doubt.— Porter's Human intellect* — BROWNSON. 178 BROWNSON. BROWNSON, O. A., continued. Christianity and positivism. — Professor Bas- com's lectures. — Balmes' physiology. — Ontolog- isnt and psychologism.— Father Hill's philoso- phy, — Eclectic philosophy. v. 3. Philosophy of Religion. Natural and supernatural. — Morell's philosophy of religion. — Mercersburg theology. — Newman on the true basis of theology. — Philosophical studies on Christianity. — Philosophy and Catholicity. — Collard on reason and faith. — Limits of religion - thought. — Harmony of faith and reason. — Christ the spirit.— Rome, or reason. — Rome and the world. — Nature and grace. — Argyll's Reign of law. — Imaginary contradiction. — Free religion. — Emerson's pro.se works. — Union with the church. — Beecherism, and its tendencies. — Baring-Gould on Christianity — What is the need of revelation ? — Religion and science. — Synthetic theology. — Faith and reason. — Reve- lation and science. v. 4 Heterodox writings. New views of Christianity, society and the church. — Church of the future— Reform and conservation. — Leroux on humanity. — Mediatorial life of Jesus. — Charles Elwood. — Charles Elwood reviewed. — Philosophy of history. — Present state of socie- ty.— Church question. — Nature and office of the church. — No church, no reform. — Church unity and social amelioration. — Bishop Hopkins on novelties— Come-outerism ; or, the radical tendency of the day. — Sparks on Episcopacy. — Anglican church schismatic. v. 5.— 8. Controversy. 5. The convert. — Princeton review and the convert. — Letter to Protestants. — Church against no church. — Episcopal observer vs. the church. — Faith not possible without the church.— Church ahistor- ical fact.— Liberalism and Catholicity.— Great question. — Extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 6. Transcendentalism. — Protestantism ends in transcendentalism. — Protestantism in a nut shell.— Presbyterian confession of faith. — Two brothers ; or, why are you a protestant ? — Pro- fessor Park against Catholicity. — Thornw ell's answer to 1 >r. Lynch.— Literary policy of the Church of Rome. — Methodist Quarterly Re- view -Hopkin's British reformation 7 Bu h n ell's discourses.— Jarvis' reply to Milner. — Mawkstonc, or. Oxfoi I irch as it was, is, ami ought t" be, Christian Examiner's de- fen a I 1 Register's objectii ' sistent protestant. — Eclipse of faith, Erroi of the Church of Rome. — Derby's tetters to his son Spiritual despotism.— Romanism in Vmerica Papal con piracj -■ ■. posi d I 'eclinc of protestantism. Bible against pn b I inl 8. Faith and theology. Mysteries of faith. — Worship ol Marj Moral and 1 n ial mil in m 1 of devotion to Marj Oui Lady ol Lourdes. — tini ■ 1 hi] Heresy and the in< arnation I rders rlolj communion transub stan tiat ion I rui cros! 1 s il hone .1 ? !<• a son and 1 1 ligii »n < al liolii it j and nat uralism. 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ "i Steps of belief. Church accredits hei telf, Proti Jtant rule ■ f fa it h !''"■' tanl ism anti > \ an I vangclical al- lian c Gucttce'i p tpai - hi mat i< < onsti- tution "i thi h 1 h I tiurch and net attri in mattci of faith, v. -,. '..'.■. r, pi rappci Pn I the c ienci Fait h . , . . ■ 1 1 ■ ■ 1 Brownson, O. A., continued. Draper's books. — Primeval man. — Spiritism and spiritists. — Owen on spiritism. — Physical basis of life. — Spiritualism and materialism. — Heredi- tary genius. — Origin of civilization. — Herbert Spencer's biology. — Cosmic philosophy. — Primeval man not a savage. — Darwin's descent of man. — True and false science. — Tyndall's ad- dress. — Conflict of science and religion. — Answer to difficulties. v. 10-13. Civilization. 10. Catholicity neces- sary to sustain popular liberty. Native Ameri- canism. — Labor and association. — Ventura's funeral oration. — Socialism and the church. — Authority and liberty. — Channing on social re- form. — Civil and religious toleration. — Church in the dark ages. — Conversations of an old man and his young friends. — Edinburgh Review on ultra montane doubts. — Christianity and heath- enism — Willitoft ; or, protestant persecution. — Protestantism and government. — Protestant- ism not a religion. — Cardinal Wiseman's essays. — Luther and the reformation. — Protestantism in the sixteenth century. — Liberalism and so- cialism. — Paganism in education. — Schools and education.— Sick calls. 11. Temporal and spiritual. — The spiritual not for the temporal.— Spiritual order supreme - " You go too far." — Temporal power of the popes. — Temporal power of the pope. — Uncle Jack and his nephew. — Conversations of our club. — Mission of America. 12. Church and the republic. — Chris- tianity and the church identical. — Church an organism. — Day star of freedom. — Church and modern civilization. — Present Catholic dangers. — English schism.— Pere Felix on progress. — Public and parochial schools. — La Mennais and (ircgory XVI. — Romanic and Germanic orders. — Christianity, or Gentilisms ?— Manahan's Tri- umph of the church. — Christian politics. — Papal power. — Rights of the temporal. — Sepa- ration of church and state. — Pope and Emperor. — Reunion of all christians. — Catholic schools and education.— Essays on the reformation 1 , Conversations on liberalism and the church. — Independence of the church. — Church and monarchy. — Union of church and state. — Bishops of Rome. — Future of protestantism and catholicity. — School question. — Church and state I mil. ition and education. — Secular not supreme.— Papacy and the republic— Dolling 1 rites, nationalists and the papacy.— Manning's lei titrM I ; i in." 1 I and the 1 hurch. — Whose is the child ! Papal infallibility. — Church above the state.— Edui ation and the republic. ' ral licanism and Ultramontanism. Papal infallibil- ity and 1 i vil allegiani e N 1 h man' ■ reply to 1 1 1 idsti me ■ Public si hi >o1 syst em [Tamil \ , Clit 1 1 1. ni .1 ml p Lg in Fathci L'hebaud's 1 rish ra 1 Prote tanl 1 ui nalism, ,, ' lopmeni and moracs N> development of Christian doctrim Nfi ivman's theory of Christian doi trine. I lublin Review mi dr\ elopment • Dublin Review and selves.— Doctrinal developmcni Morris on t he 1 1" ai n ition M erci 1 ibti rg h) pi A hesis. — Saint Bonnet 1 m ■-■ icial 1 e it< <\ al ion i I ill 1 1 theory of morals. — Hildreth' joint letter.— JoufFi oy'i ethi* al iystem R ight and dul y I \ . 11 . .M 1 ■ ■ Review Ward's philo iph '■ ' I inl rodu< tion l ci l.\ on tnoi al ; Mad n 1 ol m t ich ri t iam C h a r i 1 3 - ■ ' \ ■ 1 i I. mi In 1 ipj Ri i' 'i mal i" 1 conscrvativi BROWNSON, t79 BR1 I I Bro . I I inued. i.i i i | i i Questions of I M- 'li' .it | ol 'i I v i,i- Politi t. 15. D P pci r. of the di mi icracj i ery, tbol 1 .in. Vbolition pn eding ib-trea hill, rin .ir. in Our futui lion and the publi< land .1 pati on Pn ident' ■■ Distrib bill. — Con til rtj Populai 1 in and 1 in. I ■ 1 . ;i .'. 1 1 amen I Ori 1 stitu- I ■■! ami M l D 1 ifc and fohn C. ' Ir. C ilhoun ind the Baltimore convention Presidential nominations. — Protective policy. — Suffrage party in R hi ide 1 land R I 1 lion. — National grei ■ ■ Political constituti Ireland O'l nnell, etc. 16, War and I03 — Slaver) and the Mexican war.— Legitimacy and revolutionism. — Republic of the United States, R >< em Euro] eveni Li mious- tii 1 Mi, |i —Shandy McGuire ; or, Irish liberty. Webster's answer to Hulsemann. — \.m tria and Hun ir] Case of Martin ICoszta. French republii < ub in 1 pedition 1 cal expeditions 1 1 Cooper' of ilic hour.— Politics and political parties. — Works of Fisher Vines I atholi f I ngland and Ireland. — Turkish war ad the Unholy alliance, I treai Britain and the U S.- Montalembert on So land. — Reli rty in France — British preponderant Politics at home and abroad. —Napoleonic ideas. 17. Higher law. I live slave law.— Sumner on fugitive slavi — Slavery and the incoming administration. — Slavery question once more. — Politics at home. —Great rebellion. — Slavery and the war. — \i hbishop Hughes on slavery— Struggle of the Nation for life. — State rebellion, state sui- cide. — Emancipation and colonization. — \Vh«t the rebellion teaches. — Confisi nanci- pation. — Slavery and the church. The Seward policy. — President's policy. — Catholics and the draft riots. — Return of the rebellious states.— Federal constitute 1 ■ ident'smes- and proclamation Vbolition and negro equality. — Are the United Slates a nation ? 18. American republic. — Democratic principle. — Constitutional guaranties. — Executive power. — Naii ECnow-Nothings. Woman question. — Roman question. — Sardinia and Rome.— Sardinia and the Holy Father. Recent events in Europe. Recent events in France.— European politics.— Political state of the coun- u\ At home and abroad. Political outl < tutlook at home and abroad. — Home politics. . . ' : ' . ! American litei ture. — Carl 1 ni h revolution.— Modern 1 nch literature. — Scholar's mission.— Neces- sity of liberal education.— Modern idolatry. — Schiller's aesthetic theory. — Thornberry al — Religious novels. — Recent publications, R. W l ; American literature. — Novel-writing and n ■■. l-reading. — < > rant ley manor; or. popular literature. —Catholic pi — Cath li ular literature. — Vision ■ I L.aunfal- I ' Vt orks of Dani< 1 W ebster. Bancroft's history of the is w >rdsw Drth's Bro ntinutd. 1 li- it y and literal Etudi I . . . I ■ . . I ■ popula • •id mitceltant / 1 I 1 1 \ 1 1 hbi (hop H 1 ic pn Alley Mo >re \ anl 1 e in Ireland Pai h to the 1 hun h . < . 1 iwcred. — Rea 1 udy -•f tl —Punishment of the r , -Church run a despoti idaire 1 Catholicity, liber and i n and reformers. — Civil and ious freedom. —Liberalism and pi gn ■ nations to Catholics. — Introduction to (he last series • r to editor. — Valedictory. — Index of titles. — ubjects.— Errata. American republic; its constitution, len- d< rn u an tny. N. \ .. 1S65. 8°. 32073-2 B Sarah M. Life of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, prince, and pi: with an introduction by < >. A. Brown- son. V Y.. 1873. S° 402II2 B \'i Balmain, Scottish divin 1S31. Miraculous element in the g . N. V., 1886. 8°. [lecture- on the Ely foundation.] 2317 22 bolic teaching of Christ: systematic and critical study of the parables of our 1 ord. \. V., 1883. S° 2272 3 BRUCE, Mrs. E. M. Thousand a year. B . 1866. l6° 189A2 Bi 1. Edward C. The Thames. In Tiber and the Thames, their associations past and present, pp. 33-IOO 440-902 I . Jas. Classic and historic portraits. N. Y., 185 j. 12 410-19 B [as., S 1 Eden, C. II. Africa seen through its explorers, pp. S9-10S 460-3 - Travels in Abyssinia. In Hotten, J. C, ed, Abyssinia and its people, pp. 23- 42 fty celebrated men. pp. 1S0-183. . . 410-49 II. d, I. B. Life and adventui . the African traveler — Jardine, W., ed. Naturalist's library, v. 11. pp. 17 84. [Memoir.] 59°-5 — Kelly. C. Voyages and travels. pp. 5S6-646. [Brute's travels in: sinia to discover the source of the Xi M Mason, I.. /. Great triumphs, pp. 479 483 410 7 — St. John, J. \. I elebrated travelers. \. 2. 1 BRUCE. i So BRUSH. Brui e, Jas., earl of Elgin, b. iSii-,/. 1S63. 01i))hant, L. Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan 45 I_ 7 — Martineau, II. Biographical sketches. 34»-359 4104-62 Bruce, Robert de, 6tli earl of Annan-dale, b. i2io-. ( iarrettson, I. E., (John Dai by, pseud.) 120E1 r.ii els, Belgium : Tripp, A. Crests from the ocean world, pp. 304-356. . . . 440-915 Brutus, Marcus Junius. Plutarch, Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 5. pp.302 366. 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young foil Plutarch, pp. t--o 137 4101-75 I'.ki w Blandina. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, pp. 68-75. 4 IJI 35 Bruvssel, E. van, Population of an old peai tree; or, stories of insect life. ed. by C. M. \ onge. V \ .. 1S70. 12 . . 5957-22 Brvan, MaryE. Man, h. N. Y., 1880. 12 . Wild work: story of the Red river trag- edy. N. V., 1S81. 12°. Bryan Maurice. Mitchell, /<'. . W. Bryant, Arthur, sr. Foresl trees for shel- ter, ornament and profit : practical manual for their culture and propaga- t V \ ., 1S71. 12° 714-2 Bryant, Chas.S. and March, Aliel B. Ilis- tory "I the great massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, including llic personal narrative id" many n ho escaped. Cinn., 1S6S. 1 6° 9S76-2 Bryant, Edwin. What I saw> in California: being a journal of a tour by emigrant route, and south of Rocky nits, across continent of North America. Great Desert Basin, and through California in 1846-47. N. V., 184S. 12° 4704 19 Bryant, II. B., joint author. Packard, S. S. and Bryant, II. 11. New Bryant and Stratton counting-house book-keep- ing 657-2 1, Sophie. Educational ends; or, ideal of persona] development. I... '887. "2° 37-4 2 Bryant, Wm. Cullen, American poet and journalist, b. 1704 J. 1S7S. Poetical "oiks, «iili memoir. N. Y., 1879. Same, 1SS4. Same. 1SS0 I90C5 I ettei - from the East. X. V.. 1869. 12 ° 1!" " -i 1 etters of a traveller : or, notes ol things seen in Europe and America. N. ■* .. '869- 12° 430-2 Letters of a traveller. 2d ser. N. \ .. i860. 12° 440-lS I oh 11, continued. N. \'.. 1 12°. . Con! cr.- Irving. — 1 Ijhih; ill 1 1 ji I » r > ' fruils \1 11 III iii 1 he pu aliiliy Ii Italian unit; I Mil- — Studies with an inti I Alden. Literature primers. N. Y., 1882. 16 1 reduction. //; Williams, Mrs. II. D. I ' 1 ina ... 451 — Tilt : • note. ///Clarke, A. Work- day Christianity 241 21 Preface. Tn Hoffman, C. F. Poems. . .t v 1 1 1 — and others. Tales of Glauber-spa. — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and son the liberal faith, pp. 114-130. P01 and b etch 2458-7 — tr. Homi 1 I 1 1 in, I 1 idysscy. 8831 G [win, P, Biography of Wm. Cullen Bryant. 2. v -Alias essays. No. 2. pp. 102 [Biog. sketch.] 418-14 B rtlett, D. W. Modern agitators, pp. 183-191 412-2 Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings. (IS 4'2 -25 Derby, J. C. Fifty years among autl books and publishers, pp. 150-172. . 4181 j — Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 9-21. [Review of Poems.] 410F.5 — Griswold, II. T. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 122 132 its jj — Homes of American authors, pp. 65-81. 41 S 1 1; Hood, 1 . P., ed. Master minds ,,f the west. pp. 203-259 412-54 — Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 109-119 412 58 I well, T. Living authors of America. I. pp. 1S9-221 S04-6S Iman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 62-94 — Walsh. W. S.. (Wm. Shepai Pen pictures "f modern authors, pp. " s ' 18 41S-95 — Whipple, E. P. Literature and life. pp. •' — Wilkin-, ni. W. C. Free lance in the field of life and letters, pp. 184-254. Mr. Bryant's poetry and Iliad — Wilson, J. (',. Bryant and his friends. pp. 11 1-7 .... 4181 1 I'.KY.i, Jas., .1/. P., [838. H0I3 Roman empire. N. Y.. 1883. 12° BRYCE. BUCK. BRYCE, Jas., continued. — Transcaucasia and Ararat : being notes of a vacation tour in the autumn of 1876. L., 1S7S. 12° 4576-2 Brydges, Sir Egerton. Essay. In Collins, W. Poetical works, pp. 43-72. . . . 240C3 Brydges, Harold. A fortnight in heaven: an unconventional romance. N. V., 1 886. 12°. — Uncle Sam atTiome. N. V., 18SS. 12°. 473-19 Brydges. Jas.. /si duke of Chandos. Wal- ford, E. Talcs of our great families. v. 1. pp. 165-1S4 4"-99 Bryson, Mrs. M. I. Hume life in China. X. Y. 12 2651-2 Bubbles of the day. Comedies and dramas. pp. 1-69 » • ■ ■ ■ 240C9 Bubbling teapot. Champney, Mrs. L. W. 220A3 Buci vneers. Early English voyagers, pp. i97-3 2 4 437-3 — Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea. pp. 119-126 437-45 — Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and present, pp. 68-S8 99183-4 — Kelly, C. Voyages and travels. pp. 107-136 439-53 — Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier; including an introduc- tory view of the earlier discoveries in the South Sea and the history of the bucaniers 4'59-3 — Whymper, E. The sea. v. 3 437-95 BUCHAN, Alex. Introductory text-book of meteorology. Edinburgh, 1S71. 12°. 5515-1S Buchan, David. Markham, A. H. North- ward, ho! pp. 232-254 498-621 Bl 1 HANAN, Dr. Claudius. Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earnest men. pp. 128- 14S 4IO-945 Buchanan, Geo., b. 1506-rf. 1582. Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 7-11 410-42 Kingsley, C. Health and education. pp. 326-357 53S El Men who have made themselves, pp. 216 224 4IO-757 i' 1 it 1 . w. Jas., rjth president of the U. S., li. 17111 .A (868. Buchanan's adminis- tration on the eve of the rebellion. N. \ .. [866. 8° 97*1 -'5 Sele, [ion from peei he . etc. 1 haplin, |.. ,/. chips from the White House. ■ 19-222 8081-3 Curtis, G 1 . Lifi oi I ime Bui hanan. 2 v I90B3 Hoi ton, K. < '■■ Life and public en of fame Bui hanan [90B4 I |],.|, 1 , 1 . 1 our! circles oi thi n pub lie. pp. 17S 520 .. 41239-3 Buchanan, Jas., continued. — Greg, W. R. Rmks ahead, pp. 177- 218. Washington, Jackson and Bu- chanan 435E8 — Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 1. pp. 497 . andv. 2. pp. 21-40. 741B4 Buchanan, Jas., Scottish theologian, b. 1S04- d. 1870. Modern atheism under the forms of pantheism, materialism, secu- larism, development and natural laws. B., 1859. 12 2119-14 — Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 703- 713 2521-4 l:i 1 i! wan, Robert, Scottish poet, b. 1S4I. Annan water. X. V., 18S1. — God and the man. X. Y., 1880. — Idyls and legends of Inverburn. L., 1S65. 12° I9IC2 — Land of Lome ; or, a poet's adventures in the Scottish Hebrides ; including the cruise of the " Tern " to the outer He- brides. X. Y., 1871. 12 44117-3 — London poems. L., 1867. 12° 191C3 — Look around literature. L., 1887. 12 . S04-25 Contents. — From .F.schylus to Victor Hugo. — Character of Goethe. — Note on Lucretius. — Free thought in America. — Note on Dante Rossetti. — Thomas Love Peacock. — Sydney Dobell and the "Spasmodic school." — Irish " national " poet. — Heine in a court suit. — Talk \tilh George Eliot. — Literature of spiritualism : "post mortum" fiction. — Modern stage. — Flot- sam and Jetsam. — From Pope to Tennyson. — Last look around. — Master of the mine. X. Y., 1885. 12°. — Matt : a tale of a caravan. N. Y., 18S5. — New Abelard. X. Y., 1S81. 4 . — Poetical works. 3 V. U., 1S74. 12°. . 191C4 Contents. — v. 1. Ballads and romances. — Ballads and poems of life. v. 2. Ballads and poems of life. — Lyrical poems, etc. v. 3. Coruisken sonnets. — Book of Orm and political mystics. — Shadow of the sword. X. Y., 1877. — Undertones. [Poems.] I., 1S65. 16°. 191C6 — White rose and red : a love Story. [Poem.] B., 1873. 16° 191C7 — Smith, G. li. Poets and novelists, pp. 307-363 S °4- 8 Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, pp. 346-357 821 85 Bi 1 HAN i.N, Sarah. Ellet, E. V. Women of the American revolution, pp. 310- 327 4121-35 Buchari 1 . v umania. Bergei . F, K . Winter in the city of pleasure 4498-2 Bl 1 uiinl.z family. 2 v. Stinde. J. lil'i 1 1 1 [. HZ is in Itah . Si nide. I . Buck, I ha . 1 lurdon. An idyl. In Ma on, I . T., ed. 1 lu 1 ous m. i- id piei e from Amei i< an literature. \ . 3. pp. 1 1 1 i ■I 1 817-63 Bl CK. I l.\ I'.i ' i , J. I ». Ni and ai I 1 1 ophy : .hi essay read befoi e the ( nali lit- eral '. club, fan., 1886. C ., [886. 24° 1 1; . 1., R nth, pseud. See I .amb, \ft BUCKAI i.» , < !has. R. Proportional 1 sentation ; or, the repre < 1 1 suc- cess^ e majoi itii in federal, tate, mu- nicipal, corporate and primary clcc- tions : with an app'x ; ed. by 1. 1 i. t reeze. Phil 1., 1872. 8° ■ BUCKE, 1 lhas., English writer, b. 1 ] [847. Beaut ie >, hai monie and sublim- ities of nature, ed. by W. P. Page. N. \ , 1855. 16 507-2 Ruins of ancient cities. 2. v. N. Y., 185 [. 16 401-19 Buckeye abroad. Cox, S. S 440-244 Buckhurst, Lord, See Sackville, T. 1.1 1 kingham, ' . P. Differential and integ- ral calculus. Chicago, 1875. 12 . . . 517-2 Buckingham, Jas. silk. Dix, J. Lions, living or dead. ser. 2. pp. 17.2 181. lio 1 Hi 1 kingham, Joseph Tinker. Personalme- moirs and recollections of editorial life. 2 v. I!., 1S52. 12° I90B7 BUCK] 1GH \m, \\ m. Alfr.ed, U. S. senator, b. 1806-rf. 1875. Stowe, II. B. Men of our times. pp. 463-479 41JJ-S; Buckingham, Dukeof. .v. Sheffield, John. Villiers, Geo. I 11 wii, Anna. Our national institu- tions. I.., 18S6. 16 32042-1S -St.iiy of English literature. I.., [882, 12° -. S20-2 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, English nat- uralist, b. iS26-(/. 1SS0. Curiositie natural history, n. t. p. 16° 5904-2 — Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 1 ., 1875. 8° 5904-21 Natural history of British fishes ; cultiva- tion of fish-ponds; fish suited foi ac- climatization; artificial breeding of sal- mon. I .. l880. 12° 597-2 — Bompas, G. C. Lifi 1 Buckland. i> — Rideing, \Y. II. A morning with I >r. Francis Prevelyn Buckland. /«Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen. !'!'■ -5 -" 410-Sj Buckland, W*. Geology and mineral 2 v. [Bridgewatei treatise.] .... 5501-23 Bi i'm wii. Win. Jerdan, \V. Men 1 have known. pp. 54-66 411-50 B CI 11. II. 11 1 ) rho . English historian, b. l$22-d. 1S62. 1 > \. V., 1 . 12° 1 i i. ij.hu .1! skeu !i Mill 011 lib- it'. I iiiii.iui : ivonieo on the progress of 1 11 .... I: , 1 1 1 n i) I nucd. II ' N. V"., 1874 1.1 1 tii I Pilgrim mi or, travel and iii the birlh- ■ 1 mil y with the- late II. T. Buckle. . . I I .tii. \. 1 1. Life and v. ritings of T. II. I ' lleanings from life, pp.247 - s 7 [Review of Civiliza- tion.] ... inislli and Other e pp. 150-203. [Review of Civilization.] Robertson, J. B. Let tun jects of modem history and biography, pp. 164 ^17. [Review of Civilization.] — Walsh, J. B. Astronomy and ge :i;w.| . Bucki.ev, Arabella B ' I t-lier.) Fairy- land of science. N. V., 1879 5°4~ 2 5 III [01 I land for beginners ; addi- tions by R. 1 ton. I.., [887. 12° 9301-24 1 tic .mil her children: glimpses of ani- mal life from the amoeba to the insect-. I.., 1880. 16° 592-2 Short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of tin ( Ireeks to the pr< N. \ .. I.S76. 12° 500-2 Winners in life's race; or, the great back-boned family. N. Y., 1883. 12°. 596-2 B EY, I. M. Midnight sun, the Tsar and the nihilist: adventures and ol vations in Norway, Sweden and Russia. B., 11. d. 8" 1 .or wild oats? Common sense for men. N. Y., 1 S85. !-• . . . . 194-2 — Introduction. In Comstock, A. Traps for thi 199-27 Buckley, Robei t 1 .s of India, and their financial results. 1... 1880. S° 6314-2 Buckley, Rev. Theodore Alois. Thedawn- ings of genius cNem ] in the early lives of distinguished men. I -. 1853. 16° 410-2 Cant P 'lc Mirandol h.— Giotto.— Michael Angelo Buonarroti,— Raph- ael. — Erasmus.— S Rich:inl Evelyn.— Win. Wot ton. — Bar re tier.— — Gi aliger.— G. Barthiu aubon. — Sir F. Bacon.— Sir I. N itilco. M iir- I >r. A 1 jarth. w B Franklin- ' ! w as the ancient world in their glory and their desolation. I .. i - 16 . . BUCKLEY. 184 — BUDGE. Buckley, Rev. T. A., continued. — Great cities of the middle ages. L., n. d. 16 9213-2 [ntroduction. /»^Eschylus. Tragedies. 8821—2 Buckmaster, J. 1 . Elements ol mechan- ical physics. Phila., 1875. 12 . . . . 531-18 — Cookery. In Simple lessons fur home use. pp. 120-151 607-5 Buckner, Simon Bolivar, confederate general. b. 1S24. Pollard, E. A. Life of Rob- ert E. Lee. pp. 774-782 41225-5 BucKSTONE, John Baldwin, /'. lSo2-9i Bi i" 1 1, Aft'si I . M . S Rec\ e, Mi 1 M, (B Budgei "I lettei 1 rom Japan . Maclay, A. C 1''-' 64 Bi ogi 1 "f pai adoxe: . I leMorgan, A. . . 81 n B D mi, Samuel, 6. 1794 1 351 ■ Men who have made themselves, pp. 316- 4>o-757 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 in I 1 Shi , \ I . I . I 819C1 Buchner, Frederich Karl Christian Lud- , G nnan materialistic philosopher, b. [824. Force and matter; or, princi- ples of the natural order of the universe. I... 1SS4. 12° 20I-I7 Man in the past, present ami future, tr. b) W. S. Dallas. I.., 1S72. 8°. . . . 573-18 I 1 ke, J. Darwinism ami other essays. pp. 49-54. [Review of Man in the past, etc.] 357E1 BuCHSEL, C. My ministerial experiences. I ... [863. 12° 1 K B6 Buel, Jesse. Dean, A. Sketch of I Buel. In Biographical annual, pp. 37 45 4>2-2i I'.i 11. Richard II. Safety-valves. V Y., 1875. i6 c 62118-2 -Additions. /« Weisbach, P.J. Manual "i the mechanics of engineering, v. 2. se< . 2. pi. 2 621-9 — joint author. Long, I. II. and Buel, R. II. Cadel engineer; or, steam for the student 62112-4 Buel, Don Cat 1S1S. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 724 9796 r Shanks, W, F. li. Personal recollei I of distinguished generals. [111.242-258. 4122-S BUELL, Walter. Life of Joshua K. Gid- dings. Cleveland, [882. 12 421B1 B, von Marenholz, baroness. Rem- iniscences "i Fredrick Froebel ; tr. by Mrs. II. Mann, [with] biographical sketch ol Friedrich Froebel, by E. Sher- reff. B., 1SS7. 12 384B1 I'.i iv- An,'.. \ Argentine Republic. 1 'itfrieil Augustus, German /■. 174S-.;'. 17114. Selections from [trans- lated.] Mangan, J. Poems, pp. 1 155 610C1 A., continued. Brooks, C. T., ti . ' lei man I) 1 i< poetry. pp 93 '"' I ;.i 1 I higl B., 1883 \t the altar. I l; mm -l and ble ed. tr. by Mi . A. L. Wister. Phila., 1884. 12 Broken cl B., 1 I luck. N. Y., 1 St. Mil hack. tr. by Ml i. A. L. W Phila., 1887. 12 . Spell of home. In Lippincott's Mar,-. Feb., 1888. Vineta: the phantom city. B., 1877. 1 r.i 1 lLO Bill. iwCody, W Buffets. Doe, C. H. 1:1 ii.i\, George Louis Le <'lerc, coun French naturalist, l>. 1707-1/. 1788. uial history of man, the globe ami of quadrupeds; with from Cu- vier, Lacepede, and other eminent nat- uralists. 2 v. N. Y..n. <1. 8°. . . 596-25 — Memoir. In Jardine, W., ed. Natural- ist', library, v. 27. pp. 17-66. . . . 59°"5 BUFFI m, Edward Gould. Sights and sen- sations in France, Germany and Sw i p land ; or, experiences of an American journalist in Europe. N. Y., 1869. 12°. : i. las. M. Eastern question, histori- cally I; with notes on the re- sources of Russia ami Turkey, and an abstract of their treaties with the United States. B., 1877. 24 9496-23 Bi '.i 1 echoes: a collei I ems of the civil war, northern and .southern. 1. ne, F. I ■'.. ed. S0913-2 Bi hi iK, II. Sophie Danforth's school-life n. t. p. 16 192A2 BUILDER'S and contractor's price-book for 1873. Burnell, G. R., ed 692-2 Bl 11 in i;- of Babel. M'Causland, 1). . . . 57--6 UNG. Allen, C. H. Cottage building. 72S-12 — Allen. W. Strength of beams under transverse loads 6201-17 lerson, J. Strength of materials and structures 6201-2 — Andrews, G. II. Rudimentary treatise on agricultural engineering. 631 15 — Armour, J. Iron and heat 6201-23 — Austin, J. G. Practical treatise on the preparation, combination and applica- tion of calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements 6662-15 - Heat. .11, A. ' ■ Quantities and measure- ments: how to calculate and take them. I 1 — Blagrove, G. II. Shoring and its appli- cation BUILDING. - 1 86 BULGARIA. Bl [LDING, continued. — Brooks, S. H. Ereclion of duelling houses 690-4 — Bullock, J. Rudiments of architecture and building 721-2 — Burgoyne, J. Treatise on the blasting and quarrying of stone, for building and other purposes 6222 2 — Burn, R. S. Building construction : showing the employment of brick, stone and slate in the practical construction of buildings, v. I, text. v. 2, plates. 693-23 ' Timber, lead and iron work, in the practical construction of buildings, v. 1, plates, v. 2, text 690-2 — Burnell, G. R., ed. Builder's and con- tractor's price-book for 1873 692-2 — Clark, T. M. Building superintendence. 690-3 — Davidson, E. A. Elements of building construction and architectural drawing. 690-35 — Dobson, E. Rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of brick and tiles. . . . 6663-4 Rudiments of the art of building. . . 690-4 — Downing, A. J. Landscape gardening and rural architecture 710-3 — Eassie, W. Healthy houses 628-43 — Francis, J. B. On the strength of cast- iron pillars 6201-4 — Haswell, C. H. Engineers' and mechan- ics' pocket-book t>2oS-^ — Hinkle and Co. Book on building. . . . 728-45 — House and its surroundings 628-48 — Leaning, J. Quantity surveying. . . . 692-5 — Mitchell, D. G. Out-of-town places. . . 639E5 — Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings 452-55 — Moseley, H. Mechanical principles of engineering and architecture: [with] additions by D. II. Mahan 620-53 — Notes on building construction : arranged to meet the requirements of the sylla- bus of the science and art department of the committee of council on educa- tion, South Kensington. 2 v. L., 1875- 76. 8° 690-6 Contents Pt. 1. Fust stage 01 elementary course. Pt. 2. Commencement of second or advanced course. 1 iil.rv, A. F. Building a home. . . . 728 7 l.ii In . F. J. 1 huii li building 724-6 - Powell, <>. T. Foundations and founda- tion walls. I,,,; 1, Saeltzer, A. Treati si isl ii it ■ 1 I nidation j ■ j ,s j - toi kton, F. R. and M. Home : « here ii 1 bi and « hal to pul in it. . . 640 87 Tni lull. W. B. Suburban cottage. . . . 72.S 88 ■ , F. W, An hitei 1' . and buildei ' pocki on and price I I . 6908 9 Building, continued. — Abbott, E. Long Look house. [A story for the young about house building.] . 690-12 — Booth, M. L., /;-. Marble-workers' man- llal 693-2 — Cameron, K. Plasterer's manual. . . . 693-3 — Egleston, N. H. Home and its surround- ings, pp. 108-134 640-3 - Law, D. Landed property and the econ- omy of estates, pp. 1 15-21 1. . . . 6302-5 — Lukin, J. Boy engineers, pp. 147-177. 607-41 — Mahan, D. H. Elementary course of civil engineering 620-5 — Scoffern, J., and others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. 410-490 669-8 — Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to architecture and building 721-8 — See also Architecture. Carpentry. Ma- sonry. Warming. Ventilation. Building associations White, N. Handy book on the law of friendly, industrial and provident building and loan so- cieties 337-9 Bi ilium; eras in religion. Bushnell, H. . 204-13 Building of a brain. Clarke, E. H. . . . 3761-29 Building stones. [A story.] Ballard, Mrs. y p 133A96 Building the nation. Coffin, C. C. . . . 976-3 Buist, Robert. American flower-garden directory; with instructions for erecting a hot-house, green-house, and laying out a flower-garden : also notes on grape culture. N. Y., 1854. 12 . Same, p hila 715-2 Bl 1 BS. Rand, E. S., jr. Bulbs: a treatise on hardy and tender bulbs and tubers. 7157-7 Popular flowers and how to cultivate them 715-72 Bulfini 11. Stephen Greenleaf. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 238-252. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Bulfini H, Thos., D. />. Age of chivalry, pt. I. King Arthur and his knights. pt. 2. The Mabinogeon ; or, Welsh popular tales. B., 1850. 12°. Same, ,S "v 12°. . 383, , — Age of fable : stories of gods and heroes. V -> ., n. d. 12° 294-22 — legend, of Charlemagne ; or, romance of the middle ages. B., 1872. 12°. . >N|.| i I'.i lgaria. Barkley, II. 1 . Between the I lanube and tin- Black Sea ; or, live yens in Bulgaria 4457 _. l"i vih, W. Slat onii proi in< es south of the I tan u be. pp. 120 14S 0497 -,, Si. Clair, S. G. B. and Brophy, C. A. A residence in Bulgaria 4497-7 Thom E. ' 'in < Iricntal missions. V- 2 265-8 BULGARIA. ' ; Bl I w II' Bl LGARIA, ■ >'■'"■ Robert, ' '■ Slave proA inces "I Tui pp. lit 5°° 9497 7 See alsi dirkey . Hi i i . ( leo., bishop oj St. Da [634 1 7 1 < >. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illus- iiii ions "I the lil urg) and ritual 56031 | Bl m, Ole Bornemann, Norwegian violinist, 1810 U. 1880. Bull, S. ' ' Hi Bull: n memoir 192B1 Bi ilton, S. K. P ■ boys who bei imi 1 us. pp. 2S4-302 410-16 hi\. J. Lions, living or dead. pp. 246 1 k 410-4 Ferris, G. I . ' Ireat vii ilini 1 s and pian ists. pp. 150-176 (177 (i Phipson, T, L. Celebrated violini pp, 1S2-20S 4177-7 Thorne.W. II. Modern idols, pp. 49-61. 418 88 Hull, Sara C. Ole Bull: a memoir; with Ole Bull's "Violin notes," and I>r. A. B. Crosby's "Anatomy of the violinist." B., 1S83. 8° [92B1 Bl 11 fighting. Blai kburn, II. Traveling in Spain, pp. 63-83 146-19 Ford, R. The Spaniards and their coun- try, pp. 290-320 446-37 Hay, J. Castilian days. 1111.74-97. . . 446-48 Mackenzie, A. S. Spain revisited, v. 1. pp. 268-283 446-61 Romer, Mrs. I. T. The Rhone, the Darro, and ilie Guadalquiver. v. 2. PP- i39-"9° 446-78 — Thornbury, W. Life in Spain, pp. 201- 218 446-88 BOLl Run. [1st battle, 1S61.J Fry, J. B. McDowell and Tyler in the campaign of Bull Run 9 7 S 7 [ 4 — [2nd battle, 1S62.J Cox, J. D. Second battle of Hull Run 97S7 1 3 1 nited States, 1 it ■ . P01 ter, Fitz-John. Pope, John. Bl 1 1 ird, Asa. Fifty years with the Sab- bath schools. B., 1876. 12° 246-2 BULLEN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. Bl 1 1 11:. Rev. Jas. Forty years in New Zea- land : including a personal narrative, an unt of Maoridom, and of the chris- tianization and colonization of the coun- try. 1... 187S. 8° 26931-2 Bi iir and shell. William-, G. 1 9801-96 CK, Chas. Shakespeare'- debt to the Bible; with memorial illustrations. I... n. d. 12° S2368-2 ick, John. \:iin ican < ottage builder : a serii I ;n . plans and specifica- tions, li >m $200 to $20,000, for homes for the people; together with warm- , ventilation, drainage ami landscape gardening. 1'hil.i., 1873. S° 728-23 I 'tiued. Rudimi hi ol 1 ' hilecture and building, iuildi drau| hi and M Phila., 1M.5. 8 721 2 Bl iii" k. Win. Ji 1. 1. in. \\ . Men I have , 82 111 Bulls and beai 1 1 New Vorl 1 » ith the 1 1873, and ths 1 au e. Smith, M. II 47)7i 8 B 1 the Jonathans : comprising John Bull and brother Jonath [ohn Bull in Amei ii 1. Paulding, J. K. . . 817-73 Bulman, Albert. Current repenta 1... n. d. 12 . B 11. Win. Henry Lytton Karle, baron Dotting and Bulwer, b. 1801 . 2 v. in 1. 1 .eipzig, [868. 16° 4104 z Life of I lenrj John 1 1 mple, \ 1 >count Palmerston ; with ielei tions fn im his dial 11 and corn pondi nee. 2 v. Phila., 1871. 12 . Same, Leipzig. 16°. . . 713B4 Bulweb I \ tton, 1 Geo. Karle Lytton, baron Lytton, English novelist and poet, b. 1805-rf. 1873. Alice ; or, the mys- teries. Phila., 1876. 12°. Athens: its rise ami fall; with views of the literature, philosophy and social life of the Athenian people. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1843. 16°. Same. X. V., n. d. 12° 9181-5 — Caxioniana: essays on life, literature and manners. N. V., n. d. 12" 601E4 1 urns, The. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Coming race, The. L., 1S75. 12°. — Devereux. Phila., 1S74. 12°. I ii ;owned. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Dramas and poems. P.. 1874. 16°.. . 5 Contents. — Lady of Lyons. — Richelieu. — in . Money. Dramatic works. P., 1 S74. 16 . Same, ■■ ■ '1 Contents. — Duchess dc la Vallicre. — K elicu. — Lady of I bad .is we seem. — Englandand the English. 2 v. in 1. X. V., n. d. 12° 442-1 1 — Ernest Maltravers. I... n. d. 12 . — Eugene Aram. Phila.. 1S74. 12°. — Godolphin. Phila., 1S6S. 12°. — Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. Phila.. 1S74. 12°. Kenelm Chillingly. [2°. King Arthur: a poem. N.Y.. 1 S 7 1 . 12°. Same, 1 ■ 1 1 ■ ' 594 ( 4 Lad) of I mhis ; or, love and pride. 1. .1.) BULWER. — iss — BUNDY. BULWER-Lytton, E. G., continued. — Last ilays of Pompeii. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Last of the batons. Phila., 1874. I2 °- — Leila; or, the siege of Granada. Cal- deron, the courtier. Pilgrims of the Rhine. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Lost tales of Miletus. Leipzig, 1866. 16° 594C5 — Lucretia ; or, the children of night. Phila., 1876. 12°. — Miscellaneous prose works. 4 v. in 2. Leipzig, 1868. 16° 601E5 — My novel ; or, varieties in English hie. 2 v. Phila., 1864. 12°. — New Timon : a poetical romance. And St. Stephen's : a poem. Leipzig, 1S60. 594C6 — Night and morning. Phila., 1875. I2 °- — Parisians. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Paul Clifford. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Pausanias, the Spartan. L., 1876. 12°. — Pelha'm ; or, the adventures of a gentle- man. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Ring of Amasis. N. Y., 1863. 12°. — Strange story, and the Haunted and the haunters. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Student, The : a series of papers. 2 v. in I. N. Y., i860. 12° 601E6 — What will he do with it? 2 v. in I. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Zanoni. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Confessions of a water patient. In Hough- ton, R. S.. ed. Water-treatment, pp. ! 3-49 6157-2 — Introduction and commentaries. /»Hora- tius, Q. F. Odes and epodes 8745-2 Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton 594-B6 Uison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 22S-240. I Review of Athens.] . . . 115E1 - Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. •.it. i. pp. 50; 392. Dick- ens, Bulwer, Thackeray 139E6 - Dix, |. 1. inns, living or dead. pp. 1 10- ■ I.! 4'°-4 1 1 1 :« ill, J . 11. Modei 11 nun id letters. I'i 43 '54 804-38 GilnlIan,G. Modern literature and liter- ary men. i'i. 1. pp. [46 157 ||S |; Third gallery ol portraits, pp. 338 35'- [Review.] M8-43' '.11 wold, II. T. I lome lib- of greal authors, pp. iSS [96 418-45 I [eywood, J. < '. 1 low the) trike me, 1 in ■■ authors, pp. 7-22. . . . Nl, l 17 I loll nid. I. ii. E\ n v daj topii t. pp. is 51. . , . , 483I • BULWER-Lytton, E. G., continued. McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 1 56— 166 4104-6 — Mathews, W. Men, places and things. PP- 53-66 617] 7 - Walsh, \V. S., (Wm. Shepard, pseud.) I 'en pictures of earlier Victorian authors. pp. 50-86 418-94 BULWER-Lytton, Edward Robert, earl of Lytton, (Owen Meredith. pseud.,) b. 1S31. After paradise; or, legends of exile; with other poems. B., 1887. 16°. . . 596C2 — Fables in song. K., 1874. 16° 596C3 — Glenaveril; or, the metamorphoses: a poem in six books. N. Y., 1885. 12° 596C35 — Life, letters and literary remains 01 Ed- ward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. 2 v. X. V., 1SS4. S° 594B6 — Lucile. B., 18S0. 12°. Same, 1884. 16°. 5961 | — New poems. 2 v. P.., 1S68. 16°. . . 596O5 — Poems. 2 v. B., 1S72. 16°. Same, 1866 596C1 Contents. — v. 1. The wanderer and Tann- hauser. v. 2. Clytemnestra and national songs of Servia. — Poems. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1869. 16°. 596C12 Rri.u IK-Lytton, Rosina Doyle (Wheeler,) dowager lady. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 31-36 410-S5 BUMBLE'S first day at work. Williams. T. C. In Stories for children, by Eleven sophomores BUNCE, J. Thackeray. Municipal boroughs and urban districts. In Probyn, J. W.. ed. Local government and taxation. PP- 271-318 3521-77 Bi mi:, Oliver Bell. Adventures of Timias f/errystone. X. V.. 1885. 12°. — Bachelor Bluff: his opinions, sentiments and disputations. X. V., 1S81. 12°. . 193I , Contents. — Introducing Mr. Bluff.-- I icstii bliss. — Theory of poetry.— Ideal of a house. — Feminine tact and intuitions.— Realism in an — The country and kindi'ed th Privil "f tt 11 M 01 Li 11 tut mil I'- Inn il notions. Mi Bluff as an arithmetician. Medital 1 in an art-gallery. — Melancholy. — Morals in literature and nudity in art.— Dress, Sunday topics 11. ilidays. Bachelor's story. X. \'., 1S50. 12°. Mr. Bluff discourses of the country and kindred themes, /// Mason, E. I.. i 1 II OUS mi In j n 1 eS. v. 2. pp. *s 89 S, 7 63 Bi -.in 1 of letters to bus) girls. I to <; - 11 ; 96 :> I'.i N I papei 1. Mai hew . \.. 1 Paul volk, pseud.) Bi ndy, J. M. Life ol 1 len. Jas. A. Garfield. N. Y., [880. |. 14B2 r.i NG ^ i.:., ; Geo. Wa tiington. Ofl ii . u ketchi ol thi notici tb I n of oui igi '-■ \ . i ■■ , i i . V V., n. il |i ■ ■ , Tempei lotes, N. Y., 1870. 16 [9 19 i',i igi ir Law rem e Loui Felix, .1814 ,1. [874. Boui tlaloue and Louis XIV : or, tin i hi 1 1 1" king. Ii.. n. d. 12° 1 I [istory ol 1 lie < louncil ol I rem - h itli .1 summai v of th< cl of the C mn- . il, by J. McClintoi k. \. Y., 1S55. 12° 2/06I-2 Loui XV and hi 1 imi ; or, the ; and the huguenot. B., 1874. 12 . . 1 I'm 1. In 1 and the k 1 rig ; 1 ir, Boudali ui the curl of Louis XIV. B., 1 S55. [Same as Bourdaloue and Louis XIV.], [93A2 Priest and the huguenot ; or, pe lion intheageof LouisXV. 2 v. Ii., 1S61. [Same as Louis XV and his times.] . . [93A22 K.i baul and Bi idainc ; or, thi courl ol Louis XV. Ii., 11. (1. 12° 193A25 Sainl Paul: his life, labours and epi les I.., n. d. 12 2218-61 rower of constancy; or, bearing the 11 ;s. B., n. (1. 12° imatist in Koine. /;/ Niebuhr, Ii. Ii. Life ami letter-,, pp. 544-5 6 3 Bunsen, I- . (W.) Me ii ol Bai on Bun- 2 v 1 -lli. 1 . P. Darwinism in morals, pp. 218-250. [Reviews.] Martineau, J. Sin- hristianity, pp. 201-265. [Review.] 204-6 Rose, 11. J. Bun en, the critical and Dr. Williams. /// Replie 1 ws. pp. 60 124. . . . 204-29 — - Williams, K. Bunsen's biblical re- I' lies, [n Essays and reviews. 45-83 204-28 Hi nsen, Frances (Waddington,) baron 1711-11'. 1876. Itun- sen. 2 v. Phila., 1S69. 12° 1 <^ - 1 : - Hare, A. J. C. Life and letters of es, Baron 1 I I 1; 'is A. II. . (E. i.i.i iy, pseud.) Wise words ami loving deeds. pp. lSo-220. 415 45 Bunting, Jabez. Fish, II. C. Pulpit elo- quence of tlie 19th century, pp. 554 567 2521 4 .'. ball. 1 Poetical satire.] Faw ■ E Bl n\ \n, John, English preacher, 1688. Holy war. The, made by Kant; Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regain- ing of the metropolis of the world ; or, the losing and taking of the town of Mansoul ; with biographical sketch. Phila., n. d. 12 243-20 Pilgrim|s progress. Leip Same, B., 11. d. Same, with O coloured plate-. I". \ . I ■ . I '. don. I... 11. 1. p. . Polyglot edition in French and English. "• '• P- 8 °- In verse :■■■ 1.1' Dyei — Brown, J. Life of John Bunyan. ... 1 — Cheever, <■. B. Lectures on the Pilgrim's ress, and on the life and linn John Bunyan 24; ;o l-'roude. J. A. Bunyan. [English men of letters.] >".;Ii7 . J. B. Studies in the Engli Bunyan 1 is t 11' '1. D. \. Lifeol John Bunyan. . 1 BUNYAN. — 190 — BURDETT. Bunyan, John, continued. — Philip, R. Life, times and character of John Bunyan 193B9 — Drake, S. A., cd. Our great benefactors. PP- 30-34 410-42 — Froude, J. A. Historical and other sketches, pp. 1S1-1S6 383E1 — Gilfillan, 0. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 289-300. [Review.] 41S-431 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies. pp. 365-375. [Pilgrim's progress illustrated.] 535E3 — Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 214-241 418-5 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical essays, pp. 95-114 603E15 — Mitchell, D. 222 4175-5 [ervi , I- W., tr. Stories of boy-genius. PP- 9 47 4174-5 Lilly, W. S, Chapters in European his- tory, v. 2. pp. I 66 9204-5 Memorials of early genius, pp. 114-155. 410-74 m , M O. W. Mil ' 1 ol I Ion PP- 37 ( > 4'5 4107-7 , W. i I. Studies in nil 11 in. e. 7'7l'i Id, J. Life and .li pp. 272-286 785B8 u;i; t . I. pp. 11-16 410-9 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pt. 3. The fine arts. pp. 3S4-436 and 512-528. [Life and sonnets.] .... 94506-7 - Tweedie, tY. K. Earnest men. pp. 377- 395 4IO-945 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism, pp. 139—171. [Rafael and Michael Angelo.] 755-8 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 44-79 417-9 — Wood, W., cd. Hundred greatest men. PP- 75-78 4IO-975 Burbidge, F. W. ( .aniens of the sun; or, a naturalist's journal on the mountains and in the forests and swamps of Borneo and the Sulu archipelago. L., 1S80. S°. 4911-2 Birikett, Florence. Wildmoor. Phila., 1S75. 12°. BuRCKHARDT, Jacob, German historian, b. 1818. Civilization of the period of the renaissance in Italy, tr. by S. G. C. Middlemore. 2 v. L., 1878. S°. . . 94506-2 Contents. — v. 1. The state as a work of art. — Development of the individual. — Revival of antiquity. v. 2. Discovery of the world and of man. — Society and festivals. — Morality and religion. Buri KHARDT, John Lewis, German traveler, b. 1784-a'. 181 7. Memoir. In Jardine, W., cd. Naturalist's library. v. 40. PP- 17-128 590-5 — St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travelers, v. 3. pp. 168-218. . . . 4159-78 - Taylor, B. Cyclopaedia of modern travel. v. 1. pp. 197-227 436-8 ed. Travels in Arabia, pp. 30-41. . . 459-S7 Burder, Geo. Sprague, \V. B. European celebrities, pp. 34-38 4104-85 BURDER, Wm. History of all religions ; with accounts of the ceremonies ami customs, also an account of the princi- pal religious denominations in the United States, by J. Parker. Phila., 1865. 8° 209-14 1:1 i in it, Chas., journalist, 6. 1S15. Beauti- ful spy, The. Phila., 1S65. 12°. 1 li mccs and changes; or, life as n 1 ■. V V., 1S67. 24 195A2 Life of Kii Carson, the gic.u western hunter and guide. Phila., n. d. 12°. 206B7 11. I 11. V \ . 1S07. 24°. . . 195A22 Hi 1 1 < '"in 1 , Angel >".i '''. English philanthropist, b. 1814, Bolton, S. K. ( tii Is who bei fi 11 pp. 320-330 4»3-2 BURDETTE. 101 Burdette, Roberl \i mi I E i | Risi full mI" i ] i < • urn in he, .nil ol in i i [awk- eyetems. Hartford, [878. 12°. . . . 817 245 William IV. 111, 1644 1 7 IS. N. Y., i l6° 722P.2 Rheum 1 1 Yemeni 1 ire. In Ma ion, I''.. 'I'., ed. 1 1 umorou . ma v. .!• PP- '7.! 180 N17 63 Burdo, Adolphe. rhe Nigei and thi Benueh: travels in central Africa, tr. by Mrs. Geo. Sturge. I.., 1SS0. 8 C . 4662-2 Bl RDON-Sanderson. landi Burdon-. Ill rge, Lorenzo. Pri glacial man anil the Aryan race. II., I S S 7 . 12° 573-19 BURGES, Arnold. American kennel and sporting field. N. V., 1S76. 8°. . . 798 2 Burges, 1 •<•". Appendix, In *Es< hylus. Tl agctl ic 8821-2 lr. Greek anthology : to which are added metrical versions by Bland, Merivale, and others, and an index of reference to the originals. I.., 1854. 12 . . . . 8849-2 -New readings contained in Hermann's posthumous edition of /Eschylus, form- ing an appendix to the prose translations hi Eschylus. I -. 1853. 12 8S21-4 BURGES, Tristam, Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 2. pp, 510 334. . . . 8152-6 BURGESS, Ebenezer. What is truth? An inquiry concerning the antiquity and unity of the human race. Ik, 1871. I2 ° 57.5-2 Burgess, J. Tom. ii.uin Hope's holidays. I... n. '1. 16° [95A6 — Old English wild flowers. I.., 1S68. 16 . 58 1:1 rgess, Thos., Hsliop. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 83 89 111 56 BURGH, Hubert de., d. 1245. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. V Y., 1S57. v. 1. pp. 47 55. Same, Phila., 1853. v. 1. pp. 66-72 411 24 Burgh, X. P. Pocket-book of compound engines. 1 ., n. d. \S". obi 621 1-2 P01 ket-book of practical rule- for design- ing land and marine engines, boilers, etc. n. t. p. 12 6211-22 Slide-valve practically considered. Phila., 1867. 12" 6211-21 GHl 1 n, Lord. Se, 1 lei il, Win. Bl RGLARS. I ields, J. T. Underbrush, pp. \; 04. Familiar letter to house break- ■ 35°F.o Knox, 'I". W. Underground world, pp. 264-276 6229-5 1 paradise. Phelps, Elizabeth S. - 1 1 daughter. Kingston, W. 11. G. /;/ Rainbow itories. pp. 97- M4 .1 family. Mull.-,, 1 . Bui ife. 1 .!■■ 1 in, John W. 1 three li N. V., 1 [6 B . Spain. Ballou, M. M. 1 PP- 365-372 I i: [ohn, English general and dram- atist, /'. 1-22-1/. 1702. He Fonblanque, I B Polil ii al and mili ides in the latter half of the [8th century, ved from the life of the Rt. Hon. John Burgoyne. ... 195I 1 n 1 . 1 Fifteen decisive battles. PP' ,i<>5 -327- '777 9o3- 2 5 1 1 iYNE, Sir John 1 net, English field-marshal, l>. 1782-d. 1871. Remarks on the maintenance of macadamised ds. In Mallet, R.. cd. Papers on constructing and repairing common roads 625-6 Treatise on the blasting and quarrying of iti mi for buildi >l her purposes ; with iht granite, slate, limestone, and sand-stone ; to which is added 51 - remai I on the blowing up of bridges. 1.., n. d. 12 . 6222-2 Burgundy. Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, D ki o( Burgundy 94404-5 Scott, W. Anne of Geicrstcin. [A novel.] — S ice. Burial of the dead. [A 1 k of services.] Duffield, G.andS. W B usages. Sargent, I.. M. Dealings with the dead 393-7 — Tegg, W. The last act : being the funer- al rites of nations and individuals. . . 39J-8 — Williams, R. E. Cremation and other modes ol sepulture 3932-9 — Yarrow, II. ('. Introduction to the study of mortuary customs among the North American Indians Becker, W. A. Charicles. pp. 383-402. 41 Bigelow, J. Modern inquiries, pp. 110 1 j6 152E2 Browne, T. Works. % . .; Cobbett, W. Thirteen sermons, pp. 243 -76 252-3S n»' I, J. Savage habits and loin-, pp. 337 i' s 399-4 Icwitt. I.. Half-hours among some lish antiquities, pp. I— 13 406-5 V Man before metals, pp. 130- 57«-5 Murray, E. C. G. Turkey, pp. 196-202. 4496-6 Richardson, B. W. Burial, embalming and cremation. In Ministry of health, and other addresses, pp. 230-277. . 6104-7 BURIAL. 192 BURLEIGH. Burial usages, continued. — Wallace, S. E. The storied sea. pp. '45-'5 6 4499-9 — Wilkinson, J. G. Ancient Egyptians. v. 2. pp. 356-400 403-9 — See also Catacombs. Cemeteries. Crema- tion. Epitaphs. Monuments. Mound builders. Tombs. BURIED alone. By a New writer. Leip- zig, 1869. Buried cities of Campania. Adams, W. II. D 4059-I5 Buried cities recovered. DeHass, Frank S. 2209-32 BURKE, (has. Winter, W. The Jeffer- sons. pp. 1 51-163 5I3B2 Bikke, Edmund, Eng. orator and statesman, b. 1730-r/. 1707. Works; with a me- moir. 3 v. X. V.. 1S54. 8° 828-25 Contents. — v. 1. Natural society. — Sublime and beautiful. — Speeches v. 2 Letters. — Speeches. — History of Eng- land. v. 3. Indian affairs.— Impeachment of War- ren Hastings. — Letters, speeches and tracts on Irish af- fairs ; collected and arranged by M. Arnold. L., 1881. 12 32041-25 — Philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful ; ed. by A. Mills. N. Y., 1S63. 12°. . 701-22 — Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke and Erskine S25-6 M u knight, T. History of the life and times of Edmund Burke !95l J 5 Morley, J. Burke. [English men of k-t- ters -] ' I95B7 - Edmund Burke : an historical study. . 195B6 — Prior, J. Memoir of the life and charac- ter of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. . 195B8 — Adams, C. K., ed. Representative Brit- ish orators, v. 1. pp. 172-297. [Biog. keti li mid oration for conciliation with America.] S25S 2 Lin ell, A. Obiter dicta. ser. 2. pp. '49-195 153E4 Brougham, II. State-men |of| the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 1 1 5-142. . 410-17 -- Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. iv- 93 '3° ' ■ • 195I 3 'i, J.C Footprints of famous men. PP. 4 1 67 4'°-45 Gilfillan, 1 '•. Third gallei \ ol j ail •4- • • ■' 1 1 >• 1 ;i 1 1 1 11 li, 1 . \., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 206-381 8258 4 1 1 1 ha, 1 1. A. Most eminent ora ind 1 ii mi 11. pp. 1 --' 167 in , lit, C. Half hours with the bi 1 I'M' \ . 2. pp. 125 138. [Edmund Burke and Richard Shackle- ton.] 826-54 B . Edmund, continued. McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 101-10S 941-54 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 102-106 410-7 - Maurice, L. I'. Friendship of books, etc. PP- 3 7-34i 804-6 Men of history, pp. 101-104 410-75 Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 114-117 410-78 - Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 8-20 411-97 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men. pp. 297-3""' 4IO-945 Burke, John, (Sennoia Rubek, pseud.) Chivalry, slavery and young America. [Poems.] N. V., 1866. 8° 194C9 Burke, John W. Life of Robert Emmet ; with his speeches, etc. Charleston, S. c. 1852. 16° 318B] BURKE, Oliver J. Anecdotes of the Con- naught circuit, from 1604. Dublin, 1885. 8° 94107-2 — Lord chancellors of Ireland. Dublin, [879- 8° 41 13-2 BURKE, Peter. Romance of the forum; or, narratives, scenes and anecdotes from courts of justice. L., n. d. 12°. . . . 3467-2 BURKE, S. J. For Mack's sake. I!., 1SS1. 12° 195A8 BURKE, Thos. F., colonel. In Sullivan, T.I). and others. Speeches from the dock, pp 180-191. [Speech: with sketch and biog. notice.] 4113-85 BURKE, Thos. N., Irish pulpit orator, />. 1830-1/. 1883. Ireland's case stated in reply to Mr. Froude. N. Y., 1883. 12°. 941-2 Lectures and sermons; to which is add- ed "Ireland's case staled in reply to Mr. Froude." V Y., 1S72. 8°. . . 2827-22 BURKE, Ulick Ralph and Staples, Robert,/?-. Business and pleasure in Brazil. 1.., n. d. S° 4S1-2 BURKE, Win. Syni'ins, J. C. William Burke, the author of Junius: an e ..11 his era '95 Bg Bt rkhardt, < I'.i ■ V Engraving and sta- tionery etiquette. N. Y.. 1883 24°. 3051 1 i:i 1 1 \m \'.'i 1, J. J- Principles of natural and politii law. Columbus, 1S59. 8°. 3402-3 Burleigh, seud. S^Smith, Matthew Hale. ii 1 1 . C. Bungay, G. W. Off- hand takings. pp. lot to; 412-25 Hi ri eigh, Clara Hoyt. A four-li aved clo ver, and W .i\ side rhymes. B., 1884. 12° '....' 195C3 I ; 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 . i.i' Shepard Even t, 1 \ P 1 1 "inn ' tii in. pp. |n; u58, [Bii ig. keti h and poems.] S0914-4 BURLEIGH. 193 131 KXKI.I.. Burleigh, Wm. ll. Poem ; with a ol his life, by 1 elia Burleigh. N. Y., 187I. 12° Evere I, C. A. Poel ol O mnecticut. pp, 191 !'■-'. [Biog ketch and poem . | 8 1 1 - Putnam, A. P., ed. Singersand ong ol the liberal faith, pp. .515 323. | Biog. sketch and poems.] 2.15N 7 Kim I I re trovi in ; or, " The best unopened market in the world." . . . 4532-3 Fytche, A. Burma pasl and present. 45 ;i \ Geary, G. Burma after the conquest. . 453 z I Margary, A. R. Journey from Shanghae in r.iia 1 1 Palmer, J. W. Golden dragon; or, up and down Irrawaddi 4532-6 Robbins, W, E. Hand-book of India and British Burma 454-79 Scott, J. G., (Shway Yoe, pseud.) The Burman: his life and notions 4532-8 Cobden, R. Political writings, v. 2. pp. 23-106. Origin of the Burmese war 3o8-3 Milium, II. Travels in south-eastern Asia 453-6 — Vincent, Y.,jr. I. and of the white ele- phant, pp. 1-114 453-9 Wheeler, J. T. Short history of India and of the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma 954~9' Missions. White foreigners from over the water. . 2659-8 Bain bridge, W. F. Along the lines al the front, pp. 154—180 2636-2 Forde, 11. A. Black and while, pp. 411 426 263 35 Mason, F. Storyofa working man'slife. pp. 233-300 6I8B1 Not Sei I - biographies of J. G. Burney, A. Judson, and A. W. Stuart's Lives of the three Mrs. Judsons. RobertScott. Building construction ; show ing the employment of brick, stone and slate in the practical construction of buildings, 2 v. X. V., tS;;. 16°. v. I. Text. v. 2. Plates 693-23 Timber, lead and ironwork in the pi I construction of buildings, v. 1. i.m. v. 2. Plates. N. V., 1S73. 10 690-2 Outlines of modern farming: utilisation of town sewage, irrigation, reclamation of waste land. 1.., 1S65. 12 . Bound with Dempsey, G. D. Drainage. . . . 6313-3 1 1 .1 . . //. 1842 ,/. 1882. I I "igh \ 1 Minor. 2 v. I.., 1S77. 8°. ... ; i liiva : travels and ad • 1 ' mi I \sia. \. V., 1877. 1 I.., n. d. 8° 1555 2 Adams, W. 1 1. I >. avel. PP 1 .'-I t'59 15 M 1 ■■ in, C. Ri PP- '77 210 15; 01 Bi rnai in k. The high in wintei ntaineering in search ilth. L., 1883. 12' BtJRNAND, Francis Cowley, Eng. hum 1 17. Happy thought hall. n. t.p. 12 827-23 Happy thoughts. I... 1868. 16 . . . . 827 24 lin ompleat angler. 1.., 1887. 8°. . . More happ) 1 hi B., [871. 16 . 827- 25 My health. B., 1872. 16° 827-26 'ii tin j -I Sanl 11 ■] and Merton. B., 1872. [6°. Same, 1887 S27 28 — Out of town. L., 1868. l6 c 827-27 ' Contents.- Guide to Bradshaw. — 1' racks for tourists i ' places. — Talk for travelers. — To Buddlecombe and hack. ll., 1876. 24 827-292 — Day in the academy. /// Burlesque. [Trea — Treble temptation. In Travesty. [Treas- ure trove ser.] BURNAP, Geo. Washington. Miscellaneous wining-. Baltimore, 1845. 12°. . . . 195I Contents. — Causes and cure of hard times.— Sources of national wealth. — Proper course of reading for the young. — Burke, Pitt and compared with Calhoun, Clay and Webster. — the professions. — Rise ami principles of the society of Friends — Commercial revulsions of 1837. — Death of President Harrison.— Death of Dr. Channing. — Death of I'r Greenwood. — Doctrines of Miller. — Church and state. — Du- ties of the citizen soldier. — Life of Leonard Calvert. In Sparks. J., <•, bj \. 1 unn ham. 1 ! ila., 1874. 8° [96CS \\ ..1 1. : 1 ontaining In life, b) I . Lock liai 1. Poetry ami con I I ii . ( 'in lie's editii m. Bii 'graphical 1 et he ..I the poet, by himself, Gilbert Burns, Prof. Stewart ami others. Essay mi Scotti -li poetry, im luding the poel rj ol Bui n -. b) I m . 1 'an ie. Bui n ' longs, 1 Johnson's "Musical museum" anil Thompson's select melodies. Select Scottish songs of ilu- othei poets, with 1:11111, ' remarks. N. Y., n. .1. 8°. . . 1 1 1 in lyle, r. 1 .ife "i Ri iberl Burns. . . 1 < )' ■ 1 ■ 3 — Shairp, J. ('. Robert Burns. [English in 1: of letters. I mi. 1: 1 Brooke, S. A. Theology in the English poets, pp. 287-339 821-2 lav. mi. W.i'. Prose writing, v. 2. pp. !' 1 323 '891 1 .11 leton. \\ . A gi and ;on oi 1 Burns. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 257-260. . 410 83 Carlyle, I. Critical and miscellanc< essays. v. 2. pp. I— 53 206E2 1 in heroes and hero-w orship. pp. 1 1 ; [80. 410-24 .. 1 ;. I.. Pursuit of knov ledge, pp. 263-269 410-35 Drake, S. A., ed. Our greal benefactors, pp. I II— 115 410-42 Emerson, K. W. Miscellanies, pp. 363 318ES Famous boj and famous men. pp. s | 410-478 1 iii j celebrated men. pp. 305 309 . . 410-40 Giles, II. Illustrations of genius, pp. -'ii; 200. 422E1 r.i.-ai Scotchmen, pp. 55 114 11 12 .( — Griswold, II. T. Home life ol authors, pp. 24-.;.; U s Is Hale, 1 I . 1 ghl ol two centuries, pp. 421 434 410-536 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home. -tr 442 tsi Home pictures m English poets, pp. 267 .'hi _ 821 Is '. W , II ' III si 11 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . j pp. 15; [74. A Bui n ' 1 • 1 1 - V. (M.J pp. 388 l" s — King ley, I Sir Waller Raleigh and lii. time. pp. 119 154. Bui n and Ids ool 535E4 Letters to dead authors, pp. M'| "li. I . Si ottish philosophy. pp. ind Scott 1621 .4*1 Men who have made themselves, pp. Mi ler, II. Tales and ski 127. Ri I. ins Oliphant, M. O. W. Literary history of England in the end of the iSth and inning of the 19th century. v. I, PP< 82 [39 8204-7 Rei .11- Lei tures on the British | v. 2. pp. 25-47 ell, A. 1 1 icteristics. pp. 1.52 (59 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women. 1 ■ t . I. pp. 161 177 (10 9 ervice, J. 1 In Ward, T. II., t-il. English poets. v. ,. pp. 12-523. S092-9 imour, C. C. !:. Self-made men. pp. 64-70 410-92 — Shairp, J. ('. Aspects of poetry, pp. I'M 193 8031 8 Stevenson, k. L. Familiar .studies of men and 1 ks. pp. 38-90. Some I Robert Burns 851E2 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. I'l • 21-27 Mi-97 — Thome, W. H. Modern idols, pp. 62- 105 Wise, I>. Vanquished victors, pp. 106- '.> 2 ;■ Bl RNS, Wm. Blaikic, W. (.. Leaders in lern philanthropy, pp. 205-224. . . I p, A. II.. II. A. Page, ps, ud.) > en lives, pp. 1 So 220 j BURNS, Wm. C. Life and labors of the Rev. W. C. Burns. In Macgregor, D. Shepherd ol I illustrations of the inner life. pp. 316-330 .■ / Burn/. Burnside, Ambrose Everett, . is- issi. Woodbury, A. Maj. Gei . A. E. Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps. . ier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. S°3 4i2.;i 4 BURNSIDE. 196 BURROUGHS. Burnside, A. E., continued. — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, pp. 447-459 4122-4 BURN! Njal. Cox, G. W. and Jones, E. II. Tales of the Teutonic Ian. Is. pp. 346- 388 S315-3 Burnt out. Vonge, CM. 990A35 Burn/., Eliza Boardman. Phonic short- hand: arranged on the basis of Isaac Pitman's phonography. N. V., 1S86. 12° 655-24 Burr, Aaron, jd vice-president of the I . S., b. 1756-r/. 1836. Davis, M. L., ed. Private journal of Aaron Burr 196B6 Memoirs of Aaron Purr ; with miscel- laneous selections from his correspond- ence 196B7 — Knapp, S. L. Life of Aaron Burr. . . 196B8 — Parton, J. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 2 v 196B9 — Hall, J. Romance ol western history. pp. 217-225 987-5 — Parton, J. People's book ot biography. pp. 115-121 410-S2 — Victor, O. J. History of American con- spiracies, pp. 271-325 34°7-9 — Wise, lb Vanquished victors, pp. 40-65. 410-97 — Woodman, C. II. Boys and girls of the revolution, pp. 106-124 966A2 — See also Blennerhassett, H. Hamilton, A. and United States, history. BURR, Enoch Fitch, D. £>., i. 1S1S. Ad fidem ; or, parish evidences of the Bible. B., 1871. 12° 239-23 — (Connecticut pastor, A., pseud.) Ecce cce- lum ; or, parish astronomy. B. 12°. . 523-2 Contents- — Preparatory. — The sky. — Satellite systems. — Planet systems. — Higher systems. — The author of nature. — Pater mundi. 2 v. B., 1870-73. 12°. . 239S-2 Contents. — v. 1. Modern science testifying to the Heavenly Father, v. 2. Doctrine of evolution. Toward the straight gate ; or, parish Christianity for the unconverted. P., 1875- I2 ° 239-232 BURR, Fearing, jr. Field and garden tables of America. P., 1S65. 12°. . . 635-2 — Garden vegetables and how to cultivate them. P., 1866. 12". Abridged ed. of foregoing 635-21 Burr, rheodo ;ia. Parton, J. famous ericans. pp. 393 426 412-72 B 11 Win. II. A. course on the stresses in 01 I'll'/' and I liu es, arched ribs and 1 i" 11 In idgi . V Y., [880. 8°. . 624 1 Burritt, t.liliii. American reformer and lin- t, /'. 1S10 ,/. 1879. Ten-minute talks on all -.oils of topic- ; with autobiog- raphy of the author. I!., 1874. 12". . 195E8 Bi RRiTT, Elihu, continued. Contents. — Autobiography. — Incidents and observations.— Glimpses by the wayside of his- tory. — Social and artistic science. — Industrial and financial questions. — Political questions. — National and international questions. — Thoughts and things at home and abroad ; with memoir, by M. Howitl. B., 1854. '2° I95E9 — Northend, C, (•f i he honey-bee, — Nature and the poets. Notes by the way.— Foot-paths. —A bunch of herbs. — Winter pictures. Signs and seasons. I!.. 1886. 16. . . . 196E7 Contents A sharp lookout A spraj of pine. Hard farei- Tragedies of the nests —A snow storm. — A tastcof Main, birch. Winter neigh bors. — A salt breeze. Spring relish.— A river view.- Bird enemies. Phases of farm life. Roof tn < Wal e robin N. V., 1X71. 16 . . . . '196E8 Contents. Return of tti.r birds. In the hem- locks.— Adirondac Birds' -nests. Spring at 1 he 1 npital l !in h brcjw sings Tin m\ itation BURRi H GH "'7 R! SH Burroughs, [ohn, rontinued. Wintei I. Y., 1877 [6 1 1 n of the road lii< in -a wall ei 1 t \ March h l< Aul 1 ' ' pplc \ n Bi US, Sli phen. Bio \\ iphh 1] annual. pp. 219-245 iws, Montagu. Worthies of all souls: four centuries of English history. I.. 1874. S° 37 Burrows, Wm., 6. 1785 d. 1813. Frost, J., .-./. Pictorial lii-t"i\ "I the American navy. pp. 427-440 p Bl 11, M.n\ E. Browning's women : intro- duction, by E. E. Hale. Chicago, 1887. 12° 1 Bl 1:1. N. C, D. D. Far East, The; or, letters from Egypt, Palestine and other lands of the Orient. Cinn., 1S69. 12°. 458-18 — Land and its story; or, the sacred historic- al geography of Palestine. [10 maps.] V V., 1869. 8° 458-19 Bl RTON.John Hill, Scottish historian, b. 1S09- (/. 1SS1. The book-hunter, etc. \. Y.. [883. 12° 805I-2 — ■ History of Scotland, from Agricola's in- vasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection. 8 v. Edin- burgh, 1S73. 12° 940-2 Hi RTON, Richard Francis, English tra 6. 1S21. City of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. N. V., 1862. 8° 4792-2 Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil : with account of the gold and diamond mines; also canoeing down 1,500 miles of the river Sao Francisco, from Sahara to the sea. 2 v. I.., 1S69. 8°. 4S1-22 — Gold mines of Midian and the ruined Mtdianite cities: a fortnight's tour in northwestern Arabia. I.., 187S. 8°. . . 4592-2 I.. ike regions of Central Africa, n. t. p. 8°. • 4676-23 1 uid of Midian revisited. 2 v. 1... 1879. 8° 4592-3 — Pilgrimage t.. El-Medinah and Meccah : w ith introduction, by B. T. •. lor. V Y.. 12° 459-25 — Two trips to Gorilla land and the catar- acts of the Congo. 2 v. I.., 1S76. S°. — Ultima Thule ; or, summer in Iceland. 2 v. 1... 1875. 8° 4491-2 — and Drake, C. F. T. Unexplored Syria : visits to the Libanus, Tulul 1 3 Anti-Libanus, Northern Libanus, and the "Alan. 2 v. L., 1872. 8°. . . . 4579-23 — ed. Vikram and the vampire ; or, Hindu devilrj . \. Y. [2 Bl R 1 1 '\. Rii h.it I ontinueJ. — Tayli ir, B. 1 ipxdiaof modern ti v. 2. pp. I' 1 1 114. Burtoi age to Mecca .; ■/. Travels in Arabia, pp. 65 N5. . . 4; ! I Engli hphilo ophtr,b. 1576 ,/. ab, ui 1640. I'.iuy of melam holy : what ii with all the kit prognostics and several cures of it. 3 v. X. Y., 1865. 12'' 1 Melancholy anatomized: founded on Anatomy of melancholy IJ -Knight, ('. Once upon a time. pp. Burton, Wm. Evans, ed., hng. comedian and dramatist, b. 1804-1/. about i860. Cyclo- paedia of wit and humor. N. Y ., 1875. 8°. . . . ..77-17 . Wm. L. In Matthews, J. Ii. and Hutton, I.., eds. Actors and actre "• 3- PP- 217 238 11; B . Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre 01 the industrial arts: pottery and porcelain. glass, enamel, metal, goldsmith's work. jewellery and tapestry, ed. by W. Chaf- fers. N. V.. 1869. 8° 737-3 Bury, B. de. All for greed. Leipzig, 1 16°. Richard de, /'. 12N7 d. [345. Camp- bell, J. Lord chancellors, v. I. pp. 201-209 4' 1 25 Bury, T. Talbot. Rudimentary architect- ure : history and description of the styles of architecture of various conn- trie-.. I.., 1S07. 12° Bound with Leeds, W. 11. Rudimentary architect- ure 720-55 BURYING the hatchet. Kellogg, Elijah. . . 5 j; 1 A 1 7 . Julius Hermann Moritz, 6. 1^21. Bismarck in the Franco-German war, [870 71. V Y.. n. d. 12° 158B2 — Our chancellor: sketches for an his- torical picture. 2 v. N. Y.. 1 - 12° lit SH, Mrs. Annie Forbes. Memoirs ol the queens of France. 2 v. Phila., 1851. 12°. Same, 2 v. in 1 41051-2 Bl Ml. (lias. P. The martyr missionary ; or, five years in China. [Life of Wm. Aitchison.] Edinburgh, n. d. 16 . . 112B1 Eliza C. My pilgrimage to eastern shrine-. I... 1S07. S . 1 ,t'<>. Garj . Harvard the fti -: Ameri- can university. P.., 1SS6. 12°. . H, Jas. S. Evidence of faiih. [Ser- mons.] P., 1885. 12- « ords about the Bible. V \ .. 12° BUSH. 198 BUSINESS. Bush, R. Wheler. Popular introduction in the Pentateuch. L., n. d. 12 . . 2231-3 Bl 11, Richard I. Reindeer, dogs and snow- ihoes: journal of Siberian travel and explorations made in [865-67. N. V., 1871. 8° 4529-2 Bush boys. Reid, Mayne. 7 7 S . \ ^ 7 Bush wanderings of a naturalist ; Australia. n. t. p. 16 404-2 BusHE, .SiVChas. Kendal, chief justice of Ire- land, !'. about 1767-1/. 1843. Brougham, II. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 309-319 410-17 — Shiel, R. I.. Sketches of the Irish liar. pp. 121-149 3409-75 III sin , M. ('. The painted bird and the painted text. L., 1S69. 16 197A5 Bushman, J. S. Fishes ; their structure and economical uses. In Jardine, Vf.,ed. Naturalist's library. v. 35. Edin- burgh, 1S53. 1 6° 590-5 Bushnell, David. Howe, H. Eminent mechanics, pp. 136-144 41237-4 Bushneix, Horace, D. D., Amer. congi tionalist 'minister, b. iSo2-i/. 1876. Build- ing eras in religion. [Literary varieties. 3d ser.] N. Y., 1SS1. 12° 204-13 Contents. — lUiilding eras in religion. — New education. — Common schools. — Christian Trin- ity a practical truth.— Spiritual economy; or, revivals of religion — Pulpit talent. — Training for the pulpit, manward. — Our gospel a gift to the imagination. — Popular government of I >i- vine right. — Our obligations to the dead. — Let- tet to Hi- Holiness, Pope Gregory XVI - Christian comprehensiveness. — Christian nurture. N. V., 1876. 12°. . 247-3 — Forgiveness and law. [Continuation of Vicarious sacrifice.] -\. V., 1874. 12 . 232-28 G hi < 'lnisi ; 1 iii * 1 - 'li 1 .■- delh ered at New Haven, Cambridge and Ando- ver, with a preliminary dissertation on language. N. V.. 1877. 12 232-25 Moral 11 es of dark things. [Literary va- rietii 2nd er.] N. Y., [868. 12 . 210 14 ( ntenti * If nig I id sleep. ' it w ant and waste.— Bad government, -Oblivion; or, dead hi tory. Physical pain Physical danger. — ( ondition o( lolidarity Ni tercoursi be tween worlds Wintci filings tin ightlyand disgustful Plague and pestilence. — Insanity, \ iiim.il infestat ions, Di tincti ii 1 olor. — tf utabilitti -.I hi, II, Nature and thi ral, ;ethei constitui 1 11 of God. N. V., 1S77. 12° , mi,, us for the new life. N. Y., 1873. 2 11I III alvation. N. Y., 1S76. 12° ubjects. N. \ .. i^7. - . 1 • Bl sum 11, Horace, continued. - Vicarious sacrifice. X. Y., 1877. 12°. [For continuation see Forgiveness and law.] 232-27 — Women's suffrage: reform against na- ture. N. \\, 1S69. 12 3243-2 — Work and play; or, literary varieties. N. V., 1864. 12 197E4 Contents. — Work and play. — True wealth ; or, weal of nations. — Growth of law. — Founders ■ 1 in their unconsciousness. — Historical es- timate of Connecticut. — Agriculture at the east. — Life; or, the lives. — City plans. — Doc- trine of loyalty. — Age of homespun. — The day 1 if roads. — Religious music. — Cheney, M. B. Life and letters of Hor- ace Bushnell 1 ■ 17 1'. 4 — Bartlett, D. W. Modern agitators, pp. ■ 266-2S0 412-2 — Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits. pp. 366-385 13SE2 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 7. pp. 1- 116. Review of God in Christ. . . . 818 27 — Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 219-229. A vacation with Dr. Bushnell 204-7 Bushwhacker, Dr., pseud. See Cozzens, F. S. Business. Buckley, J. M. Oats or wild oats? Common sense for young men. . 194-2 — Calkins, S. S. Business instructor. . . 657-3 — Crafts, W. F. Successful men of to-day. 194-25 - Freedley, E. T. Practical treatise on business 65S-41 Legal adviser 3434-4 Opportunities for industry and the safe investment of capital 658-4 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopcedia of commercial and business anecdotes S077-55 - Maher, W. H. On the road to riches. . 658-56 Mm nil. 1 1. J. Work for women. . . . 3965-6 — Mills, J. II. An of money making. . . 658-63 — Newton, R. II. Morals of trade; two lei tines 1944-6 - Smith, R. II. Science of business. . . 334-7 - Terry, S. II. Retailer's manual. . . . 658-8 — Tulloch, I. Beginning life 248-8 - Tiilhill, L. C. ill.) Success iii life. 3 v. 1. The merchant 1944 8 2. The law yer in); s 3. The inei hank 607-8 \\n to fortune '94-95 Wells, J. G. Every man his own law \n and b 1 11 in book 3434-8 \\ 1. II. Natural law in ihe busi- 1 1'l 330 88 — Bartol, C. A. Principles ami portraits. pp. 202-227 138E2 — kuskin, |. Crown of wild ..live. pp. 47-82 304-7 M. 1 . Modern sphinx >ome of her riddles. pp. 36 |S 304-75 BUSINESS. 199 1:1 1 l l.l ■ 1 ; ■ 1 Speni 'i , II- I isaj 1 I. political and 1 thetii . pp. 107-148. i"| 78 kss ami pleasure in Brazil. B W. K. and Staples, R Bi i.i of pleasure. Vat< , Edmund. 1 1 1 Busk, Racln 11 1 I 1 ollecl ion "i 1 lie fable and folk I r I'.., 1S77. 8° ; 1 nihl Pitre, Dr. G. I "l Italy. I -. 1887. 16 '. 1:1 , I ■ . I \ in 1 li G. W. 1 aj . pp. 140 m<>. Review of Die Gesellschaft !• " i"; 1 j Bussey, < i. Moir. Fable ;, original ind se- lected ; « nli .in introduction and b 11. .in <■ . ..I fabulists. V V.. [865. 8 . 3811 25 Bi ssi 1 »' \ ml... 1 . 1 1 >) .1 ma. ] 1 hapman, G. Works, pp. 140-177 22K 1 1:1 v bees. Robbins, S. S 786A35 1:1 1 .1 Philistine. Townsend, Virginia F. I.i 1 once. Phila., 1S67. 16° 197 \<> lii 1 yet a woman. Haul), A. S. Bi i' mi. S. 11. Demosthenes. N. Y., [882. 16 . [Classical writers ser.] . . Bi mi R, Annie R. Glimpse i ol Mi land. I., 1886. 12° I.93I J Bi 1 1 1 1. Behel hland Foote. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 95- I0 5 4I2I-35 B , Benj. 1 1 anklin, gt n ral, b. 1818. Parton, I . I Sen . Bui lei in New I 11 leans : In lory ol the administration of the de- partment of the Gulf in the year 1862. 198B] I ..1 nej . I . W. Anc. dote "I public men. v. 2. pp. 78-S3 412-4 Bi mm;. 1 lemenl Moore, D. /'.. t8n 1. I . . :, ia tical histoi y from the tst to the mih • entury. 2 v. Phila., 1868 72. 8° 270-25 I listory of the Bi * I. 1 il ommon praj er : « nil an explanation ol its offi< es and rubrics. Phila., [880. \ i° 2603 3 Inner Rome. Phila., 1866. 12 . . . . 2N24 22 Reformation in Sweden. \. Y., 1 12 -74' s .i 2 Bi hi:, Lady Eleanor. Walford, E. Talcs ofourgreal families, v. I. pp. 72-83. 411-99 Butler, Eli; abeth, 1 1 tint oj Ci .' rfield. Jameson, \. (M.) Beauties of the court .1 1 harles II. pp. 160-170 41 1-55 e, J. II. Court of England .luring the reign ol the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 275 2S0 411-58 Butler, Elizabeth (Thompson), Eng. artist, /'. 1844. Bolton, S. K. Girls who be- came famous, pp. 261 277 1 1 ; 2 Butler, 1 . W. II. Man in, ('. k noitring 1 entral Asia. pp. 231 251. . 455 m B 1 ble, I i.i Vnne. I I. 1 men. In lintler, J. I . 1' 1 77 .... I /. Lodge, E. i Britain, v. 6. pp. 199 211 t ■ ■ * * 3 [ ,, 2nd duke of Ortuond. I. mine, E. ' 1 traits of illustrious pi ol I .lent Britain, v. 7. pp. 1 I Butler, Joseph, 1 E> van, 1692 1752. Analogy of religion, natural and 1 evcaled, to 1 In iscitution ol nature; [and sermons]. I ... 1S71. 12° Cont I i 11 by t lie ciV face by Bp. Halifax.— Life of Bp Butlei I" ii lui lion by rhe author. — Part I. Natural re- ligion. — 2. Revealed religion n.n. — 1. Of pcrsonalidentity. — 2. Of the natureof .'•1 : \\ ith an by Rev. Robert Em- ory, com] ' ! edited with life of Bishop Butler, notes and index by G. R. - 2 With at ' by Albert Barnes 1 ollins, W. L. Butler. [Philosophical classic. I - -Stephen, I.. Histoi I English thought in the i8tli century. v. 1. pp. 308 1 Bi mm. [oseph 11. e E., ed. Woman' ami « 1 ■ ilture. I.., 1869. 8°. . Cor:: luction, by the editor. — Final ibc.— How to provi li for superfluous women, l.y sie I 1 onsidcred profession for women, by K ler. — 1 . rofession for women, liy Sophia Jex-Bl Stu.tr! On Si imily life, by 1 H. arson.— Property .1: itiesofam u and other ! of marriagi N :n.ile suffrage, considered chiefly with rcg indirect results, by Julia Wedgwood.— Educa- tion of girls, its present and its future, by abeth C. Wolstcnholme.- Social position of wo- men in the present age, by Ji xy, duchess of Dei fame- son, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of Charles II. pp. 268 277. . 4 • 1 5 5 1 iiittel, English / .'. .. Poetical works. 2 v. B., 1 i 12° — Hudibras. 1... 1869. 12 1 Selections from bis v. ritinj characters. pp. 127-291 Henley, W. E. Samuel Butler. In Ward, T. II., . English poets. pp. ; .... S092-9 BUTLER. BUTTRESSES. Bl in, Samuel, continued. Howitt, W. Homes ami haunts of Brit- ish poets, v. i. pp. 11S-125 41821-4 — Johnson, S. Lives of English poets, v. 1. pp. 197-212 41821-5 Butler, Samuel. Life and lial.it. L., 1878. I2 ° 575'--M — Luck or cunning as the main means of organic modification? an attempt to throw additional light upon Darwin's theory of natural selection. L., 1887. 12 ° 5752-2 — Unconscious memory: a comparison be- tween the theory of Dr. E. Hering, and the philosophy of the unconscious of Dr. E. Von Hartmann. L., 1880. 12° 184-2 Bl 11 IK. T. B. Philosophy of the weather. X. V., 1S56. 12 5515-2 Butler, Theobald. Sheil, R. S. Sketches of the Irish l>ar. v. 2. pp. 79-87. . . 3409-75 Bl iter. Col. Walter. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 17S-191 410-53 Bl n. kr. Win. D. D. Land of the Veda: India, with incidents of the Sepoy re- bellion. X. V., 1872. 8° 454-18 Hi her, W'm. Allen. Domesticus: a tale of the imperial city. N. V., 1S86. 12°. — Poems. B., 1S71. 12° 198C5 — Two millions. N. V., 1S5S. Bound with I mII, I. R. Vision of Sir Launfal. . 589C6 — Dobbs ; his ferry. In Mason. E. T., ed. Humorous masterpieces from American literature, v. 2. pp. 24-35 817-63 Bl 111 R, Major Win. F. Great lone land : north-west America. L., 1873. 12°. . 471-2 — Wild North land : story of a winter jour- ney, with dogs, across northern North America. I'hila., 1S74. 12° 4711-2 111 1111; county, Ohio. McBride, J. Pio- neer biography : sketches of the Hi - ettlei of Butler county 41271-6 M lean, J. P. Mound builders, with an investigation into the archaeology of Butler county 407-6 Burr, Bi i M i Delii ia. \. Y., 1879. 1 6°. I ugi in.-. N. Y., 1877. 16 . ' ..1. .Mm,- [-law thorne. V V., 1883. 16°. Mi Molly. V \ ., [876. [6 . lii 1 1, Isaac. History of Italy, from the ab- dic; 'il. 2 v. [.., i860. 945o8-3 Introduction. In Martin, 11. Daniel Manin and Venice in [848-49 1 . M. Bllttei and . hi lii British manufacturing industrii 1- "2. pp. 137-148 664-2 In 1 1 1 RHEI.11, Consul Willshire. Biograph- ical sketch of Mortimer M. Jackson. pp. 41-5S. Bound with Thwaites, R. G. Biographical sketch of Lyman C. Draper 412-91 B I 1 1 1; field, Jeremiah. McBride, J. Pi- oneer biography, v. 2. pp. 161-172. 41271-6 BUTTERFLIES. Adams, H. G. Beautiful but- terflies 5958 1 j — Coleman, W. S. British butterflies. . . 5958-3 — Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters. . . . 5958-33 — Corning, M. S. Patch-work quilt socie- ty ; or, stories of beasts, bird, and but- terflies 247A6 — Duncan, J. British butterflies. In Jar- dine, W., ed. Naturalist's library, v. 2 9 590-5 Foreign butterflies. In Jardine, W., ed. Naturalist's library, v. 31. . . . 590-5 — French, G. H. Butterflies of the eastern United States 595^-4 — Strahan, A., ed. Boys' and girls' book of science, pp. 118-184 507-83 — Wood, J. G. Our domestic pets. pp. 304-3'7 6386-9 — See also Insects. Natural history. Zool- ogy- Hi [TERWORTH, Henry. Curwen, II. His- tory of booksellers, pp. 333-346. . . 418-33 BuTTERWORTH, Ilezekiah. Zigzag journey- in Acadia and New France. B., 18S5. 12° 4716-2 Classic lands. B., 1883. 12° 440-196 Europe. B., 18S1. 8°. Same, 1886. 440-195 India. B., 1S87. 8° 454-19 Northern lands : from the Rhine to the Arctic, through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. B., 1S84. 12° 440-197 Levant, with a Talmudist story-teller. H., 18S6. 8° 462-2 Occident: from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific. II. , 1NS3. 8° 478 J Orient: from the Adriatic to the Baltic. 4499-25 Sunny South ; or, wonder tales of . .1 1 ly American history. B., 18S7. 8°. . . 475-2 Voung folks' history of America. II., [88l. 12 . Same, 1S82. Same, 1SS5. 973-22 Boston. I'... 1SS1. 12° 9825-27 — Home -,i J. G. Whittier. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen. it- 3«9-323 4'" 83 Buttons. Aitken.W.C. Guns, nails, locks, ew -, 1 ailw aj bolts, and spikes, buttons, eti In British manufacturing industries, v. 3. pp. 76-S6 670-2 Hi [ton's inn, Tourgee, Albion W. Hi 1 n 1 es. Bland, \\ . Principles of con- -li 11. 1 1 "ii in arches, piers, buttresses, etc. o.' 1 1 2 l:l I I - — 20I tion mi . I free trade. v v., 1875. u 335-23 Hi \ Mis, II. J. \V. and Poynter, I I man, Flemish and Dutch painting. I... \i 759 16 ■ --. Sydney. I landl itical questions of the 'lav. I... 1SS5. 8°.. .; Comt rch ami state — Elementary rm. — Parliamentary electii — Reform of the procedure of the Hoi ■ n M ise of Lords. — London muni- cipal reform. — Rural I nt. — Land laws — Allotments exlen hold enfranchisement.— Intoxicating liquor law Incidence of taxation.— Reciprocity or "fair trade." — Capital punishment with deceased wife's sister. — Sunday opening of museum, etc. — Cremation. — Ireland. — Index. 1 mperial Parliament se Buxton, Thos. Fowell, Memoirs of rhomas Fowell Buxton, ed. 1 m 198B6 Mudge, /. A. The Christian statesman. 198B7 tr, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. '33-M6 4io-44 •• Bin a broom! " Harris, A. II. In Won- der stories of science, pp. 273-296. . 602-9 1, tlie life ami adventures of a honey l>ee. Noel, M 639-66 By and by. Maitland, P.. (Herbert Ainslee, 1;. A., pseud.) \\\ Celia's arbor. Besant, W. and Rice, J. Bv hie and sword. Archer, Th By il 1 ami by fell. Eyton, E. C. [Phys- ical geography.] 55 1-43 By his own might. Hillern, W. von. By mead ami stream. Gibbon, C. By order of the king. Hugo, V. BY-paths of Bible knowledge [series]. Budge, E. A. W. Babylonian life and history 91 54 j Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria : their physical features in relation to Bible history 2212-26 King, J. Recent discoveries on the Temple hill at Jerusalem ::i: 24 Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. 2269-5 Sayce, A. II. Assyria: its princes, priests and people 9152-67 - Fresh light from the ancient monu- ments 2212 2; P\ sea and by land. Merewether, II. A. . 43 B\ shore and se Ige. II. mc. F. Bret. BY still waters. Mayo, Mrs. I. 1'.. (Edward ett, pseud.) By the liber. Tincker, M. A. by-ways of Europe. Taylor, 1!. ; . BY-ways of literature. Wheeler, 1). II. . BY-ways of nature ami life. Deming, ^'. . 283I -' By woman's wit. Hector, Mrs. A. 1 ., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) D, W. II. Philo ophj r... I- 1 'in Barnai free-trade and popular political e ler, 1S72. 12°. Same. Phila., 187 \iSi~ 1 1., Edwin Lassetter. I'.. 1SS7. 12°. Nimport. B., [877 1 ItYKN, Marcus Lafayetti cal brewer. Phila., 1876. 12 . ... iplete practical distiller. PI 12° 663-2 . Miles. Mil larthy, I. II. I i with eminent Irishmen. .Oliver. Essential elements of prac- tical mechanic- : for engineer- tudents. I... iSjj. 12 53'-2 — Handbook for the artisan, mechanic and engineer. Phila., 1S74. N 602-3 il-worker's assistant; with the ap- plication of the art of electro-metallurgy manufacturing processes. Scoffern, .1111, VV. ./hi/ Napier, J. I'll. la.. 1869. 8°. Same. 1S7J. S°. 671-2 BYRNE, Rev. Win. Spalding, M. J. V lanea. v. 2. pp. 729-735 Byrne, Mrs. Wm. 1'. Tin or, the city of the single. 1.., 1869. 12. 2719 2 — Undercut! I. 2 v. in I. I... 1S60. S° Contents. — v. 1. Social condition of the lower orders. — London Sabbath. — Continental Sun- day. — Pastimes of the people. Pastimes of the people in Par: houses and municipal relief. — Pauper lunatic lums. — Preaching. BYRNES of Glengoulah. Nolan. A. i . John. Essays. /« Steele. R. -on, J., eds. Spectator, v. S. . . — Henley, W. E. John Byrom. In Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. j. 230-232 , . - - ^092-9 Byron, Anne Isabella Millbanke v - 1792 I - ; .II. II. Lady Byron vindicated: history of the Byron controversy. 1'.., 1S70. |6°. . . rtineau, II. phi cal sketches. .1 4104-02 By RON, Geo. Gordon N . 1 - 1 works. 5 v. in 3. Lei| . . . 1 with life. Edinburgh, n. d. i-' . with notes and memoir of his life. Phila., n. ' 1 — Chil • and other poems: with memoir. L., 18 — Childe Harold's pilgrimage: ed.by W.J. BYRON. CABINET. Byron, (i. G. X., continued. — Moore, T., ed. Letters and journals of Lord Byron. 2 v 199B5 — Elze, K. L ird Byron : a biography; with a critical essay on his place in litera- ture I9915I5 Gait, J. Life of Lord Byron 19962 — Guiccioli, T. G untess My recollec- tions of Lord Byron [99-B3 - JeafiTeson, J. C. The real Lord Byron: new views of the poet's life 199B4 — Medwin, T. Journal of the conversa- tions of Lord Byron 199B45 — Nichol, J. Byron. [English men of let- ters ser.] 199B6 — Books and authors: curious facts and characteristic sketches. See index. . . S04-23 — Castelar, E. Life of Lord Byron, and other sketches, pp. 9-1S4 418-26 - Courthope, W. 1. Liberal movement in English literature, pp. 111-158. Scott, Byron, Shelley 8204-3 — Devey, J. Comparative estimate of mod- ern English poets, pp. 1S4-211. . . . 821-3 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and liter- ary men. ser. 2. pp. 42-60. ..... 41S-43 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 4. pp. 302-304 426E1 Griswold, II. T. Home life of great authors, pp. 94-101 418-45 - Iladley. J. Essays, pp. 346-349. . . . 450E1 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 461-472 4I°-5J l » Il.i/litl. \V. Miscellaneous works, v. 5. PP- 97 loS 459E8 — Hayward, A. Eminent statesmen and writers. v. 2. pp. 305-359 4 I °-55 flowitt, W. Homes and haunts of British poets, v. 1. pp. 524-566. . . 41821-4 - Kingsley, C. New miscellanies, pp. 106 125 535E3 ■lit. C. Half-hours with the liest lettei andautobiographers. ser. i- PP- '9' -'- 826-54 Byron, li. t.. X.. continued. — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 205-215 804-56 — Legale, H. S. Writings. v. 2. pp. 356-448. Review of Letters and jour- nals, ed. by T. Moore 818-56 Lippincott, S. J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Merrie England. pp. 31-48. Xewstead Abbey. — Byron 9308-5 - Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v. I. pp. 3—71 4182-50 — Motley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 1. pp. 203-251 646E4 — Mothers of great men. pp. 378-39S. . . 413-35 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Literary history of England, v. 3. pp. 9-36 and 51-78. S204-7 l'arton, J. People's book of biography, pp. 288-295 410-82 — Reed, II. Lectures on the British poets. v. 2. pp. 163-198 821-7S — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 1. pp. 214-230 410-9 — Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies. pp. 238-258 86SE1 Symonds, J. A. Lord Byron. In Ward. T. II., ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 244-255 8092-9 — Taylor, B. Travels in Greece and Rus- sia, pp. 203-215 4495-87 -Taylor, W. C. Modem British Plutarch. pp. 2S-40 4« 1-97 — Trelawney, E. J. Recollections of the last days of Byron and Shelley. ... S20B9 — Wallace, S. E. Storied sea. pp. 135— 'II 4 1 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. I. pp. 267-298 946] 5 Byron, John, admiral, b. 1723-1/. 1786. Kel- ly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 179- 203. [Byron's narrative.] 439 >; Byron's conspiracy. [Drama.] Chapman, (',. Works, pp. 214-242 22lCl Byzantii \i, [Battle, 1203.1 Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories, pp. 13-32 9208 '.; c 1 1 I 1 11 Iriiirii -1 1 lolham. V \ .. 1887. 11.". * 1 I In Uarqui ol Leto :. B., 1 ( '., M, I- ., pseud. Cusack, Franci Vlai . ■ .1 < Lady Belt) 1 .., n. d. 16 . 1 '., W. T., ed. Historj of the 1 in.iiinlai tin <■ and uses ol prinlii light, pottet nd iron. From tin- Km yclop;edia Bril: ica. \ . \ ., 1 I '. V I 1 .1 ! "I . I '.ml tin* I I i.lnli I r\ i 'In 1 ion. 1 Ironlund, Laurence 9444-43 I lbala. Heckl Inn 11, ( '. W. Sc, ici socie- ties, v. 1. pp. 1 in 120 3669 1 1 \i.\iiii:ii, Fernan, pseud. See Arrom, C. I:, ,1c F. 1 \i:in I k. Sealsfield, 1 '. ( m;in mi Hi,- prairie. Pearson, Di 1 II 720A9 11 1 - D., ed. 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 c \i:i l — 203 — ' 1 ( mile, Geo Wo li in" i" 11. />. 1845. I" 1 iture : pi e pastoi 1 1 Icadian Lou- isiana. V \ .. 1888. 12°. 1 reolc ol I 1. N. Y., 1884. 8°. "■ Dr. Sevier, li . 1885. 12 M id 1 Delphine. N. Y., 1881. 16 1 lid le days. N. \ .. 1879. 16 . / 1 1 1 G eo 1 1 1 ■ 1 Po Ic 1 1 Bella demoiselli plants 1 P quelii 1 Delicti Cafi "P01 m I Silent South : logel her with the Crei man's case in equity, and il nvii 1 Li e j ti hi. N. Y., 1885. u . rhe Gi andissimes, a story of < 're* ill \. Y., 1SS0. I >i\ic. /// Mo "ii. 1.1. II 1 ii- masterpieces, v. 3. pp. 111 162. 817 63 l'i ill-. n. S. K . American authors, pp. 345-3<>4 M81-2 Cabot, fas. Elliot. Memoii of Ralph Wal- do Kniri ..ii. 2 v. II. . I SS- 3I7B17 1 IHOT, John, [Italian Gabotto), Venetian navigator in the Eng- land. Bourne, 11. R. I . English ;ea- men. v. 1. pp. 28 ;; 437 17 I 'nihil. 1 . ( '. Stoi j of liberty, pp. 1 j | 12S 920-25 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers, pp. '44 '49 (.142-6 Cabot, Sebastian, 3-36o. Review ol Memoir. . . 171 < lbral, Pedro Vlvarez. Vogel, T. Cen- tury of discovery, pp. 87-97 I ell, ( ecilia Mary. Nellie Netterville. V \ .. 1873. '■' ■ Wild times: tale of the .lays of Queen 1 1 abeth. N. Y.. n. d. 12°. I ■ , < M'l 1 1. II. M. I \. , < \ i.\i 1 s. Abbott, |. II toi 1 il K ulus. 1 i 5 8 794B1 Cadoud tt. 1 ■ all, W. I gra- il . v. 2. pp. 236 254 1 ' 1 I'M- . d. about II i. I . I' I 1 ty. pp. 410-5.S . Caius Julius, Roman general and dic- tator, i. li. C. \"> 417. . . 41 Old world worthies [from Plutarch.] pp. 232 283. ii": — Schlegel, F. von. i n modern history, pp. 311-344. ' and Alex- ander. 9204-7 Wi id, W., Hundred greatest men. PP- 389 393- 410-075 M. B ok of « orthies. pp. 105 4101-96 CMSAR. 204 CALCULUS. Oesar and Pompey. [Drama.] Chapman, (,. Works, pp. 351-380 221C1 ( ESARS, The. De Quineey, T. . . 284E49 1 and singing birds. Adams, II. 1. 63S6-2 Cage birds, Natural history of. Bechstem, J. M 6386-27 1 ' \r,ri> lion. \ onge, C. M. 1 , .1 1 mi, Paulo. See Veronese, Paulo. ( IGLIOS1 RO, Alexandre, comte de, [real nam,-. Giuseppe Balsamo,) Sicilian ivifosier, b. 1 743-<2". 1 795- Carlyle, T. Essays. V. 5. pp. 64-126 206E2 Cahi N Leon. Adventuresol Captain Mago ; or, a Phoenician expedition, B.C. 1000. N. Y., 1S76. 12 . Cailliaud, Frederic. In Taylor, B. Cyclo- paedia of modern travel, v. 1. pp. 245- 285. Journey to the Libyan Oases, Ethiopia, and Sennaar 4j6-S Cain. Hills, O. A. Companion characters. pp. 9-29. Cain and Abel 2217-47 Cain, Prof. Wm. Practical theory ol Vous- soir arches. N. V.. 1874. 16°. . . . 6242-3 — Maximum stresses in framed bridges. N. V., 1S78. 16°. . . . • 624-23 — Theory of solid and braced elastic arches : applied to arch bridges and roofs in iron, wood, concrete or other material. Graphical analysis. N. Y., 1879. 16 . 6242-33 — Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arches. N. V., 1879. 16 6242-34 (aim:. T. Hall. Deemster, The : a romance. N. V., 1SS8. 12 . — Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. P... 1883. 8° 795B2 — She's all the world to me. N.Y., 1S85. 16°. Caird, Alex. McNeel. Local government and taxation in Scotland. In Probyn, J. \V. , ed. Cobden Club essays, 1875. PP- 97-'7> 3521-7 Caird, Edward. Preiace. /«Selh, A. and 1 laldane, K. B., eds. I aj in philoso- phical critici in 142-76 D, Sir Jas. India: the land and the I ., 1883. 8° 154 2 riculture. In Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 129-152. 93S-9 1 mil. A', . John. [Sermon i. | In Scoti I 1 11 1 1] 1. 11-40 252-S1 - Religions of India. hi lailns ol the win Id. pp. I-60 290-4 Boyd, A. K . II. I .eisure hours in town. 134 17° 179^8 Fish, II.'. 1' 1 PP- <>54- 671 2521-4 Cairni . 1 -mi 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ; 1 . I hai actei 1 cal method of politii al e n) . N . v.. 1875. ,2 ° 330-27 Cairnes, J. E., continued. I ays in political economy, theoretical and applied. I.., 1873. S° 3304-25 — Some leading principlesof political econ- omy newly expounded. N. Y.. 1874. 8°. 330-2S — J. S. Mill's work in political economy. In Mill, J. S., his life and times, pp. 65-73 633B2 Cairns, Rev. John. Inspiration. A clerical symposium, pp. 48-65 2202-47 — Future probation: a symposium. pp. 134-150 2376-3 — Immortality. In Little, W. J. Knox- (7«i\> i<> mechanii in d iii ) 5 ' 7 7 Todhunter, I. Rese: In 5 ol the vai iationS Ti eal ise on the differential ca.li numerous examples 5 ' 7 - s Treatise on the intei ■■ li 1 applications 5' 73— S \\ 1 h ilhouse, W ■ S. 13. Eleinei I. 1 1 mill calculus 51721) 1 mm rTA, India. Ballou, M. -M. Da west. pp. [68-176 \ mi ent, I' . i linn. !i tropics, pp. 126-137 1 i ;, Alma. Set Johnson, Mrs. Alma (Calder.) I u M. I'. Social charades and parlor operas. B., 1873. 16° 7S5-2S and Mair, J, A. Now chan drawing room and handbook of proverbs and family mottoes. 16° 785-27 I'm DERON de la Barca, Mint, i 1 kine (Inglis). The attache in Madrid . or, sketches of the court of Isabella II, translated from the German. N. Y., 1856. 12 446-23 Life in Mexico ; with apn , b; \\ .11. .it. 1... 1843. 8 ° 47 2 ~ 2 1 1. cott, W. 11. Miscellanies, pp. ,. 360. Review of Life in Mexico. . . . 744E5 1 us de la Barca, Pedro, Sf.iu; matist. Scene from Magico Prodigioso. In Shelley. P. 1!. Poetical works, v. 3. pp. 391-42.? 820C3 Si hlegel, A. \V. vuu. ///Alenol pp. 212 215 4>o-75 1 ILDERWOOD, I Urn \ , .\ ottil 1 p ;i i ur, . 1831*1 Handbook of moral philosophy. I . 1S72. 12°. Same, 1S73 191-2 'hi teaching, its ends and mean.-. N. \ . , 1875. '6° 371-3 Relations of mind and brain. 1..,; J4 170-19 ' 11 DWELL, I',. C, td. Agricultural quali- tative and quantitative chemical analy- sis, after E. Wolff, Fresenius, Krocker, and others. N. V.. 1S00. 12 DWELL, Halwin. The art of do best, as >een in the lives and stories of some thorough workers. I.., 11. d. 16°. 410-23 Contents. — W. Jones. — H. Palissy. — T. B. Macaulay. — W. Clifford. — J. Brindley. — W. I \ n.l. ill I Flaxman. — F. Hiibei Jones I Walton.— I. Holcroft.— R. Heber.— \\ . i .11 1 . I Ledyard. B rhompson, Count Rumford s I new .1 !l --17 17 I 1 I'M DWEI [., Ilaun. I I I of lllr A 1 , 2. pp. '"7 ' ' I ; < M DW 1.1.1 , .- . # lain pp. ZI7-232 Caldw 1 1 1 . 1 I uf 1 In- Am.] iijii revolution, v. 2. pp. '5° '57 1 '\i hwi 1,1, Sam I . mull. I In Grout, II. M.. ■ ■ invitation, pp. 1 5 ; 165 I AI II. I I , , I ' \ 1 1 liua Caleb in town. Abbott, 1. . mntry. Abl I Krinkli 1 C. I Caleb the irrepressible. Paynter, M. M. I .. 1854. 12°. Iwin, \\m. , Robert. Mori visible world. //; I |\. ed. Salem witchcraft '744-4 (' Ml. \n \K. 1 handlers, R., I. I \ , I days. 2 v S06-3 \\ oolhou e, \\ . - . ; , ami i . and an analv- stian, Hebrew, ami Ma- hometan calendars 337~9 XDAR of victory, n. I. p. 10 .... 9308-26 n. John Caldwell, American man, i. 17S2 ./. 1S50. Works, ed. by J. C. Cralle. 6 v. N. V., 1S54-60. 8° 818-3 icm and discourse on the constitution and govern- ment . >f the United Si.itcs eeches. v. 5-' i and public letters. I li iquisition on governmen ..11 the constitution and government of tlu- United States, ed. by Richard K. Charleston, 1S51. 8°. ... 3463-25 — Speech. In American oratory. 276 St;: : Hoist, 11 . . . 20 — Jenkins, J. S. Life of John 1 Calhoun 202P.I 451-4S3. Review of Life and speeches. Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings. 82-91 41-25 — Bui 1 ' '3 '30 -. in. 1'. j ol \iiHM. 11 statesmen, pp. 307 412. 412 53 — Harsha, D. A. Must eminent orators and i' s 410-54 C VLHOUN. — 206 CALIFORN1 \ Calhoun, J. C, continued. Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 471-505. . . . 8152 ii — Parton, I. Famous Americans. pp. ii;-"? 1 412-72 — Perry, B. K. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 42-49 4'2-75 i'm inn \. Mrs. Lucia (Gilbert). Introduc- tion, fn Modern women ami what is said of tliera 396-68 I iiian: the missing link. Wilson, Daniel. 82362-9 ( \i [< printing. Calvert, F. C. Coal tri- colours. Bonn,/ with Keene, J. 11. Prac- tical gauging 659-5 — Timbs, J. Inventors ami discoverers. PP- 3i3-3'8 609-79 California. Subdivisions: 1. History. 2. Travels and description. 3. Miscellane- ous. I. History. — Bancroft, II. II. History of California. 1542-1S40. 3 v. [With bibliography in v. I.] ... . ... 9894-2 — Capron, E. S. History of California, from its discovery to the present time. 9894-26 1 e, 1'. Si. 1 :. Conquest of New Mexico and California 9889-3 — Dunbar, E. E. Romance of the age ; or, the discovery of gold in California. . . 9894-3 I it. J. History of the state of Cali- fornia. 9894-4 — Royce, I. California from the conquest in 1S46 to the second vigilance com- mittee in San Francisco, [1856]. . . . 9^94-7 — Soule, 1-'.. Gihon, J. II. and Nisbet, J. Annals of San Francisco ; containing a summary of the history of the first >li" covery, settlement, progress, anil pres- ent condition of California 9894] 8 — Drake, S. A. Making of the great West. pp. 271 329 988-2 Idings, J. R. Speeches in Congress. pp. 39' 402 815-4 1 how, R. II. Mi itorj of « tregon mil 1 alifornia. pp. 96-250 989-4 Phelps, W. I>.. (Wrlili.nl, / n ud.) Fore and aft. pp. 277-352 7 -• ' . I : ■ ) ton, R. F. Life ; | with appx. his conquest of California.] . 856B6 2. Travel and description. 1 11 ["o and ii" hi -"in hip 1 California i; Bartlett, I . R. 1 plorations and inci- 1 New Mexico, Cali I ia, 11 1 and 1 liihuahua 1789 2 1 : 1 1 .. New « est ; or, 1 alifoi nia in 1S07 68. . . 4704 in I ;. \\ hat 1 1 in ' .mi -I in 1. . 170 1 19 California, continued. — Colton, W. Three years in California. 4794-24 — Cone, M. Two years in California. . 47 — Farnham, T. J. Life, adventures, and travels in California 470 33 — Helper. H. R. Land of gold 4794-44 — Hindi, J. S. Resources of California. . 4794-43 — Hutchings, 1. M. Scenes of wonder in California: guide to the Vo-Semite val- ley 47"4 17 — Lindley, W. and Widney, |. I'. Califor- nia of the south 17.11 ^i — Marryatt, F. Mountains and molehills : or, recollections of a burnt journal. . 4794-6 — Nordhoff, C. California for health, pleasure and residence 4794-7 Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands 479-6 — Roberts, E. Santa Barbara ami around there 47942-7 — Saxon. I. Five years wituin tire Golden Gate 4701 70 -- Scenes in the Pacific. . . . 1794— 77 — Stillman. J. D. B. Seeking the golden fleece 4704-S4 — Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado; or, adven- tures in the path of empire 4794-S5 — Taylor, Benj. F. Between the gates. 4794-S6 — Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California. 470 o — Todd, J. Sunset land; or, the great Pa- cific slope 171 92 — Van Dyke, T. S. Southern California. . 4794-9 — Wise, II. A. Los Gringos 439-96 Woods, D. B. Sixteen months at the gold diggings 4794-95 Bishop. W. II. Old Mexico and her lost provinces, pp. 295-509 472 15 Bowles, S. Our new We^t. pp. 3 1 7— 444 47S-1S Brocket!, L. I'. Our western empire. pp. 551-623 4/S-I9 Browne, J. R. Crusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk, with sketches of adventures in Califor- nia ami \\ 1 hoe, 1S75. pp. 249 308. . 430 is ( nihil, 1 . C. 1 >ui new \\ av round the world, pp. |0| toi 13S -| — Dall, C. II. My first holiday; or, letters home from 1 Colorado, Utah and Califot 111. 1, 1SN1. pp. too 398 I7N .'7 I.-' Meckel, F. Journey round the world. IT- '34 257 13S 1 1 I low e, I. W. Winter homes tor on alid PP. "8-37 6135-4 Howland, E. Willi the Count de Beau- voir in Japan and 1 'alifornia. In M lands ami many people, pp. 221-233. 430 63 on, H. (I I .) Bits of travel at ho PP. 3 '74 17! =. CM 1 1 < » k \ i \ . 207 ORK 1 IUI'ornia, continued. ( llimpses of threi coasts, pp. ; 1 z8. l,i' ht, ,n. 1 1 in, 1 Pugcl 1 iund, ' 'i p| 199-258 I , ) land, R. W. Round t hi •■■ orld in 1 1 1 1 [40-28] Miller, I Menu u ie and Rime. pp. i 1 ' ,l' I Powers, S. \ I ind alom 1 idve is and obsei vations in southern Caliibi nia, ■ ti ir s8o 127 i;.i 76 Rii 1 . 1 1 . I ettei ii om I he Pai ific slope. 1870. pp. jo-irl ... K 11 .ling, J. I- . Greal Wesl and Pacific coa 1, 1S77. pp i, Simpson, W. Meeting the sun. pp. 147 !93 138-83 I ,u lor, 11 lyai d. \\ home ind abn iad . PP 17 -°- I 1 1 hi. I. Q. Oregon and California, v. 2. PP. 65 579 i;<) 9 In >. in Frai and bai k. pp. 67 1 [3. 4794 7.1 Warren, F. R. I»u>t and foam. pp. 138 ">- 139-93 Whymper, I . Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska, pp. 2117 332. . 4798 87 3. Miscellaneott Km nett, P. II. Recollections and opin- ion "l an old pioneer 196B1 se, T. !•'. Nal ui a! h ealth oi < fornia 9894 28 Gibbons, R. Physics and metaphysii 1 11 j : keti li "l events relating to " 'v in the ' irlj h istory 1 ' • 3315-35 H hi ion of the everal ol the union and United States, pp. 537 557. Davison, S. Gold deposits in Australia. pp.379 386. Goldfields ol 1 alifornia. 5534] 3 :y, T. Letti rs to 1 yi iung man, and mini papei s. pp. [99 24I. t'ali- foi nia and 1 he gold mania 284E5 n, O. The Chinese in America. . . 1 Knox, I. W. The underground world. PP- 633 "I ; 1 1 'linn, J. I ihIi 1 ■ 1 ound t rea 111 e pp. l2 7-«33. e, J Feud of Oal held 1 reek: a novi : * imia life. Shinn, C. H Mining camps: a study in Amerii an 1 rvei nment - Spun', t;. i;. ii,e land oi gold. 1 >] . T. S. I in tation 1 amp. \i [fornix sci tip-book y ol use- ful inform I elect reading, cd. 1 I s| UK k 4794 7S vliphs and Sultans. Hanley, Sylvanus. . M.ISTH1 mi >, £ Physical culture. ■ he opium- appetite ; with nolii and . in their liy- I'hila., 1S71. 12 1 in! , \. A. Primary object Ie N. Y., 1861, 1 ■■ J7 2 3 -s nd Adams, W. T., ■ ' 1 1 ntaining a collection -ues and recitati li., n. d. 8° ilkins luisi- 111 tructor. Cleveland, 1881. 8°. 657-3 Waring, Win. ... 2- is, Frederick John. (Hugh ( ' mi.) int. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie (Thi im 'Mil I Thaddeus Stevens. ' 1. B., 1SS2. 12 JS55 1 • 1 1 \tii 1:1, J. M. and Yvan, Melchior. llis- ;iuii iii China, tr. by John Oxenford. N. \ .. 1853. 12 . '.' by Rev. J. Hanks, and tr. into English < by II. W. Tytler. In Banks, I. tr. V llimaehus, and pp. [20 216 and 369-434. . Elton, C. A. poets, v. 1. pp. 313-323 87c Callingham, Jas. Sign writing and glass ng: a complete practical illus- il manual of the art. To which are added numerous alphabets. Phila., . 1S73. 12 6981 1 . Sand, M. I Cutlery. In British manufactur- ing industries. V. II. pp. 154-1S7. . ' r.M.i.tsi a. Newman, J. II. Callistratus. Elton, C. A. Specirm the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 263-21 Callot, Jacques. Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. es of art. pp. 328-337 M7~9 Calm, Marie. The national associatii man women. In Stanton, T., The woman question in Europe, pp. Calonn Alexandre de, Frenth finan- • \i ker and Calonne : an old story. In Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius, pp. ':ie greal force. . Metcalfe, v - 1 - its mechanical, chemical and vital agencies 111 the phe- nomena of nature. . ! leal. CALPHURNIUS. CAM IlRI I )(',]•:. CALPHURNIUS. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets. v. 3. pp. 197-205. 87001-3 Calpurnia. Boyesen, H. 11. Idyls of Nor- way and other poems, pp. 147-185. . 179C7 Calthrop, Gordon. Gradual unfolding of revelation. In Popular objections to revealed truth, pp. 299-318 239-26 CALTHROP, Rev. Samuel R. Israel's inspira- tion and our relation to it. In Modern I nitarianism. pp. 46-56 2S84-3 i iii'MKT of the Coteau. Norris, P. W. . 693C2 Calverley, Chas. Stuart, Eng. poet, />. 1831. Fly-leaves. N. V., 1S72. 16°. . . . 202C1 — Poems. In Jones, C. H., ed. Vers de societe.' pp. 171-194 8096-45 — Theocritus translated into English verse. I.., 18S3. 12° SS46-3 1 m 1 rt, Dr. Y. Crace. Lectures on coal- tar colours, and on recent improvements and progress in dyeing and calico print- ing. Phiia., n. d. 12°. Bound with Keene, J. P. Handbook of practical gauging 659-5 Calvert, Geo., Lord Baltimore. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers, pp. 172-177. 4142-6 Calvert, Geo. Henry, American poet and i i. 1S03. Arnold and Andre: an historical drama. P., 1876. 12°. . 202C4 — Brief essays and brevities. B, [874. 1 6° 201E5 - < Charlotte von Stein : n memoir. B., 1S77. '2° S53P4 — First years in Europe. P., 1866. 12 . . 440-2 — Goethe: his life and works. An essay. i:.. 1N72. 12- 430P2 I hi 1 oducti iO( ial science. X. V., '• S 5<>. 12° 301-23 ..-/. ;;/a — pt. 1. New truth : knowledge pt. Analysis: the actual, pt. 3. Synthesis: the possible. - Life of Rubens. I!., 1871.. [6°. . . . 797P1 — Nation's birth ami other national poem-. B., 1876. i' 202C5 Sibyl: a poem. P., 1883. [6° 202C6 tr. Some ol 1 In- thoughts ol Joseph fou- 11 1 S44 s 1 iLVERT, Jas., / inl out/ior. Williams, T. and Calvert, J. Fiji and llie Fijians. . 496] 94 ' ''.1 111. Leonard, rnor of Mary- land, 0. 1582 d. 1 < 1 1 7. 1; ap, Geo. W. /// Spai I , I ., ed. Amei o .in bii igi aph) . v. 19. pp. , '-". 1 1 ■ ' . . M urray, [. O'K. ' ii liolii pioneei s. pp. 2IO-2I6 (1.(2 l> Neill, E. D. Founders of Maryland, pp. 68 ' 11.. [ohn, Frciu A prat, tat. < at & a, . ,;, t. 1509 1564. Leltei ■ piled from the original manuscripts and Calvin, John, continued. ed. with historical notes, by Dr. Jules Bonnet, trans, from the original Latin and French by David Constable. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1855-57. 8° 20S-15 — Henry, P. The life and times of John Calvin, the great reformer 202B4 — Bancroft, G. Literary and historical mis- cellanies, pp. 405-407 134E2 — Guizot, F. P. G. Saint Louis and Calvin. pp. i45-3° 2 4M-45 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 207-234. . 4143-4 — Tulloch, J. Leaders of the reformation. PP- 95" lSl 4143-8 — Williams, W. R. Eras and characters. p| 1. 205-226 902-9 --Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 179-1S2 4IO-975 CALVIN, the sinner. Baker, Mrs. J. R. CALVINISM. < banning, W. E. Works. v. 1. pp. 217-241. Moral argument against Calvinism 208-17 — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 2. pp. 9-53 383E2 — Merle d' Aubigne, J. H. Discourses and essays. Lutheranism 'and Calvinism. pp. 200-244 25 2 - 6 53 Cam, Diogo, Portuguese navigator. Vogel, T. Century of discovery, pp. 40-48. 437-93 Cambodia. Thomson,J. Straits of Malacca, etc. N. V., 1875. pp. 11S-163. . . . 453-8 — Vincent, I'., jr. Land of the white elephant. pp. 255-297 453-9 CAMBRIDGE, Ada. My guardian. N. Y., 1879. 1 AMBRIDGE, Geo. Wm. Frederick Chas., duke of, British general, b. 18 19. Mc- Carthy, 1- Modern leaders, pp. 85— 95 4104-6 CAMBRIDGE, Richard Owen. Essays. /" .Moore, E. and Dodsley, R., eds. The WOl Id. v. 1-3 184E1 Cambridge, Mass. Drake, S. A. Historic fields and mansions of Middlesex. . . 98244 3 I owell, J. R. Fireside travels. pp. 3 SS. Cambridge thirty years ago. . . 588E3 1 i m in 1 1 « .1 Bible for schools, ed. by J. J. S. I'cioh ne, /'. />. Joshua. Maclear, G. T 2.' ;.• 6 Judges. I.ias, J.J 2233-3 iarauel I and II. Kirkpatrick, A. P. . 2234 s Job. I >.i\ idson, A. I; 2241-3 Ei . le 11 o ;. Plumptre, E. II. 2248-7 liar) • ■n,i lamentation . . 2252-8 1 1. ea 1 heyne, T. K. . . . . 2256 ; fonah. Perow ne, T. T. 2.' 12 Mil 1I1. 1 In mo ,T. K 225113 J st. Matthew. Can, A 2275-2 CAMBRIDGE. — 209 CAMP. Cam BR IDG] Bi ble, 1 ontinued, St. Mark. Mai li ir, G. F. St. Luke. I arrar, F. W 2277 ; Vcl "i the Vpostles. Lumby, I. R. . 1279-1 Romans. Moule, H. C G. thians, 1. Lias, J.J 2282-5 11. Lias, \.\ 2283 5 Hebrew ». Farrar, F. W 2288-5 Epistles ol St. Jame . Si Petei ind St. Jude. Plumptre, E. II 2289 81 I 1 . 1 ^ 1 1 e s of St. John. Plummer, A. . . 2289-7 Cambridge univei ity, I • %land, Bristi \. I ive yeai in an English university. 37842-2 Everett, W. 1 in 1 he 1 'sun 37842-3 Markby, T. Practical essays tion. pp. j 1 1 328. Cambridge exami- ons 370-6 Camden, Earl of . See Pratt, Chas. Camden, Marquis of. See Pratt, John Jef- frej Camden, Wm., Eng. antiquary, b. 1551-rf. 1623. Remains concerning Britain, with a memoir. I.., 1S70. 12 . Contents. — Britaine. — Inhabitants of Britain. — Languages. — Excellency of the English tongue. — Christian names.- Usual christian names of men. — Christian names of women.— Surnames. — Allusions. — Rebus, or name-de- tfoney Appai el.— Ar- tillery. — Armouries. — Wife speeches. — Prov- crbs. — Poem I pigramms.— Rythmes. — Im- ' bilitie Inna- grams. Lawrence, E. Lives of the British his- ■ 11s. v. 1. pp. 164-1S9 41S2 51 Camels. Jardine, W. Deer, antel camels. In Jardine, W., ed. Natural- ist's library, v. 21 59°-5 Mush, ('.. P. Camel, The: his organiza- tion, habits and uses 599736-6 Camelford, Lord. See Pitt, Thos 410-8 Cameos from English history. Yonge, C M. 5 v 930-9; Camer 1, The. S Photography: Camera lucida. Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 8. pp. 1N5-192 and 203-208 603-4 . Mrs. — . Farmer's daughter. V \ .. 1867. 24 Cameron, Ewan Hint. Thomson, Mrs. K. (11.!. (< .race Wharton, pseud.) Mem of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. v. 1. PP- 3'3 - 39°- Cameron of Lochiel. . 4112 8 » ameron, Mrs. 11. Lovett. In a grass coun- try: a story of love and sport. Phila., 1886. 12°. Juliet's guardian. V \ '.. 1877. S°. mistake. Phila., l888. 12°. ■ Nevill ; or, poor wisdom's chance. Phila., 1SS7. 1: . — Worth winning. Phila., 1887. 12 . 1 d. 181 5. Grant, I. Cavalii tunc. pp. 44 -84 .... I Cameron, K. P! in", aci mate d< ' and i in plasteri rip- in of v variety ol in- struction lar ; instructions for doing all plain anil ornamental p] tern building; form of contract ; useful tables; many importanl etc., with illusi, 1 1 ' \mi ron, Vernej 1 o\ ett. -.frica. 2 v. L., 1S77. 8° — Harry Raymond: his adventures among pirates, slavers and cannibals. I.., n. d. 12°. • Jack Hooper: his adventures at sea and in South Africa. I.., 1NS7. 12 . — Queen's land ; or, Ardal Malakat. L., 1886. 12°. TheCruiseof the "Black Prince" priva- teer. I... 1886. 12°. li-!. r. Modem explorers, pp. 152- 176 I Camille. Dumas, A., jr. CAMILLUS, Marcus I'U! ins. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 1. pp. 269-317. 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 141-152 4101-75 CAMIOLA: a girl with a fortune. McCarthy, Justin. 1 ct, />. about 15241/. 1579. The Lusiad. Hooks 1-5. Translated by Edward Quillinan, with 1] I Im Vdamson. I .., 1S53. S°. 861-2 — Dobson, W. T. The classic poets, pp. 240-278 Camp, Major Henry Ward. Trumbull, C. II. The knightly soldier : a biography. Camp and cabin. Raymond. K. W. (ami 1 , court and siege: a narrative of per- il adventure and observation during two wars, 1801-65,1870-71. Hoffman, \\ »8iB2 Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette Genet (Berthollet), /-'rein'. . . 1752-rf. iSjj. Memoirs of the court of Marie Anioinctii f France, with a bi- raphical introduction by Lamarline, [and] a biographical sketch. 2 v. in I. Phila., 11. d. 12° CAMP-fire and cotton-field : southern adven- ture in time of war. Knox, T. W. . . Camp- fires of Napoleon. 12' 664B76 (AMi'-tires of the revolution : or, the war of independence. Watson. Henry C . . CAMP. I AMPBELL. Camp life in Florida. Hallock, Chas. . . 4759-4 Camp life in the woods and the tricks of trapping. Gibson, W. II 7968—4 Campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. Jones, C. II 975 1 5 CAMPAIGN of General Scott in the valley of Mexico. Semmes, Raphael 9905-S Campaigns of a non-combatant, and his re- maunt abroad during the war. Town- send. Geo. A 9801-93 lIGNS ol 1862-63. Schalk, E. . . . 9787-8 I of Napoleon Bonaparte. B., 1S35. S° 61 ' IMPAIGNS of the army of the Potomac. Swinton, Wm 97S5-8 Campaigns of the civil war. 1. Nicolay, J. G. Outbreak of rebel- lion 97S1-15 2. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 97S1-16 3. Webb. A. S. The peninsula : Me- ridian's campaign of 1S62 97S1-17 4. Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope. . 9781 iS 5. Palfrey, F. W; Antietam and Fred- ericksburg 97S1-19 6. Doubleday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 9781-2 7. ( ist, II. M. Army of the Cumber- land 97.S1 21 8. Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. . 9781-22 9. Cox, J. D. Atlanta 07.' 1 23 10. March to the sea: Franklin and Nashville 9781 2\ 11. Pond, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1S64 9781-25 12. Humphreys, A. A. Virginia cam- paign of 1864 and [865: the army of the Potomac and the army of the James 9781-26 Supplementary. Phisterer, F. St; tical rec u the 1 States 978] Campanella, I Han Dominic, monk and philosopher, b. mi. //; [1 non- wealth >. pp. 21 5 263 },iui 5 1 mi. 1 1 . 1 '. Heroe and martyrs ol pp. 207 -'24 1 "' ; 1 imp inei 1 I'd Rii nter, J. P. F. Cam ■ \ :Pl . Lilly, John. Drat rks. v. 1. pp. S7 149 570! ■ 1 - Iii Pi it 1 ;h drama I ists. pp. |- 57. . . 11:111, A. P. I 18; I 94-92 . b. 178$ 1 .itholic religi of Bethany, Va., and Kt. Rev. J. R. Campbell, A., continued. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnati. Cinn., 1871. 12 2828-2 — Richardson, R. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell. 2 v 203B4 — Whitsitt, W. H. Origin of the Disci- of Christ (Campbellites.) Contri- bution to the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander Campbell. . . . 2869-9 Campbell, Archibald. Captain Macdon- ald's daughter. N. Y., 1887. 12 . CAMPBELL, Archibald, marquis of Argyll and 8th earl, b. ic,gS-d. 1661. Bayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolu- tion, pp. 209-256. The Covenanters, Charles II, and Argyll 936-2 — Podge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 1 17-125 411-65 CAMPBELL, Archibald, yth earl of Argyll, d. 16S5. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustri- ous personages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 1S9-197 411-65 ( AMii:i I L, Archibald, ist dtike of Argyll, d. 1703. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustri- ous personages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 2S1-288 411-65 ; LL, Chas. History of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. l, i860. 8° 9845-25 Campbell, Colin, baron Clyde, British field marshal, b. 1792-rf. 1863. Shadwell, L. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord ( lyde. 2 v 203B5 — Bartlett, D. W. Heroes of the Indian re- bellion, pp. 447-456. Greathed and Campbell after the fall of Delhi. ... 9544-2 — 1 oster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. pp. 242-256 4"-4 — Great Scotsmen, pp. 87-99 4"2-4 n,J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 66- 68 4'°-7 \\ 1 [son, J. G. Illustrious .soldiers. 397 414 1'5' 9 D. /'., Scottish divin, author, b, 1710 ,/. [796. Philosophy of in toric. X. Y.. 1854, 12 117-25 li. J. Scottish philosophy, pp. ■ '15 1621-48 mi, Sir < '.en., M. I'. W Kite ind to the V X ., 1879. 8". ... Campbell, Geo. Dougla Glassell, StA duke 1823. Ion, 1. I... 1871. 2741-25 Pi inn', al man : an > V Y., 1 So,,. 16 . 573-22 Reign ol ! : •> V Y., 181 e, 1872. ■1,1, < VMPBELL CAMPBE1 I. ■ iiii.i. 1 1. i ;., continued. [land— as il I as il Edinburgh, 1887. 8 Unitj ol n. i N. Y., 1884. 8°. . . \|.|., ndix. In Impel , 1 . 1 pp. 69-72 lull. .,|n, 1 ion. Iii Si Iiiiii.I. R . 1 Darwin, pp. $-6 !l | Bro V. W01 1 . . \ . 3. pp. j75 391. Re* t, ■, if Ri if law. . 818-27 ( ' vmpbi LL, Gertrudi ol 1 he 1 unning I k 1 and of still wa- ll rs. V N .. 1886. ii> 1 ' Winn 1 1 . '.' 1 [eli n 1 jtuart,) /■. 1 \ mi h 1 1 11 10k r.l « ork play. N. \ ., 1883. 8° 786 24 1 1 iesl v. aj in li .1 i leping and cook- ing. X. Y., [881. 16 . .... 1 \l 1 Melinda' ■ opportunity : .1 story. B., 1886. 12°. I'm onei "I povertj 1 women wage-work- ers, i" heir lives. B., LSS7. 12° Unci 'i .■'■" appl ;hs. N. Y., 1882. 1 6°. Chapters. In Sylvan city; or, quaint met in Philadelphia \ 1 \ .1 1 1.1 1 1 . 1, is. Excursions, ad> entui e field sports in Ceylon; its commercial and military importance, and numen advanta the British emigrant. 2 v. I ... 1873. 8°. 4549-3 fane. Ellet, E. F. The women of thi 11 revolution, v. 2. pp. '7" '90 4121-35 Campbell, fohn, baron, lord chancel!. i77<)~. pp. 233 266 791-S c VMPING ■ '.; CAN AIM ( lAMl'l no, . ontinued. \\ !li in. mi, I . Hov to maki and :i lent. In \\ >\ fot bo maki ind do il ! i p. 19 IS 7'" s 7 i ami im • l'i! Si. Johnsl II. 496-8 ( .win v; anil cruising in Florida. lien shall, Jas. A 1759-44 Campion, J. S. On Ibol in Spain: a walk from tin- baj of I3isi i\ ti the Mediter- ranean. I... iS;.). 8' 1 1' 1 ' 1 Camporese, Violante. Clayton, I 1 Qui en ol long, pp. 22N j.;;. ... 117 s ; Camps ami tramps in the Adirondacks. Northrup, \. I udd 17 17s 7 ( vmps in the Caribbees. Ober, F. A. l7-'i s 7 c.wirs in ilic Rockies. Grohinan, W. A. Baillie- 17s | ; CAN ni:in k now t .mi ' Stn mg, I B. In Oxford house papers, pp. 13—21. . . 239 7; ( ' \s matter think ? S., F. T. ...... [83 8 1 \% the old faith live with the new ' Mathe- son, Rev. G 2398-6S I an the old love ' Buddingl /. B. ( an wrong be right ? Hall, A. M. 1 \n\wiii religion. Wright, Wm. Anci- ent Canaanite religion. In Non-bibli- cal systems of religion, pp. 54 68. . . 290-62 Canada, Dominion of. Subdivisions: 1. History and politics. J. Travel. 3. Miscellaneous. 1. History and politics. — Haliburton, T. C. Rule- anil mis! 1 the English in America 974 4 History of Canada, from its first di ery to the present 97 1—5 — Jones, ('. II. Historj of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. . . 0751 , — Life of venerable sister Margaret Bour- geois, foundress of the si tei 1 the congregation of Notre Dame 178B2 Lindsey, C. Rome in Canada 28261-4 — Murray, II. Historical and discriptive account of British America 971—55 — Parkman, F. Counl Frontenacand New Trance under Louis XIV 971-64 - Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 971-61 La Salle and the discover] oi the great west 971-62 Montcalm and Wolfe 971-67 The old regime in Canada 071 63 Pioneers of France in the new world. 971-6 — Smith, 1'.. The political destiny 1 Canada, with a reply by Sir Francis 1 1 nicks 971-8 Warburton, G. Conquest of Canada. . 971 9 l'i\. I. A. Speeches, v. 1. pp. 383 412. Trade with Canada 815-3 17' ••; ••;> 1 2 17' 17' IT •»: 4; ' i I . . \\ . I >. letti .1 1 Amei n .1. . . ■.il of the I 1 ■I in It, E. Criminal 1 ment. p| 2. V'ni S. ( ;. W. The " \!n e May." [Gulf of St. 1 1 I , W. I . Gre Wild north land Butterworth, II. / Acadia and new France J. D. S., Marquis of I 1 anadian life and scenery iberland, B., ed. Northern laki 1 anada Cumberland, S. Queen's highway from ean to ocean ie, ' . The backwoods of Canada. Sam ■ in ( 'anada. . . . Grant, ( I. M. ( li ean to 1 Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1S72 - Hill, A. S. From home to home. . . . I 1 etzky, 1 . < 'anada on the Tacit' 1 If. G. 1 .. Rei 'edition. . Keating, W. 11. Narrative of an dition to the source of the St. Pi river, Take Winnepeek, Lake of the Wi iods, etc. 1 \ Tinman. C. 'Tour to the river Saguenay in I da hall, C. Ci tadian dominion. . . . \1 « lie, s Roughing it in the bush; or, life ; Cai Murray, II. Historical and descriptive account of British America Norl 1 ind Habberton, J. Canoe- ing in Kanuckia - Rae, W. T. Columbia and Canada: notes on the great republic and the new dominion Newfi midland to Manitoba. . . inson, II. M. Great fur land sketches of life in the Hudson's Bay territory. . - Russell. \V. II. Canada, its def< conditions anil resources - Scudder, S. II. Winnipeg country. . . Watson, 11. 11. Sportsman's pal or, lake lands of Canada. . . in, R. Our colonial empire. pp. 53-77 17' 43 171 IS 17" 1 •:*■: 1 17127 5 47 471-6 -62 • -55 -66 47»2 7 17127 8 C WADA. — - 214 — C VNNING 1 an aha, continued. — Appleton's hand-book of American cities. pp. 145 '5" 470-12 — Berry, C. B. The other side: how il struck us . 470-14 Bishop, N. H. Voyage "I the paper canoe, pp. 1-27 470-16 Brockett, L. I'. Our western empire. pp. 12S2-1303 478-19 — Burroughs, J. Locusts and wild honey. pp. 213-253. Halcyon in Canada. . . 196E5 — Clark, F. E. Our vacations, pp. 57-114. 470-2 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Gala days. pp. 3-248 455E2 — Fyfe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas. PP- IJ7-I5 6 437-4 — Mackay, C. Life and liberty in Ameri- ca, v. 2. pp. 194-336 47o-6 — Pitt, T. L. An expedition to the Lau- rentian hills. In Newhouse, S. and others. Trapper's guide, pp. 1S1-205. 7968 -6 — Russell, W. II. Hesperothen ; notes from the west. v. 1 470-8 — Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 366-387 . . 439-87 — Thoreau, II. D. Yankee in Canada. pp. 1-94 885E7 ["odd, J. Summer gleanings. pp. 230- 248 897E8 3. Miscellaneous. — Chapman, E.J. Exposition of the min- erals and geology of Canada 557'-3 — Kingston. W. H. G. Log house. . . . 535A48 — Ilenlv, G. A. With Wolfe in Canada. [Romance.] — Hind, H. V. Narrative of the Canadian Red liver exploring expedition of 1S57. 4712 4 — Mackenzie, A. Life and speeches of Hon. ( leo. Brown 1N7L.2 also British Columbia. Hudson's Bay. Manitoba. New Brunswick. Newfoundland. Nova Scotia. Prince Edw ard i land. Canals. Lesseps, I', de. History of the canal 6269-5 Rodrigues, J. C. Panama canal. . . . 620.1 - Smiles, S. James Brindlej and the early engineers J 1 68-8 ■ art, A. Spi . ai ■ '" the tarifl q ue lion, and on internal impi \ i not, W. dlu. present « orld. pp. 183-2") 551-15 re.' with "i g 1 Mahan, I ). 1 1. II'' tary coui e if civil engineering, pp |1 Canals, continu Mi li C. P. The earth as modified by human action, pp. 609-628 5; 1 -f.7 - Man and nature; or, physical geography as modified by human action, pp.517- 531 551-66 — Squier, E.G. Nicaragua, pp.657 '""■ 4"2 s s 7 — Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 285 295 4" — See also Engineering. Canals, Life on. Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp.457— 473. [Missions in Eng- land.] 263 15 — Meade, L. T. Water gipsies: a story of canal life in England 623A4 CANARY birds; Smith. Francis. The ca- nary: its varieties, management and bleeding 6387-7 — Campbell. II. American girl's home book. pp. 380-383 786-24 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail HamiLton, pseud.) (.all days. pp. 333-349. Cheri. . . 455E 2 — See also Birds. Canary islands. Benjamin, S. G. W. At- lantic islands, pp. 121-145. Teneriffe. 497-2 — Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics, pp. 349-375 473 6 — Verne, J. Famous travels and travelers. pp. S4-100 436-9 Candle of the Lord, and oilier sermons. Brooks, Phillips 252-19 Candles. Cristiani, R. S. Technical treatise on soap and candles, etc. . . . 66S-3 - Faraday, M. Chemical history of a can- die 53646-4 1 win 1 iH, Roberl S. Fish, 11. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 714-724 2521-4 1 '. Uphonse de, Swiss botanist, b. [806. Origin of cultivated plants. N. \ ., 1885. 12' 5816-3 Cannibals and convicts. Thomas, Julian. 4ml 8 < ' vnning, Uberl s. ( ',. Revolted Ireland. 170.x [803. I... (886. 12 9417-23 ["noughts on Shake ipeai e's histoi ical plays. I... 1SS4. 8" 82*361-3 Canning, Geo., Eng. Uatesman, b. 1770-1/. 1827. On the policy of granting aid to Portugal when invaded liv Spain. Jn A I.i n ... 1 . k , . d. Ri pi esental ive Brit- ish orations. \ . 3. pp. 13 40. | With biog. .ketch, pp. 1 12.] 1 npublished letters. hi Knight, C 1 1. ill hi 'in s M nli i he he ;l lei ter writers. pp. 119-438 ( lri> h. c. \., ,/. Selei 1 British elo- quence, pp, ' Biogi ,'(.ln' al sketch and i" . . In 8258 1 B Robi 1'. 1 In lifi ..1 the Rt. Hon. . 1 aiming 104 Bl c INNING. 2 IS CAPEL. continued. 1 1 ill, I . II. George I 'anning. lei V. G. G hi time B ;• li.un. II. I I I I I \ . [. pp. 220-231. 1 1' 1 1 7 Hiilu ci , 1 1. I . 1 11 1 ters. V. 2. pp. t5S-326 |i 1 ' Edgar, J. G. Boy] I ol pp. 7-' 85. no-44 ■ Harsha, D. V. Mo teminen I orators and met 181-296 .... 410-54 Ian, VV, Men I have known, pp. loi too, ,411-56 Sergeant, L. England's policj . pp. [02 1 1 1 I li ■ 1 ■ ■ policy. raylor, W. 0. Mi ■ lei n Briti ih Plutarch. PP i' 55 pi -17 Cannon, David. Economical pine ] ing. In Rattray, J. and Mill, II. K.. Fori ■ ' ■ n products, pp. 145-2 7H-7 Cano, Seba itian del, Spanish na Markham, C. R. 5i 1 1 1 hers. PP. I" "7 1 Canoe and the saddle: adventures among ilir 11 ■ n rivei tnd fi ire I s, tnul [sthmiana. \\ inthi op, I heodore. 1 1 oi Bi hop, N. II. Voyage of the pa- per 1 anoe 470-16 Macgregor, J. Rob R03 on thejord in, iusand miles in the Ri : "ii the rivers and lakes of Eui . 4405-55 Norton, 1 . 1 . and Habberton, J. noeing in Kanuckia 471 66 ■ le, T. S. Padd le and portage from Moosehead lake to the Aroostook river, Maine 1741-8 — Thw aites, Reuben Gold. Historic v, ater- ■ : s'w hundred miles of canoei I k, Fox and Wi sin rivers. 1 I'Reilly, J. B. I- th ics of boxing and manly sport, p 791-6 Canoi.i.es : the fortunes ol 1 parti 1 'ooke, 1 . 1 :. Cani>\ \. Vntonio, Italian sculptor, t>. 1757 d. 1822. 1 loopei . I . I 1 iumphs of per- severance, pp. >l 57 |lc> J2 t Iraik, 1 ',. I.. Pursuit of ki pp. Edgar, J. G. Boyh 1 eal men. PP- 3°4 .-" || Doremus, S. D. Great lights, pp. - 417-4 I [ale, E. 1 I grits of tw centuries. PP- 39 5° i' M. Celebrated children, pp. S5° C. C. B. Sell pp. . K., tr. I 1 li? 9 1 : • haucer tali told for childl II. Turner Pennell, I il. 442 7-: 1 image : to and from the ield congress. Bedell, G. T t Ianterbury tali 1 r w 1 erbi RY tali ' Han iet. 2 v. i in, China. 1 n, A. R. A e. v. 1. pp. 10-25 45' -; Hall many lands, pp. 339 357. 4 . M. Purgatory, dogmatic and scho- D i 12° 2365-3 : 1 . \ . B and .nets 1 ,. Dylei table newesse ami tithynges of the gloryous victorye of the Rhodyans agaynst the Turkes. tr. fohan Kaye. In Gibbon, I sades. pp. 134-160 27 R. Practical trea- outchouc and gutta-percha. . 678-4 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 44M55 ind bells. [Poems.] Pei k, S. M. . . 72 Cap] 1 n island. Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands, pp. 222 233 oil and all along shore stories. N hoir. c. od folks. McLean, S. P. ly, Africa. Aubertin, J.J. Six months in my and Natal. . . le, ]. A. Oceana; or, England and .71 D11IT. Last letters from ' -346 Spaldirjg, 1. VV. The Japan expedition. PP- 45 53. - Trollope, A. South Africa, pp. 67-240. — Williams, Mrs. II. I). hina. pp. 20 -58. Cape Town. . : Vfrica. Hadham, 1 lev, f the friends and contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon, v. I. 2. pp. 1 270 : . I . Portraits of illusl sonages of Gt. Britain. \ . 4. pp. 223-233. CAPEL. 216 CARBONARI. Capel, Thos. John, D. D., Eug. Catholic preacher, />. 1S36. Reply to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone's "Political Ex- postulation," reprinted with additions from the "Weekly Register" anil " Catholic Standard." N.Y., 1875. 8°. 2827-25 Contents. — Introduction. — Ritualism. — I iwthof the Church in England. — Infallibility of the Pope — The Syllabus. — Civil allegiance. — Conclusion. CAPER-sauce. Parton, Sara Payson, (Fanny Fern, pseud.) 715E6 Capes, J. M. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 20. pp. 1-23. Review of Four years' experience of the Catholic religion. . S18-27 Capes, Win. Wolfe. Roman empire of the second century: or, the age of the An- tonines. X. Y., 1879. 16°. [Epochs of ancient hist. j 9197-jl — Roman history, the early empire, from the assassination of Julius Caesar to that of Domitian, X. Y. 16 . .... 9197-3 — Stoicism. I... 1SS0. 16°. . 1 581— 3 ' nil. Mux, Karl. 2v jjO-64 Capital and labor. See Labor and capital. Capital of the Tycoon : [Yeddo]. Alcock, Sir Rutherford 452-14 Capital punishment. Buxton, S. Hand- book to political questions of the day. pp. 202-203 32042-2 Fuller, M. Life without and life within. pp. 199-206 400E5 Hugo, V. Capital punishment: Claude Gueux : the last day of a condemned man. — Smith, A. Dreamthorp. pp. 93-112. (A lark's (light.) 835E1 .![.,../. Memoirs of the Sansons. 803B6 — See al.ut (rime. 1 ippadoi i i.. l;.n rows, J.O. 1 in Ixoi ebai I. in < lappadocia 2656-2 Strabo. Geography, v. 2. b. 12. jj;-N^ \ 1,1 minor. < .mi 1 1 J :,d cities of the Boden See : rambles in 1X71) No with maps of the district. I.., ism. 8° 4494-21 l. In 1 ".in, T. M., ,',/. I lislui i, al I udie . pp. 54 98. .... 1 PR] I land of. Green, I. K. Stray 1 19 9204 45 Howell . \V. 1 1. Ii.i! j p p, I 1 ■ li. J Summei and h nun in v • 1 • pp. 214-253. . s > u Is, I. A. Southern I urope. v. 1. ■ ■ 'I- 145-86 Taylor, B. Bj if 1 rope, pp 140-89 Delli I Al I A 1 • .in Capron, Carrie. Helen Lincoln. N. V., .856. CAPRON, E. S. History of California, from its discovery to the present time; with a journal of the voyage from Xew York, via Nicaragua, to San Francisco, and back via Panama. B., 1854. 12°. . . 9S94-26 CAPRON, Mary J., (Archie Fell, pseud.) Charity Hurlburt. n. t. p. 16°. . . . 204A4 — Earthen vessels. B., 1868. 16° 204A45 — Gold and gilt ; or, Maybee's puzzle. L., n. d. 16° 342A2 Capsadell, L. Complete guide to silk cult- ure. N. Y., 1SS3. 16° 6395-2 I '.i IAIN Blake. Maxwell, W. H. CAPTAIN Christie's granddaughter. Lamb, Mrs. Joseph 55 2 A 2 Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell, Archibald. Captain Mansana. Bjornson, li. Captain Nelson. Drake. S. A. Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow, J. M. Captain Phil. Russell, M. M SS4A6 Captain Russell's watchword. Grosvenor, 11. S. B., 1859. 1 6° 43SA4 1 \ri mn Sam. Eggleston, G. C 311A73 Captain Trafalgar: story of the Mexican gulf. Andre, Laurie. Captain Waltham. Scudder, J 814A2 Captains of industry. Parton, Jas. . . . 4169-7 CAP! UNS of the Roman republic. Herbert, II. W 4103-4 1 .11 UN'S yarns: memorial of fifty years' service of late Joseph Kay. ed. by Jas. S. Men/.ies 768B2 Captive in Patagonia. Bourne, B. F. . . 4829-25 Captive of love. Greey, E. Cai'TTVI : (the captives.) Plautus, T. M. Comedies, v. 1. pp. 423-476. . . . S723-7 [VITV of Napoleon at St. Helena. Lowe, Sir Hudson 666B2 Capture and escapi ; or, life among the Sioux. Larimer, Sarah 97 7~5 Capturinc a locomotive : a history of secret .11 \ ice in the late war. Pittenger, Wm. 9802-71 CARACALI.A, Mn. 11 Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor, b. [88 d. 217. Bruce, |. 1 l.i ;ii and historic portraits, pp. 149 'S3 4'" "' . \nii.i. (/'.'.•, i, ts. St. John, Mrs. 1 1. R. t !oui 1 of Anna 1 larafa 204B7] Caraffa family. Jenkins, R. C, tr. Story 1 1 o. ml 1 '"ii ; ; Caravan route between Egypl and Syria. Salvator, Ludwig 1621-5 i'm \. Armstrong, II. E. Introduction to the mdv oi organic chemistry. The chemi tryofi trbon and its compounds. 547-2 1 ■• 1 1 ■■ m 1. Hecketl C W. Sei rel v. ;. pp. 91 115 3669 1 CARBONARI. — 217 1 ■■. 1 1 1 . . . 1 1, ontinued. Stebbing, 1 r, Vmong the ' !ai bonai i, I A m 1 Car D-drawer. Griffin, 1 ! . 1 Iarder, Peter. Kin| 11 1 >f old pp. 113-121 1.36-5 < iRDiNAl Pole '•■ n iforth, W. H. Card] u in, Fargus, I . J. (H. Cod CaRdi ter. Wai field, \h .C. A. Cards. I or, E. S. Hist laying cards 787-8 hi Ips, A. M \ portfolio 1 : ^0-87. Is card playing a Christian amuse- ■ ? 204-7 1 K. A. Science by-ways. pp. 199 502-72 — See also Whist. Euchre. Games. I ohn. I'.i hi tint and letters. In British reformers, pp. 113 205. . . 208 11 1 \n . Marie Antoine. Pai ton, J. 1 !ap- ol inilu trj . pp. {49 154. . . . 4169-7 . - ,, 1 Francis. Walford, E. rales of mir greal 1 lii . v. 2. pp. 142 1 53. The Carews oi Beddington 411-99 Carew, Gi / of Totnes. 1 ■ P hi oi illusl 1 ious pei si mage (it. Britain, v. 3. 1)11.247-255. . . . 411-65 Carew, Laura A. S. My destinj : 01 Lady Musgrave. I... t886. 12°. Carew, 5 ■ Lodge, 1 Porti aits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain. v. I. pp. 65-68 41 I-65 Carew, Thos. Gos e, I . W. In Ward, T. 11.,../. English poets, v. 2. pp.no-114. S092-9 1 m 1 v, Annie. Autobiographies of a lump "f coal grain of salt ; drop of water; bit of "M ii "ii : I'll "I- "i flint. B., 1871. 1 6° 604-19 iris; or, life at Montagu hall. 1.., n. d. 16 . — The wonders ol common things. I..., u. d. 12 604-2 Carey, < has. Stokes, (lass and the desk. Ht series. Epist] I,.. I87I. 12° 2207-42 - Old Testament series. Job toMalachi. 1... 1872. 12 2207-42 < ■■■■"■■ ' 1 ■ . '^096-3 Eustaci Bi ightwell, C. L. Ro- mano pp. 231 25 J. moi ills of 1I1 e great civil war in England, 1040 52. ed. From inal letters in the Bodleian. 2 v. I .. 1842. 8 93 1 \ 1, 1 ■, , Henry ( .. Anur. political econoi b. 1793-*/. 1S70. The harmony of inter- -agricultural, manufacturing and commercial. Phila., 1883. 8°. . . . 335; 25 1 1 the rela- tion and ice : being the Prim nee of 11 ■ Carey, unt Falkland, b. 1610- >/. 1643. 1 'V I ■ Live if the friends and contemporaries of I chancellor Clarendon, v. 1. | . . I . I per- 111. v. 4. . 1 ,1 147 Carey, Mrs. M., tr. Fairy legends of the Fren 1 y J. F. Jameson. \. V., 1887. 12 3 Carey, M. F. Adel: I n. t. p. 1 6°. ( ' \i;i \ , M. 1 allies ; or, light he daily path. N. Y., 1.S74. 10°. 205A3 I al annual. (OO-3O7 1 IJ -2 1 i American merchants. |07 327 41 — Mm 1 4122 6 Carey, Rosa Nou hette. Barbara Heath- cole's trial. Phila., 1885. 16 . — Esthi Phila., n. d. !-• ■ • 205A35 _F Li] 56. 12 . Nellie's 1 I 1 ^S6. 16°. Phila., 1 — Only the governess. Phila., 1888. 12° — Queenie's whim. Phila., 1881. [2 atonement. Phila., 1S85. 11 le Max. Phi 16 . Wee wifie. Phila., 1887. 1 Wooed and married. Phi 12 . Carey, Wm. well, C. L. 1 pp. 203 230 pp. the Indian era- pire. pp. 152 ii.. 411-4 Marshman, J. I iman and V\ ie, W. K. Life and work of earn- . 410-045 — Winks. W. 1 I m'. "t il ie- make 4169-95 CAREY. CARLYLE. Carey, Wm., continued. — Yonge, C M. Pioneers and founders. pp. 96-117 4H9-98 CAREY. See a/so Cary. C 4.RGILL, Thus. Strains upon bridge girders and roof trv.sses. L., 1873. 8°. . . . 624-27 Cakihijf.es. Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees : the adventures of a natural- ist in the lesser Antilles 4729S-7 — Paton, W. A. Down the islands: voyage to the Caribbees 47298-74 Caricature. Ashton, J. Dawn of the 19th century in England 9373 _I 7 ed. Humor, wit and satire of the 17th century S27-13 — A'Beckett, G. A. Comic history of Eng- land 9301-n — Cruikshank, G. Comic Almanac, 1S35- 43 827-42 — Half a century of English history: car- toons from Punch 827-75 — Haswell, J. M. Life of Napoleon III, by popular caricaturists 668B2 — Jackson, M. Pictorial press : its origin and progress 7°5 _ 5 — Thackeray, W. M. Contributions to " Punch." 82S-892 Thackerayana S28-S98 Wright, T. Caricature and grotesque in literature and art S027-9 Caricature history of the Georges. . . 937-95 Carita. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Carl Bartlett. Erickson, D. S 323A2 1 vrlen, Emilie Flygare, 6. 1S07. Gustavus Lindorm. N. Y., 1S53. 12°. — The whimsical woman. N. V., 1854. 12 . — Zimmern, II. and A. Foreign noveli ts. pp. 105-II2. [Biog. sketch and ex- tracts.] 808-99 Carleton, Fanny E., ("Notelrac," ; Operas: their writers and theii plots. Phila., tS.S2. 1 6° 772-3 i vrleton, 1 Seo. W . ( >ur artist in 1 !uba, Peru, Spain and Algiers: leaves from the sketch-book of .1 travel r, [864 -68. V Y., 1S77. 10' 817 25 Oui arlisl in Peru. N. V., 1866. 12 . . 485 2 I in by, J. C. I' illy j eai ami mg aul I101 . books and publishers, pp. 235 244. . 4181 3 1 irleto , J. W. w hi t. In Bohn, II. G., ed. II o"l I ' ■ 'I garni pp. 146 198. 7.S7 3 1 in, W in., Irish no 1798 d. \i 1 Maguire ; or, the bn iken pi, tlgi . N. v., n. d. t6°. I 1 1 ,• blai 1 bar mel ; or, 1 lie 1 hi onii les ol .11. mi. N, V. 12 . I ; 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 : . 1 1 . 1 1 1 ■ ' . 1 Hi. Iii h fa m iii 1 V \ ., 11. d. 1 • I ,1 ■■ 1 .ml ol \ : N . V., 11. d. 12°. Carleton, Wm., continued. - Evil eye. N. Y., 1S75. 12 . — Fardorougha, the miser. I.., n. d. 16 . — Jane Sinclair. L., n. d. 16°. — Poor scholar, and other tales of Irish life. N. Y., 1880. 12 . — Tales and stories of the Irish peasantry. N. Y., 1880. 12°. — The tithe proctor. L., n. d. 16 . — Willy Reilly. N. Y., 1867. 12°. — Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish agent; or, the chronicles of Castle Cumber. N. Y., 1880. 12°. Carleton, Will, American poet, 6. 1845. City ballads. N. Y., 1886. 8° 206C2 — Farm ballads. N. Y., 1S75. 8°. . . . 206C3 — Farm festivals. N. V., 1SS1. 8°. . . . 206C4 — Farm legends. N. Y., 1876. S°. . . . 206C5 — Young folks' centennial rhymes. N. V., 1S76. 12 206C6 — Grandson of Robert Burns. In Parton, J., cd. Noted princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 257-260 410-83 — Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. PP- 3 2 6-344 4181-2 Carleton, pseud. See Coffin, Chas. Carleton. CARLETON'S popular readings, prose and poetry, ed. by Mrs. A. Randall-Diehl. N. V., 1882. 12° , . . . . 801-28 Carlier, Auguste. Marriage in the United States, tr. by J. Jeffries. B., 1867. 12°. 1931-27 Carlino. Ruflini, G. CARLISLE, Countess of. See Hay, Lucy Percy. Carlisle school for Indian pupils. Sidney, M. In How to learn and earn. pp. 373-416 3719-4 CARLIST war. Henderson, R. Soldiei of three queens 461B8 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays. pp. 325-345. Carlist struggle in Spain. . 115E1 — See also Spain, history. Carlos, Don, sonof Philip II. In Gordon, Janet. Inquisition in Spain. 1111.58-102. 2722-4 Carlos Don, Duke of Madrid. Thieblin, \l. !.. Spain and the Spaniards, pp. SS-100 |.|o 87 Carlos, Count d> Mont Molin (Carlos VI.) Kent, C. Footprintson the road. pp. 146 156. Charles Braganza 410-597 1 \ \, Empress oj 1/. Hco. Hall, !•'. I ,ife "l Maximilian 1 620B1 1 .11 bad, .'■■ .'. . a. Merrylees, J. 1 url bad and il envi 1 1 ; 1 <> 1 \ -, l.l.i. ; id. 5 . 1 1. ill, B. R. Carlyle, Alex., minister oj Inveresk. Au- tobiography; containing memorials of 1 in in. 11 .in. 1 even! . of hi-, time. ed. b) I. II. Burton. B., 1861. 12°. . . 205Bt CARLYLE. -■ 1 9 LYLE ■i '•'. J : ' s -. father of Thomiu Carlyle. < ii 1 1 i ! i in mi . pp. l .-'■ I ' ' '7 Carlyle, fain Welsh Lettei and irn i.il . prepared foi by fhos. ' .ii I) le. ed. by Jame Am hi Froude. 2 v. in I. V i .. [883. S . Carlyle, I Reminiscence p| 510 411-7 1 H 1 . 1 1 , I hos., British, tsayist and historian, /'. 1 7115 d. 1SS1 . irftholog elected ml .11 1. ;i d by E. Barrett. N. Y., I876. 12° !061 9 Chartism. N . Y., n. d. Bound wiilt ' lyle, T. Past and present 206E61 Critical and miscellaneous essays: col- lected and republished (first time 1839; final, 1869.) 7 v. N. Y., 1872. 16 . E2 Contents.- \ 1 Jean Paul I riedrich Rich- tei State of Germs Life and writings of Wernei Gi icI he's Helena G the.— App< tnd 2. — Summary. v. 2. Burns Life of Heym 1 lerman play Wrights. — Voltaire. — Novalis -Signs ol the times 1 >n histoi \ \ ppendix. 1 1 .1 11 r 1 ni Fricdrich R ichter again. — Luther's jis.ilin Si hillur the Nibclungcn I. led.— Genu 11 In el 1 ure of the 14th and 15th centuries. — Taylor's histoi ' poetry. v. 4. Characteristics. — Goethe's portrait. — I 1 tli of Goethe. — Biography. — Boswells' life of Johnson. — Goethe's works. — Corn law rhymes. — On history again. — Appendix. v. 5. Diderot. — Count Cagliostro Death oT Edward Irving. — The diamond necklace. — Mi- ral>> v. 6. Parliamentary history of the French Union. — Sir Walter Scott. — Varnhagenvon In Chartism. — Petition on the /right bill. Sinking of the "Vengeur." Baillie, the covenanter. v ; l»t [tin i, \n election to the long parliament. — The Nigger question. — Two hun- dred and fifty years ago. — The opera.— Nation al exhibition of Scottish portraits i Inaugural address at Edinburgh, 1866. — Shorn 1 and after. — I. alter stage of the French-German war,.] 't, Summary. — 1 11.!. \ nal and miscellanei u e -ays. Ii. . 1855. 8° 206E1 — Early lyings of Norway; also an ess the portraits of Jqhn Knox. V Y.. 1875. 12 9481 3 letters, ed. by C. E. Norton. . . 205U6 The French revolution. Leipzig, 1851. 3 v. 16 . Same, X. Y., 1871. . . . 9444 j Contents. — v. I. The bastille, v. 2. The constitution, v. 3. The guillotine. 2 v. \. , .. 1S58. 16 9444 ;t iedrich II, of Prussia, called Frederick the (.ileal. 13 v. in 7. Leipzig, 1- iii Same. 10 v. X. Y.. 1S72- 73. Same. (1 \. X. Y., 1859-66. Same. 41 N. Y., 1859 J82B2 Caklvi i continued. I 1 i > • . 1 1 i ■ Ii Si hilli N. \ .. 1 1 ■ - Phils 1859 1 ■ 1 in heroe . hero-woi .hip. and the- I in history. I... n. d. 12° Mahomet, I ilam \ ■ Puritanism - As man of Ii mod iluti ni 1 md index. fohn Sterling. I.., n. d. 16 . Same. B., 1851. 12 854B5 Latter-day pamphlets. N. Y., 1872 1 Content* 1 1 time. -Modi I ' ■■ reel N Dov 1 reel. — Stump orator. — Parliami — JCSII 11 imwell's letters ami speeches; including the supplement to die on. 2 v. X. Y., 1855. 12°. . . 255IIJ with elucidations. 5 v. N. Y., is-i 72. in . Same. 4 \ . Leipzig, 1 1 '6 • • • ■ 2S5B3 — On the choice of hooks. 2d ed., with a new life nf the author. I.., n. '1. l6°. 206E3 — Pasi ami present. X. X ., n. 'I. 12 . . 206E6 Ii tnd 1 1 til. Chartism. Sartor re- sartus. N. Y., 11. (1. 12°. ...... 206E61 Reminiscences. ed. by Jas. Anthony 1 roude. V Y.. 1881. 8 411-27 Coni 5 Carlyle of F.cclefechan. — F.dward Irving. — Lord Jeffrey.— Jane Welsh Carlyle. — App'x : Southcy, Wordsworth. Reminiscences of my Irish journey in 1849. X. Y., 1882. 12 4415-2 — Robert Hums. I!., n. d. 16° 196H3 Sartoi resartus: the life ami opinio II ! felsdrockh. I... n. d. 16 . . 206KS S in-. Bound with Carlyle, T. Past and present 206E61 1 lis XYI. In Spoone Historical scenes, pp. 172-179. . . . 903-85 I itimate of Luther's character and genius. /// Bunsen, C. K. J. Life of 11 Luther, pp. 183-219 5"2i:.; Marie Antoinette. In Spooner, E. His- 1 scenes, pp. 180-183 9°3-S5 i'u history. In Prose masterpieces from modern essayists, v. 2. pp. 161 182. 808-7 — and Emerson, R. W. O rrespondence, i^;; 72. 2 \. h.. 1883 205B9 — tr. Tales by M11- 1 us, Tieck and Richter. 2 v. V \ .. 1874. 16° Goethe, J. NY. von. Wilhelm Me apprenticeship and travels s;;i j ide, I. A., f.f. Thomas Carlyle : a history of the first I if his life, i/95-' s .o- * * CARL VI. E. 220 — CAROLINA. Carlyle, Thos., continued. Thos. Carlyle : a history of 1 1 i — life in London, 1834-81 205B31 — Guernsey, A. H. Thomas Carlyle: his life, his books, his theories 205B4 — Mead. E. D. Philosophy of Carlyle. . . 205155 Abraham, G. W. Essays, pp. 32-42. Review of Friedrich II I0 jli5 — Bayne, P. Lessons from my master- : Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin. . . . S04-2 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, ser. I. pp. 1-54. 153E39 Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 19. pp. 40-47. Review of French revolution. 818-27 - Works. v. 4. pp. 423-460. Review of Past and present 818-27 — Burroughs, J. Fresh lields. pp. 49- S2. Carlyle's country, pp. 217-2S6. A Sunday in Cheyne row 196E3 Dix, J. Lions: living and dead. pp. 181-197 410-4 — Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biograph- ical sketches, pp. 453-463 318E5 — Friswell, J. II. Modern men of letters. pp. 273-282 804-38 ide, I. A. Historical and other sketches, pp. 246-255. Thomas Car- lyle and his wife 383E1 — Gilfillan, C Third gallery of portrait-. pp. 267-280. Carlyle and Sterling. . 418-431 — Gostwick, J> German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 195-224 239-43 — Great Scotsmen, pp. 100-112 4112-4 — Greg, W. R. Literary and social judg- ments, pp. 1 1 5-145. Kingsley and . le 435E6 1 pi swold, II. T. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 142-149 41S-45 Hale, E. K.,ed. Lights of two centuries. >7 23° 410-536 1 1. 11 rison, !•'. < hoii e of ! k -. pp. 175- 199. Froude's lyle 804-43 — Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 101- 157 460E4 Home, R. 11. A new spirii ol the age. PP- 333 54 s 4182-45 Hurst,. J. F. History of rationalism, pp. I 177 2119-44 I mi . II. Literary remains, pp. 421- (.68 511E4 ! owell, J. R. My study windows, pp 115-149 588E4 rley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 1. pi'- 1 ; : > to) . . 64.6E4 ley, J. B. I ays, v. I, pp. 229- 320. Review of Cromwell 204-63 Parton, I., ed. Princes, authors [73-187 410 S3 — Rami , W. B, Henry Hi adenl in life. v. 2. pp. 85-107 1; |l 5 Carlyle, Thos., . ontinued. — Shairp, J. C Aspects of poetry, pp. 349-376 S031-8 — Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons. pp. 296-306 252-85 — Stephens. J. F. Essays, pp. 242-253. . 850E1 — Thoreau, H. D. Yankee in Canada, etc. pp. 211-247 S85E7 ■ — Thome, W. IL Modern idols, pp. 106- 135 4IS-S8 I vie, G. M. Certain men of mark, pp. 243-271 410-94 — Walsh, W. S.. (Win. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 1-40 418-95 — Whipple, E. P. American literature. pp. 234-258. Review of Correspond- ence with Emerson 946E3 , - and reviews, v. 2. pp. 387-392. 946E5 — Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. 2. pp. 24-36. Review of occasional discourses on the negro question 947E6 Carmagnola, Francesco Bu ione, b. 1390- d. 1432. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice, pp. 206-248. Soldiers of fortune 9453-66 Carmen Sylva, pseud. See Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. Carmen's inheritance. Fisher, F. C. (Chris- tian Reid, pseud.") Carmkhael, Gershom. McCosh, J. Scot- tish philosophy, pp. 36-42 1621-48 Carmina collegensia. Waite, IL R. . . . 7746-9 Carnarvon, Earl of. See Herbert, II. II. M. CARNEGIE, Andrew. American four-in-hand in Britain. N. V., 1883. 8° 442-21 — Round the world. N. Y., [884. 8°. . 438-22 — Triumphant democracy; or, fifty years march of the republic. X. V., 1886. 8°. 3*7-3 Carnot, La/arc Nicolas Marguerite, French statesman, geometer and military adminis- trator, />. 1753-1/. 1823. Arago, I- . I 1 tinguished scientific men. ser. 2. pp. 1-116 4101; — Brougham, H. Statesmen who flour- ished in the time of George III. v. 2. IT- 75-95 410-17 — Lloyd, E. M. Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot. pp. 155-199 )HiS ^ Mai • .ill. W. I orei es. v. -■ pp. 255 283 410-67 . 1 \ \. See North 1 an ilina, South Caro Una. Carolina spoi 1 - I lliott, W m. a. 1. p. 16 796-3 the hotel keepei daughtei . Bi rry, Mrs. M. E I48A8 CAROLINE i l.r Caroline. | Fran* on I . ■" ; V29 i rom .1 \ hi' i ' i eth, of Brun Wolfenbiittel, ju h f C TV, 6. [76.8 ,/. 1S21 . 1 1.11:111. I . Live of theq een of the hou ie ol Hanovei ' pp. 199 '.7 N I" 1 I Finch, B. C. Lives of tin Prii ol Wale . v. 3. pp. 71-344 I 1 " 1 Si 1 1. klantl, \. Quei ns of England. Kaufman, R., ed. v. 3. pp. 204 280. 1111 84 Parker, 1 . I '■.. . d. pp. 656 666. , 1111-85 1 IROI.IN] Elton ; or, \ anil y and je ill /// Neale, J. M. Tale ; foi \ and women 1 Caroline Matilda, qu n oj Christian I'll. 1.1 1 775. \\ il on, II. S. Studies in history, legend and literature, pp.69 117. Count Struen- 1 aroline 4104-94 1 \\ ilhelmina Don 1 hea, wife of I ' , J. Lives <>f the queens <.f the house of Hanover. v. 1. pp. 194 420 ' \>" 3 Finch, 1>. C. Lives of the Princesses of Wales, v. 2. pp. 149-277 41 1 1-4 — Oliphant, M.< >. (W.) Hi 1 al I - 1. hes of the reign of George II. pp. 5-25. 411-78 Strickland, A. Queens of England. Kaufman, R., ed. v. 3. pp. 60-135. ■ 4111-84 -- Parker, C. G., ed. pp. 634-644.. . 4111-S5 rhomson, K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs ol Viscountess Sundon, Mistress of the robes to Queen Caro- line, consort of George II 229B5 . M.ii, Manila. Il.ivv Marjory helped. I'.., 1S74. 16 207A4 Carols from the coal-fields and other songs and ballads. Skipsey, Joseph 828C9 little-daughter. Colomb, Mnie. — . CARON, Pierre. French dishes for American tables, tr. by Mrs. F. Sherman. N. V., 1886. 12° 64I-26 Carpaccio, Vittore, b. 1450. Oliphant, M. 0. (W 1 Makers of Venice, pp. 262-290. 9453-66 mountains. Across the Car- pathians I — Cross, A. F. Round about the Carpa- thians 4439-3 Hutchinson, A. II. Try Cracow and the I arpal hians 44 Carpenter, I thei Bernon. South coun- try neighbors. B., 1887. 12°. Cari 1 'is, Francis Bicknell. Inner life of 1 In : six months at the White house. N. V.. 1S09. 16°. . . 572B4 — Six month- at the While house with Abraham Lincoln. \. V., 1866. 16 . [Sum, as Inner life of Abraham Lin- coln.] s7-l : ! II , J . C. lii. ks an 1 1 ■ 1 . . i 1 ; 1 PP. 7 19 [Geo Y., 1878. 16 5 1 I nard. Libi 10k of lo> ilier \ irelius. B., 1887. 16 2CK m|' e and verse. 5 v. I.., . . . 801 1 1 1S77. (A pri 1 ' emale life in prison. 2 \. i ., 1862. 8°. ... 365-3 11, J. M. Heroism ol Christian Japp, A. 1 1 .. 1 1 . ' . G words and loving deeds, pp. 243-310. 413-45 R. A. Poet-toilers in many pp. 57-69 1 1 Carpenter, Russell Lant. Lecture on to- bai 1 1, .■' I 1 / others. \m 1 tob ' co 19S7-48 Carpeni 1 R, Stepheu 11. I of the 14th century, illustrated b 1 un- matical an Prologue and Knight's tale: designed erve as an introduction to the study of English literature. I'... 1S72. 12 . Same, [873 225C3 : Narcissus : tale of the early christian times. I.., n. d. 12°. Truth in tale: addn 1 chiefly to chil- I , 1885. 12° 206A3 1 11 1;. Wm. Benj., English pkysi I 1M2. Animal physiology. 1... 1S70. 12 6121 ^ hanical philosophy, horology and astronomy. 1... I S 5 7 . 12° Mesmerism, spiritualism, etc, historically and scientifically considered ; with pref- ace and appendix. X. V., 1SS4. 12°. 177 2 Microscope an ns. 1'hila., I SSi . 12 . Same. I.., 1875. ' - . iples of mental ph with their application- to the training and he mind and the study of its morbid conditions V \ .. • ■ 12 . 75 170-2 — I \se and abuse of alcoholic liquors, in health and disease. B., 1 \- 1 12 . . Vegetable physi -teniattc botany. .in Lankester. I.. 1865. 12 5S0-2 CARPENTER. CXKREL. Carpenter, \V. 1',.. continued. — Zoology: a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts, and u ses of tlie principal families of the animal kingdom ; and the chief forms of fossil remains, ed. by W. S. Dallas. 2 v. L., 1871-76. 12°. Same, 1857. 590-2 — Correlation of the physical and vital forces, hi Youmans, E. I. .,.u e-cai pen the hi "( building, and thi trength il material . . . . 694 | 1 m 1 1 \ ikv, continued. — Holly, II. \Y. Carpenter's and joiner' hand-book 694-6 — Pukin, J. Amateur mechanic's work- shop 670-6 — Our workshop 694-6 — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of civil en- gineering, pp. 437-492 620-6 — Treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery, deduced from the works 1 if Robison, Price, and Tredgold. Bound with Richardson, T. A. Art and architectural modelling in paper 721-7 — Tredgold, T. Elementary principles of carpentry 694-8 Cari'ET knight. McClellan, Mrs. Harriet (Hare), (Harford Flemming, pseud.) Carr, Rev. A. The gospel according to St. Matthew, with maps, notes and intro- duction. [Cambridge Bible for schools.] Cambridge, 18S5. 16 2275-2 Carr, Alice Comyns. Paul Crew's story. N. Y., 18S5. 16°. Carr", Christopher, ed., (pseud.) Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton extracted from his letters and diaries, with reminiscences of his conversation. N. V., 1886. 12°. < ii 1 . J. Comyns. Papers on art. L., 1SS5. 8° 704-25 Contents. — Drawings by the old masters. — James Harry — Sir Joshua Reynolds.— Thomas Gainsborough. — Rossetti's influence in art. — Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. H. English poets, v. 3 S092-9 Carr, Mrs. Jeanne C. Trees, shrubs, and wild-flowers of southern California. /// Lindley, W. end Widney, J. P. Cali- fornia of the South, pp. 327-336. . . 4794-55 Carr, Robert, earl of Somerset. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England dining the reign of the Stuarts. v. I. pp. 198-228. ■. 411-5S Carr of Carrlyon. Aide, II. Carraci 1, Lodovico, Italian painter, b. 1555- d. 1619. Dorennis, S. 1). (beat lights in sculpture and painting, pp. 14S-152. 417-4 Carre, Anne, countess oj Bedford. Lodge, E. Portraits ol illustrious personages of (it. Britain, v. 6. pp. 131 134, . . 411-65 1 M.111. lean Baptiste Nicolas Armand, French journalist, i. iSoow/. 1830. His- tory oi the counter-revolution in Eng- land, for the re-establishment of Popery, uiiilii 1 li ii les 1 1 and James 1 1, also his- tory of the reign of James 11. by C. J. Fox. I.., 1846. 12 9366-31 Same. Bound with Memoir of the reign ol I ami II. b) John Lowl hei . 1 ... I857. 12° o;oo 1 CARREL - 223 — CAR'I l.l- 11,, J. B. N. V,, 1 onlinued. Mill, [• S. I ii isei tations and '1 1 1 u .ions. v. 1. pp. -■ 17 ; |,S 1 1 1 1 ii, Luigi. Howells, W. I >. M [tali m poel . pp. 184-187 8501-3 1 \ I 1 1 v. . 1 1 1.1 1 11' 1 1 "i I . I'> paintei 'ill ted .1!. . . . M 1 111 y. J. W. I Imi .1 pa ;'. ' 'i in ', 1 1 1 ' I graining '■■ i ' vrrii 1.. Robei 1 1 imbei ,11 pplie ol Gt. Hi nun .mi.i 1 reland. In Rattray, J. mid Mill, 1 1. R.. . ./ Fori trj and fbi products, pp, 2.S; 320 71 I 7 1 irrie Ellsworth. Johnson, M. O. . . . 517A9 Carrie, Amu, tscud. A.' Smith, Mrs. Car- oline L. ■ , Rosalba. Ellet, E. F. Women artist'.. |>|>. 226-232 |.l 74—3 ( Iarring roN, Henr; B e. Battles of the American 1rv.1luii1.11, 1775 81. N. Y., 1876. «° 975-3 ( Iarring roN, M> r, Margaret Irvfti. Vb ra-ka, homeof thecrows: experience of an officer's wife on t lie plains, n. t. p. |2 C 47> ; ; 25 Carriston's gift. Fargus, Frederick John. ii [ugh I inivv ay, pseud.) Carroli 'ii rollton, American patriot, i. 1737-rf. 1832. Brougham, II. Statesmen [ol | the time of George III. v. 2. pp. :.| :S 410-17 Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the claration. pp. 262-266 41 j 1 -3 1 ' 11: , li. J, Biographical sketch signers of the declaration, pp. 157- 161 4121-53 Murray, J. O' K . 1 latholii | ioneei ol America, pp. 360-36S | Gi D " ; etiquetti and usages of polite society. \. V., '• ss <>- ><> 3951-3 11. How ard. Twel icans : their lives and times. N.Y.,1883. 12. 412-3 Conti H 11 ' ' Villus, — IVl. 1 I pel II 1 |. iin Gilbert, Robi rt C. 1 red- Do [las Wiiu ,,,, v Hen Ulen G lli hi in 11 losep ; Elihu I" Wash- i hens. < \Ki;..i 1 . Julin, first archbishop of Baltimore, 1735 ■•'. 1815. Mini. iv, J 1 >*K. of Amei 11 a. pp. 315 35- 4142-6 1 1 , I ev. is, /'-. .'...' I .till, « has. 1 111 V. (' \KK..i 1 O'Donoghiie. Faber, 1 Carrothers, Mrs. Julia 1). The sunrise kingdom; ov, life and scenes in Jaj woman's work for woman there. I'lnla., 1 ,1. 1: ■..nil, .!/> ,. M. I.., 1 1 .1 ltd.) . . • tl. 1S7S. Life in- iond- I.., 1S57. 12 . 741B5 rray. In < Sray, I hi Memoir of I- . Montgomery. In 13 ''ill 1 Carryi . ' Ii' I I ■ " ind oblin ; or, ad- ventures in wonderland. I!., 1886. ! i . I . \V . ( arson, Christopher, h t, ernguide, b. 1809-d. iSos. Abbott, J. S. C. Chri 206B5 Burdett,C. Life of Kit Carson, the great . in hunter and guide Z06B7 Peters, DeW. ( I - life and [Same as Pioneer life.] . . :_v, Robert II. Wil- liam Carstares: a character ami career of the revolutionary epoch, 1649-1715. -■ '7 ' ; .i ( mm. lli... I iv, .1 Livi of the British historians, v. I. pp.323 326. 41 Cartee, Cornelius S. Elements of physical and political geography. 15., 1S55. 12°. 551 22 Carter, Mrs. Ann Augusta. Violet: a fairy 5. 24 Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth. Religion and superstition, a vision and i ileas- uies. In Johnson, -Dr. S.,ed. Rambler. v. 1-2 184] i — Fifty famous women, pp. 309-310. . . 413 41 ( ' v , Jas. C. \ ' lamihon. In II ..,1.. of American statesmen. pp. 231 259 P-53 , Ja-. G. Barnard, II.. ed. Educa- 182-194. ... 1 CAR! i.k. John, English 15 d. 1850. Mills, F. J. I ilc of John Carter. . . 207B5 Carter, Major Lorenzo. Rice, Harvey. Sketches of western life. Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a lour through [reland, England, Scotland, France, Italy and Switzerland in the . 27. 2 \. N. Y., 1829 I.- ert. Summer cruise on the nd. B., 1 ' Same, 1870. 12° Carter, Robert Brudenell. Medicine and jery. In Ward, T. II., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 444 Hinton, K. J. -Ii radical leaders, pp. S6-96. . :ti ; CARTER. — 224 — GARY. Carter, Mrs. Sarah C. Lexicon of ladies' names, with their floral emblems. B., 1865. 16° 4194-2 ■ I'ER, Thos. History of the great reform- ation in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France and Italy. N. V., i860. 12° 2706-25 Carter, Thos. Thellusson. Doctrine of confession in the Church of England. L., 1S69. 12° 2616-3 — Doctrine of the Priesthood in the Church of England. L., 1863. 12° 2837-3 Carter Quarterman. Baker, W. M. Carterets ; or, country pleasures. E. A. R 207A7 1 esius. See Descartes 2S5B5 Carthage. Davis, X. Carthage and her remain^ 4035-3 — Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Cartha- ginians 9177-7 ■ Rome and Carthage : the Punic war 9194-7 — Great sieges of history, pp. 223-233. . 903-4 — Heeren, A. II. L. Politics, intero and trade of the African nations. In Historical works, v. 4 006-4 — Rollin, C. Ancient history, v. 1. pp. 7°-'33 • 910-S — Flaubert, G. Salammbo. [A romance] — Henty, G. A. The . 1 rthagiuian. [A romance.] — See also History, ancient. Ham Rome, history. s CARTIER, Jacques, Fren, r, b. [494 d. 1536. Banvard, J. Novelties of the ■ new world, pp. 54-67 970-2 ,. T. Half-hours with the early ex- P lor ei s-109 437-37 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 135-143 4142-6 — Parkman, I. Pioneersof Fiance in the new world, pp. 1S4 203 971-6 I- Peopli i !. ol 1 ;raphy. PP- 368-373 , Che, Li Domi ed. Memoirs of the Sansons. v. 1. 1 03B1 CARTWl IGH1 I In nd, !>. />., < ■ 1 743 ; I I npli I pel ferai PP- 95 98 ,im 32 Craik, G. L. 1 pp. 17. 410-35 Howe, il- Eminent mi pp. .!' II237 1 1 ' C. C. B. pp. ■ ;7 ritnbs, I. In ' Car I WRIGHT, Rev. Peter, American Methodist pioneer preacher, b. 1785-rf. 1872. Fifty years as a presiding elder, ed. by Rev. W. S. Hooper, (inn., 1S71. 12°. . . 207B7 — Strickland, W. P., ed. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright 207B8 — Bungay. G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 35 I "354 412-25 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 526- 562 4123-6 Cartwright, Mrs. Robert. Ambrose the sculptor. L., 1854. 12°. Cartwright, Wm. Ward, A. W. in Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 227-229 8092-9 Cartwright, Wm. Cornwallis-. The Jesuits: their constitution and teaching. L., 1S76. 8° 2715-3 Cari -, Carl Gustav. King of Saxony's journey through England and Scotland in the year 1844. tr. by S. C. Davison. L., 1846. S° 442-22 Rev. Wm., ed. Memorials of the Right Rev. Charles Pettit Mcllvaine. N. V., 18S2. 8° 604PS Carus, Wm., joint editor. Stone, J. S. and Cams, Wm., eds. Memoir of Chas. Simeon 824B3 Carver, John. Sketches of New England; or, memories of the country. N. Y., 1S42. 12° 474-25 [No and serving. Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. 6431-5 Cary, Alice, American author, b. iS20-. 1820 d. 1880. Treasure trove. B., 1873. 16 208C5 Casi is altered. [Drama.] Jonson, I!. \\ ..1 Us. pp. 618 041 518C3 , \. 1 inlej . M. (' \siiin, T. F. Free trade fallacies ; or, il uted : an exposition of the existing phase ol progress and povertj Dedicated to the working men of Great tin and Ireland. I.., (886. N J . . 3353-26 1 \sii\u 1,1 . \r, Is. 1 hmir. I aj lor, B., td. I entral Asia: travels in Cashmere, Lit- tle Tibet, and Central Asia 155 S Temple, R. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim, Nepal 154-85 Drew, F. Northern barrier of India: a pular account of the Jummoo and K .1 1 1 in 1 1 territories, pp. 90 134. . . 4546 3 ■ . P. \ N. Remains of lost em- pp. 341 413 i' -- 6 Casimir Maremma. Helps. Arthur. Casin \ ; or, thi ! . Plan- lus. I. M. Comedies, v. 2. pp. , S723 7 1 ■. u, / , K. 11. Schoolmaster and his son : a narrative of events which oc- I VSPAKI, K . II., . .illumed. ■ l during the tinny ycai ' war, Phila., 1861. 16 1 -, 11 1 and In fi 1 i vi arner, Mm 1 B. 924 \ 1 | 1 1 -, , .1 Marvin, C, Ri ol the hi ml "I •' r the petroleum regi ' hi 1 pian in [883 •■ c.\ss, Lewis, Am. statesman, t. 1782 1866 Bungay, G. W 1 >fl h ind takings, pp. 92 too ^l- -> - I.anin in. I 1 laph pel pp. |S| 2CJI 4 ] 2 58 Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. s45-552 ( \ss m.n \, , Adolphe (.1. liner ile. I I of the working ami burgher classes, tr. 1:1 1 , . Phila., [871. 8°. . . 3 , : , ;. M.11 shall, Emma. 614A16 1 I , John, (in wen, II. I listory of I ellers. pp. 234-278 4'8-33 \ ii oil, 11. J. ( ireat movements, pp. 151-188 4'°4-7 i 1 in book of birds. From the text of Dr. Kiehni, I-;. I ii' . R I Hies. . . 59S-56 1 ( kll's complete pocket guide to Europe. I.., t888. 24 4 1" 2«2 Casseli histor) ol the war between France anil Germany. 1S70 71. ed. b) I Olliei 'Ml s '7 electlibrary. My night advent- ure and other complete stories by lead- ing wi iters. N. V., 11. d. 1 Contents. - Gourlay brothers - Madame's lit - tie plot.— A hank note in two halves. My night adventure i" Nicolaieff.— The bridge of s.m Martin. \ legend of Toledo. -The best re- 1 limney at Lisgarvere mill.— Nicholas Clutterbuclt My wil - stitch in time. — Our irrepressible tenor M Race l"i life and other complete by leading writers. \. v., n. d. 16 . Shooting tbe rapids. llu: sphinx, .1 mj ill 1 1 I he buried bin | ott \\ ithouta pi| I : schoolmistress ..t Skcrne Dun Fight at close quarters N ..m f,,,n, Ceyl lunch of roses.— Those terrible mv hours A la. ky tumble— A raee for life— ■' What's t" be. ouie of - CASSIODORUS, Magnus Amelias, Roman statesman, 6. ai 562. Let- ters: being a condensed translation of the Varus epistokc of Magnus Aurelius iodorus, senator; with an introduc- tion. [Containing life ol 1 irus, ; Hodgkin.] 1... 1886 8°. . . . - Casi away in the cold. Hayes,"Z)r. Isaac I. 357 A - i v 1 up b) the sea. Baker, Si> S. W. . 132A45 CASTAGNO, Andrea, *. 1403-rf. 1477. lame- son. A. 1 M.i Memoirs of early Italian painters, pp. 102-105 4'75 5 CASTELAR. 226 CATHEDRAL. Castelar, Einilio. Life of Lord Byron and other sketches, tr. by Mrs. A. Arnold. N. V., 1876. 12° 418-26 Contents. — Life of Lord Byron. — Victor Hu- go. — Alexander Dumas. — Emile Girardin. — Daniel Manin.— Adolphe Thiers. — Old Rome and new Italy, tr. by Mrs. A. Arnold. X. V., 1S73. I2 °- • ■ • 445-22 — Field. K. Ten days in Spain, pp. 129- 160 446-35 — Thieblin, N. L. Spain and the Span- iards, pp. 342-358 446-87 — Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. pp. 124-153 410-94 CASTELLANI, Augusto. Gems : notes and extracts, tr. by Mrs. J. Brogden. L., ,8 7»- ' 2 ° 735-23 Castilian days. Hay, John 446-4S CASTING away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Ale- shine. Stockton, Frank R. CASTLE, Lewis. Orchids : their structure, history and culture. I.., n. d. 12°. . 7156-3 Castle and town. Peard, F. M. CASTLE Avon. Caldwell, A. Marsh-. Castle Blair. Shaw, Flora L. Castle builders. Yonge, Charlotte M. Castle Daly. Keary, Annie. Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir Walter. Castle Foam. French, H. \Y. CASTLE Gregory. Riddle, A. G. Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Castle in Spain. De Mille, Jas. 1 ISTLE Nowhere. Woolson, Constance F. Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G. P. R. Castle Kackrent. Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Richmond. Trollope, Anthony. 1 istle windows. Strong, I ,. C S57C4 Castleri vgh, Viscount. 5« Stewart, Rob't. Castles in the air. Coffin, R. 1). Castles in the air. Gore, Mrs. C. G. CASTLETON, D. K. Salem: a tale of the 17th century. N. V., 1S74. 12°. 1 a rREN, Matthias Alex. Hartwig,~G. The polar world, pp. [68 [78 498 46 1 isuisi ry. See < lonscience. 1 >. w El 1,, Edward, (Quiz, pseud.) Skeli he \ of young couples : young ladies, young gentlemen. 1,., n. d. 16 827 }5 Cat, The. Mivart, St. 1 !eo. The cat ; an introdui tior to the study oi bai 1 i>"ned animal . e pei ially mammal i 59987 6 Rule, P. M. Thecal : ik natural history, domestii f arietii . management and treatment 59987-8 1 -i 11I 1. Mrs. II. B. ••< inly a cat." [A loi V.| ■ 7I8A6 1 A 1 tale :. B., n. d. 4" 200 \ ;=, Catai ombs. Adam , \\ . II. D. K us and cat: b 55 1 4S j 1 - 1 < >mhs, continued. — Kip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. . . . 4057-5 — Marriott, W. IS. Testimony of the cata- combs, and of other monuments of Christian art 2829-53 — Withrow, W. II. Catacombs of Rome. 4057-9 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs, pp. 1-45 2 °4 165 — Knox, T. \V. The underground world. pp. 314-330 «W 829-843 6229-5 — Lillie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. pp. 222-229. Buddhism in the cata- combs 2933-5 — Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. pp. 274-293 257-7 — Martyr of the catacombs. [A romance.] 615A9 — Wiseman, N. Fabiola. [A romance.] Catai. ina, Angelica, Italian vocalist, b. 17S2- d. 1S49. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 183-212 417S 3 — Ferris, G. T. Great singers. ser. I. pp. 132-170 4178-4 Catamaran. Alden, W. L. How to build a catamaran. In Thompson, M., ed. Boys' book of sports, pp. 215-221. . . 791-8 Cataracts. See Waterfalls. Catarrh, sore throat and hoarseness. Kitchen, J. M. W 61641-5 Catechism. Barclay, R. Catechism and confession of faith. [Friends.] .... 2896-19 — Sadler, M. F. Church teacher's manual of christian instruction 2383-S — Tuberville, H. Abridgement of the Christian doctrine 2382-8 — Brock, Mrs. C. Tales illustrative of the church catechism 184A3 — Sherwood, M. M. Stories explanatory of the church catechism 2383 84 Catechism o I politics. Hoffmann, F. A. . 32042-5 Catei hism of the marine steam engine. Ed- wards, Emory 62112-35 Catechism of the rudiments of harmony and thorough bass. Hamilton, J. A. . . . 7717-4 CATECHISM "I the steam engine. Bourne, 1 . . . 6211-14 1 hi .\ ol Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese. Beal, Samuel 2936-18 1 v 1 1 1 i\ \, St., oj Siena, b. 1347 d. [380. Adams, W. II. D. Heroes of the cross. pp. 153 " |S 4'4-2 Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D, Stories ol the saints, pp. 91 102 Pi; k .1 \ anagh, I . Women oi Christianity. pp. 106 113 4'.; 55 Trollope, I. A. Decade oi Italian wo- men, v. I. pp. 1 So 4107-8 Cathay. See I hina dral days. I >odd, Anna B. | 1 1.0. els in England.] 442-28 i VTHEDRALS. — 227 — ' VI II I 1 : : 1 1 Boyd, I . W., 1 ■■ I ng li li cathedrals : theii an hilei Hire, ;) mbol 1 in, and history 7--1 - Sillow ay, P. W. and I *■ >^\ ei ,1.1. 1 in ijihr.lt il town "i England, Ireland ind Si ol land p iri hitecture. I 1 Description 1 cathedral ina 1. round i 1 in the variou rie ol In 1 1 ' \ 1 in 1 1 , 1 1, \V. The physician him 1 II whal he should add to his si Ientilii ai quirements. Baltimon , if 0104-25 1 \ 1 111 ■ ui\i , St., of Siena. See I itei ina. ( \ I III KIM II, . "./J. . . \ I729 ,/. 1796, Schmucker, S, M, Memoii ol the > "in 1 and reign of 1 athei ine II. Vogiie, E. M. de. [Vuestoryol Mazeppa. 017 9 Brougham, II. State men |oi | the 1 dI George III. v. 1. pp. 297-307. . 410-17 Bruce, I Classii and hist porl raits. PP- 339 344 410-19 1 11 mer, I . > 1 1 .1 Girl's book of I. queens, pp. 302-320 413-38 Jameson, A. iM.) Celebrated female sov- n gns. v. 2. pp. 198 -'.(S 415—5 Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 393-444 413-54 — Parton, J. People' I k of biography. pp. 402-407 410-S2 Russell, W. Extraordinary men ami wo- men, pi. 2. pp. 244-254 410-9 — Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian litera- ture, pp. 34-45 8917-9 Catherine, 0/ Valois, queen 0) /Ann V of England. Strickland, A. Queens of England. Kaufmann, R., ed. v. 1. pp. 263-279 4111-S4 ker, C. G., ed. pp. 154-103. . . 41 11-85 Catherine, », tst queen of Henry VIII. Farmer, 1.. (II.) Girl's boo! pp. 137-155 413-3S Finch, B. C. Lives of the princesses of Wales, x.t. pp. 103 298. and v. 2. pp. 1-146 41 1 1 4 Herbert, II. W. Memoirs of Henry VIII of England, pp. 259-320. . . . 462B91 Stri< 1,1.111,1, \. Lives "i the queens of England 'luring the reign of Hei VIII. pp. 5-63 41 1 1 So ol 1 ngl 1 1 1. i . Kaufman, K.. v - '• pp- 34a 377 4111-84 Parker, C. G., ed. pp. 215-232. . . 41 11-85 Catherine Howard, _,-//; queen <>/' Henry VIII. Herbert, II. W. Memoirs of Henry \ 111. pp. 413-434 : — Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England (luring the reign of Henry VIII. pp. _'jl 1-1 -. . . . 4111-S6 1 \ 1 in 1 1 1 I [o« trd, ontinu J ■ ■I England. I x.i. pp. 41 1 1 1 1 [4. . . 4111 ' x 1 in 1 1 1 6/A qui 1 n >■/ Henry 17//, l>. 1 -, I illy I. .in.. 1 PP- '99 ~"i M3-4' I lei I. in. 1 1. \\ . Me ii 1 II. nry VIII. PP 135-44' 1 I .odge, 1 . Portrait 1 I hi. v.l. pp. 137 145. (il 65 Strickland, A. Lives ol the England .luring tin- reign of II. VIII. pi 73 ■ tin ■>, 1 1 een "I England. Kaufman, K.,ed. v. i- pp. tfo-443 Mii-84 Parker, I . G., ed. pp. 315 343. . , 4111 ■ 1 \ 1 in i;i\i , oj Bragan a, /.■< // ■/ 1 //, i. 1638 ''. 1705, Jain.- \. (M.) 1: mties '.1 the conn ol II. PP- 45-^7 in 55 |. , . J . II. Memoirs of the con England .luring the reign of the Stu v - 3- PI'- '-3' 4' 1 5 s Lodge, E. I'.. in. in, ,,i illustrious per- sonages of (it. Britain, v. 6. pp. . 3°3 411-65 — Strickland, A. Queens of England. Kaufman, R., ed. v. 2. pp. 176-237. 4111-S4 Parker, C. ("•., .-■. 15. C. 95-'/. 46. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 4. pp. 370-444 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. pp. 418-429. . . 4101-75 CATO. [Drama.] Addison, J. Poetical works, pp. 366-466 10SC1 CATON, John Dean, LL. D., b. 1812. Ante- lope and deer of America : treatise upon the natural history, including the char- acteristics, habits, affinities and capaci- ty for domestication of the antilocapra and cervida; of North America. N. Y., 1877. 8> 59974-2 — Summer in Norway; with notes on the industries, habits, customs and peculiar- ities of the people, the history and insti- tutions of the country, its climate, topography and productions; also an account of the red-deer, reindeer and elk. Chicago, 1875. 8° 44< s i .! Catskill mountains, New York. Curtis, G. W. Lotus eating, pp. 28-42. . . . 473~25 — Irving, W. Biographies and miscellanies. pp. 4S0-487 491 K8 — Murdock, D. The Dutch dominie. [Romance, 1778.] — Owen, G. W. The Leech club. |A novel. I ( \TSPAW, The. Comedies and dramas, pp. 147-204 240C9 I mm. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. 47S] _• — American cattle book. Hound with Amer- ican horse book 636-17 — Bourguignon, H. On the cattle plague. 637-2 — Dadd, G. II. American cattle doctor. . 636-3 Flint, C. I. Milch cows and dairy farm- ing 637-4 — Jennings, R. Cattle and their diseases. . 637-45 ( )attle, continued. Keeping one cow 637-5 — Law, Jas. Lung plague of cattle. Bound with Law, Jas. Farmer's veterinary ad- viser 636-54 — Milburn, M. M. The cow: dairy hus- bandry and cattle breeding 1 ■ ;o 7 — Richthofen, W. Cattle-raising on the plains .if North America 3 71-7 — Shepherd, \V. Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep 636-8 — Tait, J. S. Cattle-fields of the far west. 6371-8 — Brisbin, J. S. Beef bonanza; or, how to get rich on the plains, pp. 23-92. . . 636—2 — Burroughs, J. Birds and poets, etc. pp. 135—158. Our rural divinity 196E3 Grohman, W. A. Baillie-. Camps in the Rockies, with an account of cattle ranches of the west, pp. 426-431. . . 478-43 — Jardine, W. Goats, sheep, oxen, etc. /«Jardine. \\..ed. Naturalist's library. V. 22 590-5 — Loring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Joth- am. pp. 25-112 630-47 — See also Agriculture. Dairy farming. 1 >< imestic animals. CATULLUS, Caius Valerius, I.atin poet, l>. about B. C. J7-d. about 45. Poems. Kelly, W. K., tr. Works of Catullus and Ti- luillus S74I-5 — Davies, L Catullus, Tibullus and Pro- pertius. pp. 1-92 S741-4 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 37-73 87001-3 — Landor, W. S. Works, v. 8. pp. 379- 423 828-58 CAUCASUS. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat 457°-2 — Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the east- ern Caucasus 4479-3 — Grove, F. C. The frosty Caucasus. . . 4479-4 — Marvin, C. Region of the eternal fire. . 4479-6 — Mounsey, A. II. Journey through the Caucasus and the interior of Persia. . . 457-65 — Telfer, J. B. Crimea and Transcaucasia. 4479-9 — Tliiebnann, M. von. Journey in the Cau- casus, Persia and Turkey in Asia. . . 450-87 — Wolley, C. P. Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus 4407-9 — Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. 346-353 . . 377L7 — Tolstoi, L. The Cossacks. [Romance.] CAUCUS. Lawton, (i. W. The American caucus system ; its origin, purpose and utility 32473-5 CAUGHEY, Jas. Arrows from my quiver, pointed with the steel of truth and winged by faith and love ; with an in- troduction by Daniel Wise. V Y., 1867. 12 .' 249-3 CAU1 M l.ll '. I ii i p. I i , joint author. Wilson, II. and i 'aulficld, I. Hi u il ol Ii i Imi i i- ' 1 1 i s 9 i m . ii i . Hobart . Romano ol h In I . ii. il. 12 95401-3 CAVALCANTI.Glli i ' i Poems. In Ro ctti, I >. i .. < ollei ted works, v. 2. pp. i ii. 102 i vvameb "ii : and ballad ol Ei land ; id |-' 84. ed. b; 1 Mai kay Ca\ iliers .-I England. I lei berl, 1 1. W. Cavai.iei Grant, J \\ 1 \ \ \ 1 11 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 ■ cro Fosdick, W. W. A historical romi I 1 onque 1 ol Mexico. I Cavalry. Di nison, ( ;.T. 11 fcavalrj Shakespeare, II. Wild sports of India. PP- 242 283 Xenophon. Minor works, p] ■ 1 1 1 ipparchicus ; or, the dutii om- 1 ider "f cavalry 8884 9 1 w \lry life. Winter, J. S. Cavalry tactics, United states army, as- similated to the tactics of infantry and artillery. X. Y.. [885. - 2 ° 357 9 \. Elizabeth. Algernon, the foot- 1 mode. In Ma- son. E. T., ed. Humorous master* pii 1 >■-■. v. 3. pp. 217-229 817 63 1 w 1 . Marie I li; ibeth. The ' a for learning to 1 n memory. N. V., 1S82. 12 740-3 Drawing withoul a master. The ' n. : '•■ id 1 1 ning to draw from mem- \. \ .. 1868. 12°. [Sam I 740-3 — Color. \. V"., 1869. 12° 752-3 Cave dwell - 1 ives. Cavendish, Geo. Life of Cardinal Wi to which is added Thomas Churchyard's .''cl_\ -of Wolsey ; with an introduc- tion l.i M01 ley. I ., 1885. 1 .' 96 ;l'.', 1 ivendish, Henry. English chemist and ural philosopher, 6. 1731-rf. 1810. Craik, G. 1.. Pursuit ol knov ledge, pp. 3 343 4-C-35 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. 2 10-21 5 410-44 Cavendish, Thbs., English navigator, />. 1564 :'. 1593. Bourne, II. R. K. Eng-. lish seamen under the Tudors. v. 2. pp. '«> '43 4.;: '7 — Early English voyagers, pp. 133-193. . 437-3 ives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish ami Dampier. pp. 12; 164 4-59-3 I l>w, < R. Maritime discovery, v. I. pp. 309-311 4.;: 58 Paj ne, E. J., /. \ the Eliza- tan seamen, pp. 255-324 437 73 1 .1 *. a 11.7 ( . I 1 c of \\ il Cavi I of '1 . 1 It. \\ in., 1st •: I illn Gt. I'.t ilain. v. 7- pp. IS. in 1 1 HSU V. n ii. 1676 I ndish, \l. I 1 . f Wil- liam I ..I In :. ii. I eastle Lodge, E. Portrait of illusti sonages o( Gt. Bi ham. v. 6. pp 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 65 1 Iavendish ; or, 1 W.J. I WES. Adam-, W. II. D. I .nii'.ii erns and grottoes 5; . ... 5 5 148-3 kins, W. B. Cave hunting: re- on the evidence , re- theeai ly inhabitant : I tin ipe. s7 1 12 3 Ice, I. I . I . mi . ml epoi hs in relig- ious history. |'j>. 07 74. Cave tem- ples 204-165 lit, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. pp. 47-52. Cave dwellings 4073-2S — Joly, X. Man before metals, pp. 48-90. 571 5 — Lanoye, I 1 iblime in nature. pp. 301-320 551 5; I. nl. hock, J. Pre-historic times. pp. S7< - Lyell, C. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. pp. 65-144 hell, A. The past in the present. What is civilization? pp. 91-9S. . . . 571-65 Ran, C. I rly man in Europe, p] -05 571-77 — See also Physical geography. Cavour, Camillo Benso, count, Italian man. '. 1 - course on the life, character and policy of Count Cavour, delivered in the hall of the X. V. Historii . 1862. . 209BS I Rive.Wm.de. Reminiscences of the , haracter of Count Cavour. . . 209B9 — Hay ward, A. Sketches of eminent states- men and writers, v. I. pp. i3;-200. 410-55 le, G. M. Glimpses of history, pp. ' V) 9 3-9 Cawnpore, India. Field, H. M. From t to Japan, pp. 2d 221. i n npore 4;o-,o — Knox. T. W. Decisive battles since Wa- terloo, pp. 154-176 903-53 Caxton, l.aura, /.'V»i/. &« Comins, Lizzie B. CAXTON. 230 — CELTS. Caxton, Win., earliest English printer, 1412-1/. 1492. Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 137-142. . . . 410-42 — Knight, C. Once upon a time. pp. 1- 2S 53SE4 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 57-"5 4IO-757 — Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 10-14. 4169-9 ( \ n.iA\A: a seriesof essays on life, liter- ature anil manners. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (',. L. L 601E4 CAXTONS, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. K. L. Cazalla, Augustin. Gordon, J. Inquisi- tion in Spain, pp. 215-225 2722-4 1 xiii is, M. E. Outline of the evolution- philosophy : tr. by O. B. Frothingham, with appendix by E. L. Youmans. N. V., 1S75. 12° 575-2 1 a/in. Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat: ed. and tr. by Elihu Rich. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Same, 1874 536-2 CaZOTTE, Elizabeth. Masson, M. Cele- brated children, pp. 141-147 410-72 iii 11. Dreeme. Winthrop, Theodore. i 1 . 11 . F. Life of Gen. Lafayette, n. t. p. 12° 552B3 Cecil, Elizabeth, countess of •Devonshire. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 6. pp. 225- 226 4H-65 Cecil, Lord Eustace. Impressions of life at home and abroad. L., 1S65. S°. . . 439-23 Contents. — Fortnight in Hayti. — Ride in Bar- bary. — Prison life in Paris. — After dark in New York. — Dens of London. — Schools in Eastern London. — Newgate, past and present. — French convict life. — On the future prospects of younger sons. ( nil, Robert, earl of Salisbury. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 1. pp. 189-197 4»-5 8 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Gt. Britain, v. 3. pp. 73-81. 411-65 Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyn, mar- quii "f Salisbury, b. 1S30. Smith, G. I!. The prime ministers of Queen Victoria. pp. 383-404 1110; 1 1, 11, rhos., 1st earl of Exeter. Lodge, E, Portraits of illustrious pel or gi 1 Gt. Britain, v. 3. pp. 147 'S3 4"-t>5 Cecil, Wm., baron Burleigh. Lodge, I-:. I '.Hi raits of illustrious personages of lit. Bi mi. v. 2. pp. 267-274 411-65 1 ei IL, pseud. See Apperly, Jas. 1 1 1 , 11 tin- mi phan. n. t. p. 16° 142 A3 1 1 • 11 ia. Arbl ly, Franci 1 1 ey) '1'. Cecil's book of natural history, Peabody, 1 5905-65 Cecil's tryst. Payn, Jas. Celebes islands. Adams, W. II. D. East- ern archipelago, pp. 236-285 490-14 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago, pp. • 219-291 490-9 CELEBRATED answer to the Rev. C. Lesley's case stated, between the church of Rome and the church of England. Manning, R 282S-53 Celebrated children of all ages and nations. Masson, M 410-72 Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras county and other sketches. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain, pseud.) 817-267 Celebrities of the past and present. Ma- ceuen, M 410-6S Celestial objects for common telescopes. Webb, T. W 5222-92 Celestial scenery. Dick, T. Works, v. 7. S2S-35 Celestine I, St., pope; sue. 422 -d. 432. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 98-101 2821-53 Celestinb III, pope, sue 1191-rf. 119S. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. PP- 367-372 2S21-53 Celibacy. Lea, H. C. Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church 2 5 82 -5 — "Single blessedness." ! 939-7 Celiere, Paul. Startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies. tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mrs. John Lillie. N. Y., 1887. 8°. Cellamark, Antonio Giudice, prince, b. 1657-*/. 1733. Sanson, H., ed. Me- moirs of the Sansons. v.l. pp. 51-62. S03B6 Cellini, Benvenuto, Italian artist in metal, b. 1500-d. 1570. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist, written by himself; containing history of the 16th century; with notes by G. P. Carpani. tr. by Thos. Roscoe. L., 1S71. 12°.. 215B1 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta. ser. 1. pp. 154-177. A rogue's memoirs 153E39 — Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculp- ture and painting, pp. 140 144. . . . 4I7 _ 4 — Fuller, M. Life without ami life within, pp. 93—101. Review of Memoirs. . . 400E5 — Spalding, M. J. .Miscellanea. v. 2. pp. 772-787 204-84 S\ Is, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pi. j. The fine aits. pp. 437-480. . 94506-7 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 79-87 117 'i CELTIC Irish songs and song writers. 1 I [ins, CM 89162-3 Celts. Kennedy, P. Legendary fictions ol the Irish Celts 3841-5 — Logan, J. Scottish Gael ; or, Celtic man- in 1 as pi ' 11 \ ed among the I lighland- ed. by A. Stewart 9406-5 <■ o Foster, J, 1 pp. |6i ,572. Re\ i.'» of 1 [oare, R, < '. \ ml his- ol South Wiltshire 377^7 Rhys, J. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom. . 29916 7 i 1 1 r's paradi ie. Banim, John 1 . ■ 1 ' ' 1 hi ITS. Austin, J. ('.. Practical tn iti 1 ..ii the preparal 1 ombini and ap plication of calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements 6662-15 — Burnell, G, R. Rudimentary treatist or limes, cements, mortars, com retes, ma tics, plastering, etc 6662-2 1 lillmore, Q. A. Practical treati 1 limes, hydraulic cements and mortars. 6662-4 Grant, J. Experiments on the strength of cement 6662-5 Reid, II. Science and art of the manu- facture of Portland cement 6662 , - Dawidowsky, F. Raw materials and fabrication of glue, gelatine, isinglass, cements, etc. pp. 200-255 668-2 I 1 \n likiis. Flagg, W. Mount Auburn: its scenes, its beauties and its lessons. . 719-4 — Gaume, J. J. Christian cemetery in the 19th century 393 i~4 Robinson, W. God's acre beautiful; or, the cemeteries of the future 3932—7 1 gleston, N. II. Home and its surround- ings; or, villages and village life. pp. 207-216 640-3 See also Burial usages. Catacombs. Cenci, Beatrice. Hew in, \l. E., ed. Illus- trious women pp. 155 174 413-49 — Guerazzi, F. D. Beatrice I enci. [Hist. romance.] Ceni 1, I'lic. [Drama.] Shelley, P. B. Po- etical works, pp. J47-309 -■ Works, v. 2. pp. 5 141 820C4 1 iMs, Mont. Arthur, W. Italy in transi- tion, pp. 17 30 94508-2 Knox, T. W. The underground world. PP- 5'° 5 2 3 "-'-•'> 5 Proi tor, K. A. Lighl >i iem e foi Ii isun hours, pp. 150-155 • • . . 502-69 1 Garfii Id, J. .\. Works. v. -'. PP- '- s 5 -''7 818-45 jary of American Methodism. Ste> ens, A 287-7 1 ENTENNIAL call to all nations. Ween, M. A. 254-36 1 entenniai commissioner in Europe, 1874 76. Forney, J. W A 1 0-38 CENTENNIAl exhibition, 1S70. Centennial exposition, n. 1. p. S° 61 kclli'v, \\ . It. ' . addresses and letters. pp. 413 426 33°4-46 CENTI I'hila., 1877. 12" 21 ;< 5 1 11 1 al h istot in the 1 it) -.1 Phil 1., Jum 1 . 1 ' ' ol 1 he G< " ''< I the Presbytet h in the 1 1. S., w ith 1 1 I [876. 12° Content* Prcsbyt to 1775, by \: 1 McGill ucl M Hopkini —1786-1876, by Samuel J Wit son. — Present condition, E, P. Humphrey \ n lei by K. Ii M01 n . I i rRAL Africa. Long, C. C V 'i I'RAL Africa, Japan and Fiji: a sti ionary enterprise, trials and tri- umphs. Pitman, E. R 263-7 CENTRAL America. Bancroft, II. II. tral America, 1501-1800. [With bibli- ography.] — Male.. II. W., ed. Centra] America, the Wesl Indies and South America. . . . 427-2 Chamay, D. Ancient cities of the new world 4072-3 Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. . . 970-38 — Murelet, A. Travels in Central America. 4728-6 — Oswald, F. I.. Summerland sketches. . 47J 7 . F. N. Historj of the Panama rail- road ami of the Pacific mail steamship company 472S7-7 Paez, R. Travels and adventures in South and Central America Sanborn, II. J. Winter in Central Amer- VI 1 I Squiei . E. G. Ni ites on 1 lentral Amer- ica. [With bibliography.] )7- s s \\. ul. n. 1. or, adventures on the mos- quito shore t; — Stephens, C A. Knot k about club in the tropics I Stephens, J. I.. Incidents of travel in' I hiapas and Vucatan. 2 v I" Wells, W. V. Explorations and adven- 111 I londuras 1 — Whetham, J. W. Boddam-. Across Cen- tral America 47- s 9 Bancroft, II. II. Native races of the Pa- states, v. 3. pp. ji I in- guage bang. I. \1. Ancient religions of Cen- tral America. In Faiths of the world. PP- 244 -73 290-4 — Nadaillac. Marquis de. Pre-historic Amer- ica, pp. 260 386 407-7 1 i..|l I r. \. West Indies and the Span- ish main. pp. 251 357 CENTRAL. 232 CEYLON. Central America, continued. — Wilson, R. A. History of the conquest of Mexico, pp. 145-209. Extinct em- pire of Central America identified as Phoenician 9902-9 Central Asia. Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor 455 _1 3 — Baker, V. Clouds in the East 455—15 — Boulger, D. C. Central Asian portraits. 4II48-2 Central Asian questions 95S-23 — Burnaby, F. Ride to Khiva : travels and adventures in central Asia 4555-2 — Goldsmid, V. J. Telegraph and travel. 450-4 Lansdell, Ii. Russian Central Asia, in- cluding Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv 455-54 — MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva 4555-° — Marvin, C. Reconnoitering Central Asia. 455-61 Newman, J. P. Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh 4S"-' 1 O'D .van, E. Merv oasis: travels and adventures east of the Caspian 4554-6 — Schuyler, E. Turkistan: notes of a jour- ney in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, • Bukhara and Kuldja. z? 4554-S -Taylor, B., ed. Central Asia: travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet and Central Asia. 455 S — Vambery, A. Cuming struggle for India. 9583 'i - Ilis life and adventures 911RS - Sketches of Central Asia 455-cj - Travels in Central V-ia 455 <>i Wood, II. Shores of lake Aral 4554-y Wood, J. Journey in the source of the river Oxus 455-96 — Half-hours in man) lands, pp. 145—159. 439 46 \ ia. Bokhara. Turkistan. ' 1 11 1 goven hi. Traill, 1 1. 1 1. . . 35442 85 Centura club. Fail field, F. ( ;. 1 Hubs ol Nev \ in I., pp. 29 56 " . . 367-4 1 enti k . - I Xiii.'i 1, an literal in e, 177" 1876. Bi eti, H. A., ed 811-2 Centura .4 anecdote, 1760 i860. Timbs, J. 8077 88 I enturyoI discovery : biographical sketches of the: Portuguese and Spanish naviga toi h 'in I' 1 Henry i" Pizarro. \ 1 igel, Theodore 447-93 .11 r >, of di ihonoi 1 .1 ki ti Ii ol the I '. S. governmen ' dealings with si ime ■ >! 1 lie I ndian tribe - Jai l< ion, Wi I lelen (Hunt.) 9709 7 • 1 ruRY of electricity. Mendenhall, '] hi 537" 6 ■ 1 ruRY of gospi l-woi k, 17711 1876 : .1 his- toi y of the growth of 1 mgelii d religion in the U. S. Nobh , W. F. P 277 7 II ii' iip Vi Ii. W. < .. CENTZ, P. C. Republic of republics; or, American federal liberty. B., 1881. N' J . 3207-25 Ceramic art. &■<> Pottery. Ceremonial institutions. Spencer, Herbert. 162 Cerise. Melville, G. J. W. CERITO, Francesca. Q, You have heard ol them. pp. 15-22 410-N5 CERNUSCHI, Henri. Nomisma ; or, "Legal tender." N. V., 1877. 12° 33 1 5—25 Contents — Evidence before the United States Monetary commission. — Monetary pai ifii ation by the rehabilitation of silver. — Silver vindicat ed. — The letters on the " silver question." Certain aspects of the church. Smith, J. C. 2838-75 Certain dangerous tendencies in American life, and other papers. B., 1880. 12 . 4733-3 Contents. — Certain dangerous tendencies in American life. — The Nationals, their origin and ihuir aims. — Three typical workingmen. — Workingmen's wives. — The career of a cap italist. — Study of a New England factory town. — Preaching. — Sincere demagogy. • 1 1 1 UN men of mark. Towle, G. M. . . 410-114 CERTITUDE, providence and prayer. Mi- Cosh, J. [Philosophic series No. IV.] 142-0 CERVAN1 1 s Saai edra, Miguel, Spanish n iit, i. 1547-rf. 1616. Don Quixote "I la Mancha. L., 1869. 12 . — Exemplary tales, n. t. p. 12°. — Galatea: a pastoral romance, tr. by G. W. J. Gyll. L., 1S67. 12 S61-2S Voyage to Parnassus: Numantia, a tragedy : The commerce ol Algiers. tr. by C. W. J. Gyll. 1.., 1870. 12 . 86i 3 - Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote; with biographical sketch. B., 1SS2. 24 . . 863 3 Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Cervantes. . . . 215B8 Bruce, I. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 293 298 410-19 Heine, 11. The romantic school, pp. 2;7 268. Introduction to Don Quixote. 837 10 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 1 y s 163. . 410-49 — Giles, II. Illustrations of genius, pp. 7 65 I"l 1 Hay, |. ' 1 tilian days. pp. 282-312. . 446 18 I angford, I . A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 5S-S2 418 5 Prescott, W. II. Biographical and critic- al miscellanies, pp. 12; 175 744F5 Wood, W.,ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 38-40 4IO-975 I 1 l;\ US, G. I. Cut : :l story of West Point. Phila., (886. 12°. _ Model wife. Phila., 1SS5. 1 .• While feathers. Phila., 1885. 12°. Birotteau. Balzac, 11. de. Pom illon, E. ( i \ enn mains. Sie\ en ion, U. I.. Travels v\ ith a donkej in thi ' 1 -. enne 1 1 I s 75 1 eylon Baker, S. W. Eighl years « an- dei in.", in Ceylon ■ ! M'> •' ri \ LON. — 233 — CHAI.L1 '.'.li' Ceyi on, continued. Rifle and hound in ' ej l"" 4549-21 I ampbell, J. Excursions, adventures and field :poi 1 - in < i-yl'in 1.549—3 F01 bes, Mtij^r J. II.-* .mi \ . - . 1 1 in 1 ej Km : 1.. 'i. In . .1 1 he field [...11 ■ and natural history of thai colon] and an account of its history and antiqui- ties 1549-4 Hseckel, I'.. A visit to Ceylon 4549 -5 Knox, T. \V. Hoy travellers in the far East. pt. 3. Journey to Ceylon and India 454-5 — Peeps at Ceylon life and people 4549-6 I I uncut, J. E. Wil.l elephant and the method of capturing and taming it in Ceylon 5996-9 — Thompson, Mrs. A. Peeps into Ceylon: book of travel for children 4549-S — Ballou, M. M. Due west. pp. 125- «49 4.; s 15 — Brassey, Lady A. Voyage in the 'Sun- beam.' pp. 426-442 4371-2 — Carnegie, A. Round the world, pp. 166-183 43S-22 — DeQuincy, '1'. Letters to a young man and other papers, pp. 247-287. Review of Bennett's Ceylon 284E5 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, pp. 3S6- 396 439-28 — Hornaday, \V. T. Two years in the jungle, pi.. 235-290 454-47 — Nordhoff, C. Stories of the island world. pp. 151-237 400-6 — Smith, S. Winks. pp. 349-354. Re- view of Percival's Ceylon 837E1 — Spalding, J. W. The Japan expedition pp. 64-82 452-7 Wood, W. M. Fankwei ; or, the San Jacinto in the seas of India, China ami Japan, pp. 104-122 450-97 Chabas, Francois Joseph. Translation of hieroglyphics. In Cooper, W. R. Short history of the Egyptian obelisks. . . . 4032 ; Chace, the turf and the road. Apperley, CJ 630., IN 1 hadbourne, Paul Ansel, American edu I: 1823 d. 1883. Instinct ; its office in the animal kingdom, ami its relation to the higher powers in man. X. Y ., 1872. I2 ° 5915-3 1 ectures on natural history : it^ relations to intellect, taste, wealth ami religion. N. Y., 1S00. 12 5901-3 - Lectures on natural theology; or, inline and the Bible from the same author. \. V., 1S73. 12° 2IO-1S Chadwick, Henry. Sports and pastimi ol American boys. X. Y., n. d. S°. . . 7S0-3 Chadwicj i ! While, poet and Unitarian religious writer, />. 1840. In Nazal town : :i 1 Ihristma fanl 1 1 1 ■ 1 ; . .i , on the leading topii of n ligion. B., 1880. 12° 252 200 Cotit .'i nos- tic religion. — The nature of reli 1 faith of reason. — Concerning God Immortality.— .1 Eternal goodness. In Modern 1 anism. pp. 72 92 2884-3 — Liberty and the 1 lunch in America. In Freedom and fellowship in religion, pp. 299-322 204-33 Putnam, A. P., . d. singer- am the liberal faith, pp. 517-525. [Biog. sketch and poems] 2458-7 Chadwick, Sheldon. Poems of life. I.., 1858. 16° CHADWICK, W. I. The magic lantern manual. 1 d. 12° 7698-3 ('11 VDWICK, Wm. Life and times of Daniel De Foe: with remark- digressive and discursive. I ... 1859. 8° 2S0B4 Chain of life in geological time. Dav J- W 560-3 CHAINBEARER, The. Cooper, J. I . Chair of Peter. Murphy, J. X 2821-55 Chaldea. Ragozin.Z. A. Story of Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise I Assyria. [With bibliography.] .... 9151-7 - Rawlinson, G. hive great monarchies, v - ' 915-7 — Fan, E. Ancient history, v. 2 910-36 — Howitt, W. History of the supernat- ural, v. 1. pp. 273-296. [Religion.] 171 .(N Proctor, R. A. Saturn and its system. pp. is., 1. 11. Chaldean astronomy. . . 52346-7 — Sec alia History, ancient. t Haldean account of Genesis. Smith, Geo. 4025 71 CHALD1 \n magic. Lenormanl, I" 2 CHALDEAN magician. Eckstein, I. Chalk. Allen, Grant. Common sense science, pp. 201-211 502-14 — Huxley, T. II. Lay sermons, pp. 17.) 201 5°2-5 Ch allemel - Lacour, Paul Armand. De- * i.ll. In Claretie, J. French celeb- rities, pt. 2. pp. 7S-92 4105-35 [gdrasil ; or, the tree of ex- istence. Phila., 1S59. 12° "Chai i 1 n.i k" II. M. >. Spry, W. J. J. The cruise of the " Challenger." . . . 437 84 f/h in on, ' W. Voyage of the •'Chal- lenger.'' The Atlantic, a preliminary account of general results of the explor- ing voyage of II. M. S. " Challeng during 1N73 and the early part of 1S70. CHALLICK. — 234 CHAMBERS. C'HAI I.ICE, A. E. Memories of French palaces. L., 1871. 12 944°3-3 Contents. — Versailles. — St. Germain. — The Louvre and the Tuileries.— St. Cloud. — The Palais Royal. — The Elysee— Compiegne — The Little Trianon and La Malmaison. — Fontaine- bleau. Challoner, Robert. History of the science and art of music : its origin, develop- ment and progress. Cinn., 1880. 8°. . 770—25 Chalmers, Alex., ed., l>. 1759-0'. 1834. British essayists: with prefaces, histor- ical and biographical. 38 V. B., 1S55- 57. 16° 184E1 Contents.— v. 1-4. Tatler.— 5-12. Spectator. — 13-15. Guardian. — 16-18. Rambler. — 19-21. Ad- venturer. — 22-24. World.— 25-26. Connoisseur. —27. Idler. — 28-29. Mirror. — 30-31. Lounger.— 32-34. Observer.— 35-37. Looker-on. — 38. Gen- eral index. — Life of Martin Luther. In Luther, M. Table talk. pp. 25-97 208-56 Chalmers, Jas. and Gill, W. Wyatt. Work and adventure in New Guinea, 1877-85. L., 1885. 8° 495- 2 7 Chalmers, M. D. Local government. L., 1883. 12° 352-3 Chalmers, Thos., Scottish divine, />. 1780-1/. 1847. Power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intel- lectual constitution of man : with bio- graphical preface by J. dimming. L., 1853. 12°. [Bridgewater treatise.] . . 210-106 — Series of discourses on the Christian reve- lation, viewed in connection with tile modern astronomy. N. Y., n. d. 12 . 2102-18 — Preface to the lectures on ethics. /// Brown, T. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. pp. xxxiv-xl. . . lSo-22 Dodd , |. I'hos. Chalmers : a biograph- ical study 220B2 1' laser, 1 >. Thos. Chalmers 220B3 Moffat, J. C, ed. Lifeof Thos. Chalmers. 220B4 Blaikic, W. G. Leaders in modern phi- lanthrophy. pp. 82-102 4156-2 Brown, I. I lor«e subset ivae. pp. [38 165 188E1 - Span- hours, v. I. pp. 354-384. [Same •article.] [88E2 1 ox, S. II. Interview .. pp 29 1 13. ■ -413 Edgar, |. <>. Boyhood ol greal men. pp. $47 .557 410-44 I .11 1 boys. pp. 25-1 263 410-478 i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ■ 1 1 , ( .. Third gallery ol poi trail pp. 85-115 41 s 43' 1 m, E. T., ed. Personal traits of Bi in li authoi ;. \ ■ 3. pp 127 166. . 4182 5!) Mason, [., ed. Great triumphs of greal men. pp. 382 385 110 7 M, 1 ,, I,, |. Scotti h philo iophy. pp. .... 1021 -8 Chalmers, Thos., continued. — Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work. pp. 271-219 254-67 — Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. pp. 250-261 4104-85 — Taylor, W. M. Scottish pulpit, pp. 194-229 2741-8 — Turnbull, R. Genius of Scotland, pp. "3- I2 5 441-76 Chalons, [Battle, 451.] Creasy, E. S. Fif- teen decisive battles of the world, pp. I53-I68 903-25 Chamber over the gate. Holmes, M. Chamberlain, Joseph, English statesman, b. 1836. French treaty and reciprocity. L., 1SS1. 1 6° 335-27 — Prefatory note. In Impey, F. Three acres and a cow. pp. 5-6 630-4 — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. PP- 347-366 41 1-5 Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England farm house. N. Y., 1S65. 12°. Chamberlin, Edwin M. The sovereigns of industry. B., 1875. l6 ° 3369"3 Contents. — Introduction. —Struggle for exist- ence. — Organization of labor. — Association of the laborers. — Sovereigns of industry. — Con- clusion. — Reply to Edward Atkinson. In Atkin- son, E. Margin of profits, pp. 55-80. 3362-15 CHAMBERS, Julius. A mad world and its in- habitants. N. Y., 1S77. 12° 3622-3 — Lovers four and maidens live. Phila., 1 886. 12°. — On a margin. N. Y., 18S4. 12°. CHAMBERS, Robert, Scottish writer and pub- lisher, b. l8o2- s 33 \ ii oil, II. J. < Ireal movem< nts. pp. 151-188 4"M 7 CM AMBERS. 2.35 1 II WII'M.Y ■ h.i 11 1 i, Robert, continued. Kogei >, C, 1 d. S i h ■ 1 1 1 • 1 itrel. pp. I" • 1 15. I Bii ig, skctcli and |k ■<-in | ' • 1 ; w .ill. i-i , W, I. < iod revealed in the process ol creal [Revie« ol \ , 1 ■ oi * real ion.] 210-93 ( Chambers, Talbol w , Memoii of 1 he life and ■ I1.11 ai tei "f the late Hon. Thi 0. 1 relinghuj en. N. Y ., 1863. 12 . . . 1 HAMBERS, Win.. Scottish writer and pub- lisher, brother of Robert, b. 1S00 d. iSS;. Memoir of Roberl Chambers; with autobiogi aphic 1 emini u em ei ol Win. Chambers. N. Y., [872. 12° 220IS6 Youth's companion and counsellor. I... 1880. 12 .571 25 Historical sketch of St. Giles' cathedral. In Scottish church from the earlie 1 times to 1881. pp. ix-lxiv 2741 6 and Robert, Treasury of knowledge. 3 parts. 1. Elementary lessons in com mon things. 2. Practical lessons on common objects. 3. Introduction to thesciences. N. V., 1855. 12'. Same, ■873- History of the crusades. In Tillol ion, J. History of Palestine and the Holy land. [Appendix, 41 pp. J ( hambers' natural history. Reese, D, .\L, ed. Elements of zoology ; or, natural history of animals. N. Y., 1868. 12° Chambers' papers foi the people. Historii al and literary celebrities: being biograph- ical sketches selected from Chambers' papers for the people. L. 12°. . . . Contents, Napoleon.— Louis Philippe. — Duke of Wellington. — Sir R. Peel. — Lord Brougham. — Thos. Moore. — Wordsworth. — Campbell. — Jeffrey. — DeFoe. — Confucius. -- Fichte. — Heyne. — Rajah Brooke -Washington.- Cron) well.— Elliott.— Lady M. W Montagu. CHAMBLISS, J. E. Lives and travels of Livingstone and Stanley, covering their entire career in southern and central Africa. Phi la., 1881. 8° 1 it IMPORT, Sebastian Koch Nicholas. French author, b. 1741-;/. 1794. Mathews, W. Hours with men and books, pp. 2S7- 298. A forgotten wit CHAMIER, Capt. Frederick, English n, elist, b. 1796-1/. 1870. Hen Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. I... n. d. 16 . — Tom Bowling. I... 11. d. 16 . CHAMISSO, Adelbert von, German author, b. 17S1-,/. 1838. Peter Schlemihl. L., I86l. 12°. — Lyrics. In Brooks, C. T. German lyrics. IT- I 1 1 I I" Hedge, !•'. Prose writers of Germany. PI'- 5+1-567 504-3 221-91 500 -•_' 410-25 460-24 617L54 8319 ; 830 1 ; < 'n VMOI .Ilea 'I 1 and pp. I—18 1 Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria and in ; he Tyrol. B01 ... ] i" '• • 9756 5 Lippard, G Li nd ■ rican i' ' 'I iilioii. pp. 224-253 975^ 5 Champion, Rev. Judah. Headley, I. I. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution. |i8 326. . . . ' 1121 1 -, 1 HAMPION "I ( ' ". viking life in the days of old. Hodgetts, J. I 181A5 Champions of the right. Gilliat, E \v CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de, French expl founder and governor of Canada, />. 1 567- d. 1635. Higginson, T. W. Book of American explorers, pp. 267-278. . . 970-4 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 184-197 4142 6 — Parkman, F. Pioneers of France in the new world, pp. 165-420 97'-6 Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP- 374 378 410-82 CHAMPLIN, Ja . I 1 in. educational toriter, b. 1S11. Lessons on political economy: designed as a hasis for instruction in that science in schools and colleges. N. V., 1S74. 12° 330-32 Champlin, John Denison, jr., educational writer, b. 1834. Young folks' history of the war for the Union. N.Y., 1881. S°. 978-16 CHAMPNEV, Mrs. Lizzie (Williams,) Am. ■writer, b. 1S50. Bubbling teapot. The : wonder story. I!., 18S6. 12 . . . . 220A3 — Great-grandmother's girls in New Prance: history of little Eunice Williams. B., 1SS7. 8° 220A35 — In the sky-garden. B., 1S77. 12 3 . . . 220A4 — Rosemary and rue. P... n. d. 16 . [ Round robin series.] — Three Vassar girls abroad. P.. [883. 1 2 . Same, 1SS5 440-216 — Three Vassar girls at home; a holiday trip of three college girls through the South and West. P., lSSS. S°. . . . 4751 3 Three Vassar girls in England : a holiday excursion "f three college girls through the mother country. B., 18S4. 8°. . 442 J. - ; — Three Vassar girls in Italy: a holiday ex- cursion of three college girls through the classic lands. B., 1SS0. 8°. . . 445 23 — Three Vassar girls in South America. I:.. 1885. 12° 4S0-23 CHAMPNEY. — 23 6 — CHANNING. Champney, Mrs. Lizzie (W.), continued. — Three Vassar girls on the Rhine : a holi- day trip of three college girls through Germany, by way of this celebrated river. B., 1887. 8° 443^3 — ed. Entertainments: directions for holi- day merry-makings, programmes for amateur performances and novel Sun- day-School exercises. B., 1879. 12°. . 7S52-3 CHANCE, Harry. Treatises on crown and sheet glass. In Powell, H. J. Princi- ples of glass-making, pp. 101-139. . . 666-7 Chance acquaintance. Howells, W. D. Chance and luck. Proctor, Richard A. . . 519-7 Chance for himself. Trowbridge, J. T. . . S96A44 Chancellor, Richard. Frost, T. Half- hours with the early explorers. pp. 135-137 437-37 Chancellorsville, Battle of. [1863.] Dodge, T. A. Campaign of Chancel- lorsville. • 97SS-3 — Doubleday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg 9781-2 CHANCES and changes; or, life as it is. Burdette, Chas 195A2 Chances and changes. Jourdan, B. A. . 520A4 Chandler, A. Christ and morality. In Oxford house papers, pp. 135-155. • • 239-73 Chandler, Joseph R. Sketch of Thos. Pym Cope. In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. pp. 103-132. . 4123S-4 Chandler, Marv G. Elements of charac- ter. B., 1855. 12° 197-23 Chandler, Zachariah. Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 773-776 818-45 Chandos, Richard Grenville Brydges, duke of Buckingham. Francis, G. H. Or- ators of the age. pp. 167-171 411-37 CHANEY, Geo. Leonard. "Aloha!" a Ha- waiian salutation. B., 1880. 12°. . . 4969-26 — Every day life and every day morals. B., 1885. 12° 194-22 Contents. — Art and morals. — Juvenile litera- ture and juvenile morals. — Literature and mor- als. — Industry and morals. — Business and mor- als. — The stage and morals. — The press and morals. — The pulpit ami morals. Change of base. [Drama.] ///Curtis, A. W. Spirit of seventy-six, etc 8015-3 CHANCED cross and other religious poems. N. V., n. d. 24 2451-28 Channel islands. Benjamin, S. G. W, At- lantic islands, pp. 57 77 497~2 The world's paradises, pp. 138-152. . 439-17 Channing, Barbara 11. Sisters abroad ; or, an Italian journey. B., 1864. 16 . . 445-24 — Sunny skies; or, adventures in Italy. B., n. d. 16 . [Same as Sisters abroad.] 445-24 Channing, Edward Tyrrel, Xmerican scholar and ■■•n'/.r, b. 1790 d. [856. Lectun read to the seniors in I Earvard colli I'.., 1856. 12° 80O-2 Channing, E. T., continued. — Life of Wm. Ellery. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 6. pp. 87- 159 412-86 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. pp. 84-89 412-74 Channing, Ellery. Poem in honor of Em- erson. /« Sanborn, F. B., ed. Genius and character of Emerson, pp. 216- 224 317B2 Channing, Grace Ellery, ed. Dr. Chan- ning's note-book 220E8 Channing, Walter. A physician's vaca- tion; or, a summer in Europe. B., 1856. 8° 440-22 Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biograph- ical sketches, pp. 169-185 410-29 Channing, Wm. Ellery, D. D , American Unitarian minister, l>. ljSo-d. 1 842. Works. 6 v. in 3. B., 1869. 12°.. 208-17 Contents. — v. i. Character and writings of John Milton. — Life and character of Napoleon Uonaparte. — Character and writings of Fene- lon. — Moral argument against Calvinism. — Na- tional literature. — Associations. — The union. — Education. v. 2. Slavery. — The abolitionists, etc. — An- nexation of Texas to the U. S. — Catholicism, etc. — Creeds. — Temperance. — Self-culture. v. 3. Preaching Christ. — War. — Unitarian Christianity. — The evidences of revealed relig- ion. — The demands of the age on the ministry. — Unitarian Christianity most favorable to piety. — The great purpose of Christianity. — Likeness to God. — The Christian ministry. — The duties of children. — Honor due to all men. — The evidences of Christianity. v. 4. Character of Christ.— Christianity a rational religion. — Spiritual freedom. — Self- denial.— The imitableness of Christ's character. — The evil of sin. — Immortality. — Love to Christ. — The future life. — War. — Ministry for the poor. — Christian worship. — The Sunday school— The philanthropist, Rev. Noah Wor- cester, D. D. v. 5. The slavery question. — War. — Eleva- tion of the laboring portion of the community. —Death of the Rev. Dr. Follen. — [Three or- dination charges.]— Daily prayer. — Means of promoting Christianity.— Importance of relig- ion to society. — Memoir of John Gallison, Esq.— On increasing the means of theological education at the university in Cambridge. — The system of exclusion and denunciation in religion considered. — Objections to Unitarian Christianity considered. — Duties of the citizen in times of trial or danger. — Notice of the Rev. S. C. Thacher. v. 6. Emancipation. — Life and character of the Rev. Jos Tuckerman, — The present age. — I'h'.- church, — Duty of the free states. — An address delivered at Lenox ( in] 1842 ; on the anniversary of emancipation in the Uritish West Indies. — Dr. Channing's note book : passages from the unpublished manuscripts, selected by his Lji'amUlaughter, Grace Ellery Channing. B., 1887. 12° 220E8 CHANNING. 237 (II M'l IN Channing, \V. !•'.., continued. The perfecl life, ed, from his manuscripl by Wm. H. Channing. B., 1873. 12". Thoreau 1 ihe poel naturalist ; « • 1 1 • me morial verses. I:.. 1S73. 12 885B4 l.r Breton, A. I ... ed. < on esj lem e ■ .I \\ . E. Channing and Lucy Aiken. . 220B85 1 h inning, W. II. Me ir of Wm. E. Channing 220B8 Bancroft, G. Miscellanies, pp. 1 .5(1-443. 134F.2 Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits. pp. 342-365. ( 'banning llir preacher. i;SI.j Brownson, (). A. Works, v. 15. pp. 45-85. [Review.] 818-27 Burnap, (■. W. Miscellaneous writings. pp. 217 257. Death of Dr. Channing. 195E3 -• Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 157-165 410-29 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions, pp. 252— 284. 204 ;' I loud. E. P., ed. Master minds of the west. pp. 260-279 4 ,2 -54 — Muzzey, A. li. Reminiscences and me- morials of men of the revolution and their families, pp. 169-185 4121-6 — Poe, E. A. Works, v. 3. pp. 229-241. 818-7 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 1. pp. 282-291 4>o-9 Channing, Wm. Henry, Unitarian minister, />. \i\o-d. 18S4. Memoir of Wm. E. Channing: with extracts from his COl respondence and manuscripts. 3 v. r... 1S68. 12 220B8 — joint author. Emerson, R. W., Chan- ning, W. II. ami Clarke, J. F. Me- moirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. . . . 38SB2 — Frothingham, O. B. Memoir of Wm. II. Channing 220B9 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 10. pp. 137-206. [Review.] 818-27 Chanson de Roland. Rabillon, L., tr. . . S411-7 Chantal, Jeanne Francoise Fremiot de. Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. PP- '39-156 4U-55 — Wilson, W. Heroines of the household. pp. 169-192 413-96 CHANTREY, Sir Francis, English sculptor, b. ljS2-d. 1841. Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance, etc. pp. 57-60. . . . 410-32 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 272-2S8 4IO-45 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. IIO-I18 41 1-56 — London Times, Essays from the. pp. 274-2S5 5S4E1 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs. pp. 204-296 410-7 — Weekes, II. Lectures on art. pp. 294- 31" 704-97 Chantry house. Yonge, C. M. Ch ' . of Barnel I I h, \. J. ( 'nas/i , Antoinel ne Alfred, / era/, 1 1 Coan, T. \L. ed. Historical Chapei of St. Marj B . 1861 12 . Chapi lain, Jean, French poet and ititi,, b. 1 595 d. 167 1 t, F. P. G. 1 and his time,, pp. 2 |o 2S1. . . 247 B 2 Lang, A. Letters to .lead authoi . pp. 98-109 804-56 Chapin, A. B. View of the organization and ordei ot the primitive church, as ■ ented in Scripture and history, to the end of the 2nd century : with the ession to the present day. New Hue,,, 1SS0. 12° "I Chapin, Aaron I... />. />. First principles of political economy. N.Y., 1881. 16°. 330-325 CHAPIN, Edwin Hubbell, American Universa- list divine and orator, />. 1S14. Chri anity the pel fei ti< '11 "I ti lie manli I N. V., 1856. 12° 252-33 — Humanity in the city. N. Y., 1854. 12° 2574-3 — Lessons of faith and life: discourses. X. V-. I877. 12° 252-32 — Bartlett, I». W. Modern agitators, pp. 230- 2 39 412-2 — Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 49-55. . . 131 E6 - Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 28-36 412-25 CHAPIN, Jas. II. Creation and the earl) de- velopments of society. N. V., 1880. S° 213-19 CHAPLAINS and clergy of the revolution. I leadley, J. T 4121-41 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge, CM. Chaplin, Mrs. Ada C. Christ's cadets. Hula.. 1S70. 16° 221A2 Out gold-mine: the story of American Baptist missions in India. B., 1880. ■6° Chaplin, Heman \V., (C. II. W., pseud.) Five hundred dollars and other stories of New England life. I'. . 1887. 12 . Contents. — Five hundred dollars. — Village convict.— Saint Patrick, — Kli. — By the sea. — In Madeira place. — New minister's opportunity. Chaplin, Mrs. Jane I>. Gems of the bog : a tale of the Irish peasantry. B., 1S69. 16°. Mother West's neighbors. B., 1876. 12 . 221 A;, Chaplin, Jeremiah. Life of Henry Duns- ter. B., 1872. 12 297B1 — ed. Chips from the White Housi selections from the speeches, conversa- tions, diaries, letters and other writings of all the Presidents of the United States. B., 1SS1. 12 S081-3 CHAPMAN. 238 CHARADES. CHAPMAN, Rev. Chas. Evolution and the biblical doctrine of sin and redemption. Evolution and tlie biblical representa- tions of Cod. In Christianity and evo- lution, pp. 142-195 2398-26 CHAPMAN, E. J. Popular and practical ex- position of the minerals and geology of Canada. Toronto, 1S64. 8° 557'~3 Chapman, Ernest Theophron, joint author. Wanklyn, J. A. and Chapman, E. T. Water analysis 5433^9 Chapman, Geo., English dramatic poet, b. 1 557— (/. 1634. Plays, ed. with notes by R. H. Shepherd. L., 1874. 12°. . 221C1 — Lang, A. George Chapman. In Ward, T. II., ed. English poets. v. 1. pp. 510-515 8092-9 — tr. Homer. Minor poems. pp. 65-92 and 173-204. Hymn to Apollo. Hymn to Venus 8833-3 — Whipple, E. 1'. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 14S-156 8203-9 Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 4S-51. 946E5 Chapman, Henry Cadwalader. Evolution of life. Phila., 1S73. 8° 575-22 Chapman, Jas. Travels in the interior of South Africa, comprising fifteen years' hunting and trading: with journeys across the continent from Natal to Wal- visch bay and visits to lake Ngami and the Victoria falls. 2 v. L., 1868. S°. 4689-3 Chapman, John Gadsby. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists, pp. 216-222. 758-9 Chapman, Maria Weston. Memorials of Harriet Martineau. In Martineau, H. Autobiography, v. 2. pp. 133-596. . 615B4 1 lHAPMAN, Robert. Treatise on rope-making, as practiced in private and public rope- yards, with a description of the manu- facture, rules, tables of weight, etc. Phila., 1869. 16 . Bound with Our workshop 694-6 CHAPONE, Mrs. Hester (Mulso), /<. 1727-0'. 1801. Four billets, with their answers. Remarks on masquerades. In Johnson, S. The Rambler, v. I. pp. 116-122. |lirilish essayists, v. 16.] 184E1 Mischiefs of superstition and infidelity. The history of Fidelia, In Hawkes- worth, J., ed. The adventurer, v. 2. pp. 227-254. [British essayists, v. 20.] 1S4IC1 1 in the improvement of the mind and let- ter to a new-married lady. Bound with 1 ;ory, J. A fathei leg icy to his daughters, pp. 61-226 247 5 Chapter of E rie. Vdams, 1 ha . 1 .. jr. . 652-14 Chapti i3 445 92 (II VRCOAL. (II M'l.l - i n vri oai . Svedeliu . 1 1 1 1 md-book for i li al bui in i .. ed, b) W. I. I Nic- odemus 668g 7 \\ eb ter, A. D. < lharcoal : its manufai I ure and uses. In Rattray, J. and Mill, 1 1. R., eds. Fore li j and fore I prod- ucts, pp. 417 422 7 1 I 7 i 11 iRi oai drawing. Allongg, A. < lhar- coal drawing 74'-'3 Robei t, K. 1 I11 1 coal draw ing « ithoul a master 7 M 7 Charcoai sketches. Neal, J. C 817-67 ( 11 \i;ihn, Sir John, b. [643 . i5oo-°-975 Charles 1, king . \6oo-d. 1649. Abbott, J. History of King Charles I. of England 2221:1 Biri b, T. I ourt and times of Charles I. 2 v. I... 1S48 222BI3 lery, B. M. and Phillpotts, J. S. King and commonwealth 9362-3 Disraeli, 1. Commentaries on the life and reign of Charles I. 2% 2221,15 — Eikon Basilike: the portraiture of his majesty King Charles 1 2221:2 — Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-60. 936-67 Prince Charles and the Spanish mar- - riage, 1617 2; Pei id government of Charles I, 1628 37 9J"2 37 I all of the monarchy of Charles I. 1 49 1 ,.,, mi. F. P. 1 .. 1 nglish revolution. . o, Warren. I. I'. Three judges 4""992 — Bayne, P. ' irs in the Puritan revolution, pp. 1 (7 207 936-2 — Brogden, J. Illustrations of the litu and ritual, v. 3. pp. 455 470. Eik- lasilike 26031-4 — DeQuincy, T. Theological essays ami other papers, v. 1. pp. 204 207. 1 uistry — Ewald, A. C. Stories from the state pa- pers. %. 2. pi 104 183 9306-3 1 CHARLES. — 240 CHARLES. Charles I, continued. Studies re-studied. pp. 206-254. A knight-errant's pilgrimage 93°6-3 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the-Stuarts. v. 1. pp. 317-478 4H-5 8 — Knight, C. Once upon a time. pp. 218- 223. Burial of Charles 1 538E4 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 4. pp. 235- 260 411-65 Charles the First. [Drama.] Mitford, M. R. Works, pp. 651-672 828-62 Charles II, king of England, b. 1630-0'. 1685. Abbott, J. History of Charles II of England 222B4 — Carrel, J. B. N. A. Counter revolution in England 9366-3 — Gardiner, S. R. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-60. . . . 936-67 — Haskins, S. E. Charles II in the Chan- nel islands 222B5 — Bayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution, pp. 209-255 936-2 — Hamilton, A. Memoirs of Count Gram- mont 434^9 — Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 2. pp. 395-523 4H-5S — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 6. pp. 135— 154 4i'-65 — Robinson, J. Whitefriars. [A romance.] CHARLES, king of the Franks. See Charles Martel. Charles VIII, king of France, 0. tqjo-d. 1498. Commines, P. de. Memoirs of Charles VIII. v. 2. pp. 93-290. . . 94427-3 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pt. 1. The age of despots, pp. 537-587. 94506-7 1 11 >,i 11, 11, king of Spain, 6. 1 66 1 - i I I |,i ontinu, d. M ii \ . the handmaid o) i he Lord. V Y., , i ',, both idi of thi i l stor; of the i » eallfa and the restoi it ion. Sequel to Drayton i nants. 2 v. Leipzig 1 868. t6' . Same, N. Y., 1868. 12°. Sketches "l the « omi n of ' hri ti ndi im I.., 1S80. 12° 3'3-24 II ai I 1 the 19th century : studii 1 thi lives of Livingstone, Ion ind Patti on. I.., [886. 12°. 1.149 I 1 In ee w il in." wil h h ymns ind ong V V ., 1865. 12 . . Victor) "l ' In- vanquished 1 sti n j ol the lsl I .Ml ill \ \. Y . 1S71. 12°. V*oic< "i ' hristian life in song ; or, hymns and liyniiiw 1 in 1 "i many lands and N. Y., 1865. 16° \\ anderings ovei Bible lands and V -i ., [868. [6° 1 Winfred Bei 1 1 am, and 1 1" world she I in. Leipzig. [869. Women of the Gospel . three wakings and other poems. V v ., 1S67. 12 . 222C2 tntroduction. -'■■ West, M.A. Romance of missions 2656 9 - tr. Luther, Dr. M. Watchwords for the warfai N. Y., 1 869 12 . . . 2 |o 5 t 11 mi 1 . v rhos. Lives made sublime. pp. 210 248 '\lallcy. Lever, 1 has. 1 ["yrrell. James, G. P. R. Charleston, 5. C. Lanier.S. Florida, etc. pp. 218-235 4759 55 ( harlesti >\n N, Ma I h ike, S. A. His- mansions ol Middlesex. 98244 j — Whitney, Mrs. I . Burning of ilie con- vent gi Char] esv\ i is mi. Vlai ia I ouisa, / l>. [830 1 [880. I lorothy 1 ope : con- taining the "M looking-glass, and the broken looking-glass. N. V., 1SS3. 12 . 222A ; land' j ."iii.iii. \ . Y., n. d. 12 . - Ministering children. N. Y.. 1S77. 12°. 222A55 -Sequel to. N. Y., 1878. 12° 22 Ministrj of life. V Y.. 1869. [2°. — Oliver of the mill. V \ .. 1S70. 12°. (ii \k i 1 \ Kingston's aunt. 1 lliver, P. Charley Watson, the drunkard's son. Phila., 1868 i6° 222A2 ill \KI II \ St. Johnston. A. . . . 8 i HARLIE Bell, the waif of Elm island. Kel- logg, Elijah 53IAI9 i 1 1 ' io; ClIARLOTTl Y I "i 111.111 VI I IVal (/. 1 n 1 7 . 1 ,odgi . I it. -. . 8. pp. 225-232 111'.; 1 1 I (Brown). ■ 1 1 1 Sophia, 1' (II, b. 1711 . ims. Doran, J. Live, of the I 1 ' 1 mover, v. 2. pp. j [98 4 1 ' ' ■ l.l.iii.l. A. Queen 1 man, R., if. v. 3. pp. [36- 203. 4111 -■ i - Parki ' G 15-655. . . 41 11 CHARM, The: an illusl and girls. B., 1S68. 16° 222A6 1 11 akmim. monej . Ne> ins, Charms and counter-charms. Mcintosh, M.J. < n u us ol Alsop, R. . . 11 51 - I ' I the 01 ations in Me ntral Amei ii 1, < s ;7 s -- N. Y., [887 t 4072-3 ( II VRNOCKE, Stc 11. mini ' 1 ' upi nd attributi I.., n. d. 8° 231-2 I 11 \kkii i' E, Maiiat I b. about 1740 J. 1805. K gh, J. I 1. in li women of letters. 2 (O. 4184-5 Charterhousi >ch pp. ,;m ;i s 37342-6 I V.H.I In Stevenson, W. 1. Dawn of the modern mi -si 1 pp 263-8 ( 11 \k 1111:. Alain. Besant, \\ . 1 rench poeti j . pp. 44-48. 1 hartism. Carlyle, T 206E61 //; i mica] and miscellaneous e v. 6. pp. 109-186 206E2 \. W. K . information for everybody, n. 1. p. 12 603-25 Chase, F. E. Ballads in black : shadowpan- tomimes, with .silhouette illustrati B [882. 24 . 1 bl :• M I I the West 1. 213-231 11 : I 111 Portland, Am. slaltsm, ickers, J. W. ami public services of Chase 223B7 I : , J. T. Ferry-boy and the financier Perkins, I. 1'... <■ 9 - S27-38 Chatham, Earl of . Sec I'm, Wm. Chatrian, P. A. 1 1 1 kmann, 1 . ana < I,. Milan, P. A. Chats about bool . poets ami novelists. Hazeltine, M. \\ 81 14 r, 1 11 \ 1 1 1 h iy, I . 1 1. Railw ays: 1 heii capi tal and dividends, with tati tii ol theii worl ing in Cm il Britain and [re laud. 1 Beii id volume to M 1 . ! m's work on railways.] 1... 1885. 12". Boundwith Mallet, R., ed. Am of constructing and repairing 1 moll loads 625-6 84. V V.. 1883. 8°. 2 Chat terbi ix, continued. — 1887. B., 1887. 8° 222A72 Chatterbox for the little ones. Phila., n. d. 8° 222A85 Chatterbox of good stories. Phila., n. d. 8° 222A95 Chatterton, Georgiana Lady, Eng. writer, />. IS06-,/. 1S76. Dering, E. H. Me- moirs of Georgiana, Lady Chatterton ; with some passages from her diary. . . 223BS5 Chatterton, Thos., Eng. poet, b. 1752-0'. 1770. Poems: with a memoir by F. Martin 223C2 - Wilson, D. Chatterton ; a biographical siiidy 223B9 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius. pp. 308-328. . . .* 410-2 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets, v. 1. pp. 264-307 41821-4 — Memorials of early genius, pp. 211-257. 410-74 - Watts, W. T. Thomas Chatterton. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 400-408 8092-9 — Wise, D. Vanquished victors, pp. 66-79. 4 IO_ 97 Chattock, R. S. Practical notes on etch- ing. N. Y., 1SS3. 12° 767-3 Chaucer, Geoffrey, English poet. />. 132X- |»- '• 47- I fales from Chauce"r.] 295C2 Haweis, II. K. Chaucer for children. . 225C35 Mo 11. I. and Turner, II. Canterbury chimes ; or, 1 'haucer (ales retold for chil- dren 225C4 Swrri, II. Second middle English prim- er: extracts from Chaucer 1178-8 CHA1 CER. (Ill I Chaui m;, i leoffrey, continu \\ ii. I, A. W. i Ihaui ei I En i 1 1 | ( larpenter, s. II English ol Mir 14th ( entui v, illn m.iii. I I.., noti ical an. I philologii al, "ii < Ihaui .1 pro logue uhI knight's tale 1 with bio- graphii i[ ketch 22 5 ( .3 1 hildren's story book. pp. 48-50. . . . 410 27 Disraeli, I. Amenites of literature, v. '• pp. > s I -'"5 ' I )rako, S. V. gri > ; benefai PP- 3-7 410-42 lli. mi- pictures of English poets, pp. 7- 29 821-45 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of 1 he British poets. \ . 1 . pp. 1— 14. . . . 41821 1 — Lowell, J. R. M\ study windows, pp. 227-289 588E4 Neil, s. Epoch men. pp. 151-186. . . 4104-67 — Reed, II. British poets, v. 2. pp. Si 112 821-78 Smith, A. Dreamthorp. pp. 211 245. . 835E1 U ml, T. 1 1 . English poets. 1 t. pp. 1 14 8092-9 — Williams, V. English cardinals, v. 1. pp. 435 -17I- 1 Ii ■' . a pr mi. .1 1 1 "l the pre-Lutheran reformation 414- 9 — Wilson, J. Specimens of the British critics 955E3 1 11 m 1 u "i \. I .ivingston, 1 ;. A Chautau- qua idyl 3747-5 Raymond, E. About Chautauqua. . . . 5747 7 Alden, I. M., (Pansy, pseud.) Chautau- qua girls at home. [A story.] .... 714A22 Four girls at Chautauqua. [A story.] 714A38 Hall in the grove. [A Story.] .... 714A44 — Bisbee, M. M. Tenl V, 1 hautauqua. | \ '■" y.] . . [58A4 Nancj Hartshorn at Chautauqua. [Ilu- morous story.] Si - 47 Chai ru QUA library of English hi and literature, v. 2. The period of the early Plantagenets. N. Y., 1882. 8° Chauvenet, Win., American mathematician, t. 1819-a. 1870. A treatise on element- ary geometry. Phila., 1873. s '■ Same, 513-27 Chavasse, Pye Henry. Vphorisms on the mental culture and training of a child, and on various othei subjects relating to health and happiness. Phila., 1873. I2 ° Cheateru packman. Ritchie, Leitch. /« Club ln>ok. v. 2. pp. 21s 220. Cheatham, Benj. 1-., i ite general. Pollard, I . A. In I ife of Roberl E. Lee. pp. 718-721 4. 1 in \ 1 ii v.i, .)// . W. V. Ellet, I I Queei iety. pp. 41 7 l' t 'ill 1 K and countei chi I . I. B. and Ji op, G H. In Li I in., 1S88. • hei 1 I'm life, A : an Mehr, Rev. II 914B8 Bai ker, W. k. and C. 1 1 he hook 790-2 Spayth, II. American draught player. . 790-7 t . 790-72 1 HEDAYN! of Kotom i o« ner, A. CHEEK, Arthui Marcu Hill, 6. 1840-d. 1857. Lives made sublime, pp. 39-48. . . . 4144-5 Cheek, Dr. VI. R. ' h tpters. In Siam an.l Lai by oui American missi 2659-7 1 in 1 1 ■ 1 ' 1 ch ittei . N. \ .. n. d. 8°. . . . 223A3 1 id.. 1 ings and sayings of the little ilh bright and instrui I stories. I!., 11. d. 8° 223A33 CHEERFUL Sundays: stories, parables and poems for children. N. V., 11. d. 12°. 247-32 CHEESE. Evans, M. Butter and cheese. Iii British manufacturing industries, v. 12 664-2 ■ ■ . I kiel B irnard, If., ed. Edu- 13-42. ... 4157-2 Cheeveh Gi rell, /'. />. , American writer, b. 1S07. Lectures on the life, genius and insanity of Cowper. N. \ .. [856. 12° 249B1 Lectun on the Pilgrim pt ogress, and on the life and times of John Bunyan. '•., 1 243 39 pel of the Hebrew prophets. In Boston lectures, 1X71. pp. 227-292. . 239-2 Wanderings ol a pilgrim in the shadow ..1 Monl Blani . N. Y., 1848. 8°. . 4404 23 Cheever, Rev. Henry Theodore, b. [814. Island world .1 1 be Pacific. N. Y., 1851. 12 4969-29 - Life in the Sandwich islands. N. \ .. 1851. 12 Same, 1S56. 16° 4969-3 Reel in a bottle foi Jacl in the doldrums : being the adventures if two of the king's seamen ii to the . • tial country. N. \ .. 1852] 12 . . . . 243 4 The whale and his captoi i. V \ .. 1S50. 16 7953>" 2 In Col- ton. \\ . Sea and the sailor, pp.337 437 S1S-32 \ utobidgraphy and memorials of Capt. fifty years mariner and shipmaster from the port of ' V \ ., 1851. 16° CHEFS. -M4 - CHEMISTRY. ( in FS-d'oeu^ re of the industrial arts. Burly, P 7.57-3 Cheirosophy. See Palmistry. CHELLIS, Mary Dwinell. At the lion's mouth. N. \ .. 1872. 16°. ....'. 223A5 — Bill Drock's investment. X. V., 11. d. 1. 223A51 — Hermit of Holcombe. B., 1871. 16 . . 223A56 — Mark Dunning's enemy. Chicago, 1881. 16° 223AS8 — Mystery of the lodge. P.., 1873. 12". . 223A62 — Old doctor's son. B., 1870. 16 . . . . 223A64 — Old Sunapee. n. t. p. 24 223A66 — Out of the fire. N. V., 1883. l6°. . . 223A68 — Things common and uncommon. B., 1875. 16° 223A7 — Two boys saved. II., 1873. 16 223A72 CHELSEA householder. N. V., 1883. 16°. CHEMISTRY. Subdivisions : I. General and inorganic. 2. Organic. 3. Analytical and technical. 1 . Get inorgani . — Attrield, |. Chemistry, general, medical and pharmaceutical 540-12 — Avery, E. M. Complete chemistry. . . 540-13 — Barker, G. F. Text-book of elementary chemistry, theoretical and inorganic. . 540-15 — Brand, \V. T. and Taylor, A. S. Chem- istry 540-2 — Carpenter, W. I.. Energy in nature. . . 530-2 — Cooke, J. P. Elements of chemical phys- 54I-3I First principles of chemical philosophy. 541-3 New chemistry 54>-4 Religion and chemistry 2104-2 — Cooley, LeR. C. Text-book of chemistry. 54" 24 Darby, J. Text-book of chemistry. . . 540-27 — Draper, II. Text-book of chemistry. . 540-29 — Eliot, C. W. a«. Answers to practical ques- nd problems, pp. 7 1 141. . . . 504-8 2. Organic. Aim I g, II. E. Introduction to the study of organic chemistry: chemi of carbon and its compounds 547- 2 1 .. net . A. Prai tical n e iti >e 01 1 petroleum and other distilled oils, . . 55328-4 CHEMISTRY. — «4S CHEN] , CHEMISTl nlirit. Gn goi y. \\ . I [audi I ol I lo'llll 111 I.I Liebig.J Works 547 53 I 1 1 r i,u trj .iii,I physics in relation to phj ioli ■ H'i i '' ' ■ 547 53 i i i i , v in it application to ture and phj ii dog) and \n ma! chem 631-438 Miller, W. A. Elen f 1 pt. 3. Or( 1 Pinner, A. Intro on I thi tudj organ ic chem istry s 1 7 7 ker, A. Shot l text-b chemistry 547 s T« ining, T. Familial lesson; 111 1 and nutrition ' — Watts, W. M. Organic chemistry. . . 530-56 — Williams, W. M. 1 hemistrj of cooking. 1143-96 ,-. Analytical and technical. — Allen, A. 11. Introduction and practice of commercial organic analysis. 2. v. 543-14 — Bayley, T. Pocket-book for chemists. . 542-2 — Bell, J. Chemistry of foods 543] J — Bell, I.. I. Chemical phe ma ol nun smelting 6691-2 Benedikt, R. Chemistry ol the coal-tar colours i,u; j — Bolley, P. A. Manual of technical analy- sis : foul n the " Handbuch " ol Bolley, by B. H. Paul — Caldwell, G. C.,ed. Agricultural quali- tative and quantitative chemical analy- sis, after Wolff, Fresenius, Krockei and others 543—25 — DeKoninck, L. I.. an,l Dietz, E. Chem- ical'analysis and assaying 6691-3 — Frankland, E. Watei analj 1 Hoi ani- tarj pin poses 5433~4 Fresenius, C. K. Manual of qualitative in mil ' 1 analysis 544 - 4 Quantitativi chemical analysis. . . . 545-4 Galloway, R. Manual of qualitative an- alysis 544-44 — Harcourt, A. G. V. and Madan, H. G. 1 . rcises in practical chemistry. . . . 54 2- 45 Hoffmann, F. Manual of chemical an- alysis ,\s applied to the examination of medicinal chemicals Jago, W. Chemistry ofwheat, flour and bread; technology of breadmaking. . 6642 \ Johnston, I. F. Chemistry of common life 660-5 — Knapp, 1 . Chemical technology. . . . 660-55 Naquet, A. Legal chemistry : agui.i the detection of poisons, examination of tea, -tains, etc., as applied to chi ical jurisprudence Chem 1 1 •,«,■. Child of the tide. I'... KS75. 16 223A9 - Sallie Williams, the mountain girl. B., 1873. 16° 223A92 !,,,u an, I Boston. In Sanborn, I . I; . Genius and character of Emer- son, pp. 1 ;s 3>7B2 vig-Weibliche, Das. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life and genius of Goethe, pp. J|S J 50 430B6 1 her's thought. In Bracked, A. I ., I American girls, pp. 117 «4° — Nature. In Concord lectures on philos- ophy, 1882. pp. 1 10-112 - Religion as social force. //; Freedom and fellowship in religion, pp. 338- 354 204-33 Cheney, John Vance. The old doctor: .1 romance of Queer village. N. Y., ii 12°. -i\, Mary (Bushnell), ed. Life and let- 1 Bushnell. V \ .. 1 - CHENIER. — 246 CHEVALLIER. Chenier, Andre. Poems. In Curwen, II. French love songs, and other poems. . 841-3 CHENOWETH, Mrs. C. Van I). St.ines of the saints. B., 1SS0. 12 4'4~3 Contents. — Saint George. — Saint Havid. — Saint Christopher —Saint I>enis. — Saint Catherine. — Hermit Saints— Saint Francis of As 1 1 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. — Saint Patrick. CHEQUER-work. Appleton, Thos. G. . . 121E5 CHERBULIEZ, Victor, French writer, l>. 1832. Count Kostia. N. V., 1S73. 16 . — Jean TeteroPs idea. N. Y., 1S7S. 16°. — Joseph Noirel's revenge. X. V., 1S72. 16°. — Meta Holdenis. N. Y., 1877. 16 . — Prosper. N. Y.. 1874. 16°. — Romance of an honest woman. B., I S74 . 1 6°. — Samuel Brohl and company. N. Y., 1877. 16°. — Zimmern, H. and A. Foreign novel- pp. 113-131. [Biog. sketch and extracts.] 808-99 Cherokee Indians. Keyes, E. D. Ki ft y years* observation of men and events. PP- iji-135 532H' — See also Indians. Cherry and Violet. Manning, M. A. CHERRY culture. Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits, pp. 201-221. . . . 632-75 Cherubim, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobi Sal- vador, Italian composer, b. 1760-^. 1842. Ferris, G. F. Great Italian and French composers, pp. 120-175 4177-4 — Keddie, H., (S. Tytler, pseud.) Musical composers and their works, pp. 253- 262 41/7-5 Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Stewart, A. Speeches on the tariff question and on internal improvements 33°4~75 Chesapi \kr bay. Rothrock, J. T. Vaca- tion cruising in Chesapeake and Dela- ware bays 475^8 ( 11 1 11. . I/) I 1 am is (M.l, b. I S24. Put- nam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the libera] faith, pp. 484 488. | Bioj ketch ind poems.] 2458-7 bro, Cai ••line, American 1 1N25 d. 1873. \im\ 1 .hi; or, 1 lie (• 1 tune-teller. N. > .. 1866. [6°. ... 223 Vr, Broken columns, n. t. p. 12°. Foe in 1 h< li'"i ili' ild. B., 1871. 8°. — Peti 1 I arradine. \. V., 1S63. 12 . Victo 1 [ai queline. In Mi idei n cla pp. [80 '17 1 hi 1 1 mi 1, French writer, b. iS;;. I trtist. 11 . by < In a Bell. I.., 1886. 12° 707 .• • 1 , 1 ! . Corn '.'. 1II1 , • •'/•■". /. / « • military writer, b. iS2(. d. 1876. I Chesni y, < '. ( '.., continued. says in military biography. N. V., l8 74- 12° 415. -3 Contents. — Military life of Gen Grant —Mem- oir of Gen. Lee.— Admirals Farragut and Por- ter and the navy of the Union. — A Northern raider in the civil war, [Col. Ulric Dahlgren]. — De Fezenac's recollections of the Grand Army — Henry von Brandt, a German soldier • if the empire. — Cornwallis and the Indian ser- vices. — A Carolina royalist in the revolutionary war. — Sir Wm. Gordon, of Gordon's battery. — Chinese Gordon and the Taiping rebellion. Chesney, Geo. The dilemma. 3. v. Ed- inburgh, 1S76. 12°. Chess. Agnel, H. R. Hook of chess. . . 789-15 — Cook, \V. Chess primer 7S9-25 — Gossip, G. H. D. Chess-player's manual. 7S9-34 Theory of chess openings 789-35 — Hazeltine, M. J. Brevity and brilliancy in chess 789-4 — Healey, F. A collection "f chess prob- lems 7897-4 — Lowenthal, J., ed. Chess congress, 1S62. 7896-4 — Marache, N. Manual of chess 789-5 — Meats, — . American chess-player's handbook 789-54 — Morphy, P. Games of chess 7897-61 Staunton, H. Chess-player's companion. 789-72 Chess-player's handbook 789-71 Chess praxis 789-73 — Walker, G. An of chess-play 789-9 — Proctor, R. A. Science by-ways. pp. 374-389 502-72 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 86-92. Automaton chess-player. . 609-79 — See also Games. Chester, Greville J. Pottery and glass found in the excavations. In Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C Recovery of Jerusalem, pp. 368-388 2212-9 Chester, Sarah E. Sir Genevieve. N. Y., 1869. 16° 223A99 1 in n hi ii'i.I), Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip Dormer. 1 in j 111:. Michel, French economist, l>. 1806 ./'. 1879. ' '" ''" probable 1 ill in 1 he value of gold, the commercial ami • •• id ( onsequeni es which ma) en ue, and the measures w hich it unite i. tr. with prefai • bj Ri< hard 1 !obden. Manche ter, 1S59. 8° 3315-27 1 in 1 \i in;, Sulpice Paul, (Paul C,.i\ n ni, pseud.) Q. Vim have heard of them. PP- 299-307 410-85 Che\ mii it. The. 1 'nniii . \. Chevalier daughter, 1 he. < luei n iey, I.. E. 1 111 \m 1 iiu, F... joint author. Lenormant, I and 1 in ■• alliei , I M tal of the nl historj "f 1 he P.isi 910-6 CHE\ I.Kl S. 247 < HII.H Cheveri [ohn 1 ton. Murra I O'l ' liolii pii ol \in. 1 , 1 . ) 142-6 Chevrei 1 . Mil hel Eu ■ chemist, /•. 1786. Pi "m iples "i I1.11 up .11 \ and in ,and theii ipplii il to the irts. tr. by 1 1 lei. I .. '*/'•■ 12° Chevy cl Bell, R., I ' ballads and songs, pp. Si 92 8211-2] Vinif 821 1-2 — Cunningham, A. Anal) -1 ballad of l .he\ j 1 hai e. In Knight, 1 '.. I [alf-hours with the best authoi 1. pp. 236 £41 808-5 Fields, I. T. mul Whipple, E. P., I- .1 hi 1 1 % [ibrarj ol British p iel 1 ) pp. ''71 "7" 8092-37 I .in ton, W. J. ami Stoddard, R. II.. li 1 B tnd romances. pp. 56-64 8092-52 Lippincott, S. J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Stones from famous ball PP 13-41 8218-5 I 1 ngfellow, II. W. . 1 [aces. Scotland, v. .;. pp. 62 71 S0921-5 Potter, 1 . I '.. . d. My rei itation . pp. |I7 801-75 Roberts, J. S.. , ./. 1 I . ol England and Scotland, pp. 178 194 [Ancient and modern version.] .... 8211-8 i , \V. \\ .. . d. Spec [mens ol 1 ng lish literature, pp. 67-75 8211 6 nieston, M. \V.. e,l. Classic heroic bal- lads, pp. 59-70 809-9] 1 111 \ m , T. K.. /'. D. I fosea ; with 1 and introduction. Cambridge, 1SS4. it. . [Cambridge Bible.] 2256 ; Jul. and S in. hi ; or, tin- w isdom of the < fid rest mi. in 1 ,, 1887. 8°. ... 224 3 Mi.. ih ; with notes ami introduction. 1 ambridge, 1885. 16 . [Cambridge Bible.] 1 in \m:i 1 \. 1 ,;il.i iel. . I. A. Re- naissance in Italy, pt. 5. Catholic re- 11. \. 2. pp. 2S6-296 94506 : Chicago. Wilkie, F. B. Walks about Chicago 817-98 Beecher, II. W. Sermons, ser. 7. pp. 99-110. Lessons from the great Chica- fire . ry, C. B. The other side ; how it struck us. pp. Ill 12; I7.1 14 I owler, W. W. Fighting tire. pp. 25 191. Chicago lire 3523-4 - Kinzie, J. H. Wau-Bun, the early day in the Northwest, pp. 144-203. ... Chicago Bibl< class teacher, pseud. S Campbell, Robert A. 1 in. 1.1 -. mistaki D I I" i. 71 111. il .-. I I !n 1 I i 1 II' 151. . .' 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 i 1 . : • -ii D u m as, \ . rs in the Puritan n 1 . r 936-2 I llll I J man. E. A 9204-3 1 1111 1 1 \in of high degree. Keddie, H elta, IS. I viler, pSt Utl.) in. Wm. i ..III. Mem the court of England .luring the reign of the ■sin. ol -. \ . ;. pp. [45-349 Child, A. B. W ighi B . [i860.] 12 176-2 ! ■ 1 I . i In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 3°>-337 412-53 CHILD, Francis Jas., American scholar, 6. 1825. Introductory note. in Hap- I, 1. I. Epic songs of Russia. . . 8917-4 ../'. English and Si oiiish ballads. 4 v. I'... 1857. 12° 8211-3 ■ .us of religious soi row . comfort, counsel, I ion. N. Y.. 1866. 16° 2451-3 ' in, !.. 1 ,. i li.iphn. The 1 .on \i'. hitect: Benedicite; illustra the power, dom, and g InessofGod, .is mani- iii his works. V , i .. 1869. 12 . 210-19 CHILD, Mrs. Lydia Maria I .tin. philanthropist, 6. 1S02-./. 1SS0. Biogra- phies of good wives. N.Y., 1859. 12 . 41; 25 — firief history of the condition of women in various ages and nations, v. 2. X. V -. 1854. 12° 396-27 — Mowers for children. 1!.. 1S02. l6°. 224A25 — lTcedmen's book. I'... 1865. I2=. . . 3268-2 I lai T. Hopper: a true life. N. Y.. n. d. 12 Letters from New Vork. 2 v. X. Y.. 1848. 12 224B3 Looking toward sunset. B., 1S6S. 12 . 241 2; New flowers for children. B., 1865. 16°. -'2}.\27 Rainbows for children. I'... 1868. i«> . -':. Romance of the Republic. B . 12°. Aspirations of the world. I'... i y M 16 208-1S Contents. — A chain of opals.— The Supreme Being. — Prayers. — Inimorta'. lip. — Inspiration. — Inward light. — Truth. — M rage.- Natural law of justice.— Good for evil. — Self-control and forgiveness. — Temper- ance. -Personal purity. — Honesty.— Slander. — Benevolence. — Brotherhood. — Family and friends. — Childlike character. — Reward. — CHILD. — 248 CHILDRKNS. Child, Mrs. L. M. (F.), continued. \V,.rk. — Riches. — Government. — Animals. — Nature. — Miscellaneous maxims. — Parables. — Fraternity of religions. — Sacred books. — Cen- sus of religions. — Parton, J. Noted women, pp. 26-43. • 4'3 _ 63 Child at home. Abbott, J. S. C 1936-14 CHILD-life: a collection of poems, ed. by J. G. W'hittier 8099-95 CHILD-life in Italy. Watson, E. H. ... 445-92 CHILD-life in many lands. Strong, Rev. J. D 4383-8 CHILD-life in prose, ed. by J. G. Whittier. 943A3 Child of the century. Wheelwright, J. T. Child of the tide. Cheney, Mrs. E. D. . 223A9 1 in] 11. pictures. [Selections from Chas. Dickens' works.] 287A6 Chii.de, Edward Lee. Life and campaign of General Lee. L., 1875. I2 °- ■ ■ 562B2 Chii.de Harold's pilgrimage. Byron, G. G. 199C3 Same 199C2 Childhood. See Children. Childhood. [Little classics.] Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi, L. N. Childhood of religions. Clodd, E. . . . 290-32 Childhood of the English nation. Armi- tage, E. S 93 I " I 5 Childhood of the world. Clodd, E. . . . 571-23 Childhood's pets. Patch, 717A2 Children. Abbott, J. Gentle measures in the management and training of the young 1936-15 — Beecher, C. E. Religious training of children 247-2 Blake, M. Twenty-six hours a day. . . 640-19 — Bushnell, 11. Christian nurture 2 47-j 1 havasse, P. II. Aphorisms on the men- tal culture and training of a child. . . 372 22 — Crafts, W. F. Childhood: atext-bookof the age 37 2 ~ 2 5 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pi Nursery noonings 1935-4 -- Grant, II. Exercises for the improve- ment of the ense for young children. 37-3 -t — Jackson, II. III. | Training of children. 1935-5 McCarthy, J. II. Inside the gates. . . 247-55 Neal, J. ( iic.it mj lines and little plagues 372 7 Parental don't 1935-65 Paul, II., ed. Sn 1 .1 1 1 ,i\ ing ol 11 ig 111 children 8077-68 Pei 1 B First tl 1 of child- 372-74 — Strong, J. I>. Child life in many land . 13S3 8 Terhune, M. V., (Marion II irland, f ud. \ 1 ion en e in the nursei y 649-4 I odd, \. 1 Idren 248 7 — Warren, \\ . I » with l he chil- dren 207 9 Children, continued. — Bazar book of the household, pp. 188— 255 >93" 2 — Boyd, A. K. H. Leisure hours in town. pp. 244-273. Concerning the sorrows of childhood 179E8 — Jacox, F. Cues from all quarters, pp. 1-65. 5101,4 — Wigley, Mrs. W. H. Workers at home. pp. 243-351 640-95 — See also Amusements. Books and read- ing. Education. Etiquette. Home life. Kindergarten. Object teaching. Schools. Sermon.. CHILDREN, Poems for. Browning, E. B. Poems of childhood 186C7 Children of all nations: their homes, their schools and their playgrounds. L., n. d. S° 43S3-3 Children of Amity Court. Thurston, L. M. 8S8A1 Children of Cloverly. Smith, Hannah, (Hesba Stretton, pseud.') 863A2 ( nil DREN of Gibeon. Besant, Walter. Children of Lake Huron ; or, the cousins at I loverley. N. V., n. tl. 16°. . . . 224A45 Children of light. Faris, W. W 2 4°-35 Children of old Park's tavern. Hum- phrey, Mrs. F. A 494A.92 CHILDREN of silence; or, the story of the deaf. Seiss, Rev. J. A 37192-8 Children of Westminster Abbey. Kings- ley, R. G 411-h 1 1111 dren of the Abbey. Roche, R. M. CHILDREN of the earth. Macfarlane, A. R. Children of the New forest. Marryatt, Co//. F. 1 hildren of the sun. [Poems.] Gemmer, CM 412C2 1 1111 hki \ of the week. Peters, W. T. . . 7 2 5A5 Children with the poets. M'Keever, H. 1: 8099-58 Children's aid society. Brace. C L. Dangerous classes of New York and twenty years' work among them. . . . 361-2 Children's crusade. Gray, G. '/. 2704-5 Children's fairy geography, n. t. p. 8°.. 4207-25 1 . garland. Patmore, C, 1 d. [Selei ted pot ms.] 8099-7 1 1 ien's hour. Humphrey, Mrs. I". A., 494A9 1 11 ien's hour and twenty oilier selec- tion . [from] Longfellow, II. \V. . . 587C7 1 11 EN paradise. Zerega, K. B. . . . 8099-99 Childri lorii ol ^mei ii an progn 1 1 ■ 973-96 1 1111 mii n's -ioi \ I I, ol good and V Y.. 1S67. 16° 4'o- 2 7 Contents. — Venerable Bi di Ufred the ,, , J 1 1.1 Rii hard Cceur dc c ■ 1 1 1 1 DREN'S. 249 CHINA M i '■ , continued. Sii W « allai i B W il i Wyki i ' ttxti i] W olscj Sir I Mori I'lioma ' i ■ ell Kin \ I I nl !i \ ■■ ham Sii Philip Sidney.— sir I Drake Raleigh Lord B Luciu i , t \ Blaki G M Milton Sir M Hale Penn W " n New ton ( ien Wolfe. Brindle) Lord i llivi I. i Furgu Lord Chatham.- Capl Cool i'i Johnson.— Franklin Howard Arkwrighl Smeaton. — I - Washing .— Nelson. Mungo Park. i Rumford Fulton Watt. West.— Davj Stephen! Duke of Wellington. Children's trea ui j "i new stoi ii Tuck- er, i lharlolte, (A. 1.. (I. I-:., pseud.) . . I l6Al2 Children's victories; or, < Issie and Maria. I'lula., 1S70. 16° 224A55 Children's week. Raymond, R. W. . . . 770A1 Children's year. Howitt, M 492A15 Childs, Emery E. History of the United States from the discovery of America tu 1885, with notices of manufactures, in- ventions, etc. N. V., 1886. 12 .. . . "J73-26 Childs, Geo. W., Am. publisher, b. 1829. Bolton, S. K. Pool boys who became famous, pp. 313-322 410-16 Derby, J. C Fifty years among authors, books ami publishers, pp- 333-35'- • ■ 4181-3 Child's book ol nature. Hooker, W. . . 504-46 Child's book of religion. Frothingham, O. B., ed 2608-4 Child's friend. Berquin, A . 148A2 Child's garden ol verses. Stevenson, R. L. 8501 9. Child's voice, The: ii^ treatment with re- gard i" aflei development. Behnke, E. •ind Browne, 1 774 2 1 inn. Boyd, K. \. Chili, 1879-80. . . 483 2 Crawford, R. Across the Pampas and the Amies 480 2, — Markham, C. R. Wai between Peru and Chili, 1879-82 994 t i. — Smith, E. R. Araucanian: . or, notes ol a lour among the Indians 2-tl. 1644. Religion of Protestants a safe way to .salvation. 1.., 1S70. 12°. 2S28-3 Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy ami ritual. v. 2. pp. 3j5-j<' ,s 26031-4 — Tulloch, I. Rational theology ami chris- tian philosophy in England in the 17th century, v. 1. pp. 261-343 2742-s t 1111,0. Fenelon, I de S. de I.' M. An- 1 ienl philosophei p] •> ■ 1 mi 1 ■ 1 . Robei 1 ■■ ! 1 nhors, hooks and publi ei pp. 640 644 1 1 1 Chimes foi < hildhood : a 1 ollet tion of for litl ] • 1 -■ Chimney- er. Stov/e, Mi . H. B., (Chris- tophei 1 ro ud.) Chimney sweeping. Account of the pro- ■ dings of the society 1 ding the necessity of climbing hoy,. //; Smith. S. \\ m ! . pp. 1 ;i 1 j6. . . . China. Subdivisions: 1. Travel, In ami miscellany. 2. Missions. 3. Re- ligion 1. Travel, history and miscellany. Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien. . . 4532 2 — Cillery, J. M. and Yvan, M. II the insurrection m China . ;i — Clark, !■'.. W. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas 454 23 Clarke, B. Land of the pig-tail. ... 451 2 Colquhoun, A. K. Aero 1 hryse from 1 '.int. ui to Mandalay 4512; — Cooper, T. T. Travels of a pioneei ol commerce 151 24 I lavis, J. I- . I In 1 h inese 4512 De I onblanque, E. B. Niphon and Pe- che-li : or, two years in Japan and northern China [1863.] 45235 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. 451-3 Douglas, R. K. China 451-32 — Eden, C. II. China 45'-35 I 1 tune, R. Two visits to the tea coun- >l 1 liina 451-37 \ lo and Peking 452-30 French, II. W. Our boys in China. . . 4:1 — Gill, W. The liver "f golden sand. , . 451-4 -Gray, Mrs. J. II. Fourteen months in Canton 4512-4 — Gutzlaff, C. \ long the coast of China 451-44 Habersham, A. W. \ irth Pacific sur- veying and exploring expedition. . . . 490-45 — Hake, A. E. Story of Chine 4,vi' ; 5 — Hawks, F. L. Perry's expedition to the China seas and Japan 452-40 Henry. 11. C. l.in. N ir, interior \ic»s,,f southern China 4512 45 Hue, E. K. Journey through the Chinese empire 451-40 Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet and China [1844-46.] . 45 1 5 — Knollys, II. English life in China. . . 451-54 l.andor, S. W. Spectacles foi young eyes. Pekin 45"-5 — Lin-Le. Ti-ping Tien-kwoh : the history of the Ti-ping revolution IS'— 5 CHINA. — 250 China, continued. — Macfarlane, C. Chinese revolution ; with details of tlie habits, manners and cus- toms of China and the Chinese 951-6 Margary, A. K. Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo 4513-6 — Martin, P. M. China 451 -58 — Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese: their education, philosophy and letters. . . 451-59 — Medhurst, W. H. Foreigner in far Ca- thay 451-6 — Nevius, J. L. China ami the Chinese. . 451-68 — ( Hiphant, L. Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan 451-7 Piassetsky, P. Russian travelers in Mon- golia and China 451-74 — 1'umpelly, R. Across America and Asia. 438-75 — Kennie, D. F. British arms in north China and Japan 95 1—65 - Peking and the Pekingese 451 1-7 -Shore, H. N. Flight of the "Lapwing." 451-8 — Smith, G. Visit to the consular cities of China 451-83 — Speer, W. The oldest and newest em- pire: China and the United States, 1870. 951-7 — Stories from China 451-86 — Timkowski, G. Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia to China. . 451-8S — Wheeler, L. N. The foreigner in China. 451-94 — Williams, S.W. The middle kingdom. 2 v. 451-95 Same, new ed 451-949 — Williamson, I. Old highways in China. 451-96 — Wilson, J. H. China 451-97 — Bainbridge, L. S. Round the world letters, pp. 123-204 43S-14 — Ballou, M. M. Due west. pp. Sl-107. 43S-15 — Bax, B. W. The eastern seas, 1875. . . 451-16 — Boulger, D. C. Central Asian questions. 958-23 — Bridges, E. S. Round the world in six months, pp. 85-146 438-17 Brooks, [. Seven months' run. pp. 129- 282 43N 18 — Carnegie, A. Round the world, pp. 75-15' 438-22 1 "Itm, C. C. Our new way round the world, pp. 247-423 438 j ( Curtis, B. R. Dottings round the circle. pp. 108 199 438 jo De Quincey, T. The avenger, and othei papers. pp. 143-264 284E49 — Dickens, C.,ed. Sunshine on daily paths. PP- 4.ii 444 604-3 Feudge, I- . Is. Tour in the China seas. In Many lands and many people, pp. ■73-'9° 1-39 63 Field, 11. M. From Eg) pi to fapan, 1877. PP- 3<55 vi" 4S -36 , \\ . ]'. Round the H 01 Id, I 1872]. PP 88 128 138 35 (NINA. China, continued. Hauser, Mrs. I. L. The orient and its people. pp. 219-335 4' 5 I 1 ' — Iliiliner, J. A. Rambles round tile world, 1871. pp. 445-64S 43 s -49 Johnston, J. 1). China and Japan : cruise of the U. S. S. "Powhatan", [1857-60]. 451-52 — Kingsley, C. Round the world, [1869.] v. 2. pp. 21-21 1 438-53 — Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Japan and China 452-53 Overland through Asia 450-48 — Leyland, R. W. Round the world in 124 days. pp. 100-133 43^56 — McCormick, E., . Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 2. pp. 52-125 104-95 W 1, W. M. Fankwei ; or, the "San 1 acini 11" in the sea-, of India, Ch ilia and Japan. pp. 263 545 45°-97 Saucy, F. Miseries of Fo-Hi. [A novel. | CHIN \ 251 - (III! I II V China, continued. Set ■■■■' 1 \ a. I hibet. 1 ivi "i Genghiz Khan. Gordon, C. G. Note. Aci -I 1 '" ■ 1 - u vail may I"' found in Bi 01 1 . I s.\ in in- 1 |i|i 1 , M nv land ind mar \ people pp . 1 5 Pumpclly, R Icro Vmerica and \ 1 1 chap Simpson, W M ecting the miii. pp. »8 948. Willi. mm-., s W Middh kingdom, v 1 pp 2 , tt, Mi ions. Bryson, Mrs. M. I. Home life in China. 2651 2 Hush, C. I'. The martyr missionary ; or, live years in China II2B1 Days of blessing in inland China. . . . 2651-8 Fielde, A. M Pa la shadows. . . . 2651-37 Henry, Ii. ('. Cn>ss and the dragon ; or, light in the broad East 2651 1 llui. E. R. Christianity in China, Tar- tary and Thibet 265-45 Nevius, U.S. C. Our life in China. . . 2051 6 Bainbridge, W. E. Along the lines al the front, 1SS2. pp. 124 145 2636-2 horde, II. A. Black anil while, pp. ^64 178 263-35 Lowrie, J. C. Foreign missions of the Presbyterian church. pp. 1 19-141. [Missions in China.] 2635-4 I limn-. in, K. ' iiu l Oriental missions, 1S70, 2 v 265-S Note. Many of the works of travel contain articles on missions, especially those of Gutz lafT, C— Hauser, Mri I I Kingsley, C— Medhurst, W. 11. -Smith, G -Wheeler, I.. N. Williams, S. W.— William; ... I 3. Religion. Ileal, S. Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese 2936 [8 I'ii Bose, H. Dragon, image and demon, 201 :; 1'ilkiiis, J. Chinese Buddhism 2936 ; Johnson, S. Oriental religions. China. 291-5 Bibles of other nations. pp. 1-10. . . 290-25 Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. V. 2. pp. S-II4 290-47 Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 1. pp. 307 324 [74-48 llso Buddhism, Confucius. Taoism. China painting. Delamardelle, E. and Goupil, F. Practical lessons in paint- ing on china, porcelain, earthenv t.i ience and enamel ;;S : I Inncock, E, 1 '. Amateui pottei ) and painter 7 i s t Mi I aughlin, M. I.. China painting. 7 ; s s Pottery decoration undei the glaze. 7 ; s si Suggestions to china painters 73 Whiteford, S. T. Guide to porcelain 1 ting ' . . 738-9 — Keinlile, M., ,,,■'. Art recreations, pp. '" s *56 746-4 painting, continued. Nil hols, (i. W. Pottery, pp. 32-69. . ; < iiim ha island 1 G W. Melbourne and the Chinch pp. 141 225. 438 70s 1 in -1 1 fenkins, 1 l die, hi; 1 and wrongs Chini 1 m \ 1 ell, R. H. Why and how : whj the ( liu rate, and tin means they adopt for the pur- ching America 47338-2 Gibs 0. The Chinese iii America. . .17;,^ 1 ■Seward, G. I 1 htm immigration in 11 ial and economical aspects. ... 01 Speer, W. The oldest and newest em- pire: China and the United States. . . o;i 7 Howies, S. Our new West. pp. 394- 416 47.S IS — Brace, C. I.. The new West; or, Cali- fornia in I.S117 oS. pp. 209-227. . . . 4701 18 — Cone, \1. I vo years in California, pp. 177-195 4794-25 Hardy, D. Through cities and prairie lands, pp. 172-209 470-4 Hai ris, A. B. The Boston Chinese sion school. /;; How to learn and earn. 182-209 37«9-4 1 '/ . I. I.. The Orient and its people, pp. 295-306 4,1 (i. - Kelley, W. 1 1. Speeches, addresses and lettei 1. pp. 403 415 13<>4-46 — Leighton, 1 . C. Life at Pugel Sound. PP- 2-" J 5 S 179 5 Mansfield, E. D. The 1 Chinese que in Atlas essays. No. 3. pp. 100-108. 304 17 — Marshall, W. G. Through America, pp. 2S6-306 473-62 — Nordhoff, C. California for health, pleas- ure and residence, pp. 84-92 4794~7 CHINKS of Clannyford. Hamilton, K. W. .|;:\; CHIP of the old block. Marshall, E. ... 61 1 Al8 CHIPS and chapters: a hook for amateur and young geologists. Page, I> 55°4 - 7 Chips from a German workshop. Mttller, 1 Max. 4 v CHIPS from a teachers' workshop. Klemm, 1 ■ K 37 Chips from the White House. Chaplin, J., ed Chisholm, Caroline, hi Fifty famous wc- ""■"• PP- 'S 2 -«57 4»3 4' >LM,G. G. 1 lie glow-worm and other phosphorescent animals. /« Dallas, W. S.. ana* others. Studies of animated nature, pp. 23-36 1 'hish -«i m, II. \\ . t >n balances. /■ en. e lectures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 48 70 Chit chat for boys and girls: stories of ad- venture, exploration, travel, natural CHIT CHAT. — 252 — CHOULES. c 111 1 chat, continued. history, sports ami pastimes, home life, biography, history, etc. B., n. d. 4 . 224A7 C'HIVALRIC days. Brooks, E. S 1S6A3 CHIVALRY. Ashton, J. Romances of chiv- alry 3947-2 — Bulfinch, T. Age of chivalry 3831-2 — Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages 9213-3 — Digby, K. II. Broad stone of honour. 5 v. 3947-3 — James, G. P. R. History of chivalry. . 3947-6 — Maxwell, C. A. English and Scottish chivalry 9403-61 — Porter, \V. History of the Knights of Malta ; or, the order of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem 3947~7 — Scott, W. Essay on chivalry 2704-46 — Allen, J. II. Christian history. 2nd pe- riod, pp. 104-130 270-15 — Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry, and other studies, pp. 155-170. . . . 229E5 — Dew, T. Digest of the laws, customs, manners and institutions of the ancient and modern nations, pp. 341-355. . . 905-34 — Stille. C. J. Studies in mediaeval his- tory, pp. 347-36o 921-7 — See also Middle ages. CHIVALRY, slavery and young America. Burke, J., (Sennoia Rubek, pseud.) . . 194C9 Choate, Isaac Bassett. Elements of Eng- lish speech. N. Y., 1884. 12 . . . . 115-2 Choate, Lowell. Romance of a letter. 1!.. [1887.] I2 a . Choate, Rufus, American advocat, ,in,/ Jur- ist, b. 1799-*/. 1S59. Addresses and ora- tions. B., 1S7S. 12° 815-23 — Brown, S. G. Life of Rufus Choate. . . 224B4 - Boutwell, G. S. The lawyer, the states- man and the soldier, pp. 1-43. . . . 412-245 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. i67->74 412-25 Wallace, F. T. Men and events, pp. 303-323 922E4 Whipple, E. P. Essays and revii V. 2. pp. I3O-I5I 946E5 - College life of Kufns Choate. In Par- ton, J., ed. Prim es, authors and states- men, pp. 277-283 )M S; Recollections of eminenl men. pp. 1 76 946! ; Chocolate. Cocoa and chocolate 6425—3 1 hi .1. 1 I Ischylus. Tragedies, pp. 247-292 8821 7 1 11 1 1 Shoemaker, C. C 801 87 ( 'in in e noti li urn •■ Notes and queries." History. 1 ... 1858. 16 9302-72 Choice of books. Carlyle, T 206E3 < 'in in I nf I I. and olhei litei ai v picci I In 1 1 'in. I So.) 43 Choii e readings. Fulton, R. I. and True- blood, T. C, eds 801 38 Choice receipts. Woodman, M.S. . . . 641-93 CHOISEUL-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste, count, />. 1752-1/. 1S17. St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav- elers. v.3. pp. 154-167 4159-78 I H.iisv. Story, J. P. Cholera. MacNamara, C. History nf Asiatic cholera 61623-6 — Bigelow.J. Modern inquiries, pp. 287- 294. Whether cholera is contagious. . 152E2 — Papillon, F. Nature and life. pp. 278- 3°2 577-7 CHOMET, Dr. II. Influence of music on health and life. tr. by Mrs. L. A. Flint. N. V., 1875. 24° 771-22 CHOPIN, Frederic Francois, Polish pianist and musical composer, b. Y%\o-d. 1849. Lis/.t, F. Life of Chopin 224B7 — Engel, L. From Mozart to Marin, v. I. pp. III-145 4177-3 — Ferris, G. T. Great German composers. pp. 157-175 4177-45 Great violinists and pianists, pp. 241- 248 4177-41 — Ilaweis, II. R. Music and morals, pp. 249-262 77'-47 — Keddie, II., (S. Tytler, pseud.) Musical composers, pp. 345"353 4' 77~5 — Lillie, L. C. Story of music and musi- cians for young readers, pp. 209-217. 770-6 Chopin, Nicholas. Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries, pp. 365-376. . . . 410-536 CHORLEY, Henry Fothergill, Eng. author, /■. l&c&-d. 1S72. Modern German music. 2 v. in 1. 1.., n. t. p. 16° 7703-3 — Recent art and society as described in his autobiography and memoirs; ed. from the edition of II. G. Hewlett, by C. 11. Jones. N. Y., 1S74. 12° 225B1 — Five sketches of Mendelsso.hu. In Lam- padius, W. A. Life of Mendelssohn. pp. 196-237 624B5 — Personal reminiscences. /« Stoddard, K. H., ed. Chorley, Planche and Young. PP. 3-70 '. 4182 85 Chorlton, Win. American grape grower's guide. X. Y., 1S59. 12° 6345-32 — Cold grapery, from direct American prac- tice: cultivation of the exotic grape- vine under glass, without artificial heat. V Y., 1S53. 12° 6345 ,;i C iannerie. War iii la Vendee and the little chouannerie. Hill, G.J. . . . 94445-4 See also France, history. Choules, J. O. Voung Americans abroad ; or, ;i \ ;ii hi iii Europe : travels in 1 11 ■■ I. no I. I' 1. nice, 1 lollainl, Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland, B .. 1864. l6°, 4401 ; CHOY. 253 CHRIST1 \\ i n<>\ Susan and othei 1 : Bi hop, W . II. Christ, S [i u Christ. Christ and Christianity. Stt Haweis, II. K. ( in; 1 1 and morality. 1 lhandler, A. In Oxford house papers. pp. 135-155. . 2 19 i iini in.! ihr heroe 1 il heathendom. Wells, Rev. 1 150-9 Christ al the dooi of ilie heart. l'i\. M. 252 355 Chris'1 in g. [Poem.] Si huff, P. . . 2451 8 1 hrisi 1 he de ii e of all nations. Trench, R. C. [Hulsean lecture.] 239-94 Christian II, kin& of Denmark. 1 1 r< >i •. life. pp. 125-141 4104-5 Christian art and symbolism. Boyd, E. W.,,,/. English cathedrals : their arch- itecture, symbolism and history. . . . 724-2 — Church decoration 747-6 Clement, C. E. Handbook "I Christian symbols and storiesof thesaints as illus- trated in art 755 2 Handbook of legendary and mythi log ical art 703-3 Field, \V. Stones <>f the temple. . . . 724-5 Jameson, A. (M.) Legends of the Ma- donna, as represented in the line arts. . 755~49 - Legends of the monastic orders. . . . 755—5 Sacred and legendary art 755—6 Kip, W, 1. Catacombs of Rome. . . . 4057-5 — Marriott, W. B. Testimony of the cata- combs 2829 53 — Otis, B. N. Sacred and constructive art : its origin and progress 701-6S I'viwlntt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism 755— S Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe, pp. I79~212 440-13 Withrow, W. 11. Catacombs of Rome, and their testimony relative to primitive Christianity, pp. 203-394 4057-9 Christian baptism. See Baptism. Christian believing and living. Hunting- ton, F. II 252-52 Christian brothers. Se, Brothers of the Christian schools. CHRISTIAN cemetery in the 19th century: or, the last war-cry of the communists. Gaume, J. J 393'-4 CHRISTIAN doctrine of marriage. Evans, II. D, A treatise on the Christian doc- trine of marriage 2615-3 Christian doctrine of prayer. Clarke, J. F. 2)t ; Christian doctrine of forgiveness of mil Clarke, j. F 2347-3 Christian doctrines. Hall, E. 11. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church 2308-6 Meander, A. Lectures on the historj ^l ' hristian dogmas 230-5 1 onlinued. M.cldon, 11. C. History of < hri 1 ne rheo 1 1 in evidence lociety. See Christian- ity, Christian facts and forces. Smyth, N. . . 25 CHRI n fl : 1 I, : .1 help tO devout • ■!>- ' 1 1 thi icred f t he church Sh i 1 1 . A 24; ; v 1 iikisi 1 vn lion ehold. Weaver, G. S. . . ig Christian institutions. Stanley, A. P. 257 7 Christian jurisprudence. Milman, II. II. History of Latin Christianity, v. 1. PP. 479-554 2821-5 CHRISTIAN lawyer. The: lieing a portrait- ure of the life and character of Wm. Geo. Baker Christian leader- of the last century; or, England a hundred year- ago. Kyle, Rev. J. C M45-7 Christian league of Connecticut, (dad den, Washington 2576-32 Christian life. Abbott, J. Cornei stone. 241-12 — liascom, J. Words of Christ as princi- ples of personal and social growth. . . 2272 2 — Baxter, R. Saints everlasting rest. . . 2 ;; Beecher, II. \V. Notes fr"iu Plymouth pulpit 249-22 Royal truths 249-23 — Boardman, W. E. He thai overcometh; or, a conquering gospel 241 225 Higher Christian life 241 I'.onar, H. God's way of holiness. . . . 2402 How shall I go to God? and other readings 240-24 — Clark, R. W., ed. Christian's gift. . . 241-25 — Clarke, J. F. Common sense in religion. 204 [6 Every-day religion 204 1 7 — Copley, J. Gatherings in Beulah. . . . 241 2s — Cuyler, T. L. Thought-hives 241-34 - Wayside springs from the fountain of life 240-3 Doddridge, P. Rise and progress of re- ligion in the soul 241 j6 — Duncan, M. B. M. Bible hours. . . . 2206-2 — Faris, W. W. Children of light. . . . 240-35 — Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Reflections and meditations 240-4 — Fry, C. The listener 247 t — Fuller, T. Good thoughts in bad tunes. and other papers ." 1 1 : — Gladden, W. The Christian way : whith- er il lead- and how to go on 241-43 Goulburn, E. M. Thoughts on personal religion 24" 38 Greenwell, D, A present heaven. . . . 241 47 The patience of hope, 241 40 CHRISTIAN. — 254 CHRISTIANITY. Christian life, continued. — Gregory, J. A father's legacy to his daughters 247-5 — Hall, J. Papers for home reading. . . 241-51 Questions of the day 241-52 — Holland, J. G. Gold-foil hammered from popular proverbs 483E3 — Hoyt, W. Brook by the way. . .... 240-43 Gleams from Paul's prison 2218-66 — Luther, M. Watchwords for the war- fare of life 249-5 — Mason, W. Spiritual treasury 240-5 — Molinos, M. Golden thoughts from the spiritual guide 240-55 — Mountford, W. Euthanasy 240-57 Murray, N. Parish and other pencil- ing* 241-65 — Muz.zey, A. B. The blade and the ear. 247-58 — Neale, E. Closing scene ; or, Christian- ity and infidelity contrasted, in the last hours of remarkable persons 410-8 — Neander, A. Memorials of Christian life in the early middle ages. ...... 270-6 — Osgood, S. The hearth-stone 247-7 Mile stones in our life-journey 241-7 — Penn, W. No cross, no crown 2896-61 — Perram, A. F. " Go work." 724A4 — Philip, R. The Lydias 241-76 — Poole, W. H. Ripe grapes; or, the fruit of the Spirit 240-6 — Raleigh, A. The little sanctuary. . . . 241-79 — Seiss, J. A. Right life; or, candid talks on vital themes 252-S15 — Shedd, W. G. T. Sermons to the spirit- ual man 252-82 — Smiley, S. F. Garden-graith 240-68 — Spurgeon, C. II. John Ploughman's talk 241-85 -Taylor, I. Saturday evening 241-89 — Taylor, J. Holy living and dying. . . . 240-S Thomas a Kempis. On the imitation of Christ 240-S3 Townsend, I.. T. The arena and the 1 1 ie 204-89 Tulloch, J. Beginning life 248-8 I ■■ . edie, W. K. A lamp to the path. . 241 92 \ ass, 1 .. < '.. Amusements and the Christian 1 1 f l- in the primitive- church and in our day 257 | S Ware, II. formation of the Christian lii acter 241-95 Young lady of pleasure 1057 07 See also Business. Conduct. Christian : Cro and crown eries. Ethii I [ymns. Pi ayei and praj ers, Se n 1 11 riAN in 1 1 1 j rologj 51 Martyi . Per- ei in 1 hi 1 1 [an memoi ial ol the war. I tai kett, II. I; 9805 1 Christian morals. Browne, T. Works, v. 3. 828-2 Christian nurture. Bushnell, H 247-3 Christian Osborne's friends. Davidson, H. M 278A75 Christian pastorate : its character, respon- sibilities and duties. Kidder, D. P. . 250-4 Christian philosopher. Dick, T. Works. v. 2 S28-35 Christian platonists of Alexandria. Bigg, C 2S12-2 Christian revelation, viewed in connection with the modern astronomy. Chalmers, T 2102-1S Christian rhetoric. Hervey, G. W. . . . 251-46 Christian science. See Mental healing. Christian science of tradition. Formby, H. In Scientific value of tradition, pp. 1 1 5-144 290-15 Christian singers of Germany. Wink- worth, C 245-9 Christian statesman, The : a portraiture of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. Mudge, Z. A 198B7 Christian taught by the church's service. Hook, W. ¥., cd. 26034-5 Christian truth and modern opinion : seven sermons preached in New York, by clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church. N. Y., [1S74.] 12 239S-25 Christian union. Huntington, W. R. The church idea ' 2838-4 — Vail, T. H. Comprehensive church. . 2S3S n — Bushnell, H. Building eras in religion. pp. 386-460. Christian comprehensive- ness 204-13 — Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity, pp. 292-310 204-79 Christian year. Grant, A. II. Church seasons 26034-35 — Hobart, I. II. Companion for the festi- vals and fasts of the Protestant Episco- pal church 26034-4 Keble, J. Christian year: thoughts in verse for the Sundays and Holidays. . 2453-5 Lewis, W. II. Sermons for the Christian year 252-59 — Norton, J. N. Every Sunday; a course of sermons for the Christian year. . . 252 7; Short stories and lessons on the festivals, fasts and saints' days, of the Protestanl Episcopal church 26034 8 \ onge, C. M . M 11 ings ovei the 1 Inis- tian year and "Lyra innocentium." . 26034 9 Chris i i am. Adolph F. Pi ini iples ■■! < \ pre i"n in pianaforte playing. V \ .. 1886. 8 77"i 3 Christianity. i General. 2. Evidem - (I IK IS I I WHY - 255 < III; Is I I AM I \ i in i . 1 1 am i \ , - on tinned. i. Central. Abbey, R. I he i it) ol I and the church makers 280-13 . \ 11. 1 1 <■ w 5, S. J. God 1 revi lation ol him ell 1 ni 232 1 2 Beauties of sacred literature 241 22 Beecher, I. K. Our seven churches. . 280 2 Blauvelt, A. Present religious crisis. 211 2 Caughey, J. Arrows from mj quiver. . 24g ; 1 hapin, A. P. View ol 1 hi 1 rganization and order of the primitive church. . . 281 3 1 hapin, E. II. Chi istianity the pei f< lion of true manliness 252 53 ' lhateaubriand, R. F. A. Genius ol Chris- tianity 2N2 ; Chillingworth, W. Religion of protest- ants 2828 ; Church, R. W. On some influences of Christianity upon national character. . 2571. [5 ' lark, \. Work da^ Christianity. . . . 241 24 Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philosophy 1 52—3 Davies, J. I.. Social questions from the point of view of Christian theology. . 2576-2 Dodge, M. A,, (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Stumbling blocks 204-37 Doty, T. K. Lessons in holiness. . . . 2348 3 — Dwight, B. W. Higher Christian educa- tion 377-3 Baton, A. W. Heart of the creeds. . . 2838-3 Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and menial therapeutics 1 72—33 Farrar, A. S. History of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. . 239-35 Feuerbach, I.. Essence of Christianity. 201-25 Frey, J. S. C. F. Judah and Israel. . . 264-4 Fuller, A. Principal work- and remains. 208-32 Gage, W. 1.. light in darkness. . . . 2312-5 — Gladden, \Y. Applied Christianity. . . 2576-3 Glennie,J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim-memories. 45S-42 Gould, S. Baring-. Origin and develop- nient of religious belief v. 2 201-35 — Grail, J. F. Graybeard's lay sermons. . 241-45 Grumbine, J. C. F. Evolution and Chris- tianity 214-33 Guthrie, T. Man and the gospel, and Our Father's business 241 v> Ideen, M. A. Centennial call to all na- tions 254 36 Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. 413 55 Kernel, The, and the husk: lettei spiritual Christianity 201-5 Legge, J. Religions of China. Confu- cianism and Taoism described and com- pared with Christianity 291-6 Manineau, J. Studies of Christianity. . 204-6 — Merriam, G. S. Living faith 241 6] Newman, J. P. Christianity triumphant. 2576-6 ' in 1 inanity, continued. Pari 1 11 1 1 er, O. Lei mi. on the influi of 1 hi Paul on the d< velopmenl 1 Christianity. Ir. by J. V . Smith. [Hibbert lectures, 1885.] .... Phelps, A. My stu 1 ■ ■ 1 71 Prometheu in Al lanl exiiui 1 1 1 he 'in |si i.i I. ■ 1 I'ullcn, 1 1. \Y. Modern Chri tianity ■• c i v i 1 1 Rothe, R. Still hours 20 1 77 Si h in. P. Christ and I hi istianity. . . 2' . 1, \\ .. ilnkc of Som I 1 : li.iu theology and modem skepticism. . . . 204-8 Socialism and Christianity j, Stephens, W. R, W. Christianity and I lam: the Bible and the Koran. . . . 207 75 — Strauss, 1 1. F. 'lid faith and the new. . 211 8 — Supernatural religion: an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation. 3 V. . 2309-7 — Taylor, I. Fanaticism 272-8 Natural history of enthusiasm. . . . 201-85 Tolstoi, I.. N. My religion. .... 240-85 What I believe. [Anothei li.oidalion of the foregoing. I 240-86 I ulloi h, I . Ratioi I thi 1 hris- tian philosophy in England in the 17th century 27 12 ■• Upham, F. W. Stai ol oui Lord. . . . 22152-8 — Upham, T. C. Book for the home. . . am 5 — Vinet, A. Montaigne, the endless study Other miscellanies 204-92 Walker, J. I'.. Philosophy "f the plan of salvation -.;} s Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity 2570 9 Williams, J. World- testimony to Jesus 1 2576-92 Wise, I. M. Judaism and Christianity: their agreements and disagreements. . 296-9 \ 01 ke, J. F. Noir olution and 1 tianity 290-9 — Blackie, J. S. lour phases of morals. pp. 203-279 190-2 Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers. PP- 435^45' 204-12 tie, A.J. Philosophy of Christiani- ty. In Manning. II. E., ed. Essays on religion and literature. ser. 2. pp. 243 ;io. ,ntd ser. 3. pp. 36-67. . . 204-5S — Conway, M. I). Idols and ideals, with an essay on Christianity De Quincey, T. Theological essays, and other papers, v. I. pp. I —5 1 . Chris- tianity as an organ of political movement. 284I y- . R. Christianity in relation toother religions, in Faiths of the world, pp. 290-4 CHRISTIANITY. = 56 CHRISTIANITY. Christianity, continued. — Greg, \V. K. Rocks ahead, pp/117- 157 304-4 — Laing, S. Modern science and modern thought, pp. 242-320 215-52 — Kuerten, A. National religions and uni- versal religions, pp. 180-246. Juda- ism and Christianity. 290-53 — Lillie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. pp. 203-221 2933-5 — Peebles, J. M. Around the world, pp. 354-3^7 438-71 — Rylance, J. H. Lectures on social ques- tions, competition, communism, co-oper- ation and the relation of Christianity to socialism, pp. 104-135 3304-72 — Shelley, P. B. Essay on Christianity. In Shelley, Lady J., ed. Shelley memori- als, pp. 273-308 820B5 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, international and religious. pp. 247-256. Christ, the church and the creed S84E5 - See also Church history. 2. E'-idences. — Abbott, L. In aid of faith 239-12 — Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought 230-14 — Barnes, A. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity in the 19th century. . . . 239-16 — Bascom, J. Philosophy of religion; or, the rational grounds of religious belief. 201-11 — Bernard, T. D. Progress of doctrine in the New Testament 239-17 — Boston lectures, 1870. Christianity and scepticism 239-19 1 87 1. Same 239-2 — Braden, C. Problem of problems, and its various solutions ; or, atheism, Darwin- ism and theism 239-22 — Burr, E. I'. Ad (idem; or, parish evi- dences of the Bible 239-23 Toward the straight gate 239-232 — Bush, J. S. Evidence of faith 252-26 — Butler, J. Analogy of religion 239-24 Christian evidence society. Kaitli and free thought. N. Y., [1872]. 12°. . . 239-25 ( 'ont nti Principle of causation sidcred m opposition t" atheistic theories, by J. B. Mozley.— 'Evidence afforded by the order and adaptions in nature to the existence of a God, by C. Brooke.—Philosophy "f human responsi- bility, by T. R. Birks. — Points of supposed col- lision between the scriptures ami natural sci- ence, by J. It. Gladstone.— Alleged moral diffi- culties of the Oli 1 lament, by T. P, Bout trci Con borativc evidence of Old Testament history from ibc Egyptian and Assyrian 11 11 mciits, by W. K Coopci Irgument fur the ■ " ■■"it il . harai tci I 1 hristianity, fi its exist' emen'ts, by H. Allon. — Christianity, continued. Christianity suited to all forms of civilization, by B. Frere. — Contrast between pagan and Christian society, by C. Merivale. — Force im- parted to the evidence of Christianity from the manner in which a number of distinct lines of proof converge in a common center, by B. Shaw. — Man a witness for Christianity, by J. Angus. Popular objections to revealed truth. N. Y., 1S73. 12° 239-26 Contents. — Secularism and atheism, by A. J Harrison. — Human responsibility, by C. A. Row.— Christianity is not the invention of im- postors or credulous enthusiasts, by J. Grit ton. — Facts of Christianity historically true, by li. H. Cowper. — Science and scripture not an- tagonistic, by G. Henslow. — Moral teaching of the O. T. vindicated, by J. H. Titcomb. — Met- aphorical language applied to God in the O. T., by R. II. Girdlestone. — Miracles as credentials of a revelation, by J. H.Gladstone. — Historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, by C. A. Row. — Moral teaching of the N.T.,by H. Alton. — Gradual unfolding of revelation, by G. Calthrop. — Perfection of the human charac- ter of Jesus Christ, by Canon Barrv. Strivings for the faith. N. V., 1875. 12° 239-27 Contents. — Difficulties on the side of unbelief in accounting for historical Christianity, by G. F. Maclear. — Variations of the gospels in their relation to the evidence and truth of Chris- tianity, by T. R. Birks. — Apocryphal gospels, by B. H. Cowper. — Evidential value of the early epistles of Paul viewed as historical documents, by P. Lorimer. — Lord Lyttleton on the conver- sion of Paul, by J. Gritton. — Alleged difficulties in the moral teaching of the N. T., by C. A. Row. — Combination of unity with progressive- ness of thought in the books of the Bible : ar- gument in favour of divine revelation, by I H Titcomb. — Autobiography of J. S. Mill, by W. R. Brown. — Clark, T. M. Primary truths of religion. 239-295 — Cotterill, II. Revealed religion expound- ed by its relations to the moral Being of God 239-3 — Dix, M. Gospel and philosophy. . . . 239-31 — Eaton, J. R. T. Permanence of Chris- tianity 2 39-33 — Ealier, G. S. Difficulties of infidelity, [witli bibliography] 2395-4 — Farrar, E. W. Witness of history to Christ 239-36 Fisher, • < m. 2398-5 — Hawks, F. L. Evidences of Christianity. 239-49 — Ingham lectures 239—5 1 Ingraham, J. P. T. Why « e believethe Bible 2202-46 — Laforet, N. J. Why men do not believe. 239-53 — Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. . . 2399-5 Tactics of infidels 2399-52 — Leask, W. Reason and faith ; or, the two lights 242-6 — Leathes, S. Religion of the Christ. . . 232-59 I efanu, P., tr. Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire 2226-58 McCosh, J. Christianity and positiv- ism 239-5 8 — M'llvaine, C. P. Lectures on the evi- dences of Christianity 2 3 — Mcllvaine, J. II. Wisdom of Holy scrip- ture with reference to sceptical objec- tions 239-61 — McWhinney, T. M. Reason and revela- tion hand in hand 239-64 — Manning, J. M. Half truths and the truth 239 65 Monell, G. C. Creation and the scrip- ture the revelation of God 23 — Monser, J. W. An encyclopaedia on the evidences 239 67 Morgan, K. W. Christianity and mod- ern infidelity: their relative intellect- ual claims com], an-d 239-69 — Morris, G.S. Philosophy of Christianity, 230 ~\ Newton, K. 11. Philistinism 230 72 — Oxford housepapers 239-73 Paley, W. View of the evidences «>f Christianity 239-74 Pascal, K. Thoughts, letters and opus- cules 208 7 — Potter, A. Religious philosophy. . . . 230 7S — Savage, M. J. Christianity, the science of manhood 2 ;o Si — Schaff, P. and Roussel, N. Romance of M. Return, and the Christ of the gospels. ^,\2i 55 — Smith, W. S. Apologetics. [Lectures.] 239 85 Smyth, N. Religious feeling : a study for faith 234 71 — Spurgeon, C. II. Clew of the maze and the spare half hour J41 84 Stuns, R. S. Divine origin of Chris- tianity 239-87 — Taylor, I. Restoration of belief. . . . 239-91 — Tefft, B. !•". Evolution and Christianity. 2398-75 1 tttinued. I empli 1 . Relal iom betwei • ind sci t ■ . II. M . I he woi Id and the Logo 239 1 iwnsend, L. T. Credo 239-93 — Trench, R. C. Hulsean lectures. . . . 239-94 — Watson, F. Defenders of the faith. . . 281 Wilson, W. I >. Foundations of religious belief 239-95 — Allibone, S. A. Union liilde companion. pp. 14-18 2202-12 Barrows, E. P. Companion to the liilde. pp. 31-159 2202-18 — Hall, J. In Preparing to leach. | 67 246-4 Holland, J. G. Every day topics, pp. 137-152. Christianity and >< icnce. . . t Powell, B. In Essays and reviews, pp. 84-129 204-28 — See also Atheism. Hampton lectures. Bible. Boyle lectures. Christian doc- trines. Christian life. Church history. Ely lectures. Inspiration. Jesus Christ. Miracles. Pantheism. Prophesy. Ra- tionalism. Religions. Sermons. Su- pernatural. Theology. Christianity and evolution: modem p lems of the faith. N. V., 1887. 12°. 2398-26 Contents. — Evolution in relation to miracle, iv ii M.ithcson. — Biogenesis, by P. W*. Darn- ton. — Evolution and design, by A W Momerie. — Evolution and the Christian doctrine of the incarnation, by A. F. Muir. — Inspiration and evolution, by T. W. Fowle. — Evolution and im- mortality, by W. F. Adeney.— Evolution and the problem of evil, by J. Matthews. Evolu tion and the biblical dot trine of sin and redemp tion, by Chas. Chapman. — Evolution and the il representations ofGod, by Chas. Chap- man.— Evolution and man's faculty of knowl- by I I Murphy. — Evolution, heaven and hell, by Sit G W. Cox. — Has evolution a claim In a place in the Christian system, bj \ I Muir. Christian's mistake. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Christians of Turkey ; their condition un- der Mussulman rule. Denton, W. . . 44 Christie, Albany J. On the philosophy of Christianity. In Manning. II. E., td. Essays on religion and literature. >«, 2. pp. 243 310. ser. 3. pp. 36-67. Christie, Marj Elizabeth. Miss But own story. In Coan, T. M.,ed. Studies in biography, pp. So-139 Christii Johnstone. Reade, Chas. Christie's choice. Sinclair, E. Christie's faith. Robinson, V. W. Christina, queen of Sweden, i. 1626-d. \ Brooks, 1'.. S. Historic girls, pp. 192- 207 413 --* CHRISTINA. -258 CHRONICLE. Christina, continual. — Fifty famous women, pp. 10S-111. . . 413-41 — Hale, S.J. Lessons from women's lives. PP- 53-65 413-47 — Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. pp. 84-96 2941-45 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. 2. pp. 5-82. . 41 5 — 5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 54-66 4 IO_ 9 Christina North. Archer, E. M. Christine. Enault, L. Christlieb, Theodor, German theologian, />. 1833. Best methods of counteracting modern infidelity. With biographical notice. N. Y., 1S74. 12° 239-29 — Preface. In Ramseyer, A. and Kiihne, J. Four years in Ashantee 26665-S Christmas. Hopper, E. Fire on the hearth in Sleepy hollow : a Christmas poem of olden times t86( ') — Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. pp. 147-171. A comment on Christmas. 201-103 — Brace, C. L. Short sermons to news boys. pp. 111-120 248-24 — Cary, P. Poems of faith, etc. pp. 226-229. 207C8 — Chadwick, J. W. In Nazareth town : a Christmas fantasy and other poems, pp. 9-15 2 '9C7 — Croly, J. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. pp. 221-240 255E2 — Dickens, C, ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 333-33S. Christinas in the frozen regions 604-3 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. n-20 32SE1 — Friswell, J. H. About in the world, pp. 3°4-3'2 - ■ • 3 g 2Ei — Fry, C. The listener, pp. 37-44. . . . 247-4 — Hunt, L. Hay by the fire, etc. pp. 319- 325 491E41 — Irving, W. Sketch-book. pp. 224-230 and pp. 24O-289 818-485 Perry, N. New songs and ballads, pp. 113-118. The Christmas gale 723C5 Piatt, J. J. Western windows and other poems, pp. 1 12-114 730C3 — Rainsford, W. S. Sermons preached in St. George's, pp. 1-8 252-78 — Smith, A. Dreamthorp. pp. 1 13-136. 835F.1 Stoddard, R. II. Poems, pp. .(117-423. [3 poems.] 854C4 Stowe, II. B. Fool steps of the Ma itei . PP- 49 84 2321-7 Wai ;on, J. W. 1 luti a 1 and ol her poems. pp. 60 64 and 101-113 927C3 Christmas al ^nnesley. Shipley, M. E. . 824A6 '1111 1 m 1 > al I hompson hall. I rollope, A. 1 HRISTMAS I ks. I 'ii l.'n , I lias. Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Thackeray, W. M. CHRISTMAS cards. Harris, A. B. How Christmas cards are made. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 7-38 602-9 Christmas carol. Dickens, Chas. Christmas country. Safford, M. J 798A1 Christmas eve and Christmas day. Hale, E. E. Christmas holidays at Cedar grove. Sey- mour, M. A 819A2 Christmas holy days in Rome. Kip, W. I. 4456-5 Christmas in Spain. Rose, H. J. Among the Spanish people, v. 2. pp. 1S2-1S8. 446-S Christmas stories. Dickens, Chas. Christmas stories : a parlor companion for Christmas, New Year and all seasons. Phila. 12 . Contents. — The Christinas bride. — Christmas eve letter. — Adventures of a New Year's eve. — Mis. Ranford's New Year's dinner. — A merry Christmas. — The waits: a Christmas story. — Mrs. Peck's pudding. — How we made money last year. — Miss Brightington's polka jacket ; or, Susan Bennet's Christmas day. — Christmas eve in a sponging house. — Myself and Julia Arran. — Story of the baked head. — The wolf in sheep's clothing. — Elkanah Smithers, Jun. — In- fatuation. — An ordeal. — A royal whim. — A story of Sweden. Christmas wreck. Stockton, Frank R. Christopher, St. Chenoweth, Mrs. C Van D. Stories of the saints, pp. 61-73. . 414-3 Christopher Kenrick. Hatton, Joseph. Christopher Tadpole. Smith, A. Christophers, Rev. S. W. The Epworth singers and other poets of Methodism. N. Y., n. d. 12 245-39 — Hymn-writers and their hymns. N. Y., n. d. 12 245-4 Christowell. Blackmore, R. D. 1 11 ist's cadets. Chaplin, Mrs. Ada C. . . 221A2 Christ's hospital, London, Eng. Mathews, W. Hours with men and books, pp. 327-335 617E54 CHRISTUS. A mystery. Longfellow, H. W. 586C5 Contents. — 1. The Divine tragedy. — 2. Gold- en legend. — 3. New England tragedies. Christy, David. Cotton is king; or, cul- ture of cotton and its relation to agri- culture, manufactures and commerce. Cinn., 1855. 12° 3269-2 Chronicle of Ethelford. Manning, M. A. Chronicle of Florence "I Worcester, tr. by T, Fore ter 9309-3 Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon, tr. I.y T. Forester 93°9-45 Chronicle of kings of England. William of Malmesbury. ed. by J, A. tides. . 9309-9 Chronicle ol the Cid. tr. by R. Southey. In Lockhart, J. G., tr. Spanish bal- lads, pp. 175-466 861 1-6 (IIKONK'I.KS. 2 5'; " (III R( II Chronii LESof 1 arlingford. I lliphant, Mi r. M. O. (U.i i v. Chronii les "f < love k. Jerrold, I). \\ orks. \ . |. pp. 3S9-47 2 828-5 ( Ihronh lbs oi Cosj I ■ I tall, M' \ M (F.) Chri inici E i of the 1 Scott, Sir W. Chri inii 11 : ol the gn al n b( Uion. Scott, A. \l 9781-82 Chronj 1 the tombs : a selecl collec- tion "i epitaph . Petl ign • . f/hos. J. 4'95-7 Chronoi 1 igy. I ladle) , J. E isays. pp. 3S5-402. Hebrew chronology from Moses i" Solomon — Joyce, |. Familial introduction to the in and sciences, pp. 92-103 504 r — Stanhope, P. II. French retreat from Mosi on . etc. pp. 1 1 1 138. ' in- ogy of the gospels 902-74 I ep ius, C. K. Lettei . 1 I' -\ pi. .t. Egyptian chronolog) 462-59 Chrysanthemum and their culture. Moly- neux, E 7 '54 " CHRYSOSTOM, (John,) S/., Greek father, arch- bishop of Constantinople, b. about .550-0'. 407. Williams, \Y. R. Eras ami char- acters of history, pp. 69-89 902-9 — Charles, E. Cripple of Antioch. [A story. I Church, A. II. Colour: an elementary inaiiu.il I'm students. I.., 1887. 12°. Same, n. d 75 2 ~34 Church, Albert I".. Elements of analytical geometry. N. V.. 1S07. 8°. Same, 1873 >'*' ! — Elements of the differential and integral calculus; containing calculus of varia- tions. N. Y., 1873. 8 517-3 Church, Alfred. Ovid. Phila., 1876. 12°. [Ancient classics for English readers.] . 8712-3 CHURCH, Rev. Alfred John, Eng. writer, '. 1829. Chantry priest of Barnet : a tale of the two ro>e^. I... 1S85. — Stories from Homer. X. V., 1879. 16 . 8832-2 — Stories from Livy. N. Y., 1883. 12°. . S784-2 — Stories from the Greek tragedians. X. Y., n. d. 12° 882-27 — Stories from Virgil. X. Y., 11. d. 12 . 8732-2 — Stories of the East from Herodotus. I.., l88l. 12° 8882-3 — Stories of the magicians. N.Y.,n. d. 12°. 3S55-3 — Stories of the Persian war from Hen tus. N. Y., [1881.] 12 8S82-4 — Two thousand years ago ; or, the advent- ures of a Roman boy. L., n. d. 12 . 225A9 — With the King at Oxford: a tale of the great rebellion. N. Y., [1SS5.] 12 . — and Brodribb, \V. J. Pliny's letters. Phila., 1S75. I2 °- s.unc, 1872. . . . 8762-3 . J., continued. mill Putnam, Ruth. < ounl "i 1 thi I I from 1887. 12°. I Hiii, Arthur II. I 1 grains of India. I... 1 86 1 6331 2 Church, Ella Rodman. Birds and their ways. Phila., n. d. 12° 598-27 Hi V V., 18S1. 12°. [Ap- books.] 71525 Home needle. N. Y., 1882. 12 . [Ap- pleton' iks.] 646-3 How to furnish a home. N. V\, 1881. 12°. [Appleton's home books.] . . 7 . Money-making for ladies. N. Y., 1882. 16° Church, Fred I dwin. Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the arti ; , ,7" 386 758-9 I'll an .11 us. Seed- tr ut lis ; or, Bible views of mind, morals and religion. N. Y., 1S71. 12 240-2S ( 111 1.1 11, Richard Win., Eng. writer, b. 1815. Bacon. N. \ .. 1884. 12 . [English men of letters series.] I .» l '*3 Bi nnings of the middle ages. X. Y., n. il. 11.. [Epochs of history.] . . . 921-3 1 in some influences of Christianity upon national character. L., 1873. I2 °- • 2 57°-'5 enser. X. Y., 1879. 12 . [English men of letter^ series.] 845B5 ketches. In Ward, T. II., <■tory, continued. — Mosheim, J. L. Ecclesiastical history. 270-55 — Neander, A. PI inting and training ol the Christian church |)y thi Ipostles. . 2701-55 Pressense, E, de. Early yeai ol Chris- tianity 2701-6 Religion and the reign of (error. . . . 2744-5 Ken. in, I-'.. Studies in religious history. 204-75 Robertson, J. C. History of the Chris- tian church. A. I1.64 1517. 8 v. . . 270-7 Same. 4 v 270-71 Roussell, N. Catholic and Protestant nations compared 2829-7 Rupp, I. I >. An original history of the religious denominations al present en isting in the United Slates 209-74 Russell, J. Essays on the rise and prog- ress of the Christian religion in the west of Europe 274-6 Kuter, M, and True, C. K. Concise his- tory of the Christian church 270-75 — Sewell, E. History of the early church. 2701-7 Shinn, G. W. Manual of instruction in church history 270-78 Socrates scholasticus. Ecclesiastical his- tory. A. D. 305-439 2702-78 Sozomen. Ecclesiastical history, A. I >. 324-440 2702-8 — Stanley, A. P. Eastern church 281-7 Siories and pictures from church history for young people 270-8 Theodoret and Evagrius. History of the church, A. D. 322-594 2702-9 - Theodorus. New reformation : narra- tive of the old Catholic movement, from 1870 to present time 2S48-8 — Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the an- cient church 2571-S Conflict of Christianity and heathenism. 2721-8 — Van Antwerp, D. D. Church history. 3 v 270-9 — Wordsworth, C. Church history to the council of Nicxa, A. D. 325 2701-9 — Alexander, J. A. Notes on New Testa ment literature and ecclesiastical his- tory, pp. 147-319 2268-1 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp. 300-357 204-53 — Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European his- tory, v. 1 9204-5 — Mahan, M. Works, v. 1 20S-57 — Smith, II. B. Faith and philosophy. [Essays.] 204-81 — See also Apostles. Bible. Catacombs. Christianity. Church councils. Church government. Church and slate. Creeds. Crusades. Fathers. Inquisition. Mar- tyrs. Missions. Papacy. Persecutions. Protestantism. Puritans. Reformation. 1 hi 1 ' 11 history, continued. Theology, \ ariou dem 11 il. Biog- raph persons noted i 1 his- Church idea, Thi 1 unity. Huntington, \V. K 2 .s,s 4 1 in n 11 iii the ho 1 m 1 on 1 he Ai 1 . Vrnot, W. M 2270, 2 (in Kin law. Andrews, John \\ 54 ( ' 1 1 1 k . 11 of England, Proti tant Epis- ■ Opal < hill. h. 1 in ri 11 sea "ii . 1 Irant, A. II 26054 15 ( in Ri 11 teai hei ' m in iial ol I 'hristian in- truction. Sadler, M. F 2383-8 Churchill, (has., Eng. poet, b. 1731-d. 1764. Poetical works; with copious notes and a life of the author, by W. Tooke. 3 v. P.., 1X54. 12° 226C2 Payn, E. J. Charles Churchill. hi Ward, I. II., ed. English poets, v. 3- PP- 3 S 9 391 8092-9 Churchill, Col. Chas. Henry. Mount Lebanon : a ten years' residence, 1842-52, describing the manners, cus- toms and religion of its inhabitants; with account of the Druse religion and historical records of. the mountain tribes. 4 v. I.., 1S53-62. 8°. ... 9569-3 ChurcHII i. J. W., joint author. Smyth, E. C. and others. Progressive orthodoxy. 2305S-7 CHURCHILL, John, duke of Marlborough, English commander, b. 1650—1/. 1722. Alison, A. Military life of John, duke of Marlborough 6lH'.4 — Coxe, W. Memoirs of the duke of Marl- borough ,,, -l;- — Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht. . . . 927-4 — Saintsbury, G. Marlborough 613B7 — Adams, W. II. D. Eminent soldiers. pp. 101-141 4151-2 Memorable battles in Fnglish hi pp. 220-313 9308-2 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 239-245 410-44 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 102-107. • ■ 410-49 — James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great com- manders, pp. 296-362 4151-5 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 7. pp. 67-87. 411-65 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 1. pp. 67-75 410-9 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious sol- diers, pp. 1S9-207 4151 o Cm RCHILL, John, publisher, b. about 1S00. Curwen, H. History of booksellers. PP- 333-340 4I&-33 CHURCHILL, Sarah (Jennings), duchess of Marlborough, b. li,6o-d. 1 744. Letters of Sarah, duchess of Marlborough. . . 613B9 CHURCHILL. 262 — CIMINO. Churchill, Sarah (J.), continued. — Fifty famous women, pp. 1 12— 1 17. . . 413-41 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of so- ciety, pp. 1-44 4I3- 8 5 CHURCHMAN, John. Account of the gospel labors and Christian experience of John Churchman. Phila., 1S62. 12°. . . . 226B1 Churchman's guide to faith and piety : a manual of instruction and devotions, ed. by R. Brett. 2 v. in 1. L., n. d. 32° 26034-2 Churchman's reasons for his faith and prac- tice. Richardson, N. S 2838-6 Churchyard, Thos. Tragedy of Cardinal Wolsey. In Cavendish, G. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. pp. 267-284. . . . 963B5 Churchyard literature: a choice collection of American epitaphs. Kippax, John R. 4195-5 CHUSAN, Island of. Smith, Rev. G. Visit to the consular cities of China, pp. 228-245 45'-83 Cibber, Caius Gabriel. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. v. 3. PP- !9-3° 417-3 Cibber, Colley, psaid. Sec Rees, James. ClCERO, Marcus Tullius, Roman statesman and orator, b. B. C. 106-d. 43. Corre- spondence of M. Tullius Cicero; with introductory essays on the life of Cicero, and the style of his letters, by R. V. Tyrrell, v. I. Dublin, 1879. 12°. . 8761-8 — Letters to several of his friends; with re- marks by W. Melmoth. pp. 331-617. and letters to Atticus. tr. with notes, by W. Heberden. pp. 619-829. /;/ Middleton, C. Life and letters. . . . 227B2 — Orationes selectee XIV*. Recognovit Reinholdus Kloz. N. V., 1879. 16 . Same, 1876 S752-5 — Orations. tr. by C. I). Vonge. 4 v. L., 1871-85. 12 S752-S — Oratory and orators, tr. by J. S. Wat- son. N. V., 1881. 12 S753-9 — Select orations tr. by C. D. Yonge. N. V., l88l. 12° S752-9 - Three books of "Hires. On old age. On friendship. Paradoxes. Scipio's dream. Letter on the duties of a magistrate, tr. by C. R. Edmonds. L., 1872. 12°. Same, 1875 8754-8 Treatise on the nature of the Gods. n. t. p. 12° 8754-6 I ii 1 id. 111 1I1 iputation ; also treatises on the nature of the gods and on the com- monwealth, tr. by C. D. Yonge. N. V., I877. 12° 8754-7 — Collins, W. L. Cicero. [Ancient clas- sics for English readers.] 875 1— 3 Cicero, M. T., continued. — Forsyth, Win. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2 v 227B3 — Middleton, C. Life and letters 227B2 — Trollope, A. Life of Cicero. 2 v. . . 227B4 — Cracroft, B. Essays, v. 2. pp. 208-215. Review of Forsyth's Cicero 250E1 — DeQuincy, T. Historical and critical es- says, v. 2. pp. 5-61 284E44 — Hallam, A. H. Remains in verse and prose. pp. 227-316. Essay on the philosophical writings of Cicero. . . . 451E5 — Harsha, D. A. Most eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 35-74 410-54 — Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 49-57 4104-52 — Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plu- tarch, pp. 39S-405 4IOI-75 — Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of celebra- ted characters, pp. 335-437 410-63 — Legate, H. S. Writings. v. 2. pp. 216-253 818-56 — Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 8-1 1 410-78 — Newman, J. H. //; Encyclopaedia met- ropolitana. pp. 205-246 1 52—4 — Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v - 5- PP- 35-94 4101-7 Old world worthies, pp. 2S4-300. . . 4101-73 — Spalding, Prof. — . In Men of history. PP- 73-75 410-75 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 25-31 41S7-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 273-277 4'°-975 ("in, kniliig" (or Ruy) Diaz de Bivar, called the. Ormsby, J., tr. Poem of the Cid. S611-65 — Southey, R., tr. Chronicle of the Cid. . 861 1-6 — Dobson, W. T. The classic poets, pp. 95-138. [Extracts from the poem.] . 8021-3 Cigars. See Tobacco. Cilicia. Barker, W. B. Lares and Penates; or, Cilicia and its governors 9564-2 Cilley, Jonathan, American lawyer and poli- tician, b. i8o2- ens, < ■ E. The Qui en city in iSih) 177 "1 7 Bible in the public scl Is: arguments In the case ol Fohn I >. M 1 , el al., . the Board of edui ation ol the 1 ity of 1 Cincinnati 3771-2 Mansfield, E. I '. Memoii of the life and services of Daniel Drake 293B3 Cincinnati, Society ol the. Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and memorials of men of the revolution ami their families. pp. 186-242 4121-6 ClNO da I'istoia. Rossetti, D. G. Collected works, v. 2. pp. 163-177 795C5 ClNQ-mars. \ igny, A. ile. Cipher. Austin, Jane, 1 .. Circassia. Mackie, J. M. Life of Schamyl anil narrative of tin Cin in war of independence against Russia 807B2 Circassian boy. Lermontoff, M 89171-5 Circe. Brown, R. The myth of Kirke. . 2941-21 ClRCE ; or, three acts in the life of an artist. White, B. Circuit rider, The. Eggleston, Edward. Circulation. Pettigrew, J. B. Physiology of the circulation m plants, in the lower animals ami in man 59111-7 — Richardson, 1!. W. Ministry of health. IT- 31-77 6104-7 — See Physiology. Circumnavigations. Adams, X. Under the mizzen mast 4374-1 3 — Adams, S. B. Amy and Marion's voyage around the world 4374-14 — Early English voyages 437-3 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery. . . . 436-11 Historical account of the circumnaviga- tion of the globe ami of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Cook 437] 3 — Kelly, C. Voyages and travels 439—53 .r. ivioai I"-. , continued. of-wai life : a experience in the U. S. Navy, during a voyage around the world — - Purve , I '. I.., 1 h 1 ircumnavi- J. \. frigate "Potomac." 4371 -8 Spalding, J. W. The Japan expedition. 452 7 — • Spry, W. J. J. r of the " ' 1 '•" 437-84 — Voyages round the world 437'-9 — Wilkes, ('. Voyage round the world. . . 4371-95 1 irne, II. R. F. English seamen under the Tudors. v. 2. pp.80 ii5<;Wi2o- >:■,< 437 '7 Whymper, I . The sea, v. 1 437-95 Cist, Henry Martyn. Army of the Cumber- land. N. Y.. issj. i2°. [( lamps of the civil war. v. 7.1 97S1 ^1 11 hi mi. or, the casket. Plautu . I . M. ' omedies. v. 2. pp. 1S3-208. . 1 mi - Vppleton hand-1 I. ol • 11 ies 470-12 Bucke, C. Ruins ol ancient cities. . . 401-19 Buckli I. A. Great cities of the an- 1 1. 11I world V'i 2 Great cities of the middle ages. . . . 9213-2 1 li. 11 11. iy, D. Ancient cities of the New world 4072-3 I ol, J. Great cities of the world in their glory and in their desolation. . . 401-4 — Gillett, E. II. Ancient cities and em- pires 401-45 — Lee, J. S. Sacred cities 45S-55 1 mis, S. I.. Modern cities and their religious problems 263-49 — Osgood, S. Hearth-stone thoughts upon home-life in our cities I93~7 — Redding, M. W. Antiquities of the Orient unveiled 402-7 — Shepard, II. The great cities of the rn world 420S-8 — Tweedie, W. K.. Ruin- f the 402-S — Wright, W. B. Ancient cities 401-9 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies. pp. 250-276. Great cities and their influ- ence for good and evil 5;;! 3 5 of Egypt. Poole. R. S 403-6 CITIZEN Bonaparte. 170; 1815. Erckman, 1 ind Chatrian, A. [Story of a peas- ant, v. 4. J of Prague. Howitt, M. ClTOYEN Jacqueline. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. rytler, pseud.) and country life. Torrey, Mrs. M. I ' City ballads. Carleton, Will 206C2 CITY. 264 CLAGETT. City in the sea : stories of the deeds of the old Venetians from the chronicles. Sax- on, Mrs. E. L 9453-8 City madam. Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 377-407 616C3 ClTY of God and the church makers. Ab- bey, R 280-13 City of Nocross and its famous physician. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 243-7 City of Sarras. Taylor, U. Ash worth. City of success and other poems. Abbey, Henry 103C2 City of the Great King. [Jerusalem.] Bar- clay, J. T 4581-2 City of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. Burton, R. F. 4792-2 City of the sun. Campanella, T. In Ideal commonwealths, pp. 215-263 3202-5 City sparrows, and who fed them. B., n. d. 16° 227A2 Civil and Roman law. See Roman law. Civil engineering. See Engineering. Civil liberty and self-government. Lieber,F. 321S-5 Civil service. Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain: a history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American politics 35 I_ 4 — Bain, A. Practical essays, pp. 71-113. . 132K2 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures : Con- science, pp. 61-65. English precedents in civil service reform 1916-3 - Occident. pp. 89-97. Future of civil service 204-23 — Ford, \V. C, ed. In American citizen's manual, pp. 116-144 3207-41 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 1. pp. 499- 5'9 818-45 Civil war. See U. S. History, civil war. Civil wars and monarchy in France. Ranke, L 94428-7 Civilization. Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization 921-2 — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. . . . 301-2 — Balmes, J. European civilization : Prot- estantism and Catholicity compared. . 2827-15 — Buckle, II. T. Civilization in England. 2 v 901-2 — Carey, II. C Unity of law 301-26 Chapin, J. II. Creation and the early developments of society 213-19 — Del Mar, A. Money and civilization. . 331-3 Geiger, W. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in ancient times. 2 v. ... 9176-4 - Guizot, !•'. 1'. G. General history of civilization in Europe. 4 v 920-4 Halsey, I . J. Scotland's influence on civilization 9405-4 Harris, '■. 1 ivilization considered as a 1 ience 3 OI- 4 Civilization, continued. — Hittell, J. S. Brief history of culture. . 901-4 — Lubbock, J. Origin of civilization and the primitive condition of man. . . . 571-59 — Magoon, E. L. Westward empire. . . 901-6 — Morgan, L. H. Ancient society. . . . 309-5 — ■ Nordau, M. Conventional lies of our civilization 304-58 — Prometheus in Atlantis: a prophecy of the extinction of the Christian civiliza- tion 301-6 — Rawlinson, G. Origin of nations. . . . 400-7 — Stone, C. J. Cradle-land of arts and creeds 293-8 — Swazey, J. B. , (Ah-chin-lee, pseud.) Some observations upon the civilization of the western barbarians 442-12 — Tyler, R. H. Bible and social reform. . 2576-8 — Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity 2576-9 — WikofT, H. Four civilizations of the world 901-95 — Williams, J. World's testimony to Jesus Christ ; or, the power of Christianity in developing modern civilization. . . . 2576-92 — l'.ayne, P. Essays, ser. 2. pp. 259-303. 139E6 — Donnelly, J. Atlantis. pp. 129-275. Civilization of the old world and new compared 400-3 — Emerson, R. W. Works. Society and solitude. ]>|>. 23-37 319E2 Miscellanies, pp. 275-290 31SES — Kingsley, C. Lectures delivered in America, pp. 1 25-1 50. Ancient civil- ization 535E2 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 1. pp. 1S6-231 633E3 — Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations, ser. 1. pp. 54-90 609-7 — Smith, S. Occasional essays, pp. 1-37 and 107-124 836E6 — Steele, Mrs. J. D. Civilization. In Barnes, A. S. Brief history of Greece. pp. 46-71 918-16 — Walsh, J. B. Astronomy and geology compared, pp. 119-179. Progress and civilization 502-93 — See also Archaeology. Architecture. An. Culture. Education. Government. History. Law. Man. Philosophy. Piditical Economy. Science. Sociology. Civilization of the period of the Renais- sance in Italy. Burckhardt, J. 2 v. . 94506-2 Civitas: a romance of our nation's life. Campbell, W. 1 204C1 Cl \11iN, Horace B. Mills, J. D. Art of money making, pp. 337-357 658-63 Clagett, Sue Harry. Her lovers. I'hila., 1878. 12°. CLAIRVOYAN( l. — 265 - ' I \RK. Clairvoyance, i >a> is, \. I. Memoranda of persons, pi. 1 e\ ents 1 ] I (en ton, \Y. Soul "l thing . : or, p j cho- metric re icai 1 he and discovei ies. . . 177 i ; also Animal magnetism. Mind reading. 1 1 ipp, Asa. Hunt, F. Lives of American men hants. pp. 539 544 4'23&-4 (1 Mr, Eva Katherine. Lucky mishap. Chicago, 1883. 12 . Clait, Win. \V. Record of the Boston stage. B., 1S53. 12 • . . . 7S2-2 Clapperton, Hugh, Scottish traveler, 6. 1788- il. 1827. Taylor, IS. t yclopsedia of modern travel, v. 1. pp. 463-521. [Travels in Africa.] 136 8 1 1 IRA Vaughan. Blackmore, R. 1 >. (1 \ui, Lord. See Fitzgibbon, John. Cl IRE, John, English poet, '. 1793 ,/. 1864. De Quincy, T. Literary reminiscences. v. 2. pp. 277-271) 284E42 Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. ;; ; s 410-58 Cl ire, Mary Frances, sister, the nun of A'en- mare. Advice to Irish girls in America. X. V., 1886. 12° 4733J-27 Life of father Mathew, " Apostle of tem- perance." N. Y., 1S72. 16 619B1 1 1 \ki Vvery. Holt, Emily S. Cl are I. iin oln. Wade, D. S. 1 ',] m;i s.u ille. Luard, J. Clarendon, Earlof. See Hyde, E. Cl \RI 111 . I ules. < .amille I »i smoulins and his wife: passages from the history of the Dantonists. tr. by Mrs. Cashel I lory. I.., I876. 8° 2S5B9 Victor Hugo. In Daudet, E. and others, French celebrities, pt. 1. pp. 10; 120. 4105-35 - and others. French celebrities. pt. 2. V V.. 1883. 12° 4IOS-35 Contents. Jules Ferry, bj I 1 uardSylvin. — Geo. Cl hi hi, by Camillo Pelletin. — El Km. ui, by Paul Bourget Henri Rochefort, I >v I' . I in. ,,i ■ I Bazire. — Challemel-Lacour, by 1! lor Depasse. — Jules Simon, by Ernest Daudei — Erckmann Chatrian, l>y Jules Claretie.— Paul I'.crt, by Hector Depasse. — Alpbonse Daudet, !>v Inks Clarette. Cl \kissA. Richardson, Samuel. Clark, Abraham. Dwight, \. Lives ol the signers, pp. 143-146 41J1 ; — Lossing, I',. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 90-92 4121-53 Cl \Kk, Alex. Starting out: a story of the Ohio hills. Pliila., 1875. 16° 229A2 Ci.ark, Alex. Workday Christianity; or, the gospel in the trades; with introduc- tory note by Wm. Cullen Bryant. Thila., 1S71. 12° 241-24 Ci.ark, IS. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters. B., 1S70. 12° Si 7 26 Ci.ark, Chas. Hi bei . (Ma> Adeler, / Elbow-room: a novel without a plot. V V., n. d. 12° 817-15 I 1) 1 in. Hi- i kind and Othl B., 1882. 12° 8l7-l6 Contents. — The fortunate island, ( ity of burlesque, In old fogy. — Maj, Dunwoody's leg.— Jinnie. of the hurly-burly ; or, life in an odd I'liila., 1882. 12° 817-17 — Random shots, n. t. p. 12° 817-18 Ci.ark, Mrs. C. M., (C. M. Clay, pseud.) I: .-, Rue. B., «88l. 16". [No name i ies.] - Modern Hagar. 2 v. X. v., 1882. 12°. Ci.ark, 1). Kinnear. Additions. InDi sey, G. D. On drainage, pp. 245-339. 6285-4 ■ at practice in civil engineering. Additions. /» Law, II. Rudiment civil engineering 620-3 — tiiut Law, Henry. Construction of roads and streets, in two parts. 1. Artof con- structing common roads. 2. Recent practice in the construction of roads and streets. I ., [887. 12° 625-5 — ed. Fuel, its combustion and economy: .111 abridgment of "Treatise on the combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke," by C. W. William-,, and "The economy of fuel," by T. S. I'ri- deaux, with additions on combustion and econom) "f fuel; coal, coke, wood, peat, petroleum, etc., by the editor. I ... [879. 12° 6698-3 Cl \kk, Davis Wesgatt, /'. /'.. bishop of the .)/. E. church, b. 1S12-.Y. 1S71. His- torical sketches; or, narratives of strik- ing events in thi 1 human affairs. (inn., 18(14. 16 920S-25 Cent .' 1 i. Norman conquest Napo- leon's Russian campaign. — Persecution of the Pi itestants under Louis XIV. — History of Poland. — Conquest of Mexico. — The slave- trade— The Bastilc. — Traits and anecdotes of animals, illustrat- ing tlieir natural history, habits, and in- stincts. Cinn., 1S64. 16 1 5905-28 .and anecdotes of birds and fishes, illustrating their natural history, habits and instincts, (inn., 1S04. 10°. . . 5905-29 — Travels and adventure, n. t. p. 1(1'. . . 4388-3 — True tales for the spare hour; or, sketches of life and character. Cinn., 1S64. 16 . 903-22 I ile a revelation from God. In Ingham lectures, pp. 169-212 239-51 CLARK, E. Warren. From Hong Kong to the Himalayas; or, three thousand miles through India. N. V.. 1SS0. 12°. . . 454-23 — Life and adventures in Japan. I.., n. d. 12 452 25 CLARK. — 266 — CLARKE. Clark, Edson L. Races of European Tur- key: their history, condition and pros- pects. X. V., 1878. S° 9496-27 Contents. — 1. Byzantine empire. — 2. Modern Greeks and Albanians.— 3. Turkish Slavonians, Wallachians and Gypsies. Clark, lier. F. E. Danger signals : the enemies of youth, from the business man's standpoint. B., 1SS5. 12°. . . 199-23 Clark, Frank E. Our vacations : where to go, how to go and how to enjoy them. B., n. d. 24 470-2 — How to camp out at the beach. In Thompson, M. Buy-' book of sports. pp. 246-251 791-8 1 lark, or Clarke, Geo. Rogers, Am. general, l>. 1 752— . A. Works. v. 7. pp. 508-543. Review of Romanism in America 818-27 Clark, Mrs. S. R. (Graham.) Herbert Gar- denell's children. B., 188S. 12°. . . 229A36 — Our in, 1. B., 1SS0. 12° 229A4 — The triple I B., 1S84. 16°. — Yensie Walton. \. V., 11. d. 12°. '. en ie \\ I nalihoo I. B., [882. 12°. Clark, S. W. Vnal ol the Ei Miage, with a compli te cla ifii ation ' ■ ' phrases, ding to theii ". itical itrui ture. \. V., 12 115-22 Clark, Samuel. Commentary and critical notes on Leviticus. In Cook, F. C. Bible commentary 22313-2 — and Cook, F. C. Exodus ; with an ex- planatory and critical commentary. In Cook, F. C. Bible commentary. . . . 22312-3 Clark, Ren. T. Tour of Asia, abridged from the most popular modern voyages and travels; with remarks on the char- acter and manners of various Asiatic nations. L., n. d. 16° 45°-3 Clark, T. M. Building superintendence: a manual for young architects, students and others interested in building opera- tions as carried on at the present day. B., 18S4. S° 690-3 Clark, Thos. March. Primary truths of religion. N. Y., 1872. 16 2 39-295 — Immortality: [a sermon.] In Christian truth and modern opinion, pp. 163-188. 239S-25 — Seen and the unseen. In Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. pp. 1-30 239-21 Clark, W. P. Indian sign language, with brief explanatory notes of the gestures taught deaf mutes in our institutions for their instruction, and a description of some of the peculiar laws, customs, myths, superstitions, ways of living, code of peace and war signals of our aborigines. Phila., 1SS5. 8° 137-3 Clark, Win. R. Savonarola: his life and times. L., 1S78. 12° 805B9 Clarke, Adam, LL. £>., b. 1762-rt. 1S32. Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent Meth- odist ministers, pp. 107-135 4147-5 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. PP- 71-75 411-97 Clarke, Ambrose, yV'//// author. Ross, C. II. and Clarke, A. Story of a honeymoon. S17-S2 CLARKE, Asia Booth. Elder and the younger Booth. B., 1882. 12 . [American actor series.] ' 74^5 Clarke, Benj. First heroes of the cross. L., n. d. I2 C 2279-3 — From tent to palace; or, the story of Joseph. 1.., n. d. 16 221S-46 bind of the pigtail: its people and cus- toms, from a boy's point of view. L., 11. d. 12° 451-2 Clarke, Mrs. Benj. Plain needle work, hi Simple lessons for home use. pp. 135-^3 607-5 Clarke, (has. The Beauclerks: father and m. \. V., 1866. 8°. Clarke, i hai le - 1 'o\\ den. Eng. writer, b. 1 7S7 ,/. 1877, and Clarke, Mar) Cowden. Recollections of writers: with letters of 1 III.. I b, I eigh 1 1 inn, I lougla . Jerrold and Chas, Dickens, and a pref- CLARKE. — 267 CLARK I. Ci Ci Ci I I Ci Cl Cl Ci Ci Ci ,arke, ( '. ('., continued. ;h ■■ bj Mm ) < 'ov den 1 larke. N, V., n. d. 12° 4'82-3 irke, D. W. C. I 1 ie Mankind. N. V., 1S57. 16 - arke, Edward Daniel, i. 1 769-rf. 1822. 1 oster, John. Fosteriana. pp. 353— 359. [Re\ iev, "t I ravels.] 177E; St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travel- ers, v. 3. pp. 238-262 4159-78 1 1 i i . Ed« anl 1 i. The building of a brain. I!., 1.S74. 16° 3761-29 Contents. — Nature's working plans. — An error in female building.— .A glimpse at English brain building. Sc\ in education; or, a fair chance for girls. B., 1S74. 12°. Same, 1873. . . 3761-3 Visions: a study of false sight, (pseu- dopia) ; with an introduction and mem- orial sketch byO. W. Holmes. B., 1878. 12° '74-23 Duffey, I ■'. I!. No sex in education. Re- view of Sex in education 3761-4 Howe, J. \V., ed. Sex and education. A reply i" Sex in education 3761—5 Brackett, A. ('., ed. Education of Amer- ican girls. pp. ;(>N 391. Review of Sex in edui .11 ion 376-2 ARKE, F. W., ed. Weights, measures ami money of all nations. \. V., 1S79. 12 . 659-28 UIKE, II. J. G. .V. Feltre. VRKE, Mrs. Henry Steele. The marhl preacher. Ik, 1S70. 12°. IKKE, Hyde. Manufacture of brick and tiles in Holland. In Dobson, E. Manufacture of brick and tiles, pp. 47-55 6663-4 ARKE, J. S. Bell, E. II. /// Matthews. J. B. •'ltd 1 [utton, I ., 1 \ tors and actresses. v. 5. pp. 97-II2. Sketch of J. S. Clarke 417 1 ' '■ IRKE, las. Freeman, Unitarian minister, />. [8lO d. [888. \nli-sl.1\c-1 v days: a sketch of the struggle which ended in the abolition "I slavery in the United States. N. Y., [884. 1 J 3264 ; Christian doctrine ol forgiveness of sin. B., 1867. 12 2347 3 Christian doctrine of prayer. B., 1869. 16 244-3 Common sense in religion. B., 1874. 12° 204-16 Events and epochs in religious history : being the substance of a course of lect- ures delivered in the Lowell institute. 1880. B., issi. 12 204-165 Contents. lli> catacombs.- Buddhist monks of Central Asia —Christian monks and mo. n.istii lit'.- Augustine, Anselm, Bernard and their times. — Jeanne D'Arc, Savonarola and 1 inued. the 1 1 -. ola and thi in all rc- ligion Huguenots.— John Wesley and his 1 — Every-day religion. I!., 1886. 12°. . . 204 17 of the apostle Paul translated into their modern equivalcnl . B., 1 12° 22 ie! of 'I'll nits, the Ji B., [88l. 12° 2 }2'i 2 M> in aphical sketi hes. B., I878. 12° 4IC-29 Content* I \ \.n Irew II reeman.— C. Sumncr.-T. Parker.-- '.II W I 1 1 W, Channing. — E. S. Gannett.— S.J.May. — Susan Dimock.— G. Keats.— K. J. Breckenridge.— 1 . i —Washington.- -J.J.Rou- W. Hull. Orthodoxy; its truths and error-. I:.. 12° 2308-3 ulture ; physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual : a course of lectures. II., I880. 12° 374-27 1 n greal religions. \. t. An essay in 1 imp trativi theol y. B., [886. 12 . 290-3 v. j. A. 1 imp 1 : i ion of all reli li., 1S83. 8° 290-3 — Introduction. In Light on the hidden way 212-14 — Sermon. In Modern Unitarianism. pp. 7-25 2884-3 — joint author. Emerson, R. W., Channing, W. 11. ,ni,i t larke, J. F. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli — and Lilian, trs. Exotics: attempts to do- mesticate them. [Translations from classic and foreign poets.] II., 1S76. 16° 228C8 1, O. A. Works, v. 4. pp. 79-99. v. 7. pp. 179-196. v. 8. pp. 199. [Reviews.] S18-27 Holmes. ( 1. W. Before the curfew, pp. ■'• [Poem.] : — Putnam, A. P., <•■/. Singers and son the liberal faith, pp. 283 ; . 1675—^/. 1729. Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory, v. 2. pp. 425-438. . 190-6 Clarke, Thos. C. Discussion. In Dorsey, I B. English and American railroads compared 625-3 CLARKE, Wm. Allen, P. History of the expedition undei the mi. mm! ol i ap tains Lewis and Clarke 478-12 CLARKE, Wm. II. Outline of the structure of the pipe organ. Indianapolis, 1877. 8° 7766-3 Clarkson, Thos. Portraiture of Quaker- ism, taken from a view of the moral ed- ucation, discipline, peculiar customs, religious principles, political and civil economy and character of the society of Friends. Indianapolis, 1870. 8°. . 2896-3 Class and desk. Gray, J. C and Carey, C. S. 4 v. [Commentary on the Bible.] 2207-42 CLASS-book of etymology. Lynd, J. . . . 1 12-5 Class interests; their relations to each oth- er and to government : a study of wrongs and remedies to ascertain what the people should do for themselves ; by the author of Conflict in nature and life. N. V., 1S86. 12° 330-33 Classic and historic portraits. Bruce, J. . 410-19 CLASSIC French course in English. Wilkin- son, Wm. C 840-95 Classic German course in English. Wilk- inson, Wm. C S30-95 Classic lands. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in classic lands 440-196 Classical antiquities. 1. Old Greek life. Mahaffy, J. P 4053-6 — 2. Roman antiquities. Wilkins, A. S. 4056-9 Classical antiquities ; or, a compendium of Roman and Grecian antiquities. Salkeld, J 4051-S Classical dictionaries. Rich, A. Dic- tionary of Roman and Greek antiquities. 4051-7 — Smith, W. Smaller classical dictionary. 405-S Classical geography. Tozer, II. F. [Lit- erature primers.] 423-9 Classical Greek literature, History of. Mahaffy, J. P . . S80-6 Classical studies. Adams, C F. A col- lege fetich 37588-2 — Farrar, F. W., i-d. Essays on a liberal education 375—3 — Scotch graduate, A., /•send. Classical studies as information, or, as training. N. Y., 1872. 8° 37588-3 — Sears, B., Edwards, B. B. <»/. pp. 26-69 312B6 1 1 .11 H ATION of the sciences. Spencer, II. Recent discussions 142-84 CLA1 DE. — 269 — I LAVT( >!■ I'm i>i' 1 .< Hi r, . Coi rain . French landscape painter, b. 1600 d. [682. I lullea, < I. J. CI lUtle I ■ ' llee Ic Lor- raine li'il:; Sw eetser, M. F. * llaude Lori aine. I'-. [878, 24 . [Artists' biography series.] 110B4 I'll. mo, Mrs. S. K-./i. Princes "I art. pp. 292-300 4179 Claudi 1 iueu ■ . I lugo, V. Capital pun- ishmenl : < 'laude 1 lueux ; the lasl daj of a condemned nun. Clai i'i: I .. >i raine. S e < laude 1 lellee. Clai in tin- colpoi teur. Manning, M. A. i '1 ai dia. Douglas, Amanda M. Cl audian. Elton, 1 . A. Spei imens of the classic poets v. 3. pp. 265-302. 87001-3 Clai DIUS of Turin, bishop and reformer, d, about 840. Hodgson, W. Lives of the reformers, pp. 13 25 41 1 ; 1 1 11 Al i'ii 5, Mathias, German poet, b. ly^o-d. 1815. Lyrics. /» Brooks, C. T. Gei man lyrics, pp. 188-190 8319-3 — Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 2. pp. 24-S0 2743 1 — Hedge, F. Prose writers of Germany. PP. ' s ^ 186 830-43 Claudii s. See also Clodius. Clausius, R. Mechanical theory of heat. tr. by W.R. Browne. I... 1879. 12 . 536-23 Claussen, M. Timbs, J. Great inventors. W- i°5-3 oS 4169-9 i'i.a\ erhoi SE. See ( iraham, John. Claverings, The. Trollope, Anthony. Clavigo. Goethe, J. W. von. Faust, etc. PP- 551-594 S355-4 Clay, Cassius M. Fuller, M. Lifewithout ami life within, pp. 326-329 400E5 CLAV.Chas. to., pseud. S < larke, Mrs. C. M. Clay, Elizabeth, mother of Henry Clay. El- let, E. V. The women of the Ameri- can revolution, v. 2. pp. 34-36. . . 4121-35 Clay, Henry, American orator and statesman, Ik 177 7— »er. humorist, !•. 1835. Ad- ventures of Huckleberry Finn. N. V., 1885. 8°. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hartford, 1881. 12°. 1 1 lebrated jumping frog of Calaveras ' -unity and other sketi In- . ed. by John Paul. N. Y., 1867 Gilded ag< Hartford, [872. 8°. Ii ' ■■ iad ; "i. the new pilgrim's n • Il.nih.nl, [884. 8°. ... Life on the Mississippi. I'.., 1883. 8°. Pi ■ .uid the pauper. I'.., ixs.v 8°. 667-5 87001-3 347M 6863-69 9863-7 9861-9 41225-5 4104-7 6121-3 4105-35 480-24 3706-6 817 207 817 27 817-273 Clemens, S. L., continued. — Punch, brothers, punch! 817-2S Contents. — Punch, brothers, punch !— Speech on the weather. — Rogers. — Map of Paris. — Ran- dom notes of an idle excursion. — Speech at a dinner of the knights of St. Patrick. — Encount- er with an interviewer. —Loves of Alonzo Fitz- Clarence. — Canvasser's tale. — Roughing it. Hartford, 1877. Same, 1880. 8° 817-281 — Sketches, new and old. Hartford, 1875. 12° 817-2S2 — Stolen white elephant. B., 1882. 16 . — Tramp abroad. Hartford. 8° 817-283 — Jumping frog. In Mason, E. T., ed. Hu- morous masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 214-225. 817-63 — Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. PP- 365-3S6 4181-2 — Haweis, H. R. American humorists. pp. 143-170 ' 4I3I-4 CLEMENT I, St., pope. Holland, H. S. Apos- tolic fathers, pp. 60-114 2S12-45 — First and second epistle to the Corin- thians. In Ante-Nicene Christian libra- ry, v. 1. pp. i-6j 2S13-13 — Two epistles concerning virginity. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 14. PP- 365-395 2813-6 — Homilies. [Attributed to him.] In Ante- Nicene Christian library, v. 17. pp. I-33I 2813-21 — Recognitions. [Attributed to him.] //; Ante-Nicene Christian library. v. 3. pp. 135-472 2S13-S7 Clement V, pope, sue. i305-. 1600, sue. 1667 .'. [669. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. 1. pp. 125-132 2821-53 (11. mini XI, pope, Ik 1649, sue. lyoo-d. 1721. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. 2. pp. 183-226 2821-53 1 11 ii i\i XII, pope, Ik 1652, sue. 1730-1/. 1740. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. 2. pp. 248-268 2821-53 Clemeni XIII. pope, />. 1693, sue. 1 75S ,/. 17119. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. V. 2. pp. 299-330 2821-53 1 11 \n .1 Xl\, pope, i. 1705. "'- ■ 1769-rtN 1 774, M011I01 , A. ,|,-. Rom. in 1 tiffs. v- 2. pp. 331-383 2S21-53 ( LEMENT. — 271 < I EA ELAND. ( '1 1 mi \ 1 oj I ' candi ia, 1 Tilui Fla 1 Clemens,) Christian father oj 'd century. Writings. lr. by Wm, Wilson. In Ante-Ni< ene Chrisl ian library. v. 4 and 12 2813-2 Fragments. tr. I>y Wm. Wilson. In Ante' N ii ene < In istian libi ary. v. 2 \. PP. "37 <8i - s '.i 59 ( in the sal> ation of [he 1 ii li man. in Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 22. pp. 185-217 281 , li ;. C. Chrisl 1 in platonists of Alex- andria 2812-2 Cl EM) N 1, Clara Erskine, \J II if, 1 r, Am. writer, 6. 1834. I harlotti ' ashman. B., 1882. 12°. [American actor series.] 26564 1 , pi B., [880. 12 912-3 1 le inoi Mailland. B., 1881. 12 . I [and book ol 1 hi 1 >l ian >j mbolsand stoi ies (if tin- saints as illustrated in art. ed. by Katherine E. Conway. I:.. 1S86. 8°. 755-2 — Handbook of legi d mythological art. \. V., [871. 12 703 .; Outline historj of architecture for begin- ners and students! with complete inde and 11 ii in ■• s illustrations. N. Y., [886. 8° 720-25 — Outline history of painting for young people and students. N. Y., 1883. 8°. 759-2 — Painters, sculptors, architects, engra ami their works: a handbook. N. Y., '874- '- 703 1 Clement, J., ed. Noble deed ol American women. Introd. by Mrs. L. II. Sigour- ney. !'... 1873. 12 412 32 Clement, Joseph. Smiles, S. industrial biography, pp. 289-313 4169-8 CLEMENTI, Mii/iu, Italian composer, i. 1752- d. 1S22. Ferris, G. T. Great violini and ]>iani>ts. pp. 1 77—195 4177-41 ECeddie, II.. (S. rytler, pseud.) Musical composers and their works. 1111.300-307. 4177-5 1 lements, M. E. Bible stories simply told. 1 "Id restament. 1... 1885. 12°.. . . 22II-2 CLEMMER, Mary. \-, Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) 1 lennei.L, Luke. Dobson, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils, pp. 1S6-205. . 149R6 Clei ibt 1 is. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Ancient philosophers. 1111.96-99. . . 418 ; Cleomenes 111, king of Sparta, d. 1!. C. 220. Plutarch. Lives'. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 4. pp. 467-505 1 101 7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young fo Plutarch, pp. 268 274 4101 7^ Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies, pp. -in 27S 4101-96 Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, b. V-. C. 69-rf. 30. Abbott, J. History of Cleopatra, Queen of Eg) pi 1 leoi 1 . continued. B .1 " ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 11 - po r 1 1 pp. 78 89 jio 19 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 .11 1 1-94 : — Jameson, A. (M.) Mer elebrated ereigns. v. 1. pp. 31 56. . 1 1 Jenkin >, J. S. II history, pp. 11 ■-• Story, W. W. 1 Iraffi 1 d'ltalia. pp. '■17 '54 ( '1 eopa 1 RA. I \ no> el. I I lurand, A. M. C. II., (Henri Gre ville, « "i \meric; ane loti ... 2509-3 — Curious facts and cha Phila., n. d. 11V 3 8077-18 My clerical frii heir relations to li 1 n thought 2.S27 53 ' mi , I . I. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. pp. 195-265 Clericai library. Anecdotes illustrati New 1 . N. Y., 1884. S . . [acox, Franc is. Clerk, Dugald. Theorj ol the gas engine. N. Y., 1SS2. 24 6214-3 1 1 1 1 1.1 . Agnes M. Popular histor) 1 ny during the 19th century. Edin- burgh, 1887. 8° 5209-2 ui'. hall. Sewell, E. M. Cleveland, Rev. Aaron. Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 23-34. [I 1 11 ! 1 101 :11s.] 80914-4 1 levei \m>, Chas. Dexter, Amer. author and 1 1S69. Compendium 1 American literature, chronologically arranged, with biographical sketch) the authors, and selections from [heir wink-. X. V., 1859. 12° Sit 2; — Compendium of English literature, chron- ologically arranged from Sir John Man- deville to William Cowper. n. t. p. 12 . 8209-24 iish literature of the 19th century: from Warton to Brougham, n. t. p. 12°. 8209-25 English literature of the 19th century, from Warton to M. Arnold. Supple- ment to Compendium of English litera- ture. V V., i860. 12° 8209-26 Cleveland, II. W. S. Hints to riflemen. V V.. 1864. 12 707 3 Landscape architecture, as applied to the wants of the west : with an essay on forest planting on the great plains. Chicago, 1S73. 16° 710-2 CLEVELAND. 272 CLIMATE. Cleveland, Henry. Alexander H. Stephens in public and private, with letters and speeches, before, during and since the war. Phila., 1866. 8° 853B9 Cleveland, Henry R. Life of Henry Hud- son. In Sparks, J., ed. American biog. v. 10. pp. 1S7-261 412-86 Cleveland, Richard J. Voyages and com- mercial enterprises of the sons of New England. N. Y., 1855. 12 4374-3 — Voyages of a merchant navigator of the days that are past, compiled from the journals and letters of the late R. J. Cleveland, by H. W. S.Cleveland. N. V., 1886. 12° 4374-31 Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. George Eliot's poetry and other studies. N. Y., 18S5. 12° 229E5 Contents. — George Eliot's poetry. — Reciproci- ty. — Altruistic faith. — History. — Old Rome and new France. — Charlemagne. — Monastery. — Chivalry.— Jean of Arc. - Long run, The. Detroit, 1SS6. 12 . Cleveland, Stephen Grover, 22J president of U. S., b. 1837. Welch, D. Stephen Grover Cleveland : a sketch of his life. 230B19 — Black, C. F., ed. Lives of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks. pp. 13-68 230B18 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 39-44 41247-3 — Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 2. pp. 483-529 741B4 Cleveland, Ohio. Freese, A. Early his- tory of the Cleveland public schools. . 37977-4 — Maynard, M. C. (Brayton,) and Johnson, E. F. (Terry.) Our acre and iis harvest. Hist, sketch of Soldiers' aid soc. of N. Ohio 9S04-2 — Payne, W. Cleveland illustrated : picto- rial handbook of the Forest city. . . . 4771 1-7 — Wallace, F. T. Men and events of half a century 922E4 — Whittlesey, C. Early history of Cleve- land, O., with biog. notices of the teers and surveyors 9861-9 — Bishop, J. P., ed. Memoir of Seymour W. Adams, pp. 69-104. [Sermon giv- ing history of 1st Baptist church.] . . 107B9 See also Ohio. Western Re lei ve. CLEVER dogs, horses, etc., with anecdotes of other animals. Hibberd, S 5905-43 CLEVER woman of the family. Vonge, C. M. Cleverdai e mystery. Wilkins, W. A. Cleverness. In Hall, A. \l. (F.) Private purse, and other tales 450. \ 2 Clew to the maze and the spare half-hour. Spurgeon, *'. II 241-84 1 1 iv, , 1 1, in y, 1 1 ike, s. ( >ff-hand por- traits ol prominent New Workers, pp. 45-5° 4'247-3 Cliff dwellers. In Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America, pp. 198-259. . . 4°7~7 — Short, J. T. North Americans of antiq- uity, pp. 275-337 407-8 Clifford, Anne, countess of Pembroke. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 5. pp. 289- 298 411-65 Clifford, C. H. Shishak, the king; or, love avenged. Sacerdotal drama in 5 acts. Bristol, n. d. 12° 234C5 Clifford, Geo., 3d earl of Clifford. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 3. pp. 29-36. . . 411-65 CLIFFORD, Geo., earl of Cumberland. Ed- gar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes, pp. 1S6-199 4159-35 CLIFFORD, Josephine. Overland tales. Phila., 1877. 12°. Clifford, Thos., of Chudleigh. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 5. pp. 255-264 411-65 Clifford, Wm. Kingdon, Eng. author, b. 1845-0'. 1879. Conditions of mental de- velopment. N. Y., 1885. 8°.. . . . . 502-267 Contents. — Aims and instruments of scien- tific thought. — Lecture on atoms.— First and last catastrophy. — Common sense of the exact sciences. N. V., 18S5. 12° 501-3 — Lectures and essays. ed. by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock, with biog. sketch of the author. L., 1886. 12 230E1 — Seeing and thinking. L., 18S0. 12°.. 181-3 — Unseen universe. Philosophy of the pure sciences, n. t. p. 8° 502-27 — Atoms. In Estes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations, ser. 1. pp. 420-446. . . 504-42 CLIFFORD householder. Moore, J. F. . . . 643A1 Clifford Troup. Westmoreland, M. J. CLIFT, Win., (Timothy Bunker, /send.) Tim Bunker papers ; or, Yankee fanner. N. V., n. d. 16 63 4-33 Climate. Groll, J. Climate and time in their geological relations 55 1—3 1 Discussions on climate and cosmology. 551— 3 — Denison, C. Moisture and dryness. . . 551 57—3 — Disturnell, J., ed. Influence of climate in North and South America 55 '5^-3 Shove, 1 .. A. I .ilr under glass : SUj tions towards the formation of artificial climates 7'7-8 Brockett, L. P. Our western empire, pp. 94-100 478-19 Hubbard, B. Memorials of a half-cen- tury, pp. 417-581. Climate of Detroit and the lake region 9S741-7 — Jackson, K. M. S. The mountain, pp. 429-479 55M7-5 CUM \TK. «73 ■ [NO. I limatb, i ontinued. Umosphen Health n Mri. I i i'liy. i ' i . i m vtii i real menl ol ci n umption, I iay, LA 6135 5 i i i \i \ , ol Florida. Kenworth; J-. M. /> Climbing the mountain, i , n s. 438A5 ( '1 iM', \. I . Henry 1 1 .1 fanner i .111 do. I'lnl.i., [870. < Clinton, I ><\\ itt, tin. ttat< man, i. 1 , 1 182S. Campbell, W. W. 1 if. and writings of I leWitl < llinton Renwick, Jas. Life of DeWitl Clinton. 23065 Beck, I . K. I leWitl 1 llinton. In Hoi ol N can statesmen, pp. 1 1 s i-'i- 412 53 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence. v. < IT 16S 76 8lS2 '. Sew avd, Win. 1 1. Work .. \ . 4. pp. 206-221 818-8 ( '1 in n in, 1'ilu ard, earl oj I in ■ '». I E. Portraits of illu triou pei ons hi Gt. Britain, v. 2. pp. 157 164. . . 411 65 Clinton, Heni) Pelham, jtlt Juke of \ castle. Martineau, II. Biographical iketches. pp. 360-368 |H'l 62 Clinton, Jas. I leadlej . J. T. \\ and his generals, v. 2. pp. 170 179. pji (.6 Clinton ; or, boy life in the country. Sim- onds, W .. (W. Umwell, pseud.) . . . 8 ( '1 n.ii e of gold. Gaboi iau, E. Clive, « '.. Paul Fi 1 roll. 1 1856. 1 6°. Why Paul Fei roll killed'hi h ife. I 1 ,. 1861. 16 . Veai aftei yeai . Leip ig, 1858. 16 . Clive, [Catherine, 1711 i. 1785. Do A. In Matthews, I. B. and Hutton, L. V ten and actre >es. v. t. 47-58 : ■ 4179-6 Clive, Robert, ••••. . 1725 d. 1 774. < lleig, G. R. Life of Robert, fii -1 1 .ord Clive 230B9 Adams, \\ . II. D. Mr.nK aim. pp. 145-159 I 1 " 1- Memorable battles in English history. PP- 324 356 9 — Children' storj I k. pp. 163 107. . . |.I0 '7 — Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire PP- 9 42 I'll Greal battles of British army. pp. 149 17" 93°8 7 I odge, I . Portraits ol illusti ii iu 1 ;e : of Gt. I'n nain. v. 7. pp. - s : 411-65 Macaulay, T. B. In Men of history. 54-56 4"o-75 Mason, J., ed. (neat triumphs. pp. 43 47 I"> 7 i continued. 1 1 Ii men. pp. 21 1 ile, B. W. [low 1 11 by or, W. C 1 1 pp. 76 88 in 97 1 1 Rudi- ' •'■ 1 1 7 Booth, M. I.. complete watch- maker's manual 1 1 1 j 1 . W. B. Mi ' ] > 1 1 y , horology and astronomy 502-25 — Glasgow, D. Watch and clock-making. ICeml 1, I . Watch-repairer's hand Cook. I Nelthroj p, H. I.. 1 e on watch- work 'i Bal ewell, F. C. 1 Ireal fai ts. pp 1 7S. Electro-] .... Britten, F.J. Watches and clocks. /" Bi ish manufacturing industries. v. 1 1. pp. 72 108 ' Dickei I Sunshine mi daily pi pp. 161 167. Time.- and the hour. . . Hoi ravel, pp. 103-12S — Lacroix, P. Vrts in the middle ages. pp. 1 7094-5 — Lardner, I'., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 6. pp. 1 48 l.ukiu, J. Boy engineei taking for amateurs, pp.122 143. 680-5 Mateaux, < '. I . VA i of work. pp. 17s i'ii ' Smile,-, S. Men of invention and indus- try, pp. 72 mi p 1 11 idd, I in! Childhood of relig sim] ni growth of myths and legend 5. N. V., 1 12° 290-32 Childhood of the world: simple aci of man in the early times. I.. 1873. Same, N. Y., 1873. 12 571 23 Same. In Smith, S. 1-'.. ed. Myths and hern. ,02 Myths an I ., i ss s. 12". . Story of creation : plain. 1. evolu- tion. I ... 1888. 12 575-23 Dreams. In Proctor, K. A., •'. Nature studies, pp. 14-21 50 2 -/ (Yonns, Publius, called Pulcker, Roman poli- tician, a. B. C. -.:. B S. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius. ; 4«>3 - 1 1 ' ii- 111; and the heart. I i 1; life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Stirling, \\ 222E9 CLOSING scene: or, Christianity and infideli- ntrasted, in the last hours of remark- able persons. Neale, Rev. I 410—S CLOTELLE. — 274 COAL. Clotelle. Brown, W. W. Cloth of gold and other poems. Aldrich, Tlios. B 1 1 4 < 4 Clothing. Treves, F. Influence of cloth- ing on health 6134—8 — Faunthorpe, J. P.. ed. Household science. pp. 202-263 640-36 McSherry, R. Health, and how to pro- mote it. pp. 115-122 613-6 — Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. pp. ISO-IS5 5 02 -65 — Pope, J. J. Clothing. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. 1S5-215 607-5 Number one and how to take care of him. pp. 1 10-133 613-7 — See also Costume. ClotilDE, St., Queen of France, d. 545. Fifty famous women, pp. 2S7-2SS 4 r 3 _ 4 Clotii.de. Pontmartin, A. de. CLOUD on the heart. Roe, A. S. Cloud with the silver lining. Mackarness, M. A. /// Star in (lie deceit 600A3 In Sunbeam stories, pp. 33-76. . . . 600A4 ( 1 "i ded in mystery. B., M. A. A. Clouds. Ruskin, J. Storm cloud of the 19th century 55155—7 Modern painters, v. 5. pp. 101-151. 1 part 7.) Of cloud beauty 750-69 -- See also Meteorology. Physical geogra- phy. Clouds, The. Aristophanes. Comedies. v. 1. pp. 117-179 S824-4 CLOl DS and sunshine. Reade, Chas. CLOUDS and sunshine in the life of a village pastor. Phila., 1856. 12°. 1 louds in the east. Baker, V 455- '5 < im !>v sky. Springer, Narcissa S. Clougii, A. F. Photography. In Mount Washington in winter, pp. 132-137. . 47428-4 CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh, Eng, poet, b. 1S19- d. iS6l,ed. Plutarch's lives. 5 v. . . 4101-7 — Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 589-592 8092-9 n. J. E. From darkness to light: tory of the Telugu awakening. I!., 1882. 12° 2654-32 Cloi ITON.W.A. Popular tales and fictions, theii migrations and trar fi u mat s. 2 v. \. v., 1887. 12° 382-25 Clo i each. Vandegrift, Margaret. . . 912A7 CLOVERNOOK. Cary, \. ii-book : lieing original tales by rami , Picken, Gait, Power, Jerdan, M ( Cunningham, I togg, Riti hie and othi 1 1 \ And] ew Pii ken. 2 v. in 1. N. V., 1856. 12°. Content*, v 1 Introductory, by Flic editor. Bcrl sicg e of Rhodes, by G. P. R f 11 1 1 , the traveler, by Join I the ( iLUB-book, continued. Abruzzo, by Tyrone Power. — Eisenbach ; or, the adventures of a stranger, by Andrew Pick- en. — Fatal whisper, by John Gait. — Sleepless woman, by Win. Jerdan. — Dramatic scenes founded on Victor Hugo's celebrated tragedy of Hernani, by Lord Francis Leveson Gower. 2. Gowden Gibbie, by A. Cunningham. — Bridal of Borthwick, by D. M. Moir. — Deer- stalkers of Glenskioch, by Andrew Picken. — The painter, a Sicilian tale, by John Gait. — Laidlaws and the Scots, by the " Ettrick shep- herd." — Unguarded hour, by John Gait. — Cheaterie packman, by I.eitch Ritchie. — Bugle of the Brae, by the" Ettrick shepherd." — Book of life, by John Gait. — Three Kearneys, by Andrew Picken. Club of one: passages from the Fiote book of a man who might have been sociable. B., 1887. 12 231E4 1 . and club life. Fairfield, F. G. Clubs of New York 367-4 — Hay, C The club and the drawing room : living pictures of modern life; social, political and professional 367-5 — Timbs, J. Clubs and club life in London. 367-9 — Emerson, R. W. Society and solitude. pp- -14-236 3'9E2 Matthew-, \V. Great convei'sers and other essays, pp. 44-52. Literary clubs. 617E5 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society. pp. 95-107. Of certain clubs and club wits under Anne. . . . 410-964 Cluny Macpherson. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. 1 1 , 1 11 . Lord. See < Campbell, Colin. I'nii ards of Clyffe. Payn, J. CLYMER, Geo. Dwight, N. Fives of the 1 is of the declaration of independ- ence, pp. 190-197 4 I2I ~3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 114-118 4121-53 Clytemnestra. Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Poems, v. 2. pp. 9-100 596C1 Coaches and coaching. Apperley, C J. The chace, the turf and the road. . . 6364-18 — De Quincey, T. Miscellaneous essays. pp. 125-196. English mail-coach. . . 284E41 1 oaina, the rose of the Algonquins. Dorsey, Mi \. Ann 1 I I. Coal. Atkinson, J. J. Gases met within coal mines and the general principles of ventilation 6224-2 — Barr, W. M. Combustion "f coal. . . . 6698-2 Bowen, E. ' '".il and coal nil ; or, the geology of the earth 5532-17 — Collins, J, II. Principles of coal mining. 5532-24 Daddow, S. IF and Bannan, B. Coal, in in and oil ; or, the practii il American miner 553—3 I lyi 1. S. Blai k diamonds; or, the curi- osities "I coal 5532—3 COM — 275 Coal, continued. Fairley, W. Ventilati I coal • ■ t 1 • ■ , K. [.. Histor; nining in ' Britain 5532-4 I [ale, r\l 1 loal and inl Nortl lin.i 553-4 I i'.i\ hi. III I J. about peat a article "l fuel, to which is added a chapt r on thi util tion of coal 1 with peat, speci ill) adapted foi si e service 55321-6 \lu farlane, J, Coal-i eg ii m 1 il \ their topogi iphj eologj md de 1 -lop- menl , , Saward, I 1 . E. Coal , ci ial produc- tion, price , transportation, etc., at h ami abroad 62 Smyth, W. \\ . Rudimentai | I coal and coal mining 5533—7 — Same. Bound with Morgans, W. Manual of mining tools 553 2 "' — Williams, C. W. Combustion of coal ami prevention ol smi ike 62 Abridgment of. In Clark, D. K..,ed. Fuel, its ci imbustion and ei onomy. . . 1 Bui klej , \. B. Fairy land of scii PP- I7»-I92 5 4-25 Carey, Annie. Wonders ol common tiling, pp. 9-23 604-2 1 Iroll, I . ' 1 heir geo- logical relations, pp. 420-434 551 31 Dickens, < '., td. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 82-104 604-3 Dodge, J. R. West Virginia: its farms and forests, mines and oil wells, pp. 160-168 t754-j - Huxley, T. 1 1. Critiques and addi e pp. 92— IIO. On the fi on of coal. 502 40 — Jones, W. Treasures of the earth, pp. ♦9 73 — Kingsley, C. [own geology, pp. 117 160 55°4-5 K nox, 1 . \\ . I ind world. p|>. 37-Si 6229-5 Martin. E. \\ . Histor) ol the grange movement. pp. 253 282. Coal nopoly - Mateaux, C. 1 . Wonderland ol work. pp. 1 22 607-4S — Mushet, I'. Papers on iron and steel. 517-908 6691-7 N ichols, J. R. Fireside iem e. pp. 203-214 502-65 Page, 1 '. 1 ieoli ig) fot gem PP. 143 '86 550-74 Patton, J, D. Natural 1 esi I the '"■ s - PP. 4 3> 553 73 Pi 1 ictor, R. A. B01 ; ■ e. PP- -'" 320 5°4 7' Coal, ontinued. Pumpelly, 1 pp. 2S7 306 and 4.12 ; , in China ; Sinclair, J. I and ubjects. pp. 1 25 Symonds, W. S, the valley. 1 leology. M Coal oil. 1 . Manufactui phol "ii oils, from coal ;i . 6652-2 Mills, 1 I 1 tructive distilla- tion 1 1 lOAL tar co I3i nedikl, K. < Ihemtstry of 1 he coal tar colours ■ii, I . 1 . 1 <'.al tar colours. . . . 6 Coan, Titus, D. I'.. Congregationalist mis- nonary, b. 1 s,,i ,/. 1882. Advenl in Patagonia: a missionary's exploring trip; with introduction by U02-25 Conl ■■ life in Norfolk ago, by Rev. A. Jessop.— Siena, by S. J par. — A few words about the eighteenth niry. by J 1 Harrison. — France and England a oing.— General Chanzy. 5. Questions of belief. N. Y.. [6 204-1S Contents. — Responsibili ibelief, by Viol- rnon Lee. / istic morality, bj F. P. < v - ral relig n, by l Gti rn« Suppress! I nous, opin- ions, by L. Stephen. — Modern miracles, by E. S. Shdckburgh. O I \N. — 276 — COBDEN. Coan, T. M., continued. — No. 6. Art and literature. N. Y., 1883. 16° Contents.- Philosophy of the beautiful, by J, S. Blackie. — Hellenism in South Kensington. — A dialogue, Plato and Landor, by H. D. Traill. — Beginning of .in. by S L. Poole. — Ancient, mediaeval and modern stage, from Edinburgh review. — Impressionists, by F. Wedmore. — Wagner and Wagnerism, by E. Gurney. : pilot for the lakes, New. scott, G. I OATES, Henry T. Short history of the American trotting horse, and tables of trotting and pacing performances. In Every horse owner's cyclopedia, pp. 5°3 -5*3 — ed. Comprehensive speaker, n. t. p. 12 . CoATSWORTH, Stella, S. Loyal peoph oi the northwest; with an introductory note by T. M. Eddy. Chicago, 1S69. 8° 1 OBB, Joseph P. Leisure labors; or, mis- cellanies, historical, literary and polit- ical. N. Y., 1S58. 12 Contents. — Thomas Jefferson. — Review of life and times of William H. Crawford. — Macau- lay's history of England. — Willis's poems. — Longfellow's poems. — Slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia. — True issue between parties in the south ; union or dis- union. COBB, Mary L. Poetical dramas for home and school. Bound with Smith, Mrs. 1 '. L. Home games. 1:., 1S73. 16°.. . COBB, Sophia Dickinson. Hillsboro farms. B., 1869. 12°. . Frances Power, Irish philosophical writer, l>. 1S22. Darwinism in morals, and other essays. Reprinted from [va- rious periodicals.] B., 1883. 12°. . . Contents. — Darwinism in morals. — Heredita- ry piety. — Religion of childhood. — An English broad churchman. — French theist. — The devil. — Pre-historic religion. — Religions of the world. — Religions of (he east — Religion ami literature of ! ' ■ oiiscious cerebration.— Dreams as illustrations of involuntary cerebration. — Auricula] n the cl h ol England. — Evolution of morals and religii n I iniies of women: [lectures.] P., 1NN1. tz° — Faith le i world: reprinted b; from the "Contemporary review " with additions and a preface. L..1885. 8°. Hope "f the human race, hereaftei and here. N. V., 1876. 12° Hours of wink ami play. Phila., iSt>;. Contents, Publii — Indigent class. — Ilrahmo-samaj. -Falls memory. — Fenian idea D Lady's ad ventun in I -Di- ,1 church. — f death.— Allured. — Spectral i rlumoui ol various nations,— Fenians of Ba lai ky, 704-28 4277-8 6361-9 soi-26 9804-3 240E I 735-36 204-19 193; I z 1 1 8 _• 21 S 2\ 240E5 1 OBBE, F. P., continued. — Religious duty. P., 1SS3. I2 -1 241-26 Contents. — Religious duly. — Religious of- fences — Religious fault Religious obliga- tions. — Agnostic morality. In Coan, T. ML, ed. Questions of belief, pp. 57— Ni . . . . 204-18 Final cause of woman. In Butler, J. P.. ed. Woman's work and woman's cul- ture, pp. 1-26 396-25 — Introduction. In Stanton, T., ed. Wo- man question in Europe, pp. 13-18. . 396-S5 1 ■ oi 1 1 r, W111.. Eng. political writer. />. 1762- d. 1835. Cottage economy: to which I- a. hied The poor man's friend. N. Y.. 1833. 16 640 •; — English grammar: revised and annotated by Alfred Ayres. N. Y., 1884. 16 . . 115-24 History of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland. 2 v. X. Y., ■S32-34- 1 6° 283-27 — Life of Andrew Jai kson. V \ '.. 1834. . 510B2 - Rural rides in [twenty-seven counties of England] during 1S21-32, with eco- nomical and political observations. 2 v. L., 1886 442-228 — Thirteen sermons; to which is added an address to the working people, on the "New dead body bill." N. Y., 1834. 1 6° 252-35 — Bulwer, W. II. L. E. Historical charac- ters, v. 2. pp. 81-152 4104-2 — Gilfillan, G. .Modem literature and lit- erary men. v. 2. pp. 263-277. . . . 418-42 — Hazlitt. W. Miscellaneous works, v. 5. pp. 219-229 459ES — Lodge, II. ('. Studies in history. pp. no 131 904-5 Men who have made themselves, pp. 265-273 4IO-757 Monill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons. pp. 131-133 4IO-78 — Reed, W. B. Among my books, pp. 105-118 .' 7S3E1 — Russell, W. Extraoi linat) men and wo- men, pp. 292-308 410-9 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 538 552 410-92 - Sicbbing, W. Some verdicts ol histor) reviewed, pp. 300 .^S 411-95 1 1 ibbi 'i D, R . R. I 1 e ton tow ei : tale of the times of Cardinal Wolsey. I... n. d. 16 240A5 I >i. 1 .1 s, John I . While sl.u , of Ell [land. Auburn, 1853. 12 336S-27 1 .. Paul. 1 ioing 1 mission. P., 1.S71. 16 240A6 — Turning wheel. 11. t. p. l6° 24"\; Cobden, Rich. ml. Eng. statesman and econ- omist, A. 1804-,/. 1865. Political writ- ings of 1 1. 2 V. L., 1867. 8°. Same, 1868 308-3 i I HJDEN. 277 < ODMAN. Comikn, Richard ■ itinued. 1 Ireland n .. Ru '. 1 v I.M'i 111 H 1 I ' ■ - 1 ! Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ■ 1 ■ 1 : n ! 1 1 Mm 1 |i 1 [ epia t \ov hi" .1:. 1 obden I' ii hard 232B2 McGilchri 1 . I . Richard ' obden, the ,i|.i. ill ii in-, trade ■ I B Morley, I. I ii>- "i Rii hard 1 obden. B 1 igers, J. 1''.. T. 1 lobden and modi rn politii al opii \1l.n1. 1 . K., 11I. Ri 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ', 1 1 ■ 1 1 '. ! pp. 95- 1 08 .1 sketch and oratioi he effecl of pro n mi the agricultural interest:.. | . 825S-2 \ 11 -.11, 1 1. J . 1 >real mo\ 1 mi nl pp. • ■ 1 164. Repeal of th laws. . . 4104-7 I'm 1.111. J . 1 . industry. pp. '"5 1169-7 1 1 H, in 1 club is;i 72. I .. 1872. 8 304-3 Cotttr ti I'n ii- if war and 1 he ir number, by Emile de Laveleyc 1 1 ■■ ind cu I mo) 1 mil i.\ 1 reo C I'.i 1 iImi 1 Presenl aspect of the land qui ition, by Wm Fom ler. Finan. ia] re- t'i .mi, li\ I I' Cliffe Leslie 1 1ci.1l treal betw i Greal Britain md Germany, bj Julius Foucher. —English coinage question, by John I'- Smith. Trade unions and the rela- tions of capital and laboui 1 .. ick. — Colonial question, by J. 1 1 h n Id R igers. K ..hi financial, industrial ami commercial , :. 11. ■ .1 i!i. r S.: curious chapter on political economii history, by David A Wells. Cobwebs and cables. Smith, Hannah, II tesba Stretton, pseud.) Cobwebs from an empty skull. Bierce, M. \., il '.ii 1 Irile, pseud.) 827 2 CocHlN-China. Knox, T. W. Boy travel- ers in the far e -.Mm and I. '. .'. . 45.;-5 1 1: IN] . Archibald, gth earl 0/ Dundon- ald. Memorials of early genius, pp. S°4-3 12 410-74 Cochrane, Grisel. Walford, E. Tales of our greal families, v. 1. pp. 129-134. I 11 lb.- Ii. hi ,e mI 1 'mi. 1. maid. . p 1 hi 1 OCHRANE, Iran, Lady Kilsyth. Walford, r rales of our great families, v. 1. pp. 59 67. Lad) Kilsyth; or, "Twixt the Mock ami an earldom." 411-99 Cochrane, John Dundas, captain, British eler, b. 1780-^. 1825. Northern re- 'S. pp. -13-302 4 l|S &9 ■ — Taylor. 1'.. Cyclopedia of modern travel. y. I. pp. 383 410. Captain Coch- rane'* pedestrian journey through Sibe- ria 436-8 KANE, 1 ..." Dundonald, British admiral, 6. 1775-1/. 1S60. Adams, W'.ll. D. "In perils oft." pp. 68-111 4159-14 ■ . ,''! ' 1 ' i'. ddin . 1 Pei pp. 230-279 in ||, in (Kiit 1 1 ■ - 1 ford), 0. 1 7 1 ■; .;'. 1 794. Kcddie, II, unit Watson, J. 1 ,. v - Scotland, v. 1. pp. 52 195 | URN, Sir 1 ■ I., Si. ,1 ■; . 1 . I i 1779 il. [854. his V V., 1859. 12° A In, 1I1 mi, 1 . \\ . I ays. I Re\ lev. i-l M- in - I. .!/. /'. Laws of nature and 1 d I irummond. I 12^ 210-2 Cocker, B. I". Christianity ai philosophy; or, the relation between ml reflective thoughl in 1 , and the positive teachinj Christ ami Ii \. \ .. 1S70. I I., i 1 ... . 1: 1 in opposition to V N ., 1875. 8°. . 201-2 1 1 1. 1. i- in, 1 !■ in ■ in-. - 1 leorge Ju- lian, the prime. Hula., 1842. 8°. - — Love match. Phila., n. d. S°. the somnambulist. Phila., n. <1. 8°. — Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. Phila., n. d. 8°. Cocoa. Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of corn- life, v. I. pp. 1S0-196 660-5 1 and 1 hocolate : ry ol their production ami u$e, with account of their propertiesand of the various meth- ods of preparing them for food. 1 Chester, Mass. 1886. 16 6425-3 Keeling islands. Forbes, H. O. Nat- uralist's wanderings in the eastern archi- pelago, pp. 3-50 490-4 Thoreau, II. I). 1 47449 s Mackie, J. M. 1 <■ Cod to Dixie and the tropics, pp. 396 422 47; 6 Codding, Ichabod. Bartlett, D. W. Mod- 1 traits of living i ei ~. pp. 56-72. ... 4122 Codman, John. Round trip, by w ay of Pan- ama through ' Ne- vada, I "tab. Idaho, and I with notes on railroads, commerce, agricult- ure, mining, scenery and people. V \ .. 1879. 12 — Solution of the Mormon problem. N. N .. 1885. 12° [Questions of the day se- ries.] CODMAN. — 278 COINS. CODMAN, John, continued. — Ten months in Brazil. B., 1S67. 12°.. 481-25 Cody, Wm. F. Life of Hon. William F. Cody, known as Buffalo Bill, the fa- mous hunter, scout and guide. Mart- ford, n. d. S° 235B5 1 o-EDi cation. See Education, women. 1 <] LEBS in search ofawife. More, Hannah. Same. In More, Hannah. Works, v. 2. pp. 304-437 828-63 1 '■] kuleans. A vacation idyll. Cunning- ham, H. S. Coffee. Hewitt, R. Coffee: its history, cultivation and uses 6425-4 — Dickens, C, ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 233-242. Coffee planting in Ceylon. 604-3 — Hazard, S. Cuba with pen and pencil. pp. 478-49S 47291-4 — Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. I. pp. 165-179 660-5 — Sanborn, H.J. Winter in Central Amer- ica and Mexico, pp. 162-169 4728-7 — Saunders, F. Pastime papers, pp. 190- 209. Coffee and tea 805E3 — Whetham, J. W. B. Across Central America, pp. 75-82 4728-9 Coffin, Chas. Carleton, Am. journalist, />. 1X21. Boys of '61; or, four years of fighting: personal observation with the army and navy. B., I SSi . 8°. . . . 978-2 Boys of 76: history of the battles of the revolution. N. V., 1876. S° 975-35 Building the nation: events in the his- tory of the U. S. from the revolution to the beginning of the war between the States. N. \ ., 1882. S° 976-3 — Caleb Krinkle. N. Y. 12°. — Drum-beat of the nation: first period of the war of the rebellion from its out- break to the 'lose of 1S02. X. 1 ".. 1888. 8° 978-22 — Following the Mag, from Augu 1. 1861, to Nov., 1862, with the Arm) "l the Potomac. N. Y., [876. 16° 9785-25 I 1 1.1 years oi fighting. n. 1. p. 8°. oi "di-1 972-8 - My '1 13 - and nights on the bal tie fii Id. 1; [885. 12 978 21 — Old times in the colonies. N. \ ., n. d. 8°. [Discovery and settlement of N. - rica and histoi j of I he 1 olonies un- til the revolution.] 974-2S 1 1 he world, a. t. p. ' 438-24 if empire. I'... iS;o. 12" 4776-3 liberty. V Y., [879. 8°. . . 920-25 Winning his spurs. 1!., 1883. 16°. . . 242A2 Coffin, Levi. B i I Li i Col fin. Cinn., 1876. 12° 3265-3 Coffin, Robert Barry, (Barry Gray, pseud.), b. 1S26. Cakes and ale at Woodbine. N. Y., 1872. 12 . — Castles in the air : and phantasies. N. Y., 1871. 12°. — Matrimonial infelicities. N. Y., 1869. 12°. — My married life at Hillside. N. Y., 1872. 12°. — Out of town. N. Y., 1867. 12 . Ccii 1 i\, Roland F. The America's cup; how it was won by the yacht "Ameri- ca" in 1851, and has since been de- fended. N. Y., 18S5. 1 6° 794-3 COFFMAN", Sarah. In and about Petcha- buree. /// Siam and Laos. pp. 112- 119 2659-7 Coggeshall, Geo. Historical sketch of commerce and navigation, from the birth of the Saviour down to the present date, [i860.] N. Y., i860. 8° 437-24 — History of American privateers and letters of marque, 1812-14. N. Y., 1S56. 8° 9732-28 COGGESHALL, Wm. T. Home hits and hints. N. Y., 1859. 12 . — Samuel Lewis. In Barnard, H., ed. Edu- cational biography, pp. 351-364. . . 4157-2 — ed. Poets and poetry of the west; with biographical and critical notices. Co- lumbus, 1S60. 8° 8091-25 COGHILL, J. Henry. Ainu. id: journal of a tour through Gt. Britain, and on the Continent. N. Y., 1868. 12° 442-23 Coins and coinage. Billing, A. Science of gems, jewels, coins and medals, ancient and modern 735-2 Bov. ring, J. Decimal system in numbers, coins and accounts 3314-2 — llenfrey, 11. W. Guide to the study of English coins from the conquesl to lite pre em time 33'4 _ 38 — Hoiii.nis, I. S. ' I k 3314-4 itui ton, S. 1 1. Silvei pound and I Ing land's monetar) policy since the restora- tion ; together with t he history of the guinea 33'4~42 1 1 umphi ri .. II. \ . 1 oin coll i manual: guide in the formation of a cabinel oi 1 oins 736-5 — Veeder, N. Cometallism 3315 8 Camden, \\ . Remains concerning Brit- ain, pp. 191-207 406-3 ( lollignon, M. Manual oi 1 Ireek at 1 h 1 ology. pp. 325-342 7°93 8 i Jew eii, I.. I bill bout s among ;ome Eng- lish antiquities, pp. 137 14S 406-5 Seaman, E. C. Pn igi e of nation ., ei , 1. pp. 2411 271 and pp. 300 301. . . 609-7 ('(Ill COL] RIDGE ( Hi i , Thos. \\ iathrop. I'm nun m ; or, a chun 1 i 1 defi nse i il i( aspei -, by an appea I to il own history. Nf. Y., 1845. 12 Coke, Sir Edu ard. Bi ightwell, C. 1 Memorials "I the eai I) livi and ■ !■ u njjs "f greal la u yei . pp, (6 50 , 1 ampbell, I Chief jusl land. Phila. ed. v. 1. pp. 208 287. V 1 . ed. v. 1. pp, 2 1, iS7 411-24 Coke, I hos . /-. 1747 d. 1814. 1 P. 1 1 Eminenl Mel hodisl mini tei pp, S5-106 ( i | ; ■ , COLBECK, I . • Publii 11 I I- historical I ... 1885, 8° 421-2 1 01 m RT, Jean Baptiste, Marquis A Seignelai, '■. ' [683. [ami , 1 ;. P. R. Lives of Cardinal di Rel Col >ei I [and oth- ers]. X.I. pp. I3I 2p. 3- 75 MO-S9 1 ■ ii 11 h, S. G. I l,'i "i in ..i bo) I I. PP- •>' '5° 1 1 CoLBORN, J.. ' With H ii ks Pasha in the Si, ml. in, being a n ai 1 ount of the Sena, 11 campaign in 1883. I ... 1S84. 12° 9626-3 Colburn, I lem y. Curw en, I I. History of booksellers, pp, 279-295 418-33 1 .. W ai ren. Barnard, II., ed. I phy. pp. 195-217. . . 4157-2 Colburn, Zerah. I- tive engine: in- ■ luding .1 de ii 1 iption of its structure, rules foi estimating its capabilities and practical ob ervations on its construction and management. Phila., 1869. 16 . . 62113-17 Steam boiler explosions. N. Y.,1873. 24°. 62118-3 1 1 . Chas. I '1. mi 1 atlas ; with de- scriptions of all countries; exhibiting their actual and comparative extent and then presenl political divisions, founded on the must recent d rec- tifications. Western hemisphere. N. Y.. I S 5 7 . 12° 1.22-3 Colchester, England. Townsend, G. F. Siege of Colchi hi event of the civil war. A. D. 1648 9362-8 W 6345-31 Cole, Geo. K. Fitz-Roy. Peru\ ians at I I ■• '* S |. 12° 485-25 Cole, Sa Hi nry. Pai ton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 294-299 4169-7 I . K. Ho: in, I how 1 it ; giving the most approved methods of 1 her with the an- atomy of the horse's foot, and its dis- eases, linn., 1879. S° 6362-3 1 e, E. and Isley, K., eds. The world, v. 2. British essayists, v. 23 1S4I 1 COLl I ! 1 1 . ,.' ' [801 I I . 1 I , ■ : : I I • ' in, S. K . Pool I*" 1 . 1 1 2S ; 410-16 ni, \\ . 1 Ora pp, 1 41 n, II I . Bool of ; •23-232 1 1 ,1 1 , Win. II. Instil Cini . 1870 1 .• soi-265 COLEBROOKE, il rho I Life of tli 1 ble Mountstuarl phin torn . 2 v. L., 1884 8°. . . . CoLl 1 IN, \\ . S. Bi in Ii I ... 1867. 16 595»-3 1 . [ohn Wra.,6isAo/> of Natal, 6. 1814 J. iNS;. Cumming, I. Moses right and Bishop 1 M ill. in. M. W ork . v. 3. p] Answei to Colenso 208-57 1. Bartolommeo, It,iti v di n, I In Ward, T. II., ed. Eng- lish poets. 1.4. pp. 518 519. . . . S092-9 Reed, II. Lectures on the British ; V. 2. pp. 272 312 JS21 7S Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 144 15° 4IO-934 Coleridge, Henry Nelson. Introducl In Homer's minor poem-. pp. ;i 34. Colerh Duke, baron, b. 1S20. Introduction. In Coleridge, S. I'han- tasmion. a fairy tale \\ oodruffe, W. L. ridge and the English courts. In Parton, J., Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. 237-241 410-S3 tDGE, Samuel Taylor, English rneta- ician and pott, b. 1772 ■ ./. i Works, i • J v. N. V.. 1854-56. 12° - Contents. — v. i. Introductory essay, by W. Sheiid. — Aids to reflection, with .1 prelimi- nary essay, by J. Marsh.— The statesman's manual. COLERIDGE. 280 — COLESWORTHY. Coleridge, S. T., continued. 2. The friend : series of essays to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals and religion. 3. Biographia literaria ; or, biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. 4. Lectures upon Shakespeare and other dramatists, with other literary remains. — Cor- respondence. 5. Literary remains.— Confessions of an in- quiring spirit. 6. On the constitution of the church and state. — Lay sermon on the existing distresses and discontents, 1817.— Table talk. 7. Poetical and dramatic works: Juvenile poems. — Sibylline leaves. — Ancient mariner. — Christ abel. — Miscellaneous poems. — Remorse, a tragedy. — Zapolya, a Christmas tale. — Piccolo- mini, and death of Wallenstein, from the Ger- man of Schiller. — Poetical and dramatic works, with memoir. 3 v. 1!., 1854. 16 237C1 Contents. — v. i. Memoir of author. — Poems written in youth. — Poems written in early manhood, and middle life. — Sibylline leaves. 2. Sibylline leaves, continued. — Poems writ- ten in later life. i' lomini ; or, the first part of Wallen- stein. — Death of Wallenstein. — Lectures ami notes on Shakespeare and other English poets, etl. by T. Ashe. I... 1S83. 12 8236-2 — Letters. In Knight, W., ,-d. Memorials of Coleorton. 2 v S26-55 In Southey, R. Life of Wesley. 937B5 — Traill, H. D. Coleridge. [English men of letters series.] 239B8 Bayne, 1'. Essays in biography and criti- cism, ser. 2. pp. [08-148 I39E6 Brooke, S. A. Theology in the English pi el . pp. 69 92 821-2 I ourthope, W. J. Liberal movement in English literature, pp. Ill— 159, . . . S204-3 Day, II. Opium habit, pp. 133-178. . J 988-4 De Quincey, T. Beauties, [selected from writings.] pp. 371-375 284E7 Liter. try reminiscences, v. 1. pp. 153 259 ami v. 2. pp. 44 V s 284142 Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. 5. pp. 122-164. ' "lei "':"'' al "' opi- um eating 284E ( 3 Di ey, J. Comparatii e e 1 imate of model n Engli h poets, pp. [04 m, , 821-3 Dix, [. Lions, living oi dead, pj 410-4 I amoit boj and fam in. pp [63 rlo-478 I istei 1 In VI en ol history, pp. 248 MO 7s < .iltdlan, ( i. 'I 11 d gallei v "l PP- 189 '99- ■ • • I' s 43' 1 1.1, In 1, W. Misi 1 ■ I i.i 1 it-. hi-, v, orks. v. 5- PP- 37 48 I , -I S I ilt, W, II ■ and haunts of Brit- pp. 8I-I2I. . . 1 1 ■ 1 1 Coleridge, S. T., continued. — Hurst, J. F. History of rationalism, pp. 455-402 • 2II9-44 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. II9-I3« 411-56 — Johnson, C. F. Three Englishmen and three Americans, pp. 41-87 804-53 — London Times, Essays from. pp. 225- 242. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey 584E1 — Lowell, J. R. Democracy and other ad- dresses, pp. 89-104 5S8E2 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v. 2. pp. 55-109 4182-56 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 239- 241 410-7 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 2. pp. 5-7S 633E3 — Reed, II. Lectures on the British poets. v. 1. pp. SS-126 S21-7S — Russell, A. P. Characteristics, pp. 1-22. 79SE6 — Shairp, J. C Studies in poetry*and philosophy, pp. 90-203 Si 9] 4 — Shedd, \V. G. T. literary essays, pp. 271-344 820E4 Swinburne, A. C Essays and studies, pp. 259-275 S68E1 — Taler, W. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 102-114 S092-9 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. '■ PP- 329-333 o»^pp- 405-421- ■ ■ • 946E5 Coleridge, Sara, b. 1805-r/. 1852. I'han- 11 fairj tale. B., 1S74. 12 . . 38] 28 — Coleridge, 1'.. ed. Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge 240B2 Coles, Abraham, M. D. Microcosm: poem read before the medical society of New [ersey at its centenary anniversary with the address delivered as pre idem, Jan. 24, 1S66. N. V., 1S66. 12 238C5 \,n rendering of the Hebrew psalms into English verse; with notes critical, historical and biographical, including an historical sketch of the French, En :;li ,li and Scott h metrical via sions. N . \ .. [888. 12 2242-2 1 "ii ;, Edward. Parton, ).. ed. Captains id industry, pp. 1 17-125 1 ""i 7 .11- i'" 1 hi i' and deformitii 1 >i tobi using; or, its ludicrous and its solemn realities. B., 1855. 12 . Bound 1 oles, L. B. Philosophy of health. 613 26 Philosophy of health : natural principles of heall li and cure j or, lieall h and 1 h ithoul drug :. B., 1S55. 12 . ... 613 26 Coles, V. S. S. Sah ation. In < >xford lion r papei . pp. 11 18 1 -'.; 239 73 Coli worthy, D. C Day in I he » oods. B. 1883. 12 !39' . COLEY — 281 — 1 nl 1 1 i.i' Colby, ! I [1 •• eled mini >try ; or, life of Rev. Thoma - Collins : ahridgei I and edited with notes and inl rod ucl ii in by M 1 . Annie Wil tenm per. V Y ., i^7.c 12° 24IB75 Colfax, Schuyler, Am. ttatesman,e. 1823 |>. 347 3 62 4122-83 Cm in .1 ., J, Edward. Astronomy. In Keating, W, II. Narrative of an ex- pedition to the source "I St. Peter's river, etc. \ . 2 471275 COLIGNY, Gaspard de, French admiral and Huguenot leader, b. 1517 — Herrick, S. E. Some heretics. of yester- day. pp. 237-262 4143-4 Remarkable and eccentric characters, pp. 26S-271 411) 89 White, II. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 2S45-9 — See also 1 [uguenots. Colin, Alfred. Universal metric system. V \ ., 1876. 12° 659 3 Colin Clout's calendar. Allen, G 589 1; 1 OLLECTINC and preserving natural history objects. Taylor, J. E., ed. 579-S 1 01 LEi riON ill songs ol the American press and other poems relating to the art of printing. Munsell, C, <>f silver plate in the South Kensington museum. Cripps, Wilfred Joseph 7391-2 College fetich. Adams, Chas. F.,Jr. . . 375SS-2 Collegi life. From the world to the pulpit. 250-3 — Olin, S. College life: its theory and practice ;;S i. C01.1 1 i.i life, continued. 1 < ■■ 1, s. Student lift Ii ons . d, A. K, II . Leisure houi pp. 1 72 2<>'> ' illi ;e life .11 1 llasgow. 1 1 < hi 1 1.1 song i. Elliot, C. S. Vale ; Waite, II. R. Carmina collegensia: 1 plete collei 1 1 ' III long . of the \in.-iii .' one who was there Thwing, C. F. American colleges : students and work 37 s 7 s Bowditch, II. I. Public hygiene in America. pp. 270 298. Hygiene in 1 olleges 614-2 1 lar field, I. A. Works, v. I. pp 283. College education 818 15 Howe, Mrs. J. \\ '., ed ind educa- tion : reply to I >r. E. II. Clark's " in education." pp. 101 2113. Testi- mony from colleges 3761 5 Coli egians. Griffin, G. t mi 1 ' iNl. .S'iv Coleoni. COLLERYE, Roger de. Besant, W. Studies in early French poetry, pp. 144-154. . 111, Camilla. Norway. In Stanton, T., id. Woman question in Europe. pp. 1S9-198 39 6 " 8 S 1 m 1 11 k, Sit Geo., admiral. France, 1 1 "1 land and the Netherlands, a century ago. ed. by Mrs. Chas. Tennant. L., 1865. 8°. 444 -- 1 BR, John Payne. Notes and emenda- tions io the text of Shakespeare's plays from early manuscript corrections in a copyof thefolio, 1632. N.Y.,1853 12 , 8237 ; 1 ..I 1 iik, Joseph A. Young men of the Bible: series of papers biographical and suggestive. Edinburgh, n. d. io°. 2217—28 Collier, Margaret. Prince Peerless : fairy folk story book. Illustrated by John Collie.. V Y.. 1887. 12 381 3 k, Peter. Sorghum, its culture and manufacture economically conside as a source of sugar, syrup and fodder. Chin.. 1884. 8° 6336-3 COLLIER. 282 COLLINS. COLLIER, Robert Laird, D. D., Am. Unitari- an minister, b. 1837. English home life. B., 1886. 16° 442-234 Collier, Wm. Francis. Great events of history, from the creation of man till the present time. N? Y., 1872. 12°. . 905-3 — History of England, n. t. p. 16°. . . 930-28 — History of English literature : in a series of biographical sketches. N. Y., 1867. 12° 820-23 — Pictures of the periods : a sketch book of old English life. Edinburgh, 1865. 12°. — Tales of old English life : or, pictures of the periods. N. Y., 1 6°. [Same as foregoing.] Collignon, Maxime. Manual of Greek archaeology, tr. by John Henry Wright. L., 1886. 12 70938-3 COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert, baron, English ad- miral, b. 1 750-1/. 1S10. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 123- 142 410-45 Sea kings and naval heroes, pp. 390- 421 4159-35 COLLINGWOOD, Harry. Congo rovers: tale of the slave squadron. L., 18S6. 12°. 243A5 — Log of the " Flying Fish: " story of serial and submarine peril and adventure. L., 1887. 12° 243A53 — Under the meteor flag: log of a midship- man during the French revolutionary war. L., 18S4. 12° 243A56 — Voyage of the "Aurora." L., 1885. 12°. 243A5S COLLINS, Chas. Maccarthy. Celtic Irish songs and song-writers: selection with an introduction and memoirs. L., 1885. 12° 89162-3 Collins, Clifton W. Plato. Phila., 1874. 16 . Same, 1875. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 1 541—3 — Sophocles. Phila., 1873. I2°. [Ancient 1 lassies for English readers.] 8822-3 Collins, Rev. Dominick. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 1 78— l8 3 4142-65 Collins, F. K., ed. Is there a Christian Sabbath: a reprint of an anonymous work entitled, "Scripture view of the Sabbath." ed. with notes and two sup- plementary chapters. N. Y., 1SS1. 24 . 2593-2 ns, J. II. First book of mineralogy. Bound with Macturk, |. Physical geog- raphy. \. V., 1873. 16 551 641 Same 551-64 P pies ol coal mining. N. Y., 1875. 5532-24 . Mi [( Vn ure' aristocrai j or, batl les and wounds in time ol peai - . I'. II. 1 onwell. !'•., 1 s 7 1 . 16 . 3368-3 Collins, Joel. McBride, J. Pioneer biog- raphy, v. 1. pp. 179-264 41 27 1-6 COLLINS, John Churton. Bolingbroke, a historical study, and Voltaire in Eng- land. N. Y., 1886. 12° 801B5 — Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 1-2 8092-9 Collins, Mortimer, Eng. writer, b. 1827-1/. 1876. Marquis and merchant. N. Y., 1871. 8°. — Vivian romance. N. Y., 1870. 8°. Collins, Major Perry McDonough. Over- land explorations in Siberia, northern Asia, and the great Amoor river country ; incidental notices of Manchooria, Mon- golia, Kamschatka and Japan, with map and plan of an overland telegraph around the world, via Behring's strait, and Asiatic Russia to Europe. [Same as voyage down the Amoor, with an appendix.] N. Y., 1864. 12°. . . . 4529-25 — Voyage down the Amoor ; with a land journey through Siberia, and incidental notices of Manchooria, Kamschatka and Japan. N. Y.. 1S60. 12° 4529-26 Collins, Rev. Thos. Coley, S. Jeweled ministry : or, the life of Rev. Thomas Collins 241B75 Collins, Walter S., ed. Ohio voter's manu- al: compendium of the laws relating to the election, bond, term, compensation, duties and powers of every officer elect- ed at the polls in Ohio. Cleveland, 1884. 16° 32077-3 Collins, Win., Eng. poet, b. 1720-1/. 1756. Poetical works, with memoir. B., 1854. 16° 240C3 — Poetical works of Collins, Gray and P.eattie. II., 1861. 12° 8092-25 — Johnson, S. Lives of the most eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 483-488. . . 41821-5 — Swinburne, A. C. William Collins. In Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 27S-282 8092-9 Collins, Rev, Wm. Lucas, Eng. writer, b. about 1817 d. 1887. Aristophanes. Phila., 1S75. [Ancient classics for Eng. readers.] 8824-3 Butler. Edinburgh, 18S1. 12°. Same, Phila., 1881 198B2 Cicero. Phila., 1871. [Ancienl classics foi Eng readei -. ] 8751-3 I 1 .iiu. ancient and modern: being notes of the history and traditions of Eton college. I.., 1S65. 12° 37342-3 Homer, Iliad of. Phila., 1870. (Ancient 1 ! 1 lies for English readers.] 8S32-3 , Odj >ej of. Phila., 1870. [Ancient .1.1 sii i^i English readers.) SS32-4 COLLINS. *8 3 - COl OB Collins, Rev. W. I ... continued. I. ivy. Phila., i n 7 • > . [Ancient classics foi English readers.] 87*1 ; I. uiian. Phila., 1874. [Ancienl clas ii foi English readers.] 8887-3 Plautus and Terence, Phila., 1S75. [Ancienl classics f"i English readers.] . 8725 .; \ irgil. Phila., 1875. [Ancient cla ii for Fnglish readers. | >■ , | — ed. See Ancienl clai iics for English 1 eaders. Cm. [.ins, Win. Wilkie, Eng. novelist, i. 1S24. After .lark. N. V., 1875. I2 °- — Antonina; or, the fall of Rome : romance of the 51I1 century. N. V., 1S68. 8°. . Armadale. N. \ '., 1874. 12°. — Basil. N. V., 1.S74. 12°. Dead alive. B., 1874. 12 . Dead secret. N. \ '., n. d. 8°. — Frozen deep. B., 1S75. 12°. — Guilty river. N. Y., 1887. 12 . — Hear! and science. Chicago, 1883. 12°. Hide and seek; or, the mystery of Mary Crire. N. V., 1874. 12°. — • " I say no ; " or, the love-letter answered. N. Y., 1884. 12°. — Law and the lady. N. Y., 1875. I2 °- Man and wife. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Miss, or Mrs.? Leipzig, 1S73. 16°. - Moonstone. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. — My miscellanies. N. Y., 1874. 12°. — New Magdalen. N. S'., 1874. 12°. — No name. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. — Poor Miss Finch. N. Y., 1874. 12°. — Queen of hearts. N. Y., 1874. 12°. Two destinies. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. — Woman in white. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Colloquial phrases [French.] Bolmar, A. 122-2 C01 1 \ kk, Robert, Unitarian minister, b. 1823. Visions and patterns. In Modem I'ni- tarianism. pp. 183-197 2SS4-3 Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 476-478. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458 7 COLMAN, Geo., Eng. dramatist, b, 1733-rf. 1794. Literary offerings in the temple of fame — a vision. In llawkesworth, J., ed. The adventurer. v. 2. pp. 3 I 3-3'9- [British essayists, v. 20.] . 1S4E1 1 OLM vn, Geo., the younger, son of preceding, Eng. dramatic poet, b. Ij62-d. 1836. Broad grins, my nightgown and slippei s, and other humorous works. L., n. d. 12° 827-4 — Essays. In The connoisseur. 2 v. [Brit- ish essayists, v. 25-26.] 184E1 — and Thornton, Bonnel, eds. The con- noisseur. 2 v. [British essayists. v. 25-26-] IS 4I1 ( olman, Henry, Am. writer,t. 177s d Agriculture and rui >my, from pi ' n. 2 v. in 1 I: , > s s7- 8" 6 I pean life and mannei \ in familiar 1 to 1 . 2 v. B., [850. 1 j . 440 j 1 Colman, Julia. Alcohol and hygieni elerai on 1 1. foi si hool , V Y., 18S0. 16° 1 Colomb, Madam, . Carol's little daughter. I., 1887. 12°. i olomba. M61 1 t 1 1 . e, Pros] 1 MB V'sbil 111 I ! • /;; Biol "'I the icuti 1 11 and othei dran PP- ««3 '83 187! 73 C MBI, La Marchesa. Wane of an ideal. V \ .. 1885. 16°. 1 olo n.ia. Republic of. Holton, I. F. Granada 486-4 Trollope, A. Wesl Indies and the Span- ish main. pp. 238-250 47-0 9 Colonki. Cheswiek's campaign. Shaw, Flora L. Colonel Dacre. Jolly, E. \. V., 1874. 8°. COLONEI Dunwoddie, millionaire. N. Y., 1878. 8°. < Nl 1 Jack. I lefoe, I). Works, pp. 209-302 828-34 Colonel's daughter ; or, winning his spurs. King, C. Colonel's opera cloak. Brush, 1 1 name series.] 1 OLONIAl facts and fictions. Kershaw. M. 4.14 55 < nies and dependencies. Cotton, |. s. and Payne, E. J, pt. 1 India, pt. 2 Colonies 93°"-33 C N1ZATION. Bourne, S. Trade, popula- tion and food. pp. 267-300 3304-2 Bl 1 sey, T. Foreign work and English wages, pp. 258-288 33*>-I9 — Donnelly, I. Atlantis, pp. 348-480. . 400-3 — Progress of nations, pp. 577-649. . . . 901-65 COLONN A, \ ittoria. marchesa di Pescara, Ital- ian poet. I: 1490-fl. 1547. Trollope, T. A. life of Yittoria Colonna 242B1 — Jameson, A. (M.) Loves of the poets. PP- 303-317 418-48 — Ritchie, A. C. (M.) Italian. life and legends, pp. 53 70 445 8 — Trollope, T. A. 1 lecade of Italian women. v. 1. pp. 271-392 4107 8 Colony ballads. Raymond, G. 1 77^. 5 (including theory of color and pig- ments). Allen, G. Colour-sense: its origin and development 1821— 2 Benedikt, R. Chemistry of the coal-tar colours 667-2 ild, W. von. Theory of colour in its relation to art and art industry. . . . 75- - COLOR. 284 — COLTON. Cl 'LOR, continued. — Calvert, F. C. Coal tar colours 659-5 — Cave, M. E. Color 752-3 — Chevreul, M. E. Principles of harmony, ami contrast of colour 752—33 — Church, A. II. Colour: an elementary manual for students 752-34 I >yer and colour maker's companion : con- taining upwards of two hundred receipts for making colours 667-3 — Facey, J. \V. Practical house decoration. 747~4 Field, G. Rudiments of colours and of colouring 75 2- 4 — Hay, D. R. Interior decorator 747~5 — Macdonald, J. 1 >. Sound and colour, their relations, analogies and harmonies. . . 752-46 — Minitie, W. Essay on the theory of color. In Text hook of geometrical drawing. . 744-65 — Muckley, \V. J. Handbook for painters and art students on the character and use of colours 752—5 — Painter, gilder and varnisher's compan- ion, with an appendix on colors and col- oring 698-7 — Richmond, W. D. Colour and colour printing 764-7 — Riffault des Hetres, J. K. I)., Vergnaud, A. 1 '. and Touissant, G. A. Practical treatise on the manufacture of colours for painting. 6672-7 — Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics, with applications to art anil industry. . . . 752-6 — Sellers, J. Color mixer 667-7 Standage, II. C. Artists' manual of pig- ments 752-7 -Wright, 1.. Light: course of experi- mental optics chiefly with the lantern. 535-96 — Dick, T. Works, v. 9 828-35 Geiger, I.. Contributions. pp. 4S-63. 571-4 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. pp. 277-294. The perception of color. 451 Hi Lardner, I'., ed. Museum ol scienceand art. v. 7. pp. 57-80 603-4 — Lathrop, G. P. Symbolism of color. In Concord lectures on philosophy. 1882. PP- "49 '5 1 '43-2 Love, I. Art <>f dyeing, cleaning and scouring, pp. 325 335 667-5 also I lyeing. Painting. ' 1 blindness. Jeffries, B. J. Color- blindness, its dangers and its detec- tion; with bibliography, pp. 201 30S. 6115 5 guard : being a corporal's note ol military service in the nineteenth army M i'ii 1 . J. Is 980I I 1 OLOD studies. Janvier, I . A. Colorado, Aldridge, R. I. if a ranch. 4781-2 Howies, S. Switzerland "I America: n mi ' t > iiH 'ii in • ' lot ado 4788-2 Colorado, continued. — Fossett, F. Colorado 4788-3 — Graff, J. F. Graybeard's Colorado. . . 4788-4 — Hayes, A. A. New Colorado and Santa Fe trail. . . . ' 4788-5 — Hollister, O. J. Mines of Colorado. . . 55788-4 — Taylor, B. Colorado : a summer trip. . 4788-9 Wason, II. L. Letters from Colorado. [Poems.] 925C1 — Brockett, L. P. Our western empire. pp. 623-720 478-19 — I 'all, C. H. My first holiday; or, letters home from Colorado, Utah and Califor- nia 478-27 — Howe, J. W. Winter homes for invalids, PP- 5°- 6S 6135-4 Ludlow, F. II. Heart of the continent. 478-58 — Jackson, II. (H.) Bits of travel at home. pp. 211-413 473-5 — Meline, J. F. Two thousand miles on horseback, pp. 48-92 47S-62 — Rideing, W. H. A-saddle in the wild west 4789-7 — Scenery of the Pacific railways and Col- orado, pp. 12-27 478-82 Sidney, M. Golden west as seen by the Ridgeway club. pp. 155-165 47S-S3 CoLOSSIANS. See Bible, New Testament. Colossus of Rhodes. Delepierre, O. His- torical difficulties and contested events. PP- '3-22 902-3 — Seven wonders of the world, pp. 261- 301 401-7 Colquhoun, Archibald R. Across Chryse: being the narrative of a journey of ex- ploration through the South China bor- der lands from Canton to Mandalay. 2 v. N. Y., 1883. 8° 451-23 — Amongst the Slians; with an historical sketch of the Shans, by Holt S. Hallett; preceded by an introduction on the cradle of the Shan race, by Terrien de Lacouperie. N. Y., 1885. 8°. ... 4534-3 Burma and the Burmans ; or, the best un- opened market in the world. I.., n. d. 16 4532-3 Colquhoun, M. J. Primus in Indis. A ro- mance. N. V., 1885. 16 . Colston, Edward. Neale, E. Closing scene, ser. 2. pp. 198—214 410-8 Colt, Samuel, Am. inventor, b. 1814 d. 1862. Howe, II. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 149- ■53 412-55 Mi< abe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 343 353 4123-6 1 n. < '. 1 ".. ed. Lacon ; or, many thing in few words; addressed to those who think. Phila., 1S71. 16° 807-3 COLTON. 2«5 COL1 Ml: I - • ..i roN, ( .1 1 \ iii. Episcopal clergyman, i. 1 7 s - j ,/. [857. < reniu and n 1 the Protcstanl Episcopal church in the U. S. N. V., 1854. 12 2832 ; I ili- and times ol I lent y Clay. 2 v. N. Y., 1846. 8 229B1 Publii ei \ foi the U. S. N. Y., 1856. 8 33S3 28 COLTON, ( . II- Ci imi id I gl phy. N. S .. 1S75. 4 420-3 1 .. Walter, American clergyman and writer, /■■ 1 7" 1 7 d. 1851. I and and lee in the Bosphoi us and Egean or, views uf Alliens and Constantinople, edited from the notes and manuscripts of 1I10 author, by Rev. Henry T. Cheever, N. V., 1851. 1 ' 4495-3 Sea and iln- sailoi : notes on Fram 1 Italy, and othei literary remains; with a memoir bj Rev, Henrj 1 Cheever. N. V., 1851. 12 818-32 1 In ee yeai in 1 tlifornia. N'. Y., i860. 1 6° 4794-24 CoLUMBA, -SV., missionary to Scotland, b. 521- d. 5117. Adams, W. II. D. Heroes "f the cross, pp. 1-50 4'4 -2 Campbell, < '•■ D. ( '.. [ona 2741-25 I ii. oi St. I'.iii 11 k. Appendix . pp. 13- 39 4'4« 7 Mai leai . < '•. F. Aposl les of media 1 al Europe, pp. 41-56 4142-57 Mi hi 1. linn I. n 1. C. F. Monks of the west. v. 2. pp. 1 135 271-6 ■ Stokes, li. T. Ireland and the Celtic church, pp. 117 130 27415-73 Tweedie, W. K. Lives and work of earnest men. pp. 35 48 410-945 COH MBANl S, .V., Irish monk, b. 540-rf. 615, Macleaf, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe, pp. 57-76 4'4-=-57 — Montalembert, C. F. Monks of the west. v. 1. pp. 541-641 271-6 — Stokes. G. T. Ireland and the Celtic church, pp. I3I-I48 274.15-73 Columbia, District of . Cobb, J. B. lei- sure Labors, pp. 357-375. Slavery and the slave trade in the District of Colum- bia 240E1 also Washington, D. C. Columbia college, Veto York. Beardsley, E. E. Life and times of Wm. Sam'l Johnson, president of Columbia college. 5171-7 McVicker, W. A. Life of John Mc- Vicker . . 607B9 -Van Vechten. J. Memoirs of John M. Mason. pp. 330 ; (O ami 400-402. . . 618B2 Columbia and Canada ; notes on the great Republic and the New I lominion. Rae, W. F 470-75 rivet \II111, P. 11 torj -f the 1 tains I ,ew 1 mi 1 mm i mew, brother of < />/lrr, U. 1514. Murray, J. O'K. 1.1th- erii 1. pp. 41 48. . -1142 6 Ihcoverer of America, b. about i)ji> d. is"' 1 B ford, S. H, Stoi .... 24 (Bl 1 In, Ii, A. Ili torj of the character nls of the so-called Chris- 1 ( oluinbus 24 3B2 1 ng, W. Lifi topher Columbus [and] his companii 3 v 2431:4 I am 11 tine, V de, 1 ife ol 1 olumbus. . 2 : ton, D. S. Columbus; or, a hero of the new world: an historical play. . . 744* , Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 97- 122 920-25 hah W. Stories of the conquesl Mexico. in, 1 Peru. pp. 1-25 9902-3 Drake, S. A., ed. Oui great benefactors, pp. 175 181 410-42 Fifty celebrated men. pp 1 S 410-49 Frost, T. 1 1. ill houi with the earl plorei pp 10-51 437-37 1 , Ii ii Ii . I . B. M a 11 upon the pp. 128 166 437 4; Ocean's story, pp. [37 170. [Same as preceding.] : Grimshaw, W. history of South Amer- ica, pp. 11-76 992-4 — Hale, E. E. N i ' the sea. pp. 5 73. 437 45 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America. v. 1. pp. 93 '73 970-38 Hewlett, h. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 253-268 4104-52 I I gginson, T. W. Bool n ican explorers. pp. 17-52 970-4 Howitt, M. Vignettes of American his- tory, pp. 2-7 9738-45 Kelly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. KJ-33 ; Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 63-88 410-597 Lamartine, \ de. Celebrated charac- ters, pp. 141 232 4'o-oj Lester, C. E. <»/o-934 Combe, Geo., Scottish phrenologist, b. lySS.-d. 1858. Constitution of man. Bound with Foster, J. Essays on decision of character, etc. Hartford, 1842. 4°. . 244E4 Constitution of man, considered in rela- tion to external objects ; with :i chaptei on the harmony between phrenology and religion, by Joseph A. Warne. B., 1847. 12° 179-3 — Lectures on phrenology; with notes, an introductory essay and an historical ketch by Andrew Boardman. N. Y., 184O. 12°. Same, 1874 179-3" — Life and correspondence "I Andrew Combe. Phila,, 1850. 12 ■ 14B • Combe, Geo., continued. — Moral philosophy ; or, the duties of man considered in his individual, domestic and social capacities. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 191-24 — Notes. In Hurlbut, E. P. Essays on human rights and their political guaran- ties 320-49 — Gibbon, C. Life of George Combe. 2 v. L., 1878 244B3 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 9. pp. 235-254. Review of System of phren- ology 818-27 Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. PP- 133-145 4104-62 Cumber, Thos., dean of Durham, />. 1645.- d. 1699. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy and ritual. . 26031-4 Combs. Bowen, F. L. Paul and the comb- makers. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 129-147 602-9 Combustion. Faraday, M. Course of six lectures on the chemical history of a candle 53646-4 Combustion of coal. Black, Wm. M. . . 669S-2 Combustion of coal and prevention of smoke. Williams, C. W 6288-9 Bound with Dempsey, G. D. Drainage. 6288-91 Revised, by D. K. Clark 6698-3 COMEDIES and dramas, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 240C9 Contents. — Bubbles of the day. — Time works wonders. — The cats-paw. — The prisoner of war. — Retired from business. — St. Cupid ; or, Dorothy's fortune. COMEDIES for amateur acting, ed. With a prefatory note on private theatricals, by J. B. Matthews 7^5-59 Comedy. [Little classics series.] COMEDY of canonization. Mahon, M. Works. v. 3 208-57 COMEDY of convocation in the English church. Marshall, T. W 2837-5 Comedy of errors; a drama. See Shakes- peare, Win. COMEDY of terrors. De Mille, Jas. Comenius, John Amos. Quick, R. II. Essays on educational reformers, pp. 43-67 3704-7 1 ometallism. Veeder, N 33'5-S 1 OM! mi up as a llovver. Brought. m, Rhoda. < '>mi is. Kirkwond, I >. < omctsand meteors. 52356-5 — Nebnl.c and comets 523-6 Donnelly, I. Ragnarok: the age of fire and gravel 55 I_ 4 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp, 42-52. Comet "f 1858 328E1 Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and ni v. 2. pp. 145-208 603-4 Proctor, K. A. Illusions ol the senses and other essays. pp. 38-4 1. Origin of comets 504-72 COMETS. 287 — COMMODIAN1 S. Comets, - ontinued. Science by-ways. pp. 86-105 502-72 S. hlegel, I- . I ■■' tures 01 lei n hi pp. 345-404. 1. 1, 1 revolution "I the earth, as the probabli 1 flfei t ol a< omet. 9204-7 — Tyndall, J. Contribution to moli 1 ular physics in the domain of radiant heat pp. 44'~444 53633-8 Comfort, (ieo. F. Modern languages in education. Syracuse, 1886. 16 . . . . 1017-3 Comk almanac, 1835-1843. Cruikshank,Geo. 827-42 Comic Blackstone. A'Beckett, G. A. . . . 3409-17 Comii history of England. A' Beckett, G. A 93°'-" Comic history of the United States. Hop- kins, 1 9733 15 Sherwood, J. D 9733~ 8 Comii miseriesoi humanlife. N.Y.,n.d. 12°. 817-29 Comin' thro' the rye. Mathers, II. B. Coming Franco-German war. Koettschau, C. 94487-5 Coming home. Mackarness, M. V Dream- chintz, and Coming home 600A1 Coming of the mammoth, the funeral ol time and other poems. Hirst, 11. B. . 476C8 COMING race. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. IN- COMING struggle for India. Vambery, A. 9583-9 Coming to the light. Newberry, Mrs. F. E. 681A2 Coming wonders expected between 1N07 and 1875. Baxter, M "9-35 COMINGS, B. N. Class-book of physiology. N. V., 1874. 12 612-25 COMINS, Lizzie B., (I. aura Caxton, pseud.) Hartwell farm. B., 1S70. 12 . — Marion Berkley. B., 1S71. 12°. CoMLY, John. New spelling book. I'lnl.i., 1843. 12° 1171-25 Commander's statue. McCarthy, J. Commentaries. See Bible. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. Wines, E. C 296-88 Commenting and commentaries. Spurgeon, C. II 22079-7 COMMERCE. Black, W. N. Storage and transportation in the port of New York. 650-17 Bourne, II. K. F. Romance of trade. . 380-2 Bourne, S. Trade, population and food. 3304-2 — Brassey, T. Foreign work and English wages 336-19 Brown, W. Thoughts on paper currency and lending on interest, u^ effecting labour, commerce and manufacturers. . 3316—23 Browne, S. H. Manual of commerce. . 650-2 Carey, II. C. Harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing and com- mercial 335; 25 Coggeshall, G. Historical sketch of commerce and navigation, to i860. . . a 37 :\ Fairer, T. H. State in its relation to trade 330-35 I OMMERi 1 , - ontinued. Fyfe, J. H. Men bant . pictures of the hi torj of commerce from the earliest limes 650-4 Kelley, J. D. J. Quest ( hips, 651-5 Knight, C. Knowledge is power. . . . 336 37 Si liuyler, E. Amei in. 1 and the furtheranci ol commerce 3277-7 — Wells, I). A. Our merchant marine. . . ' — Yeats, J. Natural hi tory of commerce. 650-9 Bax.F. B. Religion of socialism, pp. 83-91 338-12 ' hristy, It. Cotton is king, by an Ameri- can 3 z6 9-2 inn-, E. I.. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. pp. 461 474 9 2I 3~3 Heeren, \. 11. 1.. Historical works, v. 2, 3, 4 and I. 906-4 Hume, I 1. I pp. 149 158. . . . 491E2 Kettell, T. I'. Commerce of the United SI. nes. In One hundred years' progress. pp. 132-170 609-6 — Ruskin, J. Crown of wild olive; or, work, traffic and war. pp. 47-80. . . 3°4~7 Munera pulveris. pp. 83-97 3304-7 — Seaman, E. C. Progress of nati I- PP- 367-417 609-7 Seward, W. II. Address. In Baker. G. V., id. Life of Win. II. Seward, pp. 276-290 818B92 — See also Political economy. "Commerce," American brig. Riley, J. Authentic narrative of the loss of the American ling "Commerce." .... 466-7 Commerce of Algiers: a comedy. Cer- vantes, M. de. Voyage to Parnassus. pp. 213 2SS 861-3 COMMERCE of the prairies. Gregg, Josiah. 478-42 Commercial agency "system" "f the United States and Canada exposed. Meagher, T. F ' . . . 658-6 Commercial products ..f the sea. Sim- monds, P.] 5895-7 COMMINES, or, Comines, Philippe, sieur a" Argcnton, Flemish statesman, b. 1445-1/. 1509. Memoirs of Philip de Commines, I ord of Argenton: containing the his- tories of Louis \I and Charles VIII. kings of France, and of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy: with the scandalous chronicle: or, secret his- 1 1 v of I.ouis Nl by Jean de Troves, ed. with life and notes, by Andre" R. le. 2 v. I.., 1S55-56. 12 . . . 94427-3 Commissioner, The. James, G. P. K. COMMODIANUS. Instructions in favor of Christian discipline, against the gods of the heathens. tr. by Robert Ernest Wallis. In Ante-Nicene christian li- ' v. 18. pp. 434 474 COMMODORE. COM IE. Com MODORE and the cook, pseud. See Nor- ton, C. L. and Habberton, J. Commodus, L. Aurelius. Bruce, J. Clas- sic and historic portraits, pp. 144-14S. 410-19 COMMON chord. Elliot, Henry R. COMMON objects of the country. Wood, J. G 5904-94 Common objects of the microscope. Wood, J- G 578^5 Common health : series of essays on health and felicity for every-day readers. Richardson, Benj. W 613-73 COMMON sayings, words and customs. Loar- ing, II. J 380-5 Common seaweeds of the British coast and channel islands. Clarke. L. L. ... 5898-9 Common sense. Newby, Mrs. C. J. Common sense about women. Higginson, Thos. W 396-47 COMMON sense in the household. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) . 641-45 COMMON sense in the kitchen. Henderson, W. A 641-492 Common sense in the nursery. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) 649-4 Common sense in religion. Clarke, J. F. . 204-16 Common sense management of the stomach. Drewry, G. 6131-3 Common sense of the exact sciences. Clif- ford, W. K 501-3 Common sense science. Allen, Grant. . . 502-14 Common sense, mathematics and metaphys- ics of money. Howe, J. B 33 '-4 Common shells of the sea-shore. Wood, J. G 5898-9 COMMONPLACE and other stories. Rossetti, ( . G. Commonplace book of epigrams, ed. by C S. Cary. I.., 1872. 16 8096-3 Commonwealth, On the. /«Cicero. Tus- culan disputations, pp. 357-466. . . 8754-7 COMMI m "I Paris. Set Paris, commune. COMMUNISM. See Socialism and communism. COMPANION characters: a series of studies in Bible biography. Hills, O. A. . . . 2217-47 ( J imp vnion for the festivals ,111-1 iii ,is of the Protestanl Episcopal church. Hobart, J 11 26034-4 1 ompanion to the Bible. Barrows, E. P. ■ 220J is Companion to the Grei 1 nt and the I nglish version. Schaff, P 226-S Companions of my solitude. Helps, Ar- thur 461E6 ( Iompanion mi' and ty. 1 Uadden, \V. Plain thought 1 onl he arl "I In ing. pp. 154-168. [An essay.] 197-33 Comparative anatomy. Bary, Dr. A. de. Comparative anal y of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns. . 5814-2 Comparative anatomy, continued. — Lawrence, W. Lectures on comparative anatomy, zoology, and the natural his- tory of man 5914-4 — McCosh, J. and Dickie, G. Typical forms and special ends in creation. . . 213-56 — Mivart, St. G. On the genesis of species. 575-63 — Orton, J. Comparative zoology. . . . 5914-5 — Owen, R. Anatomy of veretebrates. . 5914-6 — See also Anatomy. Botany. Evolution. Zoology. Comparative estimate of modem English poets. Devey, J 821-3 Comparative grammar. Bopp,Franz. 3%-. 1095-3 Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. March, F. A 1 19-61 Comparative history of religions. Moffat, J- C 209-63 Comparative literature. Posnett, H. M. . 803-7 Comparative physiognomy. Redlield, ]. W 1795-7 Comparative politics. Freeman, E. A. . 320-4 Comparative psychology. Bascom, J. . . 180-18 Comparative zoology. See Comparative anatomy. COMPAYRE, Gabriel. History of pedagogy. tr. by W. H. Payne. B., 1S86. 12°. . 3709-3 Competition. Rylance, J. H. Lectures on social questions : competition, com- munism, co-operation, and the relation of Christianity to socialism, pp. 7-36. 3304-72 COMPLETE manual for young sportsmen. Herbert, H. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) 7967-45 Compensation; or, always a future. Hum ster, A. H. M. Composition. See Rhetoric. Comprehensive church. Vail, Thos. 11. . 283S-9 Compromise. Morley, John 646] 6 COMPTON, Fiances Snow. Esther. N. V., 1884. 1 6°. COMPTON, Spencer, 2nd earl of Northampton, I), \bo\-d. 1643. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of til. Britain. v. 4. pp. 95-100 411-65 Comrades: a drama. Baker, G. M. The globe drama 785-215 COMSTOCK, Andrew. A system of elocu- tion; with reference to gesture, to the treatment of stammering and defective articulation. I'hila., 1843. 12 . . . . 800-23 COM i Comyn, L. X. Atherstone priory. B., n. ,1. 12°. Elena: an Italian tale, B., n. d. 12°. Con < Iregan. I evei . ' has. Con O'Regan. Sadlier, Mrs. J. ( '1 i\an 1, A. J. Footpi intsof vim ihed raci - in the Mississippi valley. St. Louis, i879- 4° 4073-2S Conant, HelenS. Butterfly hunters. B., '875- 12° 5958 !3 Conant, Mrs. I. II. Biograph} of Mrs. |. II. Conant: the world's medium of the mth centui j ; r. in. 11 ks bj Vllen Put- nam. B., 1873. 12 244B8 Conant, 1 hos. Jefferson, D. />. Book of Genesis; re* ised with explanatory notes. \ V., 1872. 8° ' . . . 22311 j 1 oni entration of all kinds of ores. K.us- tel, 1 iui'lo. 62275 1 Concepts and theories of modern physics. Stallo, J. B. I International scientific series.] 53°i-8 Conchology. Catlow, A. Popular con- chology 594-j Sowerby, G, B. Conchological manual. 594 7 Thorpe, C, British marine conchol- °E) 5"4 4 — Tin Ion, \V. Manual of land and fresh watei shells of the British islands. . . 5g 1 8 1 \\ ood, J. G. 1 ■ 'Dim' mi -hells ol the - shore 5S9S-9 Figuier.L. Ocean world, pp. 300-469. — Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea. pp. 267-287 5S95-7 — Young lady's book. pp. 139-166. ... 504-97 — See also Mollusca. Zoology. Conciones ad clerum, 1879 80. Littlejohn, A.N 250-5 Concord days. Alcott, A. B 114E2 1 on. ord. I I775-] Frothingharn, R 1 1 1 ni'l of the battles of Lexington, < oncord and Bunker hill v-75' ; I horeau, II. I '. mi thi and Mei 1 imai k river. CpNCOl ol philosophy. Bridgman, R. I,., td. ' 'oncord lei lures on phi- losophy. 1882 143-2 CONCOl lances, p. 121. 11 Bell, liniie. Structures in con- crete — liurneU, "3 Condorcet, Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de, French philosopher, b. 1743- d. 1794. Morley, J. Critical miscel- lanies, v. 2. pp. 163-255 646E4 CONDREN, Chas. de, French ecclesiastic, h. 1588-rf. 1641. Lear, Mrs. H. L. Re- vival of priestly life in the 17th cen- tury in France, pp. I-30 and 51-156. 4142-4 CONDUi 1. Barnard, H.,ed. Letters, essays and thoughts on studies and con- - duct 370- 16 — Studies in conduct 197-8 — See also Ethics. Life. Conk. Andrew and Johns, Walter R. Petro- lia: a brief history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region, its development, growth, resources, etc. 1859-69. ed. by W. R. Johns. N. Y., 1870. 12°. . 55328-2S C..XE, Helen Grey. The tender heart. In Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous master- pieces, v. 3. pp. 30S-309 817-63 Cone, Mary. Two years in California. Chi- cago, 1876. 12° 4794-25 Confectionery. Art of confectionery. . . 6424-2 Weatherley, II. The art of boiling sugar 6641-9 — Wright, A. S. Book of 3000 practical receipts 603-9 Confederate chieftains. Sadlier, Mrs. J. CONFEDERATJ soldier ill Egypt. Loring, W. W 462-62 CONFEDERA 1 1 spy. < rozier, R. II. CONFEDERATE States of America. Argu- ments at Geneva 3416-2 Bigelow, J. France and the Confederate navy 9S15-2 Cooke, J. E. Wearing of the gray. . . 9812-3 — Davis, J. Rise and fail of the Confeder- ate government. 2 v 981-3 I Ivan, I:. War pictures from the south. 9819-4 — Gilmor, II. lour years in the saddle. . 9819-43 [ones, I. B. Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States' capital 9819-5 Owen, W. M. In camp and battle with the Washington irtillerj "f New Or- leans 9814-6 Pollard, I-.. A. Lost cause: .1 new south- ern history of the war of the Confeder- ate 981-7 . R, 1 Tuise "I the " Alabama " .md the " Sumter." 9815-8 Sci vice afloat ; or, the remai kabli 1 areei ol ili.- 1 "Hi' derate ci uisei s " Sumtei and "Alabama" dui ing 1 In- wai bel » 1 1 n the states 9815 Si Confederate States, continued. — Smith, G. W. Confederate war papers. 981 1-8 — Stevenson, W. G. Thirteen months in the rebel army 9819-8 — See also Slavery. South. United States, history. Biographies of Davis, J. For- rest, N. B. Jackson, T. J. Johnston, A. Johnston, J. E. Lee, R. E. Stuart, J. E. B. CONFERENCES held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876. South Kensington museum 5° 2_ 8 CONFESSION, Auricular. Carter, T. T. Doc- trine of confession in the Church of England 2616-3 — Hopkins, J. H. History of the confes- sional 2616-4 — Michelet, J. Spiritual direction and auricular confession 2616-5 _ 1 obbe, F. 1'. Darwinism in morals, pp. 1585-413. Auricular confession in the Church of England 204-19 — Mahan, M. Works, v. 3. pp. 572-590. On private confession 208-57 — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 436-454 -°-^ 8 4 Com ESSIONS and criticisms. Hawthorne, J. 457 E2 Confessions of a medium. Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 433^473- ■ • • 439-87 CON! 1 SSIONS of a society man. Cooper, S: W., 1 Mi^s Blanche Conscience, ed. pseud. ) Confessions of a thug. Taylor, Col. M. 1 ,,.11 ion of an apostate. Sadlier, Mrs. J. ('..missions of an attorney. Warren, Samuel. Hound with Experiences of a bai rister. Confessions ol Claud. Fawcett, Edgar. Confidence. James. H.eniy, jr. Confidential correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother Joseph, tr. from the •• Memoirs du roi Joseph." 2 v. N. V., 1856. 8° Conflict between religion and .science. I iraper, I. W. | International si ientific series.] CONFLICT in nature and life; a study of an- tagonism in the constitution of things. V \ ., 1883. 12° Contents. The subject in history and Iitera- 1 in , Considerations from science, Historical orei 1 illustrating conflict.— Evil in relation 1,. ili.- necessary condition ol life 1 In. out- look, soi 'il and moral C0NFLI1 1 ..I ' hristianity with heathenism. 1 Ml... in, G 2721-8 Confi f cast and west in Egypt. Bowen, |ohn E 962-2 1 ,1 , 1 1 :s 215-26 169-3 CONFLK rS — 291 — CONK] INC ( Ioni ii' re "I i he age, An adverti emi n I'M .1 i" h "ii 1 ; , b) .mi evolutioni I i ..Hie ions "i an agnostic, l>y an ag- nostic. Whal morality have we lei by a New-lighl moralist. Review ol the light, by .1 \ ankee fai mer. N . V., rSSi. S S04-2 1 <>\ I leo. I i. ■ < omfoi 1, Mi \ . \l. Woman's edui ation and « health, chiefly in reply to " Sex in education." Syi.u use, 1874, 16 3761 Confucianism. Douglas, R. K. Confucian ism and Taouism 1 . DuBose, H, Drag Image and demon. 29] ;; 1 [enry, IS. 1 . 1 Iross and the dragon . or, light in the broad east 2651-4 I egge, I I'll; > Ol 1 Ii 1 n n 291-6 - Ilanlw ick, 1 !. 1 !hi isl and othei ma 1 1 »• *■ PP- 17-57 290-47 Matheson, (1. Religion "f China, In Faiths of the world, pp. 61-90. . . . 290-4 I 'n\ I I 1 11 .. ,'1 . . ' ■''. H. C. 551-rf. 479. Chinese clas ii tr. I>y James Legge v. 1. N. Y., 1870. 8° ' 895 5 Contents Confucius Vnalects '.rcat learning. Doctrine of the mean. — I.ife of Con tilt ins. Legge, James. Life and teachings ol Confucius 895 51 — Looniis, A. \V. Confucius ami the < 1 classics 895 sJ Chambers papers. Historical and litei ary celebrities, pp. .521-352 410-25 Leland, C. G. Music lesson of Confucius and other poems, pp. 16 562C9 Parton, J., ed. People's book of biog raphy. pp. 40S 11S )io S2 W I, \\ ., .,/. Hundred greatest men. PP- «3°-'33 410 97s Congar, Capt. Obadiah. Cheever, Henry T., •■. . . . 411 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 I ;SBY. Disraeli, Benj. Coningsby, Christopher. Sheltern: a novel V \ .. 1S68. Conji ring. &< Magic. CONKLIN, Mrs. Nathaniel, (formerl) Jennie M. Drinkwater.) lick's tirst ner. V \ .. 1883. 12 . 1 lei ta. N. Y.. 1881. 12 . — Fifteen; or, Lydi 1 ;. N. Y., [883. 12°. Miss Prudence. V \ . 1883. 12 . Ri; p all's heritage. N. V., 1SS7. 1 Rue's helps. N. V., 1S80. 12°. 1 1 Wbdsw.orth's discipline. X. v., 1S80. 12°. That Quisset-house. V \ .. 1886. 12 . Wildwood. Phila., 1884. 12°. 1 ' ink] ini .. Ufred R. Mexico, including a chapter on Guate- mala, and a CO! I Dish ulary. \. 'i .. 1884. 12 . . . . 472 24 ■ and the Mexi- cans; or. notes of travel in the winter pring of 1883. V V., 1883. 12°. CoNKLlNG, Margaret C. Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington. Au- burn, N. Y.. 1S51. 12" 925B7 CONKLING, Roscoe, American slatesmai 1821 ..■'. 1888. 1 iski . S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 4I247-J (ONN. 292 CONSERVATION. CONN, H. W. Evolution of to-day: a sum- mary of the theory of evolution as held by scientists at the present time and an account of the progress made by the discussions and investigations of a quar- ter of a century. N. Y., 1886. 12°. . 575-24 Connaught, Ireland. Burke, O. J. Anec- dotes of the Connaught circuit. . . . 94" '7 - — Houstoun, Mrs. — . Twenty years in the wild west; or, life in Connaught. . . . 44157-4 Connei HCUT. Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S. History of Connecticut from its earliest settlement to the present time. 9S26-3 — De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecticut 9704-26 Everest.!'. W., ed. Poets of Connecticut ; with biographical sketches S0914-4 — Johnston, A. Connecticut 9826-5 — Livermore, C. II. Republic of New Haven 98261-5 Schmucker, S. M., ed. Blue laws of Con- necticut 343 I- ° — Bushnell, H. Work and play; or, liter- ary varieties, pp. 167-226. Historical estimate of Connecticut 197F4 — Constitutions of the several States, pp. 129-141 3403-3 — Lodge, 11. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 373-3S4. 974-5 — See also New England. United States. Connecticut pastor, pseud. See Bun-, Enoch Fitch. Connecticut Western Reserve. See West- ern Reserve. CONNECTION between England and Scotland. Armitage, E. S 940-14 CONNECTION of the physical sciences. Somer- ville, Mary 501-86 1 ONNELL, Sarah G. Eleanor's lessons. Phila., 186S. 16° 245A5 Connelly, Mrs. Emma M. 'lilting at wind- mills: a story of the bluegrass country. 1>,., 1S8S. 12°. 1 nder the surface. Phila., 1S73. I2 °- Connoisseur, The. Colman, . 1S07 d. 1S42. Kaye, |. W. Lives of Indian officers. v. 2. pp. 67-144 4 11 59S Woltf, |. Narrative "I 1 mission to Bok- hara, in the years 1843-45, to ascertain the fate "I < "I Stoddarl and ('apt. 1 lonolly 455 6 -9 Conquering and | >"'i . i hat les, Mrs. I.),, ibeth (R.) cro . I'm church.) Hawei . II. R. |i 1,11 1 and 1 hristianity.] . . . 2701-395 Conquesi ind -II 1 1 "' i- Mel ntosh, M.J 599AI Conquest of Canada. Warburton, G. . . 971-9 Conquest of England. Green, J. R. . . . 931-41 CONQl EST of Florida by Hernando tie Soto. Irving, T 9849-5 CONQUEST of Mexico and Peru. Dalton, Wm 9902-3 CoNQl EST of New Mexico and California, Cooke, P. St. Geo 9S89-3 < ONQi 1-1 of Peru. 2 v. Prescott, W. 11. 994~7 Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. Coppee, H 9462-4 Conquest of the sea: a book about divers and diving. Siebe, PI 533^6-7 CONRAD, Robert T., judge, American orator and writer, b. iSoS-rf. 1S58. Aylmere; or, the bondman of Kent and other poems. Phila., 1852. 12° 241C5 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 1. pp. 28-31 412-4 1 ONRAD Hagen's mistake. Roquette, 0. Conscience, Miss Blanche, ed., pseud. See Cooper, S. W. Conscience, Hendrik, Flemish novelist, b. iSi2-\skk\ VTORIES. 293 I I I i I 1 i ' iERVATi iriks, See < rreen hou i ( Ionside i; \ i [i ins "ii repn enta ivi govern- ment. Mill, John Stuart 321N 63 Consolation in affliction. Hinton, J. Mys- tery of pain 210 j 1 Peabody, A. P, Sei mon de i ;ned 10 fur- nish comforl and strength to the afflicted. 24 >i 6 Vansant, N. Rachel » ceping for her children 2401 C. i\si .1 vtio'ns in travel'; or, the la si days of a philosopher. Davy, Sir II 210-23 Conspiracy: a Cuban ance. Badeau, Adam. Conspirai v against silver. Farmer, E. J. . 3315-3 Conspiracy ol Pontiac and the Indian war aftei the conquesl oi 1 lanada. Pai kman, I' 1 an. is. 2 V « , — 1 68 ( Ionspiracs trial for the murdei ol 1 he Pre dent. [1865.] Poore, Ben. P., ed. . . 3483-7 Conspir \' \ unveiled : the Soul h sai 1 ifii ed ; "i . the li"i rorsol >ei es I funnicutt, I -^ 9783-46 Constable, Archibald, b. 1 776-i/. 1S27. Pen a] reminisi em es bj 1 on itable and ( rillies. ed. by R. II. Si.. .Mai. I. pp. 33-2>7 4182-92 ( hi h en, II. A histoi y ..1 book ;ellers. pp. 1 10-158. Constable, Cadell and Black. 418-33 Nicoll, II. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. pp. 151— 188. . . 4104-7 Con 1 mii 1 de Boui bon. Ainswoi th, W. II. 1 ONSTABLEof I In- lower. Ainsworth, W. II. 1 ONsi \\. 1 Aylmer. Parker, 1 1. !•'. 1 ' ■ ■ 1 1 .1 1 .1 Vcadia : a novel. H., 1SS0. 12°. Constance Sherwood. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Constance, Lake. Capper, S. J. Shores ami cities of the l'.u.len See 44"4 21 Constance's fate. Singleton, Mrs. M. M. L. S26C1 Constant, Benj. Cormenin, L. M. . 250-rf. 306. Cutts, E. L. Constan- tine the Great, tlie union of the state and the church 245B8 • — Brooks, K. S. Chivalric days. pp. 45-70. 1 86 A3 - Heroic life; or, pictures of heroes, pp. 9-27. An imperial convert 4104 - n Nut,- See also Gibbon's Roman empire, chaps. 14, 17, 18 and 20. CONSTANTINE; or, the last days of an em- pire. Spencer. Copt. E. [Constantine Paleologus. | 1 lONSl \\ 1 im. Paleologus ; or, the last of the Caesars: a tragedy. Baillie, Joanna. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 446- 47S 132C6 I i 11 . An... 1.1.!.. < on inn- 1 1 1 ' , D ' Waltei in I on itantinople. 1 191 — ■ Gautier, T. Constantinople 44961 1 M ' ! nople. Bound with 1 ••■■!'.. Peai .1 lil! ..1 1 antinople the story of the fourth 1 ru ade '(4903-7 P01 i.-i, 1 1. 1 Ion itanl inoph and il VI s , J Smith, V \ nth al I onstantinople. 44961 7 Arnold, R. A. From the Levant, v. 2. PP- ' 'S7 4499 [5 Bra ey, I tdy \. Sunshine and storm in 1I1. I i 1 ; or, cruises to Cyprus and < ..n stantinople, 1874 78 , , 1 I' W . I. and and lee, 1851. pp. J7 192. 4495-3 1 ox, S. s. 1 in. ..I unbeams. pp. 56-168. 449 I 'in bin, J.l'. Obseri itions in the East. V. 2. pp. ISs. J.|| 4) .„, J Fisk, G. A p 11I of the Holy land, 1847. pp. 436-456. . . . 458-35 Great sieges of history, pp. 372- 395. . . 1 'i.i . •'/' '■ V\ . 1 11. il of a visil to I gj pt, Constantinople, etc. pp. 156-177 | Half-hours in 1 . pp. 163-182. 439-46 Holland, F. W. Constantinople. In Many lands ami many people. pp. 233- -''• • • • • 439-63 Newton, C. T. Travels and discoveries in the Levant. 1S115. v. 1. pp. 37-48 and v. 2. pp. 21 -38 ,, - (Hin, S. Greece and the Golden Horn. PI'- 2J3-323 4495-65 — Russell, \V. H. A diary in the east, 1S69. pp. 468-521 : - I It. 1'.. Lands of the Saracens, pp. 3 2 4-354 4409-75 \\ .11 burton, E. 1 resi ent and the v. 2. pp. IS; 203 4499-91 Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the Janizaries. [A romance.] •Scott, W. Count Roliert of Paris. [A romance.] CONSTITUTION. See England, Constitution. United States, Constitution. Constitution of man. Combe, Geo. . . . i- Bound with Foster's essays, etc. . . . 244E4 O .\sini riON of the human soul. Storrs, R- S., /r , CONSTITI riONAl amendment: or, the Sun- day, the Sabbath, the change, and res- titution. Littlejohn, W. H. and Steven- son, LP 259-6 CONSTITI riONS ..f the several states of the Union and of the IT. S.. including the 1 >c. laratii .11 of Independence ami articles of confederation. X. V., 1866. 8°. . 3463-3 CONSTRUCTION. 294 CONVERT. CONSTRUCTION of cranes and other hoisting machinery. Glynn, J 6662-2 CONSTRUCTION of ships for ocean and river service. Sommerfeldt, H. A 6238-61 Consuelo. Sand, George. Consular reminiscences. Horstmann, G. Henry 443~47 CONSULAR system. Schuyler, E. Ameri- can diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce, pp. 41-104 3277—7 CONSULATE and empire of France under Na- poleon. Thiers, L. A 9445-8 Consumption. Hall, W. W. Consump- tion 6164-4 — Lewis, D. Weak lungs and how to make them strong 6164-5 — Lindsay, J. A. Climatic treatment of consumption 6135—5 — Page, C. E. Natural cure 6164-7 — Shew, J. Consumption: its prevention and cure by the water treatment. . . . 6157-8 — Bowditch, II. I. Public hygiene in America, pp. 451-462 614-2 CONTARINI Fleming. Disraeli, Benj. Conte, Joseph Le. See Le Conte, Joseph. Contemporary evolution. Mivart, St. Geo. 215-64 Contemporary evolution of religious thought in England, America and In- dia. Alviella, Count Goblet d'. . . . 201-102 Contemporary socialism. Rae, John. . . 338-7 Contes du petit chateau. Mace, Jean. . . 848-6 Conti, Augusto. Two dialogues on art. In Frieze, H. S. Giovanni Dupre. pp. 165-218 297B6 CONTINENTAL Sunday labour. Hill, C. . . 2595-4 CONTINUITY of Christian thought. Allen, A. V. G 230-14 Contracts. Gibbons, D. Rudimentary treatise on the law of contracts for works and services 3447 _ 3 Harvey, W. F. Brief digest of lint Un- man law of contracts 34 2 -47 Contradictions. Dunning, A. K. . . . 297A2 CONTRARY winds and other sermons. Tay- lor, Rev. Win. M 252-91 Contributions to "Punch." Thackeray, \Y. M 828-892 Contributions to molecular physics in the >1 ain of radiant heat. Tyndall, J. . 53633 8 Contributions to the Edinburgh review. Jeffrey, F 513E5 CONTRIBl TIONS 1" the science of education. Payne, W . II 37°~7 1 to the theory of natural se- lection. Wallace, A. R 5754^9 Co rRO El 1 bel weenRei Mi srs. Hughes and Breckenridge, on the subject, Is the Protestant religion the religion of I hrist? I'hila., 1872. 8° 2828-4 CONVENTIONAL Bohemian. Pendleton, E. CONVENTIONAL lies of our civilization. Nor- dau, Max 304-58 Convents and convent life. Bunkley, J. M. Testimony of an escaped novice from the sisterhood of St. Joseph. . . 27197-2 — Byrne, Mrs. Win. Pitt. Beggynhof ; or, the city of the single 2719-2 — Whitney, Mrs. L. Burning of the con- vent 9S25-94 — Herbert, M. E. Impressions of Spain. pp. 160-185. Convents of Seville. . . 446-49 — Richardson, E. Veil lifted. [A story.] — See also Abbeys. Monastic institutions. Sisterhoods. Conversation. Art of conversation. . . 395-17 — Mahaffy, J. P. Principles of the art of conversation 1972-6 — Barnard, H., c-d. Letters, essays and thoughts on studies and conduct, pp. 177-192 370-16 — De Quincy, T. Letters to a young man and other papers, pp. 127-159. . . . 2S4E5 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius. pp. 212-238 422 E 1 — Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living, pp. 60-72 197-33 — Prime, S. I. Under the trees, pp. 68- 72 745 E2 — Prose masterpieces, v. 1. pp. 61-106 . S08-7 — Stevenson, R. L. Memories and' por- traits, pp. 144-190. Talk and talkers. 851E3 Conversations introducing poetry : chiefly on subjects of natural history. Smith, Mrs. C 5905-84 Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret. tr. by John Oxenford. L., 1874- 1 6° 8353-4 Conversations on art methods. Couture, T 7S'-25 Conversations on the Bible and science. Sidney, E 215-82 Conversations with distinguished persons. Senior, N. W 9447-8 CONVERSE, Frank II. Adventures of Tad. B., 1S86. 12 245A8 Converse, Julius Orrin. Garfield, the ideal man: an address. Cleveland, 18S2. 16° 404B3 CONVERSION of the northern nations. Mcr- ivale, C 274-5 CONVERSION of the Roman empire. Meri- \ lie, I 2701-5 1 1 RSION tables of metric and British, or, United States weights and measures. Thurston, K. II 659 8 1. -I, leaves from my experience. Brownsori, O. A. Works, v. 5. pp. 1-200 • • 818-27 CONVICT. — 295 < OOK. [i i . James, < i. P. K. Convict lea ie -\ stem. < able, < .. W. I hi silent South, pp. mi 180 984-3 Convicts and their children. Auerbach, B. Conway, Clara 1. Life's promise t" pay. Phila., 1876. 12 . Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, Fred- 11 nk John. Conway, Moncure Daniel. Earthward pil- grimage. N. V., 1N74. 12 204-21 Emerson ni home and abroad. I'., 18S2. 12° 3I7B3 Idols and ideals: with an essay mi Chris- tianity. N. Y., 1877. 12 204-22 Contents. — Consequences. — Gi ii uper- tions faith, fai I and fairj tale Thi i ing machine. The Pre-Darwinite and Posl Darwinite world. — Footprints ..( the great. — Inthropomorphism. — The dream "f So< rates. — Flower and thorn. — Real ;ind ideal. — Angel of death. —Christianity. Pine and palm. X. V.. 1S87. 16°. - Travels in South Kensington; with notes mi decorative art anil architecture in England. N. ¥"., 1882. 8° 745-3 — Wandering Jew . V N ., 1881. 12 . . . 2901-33 ed. Sacred anthology : a book of ethnical scriptures. N. V., 1874. 8° 208-2 Conway, Thos. Headley, J. T. Washing- ton and his generals, v. I. pp. 341— 346 4121-46 Conway, Wm. Martin. Early Flemish artists. L., 1887. 12° 7597 3 Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century. Cambridge, 1884. 8°.. 761-3 1 iinuiii, Russell H. Life, travels and lit- erary career of Bayard Taylor. I'... 1879. 12° 876B2 Why and how : why the Chinese emigrate and the means they adopt for the pur- pose of reaching America, with sketches of travel, amusing incidents, social cus- toms. 15., 1S71. 16° 47338-2 Conybeare, Rev. Wm. John and Howson, Rev. John Saul. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 2 v. in 1. N. V., n. d. 8°. 221N 63 M.utineau, J. Studies of Christianity. pp. 414-465. Review of Life and epistles of St. Paul 204-0 Conyngham, I>. I'. O'Donnels of Glen cottage: a talc of the famine years in Ireland. N. V., 1881. 12°. — O'Mahony : a tale of the rebellion ,1 \,s. N. V., n. d. 12 . Rose Pamell, the flower of Avondale. N. V., 1883. 12°. Cook, Clarence, Amtrican art critic, /•. 1828 Introduction. In Bowne, Eliza S. Girl's life eighty years ago 179B6 — John Adams. In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 125-150 112 s- Cook, 1 mtinued. ,>2. . . 410-27 — Coggeshall, ' •. Historical sketch ol 1 merce and navigation, to i860, pp. 39— 70 437 -4 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 91-95 410-35 Drake, S. \.,ed. Our great I" pp. 185-189 410-42 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 183-186. . . 410-49 G Irich, F. Ii. Man upon the sea. pp. 4'6-4S7 «7-43 Ocean's story. pp. 435 470. [Same int.] 4.i7 44 Hopkins. M. Hawaii, pp. 83 117. . . 999 Kelly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 207- 174 439-53 Low, t . R, Maritime discovery, v. ;. pp. 223-265 Markhani. C. R. Sea fathers, pp. 192 198 437-63 Men who have made themselves, pp. 66- 96 4IO-757 — Monarch- of ocean. Columbus and ' '-; -27 4'59-° I'u ton. |. People's book of biography. pp. 379 384 410-82 Seymour, I . C. B. Self-made men. pp. >74 4«0-92 — Taylor, W. C. Modern Hritish Plutarch. PP- 89-99 4"-97 Verne, I. Explorations of the world. V. 2. pp. 24-20S 436-91 — Purves, 1>. I.., ed. English circuninavi- •■ PP- 475 823 4371-7 COOK. 296 COOKE. Cook, Joel. Brief summer rambles near Philadelphia. Phila., 1882. 12°. . . 473-23 — Holiday tour in Europe. Phila., 1879. 12° 440-241 C( " ik, Joseph, American writer and lecturer, b. 1838. Boston Monday lectures. Bi- ology ; with preludes on current events. B., 1877. 12 576-25 Conscience; with preludes on current events. B., 1879. 12° 1916-3 Current religious perils; with preludes and other addresses on leading reforms and a symposium on vital and progres- sive orthodoxy. B., 1888. 8°. . . . 204-231 - Heredity ; with preludes on current events. B., 1879. 12 5751-3 Labor ; with preludes on current event-.. B-, uSSo. 12° 336-3 Marriage; with preludes on current events. B., 1879. 12 '931-3 Occident; with preludes on current events. B., 1884. 12 204-23 Orient ; with preludes on current events. B., 1886. 12° 265-3 Orthodoxy; with preludes on current events. B., 1878. 12 2312-3 Socialism ; with preludes on current events. B., 1880. 12 338-25 Transcendentalism; with preludes on current events. B., [1877]. 12°. . . 1681-3 — How to make dull boys read, and How to preserve the results of reading. In Abbott, I.., ed. Hints for home read- ing, pp. 70-84 S05-12 Introduction. In Fielde, A. M. Pagoda shadows 2651-37 - In Henry, B. C. Cross and the dragon. 2051-4 — Methods of meeting modern unbelief. Lecture. In Boston Monday lectures. 1880-81. pp. ix Ivii 239-21 — Sermons. In Grout, II. M., ed. Gospel invitation, pp. 210-228 and 263 294. . 252-43 Cook, Mrs. Mabel, {formerly Misi Collins). [dyll of the white lotus. L., 1884. 12 . 212-19 — Light on the path: .1 treati e written for the personal use ol those who are ignor- ant of the Eastern wisdom, and who desire to enter within its influence. B., 1886. 16 : 212-15 Through the gatesofgold : a fragment of thought. I',., 1S87. 16 212-S4 C , Marc. Wilderness cure. N. V., issi. ■2° 47475-3 1 1 1 oi , tel. 1 teadley, J. T. 1 lhaplain and clergy of the revolution, pp. 23-25, 4121-45 1 ook, Win. Chess primer. I.., 1880. 16 . 7811 25 Cooke, ' '. W. R., (Angelina 1 ru hington, pseud.) M ghts on men and things, \. V., 1S72. 12 827-41 COOKE, C. W. R., continued. Contents. — Introductory. — On croquet. — On going to town, because every one goes, you know. — The reading party. — Woman's work. — Philosophers and practical philosophy. — On ritualism. — Christmas-tide. — On dancing. — First, catch your husband.— On bishops. — On the finer feelings of our nature. — On a new mode of doing penance. Cooke, Frances E. Story of Theodore Parker; with introduction by Grace A. Oliver. B., 1883. 12 715B3 Cooke, Geo. Frederick, b. 1756 -d. 1812. Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 2. pp. 1-22. 4179-6 COOKE, Geo. Willis. George Eliot : a critical study of her life, writings and philoso- phy. B., 1883. 12 . . 314B2 — Poets and problems. B., 1886. 12°. . . 804-32 Contents. — Tennyson. — R. Browning and Ruskin. — Ralph Waldo Emerson ; his life, writings and philosophy. B., 1SS1. 12°. . . . 317B4 — Emerson's view of nationality. In San- born, F. B., ed. Genius and character of Emerson, pp. 310-338 317B2 COOKE, Henry. Fish, It. C. Pulpit elo- quence of the 19th century. PP- 739-750. 2521-4 COOKE, Jay, American financier, b. 1821. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 1037- 1040 979"-7 COOKE, John listen, Amen, an writer, />. 1S30. Bonnybel Vane, embracing the history of Henry St. John, Gentleman. N. Y., 18S4. 12°. — Canolles : the fortunes of a partisan of '81. Detroit, 1877. 12°. - Doctor Vandyke. N. X ., 1872. 8°. — Fairfax; or, the master of Greenway court ; a chronicle of the Shenandoah. N. V., 1S71. 12°. — Hilt to hilt; or, days and nights on the banks of the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864, from the manuscripts of Colonel Surrey of Eagle's nest. N. V., 1871. 12°. — Leather stocking and silk ; or, hunter John Myers and his limes. N. V., 1854. "l2°. Life of General Robert K. Lee. N. V., 1873. 8° 562B3 My lady Pokahontas. I!., 1S85. 12°. Out of ihe loam. N. V., 1871. 12°. — Pretty Mrs. Ilaslon and other stories. N. V., [874- Contents.- Pretty Mrs Gaston Annicatthe cornri Wedding at Duluth. Virginia: a history of the people. I'.., 1883. 12°. [American commonwealths.] 9845-3 \ irginia Bi hemians. V V., [880. 8°. \ irginia 1 omedians . or, old days in the old dominion. J v . V \ ., 1855. COOKE. *97 ■■; < ■ ioke, J. I'-., continued. Wi '■ Hi); of the gray. n. t. p. 8°. . . . 981a 1 ' 1 by, J. C. 1 in 1 ' ' " 11 g .. mir. 1 , books and publishers, pp. 400-406. . 4181 ; Cooke, Josiah Pai ons, /./. />., American chemist, h. 1S27. Elemenl ol 1 hemical B., 1S73. 8° 54 '-3 1 — First principles "t chemical philosophy, 1 ambridge, 1868. 12° Si 1 ; — New chemi try. N. Y., 1S74. Same, 1876. I [ntei n. 'i il 1 11 in iiH 1 1 1 . 1 541-4 Religion and chemistry : ten lectures de- livered at the Brooklyn institute, on the Graham foundation. \. Y., 1S67. 12°. Same, 1S80 _ 2104-2 Scientific culture ami othei essays. N. V., l88l. 12° .' . . . 502-28 Contents.- Sciential culture.— Nobility of knowledge.— Elementary teaching of physical 1 Lei Memoir of Thomas Graham Mi moir "f William rlallowes Miller. Cooke, M. < '. Fern book for everybody. 1.., 1867. [6°. />',>/<*,/ with Wood, J. *•• ' "' 'i ihells of the sea-shore. . 5898 9 — Freaks and marvels of plant life; or, curiosities of vegetation. L., n. d. 12 . 5815-3 — Fungi : their nature and uses. ed. by M. J. Berkeley. N. V., 1875. 12 . . . . 5886-33 — Manual of botanic terms. L., 1862. 16 . 5803-3 — Our reptiles: lizards, snakes, newts, toads, frogs and tortoises indigenous to Great Britain. I.., 1S65. 16°. . . . 5979-3 — Rust, smut, mildew and mould : an in- troduction to the stuily oury d fur breakfast, luncheon and dinner. . . 641-12 Barker, Lady M. A. First lessons in I lie prim iples ol 1 ooking 641-15 Beecher, C. I ■'. Housekeepei and health- keeper 640-15 ontinued. Bo 1 h ick, L. W. Mai kill hen Breakl .... Hnil.it Savai in, A. 1 1 ol din- ing I:- . 1, 5. A. Book .if foi tj ii , Iding . . M frugalities : remnant two hundred way- of using them. . . 1 mpbell, II. I way in h 640-25 — Caron, I I American 641-26 ' J. Cool 10I text-book and housekee; ■ ' ery and inagement 641 2g Family living on $500 a year. . Cuisine 1 [lection of culin- ary recipes 641-31 — Cust, Lady — . Invalid k. . . 0415-3 I ll In ■■■. 1 . I . 1 die. in i ■ hook — Dictionary of cookery, n. t. p. 12°. . 641-335 Dodd . s. W. Health in the household ; 1 1 ■ 1 .11' cookery 641-34 'i'i, M. A. I landy dictionai v 641-36 o'clock tea, containing receipts for cakes of every description, savoury sand- wiches and cooling drink- 641-37 — Fothergill, J. M. Food for the invalid, the ' nt, the dyspeptic and the gouty ''1415 4 I rancatelll, C. I M lern o»ik. . . . 641 58 t, S. A. Godi t re- ceipl - and h< usehold hints i aration 641-42 Hazlitt, W. C. Old cooker} books. . . 042S-4 — Henderson, M. F. D the sick. . 6415-5 Practical cooking and dinner giving. . 64 — Henderson, W. A. 1 ommon sense in the kitchen — Hill, Mrs. A. P. V-v, cook-b 10k. . . 041-5 — Ice cream and cake 642-15 — In the kitchen 641-51 — Jewry, M., ed. Warne 1 ikery. 641 — Lincoln, Mrs. D. A, B 1 "il kitchen ■ ( 1 .ittlehale, X. M. 1 laii - for ngs ami dainty sell- 64I-7 li. Catherine (< (w en). 1 ien tie bread- winners 040 71 S Nen 641—72 Parloa, M. A| book. . . 64 k iti hen 1 ompanion 041 l'.itl. S. r. Cookery from experience. . 041 74 COOKERY. 298 COOPER. 1 !< 11 iKERY, continued. — Presbyterian cookbook, by the ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church, Uayton, O. 641-75 — Strohm, G. Universal cookery book. . 641-8 — Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud). Breakfast, luncheon and tea 641-44 Common sense in the household. . . . 641-45 Cottage kitchen 641-46 Dinner year-book 641-47 — Tyree, M. C, ed. Housekeeping in old Virginia 641-9 — Whitehead, J. Hotel lish and oyster cook 641-92 How to cut meats and roast, boil and broil 641-92 — Williams, W. M. Chemistry of cookery. 643-96 — Woodman, M. S. Choice receipts. . . 641-93 — Browne, P. What girls can do. pp. 48-65. 3965-2 — Buckmaster, J. C. Cookery. In Sim- ple lessons for home use. pp. 121-151. 607-5 — Campbell; II. American girls' home book of work and play. pp. 407-410. 786-24 — Hunter's hand book: a description of all articles required in camp and receipts for camp cooking by "an old hunter." PP- 39-1 '5 7969-4 — Leland, E. H. Farm homes. pp. 117- 170 6308-5 — Lewis, D. Our digestion, pp. 367-385. 6131-5 — Lillie, Mrs. J. Lady Betty's cooking school. In Curious schools, pp. 232- 252 379-3 — Same. In How to learn and earn. pp. 232-252 3719-4 — Mackarness, Mrs. II. Young lady's book. pp. 15-31 603-48 — Pope, J. J. Number one and how to take care of him. pp. 36-84 613-7 — Soyer, A. Culinary campaign 9475-8 — Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) Common sense in the nursery, pp. 1 1 1- 170 649-4 — Twining, T. familiar lessons on food and nutrition, pp. 204-221 643-93 — Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 187— 194. School of cookery 304-9 See also I lining. Food. Housekeeping. Hygiene. Receipts. LEY, Arnold J. Hand-bookof perfumes, i 1 and other toilel at 1 icles ; including instructions and cautions re- .'Mug their selection and use; with a comprehi n ive col lei 1 ion "I foi mufce and direi tion-, for theii preparation, I'hila., 1873. 12° 6468-2 — Toilet in ancient and don time . Phila., [873. 12 3916-3 1 11 iley, Le Roy • '. Ea ) expei iments in j. 1 1 il ci V N ., iS;o. 12 . . 5307-2 C001.EY, LeRoy C, continued. - Text-book of chemistry. N. Y ., [1869.] 12° 540-24 — Text-book of natural philosophy. N. Y., 1870. 12° 530-24 COO] 1 v, Thos. Mclntyre, American jurist, />. 1824. Michigan: a history of govern- ments. B., 1SS5. 12°. [American commonwealths series.] 9784-3 — Guarantee of order and republican gov- ernment in the state. Some checks and balances in government. In Alias es- says. No. 3. pp. 109-157 304-17 COOLIDGE, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. Cm 11. IKS. Jenkins, E." The coolie: his rights and wrongs 3262-4 — Palmer, G. Kidnapping in the South seas 493-7 — Cobden, J. C. White slaves of England. PP- 433-440 3368-27 — Duffield, A.J. Prospects of Peru. . . . 485-3 — Knox, T. W. The underground world. pp. 561-577 6229-5 COOMASSIE and Magdala. Stanley, H. M. 960-7 Coombs, Thos. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 392- 393 4I2I-45 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shaftes- bury, l. 1621-d. 16S3. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. pp. 237-307. 411-25 Stebbing, W. Some verdicts of history reviewed, pp. 25-44 411-95 — Traill, H. D. Shaftesbury. [English worthies series.] 246B1 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3d earl of Shaftes- bury, l>. \d,l-d. 1 713. Fowler, T. Shaftesbury and Hutcheson 162-75 — McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, from Hutcheson to Hamilton. pp. 29-36. . 1621-48 Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory. v. 2. pp. 449-473 190-6 COOP] R, Anthony Ashley, 7//1 earl of Shaftes- bury, /'. 1X01-1/. 1885. Introduction. In Hill, C. Continental Sunday la- bour 2595-4 — Kirton, J. W. True nobility 246B2 — Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work. pp. 235-247 . 254-67 — Weyland, |. M. Man with the book. . 2642-8 Young, K. light in lands of darkness. 263-9 1 ooper, Sit Astley Paston, surgeon, I'. 1768- d. 1841. Edgar, J. (i. Boyhood "I n 1 nun. pp. 303 374 4IO-44 1 11, II. |. Ait oi furnishing: on ra- tional and .esthetic principles. N. Y., 1881. 16°. 749-2 Cooper, II. Stoneherwer. Coral lands. 2 v, I . , 1 .S80. 8° 496-3 ('( II IP 95 .1.1' ei -. Auui ican 1 7 St i ,/. [851. A1lo.1i in5.5 1- j Rural letters, and other records of thought at leisure. pp. U4-323. . . . 953E4 — Wilson, J. ii. Bryant and his friends. IT- 23° -44 4i N " 9 R, John Gilbert. Essays. In Moore, E. and Dodsley, R., eds. The world. [British essayists, v. 22-24.] Cooper, Peter, American philanthropist, I'. 1701 d. 1883. 1 C. E. Life and character ol P< tei ' ooper 246B1 Bolton, S. K. How success is won. pp. 7-21 ; Carroll, II. Twelve Americans: their lives and times, pp. 77-115 412 ; — MilL, J. D. Art of money making, pp. 658-63 I'.n ton, J. 1 aptains of industry, pp. (13-33' 4169-7 , Samuel Williams. iMi-s Blanche id. 1 1 "iii a society man. X. \ ., 1887. . Sarah. Animal life in the sea and on the land : zoology foi young people. X. \ .. 1887. 12° 590-25 , Mrs. Susan. Frost, 1. H women of the west. pp. 2 . 41239-33 ... Susan I'enimorc, American; 25. Rural In. urs. N.Y., 1876. 12. 246E1 1'. I. I of a pioneer of commerce in pig-tail and petti an overland journey from China tow India. 1... 1871. 8° 451-24 Cooper, PER. 300 COPPEE. C01 iPER, Thos., continued. Contents. —Sit W. Jones.— Dr. S. Lee. — Shakspcare. — Spenser. — Johnson. — Clifford.— Gibbon. — Canova. — Chantry. — Salvator Rosa.— Benj. West— Handel.— Sir H. Davy.— Sir R. Arkwright. — Dr. E Cartwright. — J. Watt. — Columbus. — Newton. — Herschel. — Reaumur. — Hon. R. Boyle. — Sir T. Gresham. — J. Lackington. — Howard. — Famous boys, and how they became greal men. pp. 153-166 410-48 - II I, E. I'. Peerage of poverty, pp. 230-24S 410-58 — Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 334-357 4J8-5 — Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious .shoe- makers pp. 161-18S 4169-95 Cooper, Thos. Abthorpe, />.. 1776-r/. 1849. Matthews, J. B. and Mutton, 1,., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 2. pp. 235- 25 1 4179-6 COOPER, Wm. Ricketts. Short history of the Egyptian obelisks; with transla- tions of many of the hieroglyphic in- scriptions, chiefly by M. Francois Chn- bas. L., 1877. 12 4 32-3 — Old Testament history from the Egyptian and Assyrian monuments. Christian evidence society lectures : Faith and free thought, pp. 213-246 239-25 Co-OPERATION. About, F. Handbook of social economy 33 0_I 3 — Elder, \V. Questions of the day. . . . 3304-3 — Gronlund, L. Co-operative common- wealth : an exposition of modern social- ism 338-35 — Hale, E. E. Workingmen's homes. . . 3371-4 — - Holyoake, G.J. History of co-operation in England ; its literature and its advo- cates, v. I. Pioneer period, 1812- 1844 337-4 Pierce, M. F. Co-operative house-keep- ing ■ ■ ■ 640-75 - Richter, E. G ■ 3 J75 7 Taylor, S. Profit-sharing between cap- ital and labour 3362-8 Bra 1 ■. . I . I oreign «roi 1- and Engli li 11,. pp. 238-251 336-119 - Work and wage: practically illustrated. pp. 247-260 336-2 Brown, T. E. Studies in modern social- ism and laboi problems, pp. 264-267. 33S-2 1 .1 11 11. . J . I . E ;aj ■ in political ei nmy. pp. 166-186 3304-25 Cook, J. 1 pp. 107-144. [ Bos Monday lectures. I 338-25 Rylance, J. 11. Lectures on social ques- pp. 70-103 3301 72 ' ' 'l ■■ 1 1 T, I't.ini is, pseud. i.c.n •■ . ti bachelor' ! k of life. X. Y., iS6o. 12°. Cope, Edward Drinker, American naturalist, b. 1S40. Origin of the fittest : essays on evolution. N. Y., 1S87. 8°. . . . 575-25 — Hypothesis of evolution. In Half-hours with modern scientists. ser. 1. pp. 145-215 502-42 COPE, Thos. Pym. Chandler. J. R. In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. pp. 103-131 41238-4 Copernicus, Nikolaus, astronomer, b. 1473- d. 1543. Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers, pp. 231-243 204-12 — Men of history, pp. 142-144 410-75 — Neil, S. E. Epoch men and the results of their lives, pp. 1S7-210 4104-67 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 204-208 410-S2 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 331-334 4IO-975 Copleston, Edward, bishop, b. iyy6-d. 1849. Advice to a young reviewer. In Fa- mous pamphlets, pp. 293-316. . . . 335El Copleston, Reginald S. ^Eschylus. Phila., 1S71. 16 . Same, 1S75. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 8S21-3 COPLEY, Mrs. Esther. Early friendships. N. Y., 1867. 24 246A9 — Poplar grove ; or, little Harry and his uncle Benjamin. N. Y., 1868. 24 . . 246A92 CorLEY, John Singleton, historical painter, li. 1737-1/. 1815. Amory, M. B. Do- mestic and artistic life of Copley; with notices of his works 246B6 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 4. pp. 138-157 4>7-j — Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists. . PP- 71-Sl 75S-9 Copley, John Singleton, baron Lyndhurst, lord chancellor of England, />. 1772-rf. 1S63. Martin, Sir T. Life of Lord Lyndhurst 246B7 — Amory, M. B. Domestic and artistic life of Copley, and reminiscences of his son Lord Lyndhurst. pp. 323-444. . . . 246H6 — Francis, G. II. Orators of the age. pp. m-124 411-37 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. PP- 338-345 4104-62 ( opley, Josiah. Gatherings in Beulah. Pittsburgh, 1879. 12° 241-2S C01 ill., Francois. Buchanan, R. A look round literature. pp. 333-337. Re- view of L'Exilee, Ion,- into English verse by J. O. L 804-25 CoppeE, Henry, American writer, b. 1S21. Elements of logic : designed as a manual of insliu. lion. Phila., 1868. 12°.. . 189-24 Elements of rhetoric 1 de igned as a man- ual of instruction. Phila., 1S05. 12°. 117-28 M HTKK. 1 I < >l< IK A A. ( !i ippf e, I liin \ , contitt l ii" ii li literal lire, lere I as an in- terpreter of English history. Phi la., 1873. 12° Histoi y of I he 1 1 mqui I ol | b) the Vrab M""i 5 ; with a ketch ol 1 he civil izatii tn which the) achiev ed, and im parted to Europe. 2 \. B., t88i. 12° 'Hi • I I — ed. Select academii ipeaker. Phila., [M. 5. 8° 801-2; Copper. Brown, W. I.. Manual of assay- ing gold, silver, copper and lead ores. .669-22 — Lamborn, R. II. Metallurgy of copper. 66g — Piggot, A. S. Chemistry and metallurgy hi ' opper 6693-7 — Bloxam, C. L. Metals: their propei and treatment, pp. 103-130 669 18 Bodeman, T. ami Kerl, B. Treatise on assaying of lead, copper, silver, gold and mercury, pp. 49-102 1 2 Dufneld, A. J. On the lost art of hard- ening copper. In Schliemann, II. Ilios. PP- 737 739 4026-7 — Knox, T.' W. The underground world. pp. X17-S28 6229-5 Scoffern, J, and others. Useful metals ami their alloys. pp. 524-568. . . . 669-8 I OPPER plate workers. Blinn, L. J. Prac- tical workshop companion, for tin, sheet- iron anil copper plate workers 672-2 COPPINGER, R. W. Cruise of the " Alert : " four years in Patagonian, Polynesian ami Mascarene waters, 1878-82. I .. 1883. 8° 4376 3 COPSLEY annals. Brock, Mrs. C 184A2 "Copy": essays from an editor's drawer on religion, literature and life. Thomp- son, 1 1. M 204-88 COPYRIGHT. Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 173-183 1 1 5 l: • — Authors and publishers, pp. 27-43. . . 8053-2 — - Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays, v. 6. pp. 187-188. Petition on the copyright bill !06E2 — Farrer, T. H. State in its relation to trade, pp. 60-67 33°-35 — Hurlbut, E. P. Essay- on human rights ainl (heir political guarantees. pp. 198-219. Intellectual property. . . . 320 |o — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 151-167. International copyright ,ss|l ^ 1 ""I 1 lis. C. 1'hc actor and his art. 1',.. 18S1. 16° 7St-2 1 OQi 1 REL, Athanase Laurent Chas., French protestant minis/,/; />. 1795 -rf. 1S6S. Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 194-203 2521-4 I loQI ILLART, Guil . W. Stlld- 11 early f rem h poeti ■■ , pp. 1 '7" 1 ' 1 . 1 1. \. (W.) 1 I S.S5A9 ■ . I I . V 2 v I Corai Dan I D Coral ad 1 island 551 I lc Vere, M. S. Wondi PP' <°3 '-'I Dickens, 1 1 on daily path-.. pp. [95 21 -I . C01 al lishery in t he Mi terranean 604-3 Greal fi hei ie of 1 he ■■■ orld. pp. 465 i y 7 : Hopkins, M. Hawaii, pp. 513 523. . Huxley, T. II. Critiques and add re pp. 111 [33. On coral and coral reefs. 502 49 — (Cingsley, C. Madame How and Lady Why. pp. 1S1 208. The coral reef. . 551-61 - Knox, T. \V. The underground world. pp. 248 263. Ci 6229-5 Simmonds, P. I.. 1 'ommei cial , of the sea. pp. (.36-462 5895-7 Whymper, I . The iea. v. 4. pp. 72— 77. 4^7 95 Coram, Tims., i. 1668 1 1751. Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility. pp. 87-116. 411-975 CORBIERE, I. a, lighthouse, Jersey. Bell, I. Structures in concrete 627-2 Corbin, M* .Caroline 1 Seld), American writer, b. 1835. Belle and the . 1 Jo. 16° 247A3 — Rebecca ; or. a woman's secret. Chii [877. 12°. Cord and creese. I v Mille, J. Corday, Charlotte, (Marie Anne Charlotte Corday a" Annans), \ \->< < ,.d. 1793. Fif- ty famous women, pp. S3-92 41^-41 — Hale. S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 168-189 „• ■ • • *«3"47 — Hewitt, M. E., ed. laves of illustrious women of all ages. pp. 317 329. . . 413-49 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pp. 192-204 410-9 — Sanson, II., ai. Memoirs of the San V. 2. pp. 34-41 S03B6 Watson, II. C. Heroic women of his- tory, pp. 359 367 413-95 CORDERY, Bertha Meriton. Struggle against absolute monarchy. In Creighton, M.. <•(/. Epochs of English history. pp. 37' I?- 930-3 — and Philip • . I S. King and common- wealth : history of Charles 1 and the great rebellion. Phila., 1S76. 12~. . CORDO\ \. I 1 ( lar do, Spanish commander, b. 1443-*/. 1515. James. ('.. P. R. Memoirs of greal commanders, pp. 46-123. . . . 4151—5 COREA. — 302 CORNWAI.LIS Corea. Griffis, \V. E. Corea, the hermit nation. [With bibliography, pp. xi- xvii.] 9519-4 Oppert, E. A forbidden land: voyages to Corea 45 J 9-& — Eden, C. H. China, pp. 281-332. . . 45 I "35 Gutzlaff, C. Voyages along the coast of China. [In 1832.] pp. 3 I °-35 6 - • • • 45 ! ~44 — Lanman, C. Leading men of Japan, 1883. pp. 326-391 4H4!-5 Corelli, Arcangelo. Phipson, T. L. Cele- brated violinists, pp. 15-29 4'77-7 CORELLI, Marie. Vendetta! or, a story of one forgotten. Phila., 1S8S. 12°. CORFIELD, Wra. Henry. Dwelling houses: their sanitary construction and arrange- ments. L., 1S80. 12 . Same, N. V., 1880. 24 628-3 Treatment and utilization of sewage. L., 1887. 8° 62S5-3 CORFU, one of the Ionian Islands. Freeman, E. A. Subject and neighbour lands of Venice, pp. 343~35 2 445~42 Corinne; or, Italy. Slael-Holstein, A. L. G. X. de. CORINTH, Greece. Lee, J. S. Sacred cities. pp. 227-245 45 8 ~55 1 ORINTH, Tenn. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 9781-16 Corinthians, Epistles to. See Bible, New Testament, p. 126. CORIOLANUS, Cains Marcius. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. pp. 52-100. 4101-7 Kaufman, R., <•. 1788 ,/. (868. Eminent orators <>i I 1 am e. Phila., i*7"- >2° 4105-2 < - irn. Klippart, J. 11. Wheal plant, pp. 641 675. lli tory, culture and varieties ',1 Indian 1 orn 6 ; S 1 4 < ORN-law rhymes: an essay. /" Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 4. pp. [84 211. . . 206E2 C01 la Cox, S. S. Free laud and free I I i'i' '■! the Englisl laws applied to the 1 nited Stati i 133-3 Rogers, J. E. I - { obden and modern d opin pp 16-72 . . . J304 67 CoRNARO, Catarina, queen of Cyprus, l>. about 1454-rf. 1510. Brooks, E. S. Historic girls, pp. 134-15° 413-224 Corneili.e, Pierre, French dramatic poet, b. \606-d. 1684. Guizot, F. P. G. Cor- neille and his times 247B2 — Men of history, pp. 216-220 410-75 — Trollope, H. M. Corneille and Racine. pp. 1-90 41S41-S Cornelius, St., pope, sue. 251-rf. 252. Mon- tor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 48-51 2821-53 Cornelius O'Dowd. Lever, (/has. Cornell, Alonzo B., b. 1832. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Vorkers. pp. 57-60 41247-3 CORNELL, Ezra, founder of Cornell university, b. iSoj-d. 1874. Biography. N. Y., 1884. 8 C 247B4 — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 238-250 410-16 Cornell, S. S. Physical geography : de- scription of the physical features of the United States. N. Y., 1875. 4 . . . 551-26 CORNELL, Wm. M. Handy home book of medical recipes and family receipts. B., 1S75. 2 4° 640-2S — Life and public career of Horace Greeley. B., 1872. 12° 436B1 Corner, Julia, Eng. writer, b. 179S. The baronet. L., 1834. 16°. Corner stall. Wright, Julia McNair. . . . 975A2 CoRNEWALL-Jones. See Jones, R. J. Corne- wall-. Corning, J. Leonard. Brain exhaustion; with some preliminary considerations on cerebral dynamics. N. Y., 1S84. 8°. 6169-3 CORNING, Mrs. Mary Spring. Patchwork <[uill society; or, stories of beasts, birds and butterflies. B., [1886.] 12°. . . . 247A6 Cornish, F. W. Life of Oliver Cromwell. I,.. [882. 16 255B35 Cornw \ii, Barry, pseud. See Proctor, Bryan Waller. Cornwall, C. M. Free, yet forging their own chains'. N. Y., [1876.] 12 . Cornwall, N. E. Music: as ii was. and as it is. N. Y., 1S51. 12 770-3 Cornwall, Sarah Jerusha. K..s,-s and myrtles. [Poems.] N. Y., 1881. 12 . 24011 Col JWALLIS, Chas., 1st marquis, English gen,ral,b. \-]T,?>-d. 1S05. Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biography, pp. 293-322. Cornwallis and the Indian ervii es 4 I 5 I_ 3 [ohnstown, II. P. Yorktowfi campaign and the surrendei of Ccnnwallis, 17S1. 0754 5 Foster, E. I leroes "I 1 he Indian empire. pp. 00 S4 )i 1 4 (( >k\\\ \l lis. -303 1 1 - ( Iornw mm., Ch , (01 inuid. Kaye, J. W. Lives ol I ndii 11 1. I. PP. I '-'' S |m . Lodge, E, Portrail ' »i illustriou pel sonaget "i ' ri ■ Britain. \ . 8. pp. 1 r 'i 169 n 1—65 ( '1 'U\u \ii is, Kinahan. Vdrifl with a veil geance. N. \ ., 1S70. 12°. Cornwallis, rhos. Neill, 1 1 1. Foundi 1 1. 1 Marj land. pp. 69 Sj 98 1 ! , 1 1 iri in \ 1 ion. I ennej , E. I'. Corporal Si EClegg ami li i -. pard. Hii 1, Wilbui I 9801-39 CORPULENCI Corpulency, n. t. p. 16 . , 61311 3 Brillat-Savarin, A. Handbook "I dining. pp, ni| uo <.|js 7 Hinton, I .. ed. Phy sioli ig \ f"i pi actical Use. pp. 177-206 6l2] 1 Set also E I. Correct card ; or, how i" play at whist. Campbell Walker, A 788-3 Correct thing in good society. Hall, Florem ill 395 1 [9 Correggio, Antonio Allegri, called Correg- gio, Italian fainter, b. about 1.194 d. 1534- Doremus, S. I). Great lights in sculpture and painting, pp. 129-133 4174 — Jameson, A. (M.) Early Italian painters. PP. 290-301 4175-5 Jervis, Lady J. \\\, tr. Stories of hoy- genius from the lives of great painters. PP. 4- s 'i° 4 " 74-5 LTrbino, Mrs. S. R., /;-. Princes of art. pp. 162-167 417-9 — -Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp, S3-86 410-975 CORRl 1 ITION and conservation of forces: a series of expositions. Youmans, E. L-. ed. 53'&-3 Correspond! nce of Wm. Ellery Channing, D. 1)., and Lucy Aikin, 1826-42. I.e Breton, A. L., ed 220BS5 Correspond] ni e relative to the budgets of various countries. Probyn, J. W. . . 332-7 Correspondent, rhe. Davidson, 1. \V. . 8079-3 Corrie, Daniel, bishop of Madras, b. about 1770 ,/. 1837. N'eale, E. Closing .. in. ser. 2. pp. 269-29S 410-8 ( '• irse de 1 1 on. James, < i. I'. R. CORSICA. Forde, el y. \. V., 1883. 12° 64I-29 I n '. I 11 on $500 a year: a daily reference 1 '. for young ami inexperi- enced housewives. N. N ., 1888. 12 . 641 291 ( 1 is 1 , Henry, \ 1 740 |>. 233- 2 54 411 975 ( ORT, Mar) Lovina. Siani ; or, the heart of farther India. X. V., 1886. 8 . . 4533-2 Housekeeping in Siam. In Siam and I pp. 175-18 2659-7 Corte, La : lettei - 1 1 mi Spain r n sident there. [863 66. I ... (868. 8° 1 in: 1 1 ;, 1' .11. 1, marquis tie I'aldegamas. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 20. ]>i>. 279-289. [Review.) 818-27 Corti 1, Hernando, Spanish conqueror of .1/ ... 0, I. [485 ..-'. 1547. Abbott, J. s. C. History of Hernando Cortez. . 247B7 — Help-. A. Life of Hernando Cortes. . . Prescott, W. 11. Historj of the conquest of Mexico. 3 v 9902-6 -Wilson, R. A. History of the conquest of Mexico 9902-9 Dalton, W. Stories of the conquest of Mexico and Peru. pp. 51-302 9902-3 Male, E. E. Stories of adventure, pp. 101-126 436-4 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America. v. 2-3 9/O-3S — IIe» lett, H. G. II, 1 arope. pp. 320-35' 4104-52 — Kelly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 36- 7° 439-53 — Lives of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Her- nando Cortes and Francisco l'izarro. pp. 105-200 4159-2 - Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers "f America, pp. o^, 112 414- " CORTES. 3°4 — COTTIX. Cortes, Hernando, continued. — Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP- 317-322 410-82 — Sands, R. C. Writings in prose and verse. pp. 1-100 818-78 — Tillotson, J. Golde.i Americas. pp. 59-9 1 992-9 — Vogel, F. Century of discovery, pp. 26 3-3'2 437-93 Cortona, Peter de. Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 370-375 410-72 CORWIN, Thos., American statesman, b. 1794- sm< igi iNY. See Universe. 1 1I1 'i '".v. See Univei se. 1 OSMOS : a sketch of a physical description of the universe. Humboldt, A. von. 5 v 503-4 1 \, Dr. Luigi. Taxation: its principles and methods. It. with an introd. and notes by Horace White. N. V., 1888. '- 3322 2 1 1 v KS. Oliphant, I.. Russian shores of the Pl.11 1. sea a 4 -,, g ■■.' ks, The. Tolstoi, I .. V 1 1 on, I \. de. S De E. A. 1 ' ol l cultivated man : an essay. In . li. Speeches from the dock, pp I" 4"3-85 Coster, 1 1 Id, I Bai ing Posl pp. 200 236. . . I'll ( OSTER, or, Koster, Lawrence. Coffin, C C. Story of liberty, pp. 69-79 920-25 COSTON, Mrs. Martha J. Signal success: work and travels. Phila., 1886. 12°. 248B6 Costume. Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress 391-2 — Church, E. R. The home needle. . . . 646-3 — Dewing, M. R. Beauty in dress. . . . 3912-6 — Doran, J. Habits and men 391-3 — Dress and care of the feet 39'4 _ 3 — Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England : a history of dress to the close of the 18th century 391-4 — Gale, E. C. Hints on dress 3912-4 — Merrifield, Mrs. M. P. Dress as a tine art 391-6 — Phelps, E. S. What to wear 3912-7 — Weldon's fancy costumes for fancy dress balls and tableaux-vivants 3912-87 — Woolson, A. G., ed. Dress-reform: lec- tures on dress as it affects the health of women 3912-9 — Becker, W. A. Charicles: illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. pp. 413-452 4053-2 — Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living, pp. 31-45 197-33 Jessup, H. II. Syrian home life. pp. 28-38 4579-5 — Lewis, D. Our girls, pp. 48-63. . . . 6129-5 Ruskin, J. Letters and advice to yottng girls 396-79 Cosway, Maria. Ellet, E. F. Woman art- isl pp. 1 < j 1 - 1 OS 4174-3 Cosway, Richard, British painter, />. 1740- d. 1821. Cook. D. An in England. pp. 175-200 7592-3 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 5. pp. 9-24 417-3 On 1 v.i by the cathedral. Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Cottage economy. Cobbett, W 640-27 COTTAGE kitchen: a collection of practical and inexpensive receipts. Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) 641-46 Cottages. See Architecture, domestii . Build- ing. Cottages of the Alps. Johnson, A. C . . 4494-5 1 otterillj Henry, bishop of Edinburgh. 1 lenesis of (lie church. Edin., 1 S72. s 2701-25 Revealed religion expounded by its rela- tions to the 1 al Being of God. N. Y., 1884. 8°. [Bedell lecture, 1883.] 239-3 Cotter ill, J as. 11. The steam engine con- sidered as a luai engine. I ., 1S78. 8°. 6211-3 1 ., Mme. Sophie, French authoress, b. 1773-1/. '807. Elizabeth ; or, the exiles of Siberia. N. Y ., n. .1. 18 . cm ri\ — 3°5 CO! '-I Cottin, \fm ophie, continued. Matilda, pi ini ess ol England : a roraanci of thi iadi 2 v. VI. Y., i* s v [6°. Kavanagh, J. Freni h women ol lei tei , pp -'"7 -7-1 1 |S I 5 ( !i ittingti in, I i ani i , iron. Lodge, I P I illusti I"" persi ma • ol Gt. Britain, v . 5. pp. 17 24 1-11-65 Cotton, Chas., joint author. Walton, I. and Cotton, C. Complete angler. . . 7959-9 Co in in. 1 .(■•>.. bishop. Japp, \. 1 1 .. 1 1 1 . \. Page, pseud.) Golden lives, jjp. 11 1 US 4«°4-75 COTTON, ll. I. S. New India ; or, India in transition. I... [886. 12 Cotton, I. S. and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependem ies 1 - (88 , 1 ' ''>°7-33 Contend Pi 1 India. IV 2. '['he colon 1 ..1 roN, Rev.John, b. 1585 d. 11152. Mood, ('.. History of music in Now England. pp. -"- -" 773-4 Cotton, John, /■'./.. S. Beautiful birds described, ed. by R. Tyas. 3 \ . I ... 1S68 598-32 Cotton, Sydney, lieutenant general. Nine years on the north-west frontier of In- dia, [854 63. I.., n. d. 8° 9547 j 1 OTTON and cotton manufacture. Christy, D., 1 An American, pseud.) Cotton is king; or, culture ol cotton and its rela- tion to agriculture, manufacture and . ommi rce 3269 2 — Ure, A. Cotton manufacture of Gt. Brit- ain, with supplement by P. 1.. Sim- monds 6771-9 Ball, R. S. Elementary lessons on ap- plied mechanic, pp. 1 28 [36. Cotton manufacture 53] 14 Bi iej . I - 1 "i eig n w 01 1. md English wages, pp. 35-63 13 1 1 Hale, E. E. Stories of invention, pp. 210 236. The cotton gin 609-5 Historj of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances, including ob- servations "ii spinning, dyeing and weaving. pp. '315-357 677-4 Hollings, G. S. Cotton growers and ton workers. In Prize papers foi 1 own magazine, pp. 83-92 McCay, C. F. Cultivation 1 il 1 otton. In One hundred years' progre ol the United States, pp. 103 [24 and 274 201 609-6 Slagg,"J. Cotton trade and industry. //; Ward, T. II.. ed. Reign of Queen oria. v. 2. pp. 15.5-195 938-9 Taussig, I. W. Protection to young in- dustries, pp. 28-39 445 91 1 '. 1 1 1 < > ., 1 ontinu 1 ' ' pp. 56 72. - |OI. ..... hill, Mrs. I . ' 1 '• eel pp. 1 11. 123 , Ure, A. Philosophy ol ,116-572 ''77 9 < king ! a travelei itton and slavery in Olmsted, 1 L. 47s 7 1 , , 1 1 , . in summer of 475 •• CoTTRELL, 1 I ! ' tors. n. t. p. 12' 65I-3 COUES, '1 Hi"':. '/. /»., Am. naturalist, b. 1S42. Biogen: a speculation on the nd nature of life. B., 1884. t6 I, Darwin. B., 18.S5. 16° . . 271 — Field ornithology: manual of instruction for procuring, preparing and preserving birds, and a check list of North Amer- 1874. 8° 598-j — ed. Kuthumi : the tru< iplete m,ii,\ ol human life,_based on the Lem of theosophical ethics 212-21 S., F. T. Can matter think? .... 183-8 CoULA I The ancient city : a study on the religion, laws and in tutions of Greece and Rome. tr. by Willard Small. B., 1874. 8° 32°3~3 Coulson, J.G. \. Harwood. N.Y., 1875. 8°. Odd ; . 1 h< . N. Y., 1875. 8°. Coulter, John M. Manual of the botany, I the Rocky mountain region from New Mex- ico to the British boundary. N. V., 18S5. 8°. />'■ ' 'ray, A. Les- sons in botany 5^°-38' 11. of Trent, History of the. Bun- gener. L. F 27061-2 Col Ni us. See Church councils. Col ni mfort spoken from a city- pulpit. Boyd, A. K. II 252 23 i 1 s to young men on the formation of character. Nott, E , le 1 amoi -. Hie. Feuillet, 1 '. Cot \ Erbach. Stein. A. 1 . 1 Kostia. ' Iherbuliez, V. C of M ' to. Dumas, Al shore : or, villa in Vic- tis. Church, A. J. and Putnam. R. NT Mirabeau. Mundt, Klara, (I.oui-e Miihlbach, /... ud.) m Robert ofParis. Scott, Sir Walter. 1 Sil\ in-. Horn, G. \a\ier. Durand, A. M. C. H.. (11. Greville, pseud.) ( 'i U NTER. - 3°6 - COURT. Counter- revolution in England under Charles II and James II. Carrel, J. B. N. A 9366-3 — Same 9366-31 Counterfeit presentment. Howells, \V. D. Counterparts; or, the cross of love. Shep- pard, E. S., (Elizabeth Berger, pseud.) Counterpoint. Bridge, J. F. Counter- point 7718-2 Double counterpoint and canon. . . . 771S-21 — Ouseley, F. A. G. Treatise on counter- point, canon and fugue based upon that of Cherubini 771S-6 Countess de Charny. Dumas, Alex. rEss Gisela. John, Eugenie, (E. Mar- 1 i 1 1, pSCUil. ) Countess of Monte-Cristo. Pliila., [1S71.] 8°. [Companion to Alex. Dumas' Count of Monte-Cristo.] Coi M ESS of Rudolstadt. Sand, George. Country and suburban houses. Atwood, D. T 72S-13 COUNTRY banker: his clients, cares and work. Rae, G 331 1-8 Country cousin, The. [Drama.] Steele, S. S. Drawing-room plays 785-S2 COUNTRY cousins: short studies in the nat- ural history of the United States. In- gersoll, E 5904-48 Country doctor. Balzac, H. de. Country doctor. Jewett, S. O. Country gentleman. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 1 01 ii.\ 111 danger, 1792; or, episodes of the great French revolution. Chatrian, A. and Erckmann, E. Country inn, The. [Comedy.] Iiaillie, J. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 419- 445 132C6 COUNTRY life. Allen, G. Colin Clout's cal- endar 589 1 ; Beei her, II. W. Eyes and ears. . . . 143E1 Blake, J. L. Farm and fire side. ... 6304-2 1 ooper, S. F. Rural hours 246E1 Hamerton, P. G. Sylvan year 589-44 H 11 on, T. W. Out-door papers. . 470K7 I [ill, G. C. I [omespun ; or, live and liven go 474''-4 I lowitt, M., ed. Picti irial - alendar ol 1 lie is 589 5 ll"v,iti, W. Country year-book. . . . 189 E2 M 11 ford, M . R. • Mo village : sketi he of rural characti 1 nery 640E1 Rollins, E. II. ' Hd time 1 hild life. . . 789 \i Willmott, K. A. Summei time in the 11 11 try 9S3E8 .SV,- ■: 1 bj Vbbott, ( C. liui roughs, J. Ji IIh. ,. R, Mil, hell, I >■ G. 1 ho 11 D, COUNTRY living and country thinking. Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) 455E15 Country love vs. city flirtation; or, ten chapters from the story of life. Sperry, H. T 845C9 Co NTRY luck. Habberton, J. Country maidens. Bramston, Mary. . . . 180A71 COUNTRY margins and rambles of a journal- ist. Hammond, S. H. and Mansfield, L. W 456E3 Country quarters. Gardiner, M., countess of Blessington. COUNTRY of the Moors: a journey from Tri- poli in Barbary to the city of Kairwan. Kae, E 461-7 Country parson, pseud. See Boyd, A. K. H. COUNTRY pleasures: chronicle of a year chiefly in a garden. Milner, G. . . . 635E2 COUNTRY scenes, and tales of the four sea- sons. Myrtle, Mrs. II 664A1 Country stories. Mitford, M. R. Works. pp. 496-556 S28-62 COUNTRY walks of a naturalist with his chil- dren. Houghton, W 589-48 Coup d' etat. See France, history. Coupland, Sidney. Personal appearances in health and disease. N. Y., 1879. 24 . [Health primers series.] .... 613-29 1 ,11 11 and, Wm. Chatterton. The spirit of Goethe's Faust. L., 18S5. 12 - . . . 8357-3 i,i PON bonds and other stories. Trow- bridge, J. T. COURAGE. Emerson, R. W. Society and solitude, pp. 239-263 319E2 Matthews, W. Men, places and things. pp. 253-263 617E7 — Smiles, S. Duty. pp. 98-130 194-81 i , ,1 ri v. See De Courcy. 1 ,,i 1 hi;, Paul Louis, b. 1773-d. 1825. Mac- call, W. Foreign biographies, v. 1. pp. 84-98 410-67 Course of creation. Anderson, J 550-13 1 .of empire : outlines o I the chief po- litical changes in the history of the world. Wheeler, C. G 905-94 1 ,, 1 o| man as brought to light by the gospel, by a strangei and pilgrim in the earth. St. Louis, 1852. 12°. . . 233-3 1 , ,1 1: 1 oi time. I Poem. | Pollok, R. . . 741C1 Course ol true love nevei did run smooth, 1 ! , ide, 1 has. 1 '. iur r and 1 amp oi Bonapai te. N. Y., 1870. 16 664B9 ml camp ol David. Headley, B.C. 2218-25 1 and 1 inn ol [ami I, Birch, T., ed. 511B2 C 1 inles of the republic. Ellet, Mrs. E. (F.) +1239-3 CO! 1; I of Anna Carafa. St. John, Mrs. II. K 204B71 COURT. 3°7 COW PER ( !oi 1; 1 Royal. ild, S. Bai ing-. ( ■ 11 1; 1 knay, Edward, earl 0/ I odge, I''. I' ts ol 'it" i' I.. 'i pel sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 1. pp. 2.17 25 2 - M'-°5 Courtesies ol » edded life. Bal er, II. N. (W.) CoUR 1 HOPl , \\ in. John, Addi on. V \ ., 1884. '- • I ' " 1; '' ""'" of letters.] 10 1B1 - Libei il mo> emenl in English literature. I... 1885. 12° 8204-3 Biographical sketches. /// Ward, 'I'. II., ed. English poets, v. 3 8092-9 (hi rting :iinl farming. Smith, Julie I'. Cm k 1 si..\ , I .eonard II. I' inani e Tn w ard, 'I'. II., ed. Reign 1 1 Quei n Victoi v. 1. pp. 330-363 938-9 Courtship in se\ enteen hundred and twenty, ami eighteen hundred and sixty. Smart, I [awley. C01 rtship of Miles Standish. Sn Longfel- low, II. \\. Poems. Various editions. Courtship with variations. Bunner, II. C. In Matthews, J. B., ed. Comedies for amateur acting, pp. 91 i:n 7S5— 59 Cousin, Victor, French philosopher, b. 1702 d. 1867. Course of ihc history of mod- ern philosophy. 2 v. N. V., 1866. 8°. 141-22 Elements of psychology: included in a critical examination ol Locke's essay on the human understanding and in ad- ditional pieces. \. V., 1S64. 8°. . . 1 — The true, the beautiful and the good; with an appendix on French art. X. V., 1859. 8°. Same, 1873 142-27 Youth of Madame de Longueville ; or, new revelations of court and convent in the 17th century. N. V., 1854. 12°.. , . I. Brownson, ( >. A. Works. >. 2. pp. 307-329. [Review. I 818-27 Coi SIN Alice, ['scud. See Haven, A. B. C01 SIN from India. Craik, ('.. M 250A6 Cousin Geoffrey. Hook, Theodore 1 Cousin Kate, pseud. See Bell, C. D. ' OUSIN Phillis and other tales. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cousin Polly's gold mine. Porter, Mrs. A. E. Cot sin Pons. Balzac, 11. de. Cousin William. Hook, Theodore I ■'. ' ol iss. Walford, 1 . B. Couture, Thos., French painter, b. 1S1 5 1879. Conversations on art methods. X. V., 1X79. 12 7s! 25 Covenani of peace. Vincent, M. R. . . . ^5^ 000 Covenanters. Dodds, J. Fifty years' strug- gle of the Scottish covenanters, 1638 88. 2741 \ Gibson, J. Inscriptions on the toi stones and monuments erected in mem- ory of the covenanters 4195-4 Covi HistOI Ol i Haulers iri 2 v. I'hila., 11. d. 24° 27)1 ; Bayne, P. Chiel Pui itan revolution, pp. 21 1 255 1 rlyle, I . Critical and mis. ell.. 1 ■ pp. 206-237. Baillie, the ei • Bates, 1 1 — Scoit, W. Old mortality. | \ novel.) X ind, l'"\ EN II:'.. John. After his kind. X. V.. 1-886. 16 . Covi .1 i;v, Thos., b. 1578 ,/. 1639. 1 lamp- bell, J. I .ord chancellors, v. 2. pp. I'm; 41 1-25 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- inagi of (it. Britain, v. 4. pp. 41- 5 1 411-65 Covi . I .. Essays. /« M I and Dod .ley, I:., ed. . The world. v. I. pp. 152-15S. [British essayists. v. 22. J ,s,l , Cu\ ERDALE, Miles. Mason, J., . triumphs. ,.,; 4IO _ 7 COVETOI 1 Dick, T. Works. v. 6. . 828-35 Covilham, or Covilhao, Pedro cla, Portu- guese exploi ut 1450. Vogel, T. \ urj ery. pp. 49-56. . 437-93 COWAN, Frank. Curious facts in the hi of insects: including spiders and scor- pions. I'hila., 1865. 12° 5957-3 Covi vns, David. Anecdotes of a life on the ocean: experiences in 27 years' servi in do . I. Mon- lS 7". 12° 1 ("Win ry, M. F. Elementary moral lessens. I mil.. 1S56. 16°. . . 194-23 CoWEN, Joseph. Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders pp. 77-S5 411-5 Cowley, Abraham, English poet, b. i6i8w/. [667. Bryant, W. ('. Prose writings. v. I. pp. 120 146 189E3 -Disraeli, I. Calamities of authors. \. 1. pp. 56-66 804-36 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of British poets, v. 1. pp. 66-74 4IS2I ) Johnson, S. Lives of English poets, v. i- pp- r 43 41*21 s Works, v. 2. pp. 3 10 S2S-52 'ing. W. Some verdicts of hi reviewed, pp. 47 Si pi .; — Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2. PP- 234 243 S092-9 per, li. Harris. Facts of Christianity historically true. /« Christian. Evidence iety. Popular objections to revealed truth. pp. S9-I 14 COWPER. -308 COX. COWPER, Win., English poet, b. 1 731-./. 1.S00. Works. Comprising his poems, corre- spondence and translations; with a life of the author by the editor, Robert Southey, LL. D. 8 v. L., 1854. 12°. v.I. Life. v. 2. Life [concluded.] — Letters, 1765-82. v. 3. Letters, 1783-88. — Notes. v. 4- Letters, 1788-99. — Notes. — Letters to Mr. Park. — Papers in the Connoisseur, etc. 249B3 v. 5. Miscellaneous poems. Olney hymns. — Translations. v. 6. The task. Miscellaneous poems. — Adam ; a sacred drama: tr. from the Italian. 249C1 v. 7. The Iliad of Homer, translated. S831-4 v. 8. The Odyssey of Homer, trans- lated 8S31-41 Essays. In Colman, G. and Thornton, B., eds. The connoisseur. v. 1-2. [British essayists, v. 25-26.] 184E1 Cheever, G. B. Lectures on the life, genius and insanity of Cowper. . . . 249B1 — Smith, G. Cowper. [English men of letters series.] 249B2 — Taylor, T. Life of Wm. Cowper. . . . 249B4 — Brooke, S. A., Theology in the English poets, pp. 1-68 821-2 - Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 61-66 410-42 - Home pictures of English poets, pp. 247-266 821-45 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of Brit- ish poets, v. 1. pp. 442-460 41821-4 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. ser. 2- pp- 35- io 3 826-54 Men of history, pp. 233-235 4I°~75 - Mothers of great men. pp. 364-377. . 4ij"35 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.| Literary history of England, v. 1. pp. 13-S1 8204-7 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. v. 1. pp. 321-328 821-78 Taylor, \V. C. Modern British Plutarch, pp. 100-106 411-97 - Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 122-433 8092-9 Cowper, Wm., rst earl, b. 1664 d. 1723. I impbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 4. PP -"> ;i7 411-25 , ' iille. ( '. .w 1 an, Robert, (Reginald Fitz-roy Stanley, id 1 Pa agi fi 1 he autobiog- raphy of a "Man of Kent." ].., 1866. 12° 249B6 Davi tin/* r, b. 1703 gi aphj of I >avid 1 lox. . 49B9 Cox, Edward W.. Arts 1 eading and ;pi al inj - N. Y., 1S72. 12°. Sami 800-24 Cox, Geo. Valentine. Recollections of Ox- ford. L., 1868. 12° 37842-25 Cox, Sir Geo. Wm., Eng. historian, b. 1827. Athenian empire. N. Y., n. d. 16°. [Epochs of ancient history.] 9184-3 - Crusades, The. N. Y., 1S74. 16. [Epochs of history.] 2704-3 — General history of Greece, till the death of Alexander the Great. N. Y., 1876. 12° 918-28 — Greeks and the Persians. N. Y., 1876. 16°. [Epochs of ancient history.] . . 9183-3 — Lives of Greek statesmen. 2 v. N. Y., 1885-86. 16° 4102-3 Contents. — v. i. Solon. — Peisistratos. — Kleisthenes.— Polyk rates. — Aristagoras. — Milti- ades. — Aristeides. — Themistokles. — Pausanias. — Gelon. v. 2. Ephialtes. — Kimon. — Perikles. — Phormion. — Archidamos.— Kleon. — Brasidas. — 1 1' inosthenes. — Nikias. — Hermokrates. — Manual of mythology. N. Y., 1868. 16 . 294-28 — Mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 v. L., 1S70. 8° 290-34 — Tales of ancient Greece. Chicago, 1879. 12° 294-3 — Evolution : heaven and hell. In Chris- tianity and evolution, pp. 216-249. . . 2398-26 — Horses and their feet. In Page, C. E. Horses: their feed and their feet. pp. 103-132 6361-73 - and Jones, E. H. Popular romances of the middle ages. L., 1S71. 12°. Same, N. Y., 18S0 3S2-3 Contents. — Story of King Arthur and his knights. — Merlin — Sir Tristrem. — Bevis of Hamtoun. — ■ Guy of Warwick. — Havelok. — Beo- wulf. — Roland.— Olger the Dane. — Stories of the Volsungs. — Nibelung story. — Walter of Aquttaine. — Story of Hugdietrich and Hilde- burg. — Gudrun lay. — Story of Frithjof and In- gi;l>jorg. -Grettir the strong. — Gunnlaug and the fair Helga. — Burnt Njal. I ales of the Teutonic lands. L., 1S72. 8° S315-3 Contents, [ntroduction. — Stories of the Vol- sungs. — Nibelung story. — Walter of Aquitaine. — Story of Hugdietrich and Hildeburg. — Gud- run lay. — Story of Frithjof and Ingebjorg. — tlretlir the strong, -- Gunnlaug and the fair Helga. Burnt Njal, Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 2. pp. 149 105. [Review of Aryan mythology.] I°4-95 Cox, tiomersham. Institutions of the En- glish government : the constitution, po« ei i and pn n edure ol its legislative, judicial and administratis e depai tments. i-, 1863. 8° 3461-3 Rudimentary treatise on the integral cal- culus; with examples, by J. Hann. 1... •852. 1 6° 5'73-3 cox — 309 — BBE. Cox, Jacob Dolson, American general and statesman, b. 1828. Atlanta. N. V., 1.XN2. 12". |i impaigns of the civil war.] 9781 23 March i" the eo Fi inklin and V h v ill.-. N. Y., 1SS2. 12°. [Campaigns ..I tin- ( i\ il war.] 9781 .' 1 Se -I ball le of Bull R un, a with the Fitz John Porter case. ( !inn., 1882. 12° 9787I I Reid, \\ . 1 'In the war. pp. 770- 777 9796-; Cox, John Edward. Musical recoiled of the las) half century. 2 v. L., 1872. 8° ' 771-25 Cox, Palmer. The Brownies: their book. V Y.. 1SS7. 8° 188A502 Cox, Richard. Burke, O. J. Lord chan- cellors of Ireland, pp. 100-109. • • ■ 4"3- 2 Cox, Samuel Hanson, /'. D.,6. 1793-rf. 1881. Interviews: memorable and useful. N. V.. I8S3. 12° 24I-3 Content* With Ri n Dr Chalmers.— With Rev, Dr. Emmons. — With J. ij. Adams.— With two pseudo-apostles. — With a fashionable lady. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, American diplomatist, b. 1824. Arctic sunbeams ; or, from Broadway to the Bosphorus, by way of the North Cape. N. Y., 18S2. 12.°".. 440-243 Buckeye abroad; or, wanderings in Europe and the Orient. X.V., 1S52. 12 440-244 - Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey. N. V ., 1SS7. 8° 4496-21 Free land and free trade: lessons of the English corn Jaw applied to the United States. \. Y., 1884. 12° 33.5 3 Isles of the princes; or, the pleasures of Prinkipo. N. \ .. [887. 12 4496-22 — Orient sunbeams ; or, from the Porte to the Pyramids, by way of Palestine. N. Y., 1882. 12 4499-26 — Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers and Spain. N. Y.. ■870. S° 4449-3 Why we laugh. i\. Y., 1S76. I2>. . . Si 7 32 Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 61-66 41247-3 COX, Sydney. Friendly counsel for girls: or, words in season. \. Y., 1868. 12 . 1937-32 Coxe, Arthur 1 leveland, bishop of western \ w York, b. 1S18. Apollos; or, the waj of God : a plea for the religion of scripture. Phila., 1873. 12 2S3S-33 — Impressions of England; or, sketches of English scenery and society. Phila., |N ""- "2° 442 -I Institutes of Christian history: an in- troduction to historic reading and study. Chicago, 1887. 12°. [Baldwin lectures, lSS6.] 270-2S Ci , A < . . ontinued. Mo ral " 1 1 1 1 letter; with remarl on practical re- ligion. Phi • 12° Content* Pail r.,1 letter.— Moral reforms. — 1 1. n — [Hustrat I dough! s on thi ; designed as an introduction to the liturgy and an aid 1 tevout use. Phila., 1878. 16 . . 26034-3 [ntrodui 1 In < Suetti ■■. P. I . papacy 282I-4 COXE, Wm., Eng. historian, b. 1747 ,/. 1 History ol th< II : ol Vusti ia, from 1 he foundal f tl Ku- d..iph ill I lap I 1 Le- opold the Second, 1218-1792. 3 V. 1 .. 1847 53. 12° 9426-3 Notc~¥or continuati', 11 of the History of the House of Austria till 1848, sec Kelly, W. K Memoirs of the I 'uke of Marlborough; with his original correspondence; re- vi il.l\ I W.nle. ;,v. P., 1847-48. 12° 613B5 '■I Frederic rtwi at, (Dr. Bush- whacker, pseud.), American ;uritcr, b. i8l8-.. M. D. Funny side of physic : or, the mysteries of medicine, n. t. p. 12°. Same, Hartford, 1S74. 610S-J Cracker Joe. B., 1887. 16°. [No name series.] Cracroft, Bernard. Essays, political and miscellaneous. Phila., 1868. 12°. . . 250E1 CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert, pseud. Si'Mur- free, Mary Ann. Cradle of rebellions : history of the secret societies of France. La Hodde, Lucien de 3669-5 Cradle of the blue Nile. De Cosson, E. A. 2 v 463-28 CRADLE-land of arts and creeds; or, noth- ing new under the sun. Stone, C. J. . 293-8 ( 1 idle lands. Herbert, Lady — . . . . 458-46 Cradock Nowell. Blackmore, R. D. CRAFTS, Wilbur Fisk, Methodist minister, />. 1850. Childhood: the text-book of the age. B., 1875. 12° 372-25 — Must the Old Testament go ? or, the re- lation of the Old Testament to the Christian life of today. B., 1883. 16°. 2202-25 Sabbath for man : a study of the origin, obligation, history, advantages and present state of Sabbath observance, with special reference to the rights of working men, based on Scripture, liter- ature, and especially on a symposium of correspondence with persons of all nations and denominations. N. V., 1885. 12° 2594-24 — Successful men of today, and what they say of success. N. V., 1883. 12°. . . 194-25 Through the eye to the heart; or, eye- teaching in the Sunday school ; with an introduction by J. II. Vincent, and an appendix by S. J. (Timanus) Crafts. N. Y.41S73.] 12° 246-3 Crafts, Wm. Legare, H. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 142-165. [Review of Mis- cellaneous writings.] S1S-56 1 ragin, Mrs. Louisa T., (Ellis Gray, pseud.) Long ago: a year of child life. B., [876. 16 435 Al 1 1 ml, A. R. Modern palmistry; or, the book of the hand, according to the sys- tem ol D'Ai pentigny and I ie ibarolles ; with ome account of the gipsies. N. Y., 1867. 12 [746 ; Your luck's in your hand. [Same as Mod- ern palmistry. I I... n. d. 12°. . . . 1746-3 Craig, tsa. Duchess Agnes and othei poems. I.., 1865. i2° 252(1 Rev, I., tr. I listory "I ii" Pi ml 1 Inn 1 h in I lungary, from the 1 efoi n to 1850. I., 1854. 8°. ... 27 1 (9 ; CRAIG, Wm. Essays. In Mackenzie, H., ed. The lounger. v. 1-2. [British 3°-3'-] [British essay- 1S4E1 1S4E1 294-33 655E2 652A2 essayists, v. The mirror ists. v. 28-29.] Craigie, Mary E. Once upon a time: stories for children taken from the an- cient gods and heroes. N. V., 1876. 16 . CRAIK, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock), Eng. writer, b. 1826-1/. 1887. About money and other things. N. Y., 1887. 12 . Contents. — About money. — Six happy days. — Life and its worth. — Story of a little pig. — Ge- nius. — My sister's grapes. — On sisterhoods. — Facing the world. — Paris atelier. — Kiss and be friends. — Agatha's husband. N. Y., 1868. 12°. — An unknown country. N. Y., 18S7. 8°. 4416-6 — Brave lady. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1S70. 16°. — Bright schemes and bold strokes. L., 11. d. 16° — Christian's mistake. N. Y., n. d. 12°. — Domestic stories. Leipzig, 1S62. 24°. Contents. — Last of the Ruthvens. — Italian's daughter. — Two homes. — Minor trials. — Philip Armytage; or, the blind girl's love. — Adelaide : being fragments from a young wife's diary. — Old mathematician. — The half-caste.-— Miss Let- ty's experiences. — A bride's tragedy. — 'Tis use- less trying. — The only son. — The doctor's fam- ily.— All for the best. — Fair France : impressions of a traveler. N. V., 1871. 12°. Same. Leipzig, 1872. 16° — Hannah. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Head of the family. N. Y., 18*73. I2 °. — Hero. Bread upon the waters. Alice Learmont. N. Y., 1873. 12°. His little mother and other tales ami sketches. N. Y., 1881. 12°. Contents ; — His little mother. — Poor Prin. — Two little tinkers. — The postman's daughter. — About traveling and travelers. — Save the chil- dren. — Sinless Sabbath breaking. — De mortuis, — John Halifax, gentleman. N. Y., 1875. 12°. King Arthur: nut a love story. N. Y., 1886. 12°. Laurel bush. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. I egacy : being the life and remains of |ohti Martin, schoolmaster and poet. V V., 1S7S. 12°. I ife I... a life. N. V., 1874. 12°. I Lttle Sunshine's holiday : a picture from life. V Y., a. d. 16° I "id Ernstoun. Leipzig, 1S64. 16°. Miss Tommy: a mediaeval romance, and In .1 Iimii eboal : a journal. N. Y.. 1884. 12°. Mistress and maid : a household story. \. Y.. n. il. 12°. 444-65 652A3 < ■ R A I K . i . — CF Wll* Cr UK, Mrs. D. M. (M.), cotUinu d, \h mothci ""i i N \ . i -•; i 12 . Noble hi--. \. * .. 1S74. 12 . 1 Hive. \ V ., iN;t- 12 . Plain speaking. N. V., [882. [2°. . . 655E4 Content* ride al 1 hi tin id Vi 1 ( ii 'Mil people. —Little music— Co- in. Dei ■■! entlewomen.— On novels and novel-makers. Light in darkness.- Island of the blest. How tn told .1 lie.— Ruined pal- I. 1 PIui ky boj 652 \ 1 Poems. Li ipzig, 1868. [6° 652C1 Romantic tales. Leipzig, 1861. 18 . Contents.— Avillion ; or, the Kapp) 1 ties. — Self-see 1 Sculptor oi Bruges Daughter of rlereraon. King L'olj I rotion. Clcomi 1 thi G reel Stoi yol 1 1 I mow mountains.— Rosicrucian. — Antonia Meiidori. —Story uf EHsabetta Siratii- -Life epi —Sermons out of church. N. Y., 1875. I2 °- '' ' Contents. Wliat is self-sac rifi e 1 >ui »ften infirmities — How to train up a parent in the ia :\ he should go. — Benevolence ; or, b< cenci Mj brother's keeper . — Gather up the fragments. Studies from life. V V., 1861. 12 . . 655E7 Contents.— Old stories. — Silem foi a [ener- ation. —Going out to play.—" W anl »omi thin ■ to read." — War sparkles— An old soldier's coming home Poor people's children. — Trav- eling companions. — Through the powder-mills. Brother Jonathan's pet.— Literary ghouls. — About mothers in law. — Our lost cat. — My babes in the wood. — The man of men. — Lost. — Twenty years ago : from the journal of a girl in her teens. N. Y.. 1S72. 16 . 1 1 >esi 1 1 1"'- the coup d'etat in Pai 1 , I$5I.] 4443~°3 1 . ind word and other stories. X. Y.. I87O. 12°. Contents. — A child's life. — His young lord- ship.- I Ii.-al.rtli ria. \ woman's \ ! gold. On living in perspective. — Sermons. — House of Commons. — A few \ ion V hedge-side poet. — The last great exhibition : its beginnin i novelists. — Bodies and souls. — Blind. — Children of Israel. Gi\ u: i' [n the ring. — A dreadful gl Meadowside house. — In her teens. Clothes. 1 1 i >i ■ ■ 1 s ofahospital —Death on the seas. — In pai ent Misery In old Scotch rden party. II- tali of two u alks Woman's kingdom. N. V., 1872. 12°. Woman's thoughts aboul women. 1'hila.. II. il. (2°. Same. Leipzig, i860. 16 . Same, with an introduction, l>v Rev. V.Smyth. Columbus, 1858. 12 .' . . 396-7 Contents. — Something to do pend- ence. — Female professions. — Female handi- crafts. Female servants M rnily. male friendships. — Gossip. — Women of the world. Happy and unhappy women. 1 u omen Gi wing Id Young Mrs. Jardine. X. V., 1S80. 12°. /;•. Witt, Mme. II. ('.. de. French country family ■ • 286A4 :,'■ I I M M.i, contin\ -. \1. A day with Mrs. Dinah Muloclc Craik. Tn Parton, ].', ed. Prin- pp. 57 61. Craik, i 1 ire: illustrated |i liilulogical cm Ju- lius c.isar. ed. by \\ . J. Rolfe. [872. 72° I'n 1, o( I lowledge under diffici I.., 1865. 12° 4IO-35 Same. 2 v. V Y., 1854. l6°. . . 4>0-36 Same. 2 v. N. \ .. 1855. 16 4' Coni Leibnitz.— 1 1 crick the Great.- Cai phens. — Hutton. Fergu Fi Saunders, n Hill Mm ray Bun s Giftord Hal roft.— '.real Napier— Boyle.- Cavendish. Parkes Davy Faraday.— Laurent.— West.— Barry.— I .awren I Bit ' mfield White.— M |i.|;..:,,! i 11 Slcam cn- rkwright.— Cartwright. — Ed- wards Walker Ledyai 1 CRAIK, Georgians M., I r, *. 1831. 1 ou 11 ii tn India. N. Y., 1877. 16° 250A6 1 1. leal. \. Y., I867. 16°. Hero In >' I ... 1 1 ^72. 1 6°. I eslie Tyrrell. 1 1867. 16 . — Lo a- Leipzig, 1S62. 16 . — Mildred. X. Y., 1875, l6°. — Winifred's wooing. Leipzig, 1868. 16 . Without kith tir kin. 2 v. in I. Leip- . 1872. 16°. . Henry. The state in its relati ttion. I.., 1884. 12 37 ( RAKE, Rev. A. D. Alfgar the Dane; or, the second chronicle of .Escendtine: a tale of the days of Edmund Ironside. I . [886. 1 6°. 1 1. iomed city ; or, th< I >uro- cina: a tale oi son con- 1 Britain and the mission of Au- gustine. Oxford, n. d. 12° j the Fair; or, the first chronicle of endune: a tale of the da;. Dunstan. I... 1885. 16 . History of the church under the Roman empire, A. D. 30 476. L., 1879. — Last abbott of Glastonbury : a tale of the dissolution of the monasteries. fold, 1886. 12°. Rival heirs : being the third and chronicle 1 une. I .. 1 : //; Simple les- son's for home use, pp. 393 4-2. ■ ■ . I. M. Ba tisl his : from the foundation of the Christian church to the present time: with introductioi . J. Angus. I .. 1871. 12 CRAMPTON. - 3 12 — CRAYTHORNS. Cramfton, John F. T. Lanman, C. Hap- hazard personalities, pp. 290—303. . . 412-58 Cranberry culture. Eastwood, B. Com- plete manual for the cultivation of the cranberry 6349-3 — White, J. J- Cranberry culture 6349-38 Cranch, Christopher Pearse, American poet and artist, b. 1S13. The bird and the bell and other poems. B., 1875. 12 . 253C3 — tr. Virgil. The .Eneid 8731-3 Crane, Anne Moncure. See Seemuller, Mrs. A. M. (C.) Crane, Edgar. "Nisida ;" or, two winters in Madeira. L., 1S79. 12 . Crane, Jonathan Townley, Methodist minis- ter, b. 1S19. Arts of intoxication, the aim and the results. N. Y., 1871. 16 19S-25 Popular amusements; with an introduc- tion, by E.'S. Janes. Cinn., 1869. 12 . 195-3 Crane, Thos. Frederick, 6. 1844. Italian popular tales. B., 18S5. 8° 3845-3 — Aunt Maria and the autophone. In Ma- son, E. T., ed. Humorous masterpieces. v. 3. pp. 163-172 817-63 Crane, \V. J. E. The smithy and the forge : a rudimentary treatise, including instructions in the farrier's art ; with a chapter on coach-smithing. L., 1885. 12 6S2-3 CRANE, Win. W. and Moses, B. Politics: an introduction to the study of compar- ative constitutional law. N. Y., 1884. 12° 320-25 CRANFIELD, Lionel, 1st earl of Middlesex. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of fit. Britain, v. 4. pp. 169- ■79 411-65 CRANFORD. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. CRANMER, Thos., English reformer, arch- bishop of Canterbury i b. 1489-fl'. 1556. Writings; with memoir. In British reformers 208-11 Herrick, S. E. Seme heretics of yester- day, pp. 129-154 4143 .4 Lodge, I.. Portraits of illustrious per- sonage i ol ' .i- Bi 11.1111. v. 1 . pp. 235- ' i" 41115 rayler, i . B. Mr 1 ials of the English martyrs, pp. 325-371 2726-8 1 RAP! , Win. A., joint author. [ill. .11, W. and Crapts, W. \ 1 1 ifleton papers. uv, Richard, /:» about 1650. \\ illmott, R. A. Lives nf the early 1 li < I poets, pp. 301-329. . 41821-9 Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 102 [98 8092-9 1 1 \ 11 u\ , \\ in. B. < pi ti worl . ed. by W. H. Turnbull. I... 1858. 12 . . 252C9 CRASSUS, Marcus Licinius, Roman triumvir, b. B. C. \o%-d. 53. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 3. pp. 331-381. 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 365-375 4>oi-75 Crater, The. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. Crates. Fenelon, F. deS. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 246- 251 418-3 Craven, Mme. Augustus, (formerly Pauline de la Ferronays,) b. 1820. Anne Severin. N. Y., 1869. 12 . — Eliane. N. Y., 1882. 16°. — Sister's story. N. Y., n. d. 12 . Craven, Sir Wm. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 6. pp. 247-251 411-65 Crawford, Francis Marion, American writer, b. 1S54. An American politi- cian. B., 1885. 12°. — Doctor Claudius. N. Y., 1882. — Marzio's crucifix. L., 1887. 12 . — Mr. Isaacs: a tale of modern India. N. Y., 1883. 12°. — Paul Patoff. B., 1SS7. 12 . — Roman singer. B., 1884. 12°. — Saracinesca. N. Y., 1887. 12 . — Tale of a lonely parish. L., 1886. 12°. — To leeward. B., 1SS4. 12 . — With the immortals. L., 18S8. 12 . — Zoroaster. L., 1885. 12°. — Upper berth. In Norman, II., ed. The broken shaft, pp. 17-51. Chaw ford, John. Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 443-445. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80921-7 Crawford, Mabel Sharman. Life in Tus- cany. Columbus, O., 1S59. S°. . . . 4455-3 Crawford, Robert. Across the Pampas and the Andes. L., 1884. 12°. . . . 480-25 1 RAWFORD, Samuel Wylie, American gen- eral, b. 1829. Genesis of the civil war: story of Sumter, 1860-61. N. V., 1SS7. 8° 9784-28 Crawford, Thos. Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the artists, pp. 306-320. . . 75S-9 ( rawford, Wm. Mi 'lung, J. A. Sketches of western adventure, pp. 12S-144. . 987-58 CRAWFORD, Wm. Harris. Cobb, J. B. I 11 hi. labors, pp. 131-247. [Review of Life and times of W. H.Crawford.] 240E1 1 n \u fi RD, 1 Isw aid. English • ■ imii d 1 am .111 1 V \ .. [884. 16 822-26 Crayfish, The. Huxley, T. II 5953°-4 1 1 lyon miscellany, living, W 818-482 t rayon, Porte, pseud. See Strother, David I I unlei . < 1; w • ' ii Sl - Hollow. 1 [ildeburn, Mrs. M.J 472A7 CREAGH — 3 1 ( RE \ I ' < " rt i vgh, |.i ■. ' *vei the boi del "I ' hris : tend and I ilamiah i a joi . i igh Hungary, Slavonia, Servia, Bosnia, Hei egi ina, Dalmatia and Monteneg thi noi th ol Albania in l, lummerol [875. zv. L., 1876. 8°. 4496 25 1 1 1 igh, Peter, bishop of Cork. O'Reilly, M , 1 1 ish hi. 11 1 vi and confi 01 pp. l-'7 43a M42-65 i 11 igh, Richard, archbishop of Armagh. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confess- 01 - pp. 1 Hi 140 |1 ! ' 65 111 kSY, Sir Edward Shepherd, English his- toriatijb, 1 Si j d. 1878. Fifteen decisive lull Is ...I 1 in world ; from Marathon to \\ aterloo. N. Y., 1X69. 12 Colli.*:?* Marathon, B C. 490. -Defeat ol 1 In- Athenian it Syracuse, B I pi. \rl.. 1 .. B. C 131 ill' Metaurus B. i Vict of Armiiiiii-. .111 1I11 I'.ii.in !■ [ions undei Varus, A II 0. ' li.itiii., 1 ,t Tours, 732. — Hastings, 1066. Joan of \i victory over the English at Orleans, 1 1 1 1 U 1 it ol the Span- ish \rnimhi, 1588. — Wenhcim, 1704. — Pultowa, 1709. — Victory of the Am. ricans vei Burgoyne .it Saratoga, 1777. — Valmy. 1792. — Waterloo, 1815. History •>! the Ottoman Turks, from the beginning of their empire to the pres- ent lime. X. V., 1878. S° 9496-3 Rise and progress of the English CO tution. N. V., 1873. 12° 346-3 introduction. In Neil, S., ed. Great events of Gt. Britain 9302-7 1 11 Mm; ami creation. Hickok, 1.. I'. . . 213-4 1 1:1 \ TORS of the age of steel. Jeans, \Y. I . 4100-5 Creation. Ackjand, T. S. Story of crea tion as told by theology an. I by science. 213-2 Adams, C. C. ('real ecenl work of I III 213-12 Vlford, 11. Meditations in advent, on creation ami mi providence 240—15 Anderson, J. Course of creation. . . . 550-13 Arnot, \V. This present world 551 — 15 Baker, 1,. ('. Mystery of creation and of man 252 144 Boardman, G. D. Studiesin the creative week 213-13 Campbell, S. M. Story of creation. . . 213-15 1 hambers, R. Vestiges of the natural history ol creation 2I3-18 Chapin, J. il. Creation ami the early 'lev elopmenl ol society 213-19 Clodd, E. Story of creation: plain ac- ot evolution 575—23 >, G. T. Creation, or evolution. . 214 .•; Dawson, J. W. Origin of the worl I ■ rding to revelation aii, I science. . . 213-23 Field, G. Two greal books of nature and tation 21 ; ; 1 Figuier, 1.. World before the deluge. . 551-45 1 1 1 Aim., continued. 1 I i - .... 21 God 'ii ami ev olulion. | Poem. I 1 Geonoi ' . . . . 5 5 1 t, A Cn or, the biblical cosmogomy in the light of modern hi e ■ Hickok, I 1' I reator ami creation. . 21; 4 Hitchcock, E. Religion of geology and 2105-42 — Jame . II Substance ami shadow morality and religion in their relation to life: an essay upon the physics of crea- tion 210-5 Kinns, S. Harmony of the Bible with ii nee; or, Moses ami geology. ... 2 1 5-49 1 ru is, 'I'. Six da; f cn ... 213-54 M'Cosh, J. i:n,l Dickie, 1.. Typical forms ami special ends in creation. . . 213-56 Morrell, G. C. Creation and the Script- ure the revelation of God 239-66 — Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where? . 218-67 — Order of creation : the conflict between 1 renesis and geology ■ Pember, G. H. 1 earliest ages and their connection with modern spiritual- ism aii' I ill-..' iphy 213—7 Powell, B. II. Baden-. Creation and 213-71 — Reimensnyder, J. B. Six daysof creation. 213-73 Reynold . I.W. Supernatural in nature. 210-74 — Smith, J. 1'. Relation between the Holy Scripture and some parts of geological ice 215-83 — Stephenson, M. F. Soul ami origin of life. 57 — - Thompson, I. P. Man in Genesis and in geology = — Tuttle, 11. Arcana of nature; or, the history and laws of creation 17' . Wainwright, S. Scientific sophisms. . . 213-93 Walker. J. B. Cod revealed in the process of creation 210-93 Winchell, A. Sketches of creation. . . 5501-9 Wright, K. W. Life its true Genesis. . 576-95 Bacon, 1.. W. The simplicity that is in Christ, pp. 106-206 252 14 Bl tckwell, A. B. Studies in general science, pp. 33^-356 142-24 — Bowen, E. Coal and coal oil; or, the geology of the earth 5532—17 11, E. The childhood of religions. pp. 10-52 290-32 1, 1. Ii. Manual of geology, pp. 7"s 770 55°- 2 9 — Fabei . I . S. ["noughts on great mysteries. IT' «-74 *34-4 — Goodwin, C. W. Oil the mosaic COS pp. [8j 228. In Ess v s and re- views 204-2S CREATION. — 3'4 CRESWELL. i i: i \ HON, continued. i Hiul.l, S. Baring-. Legends of Old Tes- tament characters, from the Talmud and other sources, pp. 1-64 2214-4 — Hitchcock, E. Religious truth illustrated from science, pp. 192-222 215-41 — Lenormant, F. The beginnings of history. 2231 1-64 — Molloy, G. Geology and .revelation, pp. 280-358 55°'-° — Ronson, G. The creative week. In Re- plies to Essays and reviews, pp. 242-29S. 204-29 — Swedenborg, E. Creation. In Barrett, B. I'., ed. Swedenborg library, v. 8. 2S94-2 — Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. v - ' 901-85 — See also Bible, Genesis, p. 123. Earth. Evolution. Geology. Man. Paleon- tology. Religion and science. CRECY. [Battle, 1346.] Adams, \V. 11. D. Battle stories, pp. 39-63 9208-13 Memorable battles in English history. pp. 75-86 93°8-2 Low, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 4-15 93°8~4 — Spooner, E. Historical scenes, pp. 69- 77. Crecy and Poitiers 9°3-85 Credit Mobilier. Martin, E. W. Behind the scenes in Washington : being a com- plete and graphic account of the Credit Mobilier investigation 4753-6 Credo. Townsend, L. T 239-93 Creed and greed. Rhodes, D. W. ... 194-7 Creed of science. Graham, Wm 168-4 Creeds. Eaton, A. W. Heart of the creeds . 2S38-3 — Jelf, R. W. Thirty-nine articles of the church of England 2383-5 — Pearson, J. Exposition of the creed. . 2383-6 — Bain, A. Practical essays, pp. 257—288. Religious tests and subscriptions. . . . 132E2 1 li. inning, W. E. Works. v. 2. pp. 289-298 208-17 Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 3S-57. . 204-7 — Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity, pp. '35-152 204-79 Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. IT- 296 3*3 257-7 Crehore, John Davenport, American civil net r, i. 1826-rf. 1884. Mechanics of the girder: a treatise on bridges and roo! . in n In. li the necessai j and suffi- il nl "eight of the structure is calcu lated, not assumed. V V., [886. 8°. 624 | Not, \ raphical sketi li of Mr. Cre- hore. by Prof. J. N. Stockwell was pub lishcd in the Journal oi 1 hi \ iationof engi necrin v .\ pp. Si-84. 1 ' 1 ighton, l.oin 1 ' . ■ nenl of En- gland. I. . 1SS4. 16 346-31 1 fi if 1 nl the Black p e. N. V., 1877. 16' 31 IBS Creighton, Louise, continued. — Social history of England. 1... 1887. 16 . [Highways of history.] 93°5 - 3 — England a continental power. In Creigh- ton, M., ed. Epochs of English his- tory, pp. 119-186 930-3 Creighton, Rev. Mandel. Age of Eliza- beth. N. V., 1876. i6 c . [Epochs of history.] 9355~3 — History of the Papacy during the period of the reformation. 4 V. B., 1882-1887. 2821-2 Contents.- v. 1. From 1378 to 1418. — Great schism. — Council of Constance, v. 2. From 1418 to 1464. — Council of Basel. — Papal restoration v. 3-4. From 1484 to 151S. — The Italian Princes. — History of Rome. N. V., 1882. 16 . [History primer.] 919-3 — Life of Simon de Montfort. Earl of Lei- cester. N. V., 1S77. 16 644B8 — ed. Epochs of English history. L., ■881. 16° 930-3 Contents. — Early England, by F. York Pow- ell. — England a continental power, by Louise Creighton. — Rise of the people and growth ot parliament, by Jas. Rowley. — Tudors and the reformation, by Rev. M. Creighton. — Struggle against absolute monarchy, by Bertha M. Cor- dery. — Settlement of the constitution, by Jas. Rowley. — England during the American and European wars, by Rev. O. W. Tancock. — Modern England, by Oscar Browning. — Pedi- grees. Cremation. Eassie, W. Cremation of the dead 393 2 ~3 Robinson, W. God's acre beautiful ; or, the cemeteries of the future. 393 2 ~7 — Williams, R. E. Cremation and other modes of sepulture 393 2 ~9 Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day. pp. 209-213. . . . 32042-2 Gaume, J. J. Christian cemetery in the 19th century, pp. 130-138 3931-4 — Leonowens, A. H. English governess at the Siamese court, pp. 204-217. . . . 4533—5 — See also Burial usages, p. 191. CREMONY, JohnC. life among the Apaches. San Francisco, 1868. 12° 4791-32 CREOL1 i of Louisiana. Cable, Geo. W. . 9853-3 CRESAP, Michael. Brantz, Mayer. Tah- Gah-Jute; or, Logan and Cresap. . . . 9704-6 Crescent and cross : a story of the .siege of Malta. Martyn, S. T. 1 11 11 \i ami the cross. Warburton, !•'.. . 4499-91 Crest of the continent. Ingersoll, Ernest. 478-5 1 11 its from the ocean world. Tripp, A. . 440-915 < Kiswi.ii, Frank t >. Handrailing and staircasing: a complete set of lines for handrails by "Square cut." System ami lull practical instructions for mak- ing and fixing geometrical staircases. L., 1SS2. 16° lio| 3 CRETE. — 3'5 — CF I Ml. AN. Cri ii. I land of. Stillman, W. J. Cretan i re I 1866 68 94998 8 1 lull. in. I, I . E. Europe: it in 1 ii, En tern qui ' > "'■ PP- 7" ss - ^ ;l > iii.i 1 reti 34124-4 — Taylor, B. ["ravels in Greece and Rus- sia, pp. 89-147 4495-87 c hew, Benj. J. Practical treatise on pe- troleum, with appendix bj Chas. A. Ashburner on produd and exhaustion ol the "il regions and geology of natural gs in Pennsylvania and New York, pp. 457 480. Phila., 1SS7. 8°. . . . 55328 .; '11 >i the " Dolphin." Smith, Hannah, {I [esba Stretton, pseud.) Crewe, Sir Randolf. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. Phila. eel. v. 1. pp. .503-311. N. Y. ed. v. 2. pp. 23- 35 411-24 Cribbage. Walker, Geo. Gribbage made easy 7872-8 — Sti also 1 ..Hues. Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia, an- cient and modern. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 16°. Same, 1868 953 .; iiiii/ Wheaton, Henry. Scandinavia, an- cient and modern ; being a history of Denmark, Sweden .ml Norway. 2 v. N. Y., 1S54-56. 16°. Same, 1S72. . 948-3 Crichton, Jas. Masson, M. Celebi children, pp. 315-320 410-72 CRIES of London, ancient and modern. I [indley, Chas 194-4 Crime and criminals. Altgeld, I. P. Our penal machinery and its victims. . . . 3467-15 — Brace,!'. I.. Dangerous classes of New York, and twenty years' work among them 361-2 — Burke, P. Romance of the forum. . . 3467-2 Dewees, F. 1'. The Molly Maguires: origin, growth ami character of the ganization 3467-3 I in ('.me, E. I . Punishment and preven- tion of crime 3l"r 15 Dugdale, R. L. "The Jukes": a study in crime, pauperism, disease and hered- ity 339-3 — Godding. \Y. \Y. Two hard cases. . . 3482 1 — Hammond, W. A. Insanity in its rela- tions to crime 1731 .( Hargreaves, J. G. Blunders of vice and folly 199-4 llein/en, K. Mankind the criminal. . 460E9 - Pike, 1 . O. A history of crime in En- gland. 2 v 3467-6 — Sleeman, W, II. Thugs, or Phansigars, of India 3467 8 \ ictor, O. J. History of American con spiracies ; ~ mlimied. W 1! on, A. Si md ci imc and oth- 5 Bon G 5. Thoughts on edui a- tional tutions. pp. 49 74. 370-23 1 1 in, C. A pi pp. 89-198 — Timbs, J, Rot 1 v. 1. PP- 241-405 -I Burglai Law I emperance and intemperance. IV 1 i' 1 ,1 1 and punishment. Dostoye> I . . I . M. of Henry Vane. Stimson, Frederick J., (J. s. ,,1 i«, Crimi \. Oliphant, I.. Russian slim the l',l. H I. Sea 4479-S lellei, I. B, 1 1 line. 1 and Transcaucasia. 44; Wolley, C. P. Sporl in the Crimea and Caucasus ; — Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, pp. 95 [34, . . . 4479 ; Grey, Mrs. W. Journal of a vi it Egypt, Constant the Crimea, etc. pp. 17S-195 ( - ..• n — Russell, W. II. A diary in the East. pp. 522-577 ,.'-' 77 Crimean war. Baudens, I.. Qn military and camp hospitals 6139-2 Europe and the allies. Bound ~u>itJi Eu- rope and the allie- t and of today 929-3 — Fowler, G. History of the war, [to the end of 1S54.J 0,7^ 1 Cmdon, C. G. Letters from the Crimea, etc 9475-45 Kinglake. A. W. Invasion of the Cri- mea. 6 v 9475-5 — Murray, E. C. G. Pictures from the battle fields 9475-6 Oliphant, I.. Trans-caucasian campaign of the 'Turkish army 9475~7 Schmucker, S. W. Life and reign of Nicholas, emperor of Russia : a com- plete history of the war in the East. . 6S0B9 — Soyer, A. Culinary campaign 94 \i in -1,1. R. A. from the Levant, v. 2. PP- >7 S -='4 4499-15 — Bell, G. Rough notes, by an old soldier. v. 2. pp. 135 265 145R4 — Boynton, C. B. Four great powers. . . Burgoyne, J. Blasting and quarryii stone, pp. 120-127. Services of Brit- ish engineers — Cler, Gen. — . Reminiscences of an of- taves. pp. 109-317 — Henderson. R. Soldier of three queens. v. 2 401P..S Low. ('. R. Creat battles of the British army. pp. 504-520 CRIMEAN. CROCKETT. Crimean war, continued. — MacPherson, J. Life and labors of Dun- can Matheson. pp. So-173 618B7 — Massey, G. Poems, pp. 259-300. . .• . 615C6 — Miller, Hugh. Leading articles. pp. 293-3°' 633E7 — Shadwell, L. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, v. 1. pp. 302-387. . . 203B5 — Smith, G. B. Life of Wm. E. Gladstone. pp. 150-195 425B1 — Stocqueler, J. II. British soldier, pp. 201-265 35542-7 — Yonge, C. D. History of the British navy. v. 3. pp. 256-379 93°8l-9 — Groves, J. P. A soldier born. [A ro- mance.] — Henty, G. A. Jack Archer: a story of the Crimean war 464A7 — Melville, J. G. Whyte-. The interpreter: a tale of the war. — See also England. Europe. France. Russia. Turkey. Criminal history of the English government. Regnault, E 93°3~7 Criminal law of England, History of. Stephen, James Fitzjames 3468-8 Cripple of Antioch. Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Cripps, Wilfred Joseph. College and cor- poration plate : hand-book to the repro- ductions of silver plate in South Ken- sington museum from celebrated En- glish collections. L., 1SS1. 12°. . . . 7391-2 1 kii'PS, the carrier. Blackmore, R. D. Crisis, The: an essay. Steele, R. In Fa- mous pamphlets, pp. 163-247. . . . 335E1 Crisis of missions. Pierson, A. T 263-65 CRiss-cross. Litchfield, Grace D. Cristiani, R. S. Technical treatise on soap and candles; with a glance at the in- dustry of fats and oils. Phila., 1881. 8°. 668-3 CRITERIA of diverse kinds of truth as op- posed to agnosticism, being a treatise on applied logic. McCosh, J. Philo- sophic series. No. 1 142-6 Critic; or, a tragedy rehearsed. [Drama.] Sheridan, R. B. Works, pp. 413 477. 820C9 CRITICAL and social essays; reprinted from the Nation. N. Y., 1867. 16 . . . . 675E5 Contents.— Glut in the fiction market. — Critii s and criticism.— Clergymen's salaries. — Popu larizing science. — Good old times. — Why we sturday reviews. — Tinkering hymns. Amerii << nisters abroad. — Horse-racing. — ofour social philosophers. Waste Dn 1 its 1 ritii Social influence of the national debt. — Hints for Fourth of July orations. — Amcri' an reputations in England.- E 11 1 and American order of thought. — Roads. — Pi .'. s — Connecticut village. — Voyaj I travels. — Verse making. — Something about monuments. —Our love of lux in . Plea for cult I I Critical examination of our financial policy. Newcomb, Simon 33^7-6 Critical hand-book: a guide to the study of the authenticity, canon and text of the Greek New Testament. Mitchell, E. C. 226-6 1 ki 1 hal history of the doctrine of a future life. Alger, W. R 218-14 Criticism. Home, H., Lord Karnes. Ele- ments of criticism 803-45 — Moulton, R. G. Shakespeare as a dra- matic artist: popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism. . . . 8236-6 — Samson, G. W. Elements of art criti- cism 701-74 — Critical and social essays, pp. 11 — 18. 675E5 — Disraeli, I. Calamities of authors, v. 1. pp. 80-91 804-36 — Helps, A. Friends in council, v. I. pp. 243-270 461 ES — Holland, J. G. Every day topics, pp. 55-72 483E2 — Mathews, W. Great conversers, etc. pp. 239-248. Curiosities of criticism. . . 617E5 Literary style, etc. pp. 100-110. . . . 617E6 — Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books, etc. pp. 362-392 804-6 — Purnell, T. Literature and its professors. PP- ] 4-33 8o 4-7 — Ward, S. G. Criticism. In Peabody, E. P.. c-d. .Esthetic papers, pp. 5-24. 720E] — See also ^Esthetics. Art. Authors. Book? and reading. Literature. Music. Po- etry. Names of individual artists and authors. CRITICUS, pstiid. See Orme, Wm. Critique of design-arguments. Hicks, L. E. 210-41 Critique of pure reason. Kant, Immanuel. 163—5 CRITIQUES and addresses. Huxley, T. H. . 502-49 Crittenden, Mrs. John J. Ellet, E. F. Queens of American society, pp. 327— 335 41239-3" CROAKERS of society and literature. \\ hip- pie, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. S6-93 946E5 Crocker, Rev. Henry, ed. Adventures in New Guinea, the narrative of Tregance, a French sailor, nine years in captivity among the Orangwoks, a tribe in the interior of New Guinea. I.., 1S76. 16 . ,105 ; Crockett, David, /'. 1786-tf. 1836. Life of David Crockett, the original humorisl and irrepressible backwoods man, with an account of his death while lighting in defence of Texan independence. Phila., n. <1. 12 254B4 \I1I1. ill, J. S. C. David Crockett ; Ins life and adventures 254B5 - Ellis, E, S. Life ,,f (,,li, ml David Croi kett 254B6 CROCKETT — 3'7 — CRi IMWELL. i ;ri ii i i i i David, i ontimt \\ attei ion, II., ed. < Iddities of south- ern lii' and i li irai ter. pp. 245-264. . 817 94 Crcesus. Smith, S. F., ed, Myths and hen e 1. pp. 21 5-226 2901 1 11 11 11 1 . \\ . A . A mid 11 mmi 1 lai I . V V., 1883. 11V 440-25 — The Vanderbilts and the story ol their fortune. L., n. d. 12 911 B96 I 1 ' 11 1 1 1 .. I 1 I 'l.il 1 .' Bew ildered c|uer- isi> and othei 1 ien ;e. N. Y., 1875. 12 s ' Contents. — The bewildered querists. — Wo- rn, in'-, worth. -Cuts .iml guards. — The logic of sloth.- Autophotographs Emphasis as a ve- hicle of malice. — Euphemi 1 t km pin Ihivs. Martineau, Harriet. . . . 615A3 Crofts, Rev. John. Effie and her strange acquaintances 1 a \ ei v cui iou . 1 almost true. V V., n. d. 12 . . . . 255A5 Croker, John Wilson, Irish critic, i. 1780- il. 1857. Correspondence and ■ 1 taries. ed. by Louis J. Jennings. 2 v. N. V., 1S84. 8° 254B8 ed. Boswell, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. 10 v. in 5 5I/U4 Martineau, II. Biographical sketches, pp. 110-69 4104-62 Note. — Sec also a review of Croker's Bos- well. hi Macaulay, T. B. K. i CROKER, Thos. Crofton. Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland ; with a memoir, n. t. p. 12° 384I 3 CROLL, Ins. Climate and time in their geological relations: a theory of secu- lar changes of the earth's climate. N. V., 1875. 12° 551-31 Discussions Oil climate and cosmology. N. V., 1SS6. 8° 551-3 Croly, Rev. Geo., b. 1780-d. i860. Life and limes of his late majesty, Ceorge the Fourth, with anecdotes of distin- guished persons of the lasl fifty years. V \ .. 1859. 16 414B63 Poetical works. 2 v. I.., 1830. 12°.. 255C1 — Salathiel : story of the past, present and the future. 2v.ini. (.'inn., 1858. 12°. [Story of the wandering Jew. J Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and liter- ary men. pp. 133-145 4'8-43 Croly, Jennie (Cunningham,) (Jennie June, pseud.) Foi better or worse, a book for Mime men and all women. B., 1875. 16°. 1933-3 Jennie Juneiana : talks on women's topics. Ik, 1864. 16° 255E2 Contents.- Spring * nirtshiji. — The house- hold. — About babies. — Chapter about girls. — Summer. — About n en - About various things.— Autumn. — Social amusements. — Mat rirnony.— Winter pleasures - Christmas holi- days < Irombie, Ji ■ . I ." hen In I aylor, J. E. ,/ '. . . reserving nal inal In torj objects, pp 181-194 I 1... 1S85. 12°. Cromi I artisan, /> 1 d. 1 827. I' amou bo) and far pp. 241 253 410-47S I and how they bei great men. pp. 189-200 410-48 Howe, II. Eminent mechanics. pp. 249- 2 53 4'237-4 Mason, I at triumphs of great men. pp. 577"5 8 ' 4'°-7 Timbs, I. Inventors and di |. jo2 311. Samuel Crompton and the spinning-mule 609-79 i'uiimh ell, Elizabeth, |. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 2. pp. r,7 544 4" 5 s i I of Oliver, />. i628-7 S 3 Crouch, J ulia. Three sui cessful girls. N. V., 1873- >2°. CROWE. ,"/ . II - \M c row i . Alexander. I ee, F. G. Hi itorical ;ki ti he i of I he n I i pp. J83 197 - s < 53 i 'i;..u e, i 'athei ine (Ste> en .i I ngli h >ritt > , />. iSiici ,/. I S 7 ( . . I .inny l.ui k« I. \ V., .854. 12°. Night-side of nature; or, gho 1 and ghost-seers. N. \'., 1868. 12°. . . . 174-25 Crowe, Eyre Evans, English historian, b. 1799-r/. 1868. History of France. 3 v. N. V., 1854. 1 6° 944-3 ( Irowi [ELD, 1 In 1 itophei . pseud. 5i . >l Mrs. II. I!. Crown from the spear. Hamilton, C. V. Crow n jew el Moffett, E. L. Crown ol ui i e - ; or, four heads to furnish. I hi Iter, 1 h 11 lotte. (A. I.. ' ». E., pseud.) I... 1864. 1 6° 116A1 ; Crown of wild olive. Ruskin, J 304-7 Crown prince of Germany: a diary. I... 1886. 12° 382B8 CROWNINSHIELD, Mary Bradford. All among the lighthouses; or, the cruise of the "Goldenrod." B., 1886. 8° 6279-35 — Ignoramuses, The: a travel story. B., 1887. 8° 4401-32 CROWNS. Jones, Win. Treasures of the earth, pp. 276-294 553-5 Croxall, Samuel. Fables of /Esop and others. N. V., n. d. 16 3811-16 Croyland. Ingulphus. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with continuations by Peter of Blois, and anonymous writers. 040.) 5 Crozier, Capt. Francis Rawdon Moira. Jer- ilan, \V. Men 1 have known, pp. 132- 13 s 4' 1-5" Crozier, K. II. The Confederate spy; or, startling incidents of the war between the slates. Louisville, 1SS5. 12°. CRUDELI, Tommaso. Ross, Janet. Italian sketches, pp. 137— 1 57. Tommaso Cru- deli and the Freemasons of Florence in '733 445-81 Cruden, Alexander, b. 1 700-,/. 1770. Con- cordance to the Holy Scriptures, ed. by J. l'adie, introd. by I). King. B., 11. d. 8° 2204-3 Cruger, Mary. Hyperesthesia: a novel. \. \ .. 1886. 12 . Vanderheyde manor-house. X. Y., 1SS7. 12°. Cri ikshank, Geo., English artist, /'. 1794- d. 1878. Comic almanac. 1835-43. I.., 1835-43. 16 S27-42 - Three courses and a dessert. I.., 1867. 12°. Jerrold, B. Life ol Geo. Cruikshank. . 25SB1 Cruise in the "Acorn." Jerrold. Alice. 11. t. p. 8° 381 52 ol a woman hater. Mi G de. Cb ill. M. S. "< ha.Ui W.J.J Cruise ol the " Al tbam 1 i > Alert." I ppingcr, K. Y\ E of the " \ I'" n am G. W J7«4 - Ci [SEof the "Betsi Miller, Hugh. 5; ' v 1 the "Bl u 1. I' ! '■■ 1 . unroll, \'. L. Cruise of the " B klyn." Beehler, W. II. 437 CRUIS1 ol 'I lull. Alden, W. I.. 1 1 1 ni the "I lainty." Kingston, W. H.G. 5 . CRUISl 1 1 1 ti ■ I I on." Knight, 1' I 1 1 1 1 ol the "Ghosl Uden, W. L. . . 1 1 | ' 1 ■ ■ 1 ol the " I lumming Bird." I lul M. 1 Iri isi. of the " Marchi 1 ! llemard, 1 . 11.11. 2 V 4376 I 1 n tsEofthe "Montauk." McQuade, J. 4; of the My tery and other pi Thaxter, Celia 1 of the " Rosario." Markham, A. II. ; I the ■' I 1 ." Knight, A. . . 53 Cruise of the "Widgeon." Robinson, C. E 4405-7 CRUMBINE, J. C. I . Evolution and ' tianity : a study. 1 hicago, [887. 16 . 21; 33 IBS from the round table. Barber, J. 6428 15 1 ,n:, swept up. Talmage, T. DeW. . . 871E2 ( Irusade of the I Harte, F. Bret. Crusades. Bloss, 1 - A. Heroines of the crusades — Chronicles of the crusades 27' Contents.— Chron FD es. concerning the deeds of Richard, 1189-92. — Goflfrcy de \ hronicle of Richard I, 11 inville's memoirs of Louis IX. 1226-71. — Cox, Ceo. W. Crusades 2704-3 — Edgar.J.G. Crusades and the crusaders. 2704-4 Frith, H. In the brave 2704-42 — Gibbon, E. Crusades 27 — Gray, G. Z. Children's crusade. . . . 2704-5 — James. G. P. R. History of chivalry. . 3947-6 — Joinville, J. de. Saint Louis, king of France 5S6F.3 Pears, E. Fall of Constantinople : being the story of the fourth crusade. . . . 949°3-7 — Perry, G. G. History of the crusades. Pri 1. G. Fighting their way. . . . 2704-6 - History of the crusades: then progress and results. [Same as Fight- ing their way.] S) iel, II. \ . Histi and literal.. the crusades 2704-7 — Allen, J. II. Christian history. 2d pe- riod, pp. 79-103 -70-15 CRUSADES. 320 — CUBITT. Cri s ides, continued. — Chambers, W. and R., ed. History of the crusades. In Tillotson, J. History of Palestine and the Holy Land. [Ap- pendix, 41 pp.] 221-91 — Gibbon, E. Roman empire. Chaps. 58-60. 9199-5 — Ileadley, J. T. Miscellanies. pp. 157- |S 4 460E4 — Mackay, C. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions, v. 2. pp. 1-100. . 1742-6 — Magnaty, M. A. Historical past of Italy. pp. 155-176 945-64 — Miller, G. History, philosophically illus- trated. V. 2 920-6 -Milman.H.H. Latin Christianity, v. 4-5. 2821-5 — Noble traits of kingly men. pp. 49-65. 6S9A3 — Ordericus Yilalis. Ecclesiastical his- tory of England and Normandy, v. 3. 9309-65 — Porter, W. History of the Knights of Malta - "■ > 3947-7 — Williams, \V. R. Eras and characters of history, pp. 160-1S1 902-9 — Woodhouse, F. C. Military religious or- ders of the middle ages 3947-95 Vonge, C. M. Cameos of English his- tory. V. 1 930-97 — Henty, G. A. Boy knight : a story of the crusade 464A4 — Holt, E. S. Lady Sybil's choice : a tale of the crusades. — Scott, W. Betrothed : a romance. Count Robert of Paris : a romance. Talisman : a romance. Valentine, L. Knight's ransom: a ro- mance. — See also Chivalry. Middle ages. Lives "f I ouis 1\ of France and Richard I of England. Also histories of Europe, En- gland, France and Palestine. Crusoe, Robinson. See Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe in New Vork, and other tales. Hale, E. E. Crusoe's island : a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk, with sketches of adventure in California anil Washoe. Browne, J. R 439-18 CRUSOES of Guiana. Boussenard, 1 17s \j Curst ami (he cake. Mayo, Mrs. 1. !•'., (Edward < iarrett, pseud.) ' ''• IT-WELL, I lias. I ],,,.. History of Ro- man literature; from the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius. N. V., n. d. 12 8709-3 and Banton, Peake, eds. Specimens "I Roman literature. L., 1879. 12 . . . 8708-3 iii. Sophie, [Cruwell), baronne Vigier. 1 1 Queen ol ong. pp. #3-49° 4178-3 rris, G. T, Gi eal singers, ser, 2. pp. -'''' *ll 4'78-4 Cryptic masonry. Mackey, A. G 366-6 Cryptogram. De Mille, Jas. Cryptogram. [Being pt. 2 of the Gianl raft.] Verne, Jules. Cryptograms. Sampson, H. History of advertising, pp. 285-291 6589-7 CRYSTAL palace, N. Y. Greeley, IL, ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition at the Crystal palace. N. V., 1853-4 606-5 Crystal sphere. Sanders, J. M 5785-67 Crystalline. Shelton, F. W. Crystallization. Crystallography. Rus- kin, J. Ethics of the dust 798E17 — See also Geology. Mineralogy. CUBA. Ballon, M. M. Due south; or, Cuba past and present 47291-2 — Dana, R. H. To Cuba and back. . . . 47291-3 — Gallenga, A. Pearl of the Antilles. [Account of the insurrection, 1868-70.] 47291-35 — Hazard, S. Cuba with pen and pencil. 47291-4 — Howe, Mrs. J. W. Trip to Cuba. . . . 47291-43 — Hurlbut, W. H. Gan-Eden ; or, pic- tures of Cuba 47291-45 — Jay. W. M. L. My winter in Cuba. . . 47291-5 — O'Kelly, J. J. Mambi-land ; or, adven- tures of a Herald correspondent in Cuba. 47291-7 — Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches 47291-8 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 16. pp. 272-326 818-27 — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveler. pp. 358-401. Letters from Cuba, 1849. 439-2 Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 120—147. [Same letters, revised.] 189E3 — Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba. Peru, Spain, and Algiers. pp. 5-56. [Caricatures.] 817-25 — Deniing, C. Byways of nature and life. pp. 124-142. Shadows in Cuba. . . . 283E2 Latham, H. Black and white. pp. 192-217 473-55 — Le Vert, ( >. W. Souvenirs of travel. pp. 287-318 440-56 — Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics, pp. 209-317 473-6 Murray, C, A. Travels in North Amer- ica, including a visit to Cuba and the A/ore islands. v. 2. pp. 200-260. . 470—65 Rose, H.J. Among the Spanish people. v. I. pp. 252-260 446-8 — Taylor, W. II. Travels of a doctor of physic, pp. 9-74 440 So, Townsend, F. T. Wild life in Florida with a visit to Cuba. pp. 1 68-2 1 8. . . 47v> o — Badeau, A. Conspiracy: a Cuban ro- mance. Muni. Mary. Juanila: a romance of real life in Cuba fifty years ago. ( 1 1:111, Thos. Jerdan, \V. Men I have known, pp. 139-150 411-56 i i ( :koo. 32' I NUM.. i lock. Mole worth, Mt ..M.I. Cl ', Mi . Annie (Thoma i ' alii d [o ai i ount. 2 v. in i. Leipzig, 1867. l6 1 1. in . I tonne. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 186 1. n> . Narrow escapi B., 1876. 8°. No medium. N. \ .. 1885. 16 . — Only herself. N. Y., 1875. 8°. Passion in tatters. N. \ .. 187 ;. 8°. _ Played out. N. Y., [867. 8°. Sn Victor's choice. 1 .., 11. d. 12°. \\ ..In. Goring. N. Y., [866. 8°. Cl DWORTH, Ralph, /'. /'., English pit phcr,b. 1617 d. 1688. True intellectual system uf the uni\ ei e : w hen in .ill the 1 . 1 on and philosophy of atheism is 1 on fuled, and its impossibility demon- strated; with a discourse concerning the true n o) thi 1 ord's supper, and two lermons on t John ii, 3-4, and 1 Cor. w, 57. A new edition with ref- erences to the several quotations in the intellectual system ; and an are. unit uf the life and writings of the author, by Thomas Birch. 4 v. I.., 1820. 8°. . 162-3 Sermons. In Brogden, J. illustrations of the liturgy 26031-4 — Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory. v. 2. pp. 396-424 190-6 Tulloch, J. Rational theology and 1 hristian philosophy of England, v. 2. pp. 193-30 2 2742-8 111 from all quarters. Jacox, F 510E4 1 1 [sin] Creole, La. Collection of culinary recipes. N. Y., 1SS5. 12° 641-31 Culinary campaign. Soyer, A 9475-8 Culler, R. Essays. In Mackenzie, II., ed. The lounger. v. 1-2. [British . 1 sts. v. 30-31.] 184E1 Essays. In Mackenzie, II., ed. The mirror, v. I. [British essayists, v. 28.] 1N4K1 i'ci 11 \, Wm. Mason, I., ed. Great tri- umphs of great men. pp. 435 4w- • • 41 -/ Culley, R. S. Hand-book of practical tel- egraphy. I... 1871. 8° 53 8 - 26 Culloden. [Battle, 1746.] Adams, W. II. D. Batlle stories, pp. 409-420. . . 9208-13 i ullwor in. Bates, Miss L. Culm rock. Bradley, W. 1 180A39 in Al Hold, M. Culture and an- archy I-4I".; Blackie, J. S. Self-culture 374-2 Clarke, J. F. Self-culture 374~ 2 7 — Cooke, J. P. Scientific culture 502-28 Helps, A. Conversations on war and general culture I 1 '' 9 Hamerton, P. G. The intellectual life. 452E6 Rice, H. Natun nd culture 7 S 7' 5 Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. . . 819E3 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 2 v. 2902-8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . continued. \ ouman i, E. L., ed I ultun Ii 1 inded In modern life. I I ihors. F01 !■). I.., ed.] pp. 215 A plea foi 1 "Itiire Emerson, R. W. dm pp. 125-159 ii' Letters and social aim r. 5-222. 31 , II. Illn "ins. pp. 182 211. Cost of a 1 ultivated man. . 422I 1 Harrison, F. Choice ol pp. 07 120 Hi Hand, J. G. Every day topii 5. ser. I. pp. 1 15 483E2 1 (wens colli ■ I isays and addn pp. 1 19 7ooi j See also Bool iandreading. Civilization. 1 dm ation. I tiquette. Manners and customs. CULTURE' garland. Field, Eugene. . . . 817 38 Cl Mm 1 ' ID, Earl of. .SW-Clifford, G Cumberland, Barlow, ed. Northern lakes of Canada. I oroi t< . n .12 47 1 > Cumberland, Richard, *. 1732-*/. 1811. Selections. In < '.r&v, furd, 1 I., ed. En- glish comic dramatists, pp. 258 21m. . S.22-26 Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists, pp. 468-487 41&2-82 Cumberland, Stuart. Queen's highway from ocean to ocean. I .. 1887. 8°. . 471 ;■,- CUMMING, Alfred. Perry, B. V. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 290-296. . 412-75 CUMMING, C. F. Gordon-. At home in Fiji. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1881. 8° 49»'-3 — In the Hebrides. I... 1883. S° 44»7-35 — In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. I.., I.S84. 8° 454-26 — A lady's crui-e 111 a French man-of-war. 2 v. Edinburgh, l8£ '.. 8° 496-34 CUMMING, John. D. D., b. iSio-unphy, T. and Cummins, T. J., eds. Remarkable trials of all countries 3482-3 Cumulative method for learning German. Dreyspring, A 120-3 Cundall, Jas. Every-day book of natural history : a note for every day on flowers, insects, birds, animals, etc. L., 1866. 12° 5904-20 I 1 NDALL, Joseph. Hans Holbein. A*. \ '., [879. 12'. [Great artists series.] . . 481B6 Ci NEIFORM inscriptions. Budge, E. A. History ol I arh tddon, (son of Sennach- erib) king of Assyria B. C. 6S1-668. . 9152-2 — Smith, Geo. Chaldean account of Genesis. 4025-11 'so \ Syria. Chaldea. Cunning workman. Alden, Mrs. I. M.. (Pan v, pseud.) 714A24 : .'.11 \\i, A. ( '. Life ol « reo. I Irabbe. In Crab be Geo Poel ica I « 1 u V . pp. S-'3 250C4 Ci 1 .:i; ■■]. Ul in, S 'O \ author and critic, b. 1785 d. 1824. Greal I iij p intei ed. bj \\ illiam Shai p. I ... 1886. 16 M7-3" — Live "I > lie mo 1 eminent Hi iiish paint 1 and iculptors. ^\. N. Y., 1854. 16°. 417 j rd Roldan. 2v.in1. N.Y.,1860. 12 . • 11 Gibbii In Club 1 1 v. 2. pp ! \0 (I NNINGHAM, Allan, continued. — Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. In Rey- nolds, J. Life and discourses, pp. 3- 83 7S5B8 — , ed. Burns, R. Poetical works 196C5 — De Quincy, T. Literary reminiscences. v. 2. pp. 279-294 284F42 — Rogers, C, cd. Scottish minstrel, pp. 190-198. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . 80921-7 Cunningham, Mrs. B. Sim. For honor's sake. Phila., 1S79. 12°. CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. Edward. Frost, J. Heroic women of the West. pp. 47- 51 41239-33 Cunningham, H. S. Cceruleans: a vacation idyll. L., 1SS7. 12 . CUNNINGHAM, John. Homespun religion. Religion of love. In Scotch sermons. pp. 41-65 252-81 Cunningham, Peter, ed. Letters of Horace Walpole, earl of Orford. 9 v. L., 1861. 8° 922B7 CUNNINGHAM, Robert O. Natural history of the Strait of Magellan and west coast of Patagonia. Edinburgh, 1871 59198-3 Cunningham, Thos. Mounsey. Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel. pp. 160-164. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80921-7 CUNNINGHAM, Wm. Churches of Asia: a methodical sketch of the second cen- tury. L., 1SS0. 12 281 1-3 CUNNINGHAM, Will. M. Cross' Masonic- chart, revised 1869, containing the de- grees of the ancient York rite as worked in the United States of America; with a historical sketch of the origin and progress of Freemasonry. Phila., 1869. 12° 366-3 11 NYNGHAME, Sir Arthur Thurlow. My command in South Africa, 1874-78; comprising experiences of travel in the colonies of South Africa and the inde- pendenl stales. I.., 1879. 8° 46S-3 Travels in the eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black sea,, especially in Daghestan and on the frontiers of Persia and Turkey, 1S71. 1,., 1872. 8°. . . 4479-3 an Italian schoolboy's journal Amicis, E. de 1 17A2 1 1 r. 1 he a drama. Ti nnj on, A. The 1 up and the falcon. pp. 3-85. . . . 881C3 1 1 no, \1. I 1. Svt ifl, A. M. Cupid and 1 hi w > how. Alcott, Louisa M . [ Aunt [o's ' 1 apbag. v. 3.] 1 14A22 1 1 pid and the iphinx. Mc< llellan, Mrs. Harriel ill), (Harford Flemming, 1 CUPI] no lie ; or, 1 me iiminci al N.11 1.1 n eii piei V \ '.. 1879. 16 . i i in i < I Ml- ( 'i iTi i , ia . Geo. Singiil; how thej >'■ ''i ■ round ; being lorii and studies from the dome i ii Scoti h p hi h. l:.. 1872. i" . 1 11 \ii .mil 1 in' rector ; ■ d I V \ .. 1S71. 12°. 1 in harge. 1 »liph int, 1/' ,M.O.(V\ 1 urate's discipline. Eiloart, C. J. Curculio ; or, thi forger} Plautus, T. M. 1 omi 'In - v.i. pp [25 164. . . . 8723 7 1 1 1 1 for cuckold. \\ eb iter, Joli 11. Di mil 1. works, v. 4. pp. 1-99 93°' ,s ( '1 i;i lu musl nol 1 ing to night. |l' | Thorpe, Mi r. Rosa H I ■ poems, pp. 47-50 801 32 In Five minute recitations, pp. iSc, 188 '. 801 ;i - /// Hamilton speaker, pp. iS; 1X1. x..i -i In Monroe, L. B., ed. Voting reading pp. 1 47 149 s "' 1 In < me hundred choi< e selei 1 ion j. No. 9. pp. 8-10 801-4 In Potter, .1/' .1.1 . /. Mj rei ita- 1 ,. pp. 204-268 801-75 Curiosities and law of wills. Pro flat t, John. ; 1 1 1 (> Curiosities of ale and beer! Bickerdyke, J. 6633 11 ( '1 riosities of heat. Tefft, I yman B. . . 536 77 Curiosities of history. Wheildon, W. \V 9825 9 Curiosities ol literature. Disraeli, 1. ■ ■ 8c.) 562 Curiosities of natural history. Buckland, F. T 5904-2 CURIOSlTlESof Puritan nomenclature. Bard ley, 1 . W t"M 1 1 mi us of science. Timbs, J 507 01 ii muslins of I lie law reporters. Heard, F. F S409 P 5 1 1 1 r 1 [TIES. of the old lottery, ed. by H. M. B ks. [Olden time series.] . . 9825-251 Curiosities ol the pulpit. Jackson, Thos. 2509-5 CURIOl s farts in the history of insects. Cowan, F 5957 3 Curious facts of old colonial day--. Bon wick, J 999-2 ( 1 i:mi ichools, by various authors. B., 1881. 12 379 3 Contents— Cadet life at West Point.- Peril institution and Massachusetts school for the blind, - Boston whittling schools. — Philadi I school of reform. — About — A Chinese mission school. — The flower school at Corlears Hook. — Lady Betty's cooking school.— The had hoys of France. — The chil dren's honr : a novel art school nurscl Indian schools. — Tim training school-ship, " Minnesota." ' ; in vn, John Philpot, Irish orator and states- man, 6. 1750-rf. 18 1 7. Speeches; with a memoir. Chicago. [S72. S. ... rich, C \.. d. 5el< 1 ted British I uence. pp. 785 821 • Bii ■■;. ski and speeches 8258-4 Speeches. I>; Irish eloquence, pp. 13 100 825-5 I '. '., J. I'.. .Illl I. I nil. Hi. W. II. I Phillip , ( ' rran and I • mpo- I'n" 1 SS ) 1 1 .11. I .<■• luri "i • pp. 104-129 1 1. 11 iha, D. V m uen. pp. 230 239 i 1 . .. \\ 10. I leni ;. . I . : ! Phil- pol 1 111 1.111 : with mile- by K. She I Ion ."ii/ii-. ii. 1 ' 1 culture. Saunders, VV. I < injurious to fruits, pp. 336 450. ... I .S',, Money. icy question written from a southern of view. Hughes, R. W. . . . 332-5 1 1 ; 1 ■. 1 religious pei il - Cook, I I Ho, ion Monda) let 1 ui es.] . . .• I Bulman, Villi 1 ' ' 1 1 Holrm , O. W 61 ' 1 rii 1. i 1 ,' Sophl "iiia. Alice Tl a. y ; 'T. pursuing. B., 1868. i" - - 20; \ 2 iii.. I laniel. A-daptal if tlie Si ures i" in mi ; >iritual nal /// Ingham lectures, pp.289 3'3- ■ • 239-51 Okkn , Otwa; ! from >etica] literature ol the West. . . 8091 1.. tr. Secret documents of the 1 empire, found in the Tuileries .ml ministries in Paris after the flight of the Empress. I .. 1871. 12° 9448-2 Curse of Kehama. Southey, R. Poetical 5. v. 8 844C4 ' ORY history of swearing. Sharman, J. 1995-8 is, Arthui M. History of the Roman ; ue from the death I isius the Great, toil il ion of Charles Great. Phila., 1S75. 16 . . . . 9199-3 Rise of 1I1. M . 1 Ionian empire. 1 .. [877. in' 1 1 1: 1 1 .. A. W. Spirit of seventy-six: or, the coming woman, tic drama, followed by a Change of base and Mondschein. B., 1868. 12 . . . S015-3 Curtis, Benj. Robbins, American /«.:', lSoq-d. 1S74. Memoir, with some of hi- 1 ■• rit- 1. by his son. 1',. K. Curtis. 2 v. II.. 1S70. 8°. 264B6 Coif ■ G. T. Cur- s', r 1! and misccllaneons writin Ci kits. Benj. Robbins.yr. Dottings round the circle, 1S75 70. 1:.. 1876. 8°. . . 43S-26 .1 Win- chester, pseud.) From Madge to Mar- B., isSo. i6 c CURTIS. — 3 2 4 — GUSHING. Curtis, Geo. Ticknor, American lawyer, b. 1812. Creation, or evolution : a philo- sophical inquiry. N. V., 1887. 8°. . 214-25 — History of the origin, formation and adop- tion of the constitution of the United States: with notices of its principal framers. 2 v. n. t. p. 1859. 8°. . 3462-3 — Life of Daniel Webster. 2 v. N. Y., 1870. 8° 930B7 — Life of James Buchanan, fifteenth Presi- dent of the United States. 2 v. N. V., 1883. 8° 190B3 — McClellan's last service to the Republic ; with a tribute to his memory. N. Y., 1886. 12° 602B2 — Memoirs of Benjamin R. Curtis. In Curtis, B. R.,,v/. Memoirs, v. 2. . . 264B6 CURTIS, Geo. Wm., American writer, b. 1824. Howadji in Syria. N. Y.,[i856.] 12 458-26 - Lotus eating: a summer book. X. Y., 1852. 12° 473-25 Contents. — The Hudson and the Rhine. — Catskill. — Trenton. — Niagara. — Saratoga. — Lake George. — Nahant. — Newport. — Nile notes of a howadji. N.Y., 1854. 12°. 462-26 — Prue ami I. X. V., 1S58. 12°. Same. 1874 817-341 — Potiphar papers. X. Y., 1S62. 12 . Same. 1S65. Same. 1872 Si7-3'4 — Trumps. X. Y.,1872. 12°. — Biographical sketch of Theodore Win- throp. In Winthrop, T. Cecil Dreeme. pp. 5-20. — From the summer diary of Minerva Tat- tle. In Mason, E. T., <■. tS39-rf. 1S76. My life on the plains : or, personal experiences with the In- dians. N.V., n. d. S° 266B8 Wild life on the plains and horrors of In- dian warfare, with a graphic account of Ins last fight on the little Big Horn, as told by liis wily foe Sitting Bull ; also sketches and anecdotes of the mosl re nowned guides, scouts and plainsmen of the west. Gen. Crook and the Apaches. St. Louis, 1886. S° 9707-25 — Custer, E. B. " Boots and saddles;" or, life in Dakota with General Custer. . . 266B7 — Tenting on the plains; or, General Cus- ter in Kansas and Texas 266B75 — Whittaker, V. Complete life of Gen. Geo \. 1 'uster 266B9 — Dunn, J. V., jr. Massai res of the moun- tains, pp. 584-62S 9707-3 Gla ter, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 4'7 14" 4i23"-4 Reid, \Y. Ohio in the war. pp. 77S : S; 9796-7 t'l -1 INK, Adam Philippe, comte, ! . />. 1740-r/. 1793. Sanson, 11.. ,d. Memoirs of the Sansons. v. 2. pp. !-' 17 803B6 • Wa hington Pari e. Rei lions and ; hing- ton, '■■• ith .1 memoii ol 1 he an < hor, by In. daughtei - and illustrath e and ex- planatory notes, by Benson J. Lossing. 1 . 1859. 8° 924B4 < pom and invt h. I ing, Vndrew. . . . 2hio, with sketches of the early inhab- itants. /« Hildreth, S. P. Early set- tlers of Ohio. pp. |(iS aia ('271 ) 1 1 1 1 1 k, Jervis. /;; Hildreth, S. P. Early ettlers of Ohio. pp. 414-420 4 1 j 7 1 ; Cutlery. < lallis, F. Cutlery. In Bi manufacturing industries, v. 11. pp. 154-187 670-21 Mateaux, C 1.. Wonderland of work, pp. 91-101 607-48 CUTTER, Calvin. Treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Phila., 1S52. 12° 612-27 Cutter, John C. Lessons in hygiene: an elementary text-book on the mainte- nance of health, with the rudiments of anatomy and physiology, and the treat- ment of emergent cases; comprising also lessons on the action of stimulants and sedatives on the brain and nervous system. Phila., 1885. 12° 1,1 ; ; i'i in R, Mrs. Lucy (Yeend I urope, through .1 woman's eye ; with an intro- duction by Rev. \Y. II. \\ ynn. Phila., 1883. 12° 441 , 26 Cutting, Robert I.. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. PP- 74-78 11.';- . 1 11. Edward L. ( Charlemagne. L., 1882. 12° 221B5 Constantine the Great: the union of the state and the church. 1 ., issi. 12° 245BS — Saint Augustine. 1... n. d. |6°. . . 129B9 Saint Jerome. 1... n. d. 16 51 ,1'.- ies and characters of the middle V V.. I88 5 . 12° . 9213 ; Contents.— Mon k^ Hermits and i Pilgrims. — Secular clergy. — Minstrels. — Knights.— Merchants — Turning points of English Church his- tory. 1 .. 1878. 12° 2S3-3 — Turning points of general Church hi i 1... n. d. 12° 270-3 CUVIER. 326 DABNEY. CUVIER, Georges Chretien Leopold Frederic Dagobert, baron, French naturalist, b. l,6t)-d. 1S32. Biographical memoir of Daubenton. In Jardine, W., ed. Nat- uralist's library. v. 10. Appendix, pp. 1S9-219, following p. (208. J . . . 590-5 — Lee, S. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. . . 267B4 — Jardine, W., ed. Naturalist's library, v. 16. pp. 17-58. Memoir of Cuvier. . 59°~5 — Wood, \Y., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- j«4-3"9 410-975 Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, D. £>., b. 1S22. From the Nile to Norway and home- ward. N. V., 18S2. 12° 440-263 — Thought-hives. N. V., 1SS3. 12 . . . 241-34 — Wayside springs from the fountain of life. N. Y., 1SS3. 1 6° 240-3 — Introduction. In Mowry, H. Sixty years in the harvest field 254-6 Cuzzoni, Francesca. Clayton, E. C. Quei of song. pp. 52-62 4178-3 Cyclical deluges. Walker, Wm. B. . . . 551-9 Cycling. Dalton, J. G. Lyra bicyclica. 272C4 — Pennell, J. and E. R. A Canterbury pil- grimage 442-72 — Pratt, C. E. American bicycler 792-6 — Stevens, T. Around the world on a bi- cycle 438-87 — Richardson, B. W. Commonhealth. pp. 303-336. Cycling as a health pursuit, physical and menial 613—73 Cycloid. Proctor, R. A. A treatise on the cycloid and all forms ol cycloidal curves 5213-7 1 ^CLONES. See Storms. Cyclopaedia of anecdote. Keddie, Wm., ed 8077-5 1 ,.i-i edia "I anecdotes. I'.., n. d. 8°. 8077-2 Cyi LOP 1 !>i\ of commercial and business anecdotes. Kirkland, F So;; 55 Cyclopaedic science simplified. Pepper, J- " 504-7 ( !yi li iPI hi a ol model n travel. Ta ) [1 1 . Bayard 1 ;6 8 ' 1 ,. Euripides. Tragedies. v. 2. pp. 287-306 882 J 2 Cymkeline. [Drama.] He, Shakespeare, Wm. Cynthia's revels. [Drama.] Jonson, B. \\ 01 ks. pp. 106-203 51M '3 Cyples, Win. Inquiry into the process of human experience attempting to set forth its lower laws, with some hints as to the higher phenomena of conscious- ness. L., n. d. 8° 162-32 Cyprian, ( Tltascius Ctzcilius Cyprianus,) bishop of Carthage, b. about 200-d. 258. Writ- ings, tr. by Robert Ernest Wallis. 2 v. [Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. S and 13.] 2813-26 CYPRUS. Baker, Sir S. W. Cyprus as I saw it in 1S79 4574-2 — Lang, R. 11. Cyprus: its history, its present resources and future prospects. 4574-4 — Loher, F. von. Cyprus historical and descriptive 4574~5 — Brassey, Lady A. Sunshine and storm in the East. pp. 175-306 4499-22 — Farley, J. J. F^gypt. Cyprus and Asiatic- Turkey, pp. [49-164 457-33 — Half-hours in many lands, pp. 292-297. 439-46 CYRIL, St., also called Constantine, d. about 868. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of me- diaeval Europe, pp. 201-216 4142-57 Cyril Ashley. Tucker, Charlotte. (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 116A14 Cyrilla. Tautphoeus, J. M., baroness. 1 A 1:1 'i 1.11IA, or institutions of Cyrus ; and the Hellenics, or Grecian history. Xenophon. tr. by J. S. Watson and 11. Hale 88S4-S 1 vi;i s, the great, king of Persia, d. B. C. 529. Abbott, J. History of Cyrus the Great. 26SB5 Histories of Cyrus the Great and Alex- ander the Great. [Chautauqua edition.] 268B51 Xenophon. Cyropasdia, or institutions ol I \1 US. . ' 8884-S — Farmer, L. (II.) Boys' book of famous rulers, pp. 30-70 4'5~4 <; [rich, S. .\i:\i.\ D.M.I Dahney, Virginius, ed. Storj ol Don Mill ,i told by his friend |ohti B hi w hai Iter. Phila., 1886. 12 . Dacot mi. Sti I lakota. 1 1 \ 1 11 1, ( ieo. II. American foi 111.1i ion foi pre en ing the heall h and curing the diseasi of oxen ows, sheep and sfl ine. N. Y., 1859. 8° 636-3 Anal ) .mil physiology of the hoi 1 I!., [857. S° 6361-29 Modern hoi ie doctor: nature and treat- men I of disease and lameness in hoi 1 V Y. 12° 6361-3 Dai w, Samuel Han ies and Bannan, Benj. 1 !oal, 11 ind oil ; or, 1 hi pracl ical American miner. Pottsville, Pa., [866. 8° 553 .5 l>\i'i>\ Darwin dovecot. Ewing, Juliana 11 ; Same. Botindwith Ewing, |. II. Jack- anapes 328 V86 Daemon of Darwin. 1 oui . 1 lliott. . . . 276B35 1 1 m fodil and the I 'roaxa Kicans. V\ ebt ter, A. Daff s. [Poems.] Whitney, A. i >. T. 9471 , Daggi 1, Naphthali, /'. /'. Headley, J.T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 199-204 4i2'-45 DaGHESI \\. (Jssher.J. Journeyfrom Lon- don to Persepolis; including wanderings in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia, Kur- distan, Mesopotamia and Persia. . . . 450-9 I < vgon) 1 1 he jester. I... 1SS6. 12 . Dagi ERRE, 1 ouis Jacques Mamie, Frank artist, t. 1789 d. 1851. I 'Like. S. A., Our great benefactors. 1111.489-493. . 410-42 Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 134-145. 4169-9 DAHCOTAH J or, life and legends of the Sioux around Ft. Snelling. Eastman, .I//-... M. (II.) 9702-3 Dahi.gren, John Adolf, American rear-ad- miral, /'. \Zo<)-d. 1870. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Phila., 1872. 12 . . Headley, 1. T. Farragul and our naval commanders. pp. 456-495 4122-39 D M leleine Vinton. Lighl - and hadows of a life. B., 1S87. 12 . Lost name. B., 1886. 12°. South-mountain magic. P.. 1882. 12°. 174 .■; South sea sketches. B., [881. 12 . . . 480-27 - Washington winter. 1!., iSS;. 12 . Dahlgren, i Iric, colonel, \ 1842 ..•'. 1864. Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir of Ulric Chesney, C. C. Military biography, pp. '85 193 4'5' 3 Dahlstrom, Karl \'.,ir. Fireman's guide : a hand-book on the care of boilers. N. V.. 1S85. 12° 62II8-4 I IAHN, < I834. \. V., 1 1 1 I I ■ ch. I.I-.'- 12°. I>\n\ Bible ill S 1. Dam y New s. Wai corres| 1 the I lailj New . [870. 2 v Dail> pu 1] hools in the 1 . S. Phila., [866. 8 . ■'■ un ■ ■ i ranz, K. Dainty di 1 I 1 dainty diner-. Liltli Nellie M I I aii;v farming. Evans, G Dairj man's manual 637-3 Flint, C. L. Milch cows and dairy farm- ing 637-4 1 ii .11 tld on, I B R. S. Suburban farming, pp. 7 139 630-24 1 attle. I lomestic animals. Dairyman's daughter. Ricl An- nals ol I -1-7 of versi 1 . S. L. 700C2 D [A novel.] Wai ner, Susan. Dai 1 md hei ft iend B ei ip, Fi ling 1 85 A 2 1 ) usy Brentw ell. Widdemi 1 1 1 Burns. Kavanagh, Julia. Dai \ 1 hain. Vi M. Miller, lame-. Henry. |)\isv Nichol. Hardy. Lady I Jn 1 1 11-. Daisy l'lain-. Warner, Susan. Daisy 1 1 . the girls of I lues hall. Samuels, \. I 801A4 I )ai-.x Ward's work. MacLain, M. W. . . Daisy's companions. O'Reilly, Mrs. R. . 7 Dai 01 \. Andrew s, C. C. Minnesota and 1 lai ' h 477'' 13 1 . I . B. ■ i I ■ Mies ; " or, 1 Dakota with Gen. Custer. ... Pi iole, I '. C. Among thi I la- kota Brockett, L. P. Our Western empire. PP. 7-' 777 47 s ' ' Daldorne, Ev: d. Wooing of the water- witch. With illustration- by I. M. Smith. X. Y.. [880 - I Iale, Fanny, ed. 1 lousehold words for girls and D05 . Phila., [854 272A3 Dale, Richard. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial histor) ol the American navy. pp. 59 Dalgairns, John Bernard. Brownsoi \. W 1] ks. v. 8. pp. 261-270. Re- view of Holy Communion 818 27 I I At 1.. Caroline I I social Anandabai Joshee. kinswoman of the l'undita Ra- niabai. P • .... 510I1S DALL. DAMASCUS. Dall, Caroline (H.), continued. — My first holiday; or, letters home from Colorado, Utah and California. B., 1881. 12° 478-27 — Patty Gray's journey. From Boston to Baltimore. B., 1S69. 16° 473-265 From Baltimore to Washington. B., 1870. 16° 473-266 On the way ; or, Patty at Mount Vernon. B., 1870. 16° 473-267 — Article. In Howe, J. W., ed. Sex and education, pp. 87-108 3761-5 — Putnam, A. P., cd. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 530-534. [Poems and biographical sketch.] 2458-7 — The other side. In Brackett, A. C, cd. Education of American girls, pp. 147- 171 376-2 Dall, Chas. H. A. Putnam, A. Y., ed. Singers ami songs of the liberal faith, pp. 525-529. [Biographical sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Dall, Wm. Cranch Healey. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp. 534-538. [Biographical sketch and poems.] 245S-7 Dall, Wm. H. Alaska and its resources. B., 1870. 8° 4798-3 Dall' Ongaro, Francesco. Howells, W. 1 1. Modern Italian poets, pp. 300-322. . S501-37 Dallas, Alex. Jas., American statesman, b. l759-.<\ is, Rebecca 1 1. Dalling, Baron. Set Bulwer, W. II. L. E. Dalmatia. Creagh, J. Over the borders of Christendom and Eslamiah. 2 v. . 4496 25 R., R. H Ra hi i.i.-. in [stria, I >almatia Montenegro 4436-75 Dalrymi i.i larem e, joint author. Mur- ray, II. and others, British India. . . 9543 , DALRYMPLE, David. Essays. In Moore, E. and Dodsley, R., eds. World. v. 3. [British essayists, v. 24.] 1S4L1 - In Mackenzie, H., cd. Mirror, v. 1-2. I British essayists, v. 28-29.] 184E1 DALTON, Chas. Memoir of Capt. Dalton, defender of Trichinopoly, 1752— 1753. L., 1886. 12 . . . . v 272B8 Dai ton, Dr. Hermann. John "a Lasco ; his earlier life and labours. L., 1886. 8°. 557B9 Dalton, J. G. Lyra bicyclica: forty poets on the wheel. B., 1S80. 16 272C4 Dalton, John, h. 1725-1/. 1811. Dalton, Chas. Memoir of Capt. Dalton. . . . 272BS Dalton, John, English chemist, h. 1766-rf. 1844. . Muir, M. M. P. Heroes of science, pp. 107-154 5409-6 DALTON, John ('all, M. D., American physi- ologist, b. 1825. Human physiology. Phila., 1875. s ° 6121-33 - Treatise on physiology and hygiene. N. V., 1883. 12° 612-3 Dai rON, Wm. New world and its discov- erers, n. t. p. 16 970-6 — Stories of the conquests of Mexico and Peru. L., n. d. 16 9902-3 — Tiger prince ; or, adventures in the wilds of Abyssinia. B. 12° 272 A83 — War tiger, n. t. p. 16° 272AS5 — Will Adams, the first Englishman in Japan. L., n. d. 16 272A87 Daltons. Lever, Chas. D'Alviklla. See Alviella. Daly, Chas. P. Fiske, S. OIT-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 79-84- • • • 41257-3 Daly, J. Bowles. • Radical pioneers of the 18th century. L., 1886. 12° 937~3 Daly, Myrtilla N. A moral sinner. [A novel.] N. Y., 18S6. 12°. Dai, VI 1.1, Thus. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune. pp. 356-404 4'°-53 Dalziel, Hugh, (Corsincon, pseud.) British dogs; their varieties, history, character- istics, breeding, management and ex- hibition. L., n. d. 12° 798-27 Greyhound; its history, points, breeding, rearing, training and running. L., 18S7. 8° 79S-272 DAMASC1 . Addison, C. C. Damascus and Palmyra 457-'3 — Eddy, D. C. Walter in Damascus. . . 4585-3 Porter, J. I . hive years in Damascus. . 4579-7 — Benjamin, S. <;. W. World's paradises. pp. 11 (6 439->7 Curtis, G. W, Ihiwailji in Syria. pp. 291-345 458-26 — G., C. Fortnight's tour amongst the Arabs on Mt. Lebanon, pp. 20-52. . . 4584 1 DAM wi DAI I >amasi us, continued. [ones, ( ;. Excurs to < , I 1 i u lem, Damascus and Balbec, pp. 324- 1 P01 icr, I. 1 . 1 iianl cities ol Bashan and Syria's hoi) places, pp. 342-360. . . 45 s 71 \\ 1 1 in. \\ . B. Ancient cities, pp. 110- 1: I I"i 9 I > wi \ 1 i I . J ■/ . mi (66 d. 38 \. Montoi , V de. Roman 1 tiffs. v. I. pp. S; SS 2821-53 Dame heraldry. l.,S. W 4196-9 Dami nature and her three daughters. Sain- tine, X. B Dami ;i hools. Put nam, E. ' > I < 1 Salem. pp. 1; 62 47445-7 Winthrop, I. Lifeand poems, pp.9— 12. 955B9 Dami Wynton' home. A talc illustrative ol the Lord's prayer. Brock, Mrs. 1 rey [84A21 Damer, Anne Seymour. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 3. PP. -'I 236 417-3 — Ellet, E. V. Women artists of all ages and countrie pp. 170-1S0 4 1 74 -3 Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace ami Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of society, pp. 451 47.; M3-85 Dames ol high estate. DeWitt, Mme. <•',. Damiens, Robert Francois. Sanson, H., ed. Memoirs ol the Sansons. v. 1. pp. 106-114 803B1 Damon, Sophie M. Old New England day,. B., 1887. 12°. I MM' in, Win. 1'). Ocean wonders. X. V., [879- '2° 5898-3 I ' \\i"i;i m , Laure 1 '.. Clayton, E. C. Q sens of song. pp. 221-227 4178^ DAM PIER, Win., English navigator, l>. 1652- d. 1701. Adams, W. II. I). Steady aim. pp. 137-144 410-12 English voyages, pp. 197-458- • 437 3 — Lives and voyages ; |S 7 437 63 Pinkerton, J. Early Australian voyages. 104-192 493-73 Purves, I'. L., ed. English circumnavi- ■">■ PP- >i5"3 l6 437' 7 DANA, A. II. Kthieal and phvsiolngica! in- quiries. \. V., [862. 12° 6104-27 Dana, Chas. Anderson, American journalist, b. 1819, ed. Household 1 k of poetry. N. Y.. |N : S. S . Same. 1881. . . . S09-35 — Derby, J. C. 1 ifty years among authoi books and publishers, pp. 103-199. . 4181 ; — Kiske, S. Prominent New Yorkers, pp. 4'-"" I 1 1 men I nics. V V., 1881. 12". . Dana, Jas. Dwight, American island mineralogist, 6. 181 • uid coral ime. 1874 5S"9fi , Ii gii tl torj brief!} I li An intro- dncn igy. N. Y-, 187''. 12 . 550 27 Manual ol geology: treating of the prin- lesofthe science with special rcfur- em e to ^mei 1 logical history. N. \ ., 1876. 8° 55°- 2 9 Manual of mini valions on mini 1 1 ol .1 . .m.l ill.- api to ' ' N. Hav< 11. [871. '-' ■ ■ 549-3 I I of geology. X. V., 1 12° 5 I and 1 oral islands. In Estes, 1 1., ed. Half-hour recreations, ser. 1. pp. 178-190 5°4 42 ami Brush, Ceo. Jarvis. System of min- eralogy. V V., 1868. 8° }4 Bi ush, G. J. Append 5th ed ol 1 1.111.1' mini 1 the work to 1S72 Dana, Richard Henry, American poet and ii..'. i. 17S7 ■, [879 Poems and . writings. 2 v. N. \ ., 1S50. ,2 S18-33 Brownson, I 1. A. Works. v. 10. pp. 317-342. [Review. 1 Homes of American authors, pp. 103- 120 4181 45 1 1 1, E. P., ■■/. Master minds of the west. pp. 157-202 4i-54 Powell, T. Living authors of America. ser. I. pp. 248-275 804-6S Whipple, I ■ I'. Essays and reviews. v. I. pp. 46-52. an,t\.2. pp. 358-374. 9461o Wilson, I. !■. Bryant and his friends. pp. 179-229 41S1-9 DANA, Richard Henry, jr., American I. fi. 1815-1/. 1S82. To Cuba and back: a vacation voyage. B., 1859. 12°. Same. 1S60 47 Two years before the mast. B., 16° Same. 1SS2. Same. 1886. I iw \, Samuel I . Essay on manures. N. \ ., 1S52. /» Sax ton's rural hand-books. 2 J DANA, Win. Hildreth, S. P. Early set- tlers of Ohio. pp.337 340 i'-7> 4 Danbi k\ boom! with a full account of Mr-. Cobleigh's action therein. Bailey, J. M. S17 i- v DANBURV News man. pseud. See Bailey, James M. Dance, (has. Daniel. Recollectioi four years in Venezuela. L., 1S76. 12 DANCE. 33° DANTE. Dance, Nathaniel. Markham, C. R. Sea fathers, pp. 210-214 437-63 Dange of death exhibited in engravings on wood. Holbein, Hans ; with a disserta- tion on the several representations of that subject, by F. Douce 7597~4 Dancing. Ferrero, E. Art of dancing. . 7861-4 — Si rut t, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England 394- 7 — Crane, J. T. Popular amusements, pp. 89-I04 195-3 — Young lady's book. pp. 473-498. . . . 504-97 Dancing mania. Hecker, J. F. C. Dan- cing mania of the middle ages 6109-41 Same. In Epidemics of the middle ages. pp. S7-152 6109-4 Dandelion clocks and other tales. Ewing, Juliana H 32SA76 Damhii.ii, Enrico, doge of Venice, />. about uo5- . 1 1.i. 2. v. Eliot, 1 ii 1 lis. Foga aro, \ Daniei.l, W. H. Voice, and how to use it. B., 1873. 1 6° 774-3 Daniel's venture and what came of it. L., n. d. 12 274A8 Danish Greenland, its people and its prod- ucts. Rink, Henry 49S1-7 DANNECKER, Johann Heinrich, German sculptor, b. 1758-rf. 1841. Jameson, A. (M.) Sketches of art, literature and character, -pp. 85-1 12 704-49 DANSON, J.T. Wealth of households. Ox- ford, 1886. 12° 330-34 Contents. — Preliminary. — Exchangeable val- ue. — Sources of income. — Wages. — Profit. — Rent. — Interest. — Commerce. — Capital — Cred- it. — Money. — Banking. — Insurance. — Competi- tion. — Taxation. — Pauperism. — Foreign com- merce. — Property in land. — Socialism, com- munism and nihilism. — Index. Dante, Alighieri, Italian poet, b. 1265-rf. 1321. Divine comedy. tr. by H. W. Longfellow. 3 v. B., 1867. 8°. Some. 1870. l6°. Same, in one vol. 1886. 8° 851-5 Inferno. A literal prose translation ; with the text of the original collated from the best editions and explanatory notes, by John A. Carlyle, M. D. N. V., n. d. 12° S51-3 — New life. tr. by Chas. E. Norton. B., 1867. 8° 851 9 — Vision ; or, hell, purgatory and paradise. tr. [of the " Divina Commedia"] by Rev. II. F. Cary. N. Y. 12 . . . . 851-4 — Blow, S. E. Study of Dante 851 1-2 Botta, V. Dante as a philosopher, pa- triot and poet 851 1-3 — Rossetti, D. G. Dante and his circle. . 851 1-7 Same. In Collected works, v. 2. . . 795C5 — Rossetti, M. F. Shadow of Dante ; an essay towards studying himself, his world and his pilgrimage 8511-S — Ward, M. A. Dante, a sketch of his life and works 274B4 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays. pp. 380-390 II5E1 — Allen, J. II. Christian history. Second period, pp. 251-277 270-15 Bruce, L Classic and historic portraits. pp. 217-218 410-19 Carl vie, T. On heroes and hero-wor- ship. pp. 73-106 410-24 Dobson, W. T. Classic poets, pp. 1 39— 185 S02I-3 Farfar, F. W. Sermons and addresses. IT- -95-327 252-37 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 30-33. . . . 410-49 I'iske, J. Unseen world and other es- says, pp. 237-265. [Longfellow's Dante.] 357E5 DANTE. t)AR< I ) vs 1 1 , Aligl continued. en, |. K. Stra) tudie from England and Italy, pp. 161 171 9204-45 Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature pp. 212-218 ' s "l 4 _ Hunt, L. Italian poets, pp. 1-164. . . 8501-4 fameson, A. (M.) Loves ol the poets. pp. S7-101 (.18 I s Lowell, J. R. Among my books, ser. 2. pp. 1 124. ■ 588L1 Memorials of early genius, pp.161 196. 410-74 Morrill, J. S. Sell 1 on ii iou mess of noted persons, pp. 66-69 410-78 — Neil, S. Epoch men. and the results "f their lives, pp. 123-150 4104-67 Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Flor- ence, pp. 1-97 4 lo 7 7 Ritchie, A. C. (< ».) (M.) Italian life and legends, pp. 1 18-132 445-S Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Men "f history, pp. 1S4 I No 4<°-75 — Smith, J. C. Miscellanies, pp. 223-258. 836] 1 Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 241-250 41" 045 Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 70-76 4187-9 Wood, W., «/. Hundred greatest men. PP- 32-34 4>°-975 Danti da Maiano. Rossetti, I). G. Col- lected works, v. 2. pp. 178-182. . . 70515 Danton, Georges Jacques, French revolu- tionary leader, Ik 1759-'/. 1704. Gron lund, L. Ca ira; or, Danton in the French revolution 9444-43 Brougham, II. Statesmen in the lime of George III. v. 2. pp. 193-203. . . . 410-17 Cormenin, L. M. de la II. Eminent or- ttors of France, pp. 37-65 and 354-361. 4105-2 i.illillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 21-3 1 • ■ 418-431 DANUBE river. Andersen, 11. C. Poet's bazaar, pp. 276-331 440-11 Butterworth, II. Zigzag journeys in the Orient 4499-25 Fiske, J. Darwinism and other essays. pp. 204-236. Races of the Danube. . 357E1 Gordon, C. G. Letters from the Crimea, the Danubeand Armenia, pp. 103-137. 9473-45 DaNVBRS, Henry, carl of llanby. Lodge. L. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Liritain. v. 4. pp. 149-153. . . 411-65 Danvbrs, Sir Juland. Laurie, \V. F. B. Sketches of some distinguished Anglo Indians, pp. 279-289 411-61 D'Anvi r.s, N., pseud. See Bell, N. R. E. DANVERS papers. Vonge, C. M. 1>\ Ponte, Lorenzo, Italian poet, b. 1749-rf. 1838. Prescott, W. II. Biographical and critical miscellanies, pp. 596-63S. Review of Observations 744J '5 I 1 \i i.i \: . 1/ 1 I, lay, Aftlh I B. d\ Darby, John, prof, of chemistry in the East Alabama college. 1 exl 1 chemis- try, 'i 'i and practii il. N. V., 1867. (2° D , John, pseud. Garret m, I Edmund. Darc, Jeanne, Fren< h & roin, , b. about 141 1 i 1431. Bartlett, D. W, I if< of Joan of Arc, maid of Oi 275I'...' — Charles, !•',. (R.) Join the maid. — Joan of Arc, maid ol Orleans 275I11 Michelet, J. Joan ol Arc : or. the ol Ol leans 275H4 — Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc: "the maid." 275P5 1 larke, J. F. Events and epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 167 212 204 105 1 teveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetrj and other studies, pp. 173-191. . . . 229E5 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive bal pp. 218-238. Joan ol Ai.'s victory over the English at Orleans 903-25 Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties and contested events, pp. 105 -115. . 902-3 — De Quincy, T. Miscellaneous essays. pp. Si-124 284E41 — Fifty famous women, pp. 228-235. ■ • 4'3 _ 4' - Foster, I. IL. (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women, pp. 46- 50 413-5 2 — Gilliat, E. Champions of the right, pp. ' 13 17' 4>04-4 Hale. S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 1 16 4'3 47 Hewitt, M. E., ed. Illustrious women. pp. 89-98 |i ; 49 — Ireland, W. W. Plot upon the brain pp. 52 83. Character and hallucina- tions of Joan of Arc 173— 5 — Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 139-1S2 4>3-54 — Lamartine, A. de. Celebrated character-. pp. 49-118. . 4'°-63 - Lea, H. C. Inquisition of the middle ages. v. 3. pp. 338 ;r s 2722 48 Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 255-26S 410 72 — Owen, O. F. Heroines of history, pp. 194 222 413 " -- Parlon. J. Noted women of Europe and America, pp. 440-4S2 4'3-63 People's book of biography, pp. s s r 592 410-82 — Russell. W. Extraordinary men and women, pi. 2. pp. 1 14 4>o-9 Sou they, K. Poetical work-. v. I. . . S44C4 Vonge, C. D. Seven heroines of Chris- tendom. pp. 1-51 DARFOOR. — 332 DARWIN. DARFOOR. Elisor, F. S. Incidents on a journey through Nubia to Darfoor. . . 4624-3 Darien; or, the merchant prince. Warbur- ton, E. Darien expedition, 1698-1700. Fyfe, J. II. Enterprise beyond the seas. pp. 115-136. 437-4 — Thiers, L. A. The Mississippi bubble : a memoir of John Law. pp. 227-257. 55SB9 DARING and suffering; a history of the An- drews railroad raid in Georgia, 1862. Pittenger, Win 9802-7 Daring voyage across the Atlantic ocean. Andrews, W. A 4375-16 Darius I, the great, king of Persia, b. about B. C. 549, d. 485. Abbott, J. History of Darius the Great 275B8 Dark days. Fargus, Frederick John, (Hugh Conway, pseud.) Dark house. Fenn, Geo. Manville. Dark lady of Doona, Maxwell, W. H. Dark night's work. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Dark scenes of history. James, G. P. R. Darlev, Felix O. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . . 440-27 Daki.ey, Geo., joint author. Campbell, T. and others. British dramatists. pp. 235-291. Beaumont and Fletcher. . . 41S22-3 DARLING, Ellen A. Honor-men. 7h essays and addresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. pp. 171-182 3706-6 Darling, Grace, English heroine, b. 181 $-d. 1842. Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 299-304 410-42 — Fifty famous women. pp. 126-133. . . 413-41 — Hale, S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 217-220 413-17 — Parton, J, Noted women, pp. 576-584. 413-63 Darling, Mary Greenleaf. Gladys — a ro- mance. B., 1887. 12°. DARLING of an empire. G., F. E. DARLINGTON, Wm. American weeds and useful plants ; 2nd and illustrated edi tion of Agricultural botany, ed. by G. Thurber. N. V., 1859. 12 5816-4 Darmesteter, Jas. The Mahdi, past and present. N. Y., 1885. 16 297-3 D 1 V. James, G. P. R. Darnton, Rev. P. W. Biogenesis. In < hristianity and evolution, pp. 27-52. 2398-26 Darrah, Lydia. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution. v. I. pp. "7' '77 4121-35 Darras, J. I''.. 1 ieneral history of the( a I ho- ik; church, from the commencement of the Christian era until the presenl time ; h introduction and notes, by Rev. \1. J.Spalding. 4 v. N. Y., n. d. 8°.. 2821-25 1 1 ■ 1 or, w hel net il paid. Town- end 1111:1 M. DARTMOUTH college. Webster, D. Speeches of Daniel Webster. pp. 11-58. . . . 815-9 Darton, J. M. Heroism of Christian wo- men of our time. N. Y., 1882. . . . 413-3 Darton, Margaret E. Earth and its inhabi- tants. L., 1868. 16 4201-3 Darwin, Chas. Robert, English naturalist, />. 1809, d. 1882. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself; selected and arranged by N. Sheppard. N. Y., 1884. 12 . . 575-26 — Descent of man, arnd selection in relation to sex. 2 v. N. Y., 1S71. 12°. . . . 575-28 — Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. N. Y., 1877. 12 . . . 582-3 — Effects of cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. N. Y., 1877. 5813-4 — Expression of the emotions in man and animals. N. Y., 1873. 12° 1 795—3 — Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. N. Y., 1S82. 12°. . 5951-3 — Insectivorous plants. N. Y., 1875. 12°. 5815-4 — Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. "Beagle" round the world, under com- mand of Capt. Fitz Roy. 2 v. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Same, 1 v. 1871. . . . 589-27 — Movements and habits of climbing plants. N. Y., 1876. 12° 5815-42 — On the origin of species by means of natu- ral selection ; or, the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Same, 1883. . . . 575-29 — Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Same, 1876 575-27 — Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects. N. V., 1877. 12° 5813-42 — What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Beagle." N. V., 1880. S°. [Compiled for young people from "Journal of researches."] 5909-3 — Posthumous essay on instinct. //; Ro- manes, < i. J. Mental evolution in ani- mals, pp. 353-384 5915-7' and Francis. Power oi movement in plants. N. V., 1881. 12° 5815-43 — Allen, G. ('has. Darwin. [English wor- thies series.] 276B3 — Coucs. !•',. Damon of Darwin 276B35 — Darwin, F., ed. Life and letters of ('has. Darwin. 2 v 276B37 Memorial notices reprinted from "Na- ture," I... ISS2. 12° 276B4 Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin. . . . 214-8 Brownson, O. A. Works. v. o. pp. 485-496. Review of Descent of man. 818-27 DARWIN. I'M Ml I I I I )ai;u in, < - K., i onlii - i Bryant, W. C. Prose * i ii ings. v. 2. ■',i ■ 1 1 1 1.11 w in's theoi v. . . . iSol ; liui hi . s 1 1 ry. pp. 1 jg. Re> iev, "I 1 heoi ies 184-2 ibe, F. P. I > 1 1 « mi- in in 1 Is. pp. 5-38 204 1 I 1 'cink, J. Boston \1 lay 1 n lie- redity. pp. 85-138 5751 3 — Fiske, J. Darwinism and othi 1 1 pp. ' V ! ' I . m ursions of an evolutionist, pp. 337 369. In men a: Chas. Darwin. 357E3 Gray, A. Darwiniana. pp. 283-288. . 575 43 — Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. pp. 93 "9 575-45 .- History of creation. v. 1. pp. 1 2.1 and 125-175. Review ol theories. . . 575 l'' - Hall, A. W. Problems of human life. lie view 1 .1 theories 214-37 Huxley, T. II. Critiques and addresses, pp. 251-302. Mr. Darwin's critics. . . 5 02_ 49 Lay sermons, addresses and reviews, pp. 255 319. Review of origin of spe- 1 5 02_ 5 McCosh, J. Christianity and positivism. pp. 346-362. Review of Descent of man 239-58 Proctor, R. A. Mysteries of time and space, pp. 1-13. Newton and Darwin. 5204-72 Nature studies. pp. 5 _I 4 5° 2_ 7 Walsh, J., baron Ormathwaite. Astron- omy and geology compared. pp. 63- 118. Review of theories 51 Darwin, Francis, a£ Life and letters of Chas. Darwin including an autqbio- graphical chapter. 2 v. N. Y., 1SS7. 8°. . 276B37 Darwinism. Set Evolution. Dasi NT, Sir Geo. Wei. lie, British writtr, />. 1S20. Annals of an eventful life. 1... n. .1. 12°. Daysol Knox: ataleof the (6th century. 1 ., 1S69. '2°. ' ' li the outlaw. L., 1S66. 8° 8396 ; 1 ady Sweetapple ; or, three to one. N. v.; [873. 8 Vikings of the Baltic. 3 v. 1... 1875. 12°. Samuel Wilberforce. /»Coan, T. M., td. Studies in biography. pp. 140-175.. 249] | Da hks of American humor. Paul. H. . . 817 72 Data of ethics. Spencer, Herbert. . . . mi 84 Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie, Frtnch naturalist, b. 1710 .-'. 1800. Cuvier, G. C. L. D. Biog. memoir of Daubenton. In Jardine, W., ed. Naturalists library, v. 10. Appendix. pp. 1S9-210. fol- lowing p. (208) 59°-5 bt, \ Iphon e, 1 1 n. h n ■ li ', I, 1 I 1 old o 1 • I 1 1 . ; ■ .. . ... . I . I Cmili ■/■•1.1 : ||, c idlei fack. ti b) Mary N. Sherv, ood. B., 1 77. 12°. I. mi. 1 nothing. B., 1878. 12 . Nabob. 11. by Lucy II. Hooper. B., 1878. 12°. lerful ad- ventures of Tartarin ol i tr. by C. Roland. p,., 1875. ,2 °- Numa Roumestan. tr. by Virginia Cham- plin. I'... 1882. 12 . Sidonie. ir. by Marv \. 51 B., 1877. 12°. Tartarin of Tarascon, traveller, Turk and lion-hunter. I.., 1887. 12°. Tartarin on the Alps. tr. bj II. Krilh. I.., 1S87. 12°. 1 laretie, J. disappearance and other tales. I lawthorne, Julian. Davids, Thos. Wm, Rhys, English Oriental it, b. 1843. Buddhism 1 being :i sketch ,il the lib and teai hings "f 1 iautama, lb, Buddha. I.., 1SS0. 16 20 ; ; |2 I 1 wins, T. W. R., continued. — Lectures on the origin and growth of re- ligion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism. N. V., 1882. 8°. [Hibbert lectures. 1S81.] . 2933-3 — tr. Fausboll, V. Buddhist birth stories. 2933-4 David's little lad. Meade, L. T 623A23 Davidson, Rev. A. B. Book of Job, with notes, introduction and appendix. Cam- bridge, 1884. 16°. [Cambridge Bible.] 2241-3 Davidson, Ellis A. Drawing for bricklay- ers. L., n. d. 16° 744-3 — Drawing for carpenters and joiners. L., »• d. 16° 744-35 — Drawing for machinists and engineers. L., n. d. 16 744-3' — Drawing for stonemasons. L.,n. d. 16°. 744-32 — Elements of building construction, and architectural drawing. L., [1S71.] 16°. 690-35 — Elements of practical perspective. L., [■870.] 1 6° 743-3 — Gothic stone work. L., n. d. 16 . . . 723-2 — Linear drawing, showing the application of practical geometry to trade and manu- factures. L., n. d. 16° 744-33 — Model drawing. I,., n. d. 16 744-34 — Orthographic and isometrical projection ; development of surfaces and penetration of solids. L., [1868.] 16°. [Cassell's technical manuals.] 744-36 — Practical manual of house-painting, graining, marbling and sign writing. L., 1880. 12 698-4 Davidson, H. M. Fourteen months in southern prisons, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 9S02-26 Davidson, Mrs. Harriet Miller. Christian Osborne's friends. X. V. 16 . . . . 278A75 Davidson, J. Morrison. New book of kings. B., 1884. 12° 9303-3 Davidson, Jas. Wood. The correspond- ent. N. V., 1S86. 12° 8079-3 Living writers of the South. N. V., 1869. 12° Si 1-3 Davidson, Lucretia Maria, American poet, b. iSoS-rf. 1825. Poetical remains; col- lected and arranged by her mother; with a biography by C. M. Sedgwick. I'.., 1854. 12° 278C6 Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 293-3°° 4IO-72 Skeh lies of the lives of distinguished fe- males, pp. 120-153 4'379 Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 7. pp. 223 294. Memoir 4 1 2 So Davidson, Thos. Goethe's Titanism. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life ami genius of Goethe, pp. 68-106 t3oB6 I I \\ 1 n si in, Wm. L. Leading and important English words: explained and exempli- fied, an aid to teaching. 1... 1SS0. 16 . 114-3 DAVIE - 3.« — DAVIS Davie, Win. Richardson, colonel, 6. \~> 1820. Sparks, J., ed. American biog- raphy, v. 25. pp. 3 135 41J 86 I > u 11 5, ( '. M. Ill ilory of I [olland and 1 hi Dutch nation, 3 v. I ., 1851. 8°. . 942 2 Davii ., Chas., American mathematician, i. t7. Mystic Lon- don ; or, phases of occult life in the liiitish metropolis. N. Y., n. d. 12 . 4421-3 Davies, Clement. Modem whist, together with the laws of whist. I.., 1SS6. '6° 788-33 Davies, D. C. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. 1.., 1S80. 12°. 553-32 Treatise on slate and slate quarrying; entitle, practical and commercial. I-. '880. 12 55354-3 Davies, Eleanor. Fifty famous women. pp. 206-209 413-4 I I whs, C. Christopher, joint author. Nei- sen, Adrien and others. Practical boat- building and sailing 7943-6 Davies, Rev. G. S. Gaudentius; a story of the Colosseum. I.., n. d. 12 . . . . 278 V95 Davies, Rev. J. Llewelyn. Social questions from the point of view of Christian the- ology. I.., 1SS6. 12° 2576-2 Davies, Jas. Catullus, Tibullus and Proper- tius. Phila., 1S77. 16 . [Ancient classics foi English readers.] N711 | IK iod and I'heognis. I'hila., 1873. 16 . [Ancient classics for English read- ers.] 8836-3 Davies, Sir John, English poet, b. 1569-rf. 1626. Morris, G. S. Liritish thought and thinkers, pp. 62-6S 1621-6 Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 1. pp. 548-550 8092-9 Whipple, E. 1'. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 238-241 8203-9 Willmott, R. A. Lives of the early En- glish sacred poets, pp. 45-51 41N21 9 Davii . fohn 1 lamilton. skett h of thi erarj lit'- of J. 1'. Smith. /« Smith, John I've. Relation I loly I'lures and science, pp. ix-lxiii DA 11 . II I'M-. Losing to win. N. Y., 1874. 12°. I > W ll-.s, Thos. I and mounting of microscopic objects. N. V., n. d. 12 57>>-! 4 1 t es, Thos. \ . I I ■ 1 N . , l ., 1874. 12° 22 ill 4 I > I ■ 1 1 . Wm. Pilgrimage of the Tilicr, from its mouth to its source; with some account of its tributaries. I.., 1875. 8° 445-25 I >a VlNi 1. Sei Vinci. Davis, Andrew [ackson, American spiritual- ist, b. 1826. Answers to ever-recurring questions from thi pi ople. Si quel to Penetralia. B., 1S73. 12 170 25 Harbinger of health : containing medical prescriptions for the human hody and mind. B., 1873. 12° 616-3 Memoranda of persons, places and events ; embracing magnetism. clairvoyance, spiritualism ; also quotations from the opposition; with an appendix. B., 1868. 12° 176-26 Penetralia; being harmonial answers to important questions. B., 1 S 7 2 . 12°. . 170 jS Philosophj 1 spiritual intercourse ; being an explanation of modern mysteries. N. Y.. 1S75. i2 c 176-29 -- Principles of nature, her divine revela- tions, and a voice to mankind. N. V., 1875. 8° 176-27 — cd. Sacred book, containing Old and New Gospels; derived and tr. from the inspirations of original saints. B., 1S73. 12° 176-3 Da\ is, Mrs. Caroline 1 . .Kelly. 1 Old liar- racks; or, seeking the light. B., 1S65. 16 2) Davis, Chas. H.andRae, Frank B. Iland- ik of electrical diagrams and connec- tions. N. V., 1S77. 16° 53S5-3 Davis, Chas. Henry, rear admiral, U. S. A'.. /-. 1807-rf. 1877. Headley. J. T. Far- ragut and our naval commanders, pp. 252-270 4122-39 DAVIS, Chas. Thos. Manufacture of paper. icription of the various -for the fabrication, coloring and finishing of every kind of paper. Phila., 1886. S° 676-2 Practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles, lerra-cotta, etc. Fhila., 1SS4. S : I DAVIS. 33< DAVIS. Davis, Daniel. Manual of magnetism: in- cluding also electro-magnetism, mag- neto-electricity and thermo-electricity. B-, 1842. 12° 539-3 Davis, Elizabeth A. Snip and whip and some other boys. B., 1S77. '6°. ■ • 279A7 Davis, Emerson. Half-century; or, a his- tory of changes that have taken place, and events that have transpired, chiefly in the United States between 1800 and 1850. With an introduction by Mark Hopkins. B., 1851. 8° 3097-3 Davis, Geo. B. Outlines of international law, with an account of its origin and sources, and of its historical develop- ment. N. V., 18S7. 8° 341-3 Davis, Geo. E. Practical microscopy. I.., 1882. 8° 578-3 Davis, G. L. L. Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 12. pp. 103-116. Review of Day- star of freedom 818-27 Davis, Iremeus P. Hygiene for girls. N. V.. 1883. 12° 6129-3 ft int author. Guernsey, A. H. and Davis, f I. P. Health at home 613-4 Davis, Jefferson, president of the C. S. A., b. 1808. Rise and fall of the confederate government. 2 v. N. V., 18S1. 8°. 981-3 — Pollard, E. A. Life of Jefferson Davis, with a secret history of the southern confederacy 276B9 Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 493-499. . 4181-3 — Greeley, H. Recollections of a busy life. pp. 410-416 436B2 McClure, A. K. The South. pp. 231- 13* 984-6 Davis, John, English navigator, />. 1550-rf. 1605. Bourne, II. K. F. English sea- men under the Tudors. v. 1. pp. 245- 274. V. 2. pp. I37-I47 437-17 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 25-26. . . . 410-49 Frost, T. Half-hours with the early ex- plorers, pp. 173-1S0 437-37 Davis, John, American jurist, b. 17m ,/. 1S4;. Putnam, A. 1'., ed. Singers ami songs of the liberal faith. pp. 3-7. [Poems and biographical sketch.] . . . 2458-7 I >avis, John, principal of tin- academy 1 ence, Allegheny City. Pa. Elements of '■•in\. Phila., 1868. 12 . . . . 520-27 Davis, John i rancis. TheChinese: general description of the empire of ( liina, and its inhabitants, 2 v. N. V., n, d. 16 451-28 I.l'. Life in the itinerancy, in its relal to the circuit an id family. N. Y., 1856. u 287-3 DAVIS, Louis S. Studies in musical his- tory. N. V., 18S7. 12° 770-34 Davis, Matthew 1.. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with miscellaneous selections from his correspondence. 2 v. X. Y., 1855. 8°. Same. 1S69 196B7 — ed. Private journal of Aaron Burr, dur- ing his residence of four years in Eu- rope. 2 v. X. V., 1858. 8° 196B6 Davis, Xathan, English traveler ami anti- quary, b. l8l5-a\ 1882. Carthage and her remains, being an account of the excavations and researches on the site of the Phoenician metropolis in Africa, and other adjacent places, conducted under the auspices of her Majesty's gov- ernment. N. V., 1S61. 8° 4 35-3 Davis, P. S. Young parson. Phila., 1863. 12°. Davis, Mrs. Rebecca (Harding), American writer, b. 1831. Dallas Galbraith. Phila., 1868. 8°. — John Andross. X. Y., [1S74.] 12°. — Kittie's choice: a story of Berrytown. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Margaret Howth. B., 1862. 12°. — Natasqua. N. Y., 1886. 12°. — Pro aris et focis : (a plea for our altars and hearths.) N. Y., n. d. 12° 396-3 — Waiting for the verdict. N. Y. 1868. 8°. Davis, S. M. Henry. Norway nights and Russian days. N. Y., 1S87. 16°. . . 44S-28 Davis, Mrs. Sarah Matilda. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. B., 1859. 12°. Same, X. Y., 1874. 823B3 Davis, Thos., Irish poet and political writer, b. 1814— d. 1845. Poems, with notes, historical illustrations, etc., and an in- troduction by John Mitchel. X. Y., 1884. 12° 279I S — Literary and historical essays. N\ Y., n. d. 12°. Bound with Davis, Thos. Poems 2791 8 McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 134-140 941-54 Davis, I'lms. J. Sketch •' 41" ;-' I 1.1,1.. G. 1 . Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 35' 363 410-35 — He Quincey, T. Beauties, pp. 3S7-3S9. 284E7 Literary reminiscences, v. I. pp-39-5o. 2S4E42 Drake, S. A., td. Our great benefactors. pp. 427 430 410-42 F.dgar, J. (i. Boyhood uf great men. pp. 216-220 4IO-44 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. 205- 217 410-47S irated men. pp. 289-295. . . 410-49 — G imli. S. (i. Heroism of boyhood. pp, 210 22S. Heroism of trust. . . . 410-51 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 582- 584 410-7 Memorials of early genius, pp. 293-294. 410-74 Men who have made themselves, pp. I - 1 6 . 410-757 - Muir, M. M, 1'. Heroes of scien chemists, pp. 155-231. Davy ami l,ei elius 5409-6 DAVY, Sir Humphry, continued. I' 1 1 ton, I. Peopli phy. pp |oi [05 M' Seyn , C. C. B men. pp. 'o in 1 ■',.,. \\ < Modern Briti ih I 1 ■ -= « " 7 11 ' 07 I mi!, . I. Gn al in ■ ■ ntoi s. pp. 17'' 1S5 v Inventors and disi 351 Davy and the goblin. Carryl, C. C. . . . 3S1 20 . Anna I. aureus. How we are gov- . 1 ed : an explanation ol hi ■ titu- 1 and government "I the United States, l;., 1885. 12° 3207-28 ; 1 , Mi .. S. E. Hours with man V \ ., n. d. 16° 2211 3 Dawidowsky, !•'. Practical treal raw materials and fabrication of glue, gelatine, veneers ami foils, ising! eements, pastes, mucilages, etc., based upon actual experience, translated from the German with extensive additi including a description of the most recent \ i an pi ■-, by Wm. T. I'.i.i.nn. Phila., 1884. 12 66S-2 DAWKINS, Win. Boyd, British gcologi 1838 1 ivehunl eai be on the ence of caves respecting the early ( inhabitants of Europe. I.., 1S74. S°. 57112 ; 1 1 \\\ s. I [agg ird, 1 1. Killer. 1 1 \\\ n of creation. Reville, A. In I of creation, pp. 107-133 21; I , Dawn ol Euro] can literature. Morrill, W. R. Slavonic literature 8918-6 I arle, J. Anglo-Saxi n literature. . . . S29-3 Dawn of history: an introduction to pre- historii study. Keary, ' . I .. <. \S2\-1l. 1876. Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and literary men. ser. 2. pp. 177-191. 418-43 — Hood, E. P. British pulpit, pp. 356- 3 6 7 4H4-4 DAWSON, Henry B., ed. Hamilton, A., ami others. Tlie Federalist 3462-4 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 17. pp. 560-5(14. [Review of Federalist.] . . 818-27 DAWSON, Sir John Wm., Canadian geologist, /;. 1S20. Acadian geology ; the geologic- al structure, organic remains, and min- eral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's island. 3d ed. [with supplement to 2d ed. con- taining additional facts.] L., 1878. 8°. 5571-4 - Chain of life in geological time: sketch oi the origin and succession of animals and plant-.. L., 1SS5. 12° 560-3 — Egypt and Syria ; their physical features in relation to Bible history. L., 1S85. 12°. [By-paths of Bible knowledge.] . 2212-26 — Fossil men and their modern representa- tives: an attempt to illustrate the char- > his and condition of pre-historic man in Europe by those of the American races. L., 1SS0. 12° 571-27 — Geological history of plants. N. Y., 1888. 12° ' • 561-3 — Nature and the Bible. N. Y., 1SS2. 12°. [Morse lecture, 1874.] 2398-3 — Origin of the 'world according to revela- tion and science. L., 1877. I2 °. • • 2l 3~ 2 3 — Story of the earth and man. N. Y., 1873. '2° 55^3 — Gill, W. I. Evolution and progress, pp. 136-149. [Review] 215-34 DAWSON, Sarah M. A day with Mrs. Dinah Mulock Craik. In 1'arton, Jas., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. 57-61 410-83 Day, Henry. From the Pyrenees to the pillars of Hercules, observations on Spain, its history and its people. N. Y., 1883. 12° 446-27 Lawyer abroad ; what to sic, and bow to X. X., 1874. 12° 440-275 Day, Prof. Henry, joint author. Urbino, Mi p. 1.. i:., I lay, II. and others. Art ttions 751-9 Day, Henry Noble, II- /'.. hnerican clergy- man, 0. 1808. An of discourse : a sys- te I rhel V Y ., 1873. 12 .. 117-29 \n ol '-!"< ution. « inn., 1S67. i2°. . . 800-28 ! tc, 1 omprising the doctrine • ■ I 'I.' i . and [ Imis of thought, nd ; be docti me of method, togethet with a logical praxis. V Y.. 1867. 12°. Same, 1869 189-27 Day, H. N., continued. — Elements of psychology. N.Y., 1876. 12°. 180-3 — Grammatical synthesis. Art of English composition. N. Y., 1868, 12°. . . 1 1 73 — Science of aesthetics ; or, the nature, kinds, laws and uses of beauty. New Haven, Conn., 1872. 12° 701-31 — Introduction to the study of English literature. N. Y., 1S69. 12° 8209-3 — Logical praxis : comprising a summary of the principles of logical science, and copious exercises for practical applica- tion. N. Y., 1876. 12° 189-28 ' — Rhetorical praxis: principles of rhetoric. Cinn., 1886. 12° 117-32 — Science of ethics: an elementary system of theoretical and practical morality. N. Y., 1876. 12° 191-27 — Young composer: a guide to English grammar and composition. N.Y., 1874. 12° II 7-3 ' DAY, Horace. The opium habit, n.t. p. 12°. 198S-4 Day, Jeremiah. Introduction to algebra. New Haven, 1849. 12° 512-3 Day, Martha. Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 411-418. [Biograph- ical sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Day, Samuel Phillips. Life and society in America, ser. I. L., 1880. 8°. . . . 473-27 Day, Thos., English philanthropist, b. 1748- ay of fate. Roe, Rev. E. P. Daybreak in Spain. Wylie, J. A 2746-9 Days and nights in the Fast. Bonar, II. . 458-17 Days and nights in the tropics. Oswald, Felix L 481-7 Days in North [ndia. Macleod, N. . . . 454-6 Days near Paris. Hare, \. [. C 4443-409 Days near Rome. Hare, A. J. C 4456-46 Days of blessing in inland China ; being an tint of meetings held in the province of Shan ;i, 1 ti . With an introd., by J. Hudson Taylor. L., 18S7. 12°.. . . 2651-8 DAYS. — 339 — DEI \ M i\ Days ol I : ■ iii e. Aguilai , Grai e, 1 1 of Knox. 1 i.i .c ni, ( .. \\ . 1 1 w s ul yore. Keddie, I [em letta, (Sarah ry tier, p teud. ) Day's i Ide. I *-\ er, < has. Dayton, Abram C. Last days of Knickei boi ker life in New S ork. N. N .. 1882. 12 983'-3 Deacon, Wm. Frederick. Warreniana ; with notes, critical and explanatory. I!., 1S51. 12° 827 46 Deaci inesses. See Sisterhoods. Dead, Sargent, I.. M. Dealings with the dead [93-7 Iii \h alive. < lollins, W. Wilkie. Dead Sea. Lynch, W. V. Narrative ol the 1 . S. expedition to the rivet [01 dan and the I lead lea 4586 5 Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the I . S. ex- ploring expedition, pp. 496-517. • • 437-5 1 the Palestine. Dead shol ; or, sportsman's complete guide. Marksman 7007 6 Dead sin and other tales. Mayo, Mrs. I. 1'., (Edward Garrett, pseud.) Deai and dumb. Seiss, J. A. Children of ill ni e ; or, the story of the deaf. . . 37192-8 Clark, J. II. Sight and hearing, pp. 3'7-338 6115-3 Clark, W. P. Indian sign language, with brief explanatory notes of the gestures taught deaf mutes in our institutions for their instruction '37-3 — Humphrey, II. Life and labors of Rev. 1 . 1 lallaudet |Oi I'.; Kit to, J. Lost senses 182 si — Lamson, M. S. Life ami education of Laura Dewey Bridgman 'S3H1 Deai ness. See Ear. Francis, Hungarian statesman, b. 1803-r/. 1S76. Duff, M. K. ('.. Francis 1 li ik 279155 Wyatt, W, J. Hungarian celebrities. PP- 124 135 41043-9 DEAK1N, Richard. Flora of the Colosseum of Rome ; nr, illustrations and descrip- tions of 420 plants growing spontane- ously upon [its] ruins. L., 1873. 16 . 5S194-3 I H \i in..s of 1 '..id, man, and the devil. 1 tov, . Lorenzo. /» Complete works 20S-25 Deai ings with the dead. Sargent, I.. M. . 393-7 Di \m . Margery, pseud. See Pitman, M. J. DEANE, M illy-. Marjory. I-, 1S72. 12°. Dean's daughter. Core. Mrs. C. G. Dean's English, Moon, Geo. \V 110-65 Dear feast of Lent. Harris, C. M 26036-4 1 >i u; Lady I lisdain. McCarthy, J. Dl m; life. Panton, J. E. I M m;i \ bought. Burnham, C.I. Dl ition. /;; Kelly, ( ". \ . Dl in li , in. 1 1. < . I teath and beyon I. I lolbein, Hans. Dai chib- od 7 Kirk, II. C. Possibility ol nol dying. 21 — Nichols, |. k. Whenci !i l'i. in iture death ; il pi imotion, "1 vention irg, E. In Barrett, B. I .. ed. Swedcnborg library, v. 1 Smith, A. Dream thor] death and the fear of dying lnt me life. Probation. Death "i Hewfik Pasha: a confession. N. Y., 1886. 12°. 1 Ieai 11 of Wallenstein, [ I >i ima. | Schillei , I . '. on. Deathless book. Mears, David O. . . . 2202 5s Debans, C. Sheep in wolf 's clothing. I,.. 1881. 16 . I n 1 .1 m;i.i land between this world and the next. Owen, K. D '76-73 Debate on the Roman Catholic religion. held in Cincinnati, Jan. [3 21, 1837, between Alex. Campbell, of Bethany, Va., and the Rt. Rev. John li. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnati. Cinn., 1851. 12°. Same, 1871 DEBATES. Debater's hand-hook, including a debate upon the character of Julius 1 1 m. B., 1887. 16 S001-3 Dwight, T. Decisions of questions dis- cussed by the senior class in Vale college in 1813 14 3744-3 — McElligott, J. M. American debater. . 8001-6 ll.ullcy, J. Essays, pp. 346 384. De- cisions of college class disputes. . . . 104-4 Debenham's vow. Edwards, A. B. hi in 1 and credit. Freytag. G. I ii bi 'RAH. I I'M ley, J. I'. Sacred h and martyrs, pp. 159-172 2i\- 1, DeBunsen, Im nest. Angel-Messiah of B hists, Essenes and Christians. I... 1SS0. 8° 290-35 Dei IDE of Italian women. Trollope, T. A. L] \K„ Joseph, b. 1%0%-d. 1S82, joint author. Le Maout, E. and Decaisne. J. General system of botany 580-6 Decalogue. Luckock, II. M. Tabl stone. (Sermon.] 2j;u 6 — Washburn. E. A. Social law of God. . 2: — Stanley, A. P. Christian institul pp. :>:- 392 Decatur, Stephen, American cemmec tyyg-d. 1820. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 274- 292 U232 j ckenzie, A. S. Sparks, J., ed. Ameri- can biography, v. 21. pp. 7-443. DECATUR. 34o DECORATIVE. Decati s. Stephen, continued, — Partem, J. People's book of biography. PP- 532-538 410-82 Dei ember. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with the poets. December . . 809-25 Decimal system in numbers, coins ami ac- counts. Bowring, J 3314-2 Decision of character. Foster, J. Essays. pp. 82-139 377E5 Bound with, Combe, G. Constitution of man 244E4 Decisions of questions discussed by the senior class in Vale college in 1813-14. Dwight, Timothy 3744-3 Decisive battles of India, 1746-1849. Mai- leson, G. B 95402-5 DECISIVE battles since Waterloo. Knox, Thos. W 903-53 Decisive events in history. Archer, T. . 903-15 DECKER, Thos., English dramatists, d. 1638. Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2. PP- 55-56 S092-9 — Whipple. E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 3S-42 946E5 Literature of the aye of Elizabeth. PP- i3i- ! 39 8203-9 Declaration of American independence. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. . . 4121-3 — Loading, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers 4121-53 Declension of the great republic of the U. S. Munn, H. 11 9739-6 Declined, with thanks. Morton, J. M. Comediettas and farces, pp. 147-171. 785-6 De-COO-dah. Pidgeon, Wm. Traditions of De-coo-dah, and antiquarian researches, comprising extensive explorations of the mound-builders of America. . . . 407-75 DECORATION day- Carleton, W. Cover them over. In Farm legends, pp. 89- 91 206C5 - - Festival of memory : or, converse with the slain. hi Farm festivals, pp. 137- 151 206C4 < lur army of the dead. In Farm bal- lads, pp. 154-155 206C3 1 ooke, R. (T.) I '■ n-iii -. pp. 62 63. I 'mi- ill on day 244C51 Finch, F. M. The blue and the gray. In Bugle echoes. pp. 321-329. . . . 80913-2 hi Favorite poems, pp. 18-19. ■ • ■ 801-32 In Poem of America: Southern states. pp. 1.1 63 80912-52 /« Poems of American patriotism, pp. '77 80913-5 In Public and parlor readings, pp. 330-332 801-65 1 :ld, |. A. Work., v. I. pp. 322- 326. Strewing flowers on tin- grave ol I 1 1 i 1 1 S t s 1 s Decoration day, continued. — Nation's dead. In One hundred choice selections. No. 2. pp. 79-80 801-4 - In Poems of America: New England. PP- 39-41 80912-5 — Percival, J. G. The graves of the pa- triots. In One hundred choice selections. No. 7. pp. 156-157 801-4 — Peterson, H. Ode for decoration day. In One hundred choice selections. No. 9. pp. 16-18 801-4 Decorative art and design. Ames, D. T. Alphabets 7449-2 — Art-studies from nature as applied to de- sign 745-4 . — Ashenhurst, T. R. Tlesign in textile fabrics 7451-2 — Batty. J. H. Practical taxidermy and home decoration 5794—1 5 — Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. . 391-2 — Church decoration 747~6 — Conway, M. D. Travels in South Ken- sington 745-3 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste, furniture, upholstery, and other details. 749~3 — Facey, J. W. Elementary decoration. . 747~4 — Gardner, E. C. Home interiors. . . . 749-4 — Gardner, F. B. Every-body's paint-book. 698-51 — Garrett, K. and A. Suggestions for house decoration 749~5 — Hall, II. B. Adventures of a bric-a-brac hunter 440-45 — Harrison, C. C. Woman's handiwork in modern homes 749-55 — Hartley, Miss F., ed. Ladies' hand-book of fancy and ornamental work 7461-5 — Hay, 1>. K. Interior decorator 747—5 — Holly, II. H. Modern dwellings in town and country 72S-47 — Kemble, M.,ed. Art recreations a guide to decorative art 746-4 -Lambert, Miss — . Ladies' complete guide to needle-work and embroid- ery 7461-6 Loftie, W. L. Plea for art in the house 749-6 — Phantom flowers: treatise on the art of producing skeleton leaves 7469-6 Pollen. L 11. Ancient and modern furni- ture and woodwork 749~7 Redgrave, f the blue Nile: visit I" (In- courl of King John "I Ethi- opia. 2 v. I.., 1877. 8° 463-28 hi CosTAi Benj. Franklin. Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen, illustrated by translations from ilic Ice- landicsagas. ed. with notes and a gen eral introduction. Albany, 1868. 8°. 970-3 Rambles in Mount I >eseri ; with sketchi of travel on the New England coast, from the isle-, of Shoals to < rrand Menan. N. V., 1S71. 16° 47lii 3 I LCI . 1 lenry, ant/ Shea, John ( lihnan . History of the Catholic church in the United States from the earliest settle- ment of the country to the present time; with biographical accounts of religious orders, councils. N. V., 1879. 8°. . 2826-5 Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 20. pp. 40-50. [Review.] 818-27 DSDHAM, Miss. Hale, E. E. Working- men's homes, pp. 37-54 337'-4 hit, Join,, English astrologer, i. 1527-*/. 1608. Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 2. pp. 2S5-312 804-35 DEEDS speak louder than words; or, Davy's schooldays. B., 186S. 16 2S1A4 ! 'i 1 ms ikk, The. |A romance.] Caine, T. Hall. 1 111 in u i\. Jewett, Sarah O. Deer. Fortescue, J. Stag-hunting on Ex- moor 7962-3 Van Dyke, T. S. Still-hunter 7967-S Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. pp. 81-103 7967-2 — Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover and trap shooting, pp. 239-250 7961-2 — lioner, C. Forest creatures, pp. 25-134. 5904-17 — Buckland, F. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist, pp. 219-242. Scotch red deer 5904-21 Dodge, K. I. Plains of the great west. pp. 173 204. Deer and antelope. . . 17s j Gillmore, P., (Ubique, pseud.) Gun, rod and saddle, pp. 87-94 796-4 - Prairie and forest. pp. 64-82 alui 94- 1 1- 796-41 Herbert, II. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) American game. pp. 221-234 796-45 - Field spoils, v. 2. pp. 173-177 and •52 700 ,0 Hunter and trapper, pp. 101 222. . . . 796-13 Deer, 1 ontinued. I... A. II Sporl in many lands, pp. 560 5S7. Deei of North America. . . Murphy, J. M. Sporting ad 1 the far we t, pp. 2'U 380. I '• '-r and antelope \ I . I I urn mi:' trip, "f a ram h- man. pp. 108-233. Deei tid antelope. Warner,!. I 1. In the wilderness, pp. 54-81 W ■ in, B. A. Sportsman's paradise. 'Animals. Vntel ipi Elk. Hunt- ing. Moose. Zoology. DeeringsoI Medbury. Town end, Virginia F. Deef ,1 \\\v. 1 ooper, Jas. F. Deerstalkers. Herbert, II. W. (Frank I'.i. 1 . 1 . . Deei fALKERS of Glenskiach. I'icken, An- drew. /« Club-book, v. 2. pp. 61-182. DEFENCl of holy orders in the Church of England. Bailey, T. I I iii in' 1 of Kaliun. Williams, C. R. . . DEFEl f Paris. Bowles, Thos. G. . . . Defence of phrenology. Boardman, A.. In 1 1 NtiiKs of the faith. Watson, F. . . . DEFFAND, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, mar- guise, />. i6gj-d. 1780. Hayward, A. Sketches of eminent statesmen and writers. v. 2. pp. 129-185. Mine. du Deffand and her correspondents. . . — Thomson, K.andJ. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of society. pp. 474-5°9 In Foe, Daniel, English writer, h. i66i-inson Crusoe. S04-12 — Chambers' papers. Historical and liter- ary celebrities, pp. 289-320 410-25 — Mitchell, 1). G. About old story-tellers. pp. 198-218 418-6 — Men of history, pp. 3°7-3 oS 410-75 — Stephen, L. Hours in a library, pp. I- 46. De Foe's novels 804-S4 De FoiX: a romance of Beam. Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza. 1 m Fi iNBLANQUE, C. A. Five weeks in Ice- land. L., 18S0. 12 4491-35 DE FONBLANQUE, Edward Harrington. Ni- phon and Pe-che-li; or, two years in Japan and Northern China. L., 1863. 8° 452-35 — Political and military episodes in the lat- ter half of the iSth century; derived from the life and correspondence of the Right Hon. John Burgoyne. L., 1876. 8° I95 B 2 De Forest, John Wm., American writer, />. 1826. Bloodychasm. N.Y., 1881. 12°. — European acquaintance: being sketches of people in Europe. N. V., 1S5S. 12°. 440-277 — History of the Indians of Connecticut. n. t. p. 12° 9704-26 — Irene, the missionary. B., 1S79. 12°. — Honest John Vane. New Haven, 1S75. 12°. — Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. N. V., 1867. 12°. — Oriental acquaintance: or, letters from Syria. N. V., 1856. 12 458-28 — Overland. N. V., 1871. 8°. - Wetherell affair. N. V., 1873. 8°. Father Higgins' preferment. In Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 36-56 817-63 In FOR] 1, fulia P.. Short history of ail. \. v., 1SS1. 8° 709-3 hi GOURNAY, P. P. Amelia; or, the Jews of Capena gate. Baltimore, 1870. 12°. In HASS, Frank S. Buried cities recov- ered ; or, explorations in Bible lands, giving the results of recent researches in the Orient, and recovery of many places in sacred and profane history long cor lidered lost. loth edition, « il h appendix containing full account of 1 :■-, pi and the Eg) ptian . 1 1 e and fall of empires in the light of prophecy, and ,. inful c onfirmation of revelation by late discoveries. Phila., 1885. 8°. . 2209-32 Deii > HISTSJ or, b I the le 11 n ed. Athenacus. 3 v 8889 2 foyce, R. D. | Poem. No name |. 518C7 Deism. Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of re- ligion, pp. 109-133 201-7 Deists. Schlosser, F. C. History of the iSth century and of the 19th till the overthrow of the French empire, v. 1. 928-7 De Kalis. See Kalb. De Kay, Chas., American poet, b. 1849. Bo- hemian, The: a tragedy of modern life. N. V., 187S. 12 . — Hesperus and other poems. N. Y., 1880. 12° 281C6 — ed., [probably the author.] Love poems of Louis Barnaval i>7 ( 2 Dektcar and Dekker. See Decker. De Koninck, L. L. and Dietz, E. Practical manual of chemical analysis and assay- ing, as applied to the manufacture of iron from its ores, and to cast iron, wrought iron and steel, as found in com- merce, ed. with notes by R. Mallet. L., 1872. 12 66ot-3 Same, first American edition, ed. with notes and an appendix on iron ores, by A. A. Fesquet. Phila., 1S73. 12 . . 6691-3 Delakorde, Henri, vicomte. Engraving: its origin, processes and history, tr. by R. A. M. Stevenson; with an addi- tional chapter on English engraving, by Wm. Walker. L., 1886. 12° 760-3 DELABROSSE, Lucien. Grevy, F. P. J. In Daudet, E. French celebrities. pt. 1. pp. 46-47 4105-35 I )i 1 am akiiei.i.e, Baronne, and Goupil, F. Practical lessons in painting on china, porcelain, earthenware, faience and enamel. tr. by - I ii i \w u i , i {institution, < onstitul i I iln everal Lati pp. 199 219. . . . I n 1 brI ' k, Ma Fi iedi ii Ii U udolph, (/'•■>•- man statesman, /■. 1N17. Tuttle, II. 1 lei in m I- Iii , j| leadei s. pp ;-i 48. . In Leon, Edwin. \ >kai [Cassis the ■ 1 1 - "i lei 11 I gypt, Hi 1 1.1. , 1S70. 12°. K hedh e's Egj pt ; in , the old hou -■ ol bondage undei new masters. N. V., 1S7S. 12° I >i I 1 ' in. Jn, in P e. See Pom 1 de Lei m I '1 1 1 pierre, ( I. i. ni'. I Ii i t:xl difficul- ties and contested events. 1.., 186S. ;i'i; I ||..i, 8 .,.,2 58 902 ! r .....'. Colo n ■ . .1 I' Ii. ..I. . Bcli -;n ins —Alexandrian library Pope loan Vbelard and II 1. w illi.uii I'll Petrari h and Laura.— Jeanne D'Arc Francis I and the ' -I i Ii. in , iiI.il 111. 1 - Charles V, of Spain, [nventoi ol the steam engine.— Galileo 1 i 'III, 1 Vppendix to Mil- iioIilu on William Tell Bibliogi aphii .il ind 1 1, J. P. F. Practical instruction in animal magneti in. tr. by Thomas 1 '. Hartshorn, with an appendix descrip- tive of cases in the U. S. N.Y.,1843. l6 ° '77 .5 Delhi, India. Greal sieges of history. pp. 633 656. [Siege, 1S57] 903-4 Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics, pp. 2.14-260 438-9 1 11 1 1. [a. Butt, Beatrii e M. Deliee, Felix I. Franco-American cook- ery hook; or, how to live well and « ly every day in the year: containing ■'' .•..» «.ie. 'ipes. N. \ .. 1SS4. 8°. . 641 33 1 '1 I 11 1 in . I. Ii. Galama ; or, the beggars. V \ ., 11. d. 8°. - Maid of Stralsund : a story of the thirty in war. N. Y.. 1876. 12 . Romance of chivalry. L., 1S67. 12 . . 361-51 Six months among the charities of Ktt- 2 v. I.., 1865. 12° j6l-5 I '11 n.ii 1 , "i » 1 , 1 , . in com erning i onjugial love. Swedenborg, E 2S94-78 Delisle, Leopold. Life, character, work and times of 1 irdericus \'italis. In Or- ' ns \ italis. I . . lesiastical hist, of England and Normandy, v. 4. pp. vii-xcii 9309 65 1 I . -11. Franz, German tlieologian, 6. 1813. Jewish artisan life in the time of Jesu -. I in-; i.. 1 be oldest sources. ti. by Bernhard Tick. N. V., 1883. 1 ' 2213-3 •i'ii. Kiifiliioli, German scholar, son of p> . 1850. Powell, B. H. Baden-. Creation and its records, pp. '4 i- Prof. I lelitzsi h on the garden -I Eden. . 213—71 1 n 1 1 1 .. 11. 1 1 I,. ) 1 I n 1 1 , Win. Hodgson, W, 1 ;'- . 41 1 ; i ; Dei Mar, i . ili/a- tion ; or, a history of the monetary la the dai I age . and 1 heir influent e upon - ivilization. I ... 1886. 8° 1 11 1. ma , I ..■■ i . nni> of La Km belle : an historical ketch, tr. from I hi I by George L, Catlin. N. V., i- 12 Ill I "I mi , John Louis, Swiss lawyer, l>. 1 7-,'t d. iSini. 1 lonstitution of England ; or, an accounl ol thi English government, new i-il., with life and notes, by John Macgregor. L., 1853. 12- 3423-35 De Long, George Washington, /'. iS44-. M. Deluge. Adams, C. C. Creation a recent work of God. pp. 207-221 213 12 Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world, pp. 65 12S 400-3 Gould, S. Baring-. Legends of Old Testa- ment characters, pp. 91-105 2214 4 — Lenormant, F. Beginnings of history. pp. 382-488 22 Miller. 11. Tesl the rocks, pp. |6« 55°'-5 — Reimensnyder, I. Ii. Six days of crea- tion: the fall and the deluge 21; 73 — Smith, (i. Chaldean account of Genesis. PP- 263-294 4025-71 Walker, W. B. Cyclii d deluges. ... ; in 1. Mai kaj . 1 '. Mi mi irs of e\- traordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds. 1742-'' — Browne, T. Works, v. 1 -2 ,S2^ 2 — Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the Aurora Borealis. \ 85 The reign of terror in Lapland 4471-S DEMAVS, R. Hngh Latimer: a biography. 1... n. d. 12 . DEMAUS. — 344 DKMOSTHKM.S I tEMAl 5, R., continued. ■Win. Tyndale: a biography. L., 1886. 8° 899B6 Demetrius I, surnamed Poliorcetes, king of Macedonia, b. B. C. 337~d. 283. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 66-74 410-19 -Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 5- PP-95-J54 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 235-242 4101-75 Demetrius. [Drama.] Schiller, F. Works. v - 4- PP- 333-376 836-2 Demi-god, A. N. V '., 1SS7. 12 . De Mille, Jas., Canadian novelist, i. 1S37- d. 1880. American baron. N. Y., 1872. 8°. — Babes in the wood. N. Y:, 1875. 8°. — Castle in Spain. N. Y., [1883.] 8°. — Comedy of terrors. B., 1872. 8°. — Cord and creese. N. Y., 1S73. 8°. — Cryptogram. N. Y., 1871. 8°. — Dodge Club ; or, Italy in 1859. N. Y.. 11. d. 8°. — Lady of the ice. N. Y., 1872. 8°. — Lily and the cross. B., 1875. I2 °- — Open question. X. Y., 1873. 8°. Deming, Clarence. By-ways of nature and life. N. Y., 1S84. 8° 283E2 Deming, Henry C. Webster. In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 473-484. . . 412-53 DEMING, P. Adirondack stories. B., 18S0. 1 6°. — Tompkins and other folks: stories of the Hudson and Adirondacks. 11., 1885. 1 6°. DEMOCRACY. Adams, C. K. Democracy ami monarchy in France from the incep- tion of the great revolution to the over- throw of the second empire 9444-13 Andrews, S. I'. True constitution of gov- ernment. Science of society. No. 1. . 304-15 rleinzen, K. What is real democracy? 460E9 — Mallock, W. 11. Social equality. . . . 338-57 — May, T. E. Democracy in Europe. . . 3204-6 Norcross, J. History of democracy, con- iidered as a party name and as a politic- al organization 3293-6 -Seymour, E. A. Monarchy ami democ- 320-S — Stickney, A. Democratic government, . 3207-78 — Tocqueville, A. de. Democracy of Amer- ica 3207-89 Arnold, M. Mixed essays, pp. 1 47. . [24E6 Bi ow n on, 1 >. A. Works, v. 15. pp. 1 11 and 258-281 818-27 I 'I here, II. A democrat on the coming democracy. /»Coan,T. M.,ed. d problems, pp. 126-153 (04 ■'■ Demi icracy, continued. — Lowell, J. R. Democracy ami other essays, pp. 3-42 58SE2 — See also Government. Liberty. Politics. Democracy; an American novel. N. Y., 1880. 12°. Democratic party. Patton, J. H. Demo- cratic party 3293-7 — Black, C. F., ed. Lives of Grover Cleve- land and Thomas W. Hendricks, with a complete history of the Democratic party 230B18 Democritus. Hall, G. S. Aspects of Ger- man culture, pp. 194-207. Democritus and Heraclitus 4 5 1 K 1 Democritus, Junior, pseud. Sec Burton, R. Demogeot, J. History of French literature. Phila., 1S74. 12°. Same, L., 1884. . 840-3 Demi in of Cawnpore. [Steam house, pt. I.] Verne, Jules. DeMonfort: a tragedy. Baillie, J. Dram- atic and poetical works, pp. 76-104. . 132C6 DEMONOLOGY. Cobbe, F. P. Darwinism in morals, pp. 159-1S8. The devil. . . 204-19 — Dendy, W. Philosophy of mystery. . . 174-29 — Hall, F. T. Pedigree of the devil. . . 2351-4 — Lenormant, F. Chaldean magic. . . . 292-5 Mateer, S. The land of charity. . . . 2654-48 — Scott, W. Letters on demonology and witchcraft 1744-S — Spalding, T. A. Elizabethan demonology. 82364-S — Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biogra- phical sketches, pp. 9-32 3'8E5 McWhinney, T. M. Reason and revela- tion, hand in hand. pp. 330-433. . . 239-64 — Rule, W. H. History of the inquisition. v. 2. pp. 2S3-397 2722-61 — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 710-728. Demonology ami the reform- ation 204-84 — See also Delusions. Spiritualism. Super- stitions. Witchcraft. DE MORGAN, Augustus. Budget of para- doxes. L., 1872. 8° 806-33 I >i mi is : a story of English socialism. L., 1886. 8°. Demosthenes, Greek orator, b. />'. C. about 382-d. 322. Orations, tr. with notes, arguments, a chronological abstract, appendices, and index, by C. Rann Kennedy. 5 v. L., 1856-65. 12 . . 8856-5 Contents, v. 1 The Olynthiacs, Philippics. v. 2. On the Crown and on the Embassy. v. 3. Against Lcptines, Midias, Androtion, and An stoi rati v. 4. Private ami other Orations, viz. against I iiiiin 1 iii s, Vristogiton, Aphobus, Onetor, ■ n 1 iiriiii--. \ ]i.,i iirius, Phormio, Lacritus, P 1 mi .. hi 1 u . \ in achus, BoeotUB, Spudias, Pha nippus, and for Phormio, v. -, Miscellaneous Orations. Containing ni:\i( isriiiAi Hill , ' • Mi ti i hai ii i ici ' . ""i 'i m b In i II ■ 'I . I irin.l In M PdyCll ' | , • U 01 li.u US, I ' , CalHcleS, DlOl I tides, I I . \ . .1 i i . and foi i > Crown Phe I uneral ' trat ion I ( >r:ni'ni, i-i the Pancgyrii tp Epicratefl i 'Mi ii' i i" ' wmIi I index II' till III' V iilllMI. Ilnl i | Orations: pronoum ed o ite the v ians againsl Philip, King ol Macedon, mil in ".ii !■ >i i -, of public deliberation tr. by T. Leland. I ., 1853. 12 . . 8856 Biddle, ' '. \\ . tr. I 1 1 ttions on the ■>". 1 I' .I" ! Dem thenes. . 885 2 Hi' -III, I ... ed. Politii a! eloqui m e in Greece: Demosthenes S856-6 Butt lu r, S. II. I lemosthenes. I 1 writers iei ies.] jS j I: ( 1 ox, (I. \V. Greek statesmen, ser. 2. pp. 180 "i'i 4102-3 I .1 ik Greeks. pp. 89-102. [From Plutarch.] 4101-72 Fenelon, I', de S. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. ijS-143. . 41S-3 1 lolmes, A. I lemosthenes ; with En- glish n s. pi. 1. De corona. . . . SS56-4 Harsha, 1 1. A. M,,,i eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 1-34 410-54 Legare, H. S. Writings, v. 1. pp. 443- 5'" 818-56 M"i 111], J. S. Self-I "II . !..;; 11.' - ,,l in, led ons. pp. .5-5 410-7S I'M world worthies, pp. 74 114. [From Plutarch.] 4101-73 Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. II., ed. v - 5- 1»P- i-34 4101-7 - Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 204-210 4101-75 Morals, v. 5. pp. 43-53 .ssss , - Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes, pp. 267-27S 2901-S W I, \V., ,-,/. Hundred greatest men. II- -7" 272 410-975 Dempsey, Geo. Drysdale. On the draii ut lands, towns and buildings ; revi 1 with large additions on recent practice in drainage engineering, by I). K. Clark. 1-. 1887. '2° ' 6285-4 - Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands. I.., 1869. 12 . . 6313-3 - Rudimentary treatise on the draina towns and buildings. I... 1S65. 12°. Bound with Williams, c. \\. Combus- tion nl coal 6698-3 Same. 1... [867. Bound with Dob E. Rudiments of the art of building. 690-4 Rudimentary treatise on the locomo live engine in all its phases. 1.., 1S56. 0211 J-2 Dt otitinued. Tiiliiil.il and othei pai tii - liliin^ the Briti a 1 lonway tubular bridges : with ol in 11 of malleable iron to thi ni bridge-building. L. 181 1 1 'h 1 'ampin, I-'. Appli iron to the ■ ii Dempster, C. Hotel du petit Leipzig, 1S71. 16 . Dendy, \\ I'i I ooper. Philosophy ol tery. \. ¥"., 1855. 16 171 29 Denham, Dixon. Taylor, B. ' 1 mi travel. v. 1. pp. I I lenham and 1 .] Denham, John, British poet, i. 1615-rf. 1 Johnson, S. Eminent English poi v. 1. pp. 99 109 41821 5 Ward, T. II.. ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 279-280 S092-9 DENHAM, l.ady, {formerly ike.) Jamesi u. V. (M.J Bi 1 'mri 1 harles 1 1, pp. 1 is 122 41 1 5; Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stu 1 v. 3- PP- 3°S-3>3 4"-S8 I IENIN v, ' .1 i'i"" i 1 1 irlo, Italian ian, 1 1 lielle Rivoluzioni d' Italia. 5 v. I ". 11 . 1S20. 8°. . . Dening, Geraldine Hoopi 1 . Guinness, Mrs. Grattan. "She spake of Him:" being recollections of Mrs. II. Dening. . . . 283B8 St., patron of France. Seven cham- 1 ' hristendom Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. the saints, pp. 77-S7 41 t | i»i Donne. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie (Thom- as.) Di us Duval. Thackeray, W. M. I H mi . Roberts, Margaret, hi \ is, is. c. W. Antoine. n. t. p. 16 . . w.w infield, the law- yer's sun and how he became a major- it. Phila., 1865. 16 45,1:1 DENISON, Chas., M. />. Moisture and ness; or. the analysis of atmospheric humidities in the United States; an say read before the American climato- logical association, 1SS4. Chicago, 1SS5. 55157 J — Rocky mountain health resorts: an ana- lytical Study of high altitudes in relation to the arrest of chronic pulmonary case. 1. , 1880. S° .. Edmund Beckett. See Beckett, Edmund. DENISON. -346- DEPKW. DENISON, Edward, English philanthropist, />. 1840-r/. 1870. Japp, A. IL, ill. A. Page, pseud.) Golden lives, pp. 51-79. 4104-75 - Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many fields, pp. 153-164 410—962 Dk.nis.on, Geo. T., lieutenant -colon,-!. History of cavalry from the earliest times, with lessons for the future. 1... 1877. S°. . 357-3 Denison, Mrs. Mary (Andrews), American writer, b. 1S26. Antoinette. n. t. p. 1 6° 285A18 — Hannah's triumph. Phila., 1870. 24 . 2S5A2 — His triumph. B., 1S83. 16 . — John Dane. B.,1874. 16 285A22 — Led to the light. Sequel to Opposite the jail. Phila., 1866. 16° 285A24 - Music-master. B., 1S63. 16° 285A28 — Nobody's child, and other stories. Phila., 1859. 16°. — Old slip warehouse. X. V., 187S. 8°. — Opposite the jail. B., [1872.] 12°. . . 285A29 — Out of prison. B., [1864.] 16 . — Victor Norman, rector. Phila., 1873. I2 °. Denman, Thus. Martineau, H. Biograph- ical sketches, pp. 232-240 4104-62 Denmark, t'richton, A. and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia, ancient ami modern. . . 948-3 — Dunham, S. A. History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway 948-4 — Hertel, Dr. — . Overpressure in high schools in Denmark 37171-4 — Macgregor, J. Rob Roy on the Baltic. . 448-6 — Marryat, H. A residence in Jutland, the Danish isles and Copenhagen 44S9-65 — Wheaton, II. History of the Northmen. 94802-9 — Atkinson, J. B. Art lour to northern capitals of Europe, pp. 1-81 70S7-2 — Bille, Carl Steende. King and queen of Denmark and royal children of Den- mark. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 112-120. . 410-83 — Brace, C. I.. Norse-folk. pp. 477-496. 448-2 — Frederiksen, K. Denmark. In Stanton, T. , ed. The woman question in Europe. pp. 221-233 396-85 — GamleNorge: old Norway, pp. 287-312. 448-4 — Longfellow, II. W., ed. Poems of places. Scotland, etc. v. 4. pp. 95-160. . . S0921-5 Jackson, II. ill.) Glimpses •>( three 1 " ' 's. pp. 322 383 439-52 Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. pp. 462-482 440-74 — Smith, S. Works, pp. 270-279. Re- view of Catteau, J. P, I ableau des etats Danois 837E1 Taylor, B. Northei n travel : lummei and winter pictures : Sweden, Denmark and 1 ipland 448-9 Unprotected female inNorway, pp. 1 2". 4481 9 I If.nmakk, continued. — See also Scandinavia. Thorvaldsen, B. Dennis, John. Heroes of literature : En- glish poets : a book for young readers. I.., 1883. 12° 821-28 — ed. English sonnets: aselection. L., 1881. 16 8094-3 DENNISON, Win. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 1017-1019 9796-7 Dennistoun, Jas. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino, illustrating the arms, arts and literature of Italy from 1440 to 1630. 3 v. L., 1851. 8° 4107-3 Denny, Sir Anthony. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain. v. 1. pp. 155-160 411-65 Denon, Dominique Vivant, b. 1754-rf. 1825. St. John, J. A. Celebrated travellers. v - 3- PP- 345-35° 4159-78 Denounced, The. Banin, J. DENSEL, Mary. Lloyd Dalan. N. Y., 1S74. 1 6° 285A5 Denslow palace. Whelpley, F. D. In Modem classics, pp. 336-366. DENTATUS, M. Curius, Roman consul, d. B. C. 270. Vonge, C. M. Book of worthies. pp. 230-259 4101-96 DENTON, franklin Evert. Early poetical works. Cleveland, 1883. 12° 284C8 — Glass dwarf, The. Burton, O., 1 886. 16 . Den kin, J. Bailey-. Hand-book of house sanitation for the use of all persons seek- ing a healthy home ; ed. by E. F. Bailey- Dent. .11. L., 1882. 8° 628-4 DENTON, Wm. Our planet: its past and future; or, lectures on geology. B., 1873- 12 550-3 1 — Soul of things ; or, psychometric re- searches and discoveries. 3 v. B., 1875. 12 177-33 Dl !TON, Rev. Wm., /•. 1S15. Christians of Turkey : their condition under Mussul- man rule. L., 1876. 12° 4496-28 D' ENTRECASTEAUX islands. Moresby, Capt. J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea and the D ' Entrecasteaux islands 495-6 DENVER, Colorado. Rusling, J. V. The great West and the Pacific coast, pp. 58-74 478-8 Depasse, I lector. Challemel-Lacour and Paul, Bert. In Claretie, J., and others. French celebrities. pt. 2. pp. 78-92 and 124-136 4'°5-35 I ,eon Ganibetta and Charles de Freycinet. In Daudet, 1 ... and others. French celebrities, pt. I. pp. 24-45 and 88-102. 4105-35 Depew, Chauncey M. f'iske, S. Off-hand portraits ol prominenl New Yorkers. PP. 91 '»" 4>247-3 DE PEYSTER. — 117 lo '.i [Nl I.', I n l'i •. .iiu, John Wall , / /.. /'., general, American historian, i. 1821. Pei ami military history "l Philip Kenny. N. Y., 1869. 8° 1 'i 1 1 1 •.'., ( iuillaume, \\ onders of bodily strength and skill in .ill ages and all countries, tr. from the Freni h b) Chas. Russell. N. Y., 1873. 12° I '1 profi Mils. Gilbert, W. 1 11 11 11 i ui the sea. Thomson, C. W. . . . I H hi. 1 1, in j \V. Ethan Alien and the Green mountain heroes "I '76; with a sketch of the early history of Ve 11. Buffalo, 1853. 12° Kossuth and his generals; with a brief historyof Hungary; also select speeche ■ if Kossuth; with introdin tion bj Henry |. Raymond. Buffalo, 1852. 12 . . . 1 1 ins Napoli and his nines ; with notices ol his wi itings, a memoir of the Bonaparte family and a sketch of Freni I history. Buffalo, 1S52. 12° 1 'i Quincey, Thos. Autobiographic sketch es. B., 1873. 12°. Boundwith Confes- sions of an English opium-eater. . . . \ 1 > tiger, The: a narrative, and Othei papers. B., 1S7;. 12° Contents.— T\a avenger Additions to the mfess 5 ..f .in o] eater. - Essenes. — I 'tins I. .urn 1 China.— Traditions of the Rab- bins. Same. B., 1871. 12 — Biographical essays. B., 1873. 12 . Bound with Essays on the Poets. . . . Contents. — Shakespeare. — Pope. — Chai les I amb 1 ... 1 be Si liillcr. ' ars, I he. B., [873. 12°. Bound with The Avenger ' onfessions of an English opium-eater. B., 187.5. 12° — Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. 2 v. B., 1S73. I2 °- • Contents.— v. i. Sir Win. Hamilton. —'Sir James Mackintosh.— Kant in his miscellaneous essays— Herder— John Paul Frederick Rich tcr. -l.essing. I a Bentley. — I'.u r Essays on the poets, and other English writers. 1?., 1X73. 12° Contents— Poetry of Wordsworth.— Shelley. — ECeats 1 ioldsmith.— Pope. — Godwin.— Fos. ter.— Hazlitt.— Landor. Historical and critical essays. 2 v. l;.. 1873- '*° Contents, — v, 1. Philosophy of Roman his- tory rheEssenes Philosophy of Herodotus. Plato's republic— Homer and the H-iiur V. a Cii ero •style— Rhetoric — Secret so- cieties. Klosterheim ; 12°. 528B7 701 1 5895-8 115B9 543B2 668H25 284 K4 284E49 284E52 284E48 284E49 284 1 1 284E45 2S4K.4S 2N4F44 the masque. B., 1855. 1 11 '.1 1 1 ■ 1 . 1 ntinu : I a young man, and other p; li., 1873. |2°. Bound onomy Contents.— Letters to a younj of a*. i., k . r French .... I iforniaand the ^>\<\ mania Liti . i in. \. X ., 1 • Contents. Theory of Greek tragedy Ai.ti gon. Homer and 1 I 11. Style Rhel »rii I tnguagc t diction trii Di yden's hexa ti Walti r Savagi ithey and I. indoi • )i thographii mul ecial reference t" the worl lor. — 'A 1 I ••. ..i • 1 .!.• 11, Mi. Neth. I iterary reminiscences. 2 v. in i. I;. 1873- 12° Contents \ I. Literary novitiate— Sir H 1 otr. I .rant —Recollec- tions ..I C. Lamb, \\ 1 1 .....nli v. 2. Wordsworth and Southey.— Southey, Wordsworth and Coleridge.— Recollections of '■ ri 1 .-a's Head. — Society of the lakes. Charles I loyd.— Walking Stewart — E. Irving. — Wordsworth.— Talfourd. — The I Ondon magazine. — Junius. — Clare.— Cunning- ham. — Libellous attack by a London journal — Duelling. Logic of political ec imy, and other papers. I;.. 1S73. 12 Contents. — Logic of political economy— Life of Milton.- -The Suliotes.— The fatal marksman. — The incognito. — The dice. — King of Hayti. .Memorials, and other papers. 2 v. Ik. 1873- "2° Contents. — v. i try notices. — Or- phan heiress Oxford, Pagan oracles.— Revo- lution of Greece. v. 2. Klosterheim. —The sphinx's riddle. — I trmpl.irs' dialogues. Miscellaneous essays. B., 1873. 12 . Bound with Note-book of an English opium-eater 2S4K41 Contents, On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth. — Murder considered as one of the fine arts — Supplementary paper on murder. — Joan of Arc. — The English mail-coach.— Din- ner, real and reputed.— Orthographic muti- neers.— Sortilege on behalf of the Glasgow A 1 h e 1 — Narrative and miscellaneous papers. 2 v. in 1. I'... 1873. 12 z$ Contents. — v. i. Household wreck. — Spanish nun. — Flight of a Tartar tribe.— v. 2. System of the heavens as revealed by Lord R telescopes. — Modern superstition. —Coleridge and opium-eating.— Temperance movement. — I Mi war.— Last days of Immanucl Kant Note-book of an English opium-eater. B-, 1S73. 12° , Contents. — Three memorable murders. — True relations of the Bible to merely human science. —Literary history of the iSth century.— The Antigone of Sophocles. — Marquess Wellesley Milton . S< uthe] I DE QUJNCEY. 34* DESERTER. IM-; QuiNCEY, Thos., continued. tion of English history. — A peripatetic philoso- pher. — On suicide. — Superficial knowledge. — English dictionaries.— Dryden's hexastich.— Pope's retort upon Addison. Theological essays, ami other papers. 2 v. B., 1873. 12° 284E46 Contents— v. 1. On Christianity as an organ of political movement— Protestantism.— On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity. — Judas Iscariot.— On Hume's argument against miracles.— Casuistry.— Greece under the Ro- mans v. 2. Secession from the Church of Scot- land. — Toilette of the Hebrew lady.— Milton.— Charlemagne. — Modern Greece. — Lord Car- lisle on Pope. Beauties of DeQuincey, selected from his writings. N. V.. 1877. 12°. Same, B., 1868 284E7 Conversation. In Prose masterpieces from modern essayists, v. 1. pp. 61-106. . S08-7 Selections from Confessions of an English opium-eater. In Day, II. The opium habit, pp. 77-!3 2 1988-4 — Japp, A. H., (H. A. Page, pseud.) Thomas DeQuincey: his life and writings. . . 2X4I:; — Masson.D. DeQuincey. [Englishmen of letters series.] 2S4B2 — Bayne, V. Essays in biography and criti- cism, ser. I. pp. 15-49 I39 Eo — Giles, II. Illustrations of genius, pp. 300-362 422E1 — Griswold, II. T. Home life of great authors, pp. 54-63 4IS-45 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. ser. 2. pp. 229-270 826-54 M.utineau, H. Biographical sketches. I,],. 03-101 4104-62 Mason, E. T., •;/. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v. 3. pp. 217-272. . . 4182-56 Masson, I). Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays, pp. 255-305. . . . S04-59 Mathews, W. I bun- with men and books. pp. 9-57 617E54 I lliphant, M. ' '■ (W.) Literary history of England, v. 2. pp. iS 29 N204-7 Stephen, I.. Hours in a library, pp. 278-311 804-84 Derby, Earl of . See Stanley, I'.. G. S. Derby, E. II. Browns O. A. Works. v. 7. pp. 335 I,' 1 l'i'. "I betters 1 - 1 1 , 1 on 818-27 G 1. Horatio, (John Phoenix, pseud.), i rican humorist, b. 1S24 ./. 1861. Phoeni iciana ; or, sketches and bur- i,- ques. N. V., 1867. 12 . Same, 1872. Same, 1882 Si 7 ;o I ii 1:1:', , J. C. I' ifiy ■■ ng authors, book ■ .nid 5 . 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 hei N. V., 1886. 1 .' 1 iM ; Derby, England. Glover, S. History of the County of Derby. 2 v 93951-4 DERING, Edward Heneage. Memoirs of Georgiana, Lady Chatterton : with some passages from her diary. L., 1878. 8°. 223IIS5 De ROOS, J. D. C. Linkages: the different forms and uses of articulated links. N. Y.. 1S79. 24° 6218-27 De Ros, Wm. Lennox Lascelles Fitzgerald, 23d baron. Tow f er of London. 11. t. p. 12° 939"-2 DERRICK Sterling: a story of the mines. Munroe, Kirk 654A3 Derry : a tale of the revolution. N. V., a. d. 1 6°. Dervishes. Brown, J. P. Dervishes; or, oriental spiritualism 2977-2 Vambery, A. Sketches of Central Asia. 455~9 Derwentwater, Earl of. See Radcliffe, James. DERZHAVIN, Gabriel Romanovitch. Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian literature. PP- 74-94 8917 o DESBORDES-Valmore, Mme. Marceline Jo- sephe Felicite. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. .Memoirs of Madame Desbordes-Val- more 911B1 Descartes, Rene du Perrot, (Cartesius), French philosopher, b. x^qb-d. 1650. Fisher, K. History of modern philoso- phy. Descartes and his school ; tr. from the 3d. revised German edition, 1S87. . 1641-4 — Mahaffy, J. P. Descartes 2S5II5 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 2. pp. 358-382. Cartesian doubt 818-27 — Men of history, pp. 154-156 410-75 Huxley, T. II. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews, pp. 320-344. Review of Discourse touching the method of using one's reason rightly and of seeking scientific truth 502-5 W 1. \\ .. fd. Hundred greatest men. PP- 228-231 4IO-975 I II 1 in 1 of man. Darwin, Chas. R. 2 v. . 575-28 Deschamps, Eustache. Besant, W. Studies in early French poetry, pp. 52-53. . S401-2 French humorists, pp. 82-98 8407-2 Deschanel, A. Privat. Elementary treat- ise on natural philosophy. 4 pis. N. V., 1873-74. 8° 530-28 Contents, pi 1 Mechanics, hydrostatics and pneumatics, pt. 2. Heat. pt. 3. Electricity and magnetism, pt. 4. Sound and tight. In CHAPELLES, . Whist. /;; liohn, II. ('... ed. Hand-book of games, pt. 3. pp. 78-145 787-3 1 M 1 1 1 hi.. I' alkonberg, B. E 4626 1 I II 1 11 nl ire. Verne, Jules. bi.su; ..1 the Exodus, Palmer, E. II. . . 4501 6 hi r K in:'. < 'apt. < lias. In I .ippin- cotl's mi; Way, [887. I. KM. I VYS [49 hi. Vl.l'l. i,, Guavs, J i i i i Boj Lettci b f the world. N. V., 1865. 12°. 2894 1 11 1 S 1 1 ■ ■ In i.i.in, Maria Dan ington. John Mai i bel, N. '< .. 1877. 12 . Mill,-, ol Sil,,, ti mill, N. \ ., 1875. 12°. 1 > 1 mono, [Catherine, count, 1 oj W ilford, E. 1 ale i ol oui gre il families, v. 1. pp. 1 13 1" 99 id hundred. Vu itin, Mt r. I me [G.) I Round robi n >ei ie | In j M oi ii\., Camille, French republican, b. 1762 d. i r- » +. 1 :iaretie, J. Camille Desmoulins and his wife 285B9 Brougham, H. I tistoi ical sketi he ol statesmen who flourished in 1 1 1 1- nine of ge III. v. 2. pp. 204-222. . . . 410-17 hisM.ii lins, Lucile (Duplessis), wife of Ca- mille. Watson, II. 1 . I [eroii womi n of history, pp. 37 f » 3 S .> I 1 < 95 In Soto, Hernando. See Soto, Hernando de. Despard, i-'., id. A voice from the dim millions : being .1 true history of a working woman. L., n. d. 12°. . . 3368-37 Despard, Mrs. M. C. Chaste as ice, pure us snow. Phila., n. d. 12 . 1 i, pard, Matilda. Kilrogan cottage. N. V., 1878. 8°. 1 n 11 1 \ 1 1 chance. Kelley, J. D. J. Desperate remedies. Hardy, Thos. 1 1] pi m . Prosper. I obbe, F. I'. 1 larwin- ism in morals, pp. 39-69. Review of Psychologie naturelle 204-19 Despotism in America. Hildreth, R. . . 3269-4 Desserts. Littlehale, X. M. Dainty , les- sens for dainty diners 642-5 Destiny of man. Fiske, John 218-33 Destroyer of the second republic: being Napoleon the Little. Hugo, Victor. . 66SB3 Destruction and reconstruction: personal experiences of the late war. Taylor. K. 9S12 SS Destructive distillation. Mills, K. I. . . 6659-6 Destructive influence of the tariff. Schoen- hof.J 335-S In 11 TORI man. lames. G. I'. K. I 'i SWERT, Jules. Violoncello. 1.., n. d. 4 . [Music primers series.] 7773~3 Detectives. Knox, I. W. The under- ground world, pp. 991-998 6229-5 Deterioration and race education. Royce, s 309-7 In mi. Karl, pseud. See Bauer, Klara. In 1 mo] d. Bishop, Wm. 1 1. Detroit. Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of le Detroit 9 S 7 I ' " — Hatch, W. S. Chapter of the history ol the war of l8l2 97°5 i 8 Parkman, F Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2v. 071 68 in proit, continu Berry, ( B, rhi othei truck u ; [62-183 470 1 ) Hubbard, B. 1I1 lury. pp. 107 154 ,;/;,/ 417 461. . . . ')V|i 7 1 1 [B ittle, 1743.] Greal battles of the Briti h army. pp. 1 ;6 140. . . 930S 4 ■ life of stones. Ruskin, J. 5504 7i 1 11 1 1 10 : God-man P . 1 . . . . 232 DEI rERONOMY. '•■> Bible, Old Testament. 1 1 psch, Dr. ( and Ban m, R. Well be- gun is half 'Ion,- ; or, the young paintei ,,, .! Fiddlehannes. N. Y., 1867. 16 , DEUTSCH, I Bl inui 1 Osi ' , Ger- man Orientalist, b. 18290/. 1S73. Lit- erary ri mains ; with memoir. N. Y., 1874. 8° 204-25 I nteni M ralmud. — Islam. — Lec- ture on the Talmud.— Lecture .a Birming] gemitii palaeography Semiti, culture. — ern. — Hei mes Trisme- eistus.— Jut] ic metaphysics. — Les Apdtres.- tluiii ,1 council. — Aposr.i Seilis— Roman ] mitic lan- guages? — The Targums. — The Samaritan i ti I, Bool of Jaslier. Early Arabii i n Arabic poetry in Spain ami Sicily. [slam. In Smith, R. B. M : 1 Mohammedanism, pp. 283-388. . 297 7 Dei s-Ponts, Guillaume, eomte de. My cam- paigns in America: a journal kept in 1780-81. tr. ami ed. by S. A. Green. B., 1868. 8° 9753-32 DEVEL0PMEN1 of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America. Scott, E. 3207-76 Developmeni of English literature and lan- guage. Welsh, A. II 820-93 Development, Theory of. Mozley, J. B. . 2S29-56 DEVELOl !i N r: what it can do and what it cannot do. Mcl'osh. I. [Philosophic series, \,,. 5.] 142-6 Di Verb, V\ ard, R. P. In Verb, Aubrey Thomas, Irish pod, /<. 1S14. Irish o.les ami other poems. \. \ .. 1S69. 12° May carols and hymns and poems. X. [866. 16 Dl \ i 1 1 . Maximilian Scheie, Swedish Amer- ican writer, b. 1S20. Americanisms: the [ish of the New World. N. Y., 1872. 8° [18-3 Sti v leaves from the book of nature. N. v.! i860. 12° 5 02 -32 Contents— Quay a pebble.— Nature in mo- tion.— The ocean and its life —Chat about plants.— Younger years ofa plant— Later years 1 plant. — Plant mummies. — Unki. tongues. — Trip to the moon. Studies in English; or. glimpses of the inner life of our language. N. V.. 1- [2 [IO-28 DE VERE. 35° DIABLERETS. De \ ike, M. S., continued. — The great empress: a portrait. Phila., 1870. 12 . [Agrippina, mother of Nero.] 111B2 — Wonders of the deep: companion to Stray leaves from the book of nature. N. V., 1869. 12°. Same. 1S72. . . 5895-3 Contents. — Fables and facts. — Odd fish. — Pearls.— Corals. — The knight in armor. — A pinch of salt.— Mine oyster.— Light at sea. — Lighthouse stories. — Grain of sand. — Mercury. — The earth in trouble. — ed. Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation. 5S04-6 Tissandier, G. Wonders of water.. . 5514-86 DEVEREUX, deo. II. Sam Shirk: a tale of the woods of Maine. N. Y.,1871. 12°. Uf.veki.ux, Robert, 2nd ear! of Essex, En- glish admiral, b. 1567—1/. 1601. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 2. pp. 275-291. . . 411-65 DEVEREUX, Robert, 3d earl of Essex, parlia- mentary general, t>. 1592-d. 1646. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 4. pp. 209-221. . 411-65 DEVEREUX, Walter, 1st earl of Essex, b. about 1 541— (/. 1576. Lodge, E. Por- traits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 2. pp. 97-106 411-65 Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Devey, L Comparative estimate of modern English poets. L., 1873. 12°. . . . 821-3 Devey, Joseph. Logic ; or, the science of inference. L., 1854. 12° 189-3 Devil. See Demonology. Devil is an ass. [Drama.] Jonson, B. Works, pp. 451-483 518C3 Devil's ford. In llarte, F. B. Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready. pp. 169-299. Devil's hat. Philips, M. Devil's law-case. Webster, J. Dramatic works, v. 3. pp. 1-121 930C8 DEVOL, Jonathan. Hildreth, S. P. Early pioneers of Ohio. pp. 241-257. . . . 41271-4 1 »evi in boys. Fenn, Geo. M. Devonshire, England. Kingsley, C. Sii Waller Raleigh and his time. pp. 221- 275. North Devon 535^4 DEVOY, John. Land of Eire. Irish Land League, its origin, progress and con- sequences; with an account of Ireland from the earliest period. \. Y ., 18S2. 4° 4415-3 Devrient, Wilhelmina S. Clayton, E. C. 11 <.f song. pp. 288-295 4'78-3 Dew, Thos. Digesl of the laws, customs, ei and institutions of the ancient and modern nations. N. Y '., 1S54. 8°. 905-34 Dew. Tomlinson, C. Experimental essays. pp. 95-123. History of the modern the of -dew .... 540-37 Dewall, — Van. A great lady. Phila., 1874. 8°. Dkwdrops and diamonds. Marshall, Emma. 614A2 Dewees, F. P. Molly Maguires : the ori- gin, growth and character of the organ- ization. Phila., 1877. 12° 3467-3 D'Ewees.J. Sporting in both hemispheres. n. d. 16° 7966-3 Dewey, John. Psychology. N. Y., 1887. 8° 180-33 DEWEY, Rev. Orville. The Old World and the New : or, a journal of reflections and observations made on a tour in Eu- rope. 2 v. in 1. N. X ., 1836. 12°. . 440-28 — Primitive Christian creed. In New dis- cussions of the Trinity 2311-4 — Autobiography and letters; ed. by M. E. Dewey. B., 1883. 12° 2S6B6 Dewhurst, Wm. W. History of St. Augus- tine, Florida, with a description of its climate and advantages as a health re- sort. X. Y., 1S81. 12° 98491-3 De Willi:, Elizabeth. Johannes Olaf. tr. by F. E. Bunnell. B., 1S73. 12°. DEWING, Mrs. Maria R., (formerly Misi Oakey.) Beauty in dress. N. Y., 1881. 16° 3912-6 DEXTER, Franklin Bowditch. Sketch of the history of Yale university. X.Y., 1S87. 8° 378746-3 Dexter, Geo. T., joint author. Edmonds, J. W. and Dexter, G. T. Spiritualism. 176-33 Dexter, Henry Martyn, D. £>., American Congregationalist minister, b. 1S21. Con- gregationalism of the last three hundred years as seen in its literature ; with a bibliographical appendix. N. Y., 1S80. 4° 2858-3 — Congregationalism : what it is, whence it is, how it works, why it is better than any other form of church government, and its consequent demands. B., 1871. 12° 2S58-31 Sweet thoughts. B., 1859 286E6 — Introduction. /;; Sessions, A. J. The Lord's day rescued 2593—7 DEXTER, Samuel. Moore, K. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 237-246. . . . Si 52-6 Dextrine. Wagner, L. von. Practical treatise on the manufacture "f starch, glucose, starch-sugar and dextrine. . 664-4 In Y01 nge, A. 1 barades. n, 1. p. i(>°. 785-4 DEZA, Maximilian. Gould, S. Hating-. Post-mediaeval preachers, pp. 192-205. 414-4 DHOW chasing in Zanzibar waters and on the eastern coast of Africa. Sulivan, Capt. <:. 1 4678-8 Diablerets. 1 'nidic, I' . P. Hours of work inrl pi 13 pp. 1 59 172 240E5 Ill \l I ( -.35' hi' I.', I u \i 1 1 i ballad VI. m. . < '.. F ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ In m i. i tale . M( Dowell, Mrs. K. S, (B (Sherw I B lei . Dialooui Did en ;, C. I lialogue i foi i I and ! ' hi 11 emenl . ed. by W, E. Fette. 2 v 801 , 151 Lovell, I. E. New ichooi dialogues. . 8015-S Monroe, I B,, ed. Publii and parloi readings 8015-6 Shoemaker, C. < . Voung folks' dia- 8015-81 Shoemaker, \frs. J. W, Dialogues. . . 8015 8 Steele, S. S. Exhibition dialogues. . . S015-85 Rook, E. C. and I . I. Voung folks' en- tertainments, pp. 39 67 8015-7 DlALi iCl 1 s of Plato ; 11. with analysis and introduction, by B. Jowett. 4 v. . . . 1541-6 Diamond atlas : western hemisphere. Col- by, C 422-3 Diamond lens. O'Brien, F. J. /» Modern classics, pp. 21-49. Diamond necklace : an essay. In Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 5. |i|>. 131-200. . . . 206E2 Diamond on the hearth. James, M. Diamond rose. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. I-, tlei , pseud.) Diamonds. Burton, R. F. Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil ; with a full account of the gold and diam I mine-. 481-22 I tieulafail , L, Dia mond ■ and precious - 735 3 l manuel, II. I diamonds and prei 5ton es 735-35 Bouton, I . B. Round about to Mosi ov pp.406 li8. Diamond cutting at Am- sterdam 440-17 Gillmore, P. Great thirst land. pp. 451. 466- • ■ • • 468-4 - Kinns, S. Harmony of the Bible with nee. pp. 465 469 215-49 Knox. T. W. The underground world. pp. 372-402 6229-5 N ii hols, J. K. Fireside 51 ien< e. pp. 193-202 502-65 -Trollope, A. South Africa, v. 2. pp. hi 208 468-9 See also Gems. Mineralogy. I tiANA. \\ arner, Susan. Diana at Ephesus, Temple of. //.• Seven wonders of the world, pp. 176-206. . 401-7 Diana ol Met idor. I Himas, Alex. Diana of the Crossways. Meredith, Geo. I>i \\i t loryval. | No name series. ] DlANl de Poitiers, i. 1499-a'. 1566. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portrait-., pp. *53 -"° 410-19 Diaries. Mathews, W. Men. places ami things, pp. 231-236 617E7 Diary and letters of Thomas Hutchinson. 497B8 Diary in the East. Ru ell, Wm. H. I>IAKY kept I he Shah ..I I i 11 chindlei and I 1 in I I iiai:\ of .1 be it 1 .it here, H Diaf i ol i lati ph ii ian. W arren, S. 1)1 \K\ of a milliner. Woods, C. II. DlARY of a Samaritan, by a membei of the 1 [1 .-. ,ii .1 A 01 ibin- W.I ' Diary of a Si tei if ' ■ i ,n ■■ ■■' ■ I n • 11 . \f> (M.) W5-S Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Ellio 1 2 v DlARY of an idle woman in Spain. Elliot, 1 2 V Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. 1 Mrs. I . (R.) Diakv of the II family. Bremer, Frederika. Diaz, Mrs. Abby Morton, American writer, b. 1821. John Spicei lectures. B., 1887. 12° 287A15 I in y Maria. B., 1874. l6° 2S7A1.S Polly Cologne. B., [1881.] 12 . . . . 287A22 William Henry and his friends. B., I 12° 287A24 — William Henry letters. B., 1873. 12. 287A25 Diaz, Bartolomeo. Frost, I. Half-hours with the early explorers. pp. 33 - 39- Discovery of thi f I lood Hope. | Parton, J. People's Look of biography. pp. 283 2S7 410-82 Vogel, I. Century of discovery. pp. 49-56 437-93 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 1 169 4"42 6 DlBDIN, Chas., English naval song writer, n. 1745-*/. 1814. Songs: with memoir. L., 1864. 16° — Jerdan, W. Men 1 have known, pp. 162-168 411-56 Mason. I., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 3H-313 4"°-7 DlBDIN, Thos. Frognall, English bibliogra- pher, h. 1776-1/. 1S47. Introduction. In Holbein, II. Bible ( uts. Bound Dance of death 7 in, W. Men I have known. 169-177 4"-5° Dice, The. From the German. In De Quincey, T. Logic of political economy. and other papers, pp. 324-356 . A. V. England's case against home rule. I.., 1887. 12° 32041-3 I ectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitution. 1 1" ,461-35 mcEv. — 352 DICKENS. DlCEY, Edward. The morning land. 2 v. in I. L., 1870. 12°. [Travels in Egypt, Palestine and Turkey.] 4499-28 - Victor Emmanuel. N. Y., 1882. 12°. . 317B81 Dick, Herbert G. Mistaken paths. Phila., 1887. 12°. Dick, Robert. Parton, J. Captains of in- dustry, pp. 232-239 4169-7 Dick, Samuel. McBride, J. Pioneer biog- raphy, v. 1. pp. 301-310 41271-6 Dick, Thos., LL. D., Scottish author, b. 1772- d. 1S57. Works. 10 v. Phila.. 1S54. I2 ° ■ ■ • ■ 828-35 Contents.— v. 1. Philosophy of a future state. —2. Christian philosopher; or, the connexion of science and philosophy with religion.— 3. Philosophy of religion. — 4. Improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge.— 5. Men- tal illumination and moral improvement of mankind. -6. Essay on the sin and the evils of covetousness.— 7 . Celestial scenery.-8. Sider- eal heavens, and other subjects connected with astronomy. -9. Practical astronomer.— 10 So- lar system. - Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. pp. 290-294 4104-85 - Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility, pp n 22 KT • • ■ 4»-97S Dick, Win. Brisbane, (Trumps, pseud.) American Hoyle; or, gentleman's hand- book of games. N. Y., 1864. 12 . Same > l8 " s 787-4 Frost, S. A. and Taylor, \\\, (L. D. Mayrie, pseud.) What shall we do to- night ? X. V., 1S73. 12° 786-27 Dick Netherby. Walford, Mrs. L. B. Dickens, Chas., English novelist, b. 1&12-J. 1870. American notes for general cir- culation. Eeipzig, 1842. 16 473-28 Barnaby Rudge. B., 1SS0. 12 . - and Edwin Drood. N. Y., 1881. 12°. -Battle of life: a love story, and The haunted man. Leipzig, 1856. 16 . Bleak house. N. Y., 1883. 12 . Child pictures. I'.., 1867. 16° 2S7A6 ■ .tenia - Little Nell.— Marchioness.— Paul I at boy.- Tiny Tim.— Smikc. — < Hiver Twist. I of England, B., 1S71. . 9301-3 — Christmas 1 ks. \. Y., 1S74. 12 . 1 Christmas I I, , and Sketi he - b) "Bo B., 1872. 12 . — Christma . X. v., n. d. 12°. , Pictures from Italy, and American notes. N. \ ., 1876. 12°. David 1 oppei field. V v., 1879. I2 °- I >oi in Marigold' pre 1 1 iption, and Mug- by Junction. I 1 -.07. 16 . V V. 1 S- 5. 12 . V V., 1.S74. 12°. I lard times. N. \\, 1874. 12 . Dickens, Chas., continued. — Hunted down, and Uncommercial traveler. Leipzig, i860. 16 . — Letters. ed. by M. Dickens and G. Ho- garth. 3 v. N. Y., 1879-81. 12 . . 287B4 — Life in Italy. [Same as Pictures from Italy.] N. V., 1S4S. 12° 445-28 - Little Dorrit. N. Y., 1883. 12 . — Martin Chuzzlewit. N. Y., 1874. 12°. — Master Humphrey's clock. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1846. 16 . — Mudfog papers, etc. N. Y., 1880. 16 . — Mystery of Edwin Drood. N. V., 1873. 12°. — Nicholas Nickleby. N. Y., 1SS3. 12 . — Xo thoroughfare, and The late Miss Hol- lingford. Leipzig, 1868. 16°. — Old curiosity shop, Master Humphrey's clock, and Miscellanies. N. Y., 1883. 12°. — Oliver Twist. X. Y., 1883. 12°. — Our mutual friend. 2 v. in I. X. Y., 1872. 12°. — Pearl fishing. Auburn, 1854. 12 . — Pictures from Italy. Leipzig, 1846. 16 . 445-28 and American notes. B., 1867. 12 . . 445-29 — Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. B., 1S83. 12°. — Sketches by " Boz." N. Y., 1874. 12 . — Sketches of young couples and of young gentlemen and of young ladies. N. \\, n. d. 1 6° 827-49 — Sketches of young ladies, etc. n. t. p. 827-5 — Somebody's luggage. Phila., 11. d. S°. — Speeches, letters and sayings; to which is added a sketch of the author, by G. A. Sala, and Dean Stanley's sermon. X. V., 1S70. S° S25-35 — Same. Bound with I bitten, J. C, Chas. Dickens: story of his life 2S7B71 — Tale of two cities, and Hard times. N. V; IS73. 12°. - and Master Humphrey's clock. N, Y., 1874. 12°. ind Mystery of Edwin Drood, X. V., n. d. 12°. In imen ial traveler, and Short Christ- mas stories. \. Y., 1874. 12°. — Dialogues from Dickens for home and school amusement, ed. by W. E. Fette, 2 v. 11.. 1S75. 16 8015-351 Note. For contents, see p. 35. — Noble 11 ige, In Burlesque. [Treasure trove series. ] — In memoriam [of Thackeray]. In Taylor, TheO. Thackeray, pp, 224 231. . . 882B3 ed. 1 lome and ■■< ial philosophy : chap- ters on every daj topii >. [F House- hold words.] X. \., 1852. 12°. . . . 4S5E5 DICK] \- DM I M I hi i Clio !nued. i ■ nil papers. 2 v. in 1, Phila., 1841 Sunshine laily path , or, I In revi lii 1 1 beauty ,inickens. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and pp . (.8 si 4 1 1 ' S ; Yesterdays with authors, pp. 125-250. 418 t 1 ell, J, II. Model 11 nun ol letters. IT- 1-45 in, G. \V. Studies in liti rature. pp. 898 804 4 raid, II. T. Home life of great authors, pp. .535-350 118-45 Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 2(19 2S0 410-536 Holland, J. G. Every day topics, ser. '■ PP- 5' 54 D;i 1 Home, K. II. A new spirit of the age. PP- "-5- |iv I- I .in-, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 10-21 ••-... 804-56 Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 282 jss 412-58 n, I . T., ,./. Pi 1 sonal traits of British authors, v. 4. pp. 171-232. . 11 1 ned. I:. Self-i 1 Pl>- nley, A. P. 149-161 ' . . Stoddard I 1 1 phii 1 . and I licken 1. pp. "97 l°6 Wal h, W . S., (W Pen i.lcin authors, pp. Whipple, III -I life. pp. 1 • 83 Novels and novclisl i. < I I lii kens 1 1 11 1 k inks mii society, literature and poli- lics. pp. 314 345. In I land. Success and pp. 250- 272. 1 .- 1 ■ \\ Im tiei , I- 1 ... i- Child life in pi pp. 297-301. Autobiographic sketch. . Wi '. D„ \ ii;- bed victors, pp.272— 295 1 1 .1 in. M. W. Antiquities ol ippi \ alley. In Fish, J G. Bible in the 1ml. in. e. pp. 233 Js,o Dickie, G 'nl author. Mci ish, J. and Dickie, G. Typical forms and special ends in creation DICKINSON, Anna Elizabeth, American and lecturer, l>. 1842. A paying invest- ment. B., 1S76. 12° \\ hat answer? I'.., 1S69. DlCKIN ON, C. \. Chicken's mistake. //; Stories for children, by Elevi mores, pp. '19-74 Dickinson, Daniel S. Bungay, (1. W. OIT- hand takings, pp. 316 322 . Mrs. Ellen E. Chapters. /// How I" learn and earn Paii of gloves. //; Wonder sloi ience. pp. 39-52 1 11 11..-. John. M e, I- .. ./. Ameri- can eloquem e. v. 1 1 in K1NSON, John W. Illustrative less in, number and arithmetic, langi 1 grammar, ps) ind other school topics. In M in/Seward, I. I . Pestalozzian music teacher, pp. 241 -'74 - wanderings. Sturgis, Julian. in, David. Taylor. \V. M. Scottish pulpit, pp. 07 104 1 - ience ami prac- lu ■ ne in relation to mind, the pathology of nerve centres and the jurisprudence of insanity. N. V.. i v ;; S° Dictionaries. Dictionary of the 11 ■ Bible. X. V.. is, 1. I2 C 11 946I ■ 1 946E8 -'i ; 56 S56A9 ■: i- 25 77" ■■ 2741 8 DICTIONARIES. - 354 DIGBY. I in i [i in LRIES, continued. — Autenrieth, G. Homeric dictionary . . 1283-2 — Book of Bible words 2205-3 - Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and falile . 806-2 — Frieze, II. S. Vergilian dictionary. . . 1263-4 Munson, J. E. Dictionary of practical phonography 655—7 — Niecks, F. Dictionary of musical terms. 7712-7 — Parker, J. II. Concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture 7203-7 — Reid. A. Dictionary of the English language 1 1 j— 7 Rich, A. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities 4051-7 — Riley, H. T., ed. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottos S7008-7 - Roget, F. M. Thesaurus of English words ; 1 14-7 — Smith, W. Smaller classical dictionary. 405-S Soule, R. Dictionary of English syno- nymes 114-8 -•- Stainer, J. and Barrett, W. A. Diction- ary of musical terms 771- 8 -Trench, R. C. Select glossary of En- glish words used formerly in senses dif- ferent from their present 113-') — Wheeler, \V. A. Explanatory and pro- nouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction S;d; t) Yuumans, A. E., cd. Dictionary of every- day wants 603-9S — De Quincy, T. Literary criticism, pp. 394-400 284E5 Note book of an English opium eater. 274-281 2S4E41 Di in: kn'i, Denis, French philosopher, b. 1 7 13— d. 1784. Paradox of acting. I.., 1883. I2 ° -Si-3 Morley, J. Diderot and the encycli | dists. • 288B4 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous IJ S. v. 5. pp. 1-63 206E2 Gautier, T., and others. FamousFrem li authors, pp. 307 31S 4184-4 W 1, \\. ,<-/. Hundred greatest men. 02 410-975 Didier, ( lhas. Anselmo : a talc "I model n Italy. 2 v. in I. I.., i860. 12°. 1 mi. in', Eugene Lemoine. Life and lettei of Madame Bonaparte. X. \'., 1879. 12 172H1 D * age. Farmer, I .. II. < iirl'i I I "l famous queens, pp. 10- M3-38 I , Queen of 1 in liage. 1 1 irama. | Mai 1 < ■ W01 1 p] 173-1 15. ... . r . < DlEHL, Mrs. Anna (Randall). Reading and elocution. N. V., 1876. 12° S01-29 — ed. Carle ton's popular readings. N. Y., 1882. 12° 80I-28 Diekenga, I. E. and Ashworth, T. M. Tom Chips, l'hila., 1871. 12 . DlEUTZ, Theodore. Hunters of the world ; or, wild sports and adventures in en- counters with wild animals in every part of the world. Phila., 1866. 16 . . . 7965 4 Diest, Isala van. Belgium. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 064-373 396-85 Dietz, E., joint author. De Koriinck, L. L. and Dietz, E. Practical manual of chemical analysis and assaying. . . . 6691-3 DlEULAFAIT, Louis. Diamonds and precious stones : a popular account of gems, con- taining their history, their distinctive properties, and a description of the must famous gems ; gem cutting and engrav- ing, and the artificial production of real and of counterfeit gems. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. Same, 1S76 735-3 DIFFERENT forms of flowers on plants of the same species. Darwin, Chas. R. . 582-3 Difficulties about Christianity no reason for disbelieving it. Talbot, E. S. In Oxford house papers, pp. 1-12. . . . 239-73 Diffii 11 riES of infidelity. Faber, G. S. . 2395-4 Digby, Anne, countess of Sunderland. Jame- son, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of Charles II. pp. 207-222 411-55 Digby, Geo., znd earl of Bristol, />. i6i2-i landus. Dioin 355- lill'l.uM \i \ l > i i. . < . [eli ill.-, G, J. Whj I in i .1 ol the laws, cu toi and instil hi i ill" I dern nation . I lew, T Digestion. l3runton, I . I . I lisi irders ol i i he equem • and tn I lllrlit 6I3I-2I Drewry, G . O. Common sense man age- men I "I the si ai li 6131 Pi , W. Chemistry, n olog) and the function of d ige lion. pp. 276 182 in to; 1 ■ I 1 I Iigging the top "ii and othei torie Adams, Emma II 107A2 1 »ike, Samuel W. Facl li\ in Ni « England. Bo it' m M I 1 j lei I tn Si. pp. 1 !28 1 >n 1 mm \, The. CI f, G. j v. Ihiki. Ash ton Wentworth. Local govern' men! and taxation in Russia. In Probj 11, I w . d. Cobden < Hub essaj >, i s ;s. PP. 3°9 336 35 2 '-7 DlLKE, Sii Chas, Wentworth, baronet, En- • . . 1 s.j ;. 1 ireatei Britain 1 a record of travel in English-speaking 11 ies, 1866 67. V Y.. 1 soy. 12". 1 jg 28 and others. Local government and tax- ation in tin- Australian colonies and New Zealand. In Probyn, J. \\ ., cd. Cobden Club essays, 1875. PP- 2 33~ 2 44 3521-7 1 1 inton, R. I. English radical leai li 1 . pp. -7 54 m-5 Dillaway, Chas. K . Roman antiquities and ancient mythology. I ". . . ! s j s . ij. J056 ; Dillon, Wentworth, earl of Roscomm ut 1634 d. 1684. Johnson, S. En- glish poets, v. 1. pp. 225 2 ;4 11S21 5 lui 1 wn ■■.. E. A. Jill and Jack. I... 1887. 12 . I'm', and the captain. 1 .othrop, Mrs. 1 1. M. (S.), 1 Margaret Sidnej . pseud.) . . 825A1 Diman, Jeremiah Lewis, American C01 galionalist minis/: >. I. [831 -d. 1SS1. < It tions and essaj 5; with selei ted parish I'.., lS82. 12° 287] 1 ' \ immemorative discoui c Literary and historical addresses.- R viev Sermons. Historical basis of belief. Boston lectures, ,s ?"- PP. [12-339 ' - ' I'imi 1 i;i Roudine. furgenieff, I. K, Snvan. Clarke, J. V. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 21 'I s 110-29 Dinarchus, Athenian orator. Plutarch. Morals, v. 5. pp. 57-58 8888 1 . fohn. Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter-writers and autobiogra- phers. v. 2. pp. to 33 - I n -...I 1 rem 1 , Franz, C 1881. I he Amazon. N. V., 1 1 - . 1 1 lirillal ■ Savarin, A. I i of dining 1 : ngs ..f Dr. i whacker I ' I >■ \- I ible trail 1" thing on them De Qt . 1 ! pp. n)7 2.12. Dinner, real and reputed. Dinnei tne, M. V., (Ma- Harland, / . ud.) 1 Iinsm. 11 1. Whittier, J. G. works, v. 1. pp. 457 473 947E6 Dinwiddie, Wm. Times before the refur- mation ; with an a- G , |. 1 fiAN, Persecution .if. Ma \. J. 2721 5 I 1 .1 . ' cynic philosopher, b. B ut 412-1/. 32 ;. 1 i de S. de la M. Ancient philosophers, pp. 220- 245 118-3 Lewes, 1 •■ II. Biographical history of philosophy, v. 1. pp. 179-185. ... i|t ;; Diogenes Laerl urished early purl 0/ id century. Lives and opinions of em- inent philosophers, tr. by ' . I '. \ onge. I ... 1853. 12 1521 4 DlON of Syracuse, statesman and pain />'. C. about 408 d. about 353. Plutarch. Lives; Clough, A. II., eil. v. 5. 1 362 -366 4101-7 Kaufman, K., ed. Our young f.dks' Plutarch, pp. 167-176 \\ I Mi in and thi a classic, Christian novel. Keon, Miles 1 i. DlONYSlAK myth, The great. Brown, R. . 2.141-2 DlONYSIUS, I'ishop of Alexandria. Works; tr. by S. 1 1. F. Salmond. In Ante- Nicene I hristian library, v. 20. pp. 157-266 DlONYSIUS, bishop of Kome. Fragment of an epistle against the Sabellians. In Ante- Ntcene Christian library, v. iS. pp. S s ^ 387 Dion\ 1 Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp.273 - s " 4H-23 DlONYSIUS Musicus. Elton, C. A. Speci- mens of the classic poets. *. .;. pp. 149 '5 2 I ii..n\ sii s, turn 1 I Elton, ( . A. Specimens of the classic poets. \. -• I ' Diothas, The; or, a far look ahead, rhius- en, I. Diplomacy. Guizot, F. Embassy to the court of St. lame- in 184O DIPLOMACY. — i5'' - DISRAELI. I Hi Li iMACY, continued. — Murray, E. C. G. Embassies and for- eign courts 327—6 Schuyler, E. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce 3 2 7 7 - 7 DlPPOLD, Geo. Theodore. Great epics of medkvval Germany. B., 1882. 12 . . 8315 4 Dircks, Henry. Inventors and inventions. I.., 1S67. 12° 608-3 Contents. — I. Philosophy of invention, — 2. Rights and wrongs of inventors. — 3. Early in- ventors' inventories of secret inventions. — Life, times and scientific labours of the 2nd Marquis of Worcester ; to which is added a reprint of liis century of inven- tions, 1663, with a commentary thereon. L., 1S65. S° 842B1 — Perpetual motion ; or, search for self- motive power, during the 17th, iSth, and 19th centuries; with an introduc- tory essay. Phila., 1869. 12°. ... 5318-3 Dirk; or, the reward of industry. In Jer- vis, Lady J. W., tr. Stories of boy ge- nius from the lives of great painters. PP- Z94-3 2 9 4 '74-5 Disciples. Hayden, A. S. Early history of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, 1 I., with biographical sketches. . . . 2869-4 — Whitsitt, W. II. Origin of the Disci- ples of Christ. [The Campbellites.] . 2869 9 - See also Life of Campbell, A. Disi ipline of life ; or, IdaNorman. Phelps, Mrs. L. Discipline of self. Ottley, R. L. In Ox- ford house papers, pp. 156-177. . . . 239-73 Diso 11 rsi :. See Sermons. Discoui :es and essays. Merle d" Aubigne, III 252-653 DISCOURSES in America. Arnold, M. . . . 124K4 Discoveries in geography. See Travels. Disc - ERIES in science and art. See Indus- trial arts. Inventions. Science. hi 1 1 :ion "I the question -Is the Roman 1 atholic and Presbyterian religion in- d to civil and religious liberty? Hughes, J. and Breckenridge, J. . . . 2828 41 hi \ 1 11 histoi v and theology. Fish- er, G. P '••] 1 1 Di limate and cosmology. 1 roll, .1 55'-3 hi 1 1 1 , Coupl: ml, P -I tppeai in health and 'i 1 ease 613 29 i .! I <■ . k. S. " The Juki ;" a study in clinic, paupei i m, disea e and hered- ity 139-3 Firs t help in i id in 11 1 6138—35 Animal plagues 6 j6 ;; R hii and hyd rophobia 01024 4 1 .ill cit, L. \l. Home ph) ician. . 616-4 Disease, continued. — Cully. J. M. Water-cure in chronic dis- eases 6157-4. — Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases 6164-39 Coughs and colds; or, prevention, cause and cure of various affections of the throat 6164-41 Health and disease as affected by con- stipation and its unmedicinal cure. . . 6166-41 — lb dines. O. \V. Currents and counter- currents in medical science 6104-45 — Kitchen, J. M. W. Catarrh, sore throat and hoarseness 6164I-5 — Klein, E. Micro-organism and disease. 5786-55 - Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumb- ers and doctors; or, house sanitation. 62S-6 — Premature death : its promotion, or pre- vention 613-72 — Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life 616-75 — Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds 57S6-9 — Tuke, D. II. Illustrations of the influ- ence of the mind upon the body in health and disease '7 2 -9 — Tyndall, J. Essays on the floating mat- ter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection 6132-8 — Miller, Mrs. E. Sicknesses that spread. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. 245- 2 75 6 °7"5 — Tyndall, J. Fragments "f science, pp. 275-372 504 85 also Bacteria. Brain. Cholera. Con- sumption. Digestion. Dyspepsia. Ear. Eye. Hygiene. Insanity. Nerves. Skin. Voice. DlSEASl S of field and garden crops. Smith, W. G 6321 ■; Diseases of memory. Ribot, T 184 7 Disinfectants, rracy, R. S. I land-book of sanitary information for household- ers 628-8 Disorders ofdigeslion : their c mscquences and treatment. Brunton, T. 1 6131 26 Disosway, E. 'I'. South Meadows: .1 tale of long ago. Phila., [1874.] 12 . 1 >isoswa> . Gabriel P. Earliest chute he "i New York and its vicinity. N. V., 1865. 8° 2774-3 Huguenots in America. /// Smiles, S. rhe Huguenots, pp. 427-442 2S45-71 In ;o\vni i'. The. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Disraeli, Benj., carl oj /■ on icld, English statesman, i. 1805 d. 1881. Coningsby; or, the new generation. N. Y.. 1879 DISK \l,l I 7 — IH\ 1)1 mi, l:. mi . i ntinucd. i '.mill mi l' leming : an autobiography. V \ ., 1S77. 8 . ■ . .1 - pondence ••■ ith in i ter, 1 8 | 2 52. I . I SSI,. 12° ■ I I ndymion. N. Y., [880. 8 . I [em iriii Temple. I ... n. d. 12 . 1 1 ■ ■ in.- letter . « ritten in 1830 ; 1 . \ . V-. 1885. t6° 1449-4 I 1. ili, 111. V V., 1870. 12°. S) I'll ; in , the two nations. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Tancred ; or, 1 lie new 1 1 usade. \ \ . n. d. 12°. - Voting .hike. N. Y., 1S77. S . Venetia. V \ .. 1878. 8°. V ivian 1 trey. N. \ ., [881. 8 . Wit and « isdom, 1 1 ille I Pi h i writ- ing ii peeches. N. Y., 1881. 12°. S28-36 Brandes, G. Lord Beaconsfield : nsiu.lv. 288B6 Mi 1 rilchrist, J. Life oi Bi nj I Is- raeli Pi in al adventure :ol I ord Bi ai on field. 288B75 Towle, G. M. Beai onslield 2SSB8 \ inns. C. K., ed. Representative Brit- ish orations, v. 3. pp. 204-276. | llio- graphical sketch and oration.] .... 8258 2 Dix, J. Lions; living or dead. pp. 100- ii« 410 4 1 ■' rar, F. \Y. Lord Beai onsfield. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors ami tatesmen. pp. 93 99 4m 83 I . ter, Mrs. I. II., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp.31-34. 410-5S5 Friswell, J. II. Modern men of letters, pp. 1115-240 804-3S Gilfillan, G. Thirl gallery of portraits. PP- .5?-! 365 41s i;t Mi 1 larthy, J. II. England undei Glad 93S-57 Q. You have heard of them. pp. 67-72. 410-S5 Smith, G. B. Prime ministers .if Queen x " '"'i'- PP- 285 332 4"-93 Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermon-. PP- 3>9 329 252-85 fowle, G. M. Certain men of marl;. PP' 95-123 410-94 Walsh, W. S., (Wm. Shepard, pseud.) Pi n pii tures of earlier Victori in authors. PP-87 t3S M8 9A Disraeli, Isaac, English writer, 6. 1766-rf. 1848. Amenities of literature : consist- ing of sketches and characters of En- glish literature. 2 \ . \. \ . . 1 - 12°. Same, 1866 ' I unities and quarrels of authors ; with some inquiries respecting their moral and literary characters, ed. by his son, B. Disraeli. 2 v. X. Y.. 1868 1 z . 804 j6 1 ontinued. 1 0111 mental ic on the life and rei ■ < hail, i I, King of England, ed. by B. Disraeli. 2 v. I... 1851 < 'mi., lilies of literature ; » ith ithor, by m. 4 v. X. Y.. 1865. 12 . Literary character; or, the history of men 1 1 gi niu Literary n ami an inquiry ini tractcr of James I. B. Disraeli Foster, J Fostei iana. pp. Review of Calamities of author. . . . I 1 1 "1. W. Men I have known, pp. '78 182 (II -,- Distillation. Byrn, M. L. F. I mplete practi Id istiller Keene, J. B. Hand -1. 00k of prai gauging 659-5 Mills, E. J. Destructive distillation. . I dey, T. A. Bn h ing, distilling. //; British manufacturing industries, v. 12. ;ht, A. S. B. ol I 3000 practical receipts 603-9 Distribution ol produi ts. Atkinson, E. . 3304-15 Disturbed Ireland. Bei I er, B. II •_-. mi. fohn, J. Influenceof climate in North and South America: showing the varied climatic influences operating in the equatorial, tropical, sub-tropical, tempi 1 ite, 1 Id and frigid regions. X. Y-, '867. 8° and .li\ ing. Siebe, II. Conquest of the sea: a book about divers and divin g 533S6-7 — Sonrel, I.. Botl 1 the ea 5514-8 1 ioodrich, F. B. • Icean's storj . jip. 594-626 4.7 4( Knox, T. W. The underground « PP- '20 144 6229-5 — Mangin, A. Mysteries of the ocean, pp. 443-453 55H-5 Pepper, J. II. Pneumatics, pp. 10 |6. ; — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers, pp. 59-71 609-79 Whymper, F. The sea. v. 4. pp. 9° 439-95 Divers women. Alden, Mrs. I. M.. (Pansy, pseud.) and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. . . 71: Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey. 1 s - s 44 Diversions of Purley. Tooke, J. H. . . . 110-86 Divini authority of the Bible. Wrigh F 2202-97 Divine comedy. See Dante. Divine government. McCosh, J. Method of the Divine government, physical and m >"' 11 Dn ink lav of cure. Evans, W. 1 ■". 172 IHYINE. 55« DoliSi iN DlVINE man from the Nativity to the Temp- tation. Boardman, G. I) 2321-2 Divine origin of Christianity. Storrs, R. S 239-87 1 (ivine rest ; or, scriptural views of the Sab- bath. Stone, J. S 259-8 Divine tragedy. See Longfellow, H. W. DiviNG-bell. .Siv Divers and diving. Divining rod. Latimer, C. Divining rod. 1743-5 — Carpenter, YV. B. Mesmerism, spiritual- ism, etc. pp. 47-52 177-2 — Lang, A. Custom and myth. pp. 1S0- 196 2901-5 DIVINITY of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Liddon, II. P 2321-5 Divorce. Fulton, J. Laws of marriage. 3442-4 — Greeley, H. Recollections of a busy life ; to which are added Miscellanies; also, a discussion with Robt. Dale Owen on the law of divorce 436B2 Milton, J. Prose works 82S-61 — Thwing, ( I. F. and I '. F. W. The family. 321 1 -8 — Woolsey, T. I). Essay on divorce and divorce legislation 3442-9 — Gladstone, YV. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 6. pp. 47-106 426E1 — Mathews, W. Men, [daces and things. pp. 305-312. Causes ol divorce. . . . 617E7 — See also Marriage. DlX, Dorothea Lynde. Foster, Mrs. I. II. , (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women, pp. 22-24. • • • 4»3 5 2 DlX, |. Lions: living or dead ; or, personal recollections of the great and gifted. I,., 1S54. l6° 410-4 Dix, John Adams, American general and statesman, b. 1798-fl'. 1S79. Speeches and occasional addresses. 2 v. N. Y., 1864. S° 815-3 Contents.— v. 1. Oregon question French spi illations. — Warehouse system. — Lieutenant- General of the armj Three million bill. War with Mexico. — Ministei to papal states, c.ili fornia claims Yucatan bill rerritorial gov- ernment in Oregon Governments in th< tei ritories. — Trade with Canada Territories acquired from Mexico. v. 2. Pilot laws.- nn Hon, D. 1 1 Lewi: MrnHni.it. nf ..lli 1 -' is in M . v 1 'i - Afrit hi 1 olon ization Opinion on two qui 1 alienism. 1 iliH iii II., 1 teachei Report of the militia ■ port. — Progress of sci- Apportionment ol nbers ol on n n1.1l lift: and embellishment. — Growth of , 1 .1 ■ 1 . Mi of Ncm N ork. — War with Tripoli.- Rebellion in Louisiana. — Proclaim n to tl York. ■ M.. ed. Memoii ol John Adams Dix. 2 v 289BS Dl I ■ 1 . 1 1 I ■ . ■ B 1 ' G. W. 1 Ml hand t il ings. pp. 190 198 412-25 lux, Morgan, S. T. D., American clergyman, b. 1827. Christ at the door of the heart and other sermons. N. Y., 1887. 12°. 252-355 — Gospel and philosophy : six lectures preached in Trinity Chapel, New York. N. Y., 1SS6. 12 239-31 — ed. Memoirs of John Adams Dix. 2 v. N. Y., 1SS3. 8° 289B5 Dix, Wm. Giles. The American state and American statesmen. B., 1S76. 12°. . 3207-3 Brownson, O. A. Winks. v. 16. pp. 450-471. Review of Unholy alliance. 818-27 Dixie, Lady Florence Caroline, English writer, /'. 1S55. Across Patagonia. L., 1880. 8° 4829-4 Dixon, Henry Hall, (The Druid, pseud.) Saddle and sirloin ; or, English farm and sporting worthies. L., n. d. 12°. . . 636-32 - Post and the paddock; with recollei tions of George IV, Sam Chifney, and other turf celebrities. L., n. d. 12°. . . . 6365-4 — Scott and Seabright. L., n. d. 12°. . 6365-41 — Silk and scarlet. L., n. d. 12°. . . . 6365-42 Dixon, Jas. Everest, C. A. Poets of Con- necticut, pp. 435-444. [Biographical sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Dixon, Wm. Hepworth, English writer, b. 1821-1/. 1879. Free Russia. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1872. 16°. Same, N. Y.. 1S70. S° . 447-28 — Her Majesty's tower. 4 v. in 2. Leip- zig, 1S69. 16" 939"-3 lldy land. Phila., 1868. 12 2269-3 New America, n. t. p. 8° 473~3 Pel sonal history of Lord Paeon, from un- published papers. B., 1861. 12 . . . 131B35 - ed. Lady Morgan's memoirs: autobiog- raphy, diaries and correspondence. 3 v. in 2. Leipzig, 1S63. 16° 647B5 Dixwell, John, colonel, English republican, !>. 1608. Warren, I. P. Three judges: Story of the men who beheaded their king (II 992 Doane, Geo. Washington, bishop of New Jersey, b. tjg^-d. 1859. Songs by the \\ .iv. an . and ed. by Win. I 'losw ,11 Doane. Albany, [875. 8° 290C1 Malian, M. Works, v. 3. 1 . [ > . 1 . 7 S 693. 20S s.7 D II, Sydney, Eng. poet, I'. 1824 d. (874, Buchanan, R. A look round literature. pp. 1S5 203. S\iliuv Dohell and ihe "Spasmodic school," Si i | .' J Ward, T. II. ed. English poets. \ . 4. pp. 615 616 8092-9 Dobson, Henry Austin, Eng. author, b. 1840. Fielding. N. \ ., 1883. 12". [English men ol lettei • series. | 351 Bs Richard Stei le. N. \ ., 1886. 12 . [En- gli h tvoi line series. | 852B6 DOBSON. 9 IMihh [)ol iin, II. V., i ontinued. I i i Bewicl 'i' i. I .1 i !.• i r-i- r raphii il skcti I"' fit Ward, I . 1 1 .. ,,/. Engli -K poel •. v. 3-4 Poems, /» Jones, C. 11..../. Vei dc pp 197 236 8096-45 Douso 1, Ed« .lid. I - ' > 1 1 1 1 • 1 . 1 1 1 works containing asynopsisof the prin- cipli casi "I founds I ion m ork . •■■ ii !i the useful mode ol tre ilment, and re- marl i "i i' 10I hi planking, ind, con ete, beton, pile - 1 1 1 % ing, cai ons, and . ifferdams. Revised bj Geo. 1 lodd. I.., 1S72. 12°. Bound with Burnell, (i. R. Rudimentary treatise on Iin ents, mortars, etc ■ ■ Pioneer engineering. I ., 1880. 12 . . 62 1 Rudimentary treatise mi the manufai ture of bricks and tiles; containing an out- 1 1 1 1 1 of the pi im iple hi brickmaking. Rei ised and con e< ted by ( 'has. Tomlin- on . with additions by Robt. Mallei. I ., 1S68. 12° 6663 I Rudimenl ol n 1 onry ami stone cutting : exhibiting the principles ol ma |nu|i 1 la. 11 and their application to the itruction ol curved wing walls anil domes, oblique bridges and Unman ami Gothic vaulting. I.., 1S71. 16 . Bound with Bland, W. Arches, piers, buttres etc 6241 2 Rudimenl - >>i tin arl ol building. In hvc sections. < lenei al pi ini iples of construction ; materials used in building; strength of main ials ; use "I m itei ials; working drawings, specification and es- timates. I .. [871. 12 690-4 Same. ed. by John Bullock. N. Y., 1853. 12° 690-4 D01 ON, W. T. The classic poets, theii lives and their limes with the epics epi- ed. I.., 1879. 12 S021 ;, II omci Iliad.— The Lay of the \ ibelungcn. — Cid ' 'n ina media. — Ariosto's Orlando inn so. — Ca- mocn's Lusiad. — Tasso's Jerusalem delivered. ■. queen Milton's Paradise lost. Milton's Paradise regained. I'm ini.. I he. Southey, Robert 828 8 1 Antonio. Ruffini, < Siovanni Do- menii 0. I'- I- Vustin's guests. Gilbert, Wm. I'm tor Ben. Witherspoon, Rev. O. [Round 1 1 ies. 1 h and his young friends. Thai k- . Wm. M ssj \i ii Breen's practice. Howells, Wm. 1 1. a; Claudius. 1 1 iwford, I . Mai ion. Cu iid, I'n oughton, Rh Doctor Fausl 1 I In Bri lish d ramatists. , Di R Gil garet II. Doctor G 1 Ella 1 Do rattan. I [ammond, Dr. Wm. \ 1 1' H 1 ' .I ' . tlawth ,\ . 1 1 1 1 Docto Hil '.. Ulnie, \. 1 . i - Ho\i ell's family. • roodwin, Mi . II 1:. facob Ed 'ham. I ' I' ! 1 D Doctor Mai igold's pn 1 1 kens, I '1 1' roi M I in ; or, the violent rem- edy. [Farce.] In Curtis, A. \Y. Spirit of Sevent; pp. m-141 1 ii H 1 ■ 1 1 ; >wle. I '1 11 mi ' M1II1. a." 1 ill. ..1 1 , ; 1 ry, C. S hi" roR papa. Clarke, R. S., (Sophie May, t.) '.j 1 V29 I Se\ ier. Cable. 1 ..... \\ . Doctor Thorm Pro . Anthony. I '1 11 n ir Vandyke. < ■ , John Esten. Doctor Waii 111 1 1 inuii.l. I ii 11 1 a \\ ilmei Ii ve. 1 ,ee, M. I 1. .. i.i / iy. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Doctoi Clergymen irious mil charai terisl 1 1 r's daughti r. CI I May,/..,;/,/.) 62lAl2 li.ii tor's dilemma. Smith, Hannah, (H en, tend.) 1 1. 11 ink's family. Girardin, I. 1 1, 1, tor's suggestions to the community. Roosa, D. B St. J in fession in the church of England. Carter, T. T 1 in, 1 Kim of descent ami Darwinism. Si hmidt, < > I ini of endless punishment. Shedd, W. ii. T 2377-6 1 i\t of evolution. Winchell, Alex. . 21 Doctrine of religion. Fichte, Johann G. 1 I 1 rRiNE of the church. McElhinney, J. J. Doctrine of the priesthood in the church gland. Carter, T. '1" D01 TRINES of the New Jerusalem. Sweden- . Emanuel ." Dod, S. Bayard. Stubble, 01 wheat ? a story nf nime lives than one. X. Y.. if 12°. Doud, Anna Bowman. Cathedral da; tour through southern England. I;.. 1887. 12 DODD. 560 - — DODGE. Dodd, Henry Philip. The epigrammatists ; selections from the epigrammatic liter- ature of ancient, meduvval, and modern times; with notes, illustrations and in- troduction. L., 1875. I2 ° 8096-35 Dodd, Mary Ann Hanmer. Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 419-426. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Dodd, Wm., English clergyman, />. 1729-1/. — . Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 242-286 41S-5 Dodd family abroad. Lever, Chas. I Ioddridge, Philip, Eng. dissenting minister, li. ljoz-ii. 1 75 1 . Rise and progress of religion in the soul. N. Y., n. d. 16 . 241-36 Dodds, Jas. Fifty years' struggle of the Scottish Covenanters, 163S-88. L., 1868. 12° 2741-4 - Thomas Chalmers: a biographical study. N. V., 1S70. 12 220B2 — Religion of ancient Egypt. In Faiths of the world, pp. 122-152 290-4 Dodds, Susanna \V. Health in the house- hold; or, hygienic cookery. N. Y., 1884. 12 641-34 I lot ids. See also Dods. I :i, Chas. Richards. Louise and I. N. V., 1S79. 12°. D E, ( Irace H. Bundle of Idler- to bus} girls on practical matters: written to those girls who have not time or inclin- ation to think and study about the many important things which make up life anil living. N. V., 1.SS7. 16° 396-31 I E, Jacob Richard. West Virginia: its farms and forests, mines and oil-wells. Phila., 1X1.5. 12° 4754-3 Dodge, Mary Abigail, (Gail Hamill pseud.) Country living and country thinking. 1'.., 1866. 16 455E15 Contenii Mo% ing I In I. ml M ^ garden Men .hi. I women. — My birds. — Tommj 1 ton mil ic again.— Brow n bn ad < ikes. — 1 1 impli int of frit nds Dog days - Summi 1 VN mi' 1 M 1 flov 1 1 bi -I Lights an g 1 h« shadows <>f our civil war. 1 ■■•'•■' da) . I;., 1868. 10". Same, 1872. ,2 ° 455E2 Cont ■.'.' « lata daj 1 .ill 1 y . ountry w "ii" n Spasm 1 1 : 1,1 il 1.1 '- i. ert. — 1 is .M i I... -.. 1 .1 class daj Success in life Happii I .lays. New atmosphere. B., 1S65. 12 . . . . 396 1.4 Nursery noonings. N. Y., 1875. 16. . 1935 4 ' Ba rinbrecche D leaves.— Brin , an. -A man 1 hild 1 bill of 1I1- 1 Inn ■ 1 ,1. bi li arm 1 lli What enemy bath dom this I lisi iplining 1 bildrcn Wards nf the nati oration Who 1 ■ bo ' Mothers asguard- 1"' 11 mi- ways and foreign way Babj talk. 1 >i H ige, M. A., continued. — Our common school system. B., 1S80. 12 3797-4 Contents. — Equalizing wages. — High schools. — Industrial schools.— Normal schools. — Form of blanks. — Examination under the microscope. —Supervisory fever.— Milk for babes. — Official supervision and personal supervision. — On the world-wide sea.— Purification by supervision,— Foolishness of teaching. — Corporal punish- ment.— Salary of teachers. — Degradation of the teacher. — For substance of doctrine. — Skirmishes ami sketches. B., 1886. 16 . 455E3 Contents. — Child-power. — " Glory Hallelu- jah ! " — A folly in Israel. — A land-mark removed. — Doubtful arguments.— Christ as a preacher. — Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin. — Brain and brawn. — Glorying in the goad. — Pictures and a picture. — A suggestion. — A court crime. — Mob patriotism.— Ellen. — A word to the inconsider- ate. — Drunkenness and drinking. — Language. — Christ in Carolina. — Eddykny-Mur-r-phy. — Magazine literature. — Words for the way. — "Out in the cold." — Interruption. — Anno Domini. — A ramble in the old paths. — A coun- ter charm. — New school of biography. — Pictor ignotus. — My book. — Stumbling blocks. B., 1866. 12°. . . 204-37 Contents. — The outs and the ins. — Fitness of things. — Ordinances. — Church-sittings. — View from the pews. — Prayer-meetings. — The proof of your love. — Controversies. — Amusements. — God's way. — The law of Christ. — Praying. — Forgiveness. — Error. — Words without knowl- edge. — Summer rest. 11. t. p. 16 455^4 Contents, — Orchard talk. — Prose henriade.— Larva lessons. — Fancy farming.— Council about a council. — Gil fillan's Sabbath.— Kingdom <_ ing. — King James the first. — Well done. — Twelve miles from a lemon. X. Y., 1S74. 12° 455E5 Contents. — Twelve miles from a lemon. — Lemon drops. — Hemlock poison — Wonders and wisdom of carpentry. — Science, pure and practical. —American inventions. — Pleasure, of poverty. — To Tudiz by railroad. — Higher laws nf railroads.— Holidays. — Conference wrong side out. — Country character. — Autumn von I j (In sin ial foVrnula and social freedom.— Tin fashion - Sleep and alia I 'Miners. Woman's worth anil worthlessness. Com plement to New atmosphere. N. Y., 1872. 12 396 45 - Woman's wrongs : a counter-irritant. B., [868. 12° 3243 4 - Wool-gathering. 1!., 1S67. 12 . [Travels in tl'e U. S.] 473-44 — My garden. In Mason, E.T.,ed, Hum- orous masterpieces, v. .5. pp. .,5-47. 817 63 Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. In Mullein Classics, pp. 93- 1 l 1 '. ,;/. Battle ul the books, recorded by an unknown writer, for the use of authors and publishers. Cambridge, 1870. 12°. 1944 1 Dodge, Mary I'. A lew friends ami how ili, \ amused themselves. Phila., 1869. in 7 s " .» I ><> IK, I |6i Dodge, Mar) l Mape i. Along the V V., 1879. 12 Donald and Dorothy. B., 1883. 12°. . Z90 Ms 1 1 in . Brinker ; or, the lilvei 1 [1 tor) ol In. in Holland. V V., 1885. 1 ■ l: In in. and jingle V V., 1S75. 12° 9 I heophilu and others. \. V., 1876. 12° 'I Dobl Philly and the 1 i I tni ty of Caii \i What 'i'K Spirit of thi waterfall >u ndaj iftei .1 1 poor-hous. Mi Mai 13 n th i Inn. question. 1 tur dcbatii M lun hinc M igratory husba rid , with the times. March What it has done for 11. Rights of iti..' body. Woman's driving. I int. Miss Maloney on the Chinese quesl /// Mason, I ■'. T., cd. I him us mas- terpieces. \. ;. pp. 00 ~; 817-63 Dodge, N. S. Stories of a grandfather il.. .111 \ in. 1 ican history. B., 1874. 16 °. 1 1 if Vmerican history. . ... Stories <.f American history, 11., n. d. l6°. Sri HI, 973 Dodge, Richard li ving. I he plains 1 I the great west and their inhabitants, being a description of the plains, game, In- dians, etc., ..1 the greal North Ameri- i .in desej 1 ; with an introduction by \\ m. Blackmore. N. \ ., 1877. cS °. . 17S j Dodge, Theodore Ayrault, colonel, l>. 1842. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 11 : 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 h an ce 1 1 o 1 s v i 1 1 c I ! . , 1 S S 1 . s 9788 3 Patrpclus and Penelope: a chat in the saddle. B., 1886. 12 1 Dodgi 1 lub, Tin.'. De Mille, Jas. in, Chas. I .. 1 1 ewis 1 arroll, pseud.) \ln ' tdventun in h ondei land. 1.., n. d. 12 381 32 Euclid and his modern rivals. I... i- ,2 ° 513-32 Hunting ■>! the snark: an agony in eight fits. 1 .. 1876. 12° - Tangled tale. I.., 1SS5. 12° 5>°7-3 I I... .ugh the looking glass and what Uice found there. 1.., 1SS0. 12°. . ;Si 321 1 ii 1 Bubb, baron M .' " 1 ■•'. 1762. Browning, Robt. Par- leyings. pp. 69 V(. [Poem.] .... 1881 1; mson, K. (ll.i and I. ('.. (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux pp. 169-48] 410-964 DODS, John Bovee. Spirit manifestations examined and explained : Judg I refuted ; or, : if the involuntary powers and instincts of the human mind, V N .. i^st. i- . . 175 27 | B 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 ■ . oph j . • 1 e lei 1 1 In Library of mi lology. v. 2 ! I 'I In British 1 v 24 184E1 , CI 11 1 B., 1875. IJ is, K„ .-./. of England, 11 t6g ■ iili I,, II and William III i.) the I 1. • ■ • Sophia of l.l 12° I I I .1 1 1 I 1 79 \-4. 1 nymes. Ir. by Rev. II. II. Arnold, with an introduction by S. H, I An- r, 1859. 12° 1 DoLLlNI I man I 1822. Fables respect- ing the popes in the mi. 1.11c age-, tr. by Alfred Plummer; with e-say on the pro- phetic spirit and prophecii ris- tian era, tr., with an introduction and by II. Ii. Smith. X. V.. [872. 12 . 1 mcs on the reunion of the chin tr. with preface by II. N. Oxenham. N. V.. [872. 12° 280-3 D01 protect ? G , W. M. Dot sensuality pay ? Essay, /a Holland, J. (J. Gold-foil hammered from popu- lar provei bs. pp. 91-101 Doestii K >, Q. K. Philander, pi II ipson, M. M. 1 1 rT, Kate Newell, tr. Blanc, A. A. P.C. Grammar of painting and engraving. 750-3 . pseud. Dogs : their man- cnt and treatment in disease. . . 79S-15 Burges, A. American kennel and sport- ing field 798-2 — I lalzii 1. 1 1.. (Corsincon, J | British 5: their varieties, history, charai istics, breeding, management and ex- hibition Greyhound 79^ life: narratives exhibiting instinct, intelligence, fidelity, sympathy, attach- ment and sorrow. X. V.. n. 12°. . — Hill, J. W. Management and disc. the dog 798-4 — Hutchinson, \V. N. I>og breaking. . 1 . — Knox, T. W. Dog sti lies and .1 - — Mayhew, I'.. The dog "9S-6 — Miller, Mrs. Hugh. The dog and his cous- ins the wolf, the jackal and the hyena. 79S-62 — Morris, 1 . ' '. I togs and their \va; — Smith. C. II. I'.'gs. /;; Jardine, W Naturalist's library, v. 19 59°-5 DOGS. ;62 In (MESTIC. continued. — Stables, G. Practical kennel guide. . . 798 S — Walsh, 1. II. The ilog in health and in disease 79S-83 — Williams, C. Do id their ways. . . 79S-SS — Youatt, W. Thedog. ed. by E.J. Lewis. 798-9 B 1 ardus, A. II. Field, cover and trap shooting, ed. by C. J. Foster, pp. 276- Z99 7961-2 Brown, J. Horse subsecivaj: Kal> and his friends and other papers 188E1 Spare hours. 3 v 1SSF.2 — Gillmore, P. Gun, rod, and saddle, pp. 271-2S7 796-4 — Gleason, O. R. How to handle and edu- cate vicious horses : together with hints on the training and health of dogs. pp. 1S3-201 6361-4 — Herbert, II. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) Complete manual for- young sportsmen. 7967-45 Frank Forester's field sports, pp. 318- 3 6 ° 796-46 — Hibberd, S. Clever dogs, horses, etc., with anecdotes of other animals. . . . 5905 43 — Long, J. W. American wild-fowl shoot- ing, pp. 93-100 7961-6 — Prime, S. I. Under the trees, pp. 80-91. 745E2 — Smith, G. P. /« Law of field-sports, pp. '9-32 791-7 Stevenson, R. I.. Memories and portraits. pp. 191-212. Character of dogs. . . 851E3 Vandegrift, M. Under the dog-star: a 913A3 1, J. II. Habits, a arieties and dis- - of horses and dogs 77X 84 Dog mi sion. Stowe, Mrs. II. B S60 \i .1 v, Rev. John. Flaws in the phi phy of Bacon. //; Manning, II. E., ed. I 1 in religion and literature. 3. pp. 285-314 204-58 Doherty, John, ckiej iustice of Ireland, d. 1850. Shiel, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. pp. 311-327 34°9"75 I 1 1 1 ■ I dreaming. Mayo, Mrs. I. I.. (Ed« ard 1 i.m ett, p Doing his best. Trowbridge, J. T 896A48 DOINGS in Maryland: or, Matilda Douj Phila., 1871. 12 . Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. Scudder, H. K 813A6 i< de Villargennes, Adelbert J. Rem- iniscences of army life undei Napoleon parti 1 inn., 1884. 12 66 (B95 1 \k, Amos Emerson, Am. physio Art of pi ojei 1 1 rig : a manual of expi 1 hemistry with the porte lumiere and magii lantern. B., 1877. 8° 5358-3 I li 1] i-i ak. A. E., continued. — The telephone : an account of the phe- nomena of electricity, magnetism and sound, as involved in its action; with directions for making a speaking tele- phone. B., 1S77. 24 5382-2 Dolci Napoli. Naples: its streets, people, fetes, pilgrimages, environs, etc. Stamer, W. J. A. 4457-' Dole, EdmundP. Talks about law : a popu- lar statement of what law is and how it is administered. B., 1SS7. 12°. . . . 3402-35 Dole, Nathan Haskell. Young folks' his- tory of Russia. B., 1SS1. 12 . . . . 947-25 Doll world. O'Reilly. Mrs. R 706A3 Dollars and cents. Warner, Anna 15. Dolley, Chas. S. Technology of bacteria investigation : explicit direction- for the study of bacteria, their culture, stain- ing, mounting etc., according to the methods employed by the most eminent investigators. B., 1S85. 12° 57M1 ; D0LL1VER romance and other pieces. Haw- thorne, N. Dollond, John. Craik, G. I.. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 465-469 410-35 Dolly's shoes. Harris, A. B. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 309-3 IS. . . . 602-9 DOLORES: a tale of Maine and Italy. 1. eon- hart, Rudolph. DOMBEY and miii. Dickens, Chas. Domenech, Emmanuel Henri Dieudi French missionary in America, b. 1N25. Seven years' residence in the great des- erts of North America. 2 v. I.., i860. 8° 478-32 DOMENICHINO 1 'ampieri,) Italian painter. />. 15S1 ,/. 1641. Doremus, s. D. Great lights in sculpture and paint- ing, pp. 160-163 -U7-4 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art : painters, sculptors and engravers, pp. 184-202 417-9 D in animals. Allen, k. I .. 1 tomestic animals 636 15 I ii on, II. II.. 1 1 'mid. pseud.) Saddle and sirloin; or, English farm and sport- ing worthies 636 32 — Mason, K. Gentleman's new pockel farrier 636-56 Miles, M. Stock-br 1 ..... 636 6 P01 kel in 11111.1i "l ' .11 lie, hoi e and sheep husbandry ; wil h .1 chaptei on bei keeping. [Rural manuals. No. 4.] . 630-7 — Riley, II. The mule 6369 7 Ronici, A. Alio dotal and de: cripl natural history 59°5-7 Walsh, J. H. I l.il'ii . varieties and dis- i Iiorse and dogs 798 8 1 DOMESTIC. DON i rn .,i .:. . nlinued. Bi el S. t >., ed. Book "I lio i IS3 769 L01 ing, G. B. I t club ol foth- '■■" pp 1-95 > s ; ' Domesi n 1 5816 8 1 1. .mi rii fo Is. Rii hai dson H. D. . . . I Domi rii h iry ol thi \ lu- Ellet, M l.l rn [il Philosopl B ford, W. II Domi 1 h iii. in P tl 1 R — 1 \i. I Domestii lifi "' Phom [efl Ran- 1. s . \ 513B8 I Iomes 1 11 in. licine and 1 1 S in. Domi 1 ic i'i.h in e of hydropathy. I son, 1 6157-5 I 1 -. .'•. I [ousekeeping. I Iomes'I [1 ;tories. < raik, Mrs. I '. M. \1. Dome in tales and all ■ n ie . More, II an- nah 644A5 Domestii vied trout. Stone, 1 79 Domes'! ici s Butler, Wm. \. Domett, Ufred. Ranolf and Amohia: a south-M 1 day-dream. I .. 1 N 7-. 12°. . 1C2 DOMINU I ' tnini- 1 170 ,/. t22i. Hi igharo, C. II. Mi in. and papers, pp. 21 St. I iiinni c and Si Francis. 204 -12 - Lawren . I . Historical studies, pp. 358-40S 204-53 Rule, \V. H. II isti 'i v . il the inqui i v. 1. pp. 29-35 -:-' : ' Dominican artist: a sketch of the life of the R .. Pere Besson of the order of St. 1 1. nil! 1 1 11 . Mi .11.1 1 |Siis I ii'MiMi in of 1 up 1 [a. 1 'anada, 1 1 ion of. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Conde, J. A. n. by Mis. J. Foster 9462-3 Don 1 Mii.HS. [Drama.] SeeSi hiller, I . Don John. Jean Ingelow. [No 1 rl< Q_i i\. 11 1 hi 1 1 Mam lia. 1 Saavedra, M. de, \\ il and » 1 idom ol Di in Quixote. [Selec- I 1 ow rii. J. R. I 'run I. racj and ■ il her ad- es. pp. 157 1S6 I ion u Grant. Macdonald, l 1 1. W. In Rogei >, 1 '.. ed. Scot- tish minstrel. pp. \-~\ (.63. [B 1 and poems.] S0921-7 Donald, R. Chaptei on English architect- ure. In Lefevre, A. Wonders of archi- tecture 720-57 Donald and Dorothy. 1 lodge, Mi ) VI . 1 . >■ 1 wind ; an 1 . 11 Phila., 1871. 1 ■ 1 1 Rudimi I . 1S52. ' 1 DONALI S11I, 11, Donai i Wm. Hi ilory of the lil- the foundation ol the takin being a continuation of K. O. MQlli 2 v. I... 1858. 8° Theatre of the Greeks: ;• relal n of the G una; with introduction and n I . 1849. 8° Theatre ol the < ireeks : n treatise on the history and exhibition of the <',reek drama: with a supplementary treatise on the language, m prosody of the Greek dramatists. I... 1875. 12° 882-3 Donali in, Pascl I, . u 1849. V \ .. 1 in. 8°. . . . Clare the manuscript man. B., n. d. 16° 291A4 DoNAVAN; a modern Englishman. I I .'/./. 1 ON, Mrs. Emily. Holloway, L. 1 . Ladies of the White hou [33- 33 8 1' Dongan, Thos. Murray, J. O'K. Cat pioneers of America, pp. 307-312. . . 4142 6 I (onizei n, G 1798-rf. 1848. Fern-. G. I. Great Italian and French composers, pp.85 io 4 4 177 I Keddie, II.. (S. rytler, pseud.] Musical and their works, pp. 2 2 9° 4I77-S Q. Vou have heard of them. pp. 185— ■94 I on, G. P. The standard operas, pp. ' 772-9 -. W. i'. Acoustics: theoretical. Oxford, 1S70. 12° 5; 4 i ; Q McCarthy, J. I lONNI . I 1631. Poetical works ; with a mem. dr. IL. 1855. [6 — Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy, v. 3. pp . 26031-4 — Ward. T. II.. ed. Englis v. 1. pp. 558-560 DoNNE. 564 DORSEY. DONNE, John, continued. — Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 230-238 8203-9 Donne, "Wm. Bodham. Euripides. Phila., 1872. 16 . [Ancient classics for En- glish readers.] 8S23-4 — Tacitus. Phila.. 1873. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 87S6-3 DoNNELL, E. J- True issue: industrial de- pression and political corruption caused by tariff monopolies. N. Y., 1SS4. 12°. 335-33 DONNELLY, Ignatius, Am. author, />. 183 1. Atlantis: the ante-diluvian world. N. Y., 1882. 12° 400-j — Great cryptogram: Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays. Chicago, 1SS8. 8° S238-3 — Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel. N. Y., 1S83. 12° 551-4 Contents.— The drift.— Comet.— Legends.— Conclusions. D00LITTLE, Justus. Social life of the Chi- nese ; with some account of their reli- gious, governmental, educational and business customs and opinions with spe- cial but not exclusive reference to Fuh- chau. 2 v. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . . . 451-3 i \i of Devorgoil. Scott, W. Poetical works. v. 9. pp. 1-115 814C4 I med city. Crake, Rev. A. D 250A8 Doomed to be saved : anaddress. 7»Cobbe, F. P. Hopes of the human race. pp. 1S3-20S 218-24 Door yard folks and a winter garden. Har- ris, A. B 59 4-42 I 1 1] \. Kavanagh, Julia. Dora Darling : the daughter of the regi- ment. Austin, Mrs. Jane (G.) Doran, Dr. John. Habits and men. N. v., 1865. S° ; >i ; Note. Gossip about costumes, about -tailors who became eminent in and mil of their busi m ,, and about famous beaux. Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover. 2 v. N.Y.,1865. 8°. 4111-3 Contents.— v. 1. Sophia Dorothea.— Caro- line Wilhelmina Dorothea - Charlotte So- phia ( laroline of Brum — Monarchs retired from business. 2 v. \. Y., 1865. 8° M5 - Table traits with something on them. \. V.. 1865. 8° 6428-3 •• Thrii majesties' set van! >." Annals of the I ge, from Thoma Better- ton to Edmund ECean. 2 \. N. Y ., 1865. 8 782-35 - ed. Mi .11 ' Mann ' and manners :\t the courl "I Florem e, 17 i" 1 786 ; ided on the lettei ol Hoi n< e Mann to Hora e Walpole. 2 v. I .. 1876, 8° 945 Dorcas the daughter of Faustina. Kouns, N. C. DORCHESTER, Daniel. Problem of religion progress. N. Y., 1881. 12° DORE, Gustave. Illustrations. In New Hy- perion. Shinn, E., (E. Strahan, pseud.) In Rabelais, F. Three good giants. . DORE, J. R. Old Billies; or, an account of the various versions of the English Bi- ble. L., 1S76. 12° DORE. Wright, W. W DOREMUS, S. 1). Great lights in sculpture and painting. N. Y., 1880. 12°. . . DORION, Mrs. Pierre. Frost, J. Heroic women of the west. pp. 232-238. . . 4 Doris's fortune. James, Mrs. F. A. (Price). Dorman, Rushton M. Origin of primitive superstitions and their development into the worship of spirits and the doc- trine of spiritual agency among the aborigines of America. Phila., 1881. 8° Dormer, Robert, 1st earl oj Caernarvon. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 4. pp. 101- 106 DORNER, Isaac August, German theol b. \%0<)-d. 18S4. On the future stale: being a translation of the section of his system of Christian doctrine comprising the doctrine of the last things; with an introduction and notes by N. Smyth. N. Y., 1883. 12° — Schaff, P. Germany; its universities, theology and religion, pp. 376-380. . Dorothea, .Si 1 . Anderdon, W. II. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 64-72. . . . Dorothea. B., n. d. 12°. [Round rob- in scries.) Dorothy. Leipzig, 1857. 16°. DOROTHY Cope: containing the old looking glass and the broken looking glass. Charlesworth, Maria I ouisa I )0R01 nv Fox. Pai 1, I .ouisa. 1 1. ikk, Julia Caroline (Ripley), Am. writer, Ik 1825. Bermuda, an idyl of the sum- mer islands. N. Y ., 1SS4. 16°. . . . I tpiation. Phila., 1S73. 12°. I 1. .1 11. Earl of. See Sackville, ('has. Dorsetshire. Mantell, G. A. Geological cm ui round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast ol I »orsi 1, hire. DORSEY, Mrs. Anna II. loaina, the rose ol the Algonquins. N. Y., 1809. 12°. ["he 1 1. in in no; ■ .' true story. N. Y.. 1869. 12°. Dorsi ■. . I dvi ird Bates. English and Ami ican railroad comp tred. N. Y.. 1887. =70-35 443-9 848-7 201 1-4 440-97 417-4 1239-33 2907- 411-65 237 3 2743-8 414 23 222A3 i72"ry of the I'm 1 . in. in. in 1 the " "in .nil 1 presi 11. 2 v. I.. i.ss|. 8° 2925 I 1 • ■ 1 Durand, A. M. C. (H.), (He iri Gn \ ille, pseud.) h" 11 .1 In. 1 . I iiii.in.l, \. M. ( , 1 1 l.i. 1 I l.i'i : I .1 1 . ill' . ' Ud.) VIohammed. Boulger, D. C. Cen n il A 1. hi j " ■ 1 ii.ii , pp. 1-39 41 148-2 1 ■ .... 1 1 . . I edoi Mikhailovitcfa 1 822. Buried alii e ; or, I. 11 ' 11. il sen itude in Siberia, tr. bj Marie von Thilo. 1... 1NX1. 12°. | . 19 1 rime and punishment: a Russian real istic novel. N. V., n. d. 12°. Injury and insult. tr. by Fredei ii h u hishaw. I... 1887. 12 . lie, E. M. de. Russian no> eli ;l . rr 1 l' 208 .Sin; 93 1 1 ' 1 . 1 lime : two chai ai tei in ebi I'... 1877. ii. 292A2 Don en, Lizzie, Am . . 1829 P01 m 1 in 1 he inner life. B., 1873. I2 °- • ' ' "i progi e is. B., 1873. 12°. . . .■■ 121 1 Dottings round the circle. Curtis, B. R. 438 26 Doth I limple stoi ie 5 1 Clai ke, R. S., . 1 May, / Doty, Dan iel. Mi Bi nit-. I . Pioneer biog- - J. pp. t8l 198 41271 6 1 rhos. K. Lesson - in holiness. Canton, 1 1., 1885. 12° 2348-3 Gi ' 1 I, Dutch painter, i. 1613-d. 1675. Gower, R. Figure painters o'l Holland. rr- 35 39 4«747 -I D01 vy, Vnastasius, La Salle's attempt to Mississippi in 1687. In i.l 1 • I 'i . "\ ery and exploi "I the Mississippi valley. pp. 107 987 84 te rpoin and canon . I : II 77'^ -■ 1 ■ ' .11 cunning. Fenn, Geo M. D01 in plaj . Everett, W 328 V6 I '"i in 1 storj . Mai donald, • . I '"' 1 rch. Kip., Win. I. jS ;S 15 Aimer. American general, h. [S20. Chancellorsville ai 1 irg. N. \ .. 1882. 12 9781 ■ Rem Fori Sumter and Moultrie in 1800 1.1. \. \ '., 1S76. 12 . ' eday, C. W. Reminiscences of the "Filibuster" war in Nicaragua. X. \ ., I >v ~". 12° eday, Thos. The political life of the Right Honorable Sir Roberl Peel, Bart. 2 v. 1 .. 1856. 8° 720B9 DoUBI '.il. hen. ' 00k, Dutton. I ■ \11nie. 1 1 . T. I ■ . 1 .... . hi all. /;; Holbein, Han . I > n e of death, pp. 1 ■•'* 75'i7 1 I 1 hi, W. Men 1 pp. 183 187 (11-56 1 1 NEY, Small. Faith I lai row by. I.., n. d. 12 292A5 Janel I' v. I ... n. 1/' 2fi2.\5; Nothing Inn leaves. N. Y., n. d. 12°, Prudence Winterburn. N. V.. n. d. 1 21 I 11. lei gray walls. I . . 1^71 u . . . 292 w Ii- 1 1 in enemy ' N. V.. n. .1. 12 Di Vmanda Minnie. Am. writer, /•. [837. Claudia. I:.. 1868. 1 1 fled asunder; or, the tiile of fate. I'... 1876. 12 . 1 d Grandon ! 1 . B., 1 884. 12 . 1 1 her household. B., 1.SS7. 1 2 . - Fortunes of the Faradays. B., 1888. 12 . ii- mouth. B., 1 S78. 12 . I [1 in" ii- "I , ■ 1 . thi ' ■. n of duly. B., 1873. .2°. Hope Mills; or, between friend and sweetheai 1. B 1 1 1 In trust; or, Dr. Bertrand's household. Ii., 1880. 12°. — Katliic Stories. 6 v. II.. n. .1. 11. . 1. Kathie's three wishes 292A81 2. Kathie's aunt Ruth 292A82 5. Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. . 4. Kathie's soldiers 292A84 5. In the ranks 6. Kathie's harvest days 292A86 1 i ' t city. B., 1880. 12 Lucia: her problem. N.Y.,1872. [2°. Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. B., 1876. 12 . 1 11. 1 wedding gifts. V V.. n. d. 12 . f the wreck; or, was it a victi B., 1SS5. 12°. — Santa Claus land. B., 1873. '-■ ■ ■ ■ 292A88 s.\ en daughters. B., 1876 12 Stepbi D -. B., 18 ie Adriance ; or, trying the world. I:., 1868. 12°. — Whom Kathie married. B., 1883. 12 — With fate against him. \. Y.. 1 12°. Woman's inheritance. B., i y s. \- I iitli. We Von Arldens. Chi- >a. DOUGI \~. ii. Mar's white witch. X. S".. 1877. 8". is, Gawain. Ward. T. II glish poets. \ . 1. pp. 1 5 DOUGLAS. ?66 DOWER. Douglas, Jas., 4th carl of Morton. Lodge, E. Portraitsof illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 2. pp. 1 37-14S- . . . 411-65 Douglas, Lady Jane. Walford, E. Tales of our great families, v. 2. pp. 270- 2S4. The great Douglas case 411 99 I> LAS, Margaret, countesi of Lennox. Strickland, A. Queens of Scotland, v. 1. pp. 340-429 4112-75 DOUGLAS, Marian. Teter and Polly ; or, home life in New England a hundred years ago. I!.. 1876. D 1 .1 IS, Roberl Kennaway. China. L., 1SS2. 12° 4S I -3 2 — Non-Christian religious systems. Con- fucianism and Taouism. I . . , 1 S 7 < > . 16 . 291-3 — //•. Life of Jenghiz Khan, translated from the Chinese with an introduction. L., 1S77. 12° 4I2H5 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, .-////. statesman, />. iSi;-'/- 1861, joint author. Lincoln, A. and 1 louglas, S. A. Political debates. S 1 5 1 - 5 — Flint, H. M. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. 292B4 — Sheahan, J. \V. Life of Stephen A. Douglas 292B6 Boutwell, . 1 S 1 7 . I .Mr and time ■ "I Frederick I louglass, wriiioii by himself; with an introduction bj Geo. 1.. Ruffin. Hartford 292B7 \h bondage and my freedom. Part 1. pt. 2. Life as a free- man ; with an introduction by Dr. James M Smith. X. V., 1S57. 12". . . 292B8 Autobiographical sketch. In Child-life in prose. Whittier, J. G., ed. pp. "in o| ; \ ; Bat tlett, D. W. Modern agitatoi s ; or, pen portraitsof living \ form !' ' ' ' rroll, II. Twelve Americans. pp. !99 I 1 ' I [.Life wiiln in and life ■■■ ithin. pp. i'ii- | 1.00E5 Douglass, Frederick, continued. — Stowe, H. P.. Men of our times. pp. 378-404 4122-S3 Dm GLASS, Mrs. M. Gladys Ramsay, a sol- dier's daughter. L., n. d. 12°. Dove, Alfred. Meridian and decline of life, 1827-59. In Bruhns, K., ed. Life of Alexander vim Humboldt, v. 2. . . . 491B3 DOVE, II. W. Circulation of the waters on the surface of the earth. In Extes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations, ser. 1. pp. 447-477 • • 5 n 4-42 1 ii iVE in the eagle's nest. Vonge, Charlotte M. Dove dale, England. Marston, E. Ama- teur anglers' days in Dove dale. . . . 7059-2 1;, Lord. See Ellis, G. J. W. A. Dow, Je-^e Erskine. In Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 375-3S2. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914—4 Dow, Lorenzo, Am. Methodist preacher, l>. 1777-rf. 1S34. Dealings of God, man, and the devil, in the life, experience and travels of Lorenzo Dow ; together with his polemic and miscellaneous writin to which is added, The vicissitudes of life by Peggy Dow; with introductory essay by John Dowling. 2v.ini. Cinn., 1859. 8° 208-25 — Lorrain, Alfred M. Helm, thesword and cross, pp. 170-179 5S0U1 Dow, Neal, Am. general. Bungay, (1. W. Off-hand taking, pp. 263-266. . . . 412-25 Dow, Jr., pseud. See I'aige, Elbridge Gerry. DOWD, 1). L. Physical culture, for home and school : scientific and practical. N. V., ioSS. 12 6136 3 Down, F. 11. Tin- thinker and his thought. ///Randolph, I'. B. After death: the disembodiment of man. pp. 1-6. . . 1711 8 DoWD, Win. S. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 97-'"' 4'247-3 I ii in den, llw.nl. hi. i r, holar, b. is 1 ;. Life of Percy Bysshe Shelly. 2 v. 1.., 10. 8° ,,u i ing, fohn. Inn > ly. In I low . I .. 1 ife and w i iting zo8 25 renin ei tnd bad by ■• Richmond, t lilmore, J. R. (E. Kirl ud. ) lands 1 voyage to the I laribbees. Paton, Win. A 47-" N 71 Down ' N d in free, Mary N. (C. I , 1 1 ,1.1.1... Downes, John, American na Rey- nolds, I.N. Voyage of tin I . S. frij •• Potomac " under the 1 ommand 1 ■ Dowm 1.371 8 ■■ I . ! on, tm. landscape • iter, .■'. 1S1 5 d. 1852. 1 o£tage n . igns fol rural . . lias, and their [rounds adapted to North \'i . N.Y., 1861 8° ; Fruits and fruit trees of America, ed. by 1 1 N. Y., i860. 12°. . 634-3 . 11 the theory and practice of landscape gardi rural architi cture; with . by II. W. Sargi in. N. \ ,, [859. 8°. . . 710-3 Downi Carl) le, I '.. ed. In I ,attei day pamphlets, pp. 74-115 , Thi Streti Ira I .1 ion : •■ N. ira ithenia," its nature and curative treatment. 1... [887. 8 6l Ei •■ I Alfred. Tram- ways ; thei trui tion and worl I... 1875. '-' ' I Reminis- 1 I . , N . \ '., 8 292B9 Irew. English colonies in inia, Mar) . t lie ilinas. N. Y.. 1882. S° 974 3 n ith maps illustrative of the acquisition of territory and the in ipulation by Francis A. Walker. N. v.. [876. 16°. ... g rren. Giles, II. ■'-... Martin, ed. Illustrated book ol mestic poultry. 1... n. d. 12 S ime, Phila. 8° mdcr ity .P. 1 . 1 G. A. ! . p p. 1 2-2 Di ■ D . Wholi 1 1 igh- i . . :. R. S. < (utlini Utilisation "I I reclan , W. H. Dwclli Treatment and utilisati I age. . 62- Dempsey, G. D. Di and buildings On the drainage of lands, towns and buildings Rudimentary treatise on the drainage ..I tow n- and buildings Rudimentary treatise on the drainage iif districts and lands ' ■ nton, |. Bailey-. 1 1 I . . . W. Healthy houses I I \ nn. P. J. Hydraulic tables fur the cal< i ugh sewers, pipes and conduits, based on Kutter's formula 1 11 in drainage, .... 6313-4 Hellyer, S. S. Plumber and sanitary houses — Klippart, J. II. Principles an of land drainage 631 ; 5 1 1. I anded properly, and the ites ' I .ow, S., jr. Sanitary the house! de mecum. . . . — Munn, B. Practical land drainer. . . . 0313-6 — Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary en- fing Putnam, J. P. Lectures on the prim use-drainage es, R. II. Had di .iins. and hi them — Reynolds, O. Sewer gas, ai keep it "in of houses — Richards, E. II. and lalbot, M., :i — Tracy, R. S. Han sanitary in- formation for house! ... — Varona, A. de. Sewergases; their nature and origin, and how I our dwelling* — Waring, '■. 1 '.. ir. for profit Iraining for health DRAINAGE. 368 DRAKE. Drainage, continued. Sanitary drainage of houses and town-. 628-9 — Arnot, W. This present world, pp. 220- 2 4i 551-15 — Egleston, N. II. Home and its surround- ings, pp. 164-183 640-3 — Gerhard, W. P. Sanitary questions. In Brunner, A. W., ed. Cottages, pp. 53-54 72S-21 Knox, T. \V. Underground world, pp. 52 \ 550. Parisian sewers 6229-5 — Luring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. pp. 155-167 630-47 — Plunkett, Mrs. II. M. Women, plumbers and doctors; or, house sanitatii n. pp, 92-129 628-6 Smiles, S. Jas. Brindley and the early engineers, pp. 19-47 416S-8 — Wells, F. Drainage. In Mas-, emer- gency and hygiene association. Six lectures, pp. 113-160 3717-6 - See also Agriculture. I Iraki:, Chas. F. Tyrwhitt, joint author. Burton, R. F. and Drake, C. F. T. Un- explored Syria. 2 v 4579-23 I (RAKE, Dr. Daniel, b. 1785-*/. 1852. Pioneer life in Kentucky: series of reminiscen- tial letter-, ed. by Chas. D. Drake. (inn., 1870. 8° 293B2 — Mansfield, E. D. Memoirs of the life and services of Daniel Drake 293B3 \ Drake, Sir Francis, English navigator, b. about 1540-rf. 1595. Towle, G. M. Drake the sea king of Devon 293B5 — Bourne, II. R. F. English seamen under the Tudors. 2 v 4^7 17 Children's story book. pp. 01-97. . . . 410-27 — Early English voyagers, pp. 1 1 - 1 30. . 437~3 Edgar, J. ti. Sea-kings .mil naval heroes. IT 1 - >">- 153 4159 35 Frost, T. Half hours with the early ex- I' 1 '" ' ■ PP' '61 172 437 37 1 .11 'liner, S. K. I [istorit al biogt aph ii . pp. 107-151 411-45 ( Irich, I . B. Man upon tin- sea. pp. 1 266 437-43 Ocean's story, pp. 256-2S4. [Same.] 437-44 III!.. E. E. Stories of di ovei | - pp. 86 I06 1 36 |l [1 in "ii, S. Works, v. 2. pp.319 339. 828 s-' Livi of Di ake, < lavendish •■""1 Dampier, pp. 53 123 \\ 59 ; ;e, I - Portraits of illustrious per- • t Gt. Bri tain. v. 2. pp. 237- M«-°5 ham, C. R. Seafathers. pp.98-115. 437-63 Payne, E. J., ed. \ oyage i of thi Eliza bethan seamen, pp. 141 179 and 223- 254 437 73 Drake, Sir Francis, continued. — Parton, J., ed. In People's book of biog- raphy, pp. 357-361 410-82 — Purvis, D. L., ed. English circumnavi- gators, pp. 33-110 437'-7 — Small beginnings, pp. 115-13S 410-93 — Watson, R. (i. Spanish and Portuguese South America during the colonial period, v. 1. pp. 280-304 992 95 — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 1 and 3. . . 437-95 — Henty, G. A. Under Drake's flag: a tale of the Spanish main. Drake, Francis Samuel, American historian. Indian history for young folks. N. V.. 1885. 8° 9701-3 Drake, J. Madison. Fast and loose in Dixie: unprejudiced narrative of personal ex- perience as a prisoner of war at Libby, Macon, Savannah and Charleston. N. V.. 18S0. 12° 9802-28 Drake, Joseph Rodman, Am. poet, />. 1795- d. 1820. Extracts from poetical works. In Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Poetical writ- ings 451C6 — Wilson, J. G. Bryant and hi- friends. pp 2S0-311 4181-9 DRAKE, Samuel Adams, American author, t>. 1833. Around the Huh : a boy's book aboutBoston. Illustrated. P...1SS1. 12°. 9825-29 Book of New England legends and folk- lore in prose and poetry. B., 1884. 12°. Same, iSSS 3874-3 Contents. — Boston.— Cambridge. — Lynn and Nahant. — Salem. — Marhlehead. — Cape Ann. — Ipswick and Newbury.— Hampton and Ports- mouth. — York. Isles of Shoals nil Boon island. — Old Colony. — Rhode Island. — Connecticut. — Nantucket and other legends. — Captain Nelson. N. V., 1879. 8°. — Heart of the White mountains; their legends and scenery ; with illustrations. x. v., 1882 47428-3 Historic fields ami mansions of Middle- Illustrated. B., 1N74. 8°. ... 98244-3 - Making of New England, 1510-1643. Illustrated. X. Y., 1886. 12°. . . . 9S2-3 Making of tin- < treal \\ est, 1512 -1883. N. v.. 1S.S7. 12° 988-2 Nooks and corners of the New England coast. Illustrations and map. N, V., 1875- 8° 474-3 Old landmarks and historic personage "I B ). Illustrated. B., 1S73. 12°. . 9825-3 — ed. Our great benefactors: short biog- raphies of the men and « omen mo eminent in literature, science, philan- thropy, nt. etc. B., [884. 8°. . . . 410-42 1 ' ■ ■[ Gardner, I heroes; history of the battle of King's mountain. Oct. 7. 17S . the events n hich led to it ; with : maps and plans. Cinn., 1 DRAPER. — 37° DRAYTON. Draper, L. C, continued, — Thwaites, R. G. Biographical sketch of Lyman C. Draper 412-97 DRAPER, Mary. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution. v. I. pp. "3-i'S 4121 -35 Drat the boysl or, recollections of an ex- French master in England. Blouet, Paul, (Max O'Rell, pseud.) 1221-21 I IRAUGH is. See Checkers. Draw poker, Rules for playing. In Laws and practice of the game of euchre. . . 7S71-6 Drawing. Aborn, F. Elementary me- chanical drawing 744-12 — Allonge, A. Charcoal drawing 741-13 — Binns, W. Elementary treatise on or- thographic projection 5 1 5—2 Cave, M. E. Drawing from memory. 740-3 Drawing without a master. [Same.] . 740-3 Davidson, E. A. Drawing for bricklay- er 744-3 Drawing for carpenters and joiners. . 744-35 Drawing for machinists and engineers. 744-31 Drawing for stonemasons 744-32 Elements of building construction and architectural drawing 690-35 — Elements of practical prospective. . . 743~3 - Linear drawing, showing the applica- tion of practical geometry to trade and manufactures 744-ij Model drawing 744-34 Orthographic and isometrical projec- '■"" 744-3" - Ellis, T. J. Sketching from nature. . . 740-4 — Enthoffer, J. Manual of topography and text-book of topographical drawing. — Kentish, T. Box of instruments and the slide-rule 711 p, Knowlton, II. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting 741 4 Mai Arthur, A. Education in its relation lo manual industry 607-47 Mih, in, D. II. Industrial drawing, coin- prising the description ami uses of drawing instruments 744—5 M: 1. I. Workman's manual of en- gineering drawing -j 1 i, Miniiie, \Y. Text book of geometrical drawing 711 '15 Moore, N. Kindergarten manual of drawing 740-5 i' 1 G. Perspective for beginners. . . 700 6 Reed, P. F. Little I Corporal's draw ing ! 1 740-7 Robei i.l'.. 1 li.n coal draw ing h ilhoul . m 1 ter 741-7 U ii -L i 11, J. Elements of drawing. . . . 740 75 1 ■ i, C. S) tcmatii draw ing and ihad ' n B 7i" 7'' 1 )ra\\ ING, continued. Tomkins, E. Machine construction and drawing 520-74 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Learning to draw ; or, the story of a designer 74°-S Walker, W. Hand-book of drawing. . 740-9 — Warren, S. E. Elementary projection drawing 744-S9 - Manual of drafting instruments and operations 744-9 Manual of elementary geometrical draw- ing 744-91 Plane problems in elementary geometry. 513-93 — Worthen, W. E., ed, Appleton's cyclo- pedia of drawing 744-95 — Aborn, F. System of teaching drawing for common schools. //; Essays and addresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. pp. 379-412 3706-6 — Beard, L. ami A. B. American girl's handy book. pp. 229-237 746-15 — Campbell, II. American girl's home book. pp. 403-406 786-24 — Kemble, M., ed. Art recreations: a guide to decorative art. pp. 1-76. . . 746-4 — Lardner, D.. ed. Museum of science and art. v. 6. pp. 49-112 603-4 Pigot, T. F. Geometrical and engineer- ing drawing. In Science lectures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 77-S7. 502-S1 Samson, G. W. Elements of art-criti- cism, pp. 1 13—198 701-74 — Smith, Walter. Art education 707—7 Stetson, C. B. Technical education, pp. 176-251 607-7 — Stokes, |. Cabinet-maker and uphol- sterer's companion 684 7 Thompson, L. S. Some reasons for teach- ing drawing. In Essays and addresses read before theN. E. I >. T. A. pp. 295- 318 3706-6 S ■ also Art. Drayson, A W. Art of practical whist. \. V., 1S79. 12° 788 34 Drayton, II. S., joint author. Sizer, Nel- son and Drayton, H. S. Heads and faces. 179-S2 Drayton, Michael, English poet, b. 1563 1631. Disraeli, I. Amenities of liter- ature, v, 1. pp. 248-253 S04 35 Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. I. pp. 526-528 8092 Whipple, E. P. Literature ol the agi "i I ii abeth. pp. 225 22S 8203 9 I 11 iyti in, W ni.. d. [846. Perry, B. F. Remi mces of public men. pp.269 =73 " ■ • 412-75 Drayton, Wm. Henry, judge, b. 1742-1/. 1 770, Moore, 1 . d, tVmei ii an elo quence. v. 1. pp. )N 56 Sis- 6 I>k \\ ['ON I »R( ./ Drayton / o\ American life. N.N'., i s s i i ■ I in w 1 1 in I and i lie I > tenants, Chai le . Mi .. E. (R, l n i i m and othci poem Noi ton, l ' Mrs. C. E. S I ir i im : .iii gcd) in i . Bnillie, roat I ii.iiu.ii i ind poel ical i pp. 132! !6 1 'i 1 \ \i chintz, and < !i un ing hi ime. M ai kar- llcss, M. A I \ I Dre im life: .1 fable of 1 lie ea ion -. Miti hell, 1 1. 1; 6 19! ! I ii 1 wi 1"; 1 ei s. Trollope, I . A, 1 >i 1 ims. Leland, C. G. Poetry and mys- tery of dream 80953 . field, F, I iici .11 ure and curiositie ol dn mis • 1 7711 8 Aubrey, J. Miscellanies, pp. 49-69. 174-13 Ball, Ii. Morphine habit, pp. 32 17. . 6104 ■ Boismont, A. Brierrede. Hallucinations. PP- '59-187 1742-2 Brow 11c, T. Religio medici. pp. 171 t8o 8a !■ Clodd, I . Myth 1 and dreams 2901-3 1 lobbe, F. P. Daru inii m in moral . pp. 356—38 1. 1 ii ciiiis as illustrations of in- vnluni iv cerebrations 204-19 1 1 owe, 1 '. Night-side of nature ; or, gho i ind ghosl seers 1 7 1 -S — Deiiily. VV. Philosophy of mystery. . . 174 29 Dickens, C, ed. Home and social philos- ophy, ser. 1. pp. 9-29 485] 5 ott, ( '. W. Mystei ies : or, glimp >e of the supernatural 174 31 Griffin, C.. \V. Studies in literature. PP- 239-247 S04-4 Howitt, Mary, ed. Apparitions, dreams, ond-sight, eie. In I er, J. History of magic, v. 2. pp. 410-422. 171 32 1 1 . 1- . <;., ed. Glimpses "f the super- natural 174-56 Owen, K. D. Footfalls on the bound- 11 1 ol anothei woi Id. pp. 137-211. . 176-74 Proctor, Is. A. Familiar science studies. pp.322 344. S..nie strangely fulfilled dreams 502-68 Unseen world; communications with it, real or imaginary 1 74 . G tunes and how they were made. pp. 200-208 j 1..; 1. Drew, Frederic. Northern ban dia: popular account of the Jium and Kashmir let ritori I .1 S77_ English writer, b. 1 ~d$-d. 1833. < aldwell, II. An of doing best. pp. 277 2S4 1 I .in t>0) ; and famous men. pp. 19-43. 410 478 ml how they became great 1 ' pp. 127 152 110-4S II I, I . P. Peei age ol poi erty. pp. 220-224 410-5S Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoe- makers, pp. 105 124 1 1 Drewry, (ieo. Overend. Common management of the stomach, N. Y. "' 6131 ; D ii- . Vdolphe. Cumulative method 111. in. N. Y.. 1883. S°. 120-3 I '1:11 1 Ii. .in Red « 1 camp. Ilartc. I /;; Phyllis of the Sii I'll from two shores. II, nn, 1 . Bret. Drh iih asundei . I lougl 1 . Amanda M. tnchor. Vinton, Mrs. Nelson W. 916A2 Drinkv iter, I cm lie M. S Conklin, Mrs. J. M. Driven back to Eden. Roe, E. P. Driven from the path. Smart, Dr. Chas. 1 . Inline. Ow en, Evelyn. Drone's honey. Clarke, R. S., (Sophie May, pseud.) 621A13 Drops of water. Catlow, A Drowning. Qualtrough, E. 1 . handy-book ami yachtsman's manual. pp. 552 356 I Vntoine Gustave, / 1832. Around a spring. N. V., i- 16 . Babolain. N. Y.. 1873. 16 . DRUID. 372 — di: nosiv Dunn, The, pseud. Sec Dixon, Henry Hall. Druids. Smiddy, R. Essay on the Druids, the ancient churches and round towers of Ireland 4062-7 Dri idism. Welsh question and Druidism. 9399-4 DRUM-beat of the nation. Coffin, Ch as. C. 97S-22 DRUMMER. [Drama.] Addison, J. Poet- ic;!] works. pp. 265-364 IoSCl Drummer boy. Trowbridge, J. T. . . . 896A5 DRUMMOND, Mrs. — . Wilmot family; or, they that deal truly are his delight. N. V. 16 204A5 DRUMMOND, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. X. V., 1SS5. 12°. . 210-25 - Cockburn, S. Laws of nature and the laws of God. [Review.] 210-2 — Finlayson, T. C. Biological religion. [Review.] 210-3 Prof. Drummond and miracles: a cri- tique, by a layman 210-5 - Laing, S. Mo, lorn science and mod- ern thought, pp. 343-370. [Review.] 215-52 Dim MMOND, Jas., duke of Perth. Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715-45. v. 3. pp. 226-309 4112-8 DRUMMOND, W. II. Large game, and nat- ural history of south and south-east Af- rica. Edinburgh, 1S75. 8° 7965-44 Drummond, Win., of Hawthornden, Scot- tish poet, />. 1585 -d. 1649. Poetical works, ed. l>y W. B. Turnbull. L., 1856. 12 294C6 Ward. T. II., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 24-27 8092-9 DRUNKENNESS. See Temperance and intem- perance. Drury, Anna Harriet. Eastbury. N. Y., IS56. 12°. Light and shade; or, the young artist. N. V.. 1853. 12°. Drury, I'm, English naturalist, I'. 1725 d. [804. Jardine, \\ '., ed. Naturalist's library, v. 15. pp. 1 7—7 1 . [Memoirs.] 590-5 1 in ' 1 , . Edward Jas, Reci eative 1 '1 em h grammar; being in an amusing point of view, it is alike suitable foi ;i I I, ml h, 01 the a lull. I... 1883. 12 '. . 122-3 Dri ,1 >hn B. Truths and untruths of ition. N. Y., [884. 12 2398 1 DRURY, Robert, Story of. Howe, II. Life and death on the ocean, pp. p>o (02. 137 |8 D Churchill, C. II. Mount Leb- v. 4. Di 11/cs and the Maroniles. ovo j Dryden, John, English poet, b. 1631 d. 1700. Poetii al worl . 5 V. B., 1S54. 12 . 295C2 < ' .' 1 1I1 1 Dryden - Poems. v. s*. I I pi 1 li I.l- I cpil aphs. 1 |.i Prologue I I 1 1 1 n lation from 11 1 ii tis DRYDEN, John, continued. — Lucretius. — Tales from Chaucer, v. 4. Tales from Chaucer.— Translations from Hoccace. — Translations from Ovid's Metamorphoses, v. 5. Translations from Ovid, Juvenal, Persius and Homer. — Poems. — Parallel of poetry and painting. In Liter- ary works of Sir J. Reynolds, v. 2. PP- 379-418 704-75 — Saintsbury, G. Dryden. [English men of letters series.] 294B5 — De Quincey, T. Literary criticism, pp. 401-405. Dryden's hexastich 2S4E5 Note-book of an English opium-eater. pp. 2S1-2S5. [Same essay.] 284E41 — Home pictures of English poets, pp. 85- 103 821-45 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets, v. 1. pp. 126-138 41S21- 4 — Johnson, S. Lives of the most eminent English poets. I'hila., 1864. v. 1. pp. 293-412 41821-5 - Leipzig, 1858. v. 1. pp. 207-303. 41821-5 Works, v. 2. pp. 7S-I13 S28-52 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, pt. I. pp. 1-80 5SSP1 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets, v. 1. pp. 233-297 821-7S — Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists. pp. 193-383 41S2-82 — Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 2. PP- 437-447 8092-9 — Wilson, J. Specimens of the British critics 955 E J hi BELLAY, Joachim. Pater, W. II. Studies in (he history of the renaissance. pp. I23-M5 7I7L1 Di 1:1 in. Gilbert, J. T. History of the Viceroys of Ireland with notices of Castle of Dublin 041 35 ■ Cobbe, F. P. I lours of work and play. PP- 173-180. Slate vault of Christ Church 240E5 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic sketches, pp. 244-261 2841'".) hi Bois, Mrs. Cornelius. Elk;, I . I'. Queens of American society, pp. 358- 3 02 41230 -31 Di bois, John, bishop of New York, b. 1704 it. 1842. Murray, J. O'K, Catholic pioneers ol America, pp. 402 406. . . 4142 6 lit; Bois-Melly, ('has. History of Nicolas Muss; an episode of the massacre of St. Bartholomew. N. V., 18S8. 12 . Di BOSE, Rev. Hampden. Dragon, image and demon ; or, the three religions of China: Confucianism, Buddhism and I.11 nii -in, gh ing an 1 unl of 1 he myth- ology, idolatry and demonology of the 1 liine e. I ... 1886, 12 191 ■ ; hi i:< ii k<;. , , hi I I I ii in Hi'., i ,. ii. \ ii ill ii ii . i iiim Hi thai leading instrument, and its mo i • m profi "i . i im its i ii in i 'I ii' in tin im ' in i ■ ; with linn to leurs, Mm i doti , eti . I ... 1*52. '-"■ 777 ,i I ii r.i; i i ii , . Si ientific and pi ofital)le culture of fruit trees. ed. by Wm. Wardle. .''I ed. revised with introduc- i nui bj ' leo. i llenny, I.., 1S72. i6°. 634 7 1 'i 1 \\ 1 , Sir Edmund F. Punishmenl and preventi fcrime. I.., 1885. 12°. . 346; ;, 1 11 1 11 mi 1 1 . Paul Belloni, / 'er, 6. 1835. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. N. Y., 1868. 12°. 4671 | linn in -, in \ hango land, and fui thei penetrations into equatorial Africa, n. '■ p. 8° M-7 > :-' Land of the midnight-sun: summer and winter journeys through Sweden, N01 way, Lapland and northern Finland. 2 v. \. Y., t882. 8° I |S ; Lost in the jungle. V v., 1869. 12". . 4671 33 M\ ^pingi kingdom. N. Y., [1870.] 12 . 4671 34 Stories of the gorilla country. \\ Y., 1867. 12° 4671-36 Wild life under the equatoi . N. Y., n. d. '-" t"7' 35 — Eden, C. II. Africa seen through its ex- plorers, pp. 251-280 |ini ; I Re . Jai nil. . haplain ■■/ the first con- tin, nta .. 5. 1 739 ./'. 1 798. I lead- ley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the lution. pp. 83-88 .11 .•! 1.5 I h ' 111 \n r. Neale, Rev. J. M. I 'i 1 hess Agnes, etc. 1 1 >rama and poems. | I 1 aig, tsa Z52C1 Duchess de la Valliere. Bulwer-Lytton, !•'.. lS 128 117-9 In 1 m 11. Jules Irmand Stanislas. Rae, W. 1 . Men of the third republic, pp. 1 1 18 120 1105-5 I ' 11. All . ttish missionary in India, I'. 1806 d. 1878. Indian rebellion: it< causes and results. \. \ .. is^s. ■ < . Smith, (;. Life 1 >f Alexander Duff. . . Fish, II. ('. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th ' nlriiy. pp 2521-4 Foster, E. I leroes "f the Indian em 1 ' ' tut Hi 1 1 . Mi . Mar) Ann (Dyke, 17.14 d. 1857. Ireland, I. N. Mrs. Dull • Matthews, J. Ii. iinJ Hutton, I.. Actors and actresses, v. .;. pp. 7.1 90. 41- I n 11. Mountstuarl E.Grant. Francis Deak. Hungarian statesman; a memoir. I ., 1880 8 in Indian journey. I . 1 8° DUFFRRIN. 374 Dl MAS. I >i FFERIN, Lord. Sec Blackwood, F. T. H. Duffey, Mrs. E. I'.. Ladies and gentle- men's etiquette. Complete manual of the manners and dress of American society, containing forms of letters, in- vitations, acceptances and regrets. Phila., n. d. 12° 395-3 — No sex in education ; or, an equal chance for both ^iils and boys. Review of E. 11. (lark's "Sex in education." Phila., 1874. 16° 3761-4 In 1 1 ii 1 1', A. J. Peru in the guano age; being a short account of a recent visit to the guano deposits, with some reflec- tions on the money they have produced anil the uses to which it has been ap- plied. I.., 1S77. 12° 4S5-20 — Prospects of Peru: the end of the guano age and a description thereof with some account of the guano deposits ami ' nitrate ' plains. L., 1SS1. 12°. . . . 4S5-3 — On the lost art of hardening copper. /// Schliemann, H. Ilios. pp. 737-739. . 4026-7 Duffield, Rev. Geo. lleadley, J. T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 35°-3 6 ° 41^1-45 Duffield, Rev. Geo., of Detroit, Midi. Bible rule of temperance: total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks. N. V., 1868. 16° 19S-3 mid Rev. Samuel W. Burial of the dead. Pastor's complete hand-book for funeral c 1 \ ices and for the consolation and comfort of the afflicted. N.Y., 1S85. 12°. 261S-3 Duffield, Rev. Samuel Willoughby. En- ' glish hymns: their authors and history. N. V., 1SS6. S° 245 5 joint author. Sec Duffield, Rev. Geo. and R t v. Samuel W. Duffy, Bella. Madame de Stael. (Famous women series.) Ik, 1887. 16°. . . . 850B3 Duffy, .s» ('has. Gavan. Four yen of Irish history, 1845 40. X. Y. 8°. . . 9418 ;i \ ..nn;; Ireland : fragment of Irish his- tory. 1S40 50. N. Y., 1SS1. 8°.. . 9418-3 Dl 11 .. Edward. Speech; with introduc- tory sketch and biographical notice. In Sullivan, T. !>., A. M. ami 1). P. . he ft "in tin' dock 111; 85 I n 1 , Madati 1 lacon. Redding, ( '. Pi 1 onal remini cence "l eminent men. v. 1. pp. 249-282 111-87 I n in .n, I Inn v. Nai rative ol a join ney through Abyssinia in [862 63. I ... 1867. 8° p.; ; 1 >i . . 1 . \n.. u 1 inr [0 eph Mi' kej . . iincri- canwriter, 0. 1828 d. 1884. Hi tor) ol i howing the progn 1 ..I civil itj VS. [860. 12°. . . . I20-34 Duganne, A. J. H., continued. — (Motley Manners, pseud.) Parnassus in pillory: a satire. N. Y.. 1S51. 12°. . — Tenant-house; or, embers from poverty's hearthstone. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Dugdale, R. L. The "Jukes:" study in crime, pauperism, disease, and heredi- ty; with introduction by E. Harris. N. Y.. 1S77. 12° Du Guesclin, Bertrand, constable of France, b. about 1 3 ■ 4— . < 1 . 8 . ( '1111111 nf Monte Cristo. Phila., n, d. 12". Counte 1 de Charney, L., 11. d. 12 . 1 Jountess ol Chai ney. Phila., n. d. 8°. [tr. of first part of La Com! ney.] 1 1; in. 1 ol Mi 1 idol ; or, the I ad) 1 il Mon nun. Phila., n. d. 8°. [Same 1 1 1. 1 Edmund Dantes, Phila., a. d. 8°. |A equel to the 1 lounl ol Monte 1 'i isio, iably ii"i by Alex. I lumas. | I hi 1 j five guai dsmen. I .., n. d. 12 . Iron hand; or, the knight of Mauleon. Phila., 11. d. 8°. [tr. of Le BStard de Matiiion. I Iron mask. Phila., n. d. 8°. [tr. ol -i-i mill pari of / Vicomte de Bragelonne.] Isabel "l I'.n 11 ia, que 1 I 1 am e ; being the mysteries "I the Court of Charles VI. Phila., n. d. 8°. Louise de I.i Valliere. Phila., n. d. 8°. I tr. of third part of Le Vi< oml tonne. | Mm :; uri Hi- de \ alois. I ... 11. d. 12°. I n. of I .a reine Margot.] Memoirs of .1 physii ian : or, Joseph B .lllln. I ... 11. il. 12°. Queen' ; necklace. I ... n. d. 12. Si\ years later; or, taking of the Bastile. Phila., n. d. 8°. [tr. of Ange Pitou.] Taking the Bastile; or, six years later. I .. 11. d. 12°. I Ann] In 1 ed. of fore going.] I hree guai d mien. Phila., n. d. S°. Three musketeers. I..11.1I. 11^. |- as Three 1 luardsmen. | \'\\ enty yeai s aftei . I .. [878. 1 2 . \ ii omte de Bragelonne. 2 v. L., n. d. 12 . 1 in order. 1 Marguerite de Valois. Diana of Meridor, or Chicot the jester. Mi. fort} live guard 1. Thrci 1 hree musketeers. I 'w 1 hi \ years after, Vicomte de Bra 1 ndon cd. -• \ . In ] if the d may be read Bragelonne the son .if &thos, The Iron mash Valliere, which together in the station of Le • ■line. nti mt ./. 1 '. I ' ■ |. Couni I 1 i R N.'l- 11:1 I ■ I wlii 1. en in the I ' lar, I hi Life of 1 ' n and pp. 207 2jj 1 . itier, T., mnl olhi I authors, pp. 264 -'71 Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. I 19 I2'l \l ii In ■ v , W. Men, pi H '■ and tiling. pp. "7 79 Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of the 19th century, pp. 46-77 li s P 6 — Stevenson, R. I.. Memories and por- traits, pp, 228 2 1". 1 Re\ !••••■■ of Vi di Bi agi lonne.] 851E3 In mas, Alexandre, jr., French novelist mid dramatist, •'. 1824. Camille; or, the fate of a . oquette. Phil >.. 1880. 8°. Matthew ,1 B. French dramatists of iln 19th century, pp. 131 171 11841 G Mauri-., M. French men 1 pp. 151 172 (i^ ! '■ - Kae, W.I. M. 11 of the third republic. pp. 121 134 Dumas, Jean Baptisl \ I nch chemist, 1884. Muir, M. M. P. He ol ence. 1 'hemisl In mi 1 I ens, J. K. A. In Carlyle, '!'., tr. Tales of Musaeus, etc. v. 1. pp. 3-°° .11, Ahbi - . Recollections of the reign of terror by a country priest, ed. bj Baron Ei nouf. tr. by J. C. gan. Dublin, 1SS5. 12 94444 - Dummy. In Hall, Mrs. A. M. Privalepurse and othei tales Di Mi iNCEL, Theodore Ai hille Louis, count. , phone, the microphone and the phonograph. N. Y., [879. 12°. . . . 1 11 M. in 1 . rhe idi ire S, Fiske, S. 1 ifT-hand traits of prominent New Yorkers. pp. 102-107 4^47 3 I n \. The. Edgewoi tli, Maria. 1 . 1 \s. Kennedy, 1 \. i -. Edward I". Romance of thi or, the discovery of gold in California. N. \ ., (867. 12° Dunbar, las. Practical paper mak< complete guide to the manufacture of paper. I.cith, [S8l Dunbar, Wm., . ui 1 ; 5 - 17 DUNDAS, Jas. Walford, E. Tales of our great families, v. 1. pp. 152-164. The chief of Dundas 411-99 Dundee, Viscount of . See Graham, John. In NDERVIKSBORG. Henderson, F. C. DUNES, [Battle, 1657.] Adams, W. II. 1 >. Battle stories, pp. 155-161 920S-13 Dl NG) is. in, Richard J. New school physi- ology. Phila., 1S80. 12 612-36 Dl n.iiismn, Robley, M.D., l>. 1798-1/. 1S69. History of medicine from the commence- ment of the 19th century. Arranged and ed. by Richard J. Ilunglison. Phila., 1872. S° 6109-3 DUNHAM, Samuel Astley. History of Den- mark, Sweden and Norway. 3 v. L., 1839-40. 12 . [Cabinet cyclopaedia.] 948-4 — History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. N. Y.. 1S54. 16°. . . 946-3 In NIWAY, Abigail Scott. David and Anna Matson. N. Y., 1876. S° 297C1 DUNKIN, Benj. Faneuil. Perry, B. F. Rem- iniscences of public men. pp. 208-213. 412—75 DUNLAP, Eugene P. Historical sketch of Siam. /// Siam and Laos. pp. 304- 319 2659-7 Dunlap, S. E. Vestiges of the spirit-history of man. N. Y., 1S58. S° 290-36 Dunlap, Wm. Biographical annual, pp. 25-34 412-21 DUNLOP, John, /\ — d. 1S34. History of fiction; being a critical account of the most celebrated prose works of fiction from the earliest Greek romances to the novels of the present age. I.., 1845. S°. 8023-3 - Memoirs of Spain during the reign of Philip 1Y and Charles II, 1621-1700. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1834. 8° 9465-3 — Legale, II. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 52- 101. Review of History of Roman literature 818-56 Wright, T. Essays on literature, etc. v. 2. pp. 38-50. Review of History of fiction 9306-9 In nmore, Cave of, Ireland. Fraser, A. C. Life and letters of (I. Berkeley, pp. 503-5 '2 148B3 Dunn, II. Fiber librorum : its structure, limitations and purpose. N. Y., 1S67. 16° 2202-32 Dunn, J. P., jr. Ma iacres of the moun- tains: a history of the Indian wars of the far west. N. Y., 1SS6. 8°. . . . 9707-3 In .,, [as. I'. Adulteration of liquors. In Temperance tracts 198-86 Same. v. 2 19S-85 Bible wines. In Temperance tracts, v. 1. 198-85 1 Minn, Nathaniel. Satan chained : [a poem], N. Y., 1S76. 12 Z97C6 hi \\l\(. ■ l l ii i -■ \. K . i 'onlradii tions; or, bie;li hi. nl dgei ton. B., [869, 16 . ... Mary 1 ire) ' pei ple» itii . B . [868 ■ | f of four livi or, mistaken. Ii., n. ■I- i" \\ I1.1l tO do. Phila., [883. 12° Dl ssis'., /<'. Ubcrl !•'.. Sunday scl I library. B., 1883. 12 46 t i\ 1 leansed heai 1 fn Grout, II. M., ../. < iospel invital pp. 114 '25 ^ 43 I 'i si-nil. rh. 1-.. J. Splendid advantagi ol being .1 woman, and 01 hei ei ratic e 1 • V Y.. n. d. 12 Dunphy, Thos. mi,/ Cummins, T. ].,eds. Remarkable trials ol .ill c 1 1 irs ; par- 11. nl. illy ..I [he U. S., < rt. Bl 11.1111. lie land and France : wit! tes and peeches of counsel. V Y., 1867. 8°. 34S2-3 pisuwis. Earl of . See Quin, YV. T. W. rER, Henry, Chaplin, Jeremiah. Life of I tenry I lunster '071:1 Dl s 1/1 r, 1 linn ich. 1 ife ..I 1 loethe. tr. bj rhos. W. Lyster. B., 1S84. 12 . \ ;oB 1 . -- Life nl Schiller, tr. by Percy I . Pink- erton. I . 1883. 12 807B6 Dupanloup, Feli> \ni,.ino Philibert, bishop of Orleatis. \ study ol Freemasonry, tr. from the Freni h. V Y., 18S0. 16 . 3662 Pressense, E. de. < . mtemporary por- traits, pp. (39- 146 1.104 77 Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. PP. 171 ,s 7 4»>S-S Inns. Andre M.iiu Jem Jacques, French lawyer, b. 1783-1/. [865. Cormenin, I.. \l. .Ii- l.i II. Eminenl orators ol I 1 am e. pp. 2111-229 4105-2 In l'i \s, Benj., gentleman of Alais, deputy- general of the reformed churches of France, 1725 t>;. Bonnefon, D. . . . 197B5 In I'I.essis, Georges. Wonders of engraving. V <1 .. 1S71. 12° 7"0-33 I n pon 1 . Pierre. Poems. /// < lurwen, 1 1. 1 '■ 1 . mgs .111.1 other poems. . 8 1 1 ; Dupont, Samuel Francis. Headley, |. T. Farragut and our naval commanders. IT- 123-IS 4122-39 K. I ife of Michel Angelo Buonar- roti, n. I. p. 12 19463 DUPRE, A., joint author. Thudichum, J. 1 . W. iinJ Dupre, A. Treatise on the 11. nature and varieties of wine. . . 61 ;i . Giovanni, Tuscan sculptor, '. 1S17 1882. Frieze, II. 1 . Giovanne Dupre. 2071:11 . Ernest. Great masters of Russian literature in the 19th century: the p writers; Gogol, Turgenief, Tolstoi. tr. by Nathan Haskell Hole N. V., 1886. \i 8917-3 1 ' a tale of Russian 16°. Tuckei in in. 1 1. I . pp 187 1 .0. . . I il'ltv 1 1 1 \ ( .mil. 11 i. Sn ' ■ ' '57 I Battle, 17SV I Mai G, B, Ami pp. 1 ; e (Ii 1 1 1. -1.1 1 Grevilli Ii., 1886 16 1 .mil Xavier. ir. by Mi •. Mary < . bins. Ii.. 1887. 1 1 1. ia : a Russian -lory, n . bj Sherwood. I'liila. 16 M11 d lughter. tr. bj I 1 1 kine 1 lement. Ii.. 1886. 16 Guy's marriage; or, the shadow ol Phila., n. d. 16 . Markof: the Russian violinist. Phila. n. d. 16 . Sylvie' beti Phila., n. d. 12 . \ enie's inhei itance : life. Phila., 11. d. I li HAND, Asher Brown. Bool of the 1 tists. Duras, echat de Kersaint, Duchesse inte Beuve, 1 \ Cell brated women, pp. 248 268 I n 1:1.1s. John Price, /'. /'., American Meth- odist minister, b. 1800-1/. 1876. ' )|i-cr- vations in Europe, principally in France in I Gt. Britain. 2 v. N.Y., 1848. 12°. 1 ■■■ ■ ■ 1 "ii 1 'i the I chiefly in 1 ■ pt, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. 2 x. V Y., 1854. 12° Fish, 1 1. C. Pulpit eloqui nee. K38 D I incrcr. l)i ks ton Abbey. Trollope, T. A. In Roure, Scipion, count. Reddin 1 linent men. \ . _;. pp. 21 7 23 1. . . DUSANTES. Stockton, Frank R. I '1 >: . 1. Henry. General treatise on the manufacture of vinegar, theoretical and practical; and the fabrication of pyroligneous acid, wood vinegar, cic, together with their applications ; and a treatise on acetometry. Phila., 187 1. 8°. New and complete treatise on the art of tanning, currying and leather-dressing; comprising all the discoveries and im- provements made in France, lit. Britain and the l'. S. ed. from notes and uments of Sallerou and others. Phila., 1S67. S° — Practical treatise on the fabricati matches, gun and fulminating powders. Phila., 1 413 78 2521 1 -in 87 DUSSAUCE. 378 DWIGHT. DUSSAI 1 !., Henry, continued. — Practical guide for the perfumer, ed. from notes and documents of Messrs. I>el>ay, Lunel, etc., with additions. I'hila., 1S68. 12° 6468-3 DUST. Hawthorne, [ulian. DUST ami foam ; or, three oceans and two continents. Warren, F. R 439~93 DuTCHathome. Esquiros, A 4492-36 I 'i imi courtezan. [Drama.] Marston, John. Works. v. 2. pp. 107-192. . 614C1 Di n 11 dominie. Murdoch, Rev. I >. Di rcH Guiana. Palgrave, W. G 4885-7 In 1. 11 in America. Gibbons, Mrs. Phebe Earle. Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 4748-4 DUTCH Pilgrim fathers and other poems, humorous and not humorous. Hopper, E 486C8 Dutch reformation. Martyn, W. C. . . . 9422-56 DUTCHER, Addison Porter, Am. physician, l>. 1818-a'. 1884. Sparks from the forge of a rough thinker: literary, moral and religious; with a biographical sketch of the author by Win. B. Atkinson, M. D. Cleveland, 1880. 12° 204-26 - Two voyages to Europe; what I saw and learned in Gt. Britain, France, Switzer- land and Germany. Cleveland, 1884. 8°. 440-294 Dutchman's fireside. Paulding, J. K. Duthmarno. [Tragedy.] Barnitz, A. Mys- tic delvings. pp. 193-265 138C7 Duties and d-uties. Giberne, Agnes. . . . 420A2 Duties of women. Cobbe, Frances P. . . 1937-3 Di ini\, Amy. Homes and hospitals; or, two phases of woman's work, as exhib- ited in the labors of Amy Dutton and Agnes E. Jones 300B1 - Sheets and lanes of a city: being the reminiscences of Amy Dutton 300B2 Duty. Cobbe, F. P. Religious duty. . . 241-26 Smiles, S. Duty 194-81 - See also Ethics. In VAL.Chas. With a show through South- ern Africa and personal reminiscences of the Transvaal war. I.., 1SS4. 12°. 4682 3 1 " \ m . John C. Adventures of Big fool Wallace, the Texas ranger and hunter. pl "la., ''873. 12°. . Q22 ]53 Duval, Mathias. Artistic anatomy, tr. by Fri dericK E. Fenton. I,., [884. [2°. 742 4 Di ii , Valentine [ami raj Ma on, M. Celebrated children, pp. 185 202. . . 410-72 Sej mum. C. C. n. Self-made men. pp. 342 352 410-92 D .1 . '. \\ . p., ,./ Florida, [rving, \\ . Wolfei t's 10.1,1 and 1 ii net papers, pp. 79-3 2 4 1 >" earlj ex| 111 1 1 of Ralph Ringwood 818 487 Di xberry doings. LeRow, C. 1!. DUYCKINCK, Evert A. Biographical me- moirs of S. Smith. In Smith, S. Wit and wisdom of Sydney Smith, pp. 9- '°4 837E2 — Memoir of P. Freneau. In Freneau, P. Poems relating to the American revolu- tion, pp. vii-xxxviii 381C1 Dwarfs. Giants and dwarfs 4138-4 Dwellers in five-sisters court. Scudder, II. E. Dwellers on the Nile; or, chapters on the life, literature, history ami customs of the ancient Egyptians, iludge, A. E. W 403-23 DWELLING houses; their sanitary construc- tion and arrangements. Corfield, W. H. 628-3 Dwight, Benj. W. Higher Christian edu- cation. N. V., 1860. 12° 377-3 Contents.— True work of the higher Christian education. — True style and measure of the higher Christian education. — True Christian teacher. — True Christian scholar. — Connection of the higher Christian education with the progress and privileges of the people. — Modern philology; its discoveries, his- tory and influence. N. V., 1859. 8°. Same. 2 v 1S77. 12 100-3 DWIGHT, Francis. Barnard, II., ed. Edu- ■ cational biography, pp. 457-464. . . 4157-2 DWIGHT, Henry E. Travels in the north of Germany in the years 1S25-26. N. V., 1829. 8° 44oi-.i DWIGHT, Henry O. Turkish life in war time. N. Y., 1881. 12 949 6 ~35 Hun. tit, [.S. Music. In Peab.nl y, K. P., ed. /Esthetic papers, pp. 25-36. . . 720E1 DWIGHT, John S. Mendelssohn's " Elijah." //; Lampadius, W. A. Life of Felix Mendelssohh-Bartholdy. pp. 254-271. 624B5 DWIGHT, Mary Ann. Grecian and Roman mvthology ; with an introductory notice by T. Lewis. N. Y., 1840. 8°. . . . 294-35 — Introduction to the study of ail. N. Y., 1859. Same, 1S68. 12°. . . •. . . . 707-3 DWIGHT, X. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independence. N. Y., 1S51. 12° 41^1 3 DWIGHT, Theodore, jr., 6. 1796 d. 1S66. //; Even- 1. C. W. I'o. i - ol 1 lonnecl ii ut. pp. 253 258. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 I i\\ 1. .11 1 , I h.-. nil. 1 e W, I'll i.iilm li.ui. In Maine, II. S. Ancient laws 3401-6 Dwight, Timothy, Am. divine, and president of Yale College, b. 1752-r/. 1817. Dei > ions of questions discussed by the senior class in Yale College 1813 14. ed. by T. Dwight, jr. N. \ ., [833. 12 . . . 3744-3 1 [. tdley, I. I . Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 175-198 4121-45 IVVKIH'I RACH. UwigH i, I imol I- . , f. ntinued. . ii,,i ted, D, I imothj Dwighl n teai hei . In Bai nard, II.,. i. Edm . al biography, pp. 78 91 4'S7 - n. , \\ . B. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. ipllj . v. |. pp. 22 (-364 t 1 -' 86 I ivt 1 . . 1 : 1. I imothy . '/. [828. " I low I was educated papei In I olli ge and the 1 I Ii. pp. 79-90 3704-4 1 \\\ \ 1 ■ u, I' 1 Seal and saddles, bits and bitting, di aughl and harness and the pre \ ention and cui e of restii horsi I .I. i2 n . Same. Phila., [86 1 Dyce, VIex. GIo: >ary to 1 he « 01 ks ■ -I Wm. 1 ., 1880. 8° 82351 .1 1 ife of Akenside. In Aken ide, M. Poetical works, pp. 9-108 112C2 \lrinmi ol Beattie. In Beattie, Jas. P01 tical works, pp. vii-lxxvi 141C4 Memoii hi A. Pope. In Pope, A. P01 1 urn ks. pp. v-cxi 7 I " 5 \l. moirof Shakespeare. /// Shakespeare, Wm. Poems, pp. vii-lxxxvii. . . . 82349 | Dyking, i l 1 ^ ert, F. < '. < loal tar colours and improvements on dyeing and calico printing. Bound with Keene, J. B. I [and 1 1-, hi 11." 1 ical gauging. . . . 659 5 I lyei and ' olour maker's companion : containing upwards of two hundred re- ceipts for making colours on the mosl approved principles. Phila., [886. 8°. 667 ; I lil. 11 \ nl silk, C Itton, linen. w mil and othei substances; including observations .hi pinning, dyeingand weaving. . . . 677-4 Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics. 667-4 Love, I'. An of dyeing, cleaning and icouring 667 5 Sellers, J. Color mixer 667 7 — Smith, D. Dyer's instruction 667 s Wright, A. S. Book of 3000 practical re- ceipts 603-9 — See ills,' Color. I '. 1 ];. I . Poi ter. Bunyan's Pilgi im' pn ;i ess in verse. B., 1 So. i. [6° 243-32 Dyer, 5»rjas. Campbell, J. Chief justice of England, v. 1. pp. 183-19.S 1 1 1 .' | Dyer, John, b. 1700 ./. 175S. Ward, T. II., ed. English poets. \. .5. pp. 206-209. 8092-9 - Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. -■ PP- 4'" 494 41821 5 Dyer, Sidney. Black diamonds; or, the curiosities of coal. Phila., 1S7;. 16 . 5532-3 Dyer, Sidney, continued. 1 mi the bcai h. Phila., n. d. 16 . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 . I I 1 i . ion. Folk-lore ■■! si peare. N. \ .. 1884. 8° Dyei 1 Im . I lenry. I Ii tory of I Rome, its sli ui lun ind moi i nion in 1 In end ol middle ages. I.., 1 History of the kings of Rome; with pre- fatory I "II its ...ill 1 r, unci evidei I [868. 8° 9191 Model il n the fall of < onslan- tinople i" the establishment of the C man empire, 1453 1871. 5 % . I .. 1 - nts. — v, 1. From 1453 to v. 2. From 1521 to 1598. v. 3. From i v ,. I 'rom 17111 v. 5. From 1794 to 1871. — ed. Pi • Its history, buildings and antiquities. V Y.. 1870. Same. I... lS 7v ■- 4059-3 Dyer, W. T. Thi elton. [Darwin's] work in botany. In Darwin ( '. Memorial notices, pp. 2') 45 Dyke. See \ an I lyke. Dylks, [oseph 1 1 eyhill, R. H. 1 leatherwood god: an account ol [he ap- pearani e nlions of Joseph 1 '. Dylks in eastern Ohio in [828. Cinn., 1870. In Ohio valley historical series. No. 7 DYMOND, Jonathan, K-.says mi the principles il morality, and on the private and political rights and obligations of man- kind. N. Y.. 1S45. 12 101 ; DYNAW iology ; or, pplied social sci- ence, as based upon statical Ward. 1.. I 301-9 Dynamics; or, theoretical mechanics. Bot- tomley, I. I 5312-2 Dynamiter, The. Stevenson, R. L. DYNAMO-electric machinery. Thompson, S. P DYNAMO-electricity. Prescott, Geo. II. . . ; I iyne\ . ir tei 1 a. <■■ Vonge, < ". M. DYRE, Mary. Watson, H.C. Heroic women. pp. 84 <)4- Quaker martyr of New England 4'3~95 Dyspepsia. II. ill, W. W. Dyspepsia and its kindred diseases 6166-4 Roberts, W. Dietetics ami dyspepsia. . 61 Y., A. R, Carterets ; or, country pleasures. 1 .. n. .1. I" 1 n. 1 nil ; or, how the seven little prove theii sisterhood. Companion to n little sisters. Andrews, Jane. . ii^\.(S EACH for himself. Gerstaecker, Friedrich. EADIE. 380 EARTH. Eadie, John, Scottish Presbyterian minister, b. i8i4-. \do\-d. 1665. Selec- tions from writings. /// Book of charac- ters, pp. 53-126 828-69 Earlk, John, prof, of Anglo-Saxon in the university of Oxford. Anglo-Saxon lit- erature. L., 18S4. l6 c . (I law 11 .it European literature series.] ^29-3 — Philology of the English tongue. Ox ford, 1871. 16 . Same, 1SS0 110-3 EARLIEST churches of New York and vicini- ty. Disosway, G. P 2774-3 Earl's dene. Francillon, R. E. I- irlY, Jubal A., Confederate general, 6. 1818. 1 '"ike, J. E. \\ eai 1 tig of the gi ay. pp. 96-112 9812-3 Pollard, E. A. In Life .if Robert i;. I ee. pp. 463-4S1 41225-5 ! 1 . and lio papers. Thackeray, W. M. S28-891 Early and late poems. Cary, Alice and Phebe 207C54 Early Australian voyages, Pinkerton, John. 493-73 Early ballads. Bell, Robert 8211-2 Early Christian literature Primers. See 1 1 hei . Geo. P., ed. 1 1 1 1 . I in I. -I . 1.1 I pe. I: ■ 1 n.1,1 Italy Early chroniclers, continued. — Gairdner, J. England 9302-4 — Mass. in, G. France 944-63 EARLY dawn. Charles, Mrs. F. (R.) Early days of Christianity. Farrar, W. F. 2701-35 Early days of Mormonism : Palmyra, Rut- land, Nauvoo. Kennedy, J. H. . . . 298-35 Early Flemish artists. Conway, W. M. . 7597-3 EARLY French poetry. Besant, Walter. . . 8401-2 Early friendship. Copley, Mrs. E. . . . 246A9 EARLY Hanoverians. Morris, E. E. . . . 937-6 Farly Hebrew life: a study in sociology. Fenton, J 2213-4 Early history of institutions, Maine, U.S. 309-47 Early Kings of Norway. Carlyle, Thos. . 9481-3 Early man in Europe. Ran, Chas. . . . 5/1-77 Early Plantagenets. Stubbs, W 933~7 Early religious education. Fliot, W. G. . 247-35 Fai;m spring in Massachusetts. Thoreau, II. I). ... SN5F2 Early Tudors. Moberly, Rev. C. E. . . . 935-6 Early vears of Christianity. Pressense, E. de 2701-6 Earnest student : being memorials of John Mackintosh. Macleod, N 605B7 Earnest trifler, The. Sprague, M. A. Ears. See Hearing. Earth. Adams, C. Earth and its wonders. 551-13 — Darton, M. E. Earth and its inhabitants. 4201-3 — Goldsmith, O. Earth and animated na- ture 59°-4 — Guizot, A. Earth and man 55 I_ 5° — Gunning. W. 1 >. Fife history of our planet 560-4 — Higgins, W. M. Earth; its physical condition and most remarkable phe- nomena 55 I_ 58 — Malet, H. P. Interior of the earth. . . 55011-6 — Mangm, A. Earth and its treasures. . 553—6 — Marsh, li. I'. Earth as modified by hu- man action 55 I_0 7 — Proctor, R, A. Our place among infini- ties 5204-74 — Reclus, K. The earth 551-7S — Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants and man: popular pictures .-I nature 5°3~8 — Huxley, T, II. Physiography; introd. 1.1 the study of nature, pp. 337-358. . 551-6 I ardner, D t| ed. Museum of science and art. v. 3. pp. 49-64 603-4 — Noyce, E. Outlines of creation, pp. 45-90 5°7 6 — Owens college. .Lectures and addresses. IT- '29 '59 709E5 Schlegel, T. Lectures on modern history. IT- .?45 _ 4°4- Beginning of our history, and li 1 revolution of the earth. . . . 9204-7 .sir also Astronomy. Geology. t mi 11 trembled. Roe, r?. . Edw ard I'. I \ R I HEN 38' I'M AN. 1 \ i ve els. < api M. |., (An hie I . II, pseud.) 204A45 E vi: 1 111 \ p. 11. pIi ie. I Poe 1 .] 3 v . Morris, w 111 647C9 Ear 1 M'.ii IKES. K nceland, S. Voli and eai I hqual es 55 12—4 \l ilne, [ . En rthquakes and othei earth movements 55* 22 '' Ponton, M. Earthquakes and volca . Si'-' 6 Proctor, K. A. Notes on earthquakes, . 502-71 Zurcher, F. and Margolle, E. Volcanoi and earthquakes 5512 9 Franklin, I!. Works, v. 6. pp. 1-13. . 818-4 1 1 umboldt, A. Co >mos, v. 5 50; 4 Kingsley, C. Madame II"" and Ladj Why. pp. 33-53 55W1 K inns, S. 1 [armonj ol 1 he Bible w ith science, pp. 470 472. Earthquake of Lisbon 215-49 1 irdner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 4. pp. 145-'/" 603-4 M Jet, II. P. Interior "l the eai th. pp. 56-80 5501 1-6 Proctor, R. A. Borderland of science. PP. -'42 263 5°4-7« Illusions of the senses and other essays. iv -7-30 504-72 Light science for leisure hours, pp. 191-196 mid 21 .5-227 502-69 Reclus, fe. Theearth. pt.4. pp. 583-615. 551-7S Mi. 1I1. in. A. Hoys' and girls' book of science, pp. 14-25 507-83 Earth's earliest ages and their connection w iili modern >]iii itualism and theosophy. Pember, (i. II 2 13 7 Earthward pilgrimage. Conway, Mon- cure E 204-21 Easiesi way in housekeeping and cooking. Campbell, 1 telen 640-25 Eassie, Win. Cremation of the dead: its history and bearing upon public health. L., 1875. 8° 3932 3 1 1, ilthy houses : hand book to the his- tory, defects, and remedies of drainage, ventilation, warming and kindred sub- jects. N. Y .. 1S72. 12 628 43 Eas 1 . Se> I e\ ant. 1 \-i and Wesl poems. Harte, F. Bret. . 456C3 ingels. Woolson, 1 lonstance F. I \si India company. Brook, T. II. Hi-- tory of the island of St. Helena to 1S06. 9997-2 — Wheeler, J. T. India under British rule. 9543 -9 - Markham, C. R. Seafalhers. pp. 1 16-138, 137 63 — See . 201 206. ... 412 5S E \m bi RY. Drury, \. 11. ■ W, Warning ol the II crmon 2' Sto« ■-, II. B. I ool Le] pp. 285 2'y2 ■ the. Stanley, A. P '. Eastern 1 I illey, II. A ; Eastern life. Mann . . 451, 55 1 "i history. Jamieson, R 22 i ; -. manners illusti history. I I; 1 moi Hardy, R. S. .. . 2933-45 I \ rERN proverbs and emblems illustrating old ti uths. I .ong, J 22 E istern question. Bi yce, J 1 and Ararat \'i7'- -' — Bugbee, J. M. Eastern question historic- ally ' 94 — Burnaby, F. On horseback through Asia Minor. 2 v 1 reagh, J. Over the borders of Chris- lorn and Eslamiah. 2 v 1; Denton, W. Christians of Turkey ; their condition under Mussulman rule. ... 44 I i.A.J. Through Bosnia and I [1 gfivina 14 Finn, J. Stirring times ; or, records from thejeru liar chronicles, 1853- 5 6 - 2 v 9569-4 — Holland, T. E. European concert in the Eastern question 34124-4 1 1 ii,'. W. G. Essays on the Eastern tion — St. Clair, S. (I. B. oml Brophy, C. A. Ri tdence in Bulgaria Boynton, C. B. Four great powers, pp. 49 65. England and the eastern .|ues- tion 929-2 I roude, I. A. Short studies. \. 2. pp. 4>0-444 1 tone, W. E. Gleanings of pa-t v. 4. pp. 259-304 and 341 365. (261 1 — Hinsdale, B. A. Schools and -iu.lie-. pp. 254 307 Easi 1 rn seas. B Capt B. W 4^11' I rERN seas ; or. voyage- and adventures in the Indian archipel 1832 34. W 490-3 Eastern side; or, missionary life in Siam. Feudge, Mrs. V. R Easti ike, Chas. 1 ts on household ta>te in furniture, upholstery, and other details. ed. with notes by r'lia Perkins. B., 1872. S= Eastman, Geo. W., joint author. Fulton, L. S. and Eastman, G. W. Practical system of book-keeping EASTMAN. 382- ECCE. EASTMAN, Julia A. Striking for the right. B., 1S73. 16 300A3 Eastman, Mrs. Mary (Henderson). Daco- tah ; or, life and legends <>t the Sioux around Fori Snelling. N. Y., 1849. 12° 97°2-3 Easton, Alex. Practical treatise on street, or horse power railways: their location, construction, and management, with general plans and rules for their organ- ization and operation; together with examination as to their comparative ad- vantages over the omnibus system : and inquiries as to their value for invest- ment; including copies of municipal ordinance- relating thereto. I'hila., 1S59. S° 6256-4 Eastward. Macleod, Norman 458-61 Eastward Ho. [Drama.] chapman. G., Jonson, 1;. and Marston, J. In Chap- man, G. Works. pp. 451-485. . . . 22I('l /;; Marston, J. Works, v. 3. pp. 1- 102 614C1 Eastwick, Edward B. Venezuela; or, sketches of life in a South American re- public, with the history of the loan of 1 sop L., 1868. S° 4S7-4 — ed. l.utfullah: an autobiography. . . . soil'.| Eastwood, I'. Complete manual for the cultivation of the cranberry, with a de- scription of the best varieties. N. V., 1856. 12° 6349-3 Eastwood, Frances. Geoffrey the Lollard. \. V., 1870. 16° 300A5 Marcella : a tale of the early church. N. V., 1S70. 16° 300A55 Eating. See Food. Eating and drinking. Heard. Dr. Geo. M. 643-17 Eating for strength. Holbrook, M. L. . . 643-4 Eaton, Arthur Wentworth. Heart of the 1.1.I,: historical religion in the light ,,l modern thought. N. Y., 1888. 12°. 2S3N-; I VTON, t liarlolle A. Rome in the loth century; containing a complete account of the ruins of the ancient city, the re- mains of the middle ages, and the monu- ments of modern times. 2 v. L., i860. 12 4456 3 I 1,11. (a.ly. Hand-book of Greek ami Roman sculpture, principally from the llau. 1. mi .1 Dr. (has. Friederichs, late ..t 1 nivei ityof Berlin. 1!., 1886. 16°. 732-3 , Dorman Bridgman. Civil service in Gt. Britain: a history of abuses and re- f ,1 in , .1 ml 1 hi 'ii I.. .11 ing upon Ameri- ...hi 1. V Y., 1880. 8°. ... 351-4 EATON, John Richard Turner. Perman ,,f Christianity. N. V., [873. 8°. I Bamplon lei 1 ure . 1872.] Eaton, Rev. Samuel. Headley, J.T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. ■ 10-114 4121-45 Eaton, Wm. Felton, C. Life of Wm. Eaton. /;/ Sparks, J., ed. American biog. v. 9. pp. 167-35S 412-S6 EBB-tide. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Rehl, pseud.) Ebbi 11. Percy G. Emigrant life in Kansas. L., 18S6. S° 47S1-3 Ebel, Dr. Johann. Mombert, J. I. Faith victorious: life, labors and times of Johann Ebel 303B1 EBERS, Georg Moritz, Gain, 111 Egyptologist, />. 1S37. Bride of the Nile. tr.byClara Bell. 2 v. N. V., 1SS7. 16°. — Burgomaster's wife: tale of the siege of Leyden. tr. by Mary J. Safford. L., 1882. 1 6°. — 1 laughter of an Egyptian king. tr. by H. Reed. I'hila., 187S. 12°. [tr. of Eine Eegyptische Konigstochter.] — Egyptian princess, tr. by Eleanor Grove. 2. v. X. V., 1S80. 18°. Another tr. ..I foregoing. — Emperor. 2 v. tr. by Clara Bell. N. V., 1881. 16°. — Homo sum. tr. by Clara Bell. X. Y., 1880. 1 6°. — Lorenz Alma Tadema, his life and works. tr. by Mary J. Safford. N.Y., 1886. 16°. S70B4 — Question, A : the idyl of a picture by his friend Alma Tadema. tr. by Mary J. Sailor. 1. X. Y., 1881. 16°. Richard Lepsius : [a biography], tr. by Zoe Dana Underbill. X. V., 1SS7. 12°. 563B8 — Serapis. tr. by Clara Bell.' N. Y., 1S85. 16°. Sisters, The. tr. by Clara Bell. X. Y., 1881. 16°. — Uarda; a romance of ancient Egypt, tr. by Clara Bell. - Word, only a word. tr. by Mary J. Saf- ford. X. Y., 1883. 16 . EBRARD, Johannes lleinrich August, Ger- man theologian, b. 1S1S. Si half. P. Ger- many : its universities, theology and re- ligion, pp. 389 397 2743-S l.liv. Rev. C. S. New Japan. //; Cook, J. Current religious penis, pp. 176-179 and 267-272 204-231 Ecce ccelum. Run, Rev. E. F 5 2 3-2 Eccb l». u., Parker, Joseph 232-72 Eci E Deus-homo; or, the work and king- dom ..I the Christ of Scripture. Rit/.er, Alex. W 232-35 I . . 1 I . -in ina : an attempt to solve the woman question. White, Carlos 3243 9 Ecce Homo: surve) ol the life of Jesus Christ. Serley. I. R 2328 7 iew "I 1 1 1 e 1 1 104 , 1 Ei centricities "f i lie animal en 1 imb . 1 5915 8 E( 11 ntrii i, I 'mil I English eccentri .mil 11 ' 1 11M n iin 1138-8 Ei . 1 1 ^i \s 1 1 5. .'. , Bible, I '■' 1 <' itament. Ei clesiasticai history. S < Ihurch his- tory. Ecci.esiasticai institutions, [being pt. 6 "I 1 In- Principles of sociology. ] ipencei Herberl 162-85 Ecclesiasi 11 m polity of the New Testa- ment. Jacob, G. A 258 5 ECCLESIASTICAl ve tments. Si. miry, \. P. Christian institutions. pp. [63 19" 257-7 I \ 1 1 , I'll.-. Ai 1 itophanes. 1 !om edies. v. 2. pp. 615 680 8824 1 Echard, Rev. Lawrence. Lawrence, G. Lives of the British historians, v. 1. pp. S'o ; iS 4182 54 Echo club and other literary diversions. Taylor, J. Bayard 876C65 I >f passion. I .athrop, 1 leo. P. Echoes from home: collect: >l songs, ballads, and other home poetry. B., |S r"- i6 c < s ""^| ; Echoes from mist-land; or, the Nibelungen lay revealed. Woodward, A. Auber- tine, (Auber Forestier, tud.) .... .s 3 1 1 1 Ei in 'i - from the gun of 1861. Pike, F. W. A 66] \: Ei HOES from the Song of songs, which is Solomon's. Hopper, Margaret ta. . . 2249 1 Ei inns of a famous year. Parr, II. . . . 9448 7 Echoes of Bible history. Walsh, W. P. . 221-94 Echoes of the foot-hills. Poems. Harte, F. Brel 4561 1 I 1 kermann, Johann Peter, German />. i792-(/. 1S54. ( Ion versations of Goethe with Eckermann and Sorel 8353 \ ECKFORD, Henry. Howe, II. Eminenl mechanics, pp. 211 216 41237-4 Eckstein, Ernst, German writer, ■'. [845. Vphrodite: a romance of ancienl Hellas. tr. bj Mary J. Safford, N. V., 1886 11. . Chaldean magician, The: an adventure in Rome in the reign of emperor D cletian. tr. b) Mary J. Safford. V V., 1886. 16 . Prusias : a romance of ancient Rome under the republic, tr. by Clara Bell. 2 v. N. \ .. 1884. 16 . Iii ii' ,1 1 1 ontinued. ■ I . 1 1 imperial 1 1 • 11 ■ ll. 2. v. V., 1 \\ ill, ! he. 11. I.y 11 Bell. Y .. 1885. 16 1 in I ';.'.' ., 1 4° I-" It I ;r:l|.liy. I ley, E I ■ 1 1 ' 1 ll 111 !.. I 1. m. .hi, \ I ' if faith 1 religious 1 - , Henry I Lardnei 1 »., ed. Museum • •! science and art. v. 12. pp. 1 ' ■ 1 [84. tail, J. limns of exen i>c in the Alps. pp. 429 473 1494-8 nomy. 1 omk entomology; aptera. Murray, A. ph i s 1 1 1 ; ; s 1 i 1 \ii<- studie . Bagi hot, Walter. . . _>.;; 1 1 i Ei • >Ni imii theory ..f the location ..f railv ngton, A. M 1 1 n . .' Pol ■ ny. .... Economics of industry. Mar-hall, Alfred and Mary P Economists. Mordhoff, 1 . In Communistic societies ol the ' Eco iomy of fuel. Prideaux, I. S. Bound with Armour, J. Iron and heat. . . . <■' Boundwitk Abel, C. D. Machinery. 6218 1 .' ; :; trek, F. Four years among Spam Ii \ ii ■ ' 1. ans — Orion, I. Amies and the Amazon. ... 1. \. [ra\ els in the wilds "t 1 tador, and the exploration ol the Putumayo river | Eudas. Anderson, R. B. Norse myth- ology; or, the religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Edd Eddy, Daniel C, /»./'. Europa ; or, scenes f in 1 Switzerland; with an hi- France from the accession ol Napoleon 3d, in 1S52, to the destruction of the empire in 1S71. I'.., 1871. 8°. ... Percy family: Alps ami the Rhine. B., 1868. 16° 4 • Baltic to Vesuvius. B., 1868. 16 . . . 44°-3° 2 Through Scotland and England. B., 1868. 16 \ isil to Ireland. B., 1868. 16 . . . . 441 ; \\ iicr at the seaside : or, facts and f.i nl the shore and the deep. 1... 1S69. 1 5* Walter in Athens. N. Y. n. d. 12°. 4. Walter in Constantinople. N V.,1868. 1 Walter in Damascus. N.N. n. d. 12 Walter in Egypt. N. Y. 11. <1. 12^. . 4 EDDY. 384 EDGEWORTH. Eddy, I). C, continu — Walter in Jerusalem. N. Y. 11. d. 12°. 4581-3 - Walter in Samaria. N. V. 11. d. 12°. 4582-3 Eddy, Henry T. Thermodynamics. \. V.. lS 79- "6° 5367-3 Eddy, Mary B. (Glover.) Science and health. 2 v. Lynn, 1881. 12 172-3 Eddy, Richard. Universalism in America. 2 v. B., 1886. 12° 2891-3 Contents. — v. 1. 1636-1800. v. 2. 1801-86. — llil'liography. Eddy, T. M. Introductory note. /» Coats- worth, S. S. Loyal people of the north- west 9S04-3 Eddy, Thos. Hunt, F. American mer- chants, pp. 329-343 41238-4 Eddystone lighthouse. Story of John Smea- ton and the Eddystone lighthouse. . . 831B] Ede, Chas. Warm hearts in cold regions: a tale of Arctic life. L., 1868. 16 . . 310. \5 Ede, Geo. Management of steel. N. V., lS6 7- I2 °- • 6691-35 Edelweiss. Auerbach, Berthold. Eden, C. H. Ralph Somerville. n.t.p. 16 . 310A55 I DEN, Chas. H. Africa .seen through its ex- plorers. I.. 12° 460-3 — China, historical and descriptive ; with an appendix on Corea. L., 1SS0. 12°. 451-35 Introduction, fn Warburton, P. E. Jour- ney across the western interior of Aus- tralia 4041-0 Eden, Frederic. Nile without a dragoman. L-, 1S71. 12 462-3 Eden, Wm., 1st baron Auckland. Journal and correspondence, with preface ami introduction by [Robt. John Eden, 3d 1 1 Auckland] Bishop of Bath and Wells. 2 v. I.., 1861. 8° 309B1 I mi ,, Garden of. See Paradise. EDERSHEIM, Alfred. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 v. N. Y., n. d. 8°. . 2329-35 Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ. B., n. d. 12 221 ; jc Temple: its ministry ami services, as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. I!.. l88l. 12° 221 12-3 1 DGAR, [ohn 1 .. B03 I I of great men. V V., 1854. 10 . Same, i860. . . . 410-44 ' ■■■•'. nti Si "ii Popi ' J. 1. ..11 Mackin- tosh In Johns in I ord |. 11.. \ Canning. « ukc "I" Marlborough Bonaparte Handel. Mozart. Sir I Lawrence Wilkie. Canova.— Thor- waldsen.— Sir W. Jones lit Arnold Bishop Ken In Pari Di Ch ilmer: John Hun ler.- Sir >. 1 ■ . I I ■• 1 1 1 1 \ udubon Cru 1 1 ! 1 he - 1 u iaders. B., i860. 1 68. 8° 2704-4 Edgar, J. t ... , ontinued. — Footprints of famous men designed as incitements to intellectual industry. X. V.. 1856. Same. L., 1866. 16 . . .- 410 45 Contents. — Washington. — Burke. — Necker. — Pitt. — Lord Erskine. — Lord Collingwood. — Lord Teignmoulh.— Dean Milner.— Hume — Southey. — Moore. — Reynolds. — Chantrey. — Wren.— Dr. Win. Hunter. — Black.— Brindley. — Watt. — Adam Smith. — History for boys; or, annals of the nations of modern Europe. X. V., 1855. 16 . 9208-3 — Sea-kings and naval heroes. Book for boys. X. V., 1878. 1 6° 4159-35 Contents. — Rollo the Norman. — Hasting. — Sweyn, King of Denmark.— Harold Hardrada. — Sir Robert Morley. — Earl of Pembroke. — Duke of Bedford — Sir Andrew Wood. — Drake. — Raleigh. — Earl of Cumberland. — Blake. — Prince Rupert. — Sir Cloudesley Shovel. — Ad- miral Benbow. — Rodney. — Howe. — Earl St. Vincent. — Duncan. — Nelson. — Collingwood. Wars of the Roses; or, struggles of York and Lancaster. X. Y., 1859. Same. L., 1867. Same, 1S70. 16° 934~3 Edgcumbe of Edgcumbe and Cothele. Wal- ford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 1. pp. 14-2S 4' 1-99 Edge, Frederick Milnes. Exploits and triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy, the chess champion. N. Y., 1859. 12°. 647B9 Edged tools. Robbins, S. S 786A4 EDGELL, E. V. Wyatt, joint author. Ashe, Waller and Eclgell, E. V. Wyatt. Story of the Zulu campaign 9683-2 ICli'.H.wiiK ill, Maria, Eng. novelist, b. 1767- d. 1S49. Tales and novels. 20 vols, in 10. X. Y., 1S57. Contents. — v. 1-2. Castle Rackrent. — An es- say on Irish hulls. —Science of self-justification. — Prussian van. — Good aunt. v. 3-4. Moral talcs. — Popular tales. v, 5-6. Popular tales. — Ennui. — The dun. v. 7-8. Manoeuvring. — Almeria. — Vivian, v. 9-10. The absentee.— Madame de Fleury. — Kinilie de Coulanges. — Modern Griselda. v. 11-12. Belinda v. 13-14. Leonora. — Letters. — Patronage v. 15-16. Patronage. — Comic dr; v. 17-18. Harrington.— Thoughts on bor< i , — Ormond. v ti» -20. Helen. — IO v. I,., 1S70. 12°. Contents. — v. 1. Moral tales. v. 2. Popular talcs. v. 4. Castle Rackrenl Essaj on Irish I mils. — Sciem e of self-justifi) ation. —Ennui. — I In d tin. v. 5. Manoeuvring. — Almeria.— Vivian v 6 'IIm al ,11 ale ol fa; hionablc life. M "I him: de Fleury. — Emilie de Coulanges.— Modern l ■ 1 1 h Ida v. 7. Patronage. v. 8. Patronage 1 oni luded Comic dramas. — Leonora. Letters, 5 I Li r ring ton. — Thoughts on bores. — md v. 10. Helen ;ix;k worth 3»5 I. hi < \ l I in kwiik'I'II, Marin, continuta. 11m. and Lucy; with ol rici tales. 2 v. N. \ ., [856. 12 jioAi 1 1 1 1 ' 1 Lovell Edge worth, E iq. : begun by him ell and clu daughter. U, 1844. 8°. 310B6 M01 al tali i Ibi young peopli . I d. 16 - Si N. i I - 1 '. . . . : ' Parent' 1 a istant. n. t. p. [6°. /num. mi, II. Mai isi Edgeworth. . . ;ioB<( I 'i ike, 5. A., eil. 1 inr greal benefa. lot IT- '"> 71 li" I ' Fos I c r , J Critical e 13 * 1 . pp. M7-4*8 377E4 I I de, S. J. I <■ "ii i 1 ' h en's lives. PP. ' I- - "'7 H3 17 K.n iinagli, J. English « omi n ol lettei . pp •- ' 'i 5 4182-5 Mitchell, I). G. Vboul old story-tellers, pp. n 5-128 |i.s 1, Spi ague, W. I'. Ihi. ipi .in 1 elebi il ies. pp. 216-224 1.104-85 1:1.1.1 win; 1 11, Richard I ovell. I M. Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edge- worth 310B6 Foster, J. Critical e aj >. v. 1. pp. 372 4°° 377E4 ,111,/ Maria. I>.ma. R. II. Poems and prose writings. v. 2. pp. 132-155. Review "I Readings on poetry .... 818 ;^ Edinbi I'H, S an I. 1 li mil. ci 5, K. Tra- ms "f Edinburgh 9409—3 Edinburgh life 100 y ;o. 1 1 •■< 1 opham's letters." I.I 144 s Forde, II. A. I'.l.u k and » hile. pp, \2J IP. [Missions.] Guthrie, T. Oul of harness, pp. 1-21. Edinburgh ragged school 241 5 Scotl, \\ . Heai 1 ol Mid-Lolhian. [Ro- mance.] I DINBi 1:1.11 I nt i-i national fori trj 1 shibi- i, 18S4. Rattray, I. and Mill, 1 1. R., '/'. I "i esl rj and foi esl prod ucts. pp. xi xliv 7M7 Edinburgh review, Contributions to. |ef 1 513E5 Edison, rhos. Viva, tin. electrician, b. 1847, Mi 1 Inn'. J. I!., ,-./. Edison and his ntions to] I'u Moncel, T. ,»/./ Preece, W. II. In- candescent electric lights, with particu- lar reference to the Edison lamps at the exhibition 5384 ; Bolton, S. K. Hovi success is won. pp. 171 '"I li- -I - Drake. S. A., al. Oui greal benefactors. pp. 400-475 410-42 1 1 hand portraits "I prominent v « N orkers. pp. io8 114 11247 ,; Edison, I laic-, II I Light PP- ,v s 7 59° " la. 1 [H Murray. Mathi na II. Ed I Idhism : vol Hid 1 B., li I I'll 1 Kail Ei dmann. Baldi 1 the Earl of 1 V \ 1 Cant 1 I 1 I . 1 In Daudet, E. I pt. '■ PP- '" s 87 (I Edmondo. 1 . Antonio. Edmonds, John W. Introduction. ///Home, H. 1 1. In' idenl i in in) li fe — 1111,1 Dexter, G. I Spiri with an appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. \. ^ •■ "854 '7'' 33 1 1' -I ,, J. B, ' infestation amined : Judge Edmonds refuted. . . 17; 27 Thos. Peirce, B. K. Voung Shetlander and h -,i 1 r ; 1-j.Mi mi Dantes: a sequel to the ( mint of M mi. < risto. Edmund Dawn. Bi e, C. W. Edmunds, Flavel. Traces of history in the names of places; with a vocabulary the roots out of which na in England and Wales are found. I .. 1872. 16 Edson, Franklin. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 115-120 M-D7 I HON. Addresses and join nals of ' eedings of the National Education association. Sessions of the year 1 at St. Louis, Mo. V Y., 1872. 8°. . Vlger, \Y. R. Si i I of life 37 . Mrs. 1 1. E. I i. I Dine and s trailing - Atkinson, W. P. On hislor) "l history 1; \ Educati ... .170-13 I win, J. Elementar) ;y and ition li ii 'I. II., 1 ■'. Letl and thoughts on studies and conduct. . . Bates, S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture ton, S. K. Social studies in England. ^04 24 Thoughts on educat topics and institutions — Boys' manual 1 Brew ster, 1 '.. I ectures on education. . kett, I . P. I listory and education EDUCATION. 386 EDUCATK >N. EDUCATH in, continued. — Browning, O. Introduction to the his- tory of educational theories 3709-22 — Bryant, S. Educational ends; or, the ideal of present development 3704-2 — Chambers, W. Youth's companion and counsellor 374-25 — Clarke, E. II. Building of a brain. . . 3761-29 Sex in education; or, a fair chance for girls 3761-3 — Comfort, G. F. Modern languages in education 1017-3 -and Comfort, Mrs. A. M. Woman's education, and woman's health. . . . 3761-33 — Compayre, G. History of pedagogy. . 3709-3 — Craik, II. State in its relation to educa- tion 37942-3 — Dickinson, A. E. Paying investment. . 370-2S — Dodge, A. M., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Our common school system 3797~4 — Duffey, Mrs. E. B. No sex in education ; or, an equal chance for both girls and boys; review of E. II. Clarke's Sex in education 3761-4 - Dwight, B. W. Higher Christian educa- tion 377-3 - Education in Japan : series of letters ad- dressed by prominent Americans to Arinori Mori. X. V., 1S73. 12 . . . 37952-4 — Educational aphorisms and suggestions, ancient and modern. Phila., 1861. 8°. 370S-2 — Eggleston, C. C. How to educate your- self - 374-3 — Everett, E. Importance of practical edu- cation and useful knowledge 370-32 — Farrar, F. W., ed. Essays on a liberal education 375 _3 Foster, J. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance 377E6 — Fowler, O. S. Education and self-im- provement: comprising — Physiology, animal and mental. Self-culture and perfection of character. Memory and intellectual improvement '79-38 - Memory and intellectual improvement applied to self-education and juvenile instruction I79~39 - Self-culture and perfection of character. 179-4 I roebel, F. Education of man 370-42 Gallon, F. English men of science : their nature and nurture 5751-39 1 1. de, E. E. How to do it 574 4 flecker, J. Scientific basis of education. 3701-5 Hinsdale, B. A. School I studies.. 370-47 Hopkin I, I.. P, Edui ational psyi hologj . [80 45 How I was edui tied papers 3704-41 Howe, J. \\ '., ,,/. Sex and edui ation : a reply to Dr. E. H. I lai ke's Sex in edu- m 3761-5 Edui \ riON, continued. — Huxley, T. H. Science and culture and other essays 502-52 — Johnson, A. Education by doing. . . 3723-5 — Kiddle, II. and Schem, A. J. Diction- ary of education and instruction. . . . 3703-5 — Kingsley, C. Health and education. . . 535E1 — Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. . 37092-6 — Mansfield, E. D. American education, its principles and elements 37°-5S — Marenholtz-Biilow, B. von. The child, its nature and relations: an elucidation of Froebel's principles of education, by M. II. K riege 3722-5 — Markby, T. Practical essays on education. 370-6 — Martineau, H. Household education. . 3731-6 — Mathies, G. H. D. En avant Messieurs! being a tutor's counsel to his pupils. . . 374-6 — Maurice, F. D. Learning and working. 370-62 — Mayhew, I. Means and ends of universal education 370-64 — Moncrieff, R. 11., (A. R. Hope, pseud.) Book about boys 3704-45 — Newcomb, S. P. Pleasant pages for young people 37 2 o-7 — Northrop, B. G. Education abroad and other papers 37°~67 — Orton, J., cd. Liberal education of women 3766-6 — Painter, F. V. X. History of education. 3709-7 — Payne, J. Lectures on the science and art of education 370-6S with other lectures and essays. . . . 370-69 — Payne, W. 11. Contributions to the science of education 37°-7 — Quick, R. II. Essays on educational re- formers 3704-7 Schools of the Jesuits 37°94~7 — Randall, S. S. First principles of popu- lar education ami public instruction. . 370-76 — Raub, A. X. Plain educational talks with teachers and parents 370—77 — Richter, J. P. F. l.evana; or, the doc- trine of education 37°~79 — Rogers, J. E. T. Education in Oxford ; its methods, its aids, and its rewards. . 37842-7 Rosenkranz, T. K. F. Philosophy of edu- cation 370 81 — Russell, W. Principles and methods of human culture 37'. i 7 -Schmidt, II. I. Education 3709-S Sewell, E. M. Principles of education. 376-8 Spencer, II. Education: intellectual, moral and physical 37<>-87 Spurzheim, J. G. Education: its element- ary principles founded on the nature of man 3701-S Stow, D. Trainings) tern ol education, 3707 -S Todd, J. Student's manual 374-9 — Watts, I. Improvement of the mind. . 374-94 I i.i - \ rioN. . I hi < VI K)V\I.. Em ' * i ION, continued. \i'i 1 1 , i .. w, i 13 pp. 514 566. Edui ation in Ireland 103I j l:.ii I ■ . 1 1 1 1 ■ I . A.I. I ale i, 1 1 hi'! 1 pp. 16 -•; 828-16 Bartol, C. A. Princi] 'les and porl mils. pp. (2 65 1 ;M .: Be. I ei . w ■ A. 1 lharicles : illustrati I i" |.i 1 '. iti' lifi "i [he ii" i ■' eeks. •'7 «4<5 4053-2 1 edict, E. C. Run through Europe. I'l i" ; ii". Rome 440-15 ■ low . J. Modern inquiries, pp. 1 . in the limits <>f education. . . . 152K2 r " " 1 . Gleanings from a literary life, pp. ' .;- 1 ;-"i 1 Brown, J. Spare hours, v. I. pp. 297- 310 188I 2 Brownson, < >. A. W01 ks. v. 10. pp. ,"l 584. and v. 12. pp. 496-514. . 818 1- Bushnell, II. Building eras in religion. PP- 35-7' • • 204-1-3 Buxton, S. Hand-1 k to political ques- 1 "i 1!"' day. pp. 22-37 32042-2 I lii ■;. \\ . E. Works, x . 1. pp. (69 3 8 7 20S 17 Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures. So- cialism, pp. 196-209 538 25 Dick, I'. Works, v. 4 and 5 82S 35 l>i\, J. A. Speeches and addresses, v. 2. pp. 72-115. Education of teachers. 815 3 rson, K. W. Lectures and bio- graphical sketches, pp. 123-150. . . 318E5 Fawcett, 11. and M. G. Essays and lect- pp. 50-69 304 36 Froude, |. A. Short studies, v. 2. pp. 143 383E2 1 Id, J. A. Win ks. v. 2. pp. 19- 25. National aid to education Sis (,5 -Gladden, W. Applied I hristianity. pp. 120 2576-3 the, J. \V. \\ isdom ol ( loethe. pp. *35 «46 83539-2 Goulburn, I . M. Education of the world. In Replies to essays and reviews, pp. ■5 59 204-29 M. G. Woman's educational move- ment. //; Sianion, T., ed. Woman ques- tion in Europe, pp. 30-62 396-S5 ilund, 1.. ( lo-operative common- wealth; an exposition of modern social- ism, pp. 207 224 33S-35 - Hamerton, P. C. Intellectual life. pp. 73 '33 452E6 - Harris, S. s. Relation of Christianity to civil society, pp. 123-158 2576-4 Helps. A. Friends in council, ser. 1. v - '• PP- 120 157 ,,.,| s Hitchcock, E. Religious truth illustrated from science, pp. o 54 215-41 1 nlinutd. 1 1 ley, T. II. Cril PP- .ii 5,v hey 1..I h I1.1i thej may do rColtzof) Mo iliky, II. [Dora d' f stria.) Edui in Italy. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in 1 pe. pp. (20 ;-■ ■ I ubboi I , I Pli ' life. pp. 172 I'M More, II. Works, v. 1. pp. ;n 416. 82i Phillip . Wendell. Speei !"■-. I< ami letters, pp. 319-342 ',.11111. > . I . I ' I PP 67 95 \Cu e, H. Nature ai 130. Education and its ... Rogei II I Co !.n and modern politi' al opii pp. [43-382. . . . 3 1 ill, J. Recollections and sugges- tions, pp. 305-322. National education. 798B7 Savage, M. J. Modem sphinx and ol her riddles, pp. 63 78 — Seward, W. II. Addresses on educal In linker, G. I'.., ed. Life of Win. II. id. pp. 200-21S 818B92 — Tasistro, L. F. Kan and south- ern breezes, pp. 196-210 475-9 - Temple, I-'. Education of the world, pp. 1 11. In Essays and reviews 204-28 W ml, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Vic- toria, v. 2. pp. 238-321 938-9 Wheeler, D. II. By-ways of literature. pp. 55 68. Hid education and modern. S04-94 Voumans, E. L. Introduction — on mental disi tpline in education. In Culture de- manded by modern life. pp. 1—56. . . Blind. Hooks and reading. Chil- dren. 1 i. ica ■■••'■ ' ! ges. Cul- ture. Examinations. Girls. Kinder- garten. Manual training. Object leach- ing. I'li_\ si, .1! culture. Scln mis. reach- ing. Technical education. Universities. Young men. I i vtion of the artist. Chesneau, E. . . I in 1 \iii.N\i, biography. Barnard. II Memoirs ol . and pro- motors and benefactors of education, literature and science. Teachers of the L "- S 4157-2 Teachers of Germany 41 57-21 — &c also Biographies of the following: Arnold, T. Cornell, E. Dunster, II. I-'isk. W. Froebel, F. Garfield, J. A. lewis. S. Liel.er, F. I. von. Mary. M. A icker, J. Mann, 11. Mott, I Pestalozzi. Raymond, J. II. Steffens, II. Vander Palm, J. II. WiUard, Emma. EDWARD. 388 EDWARDS. Edward, or Eadward, called the confessor, king of the Anglo-Saxons, b. about 1004- d. 1066. //; Gilliat, E. Champions of the right, pp. 36-50 4'°4-4 - Spooner, E. Historical scenes, pp. 41- 57 903-85 Edward I, king of England, b. 1239-*/. 130;. Tales of heroes. [>p. 83-116 411-96 Edward the second. [Drama.] Marlowe, C. Works, pp. 118-155 613C6 Edward III, king of England, />. 1312-rf. 1377. Ashley, W. J., ed. Edward III and his wars 9337~ 2 — Warburton, W. Edward III 9337-9 — Ellis, W. Royal jubilees of England. pp. 1 10-163 9308-3 Edward VI, king if England, />. 1537-,/. 1 553- Buckley, T. A. I 'awnings of genius. pp. 1 17-123 4IO-2 — Children's stories, pp. 71-75 410-27 (. Irich, S. ( ',. Heroism of boyhood. pp. 13-2° 410-51 — Kingsley, R. G. Children of Westmin- ster Abbey, pp. 105-129 411-6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 1. pp. 171— 179 411-65 Masson, M. Celebrated children. pp. 72-75 410-72 Edward, called the black prince, b. iyyy-d. 1376. Creighton, L. Life of Edward the Black prince 311B8 Adams, W. II. I). Memorable bailies in English history, pp. S6-102. . . . 930S-2 Gardiner, S. R. Historical biographies. PP- 44-78 4"-45 -I on, I., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 35- $8 410-7 — Wharton, F. C. Sketch. In Prize papers. 760E1 Edward, Thos., Brih '. b. 1814. Smiles, S. Life oi :l Scotch naturalist. 312B1 -Barton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 224-231. ... 4169-7 Edward and Mary: [a tale]. Dana, R. II. 1 'oem and 1 \, ritings. v. 1. pp. 222-269 818 33 Edv irdes, Mrs. Annie. Archie Lovell. N. Y. 8°. Blui tOi in' V "l .. I N 7 7 . 12°. I .,11;,. \. \.. 1874. 12°. I lh: a woman of fashion. N. V., n. d. 8°. iii. -\. Y.. 1S73. 12°. i . right' daughter. N. Y., [886. [6 \. Y. 10 Susan Fielding. \. Y. 8°. 11 V Y., 1873. 12°. Vivian tin- beauty. N. V.. r88o. 12°. Edwardes, Herbert B. and Merivale, Her- man. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. N. v., 1873. 8° 559835 EDWARDS, Amelia Blandford, Eng. author, />. 1831. Barbara's history. N. Y., 1N74. 8°. - Debenham's vow. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1S70. 1 6°. — Hand ami glove. Leipzig, 1865. 16°. In the days of my youth. Phila., 1874. 16°. Miss Carew. X. V., 1875. 8°. — My brother's wife. N. V., 1S72. 8°. — Ordeal for wives. N. Y., 1872. 12°. -Steven Lawrence, yeoman. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1869. 16°. Edwards, Arthur M. Life beneath the waters; or, the aquarium in America. N. V., 1858. 12° 5899-3 Edwards, B. B., joint author. Sears. B.. Edwards, B. B. awrfFelton, C. C. Clas- sical studies S70-8 Edwards, Mis. C. M. My sistei Margaret: a temperance story. N. Y., 1859. 16° 310A95 Edwards, Chas. History and poetry of finger-rings : with preface by R. II. Stod- dard. N. Y., 1S80. 12° 39'7"4 Edwards, Edward. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, together with his letters. 2 v. L., 1868. S°. v. I. Life. v. 2. Let- ters 759B2 Edwards, Emory. Catechism of the marine steam-engine. 1881. 12° 62112 -35 — Practical steam engineer's guide in the design, construction and management of American stationary, portable, ami -leant lire-engines, steam pumps, boilers, injectors, governors, indicators, pistons and rings, safety-valves, and steam gauges. Phila., 18S3 12° 6211-33 I I'M irds, Frederick, jr Ventilation of dwelling houses, ami the utilization of waste heat from open lire-places, includ- ing chapters on London smoke and fog, modern lire-places, etc. 1... 1881. 4°. 62S1-3 Edwards, Henry Sutherland; Faust leg- en,!: its origin and development; from the living Faustusof the first century to the Faust of Goethe. 1... 18S6. 16°. . 8357 .; Life "I Rossini, with a portrait by G. hn. B., n. ,1. 16° 79SB4 Edwards, John I. Random sketches ami notes ol European travel in -1856. N. S .. 1856. 12° 440-3' EDWARDS, Jonathan, Am. divine and meta- physician, 6. 170; ,/. 1758. Works. 4 v. V Y., 1856. S° 20S 27 Contents. \ , Me rs ol Presidenl Ed- wards Farewell sermon, Inquiry concerning 1 1: 'inn i, inns for communion Reply t. Re, i-.nu \ki»s. r<;(;. Edw \i" i| Jonal han, continued. s Willi. .in .iii' mp tion Dial bin mai ' i f thi Spiril of i tod Misccll tions on importnnl do* i rinei li • mint oi t tic lifi i Dnvid Brninerd v. 2. I nquti y into Diaacrtntii nccrnin th< ■ nd I i i h God created thi world Di ertati n n 1 1 tun ol I virtue Doi i oi original in d< Fended Wisci Hi ■' ei ttion i ■ 1 1,, dh in, decrees in genei al and elccl ion in particular. Remai I ion« ffii iciou raci ' lb e r va t io n i i nee i ^ faith v ; L'rcatisc truing religiou Ifi tion a N ■ i 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 o I i r p r i in ■ ■ i i ions i hou fhta "H the revival of religion in Now Engla I'.i , in i \o Vn attempt to pi omoti i plicil ' 1 1 i mi m < 'oii- cei g the pers rai I saints Reasons , ,| TI ,i | h Watt's nol ii m i ii I he pr< existenci • ■( i Ihrist's hum. ii ..iii M \ i ries oi Si ripl mi e < lb iei \ ations upon parti< ulai passag' ol Scripture. Theological qui itions Six occa- sional sei mons, \ | Sit in ins "ii varii >us imp< irtant subj< ■ I ['appan, II. P. Review of Edwards' in- quiry into the freedom of the will. . . [88 9 Fisher, . W. Pages from an old volume ■ 1 life. pp. j6i 4«M 483 E72 Sparks, |., ed. American biography, v. 8. pp. 3 256 412-86 Edwards, M. A. Philip in Palestine, Phila., 1S65. <2° r5« 3 Edwards, Matilda Betham, English novelist, b. 1836. Doi tor Jai ob. I ., (868. i6°. Sylvesters. Leipzig, 1S72. 16 . in western France. I.., 1877. 12 . 444-27 Edwards, Rollin. Twice defeated ; or, the storj of a Wark society Phila., [877. 16°. Edw vrds, S, A. ll.nnMM.uk ..| mythology. Phila., 1883. 16 294 17 Edwards, rryon, ed. World's laconics ; or, the besl thoughts ol the besl authoi s, in prose and poetr) ; with an in trod, by Wm. B. Sprague. X. V., 1866. 12°. 807-36 Edwards, Wm., Englii r and archi- tect, 1719 1789. Craik, G. L. Pur- suit "f knowledge under difficulties. pp. 517-520 4»o-3S Howe, II. Eminenl mechanics. pp. *53 -57 4>237 I Mm who have ni.uk- themselves, pp. ;i s (S3 MO 757 iRDS,Wm. Personal adventures during the Indian rebellion in Rohilcund, Fut- tehghur and Oude. I .. 1858. 12° 9544 ;; 1 is, Wm., conti ett, l>. W. Heroe "I ihe In Hi. ,n. pp. j {o 389. A ..1 I udge Edwards in Rohih und, F ut- bur and < lude Edward's « ife, M rshall, Ei 614A25 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop, Tlreoi Ed in of Deira | Smith, Edw v the I D. Eelkinc, Max von. Mcmoii . letti 1 rnals ol M ■ . G during his re idem e in Imerii .... by W II, . I . St. Ii-. 2 V. Ail...: In 1 . Rev. M. Ten years ,.f missi work among the Indians al Skokomish, \\ ishington territory, 1874 1884. B., 1886. 12° 21 Iii, Samuel, t. 1810-,/. 1S42. Memorial ..I Samuel Eel Is. ed. by James Eel Is, D. I). Cleveland, O., 1873. 8°. . . 312B6 Contents. — In memoriam. II 1 1 is connection with the Alpha Dell i ciety. — Address at Miami university.- His in- terest in general educatii n. Vddress l.cforc the Colleg. nnal His liter- ary tastes and p] I ., his brother. — Address before the biennial conven- tion II' pi 1 tssional life and Con- cluding remarks. — Address before the city Bible society. I 1 1 1 1 if cros and self-fertilisation in the vegetable king. lom. Darwin, C. R. . 5813 4 i ind her strange acquaintances. Crofts, ^'••■■J -55-Vs EFFIE Raymond's life work. Bell, Jeannie. 145 \ I s I .1:1 1; 1. king of England. Ellis, W. Royal jubilees of England, pp. 25 41. . . . 930S-3 I...11.1. Hans, missionary to Greenland, />. i6S6-. D., Am. author, l>. 1S37. Circuit rider. X. V., 1S74. 12 . — End of the world. X. Y., 1872. 12 . — Hoosier school boy. X. Y., 1S83. 12°. 311A4 - Hoosier schoolmaster. N. Y. 12 . - Mystery of Metropolisville. X. Y., 1873. 12°. Queer stories for boys and girls. X. V., 1884. 12° 3HA5 — and Seelye, Lillie (Eggleston). Brant and Red Jacket: including an account of early wars of six nations and border warfare of the revolution. N. V., 1S79. 16° 180R4 - Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. X. Y., 1S80. 12° 6441:7 Pocahontas ; including an account of the early settlement of Virginia and the adventures of Capt. John Smith. X. Y., 1879. 12 7401:2 Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet ; including sketches of George Rogers • lark, Simon Kenton, William Henry Harrison, Cornstalk, Blackhoof, Blue Jacket, the Shawnee Logan, and others famous in the frontier wars of Tecum- seh's time. N. Y., 187S. 12° SS0R1 — Rideing, W. II. Boyhood of living authors. \<\<. 62-73 41S-74 Eggleston, George Gary, Am. author, />. 1839. Big brother : story of the Indian war. X. Y., 1S75. 12° 3HA7 — Captain Sam. n. t. p. 16° 311A73 — How to educate yourself. N. V., 1874. '- 374 j Man 'if honor. X'. Y. 12°. — Rebel's recollections, n. t. p. 16°. . . 9819-3 Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. X. Y.. 187S. 12°. 929B1 Wreck of the " Red Bird " : story of the 1 arolina coast. N. X., 1S82. 12°. . . 311A9 Eginhard, French historian, it. about 844. Life oi the Emperor Karl the Great, tr. by William Glaister. 1.., 1877. 12°. . 221B6 I'.ii' i' in, Nathaniel It. I tand-1 k of tree-planting: why, what, where, and how to plant. N. Y., 1S84. 16°. . . 714-4 E'lome nid its surroundings; or, villages and village life, with hints for their im- provement. V Y., 1SS4. 12°. . . . 640-3 I gmi '■. i . 1 1 Irama. | v. 1 (oel In-. I. W. von. Ego. French, II. W. I 'ii 1 ' omedy in narrative. Meredith, 1 ., ., 1 OTl W. I luhring, J. 1 ientlefolks and othei pp 168 102 ; ( ij (j Egotist, The. King, H. T 534E5 Egypt. Subdivisions: 1. Ancient and gen- eral history and archaeology. 2. Mod- ern history. 3. Travels. 4. Religions. 5. Missions. 6. Illustrative romance-. 1 . Ancient an J general history and archce- ology. — Adams, W. II. I). Egypt, past and pres- ent : with a narrative of its occupation by the British, and of recent events in the Soudan 462-12 Land of the Nile 912-12 - Valley of the Nile, its tombs, temples and monuments 462-13 — Belzoni, G. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia 403-2 — Berkley, E. Pharaohs and their people. 912-17 Birch, S. Egypt from the earliest times to B. C. 300 912-2 — Brugsch, H. K. (Brugsch- Bey.) Truestory of the Exodus of Israel 22512 1 — Budge, A. E. W. Dwellers on the Nile. 403-23 — Clement. C. E. Egypt 912-3 — Cooper, W. R. Short history of the Egyptian obelisks 40;- ; — Keary, A. Early Egyptian history. . . 912-45 — Lanoye, F. T. de. Rameses the Great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago 9'2~5 ( (shorn, II. S. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discoveries 912-7 — Poole, R. S. Cities of Egypt 403-6 — Rawlinson, (',. History of ancient Egypt. 912-75 - and Gilman, A. Story of ancient Egypt. 912-74 — Robinson, C. S. Pharaohs of the bond- age and the Exodus 912-76 Russell, M. View of ancient ami modern Egypt 9'2-77 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt to A. 1 >. 640. 2 v 912-83 — Weisse, J. A. Obelisk and freemasonry. 4032-9 Wilkinson, J.G. Popular account of the ancient Egyptians. 2 v 403-9 — Wilson, E. Egypt of the past 912-95 Baldwin, l.T. Pre-historic nations, pp. 267-305 910-15 Beke, C. Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia ami r. E. (R.) W 1 '■ i ■ ovei Bible land 1 pp. 20 \\. . . . 4? s 22 ( ox, S. S. 1 irieni sunbeams ( ui tis, B. R. I ' ■ ound the circle. pp. 202 ;i2 4.i s 26 (iii/i.n, R. Monasteries of the Kast. pp- 1 143 2 "' .; — Cuyler, T. I.. From the Nile to Norway and I. pp 1 ; 77 1 • Day, H. I ad. pp. 1 50. 4 \o 275 Dicey, E. The morning land. 2 v. in 1. v. 2 '.■ I lisraeli, B. Home letlei i. pp. 120 14 Durbin, J. P. Observation-, in the Kast. v.I. pp [-I02 Farlej . J. 1 Eg) pt, « lyprus and A Turkey, 1S7S. pp. 1-9 —"Field, II. M. From 1 ;ypl [apan. pp. 1-105 I Fish, S. Mr.' 1 lunn Bi 1 wn's experie pp. 1 1 9- 144 14 Pastor's memorial of the Holy land. 1847. pp. 69-120 j. W. P. A: abistan ; or. la Arabian nights: being travels through I pt, Arabia, etc. pp. 34-Sl. . . • Round the world letters from Japan, China, India and Egypt, pp. 210-257. 4;^ .;; nie, J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim niem EGYPT. 392 — EGYP Egypt, continued. — Grey, Mrs. W. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece, etc., [in 1868-69]. pp. 24-155. X. V., 1870 462-44 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight ovei Egypt and Syria, pp. 52-229 462-45 — Half hours in many lands, pp. 3-60. . 439-46 — Hamilton, C. Oriental zigzag; or, wan- derings in Syria, Moab, Abyssinia and Egypt 462-46 — Ilarman, II. M, Journey to Egypt and the Holy land, 1S69-70. pp. 68-102. . 458-45 — Harriman, W. Travel and observations in the Orient, pp. 69-89 4499-4 — Herbert, Lady M. E. Cradle lands, pp. 9-5 1 4.58-46 — Jones. G. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus and Balbec. pp. 1-12S. . . 458-51 — Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in the far East. pt. 4. Egypt and the Holy land. pp. 13-266 462-52 — Leech, II. H. Letters of a sentimental idler. pp. 98-275 4499-46 I epsius, < '. K. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai [in 1842] 462-59 - Lindsay, A. W. C. Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy land in 1836-37. IT- 21-157 458-57 Luring. \V. W. Confederate soldier in Egypt- pp. 3-2SS 462-62 McGarvey, J. \V. Lands of the Bible [in 1879]. pp. 419-443 45S-59S MacGavock, K. \Y. Tennessean abroad, pp. 215-237 439-6 Macleod, N. Eastward, pp. 1-72. . . 45S-61 - Marlineau, II. Eastern life. pp. ; 258. 459-55 Moore, J.,/>. Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient, pp. 1-152 440-63 New hall, ( '. S. I [arry's trip to the ( >> ient, [885. pp. 287-340 157 -OS ' Hin, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia IVn.< .1 and the Holy land [in 1S39-40]. v. 1. PP- I8-3S° 458-7 Peebles, J. M. Around the world, pp. 27-' 315 438 71 - Potter, 11. C. Gates of the I ast. pp. o 103 462-68 Pi line, S. I. Travels in Eui "pi' and the East. \. 2. pp. 397 439 440-75 Kandall, I'. A. Handwriting of God. [1861.] pp. 46 224 45S-76 Robinson, T. Wanderings in Scripture lands, pp. 1 i ; , 458-782 Russell, \Y. II. Diary in the Last |in 1 1-3 1 462-77 Senior, N. W. ' onvei satii 1 ind ji ur- inals in Egypt and Malta. 2v 462-82 Egypt, continued. — Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. pp. 519-678 438-81 — Smythe, B. A. B. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines, pp. 1-84 4499-1S — Southworth, A. S. Lour thousand miles of African travel 4628-84 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of (ravel in Egypt, Arabia l'etr.ea and the Holy land. v. 1. pp. 1-177 4499-72 — Sumner, Airs. G. Our holiday in the East. pp. 3-66 458-86 — Taylor, I!. Egypt and Iceland in the year 1S74. pp. I I-I49 462-9 Journey to Central Africa, pp. 13-170. 462-91 — Thackeray, W. M. Cornhill to Cairo. — Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross. 2 v. in 1. v. 1 4499-91 — Warren, W. W. Life on the Nile, etc. [1S66-67.] 462-95 — Warrington's abroad, pp. 187—234. . . 4401-SS — Weld, A. G. Sacred palm lands, pp. 1-66 458 94 4. Religions. — Cook, Mrs. M. Idyll of the while lotus. 21: [9 — Renouf, P. Le Page. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient l'gypt 2916-7 — Tiele, C. P. History of the Egyptian religion 2916-8 — Bibles of other nations, pp. 51-56. . . 290-25 — Dodds, [. Religion of ancient Egypt. In Faiths of the world, pp. 122-152. . 290-4 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. v. 2. pp. 215-305 290-47 llowitt, W. Historyof the supernatural. v. 1. pp. 297-306 «74-48 Martineau, 11. Eastern life. pp. 3-25S. 459-55 • Rawlinson, G. Ancient Egyptian j terns. hi Non-biblical systems of re- ligion, pp. 17-53 290-62 - Religions of the ancient world. pp. 5-34 290-7 5. Missions. Whately, M. L. Among the huts in l'gypt 462-97 — l'onlr, II. A. Black and while. pp. 178-192 263-35 Voung, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 237-292 263-9 6. Illustrative romances. Ebers, G. M. An Egyptian princi . :v. D tighter of an Egyptian king. [Same.] I Hi] 1 lomo sum. Sisters. Uarda . Grant, J. Royal Highlanders. RCA I' I I.I I.' I \ l-j.\ i i , continued. In ill 1 . 1 1 ['ill 11 "I fin [undt, K. (M.(, (I i i I \i'. ■ ih, \Y. Kin i I ians, Nott, J. < '. and < Hidden, 1 1 R, I |.i ol mankind. pp. i 1 1 ■ 1S8 i i i i i li) I mnie Rayi id Kitter, B., [870. i«. I I ■ I nil 11 I 1 I .11 I . I 11 I • ' ■ I pp 102 [05 7 7 - ' ' I 1 .. Reii In n bai b, M. von. I 1 1 11 1 1 . I 1 opold . Nature and 1 urn 1 1 art, 1 Ni - V., 1881, 8' In, 11 1 cousins : "i , the Aunl hill. \ I '.hi.. M 114A3 ElGH 1 houi system. Kelley, W.I 1 .peechi addresses and lettei . pp. 278 28 j En 111 limi'li ed l.'i" i the Amazon : being pt. 1 ol the 1 lianl raft. Vc ne, | I 1. .111 11 i hs "I. the 1 ■• an Chaco .1 the Vrg i 1 epublic. Pelle chi, G. . . ,.\Si 74 Eiuil'l studies of the Lord's day. B., 1885. '•• wandei ings in 1 leylon. Baker, W II"' Eighteen Christian centuries. w I mes 1 1 ni', 1 n Uden, Mr . I abella 1M.1. ud.) 714A28 Eigh 1 s j ..11 s "i republican "'it in the 1 nited States. \< ■ . I .. J. . Eiki in Basilike : portra King Charles I ; with a prefai eby C. M. Phillimore 222V2 -I. I . I'. 1 ,. Biogi aphii 1 udies on the English revolution; or, Monk's temporaries, pp. 177 189. Bound with Monk, or the fall "I the Republic. [Re- I 4"-43 . 1 -. M ilton, J. Pro e works. v. 1. pp. 437-S48 S2S-61 iris. L., 1868. in ; 1 ; \-' Ell oar 1 . Mrs. C. J- I a. n. t. p. 12° 3I2A2 discipline. V V., 1874. S°. \\ "in.". « 1 1 mg. Phila. 12 . KNE. II udson, Marj 1 lemmer. mtures of a stranger. Picken, Andrew. /« Club book, v. 1. pp, 1 [9 1S0 vbali s. S . I leliogabalus. ■■ \i. Chas. Physician's problems. B., ■ On degcnei lion in man, On moral and criminal cpidemi I '/////. ./. lie 11 I I ■ I, I. I ll . 1 : llalsti Mi I:. 1 ill ud.) . . ''7-'S Win.. ,)/. /'., ' -I 1 ' i, 1 , Phila Bi bi my, and ol and I . t. l" . Phila. 16° and .1 .... 1 hi 11 1 . W . Manual of qualil blow 1 live mineralogy. ed. by II. B. Ma . 1881. 12 549" I ! 1 f the turf and the 1 rse in America. /« Walsh, |. II. Horse in the stable and the Held. pp. 527-556 I.i don, Earl of. fohn. Eldorado; or, adventures in the path of 1 B ■] I7'. : 1 1 . 1 1. V Vddre •'<■' 1 1 -dale, B. \. President Garfield and educal pp. 157-158 1 ir, empress, wife of Leopold /, oj Austria, 1 ' •■ Kavanagh, |. Women ..1 Christianity, pp. 201- 210 M3 - 55 OR, of Aquitaine, queen • Henry II, ngland, b. about 1 1 22-\ n i N. V., 1884. . . .' '. . . ! 1 lei Lricitj md the elei trii ti legi aph. N. V ■ '*77 538-75 Hen, II. Magneto-: lei 1 1 ii and tlyna- n el mai hines. \. \ ., 1884. . . 5383-8 Spi ague, J. I . Elei trick) it tl . is and applii il I ... 1884. . . 5.57 85 Stewart, B. and Gee, \Y. \\ . II. Lessons in rlcincin.il ) practical ph) ii v. 2. 1 lei trii it) and m igneti m. I .. 1887. 5 (7 86 s« inbui 11c. |. Practical eleel 1 ii al units. L., 1883. 5377-7 1 hi imp 1 m, S. P. I >', 11 i, trii ma- chinery. I... 1884 5383-9 I lcmciii.il v le "ii in elei trii it) and magnetism. L., 1883 537-88 I j ml. ill. I. I essons in el< iiy at the Royal institution, 1875 6. V V.. ' SS| 537-9 1 1 tnitzky, A. von. Electricity in the ci \ ice 11I man 53; 1 w 01 nn-ll, K. Magnetism and r\r< trii ity. 1 ••. "• '1 537 '"■ 1 ranklin, B Works, v. 5-6 818 4 [Iiggins, W. M. The earth, pp. 159 '79- 1-. ii- '1 55" v s I art! 1 1 . 1 . I '. I land-1 k . 1 I natural phi- losophy and astronomy. pp. 222 445. Phila., 1854 530 55 -<• • 1 1\ and life. Papillon, F. Nature and life. pp. 155-178 577 7 ELECTRO-deposition : practical treatise on gold, iih ci, copper, ni and other metals and alio) vera! chapters on electro-metallurgy. \\ Alex. 1 ., 18811 I to magnetic engine R . ! .. ■ . \\ J . M. Manual •■! < hi other pi mm in. .-.ci ,. pp. I 1 1 • 1 mi 1 ii. Elei trol) is. 1.1 J85 1 , . 1 1 , ■ , 1 , . \ , ■ . X . '877 Napier, I. M metal- 1 eleu \ G tions. Phila., 1.872 W atl, \. I 1. tro metallurgy. \. v., ■■I S Bal ewell, F. ' !. 1 Ireal facts, pp. 187. N. Y.. i860 British manufacturing industries, v. 3. IT- '37- '5° Byrne, O. Metal-worker's assistant, pp. 489-508 and 587-610. [Phila., 1872.] . 1,71 2 ELECT m .-plating. .V 1 metallurgy. I lei mo-typing. Urquhart, J. W. Ele typing. L., 1881. . . 6 Byrne, O. Metal worker's assistant, pp. 533-562. [Phila., 1872.] ,.7, 2 Davis, I). Manual of magnetism, pp. '" 1 "° 539 I I 11 UROMETER. Science lecture^ at South Kensington. v. I. pp. 216-24.8. ... I'm. i'k.in ; or, the pranks of the modern Puck: telegraphic epic for the tic Richards, W. C Elena. Comyn, L. N. Eleonore. Rothenfels, E. von. Eli i ham. Elephant as he exists in a wild state, ami as he has been made subservi- ent in peace and war, to the purpos. man. \.\.. [855. 16 5999-6 I [1 ilder, C. F. Ivor) king. [Bibl aphy, PP- 3!7-3 2 4] 5996-4 — Jardine, W. Thick skinned quadril] Jn Naturalist's library, v. 23 590-5 - Tennent, J. E. Wild elephant 5996-9 - I lickens, C., ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 105— 118. Arl ling elephants. I . eson, H. A.. (Old Shekarry, / Sport in many lands. pp. 17; 213 Elephant hunting in India. .... — Set also Animals. Hunting. Natural his- tory. Zoology. lni club. Thompson, M. M., (Q. K. I'. Doesticks, pseud.) History and 1 of the Elephant club man mysteries. Ken:. 1 . prints on the road. pp. 290-327. . . 41 Ei 1 1 rHERlUS, St. Anderdon, W. II. I ings with the saints, pp. 165-1S0. . . 414-2; ; u>K. The. [Farce.] i Eleven years in Ceylon. I 454" 4 1 nth commandment. Barrili, A ELEVEN! II. 39 6 ~ ELIOT. ELEVENTH regiment. [Ohio volunteer in- fantry.] Horton, J. IP and Ti baugh, S 9796-4 I 1 V, Henry. Geology in the garden ; or, the fossils in the flint pebbles. L., 1859. l6 ° ■ 5504-3 Elflora of the Susquehanna. Harlan, C, JS-iM Elfrida : a drama. Rishell, D 788C6 El. Gringo ; or, New Mexico and her peo- ple. Davis, W. W. II 4789-3 Elgin, Lord. See Bruce, Jas. Li 1. Maurice, F. D. Patriarchs and law- givers of the Old Testament, pp. 336- 347 2226 ' , E1.1 Perkins [at large], his sayings and doings. Landon, M. D 817—55 Ella; or, Spain fifty years ago. Arrom, Cecilia Bohl de Faber. Pi 1 \na : being hitherto uncollected writings. Lamb. Chas 554E5 ELIANE. Craven, Mrs. Augustus. ELIGIUS, St. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of medi.ival Europe, pp. 77-86 4142-57 Elijah. Taylor, W. M. Elijah the pro- phet 2218-3 — Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs, pp. 343-3 66 2217-45 — Hills, O. A. Companion characters, pp. 171-18S. Elijah and Elisha 2217-47 — Trench, A. Sermons, new and old. pp. 1-10. Elijah's translation and Christ's ascensii »n. — Williams, IP P. Boys of the Bible, pp. 187-209 2217-9 Eliot, Chas. Wm., LL. />., president of Har- vard university, b. 183 1, ,!>i,/ Slurer, P. 11. Elementary manual of chemistry, ed. by Win. R. Nicholas. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 540 ?i Manual of 1 ganii 1 hemistry. N. Y.. IS69. 12° 546-3 McCosh, J. Religion in 1 college, what place ii sin in Id have : In- mil; an examina tion ol Pres. Eliot's paper read be! the 10th 1 enturj club, in N . \ ,. I eb. 3, 1886 377 6 Eliot, Francis. Red cardinal. Bristol, 1885. 16°. Eliot, George, pseud, of Mary Ann I afterwardi Mrs. /•,"■/. . nter y b. 1S10 y Felix Holi 1 - Eliot, George, continued. book: Authorship. — Judgments nn auth ■Story-telling.— Historic imagination. — Value in originality.— To the prosaic all thin prosaic.—" Dear religious love." — We make our own precedents.— Birth of tolerance Feli* qui non potuit. — Divine grace a real eman.it ion.— A fine excess. — Feeling is energy. Es,ay--. complete ; collected and ar- ranged, with an introduction on her ■•Analysis of Motives." ed. by Nathan Sheppard. X. Y. 12° ;i :l 1 Contents Gi . Eliot's " Analysis of Mo- tives.— Carlyle's life of Sterling.— Woman in France. — Evangelical teaching. — German wit. — Natural history of German life. — Silly novels by lady novelists. — Worldlincss and other-world- liness. — Influence of rationalism. — Grammar of ornament. — Felix Holt's address to working men. — Felix Holt, the radical. N. Y\. i S 7 3 . 12°. — Impressions of Theqphrastus Such. N. Y-, 1879. 12° 3I3E8 — Legend of Jubal, and other poems. I',.. >- s 74- 12° 3141 2 - Middlemarch : study of provincial life. 2 v. N. Y., 1873. 12°. — Mill on the Floss. N. Y., n. d. 12°. — Poems. N. Y*., 11. d. 12° ,ij'i — Romola. N. Y\. n. d. 12°. Si cues of clerical life, and Silas M.iiner the weaver of Ravel "c. N. Y. n. d. 12°. — Spanish Gypsy. [Poem.] P., 1868. 16°. 314C4 — Wit ami wisdom of George Eliot. P.. 1873- 24° 313E9 — Blind, M. George Eliot 314B1 — Cooke. 1 .. W. George Eliot: critical study ol her life, writings and philosophy. 314B2 Cross, J. W., c,/. George Eliot's life, re- lated in her letters and journals ; v. Same. 3 v. in 1 3 ' -I P'3 — Lonsdale, M. George Idiot 3'-|l ; s Woolson, A. ii. George Eliol and her heroines 3'4l'"> Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famou . pp 2 1 ; ! ;<) 4 1 ; 2 — Buchanan, K. Look round literature. pp. 218 226. Talk with George Eliot. pp. ;i( 321. Revii a of life S04-25 eland, R. E. < leorge Eliot's pi - etc. pp. o 23 - ( Iriswold, 1 1. I. I lome life ol authors. pp. 351 362 | 1 S 1,5 Harrison, P. 1 Ihoice of bo pp. 203-2;". Reviewoflife 804 1; — Hazeltine, M. W. (hats aboul I I . poel -hi-! no\ elists. pp. 1-13 Sn| p Heyv 1. |. < '. I low they si nke me, ihcsc auihors. pp. 57-77. An ingenious .'Ii 1 -^"117 — Lanier, S. Engli I vi I and the prin- ciple ol 1 > dev elopmen 1 8033 5 ELIOI > ... i |>. 93->32 I'nrlnn, J ■ P ... 11 of our 1 1 ; . 62-65 ■ • ■ ■ I '" ; I I . , ■ i ' • I . . . I 1 I I . \ I , I . M , I II rl , pp. ' s 5 -5 s Robertson, I'. S, English poeti e pp. 1 137 M821 7 me, W. M Modern idol pp. 136 11 I. w ii ih, w . S., (W'm. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures ol modern tuthoi . pp. 1' 57 M8-95 W hippie, 1 .. P. Rei ollecl ions ol eminent PP. S44 S97 9461 1 Will in "ii. W.i. I' 1 1 e 1 : in I he del I of life and letti rs. pp 1 10. I iterary and ethical ciualil) 1 il < lei rgi 1 Hot' novels I i.iot, lil. 1 \l .. joint editor. Brackett, V. C. and Eliot, I. M., Poetry for h e and school 8099 2 1 fohn, " Xpostle of the Indians, 1 d 11 Francis, C. h S| ia 1 I s, J., \m. biogi iphj \ . i. pp. 3-343 p • 86 - Walsh, W. P. Heroes ol the mission field, pp. [87 207 (i p. n Vonge, C. M. Pii meers and founders. PP. ' 33 »' 1" ,|S I 1 1. ■ 1 . Sir John, i , b. 1590 1/. 1632. Adams, C. K . ,.•'. Represenl- ■ British 01 ations. v. I. pp. 1-26. [Speech and hiog. sketi Ii. J Irich, ( '. A., ed. Select Bi itish elo- quence, pp. 1 6. [Biog. sketch and li on the Petition of 1 ig In. ] . . . 8258 1 .i.|. Sir John Eliot 1 a 1 ;i aph j 2 v. I ... IM'5 31561 Statesmen of the Commonwealth of En- !■ PP' ' 51 4"-3S El iot, Samuel, . tm< ri, n, .-'. 1S21. I listory of liberty, pt. I \ n Ri mans. N. Y., 1853. 8 919 - Pt. 2. Early Ch 1 as. 2 v. '853- 8 2701 3 VI. 1 li. I ! K man ( \ Roman Christian; ero Christians. History ol the United Suites, i i-,.- i '•■■ 1 1 1 I LIOT, Samuel, .... 1'oel 01 children. I'... 1879. 11. - El tot, Win. t ,. Early religi 1 alion ■ . » :l \ to thi regenei 1 1868. 16 . 247 35 II 1/ \l;l l II 1 tin .1 I . ; , 12 . 1 ... 1867. ia 1 1 ' 1 1 1 . . 1 : . ... /'. 1717 ,/. 1 7' j • E. P01 1. of 11 . Britain. in 1.; Great triumpl 53 1 , W in. 1 I Elioti . Elliot. 1 lliott. I'.usii a. I leadlej . I . I and 111.11 1 ; 1 2217 .15 1 [ills, ( ). A. 1 ompan 'crs. pp. 171 [88. Elijah and Klisha. . . . 2217 47 - Williams, M. I.. Bo) • of the Bible, pp. 210-232 2217-9 . /'. !207- I iiiy famous v. omen. j. 191 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 1 k;i\ anagh, I . Womei Chi istianily. PP- 78-95 Elizabeth, empress of Austria. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Royal girls and royal court-, pp. 70-87 (1 ; 7"7 1 i 1 11 Small, queen of Frea Bohemia, b. 1596-y. n>ii2. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs ol the Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 1. pp. 14; I"" (I I s s I illustrious per- sonages il 1.1. Britain, v. 5. pp. 127- 1 17 1.1 1-65 — Wilson, II. s. Studies in history, legend and literature, pp. 11* 1 7 ; 1 1 E] 1/ All I 11 W I\ ille, :n, , i: : J I '. b. about [431 .1492. Russell, W . traordinary men and women. pt. 2. PP- 67 7,; Strickland, A. Queen I y land. v. 1. pp. 316 326. 4111 iS4 I'" kei , C. G., 1 /. pp. t s ; 196. . 4111^, El 12 \i:|. in.,'/ York, ju . 1: . ' // - 1466-rf. 1503. Strickland. A. Queens id. Kaufman. R., ed. v. I. PP- 332-341 4111 84 Parker, C. 1 - 2 1 ). . . 41 1 1 v ; Ki.i/.Aii 1 h. fueen oj England, 15 1 13. Abbott, J. History of (,'ueen Elizabeth 3'3B3 — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth .iislU eighton, M. Aye ..i i ELIZABETH. - 39 8- ELLET. Elizabeth, com i mud. Hopkins, S. Puritans and Queen Eliza- beth. 3 v 2859-4 — Strickland, A. Life of Elizabeth Queen .if England. 315B5 — American lady, pseud. Sketches of dis- tinguished females. pp. 47-54. . . . 413-79 — Brooks, K. S. I listoric girls, pp. 174-191. 413-224 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 273-281 410-19 — Coffin, ('. C. Story of liberty. pp. 29S-301 920-25 Farmer, L. H. Girl's book of famous queens, pp. 156-231 413-38 — Fifty famous women, pp. 279-283. . . 413-41 — Hale, S. [. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 26-40 4'3"47 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. 1. pp. 213-245. 4 1 5-5 — Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 269-324 413-54 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 3. pp. 1-22. 411-65 — Russell. W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 82-91 410-9 — Strickland, A. Queens of England. Kaufman, K., ed. v. 2. pp. 56-110. 41 1 1-84 Parker, C. G., ed. pp. 371-418. . . 4111-85 Whipple, E. I'. Literature of the age of Elizabeth 8203-9 Elizabeth of Austria, queen of Charles IX, of France, i. 1554-rf. 1592. Kavanagh, |. Women of Christianity, pp. 134-138. 413-55 Elizabeth of Portugal, />. 12-1-d. 1336. Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. pp. 96-100 413-55 Elizabeth Christina, i/ueen of Frederick the /. of Prussia, />. 1715-rt. 1797. Hurst, C. E. Elizabeth Christine, wife of Frederick the Great 315B6 — Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. pp- 3°3-3°9 413-55 ELIZABETH Pauline Attilia (Carmen Sylva, j •'.: ltd.), t/ueen of Roiimauia, />. 1S43. Pil- grim sorrow: a cycle of tales. N. V., 1884. 12°. Humphrey, F. A. Kings and queens ai home. pp. 3-8 4 J 5-45 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Royal girls and loyal courts. pp. S8-I 13 413-787 Elizabeth, princess, daughter oj Charles 1, S, 1635-rf. 1650. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs ,,l the Courl of England, during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 2. pp. 47-51. 411-5S l.land, A. Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart, pp. 155-208 41 1 1-87 Elizabi in. 01, 1 In- exiles ol Sibei ia, < "i 1111. Sophii 1 ' ■ la Elizabethan demonology. Spalding, T. A. 82364-8 Elizabethan seamen. Payne, E. [. \m- ages of the Elizabethan seaman to Amer- ica 437-73 ELK. Patty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. PP- 75-8o 7967-2 — Caton, J. I '. A summer in Norway, pp. 327-330 4481-3 — Dodge, R. I. Plains of the great west. PP- 155-172 47S-3 — Herbert, H. W., (Frank Forrester,/.!, u /.) Field sports of the U. S. v. 2, pp. 1 59-165 and 253-261 796-46 — Hunter and trapper, pp. 223-254. . . 796-13 — Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far west. pp. 266-291 796-6 -- Roosevelt, T. Hunting trips of a ranch- man, pp. 290—317 796-7 — See also Animals. Hunting. Moose. Natural history. Reindeer. Zoology. ELKANAH Brewster's temptation. Nordhoff, • has. In Modern Classics. pp. 248- 270. Ella ; or, turning over a new leaf. Sim- onds, W., (W. Aimwell, pseud.) . . . 826A42 Ellacombe, Henry N. Plant-lore and gar- den craft of Shakespeare. 1.., 1884. 12°. 82365-3 Ellen Linn : a Franconia story. Abbott, J. 103A22 Ellen Middleton. Fullerton, Lady G. Ell-ENBOROUGH, Lord. See Law, Edward. ELLERSLIE house. Leslie, Emma 562A2 Ellery, W111., 6. 1727-d. 1820. Channing, E. 'P. Ln Sparks, J., ed. Am. biogra- phy, v. 6. pp. 87-159 412-86 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independence, pp. 71-75. 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers. pp. 47-49 4121-5; ELI ek\ family. Muzzey, A. P.. Reminis- cences and memorials of men of the revolution and their families, pp. 1 57 168 4121-6 Lull, Chas. lleadley. J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, pp. 209- 223 4122-39 K111 1, .!//>. Elizabeth Lues (Lummis), . : . 1 S 1 8— f/. 1877. Courl circles of the re- public ; or, the beauties and celebrities of ihe nation, from Washington to Grant; »iili sketches by Mrs. R. E. Mai k. 1 1. 11 tford, [869. 8° 41239 .; I lomes iii history of the American revolu- tion, N. Y., 1859. 12 9758-3 Queens of American society. N. \ .. 1868. 12 41239-3' Rambles aboul the covin trj . .\ . Y., 186S. " 473 3-1 Si ene in the life ol Joanna ol Sii ily, I!.. 1S40. 12° i' r Kl.l I I 199 ELLIS Imii. \frt i I on tinned, \\ omen artisl in all age and i ounti ie . N. \ . 1859. 12° P7I I \\ omen ol 1 he A 1 re\ olution. N. \ ., 1S52-4. 12° I 1 1 . . ! li.icott, < !has. John. * 'onsideral ion in the " ■ I I he English t ei ion ol the Ni « Testament. N. V., 1873. 8°. Bound with Lightfoot, J. B. and others. Revisi 1 the Eng. trei 1 1 thi \ . 1 2201 1-5 td, Epistli of St. Petei . St. John, and St. Jude | with commentaries-, by A. J. Mason, Alfred Plummer, and \V. M. Sim lair. I.., n. d. 16 2289 | Epistles i" the Corinthians, Thessaloni- ans and Timothy ; with commentaries, by A. Barry, \. J. Mo on and II. I ». M. 5pi ni e. 1 ., n. 'I. 16° 22N7 ; ties to Titus, Philemon, the He bre« -, and the epistle of Si. Jami with commentaries, by H. D.M.Spence, Alfred Barry, W. F. Moulton and E. G. Punchard. I... n. <1. 16 22NX ; Elliot, Arthur. State ami the church. I -. 1882. 12° 2577-3 Elliot, Chas. S.. ed. Songs of Vale: new collection ol college songs. New Ma- xell, 1870. 12 ' 77 \6 j Elliot, Prances. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. 2v.ini. Leipzig, 1872. 16 . 445~4 — Diary of an idle woman in Spain. 2 v. I... 1SS4. 12° 441. 3 1 )ld com 1 life in I 1 am e. ;i. 1... 1 S7 ;, 8° 9443-3 Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 1st ear/ oj Minto, tish statesman, />. 1751-*/. 1814. Life ami 1 ..1 Sii Gilbert Elliot, isi Earl of Minto. from 1751 In 1806, when his public life in Europe was closed by Ins appointment to the vice-royalty of India. ed. by the Countess "I Minto. ; \. 1 ., 1874- 8 315B8 l'i 1 iot, Henry K. The common chord : a story of 1 lie ninth ward. N. V. 12 . Elliot, Afisi Jean, b. 1727 ./. 1805. Ked- die, II., (S. Tvtler. pseud.) and Watson, J. L. Songstresses of Scotland, v. 1. PP. "96 223 4 17 s s I 11 mil. Anna, Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 90 93 4121 35 Elliott, 1 B, ["ravels in the three empires of Austria, Russia and Turkey. 2 v. in I. 1'llila., 1S39. 12° 4409-3 Elliott, Chas. Delineation of Roman Catholicism. 2 v. N. Y.. 1S42. S°. 2829 \ Elliott, i has. Wyllys, American an: 1S17 ,/. [883. Mysteries . or, glimpses of the supernatural. X. V., 1S52. 12 . 174 ;i I in ntinued, I '.I and pi Hol .v. ilh d. CI II rtford, 1868. 8 Q I 789 ./. 187I. Mai ■ . ' I \\ 1 ' h emulating. PP- 21-31 11 | 17 Japp, \ 1 1 . i W 01 I -. pp. 1 24 ' 5 ' l'i li K1.1 n>i 1 , Ebenezei . Mi torical and litei ary celebi ities. ]i|>. s'.s 51" \\ 11I. I . 1 1., ed. English poel . v. 4. PP. 49 i-4 '" II I, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 108-129 I low in. Win. l 1 i British poi V. 2. pp. 462-5OO Jl Smile-. S. Brief biographies, pp. 81 86 4'o-934 Whipple, 1- . P. Essays and review-. i- «■ PP. 354 3S6 Elliott, F. R. Popular deciduous and evergreen tree- and shrubs. N. Y., 1868. 12° 713-3 Western fruit 1 1. . or, American fruit growei 's guide for the orchard and fruii garden. N. Y.. 1867. 12' Elliott, Henry W. < >ur Arctic province: Alaska and the seal islands. N. Y., 1886. 8° 1.798 !4 Elliott, S. B. Felmeres. X. Y., 1879. 12°. Eliot. El lis. Alex. John, b. 1 S 14. Speech in being the singer's pronouncing primer of the principal European languages, for which vocal music is usually composed. 1-. n. d. 8° : . Hadley, J. Essays philological and crit- ical, pp. 240 262. Review of Early English pronunciation 104 4 lii is, Annie Raine. Sylvestra : studies of manners in England from 1770 to 1S00. 1... 1SS1. 2 v. 12°. Preface and notes. In Burney, F. Ce- cilia, pp. 5-21. Ellis, Edward S. Foot-prints in the forest. B. I2 C 314A3 Hunters of the 1 >. ark. B. I2 C . ... ;i | Last war trail. B. 1 2 ^14 V36 — Life of Colonel David ( rockett. Phila., I884. 12° 254I:. — Lost trail. B. 12° 314A37 Ned in the block-house. I!. 12 . . . . _; 1 | Ne 1 in the « oods. B. 12 ;i : Xcd on the river. B. 12 314A4 El LIS. 400 — ELLISTON. El [,rs, Edward S., continued. \ p the Tapajos; or, advcnturesin Brazil. I- '^ : 3HA5 Ellis, (ieo. Specimens of early English metrical romances, to which is prefixed an historical introduction on the rise and progress of romantic composition in Frame and England. I.., 1N4N. 12° 8211-34 Ki 1 is, Geo. Edward, />. /'.. Unitarian min- ister, b. iS I 5. Half century ol the Uni- tarian controversy and its origin, its course, and it- prominent subjects among the Congrei 1 ionalists of Massa- chusetts. 11., 1857. 8° 2889-35 Memoir "I Sir Benj. Thompson, Count Kumford, with notices of his daughter. Phila. S° 798B3 — Puritan age and rule in the colon) "I the Massachusetts hay. 1629-1685. 1!., iSSS. 8° 9824 -1 Historical introduction. In Bacon, E. M. , ed. King's dictionary of Boston. .47246 49 — Life of Anne Hutchinson, with a sketch of the Antinomian controversy in Mass. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 16. pp. 171-376 412-86 — Life of John Mason. In Sparks, I., ed. Am. biography, v. [3. pp. 311-438. 412-S6 — Life of William 1'enn. /;/ Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 22. pp. 197- 408 412-811 Eli is, Ceo. Jas. Welbore Agar, baron Hover, b. 1 797-fA 1S43. Life of Frederii the second king of Prussia. 2 v. N. Y., •MS- 16° 382B3 Im 1 is, Grace Atkin Memoir, letters and selections from the poems and pro e writings of Anna Lcetitia Barbauld. 2 v. P.., 1S74. 12 135B3 Contents, v. Memoii ol Mr; Barbauld, with many of her lett< 1 5el ctions from 1 is and prose writ- V.i 1 is, Henry T. Hong-Kong to Manilla and the lakes ol Luzon in the Philippine isles in the yeai 1856. I.., [859. 12". , n| ; I'll is. John, .}/. I >. A\ oidabli 1 disease, insanity and deformity, n. 1. P- '- '■'• ■ ■ 613 33 W ine question in the lighl ol 1 he new ■I 1 1 "'i 1 tlion. V V., iSS2. 12 . . . . 1983-27 Im lis, John B. Sights and sei rel ■ ol the national capital : worl di criptive ol \\ 1 lino.' ion cil) ill .1' >■ ■■ arinus pluses. ISI '"- S ' J I. Ellis, Robei t. Source ol 1 he It n B 1 que I Ltagi I ... 1886. 8°. 11 192 1 1 1 1 Robert Li li Cracroft, B, I "■ -■ PP. ' ■ ■ ' I ' ' ,"l 1 Ellis, Rufus. Our two harvests. /» Grout, 1 1. M., ed. ( iospel im itation. pp. Z29 237. [Sermon. I 252-43 Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Stickney, English writer, b. \%\1-d. 1872. Brewer's family. N. V., 181.7. i6° 3I4A8 — Chapters on wives. N. Y., 1S00. 12 . I ringers of dining out : or, hints to those who would make home happy. N. Y., 1867. 24° 314AS2 — Friends at their own fireside; or, pictures of the private life of the Quakers. 2 v. in 1. X. Y.. 1858. t — Minister's family; or, hints to those who would make home happy. N. Y., 1868. 24 c 3HA88 Mothers of great men. n. t. p. 12 . . 413-35 — Pretension. 2 v. in I. Phila., 1873. 12°. — Somerville hall ; or, hints to those who would make home happy. The rising tide. N. Y., 1S6S. 24 3HA9 — Women of England : their social duties and domestic habits. L. 16° ; Ellis, Sumner. At oui best. 1',., 187.1. 12 . 322E2 El I 1 . Thos. '1". Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon; or, incidents ol field and camp 9803 3 Ellis, Tristram J. On a raft, and through the desert. Narrative of an artist's journey through northern Syria and Kurdistan by the Tigris to Mosul and Baghdad, and of a return journey across the desert by the Euphrates and Palmyra to Damascus, over the Anti- Lebanon to Baalbec, and to Beyrout. 2 x. v. 1. 1 iii a raft. v. 2. Through the desert. L. 8° 457-3 Sketching from nature, with frontispiece and ten illustral ions by H. Stac) Marks, and twenty-seven sketches by the au- thor. 1 .., 1883. 12° 740-4 I'll is. A',.. Win., missionary, d. 1S72. Three visits to Madagascar during the yi [853—54-56, including a journe) to tin capital; with notices ol the natural his- tor) oi the i lay, and of the present , \\ ilization of 1 he people. X. Y.. 1859. &° I Hi 1 ...in. tor) e say. In ( SutzIafT, C. \ 0) 1 , the 1 oasl ol 1 !hina. pp. 1 93. 451 44 Eli is, Win. Royal jubilei ol 1 ngland, w ith int roduclory 1 eli he ol the Mo 11. and Roman jubilees, and a narrative of the reign of Egbert, first king of En gland. I... 1886. 16 9308 ; 1 1 1 1 roN, Robei 1 Win., En . or, b. 1 774 ,/. 1831. Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, I ... , Js. \' im and ai tresses, v. 2. pp. i59-«9° M79 " RLLSW< )k'l' — 401 EL0Q1 El 1 >v, 1 ip 111. 1 I'll 1 1 Imei . - '"' 1 />. 1837-1/. 1861. Burleigh, W. II. Poem pp. 221-225 ' 1 ilaziei , W, II pp 196-406 11 • , 1 1 Victor, O. J. [ncideni ol the war. pp, 1 ; Ellsworth, II. W. Penmanship, n. t, p 12° 654-3 Eli swob i h, < \\v\ • I attsman, b. 1745 ,/. 1807, M Frank, , d. Vmi 1 nan eloquence, v. 1. pp. 401 \og. 152-1 \ in Sant\ 1, G. SI 1 l> hes "f ilu- lives and judicial services of the chief jus- tices of the supreme 1 ourl ol the 1 . S. pp. ">; 292 M-';i 1 Eli w w.i i;, 1 1, li. I he rose : trea the cultivation, history, family character- il ii >, etc., of ilie various g p roses; with accurate descriptions of the varietie nov gem 1 ally grown. N. Y., 1882. 12° 7152-3 El lw rhos. History of t he lifi 1 llhunas Ellwood, written by himself; with an introduction by Henry Morley. L., 1885. 12 316B2 with a supplement by Joseph Wyeth. I'liila., 1865. 12 316B1 Lives of Lord Herbert of Cher! ury, and Thomas Ellwood ; with essays bj W. 1). I [owells 41 1-53 Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. 1. pp. -34-^67 947E6 ELMENDORF, John Jay, 5. T. />. Outlines "l lectures on the history of philosophy. N.Y., 1876. 12 ,,....'. 141-3 Elmore, Franklin H. Perry, B I. Remin- iscences of public- men. pp. 99-104. . 412-75 Elmore, Maria A. /« Howe, J. W., •/. Sex and education, pp. 174-182. [Essay.] 3761-5 Elmslie, Wm. Japp, A. II. Master-mis- sionaries, pp. 11-' H'j. Wm. Elmslie and Kashmir 4149— 5 Kimi 11, i\. Bautain, L. I". M. An of ex- tempore speaking 800-15 — Brown, M. T. Synthetic philosophy of expression as applied to the arts of read- ing, oratory and personation 7S1-15 — Comstock, A. System of elocution. . . 800—23 — Corson, 11. I icuti mary manual. . . . 801 -'7; Cox, E. W. Arts of writing, reading peaking Soo-24 Day, II. \. An of elocution 800-28 Diehl, Mrs. A. R. Reading and elocu- tion 801-29 Fenno, 1". II. Science and art of eh lion Soi-34 Frost, J. American speaker 801 Guttmann, O. Gymnastics ol the voice. 774 4 1 a 11 ril. 11 1 . .'. i 1 1 king and h making 1 How . I . W. s. !'i 1 del, R, V01 I ion. . 801 51 1 cultun 11 774 5 Legouvi, E. Ai ol reading 800-5 Mel f. N, Ami 1 eb iter. . 8001 Mcllvi .1.11. Elocution; the ources nd elemenl of il power 800-6 -In. H Elemenl of reading iratory 800-63 Mm doi k, J. E. Plea foi lan- 800-66 \\ , I to acquire and practice it 800-69 Potter, III 1 1. Manual of reading. . 800-73 Putnam, W. Science and art of elocution in d "ratory 801-77 Ross, W. T. Voice culture and elocution. 800-76 Russell, W., • ' phony : or, the cultivation of the voice in elocution. . 774-6 — Sheppard, NT. Before an audience. . . 800-81 Shoemaker, J. W. Practical elocution. . 800-S2 Stebbins, G. Delsarte system of dra- matic expression — Wiley, C. V. I locution and oratory. . . 801-98 Zachos, |. C. Analytic elocution. . . . 800-98 — Bailey, M. Treatise on elocution. In id, G.S. Fifth reader, pp. 9-60. 801-45 Gould, E. S. G 1 English; or, popular in language, pp. 159-210. . . 117; ; Mi, Mil. Wm. G. T. Literary essays, pp. 79-185 & I '-inc. Eloci honist's annual. 14 v. Phila. 12 . v. 1-7. ed. by J. W. Shoemaker, v. 8-14. ed. by Mrs. J. W. Shoemaker. 801-88 ELOQUENCE and oratory. American orator's own liook S01-13 Bacon A. M. Manual of gesture. . . . Sor-15 (li. inning, E. T. Lectures read to the seniors in Harvard college 800-2 — Cicero. Oratory and orators 8753-9 1 01 menin, I . M. de la II. Orators of Frai — Delaumosne, Abbt - and Arnaud, relique. The art of oratory : system of 1 lels irte S00-3 Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. . . 411 37 I robisher, J. E. Acting and oratory. . Harsha, E, Mi I eminent orators and -men 4'o-54 Jebb, R. C. Attic orators from Antiphon tolsseos ed. Selections from the Attic orators. Antiphon, Andokid< 1 Isokrates, SS5-51 ELOQUENCE. 402 KMANUEL. Eloquence, continued. — Marshall, E. C. First book of oratory. 801-62 — Mathews, W. Oratory and orators. . . 800-64 — Pittenger, W. Oratory, sacred and secu- lar ; with an introduction by Hon. J. A. Bingham 800-7 — Putnam, W. Science and art of elocution and oratory 801-77 — Quintilian. Institutes of oratory; or, education of an orator 8756-9 — Choate, R. Addresses and orations, pp. 167—201. Eloquence of reyolutionary periods S15-23 — Emerson, R. W, Letters and social aim^. pp. 107-129 318E6 Society and solitude, pp. 61-98. . . . 319E2 — Hadley, J. Essays philological and critical, pp. 349-351 450E1 — Hume, D. Essays, pp. 55-63 491E2 — Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic works, pp. 55-63 S21C1 — Tacitus. Works, v. 2. pp. 390-452. . 8786-8 Elfhinstone, Arthur, Lord Balmerino, Scot- tish Jacobite, b. 168S-,/. 1746. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents, pp. 385-398 411-59 ELPHINSTONE, Hon. Mountstuart, Eng. states- man in India, />. 1779-r/. 1859. History of India; Hindu and Mahometan periods. 6th ed., with notes and additions by E. B. Cowell. L., 1874. 8° 954-3 — Rise of the British power in the East. ed. by Edward Colebrooke. L., 1887. 8°. 954-31 — Selections from the minutes and other official writings of the Honorable Mount- stuart Elphinstone. ed. by G. W. For- rest 95437-3 — Colebrooke, SirT. E. Life of the Hon- ourable Mountstuart Elphinstone. 2 v. 3'6B5 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 188-191 411-56 — Kaye, J. W. Lives of the Indian officers. v. 1. pp. 233-320 411-595 Elsa. Hogbin, A. < '.. '. books. See Finley, Martha (F.) ELSIE Vernier. Holmes, O. YV. Elsie's Santa Claus. Mathews, Joanna H. 618A92 Elton, Sir Arthur II . ■■■.■ t. Below the surface. L., 1864. 12 . Elton, i h Origins of English history. P., 1882. 8° '. 931-25 Elto 1 \liraham, /;-. Specimens of the Greek and Roman cla ic poel in a chronological from II mi 1 to I 1 ] phiodoi 1 English versi and ill" itrated with biographii al nd ritical noti | v. Phila., 186 87001-3 Contents, v 1. I tomei 11 lochi. 1 1 inna. — Mini- ncrmus. — Theogni \.\ icreon S nides. — Elton, C. A., continued. Pindar. — Onomacrilus. — Bacchylides. — Callis- cr.it us — Lycophron. — Aratus. — Callimachus — Appollonius Rhodius. — Cleanthes. — Rhianus. — Eion. — Moschus. — Nicander. — Meleager. v. 2. Lucretius.— Catullus. — Virgil. — Gallus. — Tibullus. — Horace. — Propertius. — Ovid. — Al- binovanus. — Severus. — Gratius. — Manilius. — Dionysius. — Phatdrus. — Persius. v. 3- Lucan. — Valerius Flaccus.— Silius Itali- cus. — Martial. — Sulpitia. — Statius. — Juvenal. — Dionysius. — Musicus — Oppian. — Nemesian. — Calphurnius. — Quintus Smymsus. — An- sonias. — Claud iau. — Avienus. — Rutilius.— Non- nus. — Musseus. — Coluthus. — Tryphiodorus. ELTON, J. Frederic. Travels and researches among the lakes and mountains of East- ern and Central Africa from his journals, ed. by H. B. Cotteritl. L., 1S79. 8°. 4679-35 — With the French in Mexico. Phila., 1S67. 8° 9907-3 El VES, The. Tieck, Ludwig. In Carlyle, T., tr. Tales of Musseus, Tieck, Kich- ter. v. 2. pp. 1-20 833-6 F.i.w 1 s, Alfred. Perils afloat and brigands ashore. L., 18S6. 12 . Elyvood, Chas.; or, the infidel converted. Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 4. pp. '73-361 818-27 Ely, Alfred. Journal of a prisoner of war in Richmond, ed. by Chas. Lanman. N. V., 1862. 12° 9802-3 Ely, Richard T. French and German social- ism in modern times. N. Y.,1883. 16 . 3385-3 — Labor movement in America. N. Y., [1886.] 12° 336-33 Ely. Win. S. Questionable features in our medical codes. In Ethical symposium, pp. 8-25 6103-7 Fly lectures, 1S67. Barnes, A. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity in the 19th century 239-16 — 1SS3. Morris. ('.. S. Philosophy and Christianity 239~7' El ZE, Friedrich Karl, German-writer, b. 1821. ays on Shakespeare, tr. by L. Dora Sihn.it/. L., 1874. S° 8236-3 I ord 1 "■ \ : biography with critical essay on his place in literature. I.., 1872. S°. 199B15 Elzevirs. Lang, A. Hooks and bookmen. IT- 109-130 8051-5 Fm wrii \ 1 11 in. See Slavery. Em wir vi [1 1 il M " husetts. Adams, I; ks 9824-12 EMANUEL, G. J. Jewish faith. Iii \"ii biblical systems of relig s. pp. 85-103. 290-62 F\i wi 1 1 . Harry. Diamonds and pn u 1 1 is 1 heir history, ( alue and distin- guishing characteristics, with simple tests for then identification, zd ed. h il 1 1 new table ol the present value of dia- monds. N. V., 1S73. I2 ° 735-35 EMBANKING — 403 — I. Ml .i 1 [banking land 1 1 he ea, Wiggii I 6311 , 1 aba 1 1 ;n Murray, I C. G I \n. >. ;y to tl t ol i [ami in [840. Guizot, F Embi e ms. Long, I 1 tei n proverb and emblem - _■ ■ I MBROIDl RY. Il.11 1 1 ion, C. C. \\ Oman's handiu ork in model n hi imi .... Lambert, Afia - . Ladies' o >m guide 1 idli worl ind eml derj . 7461-6 I mi I I'M . 1 mi ! '1 . ; paths. pp, 252-260. Crusade ol thi needle. . 604-3 Young lady's book. pp. 345 378. . . . 504-97 Embryology . < lhapman, II. C. Evolui ion of life 575-22 Packard, A. S.,jr. Life histories of ani- mals, mi luding man r rker, W. K. and Bettany, ( .. T. M 1 phology of the skull 61111— 7 1 mi 1; a 1 n gems : chaplel ol Irish in esitje tales. B., [879. 12 . Emerson, Geo. B., joint author. Potter, \ and Emerson, <;. B. School and the schoolmaster 371—74 In Barnard, 11.. ed. Educational biogra- phy, pp. 333 343 4157-2 Emersi in. Mar) M Ij I Imei son, k. W. Lecturesand biographii al I 1 ti hes. pp. 37 > 404 318E5 Emerson, X. S. A thanksgiving story: embodying the ballad "Betsy and I are out " and other poems. V \ ., 1873. I2 ° Emerson, Ralph \\ aldo, Am. . tsayist, b. 1803-rf. 1882. Works. 1 1 v. v. 1. Nature, addresses and lectures. B., 1883. 12 3t8E9i Contents. Nature Anion, an s< holar, — Ad- dresses delivered before the senior class at Divinity college, Cambi Literary ethics. — Method of nature. — M rmer Led ure on the times — The con The talis! -Young American. \. 2. Essays. First ser. B., 1887. 12 . ;iM j Contents — History.— Self-reliance. — Compen- sation.— Spiritual taws.- Love.— Friendship — Prudence.— Heroism The over-soul. —Circles. —Intellect.— Art. v. 3. Essays. Secondser, B., 1883. 12°. 318E4 Contents.— The poet I xperience.— Charac ter — Manners.— Gifts.— Nature.— Politics.— Nominalist and realist.— New England reform- v. 4. Representative men. H., 1SS3. 12. ;i I 1 Contents. — Uses of great men, Plato ; or, the philosopher.— Plato ; new readings. — Sweden- borg; or, the mystic. — Montaign< or, the skep- tic. —Shakespeare ; or, the poet.- \ or, the man of the world.— Goethe ; or, the writer. v. 5. English traits. B., 1883. 12°. . 318E2 v. 6. Conduct of life. B., 1886. 12 . ti81 1 1 R. ntinucd. 1 1 .the I 1 ' ■ \, : , Word and day '1 —Su v. 8. Lettei 1;.. '2° ConS I ! : tation and original! 1 j — P< ■■' 1 rreatness.— i ; i.ility. v. 9- Poem I' . i- i 12 v. 10. Lectures and biographical hes. B., 1885. 12 G7///*r«rj\— Demonology.— Aristocracy.- I petual forces. — Character.— Education.— The superlative.— Sovereignty of ethics. — The her -Man of letters.— Si Historic notes of life and letters in New gland.— Chardon street convention. — Ezra Rip- Icy, l> I». Mary Moody Emerson.— Samuel 1 I r — Thoreau. — Carlylc. v. 11. Miscellanies. 12°. . Contents. — Lord 1 dis- cours< ( rd.— Address at the dedication of the soldier's monument in Concord.— Ad- dress on emancipation in the British Wesi In- dies.— War.— Fugitive slave-la upon Mr. Sumner.— Speech on affairs in Kansas.— Remarks at a meeting for the relief of John n's family. — Jim | h at Salem. Theodore Parker: address at the Memorial meeting in Boston. — American < ivilizati Phe emancipation. — Abraham Lincoln. — Har- iem oration speech. — Editor's address: Quarterly review.— Woman.— Address to Kossuth.— Robert Burns Walter Scott Remarks at the 01 :: of the Free religious association.— Speech at the annual mcetii ree religious association. — The I ne of the republic. M 13 da) and other pieces. B., 1S67. I2 ° G0»/?Kfr.-May-day.— Adirondack.— Occasional and miscellaneous pieces. — Nature and life. Elements. — Quatrains.— Translal . i- ted poems. B., 1876. 16 jij . sketch of Thoreau. In Thoreau, II ns. pp. 7-33 885E3 pensation. /// Prose masterpii vi. pp. t95- 2 3 80S-7 — Introduction. In Plutari . SSSS-3 /« Plutarch's morals SSSS-4 In Wood, W., . ./. Hundred gre mc " 410-975 Preface. In Gulistan. Saadi. pp. 3-15. 8915-8 — War. In Peabody, A. P. /Esthetic pa- pers. ; ; 20 El — joint author. Emerson, R. \V.. Charming, \V. II. and Clarke, I. F. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 2 \ . ];., 1852. ic 2 v. in 1. 1884 ;,SSB2 EMKRSON. - 4°4 EMMA. Emerson, R. W., continued. Contents.— v. 1. Youth.— Cambridge.— Groton and Providence. — Concord. — Boston. v. 2. Jamaica plain. — New York. — Europe. — Homeward. Carlyle, T. and Emerson, R. W. Cor- respondence 205 B9 — ed. Parnassus. [Selections chiefly from the English poets.] B., 1875. 8°. . . 809-4 — Alcott, A. B. Ralph Waldo Emerson : an estimate of his character and genius in prose and verse 3 , 7" 1 — Cabot, J. E. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson 317B17 — Conway, M. D. Emerson at home and abroad 317B3 — Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson : his life, writings and philosophy. . . . 317114 — Guernsey, A. H. Ralph Waldo Emer- son : philosopher and poet 317B47 — Haskins, D. G. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 317B49 — Holmes, 11. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 317B5 — Sanborn, F. B. ,ed. Genius and character of Emerson 317B2 — Arnold, M. Discourses in America, pp. 138-207 124E4 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, ser. 2. pp. 238-255 153E4 — Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. PP- 1-27 4181-2 — Brownson,' O. A. Works, v. 3. pp. 424-438. v. 19. pp. 1-2 1 and 189- 202. [Reviews.] 818-27 — Bungay, G. \\ . Off-hand takings, pp. 1 19-126 412-25 — Burroughs, J. Birds and poets, with other papers, pp. 185-210. Emerson. 196E3 — Concord lectures on philosophy, 1882. pp. 53-74. Commemoration. .... 143-2 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures. Bi- ology, pp. 273-295. Emerson's views on immortality 576-25 - Friswell, J. Haiti. .Modern men of letters. PP- 333-342 804-38 I rothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England, pp. 218-248 1681-4 — Fuller, ,M. Life without and life within. pp. 191-198. Review of essays. . . 400E5 Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and liter- ary men, er. 2. pp. 15S-176. . . . 418-43 Third gallery of portraits. pp. 281- 2S9 4I8-43 1 G Iv. in. P. ' >ul nf the past. pp. 441- 461. Revievi oi English traits. . . . 4.30E5 1 old, 1 1. T. 1 [ome life of great authors, pp. 133 [41 418-45 Hale, 1 I . I ighl of i\\ centuries. *45- 2 5 6 410-536 Harris, A. B. American authors for lg folks, pp. 69-86 4181-38 Emerson, R. W., continued. — Hawthorne, J. Confessions and criti- cisms. pp. 186-217. Emerson as an American 45/E2 — Homes of American authors, pp. 233- 254 4181-45 — Hood, E. P. Master-minds of the West. PP- 559-5S/ 412-54 — James, H. Literary remains, pp. 293- 3°2 5" E 4 — Johnson, C. F. Three Englishmen and three Americans, pp. 174-212 804-53 I. "well, J. R. My study windows, pp. 375-384- 58SE4 — Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 1. PP- 293-347 646E4 — Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and me- morials of men of the revolution and their families, pp. 337-34S 4121-6 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 284-2S8 410-83 — Powell, T. Living authors of America. ser. I. pp. 49-77 S04-68 — Richardson, C. F. American literature, 1605-1885. pp. 33°-37° 810-7 — Scudder, H. E. Men and letters, pp. 147-170. Emerson's self SloEl — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. i33->79 812-8 Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 86-97 4'8-95 — Whipple, E. P. American literature. pp. 234-258. Review of Correspond- ence of Carlyle and Emerson 946E3 Recollections of eminent men. pp. H9-!54 946E7 EMERSON, Wm. A. Hand-book of wood- engraving, containing a description of tools and apparatus used, and explain- ing the manner of engraving various classes of work : also 3 history of the art, from its origin to the present time. Ik. 1881. 12° 761-4 Emery, E. B. Queens. B., 11. d. 16 . Emery, S. H. Elective affinities. In San- born, F. I!., cd. Life and genius ol Goethe, pp. 251-289 430B6 1 .in,. Sarah A. Three generations. B., 1872. 8°. Emigrant life in Kansas. Ebbutt, P. G. 4781-3 1 mi. 1 \\ 1 . ol All. id. in. 1 : tale of Irish life. 1 .11 leton, Wm. I migration. Genera] hints to emigrants. 433-2 Emu. ik de Coulanges. Edgcu mth, Maria. Emineni authors of the 19th century. Brandes, Dr. (i (is 2 Emineni soldiers, Vdams, W. II. D. . . 4151-2 Emma. Austen. Jane. KMM Wl Kl. — 405 — I I Emmanuf.] . 01 . 1 ! rnal I thi 5on ol God the foundation o( immutable ii mil. Sadler, M. I 1 1 S. II. Logii pure and applii 1 .. 1870, 16 1 Introduction and notes, In Si I fr Locke 1 ij 1 I lie hum ler- standing. [Bound with foreg g | . . 189-35 I \1\11 r, Robei 1. b. 1780 d. 1803. Spei 1 h : with introdui tory sketi h and biograph- ii ,il in>i ice. In Sulln .in, T. I >.. A. M . and \). B. Speeches from the dock. . 4113—85 Speech. In Irish eloqui pp. 364- 370 825-5 Bui kl-. J. \\ . Life "i Robei 1 Emmett, celebrated l> ish patriol and mai tyr. . . 318B] Madden, R. R. Life and times 0) Rob- ert Emmet ; with memoir of Thos, Addis Emmet 318B2 McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen. pp. 251-262. Emmet — 1 'i onnell 941-54 EMMET, Thos. Addis, Irish American la; i. 1764-rf. 1827. Madden, R. R. I ife and times ol Robert Emmet, pp. 263- |28 318B2 M e, Frank, ed. American eloqu v. I. pp. 525-550 8152-6 Emmingh ius, \ . ed. P001 relief in diffei ent parts ol Europe: being m of rys tran lated fn im I he < !ei man work, "Das Armeuwesen und die Armenge- etzgebung in Europaischen Staaten," rev. bj I B Eastwick. L., 1873. I2 ° 139 IS Emmons, i bene er. Manual of go" Phila., 1S60. 12°. Same. N. V., i860. 8°. 550 (2 Emmons, Nathaniel. Cox, S. II. Inter- views, memorable and useful, pp. [45 -" -M 3 1 •. M. \., (( kiiI Hamilton, pseud.) Skirmishes and sketches, pp. S4-94. . (-;l ; I mmons, S. Bulfinch. Spirit-land. Phila., |S ""- l6 ° 175-3 EMORY, A. M. Told at Tuxedo. N. v., 1SS7. II, . Contents. — Prologue. I. Carmelite. -• I >oc- 1 ival . In I !u shadow of Hontt Diable. nt of law. 5. In solitude. — Epilogue. Emory, John, '. 1788-rf. 1835. Gorrie, P. D. Eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 59 4H7-5 Emory, M. In the gas works. In Wondei pp. 148 167. . . . 602-9 . \. Emotions and the will. 18 Bell, C. Expression: it-- anatomy and philosophy 742-2 ■ in. 1 Expi ession 1 in man and animal- 1 McCosh, J. The emotion- 1S7-6 Empei philosopher, Jl. about B. 1 1 1 1 Arnold, M. New poem . pp. 1-5X. 1 1 Lna 1 em Ion, F. di M I'hiln 1 14 150 418-3 Lloyd, W. W, Hi' 200-210 91908-5 I. A. Si '.reek v. 1. pp. 207-235 i 1 ROR. 2i.l M. Emferi 'i ol thi ' M 1 inger, Ph. 1 pp. 284-312 Empire of the 1 1 ittite W 1 ight, Wm. . . 9] Em PR] I ■ ; '.me. Mundt, Klara, (L. Muhlbach, pseud.) I Mi 1 1 I'n' I 1 b me. M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) En \\ wi. Messieurs! being a tutor'- coun- his pupils. Mathia-. G. II. I). . 374-6 Burty, P. ' ;vre of the industrial arts ! :. Louis. Christine. X. V., 1883. t6°. — Pupil of the legion of honor. Phila., 1871. 8°. Enchanted i tuty and other tales, ,■ and sketches. Elder. W 3'3E4 Enchanted moccasins and other legen the American Indian-. ed. by C. Mathews 387-6 Eni hanting and enchanted. Hackl&nder, F. I o hir n. Quarles, F 828-73 Eni kiridion "i wit: best specimens of Eng- lish conversational wit. Phila., 1885. l6 ° 827-55 Encke, Johann Fran/. Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 53-5 6 502-69 Encyclopedists (The). Morley, I. Di- derot and the Em ts 288B4 I 1 ia of rural -port-. Walsh, J. H. 791-9 Encyclopedias. Look within: condensed em \i 1 j edia, relating chiefly to house- hold management 60; 45 End of a coil. Warner. Susan. End of the world. Eggleston, Edward. 1 the world near; or, Antichrist, the beast of Rev. 13. Swormstedt, Jas. M. 2; Endimion, Lilly. J. Dramatic works, v. i- PP- «-85 570C2 Endless chain. Alden. Mrs. I. M.. (Pansy, ■'"'■1 714A3 ENDLESS future of the human race. Henry, ' 5, ^76-4 mion. I tisraeli, B. I is of book-. Blade-. Win. ..... So; | Stewart, B. Conservation of en- ergy i3ib-& Energy in nature. Carpenter, Wm. L. . . s3o-2 ENGEL. 406 — ENGLAND. Engel, Carl. Musical instruments. N. V., 1876. 12° 779-3 Engel, Louis. From Mozart to Mario : reminiscences of half a century. 2 v. L., 1S86. 12° 4177-3 Engelkach, Alfred H. Wreck of the Osprey. N. Y. 16° 320A4 Engineering. Anderson, J. Strength of materials and structures. N. V., 1S72. 6201-2 — Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary treatise on agricultural engineering. L., 1852. 631-15 — Baker, T. Land and engineering sur- veying 5269—1 5 Byrne, O. Practical mechanics. L., 1872 531-2 — Crehore, J. D. Mechanics of the girder: treatise on bridges and roofs. N. Y., 1886 624-3 Davidson, E. A. Drawing for machinists and engineers 744~3' — Dobson, E. Pioneer engineering. L., 18S0 629-3 Gillespie, W. M. Manual on the princi- ples and practice of road-making, ed. by C. Staley. N. Y., 1S71 625-4 — Graham, R. H. Graphic and analytic statics. L., 1887 624-38 Griffiths, W. Trusses of wood and iron. 624-42 Haswell, C. II. Engineers' and mechan- ics' text-book 6208-3 Henck, I. B. Field-book for railroad en- gineers N.Y., 18S2 6208-32 — Kelt, T., ed. Mechanic's text-book and engineer's practical guide. B., i860. . 6207-4 Krantz, J. B. Study of reservoir walls. tr. by V. A. Mahon. N. Y., 1SS3. . . 62843-5 — Law, H. Rudiments of civil engineer- ing. L., 1SS1 620-3 Burnell. <<. R. and Aspinall, J. Rudi- ments of civil engineering 620-31 — Leaning, J. Quantity surveying. L., 1S80 692-5 Mahan, D. II. Elementary course of civil engineering. N. Y., 1868. . . . 620-5 Maxton, |. Workman's manual of en- eering drawing. I.., 1S80 744-6 Medley, |. G. India and Indian survey- ing. I.., 1873 1st »- — Molesworth, (i. L. Pocket book of u e ful formula and memoranda for 1 and mechanical engineers. Plula.. [884. 6208-5 Moseley, II. Mechanical principle ol mi eering and architecture ; with addi- by D. II. Mahan. N. V.. [869. 620-53 I tikine, W. J. M. Civil engineering. I.., [872 620-6 Rii ker, \i'. Elementary graphic stud- ies and the construction of tin - d rool . V V., 1885 624-6; Engineering, continued. — Stevenson, D. Sketch of the civil engi- neering of North America. L., 1859. . 62097-7 — Templeton, W. Engineer, millwright and mechanics' pocket companion. . . 6208-8 Todhunter, I. History of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of materi- als, ed. by Karl Pearson, v. 1. Cam- bridge, 1886 6209-8 Vose, G. L. Bridge disasters in America — the cause and the remedy. B., 1887. 624-9 Manual for railroad engineers and en- gineering students 625-8 '■■ . also Arches. Architecture. Bridges. Building. Drainage. Dredging. Fort- ifications. Hydraulics. Irrigation. Lo- comotive engines. Mechanic arts. Me- chanics. Mensuration. Military art and science. Mines and mining. Roads. streets and pavements. Statics. Steam and steam engines. Strength of mater- ials. Surveying. — See also Biographies of the following : Boulton, M. Brassey, Thos. Brind- ley, las. Ericsson, John. Nasmyth, [as. Read, Nathan. Smeaton, John. Stephenson, Geo. Watt, J. England, John, first bishop of Charleston, S. C. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pio- neers of America, pp. 407-415. . . . 4142-6 England and Great Britain. Subdivis- ions. I. Antiquities. 2. Ecclesias- tical history and religion. 3. His- tory. 4. Army. 5. Navy. 6. Biogra- phy. 7. Constitution. 8. Politics and government. 9. Parliament. 10. Law. II. Finance. 12. Commerce and indus- tries. 13. Education. 14. Agriculture. 15. Architecture, art and music. 16. Social condition. 17. Travels and de- scription. 18. Geology. 19. Natural history. 20. Illustrative fiction. Note. Books relating to England, to Great Britain and the British empire, arc placed here. Those relating especially to Scotland and \\ des, will be found undei those headings 1. Antiquities. 1 amden, W. Remains concerning Brit- ain 406-3 Evans, I. Ancient stone implement . v eapi "I . and oi naments "I 1 Ireal Brit- ain 57i i-3 t H.nnnr. ( ,. I,. Gentleman's maga ine library 406-4 Hodgetl . J. F. ' Uder England ; illus- trated b) the Anglo-Saxon antiquities in 1 he Briti h M useum, zv 406-45 — Jewcii. L. Half-1 ;a tig ome Eng- lish antiquities 406-5 ENGLAND. 407 — GLAND. 1 GLAND, & ntinued. Rimmei , \. \m ienl torn I I ....I I"" 7 Senior, H. W. J. British Israel ■ 1 Hel n. . . . Sunn, |. Sports and pa < ol the people ol 1 1: I. hi. I Wright, 1 Celt, Roman and the Saxon. 406-9 2. a. General. \\; iella, ( 'ounti loblel .1*. ' lontemporary » evolution ol religioi I h 11 ; . in 1 land, Am. -in .1 and India zoi [02 Barclay, R. 1 11 life ol the reli 'in -I the 1 omi tl 289-2 B, de. Ecclesiastical hi 01 ■ ol 1 ngland. 9309-2 I quiros, A. Religious life in England. 2743-4 Hall, J. and Stuart, G. II. American evangelists, D. I .. Mood) and [ra D. Sankey in Greal Britain and Ireland. . 254-51 Hill, O'Dell T. English monasticism. . 271-4 I .(I.,, I . \. [llusl . ated n 1 church history 283-5 — Marshall, E. Diocesan histories. Ox- ford 27421-6 — Orderi. us Vitalis. Ec. lesiastical history ul England and Normandy. 4 v. . . . 9309-65 — Perry, G. G. History of the church ol England 283-6 -Ryle, I. C. Christian leaders of the last century 4*45 7 Smilc~, S. Huguenots, theii settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland 2845 71 — Southey, R. Book ol thechurch. . . 283 7 — Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the 17th century 2742 8 — Williams, F. Lives of the I ngli h car- dinals. 2 v 4M- 9 — Gladstone, W. E. Cleanings of years, v. 7. pp. 201-241. Evangel- ical movement : its parentage, progress and issue 126E1 — Killen. W. D. ' >ld Cath rch. pp. 267-286 281 1-5 Met le d' Aubigne.J. II. ( lei many, ! , Si otland. pp. 56-112 274 2 Spalding, M. ]. Miscellanea, v. 2. 455-471 ami 492-505. Catholic and ': '. .1.1111 CI mini ies 204-84 i. History of the reformation. — Blunt, J. H. Reformation of the church of England 1,14-471 2S3-2 Burnet, G. History ol the reformation of the church ol I 7 v. . . . 283 22 Carter, T. History of the great refor- mation 2706-25 1 . • land. . ... English r. 283-4 1 iilli tt, E. H 1 1 two Inn I ee, I . 1 .. 1 1 es ol the Merl. I. II. Rel in the l6th century, v. 5 — Perrj ,'..(.. History ol .gland ' Smith, J. M. Stars of th. lion. [84-214 2; I p"al church. 3. I: \ Be. kett, G. A. < omic history of Eng- land 93°'-" Vrmstrong's I nglish history. . 9301 it le, 1 >. Student's text- iglish and general history 93° , - | 7 — Bishop, I 1 Pictures of English history by the great historical artists. . 9301-2 l.t, |. F. 1 1 . 1 land. 449- 3 v 93°- 2 — Buckley, A. B. II gland for beginners 9301-24 1 oilier, W. F. History of England. . . 930-28 i liton, M.. ed. Epochs of English history 930-3 I I :i, J. M. New hook of kii \ n \-J, — Dickens, C. Child's history of England. 9301-3 v ill short st. ,ries 93 OI_ 35 Gairdner, J. Early chroniclers of Eu- rope: England 9302-4 • . ,1:1m r, S. R. English history foi stu- 9302-42 English histor) for young folks. . . . 931 — Goodrich, S. C. Pictorial hi land 930-4 Green, J. R. History of England. 4 V. 930-42 Note. " By far the most in. , -:ral history of England." — C. A'. Adams. Short history of the Englisl ,°-43 <•(/. Readings from English 1 •'1-39 — C.ttest. M. J. Lectures on the hist England 9301-44 Hand-book of English history. [The foregoing re-written and slightly con- dense. 1 ; with an additional chaptei F. IE Underwood.] 9301-45 — Hume. 1 ' . i I Enj land from the invasion of Julius Caesar I 1688 Student's edition abridged and ... tinned to the year 1S5S 930-49 - Knight. C. Histor. — Knox, I. Craig-. Young folks" 1, England 9301-5 ENGLAND. 408 ENGLAND. England, continued, — Lingard, J. History of England, from the first invasion by the Romans to 1688. '3 v 930-61 Note. The great Roman Catholic authority on the history of England. — C. K, Adams. — Lossing, B. J. History of England. . . 9301-54 — McCalman, A. H., ed. Abridged history of England, and condensed chronology from the time of the ancient Britons to the reign of Queen Victoria 9301-6 — Mackintosh, J. History of England. . 930-63 — Phillip's historical readers. 4 V. . . . 9301-75 v. 1. Stories from English history, v. 2. Early England to 1154. v. 3. Middle England. 1154-1603. v. 4. Modern England, 1603-1884. — Pierson, Mrs. H. W. History of Eng- land in words of one syllable 9301-77 — Tait, C. W. A. Analysis of English his- tory 9301-85 — Thalheimer, M. E. History of England. 9301-88 — Thompson, A. B. Victoria history of England, from B. C. 54 to A. D. 1876. 9301-9 — Thompson, E. History of England. . . 9301-91 — Towle, G. M. Young folks' history of England 9301-92 — White, J. History of England 93°t-95 — Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English his- tory- 5 v 93°-97 Young folks' history of England. . . 9301-98 1st period: British, Saxon, Norman: until 1 1 54. — Anglo-Saxon chronicle. With Bede. Ec- clesiastical history of England. . . . 9309-2 — Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the Eng- lish nation ; or, beginnings of English history 931-15 — Elton, C. Origins of English history. . 931-25 — Florence of Worcester. Chronicle, com- prising annals of English history, from the departure of the Romans to the reign •I Edward 1 9309-3 — Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman conquest of England. 6 v 931-3 -Old English history 931-31 - Reign of William Rufus and the acces- sion of Henry I. 2 v 9322-4 Geldhart, Mrs. Tims. Glimpses of our island home 931-38 — Giles, J. A., ed. Six old English chr cles 9309-8 1 >ri en, J. K. ( lonquest of England. [Danish and Norman conquests.] . . . 931-41 Making of England. [Saxon i [tiest.] 931 4 Henry oj Huntingdon. Chronicle, prising the history of England, from the invasion o) Juliu Ca ;ai to I he acce ssion oi Henry II 9309-45 — Hunt, W. Norman Britain 932-4 Engl an n, continued. — Ingulphus. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland ; with continuations by Peter of Blois and anonymous writers. . . . 9309-5 — Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. . 921-45 — Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of his- tory, especially such as relate to the af- fairs of Britain. 2 v 9309-61 — .Milton, J. Britain under Trojan, Roman, Saxon rule 9306-6 In Prose works, v. 2. pp. 197-342. 828-61 — Pauli, R. Pictures of old England. . . 931-68 — Pearson, C. H. History of England during the early and middle ages. 2 v. 931-7 — Roger de Hoveden. Annals: comprising the history of England and of other countries of Europe from 732-1201, 2 v. 9309-7 — Roger of Wendover. Flowers of history : comprising the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A. D. 1235. 9309-72 — St. John, J. A. History of the four con- quests of England. 2 v 93 I_ 8 — Thierry, J. N. A. History of the con- quest of England by the Normans. 2 v. 931-83 — William of Malmesbury. Chronicles of the kings of England, 449-1142 93°9-9 — See also Anglo-Saxons. 2d period: the Plantagenets, 11 54-1399. — Ashley, W. I., ed. Edward III and his wars, 1327-60 9337- 2 — Blaauw, W. H. Barons' war, including the battles of Lewes and Evesham. . . 9334-2 — Chautauqua library of English history and literature, v. 2. Period of the early Plantagenets 933~3 — Hutton, W. H., ed. Misrule of Henry III 9334-4 — Matthew Paris. English history from the year 1235-73. 3 v 93°9-° — Norgate, K. England under the Angevin kings. 2 v 933-6 — Pearson, C. H. English history in the 14th century 9335-6 — Stubbs, W. Early Plantagenets. . . . 933~7 3d period: Lancaster and York, 1399- [485. — Brougham, II. P. History of England and France, under the house of Lancas- ter; with an introductory view of the early reformation 934~2 — Edgar, I G. Wan "I the rose: 934-3 Froissart, I. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining loun- iiu Edward II, 1 [em y IV 924 4 I ; airdnei , J. I louses of I ancaster and VTorl 934-4 — Legge, A. O. 1'npopular king : life ami times of Richard III. - v 9346-2 ENGLAND. ,,-.,, I .',] VND. Kni.i \mi. i ontinutd. Pi iton letters i wi itten during the ri of I Icniy \ I, Edward I \ and Richard ill. ed. by J. Fenn uric. ed. by J. Gairdner 826-71 More, T. England under Richard III. Bound itiitk Mill I. I'.iit.nn. . . . 9306-6 4th period: the Tudors, 1485- 1603. Bacon, F. Reign of Henry VII. Hun, I with Milton, J. Britain 9306-6 — Brewer, J. S. Reign of Henry VIII. 2 v. 9352-2 — Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. . . . 9355-3 — Froude, J. A. History of England, from the fall of Wolscy to 1 he death of Eliza- beth. 12 v 935-4 — Goadby, E. England of Shakespeare. . 9355-45 — Herbert, E. History of England under Henry VIII. /'/ Autobiography ol Ed- ward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. . . 9352-4 Hopkins, S. Puritans and Queen Eliza- beth. 3 v 2859-4 — Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors: Henry VII and Henry VIII 935-6 5th period : the Stuarts and the Common- wealth, 1603-1714. — Bayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution 936-2 Bisset, A. History of the Commonwealth of England 9363-2 — Burnet, (}. History of his own lime: from the restoration of King Charles IT to the Treaty of peace at Utrecht in the reign of Queen Anne 9366-2 — Carey, II. Memorials of the great civil war in England, 1646-52. ed. from original letters in the Bodleian. . . . 9362-28 — Carrel, A. J. B. N. Counter-revolution in England under Charles II and James II. 9366-31 Same. . 9366-3 -titutional history of the British em- pire, from the accession of Charles I to the restoration 346-25 — Corderv, II. M. and Phillpotts, J. S. King and commonwealth: history of Charles I and the great rebellion 9362-3 Gardiner, S. R. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-60 936-4 - Prince Charles and the Spanish mar- riage, 1617-23. 2 v 9361-4 Personal government of Charles I, 1628- 37- 2 v 9362-37 - Fall of the monarchy of Charles I, 1637- 49- 2 v 9362-3S Contents. — v. 1. 1637-40. — v. 2. 1640-42. No more published under this title History of the great civil war, 1642-44. v. > 9363-39 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of the English revolution 9362-4 1 ntinued. I Fall of the Stuarts and ern 1 1 78-94 9366-4 Hyde, I , lit earl of Clarendon, II ol ihe rebellion and ci\ il wars in I land. 7 v 9362-45 1 line, I '. Narral ive of the gunpo 3467-5 1 e, J. H. Memoii ; of thi England during the reign of the Stuarts. 41 1-58 Macaulay, T. P. History of England. us editions.] 936-64 III 9369-6 Ranke, 1 von. History ol I ngland, principally in the 17th century. 6 v. . 936-75 illett, T. IP tor) ol England, from 1688 to the death of George II. . . . 9368-8 Stanhope, P. 11. History of England, 1701-13 9369-8 — Walford, N. L. Parliamentary generals of the great civil war 9363-9 6th period: the four Georges, 1714-1837. Bel him, Win. Memoirs of the reign of George III, from his accession to the peace of Amiens. S v 9373 -2 I 1 l.v, \V. E. II. History of England in the 18th century. 6 v 937-5 M.i arthy.J. I li lory of the four Georges. 41111-6 M 1 sey, W. History of England during the reign of George III. 4 v 9373-6 Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. . . . 937-6 Smucker, S. M. The four Georges. . . 41 11 1-8 Stanhope, P. II. History of England, l7«3- 8 3- 7 v. in 4 937-8 — Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges. . 41111-85 Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges 937-95 7 th period: the iqth century. - Bradlaugh, C. Impeachment "of the house of Brunswick 937~ 2 — Cory, \V. Guide to modern English his- tory, 1830-35 9373-3 — McCarthy, J. England under Gladstone. 938-57 Epoch of reform, 1830-50 9375-6 History of our own times 93S-56 Ireland's cause in England's parliament. 941S-49 Mackenzie, R. Nineteenth century. . . 929-57 — Martineau, II. History of England from the commencement of the 19th century to the Crimean war. 4 V 9 Molesworth, W. N. History of England 1S30-74. 3 v 938-6 Walpole, S. History of England from the conclusion of the great war in 1815. 3v ' "■ 9373-9 Ward. T. II., ed. Reign of Queen Vic- toria: a survey of fifty years of pro- gress. 1 v 93S-9 Yonge, C. M. Victorian half century. . 93S-97 ENGLAND. 410 — ENGLAND. England, continued. — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, international and religious, pp. 175-185. Shall Eng- land side with Russia ? 884C5 Note. In addition to the books here men- tioned the student might consult general histo- ries of Europe. For the 6th and 7th periods, Alison's Europe is especially valuable. See also lives of sovereigns and other im- portant persons of each period. Historical miscellanies. — Acton, R. Our colonial empire 9307-2 — Adams, W. H. D. Memorable battles in English history 9308-2 Battle stories from British and Euro- pean history 9208-13 — Armitage, E. S. Connection between England and Scotland 940-14 — Barber, J. W. European historical col- lections, comprising England, Scotland; with Holland, Belgium and a part of France 9208-2 — Beverley, M. Romantic passages in Eng- lish history 9308-25 — Boynton, C. B. Four great powers : Eng- land, France, Russia and America. . . 929-2 — Buckle, H.T. Civilization in England. 2 v. 901-2 — Calendar of victory 9308-26 — Choice notes from "Notes and queries." 9302-72 — Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies 9307-33 — Creighton, Louise. Social history of England 9305-3 — Edmunds, F. Traces of history in the names of places 4194-3 Ellis, W. Royal jubilees of England. . 9308-3 — Ewald, A. C. Reference book of English history 9302-3 - Stories from the State papers 9306-31 — Freeman, E. A. English people in its three homes. In Lectures to American audiences 9306-4 - Greater Greece and greater Britain. . 902-39 — Froude, J. A. Oceana 438-38 — Green, J. k. Stray studies from England and Italy 9204-45 Half a century of English history. [Car- toons from Punch.] 827-75 — Heeren, A. II. L. Historical works, v. 1. 906-4 I ippincott, S. J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Merrie England ; travels, de- scription, tales and historical sketches. 9308 -5 Maxwell, C. A. Wars of England and Scotland 9403-62 - Neele, II. Romance of history; England. 9308-6 - Neil, S., cd. Great events of Great Brit- ain, from the Roman invasion to 1866. 930a J Percy, S. Tali 1 oi the kings and queen of England 930S-65 England, continued. — Philps, R. K. Historical reason why; English history 9302-8 — Ransome, C. Our colonies and India. . 9307-7 — Reed, H. Lectures on English history and tragic poetry 82361-7 — Regnault, E. Criminal history of the English government 93°3 _ 7 — Ridpath, G. Border-history of England and Scotland 9403-7 — Roemer, J. Origins of the English peo- ple and of the English language. . . . 931-78 — St. John, H. Letters on the study and use of history, etc 902-7 — Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England. . 9307-8 — Strickland, A. Tales from English his- tory 93o8-7 — Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred subjects 9204-8 — Vaughan, R. Revolutions of English history. 3 v. L., 1867 93°5-8 v. 1. Revolutions in race. v. 2. Revolutions in religion. v. 3. Revolutions in government. — Wheeler, A. M., ed. Sketches from Eng- lish history, from the Roman conquest to the revolution of 16S8 9301-93 — Wikoff, H. Four civilizations of the world 901-95 — Wright, T. Essays on the literature, popular superstitions and history of Eng- land in the middle ages 9306-9 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 16. pp. 471-488. Great Britain and the United States 81S-27 — Burke, E. Works. v. 2. pp. 487-597. 828-25 — De Quincy, T. Note book of an English opium eater, pp. 217-240. Falsifica- tion of English history 284E41 — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, pp. 1-125 902-4 May, T. E. Democracy in Europe, v. 2. pp. 349-502 3204-6 — Kingsley, H. Plays and Puritans, etc. pp. 209-271 535E3S Maurice, F. I). Friendship of books and other lectures, pp. 187-218 804-6 Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 3. pp. 291-335. Expansion of England. . 646E4 Local history. Burrows, M. Worthies of All Souls. . . 37842-22 — Dixon, W. II. Her majesty's tower. . . 93911-3 — Freeman, E. A. Historic towns. Exeter. 93935-4 — Glover, S. History of the county of Derby. 93951-4 — Hunt, W. Historic towns. Bristol. . 93941-4 Townsend, re 411-4 — Hall, Mrs. M. Queens of England before the Norman conquest. 2 v 41 11-45 Royal princesses of England 41 11-46 — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. 41 1-5 — Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of Charles II 411-55 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England. 3 V 411-58 Memoirs of the Pretenders 41 1-59 — Kaye, J. \V. Lives of Indian officers. 2 v 4"-595 — Kingsley, R. G. Children of Westmin- ster abbey 41 1-6 — Lancelott, F. Queens of England. 2 v. 41 1 1-5 — Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of some dis- tinguished Anglo-Indians 411-61 I ! rttud. ■ . I Portrait ! ol illu -. Britain. 8. v in •,- 1 OndOB 1 I : Wellington and in 68 Manning, J. A. Lives of thi of the House of I .... 41 1-75 hant, M. O. (W.) Hi ketches of the reign ol < ieorgi II 4 , ,_,jj Rae, W. I-. Wilke , Shi 1 . . 411-85 Redding, C. Personal reminiscenci eminent men. 3 V — Ritchie, J. E. British senatoi 411-9 Smith, G. rhree English statesmen. . . 411 94 Smith, G. B. Prime ministers of Queen V " toria 411-93 bbing, \V. Some verdicts of hi reviewed 411-95 — Strickland, A. Lives ..f the Queens of England. [Various editions.] — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch; or, lives of men distinguished in the re- cenl history of England 411-9- — Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility. . . 411-975 — Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leader. 41 1-98 Walford, E. Tales of our great families. 411-99 — Warren, I. P. Three judges 411-992 7. Constitution. — Amos, S. Primer of the English consti- tution and government 3461-14 — Bagehol, W. English constitution. . . 3461-2 — Constitutional history of the British em- pire from the accession of Charles I to the restoration. 3 V 346-2? — Creasy, E. S. Rise and progress of the I nglish constitution 346-3 — De Lolme, J. L. Constitution of Eng- laml 3461-33 — Dicey, A. V. Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitu- tion 3461-35 — Fischel, E. English constitution. . . . 3461-4 — Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution from the earliest times. . . 346-38 — Gneist, R. History of the English con- stitution 346-4 — Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England 346-44 — Langmead, T. P. Taswell-. English con- stitutional history 346-4S — Rannie, D. W. Historical outline of the English constitution for beginners. . . 346-65 — Stubbs, W. Constitutional history of England in its origin and development. 346-7 ed. Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Ed- wartI ! 346-71 ENGLAND. — 412 — ENGLAND. England, continued. S. Politics and government. — Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British orations. 3 V 825S-2 — Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England. . 333-2 — Buckland, A. Our national institu- tions 32042-18 — Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day 32042-2 — Campbell, J. G. E. Imperial federation. 32043-3 , — Carlyle, T., ed. Latter-day pamphlets. . 206E5 — Chalmers, M. D. Local government. . 352-3 — Cobden, R. Political writings 3°S-3 — Coon, T. M., ed. Social problems. . . 304-2S — Cox, H. Institutions of the English gov- ernment 3461-3 — Creighton, L. Government of England. 346-31 — Daly, J. B. Radical pioneers of the 18th century 937"3 — Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Gt. Britain. 351-4 — Elliot, A. State and the church. . . . 2577-3 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. v. 1 426E1 Political speeches in Scotland 825-45 — Goschen, G. J. Political speeches. . . . 32042-4 — Guizot, F. Embassy of the court of St. James in 1840 3274-4 History of the origin of representative government in Europe 3204-4 — Hoffman, F. A. Catechism of politics. 32042-5 — Junius, pseud. Letters 826-5 — Lewins, W. Her Majesty's mails. . . . 35342-5 — Lubbock, J. Representation 32442-5 — Macaulay, T. B. Speeches 825-55 - Maurice, F. D. Workman and the fran- chise 32442-6 — Mongredien, A. History of the free trade movement in England 335—66 — Paterson, J. Liberty of the press, speech and public worship. .' 323-56 — Paul, A. History of reform: a record of the struggle for representation of the people in parliament 32042-57 — Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club essays, 1875 3521-7 - 1882 3521-77 — Ricardo, D. Works 33°~77 Russell, J. Recollections and sugges- tions, 1813-73 798B7 — Saint, J. J. II. Voters and their registra- I . 32442-S — Sergeant, L. England's policy: its tra- dition and problems 32042-7 Smith, P. V, History of English institu- tions 3461-8 lb 1 majesty's prisons: their effects and defects 3"5~43 — Traill, II. I). Central government. . .35442-85 — Ralegh, Sir W. Works, v. 13. . . . 828-75 England, continued. 9. Parliament. — Anson, W. R. Law and custom of the constitution, pt. I. Parliament. . . 3461-15 — Ensor, F. S., ed. Queen's speeches in parliament 32842-3 — Hamilton, A. H. A., ed. Note book of Sir John Northcote 32842-7 — Jennings, G. H., ed. Anecdotal history of the British parliament 32842-4 — Latchford, H. Wit and wisdom of par- liament 32842-5 — May, T. History of the parliament of England 32842-6 — Prothero, G. W. Life* of Simon de Mon- fort, Earl of Leicester, with special ref- erence to the parliamentary history of his time 644B84 — Skottowe, B. C. Short history of parlia- ment 32842-7 — Walpole, S. Electorate and legislature. 32842-8 — Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day. pp. 58-93 32042-2 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 2. pp. 55-78. An election to the long parliament. . . 206E1 Latter-day pamphlets, pp. 182-215. . 206E5 — Dix, W. G. American state and Ameri- can statesmen, pp. 37-41 3207-3 — Landor, W. S. Benefits of parliament. In Prose masterpieces from modern essay- ists, v. I. pp. 1 1 4- 1 1 9 808-7 — Mathews, W. Men, places and things. pp. 189-217 617E7 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. 66-92. . . 410-83 — Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and modern political opinion, pp. 261-301. . . . 3304-67 10. Law. — Browne, G. L. Narratives of State trials in the 19th century 3482-2 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Pleasantries of English courts and lawyers 34°9~5 — Kenny, C. S. Law of primogeniture in England 344--5 Effects of marriage on property. . . . 3442-5 — Plain guide for suitors in the county court. 3452-6 — Pollock, F. Land laws 333-7 Note. For the Common law of England. See Law. 1 1 . Finance. Bank of England, and the organisation of credit in England 331 1-25 — Dowell, S. History of taxes and taxation in England. 4 v 3322-3 Henfrey, II. W. Guide to the study of English coins 33'4 _ 38 Horton, S. I). Silver pound and Eng- land's monetary policy since the re- iteration: together with the history of the guinea 3314-42 ENGLAND. — 413 — ENGLA1 1 1 \mi, continued. Howe, J. H. Political economy in the use of money 33 ,_ 43 [evons, W. S. Investigations in cur- rency ami finance 331-49 — Nash, K. I.. Short inquiry into the profit- able nature of our iln ctinrnts. . . . 33l8-7 IVin, s. M. Taxation, its levy ami ex- penditure 3322-7 Purdy, W. London banking life. . . . 3311-73 Summer, W. (i. History of American currency ; with chapters on the English Bank restriction and Austrian paper money 33 1—8 Wilson, A. J. National budget: the na- tional debt, taxes and rates 33242-8 — Courtney, I.. H. Finance. In Ward, T. II., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 1. PP- 330-303 938-9 Hollingbery, R, II. Silver question re- viewed, pp. 108-116 33 '5-4 12. Commerce and industries* — Blaikie, W. G. Heads and hands in the world of labor 3361-23 — Brassey, T. Foreign work and English "ages 336-19 — Cobden, K. Political writings 308-3 — Fairer, T. H. State in its relation to trade 330-35 — Galloway, K. L. History of coal-mining in Gt. Britain 5532-4 — Holyoake, G. J. History of co-operation in England: its literature and its advo- cates, v. 1. Pioneer period, 1812-44. 337~4 — Levi, L. Wages and earnings of the working classes 3362-5 Medley, G. W. England under free fade 335-6 — Mongredien, A. Free trade and English commerce 335-65 — Paris, Comtt de. Trades-unions of Eng- >-" 1 ' 1 3369-7 — Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages 336-6 — Strauss, G. L. M. and others. England's workshops 609-75 — Ure, Andrew. Cotton manufacture of Gt. Britain 6771-9 — Scrivenor, H. History of the iron trade from the earliest records, pp. S2-109. . 671-7 13. Education. — Adams, F. History of the elementary school contest in England 37942-2 — Bartley, G. C. T. Schools for the people. 37942-24 — Craik, H. State, in its relation to educa- tion 37942-3 — Fearon, D. R. School inspection. . . . 37042-4 — Our public schools 37342-6 — Staunton, 11. Schools of England. . . . 37342 8 1 ntinued. I mil, , |, St hool days of eminent men. j; 14, Agriculture. Badham, I , D I lent funguses of I land 6359-2 6302-3 440-24 1, II. Agriculture and rural econ- omy - European life and manners Dixon, II. II., (The Druid, pseud.) Sad- dle and sirloin ; or, English farm and ing worthies 636-32 I lender I. I Iain! 1 ! .: ' • I iii. ISritain and America 6332-4 Low, I). Landed property, and the econ- omy of estates 6302-5 Nasse, E. Agricultural community of the middle ages and the inclosures of the 16th century in England iii 2 -^ Olmsted, F. L. Walks and talks of an American farmer in England 442-7 15. Architecture, art and music . Boyd, E. W., ed. English cathedrals: their architecture, symbolism and his- tory 724-2 ■Conway, M. D. Travels in South Ken- sington • • - 745-3 Cook, I). Art in England, notes and stud- ies 7592-3 Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. 5 v 417-3 ■ Jewett, L. Ceramic art of (it. Britain. . 737-53 Ritter, F. L. Music in England. . . 7702-7 Solon, L. M. Art of the old English pot- ter 737-7 Donald, R. Chapter on English archi- tecture. In I.efevre, A. Wonders of architecture 720-57 Haweis, II. R. Music and morals, pp. 409-476 771-47 16. Social condition, etc. Adams, W. II. D. Good Queen Anne; or, men and manners, life and letl in Engl. mil's Augustan age 9369-13 Ah-chin-le./icKr/., [prodaily J. B. Swazey.] Some observations upon the civilization of the western barbarians 442-12 Ashton, J. Dawn of the 19th century in England 9373-17 - - Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. 9369-17 Badeau, A. Aristocracy in England. . 442-14 Bardsley, C. W. Curiosities of Puritan nomenclature 4194-14 Beddoe, J. Races of Britain 57242-2 - Blouet. P., (Max O'Rell, pseud.) John Bull and his island | - Bolton, S. K. Social studies in England. - Bonwick, J. Our nationalities ; - Bourne, S. Trade, population and food. 3304-2 ENGLAND. — 414 — ENGLAND. England, continued. — Brand, J. Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain 3S32-2 — Buhver-Lytton, E. G. E. L. England and the English 442-19 — Chorley, H. F. Recent art and society. 225B1 — Cobden, J. C. White slaves of England. 3368-27 — Cooke, C. W. R., (A. Gushington, /«?«'.) Thoughts on men and things 827-41 Daniel, G. Merrie England in the olden time 394-25 — Davies, C. M. Mystic London 4421-3 — Ellis, Mrs. S. Women of England. . . 396-33 — Emerson, R. W. English traits. . . . 318E2 — Escott, T. H. S. England: her people, polity and pursuits 442-32 — Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England : history of dress to the close of the iSth century 39 I_ 4 — Fisher, J. History of landholding in England 333-37 Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the 18th century 8023-4 French, R. V. Nineteen centuries of drink in England 1983-3 — " Good form " in England 442-39 — Greg, W. R. Rocks ahead 435E8 — Halliday, A. Town and country. ... 451E9 — Heath, F. G. Peasant life in the west of England 442-47 — Hyneman, L. Freemasonry in England, from 1567 to 1813 3661-5 — Jessopp, A. Arcady — for better, for worse : study of rural life in England. 442-502 — Johnston, W. England as it is 442-51 — Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people of England 442-52 — Laugel, A. England, political and social. 442-55 — Leslie, C. E. Glory and shame of Eng- land 442-56 — Murray, E. C. G. Side-lights on English society. 2 v 442-65 — Parkinson, J. C. Places and people. . . 713E4 — Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. 2 v 34D7-6 — Mallock, W. H. Property and progress. 33S-56 — Slaveholder abroad 442-85 — White, R. G. England without and within 442-94 Wilmot, J. E. I.. Reminiscences of the late Thos. Assheton Smith; or, the pur- suits ol an English country gentleman. 835B6 — Cecil, E. Lord. Impressions of life at home and abroad, pp. 255-277. . . . 439-23 — Godwin, P. I lul "f the past. pp. 441- 461. Emei 'ii England 430E5 Greg, W. R. Miscellaneous essays. ei 2. pp. 136-192. England as it is. . . 435 '"7 old, D. Works, v. 4. pp. 233-356. 828-5 England, continued. — Orpen, G. H. Socialism in England. In Laveleye, E. de. Socialism of to-day. 338-5 — Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Eu- rope, pp. 1-13S 396-85 17. Travels and description. — Bailey, J. M. England from a back window 442-15 — Breed, W. P. Abroad and aboard. . . 442-18 — Burroughs, J. Fresh fields 196E4 — Carnegie, A. American four-in-hand in Britain 442-21 — Carus, C. G. King of Saxony's journey through England and Scotland. . . . 442-22 — Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls in England 442-225 — Cobbett, W. Rural rides. [1821-32.] 2 v 442-228 — Collier, R. L. English home life. . . . 442-234 — Coxe, A. C. Impressions of England. . 442-24 — Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days : tour through southern England 442-28 — Eddy, D. C. Percy family through Scot- land and England 442-29 — Gallenga, A. Episodes of my second life 401 B9 — Hamerton, P. G. Painter's camp. . . . 757-5 — Hassard, J. R. G. Pickwickian pilgrim- age 44 2 -44 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home 442-45 Same, [with Septimius Felton.] . . . 442-451 English note books 442-46 — Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe 440-484 — Hoppin, J. M. Old England 442-48 — Jefferies, R. Wild life in a southern coun- try 589-54 — Jennings, L. J. Field paths and green lanes; being country walks, chiefly in Surrey and Sussex 4422-5 — Jesse, E. Favorite haunts and rural studies 44 2 ~5 — King, M. B. A. Looking backward; or, memories of the past 53 2 B8 — Mackenzie, A. S. American in England. 442-6 — Miller, A. First impressions of England and its people 442-63 — Moritz, C. P. Travels in England in 1782 442-64 1 '.11 ten, C. B. England as seen bj .111 American banker 44 2 -3 Pennell, J. and'E, (R.) Canterbury pil- grimage 442-7 2 Pond, J. Ii., ed. Summer in England with Henry Ward Beecher 204-11 — Scudder, Ii. E. English Bodley family. 442-8 — Silloway, T. W. and Powers, L. L. Ca- thedral towns of England, Ireland and Scotland 442-83 ENGLAND. 415 I '.■ 1 .1- 1 bland, 1 ontinued, si !, J. S. II. \in "I Merrie England. .142-88 1 .11. \. Note 1 ngland . . 442-89 b 1, I. Abbeys, castle ind 1 1 and w ale J v. . . 9318-8 Verey, J. Open ah ; iir, sketches out of town 'Hi 1 ! Ward, M . I . Engli ih item , or, mien <■ 1 ipii 1. ■ oi England and I nglish- 111 tn 442-92 White, W. All around the Wrekin. . . 442-945 — Willis, \ . P. I- imous persons and places. 442-95 Winter, W. ["rip to England 442-97 Vppleton, T. 1 '.. 1 hequer-work. pp. 179-204. Rambling in I ngland. . . . 121E5 B ghs, J. \\ intei ;un ihine. pp. 1 5 1 204 and 224-248 196E9 D. ( 1 uropa. pp. 25-185. . . 440-3 — Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites. . . 440-433 Haven, G. Pilgrim's wallet, pp. 1-26S. 440-46 Hawtl , Mrs. s. A. p. Notes in Eng- land and Italy, pp. 7-1 18 440-462 Howitt, W. Visits to remarkable places. PP- '3-3*8 442-49 — Jackson, H. (II.) Glimpses of three coasts, pp. 196-220 439-52 I ike, D. R. Nasby in exile, pp. 36- "9 440-59 — Morford, H. Over-sea 440-64 Sigourney, L. II. Pleasant memories of pleasant lands 442-82 Tappan, H. P. Step from the New World to the old. v. 1 440-S7 Thomson, E. Letters from Europe, pp. 44-201 440-899 — Tripp, A. Crests from the ocean world. pp. 357-402 440-915 Tiber and the Thames, their associations, past and present, pp. 33-100 449-902 — See also London. 18. Geology. Hughes, S. Treatise on water-works: with a description of the principal geo- logical formations of England 6284-4 Ramsay, V. C. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain 5542-7 Anderson, 1 , 1 >ui ie of creation, pp. 160-240 550-13 Bristow, 11. W. Table of British mentary and fossiliferous strata. In Figuier, I.. World before the deluge. IT 495-499 55»-45 kie, J. Great ice age, and iis rela- tion to t lie antiquity of man 55'~5 — See also Miller, 11. Works. 19. Natural history. — Buckland, F. Natural history of British fishes 597-2 1 1 t: tinned. Burge 1, J. I ish wild Mowers. 582-24 ' ■ ■ 5'<: . J. Records of stag-hunting 1 or 1 .1 indon, I . II. I i' ■ . ol old England. 7'3~5 1 ting, J. I Bi itish animals extinct limes Our summer migrants: an account of the migratory birds which pa ss the sum- mer in the British islands 598-45 fardine, W. Bird ol Great Britain and Ireland, In Naturalist's library, v. ii 590-5 — Spry, W. British coleoptera delineated. 59575-7 — Thorpe, C. British marine concholo- gy 594-8 20. Illustrative n. lion. — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Harold. [Norman conquest.] Last of the barons. [Wars of the roses.] — Church, A. J. With the king at Oxford. [1645.] — Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane. Doomed city; or, the last days of Duro- cina 250A8 Edwy the Fair. [950.] Last abbot of Glastonbury. Rival heirs. [1066.] — Ilentv. G. A. Dragon and the raven. [875] — Kingsley, C. Hereward. [Reign of \\ il- liam I.] Westward Ho! [Reign of Elizabeth.] — Kingston, W. II. G. Roger Willoughby. [1685.] 535 v ' Three hundred years ago. [1565.]. . 53; \ s Melville, G. J. W. Holmbyhouse. [Civil war.] White 1 — Scott, W. Fortunes of Nigel. [1620.] [vanhoe. [1194.] Kenilworth. [Re n of 1 th.] P, ■■. |.,ak. [1660.] - Redgauntlet. [173 St. Ronan's well. [1S00.] Waverly. [1; \\ i toi k. [1652.] ckeray, W. M. Henry Esmond. [Reign of Anne and George 1 | Virginians. [Reign of George III.] mrton, E. Reginald Hastings. [Civil « a 1 . 1 — Yonge, C. M. Caged lion. Prince and the page. ENGLAND and Rome: three letters to a per- vert. Burgon, I. \\ . ... 2S29-3 ENGLAND. — 416 — ENGLISH. ENGLAND versus Rome: brief hand-book of the Roman Catholic controversy. Swete, H. B 2829-8 England's case against home rule. Dicey, A- V 3 2 °4i-3 England's day-break. Bickersteth, Jicr. E. H 153A1 England's yeoman. Charlesworth, M. L. English, Thos. Dunn. Boy's book of battle lyrics. N. Y., 1885. 8° 80913-3 English and American railroads compared. Dorsey, Edward B 625-3 English and Scottish chivalry. Maxwell, C A 9403-61 English as she is spoke; or, a jest in sober earnest, with an introduction by James Millington. N. Y., 1884. 24 . . . . 1 173-3 English as she is taught. Le Row, C. B., ed "73-5 English Bodley family. Scudder, H. E. . 442-8 English citizen series. Chalmers, M. D. Local government. . 352-3 Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. Colo- nies and dependencies 93°7 _ 33 Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and pre- vention of crime 3467-35 Elliot, A. State and the church. . . . 2577-3 Fowle, T. W. Poor law 3529-4 Jevons, W. S. State, in relation to la- bour 336-35 Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. . 35442-7 Traill, H. D. Central government. . . 35442-S5 Walpole, S. Foreign relations. . . . 32742-9 English colonies in America. Lodge, H. C. 974-5 English colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas. Doyle, J- A 974-3 English composition. See Rhetoric and composition. English eccentrics and eccentricities. Timbs, John 4138-8 ENGLISH governess. McCrindell, R. . . . 597A1 English governess at the Siamese court. Leonowens, A. H 4533—5 ENGLISH grammar. Abbott, E. A. How to parse "52-2 — Choate, I. li. Elements of English speei li 1 15-2 — Clark, S. W. Analysis of the English language 115-22 — Cobbctt, VV. English grammar 115-24 Day, II. N. Grammatical synthesis : the art of English composition "7 _ 3 - Young composer 1 17-31 Fowler, W. C. English grammar : Eng- lish language 115-41 - English grammar. English language in its elements and forms, revised and enlarged "5-4 English grammar, continued. — Haldeman, S. S. Word-building. . . . 112-4 — Harvey, T. W. English grammar. . . . 115-43 — Hathaway, B. A. 1001 questions and answers on English grammar. . . . 115-45 — Jewell, F. S. Grammatical diagrams. . 1152-5 — Kerl, S. Common school grammar of the English language 1 1 5—53 Comprehensive grammar of the English language 1 1 5~54 Shorter course in English language. . 115-52 — Latham, R. G. Hand-book of the Eng- lish language IIO-55 — Marcet, Mrs. J. Mary's grammar, inter- spersed with stories 115-6 — Meiklejohn, J. M. D. English language: its grammar, history and literature. . . 110-64 — Morris, R. English grammar 115-65 Historical outlines of English accidence. 115-64 and Bowen, H. C. English grammar exercises 115-66 — Mulligan, J. Exposition of the gram- matical structure of the English lan- guage * . . 115-67 — Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land; or, gram- mar in fun for the children of school- room-shire 1 1 5-7 — Quackenbos, G. P. English grammar. . 115-76 Illustrated lessons in our language. . . 115-75 — Raub, A. N. Lessons in English. . . . 115-78 Practical English grammar 115-79 — Sanders, C. W. and McElligott, J. N. Analysis of English words 115-8 — Tooke, J. H. Epea pteroenta; or, the diversions of Purley 110-86 : — Whitney, W. D. Essentials of English grammar 1 15—95 — See also English language. Etymology. English home life. Collier, R. L 442-234 English humorists of the 18th century. Thackeray, W. M 828-893 English in America. Haliburton, T. C. Rule and misrule of the English in America 974 _ 4 English in Ireland in the iSth century. Froude, J. A. 3 V 9416-4 English in the West Indies. Froude, J. A. 4729-4 English interference with Irish industries. MacNeill, J, G. S 32041-62 ENGLISH items ; or, microscopic views of England and Englishmen. Ward, M. F. 442-92 English journalism and the men who have made it. Pebody, (lias 8058-7 English language. Abbott, E. A. Shake- spearian grammar 8237-2 a?id Seeley, J. K. English lessons for English people 1 10-12 — Alford, II. Queen's English: manual of idiom and usage 1 10-13 ENGLISH. t'7 ; i-ii I .'ii.ii language) continued. Angus, J. Hand-book of the I ngli h tongue 110-15 Bain, \. On teaching English 117 10 1: irdi en, C. W. \ ei bal pitfalls. ... 11, 1 larpenter, S. II. English of the 1 11 b century 22 5C3 1 1 11 1., N. 1 '.. Outline of the elements of the English language 110-23 It, G, I.. English of Shakespi illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Co ai 8237-4 lie- Vere, M. S. Americanisms 1 1 8—3 Studies in English 110-28 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature. . . 804-35 i 1 ilc, J. Philology of the English tongue. 110-3 Five hundred mistakes corrected. . . . 1173-33 — Fowler, \V. C. English language in its elements and forms, with a history of it-. origin and development "5-4 — Gilman, A. Short stories from the dic- tionary 1 10-4 — Gould, K. S. Good English ; or, populai errors in language "73-4 - Grier, J. B. Studies in the English of Bunyan 118-4 Harrison, M. Rise, progress and present structure of the English language. . . 110-45 Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of English H73-45 1 atham, K. G. Hand-book of the Eng lish language 1 10-55 — Long, J. II. Slips of tongue and pen. . 1173-53 — Lounsbury, T. R. History of the Eng- lish language 110-57 ■ — Many mistakes mended: containing two thousand five hundred corrections in speaking, pronouncing and writing the English language, with practical hints on composition and punctuation. . . . 1173-57 March, F. A. Method of philological study of English language 1 1 5—41 Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English language 110-6 Origin and history of the English lan- guage and of the early literature it em- bodies. [With bibliography, pp. 7-15.] 1 10-61 Mathews, W, Words: their use and abuse UO-63 Meredith. L. 1'. Kvcry-day errors of speech 1173-6 Moon, G. W. The Dean's English. . . 110-65 — Nayler, B. S. Common-sense observa- tions on rules in the English language. 110-68 — Oliphant, T. L. K. New English. ... 110 74 Old and middle English 1 10-73 - -Sources of standard English 110-72 — Osmun, T. E., (Alfred Ayres, pseud.) Verbalist 1173-13 1 mtinued. Phi 1 English style in publi '■ -5171 Read 1 \ A How to writi 1 1 17 75 Roemer, J, ( Irigin of the 1 and ol the English language Spaulding, W. History of English liter- ature ; with an outline of the origin and growth of the English language. . . . 820-85 1. II. Second middle Knglish prim- er 1 178-8 Swinl W. Rambles among words. . 1 10-8 — Trench, R. C. Knglish, past and pres- ent 110-88 Select glossary of English word formerly in senses different from their present 1'3"9 Study of words 110-89 — Westlake, J. \V. Three thousand prac- tice words 1171-9 — White, R. G. Everyday English. . . . 110-96 Words and their uses 110-95 — Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism, etc. pp. 230-258. English in schools. . . Thornton, R. The vicissitudes of Eng- lish. In Evolution in history, lan- guage and science, pp. 33-39. . . . 575-35 \\ heeler, D. H. By-ways of literature. pp. 168-243 804-94 ( nversation. Dictionaries. Eng- lish grammar. Grammar. Language. Pronunciation. Rhetoric. Composi- tion. Spelling books. Synonyms. Words. ENGLISH life in China. Knollys, 11.... 451 54 ENG1 isit literature. See Literature, English. ENGLISH men of letters, ed. by John Mot ley. Addison. Courthope, \V. J 109B1 B u on. Church, R. VV 131B3 Bentley. Jebb, R. C Bunyan. Froude, J. A 193B4 Burke. Mot ley, J 19567 Bums. Shairp, J. C 196B4 Byron. Xichol, J 199B6 Chaucer. Ward. A. W Coleridge. Traill. II. I) 239B8 ( n\i per. Smith. G De Foe. Minto. W 2S0B5 De Quincey. Masson, I). . . 284B2 Dii kens. Ward. A. W Dryden. Saintsbury, ii 294B5 1 son, A. ;; 1 B2 ion, J. C. smith. Black, \V. . . . 4.;ilU Gray. Gosse, E. W Hawthorne. James, II., jr 45SB6 Hume. Huxley, T. II Johnson. Stephen, L 51 7 1 '- 5 ENGLISH. 418 — ENGRAVERS. English men of letters, continued. Keats. Colvin, S 528B9 Lamb. Ainger, A 554B4 Landor. Colvin, S 556B4 Locke. Fowler, T 5^'Bj Macaulay. Morison, J. C 600B34 Milton. Pattison, M 634B5 Pope. Stephen, L 74 1 136 Scott. Iintton, R. H 814B2 Shelley. Symonds, J. A 820B7 Sheridan. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) 821B4 Sidney. Symonds, J. A 823B5 Southey. Dowden, E 844B4 Spenser. Church, R. W 845B5 Sterne. Traill, H. D 854 US Swift. Stephen, L 868B3 Thackeray. Trollope, A 882B4 Wordsworth. Myers, F 968B5 ENGLISH men of science: their nature and nurture. Galton, F 5751-39 ENGLISH novel, and the principle of its de- velopment. Lanier, S S033-5 English poetesses. Robertson, E. S. . . . 41S21-7 English poets, Lives of the most eminent. Johnson, S 41821-5 English psychology. Ribot, Th 1621-7 English puritans. See Puritans. English radical leaders. Hinton, R. |. . 41 1-5 English school-room ; or, thoughts on tui- tion. Thomson, A. F 37 ii -8 ENGLISH seamen under the Tudors. Bourne, H. R. Fox. 2 v. 437-17 ENGLISH soldier in the U. S. army, compris- ing observations and adventures in the states, and Mexico. N. Y., 1S53. 16 . 9905-15 English songs. Proctor, E. W 746C5 English songs from foreign tongues. Ri- cord, F. W 8093-7 English songs, from the 16th to the 19th century. L. 12 8092-3 English style in public discourse. Phelps, A. 251-74 English thought in the 18th century. Stephen, Leslie. 2 v 1621-8 English tradesman, The complete. DeFoe, D. Works, pp. 548-590 828-34 I IGI 1 n n 111 Emerson, K. W 318E2 ENGLISH travelers .ind Italian brigands. Moens, W. J. C 4457-0 English verse, ed. by W, J. Linton and R.H.Stoddard. 5 v. N.Y., 1883. 12 . 8092-52 Contents. — v. 1, Chaucer to Burns. 2. Lyrics of the 19th century. 3. Ballads and ro- mances. 4. Dram mi. scenes and characters. I ranslations. I ..mm., oj ige , Earlj or, the adventures in! discoverie ol In al e, 1 !a\ endish ml Dampier. I.., 1886. 12° 437-3 1 i.m 11 m.i 1 letters. Kavanagh, Julia. 4182-5 i orthies. ed. by A. Lang. Blake, Admiral. llaiinav, 1> (6oBq English worthies, continued. Canning, Geo. Hill, F. H 204B14 Darwin, Chas. Allen, G 276B3 Jonson, Ben. Symonds, J. A 518B5 Marlborough, Duke of. Saintsbury, G. 613B7 Raleigh, Sir W. Gosse, E 759B3 Shaftesbury, Earl. Traill, H. D. . . 246B1 Steele, Richard. Dobson, A 852B6 English writers: an attempt towards a his- tory of English literature. Morley, H. 3 v .820-63 Englishman and the Scandinavian; or, a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and old Norse literature. Metcalfe, F 829-6 Englishman's brief on behalf of his national church. Published under the direction of the Tract committee. L., 1880. 16 . 2838-37 Englishman's house, from a cottage to a mansion. Richardson, C. J. [Same as house-building.] 728-8 ENGLISHWOMAN in Russia: impressions of the society and manners of the Russians at home, by a lady ten years resident in that country. N. Y., 1855. 12°. . . . 447-3 Engravers and engraving. Baker, \V. S. Origin and antiquity of engraving. . . 760-2 Blanc, A. A. P. C. Grammar of paint- ing and engraving 75°-3 — Bock. J. Zincography 7631-2 — Burkhardt, C. A. Engraving and sta- tionery etiquette 3951-2 — Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, ar- chitects, engravers and their works. . . 703-4 — Conway, W. M. Wood cutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century. . . . 761-3 Delaborde, 11. Engraving: its origin. processes and history 760-3 — Dobson, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils 149B6 — Duplessis, G. Wonders of engraving. . 760-33 Emerson, W. A. Hand-book of wood- engraving 761-4 Ruskin, J. Ariadne Florentina : six lect- ures on wood and metal engraving. . . 760-7 Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, en- gravers, etc. 3 v 758— S Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art: painters, sculptors and engravers. . . 417-9 — Byrne, O. Hand-book for the artisan, mei hank and engineer, pp. 246-270. 602-3 Hamerton, P. G. Graphic arts. pp. 398- 1 ■■> and 449-479 707-4 Lacroix, 1'. Arts in the middle ages. PP- 3'5-33S 7094-5 Lardner, I'., ed. Museum oi science and art. v. 6. pp. 49-112 603-4 I.ossing, B. J. Outline history of the line ails. pp. 203 303 709-5 1'ettit, J. S. Modern reproductive graphic pi sses, pp. 15-25 7601-6 ENIGM \s i ig EPIGK Enigm \ i, Praed, V A - M. Poems. pp. 179 i 30, | Answers in index, | 7 it 1 1 1 iigmas "l life. 1 ■"■:■• W. R t iil 5 Ennemoser, foscph, lli torj ol magic. 11 . by \V. I Icih in , 1 w nli 1 in appendix by Mm j Howitl 2 v. I.., 1854. 12°. . 171 ;.' Ennis, Jacob. Origin of the stars, and ih<- causes "f their motions and their light. N. V., 1X68. 12°. Same, 1874. ... 5*31-3 I'.ssi I. Edgewoi 1I1. Maria. Enoi 11. Weil, 1 r. Bible, the Koran and the Talmud ; or, biblical 1 1 of the Mussulmans, pp. 4S-52 2214-95 1 i. Bool of. 1 [uidekoper, F. J udai- isin at Rome. pp. 4S2-488 296 4 Enoch Arden. See Tennyson, A. Enqi ire within uj everything. Philp, K. K 602-4 Enquiry into the time and place of Homer. 1 Gladstone, W. E 8834 5 Ensii mi. Bailey, J. M. Book of ensilage ; or, the new dispensation for fanners. . 633 2 Fry, G. Theory and practice of sweel engage 633-4 — Thurber, G. Silos and ensilage 633-8 Ensor, F. S. Incidents on a journey through Nubia to Darfoor. 1... 1S81. 8°.. . 4624-3 — ed. Queen's speeches in parliament from her accession to the present time: com pendium of the history <>f I lei Majesty's reign, told from the throne. I .., 1SS2. ■2° 32842-3 Entail, The. Gait, J. Entailed hat. Townsend, Geo. Alfred. ENTERPRISE beyond the seas; or, how great colonies were founded. Fyfe, J. II. . 437-4 Entertaining naturalist. Loudon, Mrs. lane Webb 590-58 Enti 1; 1 unments; comprising directions for holiday merry makings. (hampney. .!/>-.. Lizzie, W., ed. 7852-3 Enthusiasm: a comedy. Baillie, J. Dra matic and poetical works, pp. 591-613. 132C6 Enthusiasm, Natural history of. Taylor, I. 201-85 En iiii siasi, The. Spindler, C. En roMOl 1 igy. See Insei I >. Eothen. Kinglake, A. W 457-5 I BTVi is, J6sef, baron, Hungarian statesman, />. 1813-rf. 1871. Poems. /;; I.oew, W. N., ed. Gems from Petoli and other Hungarian poets, pp. 91-95 S941-5 Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities. pp. 137-140 4>043-9 EPAMINI iNDAS, Theban statesman and general. h. about B. C. 4iS-l) ( | Ephiai 11 ' . 1 , w ser. 2. pp. 1-8 Epii ol 1 lade . [Poem.] Morris, 1 ew 1 . I 1 I i from 1 Zi icih. II ■ . 89 Mr ong ol Russia. II 1 . I ii" 1 1 or, the silent woman. Jonson, B. /« British dramatists, pp. 179-208. 8223-2 Works, pp. 307-339 Kin -. Ludlow, J . M. Po the middle ages 8315-6 Epics and romances of the mi. bib: ages. . Wagn. 1, W. K 8315-9 EPICTETUS, Roman stoic philosopher, b. about (yO-d. about 120. Works: consisting of his discourses in four books, the En- chiridion and fragment-, tr. from the Gri ek, based on that of Elizabeth Carter, by I. W. Higginson. II., 1866. 8°. . 158-3 Hi in "ii. T. W., tr. Selections from Epictetus 1587 1 Buchanan, R. A look round literature. PP- 322-330 804-25 Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. pp. 186-256 150-4 Wells, J. ( hrist and the heroes of heath- endom. pp. 138-177 150-9 Epicure, An, pseud. See Saundei . 1 EPIl 1 1:1 AN, 1 he. Moore, Thos. I 1 VNISM. Wallace, W. Epicureanism. 1571-9 Hedge, I . II. Atheism in philosophy. IT 5-5° 142-4 Epicurus, Greek phi/osopher, /'. B. C. 342-d. 270. Eenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of ancient philosophers, pp. 264-286. 418-3 EPIDEMII 5. Hecker, J. F. C. Black death: an account of the deadly pestilence of the 14th century 6109-39 Epidemics of the middle ages 6109-4 - Elam, (.'. A physician's problems, pp. 137-198 6104-3 — Papillon, E. Nature ami life. pp. 278— 302. ; Shattuck, C. B. In Mass. emergency and hygiene association. Six lectures. 9I-I« 3717-6 EPIDICUS ; or, the fortun rery. Plau- tus, T. M. Comedies, v. 2. PP.419-45S. 8723 - EPIGRAMS. Boyes, J. F. Lacon in council : medley of maxims, epigrams, and opin- ions S07-26 — Carey, C. S., ed. ( ominon place book of epigrams 8096-3 Epigrammatist^: selection from the epi- immatic literature of ancient, mediaev- al and modern times; with notes, ob- servations, illustrations and an introduc- tion by H. P. Dodd 8096-35 KI'KiRAMS. — 420 ERASMUS. Epigrams, continued. — Fitzgerald, E. Polonius : a collection of wise saws and modern instances. . . . 807-38 — Martial. Epigrams, ed. by H. G. Bohn. 8776-2 — Mathews, W. Great conversers and other essays, pp. 53-71 617E5 Epilogue. B— , G. S. Study of the pro- logue and epilogue in English literature from Shakespeare to Dryden 822-2 I 1 imenides. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of ancient philosophers, pp. 100- 106 41S-3 Epiphany. Stowe, H. B. Footsteps of the Master, pp. S5-104 2321-7 — See also Christian year. Episodes in a life of adventure ; or, moss from a rolling stone. Oliphant, L. . . 697B2 Episodes in an obscure life. Rowe, R. Episi ides of French history, during the con- sulate and first empire. Pardoe, Miss J- s - H 9445-65 Episodes of insect life. Reeve, Mrs. L. M. 5957-4 Episodes of my second life. Gallenga, A. 401B9 Episodes of the French revolution, 1789-95. Benvenuti, F. F 9444-2 Epistles. See Bible, New Testament. Epistles to the seven churches in Asia. Rev. 2-3. Trench, R. C 229-8 Epitaphs. Gibson, J. Inscriptions on the tombstones and monuments erected in memory of the Covenanters 4195-4 kippax, J. R. Church-yard literature: choice collection of American epitaphs. 4195-5 - Xorthend, C.,ed. Book of epitaphs. . . 4195-6 — Pettigrew, T. J. Chronicles of the tombs : select collection of epitaphs 4195-7 — Bombaugh, C. C, ed. Gleanings from the harvest-fields of literature, pp. 383- 42° 8076-2 — Camden, W. Remains concerning Britain. pp. 386-440 406-3 — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary, pp. 58-78 805E4 EPOl h of reform, 1830-50. McCarthy, J. . 9375-6 EPOI II men, and the results of their lives. Neil, Samuel 4104-67 Epoi hs in church history. Washburn, E. A. 204-94 Epochs of ancient history, ed. by G. W. 1 !ox and 1 . Sankey. Grecian. 1 Benjamin, S. (i. W 8832-14 ks and the Persians. Cox, ii. VV. 9183-3 Athenian empire. Cox, G. W 91S4-3 Spartan and Theban supremacies. San- key, C 9186-7 Macedonian empire. 1 urteis, A. M. . 9187-3 Roman. Early Rome. Ihne, W 9191-5 Romi 11 1 1 irthage. Smith, R. B. . . 9194-7 hi, M and Sulla. Beesly, A. II. 9195-2 Epochs of ancient history, continued. Roman triumvirates. Merivale, C. . . 9195-6 Early empire. Capes, W. W 9I97~3 Age of the Antonines. Capes, W. W. 9197-31 EpocHSof early church history. Merivale, C. 2702-5 Epochs of English history. Creighton, M..,ed. 930-3 EPOCHS of history, ed. by E. E. Morris, J. S. Phillpotts and C. Colbeck. Beginning of the middle ages. Church, R. w 9 2,_ 3 Normans in Europe. Johnson, A. H. . 921-45 Crusades. Cox, G. W 2704-3 Early Plantagenets. Stubbs, W. . . . 933-7 Edward III. Warburton, W 9337-9 Houses of Lancaster and York. Gaird- ner - J 934-4 Era of the protestant revolution. See- bohm, F 2706-7 Early Tudors. Henry VII ; Henry VIII. Moberly, C. E 935-6 Age of Elizabeth. Creighton, M. . . 9355-3 The first two Stuarts and. the Puritan revolution, 1603-60. Gardiner, S. R. 936-4 Thirty years' war, 1618-4S. Gardiner, S - R 9434-4 Fall of the Stuarts. Hale, E 9366-4 Age of Anne. Morris, E. E 9369-6 Early Hanoverians. Morris, E. E. . . 937-6 Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. Longman, F. W. . . . 382B5 War of American Independence, 1 775— 83. Ludlow, J. M 975-52 French revolution, 1789-95. Gardiner, B - M 9444-4 French revolution. Morris, W. O'C. . 9444-67 Epoch of reform, 1830-50. McCarthy, J. 9375-6 Epochs of painting. Wornum, R. N. . . 759-9 Epochs of the Papacy from its rise to the death of Pope Pius IX, in 1878. Pen- ington, A. R 2821-58 Ep^orth singers. Christophers, Rev. S. W. 245-39 EQUAL to the occasion. Mayo, Mrs. I. F., [Edward Garrett, pseud.] EQUATIONAL arithmetic applied to questions of interest, annuities, life assurance and general commerce. Ilipsley, W. . . . 657-4 l'.n itions, Theory of. Todhunter, I. . . 5128-8 Era of the protestant revolution. Seebohm, 1' 2706-7 Eras and characters of history. Williams, W. R 902-9 Erasmus Desiderius, 1 It scholar, b. 1467- d. 1536. Buckley, T. A- l'awnings of genius, pp. 79-99 4IO-2 Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. I. pp. 37-127 383E2 Koltzof-Massalsky, II. ('.. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation, v. 2. pp. 385-414 27494-5 ER VSM1 S 421 — i K. I N E 1 .11 1 1« idei ins continued, \\ ill. in ...11, W. C. Frei nci in I he field of life and letters, pp.303 340. . . . 804-96 Wood, W.,cJ. Hundred greatest men. pp. 17' '74 4'o-975 1 1 . 1 1 1 .i.i.i itom . W . I . 1 (leaning 1 ol past jreai i, 1. 3. pp. 1 40. I he >es of I 1.1 Ills |.'lil I Erckmann, Emile, b. 1S22, and Chatrian, Alexandre, b. 1826, French writers. Blockade of Phalsburg. N. V„ 1S71. [6 Conscript: story of the French wai ol 1813. N. V., 1869. 16°. I.ii esl hou <■ and ' latherine's l"\ ei I!., 1S71. 16 . 1 riend Fritz. N. V., 1S77. 16 . Great invasion of 1813 ; or, after Leip- zig. I.., n. d. 16°. Madame ["heresi 1 or, the > olunteers of '92. N. V., 1869. i6°. Miller's slory of the war; or, the Plebis- cite. N. Y., 1872. 16°. Story of a peasant. 4 v. L., n. d, 16°. 1. States-general. [1789.] 2. Country in danger. [1792.] 3. Year one of the republic. [1793.] 4. Citizen Bonaparte. [1794-1815.] Waterloo: sequel to the conscript of [813. N. V., 1S69. 16 . Claretie, J. French celebrities, pt. 2. PP- 108-123 4105-3S Rae, \V. F. Men of the third republic. pp. 246-256 4105-5 I 1 11 rION of dwelling houses. Brooks, S. II. 600 4 Erewhon ; or, over the range. L., 1S72. 12 . Eric; or, little by little. Farrar, F. W. V V., 1881. 16° 33SA5S Erickson, D. S. Carl Bartlett; or, what ran 1 dd ? 13., 1869. l6° 323A2 ERICSSON, John, Swedish engineer, b. 1803. tleadley, P. C. Miner boy and the monitor; or, the career and achieve- ments of John Ericsson 32481 — Jacques, W. II. Ericsson's destroyer and sub-marine gun .... 6234-5 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of promi- nent New Yorkers, pp. 121-126. . . 41.' 17 3 Erinna. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. I. pp. 145-149. . . S7001-3 ERLING the bold. Ballantyne, R. M. . . 133A24 Erman, Adolph. Travels in Siberia; includ- ing excursions northwards, down the Obi to the Polar circle ami southwards, to the Chinese frontier, tr. by W. D. Cooley. 2 v. Phila.. 1S50. 12°. . . 4529-35 Ernst, Jacob. Illustrations of the symbols of masonry scripturally and morally considered. Cinn.. 1S6S. S° 3661-3 i Maltravei . Bulw er-Lytton, 1 1 ■ I I . 1 i ro. Smith, W. /« Kit. hie, I I ibrai y "l romance. ERNI, Henri. Mineralogy timplified : easy mel hod il identifying mil lud- ing ores, by mean s ol thi ■ , by Same reai tion -, by the spectron and by humid - hem Phila., 1885. 8° 549-34 Introduction to blowpipe analysis and othei additions. In ICobell, F. von. Mineralog) implified. Phila., 1S67. . 549-4 Ekkuks of speech and writing. See English language. Ersilia. Poynter, E. F. ERSKINE, John, Eur l of Mar. Thon Mrs. K. ill. 1. (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs ol the Jacobites, v. 1. pp, 1-223 4112 s ERSKINE, Payne. Iona : a lay of ancient Greece. B., 1888. 8° 330C1 ERSKINE, Thos., Scottish lawyer and author, d. 1870. Letters from 1840 till 1S70. ed. byWm. Hanna. Edinburgh, 1S77. 12*. .5251:; Erskine, Thos., baron, lord chancellor of England, b. 1750-i/. 1823. Speeches, [with memoir.] ed. by J. I.. High. 4 v. Chicago, 1870. 8° 825-4 — Adams, C. K., cd. Representative Brit- ish orations, v. 2. pp. 262-296. [Biog. sketch and speech.] 8258-2 — Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke and Erskine. pp. 327-495 825-6 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 629-784. [Life and speeches.] S258-4 — Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 188-195. • ■ ■ 4 10 - 1 " 1 ampbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 6. PP- 297-535 4H-25 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. N. Y. ed. pp. 103-122. L.ed. pp. 98- 116 410-45 — Harsha, D. A. Most eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 211-229 4'°-54 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 151-155 410-7 Moi rill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 124-126 4IO-78 Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 12S-135 4"-97 Erskine, Mrs. Thos. Wyncote. N. V.. 1875. 12°. ERSKINE, Wm. History of India under the two first sovereigns of the house of Taimur, Baber and Humayun. 2 v. L., 1S54. S° 95423-3 ESARHADDON. — 422 ESTER. ESARHADDON, History of. Budge, E. A. . 9152-2 Esau. Hills, O. A. Companion characters. pp. 30-49. Jacob and Esau 2217-47 Esau Hardery. Stoddard, \V. O. Escaped from Siberia. Frith, H. Eschenbach, Olgaawrf Franz, Agnes. Pearls and other tales. N. V., 1867. 16 . . 325A5 Contents.— Pearls, by O. Eschenbach.— Blind grandfather, by TrauermanteL— Rivals, by A. Franz. — Friends, by A. Franz. — Best dowry, by A. Franz. Escott, T. H. S. England, her people, polity and pursuits. N. Y., 18S0. 8°. 442-32 Esoteric Buddhism. Sinnett, A. P. . . . 2933-7 Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeu- tics. Evans, W. F 172-33 Espin, T. E. Commentary and critical notes on Deuteronomy. In Cook, F. C. Bible commentary 22313-2 — and Thrupp, J. F. Commentary and critical notes on Numbers. In Cook, F. C. Bible commentary 22313-2 Espy, Josiah. Tour in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana in 1805. In Ohio valley his- torical series. No. 7. Miscellanies. . 987-7 Esquimaux. Hall, C. F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux 49$-45 — Rink, H. Danish Greenland : its people and its products 4781-7 Tales and traditions of the Eskimo. . . 3898-7 Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province. PP- 374-4" 4798-34 Young, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 13-32. [Missions.] 263-9 — See also Arctic regions. Esquiros, Alphonse. Dutch at home, essays from the "Revue des deux Mondes." L., 1863. 12 449 2 -3 6 — Religious life in England. L., 1867. 12°. 2743-4 Essays. See names of individual writers, among others, the following : — Addison, J. — Arnold, M. — Aubrey, J. — Bacon, F. — Badeau, A. — Beecher, H. W. — Benja- min, F. N. — Boyd, A. K. H. — Brown, J. — Browne, T. — Buckle, H. T. — Burnap. G. W.— Burroughs, J.— Bulwer, II. 1.. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. — Calvert, < '.. H. — Cecil, E. — Chandler, Mary G.— Cobb, J. B.— Darby, J.— Eliot, George. Emerson, R.W. — Everett, E. — Fields, |. T. -Foster, J.— Franklin, B.— Giles, H. Griffin, G. W. -Hadley, J.— Hins- dale, B. A. Holmes, O. W.— Hunt, Leigh. I. .null, (.—Merle d'Aubigne, J. II. Miller, II.— Mozley, J. B.— Over- turn, I . Palgrave, F. T. — Schiller. F. Shenstone, W. Spencer, II. — Steele, R. — Stephens, J. F. |. — Thackeray, W. M. Thomas, E. M Whipple, E. I'. Whiting, C. G. — Wiseman, N. — Woods, G. B. ESSAYS and reviews. Leipzig, 1862. 16°. 204-28 Contents. — Education of the world, by F. Temple. — Bunsen's Biblical researches, by R. Williams. — On the study of the evidences of Christianity, by B. Powell.— Seances histori- ques de Geneve : the national church, by H. B. Wilson. — On the Mosaic cosmogony, by C. W. Goodwin. — Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750, by M. Pattison.— On the interpretation of Scripture, by B. Jowett. — Note on Bunsen's Biblical researches. Replies to "Essays and Reviews," by E. M. Goulburn and others, with a preface by the Lord Bishop of Oxford. N. Y., 1864. 12 204-29 Contents. — Preface, by the Lord Bishop of Oxford. — Education of the world, by E. M. Goulburn. — Bunsen, the critical school and Dr. Williams, by H. J. Rose.— Miracles, by C. A. Heurtley. — Idea of the national church, by W, J Irons. — Creative week, by G. Rorison. — Rationalism, by A. W. Haddan — On the inter- pretation of Scripture, by C. Wordsworth. — Appendix : letters from R. Main and J. Phillips. — Hurst, J. F. History of rationalism, pp. 482-497. [Review.] . 2119-44 Essays and addresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. Cleveland, 1876. 8°. . . . 3706-6 Essays and tales in prose. Procter, B. W. ESSAYS on educational reformers. Quick, '<• H 3704-7 Essays written in the intervals of business. Helps, Arthur 461 E7 Essence of Christianity. Feuerbach, L. . 201-25 F'ssenes. De Bunsen, E. Angel-Messiah of the Buddhists, Essenesand Christians. 290-35 — De Quincey, T. Historical and critical essays, v. 1. pp. 26-112 2S4E44 Avenger and other papers, pp. 107- 130 2S4E49 Essential nature of religion. Picton, J. A. 201-72 Essential studies in English and American literature. Baldwin, J S20-14 Essentials of mental healing. Marston, L. M 172-57 Essentials of perspective. Miller, I.. W. 743-6 " ESSEX", Cruise of the. Howe, II. Ad- ventures anil achievements of Ameri- cans, pp. 299-356 412-55 ESTCOURT, E. E. Question of Anglican ordinations discussed ; with an appendix of original documents and fac-similes. I-, 1S73- 8° 2837-4 ESTE, Leonora d'. Hewitt, M. E., ed. Illus- trious women, pp. 215-224 413-49 Jameson, A. (M.) Loves of the poets. pp. 21S-249 41S-4S ESTELLE. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. ESTELLE Russell. N. V., 1870. 8°. Ester Reid. Alden, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, pseud.) 714A32 ESTER Reid yet speaking. Alden, Mrs. I. \1.. ( Pansy, pseud.) 714A33 F.STF.S. 423 I.I III' - 1 1 : Dana, ed. Half-houi rei real ion in populai icience. ser. 1. B., n. d> 12 . 5°4~4 2 I ,ighl al eventide : 1 pilal f 1 I religious hymns and poems 2451-5 Spei 11 inn analysis explained. B., 1872. 8° ' 511" ; s I iiiir. Foster, Mrs. I. II., (Faye limn ington, .'■■■ ud.) Si 1 remai kable women, pp. 25-28 413-52 Esi ink. 1 'ompton, F. S. Esther: a book for girls. Carey, R. N. . 205A35 Esi iii' 1; Pennefathei . Peri \ . A. EstvAn, II. War pictures from the South. V \ , (863. 8° 9819 1 Etching. Chattock, R. S. Practical notes in idling 767 i Hamerton, I'. (1. Etcher's hand-book. . 767-44 Unknown river: an etcher's voyage of discover} 589-44 Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in America. 767-48 I [amerton, P. G. 1 iraphic ai ts. pp. 430 l ss /07-4 Kemble, M., ed. An recreations: guide lm- ail. pp. 77 02 746-4 liiKNu atonement. Hitchcock, R. D. . 252-47 1 mi 1 Churchill. Landon, I.. E. Complete works, v. 2. pp. 7-163 828-578 l-'iiiii Fortescue; or, left in charge. Lown- des, 1 lecilia S. r'nui Mildmay's follies. B., 1N72. S°. I' 1 in 1 u 1 i;n, Fabius. Chronicle: from the beginning oi the world to the year of our Lord 975. /» Giles, J. A., ed. Six old English chronicles, pp. 111-40. . . 9309-8 ETHEREGE, Sir Geo. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the 1 inn 1 of England during the reign • 1 the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 314-324. . 411-58 I' 1 iii' \ 1. ami physiological inquiries. 1 >ana, All... 6104-27 ETHEROLOGV and the phreno-philosoph} of mesmerism and magic eloquence. Grimes, J. S 177-441 1. 1 herology; in, the philosophy of mesmer- ism and phrenology. Grimes, J. S. . . 177-44 Ethicai symposium: being ,1 series of pa- pers ' n g medical ethii s, and etiquette from the liberal standpoint. Post, A. C. and others 6103-7 Ethics. Theory and history. Vben rombie, J. Philosophy of the moral feelings. . 191-12 Alexander, \. Outlinesol moral science. 191-14 N 1 1 - 1 1 ■ 1 1 < ■ . Nicomachean ethics 1551-1 Bain, A. Mora] science 191-16 Blackie, I. S. Four phases of morals. . 190-2 ■■ n. T. Lectures on the philosophy ■ it the human mind 180-22 ■ - Caldei h ood, 1 1. Hand-book of moi il philosophy 191-2 — Cobbe, F. P. Darwinism in morals. . . 204-19 i continued, — Combe, G. Moral philosophy 191 -i in, \ . 1 1 eautiful and the 1 ' Day, II. \. s > ien 1 V 2 7 I lymond, |. I he pi p lily i'ii; In"!' fas. H. Moral philo ophy. 1 11 Fowlei I Progi 1 ility. . , . 191-3'' — Gillette, E. II. God in human thought. 201-32 M"i al \ item 11. Gilman, A., ed. Sh irals. . 82368-4 1,1, en, III Prolegomena to ethii . 191 44 I [ . ,1 in.- , O. W. Mei hani m in thought and morals ' Hopkins, M. Lectures on moi Hume, D. Essays; literary, moral and political fanet, P. Theorj ol morals <9 ■— 5 2 Kuilinmi. [Theosophical ethics.] . . . 212 21 1 ei ky, W. E. II. Europi in morals from Augustus in 1 hai lemagne. 2 v. . . . Lieber, F. Manual of political ethics. . 192 5 Martineau, J. I. pi. of ethical theory. 190-6 Maude, J. E. Foundations of ethics. . 191-6 Mencius. Mind of Mem ins : a systematic digest of the doctrine of the Chinese philosopher Mencius. tr. by E. Laber and A. B. Hutchinson 495-° \ 1 li, S. Moralit) and thi tate. . . 192-7 Peabod) . \. P. Moral philosophy. . . I9 |_ 7 Plutarch. Morals. 5 V 8888-4 Porter, N. Kant's ethics i63 _ 53 — Schurman, J. G. Ethical import of 1 winism '9 I- 77 — Sidgwickj II. Methods of ethics. . . . 191-S - Outlines of the history of ethics. . . . 190-8 Smith, A. Theory of moral sentiments. 191 s - Same. In Essays, pp. 9-304 142-8 Spem 'i.ll I lata of ethics 191 8 : Recent discussions in science, phi phy and morals 142 s 4 Spinoza, B. de. Ethics 163-85 Stephen. I . History "f English thought in the 18th century. 2 \ 162 1 8 Stew art, I '. P ol the active man 191 1 Winslow, 11. Moral philosophy. . . . I9'~94 tes on evolution and nanity 290-9 — Browne, T. Religio medici. pp. 201-262. 82S-21 — Cobbe, F. P. Agnostic morality. In 1. T. M., ed. Questions of belief. pp. 57-81 204-18 — Conflicts of the age. pp. 4.3-63. . . . 204-2 Dick, L. Works, v. 2 S28-35 — Emerson, R. W. Lecture graph- ical sketches. pp. 175 205 Sover- eignty of ethics 318I 5 ETHICS. 424 ETHNOLOGY. Ethics, continued. Nature: addresses and lectures, pp. 149-180. Literary ethics 318E91 — Goethe, J. \V. Wisdom of Goethe, ed. by J. S. Blackie. pp. 3-54 83539-2 — Gronlund, L. Co-operative common- wealth, pp. 224-247 338-35 - More, H. Works, v. 2. pp. 1 18-216. Christian morals. . '. 828-63 Nicholson, W. The one purely moral re- ligion. In Non-biblical systems of re- ligion, pp. 195-243 290-62 — Oxford house papers, pp. 135-155. Christ and morality 239-73 — Ruskin, J. True and the beautiful, pp. 383-45 2 704-845 - Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and phi- losophy, pp. 269-340 819E4 — Slicer, T. R. Church as a school of ethics. In Modern Unitarianism. pp. I30-I49 2884-3 — Stewart, D. Collected works, v. 6-7. . 162-87 Practical. — Abbott, J. S. C. Child at home. . . . 1936-14 Mother at home '935-14 — Boys' manual 197-2 — Buckley, J. M. Oats or wild oats ? Com- mon sense for young men '94-2 — Chaney, G. L. Every-day life and every- day morals 194-22 Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the city. . 2574-3 — Cobbe, F. P. Duties of women. . . . 1935-3 — Comstock, A. Traps for the young. . . 199-27 — Cowdery, M. F. Elementary moral les- sons 194-23 Havies, J. L. Social questions from the point of view of Christian theology. . 2576-2 — Gorton, P. A. Essay on the principles uf mental hygiene 1 7 1-4 — Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners 107-35 Hargreaves, |. (i. Blunders of vice ami f °'ly 199-4 Lieber, F. 1 haracter of the gentleman. 197-53 Maurice, I. I >. Social morality 191-62 on, \V. II. Morals of trade. . . . 1944-6 Noti - for boys and their fathers, on mor- als, mind and manners 197-63 I'm itj M usade 196-7 — Rhodes, I). W. Creed .unl greed. . . . 194-7 Smile . S. < :harai ter >94-8 Duty, with illustrations of courage, pa- ' ' unl 1 ml 111 .1111 .' I94-8I lh " fl 3368-75 1 1 ,1 II. John Ploughman's talk. 241-85 Sumni . 1 ' ii 1 . 1 1 11' grandeur of nations. Wai ;j tem of the imon wealth of nations 1924-8 Ethics, continued. — Talmage, T. DeW. Abominations of modern society '97-9 — Thayer, W. M. Tact, push and princi- P le 194-9 — Todd, J. Young man : hints addressed to young men 248-72 — Way to fortune 194-95 — Weaver, C. S. Hopes and helps. . . . 197-95 — Blackie, J. S. On- self-culture, pp. 73- 116 374-2 — Browne, T. Works. v. 3. Christian morals 828-2 — Chadwick, J. W. The faith of reason. pp. 209-254 252-296 — Cobbe, F. P. Hours of work and play. pp. 1-22. Public morality and its teach- ers 240E5 — Hamerton, P. G. Intellectual life. pp. 43-72 452E6 — Holland, J. G. Every-day topics, ser. I. pp. 218-230 483E2 Ethics of boxing and manly sports. O'Reil- iy. J- b • • 791-6 Ethics of the dust. Ruskin, J 798E17 Ethiopia. Heeren, A. H. L. Historical works, v. 4. Politics, intercourse and trade of the African nations 906-4 — Lepsius, C. R. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai. . 462-59 — Winstanley, W. Visit to Abyssinia. . . 463-9 Ethnology. Beddoe, J. Races of Britain. 57242-2 — Brace, C. L. Races of the old world. . 572-2 — Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley 4073-28 — Davies, T. A. Genesis disclosed. . . . 2231 1-4 Figuier, L. Human race 572-4 — Fontaine, E. How the world was peopled. 573—37 — Fornander, A. Account of the Polyne- sian race : its origin and migrations. 2 v. 9996-4 — M'Causland, D. Builders of Babel. . . 572-6 Nott, J. C. and Glidden, G. R. Indig- enous races of the earth 572-69 Types of mankind 572-7 — Peschel, O. Races of man 572-73 Pickering, C. Races of man 572-74 — Rawlinson, G. Origin of nations. . . . 400-7 Wood, J. G. Uncivilized races 572-9 Brewer, C. E. Theology in science. pp. 274-309 215-12 Elton, C. Origins of English history. pp. 151 'S3 93'-25 Huxley, T. II. Critiques and addresses. pp. 134-180 5°2-49 — Lenormant, !■'. and Chevallier, K. An cient history ol the east. v. 1. pp. 4S 7S 910-6 — Vambcry, A. Sketches uf Central Asia. 455-9 — Wallace, A. K. Malay archipelago. . . 490-9 ETHNOLOGY. l.i ' I ll> E i ir.< 'i OGY, continued. Vrchoeology, Man Mound- buildei . I he n - I various rt of men and ol various countries. ETHWALD : i ragedy. Baillie, J. Dram and poetical works, pp. 134 198. . . 132C6 1 1 1' \n" rii le. }95 1 5 Ai 1 of con> ei al 395—17 Baker, G \ . Bad habil of good so- 395 '9 Bazai book "l dei orum 395 2 Burkhardt, C. A. Engraving and sta- 11 iv etiquette 3951—2 Carroll, G. I >.,../. Wedding etiquette, . 395 1—3 I luffey, Mrs. E. B. Ladie 1 nd gentle- men's etiquette 395-3 - Ferrero, E. Art of dancing, to which 1 added .1 few hints on etiquette 7861-4 Glass of fashion : hand-bool ol icial eti- quette 395-54 "Good form " in England 442-39 Cow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners 197—35 — Habits of good society 39 | — Hall, ]•'. 11. ('illicit thing in : 1 1.1 ety 395-419 Social customs 395-42 — Hartley, F. Ladies' book of etiquette and manual of politeness 395-43 — kirkland, F. S. Speech and manners for home and school 197-5 — Ladies' etiquette ' . 395—5 — Leslie, E. Behavior book 395—5 1 Linkuiiiiil, I. •• I'. C.;" 01. perfect gen- tleman 395-53 Manners and hand-book of social cus- toms 395-59 — " Manners inakyth man." 395-" — Mixing in society 395-°3 — Perfect gentleman : or, etiquette and elo- quence 395-66 rwood, Mrs. J. Manners and social usages 395-7 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Amenities of home 193-16 — Social etiquette of New York 395—75 Starrett, II. E. letters to a daughter. 1937 77 — Studies in conduct 197-S — Cracroft, 1'.. Essays, v. 1. pp. 275- 2S4. 250E1 IV- Quini .'\ . I'. Letters to a young man, etc. pp. 187-197. French and English manners 284E5 — Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. pp. 161-189. Behavior 318E1 — Frost, S. A. Letter writer and laws ol" society 8079-35 — Fry. C. The listener. pp. 130-139. Politeness - i" 1 I 11 1 , ntintud. Chidden. \\ . Plain thought on thl of living, pp. 46 59 197-33 Holland, J. G. Every-day topic, 1 M ungei , I . I . Oi hold. pp. 1 I ' Murray, R., td. Modern householder. pp. H9-36S 6 4°-7 Sherwood, Mrs. \l. I W, Royal girls 1 1 1 1 1 Rod well, G. 1 I tna : history nit. mi and it-, eruptions. . . 55121 —7 II If-hours in many laud-. pp. 291 439-46 Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in southern Europe, v. 2. pp. 55-65. . 445-86 rotected females in Sicily, Calabria, etc. pp. 107-150 4458-9 I TON college, England. Collin^, W. L. ancient and modern 3734 2 ~3 — Our public schools, pp. 1-67 37342-6 — Staunton, II. 1 I England. pp. 1 61 37342-8 Etruria. Jarves, J. J. Art thoughts 36-48 7°4-5 2 Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient 1. pp. 159-174 290-7 1 \n language. Ellis, R. Sources of the Etruscan and Basque languages. . 1092-3 Etti irb Fieramosca. Azeglio, M. ETTRICK Shepherd, pseud. II ETYMOLOGY. Curtius, C. Principles of Greek etymology 1282-3 Haldeman, S. S. Word-building. . . . 112-4 Hand-book of the engrafted words of the English language 112-42 Lynd, I. Class-book of etymology. . . 112-5 — Taylor, I. Word and places; or, ety- n logical illustrations of history, ety- mology and geography 4194-S - Webb, A. C. Model etymology. . . . 112-9 Euchre: how to play it. I... 1SS6. 16 . 7S7'-3 — Laws and practice of the game of euchre. 7S71-6 1 1 1 1.1 s. Rudolph. Fundamental concepts of modern philosophic thought, critically and historically considered, tr. by M. S. Phelps ; with an introduction by Noah er. N. V., 1SS0. 12 3 145-j EUCLID, or Eucleides, Greek geometer, JL B. C. 523 283. Elements; with many addi- tional propositions and explanatory- notes, to which i- prefixed an introduc- tory essay on logic, by Henry Law. 2 v. I.., 1S70-62. 12° 513 36 fair, J. Elements of geometry, con- taining the first six hooks of Euclid, with supplement 51 ; 74 — Dodgson, C. L. Euclid and his modern rivals - RUDOCIA. 426 — EUROPE. Eudocia, Roman empress, wife of Theodosius II, b. about 394-a'. about 461. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 180- 182 410-19 — Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, chap. 33. . 9199-5 — Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 7-!j 410-72 Eugene, Francois, prince of Savoy, Austrian commander, b. 1663-d. 1736. James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. PP- 303-379 4ISI-5 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers, pp. 209-226 4151-9 Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Eugene Pickering. James, H.,jr. Eugenie, empress of France, b. 1826. Farmer, L. H. Girls' book of famous queens. pp. 447-477 4I3-3S — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 25- 34 4104-6 Eugenie. Butt, Beatrice May. Eugenie. Myers, Mrs. — 662A1 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac, H. de. EuGENIUS III, pope, sue. 1145-^. 1 153. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. 1. PP- 341-345 2821-53 El GENIUS IV, pope, b. 1383-suc. 1431-a'. 1447. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. I. pp. 5S4-592 2821-53 El lalie, pseud. See Shannon, Mary Eulalie Fee. Euler, Leonard. Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers, pp. 195-197 609-79 EUMENES. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 3. pp. 416-443 4101-7 - Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks Plutarch, pp. 229-234 4101-75 EUMENIDES. /Eschylus. Tragedies, pp. 293-336 8821-7 EUNUCHUS. Terence. Comedies, pp. 63- 131 8725-7 EUPHRATES. Blunt, Lady A. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates 4577-16 — Great rivers of the world : Euphrates and the Tigris 456-36 — Ellis, T. !•'. On a raft and through the desert. 2 v 457~3 Wheeler, C. H. Ten years on the Eu- phrates. |. Missions.] 2656-93 EuRIPIDl . Gi • tragic poet, b. B. C. 480-rf. 406. Tragedies; literally translated, or revised with critical and explanatory notes, liy T. A. Buckley. 2 v. N. V., 1860-57. 12 . Same. v. 1. I,., '863 8823-2 Context) vi Hecuba.— Orestes. Phoen- nissai.— Medea. — Hippolytus. — Alccstis.— Bac- chae. — Hcr.iilM.i [phigenia in Aulide.— Iphi- genia in Tauris. Euripides, continued. v. 2. Hercules Furens. — Troades. — Ion. — An- dromache. — Suppliants. — Helen. — Electra. — Cyclops. — Rhesus. — Browning, R. Balaustion's adventure, including a transcript from Euripides. ■ 187C7 — Cyclops. Shelley, P. B. Poetical works. pp. 666-682. Also Works, v. 3. pp. 344-3S5 820C3 — Donne, W. B. Euripides. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 8823-4 — Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles, v. 2. PP- 371-379- Medea 9184-5 — Schlegel, A. W. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature, pp. 111- 144 8022-8 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 16-18 410-975 Europa ; or, scenes and society in England, France, Italy and Switzerland. Eddy, D. C 440-3 Europe. Subdivisions: 1. History. 2. Travel. 3. Miscellaneous. I . History. — Adams, G. B. Mediceval civilization. . 921-2 — Adams, W. H. D. Battle stories. . . . 9208-13 — Alison, A. History of Europe, 1789-1852. 8 v 928-15 Epitome of Alison's history of Europe. 928-16 — Balmes, J. European civilization : Prot- estantism and Catholicity compared. . 2827-15 — Barlow, J. W. Short history of the Nor- mans in the south of Europe 94503-2 — Buckle, H. T. Civilization in England. 901-2 — Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the mid- dle ages 9213-2 — Church, R. W. Beginning of the mid- dle ages 921-3 — Curteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire, 395-800 9'99-3 — Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages 9213-3 — Dyer, T. H. Modern Europe, 1453-1871. 925-3 — Edgar, J. G. History for boys: annals of the nations of modern Europe 9208-3 — Europe and the allies of the past, and of to-day; with a history of the [Crimean war] and biog. sketches of the com- manders. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 12°. . 929-3 — European life. n. t. p. 16 9208-5 - Freeman, E. A. Chief periods in Euro- pean history 9204-3 - History of Europe. [History primer.] 9202-4 Practical bearings of general European history 9306-4 — Froissart, J. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining coun- tries 9 2 4~4 Boys' Froissart. [An abridgment, by Sidney Lanier.] 924-41 EUROPE. — 427 — OPE Europe, emtinut d. 1 ,,, it, I . Monai ■ h and peopli ol Eun ipe. 929-4 Fyffe, C. A, History ol mi idem 1 uropi 2 v 928-3 — Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht. . . . 927-4 — Greene, G.W. History of the middle ages. 921-35 — Grube, A. \V, Heroes of history and 1 9 2 '-37 Gui/ot, F. P. ( i. II istory of the origin of representative government in Europe. 3204-4 — Gurowski, A. G. ilc. America and Eu- rope 473-4' Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and \ in 1 itrope, 1678-94 9366-4 — Ilall.un, II. View of the state of Eu- rope during the middle ages 921-41 — Holland, T. E. European concert in the Eastern question 34124-4 — Johnson, A. II. Normans in Europe. . 921-45 — Joinville, J. de and Froissart, J. Stories 01 the olden time 9208-55 y, ('. Roman and the Teuton. . 921-5 — Lilly, \V. S. Chapters in European his- tory 9204-5 — Lodge, R. History of modern Europe. 925-48 — Lord, J. Modern history, from Luther to the fall of Napoleon 925—5 — Mackenzie, R. 19th century 929-57 — Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-49 929-58 — Michelet, M. Summary of modern his- tory 925-57 — Miller, G. History philosophically illus- trated, from the fall of the Roman em- pire to the French revolution. 4 v. . 920-6 — Moncrieff, A. R. H., ed. Famous histor- ical scenes from three centuries. . . . 903-65 Montalembert, C. F. Monks of the west. 2 v 271-6 - Midler, W. Political history of recent times 929-6 — Pryde, D. European history 9202-7 — Ranke, L. von. History of the Latin and Teutonic nations 1494-1 5 14. . . . 926-7 — Roger de Hovcden. Annals: compris- ing history of England, and of other countries of Europe, 732-1201 9309-7 — Russell, W. History of modern Europe. 920-65 — Sayer. F. History of Gibraltar, and ol its political relation to event- in Europe. 94609-S — Schlegel, F. von. Course of lectures on modern history 9204-7 — Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th century, and of the 19th till the over- throw of the French empire. S v. . . 928-7 — Shea, J. G. General history of modern Europe 925-7 — Strickland, A. True stories from modern history 9208-7 1 1 ntinutd. Ml Manual of medi • 920-8 Tillol on, J. Stories of the — Uni.;. fitter, F. H I tsl and ill condition 424-9 — V assail, H. R. 1 1 ,284-9 — Whit,-, |. Eighteen ' hristian centurie Yonge, CD. ' turii ol mod- ern history 925-95 Yonge, CM. I andmarks of h 2. Middle ages 921-95 pt. 3. ModlTI . Brownson, O. A. Work-, v. 18. pp. 466-481. Review of recent even' Europe 818-27 — - Harris, S. S. Relation of < hristianity to civil society, pp. 37-78 2576-4 Heeren, A. II. L. History of political system of Europe and its colonies. In Historical works, v. 5 906-4 2. Travel. — Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. Travel- in Asia, Africa and Europe, 1 799-1803. 3 V. 439-12 — Aldrich, T. B. Ponkapog to Pesth. I: .. 18S3 440-105 — Arnold, H. P. Great exhibition. [Paris, 1867.] 440-12 Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe framed in ideas. B., 1855 440-13 — Bedell, G. T. Canterbury pilgrimage. . 2834-2 — Bellows, II. W. Old world in its new face: impressions of Europe in 1867-68. 440-14 — Benedict, E. C. Run through Europe. N. V., 1868 440-15 — Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays ; or, courts, courtiers, churchmen, Garibaldians, law- yers and brigands at home and abroad. 440-16 — Bouton, J. B. Roundabout to Moscow: an epicurean journey 440-17 — Bowles, T. G. Flotsam and jetsam : a yachtman's experiencesat sea and ashore. 4405-2 — Browne, J. H. Sights and sensations in Europe. [1870.] 440-176 — Bryant, W. C. Letters from the East. . 4499-24 Letters of a traveller ; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America, ser. 1. . 439—2 Letters of a traveller, ser. 2 440-18 — Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in Fiance, Germany and Switzerland. . . 440-19 — Burnand, F. C. Out of town 82J — Butterworth, II. Zigzag journeys in clas- sic lands 440-196 Zigzag journey- in Europe 440-195 Calvert, G. It. Firsl years in Europe. [1823 2S-] 440-2 — Carter, X. II. Letters from Europe. 1825-26. 2 v 440-21 EUROPE. — 42* EUROPE. Europe, continued. — Cassell's complete pocket guide to Europe. 440-212 — Channing, W. Physician's vacation, 1852. 440-22 — Choules, J. O. Young Americans abroad. 4401-3 — Clemens, S. L., (Mark Twain, pseud.) In- nocents abroad 817-27 Tramp abroad 817-283 — Coghill, J. H. Abroad : Gt. Britain and the Continent 44 2 -23 — Cook, J. Holiday tour in Europe, 1878. 440-241 — Cox,S. S. Arctic sunbeams. N. Y., 1882. 440-243 Buckeye abroad, 1851 440-244 — Croffut. \V. A. Midsummer lark. . . . 44°- 2 5 — Crowninshield, M. B. The ignoramuses. 4401-32 — Culler, Mrs. L. Y. Europe through a woman's eye, 1882 . 440-26 — Cuyler, T. L. From the Nile to Norway and homeward, 1881 440-263 — Darley, F. O. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. N. Y., 1S69 44°- 2 7 — Day, H. Lawyer abroad. N. Y., 1874. 440-275 — De Forest, J. W. European acquaintance. N. Y., 1858 440-277 — Dewey, O. Old world.and the new, 1833- 34 440-28 — Diary kept by his Majesty, the Shah of Persia 440-66 — Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. 440-29 — Dutcher, A. P. Two voyages to Europe. 1881-S3 440-294 —- Eddy, D. C. Europa, 1871 44©-3 — Edwards, J. E. Random sketches of European travel in 1856 440-31 — European life, legend and landscape. . 440-32 — Falkner, W. C. Rapid ramblings in Europe, 1S83 440-33 — Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from Europe 440-34 — Field, H. M. From the lakes of Killar- ney to the Golden Horn, 1875 44°-343 Summer pictures 440-35 — Fisk, S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in foreign parts 440-36 — Forbes, Mrs. E. A. Woman's first im- pressions of Europe, 1863 440-37 — Forney, J. W. Centennial commissioner in l.urope, 1874-76 440-38 Letters from Europe, 1867 440-381 — Fulton, C. C. Europe viewed through American spectacles, 1873 440-39 — Glisan, R. Two years in Europe. . . . 440-41 — (; huh, S. G. Wanderers by sea and land ; or, walks and talks over the water. 4401-4 — Greeley, II. Glances at Europe, 1851. . 440-43 — Guild, C. Abroad again; or, a fresh foray in foreign lands. )!., 1S77. . . 440-432 Over the ocean. B., 1871 440-434 — Haeseler, C. II. Across the Atlantic. . 440-437 — Hall, J. U. Adventures of a bric-a-brac hunter. . . • 4411 45 Europe, continued. — Harrington, A. L. Afterglow of Euro- pean travel 440-455 — Headley, J. T. Rambles and sketches. . 440—47 — Heine, H. Pictures of travel 837-48 — Helen on her travels 440—473 — Hodder, E. Old Merry's travels on the Continent 4401-6 — Holden, L. L. Summer jaunt through th£ old world, 1878 440-483 — Holmes, O. \V. Our hundred days in Europe. 440-485 — Howard, Blanche. One year abroad. . 440-487 — Howe, J. W. From the oak to the olive. 440-49 — Hoyt, J. M. Glances on the wing, 1871. 440-5 — Ireland, J. B. Wall street to Cashmire. 439~5 — Jackson, H. (H.) Bits of travel. . . . 440-51 — James, H.,Jr. Portraits of places. . . 440-515 Transatlantic sketches 440-52 — Jameson, A. (M.) Diary of an ennuyee. 445 _ 5 — Johnson, V. W. Travels of an American owl 817-525 — Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Holidays abroad. 440-53 — Knox, T. W. Pocket guide for Europe, 1888 440-54 — Latrobe, J. H. B. Hints for six months in Europe, 1868 440-55 — Leland,'C. G. Meister Karl's sketch book. 440-557 — Le Vert, O. W. Souvenirs of travel, 1853-55 440-56 — Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe 79°3~9 — Longfellow, H. W. Outre-mer. B., 1846. 440-6 Same. In Prose works, v. 1 818-58 — MacGavock, R. W. Tennessean abroad. 439-6 — MacGregor, J. Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of Europe. 4405-55 Voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy. . 4405-56 — McKenzie, A. Some things abroad. . . 440-607 — Madden, T. M. Principal health resorts of Europe and Africa, for treatment of chronic diseases 6135-6 — Marcet, W. Principal southern and Swiss health resorts 4449-6 — Mason, L. Musical letters from abroad. 771-6 — Mathews, J.. N. My holiday; how I spent it, 1866 440-61 - Meriwether, I.. Tramp trip; or, how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. N. Y., 1886 440-613 Mitchell, I). G. 1'iesh gleaning-; or, a nru shea! 1 1 1 In- old fields "l ( lonti- nental Europe. N. Y., 1851 440-62 — Montgomery, J. E. Our Admiral's Hag abroad, 1867 440-625 — Moore, ].,jr. Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient 440-63 — Morford, 11. Appleton's short-trip guide to Europe 4334-4 EUROPE — 429 — El ROPE 1 ntinu.d. Moulton, L. C. Random 1 an blcs. B. . 11 Mui 1. iv, N. Men and thing 1 in 1 lurope. 1851 440-65 Narjoux, F. Motes and sketches of an an hitei 1 7294-65 Nieriker, M, A. Studying broad and how to do il cheaply 7°7~5 — Niinlc, M. L. We two alone in Europe. 440 68 Peabody, A.. P. Reminisi eni e ol Euro pean travel 440-72 I'll il C, I'-. I'l'll |ih I III r .,1 I I if. l'llila.. 1873 440-724 — Pitman, M. J. European I. n . . 11., 1882. 440-73 Prime, S. I. Travels in I an 1 and the east. 2 v. N. V., 1855 440-75 — Rapid transit abroad, 1S78 440-77 — Recs, I,, 1 . We lour; where we went, and what we saw in Europe, 1878. . . 440-78 Robinson, C. E. Cruise of the " Wid- geon." 4405-7 — Scudder, II. Mr. Bodley abroad. . . . 440-8 Sedwick, C. M. Letters from abroad to kindred at home, 1839-40 440-81 Sew ell, E. M. Journal kept during a summer tour for the children of a vil- lage school, 1851 440-S14 Silliman, B. Visit to Europe in 1 S 5 ( . . 440-82 — Stokes, F. A. College tramps 440-84 — Stowe, II. B. Sunny memories of foreign lands. K., 1S54 440-85 Sweetser, M. I". Europe for $2.00 a day. B., 1S75 440-S6 — Tappan, IE P. Step from the new world to the old. 2 v. X. V., 1852. . . . 440-87 — Taylor, B. Byways of Europe. N. Y., 1869 440-89 Views a-foot seen with knapsack and stall, 1844-46 • 440-88 — Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland,/ Loiterings in pleasant paths. X. V., 1880 440-45 — Thackeray, W. M. Miscellanies. — Thompson, E. W. Beaten paths. B.,18/4. 440 9 - Tonsey, S. Papers from over the water. 1867-68 440-905 — Trafton, A. American girl abroad. 1'., 1874 • 440-91 — Transatlantic tour 440-912 — Ungevvitter, F. II. Europe, its past and present condition 424-9 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R. American woman in Europe 440-92 — Van Wert, R. Rip Van Winkle's navels in foreign lands 4401-9 — Vetronile, E. Travels in Europe, etc., 1867-68 440-922 Vizetelly, II. 1 acts about champ and sparkling wines collected during numerous visits to Europe 6631-8 I n I i tuied. Walla. .-, Mr . E. I >. W 01! I 440-925 \\ allai e, II. I!. Art ery in Europi 704-96 U 1 iii 1. 1 I 1 B., 1884 440-93 Saunterings. I)., 1872 440-931 Wiki iff, 1 1. Advei I roving di- plomatist 44 1 '1-' Wilkes, G. Europe in a hurry, 1851. . . 440-94 Wills, M. II. Summei 1 Phila., 1876 440-952 — Willis, N, P. Pencillings by the way. . 440-95 Same. /« Prose works 818-97 — Winner, T. I!. Wild oats sown abroad. 440-96 Wood, C. Saunterings in Europe. X. Y., 1882 440-964 Wright, W. W. Dure 440-97 — Bainbridge, Mrs. L. (S.) Round the world letters, pp. 410-542 ; — Beecher, H. W. Stai papers, pp. 9-92. 14;! j Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 83-119. Glimpses of I 189I | — Carnegie, A. Round the world. pp. 329-349 1 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers. . . 32 — Field, K. Haphazard, pp. 93-253. . . 350E5 Fuller, M. At home and abroad. . . . 439~34 — Harriman, W. Travels and observations in the Orient. B., 1S83 4499-4 Keeler, R. Vagabond adventures, pp. 223-274 439-525 — Kennedy, J. P. At home ami abroad. pp. 245-415 532E4 Kingsley, C. Round the world. v. I. PP. 79 : 23§ 438-53 — Miller, J. Memorie and rime. pp. 9-50. 634K4 — Peebles. |. M. Around the world, pp. 378-405 — Pfeiffer, Ida. East travels, pp. 41-90. . 439-77 — Prime, E. D. G. Around the world, pp. 402-455 I — Seward, W. H. Travels around the world, pp. 679-77S 438-81 Works, v. 3. pp. 508-602 818-8 — Taylor, W. IE Travels of a doctor of physic, 1868-69. PP- 75-373 440-895 — Thomas, Mrs. S. B. Travels in lCurope, etc. pp. 18-228 439-89 Waul. A. Around the pyramids, pp. 25-84 and 271-306 4499-92 — See also Biographies of Alexander I. Ber- lioz, H. Bloomfield, G. |L.) baroness. Burr, A. Burritt, E. Buxton, T. F. Farrar, Mrs. I. Cower, Lord R. Eyell, C. Ticknor, G. Watson, E. Wikoff, H. 3. Miscellaneous. — Blam]ui, J. A. History of political econ- omy in Europe 3309-2 — Colman, IE Agriculture and rural econ- omy 6302-3 EUROPE. 43° — EVANS. Europe, continued. — Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting 57112-3 — Jarvis, J. J. Art thoughts 704-52 — Liefde, J. de. Six months among the charities of Europe 361—5 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe 4142-57 - May, T. E. Democracy in Europe. . . 3204-6 — Muller, W. Political history of recent times 929-6 — Northrop, B. G. Education abroad, and other papers 370-67 — Rau, C. Early man in Europe 57 1—77 — Russell, J. Essays on the rise and pro- gress of the Christian religion in the west of Europe 274-6 — Wraxall, Sir F. C. L. Armies of the great powers 355-9 Military sketches 3554-9 — Emminghaus A., ed. Poor relief in dif- ferent parts of Europe 339-35 — Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe 396-85 — Baldwin, J. T. Pre-historic nations, pp. 35 2 -403 910-15 — Owens College, Manchester. Essays and addresses, pp. 507-560 709E5 Europe and America. N. Y., 18S4. 12 . 3948-8 European art, Wonders of. Viardot, L. . 75904-8 European breezes. Pitman, M. J 440-73 European civilization. Balmes, J 2827-15 European historical collections. Barber, J. W 9208-2 European life, legend and landscape. Phila., 1859. 8° 440-32 European life and manners. Colman, H. 440-24 European morals from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 v. Lecky, W. E. H. . . . 190-5 Europeans, The. James, 11., Jr. EUSDEN, Lawrence, English poet, d. 1730. Es- says. In British essayists, v. 14 and iS, 1S4E1 Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Ccesarea, It. about 270-0". about 338. Ecclesiastical history. First book and selections, ed. by F. A. March ; with an introd. by A. Ballanl. and explanatory notes by W. B. Owen. N. V., 1874. 12 2701-31 — Ecclesiastical history, tr. with an introd. by C. F. Cruse, and an historical view of the Council of Nice, by I. Boyle. Phila., 1869. 8°. Same. L., 1872. 12°. 2701-33 — Same ; with annotations, by Valesius. tr. by S. E. Parker. Phila., 1869. 8°. 2701-32 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 162-172 804-56 I 1 1 \. 1 diani' md . Trollope, Anthony. Eustace the monk. Wright, T. I 13 on literature, popular superstitions and history of England in the middle ages. •. . 2. pp, 121-146 9306-9 Eustis. Boit, R. A. Eutaw. Simms, Wm. Gilmore. Euthanasy ; or, happy talk towards the end of life. Mountford, W 240-57 Eutropius. Abridgment of Roman history. In Watson, J. S., tr. Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius. pp. 451-535. . 8783-9 Eva Grant's escape. Paull, Mrs. H. H. B. 718A56 Eva; or, the Swedish Sunday school, n. t. p. 16 328A2 Evagrius. History of the church, 431-594. With Theodoret. History of the church, tr. from the Greek, with memoirs of authors 2702-9 Evan Harrington. Meredith, Geo. Evangeline. See Longfellow, H. W. Evangelistic work in principle and practice. Pierson, Arthur T 254-67 Evans, Arthur J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on foot during the insur- rection, August and September, 1875 ; with an historical review of Bosnia and a glimpse at the Croats, Slavonians, and the ancient republic of Ragusa. L., 1876. 8° 44396-4 Evans, E. W. Primary elements of plane and solid geometry. Cinn., n. d. 12°. 513-38 Evans, Elizabeth E. Laura, an American girl. Phila., 1884. 12 . Evans, Frederick Wm. Autobiography of a Shaker, and revelation of the Apoca- lypse; with an appendix. Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., 1869. 8° 2898-3 — Shakers: compendium of the origin, his- tory, principles, rules, etc. ; with biog- raphy of Ann Lee, Wm. Lee, Jas. Whit- taker, J. Hocknell, J. Meacham and Lucy Wright. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . . 2898-31 Evans, Gurdon. Dairyman's manual: being a complete guide for the American dairy- man. Utica, 1851. 8° 637-3 Evans, Hugh Davey. Treatise on the Chris- tian doctrine of marriage ; with bio- graphical sketch of the author. N. V., 1870. 12° 2615-3 Evans, Rev. Israel. Ileadley, J. T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 300-304 4"2l-45 EVANS, John. Ancient stone implements, weapons and ornaments of Gt. Britain. N. Y., 1872. 8° 5711-3 Evans, Jonathan. Journal of the life, travel and religious labors of William Savery. Phila., 1861. 12° 805B5 Evans, Josiah J. Perry, B. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 1 16-123. . 412-75 E\ INS, Lewis, tr. Satires of Juvenal, Per- si us, Sulpicia, and Lucilius. tr. into English prose; with notes, chronological tallies, arguments, etc., to which is add- i:\ \\s. i ;i l.i I Evans, 1 ev. i :, i ontinued. el the meti ical \ ei ion oi I a\ enal and Pi i ius, by the late Wm. Gilford. I.., 1871. 12°. Same, V \ '., 1874. . . . 8777-4 I' \ 1 1 ■ ■ in. Butter and chee se. Tn British manufacturing industries, v. 12. 664-2 F.\ \ , Oliver, . tmeri an engin ■ lit- er, b. i75$-d. 1819. Voung millwright and miller's guide; with addition: corn M. I| . With a de 'i ipti 1 an ini proved merchant flour-mill. Phila., 1S60. 8° 6218-3 Famous boys and famous men. pp. 1 57— 162 410-478 Howe, II. Eminent mechanics. pp. 68-82 4'237-4 Hour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 449-453 410-92 EVANS, Thos. \V. Introductory essay. In Memoirs of Ileiniiih Heine 460B8 EVANS, W. F. Divine law of cure. 1!., 1886. 12° 172-36 — Esoteric Christianity and mental thera- peutics, li., 18S6. 12 '72-33 Primitive mind cure : the nature and power of faith ; or, elementary lessons in Christian philosophy and transcen- dental medicine. )!., 1S86. 12°. . . 172-32 — Soul and body ; or, the spiritual science of health and disease. 13., 1876. 12°. 172-35 Evans, W. W. Discussion. In Dorsey, E. 13. English and American railroads compared 625-3 EVARTS, Wm. Maxwell, Am. statesman, i. 1818. Eulogy. In Schuckers, J. W. Life and public services of S. P. Chase. pp. 635-662 223B7 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 127-132 41247-3 Evelina. Arblay, frames (Burney) d\ Evelyn, John, Eng, writer, h. 1620-0'. 1706. Diary md on 1 espon.lence ; to which is subjoined the private correspondence between King Charles 1 and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl oft llarendon, and Sir Richard Browne, ed. by Wm. Bray. 4v. L., 1S62-63. 12° 327B2 prising Ins diary, from 1641 I" 1705, and a selection of his familiar letters, ed. by Wm. Bray. I.. 11. d. 12°. 327B1 EVELYN, Richard. Buckley, T. A. Dawn- ol genius, pp. 124-130 410-2 Evelyn Grej ; or, flowers thrive in sunshine. ■■ ". d. 12° 32SA5 Eveli N Mm iton. Caldwell, A. Marsh. Evening amusements for every one. Planche, 1 ■• d'A.,ed -S6-6 Evening amusements; or, merry hours for merry people. Williams. H. T. and Frost, S. A 7S6-95 I 1 IINC 1. 00k. Kirkland. .)/, , C. M. . . I I.. 1 548 A I I or, the juvenile 1 .1 md Bai bauld, Mr . A.I I 12A2 EVENINl , I'. II. 5785-4 Evenings with the Romai M. II 2829-73 I don. W. II. .| : I and epochs in religious hi 1 larke, J. F -' K\ 1 H living life: [a poem]. May, G. T. . . 6l EVERARD, Mary A. Handy dictionary of cookery. I.., 1886. 12 641-36 Everard, Robt. Kingsley, II. Tali old travel. pp. 237-263 436-5 1 , ( has. W., at. P01 I 'iccti- cut, with biog. sketches. Hartford, 1846. 8° 80914-4 Contents.— R. Wolcott.— Rev. A. Cleveland. —J. Trumbull.— Dr. L. Hopkins— D. Hum phrcys.— J. Barlow— R. Alsop. — Dr. 1. II Smith.— W. Ray— J. Alsop— S. Osborn— Rev. J. Picrpont.- Mrs. E Willard Rev. D Hunt- ington— J. A. Hillhousc Di - Brown.— Mrs. I. II, Sigourncy— S G. Goodrich.— Fitz-Grcen Halleck. -Dr. J. G. Percival I Dwight.Jr. -J. G. C. lirainard -G. Hill.- E A McLaugh- lin.— P. M. Wetmore.-Dr. W II Bradley.— \ M Bolles G D. Prentice. — Rev. N. Pin- ney Rev J H. Nichols.— H. Peters.— J. O. Rockwell.— R. Park. -J. E. Dow-Mrs A. S. Stephens « H. Burleigh, Mrs I M Thurston -Martha Day Mary A II Dodd.— R. Bacon, Jr. -J. Dixon.— W. T Bacon- I i i G. S Burleigh. EVERETT, Alex. M. life of Joseph Warren. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biog. V. IO. pp. ,184 G< ologii al ciety of London.— Royal academy of art, 1843. — Royal literary fund, 1843. Agrii ultural so ciety at Derby. 1843.— Reception at Hereford, 1843.— Saffron Wa tety, 1843. —Si i' ntifii a ■■■ i: n at Cambii Ige, Ei 1845. Pilgrim fathers, 1845. University 1 1 tion, Cambridge, 1846. — New medical 184'' F*amin< in Ireland, 1847. — Aid to the col- [1 1 1 Ei [y on John Quim y A dam , 1848.— Cambridge high school, 1848.— Second 8 '5-33 Everett, Edward, continued. speech on aid to the colleges, 1849. — American scientific association, 1849. — Departure of the pilgrims, 1849. — Cattle-show at Dedham, 1849. — Nineteenth of April at Concord, 1850. — The Bible, 1850. v. 3. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1850.— Opening of the Brattle house, Cambridge, 1850.— Cambridge high school, 1850. — Ottoman empire, 1850. — Birthday of Washington, 1851. — Conditions of a. good school, 1851. — Beneficial influence of railroads, 1851. — The husbandman, mechanic, and manufacturer, 1851. — Treatment of animals, 1852. — Effects of immigration, 1852. — Festival of the alumni of Harvard, 1852. — Education and civilization, 1852. — Dinner to Thomas Baring, 1852. — Progress of agriculture, 1852. — Death of Daniel Webster, 1852. — Colonization of Africa, 1853. — Abdul Rahaman. — Discovery of Ameri- ca, 1853.— Stability and progress, 1853— Pilgrim fathers, Plymouth festival, 1853. — New Hamp- shire, 1853. — Vice President King, 1853. — Peter Chardon Brooks. — Dorchester in 1630, 1776 and 1855. — Boston school festival, 1855. — Launch of the Defender, 1855 — Abbott Lawrence, 1855. — Obituary notice of Abbott Lawrence. — Vegeta- bleand mineral gold, 1855. — Daniel Webster as a man, 1856. — Reception at Philadelphia, 1856. — Mr. Dowse's library, 1856. — Uses of astronomy, 1856. — George Peabody, 1856. — Obituary notice of Mr. Dowse, 1856.— Memorial of the Franklin family, 1857. — Academical education, 1857. — Statue of Warren, Bunker Hill, 1857. — Import- ance of agriculture, 1857. — Charitable institu- tions and charity, 1857. — Dedication of the pub- lic library, Bcston, 1858. — Dedication of Craw- ford's Washington, 1858. — Presentation of the cane of Washington, 1858. — Recollections of Turkey, 1858. — Washington abroad and at home, 1858.— Fourth of July, Boston, 1858. v 4. Character of Washington, 1856.— Cattle- show at Springfield, 1858. — New York state in- ebriate asylum, 1858. — Agricultural society at Danvers, 1858. — Minot's ledge light-house, 1858. — Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, 1858. — Frank- lin, the Boston boy, 1859. — William Hickling Prescott, 1859. — Henry Hallam, 1859. — Latin school prize declamation, 1859.— Pcwer's statue of Webster, 1859 — Alexander von Humboldt, i859--Rufus Choate, 1859.— Daniel Webster, 1859.— Union meeting in Faneuil hall, 1859. — Washington Irving, 1859.— Birthday of Irving, i860. — Eliot school-house, 1859. — Henry D. Gil- pin, i860. — American expedition to the Arctic sea, i860. — Sanitary convention, Boston, i860. — Vindication of American institutions, i860.— Inauguration of president Felton, Harvard col- I' ge, i860. — Everett school-house, i860. — Flag- raising in Chester square, 1861. — Call to arms, Roxbury, i86t.- Daniel I' Barnard, 1861 — Questions of the day, 1861. — " E pluribus u nu in." Nathan Appleton, 1861. — Fiftieth hi niversary of graduation, Cambridge, 1861. — rwelflh Massachusetts regiment, 1861.— Agri culture as affected by the war, 1861.— Dinner to prince Napoleon, 1861.— Causes and conduct of the civil war, 1861.— Cornelius C. Felton, 1862.— Army of the Potomac, 1862.— Oppor- tunities of Harvard students, 1862.— Female education, 1862. —Duty of crushing the rebel- lion, 1 86a 1 >e i for reinforcements, 1862. — The Irish n gimenl , 186a Mai ban l [ale, 1863. —Inauguration of the union club, 1863.— United EVERETT. — 133 KYI 1. 1 l 'in i i . Edv. miiI, continual. naval ftcad , . Newport, I,' I . ■ 63 Harvard collegi in 1 i" war, 1 96 < Edui >i ol the poor, 186 |. Nat al erj it Gett] burg, 1863 \ i'i 1 - lit 1 - 1 1 in i in war, 1 'i 1 ! u 1 and 1 I States, [864, -Josiah Q v. 1864 \.i\ tration of Pn idenl '. icy, |6< 1 I luty of supporting tin- government, 1864. — Sailoi home, 1864. — Reception of I apl Win 1<2-74 Whipple, E. P. Character and charac- teristic men. pp. 243-252 946 E4 Everett, J. U. Outlines of natural philos- ophy. N. Y., 1887. 16 530-34 Units and physical constants. I.., 1S79. 16° 5308-4 — Vibratory motion and sound. B., 18S2. 8° 5341-4 Everett, W. Double play. n. t. p. 16°. 328 \i, Everett, Wm. On the Cam: lectures on the University of Cambridge in England. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1S65. 12°. . . . 37S42-3 — Putnam, A. P., cd. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp.504 509. [Poems ami biographical sketch.] 245S-7 Evergreens. Hoopes, J. Book of ever- greens 713S-4 Warder, J. A. Hedges and evergreens. 7139-4 — See also Forestry. Landscape gardening. Trees. Everlasting punishment. Paget, F. In Oxford house papers, pp. 125-134. . 239 "; 1 I II. 2347-2 l' ! H Steam ami the loi omotive engine. V V*., 1S7 3. 16 62113 1 1 1 iv day. Pike, I W, A. I'ii •■•i.w English. While, R. G. 11 1 redith, I.. P. 1 1 Every-d i) life. W..A.H. 640-92 I life and ever) d; morals. Chanej G. 1 1 1 1 1 it-day life in India. Rowe, \. D. 454-8 1 1 R.Y-DAY Objects. Adam,, W. II. I I. . . EvERY-DAI phili 1 11 try. Bo i. A. K. II 179] - 1 \ 1 1 '. DAI rea oning ; or, 1 hi of in- ductive logic, II. iv , G. P 1 I 1 1 1 -11 \v religion. Clarke, J. F 204-17 EVERY-DAY topics: book of brief,. Holland, J. G 483E2 Every horse owner's cyclopedia. I'hila., 1882 6361-9 Contents. — Diseases and how to cure them, by J. H. \Val>h American trotting horse, etc., by E. Harvey.— 'Turf and trotting horse of America, by J. Elderkin. — The 1'erchcron horse; list of stallions; table of pedigrees, by- Is M.Clure. EVERY inch a king : a story illustrating the reigns of David and Solomon. Gard- ner, C. E 2234-4 Every man his own lawyer and business form book. Wells, John G 3434-S Every man in his humor. Jonson, B. Works, pp. 95-124 51 Si ; In British dramatists, pp. 209-236. . 8223-2 EVERY man out of his humor. Jonson, B. Works, pp. 125-165 Every Sunday : course of sermons for the Christian year. Norton, I. \ 252 72 EVERYBODY'S business is nobody's Di Foe, D. Works, pp. 522-528. . . 8: Everybody's friend. Shaw. II. YY., (Josh Billings, pseud.) 817-84 Everybody's paint-book. Gardner, F. B. . 698 ;i Everybody's providence. Keed, R. P. EVE'S daughters; or, common sense for maid, wife and mother. Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) 6129-4 EVIDENCE. Famous casesof circumstantial evidence; with introd. on the theory of presumptive proof, by S. M. Phillipps. 3482-65 — Rogers. II. W. Law of expert testimony. 3454-7 - Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. v. 7. pp. 153-100. Law of probable evidence and its application to conduct EVIDENCE as to man's place in nature. Hux- ley, T. H 59U-3 Evidence of faith. [Sermons.] Bush, J. S. 252-26 EVIDENl l's of Christianity. See Christiani- ty, evidences. EVIDENCES. 434 EVOLUTION. Evidences of the genuineness of the Gospels. Norton, A 2271-7 Evil. Savage, M. J. Religion of evolution. pp. 93-1 1 1 214-77 Evil eye. Carleton, Wm. Evolution. Ackland, T. S. Story of crea- tion as told by theology and by science. 213-2 — Allen, G. Evolutionist at large 589-14 — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics ; or, thoughts on the principles of " Natural selection" and " Inheritance" in polit- ical society 301-2 — Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion. 239S-13 — Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism, and the doctrine of evolution 16S6-24 — Braden, C. Problem of problems and its various solutions; or, atheism, Darwin- ism and theism 239-22 — Buchanan, J. Modern atheism, under its forms of pantheism, materialism, secu- larism, development and natural laws. 2119-14 — Butler, S. Life and habit 5751-24 Luck or cunning 5752-2 — Cazelles, M. E. Outline of the evolution- philosophy 575-2 — Chapman, H. C. Evolution of life. . . 575-22 — Christianity and evolution : modern prob- lems of the faith. . . ' 2398-26 — -Clark, H. J. Mind in nature; or, the origin of life and the mode of develop- ment of animals 59°l-33 — Clodd, E. Story of creation, plain ac- count of evolution 575-23 — Cobbe, F. P. Darwinism in morals. . . 204-19 — Conn, H. W. Evolution of to-day. . . 575-24 — Cope, E. D. Origin of the fittest : essays on evolution 5 75—25 — Coues, E. Daemon of Darwin 276B35 — Curtis, G. T. Creation, or evolution. . . 214-25 — Darwin, C. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. 575-26 Descent of man 575-28 On the origin of species 575-29 - Variation of animals and plants under domestication 575-27 ■ Drury, J. B. Truths and untruths of evo- lution 2398-4 — Eiske, J. Darwinism and other essays. 357E1 Excursions of an evolutionist 357 ''-3 Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution 161 .) — Fontaine, E. How the world was peo- pled 573-37 Gill, W. 1. Evolution and progress. . . 215-34 God in creation and evolution 428C8 — Gray, A. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism 575-43 I .1 umbine, J. C. I E^ olution and 1 hris- tianity Z«4~33 Evolution, continued, — Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. 2 v. . 575-45 Freedom in science and teaching. . . 502-4 History of creation 575—46 — Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. . 214-37 — Henslow, G. Theory of evolution. . . 210-4 — Hodge, C. What is Darwinism ? . . . 2398-6 — HomownajDanvin 575-48 — Huxley, T. H. More criticisms on Dar- win Administrative nihilism 575—25 On the origin of species 575—53 — Le Conte, J. Evolution and its relation to religious thought 214-5 — Lewes, G. H. Physical basis of mind. . 162-51 — Lyell, C. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man 573—5 1 — McCosh, J. Development, what it can do and what it cannot do 142-6 Religious aspect of evolution 2398-67 — Matheson, G. Can the old faith live with the new? 2398-68 — Mivart, St. Geo. Contemporary evolu- tion 215-64 Lessons from nature as manifested in mind and matter 210-62 Man and apes 5914-45 On the genesis of species 575—63 — Murphy, J. J. Habit and intelligence. 501-6 — Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where? . 218-67 — Pember, G. H. Earth's earliest ages, and their connection with modern spiritualism and theosophy 213— 7 — Powell, B. H. Baden-. Creation and its records 213-71 — Powell, E. P. Our heredity from God : lectures on evolution 214-7 — Ribot, T. Heredity 5751—7 — Romanes, G. T. Scientific evidences of organic evolution 575— 7S — Savage, M. J. Evolution and religion. . 214-76 Religion of evolution 214-77 — Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin. . . . 214-8 — Schmidt, O. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism 575—8 — Schurman, J. G. Ethical import of Dar- winism Mi 77 Spencer. II. Factors of organic evolu- tion 575-84 Illustrations of universal progress. . . 142-83 Principles of biology. 2 v 192-S1 — Tefl't, II. F. Evolution and Christianity. 239S-75 — Tutlle, II. Origin and antiquity of phys- ical man scientifically considered. . . 573—9 — Tyndall, J. Address delivered before the British association assembled at Belfast 575-92 — Van Dyke, J. s . Theism and evolution. 215-92 — Wainwright, S. Scientific sophisms. . . 213-93 — Wallace, A. R. Natural selection. . . 5754-9 IA id. ( TION. i I l.u \\(. , ontinued. Wils V Chapters solution, . . 575-95 — Win' In II. \. Doctrine of evolution. . . 214-97 \\ 1 ight, • '•■ F. Studie; in >cien< e and ion -' 1 , 98 Y*orke, |. V. Notes on evolution and 1 'nil i.inity 290-9 \1111 nun);. G. D. Tun books of nature and revelation, pp. 17 52 215-103 Bai on, I .. \V. Simplicity thai is in ( In 1 1 pp. 207-218 ■ ■ 1 1 Bow en, I ■'. < cleaning from s literarj life. 1 79E1 — Burr, E. F. Pater mundi. v. 2 2398-2 1 obbe, F. P. Hopes of the human race, hereaftei and here, pp. 207-270. I iro lution of the social sentiment .mn 2.\ Cope, E. I >. Hypothesis of evolution. /« 1 1. ill hours with modern scientists. ser. 1. pp. 145-215 502-42 Hall, W.J. Some sceptical fallacies of certain modern writers examined, pp. "70-233 239-4S Huxley, T. II. American addresses ; with a lecture on the study of biology, pp. •-9° 575-5' — Critiques and addresses, pp. 181—217. Paleontology and the doctrine of evo- lution 502-49 Manning, II. E. Essays on religion and literature, ser. 3. pp. 231-284. . . . 204-58 Smith, J. I'. Miscellanies, old and new. pp. 173-222. Evolution and a personal Creator. . . . • • 836E1 Theistic basis of evolution. In Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. pp. 285-315. 239-21 Wright, C. Philosophical discussions, pp. 394-405. [bibliography. German Darwinism.] 142-95 Biology. Heredity. Man I \\ 01 I 1 ii >\ in history, language and science. '<■ '■ P- I2 ° 575-35 Contents .— Past and present in the East.— Plea for ttu scientific study of geography. — Heredi- tary tendencies .1^ exhibited in history. — Vicis- Sltudes of the English language. EV0L1 HON of a life described in the memoirs of Major Seth Eyland. Cronin, I). E. 328B8 Evoi 1 1 ION of •• I »odd," Smith, \V. II. EVOLI riON of revelation. Whiton, Jas. M. 2202-92 Evou imn of the snob. Perry, T. S. . . 304-59 1 VOLUTI0NIS1 at large. Allen, G 589-14 l.i! 1 tries de Saint-Denis, French courtier and writer, b. 1613-1/. '7°3- Maceuen, M. Celebrities of the past and present, pp. 141-155 410-68 I M.n, Ales. Chas. Life and times of Prince Charles Stuart, Count of Albany, commonly called the young pretender. L., 1883. |2 C 858B1 I •,'•■'.■ 11 Hun .1 Refen ■ book ol English history. 1 -■ 2 v. I... 1 12° Contents. — v. 1 f Henry V I I I tile I ove in in I Sweat 1.1. : 1 ion. — Prim ess -.f 1 In: pi I .ul '.t 1 v. Perished kernel. — M.i 1 .1 1 hire witches.— Great fire of National s. .,re Studies restudied: hi etches from origin I.., 1885. 8°. . . . 9306-3 Contents -A bas les juifs. — Delii — Field of the cloth of gold.— Revolt of Sir Thos Wyatt. — Rejected addresses. — Last hours of Mary, Queen of Scots. — Westward Ho ! — Knight errant's pilgrimage. — Rye-house plot. — dy assizes. — Warming pan story. — John, Lord Hcrvcy. EWALD, George Heinrich August, German Orientalist, b. 1803. Antiquities of Israel. tr. from the German by Henry Shaen Solly. I... 1876. 8° 296-32 Ewald, II. F. Story of Waldemar Krone's youth. Phila., 1868. 12°. Ewart, Henry C. Heroes and martyrs of science. L., 1886. 12° 416-3 Contents. — Discoveries of America. — Friar Bacon —Galileo.— John Kepler. — Sir Isaac New ton. — Denis Papin. — Thos. Campanclla. Ewbank, Thos., /'. 1792-1/. 1870. Descrip- tive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water ; with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts, in- cluding the steam engine. X. V., 1856. 8° 532-3 — Life in Brazil; or, a journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm ; with appendix containing illustrations of an- cient South American arts in recently discovered implements and products of domestii industrj and works in stone, pottery, gold, silver, bronze, etc. V V., 1856. 8°. 481-3 EwELL, Marshall U., <-f England. 1!., 1872. I2 ° 2321-3 I \ imination of J. S. Mill's philosophy. ]. M'Cosh • • • . . 1 6 1 -6 Examination of Sir Wrh. Hamilton's phi- losophy. J. S. Mill 162-6 Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible. Haley, J. W 2208-45 Examinations. Duncan, A. Examiner; or teacher's aid 37127-3 1 ■ iii R. F. Harvard examination P»P ers 37127-5 — Stone. I. Elementary and complete ex- aminer 37127-7 - Markley, T. Practical essays on educa- tion, pp. 311 328. • • • 370-6 I CELLEN1 woman. Sprague, W. 1!. . . . 2247-8 I ki 1 ; IVE 1 I. inn ..l I'n iej ite episcopalians, Brown, John 2837-25 Excommunication. Lea, H. C. Studies in church history, pp. 223-4S7. . . . 2822-5 Excursions, adventures and field sports in Ceylon. Campbell, J 4549~3 Excursions of an evolutionist. Fiske, J. . 357E3 Executioners. Sanson, H., ed. Memoirs of the Sansons 803B6 Executor. Hector, Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) Executors. Raff, G. W. Guide to execu- tors and administrators of estates within the State of Ohio. 5th ed. 1879. . . 3441-7 Ex-editor, pseud. See Young, Wm. EXEMPLARY tales. Cervantes, Miguel de Saavedra. Exercise and training. Ralfe, C. H. . . 6136-7 Exeter, England. Freeman, E. Historic towns. Exeter 93935~4 Exhibition dialogues. Steele, S. S. . . . 8015-85 Exhibitions. Greeley, H., ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, 1853- 54 606-5 Exile. St. John, H. Letters on the study and use of history: on exile, etc. pp. 152-169 902-7 Exile. [Little classics, v. 1.] Exiles in Babylon ; or, children of light. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 116A15 Exiles of Florida. Giddings, J. R. ... 9849-4 Exile's romance ; or, realities of Australian life. Louis, Arthur. EXISTING conflict between republican gov- ernment and Southern oligarchy. Raum, G. B 984-8 Exmoor. Fortescue, J. Records of stag hunting on Exmoor 7962-3 EXODUS. See Bible, Old Testament. EXOTICS: attempts to domesticate them. Clarke, J. F. and L 228C8 EXPANSE of heaven : a series of essays on the wonders of the firmament. Proctor, R. A 5204-76 Expansion of England. Seeley, J. R. . . 9307-8 Expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755; from mss. ed. by W. Sargent 9749-8 Expedition to Borneo. Keppel, Capt. II. 491 1-5 EXPEDITION to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon in the year 1812. Segur, Philip 667B1 Expedition to the Zambesi. Livingstone, D 467-49 Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke. Allen, T 47S-15 I 1 1 kience of life. Scwell, E. M. EXPERIENCES of a barrister. Warren, Samuel. Experiments on the strength of cements. Grant, John 6662-5 EXPERT testimony, Law of. Rogers, H. W. 3454-7 EXPIATED. — 437 — EZF \ l piated. II nmilton, Vn, < '. V. I i I \ i [i in. I '"ir, Mrs. J 11 1 i :i < '. I R.) I piring continent. Mitchinson, A. W. 4663-6 I'A ri.i hi. and triumphs in Europe "I Paul Morphy. 1 dge, P. M 6477B9 Exploration and survej of the valley of the Great Suit Lake of Utah, Stans- l.uiy, II 478-85 I'M I i IRA I'll IN "I I 111- \ .1 1 If J mI I In Am 1 1 HI, made under direction of the Navy Dep't. Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon 1 481-45 Exploration i>f the world, j v. See Verne, J. 1 11 1 ira 1 ions and adventures in equatoi ial Africa. I hi Chaillu, P. H 4671-3 Explorations and adventures in 1 [onduras. Wells. W. V 47283-9 Explorations in Southwest Africa. Haines, Thos 468-2 Exploratorv expedition to the sources of the Mississippi in 1820. Schoolcraft, 11. k 4776-8 EXPLORING and travelling three thousand miles through Brazil. Wells, Jas. W. . 481-92 Explosions ol steam boilers: how they are caused, and how they may he pre- vented. Robinson, J. R 62118-65 Explosives. Berthelot, \I. P. E. Explo- sive materials. [With bibliography, pp. 139-180.] 662-2 Exposition of the book of Psalms. Henry, Matthew 2246-4 EXPOS! I ic in of the constitution of the United States. Flanders, Henry 3427-4 I KPOSITION of the creed. Pearson, J. . . . 23S3-6 EXPOSITION of the thirty-nine articles. Browne, E. H 2383-2 EXPRESS. Morton, J. M. Comediettas and farces, pp. 106-124 785-6 EXPRESS companies. Tucker, T. W. Waifs from the way-hills of an old expressman. 652-S5 Expression. Bell, SirC. Expression: its anatomy and philosophy 742-2 — Brown, M. T. Synthetic philosophy of expression 7S1 — 1 5 Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions in man and animals '795-3 Warner, F. Physical expression. [With bibliography, pp. 321-346.] 1795-88 Extempore speech: how to acquire and practice it. Pittinger, Win 800-69 Extracts from the diary of a country pas- tor. Gardner, Mrs. II. C 403A2 EXTRAORDINARY men and women. Russell, w 410-9 1 Men, G. C |. mi-lit I - .' I 2 Clark, I 11 itudy ol 1712; Clifford, \V. K. Seeing and thinking. . 181-3 — Jeffries, li. J. Coloi blin dan- gers and detection 61 1 Sarcey, F. Mind your eyes ! 1.115 s w illiams, H. W, Oui lake care of them 0115 u --Clark, J. II. sigM and hearing, pp. 17-236 'in, ; Helmholtz, II. Popular lecture 1. 'hi 1 1 1 1 mbjei I ei 1. pp 19) Recent progress of the theory of vi- 1 502-43 — Hinton, J., ed. Physiology for practical use. pp. 61-101 6121-4 — I. .11 dner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 5. pp. 49-96 603-4 Mi-i., A. How to preserve the eyes. In Essays and addresses read before the X. E. O. T. A. pp. 94-109 3706-6 — Roosa, 1>. I!. St. J. Iii.i toi suggestions to the community, pp. 105-128. . . . 6104-73 Taylor, A. A. E. Education of the eye. /// Essays and addresses read before the V I ■:. O. T. A. pp. 269-294 3706-6 Williams, C. II. Use and care of the eyes, especially during school years. In Mass. emergency and hygiene associa- tion. Six lectures, pp. 65-90. ... 37'7 ' Eyebright. Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Cool- idge, pseud.) 246A43 Eyes and ears. Beecher, 11. W 1 EYLAND, Seth. pseud. See Cronin, David E. Eyre, John Edward. In Taylor li. Cyclo- paedia of modern travel. V. 2. pp. 773— 794. Recent explorations in Australia. 436-8 EYRE, Vincent. Military operations at Cabul, which ended in the retreat and destruction of t lie British army, Jan. [8 1-. with a journal of imprisonment in Vfghanistan. I... 1843. 12 95S1-3 EYSTER, Nellie. Sunny hours; or, child life of Tom and Mary. I'hila., 1S65. l6 c . Eyton, I. Charlotte. By ll 1 and by fell ; or, causes of change, organic and inor- ganic, in the material world. I... 12°. 55 1-43 EZEKIEL and other poems. Macandrew, Mrs. II. M 603C1 Ezra. Hills» O. A. Companion charac- ter-, pp. 220 246. Ezra and Nehe- miah 2217-47 F., S. AND F., C. W. — 438 FAIR. F., S. and F., C. W. Lessons on practical subjects for grammar school children. B - '885- 16° 3307-4 F., W. Simple ailments of horses, their nature and treatment. L., 1S82. 12°. 6361-35 Fabens, Joseph Warren. In the tropics; with an introductory notice by Richard B. Kimball. N. Y., 1S63. 12 . . . . 47293-35 Faber, Christine. Carroll O'Donoghue: a tale of the Irish struggles of 1 866 and of recent times. N. Y., 1884. 12°. Faber, E., tr. Mind of Mencius : a sys- tematic digest of the doctrines of the Chinese philosopher, Mencius 495-6 Faber, Rev. Frederick Wn).,i. 1815-V. 1863. Thoughts on great mysteries; with an introduction by J. S. Purdy. N. Y., 1880. 12° 234-4 Contents. — Creation. — The incarnation. — Re- demption through the precious blood.— Sanc- tification. Faber, Geo. Stanley, Eng. theologian, b. l l'l-d. 1854. Difficulties of infidelity; to which is added Modern infidelity, by Robert Hall. N. Y., 1S66. 12°. . . 2395-4 Faeer, Mathias. Gould, S. Baring-. Post mediaeval preachers, pp. 100-115. . . 414-4 Fabian, St., pope, sue. 236-d. 250. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 45-4S. 2S21-53 Fabiola. Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas. FABIUS Maximus Verrucosus, Quintus, Ro- nton dictator, d. B. C. 203. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 1. pp. 372-405 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 275-284 4101-75 Fables. /Esop's fables: a new version, chiefly from original sources 3811-15 — Aveline, E. L. The mother's fables. . . 8099-17 — Bierce, M. A., (Dod Grile, pseud.) Cob- from an empty skull 827-2 — Busk, R. II. Roman legends 3845-2 Bussey, G. M. Fables, with biographical notices of eminent fabulists 3811-25 Krilof, J. A. Fables. ed. by W. R. S. Ralston. : 89178-5 La Font: :, J. de. Fables 848-5 Pilpay, or Bidpai. Fables 3S11-7 e, J. G. I able and legends of many n nden d in rhyme 805C6 Si udder, II. E . ed. Book of fables, chiefly from Esop 3811-8 — Speckter, O. Picture fables 3811-82 Wilkins, ( '., tr. Fables and proverbs 1 thi -in krit, being the Hitopadesa. 89J2-93 — Gay, John. Poetical works, pp. 1-182. 409c! Fables, continued. — Miiller, F. Max. Selected essays, v. I. pp. 500-576. Migration of fables. . 652E4 Fables in song. Bulvver-Lytton, E. R. . . 596C3 Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages. Dollinger, J. J. I. von 2821-3 Fabre, Ferdinand. Abbe Tigrane. N. Y., 1876. 12°. Face illumined. Roe, Rev. Edward P. Face to face. Francillon, R. E. Face to face. Grant, Robert. Facey, Jas. Wm. House decoration. 2 v. in 1. L., 1882-86. 12° 747-4 Contents. — v. 1. Elementary decoration, v. 2. Practical house decoration : ornamental painting, the arrangement of colours and .the principles of decorative design, with remarks upon pigments. F'acing the enemy: the life and military career of General W. T Sherman. Headley, P. C 821B83 FACTORIES and the factory system. Taylor, W. C .' .' 3368-8 Factory system. Ure, Andrew. Philosophy of manufactures; or, an exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the factory system. . . . 677-9 Factors of organic evolution. Spencer, Herbert 575-84 Facts about champagne and other sparkling wines. Vizetelly, H 6631-8 Facts about peat as an article of fuel. Leavitt, T. H 55321-6 Facts and fictions of zoology. Wilson, A. 5904-935 Facts and hints for every-day life. L., 12 . 640-35 FACTS and phases of animal life. Morwood, V. S 5905-6 Facts and suggestions on money, trade and banking. Walker, J. H 331—9 I Mil 1 1 !■:, pseud. See Rodney, Mrs. Marion (K.l, [formerly Miss Reeves.) Faerie Queen. See Spenser, Edmund. Faggot of French sticks ; or, Paris in 1S51. Head, Sir Francis 4443-42 I \ rs for the lire-side. Goodrich, S. G. 431A4 I'aiiii, J. J. History of electric telegraph), to 1837. ],., 18S4. 12° 538-4 Fahnestock, Wm. Baker. Statuvolism; or, artificial somnambulism, called mes- merism, or animal magnetism. Chicago, ' s 7<- 12 177-4 Faidherbe, Louis Leon Csesar, French era/, l>, 1S18. Kar, W. I'. Men of the third republic, pp. 160-170 4105-5 Iain \i ls of Tipton. Johnson, V. W. Fair, Mrs. I. aura D. Morse, J. T. Fa- trials, pp. 335-342 3482-5 I'AM — 439 — I \ll'\ i un Imi i Bui nett, !/■ I i H.J Fair F ram e. Craik, Mrs. D. M. I Muloi k.] 444-65 : ' iod \\ .'N , '., a I ,ew . FAIR-haii ed Eckbert. Tiei k, 1 udw ig, /« Carlyle, I'., tr. Tales by Musaeus, Heck, Richter. v. 1. pp. 1119-185. . 833-6 Fair Harvard : .1 stoi y ol Ainei ii an 1 life. V V .. [869, 12 . F un maid of Pel th. Scott, Sit w F \n; philosopher. I [ammond, Henrietta H . (I I. I lauge, pseud.) plebeian. Stone, M. E. I in; i" see. Lockhart,*L. W. M. I UR trade unmasked. Medley, Geo. W. . 335-605 Fairbairn, a. M. Studies in the life oi t. N. V., 1882. 12° 2329-38 F 1 URN, Patrick, Scottish divine, i. 1S05- 2° "75-35 Fairfield, Conn. Townshend, C. H. Brit- ish invasion of New Haven, Conn., with some account of iheir landing and burn- ing the towns of Fairfield and Nor walk, July. '779 Fairholt, 1 ■ eric Wm, ' j of dre from thi ■ [8 th century, to which is added an illustrated glossary of ten I . i860. 12° 1 ; I ob '■ co I.., 18 , 1876 6338-4 [ntroductioi head In Merri- field, Mrs. M. I'. Dress a^ a fine art. . 391-6 Fairies. Hunt, R. Populai romanc the West of England 79-131. . . v. 1 1 hi. 1 1 .111 literature, populai supi ' and history of England in the middle ages 9306-9 Fairies of our garden. B., 1867. 16 . . . 381-35 Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. V V., 1SS2. 1 6° 6224-4 FAIRLY taken in. Steele, S. S. Drawing- room plays 785-82 I URPORT nine. Brooks, Noah 186A53 Fairy-land of science. Buckley, A. B. . 504-25 Fairy legends ami traditions of the South of Ireland. Croker, T. C 3841-3 FAIRY mythology. Keighiley, T 380-47 Fairy tales. Asbjornsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales 3848-2 — Austin, J. (G.) Moonfolk 3S1 14 — Bache, A. Legends of fairy lands. ... 3811 s — Beach, C. A. Pitimaroon; or, the magic hammer 38' _2 — Carey, Mrs. M.. tr. Fairy legends. . . 3844-33 — Carter, Mrs. A. A. Violet : a fairy story. 3S1 25 — Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin. . . 3.S 1 26 — Coleridge, S. Phantasmion 381-2S — Collier, .M. Prince Peerles — Dodgson, C. L., (Lewis Carroll, psatd.) Alice's adventures in wonderland. . . 3S1-32 Through the looking glass 3S1-321 — Ewing, J. II. Old fashioned fairy tales. 3S1-33 — Fairies of our garden 3S1— 35 — Fairy book. X. Y., 1836. 12°. . . . 3S1-12 — Fryer, A. C. English fairy tales from the north-country 381-j" — Grimm's fairy tales 3S43-4 — Hamerton, E. Mirror of truth and other marvellous histories 381-4 — Hanley. S. I iliphs and sultans. ... — Harrison, Mrs. B. Bric-a-brac Tories. . 381 41 — Oil I fairy book 3S1-411 — HautT, YV. Arabian days' entertainment. 3S1-419 Little Mook and other fairy tale>. . . 381 ;- Tales of the caravan, inn and palace. . 3S1-421 — 1 1 !• W. J. Princess Idleways. . ;- — Hoffmann, F. Fairy tales 3843-45 — Hugessen, E. II. Knatchbull-. Moun- tain sprites kingdom. 3S1-445 Whispers from fairy-land 3S1-45 FAIRY. — 440 — FALCONRY. Fairy tales, continued. — Jefferies, R. Wood magic 381-5 — Jerdon, G. Keyhole country 381-51 — Jerrold, A. Cruise in the acorn. . . . 381-52 — Kavanagh, B. and J. Pearl fountain. . 3S1-54 — Kingsley, C. Water-babies 3S1— 55 — Kingsley, H. Boy in grey 381-56 — Kremnitz, M. Roumanian fairy tales. . 38498-5 — Kroeker, K. Freiligrath-. New fairy tales from Brentano 381-23 — Laboulaye, E. Fairy tales 381-58 — LathbuTy, M. A. Fleda and the voice, with other stories 381-59 — Legends of Brittany 3844-8 — Leland, H.G. Johnnykin and the goblins. 381-6 — Lemon, M. Legends of number nip. . 381-61 — Macdonald, G. Princess and Curdie. . 381-629 Princess and the goblin 381-63 — Mace, J. Fairy tales 381-632 — Mann, Mrs. H. Flower people 381-64 — Mitchell, 5. W. Prince little boy and other tales of fairy land 381-65 — Parr, H. Tuflongbo and little content. 3S1-6S — Peters, W. T. Children of the week. . 725A5 — Pindar, S. Legends of the flowers. . . 381-7 — Plonnies, L. von. Princess Use and the Will-o'-the-Wisps 3S1-71 — Prentiss, E. Nidworth and his three magic wands 38 1-72 — Pyle, Howard. Wonder clock 381-725 — Rabelais, F. Three good giants. . . . 848-7 — Reed, P. E. Beyond the snow 381-73 — Richards, L. E. Joyous story of Toto. . 381-74 Toto's merry winter 381-741 — Ruskin, J. King of the golden river. . 381-76 — Scudder, H. E. Book of folk stories. . 3811-81 — Segur, Comtesse — . Fairy tales 381-8 — Shadbolt, S. Moonbeam tangle 381-S05 — Smith, J. P. Brazen gates 381-S1 — Stockton, F. R. Ting-a-ling 3S1-82 — Strahan, A., id. Boys' and gills' book of enchantment 381-83 — Yernaleken, F. In the land of marvels. 38436-8 — Volkmann, R., (Richard Leander, pseud.) Dreams by a French fireside 381-9 German fantasies. [Same.] 381-9 — Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancient legends, mystic charms and superstitions of Ire- land 3841-9 — Wright, 11. C. Little folk in green. . . 381-95 — Whitlicr, J. G. Prose works, pp. 233- 260 947E6 — See also Folk-lore. Faith. Alexander, J. W. Faith treated in a seri' of di 1 , 6. about 1276 d. 1355. Bj ron, ' .. <;. Poetii al « niks. pp. 519 564. M.u in" Faliero i a hi ;toi ical ti agedy. 199C16 1 \ 11. |. .Ii. inn Daniel, German writer and phi- lanthropist, 6. 1768-rf, 1826, Hurst, J. F, History of ral ionali m. pp 1 1 2 [16. 2119 11 Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working, pp. 17-60 4'46-7 I' \i 1., Paul Ludwig Adalbert, German states- man, /'. 1827. liit 1 It-, II. 1 >ei man po- litical leaders, pp. 25-38 4106-8 F m Kin. 1 B ittle, I2«j8.] Adams, \\ H. D. Battle 1 is. pp. 297 309. . . . 9208-13 F m ki iMi Lord. .'■' ■ ' .11 j . I iii-iii . I m 1.1 \M> islands. Mackini I apt. — . Atlantic and tran satlantic sketi hes. v. 2, pp. 172 248. \\ ild sports nf the I alkland ■ 470-61 Falkner,W.( . Rapid ramblings in En whal I -.i« .11 I ondou [and on the < !on- tinent.] Phila., 1884. 12 ■ 440-33 Falknek Lyle; or, the story ol two wives. Lemon, M. I ml. iNBJ RG, B. I ■'... I B. Solj in"-, /' ud. I lesei 1 life, rei ollei tions of an 1 xpedi- tion in the Soudan. I.., 1880. 8°. . . 4626 4 Fali of Constantinople: being the storj "I the fourth crusade. Pears, E 949 ; : Fali of Jerusalem: a dramatic poem. Mil- man, Rev. II. II 633C9 1- ai 1 ..I Mortimer : a drama. Jonson, B. Works 5«8< 3 1- \ 1 1 of Poland. Saxton, L. C 9427 7 Fali of the greal republic, 1886 88. B., 1SS5. id". Fali of the Moghul empire. Keene, II. G. '15426-5 Fall of the monarchy of Charles I. 2 v. Gardiner, S. R 9362 |8 I'm 1 of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678 94. Hale, Rev. Edward 93°6-4 I- Jin, it, .1 \ 1. a of logic from the prai tii .1! side. Sidgw ick, A 1895 8 Fallacies in " Pi ogress and po\ erty," etc. Hanson, Wm 33°4-4 Fallacy of the present theory of sound. Mott, II. \ 534' 6 Fallen among thieves. Rayne, Mrs. M. 1 .ouise. Fallen idol. 1 luthrie, F. Anstey. |-M ini \, Alfred Frederii Pierre, Comic dc. Life and letters ol Madame Swetchine. tr. l>y II W. Preston. B., 1868. 16 heir, The. James, 1 .. P. R. 1- vlsi honoi . K ing, R . R, 1 ale foi ng uifii and women 534^5 I m ,1 hoi id. Hargreavt , J. C B of vi. e and folly, pp. 12217, ' False start. Smai I, Hawley. i i Birrell, A. Obitei 1. pp. 200-232 1 I' AMI . j6l 805I FaMILI ii' ' and law. \\ arden, R. B ii Familiar letters from Europe, 1 Familiar lettei of John Ada d his wife, Abigail Adams, during the revolu- tion, ed. by < . 1 •'. Adams 107B1 Familiar letters ol Pepperminl Pel B. 12°. Familiar science studies. Proctor, R. A Famii iar studies of men and books. Steven- son, K. I Familiar talks on English literature. Rich- ardson, A. S 820-78 FAMILIAR talks on some of Shakespi iie-. Latimer, E. W 8236-58 Familiar talks to boys. Hall, Rev. John. . Families of speech. Farrar, 1-. W. With Farrar, F. W. Language and lan- guages 100-4 Famii v. See Home life. 1- wm v. The : an historical and social study. Thwing, C. F. and C. F. B 3211-S Family book of history. Olney, J. and Barber, J. \V 903-7 FAMILY flight around home. Hale, I 1 and Susan 474 45 Family flight over Egypt and Syria. I E. E. and Susan 462-45 Family flight through Mexico III I an J Susan Family flight through Spain. Hale, Susan. 441 1 wiii.Y fortunes. May. Mrs. I. 1 .. I ward Garrett, pseud.) Family- legend : atraged; Baillie, J, Dra- matic and poetical works, pp. 479-50*8. 132C6 Famil\ living on $500 a year. ' orson, Juliet Family secret. Andrews, Fanny. l-'.wiu \ tree. I onblanque, A. de. Family worship. Aikman, W. I ii home. p| '93 ' I Maui ii e, F. D Social morality, pp. 89-104 Famines. Walford, C. Famines of the world : past and present. . . Caird, L India: the land an.l the 1 pie. pp. 1S4-204 454 - Kiske. I. Unseen world and other essa; pp. 100-210. Famine f 177 Trench. W. S. Realities of Irish life. FAMOUS American ami). Sarah. K . 41S1-2 I- \MlHS. 442 FARADAY Famous Americans of recent times. Par- ton, Jas 412-72 Famous books. Adams, W. H. U S04-12 Famous boys; and how they became great men. n. t. p. 24° 410-48 Contents — H. Greeley. — J G. Bennett. — Geo. Stephenson and his son Robert. — Lord Broug- ham.— J. Kitto— H. Miller— S Drew— T Cooper. — W. Jay. — J. P. Curran. — S. Cromp- ton. — E. Burritt. — D.Jerrold. — D. Livingstone. — J. Morrison. — T. Kelly. — J. Sturge. FAMOUS boys and famous men. N. Y., n. d. 12° 410-478 Famous cases of circumstantial evidence: with introduction on the theory of pre- sumptive proof, by S. M. Philipps. B., 1873. s °- Same, 1874 3482-65 Famous caverns and grottoes. Adams, \V. a. d 5514S-2 Famous caves and catacombs. Adams, \Y. 11. i). 55148-3 FAMOUS historical scenes from three cen- turies. Moncrieff, A. K. II., ed. . . 903-65 I' ami it's history of Sir Thomas Wyat. Web- ster, J. Dramatic works, v. 1. pp. 1-62 930C8 FAMOUS pamphlets; with introduction by Henry Morley. L., 1886. 12°. . . . 335E1 Contents. — Milton's Areopagitica. — Killing no murder. — De Foe's shortest way with Dis- senters. — Steele's crisis. — Whately's historic doubts concerning Napoleon Buonaparte. — Copleston's advice to a young reviewer Famous persons and places. Willis, N. P. 442-95 FAMOUS sculptors and sculpture. Shedd, Mrs. Julia A 417-7 FAMOUS ships of the British navy. Adams. W. PI. D 93081-1 Famous stories by De Quincey, Hawthorne, Thackeray and others. N. Y., 1S80. 12°. I \m< its women series. Albany, Countess of. Lee, Vernon. . 114B2 Bronte, Emily. Robinson, A. M. F 1.X5U1 Edgeworth, Maria. Zimmern, H. . . 310B4 Eliot, George. Blind, M ; 14H1 Fry, Elizabeth. Pitman, Mrs. E. R. . J86B2 Fuller, Margaret. Howe, Mrs.). \\. . 388B4 Lamb, Mary. Gilchrist, Mrs. A. . . 554B9 Margaret of Augouleme. Robinson, A. M. I' 609B9 Martineau, Harriet. Miller, Mrs.F. F. <> 1 5 H5 More, Hannah. Yonge, C. M 646B43 Rachel. Kennard, Mrs. N. H 758P.3 Ri tori, Adelaide. Autobiography. . . 789B2 Roland, Madame. Blind, M 793B2 Sand, George. Thomas, B 803B3 Sid dons, Mrs. Kennard, Mrs. N. H. . S22B7 Madame de. Dully, B Ss"K; Wollstonecraft, Mary. Pennell, Mrs. I R 963B1 Fanaticism. Taylor, 1 272-8 FaNCHETTE. [Round robin series.] FANCHON the cricket. Sand, George. Fancies of a whimsical man. Townsend, Frederic 901-I Fancourt, ('has. St. John. History of Yucatan. L.,.1844. 8° 99006-4 Fancy free. Gibbon, ("has. Fancy pigeons. I. yell, J. C 6384-5 Fane Violet, pseud. See Singleton, Mrs. Mary (Mongomerie Lamb.) FANEUIL, Peter. Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 65-7S 4169-7 FaNKWEI ; or, the " San Jacinto " in the seas of India, China and Japan. Woorl.W. M. 450-97 Fanny's birthday gift. Matthews. J. II. . 618A95 Fanshawe, Anne Harrison, wife of Sir Rich- ard Fanshawe, 6. 1625-d. 1680. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart; with extracts from the correspondence of Sir Richard Fan- shawe. L., 1830. 8° 335B5 -- Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies. pp. 139-162 413-22 — Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. pp. 80-112 413-25 — Crosland, Mrs. N. Memorable women. pp. 216-234 413-2S — Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers, ser. I. pp. 37-50. . . 826-54 — Watson, H. C. Heroic women of history. pp. 108-130 413-95 Fanshawe and other pieces. Hawthorne, N. Fantasio: a comedy. Musset, Alfred de. Selections, pp. 83-129 848-67 Fantasy ami passion. Fawcett, Edgar. . . 339C2 Far above rubies. Riddell, Mrs. J. 11. Far east ; or, letters from Egypt, Palestine and other lands of the Orient. Burt, V C 458-18 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy, Thus. Far interior : travel and adventure [in South and] Central Africa. Kerr, W. . . . 4676-48 Far ofi ; or, Asia and Australia described. Mortimer, Mrs. T 450 57 Faraday, Michael, Eng. chemist and natural philosopher, l>. iyi)i-d. 1 867. Course of six lectures on the chemical history of .1 candle; with a lecture on platinum, ed. by Win. Crookes. \. Y., 1861. to . . 53646-4 Various forcesof natureand their relation to each other, ed. by Wm. Crookes I... n. d. 12° 501-4 rvation of force. /// Voumans, E. L., ed. Correlation and conservation 11 forces, pp. 359-3 8 " 53 x On the education \ \ 11; MKK l m idav, Mil hael, i ontinued, I iladstone, I. 1 1. Mil hael Faraday, . ,i.v sl; - I , I'. I ife and lei ters oi Faradaj Tyndall, I Faraday as a discoverer. . 338B4 Boll S. K . P001 boys who famou 1. pp. 96—11 1 410-16 Brennan, M. S. Populai < position ol electricity ! with iketi he oi e of its di ico\ erers. pp. 26 ,i.i 5 37 18 i 1 ill , 1 , 1 I'm ait of knowledge, pp. (63 '•"'• 4IO-35 Dix, I . Lions : living oi 1 leai I. pp. ()o 94. 4i°-4 Drake, S. A., . . . 4492-9 Farmer's veterinary adviser. Law, Jas. . 636-54 Farming for boys. B., n. d. 12° 630-35 Farn ell's folly. Trowbridge, J. T. Farnese, Alex., duke of Parma. Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. PP- 75-86 4151-9 — See- also Motley's Dutch republic. Farnham, Eliza W. Life in prairie land. N. Y., 1868. 1 6° 4773-4 Farnham, T. J. Life, adventures and travels in California ; with the conquest of Cali- fornia, travels in Oregon and history of the gold regions. N. Y., 1849. 8°. . 479-33 Faroe islands. Historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe islands 9489-6 — Kneeland, S. An American in Iceland. pp. 38-52 449>-5 I 1 \i.''i HAR, Geo. Campbell, T. and others. British dramatists, pp. 417-456. . . . 41822-3 — Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists. pp. 173-201 822-26 Farquhar Frankheart; or, incidents in the introduction of Methodism into York- shire. L., 11. d. 12°. FARQl HARSON, Maitha. See Finley, M. Farr, Edward. Ancient history. 4V. Cin- cinnati, 1856. 12° 910-36 Contents. — v. 1. Egyptians. — v. 2. Assyrians, Chaldeans, Medes and Lydians. — v. 3. Pcr- ms — v. 4. Macedonians, Seleucidae in Syria, I'.irthians. Farragut, David Glasgow, Am. admiral. 6. iSoi-d. 1870. Farragut, I.. Life of id Glasgow Farragut 339B4 Headlcy, !'. < '. Old Salamander : the life and naval career of Admiral David Glas- gow Farragut 339B43 Montgomery, J. E. Our admiral's flag abroad 440-625 Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 219-237 410-16 1 i" ;ney, G. C. Essays in military biog- raphy, pp. 136-184. . 4151 3 Farragut, I). G., continual. — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. V. 2. pp. 201-21 1 412-4 -Foster, I. FL, (Fay Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 40-44. . . 410-585 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 36'-36? 41231-4 — Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, pp. 46-102 4122-39 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times, pp. 3"-322 4122-83 Farragut, Loyall. Life of David Glasgow Farragut : his journal and letters. N. V., 1879. 8° 339B4 Farrar, Adam Storey. History of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. N. Y., 1883. 8°. [Bampton lectures, 1862.] 239-35 Farrar, Mrs. Eliza Ware, 6. iygi-d. 1871. Recollections of seventy years 339B7 Farrar, Frederic Win., D. D., Eng. clergy- man, b. 1831. Early days of Christiani- ty, N. V., n. d. 8° 2701-35 — Eric ; or, little by little : a tale of Roslyn school. N. Y., 1SS1. 16 338A58 — In the days of thy youth : sermons preached at Marlborough college, 1871- 76. N. Y., 1876. 12 252-36 — History of interpretation. N. Y., 18S6. 8°. [Bampton lectures, 1885.] .... 2202-35 — Julian Home : a tale of college life. N. Y.. 1SS0. 12 338A6 — Language and languages: being "Chap- ters on language" and "Families of speech." N. Y., 187S. 12 100-4 — Life and work of St. Paul. N. Y., 1880. S° 2218-64 — Life of Christ. 2 v. N. Y., 1S74. 8°. 2329-4 — St. Winifreds; or, the world of school. N. Y., 1874. 12 338A63 — Seekers after God. Phila., 11. d. 12 . . 150-4 Contents. — Seneca. — Epictetus. — Marcus Au- relius. — Sermons and addresses delivered in America. N. Y., iS86. 8° 252-37 Contents. — Christ's lessons from the lilies and the sparrows. — Awakenment. — Not a sectarian Christ. — Lion in the heart. — Retribution upon selfish societies. — Beatitude of men's reviling. — Lost sheep.— Lost coin. -Things which cannoi be shaken. — Keep the commandments. — Idols. — Example of the saints. — Work of the few and of the many. — Ideals of nations.— Modern edu- 1 ation '. its sphere and its aims. — Christian doc- trine of the atonement.— Grounds of Christian unity. — Temperance address. — Dante. — Fare- well thoughts on America. Witness of history to Christ, 1... 1S72. 12 . [Hulsean lectures, 1S70.] .... 239-36 - Ethnic inspiration. /// Non-Biblical sys- tems of religion, pp. I— 16 290-62 F \ l< K \ K 1 I I \ I III.I-- i . i 'i u;. I , \\ '., , ontinued. In ipii ,n ion a i in ical j m] pp. •■ '-■ • i ■ | I ay, | ■ I ntroduction. In Hei I P I . , t> Tal In miscellany 2968-4 I mil I'm field, Reminisceni < Arthur P, Stanley. In Pari I Pi mi> 1 , .mm in. 1 in. I i;iic men ol out time, pp, 93 99 and 1 24 410-83 , td Epistle hi Paul, the Apostle, to the I [ebrev, s; witl te and introduction. 1 ambridge, 1883. 16 2288-5 I isays on a liberal edticalion I .. 1 SdN. 8° 375-3 Contents On thi I rj ol els ii .1 1 dues* 11 1 S Parkei 11.. 1 ical educa- tion, II Si ■ I .' W I . I I I .Mill I III vcrsities, John Seeley.— On teaching by means of grammar, V. E. Bowen. On Greel and I. at in versi compi ttion ts 1 eneral branch of cdu cation, F, W Farrai ' In tcai hing natural si i encc in schools, I M Wilson. — Teaching of English, J, W. Hah I lucation of the reasoning faculties, W I hnson.— On the pres- ent s... i.tl results of classical education, Lord I [oughton. -Gospel according to St. Luke; with maps, notes and introduction 2277-3 - Willi tlie poeis : a selection of English poetry. N. V .. 1883. 12 8092-35 — Mathews, \\ . Men, places ami tiling. pp. 150-159 617E7 FaRRAR, Timothy. Manual of the constitu- tion of the United States of America. B-, 1867. 8° 3463-4 Farren, Elizabeth, />. 1759-1/. 1S29. Mai thews, J. B. <»"/ Button, I.....A. Actors ami actresses, v. 2. pp. 1 17-132. . . 4179-6 Farren, Win. Lewes, G. 11. Actors and acting, pp. 54-5" 781-5 Farrer, Jas. Anson. Adam Smith. N. \ ., 1S81. 12 S33BS Military manners and customs. N. \ '., '885. 12° 355-4 Primitive manners and customs. N. Y., '879- 12 399-35 Farrer, T. H, State in its relation to trade. I - 'S83. 12° 33O-35 Farrier lass o' Piping Pebworth. Rives, Amelie. In Brother to dragons and other old time tales, pp. 82-167. Farthest North ; or, the life and explora- tions of Lieutenanl J. B. I ... kwood, of the Greely Arctic expedition. Lan- man. C 582B1 Fascin \ii"N ; or, the philosophy of charm- ing. Newman, J. B. In Library of mesmerism and psychology. V. I. . . '77-5 Fashion. Holland, J. G. Plain talks on familiar subjects 4S3F4 Fashion and folly. Baker, 11. \. W. . . 132 V.23 Fashionable dissipation. Fuller. M. V. 1 flerei Hoppin, A. I- t 1 and : 1 'i ■ ie. I »r :■ I ■ • 1 idge, J. T. I I II Ii:' I I M. . . . I . 1 1 lit. ..11 the model n nig hw ay. 1 1 1 1 Chrisl I- \ 1 IL dofl 1 y : a drama. Ma ingei Plays, pp. 3I3-347- ■ • '■'■■' Fatai I Mi ire, I lannah. \\ v. I. pp. 545-562 Fatai marl Di Q tincey, T. 1 ..1 political ecoi FATAI whi per. Gait, John. /» Club-book. v. I. pp. l8l 196 1 tTE, I he. James, G. I'. R. I ■ nii and fortune oi I (ugh O'Neill, • Tyrone, and Rory O'D nel connel. Median, ( . I' 411 ; 6 Fati ..f Mil. I . I our. Paddoi I A. G. 1 x 1 1 ..1 Mu. field 1 1 umphre) , While. R. G. I \ 1 1 2- v > \ . 7. Ici mllianus against Marcion. . 2{ v. 8. Writing- of Cyprian, v. 1. . 281 ; j v. 9. lien eu-. v. 2. with Hippolytus, Fragments of third century 2813-51 v. 10. Writings of Origen. v. 1. . . 2813 - v. II. Writings of Tertullian. v. 1. . 2813-9 v. 12. Clement of Alexandria, v. 2. . v. 1 ;. Writings of Cyprian, v. 2, with Novatian, Minucius Felix, etc. . 2813 27 v. 14. Writings of Methodius, etc. . . FATHERS. 446 FAWCF/I T. Fathers, continued. v. 15. Writings of Tertullian. v. 2. . 2813-9 v. 16. Apocryphal gospels, acts and revelations 2813-12 v. 17. Clementine homilies, the Apos- tolical constitutions 2813-21 v. 18. Writings of Tertullian. v. 3, with the extant works of Victorinus and Commodianus 2813-9 v. 19. Seven books of Arnobius adver- sus gentes 2S13-14 v. 20. Writings of Gregory Thauma- turgus 2813-4 v. 21. Works of Lactantius. v. 1. . . 2813-57 v. 22. Works oi Lactantius. v. 2, with the testaments of the twelve patriarchs and fragments of the second and third centuries 2S13-58 v. 23. Origen. v. 2 2813-7 v. 24. Early liturgies and other docu- ments 2813-59 — Biggs, C. Christian platonists of Alexan- dria 2812-2 — Holland, H. S. Apostolic fathers. . . . 2813-18 — Jackson, G. A. Apostolic fathers and the apologists. A. D. 95-180 2812-5 Fathers of the third century. A. D. 180-325 2812-51 Post-Nicene Greek fathers. A. D. 325- 750 2812-52 Post-Nicene Latin fathers. A. D. 325- 590 2812-53 — Watson, F. Defenders of the faith; or, the Christian apologists of the second and third centuries 2812-9 — Hall, J. Questions of the day. What is the value of the fathers? pp. 178- 191 241-52 — Moore, T. Prose and verse, pp. 55-75. 645E5 — See also Augustine. Basil. Gregory. Jerome. John of Damascus. Leo. Fathers and sons. Hook, T. Fathers and sons. Turgenef, I. S. I-'a 1 her's coming home. n. t. p. 16 . . . 339A2 FATIGUE of metals under repeated strains. Spangenburg, 1 6201-7 HER, Julius. New commercial treaty between Great Britain and ( lermany. In 1 obden club essays, ser. 2. pp. 265- 344 304-3 FaUCIT, Helena. See Martin, Helena F. lii finding. Gardner, .!/>■ II. C. . . . 403A4 l\i nthorpe, J. I'.. ed, Household science : readings In necessary knowledge for girls and young women. L., 1881. 12° 640-36 Fai r III, Claude. Last days of the Con u late. ed. with introduction by M. 1.. Lalanne. I.., 1885. 12 94449-4 FAUSB8LL, V. Buddhist birth stories ; or, Jataka tales : the oldest collection of folk-lore extant. tr by T. W. Rhys Davids. B., 1880. 8° 2933-4 Faust. .Sw Goethe, J.W. von. Gounod, C. F. Faustina. Hahn-Hahn, Ida, Countess. Fauveau, Felicie de. Kile t , E. F. Women artists of all ages and countries, pp. 24/-261 4174-3 Favorite authors: a companion book of prose and poetry. B., 1873. I2 °- • • 808-4 Favorite haunts and rural studies. Jesse, E. 442-5 Favorite poems of the leading poets of the age, on grave, gay, spirited, romantic, pathetic and juvenile themes. N. Y., n. d. 12° 801-32 Favorite song birds. Adams, H. G. . . 598-12 Favras, Thomas Mahi, Marquis de. San- son, H., ed. Memoirs of the Sansons. v. I, pp. 237-241 803B6 Fawcett, Edgar, Am. writer, b. 1847. Ad- ventures of a widow. B., 1S84. 12°. — Ambitious woman. B., 1884. 12°. — Buntling ball, a Graeco-American play: being a poetical satire on New York society. N. V., 1885. 8° 339C1 — Confessions of Claud. B., 1887. 12°. — Douglas Duane. In Lippincott's maga- zine, April, 1887. — Fantasy and passion : poems. B., 1878. 12 . 339C2 — Gentleman of leisure. B., 1882. 24 . — House at High bridge. B., 1877. 12°. — Purple and fine linen. N. Y., 1873. 12°. — Romance and revery : poems. B.,1886. 8°. 339C4 — Rutherford. N. Y., 1884. 12 . — Short poems for short people. N. Y., 1872. 12° 339^5 — Social silhouettes: being the impressions of Mr. Mark Manhattan. B., 18S5. 12°. — Song and story : later poems. B., 1884. 8°. 339C6 — Tinkling cymbals. B., 18S4. 12°. — Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors, pp. 186-194 418-74 1 \\\i 1 it, Henry, Eng. economist, 6. 1833-;/. 18S4. Free trade and protection. L., 1882. 12° 335-36 Manual of political economy. I.., [883. 12° 330-37 — Pauperism: its causes and remedies, I... 1871- 12 339-4 — J. S. Mill's influence at the universities. In John Stuart Mill : his life and works. pp. 74-80 633B2 Stephen, L. Life of Henry Fawcett. . 339B9 llinlon. R. J. English radical leaders. pp. 1 1-26 41 1 -5 ,iud Faweett, M. G. Essays and lectures on social and political subjects. L., ■ 872. 8° |c*j |6 K. WW KIT - 447 — I 1.1 flNG i bit, Henry, continued. Conttnti Modi i n 101 ...I. ... General peel i! ti ten Fret education in i I'. mi , charity ami lIlL- | r l.iu I ' i the I ol laliour by the Hate v al .Iclns and n« null i pei ii \ ^ hai i in bi done for the agricultural laborers ! School'a inquirj i mi'. iio hi educi n I ;irl Edu .inn. i.f w i Electoral di labilii ii i»l ,* i. in. ii Women require the Irani Misc. — 1 1. .ii . ..I lord In A icaa on rep Pri iportioned repri icni tnd rlar< .. In in. expli I f uii iii. Millircni (Garrett), u/if oj Henry. |. s. Mill's influence as a practical i" lui.in. Iii John Stuail Mill: his life and works, pp. Si S7 1. ; ,!'■ ' Woman's suffrage movement. In Staun ton, T., ft/. Woman question in Europe pp. 1 29 39$ s s joint author. Fawcett, 11. and M. <•. Essays and lectures. [Set foregoing.]. 304-56 I \u. 1 1 1 , Mitchell. < . ■ 1 1 : • 1 < ■ i ■. 'i H.iial polity. /« Religious republics, pp. 1-59. ■ . 2858-7 Fawcett, Win. Lyman. Gold ami debt: in American hand-book of finance ; also a digest of tlie monetary laws of the United States. Chicago, 1887. 12 . . 3367 4 Fawkes, F. A. Horticultural buildings. I... 1881. 8° 717-3 Fawkes, Guy, Eng. conspirator, d. 1606. |. inline. 1 1. Narrative ol the Gunpow- der plot J407-5 Dixon, W. II. Her majesty's tower. \. -. PP- 75 '57 9391 '-3 Lamb, C. Eliana. pp. 34-46 554 1.5 Fawne: a drama. Marston, John. Worl V. 2, pp. 8-IO4 di I' I Fay, Amy. Music-study in Germany, from home coarespondence. ed. by Mis. M. I ■'. I'leicc. Chicago, 1 88 1 . 12°. ... "I i; Fay, Theodore S. The fishei boy. B., 1S07. 12°. \..i m in I eslie. N. \ .. 1869. 12°. Fearfuj responsibility. Howells, W. D. I 1 IRING, Paul. 1 I1M1 .-ill, S. P. Memoirs uf the early settlers of Ohio, pp. 291 3°2 4' -'7 1 4 Fearnley, \\m. Lectures on the examina- tion of horses as t.. soundness ; « itli an appendix on the law ■>. horses an. I war- ranty. I... I878. 12° <>.>bl-37 I 1 IRON, D. K. Sell. ». 1 inspection. I... l s 7". I-'" 37942-4 I' 1 ists of Camelot. Hervey, Mrs. I. K. Feathers for arrows. Spurgeon, c. 11. . 253-69 Iii.ki \ic\. Idams, O. V.,ed. Throughthe yeai «itli the poets ; February S09-15 I 1 . 11 1 1 1;. Chas. Alhert, actor. b. 1824 1879 Field, EC. Charles Albert Fech- ter. 340B4 I- 1 ■ M111. C, \ . continued. Matthi h s, J. I'., and lliiiion, I .., \ 1 . , !0 '.'■ t > 7 ' * '■ W I 1, G. B. 1 : 1 . 1 ; . Feder \ in ■ 1 constituti FEDERAl taxes a i • Win. II 1 1 1 .1 1 ■., 1 1 .1 Vdams, II., i D ing to New Engl Federalist. Hamil on, V. and others. . 3462 t in. fohn G. Japp, A. II. ill. V 1 pseud). Master missionaries, pp, 374 '• him .s t I' iji islands. I11 I lies-, and care of the feet : Kf.ii. 11, Edward, bishop of Newfoundland, b. i$oi-d. 1876. Tucker, II. W. Memoir of the life and episcopati if Ed ■■■ ard Feild 340B45 l-i 11 11, 1. EC. Poultry culture : howtoraise, manage, mate and judge thoroughl fowl.. Chicago, 1886. 12° 638-38 1 elicitas, Saint. Anderdon, W. II. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 73-81. . . . 4'4 23 Ff.i.h 1 1 \s. Dahn, Felix. Felix Holt, the radical. I liot, George. Felix Kent. 1 1 M.I. Felix, Marcus Minucius, Roman lawyer, 3d century. Octavius. ti. l>y K. E. Wallis. In Ante-Nicene christian library, v. 1 ;. pp. 447-5'7 2813-27 I 1 1 ki:k, P. II. "What the grocers sell lb " a manual for buyers, containing the natural history and process of manu- facture of all grocer- g Is, also their adulterations and how to detect them. rates of fare as allowed by custom and law ; tables of weights, measures, moneys, etc., the whole being designed a- a guide to aid in the purchasin goods. \. V., 1880. 12° 664-37 Felkin, R.W., joint author. Wilson, C. T. .nut Felken, R. W. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan 4676-96 1 1 1 1 . \i hie, pseud. ■ n, Mary J. FELLER, Henrietta (Odin). Japp. A. II. 1 1 Graj teud). Wise word- and loving deeds, pp. 152-1S0 413— 45 IW travellers. Fuller. E. I 1 LOWES, Sir Chas., Eng. antiquary, b. [799-rf. i860. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the province of Lycia. I... 1S52. 8°. . . I ELLOWS, Henry Parker. Boating trips on New England rivers. B., 1884 1^ 1- 11 mi ki s. Elliott, S. B. Felting. Thomson, John. Treatise on hatmaking and felting. FELTON. - 448 — FERDINAND V. Felton, Cornelius Conway, LL. D., Am. scholar, b. \%o,-d. 1862. Familiar let- ters from Europe. B., 1865. 12 . . . 440-34 — Greece, ancient and modern. B., 1879. 8° 4053-4 — Life of William Eaton. In Sparks, J., ed., Am. biography, v. 9. pp. 167-358. 412-86 — joint author. Sears, B., Edwards, B. B. and Felton, C. C. Classical studies. . 870-8 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. pp. 168-175 870-8 Felton, Franklin Eliot, ed. (U. S. Vidocq, pseud). Secrets of internal revenue. . 412-74 Felton, Samuel M. Forney, J. W. Anec- dotes of public men. v. 1. pp. 247-251. 412-4 Female life among the Mormons. Ward, M. 2982-9 Female life in prison. Carpenter, Mary. . 365-3 Female poets of America. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot 8091-4 Female poets of Great Britain. Rowton, F., cd. 8092-75 I 1 ■ -, gates and bridges. Martin, G. A., cd. 6304-6 Fenelon, Francois de Salignacdela Mothe, French prelate, b. 1651-1/. 1 7 1 5. Adven- tures of Telemachus, tr. by Dr. Hawkes- worth ; with life by Lamartine, essays on his genius and character by Villemain ; critical and bibliographical notices, ed. byO. W. Wight. N. V., 1S74. 12°. . 848-4 — Lives of the ancient philosophers. X. V.. 1S54. 16° 418-3 tr. with notes and a life of the author. By J. Cormack. N. V.. 1S54. 16 . . . 418-3 — Reflections and meditations; with memoir by J. R. G. Hassard, and an introduc- tion by Thos. S. Preston. N. V., 1864. 12° 246-4 Follen, Mrs. E. L. C, cd. Selections from the writings of Fenelon, with memoir of his life 241-38 Upham, T. C. life and religious opin- ion- of Madame de la Mothe Guyon, with some account of Fenelon, Arch- bishop of Cambray 4142-8 Channing, \V. E. Works, v. 1. pp. 167- 215 20S-17 Compayre, <.. History of pedagogy. pp. 164-186 37°9-3 Howitt, Wni. History of the super- naturals. *. 2. pp. 333 343 174-48 I .mi 11 line. A. de. Memoirs of cele- 1 characters, pp. 303-406. . . . 410-63 Lear, Mrs. II. L. Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambraj ; 43 B5 Sainl Bi : < ' \ . Mi indaj 1 hats. pp. 22-43 844-8 Turnbull, K. Pulpit orators of France and Switzerland, pp. 99-122 4146-S Fenians. Rutherford, J. Secret history of the Fenian conspiracy 32041-73 — Cobbe, F. P. Hours of work and play. pp. 117-130. The Fenian idea. . . . 240E5 — Halpine, C. G. Baked meats of the funeral, pp. 208-251 452E1 — Heckethorn, C. W. Secret societies of all ages and countries, v. 2. pp. 200- 212 3669-4 — Latham, H. Black and white, pp. 295- 299 473-55 Fenn, G. Manville. Bunyip-land: story of a wild journey in New Guinea ; illustra- ted. L., 1S85. — Dark house : a knot unravelled. N. Y., 1885. 12°. — Devon boys: a tale of the north shore. L., 1887. 12°. — Double cunning : tale of a transparent mystery. N. Y., 1886. 12°. — Hollowdell grange; or, holiday hours in a country home. L. 12° 343A2 — Master of ceremonies. N. Y., 1887. 12 . — Parson o' Dumford. N. Y., 1879. 4 . — Poverty corner. L. 12°. Ship ahoy! N. Y., 1874. 8°. — Silver cannon : tale of the west plains. N. V., 18S4. S°. — Story of Antony Grace. N. Y., 1888. 12°. — Sweet Mace : a Sussex legend of the iron times. L. 12 . — Terrible coward and Son Philip. I.. 12 . — Vicar's people. N. Y., 1881. 16°. — Yussuf, the guide. L., 18S7. 12 . Fenn, John, ed. Paston letters: original letters written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III. L., 1840. 16° 826-7 Fenno, Frank H. Science and art of elo- cution, n. t. p. 12 801-34 Fen 11 in, Elijah. b. 1683-d. 1730. John- son, S. Eminent English poets, v. 2, PP- 53-6o 41821-5 Fenton, John. Early Hebrew life: a study in sociology. I.., 1SS0. 8°. . . 2213-4 Fenton, Lavinia, duchess of Bolton. Clay- ton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 35-42. 417S-3 FENWICK, Rev. Benedict Joseph. Brown- son, (). A. Works, v. 14. pp. 470-485. [Review] 818-27 FERDIN \mi 1, emperor of Austria, b. 1793-rf. 1875. Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and queens; or, life in the palace, pp. 123-154. . . 415-12 Ferdinand III, (Fernando the Saint), king of Castile and Leon, d. 1252. Irving, W. Spanish papers, pp. 401-516 9463-51 Ferdinand V, king of Castile ami An b. 1452-r/. 1516. Prescott,W. II. His- tory of the reign of Ferdinand ami Isabella, the Catholic 9463-7 FERDINAND V \V> I- I . I !■ i i i.i . \\i\ V., i ntinued. l-.ii met , I . 1 1 1 i Boj bool if fai rulers, pp. 266-290 11 1 ii' 1 on, Ail. mi, Scottish philosopher, !•. 17 2. 1 tl. [816. Ill itoi s ■ > 1 1 lie i .mil termination of the Roman republic, N. Y., 1844. ii. -H ■ 1 ,n\ ■, I British histoi ians. v. 2. I'l'- 242-243 1 IS.' ,| Mi 1 !osh, J. Scottish phil phy, pp. 255-261 H121 48 Im.i .1 in, 1 1. J. I ;iu .mil miracle, V of God. In Scotch se ns. pp. 66-93. 252-8] 1 1 '..I .n\, fas., Scottish astronomer, />. 1710- d. 1776. 1 !hildren's story book. pp. 168-172 410-27 1 Iraik, < ;. I.. Pursuit of know ledge, pp. "32-'4> 4'o-35 Edgar, J. * ■ B03 hood "f great men. pp. 157 4>o 11 Howe, II Eminent mechanics, pp. 237-249 41236 4 Mason, I .. ed. 1 Ireal triumphs, pp. 551- 553 i"' : Mm who have made themselves, pp. 17-25 4io-757 — Remarkable men. pp. 11-35 M" 88 FERGUSON, M. I'. Story of the Irish before the conquest from the mythical period to the invasion under Strongbow. I... 186S. 12 941 1-3 Ferguson, Robert, Scottish poet. b. 1750-1/. 1774. Miller. Hugh. Tales and sketches. pp- 17-66 633] 8 Ward, T. 11., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 501-503 8092-9 Fergusson, Jas., /'. 1S0S. Rude stone monu- ments in all countries; their age ami uses. I.., 1 S 7 j . 8° 400 45 Palaces >>f Nineveh ami Persepolis re- stored: essay on ancient Assyrian and Persian architecture. 1 .. 1851. S°. . 722-3 Persian palace of Nashua. In Tristram, 11. 1'.. Land ol Moab, pp. 378-395. . 4587-9 Cobbe, F. IV Darwinism in morals and othei essays, pp. 1S9-217. Review of Tree and serpen! worship 204-19 Ferishtah's fancies. Browning, Robert. . 187C9 Fermentation. Patton, W. Laws of fer- mentationand ihe wines of the ancients. 1981 62 — Schiltzenberger, F. On fermentation. . 663 } — Trouessart, E. 1.. Microbes, ferments ami moulds 57S6-9 Papillon, I-'. Nature and life. pp. 255- 277 577-7 Kern, Fanny, pseud. Se,- P.m.m. Mrs. Sara (Pa) - I 1 kn leaves, l'arton, Mrs. Sara (Pay son), 715K7 I 1 RNANDO. See Ferdinand. I . 1 " :'. I . Bary, A. di > omparal 1 1 of the vegetal • •! the phan- ns. . ... 5S14 2 ke, M. ' . 1 ' 1 1 ... Heath, 1 1 • Fern pa 1 71 1 1 1 bberd, s. I . 1 eep and enjoj it ; or, fen 1 ilture easy 7 I Vi 5 Beeton, S. O., ed. Bool of homi nth 1 chaptei on fern pp soi-830. I Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments for 1 ies of taste. pp. 59-84, 21 | and 317-330 712-4 Roberts, M. Voices from the woodlands. pp. 29-60 s I 1 1 NYHURST court, l'liila., 1871. 8°. Ferrar, Robert. Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs, pp. 133 147. 2726-8 11, Edward. Art of dancing, with a few hints on etiquette. N T . V., 1859. 12° 786I-4 I 1 111 K and Porrex : a tragedy. Sackville, T. Work-, pp. 5-92 [AR, John. Essay on the dramatic writings of Massinger. In Massinger, P. Plays, pp. xxviii.-xlvi 1 1 RIER, Susan Edmonstone, Scottish no b. 1782-rf. 1854. Marriage. L. 16 . — The inheritance. L. 12°. FERRIS, Geo. T. Great German comp N. Y., 1883. 1 6° 4177-45 Contents.— Bach.— Handel.— G luck. —Haydn. Mozart.— Beethoven.— Schubert.— Schuman and Fran/. — Chopin.— Weber.— Mendelssohn. — Wagner. — Great Italian and French composers. V V., 1879. 16 4 ' 77 I Contents.— Palestrina.— Piccini, Paisiello and Cimarosa. — Rossini. — Donizetti and Bellini. — Verdi. — Cherubini and his predecess' irs Me hul, Spontini and Halevy.— Boieldieu and Au tur — Meyerbeer. — Gounod. Great singers. Bordoni to Titiens. i v. \. v., 1880-81. 16 M78-4 Contents.— v. i. Faustina Bordoni.— Catarin.i rielli.— Sophie Arnould. — Elizabeth Billing- ton and her contemporaries.— Angelica Cata- lani.— Giuditta Pasta.— Henrietta Son tag v. 2. Maria Felicia Malibran. — Wilhelmina Si hrodi r Devrient. — Gtulia Grisi. — Pauline Viardot. — Fanny Persian!.— Marietta A I — Jenny Lind. — Sophie CruvclH. — The Titiens. Great violinists and pianists. N. Y.. 1881. 16 4' Contents.— The violin and early violinists. — Viotti.— Ludwig Spohr —Nicole Paganini. — I>e 1 !. — Olc Bull lementi. — Mosch- cles.— The Schumanns and Chopin. — Thalberg and Gottschalk. — Franz Liszt. FERRY, Gabriel, (.olden rangers. L. 12°. Vagabond life in Mexico. \.Y.,i$56. 12 . FERRY. — 45° — FICHTE. Ferry, Jules Francois Camille. Sylvia, E. In Claretie, J. French celebrities, v. 2. pp. 5-22. . . . : 4105-35 Ferry, Nicholas. Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 79-87 410-72 Ferry-BOY and the financier: life of Salmon P. Chase. Trowbridge, John Town- send 223B6 Ferryman of Brill. Kingston, W. H. G. 535A32 Ferryman of the Tiber. I. a Grange, A. K. de. FERRYMAN'S family ; or, Daisy Hope's for- tune. Leslie, Emma 562A25 Fertilizers. Corfield. W. H. Treatment and utilisation of sewage 62S5-3 — Dana, S. L. Essay on manures. . . . 7162-5 — Harris, J. Talks on manures 6312-4 — Johnson, S. W. Peat and its uses, as fertilizer and fuel 553 2 i~5 — Ville, G. School of chemical manures. . 6312-8 — Loring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. pp. 113-154 630-47 — Loudon, J. C. The horticulturist, pp. 56-6° 630-49 — See also Agricultural chemistry. FESQUET, A. A. Statuary and ornamental moulding, ordnance, malleable iron castings, etc. Supplement. In Over- man, F. Moulders' and founders' pocket guide 671-6 FESSENDEN, Thos. Green. American kitchen gardener. N. Y., 1852. 12°. In Sax- ton's rural hand-books, ser. 2. . . . 7162-5 New American gardener, containing practical directions on the culture of fruits and vegetables; including land- scape and ornamental gardening, grape 1 ines, silk, strawberries, etc. N. Y., n. ''• I2 ° 635-3 Hawthorne, X. Eanshawe and other pieces, pp. 209-229. Biog. sketch. Fessenden, Wm. Pin. Tilton, T. Sanc- tum sanctorum, pp. 299-307 889E4 Festivals, games and amusements. Smith, 11 780-8 Festus : a poem. Bailey, P. 1 132C2 Fetich in theology. Miller, J 234-6 Fi rn hism. Schultze, F. Fetichism : a contribution to anthropology and the >v of religion 2902-7 111,1 I 1,, Music explained to the world ; or, how 111 understand music ! enjoj 11- pi 1 1 .iin 1 . I:., n. d. l6 ° 77II-4 Fetridoe, W. Pembroke. Rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871, with a full mi of ihc bombardmenl . 1 apture .ind burning of the city. V Y., 1871. 12 94482 , FEUCHTWANGER, Lewis. Popular treatise on gems, in reference to their scientific value: with a description of the ele- ments of mineralogy and all ornamental architectural materials. N. Y., 1859. I2 ° 735-4 Feud of Oakfield creek. Royce, Josiah. Feudalism. See Chivalry. Middle ages. FEUDGE, Mrs. F. R. Eastern side: or. missionary life in Siam. Phila.,n.d. 16 . 2659-3 — India. B., 18S0. 12 954~35 — Sketches of eastern travel. In Main- lands and many people. pp. 130-149 and 173-190 439-63 FEUERBACH, Ludwig. Essence of Chris- tianity, tr, by Marian Evans. B., 1881. 8° 201-25 FEUILLET, Octave, b. 1812. Aliette (La morte). tr. by J. Henry Hager. N. Y., 18S6. 12°. — Count de Camors ; the man of the second empire. Phila., 16°. — Marriage in high life. Phila. 16 . — Romance of a poor young man. N. Y., 1875. 12°. — Story of Sibylle. H., 1872. 12 . — Matthews. J. B. French dramatists of the 19th century, pp. 203-223. . . . 41841-6 Mauris, Maurice. French men of letters, pp. 187-199 4184-6 — Zimmern, H. and A. Foreign novelists. pp. 194-206. [Biog. sketch and ex- tracts.] 808-99 ]■ 1 \ \i . Paul. The Jesuits, tr. by T. F. Gal- wey. Baltimore, 1879. 12 2715-4 FEVERS. Metcalfe, S. L. Caloric, v. 2. pp. 306-420 5361-6 Few friends, and how they amused them- selves. Dodge, M. E 786-3 Few thoughts for a young man. Mann, Horace 1.97-56 El ZENSAC, Raymond Emery Philippe Joseph de Montesquion, ducde. />. 1 784-1/. 1867. 1 Ihesney, C. C. Essays in military biog- raphy, pp. 194 240. DeFezensac's recol- lections of the Grand Army 4151-3 I- 1 iMMF.n.i. Stiirv, \Y. W. I'n 1111. Johann Gottlieb, German philoso- pher, I'. 1762-1/. 1814. Popular works. Nature of the scholar. \ ocation of man. Doctrine of religion; with memoir by Wm. Smith. 1... 1N7; 8° 163 3.4 Science of knowledge. !i. by A. E. Kroeger. Phila., 1868. 12 163-36 Science of rights, tr. by A. K. ECroeger. Phila., 1800. 12 3402-4 Adamson, R. Fichte 350B6 I verett, C. 1 . Fichte's science of phi- losophy 163-35 Kiel in.. «J I [ELD I n n 1 1 . | . i . , , ontinutd. Baui , W. Relig i life in Gei man) . v. i. pp. !■»«. 233 • ( Ihambei papers. Historical and litei ii \ i rlrlii ities. pp. .i.s.i -484 1 1' ' 25 ( losi wick, J. is n 1 tl and 1 hri tianity. pp. 177 '94 >39-43 I ledge, F. Prose « riters ol ( lei man) . pp. 383 404 830 1 ; Pfleiderei . 0. Philosi ►] >h y ol 1 eligii m, pp. *75 301 201-7 Se) iir, C. C. B. Self-made men. | » | > . 106-113 jio 92 Fiction. Besant, W. Vn oi Action. . . 8033-2 I lunlap, I. I lisini\ oi fiction S02 j j Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the 1 S tli century 8023-4 Hawthorne, I. Confessions and criti- cisms 1 C 1 ' — Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about book . poet - .in.l inn i-lUts 804-45 Heine, H. Romantic school S37-49 James, 11., jr. An of fiction. With Hes- ant, W. Art of fiction 8033-2 Lanier, S. English novel and the prin- ciple of its development 8033-5 Tuckerman, B. History of English prose fiction 8023-9 Vogufi, C. M. de. Russian novelists. . . 8917-93 Wheeler, \V. A. Explanatory and pro- nouncing dictionary of the noted names oi fiction 8263-9 Bunce, O. B. Bachelor Bluff, pp. 139- '57 193] 5 1 hoate, R. Addresses and orations, pp. 1-39. Importance of illustrating Nev, England history by a series of romances. 81 5 2; Crane, J. F. Popular amusements, pp. 121-152 195-3 Critical and social essays. pp. 1-10. The glut in the fiction market 675E5 Foster, J. Critical essays, v. 1. pp.417 428. Morality of works of fiction. . . 377] 1 — Giles, 11. Illustrations of genius, pp. 91-III |jj| 1 t Meg, W. R. Literary ami social judg- ments, pp. 85-1 14 and 146-181. False morality of lady novelists. French fiction: the lowest deep | , 5I 6 Helps, A. Friends in council, v. 1. pp. SS-101 461E8 Hull. iml. |. G. Everyday topics, ser. 1. pp. 269-271 1S3E2 Jacox, F. literary life. pp. 428-45 1. . 804 j Lomlon rimes. Kssays 1'ioni the. pp. 42- 54. Railway novels 584E] - Mathews, \V. Men. places, and things. PP. 3 2 7 — 334- Immoral novels 617E7 — Moore, T. Prose and verse, pp. 75 92. 645E5 I- 11 1 in .. conlinu ,1. ■-■ud.) Baldwin. pp. 185-246 71 I I'.: Ruskin, J. Mis< ellanea 2 704 S25 Steven ion, R. L. Mem 11 • and poi iraii 11. I .ilium d, T. N. W'mi mi;-., pp. ; 8. 8; Litei 'Hire. Fiei d, Mrs. Benjamin 1 1. Ellet, E. 1 Queen 1 il Amei ican society, pp. 17s 180. 11239-31 Field \tt • ■ lie i\\ hitnej |. llinh lights, l:.. 1SS6. 12 . I 11 j P. 1 li 1. \V. Pollard, E. A I Roberl I. Lee. pp 520 s-'i- • 41225-5 Field, Cyru Wi [819 Off- hand portraits, pp. 140 146 41247-3 McCabe, I. I). Great fortunes, pp. 221- 248 4123-6 Field, David Dudley, b. 1805. l-'iskc, S. Off-hand portraits, pp. 1 33—139- . . . 4 1 247 FIELD, Eugene. Culture's garland: being memoranda of the gradual rise of litera- ture, art, musii and » iet) h I n ago and other western ganglia: with an introduction by Julian Hawthorne, li.. 1887. 12° S17-38 FIELD, Geo., English chemist, b. about \TJ~i~ d. 1854. Rudiments of colours and of colouring. I... 1S70. 16 752-4 Field, Geo., American lecturer. Two great I ks of nature and revelation ; or, the 1 osmos and the Logos. Creation of vegetables and man. N.Y., 1870. 12 . 213-31 Field, Henry Martyn, Am. writer, b. 1822. Among the Holy hills. N. V.. 1S84. 8°. 458-34 1 rom Egypt to Japan. N. V., n. d. S°. 450-36 From the lakes of Ki Harney to the < Golden Horn. X. V., 1S77. 8° 440-343 Greek islands and Turkey after the war. V V.. 1S55. 8°. . . .' History of the Atlantic telegraph. \ V., 1866. 12° 538I-3 Irish confederates and the rebellion of [798. X. Y. 1851. 12° 0417 ; ( lid Spain and Xew Spain. \. N .. 1888. S° On the desert: with a review of recent events in Egypt. X. V.. 1883. 8°. . . 1591-4 — Summer pictures, from Copenhagen Venice. X. Y., 1859. 12°. Same. Introduction, In Coan, T. Adventures in Patagonia, pp. 5-S Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 610-615. . 4181 ; FIELD, Horace. Glitter and gold. Phila., 1872. 16 . FIELD. - 452 — FIFIXE. Field, Kate. Charles Albert Fechter. B., 1882. 12°. [American actor series.] . 340B4 — Hap-hazard. B., 1873. 2 4° 35 oE 5 — Pen photographs of Charles Dickens' readings, taken from life. B., 1871. 12°. — Ten days in Spain. B., 1885. 16 . . . 446-35 Field, Maunsell B. Memories of many men and of some women ; being per- sonal recollections of emperors, kings, queens, princes, presidents, etc. X. V., 1874. 12° 350B8 Field, Richard, dean of Gloucester, b. 1561- d. 1616. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy 26031-4 Field, Thos. W. Pear culture : manual for the propagation, planting, cultivation and management of the pear tree. X. V., 1859. 12° 6342-4 Field, Walter. Stones of the Temple : or, lessons from the fabric and furniture of the church. X T . Y., 1873. 12°. . . . 724-5 Field. See also Fielde. Field and garden vegetables. Burr, F.,jr. 635-2 FiELD-book for railroad engineers. Henck, J. B 6208-32 Field, cover and trap-shooting. Bogardus, A. H 7961-2 Field flowers. Hibberd, Shirley 582-4 Field, gunboat, hospital and prison. Hana- ford, Mrs. P. A 980-45 Field notes on apple culture. Bailey, L. H. 6341-2 Field of honor : being a complete and com- prehensive history of duelling in all countries. Truman, Major B. C. . . . 3948-8 Field of the cloth of gold. Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days. pp. 169-237 186A3 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 216- 221 920-25 See also England. France. Field ornithology. Coues, E 598-3 Field paths and green lanes. Jennings, >-• J 4422-5 FIELD sports. Herbert, H. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) Frank Forester's field spmt- of U. S. and British provinces. . 796-46 Lloyd, L. Field sports of the X T orth .if Europe 7963-6 — Smith, G. P. Law of field sports. . . . 791-7 Fielde", Vdele M. Pagoda shadows, studies from lib- in 1 liina ; with introduction, by Joseph Cook. B., 1884. 12° 2651-37 1 11 1 DING, Henry, Eng. novelist, b. lyoy-d. 1754. Dobson, A. Fielding 35'B2 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter-writers and autobiographers. v. '• PP' 3SI—367. Fielding and Thack- eray 826-54 Lowell, J. R. I' 11)1.65-88.. 588E2 W. Eminent novelists, pp.419 (.36. 4182 82 FIELDING, Henry, continued. — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists, pp. 251-306 804^8 — Thackeray, W. M. English humourists of the 18th century 828-893 — Whipple, F. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2 - PP- 303-357 946E5 Fielding, Robert, (Beau Fielding). Thom- son, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society. X. V., 1861. pp. 85-93. Same. L., 1867. pp. 80-90 410-964 Fielding, Sarah. Kavanagh, J. English women of letters, pp. 24-38 4182-5 Fielding, Win., 1st earl of Denbigh. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp. 113-119. 411-65 Fields, Jas. T., Am. writer and publisher, />. lSld-d. 1881. Poems. Cambridge, n. d- 24 351C1 — Underbrush. B., 1877. 24 . Same. 1881. 350E9 Contents. — My friend's library. — Peculiar case. — Familiar letter to house-breakers. — Our village dogmatist. — A watch that " wanted cleaning." — Bothersome people. — Pleasant ghosts. — Pettibone lineage. — Getting home again. — How to rough it. — An old time scholar. — Diamonds and pearls. — Author of " Paul and Virginia." — If I were a boy again. — Peletiah Pellet's youthful catastrophe. — A conversa- tional picture. — Abijah Dole's free lecture experience. — Fairy tale. — Epistle to Leigh Hunt in Elysium. — Yesterdays with authors. B., 1877. 12 . 418-4 Contents. — Pope. — Thackeray. — Hawthorne. — Dickens. — Wordsworth. — Miss Mitford. — Biographical sketches. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen. . . . 410-83 - Pettibone lineage. In Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous masterpieces. v. 1. pp. 158-166 817-63 - Poet Longfellow. In Tribune popular science, v. 3. pp. 23-25 502-9 and Whipple, Edwin 1'., eds. Family library of British poetry, from Chaucer to the present time. B., 1880. 4 . . . 8092-37 — Biographical notesaml personal sketches; with unpublished fragments and tributes from men and women of letters. \>.. 1881. 8° 352B2 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publisher'., pp. 619-629. . 4181-3 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 380- 387 4123-6 - Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers ami miu^s oi the liberal faith, pp. 437-444. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Fields, Mrs. Jas. T. How to help the poor. P.. 'S83. 16° 339-45 FlESCO : a drama. See Schiller, F. I'll ink at 1 he fair and other poems. Brown- ing. Robert 188C1 i-IFTEEN I FILLMORE Fifteen I lin, Mrs. Nathaniel, (Jennii I h ii,i n itei . /■ ■ ud i Mi 1 1 i i days. Pul nam, M, 1 .. In 1 1 |. ■. dei i ii r I. .ii i le "i the « orld from Marat I Watei loo. ' rea .y. E. S. . Fifteen yeai . Robinson, Mrs. T. i n yeai -. in the i hapel of Yale college, 1871 86. Portei , Noah 1 1 ears of prayer in 1 he F ulton Street meeting. Pi ime, S. I Hi 1 1 1 . .. , 11 residence with llit Mm nnms. Chicago, 1876. 12 I'M u celebrated men ; their lives and trials and the deeds thai made them famous. 1.. 16 Fifty famous women and the lessons of their lives. L. 12 I'll iv famous women : their virtues, failings and lessons of their lives. L. 16 . . . In i\ years ago. Willard, Clara A. FIFTY years among authors, books and pub- lishers. I lerby, J. C Fifty yearsasa presiding elder. Cartwright, . Peter Fifty years in both hemispheres ; or, remi- niscences of a merchant. Nolte, V. . . Fifty years in chains ; or, the life of an American slave. Indianapolis, n. d. 12 . Fifty years' observation of men and events : civil ami military. Keyes, E. D. . . . I'll I \ year- of my lift. Keppel. Geo. T., earl of Albemarle. 2 v In iv years of science. Lubbock, Sir J. . FIFTY years' struggle of the Scottish coi enanters, 1638-88. Dodds, J Ill iv year- with the Sabbath school. Billi- ard, A Fight for Missouri. Snead, T. I. FlGHT it out on this line: the life and di 1 d of Gen. U. S. Grant. Headley, P. I . Fighting tire: the great fires of history. Fowler. W. W FIGHTING Phil: illustrated story life of Gen- eral Sheridan. Headley, P. C. ... FIGHTING their way. [Crusades.] Proctor, Geo FlGS and thistles. Tourgee, Albion W. I'll. 1 kras, Don Estanislao. Thieblin, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. pp. 342- 358 Figuier, Guillaume Louis, French chemist, i. 1810. Human race. N. Y., 1872. 8°. [nseel world, orders of insects: with a description of the habits and econom) of some of the most interesting spei ii ed. by P. Martin Duncan. N. V.. 1872 12°. — Mammalia, their various orders and habits. N. Y., 1870. 8° 903-25 252-77 244-7 298-3 410-49 413-41 4 '3-4 4181-3 207 B7 682B1 3204-35 I 532B1 ! 530B8 500-5 2741-4 246-2 9878-8 435B5 3523-4 821B2 2704-6 446-87 572-4 59S7-45 590-3 1 11 i , . 1 . continued. 11 woi Id : a de ■ ripti >l the and its living inhabitant >. N. Y., 11. I. |«. 12°. . . . 5'S'. HUM- man. n. t. p. 8° 57>"35 Reptiles and birds: account of their vari- . . . . n 1 1 1 1 ■ I ■ eti • J I- Parkei I rillmore. n. t. p. 8 e To-mot row of i ihe future life according to science. tr. by S. R. Crocker. B., 1872. 16 218-31 Vegetable world : being a I plants; with their botanical descrip- tions and peculiai properties; with a glossary nf botanical terms, bj C. O. Groom Napier. N. V.. 1869. 8°. . . 580-3 World before the deluge ; with table of British sedimentary and fossilifei strata, by II. \V. Bristow. I.., 1867. 12°. 551-45 Figuri painters of Holland. Gower, R. . 41 747 4 Figures ol the past from the leave- "f old journals. Quincy, J 755BG Fiji. Cumming, C. F. Gordon. At home in Fiji. Edinburgh, 1881 4961 ; — Forbes, L. Two years in Fiji. L., 1875. 4961-4 - Lawn. \V. Missions in the Tonga and Feejee islands. N. Y., 1852 26961-5 — Rowe, G. S. Missionary among cannibal-; or, the life of John Hunt. N. Y. [1S59.] 26961 ; — Seeman, B. Viti : an account of a govern- ment mission to the Yitian, or Fijian islands. L., 1862 49'' 7 Wallis, Mrs. M D. 1 Life in Eeejee. [Missions.] 1!., 1S51 4961-9 — Williams, T. and Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians. [Mi-ion-.] N. Y.. 1S59. . . 4961-94 Anderson, J. W. Notes of travel in Fiji and New Caledonia, pp. 3-140. L., 1880. 4961-2 Pitman, E. R. Central Africa, Japan and Fiji. [Mis-ions.] N. Y., n. d 203-7 — Sec also Polynesia. 1 11 1 No. 113. Gaboriau, Emile. Files. Landrin, M. II. C. Treatise on steel, pp. 429-457 6691-6 Filibuster war. Doubleday, C. W. Remi- ences of the " Filibuster " war in Nicaragua 99'5"3 — Stout, P. F. Nicaragua: past, present and future 472*5 Fili ii'i.i Strozzi. rrollope, 1 . A. In 1 ING up the chink-. Greene. Mrs. L. I 4;; A4 1 illmore, Abigail (Powers), wife of presi- dent Fillmore, b. 1708-.;'. 1853. Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White house, pp. 495-5'° ♦' FILLMORE, John Comfort. Pianoforte music : its history, with biographical sketches and critical estimates of its greatest masters. Chicago, 1S83. 12 77°'-4 FILLMORE. 454 FINLAND. FILLMORE, Mary Abigail, daughter of presi- dent Fillmore, />. 1832-d. 1854. Hoi- loway, L. C. Ladies of the White House, pp. 5 1 1-5 19 41239-4 FILLMORE, Millard, 13th president of the U. S., 6. 1800-a'. 1874. Barre, W. L. Life and public services of Millard Fillmore. J53B1 I — Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White house, pp. 212-216 S081-3 — Ellet, E. F. Court circles of the Repub- lic, pp. 43 2 -446 41239-3 — Frost, J. Presidents of the United States. pp. 439-444 4>2-43 — Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 1- PP- 379-3 8 9 741B4 Final cause : a critique of the failure of Paley and the fallacy of Hume. In Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 300-330. . 884E5 Final causes. Janet, Paul 1494-5 FINAL French struggles in India and on the Indian seas. Malleson, G. B. . . . . 95432-5 Final philosophy; or, system of perfectible knowledge issuing from the harmony of science and religion. Shields, Chas. W. 161-8 Final reckoning. Henty, G. A. Final science; or, spiritual materialism: an application of modern scientific prin- ciples to the solution of the deepest prob- lems of the age. N. Y., 1885. 12°. . 1686-4 FINANCE. Adams, H. C. Public debts : an essay in the science of finance 3323-2 — Boeckh, A. Public economy of the Athen- ians, tr. by A. Lamb 3324-2 — Bolles, A. S. Financial history of the United States, 1774-1885. 3 V. ... 3327-2 — Bovven, F. American political economy ; including strictures on the management of the currency and finances since 1861. 330-24 1 •'. , S. ami F., C. W. Lessons on practi- cal subjects for grammar-school children. 3307-4 Fawcett, W. L. Gold and debt 3367-4 — Garfield, J. A. Works. 2 v 818-45 — Giffen, R. Essays in finance 332-41 Jevons, W. S. Investigations in currency and finance 33 I_ 49 — Kearney, J. W. Sketch of American finances 3327~54 — Kellogg, E. New monetary system. . . 3316-5 — McAilam, A. An alphabet in finance. . 332-6 — Newcomb.S. Our financial policy, 1861-65. 3367-6 Probyn, J. W. Correspondence relative lo the budgets of various countries. . 332-7 Reeves, J. The Rothschilds 795B45 Sherman, J. Selected speeches and re- ports on finance and taxation 3327-7 Walker, A. Science of wealth 330-94 ' ;a, I.. Taxation, its principles and methods. [Bibliography, pp. 181-193.] 3322-2 See also Banks. Monev. Taxation. Finch, Barbara Clay. Lives of the Princesses of Wales. 3 v. L., 1883. 12°. . . . 411 1-4 Contents. — v. i. Joan of Kent. — Anne of Warwick. — Katharine of Aragon. v. 2. Katharine of Aragon, continued.— Caro- line of Anspach. — Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. v. 3. Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. continued. — Caroline of Brunswick. FlNCH, Heneage, 1st earl of Nottingham, Eng- lish statesman, b. \di\-d. 1682. Camp- bell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. pp. 3°7-344 4' 1-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 6. pp. 83-89 411-65 Finch, John. Campbell, J. Lord chancel- lors, v. 2. pp. 445-470 4>I-25 Finck, Henry T. Romantic love and per- sonal beauty, their development, casual relations, historic and national peculiar- ities. L., 1887. 12 3926-4 Finding of Moses: a drama. Boxer. J. Sacred dramas, pp. 77-104 179C2 Findlater, Andrew. Epicurus. In En- cyclopaedia metropolitana. pp. 183-204. 152-4 — Notes. In Mill, J. Analysis of the phe- nomena of the human mind 180-63 Findi.ey, Samuel. Object teaching. //; Essays and addresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. pp. 129-140 3706-6 FTne art, chiefly contemporary. Rossetti, Wm. M 704-77 Fine art library. Sparkes, J. C. L., ed. 5 v. 1. Chesneau, E. Education of the artist 707-2 2. Collignon, M. Manual of Greek archaeology 7°938~3 3. Delaborde, FI. Engraving: its origin, processes and history 760-3 4. Duval, M. Artistic anatomy. . . 742-4 5. Muntz, E. Short history of tapes- try from the earliest time to the end of the 18th century 745~2 Fine feathers do not make fine birds. Neily, Kate J. . 677A2 FlNGER-post to public business, containing the mode of forming and conducting societies, clubs and other associations, by an ex-member of the Philadelphia bar. N. V., 1S64. 12° 3281-4 I ■' 1 n 1 . 1 K-rings. Edwards, C. History and poetry of finger-rings 3917-4 FINISHED or not. Tolman, Miss M. D. FINLAND. Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the Aurora borealis. 2 v. li., 1885. . 4471-8 Buckley, J. M. Midnight sun. pp. 138- 148. B., 1886. — Cox, S. S. Arctic sunbeams, pp. 204- 221. N. Y., 1882 440-243 I in ("liaillu, V. li. Land of the midnight sun. 2 v. N. Y., 1SS2 1 |S J FINLAND 455 I [RESIDE l i .1 wii, continued. Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin, pp. 37" 193 H" ;i \ mi mi, F,, jr. \"i sk, I app and I inn. pp. 230 250. N. V . 1S.S1 1 |- 96 Not.' Many worl 1 on 3 Linavia and Rua m.i contain 1 hapten on Finland. F 1 n 1 \ si in, W. I ., '■./. [ntroductorj di ei lation. hi Reeves, J. History "I the English law \\ ; 7 Kim ay, Geo., Eng. historian, t. 1799 1875. I tistory <>i Greece 1 rom its con- quest by the Romans, B. C. 146 to A. I). 1864. ed . by the Rev, II I rozer. 7 1 ( Ixford, 1877. 8° 949 .( Contents. — v. 1. Greece under the Romans, B 1 146-A. D. 716.— v. .• Byzantine Km )ii i, 716-1057. — v. {. Byzantine and (Ireek empires, pt. -■, 1057-1453. — v. 4. Mediasva] Grei and the Empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461.- \ 1 . 1 ndei Othoman and Venetian domina- tion, 1453-1821. — v. 6. Creek revolution, pt. 1, 1821-27. — v - 7- Greek revolution, pi . 1 tablishment "f the Greek kingdom. 1 >r Quincey, T, Theological essays, etc. v. 1. pp. 269-308. [Review.] .... 284E46 Kim awn, T. Campbell. Biological relig- ion: criticism of Natural law in the spiritual world. Main In .in, 1SS5. 1 2 "'. 210 3 FlNLEY, Martha (Farquharson), Am. b. 1S2S. C'asella ; or, the children of the valleys. Phila., 1875. 16°. . . . 353 \jj — Elsie books [in their order.] iav. N. V., 1S75-88. 16°. Elsie Dinsmore 353A25 Elsie's holidays at Roselands 353. \26 Elsie's girlhood 353A27 Elsie's womanhood 353A28 Elsie's motherhood 353A29 1 's children 353A3 Elsie's widowhood 353A31 Grandmother Elsie 35jAj 2 Elsie's new relations 353 \;; Elsie .u Nantucket 353A34 I "wo Elsies 353 A35 Elsie's kith and kin 353A36 1 I ie's friends at Woodburn 353A37 Christmas with grandma Elsie 353A38 Miltlt nl book - I in theii order). 6 v. N. V., 1878-8S. 1 6°. Mildred Keith 35 ; \ H Mildred at Roselands 353A45 Mildred and Elsie 353A46 Mildred's married life 353A47 Mildred at home 353A48 Mildred's boys and girls 353A40 Shannon's; or, from darkness to light. Phila., 1S68. 1 6° 353A55 Signing the contract. \. Y.. 1879, 12 . 353A57 Thorn in the nest. N. Y. 12 353*59 — Wanted— a pedigree. N. Y., 1S71. 12°. 353A6 1 1 11 1 Biographical annual.' pp. 171 I So. '. na-21 ! i I >lin 1 1 1 J4 tunes ; 01 fl In 11 talem 50. ed. by his widow; with preface bj the Visi id. 2 ■. . I .. 1878. 8° : . . . . 9 Finney, < ha on, Am. theologian and preacher, 1792 1875. Menu written by himself. V ■ 8°. 3541*5 Sermons iospel themes. Oberlin, O. 1876. 12° 25 2 -38 Bat ilett, D. W. Modi n agitators ; or, pen picture of living American reform- 1 1 pp 151-169 1 " - -' Noble, W. 1 P Cenl of Go pel-work, 1776-1876. pp. 308-363 277 7 rn 1 on, V 1 I angi li tii work. pp. 107 .:i" 254-67 Fior d'Ali. .1. Lamai tine, V. de. FlRDAUSI, Persian poet, b. about 940-,/ 1020. Sli.'ih Namch. tr. and abd. byjas. Atkinson. I,., 1882. 12° 8915-4 Zimmern, II. Epic of kings: stories re- told from Firdusi 8915-96 Church, A. J. Stories of the magicians. pp. 119-255 3855-3 Fire, Discover) of. (ieiger L. Contribu- tions, pp. 90-116 57 I_ 4 FlRE and llame. Schiicking, L. Kike and the hammer ; or, revivals and how to promote them. 1'arker, 234 6 Fire brigade; or, lighting the Barnes. Hal- lantyne, R. M 133A28 Kike insurance. See Insurance. Kike of London. De Foe, D. Novels, etc. 82- FlRE on the hearth in Sleepy Hollow : a Christmas poem. Hopper, Edward. . 486C9 FlRE-phtces. Putnam, |. P. The open lire- place in all ages 62S1-65 Edwards, P., jr. Ventilation of dwelling houses 62S2-3 — Franklin, B. Works, v. 6. pp. 34~&4- S|X ■ FlRE-works. Kentish, T. Pyrotechnist's treasury : or, complete art of making fire-works 6625-5 Dussauce, H. Practical treatise on the fabrication of matches, gun-eotton, colored lires and fulminating powders. pp. 1S9-245 662-4 Planche, F.d' \. Evening amusemei everyone 786-6 FlRl M \n's guide: a hand-book on the care of boilers, tr. from the Swedish by K. P. Dahlstrom 021 is .1 FlRBS. Bird. J. Protection against lire. . 3523 2 Fowler, W. \Y. Fighting fire: the great 35 2 3 1 FIRESIDE magician; or, the art of natural magic made easy. Preston, Paul. . . 786S-7 FIRESIDE. — 45 6 FISHER. Fireside saints. Jerrold, Douglas. Fireside science. Nichols, J. R 502-65 Firmii.ian, the student of Badajos: a spas- modic tragedy. Aytoun, \V. Il'it/i Book of ballads 125C1 First blows of the civil war. Pike, J. S. . 9784-7 First book of knowledge. Guthrie, F. . . 607-3 First come, first served. Morton, J. M. Comediettas and farces, pp. 35-60. . 785-6 First families of the Sierras. Miller, Joaquin. First forms of vegetation. MacMillan, H. 586-6 First help in accidents and in sickness. B., I87I. 12° 6138-35 First heroes of the cross. Clarke, Benj. . 2279-3 First impressions of England and its peo- ple. Miller, Hugh 442-63 First principles of a new system of philoso- phy. Spencer, Herbert 162-8 First steps for little feet in gospel paths. Phila.. n. d. 16 2211-38 First three christian centuries. Burns, I. . 281 1-2 First three years of childhood, Perez, B. 372-74 First violin. Fothergill, Jessie. First years in Europe. Calvert, G. H. . . 440-2 Firth, Frank Russell. Memoir of F. R. Firth ; with a sketch of the life of Otis F'verett Allen ; and an introduction by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. B.,lS74. 12°. 356B1 Firth, J. F. B. London government and how to reform it. In Probyn, J. YV., ed. Cobden club essays, pp. 147-269. 3521-77 FlSCHEL, Edward. English constitution. tr. by R. J. Shee. L., 1863. 8°. . . 3461-4 Fischer, Kudo. History of modern philoso- phy. Descartes and his school, tr. from the 3d rev. German ed. by J. P. Gordy. ed. by Noah Porter. N. Y., 1SS7. 8°. 1641-4 — Essay on Nathan the Wise. In Lessing, ('•. E. Nathan the Wise. pp. 223-259. 8318-55 Fish, Henry Clay, D.D., Am. Baptist clergy- man, />. 1820-a. 1877. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, containing dis- courses of eminent living ministers in Europe and America; with sketches biographical and descriptive, with an introductory essay by Edwards A. Park. N. V., 1857.. 8° 2521-4 Contents. — Introductory essay influence of preai hei Biographical sketch of and dis- course by each of the following: F. A. li Tholuck.. Julius Mull'! C.A. Harless Carl Immanuel Nitzsch Rudolf Stier.— F. W, Krummachcr. — W. Hoffman. — E. W. Krum- macher P 3 naff. J, II Merle d'Aubigne. — S K I. Gausscn. Caesar Malan. A Monod. I It Grandpierre.. Athanase Coquercl. — Win Monod -J J. Vudi bi 1 W l< Williams. Albert Barnes.— K . J. Breckinridge fohn Mi ( lintoclt Mark Eiopb ins. G. ^ Bethuni \ Potter F l> Huntington R. Fuller.— I II Ski 1 I \"ii I P Durbin.— L. ■ t I Romeyn. — C. P, Mcllvaine. — F. Fish, H. C, continued. Wayland.— G. F. Pierce.— R. S. Storrs, Jr.— H. Melville.— J. A. James.-B. W. Noel.— J. Bunting.— H. McNeil.— Thos. Binney.— W. Arthur. — C. H. Spurgeon. — T. Guthrie. — A. Duff. — J. Caird. — J. McFarlane. — J. Cumming. —J. Buchanan. — R. S. Candlish.— J. Hamilton. — H. Cooke— R. Whately — A. King— R Irv- ing. — W. Roberts. — W. Rees. — T. Aubrey Push, Rev. J. G. Bible in the balance: a text-book for investigators. The bible weighed in the balance with history, chronology, science, literature and itself. Phila., 1870. 12 2202-37 FlsH-culture. See F'ishes. Fishbough, Wm. Macrocosm and micro- cosm ; or, the universe without and the universe within. In Library of mes- merism and psychology, v. 1 '77 _ 5 — Introduction. In Davis, A. J. Princi- ples of nature 176-27 Fisher, Mrs. C. J. B. See Jefferson, Eliza- beth. Fisher, Clara. [Mrs. Maeder). Matthews, J. B. and Hutlon, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 3. pp. 261-272 4»79-6 F'isher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) Am. novelist. After many days. N. Y., 1877. 8°. — Bonny Kate. N. Y., 1878. 8°. — Carmen's inheritance. Phila., 1873. 8°. — Daughter of Bohemia. N. Y., 1874. 8°. — Ebb-tide arid other stories. N. Y.. 1872. — Gentle belle. N. Y., 1879. 8°. — Heart of steel. N. Y., 1883. 12 . — Hearts and hands. N.Y., 1875. S c . — "Land of the sky"; or, adventures in mountain by-ways. N. Y., 1876. 8°. — Mabel Lee. N. Y., 1872. 8°. — Miss Churchill. N. Y., 1S87. 12 . — Nina's atonement. N. Y., 1872. 8°. — Question of honor. N. Y., 1881. 12 . — Roslyn's fortune. N. Y., 18S5. 12°. Fisher, Geo. Park, I). D., LL. £>., Am. divine, b. 1827. Beginnings of Chris- tianity ; with a view of the state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. \. V., 1S77. 8° 2701-4 — Christian religion. N. Y., 1882. 12°. . 239-37 — Discussions in history and theology. N. V.. 1880. 8° 204-31 Contents. — Massacre of St. Bartholomew. — Influence of the old Roman spirit and religion ..n Latin Christianity. — Temporal kingdom of the Popes. — Council of Constance and council of the Vatican. — Office of the Pope and how he is chosen. — Relation of protestantism and Romanism to modern civilization.— Relation of the church of England to other protcst.int b dies.— Philosophy of J. Edwards.— Channing .is a philosopher and theologian. — System of Dr. N W Taylor in its connection with prior New England thei log} lugustinian and fed- FISHER. 457 — Mill - Fisher, G. B., continu . i .1 1 .1 i i original lin. Skeu l> <>i il" t] Rationalism 1 ]i unreason I , i hi ipo '!■ Paul I ! 'i ' ispel ... i ■■ lupernat ural n I n on the upernatural origin of Christianity. N \ . [866. 8° • ig . Content* Natun ol thi i mflii I ol I hri faith u ith ■ l epl ii li m and unbeliel Gei ol I hi fcui I h [o 'i" I l' lisi in ion upon H L : i r i ol i he fii I three go ipcls Baur on panics in the apostolii church, and thi charai tet of thi 1 1 of Act Bi n I bii n ■! i i rigin of catholii chrisi ianity.— M villi. ..I theory of Strauss, Strati I II ment of tus thei Legendary theory of K. n. in Critical and thei ill igical Thco. Parker.- Examination <>f Bam and Strauss on the conversion of Si Paul Nature .,,,,! fun, tion of the Chi i .ii. .ii mirai les I mony of Jesus concerning himself Persoi of God ; in reply to the positivist and the pan. lli.'isl Faith and rationalism ; with essays on related topics. N. Y., 1S79. 12 . Same, 1885 Contents— Faith and rationalism. Teaching ofthcology on the moral basis "f faith. Hoc- trine of nescience respecting God.— Doctrine of evolution in its relation to the argumenl of design, Reasonableness "f the Christian doc- trine of prayer.— Jesus was not a 1 »us en- thusiast Mora] and spiritual elements in the atonement.— Unity of belief among christi ' — Grounds of theistic and Christian belief V \ ., 1883. S° 239-38 History of the Christian church. N.Y., 1887. 8° 270-38 — Life of Benj. Silliman. 2 v. V. V., 1866. 12 823B9 — Reformation, The. N. Y., 1873. 8 °- ■ 2706-4 Not. on hooks in l'.nglish relating to the reformation. In Seebohm, 1'. Era of the protestant revolution, pp. 230 246. 2706-7 — Rationalism. /'/ Boston lectures, 1870. pp. 240-275 239 i" — The apostle Paul. In Boston lectures, '871. pp. 293-323 230 2 Fisher, 1 1 1 mcis. Perry, I'.. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 277-284. . 4' 2-75 Fisher, Joseph. History of landholding in 1 in, I, n. i. p. 8° 333 37 Fisher, M. m.. ,"./'. Three pronuncia- tions of Latin : the claims of each | sented and special reasons given foi the use of the English mode. N. Y.. 1885. 12° 120-4 Fisher, Mrs. A. Ii. See Buckley, Arabella Ii. Fisher, Mrs. Mary Wager. Philadelphia school "I reform. In furious schools. pp 96-128 379-3 — In How to learn and earn. pp. 00 -128. 3719-4 — Umbrellas. fisWondersti 1 fsciei ce. pp. 105-124 Fisher, Pearl, psetid. > Paul, I . Fi in 1 , Samuel W. I In. 1 tion, of young men: lectures. ' inn., 1859. 12° I 1 1 1 1 I i . . I . I 1 n 1 , B. Fisher, Port, N. Carolina. Boker, G. II Konigsmark, eti I poem . pp. 232-237. .,1 Derby Haven. 1 .. 11 d 16 . Fisher's river, |.V. Carolina], characters. Taliaferro, II. E. iSkitt, pseud) Fishes. Fishculture. Fisheries, fishing. Fishes. Bigland, I. Natural history of birds, fishes, reptiles and insects 1 kland I-'. Natural history of British fishes (lark. I). W., ed. Traits and anecdotes of birds and fishes Gilnther, A. < 1 G. Introduction to the study of fishes Henshall, J. A. Book of the black bass. fardine, W., ed. Naturalists' library, v. 35-40 I ee, S. Anecdotes of birds, reptiles and fishes — Owen, R. On the anatomy of vertebrates. v. I Prouty, L. Fish: their habits and haunts, and methods of catching them. — Roosevelt, R. B. Game fish of the northern states and British provinces. . ley, H. G. Fresh water fishes of Europe — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 4 — Sec also Zoology. Fish culture. mpbell, G. Book of the running brook, and of still waters Fry, W. H., ed. Artificial fish breeding. — Garlick, T. Artificial propagation of fish. Green, S. Home fishing and home waters stone, L. Domesticated trout Fisheries. Hi, hop, W. II. Fish and men in the Maine islands Great fisheries of the world — Isham, C. The fishery question. [Bibli- ography. pp.85 89] imonds, P. 1 ■ Commercial products of the sea — Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey. pp. 24S-256 Murphy, I- M. Rambles in north-west- cm America, pp. 23-42 Schuvler. Y.. American diplomacy, pp. 404-420 17H ., 357A3 817-88 590-15 5905-29 597-4 7958-4 590-5 5905-56 795-6 795-7 597-7 ♦37 95 7956-3 7956-4 7956-5 7956-53 7956-7 4741 2 4496-35 45S-65 FISHES. 458 — FISKE. Fishes, continued. — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 4 437~95 Fishing. — Blakey, K. Angling 7951-2 — Brown, J. J. American angler's guide. 795-2 — Buckland, F. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist 5904-21 — Davy, Sir H. Salmonia ; or, days of flv fishing 7959-3 — Elliott, \V. Carolina sports 796-3 — Gillmore, P. Gun, rod and saddle. . . 796-4 Prairie and forest 796-41 — Hallock, C. Camp life in Florida. . . 4759-4 Fishing tourist 79S~38 — Hamilton, J. P. Reminiscences of an old sportsman 7962-4 — Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in Florida 4759-44 — Herbert, H. W. (Frank Forester, pseud.) Fishing with hook and line 795-41 Frank Forester's fish and fishing. . . . 795-4 — Hofland, T. C. British angler's manual. 7951-4 — Manley, J. J. Notes on fish and fishing. [Bibliography, pp. 32-70.] 7951-6 — Marston, E., (Amateur angler, pseud.) Amateur angler's days in Dovedale. . 7959-2 — Maxwell, W. H. Sports and adventures in the highlands and islands of Scotland. 441-52 — Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps. 47475-7 — Orvis, C. I', and Cheney, A. M., cds. Fishing with the fly 7954-6 — Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing 7959-6 - Later years 745E9 — Prouty, L. Fish : their habits and haunts, and the methods of catching them. . . 795-6 — Roosevelt, R. B. Game fish of the north- ern states and British provinces. . . . 795-7 Superior fishing 795-71 — Schwatka, F. Nimrod in the North. . . 498-842 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. 795-8 — Stevenson, C. W. Fly-fishing in Maine lakes ; or, camp life in the wilderness. . 795-83 — Street, A. 1!. Woods and waters; or, the Saranacs and Racket 47475-S2 Stretton, C. Sport and sportsmen. . . . 7962-7 - Up de Graff, T. S. Bodines; or, camping • jii the Lycoming 795-86 Walton, I. and Cotton, C. Complete angler, ed. by E. Jesse 7959 ,, Warren, T. R. Shooting, boating and fishing 7961-9 Weidemeyer, VV. American fish and how itch them 705 () WclK, II. 1'. Fly-rod and fly-tackle. . 7954 9 Young, L.J. II. Sea-fishing as a sport. 7953 9 fin 1 . V. E. Romam 1 and n alities. pp. 161 166 1 .,1 ,, Burroughs, J. I ■" usl - and •■■ ild hi mi pp. I'm 1 i" Speckled troul 196] , Fishes, continued. Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. pp. 1 14-123. Deep fishing in tropic seas. pp. 258-275. Catching the grayling. . 283E2 Dickens, C, ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 243-251. Fishing for tunny. . . . 604-3 — Herbert, H. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) American game. pp. 120-140 and 169- l8 4 796-45 Complete manual for young sportsmen. PP- 363-475 7967-45 — Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe, pp. 27-120 7963-6 — Mathews, W. Literary style and other essays. pp. 1S2-199. Angling. . . . 617E6 — Price, E. Norway and its scenery, pp. 445-449 4481-7 — Thompson, M. Boys' book of sports. pp. 138-173 and 320-325 791-8 — Van Dyke, T. S. Southern California. pp. 108-124 4794-9 Walsh, J. H. Encyclopedia of rural sports, pp. 260-310 791-9 — Wilson, T. B. Wonder stories of science. pp. 125-128. How fish hooks are made. 602-9 Fisk, Rev. Geo. A pastor's memorial of Egypt, the Red sea. the wilderness of sin and Paran, Jerusalem and other lo- calities ; with notes of a route through France, Rome, Naples, Constantinople and up the Danube. I.., 1847. 12°. . 458-35 FisK, Wilbur. D. />.. Am. Methodist divine. l>. iv)2-d. 1838. Holdich, J. Life of Wilbur Fisk, first president of the Wr,- leyan university 357^7 — Barnard, 11.. ed. Educational biography. pp. 297-310 4157--; — Gorrie, 1'. D. Eminent Methodist minis- ters, pp. 360-3S2 4147 5 Fisk university. Pike, G. D. Jubilee singers. 7747-7 Fiske, Fidelia. Fiske, D. T. Faith work- ing by love: life of Fidelia Fiske. B., [1868.] 12° 357H5 — Foster. Mrs. I. II.. (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories >>t remarkable women. PP- 29 32 4I3-5 2 Fiske, Frank S., tr. and ed. Thiers, I V Mississippi bubble: a memoir of John I 1 w ; to which are added authentic ac counts •'( the Darien expedition, and the South Se 1 1 heme 558M0 FlSKE, John, Am. author, i. 1842. American political ideas reviewed from the stand- point of universal history; three lect- ures. N. Y., 1S85. 12° 3207-37 Darwinism, and other essays. B.,1884. 12°. 357E1 Contents.— Darwinism verified.— Mr. Mn.ni II Darwinism.— Dr. Bateman on Darwinism. — Di Biichner on Darwinism A crumb for the "Modern symposium." ' nauncej Wright. What is inspiration ? — Dr. Hammond ami thi table 1 ippi 1 Mi l-ii' kle's fallacies, Po 1 FISKE i 9 FITZMA1 l'l< I l i i i , fohn, continued. cript on Mi Buckli Ri f the J > I.e. — \ librarian l ii tiny ol in. hi, \ u'u erf in i he lighl of his origin. B., 1884, [6 .' 1 8 ; , Exi in ■ 1 an evolul I. Ii . [884 1571 ; Conttttti 1 uropi befon ihi irri it ol man Arrival oi mi Europe.— Our Aryan forc- fathera, What we learn from old Aryan ord — Wa then i pi imi t at her-tongui ology and hero worship H i ol indu : i . I 1 u 1 1 of pei ec u t ion ( s o f p ro t« I 1 1 1 1 ism. I 1 ii' 1 1 mi d |nuii i 1 in r. 111 Kv'ilutinii -tnil religion, Mr. mint; of infam y ' nivei i of in mhI stuff -In iin mi. .11 1 in 1 I,. 1 1 1. Darwin. Men nt" < >> mI as affected by modern knowl- edge. II., 1886. 12° 2IO-3I Myitis and myth-makers: old laics and superstitions interpreted bj comparative mythology. Ii., 1873. I2 ° 2ni)l A - Outline ol co mh philosophy , ba ;ed on the doctrine u( evolution; with criti- cisms "ii the positive philosophy. 2 v. B., 1875. 8° 161-4 Unseen world, and other essays. B., 1876. ■2° 357E5 Contents. — The unseen world.- -The to-mor- row of death.— The Jesus of history.- fhi Christ of dogma. — A word about miracles. — Draper on science and religion. — Nathan the wise Historical difficulties. — Famine of 177.1 in Bengal. Spain and the \. therlands.— Long- fellow's Dante. — Paine's "St Petei " Philos ophy of art. — Athenian and American life. Introduction. In Wood, W., ,■,/. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 4sj 4.56. . . . 410-975 I1.1.1. Rev. Samuel, Am. clergyman, b. 1828 d. 1864. Mr. Dunn Browne's experi- ences in foreign parts. B., 1857. 12°. 440-36 - Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in tht- army. B., 1866. 12° 9801-3 Fiske, Stephen. Off-hand portraits of promi- nent New Yorkers. V V.. 18S4. 12 . 41.'.); .; I'll in, Asa, Am. entomologist, h. iSog-d. 1879. First and second reports on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the stale of New York. Albany, 1856. 8°. . . 632 3 I 1 H 11, Fit/ James. Sea-trout. In I In is, C. I', and i heney, A. \\, eds. Fishing with the fly. pp. 47-80 7954 6 Fitch, Geo. W. Outlines of physical geog- raphy. N. V., 1855. 12 551 46 In. n, J. ('.. 1 ectureson teaching, delivered in the University of ( amlu i'lge "luring 1 cm term, 18S0. Cambridgi . 1883 12.° 370-4 Ft nil, John, Am. -inventor, 6. 174; l river and ol the ' hii kam iign. Phila., [864. 8° 070 1 11 ol Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. Trench, R. C. . In/ ol I' itz-Ford. Bray, Mr . \. I LAN, Henry, earl of Arundel. Lodge, I Portraits of illustrious person of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 129-136. . 411 65 Fitzgerald, Edward. Polonius: a collec- tion of wise saws ami modern instances. 1 • '8S2. "2° 807-30 I mi kald, Lord Edward, Irish revolution- ist, b. 1763-d. 1798. Fitz-Patrick, W.J. "The sham squire." 9.11 7 [J Mi ' arthy, J. II. Eminent Irishmen, pp. 60-67 941-54 Fitzgerald, Geo. Robert. Burke, I History of the lord chancellors of Ire- land, pp. 152-162. Trial of G. R. Fitz- gerald 1 1 1 ; 2 FITZGERALD, Percy. Hook fancier; or, the romance of book-collecting. L., 1887. '2° 805I-35 — Charles Townshend, wit anil statesman. I.., 1866. 12° 893B6 — Life and times of William IV. 2 v. I... 1884. 8° 954B8 — Life of David Garrick, from original family paper-. 2 v. n. t. p. 12°. '. . 405HS — Life of George the Fourth. N.Y..1881. S° 414B7 — Romance of the English stage. Phila.. I875- 12° 782-4 Fitzgerald, Win. Martineau, J. Studies of Christianity. PP- 299-355. Review of Connection of morality v, ith religion. 204-6 FtTZGlBBON, John, lord Clare. Burke, Histor) of the lord chancellors of Ire- land, pp. [47-181 411; 2 GH, Anne. Ellet. E. F. Women of the American revolution, pp. 76-S2. . 41 21 ;; 1 fames. See James Fitz-James. FlTZMAVRICE, Lord Edmond. Life of Wil- liam, Earl of Shelburne, afterwards first marquess of Lansdowne : with extracts from his papers and correspondence. ; 1 ., 1875 7". S° 725B8 Areas of rural government. I'robyn. J. \Y. . ,-d. Cobden club essays, 18S2. pp. "7 145 3S 2 " 73 FITZ-PATRLCK. 460 — FLANDRIN. FlTZ-Patrick, Wm. John, Irish author, b. 1830. "The sham squire," and the in- formers of 1798. Dublin, 1S66. 16°. . 9417-35 FlTZROY, Robert, rear-admiral. Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 296-304 4169-9 FlTZ-Warine, Fulke. Wright, T. Essay- on literature, etc., in the middle ages, v. 2. pp. 147-163 9306-9 FlTZWYGRAM, Sir F., lieutenant general. Horses and stables. I.., 18S6. 8°.. . 6361-38 Five centuries of the English language and literature. Tauchnitz, B., ed. .... 8209-S6 Five Forks, Va., [Battle, 1865]. Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 289-307 903-55 Five friends. Alden, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, pseud.) 714A36 595 pulpit pungencies. Beecher, Rev. H. W 249-19 Five great monarchies. 3 V. Rawlinson, G. 915-7 Five hundred and seven mechanical move- ments. Brown, H. T 6218-24 Five hundred dollars, and other stories of New England life. Chaplin, H. W. Five hundred employments adapted to women. Penny, Virginia 39 D 5~7 Five hundred mistakes of daily occurrence in speaking, pronouncing and writing the English language corrected. N. Y., i«73- 12° "73-33 Five little peppers and how they grew. Lothrop, Mrs. Margaret (Sidney). . . 825A13 Five mice in a mouse-trap, by the Man in the moon. Richards, Laura E. . . . 7S0A5 FlVE-minute chats with young women and certain other parties. Lewis, Dio. . . 6129-49 FlVE-minute readings, for young ladies. Fobes, W. K.,ed. 801-36 FlVK-minute recitations. Fobes, \V. K., ed. 801-365 Five o'clock tea: containing receipts for cakes of every description, savoury sand- wiches, cooling drinks. L., 1SS7. 16°. 641-37 Five of clubs, fiend. See Proctor, Rich- ard A. Five Points, New York city. Howe, II. Ad- ventures and achievements of Ameri- cans, pp. 574-595 412-55 FIVE senses of man. Bernstein, J 182-2 FIVE spinsters in Norway. Rhodes, E. . . 44S1-75 I [,i thousand pounds. Giberne, Agnes. FIVE weeks in a balloon. Verne, Jules. Fivi weeks in Greece. Young, J. F. . . : 4495-98 Five weeks in Iceland. Fonblanque, C. A. de 449'-35 FiVEyearsin an English university. Bristed, C. A 37842-2 Five years in Damascus. Porter, J. I.. . . 4579—7 Five years of a hunter's life. Cumming, R. G 4689-33 Five years of theosophy : mystical, philoso- phical, theosophical, historical and sci- entific essays, selected from "The theo^. opist." L., 1S85. 12 212-8 Five years within the Golden Gate. Sax- on, 1 4794-76 Flagg, Edmund,.-//;/, writer, b. 1815. Venice: the city of the sea, from 1797-1849. 2 v. N. Y., 1853. 12 9453-3 Flagg, Wm. A good investment. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Flagg, Wm. J. Three seasons in European vineyards. N. Y., 1S69. 12° 6345-37 Flagg, Wilson, Am, author, b. 1805-rf. 1884. Birds and seasons of New England. B., i875- 8° 5S9-39 — Halcyon days. B., 1881. 12° 589-41 — Mount Auburn : its scenes, its beauties and its lesson. B., 1861. 12° 719~4 — Woods and by-ways of New England. B., 1S72. 12° 589-4 Flags. Preble, G. H. Our flag : [history] of the flag of the U. S, ; with the flags of other nations 41997-7 " Flame," Cruise of the. Mackinnon, Capt. — . In Atlantic and transatlantic sketches, v. 2. pp. 59-138 470-61 FLAMINGO feather. Munroe, Kirk 654A4 Flamininus, Titus Quintius, Roman general, b. B. C. 230-d'. about B. C. 174. Plutarch. Lives. Clough, A. H., ed. v. 2. pp. 384-415 4101^7 Kaufman, R., ed. Young folks' Plu- tarch, pp. 302-308 4101-75 — Herbert, H. W. Captains of the Roman republic, pp. 133-170 4103-4 FlamMARION, Camille, French meteorologist and astronomer, b. 1842. Stories of in- finity. B., 1873. l6 ° 5204-4 Contents. — Lumen. — History of a comet. — In infinity. — Wonders of the heavens. N. V., 1871. Same, 1S74 523-3 I 1 \NAGAN, J. Woulfc. Home rule, social- ism and secession. In Coan, T. M., ed. Social problems, pp. 103-125 304-28 FLANDERS, Henry. An exposition of the constitution of the I fnited Slates. Phila., i860. 12°. Same, 1874 3463-5 I 1 WhiKs. Byrne, Mrs. W. P. The Beg- gynhof ; or, the city of the single. . . 2719-2 — Reynolds, J. Journey to Flanders and Holland in 17S1. In Literary works. v. 2 . . . 704-75 See also Belgium. FLANDRIN, Jean Hippolyle, French historical painter, b. 1809-rf. 1869. Lear, Mrs. II. I.. Christian painter of the 19th cen- tury : being the life of llippolyte Flan- drin 362B1 FLATHEAD, i nl i i i.i' iii.i- I' i \ i hi \ii Indian i. Murphy, J. M. I bles in northwe tei n Vmei ii a. pp.340 159 • — See aho Indian FLAT] \\n .1 romi ■ 1 'I ) di men . bj \ Square, [psi ud. oj Abbott, I . A. | Ii., 1SS5. 16 . Flatley, P. J. Ireland and the land Ii key to the Im Ii quesl ion ; with an in- troduction by Wendell Phillips, B., 1881. 16 9418-4 Flaubert, Gustave, French novelist, b. 1.S21 d. 1SS0. Salammbo. tr. b) M.F.Shel- don. I.., I8S6. 12°. — Brandes, G. Eminem authorsol the 19th century, pp. 259-309 11S 2 James, II. French poets and novelists. I>l>. 197-210 4184-46 Flax. Timbs, J. (Ireat inventors, pp. 305-308 4169-9 — Ure, A. In Philosophy of manufactures. PP. 573- 6 40 677-9 Ii wii Frizzle stories. See Clarke, Mrs. R. S.. (Sophie May, pseud.) Flaxman, Mrs. Ann (Denman.) Child, L. M, Biographies of good wives, pp. i"3-'23 •• 4"3-25 Flaxman, John, Eng. sculptor, b. 1 755—'/. 1S26. Lectures on sculpture, a^ de- livered before the president and mem- bers of the Royal Academy. L., 1865. '6° ' ' 73o-4 Adams, \V. 11. 1). Steady aim. pp. 180- 185 410-12 — Caldwell, H. Art of doing our best. pp. 145-161 410-23 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 3. pp. 237-315 417-3 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactoi . pp. 165-171 410 42 Masun, J .. ed. Great triumphs, pp. 291- 2 94 4'°-7 I 1 1 akv, F. G, Shakespeare manual. I... 1876. 16° S236-35 FLECHIER, Esprit. Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators of France, pp. 49-69. [Biog. sketch ami oration.] 4146-8 Fleda and the voice. Lathbury, Mar) A. 3S1-59 FLEET, Henry. Neill, E. D. Foundet ol Maryland, pp. 9-37 9842-7 Fleetwood, Rev. John. Life of the blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; and the lives and sufferings of His holy evangelists and apostles; with introduc- tion by S. Seager. Ii., 1S73. 12 . . . 2329 \i Fleetwood, Wm. Essay. In British essay- ists, v. 9. pp. 392-397 [84E1 Fleischmann, Gen. ,ed. Memoirs of Miot de Melito. tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey and]. Hoey. X. V., t88i. S° 636B1 \111111 .! 1 y, natui 1 ■ on. I.., ug. N. V., 1 12° 6362-4 Ra . ! h> drophobi 1 : thi nature, 1 1 I.., 1872. 8° or What to I ome . In Every I i i 1 492 6361-9 Fleming, Geo., pseud. Se< Fletcher, Miss Julia Con I Old violins and their maker,: including some reference to il 1 modern times. I.., n. d. 12 . 777-4 Fleming, Marjorie. Brown, I. Sparc- hours, v. 2. pp. 51-80 188E2 Fleming sisters. Frost, J. Heroic women. PP s 5-99 4i • Flemming, Harford,/ 1 M 1 lellan, Mrs. II. 11 1 ii- 1 (Hare). FLEMMINGS, The. Dorsey, Mrs. Anna II. I 1 1 11 111 1 , A. Mother's request; or, Bally- shan castle. N. Y., 1866. 12 . . . . 360A5 I11 n iikk, Eli/a (Dawson), *. 1770-;/. 185S. Autobiography ; with letters and other family memorials, cd. by Lady Mary Richardson. B., 1876. 8° I11 11 her, Francis. World encompi by Sir Francis Drake. In Purvis, I < I.., ed. English circumnavigator-. 33-»° 1 I7> r 1- 1 in in R, Giles, Eng. poet, 6. 15SS— rf. 1623. Willmott, R. A. Lives of the early English sacred poets, pp. 62-87. • • 41821-9 Fletcher, J. P. Notes from Nineveh and travels in Mesopotamia, Assyria and Syria. Phila., 1850. 12° 4577 4 hi 1 ii. ft, I . Eng. writer, h. l8ll .-. 1832. History of Poland. N. \ .. 1854. 16° I 1 1 i> her, las. Cooley, joint author. Kid- der, I). P. and Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians I s ' s lii I- HER, John. See Beaumont. F. and Fletcher. J. 111;, John and Shakespeare. Win. I wo noble kinsmen, ed. with notes by W. J. Rolfe. N. V.. 1883. 16°. . . . S2347-7 I 1 1 rCHER, er Flechere, Rev. John Wm., b. 1729-d. 1785. Gorrie, P. D. Eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 50-69. . . . 4147-5 — Ryle, J. C. Christian leaders of the last century, pp. 385-425. . 4'45-7 Wesley, J. Works, v. 6. pp. 427-482. 20S-96 Fletcher, Julia Constance. (Geo. Fleming. /•scud.) Andromeda. B., 1885. 12° Head of Medusa. B., 1SS0. 16 . FLETCHER. 462 FLORENCE. Fletcher, J. C, continued. — Kismet. B. 16 . [No name series.] — Mirage. B. 16 . [Xo name series.] — Vestigia. B., 1S84. Fletcher, Mrs. Mary (Bosanquet). Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives, pp. 54-79 413-25 FLETCHER, Miriam. The Methodist ; or, incidents and characters from life in the Baltimore conference. 2 v. N. V., 1859- FLEURK 1 1 . Mademoiselle — . Eagle ami dove. N. V., 1874. 12 . Fi.ei'RY, Lame. Ancient history, arranged with notes for the use of schools, by Su-an M. Lane. X. V., 1S69. 12°. . 9'°"39 FLIEDNER, Theodore. Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working, pp. 197-250. . 4146-7 Flight of a Tartar tribe. DeQuincey, T. Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. 1. pp. 207-284 2S4E43 Flight of the lapwing. Shore, H. X. . . 451-8 Flights inside and outside Paradise. Pear- ;on, G. C 439~75 Flint, Austin, M. D., LL. D., Am. physi- cian, b. 1812. Medicine of the future : an address prepared for the meeting of the British medical association in 1886. X. V., 1886. 8° 6104-35 Flint, Chas. Louis. Grasses and forage plants. X. V., 1857. 8°. Same, 1S59. 12° 6332-3 Milch cows and dairy farming ; milk, butter and cheese; with a treatise upon the dairy husbandry of Holland. B., i860. 12° 637-4 Progress in agriculture. In One hundred years' progress of the U. S. pp. 19- 102 609-6 Flint, Henry M. Life of Stephen A. Doug- las, to which are added his speeches and reports. Phila., n. d. 12° 292B4 Railroads of the U. S.: their history and statistics. Phila., 1S68. 12° 652-4 I mm, Jas. Putnam, A. P., cd. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 21- 28. [Biog. sketch and poems.] .... 2458-7 FLINT, [as. 11. From nation to nation. Phila., 1.N71. 16 360A8 li ini, Robert, />./'- A.nti-theistic theories, being the Baird lecture for 1877. Edin- burgh, 1885. 12° 21 19-4 Contents. — Atheism. — Ancient materialism. — Modern materialism.— Contemporary, or, scien- tific materialism. — Positivism.— Secularism. — Are there tribes of Atheists ?— Pessimism.— History of pantheism —Pantheism. — Appen- dix Theism, being the Baird lecture for iS;n. burgh, 18S6. 12 201-28 Flint, Robert, D. D., continued. Contents. — Issues involved in the question to be discussed, whence and how we get the idea of God. — General idea of religion, compari- son of polytheism and pantheism with theism. — The three great theistic religions compared. — No religious progress beyond theism. — Nature, conditions and limits of theistic proof. — Nature is but the name for an effect whose cause is God. — Argument from order. — Objec- tions to the argument from order examined. — Mora! argument, testimony of conscience and history. — Consideration of objections to the divine wisdom, benevolence and justice. — A priori theistic proof. — Mere theism insufficient. — Appendix. Christianity in relation to other religions. In Faiths of the world, pp. 335-364. . 290-4 Flint, S. A. Making honey ; or, P'rances Stuart. B., 1869. 16 360A85 — Silver lining. B., 1866. 16 360A88 Flint, Timothy. Biographical annual, pp. 293-299 412-21 Flint. Carey, A. Autobiography of a lump of coal, etc. pp 113-144. . . . 604-19 Fi.inz, Th. Practical directions for distill- ing. In Byrn, M. La F. Complete practical distiller, pp. 199-214. . . . 663-2 Flirtation camp. Van Dyke, T. S. Flitters,- tatters and the counsellor, and other sketches. Hartley, Mrs. M. (L.) Floating city. Verne, Jules. Floating light. Ballantyne, K. M. . . . 133A31 FToating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. Tyndall, J. 6132-8 Flockhart, Robert, street preacher. Lives made sublime, pp. 249-280 4144-5 Flodden field, [Battle, 15 13.] Adams, \V. H. D. Battle stories, pp. 359-365. . . 920S-13 Flood, Henry, Irish orator, b. 1732-1/. 1791. Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, pp. 63-103. . . . 41 13-5 — McCarthy, J. H. Eminent Irishmen. pp. 92-100 94'-54 Flood and field. Maxwell, W. H. FLOODING of the Sahara, Mackenzie, D. . 4661-6 Flora of the Colosseum of Rome. Deakin, '< 58194-3 FLORA symbolica; or, the language and sen- timent of flowers : including floral poetry. Ingram, J 7168-5 FLORAL decorations for the dwelling house. Hassard, A 7181-4 FLORAL home ; or, first years of Minnesota. Bishop, II. E 4776-16 Florence, Wm. Jermyn. Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, 1.., .'r/.f. Actors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 1 15-130 4'79-6 1 lor] 11 E, Italy. Dinwiddie, W. Times before the reformation; with an accounl o) Fra Girolamo Savonarola 2745-3 1 l.nc A. J. C. Florenci 4455-4 FLORENCE I"; KLOWEB i"i ce, continued, Horner, S.atutJ. Walks in Florenci z > 145 5-5 Machiavelli, N. Florentine histories. . 9455 ''' 1 1 1 >torj "i I lorem e 945 6 Mann, II. ' Mann ' and mi ers at the courl ■■! Florence, 171" 86. ed. by l>r. in 9455 I Kuskin. J. Mornings in Florence. . . 755-75 ["rollope, T. \- History of the common- wealth of Florence. 4 v 9455-8 Green, J. R. Stray studies, pp. 161 — 176 9204-45 Johnson, S. Lectures, essays and ser- mons. pp. 145-182 517E5 McCormick, E. and others. Wonder itories of travel, pp. 308-349. A child in Florence 4388-9 Memorialsof early genius, pp. 10S 114. Duomo of Florence 410-74 — Norton, C. E. Church-building in the middle ages. pp. 1S1-292 7244-6 Punshon, W. M. Lectures. pp. 195- 232 204-72 Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in So. Europe, v. I. pp. 46-100. Flor- ence and the Medici 445-86 Swinburne, V • Essays, pp. 314—357- Notes on designs of the old masters .it Florence 868E1 — Azeglio, M. d\ Niccolo dei Lapi ; or, the last days of the Florentine republic. — Eliot, George. Romola. — Trollope, T. A. Filippo Strozzi: a his- tory of the last days of the old Italian liberty. — See a ho Biographies of Buonarotti. Cel- lini. The Medici. Savonarola. Florence of Worcester. Chronicle: annals of English history, from the departure of the Romans to the reign of Edward I. tr. by T. Forester. 1... 1854. 12°. 9309-3 I LORENCE Erwin's three homes: a tale of north and south. 1!., 1881. r6°. . . 365A2 FLORENCE orphanage. Bacon, I.. W. Memorials of Emily Bliss Gould of Rome. pp. 114-123 134B6 FLORIAN, J. P. C. de. History of the Moors of Spain, to which i- added a brief notice of Islamism. N. Y.. 1S6S. 16° 9462-5 Florida. Subdivisions. History and mis- cellaneous. Travels and description. History and miscellaneous. Banvard, J. Romance of American hi>- torj 974-22 — Dewhurst, W. W. History of St. Au- gustine 98491 j IDA, continued. Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. . . 97 | Irving, T, I I Florida. 9849 5 1 It, I' B 1 lorida, and the game n atet birds ol the Ulanti coast. . . . 79 Sprague, I. I . The I lorid 1 war. . . titution of the si t the on. pp. 292-307 1 biddings, J. R. Sp< 1 pp. 1 20. Florida war I'n I. in. in, I.I' ice iii the new world, pp. 1 162 97 1- ^ Munroe, K. Flamingo feather: a story 654A4 els and l>, tcription. Bai I , G. M. I I01 ida for tourists, in- valids and settler-. 4759-'3 Bei her, M II. W. Letters from Florida 4759 1 1 Bill, L. Winter in Florida 4759-16 Harcourt, II. Florida fruits 634-45 Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in Florida 4759-44 Mow I found it. North and south. . . 6301-4 Kenworthy, C. J. Climatology of 1 lorida 4759-5 Lanier, S. Florida: its scenery, climate and history 4759-55 \Fi He, T. W. 1 Irange culture in Florida. 6346-6 Stowe, II. B. Palmetto leaves 47; - — Town-end. F. T. Wild life in Florida. 4759"9 Howe, |. W. Winter homes for invalids. pp. 38-55 6135-4 McQuade, J. Cruise of thi "Montauk" to Bermuda, We>t Indies and Florida. pp. 406 410 47-"' ' •• FLORIDA," Confederate cruiser. Argument at Geneva, pp. 57-79 34 11 ' - William-. Mrs. ILL. A pp. 302-362 45'-95' FLORUS, Lucius Annans. Epitome of Roman history. In Watson. J. S., tr. Sallust, Florus and Velleius Paterculus. pp. 2S7 -424 S782-9 I lotow, Friedrich von. Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp. 106-114. . . . 772 1 1 1 -I \- old jetsam. Bowles, T. G. . . . 4405-2 Flounced robe. McKeever, II. B. . . . 601A3 FLOOR. Jago, W. Chemistry of wheat. flour and bread 6642-5 — Ball, R. S. Elementary n ap- plied mechanics, pp. 116-121. . . . 53114 FLOUR mill. Evans.O. Young mill-wright and miller's guide Flower, Edward F. Smile-, s. Duty. pp. 300 388 R, Geo. I'arton, J. Captains of in- dustry, pp. 104-1 16 FLOWER. 464 — FLOWERS. Flower, Philip Wm. History of the trade in tin : a short description of tin mining and metallurgy : a history of the origin and processes of the tin-plate trade and a description of processes of manufacturing tin-plates. L., 1SS0. 8°. 6696-4 Flower, Roswell P. Fiske, S. Oft-hand portrait-, pp. 147-150 4I247~3 Flower and thorn: later poems. Aldrich, Thos. B 114C5 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter, J. P. F. Flower gardening : May's garden 622A4 Flower of Christian chivalry. Lloyd, Mrs. W- R '. . . . 414-.S FLOWER of the family. [Drama.] Baker, G. M 785-22 Flower people. Mann, Mrs. Horace. . . 381-64 Flower school at Corlears' Hook. Dickin- son. Mrs. E. E. In Curious schools, pp. 210-231 3 79 _3 In How to learn and earn. pp. 210— 2 3' 3719-4 Flowers. Symbolism, poetry, etc. — Adams, H. G. Language and poetry of flowers 7168-2 — Carter, Mrs. S. C. Lexicon of ladies' names, with their floral emblems. . . . 4194-2 — Goodale, E. and D. R. All round the y ear 431C9 — Ingram, J. Flora symbolica 7168-5 — Pindar, S. Legends of the flowers. . . 381-7 Smiley, S. F. Garden-graith 240-68 I lowers and flower gardening. American rose culturist 7162-5 - Kailv, W. L. Trees, plants and flowers. 582-2 — Barnard, C. F. Gardening for money. 635-12 — Bary, A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanero- gams and ferns 5814-2 — Beecher, II. W. Pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming 6304 17 — Breck, J. New book of flowers. . . . 715-18 — Bridgeman.T. Am. gardener's assistant. 635-16 Buist, R. Am flower garden directory. 715-2 Burgi , J. T. Old English wild flowers. 5S2-24 1 astle, L. Orchids: their structure, his- tory ami culture 71s' 1 ; Church, E. R. Home garden 7 1 5—25 Ellwanger, H. B. Therose: cultivation, ' ■'' 7152-3 I Swing, I. 11. Mary'- meadow, and let- ters from a little garden 329A15 Fuller, J. J. Uncle John's flower-gath- erers 582-35 Harris, A. B. 1 )oor-yard folks and .1 winter garden 5904-42 I I .aol, A. I lot .1] dei oration foi the dwelling house 71N1 1 Flowers, continued. — HemsIey.W. B. Hardy trees, shrubs, etc. 713-55 — Henderson, P. Gardening for pleasure. 715-39 Practical floriculture 71 5-4 — Hibberd, S. Amateur's flower garden. . 715-45 Amateur's rose book 7152-4 Field flowers 582-4 — Johnson, L. Every lady her own flower- gardener 7162-5 — Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening for Americans 7 1 5—56 — Loudon, J. W. Gardening for ladies. . 715-58 — Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits and leaves. 582-5 — Molyneux, E. Chrysanthemums and their culture 7154-6 — Pratt, A. Haunts of the wild flowers. . 5S2-7 — Prior, W. D. Roses and their culture. . 7152-6 — Rand, E. S.,/V. Flowers for the parlor and garden 715-73 Garden flowers 715-74 Popular flowers 715-72 Orchids 7156-6 — - Rhododendron and American plants. . 7153-7 Seventy-five popular flowers 7 1 5—7 1 — Rivers, T. Rose-amateur's guide. . . . 7152-7 — Robinson, W. Sub-tropical garden. . . 7 ■ 5~ 79 — Sutherland, W. Hardy, herbaceous and Alpine flowers 71 5— 85 — Taylor, J. E. Flowers: their origin, shapes, perfumes and colours 582-78 — Thompson, S. Wild flowers 5S2-8 — Treat, M. Home studies in nature. . . 589-9 — Watson, F. Flowers and gardens. . . . 715-95 — Campbell, H. American girl's home book. PP- 394-398 786-24 — Grant, A. Common sense science, pp. 286-296 502-14 — Henderson, P. Garden and farm topics. PP- 9-98 6304-4 — Henslow, G. Flowers. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. 363-392 607-5 Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments, pp. 1 13-142 and 295-316 712-4 — Leland, E. H. Farm homes, in-doors and out. pp. 82-104 6308-5 Wood, S. Plain guide to gardening, pp. 80-202. Flower garden 635-9 See also Botany. Bulbs. Fern-. Garden- ing. Landscape gardening. Orchids. Perfumes. Plants. Roses. Window gardening. Flowers and gardens. Watson, F. . . . 715-95 Flowers and theii pedigrees. Vllen, G. . 582-13 1 lowers foi children. Child, F. Maria. . 224A25 Flowers of history: comprising history of I ngl ind from the descenl ol the Saxons to 1235. I '■ ,; Wendover 9309-72 I 1 1 .v, ers ol history, e pei iallj ui h a- re- late to the affairs of Britain. Matthew , / //' t tinst, • . 9309-61 FLOWERS 465 FOLK I OR1 Flowers of 1 he sky. Proctor, R. A. . . . 5201 71 Flowers; their origin, shapes, perfumes and colours, Taylor, J. E 5 Flowing bowl, The. [Drama.] Baker, G. M. The globe drama 785-215 Floyd, Mrs. Cornelia, (Neil Forrest, pseud.) Jack ami Rosy. N. V., 1870. 16 . . . 377A5 Mice al play. Ii., 1876. 16° 377-VS.i Floyd, John B. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 783-807 41225-5 Floyd, Wm., i>. 1734-1/. 1821. Dwight, N. I ives of the signers, pp. 97-103. . . 4121-3 — Lossing, li. J. Biog. sketches of the signers, pp. 1*3-66 4121-53 I' i * a i» Grandon's honor. Douglas, Amanda M. F] t'sti times of Alabama and Mississippi. Baldwin, J.G s 1 7 21 Flycatchers. Swains W. Atjardine, \\ . ./. Naturalists library, v. 13. . 590-5 Fl V lulling in Maine lakes; or, camp life in the wilderness. Stevenson, C. W. . . 795-83 liv-leaves. [Poems.] Calverley, C. S. . . 202C1 I i \ rods ami fly-tackle. Wells, II. 1'. . . 7954-9 FLYING. Pettigrew, J. B. Animal loco- motion; or, walking, swimming and Hying 59U7-7 Flying machines. Proctor, R. A. Border- land of science, pp. 321-348 504-71 FLYNN, P.J. Hydraulic tables for the cal- culation of the discharge through sew ei -, pipes and conduits; based on Kutter's formula. N. Y., 1883. 24 5329-4 Fobes, Walter K., td. Five-minute readings for young ladies. Ii., 1S87. 16°. . . . 801-36 - Five-minute recitations. Ii., 1SS6. 16°. Soi-365 FODOR, Josephine M. Clayton. E. C. Queens of song. pp. 213-220 4 1 7S ; Foe in the household. Cheseboro, C. I ' 'i S of her household. I louglas, Amanda M. FOGAZZARO, Antonio. Daniele Cortis. tr. by Mrs. I. R. -niton. N. V., 1887. 16 . Ii»;.i, Wm. Perry. Arabistan ; or, the land of the Arabian nights; being travels through Egypt, Arabia ami Persia to Bagdad; with an introduction by Bayard Taylor. Hartford, 1875. 12° 450 ;^ - " Round the world ; " letters from Japan. China, India and Egypt. Cleveland, '872- 8° " 43 8 , s Foix, Nicolette de. Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 88-94 410-72 F( ilchetto Malaspina; an historical romance of the 1 2th century. 3 v. in 2. Phila., 1834. 12°. Folk-lore. AsbjQmsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales 3848-2 — Bible folk-lore; a study in comparative mythology 2214-18 I re, c ntinutd. Burton, K. F., rJ. Vikram and the vam- pire. [ I lindoo. I 3854-2 Busk, R. II. Roman legends 3S45 2 and I'itie, 1 .. I f] . ly. . . 3845-7 * 'arey, Mi M., tr. Fairy legi I 1 ranee.] 3844-33 1 hoii •• notes fn im " Noti ani Q ti [English.] 383-7 Ctouston, W, A. Popular tales and fic- tions 382-25 1 rane, T. F. Italian popular tales. . . • 384 Day, IP. Folk-tale of Bengal. . . . 3854-3 Drake, S. A. New England legends. • 3874-3 Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakes- peare 82 Eastman, Mrs. M. Dahcotah ; or, life and legends of the Sioux around Ft. Snelling 97°2~3 Fiske, J. Myths and myth-makers. . . 290I-4 I 'Hinder, A. Polynesian race: its origin and migrations. 2 v 9996-4 Fieri-, M. E. I. Old Deccan days. . . 3854-4 Garnet, L. M.J. Greek folk-songs. . . 3828-4 Geldart, E. Vi.,ed. Folk-lore of modern Greece 38495-4 — Gentleman's magazine library. ed.byG. L. Gomme. v. 1-4 380-411 to 380-414 Note. For contents see Gentleman's zine — Gill, W. W. Myths and Mings of the South Pacific 3896-4 Harley, T. Moon-lore 523; j; Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. 387-49 - I'ncle Remus, his songs and his sayings ; the folk-lore of the old plantation. . . 387-48 Hunt, R., td. Popular romance- of the west of England 383-4 — Jones, C. C. Negro myths from the Georgia coast 387-53 — Keightlev, T. Fairy mythology. . . . 3S0-47 — Lang, A. Custom and myth 2901-5 I. eland, C. G. Algonquin legends of New England McAnally, D. K.,jr. Irish wonder-. . . 3841-6 — Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker. [Southern I". S.] 817-61 Ma. Ian, A. C, tr. Kiungani. [Central Africa.] 467-55 — Martinengc-Cesaresci . I 1 ssays in the study of folk-songs Mathews, C, id. Enchanted moccasins, and other legend- of the American In- dians Mitford, A. B. Tales of old Japan. . . 3 V Monteiro, M. I egends and popular tales of the Basque people 3S466-6 Raju, P. V. R. Pale- oi the sixty man- darins — Ralston. W. R. S. Russian folk-tale-. . 3S47 -7 FOLK-LORE. 466 FOOD. Folk-lore, continued. — Rink. H. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo 3898-7 - Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic researches. ser. 1. Indian tales and legends. . . . 387-8 - Schulz, A. Influence of Welsh tradition upon the literature of Germany, France and Scandinavia 89166-8 - Sheykh-Zada. The forty vezirs. [Turk- ish.] 38496-7 Swainson, C. Folk-lore and provincial names of British birds 598-84 - Theal, G. McC. Kaffir folk-lore. . . . 3868-8 Thorpe, B., ed. Yule-tide stories. [Scan- dinavian.] 3848-S - Trumbull, H. C. The blood covenant. 2214-9 - Vernaleken, T. In the land of marvels: folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. . 38430-8 - Vicary, J. F., ed. Readings from the Dane 38489-9 Wilde, Lady J . F. S. Ancient legends, mystic charms and superstitions of Ire- land. 2 v 3841-9 Wright, I. Essays 9306-9 — Gumming, C. F. G. At home in Fiji. v. 2. pp. 294-310 49&'-3 — Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs, pp. 239-315 399-35 (iriffis. W. E. Corea, the hermit nation. PP- 307-3I6 9519-4 — Tozer, If. 1- . Researches in the highlands of Turkey, v. 2 4496-9 FoLKARD, Chas. Watson. Potable water: and the relative efficiency of different methods of detecting impurities. X. Y.. lSS2 - '6°- ■ 5433-3 FOLLEN, Adolf Ludwig, German poet, />. l794-a\ 1855. Poems. Brooks, G. F., tr. German lyric poetry. pp. 193- '99 8319-31 tiii ..1 has. Theodore Christian, /■. 1795- d. 1840. Biographical annual. pp. 80-89 412-21 Peabody, A. P. Man aid reminiscences. pp. 116-123 412-/4 Foll] ., Mrs. Eliza l.ec,<<>!>. l'-7 (ikl;i I i i, i ontinut 'i ; . I ru 1 ., 1 1. 1 iin digestion 6131-5 I ovell, M. S. Edible mollusk ol Gt. Britain and 1 peland ; with reci] <■ s for cooking them 594 i Pereira, I. Treaties on 1 1 and diet. . 6131-7 Smith, E. Foods 643-8 Thompson, II Diel in relation to age and activity Ot;t 9 Food and feeding 643-9 -Tracy, R. S. Sanitar; ml ation. . . 628 8 Twining, I. Lessons on food and nutri- tion 643-93 Wolff, M. P. i'ii the rational alimenation of ilit; labouring classes 33683 9 Bernstein, A. Popular honks on natural science, pp. 21-4S niui 109-166. ... , 1 Bevan, G. P. Food. in Simple lessons for home ii^c. pp. hi 88 607 5 Faunthorpe, J. P., ed. Household science. pp. 07-201 640-36 Minion, J. Health and its conditions. PP- 22-129 613-45 Johnston, J. F. Chemistrj "i common life. v. 1 660-5 McSherry, K. Health, and how to pro mote it. pp. 130-152 613 6 M.mley. J, J. Salt, preservation of food, etc. In British manufacturing indus tries, v. 12 664-2 Weeks, ('. S.. ed. Text-book of nursing. pp. IlS-134 6138-9 Whewell, W. and others. Lectures, pp. I59-I84. dot) 9 .V!■ -1 ills. v. 2. pp. I lo I36 Matthews, |. I;, and Hutton, 1 Vctoi and act n 1 M79 6 !" e|l, \. p, 1 hat 254 Footkali on i lie bound; 1 othei ■ ■■■■ Id 1 >•■•■ ep, Robei I I lale 170 7 1 F man, Rt 1 I lein y. R 1 ppre hensions and reassuring hinl papers designed to attract attet the nature of modern unbelief and meet some of its fundamental assump- tions. N. Y.. 1885. 12° 239-4 Footprints in the forest. Ellis, E. S. . . J14A3 Footprints of a letter-carrier ; or, histor) of the « orld's 1 orres] leni 1 I ■■•■ . I 1- RINTS oi famous men. Edgar, J, G. IIO-45 Footprints of the Creator. Miller, Hugh. : Footprints ol the Saviour. Smyth, J. K FOOTPRINTS of vanished races in the Missis- sippi valley. Conant, A. J 4073-28 Footprints on the road. Kent. C 110-597 I -HI'S of St. Paul. Macduff, J. K. . . 221 I rsTEPS of St. Peter. Macduff, J. R. . . 2.m F STEPS* of the Master. Stowe, Harriet B. 2,21 7 I 1 EPS of the reformers in foreign lands. I.., 1865. 16° 23 For a dream's sake. Martin. Mrs. Herbert. FOR a song's sake and other stories. Mars- ton, Philip B. FOR a woman. Perry. Nora. For Letter or worse. Croly, Jennii (Jennie June, pseud.) 1933-3 For each other. N. Y., 1878. 12 . For fortune and glory. Hough, L. . . 409A0 FOR her dear sake. Hay, Mary Cecil. FOR honor's sake. Cunningham. Mrs. B.Sim. FOR lack of gold. Gibbon, C. For Lilias. Carey, Rose N. For love and life. Oliphant, Mrs. M.O.IW.) FOI Mack's sake. Burke. S. J 195A8 FOR Maimie's sake. Allen, (Irani. Iii. mothers and daughters: a manual of hygiene. C,,ok. Mrs. F. < 1 61 For name and fame. Henty, G. A 1 Fi 'K the king. Gibbon, C. For the major. Woolson, Constance F. For the old land : a tale of twenty years. Kickham, Chas. J. Forage plants. See Grasses. FORAN, Martin A. The other side: a social study based on fact. Washing- ton, 1886. 12°. FORBI s. Archibald, Scottish journalist. 6. 1 s ;s Chinese Gordon : a succinct record of his life. J... 1SS4. 12 433B4 FORBES. - 468 FOREIGN. Forbes, Archibald, continued. My experiences of the war between France and Germany. 2v.ini. Leip- zig, 1871. 16 9448-4 — Soldiering and scribbling: a series of sketches. Leipzig, 1872. 16 . . . . 4388-39 - Souvenirs of some continents. L., 1885. 12° 4388-4 William of Germany : succinct biography of William I, German emperor and king of Prussia. L., 1888. 12 954B3 — Czar, The. Alexander II, in the field, 1877. End of Prince Louis Napoleon. Prince of Wales at home. In Parton, J., ea. Princes, authors and statesmen. 410-83 Forbes, Mrs. E. A. A woman's first im- pressions of Europe ; being wayside sketches made during a short tour in the year 1863. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . 440-37 Forbes, Edward. Terdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 198-219 411-56 Forbes, Geo. Radiation. In Science lec- tures at South Kensington, v. 1. pp. i73-!92 502-8. — Thermal conductivity. Thermo-dynam- ics. Velocity of light. In Science lectures at South Kensington. v. 2. pp. 15-47 and 212-226 502-81 Forbes, Henry O. Naturalist's wanderings in the eastern Archipelago : a narrative of travel and exploration, 1878-83. N. V.,r88 5 . 8° 490-4 Forbes, J. H. (Arthur Locker, pseud.) On a coral reef: story of a runaway trip to sea. N. V., n. d. 16 377 A 3 FORBES, John. Review of hydropathy. In Houghton, R. S., ed. Water treat- ment, pp. 51-119 6157-2 Forbes, Jonathan, major jSth Highlanders. Eleven years in Ceylon : sketches of the field sports and natural history of that colony, and an account of its his- tory anil antiquities. 2 v. L.,1841. 8°. 4549-4 Forbes, Litton. Two years in Fiji. L., 1875. 12 4961-4 Forbes, S. Russell. Rambles in Naples: an archaeological and historical guide to the museums, galleries, villas, churches and antiquities of Naples and its environs. 1.., 1886. 12° 4457~4 Forbidden land. [Corea.] Oppert, E. . . 4519-6 FORCE, Manning Ferguson, bvt. may. gen. U. S. V., b. 1824. From Ft. Henry to Corinth. X. Y., l88l. 12°. [Cam- paigns of the civil war. II.] 9781-16 Fori e, Peter, American journalist and his- torical compiler, b. 1790-1/. 1 868. Lan- man, C. Haphazard personalities, pp. 160-16S 412-58 Force, Peter, continued. — Parton, J. Captains of industry. pp. '40-I47 4'°9-7 Force. Abbott, J. Force 53 1— 1 1 — Biichner, L. Force and matter 201-17 — Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature. . . 53°~ 2 — Eddy, H. T. Thermodynamics. . . . 5367-3 — Johnson, C. One great force 5°'-5 — L., B. L. Matter and energy 501—53 — Lazelle, H. M. One law in nature. . . 501-54 Stewart, B. Conservation of energy. . . 5316-8 — Winslow, C. F. Force and nature. . . 501—95 Youmans, E. L., ed. Correlation and conservation of forces 53 16-3 — Helmholtz, H. Conservation of force. In Popular lectures, pp. 317-362. . 502-43 — McCosh, J. Energy; efficient and final cause. In McCosh, J. Realistic phil- osophy, pp. 95-149 142-6 — See also Physics. Forced acquaintances. Robinson, Edith. Forcing garden ; or, how to grow early fruits, flowers and vegetables. Wood, Samuel 6351-9 Ford, John, English dramatist, b. 1586-d. about 1639. Lady's trial. In British dramatists, pp. 461-482 8223-2 — Campbell, T. and others. British dramat- ists, v. 2. pp. 295-345. Lives of Mas- singer and Ford 41822-3 — Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies. pp. 276-313 868E1 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 66-73 946E5 Literature of the age of Elizabeth. pp. 185-188 8203-9 Ford, Richard. The Spaniards and their country. N. V., 1850. 12° 446-37 Ford, Sallie Rochester. Ernest Quest ; or, the search for truth. N.Y., 1878. 12°. FoRD, Worthington C, ed. American citi- zen's manual. 2 v. in 1. N. V., 1886. 12°. [Questions of the day.] 32°7~4 - Part I [only.] Governments. The elec- torate. Civil service. N.Y.,1882. 12°. [Questions of the day.] 3207-41 FoRDE, Gertrude. A lady's tour in Corsica. 2 v. L., 18S0. 12° 4459-29 FoRDE, H. A. Black and white; mission stories. L., n. d. 12° 263-35 True gold : a tale of the diggings. 1.., n. d. 12°. Fork anil aft ; or. leaves from the life of an old sailor. Phelps, W. D 726B9 l'\ ir 1:1 .1 iNt 1 mii, hi. hni. How ill .. w . 1 • FOREIGN missions. See Missions. Foreign relations. Walpole, S. [English citizen ser.] 32742-9 Foreign reminiscences. Vassal, II. R. F. 9284-9 I OKKICV I'.') I'M W.\ Foreign work and English wage con idered h ii li refereni e to fhedepre lion of ti ide Brassey, Thos ; |l 19 Foreigner in China. Wheeler, L.N. . . 451 94 Foreigner in far Cathay. Medhurst, W. H. iii 6 Forest, John. Explorations in Australia: 1 . Explorations in search of I >r. I, cm hanlt and party. 2. From Perth to Adelaide, around t lie great Australian bight. 3. From t."liani|iiini 1 1 ay across the desert to the telegraph and to Ade- laide. I.., 1875. 8° 494-35 FOREST, Nei\, pseud. See Floyd, Mrs. Cor- nelia. Forest, The. Huntington, J. V. Foresi and the field. Leveson, II. A. . . 796(1 5 Forest creatures. Boner, Chas 5904-17 FOREST days. James, G. P. R. Forest house. Erckmann, E. and Chat- rian, A. Forest glen. Kellogg, Elijah 531A25 Forest leaves. [Poems.] Peirson, I.. J. . 720C7 Foresi life and forest trees. Springer, John S 714 -8 FOREST outlaws; or, Saint Hugh and the king. Gilliat, Rev. E. FOREST princes; or, two centuries ago. [Drama.] In Haines, C. M. S. Plays, prose and poetry. pp. 145-270. . . . 818-2 Forest tragedy. Lippincott, Sarah J. (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Fokes'i trees. See Forestry. FORESTER, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, II. \V. Forester, Thos. Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. I.., I S6l . 4 . . 4459~3 Forester. See also Forrester. Forestry. Brisbin, J. s. Trees and tree planting 714-17 — Bryant, A. Forest trees for shelter, ornament and profit 7'4-~ — Cleveland, II. W. S. Landscape archi- tecture, as applied to the wants of the west; with an essay on forest planting on the great plains 710-2 - Kgleston, N. H. Tree planting. . . . 714-4 — Flagg, W. Woods and by-ways of New England 589-4 - Fuller, A. S. Forest-tree culturist. . . 714-49 Practical forestry 714-5 - Hoopes, J. Book of evergreens. . . . 713S-4 — Laslet, T. Timber and timber trees. . . 714-6 - Rattray, J. and Mill, II. R., eds. For- estry and forest products 714—7 — Rousset, N. The foresi waters the farm. 714-75 — Springer, J. S. Forest life and forest trees 7'4 _ 8 — Anders, J. M. House-plants as sanitary agents, pp. 257-329 718-2 — Burroughs, J. Fresh fields, pp. 37-48. iybE4 I <>i 1 11,,,, nil nned. 1 - ton, N. II. I lome and its ui round- ings. pp. 71 H 5 Hubbard, B. M rials "i e half-cen- tury, pp. (69 415 98741 1 Mo I, G P. Mm and nature, pp. 128- {29 55' '''■ The earth as modified by human action, pp, 14X-398 55 1—67 ! I 1 1 ill:, Auber, pseud. See Woodward, A. Aubertine. FORI 11.. The. James, G. P. R. FORGING the fetters and other Morics. Hector, Mrs. Annie I (Mi Alexan- der, pseud.) 1 1 1,1 \ at last. Walworth, Jeannette R. (Hadermaiin). I' him Dodge, M A. (Gail Ham- ilton, pseud.) Stumbling blocks, pp. 375 i 86 204-37 FORGIVI NESS and law, grounded in princi- ples interpreted by human analogies. Bushnell, Horace 232-28 Forgiveness of sin. Clarke, J. F 2 347-3 Forgotten by the world. Macquoid, K. S. Forlorn hope, Yates, Edmund. FORMATION of the Christian character. Ware, II 24>-95 Formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms. Darwin, Chas. R. . 5951-3 FORMBY, Rex Henry. Ancient Rome and its connection with the Christian re- ligion ; an outline of the history of the i \ "i plo ying cards. PP- 45.* 479 787-8 .s,, al Palmistry. For 11 ne's fool. 1 [awl h"i ne, I ulian. Fob njnes ol 1 ilencore. Lever, Chas, Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, Maxwell, \v. 11. Fortunes of Miss Follen. talcott, Mrs. G. Forti nes of Nigel. Scott, Sir Walter. Fortunes of Rachel. Hale, E. E. Fortunes >>( ili<' Faradays. Douglass, Amanda M. Fi irti nes "f 1 In- Scattergood famil) Smith A. FoRTY-five guardsmen. Dumas, Alex. '49: the gold-seeker of the Sierras. Miller, I. Fortv thousand miles over land and water. Vincent, Mrs. II ) 38 91 Forty vezirs, History of the. Sheykh-Zacla. 38496-7 FORTY years' light with the drink demon. Jewett, Chas 51 5B9 FORTV years in New Zealand. Buller, Jas. 26931-2 Fortv years in the Turkish empire. Prime, E. D. G 2649-7 Fortv years' mission work in Polynesia and New Guinea, 1835-75. Murray, A. \\ . -1695-5 FORUM magazine. College and the church. The "How I was educated ' papers, and Denominational "Confessions." N. V., 1887. 8° 3704 1 "How 1 was educated " papers 3704-41 Fosi iri. [Drama.] Mitford, M. R. Works. PP- 593-612 828-62 Foscolo, Ugo. Ilowells, \Y. 1). Modern Italian poets, pp. 116-125 8501-57 Redding, C. Personal reminiscences ol eminent men. v. 1. pp. 117 175. . . 411-87 FosDICK, W. W. Cavaliers of the cross. Cinn., 1855. 12°. loss, Edward. Memories of Westminster hall; a collection of incidents, anec- dotes and historical sketches, relating!., its famous judges ind lawyers and its great trials. 2 v. X. Y., 1874. 8°. . 3482 ;^ Fossett, Frank. Colorado; historical, de- scriptive and statistical work on the Rocky mountain gold and silver mining icgion. Denver, 1876. 12 47S8-3 Fi 'ssii men and their modern representativ es, Dawson, |. \Y ^71 27 Fossils. See Paleontology. Foster, Andrew, joint author. Lester, 1 . E. and Foster, A. Life and voyage Americas Vespucius 915B2 Fi er, C. 1 Boj ai Sandovei ; or, life b. I!., 1S08. . . I in Electrical m< 1 iuremenU. /w Science h tl South Kensington. ■-. I. pp. 264-290 502-81 1 t, Chas. J. Whili I \\ ootton ; a story of love, sp.,ri and adventure in the midland counties of England and on 1 In 1 1 onl iei ol Amei ii a. Phi la., I.S78. 12°. I t, I 'avid Skaats. Rel u itch and othei tales in metre. N. V ., 1888. I2 ° 377* 1 iii. Elon, <•(/. New lia of poet- ical illustrations. N.Y., 1872. 8°.. . 809-43 Foster, Ernest. Abraham Lincoln. L., 1885. 12 572B65 Heroes of the Indian empire. Ol of valour and victory. I.., 1886. 12°. t'l ; Foster, Hannah A. Hilda. A poem. I'hila., 1879. 16° }77< 8 I i 1 k, .1/r.t. I. II.. Il-'aye Huntington, pseud. \ In earnest; or, Edith Palmer's motto. I'hila., 1869 40; \4 ; Mrs. Deane's way. B., 1875. I2 °- ■ ■ 495- ,[ 4'' Stories of great men. II., 1887. 12°. . 410-5S5 Stories of remarkable women. B., 1887. 12 4«3 5- and Alien, Mrs. 1. 1M.1. (Pansy, tseud.) From different stand-points 7 1 4 A 1 FOSTER, Jas. The death of Christ consider- ed as a sacrilice. In Theological es- says, pp. 403-414 204-67 Foster, John, English essayist, b. 1770-1/. 1843. Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic review, ed. by J. E. Ryland. 2 v. I... 1868. 12° 377I 1 Contents. — v. 1. Carr's Stranger in Ireland. — Forbes' Life of Heattie.— Thoughts on affecta- tion, l-y a lady Future of Kngland and Amer- M moirs of Lord K ir's life and writings.— David Hume Hindoo idolatry and Christianity.- ><:ott -Waring letters on India. — Stockdalc's lectures on the Kn^listi poets. — Fox's history ' ign of James II — Lives of British statesmen, by John Mac Diarmid. — Memoirs of Sir Thomas M n by A Cayley. — Christianity in Endia. Paley as a theologian.— America before the revolution. — Peninsular war. — Sydney Smith's sermons.— Paley's me- moirs, by G. W. Meadley.— Rose on Fox's his- tory.— On theatrical amusements. — Characters of Fox. by Philopatris Varvicensis.— Edge- worth's essays.— Sanscrit literature. — Morality of works of fiction — Cruelly to animals Soulhcy's Curse of kehama. — Vindication of Fox's history, by Samuel Heywood. — Je- sermons. v. 3. Coleridge.— Grant's superstitions of the Highlanders. - - Grecian architecture. — Mudford's life of Richard Cumberland. — \\ liiietieUi's life. — Woodfall's Junius t'.rattan's speeches. — Zollikofer's sermons — Gamble's view of Ireland. — Stephen's memoirs of Home FOSTER. 472 FOUNDING. Foster, John, continued. Tooke.— Stanfield's essay on biography. — Pub- lic worship of nonconformists. — Relation of man to nature. — Wilberforce on Christian missions. — Robert Hall on the East India charter.— Chateaubriand's Christian martyrs. — Life of Michel de 1' Hopital. — Mungo Park— Hob house's Albania.— Curran. — Britton's Cathe- dral antiquities. — Jeremy Taylor. — Chalmer's astronomical discourses. — Andrew Fuller. — Benjamin Franklin. — John Fawcett, D. D. — Recollections of Coleridge, by J. Cottle. — Lane's account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. — Dix's life of Thos Chatterton. — Daniell's oriental scenery. — Essays in a series of letters to a friend. N. V., 1858. 12° 377E5 — Essay on the evils of popular ignorance ; and a discourse on the communication of Christianity to the people of Hindo- stan. I.., 1865. 12 377E6 - Essays on decision of character. Bound with Combe, Geo. Constitution of man. 244E4 — Fosteriana, consisting of thoughts, reflec- tions and criticisms, ed. by H. G. Bohn. L., 1858. 12° 377E7 — Lectures, delivered at Broadmead chapel, Bristol. L., 1871. 12 252-385 — Observations on Mr. Hall's character as a preacher. In Hall, R. Miscellaneous works, pp. 65-115 208-37 — Ryland, J. F., ed. Life and correspond- ence of John Foster 378B2 — De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets and other English writers, pp. 219-226. 284E48 Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and liter- ary men. >er. 2. pp. 78-95 418-43 — Neale, E. Closing scene, ser. 2. pp. 92-123 410-8 Sprague, \V. I!. Visits to F3uropean ce- lebrities, pp. 59-63 4104-85 FOSTER, John Leslie. Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. v. 2. pp. 236-264. . 3409-75 FOSTI 1 , John Wells. Am. geologist, b. I Si 5 -^'.1873. Mississippi valley; its phys- ical geography, including sketches of the topography, botany, climate, geology, and mineral resources ; and of the prog- ress of development in population and material wealth. Chicago, 1869. 8°. . 5576-4 Pre-historic races of the U. S. of America. Chicago, 1873. 8°. Same, 1878. . . 407-4 FOSTER, Lafayette S. Lanman, C. Hap- hazard personalities, pp. 277-282. . . 412-58 Foster, Michael. Physiology. X. Y., 1882. 16° 612-45 1 n k, Randolph S., D. />., LL. D., bishop M. E. Church, b. 1820. Lectures. In Ingham lectures, pp. 3-106. . . . 239-51 Fo 1 1 > . Robei 1. 1 ampbell, J. Chief jus- tices of England. I'hila. ed. v. I. pp. 392-401. N. Y. ed. v. 2. pp. 151 [58. 411 24 Foster, Stephen C. Nevin, R. P. Les trois rois. pp. 159-185 98289-6 Foster, Thos. Chapters. In Proctor, R. A.,ed. Nature studies 5° 2 -7 Foster, Wm. E. Libraries and readers. N. V., 1883. 16° 8054-35 — Plan of systematic training in reading at school. Relation of the libraries to the school system. In Green, S. S., ed. Libraries and schools, pp. 89-126. . 8054-4 Foster brothers ; a history of the school and college life of two young men. X. V., 1859. 16°. Foster sisters. Guernsey, L. E. Fothergill, Jessie. First violin. X. V., 1S7S. 16°. — Kith and kin. X. V., 1881. 16 . — One of three. Made or marred. X. V., 1881. 1 6°. — Peril. N. Y., 18S4. 16 . — Probation. X. Y., 1879. 16°. — The Weliaelds. X. Y., 1880. 16°. . . Fothercill, John Milner, Eng. physician, b. 1841 . Food for the invalid, the con- valescent, the dyspeptic, and the gouty. L., 1880. 12° 6415-4 — The maintenance of health ; a medical work for lay readers. X. Y., 1S75. I2 °- 613-35 — The willpower; its range in action. L., 1885. 12 . Same. Cleveland, 1887. 12 188-3 Fouche, Joseph Antoine, duke of Otranto, b. 1763-1/. 1820. Brougham, H. Histor- ical sketches of statesmen, v. 2. pp. 227-240 4 | o- I 7 Foul play. Reade, Chas. FOULKE, Wm. D. Slav or Saxon ; study of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization. [Questions of the day.] X. Y., 1887. 8° 947-27 FOUND dead. Payn, J. FOUNDATION of death : a study of the drink question. Gustafson, A 198-44 Foi NDATIONS. Porter, Rose. Foundations and concrete works. Dobson, F. 6662-2 Foundations and foundation walls. Powell, G. T 693-6 F01 NDATIONS of ethic;,. Maude, John E. . 191-6 Foundations of religious belief. Wilson, W. D 239-95 Founders of Lowell. Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 170-179 4169-7 FOUNDERS "f Maryland. Neill, E. n. . . 9842-7 Founding. Graham, W. Brass-founder's manual 683 5 — Kirk, E. Founding of metals 671-5 — I.arkin, J. Practical brass and iron found- er's guide 671-55 FOUNDING. i I (AM I.I' Foi ndino, - ontinu, d. Overman, F. Moulder's and foundei poi I '-i guide 671—6 West, T. D. American foundry practice. 671 9 Mouldi 1 ' text book 671-91 Byrne, O. Metal-worker's assistant, pp. 230-276 (171 2 Fountain Kloof; or, missionary life in South Allien. Phila., n. d. 12 . . . 2668-4 Fi m "i 1 . See I ;i Motte Fouque. t 1 11 B centui ie 1 ol Engli ih lei lei S . W, I!., td 826-8 Fi iur civilizations of the world. W'ikoff, 1 1. 901-95 Four conquests of England. Si. John, I. A '. . . . 931 8 Four feet, two feet and no feel | or, furry and feathery pels ami how they live. Richards, Laura E 5905-68 FOUR* Georges. Set George I- IV. kings of England. Four girls at Chautauqua. Allien, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, pseud.) 714A38 Four Gospels in one. Campbell, Robert A. 227-2 Fol'R great powers; England, 1' 'ram e, Rus- sia and America. Boynton, C. B. . . 929-2 F01 1; leading doctrines of the new Church. Sweden borg, E 2894-74 FoUR-leaved clover and wayside rhymes. Burleigh, ('. II 195C3 Four letters on toleration. Locke, J. . . . 2577-5 Four Macnicols. Black, Wm >59A5 Four phases" of morals. Blackie, J. S. . • 190-2 Four pillars of temperance. Kirton, J. W. 10S 5; Four sisters. Bremer, Frederika. FOUR thousand miles of African travel. Southworth, A. S • • . . 4628-84 FOUR winds farm. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa. (Ennis Graham, pseud.) . . . 639A4 Four years aboard the whale-ship. Whitecar, Wm. B., jr 79531-9 Fori; years among the Spanish Americans. rlassaurek, F 4868-4 Fot 1; years at Yale. Bagg, L. II 378746-2 Tin 1; years in Ashantee. Ramseyer, A. and Kiihne, J 26665-8 FOUR years in British Columbia. Mayne, R- C 4711 7 Four years in Paraguay. Robertson, 1. P. andW. P 489 7 I'"! 1; years in Secessia. Browne, J. II. . . 9S02-2 Four years in the saddle. Gilmor, C>>1. II. 9S19-43 Four years of fighting. Coffin, Chas. C. . 072 8 Four years of Irish history. Duffy, Chas. '■ " 94>8-3i Four years with Genera] Lee. Taylor, W. II 9812-9 11;. I< '.in Baptist Joseph, taron, 6. 1768- d. iSjo. Arago, 1 . Distinguished sci- entific men. ser. 1. pp. 374 444. . . 410 15 ERISM I .ii.i.ll. I ayi and brevities. p|>. 42 t*. Social palace al >■ FOUR i 11 N months in ('anion. ' I II 45»2-4 F01 :lis in southern pi i Davidson, H. M 9802-26 Four i een h ei 1 in 1 hemi 1 1 y 3ti ele, J. n 540-85 Fourteen weel in descriptivi ■ : ■ nomy. Steele, J. D 520-85 I "i 1 1 i.s weeks in human physiology. Steele, J. U 612-8 FOURTEEN weeks in natural philosophy. Steele, J.I' 530-85 F01 rteen weeks in popular geology. Steele. J. D 550-85 Fourth dimension. I linton, C. II. Sci- entific romances. 1. What is the fourth dimension 3137 A Fourth Gospel the heart of Christ. E. II 2275-8 FOURTH of July. Brooks, E. S. S> holidays, pp. 161-181. When (ieorge the third was king. [An Independence day story, 1776.] 186A37 Fourth of July oration. [Comic] In One hundred choice selections. No. 2. p. 26 801-4 Lincoln, A. Reasons for celebrating the fourth of July. In Patriotic eloquence. pp. 260-261 801-52 Lippard, G. Legends of the American revolution. pp. 391-472. Fourth of July, 1776 9758-5 FOWLE, T. W. Poor law. I. .,1881. 12°. 3529-4 Inspiration and evolution. In Christian- ity and evolution, pp. 93-110. . . . 2398-26 FOWLE,. Wm. Bentley. Free speaker. I'... n. d. 12° 801-37 Teacher's institute ; or. familiar hints to young teachers. B., 1847. 12 . Same, X. V., 1866 371-37 Memoir of Caleb Bingham. In Barnard, H., ed. Educational biography, pp. 53-77 -* ,; " - FOWLER, Frank. Oil painting : hand-book for the use of students and schools. X. V.. 1S85. 12 75«-4 I 1 v. 1 1 k, Ceo. ed. History of the war; or, a record of the events political and mil- itary, between Turkey and Russia, and Russia and the allied powers of Eng- land and France; showing the origin and progress of the war to the end of the year 1S54. 1 .. 1855. l6°. Fowler, Henry. Educational servici Mis. Emma Willard. In Barnard. II.. ed. Educational biography, pp. 12; 168 .1-" - FOWLER. — 474 FOX. FOWLER, Orson Squire, Am. phrenologist, b. 1809. Education and self-improvement ; comprising, Physiology, animal and mental. Self-culture and perfection of character. Memory and intellectual improvement. 3V. in I. N.Y., 1873. 12° 179-38 — Memory and intellectual improvement applied to self-education and juvenile instruction. N. Y., 1854, 12°. Same, 'S70 179-39 — Physiology, animal and mental, applied to the preservation and restoration of health of body and power of mind. N. Y., 1855. 12 613-37 — Practical phrenology. N. V., n. d. 12°. 179-41 — Self-culture, and perfection of character: including the management of youth. N. V., KS47. 12° I79-4 — Notes and observations, hi Combe, A. Principle of physiology 613-28 Fowler, Samuel P., ed. Salem witchcraft : comprising, More wonders of the invisi- ble world, by R. Calef, and Wonders of the invisible world, by C. Mather. B., '865- 8° ■ 1744-4 Fowler, Thos. Bacon. N. V., 1SS1. 12 . 131B37 — Locke. N. Y., 1880. 12 . [English men of letter ser.] 581B3 — Progressive morality : an essay on ethic-. I.., 1884. 12 191-36 — Shaftesbury and Hulcheson. N. V., 1883. 12° 162-75 FOWLER, Wm. Present aspect of the land question. In Cobden Club essays, ser. 2. 1S71-72. pp. 1 17-188 304-3 Fowler, Win. Chauncey. English gram- mar. The English language in its ele- ments and forms, a history of its origin and development. N. V., 1871. 12°. . 115-41 Same, rev. and enlarged. X. Y., 1879. 8° H5-4 Fowler, Wm. Worthington. Fighting fire: the great lues of history : with a full ac- countofthe frightful London plague and the lire which followed it. Insurance, its history and importance. Hartford, '873- 8° 3533-4 — 'Pen years in Wall street; or, revelations of inside life and experience on 'change. Hartford. 1870. 8° 33 '7 35 — Twenty years of inside life in Wall slreet. N. V., 1880. 8° 3317-36 Fownes, Geo. Rudimentary chemistry; with an appendix on the application "I chemistry to agriculture. 1... 1872. 12 . 540-37 Fox, Caroline. Memories of old friends; being extracts from the journals .md letters ..I Caroline Fox, 1835 71. ed. I>> H. V I'vm. Phila.. 1882. 12°. . 379B2 Fox, Chas. Jas., English orator and states- man, 0. ijw-d. 1806. History of the early part of the reign of James II. In Carrel, J. B. N. A. Counter revolution in England, pp. 290-445 9366-3 — Russell, )., ed. Memorials and corre- spondence of Charles James Fox. . . 379B4 — Trevelyan, G. O. Early history of C. J. Fox. 379B5 — Abraham, G. W. Essays, historical, crit- ical and political, pp. 566-592. Re- view of memorials and correspondence. 103E5 Adams, C. K.. ed. Representative Brit- ish orations, v. 2. pp. 99-175. [Biog. sketch and oration.] 8258-2 — Brougham, H. P. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. 1. pp. 143-155. . . . 410-17 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Miscellane- ous prose works, v. 1. pp. 243-292. Re- view of memorials and correspondence. 601 E5 — Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. PP- 93-I30 195E3 — Foster, J. Critical essays, v. 1. [Three reviews.] 377E4 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 437-550. [Biog. sketch and speeches.] 8258-4 — Harsha, D. A. Eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 185-210 410-54 — Smith, S. Works, pp. 95-102. Review. 837E1 Lawrence, E. British historians, v. 2. PP- 345-366 4182-54 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 8. pp. 193-202 411-65 — Mason, J.,«/. Great triumphs, pp. 107- 109 4'o-7 — Men of history, pp. 108-1 11 410-75 — Rae, W. F. Wilkes. Sheridan, Fox. pp. 247-462. . 411-85 Taylor, W. ( '. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 136-151 4»-97 Fox, Ebenezer. Howe, H. Life and death on the ocean. pp. 211-232. Naval service in t lit- war of the revolution. . 437-48 Fox, Geo., English founder 0/ the society <>/ Friends, l>. 1624-;/. 1690. Journal of George Fox. Phila., n. d. 8°. ... 379B8 — Bickley, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers 37'»b7 Clarke, J. F. Events anil epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 299-325 204-165 Gillett, E. 11. England i»" hundred years ago, pp. 62-97 2 74 2_ 4 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 71 75 410-92 Fox, Gustavus Vasa. Narrative of the mis- sion t" Russia, in 1S66, of Gustavus \ 1 ,1 Fox, from the journal and notes of J. F. Loubat. ed. by J. L>. Champ- lin, Jr. V V., 1S73 447 5" FOX. — 475 - [I I Fox, Henry, rsl Lord Holland, a 1 . 177-1. Lodge, I-- Portraits ol illustrious pei sonages ■ >! ' '•< eal Britain, t . 7. pp. s6 , J76 411-65 Fox, Henrj Richard, 3d Lord Holland Red ding, ( '. Reminisi em e ol emit nun. V. I. |i|). 92-116 III s ; Fox, John, English nun, > vj the 1 6th century, Kingsley, 1 1. Tales ol old travel, pp. 264-272 43°-5 Fox, John, English martyrologist, b. 151 7— . 1775-1/. 1825. Cormenin, L. M. de l.i II. Eminent orators of Fiance, pp. 1 12-122 4105-2 FOYK, Jas. C. Chemical problems; with brief statements of the principles in- volved. N. Y., 1883. 24 5407-4 FRADENBURGH, />'<-;•. J. N. Witnesses from the dust; or, the Bible illustrated from the monuments, Cinn., 1S86. 12°. . . 2212-4 Fragments of science. Tyndall, J. . . . 504-85 F'RAMI K\ parsonage. I rollope, Anthony. Fran< \n 1 1 I, Chas. Elme. Modern Cook ; comprising in addition to English rook- ery, the most approved and recherche systems of French, Italian and German cookery. Phila., n. d. 8° 641-38 France. Subdivisions: 1. History. 2. Ec- clesiastical history and religious life. 3. Biography. 4. Travel and descrip- tion. 5. Miscellaneous. I. History, general. — Adams, C. K. Democracy ami monarchy in France 9444-13 — Bouncchose, F. P. E. 15. de. History of France 944-2 — Brook, S. F"rench history lor English children 944-22 I ce, ontimti ii I Leighton, J. Pat ;ara . . V. 1 < 11 iry of the • of 187) 94 < Uliei. I . / 1 . : I tory of the war between France 1(48-17 Parr, II Echoes ■ g ; Shand, A. J. On the trail of the war. . 94481-5 Sheppard, N. Shut up in Paris. . . . 944S1 7 Wai e i lence ol the Daily New-, 1870. 2 v Washbume, E. B. Rei ollei ti minister to fiance. 2 v 9448-*) 1 arlyle, T. Critical and miscellani vs. v. 7. pp. 242-251. Latter stage of the war Hoffman, \V. Camp, court and siege. pp. 119-285 4S1B2 Smith, Samuel. Occasional essays, pp. 185-214 - I — See also I listories of France and Germany. / alt r history. — Koettschau. C. Coming Franco-German war 94487-5 N'orman, C. B. Tonkin ; or, France in the far Last 9599-9 — Simon, J. Government ol M. Driers. . 94484-8 J J iit, irical miscellanies. — History of the Bastile 365-2 - I ,1 Hodde, L. de. Cradle of rebellions: history of the secret f France. 3669-5 — O'Callaghan, J. C. History of the Irish brigades in the service of France. . . — Ritchie, L. Romance of history ; France. 044 7 — Schmucker, S. M. Memorable scenes in French history — Thierry, A. Formation and progress of the Tiers Etat 32044-8 Vance, A., tr. Romantic episodes of chivalric and mediaeval France. . . . 744-93 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 125-154 and 241-253 ,i;|, — Brownson, O. A. Works. \. 18. pp. 481-501. v. 19. pp. 40-47 S1S-27 — Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry and other studies, pp. S3-103 22-A ; May, T. E. Democracy in Europe, v. 2. pp. SS 34S 3204-6 — Regnault. E. Criminal history of the English government, pp. 174-214. . 9303-7 — Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, its past and present condition, pp. 170-226. . . . 424-0 Wikoff, H. Four civilizations of the world 001-0; FRANCE. 478 FRANCE. France, continued. — Reminiscences of an officer of Zouaves. 9475~3 — Jerrold, B. French under arms 35544—5 — Wraxall, Sir C. F. L. Military sketches. 3554-9 — Zogbaum, R. F. Horse, foot and dra- goons : sketches of army life at home and abroad 355-98 2. Ecclesiastical history and religious life. — Bonar, H. White fields of France ; or, the story of Mr. M' All's mission to the workingmen of Paris and Lyons. . . . 2644-2 — Bromfield, I. Lower Brittany and the Bible there 26541-2 — Fairer, H. L. Revival of priestly life in the 17th century in France 4142-4 — Jervis, W, H. Gallican Church. 2 v. 2744-4 — Pressense, E. de. Religion and the reign of terror 2744-5 — Smith, R. T. Church in Roman Gaul. . 2744-7 — Rule, W. H. History of the inquisition. v. 1. pp. 36-78 2722-61 — Smith, J. M. Stars of the reformation. pp. 1 10-144 2706-72 — Spaulding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. PP- 455-471 204-84 — Yonge, C. M. Pupils of St. John, the divine, pp. 214-249 2701-98 — See also Huguenots. 3. Biography. — Aumale, H. E. P. d'. History of the Princes de Conde in the 16th and 17th centuries 244B9 — Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the queens of France 41051-2 — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. Eminent or- ators 4105-2 — French celebrities. 2 v 4105-35 — Guizot, F. P. G. St. Louis and Calvin. 414-45 — Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. 4105-4 — Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. 4105-5 4. Travel and description. — Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. 1873 4442-2 The Pyrenees. 1870. Same, 1881. . 4448-2 — Bulwer, W. II. I.. E. France; social, lit- erary, political. 2 v. in I. 1857. . . 444-18 Collier, G. France, Holland and the Netherlands a century ago 444-22 — Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.j Fair France, 1871. 44465 Edwards, \1. li. Year in Western France. i877 444-27 French home life. 1874 444-3 Gardiner, M. Idler in France. 2 v. in I. 1841 4443-36 - Hamerton, P. G. Round my house: notes of rural life in France in peace and war. 1876 444-4 France, continued. Sylvan year. The unknown river: an etcher's voyage of discovery. B. , 1876 589-44 — James, H. A little tour in France. 1885. 444-43 — Jarves, J. J. Parisian sights and French principles through American spectacles. 2 v. 1856 444-45 — John Bull's neighbor in her true light, by a " Brutal Saxon.'' 1884 444-48 — Kirwan, A. V. Modern France. 1863. 444-5 Miller, W. Wintering in the Riviera. 1 88 1 4449-62 — Molloy, J. L. Our Autumn holiday on French rivers 4442-6 — Rhodes, A. French at home. [1875.] • 444-7 — Roberts, M. France. 1881 444-73 -Sparks, E. I. Riviera: sketches of the health resorts of the North Meditera- nean coast of France and Italy from Hyeres to Spezia. 1879 4449-7 — Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1879 4448-75 — Strahan, E. New Hyperion. 1875. . . 443-9 — Taine, H. A. Tour through the Pyrenees. 1874 4448-9 — Tomes, R. Champagne country. 1867. 44432-8 — Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyrenees. 1883 44479-85 — Benjamin, S. G. W. The world's para- dises, pp. 102-112 439-17 — Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays : at home and abroad, pp. 192-278 440-16 — Burroughs, J. Winter sunshine. pp. 205-223 196E9 — Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls abroad, pp. 15-78 440-216 — Colton, W. Sea and the sailor: notes on France and Italy, etc. pp. 95-169. . . 818-32 — Durbin, I. P. Observations in Europe. v. 1 440-29 — Eddy, D. C. Europa. pp. 188-280. . . 440-3 Hall, N. Land of the Forum and the Vatican, pp. 1-33 445°-44 Hamerton, P. G. Painter's camp. pp. 247-34S 757-5 — Haven, G. The pilgrim's wallet, pp. 27I-35 6 440-46 — Hawthorne, N. Passages from the French and Italian note-books, v. I. pp. '-43 445-45 — Hodder, E. Old Merry's travels on the continent, pp. 10-26 4401-6 Hugo, V. The Rhine 4434~4 Lippincott, Mrs. S. J., (Grace Green- wood, pseud.) Slories and sights of France and Italy 440-57 — Locke, I>. R. Nasby in exile, pp. 243- 169 44° 59 FKW I ,79 FRANCIS 1 Frani i , continued. I .mi' 1,11. iu , ll \\ . Outre Mei pp. 15 162 ll" 1 ' Morford, H, Ovei lea. pp. 198 ;i ;. 440-64 Pennell, I ,indY. K. Our sentimental journey through France ;> ■ 1 > 1 Italy. . . 44»N (14 Romer, Mrs. I. I ■'. The R hone, 1 he I lai in and the < iuadalquivir. v. 1 pp. 7 214 II 1 ' 7 N Sigourney, Mrs. I.. II. Pleasant mem- ories of pleasant land . pp. 225-281. 442-82 Strabo. Geography, v. 1. Book 4. . 423-83 Tappan, II. 1*. A step from the new world to the old. v. 2 440-87 Tripp, A. Crests from the ocean world, pp. 5' 3<>3 440-9' 5 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's expe riences in Europe, pp. 29-127. . . . 440 025 .v. 1 also Basque pro> inces. Europe. Pari 5. Miscellaneous. rlazen, W. B. Scl 1 and the army in Germany ami France 35543-4 Howe, J. 15. Political economy in the use of money 33 '-43 Kropotkine, P. In Russian and French prisons 365-5 Robinson, W. Gleanings from French gardens 715 7 S Spiier, II. Judicial dramas; or, the ro- mance of French criminal law. . . . 3482 8 White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France 33 1 6-9 Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury, pp. 295-311 3455 4 l.ielier, F. Civil liberty and self-govern- ment 3218-5 I'lobyn, J. W., ,-./. Cobden club essays. [875. pp. 283-308 "■ 3521-7 Scrivenor, 11. History of the iron trade. pp. 174-203. . . . .' 671-7 Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 234-309 396-85 Francesi A Carrara. Landon, L. E. In Complete winks. v. I. pp. 205 401). S28-578 Frani esca da Rimini. Boker, G. 11. Plays and poems, v. I. pp. 349—474. . . . 171* 4.5 — See Dante. Inferno. Canto 5. Francia, Francesco (Raibolini), b. about 1450-1/. 1517. Jameson, A. (M.) Ital- ian painters. pp. 149-15S 41 75-5 Francia, Jose Casper Rodriguez, dictator of Paraguay, t. about 1758-rf. 1S40. Robert- son, J. P. and W. P. Francia's reign "I tenor. 2 v. in 1 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 7. pp. 1-54. . 206E2 Francillon, R, E. Fail', dene. N. \ '., n. d. 8°. Face to fa< e. I... n. d. 8°. — Greal heiress. N . \'.. a. ,1. 8°. Frani illon, R. I. . continued. Qui V., n. d. 4°. I ire good luck. V v., . Real queen. V Y.. n. d. 8°. I nder Slieve-ban I a yam in seven I N. *> ., 1881. [6 /, Id fortune I'.., 1874 Frani is, taint, • 1 ' 1", (Jo B lone,) b. 1 1S2 (/. 1226. Lil saint Francis of Assisi . Abby I... Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Frani of A isi. 380114 Adams, W. H. D. Heroi of thi pp. 107-152 in .' - Brigham, C. II. Memoir and paper-. pp. 208 219. St. Dominic and St. Francis 204- 1 2 I heliowcth, Mrs. < '.. Van I 1. the saints, pp. 1 10 120 M4 - 3 — Cilliat, E. Champions of the right, pp. 98-118 »t i 1 — Maccall, W. foreign biographies, v. I. pp. 133 "75 410-67 Kenan, E. Studies in religious hist'.ry. PP- 305-329 — Wood, \\\, ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 167-170 4"0-975 Francis, saint, of Paula. Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 82 95. 414 2; Francis de Sales, saint, French Roman Catho- lii prelate, orator and writer, b. 1 567— °4-55 - Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. PP- 213-242. Three emperors 410-94 FRANCIS, Beata. Child's zoological garden. n - «■ p- 8° : . 5905-35 Francis, Chas. S. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 5S0-584 4181-3 Francis, Convers, Am. clergyman, b. about 1796-d. 1863. Life of John Eliot. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 5. PP- 3^343- Life of Sebastian Rale. In Same. v. 7. pp. 163-333 412-86 Francis, G. H. Orators of the age ; com- prising portraits critical, biographical and descriptive. X. Y., 1847. 12 . . 411-37 Contents.— Sir Robert Peel —Lord John Rus- sell— Duke of Wellington.— Right Hon. T. B. Macaulay.— Lord Stanley.— Lord Palmer- ston. — Lord Lyndhurst. — Earl Grey. — Sir James Graham. — Lord Morpeth. — Duke of Buckingham.— Earl of Radnor.— Duke of Rich- mond.— Mr. Bright.— Mr. Sheil.— Lord George Bentinck.— Mr. Villiers.— Mr. T. Milner Gib- son.— Mr. Wakley. — Dr. Bowring.— Mr. T. S. Duncombe. — Mr. Wyse. — Mr. Hawes. — Mr. Ward.— Mr. Roebuck.— Sir Thomas Wilde.— Lord Sandon.— Rev. Hugh M'Neile. Francis, Jas. B. On the strength of cast- iron pillars; with tables for the use of engineers, architects and builders. N. V., 1865. 8° 6201-4 Francis, John Wakefield, Am. physician, b. 1789-rf. 1861. Old New York; or, reminiscences of the past sixty years; with a memoir of the author, by Henry T. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1886. 8°. . . 9831-4 Francis, Sir Philip, /). 1740-r/. 1S18. Brough- am, H. Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 383- 395 410-17 FRANCIS Morton; or, the light of West M. inlands. B., 1S64. l6° 380A4 Franciscans. Lea, H. C. Inquisition of the middle ages. v. 3. pp. 1-89. . . 2722-48 Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity, pp. 101-116 2576-9 See also Francis, Saint, of Assist, I I INI 0, J. J. Tigranes: a tale of the life of Julian the apostate, n. d. 12 . FRANCO-American cookery book. Deliee, 1 -J 641-33 1 1 COIS, Marie Luise von, German novelist, b. 1817. Last von Reckenburg. tr. by J. M. Percival. I'... 1887. 12 . Fra coni ories. See Abbott, Jai ob. 1 I .K Farleigh. Smedley, I. E. FRANK 1 ay ton. Sargent, G. K S06A31 Frank May, the minister's son. Porter, Ann E 741A2 Frank Mildmay. Marryatt, F. Frank Oldfield. Wilson, Rev. T. P. . . . 951A5 Frank Powderhorn. Sands, J 804A2 Frank Wylde. Matthews, J. B. Comedies for amateur acting, pp. 205-245. . . . 785-59 Frankenstein, Godfrey N. Griffin, (). W. Studies in literature, pp. 248-266. . . 804-44 Frankenstein. Shelley, Mary. FRANKLAND, Edward, Eng. chemist, b. 1S25. Water analysis for sanitary purposes ; with hints for the interpretation of re- sults. Phila., 1880. 12° 5433-4 FRANKLIN, Anna Eleanor (Porden), Lady. Parton, J. Noted women, pp. 406-416. 413-63 Franklin, Benj., Am. philosopher, statesman and author, b. 1706-1/. 1790. Works; with notes and life of the author, by J. Sparks. 10 v. B., 1856. 8° 818-4 Contents- — v 1. Life. v. 2. Essays on religious and moral subjects and the economy of life. — Bagatelles. — Essays on general politics, commerce and political econ- omy. v. 3. Essays and tracts, historical and polit- ical, before the American revolution. — An his- torical review of the constitution and govern- ment of Pennsylvania. v. 4. Essays and tracts, historical and polit- ical, before the American revolution, continued. v. 5. Political papers, during and after the American revolution. — Letters and papers on electricity. — Appendix. v. 6. Letters and papers on philosophical subjects. v. 7. Correspondence, 1725-72. v. 8. Correspondence, 1772-81. Appendix. v. 9. Correspondence, 1781-83. v. 10. Correspondence, 1783-90. — Supple- ment, [Additional letters, 1765-90.]— Indexes. — Autobiography ; with narrative of his life and services, by H. W. Weld. n. t. p. 381 B3 — Bigelow, J., ed. Autobiography of Benj. Franklin 381B2 — Life of Benj. Franklin, written by him- self 381 B21 — Abbott, J. S. ('. Benjamin Franklin.. 381B1 — Hale, E. E. and E. E., jr. Franklin in France. 2 v 381 B33 — McMaster, J. B. Benjamin Franklin. . 3S1B37 — Parton, J. Life and times of Benj. Frank- lin 381B4 -Tomkinson, E. M. Benj. Franklin. . . 381B5 — Weems, M. 1.. Life of Benj. Franklin. . 381B6 -- Blakeinore, B. C. Ilistoricals for the young folks, pp. 132-143 9738-25 Brennan, M. S. Popular exposition of electricity, pp. 63-80 537-18 Briggs, C. F. hi Homes of American statesmen, pp. 65-76 412-53 Brougham, 11. Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. I. pp. 25'-255 410-1/ FRANK] IV l8i FRANZOS Franki in, Benj , continued. Bryant, W. C. Prosi wi il ing . v. 2. |i|>. 329-331. 1'iankliii ns a poet I'll ; Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 353 378 1'" -• < li 1 1 1 1 1 < ■ 1 1 ' . 1 ■ ■ i % I k. pp. 1S7-189. . . 4IO-27 I'r.iik, G. I- Pursuit of knowledge, pp. I4S '73 410-35 I ii ake, S. V, ed. < 'in great bem j lot pp. 339 34 6 410-42 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration, pp. 1 71—186 4 1 21 3 Edgar, J. (i. Boyhood of great men. pp. iS6-ii),S IM .|( I trerett, E. Mount Vermin papei . pp. 21-31 328I 1 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. 44-53. 410-478 ■ — Korney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 398-402 4 '2-4 I. Irich, S. (i. Heroism ill hoyho.nl. PP- '74-193 410-51 Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. pp. 66-82 2941-45 — Howe, II. Eminent mechanics. pp. 37-67 41237-4 — Jefferson, T. Writings, v. 8. pp. 497-502. 81S-5 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 104-111 4121-53 — Men of history, pp. 169-171 410-75 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 256-264 410-757 — Parker, T. Historic Americans. pp. 13-72 412-7 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 128-133 1" 1 s -' — Richardson, C. F. American literature. pp. 154-176 810-7 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pp. 87-101 410-9 Seymour, <". C. B. Self-made men. pp. 42S-448 410-92 Stebbing, W, Some verdicts of history reviewed, pp. 259-299 411-95 -Taylor, \V. ('. Modem I'.ntish Plutarch. pp. 152-162 41 1 .17 - Timbs, J. (".real inventors, pp. 73-89. 4169 9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 336-339. 609-79 - Tuthill, Mrs. I.. C. The mechanic, pp. 51-82. [Success in life series.] .... 607-8 Wood. \V., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 469-472 4IO-975 Franklin, S»VJohn, English Arctit explorer, 6. 17S6-,/. is.,:- Beesley, A. H. Sii John Franklin 381B8 McClintock, F. I.. Fate of Sir John Franklin, the voyage of the "Fox" in search of Franklin and his companions. 40S 6 — Simmonds, P. 1.. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions 1 s s. I Sir John, eon/in ■ I holy years in the Arctic region : So John Franklin's four cxp' ihe Polai seas ; Drake, S V d Our great benefacl i 189 195 ■)"' 42 Fifty ( elebrated men. | . . 410 10 - Jerdan, W. Men I have known. pp. 220-228 411-56 — Men who ,-n pp 1 1 i 167. , 411 P n. J. P( Opll bi II : pp. 39O-4OI 4IO-82 Whymper, F. The sea. v. 3 4 ., See also under Arctic regions, pp. 57-58, the folio. ■ • ■ Ider, W. It. Hall, ('. F. — Ice world adventures. — Kane, E. K.— Northern regions. Osborn, S. Richardson, J. — Smith, D. M. Smucker, S. M. — Tillotson, J. Franklin, Tenn. [Battle, 1864. j Cox, J. D. Man h to the sea, Franklin and Na hville 9781-24 Ik inklin, or Frankland, State of: Gilmore, J. R., (Edmund Kirkc, pseud.) John Sevier as a commonwealth-builder. . . 818B1 Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee, as "The state of Franklin." 1 7S4 SS. . 9858-7 Victor, O. J. American conspiracies. pp. 153 l6 4 3467-9 Wheeler, J. H. Sketches of N. Carolina. pp. 90-98 9846-9 FRANKS, Rebecca. Ellct, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. I. pp. 178-188 4'2i-35 FRANKS, The. Perry, W. C. The Franks, from their first appearance in history to the death of King Pepin 9441 7 5 also PTance, history. Frank's ranche; or, my holiday in the Rockies; being a contribution to the in. quiry what we are to do with our boys. Marston, Edward 478-61 FRANQUEVILLE, Alfred Chas. Ernest I quet de. Local government in France. In Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club essays, 1S75. pp. 2S3-308 35 2 '-7 Franz, Agnes a«rf Eschenbach, Olga. Pearls. 325A5 Note. For contents sec Eschenbach. Franz, Robert. Ferris, G. T. i.reat Ger- man composers, pp. 153-157 4 1 ?" -s - Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner and the music of the future, pp. 240-266. . . 921B4 Fran/us, Karl Emil, Austrian Jewish 1848. Jewsof Barnow. X. V., 1S83. 16°. Contents. — Shylock of Barnow. — Chane. — Two Saviours of the people. — *' The child of atonement '" — Esterka Rcgina. — " Baron Schmule." — Picture of Christ. — Nameless graves FRASER. — 482 — FREDERICK II. Fraser, Alex. Campbell. Berkeley. Edin- burgh, 1881. 16 . [Philosophical se- ries.] l 4«B2 - Life and letters of George Berkeley ; anil an account of his philosophy. Oxford, 1871. 8° "481*3 J FRASER, Donald. Synoptical lectures on the books of Holy Scriptures, ser. 1. Genesis— Song of Songs. X. Y., 1873. 12 ° 2206-3 - Thomas Chalmers. N. V., 1882. 12°. . 220B3 Fraser, Jas. Baillie. Historical and de- scriptive account of Persia: including a description of Afghanistan and Beloo- chistan. N. Y., 1854. 16° 9'5"4i Mesopotamia and Assyria. X. Y., 1854. 1 6° 915-4 — The Khan's tale. Tales of the Caravan- serai. L., 1833. 16°. FRASER, John. Poem on athletic sports. In Prize papers, pp. 143-153 760E1 Fraser, Robert W. Sea-side naturalist : out-door studies in marine zoology and botany and maritime geology. L., 1868. 1 6° 5895-35 Fraser, Simon, Lord Lorat, b. 1666-a'. 1747. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the Pretend- ers and their adherents, pp. 77-90. . 41 1-59 — Thomson, Mrs. K. (B)., (Grace Wharton, pseud.} Memoirs of the Jacobites, 1715-45. v. 2. pp. 208-388 4112-8 FRASER-Tytler, C. C, pseud. See Slidell, Mrs. Edward. FRASER, Wm. Blending lights; or, the re- lations of natural science, archeology, and history, to the Bible. N. Y., 1874. 12° 239-41 Fraternity, (lent, G. W. In Oxford house papers, pp. 178-192 239-73 FRATICELLI. Lea, H. C. Inquisition of the middle ages. v. 3. pp. 129-180. . 2722-48 I-rai Wilhelmine. Stinde, Julius. FRAZAR, Douglas. Practical boat-building. P., 1879. 1 6° 7943-4 FREAKS and marvels of plant life. Cooke, M. C 5815-3 Fred and Maria and me. Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth. Fred Markham in Russia. Kingston, W. II. G 535 A 34 Frederic, Harold. Seth's brother's wife: a study of life in thegreatei New York. V \ .. 1S87. 12°. Frederii \ Sophia Wilhelmina, b. 1709-a'. 1758. Memoirs of Frederics Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess royal of Prussia. Margravine o) Baireuth, sister of Fred- eric! 1 he Gn tt; with an essay bj W. D, Ib.wells. 2. v. B., [877. 24 . . 3Slllyo FREDERICA, continued. — Memoirs of Wilhelmine. tr. and ed. by H. R. H. the princess Christian. . . 381 B95 FREDERICK I, Barbarossa, emperor of Ger- many, b. \121-d. 1 190. Heroic life: or, pictures of heroes, pp. 65-108. . . . 4104-5 — Hewitt, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 9S-126 4104-52 Frederick II, emperor 0/ Germany, b. 1194- d. 1250. Brooks, E. S. Historic boys, pp. 104-125 410-165 — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, ser. I. pp. 283-313 902-4 — Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 127-149 4l°4-5 2 Frederick III, emperor of Germany, b. 1831-rf. 1S88. Crown Prince of Ger- many : a diary 382B8 Frederick I, king of Italy. Freeman. E. A. Historical essays, ser. 1. pp. 252-282 902-4 Frederick II, the great, king of Prussia, b. iyi2-d. 1786. Abbott, J. S. C. His- tory of Frederick the Great 381B98 — Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the Great. 382B1 — Carlyle, T. History of Frederick II of Prussia. [Various editions.] 382B2 — Ellis, G. J. W. A. Life of Frederick II, king of Prussia 382B3 — Hamilton, A. Rheinsberg: memorialsof Frederick the Great and Prince Henry of Prussia. 2 v 382B4 . Longman. F. W. Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. 3 S2li 5 _ Macaulay T. B. Life of Frederick the Great.: 382B6 — Tuttle, II. History of Prussia under Frederick the Great 9429-81 — Brougham. H. Statesmen who flour- ished in the time of George III. v. I. pp. 256-275 4'o-i7 Craik.G.L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 78-8. 4io-35 — Farmer, L. (H.) Boys' book of famous rulers, pp. 39S-43 2 4 ' 5 " 4 Fifty celebrated men. pp. 83-86. . . . 4IO-49 — Hurst, C. E. Elizabeth Christine, wife of Frederick the Great .US'''" [ohnson.S. Works, v. 2. pp. 358-370. 828-52 — Macaulay, T. B, biographical essays. pp. .-94. ■ 6 °3 ] '5 — Neale, E. (losing scene. V.I. pp. M 66 410-8 Parton, I. Life of Voltaire 918B5 Remarkable and eccentric characters. pp. .3-28 410-89 Saint Beuve.C.A. Monday chats, pp. 248-290 _ Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th century. 8 v 9*8-7 844-8 'REDERICK II I I ll l Fredi in i. [I, i ontinuta. Wilson, J. G. Sketches <>i Illustrious soldiers, pp. 267 287 4151 9 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest pp. 43° 433 1'" 975 \1 mult, klni. 1 1 1 .in .1 \l nlill. 11 li, pseud.) Berlin and San-souci. [A romance.] I- redei ick I In- greal and his 1. [A romance. | I' 1 niri 1, 1, 1 hr g 1 eal nil his family. | \ >lii nice. ] FREDERICK Augustus II, king of Saxony, l>. 1797-1/. 1854. Carus, C. G. King ol Saxony's journey through England Scotland, 1844 442-22 I 1; n 1. Win III, king <. 1795-rf. iNni. Martineau, II. Bio- graphical sketches, pp. 434-445. . . 4104-62 Frederick Hazzleden. Westbury, Hugh. Fredericksburg, fa. [Battle, [862.] Pal- frey, F. W. Antietam ami Kinl cricks- burg 9 7 S 1 in Frederiksen, iCirstine. Denmark. In Stanton, T., td. The woman question in Europe, pp. 221-233 396-85 Free church of Scotland. Durbin, J. P. Ob- servations in Europe, v. 2. pp. 157-165. 440-29 I11 foe and other Georgian sketches. Har- ris, Joel C. FREE-Lance, pseud. Horses and mails; or, how to keep a horse sound on his legs. I ., 1S80. 12° 6362-5 Free lance in the held of life and lettcis. Wilkinson, Win. C 804-96 FREE land and free trade. 1 "\, Samuel S. 333—3 FREE prisoners. Brunei, J. W. I in public libraries. Greenwood, Thos. . 8054-41 I i;i 1 Russia. Dixon, W. II 447-28 Free speaker. Fowle, W. B 801-37 FREE thinking: a brief review of Mrs. Be- Sant on the evidences of Christianity. Sanday, W. hi Oxford house papers. PP- 22-67 239-73 Free thought. Farrar, A. S. History of free thought in reference to the Chris- tian religion 239-35 Holland, F. M. Rise of intellectual lib- erty from Thales to Copernicus. . . . 141-48 Free trade and protection. Bastiat, F. I conomic sophisms. 1873 335 ii Essays on political economy .i35-'6 — Blair, I.. II. Unwise laws : a considera- tion of the operations of a protective tariff upon industry, commerce and so- ciety. N. V., 1886 335-2 I 1 1 1 ii ...I. -. ntinutd. Bow en, I . American politii al ei onom) N- v.. 1870 330-24 Butts, I, Proti free ti ade. N. V...N75 B) h- . J. B I free-trad. populai po 1 • 1849 335> 2 1 ' I I.I. I ree trade fallacies. . . 3353-26 1 1i.iiiiIi.iI.hu, |. French treaty and re- 1 iprocity. I.., 1881 335-27 — Cobden club essa) . I ., 1S72 304-3 ' olton, 1 Public ei onom] for th< 1 '. S. N. Y., 1856 3353-28 1 ix, S. S. Free land and free trade. V V., 1884 333-3 Cross, J. K. Iiiipiuts, exports and the French treaty. I.., 1881 335-3 Donnell, E. J. True issue. \. V., 1884. 335-33 Elder, W. Questions of the day. Phila., l8 7' 3304-3 Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection. L.,l882 335-36 French, B. F. Rise and progress of the iron trade of the U. S., 1621-1857. N. V.. 1858 66912-4 — George, H. Protection or free trade. . 335-38 Gill, R. Free trade; an inquiry into the nature of its operation. 1887 33 Greeley, II. Essays designed to eluci- date the science of political economy. B-. 1870. • - 3353-4 — Grosvenor, W. M. Does protection pro- tect? N. V.. 1871 335-4 — Hanson. W. Fallacies in " Progress and poverty." N. V., 1SS4 3304-4 — Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, living and tariff. Troy. N. V.. 1884 335; 4; — Hoyt, II.' M. Protection versus free- trade. N. V.. 1886 3353-47 Kay, J. Free trade in land. I.., 1S83. 333—5 — Kellogg, I'.. New monetary system. Phila., 1S75 3316-5 Logan, J. A. The great conspiracy: its origin and history. N. Y., 1SS6. . . . 9783-5 McGilchrist, J. Richard Cobden. the apostle of free trade. \. Y.. 1865. . . 23284 !. D. II. Short tariff history of the United States. 1884 33597-° Medley. G. W. England under free trade. I... 1SS1 335~6 Fair trade unmasked. I... 1SS7. . . . 335-605 Reciprocity craze. I... 1881 335-6' — Mongredien, A. Free trade and Ei . commerce. 1 ... 1S70 Free trade movement in England. I... 1881 335-66 Pleas for protection examined. I.. FREE. -484 FREEMAN. Free trade, continued. — Perry, A. L. An introduction to politic- al economy. N. V., 1877 330-75 — Rathbone, \V. Protection and commun- ism. N. Y., 1S84 335-75 — Roberts, E. H. Government revenue; especially the American system. B., 1884 3353-6 — Roscher, W. Principles of political economy. Chicago, 1S78 33°-8 — Schoenhof, J. Destructive influence of the tariff. N. V., 1883 335-S — Slagg, J. Free trade and tariffs. L.,n. d. 335-83 — Stebbins, G. B. American protectionists' manual. Detroit, 1883 3353—7 — Stewart, A. American system : speeches on the tariff question. Phila., 1872. . 3304-75 — Stuart, J. M. Free trade in Tuscany. L-, 1876 335-85 — Sullivan, E. Protection to native indus- try. L., 1884 3353-72 — Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the history of protection in the U. S. N. Y., 1887. 335-87 Protectionism. N. Y., 1885 335-SS — Taussig, F. W. History of the present tariff, 1860-83. N - Y., 1885 335-9 Protection to young industries. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1883 335-91 — Thompson, R. E. Protection to home industry. N. Y., 1886 3353-8 — Thompson, R. W. History of protective tariff laws. Chicago, 1888 33597-S — Walter, E. What is free trade? N. Y., '867 335-95 — Wells, D. A. Practical economics. . . 3304-92 — White, G. Political economy 335~97 — Appleton, T. G. Chequer-work. pp. 279-302 121E5 -- Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe. PP- 348-357 440-381 — Greeley, H. Recollections of a busy life. pp. 528-553 436B2 Free trade and the European treaties of commerce. L., 1875. 16 335-28 Contents. — Proceedings at the dinner of the Cobden club, 1875. — Correspondence on the prospects of free trade in Germany, Austria, Italy, United States, Australia, etc. — Discus- sion on the treaties of commerce, at a meeting of the political economy society of Paris, 1875. Free, yet forging their own chains. Corn- wall, ('. W. FREEDLEY, Edwin T. Legal adviser: how to diminish losses, avoid lawsuits and save time, trouble and money. Phila., i860. 12 3434-4 Opportunitie for industry and the safe investment of capital ; or, a thousand chances 10 make money. Phila., 1859. 12° 658 | Freedi.ev, E. T., continued. — Practical treatise on business ; or, how to get, save, spend, give, lend and be- queath money; with an inquiry into the chances of success and causes of failure in business ; also prize essays, statistics, etc. Phila., 1866. 12° 658-41 Freedmen. See Negroes in America. Freedmen's book. Child, L. Maria. . . . 3268-2 Freedom. Calvert, G. H. Brief essays and brevities, pp. 73-77 201 E5 — Midler, F. Max. Selected essays, v. 2. PP- 479-534 652E4 — Seward, W. H. Addresses on freedom. In Baker, G. E., ed. Life of W. H. Seward, pp. 219-275 81SB92 Freedom and fellowship in religion, ed. by a committee of the free religious association. B., 1875. IO ° 204-33 Freedom and war. Beecher, H. W. . . . 9808-16 Freedom in science and teaching. Haeckel, E 502-4 Freedom of mind in willing. Hazard, R. G. 18S-4 Freedom, rationality and catholicity. Swedenborg, E. In Swedenborg libra- ry- v. 3 2894-2 Freedom's sword : tale of the days of Wal- lace and Bruce. Swan, Annie S. Freeland, Mrs. Carrie J. Ruth Derwent : a story of duty and love. B., 1867. 24 . 3S0A9 Freeman, Edward Augustus, English histo- rian, b. 1823. Chief periods of Euro- pean history : six lectures read in the university of Oxford in Trinity term, 1S85 ; with an essay on Greek cities un- der Roman rule. L., 1886. 8°. . . . 9204-3 — Comparative politics : six lectures read before the Royal institution in January and February, 1873 ; with the unity of history, the Rede lecture read before the university of Cambridge, May 29, 1872. N. Y., 1874. 8° 320-4 — Exeter. I.., 1887. 12°. [Historic towns.] 93935-4 — General sketch of history. N. Y., [1876.] 16 905-38 — Greater Greece and greater Britain, and George Washington the expander of England : two lectures with an appen- dix. L., 1886. 12° 902-39 < rrowth of the English constitution from the earliest times. L., 1872. 16 . Same, 1873. i 2 ° 346-38 — Historical essays. 3 V. L., 1872-73. 12 . 902-4 Contents.— v. 1. The mythical and romantii elements in early English history.— Continuity of English history. — Relations between the crowns of England and Scotland. — St. Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers. — Reign of Edward III. — Holy Roman empire. — The Franks and the Gauls. — Early sieges of Paris. — I u'lrn. k I, king of Italy. — Emperor Frederick [•KKKMAN -4«S- FREEF Freeman, E, a., continued. II, Charli the bold. — Presidential govern- ment. v. 2. Ancient Greeci and mediseval It.ily \!i Gladstone's Homei and thi rlomerii — Historians of Athens.— Athenian i r.icy. — Alexander the Greal Greece (luring the Macedonian perio.l \l len'i history of Rome. — Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Flavian Csssars. v. 3 I' ii .1 impi cssii ills • ■! knni. 1 llyrian emperors and their land.— Augusta i o um. — Goths at Ravenna. — Race and langUS — Hyzantine empire,— r'irsl impressions of Ath- ens. — Mediaeval and modem Greece. — Southern slaves. — Sicilian cycles. — Normans at Palermo. — History and conquests of the Saracens: six lectures delivered before the Edin- burgh philosophical institution. I.., ■887- "2° 953-35 — ■ History of Europe. N. Y., 1S77. 16°. [History primers.] 9202-4 — History of Federal government, from the foundation of the Achaian league to the disruption of the United Stales, v. I. General introduction. 'History of the Greek Federations. L., 1863. 8°. . . 3218-42 — History of the Norman conquest of Eng- land. 6 v. Oxford, 1870-79. 8°. . . 93t-3 Contents. — v. 1. Preliminary history to the election of Eadward the confessor. v. 2. Reign of Eadward the confessor. v. 3. Reign of Harold and the interregnum. v. 4. Reign of William the conqueror. v. 5. Effects of the Norman conquest. v. 6. Index. — Lectures to American audiences. 1. The English people in its three homes. 2. The practical bearings of general European history. I'hila., [1882.] 8°. 9306-4 — Methods of historical studies: eight lect- ures read in the university of Oxford in Michadmas term, 1884; with the inau- gural lecture on the office of the histor- ical professor. L., 1886. 8° 904-4 Contents.— The office of the historical pro- fessor.— History and its kindred studies.— Difficulties of historical study — Nature of his- torical evidence. — Original authorities. — Class- ical and mediaeval writers. — Subsidiary author- ities. — Modern writers. — Geography travel. — Old English history. L., 1869. 16°. Same, 1873 93'-3' — Ottoman power in Europe, its nature, its growth and its decline. I,., 1877. 12°. 9496-4 — Reign of William Rufus and accession of Henry I. 2 v. Oxford, 1SS2 9322-4 — ■ Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice. I.., 18S1. 12°. . . . 445-42 — Some impressions of the United States. N- V.. 1883. .2° 473-38 — Unity of history : the Kede lecture de- livered in the Senate-house before the University of Cambridge, May 24, 1872. 1... I872. 12° 9OI-36 I 1 1 1 j ■, 1 \ . ontinued. 1 Hffii ultie ■ 'i Republi 11 1 //; All. 1 . 1 . . \". \. pp. 1 58 1 '-. I Lord Mai aulay. In Atla 1 pp. 7 14 .mil 1S1-20! 41K 1 i I ■ and language. /;; 1'rose master- pieces, v. 3. pp. 5; 147 808-7 FREEMAN, Jas., Am. Unitarian mini tor, t>. 1759-rf. 1835. Clarke, J. I . Memorial and biographical sketi be . pp. 69 90. 410-29 Putnam, A. P., oJ. Singers ai the liberal fait li . pp. 1-3. [Biographical sketi h and poems.] 2458-7 I 111 m IN, J.is. Edward, Am. artist, t. 1815- (/. 1SK4. Gatherings from an art port-folio, ser. 1. N. \ ., 1877. . . . 704-35 ser. 2. B., 1883. 12° 704-36 f 1 1 1 m w. Philip. Print iples ol Divine service: an inquiry concerning the true manner of understanding and using the order for morning and evening prayer, and for the administration of the holy communion in the English church. 2 v. Oxford, 1880. 8°. . . 2603-42 FREEMASONRY. Allyn, A. Ritual of Free- masonry 3662-2 Cunningham, W. M. Cross' Masonic chart, revised 1869 366-3 — Dupanloup, — . Study of Freemasonry. 3662-3 — Ivrnst, J. Illustrations of the symbols of masonry 3661-3 — Fort, G. F. Early history and antiquities of Freemasonry 3661-4 — Greene, S. D. The broken seal 3662-4 — Hyneman, L. Freemasonry in England 1567-1813 3»6'-5 — Mackey, A. G. Cryptic masonry. . . . 366-6 Lexicon of Freemasonry 366-61 Symbolism of Freemasonry 366-63 Test book of masonic jurisprudence. . 366-62 — Oliver, G. Historical landmarks and other evidences of Frei ..... — Reynolds, L. E. Mysteries of masonry. 366-7 — Weisse, J. A. The obelisk and Free- masonry 4032-9 — Blackie, J. S. Songs of religion and life. pp. 210-215 160C3 — Heckethom. C. W. Secret societies of all ages and countries, v. 1. pp. 235-392. 3669-4 1'aine, T. Theological works, pp. 301- ;.': Origin of Freemasonry 208-69 — Parkinson, J. C. Places and people, pp. 266-281. What is [he g I Free- masonry ? 71 ;1 -1 — Robertson, J. B. Lectures, pp. 405-463. 904-7 — Wilson, R. A. Mexico and its religion. pp. 68-72 Freer, Martha Walker, (Mrs. John RoSin- son), Eng. historian. History of the reign of Henry IV, king of France and Navarre. 3 pts. in 6 v. L., 1860-63. I2C - 463B3 FREER. 486 FRENCH. Freer, M. W., continued. Contents. — pt. 1. 2 v. History of the reign of Henry IV. pt. 2. 2 v. Henry IV and Marie de Medici, pt. 3. 2 v. Last decade of a glorious reign. — Regency of Anne of Austria, Queen regent of France, mother of Louis XIV. 2 v. L., 1866. 8° 119B2 Freese, Andrew. Early history of the Cleveland public schools. Cleveland, 1876. 8° 37977-4 Freese, Jacob R. The old world ; Palestine, Syria and Asia minor, travel, incident, description and history. Phila.,1869. 12 45S-3S Freii.igrath, Ferdinand, German poet, b. \%\o-d. 1876. Poems. In Schiller, F. Homage of the arts. pp. 61-89. . . . S319-2 — Selections from. In Mangan, J. C. Poems, pp. 266-292 610C1 FREILIGRATH-Kroeker. See Kroeker. Freitas, Rodrigues de. Portugal. In Stan- ton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. PP. 354-363 ' 396-85 Freunghi'YSEN, Theo., Am. statesman, b. 1753—4/. 1804. Chambers, T. W. Mem- oir of the life and character of the late Hon. Theo. Frelinghuyscn 383B1 Fremanti.e, Lient.-Col. Arthur Jas. Three months in the southern states; April- June, 1863. N.V., 1S64. 12°. . . . 9819-42 Fremont, Mrs. Jessie (Benton). Souvenirs of my time. B., 1887. 12° 383B3 — Story of the guard: a chronicle of the war. B., 1863. 16° 9795-35 — Year of American travel. N.Y.,1878. 32 . 470-35 — My Arizona class. In How to learn and earn. pp. 444-479 37 «9~4 — Ellet, E. (F.) Queens of American so- ciety, pp. 428-448 41239-3] FREMONT, John Chas., American general and explorer, b. 1813. Exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains, n. t. p. 12°. 478-36 — Upham, C. W. Life, explorations and public services of John C. Fremont. . 383B4 Abbott, J. S. C. Christopher Carson, pp. 197-216. Fremont's expedition. . 206B5 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 37-42 412-25 — Extracts from the defence of J. C. Fre- mont. In Sketch of the life of Com. Robert 1 •'. Stockton, pp. 31-41. . . . 856B6 — Glazier, YV. Heroes of three wars. pp. 352-356 41231-4 — Smucker, S. M. Life of Dr. E. K. Kane and other American explorers. pp. 151-260 4' 59-8 — Taylor, li. Cyclopaedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 697-723. Fremont's explor- ations of the Rocky mountains and Cali- fornia 436-8 — See also Fremont, Jesse (B.) French, Miss Alice, (Octave Thanet, pseud.) Knitters in the sun. B., 1887. 12°. Contents. — Orge of Ha Ha Bay. — Bishop's vagabond. — Mrs. Finlay's Elizabethan chair. — Father Quinnailon's convert. — Communist's wife. — Schopenhauer on Lake Pepin. — " Ma Bowlin." — Half a curse. — Whitsun harp regulator. French, B. F. History of the rise and progress of the iron trade of the United States, 1621-1S57. N. Y., 1S58. 8°. 66912-4 French, G. H. Butterflies of the eastern U. S.; for use of classes in zoology and private students. Phila., 1886. 12°. . 5958-4 French, Harry W. Castle foam ; or, the heir of Meerschaum. B., 18S0. 12 . — Ego. B., 1880. 12 . — Nuna, the Brahmin girl. B., 1882. 12 . — Our boys in China : thrilling story of two young Americans, Scott and Paul Clay- ton, wrecked in the China sea, on their return from India ; with their strange adventures in China. B., 1883. 12 . 451-38 French, Henry F. Farm drainage ; the principles, processes and effects of drain- ing land with stones, wood, plows and open ditches, and especially with tiles. N.Y., 1859- 12 6313-4 French, Richard Valpy. Nineteen centuries of drink in England. L., 1884. 12 . 1983-3 French, Wm. M., ed. Life, speeches, state papers and public services of Gov. Oliver P. Morton. Cinn., 1866. 8°. . 648B8 French academy. Arnold, M. Essays, pp. 39-72. Literary influence of academies. 124E5 French and German socialism in modern times. Ely, R. T 3385-3 FRENCH and Indian war. Banvard, J. Tragic scenes in the history of Maryland. . . 9842-2 — Drake, S. G. Particular history of the five years French and Indian war, some- times called Gov. Shirley's war. . . . 974-32 Johnson, R. History of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada. . . 9747-5 — Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. pp. 179-206 9701-3 French at home. Rhodes, Albert 444-7 French celebrities. 2 pts 4105-35 Note. For contents of pt. I see Daudet, E., of pt. 2 see Claretie, J. FRENCH country family. Witt, H. G. de. . 958A4 FRENCH court and society; reign of Louis \\ 1 and fust empire. Jackson, Cath- erine Charlotte, Lady 94435~5 I- kim 11 dishes for American tables. Caron, P 641-26 ii gardens, Gleanings from. Robin- son, YV 715-78 I 11 \' 11 home life. Reprinted from Black- woods' magazine 444-3 FRENCH humorists. Besant, Walter. . . . 8407-2 FRENCH 487 III Ik 1 ni 11 in Amei lea, I la yarre, C. I [istory ..1 1 ouisiana. 3 v 985-3 I'm 1 in. ni. 1 Pioneei of Fi am e in the New world 971-6 Smith, P. H. \> .uli. 1 a lost 1 hapter in American history 9716-8 Mill. hi 11, W. II. Pioneei preai hei : or, rifle, axe and saddle-bags, pp. 215-309. I lEi Raynal, ix, J. A. Speeches and occasional addresses. v. I. pp. 60-103 815-3 Iki Ni 11 treaty. Chamberlain, J. French treat) ami reciprocity 335—27 French under arms. Jerrold, B 35544-5 French women of letters. Kavanagh, J. . 4184 , Freneau, Philip, Am. poet, i>. 1752-1/. 1S32. Poems relating i" the American revolu- tion : with an introductory memoir and notes, by F. A. Duychinck, N. V.. 1865.. 8° 381C1 1 1 1 1 H Bai tie Edward. ' hristi- ainty mited to all form ol lion. In Christian 1 ei • Faith and free thought, p Laurie, W. F. B D tinguUhed Anglo- Indian pp 180-1 -j 41 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I "lin 1 1..,. I. ham, /•«,'. diphmati 1769-rf. 1846. Works in verse and pi 3 v. N. Y.. 1S74. 12° 82^ Contenit v 1 Memoir, b; ere v. 2. ed. Iiy W E Frere Contribution! 10 the Mi Contri ti 1 \ no 1. 1 'Kin. — Remarks un (lie ninth book of the Hi. id and review of Mitchell' Kinn Artlmr and his round table Mi" ells r/ranslation fi im lite poe f the Cid." — Miscellaneous translations ed. by W. E. Fren I lions from flristophanes ; the Acharnians, the knights, the birds, the frogs and the peace, also Thei . restitutus. — tr. Theognis. Fragments: tr. or para- phrased and chronologically arranged : with a view to illustrate the personal history of the poet. In Hanks, J., tr. Works of Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis. pp. 435 495 8836-2 Frere, Mary Eliza Isabella, a/. Old Deccan days: or, Hindoo fairy legends current in southern India. Phila., 1868. 16 . 3854-4 I : 1 1 1 , Thos. Hoyle's games, containing all the modern methods of playing the latest and most fashionable games; with a brief hi torj ol ''laying cards, by J. S, 1 01 ke. I'.. 1876. 16 787-3 I11 1 , The. I le. tOI . Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) FRESENll S, Karl Remigius, German chemist. h. 181S. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis. tr. into the ''New system" and newly revised by S. W. Johnson. \. V., 1885. S° 544-4 System of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis, ed. by S. W. John- son. N. V .. 1S70. 8° 545-4 I -'ki 5H and salt-water aquarium. V\ It. 5899-9 Fresh fields. [Essays.] Burroughs, J. . . 1 FRESH gleanings; ,,r. a new sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe. Mitchell. Donald G 440-62 FRESH leaves in the Book and its story. Ranyard, F... (L. N. R.. pseud.) ... 221-75 FRESH light from the ancient monuments. Sayce, A. II 2212-23 FRESH-water fishes of Europe. Seeley, H. G. FRESHFl Henry. Alpine byways; or, light leaves gathered in 1859-60. L., 1861. 12° Fresnel, Augustine Jean. Axaj >g- raphies of distinguished scientific men. -or. 2. pp. I7'-279 FRESTON. 488 — FRIENDS. Freston tower : a tale of the times of Cardi- nal Wolsey. Cobbold, Rev. R 240A5 Frey, Joseph Samuel C. F. Judah and Israel ; or, the restoration and conver- sion of the Jews and the ten tribes'; with biographical sketch. N. V., 1841. I2 ° 264-4 Freycinet, Chas. de. French celebrities. pt. 1. pp. 88-102 4105-35 — Verne, J. Exploration of the world, pt. 3. pp. 220-254 436-92 Freytac, Gustav, German writer, b. 1816. Debit and credit. N. V., 1876. 12 . - Ingo. N. V., 1873. '6°. — Ingraham. X. Y., 1879. 16°. — Lost manuscripts. N. Y., 1869. 8°. — Zimmern, H. and A. Foreign novelists. pp. 170-182. Biographical sketch and extracts 808-99 Friarsyvood post-office. Yonge, Charlotte, M 990A45 Friction and lost work in machinery and mill work. Thurston, R. H 6218-84 Frictioxal electricity. Harris, W. S. . . 537-46 Friday night: a selection of tales illustrat- ing Hebrew life. N. Y., 1S70. Fridthiok's saga: a Norse romance. Teg- ner, E 83971-8 In Anderson, R. B. and Bjarnason, I. Yiking tales of the North 8396-2 — Longfellow, H. W. Kavanagh. pp. 53- 114. Friedlaender, Carl. Use of the microscope in clinical and pathological examina- tions, tr. by H. C. Coe. N. Y., 1885. I2 ° 5786-4 Friedmann, Paul. AnneBoleyn; a chapter of English history, 1527-36. 2 v. I,., 1884. 8° I7 ,B 2 Friedrich, Mine. Bertha Heyn, (Golo Rai- munA, pseud.) From hand to hand. tr. by Mrs. A. I.. Wister. Phila., 1882. New race, A. tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila., 1880. 16 . FRIEDRICH, Friedrich, German novelist, b. 1828. The lost dispatch. B., 1872. 8°. FRIEND, The: a series of essays to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals and religion. Coleridge, S. T. Works, v. 2 828-32 FRIEND Eli's daughter. Taylor, B. In Modern classics, pp. 367-397. I 111 \h Fritz. Erckmann, E. rtWChalrian, A. Ft ID of the family. Hook, Theodore. I in .in , counsel for girls. Cox, Sidney. 1937-32 ii v, industrial and provident building and loan societies. White, N 337~9 In IDS, o> Quakers. Allen, K. H. New England tragedies 9824-13 Friends, eontinued. — Barclay, R. An apology for the true Christian divinity 2896-2 - Catechism and confession of faith. . . 2896-19 Inner life of the religious societies of the Commonwealth 289-2 — Clarkson, F. Portraiture of Quakerism. 2896-3 — Ellis, Mrs. — . Pictures of the private life of Quakers. — Greer, Mrs. J. R. Society of Friends. . 2896-35 — Hallowell, R. P. Pioneer Ouakers. . . 2896-38 — Hodgson, \V. Select historical memoirs of the religious society of Friends. . . 2896-4 - Society of Friends in the 19th century. 2896-41 — Penn, W. No cross, no crown 2896-61 Rise and progress of the people called Quakers 2896-6 — Phipps, J. Original and present state of man briefly considered 2896-65 — Sewel, W. Rise, increase and progress of the Christian people called Quakers. 2896-7 — Waring, W. A call to the fountain. . . 2896-9 — Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts, pp. 128-178 9824-12 — Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. pp. 158-186 195E3 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 299-325 204-165 — Confessions of a Quaker. In College and the church, pp. 196-205 3704-4 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 33-41 328E1 — Howitt, W. History of the supernatur- al, v. 2. pp. 297-332 174-48 — Maurice, F. D. Kingdom of Christ. PP- 25- 61 2838-5 — Neal, D. History of the Puritans, v. 2- PP- 353-436 2859-6 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New Eng- land. V. 2. pp. 453-484 ." . 982-7 Phelps, A. My study and other essays, pp. 214-231 204-71 — Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity, pp. 1 19-134 2576-9 — Wheildon, W. W. Curiosities of his- tory : Boston, Sept. 17, 1630-1SS0. pp. 74-86 9S25-9 — Where is the city ? pp. 181-194. . . . 280-9 — See also Biographies of Churchman, J. Ellwood, T. Fox, Geo. Fry, Mrs. V. C.urney, Mrs. E. P. Gumey, J. J. Jordan, R. Mott, Jas. and Lucretia. Savery, Wm. Scott, S. Woolman, J. 1 riendsi .1 duct. Phelps, Elizabeth S. Friends and acquaintances. Mayo, Mrs. 1. V., (Edward and Ruth Garrett, pseud. 1 Friends at their own fireside. Ellis, Mrs. Sarah (Stickney.) FRIENDS. i ig FRO] \ R I Friends in council. Helps, Arthur |.6iE8 Friends worth knowing, Ingersoll, Em. 904 19 I' riendship. Barbauld, A. I .. rales, 1 ins anil essay-., pp. 114 M.S. On fi iendshi] 828 16 I 111.1 , R, W. Essays, ser. 1. pp. 181-206 318E3 Friendship ol i ks and other lectures. Mauri, e, F. II 804-6 Friendship oi w en. Alger, Wm. R. . 396-14 Frieze, Henry Simmons. A Vergilian dictionary embracing all the words found in the Eclogues, Georgics and Eneid ol Vergil; with numerous refer- ences to the text verifying and illustrat- ing the definitions. \. Y., inn;. 16 . 1263-4 — Giovanni Dupre; with two dialogues on art, from the Italian of Augusta Conti. N. V., 1SS6. 12 297H6 FRISI, Paul. Treatise on rivers and tor- rents; with the method of regulating- their course and channels. To which is added an essay on navigable canals. ti. by Maj. Gen. John Garstin. I.., n. '•• I2 ° 55'43-4 Friswki.l, Jas. 1 1. mi, Eng. writer, b. 1S27 d. 187S. About in the world ; essays. I ... 1864. 12° 382E1 — Modern men of letters. Honestly criti- cised. L., 1870. 12° 804-38 Contents. — Chas. Dickens. — Mr. Mark Lem- on, — Victor Hugo. — Chas. Rcade.— John Kus kin: the ethics of Ruskin —Robert Browning — Mr. Anthony Trollope. — Alfred Tennyson. — Mr. Geo. A. Sala. — Mr. Chas Lever Mi Geo Grote. — B. Disraeli. — Lord Lytton Mr, Har- rison Ainsworth. — Thus. Carlyle. — II. W Longfellow Mr Algernon C. Swinburne.— Rev. Chas. Kingsley.— Ralph Waldo Emerson. — Mr. T. \V. Robertson M Bdmond Ab Frith, Henry. Escaped from Siberia: the adventures of three distressed fugiii-.es. I.., 1886. 12°. Guide to the study ol graphology; with an explanation of some of the mysteries of handwriting. 1... 1SS0. 16°. ... 654-4 — In the brave days of old itorj of the crusades. I ., 1SS6. 12 2704-42 — The search for the talisman : a tale of ad- venture in Labrador. I.., 18S6. 12°. 382A5 - Under Bayard's bannei : a story of the days of chivalry. 1.., 1S86. 12°. FRITH, I. Life of Giordano liruno the No- lan, rev. by Mori/ Carriere. I... 18S7. 8° 189B5 Frith, Win. Powell, English painter, b. 1S10. Autobiography and reminis- cences. \. v., isss. s° 383B5 FRITHIOF'S Saga. See Fridthiof's Saga. Frobisher, J. E. Acting and oratory. N V-, 1879. S° '. . . ;M , I11 mi, Sir Martin, English n F. Life of Sir Martin Fro lisher, K night Banvard, J Novelties of the new world. PP. 143-162 •>-,■< 2 bom in-, 11. k. 1 . 1 n : 1. en un- del the 1 udors. v. 1. pp. 119-177, and v. 2 I ro ', 1. Half-hours with the early ex- plorers, pp. lit 160 437-37 Ice world adventures, pp. 66-80. . . . 498-5 Mason, J., ed. threat triumph-., pp. 470-474 4'°-7 - Parton, I. People's book ..1 biography. pp. 306-310 Payne, E. J., ed. Voyages of the Eliza- bethan seaman. pp. 62-140 .; 1 1 iebel, Friedrii h, C rman teacher, b. 1,82-d. 1852. Education of man. tr. bj W. N. Ilailman. N. V., 1S87. 12°. (International educational series.) 370-42 Bulow, B. von Marenholz-. Reminis- cences of Friedrich Froebel 3S4 1; 1 — Kriege, M. II. The child, its nature and relations ; an elucidation of Froebel's principles of education 3722-5 Hailman, \V. X. Twelve lectures on the in -. »iy of pedagogy, pp. 114-122. . . 3709-4 Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching, pp. 130-145 371-5 tie brother. Smith, Mrs. Cas- tle, (Brenda, pseud.) N. Y.,n. d. 16 . 835A4 I 1 igs, The : a comedy. See Aristophanes. I 11 1 ill, Jennie Anderson, ed. Women of Mormonism ; or, the story of polyg- amy as told by the victims themselves; with an introduction by Miss F. E. Willanl, and supplementary papers by 1 . Bacon and P. T. Van Zile. Detroit, 18S2. 8° 29S2-4 FROISSART, Jean, b. about 1337-rf. about I410. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and adjoining countries, from the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Hen- ry IV. tr. with additions by T. Johnes ; to which are prefixed a life of the au- thor, an essay on his works, a criticism on his history, and an original essay on the character and society of the middle ages, by John Lord. N. V.. 1 S 5 2 . 4 . Boy's Froissart. [An abridgment by Sidnej Lanier.] 924-41 — Prologue to the chronicles and death, and dying instructions of Charles V of France. In Romantic episodes of France, tr. by A. Vance, pp. 107-116. Stories of the olden time 92 ■ IV ant. W. Studies in early French poetry, pp. 42-44 FROISSART. 49° FROST. FROISSART ballads and other poems. Cooke, P. P 244C1 FROM an island. Thackeray, A. I. From cadet to colonel : the record of a life of active service. Seaton, SiVThos. . S15BS From canal boy to President. [Life of J. A. Garfield.] Alger, H.,y> 404B1 From darkness to light : a story of the Telu- gu awakening. Clough, J. E 2654-32 FROM Dan to Heersheba. Newman, J. 1'. 458-68 From dawn to dark in Italy: a tale of the reformation in the 16th century. B., 11. d. 12°. From dawn to dusk and other poems. Mac- Culloch, H 603C8 From death to life. Kingsley, Chas. . . . 252-57 From different standpoints. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.), and Foster, Mrs. I. (H.), (Faye Huntington, pseud.) . . . 714A4 From dreams to waking. Linton, E. L. From Egypt to Japan. Field, H. M. . . 450-36 From Egypt to Sinai. Gaussen, Prof. — . 22312-4 From exile to overthrow': a history of the Jew's. Mears, J. W 913-58 From Fort Henry to Corinth. Force, M. F. 9781-16 From fourteen to fourscore. Jewett, Mrs. S. W. FROM Gettysburg to the Rapidan. Hum- phreys, A. A 9788-4 From hand to hand. Friedrich, Mme. Bertha Heyn, (G. Raimund, pseud.) From hand to mouth. Douglas, Amanda M. From heart and nature. [Poems.] Bolton, Mrs. Sarah (K.) and Chas. K 172C5 From home to home : autumn wanderings in the north-west, in the years 1881-84. Hi". A. S 47I _ 4S From jest to earnest. Roe, Rez\ E. P. From Korti to Khartum. Wilson, Chas. W. 9626-9 From Liverpool to St. Louis. Hall, N. . . 473-43 From log cabin to White House. Thayer, Wm. M 404B9 From Madge to Margaret. Curtis, Mrs. Caroline G., (C. Winchester, pseud.) . 953A2 From Mo/art to Mario: reminiscences of half a century. 2 v. Engel, Louis. . 4177-3 From my youth up. Terhune, Mrs, M. V .. (Marion Ilarland, pseud.) FROM nation In nation. Flint, Jas. II. . . 360A8 From New York to Delhi. Minturn, Rob- ert B 438-6 1 1 \ Pall Mall m thePunjaub. Cay, 1. D. 454-4 From Paris t" Pekin ovei Siberian snows. Mi i" 11. hi. \ 11 tor 450-54 Mi poll to pole. Stabk-s, Gordon. . . 849A15 i Pi nl apog in Pesth. Aldrich, T. i'.. 440-105 I [ pOSt tO Inn In '-nn.il I. II From Shakespeare to Pope < ros le, Ed- mund 821-4 From tent to palace ; or, the story of Joseph. Clarke, Benj 221S-46 From the clouds to the mountains. Verne, Jules. From the earth to the moon. Verne, Jules. From the forecastle to the cabin. Samuels, Ca ?l- s 4374-7 From the forecastle to the pulpit. Jones, Chas. J 254-4 From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. Field, H. M 440-343 From the Levant. Arnold, R. A 4499-15 From the Nile to Norway and homeward. Cuyler, T. L 440-263 From the oak to the olive. Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward 440-49 From the Pyrenees to the pillars of Hercules. Day, Henry 446-27 From the ranks. King, Capt. Chas. In Lippincott's magazine, Dec, 1887. From the world to the pulpit. L., 1863. 12° 250-3 FROMBERG, Emanuel Otto. Rudimentary essay on the art of painting on glass. L., 1857. 16°. Bound with Gessert, M. A. Painting on glass 748-3 F'rontenac, Louis, Comte, 0. 1621-d. 1682. Parkman, F. Count Frontenac and new France under Louis XIV 971-64 Frost, John, b. iSoo-a'. 1859. Great cities of the world, in their glory and in their desolation. Auburn, [1S52.] 12°. . . 401-4 — Great expounder : young folks' life of Daniel Webster. B., 1887. 12°. . . 930B74 — Heroic women of the west : thrilling ex- amples of courage, fortitude, devoted- ness and self-sacrifice among the pio- neer mothers of the western country. Phila., 1854. 16°. [Same as Pioneer mothers of the west.] 41239-33 — History of the state of California: from the conquest by Spain to her occupa- tion by the U. S. N. V., n. d. 12°. . 9894-4 — Indian wars of the U. S. from the earliest period. Auburn, 1853. 8° 9701-4 — Little Corporal ; young folks' life of Na- poleon Bonaparte. B., 1887. 12°. . . 665B3 — Mill boy of the slashes : young folks' life of Henry Clay. B., 1887. 12°. . . . 229B13 Monarchs and people of Europe. Hart- ford, 1S52. 8° 929-4 1 >ld rough and ready : young folks' life of Gen. Zachary Taylor. B., 18S7. 12°. 879B15 — Pictorial history of the American navy : comprising lives of its distinguished commanders. N. V., 1850. 8°. . . . 41232-3 Pictorial history of the middle ages from the death of Constantino to the discov- ery of America. Phila., 1846. 8°. . . 921 34 FROSj" i'" I Rl IUDE. Frost, John, continued. Pictorial modern hi itory from i be disi L-ry of America to the present time, Phila., 1848. 8° 925-45 Pioneer thers "f the west ; or, daring and heroic deeds "I American women. B. '2° 41239-33 Populai in toi v <>i the 1 nited States. X. V.. 1S81. 12° 973-37 Presidents of the U. S. from Washington in Pierce. B., i860. 12° 412-43 Swamp Fox: young folks' life of Gen. Francis Marion. B., 1887. 12°. . . . 0121:7 — Universal naval history, n. t. p. 8°. . 93081-3 Wild stem", in a hunter's Hf^. n. 1. p. 12° 7966-4 Hints to the young mechanic on the choice of a profession. /« Kelt, T. Mechanic's text-book 6207-4 — Life of \Vm. Robertson, also questions for students. In Robertson, W. Dis- covery and settlement of America. . . 97°-7 — ed. American speaker. Phila., 1870. 12° 801-375 FROST, Miss Sarah Annie. Dramatic prov- erbs and charades. N. Y. 16°. . . . 785-47 — Original letter writer and laws and by- laws of American society. N. Y. 16°. 8079-35 — Parlor acting charades. N. Y., 1866. 16° 785-48 — joint author. Williams, II. I . and Frost, S. A. Evening amusements 786-95 Dick, W. 13. , Frost, S. A. and Taylor, W. What shall we do to-night? . . . 786-27 — ed. Cody's lady's book receipts and household hints. Phila., 1870. 12°. . 641 1 FROST, Thos. Half-hours with the early ex- plorers. I.., n. d. 8". . . . ... 4.1 7 .1 7 - Modern explorers. I.., 1S83. 8° (.37 38 FROST and tire: natural engines, toolmarks and chips. Campbell, J. F 551-2 Frosty Caucasus. Grove, F. C 4479-4 FROTHINGHAM, Nathaniel L. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 87-103. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 FROTHINGHAM, Octavius Brooks, theologian, b. 1822. Beliefs of the unbelievers and other discourses. X. Y., 1876. 12°. . 252-39 — George Ripley. B., 18S2. 12°. [Am. men of letters ser.J 788B9 Gerrit Smith. ' N. Y., 1879. 8°. . . . 834B3 — Knowledge and faith and other dis- courses. N. Y., 1876. 12° 252-392 -- Memoir of Wm. Henry < banning. B.. 18S6. 8° 220B9 — Safest creed and twelve other recent dis- courses of reason. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. 252-391 — Theodore Parker. B., 1874. S°. . . . 715B4 Froth ' I New 1 land. N. V., 1S76. 8° 1681 1 Introd Oriental religion Persi Soul of pi <: 1 reedom and fellowship in religion, pp, J',,, 2oN. . 204-33 — ed. Child's book "( religion. N. \ '., 1876. 16° 2608-4 i.inaii, R. A look around literature. pp. 140-147 Putnam, A. P., ed. Singer- an the liberal faith, pp. 454-455. [Bi sketch and poem. J 2458-7 FROTHINGHAM, Richard. History of the siege of Bo 1 ni of the battles of Lexington, Concord and bunker Hill; also, an account of the Hunker Hill monument. B., 1849. 8° 975 1-3 Rise of the republic of the United States. B., 1872. 8° 972-38 - Tribute to Thomas Starr King, li., 1865. '2° 533BI li' DE, Jas. Anthony, English historian, b. 1818. Huiiyan. \. Y., 1880. 12°. [English men of letters scries. J .... 193B7 — Caesar: a sketch. X. Y., 1880. 8°. . . 200B5 - English in Ireland. 3 v. X. Y., 1N73-4. 12° 94l6-4 English in the West Indies; or, the of Ulysses. N. Y., 1888. 8° 4729-4 Historical and other sketches, ed. with an introduction by I). H. Wheeler. X. V., 1SS3. 12 = js;l 1 Contents. — Introduction. — A siding at a rail- way station. — The Norway Fjords. — A Caglios- tro of the 2nd century. — Social condition of Eng- land in the 16th century.— Coronation of Anne Bolcyn.— John Bunyan. — Leaves from ..south African journal. — A day's fishing at Cheneys. — I nomas Carlvle and his wife. — Political econ- omy of the iSth century. — Reynard the fox. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 v. V Y., 1868-70. 12° 935 4 — ■ Life and times of Thomas Becket. X. Y., 1878. 8° 143B2 - blither: a short biography. X. Y.. 1884. 12° 592B4 — Oceana ; or, England and her colonies. X. Y., 1886. 8° — Short studies on great subjects. 4 v. X. Y., 1875-S3. 12° Contents. — v. i. Science of history — Time* of Erasmus and Luther. — Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character.— Philos- ophy of Catholicism.— Plea for the free discus- sion of theological difficulties. — Criticism and the gospel history.— Book of Job. — Spinora. — Pissolution of the monasteries. — England's for- gotten worthies. — Homer. — Lives of the saints — Representative men.— Reynard the fox. — The FROUDE. 492 - FRY. FROUDE, Jas. A., continued. cat's pilgrimage. — Fables. — Parable of the bread-fruit tree. — Compensation. v. 2. Calvinism. — A bishop of the 12th cen- tury. — Father Newman on "The grammar of assent." — Condition and prospects of protest- antism. — England and her colonies. — A fort- night in Kerry, part 1.— Reciprocal duties of state and subject. — The merchant and his wife. — On progress. — The colonies once more. — Edu- cation. — A fortnight in Kerry, part 2. — Eng- land's war. — The eastern question. — Scientific method applied to history v. 3. Annals of an English abbey. — Revival of Romanism. — Sea studies. — Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman republic. — Lucian. — Divus Csesar. — On the uses of a landed gen- try.— Party politics. — Leaves from a south Af- rican journal. v. 4. Life and times of Thomas Becket. — Ox- ford counter-reformation. — Origen and Celsus. — A Cagliostro of the 2d century. — Cheneys and the house of Russell. — A siding at a railway station. — Thomas Carlyle: a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. X. V., 1882. 8° 205B3 — -: a history of his life in London, 1S34- Sl. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 1S84. 8°. . . 205B31 — Introduction. In Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 370-373. . . . 410-975 — Martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer. In Spooner, E. Historical scenes, pp. 138-146 903-85 - — Science of history. In Prose master pieces, v. 3. pp. 3-51 808-7 — Burke, T. N. Ireland's case stated in reply to Mr. Froude 941-2 Bound with Burke, T. N. Lectures and sermons 2827-22 — McDonnell, J. Ulster civil war of 1641 and its consequences. Review of Eng- lish in Ireland 9416-6 — Harrison, F. Choice of books, etc. pp. I 75-'99- Review of Life of Carlyle. . S04-43 — Kingsley, C. Plays and puritans, etc. pp. 209-271. [Review of England.] . 535E33 Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. pp. 429-401. I Review of England.] . . . 535E4 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 222- 232 '. . 4104-6 — ed. Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 205B2 Froude, Rev. Richard Hurrell. Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 22-38 870E2 Fro! DE, W. Laws of fluid resistance. In Science lectures at South Kensington. v. 2. pp. 88-121 502-81 FROZEN deep. Collins, W. Wilkie. Fruit and fruit culture. Baker, C. R. i tical and scientific fruit culture. . 634-2 Barry, I'. Fruit garden 634-23 — Beecher, II. W. Pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming 6304 17 FRUIT, continued. — Bridgeman, T. American gardener's assistant 635-16 — Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit trees of America 634-3 — Du Breuil, — . Scientific and profitable culture of fruit trees . 634-27 — Elliott, F. R. Western fruit book . . . 634-35 — Field, T. W. Pear culture 6342-4 — Fuller, A. S. Small fruit culturist. . . 6348-3 llarcourt, H. Florida fruits 634-45 — Hills, W. H. Small fruits 6348-4 — Rivers, T. Miniature fruit garden. . . 634-7 — Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. 632-75 — Strong, W. C. Fruit culture 934-8 — Thomas, J. J. American fruit culturist. 634-9 — Thomson, D. Fruit culture under glass 6351-8 — Bryant, W. C. Orations and addresses. pp. 267-282 815-2 — Campbell, H. American girl's home book. pp. 367-370 786-24 — Henderson, P. Gardening for pleasure. 7 1 5— 39 — Lanier, S. Florida. pp. 263-296. . . 4759-55 — Loring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. pp. 416-461 630-47 — Loudon, J. C. The horticulturist. . . . 630-49 — Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits and leaves. 582-5 — Robinson, W. Gleanings from French gardens 7 15-78 — Smith, J. Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man 6436-8 — Thomas, M. Profits and methods of fruit- raising. In Lindley, W. and Widney, J. P. California of the south, pp. 357- 368 4794-55 — See also Apple. Cranberry. Gardening. Crape. Orange. Peach. Pear. Straw- berry. FRUlT-essences. Piesse, G. W. S. Art of perfumery. See Appendix 6468-6 Fry, Caroline. The listener. L., 1863. 16°. 247-4 Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth (Gurney), English phil- anthropist, l>. 1780-rf. 1845. Elizabeth Fry; or, the Christian philanthropist. Phila., 1851. 16° 386B1 — Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. . . 386B2 Blaikie, W. G. Leaders in modern phi- lanthropy, pp. 60-81 4156-2 — Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous, pp. 240-260 4'3~ 2 Charles, F'..(R.) Women of Christendom. pp. .103-327 4i3- 2 4 I trake, S. A., ai. Our great benefactors. pp. 21S-221 410-42 — Fifty famous women, pp. 275-278. . . 4 I 3 _ 4 1 rCavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. PP- 33°-359 4U-55 — Neale, E. Closing scene, pp. 333-370. 410-8 FRY. 493 — I ( I.I.I R Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth (<;.), continued. Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pi. 2. pp. 15 25 1 Sprague, W, B. European celel pp 163-165 4104-85 Fry, Geo. Theory and practice of ensilage. L. 8° 633-4 Fry, Jas. B. McDowell and Tyler in the campaign "f Bull Run. V V., 18S4. 12° 9787> 1 Fry, W. II. Complete- treatise on artificial fish-breeding. N. Y., 1866. 12 . . . 795 6 ~4 FrYATT, Francesca E. Children's hour: a novel art school. In Curious schools. pp. 268-293 379-3 In How to learn and earn. pp. 268-293. 3719-4 Fryer, Alfred C. Book of English fairy tales from the north-country. L., 1884. 12 381-37 Fudge doings. Mitchell, Donald <■'•■ Fuel. Prideaux.T. S. Economy of fuel. Bound with Abel, C. D. Machinery.. 6218-12 Bound with Armour, J. Iron and heat. 6691-14 In Clark, D. K., ed. Fuel: its com- bustion and economy, pp. 187-226. . 6698-3 — Northcott, \V. 11. Theory and action of I he steam engine, pp. 9-37 6211-6 — Scb.wackb.5fer, F. Fuel and water. . . 621 18-7 — See also Charcoal. Coal. Gas. Teat. Fugue. Higgs, J. Fugue 77'8-4 — Ouseley, F. A. G. Treatise on counter- point, canon, and fugue, based upon that of Cherubini 7718-6 FULGENTIUS, Saint, i. 468-\ M 8INAT0 I* i-i n in, Robert, continued. I ' iiiiiu'iii mechanics, pp. 156 187. -M-.i/ 1 Knox, T. W. Life "I Roberl 1 niton and history of steam navigation B; Mil abe, J. D, Greal fortunes and li<>« ihey were made. pp. 249 275 (.123-6 - Nicoll, II. J. Great movements and those who achic\ ol them, pp. 364-412. 4104-7 PartOn, J. Peoples' book of biography. pp. "5.? '5 s 410-82 Seymour, C. C. B, Self-made men, pp. 460-468 410-92 — Sparks, ).,ed. American biography, v. 10. pp. 3-89 412-86 - Tuthill, Mrs. I.. C. The mechanic, pp. 83-108 607-8 Whymper, F. The sea. v. 2 437-95 FULTON street prayer meeting. Prime, S. I. Fifteen years uf prayer in the Fulton street meeting 244-7 Fun and earnest. N. Y., 1853. 12°. . . . 817-4 FUNCTION of the American lawyer in the founding of states. Hoar, Geo. F. . . 3404-4 Fundamental concepts of modern philoso- phic thought. Eucken, K 145—3 liMiv, Bay of. Dcming, C. liy-ways of nature and life. pp. 61-74. Giant tides of Fundy 2S3E2 FUNGI. Badham, C. D. Treatise on the esculent funguses of England 6359-2 — Cooke, M. C. Fungi : their nature, in- fluence and vises 5886-33 Rust, smut, mildew and mould : micro- scopic fungi 5886-3 — Robinson, W. Mushroom culture. . . . 6359-7 — Cannon, H. Fungi destructive to pines. Tn Rattray, J. and Mill, II. R., ids. Forestry and forest products, pp. 145- 222 714-7 Macmillan, II. First forms of vegeta- tion, pp. 90-190 and 280-432 586-6 — See also Botany. Fi \s\ philosopher-. Yellott, G. Fl nnv side of physic ; or, the mysteries of medicine. Crahtrce, A. I) 6108-3 Fir and the fur trade. Bancroft, II. II. History of the Pacific states, v. 22. . 989-2 — Hartwig, G. The polar world 498-46 — Irving, W. Adventures of ('apt. Honne- ville 47S-53 Astoria 478-52 — Kingston, \V. II. (',. Snow-shoe- and canoes ; or, early days of a fur trader in the Hudson bay territory : [a story.] . 535A72 Xewhouse, S. and oilier-. Trapper's guide 796S-6 — Robinson, II. M. The great fur land ; or, sketches of life in the Hudson bay- territory 4- 1 j 7 Mi., ontinu ./. Dall, W. H. Masks and il pp. 488 503 ■. 1 1 1 nil '. \ ei tie, 1 I' ["he. 1 1 Irama. | 1 • hylus. pp. J'X) SS21 2 Furini, I 1 on 1 . Brov ling, R. Parley- ings with certain people, pp. 85-112. 1 Fi knai 1 -. I'i ideaux, I". S. ' in of fuel. Bound with Abel, CD. Ma- chinery 62 l-i KM..--, Win. Henry, Am. Unitarian, b. 1802. Thoughts on the life and ch ter of Jesus of Nazareth. B., 1859. 12°. 232-4 Putnam, A. 1'., ed. Singers and song- of the liberal faith, pp. 159-170. [Biog. sketch and poems.] Furniture. Church E. R. How to furn- ish a home 7 1 ' ' 7 I'i. 11. T. Art of furnishing on ra- tional and esthetic principles 749~ 2 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other de- tails 749-3 French polishing, by a practical man. . . 698-45 — ■ Garrett, R. ana A. Suggestions for house decoration 749~5 — Holly, II. II. Minlern dwellings in town and country 728-47 — Loftie, W. I . Plea for art in the house. 749-6 — Pollen, J. II. Ancient and modern furni- ture and woodwork 749-7 — Spofford, II. P. Art decoration applied to furniture 749-8 Stockton, F. R. and M. Home: where it should he and what to put in it. . . 640-87 — Stokes, J. Cabinet-maker and uphol- sterer's companion 684-7 — Williams. 11. T. and June-. Mrs. C, S Beautiful homes; or, hints in house- furnishing Barnard, II. School architecture, pp. 341-382 7-r - — Bunce, O. B. Bachelor Bluff, pp. $2 07. 1 — I.acroix, P. Arts in the middle PP- i-3 6 7094-5 — Leland, E. II. Farm homes, pp. 41-74. 6308-5 — Mateaux, C. I.. Wonderland of work. pp. 146-164 607-48 — Sloan, S. Homestead architecture, pp. ;>i 358 728-S5 FUSELI, Henry, historical painter, l<. 1742-rf. 1S25, joint author. Barry, ]., Opie, J. and Fuseli, II . I ectures on painting, by the Royal Academicians 750-25 — Cunningham, A. British painter.-, v. 2. pp. 223-273 417-3 li 5INATO, Arnold. Howells, W. I>. Modern Italian poets, pp. 362-365 8501-37 KLTURE. 496 FYFE. 297-2 everlast- to-dav 2374-2 150C5 237-3 218-31 118-33 2894-33 237-4 2372-4 2324-4 252-57 218-49 Future of Islam. Blunt, W. S. I r ri re life. Baxter, K. Saints ing rest — Bickersteth, E. H. Yesterday, and forever — Blackwell, A. B. Physical basis of im- mortality 218-18 — Cobbe, F. P. Hopes of the human race. 218-24 — Dorner, I. A. On the future state. . . — Figuier, L. To-morrow of death. . . . — Fiske, J. Destiny of man — Giles, C. Lectures on the nature of Spirit and of man as a spiritual being. . . . — Goodwin, T. A. Mode of man's immor- tality — Gray, G. Scriptural doctrine of recogni tion in the world to come — Holcombe, W. H. Our children in Heaven 2894-38 — Huidekoper, F. Belief of the first three centuries concerning Christ's mission to the under world — Kingsley, C. From death to life. . . . — Kirk, H. C. Possibility of not dying. . — Little, C. Knox- and others. Immortali- ty : a symposium 218-56 — Luckock, H. M. After death — McWhinney, T. M. Heavenly recogni- tion — Newman, F. W. Life after death ? Pali- nodia — Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where? — Nordhoff, C. God and the future life. . — Sears, E. H. Athanasia ; or, foregleams of immortality. ........... — Smith, U. Man's nature and destiny. . — Stewart, B. and Tait, P. G. Unseen universe 21S-85 — Blackwell, A. B. Studies in general science, pp. 291-300 142-24 — Chadwick, J. W. Faith of reason, pp. 1 13-160. Concerning immortality. .. 252-296 — Child,, I.. M. Aspirations of the world. pp. 98-110 208-18 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures: Bi- ology, pp. 191-241. Does death end all? pp. 273-295. Emerson's views on immortality 57°- 2 5 — Cox, G. W. Evolution : heaven and hell. In Christianity and evolution, pp. 216- 249 2398-26 Davy, Sir H. Consolations in travel, pp. 176-235 210-23 Dick, T. Works, v. 1 828-35 I merson, K. W. Letters and social aims. pp. 3«>7 333 3I8E6 II "11. v, J. Essays, pp. 373-379- ( '™ immortality be shown from the light of nature 450E1 237 -5 2372 -5 237 -6 218- 67 210-66 237 -7 237- r-> Future life, continued. — Hall, W. J. Some sceptical fallacies ex- amined, pp. 89-141 239-48 — Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 271-280. 204-7 — Savage, M. J. Religion of evolution, pp. 234-253 2 '^" — Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 76-94. Phys- ical theory of another life 870E2 — See also Future punishment. Spiritual- ism. Swedenborg, E. Swedenborg- eanism. FUTURE punishment and probation. Canty, M. Purgatory, dogmatic and scholastic. 2365-3 — Future probation : a symposium on the question "Is salvation possible after death?" L., 1886. 12° 2376-3 Contents.— Article 1. Rev. P. S. Leathes. D. D.— 2. Rev. S. Singer.— 3. Rev. D. Maceman. D. D.— 4. Rev. J. Presland.— 5. Rev. J P. Hopps— 6. Rev. J. Cairns. D. D., LL. D.— 7. Rev. E. White. — 8. Right Rev. Bishop Weathers,. D. D— 9. Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL. D., D. C. L.— 10. Rev. G. W. Olver. B. A. - 11. Rev. S. A. Brooke, M. A.— 12. Rev. C. E. Babut, B. D.— 13. Rev. Wm. Landels, D. D. Henry, C. S. Endless future of the human race — Letters from hell — McKim, R. H. Future punishment. . . Shedd, W. G. T. Doctrine of endless punishment Vernon, S. M. Probation and punish- ment Wright, G. F. An inquiry concerning the relation of death to probation. . . Baker, L. C. Mystery of creation and of man: to which is added a new view of future punishment, pp. 181-190. Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures : Occi- dent, pp. 51-71 "»< / I77-I9I- l>°es death end probation ? Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology, pp. 410-438 Phelps, A. My study and other essays. pp. 42-153 — Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ from his own words, pp. 222-236 and 2S0-283 FYFE, J. Hamilton. Enterprise beyond the seas ; or, how great colonies were found- ed. L., 1872. 12° Men hunt enterprise ; or, pictures of the history of commerce from the earliest times. L., 1871. 12°. Same, 1S72. . Contents. Caravans "f old. — Phoenicians, their allies ami rivals.— Marts of the Mediter- ranean Men ham prini es ■•( the middle ages —Commerce in new channels. British com- merce—The continent ami thi new world. Triumphs of invention and discovery in art and science. I.., 1S72. 12°. . . . 609-45 237M 242-4 2376-5 2377-6 237-8 2376-9 252-144 204-23 204-3 1 204-71 232-88 43"-4 650-4 I \ III'. 497 >, \i i i F\ 111,1 lhas, Allan, 1 1 i i". \ "I I ri •. \ Y , 1883. i6°, [Hi itory primer.] , . 91 I lisicu v of model " 1 urope. 2 v. I ... 1880-86. 8° 928-3 Conttnti v 1 1792-1814. — v. 2. 1K1 1 1 Universities. /»Ward,T. 11.,../. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp, 288-321. 938-9 Fyti 111 , 1 1 at Gen. Allien B ma pa 1 ■ lit ; with pel linis- cence 1 I hi ountry. 2 v. I 1 ii ;' t Laurie, W. F. I!. Some distinguished 1 p| 11 1 ;4 |ll M G 1,., 1 Fortnight's tour among the on Mount Lebanon, including .1 visit to Damascus, Ba'albek, the cedar-., nat- ural bridge, etc. I.., 1876. 16°. . . 4584-4 1,., F. E, Darling of an empire. N. Y., 1887. 12°. G., L. Jessie Gray; or, the discipline "I life. N. V., 1872. 16 516A1 Gabled house. Bates, Miss L 139A16 Gaboon; or, adventures in gorilla land. n. t. p. 16° 400A5 Gaboriau, Emile, b. 1835-rf. 1873. Clique of gold. B. 8°. — File No. 113. B. 8°. Zimmern, II. and A. Foreign novelists. pp. 266-278. [Hiog. sketch and ex- tracts.] 808-99 Gabriel. Howitt, M. 1 ; iBRll 1 Conroy. Harte, F. Bret. Gabrielli, Caterina. Clayton, I'.. C. Queens of song. pp. 71-79 l'7 v ; Ferris, G. T. Great singers, v. 1. pp. 32-54 4178-4 GAGARIN, Father — . Russian clergy, tr. from the French by C. 1 >u G. Makepeace. L., 1872. 12 2819-4 Gage, Mrs. Frances Dana. Poems. 1'hila., 1869. 12° 401C4 Foster, Mrs. I. II., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women. PP- 33-36 413 52 Gage, Matilda Joslyn, joint ed. Stanton, E. C., Anthom, S. B. and Gage, M. J., eds. History of woman suffrage. 3 v 3243 8 Gage, Rev. Wm. Leonard. (An Unitarian, pseud.) light in darkness 2312-5 Life of ('a, 1 Kilter. N. V., 1S67. 12°.. ;- — Studies in Bible lands. IS., 1869. 8°. . 2209-4 Gailingen, Eppelein von. Wilson, II. S. Studies in history, etc. pp. 174- 205 4 ' " I " I Gain of a loss. Piddington, R. Gainsborough, Thus., Eng. painter, /'. 1727- d. 17SS. Carr, J. C. Papers on art. PP. 159-195 7.. 1 25 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 1. pp. 282-305 41" ; Great English painters, pp. 253-274. 417 ;i Reynolds, J. In Life and d pp. 246-264. Character of Gainsbor- Same. //; Works, v. 2. pp. 70 •>-. yn 7s Gairdner, Jas. Earl;, Eu- rope; England. L., n. d. 12°. . . . 9302-4 — History of life and reign ..l Rii hard the third, to which is added the Story of Perkin Warbeck. L., 1878. 12°. . . 7*7!:* — Houses of Lancaster ami York, with the conquest and loss "f France. N. V., 1875. 16 . [Epochs of history ser.] '•;.) 1 — ed. Paston letters, 1422-1509 826-71 GAIUS, Roman jurist. Commentar; Gaius and Rules of L'lpian. tr. with notes by J.T. Abdy and Bryan Walker. Cambridge, Eng., 1885. 12 342-4 GAJANI, Guglielmo. The Roman exile. B., 1856. 12°. Gala days. Dodge, Mary A., (Gail Ham- ilton, pseud.) 455F2 I i mama; or, the beggars, lie Liefde, J. GALATEA. Blackie, J. S. Lays and le- gends of ancient Greece, pp. 105-114. 160C2 Galatea: a pastoral romance. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 861-28 GALBA, Sit \ ius Sulpicius, Roman emperor, />. B. C. i-d. A. D. 69. Plutarch. I Clough, A. H., ed. v. 5. pp. 456-486. 4101-7 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folks' Plutarch, pp. 452-456 4101-75 Gald6s, B. Perez. See Perez Galdos, ito. Gale, Ethel C. Hints on dress; or, what to wear, when to wear it, and how buy it. X. Y.. 1S72. 12° Galen, (Claudius Gaienus.) Wood, W., <•n Michel, French statesman, b. 1838 .,/. 1SS2. Allen, J. W\, jr. Paul Dreifuss, his holiday abroad, pp. 205-217 and 239-247 444-'3 Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who bei ime famous, pp. 204-218 410-16 — Daudet, E. and others. French celebri- ties, pi. 1. pp. 24-45 4>°5-35 Mum , F. Leon Gambetta : a positiv- ist discourse. In Coan, T. M.. ed. Studies in biography, pp. 1-29. . . . 249E4 — Rae, W. F. Men of the Third republic. PP- 33-45 4105-5 — Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. pp. 66-94 410-94 GAM BIER, J.i^. \V. Swifter than a weaver's shuttle. 3 v. I.., 1887. 12°. Gambling. Green, J. II. Gambler's life. 436B4 Gambling exposed 1955-45 Reformed gambler 436641 — Proctor, K. A. Chance and luck. . . . 519-7 Beecher, II. W. Lectures to young men. pp. 135-169 24S-14 -■ Brace, C. L. Short sermons 10 news boys. pp. 155-165 248-24 — Cobbett, W. Thirteen sermons, pp. '44-158 252-35 — Comstock, A. Traps for the young, pp. 59-130 199-27 — Hargreaves, J. G. Blunders ol vice and folly, pp. 45-56 199-4 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 705-735 6229-5 — Newman, J. P. Christianity triumphant. pp. 100-109 2576-6 — Proctor, R. A. Border land of science. PP- 349-376 504-7I Familiar science studies, pp. 207-272. 502-68 GAMBOLD, Rev. John. Tyerman, L. Ox- ford Methodists, pp. 155-200 -s ~ s Game. See Hunting. (.AMt birds. Herbert, II. W. American game ; Long, J. W. ing ; l' felt, R. B. ' lame bird .... 7 — Jardine, W. Naturalists' library, v. S. 590-5 GAM) li Ii .il 1 In i. 61 ItCS and I; provini es. R< . 1 B Game laws. Smith, < .. I'. Law ol sports 791-7 1 . \mi 1. 1 1 1 1 Jeflerics, K 589-53 GAMELYN. With Shakespeare, Win. A. you like it 81313-6 Gami ;. Beard, D. C. \\ hi 1 how to do it: American boys' handy book. . 780-2 — Bellew, F. Art of amusing 786-2 — Bohn, II. G., id. Hand-book of games. 787-3 — Boy's book of sports and games 7 — Boy's own book : complete encyclopedia of sports and pastimes, etc 780-25 — Campbell, II. S. American girl's home book of work and play 786-24 — Chadwick, II. and pastimes of American boys 780-3 Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill 79'~3 — Dick, W. II. American Hoyle ; or, gen- tleman's hand-book of games 787-4 Frost, S. A. and Taylor, W. What shall we do to-night ? 786-27 — Dodge, M. E. A few friends and how they amused themselves 786-3 — Frost, S. A. Parlor acting charades. . 785-48 — Griffith, R. Boys' useful pastimes. . . 607-2 — Higgins, E. M. Holidays at the Grange. 786-48 — Hints for happy hours 786-49 — Hoyle, E. Games 787-5 — Macgregor, R. Pastimes and players. . 7 . . — Newell, W. W.. ed. Games and songs of American children. [With bibliog- raphy, pp. 229-231.] 786-56 — Piele, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill 793-6 — Phelan, M. Game of billiards 7909-6 — Planche, F. d'A, ed. livening amuse- ments 786-6 Plunket, E. M. Merrie games in rhyme from ye olden time 7S6-61 Smith, Mrs. C. L. Home games. . . . 7S6-75 Smith, II. Festivals, games and amuse- ments 780-8 — Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes 394-7 Valentine. Mrs. — ., ed. Games for fam- ily parties and children 7S6-9 Walker. (.. Cribbage made easy. . . . 7S72-8 — Walsh. J. II. Encyclopedia of rural sports 701-0 Walworth. M. T. (Hotspur, pseud.) Twenty questions GAMES. 500 GARDENING. ( rAMES, continued. — Ways for boys to make and do things. . 791-87 — Week's delight 786-93 — See also Chess. Checkers. Euchre. Tennis. Whist. GAMLE Norge, (Old Norway) ; or, our holi- day in Scandinavia. L., 1862. 12°. . 448-4 Gammell, Wm. Life of Roger Williams. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 14. pp. 5-221 412-S6 — Life of Samuel Ward. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 19. pp. 235-358. 412-86 GAN-Eden ; or, pictures of Cuba. Hurlbut, W. H 47291-45 Gane, Douglas M. New South Wales and Victoria in 18S5. L., 1S86. 12°. . . 4944-4 Gannett, Ezra Stiles. Clarke, J. F. Me- morial and biographical sketches, pp. 189-196 410-29 GANNETT, Rei'. Wm. Channing, b. 1S40. Studies in Longfellow : outlines for schools, conversation classes and home study. B., 1886. 16° 587C95 — Year of miracle : a poem in four sermons. B., 18S6. 16 252-396 Contents. — Treasures of the snow. — Resur- rection. — Flowers. — Harvest secret. — and Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Faith that makes faithful. [Sermons.] Chicago, 1887. 1 6° 252-397 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 510-516. [Poems and biog. sketch.] 2458-7 Gano, Rev. John. Headley, J. T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 250-272 4121-45 GALATIANS. See Bible, New Testament. Ganot, Adolphe. Introductory course of natural philosophy, ed. from Popular physics, by Wm. G. Peck. N. V.. 1868. 12° 53 -4I — Natural philosophy, for general readers and young persons. tr. and ed. from the Cours llimentaire de physique, by E. Atkinson. N. V., 1872. 12°. Same. 1878 530-4 Elementary treatise on physics, tr. and ed. by !•'.. Atkinson. 12 53°-39 GANTT, Richard, of South Carolina. Perry, li. F. Reminiscences of public men. PP- 229 235 412-75 GARAY, John. Poems. In Loew, W. N. is from Petoli and other Hungarian poets, pp. 95-101 8941-5 Gakiiki 1, Edward Lacy. Rudimentary trea- tise on the principles of design in archi- tecture, as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of t he Greek and Gothii architects. 1.. [867. 12°. 72041 Garcia, Pauline V. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 398-412 4178-3 Garden flowers, and how to cultivate them. Rand, E. S 715-74 Garden friends and foes. Wood, J. G. . . 5904-95 GARDEN-graith. Smiley, Sarah F 240-68 Garden of Cyrus. Browne, Sir Thomas. Works, v. 2. pp. 497-563 828-2 Garden secrets. Marston, Philip B. . . . 614C2 Gardener, Helen H. Men, women and gods, and other lectures; with an intro- duction, by Robert G. Ingersoll. N. Y., 1885. 12 2114-33 Contents. — Introduction, by R.G. Ingersoll. — Men, women and gods. — Vicarious atonement. — Historical facts and theological fictions. — Ap- pendix. — Address to the clergy and others. — Letters to the Cleveland congress of freethink- ers, Oct., 1885. Gardening. Bridgeman, T. Kitchen gar- dener's instructor 635-17 — Burr, F.,yr. Field and garden vegetables of America 635-2 — Farming for boys. 630-35 — Fessenden, T. G. American kitchen gardener 7162-5 New American gardener 635-3 — Fuller, A. S. Propagation of plants. . . 634-4 Garden, The : pocket manual of practical horticulture. [Rural manuals, No. 3.] 630-7 — Harris, J. Gardening for young and old. 635-35 — Henderson, P. Garden and farm topics. 6304-4 Gardening for profit 635-4 — Hyde, A. M. Work, play and profit ; or, gardening for young folks 635-44 — Kemp, E. How to lay out a garden. . . 710-4 — Look within: condensed encyclopedia relating chiefly to household manage- ment 603-45 — Loudon, J. C. Gardening for ladies, and companion to the flower garden. . . . 715-58 — - Horticulturist 630-49 — Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the south. 635-55 — Robinson, W. Gleanings from French gardens 71 5— 7S — Roe, E. P. Play and profit in my garden. 635-6 — Schenck, P. A. Gardener's text-book. . 635-7 Smith, W. G. Diseases of field and garden crops 6321-7 — Treat, M. Injurious insects of the farm and garden 632-8 — Vilmorin, 11. and Andrieux — . Vege- table garden 635-83 — Warner, A. Miss Tiller's vegetable garden, and the money she made by it. 635—85 — Wood, S. Forcing garden ; or, how to grow early fruits, flowers and vege- tables 6351-9 — Leland, E. II. Farm homes, in-doors and out-doors 630S-5 GARDENING - 5°' - G \ri>, NEK ( Gardening, continued. Loi ing, • i. B. I' \ ;i i J club of Jotham. pp. 324-401 630-47 — Seeaiso Agriculture. Flowers. Fruil cul- 1 in e. I" ;ei ts. Landscape gai dening. Gardening foi m -\ Barnard, 1 . F. . . 635 12 Gardening foi plea ure. Henderson, Peter. 715-39 Gardiner, Allen Francis. Vonge, 1 . M. Pioni ei mil founders, pp. 255-284. . 4149 98 Gardiner, Bei tha Met iton. 1 rem h revo- lution, 1789 95. I!., 1883. 16°. ... 'ill 1 1 Gardiner, Marguerite, countess of Bin in ton. Country quarters. 2vinl. Leip- zig, 1850. i6 c . I. Her in France. 2 v. Phila., 1S4I. 16 . 4443-36 Marmaduke Herbert; or, the fatal error. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1847. 16 . — Memoirs of a feinine de diamine. Leip- zig, 1846. 16 . Madden, R. K. Literary life and cor- respondence of the Countess of Ble ington 162B6 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 269- 277 410-85 — Stoddard, R. It., ed. Personal recollec- tions of Lamb, Ila/litl and others, pp. 283-317 4182-91 Willis, N. P. Famous persons and places. 454-462 442-95 GARDINER, Samuel Rawson. English his- tory for young folks. B. C. 55-A. I). 1880. N. Y., 1SS1. 16° 9301-38 English history for students, being the introduction to the study of English history ; with a critical and biograph- ical account of authorities, by J. Bass Mullinger, N. Y., 1881. 8° 9302-42 first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolu- tion, 1603-60. N. Y., n. d. 16°. I I poclis ..I histor\ set . I 936-6 — Prince Charles ami the Spanish marriage, 1617-23. 2 v 9361-4 Contents. — v. 1. 1617-21. — v. 2. 1621-23. — Personal government of Charles I: a his- tory of England from the assassination of the Duke of Buckingham to the dec- laration of the judges on ship-money, 1628-37. 2 v. L., 1S77. S° 9362-37 Fall of the monarchy of Charles 1. 1637 49. 2 v. L., 1882. 8° 9362-38 Contents. — v. 1. 1637-40. — v 164 (No more published under this title ] — History of the great civil war. v. I. L., 1886. 8° 9362-39 — Historical biographies. L., 1SS4. 16 . 411-45 Contents. — Simon dc Montfort. — The Black Prince.— Sir Thomas More. — Sir Francis I >rake — Oliver Cromwell. — William III. Thirty years' war, 1618-4S. X. Y., 1S75. ■6° 9434-4 Gari 'i\ 111. M 11 -1. of 11.1t nn ■■ thai v> hal ing in tile art of ringing, a insti umenl . 1 derived from 1 hi of the animated world. B., [ 1832.] 8° 77' 42 i . w ii-.i r, 1 .■!, 1 1 Brol en dn tms. \. Y ., 1873. 12°. Same, 1875 403C4 Every inch a king: story illustrating the reign "il 1 I I Solomon, 1 ing ol Israel V V., 1880. 12 Gardner, Dorsey. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Water! arrative of the campaign in Belgium, 1815. B., 1S82. 8°. . . •.: Gardner, Eugene C. Home interiors. B., 1878. 16° 749-4 Homes and how to make them. Ti., 1 S 7 4 . 16 . Same. 1875 728-4 - Illustrated homes; seties ..I papers de- scribing real houses and real people. B., 1875. 16° 7-' 11 ik, Franklin IS. Carriage painters' illustrated manual : a treatise on the art, science, etc., of coach, carriage and car painting ; with recipes, and a list of the principal varnish makers and dealers, carriage and wagon makers in New York city. N. Y.. 1S86. 16° 698-5 — Everybody's paint-book: complete guide to the art of out-door and indoor paint- ing : designed for the special use of those who wish to do their own work, and consisting of practical lessons in plain painting, varnishing, polishing, staining, paper hanging, kalsomining, etc.. as well as directions for renovating furniture, and hints on artistic work for home decora- tion, together with a full description of the tools and materials used. Precise directions are given for mixing paints for all purposes. N. Y ., 1884. 12°. . 698-51 — How to paint : complete compendium of the art : plain common sense statement of the methods employed by painters to produce satisfactory results in plain and fancy painting of every description. N. Y., 18S2. 16 698-52 Gardner, Mrs. II. C. Extracts from the diary of a country pastor. Cinn., 1867. 12° : - Fault-finding. Madeline Hascall's let- ters, (inn., 1869. 16° GARDNER, John. Longevity: the means of prolonging life after middle age. B., 1875- "■"• 6i37 ; Gardyner, Stephen, i. 14 s ; .. 1555. Camp- bell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 2. pp. 53-77 411-5 GARETH. — 5° 2 GARIBALDI. Gareth and Lynette. Tennyson, Alfred. . Garfield, Jas. Abram, 20th pn-s. of the U. S., b. 1831-rf. 18S1. Works. ed. by Burke A. Hinsdale. 2 v. B., 1882-83. 8° Contents. — v. i. Confiscation of the property of the rebels. — Enrolling and calling out the na- tional forces. — Sale of surplus gold. — Free com- merce between the states. — Cabinet officers in Congress. — Constitutional amendment abolish- ing slavery. — Suffrage and safety. — Restora- tion of the southern states. — American ship- ping. — National Bureau of education. — Juris- diction of military commissions. — Public debt and specie payments. — Memory of Abraham Lincoln. — Tariff bill of 1866. — National politics. — Reconstruction. — College education. — Cur- rency. — Strewing flowers on the graves of Union soldiers. — Taxation of U. S. bonds. — Mr. Stevens and the five-twenty bonds. — Indian affairs. — Commissioner Wells' report. — Political issues of 1868. — Reduction of the army. — Smithsonian institution.— Medical and surgical history of the rebellion. — Strengthening the public credit. — Ninth census. — Canvass in Ohio. — Civil service reform. — Tariff bill of 1870. — Currency and the banks. — Joshua R. Giddings. — Political issues of 1870. — American agricul- ture. — Gen. George H. Thomas, his life and character. — Right to originate revenue bills. — Ku Klux act. — Ohio campaign of 1871.— Four- teenth amendment and representation. — Ap- pendix : Letter to Major-General Rosecrans. — Letter to Secretary Chase. — Remarks on Gen- eral Rosecrans. v. 2. Public expenditures : their increase and diminution. — National aid to education. — Dr. Samuel F. B. Morse. — Presidential campaign of 1872. — Future of the republic: its dangers and its hopes. — Northwest territory : settlement of the Western reserve. — Chief-Justice Chase, and Prof. Agassiz. — Revenues and expendi- tures. — Appropriations for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1875. — Effects of the rebellion on Southern life insurance contracts. — Cur- rency and the public faith. — Census. — Amnes- ty. — Currency conflict. — Diplomatic and con- sular service. — Henry H. Starkweather, — Al- meda A. Booth: her life and character. — Ha- waiian islands. — Geneva award. — Phases of the silver question.— Democratic party and the government. — John Winthrop and Samuel Adams. — Congress and presidential elections. — Counting the electoral vote. — Florida returns in the election of 1876 — Louisiana returns in the election of 1876. — Century of Congress. — Proposed repeal of the resumption law.— New scheme of American finance. — Oliver P. Mor- t h iii -Lincoln and emancipation. — Army and the public peace.— Wood tariff bill. — Halifax award. — Press. — Honest money. — Suspension and re- sumption of specie payments. — Joseph Henry. — Gustave Schleicher. — Sugar tariff.— Revolu- tion in Congrcs-. National 1 lei tions protected by national authority.— Congressional nullifica- tion. — Troops at the polls. — Revived doctrine of state sovereignty. — Obedience to law t he first duty of Congress. — Appointment of special Deputy-Marshals. — National appropriations and misappropriations. Democratic party and public opinion.— Zachariah Chandler. — Nomi- nation of John Sherman. — Letter accepting the 881C5 818-45 Garfield, J. A., continued* nomination of the Presidency. — Inaugural ad- dress. — Garfield's words : suggestive passages from [his] public and private writings ; compiled with memoir, by Wm. Ralston Balch. B., 1881. 24 818-44 — Northwest territory: settlement of the Western Reserve, address delivered Sept. 16, 1873. B., 1885. 8° 987-4 — Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White House, pp. 3SS-477. [Selections from speeches, letters, etc.] 80S1-3 — Alger, H. From canal boy to president. 404B1 — Bundy, J. M. Life of Jas. A. Garfield. 404B2 — Converse, J. O. Garfield the ideal man. 404B3 — Hinsdale, B. A. President Garfield and education 404B4 — McCabe, J. D. Life of Gen. Jas. A. Garfield 404B6 — Mason, F. H. Life and public services of Jas. A. Garfield 4°4-B5 — Pedder, H. C. Garfield's place in history. 404B7 — Riddle, A. G. Life, character and public services of Jas. A. Garfield 404BS — Thayer, W. M. From log-cabin to the White House ; with eulogy, by Hon. J. G. Blaine 404B9 — Boyesen, H. H. Idyls of Norway and other poems. pp. 20-22. Elegy on President Garfield l 19^1 — Gemmill, J. W. Notes on Washington. PP- 73-8° 4753-45 — Godding, W. W. Two hard cases, pp. 34-257. Trial of Guiteau 3482-4 — Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew. pp. 90-93. On the death of President Garfield : poem 484C65 — Hopkins, M. Teachings and counsels. pp. 375-395. Memorial discourse. . . 252-49 — Lowell, J. R. Democracy and other ad- dresses, pp. 43-56 5SSE2 — Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 2. pp. 386-424 741B4 — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 739-764. 9796-7 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, Italian patriot and gen- era/, h. \Soj-d. 18S2. Life of General ( raribaldi, written by himself ; with sketches of his companions in arms. tr. by Theodore Dwight. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Same. 1S60 405B2 Melena, Elpis. * raribaldi : recollections of his public and private life 405B25 Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays : at home and abroad. v. 2. pp. 210-233 440-16 — Bolton, S. K . Poor boys who became famous, pp. 172-186 410-16 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 148-152. . . 410-49 — Par ton, J, People's book of biography. pp. 492-498 410-82 GARLAND — 5°3 — Gari \m\ A. < '. hi Howe, J. \\ '., ed, and education. pp. 183 189 .t;''i 5 Garland, Hon. Hugh A. Life of John Randolph oi Roanoke, 2 \. V Y., 1859. 8° 761B3 Bi 1 iv n ion, \ Works. v. 10. pp. ,(i 1 426. Re> iew "i Prote lanl ernmenl 818-27 Garland for girls, Alcott, 1 sa May- , 114A32 Garland ol poetry for the young. Kirk- land, I//- 1 - M., d 8099-48 Garlick, Theodatus. Treatise on the arti- ficial pi opagal 1 certain kinds of fish. < 'lc\dand, 1 S57. 8°. Same, m edition, 1880 7956-5 Garman, Chas. Edward. Dr. Hickok's philosophy as bearing on agnosticism. In Concord lectures on philosophy, 1882. pp. 8S-96 143-2 Garnett, Lucj M. J.,tr. Greek folk-songs from the Turkish provinces "I Greece, Albania, Thessaly, (notyel wholl) tree,) and Macedonia, literal and metrical translations, classified, rev. and eil. with an historical introduction on the sur- vival of Paganism, by John S. Stuart- Glennie. L., 1SS5. 8° 3828-4 GARNETT, Richard. Literature. Chrono- logical talile. Note on the new p press. //; Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of 11 Victoria, v. 2. pp. 445-513. . 938-9 Garni i r, Wm., joint author. Campbell, I... and Garnett, W. Life of James Clerk Maxwell 620B3 GARNIER, Francis. Frost, T. Modem ex- plorers, pp. 101-125 437-38 GARNIER-Pages, Etienne Joseph Louis, b. iNoi-rf. 1841. Cormenin, L. M. de la llaye. Eminent orators of France, pp. 1 16-1 73 4105-2 GARRARD, Rev. Geo. Letters. In Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter writers, pp. 103-184 S26-54 1 1 si in, Jas. Edmund, (John Darby, pseud.) Brushland. Phila., 1882. 16°. 420E1 Hours wiih John Darby. Phila., 1877. 16 420E2 Contents. — Concerning a wife. — Things to be known.— Quiet hours. — Avoidance of unquiet hours. — That which it most profits a man to un- derstand.— Heroic love. — Nuptial love. — Story of Lysandcr. — About nooses. — Lysias. — Ac home.— Heath in the house. Nineteenth century sense: the paradox of spiritualism. Phila., 1SS7. 12 . . 176-4 Odd hours of a physician. Phila., 1SS7. 12° 420E3 Contents.— Antecedents. — Success. — Spend- ing.— Principles.— Law.— Correlation. — Philos- opher's stone.— To-day - I iving W ise and otherwise.— Utopia.— In the country.— Adden- dum. i 1 , Edward, pseud. Aft . Garrett, Phinea One I 20 ■.. Phila., 1870-81 12 . 801-4 11, Rhoda and Anna. (,,i bouse 1 WOI I. and (in nil nn , Phila I 2°. . . 7.)') 1 I ' 1 ' i. 1779. gerald, P. Lifi D original familj , tnd numei published and unpublished 405B8 Matthews, J. is. and Hutton, I ... \, tors and ai v. I. pp. 59- 99 M79-6 Doran, J. "Their majesties' servants:" annals of the English stage. V.I. pp. 332-368. v. 2. pp. 66-95 782-35 — (iriltm, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 205-211 804-4 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 326-331 4<°~7 Garrison, C. K. In Soule, F., and others. Annals of San Francisco, pp. 744-747. Memoir 9S94I-8 Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Am. abolitionist, h. 1805-1/. 1879. Introduction. In Life, writings and political principles of I seph Mazzini 620BS — Story of his life told !>y his children. 2 v. X. V., 1885. 8° 406B1 Contents. — v. 1. 1805-35. V. 2. 1835-40. — Johnson, O. Life and times of Wm. Lloyd Garrison Bartlett, I>. \V. Modern agitators; or, pen portraits of living American re- formers, pp. III-127 412-2 — Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits. PP- 4'j-434 138E2 — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. [56-171 410-10 — Burleigh, W. H. Poems. p. 216. Poem on W. L. Garrison f — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 255-266 4'°-4 2 Stowe, 11. B. Men of our times, pp. 152-2II 4122 83 iters: a farce. Howells, W. D. . . 4- ; iNG grange. Trollope, T. A. . Sir Samuel, English physician and poet, />. about 1672-./. 1719. Jealfreson, I. C. Book about doctors, v. I. pp. 5 I — Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. I- PP- 5 lI -5'5 4«82i 5 GARTH. Hawthorne, Julian. GARWAY, Henry. '. 1570-./. IP45. Bourne, U.K. I". Famous I ondon merchants. pp. 132-137 411-2 Gas. Black, John. Gas-fitting. 1SS6. . . 096-2 CAS. 5°4 - GATES. Gas, continued. — Bowditch, W. B. Analysis, technical valuation, purification, and use of coal- gas. 1867 665-2 — Gas-consumers' guide : hand-book of in- struction on the proper management and economical use of gas ; with full descrip- tion of gas-meters, and directions for as- certaining the consumption by meter. On ventilation, etc. B., 1871. 12°. . 644-4 — Hughes, S. Gas works and the practice of manufacturing and distributing coal gas 665-4 Treatise on coal gas. n. t. p 665-42 and Richards, W. Gas works: their construction and arrangement; and the manufacture and distribution of coal gas. 1885 665-41 — Orton, E. Geological survey of Ohio ; preliminary report upon petroleum and inflammable gas. 18S7 5577 I- 7 — Perkins, E. E. Practical treatise on gas and ventilation. 1856 6281-63 — Richard.., W. Gas-consumer's handy book. 1877 6651-7 — Bakewell, F. C. Great facts, pp. 188- 208 609-2 — C, W. T., ed. History of the processes of manufacture, and uses of printing, gas- light, etc. pp. 247-314 609-4 — Emory, M. In the gas works. In Won- der stories of science, pp. 148-167. . 602-9 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. PP- 354-3DO 609-79 Gas engines. Anderson, W. On the con- version of heat into work 536S-15 — Clerk, I). Theory of the gas engine. . . 6214-3 Rankine, W.J. M. Manual of the steam engine and other prime movers, pp. 447-458 621-72 GASCOIGNE, Win. Campbell, I. Chief justices of England, v. 1. pp. 124- 141 411-24 Gascovnk, the sandal wood trader. Ballan- tvne. R. M I33 A 33 '1 met with in coal mines, and the gen- eral principles of ventilation. Atkinson, J.J 624-2 G hi., Annie. Widow of Windsor. B, n. d. 16°. G 1 1 1 1, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn. Life "f 1 hai lotte Bronte. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1859. 24° 184B8 in Phillis and othei tales. Leipzig, 1867. 1 6°. Crawford. V V., 1S68. 16°. — Hark night's work. Leipzig, 1863. 16°. — Lizzie Leigh and other tales. Leipzig, l«55- 24°. GASKELL, Mrs. E. C, continued. Contents. — Lizzie Leigh. — Well of Pen Mor- fa. — Heart of John Middleton. — Disappear- ances — Old nurse's story. — Traits and stories of the Huguenots — Morton hall. — My French master. — Squire's story. — Company manners. — Mr. Harrison's confessions. — Libbie Marsh's three eras. — Sexton's hero. — Christmas storms and sunshine. — Hand and heart. — Bessy's troubles at home. — Lois the witch and other stories. Leip- zig, 1861. 24°. Contents. — Lois the witch. — Grey woman. — Doom of the Griffiths. — Half brothers. — Crook- ed branch. — Mary Barton: tale of Manchester life. Leipzig, 1849. 16°. — Moorland cottage. N. Y., 1868. 16°. — North and south. Leipzig, 1855. 24°. — Right at last and other tales. N. V., 1S60. 12°. Contents.— Right at last. — Manchester mar- riage. — Lois the witch. — Crooked branch. — Ruth and other tales. L., 1873. 12°. — Sylvia's lovers. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1863. 12°. — Wives and daughters. 3 v. Leipzig, 1866. 24°. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, b. 1810-n'. 1871. Borel, T. Count Agenor de Gasparin 407B4 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 17. pp. 253-272. Review of Uprising of a great people 818-27 GASSENDt, Pierre. Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 181-186 410-44 Gaston, Margaret. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 136-141 4121-35 Gaston, Wm., LL. D., judge, b. 17-8-d. 1844. Speech on the loan bill. In American oratory, pp. 277-302. . . . 8152-2 — Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 533-554. [Biog. sketch and speech on the loan bill.] 8152-6 — Murray, J. O'R. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 415-422 4142-6 GASTRONOMY. Barber, J. Crumbs from the round table 6428-15 — See also Dining. GATES, Horatio, general, b. 1^2%-d. 1806. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. I. pp. 260-292 4121-46 GATES. Martin, (i. A., ed. Fences, gates and bridges 6304-6 Gates ajar. Phelps, Elizabeth S. GATES between. Phelps, Elizabeth s. Gates of Eden. Swan, Annie S. ( , \ 1 1 , of the East : a winter in Egypt and Syria. Potter, II. C \(>2 68 G.vi is into the psalm country. Vincent. M. R 2246-9 (, \TKS. < , \ \ V R RE Gates w ide open. Wood, < 1. Gatherings from an artist's poi tfolio. Freeman, J. E. Serie i 7°4-35 Series 2 7°4-3 6 < i \ i in n [ng in !'■' itlah. < opley, J. . . . 241 s8 Gattv, Hoi atia K. F. Juliana Horal ia Ew- ing and hei 1 1... I ., 1885. 8°. . . 328B] Gaudentius. Davies, Rev. G. S 278A95 Gai ring. Keene, J. B. Hand-book of prai tii al gauging 659-5 Gai Me, fear [0 eph, i. 1802. Ch em- etery in the 19th 1 enl ury ; or, 1 he last war cry of the communists, tr. by Rich- ard Brennan ; with preface by Thos. S. Pre i"n. V Y., [874. 12° 3931-4 lirownson.t >.A. Works. \.io. pp. 551- 563. Review ul" Paganism in education. .Si.S 27 Gaunt, Elizabeth. Adams, W. II. D. Sunshine of domestic life. pp. 93-97. 413-13 Gaurisankar, the highest mountain in the world. Nature's wonders, pp. 50-64. 551-7 Gai ..in. Prof. S. R. I... fj 1 tin a. From Egypt to Sinai: the exodus of the chil- dren of Israel. 1.., n. d. 12°. ... 223 1 2-4 World's birthday. I.., 1868. 16°. . . 213-34 — Cheever, G. B. Wanderings of a pil- grim. pp.45-52 K94 ' ; Fish, II. C. Pulpit eloquem e of the 19th century, pp. 139-14CS 2521-4 — Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators of Frame and Switzerland, pp. 324-341. . . . 4146-8 GAI 1 Gurley. Thompson, D. P. GAUTIKR, Judith. Richard Wagner and his poetical work from Kien/i to Parsifal. B., 1S83. 12 921B3 Usurper: an episode in Japanese history. 1!., 1884. 12°. GAUTIER, Theophile, French writer, b. lS 1 1 . Constantinople. lr. from the French by Roberl Howe Gould. N. V., 1875. 12° 449" ' 4 — One of Cleopatra's nights and other fan- tastic romances. N. Y., 1882. 8°. Contents.— One of Cleopatra's nights.— Clar- imondc. — Arria Marcella. — Mummy's foot. — Omphalc— King Candaules. — Romance of a mummy. Phila.,1882. 12°. Spirite: a fantasy. N. V., 1S77. 16°. — Winter in Russia, tr. from the French by M. M. Ripley. N. Y.. 1874. Same. 1875. 12 117 4 Poems. />■■ Curwen, II. French love songs and other poems S41 3 — and Mcriniee, P. Tales before supper. ed. by EdgarSaltus. N.Y., 1S87. 16 . Contents. — Introduction.— A vautr -Venus uf 111c. — joint author. Girardin, Mine. D. (G.) de and Others. Crossof Bemy ; or, Irene's lovers. ( , \i 111 1- . 1 . ontinued. an,/ olln-i 1. Fai 1 • graphii al I rench writers. N. V., [8; 4184 1 Cant f the. development of the human race Earliest history of the human race in the light of language, with special reference to the origin of tools.— On colour-sense in primitive times and,' its development.— On the origin of writing.— Discovery of fire. — On the primitive home of the 1 1 ropea Geiger, Dr. Wilhelm. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in ancient times; with an introd. on the Avesta religion, tr. from the German ; with a preface, notes and a biog. of the author, by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana. 2 v. L., 1885-86. 8° 9176-4 Contents. — v. i. Ethnography and social life, v. 2. Old Iranian polity and the age of the Avesta. GE1KIE, Archibald, Scottish geologist, b. 1835. Elementary lessons in physical geogra- phy. N. Y., 1883. 16° S5I-5I Geology. X. V., 1S82. 16 . [Science primers.] 55°-38 Physical geography. N. Y., 1880. 16 . [Science primers.] 55 1— 52 — Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its physical geology. L., 1S87. 12° 5541-4 — Teaching of geography ; suggestions re- garding principles and methods for use of teachers. L., 1887. 16 4207-35 — Darwin's work in geology. In Chas. Darwin. Memorial notices reprinted from "Nature." pp. 15-28 276B4 GEIKIE, Cunningham, D. D., British clergy- man, b. 1826. Adventures in Canada ; or, life in the woods. Phila. 16 . Same as Backwoods of Canada 471-4 — Batkwoods of Canada. L., 1881. 16 . 471-4 — English reformation : how it came about and why we should uphold it. L., 1879. 12° 283-4 — Holy Land and the Bible : book of script- ure illustrations gathered in Palestine. 2 v. N. Y., 1888. 8° 2209-42 — Hours with the Bible; or, Scripture in the light of modern discovery and knowl- edge. 6 v. L., 1881. 12° 2206-4 Contents. — v. 1. From creation to the patri- archs. v .■ From Moses :o the Judges. v. 3. From Samson to Solomon. v. 4. From Rehoboam to Hezekiah. v. 5. From Manasseh to Zedekiah. v. 6. Completing the Old Testament, life and words of Christ. 2 v. in I. N. Y., 1880. 8° 2329-45 — Old Testament characters. N. Y., 1SS6. 12° 2217-42 Geikie, Jas., LL. D., F. R. S., Scottish geol- ogist, b. 1S39. Great ice age, and its relation to the antiquity of man. N. Y., 1874. 12 551-5 GELATINE. Dawidowsky, F. Raw material and fabrication of glue, gelatine, isin- glass, cements, pastes, mucilages, etc. tr. by \V. T. Brannt 668-2 (iii DART, E. M., ed. Folk-lore of modern Greece : tales of the people. I.., 1884. 12° 38495-4 OKI. MAIM 5°7 .,1 Geldart, Mrs. Thomas. Glimpses oi our 1 land home. I... 1S64. 12 93'-38 < .1 1 11 1; I , ('In isti.m I' 111 . htegott, I yi ics. hi Brooks, C T. German lyrics. | > j • . iS°-'57 8319-3 Hedge, F. II. Horns with German classics, pp. 113-120 830-42 1 .1 t !ox, 1 ;. \v. Greel statesmen sir. I. pp. 212-220 4102-3 I rEMINI. I N e cries.] 11. 16 . 1 \i mmi n. 1 laroline M. I Ihildi en of 1 he mn, etc: poems for the young. I,., 1869. 12° 412C2 GEMMILL, Jane W. Notes on Washington ; or, six years .it the national capital. Phila., 1884. 12 4753-45 GEMS Billing, A. Science of gems, etc. 1875 735-2 — Castellani, A. Gems. 1871 735-23 - Dieulafait, I.. Diamonds and precious stones. 1874 735-3 — Emanuel, II. Diamonds and precious stones. 1873 735-35 — Feuchtwangcr, L. Popular treatise on gems, in reference to their scientific value. 1859 735-4 Hamlin, A. C. Leisure hours among the gems. 1884 735-45 The tourmaline. 1873 735~46 — King, C. W. Natural history of precious stones and of the precious metals. 1S70. 735-5 Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. 1875. 553"° Westropp, H. M. Hand-book of an I' - ology. 1867 7°93-9 - Precious stones and antique gems. 1874. 735-9 — Byrne, O. Hand-book for the artisan, mechanic and engineer. pp. 197— 270 602-3 Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 383- 403. Sermons on precious stones. . . 304-9 GEMS from Petofi, and other Hungarian poets. I.oew, Wm. N 8941 5 GEMS of the bog. Chaplin, Mrs. J. ell Ms of thought and (lowers of fancy, ed. by K. W. Proctor 746C8 GENERAL, The; or, twelve nights in the hunter's camp. Barrows, Win. ... I38A1 GENERAL hints to emigrants; containing notices of the various fields for emi- gration ; with practical hints on prepara tion for emigrating, outfit for the voyage, the voyage, landing, obtaining employ- ment, purchase and clearing of land, etc.; together with various directions and recipes useful to the emigrant. I... 1866. 12" ,;; ; General view of the fine arts, critical and historical; with an introduction by D. Huntington. N. V., 1851. 12°. . . . 709-4 '■ M, problems, from the orthographic proji 'try. Warn n, S. 1 51 5 9 Gi [ip ; or, how I managed m • band I 1 . i 1 1 Bible, Ola ad. 2 v. 1865 551-2 1 lhapman, E. J, Expo il ion of the min- erals and geology of Canada. 1864. . 5 5 7 1 —3 — Croll, J. Climate- and time in their geo- logical relations. 1875 551—31 — Dana, J. I). Geological story briefly told. 1S76 550-27 Manual of geology. 1876 550-29 Textbook of geology. 1 1863.] . . . 550-28 — Darwin, C. Journal of researches into natural history and geology. 2 v. 1S52- 46. Same. 1 v. 1871 589-27 — Davies, D. C. Treatise on slato and slate quarrying. 1880 55354—3 Davis, W. First book of geology. [1873.] Boundvrith Macturk, J. Phys- ical geography 551-641 Dawson, J. W. Acadian geology, yl edition. 1878 5571—4 Story of the earth and man. 1873. . . 550-3 — Denton, W. Our planet, its past and fu- ture ; or, lectures on geology 55°-3l — Eley, II. Geology in the garden. 1859. 5504-3 — Emmons, E. Manual of geology. 1S60. 550-32 — Geikie, A. Geology. 1SS2. [Science primers.] 550-38 Scenery of Scotland viewed in connec- tion with its physical geology. 1887. 5541-4 — Giberne, A. World's foundations ; or, geology for beginners. 1S82 55°-4 — Gray, A. and Adams, C. 13. Elements of geology. 1S54 55°"43 — Hartt, C. F. Scientific results of a journey in Brazil, by Louis Agassi,- and his traveling companions. 1870. . . . 55S1-4 — Hartwig, G. Subterranean world. 1871. 553-43 — Heer, O. Primeval world of Switzer- land. 1S76 55494-4 — Hillside, A. M. Familiar compend of geology. 1S59 550-46 — Hitchcock, E. Outline of the geology of the globe and of the U. S. in partic- ular. 1S56 550-4S Religion of geology, and its connected sciences, i860 2105-42 — Hitchcock, E. and C. H. Elementary geology. 1S64 55°-47 tued. I looker, W. hool and family- pi ; Hunt, T. 1 gical 1875 502-46 Huxley, T. II. I. a;. ' :• ■ and review 5° 2- 3 Km, ley, 1 1 ■ k'>- '873. . - 5504-5 I. a Beche, H I G 'gical ob- server. 1851 550-54 LeConte, J, I lementsof geology. 1881. 550-56 Lyell, C. Elements of geology. 1866. . 550-59 Geological evidences of the antiquity ol man. 1873 573-5 1 Principles of geology. 2 v. 1872.. . 550-58 Student's elements of geology. 1871. 550-6 Macfarlane, J. American geological railway guide. 1879 557-6 M del, II. P. Interior of the earth. . . 55011-6 Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. 1875 553-6 Mantell, G. \. ideological excursions round the [sle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire. 1S54. . 55442-5 Wonders of geology. 2 v. 1864. . . 550-62 — Miller, II. Cruise of the "Be' •865 5541-5 Geology of 1I1, I' rock. 1857.. . . 5541-6 Old red sandstone, to which is append- ed a series of geological papers. 1855. Same, [1858.] 55174-6 Popular geology. i860 5504-61 Rambles of a geologist. Bound with Miller, II. Cruise of the "Betsey." 1865. 5541 5 Testimony of the rocks. 1858. Same, •873 55oi-5 — Mineral riches of the earth. [1861.] . . 553-63 Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. 1870 5501-6 — Nicholson, H. A. Text-book of geology. 1872 550-68 \ 1, uls, A. Chapters from the physical history of the earth. 1880 550-69 — Order of creation, the conflict between Genesis and geology 213-63 — Page, D. Advanced text-book of geol- ogy, descriptive and industrial. 1867. 550-73 Chips and chapters: book for amateur and young geologists. 1S69 55°4-7 Elements of geology. 1870 55°-7 2 Geology for general readers. 1866. . . 550-74 — Portlock, J. E. Rudiments of geology. [1868.] 550-76 — Ramsay, A. C. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain. 1S72. . . 5543 J — Richardson, G. F. Introduction to ge- ology and its associate sciences, miner- alogy, fossil botany and paleontcl 1851 - GEOLOGY. 5i° GEOMETRY. Geology, continued. — Robinson, E. C. Geology of Genesis. 1885 213-76 — Rutley, F. Study of rocks : elementary text-book on petrology. 1881 552-7 — St. John, S. Elements of geology. 1851. 550-8 — Shaler, N. S. Text-book in geology. 1884. 550-81 — Smith, H. L. The world ; or, first lessons in astronomy and geology 507-8 — Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in popular geology. 1S71 550-85 — Symonds, W. S. Stones of the valley. 1857 5504-8 — Tate, R. Rudimentary treatise on ge- ology. 2 v. in 1. 1871 550-87 — Taylor, J. E. Geological stories. 1874. 550-88 — Tenney, S. Geology. 1866 55°-9 — Walsh, J. B. Astronomy and geology compared. 1872 502-93 — Wells, D. A. First principles of geology. [1861.] 550-94 Williams, S. G. Applied geology. 1886. 553-9 — Winchell, A. Geological excursions. 1884 550-97 Sparks from a geologist's hammer. 1881. 504-95 Walks and talks in the geological field. 1886. 550-98 — ' Agassiz, L. Structure of animal life. pp. 69-89 5901-25 — Brewster, D. More worlds than one. pp. 38-63 52313-2 — Dix, J. A. Speeches and occasional ad- dresses, v. 2. pp. 181-241. Geological report 815-3 — Duncan, H. Sacred philosophy of the seasons, v. 1. pp. 341-384 210-26 — Pouchet, F. A. Universe ; or, the infi- nitely great and the infinitely little, pp. 403-508 503-7 — South Kensington museum. Conferences in connection with the special loan col- lection of scientific apparatus, 1876. . . 502-8 — Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress, pp. 3 2 5"376 142-83 — Stansbury, II. Exploration and survey of the valley of the great Salt Lake of Utah 478-85 -- Wallace, A. R. Island life; or, the phe- nomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and at- tempted solution of the problem of ge- ological climates 59°9-9 Yeats, J. Natural history of commerce. PP- 350-386 650-9 — See also Archeology. Caves. Coal. Crea- tion. Earth. Mineralogy. Mines. Paleontology. Petroleum. Physical geography. Also Biographies of Lyell, 5«> Chas. and Miller, Hugh. Geometry. Angel, H. Practical, plane and solid geometry. [1872.] 5 13— 1 5 1873. Bound with Machine construc- tion and geometry 520-74 — Chauvenet, W. Treatise on elementary geometry. 1875 5'3~27 — Church, A. E. Elements of analytical geometry. 1867 5'6-3 — Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing, show- ing the application of practical geometry to trade and manufactures, n. d. . . . 744~33 — Davis, C. Elements of analytical ge- ometry. 1873 516-4 — Dodgson, C. L. Euclid and his modern rivals. 1885 513-32 — Euclid. Elements, with many additional propositions and explanatory notes; with an introductory essay on logic, by Henry Law. 1870 513-36 — Evans, E. W. Primary elements of plane and solid geometry. [1862.] 513-38 — Hann, J. Analytical geometry. 1871. . 515—4 — Heather, J. F. Descriptive geometry. 1871 515-4 Practical plane geometry. Bound with Euclid. Elements. 1872 5 T 3~36 — Howison, Geo. H. Treatise on analytic geometry, ed. by Jas. Ray. [1869.] . 516-47 — Hunter, T. Elements of plane geometry. 1878 5131-45 — Kelland, P. oWTait, P. G. Introduction to quaternions. 1873 5168-5 — Kirkman, T. P. First mnemonical lessons in geometry, algebra and trigonometry. 1852. Bound with Baker, T. Statics and dynamics 531 — 13 — Legendre, A. M. Elements of geometry and trigonometry, tr. by C. Davies. . 513—5 — Loomis, E. Elements of analytical ge- ometry. 1869 5 16—5 Same. 1875 5 1 6—5 1 Elements of geometry, conic sections and plane trigonometry. 1875. . . . 513—6 — Mahan, D. H. Descriptive geometry. 1868. Bound with Francis, J. B. On the strength of cast-iron pillars 6201-4 — Moore, H. Kindergarten manual of draw- ing exercises upon figures of plane ge- ometry 740-5 — Olney, E. Treatise on special, or elemen- tary geometry. [1872.] 5 13-7 — Playfair, J. Elements of geometry : con- taining the first six books of Euclid, with supplement. 1863 513 74 Proctor, R. A. Treatise on the cycloid and all forms of cycloidal curves. 1878 5213-7 — Reynolds, E. M. Modern methods in elementary geometry 5'3-'7 GEOMETRY 511 GEORG1 1 .1 <>\n rRY, continued. Robinson, 1 1 . \ Elemi nl of gi Mud plane and iphei ical ti igonometry. [i860.] '. |i 1 - Smith, I'. II. Elements ol de criptive geometry. 1S71 51 5-8 Spencer, W. G. Inventional geometry. 1883 5139-6 Tait, P. G. Elementary treati ie [ua ternions. | [873.] Si ,,s - s l.ippan, E. T. Treatise mi geometry and trigonometry, ed. by Jas. Ray. [1868.] 513-86 Treatise on plane and solid gei metry, ■864 5'3-87 • Templeton, \\ . Engineer, millwright and mechanic's pocket companion. . . 6208-8 - Todhunter, I. Treatise on plane co-ordi- nate geometry as applied to the si might line and the cmiii m'ciihii 5'35 _ S — W.i mn, s. I . General problems from the orthographic projections of descriptive geometry. 1868 5 1 5-9 Plane problems in elementary geometry. '867 513-93 Helmholtz, II. Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects, ser. 2. pp. 27-72. . . 502-43 — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences, pp. 166-174. . . . 504-48 — Newton, I. Principia. First book, sec- tions 1, 2, 3, with notes, illustrations and collection of problems, by Percival Frost 501-64 — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of machin- ery and millwork. pp. 3— 15 6218-7 GEOMl ikm'ai. drawing. Minifie, W. . . . 744-65 GEONOMY: creation of the continents by ocean currents. Grimes, J. S 55145-42 George, Saint, of England. Anderdon, \\ . II. Evenings with saints, pp. 10S-122. 414-23 Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. Stories of the saints, pp. 1 1-39 4'4~3 — Seven champions of Christendom. . . . 382-8 GEORGl I, tin£ of Great Britain, b. 1660-1/. 1727. McCarthy, J. History of the four Georges 41 11 1-6 Schmucker, S. M. The four Georges. . 41111-8 -Thackeray. \V. M. Four Georges. . . .41111-85 Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges 937"93 George II, king of Great Britain, b. 1683-a'. 1760. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George II. . . 411-7S — Thomson, Mrs. K. 1>. Memoirs of vis- countess Sundon, mistress of the robes to Queen Caroline, consort of George II. 229B5 — See also George I. George III, king of Great Britain, b. 173S- d. 1S20. Belsham, W. Memoirs of the reign of George III, from his accession to the peace of Amiens. 8 v 9373 - .1 III, eontinu fi e, J. II. Memoiri of the lit-- of King < ieorge III 414B2 1 . . \\ Historj ili gland during the reign ol < ieorgi III Brougham, II. Hi I statesmen who ■• of e III. v.i. pp. 11-20 ii" 1 ; Flhs, W. Royal jubilees of England. pp. 164 252 93°8-3 G< 1 Georgi [V, king of Great Britain, 6. 1762- °-'7 Dixon, H. H. Fast and the present, pp. IOO-I20 6365-4 — See also George I. George, Enoch, bishop, />. about 1767-rf. 1828. Gorrie, P. D. Fives of eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 294-311. . . 4147 5 Henry. Irish land question : what it involves, and how alone it can be settled : an appeal to the land leagues. V V., 1885. 12° 3334-4 — Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth. The remedy. X. V., 1S80. 8°. Same, 1881 333-4 — Protection or free trade : an examination of the tariff question, with especial re- gard to the interests of labor. X. Y., 1886. 12° 335-3S — Social problems. Chicago, 1883. 12°. . 3304-35 — Hanson, W. Fallacies in Progress and poverty 33°4-4 — Mallock, W. II. Property and progress. [An answer to Progress and poverty.] . 33S-56 \ nonalization of the land. In Coan, T. M.. ed. S.icial problem-, pp. 229- 281. Review of Progress and poverty. 304-28 Rae, J>hn. Contemporary socialism. pp. 380-455 33S-7 — Rutherford, R. C. Henry (ieorge versus Henry George 333-75 — Taylor. J. American political philoso- phy, pp. 56-69. Review 3304-S5 — Walker. F. A. Land and its rent. Re- view George, Lake. X. V. Badeau, A. Vaga- bond, pp. 194-199 ij'Fo GEORGE. — 512 — GERMANTOWN. George, Lake, N. Y., continued. — Benjamin, S. G. W. World's paradises. pp. 170-1S1 439-17 — Curtis, G. W, Lotus-eating, pp. 127- '44 473- 2 5 — Lanman, C. Tour to the river Saguenay in lower Canada, pp. 50-62 4714-5 George Keith of Fen Court. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. George Morton and his sister. Trowbridge, CM 896A3 George St. George Julian, the prince. Cockton, H. Gkorgia. Andrews, S. South since the war. 475-14 Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. H. His- tory of Georgia 9848-14 — Harley, T. Southward Ho! tour through the state of Georgia 475S-4 — Jones, C. C.,jr. Antiquities of southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribe. 4075-5 — Kemble, F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, 1838-39. . . 4758-^ — Longstreet, A. B., (Native Georgian, pseud.) Georgia scenes 817-6 — Nordhoff, C. Cotton states in the spring and summer of 1875 984-65 — Campbell, G. White and black : the out- come of a visit to the U. S. pp. 346- 376 473-2 — Constitutions of the several states, pp. 2 78-29l 3463-3 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 187-204. 974—5 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard slavestates. pp. 377-545 475-71 — See also Oglethrope, Jas. GEORGIA, confederate cruiser. Argument at Geneva, pp. 104-110 3416-2 GEORGIANS. Hammond, Henrietta H., (Henri Dauge, pseud.) [Round Robin series.] GERALDINE: sequel to Coleridge's Chris- tabel. Tupper, M. F 896C9 GERALDINE: souvenir of the St. Lawrence. [Poem.] B., 1881. 12 414C1 Note. Attributed to Will Carleton. GERALDINE Hawthorne. Butt, B. M. D ( .niton. Philleo, C. W. Gerard, Jas. W. (A. Fishe Shelby, pseud.) Ostrea; or, the loves of the oysters: a lay. X. V'., 1857. Bound with, Lowell, J. R, Vision of Sir Launfal 589C6 Gerard, Jas. W. Peace of Utrecht : histor- ical review of the great treaty of 1713-14, and of the principal events of the war of the Spanish sm cession. N. Y., 1885. 8° 927-4 GERAKIi's marriage. Thcuriet, A. GERDA; or, the children of work. Schwartz, Mai ie Sophie Birarth, Gerda Fay, pseud. See Gemmer, C. M. Gerhard, Wm. Paul. Guide to sanitary- house inspection ; or, hints and helps regarding the choice of a healthful home in city or country. N. Y., 1885. 16 . 628-44 — Sanitary question. In Brunner, A. YV., ed. Cottages; or, hints on economical building 728-21 Gerhardt, Paul, German protestant divine and poet, />. i6o6- 1 1 . 1 . History. Bryce, J. Holy Roman empire. 1X83. 943-2 liar. liner, S. R. Thirty >e.u,' uai HuS 4S 9434-4 Gindely, A. History of the thirty \. war. 2 v. 1SS4 9434-43 Gould, S. Baring-. Story of Germany. 1886 943-4 Ho/ier, II. M, Seven weeks' War. 2 V. 1867 9438-4 Koettschau, • '. Coming Franco-German war. 1887 94487-5 Kohlrausch, F. History of Germany. l8 56 943-5 — Lewis, C. F. History of Germany from the earliest times. '874 94J-55 Malleson, G. B. Battle-fields of Ger- many. 1884 9434-6 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-49. 1887 929-58 — Menzel, W. History of Germany. tr. by Mrs Geo. Horrocks. 3 v. 1S49. . 943-6 — MUller, W. Political history of recent times. 1S82 929-6 — Peake, E. German emperors anil their contemporaries. 1S74 943-" Schiller, F. Works Thirty years' war. 1872 836-2 — Seeley, J. R. Life and times of Stein; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napo- leonic age. 2 v. 1879 853B5 — Stael-Holstein, Anna L. Germany. 2 v. 1859 443-86 - Taylor, B. History of Germany. 1874. 943-8 Vonge, C. M. Young folks' history of Germany. [1878.] 94 i 9 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 4. pp. 197-257. Review of Laveleye, E. de. La Prusse et 1'Aut- riche depuis Sadowa 426E1 — Tacitus. Works, v. 2. pp. 286-342. Treatise on 'the manners of the Germans. 8786 -8 2. Religious history. Baur, \V. Religious life in Germany dur- ing the wars of independence 2743-2 Buchsel, C. My ministerial experiences. 190R6 Carter, T. History of the great reforma- tion 2706-25 - Merle d' Aubigne, [. H. History of the reformation of the 1 6th century. . . . 2706-3 — Miller. M. C. Mr. Arnold's stories. . . 2706-6 — Patterson, M. Religious condition of Germany. In Manning, II. E., id. Essays on religion and literature, ser. 3. 204-58 Germ . ontinueci. chaff, P I y 27 1 Smith, J. \l. Stai of thi lion. pp 17 65 2706-72 Spalding, M. J. Mi ccllanea. v. 2. pp. 472-491. ' : i no! Protestant countries 204X4 j. Education. Vmold, M. Higher schools anil univer- sities in Germany 37843-2 Hart, J. M. German universities. . . . 37843-4 Hurst, JT. Life and literature in the fatherland 443-49 Payne, J. Visit to the 1 lei m SiefTens, H. German university life. . 37843-8 --- Cook, J". Boston Monday lectures. Oc- cident, pp. 72-85. Advanced thought in Germany 204-23 Pressense, E. de. Contemporary por- traits, pp. 103-122. Culturkampf in Germany 4104-77 ./. Politics and law. Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. pp.32 it ,W 314-330 3455-4 Moriei, R. 1!. I). Local government in its historical development in Germany and England. In Probyn, J. W., td. 1 obden club essays. 1875. pp. 357 454 3521 7 Stanton, T., <•i 449" 5 Lanoye, F. de. Sublime in nature, pp. 204-232 5S'-5S ( .11 \i 1 1;, Abdul, late Akhond of Swat, Boul- ger, D. C. 1 lentral A iian portraits. pp. 40-51 4" » s -' Ghardaia ; or, ninety days among the B'ni Mo 1I1. Naphegyi, G 4001 7 Gherardesca, Ugolino, Sons of. Masson, \l. Celebrated children pp. 1 27-131. 410-72 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, Florentine sculptor, i. 1378-rf. 1455. Doremus, S. I). Great lights in sculpture and painting, pp. 74-77 4'7-4 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of early Ital- ian painters, pp. 64-74 4 1 75-5 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Makers of Florence. PP. 132-146 4107-7 llHIKI \NliAlo, (I lotucnico I 'curaili or Bigor- di), Florentine- painter, b. about 1450-*/. 1495. Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture and painting. pp. 91-93. . 417-4 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of early Ital- ian painters, pp. 106-112 4175-5 GHOST, The. O'Connor, W. D. GHOST-hunter and his family. Banim, M. t. must land; or, researches into the myster- ies of occultism, tr. and ed., by E. H. Britton '76-13 GHOST-seer. Schiller, F. Works. \ . 4. pp. 377-4S2 836-2 Giannetto. Majendie, Lady M. Giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holy places. Porter, J. I. 45S-74 Giant of the north. Ballantyne, R. M. . 133A35 Giant raft. Verne, J. pt. 1. Fight hun- dred leagues on the Amazon, pt. 2. Cryptogram. Giants. Giants and dwarfs, n. t. p. 12°. 413S-4 Hunt, R., ed. Popular romances of the west of England. pp. 35-78 383-4 — Wilson, A. Science and crime, pp. 21-29. 502-96 Giant's robe. Guthrie, F. Anstey. GlBB, E. J. \V.. joint author. Poole, S. Lane- and others, Story of Turkey. . 9496-74 GlBBES, Sarah Reeve. Ellet, E. F. Wo- men of the American revolution, v. 1. pp. 20S-221 4121-35 Gibbon, Chas. Life of Geo. Combe. 2 v. I .. 1S78. S° 244!'.; By mead and stream. N. Y., 1SS4. 4°. Fancy free. 1 .. 1886. 12°. F01 lack of gold. X. V., 1S72. 8°. Foi the king. X. V., 1S72. 8°. Hard knot. X. \ .. 1885. 16 . — Maiden fair and other stories. I.., n. d. 1 6°. Gibbo ' has., continu Robin Gray. V V.. 1873, I Shadow '.f wiong. I... n. d. 16 . Joint ed. Spofford, A. I<. and Gibbon, 1 i.i.., ids. Library of < ho ture. 8 v 1 .1 in, Ed ward, En .'; ! t rian, >•. 17 57 ,/. 1711 1 Cm idi i 1871 12 . . 2704 46 1 1 istoi v "f the decline and fall of the Ro- man empire; with noti M II. Mil- man. 6v. V Y. Same. 5 v. Phila. 12 abridged, ed. by Wm. Smith 9'99 i 1 — Life of Mahomet, with notes by I lean Milium and I 'i. Wm. Smith. | Being the 50th chapter of his Roman empire.] B. l6°. Same. X. V., 1861 2071 ; Rise and fall of the Saracen empire. Also History of the Saracens, by S. Ockley. I.., 1870. 12° Autobiography, ed. by J. B. Holroyd. 4 Memoirs of Edward f.ilihon, with an es- say by W. D. Howells. B., 1877. 24°. — Morison, J.C. Gibbon. [English men of letters.] 420B6 — Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. pp. 42-48 410-32 — F'.dgar, J. (.. Boyhood of great men. pp. 35-43 410-44 — Knight, ('. Hall hours with the best letter-writers and autobjographers. ser. 2. pp. 187-225 826-54 — Lawrence, E. Lives of the British histo- rians. V. 2. pp. 244-3II .(I — Men of history, pp. 297-300 4 lo "5 — Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 1 18-122 410-78 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 308-311 4'0-975 Gibbon, Lardner, joint author. Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon, 1.. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon ;•■ :- GIBBONS, David. Rudimentary treatise on the law of contracts for works and vices. L., 1857. 12 . Bound with (ampin, F. W. Law of patents for in- ventions 3447 ; GIBBONS, l.iinling, English sculptor and carter in wood, 6. 1648-*/. 1721. Cun- ningham. A. British painters and sculptors, v. 3. pp. 5-18 4«7~3 Gibbons, J. S Bai New York. n. t. p. 12 liii 4 GIBBONS, fas., /'. P., American archbishop, o. 1S34. Stearns, E. J. Faith of our fore- fathers: an examination of Archbp. Gib- bons' •• Faith of our fathers." .... 2829—76 Gibbons, Mrs. Phebe Earle. Pennsylvania Dutch and othei essay-. Phila.. I S72. 12° GIBBONS. 5i6 GIFFEN. Gibbons, Rodmond. Physics and meta- physics of money; with sketch of events relating to money in the early- history of California. N. Y., 1886. 12°. [Questions of the day.] 33'5-35 Gibbs, Alfred S., tr. and ed. Goethe's moth- er. N. V., 1880. 8° 429B9 Gibbs, Archibald Robertson. British Hon- duras ; an historical and descriptive ac- count of the colony from its settlement, 1670. L., 1883. 12° 9912-4 Gibbs, Sir Vicary, Eng. judge, b. 1 752— . 1807-d. 1884. Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. pp. 224-228. . . 411-37 — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. pp. 265-339. 4104-7 Gibson, Walter M. Prison of Weltevreden ; and a glance at the East Indian archi- pelago. N. Y., 1855. 12° 4922-4 Gibson, Wm. Weekes, H. Lectures on art. pp. 294-317 704-9 6 Gibson, Wm. Hamilton, Am. artist, b. 1850. Camp life in the woods, and the tricks of trapping and trap-making. N. Y., 1881. 16° 7968-4 Giddings, Joshua Reed, Am. statesman, b. l795-., Am. writer, i. 1844. New day : poems in songs and sonnets. N. Y., 1876. 12°. 422C6 — Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. PP- 309-325 4181-2 Gildek, Wm. 11. Ice-pack and tundra : ac- count of the search for the "Jeannette," and a sledge journey through Siberia. X. V., 1883. 8° 498-4 — Schwatka's search : sledging in the Arc- tic, in quest of the Franklin records. N. V., 1SS1. 8° 498-41 GlLDERSLEEVE, Mrs. C. H. Remy St. Remy ; or, the boy in blue. N. Y., 1866. 16° 421A4 Gilding. Byrne, O. Metal-worker's assist- ant, pp. 610-617 671-2 GlLEAD. Merrill, S. East of the Jordan. 4587-6 — Oliphant, L. Land of Gilead 4587-7 Giles, Chauncey, Am. Sivedeborgian, b. 1S09. Lectures on the nature of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being. N. Y., 1867. "° 2894-33 Giles, Ella A. Maiden Rachel. Madison, Wis., 1S79. 12°. Giles, Henry, Irish- American Unitarian minister, />. 1809-i/. 1S82. Christian thoughts on life : a series of discourses. B., 1851. 12° 252-4 Contents — Worth of life. — Personality of life. — Continuity of life. — Struggle of life. — Disci- pline of life.— Prayer and passion. — Temper. — Guilt of contempt. — Evangelical goodness. — Spirit of Christian forgiveness. — David: spirit- ual incongruities. — Weariness of life.— Mystery in religion and in life. — Lectures and essays on Irish and other subjects. N. Y., 1869. 12 422E2 Contents.— Spirit of Irish history. — Ireland ajid the Irish in 1848.— Daniel O'Connel!.— J. P. Curran. — Irish emigration.— Irish born citizens. — Irish character, mental and moral. — Irish so- cial character. — Gerald Griffin. — Dr Doyle. — Oliver Goldsmith.— Christian idea in catholic art and in protestant culture.— Cost of war. — Popular wit and humor especially in Scotland. — Human life in Shakespeare. B.,1868. 16 . 8236-4 Contents. — Growing and perpetual influence of Shakespeare. — Human life in Shakespeare. — Man in Shakespeare. — Woman in Shakes- peare. — Shakespeare's comic power. — Shakes- peare's tragic power.— Shakespeare's person- ality. — Illustrations of genius, in some of its re- lations to culture and society. B., 1854. 12° 422EI Contents. — Cervantes. — Don Quixote. — Scar- let letter.— Fiction.— Public opinion.— Philan- thropic sentiment.— Music— Cost of a cultivated man. — Conversation. — Wordsworth. — Robert Burns.— Thos. De Quincey. '.ii ES, Rev. John Allen. Apostolical records of early Christianity, from the date of the crucifixion to the middle of the sec- ond century. I .. 1KS6. 8° 2701-39 Giles, Wm. B. Moore, Frank. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 189-217. . . . 8152-6 Giles Corey of the Salem farms. Longfel- low, II. \V. New England tragedies. 586C8 Note. Also in Longfellow's works. Giles minority. O'Reilly, Mrs. Robert. . 706A4 Cm. niXAN, Rev, Geo., Scottish writer, b. 1813-^. 1878. Bards of the Bible. N. V., 1855. 12° 2216-3 — Life of Sir Walter Scott, baronet. Edin- burgh, 1870. 12 814B17 — Modern literature and literary men : being a second gallery of literary portraits. 2 v. N. V., 1854. 12° 418-43 Contents. — John Milton. — Lord Byron.— George Crabbe. — John Foster. — Thomas Hood. — Thomas Macaulay. — Dr. George Croly. — Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton — Ralph Waldo Emer- son. — George Dawson. — Alfred Tennyson. — Prof. Nichol.— Mrs. Hemans. — Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning.— Mrs. Shelley.— Wm. Cob- bett.— James Montgomery.— Sidney Smith. — William Anderson. — Leigh Hunt. — Thomas More. — Isaac Taylor. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.— Philip James Bailey.— John Ster- ling. — Third gallery of portraits. N. V., n. d. 12° 418-431 Contents.— Mirabeau. — Marat, Robespierre and Danton. — Vergniaud. — Napoleon. — Edward Irving. — Isaac Taylor. — Robert Hall. — Dr. Chalmers. — Sidney Yendys. — Alexander Smith. — J. Stanyon-Bigg. — Gerald Massey. — Hazlitt and Hallam. — Jeffrey and Coleridge. — Delta. — Thackeray. — Thomas Babington Macaulay. — Carlyle and Sterling. — Emerson, Neale and Bunyan. — Edmund Burke. — Edgar A. Poe. — Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer. — Benjamin Dis- raeli. — Prof. Wilson. — Henry Rogers. — .^Lschy- lus. — Prometheus bound. — Shakespeare. — Essay on the genius and character of Campbell. In Campbell, T. Complete poetical works. pp. xxv-xlix. . . . 203C4 Gilfillan, Robert. In Rogers, C, id. Scottish minstrel, pp. 258-261. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0921-7 Gill, C. Haughton. Sugar refining. In British manufacturing industries. v. 12 664-2 Gill, Richard. Free trade: an inquiry into the nature of its operation. I.., 1SS7. I2 ° 3353-38 GILL, Capt. Wm. River of Golden Sand : narrative of a journey through China and eastern Thibet to Burmah ; with il- lustrations and maps, from original sur- vey-.; with introductory essay by Col. Henry Yule. 2 v. L., 1880. 8°.. . 451-4 GlLL, Wm. F. Home recreations for home amusement, school exhibitions and pub- lic entertainments. B., 1875. I2 °- • 7S5 ■ 4 Life of Edgar Allan Poe. X. V., 1878. 12° 740B5 GILL. ig OILMAN. Gill, Wm. I. Evolution and progres an exposition and defense, with a review ol lead ing opponent ., .1 l i.i w in' Winchell, and quasi opponents as I.e < onte and Carpenter. N. Y., 1875. 12 215-34 1 .1 1 1 . Rev, Wm. Wyatt. [otting from the Pai ific. 1.., 1885. 12° 496-4 Conttnti Days from home. Bible truthi illustrated by native preachei Z ilogical and botanical notes Mi cellanea. — Index. Life in the Southern isles; or, scenes anil incidents in the South Pacific ami New Guinea. I.. 12 496-41 Myths and songs of the South Pacific. I.., 1S76. 12° 3896-4 joint author. Chalmers, I.. andG\W t YV. W. Work ami adventure in New Guinea 495-27 1 in 1 1 in. Win. Mitchell, /./.. /)., Am. en- gineer, i. 1816-rt. 1868. Manual of the principles ami practice of road-making. Roads 11ml railroads. N. Y., 1871. 12 . 625-4 — Treatise on land-surveying. N. Y., 1S5S. 8°. Same, 1875 5269-4 — Treatise on levelling, topography ami higher surveying, ed. by Cady Staley. N. V., 1870. 8°. Same, 1872. . . . 5269-41 GlLLET, Joseph Anthony, joint author. Kolfe, W. J., and Gillet, J. A. As- tronomy 520-79 Hand-book of natural philosophy. 530-79 Hand-book of the stars 520-8 GlLLETT, Kzra Hall. Ancient cities and empires: their prophetic doom, read in the light of history and modern research. Phila., n. d. 16° 401-45 — England two hundred years ago. Phila., 1866. 16° 2742-4 — God in human thought ; or, natural theology traced in literature, ancient and modern, to the time of lip. Butler. 2 v. N. Y., 1874. 8° 201-32 Mi al system ; with an historical and crit- ical introduction, having special refer- ence to Bp. Butler's •• Analogy." N. V., 1S74. S° 191-4 Gilliat, Rev. E. Champions ol the right L., 18S5. 12 4104-4 Contents.— Briton and Saxon - \ lfrc-,i the great.— Two saints.— The monk.— St. Hugh of Lincoln. — The friar.— John w ii lif Jeanne the maid Sir rhomas Moie Sii Walter Rah Forest outlaws; or, Saint Hugh and the king. 1... 1SS7. 12°. GILLIES, John, /./.. D., Scottish historian. 1746-d'. 1836. Introductory essay and life of Aristotle. /;; Walford, Edward. tr. Politics and economics of Aristotle. PP- '-44 3°8-2 1 .11 1 11 , [ohn, 1 oniinutd. '.i,i. • i ' .'. bite field ; with an introducl I I Stpwe. Phila., > 947Ba 1 .1 1 1 1 1 , Robei 1 Pi rs< Per* nal reminis- cences. In Stoddard, R. \\., ed. ' le and Gillies, pp. 221 [29. . . 41 ( iii. 1. mi hi, Parkei Gn ' ilnr*i land ; a ride through Natal, 'ate, ! 1 11 vaal ami Kalahai 1 'h-,ert. I.. 8°. (1 bique, j end.) < lun, rod and saddle. I.., 1869. 12° — Prairie and forest: description of the gai 1 ' 1 aerica. N. Y., 1874. 12° 796-41 Gillmore, Quincy Adams, Am. general, i. 1825-u. 1888. Practical treatise on limes, hydraulic cements and mortars: contain- ing reports of numerous experiments conducted in New York city during the years 1858-61 inclusive. N. Y., 1870. 8° 6662-4 — Practical treatise on roads, streets and pavements. N. V., 1876. 12°. . . . 625-42 — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and, generals, pp. 553-562. 4122-4 Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 617- 655 9796-7 1 in \i\s, Arthur, Am. writer, />. 1S37. First steps in English literature. N. Y., 1870. 16° 820-4 I 1-1 steps in general history. N. Y.. 1874. 16° 905-4 History of the American people. B. 12 . 07; 4 Rings, queens and barbarians; or, talks ;il t seven historic ages. 1!., 1S81. 16 . 903-36 — Short stories from the dictionary. 1'... I8S6. 12° I IO-4 — Story of Rome, from the earliest times to the end of the republic. N. Y.. 1S85. 12° — Story of the Saracens from the earliest times to the fall of Bagdad. N. Y.. 1887. 12° — Tales of the pathfinders. B., 1884. 12°. 970-35 — joint author. Gould, S. Baring- and Gil- man, A. Story of Germany ''4>-4 Mahaffy, I. 1'., ami I iilinan, A. Story of Alexander's empire Poole, Stanley lane- and Gilman. A. Story of the Moors in Spain 9462-6 and others. Story of Turkey. . . . 04 - Rawlinson, G., and Gilman, A. of Ancient Egypt 912-74 — ed. Magna Charta stories. Ii.. iss; « Shakespeare's morals: suggestive se- lections, with brief collateral readings and scriptural references. N. Y.. 1SS0. 12° •_ CI I, MAX. — 5 2 ° — GIPSY. Oilman, Benj. Ives. Hildreth, S. P. Mem- oirs of the early settlers of Ohio. pp. 306-320. Benj. Ives Oilman and Mrs. Hannah Gilman 41271-4 Oilman, Caroline. Poetic fate book. New oracles from the poets. B., 1874. 16°. 807-42 — and Howard, Caroline Young fortune- teller ; oracles for youth. B., 1874. 16°. Bound with Oilman, C. Poetic fate book 807-42 — and Jervey, Caroline Howard. Stories and poems. B., 1872. 16° 305A25 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 76-81. [Poems and biog. sketch.] 2458-7 OILMAN, Daniel Coit, 1'res. Johns Hopkins Univ., b. 1831. James Monroe in his re- lations to the public service during half a century, 1776 to 1826. B., 1885. 12°. 643B5 Oilman, Joseph. Hildreth, S. P. Memoirs of the early settlers of Ohio. pp. 302- 305. Hon. Joseph Gilman and Mrs. Rebecca Gilman 41271-4 Oilman, Mrs. Maria, pseud. See Barnard, Chas. Francis, jr. Gilman, Samuel. Putnam, A. P. ed. Sing- ers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 72-76. [Poems and biog. sketch.] . . 2458-7 Oii.mor, Col. Harry. Four years in the sad- dle. N. Y., 1866. 12° 9S19-43 Gii.more, Ernest. Consecrated. N. Y., 1881. 16 422A2 GlLMORE, Rev. Jas. Among the Mongols. L., n. d. 12 45'7~4 Gilmore, Jas. Roberts, (Edmund Kirke pseud.). Am. writer, b. 1823. Among the pines; or, South in secession-time. N, Y., 1S62. 12°. -- Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Richmond. N. Y., 1864. 16 . John Sevier as a commonwealth builder. X. Y., 1887. 12 818B1 — My southern friends. N. Y., 1863. 12 . Rear-guard of the revolution. N, Y., 1886. 12° 9756-45 and Abbott, Lyman. Gospel history; be- ing a complete connected account of the life of our Lord, woven from the text "f the four Evangelists; with notes and indexes of texts and topics. N. Y., 1881. 16 227-4 GlLMORE, John, Storm warriors; or, life- boat work on the Goodwin sands. I.., ,8 74- 12 3599-4 GlLMORE, Joseph Henry, Am. clergyman, b. 1838. Outlines of logic. N. Y., 1879. 12 189-4 On murk, Minnie. Pipes from prairie land and other places. N. Y., 1886. 12°. . 422C9 Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield. History of the National peace jubilee and great music- al festival, held in the City of Boston, June, 1869, to commemorate the resto- ration of peace throughout the land. B., 1871. 8° 77H-4 Gilpin, Bernard. Mason, J. ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 351-354. . 4IO-7 Gilpin, Mrs. Henry D. Ellet, E. F. Queens of American society. pp. 376-381. . 41239-31 Gilpin, Wm. Mission of the North Ameri- can people, geographical, social and political. Phila., 1873. S° 557-4 GlNDELY, Anton, Austrian historian, b. 1829. History of the Thirty years' war. tr. by Andrew Ten Brook; with introduc- tion and concluding chapter by the tr. 2 v. N. Y., 1884. 8° 9434-43 Ginevra. Ritchie, A. C. (M.) Italian life and legends, pp. 227-240 445-8 GlNEVRA Da Siena. Wm. Wetmore Story. Graffiti d'ltalia. pp. 3-79 855C3 Ginevra ; or, the old oak chest. Wallace, Mrs. Susan E 922A4 GiNGER-snaps. Parton, Sarah Payson, (Fanny Fern, pseud.) 7'5E9 GlNX's baby. Jenkins, E. Gioberti, Vincenzo, Italian statesman and philosopher, b. 1801-a'. about 1 85 1. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 101-270. Review of philosophy. . . . 818-27 GlORGIONE, ( Georgia Barbarelli, ) Italian painter, b. 1477-a'. 151 1. Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture and painting. PP- "5-"7 417-4 — Jameson, A. M. Memoirs of the early Italian painters, pp. 310-318 41 75—5 Keddie, H., (S. Tytler, pseud.) Old mas- ters and their pictures, pp. 181-185. . 759-8 Giotto, Angiolotto, Florentine painter, b. \2-]d-d. 1336. Buckley, T. A. Dawn- ings of genius, pp. 40-47 410-2 — Doremus, S. D. Great lights. pp. 61- 66 417-4 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of early Italian painters, pp. 25-63 4175-5 — Jervis, Lady J. W., tr. Stories of boy- genius, pp. 186-200 4174-5 — Memorials of early genius, pp. 75-108. 410-74 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Florence pp. 108-131 4>°7-7 — Ruskin, J. Miscellanea, v. 1 '704-825 Giovanni da Fiesole. See Angelico, Fra. GlPSi.v Fred. Hoffman, F 482A3 Gipsies. See Gypsies. Gipsy. James, o. P. R, GlPSl chief. Reynolds,!.. W. M. Gipsy of the Abruzzo. Power, Tyrone, In Club-book. v. 1. pp. 77-118. GIRARD. 52' — GIVING. Girard, Stephen, Franco- American bank />. 1750 ,/. [831. Arey, II. M. Gii college and its founder 3; Famou boys and fai 240 1 n . 17 ■• — Hunt, I''. Amei ii an mei 1 hants. pp. 22 7 Z94 41238-4 Mc( !abe, J. D. Great foi tune 1 58 4'23-6 Parton, I. Famous Amei icans. op 2 57 412-72 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 165-180 1 1 — Small beginnings, pp. S7-98 410-93 — Sylvan city. pp. 472-508 47481-8 w ise, I '. \ 1 r 1 . 1 ii, ;hed victot r>p. 133- ■54 t 1 Girardin, Delphine (Gay) de, French writer, /.. 1S04-,/. 1 S 5 5 . Stories of an old maid. N. Y., n. d. 16 122A7 — joint author. Gautier, T. on, I othei . Cross of Berny ; or, Irene's lovers. Phila., 1873. '2°- — Gautier, T. and others. Famous French authors, pp. 56-69 4184-4 GlRARDIN, Emile de, French journalist, t. about 1804-0". 1881. Castelar, E. Life" of Lord Byron and othei sketi he . pp. 237-257 '18-26 — Rae, W. F. Men of the Third republic. pp. 221-234 4105-5 GlRARDIN, J. Doctor's family; or, the for- tunes of the Cartels. I... 1877. 12°. GlRARDIN, Saint Man. See Saint Marc Girardin. Girder, Mechanics of the. Crehore, J. I>. 624 ; GlRDER-making and the practici building in wroughl iron. Hutchinson, E 624-5 Girdle round the earth. Rii hardson, D.N. 438-775 Girdlestone, R. B. Metapl ..! language applied to God m the < »ld Te it. In Christian evidence soc. Popular ob- jections to revealed truth, pp. 175-200. 239-26 GlR] 11 and « on inhood. Keddie, Henrietta, iS. Tytler, pseud.) Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines in a series of tale-. Clarke, M. C > s 2399-3 Girls and young women. Brackett, A. C. Education of American girls 376-2 — Brooks, E. S. Historic girls 413 224 — Clare, M. F. Advice to Irish girls in America , :;;I 2 , — Cox, S. Friendly counsel for girls. . . . 1937 52 — Davis, I. P. Hygiene for girls 6129 | — Dodge, G. H. Bundle of letters to busy e irls • 396-31 Girl's manual 5 70-44 — Gregory, J. Father's legacy to his ilaugh- ,e,s 247 5 ontinucd. Hoi I 1 . 1 II 11.. ■!, W. P. Voung lady' book. . 376-5 11, is. Tytler, / for thoughtful girls 1 Sweet 1 ounsel 1 1 en re, M. A. Whal hall with our daughters? 376-55 Mrs. Margaret 'Si . In. rture for girls 825A15 Letti e iri s 396-79 Pearls for yout Rydi 1 . A. I I Hold up 3 11 I 1 , girls. 376 7 Safford, M. J. and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls 6129-76 Sedgwick, C. M. Mean- and ends self-training 376-78 Sherwood, Mrs. M. I . W. Royal girls and royal courts 413-787 — Starrett.ll. I Letters to a daughter. 1937-77 Letters to elder daughters '937-78 Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know 6129-8 - Terhune, M. V.. (Marion Harland, pseud.) I 6129-4 Weaver, G. N . Aims and aids for girls and young women '937-9 1 ly, I. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. p] 91. .... 1, W. 0.,jr. Lectures to young wo- men, pp. 100-102 396-32 See also Culture. F.ducation. F.tiquette. Women. • GIRL'S book of famous queens. Farmer, Mrs. Lydia (Hoyt) 4'j-3 s I life eighty years ago. Bowne, Eliza 179B6 (ilKI.'s manual : comprising a summary view of female studies, accomplishments and pies of conduct. V i . 1 •■ ■ 1 Girl's room; with plans and desigt work, upstairs and down, and entertain- ments for herself and friends. B., 18S6. 12° 746-3 Girondists, The. Lamartine, A. de. His- tory of the Girondists 9444-57 — Sec also France, history. GlRONIERE, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines, [1819-39]. N. Y., 1854. 16 . 4 GlRTY, Simon. Heroes and hunters of the west. pp. 103-117 9S/-52 S. Griffin, G. Poetical works, pp. 407-500 t;isti the outlaw. Dasent, G. \V 8396-3 ('•in 1 M a. 31. Trollope, T. A. GlUSTI, Giuseppi. Howells, \V. D. Modern Italian poets, pp. 275-299 8501-37 Giving alms no charity. Defoe, D, \\ PP- 539-547- ■ ■ ' i GLACIAL. S22 GLADSTONE. Glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Wright, G. F 55132-9 GLACIERS. Croll, J. Discussions on climate and cosmology 55 I_ 3 — Donnelly, I. Ragnarok 551-4 — Geikie, J. Great ice age, and its relation to the antiquity of man 55 I- 5 — Green, W. S. High Alps of New Zea- land 493'-4 — Reclus, E. Earth 551-78 — Tyndall, J. Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers 5514-9 - Hours of exercise in the Alps 4494-S Wills, A. Eagle's nest 4494-93 -- Wright, G. F. Glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky 55132—9 — Agassiz, L. (ieological sketches, v. 1. pp. 208-311 and v. 2. pp. 1-152. . . 5504-2 — Heer, O. Primeval world of Switzerland. v - 2 55494-4 - Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures, pp. io7->52 5° 2 -43 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. PP- 489-53 1 402-6 Gladden, Rev. Washington, Am. congrega- tionalist, b. 1836. Applied Christianity, moral aspects of social questions. B., 1886. 12 2576-3 Contents. — Christianity and wealth. — Is labor a commodity ? — Strength and weakness of so- cialism. — Is it peace or war. — Wage workers and the churches. — Three dangers. — Christiani- ty and social science. — Christianity and popular amusements. — Christianity and popular educa- tion. — Christian league of Connecticut. N. \ '., I883- '2° 2576-32 — Christian way ; whither it leads, and how- to go on. N. V., 1S77. 16 241-43 — Plain thoughts on the art of living; de- signed for young men and women. B. , 1868. 12°. .97-33 Contents. — Messenger without :i message. — Work for women. — Dress. — Manners. — Conver- sation. — Habits. — Health and physical culture. — Mind culture. — Success. — Stealing as a fine art. — Companionship and society. — Amusement. — Respectability and self-respect. — Marriage. — Conclusion of the whole matter. - Things new and old in discourses of Christian truth and life. Coin in l> us, [883. 8° 452-41 Win], mil; people and their employers. B., '876. 8° 3361-5 I rl IDIATORS. Melville, ( ;. J. W. roNE, John Hall, Eng. chemist, l>. 1827. Michael Faraday, N. Y., 1872. ■ 6° 338B2 Miracles as 1 redentials of a revelation. In Christian evidence soc. lectures. Popular objei to revealed truth. pp, 2"! JJ.( 239-26 Gladstone, J. H., continued. — Supposed collision between the Scriptures and natural science. Christian evidence soc. lectures. Faith and free thought, pp. 131-172 239-25 — and Tribe, Alfred. Chemistry of the secondary batteries of Plante and Faure. L., 1883. 12 5385-4 Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, Eng. statesman. /<. 1809. Gleanings of past years. 7 v. X. V. 16° 426E1 Contexts. — v. 1 The throne and the Prince Consort; the cabinet and constitution : Death of the Prince Consort. — Life of the Prince Con- sort [by T. Martin, v. 1-3.] — County franchise [3 papers.] — Kin beyond the sea. v. z. Personal and literary : Blanco White. 1845. — Giacomo Leopardi. — Tennyson. — Wedg- wood. — Bp. Patteson. — Macaulay. — Memoir of Dr. Norman Macleod. v. 3. Historical a?id speculative ; Theses of Erastus and the Scottish church establishment, 1844. — On "Ecce Homo,"i868. — Courses of relig- ious thought, 1876. — Influence of authority in matters of opinion, 1877. — Rejoinder on authori- ty in matters of opinion, 1877. — 16th century arraigned before the 19th, 1878. v. 4. Foreign : [Two] letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the State prosecutions of the Ne- apolitan government, 1851. — Examination of the official reply of the Neapolitan government, 1S52. — Farint on the States of the church. — Germany, France and England, 1870. — Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem. — Montenegro, 1877. — Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. v. 5. Ecclesiastical : Present aspect of the church, 1843. — Ward's ideal of a Christian church, 1844. — Remarks on the Royal suprem- acy, 1850. v. 6. Ecclesiastical: On the functions of laymen in the church, 1851. — Bill for divorce, 1857. — Church of England and ritualism, 1874- 75: (1) Ritual and ritualism; (2) Is the church of England worth preserving? — Italy and her church, 1875. v. 7. Miscellaneous : Inaugural address on the work of universities, i860. — Place of ancient Greece in the providential order. — Chapter of autobiography, 1868. — Law of probable evi- dence and its application to conduct, 1849. — Evangelical movement ; its parentage, prog- ress and issue. Homer. N. Y., 1879. 16 . [Literature primer.] 8S34-51 -Homeric synchronism: an enquiry into the time and place of Homer. N. Y., 1875. 12 ° 8834-5 - Inventus mundi : gods and men of the heroic age. B., 1869. 8° 2941-4 -- Political speeches in Scotland, Nov. 1S85, with the previous address to the Directors of Midlothian and U-Ucis writ- ten dining the conquest. Edinburgh, 1886. 8° 825-45 Rome and the newest fashions in religion : three tracts. \. Y., 1875. 8 °- • • • 282 3~35 Content* Vatican decrees.- Vatl Speeches of the Pope. ADSTONE. 5*3 — GLAZEBRi M H ( .1 adsti ink, Wm. E., i ontinued, Speeche on the Irish question in 1886; with an appendix 1 ontaining the full text "l the government <>i Ireland, and thi all and purchase ol land bill oi 1886. Edinburgh, 1886. 8° 9418-44 Vatican dei rees in their bearing on civil allegiam e ; il 0, Historj oi the \ al 1 ouncil, 1 ithi 1 ". itii 1 1" Latin and Eng. text "i 1 1" Papal yllabu and the Vatican dei rei . b) 1 lie Re\ . Philip Schaff. N. V., 1875. 8 ° 2823-36 1 law 11 ol it ei n and ol h orship. In 1 ii.ii 1 ol 1 reation. pp. 5-42 213-63 Kin beyond the sea. In Prose mastet piei es. v. 3. pp. 151-217 808-7 I etter. In Laveleye, Emile de. Balkan peninsula 4496-5 Preface, Tn Schliemann, II. Mycense. 4054-7 Proem to 1 lenesis. In 1 Irder of creation. PP- 70-106 213-63 Speeches. In Irisli question as viewed by one hundred eminent statesmen, pp. 203-259 and 285-308 32041-51 Jennings, Louis J. Mr. Gladstone study 4-4l'7 [ones, C. II. Short life of William Ewart Gladstone 424B8 Mc< arthy, J. II. England under Glad- stone 938-57 — Smith, ('.. B. Life of the Right Hon. Wm. Ewart Gladstone 425B1 Adams, C. K., ed. Representative Bril ish orations, v. 3. pp. 277-345. |Biog. sketch and speech.] 8258 2 Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, ser. 2. pp. 52-93. Review of Homer and the Homeric age 902-4 I .1111-, s. Modern science and modern thought, pp. 321-543. Review ol Dawn ol creation; 215-52 \](i arthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 106- 115 4104-0 Parton, I., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. .201-276. . 410-83 Rideing, W. II. Boyhood of living authors, pp. 52-61 418-74 Smith, G. B. Prime ministei ol Queen v i' toria. pp. 333-387 411 93 Smith, J. C. Miscellanies, old and new. pp. 11-56. Gladstone's Homer. . . . 836I 1 Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. pp. 7-36 410-94 Gl IDVS. Darling, Mary G. Ramsay: a soldier's daughter. Douglass, Mrs. M. GLAISHER, Jas. Crystals ol snow as applied to the purposes of design. In "Art studies from nature." pp. 133 175. . . 745 4 i,l lizabeth. Markham of Oiler- tale of the I i '• il war. I.., 11. (1, [< Nee 12 74I Glances at 1 h ing. Hoyt, J A. . . Glanville, i nulfus de. ' ampbell, J. Chiel I I nglancl. v. 1. pp. ■9-35 t" 2 j G GOW, David. Watch and clock mak- ing. I.., 1885. 16 681-4 ■ iw, Scotland. Boyd, \ I-. . I I . I hours in town, pp, 172 z<«i ' llcgc life at Glasgow De Quincey, T. Miscellaneou pp. 263-288. Sortilegi Mhen.i'Uin 284E4I \lii 1 oil, I '. Among the m; '.'.ork in the Wynds 2041 5 i)i \s~. Fromberg, E. O. Rudimentary iv on tile art of painting on glass. 1884. Bound with Gessert, M. A. Art of painting on glass 71 s ' Gessert, M. A. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass: or, glass- staining. 1884 748-3 fervis, I 1. Reminiscences ol glass-mak- ing. 1865 666-5 v, Inn, \. Glass. 1S79 748-6 Powell, H. J. Principles of glass-making. 1883 666-7 — Sauzay, A. Wo f glass-making in all ages. 1870. Same, 1875 666-8 Hurty, P. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the indus- trial arts. pp. 177-220 7i7 ; Carey, A. Autobiography of a lump of coal, etc. pp. 1 13-144 604-19 Cox, W, 'W.fil. History of the processes of manufacture and u-es of printing, gas-light, pottery, glass and iron. pp. 189-243 ' tester, G.J. On the pottery and glass found in the excavations. /;/ Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Recover) Jerusalem, pp. 36S-38S 2212 — Dickens, ('.. ,-d. Sunshine on daily paths pp. 149-160. Red-hol bubble-blowing. pp. 317 324. Plate-glass Knapp, 1- . Chemical technology. \ . 2. pp. '3-I50 660-55 — I.ukin, J. Amongst machines, pp. 275 293 Mateaux, C. I Wonderland of work. pp. 227-256 607-4S 1.1 VSS of fashion: hand-book of social eti- quette. By a lounger in society. . . 395~54 or, the wonders of the shore. Kingsley, (has 5S98-5 Glazebrook, R. T. Physical optics. V V.. 1883. 16° 535-4 GLAZIER. 524 — GLUMHR. Glazier, Cap/. Willard, Am. writer, b. 1841. Battles for the Union. Hartford, 1878. 12 978-4 — Heroes of three wars; comprising a se- ries of biographical sketches of the most distinguished soldiers of the war of the revolution, war with Mexico, and the war for the Union. I'hila., 1SS0. 12°. 41231-4 — Owens, J. A. Sword and pen; or, ven- tures and adventures of Willard Glazier in war and literature 426B1 Gleams from Paul's prison. Hoyt, Wayland. 221S-66 Gleanings, some wheat, some chaff. God- dard, Miss A. A. Gleanings from a literary life. Bowen, F. 179E1 Gleanings from French gardens. Robin- son, w 715-7S Gleanings from the desert of Arabia. Up- ton, R. D 459-9 Gleanings from the harvest-fields of litera- ture. Bombaugh, C. C. ed. 8076-2 Gleanings in natural history. Jesse, E. . 5904-5 Gleason, Oscar R. How to handle and educate vicious horses, together with hints on the training and health of dogs; with biog. sketch. N. V., 1886. 12 6361-4 Gleig, /?ci: Geo. Robert. History of the Bible. 2 v. N. V., 1S55. 16 . . . . 221-4 — Life of Robert, first Lord Clive. L., 1848. 12 230B9 — Life of Maj. Gen. Sir Thomas Munroe, Bart, and K. C. B. late governor of Madras; with extracts from his corre- spondence and private papers. 2 v. I.., 1830. 8° 654B2 Glen, Wni. Rogers, C. ed. Scottish mins- trel, pp. 227-230. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80921-7 Glenaveril; or, the metamorphoses : poem in six books. Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. . 596C35 GLENNAIR ; or, life in Scotland, llazlitt, H. Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim-memories; or, travel and discussion in the birth- countries of Christianity with the late Henry Thomas Buckle. N.Y., 1875. 8°. 45S-42 Contents. — Egypt. — Sinai I !.iii 1 —Pales- tine.— Lebanon. — Appendix: additional per- sonal detail. ',ii. Mi onnel, J. L. GLIDDON, G. K., joint author. Nott, J. C. a«\ 1 ksiin and his silent partner. Keeler, R. Gloves and glove-making. Carey, Annie. Wonders of common things 604-2 — Dickinson, E. E. Pair of gloves. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 39-52. 602-9 GlUCK, Christoph Wilibald von, German composer, b. \"]\i,-d. 17S7. Letters. In Wallace, Lady — , tr. Letters of distin- guished musicans. pp. 3-48 4177-9 — Ferris, G. T. Great German composers. PP- 5 8 "74 4"77-45 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals, pp. 194-208 771-47 — Lillie, L. C. Story o) music and musi- cians for young readers, pp. 106-113. 770-6 — La Tour, M. de. Gluck and the white rose of Vienna: [a romance.] • iiii OSE. Wagner, I,, von. Practical trea- tise on the manufacture of starch, glu- cose, sugar and dextrine 664-4 (.111:. Dawidowsky, F. Raw materials and fabrication of glue, gelatine, isin- glass, cements, plaster, mucilages, etc. Brannt, W. T., tr 668-2 i.i ;, Claire von, German novelist, b. 1825. Noble name; or, Donningliausen. tr. by Mi, A 1 . Wisler. GLYCERIN] — 525 — Gl MAVIS. i.M 1 Watt, Vli \i I "i oap in ■ I. ii" pp !1 .:2 2 6 Glyn, John. 1 lampbell, J. ' hiel 1" tici ..1 I ngland. \ . 2. pp. • * ■ n». ... \ 1 1 • 1 , Jo ;eph. ' 'ii the 1 onstrui ti 1 crane ■ and ol hei hoisting machii 1.., 1867. 12°. /•' I 1 II II. 1 .. K. I .ime >, 1 mortars, eti Rudimentary treatisi on thi powei oi watei .1 ■ applied to drive flou 11 tnd to give motion to turbines, and other hydrostatic engines. I.., 1872. 12 . Bound with Frisi, P. Rivers and tor- rents 5', 1 1 ; I i In ad] mii 111 n, 1 '. I iowells, W. I>. Chree villages. pp. [1 7-198 473-48 Gneist, Dr. Rudolph, German jurist, b. 1S111. Historj oi the Engli h < constitu- tion. 11 . bj Philip A. \ shw 01 th. 2 v. N. v., 1886. 8° 346-4 Tuttle, II. German political leaders, pp. 203-215 4106-8 (in work. Per ram, A. F 724A4 Goadby, Edwin. England of Shakespeare. I . 1881. 16° 9355-45 Goadby, Henry, ["ext-1 1. oi vegetable and animal physiology. V V., 1S59. 8° 59' S4 Goats. Jardine, W. Goats, sheep, oxen; etc. In Naturalist's library, v. 22. . 590-5 Gobat, Samuel, missionary, i. 1799-rt'. 1S79. Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia: preceded by an introduction geographical and historical on Abys- sinia: trans, from the French by Sereno D. Clark. N. Y., 1S50. 12° 463-4 — Travels in Abyssinia. In Hotton, J.-C. ed. Abyssinia anil its people, pp. 47- 53 463-45 Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, comte de, French diplomat, />. 1816. Romances of the Mast. (Nouvelles Asiatioues.) N. \.. 1878. 16°. Goblet. See Alviella. Goblet, The. Tieck, Ludwig. In Carlyle, 1'., tr. Tales of Musseus, etc. v. 2. . 833-6 GoBRIGHT, Louis A. Recollections of men and things at Washington, during the third of a century. Phila., 1869. 12°. 9843-4 God. Sec Bible. — Theism. — Theology. — Christianity, evidences. — Materialism. — Mythology. — Prayer. — Religion. — Re- ligion and silence. — Sermons. — Trinity. I nitarianism. God and the man. Buchanan, Robert. GOD in creation and evolution, and the church of every age in light and shade. X. V.. 1883. 12 C 428C8 in h and m I I.. I I lODDARD, .!//,> A. A, ' ill \ HD, Julia. 1 tella- I 1 1 ., W. W. Two hard li phj ician portl >1 ... r. , 1 24 Contents. -C. k W . fragmentary memi ii 1 1 1 .! of i t66 8319-31 Bryant, W. C. Prose « ritings. v. 1. PP- 335-342 1 1 Buchanan, R. A look round literature. pp. 54-95. Character "I Goethe. . . 804-25 Calvert, G. II. 1 lhai lotte von Stein : a memoir 85384 Brief essays and brevities. pp. 123- 128. Goethe's Faust 201] 5 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays, v. 1 and 4 zo61 21 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures : mar- riage, pp. 205-221. Goethe and Shakes- peai 1 marriage 1931— 3 De Quincey, I. Biographical essays, pp. 227-261 284E48 — Fuller, M. Life without and life within. pp. 13-60 400E5 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. pp. 247-276 3'9Ei Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 341- 366 430E5 — • Gostwick, J. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 267 317 239-43 — Griswold, II. T. Hume life of great authors, pp. 11-23 41S-45 Haeckel, K. History of creation, v. I. PP. 7^-99 ' 575-1" — Hale, E. E. Lights of two centuries, pp. I' I J20 410-53 6 Hedge, F, II. Hours with German clas- sics, pp. -51 343 830-42 Helmholtz, 11. Popular lectures on sci- entific subjects, pp.33 60. On Goethe's scientific researches 502-43 Hosmer, J. K. Short history of German literature, pp. 330-414 830-45 Jameson, A. (M.) Studies, stories and memoirs, pp. 40-97 704 ;n — Mendelssohn - Bartholdy, Karl. Goethe ami Mendelssohn 4106-4 Mothers of great men. pp. 399-414. 413 35 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. PP- - 1 35- 2 59 201-7 1 111 . I. W., ontinued. 1 Studies in ' lerman literal Wilkinson, W. C. Cla id lei n in English, pp. 160 221 ,11- pp. 206 ." Wood, \\ . ed Hundri I gn ti I men. pp. 50-53 410 975 1 ;.n 1 in tiller. Mundt, K Lou [Ull tch, pxud.) 1 ,. il rz Vi I lei iiingell : tragedy, the, J. W. von. 1 , \\ in.. /■'■>ig. Puritan, t. about 1605- kn" lion of Granpere. Trollope, A. GOLDEN lives: biographies for the day. Japp, Alex. Hay, (H. A. Page, pseud.) 4104-75 Golden lotus and other legends of Japan. Greey, Edward 3852-4 GOLDEN mediocrity. Hamerton, Eugenie. GOLDEN milestone. Graham, S. Golden missionary penny, and other ad- dresses to the young. Bolton, Jas. J. . 248-2 GOLDEN rangers. Ferry, Gabriel. GOLDEN sorrow. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. ( )' ilden spike. King, E. Golden thoughts from the "Spiritual guide." Molinos, Miguel 240-55 Golden truths : sermons. Norton, Rev. J. N. 252-73 Got DEN west: as seen by the Ridgway club. Lothrop, Mrs. Margaret (Sidney). . . 478-83 GoLDMAKER'S village. Zschokke, H. . . . 998A2 GOLDONI, Carlo, Italian author, />. 1707-1/. 1793. Memoirs of Carlo Goldoni. tr. by John Black : with an essay by Win. n. Howells. B., 1S77. 24 431B3 — Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in southern Europe, v. 2. pp. 174-1S7. 445-S6 Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes, Am. admiral, 6. 1805-rf. 1877. Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commandei 5, pp. 196-208 4122 39 Goldsi 11 mi nr, Jenny (Lind), Swedish vocalist, b. 1820. Clayton, E. C. Oueens of ong. pp. 461-482 4178-3 Dix, J. I. ions living or dead. pp. 264- 270 410-4 Ferris, (>. T. Great singers, ser. 2. pp. [81-218 4178-4 GOLDSCHMID — 529 GONZ Ml./ dschmidt, |'-"n\ (Lind), continued, 1 - . 1 ion, I . Pi i"' es, luthoi ind men ol oui time, pp -'S' 256. ■ ■ • 4'°-83 U. You have heard ol them. pp.2I2-2ig |i'i ^ Willi , N. P. Famous persons, pp. 417- 432 ii-' i ;..i dsmid, ( 'ol, Sir Frederii John. 1 graph and travel 1 nai rative ol the foi m ation and developmenl ol telegraphic imunication between England and India, under ll lei ol 1" 1 M 1 ity's government : with ini idental nol ices ol the countries traversed bj thi lines. I.., 1874. 8° 45°-4 Goldsmith, 1 lliver, b. 172.1 ,/. 1774. Works; with account of his life and « ritings. ed. by W. Irving. Phila., n. d. S°. . 828-4 Contents M' n I ill.- III". ' writings of lir Goldsmith.— Vicar of w tkefield In nuiry into the present state of polite leai M 1 ., poems I 'i .mi. 11 1. l'i .mm hin Letters from a citizen of the world to Ins fricmls in the East.— Bee.— Essays. Poetical works. ed. with life, b) Rev. John Mitford. I'.., 1853. 16° ... 1 |CX - — Poems and plays, Hound with Beattie, J. Poetical works 141C6 — History "I the earth and animated nature ; with an introductory view of the animal kingdom, tr. from the French of Baron Cuvier, and notes embracing accounts ol new discoveries in natural history; with life of the authoi bj Washington Irving. 2 v. 1.., 1S53 59<>-4 — History of Greece. Pinnock's improved edition, ed. by Win. C. Taylor. . . . 01S a — History of Rome. Pinnock's improved edition, ed. by Wm. I Paylor. Phila., i860. 12° 919 , IS — Natural history, n. 1. p. 12 590-4' — Select poem-., ed. wilh miles, by Win. J. Rolfe. N. V.. 1NS2. 16 130C7 — She stoops in conquer. The good-natured man. N. Y.. 1879. 24° I30C8 — Vicar of Wakefield. L., n. d. 16°. — Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists. pp. 215-254. Selections 822 jo — Memoir of Tim-. Parnell. ■'" Parnell, Thos. Poetical works, pp. \ xliv. . . 71 5C4 — Black, W. Goldsmith 131B5 Irving, W. Olivei Goldsmith: a bi raphy 431B6 — Bolton, S. K. Pool boys who became famous, pp. 00-95 410-16 — Bulwer-1 yii. hi, E. ii. I ■'. 1 . Miscellane- ous prose works. v. 1, pp. 511 IIO. lull - — De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, pp. 101-146. ' 284E48 — Dowden.K. Oliver Goldsmith. In Ward, '1'. 11., ed. English poets. \ . ;. pp. 36S-372. . . - ■.in 11. Oliver, continued. Dral •-, s. A., ed. < >ur greal benefai pp. 55 61 4'° -12 Fifty celebrated men. pp. 295 300. . . 411 i ; 1 pp. 2X.X ;l6 422I -• 1 [omi 1 es of 1 !i poets. pp. 21X-246 821 45 Howitt, W. II 1 the British poets, v. 1. pp. 322-378. . 41821 1 1 . 1 Livi of the Bi itish his- torians. v. 2. pp. 318-344 4182-54 Macaulay, T. 1!. Biographical e pp. 1 15-135 603E15 \li < .irlhy, J. II. Hours with elm Irishmen, pp. 76-83 94' 54 \I1i1 hell, D. G. Ab tory-tellers. PP- 73-95 4l8 " 6 Morrill, |.S. Self-consciousness of noted ns. pp. 111-114 410-78 Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists, pp. 4SS-499 4182-82 f/aylor, W. 1 1 lern British Plutarch. pp. 163-170 4' '-97 rhackeray, W. M. English humori the 18th century 828-893 Wise, D. Vanquished victors, pp. 224 247 t' " 1 iwnin, Capt. Wassili, Russian navigator, d. 1S32. Taylor, Ii. I yi lopiedia of modern travel, v. 1. pp.411-437. Gol- ownin's captivity in Japan 43°- x 1 ...Mi uv of Montgomery. Washburn, C. A. GOMEZ, Sebastian, Spanish painter, d. about 1690. Goodrich, S. (i. Heroism of 1 hood. pp. 46-56 4'O-S 1 Jervts, Lady}. W., tr. Stories of l>oy- genius. pp. 121-147 4 1 745 Gomm, Sir Wm. Maynard, British field-mar- shal,b. i784--4 ill, Wm., D. D., Am. missionary, b. 1792-1/. 1867. Prime, E. I). G. Forty yeai i in the Turkish empire 2649-7 GoODENOUGH, I .is. Graham. Goodenough, ;; . V. Journal ol Commodore Good- enough, during his last command as senior officer on the Australian station. 1873 75. 1... 1S76. 8° 432B2 < DEVE, T. M. Manual of mechanics, el- ementary texl I k designed for stu- dents of applied mechanics. N. Y., '886. 16° 531-45 Elements of mechanism. L.,1871. 16 . \. Y.. 1S72. Same. P., 1880. 531-43 GOODEVE, T. M., continued. — Principles of mechanics. N. Y., 1881. 16° — Text book of the steam engine. L., 1880. 12° Goodhue, Jonathan. Hunt, F'. Lives of American merchants, pp. 345-366. . Goodman, John. Poems and selections, with an address. Cleveland, O., 1S77. 8° Goodrich, Aaron. History of the charac- ter and achievements of the so-called Christopher Columbus. N.Y., 1874. 8°. Goodrich, Rev. Chas. Augustus, Am. writer, b. 1790-1/. 1862. Bible history of pray- er, with practical reflections. Hartford, 1848. 12° Goodrich, Chauncey Allen, ed.. Am. writer, b. 1790-1/. i860. SelectBritish eloquence: embracing the best speeches entire of the most eminent orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries; with sketches of their lives, notes, etc., by C. A. ( Goodrich. N. Y., 1875. 8°. Same, 1SS0 Contents. — Sir John Eliot. — Earl of Strafford. — Lord Uigby. — Lord Bellhaven. — Sir Robert Walpole.— Mr. Pulteney.— Lord Chesterfield. — Lord Chatham. — Lord Mansfield. — Junius. — Edmund Burke. — Henry Grattan. — Richard Brinsley Sheridan. — Chas. Jas. Fox. — Wm. Pitt. — Lord Erskine. — John Philpot Curran. — Sir Jas. Mackintosh.— Geo. Canning. - Lord Brougham GOODRICH, Frank Boot, Am. writer, b. 1826. Man upon the sea ; or, a history of mari- time adventure, exploration and discov- ery from the earliest ages. Phila., 1858. 8°. Same as Ocean's story — Ocean's story; or, triumphs of thirty centuries: description of maritime ad- ventures and rise and progress of ship- building and ocean navigation from the ark to the iron steamships ; with an ac- count of adventures beneath the sea, diving, dredging, deep sea soundings, latest submarine explorations, etc., by Edward Ilowland. Phila., 1873. 8°. — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 123-126. . GOODRICH, Samuel Griswold, (Peter Parley, pseud.). Am. writer, b. 1793-1/. i860. Faggots for the fireside; or, fact and fancy. N. Y., 1868. 16° — Heroism of boyhood. 11. t. p. 16 . . . Literature, ancient and modern, with specimens. Phila., 1845. 12 . . . . Lives of celebrated American Indians. Chicago, 1863. 16 Persevere and prosper; or, the Siberian sable hunter. L., n. d, l6° 531-44 6211-35 41238-4 432C4 243B2 244-4 8258-4 437-43 437-44 4181-3 43iA4 410-51 802-4 9703-4 431A9 GOODRICH ' GORDON. < Mi ii, S. ' .., continued. I'm toi ill In itoi j "i am " "I Rome ; with tches of the histoi I Phila., 1868. 12 919 1 Pictorial In it 'i ■. "i 1 ngland. Phila., 1874. 12 930-4 Pictoi >.i I In toi \ "I I' 1 am e. Phila., [868. ia 944-3 8 Pictorial histor) ol Greece, im ienl unci modern. Phila., 1868, 12" 918-41 Pictoi ial historj ol the « orld, ancient and modern. Phila., 1 S74. 12 . . . 905-43 Pii ini ial natural history : eml racini \ iev. of the minei al, 1 egel < ble and an- imal 1 ingdom. Phila., [866. 12 . . . 504-45 — Recollections of a lifetime. 2 v. N.N'., 1856. 8° tf2B3 — Wanden 1 ea and land ; or, walks and tall over 1 he « ater. X. V., 1868. 12 4401-4 \\ n boughl ; or ihe life of Roberl Merry. n. t. p. [6° 432A4 Di iy, J. C. Fifty yi .imong authi 1 . 1 ml publishers. pp. no [23. . 4181-3 Everest, C. W. P01 ol Ci mne< ticut. pp. 213 220. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 ' d " idrii ii, Thos. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 2. pp. 45-53 411 25 Goodwin, Chas. Wycliffe, Eng. Egyptoi /'. 1817-1/. lS 7 8 - On the Mosaii cos- mogony, /it Essays and reviews, pp. 187-228 204-28 Goodwin, Christina. After school I!., 1887. 12° 432A8 How they learned housework. II 1SN0. '2° 432A9 GOODWIN, Mrs. II. B. I>r. Howell's fami- ly. Ii.. KS69. 12°. Madge j or, night and morning. X. Y. 12°. I >i, among many. I!.. 1SS4. 16°. — Our party of four. [Story of travel.] B., 1887. 16°. Sherbrooke. N. V., 1866. 12°. Goodwin, John A. Pilgrim republic: an hisl il review of the colony of New Plymouth; with sketches of the rise of othei New England settlements, the Ii torj of Congregationalism and the Is of the period. B., 1SS8. 8°.. 98248 t I.' iVIN, \i P II. Teacher in grooves. In Essays and addresses read before the N. I •'. O. T. A. pp. 141-155 3706-6 in, T. A. Mode of man's immortal- ity : or, the when, where and how of the future life. V \ ., 1874. 12°. . . 237-4 Goodwin sands. Gilmore, J. Storm war- life boal work on the Go win sands 1 1 i860. How.-, 11. Adventurea and achievements »I2 55 \I<| a be, I . I ' Gri foi pp. ; 1 ' : on, |. Famou \ mi pp. 309-346 112 72 Peo] l phy. pp. 215 220 410-82 ( d, Thos. Shiel, K. L. Sketi hi I the Irish bar. v. I. pp. 232-251. . . 3409-75 Gordon, V. ' . m 1 Page, I hos. N Befo' de h ar : 1 negro dial \. V., 1888. 12° 432C8 G DON, A. J. Go : ser- mon. In Grout, II. M.. id. Gospel invitation, pp. I39-I52 252-43 GORDON, Adam Lindsay. In Adams, F. W. I.. Australian essays, pp. 1 1 -26. . . 494 [4 Two lives in one. X. X ., 1870. 16° 433A4 Go Geo., British general, h. 1833-rf. 1885. Journals of Maj-Gen. I G. Gordon, at Khartoum, cd. with in- troduction and notes by A. K. Hake. B., 1885. 12° 433B6 Letters fi ' rimea, the Danube, and Armenia. August iS, 1854, to No- vember 17. 1S5S. ed. by Demetrius I Boulger. L., 1884. 12° 9475 45 es, A. Chinese Gordon: succinct record of his life 433B4 (.en. Gordon, the Christian hero. X. V.. n. d. 12° 1 — Hake. A. E. Story of Chinese 1 .ordon. 4 — Swaine, S. \. General Gordon 433^7 — Adams, W. H. D. In perils oft. pp. 172 542 4>59-l4 E. R. Three marty the 19th century, pp. 167-286. . . . 4149-3 — Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biog- raphy, pp. 350-39S. Chinese Gordon and the Taiping rebellion 4151-5 — Foster, Mrs. I. II.. (Faye Huntington, pseud. - of great men. pp.45— SO. 410-585 n : short Ihes for yi en. pp. 120-142 41 12-4 — Long, C. C. The three prophets. . . . 410-65 GoRD" Daniel M. Mountain and prairie : journey from Victoria to Win- nipeg, via Peace rr I.., 1880. 12° 47H-3S GORDON, Elizabeth Brodie, duchess of Gor- don. Stuart, A. M. Life and letters of Elizabeth, last duclu n. . . 433B9 GORDON, tieo., 2d marquis of Httntly. Lodge. E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain, v. 4. pp. 307- 3" ■■ 4ii 5 GORDON. 53 2 GOSPEL. Gordon, Lord Geo. Erskine, T. Speeches. v. I. pp. 78-155 82 5-4 Gordon, Geo. Hamilton, 4th earl of Aber- deen, b. 1784-a'. i860. Inquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian archi- tecture. With Vitruvius Pollio, M. Ancient architecture 722-8 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 1-40 411-56 — Smith, G. B. Prime ministers of Queen Victoria, pp. 207-235 41 1-93 Gordon, Geo. Henry, Am. general, b. 1820. Brook farm to Cedar mountain in the war of the great rebellion, 1861-62 : re- vision and enlargement (from the latest and most authentic sources) of papers, numbered I, 2 and 3, entitled " A his- tory of the Second Massachusetts Regi- ment," and the "Second Massachusetts regiment and Stonewall Jackson." B., 1SS3. 8° 9785-4 — History of the campaign of the army of Virginia under Gen. Pope, from Cedar mountain to Alexandria, 1862. 2 v. v. 1. Text. v. 2. Maps. B., 1880. 8°. . 9785-41 — War diary of events in the war of the great rebellion, 1863-65. B., 1882. 8° 9785-42 Gordon, J. E. H. Practical treatise on electric lighting. N. Y., 1884. 8°. . 5384-4 — School electricity. L., 1886. 12°. . . 537-4 Gordon, Sir J. Wm. Chesney, C. C. Mil- itary biography. pp. 341-349. Sir . Wm. Gordon of Gordon's battery. . . 415 1—3 Gordon, Janet. Inquisition in Spain, n. t. p. 16 2722-4 Gordon, John B., Confederate general, b. 1832. Pollard, E. A. In Life of Rob- ert E. Lee. pp. 535-549 41225-5 Gordon, Lady Lucy Duff, Eng. writer, d. 1869. Last letters from Egypt : to which are added letters from the Cape ; with a memoir by her daughter, Mrs. Ross. L., 1875. 12° 462-42 — Japp, A. H., (E. C. Gray, pseud.) Wise words and loving deeds, pp. 31-72. . 413—45 DON, Mrs. Mary, ed. Christopher North : memoir of John Wilson ; with introduction by R. Shelton Mackenzie. \. V., 1866. 12° 955B1 GORDON, Rev. Wm. Headley, J.T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 35-40 4'2l-45 Gordon, Wm., Viscount Kcnmure. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the pretenders, and their adherents, pp. 9 1 -93 411-59 Thomson, K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, /•send.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. v. 2. pp. 7I-9I. . . .(112 8 Gordon, Wm. R. Particular providence : a course of lectures on the history of Joseph. N. V., 1868. 12 2218-44 GoRDON-Cumming. See Cumming. Gore, Airs. Catherine Grace, £ng. writer, b. 1799-d. 1861. Banker's wife. N. Y. 8°. — Birthright. — Castles in the air. Leipzig, 1856. 16°. — Dean's daughter ; or, the days we live in. Auburn. 16 . — Heckington. 2 v. . Leipzig, 1858. 16 . — Life's lessons. 2 v. Leipzig, 1857. 16 . — Mammon ; or, the hardship of an heiress. 2 v. Leipzig, 1855. 16°. — Peers and parvenus. N. Y., n. d. 8°. — Progress and prejudice. 2 v. Leipzig, 1854. 16°. — Two aristocracies. 2 v. Leipzig, 1857. 1 6°. Gore, Chas. Leo thegreat. L. 16°. [Fath- ers for English readers.] 563B5 Gore, Christopher. Moore, Frank, ed. American eloquence. v. I. pp. 410— 422 8152-6 Gore, Geo,, LL. D. Art of electro-metal- lurgy ; including all known processes of electro-deposition. X. V., 1S77. 16 . 5386-4 Gorgei, A. See Goergei. Goring, Sir Geo. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain, v. 4. pp. 313-321 411-65 Gorrie, P. Douglass. Lives of eminent Methodist ministers : containing bio- graphical sketches, incidents, anecdotes, records of travel, reflections, etc. Phila., n. d. 12° 4M7-5 Gorton, D. A. Essay on the principles of mental hygiene. Phila., 1873. 12°. . 1 71-4 Gorton, Samuel. Mackie, J. M. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 15. pp. 3I7-4U 412-86 1 i< >i 1 1 HAKOIT, Prince Alex., Russian states- man, b. 1800-rf. 1883. Klaczko, J. Two chancellors: Prime Gortschakof and Prince Bismarck 4104-56 GOSCHEN, Geo. Joachim, Eng. financier, b. 1831. Political speeches delivered during the general election, 18S5. Edinburgh, 1886. 8° 32042-4 — Theory of the foreign exchanges. L., 1886. 8° 33'7-4 Gospel among the Caffrees. Moffat, Rev. R. 266S-5 ( .< i 11 1 in tin- siars ; or, primeval astronomy. Seiss, Rev. J. A 22152-7 GOSPEL miracles in their relation to Christ and Christianity. Taylor. Rev. W. M. 2317-7 1." ill of relaxation. Spencer, II. In Moody, W. G. I. and and labor in the United States, pp. 270 285 333-6 GOSPELS. 533 GOI LD Gospei i ' ii. V I- Sai red bool taining old and new gospels 176 ; 1 .. 1 1 i !, See also Bible, l\ rw Testament. Christianity, Jesus Christ. Parables. Go . Wai i'ii 1 ee. Soldiei 's ^u>i y "1 his captivity at Andei ville. n. t.p. 12 . 9802-4 Go 1. Edmund Wm., Eng. pod. /•. 1849. In. in Shakespeare to Pope. V \ ., 1.S85. 12° 821-4 Cray. N. V., 1882. 12°. [English men <>f letters ser.] 435^8 Raleigh. N. V., 1882. 12 . [English worthies ser.] 759' ! 3 Studies in the literature of northern Europe. I.., 1883. 8° 8304-4 Contents. — Preface. — Norway: Norwegian poetry since 1814. — Henrik II, sen. — The Lofod- en islands. — Sweden: Runcbcrg. — Denmark: Danish national theater. — Four Danish poets. — Germany : Walter von der Vogclwcide. — Hoi- land: a Dutch poetess "f the 17th century. — Vondcl and Milton.— The Oer;i I iii.l.i book.— Appendix. — Biographical sketches. /»Ward, I. 11., ed. English poets 8092-9 Prefatory poem. /« Zimmem r H. Epic of kings 8915-96 GOSSE, Philip Henry, Eng. zoologist, l>. 1S10. Evenings at the microscope; or, re- searches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life. N. Y., i860. Same, 1868. 12° 57S5-4 — Life in its lower, intermediate and higher forms. N. Y., i860. 12° 5901-4 — Ocean. Phila., 1836. 12°. Same as Wonders of the great deep, with the exception of last chapter 5895-4 Romance of natural history. B., 1864. 8°. Same. Phila., 1S75 5904-35 — Wonders of the great deep ; or, the physi- cal, animal, geological and vegetable curiosities "f the ocean. Phila., 1874. I2°- • 5*"5 4 Near at the shore. L., 1865. 16°. . . 5898-44 GOSSIP, G. A. D. Chess-players' manual containing the laws of the game. ed. with an American appendix by S. Lip- schiitz. N. V., n. d. 8° 789-34 — Theory of the chess openings. Leeds, ■S79- '2° 789-35 Gossip about letters and letter-writers. Se- ton, Geo S07S-7 Gossips of Rivertown. Neal, A. B. Gossner, John Evangelist. Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working, pp. 251-324. 4146-7 GOSTWICK, Joseph. German culture and Christianity: their controversy in the time 1770-1SS0. I.., 1SS2. 8°. . . . 239-43 — Trades-unions and the relations of capi- tal and labour. /« Cobden club essays. pp. 361-402 304-3 Gosi ' epb, 1 ontinu. ., Am. nat- uralist, b. 1S05-1/. 1S66, ed. Naturalist's library; containing descriptions of man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects, compiled from the works of ier, Griffith, Richardson and others. B., 1861. S° 590-43 GOULD. — 534 GOWER. Goi'LD, A. A., continued. — joint author. Agassiz, L. and Gould, A. A. Principles of zoology. pt. I. . . 5901-24 Gould, Benj. Apthorp. Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew, pp. 37-39. [Poem.] 484C65 Gould, Chas. Mythical monsters. L., 1886. 4 2901-43 Gould, Edward S., Am. writer, b. 1808. Good English ; or, popular errors in language. N. V., 1867. 12°. Same, 1880. 1173-4 Gould, Emily Bliss. Bacon, L. W. Me- morials of Emily Bliss Gould of Rome. 434B6 Gould, Hannah Flagg, Am. poet, b. lySg-d. 1865. New poems. B., 1850. 12 . . 433C6 — Hood, E. P., ed. Master minds of the west. pp. 108-120 412-54 Gould, Jay. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. pp. 151- '5 6 41247-3 Gould, Jeanie T. Marjorie's quest. B., 1873. 12°. Gould, John M. How to camp out. N. V., 1877. 16° 7969-3 Gould, Lucius D. Carpenter's and build- er's assistant, and wood-worker's guide. N. Y., 1874. 8° 694-3S Gould, Sabine Baring-, Eng. author, b. 1834. Court royal: a story of cross currents. Phila., 1886. 12 . — Gaverocks. Phila., 1888. 12°. — Germany, past and present. 2 v. L., !879- 12 443-43 — In exitu Israel: historical novel. N. V.. 1870. 12°. — Legends of Old Testament characters, from the Talmud and other sources. 1... 1S71. 12 2214-4 Contents. — Preface. — Fall of the angels. — Adam. — Eve. — Fall of man. — Adam and Eve af- ter the fall. — Cain and Abel. — Death of Adam. — Seth.— Cainan. son of Enos.— Enoch. — Giants. — Lamech. — Methuselah.— Noah.— Heathen le- gends of the deluge. — Planting of the vine. — Sons of Noah. — Relics of the ark. — Certain de- scendants of Ham. — Serug. — Prophet Eber. — Prophet Saleh. — Tower of Babel. — Abraham. — Melchizedek. — Of Ishmael and the well Zem- zem. — Esau and Jacob. — Joseph, — Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. — Job. — Jethro. — ! . - Joshua. — The Judges. — Samuel. — Saul. — David. — Solomon — Elijah. — Isaiah. — Jeremiah Ezekiel.- Ezra.— Zachariah. little TV penny. V Y.. 1SS6. 12 . Origin and development of religious be- lief. 2 v. \. Y., 1S70. 12° 20I-35 Content 1 Heathenism and Mosaism. v. 2. Christianity. ■ .1 ! |n 1 .' hers : some account of the most celebrated preachers of the 151I1, iGtli and 171I1 centuries; with outlines of then :e is and specimens of their style. 1... 1865. 12° I>l I Gould, S. Baring-, continued. Contents. — Introduction. — Gabriel Biel. — Jean Raulin.— Maffreth.— Matthias Faber. — Philip von Hartung. — Joseph de Barzia. — Jacques Marchant. — John Osorius. — Maximil- ian Deza. — Francis Coster. — Red spider. N. Y., 1887. 12°. — Vicar of Morwenstow : life of Robert Stephen Hawker. N. V., n. d. 12°. 458B2 — and Gilman, Arthur. Story of Germany. X.Y., 1S86. 12°. [Story of the nations.] 943-4 — ed. Silver store collected from mediaeval, Christian and Jewish mines. L., 1868. 16 8093-4 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 3. pp. 484-508. Review of Origin and devel- opment 118-27 Gould, Thos. R. The tragedian : an essay on the histrionic genius of Junius Bru- tus Booth. N. Y, 1868. 12° 174B6 GoULDtNG, F. R. Young marooners on the Florida coast; or, Robert and Harold. N. Y., 1887. 12° _ . 433A92 GOUNOD, Chas. Francois, French composer, b. 1818. Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario, v. I. pp. 146-180 4177-3 — Ferris, Geo. T. Great Italian and French composers. pp. 22S-248 4177-4 -- Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp.115— 126 772-9 Goupil, F., joint author. Delamardelle, Baronne, and Goupil, F. Practical les- sons in painting on china 738-2 Gournav, Marie le Jars de, French writer, b. 1566-a. 1645. Kavanagh, J. French women of letters, pp. 7-20 4184-5 Gout. Jacox F. Cues from all quarters. pp. 273-295 510E4 Governess, The. In Hall, Mrs. A. M. Private purse, and other tales 450A2 Go 1 RNMENT of M.Thiers. Simon, Jules. 944S4-S GOV] RNMENT revenue: especially the Ameri- can system. Roberts, Ellis II 3353-6 GOVERNOR'S pardon. Baker, Mrs. II. X. (W.) (Madeline Leslie, pseud.) . . . 132A24 GOW, Alex. M. Good morals and gentle manners. Cinn., n. d. 12° 197—35 GOWDEN Gibbie. Cunningham, Allan. In Club book. v. 2. pp. 3-40. Gower, Lord Francis Leveson. Dramatic icenes founded mi Victor Hugo's cele- brated tragedy of Hernani. In Club- book. GOWER, John, Eng. poet, d. 1402. Ward, T. II.. ed, English poets. v. 1. pp. 102-106 S092-9 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 1. pp. 206-212 804-35 Gower, Lord Ronald. Figure painters of Holland. I... 1880. 12° 11747 t GOWER. 13 S GB \IIAM. Gower, /.'ir/ I: , i ontinuea. I i i . i ' ■. ..I Mm. \ 1 1 iii : lii tori- .J I . ti I,. I.., 1885. x° My- rem 2 v. [,., [883. 8°. Same, 2 v. in 1. I!., 1884. 12°. ... 1 ; lB8 Gowing, Richard. Rii hard ' obden. I ... 1 ■,'!.' Gowb n ."i.i I"- I mi' - plot, James, 1 . I'. R. C11//1 >i 1. Bi ii" ". 1 106 ur young folks' Plutarch, pp. 330 .542 4101-75 Old world worthies, pp. 207-237. . 4101-73 1.1 "i 1 ee. Kavanagh, Julia. Grai ies' mission. Pierson, II. W 73'AS 1.1 m.i \i. .1 1. Piel 1 . ' ' ' ■■■ . 1249- ,/. 1311. < lliphant, M. 1 >. (W.) Makers of Venice. pp. 92-119 9453-66 Graduate in the University of marriage, pseud. See Hardy, Rev. E. J. Graduate of Oxford, pseud. See Ruskin, John. GRADI VII "I '69, '.. ud. Si i Bagg, 1 .J man ll.ii. hkiss. Graeme, Elliott. Beethoven: memoir; with an essay on the hundredth anniversary of his birth, by Dr. Ferdinand lliller. L., 1S70. 16 144B1 Graff, John Franklin, (Greybeard, pseud.) Greybeard's Colorado; or, notes on the Centennial state, describing a trip from Philadelphia to Denver and back in the autumn and winter of 1SS1-82. Phila., 1882. 8° 4788-4 — Greybeard's lay sermons. Phila., 1877. 12° 241 45 Graffiti d' Italia. [Poems.] Story, Wm.W. 855C3 Graham. Andrew Jackson. Firs! standard phonographic reader in the correspond- ing style. N. Y., 1S60. 12° 655-41 — Hand-book of standard, or American phonography. N. Y., n. d. 12°. . . 655-4 Graham, Ennis, . M li nh, Mrs. Mary Louisa. Graham, G. 1'. English synonyms classi- fied and explained; with practical exer- cises, ed. with an introdui tion ami illus- trative authorities by Henry Reed. N. V.. 1859. 12° 114-4 Graham, Geo. 1'arton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 51-57 4'69~7 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. PP- 170-174 609-79 of distingui hi pp. 1 54 181. 4 1 GRAH \m. I 1 . I .. I i.iiimI gan, with ond- 12° 1.1 u, Sir |.i . 1 '.II ... 411-37 Graham, John, of Claverhouse, 1 • i t for the improve inrni ..i i In ii nse i foi young i hildri n ed. by Willard Small. B., [886. 15 ( Iran i, Jas, British heroe ■ in t ;n « ai ; ; or, the cavalier of) mi I , n <1. 12° Contents.- Arthur coiinl o-53 Prince Hugo: a bright episode. 1880. 8°. X. V., x. v.. 410-53 4421-4 I'" I 6662-5 Sorry her lot who loves too well. 1879. 8°. Sun-maid. X. V.. n. d. 12°. Grant, Moses. Bungay, 1.. \Y. Off-hand takings, pp. 245-248 Grant, Robert. An average man. B. , 1884. 12°. face to lace. X. V., 1S86. 12°. — Knave of lie.irts: a fairv story. Ii., iNSs. 12°. Lambs, The : a tragedy. B., 1S83. 12°. -Romantic young lady. B., 1886. 12 . 1 I'Keilly, John B., Stimson, J. F., (J S of Dale, / ■ '/.), and Wheelwright, J. T. King's men. X. Y., [SS4. 16°. 1 .i; \\ 1 . Robert. Historj , .1 physit al astron- omy, from the earliest ages to the middle of the nineteenth century. I.., n.d. 8°. Gh wi. Gen. I'lvsses Simpson, 1 8th president of the U. S., i. 1822-d. 1S86. Personal memoirs. 2 v. \. V., 1S85-6. 8°. . - Tour around the world: embracing his speeches, receptions ami description of his travels ; with biog. sketch of his life. ed. by L. T. Remlap. Chicago, 1879. 8°. 412 25 4.U<"4 520 1 435^4 438 78 r, U. S., continued. 1 1, iplin, J., i-d. t 1 1 he White House, pp. ~'>2 146. Si from letters, etc A. I. in. . w 1 rd bearer; 01, 1 Gen. U. S. Grant 4?5 I; " \i nold, M ' 'imalc. 435B12 Badeau, -\. Grant in peace, from Ap- Mi I oegor 435B27 Military history ..f I'lvsses S. Grant from April, 1861, to April, 1865. 3 v. 435B2 Headley, J. T. Travels of Gen. Grant. 4 Headley, P. C. I'ight it out on this line : life and deeds ,,f lien. U. S. (.rant. . . 435"5 \1, 1 lei Ian, 1 Pel ional men oirs and military history of U. S. Grant versus the record of the Army of the Potomac. 435B41 — Phelps, C. A. Life and public services of Gen. I'. S. Grant, from his boyhood to the present time, [1868,] and biog. sketch of Hon. Schuyler Colfax. . . . 835B6 — Pollard, E. A. Our hero, General Q. S. Grant, when, wdiere and how he fought. I In one syllable.] 435B62 — Poore, B. P. and Tiffany, O. H. Life of U. S. Grant 435B64 -Adams, W. II. D. Eminent soldiers. pp. 271-302 4'5'~ 2 Boutwell, 1.. S. The lawyer, the states- 111 in. Mi ulilier. pp. 150-232. . . . 412-245 Chesney, t'. C. Essays in military biog- raphy, pp. 1-80 4'5 I_ 3 1'llei, E°. I'". Court circles of the republic. pp. 568-586 41239-3 ier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 245-262 \\ Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman: their campaigns and generals, pp. 36- 135 4122-9 — Keves, 1'.. I>. Fifty years' observation of men and events, pp. 207-222. ... — Poore, P.. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 2. pp. 249-335 741 1*4 I id, W. Ohio in the war. v. I. pp. 35<-4i5 9796-7 — Shanks, Wm. F. 1 ■. Personal recollections of distinguished generals, pp. So-127. 4122 8 — Stowe, II. B. Men of our times. pp. III-IS1 4122-83 — Wilson, I. G. Sketches of illustrious , !-. pp. 467-4S4 4lsl-0 GRANT, Sir Wm. Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 110- 114 4 , °- , 7 ( ,t: \\ 1 ham. John. Iron ship-building : with tlcal illustrations, supplement and index. 1.., 186S. 12' 623S-3 Gran 11 KY manor. Fullerton, Lady G. GRANVILLE. -538 GRAY. Granville, Geo., or Grenville, viscount Lausdowne, Eng. statesman, b. ibty—d. 1 755- Johnson, S. Lives of the Eng- lish poets, v. 2. pp. 79-86 41821-5 Granville valley. Abbott, Jacob 103A14 Grape and grape culture. Charlton, W. American grape grower's guide. . . . 6345-32 Cold grapery 6345-31 — Flagg, W. J. Three seasons in European vineyards 6345-37 — Fuller. A. S. Grape culturist 6345-4 — Hills, W. H. Small fruits : their propa- gation and cultivation, including the grape 6348-4 — Husman, G. American grape growing and wine making 6345-45 — Mares, H. H. Sulphuring of diseased vines and results. Bound with Flagg, W. J. European vineyards 6345-37 — Phin, J. Open air grape culture. [With bibliography, pp. xi-xvi.] 6345-7 — Reemelin, C. Vine dresser's manual. . 6345-75 — Thudichum, J. L. W. and Dupre, A. Origin, nature and varieties of wine. . 6631-7 — Woodward, G. E. and F. W. Graperies and horticultural buildings 6345-9 — Buist, R. American flower garden direct- ory, pp. 310-327 715-2 — Elliott, F. R. Western fruit book. pp. 242-269 634-35 — Loring, G. B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. pp. 462-476 630-47 — Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. pp. 227-302 632-75 — Thomson, D. Handy book of fruit cult- ure under glass, pp. 50-136 6351-8 — See also Fruit. Wines. GRAPHIC and analytic statics. Graham, Robert H 624-38 Graphic arts. Hamerton, P. G 707-4 Graphic method. Hall, G. S. Aspects of (ierman culture, pp. 66-72 45'El Graphical computing table. Bixby,Wm. H. 5108-2 GRAPHICS for engineers, architects and builders. Trusses and arches. 3 v. Greene, ("has. E 624-4 Graphology, Study of. Frith, H 654-4 1. has, Julia Dorus. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 313-322 4178-3 Grasmere. De Quincey, T. Literary remi- niscences, v. 2. pp. 59-100 284E42 Grasses. Flint, C. L. Grasses and forage plants 6332-3 Henderson, J. Hand-book of the gra ie of Great Britain and America 6332-4 I ':i ing, < >. B. Farm yard 1 lub o) Jotham. pp 168-241 630-47 Grassini, Giuseppa. < layton, E. ( . Queen of song. pp. 173-182 4'78-3 Gratry, Auguste Joseph Alphonse. Henri Perreyve. tr. by Mrs. H. L. (Farrer) Lear. L., 1877. 16° 723B4 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. I. pp. 324-380. Review of Gratry on the knowledge of God 818-27 Grattan, Henry, Irish statesman, b. 1750-rt'. 1820. Brougham, II. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. 1. pp. 207-213. . . 410-17 — Davis, T. Essays, pp. 94-103. Review of speeches 279C8 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 382-398 8258-4 — Harsha, D. A. Most eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 168-184 410—54 — Irish eloquence, pp. 301-363. Speeches. 825-5 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, pp. 104-222. . . . 41 13-5 — McCarthy, J. H. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. S4-91 941-54 — Savage, J. '98 and '4S. pp. 23-62. . . 9417-7 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. PP- I7>-I8l 411-97 — Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 317-324 410-945 Grattan, Thos. Colley, Irish writer, b. 1796- d. 1864. History of the Netherlands, B. C. 50. A. D., 1815. L., 1830. 12 . Same. N. V., 1843. 16 942-4 Grattann, W. H. Seaweeds. In Taylor, J. K.,ed. Notes on collecting and preserv- ing natural history objects, pp. 195-208. 579-8 GRATIUS. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 345-359. ■ . 87001-3 Gravelotte, [Battle, 1870.] Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 325-343 903-53 GRAVER thoughts of a country parson. Boyd, A. K. H 252-24 Graves, AlidaW. Mypearl. N.Y.,1886. 12 434A6 Graveyard flower. Hillern, W. von. Gravitation. Allen, Z. Solar light and heat: the source and the supply. Gravi- tation ; with explanations of planetary and molecular forces 5301-2 — Tyerman, Thos. F. Moon's rotation ex- amined by the Newtonian theory of gravitation 5 2 333~8 Astronomy. Physics. GRAY, Allien Zabriskie, D. D., Am. educa- tor,/!. 1S40. Mexico as it is: being notes of a recent tour in that country. N. V., 1878. 12° 472-4 Gray, Alice. Nellie's stumbling block. N. V.. 1S67. 16° 434A9 GRAY, Alonzo. Elements of chemistry. N. Y., 1858. 12° 540-43 — and Adams, C. B. Elements of geology. N. Y., 1854. 12° 550-4.3 < ! R A V Gray, Andrew. Absolute measurements in electricity ami magnetism. I.., 1884. "'" S!77 t Gray, Asa, Am. botanist, b. 1810 >/. 1888, Darwiniana: essays and reviews per- taining to Darwinism. N.Y., 1876. 12°. 575-43 Mi st lessons in botany and vegetable physiology; [with] glossary or, diction- ary of botanical names. N.Y., 1867. 8°. 580-36 — How plants behave: how they move, climb, employ insects to work for them, etc. : botany for young people. N. V., 1S72. 12° 5815-5 How plants grow: simple introduction to structural botany with popular flora. N. V., 1858. 12 580-361 — Introduction to structural and systematic botany, and vegetable physiology. 15th and revised ed. of the botanical text- book.) N. Y., 1869. 8° 580-39 — Lessons in botany and vegetable physiol- ogy ; to which is added a copious glos- sary or dictionary of botanical terms. N.V., 1868. 8°. Containing also Co\x\teT, J. M. Manual of botany 5S0-381 — Lessons in botany and vegetable physiol- ogy, with glossary. N. Y., 1872. 8°. [Same as First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology.] 580-37 — Manual of the botany of the northern United States. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Bound with Gray, A. Lessons in botany. . . 380-37 — Same. Mosses and liverworts, by Wm. S. Sullivant. 15., 1S48. 12° 580-35 — Natural science and religion : two lect- ures delivered to the Theological school of Yale college. N. Y., 1880. 8°. . 215-36 School and field-book of botany, consist- ing of first lessons in botany, and Field, forest and garden botany. N. Y.. 1869. 8° 580-38 GRAY, Harry (pseud.) See Coffin, Robert Barry. GRAY, David. Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 367-378 410-5S Gray, E. Conder, pseud. .Sir Tapp, Alex. II. GRAY, Ellis, pseud. See Cragin, Mrs. L. T. Gray, Geo. Zabriskie, Am. clergyman, b. 1S38. Children's crusade : an episode of the thirteenth century. X. Y., 1870. 12°. 2704 5 — Scriptural doctrine of recognition in the world to come. X. Y., 1875. IO °- • 2 .!~- 4 — Learn of me : sermon. In Grout. 11. M.. ed. Gospel invitation, pp. 59-70. . . 252-43 Gray, |as. Compcr. Biblical museum: col- lection of notes, explanatory, homiletic and illustrative, forming a complete com- mentary on the Holy Scriptures. New IV-lament ser. 5 v. X. Y., 1S71. 12°. 2207-4 Gray, |. < .. continued, Cnntfnt thew v. ' t Luke a'-'' J'. tin Acisof the ApoiUeiand Rodu Corint v. 5. Hebi ment. Bible lore. V Y '.. n. d. 12 2208-4 1 l ' . and the desk. and Acts. I.., 1867. 12° — Old Testament serii to I ther. 1... 1867. 12° 2207-42 Topics for teachers. 2 v. X. Y., 1869. 12° 2208-41 Contents.— -v. i. Nature — Man. v. ? Art. — Religion. Gkay, Mrs. John Henry. Fourteen months in Canton. L., 1880. 12° 4512-4 Gray, Robertson, pseud. Sec Raymond, K. W. Gray, Thos., Eng poet, b. 1716-rf. 1771. Poetii al work . N. Y. 12° 4,4' 6 edited with life, by Rev. John Mitford. B., 1854. 16° 434 6 — Select poems, edited with notes by Wm. J. Rolfe [and] memoirs by Robt. Car- ruthers. N. Y '., 1876. 16 . Same, 1881 Poems. /" Tauchnitz, 13., ed. Five cen- turies of the English language and lit- erature, pp. 3S9-429 8209-86 — Poetical works of Collins, (.ray and Beat- tie, pp. 99-184 8092-25 — Gosse, E. \V. Gray 435B8 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. F. 1.. Miscellane- ous prose works, v. 1. pp. 159-1S5. Review 601 K5 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 47-48 410-42 — Home pictures of English poet*. pp. 178-191 821-45 Howitt, Wm. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. I. pp. 30S-321. . . 41S21-4 [ohnson, S. Lives of the English p v. 2. pp. 60I-6l6 41S2I-5 — Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. v. 1. pp. 63-86. Gray. West and Wal- pole 826-54 Ward. T. H., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 302-316 S092-9 Gray. Thos., jr. In Putnam, A. I'. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 171-176. [Poems and biog. sketch.] Gray. See also Grey. Gray and the blue. Roe. E. R. Gkay heads on green shoulders. Zimmer- man. Jane V (iRAVBEARD. 54° GREAT. Graybeard, pseud. See Graff, John Frank- lin. Graydon, Mrs. — . Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 237-243 4121-35 Graydon, Alex., Am. writer, i. 1752-d. 1S1S. Memoirs of his own times ; with reminiscences of the men and events of the revolution, ed. by John Stockton Littell. Phila., 1846. 8° 435B9 Grayson, Eldred, psetid. See Hare, Robert. Gray-son, Wm. T. Perry, B. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 285-289. . 412-75 GRAZIELLA. Lamartine, A. de. Great Architect, The. Benedicite : illustra- tions of the power, wisdom and good- ness of God, as manifested in his works. Child, Geo. Chaplin 210-19 Great argument ; or, Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. Thomson, W. H. . . 2203-89 Great bank robbery. Hawthorne, Julian. Great battles of the British army. Low, Chas. R 9308-4 Great battles of the British navy. Low, Chas. R 3594-55 Great bonanza. Hall, Capt. Chas. W. . . 449A3 Great Britain. See England. Great campaigns. Adams, Maj. Chas. . . 9208-12 Great cities of the ancient world. Buck- ley, T. A 401-2 Great cities of the middle ages. Buckley, T. A 9213-2 Great cities of the modern world. Shep- ard, H 4208-8 Great cities of the world, in their glory and in their desolation. Frost, John. . . . 401-4 Great conspiracy: its origin and history. Logan, Gen. John A 9783-5 Great consummation. Gumming, Rev. J. 252-351 Great conversers and other essays. Math- ews, Wm 617E5 GREAT cryptogram. Donnelly, 1 8238-3 Great divide: travels in the upper Yellow- stone in the summer of 1874. Quin, W. T. W 4787-7 Great duke of Florence. Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 198-223 616C3 Greai empress. DeVere, Maximilian S. . 111B2 GREAT English churchman. Adams, W. H. D 4145-2 1.1 ' \I English painters. Cunningham, A. 4 1 7—3 1 GREAT epics of mediaeval Germany. I>ip pold, G. T S315-4 Greai events. Lieber, F., <• i"' 1 tation . Dickens, I Great facts: popular history and descrip- tion of the most remarkable inventions. Bakewell, F. C 609-2 Great fisheries of the world, described and illustrated. L. 12 7953~4 Great fortunes and how they were made. McCabe, Jas. D 4123-6 Great French revolution, 17S5-93. Nar- rated in the letters of Madam J. — . . 9444-5 Great frozen sea : personal narrative of the voyage of the "Alert" during the arctic expedition of 1875-76. Markham, A. H 498-62 Great fur land ; or, sketches of life in the Hudson's bay territory. Robinson, H. M 4712-7 GREAT-grandmother's girls in New France : history of little Eunice Williams. Champney, Mrs. Lizzie W 220A35 Great heiress. Francillon, R. E. Great Hesper. Barrett, Frank. Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M. Great ice age and its relation to the an- tiquity of man. Geikie, Jas 55 1—5 Great in goodness : memoir of George N. Briggs. Richards, Wm. C 183B2 Great invasion of 1813-14. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Great Italian and French composers. Fer- ris, Geo. T 4177-4 Great joy : comprising sermons and prayer meeting talks. Moody, D. L 254-52 Great lady. S., M. Great lights in sculpture and painting. Doremus, S. D 417-4 Great lone land : North-west America. Butler, W. F 471-2 Great match and other matches. [No name series.] GREAT massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota. Bryant, C. S. and Murch, A. B 9876-2 GREAT masters of Russian literature in the 19th century. Dupuy, E 8917-3 Great movements and those who achieved them. Nicoll, H. j 4104-7 Great musicians ser. See Musicians. Great mysteries and little plagues. Neal, J. 372-7 Great northwest. Winser, II. J 478-95 GREAT pilot. Newton, Rev. Richard. . . 248-52 GRI VT preparation, dimming, Rev. John. 252-352 Great Presbyterian conflict. Patton vs. Swing: both sides of the question. Chicago, 1874. 8° 2851-7 1 >REAT pyramid : observatory, tomb and tem- ple. Proctor, R. A 4031-6 Great reformation. Carter, Thos 2706-25 Greai rebellion, [1861-65.] Botts, John M. 9783-2 GRE VI 54i 1 ,r in 1. Great republic, History of the. Peck, J.T. '(72-72 Gki-.a 1 1 i v cis nf 1 lie woi Id : Euphrates and the rigris. I .., 1881. 16 45°-3 6 Cvnt* ■■/ 1 1 1 1 ■ ? 1 . th> ruin ol Baby- lon. — Tigris Mr Geo Smith's di coveries. Gri a 1 Sahara : « 1 oul b of thi las mountains. Tristram, II. I! t'" 1 9 ( .in x 1 Sail lake. Stansburj . II. 1 ploration and sui »e) ol the v allej ol the Greal Sail lake of Utah 47 s 85 Great Salt lake city. Burton, R. F. Cit) of the saints and across the Rocky Mis. to California 479 2 ~ 2 Great Scotsmen : short lives for young children, by the author of Great Eng- lishmen. 1... 1S85. 12° 4112-4 Content* Sir Wm. Wallace— Robert Bruce. —John Knox.— Marquis of Montrose.— J. m. Watt Robert Burns.— Sir Walter Scott —Sir David Willcte.— Colin Compbell, I.ord Clyde. — Thomas Carlyle. — David Livingstone. — Charles Geo. Gordon. Great sieges of history, n. t. p. 12 . . . 903-4 GRI w teacher. Harris, J 232-45 GREAT thirst land : a ride through Natal, Orange Free state, Transvaal and the Kalahari desert. Gillmore, Parker. . . 468-4 Great treason, Hoppus, Mary A. M. Great tribulation. Cumming, Rev. John. 252-353 Great triumphs of great men. Mason, J., ed. 410-7 Great west. Rusling, J. F 478-8 Greater Britain. Dilke, C. W 439-28 Greatest heiress in England. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Gkeathead, Henry. Drake, S. A.. ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 421-426. . 410-42 Greathed, 11. II. Bartlett, D. W. He- roes of the Indian rebellion, pp. 447- 456. Greathed and Campbell after the fall of Delhi 9544-2 Grecian archipelago. Benjamin, S. G. W. Turk and the Greek 4499-2 — Field, H. M. Greek islands and Turkey after the war 4496-37 — Newton, C. T. Travels and discoveries in the Levant 4499-6 — Sleeper, M. G. Mediterranean islands. 4499-7 — See also Levant. Grecian bend, a farce. Baker, G. M. So- cial stage, pp. 73-92 8015-21 GREECE. Subdivisions: I. Antiquities, art, education, institutions, social condition, etc. 2. Ancient and general history. 3. Mediaeval and modem history. 4. Travels and description. 5. Missions. 6. Folk lore. /. Antiquities, art, education, institutions, so- cial condition, etc. — Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. 4052-2 Grei ■■-■• An [anual of Grecian antiquities. 4053-15 . r, W. A. 1 harii lei : illuitral ol the private eeki. 4053-2 I ie, f. S. Lays and cient Greece 161 1 [if, L., >d. Political eloquence in Greece: Demo thene 8856—6 lignon, M. <• reek archaeology. . . . 70938-3 — Coulange-, 1 . de. Am tent city. . . . 3203-3 1 Hot, S. History of liberty, pt. 1. . . 919-35 1 Iton, C. C. Greece, ancient at 53-4 — Freeman, E. A. Federal government. v. I. The Greek federations 3218-42 — Guhl, E. and Koner, W. Life "f the Greeks and Romans 4051-4 1 inder, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia. . 828-581 Mahaffy, J. P. Classical antiquities. I. Old Greek life 4053-6 Greek life and thought 9187-61 Old Greek education 37092-6 Social life in Greece 4053-61 — Rich, Anthony. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities 4051 7 — Salkeld, J. Classical antiquities; or, compendium of Roman and Grecian an- tiquities; with sketch of ancient mythol- ogy 4051-8 Si bomann, G. F. Antiquities of Greece : the State 32038-7 — Schliemann, H. Mycenae: narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns 4054-7 — Taine, H. A. Art in Greece 701-82 Same. In Lectures on art. v. 2. . . 701-85 — Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the time of Homer 4053-8 Wheeler, J. T. Life and travels of Her- odotus. 2v S8811-9 — Winckelmann, J. History of ancient art among the Greeks 7093S-9 — Encyclopedia metropolitana. Greek and I man philosophy and science. . . . 152-4 Howitt, Wm. History of the supernat- ural, v. 1. pp. 332-369. Religion. . 174 4 s — Johnson, Edwin. Earlier Hellenic relig- ions. In Non-biblical systems of relig- ion, pp. 69-84 290-62 — Milligan.Wm. Religion of ancient Greece. In Faiths of the world, pp. 153-182. . 290-4 — Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient world, pp. 176 -m; 290-7 Strabo. Geography, v. 2. Books 8, 9 and 10 823-83 — See also Art. Athens. Mythology. 2. Ancient and general history. — Barnes, A. S. Brief history of Greece; with readings from prominent Greek historians - GREF.CE. 542 GREECE. Greece, continued. — Bonner, J. Child's history of Greece. 2 v. 918-2 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Athens: its riseand fall ; with views of the literature, philosophy and social life of the Athe- nian people. 91 Si— 5 — Church, A. J., tr. Story of the Persian war from Herodotus 8882-4 — Cox, G. W. Athenian empire 9184-3 General history of Greece 918-28 Greek statesmen. 2 v 4102-3 Greeks'and Persians 9'83~3 Tales of ancient Greece 294-3 — Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire 91S7-3 — Curtius, E. History of Greece. 5 v. . 918-3 — Fyffe, C. A. History of Greece 9'8-35 — Goldsmith, O. History of Greece. . . . 918-4 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial history of Greece, ancient and modern 918-41 — Hack, Maria. Stories and pictures from Grecian history 918-45 — Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece. . . . 918-46 — Herodotus. History of the great Persian war. tr. by G. W. Cox 9183-4 History, ed. and tr. by Rawlinson, G. and H. and Wilkinson, J. G. 4V. . . 8881-7 — Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles. 2 v. . 9184-5 — Mahaft'y, J. P. and Gilman, A. Story of Alexander's empire 91S7-6 — Mitford, Wm. History of Greece, from earliest times to death of Alexander the great. 8 v 918-6 ■ — Plutarch. Lives. Various editions. See Plutarch. — Polybius. General history. Hampton, J., tr 8885-4 — Sankey, C, ed. Spartan and Theban su- premacies 91S6-7 — Smith, Wm. History of Greece 918-7 — Thirlwall, C. History of Greece. 2 v. 91S-8 — Thucydides. History of the Peloponne- sian war. Dale, H., tr 8883-3 Same. Smith, W., tr 88S3-7 — Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece. 2 v. 918-82 — Wheeler, J. T., ed. Analysis and sum- mary of Thucydides 8883-9 — Willson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of Gre- cian history 918-9 — Xenophon. Anabasis, or expedition of Cyrus, and the Memorabilia of Socrates. 8884-7 Hellenics ; or, Grecian history. Bound 701th Xenophon's Cyropedia 88S4-8 Yonge, ('. M. Aunt Charlotte's stories ■ I 1 .reek history for the little ones. . . 918-981 - Young folks' history of Greece. . . . 918-98 — De (,)uincey, T. Theological essays and other papers. v. I. pp. 269-308. Greece undei the Romans 284E46 GREECE, continued. — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, ser. 2. 902-4 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 7. pp. 31-96. Place of an- cient Greece in the providential order. 426E1 Heeren, A. H. L. Historical works. v. 1 906-4 — Legare, H. S. Writings. v. I. pp. 367-442 818-56 — Lord, John. Ancient states and empires. PP- '43-397 914-62 — Mill, J. S. Dissertation tid discussions. v. 2. pp. 363-415. Early Grecian history and legend 633E3 — See also History, ancient. Europe, history. J>. Meditrval and modern history. -- Fin lay, Geo. History of Greece from its conquest by the Romans, [B. C. 146], to the present time, 1864. 7 v 949-4 — De Quincey, T. Logic of political econ- omy and other papers, pp. 256-269. The Suliotes 284E5 Memorials and other papers, v. 1. pp. 287-348. Revolution of Greece. . . . 2S4E47 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 4. pp. 259-304. Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem 426E1 — Holland, T. E. European concert in the Eastern question, pp. 4-69. [1826-81.] 34124-4 — Mallory, I). Life and speeches of Henry Clay. pp. 488-495. Greek revolution. 229B2 — May, T. E. Democracy in Europe, v. 1. pp. 43-139 3204-6 — Webster, D. Speeches. pp. 1 1 5—156. Greek revolution Si 5-9 — See also Europe. Turkey. 4. Travels and description. — Baird, H. M. Modern Greece 4495-2 Benjamin, S. (1. W. Turk and the Greek 4499-2 — Colton, Rev. W. Land and lee 4495~3 — Leake, W. M. Travels in Northern Greece. 4 V 4495"5 — Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece 4495-55 — Smith, Agnes. Glimpses of Greek life and scenery 4495-82 • Tuckerman, C. K, Greeks of today. . . 4495-9 — Young, J. K. Five weeks in Greece. . . 4495-98 — Andersen, H. C. Poet's bazaar, pp. 149- 210 449-11 — Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes. pp. 24-82 45S-4S — Leech, II. II. Letters of a sentimental idler, pp. 9-21 4499-46 Maximilian. On the wing. pp. 14-197. 4495-6 Murray, E. C. G. Turkey : being sketches from life. pp. 158—238 4496-6 GREEI I i ! GREEI EV ( rREEi i , continued. i nin, s. i rreei e and i he ' rolden Horn, pp. i.?-2'2 4495 '■'•< Robinson, T, Wanderings in Scriptun land . pp. )68 4" s 458-782 Stephens, I. I ■ Incidents "f travel in 1 eti . pp. 1 ; 148 1 1'"> 7 1 ,i\ |i ir, B. Travels in Greece and I' ussia. pp. 22-314 4495~ 8 7 1 illej , H. A. I 1 itei n 1 pe and We 1 - in Asia, pp. 247 341 4409-8 To/cr, II. F. Researches in the high- lands of Turkey, v. 2 4496-9 — Warburton, E. Crescent and the V. 2. pp. 204-228 4499-9I Warner, CD. In 1 he Levant. pp. 323-374 4499-95 — See also Alliens. Grecian archipelago. I ,evant. j. Missions. - Anderson, K. History of the mission .1 the A. B. C. I'. M. to the Oriental churches 2656-2 Pitman, Mrs. E. K. Mission life in Greece and Palestine 2656-62 6. Folk-lore. — Gamett, 1.. M. J., tr. Greek folk-songs. 3828-4 — Geldart, E. M., ed. Folk-lore of modern Greece 3 8 495~4 — Wright,'!'. Essays on literature, popular superstitions and history of England in the middle ages. v. 1. pp. 283-304. Popular superstitions of modern Greece. 9306-9 Greek anthology. Neaves, C., tr. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 8S49-6 — Burges, ( ieo., tr 8849-2 Cracroft, B. Essays, v. 2. pp. 79-86. 250E1 GREEK church. Stanley, A. I'. Kaslcrn church 281-7 Lawrence, E. Historical studies. pp. 455-5°° 204-53 \ also Church history. Russian church. Greek folk-songs, tr. l>y I.. M. J. Garnett. 3828 4 GREEK islands and Turkey after the war. Field, Henry M 4496-37 Greek language. Autenreith, G. Homeric dii tionary 1283-2 — Boise, J. R. First lessons in Greek* . . 12S5-2 Bopp, F. Comparative grammar. 3 v. 1095-3 I in tins, t;. Principles of Creek ety- mology 1282-3 II idley, I. Essays, philological and crit- ical 450E1 Mine, Win. Critical history of the lan- guage and literature of ancient Greece. V 880-7 — P.ipillon, T. I.. Manual of comparative philology as applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflections '°9~7 Gkekk lays, idylls, etc. Edmunds, E. M., tr. 8891-3 literature. See Liti reek. Greek maid. Sheip, I . •' 822A8 '■III. ;,l|y. 11. revolution. See Greece, history. W. 2 V 11 Grei wit : 1 ollei tion ol and anecdotes tran lated from Creek writers. Paley; I A SS; 7 Grei the P i < .. \V. . . 9183-3 Greeley, Horace, American joumah 181 \-d. 1872. 1. conflict: tory of the great rebellion in the U. S. of America, 1860-65, ''"■ causes, incidents and rt suits; with the drift and prO| of American opinion respecting human ery. 2 v. Hartford, 1885-86. 8°. 9781-37 — Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy. B., 1870. 16°. 3353-4 — Glances at Europe in a series of letters from Creat Britain, France, Italy, Switz- erland, etc., during the summer of 185 1 , including notices of the great ex- hibition, or world's fair. N.V.,1851. 12° — Recollections of a busy life ; to which are added miscellanies ; also, a discussion with Roht. Dale Owen of the law of divorce. N. Y., 1868. 8° 436H2 — Home of Henry Clay. In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 371-394. . . 412-53 — Introduction. In Congdon, C. T. Tri- bune essays: leading articles contributed to the New York Tribune, 1857-63. . 245F4 — Introduction. /;; Fuller, S. M. Litera- ture and art 400E6 Women of the 19th century 390-4 — ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, 1853-5. l8 53- I2 °- • • ■ 606-5 Sargent, E. Life and public services of Henry Clay down to 1S48. ed. and completed by H. Greeley 229B27 — and Cleveland, John F., eds. Political text-book for 1S60. Presidential nom- inations and elections : including all the national platforms ever yet adopted: also a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands with speeches and let- ters of Messrs. Lincoln, D Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett. Breckenridge, 11. V. Johnson, etc. and returns of all presidential elections since 1 836. N. V., i860. 8° 329-4 — Cornell, W. M. Life and public career of Hon. Horace Greeley 4;0lii — Bartlett, D. W. Modern agitators; or, pen pictures of living American reform- ers, pp. 315-386 41 2-2 (iREELEY. 544 GREEN. GREELEY, Horace, continued. — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 138-155 410-16 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 2 37-244 412-25 — Congdon, C. T. Reminiscences of a jour- nalist, pp. 215-232 ' 245B3 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 127-141. . 4181-3 — Famous boys. pp. 1-25 410-48 — Hudson, F. Journalism in the U. S., 1690-1872. pp. 522-573 8059-4 Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) Outlines of men, women and things, pp. 1 16-123. ■ • 229E7 — Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 155-160 412-5S — Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 2 54-263 4169-7 — Stowe, H. B., ed. .Men of our times, pp. 293-3IO 4122-83 Gref.LY, Adolphus W., Am. Arctic explorer, i. 1844. Three years of Arctic service : account of the Lady Franklin bay ex- pedition of 1881-84, and the attainment of the farthest north. 2 v. N. V., '886. S° 408-43 — Schley, W. S. and Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greely 498-84 -Melville,*;. W. In the Lena Delta. pp. 414-47°- Greely relief expedition. 49S-64 Greely expedition. Lanman, C. Farthest north, life and expeditions of Lieuten- ant Jas. Booth Lockvvood, of the Greely Arctic expedition 5S2B1 Green, Anna K. See Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna K. (G.) Green, Ashbel. Murray, N. Parish and other pencillings. pp. 135-146. . . . 241-65 GREEN, Evelyn Everett. Temple's trial; or, for life or death. L., 1887. 12 . GREEN, Frances H. Primary class-book of botany, containing the elements of veg- etable structure and physiology. N. V-, 1S55. 8° 580-42 Green, G. F. Production of wood-pulp. In Rattray, J. and Mill, H. R. Forestry and forest products. pp. 473-482. . . 714-7 GREEN, A'ct. John Richard, Eng. historian, li. 1837-1/. 1883. Conquest of England. [Danish and Norman conquest, 758- 1071.] N. V., 1884. 8° 031-41 History of the English people. 4 v. V Y., 187S-80. 8° 930-42 ' ttents.—v.i. F.irly England, 449-1071.— England under foreign kings, 1071-12:4. — Char- ter, 1304-Z29Z.— Parliament, 1307 1461.— v. 1. 1 ' bj ' V 1 1^40 —Reformation, 1540-1603. —v. 3 Puritan Kngland, 1603-60.— Revolution, 1660-88. — v. 4. Revolution, 1683-1760. — Modern England. 1760-1815. Green, Rev. J. R., continued. - Making of England. [Saxon England, 449-829.] N. Y., 1882. S° 931-4 — Short history of the English people. N. Y., 1S76. 8°. Same, 1879 930-43 — Stray studies from England and Italy. N. Y., 1S76. 12 9204-45 Contents. — Brother of the poor. — Sketches in sunshine. — Poetry of wealth. — Lambeth and the Archbishops. — Children by the sea. — Florence of Dante. — Buttercups. — Abbott and town. — Hotels in the clouds.— .Eneas : a Virgilian study. — Two Venetian studies. — District visitor. — Early history of Oxford.— Home of our An- gevin kings. — Capri. — Capri and its Roman re- mains. — Feast of the coral fishers. — Tait, C. W. A. Analysis of English his- tory, based on Green's short history of the English people 9301-85 — ed. Classical writers series. Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes 283B4 History primers. See History primers. 919-3 Literature primers. See Literature prim- ers. Readings from English history. N. Y., 1879- 12 930I-39 Green, Jonathan H. Gambler's life ; or, life, adventures and personal experience [of the author.] Phila. 12° 436B4 — Gambling exposed, full exposition of all the various arts, mysteries and miseries of gambling. By the " Reformed gam- bler." Phila., 1857. 12° 1955-45 — Twelve days in the tombs; or, a sketch of the last eight years of the reformed gambler's life. N. Y., 1850. 12°. . . 436B41 Green, Mason A. Bitterwood. N. Y., 1878. 12°. Green, Nancy. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, pp. 1 17-154. 4121-35 Green, Ren: R. John Wesley. L., n. d. 16° 937B3 Green, Rullion. Blackie, J. S. Songs of religion and life. pp. 113-119. Poem on Rullion Green 160C3 GREEN, Samuel. Life of Mohammed, found- er of the religion of Islam, and of the empire of the Saracens ; with notices of the history of Islaniism and of Arabia. 1.., 1S69. 16° 2971-4 GREEN, Samuel G. Apostle Peter: his life and letters. I.., 11. d. 12° 221S-71 GREEN, Samuel Swett, ed. Libraries and 1 hools. N. Y., 1SS3. 16 8054-4 Green, Seth, tm. fish culturist, />. 1817. Home fishing and home waters : prac- tical treatise on fish culture. N. Y ., ■888. 12° 7956-53 How to cast a fly. In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., eds. Fishing with the fly. pp. 185-186 7954-6 GREEN — 545 - GREENHOI i .1 i i -., Thos. Hill. Prolegomena (o dim ., ed. I>y A. C. Bradley. Oxford, 1883. 8° 191 It Green, Wm. Henry, /'. />., LL. />., Am. Orientalist, />. 1825. Mose and (he prophets: [reviewing] the old Testa- ment in the Jewish church, l>y Prof. W. Robertson Smith, Pmphcls and prophe- cy in [srael, by Dr. A. Kuencn, and Prophets of Israel, 1 > y \V. Kol>cr(son Smith. N. V., 1883. 12 2397-45 liilile history, geography and archieology. In Preparing (o teach, pp. 103-147. . 246-4 Green, Wm. Spotswood. High Alps of New Zealand ; or, a trip to the glaciers of the antipodes with an ascent of Mount Cook. L., 1883. 12° 493>~4 ( . k 1 K.N. See also Greene. ( iRBEN gale. Wicliert, E. GREEN mountain boys. Thompson, D. P. GREEN mountain traveller's entertainment. Barnes, J. ( iREEN pastures and Piccadilly. Black, Wm. GREENE, Aella. Rhymes of Yankee-land. B., 1872. 12° ' 435C2 Greene, Belle C. New England conscience. N. Y., 1885. 16 . New England idyl. B., n. d. 12 . GREENE, Catherine (I.ittlelield). Kllet, E. F. Women of the American revolu- tion, v. 1. pp. 62-73 4121-35 GREENE, Chas. E. Trusses and arches an- alyzed and discussed by graphical methods, pt. I. Roof trusses, pt. 2. Bridge (russes. p(. 3. Arches. N. Y., 1879-81. 8" 624-4 GREENE, Christopher, Am. colonel, />. 1 737— f thanael Greene. 3 V 436B6 Simms, W. G., ed. Life of Nathanael Greene ti'd:; (lla/icr, W, Heroes of three wars. pp. 54-6o 4'23I-4 Hcadley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals, v. 2. pp. 7-77 4121-46 Lee, II. Memoirs of the war. pp. 3 1 5— 477 9 McConkey, R. Hero of Cowpens. pp. 213-231 646B9 GREENE, Nelson W. Fifteen years among the Mormons. N. Y., 1858. 12°. (Ik 1 1 NE, Robert, F.ng. dramatist, b. 1560-rf. 1592. Poetical works of Robert Greene and Christopher Marlowe; [with mem- oir], ed. by R. Bell 4 is' 4 — Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. In Brirish (Iranian pp. 78-96 8223-2 — Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's predeces- sors in the English drama, pp. 534-580. S22-8 Ward, T. IL, ed. English poe(s. v. 1. pp. 402-404 8092-9 GREENE, Samuel D. Broken seal: personal reminiscences of the Morgan abduction and murder. B., 1870. 12 3662-4 GREENE, T. Whitcombe. Outlines of Ro- man law, consisting chiefly of an analy- sis and summary of the institutes. 1 . 18S4. 12° 342 42 GREENE, Wm. B. Socialistic, communistic, mutualistic, and financial fragments. B., 1875. 16°. 3°4-3 8 Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol: its use and abuse. N. V.. (S79. 24 . [Health primers.] 1981-4 GREENHOUSES. Buist, R. American flower- garden directory 715 -! — Fawkes, F. A. Horticultural buildings. 717 ; - Henderson. P. Gardening for pleasure. 715-39 — Leuchars, R. B. Construction, heating and ventilation of hot-houses 7'7~5 — May, W. J. Greenhouse management for amateurs 7>7~6 — Shove, G. A. Life under glass. . " 1 " s GREENHOUSES. 546 GREEY. Greenhouses, continued. — Thomson, D. Fruit culture under glass. 6351-S — Wood, S. Forcing garden ; or, how to grow early fruits, flowers and vege- tables 635'-9 Multura-in-parvo gardening 635-91 Plain guide to good gardening 635-9 — Woodward, G. E. and F. W. Graperies and horticultural buildings 6345-9 — Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste. pp. I43-J56 712-4 — Loudon, J. C. Horticulturist, pp. 187- 226 630-49 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California, and other territories on the North-west coast of North America. N. V., 1846 989-4 Greenland. Hawks, F. L. Lost Green- land 999S-4 — Hayes, I. Land of desolation : being a personal narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland 4981-4 — History and descriptive account of Ice- land, Greenland and the Faroe islands. 9489-6 — Rink, H. Danish Greenland, its people and its products 4981-7 — Scoresby, W. Journal of a voyage to the northern whale-fishery : including researches and discoveries on the eastern coast of West Greenland, made in the summer of 1822 498-S45 — Brightwell, C. L. Romance of modern missions, pp. 1-94 ... 263-25 — Geikie, J. Great ice age. pp. 50-69. . 55 1—5 — Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club along shore, pp. 145-228 4981-8 — Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions. pp. 175-213 2634-8 — Young, R. Light in lands of darkness. PP- 1-12 263-9 — Ede, Chas. Warm hearts 310A5 Greenough, Horatio, Am. sculptor, b. 1805- d. 1852. Greenough, F. 15., ed. Let- ters of Horatio Greenough to his brother Henry Greenough; with biographical sketches and some cotemporary corre- spondence. B., 18S7. 12° 436B75 — Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the artists. pp. 247-275 758-9 GREENOUGH, Mrs. Sarah Dana (Loring.) (Mrs. Richard Greenough), Am. writer, b. 1827. Arabesques. B., 1872. 12°. Contents. — Monarc. — Apollyona. — Domitia. — Ombra. — In extremis. B., 1872. 12°. I ilia'n. B., 1863. 12 . — Mary Magdalene and other poems. B., 1887. 16 615C1 — Treason at home. Phila., n. d. 12°. Greenup, Mrs. W. T. Food and its prepa- ration : a course of twenty lectures. L., 1878. 16° 641-42 Greenwell, Dora, Eng. poet, b. i&2l-d. 1882. A present heaven. B.,1864. 12°. 241-47 — Patience of hope ; with an introduction by J. G. Whittier. B.,1864. 12°.. . 241-46 — Poems. L., 1867. 12 435C6 — Two friends. B., 1S64. 12 242-26 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane (Clarke). Greenwood, Dr. F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles, to which is prefixed a life of John the Baptist. B., 1868. 12 22171-4 — Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. pp. 238-255 195E3 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education practically applied. N. Y., 1887. 12°. 371-41 Greenwood, Jas. Adventures of Reuben Davidger, seventeen years and four months captive among the Dyaks of Borneo. N. Y., 1S66. 12°. — Savage habits and customs, n. t. p. 8°. 399-4 Contents. — pt. f. Savage kings and courts. — pt. 8. Savage M. D's. — pt. 9. Savage war- fare. — pt. 10. Incidents of personal peril and discomfort of travelers and explorers. — pt. n. Religious rites and superstition. — pt. 12. Sav- age death and burial. GREENWOOD, Jas. Letters on education. Chalmers, A., ed. British essayists, v. 4. pp. 230-235 184E1 Greenwood, Jas. Sol-fa system of teaching singing as used in Lancashire and York- shire. L. 8°. [Music primers.] . . 774-37 Greenwood, Thos. Free public libraries, their organization, uses and manage- ment. L., 1886. 12 8054-41 Greenwood, Wm. Henry. Manual of met- allurgy, v. I [only.] N.Y., 1S74. 16°. 669-4. Contents. — Fuel, iron, steel, tin, antimony, arsenic, bismuth and platinum. — Steel and iron: comprising the practice and theory of the several methods pur- sued in their manufacture and of their treatment in the rolling mills, the forge and the foundry. L., 1884. 16 . . . 671-4 Greenwood leaves. Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (Grace Greenwood), pseud. GREER, Mrs. J. R. Society of Friends: a do- mestic narrative illustrating the peculiar doctrines held by the disciples of Geo. Fox. N. Y., 1853 2896-3S Greer, Tom. A modern Daedalus. L. 16°. 1 in key, Edward. Bear-worshippers of Yezo and the island of Karafuto, (Saghalin) ; or, the adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. B., 1884. 8° 452-43- <;ki i \ — 547 - i, II Gl »RV XII. < .1 i i i , Edward, continued. < iptive 'ii love, founded upon Bakin's Japanese < an< <■, K umono I 13 Am:i Yn No I ill 1, 11 In 1 Ii ining •through a cloud-rift "" a rainy nigh I l: . 1S86. 12°. 1 . . 1 1 . 1 1- 11 lotus and othei legend "I Japan. I'... 1883. 12° 3852-4 Wonderful city "f Tokio ; or, farthi ventures (if the Jewett family ami their friend Oto Nambo. I;., 1S83. 8°.. . 452-44 young Aini'i 11 an . in fapan ; or, the ad- ventures of the Jewett family ami their friend Oto Nambo. It., 1882. 8°.. . 452-41 GREG, Percy. History of the United Slates from the foundation of Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union. 2 v. I,., 1887. 8° 972-41 Greg, Wm. Rathbone, Eng. writer, Ik 1S09- d. 1881. Enigmas of life. B., 1873. 12 . 435E5 Contents,— Realistii ideals. Malthus not- v. ithstanding. — Non-surviv.il of the fittest. — Limits and directions of human development. —Significance of life.— Dc profundis.— F.lse- where. — Appendix. — Literary and social judgments. B., 1873. 12° 435E6 Contents. — Madame de Stael. — British and foreign characteristics.— False morality of lady novelists.— Kingsley and Carlylc — French fic- tion : the lowest deep.— Chateaubriand. M dc Tocqueville. — Why arc women redumi. i I —Truth versus edification.— 'lime.— Good peo- pie. — Miscellaneous essays, ser. 2. L.,1884. i2 J 1.35] 7 Contents. — France since 1848. — France in January, t8sa England as it is -Sir R. Peel's niter and policy. — Fanploynient of our \ i.uic forces in European wars. — Rocks ahead ; or, the warnings of Cas- sandra. B., 1875. 12 435E8 Contents. — Political rocks.- Econ rocks —Religious rock. .Appendix: Mistakeof hon- iH ocrats Unionist restrictions on lab — Three men and three eras.— I'. S. in recent years. — Martineau, J. Studies of Christianity. pp. 266-298. Review ol Creed ol I liris- om 204-6 Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. .;. pp. 213-259 646E4 . Alex., D. />.. Am. bishop, />. 1S19. History of the OKI Cheraws: contain- ing an account of the aborigines of the Pedee, the first white settlement-, their progress, etc., extending from about 1730101810. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . . . 9847 S Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the prairies; or, the journal of a Santa I'c trader, during eight expeditions across the Western prairies, and a residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico. 2 v. Fhila., 1S49. 12 478-42 I 1.1I1, onlinutd, 1 the We item prairies. 2 v. Phi la., 1S56. 12'. [Same as Commerce ol the prairies.] 478 t-' 1 v, I haumaturgis. Works, tr. by S. D. F. Salmond. /« An 1 ■ tian lilirary. v. 20. pp. I I5 6 2813-4 Gregorovius, Ferdinand, German writer, b. 1 Sj 1 . 1 01 cturesque, historical and social ; with a sketch of the early life of Napoleon and an a ml of the Bonaparte, I'aoli, Pozzo di BorgO, and other principal families, suggested by a tour in the island in 1852. tr.fn.in the German by Edward Joy Morris. I'hila., 1855. 12 4459-4 GRl 01 . 1. . pope, b. about 540-rf. 604. Barmby, J. Gregory the great 136B8 — Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers, pp. 125-143 204-12 Merivale, C. Some epochs of early Church history, pp. 160-212 2702-5 — Mnntalembert, < . I . Monks of the west. v. 1. pp. 347-43 6 271-6 Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 135-142 2821-53 Gl 1 ' ."i;Y III, saint, pope, sue. 731-rf. 741. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 186-190 2821-53 , VII, illildebrand), saint, pope, b. about 1015-iHc. 1073-rf. 1085. Villemain, \. I . Life of Gregory VII Allen, J. H. Christian history. Second period, pp. 54-78 270-15 — Brigham, C. H. Memoir and papers, pp. 164-184 204-12 — Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 33-48 4104-52 — King, T. S. Substance and show and other lectures. pp. 190-230 534E-9 — Lea, H. C. Historical sketch of sacer- dotal celibacy, pp. 234-253 2582-5 — Lilly, W. S. Chapters on European his- tory, v. I. pp. 98-196 9204-5 Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 294-316 2S21-53 — Neil, S. Epoch men. pp. 49-8S. ... 411 Gregory IX, pope. rue. \n- .!. 1241. Mon- tor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 407-421 2821-53 Gregory X,pope, sue. 1271-,/. 12711. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp.442 4S 2 2821-53 Gregoky XI, pope, •'. about 1330 sue. i}-o-d. 1 [78. Montor, A de. Roman pontiffs. v. I. pp. 525-536 2821-53 Gregory XII, pope, b. about i325-««-. 1 6- d. 1417. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 555-564 2S21-53 GREGORY XIII. 54°- GREVY. Gregory XIII, pope, b. \y>z-suc. 157 2—1/. 1585. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. I. pp. 806-841 2821-53 Gregory XIV, pope, sue. 1590-*/. 1591. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 875-880 2821-53 Gregory XV, pope, b. 1554-rac. i6zi-d. 1623. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. 2. PP- 9-23 2821-53 Gregory XVI, pope, b. 1765-suc. 1 831-0'. 1846. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 12. pp. 216-238 818-27 — Bushnell, H. Building eras in religion. pp. 356-385. Letter to his Holiness Pope Gregory XVI 204-13 — Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. 2. pp. 774-848 2821-53 - Wiseman, H. E. Recollections of the last four popes, pp. 263-336 4142-94 Gregory of Utrecht. Maclear, G. F. Apos- tles of mediaeval Europe. pp. 129- '3 2 4H2-57 Gregory, Benj. Walter Powell of Melbourne and London, merchant, philanthropist and Christian, ed. and rewritten by L. P. Brockett. N. Y., 1872. 12°. . . . 742B6 Gregory, D. S. Why four Gospels? or, the gospel for all the world. N. Y., 1877. 12° 227I-4 Gregory, J. Robinson. Immortality. In Little, W. J. Knox- and others. Im- mortality: a symposium, pp. 136-159. 218-56 Gregory, John, Scottish physician, b. \7z\-d. 1773. Father's legacy to his daughters. Edinburgh. 16 247-5 Gregory, John M. New political economy. Cinn., 1882. 12° 330-4 GREGORY, Dr. Olinthus. Letters on the evidences, doctrines and duties of the Christian religion. L., 1866. 12°. . . 239-45 — Memoir of Robert Hall. In Hall, R. Miscellaneous works, pp. 1-64. . . . 208-37 — Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. pp. 153-158 4104-85 Gregory, Wm. Hand-book of inorganic chemistry : to which is added the Physics of chemistry, by J. M. Sanders. N. Y., 1857- 8° 546-38 — Hand-book of organic chemistry, ed. by f. M. Sanders. N. Y., i860. 8°. . . 547-4 Greig, Sir Samuel. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 85-III 410-53 GRELLET, Stephen, Blaikie, W. G. Leaders in modern philanthropy, pp. 1 15—132. 4156-2 Grenville, Geo., lord Nugent, Eng. writer, b. 1 788-1/. 1850. Some memorials of John Hampden, his party and his times; with memoir of Grenville. L., 1854. 12 452B6 Grenville, Sir Richard. Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea. - pp. 94-106 437-45 GRENVILLE, Wm. Wyndham, baron Grenville. Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. I. pp. 202-206. . . . 410-17 Gresham, Thos., //. 151 9— i/. 1579. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants, pp. 39-64 411-2 — Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. pp. 122-125 410-32 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 2. pp. II5- I2 7 411-65 Gresham lectures, 1881-82. Ledger, E. The sun : its planets and their satellites. 5232-5 Gr'esset, Jean Baptiste Louis. Besant, W. French humorists, pp. 375-390. . . . 8407-2 Gretry, Andre Erneste Modeste. Ferris, G. T. Great Italian and French compos- ers 4'77-4 Grettir the strong. Cox, Geo. W. and Jones, E. H. Tales of the Teutonic lands, pp. 247-324 8315-3 — Grettis Saga: the story of Grettir the strong, tr. by E. Magnusson and Wm. Morris 8396-6 Greville, Chas. Cavendish Fulke, Eng. author, b. 1794-^. 1865. Journal of the reigns of King George IV and King William IV. ed. by Henry Reeve. 3 v. L., 1874- 8° 437B3 — Greville memoirs, ed. by R. H. Stod- dard. N. Y., 1875. 16 . [An abridg- ment of the foregoing.] 437B31 — Greville memoirs : second part. Jour- nal of the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1852. 2 v. N. Y., 1885. 12°. 437B4 Greville, Fulke, 1st lord Brooke. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 3. pp. 239-246. . 411-65 — Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. I. PP- 365-368 8092-9 Greville, Henri, (pseud.) See Durand, Alice M. C. (H.) Greville, Robert, 2d lord Brooke. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp. 87-94. • • 4' 1-65 Greville, Lady Violet. Montrose; with introduction by the Earl of Ashburton. L., 1886. 8° 645B4 Greville, R. K. jent author. Murray, Hugh and others. British India. . . . 9543~7 Grevy, Francois Paul Ju' , trench states- man, b. 1813. Daudcl, E, French ce- lebrities, pt. 1. pp. 46-67 4'°5-35 — Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. pp. 46-57 4"05-5 - Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. pp. 216-220. . 410-83 GREY. — 549 < ; K 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Grey, Mrs. Col. — . Mary Seaham. U, n. d. 12°. Grey, Lady Catherine. Lippii t, Mrs. S. [., (Grace Greenw \ t pseud.) Merrie England, pp. 189-207 93 o8 -5 1.1 iv, Charles, ad earl, />. 1 764-*/. 1845. Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. pp. 125-141 4"-37 Tftylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 1S2-192 4"-97 GRRV, Georgie. Virgilia: a siory of Rome under Nero. Phila., 1870. 16 . . . 436A6 GREY, Henry, duke of Suffolk. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 213-216. . . 411-65 Grey, Zoi/yjane, queen of England, l>. 15.37- (I. 1554, Adams, \V. II. D. Sunshine of domestic life. pp. 173-214 4'5-'3 Fifty famous women, pp. 66-73. • • • 4 I 3 _ 4 I — Hale, S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 190-196 4'3-47 — Hewitt, M. E., ed. Lives of illustrious women of all ages. pp. 203-211. . . . 4>3~49 — Lippincott, Mrs. S. J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Merrie England, pp. 189-207. 9308-5 Lodge, E. To] traits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 199- 212 411-65 - Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 14-20 410-72 — Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of history. PP- 333-35° 413-6 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 122-130 4'°-9 — Sketches of the lives of distinguished fe- males, by an American lady. pp. 41-47. 413-79 GkEY, Maria G. Woman's educational move- ment. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 30-62 396-85 GREY, Maxwell. Silence of Dean Maitland. N. V., 1886. 12°. Grky, Mrs. Win. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece, etc., in the suite of the Prince and Princess of Wales. X. Y., 1870. 12 . 462-44 GREY. See also Gray. Grey hawk. Macauley, J 873B3 Greyhound: its history, points, breeding, rearing, training and running. Dalziel, Hugh 798-272 < Srey house on the hill. Greene, Mrs. L. L. 435A41 GREYLOCK, God rey, [pseud.) See Smith, Joseph Edward Adams. GRBYSON, K. E. II., (pseud.) See Rogers, Henry. GRBYSON letters: selections from the corres- pondence of R. L\ II. Greyson. Rogers, Henry 826-4 GRIKR, J. B. Studies in the English of Bunyan. Phila., 1S72. 12 118-4 roER, 1 beodor. !•• uiti : 1 omplete history of theii open and lecrel proi ccd- ings from the foundation! ol theii order to the present time. 2. v. N. \ '., 1883. 8° Griffin, Chas. Reid, W. Ohio in the war pp. 871 Ks Griffin, Frederick, World under glass. I -. '879. '2° Griffin, Gerald, Irish writer, t. 1803-rf. 184O. Poetical works and tragedy of Gisippus. X. Y. 12° Collegians. X. V. 12°. — Duke of Monmouth. 12°. — Invasion. X. Y. 12°. — Rivals, and Tracy's ambition. X. Y. 12°. — Tales of the five senses. N. Y. 16°. — Tales of the jury-room. N. Y. 12°. — Life of Gerald Griffin, by his brother. N.Y. 12° — Giles, H. Lectures and essays. pp. 233-258 — McCarthy, J. H. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 39-44 Griffin, Gilderay Wells. Studies in litera- ture. Phila., 1871. 12° Contents— French novelists. -Shakcsperi.-.n studies — Edwin Booth.— Philology— Miscel- laneous essays. — Biog. sketch of G. D. Prentice. In Pren- tice, G. D. Prenticeana. pp. 5-28. . . Griffin, Solomon Bulkley. Mexico of to- day. X. Y., 1886. 12° GRIFFIS, Wm.«Elliot. Corea, the hermit nation. I. Ancient and mediaeval his- tory. 2. Political and social Corea. 3. Modern and recent history. X. Y., 1882. 8° — Matthew Galbraith Perry : a typical American naval officer. B., 1887. 8°. — Mikado's empire. X. Y., 1876. 8°. . Contents.— History 0! Japan, from 660 B. C. to 1872 A D.— Personal experiences, observa- tions and studies in Japan, 1870-74. Griffith. Welsh question and Druid- ism. L., [1S87.] 12° Griffith, Cecil. Victory Deane. B. 12°. GRIFFITH, Prof. Robert. Boy's useful pas- times, pleasant and profitable amuse- ments for spare hours: comprising chapters on the use and care of tools, and detailed instruction by means of which boys can make with their own hands a large number of toys, house- hold ornaments, scientific appliances, and many pretty, amusing and necessary- articles for the play-ground, the house and out-of doors. Troy, X. Y., t8S7. 12° Griffith Gaunt. Reade, Chas. 2715-5 9796-7 437 ( 4 437C8 437B6 422E2 94 '-54 804-4 817-76 472-42 95'9-4 723B5 952-4 9399-4 ■-•: - GRIFFITHS. 55° — GRISWOLD. Griffiths, Wm. Trusses of wood and iron : practical applications of science in de- termining the stresses, breaking weights, safe loads, scantlings and details of construction. L., 1886. 8° 624-42 Grile, Dod, (pseud.) See Bierce, M. A. Grillparzer, Franz, German dramatist, b. 1791-d. 1872. Sappho: tragedy in five acts. tr. by Ellen Frothingham. B., 1876. 16° 8318-42 Grimes, J. Stanley. Etherology; or, the philosophy of mesmerism and phre- nology. N. Y., 1845. 16 177-44 — Etherology, and the phreno-philosophy of mesmerism and magic eloquence, with compend. B., 1850. 12 . . . . 177-441 — Geonomy : creation of the continents by the ocean currents: an advanced sys- tem of physical geology and geography. Phila., 1885. 12° 55145-42 — Mysteries of the head and the heart ex- plained : including an improved system of phrenology, a new theory of the emo- tions, and an explanation of the mysteries of mesmerism, trance, mind-reading and the spirit delusion. Chicago, 1875. 12°. 179-45 Grimes, Jas. Wilson, U. S. senator, b. 1816- ., b. 1766-rf. 1843. Stone, J. S. Memoir of the Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold; with appendix, to which are added a sermon, charge and pastoral letter by the late bishop 4.; s l ; i Griswold, Frances Irene Burge, (Mrs. S. S. Phelps, pseud.) Sister Eleanor's brood. B., n. d. 16 655A6 GRISWOLD, Ilattie (Tyng), Am. writer, b. 1842. Home life of great authors. Chicago, 1887. 12° 418-45 GRISWOLD, Rufus Wilmot, Am. critic, b. 1815. Curiosities of American litera- ture. Phila., 1843. 12 . Bound with Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature. . S04-362 GRISWOLD. — 55' — GRO l. Griswold, R. W., continued. Female poets of America. Phila., 1854. 8° 8091-4 Poel ■ and poeti * of Amei ica. Phila., 1855. 8° 8091-42 - with asurvej ol the intellectual history, lition and prospects ol the country. Phila., 1855. 8° 81 1-4 . John Marshall, In Homes ol American statesmen, pp. 263-274 412-53 Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 248- 29S. Review i| Prose writers. . . . 460E4 Griswold, V. M. Hugo Blanc, the artist. 11. t. p. 16°. I > K 1 1 ion, John. Christianity is not the in- vention c.f imposters, or of credulous en- thusiasts. In Christian evidence socie- ty lectures. Popular objections to re- vealed truth, pp. 61-87 239-26 GROB, Jean. Life of Ulric Zwingli. N. N .. 1S83. 12° 998B9 1. mi. ers. Felker, P. II. What the gro- cers sell us; a manual for buyers. . . 664-37 GRODEKOFF, Col. N. Ride from Samarcand to Herat through Afghan Turkestan. ir. by Chas. Marvin. I.., 1880. 12°. Same, 1885 455-6 Marvin, (.'has. Reconnoitering Central Asia. pp. 264-294 455-61 GROHMAN, Win. A. Baillie. Camps in the Rockies: being a narrative of life on the frontier, and sport in the Rocky mountains; with account of the cattle ranches of the west, and an original map based on the most recent U. S. government survey. N. Y ., 1882. 12°. 47S-43 GRONLUND, Lawrence, (,'a ira ! or, Danton in the French revolution. B., 1888. 12° 9444-43 — Co-operative commonwealth : an exposi- tion of modern socialism. L., 1886. 12° 338-35 GROOME, Francis Ilindes. In Gipsy tent--. 1 -. «88i. 12° '. 397-4 Gruot, Gerhard. Hodgson, W. Reform- ers and martyrs, pp. 170-178 4143-44 (Ik. mm, NT. G. de. History of the Israelites and Judeans, philosophical and critical. 2 v. L., 1879 9'3-35 iSH, Rev. A. B. Odd Fellows' improved manual. Phila., 1S69. 12° 3663-4 Gross, J. B. Teachings of Providence ; or, new lessons on old subjects. Phila., 1876. 12° 234-44 i.K"ss, Samuel D.. Am. surgeon, 6. lSo5~rf. 1884. Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross; with sketches of his contempo- raries, ed. by his sons. 2 v. Phila.. 1887. 8° 43SB5 '.1 CUP, lienj. S., joint author. Zeigler, W. G. <"i,/ Gro ' up, B. S. Heart of the Alleghanies * , ■ ' . H ■ . W. 1 1. Mod- ern Italian poel pp. 178-183. . . . 85OI-37 Grosvenor, II. s. 1 apt. Russell's watch- word ; or, I'll try. Ii., 1859. |6°. . . — Climbing the mountain ; or, how I lose in the world. B., 1862. 16° 438A5 Grosvenor, W. M. Hoes protection pro- tect of differ< f tariff upon American industry. N. V., »87i- 8° 335-4 1 . i 1 , Geo., Eng. historian, b. 1794-rf. 1871. Aristotle. ed. by A. l'.ain and G. C. Robertson. L., 1883. 8° 1 55-4 — History of Greece. I2v. N.Y.,1859. 12° 918-43 — Life, teachings and death of Socrates from the history of Greece ; with the defence of Socrates before his judges. N. V., i860. 16° 841 B3 — Notes. In Mill, J. Analysis of the phe- nomena of the human mind 180-63 — Friswell, J. Hain. Modern men of letters. pp. [83-191 804-38 Mill, J.S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 3 and 5. [Reviews.] 633E3 Stanley, A. I'. Westminster sermons. pp. 176—190. Religious aspect of history. 252-85 GROTIl 3, Hugo, Dutch scholar, i. 1583-rf. 1645. Buckley. T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 164-175 410-2 (.nun ;, Mine. Mary (Reigersberg). Child, L. Maria. Biographies of good wives. PP- '*'i 'S3 413-25 Grouchy, Emmanuel de, marquis, French general, d. 1847. Headley, J. T. Na- poleon and his marshals. v. 2. pp. 263-279 665B56 GROUNDS of theistic and Christian belief. Fisher, G. P 239-38 Grout, Henry M. Door opened and Christ within : sermon. In Gospel invitation, pp. 197-209 . . 252-43 — ed. Gospel invitation: sermons related to the Boston revival of 1877. B., I877- 8° 2;; 4; GROUT, Rev. Lewis. Zulu-land; or, life among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-land, South Africa. Phila., 1864. ■2° 4683-4 GROVE, F. C. Frosty Caucasus: account of a walk through part of the range and of an ascent of Elbruz in the summer of 1874. L., 1875. 12° 4470-4 Grove, Sir Geo., D. C. L., Eng. author, f. 1820. Beethoven's nine symphonies: analytical essays ; with preface by Georg Henschel. B., 1884. 16° ">-4> GROVE. 552 GUERNSEY. Grove, Sir Geo., continued. — Geography. N. Y., 1878. 16 . [His- tory primers.] 4201-4 — Introductory notice. In Rockstro, W. S. Life of G. F. Handel 453B5 Preface. In Hensel, S. Mendelssohn family 624B1 Grove, W. R. Correlation of physical forces. In Youmans, E. L., ed. Cor- relation and conservation of forces, pp. 3-200 5316-3 Groves, J. Percy. A soldier born; or, the adventures of a subaltern of the 95th in the Crimea and Indian mutiny. L., 1886. 12° 439A5 Growth of a people: a short study in French history. Lacombe, P 944-6 Growth of the English constitution from the earliest times. Freeman, E. A. . 3423-43 Growth of the steam engine. Thurston, R. H 6211-83 Grube, August Wilhelm, German writer, b. l8i6-7»47 Thomas Carlyle : his life, his books, his theories. N. Y., 1881. 16° 205B4 — and Davis, Irenxus P. Health at home. N. Y., 1884. 12° 613-4 (,l LK\SI,\ 553 ■,i [LDS i .1 i i ■ by, Egbert. History ol the i tatted States. Phila., 1863 973 11 : i iey, Lucy 1 lien. ' in ■•• alier's daugh- I |d pi "i the Si hiI'iii 1 orbel 1 hron- ii I. I N.N .. 1S82. 12°. Fostei listei . "i . I .ucj Corbet 1 chron i, le. N. Y\, 1882. 12°. Ii ish Amy. 11. 1. p. 12° 441A1 I ,ady Betty's govei ne or, the 1 01 bei 1 hronii les. N. V., 1872. 12 . 1 adj Rosamond's book 1 [2d pi. ol the Stanton I !oi bel 1 hronii le . | N.Y.,1874. 12°. Loveday's history. V ¥*., 1885. 12°. Milly; or, the hiddei r . 1866. 12 . Nelly ; "i , the be 1 inhei itani e. Phila., 1867. 1 6°. Winifred; or, after man} days. V V*., 1869. l6°. Same. 1882 441A4 Guernsey. Waring, G. I ■'.., jr. Farmer's vacation. ])|>. 210-230 4492 9 1.1 BRNSE1 lily. Woolsey, Miss Sarah Chaun- cy, (Susan I oolidge, pseud.) 246A46 GUERRAZZI, Francisco Domenico, Italian author, l<. 1804-fl'. 1873. Beatrice Cenci. V V., 1875. 12°. i.i 1 >ci in. See Du Guesclin. 11 1 1 . at purpose in nature. fames, W. P 5«>5-6 Guest, M. J. Lectures on the history of England. I.., 1879. 12° 9301-44 Hand 1 k of English history, brought down to the year 1880. [edited] with a supplementary chapter upon English literature of the 19th century, by Fran- cis II. Underwood. B., 1886. 12 . . 9301-45 Note. — An American edition of the foregoing slightly abridged and with additions mentioned in the title. GuBTTEE, Aime Francois Vladimir, abbe, French historian, />. 1S16. Papacy: its historic origin and primitive relations w ith the Eastern churches, tr. from the French with hiog. notice of the author; with an introd. by A. C. Coxe. N. V.. 1868. 12 2821-4 Brownson, 0. A. Works. \ . S. pp. 474-527. Review of Papacy 81S-27 1 .1 '.1 11 I MA. Lea, II. ('. History of the inquisition of the middle ages. v. 3. pp. 90-128 2722-48 Guhl, E. and fConer, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from an- tique monuments, tr. by F. Hueffer. N. V., 1S76. 8° ,051-4 Guhrauer, Gottschalk Edward, German writer, />. 1S09-,/. 1854. Mackie, J. M. 1 ilc of Godfrey William von Leibnit: on the basis of the German work of Dr. G. E, Guhrauer 562I& Bronl I. n '. II V. P., ed. ony of British 1 iuiana Palgrave, W. G Dutch Guiana. . . . 4S85 7 Whetl 1, J. W. 1 4881-9 Edwards, 1 of W. Raleigh, pp. 163 201 and 580 651. . 7S9B2 I rde, H. \ B rtd -.'. hite. pp. 212-226. [Mi ions.] 2^3-35 Jenkins, E. The coolie, his 1 wrongs, pp. 83-99 3262-4 - Ralegh, W, Works, v. 8. pp. 391-478. 828-75 — Schoniburgk, R. II. I > (Iuiana. In Jardine, W. ed. Natural library. v. 30-40 590-5 — - Trollope, A. West Indies and the Span- ish main. pp. 167-198 4729-9 — Boussenard, Louis. Crusoes of (iuiana: [aslory] 178A2 GUICI I'll 1. Teresa Gamba, countess, b. 1801- . Great lights in sculpture and painting, pp. 1 52-154 417 4 Libino, Mrs. S. K., tr. Princes of art. pp. 175-184 4>9-9 Guild court. Macdonald, GUILD, Curtis, Am. journalist, h. 1828 Abroad again ; or, a fresh foray in for- eign lands. B., 1S77. 8° 440-432 — Britons and Muscovites: or, traits ol empires. B., 1888. 8° 440-433 1 Ivei the ocean ; or, sights and scenes in foreign lands. B., 1871 12 .... 440-434 tit tit's. Heckthorn, C. W. s ecret socie- ties of all ages and countries, v. I. pp. 330-J4S 3669-4 GUILDS. 554 GUIZOT. Guilds, continued. — Brentano, Lujo. History and develop- ment of gilds 3369-2 Guilford, Linda T. Useofalife: memor- ials of Mrs. /. P. Grant Banister. X. V., n. d. 12° 134B3 Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the " Mar- chesa" to Kamschatka and New Guinea ; with notices of Formosa, Lin-Kin and various islands of the Malay archipela- go. 2 v. I.., 1886. 8° 4370-4 Guillemin, Amedee Victor, French writer, b. 1826. Heavens: hand-book of popu- lar astronomy, ed. by J. Norman Lock- yer. L., 1S68. 8° 520-44 — Sun. From the French by A. L. Phip- son. N. Y., 1875. I2 ° 5 2 37-4 — Wonders of the moon. tr. by Miss M. G. Mead. ed. with additions by Maria Mitchell. N. V., 1873. 12 5233-43 GUILT and innocence. Schwartz, M. S. GUILTY river. Collins, W. Wilkie. GUINAND, N., Swiss optician, i. about 1 745— d. 1S25. Howe, H. Eminent mechanics. pp. 270-276 41237-4 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 225-229 609-79 Guinea, The, [coin], Horton, S. D. Sil- ver pound and England's monetary pol- icy since the restoration ; together with the history of the guinea 3314-42 Guinness, H. Grattan. Romanism and the reformation from the standpoint of prophecy. N. Y., 1887. 12° 2829-44 Guinness, Mrs. Grattan. "She spake of him," being recollections of the loving labors and early death of the late Mrs. Henry Deming. N. ¥"., 1874. 1 6° 283B8 (it ion, Jane Mary. Hodgson, W. Reform- ers and martyrs, pp. 342-428 4143-44 Guisi \i:n, Robert, 1st duke of Calabria, b. about 1015-r/. 1085. Barlow, J. W. Short history of the Normans in South- ern Europe 94503-2 Guiteau, < )has. J. Trial of Guiteau : outlines for .1 psychological study. In Godding, \V. \V. Two hard 1 3482-4 Guizot, Elizabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meul.in, b. 1773-^. 1827. Voting stu- dent; or, Ralph and Victor. X. Y . 1867. 16 142A5 Sain Bi ' A. Portraits ol celebi a- ted women, pp. 344 384 413 78 Guizot, Mine, Elizabeth Sophie, b. about 1764 ./. 184 t. Bi ightw ell, 1 '. I . Above rubies, pp. 43-57 ti | ■ Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume, French statesman, b. 1787-d. 1874. Biographic studies on the English revolution ; or, Monk's contemporaries. Bound with Guizot, F. P. G. Monk: or, the fall of the republic 411-43 Corneille and his times. X. V., 1852. 12°. Same, 1871 247B2 Contents. — Introduction. — Poetry in France before the time of Corneille. — Pierre Corneille. — Jean Chapelain. — Jean Rotrou. — Paul Scar- ron. — Appendix. — Embassy to the court of St. James in 1840. L., 1S63. 12° 3274-4 — Henry IV and the end of the wars of re- ligion, ed. by G. Masson from Gttizot's France 463 B4 -- History of civilization from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revo- lution. 4 v. X T . V., 1854. 12 . Same, ■859 920-4 History of the English revolution of 1640 : from the accession of Charles I to hisdeath. tr. by W. Hazlitt. L., 1864. '2° 93"2-4 History of the origin of representative government in Europe, tr. by Andrew R. Scoble. L., 1861. 12 3204-4 - Cast days of the reign of Louis Philippe. L., 1S67. 8° 94463-4 Contents- — Parliamentary government, (1840- 48.) — Spanish marriages, (1842-47.) —Italy and Pope Pius IX, (1846-48.) — Switzerland and the Sonderbund, (1840-48.) — Political re- forms and the fall of the ministry of 29th Octo- ber, 1840. ,1840-48.) — Life of Oliver Cromwell. L., 1877. 12°. 255B4 Meditations on the essence of Christiani- ty, and on the religious questions of the day. N. V., 1S67. 12° 239-46 — Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. tr. by J. W. Cole. 4 v. L., 1858. 8° 9446-4 Monk; or, the fall of the republic : and the restoration of the monarchy in Eng- land in 1660. tr. by A. R. Scoble. L., 1866. 12° 41 [-43 — Popular history of France from the ear- liest limes, tr. by Robert Black. 8 v. B., 1886. 12° 944-4 Contents. — v. 1. To 1270. — v. 2. 1108-1461. v [461-X589.— v. 4. 1589-1713. — v. 5. 1711- 1780.— v. 6. 1789-1799. — v. 7. 1799-1812. — v. 8. 1813-1848. 1 lutlines of the history of France from tin- earliest times to the outbreak of the rev- olution : an abridgment ; with chrono- logical index, historical and genealog- ical tables, portraits, etc.. by Gustave Masson. B. 8° 944-4" Saint Louis and Calvin. I.., 0. d. 12°. 414-45 GUIZ01 ^5 — roN i ,i i/.. i , I . I'. i . , continued. Sainl I 'mi-, and the 13th 1 entui y. ed by ( iusi.n e Ms ion from Guizot' 1 ranee. I! , 1SS1. 12° 586B6 Shakespeare and his times. N. V., 1S55. 12° 8236-42 < 'onttnti Ihaki pi tri and liii timei Shakespeare's tragedies. in 1 1 1 hal 1 1 ' hi torii 'I dn Ihakt peare 1 co Ii< I hi ii md .1.111,'. /// ( lollection "f the- ological essays by various authors, pp. 1-26 204-67 Inn oduction. In Oi de i Vitalis. 1 1 le liastical hist, ol I ngland and Nor- mandy, v. 1. pp. 7 id 9309-65 Witt, time. Henriette Guizol i lei in ions and discus- sions, v. 2. pp. 297-562. Review of Guizot's essays and lectures on history. 633E3 Hurst, J. I'. History of rationalism. pp. 4>6 419 2119-44 ouve, I . Art of reading, pp. 326- 333 Soo-S — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 331 338 410-S5 Saint-Heme, C. A. Monday chats, pp. 205-226 844 8 ',1 1 .mi de Wilt, Madame. See Witt. Hen- rietta Guizot de. vr. Bailey, E. C. Local Mohamma- den dynasties; Gujarat 9542 ' IT, [Battle, 1849.] Adams, W. 11. 1 1. Battle stories, pp. 456-464 9208-13 Knox, T. W, Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 1 17-132 9°3-53 : 1 and inland waters. Mahan. A. T. [Navy in civil war.] 9782-62 1, rii stream. Proctor. K. A. Light sci- ence for leisure hours, pp. 116-135. ■ 502-69 i\n: or, rose garden. Saadi 8915-8 GULLICK, Thos. John and Timbs, John. Painting popularly explained : includ- ing fresco, water-glass, oil, tempera. mosaic, encaustic, water-colour, minia- ture, painting on ivory, vellum, pottery, porcelain, enamel, glass, etc., with his- torical sketches of the progress of the art. 1.., 1S64. 16° 750 43 Gulliver's travels. Swift, J. Works, pp. 1 10-216 828-8 Gi 1 1 >. , Jas. Manby. Water-cure in ch I 12° otton. I'" .11 i • n the faliin ation of :;un cotton, etc Wardell, W, II Notes on gunpow der itton 1 Idle. Gillmore, Parker. . ; 1 ■ ' ■ or, the el h Brown, Rev. W. K 3969-2 1 ■ I 11.11. G ING, Win. 1 1. I ife hi 1 iy of our planet. Chicago, 1876. 12 v -i .. 1881. 8° 1 .1 npi ..'. i id K. Guthrii nd Gins. J. 1 iuthrie. 2 v. N. Y., 1875-76 12 Same. 2 v. in 1. 1877 1 1; B 1 Blai kie, I . s Song ol religion and life, pp. 150-155. The gene evangelist. 1601 ; Blaikie, W. G 1 eadi ra li 1 n phi- lanthropy, pp. 165-186 |i;i' -■ Fish, II. ('. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century. 1)11.(123-637 2521-4 k i! ion, J. \\. World's workers, pp-5-34- 410-6 1.1 rMANN, Edward. Watering places and mineral springs oi Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; with notes on climatic resorts, and consumption, sanitariums, peat, mud and sand baths, whey and grape cures, etc. \. V., 1880. 12°. . 6155-4 Contents. — General remarks on watering pi. tics, .in. 1 tlu: use of mineral waters.— Topo- graphical review of the watering places. — Chemical composition and therapeutical appli- cation of the mineral waters. — Climatological ind balneological notes. — Index of watering and health resorts. — General index Gi 1 1 \ percha. Hoffer, R. Practical treat! on caoutchouc 678-4 Timbs, J. [nventoi s and discos erei pp. 452-455. Gutta percha and ils manufactures 609-79 [tmann, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice : system of correct breathing in singing and speaking, based upon physiological laws: practical guide in the training and use of the singing and speaking voice. Albany, N. V., 1S84. 12°. . . 774-4 Gl 1/1 ah, (has. Journal of three voyages along the coast of China ill 1831-32 and 13; with notices of Siam, Corea and the Loo-choo islands, to which is prefixed an introductory essay on the policy, re- ligion, etc., of China, by Rev. W. Ellis. I.., 1S34. 12° 45'"44 GUY of Warwick. Ashton, J. Romance of chivalry, pp. 273-302 3947-2 G, W. and Jones, E. II. Popular ro- mances of the middle ages, pp. 297-319. 3S2-3 — Lippincott, Mrs. S. J., (Grace Green- wood, /toW.) Merrie England, pp. 103- I2t. Warwick Castle. City of Warwick. 930S-5 GUY, Thos., English philanthropist, h. 1644- d. 1724. Bourne, II. R. F. Famous London merchants, pp. 158-1S8. . . 411 2 Mason, J., id. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 451-453 4IO-7 1 .r\ Deverell, Le Fanu, J. s. GUV Livingstone. Lawrence, G. A GUV Mannering. Scott, Sir W. Rivers. Simnis, W. G. < iu\ Vernon 1 novelette in it!) a Masque of the poeta 615C4 1 , Mary. Mun tholii pioneers of America, pp. 279-285. . 4142-^ Moil,. 1 |,i: in, I C, I ife and re- ■ of Madame ; - 1 in 4142-8 Howitt, Win. History ol the supernat- ural. V. J. pp. 333-343 '74 48 , A Id Hi grapher, b. 1X07-^.1884. Creation; the Bib gony in the light of rn science. N. V'., 1884. 12 . . 213-3(1 Earth and its inhabitants: a coin graphy. N. \ ., 1871. 4°. . 420-5 Earth and man : lecture- rative physical geography, in its relation to the history of mankind. tr. by < . C. Fel- ton. H., 1855. I2 C 551 51. -Physical geography. N. Y., 1873. 4. 55' 57 Gl V'S marriage. Durand, A. M. C. (H. . II 1 .reville, / GwiLT, Joseph, Eng. architect, h. 1784-1/. 1863. I pedia of architecture; historical, theoretical and practical. I... 1851. 8° 72" 44 — /;■. Vitruvius Pollio, M. Ancient archi- tecture 722-8 Gwinnett, Button. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration of inde- pendence, pp. 358-361 4121 3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 227-229 4121 ,; Gwynn, Nell. Jameson, A. 1M.1 Beauties of theCourt of Charles II. pp. 123-137. 411 ;; — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3- PP- 370-387 »" 5 s GWYNNE, T. School for fathers. N. Y., 1852. 12°. Gymnastii 5. See Physical culture. GYMNASTICS of the voice. Guttmann, O. . GYPSIE. Kenney, M. E. Gypsies. Borrow, G. The Zincali. ... ■. — Groome, F. H. In gipsy tents — Leland, C. G. Gypsies - Palmer, E. H. ami Tuckey, J. Eng- lish gipsy songs — Simson, W. History of the gypsies. . . 397-7 — Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. -04 Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities. pp. 293-296 41043-9 — Scott. W. Guy Mannering: [a romance.) — See also Palmistry. Gypsies of the Danes' dyke. Ph Gypsy Breynton. Phelps, Elizabeth. S. 727A11 GYPSY'S cousin Joy. Phelps. Elizabeth S. . 727A12 GYTHA's message. Leslie, Emma 51 H., H. -558 HAECKEL. H H., H. See Jackson, Helen (Hunt). H., Hd. pseud. See Hinton, Howard. Habberton, John, Am. writer, b. 1842. Bar- ton experiment. N. Y., 1877. 16°. — Bow-sham puzzle, and my friend Moses. N. Y., 1884. 12 . — Country luck. Phila., 1SS7. 12°. — George Washington, 1732-99. N. Y., 1884. 12 . [Lives of American worthies.] 924B6 — Helen's babies. B., n. d. 16°. — Scripture club of valley rest. N. Y., 1S77. 1 6°. — Introductory essay and biog. sketches. In Selected papers from the Spectator. 1S4E4 — joint author. Norton, C. L. and Habber- ton, J. Canoeing in Kanuckia. . . . 471-66 Habermeister. Schmid, H. Habersham, A. \V. North Pacific survey- ing and exploring expedition ; or, my last cruise: being an account of visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo islands, the coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamt- schatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the Amoor river. Phila., 1858. 8°. . . . 490-45 Habit. Butler, S. Life and habit. . . . 5751-24 — Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living, pp. 73-90 197-33 — Russell, A. P. Characteristics. pp. 255-280 798E6 Habit and intelligence, in their connection with the laws of matter and force. Murphy, J. J 501-6 Habitations of man in all ages. Viollet- le-Duc, E 729-9 Habits and characteristics of animals and birds. Brown, Thos 5905-4 Habits and men. Doran, Dr. John. . . . 391-3 Habits of good society. N. Y., 1876. 12 . 395-4 HABITS, varieties and diseases of horses and dogs. Walsh, J. II 798-84 Hack, Maria. Stories and pictures from Grecian history. N. Y., 1869. 16 . . 918-45 RACKET, John, bishop of Lichfield and Coven- try, h. \y)2-d. 1670. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy. 26031-4 Hackei t, Horatio Balch, Am. scholar, b. iSoS-d. 1875. Christian memorials of the war; or, scenes and incidents illus- trative of religious faith and principle, patriot md bravery in our army; with historical imtes. IS., 1864. 1 2°. 9805 4 - Illustrations of Scripture, suggested bj .1 tour 'Inn li the Holy land. IS., i860. 12° 2208-44 [ntrodui tion. lit Wescott, B. F. Intro- d 1 tion to the studj ol the ' Sospels. . . 1271 1 Hackett, Jas. Henry, Am. actor, b. i8oo-. iSo5~r/. 1880. Faustina. N. V., 1S72. 12 . Hahnemann, Samuel Christian Frederich, founder of homeopathy, b. 1755-1/. 1843 Parton, .i. People's book of biogra- phy, pp. 272-276 110-82 Hah \; or, life in modern Palestine. phant, Lawrence 158 1 H.vn v \\, Wm, N. 1 Outlines of a system of object teaching; with an introduction by J. N. M, Kllim.it. \. V'., 1S67. ' J 3723 »s Twelve lectures on the history of peda- Cinn., 1874. 12 3/09-4 1 1 mil Morris, M. M ' the oid hair pp. 73-82 Baba. Morier, J., ed. 1 I ! don; wi'i by Hugh Craig. N. Y., 18S4. 12". . . Introduction and note,. In Journ M .1 1 . ( fen. C. G. G rdon at Kartoum, . i 1 , 1 , r . 1 1 -/,/'. 1553- d. 1616. I . 1 . . 1 i the Elizabeth; 1 ica : thirteen original narrative- from the ' ion oi I lakluyt — Tytler, P. F. Hi torical view of the progress of discovery on the more north- ern coasts of America. pp. 333-360. Vindication of Richard Hakluyt. . . 471 Hal. Round, W. M. F. Halcyon days. Flagg, W Haldane, J. S-, joint author. Haldane, R. B and J. S Relation of philo science. In Seth, A. and Haldane, R. B., eds. Essays in philosophical criti- cism, pp. 41-66 14- ",' Haldane, R. V,., joint ed. Seth, A. and Haldane, R. B., eds. Essays in philo- sophical criticism 1 42 70 HALDEMAN, Samuel Stehman, Am. philolo- gist, b. 1812-rf. 18S0. Analytical orthog- raphy: an investigation of the sounds of the voice, and their alphabetic re- lation; including the mechanism of speech, and its bearing upon etymology. Phila., i860. 4 1091-4 Word-building, for the use of classes in etymology. Phila., 1881. 12°. . . . 112-4 Hale, Anna G. Uncle Mirk's amaranths. I',.. 1881. 16 445A5 Half., Edward. Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe, 1678-97. V Y. . . 9366-4 1 Edward Everett. Am. clergyman, 6. [822. Backtoback. N.Y., 1878. 24°. — Boys' heroes. B., 1886. 12° 4'°-535 Contents. — Hector. — H Alex- ander the Great. — Hannibal.— King Arthur. — Richard I. — Bayard. — Robinson Crus ><.-. - Israel Putnam.— General Lafayette.— Napoleon I. — Ralph Allcstrcc. Christmas eve and Christmas day. B., 1873. 16°. Contents.— Thej ... light.— Christ- mas waits in Boston.— tree. — Daily bread. — Stand and watt.— Two princes. — Story of Oello. — Love is the whole. — Christ- inas and Rome 's story. — Same Christmas in Old England and New Crusoe in New York and other tales. B-, 12°. Contents. — Crusoe in New York. — AHf-Laila. il servant. — Nicolcttc and Aucassin.— HALE. 560 HALE. Hale, E. E., continued. Stories of travel.— Lost palace —Western Gi- nevra. — Max Keesler's horse-car. — Modern Psyche. -- Fortunes of Rachel. N. Y., 1SS4. 12°. — Good time coming ; or, our new crusade. B., 1875. 12°. Contents.— Visit to the Deritend.— Deritend attic— To begin at both ends.— At the top.— At the bottom.— Can we, and how ?— Card playing and champagne. —Seven men of honest report. —Walking and talking.— Phi Nu.— Word to Pittsburgh. —Deritend club.— Social revolution. — Christmas day —Two by two. — Bromwich to- day. — His level best and other stories. B., 1873. i6°- Contents. — His level best. — Brick moon. — Water talk.— Mouse and lion.— Modern Sind- bad. — Tale of a Salamander. — Queen of Cali- fornia. — Confidence. — History of the United States, written for the Chautauqua reading circles. N. V-, 1887. 8° 973-45 — How to do it. B., 1S71. 16 374~4 — If, yes, and perhaps: four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact. B., 1868. 1 6°. Contents. — Children of the public. — Piece of possible history.— South American editor.— The old and the new, face to face. — Dot and line alphabet. — Last voyage of the resolute. — My double, and how he undid me. — The man without a country.— Last of the Florida.— Skeleton in the closet. — Christmas waits in Boston. In his name: story of the Waldenses, seven hundred years ago. B., 1876. 1 6°. Same, 1S8S. 12 . Ingham papers: some memorials of the life of Capt. Frederic Ingham. B., 1869. 12°. Contents . — Memoir of Capt. Frederic Ingham. — Good-natured pendulum. — Paul Jones and Denis Duval. — Round the world in a hack.— Friends' meeting— Did he take the Prince to ride'' — How Mr. Frye would have preached it. — Ragman and ragwoman. — Dinner speaking. — Good society. — Daily bread. Mrs. Merriam's scholars : story of the "Original ten." B., 1878. 1 6°. Our Christmas in a palace : a traveller's story. N. Y., 1883. 12°. Philip Nolan's friends. N. V., 1877. 12°. Seven Spanish cities, and the way to them. B., 1883. 1 6° 446-45 Stories of adventure, told by adventurers. I'.., 1884. 1 6° 436-4 Content* Marco Poll 3ii fohn Mande ville and the cm I rtrandon in Pale; tine. Geoffrey of Vin luI II ernando Corti lettei Fra Marco tnd < oronado.— Jesuit re- lations Northern discoveries. — Humbi travels.— A young man's voyage.— The north- west.— Sibcn.i and Kamtschatka Indo Hale, E. E., continued. — Stories of discovery, told by discoverers. B., 1883. 1 6° 436-41 Contents. — Introduction. — Da Gama and the east. — Magalhaens and the Pacific. — Sir Francis Drake.— Atlantic coast.— Voyages in the Pacific. — Northwest passage. — Source of the Nile. — Mouth of the Niger. — West of the Mississippi. —Antarctic continent. — Stories of invention. B., 1885. l6°. . 609-5 Contents. — Archimedes. — Friar Bacon. — Cel- lini.— Palissy. — Franklin. — Theorists of the eighteenth century. — Watt. —Fulton.— Stephen- son.— Whitney. — Nasmyth. — Bessemer. — Last meeting. — Stories of the sea, told by sailors. B., 1880. 1 6° 437-45 Contents. — Columbus's return from his first voyage. — The Chancellor voyage. — Spanish armada. — Battle of Lepanto. — Sir Richard Gren ville. — Alex. Selkirk. — Buccaneers. — Paul Jones and Richard Pearson.— Nelson and Tra- falgar. — English navy. — Pitcairn's island. — Naval battles. — Shipwrecks. — Stories of war, told by soldiers. B., 1SS6. l6° 9S0-44 Contents.— Introduction : life at Little Crastis. — First Bull Run. — Fort Henry and Fort Don- elson. — Gen. McCIellan and the Peninsula : West Virginia. — Antietam. — Pittsburg landing. — Vicksburg.— Gettysburg. — Chickamauga and Chattanooga. — Grant's advance on Richmond : the wilderness : Sheridan's ride.— Sherman's great march. — Nashville. — Siege of Richmond: the last week. — The end. — Sybaris and other homes. B., 1869. 16 . Contents. — My visit to Sybaris. — How they lived at Naguadavick.— How they live in Vine- land. — How they live in Boston, and how they die there — Homes for Boston laborers. — Ap- pendix. — Ten times one is ten : the possible refor- mation. B., 1871. 16 . Summer vacation : four sermons. B., 1S74. 1 6° 252-45 Contents. — Worship in Europe. — Vienna ex- hibition. — Pilgrimages. — Open air and the Aryan virtues. — Ups and downs, n. t. p. 16 . — What career? Ten papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. B., 1884. 12° 194-4 Contents. — Leaders lead. — Specialties. — No- blesse oblige. — Mind's maximum. — Theological seminary. — Character. — Responsibilities of young men.— Study outside of school. — Train- ing l men.— Exen 1 < Choice of books. /;/ Abbott, L., ed. Hints for home reading. pp. 62-69. • 805-12 How I was educated. In College and the church, pp. 9-17 3704-4 [ntroduction. In Www. Wary E. Brown- ing's women iNo< 1 5 In Memoir of Frank Russell Firth. . . 356B1 Man without a country, in Modern clas- sics, pp. 448-479. HALE HALF. Hale, E I . ontinutd. My double, and how he did me /*/ Modei 11 'lii' I'p i 20. Same. In M i , I . I ., ed. 1 lui on masterpieces, v. i. pp, 213-235. . . X17 63 — The church in its relation to publii 1 har- ity. In Modem 1 fnitai iani m pp, 1 16-129. 2S.S4 3 i "I 1 , <■ . 1 ranklin in Fi am e. From original documents, mo 1 ol which are now published for the firsl time. 2 v. B., 1SS7-88. 8° ; ' and Susan. Family ilight around home. B., 1884. 8° • 474-45 Family flighl ovei Egypl and Syria. B., 1882. 8° 462-45 I .null v Hi" lit 1 hrough Mexii 0. I'.., 1886. 8° 472-44 — and others. Workingmen's homes: es- says ami stories. 11., 1S74. 12°. . . . 3371-4 Contents. - Co-operative homes.— Quincy as- sociation. --Village in Dedham. — Cheap irains in M.i -Homes for Boston laborers.. — Boston co-operative society. — How they lived at Nagnadavick. — How they live in Vim-land. — How they live in Boston, and how they die there joint author. Stowe, II. 11. and others. Six of one by half a dozen of the other. — ed. Lights of two centuries. V Y., 1887. 8° 410-536 Contents. — Artists and sculptors. — Prose writers. Composers. — Poets. — Inventors. — Rideing, YV. II. Boyhood of living au- thors, pp. 13S-147 -li s 7t Hale, Edward E., jr., joint author. Hale, E. E. and Hale, E. V..,jr. Franklin in France. 2 v 3S1P. ;; Hale, John P. Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 72-78 4'2-25 Hale, Lucretia P. Last of the Peterkins with others of their kin. B., 1SS6. 12°. 447A1 -- I'eterkin papers. B., 18S7. 8° 447A2 — Queen of the red chessmen. In Modern classics, pp. 271-298. — Modern improvements at the Peterkins. In Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous mas- terpieces. v. 1. pp. 199-212 817-63 —joint author. Stowe, II. B. and others. Six of one, by half a dozen of the other. Hale, Mary Whitwell. In Putnam. A. I'., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 261-283. [Poems and biog. sketch.] 2458-7 11.11. Sir Mattlu-w, Eng. judge, 6. 1609-1/. 1676. Brightwell, C. L. Early lives and doings of great lawyers pp. 51-6;. 4154 2 — Campbell, J. Chiel justices of England. V. 2. pp. 171 -250 4II-24 ge, E. Porti aits of illusti ious per- sonagesof Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 13-22. 411-65 II mi. plain. Am, patriot, b. 1755 1771 I [owe, II. Adventucrs and 1 \merii ins. pp. 1 5 24 412-55 — Los mi:. B.J 1 • 1 34. . 4151-55 hew ., I B., ed. Poem of Ameri- can patriotism, pp. (I v, .... 80913-5 II w 1 . P. M." In the coal and iron counties 1.1. Raleig 1 ■ 12°. 553-4 II Ml, Mi.. Sarah Joscpha (Buell), Am. writ r, 1 ;.,/' 1 ■ ling out 1 talc of domestic life. \. Y., 1S55. \(,'\ 447A8 Keeping house'and housekeeping : of domestic life. N. V., 1861. 16°. . 447A9 I ' "lis from women's live . Edil ugh. n. d. 16° 4"3-47 Contents.— Joan of Arc. —Anne Bolcyn. — Queen Elizabeth.— Pocahontas. — Lucy Hutch- inson. — Christina. — Lady Mary Worllcy tagu —Mrs. Barbauld.— Hannah More.- M ame de Stael — Miss Edgeworth. — Charlotte Cor,].. 1 Inn- Gray. — Sarah Martin. — Grace Darling. I iberia ; or, Mr. Peyton's experiments. X. Y., 1858. 12°. - Sketch of the life of Miss Jane Taylor. In Taylor, Jane. Pleasures of life. pp. 7-l6 877A5 Hale, Miss Susan. Family flight through Spain. B., 1883. 8° 446-452 — joint author. See Hale, E. E. Hales, John. Tullock, J. Rational theol- ogy and Christian philosophy. v. 1. pp'. 170-260 2742-S HALES, John Wesley. Teaching of Eng- lish. In Farrar, F. W., ed. Essays on a liberal education, pp. 293-312. . . 375-3 — Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. 11 . ed. English poets, v. 1-2 S092-9 IImi ;, Stephen, D. D. Memorials of early genius, pp. 268-273 410-74 IImi I, YV. YV. Plea for a more scientific study of geography. In Evolution in history, etc. pp. 12-1S 575-35 II m 1 VY, Jacques Francois Fromental Elie. b. i799-3 412-86 Ham. 'II Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp, 245- 4121 -45 ' fohn, D. />., Presbyterian clergyman, />. 1829. Familiar talk X. V., 1876. 12" 2 4 8_ 4 God rord through preaching. N. V., 1875. 12°. [I'M! I. her lectures. J 251-43 — Papers for home reading. N. Y., 1871. 12 . Same, 1873 241-51 — Questions of the day. N. X ., 1S73. ,2 °- 241-52 lences of Christianity. In Preparing to teach, pp. 9-67 246-4 — Future church. In Presbyterian reunion. pp. 461-490 2851-6 — and Stuart, Geo. II. American evange- lists, D. L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey, in Great Britain and Ireland. N. Y., 1«75- '2°- ■ • 254-51 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits. pp. 157- l6 3 41247-3 HALL, John Chas. Analytical syno| the natural history of man. In Picker- ing, C. Races of man. pp. 7-72. . . 572-74 HALL, Joseph, English bishop, b. 1574-rf. 1656. Selections. In Montagu, B. Selections, pp. 123-146 241-63 — Fragment of Mundus alter et idem. In Ideal commonwealths, pp. 265-284. . 3202-5 — Sermon. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy, v. 1. pp. 29-46. . . . 26031-4 — Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 1. PP- 537-543 8092-9 HALL, King. Harmonium, L., n. d. 4 . [Music primers.] 7769-4 Hail. Lansing V., Am. writer, b. 1828. Voices of nature. Rochester, 1870. 16°. 45K .• — joint author. Artman, W. and Hall. L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. 37191-2 Hall, Louisa Jane. In Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs, pp. 155-159. [Poems and biog. sketch.] 2458-7 Hall, Lyman. Dwight, X. Lives of the signers, pp. 362-366 41 2 1-3 ing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 230-232 4121-53 Hall, Marshall, b. 1700-V. 1S57. Tillotson, John. Our untitled nobility, pp. 203- --4 41 Hall, Mrs. Matthew. Royal princesses of England from the reign of George I. L., 1S71. 12° 41114' Hall. Rev. Xewman, Eng. minister, b. 1S16. From Liverpool to St. Louis. L., 1870. »6°- • ■ 47J-43 HALL. 564 — HALLECK. Hall, Rev. N. , continued. — Land of the Forum and the Vatican ; or, thoughts and sketches during an Easter pilgrimage to Rome. N. Y.,n. d. 12°. 4456-44 Hall, Robert, English Baptist minister, b. 1764-1/. I S3 1. Miscellaneous works; with memoir by Olinthus Gregory, and an estimate of his character and writings by John Foster. L., 1S70. 12°. . . . 208-37 — Modern infidelity considered. Bound with Faber, G. S. Difficulties of infidelity. 2395-4 — Hood, E. P. Robert Hall 450B8 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 76-85 418-43' — Sprague, W. B. Visits to European celeb- rities, pp. 55-63 4104-85 Hall, Samuel Carter, Eng. critic, b. 1S00. Retrospect of a long life, 1815-83. N. V., 18S3. 8° 450B9 Hall, Samuel Read. Barnard, H., ed. Edu- cational biography, pp. 169-181. . . 4157-2 Hall, Spencer. Hood, E. P v Peerage of poverty, pp. 345"354 410-58 Hall, W.J. Some sceptical fallacies of cer- tain modern writers examined. L., 1881. 16° 239-48 Hall, Wm. Biography of David Cox ; with remarks on his works and genius, ed. with additions by John Thackray Bunce.- N. Y., n. d. 8° 249B9 Hall, Wm. W. Bronchitis and kindred dis- eases. N. Y., 1865. Same, 1870. 12 . 6164-39 — Consumption. N. Y., 1865. 12°. . . . 6164-4 — Coughs and colds; or, prevention, cause and cure of various affections of the throat; with cases illustrating the re- markable efficacy of out-door activi- ty in permanently arresting the progress of diseases of the chest. N. V., 1S70. 12 6164-41 — Dyspepsia and its kindred diseases. N. V., 1S77. 12 6166-4 — Health and disease as affected by consti- pation and its unmedicinal cure. N. V., 1872. 12° 6166-41 — Sleep; or, the hygiene of the night. N. Y., 1866. 12 . Same, 1870 6132-4 Hall in the grove. Alden, Mrs. Isabella (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 714A44 HaLLAM, Arthur Henry, Eng. critic, b. 1S11- d. 1833. Remains in verse and prose; with preface and memoir. B., 1863. 12°. 451E5 Content* Memoir of A. H Hallam. — Mem- oir of H. F. 11. ill. mi, by II S -Maine and F. bington. — Meditative fragments in blank verse. I'imhiictoo. — Sonnets. — Stanzas. — Poems. — Scene at Rome. — Sympathy. — Oration on the influence of Italian works of imagina- tion on the same class of compositions in Eng- land.— I. -.s.iy on the philosophical writings of Cicero. — Remarks on Rossetti's Disquisizioni Hallam, A. H., continued. sullo spirito antipapale. — Extract from a review of Tennyson's works. — Brown, J. Spare hours, v. 1. pp. 241- 296 188E2 Horn; subsecivae. Rab and his friends and other papers, pp. 291-340. . . . 188E1 — Tennyson, A. In memoriam. HALLAM, Henry, Eng. historian, b. 1777-rf. 1859. Constitutional history of Eng- land from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II. L., 1827. 8°. 346-43 -- ed. by Wm. Smith. N.Y., 1873. 12°. 346-44 — Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. 2 v. N. Y., 1859. 8° 802-45 — View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. ed. by W. Smith. N. Y., 1854. 8°. Same, 1877 921-41 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 276-283 328E1 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 175-189. Hazlitt and Hallam. . . 418-431 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 243-247 411-56 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. PP- 77-85 4104-62 — Stephens, J. F. J. Essays, pp. 16-30. 850E1 Hallam, Henry Fitzmaurice. H. S. Maine and F. Lushington. Memoir of H. F. Hallam. In Hallam, A. H. Remains in prose and verse, pp. 53-68. ... 451E5 Hallam, Lewis. Matthews, J. B. and Hut- ton, L. , eds. Actors and actresses, v. 1. pp. 242-252 4179-6 Hallam, Robert A. Lectures on the morn- ing prayer. N. Y., 1877. 12 . . . . 26032-4 — Moses: course of lectures delivered in the chapel of St. James' church, New London. N. Y., 1871. 12 2218-5S Halleck, Fitz-Greene, Am. poet, b. ijgo-d. 1867. Poetical works. N.Y., 1859. 12 . 451C5 — Poetical writings; with extracts from those of Joseph Rodman Drake, ed. by Jas. Grant Wilson. N. Y., 1869. 12 . 451C6 — ed. Selections from the British poets. 2 v. X. V., 1854. 16° 8092-45 — Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of Fitz- Greene Halleck 45 1B2 — Bryan l, \V. (.'. Orations and addresses. pp, 154-194. Paper read before the N. V. Historical society, 1859 815-2 Prose writings. v. 1. pp- 369-393. [Same paper.] 189E3 — Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 221-236. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 263-272 412-4 — Homesof American authors, pp. 369-374. 4181-45 II M.I.KCK. — 5<»5 — HAMERTON Ham 1 ' 1 , 1 il Gi eene, continued. Powell, T. Living autl 1 ^mi 1 1. pp. 222-247 804-68 Whipple, E, P. 1 lj and reviews, v. 1. pp. 56 .58. [Review.] - Wilson, |. 1 '. Bryanl and hi frii pp. 245 *79 4181-9 I Ia c, I [em j Wager, \m /.-. 1 .l the funeral: a collection of . and banquets. N. Y., 1866. I2 B and adventures "f Private illy. N. Y., iSo.t 817-463 isting of odes, 1 sonnets, epics and lyrical effusions which have not heretofore been collci ted to- gether ; with biographical .ketch and lanatory nol 1 ! B. • veil. X. V., 1869. 8° 451C9 Derby, J. C. Fifty years among air books and publishers', pp. 426-433. . . 4 1 ' < >'-3 Hals, Frans, Flemish painter, 0. 1 584—^. 1666. Head, P. R. Frans Hals. Hound with Head, 1'. R. Van Dyck 912B14 Hai.sey, Calista. Two of us. N. Y., 1879. 16°. Halsev, Rev. Le Roy J. Literary attrac- tions of the Bible. N. Y., 1865. 12°. 2216-4 — Scotland's influence on civilization. Phila., 1885. 12° 9405-4 HALSTED, Miss Leonora B., (1 l.lbon, pseud.) Bethesda. N. Y., 1884. HAM, Chas. II. Manual training the solu- tion of social and industrial problems. X. Y., 1886. 12° 607-35 llAM-Mishkan, the wonderful tent. Randall, Rev. D. A 221 12-8 HAMAN. Hills, O. A. Companion charac- ters, pp. 205-225. Hainan and Mor- decai 221; 47 HaMANN, Johann Georg, German writer, b. 1730-a'. 1788. Hedge, F. Prose writers of Germany, pp. 1 19-127 830-43 — Pfleiderer, 0. Philosophy of religion. pp. 196-203 201-7 Hamburg, Germany. Mathews, W. Men, places and things, pp. 218-230. ... Hamerling, Robert, German writer, b. 1S30. Aspasia : a romance of art and love in ancient Hellas, ir. by Mary J. Safford. 2 v. X. Y.. 1S82. 16°. HaMERSLY, Lewis K..ed. Records of living officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine corps. Phila., 1870. 8° 4 1 232-4 HAMERTON, Eugenie. Golden mediocrity. B., 1SS6. 12°. — Mirror of truth and other marvellous histories. B., 1875. 16° 3S1-4 HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert, Eng. artist and author, b. 1S34. Chapters on animals ; with 20 illustrations, by J. Veyrassat and Karl Bodmer. B.. 1S74. 12" 59°4-4 HAMERTON. 566- HAMILTON. Hamerton, P. G., continued. — Etcher's hand-book : giving an account of the old processes and of processes recently discovered 767-44 — Graphic arts : a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and engraving in comparison with each other and with nature. B., 1882. 12°. Same, 1883. 707-4 — Harry Blount. B., 1875. 16°. — Human intercourse. B., 18S5. 12°. . . 452E5 — Intellectual life. B., 1873. 12 . . . . 452E6 Contents. — Physical basis. — Moral basis. — Education. — Power of time. — Influences of money. — Custom and tradition. — Women and marriage. — Aristocracy and democracy. — Socie- ty and solitude. — Intellectual hygienics. — Trades and professions. — Surroundings. — Landscape. B., 1S85. 12° 757-4 — Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. B., 1879. 12° 897B2 — Modern Frenchmen : five biographies. L., 1878. 12° 4105-4 Contents. — Victor Jacquemont. — Henri Per- reyve. — Francois Rude. — Jean Jacques Am- pere. — Henri Regnault. — Painter's camp. In three books: 1. In England. 2. In Scotland. 3. In France. B., 1867. 16°. Same, 1873. "2°- ■ • 757-5 — Parisin old and present times; withspecial reference to changes in its architecture and topography. B., 1885. 8°. . . . 4443-4 — Round my house: notes of rural life in France in peace and war. B., 1876. 12°. 444-4 — Sylvan year : leaves from the note book of Raoul Dubois. B., 1876. 12°. . . 589-44 — Thoughts about art; with notes and an introduction. B., 1871. 16°. Same, 1874. 12° 704-45 — Unknown river: an etcher's voyage of discovery. B., 1876. 12 . Bound with Hamerton, P. G. Sylvan year. . . . 589-44 Wenderholme : a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. B., 1876. 12°. — Biographical sketch. In Atlas essays, No. 2. pp. 54-77 418-14 Hamilton, A. H. A., ed. Note book of Sir John Northcote, sometime M. P. for Ashburton and afterwards for the Coun- ty of Devon. I.., 1877. S° 32842-7 HAMILTON, Alex., Am. statesman, b. 1757-3'. 1804. History of the republic of the U. S. of America as traced in the writ- ings of Alex. Hamilton and his con- temporaries, by J. C. Hamilton. . . . 972-42 — Jay, John and Madison, [as. Foederalist : a collection of essays written in favor of the new constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal convention, Sept. 17, 1787. Reprinted from the original text by H. B. Dawson. N. Y., 1867. 8° 3462-4 Hamilton, Alex., continued. — Lodge, H. C. Alexander Hamilton. . . 452B1 — Morse, J. T.,jr. Life of Alexander Hamil- ton 452B2 — Renwick, J. Alexander Hamilton. . . 412-8 — Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders, pp. 17- 134 412-18 — Bogart, W. H. Who goes there? pp. 53-97 412-23 — Homes of American statesmen, pp. 231- 2 59 4'2-53 — Lodge, H. C. Studies in history, pp. 132-181 904-5 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. I. pp. 183-223 8152-6 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 463-468. 410-82 Hamilton, Alice King. One of the Duanes. Phila., 1S85. 12 . Hamilton, Andrew. Rheinsberg : memori- als of Frederick the Great, and Prince Henry of Prussia. 2 v. L., 1S80. 8°. 3S2B4 Hamilton, Anne, countess of Southesk. Jame- son, A. (M.) Beauties of the Court of Charles II. pp. 192-198 411-55 Hamilton, Anthony, count. Memoirs of Count Grammont. n. t. p. 16 . . . . 434B9 Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. Behind the veil, n. t. p. 8°. — Crown from the spear. B., 1873. 8°. Ropes of sand and other stories. B., 1873. 8°- — Expiated. B., 1873. 8°. — Lily of San Miniato. N. Y., 1S78. 12°. — Six months hence. B., 1871. 8°. Hamilton, Chas. Oriental zigzag; or, wan- derings in Syria, Moab, Abyssinia and Egypt. L., 1875 462-46 Hamilton, David H. Autology : an induc- tive system of mental science. B., 1S73. 8° 180-41 Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth,/'. 1 758-1-/. 1816. Keddie, H., (S. Ty tier, pseud.) , and Wat- son, J. L. Songstresses of Scotland. v. I. pp. 290-328 4178-8 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail. HAMILTON, J. A. Catechism of the rudi- ments of harmony, and thorough bass, practically illustrated by an addition of forty-six examples to be filled up by the students; with a key. N. Y. 16°. . . 7717-41 Hamilton, J. C. History of the republic of the U. S. of America, as traced in the writings of Alex. Hamilton and his con- temporaries. 7 v. v. 1-6. N. V., 1857-66. v. 7. Phila., 1868. 8°. . . . 972-42 Hamilton, J. P. Reminiscences of an old sportsman. 2 v. L., i860. 12 . . . . 7962-4 il VMILTON — 5 6 7 - HAM Hamilton, I Fi ih, II. C. Pulpit clo- i the "nil i rum! i pp, 725- 7;^ 2521-4 Hamilton, J« U ran 1 odge, 1 Portraits ol illustrious persi • ol Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 75 85. ... 411 65 Hamii roN, fas., ttt duke of Hamilton. Lodge, I ■'. Portrait 1 "I illustriou 1 es of Great Britain, v. 4. ].].. 271—283. . . 411-65 Hamilton, Jas., id marquis of Hamilton. Lodge, E. Portraits ol illustrious per- ■ .hum- hi 1 treat Bi Itain. v. 3. pp. 167-172 411-65 Hamilton, fas. A. Remini: c< or, men and events during three quarters of a century. N. V., 1869. 8° 452B3 Hamilton, Mrs. Janet. Rogers, C, ed. ittish minstrel, pp. 363-365. [Biog. ii and poem.] 80921-7 HAMILTON, John, 1st marquis of Hamilton, />. 1532-rf. 1604. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 3. pp. 23-28 411-65 Walford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 1. pp. I35-ISI 4H-99 II win rON, John, /'. 1762-fl'. 1814. Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 36-38. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0921 -7 Hamilton, Kate W. Chinks of Clanny- ford. Phila., 1872. 12 452A5 — Greycliffe and Vashti Lethby's heritage. Phila., 1S69. 12 452A6 Hamilton, Leonidas le Cenci, Mexican hand-book : description of the republic of Mexico ; its mineral and agricultural recources, cities, factories, trade, im- ports and exports, how legally to acquire property in Mexico, how to trans business under Mexican laws, railn and travelling in the republic, tariff regu lations, duties, etc., and a commercial directory of the principal business men .1 Mexico. B., 1883. 8° 472-45 II \mii in,, I'.iii 11 k,i. 1503-d. 1527. Black ie, I. S. Songs of religion and life. pp. 132-135. [Poem on Patrick Hamilton.] 160C3 Lloyd, .!/< - W. K. Flowers of Christian dry. pp. i75- lf >4 4'4 5 Hamii roN, Dr. Richard Winter. II 1, 1 . P. British pulpit, pp. 155-194. . . . 4144 4 II win roN, Robert. Amphibious carnivora, whales, British tishes. In lanline. \\\, ed. Naturalist's library, v. 25-20 an.: .-. Edinburgh, 1852. 16°. . . . 590-5 Hamilton, Robert S. Present status of social science: review, historical and critical of the progress of thought in social philosophy. N. Y., 1873. 12 . Same, 1S74 309-4 H Win., 2d duke of Hamilton, b. \b\b-d. 1651. I od ■ 1 Pot illu Britain, v. 5. pp. 1-8. 411 65 Hamilton, Sir Wm., Scottish philosopher, h. 1788 d. 1856. I 'i phy ami literature, education and uni- ty reform: chiefly from the Edin- burgh review; with introductory essay by Robert Turnbull. N. V., 1853 8° 455E9 Lectures on metaphysics ami logic, ed. by II. L. Mansel an 1 I V eiti h. v. I. I'.., 1871. 8° 189-42 v. 2. I gi I'.., 1869. 8°. . . . f - Metaphysics, ed. by 1 Bowet bridge, 1867. 12° 180-421 — 1'hilosophy of Sir Wm. II ed. by O. W. Wight. N. Y.. 1859. 8° 162-4 — Appendix. In Bunsen, C. K. J. Life of Martin Luther, pp. 221-250. . . . 59 2B 3 — Mansel, II. L. Philosophy of the con- ditioned: comprising some remarks on Sir Wm. Hamilton's philosophy, and on Mr. J. S. Mill's examination of that philosophy 146—6 — Masson, D. Recent British philosophy: including some comments on Mr. Mill's answer to Sir Win. Hamilton 162I-5 — Mill, J. S. Examination of Sir Wm. Hamilton's philosophy 162-6 — Monck, W. H. S. Sir Wm. Hamilton. . 162-41 — De Quincey, T. Beauties pp. 392-397. 2S4K7 Essays on philosophical writers. v. I. pp. 1-64 - McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy. pp. 415-455 1621-48 — Morris, G. S. British thought. pp. 265-301 I62I-I smith, H. B. Faith and philosophy, pp. 297-336 204-S1 — Spencer, II. Essays, pp. 383-413. . . 304 ji — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 117-122 946E5 Hamilton speaker. Branch, O. E. . . . Soi-21 Hamlet. See Shakespeare, Wm. Hamlin, Augustu urehours among the gems. B., 1884. 12 735-45 — Tourmaline: its relation as a gem: its complex nature: its wonderful physical properties, etc., etc. ; with special ref- erence to the beautiful and matchless crystals found in the State of Maine. B., 1873. i2 ; - HAMLIN, Cyrus. Among the Turks. N. Y., 1878 12 2649-4 — Plans of reading. In Abbott, L., ed. Hints for home reading. pp. 41-47. . 805-12 HAMLIN. 568- HANCOCK. HAMLIN, Hannibal, Am. statesman, 0. 1S09. Carroll, H. Twelve Americans. pp. 117-168 4 12 -.) Hamlin, Marie Caroline Watson. Legends of le Detroit. Detroit, 18S4. 12 . . . 98741-6 ; Hamlin, Sarah. Dix. Michigan university. In Brackett, A. C, ed. Education of American girls, pp. 307-317 376-2 Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen, F. Hammersmith. Severance, M. S. Hammond, Edward Payson. Noble, W. F. P. Century of Gospel-work, 1776-1876. pp. 477-481 277-7 Hammond, Henrietta Harday, (Henri Dauge, pseud.) Fair philosopher. N. Y., 1882. 12°. — Georgians. B., 1881. 12 . [Round Robin series.] Hammond, Jabez D., A?n. lawyer, d. 1885. History of political parties in the Stale of New York, from the ratification of the federal constitution to Dec, 1S40; to which are added notes by Gen. Root. 2 v. Buffalo, N. Y., 1850. 8°. . . . 983-4 Hammond, Jas., Eng. poet, b. 1710-rt. 1742. Johnson, S. Eminent English poets. v. 2. pp. 107-110 41821-5 Hammond, Jas. H. Perry, B. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 104-m. . 412-75 Hammond, S. H. and Mansfield, L. \V. Country margins, and rambles of a journalist. N. Y., 1855. 12 456E3 Hammond, Wm. Alex., Am. surgeon, b. 1828. Doctor Grattan. N. Y., 1885. 12°. — Insanity in its relations to crime : a text and a commentary. N. Y., 1873. 8°. 1731— 4 — Lai. N. Y., 1885. 12 . — Mr. Oldmixon. X. Y., 1885. 12 . — On the Susquehanna. N.Y.,1887. 12°. — Robert Severne, his friends and his ene- mies. Phlla., 1S67. 12 . — Sleep and its derangements. Phila., 1869. 12° 1775-4 Spiritualism and allied causes and condi- tions of nervous derangement. N. Y., 1876. 12° 175-45 Strong-minded woman; or, two years after. N, Y., 1885. 12°. — Effects of alcohol. In Tribune popular science, pp. 45-53 502-9 -and Lanza, Clara. Tales of eccentric life. N. Y., 1886. 12 . Contents.— Mystery of Mrs Brown Mr St. Arnaud.— Candidate for bedlam Golden lock. — Incident in Dr. Temple's career — Madness most discreet Black camel. Bill 11 gal. — Priscilla. — Miss Remington's b< nnel Fiske, J. Darwinism and othei e ays. pp. 1 19-129. Review ol Spiritualism. 357E1 Hammond, Wm. A., continued. — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. pp. 697-700. . 4181-3 Hampden, John, Eng. statesman, />. 1594-1/. 1643. Grenville, G., Lord Nugent. Some memorials of John Hampden, his party and his times 452B6 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. PP- 356-360 410-42 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 129-135. . . 410-49 — Forster, J. Statesmen of the common- wealth, pp. 241-264 411-35 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 88-91 ,. . 410-7 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men. pp. 251-265 410-945 Hampton, Wade, Confederate general, b. 1818. Cooke, J. E. Wearing of the grey. pp. 57-69 9812-3 — Pollard, E. A. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 738-747 41225-5 Hanaford, Mrs. Phoebe A. Field, gun- boat, hospital and prison ; or, thrilling records of the hetoism, endurance and patriotism, displayed in the Union army and navy during the great rebellion. B., 1886. 1 6° 980-45 — Life and writings of Charles Dickens: a woman's memorial volume. B., 1871. 12° 287B6 — Life of George Peabody ; with introduc- tion by Jos. H. Hanaford. B., 1870. 12°. Same, Augusta, Me., 1871. Same, B., 18S2 720B4 Hanbury mills. Coleridge, C. R. Hancock, E. Campbell. Amateur pottery and glass-painting ; with directions for gilding, chasing, burnishing, bronzing and grounding. L., n. d. 8° 738-4 Hancock, John, Am. statesman, b. ij$j-d. 1793. Dwight, N. Livesof the signers. pp. 1S-2S 4'2i-3 — Homes of American statesmen, pp. 97- 122 412-53 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 22-26 4121-53 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 224-231 8152-6 Hancock, Mrs. John. Ellet, E. F. Queens of American society, pp. 1 13-131. . . 41239-31 Hancock, W. Neilson. Local government and taxation in Ireland. //; l'robyn, J. \Y. ,,■■/. Cobden club essays. 1S75. PP- '73-232 35 2 '-7 II \ k, Winfield Scott, Am. general, b. 1824-d. 18S6. Reminiscences by his wife, letters and addresses contributed in memory of W. S. Hancock. N. Y., 1887. 8° 45.i' ! '6 II VNCOl K 69 II \\\ll Hancoi k, W. S., continu ./. 1 1, in ion, C. W. \\ infield, the lav and 1 1 ■ - 1-. I" majoi 11 1 al, I mil. in. D. X., and Norton ill 1 fi ol V\ nil:. Id Scotl 1 1 'I I5,! |! - I lei by, 1 . 1 . Fifty yeai I k and publi Ken . pp. ;i> 718. . 4181 .; I 1 .!,.', S. Off-hand |mi 1 1 1 11 pp. 171 i7" 4»247 3 GU ier, W. Heroe ol 1 1 1 |i|>. 147 15" 11231-4 I [1 idley, J . T. 1 Irani ami Shei n pp. -"M |09 4122-4 II vnd. Bell, < '. The hand, il ■ mei nanism and vital endowments 210-102 — S/t- also \ii.iimii\ . Palm II en and glove. I dv, ird . \.t\ eli 1 B. mi.' 1 ing. Rohlfs, Mrs. Vnnn Kath- ci ine i' Ireen] Hand and sword. Gi iffin, 1 lerald. Hand in the dark. Wetherby, Alfred. . . 936A2 II imi ol Ethelberta. Hardy, Thos. HAND-book of dining. Savarin, A Brillal 6428 7 HAND-book i>f the engrafted words of the ■dish language, embracing the choice hie, Celtic, French, Latin and I ireek words, on the basis of the hand b 10k of the Angl 1 Sa con 1 words, in J pai 1. Materials of the orthography. 2. Studies in the orthography. 3. English etymology. N. V., 1S57. 12°. ... 112 42 11 wn book i" all religions: from the earli- est ages i" the present time. Phila., I877. 12° ' 11 win 1 . ( ieorg Friedrich, German composer, b. i6S4-a. 1759. Marshall, Mrs. J. Handel 4531*4 Rock tro, W. S. lii. ol Geoi ge Fred- erick Handel 453^5 Schoelcher, \. Life of Handel. . . . 453B6 Barnard, C. F. Tone masters, v. 2. PP. 5 '43 4177 ' 1 ooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. PP. 77-85 410-32 Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactoi , PP. 140 -1 57 410-42 r, J. G. Boyhood of great men. 'I 4>o-44 Ferris, G. T. Great German composers. 1 ;8 417: 45 Her, S. M. I .iierature and ai 1. pt. 2. pp. 57-67 400E6 Hale, I I .. ..''. Lights of two centuries. pp. 293 304 410-536 Haweis, II. R. Music and morals, pp. '25 '93 771-47 1 illie, I .. C. Story of music and musi- cians for young readers, pp. 79-93- • 77°-6 1 Parry, < . II. 1 1 |i77 '" . u ., . ./. II ind 1 d gn pp. 10; 106 II \Mil< M'l'l II V. (Marion Harli II w 1. lathe. S 1 iilie. Hani m uling. ' re iwell, F. O. I landrail- 1 Wilkinson, J. W. il .\ii. i-. thai hand : dley, Mrs. M. i: 180A27 Handwrh in... See Writing. Handwriting of God in Egypt, £ the Holy land. Rand D. A. . HAND1 Vnd] I nuel. Handy dramas for amateur actors. I'.aker, G. M 7^5 22 Handy home book of medical recipes and family receipt-. Cornell, W. M. . . . 640-28 Hanley, Sylvanus, d. Caliphs and sultans. V Y., 1869. 16° 385-4 II ann. Jas. Examples on the integral cal- culus. L., 1850. 16 . Bound u the human body and mind, Davis, A. J 616-3 Harcourt, A. G. Vernon and Madan, H. G. Exercises in practical chemistry, v. 1. Elementary exercises. Oxford, 1880. 12° 542-45 Harcourt, Marquess de. Memoir of the Duchess of Orleans: together with bio- graphical souvenirs and original letters, collected by Prof. G. H. De Schubert. Phila., 1873. 12° 700B5 Harcourt, Helen. Florida fruits, and how to raise them. Louisville, 1S86. 12°. 634-45 Harcourt, Simon. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 4. pp. 347-399. . ■ 411-25 Harcourt; or, a soul illumined. Gilchrist, Annie Somers. Hard cash. Reade, Chas. Hard knot. Gibbon, Chas. Hard knots in Shakespeare. Perring, Sir Philip S236-65 Hard maple Warner, S. and A. B. . . . 924A18 Hard scrabble of Elm island. Kellogg, Elijah 53'A27 Hard times. Dickens, Chas. Hardee, Wm. J., Confederate general, b. iSi8-. 1753-0'. 1813. Stone.W.L. Life of Brant, v. 2. 1S0B6 Harmonia : a chronicle. L., 1887. 12°. Harmonies of nature ; or, the unity of cre- ation. Hartwig, G 501-44 Harmonies of political economy. Bastial, F. 330-2 Harmonium. Hall, King 7769-4 Harmony. Baker, B. F. Theoretical and practical harmony 7717-2 — Hamilton, J. A. Catechism of the rudi- ments of harmony and thorough bass. . 7717-4 — Horsley, C. E. Text-book of harmony. 7717-5 — Ouseley, F. A. G. Treatise on harmony. 7717-6 — Palmer, H. R. Theory of music: guide to the study of thorough bass, harmony, musical composition and form 7716-6 — Stainer, J. Harmony 77 1 7—7 — Taylor, S. Science of music; or, the physical basis of musical harmony. . . 7716-8 — Woodbury, I. B. Elements of musical composition and thorough bass. . . . 7717-8 — Zundel, J. Treatise on harmony and modulation 771 7—9 — See also Music. Harmony of interests; agricultural, manu- facturing and commercial. Carey, H.C. 3353-25 Harmony of the Bible and science; or, Moses and geology. Kinns, S 215-49 Harms, Ludwig. Stevenson, W. F. Pray- ing and working, pp. 325-411. . . . 4146-7 Harness, Rev. YVm. Glossary : an account . of each play and a memoir of Shake- speare. In Shakespeare, W. Complete works 823-2 — Personal reminiscences. Stoddard, K. H. , ed. Barham, Harness and Hodder. pp. 179-250 4182-87 HAROLD II, king of England, d. 1066. Adams, W. H. I). Memorable battles in English history, pp. 19-43. ■ • ' ' 9308-2 -Tennyson, Alfred. Harold: a drama. . S81C6 Bulwer-1 yt E. G. E. L. Harold the I the Saxon kings: a romance. — See also England, history, ist period, es- pecially the histories of the Norman con- quest b} Freeman, (931 }); Green, (931- 411, and Thierry, 0131-83). 1 II irdrada, king of Norway, . 1 795— «/. 1856. I some of the insects of 'and which are injui 2d edition. 1',.. 1S52. 8° 632-4 ed. by I: I Flint. Phila, 1869. 8°. 632-4 . fir Win. Cornwallis, British • •Jfficer. Wild ol South Africa. 11. t. p. S° 4689-5 — Travels in Abyssinia. In Hotton, J. C, ed. Abyssinia and pp. 69- 77 463-45 — Tayli I 1 yclopedia of modern travel. V. 2. pp. 649-664 436-8 Harris, W. II. Honey-bee; it-, nature, homes and products. L., n. d. 12°. . 639-4 HARRIS, Sir W. Snow. Rudimentary elec- tricity: showing the general principles electrical science, and the purposes to which it has been applied. I.., 1S72. 12°. Bound with Fownes, G. Rudi- mentary chemistry 54°-37 Same. I... 1875. I2 ° 537-45 — Rudimentary magnetism : being a concise exposition of the general principle! magnetical science and the purposes to which it has been applied ; rev. and en- larged by II. M. Noad. L., 1872. 12°. 539-4 — Rudimentary treatise on galvanism and the general principles of animal and voltaic electricity; rev. with addil by Robert Sabine. I . 1 - 12 — Treatise on frictional electricity in theory ed. with memoir by Chas. Tomlinson. I... 1867. S c 5 Harris, Wm. Torrey, '835. I lucated. .' and the church, pp. 50-59 3704-4 ucord lectures on philoso- phy. 1SS2 '43-2 HARRIS. — 574 HARRY. 317B2 851 1-2 239-26 4'2i-3 4121-53 348A3 381-41 1 749-55 S04-43 Harris, W. T., continued.- — Essays. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Genius and character of Emerson — Introduction. In Blow, S. E. Study of Dante. Harrison, A. J. Secularism and atheism. In Christian evidence soc. Popular ob- jections to revealed truth, pp. 1-28. . Harrison, Benj., b. about 1740-rf. 1791. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independence, pp. 297- 3°8 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 184-187 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Bar harbor days. N. V., 1887. 16°. — Bric-a-brac stories. N. Y., 1885. 12°. . — Old-fashioned fairy book. N. V., 1884. 12° Harrison, Constance Cary. Woman's handi- work in modern homes. N. Y., 1881. 8°. Harrison, Frederic, Eng. positivist, b. 1831. Choice of books and other literary pieces. L., 1886. 12° Contents. — Choice of books: 1. How to read. 2. Poets of the old world. 3. Poets of the modern world. 4. Misuse of books. — Culture : a dialogue. — Past and present : a letter to Mr. Ruskin. — Romance of the peerage: Lothair. — Froude's life of Carlyle. — Life of Geo. Eliot. — Historic London.— Opening of the Courts of Justice. — Plea for the Tower of London. — The aesthete. — At Burlington house. — Bernard of Clairvaux: a type of the twelfth century. — A few words about the iSth century. — Histories of the French revolution.— A few words about the 19th century. Few words about the eighteenth century. In Coan, T. M., ed. Historical studies. pp. 99-144 902-25 Leon Gambetta : a positivist discourse. In Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in biogra- phy, pp. 1-29 249E4 J. S. Mill's relation to positivism. In Mill, J. S., his life and works, pp. 88-90. 633B2 — and Spencer, Herbert. Nature and reality of religion, a controversy ; with appen- dix on " Religious value of the unknow- able," by Count d' Alviella. N. Y., 1885. 12° 204-38 Contents.— Preface.— Introduction. — Religion : a retrospect and prospect, — Ghost of religion. — Retrogressive religion.— Agnostic metaphys- ics. — Last words about agnosticism and the re- ligion of humanity. — Mr. Herbert Spencer and agnosticism.— Appendix : Religious value of the unknowable.— Cardinal principles of the syn- thetic philosophy.— A positivist religious ser. vice. itivism and Mr. Frederick Harrison. In Arthur, Win. Religion without God, and God without religion 1686-2 Harrison, Gabriel. John Howard Payne, dramatist, poet, actor, and author of "Home, sweet home:" his life and writings. Phila., 1885. 8° 719B8 Harrison, Henry \V. Battles of the repub- lic by sea and land, from Lexington to the city of Mexico. ' Fhila., 1858. 12°. 9738-4 Harrison, Jas. Albert, Am. writer, b. 1848. Spain. B., 1881. 12 946-4 — Spain in profile : summer among the olives and aloes. B., 1879. 24°. . . 446-47 — Story of Greece. N. Y., 1&85. 12 . [Story of the nations ser.] 918-46 Harrison, John, Eng. mechanician, b. 1693- d. 1776. Parton, J. Captains of in- dustry, pp. 58-64 4169-7 — Smiles, S. Men of invention. pp. 72- 104 4169-81 — Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 90-97. 4169-9 Inventors, pp. 175-179 609-79 Harrison, Matthew. Rise, progress, and present structure of the English lan- guage. Phila., 1S50. 12° "0-45 Harrison, Robert, joint author. Gostwick J. and Harrison, R. Outlines of Ger- man literature 830-4 Harrison, W. B. Mechanic's tool book: with practical rules and suggestions for the use of machinists, iron workers and others. N. Y., 1868. 12° 6219-3 Harrison, Wm. FI. Waldemar; a tale of the thirty years' war. L., 1S33. 12°. Harrison, Wm. Henry, 9/// president of the U. S., b. 1773-d. 1841. Selections from speeches, letters, etc. In Chapin, J., ed. Chips from the White House, pp. 195-201 80S1-3 — Montgomery, H. Life of Major General Wm. H. Harrison 455^4 — Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. pp. 201-216 I95 E 3 — Colton, W. Sea and the sailor, pp. 284- 291 818-32 — Ellet, E. F. Court circles of the repub- lic, pp. 282-295 41239-3 — Frost, J. Presidents of the U. S. pp. 307-339 416-43 — Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Tecum- seh. pp. 135-150 and 174-239. . . . 8S0B1 Harrison, Mrs. Wm. Henry. Holloway, I. aura C. Ladies of the White House. pp. 356-375 41239-4 HARROW, England. Our public schools. pp. 67-117 37342-6 HARRY: a poem. Hail, Mrs. — 455C5 Harry. Twing, C. F. Stories for children, by eleven sophomores, pp. 7-14. . . 856A9 Harry and Lucy. Edgeworth, Maria. 2 v. 310A95 Harry Blount. Hamerton, Philip G. 1 1 \ I-: R V 575 - i I A R l I . H ill irl hip ind marriage. I ley , 1 l Hah i ■'. I ■! ingo, /• i u i See Wise, 1 1. A. 1 1 \i ■ ! ■. 1 1 ii on, Irving, fohn T. 1 1 w i \ I teathi ote ol I langoil. Trollope, Anthi ii | Harry Hope's holidays. Burgi , |. 1 195A6 Harry Lorrequer. I. ever, Chas. Harry Marline. Porter, fdmiralD.D. Hari ■ I' ' ) ' d. 1 ameron, V. L. Harry' tri] hi Orient. Newhall, C. S. 457-68 Harsha, David A. Life of John Bunyan. Phila., 1871. 12 193B8 — Most eminent orators and statesn ancient and modern times: containing sketches of their lives, specimens of their eloquence and an estimate of their genius. Phila., 1S54. 8° 410-54 Contents. — Demosthenes. — Cicero. — Lord Chatham.- Edmund Burke. Henry Gr.iu.tn — Chas. J. Fox. — Lord Erskine. — John Philpot Curran. — Richard Brinsle} Sheridan. — Wm. Pitt. — Geo. Canning. — Loni Brougham. — Patrick Henry. — Fisher Ames. — Henry Clay. — John C. Calhoun. — Daniel Wchster. — Edward Everett. Hart, Mrs. — Harry. N. V., 1877. 16°. 455C5 Mrs. Jerningham's journal. N. V., 1870. '6° 455C55 HART, Abraham. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. PP- 550-55" I'M ; Hart, Adolphus M. History >>f the valley nf the Mississippi, linn., 1S60. 12°. 987-51 Hart, Sir Anthony. Burke, O. J. Lord chancellors of Ireland, pp. 204-210. 4113-2 Hart, Geo. The violin ; its famous makers and their imitators. I... 1880. 12 . . 777-45 HART, las. Morgan. German universities: narrative of personal experience. V V - '874- '2° 37843-4 11 IRT, Rev. Jas. W. T. Autobiography of Judas Iscariot : a character study. I.., 1884. 8°. HART, John. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. pp. 13S-142 4121-3 Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 87 89 4121-53 HART, John Seely, educational writer, i. 1810. In the school-room: chapters in the philosophy of education. Phila., "868. <2°- 371 44 Manual of American literature, Phila., 1S74. 8° 811-45 Manual of composition and rhel Phila., 1871. 12 U7-42 Manual of English literature. Phila. 1873. ■-' 820-46 — Soldier of the Cumberland. n. t. p. «6° 481B9 11 ! . ntinucd. Sum idea : pi ■ bit h underlie tl gani/ation, methods and capabilil Phila., 1 S 7 1 . 16° 24'', 42 Additions and questions. In White, II. Elements of universal history 905 95 Introduction. In Taylor, A. Sunday ol photographs 246-87 tard, II., 'titer sketches. B . 1881. 12°. Contents. — Luck of Roaring camp. — Outcasts of Poker Hat — Migglcs. — Tennessee's partner, lyl of Red gulch. — Brown of Calaveras. — High water mark.— A lonely ride. — 'the man of no account. — Mliss.— Right eye of the com- mander.— N ;•' P 1 1 I lazeltine, M. \\ . Chal il I i . and novelists. pp. 287-299. . . 804-45 Harte, F. Bret, continued. — Heywood, J. C. How they strike me, these authors, pp. 197-223 S04-47 II \riii;, Franz, count, Austrian states/nan, b. 1789-r/. 1865. Genesis; or, details of the late Austrian revolution, tr. by W. K. Kelly. Bound with Felly, W. K. History of the house of Austria. . . . 9426-3 HARTING, Jas. Edmund. British animals extinct within historic times; with some account of British wild white cattle. L., 1880. S° 599-4 — Our summer migrants: account of the migratory birds which pass the summer in the British islands : illustrated from designs by Thos. Bewick. L., 1S77. 12° 598-45 Hartley, Cecil B. Three Mrs. Judsons' female missionaries. Phila., 1S63. 12°. 520B84 Hartley, David, Eng. philosopher, b. 1705- d. 1757. Bower, G. S. David Hartley and Jas. Mill 162-43 — Ribot, T. English psychology, pp. 35- 43 1621-7 Hartley, Florence. Ladies' book of eti- quette and manual of politeness. B., 1S60. 16 395-43 — ed. Ladies' hand-book of fancy and or- namental work, comprising directions and patterns. Phila., 1S59. 12°. . . 7461-5 Hartley, Mrs. May (Laffan), Irish novelist. Flitters, tatters and the counsellor, and other sketches. L., 1882. 12°. Contents. — Flitters, tatters and the counsellor. — The game hen.— Baubie Clark. —Weeds. — Hogan, M. P. L., 1881. 12 . — Ismay's children. L., 1SS7. 12°. Hartley, Walter Noel. Air, and its rela- tions to life : being, with some additions, the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the summer of 1S74 at the Rival institution of (it. Britain. N. Y., 1S75. 12° 62S-45 1 1 AR 1 mann, Eduartl von, German philoso- pher, b. i s i-'. Butler, S. Unconscious memory. Philosophy of the uncon- scious mpai 1, mi 184-2 — Hall. and tariff. I i • ■ > . 1884. 24 1 1 1 11 1 .ir 'i i, .)/' . Nancy, ) uii 1 1 in I .11 1 li mi luqua. N. Y. [6' . 817 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 , t I, Fred ' eri ill ol journe) in Bra ii, bj 1 iiis Agassiz, and hi 1 1 .n elling ' ompanions : geology and |iln iical iph; ol Brazil, B., 1S70. 8 558i-4 1 M., Philip von. < iould, S B I'd 1 media ral preachers, pp. 1 16-133 1 1 1 1 Hartwell farm. Coming, Li ii 1 ; I mra ( ax ton, pseud). Hartwig, Georg. An ial woi Id ; populai nut of the phenomena and life of the atmosphere. N. Y., 1875. 8°.. . 5515-4 Harmonies of nature; or, the unity of creation. \. V., 1S66. 8° 501-44 Polar world : popular description "l man and nature in the Arctic and Antarctic reg s of the globe. N. Y., 1869. 8°. 498-46 — Sea and its living wonders. 1.., 1873. 8°. 5514 t Subterranean world. N. \ '., 1871. 8°. 553-43 — Tropical world aspects of man and na- ture in the equatorial regions of the globe. L., 1873. 8° 59>9-4 Hartz, or liar/ mountains. Blackburn, II. liar/ mountains: a tour in the toy country 41! I s - Andersen, II. C. Pictures of navel. pp. 1 -1 10 440-109 Harvard university. Bush' ii. G. Har- vard, the firsl American university. . . 37S7.14 2 ' haplin, J. Life of Henry I lunstei . president "f Harvard college 297B] Leighton, R. F. Harvard examination 1 371-7 5 — Peabody, A. I'. Harvard reminiscences. 412-74 Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts, pp. 255 285 9824-12 — Dilke, C. W. Greatei Britain, pp. 47-53. 439-28 I lodge, \1 V ii rail I [amilton, pseud). Gala-days. pp. 351-3NS. Harvard class- ''■'} 455 K2 1 owell, J. R. Democracy and oilier ad- rs. pp, 187-245 5SSE2 Quincy, J. Figures of the past. pp. 16- 4 s 755B6 Fair Harvard: Story of American college life. Tripp, G. II. Student life at Harvard. II vrvest and the reapers: reminiscem revival woi k ol Mrs. M. N. ^ I with introduction b) Bishop Haven. V V., 1S76. 12° 254-8 II \i;\ 1 -1 n| the i iiy. and the workers of to-day. Paul, T. (Pi Harvey, Mrs. — . Cositas Espanola every-day life in Spain. 1.. 1S75. . . 441 1.73 1 1 i n trotting I. /« Walsh, J. H II e in ible 24 - - ; with suggestion -ji the breeding and training of trottei /" Everj I ownei dia. pp. 597-635. . . II iiiiem ; or, love in exile. I., n. d. 12 . Harvey, Rev. M., joint author. Hatton, >h an II ind- lition and prospects in the future 9718-4 Harvey, M.J. Jennie finds oui 1 are made. In Wonder stories of ence. pp. 297-308 602-9 I I 1 1 . . Peter. Reminiscences and anec- dotes ol Daniel Wel.ster. li.. 1S7S. S . 030H8 !l , . Thos. W. Practical grammar of the English language. N.Y.,1868. 12°. 1 15-43 - Inaugural address. In Essays and ad- dresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. \;-86 3706-6 II . \V. 1 •'. Brief digest of the Roman law of contracts. Oxford, 1S78. 12°. 342 47 II 1 is, W'm., Eng. anatomist, h. 1 578-rf'. 1657. Willis, R. Wm. Harvey: his- of the discovery of the circulation of the blood 455' ; 9 I hake. S. A . td. Our great benefai I 177 ,v s i 410-42 Fifty celebrated men. pp. 59-61. . . 410-49 Mason. I . Great triumphs of great men. pp. 414-419 4 IO -7 Richardson, li. W. Ministry of health, etc. pp. 31-77 6104-7 — Timbs, J. Inventors and di pp. 1S0-187 609-79 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 343-346 4'0-975 HARVEYS, The. Kingsley, Henry. Harwood, Edward. On the causes which probably conspired to produce our Sa- viour's agony. In Collection of theo- logical essays by various authors, pp. 167-196 204-67 II unvoon. Coulson, J. I ■■ A. II ISCHISCH. King. T. Hasheesh. Taylor, Bayard. Lands of the Saracens, pp. 133 148 4409-75 Hasheesh eater. Ludlow, Fitzhugh. . . 19SS-55 Haskell, Burnette <•. Introduction. In Starkweather, A. J. and Wilson. S. R. Socialism HASKELL, Jonathan. Hildreth, S. P. Early scalers of Ohio. pp. 345-349 -4 > - 7 1 4 HASKINS, David Greene. Ralph Waldo Emerson : his maternal ancestors, with some reminiscences of him. B., 1 12 3i: 1! 4\> HASLOPE. 578 HATHAWAY. Hasloi'E, L. L. Repousse work for ama- teurs: being the art of ornamenting thin metal with raised ligures. L., 1887. 12° 7392-4 HASLUCK, Paul N. Lathe-work : practical treatise on the tools, appliances, and processes employed in the art of turning, including hand-turning, boring and drilling, the use of slide rests, and over- head gear, screw-cutting by hand and self-acting motion, wheel-cutting, etc. L., 1881. 12 62194-4 Hass. See De Ilass. H ASS ALL, Arthur. Magna charta. The church and English freedom. In Ox- ford house papers, pp. 214-226. . . . 239-73 HASSARD, Annie. Floral decorations for the dwelling house. L., 1875. 12°. . . 7181-4 Hassard, John R. G., Am. author, b. 1836. Life of the Most Reverend John Hughes, first Archbishop of New York ; with ex- tracts from his private correspondence. N. V., 1866. 8° 490B6 — Pickwickian pilgrimage. B., 1881. 24°. 442-44 — Memoirs of Fenelon. In Reflections and meditations from the writings of Fenelon. 240-4 Hassaurek, Friedrich. Four years among Spanish Americans. N. V., 1S67. 12°. 4S68-4 Hasse, Faustina Bordoni. Ferris, G. T. Great singers, v. I. pp. 7-32. . . . 4178-4 — Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 52- 62 4178-3 HASSELMANN, Wilhelm. Tuttle, H. Ger- man political leaders, pp. 1 76—191 . . 4106-S Hasselquist, Frederic,^. 1712-r/. 1752. St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav- elers, v. 2. pp. 52-72 4159-78 HASTING, or, Hastings. Edgar, J. G. Sea kings and naval heroes, pp. 27-33. • 4 : 59-35 HASTINGS, Caroline E. Lecture. In Wool- son, A. G. Dress-reform, pp. 42-67. 3912-9 Hastings, Lady Elizabeth. Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity, pp. 253-257. 413-55 HASTINGS, Frederick and Muir, A. F. , ej-.. Non-biblical systems of religion. N. Y., 1887. 12° 290-62 A /;A -Non-biblical systems of religion. Ethnic inspiration, by Archdeacon Farrar. — \in ienl Egyptian systems, by Geo. Rawlinson. —Ancient Canaanite religions, by Wm. Wright. — Earlier Hellenic religions, by Edwin Join — Jewish faith, by G. T. Emanuel. — Islam and Christianity, by Wm. Muir.— Buddhism ami Christianity, by T. W. R. Davids.— Ancient linavian religion Religion of ancienl ndinavians, by k B Anderson. — Fositiv- ' !ii. 11. by I R. Thom n, One pure- ly moral religion, by \\ . Nicholson. 11. riNGS, II. ins I ram 1 Walford, 1-:. 1, 1I1 of our great families, v. 2. pp. 1-27. Romance of the I arid om of 1 1 1111' in, "Inn 4U-99 HASTINGS, John, earl of Pembroke, b. 1343- ./. 1374. Edgar, J. G. Sea kings and naval heroes, pp. 77-87 41 59 — 35 Hastings, Selina, countess of Huntingdon. Stevens, A. Women of Methodism. pp. 145-173 2 87-7i Hastings, Warren, governor-general of In- dia, b. 1732-1/. 1818. Macaulay, T. B. Warren Hastings 456B4 — Sivile, B. W. How India was won by England under Clive and Hastings. . . 95431-7 — Burke, E. Works, v. 3 828-25 — Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. pp. 42-67 411-4 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British plularch. pp. 193-204 41 1-97 Hastings, [Battle, 1066.] Adams, W. H. D. Battle stories, pp. 277-296. . . . 9208-13 Memorable battles in English history. PP- 1-19 9308-2 — Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world, pp. 182-217 903-25 — See a/so England, history. Harold II. William I. Haswell, Chas. H. Engineers' and me- chanics' pocket-book. Containing men- suration of surfaces and solids, strength of materials, steam and the steam en- gine. N. V., 1S79. 16 6208-3 Haswell, J as. M. Life of Napoleon III, by popular caricaturists. L., 1871. 12 . 668B2 HAT-making and felting. Thomson, J. . . 659-5 Hatch, Alice L Under the cedars, n. t. p. 16°. Hatch, Edwin. Religion and the churches. In Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. I. pp. 364-402 93 8 ~9 Hatch, Ruftis. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 180-185 41247-3 Hah 11, Wm. Stanley. Chapter of the his- tory of the war of 1S12 in the norlh- west. ('inn., 1872. 16 97 6 5"3 8 HATFIELD, Marcus P. Physiology and hy- giene of the house in which we live. N. V., 1887. 8° 612-41 Hatfield, Robert 1 rriffith. Vmei ii an hou e carpenter: treatise on the art of build- ing, and the strength of materials. N. V., 1S69. 8° 694-4 Hathaway, B. A. 1001 questions and an- swers "ii geography. Lebanon, Ohio, 1883. 16° 4207-4 — IOOI questions and answer- mi the theory and prai ht •'! Ir.i Inn: ,. « leveland. 1886. 16° 37"-45 — 1001 questions and answers on Eng lish grammar, Lebanon, 0., 1SS4. 16 115-45 n.vni \u \\ 57V Hathaway, B, \.,i ontinu 1001 question nd ti . i or I nited State hi tory, includin th litu- tion .in ■ l amend il L< bi n, ' > , INS.'. i6° 973M ! 1 , 1 hi ton, Lord . Redding, 1 onal ren cenci v. 3. pp 79 "»7 1" '7 Hatton, Sit 1 1 phi 1 English statesman, 6. 1540-1/. 1591. 1 .1111]. I. .11. J, Lord I li 1111 1 Hi. is. v. 2. pp. 126 I'll J I I 26 Lodge, E. r. .1 1 1 .1,1 ol illustriou pei onagi ..1 Gi eal Bril tin. v. 2. pp. 221-229 M'-6S Hatton Fi ink, b. iStn-d. 1883. North Urn in 11 <-■- ploral • and ntures on the equatoi : with bio- graphical sketch and notes by Joseph Hatton, and preface by Sii Waltei Med Inn 1. L., 1885. 8° 4911-4 Hatton, Joseph, Eng. writer, fr. [837. Christopher Kenrick. N.Y.,1869. 12°. Henry [rving's impressions of America, II 11 1 ated in .1 sei ies oi iketi hes, chron- icles anil conversations. B., 1884. I2 ° 473-45 John Needham's double. N. Y., 1S85. 16°. — Old house at Sandwich : story of a 1 . hemic. 2 v. I.., 1S87. 12°. - Tallants of Barton. 1.., 1S1.S. u. Biographical sketch and notes. In Hat- ton, I •'. North Borneo 41.11 | and Harvey, Rev. M. Newfoundland: its history, present condition ami pi pects in the future. B., 1883. 8°. . . 9718-4 1 , Wilhelm, Germ . />. 1802-0. 1822. Arabian days' entertainment: n. by Herbert P. Curtis, B., 1882. '-' 38»-4i9 Little Mook, and other fairytales. N.Y., 18S1. 12 381-42 ol the caravan, inn, and palace: 11. b) Ed. I . Stowell. Chicago, 1S82. 12° 3SI-42I oi Steenfoll. The young I nglish- nian. In Safford, M. J., tr. Christmas itry 798A1 Haunted adjutant, Quincy, Edmund. 11 Al mm. hearts. Cummins, M. S. Haunted shanty. Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 473-510 439-S7 Haunts of the wild flowers. Pratt, A. . . 582-7 Herman. General theory on bi 1 tion. X. V., t868. 8°. . . . 62 1 1 , Hauser, (Caspar. Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 05-10; 410-72 Hauser, Mrs. I. I.. Orient and its peo- ple. Milwaukee, 1878. 12° i,i 46 ! Hi v. 1. Tin e 1 . 1 Philip '.' I.., 1878. 8° 1 , pseu man J. Safford, V Note.— Also attributed 10 Joseph Ar Crowe. II-.:. d. 1867. I non, 1517 -1648 : ed. by Wilhelm ir. 706-46 i! \, Cuba. In Wortlcy, Lady 1 'ds in the . 1849-50. pp. 247-270 473-97 HAVELOCK, Sir Henry, Eng. genera/, b. 1795-a. 1857. Brock, W. Biographical sketch of Sir Henry Havelocl j"!'.; - Bartlctt, D. W. Heroes of the Indian rebellion, pp. 48-99 9544-2 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 304-309 410-42 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. 124- '35 • 410-47S • r, E. Heroes of the Indian empire, pp. 223 242 41 1-4 — Lives made sublime, pp. 130-156. . . 4144-; - Men who have made themselves. pp. '33-MO 410-757 Havelok. Cox, G. W. and Jones, I. II. Popular romances of the middle agc^. pp. 369-3S1 382-3 Haven, Mrs. Alice (Bradley), Am. writer, b. 1828-1/. 1863. Home stories. X. V., 1869. 16° 458A2 Contents.— Spring winds.— Carriage friends. — Miss Bremer's visit to Cooper's landing. — Only a family party.— Furnished house.— Or- deal ; or, the spring and summer of a life. — Single lessons, five dollars. — Counsel, the evil and the good. Nothing venture, nothing have. X. Y., 1867. 16 458A23 — Patient waiting no loss; or, the two Christmas days. X. Y., 1867. 16 . . 45SA25 i- for everything, and everything in its place. X. V., 1S64. 16° 458A26 — Where there's a will there's a way. V V., 1S67. 16° 458A28 Haven, Gilbert, bishop of the Methodist Epis- copal church, b. 1821-d'. 1SS0. Xational sermons: sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war, [1850-68.] B., 1869. 8° 9808-4 — Our next-door neighbor: a winter in Mexico. X. V., 1S75. 8° — Pilgrim's wallet ; or, scraps of travel gathered in England, France and Ger- many. X. V.. 1866. 12 440-46 HAVEN. -580 HAWEIS. Haven, Gilbert, continued. — Appendix on the Exodus. In Henson, Josiah. Autobiography, pp. 333-336. 464B41 — Introduction. In Harvest and the reapers. 254-8 — and Russell, Thos. Father Taylor : in- cidents and anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor. B., 1S72. 12 877B2 Haven, Joseph, D. £>., LL. D., Am. educa- tor, b. iSi6-. 1836-d. 1879. Ben Brightboots and other true stories, hymns and music. N. Y., n. d. 12 45 8A 4 — Poems. N. V., 18S1. 12 457^6 — Swiss letters and Alpine poems. N. Y., n. d. 12° 4494-45 — Havergal, M. V. G. Memorials of F. R. Havergal 457B8 — Alldridge, L. Florence Nightingale, etc. pp. 35-64 4'3- I 5 — Darton, |. M. Heroism of Christian wo- men, pp. 200-250 4*3-3 HAVERGAL, Maria V. G. Memorials of Frances Ridley Havergal. X. Y., n. d. 12° 457B8 Havers, Dora, (Theo. Gift, pseud.) Lil Lorimer. N. Y., 1887. 12°. — Pretty Miss Bellew. N. Y., 1875. l6 °- — Victims. N. Y., 1SS7. 16 . Haverty, Martin. History of Ireland, an- cient and modern. N. Y., n. d. 8°. . 941-37 Hawaiian islands. Anderson, R. History of the Sandwich islands mission. 1874. 26969-2 — Bishop, Mrs. I. L. (Bird). Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich islands. 1876. 4969-17 — Bliss, \V. R, Paradise in the Pacific. 1873 4969-2 — Chaney, G. L. "Aloha!" an Hawaiian salutation. 18S0 4969-26 — Chcever, H. T. Island world of the Pa- cific. 1851. [Missions.] 4969-29 Life in the Sandwich islands. 1S51. Missions.] 4969-3 Fornander, A. Account of the Polynesian race : its origin and migrations, and the ancient history of the Hawaiian people to the t i 1 1 n - ~ "f Kamehameha I. 2 v. 1878-80 9996 1 Herbert, G. K. ' • and Kingsley, G. II. ith sea bubbles. 1 S7^ 1.96 45 — Hopkins, M. Hawaii: past, present and future of its island kingdom. 1869. . . 99969-4 — Stoddard, C. W. South sea idyls. 1SS1. 496-82 1 : ley, II. W, Whal I saw on the wesl .1 1 1.1 N01 tli and Soul h Amei ii a. pp. 502 624 1865 439 "■ Hawaiian islands, continued. — Benjamin, S. G. W. World's paradises. pp. 212-228 439" ! 7 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 320- 323 8lS "45 1 1 11 ile, H. A. Black and white. pp. 242-257. [Missions.] 263-35 — Howe, I. \V. Winter homes for invalids. pp. 140-150 6135-4 — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the U. S. ex- ploring squadron, pp. 357-393- • • ■ 437-5 1 — Jones, — . Life and adventures in the South Pacific, pp. 332-343 496-5 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Ore- gon and the Sandwich islands, pp. 17- 108 and 227-252 479-6 — Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the U. S. frigate Potomac, pp. 399-423. . . . 437'-8 — Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South seas in the U. S. ship "Vincennes" during the years 1829-30. v. 2. pp. 51-247. . . 496-81 — Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics, pp. 51-96 43 8_ 9 Warren, F. R. Dust and foam. pp. 236-261 439-93 — Newell, C. M. Kalani of Oahu : a ro- mance. — See also Polynesia. Hawakden, Edward. Charity and truth: or, Catholics not uncharitable in saying that none are saved out of the Catholic church. Phila., 1874. 12° 2827-4 Haweis, Rev. Hugh Reginald, Eng. author, b. 1S3S. American humorists. N. Y., n. d. 12 4181-4 Contents— Washington Irving.— Oliver Wen- dell Holmes.— James Russell Lowell.— Artemus Ward.— Mark Twain.— Bret Harte. .— Christ and Christianity. 5 v. N. Y., 1886-88. 12°. 1. The light of the ages (Asia, Africa and Europe.) 290-472 2. Story of the four (Evangelists). . . 2271-45 3. Picture of Jesus (the Master). . . . 2329-49 4. Picture of Paul (the disciple). . . .2218-655 5. The conquering cross (the church). . 2701-395 - Music and morals. N. Y., 1872. 16 . . 77'-47 Contents.— I. Philosophical.— 2. Hiograph- ical. — 3. Instrumental. — 4. Critical. — My musical life. L., 1886. 12°. . . . 771-475 C, 'ittents -Early days.— By the golden sea. — Cremona. — The music of the future. — My musical memories. X. V, 1SS4. 12 . 771-48 Note.— An abridged edition of the foregoing. Pel ; or, pastimes and penalties. N. Y., 1S74. 16 459A3 — Thoughts for the times: sermons. N. Y., 1S72. 12 252-46 Haweis, Mrs. Mary Eliza (Jay), (Mrs. II. R. Hawei |, Eng. author, b. 1852. Chau- cer for children : .1 golden key. L-, 1882. 8° 125' II UVES. -58' HAWTHOR] I II \u 1 , Mrs. |. Menu [arj E. \ an Lennep. 1 1. 11 1 I-m .1, 1 : 1 .... 01 i\;u I 1 1 . J . 1 1. System 1 Bur- Dyed in subdividing the publii 1 ind ol thi 1 . S. Phila., 1S68. 8° 5269 1. : 1 1 Stephen. Nei 1 ill hkihujI : with bio ■ "i plai es, a chronoi ble and maps. I'.., 1871. in Hawes, Stephen, Eng. poet, tbth century. Pastime of plei hap. 1-2.) In Tauchnitz, B., td. I ive 1 entui ies of the English language ami literature, pp. 95-108 8209-86 Hawey, Wm. I lol , A. I hos. B ami his pupils, pp. 206-215 149B6 II \wm . Lord Edv, ard. Lodge, E. Por- traits of illustrious pei onagi of Great 1 1 in. v. 8. pp. 1-10 )i 1 65 Hawker, Robert Stephen. Gould, S. Bar- ing-. The vicar of Morwenstow : life of K. S. Hawker 158B2 Hawkesworth, John, i-d. The adventun r. \ v. British essayists, v. 19-21. . . [84E1 U.\\\ KIM.. Set Falconry. Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean, from published and original iources. 1 v. I.., 1S69. 8° 528B5 Hawkins, Sir John, Eng. rear-admiral, I'. about 1520-1/. 1595. Bourne, II. R. I. English seamen undei thi I'll rs. v. 2. \;~ 17 Payne, E. J., ed. Voyages ol the Eliza- bethan seamen to America, pp. 1-60. 437-73 - Watson, K. 1 ',. Spani h and Portug South America, v. 1. pp. 2S0-304. . 992-95 Whymper, F. The sea. v. 1 \ -,- 95 Hawks, Francis Lister, D. /'., LL. D., Am. writer, b. 1798-rf. 1S66, (Uncle Philip, pseud.) Adventures of Henry Hudson. N. V., 1854. 16° 490B2 American forest. X. Y.. 1S55. 16 . . . -\\ 55 — Evidences of Christianity. N. Y.. 1855. l6 ° 239-49 — History of New Hampshire. 2 v. N. \ . 1S55. 16° 9822-6 History of Virginia, V V., t S 5 5 . 16 . 9845 4 — Lost Greenland. N. \ '.. 1S55. 16°. . . 9998-4 Narrative of the expedition of an Ameri- can squadron to the China seas and Ja- pan, 1852-54, undei Com M 1 . Perry, l'. S. N., from note- and journals of Com. Perry and his al his re- quest ami under his supervision. V \ '.. 1S56. 8° 152 16 Natural history; or, Uncle Philip's con- versations with the childrei and trades anion;; inferior animals. .\ . Y - '»S5- «6° 59«S-4 11 1 11, continued. I children about the whale fishery and '. H popu- V Y.. 1 . 12 .... 11 i ill, E. 1 1. I 9842-7 H A WORTH I II Hawthi 1 nly, pseud. See Charles, I ,:n : i . III. :i Ion. H tNE, Julian, /////. writer, I'. I American penman. N. Y., 1887 II An hibald Mali on. V Y '., 1884. 12 . R 1 I . 1 ■ 1 1 .• l: re int. V V. 12°. Same, 1876. 8°. Confessions and criticisms. B., 1887. 12. Cot;: uinary confession. — Novels and agnosticism. — Americanism in fiction. — Literature for children. — Moral aim in fiction. Icerofmany books.— Mi "I miss- ■cience. — Theodore Winthrop's urn — Emerson as an American. — Modern magic. — American wild animals in art. David Poindexter's disappearance, and N. Y '., 1888. 12°. Contents indcxlcr's disappear- ance I . stery.— When half Gods go, it thy foot on graves. — My friend Paton. I t : a novel. N. Y., 1S83. l6°. — Fortune's fool B., 1883. 12°. Garth. \. \ .. 1877. 8°. Great bank robbery, from the diary of In- B; rnes. N. Y., 1887. 16 . [dolatrj B . [874. 12 . ■ John Parmalee's curse. X. Y., 1886. ! re— or a name. B., 1SS5. 12 . Mi- Gainsborough's diamonds: a story. X. Y., 1S85. 12°. — Xathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. 2 v. r... 1885. 12 458B5 S ixon studies. B., 1876. 12 44 Contents — I iresden environs— Of Gamhri- nus. — Sidewalks and roadways. — Stone and plas- ter. — Dresden diversions. — Types, civil and un- civil. — Mountaineering in miniature. — Sebastian Strome. N. Y.. 1SS0. 8°. ire. In Lippincott's magazine, Jan., 1887. — Tragic mystery. X. Y. 12 — Emerson as an American. In Sanborn, 1 •'. I'... ed. Genius and character of Emerson, pp. 6S-91 .5 '7^- — Introduction. In Field, E. Culture's garland — Ilevwood, J. C. How they strike me. these authors, pp. 224-235 804-4" Hawthorne, Xathaniel, Am. l8o4-. pp. 151-206 804-8 Stephen, I . Hours in a library, pp. ■ ;7 804-84 - Walsh, W. S. Pen pii ture of modern authors, pp. 150-160 41S-95 Whipple, E. P. 1 iharacter and 1 hai 11 ■ men. pp. 218-242 946E4 Hawthorne, Mrs. Sophia Amelia (Pei body). Notes in England and Italy. v y., 1869. 12 440-462 Hawthorne, J. Nathaniel Hawth e and his wife 458B5 Hawthorne and other poems. Stedman, E. C 850C3 Hawthorn] blossoms. Charles, Emily T. 221C5 Hawthorns; a story about children. Wal- 1 \my 88lAl Hay, Cecil. Club and the drawing n: being pictures of modern life, social, political an I p I. 2 v. 1S70. ' ' (67 5 Hay, D. R. Interior decorator; being the laws of harmonious coloring adapted to interior decorations; with observations on tlic practice of house-painting. Phila., 1867. 12° 747-5 Hay, Edward. History of the Irish insur- tion of 1798: account of the battle- fought between tlie insurgents and the King's army, and a genuine history of transactions preceding that event. B., 11. '•■• ' s :: 12 1- ' ■ Hay, 5/VJohn Drummond. Trotter, P. 11. Our mission to the Court of Morocco in 1880 nndei Sir John Drummond Hay. 464-9 Hay, Marj Cecil, Eng. novelist, t. 1S44. Arundel incite. X. V.. n. ,1. 8°. \i the seaside. X. V.. 1881. 4 . — Back to the old home. N. V., n. d. 24 . II w, '■' , ontinutd. 1 1..1 1881 I V Y., 1880. lu- ll. .1. 8°. 1 \. V.. 1879 2 t My in >l oflei . , N. Y., n. d. 8°. c. N. V., 11. d Old Myddlel low c,n the threshold. V Y., 24°. row of a secret. N. V*., 1 Squire's legacy. X. Y., n. d. 8°. .. N. V., n. d. 8°. Victor and vanquished. N. Y., n. d. 8°. HAY-fever. Heard, J. M. Ilay-fe. summer catarrh 61 Wyman, M. Autumnal catarrh. ... 61' . HAY-time to hopping. N. Y., 1861. 16 . Haycroft, Margaret. New head-master; or, little Speedwell's victory. I.., 1S86. 12° »5'> A 7 II LYDEN, Amos Sutton. Am. Disciple minis- ter, i. 1S13V. 18S0. Early history of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio; with biog. sketches of the prin- cipal agents in their religious move- ment. Cinn., 1876. 12° 2869-4 ! I M 1 ollins, D. V., LL. D., pres- ident of Western Reserve univei Amusements in the light of reason and Scripture. N. Y., 1880. 16° >95"45 — Death and beyond. N. Y., 1878. 12 . 236-4 — Lay effort ; its range and methods. \ Y.. 1S77. 12 25°-4 Haydn, Joseph, Austrian composer, b. \"\- d. 1809. Letters. In Wallace, Lady. //•. Letters of distinguished musician-. 69-204 M77-9 — Barnard, C. F. Handel and Haydn, pp. 1 1 ( 223 4 1 77-2 1. T. (neat German comp PP- 74-93 '•' — Fuller. S. M. Literature and ait. pp. 45-107. Lives of the great posers 400K6 I I i . E. 1 . i. Lightsof two centi pp- 305-3 ' s 410-536 eis, H. Is. Music and morals, pp. 209-226 77 ' 47 Parry, C. II. H. Greal composers, pp. 91-118 J Haydn and other poems. N.Y.,1870. i2 c . 1 s. I'enj. Robert, Eng. painter, i. 17S6-,/. 1S46. Life of Benj. R. Hay- don, historical painter, from his autobi- ography and journals : ed. by T. Taylor. N. V., 1853. 12 . Same, 1859. 459 1J2 HAYDON. 584 HAZARD. HAYDON, B. R., continued. — Stoddard, R. H., ed. Life, letters and table-talk of B. R. Haydon 459B1 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 138- 146 410-S5 — \Yi>e, 1). Vanquished victors, pp. 197— 22 3 * 410-97 Haves, Augustus Allen, jr. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. X. Y., 1S80. 8° 4788-5 11 wis, Catherine. Clayton, E. C. Oueens of song. pp. 423-436 4'78-3 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 129- '37 4'°-S5 Haves, Henry, pseud. See Kirk, Mrs. E. W. (O.) Haves. Kane Israel, Am. explorer, i. 1832-1/. 1SS1. Arctic boat journey in the au- tumn of 1854. B., 1868. 12°. . . . 498-469 — Cast away in the cold : an old man's story of a young man's adventures as related by Capt. John Hardy, mariner. B., 1886. 16° 357A2 — Land of desolation : being a personal nar- rative of observation and adventure in Greenland. X. Y., 1S72. 12 . . . . 4981-4 — Open Polar sea : narrative of a voyage of discovery toward the North pole, in the schooner " United States." N. Y., 1867. 8°. Same, I. , 18S5. 12 498-47 - Xourse, J. E. Ameiican explorations in the ice zones, pp. 132-160 49S-7 - Recent Polar voyages, pp. 214-383. . . 498-78 Haves, John L. Sheep-husbandry in the South. Bound with Origin and growth of sheep-husbandry in the U. S. . . . 6375-7 Hayes, Rutherford Burchard, iqlh president of the U. S., i. 1S22. Selections from speeches, letters, etc. In Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White House, pp. 347-387 S081-3 Howells, W. 1 1. Sketch of the life and character of R. li. Hayes 459B3 Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 2 - PP- 336-368 741 B4 H good, Am. us Greene, /'. IK, Am. edit- cator, b. 1839. Our brother in black : his freedom and his future. \. V., 1881. 12° 3268-4 Haym, I .1,11 , tm. officer, b, 1745 ,/. 1781. Lee, 11. Memoirs "f the war. pp. 61 ; 620 9756 5 11 . Paul II imilton, tin. poet, b. 1831. Avolio: ;i legend of the island of Co with poems, lyrical, miscellaneous and dramatic. Ik, i860. 12 1 ntain of the lovers; with poems of nature and tradition, N. \ .. 1 S75. 12 . Ik, 1882. 8° 459C59 Hav.ne, Robert Young, Am. orator, b. 1791— (/. 1840. Biographical annual. pp. I I 2- 1 20 412-21 Moore, !•'., ed. American eloquence, v. 2- PP- 555-578 8152-6 — Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 6S-73 412-75 IIay.nes, Gideon. Pictures from prison life : historical sketch of the Massachusetts State prison. B., 1872. 16° 365-4 Hays, Geo. P. Every-day reasoning ; or, the science of inductive logic. Phila., 1877- 12° I89I-4 Hays, Mis. W. J. Loving sister : a story for big girls. N. A'., 18S3. 12 . . . . 460A1 Princes.-, Idleways: a fairy story. X. Y., 18S0. 16 381-43 Hayti. Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and present; with a glance at Hayti. . 99183-4 — St. John, S. Hayti; or, the Black re- public 47294-8 — Cecil, Lord E. Impressions of life. pp. 4-78. Fortnight in Hayti 439-23 HaYWARD, Abraham. Eng. lawyer, /'. 1S03- a. 1884. Sketches of eminent statesmen and writers, with other essays. 2 v. L., 18S0. 8° 4io-55 Contents. — v. 1. Thiers. — Prince Bismarck — Count Cavour.— Prince Metternich.— Charles, Comte de Montalembert. — Lord Melbourne. — Marquess Wellesley. v. 2. Madame de Sevigne. — Saint Simon. — Madame du Deffand and her correspondents. — Holland house. — Strawberry hill. — Byron and Tennyson.— Republic of Venice ; its rise, decline and fall. — Carlisle, H. E., ed. Selection from the correspondence of Abraham Hayward, 1834-84 459B7 Hayward, Chas., jr. Life of Sebastian Cabot. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biogra- phy, v. 9. pp. 93-162 412-86 HAYWARD, John. Book of religions: views, creeds, sentiments; or, opinions of all the principal religious sects in the world ; with biog. sketches. B., 1842. 12°. . 209-38 Hayward, Maria Louise. Huntingdons; or, glimpses of inner life. B., 1863. 16°. 460A6 II S.ZARD, Elizabeth. Autumn musings, and other poems. Phila., 1874. 12°. . . 459C9 II >.. ,1:0, Rowland Gibson, Am. author, b. 1S01. Freedom of mind in willing; or, every being thai wills a creative lie! use. V Y., 1866. 12° 188-4 Man a creative first cause. B., 1883. 12°. 1S0-43 Two letters on causation ami freedom in willing, addressed to John Stuarl Mill; wiih an appendix on the existence of mailer and our notions oi infinite space. Ik. 1S69. 8° 1 M HAZARD. 5»S 111 M.I I , Hazard, R. < •., continued. M .in an independen t cr< i'i .11 tical utility of metaphysical suits. In ( loncord lei ture ■ m philo phy, 1882 '43-2 IIazakh, Samuel. Cuba with pen and | , il, Hartford, 1S71. 8°. Same, I.., '873 i; II Sam 1 1 I ' ingo, po 1 and pre 1 ill . with a glance at Hayti. N. Y., 1873. &°- ■ '.>•"■■ 1 11 1 r 11, Thos. R. M iscella and letters. Phila., 1883. 12 . . . 1 [9I Hazi 1 blossom 1 Whittier, John G. . . . 9481 5 H ■ riNE, Mayo Williamson Chal al 1 i . J-" 1 and novelisl s. N. V., 1883. 12° 804-4S il- 1 : 1 im , M iron )., ed. Pic. itj unci 1. mi y in chi N. Y., 1866 12 . 789 ,1 1 1 izen, I . Speller and define. Phila., [857. 16° 1171-4 HAZEN, Win. P., An:, general, b. 1830 -d. 1SS7. Narrativeof military service. I!.. '885. S° 979-45 Si hdol and the arm) in German] and France; with a diary of siege life ai Versailles. N. Y., 1S72. 8° 35543-4 Hi ■ "I ley. J. '1 '. 1 .rant and Sherman . their campaigns and generals. pp. 496-512. 4122-4 Reid, W. Ohio in thewar. pp. 765-769. 97' Ha LETT, Helen. Glennair; or, life in Si il land. Phila., 1S69. 12°. — Heights of EitlellieiL;. Phila., 1.N511. 16 . M 1 1 1 1. \\m., Eng. critic, t>. 1778-rf. 1S30. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. V V-, 1845- '=° . . 8236 (5 — Lectures on the dramatic literature ol the age of Elizabeth. N. Y.. 1849. 12 . . 822-4 — Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 v. Phila., 1S75. 12 Miscellaneous works. sw N.Y.,1859. 12 459E8 Contents t 1 . Tabic talk. — v. 3. Lect- ures on dramatii literature ol age of Elizabeth. — Characters of Shakespeare's plays.— v. 4. Lecturi 3 on 1 nglisb comic writers.- -Lectures on the English poets. — ^ Spirit of the age ; ■ or, contempora. y po. nan-. I 'ana. Rii hard 1 1. Writings. \ . 2. pp. 156-267. Review ol Lectures on the English poets 818 [3 De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets. 227 243 284E48 Dix, J, Lions; living and dead. pp. 1 410-4 Gilfillan, G. Third gallerj of portraits. pp. 1 7> 189. lla/lm and Hallam. . . 41 Mason, E. T., eJ. Personal trait- of Brit- ish authors, v. 2. pp. 174 214. . . . 4182-56 Stoddard, k. 11.. ed. Personal recollec- tions of Lamb, Hazlitt and others, pp. 5'-247 41S2-91 IIa/i.ii 1. W lli : ol thi v. 1 etian republic, her 111 . ili/ation. 4 v. I... 1 Contents.— v . i | , ' lid cook ei il cuisine. V \ .. 1886 12 64s ,'//. Aim of il- lusti 1 en ol modern [imi I .. 1872. 12 8077-4 1 witli remi and V V. |,\7 |. 12° New Lond ; 1 . 16 . 827-6 - - Remains of the early populat [land ; with introduction and not p I.., 1864. 12° S.'l I ; He and she; or, a poet's portfoli W. W '. 8551 t He fell in love with In- wife. Roe. Rev. Ed- ward I'. He knew he was right. Trollope, Anthony. He that overcometh; or, a conquering gos- pel. Board man, W. E. 241 ::; Head, Sir 1 B I ggol of I- rench slicks; or, Paris in 1851. 2 \. N. Y., 16° 444; 42 Fortnight in Ireland. N. V., 1853. 12 . 4415-4 — Life and adventures of Bruce, the African ler. X. Y-, 1S55. 16 189B2 irary bubbles from the Brunnei \ sau. 11. t. p. 16° 4434-3 . Franklin H. Shakespeare's insom- nia and the causes thereof. B., 18S7. 16° S239S-4 III w. Percy Rendell. Van Dyck, [and] Frans Hals of Haarlem. N. Y., 1879. 12°. [Great artists ser.] 912B14 Head hunters of Borneo. Bock, C. . . . 4911 .7 Head of the family. Craik, Mrs. Dinah M. M 1 i Medusa. Fletcher, Juli: Fleming, pseud.) Hi vdley, Joel ["yler, Am. -.enter, 6. 1S14. Achievements of Stanley and other Af- rican explorers. Phila.. [1S7S.] S°. . .; Adirondack; or. life in the WOi ds. N. V., 1875. 12°. . . . 47475-4 Alps and the Rhine X. V., 1851. 12°. .-> Head- ley. J. T. Letters from Italy 445-455 Chaplains and tion. V Y.. 1864. I2 C 4121 •; Farragut and our naval commanders, X. V., 1867 4122-30 Contents.— Farragut.— Wilkes. - Stringham. Ihipont. — Foote. — B g) i>orough.— Ellet. — Bailey.— Davis — Blake v. D. D. Porter.— Cushiog.— Rowan— Lee.— Jen- kins.— Thatcher . — W D Poner Dahlgren.— HEADI.EY. - 586 HEALTH. HkadLEV. J. T., continual. Paulding. — Palmer.— Worden. — Bed. — Smith. — Rogers. — Craven and others. — Giant and Sherman : their campaigns and generals. N. Y., 1866. S° 4122-4 Contents. — Grant. — Sherman. — McPherson. — Thomas. — Hancock. — Kil pat rick. — Meade. — Hooker. — Slocum. — Rosecrans. — Sedgwick. — Logan. — Burnside. — Sheridan. — Schofield. — Hazen. — Sigel. — Terry. — McClernand. — How- ard. — Gillmore. — Warren. — Wright and others. — Great rebellion: history of the civil war in the U. S. 2 v. in 1. Hartford, 1866. 8° 9781-4 — Illustrated life of Washington, n. t. p. 8° 924B63 — Imperial guard of Napoleon ; from Mar- engo to Waterloo. N. Y., 1852. 16°. 665B55 — Letters from Italy, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 445-455 — Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson. N. Y., 1852. 12 4 l - ! -s — Miscellanies. N. Y., 1S54. 12°. . . . 460E4 Contents. — Alison's history of Europe. — Al- fieri. — Oliver Cromwell. — Crusades. — French revolution. — Luther. — Prose writers of Amer- ica. — Napoleon and his marshals. 2 v. \. Y., 1850-55. 12° 665B56 — Pen and pencil sketches of the great riots: an illustrated history of the rail- road and other great American riots ; including all the riots in the early his- tory of the country. N. Y., 1877. 12 . 3467-4 — Rambles and sketches. N. Y., 1S50. 12 . 440-47 — Sacred mountains, characters and scenes in the Holy land. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . 2211 42 — Sacred heroes and martyrs : biographical sketches of illustrious men of the Bible ; with historical scenes and incidents illus- trating their heroic deeds, eventful ca- reers and sublime faith, which have no parallel in human history. \. Y., 1870. 8° 2217-45 Contents - Abraham. - Jacob, — Joseph. — Moses.— Joshua.— Deborah. — Gideon. — Jeph- thah. — Samson. — Samuel. — Saul. — David.— Joab — Elijah. — Elisha.— Jehu.— Uzziah.-- ■ Isaiah. — Hezekiah. — Josiah. — Jeremiah. — Daniel. — John the Baptist.— Jesus Christ --Peter— James the just.— Andrew Philip.— Thomas.— Mar tholomew.— Matthew. — Simon Zelotes. — Judas Matthias -James the less.— John. — Paul. Sacred scenes and characters. N. Y., i860. 12° 22 1 1 -4 1 Contents . — Red sea passage. Eli.— Ruth.— Handwriting on the wall.— Chariot of fire. — \ l.-.alom." Power of beauty, Interview be- tween the living and the dead Name 1 1 propli' I Dream and its fulfillment —Star of Bethlehem Disciple thai fesus loved.— Prodi gal son Paul. — Feeding the five thousand 1 ■ imb 1 i" ( hrist. :.'! .'. .11 with England. 2 \ . S. Y ., 1 ■■■ ' • 976s 4 HEADLEY, J. T., continued. — Travels of General Grant. Phila., 1881 8° 438-44 — Washington and his generals. 2 v. X. V., 1854. 12° 4121-46 Contents. — v . r. Washington. — Putnam. — .Montgomery. — Arnold. — Stark. — Schuyler. — Gates. —Steuben.— Wayne. — Conway and Mif- flin.— Ward and Heath. v. 2. Greene. — Moultrie. — Knox. — Lincoln. — Lee.— Clinton. — Sullivan. — St. Clair. — Mari- on. — Stirling. — Lafayette. — De Kalb. — Thomas and McDougall. — Wooster.— Howe and Par- sons. — Paul Jones. — Morgan. - ('f Israel. Macduff, J. R. 2235-6 I h ai 1 11. See Hygiene. Mi Min resorts. Benjamin, S. G. W. At- lantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 1878 497-2 HEALTH. -5«7- HEA'l Hi \i 111 re "i 1 , continued. w "i Id 1 pai ad i ■<■ 1, 1880 1 19 1 Beimel, III. u nun and ipi ing on the hores ol 1 he Meditei 1 mean. 1875. . 4449 2 I leni ion, 1 '. R01 kj mountain hes Ith re soi is. 1SS0 '>i ;, ; B uller, A. s "hi I. Ah ii .1 a . , heall h 1 e --I 1886 (68-3; 1 riitmann, I . \\ atei ing plai e and tral springs of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 1SS0 in , . Howe, I w Winter homes for invalids. '875 6135-4 Lindsay, J. A. Climatii treal nl ol 1 onsumption. 1887 ill 15 5 Madden, I. M. Principal health resorts ■ it Europe and Africa, for the treatment of chronic diseases. 1876 6135-6 M in :et, W. Principal Southei n and Swiss health resorts. 1SS3 4449-6 Meiivlcss, J. Carlsbad and its envi s. 1886 4434-6 Ulyat, W, C. Life at the sea shi re [' 88o -l 4337-9 - Seguin, L. G. Walks in Algiers ami its surroundings, pp. 1-15 465 83 See also names of places noted as resorts for invalids, as Adirondack, Azores, Ba- hama, Bermuda, California, Colorado, Florida, the Riviera, etc. Also Mineral waters. Health? houses. Lassie, W 628-43 Healy, Mary. l.akeville ; or, substance ami shadow. N. Y., 1873. 8°. Storm-driven. Phila., 1877. 16 . Summer's romance. B., 1S72. [6°. Hi IPS of money. Norris, W. E. HEARD, Albert F. Russian church and Russian dissent ; comprising orthodoxy, dissent and erratic sects. N. V., 1887. 8° 2819-5 Heard, Franklin Fiske, Am. lawyer, 6. 1825. Curiosities of the law reporters. B., lS 7>- >6° 3409-45 — Shakespeare as a lawyer. 11. . 18S3. . ,2 ° S2367-4 Notes and a glossarial index. In Bacon, F. Essays 131 L4 Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sums war and massacres of 1862-63. N. Y.. '865. 12° 9876-4 Hearing. See Ear. Hearn, Lafcadio. Stray leaves from strange literature. B., 1SS4. 16 381-5 Contents. — Tales retold from Indian and Buddhist literature —Runes from the Kale waU.— Storiei of Moslem lands.— Traditions re- told from the Talmud. Heai ie, , Eng. antiquary, i. 1678 d. 1735. Reliqu c Hi ol 11 Hi 1 Edmund Hall, l>c- ing exlrai 1 from I lei ted, .'. ; v. I.., 1869. 12° Hear i and its function. V \ ., 1881 24 Hi I . I 6 1 1 2 1-4 Hi m 1 and - iem •■ I 1 llins, W. Wilkie. 1 1 ' ires. Arthur, I . S. Mi u;i ..I Africa. Schweinfurth, '..... 4627-8 Hi mi of it. Stoddard, v. 1 Hi mm "l 11. in;. I ngland. Stone, J. S. . 442-88 Hi *ici ..I Mid-Lothian. Scott, Sir Walter. Mi mi "f steel. Fisher, Frani 1 1 . Chris- tian Reid, pseud.) Heart of the Andes. Winthrop, T. Lift- in the open air, etc. pp. 331-372. . . 958K1 111 mi of the continent. Ludlow, I. II. 478-58 Heart of the creeds. Eaton, Arthur Went- worth 2838-3 1 1 1 \k I of the White mountains, their legend and scenery. Drake, S. A 47428-3 Hi m 1 n-s- 1 one thoughts upon home life in our cities. Osgood, S '93-7 Hi mis and hands. Fisher, France (Christian Reid, pseud.) Ill IRTSEASE. Yonge, Charlotte M. Heartsease and rue. Lowell, Lis. Rus- se " 589C37 Hi 1. Abbott, J. Heat. 1S71 536-13 — Allen, Z. Solar light and heat, the source and the supply. 1S79 5301-2 — Anderson, W. On the conversion of heat into work. 1887 5368-15 Vrmour, J. Iron and heat. 1871. . . 6201-23 — Box, T. Practical treatise on heat. 18S0 5368-2 — Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature. 1883 530-2 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. 1869 536-2 Clausius, R. Mechanical theory of heat. l8 79 536-23 — Eddy, H. T. Thermodynamics. 1879. 5367-3 Kedzie, L II. Speculations: solar heat. gravitation and sun spots. 18S6. . . . 5237-5 — Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat. 1S72. 536-6 Metcalf, S. I . ( aloric. 2 v. 1S59. . 5361-6 Pepper, J. II. Heat: embracing ther- mometric heat, conduction of heat, la- tent heat and steam, n. d 535-7 Smith, J. H. Introduction to the study of heat. 1S79 536-7 TefTt, L. B. Curiosities of heat. [1S71.] 536-77 Tyndall, J. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat. 73 53633 -S HEAT. -588 HECKER. Heat, continued. — Tyndall, J. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 1870 536-8 — William^, W. M. Simple treatise on heat. 18S0 536-9 — Armour, J. Iron and heat. pp. 75-160. 6691-14 — Cracroft, B. Essays. v. 2. pp. 174- 185. Prof. Tyndall on heat 250E1 — Mayhew, H. Wonders of science; or, young Humphrey Davy. pp. 112-284. 2 77' ;i Papillon, F. Nature and life. pp. 129- 154 577-7 — Perry, J. Elementary treatise on steam. pp. 49-64 621 1-7 — Thomas, J. J. Farm implements, pp. 235-25S 6308-8 Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechan- ics of engineering, v. 2. sec. 2. . . 621-9 — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of house- hold science, pp. 7-75 640-98 — See a/so Physics. Warming. Heath, Francis Geo., F.ng. writer, l>. 1843. Fern paradise: plea for the culture of ferns. L., 1875. I2 ° 7'59-4 — Peasant life in the west of England. L., 1880. 12° 442-47 HEATH, Nicolas. Campbell, J. Lord chan- cellors. V. 2. pp. 77-87 4H-25 Heath, Richard Ford. Albrecht Durer. N. V., 1881. 12 . [Great artists ser.] 29SB1 Heath, Sir Robert, d. 1649. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. Phila. ed. v. 1. pp. 332-339- >>'• Y. ed. v. 2. pp. 64-75 411-24 Heathenism. Uhlhorn, G. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism 2721-8 — See also Missions. Religion. Heathens of the heath. McDonnell, W. Heather, J. F. Descriptive geometry; with a theory of shadows and perspec- tive, extracted from the French of G. Monge. L., 1S71. 12° 515-4 — Practical plane geometry ; giving the simplest modes of constructing figures contained in one plane and geometrical construction on the ground. L., 1872. 12°. Bound "with Eucleides. Elements. 513-36 Heating, See Warming. lh \ 1 1 1 ■ ■■, . Geo. S. Sheep-fanning. I.., 1884. 12° 6375-4 III iiiin, Mrs. Chas. I oncise history of painting. L., 1S73. > 2 ° 759-4 Life of Albrechl DUrei ol Niirnberg, with translation of his [etrei - and journal and account of his works. I.., 1881. 8°.. 298B2 Ihv rONTIMORUMENOS J Or, the self-tor- mentor. Terence. Comedies, pp. 132- 196 8725-7 I [eaven. See Future life Heavens. See Astronomy. Heaven's gate. Trotter, Ada M., (I.. Sev- ern, /■send.) 755A6 Heavenward— Earthward. McKeever, H. B 601A4 Heavenward led. Sommers, J. R. Heavy yokes. Walworth, Jeannette R. (Hadermann). Heavysege, (has. Saul : a drama in three parts. B., 1869. 12° 460C1 — »l.anman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 259-277 412-58 Heber, Reginald, Eng. bishop. b. iyS^-d. 1826. Poetical works. B., 1S53. 16°. 460C5 — Letters on India. In Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers, v. 2. pp. 44I-45 2 826-54 — Memoir of Reginald Heber, D. D., bishop of Calcutta. By his widow. B., 1856. 12° 460B3 — ( ahhvell, II. Art of doing our best. pp. 221-242 410-23 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 227-232 410-42 — St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav- elers, v. 3. pp. 356-386 4159-78 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 205-210 4U-97 — Yonge, C. M. Pioneers and founders. pp. 178-198 4149-98 Hebich, Samuel. J.ipp, A. H. Master- missionaries, pp. 1 13-144. Samuel Hebich and the Hindus 4149-5 Hebrew heroes: a tale founded on Jewish history. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 116A18 Hebrew language. See Literature, Hebrew. Hebrew men and times from the patriarchs to the Messiah. Allen, J. H 221-13 Hebrew nation and its literature. Sharpe.S. 221-82 Hebrew poetry. See Literature, Hebrew. Hebrews. See Jews. HEBRIDES. Buchanan, R. Land of Lome. 1871 441 17-3 — Cumming, C. F. Gordon-. In the He- brides. 1883 44"7-35 Miller, II. Cruise of the " Betsey ;'' or, a summer ramble among the fossilifer- ous deposits of the Hebrides 5541-5 — Smith, A. Summer in Skye. 1865. . . 44117-8 — Smith, W. A. Lewsiana ; or, life in the er Hebrides. 1875 44117-82 Hick, Barbara. Stevens, A. Women of Methodism, pp. 175-212 '. . 287-71 HECKER, Isaac Thos., Catholic theologian, b. 1819. Questions of the soul. N. Y., 1869. 12° 2827-42 - Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 14. pp. 538-577. [Reviews.] 818-27 ill ■< K.ER. 111. -,l.i il ;, |,,lin. Si ientifii ba iis ol ed in i lion, de ted bj in analysis of the temperament and of phrenological facts in connection vitl I phenomen and the offii e ol the I toly spirit in the I is of the mind; in a series of let- ters to the ilc], i. of public institutions in the i itj ol V Y. N. \ ., 1868, ,S rj . . 37°'-5 HECKER, Justus Friedrich Karl, b. 17 1850. Black death ; account of the deadly pestilence of the fourteenth cen- tury : tr. by B.C. Babington. n. t. p. 8°. 6109-39 Dancing mania of the middle ages: tr. by B. C. Babington. n. t. p. 8°. . . 6109-41 Epidemics of the middle ages : tr. by B. 1.. Babington. I.., 1844. 8° 6109-4 Contents. — Iilack death. — Dancing mania Sweating sickness Heckethorn, Chas. Wm. Secret societies of all ages and countries. 2 V. I... 1875. 12° 3669-4 HecKford, Mrs. Sarah. Lady trader in the Transvaal. L., 18S2. 12° 46S2-4 Heckington. (Wire, Mrs. C. G. Hei tor, Trojan hero. Hale, E. E, Boys' heroes, pp. 7-25 410-535 — 5« Homer. Iliad. Various editions. - Smith, S. 1'., ed. Myths and heroes. pp. 166-173 2901-8 Vonge, C. M. Book of worthies. pp. 53-69 4101-96 Hei rOR, Mrs. Annie F. (Mrs. Alexander), Irish novelist, b. 1S25. Admiral's ward. N. V., 1883. 16°. At any cost. N. Y. 1 6°. At hay. N. V. 1 6°. - Beaton's bargain. N. Y., 1S86. 16°. By woman's wit. N. Y., 1887. 16 . Executor. N. V., 1S83. 16 . — Forging the fetters and other stories. N. V., 1S87. 1 6°. Freres. N. Y., 1S82. 16 . - Her dearest foe. N. Y., 1876. 16 . — Heritage of Langdale. X. Y.,1877. 16 . - Life interest. N. V., 1SS8. 16 . — Look before you leap. N. V., 1882. 16 . Maid, wife, or widow. X. Y., 1S79. l6°. Nona's choice. X. V., 1SS8. 16°. Mrs. Vereker's courier maid. X. Y. 16 . Ralph Wilton's weird. X. V.. 1865. 16 . - Second life. X. Y.. 18S5. 16°. Which shall it be? X. Y., 1S74. 16 . — Wooing n't. X. Y., 1S74. 16 . Hi. r/OR. Shaw, F. 1 822A1 Hei tor Servadac. Verne, J. HECUBA. Euripides. Tragedies, v. 1. pp. 1-32 8823-2 Hecyra; or, the mother-in-law. Terence. Comedies, pp. 254-300 8725-7 H I I tenry, D. />., Am. ' m ,•'')'. and othei c I: . 1 - • 1 .■ Cat picurus. — ,11 as taught : ! rl Life anil chai Kant.— 1 I 1 Hours with Get I ,1886. 8°. 830-42 Primi .:■ tradition, B , 1870. 12 1 2214-45 P Germany. N. Y., 1855. 8 ° • • 830-43 — Rea on it B., 1867. 12 . . . 2308-64 — Goethe's Marchen. //; Sanborn, !•'. B., <•(/. Life and genius of Goethe, pp. '.)5-'5 6 430B6 and Wister, A. I... tr,. Metrical transla- tion md poem B [88{ 1 . 461C1 Holmi . O. W. Before 1 he curfew, pp. 40-41. [Poem] 484C65 Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liheral faith, pp. 205-216. [P. • and hiog. sketch.] 2458-7 II . Levi, Im. educator, b. 1767-^. 1843. Elements of logick ; or, a summary of the great principles and different modes of reasoning. Buffalo, 1855. 12°. . . 189-46 -■ Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. PP- 37-39 412-74 Mi dged in. Phelps, Elizabeth S. Hedgehog letters. Jerrold, D 827-64 Hedges, Killingworth. Useful information on electric lighting. I.., 18S2. 12°. . 5384-47 HEDGES and evergreens. Warder, J. A. . 7130-4 I I I 1 K. Oswald, Swiss scientist, b. 1809-1/. 18S3. Primeval world of Switzerland: tr. of " Die Urwelt der Schweiz." ed. by Jas. Heywood. 2 v. I.., 1876. S°. . . . 55494-4 HEEREN, Arnold Herman Ludwig, German historian, b. i,6o-ntt»< 1 irentint nights — Excsrpts, Heine, Heinrich, continued. — Memoirs of Heinrich Heine; with intro- ductory essay by T. W. Evans. L., 1884. 12° 460B8 — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism, pp. <4°->73 !24E5 New poems, pp. 165-175 123C9 — Buchanan, R. A look round literature. pp. 210-217 804-25 — Eliot, G. Essays and leaves from a note- book, pp. 65-114. German wit. . . 313E7 — Hedge, F. H. Hours with German class- ics, pp. 502-528 830-42 — Hosmer, J. K. German literature, pp. 505-545 830-45 — Milnes, R. M., Lord Houghton. Mono- graphs, personal and social, pp. 283- 328 4IO-77 — Wilkinson, \V. C. Classic German course in English, pp. 297-319 830-95 Heinrich, Julius J. Window flower garden. X. Y., 1887. 12° 718-4 Heinzen, Karl. [Five pamphlets bound to- gether as follows.] 12° 460E9 What is real Democracy ? Answered by an exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Indianapolis, 1871. Six letters to a pious man ; with introductory address to a Jesuit, and supplementary one to a humbugger: tr. by an American lady. In- dianapolis, Ind., 1869. What is humanity ? n. t. p. Mankind the criminal: lecture delivered in Washington, D. C: tr. from the German by C. V. Roxbury. Mass., 11. d. True character of Humboldt. Oration deliv- ered at the German Humboldt festival in Bos- ton, 1869. Indianapolis, 1869. Heir of Malreward ; or, restored. Phila., 1874- 8°. Heir of West Wayland. Howitt, M. Heiress of Kilorgan. Sadlier, Mrs. J. Heiress of Sweetwater. Randolph, J. F. Heirs of Randolph Abbey. N. Y., 1S72. 8°. Hekim Bashi. Sandwith, II. Heldmann, Bernard. Self-conquered ; or, the Belton scholarship. N.Y.,1882. 16°. 462A2 Helen Grecian princess. Lang, A. Helen of Troy 556C3 BruCe, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 52-55 410-19 — Euripides. Tragedies, v. 2. pp. 199- 245 8823-2 — See Homer. Iliad. - Morris, I.. Epic of Hades. pp. 42-66. 647C4 Helen. Edgeworth, Maria. Helen Erskine. Robinson. Mrs. M. H. Helen Ford. Alger, II. J. Helen Gardner's wedding day. Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harlan d, pseud.) HELEN HELPS. Helen Lincoln. Capron, ( in ie. iii in in i travels: what she saw and uli.it she did in I urope. N. V ., 1868. 16° 440 m 1 Helena, St., i. about 2^0-d. 327. Anderdon, \v. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. -•;; 245 P4 23 Brooks, E. S. I listoi ii girls. pp. 22 44. Mother of Constantine 413-224 — Murray, N. Parish ami other pern ilings. pp. 93-98 241-65 Helena Augusta Victoria, princess of Eng- land, /<. 1846. Hall, .1A.. M. Royal prince 1 ol 1 ngland, pp. 499 515. . 4111-46 Helena's household : ataleol R in fhe first century. V V., 1876. 12 . Hi 1 i-.n's babies. I labberton, John. 1 1 e liog m:\ii i, Bruce, J. 1 'las; ii and his- toric portraits, pp. 154-165 410-19 Hi 1 1 . See Future punishment. Hellenics; or, Grecian histon Xenopium. 8884-8 Heller, Stephen. Barbedette, H. Stephen Heller: his life and works 461 Hi lit! 1 i.k ism : second sight mystery. Her- on Harry 1 743-4 Hbllgate, N. )'. Knox, T. W. Under- ground world, pp. 882-897 6229-5 HELLYER, S. Stevens. Plumber and sani- tary houses: practical treatise on the principles of internal plumbing work, or the best means for effectually exclud ing noxious gases from our houses. L., n. d. 8° 628-47 HELM, Mrs. — . Frost, J. Heroic women of the west. pp. 167-183 41239-33 HELM, the Sword and the cross: a lite nar- rative. Lorrain, Alfred M 586B1 HEI.MHOLTZ, Hermann I.udwig Ferdinand, German scientist, b. 1S21. Popular lect- ures on scientific subjects : tr. by E. Atkinson ; with an introd. by Prof. Tyn- dall. 2 v. N. Y., 1873-81. 12°. . . 502-43 Contents. — v. i. On the relation of natural si ence CO science in general. — On Goethe's scien- tific r. 1 11 In 1 In the physiological causesof harmony in music — Ice and glaciers. — On the interaction of the natural forces. — Recent pro- gress of the theory of vision. — On the conver- sion of force. — On the aim and progress I physical science. v. a, Gustav Magnus: in mcnioriam. — tin the origin and significance of geometrical axioms.— On the relation of optii s !■■ painting: form, slia.lt', colour, harm, ny of colour. — On the irigin of the planetary system.— On thotl in medicine. — On academic freedom in German universities. Interaction of natural forces. In Yuii- mans, K. 1...../. Correlation and con- servation of forces, pp. 211 250. . . 5316 ; Introduction. In Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 312-318 11 Hi 1 it, H. 1 I , 1 tttinu Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. I iew. I 214 (7 Hit more, . Plain-song. I.., n. d. 8 1 . [Mu it primei • 773 = 5 5 Hei i ii, \\ iii. : que accout • on the sea, tig the daily life on n steamer of a Iran atl after health, recrea- tion 01 rest. V ... 1880 16 . . . . 4,7, t Hi 1 1 11 1 See Abel trd. HELP for Sabbath school 1 selei ietry. Folsoin, A. P. and \l. T "°99-35 HELPER, Hinton Rowan, Am. author, b. i8o8-t/. 18S1 . Impending crisis of the meet it. N. Y-, i860. 12° 3267-4 Land of gold; reality \cr,ns fiction. Baltimore, 1S55. 12° ,7 Nojoque : quel tioi ntinent. N. v., 1867. 12 ,;-' Oddments "i Andean diplomacy and oth- er oddments. St. Louis, 1879. 12°.. 3419-4 Contents — Bolivia, as"thc insidious author and persistent perpetrator of a new internation- al crime.— Misc. oddments. — Imperial Brazil. Mill , Sil \ ill hi. Eng. author, li. 1813- (I. 1875. Brevia: short essays and aph- orisms. 11, 1871. 12° Ills imir Maremma. 1!., 1871. 16°. tpanions "f my solitude. B., 1870. 12 401K6 Conversations on war and general cult- ure. B-, 1871. 12 '• ■ • 4°>K9 Essays written in the intervals of business, to which is added an essay on organiza- tion in dailj life. B., 1871. 16 . . . 4"H 1 I ii. nils in council. 4 V. in 2. N. 1 -. 1869. 12° 461 E8 [van de Biron ; or, the Russian court in the middle of the last century, n. t. p. 12°. — Life and labours ol Mr. Brassey, 1S05-70. II.. 1874. 8" '8°B8 I He n| Hernand Cortes. V Y., 1871. 12 M7B8 — Life of Lasf'asas; the apostle of the In- dies. I'hila.. 1868. 12" 557B8 — Life of Pizarro ; with some account of his associates in the conquest of Peru. L., 1869. 12 736RS Realmah. B - 12 . — Social pressure. 1 1 2°. . . . Some talk about animals and their mas- ters. I ., I873. 12 5904-44 Spanish conquest in America, and its re- lation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. 4 v. N. Y.. 1856 68. 12 " HELPS. — 592 HENDRICKS. Helps, Sir A., continued. Contents. — v. 1. Prince Henry if Portugal. — Columbus. — Ovando. — Dominicans. — Ojeda and Nicuesa. — Vasca Nunez de Balboa. — Cuba. — Las Casas as a colonist and a reformer. v 2 Las Casas. — Hernando Cortez. — Siege of Mexico. v. 3. Administration of Cortez. — Nicaragua. — Encomiendas. — Guatemala. — Conquest of Peru. v. 4. Feud between the Pizarros and the Al- magros. — New laws. — Reconquest of Peru by the president Gasca. — Protectors of the Indi- ans; their efforts and achievements. — General survey of Spanish colonization in America. — Thoughts upon government. B.,1872. 8°. 320-45 — On the art of living with others. In Prose masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 3-11. . 808-7 — Abraham, G. W. Essays, pp. 415-434. Review of Spanish conquest io 3K5 — Boyd, A. K. H. Leisure hours in town. pp. 371-404. Review of Oulila the serf. 179E8 — Rands, W. B. Henry Holbeach, student in life. v. 2. pp. 275-296. Contro- versial letters 774E5 Helvetius, or Schweitzer, Claude Adrien, French philosopher, b. 1715-d. 1771. Morley, J. Diderot and the encyclo- paedists, v. 2. pp. 123-154 288B4 Hemans, Chas. Isidore, Eng. antiquary, a. 1876. History of mediaeval Christian- ity and sacred art in Italy, (900-1530). v. 1. Florence, 1869. 12 7091-4 Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne), Eng. poet, />. 1794-1/. 1835. Poetical works; with a memoir, by Mrs. L. H. Sigour- ney. X. V.. n. d. 8° 462C1 — Select poetical works. Leipzig, 1865. 16°. 462C2 — Memoir of the life and writings of Felicia Hemans, by her sister ; with an essa\ on her genius, by Mrs. Sigourney. N. V., 1855. 12° 461B4 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and lit- erary men. ser. 2. pp. 229-238. . . 418-43 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. 2. pp. 122-144. . . 41821-4 -Neale.E. Closing scene, v.i. pp. 164-174. 410-8 Queens of literature, pp. 261-301. . . 4182-7 Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. pp. 1.S2-211 41SJ1 ; Hemingway, Frank. Indicator practice and steam engim eci y with plain directions for attaching the indicator, taking diagrams, computing the horse 1, drawing the theoretical curve, ' a! ulal in ; iteam 1 mi sumption, deter- mining economy, In. ating i. rangemenl making all de lions; also tables required in making the necessary computations and an out- line of current practice in testing steam engim lei N.Y., 1886. 12°. 0211-4 Hemlock swamp. Whittlesey, E. L. Hemsley, W. 11. Hand-book of hardy trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, based on the Manuel de l'amateur des jardins ; with introduction by E. S. Rand. B., 18/3- S° '. 713-55 Hen fever. History of the. Burnham, C. P. 817-248 HENCK, John B. Field book for railroad engineers; containing formula? and ta- bles. N. V., 1882. i6 c 6208-32 Henderson, Frances C. Dunderviksborg and other tales, forming an epitome of modern European literature. Phila., 1881. 12°. Henderson, G. R. Story of a Moorish knife. L., n. d. 12°. Henderson, Isaac. The prelate. B., 1886. 12°. Henderson, Jas. Hood. E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 15-24 410-58 HENDERSON, John. Hand-book of the grass- es of (ireat Britain and America. Northport, I.. I., 1S75. I2 ° 6 33 2 ~4 Henderson, John, b. 1 747-^/. 1785. Matt- hews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Act- ors and actresses, v. I. pp. 253-266. 4179-6 Hi iDERSON, Mrs. Mary Foote. Diet for the sick: treatise on the values of foods, their application to special conditions of health and disease, and the best methods of their preparation. N. Y., I885- 12° 6415-5 — Practical cooking and dinnergiving. N. V., 1876. 12° 641-49 Henderson, Peter. Scottish-Am. gardener, b. 1823. Garden and farm topics. N. Y., 18S4. 12° 6304-4 Gardening for pleasure: guide to the am- ateur in the fruit, vegetable and flower garden. N. Y., 1875. 12° 7 1 5~ 39 — Gardening for profit: guide to the suc- cessful cultivation of the market and family garden. N. Y., 1883. 12°. . . 635-4 — Practical floriculture : guide to the suc- ce »ful cultivation of florists' plants. N. Y., 1869. 12° 715-4 Henderson, K. Soldier of three queens: narrative of personal adventure. 2 v. 1.., 1S66. 12° 461B8 Henderson, W. A. Common sense in the kitchen ; to which is added a chapter on the art of carving. N.V„ 1S77. 12°. 641-492 Hendricks, Thos. Andrews, vice president of the U. S., b. i8i9-. 1819. Elemental \ I otany, sti ui tui ai, physiological and systematic: ed, by M I . M.i itei and V. W, Bennett. I... 1S84. 12 ;& 1 , --On the educational claims "l botanical Bcience. In Culture demanded bj I ei 11 life. pp. 89 1 16 i7"-l 9 Henfrei , 1 1 ■• 1 1 1 j Win. ( ruide to 1 be study ui English ' oins, from the 1 quest to the present nine ; with historical in- troduction by the editor, 1 F. Keary, 1 ■■• 1885. 12° 3314 38 1 1 1 ngham, Ralph de. 1 lampbell, 1 . 1 hiel justices ui England. v. 1. pp 73 77. 411-24 :ii 1 1 IB] 1 '.. Ernsl Wilhelm 51 haff, P. Germany, pp. 300 319 2743-8 lliskii. F. Mistress of Ibichslcin. N.Y., 1884. 1 6°. Henri e, W. 1 1. 1 est spelling 1 k. 1 inn., i s 7^. 12 1 1 7 '43 joint author. Stoddard, J. F. and Henkle W. I). University algebra 512-8 HENLEY, Robert, earl , ■ Norlhini ', n, A. 17ns -J. 1772. ( ampbell, .1- Lord chancellors, v. 5. pp. 160-198 pi -s Walfonl, K. Tales ol oui l; 1 i-.il families. v. 2. pp. 1 15-126 |ii-99 Henley, W. E. Biographical sketches. //; Ward, T. H.,ed. English 1 1 . < t- 1 ~ . . . . 8092 9 HENNEPIN, Louis, missionary, b. about 1640. Abbott, J. S. C. I. a Salic and his com panions. pp. 128-187 557^6 Banvard, J. Novelties of the new world PP. 296-324 970-2 Shea, J. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley, pp. 99-145. Bibliographical notice. Narrative of the voyage to thi I pper Mississippi. . . . 987 84 Hbnriade. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. . . . 841 91 1 1 1 A Anno, princess of Eng, ■I"' ■''■rails, b. l644-«'. 1670. Strickland, A. Lives of the last four princesses ol the house of Stuart, pp. 209-33' 4111-87 Jesse, J. II. Court of England during the reign ol the Stuai ts. \ . 2. pp. 53- 60. [Note: In this volume the name is 1 as Henrietta Maria] 411-58 Henrii 11 \ Maria, .•.-. glan 1609-0". 1669. Ilayne. P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution, pp. 101-145. [6 2 Jesse, J. II. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 2. pp. 1-34. 411-58 I odge, E. Portraits of illusti ious per- sonages i>t (.rca: Britain, v. 5. pp. 195-208 ins Uanil. A. Queens of England. Kaufman, K., <■,;. v. 2. pp, 144 175. 4111 84 1 Etta Maria, . ontintt 1 , . ed. pp. 4 |6 407 41 1 — See also ' hai le I Mi .hi 1 , or, domineering I . 16 i B01 di 1 i ,1 v. • nds, B . 1 -'■/ 1 2 Henriquez : a tragedy. B I Dramatic and poetical work-, pp S85 Henry I. kin . 1388-1/. 1422. Towle, G. M. History of Henry V, king of England, lord of Ireland, and heir of France 4O2T.3 - Adams. \\ . 11. D. Memorable battles in English history, pp. 117-137 93 oi >- 2 Hi. -. I . S. Historic boys. pp. 126- 153 410-165 Ewald, A. C. Stories from the State pa- pers, v. 1. pp. 18-43 93O0-3' lames, G. 1'. R. Memoirs of great manders. pp. 1-25 4151-5 See Shakespeare, W. Henry V. James, <",. p. R. Agincourt. Tales of heroes. 1S64 ed. pp. 119-159. 1S69 ed. pp. 137-172 111 96 HENRY VI, king of England, b. 1421-1/. 1 171 :...•:. I. Paston letters. L., 1872. 826-71 — See Shakespeare, W. Henry \ I. — Tales of heroes, pp. 173-240 411-96 — Set also Margaret of Anjou. HENRY VII, king of England. 6. 1456-//. 1509. Bacon, V. ReignofHenrj VII. 9306-6 Moberly, C. E. Early rudors 935-6 F.w aid, A. < '.. Stui lii ied. pp. 39-53 9306-3 — Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures. pp. 334-371 " 2 "4 s Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 1. pp. 263-268 804 35 Mothers of great men. p| Moth. er of Henry VII Henry VIII, ting / England, . 1491-1/. 1547. Audin, J. M. V. Life of Henry Y11I ami history ol the Schism 1 I Eng- land 462B8 .Y.'.v - From a Roman Catholic standpoint. — Brewer, J.S. Reign of Henry VIII from bis accession to the death of Wolsey. . 9352-2 — Herbert. Edward, Lord. History of nd under Henry VIII HENRY VIII. — 594 HENRY. Henry VIII, continued. — Herbert, H. W. Henry VIII of England. 462B9 — Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors 935-6 — Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England during the reign of Henry VIII. 411 1-86 Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 140- I58 and 24I-263 920-25 Lee, F. G. Historical sketches of the reformation, pp. 51-74 283—53 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain. v.I. pp. 121-135. 411-65 — Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures. pp. 241-265 9204-8 Note. — See histories of England, especially Froude's, and histories of the English reforma- tion. Also Shakespeare's Henry VIII, Ains- worth's Windsor castle, Muhlbach's Henry VIII Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, b. 1553-1/. 1610. Abbott, J. S. C. His- tory of Henry IV 463B] — Baird, H. M. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 v 2845-21 - Freer. M. W. History of the reign of Henry IV. 6 v ^03 lis Guizot, F. P. G. Henry IV and the end of the wars of religion. 463B4 — James, G. P. R. Life of Henry IV. . . 463B5 — Sully, M. de B., due de. Memoirs. 4 v. 860B4 - Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 3S3-409 4I04-5 2 Mothers of great men. pp. 160-276. Mother of Henry IV 4 I 3~35 Note. — See Histories of France and of the Huguenots. Also Dumas' Marguerite de Yal- ois. Voltaire's Henriade James' Rose d' Al- bret, and Macaulay's Ivry in his poems. Henry, prince of Portugal, b. 1394-./. 1463. Major, W. H. Discoveries of Prince Henry the navigator and their results. 437-62 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest of America. v. 1. pp. 17-S9 970-38 Low, C. K. Maritime discovery. v. 1. PP- I59-"'- 1 437-58 — Vogel.T. Century of discovery, pp.6-39. 437-93 Henry, prince of Prussia, b. 1726-1/. 1S02. Hamilton, A. Rheinsberg : memorials ol f redei i' k the < Si eat. 2 v 382B4 Henry, prince of Wales, b. 1594-1/. 161 2. Jes.^e, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. I. pp. 1 18-142 41 [-58 1 odge, E. Portraits of illustrious person agi of Great Britain, v. 3. pp. 83-91. 1 1 1 65 Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle: com- prising lli tor) "i England, from the invasion of Julius Cesar to the acces- ion of Henry 11. Al io I be acts of phen : ed ind ti by T. forester. L -i |N 53 12 ° 9309-45 Henry, Alex. Hunt, F. Lives of Ameri- can merchants, pp. 473-492 41238-4 Henry, B. C. Cross and the dragon ; or, light in the broad East ; with introduc- tory note by Joseph Cook. N. V., 1885. 12° 265I-4 — Ling-Nam ; or, interior views of southern China ; including explorations in the hitherto untraversed island of Hainan. L., 1886. 12° 4512-45 Henry, Caleb Sprague, Am. clergyman, b. lS04-:x. poet, b. 1593-r/. 1632. Poetical works ; with memoir of the au- thor, and notes by Rev. R. A. Wilhnott. B., 1855. 12° 465C5 - Adams, W. H. D. Great English church- men, pp. 265-299 4145-2 — Mothers of great men. pp. 281-287. . . 413-35 Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 192-198 8092-9 Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 246-249 8203-9 Willmott, R. A. English sacred poets, pp. 243-294 41821-9 Herbert, Geo. Robert Chas., earl of Pem- broke, and Kingsley, Geo. Henry. (Earl and the doctor, pseud.) South Sea bub- bles. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Same, 12°. . 496-45 III 1 Mil, Henry Howard Molyneux, .//•/; earl of Carnarvon, tr. 3 577-7 In Matthi J. B., ed. ir acting. 1 53-204 ... 785-59 1 Hall, L II 1 orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church 230S-6 I' ismII, R. G Gods and other lec- tures, pp. 209-253 2IIJ Is Hippolytus. Refutation of all hen In At Chi 1 library, v. 6 1 2813-45 and 51 li Writings. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 5 and 9. . . 2813-5 and $1 — Tertullianus. Writings, v. 3. /« Ante- Nicene Christian library. v. 18. pp. 259-273 2813-9 Heretic, The. Lajetchnikoff, — . ir. from the Russian by T. B. Shaw. HEREWARD, Eng. partisan, d. about 1073. Kingsley, Chas. Hereward, the last of the English. — Wright, T. Essays on literature, etc. v. 2. pp. 91-120 9306-9 HERFORD, Rev. Iirooke. Christianity in the presence of modern criticism. In Mod- ern Unitarianism. pp. 57-71 2884-3 Herforp, Chas. II. Studies in the literary relations of England and Germany in the 16th century. Cambridge, 1886. 12° 8304-5 HERICAULT, Chas. d'. Tale of the terror : from the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Dublin, 1886. 12°. Heriot, Geo., Scottish goldsmith, b. 1 563— 4-j Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. pp. 93-156 92I3~3 Hermits apprentice. Moncrieff. R. II. (Ascott R. Hope, / Hermocrates. Cox, G. W. Greek states- men, ser. 2. pp. 248-260 4102-3 HERMON, Harry. Hellerism : second-sight mystery, supernatural vision. B., 1884. 1 6°. . ' 1743-4 Hernandez, Melchior. Gordon, J. In- quisition in Spain, pp. 226-247. . . . 2722-4 Hernani ; dramatic scenes founded on V. Hugo's tragedy of Hernani. Gower, Lord Francis Levison. In Club book, v. 1. pp. 211-263. Herndon, Wm. Lewis, Am. naval officer, 0. 1813-rf. 1857, and Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the valley of the Ama- zon, made under direction of the Navy Dept. pt. 1 by Lieut. Herndon. pt. 2 by Lieut. Lardner Gibbon. Wash- ington, 1854. 8° 481-45 Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 851-S70. Exploration of the river Amazon 436-8 Hero, A. Craik, Mrs. I). M. (Mulock.) Hero and Leander. Symonds, J. A. Greek poets, v. 2. pp. 345-362 881-8 HERoCarthew. Parr, L. HERO of Cowpens, [Gen. Daniel Morgan]: a revolutionary sk«tch. McConkey, R. 646B9 Hero of our time. Lormontoff, M. U. Hero Trevelyan. ' raik, G. M. HEROD, History of. Vickers, J 464B8 Hi Ron and Mariamne. Rives, Amelie. In Lippincott's 111.1 11 ' pt., 1888. HerodiaS: dramatic poem. Heywood, J. 1 469C6 Herodoti . '■■ historian, b. B. C. 484. History: ed. and tr. with notes, etc., byG.and II. Rawlinson and J. G. Wilk- inson. 4 v. N. V., 1859-60. 8°. . . 8881-7 Contents. — v. 1. Life and writings of Herod- otus. — Clio — Appendix. — v. 2. Euterpe. — Ap- pendix - Thalia — Appendix. — v. 3 Melpo- IlERODOTUS, continued. mene. — Appendix. — Terpsichore. — Appendix. — Erato. — Appendix. — v. 4. Polymnia. — Ap- pendix—Urania. — Calliope. - History of the great Persian war : tr. by G. W. Cox. N Y., 1875. l6°- • • ■ 9183-4 —'Life of Homer [attributed to Herodotus]: tr. by K. R. H. Mackenzie. In Homer. Minoi poems, pp. 5-28 8833-3 — Stories of the East from Herodotus : tr. and abridged by A. J. Church. N. Y., n. d. 12 8882-3 — Swayne, G. C. Herodotus. [Ancient classics for English readers.] 8882-8 — Turner, D, W. Notes on Herodotus. . 8882-85 — Wheeler, J. T. Life and travels of Her- odotus. 2V 888l I-9 — White, J. S. Boys' and girls' Herodotus. 8882-9 — De Quincey, T. Essays, v. 1. pp. 113- 167. Philosophy of Herodotus. . . . 2S4E44 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 34-45 804-56 ■■ — Wood. W.. ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 264-266 410-975 Heroes, (On,) hero worship and the heroic in history. Carlyle. Thos 410-24 Heroes, Tales of 411-96 Heroes, The. Kingsley, Chas 2941-5 Heroes and hunters of the west : compris- ing sketches and adventures of Boone, Kenton, Logan, Whetzel, Fleehart, Hughes, Johnston, etc. Phila., 1869. 12° 987-52 Heroes and martyrs of science. Ewart, Henry C 4'6-3 Heroes of Asgard : tales from Scandinavian mythology. Keary, A. and E 295-48 Heroes of Europe. Hewlett, H. G. . . . 4104-52 Heroes of history and legend. Grube, A. W 92>-37 Heroes of literature. Dennis, J 821-28 Heroes of science: chemists. Muir, M. M. P 5409-6 Heroes of the Indian empire. Foster, E. 41 1-4 Heroes of the Indian rebellion. Bartlett, D. W 9544-2 Heroes of the mission held. Walsh, W. P. 4149-9 Heroic life and pictures of heroes. Phila., 1876. 12° 4104-5 Contents. — An imperial convert. — Moslem's dream: or, the crescent on the T.oire. — King Alfred; or. a thousand years ago. — Frederic Barbarossa the " Red beard" of the Rhine. — .1 therjohn of Vicenza. — Northern lights.— Snow king: scenes in the life of William the Si- lent.— " Polish wizard." — Innsbruck and its echoes; or, the rescue, the run, the bride and the ruin. Heroic women of the west. Frost, John. 41239-33 Heroines in obscurity. Keddie, Henriet- ta, (S. Tytler, pseud.) HEROINES. — 599 III I Heroin) ; ol hi tory, \< nkins, John 5. 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i i in or; Ov en, Wi > I K. . Heroini Bloss, C. A i i ■ 1 1 1 i ' 'i .i i ol iIm household. Wilson, Wm 1 1 Heroism i mi i on, R V\ I <• v. i. r •' I' ' i s King ;lej , Chas, I lealth PP- 200-228 El 1 1 ' B., 1875. 16 . [Little ' la ii | Heroism of boyh.o 1 G01 Irich, S. G 4.10 1 lii!' 1 m ol 1 in 1 'in' women "i oui own time. I U; ton, J, M 1 1 , ; Heron, Matilda Agnes, 0. 1830-1/. [877. Matthews, J. B. and I [utton, I . Ai 1 tnd " 1 1 ' es. v. 4. pp. 231 4179 6 Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 42 48. 131E6 llii". \ 1 1 1 \. See Allen, I Hei Hi rrii k, John R. Positivism as related to the development and destiny of the in di\ idual. In Boston h 1 tures, 1S70. pp. 06-102 239-19 Herrick, Ruben, English poet, i. 1591-r/. 1674. Hesperides: poems and other re : mains now first collected: edited by W. C. Ila/litt. 2 V. I.., 1869. 12°. 466C2 ' oerides; or, works both human and divine; with introduction by Henry Morley. L., 1SS5. 12 1661 2 — Hesperides ; with memoir. II..1S56. 16 . 466C2 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. "3°-'45 4io-597 Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 1. 124-129 8092-9 Herrick, Rev. Samuel Edward, D. D., Am. divine, b. 1S41. Some heretics of yes- terday. B., 18S5. S° . 4143-4 Decay of will: sermon, hi Grout, II. M. ,,■. 1557-1/. 1653. Bourne, II. R. I'. Famous London merchants. PP. 82-97 411-2 Herries, John Chas., British financier, i. 1780 ,/. 1S55. Herries, Edward. Mem- oir of the public life of the Right II John (has. Herries, in the reigns of rge til, George IV, William IVaml oria. 2 v. I... 1S80. S° 465B1 111. Caroline Lucretia, astronomer, />. 1750-1/. 1S4S. Herschel, Mrs. John. Memoii and • orre spondem e ol I ai "line Hi rsi hel. V Y . 1876, 12 B four, C. L. Wi imen woi th emulating. 12-5.5 4i3-«7 Parton.J. Noted women. p| |o8. 413 63 I HEL, Sir I • 1871. Familiar lei 1 ' 1 2 502-44 Outlini miy Phila., 1859. 8°. 5.' or, R. A, I pp. I-2.S. 5204-7 Stanley, A. P. Wi 162 178. Si 252-85 Her - in 1 . Sir Wm., ,/. 1S22. II"! |i I Sir Wm. H life and works er. 1. pp. [58-302, tr 1 5 ' ioper, T. Triumphs ol perseverance. 112-115. . 410-32 , 1 .. 1 .. Pursuit of knowledge, i; s 410-35 Mason, J., ea Great triumphs of great men. pp. 573-577 410-7 — Timhs, J. Inventors and discoverers. 50-238 609-79 III 1 HON, P Isaac, tr. Talmudic miscel- lany: extracts from the Talmud, the ibalah; with a preface by F. W. Farrar, notes and in- dexes. I.., 1880. 8° 2968-4 isures of the Talmud: being a series of cli ibjects in alphabetical or- der from "A" to " I.," compile. 1 from the B 1. Talmud ; with notes and indices and an introductory preface by Ml' M 5p« 111 e. I .. 1SS2. 8°. . . 2968-41 1 . Dr. — . Overpressure in high chools in Denmark: translated from the I lanisli bj I ; with in- troduction by J.i . I'i' in. M. D. L., 1885. 12° 371;. 1 Hertz, Hendrick, Da '. 1798-1/. 1870. King Rene's daughter: Danish lyrical drama translated by T. Martin. V \ . 1868. 16 839S1-4 Her\ 1 '. . 1 ieo Winfrec - 1 of I Chris- tian rhetoi ic. N. \ -■.... 251-46 HERVEY, Jas.. Eng. divine, 6. 1714 ./. 1758. Kyle, J 1 I Christian ' the last century, pp. 328-357 4U5-7 — Tyerman, L. Oxford Methodists, pp. 201-333 HERVEY, John, baron, b. 1696-./. lied. pp. 123 V i- 93°6-3 — Thomson, Mrs. K. ill" and J. and beaux of -■ 1 . 170-209. \ . \ .. ed. pp. 165-202 410-964 HERVEY, Mary I.epel, Lady. Thomson. K.(B ipWhar- iety. pp. !53- 4»3-85 HERVEY. 600 — HEYSE. Hervky, Mrs. T. K. Feasts of Camelot, with the tales that were told there. L., 1863. 1 6°. Herzegovina. Creagh, J. Over the bor- ders of Christendom and Eslamiah. . . 4496-25 — Evans, A. J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina 44396-4 — Forsyth, W. Slavonic provinces south of the Danube, pp. 73-96 9497-36 Hesekiel, Georg Ludwig, German writer, l>. 1819. Life of Bismarck: private and political ; with descriptive notices of his ancestry : tr. and ed. with an intro- duction, explanatory notes and appen- dices by K. R. H Mackenzie. N. V.. 1870. 8° 15SB5 Hesiod, Greek poet, 6. about B. C. 800. Works : tr. into English prose by Rev. J. Banks, and tr. into English verse by Chas. A. Elton 8836-2 — Elton, C. A. ' Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 93-116 87001-3 — Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. [An- cient classics for English readers.] . . 8836-3 — Symonds, J. A. Greek poets, v. 1. pp. 161-1S4 881-8 Hesperia : poem. Tappan, Cora L. V. . 874C1 Hesperides; or, works both human and divine. Herrick, Robert 466C2 Hesperothen : notes from the west. Rus- sell, W. H 470-8 Hesperus. Richter, J. P. F. HESPERL'S and other poems. He Kay, C. 281C6 HESSE-Wartegg, Ernest von, Austrian trav- eler,/). 1S51. Tunis, the land and the people. !S'. V., n. d. 8° 461 1-4 HESSEY, Jas. Augustus. Sunday: its origin, history and present obligation. X. Y . , 18S0. 12 . [Bampton lectures, 1S60.] 259 5 Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war. Lowell, E.J 9759-5 Hfsi ik. ( (Hphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.i Hester Morley's promise. Smith, Hannah. illesl.a Stretton, pseud.') Mi ill- Power's girlhood. Sheppanl,.!/; ■■. !■'. Hi iter Stanley at St. Marks'. Spofford, II. 1" 844A2 Hi 1 1 i;'s venture. Roberts, M. Hetty's strange history. Jackson, II. ill.) (II. 11.,/. ud.) H i.R. Heinrich Leon hard. Sprague, W. B. European 1 elebi il ie >. pp. 123- 129 4104-85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 \. Miracles. In Replies to I ays and reviews.'' pp. 125-176. 204-29 Hi , [oseph, Am. patriot, b. 1 730-1/. 1779. Dwight, V Lives of 1I0 igm 1 pp. 330 ii 2 M2I-3 Hewes, Joseph, continued. — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 205-207 4121-53 Hewett, Jas., viscount Lifford. Burke, O. J. Lord Chancellors of Ireland, pp. 140- '47 4IL3-2 HEWITT, Augustine F. Problems of the age; with studies in St. Augustine on kindred topics. N. Y., 1868. 12 . . . 2827-43 Hewitt, Maiy E., ed. Lives of illustrious women of ali ages. Phila., 1S66. 12 . 413-49 Contents. — Semiramis.— Nictoris.— Zenobia. — Boadicia. — Berengeria. — Laura. — Joan of Arc. —Isabella of Castile. — Beatrice Cenci. — Ann Boleyn. — Lady Jane Grey. — Leonora d' Este. — Catherine Alexiewna. — Maria Theresa. — Char- lotte Corday.— Josephine. Hewitt, Robert. Coffee, its history, culti- vation and uses. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . . 6425-4 HEWLETT, Henry G. Heroes of Europe; biographical outline of European his- tory, 700-1700. L., 1869. 16°. Same, P..,'iS6i 4104-52 Hexateuch. Kuenen, A. Historico-crit- ical inquiry into the oiigin and compo- sition of the Hexateuch. [Pentateuch and Book of Joshua] 2531 55 Hey, F. Rhymes. In Speckter, O. Pict- ure fables, with rhymes: tr. from the German by Henry W. Dulcken. N. Y., 1S58. 12 3811-82 Heydebrand und der Lasa, Tassilo von. Essay on Philidor. In Allen, Geo. Life of Philidor. pp. 1 19-152 727B4 Heydenreic'h, L. W. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Phila., 1868. 12° 445B1 Heygate, Rev. W. E. Scholar and the trooper; or, Oxford during the great rebellion. Oxford, 11. d. 16 469A1 — Tales for young men and women. 2 \ . Oxford, 1877. 16° 469 \- Contents.— v. 1. Two cottages. — Sis-ters. — Old larvis' will, v. 2 Jas. Bright, the shopman.— Politician. — Irrevocable. Heyne, Christian Gottlob, German scholar, b. 1729-r/. 1S12. Carlyle, T. Essays. v. 2. pp. 54-84 206E2 Chambers' papers. Historical and liter- ary celebrities, pp. 385-416 410-25 Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 19-23 410-35 - fifty celebrated men. pp. 263-267. . . 410-49 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 59 63 410-92 III \ 1. Johann Ludwig Paul, German .1:1 thor, b. 1830. In Paradise. 2 v. N. \ ., 1S79. 16 . 1.1 Marchess, ind other tales: tr. by John Philips. I.., 1S87. 12°. Contents. — La Marchesa: stury of the Ri- viera.— Her excellency's daughter— Divided heart HKVSK hum | I . P., , 'ill:- i Phila., i i Bran d es . G. M . C . I the nineteenth ci iry. pp i -6o. . . /num. I ! \nd A. I pp, 255 265. I Biog. keti h and I 1 1,, 1 1, 1 ' , 1 the signers 1 D pend pp ; : 1 146 I , B I l'i raphical oi the signers, pp. 215-218 4121 5; 1 [osepl \ V., 1 v 1 . 7 12". . 469C5 H 'I .ii ii poem, \ V., t86; 12° I low they sti iki 1 tuthoi - Pli 1877. 12 s <'4 17 Contents. - Edward Bulwei I Win. Geo. Eliol rln. iiv 1 ■ OH- phant Ufi 1 Nathaniel Hawthornt rienrj I ; Harte I Hawthorne.-- J. Lothi pMotley. — John ^ \ Vlacbeth I II. ■ « ill 11 end. Phila., 1S72. 16 . S 1 1 'in. : dramati 1 N. Y.. 1 12 v. 91 ; ' ■ 1 Woman killed with kind- ness. In British dramatists. pp. 1.84 502 Mi 1 1 1 mi. II : y, J. 'I'. Sa< red heroes nml martyrs, pp. 417-425 2217 45 Williams, II. I .. Boj 5 of 1 he Bible, pp. 16 ; 1S6 2217-9 Hi mi. |.i A. Political manual: com- prising numerous important documi connected with the political history of rica. Indi 12 . . Voter's texl book : 1 ollec- of the in ments and statistics, 1 onne< ted with the polit- ical history of America; with biograph- ical and In ■' rical 1.'':. lies. Indian: li-. 1868. 12 3207-45 : . 1 11 \. .-. 1 ngfellow, H. W. I r.., cd. Th [3-17. Legend of II: 17477-4 in. !•'. ( ;. Psal logically with historical introducti and luction to the whole book. N. V., 1S56. 8° 2246-5 HlBBERD, Shi 1 ley. Amateur's flower garden : guide to the formation and management the flower garden, and the cultiva- tion of garden flowers. 1 ... 1871. Same, 1SS4 7 15-45 Amateur's rose book: comprising the cultivation of the rose in open ground and under glass. J ... 1S74. 12 . . . 7152-4 ; . , I'. I... 1869. 12' Ming bol where to go 1 I. , 1870. 1 .' Rustic adornm 1... IS70. 12''. Contents. — Home of taste.— fit. i. Adnrnr 0/ the house : Marine and fresh Fcm case. — Balcony and . Floral ornaments. — Miniature Chamber birds. — Aviary. — fit. 2. Aii the garden: Coi - Fern hou Apiary — Pleasure garden. — Flower gard 1 Out-door fernery. — Rockery and wildernes Water scenes. — Summer -.eous garden ornaments. — Seaweed collector: handy guide to the marine botanist, suggesting whi for, and where to go, in the stud;, the British alga: and spom . d. 12° II r lectures. 1878. Miiller, F. M. Origin and growth of religion as illus- trated by the religions of India. . . . 293-6 -- 1879. Renouf, P. I.e I'. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. . . 2916-7 — 1880. Renan, E. On the influence of the institutions, thoughts and Rome, on Christianity and the develop- ment of the Catholic church - — 1881. Davids, T. W. K. Qrigji growth of religion illustrated I ;. I dhism 2933-3 Kuenen, A. National rei _ and universal religions 290-53 1 6th century in its relati crn thought and knowledge. . . . 2706-35 1. Reville. A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru. . 290S-7 — 18S5 "to. The influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity 2218-675 Rhys, J. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathen- ' dom 20916-7 \. II. Origin and g of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonian- 292-S HICKOK. 602 HIGHLAND. Hickok, Laurens Perseus, D. D., Am. mela- \ician, b. ijgS-d. 1876. Creator and creation; or, the knowledge in the rea- son oi G hiswork. Ii.. 1872. 8°. 213-4 H , ] 1 . Critique of design-arguments: historical review and free examination of the methods of reasoning in natural theology. N. Y., 18S3. 8°. 210-41 Hicks, Wm Pasha, i. 1830-fl'. 1883. Col- borne, J. With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan 9626-3 Hidden depths. Phila., 1866. 12 . HIDDEN gem. Wiseman, N. Dramas, pp. 7-105 946C3 Hidden life and other poems. Macdonald.G. 604C3 Hidden path. Terhtine, M. V. (Marion Harland, psetid.) Hidden seed ; or, a year in a girl's life. Leslie, Emma 562A4 Hidden wings. Arthur, T. S. Hide and seek. Collins, W. Wilkie. Hide and seek. Steele, S. S. Drawing- room plays 7S5-S2 Hieroglyphics. Conder, C. R. Altaic hieroglyphs and Hittite inscriptions. . 4023-3 - Miles, H. A. Traces of picture-writing in the Bible 2216-6 — Birch, S.. Ir. Hieroglyphs of the Amer- ican ami English obelisks. In Weisse, J. A. Obelisk and free-masonry, pp. 2 8-34 4032-9 ; 1 mercial and industrial Spain. I... 1886. I2 C 446-5 H . . I . A. Talking by signals. In Wonder storiesof science, pp. 319-330. 602-9 HlGGINS, C. M. Angel-children 471A1 HlGi Chas. I tome rule; or, the Iri-li land questiofi. Chicago, 1886. 12°. . ^54-45 HlGGINS, Emily Mayer. Holidays at the veek's delight. ( Raines and sti irie pai lor and firesi le. I 786-48 HlGGINS, Wm. Mttllingei . ["he earth : its ii •! :ondil ion and most remarkable itien I ... n. d. if>° js'-j^ H m ..' \ 1 hai hei . Room f n B . 187 1 1" 471 As ■ : !:.. 1 1 I '■■ ■ ■•! >\ "i 1 li. . 1,,,, author, Ulantice a; I'.., 1S71. 12 . 1,-1 , Cont Literature a Letter to Ougl unci I ' ■ I I ! : 1 ' I iguesi Greel odd 1 B., 1877. ■, ■ HlGGINSON, Thos. W., continued. — Common sense about women. B., 1882. 12 396-47 — Hints on writing ami speech-making. B., 1887. 16° 1 17-44 — Larger history of the U. S. of America, to the close of President Jackson's ad- ministration. N. V., 1886. 8°. . . . 973-48 — Malbone : an Oldport romance. B., 1869. 1 6°. — Margaret Fuller Ossoli. B., 1884. 12°. Same, 1S85. [Am. men of letters ser.] 388B3 — Monarch of dreams. B., 18S7. 24 . — Oldport days. B., 1873. 12°. . . . 470E6 — Out-door papers. B., 1S63 470E7 — Women and men. N. Y., 1888. 16°. . 470E8 — Young folks' history of the United States. B., 1877. 12°. Same, 1886 973-47 — Article. In Howe, Julia Ward, cd. Sex and education, pp. 32-51 3711! 5 — How 1 was educated. In College and the church, pp. 18-28 3704-4 — The word philanthropy. In Freedom and fellowship in religion, pp. 323-337. 204-33 — Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. pp. 182-208 4181-2 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 478-484. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 245S-7 — Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living au- thors, pp. 178-185 418-74 HlGGS, Arthur Hibble. History of the translation of the Bible into English. In Prize papers written for the Boy's own magazine 760E1 HlGGS, Jas. Fugue. L., n. d. 8°. . . . 7718-4 HlGGS, Paget. Electric light in its practical application. I... 1S70. S° 5384-5 — Electric transmission of power; its pres- ent position and advantages. L., 1879. 12° 5385-5 lli<, 11 Alps in winter. Burnaby, Mrs. F. . 4494-2 1 1 1 < i 1 1 Up ol \'-» Zealand. Green, W. s. 4931-4 HlGH-caste Hindu women. Ramabai - vati pundita i : , 1 :< HIGH lights. Field, Mrs. Caroline I.. AY.i 11 [1 ,11 h -it r - r mark. Jerome, F. !h ..ir.: Christian education. Dvvight, B. W 377 3 11 he] 1 hristian life. Boardman, W. E. 240-18 1 1 n ,11 1 ground; hints toward settling the labor ii ouble I u obson, A 331 HiGH! R law . Maitland, Fl« ard. (II. Highi 1 . ii. I. ,M I I; 2398-64 II . ! I . and universities of Gel mm. 1.1. M : . . 178 1 j -• HIGHER than the church. I [illern, W. on Mj. I. ...I, A' \ n k. i ii wn- ini lii; |ohn. 855B6 High Pryde, D. . 81 iiiil.i. I .. [uei Ui //; Rattray, J. and Mill, II. R. Fori fori ; : ,1 7'4 7 HlLD 1 j in mi i . • '. I I. \ Hilda ind' I Benjamin, ] Bedell. i 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 Gn \ 1 1 . I In i' in rn, Mi p. \ln j I. Craython I I Phil 1., I'm 1 1 - 4 7 j . \ 7 II rH, Richard, tm istorian, 65. Di , "i 1 in 1 liiini 1 : nature, . ults and legal 1 ive- li 'I'll " ystem in the I nited Sta ' B., 1854. 12 3269-4 1 1 1 itory of the I Inited States. 6 v. \ . V., 1854 56. 8 Conttnts. — v. i-a. Colonial hi — v. 3 R 1, 1773-89. — v. 4. Administra in" of W 1 1 . 189-97.— v. 5-6. Adams, Madison, Monroe, 1797-1821. fapan as il B., 1 N5 5. 12°. I heoi y of politii 1 inquirj 1 thi ■ ii- "I governmenl - and I h an. I progre of political revoluti v V., 1854- "2° sketch nf John I lancock. In I [1 ime "l American statesmen, pp. 117 122. . 412-53 Brownson, 0. A. Works. v. 14. pp. 230 254. Review 818-27 Hildreth, Samuel Prescott, M. /'., Am. histt riiin, />. 1 783 ./. 1 803. Memoii the early pionei of Ohio; with narrative ol incidents in 177s- ('inn., 1852. 8 ,1271-, I In i'V \ki .. Jas. I' ,8- 78), in reply to the Bishops in convoca- tii m, the house ol Lords, ind 1 ■ here on the er. 2 v. I.., 1S79. 8° 2603-45 II 11 1. Mrs. A. P. New kj or, easy. X. V.. 1S80. 641-5 Hill, Adam Sherman. Principles of rhet- oric and their application; with an ap- pendix comprising rules foi tion. V \ ., 1883. 12 117 45 Hit 1 , Alex, St.n elej . Fi 1 m home to hi autumn wanderings in, the Northwest, 1881 84. N. Y.. 1885. 8 1.71-4.5 Hill, Visa ;ei Hay, 18(15: a collection nf the best cotempo- rarj speed in Parliament, ■11 the bar, and on the platform. 1 .., i860. 12° II 11 I \ \ In Life of K 1 Li ; ; - 1 1 22; 5 1 1 1 1 1 . B I In. 1., I; i I i ■I ' ' . IIii.i , ( I, is. W. Reid, \V. I >h pp. 811 -1 5. Hill, Di -J 11 I E. A Lil R. E. Lee. pp II 1 ' I.,//../ 1 N. Y., 1878. 12 1174'. Sci 1 ' N. Y., 1883. 12.11 \\ .' hington Irving. \. V.. Hill, 1 1 ining. 1887. 12 . [English worthies ser.] 21 II11.1 . 1 . i ii tit. pp. 277 288. [Biog. ketch I s. 1 Geo. B E, Jas. Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 144-154. . . . 8152-6 II fas. Abraham, b. 1789 d. 1841. Everest, C. W. Poets "I ' onnecticut. ',. [BiOg. Sketch . i 1 1 ■ I ■ ..HIS.] 809I4-4 Hi k, A. Elizabeth. Ned I mission and how he discharged it. B., I2" 1 Hills, O. A. p mi harai ters: a series of studies in Bible biography. N Y., 1883. 12° 2217-47 Contents. —Cain and Abel.— J. >b and Esau, —Moses and Aaron.— Balak and Balaam.— Ca- leb and Joshua. — Orpah and Ruth. — Samuel and Saul. — David and Jonathan.— Elijah Klisha.— Jchoiada and Joash.— Hainan and Mordecai. — Ezra and Nebcmiah. — Peter John.— Marthaand Mary Paul and Barnabas. Hills, Wm. H. Small fruits, their propa- gation and cultivation ; including the grape; containing practical directions for the selection of soil and its prepar- ation ; the use of manures and fertiliz- ers, crossing, hybridizing, and growing new varieties for seed, transplanting, pruning and training, gathering, pack- ing, and marketing fruit, description of varieties, their origin, diseases and in- sect enemies. B., 1886. 8° 6348-4 1 In LS of the Shatemuc. Warner, Susan. HlLLSBORO farms. Cobb. S. D. HILLSIDE, A. M. Familiar compend of ge- ology. Phila., 1859. 12° 550-46 Hillyars and the Burtons. Kingsley, H. HlLLYER, Shaler. Marabel family. Phila., 1879. 12°. Hilt to hilt. Cooke, John Esten. Himalayas. Gumming, C. F. Gordon-. In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. 1884 454-26 — Wilson, A. Abode of snow. 1875. • • 4545~9 — Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost em- pires, pp. 489-531. Ancient glaciers among the Himalayas 402-6 Himself his worst enemy. Brotherhead, A. P. HlNCKS, Edward Y. and others. Progres- sive orthodoxy 23058-7 HlNCKS, Sir Francis. Reply. In Smith, G. Political destiny of Canada, pp. 75-114 971-8 1Iim>, Henry Youle. Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula, the country of the Montagnais and Xasqua- pee Indians. 2 v. L., 1863. 8°. . . 4719-4 — Narrative of the Canadian Red river ex- ploring expedition of 1S57 and of the nil mine and Saskatchewan expedi- tion of 1858. 2 v. L., i860 8°. . . 4712-4 HlND, J. R. Introduction to astronomy. I... 1S63. 16° 520-47 Hindley, Chas. History of the cries of London, ancient and modern. L., 1881. 12° 394-4 iOS as they are: description of the manners, customs and inner life of Hin- doo society in Bengal. Shib Chunder Bose 454-173 Hindu philosoph) . See Philosophy. Hindu women : with glimpses into their life and zenanas. H., LI 2654-4 HINDUISM. Jacob, G. A., tr. Manual of Hindu pantheism 2938-48 — Jacolliot, L. Bible in India 2938-5 — Mateer, Rev. S. Land of charity. . . 2654-48 Vaugham, J. Trident, the crescent and the cross 2754-8 HINDUISM 605 iiiiTnn 1 1 - Hindui ''. continued. 1 . W. I m. \\ illiam , M, 11 ind 11 i mi 2g I; 1 1I1, A. Religion ; of 1 ndia. pp 293-2 Bible ol ol hei nation pp 11 22 . . 290-25 Drapei I W. Intell I di eli >p nl ol 1 m ope. v. 1. pp 6 ... Foster, J Cri | s, v. 1 . pp. no 132 :, , 1 : Hardwick, C. Chrisl ei v. I. pp. 165 368 290-47 < ., I II I I :H 111 the r:l it. pp. I 7S 200 29O-65 ' 1 and its in- stitutions : In!; university, the in 1 e tablished on the Pai ii.. < oast. N. ¥"., 1868. 12 . . . 4795-4 — Oregon: its history, condition and pros- pects j containing a di icription of the geography, climate and productions. \. v., 1 ss 1 . 12 9895-4 ii ro . 1 h ' P Gi nial showman : being 1 emi ni es ol the life ol Arte- mils Ward, and pictures of a showman's ' 1 eer in the » estern world. L., i 12 1N7 i;n Hinkle and Co. Book on building, ('inn., 1869. 8° 728-45 Hinki iv, 1 1. Maggie's w .ilk. //.■ Si b) rle\ en sopho es. pp. 55-68 856A9 I Iin\i w. ( 'ol. Wilbui F. < orporalSi Klegg and his pard. Cleveland, 1SS7. 8°. . 9801-39 HINSDALE, Burke Varon, Am. educator, b. Genuineness and authenticity of the Gospels : an argument conducted on histoi 1 linn., 1S72. 12° 2271-5 i HI Northwest; with a view of the thir- ties .is constituted l>y the Roy- . liter-. \. V.. 1888. 8° 9 college memorial. B., 18S2. 12°. . . 404B4 ^> h studies. B., 18S4. 12°. . 370-47 Contents. — Origin of character. — Handling and ends. — Specialization of F01 breadth. — J. s Mill Mission of the public school. — Industrial education, and public school reforms —Nation and the states. — Se< i rn question. — I he public vs. public schools. — A phase of college education. — Reforms in the school law of Ohio.— Index. — Health in public schools. In Essays and resses read before the N. E. t '. i . \ pp. 1S3-206 3706-6 — cd. Garfield, J. A. Works. 2 v. . . . 818-45 HlNTON, C. 11. Scientific romances. 1. Whal is the fourth dimension? . . H (Hd. H • My . land., and . ; 12 . '-. lK22-y J. R. B., 1886. 12 216-41 1'hysiology for practical use. I... 1880. 12° 6121-4 ; with an introduction by E. I.. Vou- m.uis. N. Y., 1S74. 12° 6121-4 HlNTON, Richard J. English radical lead- ers. N. Y.. 1S75. 12 41 1-5 Contents.- Prof Fawcelt.— Sir Chas W.Dilkc — Peter A. Taylor. — Sir John Lubbock seph Cowan. — Robert Meek Carti Hughes. — Anthony J. Mundclla. — Alexander M 1 OS. Brasscy. — Samuel Morlcy. — Samuel Plimsoll. — Sir Wilfn I -Ed- ward Miall. — Henry 1 I .co. Jacob Holyoake. — Joseph Arch.— Chas. Bradlaugh. Geo. Odger. — Joseph Chamberlain. HINTS and helps in pastoral theology. Plumer, Wm. S 250-7 Hints and helps for the Christian life.- Hoyt, Wayland 240-431 1 [in 1 - for happy hours; or, amusements for all ages. N. Y., 1857. 16 786-49 Hints for home reading. Abbott, L., cd. . S05-12 Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. Knowdton, II. M 741-4 Hints for six months in Europe. La: J. H. B 440-55 Hints from a lawyer. Spencer, Edgar A. 3434-7 lli\ison dress. Gale, Ethel C .; Hints on household taste in furniture, up- holstery and other details. Eastlake, C. L. . HINTS on writing and speech making. Hig- 11. T. W 1 1 7 44 Hints to riflemen. Cleveland. 11. \V. S. to young painters, and the process of portrait painting. Sully. T 751-85 Hippocrates. Wood. W., , ./. Hundred greatest men. pp. 319-323 410-975 HlPPOLYTUS, saint, tus, d. about 238. Refutation of all heresies: it. Rev. J. M. Macmahon ; with fragments from his commentaries on various books of Scripture : tr. by S. D. F. Salmond. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 6 and 9 2813-40 HIPPOLYTUS. - 606 - HISTORY. HlPPOLYTL'S. Euripides. Tragedies, v. 1. pp. 175-21 1 ._ . . . 8823-2 HlPSLEY, W. Equational arithmetic, ap- plied to questions of interest, annuities, life insurance, and general commerce ; with various tables by which all calcu- lations may be greatly facilitated. L., 1854. 12°. Bound with Haddon, J. Commercial book-keeping 657-4 Hiram, kingof Tyre. Keary, A. Nations around, pp. I 30-141 910-54 Hirsch, Jennie, joint author. See Schepeler- Lette, Mrs. Anna. Hirst, Henry B. Coming of the mammoth, funeral of time and other poems. B.. 1S45. I2 ° 476C8 HlRTIUS, Aulus. Supplementary books, [attributed to Hirtius]. In Csesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries 8781-3 His father. Hocking, S. K 480A3 His good angel. Ready, Arthur. His heart's desire. 1'hila., 1878. 12°. His inheritance. Trafton, Adeline. His jewels; or, a story of New England in war time. B., 1S6S. 16° 477Al His level best and other stories. Hale, E. E. His little mother. Craik, Mrs. Dinah M. (Mulock). His little royal highness, Ogden, Ruth. . 69SA8 His majesty myself. Baker, Rev. Wm. M. His natural life. Clarke, M. His one fault. Trowbridge, J. T 896A6 His prison bars.' Hopkins, A. A. His second campaign. Thompson, Maurice. Ill- sombre rivals. Roe, Rev. Edward P. His star in the east. Parks, Rev. Leighton. 290-65 Ills triumph. Denison, Mrs. Mary A. His two wives. Hudson, Mrs. Mary (Clem- mer). HlSLOP, Jas. Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 424-429 410-58 HlSSARLIK. See Schliemann, il. Ilios. . 4026-7 II ;v. Rutherford, W. Outlines of practical histology 57S5-65 .burger, E. Microscopic botany: manual of the microscope in vegetable histology 57 8 4-7 xlso Vnatomy. Botany. Microscope. Ili 1 hi' Americans. Parker, Theodore. . 412-7 lh roRH boys I; 1 . I'.. S 410-165 ' loubts relatii e to \ apoleon Buon- aparte. Historic certainties respecting the early history of America. Whate- . 1: 66; 1:, [1 doubl ri ning \.i(" 'I' Buonaparte. \\ hatel) . R. In F a 1 pamphlel . pp. 251-290 33 0m 11: fields and mansion "I Middlesex. Drake, S \ 98244-3 Historic girls. Brooks, E. S 413-224 HISTORIC incidents and life in India. Wright, C. inn/ Brainerd, J. A. . . . 454-97 Historii origin of the Bible. Bissell,E.C. 2202-22 i I roH IC ornament, Outlines of. Redgrave, G. R., ed. 745-7 HISTORIC waterways: six hundred miles of canoeing down the Rock, Fox and Wis- consin rivers. Thwaites, Reuben G. . 4775-8 HISTORICAL account of the circumnaviga- tion of the globe, and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean, from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Cook. N. V., 1854. 16 4371-3 HISTORICAL cabinet. New Haven, 1834. 12°. Same, Phila., 1838 903-45 HISTORICAL difficulties and contested events. Delepierre, 902-3 HlSTi iRICAL gleanings at home and abroad. Jamieson, Mrs. F 903-5 Historical illustrations. Rawlinson, Geo. 2211-7S Historical landmarks and other evidences of freemasonry. Oliver, G 3661-7 Historical scenes from the old Jesuit mis- sions. Kip, Win. 1 2632-4 Historicals for the young folks. Blake- more, Bessie C 9738-25 History. Subdivisions. I. Ancient. 2. Ancient and mediaeval. 3. Mcilucv.il. 4. Mediaeval and modern. 5. Modern. 6. General. 7. Essays and miscellany. 8. Bibliography. 9. Philosophy. /. Ancient. — Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations. . . 910-15 — Bloss, C. A. Ancient history 910-2 — Fan, F. Ancient history. 4 V 910-36 — Fleury, L. Ancient history 9J°-39 — Frost, J. C.ieat cities ..f the world. . . 401-4 — Gillette, F. H. Ancient cities and em- pires 401-45 See Herodotus, various editions. — Keary, A. Nations around 910-54 1 enormant, 1 . Beginnings of history. . 22311-64 d Chevallier, E. Ancient history of the East. 2 v 910-6 Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. . 910-62 Myers, I'. V. N. Ancient history! . . . 910-65 Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on ancient In - tory. 3 v 910-7 Polybius. General history 8885-4 I'm,. W. \ 'in geography and his- tory. .. . 423-7 Ranke, I., von. Universal history. 010-74 Rawlinson, 1 i. Five greal monarchies. 3 v. . . 9'5-7 \l.iiiu 1 1 "i 'in historj 910-77 li Oi iental monarchy 9156-7 Sei enl h ' h iental monat chy 9'57 - 7 HISTORY 607 — ' I'ORY lli roi ontimied. Rollin, C. \ 11. n hi histoi 1 v. . . , ci . \ 11 I I Schmitz, I .. Manual ol in ■ ■., I'. Ancient histoi f the 1 in History of thi world, v. 1 910-88 ricl rid, A Ti ue i fi m historj 9108-8 '. . \\ < \ in 1, 'i:i in 1. 1 ■ , M 1 \.n cien I y , Wright, \\ - 11. \i>. i. ni cil ies (01-9 ■ 1 \l. Landmarks of hi ti pt. 1 . \n. ienl historj 910-98 \ 1 1 1 • ■ . I . in g 1 1. 1 "1 //; Pauli, R. Life of All Ireat. ' I15B5 I Bible, tnti > ■I 1 he various counl 1 1 in orld. Indent and medi 1 11 in . \, M. Historj ol 1 he Roman ' mpire, (95 Soo 9 ; 1 libbon, E. I tecline ami fall ..I the Ro- man empire. [Variou editi ms.] . . 9199-5 3. M di ■' 1 Inn. h, R. W. Beg 'i the mid- 921-3 1 mis, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages 9213-3 I "' i- I. I'h toi i:i in ii 1 i ni the middle 921-34 ■ W. Historj nf the middle 921 II. ill. mi. II. State -I I mi.- during the middle ages 921-4] 1 lemans, < '. I. Media val 1 In i . "nil. hi- 1 350. . . 7091-4 I. Media val histoi v 1121 7 M. I mdmarks of history : middle aye- 921-95 Midi i. Europe, kill he nami 1 of variou countries. ./. Mediaeval and modern. Bi iel histoi j 1 .1 med ioeval and modern 111 of theii in- stitui ■ ■ oms. N. Y., 1 Myers, P. V. N. 1 hitlines 1'. and modem 1. Modern. Arnold, T. I i.-rn history. UJ04-2 Frost, J. Pictorial modern history. . . 925 15 I ord, J. Modi . the time ther to the fall of Napoleon. . . 925-5 11 ur own times. M 1 ... '. s .!■■ ■ ontinued to 1874, by M.I . M. Simpson 925 57 m , J . B I 904-7 ■ ■ii n modei ' tory Smyth, W. I m modern history. 920-7 1 mod- 1 ' 1 mod- ern history also till 1 ies. 6. General. — Anderson, J.J. General history. . . . 905 15 Briel historj of ancient, and .in peoples; with some account of their monuments, insui its, manners and customs. V N.n. 1. 12 . 905-2 Beali . I 1. 5l tt-book of Eng- lish 11 1 1 history 9301-17 — Collier. \V. I.i... 905-3 Dew, T. Digest of the laws, cusi manners ami in of the ancient and modern nations 905-34 — Freeman, I \. General sketch of his- tory 905-38 — Gilman, A. Firsl steps in general his- tory 905-4 Kings, queens ami barbarians 903-36 < Irii li. S. G. Pictorial history of the world 905-43 Heeren, A. II. L. Historical works. 6v. 906-4 Kerney, M. J. Ancient and modern his- tory 905-5 Labberton, R. II. Outlines of history. 905-56 I n dner, I '. H Id. . . 905-6 — Mangnall, R. Historical and miscella- neous questions — Olney, J. and I , J, W. Family lory 903-7 1 1 Epitome of history 90. Progressof nations 9m Putnam, ( .. P., . d. It's 1 D. Illustrati histoi) of the world 905-7S Raleigh, \V. '.' - 82? Rotteck, ' on, C. I. 4 v. in 2. . . . Sheldon, M. D. - in genera Smith. 1 . I . Questions on ancient and modern historj 905-7 kland, A. Stories from I \_69 Swinton, VV. Outlines of the world's 905-S5 HISTORY. — 608 History, continued. — Taylor, W. C. Ancient and modern his- tory 905-/ — Thalheimer, M. E. Mediaeval and mod- ern history 920-8 — Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. 3 v 901-85 — Tytler, A. F. General history 905-9 OBflfNares, E. Universal history. 6 v. 91 — Weber, G. Universal history 9°5 _ 93 — Wheeler, C. G. Course of empire : out- lines of the chief political changes in the history of the world. '. 905-94 — White, H. Universal history. , . . . . 905-95 History of the world 905-951 — White, J. Eighteen Christian centuries. 920-9 — Willard, E. Universal history in per- spective 906-95 Willson, M. Outlines of history. . . . 905-96 — See also Art. Biography. Names of important persons. Chronology. Church history. Cities. Civilization. Geog- raphy. Government. Literature. Man. Political economy. Politics. Statistics. Note. — Much of the history of a country or period may be found in the' memoirs of its in- fluential men and women. These may be found in the catalogue as noted above under their names. For the history of any special art, science, etc., see its name in the catalogue. 7. Essays and miscellany. — Atkinson, W. P. On history and the study of history 902-15 — Archer, T. Decisive events in history. 903-15 — Blackie, J. S. What does history teach? 902-2 — Bloss, G. M. D, Historic and literary miscellany 902-22 — Choice notes From " Notes and Queries." 9502-72 — Fisher, G. P. Discu sioni in history and theology 204-31 — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays. ; v. 902-4 Methods of historical study 904-4 — Historical cabinet 903-45 Hoare, I ■. I . , ed. True stories of brave Is 903-47 Inland, W. W. Blot upon the brain: studies in history and psychology, . . 173-5 — Jamieson, Mrs. 7. Historical gleanings. 903-5 — Lieber, !•'., ed. and tr. Great events. . . 903-55 -in. 1 .. B. Ami.. 1 Ins and sur- prises 903-6 Moncrieff, A. R. H., ed. Famous histor- tcenes 9°3-°5 herd, 1 1. E., d. \n In torical ler 903-8 Smith G 1 tuics on the study of his- tory 901-8 Stebbing, Win. Some verdicts of history reviewed 411-95 HISTORY. History, continued. — Stoddard, J. Introduction to the study of universal history 902-8 — Slubbs, \V. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred topics 9204-8 — Taylor, I. Words and places; or, el logical illustrations of history, ethnol- ogy and geography 4194-8 — Tillotson, J. Stories of the war, 1574— 1658 9278-8 — Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history. . . 903-9 — Yonge, C. M. Golden deeds of all times and all lands 903-94 — Young, L. PI. Remarkable events in the world's history 903-97 — Bancroft, G. Literary and historical mis- cellanies, pp. 247-404. Studies in his- tory 134E2 — Barbauld, A. L. Tales, poems and es- says, pp. 68-92. On the uses of his tory 828-16 — Bascom, J. Problems in philosophy, pp. 185-222 142-2 — Bax, E. B. Religion of socialism, pp. 1-37 338-12 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta. ser. 2. pp. 196-223 I53E4 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 2. pp. 253-263. v. 4. pp. 212-220 206E2 — Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry, etc 229E5 — Emerson, R. W. Essays. ser. 1. pp. 7-43 31SE3 — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 1. pp. 7-36. v. 2. pp. 445-472 — Helps, A. Friends in council, v. 1. pp. 188-218 461E8 — Holcombe, J. P., ed. Literature in let- ters, pp. 299-375. Public history il- lustrated by letters 826-45 — Joyce, J. familiar introduction to the out sciences, pp. 132-143. . . . 504-48 — Martin, W. Holiday book for the young 3728 ii — Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books, etc. pp. 159-218. Ancient history. . 804-6 — Pi' v. 2-3 808-7 — Scudder, II. P. Men and letters, pp. 171-194 810E1 WCIls, D. A. Things not generally known. ]>;•. 88-221 806-9 Whipple, E. P. Success and its condi- tions, pp. 1-30. Young men in his- tory 946E8 — Zcrfli. p< an hi tory. \. 1. pp. 1 48 9204-5 Willson, M. Outlim ol history, pp. 601-845 905-96 tion. sYoie. — Some of the essays catalogued on pa 608 arc of interest in this connection. I of a crime: testimony of an witne 1 1 1, Victor 94 \ of a week. Walford, I . B. ISTORY of my friends. Achard, 1. A. E. 5905-15 1 primers : ed. by J. K. 1 .teen. s ipe. Freeman, E. A 9202-4 France. Yonge, CM raphy. 1 lro\ e, ( >eo 1.201-4 ■ . 1 . A 918 $5 Mediaeval civilization. Adams. G. B. . 921-2 i ntinued. Old Greek lift . Mahaffy, J. P. \ 1 lit 11 11 II. 11 I. 1 1. • in i ' B., 1 ,7428-4 — joint author. II 1 II. I Elemental 55°-47 Hitchi 1 793- (/. 1864 line of the • I the nited Stales in par- ticular; with two geological maps and sketches of characti 1 sils. B., 1856. 8° 550-48 igion of geology and its conn .science-. II.. 1855. 1 tie, i860. 2105-42 — Religious truth, illustrated from science: addresses and sermons on special occa- II. . 1S57. 12° 215 11 — Introduction. In Whewell, W. Plural- ity of worlds 52313-9 — and Chas. II. Elementary geology. V v., 1864. 12 550-47 — and Edward, jr. Elementary anatomy and physiology. N. Y.. 1S60. 12°. . 612-42 ed. rower of Christian benevolence il- lustrated in the life and labors of Mary ] Northampton, 1S55. 12 . . . . Henry. American State con- stitutions: study of their growth. N. V., 18S7. 12°. [Questions of the day.] 34635-4 HlTCHCOi K. |. R. W. Etching in Ameri- ca; with lists of American etchers and ..ble collections of prints. N. Y.. 12° 7"7 I s Hitchcock, Judge Peter, *. i-Si-d. 1854 Rice, II. Sketches of western life. pp. 110-112 9S63-7 Hitchcock, Ripley, Fly-fishing for trout. Royal fish. In Thompson. M., id. book of sports, pp. 140-169. . . 791-8 Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight, D. D., IL. D., Am. educator, b. 1 S 1 7 . I ternal atonement. N. Y., iSSS. 12= — Socialism. X. Y., 1879. 12 — Introduction. /«MerrilI,S. East of the Jordan — and Brown, F., eds. Teaching of the twelve apostles, recently discovered and pub. hy Philotheos Bryennios, Met- ropolitan of Nicomedia: ed. with trans- lations, introduction and notes. New edition, revised and greatly enlarg N. Y.. 1885 8 . 2299-4 Hitherto. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. HITOl'ADKs \ 610 HODGKIN. Hitopadesa. Wilkins, C. Fables and proverbs from the .Sanskrit, being the Hitopadesa S912-93 HlTTELL, John S. Brief history of culture. N. 1 .. 1875. 12° 901-4 Resources of California: comprising agri- culture, mining, geography, climate, commerce, etc., and the past and future development of the state; with appen- dix on Oregon and Washington terri- 1 \ San Francisco, 1868. 12°. . . 4794-45 Hittites. Conder, C. K. Altaic hiero- glyphs and Hittite inscriptions. . . . 4023-3 — Wright, W. Empire of the Hittites. . . 9174-8 Sayce, A. II. Fresh light from the an- cient monuments, pp. 92-99. ... 2212-23 Hoar, Geo. Frisbie, LL. £>., Am. senator, b. 1826. Function of the American law- yer in the founding of states: address before Vale law school, 1881. New Ha- ven. 1SS1. 8° 3404-4 Hoar, Samuel. Emerson, R. W. Lecture-. and biog. sketches, pp. 405-418. . . 318E5 Hoare, Clias. Slide-rule and how to use it : containing full, easy and simple in- structions to perform all business calcu- lations with unexampled rapidity and accuracy. L., 1872. 16°. Bound with Beaton, A. ('. Quantities and measure- ments 6908-2 HOARE, Rev. G. T., ed. True stories of brave deeds. I.., n. d. 16 903-47 HOARYHEAD and M'Donner. Abbott, J. . 241-14 HOBART, Augustus Charles, (Hobart Pasha), naval officer, b. 1822-rf. 1S86. Sketches from my life. N. V., 1887. 12°. . . 482B2 — Torpedo scare : experiences during the Turco-Russian war. Edinburgh, 1S85. ■2° 6239-3 HOBART, John Henry, bishop, b. 1775-1/. 1830. Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protectant Episcopal church ; with forms of devotion. N. V., 1873. '2° 26034-4 — Sermons on the principal events and truths of redemption. 2 v. L., 1824. 8° 252-48 Hobart, Nathaniel. I.ifeof Emanuel Swed- enborg ; witl unt of his writ- ings: ed. I>\ Benjamin Worcester. I'... 1850. 12 864B4 Hobari. Samuel Bi >oks. Fulton, J. 11 i: hi, the locomotive engineer. . (.80B3 : rhos. Morris, G 5 Bi itish though 1 .01.! 1 hinkei s. pp. 141—167 1 1 • 1 \ 1 L01 ks and safes. I .. [868. 1 1' ib " ■. I dward II., . I '. S. V. I hi captors, pp. 219-249. 647B3 Hobson, Richard. Chas. Waterton : his home, habits and handiwork. L., 1867. 12° 926B4 HOCKING, Silas K. Flis father; or, a moth- er's legacy. X. V., 1SS4. 12 . . . . 480A3 - Ivy: a tale of cottage life. N. V., iNNj. 12° 480A4 — Up the Rhine and over the Alps. I... 11. d. 12° 440-4S Hodder, Edmund. Old Merry's travel- on the continent. Phila., 1873. 12°. . . 4401-6 — Queer discourses on queer proverbs. . . 4S1A1 HODDER, Edwin. Simon Peter: bis life, times and friends. L., 1884. 12°. . . 2218-711 — Thrown on the world ; or, the scrapes and 'scapes of Ray and Bertie. L., 1S85. 8°. 4S1A2 Hodder, Geo. Personal reminiscences, In Stoddard, R. H., ed. Barham, Har- ness, and Hodder. pp. 253-327. . . . 4182-87 IImim.i , Archibald Alex., Am. theologian, b. 1823. Chas. Hodge. N. V., n. d. S°. 480B7 — Introduction. In Van Dyke. J. S. The- ism and evolution 215-92 — Preface. In Hodge, C. Discussions in church polity 258-4 Hodge, Chas., Am. theologian, b. 1797-rf. 1878. Discussions in church polity; from the contributions to the " Prince- ton review :" ed. by Wm. Durant ; with a preface by A. A. Hodge. N. V., 1878. 8° 258-4 — Systematic theology. 3 v. N. Y., 1873. 8° 2305-5 Contents. — v. 1. Theology. — v. 2. Anthropol- ogy. — v. 3. Soteriology. — Eschatology. — What is Darwinism? N. Y., 1874. 12°. 2398-6 Hodge, A. A. Life of Chas. Hodge. . 4S0B7 v. Asa, Darwiniana: essays. pp. 266-282. Review of What is Darwin- ism? 575-43 II ;, Hiram C. Arizona as it is ; or, the iming country. X. V.. 1877. 12°. . 4791-4 HODGES, Win. Baptism tested by Scripture and history. N. Y., 1874. 12°. . , . 2611-5 Hodgetts, J. Frederick. Champion of ( il in , in, viking life in the days of old : ,1 tale "i ancienl war. L., 1S85. 12°. 481A5 Ivan Dobi off; a Russian story. Phila., ISS6. 12°. — Older England ; illustrated 03 thi \nglo- Saxon antiquities in the British museum: in a course of six lectures. 2 v. 1... 1884. 8° 406-45 Hodgki.n. Thos. Italy and her invaders. 4 v. Oxford, 1880-85. 8° 9199-6 Contents. — v. 1-2. Visigothic, riunnish and Vandal invasions, 376-476. — v Ostrogothic invasion, 476-535. — v. 4. Imperial restoration, 535-553- — ed. and tr. See Cassiodorus, [[(ilifiSuN 6xj II' IFFM ANN. U in Lives, sentiments and Mill. bel ' ■ ..i i in l uihei Phila., 1867. 12" 4>43-44 de Mr,,.. 11 I Pctci - Ic] . ' I'ftulei John Wycliffe. — Com of J I '■'■' of fohn Hu G root. — ' pis.— J I 1 ..i> , u I fcromi ■ .la. — Juan \ [ ichai Id 1 1 lin 1 H in Dell. elig- urn . 1 Is. Phila., 1S68. 1 2 2896-4 id mill. [1 1, 1. i-mury. 2 v. Plyla, 1875 6. 8° 2896 [i ON, Win. B. I 1 1 111 in . h. N. \ ., 1883. 12 "73-45 Ik. study of economic science. In 1 uli 1 1. 1. 111 hi. i. .i 1.. [em life. pp. -55 294 3704-9 H . I-' ■ ii 11 ) I . i.ii ml. Plantations mi differ 1 nl sites , altitudi ures. In Rattray, J. md Mill. II. R., ,/.. Fori 1 .. .md forest produi 103-128 714-7 H \. Win. Stephen Raikes, maj 1821-rt'. 1858. Twelve yeai sol- dier's life in India heing extracts from letters, including a personal narrative ..I the iiege of Delhi am! 1 the king ami princes: ed. by Geo. II. Hod- son; containing also a review from Frs . izine, by Thos. 1 1 ughes, B., I-- iSi'lln Hoe, Richard March, Am. inventor, 6. 1S12. McCabe, J. D Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 334 342 . Edmund. ( >ld countess. Phila., H8LTY, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph. Brooks, ( . I .. ir. German lyric poetry. PP- "«9 '-7 831 . translated. In Mangan, I. pp. 228 234 610C1 HoEl . Mi .1 lei, Irish writer, b. 1830. Golden V V., 1S72. 8°. 1 \ . V., 11. d. 4 . \ ■ sign and other tales. 1 .. n. .1. 12 . Kainutinl. Practical treatise on I gutta percha, compris- ing the properties of the raw materials mixing and working them : Ir. from the German by \V. T. Brannt. Phila., 1883. 8° 678 | i Fenno, Am. writ 1 d. 1S84. nephew, I loffman. Phila., 1873. 12° 12 llli t, II B. 4;' Administration In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 13. pp. I'. HOFFM for the use of the m e, in which e 1 political it. nice hearing upon the current events of the day i im a •A. I.., I885. 12 32O42-5 : 1 in, John I 1 Off-hand poi 1 1 pp. 1S6-I90 ;. HOFFMAN, Mary I. Agnes Hilton; or, practical f I licity : a tale of trials and triumph-. X. '. nay. n. t. p. 1 2 Feli) Kin: : 01. the new neighbors. N. V.. n. .1. 1 ourt and siege : a narrative of personal adventure and observation during two war-. 1 70 ;t. X. V., 1S77. t2'. . . . 4.MH2 ud. S Lewis, An- gelo J. Hoffmann, Alex. Friedrich Franz, German writer, ii. 1S14. fairy tales. I:., if 16° (8 — Father Muller; or. the good heart. B., 1877. 24 4S2A2 Gip ) Fred. 11. t. p. 16 4S2A; Mozart's early days. B., 1S73. 16 . . . 650B3 me. Phila., 1S72. 16 _:■ — Wolfgang, prince of AnhaJt. Phila.. 1 >> 7 2 . 16 HOFFMANN, Ernst Theodor Amadeus, Ger- man author, />. 1776-c/. 1822. Weird is; also biographical memoir. 2 v. 1 .. 1885. Contents — v. t. Biographical notice. — Cre- mona violin. — The fcrmata. — Signor Formica. — The sand-man. — The entail. Arthur's hall. — Doge and doges! M.tsicr M.irun -Mademoiselle de Scuderi.— gambler's luck. — Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneo v. 1. pp. 250-202. 206E2 Hedge, F. II. Hours with German classics, pp. 47-1 501. . , Prose writers of Germany, pp.52 11. FFMANN, Frederick. Manual of chemical analysis, as applied to the examination of medicinal chemicals. N.Y., 1873. s " HOFFMANN. 612 HOLBROOK. Hoffmann. W. Fish, H. C. Tulpit elo- quence of the 19th century, pp. 93-102. 2521-4 Hoflani), Mrs. Barbara (Wreaks), Eng. writer, b. 1770-d. 1844. Czarina. N. V., 1S46. 8°. — Daughter of a genius. B., 1868. 16 . . 483A2 — Good grandmother and her offspring. B., 1868. 1 6° 483A3 — Home tales. N. Y. n. d. 16°. . . . 483A33 Contents. — Affectionate brothers. — Sisters. — Blind farmer and his children. — Officer's widow and her young family. B., 1S6S. 1 6° 483A4 — Reflection. L., 1S68. 16 . .:.... 483A44 — Son of a genius. N. Y., 1S56. 16°. . . 483A4S Hoflanh, Thos. Christopher. British an- gler's manual ; or, the art of angling in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland : rev. and enlarged by E. Jesse. L., 184S. 12° 795'-4 Hofsten, H. Lena ; or, the Stark family : a sketch of real life. Cinn., 1876. 16 . Hog, Ja-. Maitland. Lives made sublime. pp. 49-67 4H4-5 HOG. See Swine. Hogan, M. P. Hartley, Mrs. May (Laffan). Hogarth, Geo. Musical history, biogra- phy and criticism. L., 1838. 12°. . . 770-4 Hogarth, Mrs. Jane. Cook, D. Art in England, pp. 104-122 7592-3 Hogarth, Wm., Eng. painter, b. i6cj,-d. 1764. Sala, G A. William Hogarth, painter, engraver and philosopher: es- says on the man, the work and the time. 481 B4 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius. pp. 2S9-295 410-2 — Churchill, C. Poetical works, pp. 214- 256. An epistle to Win. Hogarth. . . 226C2 — Cunningham, A. British painters, v. I. PP- 57-I70 417-3 Great English painters. pp. 42-150. [Same article.] 417-31 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 157-162 410-42 — Hale, E. \..,ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 13-24 4IO-53 6 lla/liit, YV. Miscellaneous works, v. 4. pp. 157-177 459E8 — Lamb, C. Works, v. 2. pp. 388-404. 828-57 Ma J., ed. Great triumphs of great pp. 246-252 4 IQ -7 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Historical -ketches of the reign of George 1 1, pp. 222-243. 4 1 1 ~7$ — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists. . 828-893 rlOGBIN, Alfred ('. Elsa : a musical ro mance. Phila., 1879. 12°. Hoge, Mrs. A. H. Boysinblue. n.t.p. 12 . 980-47 Fo ter, Mr . I. II., (Faye I luntington, pseud.) Si is of remarkable women. PP S7-4I Pi- ll ,, Jabez. Elements of experimental and natural philosophy. L., 1861. 12°. 530-47 Microscope; its history, construction and application. L., 1854. 12° 578-4 HOGG, Jas., the " Ettrick shepherd," Scottish poet, b. 1772-d. 1835. Tales of love and adventure, collected among the cot- tagers in the south of Scotland. 2 v. in I. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. — Bogle o' the Brae, [and] Laidlaws and the Scotts. In Club book. v. 2. — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 277-286. . . 410-49 — Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 326-342 : 410-58 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. 2. pp. 34-S0. . . . 41821-4 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 248-255 4"-5 6 — Mackenzie, R. S. Life of the Ettrick shepherd. In Wilson, J. Noctes Am- brosianse. v. 4. pp. iv— xxii 955^1 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of British authors, v. 3. pp. 79-100. . 41S2-56 — Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel. pp. S7-117. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . 80921-7 Hoggan, Frances Elizabeth. Women in medicine. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 63-89. . . . 396-85 HOHENLOHE-Schillingsfiirst, Chlodwig Carl Victor, prince, German diplomatist, b. 1818. Tuttle, H. German political leaders, pp. 61-72 4106-8 Holbach, Paul Thyry von, baron, b. 1723- d. 17S0. Morley, J. Diderot and the encyclopedists, v. 2. pp. 155-203. . 288B6 Holbeach, Henry, pseud. See Rands, Wm. B. Holbein, Hans. Dance of death exhibited in elegant engravings on wood ; with a dissertation on the several representa- tions of the subject, by Francis Douce : also Holbein's Bible cuts, consisting of ninety illustrations on wood; with in- troduction by Thos. F. Dibdin, I... 1872. 12°. Same, 1878 7597~4 — Cundall, J. Hans Holbein. [Great art- ists ser.] 481B6 — Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculp- ture and painting, pp. 134-140. . . . 4'7 _ 4 Koltzof-Massalsky, II. G. .Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation, v. 2. pp. 422 425 27494-5 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism, pp. 172-204. Diner and Holbein 755-8 Holbrook, Alfred. Normal; or, methods of teaching the common branches, or- thoepy, orthography, grammar, geog- raphy, arithmetic and clot ulion. I <■!>■ O., 1859. 12°. Same, N.Y., 1867. 3713-4 l|ol.i:l;i (8 11 - I 1 1.1. 11,; the mail . 11. .1. h ...11 1 in diarj ol 1 spe- cial t of I If i". 1 "Hi. 1 depai ini.'iii, Phila., 1855. 16° 3534-4 1 1. 1] 1 1 k. Mai tin Luther. Eaiin D -ill. N. Y., 1S75. 12° 643-4 Contents. — Science of eating. — Receipt* for wholesome cookery. — Receipts for whole drinks In r-i urring question I tow i" strengthen the mi moi , nat- ural and scientific methods of trail the memory. N. V.. 1S86. 12 . . . . 1841 4 II mi;i . I'., ed. Litei ature in lettei - ; 01 , mannei . art, critici ;m, biography, history and morals, illustrated in t lie correspondence of eminent persons. V V., i866. 8° 826-45 0>n.' ' ip, ... ict % and manners. — II' i \ , sentiment and fancy. — Nature, art, .iinl travel.— Public history. — Literary biogra- phy, anecdote and criticism. — Moral and devo- tional reflection. HOLCOMBE, Wm. 1 1., M. />., Am. Swcdenior- gian, b. 1825. In both worlds. Phila., 1870. 12°. — Our children in heaven. Phila., 1869. [2° 2894-38 Sexes, heir and hereafter. Phila., 1869. 12° 2S94-4 H01.1 "Mm 5. Magill, M. T. H OFT, I 1. OS., Eng. writer, b. 1745-,/. 1809. Caldwell, 11. Art of doing our best. pp. 210-220 410-23 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 274-280 410-35 — Seymour, C, C. 11. Self-made men. pp. 500-506 410-92 Hoi the fort. Bliss, I'. I' 164! '.2 HOLD up your heads, girls. Ryder, A. II. 376-7 Holden, 1 I'.' ard Singleton, Am. astronomer, b. 1846. Sir Win. Herschel, his lifeand works. N. Y., 1881. 12° 465B4 ■joint anther. Newcomb, S. and Holden, E. S. Astronomy 520-6S HOLDEN, Luther L. Summer jaunt through the old world: record of an excursion made to and through Europe, by [he I'ourjee educational party of 1S78. B., 1879. 12° . . . 440-483 — Chapter. ///Mount Washington in win- ter 47828-4 Holden with the cord V, lodruff, J. L.M. HOLDER, Chas. Frederick. Ivory king : a mlar history of the elephant and ils allies. N. V., 18S6. 12° 5996-4 — Living liglus: a popular account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. V V., 1S87. 12° 5S9-47 Marvels of animal life. N.Y.,1885. 12 . 5904-46 1 1 . .1 1 .' . . ' I , /.-•.. ,111,/ I [older, J. I. 1 "gy. V V., 1884. 12 H01 dii 11, Joseph I pre idenl of the Wesleyan university. \. v.. 1856. 8 C Hi mm pocket. Baker, Mrs. H. N.W., (Aunl 11 ... 132A4 11 I Noah and hid. B [81 12 1 1 .v album for boj ! Ma- Laurie Loring, psnni.) 744A22 II >'. 1 hapli t. I ui ker, 1 harlotti L. O. 1 ... pseud.) 1 1 Holiday in South Africa 1 land, R. W. 468-5 1 ly' stories. Barker, Lady Mary Ann. Holiday tour in I 1 , Joel. . . 440-241 I l.ii 11 1 1 ilidays. 186A37 Bum e, ( >. B. Bai helor Bluff, pp. 277 292 Wiseman, N. P. Essays. 1. 2. pp. 209-251 2827-91 — See also Christian J 1 Holidays abroad. Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. 440-53 Holidays at home. Vandegrift, M. . . . 912A75 Hoi tDAYSal Roselands. Finley, Martha (F.J 353A35 Holidays at the Grange; or, a week's de- light. Higgins, 1 . M 786 4^ Holidays on high lands. Macmillan, II. . 4404-6 lli. 11. 1 , Le mis in. Doty, R K. 2348-3 HOLl VND, Frederick May. Rise of intel- lectual liberty, from Thai' 1 "mi- ens. N. Y., 1885. 8° 141-48 II. ui 1M1, 11. S. Apostolic fathers. L., n. <1. 16 °. [Fathers for English read- ers.] 28u j; Contents. — Apostolic age. — St. Clement of Rome.— St. Ignatius.— St. Polycarp.— Epistle rnabas and the shepherd of Hernias. II.Hi \mi. Sir Henry, Eng. physician, '. 1788-rf. 1S67. Recollections of past life. N. Y., 1S72. 12° 481B8 !i .1., Josiah Gilbert, (Timothy Tit- rniiili. pseud.), Am. author, />. 1819-rf. 1881. Arthur Bonnicastle. N.Y.,187 12°. B -path: a tale of New England colo- nial life. N. Y.. 1S77. 12. — Bittersweet: a poem. X. Y., 1868. l6°. 4$ — Even-day topics : a book of briefs N. Y.. 1S76-82. I2°-i6° 483E2 Contents. — v. x. Culture. — Literature and literary men. — Criticism. — The popular lecture. — Personal dangers. — Personal development, — Preachers and preaching. — Christianity and lice. -Revivals and reforms. — Christian practice. — Church of the future. — Common moralities. — Woman. — Woman and home. — Amusements. — Temperance question. — Social intercourse. — Town and country. — Rich and poor. — Politics and political men. — American life and manners. HOLLAND. 614 — HOLLOWAY. Holland, J. G., continued. v. 2. Religion and the church. — Art.— Lit- erature. — Certain virtues and virtuous habits. — Education and industry — Town and countrj'. — About woman. — Curse of pauperism. — Tem- perance. — Domestic economy. — Social facts, forces and reforms. — Matters of domestic con- cern. — Miscellaneous. — Gold-foil hammered from popular prov- erbs. N. Y., ic i6<=. 483 E3 Contents. — An exordial essay. — The Bible.— Patience.— Perfect liberty.— Trust and what comes of it. — Ideal Christ. — Providence.— Does sensuality pay? — The way to grow old. — Alms giving. — Love of what is ours — Power of cir- cumstances. — Anvils and hammers. — Every man has his place. — Indolence and industry. — >ins of our neighbors— Canonization of the vici- ous.— Social classification. — Preservation of character. — Vices of imagination.— Questions above reason. — Public and private life. — Home. — Learning and wisdom.— Receiving and do- ing.— Secret of populariiy. — The Lord's busi- ness. — The great mystery. Kathrina: her life and mine in a poem. V V.. 1S67. 16 — Lessons in life: a series of familiar es- says. N. V., 1867. 12 Contents. — Moods and frames of mind. — Bod- ily imperfections and impediments. — Animal content.— Reproduction in kind. — Truth and truthfulness— Mistakes of penance. — Rights of women. — American public education. — Per- verseness. — Undeveloped resources. — Great- ness in littleness. — Rural life. — Repose. — \\'av= of charity. — Men of one idea. — Shying people. — Faith in humanity. — Sore spots and sensitive spots. — Influence of praise. — Unnecessary bur- dens. — Proper people and perfect people. — Poetic test. — Food of life. — Half- finished work. - Letters to the Joneses. N.V.,iS68. 12°. — Letters to young people, n. t. p. 16 . — Life of Abraham Lincoln, n. t. p. 8°. Mis^ Gilbert's career. N. ¥.,1877. 12 . - Mistress of the manse : a poem. X. V.. l8 7 4- 12° Nicholas Minturn : a study in a story. N. V., 1877. 12°. Plain talks on familiar subjects. N. \ ., 1870. 12° Contents. — Self-help. — Fashion. — Work and play. — Working and shirking. — High life and low life. — National heart. — Cost and compensa- tion. — Art and life. — The popular If. tl t-noaks: a -lorv of today. V Y . . 1876. 12°. Marble prophecy and other poems. N. S'.. 1872. 12° at. Illustrated library of favorite songs. V Y., .,. d. 8° ! id, Saba Smith, lady. Memoii of the Rev. Sydney Smith; with a selection from his letters: ed. by Mrs. Austin. I.., 1855. 12°. Same. 2 v. N.Y., 1855. 1 1. .1 d, i ei L. National chui ch o( a democratic stale. In Oxford house .is. pp. 227-246 48 j( 4 483E35 483E36 483 K3 7 572B66 483C6 1S3E4 tf3< 5 809-5 835B1 239-73 HOLLAND, Thos. Erskine, ed. European concert in the Eastern question : a col- lection of treaties and other acts : ed. with notes and introduction. Oxford, '885. 8° 34124-4 Contents. — Great powers and the Ottoman empire.— Greece, (1826-81). — Samos and Crete, (1830-78). — Egypt, (1839-85). — Lebanon, (1842- 83 . — Balkan peninsula, etc., (1856-85/' — Appen dix. Holland. See Netherlands. Holland bouse. Hayward, A. Sketches. v. 2. pp. 186-242. Review 410-55 Hollands. Townsend, Virginia F. Holles, Thos. Pelham, du .. t Vevteastle. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 7. pp. ■:37-247 411-65 HOLLY, Geo. W. Niagara; it-, histor] geology, incidents and poetry: with illustrations. X. Y., 1872. 12 . . . . 55144-4 Hoi. lev, Marietta. Am. writer. Josiah Al- len's wife as a P. A. and P. I.: Saman- tha at the centennial. Hartford, 1877. 12 817-478 .Miss Richard's boy ami other stories. Hartford, 1883. 8°. Contents. -Outcast —Deserted wives. — Miss Wingate's charity. — Faith Winslow. — True unto death. — Cecil Vail. — Dorcas society. — Be- linda, Caroline and Henrietta. — Little Chris- tie's will. — John's wife. — Plain Miss Page. — Miss Higgin's man. — Kate's wedding gift. - Kitty Ross. — Woman's heart. — Kate Avenal. — My opinion and Betsey Bobbet's. Hart- ford, 1S75. 12°. Same, 1S80 817-48 My wayward pardner; or, my trials with Josiah, America, the widow Bump and etcetry. Hartford, 1881. 12°. . . . 817-4S1 — Poems. N. Y., 1887. 12° 483C9 — Samantha at Saratoga; or, ilium' and fashion. Phila., 18S7. S° St; 482 — Sweet Cicely ; or, Josiah Allen as a poli- tician. N. Y., 1885. 12 . Hollings, G. Seymour. Essays. In Prize papers written for thi B03 I >wn maga- zine 760E1 HOLLINGSHEAD, John. Rough diamond-. L., 1S67. 16° 484A5 I l"i 1 is, Denzil. Guizot, F. P. G. Bio- graphic studies, pp. 1-29 411-43 Hoi LIS 1 ik. ( .. H. Kinley hollow . V Y.. 1862. i6°. II -in 1 1 k, Ovando J. Mines of Colorado. Springfield, 1867. 12 55788-4 1 1- u Lew \v, 1 ,aut .1 tin tei . An hour with Charlotte Bronte; or, flowers from .1 Yorkshirem \. Y., 1S83. 12 . . 184B83 Ladies of the White House. N. Y.. 1872. 8° 41239-4 — ed. Home in poetry. N.Y.,1884. i2 °- 8095 4 IK (LLOWDELL. II' 'I Hollo i rrangi I Geo M U3A2 Hoi.lv, II W ' trpei li > n< I i k, containin pleti tn i i i ■ ■ ' i al lej ■ ■ i with rule , table , etc. N. V., 1870. i" ,; ■ Oi lops, . . 694-1 Holly, 1 [em y Hudson VI< 1 llings Ml tnwll .111(1 . , ,|||lll V .1.1. I .:■ can wan I and climate ; with mi furniture and decoration. N. V.. 1878. 8° 728-47 Holm, Saxe, pseud., 1 id '0 II. M.Jack- Si 2 v. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Contents, v 1 Draxy Miller's dowry. I der'swifc Who he? — One-legged ne woman kept her husband. 1 1 Ik i Wynn's lovi letters A four-leaved clover.- I irn 1 ■ en's inci M3 courmalini 1 Hale's red itockii 1 [1 K ii in, Jas. ferdan, W. Men I have kno« 11. pp. 256 267 1 1 1 56 Hoi ii 1 Meb ille, G. I. Whyte. HOMEL, Daryl. \" e . n 11 1^ mountaineer. X. V., n. d. 16 . Holmes, Vrthur. Pari ies and th< ■ manual of political intelligence. V \ .. 1859. 12 329-48 1 1. 1 -.1 1 1 irdon ["reatise on ology and hygiene ; with especial refer ence to the cultivation and preservation ofthevoice. I.. 1881. 12° 774-45 i, Margaret. Chamber over the gate. 1 mapolis, 1886. 12°. 1 . Mi . Mai v A Wi 'iK. 11 woman. N. V*., 1885. 12°. : 1, Mi t. Mary I D< rby, I 1 ' Fiftj years among authors, etc. pp. 571 574. 4 1 s 1 •, . Mead. Hart, J. S. Soldier of the bei land 181B9 Holmes, Nathaniel. Authorship of SI ire; with appendix of additional matters includi e recently red Northumberland mss. X. V.. 1876. 12°. 8238 I es, Oliver Wendell, M. />.. II. D., Am. author, i. 1809. Autocral oi the kfast table. B., 1885. 12° » s ; 1 5 e the curfew and other poems |: . 1888. 12° i ■ ledge in some prov- incesof me B., 186a. 12 . 61 Currents and counter-currents in med and is- -ays. B., l86l. 12° 61 - Venner. B., 1876. 12°. with notes and bi03raph.i1 B., 1883, 16°. trdian angel. B., 1S75. 12°. — Iron gate and other poems. B., 1880. 12 . 4S5CS nued. • lirop Mol ■ B., address ; with notes and B., 1871 12 170-48 Med Cent I I Cum irrcnls in mi encc. — Uordcr lines of knowl- I hl,r:t ries. — Some of my carl) 1 mI antipath 1 the lio B . 1885, 12°. Our 1 1 ed days in Euri j<<'. I'-. . 12° 440-485 from an old volume of life : collec- tion of essays, 1857-81. B., 1883. 12°. 1 Contents. — Bread and the newspaper. — My hunt after the captain. — Inevitable 11 Physiology of walking. — Seasons. — Human body and its management. — Cinders from the ashes. — Mechanism in thought ami morals. — Physiology of versification. — Crime and auto- matism. — Jonathan Edwards. — Pulpit and the pew. — Poems, li., 1855. 12° ; I - in-, n. t. p. 16° 483I 5 1 — Poet at the breakfast table : hi- talks with liis fellow boarders and the reader. B., 1S75. 12° Poetical works. I!., 1S81. 12° ;- at the breakfast table ; with the -tiny of Iris. B., 1S75. I2 ° — Ralph Waldo Emerson. B., 18S5. 12°. [American men of letters ser.] .... 317B5 — Songs in many keys. B., 1S64. 16 . . s — Songs of many seasons. B., 1875. l6°. 4S3C9 lings from the Atlantic. B., 1866. 12°. Same. 1872 Contents.— Bread and the newspaper. — M y hunt after the captain.— Stereoscope and the stereograph —Sun-painting and sun-sculpture ; with a stereoscopic trip across the Atlanti Doings of the sunbeam. --Human wheel. ■s and felloes.— Visit to the auto -Visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters. — The great instrument. — Inevitable trial. — Story of [ris, and favorite poems. B., [882 24 S0S-45 — Introduction and memorial sketch. In Clarke. E. II. — Poems. In Jones, ill. Vet pp. 71-01 S006-45 In Ma- Hu- 11s masterpieces, v. 1. p] I ife of Oliver Wendell Holmes. . 4S2B2 — Kennedy, W.S. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 4S2B4 HOLMES. 616 HOLY. Holmes, O. W., continue- J. — Bolton, S. K. Famous American au- thors, pp. 133-155 4181-2 — Fields, J. T. Underbrush, pp. 369-376. Fairy tale 35°E9 — Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 251-261 418-45 — Haweis, H. R. American humorists. pp. 37-66 4181-4 — Hood, E. P., ed. Master minds of the west. pp. 4S4-504 412-54 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 252-261. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 — Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living au- thors, pp. 1-15 418-74 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 293-303 S12-8 — Walsh, W. S., (Wm. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 144-149. . . • • • 418-95 — "Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 1. pp. 66-6S 946E5 Holrovd, John Baker, earl of Sheffield, ed. Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, Esq., illustrated from his letters; with occasional notes and narratives. N. V., 1S46. S° 420 B 4 HOLST, Hermann Eduard von, German his- torian, b. 1S41. Constitutional and po- litical history of the United States: tr. from the German by John J. Lalor [and others]. 5 v. Chicago, 1877-85. 8°. 3462-45 Contents. — v. i. 1750-1833.— State sovereign- ty and slavery. v. 2. 1S28-46. — Jackson's administration. — Annexation of Texas. v. 3. 1846-1850. — Annexation of Texas. — Com- promise of 1850. v. 4. 1850-54. — Compromise cf 1850, cotitin- :«■<£— Kansas-Nebraska bill. v - 5- 1854-56. — Kansas-Nebraska bill, con- tinued. — Buchanan's election. — John C. Calhoun. B., 1882. 12 . [Amer- ican statesman ser.] 200B98 II-11, Emily Sarah. Ashcliffe hall: a tale of the last century. N. Y., 1878. 16 . Ai ye Grene Griffin ; or, Mrs. Treadwell's cook: a talc of the fifteenth century. N. V., n. d. 16 . 1 lare Avery: .1 story of the Spanish ar- mada. \ . Y.. n. d. 12 . I irl Hubert's daughter: a tale of the thirtei nth century. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Imogen : a story of (he mission of Augus- tine. N. V., n. d. 12 . Isoull Barrj ol W ; te: a I ale of the 1 1 mi. ;, V V., u. d. 12 . — John de Wycliffe, tin- first of the reform- 1 ' . and what he did for England. V Y., a. .1. 12° 986B3 Holt, E. S., continued. — Joyce Morrell's harvest ; or, the annals of Selwick Hall : a story of the reign of Elizabeth. N. V., n. d. 12°. — Lady Sybil's choice: a tale of the cru- sades. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Lettice Eden: a tale of the last days of King Henry VIII. X. Y., 1878. 12°. — Lord Mayor: a tale of London in 1384. N. Y. 12°. — Lord of the marches: a story of Roger Mortimer. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Maiden's lodge: a tale of the reign of Queen Anne. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Margery's son ; or, until he find it : a fif- teenth century tale of the court of Scot- land. N. V., n. d. 12°. — Red and white : a tale of the wars of the roses. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Robin Tremayne : a tale of the Marian persecution. N. Y., 1873. 12°. — Tangled web ; a tale of the fifteenth cen- tury. X. Y., n. d. 12 . — Verena ; or, safe paths and slippery bye- ways. N. Y., 1874. 12 . — Wearyholme ; or, seed-time and harvest : a tale of the restoration of Charles the second. N. \\, n. d. 12 . — Well in the desert : an old legend of the house of Arundel. X T . Y., 1873. 12°. — White rose of Langley : a story of the court of England in the olden time. X. V., n. d. 12 . HOLT, H. E., joint author. Tufts, J. \X . and Holt, H. E. X T ormal music course. . . Holt, Sir John, />. 1642-0". 1709. Camp- bell, J. Chief justices of England. X. Y. ed. v. 3. pp. 1-64. Phila. ed. v. 2. PP-99-H3 HOLT, John Saunders, (Abraham Page, pseud.) YVhat I know about Ben Eccles. Phila., 1869. 12 . Holt, Joseph. Victor, O.J. Incidents and anecdotes of the war. pp. 229-236 . . I1..I 1, M. II. Lilian Cray. B., n. d. 16 . Holt, Vincent M. Why not eat in < L., 11. d. 16° If. 1 roN, Isaac F. New Granada; or, twen- ty months in the Andes. X. Y., 1857. 8°. Hon B, Dr. Emil, Bohemian traveler, b. 1847. Seven years in South Africa: travels, researches and hunting a. hen- lures between the diamond fields and the Zambesi, 1S72 70: tr, by Ellen E. Frewer. 2 v. 1.., 1881. 8° ll..i\ and profane states. Fuller; Thos. . HOLI Catholic church; its Divine ideal, ministry and institutions. Goulburn, E. M 7711-84 411-24 980-93 6438-4 486-4 468-45 241 41 2838-4 inn \ — 617 — HOMI Holy Grail and othei poems. I ennyson, A. 881C7 I [1 'i ', land, .Siv Palestine. 1 1. 11 v land and the Bible : a book of 1 in,- illn .11.11 gathered in Pale 1 im . Geikie, Ci igham 2209-42 lli. 1', living and dying, I"aylor, Jeremy. 240-8 II 1 matrimony. Bolles, J, A 2615-2 Holy "iiu '■■ ■'■ Inquisition. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ordei . ■'■■ ' lergy, Holy Roman empire. Bryce, J 943~ 2 1 '. ", iew of. In Fn eman, 1 . A. I [istor- ii 1 1- . .1 ) . pp 1 16 160 902-4 I li H \ Spirit. Manning, 1 1. E. 1 em pi u e mission of the Holy Ghosl 23 13—5 s. .1 Inn v, S. Discourses illustrative oi the nature and work of the Holy Spirit . . 252-814 Holy war. Bunyan, John 243-29 HOLY week. Adams, Wm. Warnings of the Holy wei 1 26036-2 — See also Christian year. Holy wells. Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancienl legends, etc., of Ireland, pp. 161-206. 3841 9 Holyoake, Geo. Jacob, Eng. agitator, />. 1817. History of co-operation in Eng- land; its literature ami its advocates. v. 1. I'hila., 1S75. 12 337-4 Contents. — Pioneer period, 1812-44. — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. pp. 255-274 411 5 HOMAGE of the arts: drama. Schiller, F. /;; Brooks, C. T., ed. Homage .if the arts. pp. 1 — 16 8319-2 Homans, Isaac Smith, jr. Coin book. Phila., .873. 8° 3314-4 Contents.— History of coinage —Acts of Con- gress relating to the mint. — Dictionary of coins, ancient and modern. — Production of gold and silver in each state. — Coinage of the U. S. an- nually, 1790-1870. — Daily premium on gold at New York, 1862-1870.— I. i^t of works on coins, gems and medals.— Official values of the gold and silver coins of foreign nations. — Origin of noted coins. H11M1. Daniel Douglass. Incidents in my life; with introduction, by J. \V. Ed- monds. v. i. X. Y.. 1863. v. 2. L., '872- 12° 484B4 HOME, Henry, Lord Karnes, Scottish} opher,b. 1696-rf. 1782. Elements of crit- icism : ed. with omissions, additions ami new analysis by J. K. Boyd. N. V., 1856. 12°. . Same, 1869 S03-45 — Foster, J. Critical essays, v. 1. pp. 6 3- Sl 377E4 — McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, pp. '73-iSj 1621-48 Homi . Holland, J. ('.. Gold foil. pp. 26 °-2 7 i ..83E3 Homi . The. Bremer, Fredrika. Home again. Macdonald, Geo. 1 1 • \fn. M, E. W Homi i rounding 1. 1 11. 640-3 Homi training. Arey, Mr 11. I ■ ' 372-iS I 11.I social phili on ' ed. • • • . . ! I and the world. N. Y ., 1S57. 12 . Home th, Mi . C. 1 '°7-35 1 [1 ime as found. 1 ! t Grej luck Prenti \f> I Homi al Heatherbrae. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 1 [< im) b illad 111 1 ■ Whiltier, \. G. I lOMl 1 1 , Appli ton's. Bal , E. W. II ! hints 8051-65 — Church, E. R. Home garden 715-25 Home needle 646-3 How to furnish a home 7; rnsey, A. H. tux/Davis, I. P. Health at home 613-4 — Oakey, A. F. Building a home. . . . 72S-7 Home grounds 712-6 — Penn, A. Home library 8051-65 — Rees, J. E. Ruutz-. Home decoration. . 749-75 Home occupations 746-6 — Sherwood, Mrs. M. I.. W. Amenities of home 193-16 Home amusements 8051-65 Home circle. Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. . . . 536E2 HOME decoration. Girl's room 746-3 Jones, Mrs. C. S. ami Williams, II. T. Household elegancies 746-91 Ladies' fancy work 746-92 — See also Art. Architecture. Decorative art. Furniture. Home books. I! dramas for young people. Follen, I 1 l.ee, ed. 7^; j; HOME fishing and home waters. Green, Seth 7956-53 HOME grounds. See Landscape gardening. HOME harmonies. Pomeroy, Mark M. . . 741F2 HOME hits and hints. Coggeshall, W. 'I". HOME in poetry. Holloway, I.. ('.. eJ. . . S095-4 HOME in the west. Thurston. L. M. . . . 888A2 Hi 'ME influence. Aguilar, Grace. HOME interiors. Gardner, E. C Home is home. N. Y.. n. d. 16 . Home letters. Disraeli, Benj 4449-4 Home life. Aikman, W. Bachelor's talks about married life and things adjacent. I Life at home Io.i-14 — Alcott, W. A. Young husband '933-14 — Boardman, H. A. Bible in the family . .- 1 — Byford, W. H. Philosophy of domestic life >93-25 — Keddie, II. (S. Tytl crsfor thoughtful girls 1 ;- ; Sweet counsel 1 HOME. 618 HOMER. Home life, continued. — My mother; or, recollections of maternal influence 247-6 — Osgood, S. Hearth-stone thoughts upon home life in our cities 193-7 — Reaney,/J/r.r. G. S. Our brothers and sons. 193-77 — Savage, M. J. Man, woman and child. 193-8 — Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Amenities of home 193-16 — Single blessedness '939-7- — Weaver, G. S. Christian household. . . '93~9 — Young wife 1933-98 — Swing, D. Motives in life. pp. 37-62 . 204-86 Home life in China. Bryson, Mrs. M. L. . 2651-2 Home life in Germany. Brace, C. L. . . . 443-2 Home life of great authors. Griswold, Hat- tie T 418-45 Home life of Henry W. Longfellow. Mac- chetta, B. R. Tucker- 5S5B6 Home lights and shadows. Arthur, T. S. . Home made happy. Phila., 1S69. 12°.. 4S5A5 Contents. — Little Mary. — Lover's appeal. — Capercailzie.— Perplexed student.— Story of Solomon de Cans. — Scenes in the early life of a great artist. — Louis XIV at Fontainebleau. — Amy.— Account of an extraordinary traveler. — Crevasse. Home memories: or, echoes of a mother's voice. Brock, Mrs. Carey 184A23 Home missions. See Missions, home. If 'ME needle. Church, Ella Rodman . . .. 646-3 Home nook. Douglas, Amanda M. Home nursing and how to help in cases of accident. Benton, S 613S-2 Home occupations. Rees, J. E. Ruutz-. . 746-6 Home of Fiesole and the times of Savonarola. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Home pastorals. Taylor, Bayard 876C7 Home physician. Gilbert, L. M 616-4 Home pictures of English poets. N. V., 1S80. 12° 821-45 Contents. — Chaucer.— Spenser. — Shakespeare. Milton.— Dryden.— Addison.— Swift.— Pope.— Young.— Thomson.— Gray.— Johnson.— Gold- smith. — Cow per. — Burns. Home recreations. Gill, Win, F 7851-4 HOME recreations and foreign travel. L., n. d. 16 604-4 Home rule. See Ireland. HoMl sanitation: manual for housekeeper.-,. Richards, E. H. and Talbot, Marion, eds. 628-74 HoMl scenes and heart studies. Aguilar, G. Home stories. Haven, Mrs. Alice B. . . . 458A2 Home studies in nature. Treat, Mary. . . 589-9 Home sunshine. Bell, Catherine D. . . . 145A2 HOME topics. Brown, Susan A. ed. . . . 604-15 HOME; where it should be and what to put in it. Stockton, F. K. and M 640-87 Ho 111. Greek epit poet, about 1000 B. C. Iliad: tr. into English blank verse by Win. Cullen Bryant. 2 v. in 1. B., 1870. 12°. Same. 2 v. H., 1873. 12°. 8831-Z Homer, continued. : literally translated with explanatory notes by T. A. Buckley. N. Y., 1857. I2 ° 8831-32 : tr. by Wm. Cowper : ed. by Robert Southey. L., 1S54. 12°. [Cowper's works, v. 7] 8831-4 : tr. by Alex. Pope. n. t. p. 12 . . . 8831-71 : rendered into English blank verse by Stanley, E. G. S., earl of Derby. 2 v. N.V.,iS68. 12 . Same,2v.ini. 1871. 8831-7 and Odyssey: tr. by Alex. Pope: ed. by Rev. H. F. Cary, with biographical notice of the author. L., 1S72. 12 . 8831-7 — Odyssey: tr. into English blank verse, by Wm. Cullen Bryant. 2 v. B., 1871-72. 12 . Same, 1873 8831-3 : done into English prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. N.Y., 18S3. 12°. 8831-33 : tr. by Wm. Cowper: ed. by Robert Southey. L., 1855. 12°. [Cowper's works, v. 8] 8831-41 , books i-xii : tr. by H. H. M. Herbert, earl of Carnarvon. L., 1S86. 12 . . . 8831-5 , books i-xii ; the text, and an English version in rhythmic prose : tr. by Geo. H. Palmer. B., 1884. 12° 8831-67 : tr. by Alex. Pope; with observations and brief notes by Rev. J. S. Watson. L., 1S66. 12° 8831-72 — Minor poems: battle of the frogs and mice, hymns and epigrams : tr. by Par- nell, Chapman, Shelley, Congreve and Hole ; with introduction by Henry Wil- son Coleridge, and a translation of the life of Homer attributed to Herodotus. N. Y., 1872. 12° 8833-3 — Hymns. In Shelley, P. B. Poetical works, pp. 645-665 820C3 Works, v. 3. pp. 305-343 820C4 — Autenrieth, G. Homeric dictionary. . 1283-2 — Baldwin, J. Story of the golden age. . 8834-14 — Bonitz, H. Origin of the Homeric poems 8834-2 — Brown, R. Myth of Kirke: including the visit of Odysseus to the shades: an Homerik study 2941-21 — Church, A. J. Stories from Homer. . . 8832-2 — Collins, W. L., ed. Iliad. [Ancient classics for English readers] 8832-3 Odyssey [Ancient classics lor English readers.] SS32-4 Geddes, W. I'. Problemofthe Homeric poems 8834-4 Gladstone, W. F. Inquiry into the time and place of Homer SS34-5 Homer, [Literature primers.] .... 8834-51 Maginn, Wm. Homeric ballads with translations 8S32-6 HOMER. 6 1 1) II.. mi i:, continued. Mahaffy, J. P. Social lifi in Greeci from Homei lo Menandi i I" Stew art, Aubrey, rale ol I i oy 8832 8 I 1 111.1 % enis, I . I . 1 Ireei e in the times "f Homer r ; \ \ Misi elli u ii i'. . pp. 380-390 "5E1 \i nold, M. Es lays in crith 1 m. pp. 284-424 1 -■ 1 1 5 Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 267-269. Transl > ol Homer. . 189I ; -Coleridge, S. T. Works. v. 4. pp. 373-375. Notes on 1 hapman's Homer. S28-32 De Quincey, r. Essays, v. 1. pp. 220- 331. I Corner and the I tomei ida . . . 284E44 Literary criticism, pp.60-171. [Same article.] 284E5 — Dobson, W. T. Classic poets, pp. 1-55. 8021-3 Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 5. pp. 222-258. [Translations] 295C2 Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 33-91 87001-3 Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, v. 2. pp. 52-93. Review of Gladstone's Homer 902-4 I 1 uule, J. A. Short studies, v. I. pp. 406-439 383E2 — Grote, G. History of ('■recce, v. 2. 21 918-43 — Il.ulley, J. Essays, pp. 56-80 450E1 Lamartine, A. de. Homer and Socrates. PP- "-54 SS34-6 Memoirs of celebrated characters, pp. 239-270 410-63 — Smith, J. C. Miscellanies. pp. 11-56. 836E1 — Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets, v. I. pp. 91-160 881-8 — Wilkinson, W. C. free lance in the field of life and letters, pp. 21S-254. . . . 804-96 — Wood, W. ,ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 4-6 4IO-975 HOMES and haunts of the most eminent British poets. Howitt, Wra 41821-4 HOMES and hospitals; or, tun phases of wo- man's work, as exhibited in the labors of Amy Dutton and Agnes E. Jones. B., 1873. 12° 300B1 HOMES and how to make them. Gardner, E. C 728-4 HOMES for home builders. King, D. W. , cJ. 728-52 Hom) foi the people. Wheeler, G. . . . 72S-96 HOMl Sol American authors : cum prising an- ec lote, personal and descriptive sketch- es, by various writers. N.Y., 1S57. 8°. 4181-45 Contents. — Audubon. — Paulding. — Irving. — T.ryaiu. — Bancroft.— Dana. — Prescott, — Sedg- wick. — Cooper. — Everett.— Emerson. — Simms. — Longfellow.— Hawthorne. — Webster. — Ken- nedy.— Lowell.— Halleck. I vritei Hai tford, 1856. 8°. .; 1 - 1 11 Henry Mad* ' milton.— Marshall. — Ami I I.) \. m . I I Cal- houn — Clini H ol the New World. Bremer, F. . . 473-1 S Homi Alfred Homes without hands. Wo I, J G. . . . 5v'52-9 HOME! 11 ■ or, live and twenty J Hill, Geo. ( 47)1-1 1 1 u ns. Whitne) D. T. Homestead architecture. imuel. 728-85 Homeward bound. Cooper, J. 1. HOMICIDE: a tragedy. Baillie, Joanna. I Ii amatic and poetical works, pp. 643- 665 132! 6 I [1 im< 1 sum. Eb G ! M. I [1 \i 1 mi sus Darwin : judicial examinations ; tly published by Mr. Darwin, regarding the "Descent of man." 1'hila., 1872. 12° 575-48 HoMCEOl Mine veterinary medicine. Gun- ther, 1". A 636-4 HOMOEOPATHIC veterinary practice: de- signed for horses, all kinds of domestic animals and fowls. \.V, 1878. 8°.. 636-45 i: OPATHY. Smythe, G. C. Medical heresies historically considered: era- bracing a special sketch and review of homoeopathy past and present S104-8 Holmes, 0. W. Currents and counter- currents in medical science, etc. pp. 51-1SS 6104-45 Medical essays, pp. 1-102. [Same es- say. I 6104-46 HOMO ELLE. Tiernan, Mrs. M. F. [Round Robin series.] HONAN, Michael Burke. Personal adven- tures of -'Our own correspondent'' in Italy. N. V.. 1S52. 12° 9450S-4 1 Gibbs, A. R. British Hondu- ras : historical and descriptive account of the colony from its settlement, 1670. [1883.] 9912-4 E. G. 1 tonduras : descri historical and statistical. 1S70. . . . 47283-8 — Wells, W. V. Explorations and adven- tures in Honduras. 1S57 47a Squier, E. G. Notes on Central Ameri- ca, pp. 59-234. 1855 Hone, Win., Eng. writer, b. iT/9-d. 1842. Ancient mysteries described, especially the English miracle plays, founded -on \ . ryphal New Testament story, in- cluding ecclesiastical shows. L., 1S23. 8221 4 HONEST. ■ — 620 HOOD. Honest John Vane. De Forest, J. W. Honesty. Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living, pp. 134-153. . . I97~33 Honey ants of the garden of the gods, and the Occident ants of the American plains. McCook, H. C 59593-7 Honeybee. See Bees. Honeymoon. Pomar, Count M. de. Hong-Kong. Clark, E. W. From Hong- Kong to the Himalayas 454-23 — Ellis, H. T. Hong-Kong to Manilla. . 4914-3 Honor bright : a romance. Buffalo, 1SS3. 12°. Honor May. Bartol, M. Honorable surrender. Adams, Mary. HONORED in the breach. Magruder, Julia. In Lippincott's magazine, March, 1S88. Honorius I, pope,,suc. 626-d. 638. Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. v. I. pp. 149-152 2S21-53 Honorius lll,pepe, sue. 1216-d. 1227. Mon- tor, A. de. Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. 399-407 2821-53 Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Greene, R. In British dramatists, pp. 78-96 S223-2 Honved, A. Sketches of the Hungarian emigration into Turkey. L.,1853. 16 . Bound with Krasinski, V. Montenegro. 4497-5 HOOD, Alex., 1st viscount Bridport. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 203-212. 411-65 HOOD, Chas. Practical treatise on warming buildings by hot water, steam and hot air, on ventilation and the various meth- ods of distributing artificial heat, and their effects on animal and vegetable physiology; [with] an inquiry into the laws of radiant and conducted heat, the chemical constitution of coal, and the combustion of smoke. L., 1879. S°. 6281-4 HOOD, Rev. Edwin Paxton, Eng. minister,. b. 1820-r/. 1SS5. British pulpit : sketch- es of eminent ministers. L., 1855. 16°. 4144-4 — Bye-path meadow. B., 1870. 16°. . . 486A4 — Lamps, pitchers and trumpets: lectures on the vocation of the preacher. 2 v. N. V., 1869. 12° 251-48 Contents. — v. 1. Lamps, pitchers and trump- ets. — Vocation of the preacher. — Apostolic age. Early church.— Mediaeval and post-mediseval i>i 1 ai hi 1 - Great preachers of the seventeenth I eighteenth century. — Puritan Adams.— Wit, humor and coarseness in the pulpit. — Use and abuse of imagination and illustration. — ( liri tin. 1 Evans. On formation of style for pulpit composition. v. 2. Pulpit of our age and times. — Frederick Robertson.— On arrangement of texts by divi- sion. — Concerning written and extemporary ser- Pu ■ . Manning tnd Newman. — On cf- i live preaching and the foundation of lcgiti- Hood, Rev. E. P., continued. mate success. — Chas. Spurgeon. — On the men- tal tools and apparatus needful for the pulpit. — Abbe Lacordaire, and Thos. Binney. — Oliver Cromwell: his life, times, battle- fields and contemporaries. N. V., 1883. 12° 255B6 — Peerage of poverty; or, learners and workers in fields, farms and factories. L., 11. d. 8° 410-58 — Robert Hall. N. V., 1SS1. 12 . . . . 450B8 — Scottish characteristics. N. Y. 12°. . 441-4 — Villages of the Bible : descriptive, tradi- tional and memorable. Phila.,1874. 12 2213-47 — ed. Master minds of the West : their best poems, thoughts, essays and tales. L. 1 6° 412-54 Contents. — Brainard.— Haliburton. — Mayo. — Hannah F. Gould. — Wilcox. — Ware. — Dana. — Bryant. — Channing. — Harriet Beecher Stowe. — Bancroft. — Cooper. — Parker. — Audubon. — Holmes. — Hawthorne. — Emerson. — Whit tier. World of anecdote library. 4 V. Phila., 1S74. 12°. 1. Ways of doing good, adventure, sci- ence, etc 8077-441 2. Things clerical, lawyers, human fol- ly, etc 8077-442 3. Martyrs, Bible, prayer, etc 8077-443 4. Christian life, preachers and preach- ing, noble women, etc 8077-444 HoOD, Geo. History of music in New Eng- land ; with biographical sketches of re- formers and psalmists. B., 1846. 12 . 773-4 Hood, John B. Pollard, E. A. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 663-673 41225-5 HOOD, Robin, legendary Eng. outlaw, 12th century. Percy, S. Robin Hood and his merry foresters 3219-5S — Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood 8219-6 — Ritson, J., ed. Robin Hood : a collec- tion of poems, songs and ballads. . . 8219-7 — Lippincotl, Mrs. S. J., (Grace Green- wood, pseud.) Merrie England. pp. 51-77 9308-5 — Wheeler, D. H. By-ways of literature. pp. 69-89 S04-94 — Wright, T. Popular cycle of the Robin IliHid ballads. //; Essays on litera- ture, etc. v. 2. pp. 164-21 1 9306-9 Hood, Samuel, 1st viscount Hood. Lodge,!'',. I'm Hails of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 213-223. . . 411-65 Hood, Thos., Kng. author, b. e 798— af. 1845. Poetical works; with memoir. 2 v. in I. N. V., 1S66. 12°. Same, 1873. . 486Ct Prose works : ed. by Kpes Sargent, v. ). V Y., 1865. 12 827-615 — Tylney Hall. I'.., 1805. 12°. HOOD. 621 — HOOPER II , Hi" . ontinued. 1 |. Hi,- Rhine V \ ., 1866. 12°. . . 827-61 Parish revolul Tn Bui le q ue. [Trea ure trove erii Poems. In Jone ;, C. II., ed. Vei di 01 ii li pp. ss 68 8096-45 Walton redivivus. ^//Travesty. [Treas- ure trove sei ie 1. 1 — Drake, S. A., ed. < lur j^ 1 l- . 1 1 1 1 . • pp. '19-102 410-42 I uller, S. M. I ,ife ■■■■ ithoul and life with- in, pp. 61-70 400E5 Gilfillan, G. Mi. .Inn literature and lit- erarj men. ||>. 96—109 418-43 Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of British authors, v. 4. |i|>. 3-32. . . . 4182-56 Miller, J. Memorie and rime. pp. 207- 2'2 634E4 Parton, J,,ed. Princes, authors, etc. pp. 151-156 410-83 Q. you have heard "f them. pp. 322- 33° 410-85 Stedman, 10. (.'. Victorian poets, pp. 72-90 821-85 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2 - PP- 375-380 946E5 Hood, Thos., or •• Imn," ion of foregoing, Eug. writer, />. 1S35 -d. 1874. Love and valor. B., 1 S72. 12 . — Rhymester; or, the rules of rhyme: a guide to English versification : ed. with additions by Arthur Penn. X. Y ., 1S82. 16° 1 166-4 Hi ■! ik, Jas., /./.. />., /.. 1771-rf. 182S. Pen Owen. Edinburgh, 1S6S. 16°. IlniiK, Theodore Edward, Eng. humorist, />. 1788-rf. 1S41. Choice humorous works ; with life of the author. I.., n. d. 16°. 827-62 Contents. — Memoir of Theodore Hook. — Ramsbottom papers, 1822-31. — Political songs and squibs. — Tentamen ; or, an essay toward 1 1 In t. ii v .1 Whittington.— Anecdotes, hoaxes and jests ousin t ifilfiey. I.., n. d. 16 . — Cousin William. 1.., n. d. 16 . — Fathers ami sons. I.., 11. d. 16°. — Gervase Skinner. N. \ .. 1S57. 12°. — Gilbert Gurney. 1.., n. d. 16 . — Gurney married : sequel to Gilbert Gurr ney. L. n. d. 16 . — Man of many friends, Doubts and fears, [and] Friend of the family. L., n. d. 16 . Maxwell, n. t. p. l6°. - Merlon; or, there's may a sli]> 'twixt the cup and the lip. I... n. d. 16 . — Parson's daughter. L., n. d. 16 . — Passion and principle. L., n. d. 16°. — Peregrine Bunce. I... 11. d. 16 °. — Widow and the marquis; or, love and pride. L., a. d. 16 °. 11. 1 1 . ontinued. I ene. v. 1. pp. i75-«92 P.i ief bit | ■77 i' I in in on, K. (B.) and I. C, (Grace and I lip Wharton, piettd.) Wil . and beau t ety. N. V. ed. pp. 405- 432. l„ t,l. pp. 425 454 1 II Wal bar, e. [8 1 1879. Glazier, W. Heroes of three "•i.s. pp. 314 325 4'-;i 1 Headley.J.T. Grant and Sherman, their paigns and generals, pp. 360-380. 4122-4 Shanks, W. 1 . ii. Personal recollei of distinguished generals, pp. 163-192. 4122-8 Mi 1 1:. Joseph Dalton, /•'. A'. S., Eng. bot- anist, b. 1817. Botany. X. Y., 1878. 16°. [Science primers.] 580-47 II ik, Richard, English divine, b. issj ii. 1600. Sermons. In Brogden, I. Illustrations of the liturgy 26031-4 Mi in-, ( i. S. British thought and think- ers, pp. 71-79 1 Washburn, E. A. Epochs in Church his- I iv. pp. 199-238 204-94 — Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age ol I lizabeth. pp. 340-364 S203-9 i .;. Thos. Disraeli, I. Amcnil: literature, v. 2. pp. 86-98 804-35 HOOKER, Worlhington. Child's book of nature. N. Y., 186S. 16 504-46 G'ritetifs.—pi. I. Plants. — pt. 2. Animals. — pt. 3. Air, water, heat, lisht.ctc. — First book in chemistry. X.Y.,1868. 16°. 540-4S X ttural history. X. Y., 1S70. 12 . . . 590-49 Science for the school and family, pt. I. Natural philosophy. X. V., 1S67. 12 . 530-48 pt. 3. Mineralogy and geology. X. Y.. 1S66. 12° 550-49 HOOKHAM, Mary Ann. Life and times of Margaret of Anjou, queen of England and France. 2 v. I... KS72. 8°. . . 611B5 11 .1 !eo. Italian campaigns of Gen- eral Bonaparte in 1796-97 and 1S00. I ... 1S59. 16° 665B6 R, Henry. Lostmodel. Phila., 1 S74. 12°. ■.:, John, Eng. reformer, />. 1495-^. 1553. Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the -h martyrs. pp. 17S-19S. . . 272 - HOOPER. 622 HOPKINS. Hooper, Johnson J. Adventures of Cap- tain Simon Suggs, together with Tak- ing the census. Phila., n. d. 12 . . . 817-49 — Simon Suggs. In Watterson, H., ed. Oddities of Southern life. pp. 30-91. 817-94 Hooper, Louisa. Tsar's window. B. 12°. [No name series.] Hooper, Lucy Hamilton, Am. writer, b. 1835. Poems. Phila., 1871. 12 . . . 486C6 — Under the tricolor ; or, the American colony in Paris. Phila., 1880. 12 . Hooper, Wm. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of independ- ence, pp. 325-329 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 201-204 4121-53 Hoopes, Josiah. Book of evergreens: a practical treatise on the conifer*, or cone bearing plants. N. Y., 1868. ■2° 7I3S-4 Hoosier school boy. Eggleston, Rev. Ed- ward 311A4 H0 3SIKR school-master. Eggleston, Rev. Edward. Hooykaas, Dr. I., joint author. Oort, H. and others. Bible for learners. 3 v. . 221-7 Hope, Lady — . Wild hyacinths. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Hope, Ascott R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R.H. Hope, F. T. L. Three homes : a tale for fathers and sons. N, Y., a. d. 12°. Hope, Geo. l'arton, J. Captains of indus- try, pp. 28S-293 4169-7 Hope, Geo. H. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. N. Y., 1S71. 12 . 6138-45 — Same. Bound with Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . 643-17 Hope, Dr. Jas. Neale, E. Closing scene. v. 1. pp. 132-145 410-8 Hope, Stanley. A new Godiva. Phila., 1876. 12°. Hope, Hon. Theodore C. Church and state in India: ed. with preface and notes by H. A. Mathews. L., 18S5. 8°. . . . 3225-4 HOPE, Thos., Etlg. author, b. about 1770-1/. 1831. Anastasius; or, memoir of a Greek written at the close of the iSth century. 2 v. in 1. N. V., 1856. 12°. — Smith, S. Works. pp. 329-333. Re- view of Anastasius 837E1 HOPE Campbell ; or, know thyself. Bell, Catherine D 145A22 lb in Darrow. Townsend, Virginia !•'. . . S94A2 Hope deferred. Pollard, E. F. HOPE Meredith. Tabor, E. Mi Mill,. Douglas, Vmanda M. II-11 mi, 1 hope ever! Howitt, Mary. . . 492A17 11 ii \\ 1; ce; or, earnest living, B., 1S68. 16 487A8 HOPEDALE tavern, and what it wrought. Van Namee, J. Wm 913AS HOPES and fears. Yonge, Charlotte M. Hopes and fears ; or, broad oaks. B., 1868. 16° 487A9 Hopes and helps. Weaver, G. S '97-95 Hope's heart bells. Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L. Hopes of the human race. Cobbe, F. P. . 218-2 Hopkins, A. A. His prison bars, and the way of escape. Rochester, 1874. 16°. Hopkins, Ellice. Rose Turquand. N. Y., 1876. 8°. Hopkins, Geo. Ralph's possession. B., 1873. 16° 488A4 Hopkins, H. R. Is it a profession, or a trade? In Ethical symposium. pp. 176-191 6103-7 Hopkins, John Henry, D. D., bishop, b. 1792W/. 1868. History of the confes- sional. N. Y., 1850. 12 2616-4 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 4. pp. 527-542 and v. 6. pp. 56S-592. Re- views 818-27 Hopkins, John Henry, D. D., b. 1S20. Memoir of M. Mahan. In Mahan, M. Works, v. 3 208-57 Hopkins, Johns, Am. philanthropist, b. 1795— d. 1S73. Bolton, S. K. How success is won. pp. 96-113 412-24 Hopkins, Dr. Lemuel. In Everest, C. \V., ed. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 51-58. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Hopkins, Livingston. Comic history of the United States. N. Y. 16 . . . . 9733-45 Hopkins, Louisa Parsons. Educational psy- chology : a treatise for parents and edu- cators. B., 1886. 1 6° 180-45 — Practical pedagogy ; or, science of teach- ing illustrated. How shall my child be taught? B., 1887. 12° 372-5 Hopkins, Manly. Hawaii : past, present and future of its island kingdom, his- torical account of the Sandwich is- lands (Polynesia) ; with a preface by the Bishop of Oxford. N. Y., 1S69. 8°. 99969-4 — Mahetible Hopkins and her travels. Den- ver, 1884. 12° 817-5 Hopkins, Mark, D. D., LL. D., Am. educa- tor, b. 1802-1/. 1S87. Lectures on moral science delivered before the Lowell In- stitute, Boston. B., 1865. 8°. Same, 1872 191-48 — Outline study of man; or, the body and mind in one system. N. Y., 1S73. 12°. Same, 1878 180-46 Si 1 i plural idea of in a 11 : six lee lures given before the theological students at Prince- ton on the L. P. Stone foundation. N. V., 1883. 12° 233-4 HOPKINS. — 62 1 II' IR I [1 hi. 1 , Mill, continued. 1 , ,ii hing ■ and 1 oun ->-\ , 1 iu enl ) Bncca laureate lei ns ; w ith o 'li 11 oui i< Pre "ii ni Garfield. N. \., 1SS4. 12°. 252-49 1 lusive traits of ( Ihristianity. In 1 ton lei Mm , 1871. pp. 4 ;" i'>4 • • • 239-2 [ntrodui 1 Tn Davis, E. A half cen- tury 3097-3 Place of conscience. In Boston Monday lei tures, 1880 Si. pp. 85-112 Fish, H. C. Pulpil eloquent e. pp. 295- 307 2 5-' 4 Hopkins, Mark, jr. World's verdict. B., 1888. 12°. IS, Samuel, Congregational Iheolo t. 1 7 2 1 — t/. 1803. Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. I. pp. (33 349 947I 6 — See also Stovre, II. B. Mini ter's wooing. I ins, Samuel, /'. 1807. Puritans ami Queen Elizabeth ; or, the church, court and parliament of England from the reign of Edward VI to the death of the Queen. 3 v. N. Y., n. d. 8°. . . . 2859-4 Hopkins, Rev. Samuel M. Presbyterian church, from 1775-86. /;; Centennial hist, discourses, pp. 71-150 2851-3 HOPKINS, Sarah Winnemuca. Life among the Piutes; their wrongs and claims: ed. by Mrs. II. Mann. B., 18S3. 12°. 9702-4 Hopkins, Stephen. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of inde- pendence, pp. 66-70 4121-3 I sing, B. I. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 44-46 4121-53 Hopkins, Tighe. Riley, M. P. //.■ Norman, H., ed. Broken shaft, pp. 157-185. INSON, Francis, Am. author, b. 1738- .. Am. educator, 6. 1820. Life of Andrew Hull I N. \ ., 1874. 8° 375> ; ' — Old England ; its scenery, art and pe N. V., 1867. 10 . Same, B., 1883. 12°. 442-48 Hoppner, John. Cook, D. An in Eng- land, pp. 260 294 7592-3 — Cunningham, A. 1 uters and sculptors, v. 4. pp. 203-214 t'7 ■ )! . , Rev. I'age. Inspiration: a clerical symposium, pp. 79-92 2202-47 — Future probation : a symposium, pp. 105- 133 2 376-3 1 ii'le, W. J., Knox-, and others. Im- mortality: a symposium, pp. 63-86. . 218-56 1: , Mary A. M. Great treason: a story of the war of Independence. X. V., 1S83. 12°. — Story of Carnival. N. V., 1883. 16 . Hops. Fuller, A. S., ed. Mop culture. . . 6339-5 — Simmonds, P. L. Hops ; their cultivi in various countries. 6339-8 II \. Lord Ralph. Lo lgi ' '• 'raits of illustrious personages of Gt. Britain. v. 5. pp. 25-35 4"-65 11 •alius Flaceus, Latin poet, i. B. C. 65-rf. 8. Works : tr. 1>\ I . Smart, revised with notes by Theodore Alois Buckley. I.., 1857. 16°. ... - : with introductions, notes, etc., by Jas. 1 : Male and S. Lee. I... 1S74. I2 = . ! ' — Odes and epodes : metrical translation in- to English; with introduction and com- mentaries, by Lord Lytton. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1869. 16°. Same, X. ¥"., 1870. 12° - — Odes: translated into English verse; with life and notes, by Theodore Martin. Phila., n. d. 12 S745-6 — Odes; complete in English rhyme and blank verse, by Henry Hubbard Pierce. , 1884. 12° 8 — Martin, Theodore. Horace. [Ancient classics for English readers.] — Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 3. pp. 170-lSl. [Translations.] 295C2 — Elton. 1 . A . ed. Specimens of the poets, v. 2. pp. 181 229. . . S7001-3 HORACE. — 624 HORSE. Horace, continued. — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 223-234 804-56 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 613-61S 410-82 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 39-45 4187-9 Horace Templeton. Lever, Chas. Horace Wilde. Mallary, Mrs. M. J. Hor.€ Hellenica:. Blackie, J. S 8804-2 IIor.i: lyricae and divine songs. Watts, Laac. 927C7 Hor.b Paulina?. Paley, Wm 210-7 Hor.'E subsecivEe : Rab and his friends, and other stories. Brown, John 188E1 Horatius Codes. In Hale, E. E. Boys' heroes, pp. 26-39 410-535 — Harris, A. B. Horatius at the bridge. In Gilman, A. ed. Magna Charta stories, pp. 23-36 9°3~37 — Macau. ay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. PP. '1-54 603C51 Same. In Poetical works 603C4 1I< iRBERG, Peter, b. 1746-d. 1816. Men who have made themselves, pp. 274-282. . 410-757 HoRDER, W. Garrett. /;; Little, W. J. Knox- and others. Immortality: a sym- posium, pp. 30-62 21S-56 Horetzky, Chas. Canada on the Pacific : journey from Edmonton to the Pacific by the Peace river valley, and a winter voyage along the western coast of the dominion. Montreal, 1S74. 12 . . . 471 1-4 Horlock, K. W., (Scrutator, pseud). Prac- tical lessons on hunting and sporting. L., 1S65. 12° 7967-48 Horn, Frederik Winkel. History of the literature of the Scandinavian North, from the most ancient times to the pres- ent: tr. by R. B. Anderson; with a biog- raphy of the most important books in the English language relating to the Scandinavian countries, prepared by Thorvald Solberg. Chicago, 1884. 8°. 8395-5 Hokn, Geo. Count Silvius. N. Y., 1882. 12°. HORN, Henry J. Strange visitors: series of original papers, embracing philosophy, science, government, religion, poetry, art, fiction, satire, humour, narrative and prophecy by the spirits of Irving, Willie, Thackeray, Bronte, Richter, By- ron, Humboldt, Hawthorne, Wesley, Browning, and others now dwelling in the spirit world. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Same, B., 1873 176-48 HORN of plenty: home poems and home pic- tures, by Louisa M. Alcotl and others, li., 1876. 8° 8099-4 Hornaday, Wm. T. Two years in the jun- gle: experiences of a hunter and natural- ist in India, Ceylon, Malay peninsula and Borneo. N. V., 1885. 8° 454~47 Horne, Richard Hengist, English author, b. about 1803-0". 1884. History of Na- poleon Bonaparte. New ed. thorough- ly revised, with additions by S. R. T. Mayer, illustrated by Raffet and Hor- ace Vernet. L., 1S78. 8° 665B65 — New spirit of the age. N. Y., 1855. 16° 4182-45 — Orion: an epic poem in three books. B. , 1872. 12 487C4 Horner, Francis. Brougham, H. Histor- ical sketches of statesmen, v. 2. pp. 7-16 410-17 HORNER, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Florence. 2 v. L., 1873. 12 . . . . 4455~5 Hornet's nest. Roe, Rev. Edward P. Hoknibrook, Emma E. Marvelous in our eyes. N. Y., n. d. 12 . Horology. See Watches and clocks. Horry, P., Am. general, om Weems, M. L. Life of General Francis Marion. Phila., 1868. 16 612B9 Horse, The. American horse book. . . . 636-17 — Art of taming horses : Rarey system fully explained. 1S59. Bound with Lady's equestrian manual 6364-55 — Cole, J. R. Horse's foot and how to shoe it. 1879 6362-3 — Dadd, G. H. Anatomy and physiology of the horse. 1857 6361-29 Modern horse doctor, n. d 6361-3 — Every horse owner's cyclopedia, n. d. . 6361-9 — F.,W. Simple ailments of horses. 1882. 6361-35 — Fearnley, W. Lectures on the examina- tion of horses as to soundness. 187S. . 6361-37 — Fitzwygram, F. Horses and stables. 1886 6361-38 — Free-lance, pseud. Horses and roads, 1880 6362-5 — ■ Gleason, O. R. How to handle and edu- cate vicious horses. 1S86 6361-4 — Homoeopathic veterinary practice. 1878. 636-45 — - McClure, R. Gentleman's stable guide. [1870] 6361-6 — Magner, D. Art of taming and educating the horse 6361-61 — Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. . 636-57 Illustrate 1 horse management 6361-63 — Murray, W. 11. II. Perfect horse. 1873.6361-68 — Nash, E., ed. Farmer's practical horse farriery. |" l8 57] 6361-7 Page, ('. E. Horses: their feed and their feet. [1883] 6361-73 Proctor, W. Management and treatment .if the horse. 1883 6361-75 Richardson, II. D. Horses: their varie- ties, breeding, etc. 1852 636-7 HORSE. - 625 — II' 'l.l \l.l' Hoi tinned. ii. 1 . 1 1 . Horses. In Nal 11 1 alist's • S9°-5 Wal ih, |. 1 1. I loi se m tin- 1 Ibli the field : his managemenl iri hi and dl ea e, [1871] 636-9 \\ I11 ton, t '. I tand-boo!< on the 1 1 1 1 if the horse. 1873 6361-93 \\ 01 d, J. G, Horse and man. 1886. , 6361 \ mi,!] 1, \\ . History, treal menl and dis- ea « "l the I :, [874 6361-97 Ml. 11, 1 , i 11 1 n i' ii iem e pp. ' II 154 502-14 ■ Blunt, Lady A. Bedouin tribe ol the I uphi ate i. pp. |.iS 1 \o. \\ abian horses 4577-16 — Brisbin, J. S. Beef 1hhi.hi , rich on the plains, pp. 14.5-150. . 636-2 1 1. inn 1 ton, P. G. < lhapter on animal -. pp. '"-95 59<>4-4 McMillan, A, F mlas and domestic guide, pp. 170-186 603-5 Shakespeai .11. \\ ild ipoi 1 • ol India. pp. 212 241 "964-8 Smiles, S, Duty. pp. 366-388 194-81 Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 132— 154 304-9 - 1 lomestic animal - 1 1. 11. ,1 m vnship. An. in .11.1 I On hoi se- ... I; in the school and on the road. 1882 63114 15 - Vice in the horse. 1SS6 6364-16 Battersby, J. C. Bridle bits. 1886. . . 6364 • 1 lodge, T. A. Patroclus and Penel >p chal in the saddle. 1886 6364-3 Dwyer, !•'. Simi. ami saddles. 1S69. . . 1131-1 In the ,1.1.1 le ; collei ti f poems on horseback riding. 18S2 80958-5 Karr, Mrs. E. American horsewoman. [884 6364-5 1 id) equfistrian manual. 1854. . . . 6364-55 Mead, I. II. Horsemanship fm u-.uncn. 6364-6 O'Donoghue, Mrs. Power. Riding for ladies. 1SS7 6364-7 Gillmore, P. Gun, rod and saddle, pp. [04 115, and 176 196 796-4 Kenophon. Minor works, pp. 266-301. 8884 9 — Y01 book, pp.415 44S. . . . 504 97 Horseracing. Apperley, C. J. Chace, turf and road 6364-18 — Day, W. Race horse in training. . . . 63 Dixon, II. II. Post and paddock. . . . 6365-4 Rice, J. Historj of the British turf, from the earliest times to the present day. . 6365-67 Rules and regulations for racing, trotting and betting 6365-7 — Wallace. J. II. American trotting regis- ter 6365-9 — Woodruff, 11. Trotting horse ol America. 6365-95 1 1. I:. A. Ligl 1 i the people "I England, pp. 3S 17- ■ • • \\ .1 Ii. |. II. I n niral ,11 50S 7 'i 1 ' Sinai 1. 1 1. I M 1 hoeing Cole, J. R. II ami how to hoe il ' ' in.-. \\ . J, E. Smithy and forge, rudi- .11 -. 1 1 eal 1 e, im lulling instrui I in the farrier's art; with a chapter on coach-smithing 682-3 — Fleming,'.. Practi ill ing. . . <>■,<'- t Day, W. Race hoi e in training, pp. 292-301 6365-3 — See also Horse. II 1. fool and dragoons: sketches ..f ar- my life at home and abroad. Zogbaum, Ruin. I 355-98 I [ORSI Hi - I . m. Kennedy. J. P. Horsli .. ' has. Edward. Text-book oj harmony. N. Y.. 1877. 12° 77'7~5 I [-MANN, 1.. Henry. Tonsillar reminis- cences. Phila., 1866. 12° 443-47 ii 11 . . Euginie de Beauharnais, queen of Holland, i. 1783 d. 1837. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Hortense Hoi 1. ilA; or, the transfiguration. In Da- vis, A. J. Memoranda of persons, pp. 345-464 176-26 Mm in 1 1 11 kai buildings. Fawkes, I . A 717 3 Hortici in RE. Sec Gardening. H in, Caroline W. Architecture. general students. X. Y., 1S74. 16 . 720-47 Horton, J. II. and Teverbaugh, S. Histo- ! the Eleventh regime dun- lecr infantry. Dayton, ()., 1866. 8°. 9796-4 Horton, R. G. Life an. 1 public servicesof las. Buchanan. N. Y.. i860. |2 C . . Horton, S. Dana. Silver pound and Eng- land's monetary policy since the n ration, together with the history of the guinea, illustrated l>y contemporary iments. I ., 1887. 8°. . . . Hosai K, John. Mary Queen of Scots and her accusers, embracing a narrativi its from the death of James V, in 1542, until the death of Queen Mary, in 2 i. Edinburgh, 1871 - . . 616B6 1 1, is \>,n \s ..I" the children and other sh sermons for young worshipers. M duff, J. R. . . Hosea. Set Bible, Old Testament. HOSKIAER.V., captain. Laying and repair- ing of electric telegraph cables. 1 .. 12 5 H OS KINS. 626 HOUGHTON. Hoskins, S. Elliott. Charles the second in the Channel islands: a contribution to his biography and to the history of his age. 2 v. L., 1854. 8° 222B5 Hosmer, Miss — , joint author. Mendell, Aliss — and Hosmer, Miss — . Notes of travel and life 470-63 Hosmer, (i. \\\, M. D. "As we went marching on": a story of the war. N. Y., 1885. 1 6°. Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, Am. sculptor, b. 1S31. Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous, pp. 141-157. . . 413-2 — Ellett, E. F. Women artists, pp. 349-369. 4174-3 HOSMER, Jas. Kendall, Am. author, b. 1S34. Color guard : being a corporal's notes of military service in the Nineteenth Army corps. B., 1864. 16° 9801-4 — Samuel Adams. B., 18S5. 12 . [Am. statesmen ser.] 107B7 — Short history of German literature. St. Louis, 1S79-S0 830-45 — Story of the Jews. N. Y., 1886. 12 . [Story of the nation* ser.] 913-4 — Thinking bayonet, n. t. p. 12 . HOSMER, Mrs. Margaret. Morrisons. Phila., n. d. 1 6°. HOSMER, Rev. Wm., Am. writer, b. 1810. Young lady's book ; or, principles of fe- male education. Auburn, 1S51. l6°. 376-5 Hospital diet. Soyer, A. Soyer's culin- ary campaign 9475-8 Hospital sketches and camp and fireside stories. Alcott, Louisa M 114A33 Hospital transports: memoir of the em- barkation of the sick and wounded from the peninsula of Virginia in the sum- mer of 1862. B., 1863. 12 9S03-4 Hospitalier, E. Electrician's pocket-book: enlarged ed. of " Formulaire practique de I'electricien " : tr. with additions by Gordon Wigan. L., 1884. 16 . . . . 537-48 Hospitals. Arsac, J. d\ Brothers of the t hristian schools during the war of 1870-71 27178-2 — Baudens, L. On military and camp hos- pilals 6139-2 LUckes, E. C. E. Hospital sisters and Him duties . . 6138-5 State charities aid association 6139-4 — Wheelock, J. S. Hoys in white: expe- riem 1 ol 1 ho pital agenl in and about v\ .. ihington 9803-9 — Parkin on, J. C. Plai e and 1 pie, pp. 254-265 7'.;' t fimond, J. F. New York and its in- pp. 360-422 47471-7 — Roosa, l>. B. St. J. Doctor's suggestions to tb' unity, pp. 1 28 6104-73 Hospitals, continued. — Swisshelm, J. G. Half a century, pp. 252-363 868B7 — Una and her paupers: memorials of Ag- nes Elizabeth Jones by her sister, pp. 471-497. Hospital training and nursing in the United States. . . 518B2 — Wynter, A. Subtle brains and lissom fingers, pp. 251-255 and 272-275 . . . 304-91 — See also Nursing. Hot-houses. See Greenhouses. Hot plowshares. Tourgee, Albion W. Hotel du petit St. Jean. Dempster, C. Hotels. Rogers, R. V. Law of hotel life; or, the wrongs and rights of host and guest 3444-7 Hotspur. Walworth, M. T. Hotton, John Camden, (Theo. Taylor, pseud.), Eng. writer. Chas. Dickens: the story of his life, N. Y., 1870. 8°. Same, L., 16 287B7 — Thackeray the humorist, and the man of letters: the story of his life and literary labours; including selections from his characteristic speeches; to which is added, In Memoriam, by Chas Dickens, and a sketch by Anthony Trollope. N. V., 1864. 12° 882B3 — joint author. Larwood, J. and Hotten, J. C. History of signboards 394~5 — cd. Abyssinia and its people: or, life in the land of Prester John. L., 1868. 12 463-45 HOTZE, Conrad L. First lessons in physics, for use in the upper grades of our com- mon schools. St. Louis, 187 1. 12 . . 530-49 HOUDIN. See Robert-Houdin. Hoi GH, Franklin B.,ed. Thousand islands of the river St. Lawrence. Syracuse, X. V. 16° 47477-4 Hough, loseph. McBride, J. Pioneer biography, v. I. pp. 311-326. . . . 41271-6 HOUGH, Lewis. For fortune and glory: a story of the Soudan war. I.., 1885. 12 . 490A9 Houghton, Lord. Sec Milnes, Richard Monckton. Houghton, Henry O. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and pub- lishers, pp. 271-291 4181-3 Houghton, Roland S. Three lectures on hygiene and hydropathy. N. Y., 1854. 12°. Bound with Houghton, K. S., ed. Water-treatment 6157-2 - ed. On the water-treatment ; compilation oi papers on the subject of hygiene and rational hydropathy. N.Y., 1S54. 12°. 6157-2 Contents. — Confessions of a water patient. !>y Sir \\. (.. I I Bulwer I ytton. — Review of hy- dropathy, by John Forbes.— Two chapters on bathing and the water treatment, by l>r. E, Wil- Hor<;iiT<'\ — 627 — ll'.i 3EH0LD. I i I, R. S., C ■: : . Medical im ion of thi watet ir Cha 1 ida Coid wa- ter cun I mi D] 11 Ao Observation treatn D R H hton II 11 i"\, A'. v. Ross < . Ruth, the Moab- 1 he mi r n. ..1 1 .in Lord. ( inn., 1882. 12° 2218-8 W omen oi the ' h ienl : 1 unl of the re- lig 1 intellect! I and .mm ■ •I wome |.i|..ni. China, India, I : ypt, Syria and 'I'm key. ('inn., 1 s 7 7 . 1 ' 450-44 1 1' H '. Rev. Win. ( ountrj walks of a naturalisl with his children. I... 1870. 12 589-48 — Sea-side walks ..i a naturalist with his children, I... 1870. 12° 5898-47 Hoi 1-1 \. Stannard, 1.' H I - \ .. (J. s. Winter, psetnl.) Hour and the man, Martineau, 11. II' ii 1; » ill 1 ome. I [illern, W. von. Hoi 1; « uli Charlotte Bronte. Hull. Laura C ■ 1S4B83 Hours in a library. Stephen, 1 8<>i S| Mm 1 il exercise in the Alps. Tyndall, J. 4494 8 1 1< 11 rs of thought on sacred things. Mar- tineau, 1 252-65 Hours of work and play. Cobbe, F. P. . . 24 I lin rs with a three-im h Noble, Win 522-65 HOURS with eminent Irishmen and .1 glimpse of Irish history. Mel arthy, J. II . . . 941-54 Hours with German classics. Hedge, F. II. 830-42 Hoi rs with John Darby. Garretson, J. E. 420E2 ll.'i RS with mamma. Dawes. Mrs. S. E. . 2211 3 Hoi RS with men and books. Mathews, Wm. 617E54 > ! with the Bible; or, the Scripture in the light of modern discovery and knowledge.. (1 vols. Geikie, C. . . . 2206-4 Hours with the mystics. Vaughan, R. A. 2732-9 II. n se, Edward II. Japanese episodes. B., 1881. 24 452-5 Contents.— I.ittlc fountain of Salcanoshita.— 1 ' l>.(. k.— Japanese statesman at home.— Day in a Japanese theatre ; . Erwin. Missionary in many lands: a series of interesting sketches of mis- sionary life. X. \\, i860. 16°. . . . 263-4 , Mrs. S. R. Chapters. ///Siamand Laos 2659-7 . Samuel R. Chapters. In Siam ami I 2659-7 manual of rural ar- chitecture. [Rural manuals. No. I.] . 630-7 and home papers. Stowe, Mrs. II. (B.) 640-S9 ' ami u- surroundings. X. \ .. 1879. *4° [Health primers.] 628-48 at High bridge. Fawcett, E. 1 1 beautiful ; or, the Bible .1 'il. tid.) 1 16A2 lln 1 building from Richardson, C. J Hoi 1 by the 1 hurt hyard. Le Fanu, |. S. II 1 by I he H I II. (Edv in/. 1 II Irainage and v. villages and rural neighborhoods. Bay- ' I Ho 1 I live in ; nr, the human body. Al- ' "it. \\ . A 612-14 II town. Warner, Susan 924A2 ii 1 of a merchanl prince. Bishop, W. II. II. I \ 1 ■ 1 : tragedy. ir> W. I . 11 al works, v. 9. pp. 227-306. . S 1 4 ' 1 Hoi 1 ol Austria. 1 oxe, Win. 3 v. . . . 9426-3 , continuation ..f. Kelly, W. K. . . . 9426-3 H .f Refuge, New York city. 1'eirce, B. K. Half century with juvenile de- linquents; or, the Xew York House of Refuge and its times Hoi se of Ross. Riddle, A. 1 .. Hoi -1. of the musician. Johnson, V. W. Hoi 1 of the sevei 1 lawthoi II 1 the marsh. James, Mrs. V. A. il'iu e), (F. Warden, pseud.) HOUSE painting. See Painting, industrial. Hoi SE plans for everybody. Reed, S. B. . 728-76 HOUSE plants as sanitary agents. Anders, J. M 718-2 House sanitation. Denton, J. Bailey-. . . 628-4 II . 1 with spectacles. Robinson, I.. I!. . 787A] II 1 hold book of poetry. I 1 /. 809-35 Household conveniences : being the expe- rience of many practical writers. V Y.. 1884. 12° 640-4S 11. ' 1 11. nil decoration. See Decorative art. Furniture. Household education. Martineau, 11. . . 3731-6 i Jones, Mrs. I . S. and Williams, II. T 746-91 Household friends for every season. B., 1866. 12°. Household hints. Babcock, E. W. . . . 64 SOLD of Bouverie. Warfield, C. A. Household of Sii Thos. More. Manning, M. A. M EHOLD puzzles. Alden. Mrs. I. M.. (Pansy, pseud.) 7'4-\47 II i ehold remedies. Oswald, F. I.. . . II. 1 3EHOLD science. See Housekeeping. i I i Horn verses. Barton, B 1 1 iilii words for girls and boys. I 1 ■ ■' 272A3 Household wreck. De (Juincey, T. Xar- rative and miscellaneous papers, v. 1. PP- 7-t" - HOUSEKEEPING. — 628 HOW. Housekeeping. Aikman, \V. Bachelor's talks about married life and things ad- jacent 193 1 j — Allen, C. W. Stitch in time; or, one thousand and one things worth know- ing 603-13 — Babcock, E. W. Household hints. . . 640-13 — Bazar book of the household >93~2 — Beecher, C. E. Housekeeper and health- keeper 640-15 Principles of domestic science 640-16 and Siowe, H. (B.) American woman's home ; or, principles of domestic sci- ence 640-161 — Blake M. Twenty-six hours a day. . . 640-19 — Campbell, H. Easiest way in housekeep- ing and cookery 640-25 — Cobbett, W. Cottage economy. . . . 640-27 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Woman's worth and worthlessness. . . 396-45 — Facts and hints for every day life. . . . 640-35 — Faunthorpe, J. P., ed. Household sci- ence 640-36 — Goodwin, C. How they learned house- work 432A9 — House and its surroundings 628-48 — Household conveniences 640-4S — Look within : condensed encyclopedia re- lating chiefly to household manage- ment 603-45 — Mason, Mrs. M. Young housewife's counsellor and friend 640-63 — Murray, R. Modern householder : man- ual of domestic economy in all its branches 640-7 — Peirce, M. F. Co-operative housekeep- ing ; how not to do it and how to do it. 640-75 — Sedgwick, C. M. Means and ends; or, self-training 376-7S — Stockton, F. R. and M. Home: where it should be, and what to put in it. . . 640-87 — Stowe, H. (B.), (Christopher Crowfield, pseud.) House and home papers. . . . 640-89 — Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) Eve's daughters 6129-4 — W., A. II. Everyday facts for everyday life 640-92 — Warne's model housekeeper 640-71 — W'igley, Mrs. YV. 11. Worker at home. 1.40 05 Youmans, E. I.. Hand-book of house- hold science 640-98 Browne, P. What girls can do. pp.32 65 3965-2 — See also Cookery. Decorative art. HOUSSAYE, Arsene, French author, b. 1815. Life in Paris: letters on art, literature and society. B., 1S75. 24° 4443-45 Gautier, I. aKo'othe) . Famous French authoi i. pp. 70-84 4184-4 Houses of Lancaster and York. Gairdner, J. 934-4 HOUSTON, Sam, Am. general, b. 1793-1/. 1862. Life of Sam Houston. N. Y.. 1855. 12° 4S9B4 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 219-222.- 412-25 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 212-226 41231-4 HouSTOUN, Mrs. — . Twenty years in the wild west; or, life in Connaught. L., 1879. 12 44157-4 — Zoe's brand. 2 v. in I. Leipzig, 1S64. 16°. Hoveden, Roger de, Eng. chronicler, lived about 1200. Annals : comprising his- tory of England and of other countries of Europe from A. D. 732 to 1201. Ri- ley, T. H., tr. 2 v. L., 1852. 12°. . 9309-7 Hovey, Alvah. Religion and the state: protection or alliance ? taxation or ex- emption ? B., 1874. 12 2577-4 — Introduction. In Haley, J. W. Exam- ination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible 220S-45 In Murphy, J. G. Commentary on Genesis 223 1 1-7 Hovey, Win. A. Mind-reading and be- yond. B., 1885. 12 1774-4 Hovgaard, A. Nordenskiold's voyage round Asia and Europe : popular ac- count of the northeast passage of the "Vega," 1878-80: tr. by ILL. Brack- stad. L., 1882. 8° 498-692 How Benny did it. Wood, W. S 965A2 How could he help it. Roe, A. S. How crops feed. Johnson, S. W 631-4 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Years, and other stories. Murray, W. H. H. How he lost her. Barrett, J. How I crossed Africa. Pinto, Serpa. 2 v. 467-6 How I found it, North and South ; together with Mary's statement. B., 1880. 12°. 6301-4 How I found Livingston. Stanley, II. M. 4676-7 How I was educated papers, from the Fo- rum magazine. N. V., 18S8. 8°. . . 3704-41 Contents.— [Papers by] E. E. Hale, T. W. Higginson, F. A 1'. Barnard, J. H Vincent, W. T. Harris, S. C. Bartlett, J. R. Kendrick, Timothy Dwiglu, E.G. Robinson, J. B Angell, and A li White How India was won by England underClive and Hastings. Savile, I!. W 95431-7 How it was paid. Bates, Lizzie 139A18 How Marjory helped. Carroll, M. . . . 207A4 HOW Nora Crena saved her own. Meade, L. T 623A25 How n"i to la- sick: sequel to philosophy of eating. Bellows, A. J 613-21 Ibiu plants behave. Gray, Asa 5S1 5—5 HOW. ()2() 1I'A\ \|]> Hov planl grov Gray, \ a 5 s i [ go to ( rod ? and othei read- ings. Bonai .11 ii. ii ill in\ child i" taughl ' practical pedag gy. Hopkins, Louisa P. . . . How shall I pronoi ' Ph le, W. 1 1. I'. 11157 How ■ 1 is won. Boll a, " S. K. . .11 2 24 I low the » "i I'l « 1 s peopled 1 ethnolo lei ture . Fonl aine, E 57 ; ;7 How tin j leai m d hou ework. 1 [win, C. 1 I low they strike me, 1 he ;e authoi Hi ■ wood, J. C S04-47 How i" be happy 1 hough mai ried. I lardy, Rev. E. I ., i< Irad uate in the Ui "i \Iiii iage, ;eud.) '933 _ 4 How in become quit k .n figure : 1 ompris- ing the shortest and be I method of business calculations. Troy, 1886. 12°. 511 5 ll"\\ in Imilil ,i house: an architectural novelette. Viollct-Ic-I >m:, E, E. . . . 728-93 How to camp out. Gould.J.M 7969-3 How to conduct prayer-meetings. Thomp- son, 1. t ) 244-8 How to conquer. Trowbridge, C. M. . . 896A35 How to do it. Hale, E. E 374-4 How to educate yourself. Eggleston, G. C. 374-3 How to form a library. Wheatley, II. Ii. . S051-9 How to furnish a home. Church, E. R. 7.(0 17 How to gel a farm and where to find 6ni Morris, E 6301-6 How to gel fining. Blaikie, W 6136-2 How to handle and educate vicious hoi e Gleason, O. R 6361-4 How to help the poor. Fields, Mrs. I. T. 339 45 How to hunt and trap. Batty, J. 11. . . . 7967-2 How to lay out a garden. Kemp, E. . . . 710-4 How to learn and earn; or, half hours in some helpful schools: by Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont and others. B., 1884. 12°. [Same as Curious schools with three additional articles.] 37'9~4 How to make a saint : by the prig S27-72 How to parse. Abbott, Rev. E, A. . . . 1152-2 How to travel. Knox, T. \V 433-5 How to write clearly. Abbott, Rev. E. A. 1 17-14 II<>\v to write English. Reade, A. A. . . 117—75 HOW Tom and Dorothy made and kept a Christian home. Lothrop, Mrs. II. M. S., (Margan Sidney, pseud.) 825 A 145 How wegotour Bible. Smyth, J. P. .22011-68 How we are governed. Dawes, A. I.. . . 3207-28 HowADjiin Syria. Curtis, G. W 458-26 How \ki\ Blanche Willis, Am. writer. Aul- nay tower. P... 1SS5. 12 . — Aunt Serena. B., 1881. 12°. Guenn i .1 wave on the Breton coast. I'... 1SS4. 12°. - One summer. B.. 1S70. 12 . One year abroad, n. t. p. 16° 41 1: U ., contir, Tony the maid. V \ .. 1 Howard, Caroline, /"//// autlwr. Oilman, ' . and I low ard, C. \ une tellei Howard, 1 Vottingham, admiral, b. 1531 Bourne, II. K.I Englisl 1 er the Tu dot , \ . \ I Portrail ige "i 1 .1 •■ 1 Bi itain. v. 3. pp. •73->79 4" 65 Howard, Clarence J., ed. Book of draw- ing room theatricals. N.N. .11 .1. 11. . Howard, Frances, duchess of Richmond, b. 1578-rf. about 1639. Jesse, J. H. Mem- f the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 1. pp. 173- 1 70 and 229-244 411 s,s Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- t Greal Britain, v. 4. pp. "3-25 411-65 Howard, Oeo. Wm. 1 ph earl of Carlisle, viscount Morpeth, l>. iSo2-, II. K., ed. History of Virgil A. Stewart, and his adventure in capturing and exposing the great western land pirate. X. V.. 1S36. 12 = 855B7 HOWARD, Mrs. Harriet (Leeds). Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives, pp. IS4-l6> 413-25 HOWARD, Henry, earl of Northampton, I. I539-. "7;^ is Wliii li is tin- h 1 er; or, people abroad, X- N-, 1867. 16 492A35 HnwiTT, Mary (B.), continued. — Who shall be greatest. N. Y., 1867. 16 . — Work and wages; or, life in service. N. Y., 1867. 16 - Memoir of Elihu Burritt. In Burritt, E. Thoughts and things — ed. Pictorial calendar of the seasons; embodying the whole of " Aikin's Cal- endar of Nature." L., 1862. 12°. . . — Apparitions, dreams, somnambulism, witchcraft, fairies, etc. In Ennemoser, T. History of magic, v. 2. pp. 343- 5l8- ••■••. — Dix, J. Lions: living and dead. pp. 220- 236. Win. and Mary Howitt HowiTT, Wm., Eng, author, b. 1795-d. 1879. Author's daughter, n. t. p. 8°. — Country year-book; or, the field, forest, and the fireside. N. V., 1S55. 12 . . — History of the supernatural in all ages and nations and in all churches, Chris- tian and pagan, demonstrating a uni- versal faith. 2 v. Phila., 1S63. 12 . — Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. 2 v. N. V., 1856. 12°. Contents. — v. i. Chaucer.— Spenser.— Shakes- peare— Cowley. — Milton. — Butler. — Dry den. — Addison. — Gay. — Pope. — Swift. — Thomson. — ■ Shenstone. — Chatterton.— Gray.— Goldsmith. — Burns. — Cow per. — Mary Tighe. — Keats. — Shel- ley. — Byron. v. 2. Crabbe.— Hogg. — Coleridge. — Felicia He mans. — Letitia E. Landon.— Scott. — Camp- bell. — Sou they. — Bailey.— Wordsworth. — Mont- gomery. — Lan dor. — Hunt. — Rogers. — Moore. — Elliott. — Wilson. — Proctor. — Tennyson. — Life and adventures of Jack of the mill. N. Y., 1868. 8°. — Stories of English and foreign life. L., 1853. 16°. — Visits to remarkable places: old halls, battle-fields, and scenes illustrative of striking passages in English history and poetry. 2 v. Phila., 1854. 12°. . . . Contents.— v. 1. Visit to Penshurst in Kent. — Field of Cullodcn. — Stratford-on-Avon. — Combe Abbey, Warwickshire. — Lindisfarne, Floddcn field and other scenery of M. 111111 n Bolton priory.— Compton-Winyales, Warwick- shire v. 2. — Hampton Court. — Day dream at Tint- agel — Staffa and [ona. — Edge-hill. — Great Jes- uits' college at Stonyhurst, in Lancashire — Ancient city of \\ im hi stei Vt otton hall, Staf- 11, Sai rament Sunday in Kilmorac. — Woodburn grange. J v. in 1. Phila., 16 . Stoke Pogis. /»Gray, T. Select poems. pp. 16-20 tr. Ennemoser, J. History of magic . HOWLAND, Edward. Adventures beneath the set : diving, dredging, deep sea sounding, etc. In Goodrich, I . B. Ocean's story 492A36 49 2 A3 7 195E9 589-5 174-32 410-4 489E2 174-48 41821-4 442-49 434C7 '71 32 437-44 I IOW I, AM) - 633 - III 1 I low 1 \m,, Edw ard, continued, — Willi tin- C 1 de Beauvoii in fapan and California. Jn Many lands and many people, pp. 221 2.;; 439-63 Howleglas. Asht J. Romances of ' hivalry. pp. 323-352 1947-2 How private Geo. W. Peck put down the rebellion. Peck, G. \V 9S01-75 1 |. \V. S. Practical elocutionist, n. t. p. 16° 801-47 Howson, Henry and Chas. Brief inquiry into the principles, effect and present state of the American patent system willi the laws "I tin- I mi' 'I Si Ites re- lating lo patents, trade-marks, and copy- rights. Phila., 1872. 8° 60S-4 lirief treatise on United Stales patents, for inventors and patentees. Phila., 1876. 16° 608-41 HOWSON, John Saul, joint author. Cony- beare, W. J. and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul 2218-63 ll' '.11. Edmund, Eng. writer, b. 1 672-1/. 1769. Games. Phila., 1876. 16 . . . 787-5 Whist. In Bohn, H. G. ed. Hand-book of games, pp. 31-77 787-3 — See also Dick, W. B. Frere, Thos. ' HOYT, Henry M. Protection versus free trade. N. Y., 1886. 8° 3353~47 Hoi 1, Jas. Madison, LL. D. Glances on the wing at foreign lands. Cleveland, 1872. 12° 440-5 HOYT, Wayland, D. D. Brook in the way. N. Y., 1888. 12° 240-43 — Gleams from Paul's prison; or, studies for the daily life in the epistle to the Philippians. N. V., 1883. 16°. . . . 2218-66 — Hints and helps for the Christian life. N. V., 1SS0. 24 240-431 Present lessons from distant days. N. Y '., 1881. 24 22311-45 HoziER, Henry M. British expedition to Abyssinia. L., 1S69. S° 963-5 — Seven weeks' war. 2. v. Phila., 1867. 8°. 9438-4 Hubback, Mrs. —. May and December. Phila., 1S72. 12 . HUBBARD, Bela, Memorials of a half cen- tury. N. Y., 1887. 12 9S741-7 Hubbard, Fordyce M. Life of Wm. R. Davie. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biog- raphy. v. 25. pp. 3-135 412-86 III BBARD, Fred, lleman. Opium habit and alcoholism: a treatise on the habits of opium and its compounds, alcohol, chloral-hydrate, chloroform, bromide potassium, and cannabis indica, includ- ing their therapeutical indications ; with suggestions for treating various painful complications. N. Y., 1SS1. 12°. . . 19S-48 '. I.IK illS I.. V Maine 1 a trip from I ; < in ;i birch bark can to which are 1 ■ Indian place- names and their meanings, now first I7ti -t Hi 1:1:1.1.1 , Mrs. Marlh l (Stone), (1 wife, pseud.) Memorial ; or, the life and writings of an only daughter; with an introducl I v. A. I.. Stone. I 1857. 12' 490BI Shady side; or, life in a country pa age. 1!., 1853. 12°. HUBBELI., Wm. McClung, J. A. Sketches of western adventure, pp. 243-250. . . 987-58 Hi 1 i !:, Francis, Swiss naturalist, 0. 1750-1/. about 1830. Caldwell, II. Artof doing our best. pp. 162-172 410-23 Jardine, W., ed, Naturalist's library, v. 34. pp. 17-30 590-5 HUBERT. Abbott, Jacob. ..••.... 103A4 III bert Ellis. Davenant, Francis. HUBERT Freeth's prosperity. Crosland, Mrs. X. lire, Evariste Regis, French missionary, b. 1813-1/. i860. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 2 v. N. Y., 1887. 12° 265-45 Contents. — v. i. From the apostleship <.: Thomas to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. v. 2. To the establishment of the Mantchoo-Tartnr dynasty in China. — Journey through the Chinese empire. 2. v. N. Y., 1856. 12° 451-49 — - Recollections of a journey through Tar- tary, Thibet and China during the years 1844-46. 2. v. X. Y., 1S52. 16 . . 451-5 — Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modem travel. v. 2. pp. 727-762 436-8 HUDIBRAS. Butler, S '98C3 In Poetical works 198C2 Hi l'siiN. Edmund. An American woman's life and work : memorial of Mary Clem- mer. B., 18S6. 12 229BS HUDSON, Elizabeth Harriet. History of the Jews in Rome, B.C. 160-A. I). 604. I ... 1S82. 8° 913-42 — Life and times of Louisa, Queen of Prus- sia. 2 v. L., 1S78. 12° 587B35 ., l'rederic. Journalism in the United States, 1000 1S72. X. Y., 1 - 8 S059-4 HUDSON, Geo., Eng. "raihfay king,' 1%00-d. 1S71. Carlyle, T. Latter-day pamphlets, pp. 216-24S 206E5 1 \. Henry, or llendrik, Eng. naviga- tor, d. 161 1. Hawks. F. I.. Adven- tures of Henry Hudson 490B2 Banvard, J. Xoveltiesof the new world. pp. 194-231 970-2 HUDSON. 634 HUGH. Hudson, Henry, continued. — Cleveland, H. R. Memoir. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography. v. 10. pp. 187-261 412-86 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 378- 382 920-25 — Higginson, T. W. Book of American explorers, pp. 279-308 970-4 — Markham, C. R. Sea-fathers, pp. 139- 151 437-63 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 362-367 410-82 HUDSON, Henry Norman, Am. clergyman, b. 1814. Shakespeare, his life, art and characters; with an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in England. 2 v. B., 1872. 12°. . . 8236-4S — Studies in Wordsworth, and other papers. B., 1884. 12 968B48 Contents. — Studies in Wordsworth. — Science. — Culture and acquirement - Ethics of tragedy. — Parting address. — Church and civil society. — ed. Shakespeare, W. Plays. 3 V. . . 8231-5 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 214-249. Shakespeare's critics. 946E5 Hudson, Jas. Railways and the republic. X. V., 1886. 8° 652-5 Hudson, Mrs. Mary (Clemmer), Am. writer, b. 1839-1/. 1884. Eirene : a woman's right. N. V., 1872. 8°. — His two wives. N. Y., 1S75. 12°. — Memorial of Alice and Phebe Cary ; with some of their later poems. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Same, 1S74 20SB1 — Outlines of men, women and things. N. Y., 1873. 1 6° 229E7 Contents. — Arlington in May. — Northern Vermont in August. — Newport in September. — Indian summer in Virginia.— Chas. Sumner's home. — Grand Duke Alexis in New York. — Rainy morning in the country. — Margaret Kull- er'Ossoli.— French journalist.— Fanny Fern.— Horace Greeley and Edwin Forrest.— Lola iMon- tez.— Things gone by.— Fallen man.— Physical basis of statesmanship. — Instinctive philoso- phers and statesmen. — Pin-money. — Bread- making.- Our kitchens. — Caste in sex. — Wo- man suffrage. — Una and her paupers. — Let us live. — Poems of life and nature. B., 1SS3. 12 . 232C5 Contents. — Life. — Love. — Nature. — Religion. — Sonnets. — Ten years in Washington : life and scenes in the national capital, as a woman sees them. Hartford, 1875. 8° 4753-2 Hudson, E. Memorial of Mary Clem- mer 229B8 HUDSON Bay; 01, every day life in the wilds of North America. Ballantyne, K. M. 133A39 N Bay Co, Hind, II. Y. Narrative o( the Canadian Red river exploring ex- pedition of 1S57. V. 2. pp. 206-2II. 4712-4 Hudson Bay Co., continued. — Robinson, H. M. Great fur land. . . . 4712-7 — See also Canada. Fur. Hudson river. Bruce, W. The Hudson: poems 190C1 — Hudson river, by pen and pencil, for tourists and others. N. Y., 1875. 8°. 47474-4 — Curtis, G. W. Lotus eating, pp. 11-27. The Hudson and the Rhine 473-25 — See also New York. HtfBNER, Josef Alex., baron, Austrian diplo- matist, b. 1811. Lifeand times of Sixtus the Fifth : tr. by Jas. F. Meline. N. Y., 1872. 16° 826B5 — Ramble round the world, 187 1 : tr. by Lady Herbert. N. Y., 1874. 12°. . . 438-49 HUEKFER, Franz. Richard Wagner, and the music of the future : history and aesthet- ics. L., 1874. 12° 921B4 Contents. — Richard Wagner. — Franz Schu- bert. — Robert Schumann. — Robert Franz and Franz Liszt. — Appendix. — The troubadours: history of provencal life and literature in the middle ages. L., 1878. 8° 8491-4 — ed. Great musicians series. See Musi- cians. HUEPPE, Ferdinand. Methods of bacteri- ological investigation: tr. by H. M. Biggs. N. Y., 1S86. 8° 5786-5 HUESTON, Matthew. McBride, J. Pioneer biography, v. 2. pp. 199-213. . . . 41271-6 Huet, Coenraad Busken-, Dutch writer, b. 1828. Zimmern, H. and A. Foreign novelists. pp. 35-45. [Biog. sketch and extracts.] S08-99 Hi 1 1 land, Christoph Wilhelm, German physician, b. iyb2-d. 1 836. Art of pro- longing life: ed. by Erasmus Wilson. 1!., 1S54. 12 . Same, Phila., 1867. . 6137-5 Huoer. Francis Kinloch. Howe, H. Ad- ventures and achievements of Ameri- cans, pp. 109-122. Attempted rescue of Gen. La Fayette from prison. . . . 412-55 Hugessen, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-, baron Brabornc, b. 1829. Mountain- sprite's kingdom. L., 1881. 16 . . . 381-445 Contents. — Mountain sprite's kingdom. — Black Rolf of Rookstone. — Hermit.— Rhine castle. — Whispers from fairy land. N. V., 1S75. 16 381-45 HUGGINS, Wm. Spectrum analysis, in its application to the heavenly bodies. In Half-hours with modem scientists, ser. 2. pp. 81-112 502-42 Hugh, saint, bishop of Lincoln, b. about 1135- d. 1200. Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects, pp. 54-85. A bishop of the twellth century 383E2 111(111. — 635 — in GO 1 1 1 (.ii, taint, continued. Gilliat, I'. Champions of the right, pp. 7' 97 4104-4 Forest outlaws; or, s.iini Hugh and the king : a romance. in bh Bryan, n. 1. p. 8°. Ili < .11 Wynford ; "i , the 1 ousin's re "■ t. p. 24° I h ghes, ( Jeo. A. I luglu-s, '111..-.. Mem fa brother 49°'*5 III '.111 ., [ . ■ 1 1 1 1 , Bug, pott and novelist, b. 1677-1/. 1720. Essays. //; British e ists 184E1 - Johnson, S. Lives uf the English poel . i- >• PP- 593-597 41S21-5 Hughes, Most Rev. John, archbishop of N. Y.,b. >7>)S-d. 1864, dMi/Brecken ridge, Rev, John. Controversy between Rev. Messrs. Hughes ami Breckenridge, on the subject, "Is the Protestanl religion the religion of Christ?" Baltimore, 1836. 8° 2828-4 Discussion of the question. Is the Ro- man Catholic religion inimical to civil or religious liberty? and of the ques- tion, Is the Presbyterian religion inim- ical to civil or religious liberty ? . . . 282S-41 — Hassard, J. R. G. Life of the Most Rev. John Hughes, first archbishop of Nen York 490H6 — In Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 14. pp. 485-500. and v. 20. pp. 50-73. Re- views 818-27 Hi GHES, Margie S. Annetta; or, the story of a life. Cinn., 1873. 16 493A5 Hughes, Mrs. Mary. Two schools. N.V., n. d. 12°. HUGHES, Robert Wm. Popular treatise on the currency question: written from a southern point of view. N. Y., 1879. I2 ° 3325-' HUGHES, Samuel. (las works; anil the practice of manufacturing and distrib- uting coal gas: revised by W. Rich- ards. L., 1S71. 12° 665-4 — Gas works; their construction and ar- rangement, ami the manufacture and distribution of coal gas: revised, re- written ami much enlarged by Wm, Richards. L., 18S5. 12° 665-41 — Treatise on coal gas: ed. by Wm. Rich- ards, n. t. p. 16 665-42 — Treatise on waterworks for the supply of cities ami towns; with description of the principal geological formations of England as influencing supplies of wa- ter. L., 1S72. 12 62S4-4 — Same, I„, 1S59. 16°. Bound with Hughes, S. Treatise on coal gas. . . 665-42 I I ughi , Samuel, continued, — Survey ol the metropolitan roads. In 1, R., f./. ( oiuuion road IL in i, ll» . L ■ author, />. 1823. Al- fred the great. B., 1871 12°. ... 1 15B4 Manlim of Chri B., 1880 12''. . . 23.- Memoii of a brother. B., 1873. 12°. . 490B5 — Rugby, Tennessee: bein ' ount ol 1 he ettlemenl founded on the ( 'urn- bei land plateau, bj I ol Aid to land ownership, limited: a company in- corporated in England, and authorized to hold and deal 111 land, by act of the legislature of the State of Tenne with a repot "f the plateau, ■ he I l"n. F. W. Killebreu I ., 1S81. 12°. 4768-4 — Tom Brown at Oxford. L., 1S87. 12°. — Tom Brown's school days. I.., 1S70. 16° Review. /;; II idson, W. S. R. Twelve- years of a soldier's life in India, pp. 5-42 480B9 Working classes in Europe, In Atlases- says, No. 3. pp. 5 19 3 4-i7 — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. pp. 99-120 4' 1-5 Hi GH1 s, Wm. Carter. American miller and millwright's assistant. Phila., 1867. 12°. Same, 1SS4 6218-5 III i.inv, G. W. Political Romanism; or, the secular policy of the papal church. Cinn., 1872. 16° 2S29-45 1 i, Victor Marie, vicomte, French author, b. iSo2-«/. 18S5. By order of the king : the authorized English translation of V homme qui rit. L., 1886. 12 . — Claude Gueux; the last day of a con- demned man. X. Y., 1S69. 12°. — Destroyer of the second republic : being Napoleon the little. N. Y.,1870. 12°. 668B3 -Gavroche: the gamin of Paris, [from Les miserables]: tr. by M. C. Pyle. Phila., 1S72. 16° 494A7 History of a crime: testimony of an eye witness. N. Y., 1S78. 8°. Same, I... 1886. 12 94 — Hunchback of Notre Hame. L.,1874. \i — Jargal. N. Y., 1S66. 12 . — Les miserables. X. Y., 1SS2. 8°. — Man who laughs. X. Y., 1S76. 8°. Ninety-three. X. Y.. 1874. 1 -• . — Outlaw of Iceland : a romance: tr. Gilbert Campbell. L., 1SS5. I- . — Rhine: tour from Paris to Mayence, by way of Aix-la-Chapelle ; with an account of its legends, antiquities, and impor- tant historical events : tr. by D. M. Aird. B., 11. d. 12° 4434-4 HUGO. 636 HULDA. Hugo, V. M., continued. — Selections, chiefly lyrical, from poetical works : tr. by various authors, now first collected by H. L. Williams. L., 1885. 12° S41-45 — Sketches and legends of the Rhine. X. V., n. d. 12°. [Same as the Rhine]. 4434-4 — Slave king: tr. of Bug-Jargal. L., 1S33. 1 6°. — Things seen, (Choses vues). N. Y., 18S7. 16° S44-3 — Toilers of the sea. N. Y., 1873. 8°. — Wm. Shakespeare : tr. by M. B. Ander- son. Chicago, 1887. 8° 8236-5 — Poems. In Curwen, H. French love songs and other poems 841-3 — Barbao, A. Victor Hugo and his time . 490B8 Victor Hugo; his life and works. . . . 490B7 — Hugo, Madame — . Victor Hugo, by a witness of his life : tr. by Chas. E. Wil- bour. N. Y., 1887. 8° 490B84 — Marzials, F. T. Life of Victor Hugo. . 490B87 — Swinburne, A. C. Victor Hugo. . . . 490B9 — Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris. pp. 10S-177 4443-'4 — Archer, Wm. About the theatre, pp. 287-328 7S1-12 — Castelar, E. Lord Byron and other sketches, pp. 185-203 41S-26 — French celebrities, pt. 1. pp. 103-120. 4105-35 — Friswell, J. H. Modern men of letters. pp. 61-74 804-38 — Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 1 19—138 4184-4 — Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 1 17-121 804-4 — Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 150-163 41S-45 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two cen- turies, pp. 473-484 4l°-53 6 — Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about books, poets and novelists, pp. 14-71. . . . 804-45 — Legouve, E. Art of reading, pp. 296- 308 800-5 — Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 5-35 41S4-6 — Matthews, J. 1). French dramatists, pp. 15-45 4 1 84 1 -6 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 188-210 410-83 — Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. PP- 343-3 8 4 4i°5-5 — Stevenson, R. L. Familiar s^udie^ "f men and books, pp. 1-37 851E2 — Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies. pp. I-59. Reviews 868E1 — Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark. pp. 154-182 4'0-94 II' '..1 Blanc. Griswold, V. M. Huguenot. James, G. P. R. Huguenot exiles ; or, the times of Louis XIV. X. Y., 1S56. 12 . Huguenot family. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. Tytler, pseud.) Huguenot family ; or, help in time of need. Bell, Catherine D 145A23 Huguenots. Baird, C. W. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. 2 v. 2845-17 — Baird, H. M. History of the rise of the Huguenots. 2 v 2845-2 Huguenots and Henry of Xavarre. 2 v 2845-21 — Delmas, L. Huguenots of La Rochelle. 2845-3 — Fontaine, J. Memoirs of a Huguenot family 2845-4 — - Hanna, W. Wars of the Huguenots. . . 2S45-44 — Lorimer, J. G. Historical sketch of the Protestant church of France 2845-5 — Marsh, Mrs. A. C. History of the Prot- estant reformation in France. 2 v. . . 2S45-52 — Marteilhe, J. Huguenot galley slave. . 2845-54 — Masson, G. Huguenots 2845-56 — Poole, R. L. History of the Huguenots of the dispersion at the recall of the edict of Nantes 2845-6 — Smiles, S. Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. . 2845-7 Huguenots; their settlements, church- es, and industries in England and Ire- land 2845-71 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in relig- ious history, pp. 326-350 204-165 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty 920-25 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp. 247-299 204-53 — Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome, etc. pp. 221-230. Ivry 603C5 — Parkman, F. Pioneers of France in the new world, pp. 1-162 97 I_ 6 — Punshon, W. M. Lectures and sermons. pp. 235-291 204-72 — See also France, ecclesiastical history. Mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew. Lives of Coligny. Palissy. Renee of France. Also in fiction, Archer, T., By lire and sword. Bungener, L. L. F., Bourda- loue and Louis XIV, Louis XV, Tow- er of constancy. Kingston, W. H. G., Villegagnon. McKeever, H. B., Old chateau, Suzanne de L'Orme 866AS HUIDEKOPER, Frederic. Belief of the first three centuries concerning Christ's mis- sion to the underworld. X. Y ., 1876. 12° 2324-4 — fudaism at Rome, B. C. 76 to A. D. 140. N. V., 1876. 12 296-4 III ma; or, the deliverer. Stahr, Mm,-. Fanny (Lewald). HULL. — 637 — lliii, I .... . 1m. commodore, 0. 177^ d. 1843. Frost, J., ed. Pit L01 in I hi toi . of the Amei . 41232-3 lh 11. Wm . tm. general, l>. 1753-rf. 1N25. 1 1. hi h, W. S. 1 hapter of ili.- hi ..1 ili, war of 181 2 9705-38 1 1. 11 ke, J. I*'. Memoi i.il and bii igraph ii.il sketi ln-s. pp, 105-434 410-29 1 1 1 1 1 mi, John. History ol mo 1 nusic : course of lectures delivered al the K institution of Gt. Britain. I... 1S75. 8°. 770-42 — Music in the house. Phila., n. d. 12°. 7711-45 lh 1 mi, 1. Edward. Adaptability of our native plants to the purposes "f orna- mental art. ///All -.Unlics from nature. pp. 1-89 745-4 Hulsean lectures, 1845 -I"- Trench, R. ( . Fitness of 1 1 ■ > 1 v Scripture i..r unfold- ing the spiritual lite of men 239-94 — 1870. Farrar, F. W. Witness of history to Christ 2 39-3 u Human body. Sei Anatomy. Physiology. Ili man element in the inspiration of the sa- cred Scriptures. Curtis, T. F 2202-24 Human faculty. G I 1. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. . . 17N 5 Human intellect. Porter, N 1 S 1 74 Human intercourse. Hainerton, I'. G. . . 452L5 Human life. Sweetser, Wm 6137-8 HUMAN life in Shakespeare. Giles, II. . . 8236-4 Hi man life prolonged. I'latt, A. II. . . . 613-67 1 I 1 ii IN longevity: its facts and its fictions. Thorns, Wm. J 6137-9 Human nature, Treatise on. Hume, L). 2 v 180-47 HUMAN psychology. Janes, E 180-5 Hi man race. Figuier, Louis 572-4 111 man rights and their political guaranties. Hurlbut, E.'P 320-49 I H'man species. Quatrefages, A. de. . . . 573-75 Humanity. Heinzen, Carl. What is hu- manity? 460E9 Humanity, is.. 1S81. 24 . [Little classics.] Hi mamiv iii the city. Chapin, E. H. . . 2574-3 HuMAYl n, Mogul emperor oj India, b. 1508- 6i 1621-48 Morris, G. S. British thoughl and think- ers, pp. 234-264 1621-6 - Neale, E. Closing scene. v. 1. pp. >93-2°6 4.0-8 Hi ME, David, continued. — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Historical sketches of the reign ofGeorgell. pp. 202-221. 411-78 — Porter, N. Science and sentiment, etc. PP- 2 93-330 142-7 — Stephen, L. English thought in the 18th century, v. I. pp. 309-343. . . 1621-8 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 300-330. Final cause; a critique of the failure of Paley and the fallacy of Hume. . . 884E5 — Wood, W. ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 250-254 4IO-975 HUME, Joseph, British statesman, b. lyyy-d. 1855. Goodrich, S. G. Heroism of boyhood, pp. 194-19S. ...••.. 410-51 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 302-30S 4104-62 Hume, Raby. Alice L'Estrange's motto. N. Y., n. d. 16 . Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics. L., 1885. 16 667-4 Humming bird. Maitland, I. Humming birds. Adams, H. G. Hum- ming birds 59886-2 — Martin, W. C. L. General history of humming birds 59S86-6 — Jardine, Wm. Hummingbirds. In Nat- uralist's library, v. 6-7 59°-5 Humor, wit and satire of the seventeenth century. Ashton, J., ed. 827-13 Humorous day's mirth. Chapman, G. Works, pp. 22-45 221C1 Humorous masterpieces from American literature. Mason, E. T., ed. .... 817-63 Humorous phases of the law. Brown, Irv- ing 3409-25 Humorous speaker. Baker, G. M., td. . . 801-194 Humorous works. Hook, Theo. E. . . . 827-62 HUMPHREY, Mrs. E. I. Six years in India. "• <• p. 16 2654-43 Humphrey, Edward P. Ceremonial insti- tutes. In Preparing to teach, pp. 71- 99 246-4 — Present condition, etc., of the Presbyte- rian church. //; Centennial historical discourses, pp. 219-252 2851-3 Humphrey, Frances A. Children of old Park's tavern: story of the South shore. N. Y., 1886. 12 494A92 — Kings and queens at home. B., 1886. 8°. 415-45 — Queen Victoria at home. B., 1885. 8°. 916B6 — id. Children's hour: charming and in- structive stories for youngest readers. B., 1SS6. 8° 494A9 ed. Told by the fireside. B., 1S87. 8°. 494A97 Humphrey, Heman. Life and labors of the Rev. T. II. Gallauder, I.E. D. N. V., I859- 12° 401 B7 HUMP] "39 I liMiiiKis , II., continued. Introduction. In Harris, John, Great " Li hei 23 2 -45 Humphrey, Wm. Necessary attitude of Calholii laymen towards the scholastic philosophy. Constituents of the per- sonal. In Manning, II. K., ed. Essays ..n religion and literature, v. 3. . . . 204-58 Mi miiiki v, /.. M. Biographical sketches, new school branch. //; Presbyterian reunion, 1837-71 2851-6 HUMPHREY (linker. Smollett, T. Humphrey Merton; or, the widow's sons. I.., n. d. l6° 495A1 Humphreys, Andrew A., Am. general, b. \%\o-d. 1883. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan : Army of the Potomac, July 1863 to April 1S64. X. V., 1S83. 12°. 9788-4 — Virginia campaign of '64 and '65: the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James. N. V., 18S3. 12° 9781-26 HUMPHREYS, David, colonel. In Everest, C. W., dl. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 59-72. [Biog. sketch and poems]. . . 80914-4 Humphreys, II. Noel. Coin collector's manual : guide in the formation of a cabinet of coins. 2 v. I.., 1869. 12°. 736-5 111 \, Thos. Plea for toleration. In Ethic- al symposium, pp. 56 71 6103 7 Hunchback. Knowles, J. S. Dramatic works, v. 1. pp. 231-2S9 540C3 Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo. Victor. Hundred greatest men. Wood, Wallace, 'd. 4'o-975 HUNDRED ministers and how they switched off: some accounts of the lights and shadows of ministerial life. B., 1S74. 12°. HUNDRED thousand dollars in gold. Burn- ham, Geo. P. HUNDREDTH man. Stockton, Frank R. In kgarian celebrities. Wyatt, W. J. . . 41043-9 Hi NGARIAN emigration intoTurkey. Hon- ied, A 4497-5 Hungary. Across the Carpathians. 1862. 4439-12 — Brace, C. L. Hungary in 1851 4439-23 — Crosse, A. F. Round about the Carpa- thians. [1S75I 4439-3 < raig, J., tr. History of the Protestant church in Hungary 27439-3 ' reagh, J. Over the borders of Christen- dom and Eslamiah. 2 v. 1S76. . . . 4496-25 — De Puy, II. \V. Kossuth and his gener- als: with a brief history of Hun- gary 543B2 — Hutchinson, A. 11. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. [1871] 443S-55 — Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 V. 1850 4439-65 Hungary, continued. — S., O I'.. Hungary and its revolutii 9428 7 Stiles, W. H. Austria in 1848 49. . . . 9426-7 1 1, V. Unknown Hungary. 2 v. 1881 ; V iinbery, A. and Heilprin, I.. Story of Hungary. 1S86 9428-9 — See also Austria-Hungary. Lives of Deak. Goergei Ko mth. Hi ; 1 <, Jas. Old plantation. N. Y., 1859. 12°. Hi hades, Johannes Corvinus. Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities, pp. 67-94. 4 10 43~9 HUNNICUTT, Jas. W. Conspiracy unveiled: the South sacrificed ; or, the horrors of ieci ion. Phila., 1863. 12° 9783-46 lit ns. Barker, W. P.. Lares and Penates; or, Cilicia and it -, governors, pp. 203- 212 9564-2 Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities, pp. n-28 4>°43-9 Hunt, Mrs. Alfred W. Harrington's fate. B. 16°. — Leaden casket. X. V., 1881. 8°. Hint, Chas. Havens. Life of Edward Liv- ingston; with introduction by Geo. Bancroft. X. V., 1864. 8° Hi nt, E. M., .1/. /'. Patients' and physi- cian's aid. N. Y., 1S60. 12° 616-45 HUNT, Ephraim. Literature of the English language: comprising representative se- lections from the best authors, and also lists of contemporaneous writers their principal works. N.Y., 1870. 12°. 8209-5 III NT, Freeman, ed. of Merchants' Magazine, ■b. 1804-*/. 1858. Lives of American merchants. N. V., 1856. 8° 41238-4 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 368-371 412-25 HUNT, H. G. Bonavia. Concise history of music from the commencement of the Christian era to the present time. X. Y., n. d. 12° 770-44 HUNT, John. Rowe, G. S. Missionary among cannibals; or, the life of John Hunt 26961-7 Hint, Jas. Henry Leigh, Eng. author, b. \-fi\-d. 1859. Autobiography; with reminiscences of friends and contempo- raries. 2 v. X.V..1S55. 12°. Same, I.., 1S60. 16° 493BS — Beaumont and Fletcher; with opinions of distinguished critics. I... 1862. 12°. 142C2 — Book for a corner ; or, selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment. X. V.. 1S57. 12° 491 E4 by the lire and other papers, hither- to uncollected. B., 1870. 16° 491I :l HUNT. 640 HUNT. Hunt, J. H. L., continued, — Italian poets, translated into English prose : containing a summary in prose of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso; with comments, oc- casional passages versified and critical notices of the lives and genius of the authors. N. V., 1857. 12° 8501-4 — Men, women and books : selection of sketches, essays and critical memoirs from his uncollected prose writings. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 12° 491 E42 — Seer, The ; or, common-places refreshed. 2 v. B., 1865. 12 49iE44 Contents. — v. 1. Pleasure. — On a pebble. — Spring. — Color. — Windows— Windows consid- ered from inside. — A flower for your window. — A word on early rising. — Breakfast in summer. — Anacreon. — Wrong sides of scholarship and no scholarship. — Cricket.— Dusty day. — Brick- layers, and an old book.— Rainy day. — East wind. — Strawberries. — The waiter. — " The butcher." — Pinch of snuff".— Wordsworth and Milton. — Specimens of Chaucer. — Peter Wil- kins and the flying women. — English and French females. — English male costume. — English wo- men vindicated. — Sunday in London. — Sunday in the suburbs. — A human being and a crowd. v. 2. Cat by the fire.— Put up a picture in your room. — A gentleman saint. — Eve of St. Agnes. — "Now;" descriptive of a cold day. — Ice, with poets upon it.— Piano-forte. — Why sweet music produces sadness. — Dancing and dancers. — Twelfth night. — Rules in making presents. — Romance of commonplace. — Ami- ableness superior to intellect. — Life after death: Belief in spirits— On death and burial — On washerwomen. — The nightmare. — Flor- entine lovers. — Rhyme and reason ; or, a new proposal to the public respecting poetry in ordinary.— Vicissitudes of a lecture; or, pub- lic elegance and private nonparticularity. — Fortunes of genius. — Poet houses. — Jour- ney by coach. — Inexhaustibility of the subject of Christmas. — Selections from e English poets. 2 v. in 1. N. V., 1857. 12° 821-46 Contents. — v. 1. Imagination and fancy, v. 2. Wit and humor. — The town ; its memorable characters and events. L., i860. 16 9391-4 — Wishing-cap papers. B., 1873. 12 . . 491E46 - Wit and humor selected from the English poets ; with an illustrative essay and critical comments. L., 1SS2. 16 . . 491E47 — Biographical and critical notices of Wych- erley, Congreve, Yanhrugh and Farqu- har. In Campbell, T. and others. Lives of British dramatists, pp. 349- 479 41822-3 World of books. /;; Prose masterpieces from modern essayists, v. 1. pp. 25-40 808-7 — cd. Essays and miscellanies, selected from The Indicator and Companion. N. V., 1857. 12° 493E4 Hunt, J. H. L., continued. Co n tents. — Author's introduction.— Difficulty of finding a name for a work of this kind. — A word on translation from the poets. — Autumnal commencement of fires. — Mantel-pieces. — Apartments for study.— Aeon tius's apple.— Godiva. — Pleasant memories connected with various parts of the metropolis. — Advice to the melancholy. — Charles Brandon and Mary queen of France. — On the household gods of the an- cients. — Social genealogy. — Angling. — Ludi- crous exaggerations.— Gilbert ! Gilbert! — Fatal mistake of nervous disorders for madness. — Mists and fogs. — Shoemaker of Veyros. — More news of Ulysses. — Far countries. — Tale for a chimney corner. — Thieves, ancient and mod- ern. — Few thoughts on sleep. — Fair revenge. — Spirit of the ancient mythology. — Getting up on cold mornings. — The old gentleman. — Dol- phins. — Ronald of the perfect hand. — Chapter on hats. — Seamen on shore.— On the realities of imagination. — Deaths of little children. — Poet- ical anomalies of shape.— Spring and daisies. — May-day. — Shakespeare's birthday. — La Belle Dame sans Mercy. — Of sticks. — Of the sight of shops. — A nearer view of some of the shops. — A word or two more on sticks. — Daughter of Hypocrates. — The Italian girl. — "Now." — Hon. Mr. Robert Boyle. — Superfine breeding. — Shak- ing hands. — On receiving a sprig of laurel from Vaucluse. — Coaches. — Remarks upon Andrea de Basso's ode to a dead body. — Thoughts and guesses on human nature.— The Hamadryad. — Nurture of Triptolemus.— On commendatory verses. — Word upon indexes — An old school- book. — Dreams. — A human animal and the oth- er extreme. — Return of autumn.— The maid- servant. — The old lady.— Pulci.— My books. — Bees, butterflies, etc. — An earth upon Heaven. Bad weather. — Fine days in January and Febru- ary. — Walks home by night in bad weather. — Watchmen.— Secret of some existing fashions. — Rain out of a clear sky. -Mountain of the two lov- ers. -True story of Vertumnus and Pomona. -On the graces and anxieties of pig-driving. — Panto- mimes. — Cruelty to children. — Houses on fire. — A battle of ants. — Desirableness of drawing a distinction between powers common to other animals and those peculiar to man. — A walk from Dulwich to Brockham. — and Lee, S. Adams, eds. Book of the sonnet. 2 v. in 1. B., 1S78. 12° . . 8094-4 — Clarhe, C. ing .1 with lettei i hitherto unpublished. V v.. 1886. 12 . . . 578B2 Hi \ 1 . \. 1 lemmon >, 1 d. Poeti \ "l othei lands : o collecti* in of translations into English verse ol the poetrj of other I. mil: 11 i.;>' . .iim icn 1 and hi > m t (.- 1 11. Phila., '883- 8° 8093-45 Hi nt, Robert. Elementary physics: an in- ll I" 1 lir .t 1 1 < I > of natural phi- losophy, I.., 1855. 12° 530-5 Panthea: the spirit of nature. L., 1849. 8°. try of science; or, studies of the phys- ical phenomena of nature. 1.., 1854. 12°. 501-48 1 oal a- a reservoii oi power. In Estes, 1 '.. ed. I [alf-hour recreations in popu lar science, v. 1. pp. 407-417. . . . 504-42 Symmetrical and ornamental form ol 01 ganic remains. In Art studies from nature, pp. 177-212 745-4 ■ ed. Popular romances of the west ol Eng- land. I,., 1S71. 12° 383-4 Hi NT, Mrs. Sallie Ward. Ellet, E. I Queens ol American society, pp. 228- 2 37 41239 }J Hi NT, Thos. Sterry, Am. chemist and geolo- gist, l>. 1826. Chemical and geological essays. B., 1S75. S° 502 \6 Contents.— Theory ol igneous roi ks and vol- canoes U858 .—On some points in chemical geol- ogy (1859).— Chemistry of metamorphic rocks (1863).— Chemistry of the primeval earth 1 — Origin of mountains (i860— Probable -eat of volcanic action (1869.) On some points in dyn- amical geology I1858 tones, dolo- mites, and S-1866).— Chemistry ol natural waters- On petroleum, asphalt, pyro- ists and coal. -On granites and granitic vein -nines , 1 -1-1871). — Origin of metalliferous de posits I reog " ■ \ i the Appalachians and the origin of crystalline 1 'logy of the M] s Hisi irj of the nam-- Cambrian and Silurian in geology.- I he irj f chemical changes and equivalent volumes (1853) .—Consti- ti aiid equivalent volume of mineral spi 1 fhoughts u -olution and the chemical process (iS M —On the objects and method of mineralogy 1867 Theory of types in chemistry , . ' Irigin ol metalliferous deposits. In Estes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations in popu- lar science. v.I. pp. 375-391. . . 504-42 Hi NT, Wm. Bri tol. I... 1887. 12'-. [H I Norm B L., 1884 16 . | Early in] n 1 \\ in Morris, Am arh > 1 1879. Tall \1. Knowlton. 2 v. B., 1886. 8°. . . Illustrations. In Knowlton, H. M. Hints 11 draw 111)4 and painting. . . 7 ti 1 B ! , 1 A. Principles and porti PP, 435 460 ' ■ > ■ Bolton, s. K. How success is won. pp. 1 14-'3 1 (12 2) Mi s 1 1 11 down. Dicker . 1 ha-. Hi sin;. I lavid, ', //. 1802. Hal- pine, C. G. I'.aUed meats of t lie funeral. PP- 296 378 1 Hunter, Henry, £>. D. Sacred biography ; or, history of the patriarchs : to which is added the history ol I >ebi irah, Ruth, and Hannah, also the history of I Christ. V Y.. 1855. S' J 2217 49 Contents. — Adam. — Cain. — Enoch. — Noah.— Melchizedec. — Abraham. — Isaac. — Jacob. — Joseph. — Moses — Aaron.— Balaam. — Deb — Ruth. — Hannah. — Jesus Christ. Hi nii 1;, John, F. R. S., British sttrgi 1728 d. 170;. Buckland, I.I. i>ook of a fisherman and geologist, pp. 378- 400 5904-21 Craik, G. I.. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 33 36 410-35 — Edgar, J. o-45 in, ].. ed. Great triumphs of men. pp. 437-440 4IO-7 I a, Wm., i. 1770 d. i"- . . F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 335 353 8152-6 Hunter, Wm. Wilson, /./.. />.. British put-. ..>. Annals of rural Ben- gal. N. Y., 1868. 8° 9546-4 Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson, H. M, 310A2 HlNTERIAN. — 642 HINTING. Huntsman lectures 1884. Parker, W. K. On mammalian descent 5913-S Hunter's hand-book: description of all ar- ticles required in camps and receipts for camp cooking, by an old hunter. B., 18S5. 16° 79 6o- 4 Hunters of the Ozark. Ellis, E. S. . . . 314A35 Hunting. Adams, W. H. D. Hunter and trapper in North America 796-13 — Apperley, ('. J. Chace, turf and road. 6364-18 Hunting tours 7962-15 — Baldwin, \V. C. African hunting, 1852- 60 7965-2 — Barrows, Win. The general; or, twelve nights in the hunter's camp 138A1 — Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. . 7967-2 — Blakey, R. Shooting 7'>si-2 — Bogardus, A. II. Field, cover and trap shooting 7961-2 — Boner, C. Chamois hunting 7963-2 — Brown, J. M. Shikar sketches; with notes on Indian field sports 7964-2 — Campbell, W. Old forest ranger; or, wild sports of India 7964-25 — dimming, R. G. Five years of a hunt- er's life in the far interior of South Af- rica 4689-33 Wild men and wild beasts 7964-3 - D'Ewees, J. Sporting on both hemi- spheres 7966-3 — Dielitz, T. Hunters of the world. . . . 7965-4 — Dixon, H. H., (Druid, pseud.) Post and paddock 6365-4 - Scott and Seabright 6365-41 Silk and scarlet 6365-42 — Drummond, W. II. Large game. . . . 7965-44 — Elliott, W. Carolina sports 796-3 — Fortescue, J. Records of stag-hunting on Exmoor 7962-3 — F'r.ist, J. Wild scenes in a hunter's life. 7966-4 — Gillmore, P. Prairie and forest 796-41 — Grohman. W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies 47S-43 — Hallock, C. Camp life in Florida. . . . 4759-4 — Hamilton, J. P. Reminiscences ol an old sportsman 7962-4 — Harris, W. C. Wild sports of South Af- rica 4689-5 Herbert, II. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) American game 796-45 Complete manual for young tporl men. 7967 45 - Frank Forester's field sp,,n s f North America 796-46 1 [orloi k, K. W. 1'i;h in al lessons on hunting and sporting 7967-48 Hul : 1 I. 1.. 1.. W I, and lakes of Maine 4741-4 Hunter's hand-book, by an old hunter. . 7969-4 — Jefferies, R. Amateur poacher. . . . 589-52 Hunting, continued. — Knox, T. W. Young Nimrodsaround the world 7966-45 — Lamont, J. Seasons with the sea-horses ; or, sporting adventures in the northern seas ■ . . . . 498-56 — Leveson, II. A. Forest and field. . . . 7966-5 Sport in many lands 7966-51 — Lewis, E. J. American sportsman. . . 7961-5 — Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe 7963-6 — Marksman, pseud. Dead shot ; or, sports- man's complete guide 7967-6 — Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far west 796-6 — Rooper, G. Month in Mayo 44173-7 — Roosevelt, R. B. Florida and the game water birds of the United States. . . . 7961-69 — Roosevelt, T. Hunting trips of a ranch- man 796-7 — Ruxton, (i. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains 472-8 Life in the far west 478-81 — St. John, H. C. Notes and sketches of Nipon 452-67 — Schwatka, F. Nimrod in the north. . . 498-842 — Selous, F. C. Hunter's wanderings in Africa 4689-8 — Shakespeare, H. Wild sports of India. . 7964-S — Smith, G. P. Law of field sports. . . . 791-7 — Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the woods 4741-83 — Stretton, C. Sports and sportsmen. . . 7962-7 — Thrilling adventures of hunters and trav- ellers 4388-13 — Up De Graff, T. S. Bodines; or, camp- ing on the Lycoming 795-86 — Van Dyke, T. S. Flirtation camp : a ro- mance. Still-hunter 7967-8 — Warren, T. R, Shooting, boating and fishing for young sportsmen 7961-9 -Watson, B. A. Spoilsman's paradise; or, lake lands of Canada 47>3~9 Weber, C. W. Wild scenes and wild hunters 7966-9 Wolley, C. P. Spoil in the Crimea and Caucasus 4407-9 — Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England, pp. 1-47 ■ 394-7 — Walsh. |. II. Encyclopedia of rural sports, pp. 118-246 791-9 — Wood, J. G. Nature's teachings. pp. 50-158 609-9 Xenophon. Minoi «"iU. pp. 130-373. 8884-9 See also Annuals. Logs. Fishes. Fish- ing. I' in. Game birds, Sports. Tax- idermy. Trapping. Zoology. Also Adirondack. Also lives of Browning, M. Mytton, John. Smith, Thos. Assheton. Ill NTING. — 643 - Hi - \i '. Ili niin.,, , ontinued. \ I I M . , i nti "I hunting 11.. pai m.i list ..f thoi helibrai 1 . . . 1 \ - .11 1 m ( . j 1-.11. i [ . i, Rifle and hound in Ceylon, 454 1 B ' Lome, 441 1; 1 Butler, W. I' . Great Ion land, i;i -■ Chapman, J , S Ifrica, (689-3. — Dodge, 1< [., Plain ..iii.. great ■ t, 1 78-3. — 1 ... 1.. . 1 , Eleven yeai in Ceylon, 4 19-4. — ( lillmore, P., Grem thirst land, 468 1 I torna- day, W T., Two yean in 1 if iungli 1 1 -17. — I. .in. ..I 1 , Wild tribes of tl dan, 41 6 Kennedy, Vt M I , Vrctii regions, 1481 —Murphy, I M . Ramblei in noi thwi tern \ 1 ., i ;6 65 Myers, \ B B .lit. with the H mi. .11 Arabs 1 vald, F., Days in. 1 mollis in the tropii -■, 1 1 / Pai I man, 1'., Orel on trail, 478-71. — Price, K , Norway. 4481- 7. — Vandyke, T S., Southern California, Ih NTING >>i thesnark: an agony in eight fits. Dodgson, C. I ... i I ih i- Carroll, pseud.) ' 291 C 1 Hi ntingdon. Set Henry ■■/ Huntingdon. HUNTINGDONS. Hay ward, M. I p5oA6 Huntington, Daniel, American painter, 6. 1816. Introduction. In General vii nf the line arts 709-4 — Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the artists. PP- 320-332 758-9 Hi nii m.i i.n, Rev. Daniel, /'. 1788— rf. . In Everest, C. W., cd. Poets of Con- necticut, pp. 163-16S. [Biog. sketch and poems. I 80914-4 Huntington, I. D. Christ in the Chris- tian year and the life of man : sermons for layman's reading, Advent to Trinity. N. V.. 1878. 12 252-51 ( 'In 1~n.u1 believing ami living : sermons. N. V., 1S79. 12 252-52 Introduction. In Btckersteth, I'. II. Rock of ages 2312-2 Introduction. In Hymns of the aye-*. pp. vii— x 2451-4 — Fish. II. ('. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 134 346 2521-4 — New discussion of the Trinity. | A re- view of Dr. Huntington] 231 1-4 Huntington, Faye, pseud. Set Fostei . Mrs. I. II. Huntington, Jedediah Vincent, Am. au- thor, .'. 1S15-1/. 1S62. Alban ; or, the history of a young Puritan. 2 v. in 1. N. V. 12 . I orest, The : a sequel to Alban. \. V.. 1S52. 12°. — Lady Alice ; or. the new Una. X. Y.. 1877. 8°. — Rosemarj ; or, life and death. N. Y., 1S60. 12°. Huntington, Joshua 11. Chapters. /« Mount Washington in winter 47l-' s \ ih ntingto .. 11 11. L. S. 1 In • i ... I \ ■ ■ 12 H Dwight, N. Livi ..I Ih.- signei ...fill. I ion of in- dependence. p| (i- 1 ; 1 1 nig, P. J. 1 pp. 53 S s 4 I III .11 GTI IN, Win. I 11I1 idea : n 1 tow aid unity. V Y ., 1872. 12° • • ■ Ipture. /// 1 Christian truth and modern opinion, pp. [37-162. . . 2398-25 HURO, John C. Theory of our national ex- igence as shown by the action of the government of the United States since P., 1881. 8° Hi ki mi, I'.. P. lis, ays ..11 human rights and their political guaranties; with 11. ites bj 1 1 mbe. N. Y ., 1^.52. 12° 320-49 Hi 11 11 I, J. I... joint author. Vincent, J. II. ami I [urlbut, J. I.. I . men- tary, i8Si 1: Mi 1 ii 1. Wm. Henry. Gan-Eden; or, pic- tures of Cuba. P... lSs,(. 12° 47201 I'- ll' ON Indians. Paiktnan, T. Jesuits in North America 971-61 HlRRAH for the holidays. Stein, A. and Koch, k 851A5 Ih mi. \\i hurry. Kingston, W. II. ii. . 535A42 II: 1 1 1 RAPHS. Willis., N. P 953^3 11 therine. Elizabeth Christine, wife of Frederick the Great. N. Y.. [880. 12° 3I5B6 Queen Louisa of Prussia; or, goodness in a palace. N. \\, 1874. 12 HURST, John. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. ;;_• 375 4121 II . . I I I, .11. /'.. I I . />., Am. Methodist bishop, b. 1834. Ilistury of rationalism; embracing a survey of the ient state of Protestanl with [biography]. X. Y.. 1S1.5. S c . . 21 I and literature in the Fatherland. N. V.. 1875. S Contents. — The home. — Schools. — Books. — Germany in lighting mood. — Knapsack and al- penstock. Shorl history of the early church. X. Y., [6° -'Ml 4 Short history of the mediaeval church. V V., 1887. 16° 2703-4 Huskisson, Wm. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 26S-272 4II-56 HUSMANN, Geo. American grape growing and wine making. X. Y.. 1882. 12°. ( HUSS. — 644 HUTTON. Huss, John, Bohemian reformer, b. 1473-f/. 1515. Loserth, J. Wiclif and Hus. . 4143-5 — Wratislaw, A. H. John Hus: the com- mencement of resistance to papal au- thority on the part of the inferior clergy. 496B4 Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 55- 68 920-25 — Footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands, pp. 7-23 2706-42 — Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 47-70 414.5-4 — Hodgson, \Y. Reformers and martyrs. pp. 123-170 4143-44 — Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Watchers for the dawn. pp. 24-56 2706-55 — Milman, 11. II. History of Latin Chris- tianity, v. 7 2821-5 — Smith, J. M. Stars of the reformation. pp. 18-36 2706-72 Spaulding, M. J. Miscellanea. v. 1. pp. 191-212 204-S4 — Stevenson, W. F. Lives and deeds worth knowing about, pp. 181-207. . 4143-7 — Tales of the persecuted, pp. 349-365. . 272-78 — Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 49-61 410-945 — Williams, \Y. R. Era-, and characters of history, pp. 1 10-137 902-9 HUSSEY, Sir John. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, v. 1. pp. 159-162. 411-24 Hussites. Kaufmann, M. Socialism and communism, pp. 6S-90 338 45 HUTCHESON, Francis, British metaphysician, />. 1694-d. 1747. Fowler, T. Shaftes- bury anil Hutcheson 162-75 McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy. pp. 49-86 1021-48 — Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory. v. 2. pp. 474-521 190-6 Hutcheson, John 1 '.. White squall : a story of the Sargasso sea. I.., 1887. 12°. Hi I. kings, J M. Scenes of wonder in California: guide to the Yo-semite val- ley. 11. t. p. 12 4794-47 Hutchinson, Mrs. — . In tents in the Transvaal. I.., 1879. 8° 4682-44 lit rcHINSON, Alex. 11. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. N. Y., n. d. 12°. . 443S-55 Hutchinson, Mrs, Ann, religious enthusiast, h. about 1600-1/. 1643. Ellis, Geo. E. In Sparks, J,, ed. American biography. v. 16. pp. 171-376 412-S6 Hawthorne, N. Fansha < and othei pieces, pp. 177-187. 1 rcHi on, Edw ard, < rirder making and the practice of bridge building in wrought iron, illu Irated by examples of bridge,, pier, and girder work, etc., 1 on structed at the Skei ne « 01 ks, I lai lington. I .. 1879. S° 624-5 Hi rcHINSON, Col. John, Eng. Puritan, i. 1616-d. 1664. See next entry. Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy Apsley, b. 1620-d. 1669. Memoirs of the life of Col. Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham castle and town, representative in par- liament, etc., written by his widow Lucy ; to which is prefixed the life of Mrs, Hutchinson, written by herself, 7th ed.; to which is now first added the siege of Lathom house. L., 1S48. 12°. 49715? — Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies, pp. 275-304 413-22 — Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. PP- 25-50 413-25 — Crosland, Mrs. N. Memorable women. pp. 216-234 413-28 — Guizot, F. P. G. Biographic studies on the English revolution ; or, Monk's con- temporaries, pp. 120-140. Bound with Guizot, F. P. G. Monk 411-43 — Hale, S. |. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 46-52 4'3-47 — Knight, C. Half hours with the best let- ter writers and autobiographers. v. I. PP- 37-5° 820-54 - Once upon a time. pp. 212-217. . . . 538E4 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 2. pp. 74-81 410-9 Hutchinson, Thos., b. lju-d. 1780. Diary and letters of His Excellency, Thos. Hutchinson, Captain-general and Gov- ernor-in-chief of His late Majesty's prov- ince of Massachusetts Bay, etc., com- piled from original documents, etc., by Peter Orlando Hutchinson. B.,1884. 8°. 497B8 Hutchinson, Gen, W. N. Dog breaking : most expeditious, certain and easy meth- od, whether great excellence, or only mediocrity be required ; with odds and ends for those who love the dog ami gun. L., 1SS2. 12° 70S 44 Hi I'CHISON, Dr. Joseph C. Treatise on physiology and. hygiene for educational institutions and general readers. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. Same, 1886 612 14 111 III, Alfred Henry. Life and writings of Henry Thos. Buckle. N. V., 1S80. 8°. 190BS Hutten, Ulrich von, German poet, b. 1488- d. 1523. Hedge, F. 11. Hours witli German classics, pp. 97-99 839 (.' Koltzof-Massalsky, II. G. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation, v. 1. pp. 37 s 386 2740.1 5 - Lloyd, Mrs. W. K. Watchers for the dawn. pp. 91—138 ... 2706-55 Maccall, Win. Foreign biographies, v. 1. pp. 170-208 410-67 Hi [TON, Lawrence. Literary land marks of London. B., 1885. 12 4182 4; HUTTON, — 645 II' KLEY. Hi 1 I"., I 1 ■ , ontinued, ,i)iJ \i 1 1 1 in 1 J. B. Introducl ion, note and index. In Bei nard, J. Retro pei in hi 1.1 America 47 i 16 ed. See Aiiu'i H in 11 joint ed. Matthews, J. 13. and Hutton, I.., eds, \ ■ .mi 1 ,n 1 n 1 ..I ' .■ Britain and the United States. 5 v. . . 4179 6 Mi in'.. Mark. 1 ruisi ol the " Hum: Bird" ; or, notes neai home. I ... 1 86 1 8°. Hi [TON, Rii hard I lolt, Eng. 1826. Si. \\ ili.i Scott. N. Y., 1879 12 . [Eng. men of letters ser.] . . . 814B2 M \. Re, . \\ . I I., ed. Mi 1 ill.' i.l I 1 111 ry III. N. Y., 1887. (6°. [English histoi \ bj ' ' intemporar) h i iters. | . . 9334 1 II \. Win.. En 1723 [815. Craik, ra 0* mon- strative evidence of ev ilution Vddrcss on the occas of the opening of the fohns Hopkins university.— Lecture on the study of biology, in i mi tin th>ii with the loan - collection of s< ii n 1 1 in apparatus, South Kensington Museum, Dei . i6, 1876.} Boj 5 and girls in biology ; or, simple studies of the lower forms of life: eel. by Sarah II. Stevenson. V Y.. 1N75. '2° 577-8 Crayfish: introduction to the stud) of oology. N. Y., 18S0. 12 59536-4 Critiques and addresses. 1... 1873. s - 5 02 ~49 Contents. — Administrative nihilism.— School boards. — On medical education \ • ■ i — On 1 In f irmation of coal. — On coral and coral reefs On the methods and results of ethnology.— On some fixed points in British ethnology. — Paleontolog) and the doctrine of evolution. — Biogenesis and abiogenesis. — Mr. Darwin's critics. — Genealogy of animals. — Bishop Bi ley on the metaphysics of sensation. E\ idem e as to man's place in nature. N. V., 1863. 12° 5914 3 — Hume. N. V., 1879. 12°. [English men of letters set.] 492B2 - Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. N. V., 1871. 8°. Same, 1S76 5° 2 -5 II' 1 . , I II... ntinued. ■ hit* 1 d where to find tel '.I -.11 after d ii ■ tory • '■ . basis of lifi ' of chalk I incily and pel rigi n of speci I I •■ .1 method of u ing scientific trul Mar i of the anatomy of invertebrated lals. N. Y., 1888. 12°. . . Manual of tl I vertebraled an- imals. N. Y., 1872. I- 1 Mi 1 ■ critici sm on I larwin and adm trative nihilism. N. \ .. 1882. 12 . . 57; 52 (hi the origin of spi ihe causes ■ >f the phenomena of organic nature. V \ , 1863. 12°. Same, 1880. 8°. . 575 ,; Physiography: an introduction to the study of nature. I.., 1878. 12°. .. . 551 6 — Science and culture, and other essays. \ . \ ., 1882. 8° 502-52 Contents. — Science and culture.— Univei lies,-- Technical education. — Elementary in struction in physiology.— Joseph Priestly. — On the n ' in the border territory between the animal and lire vegetable kingdom 1 In 1 'i lain errors respecting the structure uf the heart attributed to Aristotle. —On the hypo- is thai animals arc automata. — On sensation and the unity of structure of the sensiferous organs.— Evolution in biology — The coming of fthe " Origin of species."— Connection of the biological sciences with medicine. I. hnical education and other essays, n. t. p. 8° 502-522 .' Technical education. — Connec- 1 1..11 of the biological sciences with medicine — I lb Priestly On sensation and the unity of structure of sensiferous organs.— On certain errors respecting the structure of the heart .it tributcd to Aristotle. — Interpreters of Genesis, and the interpre- ts s of nature. Mr. Gladstone and Gen- esis, hi Order of creation Introductory notice. //; (has. Darwin. Memorial notices, pp. ix— xiii — ■ On Ihe method of studying /oology. In Culture demanded by modern life. pp. 45 3704-9 life. J11 Hali- lii. in- with modern scientists. v. 1. IT- '-35 Prefatory note. In ll.eckel, Ii. I in science and teaching — Science. In Ward, T. II.. ed. Reign teen Victoria, v. 2. pp. . Yeast. In Estes, 1)., ,;{. Half-hour eations in popular science. v. 1. IT- 287-304 HUXLEY. 646 HYDROPATHY. Huxley, T. H., continual. — and Martin, H. N. Course of element- ary instruction in practical biology. L., 1882. 12 577-4 — and Youmans, W.J. Elements of physi- ology anil hygiene. N. V., 1S72. 12°. 612-46 — Roscoe, H. E. and Stewart, B., eds. See Science primers. — Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. Review of theories 214-37 — Porter, N. Science and sentiment, etc. PP- 293-33° r 42-7 — Sterling, J. H. As regards protoplasm: reply to Huxley. In Half-hours with modern scientists, v. I. pp. 73-144. 502-42 Hi ysHE, Cap/. Geo. Lightfoot. Red River expedition. L., 1S71. 12 97127-4 Hyacinthe, Pire. See Loyson, C. J. M. Hyacinthe O'Gara, Honor Delaney, Irish priests and English landlords. Dublin, 1839. 16 499AI HYDE, Anna M. Work, play and profit; or, gardening for young folks. I'hila., 1873. 12° 635-44 Hyde, Anne, duchess of York. Jesse, J. 11. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3. pp. 471-482 411-5S — Lodge, E. Portraitsof illustrious person- ages of Gt. Britain, v. 5. pp. 232-241. 411-65 Hyde, E W. Skew arches; advantages and disadvantages of different methods of construction. N. Y., 1875. 24 . . . . 6242-31 Hyde, Edward, rst earl of Clarendon, b. 1609 -d. 1674. History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. 7 v. Oxford, l839- '6° 9362-45 Lewis, Lady T, Lives of the friends and contemporaries of Lord chancellor Clar- endon 41 1-62 Hayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution, pp. 435-502 936-2 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. pp. 106-224 411 25 — Guizot, E. P. tl. Biographic studies on the English revolution; or, Monks con- temporaries, pp. 147-152. Bound with Guizot, F. P. G. Monk 4"-43 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British his- torians, v. 1. pp. 190-231 4182-54 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 265 -'7'' 411-65 Reed. W, B. A ng ray books, pp. I" 783^' Hyde, Henry, zd earl of Clarendon, i, 1638 d. 1709. Guizot, I. P. G. Hiographic studie "ii the English revolution; or, Monk's contemporaries, pp. 153-157. Bound witli Guizot, F. P. <;. Monk. . 411-43 Hyde, Jas. Wilson. The Royal mail: its curiosities and romance. N. Y., 1885. 16° 35342-4 HYDE, Sir Nicholas. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, v, 2. pp. 36-42. 411-24 Hyde, Robert. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, v. 2. pp. 159-163. . . 411-24 HYDERABAD. Temple, R. Journals kept in Hyderabad, etc 454-85 HYDRAULICS and hydrostatics. Box, T. Practical hydraulics 5329-2 — Burnell, G. R. Rudiments of hydraulic engineering 62097-7 — Ewbank, T. Hydraulic and other ma- chines for raising water 532-3 — Flynn, P. J. Hydraulic tables for the calculation of the discharge through sewers, pipes and conduits, based on Kutter's formula 53 2 9~4 — Erisi, P. Treatise on rivers and torrents. 55143-4 — Glynn, J. Rudimentary treatise on the power of water 55143-4 — Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechan- ics of engineering, v. 2. sec. 2. pt. I. 621-9 — Baker, T. Principles and practice of Statics and dynamics 53'-'3 - Same. Bound with Tomlinson, C. Pneumatics 533—8 — Joyce, J. Scientific dialogues, pp. 1 42- 204 5302-5 — Lardner, D. Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics 53 2_ 5 — Law, H. Rudiments of civil engineering: including treatise on hydraulic engi- neering 620-3 — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of the steam engine and other prime movers. . . . 621—72 — See also Mechanics. Physics. Hydrometer. Keene, J. B. Hand-book of practical guaging: with instructions in the mode of ascertaining the strength of spirits by means of Sikes' hydrometer. 659-5 Hydropathy. Gully, J. M. Water cure in chronic diseases 6157-4 — Houghton, R. S., e ■ 1 1 ophobi 1 61624 1 Suzor, R. Hydrophobia in R nl of M. Pasteui ) item 61624-8 1 .'in . Pasteur, his life and laboi pp. 271-300 717111 Hygiene. Sub-divisions: 1. Publii hj 2, Pei sonal h) giene, etc. /. Public hygiene. Bowditch, II. [. Publii hygiene in \ rica 614-2 Parkes, E. A. M al of practical hj giene. 1873 614-7 Wright, O. W. Maxims ol public health, I884 M Wilson, n the threshold, pp. 123-155 204-65 c, Mrs. II. 1B.1, (Christopher I lull, pseud.) Chimney corner, pp. 142-165. Bodily religion HYGIENE. - 648 — ICE. Hygiene, continued. — See n/so Anatomy. Clothing. Costume. Digestion. Drainage and sewerage. Food. Girls. Health resorts. House- keeping. Hydropathy. Longevity. Medicine. Mental healing. Mental hygiene. Plumbing. Physical culture. Physiology. Temperance. Toilet. Ventilation. Water supply. Women. HYMNOI.OGY. Belcher, J. Historical sketch- es of hymns 245-2 Browning, E. 15. Essays on the Greek Christian poets and the English poets. 186C4 Charles, Mrs. E. K. Voice of Christian life in song 245- } — Christophers, S. W. Epworth singers. . 245-39 — Hymn-writers and their hymns. . . . 245-4 DufBeld, S. W. English hymns, their authors and history 245-5 — Hood, G. History of music in New Eng- lalld 773-4 — King, J. Anglican hymnology 245-6 — Macdonald, G. England's antiphon. . . 245-7 — Prime, W. C, ed. O mother dear, Jeru- salem ; the old hymn, its origin and ge- nealogy 2452-7 — Song victories of the " Bliss and Sankey" hymns 245-8 Wilhnott, K. A. Lives of the early Eng- lish sacred poets 41821-9 — Winkworth, C. Christian singers of Ger- many 245-9 — Critical and social essays. pp. 65-68. . 675E5 — Eells, M. Ten years of missionary work at Skokomish. pp. 244-255 26797-3 — Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European his- tory, v. 1. pp. 197-234. [Mediaeval.] 9204-5 Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing. pp. 98- 108 7959-6 - Stevenson, VV. F. Lives and deeds worth knowing about, pp. 267-290 4143-7 I1\mvs. Baynes, R. H., ed. Lyra Angli- cana : hymns and sacred songs. . . . 2451-2 — Borthwick, J. D., ed. Harp of Canaan ; or, selections from the poets on Bible historical incidents 2451-24 — Cary, A. Ballads, lyrics and hymns. . . 207C4 — Estes, D., ed. Light at eventide. . . . 2451-5 — Hymns of the ages ; with introduction by Rev. F. D. Huntington. 3 v. B., 1877. '2° 2451-4 — March, F. A. Latin hymns 8791-6 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith 2458-7 — Schaff, P. Christ in song 2451-8 — UJpham, T. C. Book for the home. . . 911C5 — White, R. G. National hymns 8031-9 — Wither, G. Hallelujah 955C6 Hymns and songs of the church ; with introduction by Edward Farr 955G7 — Charles. Mrs. F. R. Women of the gos- pels : three wakings and other poems. pp. 159-275 222C2 — ileber, R. Poetical works, pp. 42-92. 460C5 — Watts, I. Hora- lyric. e and divine songs. pp. 29S-34S 927C7 Hymns and poems for little folks. L., 11. d. i°° 8099-43 Hymns for mothers and children. Whit- marsh, C. S., ed. 8099-44 Hynemann, Leon. Freemasonry in Eng- land from 1567 to 1813, including an analysis of Anderson's constitutions of 1723 and 38, authorized by the Grand lodge of England. X. V., 1R77. 12°. 3661-5 Hypatia. Kingsley, (has. Hyper esthesia. Cruger, M. HYPERIDES, Athenian orator. Plutarch. Mor- als, v. 5. pp. 53-57 8888-4 Hyperion. See Longfellow, H. W. Hypochondriac. Steele, S. S. Drawing room plays 785-82 I., J. I'., ed. Van fielder papers and other sketches. N. V., 1887. 12°. Contents.— Editor's preface. — Teunis Van Gelder.-Nick Wanzer's adventure. — Derrick V'.in Dam.— Ralph Craft- Zadoc Town. — Rulif Van Pelt.-Obed Groot.- Harry Blake.— John Minim — Visit of St. Nicholas.— Little Sharp shins I go a-fishing. Prime, W. C 7959-6 I say ■• No." I ollins, Wilkie. Henrik, Norwegian poet, /'. 1828. Brandes, G. I thors of I he 19th century, pp. 405-460 |iS 2 '■. E. W, Studies in the literature rthern I pe. pp. 35-70. . . . 8304-4 Icarians. Nordhoff, C. Communistic so- cieties of the U. S. pp. 333-342. . . 3389-6 Ice. Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire. 2 v. 1865 551-2 I'nidall, J. Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers 55'4~9 Dickens, C, ed. Home and social phil- osophy. SCI. I. pp. 30-42 485E5 - Sunshine on daily paths, pp. 224-232. Ice and its uses 604-3 See aim Alps. Arctic regions. Geology. Glaciers, I i .<•, (Great), and its relation to the an tiquity of man, Geikie, J 55 1 —5 rcE 6 iv K,V\ III- h i boal . rhomp >on, M. Bo of I pp. 109-319 791 8 l'ii ream and cal e s new collei 1 i< >u "f standard fresh and original re households and commercial use; ' in \n:.'i ii an \ \ ,, [883. 12 642-15 li i- manufacture. I edoux, M [1 e making macl 621 ; .( 1 ' indier, G. \\ ondei - ol ... ati "i -•;.; Ici i'ack and (undra. 1 older, \\ . II (.98 i [1 1 queen. Ingersoll, Ernest 504 A 2 I. 1 world ' entures ; or, \ oyages and travels in Arctic regions from thedisi ery of Iceland to the English expedition -I 1876. I . 12 198 5 Iceland. Anderson, R. B. and Bjarnason, J. Viking tales 8396 2 Blai kw 1. !•'. T. II., earl of Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes: being some aci il ol 1 voya ;< in the 1 1 nei yachl " Foam," to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen in 1856 498 15 Burton, R. I I ItimaThule; or, a sum- mer in Iceland li' 1 -' I v Fonblanque, 1 . A. Five weeks in 1 1 eland 14.11 35 Headley, P. C. Island "I fire; or, a thousand years of the old N01 thmi home, 874 1 S 7 4 4491-4 Historical and desi riptive account of Io land, Greenland and the Faroe islands. \. \ .. 1854. 16° 9489 6 Kneel. mil, s. An American in Iceland, 449] 5 Paijkull, C. W. Summer in Iceland. . . 4491-0 Pfeiffer, I, Journej to Iceland t4.1i 7 Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in the year 1.^74. y: 9 Waller, S. E. Six weeks in the saddle in Iceland t.|,,i .1 Browne,J.R, Land of Thor. pp. 426-542. 448-23 Gibson, J. Great waterfalls, cataracts and geysers, pp. 258-27 1 55'44-j Hartwig, G. Polai world, pp.68 113. t" s p5 Midler. F. M. I hips from a German workshop. \ . 2. pp. 187-195. ... 652E3 Nature's wonders, pp. 69-85 js' 7 Nordhoff, C. Stories of the island world. pp. 126-150 1 Sinding, P. C. Northmen: the sea-kings and vikings 94S-7 Wheaton, H. Histor; of the Northmen. pp. 16-109 94 — Dasem. G. \\ . Gisli, the outlaw. . . 83 Hugo, V. Outlaw of Iceland. — Thoroddsen, J. I". Sigrid: an Icelai love storj Longfellow, II. \\ . . ed. Poems of places: Scotland, etc. \ . ;. pp. 161 174 80921 ; IcELANDN prinn H 1 I' II I H [da, Story of, .;. I, II M. Il> \ \ 1 I I, A' An. Ire" . 1 1 > v . Mount. I ozei .11.1. I in the highlands of Turke) 1 pp. [-21. ........ Idaho, Murphy, J. M. Rambles in 1 western America Brocket!, L. P. 78 178 19 [DBA of Gi ted by del n knowl- edge. Fiske, John I1.1 u . ommonwealths. I .. 1886. 12 Contents Plutan li' 1 : 1 1 Bacon's New A ; ' ampanella'11 ofthesun. — Fragmeni '.f H:il!*> Mui altei < lion, by Henry \I 1 1 'i w. fanatic. Porch, III ll'l \ 1 in art. Taine. II. A. 701-83 li'i \i man. Hanson, Wm 3304-4 [deality in the physical sciences. 1 Benj 5°'-75 Ideas of the apostle Paul. Clarke, J. F. . 2218-62 lints. Marie A. Centennial call t.. nil na- tions. Phila., 1876. 16° 254-50 Idler. Johnson, S. /;/ l!riii-h essayists. v. v) 184E1 Works, v. 1. pp. 357-455- • • Idler and poet. Johnson, Rossi ter. ... ;i Idler in France. Gardiner, M., count xngton ti Idolatry. See Religions. Also Missions ami travels in heathen countries. I vtry. Hawthorne, Julian. IDOLS and ideals ; with an essay on Chris- tianity. Conway, M. I> 204-22 li'i m 1 v. Glennie, |. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim- pp. 169-292 ln\ii of the white lotus. Cook, Mrs. Mabel. 212 19 Idyls and legends of [nverburn. Poems. nan. R MM 2 [dyls of Norway and othei poems. Boye- 11.11 179C7 [dyls of the king. lennyson, Alfre ss i' s li. yes and perhaps. Hale. E. 1'. Igdrasii ; or, the tree of existence. Chal- len, Jas 22c'; Ic.natius, saint, bishop of Antioek, d. 107. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 1. Epistles and martyrdom, pp. 1 ,7 Spurious epistle- of Ignatius. pp. 448-493 n.l. Il.s. Apostolic Fathers, pp. 113 17" 2812-45 Vonge, C. D. Pupils - hn the di- vine, pp. 10; 142 IGNATIUS. 650 IMAGINATION. Ii.vvin s de Loyola, saint, founder of the or- der of Jesuits, b. 1491-rf. 1566. Bartoli, Father Daniel. History "f the life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the society of Jesus. . . . 589B5 Taylor, I. Loyola and Jesuitism in it-, rudiments 2715-8 - Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers. pp. 299-322 204-12 Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in re- us history. pp. 202 274 204-165 Hewlett, II. 1.. Heroes of Europe, pp. 364-370 4104 52 Lawrence, E. Historical studies. pp. 99-143 204-5.5 - Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 120-148. . . 870] 2 W'oo.l. W., ed. Hundred greatest men. IT- '83 186 410 975 Ignoramuses. Crowninshield, Mrs. Mary Bradford 44m 52 Igni irani 1 . I [amerton, I'. 1 .. II man intercourse. pp. 253-279. Of genteel ignorance. Of patriotic ignorance. 452E5 si. Education. Ihne, Joseph Anion Friedrich Wilhelm. I nl\ Rome, from the foundation of the city to its destruction bj theGaurs. X. Y., 1875. ll>°. Same. I,.. 1S77. . . . 0101 5 Histor) of Rome. 5 \. I... 1871. 8 - 919-5 Contents. — v. 1 Regal period — Early his- tory of the republic. — Conquest of [talj -1 Struggle for the ascendency in the West, v. ; Wars for supremacy in the East. — v. 4. Con- stitution, laws, religion, ami magisti f the Roman people, v. 5. Expansion otilie repub In into an empire. Iki Partington. Shillaber, B. I' Nj|Ai, li IAD. See Homer. Iliad of the East. Richardson, F 8912 7 Il.lOS: the city and country of the Trojans. Si lilieniann, II 1.026-7 Ilka on the hill top. Boyesen, II. II. I I 1 eg ulated mind. Wylde, K. III wind. Donaldson, F., jr. Two come- PP- S-41 2011 4 Illinois. Carpenter, \V. II. and Arthur, T. S. I hsioiy of Illinois 987 ; ; Farnham, E. \V. Life in prairie land. 177; 4 Bryant, W. 1 '.. Prose writings. \ . 2. pp. 3-22. I llinois fift) ) eai s ago. . . 189E3 1 011 1 mo ion "I the several states, pp. I- J 144 3463 3 1 1.1.1 1 ER ic, . See Education. ll.LUMlNATI. Hi. 1 rih 1 . \\ . Set iei etil ll I .-li'! lie-. \ , -■ Pi'- :>' 37 3669 1 lerlson, I . B. Model 11 history ami biography, pp. p.5 470 ,„,, ; I ss. Attbrej .1 \L 1 ellanies. . 17 1 1 ; 13 1 La.Ui ations. . . 1742-2 lit i sii ins, continued. Clarke. E. II. Visions: a study of false sight (pseudopia) 174 2; — Sully, J. Illusions: a psychological study. 1742 8 - Elam, C. Physician's problems. pp. 2 56-33 2 6104-3 Emerson, R. \V. Conduct of life. pp. 291-308 318E1 Marion, F. Wonders of optics. pp. 160 248 535-6 Proctor, K. A. Illusion- .if the senses, etc. pp. 1-11 504-72 Vignoli, I. Myth and science. pp. 241-327 2901-9 See also Delusions. Dreams. Supersti- tions. Illustrated home-. Gardner, E. C. . . 72S-41 Illustrated notes on English church his- tory. Lane. C. A 283-5 III 1 STRATKD rural manuals: comprising the house, garden, farm, domestic animals, complete in one vol. X. Y., 1859. 12 . 630-7 Illustrations, foster. E. New cyclope- dia of poetical illustrations 809 43 — Spencer. J., ed. Things old and new. . 25; Spurgeon, C. II. feathers for arrows; or, illustrations for preachers and teach- ers 253 00 - Illustrations and meditations 25; 7 .s', , also Anecdi lies. ILL! si rations of genius in sonic of its rela- tions to culture and society. Giles, II. 422E1 Illustrations ol King in all its branches. < tpie, Mrs. A 7 3. II. Illustrations ..I the influence "I 1 In- mind upon the body in health and disease, designed to elucidate the action of the imagination. 172 9 Akenside, M. Poetical works, pp.115 274. Pleasures of the imagination. . . H2C2 1 l.iiLc.l.l. Self-culture, pp. 175 194. 374 27 MacDonald, G. Imagination and oth- .1 1 isays. pp. 1-42 605 E5 Tyndall, J. Fragments of science, pp. 12s 166. Scientific use of the imagina- tion 504-85 \\ hippie. E. P. Success and ils c I lion-, pp 185 193. Tricks ,,f the im- agination, . . • ■ • 040ES See ill"' Intellect . I\l! I VTION. 651 IN Imitation of Chrisi I I ECen Imitator n poi m ol Bo ton life. B . 1886. 16 , 1 tfl mi, John. K ,<•(/. Si otti strel. pp. s68 ',1 Biog. sketch and poems.] 80921 7 Immigra 1 1"\. Brockell, L. P ' lui u est- ern empi re, 1 7 8 1 1 1 Everett, E. Orations, toj 111. I it' • 1 "l immigi 1 i i"ii 815 ; ; 1 ' ■. es, E, D. Fifty yeni men and even l pp. 92-99 .... s i g, I . Oui country : i i > possible fu- 1 ienl crisis, pp, 30 40 . 21.7 75 .S'.v also Emigral ion. Labor, 1 ( 'hinese, 1 lermnns, Ii ish, etc., in Vmei n .1 [MMOB uir, S I UlUie life, I mm. ik tun inherenl in nature. Bai lo« . W. S 1 Ci Imit \i 11 m 1 \ 1 of the I louse of Brunsu ii k. Bradlaugh, 1 u\- 2 I mpi i;i m federation. 1 ampbell, I.I 1 marquis of Lorne ; • Imperiai guard ol Napoleon. Hi dlej I T 66 I mi'kn , I- redei ic. I'hrei acre tnd 1 cow : successful small holdings and pi isai proprietors ; with prefatoi j note by Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain, M. P., and ap- pendix by the duke of Argyll. I ... [1885 I 12° 630 , Imphee. 1 Hcott, 11. S. Sorgho and im phee . 1 lie I hinese and Afi ican sugai canes 63 j6 6 I mpok 1 -. exports and the I- rem h 11 eatj . Cross, J. K Imposters. Fuller, II. W. Noted French trials, imposters and adventurers. . . . 3482 ;, Impress) d New \ 01 kei . \\\, pseud. Stei en son, W in. ( ;. Impressions and reminiscences. Sand, 1 ieorge 8 n 8 ; Impressions of life al home and abroad. Cecil, Lord Eustace 139 i\ Impressio> ol London social life. Nadal, E. S 1421-6 1 mi 1.1 3SIONS of rheophrastus Such. Eliot, George !«3E8 I \ii-K. >\ EMI \ 1 ol 501 ietj b) the diffus knowledge. Hick, I'. Works. v. (. 828 , Improvement of the mind. Watts, I. . . ;; t u Imi'Kiu ISA roR] . Indersen, II. C. In .1 grass country. Cameron, Mrs, II. I In aid of faith. Abbott, Lyman 239 12 In l'.i hie lands. Newton, Rev. R 1.58 69 In both worlds. Holcombe, W. II. In camp and battle with the Washington ar- tillery of New Orleans. Owen, W. M. 9814-6 ' ' ■ : oil. Vfi Muff, |. K 1 I /;/ Brow n, I pp. ; s .i 400 .... 1 ■' Adams, '.' it 1. In 1 1. 1 \. v.. 1 In earnest. Foster, Mr I. H., (Fayi II 'ngtoi • 495A43 In exile. St., W. In exitu I n^.. In extremi h I (. Ix four reigns: recollections of Althea Al- lingham, 1785 1842. Marshall, Emma. 1 1 rips) tents. Green, F, II In 1 1 is name. I [ale, I 1 I n Leislei 's times. I; I ... \ -^ In many homes: stories for little folks. B., I In Nazareth town: a Christmas fantas) and other poems. Chadwick, J. W. . . . I n ole Virgi nia. Page, IN. In paradise. Heyse, Paul. In [ studies in story tell Matthews, J. B. and Bunner, II. 1 1 s pel ils '.Ii. Vdams, W. H. D 41 I.n pursuit of happiness. Tolstoi, L. X. In quarters with ihe 25th (Black liorse) dra- ons. Stann II I . 1 1. S. Winter, pseud.) In quest of gold. St. Johnston, A In Russian and French prisons. Ki kine > P I n search of the castav In silk attire. Black, Win. In southern India. Mitchell, Mrs. M. . . 2654 5 In tents i„ the Transvaal. Hutchinson, Mrs In the Vn tii -• as. M'( lintoi h, Capt. F. I.. : In the brave days of old. Frith, Henry. . 2704-42 I n the brush : or, old tin itical and religious life in the south' 11. II. \V 470-7 In ihe Carquine: I lane. F. I In the clouds. Murfree, M. V. (Chas. E. 1 Iraddoi In the days of my youth. Edwards,Amelia 1!. In- the daj s of thy youth rat, l r . W 252 In the distance. Lathrop, G. P. In the fort. Keddie, Henrietta, |Saral In the golden days. I.yall, Edna. In the golden shell. Mazini, Linda. . . . '2i.\- In ihe harbor: [L'ltima Thule. pi 1 ongfellow, H. W In the Himalayas and on the Indian pi dimming, C. h. Gordon- 454 - 6 S 2 - INDIA. In the kitchen. NT. V., 1S83. S° 641-51 In the land of marvels : folk-tales from Aus- tria and Bohemia. Vernaleken, T. . . 3S436-S In the Lena delta. Melville, Geo. W. . . 498-64 In the Levant. Warner, C. D 4499-95 In the mist. Porter, Rose. In the olden time. Roberts, M. In the ranks. Douglas, Amanda M. . . . 292A85 In the saddle : collection of poems on horse- back riding. B., 1SS2. 16 80958-5 In the school-room. Hart, J. S 371-44 In the sky garden. Champney, Mrs. Lizzie W 220A4 In the Tennessee mountains. Murfree, M. X., (Chas. E. Craddock, pseud.) In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties. Brassey, Lady Anne 4375-2 In the west countrie. Crommelin, M. In the wilderness. Warner, CD 47475-9 In the wrong paradise and other stories. Lang, Andrew. In the year '13. Renter, F. In troubled times. Wallis, A. S. C. In trust. Douglas, Amanda M. In war times. Mitchell, S. W. In Wiclif's days. Stebbing, (.. Ina. Valerio, K. Incarnation. Barrett, B. F., ed. Swed- enborg library', v. 8 2S94-2 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 14. pp. 14.1—182. Review of Morris, J. 1;. The incarnation S1S-27 — See also Jesus Christ. Inchbai.Ii, Elizabeth (Simpson), Eng. actress and author, l>. 1 753—^. 1821. Adams, \V. II. D. Sunshine of domestic life. pp. 101-116 +I3—I3 Kavanagh, J. English women of letters. pp. 160-181 4182-5 1 ;NITO ; or, Count Fitz-Hum. De Quin- cey, T. Logic of political economy, etc. pp. 304-323 - s 4 1 5 (NCOMPLEAT angler. Burnand, F. C. . . - 827-244 Independence hall. Belisle, D. W. Ilis- tory of Independence hall; with biog- raphies of the signers of the Declaration of independence 98281-2 Independeni fifth reader. Watson, J. M. 801 97 I. ima. Sub-divisions: 1. History, general. 2. Hindu and Mohammedan periods. .;. British India. 4. Mutiny, 1857-58. 5. Recent history. 6. Religion. 7. Folk- lore. 8. Missions. 9. Travels ami de- scription, i". Miscellaneous. /^/-Lit- erature, tee Literature, Indian. 1 . History, general. in . W. II. I). Buttle stories. . 9208-13 Feudge, I". R. India 954 35 India, continued. - India: pictorial, descriptive and histor- ical, from the earliest times to the pres- ent. L., 1873. 16 954-5 Reene, H. G. History of Hindustan. . 954-53 I.ethbridge, R. Short manual of history of India 954~57 — Raynal, G. T. F. Settlement ami trade of the Europeans in the East ami Wesl Indies, v. 2 437~8 Wheeler, J. T. History of India. 4 v. 954-9 Short history of India 954-91 2. Hindu and Mohammedan periods. Bayley, E. C. Local Mohammedan dy- nasties : Gujarat 9542-2 — Klphinstone, M. History of India ; Hin- du and Mohammedan periods 954 j Erskine, Wm. History of India under the two first sovereigns of the House of Taimur, Baber and Humayun 954 2 3~3 — Keene, H. G. Fall of the Moghul empire. 95426-5 Turks in India 954 2 3 _ 5 — Rajendralala Mitra. Indo-Aryans. 2 v. 9541-5 — Robertson, W. Historical disquisition of the knowledge which the ancients had of India 9402-7 Arrianus. Anabasis of Alexander, bks. 5-7 1 14H61 Baldwin, I. D. Pre-historic nations, pp. 216-266 910-15 ?. British India. — Caunter, H. Romance of history : India. 954OI-3 Elphinstone, M. Rise of the British power in the East 954-j 1 - James, W. M. British in India 9543-4 — Ludlow, J. M. British India, its races and its history 9543~5 Malleson, G. B. Decisive battles of In- dia from 1746 to 1849 inclusive. . . . 95402-5 - Final French struggles in India. . . . 95432-5 Martineau, II. History of British rule in India 9543-55 Mill, Jas. History of British India. 9 v. 9543-6 Murray , Hugh and others. British India. 3 v 9543-7 Ransome, ('. Our colonics and India. . 9307-7 Savile, B. W. How India was «<>n by England 95431 -7 - Trotter, L. J. History "I India under queen Victoria from 1836 to 1S80. . . 95437-8 Wheeler, J. T. India under British rule. 9543-9 — Burke, E. Works, v. 3 828 25 Cobden, R. Political writings. *. 2. pp. 23-106 308-3 I oster, J. Fosteriansi 377 K 7 Heeren, A. II. L. Historical works, v. $. Politics, intercourse and tradeofthe Asiatic nations 906-4 INDIA. 653 l\HI \ India, continu, d Lester, C. E, Glor ind 1 1 Eng land, i -• pp, !-■ ; 452 MZ-56 Maine, II. s. India. /// Ward, I . II.. <•,/. Reign "l Queen Victoria. 1 I'l ■■ I"" 528 938 9 Regnault, !•'.. ( 1 iminal historj of the 1 nglish govei nment. pp. 70 142. . . 9303-; Rogers, |. E. I . 1 obden and modern political opinion, pp. 222 260, 1 nd in and the col mies (304-67 Seelye, J. R. Expansion of England. PP. '79 -7-= Smith, S. Oci 1.1I essaj -. pp. 77 106. British 1 ule in India 836E6 Whitney, W. I>. Oriental and linguistii >[ u< lie-, v.2. pp.) 51. British in India. i"i 95 — See also lives of Bell, Geo. -Campbell, C. Dal ton, John. Elphinstone, M . Foster, E. I lastings, \\ Have lock, II. Hodson, W . s. R. Kaye, J. \V. Lawrence, Henry. Lawrence, John. The Lindsays. Lutfullah. Mackenzie, 1 . Mackintosh, I. Mun- ro, T.— Napier, 1 has. Nassir-u-deen, Seal T. Wellesley, R. /. Mutiny, iS , Bartlett, D. W. I leroes nf the Indian rebellion 9544 2 Butler, W. Land of the Veda 454-iS Duff, A. Indian rebellion, its causes and results 954 1 ; Edwards, W. Personal adventures dur- ing the I nJi. in rebellion 'IS4-I i ; Russell, W. II. My diary in India. . . 9544-7 Thornhill, M. Personal adventures of a magistrate during the Indian mutiny. . 9544-8 Valbezen, E. de. The English and India. 9544 <> Cotton, S. Nine years in the northwest frontier of India, 1854 63 0547 j Cumming, G. Wild men and » tld beasts. PP- '•>" 2 54 7964 3 I ow, C. R. Greal battles of the British army. pp. 521 554 9308-4 Malleson, ( i. B. Ambushes and surprises. pp. 380-406 903-6 Wright, C. .""/ Brainerd, J. A. Historii incidents and life in India, pp.224 2 7-- 154 97 Note. — Among the biographies mentioned .ibove, those of Campbell, Havelock, Hodson. the I awreni esand Munra arc 1 spei ial interest 1 tion with the mutiny ■r. Recent history. Allen. D. ( 1. India, ancient and modern. 954 13 Cotton. II. J. S. New India; or, India in transition 9545~3 Hope, T, C. Church and state in India. ,5225-4 — Hunter, W. W. Annals of rural Bengal. 954" 1 Woodthrope, R. G. Lushai expedition, '871 7-' 9546a 9 I sin \, continued, tton, |. S. "'" / Payne, E. J 1 ol ind de] • encies ''3Q7-3J ■ 6, Religion, Alviella, ( 'ount G Cont< n I land, America and India. _•.,! , llarth, A. Religions of India. . Do ! n Karaka. Hist... \ ,,( the ' 2925 4 — Jacolliot, L. Bible in India. . . [ohnson, S. Kaegi, Adolf. Rigveda. ...•••. 2931-5 Mtlller, I. Max. India: what can it 'each 1 ectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion, of India — Ran. Chandra Bose. Hindu phili popularly explained |-,, , Stone, 1 . J. Cradle-land of arts and creeds Vaughan, I. The Trident, the Crescent and the Cross 2"s4 S Wilkins, W. I. Modem Hinduism: be- ing an account of the religion and life of the Hindus in Northern India. ... ... I 'oldie, F. P. Darwinism in morals, pp. 286 [23' Religion and literatim India 204-19 Fostei ,1. ' Critical essays, v. 1. pp. 227-2311. Christianity in India. . . . ;77'-t Hardwick, < Christ and other masters. v - '■ PP- [ 65 368 290-47 II '.111, Wm. History of the supernat- ural, v. I. pp. 307-324 174-48 Mozley, I B. Essays. v . 2. , .?<>- 204-03 Rawlinson, (.. Religions of the ancient world, pp. 105-129 7. Folk-lore. Burton, R. !•'.. ed. Vikram and the pire 3854-2 — Day, L. B. Folk-tales of Bengal. . . . 3S54-; Frere, Marj E. I., ed. Old Deccan days. 3854-4 v . Missions. Anderson. R. History of the missions of the A. B. C. 1'. M. in India Britton, Miss II. > .. Shoshie, the Hindu zenana teacher Chaplin, Mrs. A. 1 . Out gold-mine. . . 2054-3 — Clough, II From darkness to light: story of the Telugu awakening •• Humphrey, Mrs. E. J. Six years in India. 2654-4; Kennedy, J, Life and work in Benares and Kumaoii _• INDIA. - 654 - INDIA. India, continued. LI., H. Hindu women 2654-4 Marshman, J. C. Life and times of Ca- rey. Marshman and Ward 41411-11 - Mateer. S. Land of charity : account of Travancore, and its devil worship. . . 2054-48 — Mitchell, Mrs. M. In southern India. . 2654-5 Mullins, Mrs. — . Life by the Ganges. 2654- 53 Scott, T. J. Missionary life among the villages in India.- 2654—65 Sherring, M. History of Protestant mis- sions in India, 1706-18S1 2D 54 7 -Thomson, E. Our Oriental missions. v. 1 265-S Bainbridge, W. F. Along the lines al the front, pp. 100 222 2636 2 — Field, II. M. From Egypt to Japan, pp. 249-264 450 ;6 Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 138-142 and 474-488 263-35 Foster, J. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance, pp. 285-394 377E6 Mauser, Mrs. I. L. < Irienl and Us people. PP- 1--1S 45 I -4" — Kingsley, C. Round the world, v. 2. 438-53 - Lowrie, J. C. Manual of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in the I . S. pp. 79-109. Missions in North India 2635-4 Read, H. India and its people, pp. 123-215 454-7 s Robbins, W. E. Hand-book of India and British Burmah. pp. 257-278. . . 454-79 Rule. W. II. History of the Inquisition. v. 2. pp. 88-137 2722 III Smith, Sydney. Works. pp. 48-61. Reviews of books on Indian missions. . 'sir'- 1 Stephens, J. F. 1. Essays. pp. 150- 159' - 850E1 See also lives of Duff, Alex. Heber, Reg- inald. Marshman, J. C. — Marlyn, Hen- ry. Sc udder, John. — Thoburn, I. \l. Sherwood, Mrs. q. Travel <»t9 1 1 , I India : the I ind and the people. 154 -' 1 11, W. 1 Jl'l forest rangei ; or, wild porl ol India 7964-25 India, continued. Clark, E. W. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas. [1S80] 454-23 dimming, C. F.Gordon-. In the Hima- layas and on the Indian plains. 1884. 454-20 - Cumming, ( '•. Wild men and wild beasts. 7964-3 Drew. F. Northern barrier of India. |J >77 4546-3 Duff, M. E. ue west. pp. i$oetsi Bat kei . M \ 1 1 .1 1 . ling .1 ' 1 IT ',1" W-' Bridges, E. S. Round the world in six months, pp. 1 5 1 266 ; 11 i .1 Seven monl li -' run. pp. js j 138-18 Bui nes, A. ["ravel ■ into Bok kai n : be- ing 1 he i' counl hi .1 I'M i) li I ndi.i to ' abool, Tartary and Persia, v. 1. . (.55 2 Cohden, I. C. White slavesof England, pp. 1 11 l ss ; I 1 'Mm, II I'm new w ,i\ I ound I li f world, pp. 80 242 I I s -' I Curtis, B. R. Dotting-- round the cir- cle, pp, 200 291 (.38 26 I nil!. II. VI. From Egypl to Japan, pp. 115 -"' 45° 36 - Fogg, W. P, Round the world letters from Japan, China, India and Egypt. PP- 1 I" 200 138-35 Ireland, J. B. Wall streel to Cashmeri PP- 174-243 139-5 I.eyland, R. \Y. Round the world in 12.1 days. pp. 26-72 i M.iKoin. 11. Travels in southeastern Asia. v. 2. pp. 7 80 453 ii Minium. R. II. h nun New N "i K to I lelhi. pp. S5 484 ^38-6 Mn/ley. J. B. Essays. \. 2. pp. 310- 362 . 204-63 Myers, P. V*. X. Remains "f lost em- pires, pp. 341 531 102 " Peebles, I. M. Ground the world, pp. 211-264. ■ ... H» 71 Prime, E. I). (I. Arotuid the world. IT- 2 <>3-349 I.38 7 1 - Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 2 |n 258 5 Richardson, D. V Girdle round the earth: home letters from foreign lands. PP- '"5 - oS 438 775 Strabo. Geography. \. ;. I k 1 ;. . 423-83 ["aylor, B. Visit to India, 1 Ihina and rapan in 1853. pp. ;t 274 1.50-86 \ incent, I'., jr. I'hrough and through the tropics, thirtj thousand mile travel in Oceanica, Vustralasia and In- dia, pp. 126 298 [38-9 /n. Miscellaneous. Barbour, D. rheory of bimetallism. . ;.;i^ - Buckley, R. B. Irrigation works of In- dia and lheirlin.inri.il results '-;i t ' Church, A. A. Kood grains of India. . 6331 2 India, continued. Medlej i Gei li ind Indiai rinj; Marl li' in. C. K Perm ian bark. pp. i',' 1 . .,f chim - British India, . 6151-6 Silvei questioi I, b) An Indian -I" ial, /.<-«,/. pp. 92 107 i;> \ 1 \\ hew ill. \\ in. ■/// / othci s. Lei 1 he progri ol 1 1 nee. pp. !33 i"i A'./ \- illustrating Indian life and hittor) -cc the stories I I I nife daughtei Ism \ rubber. See Caoutchouc. Indian idylls, from the Sanskrit of the Ma- habharata. Vrnold, 1 111 1 - ;' - INDIAN literature. See Literature, Indian. Indian official, An, thought "d. of Hollingbery, R. II. Silver question re- viewed. I... 1878. 8°. Indian pass. Street. Alfred 17475 M Indian sketches. Irving, John 1 97°7~4 Indi vn summei . I lowells, W~ 1 >. Indian territory. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch (7 s ' -' — Brocket!, L. P. Oui western empire. pp. 797 813 47 s '< Indian wisdom; or, examples -if the relig- ious, philosophical ami ethical doctrines of the Hindus. V\ illiams, M "-01 I 9 Indiana. \\ right, 1 1. I' . 1 >lai ial b .11 y in 1 ill". Ind 11a and Kentucky. . 5 - of the several State-, pp. l"l (21 34''."< i I ni'ian \. Sand, 1 leorge. Indians ol North \ mei ica. ■■ 1 I. History and miscellany. 2. Biogra- phy. 3. Antiquities, customs, etc. 4. Mythology and folk-lore. 5. Language. II. Missions and education. /. History and miscellany. Bancroft, II. II. Native races of the Pacific Mate- "I North America. ; v. Barrows, Wm. Indian'- side of the In- question Boiler, 11. Among the Indians. . . . 0707 is Bourke, I. G. Vpache campaign. . . . 0707-2 — Brooks, E. s. S 1 the American Indian 0701-2 . • - \nd Murch. A. B. His of the greal massacre, Minnesol 576-2 1 ampbell, \V. W. Border warfare of \r« Vork during the revolution: the annals of Tryon county Carrington, Mrs. M. I. Ab-sa-ra-ka, home of the crows 4" 1 emony, J. C. Life among the Apaches. 4791-32 INDIANS. 6 ? 6 INDIANS. Indians, continued. — DeForest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecticut 9704-26 Domenech, E. Seven years 1 residence in the great deserts of America. 2. v. . 478-32 I hake, F. S. Indian history for young folks 9701-3 Drake, S. G. Indian captivities; or, life in the wigwam 9701-4 - Particular history of the live years' French and Indian war. sometimes called Gov. Shirley's war 974—32 Dunn, J. V., jr. Massacres of the moun- tains o-n; j Eastman, Mrs. M. Dacotah ; or, life and legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling 9702 -; Frost, J. Indian wars of the United States. 9701-4 — Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. . . . 9849-4 — Heard, I. V. D. History of the Sioux war and massacres of 1862-63 9876-4 — Hopkins, S. W. Life among the Mutes. 9702-4 — Indian races of America, n. t. p. . . . 9701-5 — Irving. J. T. Indian sketches 9707-4 — Jackson, 11. (II. 1 Century of dishonor. 9709-7 — Keim, De B. R. Sheridan's troopers on the borders 9707-46 — Larimer, S. Capture and escape ; or, life among the Sioux 0707-5 - Macauley, J. Grey Hawk 873B3 -- Miller, Mrs. A. C. J. Iroquois; or, the bright side of Indian character. . . . 9702-6 -Miller, J. Unwritten history: life amongst the Modocs 9702-61 — Ohio valley historical series. No. 7. Miscellanies 987-7 Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2. v 971-68 - Count Frontenac and New France un- der Louis XIV 971—64 Peck, G. Wyoming, its history. stirring incidents and romantic adventures. . . 98285 7 Knttenber, E. M. History of the Indian tribes of Hudson's river 9704—7 Scl lcraft, II. K. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the In- dian tribes on the American frontiers. 0701-7 Smith, YV. Historical account of Bo- quet's expedition against the Ohio In- dians in 1 70.1 987-86 Stone. \V. L. Bordei wars of the Amer- ican revolution 9755-8 raopi and Ins friend.; or, the Indians' wrongs and rights 2677-9 Tuttle, E. B. Boys' bool aboul Indians. 9701 v ' Walkei , F. A, 1 ndian qu< 1 ion. . . . 9709 9 White, II. Early history "I New Eng land 982-9 Indians, continued. , Bell. W. A. New tracks in North Amer- ica, pp. 157-236 478-15 — Cook, J. Current religious perils, pp. 55-80 204-231 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud 1 Nursery noonings, pp. 192-200. . . . 1935 4 Dodge, R. I. Plains of the great west. pp. 255-448 478-3 Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. 330-345. Solitudes of America 377 T " 7 Fuller. M. At home and abroad, pp. 78-102 4.W-34 — Giddings, J. R. Speeches in Congress. pp. 164-176 S15-4 Hubbard, B. Memorial-, of a half cen- tury, pp. 177—198. Indians in Mich- igan 9 s 74'-7 Irving, W. Sketch book. pp. 342-377. Traits of Indian character S1S-485 - W'olfert's roost, etc. pp. 325-342. The Seminoles 818-487 lefferson, T. Writings, v. S. pp. 172- 240. Indian addresses 818-5 Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation of men and events, pp. 250-2S9 53 2rlt Latham, II. Black and white, pp. 280- 294 473-55 — McConnick, E. and other-. Wonder stories of travel. pp. 23-30. Indian children and their pets 4388-9 Milburn, W. II. Pioneer preachers and people of the Mississippi valley, pp. 163-202 987-6 — Richardson, J. Arctic -earthing expe- dition, pp. 198-297 498 79 — Russell, W. II. Hesperothen : notes from the west. v. 2. pp. 1S6-218. . . 470-8 Stanley. E. J. Ramble- in wonderland; or. up the Yellowstone, pp. 157-179. 4786-8 — Walker, F. A. In Atlas essays. No. 3. pp. 7S-99. Indian citizenship 304-17 - Wheildon, W. W. Curiosities of history. pp. 57-61 9825-9 See also Name- of various tribes of Indians, America, United State- and the early history of the various states. Also lives of Beckwourth, J. P. Boone, 11.- Car- son. 1 . 1 luster, 1 ',. B. 1 llisan, R. Biography. G [rich, S. G. Lives ol celebrated American Indians 97°3-4 - Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. . . 9701-76 See also lives of Blackhawk. Brant. — Lo- gan. — Nezperce Joseph. King Philip. Pocahontas, Powhatan. Red Jack- et. Tecumseh, INM \\s - 657 - i| \N.S Indian . continued. Antiauiti r, 1 ustoms, I lav, son, I W, I " 1 1 men and their 1 lei n representativi illu [rating the charactei and lition "l pre hi ;toi i< men in Europe by those of the Vmeri can race 571-27 — Jones, 1 < '., /» . Antiquities of the iouth- em Indians, particularly ol the Georgia tribes 4°75-5 Short, J. T. North Americans of antiq- uity 407-8 Yarrow, II. * ' - introduction to the study of mortuary customs among the North Vmerii hi Indians 393~9 Bancroft, II. II. Native races ol the Pa- cific slates of North America, v. I. pp. wii jelix. Bibliography. See Index in v. 5 9708-2 Fontaine, E. How the world was peo- pled, pp. 233 272 57.; 37 Lubbock, J. Pre-historic times. pp. 491-543 571-6 Morgan, L. II. Ancient society, pp. 62-214 309-5 ./. Mythology and folk-lore. — Hi i 11 ton , D. ('.. Myths of the new world. 2907-2 — Dorman, R. M. Origin of primitive su- perstitions and their development into the worship of spirits and the doctrine of spiritunl agencies among the aborig- ines of North America 2907-3 Jones, W. P. Myth of Stone Idol : a love legend of Dakota 518C1 — Leland, C. G. Algonquin legends of New England 387 56 — Mathews, ('., ed. Enchanted moccasins anil other legends of the American In- dians 3S7-6 Pidgeon, Win. Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian researches 407-75 Schoolcraft, II. R. Algic researches. ser. I. Indian tales and legends. . . 387-8 — Wayland, R.S. Legend of Maiden rock. 928C4 ,-. /.in., — Clark, W. P. Indian sign language. . . 137—3 — Mallei v. I i. Introduction to the study of sign language among the N. A. Indians. 137—6 — Bancroft, II. II. Native races of the Pa- cific States. V. 3. Myths and languages. 9708-2 — Domenech, E. Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America, v. 2. pp. 109-189 — Hubbard, 1 . I . Woods and lake Maine, pp. 101-216 474I-4 Keating, W. II. Narrative of an expedi- tion to the source of St. Peter's river, <>' V. 2 4*127-5 mtimied. 11, I Vrctii ear< hing e> lion. pp. 107 516 Schooli raft, II. R. 1 linn toil. '.] ippi river in 1820 .1 1 . . 1- A. 1; ,. !./• eud.) v. or, adventures on the Musquito 47285- 8 reau, II. I' Maine woo. Is. pp. |28 17H 9 Whymper, F. Travel and adventure in the territoi y of Alaska, pp. ; 1 1 [51 6. Missions 37'9-4 Spalding .M.I. Misci l.inea. v. 1. pp. 298-332. Eai - . ' in the Northwest 204-84 — Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions. pp. 269-341 2634-* also ii\e^ of Brainerd, L). — Gallitzin, D. A. Zeisberger, D. — Also, Fuller, J. (i.. Bending willow ; a story. Note. — The following arc a few of the many ries illustrative of Indian lift-, character and adventure which might he mentioned : Cooper, I 1"., Leather stocking talcs. EgglestOD, ( . 1 : rather. Jackson, H. H.. Ramona. Ploughed under Stoddard. YV l 1 In- .111 in nl. 11 urn to putl 'I.! 1 1 mil and infection 6132-8 1 1 1 1 .0. See I »ante. Infidelity. Christlieb, T. Best methods "l count : 1 In n infidelity. . . 239 .■<, Infidelity, continued. — Faber, G. S. Difficulties of infidelity. . 2395-4 — Hall, R. Modern infidelity considered. 2395-4 — Laforet, X. J. Why men do not believe. 239-53 — Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. . 2399-5 Tactics of infidels 2399-52 — Loraine, N. Sceptic's creed 239—55 — Morgan, R. W. Christianity and mod- ern infidelity; their relative intellectual claims compared 239-69 — Neale, E. Closing scene 410-8 — Pearson, T. Infidelity dissected. . . . 239-77 — Seymour, W. Christian theology and modern skepticism 204-8 — Newman, J. 1'. Christianity triumphant. pp. 32-42 2576-6 — See also Christianity, evidences. Inflexible captive: a drama. More, Han- nah. Works, v. 1. pp. 511-529. . . 828-63 Influence of climate in North and South America. Disturnell, J., ed. 55*56-3 Influence of clothing on health. Treves,F. 6134-8 Influence of Jesus. Brooks, Phillips. . . 232-19 Influence of music on health and life. Chomet, Dr. H 771-22 Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky. Pleas- anton, Gen. A. J. and others 5356-7 Inge, Wm. Ralph. Society in Rome under the Ciesars. N. Y., 1888. 12°. . . . 91906-5 INGELOW, Jean, English author, h. 1S30. Complete poems. B., 1S78. 16 . . . . 504C22 — Don John. B., 1881. 16 . [Xo name series.] — Fated to be free. B., 1875. 12 . — John Jerome, his thoughts and ways : a book without a beginning. B., 1886. 12°. — Monitions of the unseen, and poems of love and childhood. B., 1871. 12°. . 504C4 — Mopsa the fairy. B., 1S84. 16 . . . . 381-48 — Off the Skellings. IS., 1873. 12°. — Poems. 2 v. B., 1867. 16 504C1 — Poetical works. B., 1878. 12° 504C2 Sarah de Berenger. B., 1879. 12°. — Sister*-, bye-hours. L., 1870. 12°. — Stories told to a child. 1 v. P... 1884. 16° " 503A4 Contents. — v. i. Grandmother's shoe. — Two ways of telling a story. — Little Ric and her rosebuds. — Deborah's book. — Life of Mr. John Smith. — Lonely rock. — Can and could— Suspi cious jackdaw. — Minimus with silver tails. — I have a right. — Moorish gold. — One-eyed ser- vant. — Golden opportunity, -Wild duck shoot- er. v. 2. Ouphe "f the wood. — Middle ages. — TIm- fairy who judged her neighbors. — As the crow flies. — The bridge. — Prince's dream. — An- ,1 Imo - Night's divining glass.- Snowflake. — VVater lily. — Nineteen hundred and seventy- two. R01 king the cradle.— A lost wand tNGELOW. — 659 — INN. I v.i 1 1 iw, I' .hi, , ontinued. Storj ol doom and other poems. B., 1868, 24 Studies for ^ii.i it---. I:., 1865. 16 . Contents — Cumberei 1 i*t'« in. 1 lit. 1 ii 1 1. am iverni Ml. I lllll\ ' . Illll.ll I. .1 Boll S. K. Lives uf girls w hi 1 bei famous, pp. .i;i 347 4'.i-2 ! 1.1 I1.1 .. I. Rei ollei tior . In itoi ical, political, biographical and "rial. v. 1. I'liila., 1861. 8° 9853-5 [ngersoll, Ernest, Am. naturalist, h. 1852. Country cousins: short studies in the natural In itOI y of I he I id 31 N. V., 1SS4. 8° 5904-48 Crest ol the continent : record of a sum- mer's ramble in tin- Rocky mountains ami beyond. Chicago, 1885. 8°.. . 478-5 — Friends worth knowing: glimpses of American natural history. N. Y., 18S1. 24° 5904-49 — Ice queen. N. Y., 1885. 24 504A2 Knocking about the Rockies. X. Y., 1883. 8° 478-51 [ngersoll, Roberl Green, colonel, Am. law- yer,!'. 1833. The Gods ami other lec- tures. Peoria, III.. 1874. S°. Same, N. V., 1S76. 24 2114-45 Contents.— The Gods. — Humboldt. — Thos. Paine. Individuality. — Heretics and heresies. — Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. . . 2399-5- — Buchanan, R. A look round literature. IT- '35-MO S<>, 25 Ingemisco. Rodney, Mrs. M. R. L. Ingham, A',:. ISenj. Tyerman, L. Oxford Methodists, pp. 57-154 287-8 Ingham, Col. Fred., pseud. See Hale, 1.1. [NGHAM lectures: course of lectures on the evidences of natural and revealed re- on, delivered before the Ohio Wes- levan university. Cleveland, 1S72. 12° 239-51 Contents. — Personal cause, by R. S. Foster. — Origin of life : .m examination of Huxley, by R. S. Foster. — Origin of species: an examination of Darwinism, by R. S. Foster. — Theism and anti-theism in their relations to science, by As., M.ihan. — Miracles, by E. Thomson. — The Bible a revelation from God, by D. \V. Clark.— Scripture inspiration, by Wm, F War- ren. - \ II gi d discrepancies of Scripture, by F. H. Newhall.— Adaptation of the Scriptures to man's moral and spiritual nature, by D. Curry. Person of Jesus Christ, by Win. 1). Godman. Im.h vm papei s. 1 [ale, E. E. Is 1. 1 Is, J as., (Maori, iseud.) sport ami work on the Nepaul frontiei ; or, twelve years' sporting reminiscences of an indigo planter. 1... 1S7S. S° 454- 5 In .lists. Robertson, M. M. I M.I • .1! IOUS I 0I1: 1 - Hwui Shan ami a party of Buddl monks from America in the fifteenth • in- ing, E. P. . . . : 1 1 •-<. tag, ' .. 1 i;.n ii.. in. R 1 H I 1 id.) 827-16 Ii ttei ;, 1 [858 1878, 1 on thi vision uf tin- I ill I Hildyard, Ja 2603-45 [ngraban. Freytag, 1 1 INGRAHAM, J. I'. T. Why we believe the Bible: an hour's reading for busy peo- ple. X. Y., 1N85. 12° 2202-46 Ingraham, Rev. Joseph II., Am. writ \%. tySi-d. 1867. Hale, I-'.. E., ed. Light- of two centuries, pp. 79-92 4'o-536 [NGI 1 1 in s, or Ingulf, Eng. abbot, b. 1030-a. 1109. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland ; with the continuations by Peter of Blois, and anonymous writers: tr. with notes by Henry I. Riley. 1... 1854. 12°. . - - ■ 9309-5 Inheritance. Ferrier, Mary. Initials. Tautphoeus, J. M.&aroness von. INJI RIOl - insects of the farm and garden. Treat, M 632-8 Injury and insult. Dostoyevsky, F. M. Inkermann, (Battle, 1854). Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories, pp. 252-273. . . . 9208-13 — Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. v. 3 — Malleson, G. 1!. Ambushes and sui[ PP- 335-379 903-6 I s 1 VND voyage. Stevenson, R. 1 444 8 INMAN, Henry. Tucker man, II. T. Book of the artists, pp. 233-246 758-9 Inn album. Browning. Robert i- INN. - 660 — INSECTS. INN at Cransac. /« Zschokke, H. Princess of Brunswick Wolfenbiittel, and other tales, pp. 277-323. Inn of the Guardian Angel, n. t. p. 16 . 505A5 Inner life of Abraham Lincoln: six months at the White House. Carpenter, F. B. 572B4 Inner life of the religious societies of the Commonwealth. Barclay, R 289-2 Inner Rome: political, religious and social. Butler, Rev. C. M 2824-22 Innocent I-XIII, popes. See Montor, A. de. Lives and times of the Roman Pontiffs. 2 v 2821-53 Innocent. Oiiph'ant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Innocents abroad. Clemens, S. L., (Mark Twain, pseud.) 817-27 Innocents from abroad. N. Y., 1878. 12°. Innsbruck, (Capture of, 1552.) Malleson, G. B. Ambushes and surprises, pp. 223-245 903-6 INQUIRENDO island. Genone, Hudor. Inquiries into human faculty and its devel- opment. Galton, Francis 178— 5 Inquiry concerning the relation of death to probation. Wright, G. F 2376-9 ENQUIRY, historical and critical, into the evidence against Mary queen of Scots. Tytler, Wm 617B1 Inquiry into socialism. Kirkup, Thos. . 338-47 INQUIRY into some of the conditions at pres- ent affecting the study of architecture in our schools. Ruskin, J 704-83 INQUIRY into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Smith, Adam. . . 330-85 INQUIRY into the process of human experi- ence. Cyples, W 162-32 INQUISITION. Gordon, J. Inquisition in Spain 2722-4 — Lea, H. C. History of the Inquisition of the middle ages. 3 V 2722-48 — Llorente, J. A. History of the Inquisi- tion of Spain 2722-5 — Rule, W. H. Brand of Dominic ; or, the Inquisition 2722-6 History of the Inquisition. 2 v. . . . 2722-61 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 80-96. 920-25 — Heckethorn, C. W. Secret societies, v. 2. pp. 1 19-139 3669-4 - Lawrence, E. Historical studies. pp. 358-408 204-53 Spooner, E. Historical scenes, pp.114- 126 903-85 Sanctis, L. de. Rome, Christian and Pa- pal : sketches of its religious monu- ments and ecclesiastical hierarchy ; with notices of the Jesuits and the Inquisi- tion 2824-7 Sin. beil, I'. Persecutions of Popery, v. I. pp. 102-134 2723-7 Inquisition, continued. — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, pp. 213- 233 204-84 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: Catholif reaction, v. 1. pp. 159-22S. 94506-7 — Charles, Mrs. E. R. Martyrs of Spain and the liberators of Holland. Ins and outs of London. O'Daniel, W. . . 4421-65 Insane hospitals. Chambers, J. A mad world and its inhabitants 3622-3 — Lunt, Mrs. G. Behind the bars. . . . 3622-2 — Packard, E. P. W. Modern persecution ; or, insane asylums unveiled 3622-6 — Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Undercurrents over- looked, v. 2. pp. 185-300 3368-2 Insanity. Ball, B. Morphine habit. . . 6104-2 — Carpenter, W. B. Principles of mental philosophy 170-2 — Cheever, G. B. Life, genius and insani- ty of Cowper 249B1 — Dickson, J. T. Science and practice of medicine in relation to mind, the path- ology of nerve centers, and the juris- prudence of insanity '73 I— 3 — Godding, W. W. Two hard cases. . . 3482-4 — Hammond, W. A. Insanity in its rela- tions to crime 1 73 1-4 — Ireland, W. W. Blot upon the brain : studies in history and psychology. . . 1 73—5 — Maudsley, H. Physiology and pathol- ogy of the mind 170-65 Responsibility in mental disease. . . . 173-6 — Mills, C. K. Nursing and care of the nervous and insane 613S-64 — Storer, H. R. Causation: course and treatment of reflex insanity in women. . 1731-8 — Winslow, F. Obscure diseases of the brain and disorders of the mind. . . . I73~9 — Bushnell, H. Moral uses of dark things. pp. 249-273 216-14 — Day, H. Opium habit, pp. 224-231. . 1988-4 «- Vignoli, T. Myth and science, pp. 241- 3>9 2901-9 — See also Brain. Heredity. Illusions. In- tellect. Suicide. Insatiate countess: drama. Marston, J. Works, v. 3. pp. 103-197 614C1 INSCRIPTIONS. See Alphabet. Archaeology. Catacombs. Epitaphs. Hieroglyphics. Inscriptions on the tombstones and monu- ments erected in memory of the Cove- nanters. Gibson, J 4195-4 l.n 1 1. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives; or, born in prison 5957-2 Bruyssel, E. van. Population of an old pear tree 5957-22 — Cowan, F. Curious facts in the history of insects. [Bibliography, pp. ix-xvi]. 5957—3 — Darwin, C. Insectivorous plants. . . . 5815-4 INSECTS. 661 ICE 1 . 1 1 1 . , ontinued. Vat iou t>n ■ . by whi< li orchids are fei 1 Hi • 1 b) insect §813-42 Duncan, P. M. Transformations of in- eel 59 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 - 1 , I.. Inn 1 world 5957 _ 45 Holt, V. M. Why not eal insects? . . 6438-4 I 11, I!, iind Preston, II. C. Life of North American insects 5957—5 I mline, W., (J. Naturalist's library. v. 28-34 590-5 Jennie and the insects; or, little toilers and their industries 5957—52 Kirliy, \V. and Spence, W. Introduc- tion to entomology 5957"54 Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps. . . 5959—5 Met 00k, II. C. Tenants of an old farm. 5957-6 Michelet, J. The insect 5957-63 Murray, A. Economic entomology : Ap- tera 595-6 — Natural history of insects. 1855. . . . 5957-67 — Packard, A. S. Half-hours with insects. 5957-72 Our common insects 5957—73 — Pests of the farm 636-7 Reeve, Mrs. L. M. Episodes of insei 1 life 5957-4 — ■ Rennie, J. Insect architecture 5957-77 Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruit. 632-75 — Say, T. American entomology 5957-8 — Swiiiton, A. 11. Insect variety 5957—83 Treat, M. My garden pets 5957-86 — Who was the first paper-maker? . . . . 5904-93 Who were the first weavers? 5904-93 — Wood, J. G. Insects abroad 5957-9 Insects at home 5957-91 — Wood, T. Our insect allies 5957-95 — Goldsmith, O. History of the earth and animated nature, v. 2 590-4 — Loudon, J. C. Horticulturist, pp. 99- i>4 630-49 — Rattray, J. ana* Mill, II. R., eds. Forest- ry and forest products. pp. 145-222 and 407-416 714-7 — Richardson, J. Arctic searching expedi- tion, pp. 471-47S 498-79 — Strahan, A., ed. Boys' and girls' book of science, pp. 195-230. 507-S3 — Todd, S. E. Apple culture. pp. 227- 282 6341 8 — Treat, M. Home studies in nature, pp. 79-136 589-9 W I, S. Muhum-in-parvo gardening. PI 1 - 51-74 635-91 — Young lady's book. pp. 167-233. . . . 504-97 — See also Agricultural pe^ts. Bees. Bee- tles. Butterflies. Natural history. Par- asites. Silk worm. Spiders. Zoology. Insectivorous plants. Darwin, C. . . . 5S15-4 Inside the gates. McCarthy, J. II. ... 247-55 inn : ;i 1 I. n "In u hi nd within U hat limits is the Bibll i of ' N. V., 1SS5. |2° ■■ Conl I !.-s tjy tljr following: Kcv. Prof. J. Radford 1 .!.iry Stanley I - Ri 1 l'.»Ke Hoppa Rev W. Cro 0. W. Olvei 1 1 ward Whiti racl Abrahams. — Rt. Rev Bilhop Wcathcrl. — \ ■ 11 \ ] 1 i, . I : 1 :,r. ihrop, S. R. Israel's inspiration relation to it. In Modern Unitai ian- ism. pp. 46-56 2884-3 I mi'i ji 'ii, R. W. Lettei s .1 aims. pp. 255-281 — Farrar, F. W. Ethnic inspiration. In Non-Biblical system : ol reli ion. pp. 1-16 — 1'owle, T. W. Inspiration ami evolution. In Christianity and evolution, pp. 93- 110 2398-26 — Phelps, A. My study ami other e pp. 169-178 204-71 Tholuck, F. A. D. Doctrine "f inspira- tion. In 1 "li- tion of theological es- says by various authors, pp. 05 112. . 204-67 — See also Bible. Instinct. i hadboui ne, P. A. Instinct; its office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers of man. . 5015 -3 — Darwin, C. Posthumous essay on in- stinct 59' 5— 7 1 — Paine, M . Physiology of the soul and in- stinct as distinguished from materialism. 1498-7 — Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. . 5915-7 — Allen, G. Common sense science, pp. 54-64. Instinct and reason 502-14 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures: Bi- ology, pp. 191-213 576-25 Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. S. pp. 1 13-176 603-4 — See also Zoology. Insiiii 11 reader and normal class-book. Cole, Win. II 801-65 Institutes of Justinian. Sanders, T. C, ed. 342-s Institutes of the law of nations. Lorimer, J. 341-5 INSTITUTIONS, Early history of. Maine, H. s 309-47 Institutions of the English government. Homersham 3423-27 Insiructf.uk, (L'| de Penfance. Bom 1 122-22 1 stories for young people. Howitt, Mary 59°5-45 Instrumentation. Prout, E 775-7 r.rt. White. N. Handy book on the law of friendly, industrial and prov- ident building and loan societies. ... INSURANCE. — 662 — INTERNATIONAL. Insurance, continued. — Danson, J. T. Wealth of households. pp. 680-766 330-34 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopedia of commercial and business anecdotes. v. 2. pp. 631-653 8077-55 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 479-491 6229-5 — See also Life insurance. Insurrection in China. Callery, J. M. and Yvan, M 951-3 Intellect. Bain, A. Senses and the in- tellect 180-16 — Galton, F. Inquiries into human faculty and its development 178—5 — Godwin, J. H. Intellectual principles. 181-4 — Jardine, R. Elements of the psychology of cognition 1S1-5 — Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower ani- mals in health and disease 591 5—5 — Mahan, A. Intellectual philosophy. . . 181-62 — Porter, N. Elements of intellectual sci- ence 181-75 Human intellect 181-74 — Reid, T. Essays on the intellectual pow- ers of man 181-78 — Smith, J. N. On the science of sensibility. 1498-8 — Stewart, D. Collected works, v. 2-4. 162-87 - Taine, H. A. On intelligence 181-87 — Wayland, F. Elements of intellectual philosophy 1S1-95 — Barnard, F. A. P. On early mental train- ing and the studies best fitted for it. In Culture demanded by modern life. PP- 3"-345 3704-9 — Blackie, J.S. On self-culture, pp. 7-51. 374-2 — Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on natural history, pp. II— 51. Relations of nat- ural history to intellect 59°l-3 — Emerson, R. W. Essays. ser. 1. pp. 301-323 318E3 — Good, J. M. Book of nature, pp. 322- 467. Nature of the mind 507—3 — See also Psychology for books treating also of the emotions and the will. Also Brain. Imagination. Insanity. In- stinct. Memory. Intellect. B.,1875. 24°. [Little classics.] INTELLECTUAL development of Europe. Draper, J. W. 2. v 901-31 In \i life. Hamerton, P. G. . . 452E6 (NT) \i ystem of the universe. Cud- worth, R '62-3 [ntelligi 11 1 of animals. Menault, E. . . 5915-6 Intemperance. See Temperance. Inter-state commerce act. Passos, J. k. 1 3465-6 INTEREST. Kellogg, E. New monetary system, pp. 7S 192 33'6-5 Interest tables. Hipsley, W. Equational arithmetic, pp. 37-77 657-4 Interior decorator. Hay, D. R 747-5 Interior of the earth. Malet, H. P. . . . 5501 1-6 iNTERMEDlATEstandard speaker. Sargent, E. Soi-85 Internal revenue. (U. S., Vidocq, pseud.) Secrets of internal revenue 3532-4 International education series: ed. by W. T. Harris. Baldwin, J. Elementary psychology and education 180-175 Froebel, F. Education of man. . . . 370-42 Kay, D. Memory : what it is and how to improve it 184-6 Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitu- tion of universities 378—5 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warm- ing of school buildings 6281-58 Painter, F. V. N. History of educa- tion 3709-7 Preyer, W. Senses and the will. . . . 180-71 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of ed- ucation 370-81 International law. Amos, S. Political and legal remedies for war 3413-2 — Arguments at Geneva 3416-2 — Davis, G. B. Outlines of international law 341-3 — Gallaudet, E. M. Manual of internation- al law 341-4 — Halleck, H. W. Elements of internation- al law and the laws of war 341-45 — Levi, L. International law 341-49 — Lorimer, J. Institutes of the law of na- tions 341-5 — Phillimore, R. Commentaries upon in- ternational law. 3 v 341-7 — Twiss, T. Law of nations considered as independent political communities: on the rights and duties of nations in time of peace 34i3~ 8 — Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of international law 34 ! -9 International scientific series. Note. — See the name of the author of each volume for more complete entry. Abercromby, R. Weather 5515-12 Anius S. Science of law 3402-15 — Science of politics 320-15 Bagehot, \V. Physics and politics. . . 301-2 Bain, A. Education as a science. . . 370-13 — Mind and body 170-14 Bernstein, J. Five senses of man. . . 182-2 Blaserna, P. Theory of sound in its re- lation to music 7716-2 Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants 5816-3 Clifford, W. E. Common sense of the exai 1 :s 501-3 [NTERN "lTION \l .. INVI.M :■ i nued. Cooke, J P., '• ■ liemi itry, . . 541-4 1 e, M ' . Fungi 5886-33 Darwin, C. R. 1 on il ■ 1 ■ Id through thi iction ol « orm 151 ; I law son, Sir J. Wm 1 I i"i j 5''i i Draper, J. W. Con ■ elig- ion and icience. . 215-26 Hartmann, K. Anthro] 1 apes. . . . 59992-4 Heilprin, A. Geographical and geo- logical distributi 1 inimals. . . . 5919-43 Huxley, I Crayfish 59536-4 I I ons, \\ . S. Money and 1 he mechan- ism of exchange 331-5 foly, N. Man befi n 1 metals 57 1—5 Judd, J. W. Volcanoi 55121-5 I.e Conte, J. Sight 5557-6 Levi, Leone. International law. . . . ;.) 1 \g Lockyer, V Spectrum analysis. . . 5446-5 Lommel, I. Nature of light 535-57 Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps. . 59593-7 Luys, J. Brain and its function. . . . 170-6 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. . . 59147-6 Maudsley, II. Responsibility in mental disease '73-6 Meyer, G. II. von. Organs of speech. 61141-6 Milne, 1. Earthquakes 55'-- 6 Morselli, E. Suicide 1999-6 Pettigrew, J. K. Animal locomotion. 59147-7 Posnett, II. M. Comparative litera- ture 803-7 Quatrefages, \. de. Human species. . 573-75 Ribot, I. Diseases of memory 184 7 Romanes, y the natural conditions of existence. . 591 7 Sidgwick, A. Fallacies 1895 s Smith. E. Foods 643-8 Spencer. II. Study ol sociology. . . . 301-7 St. ill. ..|. p.. Concepts and theories of modern physics 5301-S Stew art, B. ( ot a of em y. . 5316-8 Sully, J. Illusions 17 1- s Thurston. K. II. History of the growth of the steam engine 6211 83 Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds 5786-9 - Tylor, E. B. Anthi . . . 571— S Tyndall. J. Forms of water 5514— g I \ 1 1 1 Van Beneden, P. J. Animal and 11 591 1 . Myth ai ... el, H. Chi light and j ; W ai ner, F. PI 1 17 Whitney, W. I 1 Life and growth of nagc 1 W in i/, A. Atomii 1 heoi j 541 1 9 Voung, C. A. Ill'- sun 502-42 I - 11 1 iational Sund i'. See Sunday schools. I ITERNATIONAL workingmen's association. In Woolsey, T. D. Communism and lism. pp. 120 1 59 1 rERPRETATlON, History of. Farrar, F. W. 2202-35 I 1 i 1 1 k. Melville. (1. J. W. 1 1 1 1 1.. Alden, Aft . 1. (M.), 1 Pansy, pseud.) 7 1 -I A 5 INTERVIEWS, memorable and useful. S. H 241-3 Into the light. Newberry, Mrs. F. F. . . 681A2 Into the light ; or, the Jewess. C, A. O. Into unknown seas. Ker, I' 533A3 INTOXICATION. See Temperance and intem- perani 1 puitions of the mind. M'Cosh, J. . . . 161-61 I\\ ADERS. Tolstoi, I . V Invalid's own book: collection of recipes. . charlottes. I., Lady 6415-3 IN. ( irittin. I \. 1 ol the Crimea. Kinglakc, A. W. 6 v 1 ION and discovery : curious facts and characteristic sketches. I'hila.. n. d. 1 6° 507-4 Inventionaj geometry. Spencer, W. G. . 5139-6 Inventions and inventors. Bakewell, F. C. Great facts: history and description of remarkable inventions during the pres- ent century 609-2 — lieckman. I. History of inventions, dis- coveries and origins 608-2 — Blakely, J. Theology of inventions. . . 210-n — Burnley, J. Romance of invention : vignettes from the annals of industry and science 609-23 is, E. Half-century: history of changes that have taken place and events that have transpired in the U. S., 1800-1851 3°97-3 — Dircks, H. Inventors and inventions. . 608-3 — Fyfe, J. II. Triumphs of invention and discovery in art and science 609-45 knight, C. Knowledge i- power. . . . 336-37 - Smile-, S. Industrial biography: iron- workers and tool-makers 4169-8 Men of invention and industry. . . . 4169-S1 INVENTIONS 664 IRELAND. Inventions, continued. — Somerset, E., marquis of Worcester. Cen- tury of inventions written in 1635. Bound -with Dircks, H. Life, times and scientific labours of the Marquis of Wor- cester 842 B 1 — Timbs, J. Great inventors 4169-9 History of wonderful inventions. . . . 609-S Stories of inventors and discoverers in science and the useful arts 609-79 — Wood, J. G. Nature's teachings. . . . 609-9 — Arnot, W, This present world. pp. ■34-252 55i-'5 — Goodeve, T. M. Principles of mechan- ics. Chap, xii 531-44 — See also lives of individual inventors. Invertebrates. Buckley, A. B. Life and her children 592-2 — Huxley, T. H. Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals 592-4 — Observing eye 592-6 — See also Conchology. Insects. Marine zoology. Mollusks. Natural history. Paleontology. Radiates. Zoology. Invisible empire. Tourgee, Albion W. Invisible lodge. Richter, J. P. F. Invisibles: an explanation of phenomena. Williamson, M. [ 1 75—95 Invitation heeded: reasons for a return to the Catholic unity. Stone, J. K. . . . 2S27-7 Involuntary voyage. Biart, Lucien. . . 150A5 Ion: a monody. Alcott, A. B. In Alcott, A. B. Ralph Waldo Emerson 3 1 7B1 Ion. Euripides. Tragedies, v. 2. pp. 79- 123. . . . 8823-2 2741-25 33oCl 423-83 1 1 in A. Campbell, G. I). G., duke of Argyle. I ON A: a poem. Payne, Erskine [ONIA. Strain). Geography, v. 3. . . . Ionian islands. .SV ( * Greece. [OWA. Parker, N. H. Iowa as it i- in l8 5 6 4777-7 — Brocket!. L. P. Our western empire. pp. 814-853 478-19 — Constitutions of the several stales, pp. 506-515 3463-3 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 613-621. Lead mines of Iowa 6229-5 See also life of Grimes, Jas. W. [phigenia. Blackie, J. S. Lays and legends of ancient Greece, pp. 78-S7 160C2 [phigenia in Aulis. Euripides. Tragedies. v - '■ PP- 3 13-356 8823-2 [phigenia in Tauris. In Same. pp. 359- 402 8823-2 [phigenia in Tauris. Goethe, J. W. von, t, etc. pp. 155-218 8355-8 [ranians. Geiger, W, Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in ancient timi 2 V 9176-4 Irby, Miss A. P., joint author. Mackenzie, Miss G. M. and Irby, Miss A. P. Trav- els in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe 4497-6 [reland, John B. Wall street to Cashmere : journal of five years in Asia, Africa and Europe; comprising visits during 1851- 56, to Danemora iron mines, the "seven churches," plains of Troy, Palmyra, Je- rusalem, Petra, Seringapatam, Surat, with scenes of the recent mutinies, Cashmere, Peshawar, the Khyber Pass to Afghanistan, Java. China and Mauri- tus. N. Y., 1859. S° 439-5 Ireland, Joseph N. Mrs. Duff. B., 1882. 12 . [American actor -series.]. . . . • 296B6 Ireland Mrs. Mary E. Timothy ; his neigh- bors and his friends. Phila., 1882. 12 . Ireland, W. H., ed. Napoleon anecdotes: illustrating the mental energies of the late Emperor of France and the charac- ters and actions of his contemporary statesmen and warriors. 3 V. B., 1830. 16° 665B7 Ireland, Wm. W., M. D. Blot upon the brain : studies in history and psychol- ogy. Edinburgh, 18S5. 8° 173-5 Contents. — Preface. — On hallucinations, espe- cially of sight and hearing. — Hallucinations of Mohammed, Luther and Swedenborg. — On the character and hallucinations of Joan of Arc. — Insanity of power. — History of the hereditary neurosis of the royal family of Spain. — St. Fran- cis Xavier, the apostle of the Indies. — Fixed ideas. — Folie a deux : a mad family. — Uncon- scious cerebration. — Thought without words and the relation of words to thought — Left- handedness and right-headedness. — Mirror writing.— Dual functions of the double brain. I11 1 and. Sub-divisions: 1. History, general and epochal. 2. Politics. 3. Ecclesi- astical history. 4. Biography. 5. Trav- els and descriptions. 6. Legends and folk-lore. 7. Miscellaneous. For Irish literature, see Literature. /. History, general. — Burke, T. N. Ireland's case stated in re- ply to Mr. Froude 941-2 Cusack, M. F. Illustrated history of Ireland 941~3 ( liibert, J. T. History of the Viceroy- of Ireland 941-35 — Haverty, M. History of Ireland, ancient and modern 941-37 — Herbert, J. E. Short history of Ireland. 400-1829 94'-38 — Irish problem and how to solve it. . . . 94 I_ 4 — Keating, G. History of Ireland from the earliest period to the English invasion. 94'-5 — Lawless, E. Story of Ireland 94'-53 Mci arthy, J. 11. Hours with eminent Irishmen and a glimpse of Irish history. 941-54 [REL WD 665 - IKF.I..\\1> 1 1 1 1 nn, continued. Mai Geoghegan, J. Historj nl Ireland, ancient and modern 941 ■ 1 1 1 ,i"i y of Ireland ai nl and modern ; with a continuation from the ' real) "l Limerick t" ih<- presenl lime by I. Mitchel 941 561 Moore, T. History of Ireland. 2 v. . , 941 565 Centtnti \. 1 Earliest time to 1 ,1 1545 '• 1 O'Conor, W. A. Historj of the Irish people 941 6 Sullivan, A. M. Story of I re la ml to 1867, continued to the presenl time, by J. l.nliy 941 7 Thebaud, A. J. Irish race iii the pasl and presenl 1141 S Walpole, C. '■. Shorl history of the kingdom of Ireland '141 u Early history nin/ antiquities. Ferguson, M. C. Story of the Irish he- fore the conquest • ... 941 1 ; O'Leary, J.,ed. Sixteen names of Ireland. 941 [-7 Smiddy, K. Essays on the Druids, an- cient churches and round lowers ol lie land 4' 162 7 - Giraldus Camirensis. Historical works, PP- 5-324 93°9 t Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp 409-454. Conquest of Ireland 204-53 Thierry, J. N. A. History of the con- quest of England by the Normans. v.J. 93] 83 - Wright, 1. Essays mi literature, eti England in the middle ages. v. 2. pp. 212-254. Conquest of Ireland. ... Tudor f the Irish insurrec- tion of I 798 o 1 1 7 1 94' 7 -? 'H7 23 9418 3 ' 041 8-3 041 7 3 94»7 55 1 1 1 1 ontinued. K avanagh, I'. I- . Popular hi il insurrection of 1708 0417 5 McCarth) I II I- ngland 1 1 ice the 1 nion 9418-48 Madden. R, I: . I nitcd Ii 1 I n, theii 941 7 6 1 11 onnoi . 1 . I'. I'.u ii' nent ; with a sketch of Irish pan ge, J. '98 and r mod evolu- tionary history and literature of Ireland. 0417 7 Blennerhassett, R. Ireland. !>• V\ I. 11.."/. Reign of Queen Victoria. ^- i- pp. Brownson, O. A. Works. ■■ . 1;. pp. 573"5 8 4- Ireland, O'Connell, etc. . . -SiS 2; 1 1,- Quii I Vutobiographii ski es. pp. 262 ;-- v - 1 17 .si Regnault, E. Criminal history of the English government, pp. 9-50. . . . 9303-7 Russell, J. Recollections and sugges- tions, 1813-73. pp. 243 ,-t .... 7''- s ' ; 7 .*. Politic . Bagenal, P. H. American Irish and their influence on Irish politics 17 Becker, B. II. Disturbed Ireland: be- ing the letters writtei the win- ter of 18S0-81 ,- - Burke, E. Letters, speeches and 1 on Irish affairs J2041 25 Burke, T. N. Lectures and sermons. . . 2827 22 1 in ran. I. P. Speeches 825-3 1 ■ ai k, M. 1 I 1 esent case of Ireland ly stated 9418-2 Davitt, M. Leaves from a prison diary. 304 32 Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule 32041-; Flatley, P. J. Ireland and the Land league: a key to the Iri~li question. . — George. II. Irish land question, what it involves and how alone it can he set- tled : an appeal to the land leagues. . J.i.s4 4 — Higgins, C. Home rule: or, the Irish land question 3334-45 Irish problem and England's difficulty. 32041-5 Irish problem and how to -"lve it. . . . 941-4 Irish question as viewed by one hundred latesmen of England, Ireland and America: with a sketch of Irish history. The great speeches and letters in full of Gladstone, Parnell, Davitt. Blaine, Hendricks. Logan, Randall. Sherman. Dawes and many others. \ Y.. 1880 32041-51 Jones. W. B. Life's work in [reran a landlord who tried to do his duty. . . 32041-52 — King. D. B. Irish question 52c: IRELAND. 666 IRELAND Ireland, continued. — McCarthy, J. Ireland's cause in Eng- land's parliament 9418-40 MacColl, M. Arguments for and against home rule 32041-6 — MacNeill, I. G. S. English interference with Irish industries 32041-02 - Norman, H. Boclyke 9418-5 — O'Brien. K. 11. Parliamentary histor) "1 the Irish land question, 1829-69, and the origin and results of the Ulster custom. 3334-7 — O'Donovan Rossa, f. Iri-.lt rel>els in English prisons 694B] - Reid, A. Ireland : book of light mi the Irish problem 32041-7 — Sullivan, M. F. Ireland of today. . . 9418-8 - Sullivan. T. D., A. M. and D. B. Speech- es from the dock 4113-85 Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day. pp. 214-224 32042-2 — Cobbe, F. 1'. Hours of work and play. pp. 255-274. Fenians of Ballybog- mucky 240E5 Cobden, J. C. White -laves of England, pp. 284-379 33«8-27 — Cobden, R. Political writings. v. 1. pp. 48-96 308-3 — Flanagan, J. \Y. Home rule, socialism and secession. /;/ Coan, T. M.. ed. Social problems, pp. 103-125 304-28 - Hancock, N. P. Local government and taxation in Ireland. In Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club c^sii- : 1875. pp. '73-232 3521 -7 Lester, C, E. Glory and shame of Eng- land, v. 1 442 56 O'Shaughnessy, K. pp. 319-3S3. . . . 3521-77 Smith, Sidney. Works. pp. 142-150. Reviews of books on Ireland 837T.1 Ecclesiastical history. 1 obbett, W. History of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland. . 283 27 Hall, J. and Stuart, (i. II. American evangelists, I >. L. Moody and Ira I >. Sankey in (it. Britain and Ireland. . . 254 51 O'Reilly, M., ed. Memorials of those who suffered for the Catholic faith in Ireland from loth to iSth century. . . 4142 65 Seddall, H. (lunch of Ireland: histor- ical sketch 27415-6 "spalding, J. L. Religion-, mission of the Irish people and Catholic colonization. 27415 7 Stokes, (i. T. Ireland and the I elti< church 2741s 73 Walsh, T. History of the Irish church. 27415 9 tei , T. 1 li.siory ol 1 he gi eat reforma- tion, pp. 91 I'M 2706-25 Killrn, W. D. I (Id Catholii 1 hurch, I02-334 2811-5 Iki 1 ami. continued. — Smiles, S. Huguenots: their settle- ments, churches, and industries in Eng- land and Ireland 2845 ;i - Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 506-522. Catholic and Protestant coun- tries 204-84 4. Biography. See lives of Banim. J. — Harrington, J. Burke, E. Curran, J. P. Emmet, R. Goldsmith, O. — Griffin, G. —Moore, T. - Murray, N. -- O'Connell, O. — O'Donovan Rossa, J. — O'Niell, H. and O'Donel, R. — St. Patrick. -Sheridan, R. B. -Stewart, R.— Swift, J. Welles- ley. K. -7. Travels and description. Blake, II. A., (Terence McGrath, pseud.) Pictures from Ireland 44 '5 " Burke, O. J. Anecdotes of the Con- naught circuit 94107—2 — Carlyle, T. Reminiscences of my Irish journey in 1849 4415-2 I'raik. Mrs. D. M. 1M.1 An unknown country 4416-0 Devoy, J. Land of Eire 4415-3 Eddy, D. C. Percj family: visit to Ire- land 4415-33 Head. E. B. Fortnight in Ireland. . . 4415-4 Houston, Mrs. - . Twenty years in the wild "est 44157-4 Kennedy, P., ed. Modern Irish anec- dotes S077-52 — Rooper, G. Month in Mayo 44'73~7 Shiel, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. . 3409-75 Thackeray. W. M. Irish sketch book. -- Bailey, I. M. Englandfrom a back win- dow, pp. 35S-470 44 2 15 Durbin, L P. Observations in Europe. v. 2 440-29 Locke, I). R. Nasby in exile, pp. 370- 460 44" 59 Silloway, T. W. and Power-. I.. L. Cathedral towns of England, Ireland and Scotland, pp. 3-71 442-S3 Smile-, S. Men of invention and indus- try, pp. 252-283. Industry in Ireland : through Connaughl and Ulster to Bel- last 1 I 'T» St Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. Note. — As illustrating Irish life seethe novels of John Banim, Gerard (irinin. May T.affan Hartley, C'Ikis Lever and Samuel Lovei /'. Legendt and folk-lore. Allen. 1'. M. Through green glasses. . S27-11 1 roker, T. C. Fairy legend- and tradi- tion- ol 1 he South of Ireland 38(1 ; lii-h fireside stories, tale- anil legend-. [oyce, R- D, Legends of Ireland. [RELAND 667 — Ireland, ontinutd. \\ ennedy, P. I egeudai j fid 1 the Irish Celts Mi \n.illy, 1 1. K., jr. Irish wonders. \\ ilde, Lady I . F. S. Am ienl legend . mj tii 1 harms, and superstitions of In- land 384I-9 7, Misecllaneou . Bonw ick, 1 . 1 'in nal ionalil ies. \\ ho are the Irish ? 57-1- ; Davis, T. Literar} and hisl al essays 11 relation to I reland * , 1 1' \ Giles, II. Lectures and essays on Irish and othei ubjects 1 2 ■ 1 • Jardine, W. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Naturalist's library, v. 1 4. 590 ; 1 l'< lallaghan, J. C. I listorj of the Irish brigades in the service of France. mi; '. O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing and man. ly sport, pp. 169-242. Vncienl Irish athletic games, exercises and weapons. 701 6 Iren eus, s.riitt, bishop oj Lyons, martyr, about iy>-d. about 202. Writings: tr. I>y Alex. Roberts andV/. II. Rambaut. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 5 and g 2813-5 and 2813 51 taderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 210-221 414 2; Yonge, C. M. Pupils of St. John the Di- vine, pp. 2:5 2411 2701-98 Irene. In Johnson, S. Works, v. 1, pp. 525-544 828-52 Ikis. Holmes, O. W. Professoi al the breakfast table; with the story of Iris. 4 s ;l : Iris. Randolph, Mrs. Irish Amy. Guernsey, Lucj E 44'Ai Irish brigades in the service "I Erance. O'Callaghan, J. ( 9443~7 I ki>i i bulls, Essays on. Edgeworth, Maria. Irish confederates and the rebellion of 1798. Field, II. M 9417-3 Ikimi eloquence: speeches of the celebrated Irish orators Philips, Curran, and Grat- tan, to which is added the powerful ap- peal of Robert Emmet at ihe close of his trial for high treason. Phila., 1850. S°. 825-5 Ikisn fireside stories, tales and legends. X. V., 1S86. 12°. Ikisn in America. Bagenal, P. II. Amer- ican Irish and their influence on Irish politics 47331-2 Clare, M. F. Advice to Irish girls in America 47 3 ji 27 Condon, E. O'M. Irish race in America, tr;.!' I McGee, T. D'Arcy. History of the Irish settlers in X. America 47 i.; 1 5 Maguire, J. F. Irish in America. . . . 47331 6 - Rutherford, J. Secret history of the Fe- nian conspiracy 32041 7; Ikism jests and am lions ources. Edinburgh, n. d, 24 . 8077 (8 ■ 11 i Dei I 1 "" I uisii land question how aloni peal to the I 11 George, H. Ikisn titeratun 1 Irish melodies. Moore, Thos 7744 1. Irish odes and other poems. DeVere, A. Ikisii wonders, ghost, giants, etc, Mi Anal- ly. D. R., jr. . .... Ralph, pseud. See Schi 1 Hue. Iron. Armour, I Iron and heat. . . . 6201 23 Same. Bound with Prideaux, I. S. I < onomy of fuel 6691 1 1 Bauerman, II. Treatise on the metallur- gy of iron 001,1 1 7 Bell, I. I.. ( heinical phenomena of iron smelting 1 ' mpin, F. I the application of iron to the 1 onstl licti f 1. ridge. girder-, roofs and other works 024 2^ Fairbairn, W. Iron: iis history, prop- tii , and proce 1 inufacture. . 6691 \i Francis, J. B. On the strength of cast iron pillars . French, B. F. History of the 11-e and progress of the iron trade of the U. S., 1621-1857 1 Greenv I, W. II. Steel and iron. . . 071 j Hale, P. M. Coal and iron counties of North Cai olina 553~4 Mushet, 1 >. Papers mi iron and -teel. . 6691-7 Smiles, S. Industrial biography: iron- workers and tool-makers 4100 3 I 1 Lin, I. Practical guide for puddling iron and steel < — Bell. I. I Iron trade and its allied indus- tries. /'/ Ward. T. H., ed. Reign of / 11 Victoria, v. 2. pp. 196-237. . Bloxam, C. I. Metals: their properties and treatment, pp. 11-70 1 issey, T. Foreign work and English wages, pp. 64-100 336 19 1 jifi . \ Vi' ■ 112. A i.iphv of a bit of old iron. 604-10 Wonders of common things. pp. 88 112. (Same] 004-2 — Daddow, S. H. and Bannan, B. I iron and oil Davies, D. ' Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining, pp. 240 270. . ;;; j2 De Kouinck. I . I.. andU'ieU, 1 . Chem- ical analysis and assaying, pp. ■nwood. W. II. Manual of metallur- gy- v. 1. pp. 41 148 Grosvenor, W. M. Does protection pro- tect? pp. 168 238 IRON. — 668 IRVING. IRON, continued. — History of the processes of manufacture and uses of printing, gas light, pottery, glass and iron: from Encyclopedia Brit- annica. pp. 317-392 609-4 — Jones, W. Treasures of the earth, pp. '65-181 5S3-S — Knox, T. \V. Underground world, pp. 590-598. Iron and iron mines 6229-5 — Lukin, J. Amongst machines, pp. 29-61. 607-4 - Mateaux, C. I.. Wonderland of work. pp. 41-75 607 iS — Prideaux, T. S. On economy of fuel. Bound with Abel, C. D. Rudimentary and elementary principles of the con- struction and on the working of ma- chinery. . . 6218-12 Same. Bound with Armour, J. Iron and heat ' 6691-14 — Kuskin, J. Two paths: lectures on art, and its application to decoration and manufacture, pp. 151-200 745"8 — Schoenhof, J. Industrial situation, pp. 66-83 3j6i-74 — Scoffern, J. and others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. 154-333 and 385- 523 669 8 Taussig, F. W. Protection to young in- dustries as applied in the United States. pp. 49- 6 4 335-9 1 Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 161- 170. Our great iron- workers 3°4-9 Ikon cousin. Clarke, M. C. Iron crown: tale of the great republic. Chicago, 1885. 8°. Ik<>\ furnace; or, slavery and secession. Aughey, J. H 9802-14 Ik' in gate and other poems. Holmes, O. W. 483C8 IRON hand. Dumas, Alex. [RON mask. Dumas, Alex. [RON trade. Scrivenor, II. History of the iron trade from the earliest records. . . 671-7 Iron work: practical formula- and genera] rules for finding the strain and breaking weight of wrought iron bridges: with useful tables. Howling, C. 1 1 624-35 I 1 , ,\i \-i 1 R. 1 ihnet, G. IRONS, Wm. J. Bible and its interpreters, its miracles and prophecies; with a con- pectus of the argument and notes. I... 11. d. 12° 2202-49 Idea of the natural church. In Replies i" Essays and reviews, pp. 177-241. . 204-29 [RONV. /// Hedge, F. II. Atheism in phil- ophj . pp. 506 3 j6 i4 2 -4 [ROQUOIS. Miller, Mrs, \. 1 .]. Iroquoi . or, :!' ! 1 hi side of Indian character. 9702-6 I' 11 kuinn, F. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 971-61 Irrevocable: a tale. Heygate, W. E. Tales for young men and women. V. 2. 469A2 Irrigation. Buckley, R. B. Irrigation works of India and their financial re- sults 6314-2 — Burn, R. S. Outlines of modern fann- ing. Bound with Dempsey, G. D. Ru- dimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands 6313-3 — Stewart, H. Irrigation for farm, garden and orchard 6314-8 — Stockhardt, J. A. Familiar exposition of the chemistry of agriculture, pp. 366- 368. Mr. Mechis' system of irrigation. 631-8 Irving, Edward, Scottish pulpit orator, />. 1792-d. 1834. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Life of Edward Irving, minister of the national Scotch church, London. . . . 506B5 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 5. pp. 127-130. Heath of Edward Irving 206E2 Reminiscences, pp. 53-268 411-27 — De Quincey, T. Literary reminiscences. v. 2. pp. 236-241 284E42 — (iilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 52-66 418-43 1 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs, pp. 385- 388 410-7 — Sprague, W. IJ. European celebrities. pp. i3-'9 4104-85 Irving, Fannie Belle. Six girls: a home story. B., 1883. 12 . Irving, Henry, (/<>/;« Henry Brodripp, known as Henry Irving), F.ng. actor, />. 1838. Preface. In Diderot. 1 1. Paradox of acting 781-3 Hatton, J. Henrj [rving's impressions of America 473-45 — Henry Irving: short account ol his pub- lic life. X. V.. 1883. 16 506B7 Matthews, J. B. aW llutton, J., eds. Act- ors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 131-152. 4179-6 Irving, John Treat, Am. lawyer. Attorney: or, the correspondence of John Quod. X. V., n. d. 12°. Harry liaison: or, the benevolent bach- elor. X. V.. 1853. 12°. Indian sketches taken during a U. S. ex- pedition to make treaties with the Paw- nee and other tribes of Indians in 1833. V V., 1888. 12° 9707-4 Ik\ inc, Pierre M. Life and letters of Wash- ington Irving. 4 v. N. Y., 1865-66. 12°. Same. 3 v. I'hila., 1873. 16 . . 507B [rving, Theodore, /./.. D-, Am, author, i. \Scx.)-d. 1880. Conquest of Florida In Hernando de Soto. N. V., 1851. 12 . 9849 -, More than conqueror; or, memorials of 1 ol. J. Howard Kitching, N. Y.. 1873. 12° 5351*5 RVING. 669 [RVING [rving Washington, --/"/. author ^ i>. 17s* d 1859. Adventures of Capt. Bonneville, I ". s. \. in the R01 1 j up. Mm, mi- and the fai west. N. Y., 1859. 12 . Sam< Phila., 1S70. 16 . Same, 187 • > s 7; 478 M Alhambra. Phila., 1873. "'" *»" s 5 Astui 1.1 ; mi , .mm 1 ilnic "f an entei pi ise beyond the Rock) intain V Y.. i860. 12". Same. iSc>X. id". Same. Phila., 1S72. Same, 1873 478 52 Biographie and misi ellanies : ed. bj P. M. Irving. N. V., 1869. \z° v ' '■■ Contents Letters ol fonathan < >M style, 11 Biographical sketches: Capt. Jas. Law- rence.— Lieut, Burrows.— Commodore Perr) Capt. David Porter.— Thos. Campbell.— V\ ington A list 011. — Conversations with Tain Margaret Miller Davidson Reviews and mis- • ellanies ; Robert Treat Paine Edwin (' \\>>\ land.— Whea ton's history of the Northmen. — Conquest of Granada. — Letter to the editor of ■•Tin: Knickerbocker "—Sleepy Hollow Na tional nomenclature.— Desultory thoughts on in icism.— Com muni paw. —Conspiracy of the cocked hats.— Lettei from Granada Catskill mountains. Bracebridge Hall ; or, the humorists. Phila., 1873. 1 6° Sis iM Contents.— The author.— die Hall The busy man.— Family servants — The widow — The lov- ers. — Family relics. — An old soldier.— Widow's retinue. —Ready-money Jack. — Bachelors.— \Yn es. Mory-tclling. — Stout gentleman. — For- est trees — Literary antiquary — Farm-house. — Horsemanship. — Love symptoms I ah onry.— Hawking - 5l Mark's Eve —Gentility. -For- tune-telling. — Love-charms. — The library. — Student of Salamanca.— English country gentle man.— Bachelor's confession.— English gravity. — Gypsies. — May-day customs. — Village w n thies— Schoolmaster. — The school. — Village politician.— The rookery.— May day Manu- s< ript.— Annette Delarbre.— Travelling.— Pop- ular superstitions.— The culprit— Family mis fortunes. — Lovers' troubles. — Historian. Haunted house. — Dolph Heyliger.— Storm- ship. — The wedding. The author's farewell. - , (Fraj Antonio Vgapida, pseud,) ( hron icle of the conquest of Granada. X. Y., 1850.. Same, Phila., 1872. . . . 9463-5 1 irayon miscellany. N. Y.. 1S56. 12 . Same. [873. 16 818 \$2 Contents.— Tout on the prairies \ bbotsford. — Ncwstead abbey. History oi New York from beginning of the world to the end <>f Dutch dynasty, etc.; being the only authentic histor) oi the times that ever hath been or ever will be published, by Diedrich Knick- erbocker. N. V., 1869. 1 6° 9831 5 - Life and voyages of Christopher Colum- bus, including the author's \ Nil to Palos. X. V.. 1854. 12 243H5 \r\ inc, \\ .1 binglon, continu • hi 1 tophei < olum- bus and his ( ompanion . [v. \. \ '., 1856 1 1 . 1873. i' I .ife I I V I - m mi, . ontinued. Headley, J. I . sacred hei I tyrs. pp. t<>N 416. 2217 (5 Lord, I. Prophel Isaiah. In Boston lectures, 1871. pp. 196 220 1 , 9 1 Trench, R. C. Sermons new and old. pp. 98 ill. ts liah ■ vision See also Bible, prophetii 601 lsn IM, ' 'has. Fishei \ que its 01 igin, history and presenl situation. N. \'., 1887. 12 7">; j [shmaelites. Heckethorn, C W, societies, v. 1. pp. 161 -177 1 | [StDR \. Stroll, \\ illis. [singi vss. I >a» idowsky, F. Raw ma te rials and fabrication of glue, gelatine, isinglass, etc 668 i Simmonds, P. I. Commercial products of the sea. pp. 23N-256 5895-7 [sis unveiled. Blavatsky, II. P. 2 v. . . 212 11 Isl \\t. See Mohammedanism. Island life. Wallace, A. K 5909-9 Island neighbors. Glackwell, A. B. [si \Nn-f past years, v. (>. pp. 193-244 426E1 Rule, W, II. History of the Inquisition. V. 2. pp. I38-268 1-jll lil See also Church history. Roman Catholic church. Also Life of Emily Bliss Gould I34B6 6. Biography. i ;to I. Memoirs of 1 he I bike- of Urbino. 3 v 1107 ipe, 1 \ Di cade ol 1 talian women. 4107-8 Italy, continued. — See also lives of Bruno. — Carafa, Anna. — Cavour. — Dante. — Columbus. — Gal- lenga. — Garibaldi. — Joanna of Sicily. - Machiavelli. — Mazzini. — Pellico. — Re- nee of France. — Savonarola. — Sixtus V. — Tasso. — Victor Emmanuel. 7. Folk-lore and legends. Busk, R. H. and Pitre, G. Folk-songs of ttaly 3845-7 — Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. . . 3845-3 — Ritchie, A. C. Italian life and legends. 445-8 S. Travel. — Alford, H. Letters from abroad. « 1865. 445-12 — Amicis, E. de. Military life in Italy. 1881 94508-1 — Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. 1882 445-'5 — Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. 1884 445~'7 — Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls in Italy. iSS6 445-23 — Channing, 11. H. Sisters abroad ; or, an Italian journey. 1S64 445-24 Sunny skies; or, adventure in Italy. Same as Sisters abroad, n. d 445-24 — Davies, W. Pilgrimage of the Tiber. iS75 445-25 — Davy, Sir II. Consolations in travel; or, the last days of a philosopher. 1870. . 210-23 — Dickens, C. Life in Italy. 1848. . . . 445-28 Pictures from Italy. Same as Life in Italy. 1846 445-2S — Elliott, F. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. 2 v. in 1. 1S72 445-4 — Freeman, E. A. Sketches from the sub- ject and neighbor lands of Venice. 1881 445-42 — Freeman, |. E. Gatherings from an art- ist's portfolio, ser. 1. 1S77 704-35 - ser. 2. 18S3 7°4-3 6 - Green, J. R. Stray studies from hug- land and Italy. 1876 9204-45 Greenough, F. B., ed. Letters "f Hora- tio Greenough 436B75 I tawthorne, N. Passages from the French and Italian note-books. 2 v. 1S72. 2 v. in 1. 1S73 445-45 — lleadh-y. I. T. Letters from Italy, n. t-p 445-455 Hillard, G. S. Si\ months in Italy. 2 v- 1854 445-40 — Howells, VY. 1 1. Italian journeys. 1874. 445-47 -Jameson, A. M. Diary of an ennuyee. '875 445-5 Jarves, J. J. Italian rambles. 1SS3. . 445-52 Italian sights and Papal principles. '856 445-53 \l N [TALV, ' OtttinUi ./. I.;i\ elej ■■, Emili di Li tei from [886 ' . . 445 58 Mendel iohn Barl hold) , Felix. I 1 /1 Italy .mil ! id. Moen , w 1 . 1 English tnd Italian bri nd 1866 1 1 ■. ' \,,i ton, C. I Notes of tra> el and iludy in Italy. [860 1 ii ; I'ennell, Josepli ant/Elizabeth (R.) sentimenl il ournej ihroui 1 1 and Italy. I II I '« .1 pilgrims' pi 1887. ... 1 Ross, J, Italian I eti be 1887. .. . 11 ' St. John, B. Subalpine kingd 2 1 1856 il', Sala, G \. [01 ■ in search of sunshine. 1887 lis s -' Senioi . V W. Journals kepi in Fi and Italj from 1848 to 1852. 2 v. [871. Syrnonds, I \. Italian byways. 1883. 445-85 Sketi he and studies in outhei n Eu- rope. 2 v. 1880 : — Taine, 1 1 A. Italy, 1' lorence and Venici 1869 1 - Italy : Romt and Maple 1868. . . . (45-87 Tiber and the Thames: thi ii a >oi iations pasl and present. [1876] 440-902 -Turnbull, K. Genius of Italy. 1849. . 145-9 Unprotected females in Sicily, Calabria, etc. [859 W58-9 Villari, 1 . On Tuscan hills and Vene- tian waters. 1887 445 91 Watson, E. H. Child life in Italy. 1866 145-92 Winter at the Italian lakes. 1S74. . . 4452-9 Alison, A. Miscellai e isays. pp. 154 160. Description of Italy from Blai 1 « I's 1 1 5 1 1 - Andersen, 1 1 , C. Poel ba tar ; pictures of travel, pp. 40 [48 if 11 — Arnold, K. A. From the Levant, v. 1. PP- ' -s 4499->5 Beste, J. R. 1>. Nowadays: at home and abroad, v. 1. pp. 279 384. \ . 2. pp. 1 416 440-16 — Carnegie, A. Round the world, pp. 183-302 438-22 — Col ton, W. Sea and the sailoi : noteson France and Italy, etc. pp. 95 169. . 818 .,2 -- Curtis, R. B. 1 lottings round the cii PP- 3»5 .!-" I v s -'" Eddy, D. C. Europa: scenes in Eng- land, France, etc. pp. 282 |.6o. ... |4°-3 — Fraser, A. C. Life and letters of G. Berkeley, pp. 512 597 [48B3 Hawthorne, Mrs. S. A. (P Ni tes in England and Italy, pp. 107-549. . . 440 p -• Howe, J. \V. Winter homes For invalids. pp. 191-205 6135 4 nued. iini ott, Mrs. S I irie* and sighl 1 1 1 .■ ■ 1 Longfi ! A • I } • 1 »- 305-360 - . • I 1 PP " ' Iding, M. J. Misi ellanea. |\ ai I tal; Mam I .. J. Woman 1 ropi 10-32 .... ;raphy. v. 1. B \\ allai 1 . Mi I.I'. v. peri- ' pp. 201 268 ; . Wi ton ri d. pp. 127 186. . . 445 I\ w de Biron. Help-. Arthur. I\ \\ Dobroff. I lodgetts, J. F. [van Ilyitch and other stories. I C.'tint LyoffN. Ivanhoe. Scott, Sir Walter. [VES, I ' 1 1 a - . Isles of stum and the Bahamas. New Haven, 1- 12° 4" IVISON, Henry. Derby. J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. PP- 49-55 4«8i-3 Ivories, ancient and mediteval. Maskell, w 1 I\ ORS. Sewell, E. M. Ivory king. Holder, C. F. I he elephant. 5996-4 Ivy. I lucking. S. \ .: - Ivy Fennhaven ; or. womanhood in Christ. B.. n. d. s . Ixtlel', king of 1 ■ S. Historic boys. pp. 178-195 .... 410-165 — 674 JACKSON. .1 I -. Madame. Great French revolution, 17S5-93 : narrated in the letters of Mad- ame I — , of the Jacobin party: ed. by her grand-son, Edouard Fockroy: ti. by Miss Martin, and an American col- laborateur. L., 18S1. 12° 9444 5 J. S. of Dale, [pseud.) See Stimson, Fred- erick, |. Jai K. Daudet, A. JACK and Jill. Alcott, Louisa M [14A34 Jack and Rosy. Floyd, Mrs. Cornelia, (Neil Forest, pseud.) 377A5 Jack Archer. Henty. G. A 464. \7 JACK Hinton. Fever, C. JACK Hooper. Cameron, V. I.. Jack in the forecastle: or, incidents in the early life of Hawser Martingale. Sleep- er. J- s 4374-74 1 w 1. of the mill. Howitt, Wm. Jack the fisherman. Phelps, Elizabeth S. Jack Tier. Cooper, J. F. Jack who persevered. Robbins, S. S. . . 786A47 Jackanapes and otlrer stories. Ewing, Ju- liana H 328A86 Jack's courtship. Russell, \V. C. Jack's sister. Morley, S. Jackson, Mrs: — , mother of Andrew Jackson. Filet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 1. pp. 302-304. . . . 4121-35 I l< KSON, Andrew, ,th president of the C. S., b. 1767-fl'. 1845. Selections from speeches, letters, etc. In Chaplin, |., ed. Chips from the White Huti^e. pp. 176-185 8081-3 — Fife of Andrew Jackson; embracing an- ecdotes illustrative of his character. B. , I.S75. 12° 5IOB1 Cobbett, W. Life of Andrew lack- son 510P2 Jenkins, J. S. Life and publii services of Gen. Andrew Jackson sioF; I'arton, |. Life of Andrew Jackson. ;. v. I With bibliography. v. 1. pp. xiii xxv.] 510B4 Stunner, W. ( .. Andrew Jackson as a public 111.111 510115 Bald win, J. I i. I'.n t\ lenders. pp. -'77 }69 JU IN Ba H, 1 ' Miscellanies, pp. 444-480. 134F2 Filet, F. F. Court circles of the Repub- lic, pp. MS 233 41239-3 Fremont, Jessie 1 J - . 1 Souvenirs of my lime. pp. 88 04 383B3 Frost, 1 President 5 of 1 In- 1 '. s. pp. I 4>2-43 lireg, W. R. Rocks ahead. pp. 177 218. Three men and 1 In ee eras. . . . 1 , ,1 8 fACKSON, An'drew, continued. — Fleadley, J. T. Lives of Wintield Scott and Andrew Jackson, pp. 203-341. . 4' 2-5 IF imes of American statesmen. pp. 339-352 _ 412-53 Keyes, E. L). F'ifty years' observations, pp. 108-121 532B1 — Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and me- morials, pp. 285-291 4121 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 469-474 and 593-600 410-82 — Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 25-31 412-75 Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 1. pp. 88-124 74 I|! 4 — Seymour, C. * '. 1!. Self-made men. pp. 9-22 410-92 — See also Jackson, Rachel. JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte, Lady. French court and society, reign of Louis XVI and fust empire. 2 v. I... ■881. 8° Q4435-5 — Old Paris: its court and literary salons. X. V., 18S0. 12° 94433-5 Old Regime: court, salons and theatres. N. V., 1882. 12 94434-5 [ackson, Geo. A. Apostolic fathers and apologists, 95-180. X. V., 1881. 16 . 2812-5 Contents, — Introduction. — Apostolit fathers: (.lenient of Rome. — Igna'tius. — Polycarp. — Bar- nabas. — Associated authors: Hermas. — Papias. — Apologists: Introductory sketch. — Notice and epistle to Diognetus— Justin. — Author o( Muratorian fragment and the fragment — Me lito. — Athenagoras — Fathers of the third century, 180-325. \. V.. iSSi. 16 2812-51 Contents — Progress of Christianity in the third century. — Greek writers: Irenaeus.— Hippolytus.— Clement of Alexandria.— O/igen. — Gregory Thaumaturgus and others.— Latin writers: Tertullian —Cyprian and others, — Post-Nicene Greek fnlhers. N. Y., iSS;. 1 6° 281J ;: Conte/.t.\ — Alexandrian and Antiochan schools. — Symbols of the first four councils. — Eusebius of Caesarea — Athanasius. — Basil.— Gl ---;<>ry Nazianzen.— Gregory Nyssa — Epip hanius.— Chrysostom.— Cyril <>f Alexandria. — Theodoret. — Church historians fohn of Da mascus and others— The C.rcek hymnologists Post-Nicene Latin fathers. N. Y., 1884. 16 2812-53 Contents.- Hilary. — Amhrose. — Jerome. — Rufmus. Augustine Pelagius and othi 1 1 1 ih 11 Cassian, Prosper of Aquitaine. - -Salvian — l.eo tlie great. — Poet hi us t . iodorus and others The 1 . ttin church historians -The early Latin Christian poets. I \i 1 :ON, Helen Maria (Fiske), formerly Mrs. Hunt, Am, writer A?!- IL)J>. 1S30 (/. 1SS5. Between whiles. B.,1887. 12 . JACKSON J \< OBI. Jack: on, I telen M (F.)i continued. iltnli In" nf the golden peal M vMcry ..i \\ ilhclm RUtter, I ml. Bi ■ nl the "Heathci Bi II Dand Prince's litl li iw ei thcart. i .,1 i;ill. .iln.nl home mal ters. B., iSSy. 24 193-5 Bil 1 1 1 B., 1872. 24° it" 51 Contt ■ landladj 1 till ■ 1 I ■ , ,, \ m 1 ■ pas ind the H ouse ol 1 hi tn ol old a lay in All In afci 1 n me n. mi in Salzburg,- Returned veteran l''csi in Salzburg.— Morning in the Etru 1 museum in 1 1" Vatican llbano days.— Sun 1.,,. moi inn in Vi nil e I onvent "f San I 1 saro in Venn e l' " iical i a " '-• eli i:n . nl travel al home. B., 1S78. 24 . . 473 s Contents.- California Ne« 1 n lam I ol t enturj of dishonoi : iketi 1' ol 'in 1 nited States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. X. Y., 1881. 12°. Same. 1'.., 1886 9709 ; Glimpses of three coasts. 1!.. 1886. i-'. iv 52 Contents California and Oregon.— Scotland and England Norway, Denmark am! f, 1 J Hetty's strange history. I'... tSSo. t6 8 . Hunter cats of Connorloa. n. t. p. 12". 510A2 Letters from a cat, published by her mis- tress for the benefit of all cats, and the amusement of liitle children. B., 1S85. 12 5 1 " \ ' ; Mammy Httleback ami he! family: true ttory ol eventeen cats. B., 1881. 12°. 510A25 Mercy Philbrick's choice. B, (6°. [No name ser. | Nelly's -.ilver mine : a story of Colorado life. B., 1885. l6° 510A26 Kami. 11a. B., 18S5. 12°. Storj "i 1'' B., 1S75. 16 510(1 Training of children. N. Y., 1882. 16°. 1935-5 Verses. B., t S 7 1 16° 5101 1 Zeph : a posthumous story. B., [885. 12 . Bolton, S. K, Lives of girls who became famous, pp. IS 32 113 2 Harris. \. B. American authors for young folks, pp. 24; 204 4 1 S 1 ;S ]V.>t, Mi I is said '" hai c rew 1 i ..ml prepared fi 1 publii ation t tic r.irln-r .lories published me of Saxe Holm, and to have written tin- later ones. See Holm, S.ixe. J u kM.\, John, / tig. fainter, \ 1778-rf. 1831. Cunningham, A. British painters sculptors. \. 5. pp.229 -4 s tr .i 1 \. kson, Mason. Pictorial press, it^ origin ami proyre". 1... 1SS5. 8 C I \. kson, Men j B. \i 1 ii le. /" Howe, J. \Y.. id. Sex an. I education. 163 — Lecture. In Woolson, A. G., td. I 1 reform, pp. 68-97 39'2-y [orl imei M W. 1,1 Mortimei M, |ai 1. on, /;,,»«,/ with I h« tites, R. 1 , . I \ . 412-91 1 1 urn, I . 1 ■•I Alll' ■ ■ in, R. M. S. 1 he mountain. Phila., i860. 12 [ackson, Mrs. Racl n Holloway, 1 I I I the Whiti Housi pp, 284-332 4«239 [ackso of the North I'.h 1 ..' t. 1 1 , lire. I ., 1873. 12 72 I ■. .' ■' . I ■ Cui -nies of the pul- pit anil |)ul[. it literature: memorabilia, anecdi tes, etc., 1 celebrated preachers. X. Y.. n. <1. 16 2509-5 Fuller, M. Ait. literature ami the drama. pp. 342-35!. [Review.] . " 4<> I m ksi ' i, ■" 1 hos., *. 1579-rf. i 1 1 mon. //; Brogden, J. Illustration the liturgy. \ . 2. pp. 314-334. . . . 26051 .1 [ACKSON, Thos. Our dumb neighbors. X. i- .. 1870. 1.' 5 C >°5 4<> Stories about animals. 1... n. d. 12°. . 5Q05-5 s. Thus. Jonatli Confederate general, I'. 1S24 °. . . - I ib, '.' I .. A., //-. Manna' of Hindu Pantheism : thi ' ira, B., 1881. 8° - [ -,. Andrew. Ecclesiastical the New 1'estament. 1 .. 1S71. 12" 2;^ ; I VCOB, Gertrude L. Raia of Sarawak : ac- count of Sii las. Brooke given chiefly through letters and journals. 2. v. I.. Faithful. Marrya't. Frederick. >B Schuyler's millions. N. Y., 1886. 12 [acobi, A. Requiescat in pace. In Ethic- al symposium, pp. 15" 175 6103-7 I \u>i:i. - 676 — JAMES. JACOBI, Friedrich Heinrich, German philoso- pher, b. \-\i~d. 1S19. Gostwick, J. German culture and Christianity, pp. 114-H6 239-43 — Hedge, F. Prose writers of Germany. pp. 206-230 830-43 — Plleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. pp. 226-234 201-7 JACOBI, Johann G., German pott, />. 1 740-1/. 1814. Poems. In Schiller, F. Hom- age of the arts, etc. pp. 120-130. . . 8319-2 Jacobi, Mary (Putnam 1, American physician, b. 1842. Mental action and physical health. In Bracked, A. C., cd. Edu- cation of American girls, pp. 255-306. 376-2 Jacobins. Robertson, J. B. Lectures, pp. 476-482 904-7 — See also France, history. Jacobi's wife. Sergeant, Adeline. Jacobite family. Brown, J. Spare hours. V. 2. pp. 4OI-416 . IS8E2 Jacobites. Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Ja- cobites of 1715 and 1745 4112-8 — Stevenson, R. I.. Kidnapped: .1 ro- mance 853A2 JACOBS, Thos. Jefferson. Scenes, incidents and adventures in the Pacific Ocean : or, the islands of the Australasian seasdur- ing the cruise of the clipper " Margaret Oakley" under Capt. Benjamin Morrell, clearing up the mystery which has here- tofore surrounded this famous expedi- tion, and containing a full account of the exploration of the Bidera, Papua, Banda, Mindoro, Sooloo and China seas. the manners and customs of the inhabi- tants of the islands and a description of vast regions never before visited by civilized man. N. V.. 1*44. 8°. . . . 490-5 COB ON, Augustus. Higher ground : hint, trd ttl tig the labor troubles. Chi- cago, 1888. 12 3361-64 [ vi -hi i, Melancthon Williams, D. D., LI . IK. 1 1. Pre tyterian, . 1816 L. [876. Notes, critical and explanatory on the V 1 of the Apostles. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 2279-5 Notes, critical and explanatory on the I 1 if 1 U tiesis. 2 v. in 1. X. V., 1873. '-' 22 3' I-6 Note on the ' ro pels, incorporating with he in ib on a new plan tl 1 ap- ed 1 11 y of the fou ipels. fv. 2|. Luke and John. \.\.. 1S73. 12 . 22775-5 emblii ol 1 869 In Presbyterian reunion 2.S51 6 : cob Johann, Gen an ten . rat, b. 1S05 ■ 1/. 1877. I "tt le, H. ( German politii al [60-175 ' ' • • 4106-8 Jacolliot, Louis. Bible in India : Hindoo origin of Hebrew and Christian revela- tion ; tr. from [the French.] X. V., 1870. 12°. Same. 1S74 2938-5 Jacotot, Joseph, French teacher, b. i,yo-d. 1840. Quick, R. II. Essays on educa- tional reformers, pp. 198-226. . . . 3704-7 Jacox, Francis. Bible music: being varia- tions in many keys, on musical themes from Scripture. B., 1872. 12 . . . . 771-5 — , (Clerical recluse, pseud.) Cues from all quarters. B., 1871. 12° 510E4 — Literary life; or, aspects of authorship. X. V.. n. d. 12° 804-5 — Shakespeare diversions: medley of mot- ley wear. N. Y., 1875. 8° 8236-52 Jacquard, Joseph Marie, French inventor, b. 1752-1/. 1S34. Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 130-137. 410-16 — Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of celebrated characters, pp. 17-48 410-63 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 332-335. Jacquard and his loom. 609-79 JACQUEMONT, Victor, French naturalist, I). \%o\-d. 1832. Hamerton, P. G. Mod- ern Frenchmen, pp. 1-104 4105-4 Jacquerie. James, G. P. R. Jacques Bonneval. Manning, M. A. JAEGER, B. and Preston, H. C. Life of North American insect,. X. \ ., 1859. 12°. Same, 1S69. Same, 1871. . . . 5957—5 J VGO, Wm. Chemistry of wheat, flour, and bread, and technology of bread-making. Brighton, 1SS6. 8° 6642-5 Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. L., iS/5- 8° 49H-5 JAINISM. Barth, A. Religions of India. pp. 140-152 293-2 Jak, (pseud.) See Williams, Annie Bowles. JAMAICA. Jamaica, enslaved and free, I.., n. d. 24° 99182-5 — Brassey, Lady A. In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties, pp. 203-2S4 4375-2 — Lewis, M. G. Fife and corres] lence. v. 2. pp. 119-240 568B3 — Lindsay, A., earl of Balcarres. Rise. progress and termination of the Maroon war, 1795-96. In Lindsay, A. \Y. C. Lives of the Lindsays, v. j. pp. I- 146 • • ■ • 5731--3 Sew ell, \\ . (.. Ordeal ol lice labor in the British West Indies, pp. 160-325. 9918-S ["rollope, A. West Indie, and the Span- ish main. pp. 15 129 4729-9 — See a/.',' \\ <--l Indie. James, apostle, saint, called James tht Liturgy: tr. by Win. McDonald. In Anic Nil 'ii' Chri tian librai \ . v. xxiv. pp. " 45 ' a8l 3 59 J WIKS. "77 JAM J wii , continued. 1 1 idley, J. T. Sai red heroe \ and mar- pp. 54* 546 p 1 I talron mint oj Spain, Se\ I > t > > 1 ■ i of Chi [1 I wii I, king of England, 1 I md, i. 1 5 /. [625 Birch, Tho and times of James I s ■ > ' * — Baj i»', I'. 1 hie) ai toi in 1 he Puril an ic\ olution, pp. 25-54 1 li 1 aeli, I. 1 .iterary chai 1 , the historj ol men 1 il gen ius, pp. 1.93 [89. 81 1 |6 1 Jesse, J. II. Me 1 ol the coui England during then v. 1. pp. 1 99 pi I \ \i 1 -. II, king of England, '. 1633 1701. ' 1 1 relj I ■ B. N. A. 1 lountei .revolution 11 1 ngland Fox, C.J. I listory "l the reign ol I- II. //; ( and, I. B. N. A. > lountei 1 . v olution i» England 9366 I ' Wilson, C. T. James II and the Duke of I uU 5HB5 Doebner, R.,ed. Memoirs of Mary Queen ol I ngland, [1689 1693], together with her letters and chose of James II and William 111 i" ilif Elei in". Si iphia of Hanover 616B3 Foster, I . ( Iritical i-s^.iy-. \ . 1. pp. 157-188. Review ol Fox, C. J. His- tory of the earl) pari ol the 1 eign 1 >l James II 377E4 Guizot, !'. P. G. Biographic studies oh the English revolution, pp. 189 [95. . 4. • i 43 — Jesse, J. U. Mem. hi- ol the courl of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. .;. pp. 407-470 4U-58 JAMES I, king of Scotland, i. 1394-1/. [43; Irving, W. Sketi h 1 k. pp. 105-122. Roj .il poet S1S-4S5 — Spooner, E. llistnric.il scenes, pp. 78-98. 90; -"s Ward, T. H., ed I Ingli h poel - v. 1. pp. 129 136. [BiOg. sketch ami poem.] S092-9 I imes I ram is Ed\» ard, son of Ja t Pi ■' . 6. i688-e 1 ' 'i me. 2 v. in 1. V Y.. 1864. 12°. I lesultor) man. 2 v. in I. N. \ '.. n. d. 12°. False heir. X. Y.. 1S67. 8°. Fate: a tale of stirring times. X. V., 1872. 8°. I ores! lays. N. Y., n. d. 8°. rgery. X. Y., 1S71. 8°. Gentleman of the old school. 2 v. in 1 \. Y., n. d. 12°. — Gipsy. 2 v. in I. X. \ .. 1S04. 12 Gowrie; r, the king's plot. N. Y., 1871. S°. Heidelberg. Leipzig, 1S46. 24°. Henry Masterton. 2 v. in 1. N. \ '.. 1864. 1 — Henry of Guise : or, the states of Bli 2 v. m I. X. ** ., [864. 12°. Henry Smeaton. X. Y.. 1858. B History of Charlemagne. X.Y..11..I. 16 . 221I'.- JAMES. — 678 — JAMES. 54. 16°. 3947-6 Cceur-de- I.., 1854. 787B3 864. 12°. S04. 12°. V., 1864. X. 586B5 463B5 I AMES, G. P. K., continued. — History of chivalry. N. V — History of the life of Richard Cceur-de- lion, king of England. 2 \ . 12 • • • — Huguenot. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., — Jacquerie. 2 v. in t. X. Y., King's highway. 2 v. in 1. X 12°. — Last of the fairies: Christmas tale. Y., 1869. 8°. — Leonora d' Oreo. X. Y., 1867. 8°. — Life and adventures of John Marston Hall. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., 1864. 12 . — Life and times of Louis the Fourteenth. 2 v. I.., 1S51. 12° — Life of Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre. 2 v. X. Y., 1847. 8°. Life of vicissitudes. X. Y., 1864. 8°. Lives of Cardinal de Retz, Jean Baptiste Colbert, John Dewitt, ami the Marquis deLouvois. 2 v. in 1. Phila., 1837. 12° 4IO-59 Man at arms; or, Henry de Cerons. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., 1864. 12°. Margaret Graham ; or, the reverses "I fortune. N. Y., n. d. 8 . Mary of Burgundy ; or, the revolt of Ghent. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., 1864. 12 . Memoirs of great commanders. I.., n. d. 12° Contents. — Henry V, king of England. — John Plantagenet, duke of Bedford. — Gonzalves de Cordoba. — Duke of Alva. — Oliver Cromwell. — Ceo. Monk. — Marshal Turenne. — The Great Conde. — John Churchill, duke of Marlborough. — Karl of Peterborough. — John Manners, mar- quis of Granby — l General Wolfe, — Morley Einstein ; or, the tenants of the heart. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., 1864. 12°. - Old dominion. X. Y., 1S56. 8°. - Old oak chest. X. Y., 1868. 8°. line in a thousand. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., [864. 12°. Pequinillo. X. Y., 1867. 8°. Philip Augustus. 2 v. in 12°. Richelieu. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., n. d. - Robber. 2 v. in I. X. Y.. 1855. Rose d' All. ret. X. Y ., 1S71. 8°. Russell: .1 tale of the reign of Charles II. X. N .. 1864. 8 . Sir Theodore Broughton. X. Y., 1869, 8 . -Smuggler. X. Y ., [874. 8°. Step-mother. V Y.. 1864. 12 . Slung of pearls. \. X ., 1850. 12 . or, ili« 1 uined family. V \ ., 1S74. 12°. 1 1. onden iga : 01 . the blai 1. eagle. N . Y., 1854. 8°. 4«5>-5 x. y., 1S74. 12". 12°. J ami ^, G. P. P., continued. \\ him and its consequences. Leipzig. 1847. 16°. — Woodman : a romance of the lime-, of Richard III. X. Y., 1872. 8°. — Bertrand de la Croix ; or, the siege of Rhodes. /// Club book. v. I. pp. 15-68. — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 1. pp. 1 16-137. [Review.] . . • ■ ■ James, Henry, Am. theologian, /•. 181 i-d. iNS2. Literary remains including auto- biography : ed. with an introduction by Wm. James. B., 1885. 8° Contents. — Immortal life: an autobiographic sketch. — Spiritual creation. — Some personal recollections of Carlyle. — Bibliography. Substance and shadow ; or, morality and religion in their relation to life : essay on the physics of creation. B.,1863. 12 . James, Henry, Am. writer, son of preceding, b. 1S43. American, The. B., 1877. 12°. — Author of Beltraffio. B., 1S85. 12 . Contents. — Author of Beltraffio. — Pandora. — Georgina's reasons. — Path of duty. — Four meet- ings. — Bostonians. L., 1886. 12°. — Confidence. B., 1880. 12°. — Daisy Miller: a comedy in three acts. B.,' 1883. 12°. — Europeans. B., 1879. 12 . — French poets and novelists. L., [884. 12° — Hawthorne. X. Y.. 1SS0. 12°. [Eng- lish men of letters series.] — Little tour in France. B.,' 1S85. 12 . . — Passionate pilgrim and other tale^. P., 1875. 12°. Contents. — Passionate pilgrim. — Last of the Valerii. — Eugene Pickering. — Madonna of the future. — Romance of certain old clothes. — Mad- ame de Mauves. — Portrait of a lady. B., 18S2. 12 . — Portraits of places. B., 1SS4. 12°. . . - Princess Casamassima. L., 1886. 12°. Roderick Hudson. B., 1876. 12°. — Siege of London. Pension Beaurepas [and] The point of view. B., 1S83. 12°. dales of three cities. li., 1S84. 12°. ' ! ids. — Impressions of a cousin.— Lady Kit Im:i ina.— New Bngland suiter. Transatlantic sketches. B., 1875. 12°. — Washington Square. N. \ ., 1881. 16 . -Watch and Hard. 1!., 1S7.N. 16 . An of fiction. In Besant, W. Ait ol fiction, pp. 51-85 I l.i/i'iiiiie, M. W. chats aboul hooks, poets .nid novelists, pp. 347-360. . . Heywood, J. C. How they strike me these authors, pp. 183-196. Man of taste 946 E 5 511E4 210-5 4184 46 458B6 444 -43 440-515 440-52 8033 2 804-45 804 47 I \mi;s ><:•> I \ ' I i mi , I Ic-in \ Martyn. Oral in tti u< tion wi U lOks. Ill \ : i .1(1- dresse read befon I he N. E. 0. I . A. pp. no \is I whs, |ohn v i , • - . il ill:. 1 1, i . Pulpil eli "| item e ol Lhi 1 91 h century, pp. 518-540 ' . . . js-m \ I whs, Marian. I >i mi' md on the hes rth. V \ .. 1 S 7 1 8°. [ami . Thos. Esop's fables : 111 « ^ersii ■■ in. 1 K ii .mi original sources. Phila., 1873. [6° 3811 15 I .wins, Thos. I .. Fiske, S. 1 IfT-hand por- traits of prominenl New V'orkers, pp. "" "'7 Hi James, W. Powell, Guesses al purposi nature ; with espe< ial refen nci plants. I.., n. d. 16 5815-6 James, Wm., En, it . i. i.s.';. Naval history of Great Britain. 6 \ . L., i860. 12 . Same, 1878 93081 j I whs, Win. Milbourne. British in India: ed. by Mary I. Salis Si hw abe, 1... 1882. ' 8°. .'. ' 9543-4 I -mis Braithwaite. Kingston, \Y. II, <;. . 535A47 I \mis Bright, tin' shopman. Heygate, W. E. Tales foi young men ami wo- men, v. 2 1 69 A 2 Jami ■ Mountjoy. Roe, A. s. [ameson, P Mothers. British India. 9543-7 Jameson, Mrs. Vnna (Murphy), Eng. au- thor, /'. 1797-1/. 1S60. Beauties "I" the court of Charles II. Phila., 1834. 8°. 411 55 Ch 1 eristics of w omen, moral, poetical and historii al. B., (866. [6 , Same, 1875 82362-5 Diary oi an ennuyee. B., 1857. 24 . Same, 1S75 445-5 — Legends of the Madonna, as represented in I lie line arts. B.. 1866. 24''. Same. |S 7- 755-49 -- Legend- of the Monastic orders as n sented in the line arts. 1 1 g the 2d series of Sacred and legendary art.] II.. 1S66. 16 . Same, 1875 755-5 I oi es of the poel - 1 biogi aphical ket< I' es of women celebrated in ancient and modern poetry. B., 1857. 24°. Same, 1875. 16 1.18-48 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. 2 v, N.Y., 1854. 16° 415-^ Contt-tits. — v. 1. Semiramis, Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. — Zcnobia, Queen of Palmyra. — Joanna I, Queen of \ ,nna II, of Naples.— Isabella of Castile.- Mary Queen of Scots. — Queen Elizabeth v. 2. Christina. Anne, Queen of Great Britain, — Maria Theresa, Empress of Germany and Queen of Hungary I ttherine II. Memoirs of the early Italian painters. B., 1S59. 24 . Same. 1866. l6 c . Same. ■876 4I75-S \frs. A. 'M.i. out ed and legendary art. 2 v. 16 - mi . 1875 of art, literature and I!.. 1859. 24''. San, 1 Mil. I. i6°. 1875 7°4 »''' Mai 1 ' [am it 1 lis Drake, S \ . . pp. 92-98 K ingsley, C. leigh and llis tune | I9I 2 !0. lary art Martineau, II. Biographical skeli Up. 1 13- 120 411 Iamesone, Geo. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. % . 4. pp. 7-32. 417 | l.wtiE Noble; or, the way of duty. 11. t. j>. 16 5"V; I win'- mice. Barrows, C. II. In Stories for children, l>y Eleven sophomores. pp. 3«-44 856 V, on, Mi . I ranees. Historical glean- ings at home and abroad. 1 ... l{ 12° 903-5 [amieson, Robert. Eastern manners illus- trative of the New Testament lii-tory. Edinburgh, 1864. 12 2213-51 Eastern manners illustrative of Old lament history. 1... 1S1.4. 12°. . . . 221; , Political economy for business people. I... 1SS0. 12 330-5 \ amison, Mrs. C. V. Storj ofanenth told by himself. B., 1S88. 12°. [AMISON, I). K. Life and til Irand (hi Guesclin : history of the 141I1 cen- tury. 2 v. L., 1864. S ? fANAUSCHEK, Francesca Madelina. tragii actress, b. 1830, Griffin, G. \V. Si in literature, pp. 225 25; .S04-4 1 \n Mayen. Blacks I, I. I. II. Letters from high latitude-, 1856 Ian Vedder's wife. Barr, Amelia E. J \m Lyre. Bronte, Charlotte. I \m Seymour, 3d queen of Henry VIII, ii. 15,;;. Herbert, II. VV. Memo; Henry VIII f England. pp. 390 ; je, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 1 411.. - Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Va- rious editi J ask Sinclair. ' ai leton, \\ . l\Nt-. E. Human psychology: an inti duction to philosophy, being a brief treatise on intellect, feeling and will. N. V., 1884. 12 180-5 IANET. 680 JAPAN. Janet, Paul, French philosopher, b. 1823. Elements of morals ; with special appli- cation of the moral law to the duties of the individual and of society and the state: tr. by Mrs. C. R. Corson. X. \ .. 1884. 12° - Final causes: tr. by Win. Affleck; with preface by R. Flint. X. V., 1SS3. . . — Theory of morals : tr. by Mary Chapman. N. V., 18S3. 8° -- flicks, L. K. Critique of design-argu- ments, pp. 390-414. Review of F'inal causes JANET. Clarke, R. S., (Sophie May, / Janet Darney. Doudney. Sarah I 1 is home. Keary, A. Janin, Jules Gabriel, French writer, l>. 1804- d. 1S74. Q. You have heard of them, pp. 17S-1S4 Janizaries. Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the Janizaries : romance. January. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with the poets: January January ami June. Taylor, B. F 1 inus, pscutl., probably J. I. I. Dollinger. The pope and the council. B. , 1870. 16 . Janvier, C. Practical keramics for stu- dents. X. V., 1880. 8° Janvier, Thos. A. Color studies. X. Y., 1885. 16 . Contents. — Rose madder. — jaune d'Anti le — Orpimcnt and Gamboge. —Roberson's medium. JAPAN. Sub-divisiotis. 1. History. 2. Trav- el and description. 3. Missions. 4. Miscellaneous. /. History. — Black, J. R. Young Japan, Yokahama and Yedo. 2 v. 1880 Griffis, W. F.. Mikado's empire. 1876. - Hildreth, R. [apan as it was and is. ■855 ' Rennie, 1 1. I . British arms in North China ami Japan. 1864 Smith, II. A. History of Japan, (words of one syllable). 1887 ■ Thorpe, P. History of Japan, [885. . . Traic!. Alcock, R. Capital of the Tycoon, 2 v. 1863 Bird, I.I 1 1 j I ■ ■ . 1 : ■ - 1 1 i racks in Japan. 2 v. 1SS1 Clark, 11. W. Life and adventure! in Japan. 11. d I '< I onblanque, F. B. \ipl and I'e- che-li ; or, I 1 in [apan and • hern 1 'hina. 1863 1 .1 eej . I . Hear worshipei 1 \ ezo. . of Tokio S oung \ Hi- 1 Ii 1 . in Japan 191-51 '404 5 191-52 210-41 62 1 A I 5 292 A 53 410-85 809-14 876E4 2823 6 737-5 952-2 952-4 95^-5 951-65 952-75 952-8 ■152-14 452-2 452-25 is-' 15 1-52 1; 452-44 452-441 JAPAN, continued. — Habersham, A. W. North Pacilic sur- veying and exploring expedition. . . . 490-45 — Hawks, F. L. Perry's expedition to the China seas and Japan. 1856 452-46 -House, E. H. Japanese episodes. 1881. 452—5 — Knollys, II. Sketches of life in Japan. 18S7 452-52 — Lanman, C. Leading men of Japan. [1883.] "... 4»4I-5 Maclay, A. C. budget of letters from Japan. 1886 462-64 — Mitford, A. 15. Tales of old Japan. 1876 3852-6 Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1886 452—55 — Pearson, G, C. Flights inside and out- side Paradise. 1866 439~75 — Pruyn, Mrs. M. Grandmamma's letters from Japan. 1877 452-5S — Rand, E. A. All aboard for sunrise lands. [1881] 439-78 — Reed, E. J. Japan: its history, tradi- tions and religions. 2 v. 1880. . . . 452-61 — Rein, J. J. Japan : travels and researches. 452-63 — St. John, II. C. Xotes and sketches of Nipon. 1880 452-67 — Shore, H. X. Flight of the " Lapwing." 1881 451-8 — Spalding, J. W. Japan expedition. 1855. 452-7 — Tomes, R. Americans in Japan, n. t. p. 452-8 — Bainbridge, Mrs. 1 . S. Round the world letters, pp. 50-106 43 8 -I4 — Ballon, M. M. Duewest. pp. 30-80. . 438-15 — Barker, Lady M. A. Traveling about. PP- 343-353 439-14 — Bax, B. \\ . Eastern seas. pp. 142-274. 451-16 — Brassey, Lady A. Voyage in the "Sun- beam." pp. 316-369 4371-2 — Bridges, E. S. Round the world in six months, pp. 34-84 43 Xl 7 — Brooks, J. Seven months' run. pp. 40-128 438-18 Carnegie, A. Round the world, pp. 34-74 1 Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world, pp. 424-463 43 s 24 Collins, P. McIC Overland explorations, pp. 320-334 4529-25 » (inn,. B. R. Dottings round the circle. pp. 04-108 438-26 Field. II. M. From Egypt to Japan. pp. 397 420 45 -36 — Fogg, W. P. Round the world lettei . pp. 55-87 438-35 Fortune, R. N edo and Peking, pp. 1 170 452-39 1 1 ubner, [.A. B amble round the world. pp. .'-Mill 438-49 I \l'\\ -681 I ipan, continued. I< Jin inn. J. D. < Inn. 1 and fapan, 1 1| 97-"J5 45' 5- K nox, T. \V. Boj ii' elei in Japan and < hin. 1, pp. 72 517 \'~,2 5 ; Leyland, K. W. Round the world in 124 daj 1. pp. 1 ;i 222 1 1 Hiphant, I.. Eai I >.f Elgin mi ■- to 1 liiu.i and Japan. pp. 358 471). . . 451-7 Prime, E. I>. 1.. Around the world, pp. 15-'.)' Pumpelly, K. Arm Amei I Asia. pp. 76-202 t; s 7 s Richardson, I'. N. Girdle round the earth, pp. 22 -Si 43S-775 Seward, W. II. Travels around the world, pp. 39-294 t> s s i Taylor, li. Visit to India, China ami Japan in 1S33 450-86 -Wood, \V. M. Fankwei; or, the San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan, pp. 295-319 45°-97 3. Missions. Carrothers, Mrs. J. D. Sunrise king- dom. 1 1 879 1 2652-25 Bainbridge, W, V. Along the lines al the front. pp. III-I2J 2636-2 Eby, C. S. Signs of the times in new fapan. /<.■ Cook, J. Current religious perils, pp. 176-179 204-231 I ,owrie, J. <'. Manual of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian church. pp. 142-146 2635-4 \rvius, II. S. C. Our life in China, pp. 29-326 2651-6 Pitman, K. R. Central Africa, Japan and Fiji. pp. 105-196 263-7 ./. Miscellaneous. — Education in Japan: a series of letters ad- dressed by prominent Americans to Arinori Mori 3795 2 -4 — Greey, E. The golden lotus and other le- gends of Japan 3852-4 Jarves, J.J. Glimpses of the art of Japan. 70952-5 — Lanman, C. leading men of Japan. . 41141 5 Wertheimber, 1.. The Muramasa blade : a roni.ii: , Japanese in America. Lanman, C, ed. . 4739-5 jAPHEl in search of a father. Marryatt, Frederick. Japp, Alex. Hay, ill. A. Page, pseud.) Golden li\e~: biographies for the day. 1 •• 1873. 12° 4104-75 Contents. — Faraday. — Edward Denison. — Walter Powell. — Geo. Cotton. — Thos. Brassey. — Win. Burns. — Hugh Miller.— Allies Jones. — Frederick Perthes -John Keblc. Master missionaries; chapters in pioneer effort throughout the world. L., 1SS0. 12 *H9 5 I \vv, A. II., continued. Ii.ivi the Indiani. Samuel and 1 .... t».— Di Ja». Stewai I In w 11 1:1... 1 Living • 1 I I and fi men I rhos. DeQuincey : his life and writings. 2 v. in I. N. V.. 1877. 12° (E.I ty, pseud.) Wise v. and loving deed I.., 1880. 12°. . . • / 1 Lady Duff don— Sarah Martin.— Ann ["ayloi -Charlotte Elliott.— Madame 1 'eller.— Haroness ISunsen — lia Sieveking. — Mary Carpenter.— Cathcr- iiii- Tail , Win. II. Ericsson's destroyer and .1 .nine gun. N. V., 1885. 12°.. 6254 5 - Heavy ordnance for national defence. \ V"., 1886. 12° 6234-51 Modern armour for national defence. V V., 1886. 12° 6234-52 • Torpedoes for national defence. X. \ .. 1886. S" 6239-4 [ARDINE, David. Narrative of the gui. ,ler plot. L., 1857. 8° ."7-5 [ardine, Robert. Elements of the psychol- ogy of cognition. 1 ., 1S74. 12°. . . 181-5 fARDINE, Sir Win., Scottish naturalist, 0. about l8oo-(/. 1S74. ed. Naturalists' li- brary, 40 v. and author of v. 1 - S, 14, 16, 21, 23, 27 and 3S. For contents S,r Naturalists' library 59°-5 Notes. In Wilson, A. American ornith- ology 598-95 JARGAL. Hugo, Victor. Jarl's daughter. Burnett, Frances (II). . Jean. Pelletan, F. Pastor of the desert, Jean Jarousseau 512B2 JARVES, Deming. Reminiscences of ; making. X. V., 1865. 12° 666-5 . I 1 . Jackson, I n'ter, i. 1818 . Sarah >l iving ton), wife 0) /bin fay,b. i757-79-6 Woods, C'i. I!. Essays, sketches and sto- ries, pp. 144140 965E5 liartl d. 1, ! 11 Quei '>■ pp- 37 ; v v Holloway, L. C. Ladie of the White house, pp. 126 132 41 Parton, I. Pei I of biography. 73 410-82 lii. 1 />. 1743-r/. 1826. Writin| utc~ biography, correspondence, repo ages, addresses and othei writings official and private; published by the order of the joint committee of I on the Library, from the original manu- scripts deposited in the Department of State; with explanati table- of content-, and a copious index to each volume, a- well as a general index to the whole, by the editor, II. A. Wash- ington. 9 vols. X. V., 1853-56. 8°. Contents.— v. 1-2. Autobiography Letter written before his mission to F.urope, 1773-81. Letters written while in Europe, 1784-89. Letters written while in Lurope, 1789: letters written after his return to the t'nited tes, 1790-93. 1 Lettei 1 . ;-i8o6. v. 5. Letters. 1806-11. v. 6. Letters, 1811-16. v. 7. Letters, 1816-26.— Reports and opin- ions while Secretary of State. V, 8. Inaugural addresses and messages. — Replies to public addresses. — Indian addresses. — Notes on Virginia -Biographical sketches of Peyton Ri Meriwether Lewis and I ■en. Kosciusko.— Anecdotes of Dr. Franklin. — The batture at New Orlcanv \ ... Parliamentary manual. — The anas, 1791-1806. — Miscellaneous papers. — Manual of parliamentary practice, for the use of the Senate of the United States. X. Y., 1S71. 12 3281 6 S me; [with] joint rules of both houses of Congress. X. Y.. 1S68. I2 D . . . . 3281-6 — Selections from speeches, letters, etc. In Chaplin, J., cJ. t'hips from the White House, pp. 88-110 8081-3 — Davis, T.J. Sketch of the life, character and public services of Thos. Jefferson. . 513B27 Morse, J. T., jr. Tiros. Jefferson. . . . 513I4 — Parton. J. Life of Thos. Jefferson. . . 513B5 Pierson, II. W. Jefferson at Monticello: private life of Thos. Jefferson ;i;l'.o Randall, II. S. Life of Thos. Jefferson. 3 v ...... . ;i;l - — Randolph. S. V Domestic life of Th.-. Jefferson 51388 Schmucker, S. M. Life and time; Thos. Jefferson 5'3B6 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders, pp. 17-134. 412-1S Bi ugham, II. Historical sketches of -late-men. x. 2. pp. 320-329. . . . 4IO-71 JEFFERSON. 684 — JENKINS. Jefferson, Thos., continued. — Boutwell, G. S. Speeches and papers re- lating to the rebellion, pp. I-S. . . 9S0S-2 — Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors, pp. 5-130. Review 240E1 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers oi the Declaration of independence, pp. 287- 296 4121-3 — Ellet, E. F. Court circles of the Repub- lic, pp. 57-79 4' 239-3 — Frost, J. Presidents of the U. S. pp. 77-102 4'2-43 ■ — Homes of American statesmen, pp. 79-94. 412-53 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers of the Declaration of inde- pendence, pp. 174-1S3 4121-53 — Parker, T. Historic Americans. pp. 233-295 412-7 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP- 346-356 410-82 — Stoddard, W. O. John Adams and 1 lios. Jefferson, pp. 175-35S 412-88 — Waldo, S. P. Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes. pp. 367-392. Familiar letters of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson 4121-9 — Webster, D. Discourse in commemora- tion of the lives and services of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson. In Ameri- can oratory, pp. 475-5°3 8152-2 Same. In Speeches, pp. 183-226. . . 815-9 — Whitelock, Wm. Life and times^of John Jay. pp. 306-324. Election of Jefferson. 512B6 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 438-440 410-975 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, Scottish critic, />. 1773-1/. 1850. Contributions to the Edin- burgh Review. 4v. in 1. 1'.., 1S56. 8°. 513E5 — Carlyle, T. Reminiscences, pp. 269-322. 411-27 — Chambers' papers. Historical and litera- ry celebrities, pp. 257-2SS 410-25 — Edgar, ]. <",. Boyhood of great men. pp. 63-71 4'°-44 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 189-299. Jeffrey and Coleridge. . 418-431 — McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, pp. 337-345 1621-48 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of British authors, v. 3. pp. 273-325. . 4182-56 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 73- So - 4 IO "934 — Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. pp. 282-285 4104-85 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and review,. V. 2. pp. 99 [14. British critics. . . . 946E5 1 1 Ri 1 \ 1 iiner, Am. writer, l>. 1828. Marah. Phila., 1884. 12 . Jeffreys, Geo., baron Wan, fi. 1648-1/. 1689. 1 mpbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. pp. J93 I7i "• ■ • 4H-2S Jeffries, B. Joy. Color-blindness; its dan- gers and its detection. B., 1879. 12 . 61 1 5-5 Jf.hl, Francis. Edison electric light meter. In Moncel, T. and Preece, \V. 11. In- candescent electric light, pp. 87-103. 5384—3 [EHOIADA. Hills, O. A. Companion char- acters: studies in Bible biography, pp. 189-204. Jehoiada and Joash 2217-47 Jehu, king of Israel. Headley, J. T. Sa- cred heroes and martyrs, pp. 387-402. 2217-45 Jekyi.l, Joseph. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 273-281 411-56 Jelf, R. W. Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England ; ed. by J. R. King. L., 1S73. 8° 2383-5 Jelly-fish. Romanes, G. J. Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins 593—7 Jenghiz Khan. See Gengis Khan. JENKIN, Mrs. Chas. Madame de Beaupre. N. Y., 1869. 16 . — Psyche of to-day, [and] Tw'o French mar- riages. Leipzig, 1868. 16°. — Skirmishing. Leipzig, 1863. 16 . — "Who breaks — pays." Leipzig, 1861. 16°. - Within an ace. N. V., 1875. l6 °- JENKIN, Pleeming, Eng. scientist, b. 1833-rf. 1885. Electricity and magnetism. N. Y., 1873. I2 °- Same, 1875. Same, 1878. Same, 1S83 537-5 — Stevenson, R. L. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin 5>4 B 4 Jenkins, Edward, ling, author, i>. 1838. Ginx's baby, his birth and other misfor- tunes. Lord Bantam. 2 v. in I. Leip- zig, 1872. 16 . — Little Hodge. X. V.. 1S73. 12 . — Paladin of finance; contemporary man- ners. B., 18S2. 12°. — Secret of her life. N. Y., 1S86. 12°. — Secret of two lives. L., 1886. 12°. — The coolie: his rights and wrongs. N. V., 1871. 12° 3 262 -4 Jenkins, John Stillwell, Am. writer, b. 1818. Exploring expeditions in the South Seas and ihe Pacific. II. t. p. 16° 49°-5 2 Heroine, of history. Auburn, X. Y.. 1856. 12° 413-54 History of the war between the United States and Mexico. Auburn, 1850. 12° . 9905-5 Life and public services of Gen. Andrew fackson ; with the eulogy delivered at Washington City, June 21, 1845, by Hon. Geo. Bancroft. Phila., 1880. 12°. 510B3 Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, Auburn, 1850. 8° 202B1 Life of Silas Wright. Auburn, \. Y., 1847. 8° 975B2 JENKINS. -685- [ER0M1 Jenkins, I. S., continutd. \ 1 13 age ol iIm' 1 . S. exploi ing quadron 1 landed by Capt. ' has. \\ ill 1 the United States navy in 1838-42 gether with explorations and di made by Admiral DM n tile, 1 lapl Ross and other navigatorsand travelers, and .in ai counl ol the ex pedil ion lo the I )ead Sen undei I .ieut. Lynch, n. t. P- 8" '..'... 437-51 Jenkins, Robert) ., M. ./. Heraldry: Eng- lish and foreign; with a dictionary "i heraldic terms. I.. 1886. 12 . . . 4196 Storj "I the Carafla, the | tificate of Paul tV, wiili all that followed after his death in the pontificate of Pius IV, to- gether with the deaths inflicted upon his nephews and the extirpation of the Papal hunch of the House of Carafla. I.., 1886. 12° 204B7 h nkin ."V Anthony Frost, '1. Half- hours with the early explorers, pp. 13S-150 ' -»;; \, [enkinson, Robert Banks, ad earl of Liver- pool, b. 1770-1/. 1S28. Brougham, 11. Historical sketches of statesmen, v, 1. pp. 417-426 1 11 1 1 1 odge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Gt. Britain, v. 8. pp. 253-261. 411-65 JENKINSON, Thos. B. Ama/ulu: the Zulus, their past history, manners, custom and language; with observations on the country and its productions, climate, etc., Zulu wai and Zululand since the war. I.., 1SS4. 12° 9683-5 [enner, /'■. Edward,*. 1749-1/. 1823. Ma- son, [.. ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 440-446 410-7 Taylor, W. C. Modem British Plutarch, pp. 217-221 li'~97 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 188-194 609-79 - Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 175-195 4'°-945 JENNESS, Mrs. Theodora 15. Two young homesteaders, 1'.., 1S80. 12 . Some Indian schools. In How to learn and earn. pp. 321-346 3719 | — Same. In Curious schools, pp. 321-346. 379-3 Jennings, Frances, duchess of Tyrconnel. Jameson, A. M. Beauties of the Court of Charles II. pp. 278-504 411-55 Jesse, J. 11. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. f. !• pp. 231-243 411-5S Jennings, Geo. Henry, ed. Anecdotal his- tory of the British parliament, from the earliest perio.lv to the present time; with notices of eminent parliamentary men. 1... 1SS0. 8° 32842 1 1 i : The Rosicru their rite- and mysteries. I ., 1870. 12 Jennini 1 i epub- lican government in the I ite». N. V., 1868. 12° paths and green Ian. .,1111- try walks chiefly in Surrey and Sir 1 \. Y., 1S78. 12° 4422-5 Mi. Gladstone: a study. I.., 1887. »*° • • 424B7 , ,-,/. Correspondence and diaries of John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Ad- miralty, 1809-30. 2 v. N. Y., 1 8° 254B8 I ert. ' attle and then e.i -r,. Phila., 11. d. 12° 637 45 Jiw. and the insects ; or, little toilers and their industries. I.., [880. 12°. . . . 5957-52 Jenyns, A'.;. T. 1.. Book about bees, their history, habits and . together with the first principles of modern bee- keeping ; with an introduction by Bar- oness Burdett-Coutts. I.., 1886. 12°. 639-5 Jenvns, Soame. Essays. In British • ists. v. 22-23 IS4K1 T 1- 1 ■ 1 1 Til Alt, judge if Israel, about 1200 B. C. Boxer, J. Sacred dramas. pp. 105- 174. Jephthah's daughter '79C2 — Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs, pp. 192-201 2217 4; Jerdan, \\"m,. British writer, i. iyS2-d. 1869. Men I have known. I... 1866. ■2° 4' 1 5" Personal reminiscences. /« Stoddard, K. H., ed. Moore and Jerdan. pp. 17; 288 4182-88 — Sleepless woman. In Club-book, v. 1. pp. 197-210. Dix, J. Lions: living or dead. pp. 94- 96 410-4 — I.anman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 22S-231 4'2-5 s Mi DON, Gertrude. Keyhole country: a story about things you would certainly see if you went through the keyhole. I .. 1S85. 12 . Same. B., 1886. . . Jeremiah, prophet of fudah, about 600 B. C. Headley. J. T. Sacred hcn.es and mar- tyrs, pp. 433 448 221- ;; 1 Testament. Jericho road : a story of western life. cage. 1S77. 16°. Jerome, [Euseiius Hieronymus Sophrtn saint, Latin father, n, about 340-1/. 420. 1 nit-. E. I . Saint Jerome 5151-2 JEROME of Prague, Bohemian reform about 1378-1/. 1416. Lloyd. Mrs. W. K Watchers for the dawn. pp. 24-69. . 2706-55 JEROME BONAPARTE. 686 — JERUSALEM. JEROME Bonaparte, king of Westphalia, b. 1784-rf. i860. Saffell, W. T. B.,ed. Bon- aparte-Patterson marriage in 1S03, and the secret correspondence on the subject. 172B2 T f.rome, Chauncey. McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 312-322 4 I2 3-6 — Parton, J. Captains of industry. pp. 79-88 4169-7 People's book of biography, pp. 209- 214 410-82 JEROME, Ferris. High water mark. Phila., 1S79. 12°. JEROME, Leonard \V. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. pp. 19S-203 ... 41247-3 Jerrmann, Edward. Pictures from St. Pe- tersburg. N. V., 1S52. 12 4474-5 JERROLD, Alice. Cruise in the "Acorn." a. t. p. 8° 381-S2 Jerrold, Douglas Wra., Eng. author, h. 1803-1/. 1857. Works ; with life by W. Blan chard Jerrold. 5 v. L., 11. d. 12°. V. I-4 828-5 v. 5 515B5 Contents.— v. 1. St. Giles and St. James.— Punch's letters to his son. v. 2. Story of a feather. — Cakes and ale. v. 3. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. — Men of character. — Punch's complete letter. v. 4. A man made of money. — Sketches ot the English. — Chronicles of Clovernook. — The sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf. v. 5. Memoir, by W. B. Jerrold — Barber's chair and the hedge hog letters : ed. by B. Jerrold. L., 1874. 12°. . . 827-64 — Fireside saints, Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk and other papers. B., 1873. '6°. History of St. Giles and St. James. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1852. 16 . — Man made of money, and Chronicles ot Clovernook. Phila., n. d. 12°. Men of character. 2 V. in t. Leipzig. 1852. 16. — Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. n. t. p. 12° 827-642 Story of a feather. L., n. d. 4°. — Clarke, C. and M. C. Recollections of writers, pp. 173-294 4182-3 Famous boys and how they became great men. pp. 216-236 410-48 Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 189-200 410-597 Ma ion, E. T., ed. Personal trails of Brit- ish authors, v. 4. pp. 127-170. . . . 4182-56 Jerrold, Wm. Blan chard, Eng. writer, son of preceding, />. i826- \v :i . 1 j 1 111 Syria. pp. 133-280 458-26 — Curzon, R. Monasteries of the East. pp. 143-203 271-3 Great sieges of history, pp. 12-55. . . 903-4 Johnson, Mrs. S. I'.. Hadji in Syria. . . 4581-5 — Jones, (1. Excursions 1.. Cairo, Jeru- salem, etc. pp. 146-307 458-51 [ERUS \l EM — 687 — [esi n - 1 1 1 1 inn. ontinued. Macleod.N. Eastward, pp. 117-215. . 458-61 Pi Mm-, E. D. G. Around the woi Id. pp ,75 388 438-74 \\ 1 ight, W. B. \n. ienl cities, pp, 2j; •I" 4" 1 9 Webb, Mrs. I. B, V or, the last da) i "I fei " lalem : 1 romance, — See also Jews, Palestine. |m 1 mm delivered. Tasso, I 8512 o 1 1 i\ 1 , , Caroline Howard, joint author. Gil- man, Caroline and Jervey, Caroline Howard. Stories and poems 4- [ A7 [ervis, Lady J. \V. Stories of boy genius fiimi tin- Ini'. nl gic ii i ■■■ 1 11 1 t-i ■- 11. 1. p. 1 6° 4'74-5 Contents.— Michael Angelo Buonarroti. — Cor- rcgio.— Banholomcw Esteban Murillo.— Si 1111, Gome/.— David Tcniers. — Anthony Wal ii-.ivi, — Giotto. — Ribera.— l'crugino. — Salvator Rosa— Dirk [ervis, John, earl St. Vincent. Brougham, II. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. I. pp. 4.;7-448 4'°-'7 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 221-229 410-44 Sea kings ami naval heroes, pp. J08 3*8 . 4I59-3S Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. S. pp. 243- 254 t" "5 Jervis, Rev. W. Henley. The Gallican church: a history of the church of France from the Concordat of Bologna, 1516, to the Revolution; with an intro- duction. 2 v. 1... 1872. 8° 2744 4 History of France to the establisment of the second empire, 1852. X. Y., 1S62. "6° 944-47 JESS. Haggard, II. K. Jessamine. Terhune, M. V., (Marion Har- land, pseud.) JESSE, Edward, Eng. naturalist, it. 1868. Anecdotes of dogs. 1.., 1S58. 16 . . 798-5 — Favorite haunts and rural studies: in- cluding visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. I.., ■847- '2° 44-:-5 — Gleanings in natural history. L., 1870. 10°. . . . 50.14 5 JESSE, John lleneage, Eng. writer, d. 1S74. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. 3 V. !.., 1857. 12 . . 411 58 Contents. — v. 1. lames I. — Amu- of Den- mark.— Henry, prince of Wales.— Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia. — Lady Arabella Stuart. — Lodowiclc Stuart.— Frances Howard, duchess of Richmond. —Mary Villicrs. — Thomas 5a ville. — Robert Cecil.— Robert Carr. — Fr.u Howard, countess of Somerset. -Henry How* .ml — Mary, countess of Pembroke. — William Herbert— Philip Herbert. — James Hay -Fran- 1 1 i . I . I L, . ontinued. i i i ward Lord Hci Archce, til. rles I. v. i Henrietta Maria Henry, duke of i Mary, prii I lis* betb Anne Hi ' ' " leans.— George Villiers, duke of Buckingham.— rhomas Wentworth William I Henry Rich Lucius Cary, < of I ' ' Johi Oliver Crom veil family . — Charles II Catherine I Charles II Prince Rupert.- G v ''- liers. ad duke of Buckingham.- James, duke of Monmouth Maty Villiers, duchei of R mond— Mary Fairfax.— Barbara Villicrs, duch rss of < leveland I >ui e, duchess of Ports- mouth. — Hortensia Mancini.— Frances Stew- art.— Frances Jennings.— Charles Sackville —John Wilmot.— Henry Jcrmyn.- Elizabeth Butler. — Elizabeth Bagot. — Elizabeth Ham- ilton. — Anne, countess of Sonthcsk. — Su san. Lady Bellasyse.— Isabella, Lady Robarts — Anne Temple. —Miss Brooke.— Sir G< Etherege.— Sir Charles Sedley.— Thomas Killr grew.— William Chaffinch.— Henry Brounker.— Thomas Thynne. — Lucy Walters. — Nell Gwynn.— Mary Davis — Mrs Middleton.— James II— Anne Hyde —Mary of Modcna.— James Fitz-James.— Catherine Sedley.— Ara bl !!., Churchill Memoirs of the life and reign of King George the Third. ;, v. L., iS 4HB2 — Memoirs of the Pretenders and their ad- herents. 1 .., 1876. 12 4»-59 lis-11 ; or, trying to be somebody. Simonds, Wm., (W. Aimwell, pseud.) ■ ■ 826A44 Jessii Grey. 1 .. G. .... 516A1 Jessie's work. Shipley, M. F 824A63 . Geo. H.. joint author. Matthews, |. B. and Jessop, G. 11. Check and counter check. In Lippincott's maga- zine, January, 1888. JESSOPP, Augustus. Arcady foi Letter for worse: a study ,,f uiral life in England. X. V., 1887. 12° 442-502 \ illage life in Xorfolk 600 years ago. In Coan. T. M., ed. Historical studies. PP-i-53- JesSUP, Rev. Henry Hams. Syrian home life:ed. by Isaac Riley. X.V..1S74. 12°. 4579"5 Women of the Arabs; with a chapter for children. X. Y\, 1873. 12°. 2656-4 1 1 si book. Lemon, Mark, 1 1 1 , The. Spindler, C. Jesuits. Cartwright, W. C. The Jesuits: their constitution and teaching. . . 2715 ; Feval, P. The Jesuits 27 > 5-4 Griesinger, T. The Jesuits: a complete history of their open and secret proceed- ings from the foundation of the order to the present time 27'5-5 Kip. W. I. Early Jesuit missions in V>> tli America - } . JESUITS. 688 JESUS CHRIST. Jesuits, continued. Historical scene-- from the old Jesuit missions 2632-4 — Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. 2715-6 — Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 971-61 — Pascal, B. Provincial letters 208-69 Quick, R. 11. Schools of the Jesuits. . 37094-7 — Seymour, M. II. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome 2715-7 Wilmot, A. History of the Society of Jesus 2715-9 — Carlyle, T., ed. Latter day pamphlets. pp. 249-2S6 206E5 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs of re- ligious history, pp. 262-274 204-165 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 222- 225 920-25 — Compayre, G. History of pedagogy. pp. 138-163. The teaching congrega- tions, Jesuits and Jansenists 37 9-j — Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure, pp. 141-156. Jesuits' relations 436-4 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp. 99-143 204-53 — Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions: their agents and their results £632-5 — Nevin, R. P. Black robes ; or, sketches of missions and of ministers, pp. 7-83. 267-6 Sanctis, L. de. Rome, Christian and Pa- pal ; with notices of the Jesuits and the Inquisition 2824-7 — Smet, P. J. de. Western missions and missionaries 267S-7 Smith, J. M. Stars of the reformation, pp. 145-152 2706-72 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy; Catholic reaction, v. I. pp. 229-300. 94506-7 Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese South America during the colonial pe- riod. 2 v. L., 1884 992-95 See also Ignatius de Loyola. Jesuit's ring. Hayes, A. A. Jesus Christ. Abbott, E. A. Philochris- tus: memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. 2329-107 Alibi, tt, I.. Jesus of Nazareth 2329-11 Alexander, W. Witness of tin- Psalms to Christ and Christianity 2246-1 Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord. . . . 2329-13 Baker, W. \l. Ten theophanies. . . . 232-15 ■ Bascom, J. Words "I Christ as princi- ples of personal ami social growth. . . 2272-2 Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus the Christ. 2329-16 Bernard, H.N. Mental characteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ 2329-17 Boardman, G. D. Divine man from the nativity to the temptation i\t\ 1 Boston M lay le. line ., I SS. 1 Si 1 'hiisl and modern thought 239-21 1 1 si Christ, continued. — Brooks, P. Influence of Jesus: lectures. 232-19 — Bruce, A. IS. Parabolic teaching of Christ 2272-3 — Bunsen, E. D. Angel-Messiah of the Buddhists, Essenes and Christians . . 290-35 — Bushnell, II. Sermons on Christ and his salvation 232-24 — Campbell, J. M'L. Christ the bread of life. 2613-3 — Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thos. Didymus, the Jewish skeptic 2329-2 — DeliUsch, F. Jewish artisan life in the time of Christ 2213-3 — Dixon, W. II. Holy land: illustrating the life of Jesus 2269-3 — Ecce Deus-homo 232-35 — Edersheim, A. Jewish social life in the days of Christ 2213-35 Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. . 2329-35 The temple, its ministry and services, as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. 22112-3 — Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on the divinity of Christ. . . . 2321-5 — Fairbairn, A. M. Studies in the life of Christ 2329-38 — Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. 2 v. . . 2329-4 Witness of history to Christ. [Hulsean lectures. 1870.] 239-36 — First steps for little feet in gospel paths. 2211-38 — Fleetwood, J. Life of Jesus Christ and the Apostles 2329-42 — Furness, W. H. Thoughts on the life and character of Jesus of Nazareth. . . 232-4 — Geikie, C. Life and words of Christ. . . 2329-45 — Gunsaulus, F. W. Transfiguration of Christ 2321-4 — Hanna, W. Life of Christ 2329-48 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. 290-47 — Harris. J. Great teacher 232-45 — Hausrath, A. History of the New Testa- ment times, v. 1. Time of Jesus. . . 2269-4 Haweis, II. R. Picture of Jesus: the Master 2329-49 — Hughes,'!'. Manliness of Christ. . . . 2329-52 — Huidekoper, F. Belief of the first three centuries concerning Christ's mission to the underworld 2324-4 — Huntington, F. D. Christ in the Chris- tian year, and in the life of man. . . . 252-51 - Jones, G. Life scenes from the four Gos- pels 2329-54 Kellogg. S. II. Light of Asia and the Light of the world 2932-5 Kitto, J. Daily Bible illustrations: life and death of our Lord 2329-57 Lacordaire, J. B. II. Jesus Christ. . . 232-58 Leathes, S. Religion of the Christ. . . 232-59 I iddon, II. 1'. Divinity of our Lord .in. I Savioi fesus Christ 2321-5 [ESI S ci IK is I |ii iiiii i . , ontinued. Life of Jesus for young people ';-'> 6 1 ,01 mi' i , i .. C. |esus the woi Id Sa \ loin : » ho In- is, « liy hi ■ ' mi . .nid « li.ii he did McCook, H.C. w "ii" " fi iend of Ji Maui ii e, I D. K ingd ' i hrist. . . Moberly, ( i. Saying ol thi great fori | daj betw een I he resui i ei tion and as- cension 2325 s Mai ""in. 1 11, P, ( :. < iiiriii.il Christ. . . 2329 6 ( >lil picture Bible : a life of < -hrist writ- ten for children Parker, J. Ecce-Deus 2 ^j 72 I'.u ker, T. I 'eus 1 1 • 1 God man -'.;2 7; Rabbi Jeshua: an Eastern story. . 232s 6 Renan, E. Life of Jesus 2328 7 Riehm, E. Messianic prophec) 2203-75 Sadler, M. F. Emmanuel ; or, the incar- nation "l the Son pi 1 Sod, the foundation of immutable truth Si liili, P. Person of Christ 2.;-' 82 and Russell, N. Romance of M. Re nan and the Christ of the Gospels. . . 2521 55 Seeley, J. R. Ecce-Homo: survey of the life of Jesus Christ 2328 7s Seidel, M. In the time of Jesus, . . . 2211-81 Slitter, G., ed. Acta Pilati : being [Pi- late's] official report concerning the cru- cifixion of Christ 2324-7 Smith, II., 1 1 lesba Stretton, pseud.) Won- derful life 2320 85 Smyth, J. K. Footprints of the Saviour. 2321-6 Strauss, D. F. New life ol Jesus. 2 v. 2328 8 Stroud, W. Physical cause ol the death of Chrisl 2\n -8 Talbot, G. F, Jesus, hi- opinions and character 2328 9 Pesl imony "I 1 Ihrist's second appeal ing : published l>y the Shakers 2898 7 ["hompsou, J. P. Jesus of Nazareth. . . 2329—9 1 heolog) "i 1 hrist, from his own words. 232-88 Thomson, W, II. Great argument; or, Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. . . 1203 Townsend, I . T. God-man; search and manifestation 232 9 Upham, F. W. Wise men: who the) were and how they came to Jerusalem. 22152 81 Voice of Jesus suffering, to the mind and "ii Ihristians Walker, I. B. God revealed in the pro- "i creation, and by the manifesta- tion "I" Jesus 1 Ihrisl 210-93 Ware, II. Life of the Saviour 23 White, K. ( '•■ spirit Jesus Christ; or, the power of Christianity developing modern civilization. . . . 2J 1 ' nliiiu ,/. ng, J. CI Vounghusband, F, Story of out Lord. 2;.' O. A. Worl 4. pp. 140 172 .f Mediatorial life of J us-Ch ' • ■, M. A., i' "ill 1 1., Skirmishes and si - Chrisl I 1 ike, I - 1 Id and othi pp. 66 1 28. Je u Chrisl of history. 1 In 1 1 "i dogma - 1 G Iw in, P. ( >u( "f the pa >l . pp. 288 301. Strauss' Life of Jesus. 11 , W. Ideal man. In Fallacies in ■• Progress and poverty." Hey, J. F. Sacred heroes and n tyrs. pp. 47-' 5'9 2217 1; I lull, hi. 1. 1 . 1 ,. ( Sold foil hammered fi popular proverbs, pp. 67 78. . Hunter, H. Sacred biography, pp. 17" 596 "'7 >' Josephus, I-. Works, pp. 827 837. Kitto, I. History of the H"l> Bible, pp. 499-656. Life of Chrisl and hi- apostles 221 5 1 McWliinney, I. M. Reason and revela- tion, hand in hand. pp. 434 587. . . Swedenborg, I'.. Heavenly doclrii the Lord. In Man. I B. 1 ■■'. Swed- enborg library, v. II — Wells, |a-. Christ and the heme- "f heathendom, pp. 17N214. Christ and his competitors l S°~9 I crich, E. P. Martyr of Golgotha: a romani e. 2 v. Ingraham, J. II. Prince "f the II (.f David : a romance. Wallace. 1 . Ben-hur : a tale of the Christ. also Atonement. Bible. Christian life. Christianity. Incarnation. Jus- tification. Miracles. Prophecy. Re- demption. Second advent. Trinity. I nitarianism. I 1 1 ■. 1 . M n j S. Mi school days in Pan-. n. 1. p. ' 16 . ' 516A8 1 , Frank 11> ron I i ist' n j of Creek lit- erature: from the earliest period to the deathol Demosthenes. X. V.. 1SS6. S°. |i\ii\-. Win. Mauley. Eng. econoi 1835-rf. 1882. Elementary lessons in logic, deductive and inductive; with questions and example-, and vocabulary of logical term-. I ... 1S74. 10. Same, 1878. 189-5 — Investigations in currency and finance. illustrated by 20 diagrams: ed. with in- troduction bj H.S. Fox well. C.iSsj.S Logic. X. V., 1879. id . [Science primers -eries] 189-51 fEVONS. 690 EWISH. Jevons, Wm. S., continued. — Methodsof social reform and other papers. I.., 1883. 8° .504-55 Contents — Amusements of the people. — Ra- tionale of free public libraries. — Use and abuse "f museums. — " Cram." — Trade societies : their object and policy. — On industrial partnerships — Married women in factories. — Manchester statistical society : Inaugural address. — British association: opening address as president of section F (economic science and statistics). — Cruelty to animals : a study in sociology. — On the United Kingdom alliance and its prospects of success. — Experimental legislation and the drink traffic. — On the analogy between the Post-office, telegraphs and other systems of con- veyance of the United Kingdom, as regards government control. — Post-office telegraphs and their financial results. — Postal notes, money orders, and bank cheques. — A state par- cel post. — Railways and the state. Money and the mechanism of exchange. N. V., 1876. 12°. [International sci- entific series.] 33 15 - Political economy. X. V., 1879. 2 4°- [Science primers series.] 33°-5' Principles of science : a treatise on logic and scientific method. 2 v. I.., 1874. 8°. Same. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 1875. . 189 411 State in relation to labour. L., 1882. 12°. [English citizen series] 3.?6-35 Jew, The. Spindler, C. Jew of Malta: a drama. Marlowe, C. Works, pp. 86-117 613C6 Jewel in the lotus. Thicker, M. A. Jeweled ministry ; or, the life of Rev. This. Collins. Coley, S 241B75 Jewell, Frederick S. Grammatical dia- grams, defended and improved; with directions for their proper construction and application; accompanied by a com- prehensive outline of classification, and a complete scheme of examples for prac- tice. N. Y., 1869. 12° "52-5 — School government. X. Y., 1S66. 12°. 3715-5 A ids to the study of the English language. In (lark, S. \Y. Analysis of the Eng- lish language. [Following page 168J. 115-22 Jewell, J. Grey. Among our -ailors; with appendix containing extracts from the laws and consular regulations governing the United Slates merchant service. X. Y.. IS74. 12° 651-4 [EWE] i:\. Hilling, A. Science of gems, jewels, coins ami medals, ancient and 'em 735 2 Plane, C, Art in ornament and dress. . 391 2 Barty, )' I hel >-d'" le and its furniture 2211 Randall, D, A. Ham-Mishkan, the won- derful tent 221 12 s 1 1 n ISH temple. Edei sheim, V. I he tem- ple, its ministry and ei vii <■ . < thej w ere al the tin f J< u Christ. . . . 221 1 2 | 1 1 \\ 1 1 1 , Llewellyn, Eng. author, i. iSin. Ceramic art of Great Britain. L.,n.d. 4° 737 ;.; Half-hours among some English antiq- uities. I., I S 7 7 . 12° 406-5 [EWRY, Mary, til. Warne'- model kery. I-. n. d. 12 '. 641 53 [EWS and Judaism. Suit-divisions: I. His tory and antiquities. 2. Biography. ;. Miscellany. /. History and antiquities. Allen. J. II. Hebrew men and times from ihe patriarchs to the Messiah. . . 221-13 Ancient nation, a sign and a wonder. . 221-15 Bramston, M. Judea and her rulers from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian 9'3-2 1 onder, C. R. Judas Macabseus and the Jewish war of independence 601B1 Ewald, H. Antiquities of Israel. . . . 296-32 Groot, N. G. de. History of the Israelites and Judseans. 2 v 01 ; 55 Hedge, F. II. Primeval world of lie brew tradition 2214-45 — Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews. . . . 91; | Hudson, E. II. History of tlu- fews in Rome, B. C. [60-A. D. 604 913-42 Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Rome, B. 1 . 70 A. I). 140 Josephus, F. Work- 913—5 Keary, A. Nations around 910-54 — Keith, A. I. ami of Israel 2209 51 — Mears, I. W. From exile to overthrow. 913-58 — Mills, A. Ancient Hebrews 221 65 Milnian, II. II. History of the Jews. . 913 6 Rothschild, C. ami A. .le. History ami literature of (lie Israelites 01; 7 Russell, M. Palestine ; or, the Holy land. 913 7; Schllrer, E. History of the Jewish peo pie in the lime of Christ 201. 82 Senior, II. W. J. British Israelites; 01. evidences of our Hebrew origin. . . . 2969-7 Stanley. A. I'. History of the Jewish church. 3 v 221 ss Hllotson, I. Historj of Palestine. . . . 221 01 Ewald, H. C. Studies restudied. pp. 1- ;s A bas le- Juifs ! 9306-3 J. Biography. — Aguilar, G. Women of Israel. 2 v. . 41; 14, - Set also Bible, biography. Also lives of I lisraeli. — Herod. — Montefiore. The Rothschilds. I i.'.- tlany. Beecher, C. Spiritual manifi 17; 2 1 iheim, A. Ji life in the days of ( Ihrisl I. Early Hebrew life: stud) in I, 3 B g [in and develop mcni of religious belief, v. 1 Grant, A, Nesl I tribes. 281 Neil, J. Palestine re-peopled; or, scat- tered Israel's gathering Schindler, S. Messianic expectations and modern Judaism Stallard, I. II. London pauperism amongst Jews and Christians 339-7 Wine, E. 1 . Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews Wise, 1. M. Judaism and < hristianity, their agreements and disagreements. . 200 ■, Andrew-, S. J. God's revelation of him- self to men. pp. 9-257 232-12 Bi line, II. R. F. Romance of trade. pp. 1-22 Brigham, C. H. Memoir ami papers. pp. 4'3-434 2-112 De Quincey, T, Avenger, etc. pp.265 327. Tradition- of the Rabbins. ... Esquiros, A. Dutch at home. pp. ;t) 364 M llahn, A. History of the argument- foi the existence of God. pp. 133-181. Ar- gumentation of the Jewish theosophy. 201 4; Koltzof-Massalsky, II. G. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation, v. 2 PP- lS-73 *J — Kuenen. A. National religion- and uni- versal religions, pp. 59-246 290-53 - l.illie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. pp. 1S0-202. The higher Judaism. . — Lowrie, J. C. Manual of the foreign mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, pp. 152-156. Mission to the lew - z<<;\ 4 Martineau, H. Easternlife. pp.347— 451. 459-55 Nott. J. C. and Glidden, G. R. Typesof mankind, pp. m-140 572 : Par ton, J. Topics of the time, pp.285 316. Our Israeli t ish brethren 71;! ; Rule, W. II. History of the Inquisition. V. 2. pp. 269-2S2 — Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. pp. W4 44 tylor, I. Fanaticism, pp. 269-309. . 272 i Taylor, M. C. Judaism. In Kaith- of the world, pp. 274-303 290-4 — Tertullian. Writing-, v. ;. In Ante- Nicene Christian library, v. iS. pp. 201-25S 2813-Q I EWS. — 692 J( IHN BURNS. Jews and Judaism, continued. — Young, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 293-396. [Missions to the Jews). . 263 9 Washburn, E. A. Epochs in Church history, pp. 328-348. Judaism and Christianity 204-94 — Eliot, George. Daniel Deronda. 2 v. — See also Bible. Jerusalem. Jesus. Jew- ish tabernacle. Jewish temple. Kab- balah. Literature, Hebrew. Talmud. JEWS of Barnow : stories. Franzos, K. E. . JEX-Blake. See Blake, Sophia [ex-. 1 11. 1. and Jack. Dillwyn, E. A. Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott, L. M. [Aunt Jo's scrap bag. v. 5.]. . . 114A24 Joab. Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and martyrs, pp. 322-342 2217-45 Joachim Di Flor. Renan, E. Studies in religious history, pp. 210-304 204-75 JOAN of Arc. See Dare, Jeanne. Joan, said to have been Pope. Rhoidis, Em- manuel. 1'ope Joan 516B7 JOAN, wife of Edward the " Black prince," b. about \},z\-d. 1385. Finch, B. C. Lives of the Princesses of Wales, v. I. pp. 1-99 4III-4 Joan. Broughton, Khoda. Joan the maid. Charles, Mrs. E. R. [Jeanne Dare] JOAN Wentworth. Macquoid, Katharine S. JOANNA of Navarre, queen of Henry II'. b. 1370-1/. 1437. See Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Various editions.] [OANNA /, queen of Naples, b. 1327-;/. 13S2. Ellet, E. F. Scenes in the life of Joan- na of Sicily 516B8 - Jameson, A. M. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. I. pp. 65-94. . 41 5-5 [OANNA //, queen of jVaples. Jameson, A. M. Memoirs of celebrated female sov- ereigns, v. 1. pp. 95-11 1 415-5 JoaSH) king of Israel. Hills, O. A. Com- panion characters ; series of studies in Bible biography, pp. 189-204. Jeho- ida and Joash 2217-47 Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. '.H )2 410-72 [OB Tufton's rest ; or, ways and means. Bal- four, Clara Lucas [32A62 Jobsiad. Kortum, Dr. C. A 834-5 Jocelini >. O'Leary, I. Most ancient lives of St. Patrick: including the life l>y Jocelin 7 ■ 7 1^7 [ocelyn' nn itake. Spendei . Mi r. 1 . 1\. Jocoseria. Browning, R i88< ! Joe and the Howards. Newhall, C. S. . . . 681A8 [1 1 Miller' je I book : ed. by M. I ^7 68 fOGI 1 . I aac, Jesuit missionary, /<. 1607 d. [i, |i.. M urray, J. O'K. < latholic pio- neers "f Amei ii a. pp. [98 210 1142-6 JOGUES, Isaac, continued. Sylvester, N. B. Historical sketches of northern New York. pp. 66-79. • ■ • 9^35 8 [ohannes Olaf. DeWille, Elizabeth. John, apostle, saint. Gospel of John. See Bible, A\"-5 JOHN, saint, of Damascus. Lupton, J. II. St. John of Damascus 5 1 7B1 JOHN I-XXIII, popes. See Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs. 2 v 2821-53 John, king of Ethiopia. De Cosson, li. A. Cradle of the blue Nile: visit to the court of King John of Ethiopia. . . . 463-28 JOHN Don, of Austria. Maxwell, W. Stir- ling-. Don John of Austria ; or, passages from the history of the 16th century, I547-I578- ' ' ?"' 1! " — Gordon, Janet. Inquisition of Spain. pp. 103-120 and 149-162 2722-4 John of Vincenza. Heroiclife. pp.m-122. 4'°4-5 JOHN and the demijohn. Wright, Mrs. J. McN 97.S-Y;2 John Andross. Davis, R. II. John Barlow's ward. N. V., 1881. 16 . John Bodewin's testimony. Foote, M. (II. I John Brent. Winthrop, T. I < ■ 1 1 N' Bull. Stephens, Sir J. F. J. Essays pp. 58-6S S50E1 [OHN Hull and his island. Blouet, Paul, (Max O'Rell, pseud.) 442-7' |OHN Bull junior; or, French as she is tra- duced. Blouet, Paul, I.Max O'Rell, pseud.) 1221-21 John Bull's neighboi in her true light : by .1 " Brutal Saxon." L.. 1884. 12 . . . 444 4 s John Burns of Gettysburg. Harte, F. P. Poetical works. pp. 97-104 i;i>< '-• |(HI\ 1:1 RNS. '■■- j I' 3-96 8< //; Poems ol American patriotism, pp. 222-227 80913-5 John Caldigate. Trollope, \n hi in) John Dane. Deni ion, M> r, M. (A). . . . 2.S, \n foiiN Dorrien, Kavanagh, Julia. |i • 1 1 n Ea* [and] Mamelon. T gee, A. \\ . John, Eugenie, (E. Marlit, pseud.), German it,<. .li5> JOHNSON, Ben. See Jonson, Ben. Iohn'son, Chas. F. Three Americans and three Englishmen : lectures read before the students of Trinity college, Hart- ford. X. V., 1S86. 12° 804-53 Contents. — Wordsworth. — Coleridge. — Shel- ley. — Hawthorne. — Emerson. — Longfellow. [OHNSON, Crisfield. One great force: the cause of gravitation, planetary motion, heat, light, electricity, magnetism, chemical affinity, and other natural phe- nomena. Buffalo, 1S68. 12 50T-5 [ohnson, Cuthbert \V. Farmer's encyclo- pedia and dictionary of rural affairs: embracing all the most recent discov- eries in agricultural chemistry. Phila., 1844. 8° 6303-4 [OHNSON, Edward. Domestic practice uf hydropathy. N. V., 1854. 12°. . . . 6157-5 [ohnson, Eliza (McCardle), wife of president [ohnson, 6. about \%OC)-d. 1876. Hollo- way, L. C. Ladies of the White house, pp. 584-605 4 '-239-4 [OHNSON, Ellen Frances (Terry). Our acre and its harvest, pt. 2. Special relief. pp. 273-512 9S04-2 [OHNSON, Esther, [Dean Swift's "Stella"] Fifty famous women, pp. 46-52. . . . 413-4' [OHNSON, Fred E. New South Wales, and how to get there; an emigrant's guide 1., Australia, via Cape of Good Hope under the auspices of the Xew South Wales government. I.. ,1886. 8°. . 4044 5 [OHNSON, H. CJ. Seventeen seventy-six and other poems. Cleveland, 1S77. 12°. 517C1 |.iiins.in, Hannah More. About Mexico, past and present. 1'hila.. 1S87. 12°.. 990-5 |OHNSON, Helen Kendrick. Roddy's ideal. N. Y., 1S76. I6' J 517A0 Roddy's reality. N. Y., 1875. in'-. . . 517A61 [OHNSON, [oseph. Willing hearts and ready hands: or, the labors and triumphs of earnest women. I.., 1869. 16°. . . . 396 5 [ohnson, Louisa. Every lady herownflow- ei gartlener. In Saxton's rural hand er. -•■ V V .. 1852. 12°. . 7'°2-5 [ohnson, M. O, Carrie Ellsworth; or, seed sowing. T... 1878. 12° 5'7Ag [ohnson, Oliver. Garrison and his time n. 1. p. 12° 406B2 JOHNSON, K. Byron. Very far west indeed : a few rough experiences on the north- west Pacific coast. L., 1872. 12°. . . JOHNSON, Reverdy, Am. statesman, b. 1796- d. 1876. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 402-407. . . . — Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 135-136 JOHNSON, Richard W. Memoir of Maj.- Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Phila., 1881. 47"-5 412-4 412-75 SS4B8 JOHNSON, Rossiter, Am. writer, b. 1840. His- tory of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada ; with account of the early attempts at colonization and struggles for the possession of the conti- nent. N. Y., 1882. 12° 9747-5 — History of the war of 1812-15 between the United States and Great Britain. X. V., n. d. 12° 9765-5 — Idler and poet. B., 1S83. 8° 517C4 — and others. Two fortune-seekers : and other stories. B., 1875. 16° 518A3 — ed. Little classics. 18 v. See Little classics. [OHNSON, Rev. Samuel, first president of Co- lumbia college, b. 1696-rf. 1772. Barnard, 1L, ed. Educational biography. pp. 43-52. [Biog. sketch] 4157-2 [OHNSON, Dr. Samuel, English -.writer, b. 1709-1/. 1784. Works; with an essay on his life and genius, by A. Murphy. 2 v. X. V., 1854. 8° 828-52 Contents. — v. 1. Essay on Dr. Johnson.— Rambler. — Adventurer. — Idler. — Rasselas: a tale. — Tales of the imagination. — Letters. — Irene. — Miscellaneous poems. v. 2. Lives of the poets. — Lives of eminent persons. — Political tracts. — Philological trail etc. — Miscellaneous tracts. — Dedications. — Opinions on questions of law. — Reviews and . riticisms. — Journey to the western islands uf Scotland. — Prayers ami meditations. : ed. by Rev. R. l.ynam. 6 v. 1.., 1825. 12° 828-53 Contents. — v. 1. Essay on Johnson's life and genius.— Rambler. v. 2. Rambler, continued. — The Idler. \ I Adventurer.— Lives of the English JIIM-IS v. 4. Lives of the English poets, continued. — Lives of eminent persons. v. 5. Philological tracts.— Political tracts,— Mi cellaneous tr.u is Dedications.— Reviews and criticisms. v. 6. Journey to the western islands of Scot land.— History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia — Tales of imagination —Poems. — Poemata. — Letters.— Prayers and meditations.— Sermons. — Lives of the most eminent English poets: with nous by Peter Cunningham and a life of the author, by T. B. Macaulay. 2 v. Phila., [864. 12° 41821-5 |< >II\S( >\ ll 'I I Johnson, Dr. S., continued. Live "l i he E ngli ill pocl z v. in i I.eip 1858 n. li 1 11 es ol tin- mosl emineri 1 1 ngli h poel with critical ob ervation on theii works. 4 v. iii 1. Aberdeen, [847. 12°. ... p it Rasselas, Prince of Vbyssinia. N, \ .. 1854, 11. . 1 "i rei Lion and illustral s. In Shakes- peare, W. Dramatic works: ed. by I. Reed 823 7 Preface. In Shakespeare, W. Complete « 01 ks : ed. by W. Hai ness. pp. .! in. {23 Essays. In British essayists, v. id 18, 22-24 end 2; 184E1 Boswell, J. Journal of toui to I tebi ides « ith Samuel [ohnson \\ 1 2 Life oi Samuel Johnson, including his tour i" the 1 Eebrides, coi respondeni e with Mrs. Thrale, eti 517R41 Mason, E. T., ed. Samuel Johnson, his « ords and his ways 517B46 Religious life and death of S. fohn on. 517B48 Stephen, Leslie. Samuel Johnson. . . 517B5 Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, ser. 2. pp. 109-U8 153E4 Bolton, S. R. Poor boys win* became famous, pp. 83-89 410-16 Books and authors. Seeinda 804-23 Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 4. pp. 67 131. Review of Boswell's Johnson 206E2 - Heroes, hero-worship, etc. pp.143 l,v> " I'" -' 1 — Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. IT- - s 35 4«° (2 1 rosland, Mrs. N. Memorable women. pp. 53-180. Madame D'Arblay and Mrs. Piozzi M3-28 Drake, S. A., <■,/. Our great benefactors. PP- 43-46 ,i.. , 2 Kdgar, J. G, Boyhood of great men. PP- 53-63 4'o-44 Hale, K. E., ed. Lights of two centu- ries, pp. 175-1S8 HO-536 Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. PP- 45-5° 2941 45 Home pictures of English poets, pp. 192-21" ' 821 t s Macaulay, T. li. Biographical essays. PP- 137 |S .; 003L15 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 21 ; 218 410-7 - Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 104-107 !i,> -s Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians, pp. 210-214 • 937-6 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. V. 2. pp. 10-24. Review of lives of the poets S.'i 7N Russell, A. P. Characteristics, pp. S«-73 :i:ll.d. . \\ . Livi dramali is. pp. 500 505. |i John \m 11 n liberal education, pp. 313-363 Johnson, Walter Rogers. lm. chemist and geologist, b. i;94-. 1 7 1 5 ./. I 774. Stone. W. L. Life and times of Sir Wm. Johnson, Hart. . . . 517B6 — Sylvester, N. B. Historical sketches ..i northern New York and the Adirondack wilderness, pp. 116-12;. . Johnson, Wm. Samuel. Beardsley, 1 1 Life and times fW. S. Johnson. . . . > 1 7 J : 7 Johnson manor. Kent. L [OHNSTON. - 696 — JOLLY. Johnston, Adelia A. F. Oberlin college. In Brackett, A. C, cd. Education of American girls, pp. 329-345 3/6-2 Johnston, Albert Sidney, Confederate gener- al, b. 1826-d. 1862. Johnston, Win. I'. Life of Gen. Albeit Sidney Johnston. . 51 7 1 •> > - Pollard, E. A. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 271-283 41225-5 Johnston, Alex., Am. publicist, b. 1849. Connecticut : study of a commonwealth- democracy. B., 1SS7. 12°. [Ameri- can commonwealth series] 9826-5 History of American politics. N. V. 1SS0. 16° 329-5 History of the United Slates, for schools with an introductory history of the dis- covery and English colonization of North America, with maps, [dans, illus- trations and questions. N. V., 1886. 12° 07 J 52 JOHNSTON, H. II. Kilima-Njaro expedi- tion: record of a scientific exploration in eastern equatorial Africa and a gen- eral description of the natural history languages, and commerce of the Kilima- Njaro expedition. L., 18S5. 8°. . . 4678 , River Congo from its mouth to B616b6; with a general description of the natu- ral history and anthropology of its west- ern basin. L., 18S4. 8° 40/5-5 JOHNSTON, Henry 1'. Yorktown campaign anil the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. X. V., 1SS1. 8° 9754-5 Johnston, Lieut. Jas. D., l~. S. N. China and Japan : being a narrative of the cruise of the I*. S. steam frigate " Pow- hatan" in the years 1857-60 including an account of the Japanese embassy to the United States. Phila., 1S61. 12°. . . 451-52 Johnston, Jas. F. W. Chemistry of com- mon life. 2. v. N. V., 1856. 12 . Same, 1873 000-5 Lectures on the general relations which science bears to practical agriculture. V \., 1850. 12° 631 43 Johnston, John, / /.. /'., Am. scientist, b. [806 V. 1S70. Manual of natural philos- ophy. Phila., 1858. 12". Same, 1867. 530-52 [ohnston, Joseph Eggleston, Confederate gen- eral, b. 1809. Narrative ol military op- erations directed during the late war be tween the tate i VS.. 1S74. 8°. . 981 1 5 Pollard, I . \. I iic of R. E. Lee. pp. 137 -»"> 41225-5 Johnston, Keith. Thomson, J. To the Centra] African hike- anil hack. pp. xiii-xix. [Biographical notice.] . . - 4676 8 Johnsti in, M.11 \. Ellet, II w omen of ■ In \ in. 1 1. .in re> olution, pp. 206 _'i s 1 1 2 1 ; , Johnston, Richard Malcolm, Am. writer, b. 1822. English classics : historical sketch of the literature of England from the earliest times to the accession of King George HI. Phila., 1S60. 12 . . . . 820-5 Mr. Absalom Billingslea and other Geor- gia folk. X. V., 188S. 16 . — Old Mark Langston : a tale of Duke's creek. N. V.. 18S4. 12°. — Dukesborough tales. /// Watterson, 11.. ed. Odditieso.f southern life. pp. 329- 4'4 817-94 Various languages of Billy Moon. /// Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous master- pieces, v. 1. pp. 236-252 Si 7-63 [OHNSTON, Wm. England as it is, political, social and industrial, in the middle of the 19th century. 2 v. L., 1851. 8°. 442-51 [OHNSTON, Wm. Preston. Life of Gen. Al- bert Sidney Johnston, embracing his services in the armies of the United States, the republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. N. Y., 1879. 8°. 517B9 JOHNSTONE, Chas. Scott, W. Lives of em- inent novelists and dramatists. pp. 598-604 4182-82 [ohnstone, H. A. Munro-Butler. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. Oxford, 1875. 12°. Same. Phila.. 1875. 447 51 [ohonnot, Jas., Am. writer, b. about 1823-//. 1888. Principles and practice of teach- ing. X. Y.. 1S83. 8° 37>-5 — ed. Geographical reader. X. V., 1884. 12° 4204-5 — Natural history reader. X. V., 1883. 12° 589-5 6 Joined to an idol. M., G. S 518A8 I01NVILLE, Jean, or Jehan, Sire de, French chronicler, b. [224-rf. about 1317. Saint Louis king of France : tr. by las. Hut- ton. L., 186S. 1 6° 586B3 -- Memoirs of Louis IX, king of France, commonly called Saint Louis. /// Chronicles of the Crusades, pp. 343 500 2704 65 — Stmics of the olden time: from Joinville and 1- ioiss.it t : ed. by M. Jones. I.., n. d. 12 9208 55 |nk \\. Maurice, or Maurus, Hungarian writer, b. 1 S 2 5 . . Zimmern, II. and A. Foreign novelists, pp. 144-153. [Biog. sketch and extracts] 80S-99 Ioliet, Louis. Parkman, F, La Salic. pp. 18-72 071 62 Shea, [. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley, pp. lxxviii- Ixxxvii 987 84 [olly, Emilj . ' olonel I »acre. V V., 1874, 8°. lOl.l.Y. JO I • 1 1 i \ fellowship. Stockton, Frank R. 854A2 foi 1 y good 1 1. Smith, Mrs. M. P. I 1 1'. I home, p tud.) 836 ^82 |c 11. 1 \ g I 1 ■ 1 hool. Smith, Mt . M. P. (W.), (P. Thome, pseua |olv, Nil olas, Frttti [812 m ,1, before metals. V \ ., 1883. 12 . [International scientific series.] . . . 57' 5 [umini, Henri, baron, geinrnl, 6. 1779 1869. \n of war: ir. by G. H. Mendell and W, P. Craighill. Phila., 1879. [2°. 155 5 Political and military histor} ol the cam- paign of Waterloo: tr. bj S. V. Benet. V \ ., [860. 12 94455 5 [1 1\.^ ( lim. In King, R. I ale . 1 ■ men and women 534^5 |i inas series. See Abbott, Jao [onathan. Hills, O. A. Companion char- acters: studies in Bible biography, pp. 156-170. David and Jonathan. . . . 2217 47 [onathan. Sliilell, .1/;.,. Edward, (I 1 Fraser-Tytler, pseud.) [ones, — , (A roving printer, pseud.) Life and adventures in the South Pacific. N. V., 1861. 12 496-5 Agnes Elizabeth, />. ts;,2 d. [868. I'na and her paupers: memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones, by her -ister: with introduction by Florence Night- ingale, an introductory preface by Rev. II. \Y. Beecher, and supplementary chapter on hospital nursing and train- ing in the United States, by the author of "Woman's work in [he < i \ i 1 war." \. V.. (872. 12° 518BI Homes and hospitals; or, two phases of woman's wink j- exhibited in the labors of Amy DuttOn and Ague- E. Jones. pp. 161 J33 300B1 - Blaikie, W. G. Leader- in modern phi! anthropy. pp. 279-296 4156-2 Uarton, I M. Heroism of Christian wo- men of our own time. pp. 17-4S. . . 11; 3 Japp, Alex. II., ill. A. Page, / 1. olden lives, pp. ;i4 .-.,1 4104 75 Jones, Alfred. Homes of the poor in West- minster. I... 1S85. S° 339 56 Jones, B. W. The peanut plant, its cul- tivation and uses. V Y.. 1SS5. '-' • 6339 Jones, Col. Buehring II. Sunny-land; or, prison prose and poetry. Baltimore, [868. 12 . JONES, C. A. Only a girl: a tale of Brit- tany. X. V., n. d. 1 JONES, Mrs. C. S. ,;/;./ William-. Menu I'. Household elegancies: suggestions in household art and tasteful home deco- 1 itions. N. Y.. 1S77. S -,,, 01 tinued. mam work —Wall pO keti \\ ■• > flow ing in imitation sprii. e, seed an fani ■ I work and I idil fane] work : hints and hel] home taste and recreations. N.Y., 1877. Ci'ntftits. Paper II i . I tan h 1 ! 1' tic 1 Eastei — Fire place papers.- S Shells and ornamental shell work. — Read work and bead n 1: cllaneous f inents and hints in household taste. t author. Williams, II. T. and]' Mrs. i . - Beautiful homes 746 9 \ . / I' iems : -elections from the literature of the S091-36 [ones, < has. 1 .. jr. Antiquitii I Southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . . 4°75-5 myths from the Georgia coast told in the vernacular. Ik. isss. 1 2 . I ONES, Chas. II. Africa: the history of ex- en in the leading authorities from Herodotus to Living,! . V \ . 1875. 8°. . . . 460-5 [ONES, (lias. Henry. Davault's mills. Phila., [876. i . lli-tory of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776: from the death of Montgomery to [he retreat ol the British army under Sir ( Suy L'arlelon. Phila., [882. S° 97S 1 5 I Macaulay ; his life, his writings. \. \ ., [880. 16 600B3 Short life of Wm. F.wart Gladstone; with extracts from his speeches and writings. N. Y.. 1SS0. [6° 424B8 Vers de societe: -elected from re- cent authors. N. Y.. 1876. 16°. . . . S096-45 [ONI s, (has. J. From the forecastle to the pulpit : fifty years among sailors, con- taining .111 account of a wonderful revi- val upon the sea; with introduction by W. P. Strickland. N. Y., 1 -54 l [ONES, Ethel, pseud. See Wharton. Thos. [ones, Eustace Hinton, hint author. Cox, G. W. .;«./ Tone-. E. H. Popular mances of the middle age 382 ; Tales of the Teutonic lands 8315-3 [ONES, Frank. Life of Martin Frobisher. Knight, containing a narrative of the Spanish Armada. I .. 1878. 12°. . . 383B6 JONES. - 698 - JONES. [ones. Rev. Geo., chaplain U. S. N. Excur- sions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus and Balbec from the U. S. ship " Delaware, 1 ' during her recent cruise; with an at- tempt to discriminate between truth and error in regard to the sacred places of the Holy city. N. V., 1836. 12°. . . 45S-51 Life scenes from the four Gospels. Phila., 1868. 12° 2329-54 - Life scenes from the Old Testament. Phila., 1870. 12° 2206-45 JONES, Geo., of (he X. Y. Tiiins. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 363-367 4181-3 — Kiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New- Yorkers, pp. 204-210 41247-3 [ONES, Rev. Harry. The regular Swiss round in three trips. L., 1865. 16° 4494-52 JONES, Henry. Social organism. //; Seth A. and Haldane, R. B., eds. Essays in philosophical criticism. pp. 1S7-213. 142-76 JONES, Henry, (Cavendish, pseud.) Laws and principles of whist stated and ex- plained and its practice illustrated. N. V., 1864. n.° 7SS-4 Jones, Henry Bence, /•'. A'. S.. />. 1813-^. 1873. Life and letters of Faraday. 2 v. Phila., 1S70. 8° 3381'.3 [ones, Hiram K. Lectures. In Concord lectures on philosophy. 1S82 143-2 [ONES, Inigo, Bug. architect, b. 1572-11'. 1653. Caldwell, II. Ait of doing our best. PP. 173-197 410-23 Mason, L, ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 282-2S4 410-7 [ONES, J. Foulkes. Egypt in its Biblical re- lations. L.. 11. d. 12° |l,j ^ Jones, Jacob, Am. commodore, l<. 1770-r/. 1850. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 1S5-202. . 41232-3 [ones, Jenkin Lloyd, joint author. Gannett, W. C. and Jones, J. L. Faith that makes faithful: [sermons.] 2S-' 307 [ones, John B., Am. Toriter, i. t8io-, John Paul, Scottish-Am. naval 1 /'. 17(7 •''• '792- Abbott, I . S 1 . Life of Rear-admiral John Paul Jones. . . . siNB; Mai 1 .11.M'. A. S. Life of Paul Jones. . 518B4 Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 9-34 41232-3 Glazier, \V. Heroes of three wars. pp. ' |S 1 (9 M23" I 1 [ale, E. I . Stoi tes "I the sea. pp. ■2/ Mb 437-45 Jones, J. P., continued. — Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals, v. 2. pp. 326-356 4121-46 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP- 334-339 410-82 — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 3°3-3°9 410-92 -Waldo, S. P. Distinguished American naval heroes, pp. 75-142 4121-0 — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 3. pp. 71-7S. 437-95 Wise, D. Vanquished victors, pp.13— 39. 410-97 JONES, Julia Clinton. Valhalla: myths of Norseland, a saga in twelve parts. X. V., ISSO. 12° 295-47 Junks, M. Story of Capt. Jas. Cook. n. t. P- 16 245B0 Jones, Miss M. F. M., joint author. Shel- don, E. A., Jones, Miss M. E. M. and Krusi, H. Manual of elementary in- struction 37 2 3-79 JONES-Parry. See Parry, S. H. Jones-. Jones, R. J. Cornewall. Ships, sailors and the sea. X. \ ., 1877. 12° 65145 [ONES, Rev. Sam P.. of Georgia. Sermons and sayings: ed. by W. M. Leftwich : with introduction by 1. W. Joyce, D. D. Cinn., 18S6. 12° 252-54 [ONES, Samuel. Pollard, E. A. Life of K. E. Lee. pp. 53°-534 41225-5 Jones, T. Percy, pseud. See \X . E. Aytoun. JONES, Tbos., Epi . or, the silent woman. — Alchemist, i atiline, hi ispii 1 Bartholomew fair.— Devil is an ass.— Staple f news.— New Inn Magnetii lady L'ale ol 1 tub.- Sad shepherd Fall of Mortimer.— 1 a is altered.— Entertainments. Masques, Bpj grams. — Forest. — Underwoods, — Legi vales. -Translations from I .utii poets. — Timber English grammai Jonsonus Virbius; or, the memory of Ben I on ion Alchemist. Epicoene. Every man in his humor. In British dramatists, pp. 142-236 8223-2 ■ Alchemist. In Tauchnitz, B-, ed. Five centuries of the English language and literature, pp. 17; 276 8209 86 — Selections. In Crawford, ( ). English comic dramatists, pp. 13-56 822-26 joint author. See Chapman, G. Works. 221(1 — Symonds, J. A. Ben Jonson 518B5 Coleridge, S. T. Works. \. 4. pp. 185-199. Notes on Hen Jonson. . . . 828 J2 Disraeli, 1. Amenities of literature, v. 2. pp. 24! 2.(7 804-35 Gifford, Win. Memoir of Ben Jonson. In Campbell, T. and others. Lives of British dramatists, v. 1. pp. 101 -2},2. 41S22 ; Knight, C. Once upon a time. pp. I57-i8o 538E4 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 166-170 110 7 — Ward. T. II.. ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 1-7 8092-9 — Whipple. E. I'. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 86-118 8203-9 Essays ami reviews. v. 2. pp. 24-38. Old English dramatists 946I , Jonvi u \, Emile. Two years in East Af- rica: adventures in Abyssinia and Nu- bia, together with a journey to the sources of the Nile. I ., 1 S 7 5 . 16 . . 462S-6 1, David A Man 1 1 1 1 M ' .^O, |K7n. I ' |. Sciet 1 1 Con.' ' I Salmon fami -An 1 itri<: naturali I I lai win. — Storj ■ ti horn, Evolution of thi \ pp< 11 di 1 1 .1 lora. Matthe .1. B. and Hut- I.., eds. Actot and ai ires es. v. -'■ PP- '33 '.V s 4«79 <■ l"N''i n, Richard. I- if the life and relig io urs of Rii hard foi dan, a minister in thi of Friends. I'liila., [829. 12° foRDAN, rhos. an i Pryoi ,1.1'. 1 ampaigns of Lieut. -Gen. N. B. Forrest and of For- icavalry. New Orleans, 1868. 8°. I77B8 Jordan river. Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the United Mates expedition t" the river Jordan and the Dead ... 4586 5 \1 - gregor, J. •• K0I1 Roy " on the Jor- dan, Nile, Red Sea. Genesareth, etc. . also Palestine. Jo's boys. Alcott, Louisa M 114A36 Jo's opportunity. Li Hie, L. C ; Josi it. Hebrew patriarch. Clarke. Benj. From tenl to palace; or, the storj Joseph. 1.., n. d. 16° 221s 40 Gordon, W. R. Particular providence: lei lures on the history of Joseph. . . . 22is 44 - Taylor. W . M. Joseph the prime-minis- ter 22 is 45 Gould, S. Baring-. Legends ol < 'hi Tes- tament characters, pp. 213 238. . 2214 4 I leadley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs, pp. 70-84 2217-45 Maurice, F. D. Patriarchs and lawgiv- ers of the Old Testament, pp. 1 18-153. 2226-64 Philo Judreus. Works, v. 2 1513-7 Trench, R. C. Sermons new and old. PP- i~ 49- Joseph and his brethren. . Weil, G. Bible, the Koran and the Tal- mud ; or, Biblical legendsofthe Mussul- mans, pp. 97-113 :. — Williams, II. I.. Boys of the Bible, pp. 7 34 2217-9 1 II, emperor of Germany, b. 1 741-./. 1790. Brougham. 1 1. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time orge III. v. 1. pp. 2S0-296. . . 410 17 Miindt, Klara, (Louisa MUhlbai Joseph II and his court : a romance. JOSEPH Bonaparte, king of Spain, h. \-,i&-d. 1S44. Abbott, J. S. C. Historj Joseph Bonaparte 172m JOSEPH. — 700 KH'RNALISM. [OSEPH, Nez Perec chief. Howard, O. O. Nez Perce Joseph 518B9 — Dunn, J. V., jr. ^[assacres uf the moun- tain',, pp. 629-674 97 7-3 — Stanley, E. L Rambles m wonderland. pp. 157-179 • 4786-8 Joseph and his friend. Taylor, Bayard. [OS] PH in the snow. Auerbach, B. Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez, V. Joseph the Jew 519A9 fOSJ PHINE, empress of France, wife of Napo- leon I, b. 1763-rf. 1814. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Josephine 5>9R3 — Life of the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon I. Phila., 1870. 12 . . . . 519B2 — LeX'ormand, M. A. Historical and secret memoirs of the Empress Josephine. . . 5191*4 — Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine 5!9B5 — Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and .queens. PP- 13-64 •• ■ • 4I5- 12 — Bush, Mrs. F. Queens of France, v. 2. pp. 289-322 41051-2 — Farmer, L. (H.) Girl's book of famous queens, pp. 378-446. . . .... 413-38 — Fifty famous women, pp. 22-32. . . . 4 I 3"4> — Hewitt, M. E., ed. Lives of illustrious women of all ages. pp. 331-336. . . . 4'3~49 - Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 221-268 4'3~54 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men anil wo- men, pt. 2. pp. 26-38 4'°-9 Josephus, Flavius, Jewish historian, />. 37-rf. about 95. Works; with a life written by himself: tr. with explanatory notes by Wm. Whiston. 4 v. in 2. X. V., 1S70. 12° 913-5 — Works: to which are added three disser- tations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the just, God's com- mand to Abraham, etc.: tr. by Wm. Whiston: with index. Auburn, 1857. 8° 913-5 - Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Koine, pp. • 553-56o 296-4 JoSHEE, Dr. Anandabai. Dall, Mrs. C. II. Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee, kinswo man of the Pundita Kamabai 519B8 [oskua. Book of. See Bible, Old Testament. Hcadley, J. T. Sacred heroes ami mar- tyrs, pp. 129-158 2217 45 Hills, O. A. Companion characters: studies in Bible biography, pp. 97- 115. Caleb and Joshua 2217-47 Maurice, F. D, Patriarchs and law-giv- ers of the Old Testament, pp. 305-319. Joshua and St. John 2226-64 Williams, IF F. Boys of the Bible, pp. 58-74 2217 o Joshua, continued. — Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies, pp.1-18. 4101-96 JOSHUA Marvel. Farjeon, B. L. Josiah, king of Judak. Headley, J. T. Sa- cred heroes and martyrs, pp. 426-432. 2217-45 Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I : Samanfha at the Centennial. Holley, Marietta 817-478 Jottings from the Pacific. Gill, W. Wyatt. 496-4 JOUBERT, Joseph, French moralist, b. 1734-1/. 1824. Some of the thoughts of Joubert : tr. by Geo. H. Calvert; preceded by a notice of Joubert, by the translator. B., 1867. 12° 844-5 — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism, pp. 200-236 124E5 — Saint-Beuve, C. A. Monday-chats, pp. 185-204 844-8 Jourdan, Beatrice Alsager. Chances and changes: stories of the past and present. L., 1872. 16 520A4 JoURDAN, Jean Baptiste, b. 1762-fl. 1833. Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his mar- shals, v. 2. pp. 193-205 665B50 Jul RN.U. intime. Amiel, Henri Frederic. . 844-2 [OURNAL of a farmer's daughter. Goodale, Elaine 432E1 Journal of a home life. Sewell, 1-:. M. Journal of a London play-goer. Morley,H. 782-55 foi RNALISM. Hudson, F. Journalism in the United States, 1690-1872 8059-4 — fackson, M. Pictorial press; its origin anil progress 7°5 _ 5 — Madden, R. R. History of Irish period- ical literature. 2 v 805S-6 — Munsell, Chas., ed. Collection of songs of the American press and other poems relating to the art of printing 80956-6 — Pebody, C. English journalism and the men who have made it 805S-7 — Press, and the public service 323 o Wilmer, L. A. Our press gang: com- plete exposition of the corruptions and crimes of the American newspapers. . . 8059-5 — Beach, D. X. • How newspapers are made. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 53- 96 602-9 — Brownson, < >. A. Works. v. 13. pp. 567-594. Protestant journalism. . . . 818-27 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 208-214 1S9E3 — Chaney, G. L. Every-day life and every- day morals, pp. 161-198 194-22 Godwin, P. Out of the past, pp.75 88. 430E5 (Cirwan, A. V. Modem France; its journalism, literature and society. . . 444-5 Maurice, 1'. I >. Friendship of books and other lectures. pp. 93-124. On the use and abuse of newspapers. . . . So-46 JOURNALISM. 701 - J 1 DSON fo 1 1 11 m, . ontinu, d. ,1 \ age, M. I M 01 1< 1 " phinx and om< ol lin riddles, pp. 79 95 (04.-75 I hw in;;. C. F. \m, 1 ii Hi g( iheii students and work, pp. 'ii 106. . . . (787 8 \\ Keildon, WW Cui ios ities of hi toi ■ pp. 87 97 9 1 iberty nf the press. Also Uvea of Bi y.ini. W.i'. Bui kingham, [ . T. i longdon, ( '. T. 1 Sreeley, 1 1 Prenl 1 S. S. Raymond, II. T. Swisshelm, J. 1 ;. Weed, I . and other journalists. [01 iiNEY due north. Sain, G. A It7 s JoikMN due south: travel in earchof sun- shine. Sala, G. A 4 ii 82 [ourne^ round my r Maistrc,Xavicr xus. Wood, Copt. 1 45S-9 6 Journeyman engineer, .pseud. Set Wright, Thos. [ourneyman printer, pseud. See Smith, C. M. foviAN, (Jovianus Flavius Claudius), Roman emperor, b. 331 d. 364, Rawlinson, G. Seventh great < 'rieuial monarchy, v.i. pp. 229-2.37 'i 157 7 Jowett, Benj., Eng. scholar, .. 1 s 1 7 . Es- . In Collection of theological es- says bj various authors, pp. 221-402. 204-117 1 in the interpretation of Scripture. In Essays and reviews, pp. 2S9-372. . . 204-28 Martineau, J. Studies of Christianity, pp. 414-465. Review 204-6 — tr. See Ai istotle, Politics. Plato, I >ia logues. |ov, Henry. Shiel, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. pp. 170-185 3409-75 foYCE, Rev.]. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences, divided i n t « ■ lessons. I... 1S52. 12° 504-48 — Scientific dialogues, intended a* an easy introduction to natural and experiment- al philosophy; new edition: ed. by I. A. Smith. I.., 1S68. 16° 5302-5 Joyce, Ruben Dwyer, Am. writer, b. 1813- ,/. [883. Blanid. Ii., 1S79. 12 . . . 5181 5 Deirdre. B., 1876. 12 518C7 — Legends of Ireland, n. t. p. \i ■ JOYI 1. Morrill's harvest. Holt, Emily S. [oyneville, C. Life and times of Alexan- der I, Emperor of all the Russias. 3 v. 1 ... 1875. S° 11 ,i: : Joynson, Francis Herbert, ed. Mechanic's and student's guide in the designing and construction of general gearing as eccen- trics, screws, toothed wheels, etc., and the drawing of rectilineal and curved surfaces; with practical rules and de- tails. Edinburgh, 1868. 8° 6218 55 Joyoi itorj of Tolo Kichai 1 I Juan, D In mg, W. Wolferl pp. Ji v\ and Juanita. Baylor, Fram I 1 1 1 vs Fernandez. Browne, I. R. 1 1 island : ramble in the t Al- exander Selkirk, pp. 9-165 1 ;■, i- Ji INITA. Mann, M 1 1 1:11 11 days ; humorous featui • world's peace jubilee; illustrated by \ Hoppin. B., 1872. 4 ,7714-41 J f 1 and plan;. 11 ion song-. I; y] 5 Jubii 1.1 iingei Pike, ' . I > 77 17 7 1 1 DAH and Israel. Frey, J. S. 1 . I ■ Ji dah's lion. 1 ■ ■ . 1 E., (Chai Eliza ' 1 1 DAISM. See Jews. ft 1 Iscariot. De Quincey, T. Theolog- ical essays, etc. v. 2. pp. 115 133. . — Townsend, L. T. Arena and the fhi pp. 71-1 18 and 242-249 204-89 fUDA Maccab.xus, Jewish leader. ( on C. R. Judas Maccaba us and the Jew- ish war of independence 601B1 Dawes, A. I.. Hammer of the Gentiles. In Oilman, A., ed. Magna charta stories, pp. 123 140 Masson, M. Celebrated children. pp. 104-I II 410 -2 - Williams, 11. L. Boysol the Bible, pp. 298-312 2217 9 M, B k of worthies. pp. 326-348 4101-96 fl DAS Maceab.cus: drama. See Longfel- low, II. w. Jinn, John Wesley, Eng. geologist, b. 1S40. Volcanoes; what they are and what they teach. N. V.. 1881. 12=. [In- ternational scientific series.] 55'-' 3 Jl lih. Sylvester, Am. Unitarian minister, b. 1813. Margaret : a tale of the real and the ideal, blight and bloom. B., 1871. 12°. k i, .1 and jury. Abbott, B. V 3455 2 Judge's son. Kendall, Mrs. E. D. 532A2 Judgment. Swedenborg, F.. In Sweden- borg library. v. I fuDGES. See liilde, Old Testament, Ji dicial dramas ; or, the romance of French criminal law. Spicer, II \i. puzzles, gathered from the state trials. Paget. I Judith. Terhune, M. \ .. (Marion Harland, pseiij. 1 JUDITH Shakespeare. Black, Win. Ji dsox, Rev. Adoniram, Am. mission ■ irvS-i/. 1850. Judson, E. Life of Adoniram Judson 520B0 JUDSON. — 702 — I UNO. |i DSON, Rev. A., continued. Wayland, F. Life and labors of Rev. Adoniram Judson. 2 v 520B4 - Foster, Mrs. I. II., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 61- 68 410-585 — Howe, II. Adventures and achieve- ment of Americans, pp. 511-540. . . 412-55 — See also Judson family. [UDSON, Mrs. Ann (Ilasseltine), b. 1789-r/. 1826. Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives, pp. 223-237 4IJ5--5 Clement, J., ed. Noble deeds of Amer- ican women, pp. 52-65 412 32 Sketches of the lives of distinguished fe- males, by an American lady. pp. 1S5- 227 413-79 .S'.v ludsuii, Adoniram. Also Judson fam- ily. |i dson, Edward. Life of Adoniram Jud- son. N. V., 1S82. 8° 520B6 [UDSON, Mrs. Emily (Chubbuck), /'. 1817-^. 1854. See Judson, Adoniram. Also Judson family. |i use in. Mrs. Sarah (Hall), b. 1803-1/. 1845. Brightwell, C. 1.. Romance of modern missions, pp. 167-200 263-25 See fudson, Adoniram. Also Judson fam- ily. I UDSON family. Hartley, C. B. Three Mrs. Judsons: female missionaries 520B4S Stuart, A. W. Lives of the three Mis. Judsons 5 20r >5 — White foreigners from over the water. . 2659-8 — Balfour, C. L. Working women of this century, pp. 280-328 413-18 — Vonge, C. M. Pioneers anil founders. pp. 1 17-171 4H9-98 fUG-OR-NOT. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. . . . 975A33 hi 1 iiia, king of Numidia. See Sallust. Jugurthine war. lOKES, Andrew. Names of God in Holy Scripture. N. Y., 1888. 12 2314-5 "JUKES," The: a study in crime, pauper- ism, disease and heredity. Dugdale, R. 1 339-3 [ukovsky, Vissily Andreevitch. Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian literature. PP- 116 133 8917-9 [ulia Reid. Ahlen, Mrs. I. M.. (Pansy, pseud.) 7M As.; |i LIAN, ••'Hill. Irving, W. Spanish pa- pers, pp. 217-233. Legend of Count Julian and his family 9465-51 |i 11 in, [Julianus Flavius Claudius), called the apostate, Roman emperor, I'. 331-'/. 363. Bruce. I. Cla o .mil 1. ]iui 1 raits. PP- 'VI '79 1'" '9 Gibbon, E. Roman empire, chap. 22-24. 9'99— 5 J ulian, continued. — Rawlinson, G. Seventh great 0rien1.1l monarchy, v. 1. pp. 191-229. . . . 9157-7 Jti. ian Home. Farrar, F. W 338A6 Ji LIAN, Geo. W. Political recollections. Chicago, 1884. 12° 520BS J 1 I.IAN. Ware, Wm. JULIAN. Mitford.M.R. Works, pp. 613- 631 828-62 JULIANA. Anderdon, W. H. Evenings with the saints, pp. 96-107 414 2 ; JULIET'S guardian. Cameron, Mrs. II. L. JULIETTE; or, now and forever. Baker, Mrs. H.N. (W.), (Madeline Leslie, pseud.) Julius I-III, popes. See Montor, A. de. Roman Pontiff's 2821-53 Julius Caesar: drama. See Shakespeare, W. JULLIEN, Louis, French composer. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 283-292. . . 410-85 JULY. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with the poets: July S09-2 lUNCKER, E. Margarethe; or, life prob- lems : tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila., 1879. 12°. I UNE, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, Jennie (Cun- ningham.) fUNE. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with the poets: June 809-19 I IM. Bahadoor. Oliphant, L. Journey to Katmandu 4542-65 Jungle life in India. Ball, V 454-16 Junius. Letters; with new evidence as to the authorship and an analysis by the late Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 v. L., 1873- 71. 16° S26-5 — Letters. In Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter writers, ser. 2. pp. 273- 288 826-54 Symons, J. C. Wm. Burke the author of Junius: an essay on his era I95B9 Coleridge, S. T. Works v. 4. pp. 383-387. Notes on Junius 828-32 De Quincey, T. Literary reminiscences. V. 2. pp. 262-276 284E42 1 oster, J. l-'osteriana. pp. 266-275. • 377 ''- 7 Goodrich, C. A.., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 163-205 8258-4 Reed, W. li. Among my books, pp. 32-39 783E1 JUNKIN, I >. X. and Norton, Frank II. Life of Winlield Scott Hancock, personal, military and political. N. Y., 1S80. 12° 45.sH-: Jt skin. Rev. Geo. Political fallacies: an examination of the false assumptions onl refutation of the sophistical reason- ings which have brought on this civil war. \. V., 1S63. 12° 9783-48 Juno Clifford, by a lady. N. Y., 1856. 12°. |l NO 703 K A \ h |i no stories, See Abbott, Jacob. 1 1 mi 1 , 1 Permon, Set Abrante 1 1 Rismc'i ion and mi 1 f the A nglii an epi opate. Bailey, T. J 2837-2 1 1 i<\ . Forsyth, W, History of trial by jury. ; iii 1 Wilson, ll.li. A mi 1 11 in juror : guidi foi imi j men 1 hi ougl 1 the United Slate (455—9 Knox, I. W. Underground world, pp. 061 1 878, \i v 1,1 ie "i 1 lir i .1 and jury. 6 .sir also I 1 " 1 1 i<\ -room, I ales of the. Griffin, <;. fusi ice and police. Maitland, F, W. . . |i 1 11 n a 1 ion. lie .11.11, 1 1. Evei lasting righteousness 1 1. 11 Li-, J. I ■'. 1 In 1 stian doi ti inc of for- giveness nf sin I .1I111 , F. \\ . Thoughts mi great mys- teries Paleario, A. Benefit of Christ's death. . Sadler, M. F. Justification of life, its nature, antecedents, and results. . . . 2347-7 1 1 s 1 1 N, martyr, Christian father, b. about 1 1 1 3 d. about 165. Writings: tr. by Marcus Dods, Geo. Reith anJ B. P. Pratten. Also martyrdom of Justin and others, /n Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 2 - PP- ' (70 2813 54 Trench, R, C. Poems, pp. 11 2;. . 894C4 )5442 -7 2347 ■ 2 .i47 1 2347 1 6 B. 16 '. I No nai N . V., 1 . [ustinianu I •■.',■■ : 1 wiih Eng. inn 1 ' 1.., 1874. 8°. . ; 1- ^ Ki.l'v, II. J. Introduction to tin- study ofjustinian Jl VENAL, [Decimui Junius Juvenalis), latin poet, b. about [O d. about 125. with biographical sketch. hi Evans, I.., /;•. Satin of Juveni s 777 I Walford, I . Juvenal. [Am ienl 1 foi 1 ngli h ' iders]. . . ^777 9 Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 5. pp. 74-164. (Translations.] 295* 2 Elton, < ',. A. of the ' I * . ;. pp. i2'i 148 87001-3 Vincent, 'i. E. Some Italian am anil theii works, pp. 54 61 fuvEN idei mi hod ol disi ipline 1 reminiscence of Westboro State Ref I I. Mien, J. A .;'>4 2 [uvenilia: I ies of essays on dry ' sthetical questi Paget, Vio- let, (Vernon Lee, pseud.) 711 1 ; JUVENTUS mundi: gods and men of the he- roic age. Gladstone, W. E. . . , K K., A.M. Ourtwo lives; or, Graham an. 1 I. 7i"\; Kabbalah. Mathers, S, L. M. Kabbalah unveiled 1 513—5 Km.. 1, Adolf. Rigveda: the oldest litera- ture of the Indians: tr. by K. Arrow- smith, l: . (886. 8° 2931-5 K iempfer, Engelbrecht, German botanist, 6. 1651-rf. 171(1. St. John, I. A. Cele- brated travelers, v. 1. pp. 271-304. 4150 7s Kaffir folk-lore. Theal, G. McC j86S-8 Kahun, Defence of. Williams, C. R, . . 9582-9 Kairwan. Rae E. Country of the Moors: journey from Tripoli in Barbary to the city of Kairwan 41.1 7 Kalahari desert. S Africa, southern. K ai am ol 1 lahu. Newell, C. M. K 11c, Johann, called baron, general, b. 1721 ., .. .///;. 1820 ./. 1857. Arctic explorations: ond Grionell expedition in sea John Franklin, is;; ;; 2 v. 1'hila.. 1857. 8° - : with biographical sketch ol theauthor. by Chas W. Shields. Hartford. 1871 8°. Same. 1881 K \\K. 704 — KARMA. Kan'e, E. K., continued. — U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. \. V., 1854. 8°. . . 498-52 -Love-life of Dr. Kane: containing the correspondence and history of the ac- quaintance and secret marriage of E. K. Kane and Margaret Fox 522B2 Elder, W. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane ami other explorers, pp. 15-150. 522B1 Schmucker, S. M. Life of Dr. E. K. Kane 4 1 59-8 - Brownell, II. H. War lyrics and other poems, pp. 159-160 185C8 Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp, 205-209 412-25 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. 64-75. 410-478 Hartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 365-375. 498-46 — Howe, H. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 4S5-510 412-55 — I.anman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 243-250 4i-^5> s - Nourse, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones, pp. 41-107 498-7 — Recent polar voyages, pp. 104-199. . . 498-78 - Schmucker, S. M., ed. Arctic explora- tions, pp. 473-517 498-8S Whymper, F. The sea. v. 3. pp. 232-254 437-95 Kane, II. II. Opium-smoking in America and China: a study of its prevalence and effects, immediate and remote on the individual and the nation. N. V., 1882. 16 1988-5 Kangaroo hunters. Bowman, Annie. . . 179A64 KANGAROOS. Wilson, A. Science and crime, and other essays, pp. 15—21. . 502-96 — See also Australia. Zoology. K \nvw Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. . 4781-2 Brewerlon, G D. War in Kansas: a rough trip to the border, among new homes and a strange people 9881-2 Ebbutt, I'. (.. Emigrant life in Kansas. 4781-3 — Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas. 9795-7 Robinson, S. T. I.. Kansas 9881-75 Spring, I.. W. Kansas: the prelude to the war foi the Union 9881-8 1 1 ter, I'.. B. Tenting on the plains ; or, Gen. Custer in Kansas and Texas. . . Z66B75 Lothrop, Mi II. M. IS.) ( , olden west as seen by the Ridgeway club. pp. 130-144 47S-X3 Meline, J. F. Two thousand miles on horseback. Santa Fe ami back. pp. 1 t; and 28 ; 301 47S 62 Note. — Many otbel In. ..I-, on the west < on- tain aci - unl - . . f I-. K im, 1 1 anuel, Herman metaphysician, b. 1724 2°- ■ • 163-S Kant, Immanuel, continued. — Philosophy of law: an exposition of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence as a science of right : tr. by W. Hastie. Edinburgh, 1887. 12 3402-5 — Porter, X. Kant's ethics '°3-53 Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 1. pp. 130-213. Review of Critique of pure reason 81S-27 — De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers, etc. v. I. pp. 104-164. Kant in his miscellaneous essays 284E45 - Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. 2. pp. 236-304. Last days of Im- manuel Kant 2S4E43 Gostwick, 1. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 147-176 239-43 — Hedge, F. II. Atheism in philosophy. pp. 271-305 \\2 \ - Prose writers of Germany, pp. 57- 80 830-43 1'lleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion, pp. 147-195 201-7 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 101-105 410-92 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 255-258 4IO-975 Kantemier, Antiochus, prince, Russian ■writer, !<. ijog-d. 1744. Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian literature, pp. 20- 33 8 9'7-9 K.M'i', Friedrich, German writer, 6. 1824-^/. 1884. Life of Friedrich Wm. von Steuben; with an introduction by Geo. Bancroft. X. V., 1S59. 8° 855B2 — Life of John Kalb, major-gen. in the rev- olutionary army. X. Y., 1884. 12°. 521 Hi KAPP, Gisbert. Electric transmission of energy and its transformation, subdivi- sion and distribution : a practical hand- book. I.., 1SS6. 12 5385-6 Karafi i". (Saghalin). (ireey, E. Bear- worshippers of Ye/o, and the island of Karafutu, (Saghalin) 452 1; KARAMSIN, Nikolai Mikhaelovitch. Kelly, W. K. History of Russia, compiled from the most authentic sources, includ- ing Karamsin [and others.] 2 v. . . . 047 1 Uison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 299-309. Review of History of Russia. 115F.1 Turner. C. V. Studies in Russian litera- ture, pp. 95-"5 s '"7 9 KARAN Kringle's journal. Booth, Mrs. I. s. Kari. Madame Tabby's establishment. 1.. 1886. 12 525A1 K \ki Kieglei ; or, the fortunes of a found- ling. I'... [868. 16° 525A8 K \i;m a. Sinnett, A. P. K VRR. — 705 — K.ARR, Mrs. Elizabeth, A 1 hoi 1 men. I!., 1884. 8° Karr, Jean Bapti te Uphonse, French writer, t. 1808. I ou 1 my garden : revised and ed. by J. 1 ■. Wood. I ... 1M.5. 16° ■••.... Is \ iiMik. See ( lashmere. Iwi \ Phusin, pseud. See Kuskin, John. K \ 1 a \, Mount. W inthrop, I . Lifeii 1 he ■ ipen a i r. K \u and licr cousins. Davenport, Emma. K \ 1 1 < loventry. Melville, G. J. W. K \ 1 1 O'Donoghue. 1. ever, (has. K \ 1 m;i 1 1 m, Melville, 1 '.. J. \\ . K ai 111 kim Ashton. Sewell, E. M. K \ 1 herine Earle. Trafton, A. Kathf.rine Walton. Simms, W. G. [Catherine's experiences. Biscoe, E. I.. . Katie: an Edinburgh lassie. Hardy, Ro- bina K K a 1 mi- Brand. Parr, Harriett. Kathie stories. See Douglas, Amanda M. K.ATH1 us. 1 iiberne, Agnes. Is aha. Tolstoi, C'lint I.. F. Katie Stewart : a true story. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Katmandu, capital of Ncpaul. Oliphant, I.. Journey to Katmandu Kaikisa, her life and mine, in a \ m. Holland, J. G Is. \ 1 s. 11, A. E. Under the stork's nest. I'hila., 1875. 12 . Isatv ofCatoctin. Townsend, (i. A. KAUFFMAN, Maria Anna Angelica, Mine. Zucchi, Swiss painter, b. 1741-rf. 1S07. Ellet, E. F. Women artists, pp. 144- '63 — See also Ritchie, A. I. (T.) Miss Angel. Kaufman, Rosalie, ed. &? Plutarch. Strick- land, Agnes. K \i r\i\ss, Konstantin Petrovitch, Russian general, i. 1818-rf. 1882. Boulger, D. C. Central Asian portraits, pp. 85-99. KAUFMANN, Rev. Moritz. Socialism and communism in their practical applica- •- ;8 278 V6 158A8 454A3 4542-65 1831 t 4 '74- j tion. 1... tS 4.I I48 2 v,S Is Kavanagk, Bridget and Julia. Pear] fount- ain and other fairy tales. N. V., 1876. KAVANAGH, Julia. Irish writer, 1S77. Adele. N. V.. 1870. — Beatrice. N. Y., 1S70. 12°. — Bessie.' N. V., 1S76. 8°. — Daisy Burns. N. Y.. 1881. — Dora. X. Y., [S70. s . — English women of letters. 1862. 16 />. 1 8 2 12°. Leipzig, Contents. — Aphra Behn. — Miss Fielding. — Madame D'Arblay. — Mrs Charlotte Smith. — 41S2 Kavanagh, Julia, continued. nstcn.— Mn. Opic. — I 1 , Leipzig, 1 16 ; Content* Mile, di Gourna; I cry.— Madame de LaFayellc ; 1 — Madame de [adame de Charrierc I ■■ iden- cr.- ' -tacl. Grace Lee. N. Y., 1881. 12°. - John Dorrien. N. V., 1 i Madeleine: a tale of Auvergne, I on fai t. N. 1 .. 1873. 12 . — Nathalie. \. Y. 12°. — Queen Mai.. X. V., 1875. 1 I; ichel Cray. N. V., 1S66. 12°. Seven years, and other tales. N. Y .. 1870. 12°. Contents. 5even yean ( heap exi ursion. — Conscript Little dancing master —S'.irec in a porter's lodge. — Comedy in a court yard. — Troubles of .1 quiet man. — Young France. — ; >us lodger. — An excellent op- portunity. — Experiences of Sylvic Dclmare. Silvia. X. Y., 1877. 8°. Summer and winter in the two Sicilies. Leipzig, 1S58. 16 4457 5 I wo Lilies. N. Y., 1877. 16°. — Women of Christianity, exemplary for of piety and charity. X.N".. 1S66. 12 4'.; SS KAVANAGH, Patrick F. 1'opular history of the insurrection of 1798. Dublin, 1.SS4. 16° 94>7-S K.w INAGH. See Longfellow, II. W. I. . , foseph. Free trade in land: ed. by his widow; with preface by John Bright. I... 1883. i2 c 333 5 S education of the peo- ple in England. X. Y., 1S63. 12°. . 442 52 Kavi , Sir John Wm., English hisiorial 1814-rf. 1S76. Essays of an optii Phila., 1871. l6° Contents. — Holidays. — Work. — Success- Wrong side or the stuff. — Growing old. — Tole- ration. — Rest. Lives of Indian officer-, illustrative of the history of the civil and military service of India. 2. v. I.., 1867. 8°. . . . 4""595 Contents. — v. i. Lord Cornwallis.— Sir John Malcolm. — Honorable Mountstuart Elphin- ston. ry Martyn.- Sir Chas Met- calfe.— Appendix. Sir Alexander Burnes.— Capt. Arthur Conolly. — Major Eldred Pollinger. — Major D'Arcy Todd.— Sir Henry Lawrence.— Gen. I N Brig. Gen. John Nicholson. — Ap- pendix. — Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of some dis- tinguished Anglo-Indians, pp. 155-164. 4II-61 .. Chas., '. 1S1 i-rf. 1S68. Lewes, G. 11. _ Actors and acting, pp. 22-30. . . 7S1-5 KLEAN. 706 K.EAY. K kan, I 'has., continued. — Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses. v. 4. pp. 93- 118 4!79-° — Q. Vou have heard of them. pp. 171 — 177 410-S5 K 1 IN, Edmund, £. lySj-d. 1833. Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean from published and original sources 528B5 — Dana, R. II. Poems and prose writ- ings, v. 1. pp. 387-404 818-33 — Doran, J. Their majesties' servants, v. 2 - PP- 377-416 782-35 — Lewes, G. H. Actors and acting, pp. 13-21 78i-5 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs. pp. 338-343 4IO-7 — Matthews, J. B. and Hutton L., eds. Act- ors and actresses, v. 3. pp. 1-36. . . 4179-6 Ki am., John F., [Haji Mohammed Amin). My journey to Medinah: describing a pilgrimage to Medinah performed by the author disguised as a Mohammedan. L., 1SS1. 8° 459-5 Six months in Mecca: account of the Mohammedan pilgrimage to Mecca re- cently accomplished by an Englishman professing Mohammedanism. L., 1SS1. 8° 4592-5 Kearney, John Watts. Sketch of Amen- - can finances, 1789-1835. N. Y., 1887. 12 3327-54 Kearny, Philip. De Peyster, J. W. Per- sonal and military history of Philip Kearny 528B7 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 387-390 4I23I-4 ki.ARV, Annie, Eng. writer, i. 1825-1/. 1879. Castle Daly: story of an Irish home thirty years ago. l'hila. 12°. Clemency Franklyn. L., 1871. 12°. — Doubting heart. L., 1882. 12°. — Early Egyptian history. L., 1863. l6°. 912-45 — Janet's home. L., 1S82. 12°. Nations around. 1S70. 12° 910-54 I 1! Miury. Phila., n. d. 12 . York and Lancaster rose. L., 1882. 12°. — and Eliza. I leroesof Asgard : tales from Scandinavian mythology. L., 1871. 16 . Same, 1880 295-48 Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many fields, pp. 167-178 410-962 Kl w;v, . Francis. Outlines of piimi- ti VI belief among the 1 1 1 • 1 < j l.ilnipean races. N. V., 1882. 8° 290-5 ed. Dawn of history: introduction to hi lot ii 1 1 1 ■ I v - I... 1N7S. 12 . v \ .. 11. 1 1 400-5 KEATING, Rerv. Geoffrey, Irish historian. />. about 1600. History of Ireland from the earliest period to the English inva- sion, translated from the original Gae- lic and copiously annotated by John O'Mahony ; with map showing the lo- cation of the ancient clans, and a topo- graphical appendix. N. Y., 1866. 81 941-5 Keating, Wm. H. Narrative of an expe- dition to the source of St. Peter's river, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., performed in the year 1823, by or- der of Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Stephen H. Long. 2 v. L., 1825. 8°. . . . 47>27"5 Keats, Geo. Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 221-229. • 410-29 Keats, John, Eng. poet, b. 1795-rf. 1S21. Poetical works. N. Y.,1857. 12°. . . 527C5 Contents.— Endymion : a poetic romance.— Lamia.— Isabella; or, the pot of Basil.— Eve of St. Agnes. — Hyperion. — Miscellaneous poems. — Sonnets. — Epistles. — Stanzas. — Poetical works ; with life by J. R. Low- ell. B., 1874. 16 527C5 — Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne, written in the years 1819-20; with in- troduction and notes by Harry Buxton Forman. N. Y., 1S78. 12 528B8 — Colvin, S. Keats 528B9 — Clarke, C. and M. C. Recollections of writers, pp. 120-157 4'82-3 — Courthope, W. J. Liberal movement in English literature, pp. 159-194. . . 8204-3 — De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets. pp. 77-100 2S4E48 — Devey, J. Comparative estimate of mod- ern English poets, pp. 263-274. . . . 821-3 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets, v. I. pp. 475-488 41S21-4 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 279-289 4IO-597 — London Times. Essays, pp. 243-257. . 584E1 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, pp. 303-327 588E1 Mason, E. \..cd. Personal trails of Brit- ish authors, v. I. pp. 193-207. . . . 4182-56 — Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley. Keats and other essays, pp. 143-191. . . . S04-59 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Literary history of England, v. 3. pp. 1 1 1-129. • • • 8204-7 — - Ward, T. IL, ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 427-437 8092-9 Whipple, I'.. P. Essays and reviews, v. I. pp. 300-354. English poets of Ihe 19th century 040E5 ki \\, [.Seymour. Spoiling the Egyptians : a tale "f shame told from the British Blue books. N. V., 1882. 12°. . . . 962-5 KKIiI.lv — 7°7 — 1,1 in, Rev. John, Eng. poet, b. 179 1866. Chri tian yeai : thought f.u the Sundays and holyd tys through- ..in iIm- v .-.11. Phila., 1 si .7. hi ', S I.., 1873. 12° Mi I, ell im ou poems. V N .. 1869. 12°. 5271 9 \ onge, C. M. M u ing 1 0^ ei 1 he "< hri tian year," together with a few gli in ings "f rei ollei 1 ion : of I hi Rt\ . J. Ke- ble gathered by several friends, . . . 26034-9 — Japp, A. II., ill. A. Page, pseud.) (.-Li- on lives, pp. 377-4«4 4'°4-75 Mo lej , I Reminiscences. * . 1. pp. 219-224 650B8 — Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetrj and philosophy, pp. 204-268 819I 1 Ward, '1'. 1 1., ed. Eugli ib 1 1-. \. 4. pp. 503-508 S092-9 Keckley, Elizabeth. Bel I the «i'no; or, thirt) years a slave, and four years in the W bite House. N. Y., 1868. 12 529B1 Km Henrietta, (Sarah rytler, pseud.), British writ,'-, b. 1S27. Beauty ami the bi ist. N. V., 1881. 4°- — Chieftain of high degree. 1 .., 1SS5. 16 . 1 hi, \ run, ■ 1 1, queline. n. t. p. 16°. Days of yore. N. V., 1866. 12 . Contents. — Peeps into antiquity.- Old gath erings. — YVooings and weddings of the last cen- tury.— Lovers' quarrels ami how they ended — Likenesses and contrasts. — Two special* n of the old school. Diamond lose: a life of love ami duty. 1.., 1S67. t6°. — Girlhood and womanhood : story of some fortunes and misfortunes. 1.., 1868. 8°. Contents. — Cain's brand. — On the stage, and off the stage.— Cast in the waggQn.— Adam Home's repentance.— Llector Garrett of Otter. — Old yeomanry weeks. — Diana. — Miss West's Christinas adventure. Hi- ics in obscurity: second scries of papers for thoughtful girls. 1... [871. 16°. — Huguenot family. N. V., 186S. 12°. — Ill the fort. 1... 1886. 12°. — Lady Hell : a story of the last century. Phila., 1S74. 12°. — Marie Antoinette. I.., 18S3. 12 . . . . 61264 — Modern painters and paintings, B.,1874. 12° 759-Sl — Musical composers and their works. 1!., 1887. 16° 4177-5 — "Noblesse oblige" : an English story of today. 1... 1871. 16 . — Old masters and their picture-, for the use of schools and learners in art. B., 1874. 12 759-8 — Tapers for thoughtful girls. B., 1868. 16 1937 S Keddie, 1 [1 ttttnued. si. M -y. I... 1886 i.' fo I... 12° 1 and Wal son, J. L. 2 v. 1... 1S71. S rj Contents— v. i \.i a ifrs. I liot. Mi . in , ■[., I: (I, ctl Hai v. 2. La Caroline 1 rne Miss Joai B K 1 1, 1, n , \\ in., .'. 1 •, lopedia of literary ii.i ' olumbus, 1859. 8° ... ^"77 s KEDGE-anchor. Hi. ply. NN . V . ''ii 2 I11 1, |. II. Speculations: solar heat, gravitation and sun-spo 1886. 12° 1.1 1 1 and saddle: retrospect of fort) . ,.l military and naval service. Revere. J. \V 784B2 i.iniK, Harriet 1.. Training in the use of language. In Essays and addre • read before the N. E. O. I . A. pp. 123- 128 3706-6 ki.ii. i.K, Ralph. Gloverson and his silent partner. B., 1869. 12°. — Vagabond adventures. I!., 1S70. 12 . 4 '•''-535 Contents. — Among wharves and cabins. — I 'hri e years a negro minstrel.— Tour of Europe for $181 in currency. K.EENAN, Henry F. Alien-. N. Y.. 1886. 12°. -Trajan: history of a sentimental young man: with some episode- in the comedy of many lives' errors. N.N'., 1885. 12°. KEENE, Henry Geo. Kail of the Moghul empire: historical essay, being a new edition of the Moghul empire from the death of Aurungzeb. I.., 1S76. 8°. . 95 — Sketch of the history of Hindustan from the first Muslim conquest to the fall of the Mughol empire. 1.. 1885. 8°. . 954"53 — Turks in India : critical chapters on the administration of that country by the Chughtai, Babar and his descendants. 1.., 1879- s ° '- k 1 1 \ 1 , |as. B. Hand-book of practical gauging, for the use of beginners; with instructions in the mode of ascertaining the strength of spirit- by the means of Sike-'- hydrometer and an explanation of the theory of its action ; to which is added a chapter on distillation, describ- ing the process in operation at the 1 torn house for ascertaining the strength of wines. Thila., 1S68. 12° KEENE, Jas. R. l'i-ke. S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 211-216 4'247-3 KEENE. 708 — KELLOGG. Keene, Laura. Winslow, Catherine M. Reignolds-. Yesterdays with actors. PP- 62-7S 41/9-95 KEENE, Mrs. S. F. Artists' children ; or, a year here and there. B., 1S69. 8°. . 529A1 — Guy's life lesson. B. 12 529A2 — Led. B. 12 529 A2S — Orient boys. B. 12° 529A34 — Viking heir. B., n. d. 12° 529A4 Keeney, Ella Beckwith and Noble, Annette Lucille. Dr. Grantley's neighbors. Phila., 18S2. 16° 530AI KEEPING house, and housekeeping. Hale, Mrs. S. J 447A9 Keeping one cow: the experience of a num- ber of writers in a clear and condensed form upon the management of a single milch cow. N. V., 1880. 12 . . . . 637-5 Keepsake of friendship. Monroe, G. S., ed. 808-6 Keese, John, b. 1805-0'. 1856. Keese, Wm. L. John Keese, wit and litterateur: a biographical memoir. N. V., 1883. 8°. 529B3 Keetels, Jean Gustave. Child's illustrated tirst book in French. N. V., 1876. 12 . 122-5 Kf.falende, Ithi, pseud. See Mansfield, C. B. KEHAMA. Church, Rev. A. J. Stories of the magicians, pp. 259-309 3 8 55"3 Kehaya, Kalliope A. Orient. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. PP- 457-472 396-85 Keightley, Thos., Irish writer, b. 1790-d. 1872. Fairy mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries. L., i860. 12 380-47 — History of Rome, to which is added a 1 hronological table of contemporary his- tory, by J. T. Smith. N. V., 1851. 12 . 919-54 Keim, De B. Randolph. San Domingo: pen pictures, n. t. p. 12° 47293-5 — Sheridan's troopers on the borders: a winter campaign on the plains. L., 1S85. 12° 9707-46 Keith, Alex. Land of Israel, according to the covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. N. V., 1871. 12°. . 2209-51 Keith, Duncan. History of Scotland, civil and ecclesiastical from the earliest times to the death of David I, 1 1 53. 2. v. Edinburgh, 1886. 12° 940-7 Contents. — v. 1. Civil, v. 2. Ecclesiastical. K111 11, fas., field-marshal, b. \byb-d. 1758. Walford, E. Tales of our great fami- lii v. 2. pp. 312-317 4"-99 KEITH; or, righted at last. Scott, M. E. Kelland, Philip and Tait, 1'. G. Introduc- tion to quaternions. L., 1873. I2 °- • 5168-5 1. , Gottfried, /'. 1819. Zimmern, II. and \. Foreign novelists. pp. 279- 290. [ Biographical sketch and extracts.] 808-99 KELLERMAN, W. A. Plant analysis: classi- fied list of the wild flowers of the north- ern United States with keys for analysis and identification ; also glossary of botanical terms. Phila., 1884. 12°. . 580-5 Kelley, J. D. Jerrold. Desperate chance. N. Y., 1886. 12 . — Question of ships: the navy and the mer- chant marine. N. Y., 1884. 12°. . . . 651-5 - Notes. In Reed, E. L and Simpson, E. Modern ships of war 359-8 KELLEY, Wm. D., Am. statesman, b. 1814. Lincoln and Stanton : a study of the war administration of 1861-62; with special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. N. V., 1885. 12° 9785-48 — Old South and the new : a series of letters. N. Y., 1888. 12°. [Questions of the day] 475-53 — Speeches, addresses and letters on indus- trial and financial questions; with intro- duction, notes and index. Phila., 1872. 8° 3304-46 Contents. — Introduction. — Protection to American labor. — Trade with British America. — How our war debt can be paid. — The South, its resources and wants. — American industry and finance. — Contraction, the road to bank- ruptcy, not to resumption. — Internal revenue. — Report of special commission of the revenue — — The eight-hour system. — Mr. Wells' report. — Personal explanation. — Farmers, mechanics and laborers need protection : capital can take care of itself. — Value of an inexportable currency. — Judge Kelley's acceptance of the nomination for Congress, July 22nd, 1870. — Letter on the Chinese question, Aug. 22nd, 1870. — Centennial celebration and international exposition. — Do- minica. — Revenue reform. — The new North- west. — Index. Keli.ey. See also Kelly. Kellogg, Edward, Am. merchant, b. 1790-a'. 1858. New monetary system : the only means of securing the respective rights of labor and property, and of protecting the public from financial revulsions: ed. by Mary K. Putnam; with a bio- graphical sketch of the author. Phila., I875- 12° 3316-5 Kellogg, Rev. Elijah, American writer, b. 1813. Elm island stories. 6 v. 1!., 1868-70. 12°. 1. Lion Ben of Elm island 531A29 2. Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm island. 531A19 j. The ark of Elm island 53>Al 4. Boy farmers of Elm island 53 1 A 1 3 5. Young ship-builders of Elm island. 531A6 6. Hard-scrabble of Elm island. . . . 531A27 — Forest glen scries. 6 v. B., 1S74-7S. 12°. 1. Sowed by the wind; or, the poor boy's fortune 53'A35 KELLOGG 709 — I RMBLE Kim ■, Rev. \... continued. 2. Woll run j "i , i he boys 'if the wild t 531 A48 3. Brought in the from ; or, the young defenders 531 A15 I Mi lion of black Rifle , or, on the 53 ' 5. Fores! glen ; or, the Mohawk' i friend ship 531A251 6, Burying the hatchet; or, the young brave of the Delawares 531 Ai 7 Good ulil limes stories. 4 v. I!., 1877- 82. 12°. 1. Good ulil times; or, grandfather's struggles for a homestead 531A26 2. A strong arm and a mother' bles >ng 531A38 3. Unseen hand ; or, James Renfewand his boy helpers 531A4 4. Live oak hoys; or, adventures of Richard Constable afloat and ashore. 531A3 Pleasant Cove series. 6 v. 1!., 1S71-79. 12°. 1. Arthur Brown, the young captain. 531A12 2. Young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. 531A5 3. Cruise of the "Casco." 531A22 4. Child of the island glen 531A2 5. John Godsoe's legacy 531A2S 6. Fisher hoys of Pleasant Cove. . . . 531A25 KELLOGG, S. 11., /). D. Light of Asia, and the light of the world : comparison of the legend, the doctrine and the ethics of the Buddha, with the story, the doctrine and the ethics of Christ. L., 1S85. ■2° 2932-5 KELLOGG, Sarah Winter. The Livelies and other short stories. Phila., 1S75. 8°. Contents. — The Livelies. — Dcshler and Desh- ler.— When I was a boarder. — Her chance. — Mr. Twilclicll's inventions. Kelly, Christopher. Selection of voyages and travels by the most enterprising navigators and travelers, from the days of Columbus, to the late voyages of Capts. Parry, Ross, Back and others: their progress and discoveries in all parts of the world. L., 1838. 8° 439-53 Kelly, John. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 217- 221 41247-3 Kelly, John Edward. Speech; with intro- ductory sketch and biographical notice. In Sullivan, T. D., A. M. and I>. B. Speeches from the dock 4113-85 KELLY, Michael, Irish singer and musical composer, />. 1762-rf. 1S32. Personal reminiscences. /» Stoddard, K. I [..<■53 4'2-4 Kendall, Mrs. E. l>. Judge's son. B., 1S71. 16° 532A2 Kendall, Geo. Wilkins, Am. journalist, b. \%\o-d. 1867. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition, comprising a de- scription of a tour through Texas and the final capture of the Texan . 2 v. N. v., 1855. 12 4789-6. Kendrick, Asahel Clark, D. D., Am. scholar, b. 1809. Our poetical favorites. N. Y., 1871. 12° 809-54 Kendrick, J. R. How I was educated. In College and the church, pp. 69-78. 3704-4 Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. KenilwoRTH. Scott, Sir Walter. KENJIU Kasawara. Midler, F. M. Bio- graphical essays, pp. 204-ZI9 .... 410-79 Kem.Y, John R. Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer in the war with Mexico 1846-48. Phila., 1S73. 8° 9905-54 Kenmure, Viscount of . See Gordon, Win. KENNAN, Geo., .-////. traveler and writer, b. 1845. Tent life in Siberia and advent- ures among the Koraks and other tribes in Kamtchatka and Northern Asia. N. Y., 1870. 12 . Same, 1879 4529-5 Kennard, Nina H. Rachel. B., 1886. 16°. [Famous women series.] .... 758B3 — Mrs. Siddons. B., 1S87. 12 . [Famous women series.] 822B7 Kennedy, Alex. B. W. Kinematics of ma- chinery. In Science lectures at South Kensington, v. I. pp. 76-110. . . . 502-S1 — Mechanics of machinery. N. Y., 1886. 12° 621-5 Kennedy, Capt. Alex. W. M. Clark. Arc- tic regions and back in six weeks: being a summer tour to Lapland and Norway ; with notes on sport and natural history. L., 1878. 8° 4481-5 Kennedy, Grace. Dunallen; or, know what you judge. Phila., 1870. 12°. — Father Clement : a Roman Catholic story. N. Y., 1876. 12 . — Philip Colviile, a covenanter's story, Anna Ross [and] Jessy Allan, the lame girl, a story founded on fact. Phila., n. d. 12°. Kennedy, Jas. Life and work in Benares and Kumaon 1839-77; with an intro- ductory note, by Win. Muir. N. Y., 1885. 12° 2654-45 KENNEDY. Jas. Harrison, .I/11. journalist, b. 1849. Early days of Mormonism : Pal- myra, Kirtland and Nauvoo. N. Y., (888. 12° 29S-35 l.i INEDY, John. School ami the family: ethics of school relations. N. Y., 1878. '"" 371-53 KENNEDY, John Pendleton, Am. statesman, b. 1795-a'. 1870. At home and abroad : essay., with journal in Europe 1S66-6S. n. t. p. 12 532E4 Contents. — Chronicles. — Essays. — Miscella- neous. — Leaves from .1 journal. — Horse-shoe Robinson : a tale of the Tory ascendancy. N. Y., 1876. 12°, KENNEDY 7' > I EN l I ' Kennedy, I. P., continued. Me i ol the life of Wm. Wii i. 2 v. Phila., 1X54. 12 9 |6B i Quodlibel itaining lome annals thi n of. N. Y., 1S72. 12°. Rob ol the bowl i a legend of St. Inigoe's. V Y., 1872. 12°. Swallow barn. V \ .. 1854. 12 . Homes of American authors, pp. 341 — 346 4181-45 Kennedy, Patrick. Legendarj fictions of the Irish Celts. I... 1866. 12 . . . . 3841-5 Contents. Household si is Legends of the good people. Witchcraft, sorcery, ghosts and fetiches. — Ossianic and other earlj — Legends of the Celti< aints -Glossary. — cd. Hook of modern Irish anecdotes: humor, wit and wisdom. L., n. d. 1O . 8077-52 Kennedy, Wm. Sloane. Henry W. Long- fellow ; biography, anecdotes, letters, criticism. B., n. d. 12 585B5 — John Greenleaf Whittier ; his life, genius and writings. B., 1S82. 12 947 B4 — Olivet- Wendell Holmes; poet, litterateur, ISt. B., 1883. 12° 482B4 — Wonders and curiosities of the railway; or, stories of the locomotive in every land. Chicago, 1S84. 12° 652-55 Kenneth. Reynolds, G. W. M. KENNETH and Hugh ; or, self-mastery. Bell, i atherine D., (Cousin Kate, pseud.) . 145A25 Kenni 111 my king. Brock, Sallie \. KENNETH; or, the rear guard of the grand army. Vonge, C. M. Kenny, Chas. Lamb. Memoir of Michael Wm. Balfe. 1... 1875. 8° 133B2 KENNY, Courtney Stanhope. History of the law of England as to the effects of mar- riage on property, and on the wife's le- gal capacity; being an essay which ob- tained the Yorke prize of the University of Cambridge. L., 1879. 8° 3442-5 — History of the law of primogeniture in England, and its effect upon landed property: being an essay which jointly with another obtained the Yorke prize of the University of Cambridge. Cam- bridge, 1S7S. 8° 3441-5 True principles of legislation with regard to property given for charitable or other public uses: being an essay which ob- tained the Yorke prize of the University of Cambridge. 1... [880. 8° 3449 5 Kenny, las. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 347-353 • • 410-S5 Kenny, Minnie E. Gypsie. N. \.. 1882. 1 6°. Kenny, Thos. Life and genius of Shake- speare. I... 1864. S° Patrii I . /'. /' 1 63. Prim 1 I Apostolii See vindii ated. B 1X75. X i . junior. Lothrop, Mrs. II. M. (S.) Bound ■■■!■'■ ' ■ and the dragon X25A1V 1.1 it, Duch ' Vii toria, Mary Louisa l"'i 1.1,1,1 ha ,, Eng. journalist, b. 1X2 j, ' Dickens as a reader. Phila., 1872. 12 . 287B7S Footprinl on the road. L., 1864 1 - '.<■■ 507 Contents— Leon;ir da Vinci. Piern ranger. — Columl N ipoleon.— Ralei Thos. Railces.— Robert Herri. :k. I gan^ 1 ell.— Leigh Muni Bal dana Hill.— Douglas Jerrold.— Edmund "• — Wm. Napii 1 II f Hi n 1 ! War- burton -t'h.,^ Stuart.— John Kcal clcs. — Arcadian memories. - re. — Galileo— Thackeray. — Stepping stones: the men of letters, KENT, Jas., American jurist,//. 1763-rf. 1847. Legare, H. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 102-141. [Review of Kent's comment- aries.] 818-56 Kent, Jas. Johnson manor : a tale of the olden time in New York. N. Y., 1878. 1 6°. Sibyl Spencer. V V.. 1878. l6°. KENT, S. H. Within the Arctic circle, ex- periences of travel through Norwaj the North Cape. Sweden and Lapland. 2 v. L.. 1877. 12° 44S-5 Kentish, Thos. Pyrotechnist's treasury; or, complete art of making lire-works. L., 1878. 12° 6625 5 Treatise on a box of instruments and the slide rule. Phila., 1 872. 12° 744-1" Kenton, Simon, Am. pioneer, d. 1836. He- roes and hunters of the west. pp.1923. M'Clung, J. A. Sketches of western ad- ventures, pp. 87-117 9 S 7"5 S Kentucky. Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. II. History of Kentucky 9S59~'4 — Beatty, A. Essays on practical agricul- ture 6 3°-2 — Drake, D. Pioneer life in Kentucky. . . 293 B2 — Shalei .VS. Kentucky : a pioneer coin- monwealth 9859-8 Warfield, E. D. Kentucky resolution of 1798: an historical study _ Constitutions of the several state-, pp. 175-39° 3463-3 Hall, J. Romance of western history. pp. 142-152 — Howe. MY. Winter homes for invalids. pp. 93-110 6l 35-4 Wright, G. F. Glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. . . 55' i 2 9 rfso Life of Boone. D. KENTUCKY'S. 712 KEYES. Kentucky's love. King, E. Kenworthy, Dr. Chas. J. Climatology of Florida. Savannah, 18S0. 8° 4759~5 — Fly-fishing in Florida. In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., cds. Fishing with the fly. 309-318 7954-6 Kenyon, Ellen E. Lucky waif: a story for mothers of home and school life. N. V., I885. 12°. 532A5 KENYON, Lloyd. Campbell, J. Chief jus- tices of England, v. 4. pp. 1— 101. . 411-24 Kenyon's wife. Lillie, Lucy C. In Lip- pincott's magazine, March, 1887. Keon, Miles Gerald. Dion and the sibyls: a classic Christian novel. X. V., 1871. 8°. KEPLER, Johann, German astronomer, b. itfl-d. 1630. Brewster, D. Martyrs of science, pp. 187-240 416-2 — Ewart, II. C. Heroes and martyrs of science, pp. 126-145 4 '6-3 — Tweedie, \V. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 418-433 410-945 — Wood, \V., cd. Hundred greatest men. PP- 335-3j8 4IO-975 Keppel, Augustus. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 8. pp. 21-31 4"-°5 KEPPEL, Geo. Thos., earl of Albemarle. Fifty years of my life. 2 v. L., 1876. 8°. 530B8 Keppel, Capt. Henry. Expedition to Bor- neo of H. M. S. "Dido" for the sup- pression of piracy ; with extracts from the journal of Jas. Brooke, Esq., of Sar- awak. N. Y., 1855. 16° 491 1-5 Kept from idols, n. t. p. 16° 532A8 Ker, David. Into unknown seas; or, the cruise of two sailor boys. X. V., 1886. '6° 533A3 — Lost among white Africans: a boy's ad- ventures on the Upper Congo. L.,1886. 12° 533A4 Ker, Rev. Nathan, lleadley, J. T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 365-371 4121-45 Kek, W. P. Philosophy of art. In Seth, A. and Ilaldane, R. B., cds. Essays in philosophical criticism. pp. 159-186. 142-76 KERKOPORTA, Ilatlle of. Malleson, G. I!. Ambushes and surprises, pp. 123-222. 903-6 Kern, G. M. Practical landscape garden- ing ; with directions for planting shade trees, shrubbery and Mowers. ('inn., 1855. 12° 7IO-5 Kerni.v, M. I. Compendium of ancient and modern history; with questions adapted to the use of schools: also an appendix containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the KERNEY, M. I., continued. U. S., biographical sketches of eminent personages ; with a chronological table of remarkable events, discoveries, im- provements, etc., from the creation to the year 1867. Baltimore, 1870. 12°. 905-5 Kerl, Bruno, joint author. Bodemann, J. and Kerl B. Treatise on the assaying of lead, copper, silver, gold and mer- cury 669-2 Kerl, Simon. Common school grammar of the English language. N. V., 1875. 12°. 115-53 — Comprehensive grammar of the English language. N. Y., n. d. 12° 115-54 — Elements of composition and rhetoric, practical, concise and comprehensive. N. V., 1869. 12° 1 17-5 — Shorter course in English grammar. N. V., 1870. 12° 1 15-52 Kernel and the husk: letters on spiritual Christianity. B., 1887. 12° 201-5 Kerner, Andreas Justinus, German poet, b. iyS6-d. 1862. Selections translated. In Mangan, J. Poems, pp. m-123. 610C1 Kerr, Hamilton. Hildreth, S. P. Early settlers of Ohio. pp. 464-474 41271-4 Kerr, Orpheus C, pseud. See Newell, R. H. Kerr, Walter Montagu. Far interior: nar- rative of travel and adventure from Cape of Good Hope across the Zambesi to the lake regions of Central Africa. 2 v. B., 1886. 8° 4676-48. Kerr, Wm., jd earl of Lothian. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 299-304. . . 411-65 Kerry, Ireland. Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 2. pp. 178-210 and 344-381. 3S3F.2 KERRY-Nicholls. See Nicholls, J. H. Kerry-. Kershaw, Mark. Colonial facts and fic- tions: humorous sketches. [In Austra- lia and Xew Zealand]. L., 1886. 12°. 494-55 KESHUB Chunder Sen. Miiller, F. M. Bio- graphical essays, pp. 47-161 410-79 KETT, Chas. W. Rubens. L., 18S0. 12°. 797B2 Kettell, Thos. P. Commerce of the United States. In One hundred years' progress of the United States, pp. 132-170. . . 609-6 Ki:y to Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe, H. B. 3264-7 Keyes, Emerson W. History of savings banks in the United States, from their inception in 1816 down to 1S74; with discussions of their theory, practical workings and incidents, present condi- tion and prospective development. 2 v. X. V., 1876. S° 33'2-4 KEYES, Erasmus Darwin, Am. general, b. 181 1. Fifty years' observation of men and events, civil and military. X. Y., 1884. 12° 532IJ1 K K\ HOLE. 7«3 KII IWI II' I. k n ii' i] i i ounl 11. fercl lertrude }8l si K i' -. nes, John \'-\ ill''. Si udie i and exei i In foi in.ll logii .in' luding .1 genet • .1I1 11 inn of logical processes in their ap- plii ii ion i" complex infereni 1 1884. 12° 189 j4 Keyser, R. Private life of the « - 1 ■ 1 North- men : tr. by Ret ■ M. R. Barnard. I ... 1888. 12° 1068-5 Keyworth, Rev. I. Naresl ugh victo- ry. I.., 1886. 12°. K 11 iN's tale. Frasei , J. B. K 1 1 1 . 1 • 1 \ e's Egypt ; or, the old I bondage under new masters. DeLi i: 462-5S Khiva. &fAsia. CentralAsia. Also Burn- aliy, I'. Met iahan, I. A. KHORASSAN. MacGreggor, C. M. Journey through the province of EChorassan. . . 1.56 55 K n kiiam, Chas. J. For the old land : a tale of twent) yeai ag 1 V \ '., 1S87. 12 . Sally Cavanagh ; or, the untenanted graves. N. Y., 1887. 12°. Bound with Kickham, C. J. For the old land. Speech ; with introductory sketch and biographical notice. In Sullivan, T. 1 1., A. M. .;/;./ I). 11. Speeches from the dock 4113-85 Kid gloves. Mateaux, C. I. Wonder- land of work. pp. 299-502 607-48 — See also ( iloves. Kidd, John, Eng. chemist, 6. 1775 d. 1IS51. Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. I.., 1852. 12° 210-IO4 KlDD, Robert. Rhetorical reader. n. t. p. 12° S0I-5 — Vocal culture and elocution, (inn., 1857. 12° S0I-51 Kidd, Wm., called also K >iert, fir,:',-, b. afiont 1650 r ', ■:: 2 °-5 2 y. N. V., I 16 5 Spiritual communications: presenting a revelation of the future life, and illus- trating and confirming the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. V 1 • '879- '2° 17'' 53 and Schem, A.J. Dictionary of educa- tion and instruction: a reference book and manual on the theory and practice of teaching, based upon the Cyclopedia of education. V \ .. 1881. 12°. . . 3703-5 KIDNAPPED: being memoirs of the adven- tures of David Balfour in the year 1751. Stevenson, K. 1 853A2 Kidnapping. Ross, C. K. < harley Ic.-s. 3467-7 KlDNAPPINC in the South Seas : being a nar- rative of a three months' cruise of II. M S. "Rosario." Palmer, Capt. <.. . 493-7 , 1 , i : . I.J. Legends of the Rhine from Basil to Rotterdam. Mayence, 1867. 16°. KlEFFER, Harry M. Recollections drummer boy. B., 1883. l6°. . . . 9801-48 Kilham, Hannah. Balfour, C. L. Working women "f this century, pp. 329-3S4. 413 I S KlLlMA-Njaro expedition: a record of scien- tific exploration in eastern equatorial Africa. Johnston. II. II 4678-5 Kill army. Lake of. Tyndall, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps. pp. 413-420. . 4494-S 1 i \\ , Tho . Jessi , J. II. Memoirs of the Court of England during the reignof theStuarts. v. 3. pp-333-344- 4" s s K111 in. fas. Bryce. Sketch of Irish his- tory. In The Irish question, pp. 3-44,32041-51 Kill in. W. D. Old Catholic church, traced from the Apostolic age to the es- tablishment of the l'ope as a temporal sovereign, 755. Edinburgh, 1871. S°. 2811 - Kill inc. no murder. In Famous pamphlets. pp. 85-133 3351 ' KlLMAlNE, Gen. Chas. Joseph. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 213-232. . . 410-53 Kilmarnock, Earl of. Set Boyd, Wm. Kit Ml ny. Black, Wm. Kll.l'Al KICK. Hugh I •. general, i. . 1836 .■'. 1881 Moore, I. Kilpatrick and our cavalry 53 2 Bj ier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 41231 4 k 1 1. PATRICK. -714- K.ING. KlLPATRICK, II. I., continued. — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and generals. pp. 3IO-346 4122-4 KlLPATRICK, T. B. Pessimism and the re- ligious consciousness. In Seth A. and Haldane. R. B., eds. Essays in philo- sophical criticism, pp. 246-277. . . . 142-76 Kilrogan cottage. Despard, Matilda. Kilsyth, Lady. Sec Cochrane, Jean. KIMBALL, Richard Burleigh, Am. lawyer, h. 1818. Henry Powers, (hanker) ; how he achieved a fortune and married. N. Y,, 1868. 12°. Prince of Kashna. N. Y ., 1S66. 12°. - Romance of student life abroad. N. V., 1865. 12°. Saint l.eger. N. Y ., 1862. 12°. To-day: a romance. N. Y., 1S70. 12°. - Introduction. In Fabens, J. W. In the tropics 4/293-35 Kindergarten. Marenholtz-Bulow, B. von. The child, its nature and relations. . . 3722-5 Moore. N. Kindergarten manual of drawing 740-5 Payne, J. Visit to German schools: notes of a tour to inspect some of the Kindergarten primary schools 37943-/ — I'eabody, E. P. Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners 3722-7 - Wiebe, E. Paradise of childhood. . . . 3722-9 — Hailman, W. N. Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy, pp. 1 14-122. . . 3709-4 — Hurst, J. F. Life and literature in the Fatherland, pp. 82-88 443-49 Newton, R. H. Social studies, pp. 215- 260 330-7" — Payne, I. Lectures on the science and art of education, pp. 3S5-399 370-6S Poulsson, E. Blind children's kindergar- ten. In How to learn and earn. pp. 417-443 3719-4 - Royce, S. Deterioration and race educa- tion, pp. 133-146 309-7 Kindling; or, a way to do it: by a Sabbath 1 hnol teacher: with introductory note, by R. S. Storrs. N. Y., 1856. 12 . . 246-54 Kinematics: a treatise on modification of motion. MacCord, C. W 6218-5S King, Alex. Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 765 773. . . 2521-4 King, Chas., /./.. D., b. 1789-1/. 1867. Chapters. In Hunt. I-'., ed. Lives of American mercl ts 41238-4 Home of Rufus King. In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 355 368. . . 412-53 King, Capt. Chas. Colonel's daughter; or, winning hisspurs. I'hila., 1SS3. 12 Deserter. In Lippincott's magazine, May, ins;. Kim;, Capt. Chas., continued. — Dunraven ranch. In Lippincott's mag- azine, Dec, 1888. — From the ranks. In Lippincott's maga- zine, Dec, 1887. Kitty's conquest. Phila., 1884. 12°. — Marion's faith: a sequel to The colonel's daughter. Phila., 1886. 12 . — War time wooing. N. Y., 1888. 12 . King, Rev. Chas. \Vm. Natural history of precious stones and of the precious metals. L., 1870. 12° 735-5 KING, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. B., 1872. 8°. Same, IS74- 12 47S-55 Kim,, David Bennett. The Irish question. V Y.. 1882. 12° 32041-46 King, David W., ed. Homes for home builders; or, practical designs for coun- try, farm and village. N. Y., 1886, 12 . 728-52 King, Edward, Am.writtr,b. 1848. Gentle savage. B., 1S83. 12°. Gulden spike: a fantasy in prose. B., 1886. 12°. — Kentucky's love: or, roughing it around Paris. B., 1S72. 12°. — My Paris: French character sketches. B., 1868. 1 6° 4443-5 — Introduction. In Flaubert, G. Sal- ammbo. King, Grace. Monsieur Motte. N. Y., 1888. 12°. Contents. —Monsieur Motte. — On the plants- tion. — Drama of an evening. — Marriage of Marie Modeste. KlNG.HenryT. Egotist. Phila., 18S0. 12°. 534F.5 King, Rev. Jas. Anglican hymnology : be- ing an account of the 325 standard hymns of the highest merit according to the verdict of the whole Anglican church. I... 1885. 12° 245-6 — Recent discoveries on the Temple hill al Jerusalem. L., 18S4. 12°. [By-paths of Bible knowledge] 2212-24 King, Jas. Gore. Hunt, F., ed. Lives of American merchants, pp. 185-214. . 41238-4 Kl\... Katharine. Off the roll. N. Y.. 1875. 8°. Queen of the regiment. B.. 1874. 8°. KING, Mrs. Maria M. Principles of nature, as discovered in the development and structure of the universe : the solar sys- tem, laws and method of its develop- ment: earth, history of its development. etc. : given inspirationally. v. 1. B., 1871. 8° 176-55 KING, Mary B. Allen. Looking backward: 01. "hi" . ol the past. N. X .. 1S70. 12° 532B8 KING 7'5 l.i..., Moses. Dictionar) ..i Boston: ed. l.y Edwin M, Bai on 17 1 1 1 ' 19 Hand-book of Boston. Cambridge, 1878. 8° 47446-5 King, Peter, lit baron, i. 1669 . 1 775-*/. 1833. Life and letters of John Locke; withe tracts from his journals ami common- plai e 1 K-. 1 .., 1 S04. 12 581 r. ) Brougham, II. II istorical sketche ol statesmen. \. J. pp. 7-16 410-17 King, Rev. R. and others, rales for young men .mil women. Oxford, [877. 16 . 534 \, Content* lln t! I I I1111 I v one.— False h moi Kim., Rufus, Am. statesman, b. 1753 J. 1827. Homes of American statesmen. pp. 355--36S 412-53 M e, I ., ed. American eloquence, v. 2- PP- 33-5'- • ■ 8152 6 King, I'hos. Starr, Am. Unitarian minister, /•. 1SJ4 (/. 1864. Christianity and human- ity i sermons: ed. with memoir by E. P. \\ hippie. II.. 1SS2. 12° 252 56 Substance and show and other lectures: ed. n ith an introduction bj E. P. Whipple. B., I.S77. 12° 534^9 Contents — Introduction. — Substance and show. — Laws t>r disorder. — Socrates.— Sight and insight. — Hildcbrand. Musi) Bxistence and life. — Earth and the mechanic arls -Daniel Webstfi] Books and reading. — Privilege and duties of patriotism. — Intellectual duties of students in their academic yeai — The White hills. B., 1868. 12 . . . . 47428-5 Trinitarianism not the doctrine of the New Testament : two lectures. A New discussion of the Trinity, pp. 90-143. 2;u 4 Frothingham, R. Tribute, to Thos. Starr King 533B1 Whipple, E. P. American literature. pp. 299-316 946E3 Character and characteristic men. pp. 253- 2 65 946E4 King, Thorold. Haschisch : a novel, Chi- cago, 1886. 16°. King, \V. R. Lessons and practical notes on steam, the -team engine, propellers, etc. 11. t. p. 8° 021 12 -3 King, Wm., b. \t>6$-d. 1712. Johnson, S. Eminent English poets. v. 1. pp. 481-4S4 41S21-5 King and Commonwealth. Cordery, B. M. and Phillpotts, J. S 9362 3 Kim; and no king. Beaumont and Fletch- er. In British dramatists, pp. 204 291. 8223 2 K im. Atthui . .v. Arthur. Kim. Arthur. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Kim. country, Nil hoi I , |. II. Ken-, 1 1 Henry IV, V, VI and \ 1 1 1 Set SI re, W. 11..,. ( w. I c.i 1 : .lra:r \\ . King "f Folly island and othei people. Jew ell, Sarah 1 1 K ing of Hayti, De Q 1 political ei 1 mi. my, eii . pp. 35" -387. . Kin., of No-land Farjeon, B. I King "I Saxony's journey through England tnd cotlan • ti I I 4 1 1 1 2 King of the Golden river. Ruskin, J. . . 3S1 70 /« Ruskin, J, Miscellanea. \. 2. 7.14 825 K im. of the tigers. I I.. KING Rene's daughter. Ilert/, II. . . . N;-' s l I King Richard III: drama. See Shake- speare, w. King Solomon's mine-. Haggard, II. K. Kingdom of Christ. Maurice, F. D. . . . 28 Is [NCI 1X1 . Alex. U in.. Eng. author, b. 1809. Eothen ; or, traces of travel hrought home from the East. Leipzig, 1846. 16°. Same. N. \ '., 1858. 12°. . . . 457 5 Invasion of the Crimea. 6 V. \. Y.. 1875-88. 12° 9475-5 Contents. — v. 1. Transactions which l.rought un the war.— From the invasion to the battle -if the Alma, July-Sept , 1854. ■ -Oct., 1854. v. 3. Battle of Inkerman, Nov.. 1854. \ 1 Winter troubles, 1854-55. % From the morrow of Inkcrinan to the I .ill of Canrobert. v. 1 It. m the opening of I'clissicr's com- mand to the death of Lord Raglan. Kim.s. Doran, Dr. J. Monarchs retired friim business Kings and queens; or, life in the palace. Ml, tt, J. S. C 415 I- Kim.s and queens at home. Humphrey, Frances A 415-45 King's Cope. B., n. d. 8°. K im.'s daughter. Alden. Mr.. I. M., (Pan- sy, pseud.) 714A56 King's ferry boat. Norton, J. N. Kim.'s men. Grant, R. and others. King's mountain, Battle of, 17S0. Draper. L. C. King's mountain and its he- roes — Gilmore, J. R. Rear-guard of the revolu- tion, pp. 248-274 0751. 45 — See also X . S. history, revoluti >:. King's namesake. Phillimore, C. M. . . . 729 A 1 Kings of Rome. Dyer, T. II 0191-3 King's own. Marryatt, Frederick. King's quair: poem. See James I. "f Srot- land. Kim.-, queens and barbarians. Gilrnan, A. 903-36 King's servants. Smith. II., (Hesba Stret- ton, pseud KING'S. 716 KIXGSLEY. King's service : a story of the thirty years' war, by the author of Spanish brothers. L., n. d. 12 . King's treasure house. Walloth, W. Kingsbury, Harmon. Law and govern- ment: origin, nature, extent and neces- sity of Divine and human government and of religious liberty. N. V., 1849. 12° 2577-47 — The Sabbath : a brief history of laws, pe- titions, remonstrances and reports; with facts and arguments relating to the Christian Sabbath. N. Y., 1840. 12 . 2594-4 KINGSBURY, John. In Barnard, H., ed. Educational biography, pp. 311-325. 4157-2 KlNGSFORD, Jane, {pseud.) See Barnard, Chas. Francis, jr. KlNGSLEY, Calvin, D. D.. Am. Methodist bishop, b. lSi2-. 1819- d. 1S75. Alton Locke, tailor and poet: an autobiography. Leipzig, 1857. 16 . — At last: a Christmas in the West Indies. L., 1871. 12 . Same. zv. in I. Leip- zig, 1871. 1 6° 47298-5 — From death to life: a fragment of teach- ing to a village congregation ; with let- ters on the life after death. I.., 1887. 16 252-57 Glaucus; or, the wonders of the shore. B., 1855. 16° 5898-5 — Health and education. N. Y., 1.S54. 12 . 535F.1 Contents. — Science of health. — Two breaths. — Tree of knowledge — Nausicaa in London: or, the lower education of woman. — Air-moth- ers.— Thrift.— Study of natural history.— On bio-geology. — Heroism. — Superstition. — Sci- ence. — Grots and groves. — George Buchanan, scholar. — Rondelet, the Huguenot naturalist Vesalius. the anatomist. — Hereward, the last of the English. 1!., 1866. 12°. Heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children. I.., 1873. l6° 2941-5 Hypatia ; or, new foes with an old face. X. V.. 1883. 12°. — Lectures delivered in America in 1874. 1'hila., 1X75. 12 535E2 Contents. — Westminster Abbe) Cht -tage as it was once— -First discovery of Ameri 1 >nt of the Lord.— Ancient civilisation. Madame How and Lady Why ; or, first 11s in earth lore for children. N. V., 1885. 12 5Si-6l New miscellanies. 1'.. i860. 8°. . . . 535E3 Contents. " \ mad world, my ma ' haJk-strcam studies. Mex. Smith and Ai ['houghtfl on Shelley and Byi KlNGSLEY, Rev. Chas., continued. Mansfield's Paraguay, Brazil and the Plate. — Agricultural crisis. — Water supply of London — Speech in behalf of the Ladies' sanitary asso- ciation, 1859. — Great cities and their influence for good and evil. — On the study of natural his- tory. — Thoughts in a gravel-pit.— John Tauler. — Henry Brooke and the Fool of quality. — Pil- grim's Progress illustrated. — Plays and Puritans and other historical essays. L., 1S73. 12 535 E 33 Contents. — Plays and Puritans. — Sir Walter Raleigh and his times. — Froude's History or England. — Poems. B,, 1S56. 12 534^5 — Poem* including the Saint's tragedy, An- dromeda, Mings, ballads, etc. L., 1872. 12° 534C5 — Prose idylls, new and old. L., 1874. 12 . 535E34 Contents. — A charm of birds. — Chalk-stream studies. — The fens. — My winter garden. — From ocean to sea. — North Devon. — Roman and the Teuton: a series of lect- ures delivered before the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1864. 8°. . 921-5 Contents. — Inaugural lecture: the limits of exact science as applied to history. — Forest children. — The dying empire.— Human del- uge; with preface. — Gothic civilizer. — Diet- rich's end. — Nemesis of the Goths. — Paul us Diaconus. — The clergy and the heathen. — The monk a civilizer.— Lombard laws. — The popes and the Lombards.— Strategy of providence. — Sir Walter Raleigh and his time; with other papers. B., 1859. 12 535 K 4 Contents. — Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. — Plays and Puritans.— Burns and his school. — Hours with the mystics. — Tennyson.— Poetry of Sacred and legendary art. — North Devon. — Phaethon. — Alexandria and her schools. — My winter garden.— England from Wolsey to Eliz- abeth, [review of Froude's England). - Town geology. N. Y., 1873. 12 . . . 5504-5 Contents. — Preface.— Soil of the field. — Peb- bles in the street. — Stones in the wall. — Coal in the lire. — Lime in the mortar. — Slates on the roof. — Two years ago. B., 1871. 12°. — Water babies: a fairy tale for a land baby. N. Y.. n. d. 12°. Same. B., 1864. 1 6° 381-55 Westward ho ! or, the voyages and ad- venture- of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight. N. V., 1883. 12°. — Yeast. \. V., 1864. 12 . Selections from writings. 1... 1873. 12 . 535E6 \U winter garden. In Prose master- pieces, \. 2. pp. 15-60 808 7 1'icface. In Strahan; A. ,ed. Boys' and girls' hook of science 5°"~^3 (lias. [Cingsley; his letters and memories of his life: ed. by his wife: abridged front I he I Ion edition. \. Y ., I S 7 7 . 8° 534B> Bayne, I', lissnys. v. -\ pp, 9 51. . . 139E6 KINCsl K\ — 7'7 — KINGS 1 1 in i i i ii., 'hi continued. I I. I.I, K . I Li |. Ii i ii ,1 pp, I In I I |. 3S<>E5 I11 iv ell, J. 11. Model n men at letters, pp. 3«3 330 804-38 Greg, W. R. i i nd social judg- ments, pp. 115 145. Kingsley and Carlyle 1 ; ,1 6 t .1 1 w old, II. I . I loine life "l g real authoi ■ pp. 163 171 r l8 IS Hurst, J. F. History of rationalism. PP- -l'> s 47' 2119-44 M' > .11 thy, J. Modern leaders, pp.211 221 4104-6 Mttller, 1 . M. Biographical essays, pp. 258-278 410-79 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 230-236 410-83 Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons, pp. 214-229. Memorial sermon. . . . 252-85 Kingsley, Geo. Henry, joint author. Her- bert, ii. R. C. itini Kingsley, y. 3-79 412-86 Kingsley, Rose G. Children of Westmin- ster Abbey. B., 1SS6. 12° 41 1-6 Contents —Building ..f the Abbey: Prin. Catherine and Princi Henry.— Conquest of \Wil.-s ; Pr \\\ nso -John of Eliham. — Ed- ward V and Ri< h 11 : Duke of York. King Ed- ward VI.— Miss Elizabeth Russell.'— Prince: Sophia and Mary.— Henry Frederick, I'rince ol Wales I ird Francis \ Uliers. — Princess Vnne and Henry, Duke of Gloucester— Will iam 11 enry, Duki I aer ; in, W, Beatty. Monan h I met. \. V.. 1888. 8° 11 . 1 ■ in, W in. I leni v < ..]• . / '... titer, b. 1 '-■ 1 1 1 n. d. K Boy who I 11. t. p. l6°. 5 ; Cm e ol the " D . rovings in the P cifii I ... 11. d. 12° 5 Cruise of the " Frolic." 535A _•■< In 1 j 1.1 hi of Hi ill and othi I ... 1 6° 535A32 GM/ra/z.— Ferryman ton. — Faithful andbravc 1 ys. — G d captain. — Smuggler's fat. ! cr. — Trawlers. Fred Markham in Russia, n. t. p. 24 . 5 55. \ ;.i 1 1. in powder monkey to admiral. . . . 535A35 t ...Men grasshopper : story of the .lavs of 1 I Iresham. B., 1881. 12 . . 535A ;; Hendricks the hunter: a tale of Zulu- land. I ... n. (I. 12 535^4 Hurricane hurry, n. t. p, 16 . . 531X4.; In the Eastern seas 535A45 — In the wilds of Florida 535A41. James Braithwaite, supercargo: stoi his adventures ashore and afloat. N. v - "■ <1- J2° 535A47 — Log house; or, adventures in Canada. B., n. (1. 16 S3SA48 — Mark Seaworth 535 V> — Mate of the " Lily." n. t. p. 16 . . 5 55 A 52 Missing ship 535 A 54 Norman Vallery; or, how to oven evil with good. I.., 11. d. 16 . . . . 535 A.57 Peter the whaler 535A6 Peter Trawl 535A61 — Ranger and crusader 5i ; — Rival Crusoes 535A65 — Roger Willoughby . or, the time- of Ben- bow. I.., l88l. 12° 535A67 Salt water; the sea life and adventures of Neil D'Arcy, the mid-shipman. V V-, a. d. 1 6° 535A7 Snow -shoes and canoes; or, the early days of a fur trader in the Hudson's Lay ter- ritory. L., 1S77. 12° 535^7-! — South sea whaler 535 A 74 — Stories of animal sagacity. L., 1874. I2 ; . 5905-51 1 in .a- admirals, and the adventures of their young followers. V V., 12°. . . 535A70 Three commanders; or, active service afloat in modern days. L., 12°. . . . ;;; A77 r/hree hundred years ago; or, the martyr entwood. Phila., 1868. 16 . . . 535A8 — Three lieutenants ; or. naval life in the nineteenth century. V \ '.. 12°. . . . 535A78 - Three midshipmen. N. Y., 12 5,; — Trapper's son ; True blue; or. life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. N. v - " ''■ l6 ° ; KINGSTON. 718- KIRK. Kingston, W. II. ti., continued. — Two voyages 53 5 AS 5 Yillegagnon : tale of the Huguenot perse- cution. L., n. d. 12 . — Voyages to Southern seas 535A87 — Will Weatherhelm 535A89 — Young Berringtons; or, the boy explor- ers. L., n. d. 12 535A91 — Burgomaster's daughter. In Rainbow stories, pp. 97-144 763A1 Kini.ey hollow. Hollister, G. 11. Kinnear, John Boyd. Social position of women in the present age. In Butler, J. E., ed. Woman's work and woman's culture, pp. 331-367 396- 2 5 Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine. Der- by, J. C, Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 526-529. . 4181-3 — Poem in honor of Emerson. In Sanborn, F. B. , ed. Genius and character of Emerson, pp. 231-232 317B2 Kinns, Samuel. Harmony of the Bible with science; or, Moses and geology. N. Y., n. d. 8° 215-49 KlNRECHTIN, Rev. Maurice. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 147- 158 4142-65 Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. Smith, W. Robertson 3211-7 Kinsmen, The. Simms, W. G. KiN/.iE, Mrs. John II. Walter Ogilby. Phi la., 1869. 12°. Wall Bun : the early day in the north- west. Phila., 1S73. 12 9875-5 KlP, Leonard. Under the bells. N. Y., IS 7 „. 12°. KlP, Rev. Wm. Ingraham, Episcopal bishop, b. 181 1. Catacombs of Rome: the church of the first three centuries. N. V., KS59. 12° 4057-5 Christmas holydays in Rome. P., 1863. 12° 445 6 -5 Double witness of the church. N. Y.. 1879. 12° 2838 (^ Early Jesuit missions in North America: 1 ompiled and translated from the letters of the French Jesuits, with notes. Al- bany, 1866. 12° 267-4 Contents. — Missionary life among the Abnakis, 1722.— Wanderings and death of Father Rasles, 1689-1724.— Catherine, the Iroquois saint, 1656- 1715. — I roquois martyrs, 1688-1693. — M ontcalm' expedition to destroy Ft. George, 1757. — Fath 1 r M.ircst'sjourncys, 1712. — Voyage up the M is sissippi, 1727. — Mission to the Arkansas, 1727. — 1 1 ai re by the Nati lies ,1729 M ission to the 1 llinois, 1750. Mi ;t0I nil 1 1 tie from the old Jesuit mis- sions. V Y., 1875. 12 -•'■;-■ 1 Content* Synagogue in China, 1730.— Mis Ilia, 1 * 'I" Horn. Kit 1 , Rev. Wm. I., continued. 1704. — Monasteries of Mount Lebanon, 1721. — Knights of Malta, 1711. — Grecian islands, 1711. — Glimpses of the Court of China, 1773. — Rhode Island privateer, 1745. — Fugitive slaves of Cay- enne, 1751. — Trials of the Hudson Bay mission- ary, 1694. — Explorations in the delta, 1712. — Monasteries in the Thebaid desert, 1716. — Par- aguay mission, 1726. — Earthquake at Lima, 1746. — Unnoticed things of Scripture. N. Y., 1879. 16 2208-55 KiPi'AX, John R. Churchyard literature: choice collection of American epitaphs; with remarks on monumental inscrip- tions and the obsequies of various na- tions. Chicago, 1877. 12° 4195-5 KiRBY, E. N. Vocal and action language, culture and expression. B., 1885. 12. 774~5 Kirby, Georgiana Bruce. Years of expe- rience: an autobiographical narrative. N. Y., 1887. 12 535B2 Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. L., 1875. l6 °- • • 536A5 Sea and its wonders. L., 1871. 12°. . 5895-5 Stories about birds of land and water. I.., n. d. 8° 598-574 Things in the forest. L., 1866. 16°. 598-575 Truth is always best; or, a fault con- fessed is half redressed. I.., 1868. 16°. 536A53 World at home. n. t. p. 16 . . . . 4204-54 Kirby, Rev. Wm., Eng. entomologist, b. 1 759— d. 1850. On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts: ed. with notes by Thos. Rymer Jones. 2. v. I.., 1852. 12 . [Bridgewater treatise] 59 1-4 -and Spence, W. Introduction to ento- mology. 1,., 1S59. 12° 5957-54 Kirk, Edward. Founding of metals; a practical treatise on the melting of iron ; with a description of the founding of al- loys ; also of all the metals and mineral substances used in the art of founding. N. Y., 1881. 8° 671-5 KlRK, 1\ci\ Edward N. I.anman, C. Hap- hazard personalities, pp. 238-243. . . 412-5S Kirk, Eleanor, (Mrs. Nelly Ames, pseud.) Up Broadway and its sequel. N. Y., 1870. 12°. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen W (Olney), Am. writer, b. 1842. Love in idleness. Phila., 1S77. 12°. Midsummer madness. P., 1884. 16 . (Henry Hayes, pseud.) Queen money. B., 1888. 12°. Sons ami daughters. B., 18S7. 12°. Story of Margaret Kent. B., 1886, 12 . - Through winding ways. Phila., 1879. 8°. Kirk, Hyland C. Possibility of not dying: a speculation. V v., 1883. 16°. . . 218-49 K 1 1< K ■ 7'9 KIT( III Kirk, John Mi d .ii 'ii inking. /« I ■■in peram e tracts, 1.2 Kirk, John Foster, tm. historian, b. 1824, I li 1^1 \ i,l I Ii 11 I. the I.e. 1. 1, (hike of Burgundy. ; *. Phila., 1864 68. 8°. Kirke, Edmund, pseud, s Gill ■. I Robei Kirke, I 1 in e], Mj Hi of. Brow n, R. . . . Kikki and, .1/". 1 aroline Matilda (Stan ■ bury), Am. writer, b. 1801 S3" '.; ; F. First [a Samuel 1 with mi and introdui lion. 2 ■• . ' imbi 1880 11 [( ami.. I'.ibi. I Kirkup, Thos. Inquiry into n L., 1887. 12° Kirkwood, Daniel, bn. astronomet Asi. 1 minor planets between Mar, and Jupiter. Phila., 1888. 12'. 52544 i ( lomets and met< ors. 1 hila., 187 ;. 12 . 52 ; Meteoric astronomy ; a treatise on -hoot- ing star-, fire-balls ami aerolites. Phila., 1867. 12° 52 >5 5 KlRKW '. I 1 P.,ed. Collection (condensed), and opinions of chi regard to the use of lead pipe for service pipe, in 1 In- Ii itribution of water for the supply of cities. X. V, 1S59. 8°.. . 62845-5 K 11 11 \ Mi. J a red l'ol tei . .1/. /'., / /. /'.. Am. naturalist, i. 1793-rf. 1874. Disasters of Wilkin- and I'.radstreet. In Whittlesey. C. Early history of Cleveland, Ohio. pp. 97-129 9861-9 Note.—h sketch, with a portrait of I'r Kirtland may be found in the Magazine of Western history, v. 4- pp. K^-196. Kirton, John Wm. Pour pillars of temper- ance. X. \'.. 1869. 16 '98-53 Conti 1 ,-oti. — Science. — Scripture. — I \ pi riencc. History anil mystery of aglass of ale. In Temperance tracts, v. 2 198-85 -True nobility; or, the golden deed- of an earnest life: a record of the career and labours of Anthony Ashley Cooper, seventh earl of Shaftesbury. I.., n. d. 12° 246B2 World's worker-: Dr. Guthrie, Father Mathew. Elihu Burritt, J sey. I... 1885. 12° 4"> " KlRWAN, (pseud.) See Murray. Nicholas. KlRWAN, A. V. Modern France: its jour- nalism, literature and society. I.., 1S63. 12° 144-5 K irw AN, Daniel Joseph. Palace and hovel : or. phases of London life. Hartford, 1S70. S° 44-'I 4" Kismet. Fletcher, Jul Kiss for a blow. Wright, II. C 973 \ - Kiss m the dark. Steele. S. S. Drawing- room plays Kissing, literature of. Bombaugh, C. C. 807 Kitchel, II. D. Suppression of the liquor traffic. In Temperance tracts, v. 2. . Kitchen, J. M. W. Catarrh, sore-throat and h X. V., 1884. 1"'. . "t'41 j KITCHEN companion. Parloa, Maria. . . 641 :;, KITCHEN gardener's instructor. Bridge- man, T "35- '7 KITCHENER. KLUNZINGER. Kitchener, Dr. Win, Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 282-2S7 411-56 KlTCHIN, Geo. Wm., D. D., E>ig. author, b. 1827. History of France. 3 v. Ox- ford, 1873-77. 12 . . ' 944-5 Contents. — v. 1. To the year 1453. v. 2. 1453-1624- v. 3. 1624-1793. Kitching, J. Howard. Irving, T. "More than conqueror "; or, memorials of Col. J. Howard Kitching 535^5 Kites. Vance, F. T. Some comical kites. /;/ Ways for boys to make and do things. PP- 7-21 791-87 Kith and kin. Fothergill, J. KlTTO, John, Eng. writer, i. 1804-tf. 1854. Daily Bible illustrations. S v. N. V., 1S54-56. 12°. All except v. 7. . . . 2206-5 v - 7 2329-75 1 . Antediluvians and patriarchs. 2. Moses and the judges. 3. Samuel, Saul and David. 4. Solomon and the kings. 5. Job and the poetical books. 6. , Isaiah and the prophets. 7. Life and death of our Lord. 8. Apostles and the early church. — History of the Holy Bible; with life of Christ and his apostles: ed. by Alvan Bond. Norwich, Conn., 1867. 8°. . . 221-54 — History of Palestine. B., 1856. 12 . . 221-53 — Lost senses. Edinburgh, 11. d. 16 . . . 182-54 — Scripture lands ; described in a series of historical, geographical and topograph- ical sketches and illustrated by a com- plete Biblical atlas, comprising 24 maps, with an index of reference. L., 1866. 12° 2209-54 Memoirs: compiled chielly from his let- ters and journals, by J. E. Ryland ; with a critical estimate of Dr. Kitto'slife and writings, by Prof. Eadie. 2 v. N. V., 'S56. 12° 535B7 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. 1 79— 204 410-478 Famous boys and how they became great men. pp. 81-106 410-48 Irich, s. (,. Mcn.iMii of boyhood. PP- 34-45 5'°-5> II I, K. P. I 'c»-i .it- 1 nf poverty, pp. 224-226 4IC-58 Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 151- ■5 6 4i» 934 Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoe- makei . pp. 261-264 4'°9-95 KlTTYLEEN. .Clarke, Rebecca S. (Sophii pseud.) 621A32 Kitty' i hoice. Davis, K. II. Kn r.'.il.i day. All ott, I ouisa M. . . 114A38 Kitty's conquest. King, Capt. (has. KlUNGANl; or, story and history from Cen- tral Africa : tr. by A. C. Madan. . . . 467-55 KLACZKO, Julian, publicist, b. 1828, in Rus- sia. Two chancellors, Prince Gortcha- kof and Prince Bismarck : tr. from the " Revue des Deux Mondes," by F. P. Ward. X. V., 1876. 12° 4104-56 Klaus Bewer's wife. Lindau, P. KLEIN, E. Micro-organisms and disease: an introduction into the study of specific micro-organisms. 1.., 1884. 16 . . . 5786-55 Kleinwachter, Dr. — . Austria. In Era- minghaus, A., ed. Poor relief in differ- ent parts of Europe, pp. 130-156. . . 339-35 K i.emm, Louis R. Chips from a teacher's workshop. B., 1888. 12°. [Educational topics of the day.] 3704-43 KLENCKE, Philipp F. Herman. Alexander von Humboldt : a biographical monu- ment: tr. by J. Bauer 491B2 Ki.iitakt, John H. Principles and prac- tice of land drainage. Cinn., 1861. 12° 6313-5 — Wheat plant : its origin, culture, growth, development, composition, varieties, diseases, etc.; with remarks on Indian corn, its culture, etc. Cinn., i860. 12° • • 6331-4 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, German poet. b. 1724-rr. 1803. Brooks, C. T.,tr, German lyric poetry, pp. 185-190. . . S319-31 — Fuller, M. Life without and life within. pp. 308-313 400E5 — Gostwick, J- German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 248-266 239-43 — Hedge, F. 11. Hours with German classics, pp. 121-142 830-42 — [ameson, A. (M.) Loves of the poets. ' pp. 369-38S 418-48 — Mangan, J. Poems, pp. 200-206. [Se- lections, translated.] 610C1 — - Wilkinson, W. C. Classic German course in English, pp. 40-56 "3°-95 KLOPSTOCK, Margaret (Moller), wife of fore- going, d. 1758. Child, L. M. Biogra- phies of good wives, pp. 1S2-191. . . 413-25 Klosterheim ; or, the masque. De Quin- cey, Thos. — Same. In He Ouincey, T. Memorials and other papers, v. 2. pp. 5 231. . . 284E47 KLUNZINGER, Dr. C. B. Upper Egypt; il^ people and iis products: descriptive ac- count of the manners, customs, super- stitions and occupations of the people of the Xile valley, the Deserl and 1 1 1 <■ Red sea coast ; wilh sketches of the nat- ural history and geology, with a prefa- tory notice by Dr. Georg Schweinfurth, N. Y., 1.S76. 8° 4623-5 KNAGGS, 7-' ,111 I . . m . ■ . . , Dr. Henry . B th In Notes on collecting and preserving natural hi I pp. it 66. - . Knapp, Dr. I'. Chemical technology; or, chemistry, applied to thi d to ni.iniil.il litres: tr. and ed. » 1 1 1 • noti and addil bj I Ronalds and T. Rii hard i I Vm. ed. with noti and additions by W. R. Johnson. 2 v. l'liihi.. |S.|S |.|. s < »< .. > 55 Knapp, Jacob, Am. Baptist revival preacher, i. 1799-1/. 1874. Autobiography; with introductory essay l>y K. Icllcrv. V V., 1868. 12° 537B1 Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, tni, writer, i. 1 784-*^. 1858. Female biography ; con- 1 of distinguished women. V V.. 1834. 12° (i ; . ■ Life of Aaron Burr. N. Y., 1S35. 12°. 196B8 KNATCHBULL-Hugessen, E. II. See I! sen, E. 1 1. Knatchbull-. Knave of hearts. Grant, Robert. Kneeland, Samuel, M. D., Am. naturalist, />. 1821. An American in Iceland ; with notes on the Orkney, Shetland and I :i .-islands. 1!., 1876. 12° 4491-5 Noli amies and earthquakes: a popular account of their nature, cause . efli and geographical distribution, from per- sonal observation in the Hawaiian and Philippine islands, Japan, Iceland, the Mediterranean basin, Spain and the United States. P.., 1888. 8° 5512-4 — Preliminary abstract of the views of Blu- menbach, Prichard, Bachman, Agassi/ and other authors of repute on the sub- ject. In Smith, C. H. Natural history of the human species, pp. 15-98. . . 572-S4 KNIBB, Win. Small beginnings, pp. 248- 2 5 8 410-93 Knickerbocker, Diedrich. See Irving, W. Knickerbockers. &*New York. KNIGHT, Arthur. Cruise of the "Theseus" : a yarn for boys. L., 1S86. 12°. . . . 538A1 KNIGHT, ( has., Eng. author, b. 1791-a'. 1873. Half hours with the best authors, in- cluding biographical and critical no- tices. 4 v. 12° 808-5 Half hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers, forming a col- lection of memoirs and anecdotes "I eminent persons. 2 v. I.., 1867-6S. 12° S26-54 Contents.— v. 1. Howell.— D'Ewes.— Pepys. — Lucy Hutchinson. — Anne Fanshawe. Grey. West and Walpole. — Thos. Bewick. Mrs. Dc- lany.— Miss Burney. — Byron and Dallas. — Henry Teonge. — Sterne.— Horaci Walpole and the Miss Berrys —Win. Shenstone. — Richard and Mary Steele.— Sir Thus. Browne and his son the sailor. — Fielding and Thackeray.— I 111,1 ha . ■ antinued. v Wi.rllcy Mm.- ef oi v i' IVot. I per.— Ar- thur Wil — Junius and Woodfall 1! . cy ' 01 ' • South- ;.hcr John ' bed lettei iL '1 ) I I 8 v. I.., n. d. 8''. 930-56 Content* — v. 1 I'. (*. -, A I' ■377-"547 —v J >S47-« 6 4=— v 4 i^'--"**?- — v. 5. 1688-1742.— v. 6. 1714-1775. — v. 7. 1814.— v. 8. 1815-1867. Knowledge is power. B., 1 856. 12°. Sam.-. L., 1866 33 6 ".37 < In 1 I.., 1865. 12°. . . 5 Passages from the life of ('has. Knight. . Curwen, H. History of booksellers, pp. 234-278. Chambers, Knight and ' sell 418-32 N ni.ll, II. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. pp. 151-188. p literature 4104-7 Knight, Cornelia, Eng. writer, 0. 1757-rf. 1 s ,7. Personal reminiscences. In Stoddard, R. 1 1., ■■'. I ornelia Knight and Thos. Kaikes. pp. 3-163 4182-89 KNIGHT, Edward Frederic. Albania: narra- tive of recent travel. L., 18S0. 12 .. 44969-5 Cruise of the "Falcon": a voyage to South America in a 30-ton yacht. 2 v. L., 18S4. 12° 4SO-453 Knight, Mrs. Helen C. Lifeofjas. Mont- 1 v. B., 1857. 12° 645B1 Knight, Mrs. S. G., (Kate Manton, /;i kai'.oi t club. See Ober, F. A. Steph- ens, C. A. Knocking round the Rockies. Ingersoll, E. 478-51 KNOLLYS, Major Henry. English life in China. L., 1885. 8° 451-54 — Sketches of life in Japan. I,., 1887. 8°. 452-52 KNOl 1, J. Proctor. Duluth ! Speech in the House of Representatives. In Watter- son, H., ed. oddities of southern life and character, pp. 265-284 817-94 KNOUT, The. Sadlier, Mrs. J. Knout and the Russians. Lagny, G. de. . 447-54 K miu -nothings. Sec American party. KNOWLEDGE and faith, and other discourses. Frothingham, O. B 252-392 Knowledge is power. Knight, ("has. . . 336-37 KNOWLES, Jas. Sheridan, Irish dramatic writer, />. 1 784 - d. 1862. Dramatic works. 2 v. in I. 11. t. p. 12°. . . . 540C3 Knowlton, Helen M. Hints fir pupils in drawing and painting; with illustra- tions from charcoal drawings, by Wm. M. Hunt. i:.. 1880. 1 6° 741-4 ed. Hunt, W. M. Talks on art. 2 v. . 704-47 Alex, A. New play ground; or, wanderings in Algeria. 1 ... 1881. 8°. 465-5 Knox, Henry, Am. general and statesman, i. 1750 i. [806. Ilr nil. v, |. T. Wash- ington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 99-103 4121-46 Knox, Henry, continued. — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 457-462 410-82 Knox. Isabella (Craig), Scottish writer. Young folks' history of England. B., n - d. 1 6° 9301-5 — Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 475-478. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . 80921-7 Knox, J. Armory, joint author. Sweet, Alex. and Knox, J. Armory. On a Mexican mustang through Texas 4764-8 Knox, Jas. H. M. Brief sketches of the members of the Re-union committee. In Presbyterian reunion, 1837-71. . . 2851-6 Knox, John, Scottish reformer, 6. 1505-1/. 1572. Warren, Miss — . John Knox and his times 539^1 — Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway, also an essay on the portraits of John Knox. 9481-3 Heroes and hero-worship, pp. 107-142. 410-24 — Foster, Mrs. I, H., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 69- 72 410-585 — Great Scotsmen : short lives for young children, pp. 20-31 4112-4 — Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 183-206 4143-4 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 43-5 2 411-65 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 348-351 4i°-7 — Stevenson, R. L. Familiar studies of men and books. pp. 328-397. John Knox and women 851E2 — Taylor, W. M. Scottish pulpit. pp. 45-71 2741-8 — Tulloch, J. Leaders of the reformation. PP- 249-309 4H3-8 — Turnbull, R. Genius of Scotland, pp. 53-61 441-76 Williams, W. R. Eras and characters of history, pp. 227-251 902-9 Knox, Lucy (Flucker), wife of Gen. Henry Knox, d. 1824. Filet, E. F. Queens of American society, pp. 96-103 41239-31 — Women of the American revolution, v. 1. pp. 107-m andv. 3. pp. 35-51. . 4121-35 Kn.i\, Col. Thos. Wallace, Am. writer, li. 1835. Adventures of two youths in the open I 1 .. 1. 11 sea: voyage of the " Vivian " to the North Pole and beyond. N. Y., 1885. 8° 498-54 Boy travellers in the Fai East: advent- ures of two youths. 1. Japan and China. 11. t. p. 8" 452-53 2. Siamandjava; with descriptions of 1 ochin-China, Cambodia, Sumatra and the Malay Archipelago. N.Y., 1881. 8°. 453-5 KXOX. — 723 KICK H Knox, Col. T. W., continued, \. ( !ej lor and India, with di crip tion i ol B i hi Philippini 1 lands and Burmah. N. \'., [882. 8° {.54-5 4. Egypt and [he I loly land. N. Y., 1883. 8° 462-52 5. Journey through Afi ii a. \. \'., 18S4. 8° 460-53 li' ij 11 ivellei hi South Amei ica. N. Y., 1866. 8° 480 155 Bo] travellers in the Russian empire. N. V., 1S87. 8° 447-52 1 amp fire and 1 otton field : Soul hem ad- venture in time of war: life with the Union armies and resideni e on a Louis- iana plantation. N. V., 1865. 12°. . . 9801-5 I »<■• isi\ e hatl k-s ,im r \\ . ■ 1 . - 1 lnu : 1 important military events, 1815-S7. N. V-. 1887. 8° 903-53 Contents. — Ayacucho, 1S24.— I'romc, 1825. — Navarino, 1827. — Siege of Silistria, 1829. — Staoueli and 1.1II of Algiers, 1 , Capture of Antwerp .tin! liberation of Belgium, 1832. --Cap- ture of the city of Mexico, 1847. — Gujerat, 1849. — Capturcof the Mil.! ti ind the Redan, and fall of Sebastopol, 1855. — Lucknow and Cawn- pore, 1857-58.— Capture of the Peiho forts and Pekin, 1858-60.— Solfcrino, 1859.— The Monitor and the Merrimac, 1862.— Gettysburg, 1863. — Siege and fall of Vicksburg, 1863.- Fivi Fori .mil Lee's surrender, 1865. — Kocniggratz (Sado- wa), [866 < 1870.— Fall of Sedan, 1870.— Fall of Khiva, 1873.— Fall of Plevna, 1877. —Capture of Geok Tcpc, 1881.— Miraflores, 1881. — El Obeid tnnihilation >t" Hicks Pasha's army, [883 Fall of Khartoum, 1885. — Dog stories and dog lore; experience of two boys in rearing and training dogs; with many anecdotes of canine intelli- gence. N., V., 1S87. 8° 798-54 How to travel: hints, advice and suggi lions to travelers liy land and sea all over the globe. V \ ., 1S81. 24°. . 433-5 — Life of Robert Fulton, and a liisiorj .[ steam navigation. \. \ .. [886. 12°. 388B7 — Overland through Asia: pictures of Si- berian, 1 hine e and Tartar life. Hart- ford, 1870. 8° 450-4S — Pocket guide for Europe. X. V., n. d. 2 4° 440-54 — Travels oi Marco Polo, for boys and girls. N. V., 1SS5. S° 450-49 I nderground world: a minor of life be- low the surface; with vivid descriptions of the hidden works of nature and art. Hartford, 1S83. S° 6229-5 Contents. — Below the surface — Discovery of coal. — Borings and shafts.— Accidents in shafts. Silver mines and mining. — Silver mining in Ne- vada, — Speculations in Nevada mines .Mines and mining enterprises in North AXrica.— Ad- ventures of divers.— Russian mines and mining. — Day in Pompeii. — Vesuvius ami its eruptions. — Caverns of Naples. — Excavations of I ' t ■., Col. T. W., contin ■ C01 eel 1 "I burglarie I 1 Dn den.— I Win diamond mini I • \r n - .. Underworld f Pai 1 Inundation at ladle.— Perils of tl Mamn oth 1 trance and it - Railway tunnels.- .Mount ('< ian icwei 1 trade.— Avondale. — Iron and iron ilea in Sil eria. — Lead mi I in thi Blacl inder Lake Superior. — California and her terrestrial treasures.— Rapid transit.— Tunnels and the underground railroad in Lond V aim tl underground, ' lul of pi blin. Gel abroad. — Subterranean dwelli I as a fine art. — Mineral resources of Australia and New Zealand— Underground in San Cisco- Gold and its uses.— Gold mining— Cop- per and copper mines.— Catacombs of Rome.— Parisian rag-pickers.— Brigandage and piracy. Buried treasures.— Operations .,t II. I] Early history of mankind. — Diamond and other swindles.— Perquisites.— Wieliczka salt m — Explosions in mines.— Mysteries of the I . jury. — Borrowing and borrowers.— Among the detectives. — War and prison adventure. Voung Nimrods [part i| in North Ameri- ca. N. Y.. 1881. 8° — Von nt; Nimrods [part 2] around the world: a book for boys. X. \ ., 1.SS2. S°. . I iske, S. Off-hand portraits of promi- nent Xew Yorkers, pp. 222-228. . . . - Rideing, W. II. Boyhood of living au- [hors. pp. 131-137 Knox, Vicesimus, Eng. writer, 0. 1752-0'. 1821. Essays moral and literary: with biographical, historical and critical pre- face. 2 v. L., 1S27. [2° KNOX, Wm. Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel. pp. 223-225. [Biog. sketch and poem-.] [-Little. See Little, Rev. Canon Knox-. Kobell, Franz von, German mineralogist, i. 1803 — tl. 1882. Mineralogy simplified : short method of determining and classi- fying minerals by mean- of simple chem- ical experiments in the dry and wet way: with an introduction to blowpipe analy- sis and other additions, by Dr. Henri End. Phila., 1S67. 12° Populai sketches from the mineral king- dom: tr. and ed. by A. Henfrey. Bound with Schouw. J. 1". Earth, plants, and man. pp. 247-402 Km 11. A. Prince Alexander of Battenberg. L., 1S87. S° K" 11. R. joint author. Stein, A., and Koch, K. Hurrah for the holidays: or, the pleasures and pains of freedom. . . . 796-52 7966-45 ii -'47 1 41 s 71 S0921-7 503-S II4B5 851A5 KOEHLER. 724 — KRAPF. Kokiii.er, August. Practical botany, struc- tural and systematic, and an analytical key to the flora of the northern and middle United States east of the Mis- sissippi. N. Y., 1876. 8° 580-53 Koenic, Frederick. Smiles, S. Men of invention and discovery. pp. 1 53 — 179 4169-81 Koenig, Dr. Friedrich Edward. Religious history of Israel : discussion of the chief problems in Old Testament history as opposed to the development theorists: tr. by Alex. J. Campbell. Edinburgh, 1885. 12 221-5S Koeniogratz, (Sadowa), Battle of. Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 308-324 903-53 Konigsmark, the legend of the hounds and other poems. Boker, G. H 171C4 Koerner, Karl Theodor, German poet. b. \ygi-d. 1813. Brooks, C. T., tr. Ger- man lyric poetry, pp. 53-89 8319-31 — Mangan, J. Poems, pp. 167-174. [Se- lections, translated] 610C1 KOESTLIN, Julius, German theologian, b. 1826. Life of Luther. X. V., 1883. 8°. . . 592B5 Koettschau, C. Coming Franco-German war: a military political study: tr. by John Hill. L., 1887. 8° 94487-5 Kohlrausch, Frederick. History of Ger- many. N. Y., 1856. 8°. Same, 1S73. 943~5 Kokhanovsky, Mine — . Rusty Linch-pin and Luboff Archipovni. B., 18S7. 12 . Koldeway, Capt. Karl. German Arctic ex- pedition of 1869-70, and narrative of the wreck of the "Hansa" in the ice: tr. and abridged by Rev. L. Mercier, edited by H. W. Bates. L., 1874. 8°. . . . 498-55 KoLPAKOFFSKY, General — , b. 1S19. Boul- ger, D. C. Central Asian portraits. pp. 213-224 • 41148-2 KOLTZOFF-Massalsky, Helena (ihika, prin- cess, (Dora D'Istria, pseud.), />. 1829-^. 1888. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation; or, La Suisse Allemande: tr. from the French by II. G. 2 v. I.., 1858. 8° 27494-5 — The educational movement. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. pp. 3 2 ° 329 396-85 1 . 1 1 , Wilhelm 1 >.i\ id, joint author. Guhl, E. and Koner, W. [D.| Life of the Greeks and Romans 4051-4 Koran. Muir, W. Non-Christian religious systems: the Coras 2979 | — Sale, Geo, tr. Koran: commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed 2978-7 Stephens, W. K. W. Christianity and Islam. iIm Bible and the Koran. . . . 297-75 Koran, continued. — Weil, G. Bible, the Koran and the Tal- mud ; or, Biblical legends of the Mussul- mans 2214-95 — Bibles of other nations, pp. 205-240. . 290-25 — See also Mohammedanism. Korolenko, Vladimir. Vagrant and other tales: tr. from the Russian by Mrs. Aline Delano. N. V., 18S7. 12 . Contents. — Biographical note. — Old bellring- ers. — Forest soughs. — Easter-night. — A Sagha- linian : the tale of a vagrant. — Sketches of a Si- berian tourist. KortCm, Karl Arnold, German physician, b. 1745-fl. 1S24. Jobsiad : a grotesco-com- ico-heroic poem : tr. by Chas. T. Brooks. N. V., 1S67. 12° 834-5 Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, Polish general, b. 1750-1/. 1817. Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 140-144 41231-4 — Jefferson, T. Writings, v. S. pp. 494- 497. Sketch of Kosciuszko 818-5 — Porter, J. Thaddeus of Warsaw : a ro- mance. KOSSUTH, Louis, Hungarian statesman, b. 1802. Memories of my exile : tr. from the original Hungarian, by Ferencz Jausz. N. Y., 1880. 8° 543B3 — Brace, C. L. Hungary in 1851 4439-23 — De Puy, H. W. Kossuth and his gener- als 543 B2 — Bryant, W. C. Orations and addresses. pp. 259-266. Press banquet to Kossuth. 815-2 Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 189-193. [Same address] 189E3 — Emerson, R. W. Miscellanies. pp. 357-362. Address to Kossuth 318E8 — Howe, H. Adventures and achieve- ments of Americans, pp. 565-568. . . 412-55 — S., V.. O. Hungary and its revolutions. PP- '59-545- Memoir 9428-7 — Stiles, Wm. H. Austria in 1S48-49. . . 9426-7 — Willis, N. P. Famous persons and places. PP- 433-453 442-95 KOTAKA. Morris, J. KOTZEBUE, Otto von, German explorer, b. 1787-*/. 1846. Verne, J. Explorations of the world. Part 3. pp. 1S6-200. . 436-92 Koi Vs, Nathan C. Alius, the Libyan. N. Y., 1884. 12°. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. N. Y., 1S84. 12°. Kuan 1/, J. I'>. Study on reservoir walls: tr. by V. A. Mahan. N. V., 1883. S°. 62843-5 Kraii, Rev. Or. J. Lewis. Travels, re- searches and missionary labours during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa, together with [various] journeys ; with an appendix respecting the snow- capped mountains "I Eastern Africa, R \l'l — 725 — K k mi, Rei . Dr. I . I ., . ontinu i <,in 1 1- 1 1 he v - ile, I ingu tgi and 111 erature "I Ea tern Africa, and 11 mi account ol geogi aphii al n eai hes in E .1 tei 11 Africa, b) I . < .. Raven lein I.., i860. 8° Krasinski, Count Valerian, Polish tcholar, t. 1780-1/. 1S55. Montenegro, and the Slavonians of ["urkey. I.., 1853. 16 . 4497-5 KrAsnohorskA, Elise. Bohemia. /« Stan- ton, T., ed. Woman question in Eu- rope, pp. 446-456 396-85 Kraszbwski, Joseph Ignatius, d. 1S12. Zim- mern, II. and A. Foreign novelists, pp. 207-219. [Biog. sketch and extracts.] 808-99 KRAUSSE, A. S. Starving London : story of a three weeks' sojourn among the desti- tute. L., 1886. 16 3394-63 KREMER, R. E. Easy lessons in natural science. Phila., 1874. 12 504-5 ECREMNITZ, Mite, <•! the 19th century, pp. 83-92 2521-4 istern, Adam Johann von, Ru navigator, b. 1770-1/ [846. Verne, J. I vploration of the world. Part 3. pp. 173-186 436-92 1.1 111, Johannes, joint author. Ramseyer, Augustus and Kiihne, Johannes, lour years in Ashantee 26665-8 I 1 , Abraham, DJD., LL. D., Dutch Ori- entalist, b. 1829. An historico-critical inquiry into the origin and composition of the Hexateuch, (Pentateuch and book of Joshua): tr. by Philip H. Wicksteed. I ... 1886. 8° 2231-55 National religions and universal reli.L; N. Y.. 1S.S2. 12°. [Hibbert lectures.] 290-53 -- Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish -tate : tr. by Alfred Heath May. 3 V. L., 1874-75. 8° 296-5 —joint author. Oort, II., Hooykaas, Land Kuenen, A. Bible for learners. 3 v. . 22I-; Green, W. H. Moses and the prophets, pp. 173 251. Review 2 Kr-Ki r\ conspiracy. Beard, I. M K. K. K. sketches — Raum, G. B. Existing conflict between republican government and Southern oligarchy 984-8 — Garfield, I. A. Work-, v. 1. pp. 702- 73>- ■ ■ s 'S-45 — Tourgee, A. W. I ool's errand. Ktti'iv. Schuyler. E. Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Kho- katul, Bukhara and Kuldja Kennedy. I. life and work in Benare- and Kumaon. pp. 232-392. . 2654-45 KiN-t, Hermann, [pseud.) See Smith, Wal- ter Chalmers. Kurdistan. Ellis, T. J. On a raft, and through the desert: narrative of an ar- tist's journey through Northern Syria and Kurdistan. 2 v KURDISTAN — 726 — LABOR. Kurdistan, continued. — Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the desert 4025-5 — Marsh, D. W. Tennesseean in Persia and Koordistan : being scenes and inci- dents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea. 2656-57 — Ussher, J. Journey from London to Per- sepolis: including wanderings in Dagh- estan, Georgia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia and Persia 450-9 — See also Asia. Central Asia. K 1 RTZ, F., Joint author. Ascherson, P., Heldreich, T. von and Kurtz, F. Cata- logue of the plants hitherto known of the Troad. In Schliemann H. Ilios. pp. 727-737 4026-7 Kustel, Guido. Roasting of gold and silver ores and the extraction of their respect- ive metals without quicksilver. San Francisco, 1880. 8° 6692-5 - Treatise on the concentration of all kinds of ores: including the chlorinatinn process for gold-bearing sulphurets, arseniurets and gold and silver ores generally. San Francisco, 1S68. S° 62275-4 Kuthumi: the true and complete economy of human life, based on the system of theosophical ethics : new edition writ- ten and prefaced by Elliott Coues. B., 1S86. 24° 212-21 Kvrle, John, tin "Alan of J\oss." Mason, J., cd. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 401-404 410-7 L L., B. I.. Matter and energy: are there two real things in the physical universe: being an examination of the fundament- al conceptions of physical science. L., 1887. 16 501-53 Labberton, Robert H. Outlines of history ; with original tables, chronological, ge- nealogical and literary. Phila., 1S71. 12° 905-56 La Beche, Henry, T. de. Geological ob- server. Phila., 1S51. 8° S50-54 Labiche, Eugene Marin, i. 181 5. Matt- hews, J. B. French dramatists, pp. 224-242 41841-6 Lablache, Louis. Q. You have heard of them. pp. S2-90 410-S5 Labanoff, Prince Alexander, ed. Letters of Mary Stuart, nueen of Scotland, se- lected from the " Recueil des lettres de Marie Stuart:" tr. with notes and an in- troduction, by Wm. Turnbull. L.,1845. 8° 616B7 I \i. OF and capital. About, E. Hand-book of social economy 330-13 Alexander, J. W. American mechanic and workingman 336S-15 — Ames, A. Sex in industry 39 6 5-l3 Atkinson, E. Distribution of products. 3304-15 Labor and capital allies not enemies. . 5361-2 Margin of profits 336 i| Atlas essays, No. 3. Labor. The Re- ublic 304-17 — Bellamy, C. J. The way out: sugges- I 1 ocial reform. . . I 304-2 Big wa| earn them. .. . 336 n |'.| .1 ii ie, V\ G. I leads and hands in the world of labor 3361-23 Labor and capital, continued. — Brassey, T. Foreign work and English wages 33°-l9 Work and wages practically illustrated. 336-2 — Brown, W. Labor question ; thoughts on paper currency and lending on inter- est as affecting labour, commerce and manufactures 3316-23 — Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Undercurrents over- looked 3368-2 — Campbell, II. (S.) Prisoners of poverty: women wage workers 3364-3 — Certain dangerous tendencies in American life, and other papers 4733~3 — Chamberlin, E. M. Sovereigns of indus- try 33 6 -9 — Cobden, J. C. White slaves of England. 3368—27 — Collins, Miss J . Nature's aristocracy. . 3368-3 — Cook, J. Labor. [Boston Monday lect- ures.] 336-3 — Davitt, M. Leaves from a prison diary. 304-32 — Ely, R. T. Labor movement in Amer- ica 336-33 — George, PL Progress and poverty. . . 333~4 Social problems 33°4-35 — Giffen, R. Progress of the working class in the last half century 3368-4 — Gladden, W. Applied Christianity. . . 2576-3 Working people and then employers. . 3361-5 — Greg, W. R. Rocks ahead 304-4 — Gunton, G. Wealth and progress; crit- ical examination of the labor problem. 336 34 - Hanson, W. Fallacies in " Progress and poverty." 3304-4 — Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, living and tariff 3353 1, — Hawley, F. B, Capital and population. 3361 (l I.AIIOI 7-'7 IMBE. 1 ,abi '!■ and i apital, . ontinued. I leath, I' . i . Peasant life in the west of I ngland n- i; [acobson, \. Hig hei ground : hint toward settling the laboi Iro ible. ... 3361-64 fevon , W.S, State ilation to 1 . aye, J. W, Essa} of i pi imist. . . 53 Kelley, W. 1 >. Speei hes, addn 1 and li tte indu 1 1 m1 and Rnam ial ques- tions .iJ04-46 K night, < '. K nowledge is power. .. . I. .unci, |. ,\. Talks about labor. . . . J361 68 I ,evi, I .. \\ ages and earnings of 1 he working 1 1 1 3362-5 — Le Play, F. Organization of labor in ac- cordance will) custom uid the law of he decalogue Marshall, A. and M. P. Economic ol indu m 3j6-45 Marx, K. Capital. 2 v 330-64 Maurice, I''. I'. Workman and the frail- ■ In le 32442-6 Moody, W. (.. I. ami ami labor in the United States 333-6 -- Newcomb, S. Plain man's talk on the Ial [uestiori 336- J 5 Penny, V. Think and act. : a series of articles pertaining to men and women, work and wages 3965-71 — Phillips, W. A. Labor, land and law: 1 .arch for the missing wealth of the working poor 333 - 68 Report of the committee of the Senate upon the relations between labor and capital. 4 v 3361-96 Rogers, J. I. T. Six centuries of work and wages 336-6 Kiiskin, J. Fors Clavigera: letters to the workmen and laborers of Great Britain 3368-69 - Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. . 3368-7 — Schoenhof, J. Industrial situation. . . 3361-74 Sewell, W. G. (in leal 1 if free labor in the British Wesl Indies 9918-S Smiles, S. Thrift 336S-75 Taylor, W. C. Factories and the fac- tor} system 3368-8 Walker, V. A. Wages question : a 1 ise on wages and the wages class. . . . 336 8 — Weeden, W. B. Social law of labor. . 3 Weeks, I. D. Labor differences and their settlement : a plea for arbitration and conciliation 3301 78 Wolff, M. P. On the rational aliniena- tion of the laboring classes 336S3-9 Wind, II. Natural law in the business world 330 88 Wright, Il.l'i. Practical treatise on labor. 336-9 — Wright. 1'. Our new masters 3361-8 1 I • apital, amtintt Aiknian, W. I ,ifl ', J. Industrial i /// Stanton, I .. ■/. Woman que tion in I pe. pp. 'jo -107 1 ge. I ij and lc book. pp. 251 272 ;i ,1 , ' .linn, 1 1. I in nuance. pp 332-41 I lolland, J. G. Every-i v. 1. IT- 133 347 1 I •■■ hnson, - I mons. pp. 2S1-313. Labor parties and labor reform 51 7E5 Mill, I. S. 1 lissertation i and di V. 2. pp. 260-296. V. 5. pp. 28-94. Reviews — Rainsford, W. S. Sermons preached at St. George's, pp. 89-102 252-7S Robert -. hi, F. W. Life, letters, lectures and addresses, pp. 739-840 790B32 Stille, C. J. Studies in medi eval his- tory, pp. 385-412 921-7 — See also Co-operation. Land. .Manufac- tures. Political eco'i HERE, Henri Du Pre. Diary of the besieged resident of Paris. N. Y.,1871. 8° 94 A democrat on the coming democracy. In Coan, T. M.. •■'. Social probli 1 , pp. 126-153 304-28 Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebore de, French jurist and author, b. l8ll-rf. 1883. Fairy tales. V \ .. 1885. 8°. 381-5S -- Paris in America. N. Y.. 1 863. 12°. Labrador. Hind, II. Y. Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula. — Steams, W. A. Labrador: a sketch of its peoples, its industries and its natural history 47>9~8 — Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions. pp. 217-263 Frith, H. Search f I nan : a tale of adventure in Labrador ;^.'\s Lai e. Morey, II. 1'eep into a lace king- dom. In Wonder stories of science. PP- 342-354 6°2-9 1 \ 1 1 1 iii. Bernard Germain Ktienne de la Ville, comte de. Naturalist's library, v. 26. pp. 17-32. Memoir 59°~5 Lai KINGTON, las.. •'. about 1 745—*/. 1816. Captains of industry, pp. ipcr, T. Triumphs of perseverance. pp. [26-13] 410-32 Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoe- makers, pp. -s-47 4169-95 Lacombe, Paul. Growth of a people : short study in French history: tr. by I . A Stimson. N. Y.. 1883. 16 944-6 LACON. — 72S LADY. Lacon ; or, many things in few words, ad- dressed to those who think. Colton, C. C, ed. 807-3 I ,AO in in council : a medley of maxims, epi- grams and opinions. Boyes, J. F. . . 807-26 Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri, French divine ami orator, b. iSo2-n'. 1S61- Jesus Christ: conferences delivered at Notre Dame in Paris. L., 1869. 12 . . . . 232-58 — Life : conferences delivered at Toulouse : tr. by Henry D. Langdon. N. Y.,1874. S° 252-58 — Lear, II. L. S. Henri Dominique Lacor- daire 55'Bi — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 20. pp. 249-27S. Review 818-27 — Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers and trump- ets, v. 2. pp. 255-290 251-4S — Maceuen, M. Celebrities, pp. 87-100. 410-6S — Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators, pp. 275-295. 4146-8 I W QUERS. Winckler, E. and Andes, L. E. Practical treatise on the fabrica- tion of volatile and fat varnishes, lac- quers, siccatives and sealing waxes. . . 6673-2 — Rattray, J. and Mill, 11. R., eds. For- estry and forest products, pp. 515-548. 714-7 Lai retelle, Henri de. Lamartine and his friends: tr. by Maria E. Odell. N. V., »8So. 12° 553B9 I ' ' oix, Paul. French author, b. 1806. Arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the Renaissance. L., 1S70. 4 . . 7094-5 In rANTIUS. Works: tr. by Wm. Fletcher. 2 v. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 21-22 2S13-57 and 5S Lai v, Francis Anthony, count de, Spanish general and diplomatist, l>. 1731—^/. 1792. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. "64-168 4'°-53 LACY, Joseph Francis Maurice, count, b. 171S-,/. 1S01. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 14S-164 410-53 Lacy, Louis, b. 1775W/. 1S17. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 169-177. . . 410-53 I Mil', Geo. Trumbull, D. D. Am. theolo- gian, b. 1842. Elements of physiological psychology: treatise of the activities and nature of the mind from the phys- ical and experimental point of view. V Y., 1887. 8° 170-53 Principles of church polity : illustrated by an analysis <•( modem Congregational- 111, ami applied to certain important practical questions in the government of Christian churches. N. Y., 1882. 8°. [Southworth lectures, 1879 Si.] .... 285S-4 \\ hal is the Bible? An inquiry into the [in and nature of the old and New Tc lament in the light of modern Bib- lical study. N, Y., 1888. 12°. . . . 2202-55 Ladd, Geo. T., continued. — tr. and ed. See Loue, Hermann. Ladies' and gentlemen's model letter writer : complete guide to correspondence on all subjects; with household and commer- cial forms. L., n. d. 12 8079-5 Ladies' and gentlemen's etiquette. Duffy, Mrs. E. B 395-3 Ladies' botany. Lindley, John. 2 v. . . 5S0-57 Ladies' etiquette, n. t. p. 24° 395-5 LADIES 1 fancy work. Jones, Mrs. C. S. and Williams, H. T 746-92 Ladies' hand-book of fancy and ornamental work. Hartley, Florence, ed. . . . . 7461-5 Ladies Lindores. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Ladies of the White House. Holloway, Laura C 41239-4 Ladoinski, Aimee. Watson, H. C. Heroic women of history, pp. 3S6-412. . . . 413-95 Lad's love. Bates, Arlo. Lady Alice. Huntington, Dr. J. V. Lady and the priest. Maberly, Mrs. K. C. Lady Anna. Trollope, Anthony. Lady Bell. Keddie, Henrietta, (S. Tytler, pseud. ) Lady Betty. C, R. C. Lady Betty's governess. Guernsey, L. E. LADY-bird. Fullerton, Lady Georgian.!. Lady Carmichael's will and other Christmas stories. Hay, Mary Cecil. Lady Drusilla. Purnell, T. Lady Geraldine's courtship: a poem. See Browning, E. B. Lady Hester. Yonge, Charlotte M. Lady Lee's widowhood. N. Y., 1872. 8°. Lady of Launay. Trollope, Anthony. Lady of Lyndon. Blake, Lady — . Lady of Lyons : drama. See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. G. E. L. Lady of Provence ; or, humbled and healed. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 116A22 Lady of the Aroostook. Ilowells, W. D. Lady of the ice. DeMille, Jas. Lady of the lake : poem. See Scott, Sir Walter. I \i>\ of the manor. Sherwood, Mary Mar- tha. I.ady, or the tiger? and other stories. Stockton, F. R. I.ady Rosamond's book. Guernsey, L. E. I. \ii', Sweetapple. Dasent, G. W. LADY Sybil's choice. Holt, Emily S. Lady trader in the Transvaal. Heckford, Mrs. S 4682-4 Lady Willoughby. Rathbone, Mrs. II. M. LADY with Ihc garnets. John, Eugenie, (E. Marlilt, pseud.); tr. by Baroness Langenau. \l»\ LAIRIJ I \ 1 1 \ h nil i L> rubii . ] i mi tory] Mrs. \. I . w i ldi ■ 'i i .1 1 rem h mi i ming, C. F. Gordon Lady's equestrian manual, in which thi pi iiH iple and pri ol i !i ship for ladie ire I lion mghl) e> pla ined. Phila., 1854. n- . . . . 6364-55 l..u>\ 's life "ii a 1. 11 1 Manitoba. Hall, .!/< 1. < let il 47127-4 I m. , ei 1 md joui ney round 1 In- world. I'll ill' 1. [da 1 38 7- Lady' toi ica 1 "i ■!■ . 1 le. 1 159-29 Lady's trial 1 drama, Ford, [ohn LaF irge, John, I Issaj on I apane le art. In Pumpelly, R. Vcross Vi and Vsia. pp. 195 202 438-75 Lai \\\ in, M11 ie Jean Paul Roch Gilbert Motier, mat niii de, French gen- eral and 'statesman, i. 1 757— ^ 1S34. Life of Genera] Lafayette; with anecdotes illustrative of his character. I', 1847. 16°. Same, 1875. 12° 552B2 1 ecil, E. Life of Genera] I afayette. . . 55 2 ^3 Farmer, L. lil.i Life of Lafayette. . . 552B32 — Blakemore, B. C. Historical for the youngfolks. pp. 158-168 97J8-25 Bogart, W. II. Who g< « pp. 11-52. Washington [and] 1 e. . 412-23 Brougham, II. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time ol 1 je III. v. 2, pp, 116-109 410-17 Cormenin, I . M. de ta II. Eminent ora- tors of Prance, pp. 192-198 4105-2 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 6i-73 41231-4 Mali-, E. II. Boys' heroes, pp. 137 140. 410 Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals. V.2. pp. 271-317 4121 46 — Howe, II. Ailveniuresandachievements "i Americans, pp. 109-122 4 1 j 55 Mm ray, J. O'K. 1 latholic pioneei \ ica pp. 369-375 4142-6 M11- ey, A. II. Reminiscences ami me- morials of men of the revolution. ; ,lS .!3 6 1 i.'i ■ — Parton, J. People's 1 k of biography. PP- 475-485 410-S2 — Quincy, J. Figures of the past : Spalding, M. I. Miscellanea. \. 2. pp. 635 651. Lafayette and Prof. Morse. . 204-S4 LAFAY] 1 1 I'. Mane Madeleine Piochi de la Vergne, countess de, French author, A. [634 -(/. 1693. Kavanagh, J. French women of letters, pp. 04-106 4' s 4 s Sainte-Beuve, C. \. Portraits ol cele- brated women, pp. 24 70 11; 78 I \i 1 \\, Maj . Se, 1 l.mlcv. .1/; t. May (Laffan). Lai'ITTI I Fren and ■ man, i. 1767 ./. it . hi 1 1 . John Wi [ohn Win. LaFonta 1621 / 1 ■ 1 . by Elizur Wri| jr. 2 v. N. Y., i860. 1 848-5 hi, \\ . French hui 1 the I2lh to tbi iy. pp. 2C4-2S4. 8407-2 1 ] ling. pp. 800-5 Gautier, T., and others. I -nch -'l I \i"i 1 1, \. J. Why men do not believe; or, the principal causes of infidelity. V \ ., 1869. 12° • Lagervall, Chas. < • ■ C.,tr. Trolle, II. A. 1 epul LAGNY, Germain de. Knout ami the Rus- sians ; or, the Mu ovitt empire, the czar and his people: tr. by John Bridge- men t. N. Y., 1854. 12° 447 54 I (.Grange, Afmc. A. K. de. Ferrym the Tiber. V Y., 1869. 12 . — Theckla: or, the malediction. N. Y .. 11. d. 12°. I ',1.1111.1. Louis. < look, 1 1. Ai 1 ni Eng- land, pp. 22-27. Verrio and Laguerre. 7 LaHodde, Luciende. Cradle of rebellions: history of the secret societies of France. \. Y., 1864. S° 3669-5 History of the secret and "f the republican par I ice. [Same as Cradle of rebellions.] 11. t. p. 8°. . . 3669-5 I \ii 1 5. Abbott, A'. I . Lj man. 1 UDLAWS and the Scotts. Hogg, las. In Club-book. v. 2. pp. 193-204. 1 ughton, Allien. In Putnam, A. 1 Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 489-496. [Biog. sketch and poems.] Laing, F. II. Reassuring thought at the ape's encroachment on our own like- ness: Darwinism brought to book. In Manning, II. I I m religion and literature, ser. 3 204-5S , Samuel, Scottish writer, b. 1810. ern science and modern thought: third edition, containing a supplemental chap- ter on Gladstone's "Dawn of creation" ami '• Proem of Genesis," and on Drum- mond's "Natural law in the Spiritual world." 1 ., [886. 8° 215 52 Laird, Macgreggoi and Oldfield, R. A. K. V rrative of an expedition into the in- terior of Africa, by the river Niger, in the steam vessels "Quorra"and "Al- burkah" in 1832-34. 2\. I... is;-. 8° LAIRESSE. — 73° LAMB. LAIRESSE, Gerard de, Belgian painter, b. 1640-*/. 171 1. Browning, Robert. Par- leyings with certain people, pp. 1 13— 134 188C43 LAJETCHNIKOFF, — . The heretic: tr. by Thos. B. Shaw. X. V., 1S58. 8°. LAKE, Mrs. Mary. Ilildreth, S. I'. Me- moirs of the early settlers of Ohio. pp. 320-324 41^71-4 Lake dwellings. Berthet, E. Pie-historic world, pp. 93-198. Lacustrian city. . 4064-2 — Joly. N. Man before metals, pp. 105- I2 9 5/1-5 — Lee, T. M. Story of Switzerland, pp. 54-88 9425-37 — Lubbock, J. Pre-historic times. pp. 1/3-222 571-6 — See also Archaeology. Architecture. Man. Laki of the woods. Keating, W. H. Nar- rative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's river, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc 47127-5 Lake regions of Central Africa. Burton, R- F 4676-23 LAKE regions of Central Africa. Geddie, J. 467-4 LAKEMAN, Mary. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. B., 1884. 12°. Lakeviiae. Mealy, Mary. Lai.. Hammond, W. A. Lai 1. a Rookh : poem. See Moore, Thos. 1.AI.I.Y, Thos. Arthur, count de. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 3-43. . . . 410-53 LALOR, John J., joint author. Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J. J. Primer of political economy 3307-6 — tr. See Hoist, H. von. Roscher, W. Lalor, Teresa. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 423-427. . . 4142-6 LAMAR, L. Q. C. Dangers from France. In Piatt, Donn. Memories of men who saved the Union, pp. 300-302. . . . 4122-74 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monnet, 1 hevalier de, French zoologist, />. 1744-1/. 1S20. Haeckel, E. Evolution "I 111:111. pp. 70-92. Review 575-45 Ih torj of creation. Review 575-46 Naturalist's library, v. 31. pp. 17-63. iii 590-5 Lamartine, Alphonse de, French statesman, fi. 1790 d. 1869. Confidential disclos-. ures. (/ 1 X. V., 1865. Fioi d'Aliza. N. V., [869. [6 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (In. 1S78. 16°. — I listory of the memoirs of the Fri 1.' h re> olution : tr, by II. I . Kydc. j v. X. V., 1854. 12 . . . . 9444-57 Lamartine, A. de, continued. — History of the restoration of the monarchy in France: tr. by Capt. Rafter. 4 v. L-, 1854. 12 9446-5 — Historyof Turkey. 3 v. X. V., 1855. 12°. 9496-5 Contents. — v. 1. Arabia, Mahomet and his- tory of Turkey to 1421. v. 2. 1421-1566. v. 3. 1566- 1687. — Homer and Socrates: tr. by Mrs. E. \V. Smith. Phila., 1872. 12° 8834-6 Contents. — Short biography of Lamartine. — — Homer. — Socrates. — Death of Socrates. — Life of Christopher Columbus: ed. by O. W. Wright. N. V., i860. i6 c . . . . 243 B6 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. N. Y., 1861. 24° 255B7 — Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. B., n. d. 16 616B74 — Memoirs of celebrated characters. 3 v. X. V., 1S56. 12 410-63 Contents.— v. 1. Nelson. — Heloise. — Colum- bus. — Palissy. — Roostam. — Cicero. v. 2. Socrates. — Jacquard. — Joan of Arc. — Cromwell. — Homer. — Gutenberg. — Fenelon. v. 3. We Tell. — Mme. de Sevigne. — Milton. — Antar. — Bossuet. — My mother's manuscript : being a true picture of the private life of a French family during many of the most eventful periods of the nineteenth century : tr. by Marie Louise Helper. Phila., 1S77. 12 . 554 1'. 1 — Past, present and future of the republic. N. Y., 1855. 12 9447-5 — Raphael; or, pages from the book of life at twenty. X T . V., 1S71. 12°. — Life of Fenelon. In Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Adventures of Telemachus. PP- 19-115 84S-4 — Poems. In Curwen, H. French love ;s and other poems 841-3 — Twenty-five years of my life. In Stod- dard. R. 11 , ed. Prosper Merimee's let- ters to an incognita, pp. 137-31S. . . 4184-8 — Lacretelle, H. de. Lamartine and his friends 533B9 C tenin, I. M.delaH. Eminent orators ■ I France, pp. 241-262 and 367-372. . 4105-2 — Gautier, T. and others. Famous French authors, pp. 145-155 4184-4 I egouve, E. Art of reading, pp. 278- ■Mii 800-5 Lamb, Lady Caroline. Thomson, R. (B.) and J. ('., (Grace ana 1 Philip Wharton, /'.send.) Queens of society. pp. 435 45° M3-85 Lamb, Chas., Eng. writer. 6. 1775-1/. |S 31- Works: with .1 sketch of his life and final memorials, by Sir Thos. Noon Tal- fourd. 2 ^. N. V., 1857. 12°. . . . 82S 57 Contents.— v. 1. Letters, with a sketch of his life- M 1 in 1 11I v I 1 \ of Elia Rosamund Graj I Will — 73' — LAM1 I ..wn;, i h.i i., , ontinu, J. \ r chi — Em&) I • ndci i I . li i'i Mi II: a fara P vv ! Witch llbum versi i - ii latio W i' 1 1 1 -I id 1 1' i i liana : in ing i In- hil hei I Ilei ed wi il in; 1 nl ( hi .. I hi. I. \ \ .. 1866. ■2° 554E5 l' . i\ ■. ol I'.ii.i .111.1 I Ji.iii.i. Leip [869 '6° — I.asl essays ol Elia, N. Y., 1879. in . ..ll \l 1 . Battli opinion on 1 ird . 1 Bui lesque. I lir 1 in r 1 1 .... .. .eries.] Autobiographical sketch. Dream-chil- dren. //; Whittier, I. G., ./. Child life in prose, pp.276 280 and 204-208 943A3 Imperfect sympathies. In Prose master- pieces, v. I. pp. y-58 S08-7 and Mary. Poetry for children ; in which are added Prince Dorusand ome uncol- lected poems by ('has. I. ami.: ed., pre faced andannotated bj R. II. Shepherd. V \ .. 1878. 16 S099-5 Tales from Shakespeare, for young per- sons. N. Y., 1S69. 12 82399-5 - ed. Specimen of English dramatic pa L., 1854. 12° 822-5 — Ainger, A. Chas. I. anil 554B4 1 1.1 Int. W. C. Mary and Chas. Lamb. 554B6 Proctor, B, W. (has. Lamb: memoir. 554B7 Adams, W, 11. 1>. Famous books, pp. 355 "i 1 - Review of I ,.iy ..I lli.i. S04 12 Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, ser. 2. pp. --4 237 153E4 — Clarke, C. and M. C. Recollections ol writers, pp. 158-175. Charles Lamb and his letters 4182-3 — De Quincey, T. Beauties, pp. 379-386. 284E7 -Biographical essays, pp. 167-226. . . 284] \S Literary reminiscences, v. 1. pp. 64- 13 6 284E42 — l)ix, J. I. ions: living and dead. pp. 27-29 4IO-4 1 hike, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors, pp. 81-87 410-42 — Griswold, 11. I. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 75 84 . . 418-45 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v . 2. pp. ItI-173. . . . 4182-56 — Oliphant, M.O. |W .1 Literary history of England, v. 2. pp. 1-18 S204-7 — 1'arlnn, |., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 146-150 410-83 — Russell, A. P. Characteristics. pp. 105-131 798] 6 Stoddard, k. II., ed. Personal recollec- tions ol Lamb, ll.i.litt and others, pp. 3 47 M82 91 W.ml, r. 11., ed. English poets, v. 4. IT- 3-> 327 8092-9 I. ami:, 1 I1.1 .., conlinu \\ ■ e, I >. V/ai 1 . ... Lamii, John, Am. general, i. 1735 ,1. 1 ■ - 1 Q M of the life and 'in Lamb i ; laughter. \. V-. n. d. I.. ... 552 .\2 n't right: or, Frank Johnson's rea- Phila., n. <1. |6° 55 1 A.S I. ami:, M. I . Colden Bibh Book of M01 mon. Is it from 1 >od ' \. V., 1886. 12° I »MB, Mrs. Martha J. Snow and sunshine. V V., 1882. 12° 552A3 Spicy. N. V"., 1S73. 8°. 1 \Ml:, Man , /:,; f C/ias., Ii. 1 765-fl. 1847, joint, uttliur. Lamb, I I ,;;;./ \l.u\ . Poetry for children, etc. . 8099-5 Tales from Shakespeare S2399-5 Gilchrist, Anne. Mary Lamb. ... 5; ll 1 Int. W. C. Mary and 1 has. Lamb. 554B6 Clarke, C. and M. ( '. Recollection writer.. pp. 176 189. Mary Lamb. . 41SJ 3 I 1MB, Win., iscount Melbourne, ling, states- man, 6. 1779 . Longevity. 2 pts. in 1. V S ., 1869. 8° 31 Contents. — pt. 1. Biometry ithc measure or spun of life); followed by the two (Ssco prize vs on the physical indications of longevity. by J.V. C. Smith and John H. Griscom, to which is added a brief application of the exposition and essays from a paper by C. L Hubbell. pt. 2. Practical relations of biometry; appen- Dntainiog plain and interesting answers to What is insurance: What is life insurance? What are the best methods of insurance : by Lambert and Frederick Shonnard. I vvni 111. Green, I. K. Stray studies from England and Italy. pp. 99 14S. 1 I lmborn, Robert II. Metallurgy per: being an introduction to the meth- ods of seeking, mining and assaying copper, and manufacturing its all I... 1873. !-• . Bound with I.amborn, R. II. Metallurgy of silver and lead 669-5 1. AM BORN. LAND. Lamborn, R. II., continued. — Metallurgy of silver and lead : descrip- tion of the ores, their assay and treat- ment and valuable constituents. I.., 1870. 12° 669-5 Lambs, The: a tragedy. Grant, Robert. . 434C4 LAMMERS, A. Elberfeld. Bremen. Swed- en and Norway. In Emminghaus, A., ed. Poor relief in different parts of Eu- rope, pp. 93-»7 and 185-201 339-35 LAMON, Ward H. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. B., 1872. 8° 572B68 Lamont, Jas. Seasons with the sea-horses; or, sporting adventures in the northern seas. N. V., 1861. 8° 498-56 — Yachting in the Arctic seas; or, notes of five voyages of sport and discovery in the neighborhood of Spitzbergen and Novaya Zemlya. L., 1876. 8°. . . . 498-57 La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl de, baron, German writer, b. iyyj-d. 1843. Sintram and his companions. N. V., 1870. 1 6°. — Thiodolf the Icelander. N. Y., 1865. — Undine: a romance. N. Y., 1S71. 16 . and other tales. N. Y., 1869. 16 . Contents.— Undine. — The two captains. — As- Iauga's knight. — Sintram and his companions. — Selections: trans. In Mangan, J. C. Poems, pp. 258-266 610C1 — Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays, v. I. pp. 238-243 206C2 1, ami' to the path. Tweedie, W. K. . . . 241-92 LAMPADIUS, W. A. Life of Felix Mendels- sohn-Bartholdy ; with supplementary sketches by J. Benedict, Henry F. Chorley, Ludwig Rellstat, Bayard Tay- lor, R. S. Willis, and J. S. Dwight : ed. and tr., by Wm. L. Gage. B., 1865. 16° 624B5 I iMPHERE, Geo. N. United Stales govern- ment: its organization and practical working. Phila., 1880. 8° 353-5 Lamplighter. Cummins, Maria S. 1 IMPS and paths. Munger, T. T. . . . . 248-5 LAMPS, pitchers and trumpets: lectures on the vocation of the preacher. Hood, E. P ' 251-4S I.am ON, Mary Swift. Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. B., 1881. 12°. 183B1 Lav ASTER, Royal house of. See England, history. Law ^ster, Jas. Bourne, II. k. F. Eng- lish seamen under the Tudors. v. 1. pp. 281 299 437-'7 Law ■ rER, Joseph. 1 >rake, S. A., ed. ( )ur great benefai tors. pp. 2S0 2N0. . . . 410-42 Lancelot!', Francis. Queens of England and their times ; from Matilda, queen of William the conqueror to Adelaide, queen of William the fourth. 2 v. N. Y., 1858. 16° 41 1 1-5 Lances of Lynwood. Yonge, C. M. . . . 990A5 LANCEWOOD, Lawrence, (pseud.) See Wise, Rev. Daniel. Land. Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England. 333~2 — Cox, S. S. Free land and free trade. . 333~3 — George, H. Progress and poverty. . . . 333 _ 4 — Higgins, C. Home rule; or, the Irish land question 3334~45 — Kay, J. Free trade in land 333-5 — Laveleye, E. L.V. de. Primitive property. 333—55 — Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the United States 333-6 — Nasse, E. Agricultural community of the middle ages, and the inclosures of the 16th century in England 333 2- 6 — Phillips, W. A. Labor, land and law : a search for the missing wealth of the working poor 333 - 68 — Pollock, F. Land laws 333~7 — Rutherford, R. C. Henry George versus Henry George 333~75 — Taylor, J. American political philosophy. 3304-85 — Walker, F. A. Land and its rent. . . . 333~9 — Bellamy, C. J. The way out: sugges- tions for social reform, pp. 128-136. . 304-2 — Danson, J. T. Wealth of households. pp. 309-330 33°"34 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discus- sions, v. 5. pp. 95-121 and 225-294. 633E3 — Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and modern political opinion, pp. 73-108 3304-67 — See also Agriculture. Ireland. Labor and capital. Political economy. Land and its story ; or, the sacred histor- ical geography of Palestine. Burt, N.C. 458-19 Land and Lee. Colton, Rei\ W 4495~3 I AND and the Book. Thomson, Rev. W. M. 458-871 1 \\n at last. Vales, E. I IND drainage. See Drainage. LAND league. O'Connor, T. P. Parnell movement; with a sketch of Irish par- ties from 1843 9418-6 — See also Ireland. LAND of Bolivar; or, war, peace and advent- ure in the republic of Venezuela. Spence, J. M 487-8 Land of charity. Mateer, Rev. S 2654-48 LAND of desolation : being a personal narra- tive of observation and adventure in Greenland. Hayes, Dr. Isaac I. . . . 4981-4 LAND of dykes and windmills; or, life in Holland. Bird, F. S 4492-16 Land of the Eire. Devoy, J 44'5-3 LAND 733 LANDOR H"7 » \m. ..I i Ulead. ' Hiphant, I (.587 7 \m. ..I gold. I lelper, H. R 1.79 1 1 1 . \\h ..1 gold. Spun , 1 ■ G. ,and "( I 1 nel, ling to thi 1 ovenanl with Abraham, Isaac and facob. Keith, Alex .and of Lome. Buchanan, Koberl. . . . \ n 1 ■ .if love. Hai 1 1, I leni y, 1 idne) Luska, pseud.) In Lippim otl zine, Aug., 1SS7. \\i. ..I Mid 1. in revi ited. Bui ton, R. F. . . \ n 1 1 ..I Moab. Tristram, 1 1 . is ,and ul the I'm nin and the \ atii an. I [all, New man ,AND of the [ncas and the ' itj ol the Sun : 1 In- torj ol Frai P and I be conquest of Peru. Adams, W. II. D. . 994 2 WD of the midnight sun. DuChaillu, P. B. 2 v. . . 448-3 ,and of the Nile. Adams, W. II. D. . . 012-12 ind of the north wind. Rae, E 4471-7 .and of the pigtail. Clarke, Benj. . . . 451 2 .and of the sky. Fisher, Frances C., (I hris tian Reid, pseud.) .and of the Veda. Butler, Wm 454 18 ind of the white elephant. Vincent, 7., jr. 1.53 — g am. hi 'nun. Browne, fohn Ross. . . . 448-23 .and we live in. n. 1. p. S° 470-55 .andauer, J. Blowpipe analysis : tr. by J. Tayloi and W. I . Kay. I ., 1879. 16 °. 5491-5 .anded property and the economy of es- tate I ,ow, U 6302-5 .andels, Rev. Wm. Future probation; a symposium, pp. 291-324 2376-3 UNDER, Louisa. Ellet, E. F. Women art- ists of all aye-- and countries, pp. 326- 332 M71 1 \m .1 1:. Meta. 1 obaci problem. B., 1886. 12° 198-55 win r, Richard, />. 1S04-1/. 1S34, and I an- der, John, 6. 1807-rf. 1830, Eng. explor- ers. Journal of an expedition to ex- ploit- the course anil termination of the Niger; with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination. 2 v. N. V., 1854. 16 4661-5 -Taylor, li. Cyclopedia ol modern travel, v. 1. pp. 523-560 4j6-8 Lander, Sarah W. Spectacles for young eyes. S v. N. V.. 1867-69. 16°. 1. I'.oston 17 1 (i n 2. St. Petersburg 4471 55 3- Pekin 1511 5 4. Mo-cow 4473-5 5- /"rich 4494-55 6. Berlin 443' 5 5 7. Rome 4456-51 8. New Vork 47471 ; Landmann, Colonel—. Recollections of my military life. 2 v. I... 1S54. 8°. 556B2 1 Piatt, John J. I.ANDM I II, II. I I .ANDMARK ut In I . \l. I. INDOl IN. Bei thold. Landon, eluding a genei 1 the work of educal ion ; with the intellei tual I poinl of view lisi ipline hi 1 mi ral ti ining B., 1 ■ 1 12 ' .. I.etitia I \ra \h . 1/ / in, I a / t, /'. 1K02- 2 1 t — Thomson, K. (B.) ami J. 1 .. (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of so- ciety, pp. 160-201 413-85 Landon, Melville D. Eli Perkins, wit, hu- mor and pathos. Chicago. 1883. 12°. 817-56 Eli Perkins (at large), his sayings ami do- v \ ., 1875. 12° 817-55 — Biographical sketch of C. I. Browne. In Browne, C. 1'., (Artemus Ward, pseud.) Works, pp. 11-22 s 1 7 2: 1 . ik. Walter Savage, Eng. author, b. 1775-t/. 1864. Works, with life, by J. Forster. S v. 1.., 1S76. 8° I Contents. — v. 1. Life. — v. 2. Classical dia- logues. — Citation and examination of Wm. Shakespeare touching deer-stealing. — v. i. I >i alogucs of sovereigns and statesmen. — Pcn- tameron. — v. 4 Dialogues of literary men ■ ' gues of literary men, eoniin logues of famous women. — Pericles and Aspa- sia. — Minor prose pieces. — v. 6. Miscellaneous dialogues. — v. 7. Gebir. — Acts and scenes. — Hellenics. — v. 8. Miscellaneous poems.- -Criti- cisms on Theocritus, Catullus and Petrarch. Pentameron. Citation and examination ' of Wm, Shakespeare. Minor prose pieces. Criticisms. 1!.. 1S8S. 12°. . 85 licles and Aspasia. B., 1871. 12°. . s : s ; s, a writing-: el. by Geo. Stillman Hillard. B., 1S50. 12 . . . S2S-5S2 Contents. — Politics and government —Litera- ture and criticism. — Love, friendship and the domestic affections. — Miscellaneous. — Index. — Foems. In Jones, C. H.. cd. Vei societe. pp. 33-41 S096-45 I.ANDOR. — 734 — LANG. LAKDOR, \V. S., continued. lions. In Prose masterpieces, v. I. pp. 109-119 80S-7 — Colvin, S. Landor 556B4 — Forster, J. Walter Savage Landor : a bi- ography 556B5 — Alcott, A. B. Concord days. pp. 197-200. 114E2 — De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets. 244-298 284E48 Literary criticism. pp. 406-454 and 479-494 284E5 Xote book of an English opium eater. pp. 193-216. Milton vs. Southey and Landor 2S4E41 — Devey, J. Comparative estimate of mod- ern English poets, pp. 166-183. • • • 821-3 — Home, R. H. New spirit of the age. pp. 94-107 4182-45 — Howitt, Wm. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. 2. pp. 369-395. . . 41S21-4 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 121-129 4104-62 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v. I. pp. 249-303. . . . 41S2-56 — Milnes, R. M. Monographs, pp. 61-146. 410-77 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Literary history of England, v. I. pp. 305-319 8204-7 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 31 5— 321 410-85 — Scudder, H. E. Men and letters, pp. 95-105 810E1 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, pp. 33-71 821-85 — Ward, T. 11., ed. English poets, v. 4. pp. 465-488 8092-9 LANDRIN, M. H. C. Treatise on steel: com- prising its theory, metallurgy, proper- ties, practical working and use: tr. by A. A. Fesquet ; with an appendix on the Bessemer and Martin processes for manufacturing steel from the report of A. S. Hewitt. Phila., 1868. 12 . . . 6691-6 LANDS of the Bible. McGarvey, J. W. . . 458-598 I i\ii- of the Saracens. Taylor, Bayard. . 4409-75 LANDSBOROUGH, I). Popular history of British seaweed ; with notices of some of the fresh water algae. I.., 1857. 16°. 5893-5 LANDSI \i'E. Hamerton, P. G 757-4 \ii gardening. Cleveland, II. W. S. Landscape architecture 710-2 — Downing, A. J. Landscape gardening. 710-3 Elliott, F. R. Deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs 7 13-3 — Kemp, I''.. How to lay out a garden. . . 710-4 — Kern, 1.. M. Practical landscape garden- ing 710-5 — Mitchell, I). G. Out of town places. . 639E5 Oakey, A. F. I Inn,.- grounds 71 2 6 Robin on, W. Subtropical garden. . . 715-79 LANDSCAPE gardening, continued. — Scott, F.J. Art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent 712-8 — Smith, C. H. J. Landscape gardening. [Same as Parks and pleasure grounds.] . 710-8 Parks and pleasure grounds 710-8 — Hibberd, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste, pp. 277-294 and 331- 400 712-4 — Samson, G. W. Elements of art criti- cism, pp. 355-387 70I-74 — Sloan, S. Homestead architecture, pp. 293-309 728-85 — Wood, S. Plain guide to good gardening. 635-9 — See also Botany. Gardening. Plants. Trees. I KER, Sir Edwin, Eng. painter, b. 1802- d. 1873. Sweetser, M. F. Landseer. 556B9 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 195— 203 410-85 Lane, C. Arthur. Illustrated notes on Eng- lish Church history, from the earliest times to the dawn of the reformation. L., 1886. 16 283-5 LANE, Edward Wm., Eng. orientalist, b. i8oi-5> > 7 Lap] U k, Pierre Simon, marquis de, French astronomeri />. 17.p1 */. 1827. Arago, F. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. v. 1. pp. 303-373 416-15 I in \M>. Kennedy, A. W. M. Arctic re- : and back in six wi e! being summer tour to Lapland and Norway. [878 (.(Si 5 Kent, S. II. Within the Arctic circle. -' v- '< s 77 II s s Rae, E. Land of the north wind. 1875. 447'-7 White sea peninsula. 1881 4471-71 — Taylor, 1!. Northern travel. 1879. . . 44S-9 — Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the au- rora borealis. 2 v. 1885 4471-8 — Vincent, F.,j'r. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. 1881 44S-96 DuChaillu, P. B, Land of the midnight sun. 2 v. 1882 448-3 — Ilartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 156-167. 498-46 — Miigge, T. Afraja. [A story]. LaPi ata countries of Sou tli A m c i i( a. Clem- ens, E. J. M 4S0-24 LaPlata, the Argentine confederation and Paraguay. Page, T. J 482-7 LAPORTE, Laurent. Sailing on the Nile: tr. by Virginia Vaughan. IS., 1872. 12 462-56 LAPPENBURG, Johann Martin, German his- torian,!'. 1794-1/. 1865. History of Eng- land under the Anglo-Saxon kings: tr. by B. Thorpe. 2 v., L., 1S45. 8° . . 931-5 Lapsed but not lost. Charles, Mrs. E. (R). LARCOM, Lucy, Am. poet, b. 1826. Poetical works. 1!.. 1885. 12 5sS< 1 Contents. — Earlier poems. — War memories Verses for occasions.— Childhood songs. — Wild roses of Cape Ann.— Later poems Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many fields, pp. 11-20 410-962 1 IRDEN, W. Electricity for public schools and colleges. I.., 1887. 12° 5;; 57 LarDNER, Dionysius, LL. /'.. Eng. scientific writer, b. 1793-0'. 1850 : editor of the "Cab- inet Cyclopedia," of which the following liana ■ ■■: a part. Hand-book of natural philosophy and astronomy. Sec- ond course. 1'hila., 1S54. 12 . . . . 530-55 Contents. — Heat. — Magnetism. — Electricity. Lai Dioi . / /. /'., - ' tronomy. Thi 1 "54. u Hi torj of ihe lvoi Id. Phil 1 . 18 Hi. 12 V. 1... n. d Contents.— v. 1-2 lli re they in. habited worl l.o f Latitudes and longitudi influences. — Mctcorif Rail- i ighl Air I in in ihr United States, Comctary influences. — Water.— The potter's arl I ire. v. 3-4. Locomotion and transport ; their in- fluence and progri M001 Earl rcslrial heat. — Sun. — Electric tell • I trthquakes and volcanoes. — Barometer. — S.if. !y lamp. — Whitworth's micromctric appar- atus.— Steam. v. 5-6. Steam engine. — Eye. — Atmosphere. — Time. — Pumps. — Spectacles.— Kaleidoscope. —Clocks and watches.— Microscopic drawing and engraving. — Locomotive. — Thermometer. Mew planets. — Lc Verrier and Adams' planet. Magnitude and minuteness. v. 7-8. Almanack. — Colour. — Optical im- ages. — The looking. gla- flow to ob- serve the heavens. — Stellar universe. --Man. — Magnifying glasses. — Instinct and intelligence. —Solar microscope.— Camera lucida. — Magic lantern.— Camera ohscura. v. 9-10. Microscope.— White ants, their man- ners and habits. — Surface uf the earth ; or, first notions of geography. — Science aiid poetry — Bee, its character and manners.— Steam naviga- n on -Thunder and lightning and the aurora borealis.— Electro-motive power. v. n -12. — Printing press.— Crust of the earth; or, first notions of geology.— Stereoscope. — Comets. — Pre Adamite earth. — Eclipses. — Sound. Popular lectures on science and art. 2. x. V V., 1855. 8° 502-56 Rudimentary treatise on the steam engine. 1.., 1S67. 16 6211 45 — Steam engine explained and illustrated : also a memoir of Watt. I... 11. d. 8°. 6211 40 — Steam engine for the use of beginners. I ... 1SS2. 12° 6211 47 Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics. 1 ., 1831. 16° — See also Dunham, Samuel A. Lares and penates; or. Cilicia and its gov- ernors. Barker, W. B 9564-2 game and natural history of south and south-east Africa. Drummond, \\ . II 7965-44 LARIMER, Sarah L. Capture anil escape: or life among the Sioux. Phila., 1871. 12". 9707-5 1 aKiyi, Wm. de. Reminiscences of the life and character of Count Cavour: tr. from the French by Edward Romilly. 1 . 1S62. S° 209B9 LARK IX. — 738 — I AST. Larkin, Jas. Practical brass and iron found- er's guide : concise treatise on brass founding, moulding, the metals and their alloys, etc., to which are added recent improvements in the manufacture of iron, steel by the Bessemer process. Phila., 1S69. 12° 671-55 I IRKIN, Thos. O. Soule, F. AnnalsofSan Francisco, pp. 758-764. Memoir. . . 98941-8 I.arm.d, Augusta. Old tales retold from Grecian mythology. N. Y., 1876. 12 . 294-5 — Tales from the Norse grandmother, (elder Edda). N. V.. 1881. 12 295-5 — Village photographs. N. Y., 1887. 12°. Larneii, Josephus Nelson. Talks about labor, and concerning the evolution of ju-tice between the laborers and the capitalists. N. V., 1876. 12 3361-68 LaRochefoucauld, Benigne Augustine Francoise. Life of Mme. de la Roche- foucauld, Duchess of Doudeauville, founder of the Society of Nazareth. B. , 1878. 12° 557B2 LaRochefOUCAULT, Francois, due de, Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society. I., ed. pp. 253-262. V V. ed. pp. 245-253 410-964 LAROCHEJAQUELIN, Mint, de — . Foster, John. Fosteriana. pp. 382-392. . . 377E7 I IRS: a pastoral of Norway. Taylor, Bayard. 876C8 Larwocii>, Jacob. Story of the London park>. L., n. d. 12° 939!-5 — and Hotton, J. C. History of signboards. '-. 1866. 12° ' 394-5 LaSalle, Rene Robert Cavalier, sieur de, /■>,u,/i explorer, />. about 1635-rf. 1687. Abbott, J. S. C. Adventures of the Chevalier De I. a Salle and lus com- panions 557B6 — Parkman, F. LaSalle and the discovery of the great west 971-62 — Shea, J. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley 987-84 . [., ed. American biography, v. II. pp. 1-205 412-86 — Banvard, J. Novelties of the new world. pp. 201-295 970-2 Milburn, W. II. Pioneers, preachers and people "l the Mississippi valley, pp. 67-126 987-6 Munay, J. O'K. Catholic pioneei "1 America, pp, 264-274 4142-6 1 , Vmalie. Hare, A. |. 1 ., tr. Sis- ter Augustine : an old Catholic. Memo- rials of Amalie von Lasaulx [30B2 1 !'■ lomeo, Spar. ionary, i. 1474 I telp . Y Lifeo) I a 1 the " Apostle "f the Indies." . . 557D8 LasCasas, Bartolomeo, continued. Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies, v. 1. pp. 435-490 and v. 2. pp. 9-210 970-38 — Irving, W. Life and voyages of Christo- pher Columbus, v. 3. pp. 518-529. . 243B4 Watson, R. C. Spanish and Portugese South America, v. 1. pp. 65-85. . . 992-95 LasCases, Emmanuel Augustine Dieudonne Martin Joseph, marguisde, French officer, />. 1766-fl'. 1842. Memoirs of the life, exile and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. 4 v. N. Y., 1862-55. 12 . 665B9 I \-' \kis, P. L. de. Taylor, B. Cyclope- dia of modern travel, v. I. pp. 439- 459. De Lascaris' secret mission among the Bedouins 436-8 Lascine. Youngman, W. E., (An Oxford man, pseud.) X. Y., 1874. 12°. Lasco, John a. Dalton, H. John a Lasco ; his earlier life and labors 557^9 Lasker, Edward. Tuttle, H. German po- litical leaders, pp. 1 13-128 4106-8 Laslett, Thos. Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. L., 1875. 12 . . 714-6 Lassai.i.e, Ferdinand, German socialist, b. 1825. Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture, pp. 58-65 451E1 — Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. pp. • 60-103 338-7 Last abbott of Glastonbury. Crake, Rev. A. D. Last act: being the funeral riles of nations and individuals. 1 egg, W 393 _ S Last Aldini. Sand, George. Last Athenian. Rydberg, Y. I asi chronicle of Barset. Trollope, A. Last days and fall of Palmyra. Ware, W. Last days of a king, [Joachim Murat]. Hartman, M. Last days of Knickerbocker life in New York. Dayton, A. C 9831-3 Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. I \ 1 days of the martyrs. Bonar, A. R. . i~z 2 LAST decade of a glorious reign, [l'l. 3 "I the History of the reign of Henry IV.] Freer, M. W 463B3 Last knight. Grtin, Anastasius 8318-44 Last leaf from Sunnyside. Phelps, M . I . (S.), ill. Trusta, pseud.) I.asi letters from Egypt, Gordon, L. D. . 462-42 LAST loaf. Baker, G. M. Social stage, pp. 7-56 8015 21 La 1 meeting. Matthews, I. B. 1 a 1 "l the barons. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. I.. LAS'l of ihc fairies. James, ( ;. I'. R. LAST. 19 I A im I i i i . . t the Mohii in < loopei . I I >j the M mi. i i, ( Hiphant, Mi r, M. O. (W.) I y i of the Peterkin i. I [ale, I.I' ti7-\ ' l i .i thi I in. mi. in .. Bon ivick, I ,'i'jo6-2 i i| the \ ilerii |. ■ 1 1., jr. In I ' iic pilgi im and othei tale i \ . i Penacook. Berry, Abel B I \ ,i i u.iiiH'iii. See Tenn) >on, Alfred i t i travel ol Ida Pfeiffer 439-77 i \ . i s ■ . 1 1 Rei kenburg. Fi a is, M. I . Mill. I a-.i war trail. E Hi i, I .h\ .mis. . . 314A )6 I. a n in ' ird, I [em y, Wil and ■•■ i dom of Parliament. I ... n. d. 16 328 1 1 j Later lyrics. 1 1"'.'. e, Mi r. I alia \\ ard. 4891 1 I ui years. Prime, \\ m. < ' 7 ■ Lath im, I fern j . Blai k and « hite - jour- nal of a three months' torn in the 1 nited States. I... 1867. 8° 47.; 55 Latham, Robert Gordon, F. R. S., F.ng. philologist, b. 1 S 1 2. Hand-1 k of the English language. N. V., 1852. 12°. uo-55 Lathbury, Mary A., (Aunt Mary, pseud.) Fleda and the voice; with other stories. V \ . 1876. 8° 381-59 Lathe. < ampin, F. Pracl : ' ind-turn- ing in wood, ivory, etc 62194-3 I la-din k, P. N. Lathe-work 62194-4 Lukin, J. Turning for amateurs. . . . 62194-5 Rose, 1 . < Complete pi a< tical mai hinisl : embracing lathe-work, vis< • rk, etc. . 6219-6 Watson, E. P. Manual ol the hand-lathe. (12194-9 Lukin, J. Toy-making for amateurs. pp. 15-37- • • ■ 680-5 - Young mechanic, pp. 103-225. . . . 6219-4 \\ atson, !■'.. P. Modern practii e ol American machinists and engineers. pp. 37-103 6219-9 Lathom House. Hutchinson, Mrs. I. A. Memoirs of the life of Col. Hutchinson; to which is added an account of the siege of Lathom House, pp. 491-516. 497B7 LATHROP, Geo. Parsons, Am. writer, i. 1S51. Behind time. X. V., 1886. 16 . . . . 556A1 I ho of passion. B., 1882. 12°. — In the distance. B., 1882. 12 . -Newport. N. V., 1884. 12°. — Somebody else. B., 1S7S. 16 . — Spanish vistas. X. V., 1883. 8°. . . . 446-55 — Study of Hawthorne. B., 1876. 16°.. 458B7 - True and other stories. N. V.. 1SS4. 12°. Contents. — True. — Major Harrington's mar- riage. — Rad Peppers. — Three bridges. — In each other's shoes. Nathaniel Hawthorne's college days. In Pai I i . . Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. ;t--3i8 410-83 Symbolism of color. In Concord lectures on philosophy. 1SS2. pp. 149-151. . 143-2 I.AIIMI 1888. Divining rod: virgula divina, I. a. iilus di\ inatoi in 1 leveland, 1876. 12" 171 ni.iy ' 5 the Intel 11 inl. published in 1888 Latimer, Eli abeth Wormi talk f Sh B., 1886. 12" Contents.— W'ini. summer night's dl I hrew. i lo about nut: rwelfth night Merchant of Venice.— Cym- hell I VTIMER, II ugh, bishop of Woreesti 1 . 1491 -d. 1555. from writings. In Montagu, B. Selections, pp. 02 102. I '' in. in-, k. Hugh Latimer: a biography. 5: . W. H. I). Great English church- men, pp. 364-417 4145 2 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day. 99 I2f 4H3-4 Tayler, C. B. rlisfa martyrs, pp; 201-253 ! — Tulloch, I. Iii 1 the reformation. PP 1S5-246 4H3-8 Latin Christianity, History of. Milman, II. II 2821-5 Latin hymn M rch, F. A 8791-6 LATIN language. Allen. I . D. Ren of early Latin 126-2 D lerlein, L. Hand-book of Latin synonyms 1 Fisher, M. M. Three pronunciations of Latin 126-4 — Harkness,A.,<. 1S22. Balkan peninsula: tr. by Mrs. Thorpe ; introdu j chap- ter upon the mo I recenl events, and a letter from Hon. W. E. Gladstone. I.., 1SS7. S° 1496 5 — Letters from Italy: tr. by Mrs. I , 1.., 1886. 8° 445-58 — Primitive property: tr. from the French by G. R. 1.. Marriott; with an intro- duction by T. E. c I i lie Leslie. I.., '878. 8° 333-55 — Socialism of to-day: tr. by Goddard II. Orpen ; with an account of socialism in England, by the translator. I.., n. d. <2° 338-5 — Causes of war. /// Cobden club essays. ser. 2. [871-72. pp. 1-56 304-3 — European terror. In Coan, T. M., ed. Social problems, pp. 198-228 304-28 — Provincial and communal institutions of Belgium and Holland. In Probyn, J. W.,ed. Cobden club essays, 1875. 1'P- 245-277 • :>5-i -7 — Gladstone, \V. E. Gleanings of pasl years, v. 4. pp. 197-257. Review of La Prusse et l' Autriche depuis S.i- dowa 120F.1 LAVENGRO. Borrow, Geo. Lavenu, L. S. Gaston Bligh. 2 v. in I. I.., 1858. 16°. I.avinia. Rufftni, G. D. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, French chemist, />. 1743-d. 1794. Muir, M. M. P. He- roes of science : chemists. pp. 79- 100 5409-6 — Wood, \V., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 356-359 4IO-975 Law, Edward, I'aron Ellenborough, chief justice of England, 6. 1 748-1/. 181 8. Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen who nourished in the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 290-30S. . . . 410-17 — Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. v. 4. pp. 102-254 4"-24 Law, Henry. Rudiments of civil engineer- ing, including treatise on hydraulic en- gineering, by Geo. R. Burnell ; revised with large additions on recent practice in civil engineering, by D. Kinnear Clark. L., iSSl. 12° 620-3 — Art of constructing common roads. In Mallet, R., ed. Papers on roads. . . 625-6 I. us, I Liny, continued. 1 von |..^-i. . A/ Euclid. Elements. "■ « '' I • amples of the m etting out railroad curves. In Simms, F. W. I in levelling, pp. 1 55 1 57. . - . Burnell, G. R. and A pin wall, J. Rudi- ments of civil engineering. I.., 1862. 16° 620-31 - joint author. <• lark, D. K. aWLaw, Henry. 1 and street-.. . . . 625-5 Law, Jas. Farmer's veterinary adviser : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals. Ithaca, I887. 12° 636-54 Law, John, Scottish financier, //. 1O71 d. 1729. Thiers, L. A. Mississippi bub- ble: memoir of John Law 558B0, living, W. Wolfert's roost, pp. 172 214. Great Mississippi bubble. . . . 818-487 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 450-456 410-82 Lav. and lawyers. Subdivisions: 1. Gener- al. 2. Biography, anecdote, etc. /. General. — Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury. 1S80. 3455-2 — Amos, S. Science of law. 1874. . . . 3402-15 — Andrews, J. W. Church law. 1S83. . 3424-2 — , Anson, W. R. Law and custom of the constitution 3423-15 — Austin, J. Lectures on jurisprudence. 2 v. 1S73 3402-2 — Blackstone, W. Commentaries, for the use of students at law, and the general reader: ed. by W. D. Ewell 3432-2 — Browne, I. Law and lawyers in litera- ture. 1883 3409-23 — Burlamaqui, J. I. Principle* of natural and politic law. 1859 3402-3 — Calkins, S. S. Business instructor. 1SS1. 657-3 — Crosby, F. Everybody's lawyer and book of forms. [1881.] 3434-; — Dole, E. P. Talks about law. i!sS7. . . 3402-35 — Fichte, J. G. Science of lights. 1S69. 3402-4 — Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. iS75 3455-4 — Fowle, T. W. Poor law. 1881 35: . — Frecdley, L. T. Legal adviser; or, how- to diminish losses, avoid law suits, and save time, trouble and money. "86o 3434-4 — Kant, Immanuel. Phi!- law. '8S7 3402-5 Kenny, C. S. Law of primogeniture in England. 1S78 3441-5 True principles of legislation with re- gard to property given for charitable and other public uses. 1SS0 3449-5 LAW. 742 LAW. Law and lawyers, continued. — Kingsbury, II. Law and government: origin, nature and extent of Divine and human government and religious liber- ty- l s 4" 2577-47 — Leeuwen, S. van. Commentaries on Ro- man-Dutch law. 2 v. 1881 342-56 — Lockwood, I. 1000 legal Don'ts ; or, the lawyer's occupation gone. 1887. . . . 3434~5 — Maine, II. S. Ancient law, its connec- tion with the early history of society, and its relation to modern ideas; with an introduction by T. W. Dwight. 1S70 3401-6 Dissertations on early law and custom. 1S83 309-48 — Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. 1885 35442-7 — Noye, W. Maxims of the laws of Eng- land. 1S70 3434-6 — Passos, J. R. I 'us. Inter-state commerce act. 1887 3465-6 — Phillips, W. A. Labor, land and law : a search for the missing wealth of the working poor. 18S6 333-68 — Plain guide for suitors in the county court. 1S70 3452-6 — Pollock, F. Land laws. 1883 333-7 — Powell, T. \V. Analysis of American law. 1878 3432-6 — Power and authority of school officers and teachers as determined by the courts of the several states. 1885 3797-7 — Proffatt, J. Curiosities of laws of wills. 3441-6 — Raff, G. W. Guide to executors and ad- ministrators of the estates of deceased persons within the state of Ohio. 1879. 3441-7 — Reeves, J. History of the English law from the time ofthe Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. 2 v. 1869. 343-7 — Kiddle, A. G. Law students and law- yers, philosophy of political parties and other subjects. 1873 3404-7 — Rogers, K. V, Law of the road. 1876. 3465-7 Law of hotel life; or, the wrongs and rights of host and guest. 1879. . . . 3444-7 — Schmucker, S. M., <• Patents. Law ol the road ; or, the wrongs and rights of a traveler. Rogers, R. V 3465-7 Law students and lawyers. Kiddle, A. G. . 3404-7 I awless, Hon. Emily. Major Lawrence. F. I . S. N. V.. 1SS7. 16 . Millionaire's cousin. N. Y., 1SS5. 16 . story of Ireland; with some additions by Mrs. A. I ison. V V .. 1S88. 12 . [Story of the nations.] 941-53 Law n tennis. See Tennis. Lawrence, Abbott, b. 1762-d. 1S55. Hill, II. A. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence. . 55 1B1 — Bungay, G. W, Off-hand takings, pp. 1 16-118 412-25 LAWRENCE, Vmos, Am. philanthropist, b. 1786-a. 1852. Extract from his diarj and correspondence ; with brief act 1 ol tome incidents in his life : ed. by his on Wm. R. Lawrence. !'•., 1S56. 12°. Same, 1S60 559-B2 — Thayer, \Y. M. I'oor boy and merchant 1 e 559B3 I amou boj and fa 1 1 | p. 21S- 228 410-47S Howe, II. Adventures and achievements ol Americans, pp. 411-428 412-55 McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 115-129 |t;; o Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 76- S3 410-92 Law renc) , Annie M. I ighl from the cross. B., 1S69. 24 557A2 Lawrence, Eugene, Am. writer, . 1823. Historical studies. N. Y., 1S70. 8°. . Contents. Bisho| f J Leo and 1 u- ther. i ■ mica] coun. is. Huguenots.- Ctiurch of Jerusal< 1 Domi and the Inquisition. — Conquest of Ire!.. church. Imlcx. I ives ol the Bt itish historians. 2 \ . \. 5 ■■ 1855. 1: ,. ttents.—v. 1. Early historians —Sir Wal- I ntinued. I 1 Wi. ! ilett. pin rtc I K;ill — Kdw;irrl Gibbon. — Robert Ormc Oliver Goldsmith. — Clo More Ba 01 Mill red, /•.«(,'. novelist, b. V V., 1871. 8°. I 11 ho I ., [866. 16 . Border a ' ■ 16 Same. X. V., 11. d Brakespeare; or, the fortunes of a free lance I ., [869. 1 — Breaking a butterfly: or, Blanche El lie's ending. I... 1S72. 1 G Livingstone; or, "Thorough." N. Y.. 1870. 16°. - Hagarene. X. Y, 1S75. 8°. — Maurice Dering; or, the quadrilateral. I ... 1873. 16°. merci ; or, 1.. 1 1.., n. d. 16 . Sword and gown. Leipzig, i860. 16 . Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery, 4. 1807 j/. 1857. Edwardes, H. Ii. and Merivale, II. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. . . ; K. ntlrM. D. W. Heroi of the Indian rebellion, pp. 390-446 Heroes of the Indian empire. 23 i" » Kaye, J. \Y. Lives of Indian officers, v. «•! -' P — Laurie. \\ 1 . B. Sketches of some dis- tinguished Anglo-Indians, pp. 33-49. 411 61 Lawrence, Jas. Angel voices from the spirit world. Cleveland, 1S74. 12°. . 1 Lawrence, Capt. Lis., r. s. A'., ■'. i-Si-d. 1813. I rost, J., ed. Pictori. of the American Navy. pp. 203-231. . 41 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 5 2 6-53l . . 410-82 LAWRENi B, John Laird Man. 1S10- d. 1S79. Smith. R. B. Life of Lord Lawrence r. 1.. Heroes of the Indian empire. PP- 205 2I 5 M'-4 Stanley. A. P. Westminster sermons. pp. .' Memorial sermon. ... Lawrence, SiVThos., Eng. painter, 6. 1769- d. 1S30. Buckley. I. A. Dawninf genius, pp. 296-307 .. I>. An in England. 1 Hoppner and Lawrence — Craik, G. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, pp. 300 402. 410-35 I.AWREVK. 744 LEAD. Lawrence, SiVThos., continued. — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 5. pp. 134-22S 417-3 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 276-2S6 410-44 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 288-297 411-56 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 1. pp. 178-187 4'0-9 — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 368-373 410-92 Lawrence, Sir Wm., English surgeon, b. 1785-rt. 1867. Lectures on comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology and the natural history of man. L., 1866. 12°. 5914-4 Lawrence. See also Laurence. Lawrence's adventures. Trowbridge, J. T. 896A68 l.AWRY, Walter. Missions in the Tonga and Feejee islands. N. Y., 1852. 12 . 26961-5 Laws of discursive thought: being a text book of formal logic. McCosh, Jas. . 189-6 Laws of fermentation and the wines of the ancients. Patton, W 1981-62 Laws of health in relation to the human form. Brinton, D. G. and Napheys, G - H 391-23 Laws of nature and the laws of God. Cock- burn, S 210-2 Lawson, Geo. Macfarlane, J. Life and times of Geo. Lawson 559B6 Lawson, J. A. Wanderings in the interior of New Guinea. L., 1S75. 8° 495~5 Lawson, Sir Wilfred. Uinton, R. J. Eng- lish radical leaders, pp. 211-223. • • 4 II -5 Lawton, Geo. W. American caucus sys- tem : its origin, purpose and utility. X. V., 1SS5. 12° 32473-5 Lawyer abroad. Day, H 440-275 Lawyer in the schoolroom. Walsh, M.McN. 3797-9 Lawyer, statesman and soldier. Boutwell, Geo. S 412-245 Lay, Henry C. Studies in the church: be- ing letters to an old-fashioned layman. N. Y., 1872. 16 2838-48 Lay effort ; its range and methods. Haydn, Rev. II. C 256-4 Lay of the last minstrel. See Scott, SirW. Lay sermons. Craff, J. !•'., (Graybeard, pseud.) 241-45 LAY sermons, addresses and reviews. Hux- ley, T. II 5 02 ~5 n, Austen Henry, orientalist and anti- quary, 6. 1817. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the it : being the result of a second ex- pedition undertaken f"i the trustees of the British museum. V V., 1853. 12°. Same, I S56. Same. I.., 1867. . 4025-5 Layarh, A. II., continued. — Nineveh and Babylon: a narrative of a 2d expedition to Assyria, 1849-51. L., 1S67. 12 4025-52 — Popular account of discoveries at Nine- veh. N. V., 1S54. 12° 4025-51 — Bonomi, L Nineveh and its palaces. . 4025-2 — Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chaldea. pp. 19-35. Layard and his work 91 51—7 — Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 809-825 436-8 Laycock, Thos. Mind and brain ; or, the correlations of consciousness and organ- ization, applied to philosophy, mental science and practice. 2 v. N. Y., 1869. 12° 170-55 Lay'Man, (pseud.) Prof. Drummond and miracles: a critique of Natural law in the spiritual world. L., 1S85. 12 . . 210-5 Layman, [pseud.) See Talbot, Geo. F. Layman's study of the English Bible. Bowen, Francis 2201 1-3 Lays and legends of ancient Greece. Blackie, J. S 160C2 Lay's of ancient Rome. See Macaulay, T. B. Lay's of the Scottish cavaliers. &<• Aytoun, W. E. Lazarus, Emma, Am. Je-iuish poet, b. 1849- d. 1887. Alide : an episode in Goethe's life. Phila.,1874. 12°. — Poems ; with biographical sketch. 2 v. B., 18S9. 12° 559C1 Contents. — v. 1. Narrative, lyric and dra- matic. — v. 2. Jewish poems. — Translations. Lazelle, Capt. H. M. One law in nature ; new corpuscular theory, comprehend- ing unity of force, identity of matter, and its multiple atom constitution, ap- plied to physical affections, or modes of energy. N. Y., 1872. 12° 501-54 Lazy man's work. Sparhawk, F. C. Lea, Henry C, Am. publisher, b. 1825. His- torical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. Phila., 1867. 8°. 2582-5 — History of the Inquisition of the middle ages. 3 v. N. V., 18S8. 8° 2722-48 — Studies in church history. Phila., 1869. 8° 2822-5 Contents.— Rise of the temporal power. — Ben- efit of clergy. — Excommunication. — Superstition and force: essays. Phila., 1S70. 8° 3401-5 Contents. — Wager of law. — Wager of battle. — Ordeal.— Torture, Lea, Wm. Tables of the strength and de- flection of timber. I.., 1850. 12°. . . 6208-4 I 1 \< 11, Frank Willing. The right to bear aim-. In Sylvan city. pp. 437-471. . 47481-8 I iaii. Lamborn, R. II. Metallurgy of sil- ver and lead 669-5 LEAD I l. I III Ll i), continued. Pen \, I. Metallurgy of lead 6694 7 Knox, I . \\ . 1 , 1 world, pp. 613-621 Lead mi f Iowa Set also Assaj lug, Metallurgy, Mi Lead pipe. Kii k» ood, J. P., ed, < Elec- tion "i re] i, (1 ondensed),and o| n ol 1 demists in reg ird to Ihe use of lead pipe I"! servii e pipe in die distribution "l « atei f"i the uppl) of cities. 1 1 u.1.1 1 111;. Mrs. Mary. Knight, C. Half- hours « nli the besl lettei « 1 itei .mil lutobiographers. v. 2. pp. 146-159. . 826-54 I 1 mii \ casket. Hunt, Mrs. A. \\ . I 1 u'h;, |,ihn Daniel. Mary, Queen ol Scots, in captivity: narrative of events from fanuary, 1569, to I >ei ember, 1 584, h hilsl George, Earl of Shrewsbury, was the guardian of the Scoti h Queen, Sheffield, '880. 8° 616B77 I 1 m" its lern philanthropy. Blaikie, NV - G 4156-2 1 1 wi 1; . 1 publii opinion in Ireland. f-ecky, Wm. E. II ,,,. - 1 1 iders of the reformation. Tulloch, I. , 414; s I 1 \ ' 'i . [837, Ange. N. V., [S79. 12°. Hearl of Jane \\ .11 ner. 1.., n. d. 1 2 1 ife .in>l letters of Captain Marryatt. Leipzig, [872. l6°. Same. 2 v. N. v - ,2 ° &I4B4 Momenl of madness. I ., 1SS6. 12 . Petronel. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1870. 24°. Poison of asp. and oilier sUirie.. I eip ig, 1876. 16°. '' Isps Bath-chairman's from the burning Hap cident at Brij Prey of the gods. X. \ ,, [871. S s, .ii and a heart. B. S°. - Under the lilies and roses. L., n. d. 12". aiquei a romance. \. Y., 8°. Lkandi r, Richard, iseud.) See Volkmann, K. I 1 \nini;, 1. Quantitj 1 . 12 Lear, Ei iter, t. Nonsense long , itoriei, I al- phabel . B., 1H77 12 . --s.\, I I ll . .)// . II, II,,. ,.. y Lear, formerly Mii In, r, I: :| and I-, 1874. 1-., l:. 1 itian painter of the I iur\ : being the life of Hippol Irin. 1 •■• ' s :r " 162B1 I ' iniiii. an artisl : sketch of the lifi Rev. 1'ere Besson ..1 thi dei 1 Dominic. Phila., 1X70. 16 1 |8B8 1 I.. 1877. .6°. . . Henri Dominique Lacordaire: biograph- ical sket< h. L., 1882. 12° 551B1 — Life of Madame I .. |,. ter ol I \ \ . known al Mother '1 1 1 ■ . i, St. Augustin. I... ■869. 16 587B4 Revival of the priestly life in the 171I1 century in France. I.., 1877. 16 . . . 4142-4 Contents.— Chas. dcCondrcn — S. Philip N and Cardinal de Berulle DcCondren's inner ,y and its system Vincent de Paul and the Lazari ■ — ,■ | pice and Jean Jacques Olicr— Present tin St. Francis de Sales : Bishop and Pi of Geneva. I . 1877. 16 I 1 vr ..1 the steppe. Turgenieff, I. With Spi ing floods. I 1 \i:i 1.. Vrthur. Moroci and the M being an account of travels, with a gen- eral description of the country and irs people. I ., 1876. - 8° 4 - . I 1 vRNING and working: lectures. Maurice. Frederic Denison 370-62 I 1 mi foi live-: ..r. Hector Mainwaring. Fonblanque, Albany. Leask, Wm., D. D. Reason and faith ; or, the two lights. 1'hila.. 1869. 12°. 1 1 \1111 r. Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland ..f work. pp. 27S-298. Leather dressing. Dussauce, II. Arts ,.f tanning, currying and leather-dressing 1 1 iTHER .locking and silk. Cooke. 1 I LEATHER work. Complete guide to orna- mental leather work. I;.. 1^4. 12". . 74. - Keml.ie. M.. ed. Art recreations, pp. *57 -7- 746-4 1 1 m H n account of the ap- pearance and pretension, of (oseph C. Dylks in eastern Ohio in 1S2S. faney- hill. R. II. Leathes, Stanley, D. /'.. Eng. dam 1830. Religion ol the Christ; its his- toric and literary development consid- ered a. an evidence of its origin. L., > s 74. 8°. [Bampton lectures, 1S74I. . 232-59 LE VTHES. - 746 l.EDVARI). Leathes, Stanley, continued. — Future probation: a symposium. pp. •-24 2376-3 — Inspiration: a clerical symposium, pp. 2 3-47 2202-47 Leavenworth case. Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna K. (Green). Leaves and flowers: or, object-lessons in botany with a flora. Wood, A. . . . 5S0-SS Leaves from a bachelor's book of life. Cop- cutt, Francis, pseud. LEAVES from a family journal. Souvestre, F. Leaves from a prison diary. Davitt, M. . 304-32 I.F.A\ KS from an actor's note-book. Van- denhoff, C 911B9 Leaves from the book of human life. Ar- thur, T. S. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. Ellis, T. T 9803-3 Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands. Victoria 916B5 Leaves from the tree Igdrasyl. Russell, M. Leavitt. J. M. American cardinal. N. V., 1S71. 12°. Leavitt, T. H. Facts about peat as an article of fuel: to which is added achap- ter on the utilization of coal dust with peat for the production of an excellent fuel at a moderate cost, specially adapt- ed for steam service. B., 1S67. 12 . . 55321-6 Lebanon, Mount. Churchill, C. H. Mt. Lebanon. 4 v. 1853-62 9569-5 — G., C. Fortnight's tour amongst the Arabs on Mount Lebanon. 1876. . . 4584-4 — Jessup,'H. H. Syrian home life. 1874. 4579-5 — Oliphant, L. Land of Gilead, with ex- cursions in the Lebanon. 18S1. . . . 4587-7 I'orter, J. L. Five years in Damascus. l8 7° 4579-7 Ucquhart, D. The Lebanon, (Mount Souria) : a history and a diary. 2 v. i860 4584-9 Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim memories. pp. 404-484- ■ • • 45S-42 Holland, T. E. European concert in the Eastern question, pp. 206-219 54124-4 See also Syria. 1 1 Bri ton, Anna Letitia, <■88l. 12= 5357-6 — Correlation of vital with chemical and physical forces. In Stewart, B. Con- servation of energy 5316-8 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 3. pp. 5I9-536- Review of Religion and science 818-27 — Gill, W. I. Evolution and progress, pp. 150-162. Review 215-34 LeCouvreUR, Adrienne, French actress, b. 1690-r/. 1730. Maceuen, M. Celebri- ties of the past and present, pp. 181- 193 410-68 Li 1 1 URE-room talks. Beecher, Rev. H. W. 249-2 LED-horse claim. Foote, Mary (Hallock.) Led to the light. Denison, Mary A. . . . 285A24 LEDDERHOSE, Chas. Friedrich. Life of Philip Melancthon : tr. by G. F. Kiolel. Phila., 1855. 12° 622B2 LEDGER, Edmund. The sun: its planets and their satellites: a course of lectures upon the solar system. L., 1882. 8°. [Gresham lectures, 1881-82.] 5232-5 LEDOUX, Chas. Ice-making machines : the- ory of tin' action of llie various forms of cold producing, or so-called ice-ma- chines. {Machines u froid.) X T . V., 1879. 16 6215-4 LedYARD, Hope, pseud. See Harris, Mrs. V. McC, LKDY \K1> 717 I I I I i dyard, John, tmerican traveler, 6. 1751 N 410-35 Howe, II. Adventures and achievements 1.1 Americans, pp. S5-108 412 55 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav- elers v. .•. pp. 1 < .5- 197 4159-78 Schmucker, S. M. Life of Dr. E. K. Kane, and of other distinguished Amei ican explorers, pp. 261-329 {.159 8 Seymour, C. C. B, Self-made men. pp. 138-164 410-92 1 11. Vim. I \.uis, F. W. Shakers, pp. 120-155 2898-31 I11, Chas., Am. general, 0. 1731-a. 1782. Headley, J. T. Washington and li i- generals, v. 2. pp. 126-169 4 1 - 1 V' Sparks, I.. ed. American biography, v. 18. pp. 3-207 412-86 LEE, Edmund. Dorothy Wordsworth: the story of a sister's love. N. V.. 1SS7. 12° 968B2 I11. Mrs. Eleanoi P. (Ware), joint author. Warfield, C. A. and Lee, Mrs. E. P. (W.) Wile of I. eon ami other poems. 923I 1 in, Eliza Buckminster, American writer, />. 1794-1/. 1864. Life of Jean Paul Fred- eric Richter: preceded by his autobiog- raphy. II., 1864. 12 788B3 — Oliver Wyndham. X. V., n. d. 16 . . 559A1 LEE, I'it/hugh. Confederate general, b. 1835. Pollard, I . \. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 549 558 4'225-5 LEE, Francis Lightfoot, Am. statesman, />. 1734-rf. 1797. DwightN. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independ- ence, pp. 318-321 4121-3 Lossing, I!. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 194-196 4121-53 Lee, Frederick Geo., D. C. L., Eng. divine, /'. 1732. Glimpses of the supernatural: being facts, records ami traditions relat- ing to dreams, omens, miraculous oc- currences, apparitions, wraiths, warn- ings, second-sight, witchcraft, necro- mancy, etc. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 1875. • 1 74—56 Historical sketches of the reformation. I- 1879- 8° 283-53 Reginald Pole, Cardinal Archbishop ol Canterbury: an historical sketch. X. V., 1S88. 8° 741P.1 Lee, Geo. Mantle of Elijah. Phila., 1873. 1 6°. Lee, Gideon, />. i"S-d. 1S41. Hunt, 1 •'.. ed. Lives of American merchants, pp. 4. 1732-d. 1704. Dwight, X. Liv< the signers of the declaration of inde- pendence, pp. 270-286 41 2 1 ; lossing, ]',. J. Hiographical sketch.. 1 the signers, pp. 166-173 4121-53 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. I. pp. 4O-47 8152-6 Lee, Robert Edward, Confederal, genial, b. 1807-d. 1870. Biography of Henr) Lee. In Lee. II. Memoir of the war. pp. 9-79 1 lull, I •'. L. Life and campaigns of Gen. Lee 562P.2 — Cooke, J. E. Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee. ; 1 rag, A. 1 Memoir of Robei his military and personal history. . 562B35 Ma on, E. V. Life of Gen. Robert Ed- ward Lee 562B4 Taylor, W. II. Four years with General Lee Chesney, C. C. 1 ssays in military biog- raphy, pp, Si 1 ;,. Memoir 4151 ; — Reyes, E. P. Fifty years' observation of men and events, pp. 204-222 ;;2l'.t Pollard, E. \. Early life, campaigns and public services of Robert E. lee. pp. 33-180 412:; ; I.I.I'. 748- LEFFINGWELL Lee, Robert E., continued. — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious sol- diers, pp. 43'"446 4 " 5 • -9 I.EE, S. Adams, joint ed. Hunt, I.eigh and Lee, S. A., eds. Book of the sonnet. . 8094-4 Lee, Dr. Samuel. Cooper, T. Triumphs of pei severance, pp. 18-23 4 IO_ 3 2 Lee, Samuel Phillip-.. Am. rear-admiral, b. 1825. Headley, J. T. Farragut anil our naval commanders, pp. 416-422. 4122-39 Lee, Mrs. Sarah, formerly Mrs. T. E. Bow- dieli, b. about 1800-1/. 1856. Australian wanderers, n. t. p. 16° 559AS — Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of animals. L., n. d. 12° 59°5-55 — Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of birds, reptiles and fishes. Phila., 1856. 16° 598-58 — Memoir of Baron Cuvier. X. V., 1833. 12° 21,71:4 Lee, Stephen 1). Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 674-687 41225-5 Lee, Theresa Melville. Story of Switzer- land ; with preface by Hon. Mrs. Lionel Tollemache. I.., 1885. 16° 9425-37 Lee. Thus. Essay on the story of Tenny- son's poem " Idylls of the king." //; Prize papers written for the Boys' Own Magazine 760E1 Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, Violet. I.EE, Win., inventor of the stinking frame, d. 1610. Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 543-544 4'°-7 — Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 167- 171 4169-9 - Inventors and discoverers. pp. 328- 331. Wm. Lee and the stocking frame. 609-79 III. Sir Win., lord ebief justice of England, l>. \i&%-d. 1754. Campbell, J. Chief jus- tices of England. Phila. ed. v. 2. pp. 168-1S2. N. V. ed. v. 3. pp. 101-120. 411-24 I11.. Win. Evans, F. W. Shakers, pp. 156-159 2898-31 lit. Win. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. pp. 517-525. Lee and Shepard 4181 ; LEECH, Harry Ilarewood. Letters of a sen- timental idler from Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Nubia ami the Holy land. V V., 1S69. 12° 4499-46 Leech, fohn, Eng. caricaturist, 6. about 1816. Brown, J. Spare hours. v. 2. pp. 1 41, [88E2 I in 11 c liil>. Owen, t '. W. ii,.: Vawcob Strauss. Adams, C. F. . . 107C2 1 111, . [0 1. 1I1 W. 1 he theatre ! essay upon the 111/11-1 i plays « ith the I dii tian profession. Phila.. 1884. 12° 1952 i Leeds, Lewis VY. Treatise on ventilation: seven lectures delivered before the Frank- lin Institute, Phila., 1866-68, showing the great warmth of improved methods of ventilation in our buildings, giving the chemical and physiological process of respiration : comparing the effects of the various methods of heating and lighting upon the ventilation. N. V., 1871. 8° 6281-5 Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary architecture ; the orders and their aesthetic principles. I... 1871. 12° 7 2 °-55 Lees, Frederic Richard, Eng. writer, ■'■. 1815. Text-book of temperance. Rock- land, Me., 1869. 12° 198-56 — Is alcohol food? //; Temperance tracts. v. 2 198-85 K alcohol food ? or, the daily use of stim- ulants defensible? [Same essay.] In Temperance tract-. 198-S6 Lees, J. C. Mahommedanism. In Faiths of the world, pp. 304-334 290-4 Lees, Wm. Elements of acoustics, light and heat. N. V., 1S73. 16° 530-56 I 1 1 1 wen. Simon van, Dutch jurist, b. 1025 d. 1682. Commentaries on Roman- Dutch law : ed. with notes by C. W. Decker: tr. by J. G. Kotze. 2 v. I.., 1881-86. 4 343-56 LeFam*, J. Sheridan. Guy Deverell. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1S65. 16°. — House by the church-yard. X. Y., 1S66. 12°. — Lost name. X. V., 1868. 8°. — Uncle Silas: tale of Bartram-Haugh. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1856. 16°. LeFam , Philip, tr. Letters of certain Jews to Monsieur Voltaire. Paris, Ky.. 1S45. 8° 2226-58 Lefebvre, Charlemagne Theophile, French traveler, b. \%\\-d. i860. Hotton, J. C. Abyssinia and its people, pp. 56-65. 40; 4.5 I 1 1 1 BVRE, Francois Joseph, French marshal, b. 1755-r/. 1820. Headley, J. T. Na- poleon and hiN marshals. v. 2. pp. 37-54 665B56 LEFEVRE, Andre. Wonders ol architecture : to which is added a chapter on English architecture, by R. Donald. X. V ., 1S70. 12°. Same, 1S75. 7 2 °-57 Lefevre d' Etaples, Jacques, footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands. pp. 81-86 2700 12 1 .1 1 1 im.u 1 1 1 , (Vlsop. Mystery of Bar har- bor : a melo-dramatic romance of France and Ml. IV ,11 V \ .. 1SS7. 12°. I 1 1 1 im.u 1 I 1 . 1 '. W.. ed. Reading hook ol Kngli-di classics. N. Y.. 1S70. 12°. . 801-57 Kl l\l \\\ I EGION i m i i .. , -, Henry, tpend of 01 and medii il chi ry, including urin ary analysis and tin e> m ition i in and food. Phila., [884. 1 1 [Quiz com pends.] ... . 1 1 1 !:• n , I li" Shiel, k. I . the li ish bai * l. pp. 116-231 ; \P9 75 In 1 behind. Otis, |as. . ... 708A3 I.m r-handed Elsa. B., ... d. [6°. [Re printed from Blai I •■■■ 1 1 1 .1 , , a Craik, Mrs. D. M Mul u Legai idviser; or, how to di minish losses, avoid lawsuits and avi time, trouble and monej , bj id acting bu lm lm!: i" 1.1 u . 1 1 eed ley, 1 T. ... 1434-4 1 egai chemistry. Naquet, A 5 | Legai recreal . Bn iw ne, I. . . .3 109-25 I egare, Hugh Swinton, .lm. statesman, 5, 17117 d. 1843. W ritings : consisting ol ,1 diary of Brussels and journal of the Rhine, extracts from his private and diplomatic correspondem e, 01 ations and speeches, and contributions to the \ in 1 and Southei n 1 ed bj a memoir of h i ^ life; ed. by his ^isiei [Marj S, Legare]. 2 v. Charleston, S. ' .. 1846 45. 8° 818 56 Pari y, B. !■'. Reminiscences of pu men. pp. 251-255 jlj 75 Legare, Mary Swinton, (Mrs. Bull 1 I . I ■'. Women artists, pp. 301 ;i2. 117. 1 ; Legend of maiden rock. Wayland, k. S. . 9281 1 i kg] id of Montrose. Scott, Sii \\ alter. Legend "t Sleepy hollow . Irving, W. Sketchbook, pp, n6 1.54 818 1.85 I f.gi s'DRE, \.in. 11 Marie, French mathemati- cian, b. 1 752— ;/. 1833. Elements of ge- ometry and trigom imetry : ti by 1 has. I lavies. n. 1. |>. 8° 513 ; I egends. Barham, k. II. Ingoldsby le- gends; or, mirth and marvel 827 16 Brewer, !•'.<'. Dictionar) ol phrase and fable S06-2 - Edmonds, E. M., tr. Greek lays, idylls, legends, etc 8891 .; — Edwards, II. S. Fausl legend. . . . 8357 1 European life, legend and landscape. . . 440-32 Gould, S. Baring-. Legends of Old Tes- lament characters 2214 4 Greey, E. Golden lotus, and other le- gends of Japan 1852-4 Howitt, W. Country yeai book. ... 4^ - Hugo, V. The Rhine 44.; 1 t Kennedy, P. legendary fictions of the Irish Cells ; s l' s 1 ongfellow, II. W. Song ol Hiawatha. s, v Macquoid, T. and K. Pictures and le- gends from Normandy and Brittany. 1442 Middlemore, Mrs. S. G. C Spanish le- gendary tales 3S46-6 1 1 . 1 \. Rtorj "I the ilii I in ill and lands. . . . ... Ritchie, A. C. 1 I 1 ,. II. nd I many I imli . I Vbbe) hall of England and Wales. 3 v. . . Waring, G. E. Bride of the Rhii Weil, < 1. Bible, the Koran and the I 1 ; or, Biblical legends of the sulmans I >, 1 1 1 : and Othl pp, 205-527. Tradition of the bins -' Smith. P. II. Acadia : ■ 1 in \m,.i ican I 6. . . . 07 16 I — 27 1 1 1 ■. 1 of Brittany. Souvestre, Emile. ;'■ Legend of ( narlemagne. 1 1 I us of fairy-land. B Anna. ;.S| 1 s 1 f Ireland. Joyce, R. I >. 1 end of Jubal and othei poem -. 1 George >' )' - Mi if le Dctnut. Hamlin, M.'i . W. '^741 6 I 1 , DSofNumbei Nip lemon. Mark. . 3.S 1 61 I 11 of the flowers. Pindar, Susan. . . 381 7 Legends of the Madonna as represented in the line arts. Jameson. Mrs. A. (M.) Legends of the monastic orders. Jan. Mrs. A. 1 M.i . ... I11 \ns of the Rhine. Kiefer. F. |. DS of the Susquehanna. Purdy, Tru- man H It 1.1 -mis of the West. I [all, J. . 1 i. Alfredo. Unpopular king : life and times of Richard III. 2\. L..1SS5. 8°. II 1. Jas., British scholar, b. 1815. Life and teachings of Confucius. Phila., 1867. 12° 895-51 Life and work- of Mencius; with and notes. Phila., 1875. I2 ° Religions of China: Confucianism and sm described and compared with Christianity. N. V., 1881. 12 . . . . 291 6 — /;•. Sc-c- Confucius. Mencius. Leggett, Viia., Am. writer, '. ^02 .:'. joint author. Sedgwick. Miss 1 . M others. Tales of Glauber-Spa. graphical annual, pp. 150-155. 412 21 Whittier, I 1 1 ks. v. I. pp. 1-5 . of liberty I ami force of truth. taining the thoughts, words and d( ( of some prominent hampions and martyrs: pictures and poetry. N V.. 1857 12 Le goff. 75° — LEMAITKK. Le GOFF, Francois. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers: tr. by Theodore Stanton. N. 'i .. 1879. 8° SS2B6 Leg'OUVE, Ernest. Art of reading : tr. and illustrated with notes, mainly biograph- ical, by Edward Roth. Phila., 1879. 12 800-5 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, German phil- osopher, b. 1646-1/. 1716. Mackie, J. M. Life of Godfrey Wm. von Leibnitz on the basis of the German work of Dr. G. E. Guhrauer 562B8 — Merz, J. T. Leibnitz 562B9 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge. ]ip. 16-19 4IO-35 — Hedge, F. 11. Atheism in philosophy. pp. 195-245 142-4 Maccall, \V. Foreign biographies, v. 2. pp. 1-66 410-67 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. pp. 68-93 2 °'-7 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 241-244 410-975 Leicester, Sir John Fleming. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 151-161. . . 411-56 LEICESTER, Earl of. See Montfort, Simon de. Leifchild, Franklin. Hamlet: anew read- ing. In Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in literature, pp. 67-119 804-3 Leifchild, John. Remarkable facts: illus- trative and confirmatory of different points of Floly Scripture. Phila., 1869. 16 2206-6 LEIFCHILD, John R. Higher ministry of nature viewed in the light of modern science, and as an aid to advanced Chris- tian philosophy ; with introduction by H.Crosby. N. V., 1872. 12 . . . . 2398-64 LEIGHTON, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound ; with sketches of travel in Wash- ington Territory, liiitish Columbia, Or- egon ami California. 1865-81. B., 1884. 12 479-5 LEIGHTON, John. Paris under the Com- mune: or, the seventy-three days of the second siege. I.., 1871. 12° 94482-5 LEIGHTON, R. F. Harvard examination pa- pers : collected and arranged. B., 1S73. 12° 37'27-5 History of Rome ; with maps, plans and engravings. V Y.. 1883. 12°. . . . it,r, b. 1828- ,/. 1868. Americans in Rome. N. Y., I863. 12° 4456-52 1 1 m \i 1 1; 1 . 1 redei u . 1 ,ewes, 1 .. II. Act- ors ami acting, pp. 71-76 7n streets. I.., 1867. 8° Wait for the end. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1864. 16 . ed. Jest hook: choicest anecdotes and sayings. Cambridge, 1S68. 16 . . . . Friswell, J. II. Modern men of letters. pp. 40-57 — Q. Von have heard of them. pp. 236- 242 Iks Gansett. Read, Opie P. 1 1 \ \ ; in, the Stark family. Hofsten, II. L'ENCLOS, Ninon ile. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp.312 ;i;. . Maceuen, M. Celebrities of the past and present, pp. 141-155 Lennox, Chas. Cordon, jth did;- of Rich- mond. Memoir of Chas. Cordon Len- nox, fifth duke of Richmond. L.,1862. S° Lennox, / ord Wm. Pitt, />. ljyy-d. 1881. Drafts on my memory: being men I have known, things I have seen, places I have visited. 2 v. I.., 1866. S°. . 1 SNNOX, Countess of. See Douglas, Mar- garet. I.i NO, John liedford. Art of hoot and shoe- making : practical hand-book including measurement, lasl tilting, cutting out, closing and making; with a description of the most approved machinery em- ployed. 1„, 1SS5. 12° I 1 NORMAND, L. S. Additions. /„ p,,, teaux, A. Practical guide for the man- ufacture of paper and boards LE NORMAND, M. A. Historical ami secret memoirs ol the Empress Josephine : tr. by Jacob M. Howard. 2 v. Phila., 1847. 16° 580-6 181 61 4421-5 827-65 S04-38 410-85 410-19 410-68 563B2 563B3 676-7 519B4 I 1 ormant, I rancoi . Frtn ii. 1S37 H. 1883. Begi t.ling to the Bible, and the tradi- I rom 'I": ere- I Mary 1 id ; with ii ■ l>y Fram 1 Browi V V., it 1. 12 B Ic of ( lene .1 a ti an ilal ii m from the Hebrew in whii h the 1 I cle- ment- >,t the texl an 1 , tow lii< h is added an atti original documi I by the latest reviser: tr. from the French j with introduction and notes by the author of ■ Mankind, their origin and destiny." I.., 1886. 8° 22311-65 1 h.ildean magic; its origin and develop- ment. I.., n. d. 8° 202 5 mid Chevallier, K. Manual of the an- cient history of the East. 2 v. Phila., IS69. 12° 9IO-6 Contents. — v. 1. Primitive times. — Israelites. — Egyptians. — Assyrians and Babylonians. v. 2. Medcs and Persians. — I'lii in Dare. Townsend, Virginia F. I II. on , C. M. Dear feast of Lent. 26036—4 Stowe, 11. B, Footsteps of the Master. pp. 105-232 & t also t Ihrisl ian yes LEO I-XII, popes. Sec Montor. A. de. Roman pontiffs 2S2 1 53 Leo I. saint, pope, called th I 390- d. 461. Gore, C. l.eo the great. . . - Merivale, C. Epochs of early Church history, pp. 106-159 2702-5 I.i. 11 X,pope, . i.(75-., 1886. 12°. LEONIDAS. - 75 2 — LESLIE. Leonidas. Gilman, A., ed. Magna Charta stories, pp. 67-87 903-3? Leonor de Guzman. Boker, G. H. Plays and poems, v. I. pp. 237-348. . . . 171C45 Leonora. Edgeworth, Maria. Leonora Casaloni. Trollope, T. A. Leonora D'Orco. James, G. P. R. Leonowens, Anna Harriette. Englishgov- ernessat tlie Siomese court : being recol- lections of six years in the royal palace at Bangkok. B., 1870. 12 45 53-5 Life and travels in India: being recollec- tions of a journey before the days of railroads. 1'hila., 1884. 8° 454-56 — Romance of the harem. B., 1S73. 12 . Leopardi, Giacomo, count, Italian poet, b. 1798-fl'. 1837. Essays and dialogues of Giacomo Le,opardi; with biographical sketch : tr. by Chas. Edwardes. B., 1882. 8° 854-5 — Poems: tr. by Frederick Townsend. N. V.. 1SS7. 16° 8512-5 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 2. pp. 65-129. Review of Works of Leopardi 426E1 — Howells, W. Li. Modern Italian poets. pp. 244-274 S501-37 I ' nil, king of Belgium, b. 1790-rf. 1865. Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and queens: or, life in the palace, pp. 211-247. • • 415-12 I 1 PANTO, Battle of, 1571. Gordon, J. In- quisition in Spain, pp. 121-148. . . . 2722-4 — Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea. pp. "9-93 437-45 — Prescott, W. II. Philip II. v. 3. . . . 728B3 E, Chas. Michel de, abbe, b. \-,\z-d. 1789. Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry, pp. 152-162 M4~5 I 1 I'n. 1.1 k, A. Wonders of the human body. X. V., 1S70. Same. 1S73 612-56 I.T.l'i.M, Margarita de. Clayton. E. C. Queens of song. pp. 15-25 417S-3 I 1 l'i IY, F. Organization of labor in ac- cordance with custom and the law of the decalogue; with a summary of com parative observations upon good and evil in the regime of labor, the causes of evils existing at the present time and the means required to effeel reform; wiih objections and answers, difficulties and solutions: tr. by Goiiverneur Emer- On I'hil.i . I s 7 2 . 12° 536-4 Eepri v. Bird, I. I.. Six months [in] the Sandwich islands, p. [66 and pp. 293 3°o 401.0 17 Murray, E. C. <.. Turkey: being hi from life. pp. 192-195 1 inn 1, Nordhoff, 1 . Northern I alifornia, Ore- gon and the Sandwich islands, pp. 99- ""' r,'< 6 LEPSIUS, Karl Richard, German Egyptologist, b. 181 l-d. 1884. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the peninsula of Sinai : with extracts from his chronology of the Egyptians, with reference to the Exodus of the Israelites: revised by the author: tr. by Leonora and Joanna B. Horner. L., 1S53. 12 462-59 — Ebers, Georg. Richard Lepsius. . . . 563B8 Lermontow, Mikkail Urevitsh, Russian poet, b. about 1814-^. 1S4I. Circassian boy: translated through the German from the Russian by S. S. Conant, 1'... 1875. i 6 ° 80171 -5 — Hero of our time: tr. by K. I. Lipman. L., 1887. 12°. Turner, C. E. Studies in Russian litera- ture, pp. 31S-363 Soi 7 g LeROW, Caroline B. Duxberry doings. B.. 1884. 12°. — ed. English as she is taught: genuine answers to examination questions in our public schools. X. V., n. d. 16°. . . 1173-5 LeSage, Alain Rene, French author, b. i66S- Leslie, David, 1st baron Newark. Lodge, I Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 91-98. . . . 411-65 I 1 1 11. Eliza, Am. writer, b. 1787-./. 1S57. Behavior book: a manual for ladies. Phila., 1S53. 16 395-51 faylor, Bayard. At home and abroad. v. 2. pp. 404-407 +39 V 1 1 in, Emma. Ai the sign of the Blue Boar: Story o| the reign of Charles II. I. 12°. Ellerslie House. V Y.. n. d. 16 . . . 562A2 Ferryman's family j or, I».iis\ Hope's foi tune. I.., n. d. 16° 5(12. V25 (. ylh.i's message: .1 tale of Saxon Eng- land. I.. 12° LESLIE. Mil l i nil i. ontinued. I [idden eed ; or, a yi r in a girl' I .1. m 562 \ 1 \ 1 . 1 1 1 1 v ic tor j 1 tali ol 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 1 En g land, I.., 11. il. 12 . Pen j 1 lj don j or, idl 1 on quest, I ,., n. d. 12 562 A 5 Sailoi I 1 1 ... n. d. 12 562 V7 1 1 lie, fohn, duke of Rothes. Lodge, E. Porti .in . ol illt i" ' gi "i (in. 11 Britain, v. 6. pp. 49 56. . . . 411-65 1 1 me, Miriam El rence, I Mrs. Frank I lie). I >erby, J. C. Fiftj yeat among authoi . 1 ks and publishers. pp. 692-69 ti8i-3 1 ,es] [E, Mi'. Edward Cli Re. F inancial re- 1 1. in 1 lobden club es ;ays, 1871- 72- PP- lS " 264 304-3 I i 111 T\ rrell. Craik, (i. M. LES MlSE RAULES II' [O, \ ■' toi . 1 1 \ i'. Gospodin, Marvin, C. Reconnoit- ering Central Asia, pp. ;S.i 401. . . . 455-61 Lesseps, I erdinand de, nch en- gineer, 6. 1805. History of the Suez canal: tr. by Sir Henry Drummond Wolff. Edinburgh, 1876. 16 . ... 62 Recollections of forty years : u. by C. B. Pitman. 2 v. in 1. N. V.. [888. 8°. 565B5 1 1, unlet, E. and • thei I rem li celebri- pp. 121 139 4'°5-35 \\ In mper, F. The sea. v. 1. pp. 104-107 437-95 I 1 isiNG, Gotthold Ephraim, German philoso- ■ . 1. 1 729 d. 1 7S1 . I ,aoi oon 1 .111 essay upon the limits of painting and poetrj : with remarks illustrative ol various points in the histor; oi ancient art: tr. bj Ellen Frothingham. 1!., 1S74. i6 J . 701-5S — Nathan the Wise: tr. b) Ellen Frothing- ham : preceded by a bt tel ai 1 ounl of t lie poet and his works, and followed by K111111 Fischer's essay on the poem. N. V., [884. 12° 8318-55 — Sime, Jas. I essing 566B4 De Quincey, I. Essays on philosophical writers, etc. v. 1. pp. 225-307. . . . 2S4E45 Fiske, J. Unseen world, etc. pp. 147- r68. Reviev ol Nathan the Wise. . . 357E5 Gostwick, I. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 64-87 239-43 Lowell, J. K. Among my books, pp. 291 J48 588E1 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. pp. 134-146 201-7 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 3°3- 3°7 410-97S — See also Literature, German. 1 1 son in love. B., 1881. 12° [Round Robin series.] 1 from 11 1 I P ed in mind 1 . Mivart, St. < 1 1 . ■ ii om Hale, iarah J 41 1 1 in holim D ' I I 1 ■ 11 life. Holland, J. ('. 4>. Lessons ol he 4th of July, 1876. 24° . ; of faith and life: discourses, Chap- l.ll 252-32 1 1 1 1 1. A. 1 1 • . > le. Pre-Adamit< tempted Eve? Scripture ami sciei in unison a- respect, the antiquil man. Phila., 1875. 12 i . 1 has. I dwards, Am. diplomat 1815. Glory and shame of England. 2 v. \. V., 1S41. 8°. San .442 56 Power and magn the British empire. — Ireland ; her woes and similes under I'.ritisti oppression. Society in England.— Established church. — The throne and the aristocrai y in conflict with the demo. pirit v. 2 Condition of the lower classes in the agricultural and mining districts of England and Wales. — Condition of the poor in the V towns. — British empire in India and the colo- nics. — Reformers of F.ngland. — Hostility of the British press and the ruling classes to the United States. — Great Britain and the I'nited international relations. I ife and character of I'eter Cooper. N. V., 1883. 16° — and Foster, Andrew. Life and voyages of Americas Vespucius; with illustra- concerning the navigator and the discovery of the New World. N. Y., 1846. 8° 915B2 — joint author. Williams E. and Lester, C. I . \ polei in dynasty I IRIDCE, Roper. Short manual of the history of India ; with an account of In- dia as it is, soil, climate and produc- tions, the people, their races, religions, public works and industries, civil s L -r- ystein uf administration. 1... 1SS1. 12° , , I lent y. On food : its vai ieties, chemical composition, nutritive value. aparative digestibility, physiological functions and uses, preparations, culin- ary treatment, preservation, adultera- tion, etc. N. V., 1872. 12°. [Four Cantor lectures, 1868.] 643-5 LETHERBROW, Emma, Gudrun : a story of the North Sea. Edinburgh, 1863. 1 6°. S3 1 5-5 5 K-carrier, Footprints of a. Rees. Jas. 3534 — 7 I 11 IIR of credit. Warner, Susan. MAN, Jonathan. Medical recollec- tions of the Army of the Potomac. V \ .. 1866. 8°. . . 9803-5 LETTERS. 7 54 I.EVAN I )ER. Letters and letter-writing. Sub-divisions: I. Collections of letters and notes on letter writing. 2. Forms for corre- spondence, (letter writers.) /. Collections of letters and notes on letter writing. — Grant, K.,ed. Love in letters: illustrated in the correspondence of eminent per- sons; with biographical sketches of the writers 8078-4 - Holcombe, J. V. ,ed. Literature in letters. 826-45 - Knight. C. Half-hours with the best letter writers and autobiographers. 2 v. 826-54 - Scoones, W. B., ed. Four centuries of English letters S26-8 - Seaton, G. Gossip about letters and let- ter writers S078-7 - Wallace, Lady — , //•. Letters of distin- guished musicians: Gluck, iiayden, Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn 4177-9 - Duhring, J. Gentlefolks and others, pp. 63-89 3°4-33 - Saunders, F. Pastime papers, pp. 25-52. S05E3 - Sears, B., Edwards, B. B. and Felton, C. C. Classical studies, pp. 99-208. . . 870-8 Note. — See also letters of the following un- der their names : Alice, Princess. — Adams, John and Abigail. — Alcott, W. A. — Appleton, Thos. G.— Arblay, Mine. F. B. D\— Ascham, R.— Bacon, F.— Balzac, H. de. — Barnard, H.— Beethoven, L. von. — Berry, Miss. — Bismarck. — Bowne, Eliza S. — Bryant. — Burke. — Byron. — Calhoun.— Calvin.— Carey, H.— Carlyle. — Cas- siodorus. — Channing. — Child, L. M. — Church- ill, Sarah. — Cicero. — Coleridge. — Cowper. — < inker, J. — Cromwell. — Cushman, C. — Dallas, G M— Delany, Mrs. M G. (1). -De Quincey. —Dickens.— Disraeli.— Drake, D— Ehlert, L. — Eliot, George. — Emerson. — Erskine. — Evelyn. — Foster. — Franklin. — Gallatin. — Goethe. — Gordon, C. G.— Gordon, L. D.— Gottschalk — Greenough, H. — Havergal.F.R.— Hayward, A. -Headley, J. T.- Herschel.— Hildyard, J — Humboldt. — Jefferson. — Johnson, S. — Junius. — Keats.— Etemble, F. A. — Lamb. — Landor. — Lang. A Laveleye, M. E. — Le Brun. — Leech. gare. — l.ieber. — Locke. — Lyell. — Maclay, A. C. — Madison, Dolly. — Mahan, M. — Mann, H.— Mary Stuart. — Mason, L. — Mendelssohn. Merimee. Montagu, M W. — Mozart. — Mur- II M —Napoleon I. — Parker, I . -- I'.i ■ .,1 Pasl n letters Phillips, Yv'.— Pliny. — Raleigh.- R. n Reynolds, E. W — Rice, H. — Robinson, H. C. — Rogers.— Ras- kin. St. John, II k, C. M. — Sigour- ii Iney. -Stanhope, P. I ' ii' it, H. E.— Sterne, L.— Talleyrand Taylor, P.. — Thai ki ra) I hor< au I ill' 1 Walpole - Washington u ebster. - White, It K --Will,. ,1 u illi u iri 2. r 1 '.'.'■ fo> ■ on. -.pondence. Davidson, J. \V. [*hi respondent, . 8079-3 1 1 . s, A. 1 1 -in. 1 1 i riter .mil law s and I.I -I \in.- 1 so- ciet) , 8079-35 LETTERS and letter-w r riting, continued. — Ladies' and gentleman's model letter writer 8079-5 — Xew universal letter writer. Phila., 1875- 12° 8079-7 — Worcester letter writer and book of busi- ness forms 807-9 Letters from a cat. Jackson, Mrs. H. (H.) 510A23 Letters from abroad. Alford, H 445-12 Letters from Eden. Wheeler, Rev. C. H. 2656-92 Letters from hell: given in English, by I.W. J. S. N. V., 1885. 12 242-4 Letters from high latitudes. Blackwood, F. T. H., earl of Dufferin 498-15 Letters from Rome on the council. By Quirinus, (pseud.) of J. J. 1. Dollinger. L., 1870 2823-6 Letters of a traveler. Bryant, W. C. . . 440-18 Letters on the evidences, doctrines and duties of the Christian religion. Greg- ory, Olinthus 239-45 Letters to a friend. Thirlwall, C 882B9 Letters to an Episcopalian on the Book of common prayer. Bede, A 2603-2 Letters to elder daughters. Starrett, H. E. 1937-78 Letters to Guy. Barker, Lady Mary Ann. 4941-2 I.EiTERs to the Joneses. Holland, J. G. . 483E36 I.ettice Eden. Holt, E. S. LETTSOM, John Coakley, Eng. physician, b. Ij44~d. 1815. Jeafifreson, J. C. Book about doctors, v. 2. pp. 95-105. . . 4167-5 Lettson, Win. Nanson, tr. Nibelungen- lied. Fall of the Nibelungers, other- wise the book of Kriemhild. L., 1S73. 12° S3I4-S Leuchars, Robert B. Practical treatise on the construction, heating and ventila- tion of hot-houses. N. Y., 1S50. 12°. 717-5 LEUPP, Chas. M. Biographical sketch of 1 ,ideon Lee. In Hunt, F., ed. Lives of American merchants, pp. 401-414. 41238-4 LEUTZE, Emanuel, German painter. />. 1816. Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. PP. 254-259 412-58 - McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes. pp. 488-497 4123-6 — Tuckerman, 11. T. Book of the artisls. PP. 333-345 75S-9 It; Vaillant, Francois, French naturalist, />. i753-utlying I'm ope and 1 he I" I! nl II 1 ' 1 ' Newton, C. T. 1 1 ivel tnd di coverie in the Levant n ■ w N mi ,i.l>. In the I .i-v.ini 1 ('Mi 95 Prime, S. I. Bible in the Levant ; or, the life and letters of Rev. C, N. Right- '■i [Mis . I ''' '■ Kehaya, K.A. TheOrient. /» Stanton, T. , . ,/. Wiiin.i 11 que: 1 ii m in Europe, PP- 457 472 396-85 Seealso Egypt. Greece. Syria. Turli 1 1 1 inc. Simms, F. W. [realise on the principles and practice of levelling. 5269-32 Lever, 1 has. las., //,■ . iSo6-d. 1872, Arthur O'Leary, his wanderings and h i > 1 Phila. 8°. Barrington. 1... 1 S73. 16 . Bramleighs of Bishop's folly. X. V., [868. 8°. Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon, I . 1 6°. Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias; his con- fe i"ii and ex pei ience - Phila. 8°. „ Cornelius O'Dowd. I... 1S73. I2 °- Daltons ; or, three roads in life. L..1S73. 16°. — Day's ride. I.., 1S73. l6 °- — Davenport Dunn; a man of our day. Phila. 12 . — Dodd family abroad. I.., 1S73. '6°, — Fortunes of Glencore. L. 16 . Many Lorrequer ; his confessions and ex- periences, I'hila. 8°. Horace Templeton. Phila. 8°. Jack Hinton, the guardsman, I .. 1873. 1 6°. — Kate O'Donoghue. Phila. 8°. Knight of (.wynne: a tale of the time of ili<- Union. L. 16 . - Lord Kilgobbin. N. Y.. 1S72. 8°. 1 uttrell of Arran. L. 16 . M 11 1 in - .I i 1 "" Martin. 1 ... 1873. 16 . Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. V Y.. 1S74. 8°. — O'Donoghue: a tale of Ireland fifty years ago. L. 1 6°. — One of them. 1.. 16 . Rem in a cloud, [and] St. Patrick's eve. 1 . 16°. Roland Cashel. 2 v. Leipzig, 185S. 24 . St. Patrick's eve. [and] Paul Gosslett's confessions. Leipzig, 1S70. 16°. . < has. J.. 1 ■ I 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 That boy of Norcott's. Leipzi I I.' r. 1 1 ■ I"..', Butli 1. N. V., 1874. I II. Modern 1 pp. 171 1. So \li 1 arl hy, ! . II, Houi with em "ii. pp, r,n i;S 941 1 1 1 .Mi'i, ( ha . 11. Rcpubli I laven : a histor) "I mi olu- tion. Baltimore, 1886. 8 . ii M . , Ms/10/' of Kildi • ii. 1577. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyr, and confes 44-5 1 (I Le Vert, < Ictavia (Walton), Am lS20-(/. 1S77. Souvenirs of travel. 2 V. in I. N. V.. [866. \z' 440-56 . I I. Queens of American socie- ty- PP- 396 P7 M2 I 1 ESON, Henry Astbury, (Old Shekarry, pseud.) Forest and the field. I... 1 s 7 j . 16 7966-5 — Sports in many lands, Europe. Asia. Af- rica and America. N. X .. n. d. 8°. Same. I .- 7966-51 Levi, Leone, economist, 6. 1.S21 oi 11 ie > ol I elloi I I irendon ; illustrative ol portraits in his gallery. 3 v. I.., 1852. 8° 111-62 :! ill. \ 1 I I 1 Clai 1. in <•'•' ri] of portrail <•./. Extrai 1 from 1 he jouri I coi respondence of Miss Berrj 1 1 the yeai 1783 to [852. 3 v. I... 1866. 8° [48B6 Lewi i, Win. < '•. W. Biographj oi Samuel I ewis, first superintendent < > f comi schools in the State of 1 Ihio. 1 inn., 1N57. 12° 1 .1 u 1-, Wm. 1 1. Se I'll 1 he I In istian year. 2 v. N. Y., 1 s 7 5 . 12°. . . . 252-59 Lewis and Clarke expedition. Ulen, Paul. History "l the expedition under the command ol I aptains Lew is a ml Clarke. 478-12 Bancroft, II. II. History ol the north- west coast, v. 2 989-2 - Foster, John. Fosteriana. pp. 330-345. Solitudes of America 577E7 - Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. I. pp. 129-194 436-8 — See also Lewis, Meriwether. Levi iana; or, life in the outer 1 lebi Smith, W. A 14117-82 Lexicon of Freemasonry. Mackey, A. G. 366 6] I 1 \n us of ladies' names. Carter, Mrs. S. ' 4194-2 Lexington, Mass. Howells, W. D. Three villages, pp. 11-68 473-48 — Frothingham, R. History of the siege 1 Bos and of the battles of Lexing- ton, Concord and Hunker Hill 9751-3 Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 425 434 328E1 LEV, |as., earl of Marlborough. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. Chap. 11. 411-24 Leyden, John, Scottish poet and oriental scholar, b. 1775-1/. 1811. Famous boj and famous men. pp. 85-99 410-47S Hood, I. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 416-424 410-58 - Men who have made themselves. pp. [47 l6 ° 4IO-757 Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. • S I— I S3- [Biog. sketch and poems.] . S0921-7 — Small beginnings, pp. 99-114 \\ 1 eyden, Siege, 1574. Great sieges of his- tory, pp. 475-477 903-4 Tillotson, I. Stmies of the wars, 1 ' 9278 8 Charles, Mrs. E. R. Martyrs of Spain and the liberators of Holland. — Sec also Netherlands. v. 11 I.., 188 • 1 ■ Round the woi Id in 1 2 1 da . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 , M. Lhasa, oi 11 nej '.I 'I ho . M inning to LI 't 4S15-6 Lia , /.', v. I.I. 1 notes and inti ' ; 16 . [Camb. 1 ^233-3 [•"id secon - nth- ; with notes, map and introduction. ' 1 'i bridgi B u schools.] I 1HB1 prison. S I nited States, history. I 11.11 Amoris: being the book of love of 1 I" ' \nelius. 1 larpenter, II. B. . I 1 Bl 1; librorum. Dunn, H 22 i BERAL edui Lion Of women. I I I 'd 3166-6 I ) movement in English literature. ' thope, W. J 1 11 1 iai. triumvirate of England. M thy, I. Modern leaders. pp. i- 1 '5 4104-6 I 1. Foote, A. II. Africa ami the iean Hag 966-4 Merriam, M. B. H in Africa. . 4666-6 veil, I S. Republic of Liberia : its geography, climate, soil ami produc- tions; with a history of its early settle- ment ' 4666-8 I [owe, 1 1. A'l\ cut u ients 1 Americans, pp. 357 382 412 55 Williams, C, W. I [j jtory of the N » race in America, v. 1. pp. 95-107. . 3269-8 — See also Life of Ashmun, J. LIBERIA; or, Mr. Peyton's experiments. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Liberty. Andrews, S. P. True constitu- tion of government. Science of society. No. 1 304-15 I t, S. History of liberty, pt. I. An- cient Romans. 2 v 9'9-35 pt. 2. Early Christians. 2 v. . . . 2701-3 Holland, F. M. Rise of intellectual lib- erty from Thales to Copernicus. ... 141-4J Mill, J. s. 1 (n libertj 32 Paterson, J. Liberty ofthepress, speech and public worship ; — Scott, E. G. Development of constitu- tional liberty in English colonies of America 3207-76 hen. J. F. Liberty, equality and fraternity ; — Tolstoi, L. Power and liberty 901-83 Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 15. pp. -- x - s i 818-27 LIBERTY. 75* LIEBIG. Liberty, continued. — Hill, B. A. Liberty and law under fed- erative government, pp. 21-62. . . . 3218-45 Liberty of the press. Patterson, J. Lib- erty of the press, speech and public worship 3 2 3-56 — Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke ami Erskine. pp. 327-353 825-6 — Hall, R. Miscellaneous works, pp. 157- 170 208-37 — Hill, B. A. Liberty and law under fed- erative government, pp. 225-235. . . 3218-45 — Hume, D. Essays, pp. 11-13 491E2 — Manning, H.E.,«£ Essays, v. 3. Review. 204-5S — See also Journalism. LIBRARIES. Baldwin, J. Book-lore : a guide to the best reading 805-2 — Dunning, A. E. The Sunday school library 2468-3 — Foster, W. E. Librarians and readers. 8054-35 — Green, S. S., ed. Libraries and schools. 8054-4 — Greenwood, T. Free public libraries. . 8054-41 — Manners, Lady J. Some of the advantages of easily accessible reading and recrea- tion rooms and Free Libraries; with re- marks on starting and maintaining them and suggestions for the selection of books 8054-6 — Penn, A. Home libraries 8051-65 — Wheatley, H. B. How to form a library. 8051-9 — Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties and contested events, pp. 31-39. Alexan- drian library 902-3 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 1. pp. 255-262. v. 2. pp. 335-344.. 804-35 — Egleston, N. H. Home and its surround- ings, pp. 307-317 640-3 — 1'iske, J. Darwinism and other essays. pp. 237-275. A librarian's work. . . 357E1 — Holmes, O. W. Medical essays. pp. 396-419. Medical libraries 6104-46 — Jevons, W. S. Methods of social re- form, pp. 28-52 304-55 — Putnam, G. P. Suggestions for libraries. In Abbott, \,.,ed. Hints forhome read- ing, pp. 111-147 805-12 Quincy, J. I'. Protection of majorities. pp. 96-10S 304-6 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chaldea. pp. 94-115. The book of the past: the li- brary of Nineveh 9I5I-7 Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 1. pp. 96-113. Literature and the Catholic- clergy. Libraries, v. 2. pp. 696-709. Origin and history of libraries in ancient and modern times 204-84 — See also Books and reading. Literature. Library notes. Russell, A. P 798] ; Library oi choice literature. Spofford, A. R. and Gibbon, C, eds. 8v 808-77 Library of mesmerism and psychology : comprising, Philosophy of mesmerism. On fascination. Electrical psychology. Macrocosm. Science of the soul. 2 v. N. Y., 1870. 12° 177-5 Libussa. Musams, J. K. A. /;; Carlyle, T, tr. Tales by Musams, Tieck, Richter. v. 1. pp. 61-103 S33-6 LICHENS. Roberts, M. Voices from the woodlands, pp. 1-14 5804-65 — See also Botany. Lichtenstein, Ulrich von. Kroeger, A. E. Minnesinger of Germany, pp. 163-188. S315-5 Liddei.l, Rev, Henry Geo., Eng. author, b. 1812. History of Rome from the earliest times to the establishment of the em- pire. N. Y., 1869. 12 919-62 — Life of Julius Cassar. B.,n.d. 16 . . . 200B6 Liddiard, Rez'. Wm. Redding, C. Per- sonal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 1. pp. 62-91 411-87 LlDDON, Rev. Henry Parry, Eng. clergyman, I). 1828. Divinity of our Lord and Sav- iour Jesus Christ. N. Y., 1S73. 12 . [Bampton lectures, 1866.] 2321-5 — Sermons. N. Y., 1888. 12° 252-605 — Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. N. Y., 1880. 12° 252-61 — 2d ser. 1868-1879. L., 1879. 12°. . . 252-61 — Some elements of religion : Lent sermons, 1870. N. Y., 1S72. 12 252-6 — An examination of Canon Liddon's Bamp- ton lectures, by a clergyman of the church of England 2321-3 — Mathews, W. Men, places and things. pp. 160-169 617E7 Lie, Jonas Laurits Idemil, Norwegian writer, /'. 1S43. Pilot and his wife. Chicago, 1876. 12°. Lieu, Chas. Nine months in the Quarter- master's department ; or, the chances for making a million. Cinn., 1862. 12 . 9S06-5 Lieber, Francis, German-American scholar, l>. iSoo-c/. 1S72. Character of the gen- tleman. I'll i la., 1S64. 16° 197-53 1 ivil liberty and self-government. Phila., 1859. 8°. Same, 1874 3218-5 - Manual of political ethics: ed. by Theo- dore D. Woolsey. 2 v. Phila., 1875. 8°. 192-5 — Poems. In Schiller, F. Homage of the Arts. pp. 106-113 S319-2 ed. and tr. Great events described by distinguished historians, chroniclers and Othei writers. V \ ., 1 S4 7. 12°. . . 903-55 Pel rj , T. S. Life and lettei - of I' 1 1 i Lieber 57"1^4 I 1 1 in., Justus von, baron, German chemist, b. 1803-11'. 1873. Complete works on chemistry. Phila., n. d. S° 54; 5; - 75V — I II I I ii bio, In .1,1 . von, i onlinued. Conttnti Organii chemistry in ii tpplii in. ii to '.'ii. nit in. and physiologj \ inula) chcm, , . 01 pplica lion t,, phy liolog v .,,,,! |. .' I oli . . ■, Fam letters on chei and ita relations to i . . |.i, . ...I.. .. mi. i agriculture — Re- 111 es ,.f the animal body and the effect of evaporation in , iher H nil ' ' I the origin .1 ii,, pot lisease Chemistry and pi,., in relation to ph j pathology. Animal chemistry; or, organic chemistry in its application i" physiology and pathology: ed. by Win. Gregory. Phila., n. d. S°. Bound with Liebig, |. Chemistry in its application to agri- culture and physiology 631-43S Same. I hi Works.] 547—53 1 licini 11 \ 111 11 , ipplical ion to agricult- ure ami physiology: ed. by 1.. Play- fair. Phila., 1843. 8° 631-438 — Same. [ hi Works.] 547-53 -Same: ed. by 1.. Playfair and W. Greg- ory, from the 4th 1.. ed. rev. ami en- larged. N. V., 1S72. 12° 631-438 — Natural laws oi husbandry: ed. by John Blythe. N. Y., 1863. 8° 631-5 — Principles of agricultural chemistry; with special reference in the late researche made in England: tr. by Wm. Gregory. X. V., 1855. 12 631-439 Development of ideas in physical science. //; Culture demanded by modern life. PP- 347 37o 3704-9 Connection and equivalence of forci . In Voumans, E., ed. Correlation and conservation of forces, pp. 3S7-400. . 5316-3 ■ Muir, M. M. I'. Heroes of science: chemists, pp. 252-293 5409-6 III ill 1 1 \.i 1 in, Marie. Hayu aid. A. Sketi lies of eminent statesmen and writers, v. 2. pp. 186-242. Review of Holland house 410-55 I 11 1 DE, J. B. de. See Del.iefde. J. I'.. I in rENANT and the commander. Mall, Capt. 15 450H7 1 ii 1 . Note— For Physical Life see Biology and the references under that subject. — Arnold. !•'. ["urning points in life. . . . 194-16 — Campbell, II. J., ed. A true friend. . . 194-92 Chambers, W. Youth's companion and counsellor 574 « Fuller, T. Holy and profane stales. . . 241 \\ Greg, \\ . R, Enigmas of life 4;;! , 1 lale, E. E. Whal 104 4 Helps. A. Friends in council 401 I 8 Holland, J. G. Gold-foil hammered from popular proverbs 1.83I ; 1 in, ontinutd. James, II. S tnd hadow ; 01, morality and religion in their relation to rea- tion I ' /. Seed-grain for thought and 'I , 208-55 Mallock, W. II. Is life worth living.'. Munger, I. I. On the tine hold. ... 2- . Pomeroy, M. M. ' !old dust 7 ;i l.i Sense; or, Saturday night musings and thoughtful papei - 71' ' I Rhodes, M. Life thoughts for young men. Richards, Mrs. C. H. B. -spring-, of 197 7 Si Mi ',' I. 1 1 1 phi- losophy of language I Simms, W. G. Egeria; or, voices of thought and council for the woods and wayside S24I.5 Swing, 1). Motives of life 204-86 — Thayer, W. M. I " 1, push and principle. 1 lli pson, H. M. "Copy": essays from an editor's drawer, on religion, litera- ture and life 204-88 — Tolstoi, L. Life 240-84S Value of life: reply of Mr. Mallock say, Is life worth living 201-9 — Weaver, G. S. Aims and aids for girls and young women '937~9 Ways of life; showing the right way and the wrong way 197-96 Goethe, J. W. Wisdom of Goethe: [se- lections! ed. liy J. S. Blackie. pp. 3-54. < s 3539~2 — Rice, H. Nature and culture, pp. II 7 iSo. Life and its aspirations also Education. Ethics. Etiquette. Girls. Philosophy. Sociology. Wo- men. Young men. Life. Ii. 16 . [Little classii Life after death. Palinodia. Newman, F. W lii g thi \ . ' emony, J. 1 LIFE among the Germans. Parry, E. L. , 4 t s 7 id adventures of a Quaker among the Indians. Battey, Thos. C 9707-14 Lii 1 and adventures of Peter Wilkins. 1'al- tock, R. nd alone. B., 1870. 16 . nd death of Jason. Morris. Win. . ( . I 11 1 and death on the ocean. Howe, II. . 4;- .1 growth of language. Whitney. W. D 100-95 1 111 and habit. Butler, Samuel 5751 :: LIFE and her children. ] Buckley, A. I'. 592-2 I id labor; or. characteristics of men 1 industry, culture and genius. Smiles. Samuel 1 LIFE. 760 LIFE'S. LIFE and labor in the far, far West. l!ar- neby, W. Henry 470-13 Life and liberty in America. Mackay, C. . 470-6 Life and nature under the tropics. Myers, II. M. and P. V. X 480-67 LIFE and society in America. Day, Samuel P 473-27 Life and work of earnest men. Tweedie, W. K 410-945 Life at home. Aikman, Win 193-14 Like at Puget Sound. Leighton, C. C. . . 479-5 Life at the sea-shore. L'lyat, Win. ('. . . 4337-9 Life beneath the waters. Edwards. Arthur M 5899-3 LiFE-boat. Gilmore, J. Storm-warriors; or, life-boat work on the Godwin sands. 3599-4 — Lewis, R. History of the life-boat. . . 3599-5 - Whymper, F. Sea. v. 2. pp. 209-235. 437-95 — Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 404- 423 3°4-9 Life by the Ganges; or, faith and victory. Mullens, Mrs. — 2654-53 LlFK-drama. Smith, Alex. Poems, pp. 5-147 835C1 Life for a life. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M11- lock.) Life guardsman. Walmsley, H. M. Life history of our planet. Gunning, W. D 560-4 LIFE histories of the birds of eastern Penn- sylvania. Gentry, T. G 598-4 Life in Alaska. Willard, Mrs. C. McC. . 26798-5 Life in Bible lands; or, illustrations of Scriptural allusions and imagery from the manners and customs of the Last. I,., 1S70. 16 2208-59 Life in Danbury. Bailey, J. M., (Danbury New., man, pseud.) 817-19 1 11 f, in Feejee. Wallis, Mrs. D. C. ... 4961-9 Life in its lower, intermediate and higher forms. Gosse, P. II 5901-4 I 11 F in Java; with sketches of the Javanese. Almeida, Wm. B. d' 4922-2 Life in nature. Hinton, J 57°-4 Life in Paris. Houssaye, A 4443-45 I 1 prairie land. Farnham, E. W. . . 4773 1 I 1 1 1 in Spain. Thornbury, W • 440 88 LlF! in the 1 learings. Moodie, Mrs. — I. n 1 in the far west. Ruxton, G. F. . . . 47S-81 Life in the forests of the far east; or, travel in 1101 tin-i 11 Borneo. St. John, Spenser, 4911 8 1. 11 1 in the iron-mills. Harding Miss R. B. In Modem classics, pp. 50-92. I !ii in the itinerancy. Davis, Rev, I.. I). Life in the mission, the 1 amp and the zenana; "i , ix years in India. Mai ken • ie, Mrs. 454-58 Life in the open air: and other papers. Winthi op, 1 l lore 958E1 Life in the primeval world. Adams, W. H. D 560-13 Life in the Southern isles. Gill, Rev. W. W. 496-41 Life in the West. Meeker, N. C. Life in the West. Van Tramp, — .... 478-92 Life in Tuscany. Crawford, M. S 4455-3 Life in Western India. Guthrie, Mrs. M. 454-44 Life incidents. White, Elder J 2893-9 LlFE-insurance. Hipsley, W. Equational arithmetic applied to questions of inter- est, annuities, life assurance and general commerce 657-4 — Lambert, T. S. Longevity 3683-74 — Sieveking, E. H. Medical adviser in life assurance 3683-7 — Wright, E. Politics and mysteries of life insurance 3683-9 — About, E. Hand-book of social economy. PP- 271-284 33°->3 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 140- 174. Effects of the rebellion on South- ern life insurance contracts 818-45 See also Insurance. Life interest. Hector, A. F., (Mrs. Alexan- der, pseud.) Life: its true Genesis. Wright, R. W. . . 576-95 Liff. lessons from the book of proverbs. Per- ry, Wm. S 2247-6 Life notes; or, fifty years' outlook. Hague, Wm 449R1 Life of a prig, by one. N. Y., 1SS6. 12 . 827-73 Life of trust. Midler, G 651B6 Life of vicissitudes. James, G. P. R. Life on a ranch. Aldridge, R 4781-2 Life on the lagoons. Brown, W. F. . . . 4453-2 Life on the Mississippi. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain, pseud.) 817-273 Life scenes among the mountains of Ararat. Parnialee. M. P 2656-6 Life scenes from the four Gospels. Jones, Geo 2329-54 Life scenes from the Old Testament. Jones, Geo 2206-45 Life thoughts. Beecher, Rev. II. W. . . 249-21 I 111 under glass. Shove, Geo. A 717—8 LIFE without and life within. Fuller, Mar- garet 400E5 Life with the Hamram Arabs. Myers, A. B. R 4626-65 liFE-work; or, the link and the rivet. Kail- yard, Mrs. V. 2(142-6 I 11 1 ', assize. Riddell, Mrs. J. II. Life's crosses. Arthur, T. S. LIFE'S evening. [Cross and crown series]. 240-29 1 n e's lesson. Gore, Mrs. Catharine li. Life's mistake. Cameron, Mrs. II. Lovett. i 1 1 1 , morning. [Cross and crown series]. 240-29 I 11 is ] nise lo oay. Conway, C. L. 1, 1 1 e's - piie 1 I ion is. 1 1 'ross and , low 11 series]. 240-29 I I II ■ — 761 I 11,11 1 III .1 in work in Ireland ol .1 landlord - ' in. I to do his duty. Jone 1, W. Ben LlPFORD, 1 ■ .'■■ M. 11 1 Lift for the lazy. N. Y., 1849 12°. . . . I 1 I 1 111 .! 11. \l. \Y. Light, Opti Vbbott, J, Light. 1871. 535-12 Ulen, Z. Solar light and heat: the source 1.1 1 loll 1 A. E \ ling. 1877. 5 1 Glazeb I R.T. Phj ii al optii . 1 58 ;. Le 1 1 of I he principles "I :ulai and vision, 11 5357-9 Lees, \Y. Elemenl light and heat. 1873 5J°-5 6 — - Lomnicl, E. N "I light] ■■•■ ith a general account ol phy ical optics. 1876 ' 535-57 — Marion, F. Wonders of optics. 186S. . 535-6 Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Light. ' s 7<> '■ ■ 535-65 Pepper, J. II. Chemistry, electricity, lighl 53°-74 Light, n. d Spottiswoode, W. Polarisatioi ol rait, P. G. Light. 1884 535 — Tyndall, J. Lcctun on light. 1873. • 535-89 Light ■ icity. 1871 53 — Vogel, 11- ' iirini trj of lighl iphy 769-9 Wood, I 'e \ . l.n. Luminiferous aether. 535 1 9 — Wright, 1 I ight: a course of optii chiefly with the lantern. 1SS2. . . . 535-96 — Dick, T. Works, v. 9 828-35 — Helmholt/. II. Popular lectures on sci- entific subjects, pp. 73 138. On the relation of optii I ing Higgins, W. M. Earth, pp. 128 158. . 551-58 — Lardner, I 1 VIu eum ol icience and art. v. 7. pp. Si- 1 19 603-4 — Mayhew, II. W01 ience; or, young Humphrey Davy. pp. 540-41S. 277B1 — Murray, K., , .. M lern householder. pp. 76-96 640-7 Papillon, F. Nature ami life. pp. 101— '- s 577-7 W 1. 1. (i. Nature's teachings, pp. 276 3°7 609-9 — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of house- 141) 640-9S See a/w Color. Eye. Kali Lighthou 1 Ming. Microscope. l'H, ; Physics. PI phy. Spectrum analysis. Sun. Tel- ope. I K.iu and dark of the rebellion. Phila., '863. 1- 980-53 ir and shade. Baker, Mrs. II. \., (W.) (Madeline Leslie, pseud.) 132A26 Lich r an Drury, A. II. religious hymns and poi m». I inie M. 557A2 in 'lark pi life. pp. LlGH'l 1 Win. I . Irian, /isl-h 12°. . . 1. 1, .in in lands of darkness. Voung, R. . I , Ed win Light of A i Kellogg, S. II ■ 1 iths. Arth I 1 .111 on the hidden way ; withintro eemanClarke. I!.. 1SS6. 16°. :u 14 Ligh'i "ii the path. Cook, Mrs. Mabel. . :i: 15 I I. 111 science for leisure hours. R. A 502-69 I i .111 shining in darkness; or, illustrati of the power of the gospel. Phila. 12 I.11.11 1 foot, R I ler- gyman, b. 1S28. On a fresh revision of the English New Testament. I... 1S71. 12 2201 1-5 1 — , Trench, R. C. and El C.J. Re- he English versionof the New 1 anient; with introduction by Philip Schaff. N. Y., iS-j. S° 22011-5 LlGHTHEART'S pilgrimage. Baker, . 1809-1/. 1865. Selec- tions from speeches, letters, etc. In Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White House, pp. 223-283 80S1-3 and Douglas, Stephen A. Political de- bates in the celebrated campaign of 1S58 in Illinois. Columbus, i860. 8°. 8151-5 \ Id, I. N. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 572U2 Barrett, J. 1 1. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 572B3 LINCOLN LINN I [NCOLN, Abraham, continued. < trpenter, I . I!. Inner life of Abraham Lincoln s7'l ; 4 Six n ths al the White House with \ in aha m Lincoln. | S ■ as} nnei life. | ■ i' . I Irosby, I . I ,ife of ^bi aha m I In. . 572B6 1 er, E, Aiit 1I1. mi I incoln 572865 Holland, J, 1 .. Life ol Abi aham I in- 1 oln 572B66 Keckley, E. Behind the scenes; or, thirty years a slave and fo iryeai n the White House . . 529B1 Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton: a study of the war administration of [861 62 9785-48 Lam W. II. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 372B68 Leland, C. ■ «49 412 245 Brownell, II. II. War lyrics and other poems, pp.111 1 13 anrf 1 16 140. . . 185C8 Burleigh, W. II. Poems, pp. 234. • • 195C5 Cary, P. Poems of faith, hope and love. pp. 223 225 207C8 Dix, W. G. American state and Amer- ican statesmen, pp. 97-107 3207 3 — Drake, S. A..,ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 207-274 410-42 Kllet, E. 1". Court circles of the republic, pp. 521-540 41239-3 — Emerson, R. W. Miscellanies. pp. 305 3»5 518E8 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes 1 pub] men. v. 1. pp. 165-177, 2.11 257, 204 266. v. 2. pp. 423-426 412-4 — Foster, Mrs. 1. II. . (l-'ayc Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 75-80. 410-^85 1 i 1 field, J. A. Works. \ . 1 . pp. 202-204 818-45 Greeley, 1 1. Ret olli 1 busy life. PP- 4<>4 409 436B2 Halpine, C. G. Baked meats of the fu- neral, pp. 90 111 452E1 •ntinued. .1 I '. of men ami even) Light and pp. ■7v •■• Lippincolt, Mrs. S. J., (Grace Green- I, pseud.) Records of 1 PP- '58 161 ell, J. K. My stuily windows, pp. 150-177 Parton, L, ed. Princes, authors and men. pp. 347-354 — Perkins, I- . I;., td. The picture and pp. 50 1 1 3 4122-7 Phillips, Wendell. Speei ' res and letters, pp. 204 318 :m; ; — Piatt, Donn. Memories of the men who 1 ihc Union, pp. 27-49 4122 74 1 P, Perley's reminiscences, v. 2. pp. 55-180 741B4 . II. (B Men of our times, pp. 13-110 11 Lincoln, Benj., Am. general, />. 17 1810. In Sparks. L, ed. Am. biogra- phy, v. 23. pp. 211 434 112 86 Headley, I. T., ed. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 104 125 4121 46 1 \. Hishop of. See Wordsworth, 1 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook-book: what to do and what not to do in cook- ing. B., 1884. 12° 1 1 hool kitchen texl I k : l< in cooking for the use of classes in pub- lic and industrial schools. B., 1887. 12° 041 1.1 .erving. I!., 1SS7. 12°. . 6431-5 Lincoln, Jeannie Gould. Her Washington season. B., 1884. 12°. LINCOLN, Mary p ife of Abraham Lincoln. Holloway, I . ('. Ladie the White House, pp. 5< > 1 583. ... 41 I 1 11 iLN family. Muzzey, A. B. Reminis- cences and memorials of men of the revolution and their families, pp. 101 11 ; 4121 6 LlND, t J5 5 LINDSAY, Wm. 1. antler. Mind in the lower animals in health and disease. ?. v. N. V., 1SS0. 8°. 5015-5 1 i . .In!. Bui urn, Mrs. V. 1 1. Lindsey, Chas. Rome in Canada: Ultra- montane struggle for supremacy ovei the civil authority. Toronto, 1877. 8° 28261 .) 1 ■ 1 .. David Philip, Elements of ta- chygraphy, illustrating the first princi- ples of the art, with their adaptation to the wants of literary, professional ami B . 1X69. 12 655 57 LlNDSEY, G. Pens and papier mache. In British manufacturing industries, v. 3. 670-2 LINEAR drawing. Davidson, E. A. ... 744-33 LlNEN. History of silk, cotton, linen, etc. pp. 358-401 677-4 Ling bank cottage. L., n. d. 12 . . . . 571A5 LlNG-Nam ; or, interior views of southern China. Henry, B. C 4512-45 LlNGARD, John, Eng. Catholic historian. I>. 1771 1 1 '.I'll t»l ! I in . I : , . .mil m.i Mary Follii ol Fashion 1 ■ n ex tremi Modern] ; rn matron \\ 1 in. ml ', dependenci Oui past and future, — I In old maid Patrh ia Kemball. Phila., 1875. 12 . — A protest ant) a pica. /// Ordei ol en lion. pp. 11,1 17S , ./. \\ r I . 1 Si, 1. \i. . . 1744-5 I. in roN, Win. Jas., Eng. engraver and b. 1812, ed. 1 11. of the 1 and 17th centuries : a supplement to the anthi il igii ci illected an,] edited with r. . [883. 12 8092-49 — and Stoddard, R. 1 1.,., A. English verse. 5 v. V \ .. 1SS3. 12°. 1. Translations S092-5 2. Dramatic scenes and charactei . 8092-51 ;. Ballads ami romances 8092-52 4. From Chaucer to Burns 8092-53 5. Lyrics of the 19th century S092-54 Lion Hen of Elm island. Kellogg, A' . I . 531 V29 I ionello: sequel to the lew of Verona. I ; i 1' 1 iaiii. Rev. V . A. Linwoods. Sedgwii k, Mrs. t '. M. I. lo's o( 11 North. Henty, ( .. A. Lionei 1 incoln. Cooper, J. F. I i"\^. Jardine, W. Lions, tigers, etc. In Naturalist's library, v. 16 59°-5 Lions: liv ino ami dead : 01 . personal recol- lections of the great and gifted. Dix, J. 410 4 Lippard, Geo. Legends of the American revolution, "1770": or, Washingl and his general-. Phila., 1876. 8°. . i:i 1, Fra Filippo, Italian painter, it 1406- ./. 1400. Jameson, A.M. Men ol early I Lilian painters, pp. 84-94. • ■ 4'75 - 5 Lippincott, Joshua B. Derby, J. C. Fifty j .11 1 imong authors, hooks and pub- lishers, pp. 3S2-3S8 11S1 ; I ippincott, Mrs. Sarah J. (Clarke), (Grace Greenwoo 1, I.), Am. writer, i, about [825. Fores) tragedy ami othei tales, r... 1856. 12 . Cont it tragedy. — Minister's choice. —St. Pierre the soldier.— Alice's tryst. — Child- seer. — Greenwood leaves: collection of sketch ami letter-. B., 1 S 5 2 . 12 . Contents. — Philip Hamilton and hi- mother.— I n ' rhompsons. — Stepmother — Irish patriots 0P4S M tofhumanity. — l'.iVie Mather. — Apollonia Jagiello. — Volunteer — Poetry of Whittier. Darkened casement.— Dora's child- ren. — A few words about actors and plays. — Lll'PINI mi. • Mil 1 1'- h ngland : ti avel -, di tales ami . 16°. Ne« life '. < 1 I' . >■ \ eai 1 1 1 j . . ; StOl [ends of travel and I 11 , ^08-5 1 Stoi if fiance and 1 B , 1867. l6° ics from famous ballads. I; . 8218-5 Stories of many land-. 435A8 Willi-, \. P. Hurry-graphs, pp. 2 °9 I ISBON, Portugal. Talfourd, SirT. N. Crit- ical and miscellaneous writings. 14. Recollections of Lisbon. ... re, I . M. A. de. Henriade. pp. 357 368. Poem upon the destruction of in Lisle, Lady Alicia. Adams, \\ . II. D. Sunshine of d estii life. pp. 65-90. . 41; 1; 1 Pi | of the mmune of 1871 : tr. by Eleanor Marx Aveling. I... 1886. 8° ._, . ■ Frederick. National system of political economy: tr. from the German by G. A. Matile: including the notes of the French tr. by II. Richelet; with a pre- liminary essay and notes by Stephen 1 we " .330-55 Listener, The. Fry, Caroline 247-4 Liston, John, b. 1770, /. 1S46. Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, I... eds. Actors and actresses. v. 2. pp. 253-268 1 1- 1. Franz, Hungarian musician, . 1-11 d. 18S6. Life of Chopin : tr. by Martha W. look. X. V., 1S66. 16° 224H7 1 ufort, R. S. Vbbe Liszt : ; I his life 575B5 Martin. 1. C. Fran/. Liszt rris, G. T. Crcat violinists and pian- ists, pp. 287-326 11 Haweis, II. R. My musical life. pp. 609-673 My musical memories, pp. 250-2S0. . 7- — I Inciter, F. Richard Wagner and the music of the future, pp. 267-2S6. . . Litchfield, Grace Denio. 1 X. V., tSS5. i6°. — Knight of the Black forest. X. V.. i-s; .'>■ an incident. N. Y.. 1883. 16 . LITERARY and social judgment-. Greg, W. K 435E1 LITERARY. 766 — LITERATURE. Literary art. Albee, J 803-14 I 1 1 1 kary attractions of the Bible. Jlalsey, I.e Roy, 1 2216-4 Literary bubbles. Head, F. B 4434-3 Literary character ; or, the history of men of genius. Disraeli. I S04-364 Literary characteristics and achievements of the Bible. Trail, W 2216-8 Literary criticism. De Quincey, Thos. . 2S4E51 Literary curiosities. Brooks, H. M., ed. . 9825-256 Literary land marks of London. Hutton, Lawrence 4182-47 Literary life. Walsh. Wm. Shepard, ed. . 41S-95 Literary" life: or, aspects of authorship. Jacox, Francis 804-5 1 1 1 1 rary property. Ssv Copyright. Literary style, and other essays. Mathews Wm 617] 6 Literature. Sub-divisions: 1. Diction- aries and bibliographies. 2. History. 3. Criticism, essays, special subjects. 4. Collections. 5. Various literatures al- phabetically arranged as follows : Amer- ican, [Ancient, see Literature, classical], Anglo-Saxon, Arabian, Breton, Chinese. Classical, Danish, Dutch, English, [Ett- ropean, set Literature, general], [Fin- nish, .. Kalevala, p. 703], French. Ger- man, Greek, Hebrew. Hungarian, [Ice- landic, see Literature, Scandinavian], In- dian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Persian, Portuguese, Provencal, Russian, [Sanskrit, see Literature, Indian], Scan- dinavian, Scottish, Slavonic, Spanish, Waldensian, Welsh. See also Anecdotes. Authors. Ballads. Bibliography. Books and reading. Criticism. Dictionaries. Drama. Ed- ucation. Elocution. Epigrams. Epi- taphs. Essays. Fiction. Folk-lore. Hymnology. Hymns. Journalism. Language, legends. Letters. Poet- ry. Proverbs. Quotations. Readers and speakers. Rhetoric. Speeches. \\ ii and humor. Many volumes of his- tory "i description catalogued under the names of various countries contain chap- ters "ii their literatures. /. Dictionaries and bibliographies, Adams, C. K. Manual of historical liter- ature 904—2 -- Brewer, E. C. Dii tionarj ol phrase and fable 806-2 2. History. ngton, J. I.iteraiy history of the le age- 802-16 Botta, A. 1". L. [-land book of universal literature 802-2 Li 1 1'kAl IRK, continued. — Goodrich. S. G. Literature, ancient and modern 802-4 — Hallam, H. Introduction to the litera- ture of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th century S02-45 — Paler, W. 11. Studies in the history of the renaissance 717E1 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and its kindred lit- erature S02-7 — Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 803—7 — Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th century, and of the 19th till the over- throw of the French empire, v. 1-2. . 928-7 — Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe . 802-83 — Vinet, A. Outlines of philosophy and literature 844-9 3. Criticism, essays, special subjects. — Albee, J. Literary art 803-14 Bagehot, W. Literary studies. 2 v. . 131E9 Books and authors: curious facts and characteristic studies S04-23 — Brougham, IL, Sedgwick, A. and Ver- planck, G. C. Discourses on the objects and uses of science and literature. . . 187E3 Browne, I. Law and lawyers in literature. 3409-23 — Buchanan. R. Look around literature. . 804-25 Carlyle, T. On the choice of books. . . 206E3 -Disraeli, I. Calamities and quarrels of authors 804-36 Curiosities of literature 804-362 — famous pamphlets 335 El ■ Gillett, E. II. God in human thought ; or, natural theology traced in literature. 201-32 — Griffin, (■. W. Studies in literature. . . 804-4 Hamerton, P. G. The intellectual life. . 452E6 Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about books, poets and novelists 804-45 Jacox. E. Literary life; or, aspects of authorship 804-5 James 1 1., jr. Partial portraits 511E6 Lowell, J. K. Among my books. 2 v. 588E1 My study windows 588E4 Mai beth, J. W. V. Might and mirth of literature 1 17—57 Mag 1, 1. L. Westward empire. . . 901-6 Manning. II. I '., ed. Essays in religion and literature by various writers. . . . 204-58 Motley, J. Critical miscellanies. 3 v. . 646] 1 M11 1 In, I . M. Chips from a German » orkshop. v. 3 652! ; * * > 1 Hi'- 1 ndy of literature '804-64 cott, W. II. Biographical and crit- ical mi >cellanies 744 I =, Pryde, D. Highways of literature. . . 805-72 Purnell, T. I iterature and its professors, 804-7 'ER \ ll RE - 7*7 ~ LITERATURE I in i 1 1 i i . ontinutd. Schlegel, F. I .eel un tin history of literature, i and lei n. ... Scudder, Ml. Men and letti rs Smith, G. I!. Poets and elists. . . Si i. I 1 1. ilstein, • \. 1 G N de. In- fiuence of literature upon society. Bound with I !oml n G Constil ution of man. Stephen, 1 .. I tours in .1 library Steven ion, K.I. Familiar stu and 1 1. - II i|. 1, II. M. "ropy": essays from an editor's draw er, on religion, literature and life Walsh, W. >., i\\ in. Shi pard, u i.),ed. Authors and authorship Whipple, E. P. 1 'in [1 "I ciely, literature and politics Arnold, M. Discourses in America, pp. 72-137 1 banning, \\ . E. Works. \ . 1. pp. ' 1 I 280 — Coan, T. M.. ed. Studies in biography. pp. 248-280. Literary Bohemians. . . Art and literature. [Topics of the lime. | Greeley, II. Recollections of a busy life. PP- 433 459 rligginson, T. W. Atlantic essays, pp. 23-48. Literature as an ait — Holland, J. G. Every-day topics, pp. 16-54. Literature and literary men. . Irving, W. Sketch book. pp. i~j 186. Mutability of literature Same. /// Prose masterpieces, v. 1. PP- 3~22 Mac Donald, G. The imagination and other essays, pp. 218-235 Newman,J. P. Christianity triumphant. PP- 88-99 — Progress of nations, pp. 145 -191. . . . Y u Oth lumes of essays contain criti- cisms 011 books and authors. The names of the principal essayists whose writings are in the library arc given under the heading Essays, ./. Collections. Affection's gift Bombaugh, C. '., •• — Monis. Chas., Half-hours with the best foreign authors. 4 V 8l0l 1 -t(l I 804-84 I 851! 2 204-88 ,1 I 1 24 E4 208-17 249E4 704-28 tf6B2 4 70 1-5 818 1.85 808-7 605 F5 2576-6 901-65 808 1 1 8021-3 S08-5S S0S-59 l.i 1 1 i I I SpofTord, \. R. anil Gihboi 1 hoice literature 1, G. II. Fvcry-daj book of model n literature. /illMllel 11, i I. and A I r om 11 novelist !. ■ / an. - Ann I law thornc, Irving, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, i 1 8f 1- 1 j Baldwin, J. Essential studies in Eng- lish and American literature rs, II. A. Outline sketch of Ameri- can literature 810-2 / Centurj ol American literature, 177" 1876 811-2 Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. 41- — Boston book 170E4 ■lin. I., ed. ' hips from the White- house — Chasles, 1 American literature and manners 47 ; 22 — Cleveland, C. I). Compendium of Amer- ican literature .eshall, W. T. Poets and poetrj of the West S091-25 — Davidson, I. W. Living writers of the South 811-3 wold, K. W. Curiosities of Ameri- can literature. Bound with Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature S04-362 ■ etry of America 8091-42 Prose writers of America Harris, V B. American authors for young folks '. . . 41s] 58 — Ilart.J.S. Manual of American literature. S11-45 Homes of American authors 4 1 S 1 ;; Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous master- - from American literature. 3 V. - Morris, C. ed. Half hours with the authors. 4 V 80S1-6 — Murdoch. 1. E., ed. Patriotism :n and verse S0S-62 Nichol, J. American literature: an his- torical sketch. 1 8lO-6 — Powell,'!', living autl S04-68 — Richardson, C. F. American literature, 1607-1SS5 S10-7 Primer of American literature S10-69 — Selections from the poetical literal the West S091-36 — Smith, W. aud Tuckerman, II. 1. Smaller history of English and Ameri- can literature S20-S3 — Tuckerman, H. T. Sketch of American literature. In Shaw. T. B. Complete manual of English literature LITERATURE. 768 — LITERATURE. Li rERATl'RE. continued. — Tyler, M. C. History of American liter- ature. v.I. 1607-1676. v. 2. 1676-1765. 810-9 — Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of English literature : American authors 811-9 — Whipple, E. P. American literature. . 946E3 — Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends: some reminiscences of the Knicker- bocker writer 41S1-9 — Brooks, S. English literature, pp. 16S-1S9. 820-18 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 19. pp. 1-39. Review 818-27 — Channing, W. E. Works. v. 1. pp. 243-2S0. Remarks on national litera- ture 208-17 — Coan, T. M., cd. Studies in literature, pp. 1-66. American literature in England. 804-3 - Everett, E. Orations and speeches, v. 1. pp. 9-44. Circumstances favorable to the progress of literature in America. S15-33 — Fuller, M. Art, literature and the drama. PP- 298-341 400E2 — Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 176- 195. American authorship 430E5 — Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 284-298. Review of Prose writers of America. . 460E4 — Higginson, T. W. Atlantic essays, pp. 49-68. Americanism in literature. . . 470E5 — Spaulding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 762-771. Our new American liter- ature 204-S4 — See also references at the beginning of this subject. Literature. English. Also lives and works of American authors under their names. Anglo-Saxon. — Earle, J. Anglo-Saxon literature. . . . 829-3 — March, F. A. Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language 1 19-61 Introduction to Anglo-Saxon 119-6 — Metcalfe, ¥. Englishman ami the Scan- dinavian ; or, a comparison of Anglo- Saxon and old Norse literature. . . . Njo 6 Morri . k., ,-,/. Specimens of early Eng- lish; with introduction, notes, etc. pt. 1. 1 150-1300 8211-6 -Browne, 5i> Thos. Works. \. 3. pp. 223-242 S2S-2 Longfellow, II. \\ . Kavanagh and othei pieci . pp. j ■■; 102. See o/so Anglo-Saxons. Literature, Eng- Also Alfred. llede. Beowulf, ' ' 1 'in,' ,ii 1 iremin. / I'ian. I } 'I. C. I., ir. Translations of ancienl Pre-Is] iniic. . 8927 s I- ■'. M. Literary remain-. I Arabic poetry.] Liter ATI' re, continued. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe, v. 1. pp. 42-62. S02-83 Breton. — Taylor, Tom. Ballads and songs of Pnitany 89168-S Chinese. — Martin. W. A. V. Chinese, their educa- tion, philosophy and letters 451-59 — See also China. Confucius. Mencius. Classical. — Browne, R. W. History of classical liter- ature 880-2 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the clas poets. 3 v 87001-3 — Louage, A. History of Greek and Ro- man classical literature S70-5 — Morris, C. Manual of classical literature. 870-6 — Quackenbos, J. D. Illustrated history of ancient literature, oriental and classical. 870—7 — Riley, II. T., ed. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottoes 87008-7 — Legare, H. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 5—51. 818-56 See also Ancient classics. Classical studies. Fathers. Literature, Greek. Literature, Roman. Mythology. Danish. — Hertz, II. King Rene's daughter,: Dan- ish lyrical drama 839S1-4 — Prior.R.C.A. Ancient Danish ballads. 3 v. S39S1-7 — Vicary, J. F., ed. Readings from the Dane. 3S4S9-9 See also Andersen, H. C. Literature, Scandinavian. Dutch. — Gosse, E. W. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe, pp. 230-333. Hol- land S304-4 English ; history, study, criticism. — Adams, W. II. D. Famous books. . . S04-12 — Bain, A. On teaching English 117-16 Baldwin, J. English literature and liter- ary criticism : English prose S20-13 Essentia] studies in English and Amer- ican literature S20-14 Bascom, 1. Philosophy of English liter- ature 8201-2 Beers, II. A. Outline sketch of English literature 820-15 Blaisdell, A. F. Study of the English classics 820-16 Brooke, S. A. English literature. . . . S20-18 Buckland, A. Storj of English literature. S20-2 penter, S. 11. Knglish of the 14th century 225C3 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Eng lish literature 8209-24 i 1 1 i.k vn re !<>') — III!.! I 1 1 1 i: \ i i ii,. on tinned. i ngli ih literatun ol I hi 19th 1 entury : from Warton to Brougham 8a Same, [latei ed. | ; W i to M.Arnold. ■ •■ 1 lollier, W.I. History of English Hi 1 hi i- 1 00k, G. W. Poel ind problem: . v " Coppee, II. English literal lered as an interpretei ol Engli h hi lory. . 820 25 1 thope, W. J. I .iberal nun emenl in English literal ure 8204-3 — Crawfurd, O. English coTnic dramatists. 822 Day, II. N. Introdui I to the itudj ol English literature 8209-3 Dennis, J. Heroes of literature 82] 28 DeQuincey, T. I says on the poets. . . 284E48 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature. 2 v. 81 English literature and literary criticism. 821- 11 Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the 1S1I1 century 8023-4 Friswell, L A. Modern men of lettei . 804 ;8 — Fuller, S. M. Literature and arl 100E6 ( .iliill.in, 1 \. Model n litei ature and liter- ary men t is 1 ; Gilman, A. First steps in English liter- ature 820-4 Gosse, E. From Shakspeare to Pope. 821 4 Graham, J. M. Historical view of liter- ature and arl in <;>eat Britain 820-44 — Hart, l.s. Manual of English literature. 820-46 Hazlitt, W. I.e. lures on the dramatic literature of the age of 1 li abeth. . . S22 4 Herford, C. 11. Studies in the literary relations of England and Germany in the 16th century N ^04 -5 — Hunt, E. Literature of the English lan- guage 8209-5 — Johnston, K. M. English classics. . . . 820-5 — Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors 418-5 — Macdonald, G. England's antiphon. . . 245-7 Maertz, L. New mclli. nl for the study of English literature S205-6 Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and other essays 804-59 Mills, A. Literature and the litei • nun of I ileal Britain and Ireland. . . 820-6 Monmonier, J. F. and Mcjilton, J, V. fits. High school literature S01-64 Morley, II. English literature in the n nf Victoria; with a glance at the past. 8204-6 English "liters: an attempt towards a history of English literature, -i * . . . 820-63 Manual of English literature S20-64 — Mullany, P. F., (Brother Azarias, pseud.) Development of English literature: old English period Nicoll, II. J. 1 andmarks o( English lit- erature S20-7 1 ' 'iti.-.l. Oliphant, M. < ). (W.) I ol I England in beginning ol thi 1 I I.K. SOUI d.lld h 110-72 Perry, rho I nglish literature in the [8th 1 entury . . ,8204 — Phillip-, M. G. Populai manual of Eng- lish literatun 820-75 Rii hard son, V. S. Fi miliar talk English ■ I. , .-. V K. Manual of English liter- S20-784 Sainl bury, G. History of Elizabethan lure 8203-7 herr, I. History of English literatun -Shaw, T. B. I omplete manual of Eng- lish literature 820-8 Nc» history ol English literature. . . 8.' Outlines of English literature 820-82 Smith, Win. inn! Tuckerman, H. T., eds. Smaller history of English and Ameri- can literature 820-83 — Spalding, W. 11 t English litera- ture 820-85 — Taine.H.A. History of English literature. S20-87 -Ten Brink, B. Early English literature [to Wiclif I S202-9 — Thomson, Mrs. K. (B . G 1 Wharton, pseud.) Literal' I iely 820-9 — Town-end. ('.. H., ed. Ever) day of modern literature Washburn, E. W. Studies in early Eng- lish literature 8202-95 - Welsh. \. II. Development of the 1 lish literature and language S20-93 English masterpiece course S205-9 - Wheeler. D. II. By-ways of literature. . 8 . Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of betb - Wright, T. Essays on the literature, popular superstitions and history of Eng- land in the middle ages 9306-9 — Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of English literature Arnold, M. Mixed essays, pp. 1S0-204. 1 Heal. D. Student's text hook and general history, pp. 15-20. [Bibli- ography! 9301-17 — Coleridge. S. T. Works, v. 4. . . 82 je, M. A., (liail Hamilton, / Skirmishes and sketches, pp A ramble in the old paths 4ssl; Fuller, M. Art, literature and the drama. pp. 6S-160 400E2 iett, K. Literature, In Ward. T. II. , ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. -- PP- 44s si;, 938-9 LITERATURE. 770 LITERATURE. Literati re, continued. — Guest. M. J. Ilaml-book of English his- tory, pp. 574-587. English literature of the 19th century 9301-45 — Meiklejohn, J. M. D. English language: itsgrammar, history and literature, pp. 269 380 110-64 — Morris. E. E. Early Hanoverians, pp. 200-214 937-6 English, [biographies of authors.) — British dramatists 8223-2 — Clarke. C. ami M. C. Recollection* of writers 4182-3 — Campbell, T. and others. Lives of British dramatists 41822-3 - Home, R. II. New spirit of the age. . 4182-45 — Howells, W. D., ed. Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thos. Ellwood 41 1-53 — Howitt, \V. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets 41821-4 — HuttoiijL. Literary landmarks of London. 41S2-47 — Johnson, S. Lives of the most eminent English poets 41S21-5 — Lawrence, E. Lives of the British his- torians 41S2-54 — Queens of literature of the Victorian era. 41S2-7 — Robertson, E, S. English poetesses: critical biographies with extracts. . . . 41S21-7 — Russell, W. C. Book of authors. . . . 804-74 — Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists 4182-82 — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of earlier Victorian authors 41S-94 — Willmott, R. A. Lives of the early Eng- lish sacred poets 41821-9 — See also lives of individual authors under their names. English, (collection • . > — Favorite authors: companion book of prose and poetry 808-4 — Knight, ('., ed. Half-hours with thebest author-. 4 v 808-5 — Mackay, C, <~d. Thousand and one gems of English prose S0S-55 Morris, G. P. and Willis, X. P., eds. Pro eandpoetry of Europeand America. 809 6 Morris, K. and Skeat, \\ . \V. Specimens of early English, 1298 1393 p. 410-486. Italian narrative poetry and poetry and ro- mance of the Italians 744E5 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authot and their works. (Sketches of Dante, Petrarch, Machiavelli and \lfieri.) . 4 1 S7 9 Literati' re, continued. — See also lives and works of Alfieri. — Balza- ni. — Botta. — Buonarotti. — Colonna, Vit- toria. — Dante. — ( ioldoni. — Leopardi. — Medici, Lorenzo de. — Petrarch. — Ros- setti, D. G. — Stampa, G. — Tasso. — I'rbino, Dukes of. Also Italy. Middle ages. — Renaissance. Japanese. — Reed, E. J. Japan : its history, tradi- tions and religions, v. 2. pp. 4S-79. 452-61 — Lang, A. Books and bookmen, pp. 131-158. Some Japanese bogie-books. S051-5 — See also Japan. Latin. — Browne, R. W. History of Roman class- ical literature 8709-2 — Cruttwell, C. T. History of Roman lit- erature 8709-3 and Banton, P., ids. Specimens of Ro- man literature 8708-3 — Merivale, C. History of the Romans un- der the empire 919-67 — Schmitz, L. History of Latin literature. 8709-8 — Simcox, G. A. History of Latin litera- ture. 2 v 8709-S4 — Teuffel, W. S. History of Roman litera- ture. 2 v 8709-9 — Wilkinson, "W. C. Preparatory Latin course in English S708-9 College Latin course in English. . . . 8708-91 — Legarc, II. S. Writings, v. 2. pp. 52 101 818-56 — Liddell, H. G. History of Rome. pp. 508-517 and 73 1-747 919-02 — Lord, J. Old Roman world, pp. 262-305. 919-63 — Mommsen, T. History of Rome. [The last chapter of each vol.] 919-69 — Myers, P. V, N. Outlines of ancient history, pp. 436-471 919-65 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works. (Sketches of Cato, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Pliny, Juvenal, and Tacitus.) 4187-9 — See Literature, classical. Also lhes and works of Catullus. — Cicero. — Epictetus. —Horace. Juvenal. — Martial. — Pliny. — Tacitus.— Virgil and others. Also Rome. Persian. — Emerson, R. W. I etters and social aims. pp. 225-251. Persian poetry 318E6 — See also Firdausi.- Omar Khaiyyam.— Saadi. Also Persia. Portuguese. — Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe, v. 2. pp. 402-556. S02-83 See also I .obeira, \ asco. Provencal. Rabillon, L. Le Chanson de Roland. . 8411 -7 LI I ER \'l i l:l II. I 1 1 1 i ■, i i I i ntinu J also M nil. F. 1 1 oubadours. Km nan. i lupu} , I ' Ireal masters of Ru literature in tin- 19th century 8917 ; — I I.i 1 1- ■ I, I. I. I I'M songs of Russia. . \ >\ \ Krilof, I. A. I ables 89178 5 Ralston, \V. R. S. Songs of the Ru people 8917 8 Turnei . 1 . I . Si "'in- ■ in Russian lili t uve 8917-9 Vogue, K. M. ilc. Russian novelists. . 8917 93 — .SVc also Russia. Scandina, tan. Anderson, R. B. Younger Kdda. . . . 295-22 Dasent, G. W. Gisli the outlaw. . . . ^396-3 — De Costa, B. F. Pre-Columbian discov- ery of America by ilie Northmen. . . . 970 Gosse, I.. W. Studies in the literature "I Northern Europe 8304 \ Horn, 1 . W. History of ilie literature of the Scandinavian North 8395-5 — Mabie, II. W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas -95 5 s Metcalfe, F. fhe Englishman and ilie Scandinavian 82q-6 — Vigfusson, ().. ed. Sturlunga -aya ; in- cluding the fslendinga saga of Law- man Sturla I'hordsson and other works. 2 v 8396 i) — ami Powell, F. \ Corpus P6eti- ciim Boreale : the poetry of ihe old northern tongue, from the earliest time in the thirteenth century. 2 v S396-91 Icelandic prose reader; with I grammar and glossary 83 — Kneeland.S. American in Iceland, pp. 232-246 (491 5 Longfellow, II. \Y.,,./. Poems of place Scotland, v. j. pp. 95-268 $0921-5 — See also Denmark. Iceland. Literature, Danish. Mythology, Von . Sagas. Sweden. Norway. Scottish. — Ilalsey, L. J. Scotland's influence in civ- ilization 9405-4 Buckle, II. I. History of civilization. \ . 2 901 — See also lives and works ol Burns I'ogg ■Miller, Hugh —Scott -Wilson and others, Also Literature, English, as most works on English literature in- clude Scottish authors. Poetry, 5 itisli. Slax •■■■ . Muriill, \Y. K. Slavonic literature. . . S918-6 Spanish. Bouterwek, F. History ol Spanish litera- ture Liter A 1 1 ■ ■ - I ii knor, G. 1 1 3-y tondi, I. 1 . I . S. dc. Literal tlie south v. 2 Legare, H. S. \\ riting,. v. 2. pp. Early Spanish b - .Sti- ll aldensian. , I II . Books of the Van \\ aldensian m d in the library ol rrinitj College, Dublin. Welsh. — Longfellow, II. YV., ,-,!. Poem England and Wales S092-55 S hultz, A. Essay on the inline Welsh tradition upon the literature of Germ, in. . Fran tl Scandinavia. . . S9166-S I inner, s. History of the \ \ 3. pp. 440. 583. Vindication of the genuineness of the ancient llriti-h poem ■I Aneurin, Taliesin, Llywarchhen and Merdhin also M.il'i Wales. Literature and dogma. Arnold, Matthew. 2202 15 Liter iti re in It ttei -. Hoh or I | I. 826-45 Literature of kissing. Bombaugh,C.( ,ed. S076-21 I iterati re of Northern I lurope. 1 1 W 8304-4 Literature primers: ed. by J. R. Creen. 10 v. N. Y. ' ' 1 1 1'hy. Tozer, II. !•'. . . 425-4 Lngh ion, Nichol, J. . . . 117-0 English grammar. Morris, K "5-65 English grammar exercises. Morris, R. 115-66 English literature. Brooke, S S20-1S 1 Ireek literature. Jebb, R. C Homer. Gladstone, W. E 8834-51 Philology. I'eile, J 102-7 Shakespeare. Dowden, E 8a Studies in Bryant. Alden, 1 1 Lithography. Richmond, W. D. Colour and colour printing ;,,( - LlTHOLOOY, Manual of. William-. E. II. LlTHl am \n language. 15o] mpar- ative grammar of the Sanskrit, /end, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, tier- man and Sclavonic language- 1095-3 LITTLE, Rev. Arthur Wilde. Reason, for being a churchman: addressed to Eng- lish speaking Christians of every name. Milwaukee, 1885. 12" ;- Little, Chas. C. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, book, and publishers, pp. 070-075. Little. Brown ,Y Co. . . 4181-3 . Rev. Henry W. Short history of Russia. I... 1885. 12 947-5! LITTLE. 774 — LITTLE. 21S-56 Little, Jas. Sianley. South Africa: sketch- book of men, manners and facts; with appendix upon the present situation in South Africa, and upon the affairs of Zululand, Transvaal and Bechuana-land ; with especial reference to the Boer mis- sion to England. 2 v. . L., 1S84. 8°. 468-54 Little, Rev. Wm. John Knox- canon of Worcester, p. 1830, and others. Immor- tality: a clerical symposium on what are the foundations of the belief in the immortality of man. L., 1SS5. 12°. . Contents. — Articles by Rev. Prebendary C. Adolphus Row, Rev. \V. Garrett Horder, Rev. John Page Hopps, Rabbi Herman Adler, Prof. 1 . G Stokes. Rev. W. Crosby Barlow. Rev. J. Robinson Gregory, Rev. Canon W. T- Kno.x- Little. Rt. Rev. Bishop Weathers, Rev. Prin- cipal John Cairns. Rev. Edward White. Little barefoot. Auerbach, Berthold. Little Blossom's reward. Hare, Mrs. Emily Little brown jug. In Baker, G. M. Han- dy dramas Little brother. Ludlow, Fitz-Hugh. Little brothers ami sisters. Marshall, Emma Little camp on Eagle hill. \\ arner, Su ian. Little Chouannerie. Hill, Geo. J. Story of the war in La Vendee, pp. 257-324. LITTLE Christie and her friends. B., n. d. 16° Little classics : ed. by R. Johnson. 18 v. B. 16 . 1. Exile. 1876. Contents.— Ethan Brand, by N. Hawthorne. — Swans of Lir, by G. Griffin. — A night in a workhouse, by J. Greenwood. — Outcasts of Poker Flat, by Bret Harte. — The man without a country, by E. E. Hale. — Flight of a Tartar tribe, by T. Ue Quincey. 2. Intellect. 1875. Contents. — House and the brain, by E. Uul- wer-Lytton. — D'outrc mort, by H. P. Spofford. — the fall of the house of Usher, by E. A. Poe. (h' ips, the dwarf, by C. Dickens.— Wakefield, l,y X Hawthorne. — Murder considered as one of the fine arts, by 1". Tie Quincey. — Captain's story, by R. H. I >.i\ is 3. Tragedy. 1N75. Contents. The murders in the Rue Morgue, by E. A. Poe. — The I.auson tragedy, by J W. DeForest. — The iron shroud, by W. Mudford. The bell-tower, by II. Melville.— The Kath ayan slave, by E. C. Judson.— The story of I. a Rin In-, by H, M' Ki-ii/ic— The vision of sudden death, by 1 De Quincey. I Life. iS;^. Contents.— Rab and his friends, by John Bi own,— A romance of real life, by \V, I). How- ells —I he luck of Roaring Camp, by Bret Harte.— Jerry Jarvis's ui^.by R. H. Barham. and 1 in- beast, bj N I' w illis l >.r. id . ,; ., -. .,t haniel Hawthoi ne I 'i i ami hi u c. by Alexandei Smith, \ bat helor's revcry, by D. G Mn> h« II rhc grammai oflife, by B F. 3S 1-407 785-22 614A33 924 A22 "4445-4 574 A 1 Little classics, continued. raylor.— My chateaux, by G. W. Curtis. — Dream-children, by C. Lamb.— The man in the reservoir, by C. F. Hoffman. — Westminster Abbey, by Joseph Addison— The puritans, by T. P.. Macaulay.— Gettysburg, by Abraham Lincoln. 5. Laughter. 1875. Contents.— A Christmas carol, by C, lik- ens. — The haunted crust, by Katherine Saun- ders. — A dissertation upon roast pig, by (_' Lamb. — The total depravity of inanimate things, by Mrs. E. A. Walker.— The skeleton in the closet, by E. E. Hale. —Sandy Wood's sepul- chre, by Hugh Miller. — A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters, by O. W. Holmes.— Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious, by Gerald Griffin. — Xeal Malone, by W. Carleton. 6. Love. 1875. Contents. — Love and skates, by T. Winthrop. — The maid of Malines, by E B. Lytton.— The story of Ruth, the Holy Bible.— The rise of Iskander, by 1:. Disraeli, 7. Romance. 1876. Contents.- Iris, by O. W. Holmes.— The Ros- icrucian. by I). M M.) Craik.— The South breaker, by H. P. Spoffgrd. — The snowstorm, by J. Wilson.— The king of the peak, by A. Cunningham. 8. Mystery. 1875. Contents.— The ghost, by W. D. O'Connor. — The four fifteen express, by A. 1>. Edwards. —The signal-man, by C Dickens. — The haunted ships, by A. Cunningham.— A raft that no man made, by R. T. S. Lowell.— The invisi- ble princess, by F. O'Connor.— The advocate's wedding-day, by C. Crowe —The birthmark, by N. Hawthorne. 9. Comedy. 1878. Contents. — Barny O'Reirdon, the navigator, by Samuel Lover.— Haddad- Ben- Ahab the traveler, by John Gait.- Bluebeard's ghost, by Wm. M. Thackeray. — The picnic party, by Horace Smith. — Father Tom and the Pope, by Samuel Ferguson.— Johnny Darby shire, by Wm. Howitt— The gridiron, by Samuel Lover. —The box tunnel, by C. Reade. 10. Childhood. 1S75. Contents.— Dog of Flanders, by L. I >e le Kaintj- King of the golden rivtr, by J . Rusk in — Lady of Shalott, by E. S. Phelps.— Marjorie Fleming, by Dr. J. Brown. — Little Jakey, by Mrs. S. H. DeKroyft.— Lost child, by Henry Kingslcy. — Goody gracious ! and the forget- me-not, by John Neal.— Faded leaf of history, by R. 11. Davis.— Child's dream of a star, by C. Dicki ns. 11. I teroism. 1875. Contents— Little Briggs and I, by Fitz-Hugh Ludlow.— Ray, by H. P. SpnfTbid— Three November days, by B, F. Taylor. — The forty- seven Renins, by A. I".. Mitford.— A chance child, by 1 Mayo. — A leaf in the storm, by 1 1 »e 1. 1 Rami 12. Fortune. 1S75. Contents.— The gold buy, by E. A. Poe.— The fairy finder, by S. I over, Murad the unlui 1 \ . I>\ VI aria I dgeworth.— The children of the public, by E. E, Hale. The rival dream- 1 1 . i\ 1 nil 11 I*. 1 1 1 in The three fold destiny, by N. Hawthorne. I III I — 775 - I III I EJOHN. I i i ii i i ! i i. . onthtued. i.;. I' alive, i S75 gog 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 . ildsmith. An 1 : I'm net of Chillon, 1 ircl 1 ron Bin en the I- 1 Inn. bj ' ' in hi 1 lull! ' 1 1 imp II ' ulpril fay, b) J R I Irake Sensil ive planl 1 ' i bell Ev< '.f St. Vgncs, by J l.it Paradise and the Peri, by I Moore I lie raven, by E. A. I'oc. —Skeleton in nrmor, by U \\ 1 ongfi How. — Haunted I bj 1 Hood vVritii ■ m the ■ . I'\ w Morri I I intei v K. Burns Forging of tin 1 n Vlorti >' Irthur, by \ I ennyson. — 11 i'\ 1 I: M 11 14. Poems lyrical. 1 S75 809-52 lv Ml I". rills. 1X75 809-53 16. \ui hors. 11. t. p 418-49 Biographii a] iketchi ol thi authoi repri u Hi-. 1 in the series; with a general index. 17. Nature. 1881. Con/tuts. A bunting of the deer, hy C. I). Warner. Dogs, bj I' \ I Eting. 1 In 1 1 ii 11, icnt, by J. Ruskin. 18. Humanity. [881, ' stents -Chumming with a savage, bj ' W Stodd ml Di Mari . ild, by C.l >ii '-ens. — A brace of hoys, by Fitz-Hugh Ludlow. — Ceo. Ill, by W Ml I Juliet, by Anna Jameson. — Is life worth living ? by W. H. Mall. I 11 1 1 1 cloister ruin. Redenbacher, M. . . 77 ^ \ 1 I 11 11 1 country girl. Woolsey, Miss Susan Chauncy, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) . . 246A48 I. mi 11. Dorrit. 1 Hi Ken., Chas. I.11111 Duke. Yonge, Charlotte M. . . . 990A65 I 11 1 1 1 (ishers anil their nets. Allien, Mrs. 1. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 714A61 In in. flowers nT Saint Francis of A-sUi. Alger, Abby Langdcn, tr 380B37 1.11 11 1 folk in green : new fairy stories. Wright, Henrietta (' jSl-95 I 11 111 folks astray. Clarke, Rebecca S., (Sophie May. />, 11,1.) 621A4 Little folks in feathers ami fur. Miller. Olive ["home 5905-58 Little good-for-nothing. Daudet, A. I.iiiii grandfather. Clarke. Rebecca S., (Sophie Ma\ . ps< :>,■■'.) 101 .\4t 1 11111 grandmother. Clarke, Rebecca S., (Sophie May, pseud.) 621A43 l.t 1 1 1 1 Hodge. Jenkins, Edward. In 11 1 Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett, .Wis. Frances (II.) 195 A87 Iitiii Lucy's wonderful globe. Yonge, Charlotte M 1207-0S I 1 nti maid and her moods. Phelps, Eliza- beth Stuart 7-7 A- I Little 1 W ■,.. 1:. [< In at art- - 1 ies. 1 7593 8 I 1 1 1 1 1 men. \ 1 iM 1 14A4 1 1111; M. .,. nd ■■ '"'I 1 ■■ tall . I lauff, w Moorland princess, John, Eugenie, ' I M ml. 1 more cider. B kei . < •. M. Social pp. 241 -".2. . . . 8015-21 I Miii ones annual : stone- ami poeri little peopli . B 1887. 8° 1 re liook : ed. by Mr-. '-ile Barker "J5 A 35 I 1 1 m 1 Peat I'., (Fram 1 .i77A* 1,11111 Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians. I in 827-92 I miii peopleof 1. ml, ami whal the poets have said "I them. An tin, Mrs. I ■ I.., ed 8099-16 I miii people's speaker. Shoemaker, J. W., ed 801-881 I miii Pierre, the pedlar of Alsace. VY., 1872. 12°. I 11 in. pilgrim. Oliphant, M M. O I miii pilgrims in the Holy land. < isborn, 11. s 458-716 I 11111 pitchers. Clarke, Rebec phie May, pseud.) 621A3 I miii Prudie stories. See Clarke, Rebecca S., (Sophie May, /><■ ud.) I 11 11 1 Pussy Willow. Stowe, Mrs. II. (B.) 860A15 I 11 rLE rick-burners. Y< age, ' harlotte M. 990A68 I miii sanctuary. Raleigh, A 241-79 ilmastei Mark. Shorlhouse, J. 1 -isiet. Vanlley, Mrs. [No name ies.] : Spaniard. Nowell, II. I'. II. . . I 1 eet-sweeper; or, life among the poor. Halliday, S. 1; LITTLE sunbeam's holiday. Craik, Mrs. 1 1. M. (Mulock) LITTLE threads. Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth. 7.1 I miii tout in I ranee. James, Henry, jr. 444 4; 1 and roadside sketches. II ickei .. W. M. In Catherine, etc. i 1 Tu'penny, Gould, S. Baring-. 1 women. Alcott, Louisa M 114A5 Richard Frederick. LL. /'., British ,.' . I s ;,;. Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome. I ., [880. 16° — Future probation: a symposium. pp. -•■'I 224 : Littlehale, Nellie M. Dainty desserts for dainty diner.-. V \.. 1887. 16 . . . 642-5 L1111.1 1 ii . \. V 1 : nes ad clerum, 1879 80. N. > .. 1881. 12 250-5 LITTLEIOHX. - 776- LIVINGSTONE. I ITTLEJOHN, \V. II. and Stevenson, J. P. Constitutional amendment ; or, the Sun- day, the Sabbath, the change and resti- tution. Battle Creek, Mich., 1873. I2 °- 2 59-6 I 11 iiuia, Adam, Eng. divine, b. 1627-d. 1694. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illus- trations of the liturgy 26031-4 LITTLETON, Edward. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 2. pp. 471-494. . . . 411-25 Liturgies. Bailey, H. I. Liturgy com- pared with the Bible 26031-2 — Liturgies and other documents. /»Ante- Nicene Christian library, v. 24. pp. 3- 92 '. 2S13-59 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe, pp. 143-150 4142-57 Live and let live. Sedgwick, C. M. . . . 817A1 Live oak boys. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. . . 531A3 Live it down. Jeaffreson, fas. Cordy. Livelies, and other stories. Kellogg, S. W. LlVERMORE, Abiel Abbott, Am. Unitarian minister, b. 1 S 1 1 . Anti-tobacco; with a lecture on tobacco, by R. L. Carpenter and on the use of tobacco, by G. F. Wilter. B., 1883. 16° 1987-48 — Putnam, A. P., e with our daughters? Superfluous women and other lectures. B., 1S83. 16° 3/6-55 — Bolton, S. K. I ives of girls who became famous, pp. 50-07 413-2 LlVERMORE, Sarah While. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp. 01-64. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Liverpool, Lord. See Jenkinson, R. B. LlVERSEEGE, Henry. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. v. 5. pp. 249-261 417-3 Lives and deeds worth knowing about. Stevenson, Wm. F 4'43-7 Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. Diogenes Laertius 1 5 2 1 -4 Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier: including an introductory view of the earlier discoveries iii the South sea, and history of the bucaniers. v V., 1854. 16° 4159-3 I >' 1 made sublime: or, sketches of < hris- tian men who adorned theii lives with 1 works, X. Y., n. d. 12 . . . . 4144-5 Contents. — Jonas Sugdcn. — D. A. Tyng.— M Cheek.— Jas. M. Hog. — Wm. Allen.— . 1 h Miller.— Havelock.-W. T. Bate. -Jas. .sor]iii K . Thus. Charles. — K, Flockhart.— Benj. Parsons. — White&eld Montgomery. 1 1 ■ E of Chri tophei 1 Columbus and Ameri- ' espucius. N. V., 1878, 16 . . . 41,1 25 Living authors of America. Powell, T. . -804-68 Living faith. Merriam, Geo. S 241-61 LIVING lights: a popular account of phos- phorescent animals and vegetables. Holder, C. F 589-47 Living or dead. Fargus, Frederick J., (H. Conway, pseud. \ Living thoughts of leading thinkers. Linn, Rev. S. P S07-51 Living writers of the South. Davidson, J.iV. 811-3 Livingston, Mrs. C. M. Story of Puff. B., 1S83. 8° 57 6A4 — joint author. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.), and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. Di- vers women 714A26 Dr. Deane's way 714A27 - - Profiles 714A86 LIVINGSTON, Edward, Am. statesman and jurist, b. 1764-rf. 1836. Speech on the Alien bill. In America \ oratory, pp. 122-131 8152-2 — Hunt, C. H. Life of Edward Livings- ton; with an introd. by Geo. Bancroft. 578B1 — Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 56- 74. Review of System of penal law for the State of Louisiana 430E5 Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 218-236. [Biog. sketch and speeches on the Alien bill and on capital punish- ment.] 8152-6 Livingston, Louise (d' Avezac), wife of Ed- ward. Hunt, L. L. Memoir of Mrs. E. Livingston 57 |V; B2 Livingston, Grace. Chautauqua idyl. B., 1887. 12° 3747-5 Livingston, Philip,/-. \~,\b-d. 177S. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declara- tion, pp. 104-10S 4'2l-3 — I.ossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 67-70 4121-53 LIVINGSTON, Robert R., Am. statesman, h. 1746-^. 1813. I.ossing, B. J. Biograph- ical sketches of the signers of the decla- ration, pp. 238-243 -t'21-53 — Moore, F.. ed. American eloquence, v. ■■ PP- 35o .-555 8152-6 Livingston, Wm. Moore, F., ed. Ameri- can eloquence, v. 1. pp. S2-90. . . 8152-6 Livingstone, David, Scottish missionary and explorer, b. 1S1O d. 1S74. Espedition to the Zambesi, n. t. p. S° 4(17 40 Lasl journals in Central Africa from 1865 to his death: continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, ob- tained from his failhful servants Chumi and Susi ; by Horace Waller. N. V., i875- 8° 4°7-5 — Travels and researches in South Africa. Phila., n. 1. p. 8° 468-55 LIVINGSTi >NE 777 — I OBI ' Livingstone, D - UnutJ. — Ad imi . 1 1 i ,. I (avid I ,h ingstone i i h >y who 1 Blaikie, W. G. Pei > Living torn 5 7 7 J ! — 1 1 Hi . 1 . 1 1 ive and travel ol I 1 ■. 1 1 ■ 1 1 c y . ; — Jewett, S, A. \V. Livingstone in Africa. ' — - Livingstone and his \fi ii am ' : Ii. 1 « uli a full account of the Young, Stanley and 1 1 dil ions, chapti 1 ancient and model " Nile di Live trade. \. Y., 1872. 12° Stanley, II. M. How I found Living- e 4676-7 — Blaikie, W. G. Leaders in modern phi- lanthropy, pp. 1S7-204 4156-2 < 'harles, ff> t. 1 . | R.) rhrei mai tj rs of the 191I1 century, pp. 3—154 4149-3 — Drake. S. A., td. < >iu great benef; pp. 201-206 410-42 I 11. C. II. Vfrica seen through its ex- plorers, pp. 177 227 and 2S0-317. . . 460-3 — Famous boys and famous men. pp 1 156 410-478 — Famous buy-, and hov they became great men. pp, 237-261 410-4S Frost, T. Modern explorers, pp. 57-79. 437-38 — Goodrich, S. G. Heroism of boyhood. pp. 26-33 410-51 — Great Scotsmen, pp. 113 125 4112-4 -■Stanley. A. P. Westminster serm pp. 197-213. Memorial sermon. . . . 252-S5 — Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 960-996 436 Travels in South Africa, pp. 41—67. . 468 N:, LIVINGSTONE, John. Taylor, W. M. Scot- tish pulpit, pp, 104-109 2741-8 1 i\ iNGSTONi \. Young, E D. Nyassa : journal of adventures whirs! exploring Lake Nya \Xx\ nd e tab- lishing the settlement of Livingstonia. 4679-98 LlW, Titus Livius [Pattvinus), Roman his- torian. /'. B. C. 59-1/. -•/. D. 17. History of Rome: tr. with notes bj D. Spillan, C. Edmonds and Wm. A. M. Devitte. 4 V. I,.. 1S70-62. 12° S784-S Contents. — v. t. Books 1-8. — v. 2. Books o- 26.— v. 3. Books 27-36.— v. 4. Book 37 to the end with epitome! merits of the lost — History of Rome: with notes by D. Spil- lan and C. Edmonds. 2 v. X. \ .. I87I. 12° S7S4-7 Contents. — v. 1. Books 1-20. — v. 2. Books 21-30. -Stories from I. ivy : tr. and abridge A. J. Church. \. V.. iSS;. | 2 °. . . 8784 -• — Collins, W. L. Livy, [An< :cs Li English readers] S;.^4 ; Liza. Turgdnieff, I. ! I9S7-5 /• Lizzie c llcnn. Arthur, 'I Leigh and , Mr:. I . I Lizzie Maitland I il- Hindu women, with glimpses into their life and zenana L., 1883. 1 I Uian Auto torian, />. 1 75t>— ig. poet, d. 1839. ccy, T. Literary reminiscences, v. 2. pp. 140-166 2^-,l \2 Lloyd, Ii. M. Vauban, Montalembert, ii it : engineer studies. I,., 1SS7. 8°. 4168-5 LLOYD, Geo. Thos. Thirty-three years in I- mania and Victoria : being the act- ual experience of the author. L., 1862. 12° Capt. I. Field sports of the north of Europe : a narrative of angling, hunt- in" and shooting in Sweden and Nor- way. L., 1885. 8° 2 LLOYD, Robert. Poems. In British 1 ists. v. 26 1S4K1 LLOYD, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry. L., 1S63. 16 414-5 Contents.— Bernard of Mcnthon : apostle of the Alps. — St. Bernard of Clairvaux. — Savonar- ola. — Phillippc Penel. — Abbede 1' Epee and the Sicard. — Patrick Hamilton. — Andrew Melville. — Good Bishop Bedell. — Granville Sharp. — Henry Martyn and Henry Kirke White. Watchers for the dawn, and other studies 1 hristian character. N. Y., n. d. ib'. 2706-55 Lloyd, VVm., bishop of Wore . ' . 1 1717. Sermons. In Brogden, J. Illus- trations of the liturgy, v. .-. pp. 399- 454 • - 26031-4 Lloyd, Wm. Walkiss. Age of Pericles: a history of the politics and arts of I Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian war. 2 v. 1... 1S75. 8° History of Sicily to the Athenian war: with elucidations of the Sicilian od> Pindar. I.., 1S72. 8° 91908-5 I i 1 dan. 1 lensel, Mary LOARING, Henry Jas. Selection of common sayings, words, and customs; their gin and history. I ... 11. d. 16°. . . . 3S0-5 LOB-lie-by-the-fire. Ewing, Juliana H. . . 3: LoBEIRA, Vasco, 1360- . 1403. Amadis of Gaul: tr. from the ish version of Garciordone; de Mou- talvo, by R. Southey. 3V. L., 1872. n> = . S6jy LOCAL. - 778 - LOCKS. Local government. Chalmers, M. D. Lo- cal government 352-3 — Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. . . 35442-7 — Porter, R. P. Local government at home and abroad 352—7 — See also Politics and government. Local government and taxation. Cobden club essays, 1875. Probyn, J. W., ed. 3521-7 [ OCAL government and taxation in the Unit- ed Kingdom. Cobden club essays, 1882. Probyn, J. \\\. ed. 3521-77 LocH-Earn, steamer. Weiss, X. Person- al recollections of the wreck of the "Ville-du-Havre" and the "Loch-Earn." 4372-9 I ochiel. See Cameron, Ewan Dim. Locke Amsden. Thompson, D. I'. Locke, Daniel Ross, (Petroleum V. Nasi. v. pseud.), Am. journalist, h. 1833-;/. 1888, Divers views, opinions and prophecies of P. V.Nasby. Cinn., 1867. 12 . . . S17-59 — Nasby in exile, or, six months of travel in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium ; with many things not of travel. Toledo, 1882. 8° 440-50 Lot ke, John, Eng. philosopher, b. 1632-1/. 1704. Essay concerning human under- standing, and a treatise on the conduct of the understanding. Phila., 1857. 8° 162-55 — Four letters on toleration : reprint of 7th ed., 1758. L., 1870. 12 2577-5 — Conduct of the understanding. With Ba- con, F. Essays '3'E3 — Essay on interest and the value of money. In M'Culloch, J. R. Principles of polit- ical economy, pp. 220-360 33°-6 — Some thoughts concerning education. In Tauchnit/, P.., ed. Five centuries of the English language and literature, pp. 277 388 8209-86 — Selections from Locke's essay on the Hu- man understanding; with introduction and notes, by S. II. Emmens. I... 1866. 16 . Bound with Emmens, S. H. Logic, pure and applied 189-35 — Bourne, ILK. Fox. Life of John Locke. 581B2 — Fowler, T. Locke 58 1 1?3 — King, Peter, Lord. Life and letters of John Locke; with extracts from his journals and commonplace l>"-5 Locker, Arthur, Eng. writer, b. 1828. On a coral reef: the story of a runaway trip to sea. L., n. d. 12 377-M LOCKER, Frederick, Eng. poet, b. 1S21. London lyrics. B., 1870. 16°. . . . 5S0C5 — Poems. N. Y.. 1SS4. 12° 580C4 - In Jones, C. IL, cd. Vers de societe. pp. 127-168 8096-45 — cd. Lyra elegantiarum : collection of some of the best specimens of Vers de societe and Vers d 1 occasion in the Eng- lish language by deceased authors. N. V., 1S84. 12° 8096-5 I'm hi ran, Rev. Patrick. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 198- 214 4142-65 LOCKHART, John Gibson, British author, b. 1794-rf. 1854. History of Napoleon Buonaparte. 2 v. N. Y., 1875. 16°. Same, n. d 666B1 — Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 8 v. in 4. N. Y., 1S51. 12°. Same, 1857. 8°. Same. 9 v. in 3. L., 1881. 12° 814B3 — Life of Adam Blair : and history of Mitt- hew Wald. Edinburgh, 1869. 12°. — Life of Robert Burns. In Burns, R. Po- etical works I96C4 — tr. Ancient Spanish ballads, historical and romantic: tr. with introduction and notes and a biographical sketch of the author. N. Y., 1856. 12 8611-5 Spanish ballads; [and] Chronicle of the 1 id. tr. by Robert Southey. L. 12 . 8611-6 Mackenzie, R. S. Memoir of John Gib- sou Lockhart. In Wilson, J. Nodes ainbrosianrr. v. 3. pp. iii-xvii. . . . 955K 1 — Marline. 111, II. Biographical sketches. pp. 28-36 4104 02 Rogers, ('., cd. Scottish minstrel, pp. 237 241. I Biog. sketch and poems.] . 80921-7 I.' 11 khart, I awrence Wm. Maxwell, British writer, b. [832-1/. 1S82. Fair to see. N. V.. 1S72. 8°. Lot KROY, Edouard, cd. Great French rev- olution, 1785-93, narrated in the letters of Mme. J 9444-5 LOCKS. Aitken, W. C. Guns, nails, locks, wood screws, etc. In British manufac- turing industries, v. 3. pp. 47-57. . 670-2 LOCKS. — 779 — LODGE. i - KS, continued. Hobbs, \. i '. 1 ,01 ki and nfes — Home recreation and fori ign travel, pp. 95-102 604-4 Locksley Hall sixty yeai I ] fen I, Alfred Lockv D, ' ii 1 ;. B. Addre al 1 [iram 1 ol- lege memorial meeting. //; Hinsdale, B. A. President Garfield and educa- tion, pp. i 13 137 Lockv [ngersoll. 1000 le^il Dont's; or, the 1.1 ■' it pation goni N. V., 1887. m 3434-5 — P. G.; or, perfect gentleman, \. V., (887. 12" 395-53 I 01 KWOOD, Jas. Booth, lieutenant, t. \S^i J. 1S64. Lanman, C. Farthest north: life and exploration! of I lieutenant Jas. Booth Lockwood, "l the Greely Arctic expedition 582B1 Lockwood, M. Something about light- houses. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 2JJ-25S 602-9 I 01 kwood, T. D, Practical information for telephonists. \. Y., [882. 12°. . . . 5382-5 Lockyer, Joseph Norman, /'. A'. S., astronomer, />. [836. Astronomy. N. Y., 1S-11. iii". [Science primers.] . . 520-581 — Chemistry of the sun. I.. (887. 16 . . 52377-5 — Elements of astronomy. N. \ .. 1S70. . 520-5S Spectroscope and its applications. 1 ... > s r;- 12 5446-5' — Same. Bound with Proctor, K. A. Half- hours with the telescope 5222 71 — Star-gazing; past and present. L., 1878. 8° 5^-47 ■^Studies in spectrum analysis. I,., 1S78. 12 5446 5 — Spectrum analysis as applied to the sun. In Half-hours with modern scientisl 5, ser. 2. pp. 113-150 502-42 — ed, Guillemin, A. The heaven-,. . . . 520-44 Locomotion. Marey, E.J, Animal mech- anism 59*47 " — Pcttigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 59147 7 — Lardner, I)., ed. Museum of science ami art. v. 3. pp. 1 32 603-4 I motive engines, full. um, /. Loco- motive engine. 1S69 62x13 17 — Dempsey, G. 1>. Rudimentar) treatise on the locomotive engine. 1S56. . . . 621 13-2 — Evers, IT. Steam ami the locomotive en- gine- iS73 62113-3 — Forney. M. X. Catechism of the loco- motive. 1S86 ("2i 1 J ; — Xorris. S. 1 1 ami-book for locomotive en- gineers and machinists. 1 874 62113-5 — Reynolds, M. Locomotive engine driv- ing; with a key to the locomotive engine. 621 1 ; 1 ■ . Hale, I I .. 193-218 ienceand art. 1 13-144 603-4 i . , I I ■ ,1, . : PP. 217 237 1 \ . J. Elen earn. \)[>. 249-308 621 1-7 - Winton, |. d. Model n tice. pp. 210-289. . . V ■■(' Steam engine. Life ol the locomotive engii I o< 1 im : traged) . Sw inburne, A. ( . . , ft - 1 I hi wey. Burroughs, J. . 1 1 Edmund, Eng. herald and biograpfur^ b. 1756-rf ' Portraits of illustrious personages of Greal Britain : with bio- iphii a] and histoi ■ irsof their live- and actions. S v. 1 .., [849-50. 1 ' 411 ' ; Contents. — v. 1. Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII. —Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby.— Margaret of Lancaster, mother of Henry V 1 1 Cardinal Wolsey. — William VVarham, arch i> of Canterbury.— Sir John More. Sit 1 '■ \1111 Bullen, or Boleyn, queen f Henry \'I1 1.— Jane Seymour, queen 01 1 j ry V 1 1 1 Sir Nit holas Careu 1 I rom- well, earlol 1 l rgarct Tudor, sister to Henry \ 111 ' Brandon, duke of I I 1 linal Beatoun. -Henry Howard, carl if Surrey. — Henry VIII. — Catharine Parr, queen of Henry V 1 1 1 . Thomas Seymour, lord Sudeley.— Sir Anthony Denny.— Edward Sey- mour, duke :. —Edward VI, — John Dudley, duke of Northumberland. — Thomas I I "ward, duke of Norfolk. — Lady Jane Grey. — Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk.— John Russell, 1st e.trl of Bedl Nicholas Ridley, bishop I 1 ...in don. — Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury. — Edward Courtenay, earl of Dev- onshire—Cardinal Pole. v. 2. Mary, queen of England.— William, 1st lord Paget.— Edward, 1st lord North.— Henry Stuart, lord Darnley.— James Stuart, earl of Murray, regent of Scotland. — John Knox. — Thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk, li.im Powlctt, or Paulet, marquis of Winchester. — Sir William Maitland, of Lethington. — James Hamilton, earl of Arran.— Matthew Parker, hbishop of Canterbury. — Walter Devei earl of Essex. — Sir Nicholas Paeon.— Sir I lioui- as ilresham. — Henry Fiualan, earl of Arundel. — James Douglas, car.1 of Morton. — Thomas Radclyffe, earl of Sussex. — Edward Clinton, earl of Lincoln.— Sir Philip Sidney.— Mary Stu- art, queen of Scotland. — Robert Dudley, carl of Leicester. — Ambrose Dudley, earl of Warwick. — Sir Francis Walsingham. — Sir Christopher Hatton.— Cardinal Allen is Drake.— Philip Howard, earl of Arundel.— John Mait- land, lord of Thirlestane. — William Cecil, lord Burghley, or Burleigh. — Robert Dcverei: earl of Essex. .ibeth, queen of England marquis of Hamilton.— George Cliilord, carl of Cumberland. — Charles Bloun: : j"> LODGE. 780 ■ LODGE. Lodge, Edmund, continued. Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset.— Sir Thomas Bodley. — Robert Cecil, earl of Salisbury. — Henry, Prince of Wales.— Henry Howard, earl of Northampton.— Lady Arabella Stuart.— Thomas Egerton, viscount Brackley. — Sir Wal- ter Raleigh. — Mary Sidney, countess of Pem- broke.— Thomas Cecil, 1st earl of Exeter — Henry Wriothesley, earl of Southampton- James, 2d marquis of Hamilton. — Charles How- ard, earl of Nottingham. — Lodowick Stuart, duke of Richmond. — Francis Bacon, lord Veru- lam, viscount St. Alban. — Thomas Howard, earl of Suffolk.— Edward Somerset, earl of Worces- ter.— Lucy Ha ring ton, countess of Bedford. — George Villiers, duke of Buckingham.— Fulke Greville, lord Brooke. — George Carew, earl of Totness.— William Herbert, earl of Pembroke. —Sir Hugh Middleton.— Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland.— George Abbott, archbishop of Canterbury. — Richard Weston, earl of Port- kind. v 4 Walter, 1st lord Aston.— Frances How- ard, duchess of Richmond- — Sir Henry Wotton. — Thomas, lord keeper Coventry. — Francis Rus- sell, earl of Bedford. — Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford — Robert Bertie, earl of Lindsey.— Robert Greville, 2d lord Brooke.— Spencer Compton,2dearlof Northampton,— Robert Dor- mer, earl of Caernarvon.— William Villiers, vis count Grand tson. — William Fielding, earl of Denbigh. — Henry Spencer, earl of Sunderland. — Lucius Carey, viscount Falkland.— Henry Panvers, earl of Danby. — William Laud, arch- bishop of Canterbury. — Lionel Cranfield, earl of Middlesex. — Henry Somerset, 1st marquis of Worcester. — Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel and Surry. — Robert Devereux, 3d earl of Es- sex. — Arthur, lord Capel. — Charles I. — Ed- ward, lord Herbert of Cherbury. — James, 1st duke of Hamilton. — Blanche Somerset, baron- ess Arundell of Wardour. — Henry Rich, earl of Holland. — George Gordon, marquis of Huntly. — George, lord Goring. — James Graham, mar- quis of Montrose. — Philip Herbert, earl of Pembroke. v. 5. William, 2d duke of Hamilton. — James Stanley, earl of Derby. — Francis, lord Cotting- ton. — Ralph, lord Hopton. — Edward Sackville, 4 th earl of Dorset. — John Selden. — James Stuart, duke of Richmond. — Robert Rich, 2d earl of Warwick. — Oliver Cromwell. — Dorothy Percy, countess of Leicester. — William Sey- mour, marquis of Hertford. — Lucy Percy, countess of Carlisle.— Archibald Campbell, mar- quis of Argyll. — Elizabeth, queen of Bohi — Charlotte di I a FremouHle, countess of 1 >er- by.— Sir Kenelni Digby. — Montague Bertie, 2d earl of Lindsey.— Edward Somerset, 2d mar quis of Worcester.— Thomas Wriothesley, 4th earl of Southampton.- \\ Percy, earl of Northumberland- -Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles L — George Monk, duke of Albemarle. — Edward Montagu, 2d carl of Manchester. — Ann' Hyde, duchess Of York. — Edward Mm- , carl of Sandwich. — Thomas, lord Clifford ol Cbudlcigh.- Edward Hyde, carl of Claren- don. — John Powlitt, 5th marquis of \\ in< h ester Anne Clifford, counter - i Dorset. — William Kerr, 3d carl of Lothian. v. 6.— William 1, duke of Newcastle — sir Matth 11 il Geoi ■■■ Digby, ad earl of Bristol.— Willi. mi Howard, viscount Stafford. Ji.Iiii Leslie, duke of Rothl • i'micc Ku- Lodge, Edmund, continued. pert.— John Maitland, duke of Lauderdale. — Hcneage Finch, earl of Nottingham. — David Leslie, 1st lord Newark. — Dorothy Sidney, countess of Sunderland. — William, lord Russel. — Algernon Sidney. — Anne Carre, countess ol Bedford. — CharlesII. — James Scot, duke of Monmouth. — Henry Bennet, earl of Arlington. — Francis North, lord Guildford. — Archibald C ampbell, yth earl of Argyll. — James Butler, duke of Ormond. — John Graham, viscount of I 'i.Kuee. — Elizabeth Cecil, countess of Devon- shire. — Hon. Robert Boyle. — John TUlotson, archbishop of Canterbury. — William, 1st earl of Craven. — William Russell, duke of Bedford. — Robert Spencer, 2d earl of Sunderland. — Frances Theresa Stewart, duchess of Rich- mond.— Archibald Campbell, 1st duke of Ar- gyll. — John Locke.— Catharine of Braganza, queen of Charles II. v. 7. — William Cavendish, 1st duke of Devon- shire. — Sidney Godolphm, earl of Godolph'in. — Thomas Osborne, 1st duke of Leeds— Anne, queen of England. — Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. — John, 1st lord Somers.— Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury.— John Churchill, duke of Marlborough. — Rachel Wriothesley, lady Russell. — Robert Harley. earl of Oxford.— Sir Isaac Newton. — Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester. — Charles Murdaunt, 3d earl of Peterborough. — John Campbell, 2d duke of Argyll and duke of Greenwich.— Sarah Jen- nings, duchess of Marlborough. — James Butler, 2d duke of Ormond — Robert Walpole, 1st earl of Orford. — Charles Seymour, 6th duke of Som- erset. — John Montagu. 2d duke of Montagu. — Henry St. John, 1st viscount Bolingbroke. — Richard Boyle, earl of Burlington. — Horatio, 1st lord Walpole.— William Boyle, earl of Bur- lington, — Horatio, 1st lord Walpole.— William Pulteney, earl of Bath. — Philip Vorke, 1st earl of Hardwicke.— Thomas Pelham Holies, duke of Newcastle.— John Manners, marquis of Granby. — John Russell. 4th duke of Bedford. — Henry Fox, 1st lord Holland. — Robert, lord Clivc.— William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham. v. 8. Admiral Lord Hawk. — Charles Watson Wentworth, 2d marquis of Rockingham.— Au- gustus Keppel, 1st lord of the admiralty. — George Augustus Eliott, lord Heath field. — George Hrydges Rodney, English admiral. — Frederick North, 2d earl of Guildford. — John Stuart, earl of Bute.— William Murray, earl of Mansfield. — Charles Pratt, carl of Camden. — Sir William Jones. — II orace U alpole, 41I1 earl of Orford. — Jeffrey, baron Amherst. Richard, Earl Howe, admiral— Sir Ralph Abercromby. — Francis Russell, 5th duke of Bedford tdam, viscount Duncan, admiral.— Horatio, viscount Nelson, admiral. — Charles, 1 st marquis Cor nwal lis. —William, 1st marquis of Lansdowne. — William Pitt. — Chas. James Fox. Alexa H discount Bridport, ad- miral. — Samuel, viscount Hood, admiral.— Char- lotte Caroline Augusta, princess of Wales —Sir 1 1 li Banks.— John Jervis, earl of S.t. Vincent, admiral Robert Banks Jenkinson, earl of Liv- erpool. — Sir Walter Scott. — Edward Pellew, vis- count Ex mouth, admiral. — Arthur Welles)* \, duke of Wellington. 1 1. Ilrni\ 1 abot, Ph.D., Am.ivritct^b. [850. Alexander Hamilton. B., 1S82. 12°. [American statesmen series]. . . 452B1 LODG E - 781 LOGIC I DDCE, II. 1 '., continu I — Daniel Webster. B., [88 1 [Amei eries] 930B9 — Shorl history of the English in America, X. v., [886. 8 C Studies .11 history, B., 1 v * 1 1 2°. ... Contents. Puritani and ili<* restoi Puritan Pepys.— Early dayf ol I Cob- bett. >Alexandci 1 1 Webster I I d States. — Lodge, Richard. History of in pc from the captu re ol inople by the Turks to thi treaty oi Bei lin, 1878. N. V.. 1SS6. 12°. . ' 925 48 1 '. rhos., Eng. dramatist, 6. about 1556 -2 4 — Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of distinguished generals, pp. 305-317. 4122 8 LOGAN, M. C. Artist's dream. X. Y., IS68. 12°. Logan, Olive. Se> Syke-, Olive (Logan.) hums. Introduction to the table of logarithms, with tables. Bound with Olney, K. Treatise on special or ele- mentary geometry 5'3~7 - Logarithmic tables. Bound with Robin- son, H. N. Elements of trigonometry. — Lootnis, E. Tables of logarithm numbers and of sines and tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant. Bound with Lootnis, E. Element trigonometry 514 ; lei kir.s. G. R. Plain trigonometry. . . 5I4-6 Aristotle. Organon ; or, logical treatises '551-s — Atwater. L. II. Manual of elementary logic 1S9-13 — Bain, \. Logic: deductive and induc- tive 189-15 LOCK — 782 LONDON. 1 .1 n iic, continued, — Barren, W. Elements of logic I oppee, H. Elements of logic — Day, H. X. Elements of logic Logical praxis — Devey, J. Logic; or, the science of in- ference — Emmens, S. II. Logic, pure and ap- plied — Gilmore, I. H. Outlines of logic. . . . — Hamilton, W. Lectures on metaphysics and logic, v. 2. Logic — Hays, G. I'. livery-day reasoning; or, the science of inductive logic — Hedge, L. Elements of logick — Hegel, G. W. E. Logic of Hegel : tr. : with prolegomena, by \V. Wallace. . . — Jevous, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic Logic Principles of science : treatise on logic and scientific method — - Keynes, J. X- Studies and exercises 111 formal logic — Lotze, H. Logic 111 three books of thought, of investigation and of knowl- edge — McCosh, J. Laws of discursive thought. McGregor, 1'. System of logic Malum, A. Science of logic Mill, |. S. System of logic, ratiocina- tive and inductive Ray, P. K. Text-book of deductive logic. — Sidgwick, A. Fallacies: a view of logic from the practical side — Stebbing, W. Analysis of Mr. Mill's system of logic Stewart. I>. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind Thomson, W. Outline of the necessary laws of thought — True, C. K. Elements of logic Whately, R. Element-, of logic Wilson, VV. 1). Elementary treatise on log' 1 -- 1 1 . Logic and utility of mathe- matics foyce, I . Familiar introduction to the ails and science-, pp. 26-49 McCosh, J. Criteria of diverse kind oi trui h 1 1 ed to agnosticism, I 1 a treatise on a] [Philosi iphii series. No. 1. 1 1,. |. Logii "i h nci . e >aj on the foundations and province ol the theory of probability i Vance, S. S. Lois, the witch and othei tales. I laskell, .\t, 1 1 I OITERINGS in pleasant paths. Terhune, M. 189-16 V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) 440-45 189-24 Lollards. Milman, H. H. History of 189-27 ' Latin Christianity, v. 7. pp. 405-425. 2821-5 189-2S — Shoberl, E. Persecutions of Popery, v. 1. pp. 135-215 2723-7 189-3 — Eastwood, F. Geoffry the Lollard : a story 300A5 189-35 Lomanosoff, Mikkail Vasielivitch, Russian 189-4 P M t and grammarian, b. 1 7 1 1 — . W. What I saw in London. 4421-2 189-95 1 — Becker, B. II. Scientific London. . . . 509-2 — Besant, W. and Rice, J. Sir Richard 189-96 Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. . 947^9 - Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Undercurrents over- 510-4 looked 336S-2 - Dallas, G. M. Series of letters from Lon- 504-48 don, written d tiring the years 1856-60. . 272H6 Davies, C. M. Mystic London 1421 ; Foss, E. Memories of Westminster Hall, with historical introduction 3482-35 142-6 — Grant, J. Sketches of London ||2i 1 Hare, V J.c. Walks in London. . . . 4421-43 Hay, C. Club and the drawing-room: 510 1 g pictures of modern life, social, po litical and professional 3 D 7~5 1 1 indley, C. 1 1 i story of the cries of Lon- don, ancient and modern 394-4 l.o\lx IN. ; LONDON. I o IDON, continued 1 1 Mm, I ,eigh. I In [own 9391 1 1 "t ton, I .. I.i' mi 11 don, : t Jones, A. 1 1 n West- tei K n wan, I ». I i,i. 1 or, phase ol 1 ond m life 142 1 \~ K 1. hi . .-, \. s. Starving I ondon. — Larwood, I. Story of the I ondon parks 9391 5 — Lemon, M. 1 p and down the 1 streets (421—5 I ondon characters and the humorous side "I 1 mdon life 1421 52 — Mogridge, (.. Old Humphrey's walks in I ondon 4421-55 — Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London so- cial life ; with other papers suggested by an English residence 11' 1 " ( I'] laniel, W. Ins and out of London, n ' 1 London of to-day. . . . 4421 68 — Paul T. Harvest of the city and the workers of to-day. [Missions.] .... — Pinto, E. Ve outside fools : glimpses in- side the I ondon stock exchange. . . . 3316 Price, F. G. II. Hand-book of London hankers .Silt 7 Purdy, Win. London banking life. . . 3311 7; — Ranyard, I.. N, Missing link ; or, Bible women in the homes of the London poor 2642-01 Rideing, \\ . II. Thackeray's London; his haunts and the scenes of his novels. S82B2S Young folks history of London. . . . 9391-7 — Saunders, !■". Memories of the great me- olis 4421-S — Society in London 4421-84 — Stall a id, J. 1 1. London pauperism among Jews ami Christians 339-7 - Timbs, J. Clubs and club-life in London. $67 g London an• Long 47127-5 LONG ago. Cragin, Mrs. L. T., (Ellis Gray, pseud.) 435 Al LONG engagements : a tale of the Affghan rebellion. L., 1846. 12°. Long exile and other stories. Tolstoi, L. N. Long look house. Abbott, Edward. . . . 690-12 Long run. Cleveland, Rose G. Long span railway bridges. Baker, Benj. . 624-15 LoNGCHAMP, Wm. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. I. pp. IlS-126. . . . 411-25 Longevity. Gardner, J. Longevity: the means of prolonging life after middle age 6137-4 — Hufeland, C. W. Art of prolonging life. 6137-5 — Lambert. T. S. Longevity 3683-74 — Piatt, A. II. Human life prolonged. . . 613-67 — Smith. S. Philosophy of health 613-S2 — Sweetser, Wm. Human life: considered in its present condition and future devel- opments especially with reference to its duration 6137-8 — Thorns, W. J. Human longevity: its facts and its fictions 6137-9 — Critical and social essays, pp. 223-230. Curiosities of longevity 675E5 — Jackson, R. M. S. The mountain, pp. 270-605 55147-5 - Mathews, W. Literary style and other essays. pp. 214-233. Secret of lon- gevity 617E6 — Wynter, A. Our social bees. pp. 282- 295 304-9 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Am. poet, b. 1807-rf. 1SS2. Poetical works. 2 v. n. t. p. 16° 586C1 — Poetical works. B., 1879. 12° 586C18 — Poetical works. I!., 18S1. 12°. Same, 1SS2 586C19 — Poetical works. B., 1SS4. 12° 586C2 — Prose works. 2 v. B., 1876. 16°. . . 818-58 Contents. — v. 1. Outre-Mer. Driftwood-: Frithiof's Saga. — Hawthorne's twice-told talcs. —Great metropolis: [London.]— Anglo-Saxon literature. — Paris in the 17th century. — Dante. — The Divina Commedia. — Table-talk, v. 2. Hyperion. — Kavanagh. — Aftermath. B., 1873. 16° 5S6C4 — Children's hour and twenty other selec- tions ; with notes ami biographical sketch. P... 1SS6. 16 5S7C7 — Christus: a'mystery. P.. 1S7;. 8°.. . 5S6C5 Contents. — 1. Divine tragedy.— 2. Golden legend New England tragedii - Courtship of Miles Standish ; with notc>. I!., 1SS0. 16 587C8 Same: arranged in seven scenes for par- lor theatricals and school exhibitions. 1'.., 1884. 16 587C81 - Divine' tragedy. K., 1S71. 12". Same, l88a 5S6C6 I. MM, I 1,1 I (i\\ 7*5 - I 0NG1 l.l I ')\\. Longfellow, H. w . . ■ nlinuta. 1 1 ingeline tale ol Vi adia, B., 1867. 12° ' 1 ■. 1 ngeline : with notes and biogi aphii al 1 h. r... [883, 16 586C91 Golden legend. B., [855. i(>°. Same, 1880 Hyperion: .1 romance. B., 1857- 12 '- In t lie harbor. 1 ll ima I hule. pt. 2. I!., 1SS2. 16 587C6 K .11 anagh .1 1 1 ■ I othei piei es. B., 188 1. 12°. Contenli Kavanagh Driftwood; Incient I 'rem h ro ■ Frithiof's Saga I « i' c told talcs. — Great metropolis Anglo-Saxon literature Paris in the i-tlt century Table talk. — New England tragedies. B., 1868. 12°. Same, 1S72 586C8 Contents. — 1. John Endicott. — 2. titles Co- rey of the Salem fai m — Outre-Mer : a pilgrimage beyond llie sea. I'.., 1S65. 12 440 (> Song of Hiawatha. B., 1885. 12 . . . 5S7C2 Tales of a wayside inn. B., 1864. t2°. Same, 1880. 16 5S6C3 - Three books of song. I'... 1S72. 16 . . 587C4 Ultima Thule. B., 1S81. 16° 5S7CS — Seven voices "I sympathy: from his writ- ings: ed. by Charlotte Fiske Bates. B., 1882. 12° 587C9 — Sttnlies in Longfellow: outlines for schools, conversation classes and home study: ed. by W. C. Gannett 5S-1 55 — ed. Poems of America, j v. B., 1882. io° 80912-5 Contents. — I. New I n [land Middle states. — Western states. — 3. Southern states. — British America. - Poems of places: England and Wales. 4 v. i:.. 1876. 24 8092-55 Content* — v. 1-3 1 ngland. — v. 4. England, concluded.— w alt : France. 2 v. ll.. [877. 24 . . . S0934-5 Contents. — v 1 Prance \ 2. France, eon- . Inded. s.o 1 iy : Ireland. B., 1S76. 24° 80922-5 ■ : Italy. 3 v. B., 1877. 24°.. . . S0935-5 : Scotland. 3 v. 1!., 1S76. 24°. . S0921-5 Contents. —v. t Scotland. — v. 3. Scotland, luded Denmark Norway . — Sweden. - : Spain. 2 v. B., 1S77. 24°. . . S0936-5 Contents. — v. t. Spain.— v. 2. Spain, eluded. — Portugal. — Belgium. — Holland — Poets and poetry of Europe ; with intro- duction and biographical notices. \. V., 1855. 8° S09-57 — tr. See Dante Alighieri. — Kennedy, W. S. Henry W, Longfellow; biography, anecdotes, letters, criticism, 585B5 1 1 1 1 1 "u, II. \\ '.. continued. 1 tngfelli imuel, • d, I ife ] with 1 1 2 v. B., 1886 Final me 1 ial ol Hem >■ W I ongfel- low. I!.. 1887. 8°. . . . . 585853 1, B. R. I ui kei - I lome life of II. w . I ongfellov. 5 S 5 1 ;. . K . II. 1 lent y W. I ongfi lit a medley in ... 585B58 I ndei h I. I . II I lenry Wadsn orth ;fellow 5 s 5 ' ; 7 Vtlas essays. No. 2. Biographical and critical, pp. 78-101 41K 14 Badeau, A. The vagabond, pp. ,02 v*. ' Bolton, S. K. Famo pp. 28-57 4181-2 — ( ulili, J. ll. Leisui 1 330- 356. Longfellow's poems 240E1 Devey, I ' omparative estimate of mod- ern English poets, pp. 360-367. . . . Drake, S. \ . ed. Our great benefact' is. pp. 12.S 131 410-42 Fields, J. T. Poel Longfellow. In Tri- bune popular science, pt. 3. pp. 2; 25 S° 2 -9 Fiske, J. Unseen world and other essays. ;7 265. Longfellow's Iiante. . . - Friswell", J. II. Modern men of letters. pp. 2S5 296 804-38 t iilhllan. ( '•. Modern literature and liter- ary men. \. 2. pp. 527 340 4'*-43 Griswold, II. I. Home life of great au- thors. pp. 2211-237 4 |V 4s Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. PP. 485-494 4IO-536 — Hazeltine, M. W. 1 hats about books, poets and novelists, pp. 169-187. . . 804-45 — Holmes, O. \Y. Before the curfew, pp. 29-30 I Homes of American authors, pp. 265- 287 i> — Johnson, C. F. Three Englishmen and three Americans, pp. 213 245 804-53 Lanman, C. Hap-hazard personalities. pp. 27-41 412-58 McCabe', I. I'. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 563-577 4'2j-6 — Par ton, J., ed. Princes, authors and -men. pp. 289-296 4'°-83 — Poe, E. A. Work-, v. 3. pp. 29 2 374. Mr. Longfellow and other plagiarists. — Mr. Longfellow. Mr. Willis and the drama. — Longfellow's ballads — Powell, T. Living authors of America. ser. 1. pp. 135-169 — Putnam, A. P., <••/. Singers ami songs of the liberal faith, pp. 2l7-2;2. [Biog. it and poems] 245S-7 LONGFELLOW. 786 LOOM IS. Longfellow, II. W., continued. — Scudder, H. E. Men and letters, pp. 23-69 and 137-146. Longfellow and his art. Shaping of Excelsior S10E1 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 180-224 Si 2-8 — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 1 19-132 418-95 — Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. 2. pp. 63-71. Review of Evangeline 947E6 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, pp. 58-66. Poets and poetry of America. 94I1E5 Longfellow, Rev. Samuel, b. 1819. Memoir > of Johnson, In Johnson, S. Lectures, essays and sermons 51 7E5 — Unity and universality of the religious ideas. In Freedom and fellowship in religion, pp. 46-92 204-33 — ed. See Longfellow, Henry W. Life. Final memorials. — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 428-437. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 LoNGLEY, Elias. Eclectic manual of pho- nography: a complete guide to the ac- quisition of Pitman's phonetic short- hand, with or without a teacher. Cinn., 1885. 12° 655-6 LONGMAN, F. \V. Frederick the great and the seven years' war. B., 1SS1. 16 . Same. L 382B5 LONGMAN, Thos. Norton, Eng. publisher, b. iyjo-d. 1842. Curwen, H. History of booksellers: the old and the new. pp. 79-109. Longman family 418-33 LONGSTREET, Augustus Baldwin, LL. IK, (Native Georgian, pseud.), b. ijgo-d. 1S70. Georgia scenes, characters and incidents. N. V., 1851. 12 S17-6 Watterson, H., ed. Oddities of south- ern life. pp. 1-38 S17-94 Longstreet, Jas., Confederate general, />. 1S21. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 411-420 41225-5 LoNGl EVILLE, Anna Genevieve de Bourbon- Conde, duchcsse de, French political agi- tator, b. 1619— ii -i 11 , Victor. Youth of Madame 1 >c Longueville; or, new revelations of court and convent in the 17th century: tr. by F. W. Ricord. 585B9 Higginson, T. W. Atlantic essays, pp. 157-188. Mademoiselle's campaigns. 470L5 Longv OR 1 11. Nicholas. Mc( labe, J. D. Greal fortunes and how they were made. pp. 152-167 1123 tp Lonsdale, Lord. See Lowther, John. 1 , dale, Margaret. ' >eo 1 liol ; thoughts upon her life, her books and herself. I ... 1 ssi,. 16 314B5 Lonsdale, M., continued. — Sister Dora: a biography. B., 18S0. 12 718B4 Loo-Choo, or Lu Tchu islands. Guulaff, C. Voyages along the coast of China. . . 451-44 Look around literature. Buchanan, Robert. 804-25 Look before you leap. Hector, Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) Look within: condensed encyclopedia re- lating chiefly to household management. N. Y., 1S86. 12° 603-45 Looker on: essays. British essayists, v. 35-37 184E1 Looking around. Roe, A. S. Looking backward. Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward ; or, memories of the past. King, Mary B. Allen 532BS I.ooKiNG-glass for the mind. N. Y., 1868. 1 6° 581A8 LoOKING-glasses. Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 7. pp. 120-128. 603-4 Looking toward sunset. Child. Mrs. L. M 241-23 Lookout mountain, battle, 1863. Taylor, B. F. Mission Ridge and Lookout moun- tain 9801-9 — Same. In Heroism. [Little classics.] — Baker, G. H. Poems of the war. pp. 107-115 171C5 LOOMIS, Rev. A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics ; or, readings in Chinese literature. San Francisco, 1867. 16 . 895-52 LOOMIS, Elias, Am. Scientist, b. 1S11. Ele- ments of algebra. N. Y., 1S62. 12°.. 512-49 - Elements of analytical geometry : rev. ed. N. Y., 1875. 12° 5'6-5I — Elements of analytical geometry and of the differential and integral calculus: 19th ed. N. V., 1869. 8° 516-5 — Elements of differential and integral cal- culus: rev. ed. \. Y., 1S74. 12°. Bound with Elements of analytical ge- ometry 516-51 — Elements of natural philosophy. N. Y., 1867. 12°. Same, 1872 530-58 — Elements of plane and spherical trigo- nometry; with their applications to mensuration, surveying and navigation. v Y., is 7 s. 8° 514-5 introduction i<> practical astronomy, with astronomical tables. N. Y., 1855. 8°. 522-5 — Recent progress of astronomy. N. Y.. 1S51. 12° 5209-5 rabies of logarithms of numbers and of sines and tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant; with other useful tables. [6th cd. N. Y., 1S7S. 8°. Hound with I.oomis F. Elements "i trigonom ctry 514-5 l.nft.MIs i : l ORINO. I 01 m i ;, I lias, continued. i ■ '.ii algebi t. N. V., 1879. 12°. 51 1 real 1 1 ) N. V., 1870. 8°. Same, 1875 520-59 itise on me 1 ical tables. V v.. 1870. 8°. Same, 1875 55'5~5 l.i 11 '\iis, I usiin K. Elemenl ol mi physiolog} and hygiene of the human tern. N. V., 1869. 12 612-57 Loomis, Samuel Lane. VIodei 11 1 itie i and their religious pi oblem ; with intro dm 1 ion i'i Rev, Josiah Strong. X. V., n. .1. 12° 263-49 Contents. — Introdui tion Growth ol lern Social com] I " - s. — Lt of t lit ni' 1 1. in work in 1 don Chun ii ol Engia etc. — M. All mission. — Suggestions. Loopolof, Prascovia. Masson, M. Cali- brated children, pp. 165 iS2 410-72 1 ottin, Mme. S. Elizabeth; or, the ex- iles ,if Siberia. Loraine, Nevison. Sceptic's creed : can it be reasonably held? Is it worth the holding ' Review of the popular aspects of modern unbelief. N.V. [1884.] 16 . 239-55 Lord, David N. Characteristics and laws "I ligurativ c language. X.Y.,1857. 12°. 117-53 Lord, John, /./.. />., Am. historical writer \b, 1810. Ancient states and empires. X. V.. 1869. 8° 910-62 — Life of Emma Willard. X. V.. 1S73. 8°. 953B1 — Modern history from Luther to the fall of Napoleon. I'hila., 1S49. [2° 925-5 — Old Roman world: the grandeur and fail- ure of its civilization, n. t. p. 12°. . 919-63 — Introduction. In Froissart, J. Chron- icles, pp. 3-6 924-4 — Prophet Isaiah. In Boston lectures, 1S71. pp. 196-226 239 - 1 , John Keast. Naturalist in Vancouv- er island and British Columbia. 2 v. I.., 1S66. 8° 471 1-6 I ord Bantam. Jenkins, Edward. Lord chancellors of Ireland, ri.86-1.874. Burke, O. J 4' 1,1-2 Lord chancellors and keepers of the Great Seal of England. 7 v. Campbell, John. 411-25 Lord Erlistoun, Craik, Mrs. I). M. (Mu- lock.) Lord Kilgobbin. Lever, (has. Lorii Mayor of London. Ainsworth,W. II. Lord of himself. Underwood, F. II. Lord of the isles: poem. See Scott, Sir W. Lord Roldan. Cunningham, Allan. Lord Strahan. Wildrick, Mrs. — . Lord's day rescued. Sessions, A. J. . . . 2593-7 LoRD'S prayer. Maurice. F. D. I "id's prayer: sermons 2273 '' ,er, eontiniti d, Stanley, A. P. Christian in I'P- 5'S 124 257 7 I nil wpper. < imphell, .1. M'L. ' the bread of life 261 Ellis, J. Win. Her, M. F. < >ne offering orth, R. Intel!' 1 of the universe, pp. 217 286 162-3 1 m 1 m, R. W. Misci I ! ' 1 tor and his f" iend . pp. 1 -'"I 7 1 Seabury, s . 1 ' ■ nley, A. P. Christian in pp. 34-143 257 7 See also Sacraments. Not.-. - Most works on Christian doctrinct >n the Lord's supper. They may be found in the catalogue under the sub- ject theology, and the names of the various Christian denominations. Sec also Hook of common prayer. I 'i 1 n/o lienoni. Kuftini, Giovanni I). 'j. Jarves, |. J. Italian rambles. I'I ■ l«3- '31- • 445-52 L01 ii( udies of the town, by an opera goer. Mitchell, 1 >. < ■ 639E3 LORIMER, R.- . Geo. C, Am. Baptist writ r, /'. 1837. Isms old and new. Chicago, [88l. 12° 204-55 Contents. — Agni ism. — Materialism. — Naturalism —Pessimism — Buddhism. — Unitarianism. — Spiritualism. — — Liberalism. — Formalism, — Dcnom- inationalism. — Mammonism. — Pauperism.— Al- truism. — Jesus the world's Savior, who He is, why lie came, and what lie did. Chicago, 1883. 12° 232-6 1 ill faith and the new. In (.rout, II. M., ed. Gospel invitation, pp. 21-58. . . 252-43 LORIMER, Jas. Institutes of the law of na- tions: treatise of the jural relations of separate political communities. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1883-84. 8° 541-5 LORIMER, John G. Historical sketch of the Protestant church of France: with par- allel notices of the church of Scotland. I'hila., 1842. 12° - Lorimer Littlegood. Smedley, I 1 LORINC, A. E. Hand-book of the electro- magnetic telegraph. N. Y., 1878. 10°. 538-5S Loring, Edward Greely, judge. 1'hillips. Wendell. Speeches, lectures and let- ters, pp. 154-212. Argument on the removal of Judge Loring ni; ; Loring, Fred W. Two college friends. B., [871. 16 . — joint author. Stowe, II. (B.) asid others. si\ of one. by half a dozen of the other. m., Geo. B. Farmyard club of Jot'.i- am : an account of the families and farms of that famous town. B.,1876. S°. 630-47 LORING. — 7SS LO'lt>S. Loring, Geo. B., continued. — Agriculture and the horse. In Murray, W. Ii. II. Perfect horse 6361-68 Loring, Laurie, pseud. See Pratt, Laura Maria. LORING, Win. W., Confederate general, b. 1815. Confederate soldier in Egypt. X. V., 18S4. S° 462-62 Contents. — 1. Egypt. 2. Military experiences in Abyssinia. Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach, B. Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. D. LoRNE, Marquis of . See Campbell, J. D. S. Lorrain, Alfred M. Helm, the sword and the cross: a life narrative. Cinn., 1S62. 12 : 586B1 Lorraine, Claude. See Claude Gelee. Lorrilard, Jacob. Hunt, F., ed. Livesof American merchants, pp. 391-400. . 41238-4 Los Angeles, California. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. (S.), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) Gold- en west : a*, seen by the Ridgway club, pp. 261-294 478-83 — See also California. LoSERTH, Johann. Wiclif and Hus: tr. by Rev. M. J. Evans. L., 1884. S°. . . 4H3~5 LOSING to win. Davies, Theodore. LOSSING, Benson John, Am. historian, b. 1813. Biographical sketches of the signers of the declaration of independ- ence. Cinn., 1854. 12° 4121-53 — Common-school history of the United States, from the earliest period to the present time. N. Y., 1864. 12 . . . . 973-59 — History of England, n. t. p. 12 . . . 9301-54 — Life and times of Philip Schuyler. 2 v. N. Y., i860. 12° 812B8 — Mary and Martha, the mother and the wife of Geo. Washington. N. V., 1886. 12° 925l!S — Mount Vernon and its associations; de- scriptive, historical and pictorial, (inn., 1883. 8° 924B9 — -Outline history of the fine arts. N. ^ .. 1845. 16 . Same, 1876 709-5 Contents. — i- Architecture. — 2. Sculpture. — 3. Painting.— 4. Engraving.— 5. Miscellany. — Pictorial field-book of the revolution; or, illustrations by pen and pencil of the history, biography, scenery, relics and traditions of the war for independence, 2 v. N. Y.. 1850-52. 8° 975-5 — Pictorial history of the civil war in the I nited States "f America. 3 v. Hart- ford, 1868. 4 97SI-5 Pictorial history "f the United States. V Y.. 187I. 12° 973-58 Story 'if the United Stales Navy. N. Y.. 1881. 12 9732-5 LOSSING, B. J., continued. — Two spies: Nathan Hale and John An- dre. Anna Seward's monody on Major Andre N. V., 1886. 8° 4151-55 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 686-691. . 4181-3 I. ns [among the white Africans. Ker, D. 533A4 LOST and won. Craik, G. M. Losi arts. Nichols, J. R. Fireside sci- ence, pp. 61-72 502-65 Losi cause: anew southern history of the war of the Confederates. Pollard, E. A. 9S1-7 Lost cause regained. Pollard, E. A. . . . 9S4-7 Lost dispatch. Friedrich, F. Lost found, and the wanderer welcomed : sermons. Taylor, Rev. Wm. M. ... 2272-6 Lost Greenland. Hawks, F. L 9998-4 LOST in a great city. Douglas, Amanda M. Lost in Pompeii. Clark, H. II 229A3 Lost in the jungle. Dtt Chaillu, Paul. . . 4671-33 Lost life. Moore, E. H. Lost love. Ogle, Annie, (A. Owen, pseud.) Lost manuscript. Freytag, Gustav. Losi model. Hooper, Henry. Lost name. Dahlgren, Madeleine V. Losi name. Le Fanu, J. S. Lost piece of silver, n. t. p. 16 538A5 Lost Sir Massingherd. Payn, Jas. Lost tales of Miletus. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L 594C5 I. "si trail. Ellis, Edward S . 314A37 Lot. Trench, R. C. Sermons, pp. 25S- 266. Lot's choice 252-95 Lothair. Disraeli, Benj. LOTHROP, Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.), Am. writer. Dilly and the captain. B., 18S7. 12 . S25A1 — Five little peppers and how they grew. B., 1880. 12 825A13 — Golden West as seen by the Ridgway club. B., n. d. 8° 478-S3 — Half year at Bronckton. B., 1SS1. 12 . S25A14 — How Tom and Dorothy made and kept a I'hristian home. B., 1888. 12°. . . . S25A145 — New departure fbr girls. B., 1SS6. 12°. 825A15 — Pettibone name: a New England story. P.., 1S82. 12° S25A18 — St. George and the dragon : a story of boy life, [and] Kensington junior. B., 1888. 12° 825A19 — So as by lire. B., 1881. 12° S25A2 - Who told it to me. B., 1SS3. 8°. . . . 825A24 Carlisle school for Indian pupils. /;; How to learn and earn. pp. 373-416. 3719-4 LOTHROP, Samuel K. Fife of Samuel Kirk- land. Tn Sparks, J., ed. American bi- ography, v. 25. pp. 141-368 412-86 1." 1 "s club. Fairfield, F. G. Clubs of New \ ork. pp. 215-238 3°7-4 loll \ 1 .1 ll I LOTTA Si liniiill. I i ollope, \ntlo in Lotteries. B ks, II. M. tie of the old lottery Proctor, R. A. ' lhance and lui k . pp. 126 nil 519—7 Lottie ] larling, feaffre ion, I . < '. Lottie Lane; or, by theii fruits ye shall knuu them. Berry, .1//.. M. E. . . . i.|S\sj 1 .11 rus and jew el. Ai nold, Edwin 1 • LoTUS-eating. Curtis, <•. W 47; 25 LotJje, KuiIi>I|iIi Hermann, German philo finer, I'. 1817-1/. 1881. Logic in three books, n! thought, of investigation, and of knowledge. Eng. translation: ed. by I'.. Bosanquet. Oxford, 1884. 8°. . 189-5S — Metaphysics in three books, ontology, cosmology and psychology: ed. by B. Bosanquet. Oxford, 1884. 8°. Same. 2 v. 1887. 12 '45-55 — Microcosmus : essay concerning man ami his relation to the world : tr. by E. Hamilton and E. 1 . C. June-. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1SS5. 8° 163-6 Outlines of aesthetics: tr. and ed. by '•■ T. Ladd. I'... 1S86. 12 701-6 — Outlines of psychology. B., 1886. 12 . 180-57 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures, pp. 169-190. l.ot/c on the union of the body and soul 57^1 ; Hall, (I. S. Aspects ol German culture, pp. 94-100 451 l-'.t — Rihoi. T. German psychology of today. PP- 68-95 180-75 l"i v.i, A. History of Greek and Roman classical literature. N. V., 1873. 12°. 870-5 Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the mission to Russia in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, from the journal and notes ol J. F. Loubat: ed. by John D. Cham- plin. N. V., 1873. 8° H7-5° Lot don, Gideon Ernest von,iaron, Austrian field-marshal, /'. 1716-rf. 1790. Malle- son, t ;. li. Loudon 58662 — Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp.264 291- ■ 410-53 Loudon, J. C. Horticulturist, n. t. p. 8°. 630-49 1 \. Mrs. Jane (Webb), Eng. writer, b. iSoS-i I hron- icles of thi ^00. . . 27\ . i o l iana, coniinui >/. i on j 1 1 ution of the several si 11 iP 157 I >ix, J, A. Speeches, v. 2. pp, (10 451. Rebellion in Louisiana ... 815-3 Olmsted, ) 1 [ourney in I hi 1 aboard slave states, pp. 578 715 475-71 1 able, ' •• W, r."ii.i\ enture : prose toral "i Ai .i'ii. in 1 "in liana. I 1 11 i-,i w \. Bui nett, Fram e (H.) 1 . < ■ 1 m.i n. Him h essayists, v. 30 31. . . iS|l 1 Lounged in society, pseud. Glassoffasl 1 hand-book "f ocial 1 tiquette ami hi >mi culture fur ladies an. I gentlemen, I.., 1881. 16° 395-54 Lounsbi rv, Thos. R. History of tin- Eng- lish language. V V., 1879. 16°. . . 110-57 — Jas. Fenimore Cooper, B., 1883. 16 . [American men of letters series.] . . . 246B4 Lourdes, Wonders of. Sfigur, I.. (.. de. . 2317-65 I ERBOURG, Philip Jas. 79 i'M ! B, i'i . I Little ' ■ ' , drama, 2. pp. 169 226. . nd inti igue. s, hiller, 1 . Wi 1 nd law : drai 1 1 th, Mm ia. ! 1 nd liberty. I and life. Yonge, Charlotte M. 1 1 nil lightning. N01 man, 1 1 . //.' in. in, II.. ed. haft. pp. 1 ' 223. Love and lucl Roosevelt, R. B. 1 1 ml mirage; or, waiting on an island: an out-il ' N. Y., 1884. 16 ! ' ni'i ney. Howitt, Mary 492A21 Love an In VVinthrop, T. Life in the open aii and other papers, pp. 123-215 1 1 "•] theology. V\ I elia I'arker. 1 ,1 r\ 1 and valor. I lood, Tom. Love in idleness. Kirk. Mr I lien ' Uney). 1 1 is enough; or, the freeing of I'hara- mond : a morality. Morris, Wm. ... LoVE-chase. Knowles, J. S. Dramatic work-. v. 2. pp. 1-51 LOVE-Iife of Dr. Kane: containing the pondence and history of the acquaint- ance, engagement and secret marriage between Elisha K. Kane and Margaret Fox. V \ .. 1S66. 12 522B2 1 'i\ E-life of Brig. Gen. Henry M. Naglee. . 662B1 1'ivi match. Cockton, Henry. I" 1 me little, love me long. Reade, Chas. 1 ' - 1 of country; or, Sobieski and Hedwig. Trauermantel, pseud 41042-S LOVI of home and other poem-. Thomson, C. W 72° ( -'7 I 1 oi King David and fair Bethsabe ; with the tragedj oi \ bsalom. Peele, < In British dramatists, pp. 59-75. • • 8223-2 Li. 1 ; or, a name. Hawthorne, Julian. Love poems of Louis Barnaval. DeKay, 137C2 LOVI token for children. Sedgwick. C. M. 817A15 l..i\ ED at last. lemon, Mark. I OVEDALE. [Mission villages in S. Africa.] Japp, A. H. Master missionaries, pp. 273. Dr. Jas. Stewart and l.ove- dale 4149-5 OY, I!. G. Francis Bacon, (Lord Ver- ulum) : a critical review of his life and character: with selections from his writ- ing-. B.. 1883. 12' 131B38 I 1 i.ih P. Tanner. II. tyrdom of '• - Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lectures and letters, pp. 1 -10 M; " Wilson, II. Rise and fall of the slave power in America, v. 1. pp- 374 389- LOVEJOY. — 792 — LOWELL. Lovejoy, Owen. Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Skirmishes and sketches, pp. 53-60. A landmark re- moved 455E3 Lovel the widower. Thackeray, W. M. Lovelace, Richard. ling, poet, />. i6\S-d. 1658. Lucasta: poems now first edited, and the text carefully revised; with some account of the author and a few- notes by W. C. Hazlitt. L., 1S64. 12° 588C9 — Langfor.l, J. A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 1S9-213 418-5 Lovell, J. E. New school dialogues. 11. t- p- 12° SOI5-5 Lovell, M. S. Edible mollusks of c;reat Britain and Ireland with recipes for cooking them. 1,., 1S67. 12° 594-5 Lovell, Mansfield. Pollard, E. A. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 621-626 41225-5 LOVELY Wang. Wingfold, Lewis. Lover, Samuel, Irish writer, 6. 1797-1/. 1S6S. Handy Andy. N. V. 12°. — Legends and stories of Ireland. L., 1875. 16°. — Metrical tales and other poems. I.., i860. 8° 588C7 — Poetical works. N. Y., 1884. 12°. . . 588C5 — Rory O'More. L. 12°. — Bernard, B. Life of Samuel Lover. . . 588B1 Lover's creed. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. Lovers four and maidens five. Chambers, J- Love's labour lost. See Shakspeare, YVm. Love's meinie : lecture on Greek and Eng- lish birds. Ruskin, J 598-7 Love's metamorphosis. Lyly, John. Dra- matic works, v. 2. pp. 213-259. . . 570C2 Loves of the angels. Moore, T. Poetical works, v. 6. pp. 337-410 645C2 LOVJ of the poets. Jameson, Mrs. Anna (M.) 418-48 Love's victory. Farjeon, Benj. I.. LoviBOND, Edward. Essays. In British essayists, v. 23 184E] Loving sister. Hays, Mrs. W. J 460A1 Low, Chas. Rathbone. Afghan war, [838 42: from the journal and correspond- ence of the laic Major-Gen. Augustus Vbbott. I.., 1S79. .v j 101B5 — Great battles of the British army; with continuation to the present time, includ- ing the Soudan campaign. l..,n. d. 8 ° 9308-4 Gri .: battles of the Bi itish navy. 1 .. 12° 93081-6 — Maritime d 1 history ol naul it .d tii ' '1 om the earliest times. 2 v. I.., 1S81. 8° 1 Low, David. On landed property and the economy of estates : comprehending the relation of landlord and tenant, and the principles and forms of leases, farm buildings, enclosures, drains, embank- ments, roads and other rural works, min- erals and woods. L., 1856. 8°. . . . Low, Sampson, jr. Sanitary suggestions; or, the householder's vade-mecum. 1.., 1885. 12°. . I "\\ her, Chas. Fuge, Eng. clergyman, />. \S20-d. 1880. Chas. Lowder: a biog- raphy, by the author of life of St. Teresa. N. Y., 1SS3. 12° I. "UK, Chas. Prince Bismarck: an histor- ical biography. 2 v. N. Y., 1886. 8°. Contents. — v. 1. From Waterloo to Versailles. \ j The German empire. LOWE, Sir Hudson. British general, b. 1770- d. 1S44. Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena: ed. by Wm. Forsyth. 2 v. N. V., 1853-55- 12° LOWELL, Mrs. AanzC, ed. Posies for child- ren : a book of verse. B., 1871. 16°. — Seed-grain for thought and discussion : a compilation. 2 v. B., 1856. 12°. . . LOWELL, Edward J. The Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Brit- ain in the Revolutionary war. N. Y., 1884. 12° Lowell, Jas. Russell, Am. author, 6. 1819. Among my books. 2 v. B., 1S76. 12°. Contents. — v. 1. Dryden. — Witchcraft. — Shakspeare once more. — New England two cen- turies ago. — Lessing. — Rousseau and the senti- mentalists. v. 2. Dante. — Spenser. — Wordsworth. — Mil- ton. — Keats — Bigelow papers. 2 v. B. , 1867. 12. . — Democracy and other addresses. B., 1S87. 12° Contents.— Democracy. — Garfield. — Stanley. — Fielding. — Coleridge. — Books and libraries. — Wordsworth. — Don Quixote. — Harvard anni- versary. fireside 1 10 \ els. 16°. B., 1S04. Contents. — Cambridge thirty years ago. — Mooschead journal. — Leaves from my journal in Italy and elsewhere. — Heartsease and rue. B., 1888. 12°. . . — My study windows. B., 1871. 12°. . . »ts. — My garden acquaintance. — Agood word for winter. — On a certain condescension in foreigners. — Great public character.— Car- lyle. — Abraham Lincoln.— Life and letters of Jas Gates Percival.— Thoreau.- Swinburne's tragedies. — Chaucer. — Library of old authors.' — Emerson the lecturer. — Pope. Poems. 2 v. B., 1854. 12° Poetical » oik,, i:., 1871. 10 '. s.iiiu', [886 Three memorial poems. B., 1877. 12°. 6302-5 62S-5 588B5 158B6 666B2 8099-55 208-55. 9759-5 588E1 589C3 588E2 58SE3 5S8E4 589* j 5891 z 589I |.S LOW I i I I I II Bl M i i i , I . K., contim i n i. i ■ i, I other | , » iili i>. in i etch. U., 1886. 16 I ml, -1 lli. H illOW . n. I. p. II. .... 581 \ ision ol Sm I aunfal. B., 1868. 16 \ • . 'l ti ! courtin' , In M.i I . T., ed, 11 ■ pieci it. 1. pp. 1 1 1 [98 .... S17 i'.; Biographical ketch ol Edgat \. Poe. In Poe, E. A. Worl t. pp. 7 <3> ' S|S 7 I Mi- of Keats. /// Keats, I. Poetical works, pp. 7 36 52705 On a certi ndescen m in foreignei In \ erpiei es. v. 2. pp 1 ii 158 S08-7 1 nderw I. F. II. [a Russell Lowell. 588B7 I;. in Iri 1, I '. \Y. Modern agitaton ; or, pen picture ol living American 1 eform- pp. 3°7 3'4 l«z-2 Bolton, S. I\ . I''. mis American au- ilini -. pp. 156-181 n8i 2 Brow n on, 1 (. A, \\ 01 1. ;. v. in. pp. |08 ;>7- Review of Sir Launfal. . 818 .-7 B ;ay, G. W. 1 )ff-hand takings, pp. 194 199 412-25 Griswold, II. T. Hi • life of greal au- thors, i ; :6 273 t |S li Harris, A. B. \i,, fi 1 young folks, pp. 265 280 1181 |8 Haweis II. R. Ami pp. . " 9 1 ' 8 ' 1 Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew, pp. 12-44 !'" !' I [omes of Anu'i it an authors, pp. 349 4181-45 Rideing, W. II. Boyh iod ol living au- thors, pp. 1 i^ i"- 41S 71 — Stedman, E. C. Poel ol Vmerica pp. 304-348, 812-8 Walsh, VV. S., (Win. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures ol modern authors, pp. 135— »t» I IS 95 Whipple, E. P. 1 >ni look on iel j . 1 ature and politics. pp. 31 16 J13. I ow I'll .1 i 1 prose writer 946E63 Wilkinson, W. C. Free lance in tl of life and letters, pp. 50-183. [Review]. 1 1 )\\ 111. John A. [S ; Patrick Tracy Jackson. In Hum. F. 1 ivesol Amer- 4'2.v s I Lowell, Josephine Shaw. Public relief and private charity. V \ ., kSSj. 12 . [Questions of the day.] 361-55 Lowell, A' . Robert Traill Spence, Am. Yiiiaii, l>. 1816. Anthony Brade. [875. 16 587A8 — Story of the new pi iesl in Conception bay. 1 V. \ \ .. [873. 12°. LOWELI pp. I 17 l6l, C. Gn 1 11 1S71. 1 ie, P. A. 1 1 ill H 1' 2' 1 1 1 . 1 11 \i . .' thai. 1 . i ■ New 1 a 1 Ie and ol 1 Lower Brittany and the Bible there. B , J Lowndes, < lecilii I or, left in charge. 1.., n. <1. I Chas. S. Engineer's hand 1 ... 1863. 12 I Lowndes, Wm. Lucius Annaeus Senei Stoical philosophy. In I '-. i.SjS. Discourses 011 va- rious occasions: tr. by I . W. with a biographical sketch. N. \ .. 12° I; .'. W. F. Men of the third re)" pp. 235-245 4105-5 B vet tie. Verne, Jules. Explora- tion of the world, pt. -'. LUARD, Julia. Clare Savilh ago. I... 16 . Lubbock, Sir John, Eng. banker ano [834 a record of observation on the liabi the hymenoptera. N. Y., t vs - 12 [International scientific series.] .... 5959-5 — Fifty years of science: being the ad delivered at York to the British Assi ation, Aug., 1881. 1 .. m - . 500-5 i.uunocK. — 794 LUCY. iCK, Sir ].. continued. — Flowers, fruits and leaves. L., 1S86. 12°. [Nature series.] 5S2-5 — Origin of civilization and the primitive condition of man ; the mental and social condition of savages. N. V., 1S71. 12°. 57'~59 — Pleasures of life. N. Y., 1887. 12°.. . 600E1 Contents- — Duty of happiness.— Happiness of duty. — Song of books. — Choice of books. — Bless- ing of friends. — Value of time. — Pleasures of travel.— Pleasures of home. — Science. — Educa- tion. — Pre-hisloric times, as illustrated by an- cient remains and the manners and cus- toms of modern savages. N. V.. IS; — 8 C 571-6 '■ Lubbock, in his ' Prehistoric times,' and in his ' Origin of civilization/ aims to show that civilization has arisen from original barbarism, and that barbarism is not the result of degener- ation." — C. K. Adams. — Representation. I-., 1SS5. 12°. [Eng- lish citizen series.] 3-41- 5 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 9. pp. 41S-434. Review of Origin of civili- zation S1S-27 — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. PP- 7I-76. 4" i-5 LuBKE. See Luebke. I 1 BY, Thos. C. Speech; with biog. notice. In Speeches from the dock 4113-85 Lucan, [ Mai 1 us Annans Lucanus), Roman epic poet, b. 3.S-. about 120. Collins, W. L. Lucian. [Ancient clas ic for Eng- lish readers.] 8887 ; - Froude, J. A. Shorl studie sub- jects, v. 3. pp. 2IO-24O 383E2 i 1 authors, pp. 65 LuciLIus. F ragmei Isol In Evans, I . tr. I lis, etc. pp, 8777 1 II, \V. II. LUCK of Alden farm. Mudge, Rev. Z. A. . 650A5 LUCK of Roaring camp and other sketches. Ilarte, F. Bret. Luck of the Kartells. Payn,Jas. LUCK, or cunning, as the main means of or- ganic mollification. Butler, S 5752-2 LucKNOW, 1S57-5S. Great sieges of his- tory, pp. 657-6S1 9°3-4 — Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Wa- terloo, pp. 154-176 9 3-53 See also India, history. Also lives of Colin Campbell, Havelock, Henry Lawrence, Out- ram, :md others. LUCKOCK, Herbert Mortimer. After death: an examination of the testimony of primitive times respecting the state of the faithful dead, and their relationship to the living. N. Y., 18S0. 12°.. . . 237 5 — Studies in the history of the Book of common prayer. N. V.. 1S82. 12°. . 2603-5 Contents. — Introd. chapter. — Anglican reform. — Puritan innovations. — Elizabethan reaction. -Caroline settlement. — Appendices. — Tables of stone : a course of sermons preached in All Saint's church, Cam- bridge, during the Michaelmas term, 1S67. L., 1868. 1 6° 22312-6 1 1 CKV mishap. Clapp, E. K. 1 1 1 i:v waif. Kenyon, E. E 53- Vs I 1 1 1 1 iia. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. LUCRETII 3 Cams, Titus, Latin pad, />. B. C. 95. On the nature of things, translated into English verse by Chas. Frederick [ohnsou; with introduction and notes. V V., 1S72. 12° S711-5 Buchanan, R. Look around literature. pp. 90-134 804-25 Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 3. pp. 152-100. [Translations.] 295C2 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic- poets. V. 2. pp. 9-35 87OOI-3 - Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in hern Europe, v. 1. pp. 339-367. 445 So Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, international and religious, pp. 257-209. Lucretius or Paul 884E5 \\ !, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 25-27 41'' "7s LUCULL1 . Lucius I.icinitts, Raman general, I), about no B. C. See Plutarch. Lives. Ii',. I Icnry W. Four fann 1: icenes in the House of Commons. /» Parton, J., ,•,/. Princes, authors and statesmen of our lime. pp. 72-92 410 83 LUCY < :rol Oliphant, .1/". M- O. (W.) I 1 1 -, II ,', nd's journal. Sigourney, L. II. lii. Lee; or, all things for Christ. In Fuller, J. G. Browning : a tale of the greal fel iellion 190A22 II < \ 795 Mai i:i. D \ bby Moi Ion. . 287A 18 Luci ro lives. Mel .11.1!.... 1 1 1 1 11 1 wliamentary gen- [620 V. l693. I .111/1.1, I . I' - Bi udieson the 1 olution. pp. 29 GuUot, I ■'. P. 1 ■■ Monl pi 1; H ry of 1 lion, (9 J62 iii. and Mai tulaj 1 Ludlow, Fii Hu h I , 1 1870. 1 1.1 hee h eatei ! pa from the life of a pythagorean. N. \ ., 1857. 12 1988 55 — Heart of tl contim aero the pla tis ind 1 Or on an ■ mil lion of the Moi mon prin ciple. \. Y., 1870. 8° 178 58 I ittle brother, and other genre pii lures. r... 1867. 12 . Cottitnii < i 1 'i-ti ih Li 1 1 li Br i - 1 1 ■ ! 1 B 1 Selections. In \l ison, I I .. . d. 1 1 ti- morous master] ieci •. pp.226 279. 817 63 Li di.i >w . Ja 5. M. ' lapt f the J .1 stoi y iif the time ■ of Si ■ and fall of Constantinople. N.Y., 1886. 1 - Ludlow, John Malcolm. British India: its races and its histor) with referenci to the mutinies of 1857. 2 v. in 1. Cambridge, 1858. 16 1543—5 Popular epics of the middle a ;i 1 1 ihc N01 - 1 .n man and 1 !ai I" - 2 v. I... [865. 12° 8315-6 — Woman's work in the church: liistorical es and sis 1 ., 1S66. 16 27m 1 Ludwig, John. II i. E. P. Peei i"7 Ludwig, Salval irehduk of Austria. avan invito between Egypt and Syria. I .. 1881. S° '. . 4621-5 LuEBKB, . W Ihelm, 1 rnian auth 1826. Mi tory of si ulpture from the earliest ages to the pie. mi times: tr. by I . E. Bunnett. 2 v. 1 .. 1872. 4 . 730-5 Outlines of the history of art: ed Clarence Cook. 2 v. I... 1NS5, 8°. . 7011-6 Lueckes, Ei ■ . E. I fospital sisters and their dulie*. I'hila.. 1SS6. 12 . ... 1 1 1 ik 1. Cafit. — . Verne, J. Exploration of the world, pt. 3. pp. 206-218. . . 1 1 iin. Battle, [632. Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories. pp. I ;.) 154 9208-13 LUKIN, Jas. Amateur mechanic's workshop. ri.iia., 1874. s° 670-6 — Amo 1 bines : desi riou- mechanical appliances used in the manufacture of wood, metal and other substances. X. V., n. d. 12° 607 1 I I ■ d. 12 tions foi the hoi Wood i-ll y, etc, 1 . 1 v ;S2. 12''. I 1 ning foi amateui "I tl .1 nrl tool -, with mil. heii and ;. u''. . . Voung mechanic; containing II kinds of tools, and for the 1 hanical models, including the ai turning in wood and metal. \. V., 1871. 12 Same, 1N72 Lull, Raymund. Maclear, G. 1. ties of mediaeval Europe. . t .. ;j - Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mi held. pp. 145-162 Lulli, Giovanni Battista. Ferri . I Great Italian and French Co pp. 120-125 ,, 7r , M. Celebrated children. pp. "5 410-72 - - Phips in, T. L. ■ PP- 7-14 1177 7 LULU. Walworth, M. T. -library. Alcott, Louisa M 114 BER and log book. Scribncr, J. M. . I 1 MBERING. Springer, J. S. Forest life and forest trees; with n of lumbering operations on various 1 of Maine, etc 714-S ler stories of science, p] How logs go to mill 602-9 1 y. Trees. I.i mby, Rev. J. Rawson, D. />. Actsof the Apostles, with maps, introduction and notes. Cambridge, 1885. 16 . [Cam- bridge Bible for schools] 2270-6 1 ther. W I, I '. \ Is ,1. 5351-9 nj. Reminiscences of the »• '• P- 8 ° I : N, Lieut. Col., II. V. n ulf : an old English poem translated into modern rhymes. I... 1881. 8°. . . . S293-5 LUNAR science: ancient and modern, liar- ley. T Lewis. I to make them strong Peter and Lunn, Francis. Greek physics. In Encyclopedia metropolitans, pp. 3 3°4 152-4 LUNT. — 79 6 — LUTHERAN. I.i nt, Geo., American writer, />. 1807-1/. 1885. Origin of the late war; traceil from the beginning of the constitution to the revolt of the southern states. N. Y., 1866. 12 9784-5 — ed. Old New England traits. \. Y., 1873- 12° 9S2-5 Li \t, Mrs. Geo. Behind the bars. 11. , 1871. 16 3622-2 Lint, Wm. Parsons. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 194-204. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 245S-7 LUPTON, J. H. St. John of Damascus. L., 18S2. 16 . [Fathers for English read- ers.] 5 1 7 1 ! 1 I 1 1 1 ox, X. T., LL. D. Elementary prin- ciples of scientific agriculture. N. Y., 1S80. 16°. Same, 1884 631-54 Li'shai expedition, 1S71-72. Woodlhorpe, R. G 954D2-9 LusiAD. Camoens, I., de 861-2 Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, Henry. LUTANISTE of St. Jacobi's. Drew. C. Lrnri.I.AH. Autobiography : a Mohame- dan gentlemen and his transactions with his fellow-creatures, ed. by E. B. East- wick. Leipzig, 1857. 16 . Same. L., 1863. 12° 591B4 Luther, Martin, German reformer, d. 1483- d. 1546. Table talk of Martin Luther: ed. by Wm. Hazlitt, to which is added the life of Martin Luther by A. Chal- mers. L., 1857. 12 208-56 — Watchwords for the warfare of life from Dr. Martin Luther : tr. by Mrs. E. R. Charles. -V Y., 1869. 12° 249-5 — Adams, C. Words that shook the world; or, Martin Luther his own biographer. 592B1 — Auilin, J. V. History of the life, writ- ings and doctrines of Luther 592B2 "The extreme Roman Catholic view." — C. A". Ad — Bayne, P. Martin Luther ; his life and works. 2 v 592B35 — Bunsen, C. K. J. Life of Martin Luther. 592B3 Froude, J. A. Luther: a short biogra- phy 592B4 — Kostlin, J. Life of Luther 592B5 Mayhew, II. Boy! I of Mai tin Luther. 592B55 — Mead, I. I'. Martin Luther: a study of the reformation 592B58 Michelet, J., ed. Life of Luther. . . . 592B61 Miller, Mary C. Mr. Arnold's stories. . 2706-6 Montgomery, R. Luther: or, Rome and [Poem.] 644C8 .11, W. Lifi "i Martin Luther. . . . 592B7 |. A. Luther and the reforma- tion: the life-spring ol liberties. . 592B76 itter, J., tr. Luther and the Cardinal. 592B8 Li itii k. Martin, continued. - Treadwell, J. II. Martin Luther and Ins work 592B9 — Whately, E. J., ed. Story of Martin Luther 502K02 — Blackie, J. S. Songsof religion and life. pp. 123-131. [Poem.] 160C3 — Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers. pp. 244-276 204-12 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 10. pp. 463-491. Luther and the reformation. S18-27 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 3. pp. 6t-64. Luther's Psalm 206E2 On heroes, pp. 107-142 410-24 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 241-261 204-165 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 172- 209 and 226-240 920-25 — Footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands, pp. 146-185 2706-42 — Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects, v. I. pp. 37-127. Times of Erasmus and Luther 383E2 — Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 251- 283 460E4 — Hedge, F. II. Hours with German classics, pp. 65-S2 830-42 Prose writers of Germany, pp. 9-34. 830-43 — Hewdett, II. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 3°4-3'9 4104-52 — Hosmer, J. K. Short history of German literature, pp. 172-205 830-45 — How itt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 2. pp. S4-103 174-48 — Ireland, W. W. Blot upon the brain. pp. 32-51. Hallucinations of Mo- hammed, Luther and Swedenborg. . . 1 73—5 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp. 56-9S. Leo and Luther 204-53 — Mozley, J. B. Essays, v. I. pp. 321- 438 204-63 — Noble traits of kingly men. pp. 136 155. 689A3 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. I. pp. 17-25 4'o~9 — Smith, L M. Stars of the reformation. pp. 37-65 2706-72 — Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 39-57. . . . 870E2 — Tulloch, J. leaders of the reformation. pp. n-92 4> )3 8 — Wilkinson, W. C. Clas ii German course in English, pp. 24-40 830-95 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. i75-!78 4IO-975 — Sunlight through the mist : a tory. . . S65A3 Note. — See also histories of the reformation, illy Mill.' d' Aubigne's ; histories 1 Germany and of German literature : and lives of Mil. lion .111.1 othei of his 1 otemporaries. I.i nil KAN theology. Merle d' Aubignc, J. II. 1 iiv, mil e hi. I 1 ays. pp. 200- •II 252-653 I 111 RE] I 797 ■ HES. Luttrell of Am. in. I .ever, I h I.I X, Adam. San II., ,/. Mr n . of the s. in, i. us. v. 2. pp. 71 76. ... 03B6 1 1 . , I 1 '• 1 ..111 .111.1 ita fum in. us. N. Y., 1882. 1-' . I Inii 1 11. 11. ii 1 ientific ■ ■ 1 1 1 I . [70-6 LYALL, < I11 . I . 1 ■ 111- I 11 11I \i il.i.m 1 -II I.1111- ii . with introdui 1 and note . I ... 1885. 8° 8927 5 I.vai 1 . Edna, (pseud, oj \ Ellen 13 ly.) \ utobiog raphj ol a ilandei . N.N. i6°. 1 1 1 an in ii 1 nglishman. N.N. 12°. In the golden daj 5. V V. 12 . Knighl errant. NT. Y. 1 1 We two. V Y. 1 Won b) « aiting. \. \ . 12 . Lycia. Fellows, C. ["ravels and researches in A,ia Minor 457 —3 5 Lycoming Creek, Pa. Up De Graff, T. S. Bodi , 1 imping on the Lycoming. 795-86 Lyi ophron. Elton, C. A. S] ■ n of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 2(19 272. S7001-3 I \ 1 1 in .1 5. S . Histories ol Gn pe- cially • irole. Plutarch 91 1 I VDGATE, John, Eng. poet, b. about 1375 -y geologi monuments. N. Y., 1866. S° 550-59 — Geological evidences of the antiquity of man; with an outline of glacial and post- tertiary geology and remarks on the or- igin of species with special reference to man's first appearance on the earth. I ... *73- s 573-51 — Geological evidences of the antiquity of man ; with remarks on the theories of the origin of species by variation. PMla., [863; 8" 573-5 1'l'ilH iples ol juniIi ;; \ : .11.11 of the earth ami its inhabitants consid- ered as illustrative ol N. Y.. [854. cS". Same. 2\. 1872 550-58 Second visit to the United State ; N America. X. V., 1S50. 12°. Same. 2 v. 186S-55 473-59 continued. 1 1 1 N. V Life, 1 1. d journal II: ed. by hi ell. 2 v. I.., . ... Dral e, S A PP. 417 45- Stanley, A. P. PP. 23° -45 fas. C, I full and ■ men t ; with descriptioi iwn variety, ami 1 formation of inten I ... 1881. H° Lyford, C. P. The Morm appeal to the American people ; with an appendix containing foui 01 iginal .if Mormon lifi . anil a graphic and thrilling account of the Mountain Meadow ma >ai re. N . Y.. I8S6. 12° Lying. Prime, S. I. I nder the trees, pp. 261-268. On lying and lending. . . . •>■ I .illy, John, Eng. dramatist, b. 1554- J. 1606. Dramatic works; with 1 and some account of his life and wril by I-'. YY. Fairholt. 2 v. I.., 1 12° Contrnts. — v. i. Endimion. Sapho and Phao.— Gallathea N Mydas. — Mother Kombie. — Woman in the moonc. — Love's metamorphosis. — Notes. ' tmpaspe. In British dramatists, pp. 42-57 Symonds, J. A. Shakspeare's predeces- sors in the English drama, pp. 499-533. w ird, I. H., ed. English poets, v. 1. PP. 394-397 .. S. P. Public and private I Daniel Webster, including most of his great speeches, letters from Marshfield, 2 v. in 1. Phila., n. d. 12 . . Lynch, Thos. Dwight, X. Lives of the signers of the declaration of Independ- ence, pp. 347-35 2 ,mg. B. J. Biographical the signers, pp. 219-222 Lynch, W. F.. Am. offiter, b. 1S05-.!. Narrative of the United states expedi- tion to the river Jordan and the I Sea. Phila., 1S50. 12 . Same, 1852. I tylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern ti v. 2. pp. 795-805. Lynch's explora- tion of the Dead Sea Lynch-Uw. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, pp. 167-179 Lynches of Galway. Walfoi . 1. Tales of our great families, v. 1. pp. 29-36. 745] -' 8092-9 4586-5 436-S 439-2S 411-99 LYND. - 7< Mi \I)AM. Lynd, Jas. Class-book of etymology. Phila., 1S76. 12° 112-5 Lyndhurst, Lord, See Copley, John Sin- gleton. Lyne, Augustus A. Midshipman's trip to Jerusalem and cruise in Syria; or, ad- ventures of a cavalcade of British naval officersin the Holy land. L., 1871. 12 . 458-59 LYON, Mary. Hitchcock, E., ed. Power of Christian benevolence illustrated in the life and labors of Mary Lyon 594H4 — Thayer, W. M. Good girl and true wo- man; or, elements of success drawn from the life of Mary Lyon and other similar characters 594B41 Bolton, S. Ix. Lives ol girls who became famous, pp. 122-140 413-2 — Foster, Mrs. I. IL, (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women. PP- 53-56 413-52 LYON, Nathaniel, Am. general, i. 1S19 ./. 1861. Woodward, A. Life of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Hartford, 1862. 12°. 594B44 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 391-395 41231-4 Lyons. Joseph A., ed. American elocution- ist and dramatic reader: for the use of colleges, academies and schools; with an introduction on elocution and vocal culture, by Rev. M. B. brown. Phila., tS;2. 12° 801-5S LYONS, France. Great sieges of history. I P- 269-277 903-4 Sala, G. A. Trip to Barbar) 1>_\ .1 round- about route, pp. 54-70 465-8 — See also France. Lyra Anglicana : hymns and sacred songs: ed. b) Robert II. Baynes 2451-2 Lyra bicyclica: forty poets on the wheel. Dalton, J. G 272C4 Lyra elegantarium. Locker, F., ed. . . . S096-5 Lyra innocentium. Vonge, C. M. Musings over the Christian Year, and Lyra inno- centium 26034-9 Lyrics. Nicholson, Mis. E. J. (Poitevent). (Pearl Rivers, pseud.) 6861 : Lyrics, idylls and romances. Brow Robert 188C25 Lyrics of loyalty. Moore, Frank, ed. . . . 80913-6 Lysander. See Plutarch. LYSIAS, Athenian orator, b. B. C. 45S - J. 378. Jebb, R. C. Attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. v. I. pp. 142-316. 885-5 ,;/. Selections from the Attic orators. Antiphon, Andokides, Lysias, Isokra- tes, Isaeos. pp. 36-73 885-51 — Plutarch. Morals, v. 5. pp. 24-26. . 888S-4 Lysistrata. Aristophanes. Comedies, v. 2. pp. 389-448 8824-4 Lyte, H. C. Maxwell. History of the uni- versity of Oxford: from the earliest times to the year 1530. I.., 1SS6. 8°. 37842-6 Lyte, Rev. II. F. Memoir of IL Vaughan. hi Vaughan, II. Poetical works, pp. 1-30 913C5 \s\ iii'., Win. Haines, Am. general, b. 1N20- J. 1S63. Reid, \V. Ohio in the war. pp. SS0-883 9796-7 — Brannan, W. P. Vaga 1 Vandyke Brown, pp. 134. Poem on W. H. 1 -y tie. 180C5 LYTTLETON, Geo., 1st baron, b. iyog-d. 1773. Johnson, S. English poets, v. 2. pp. 589-598 4> s -i 5 — Lawrence. E. Livesof the British histor- ians, v. 1. pp. 366-384 41S2-54 Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton. M \l., G. S. Joined 1 1 idol. NT. Y., 11. d. . 518A8 \L, \1. C. Ma) Lane: a story of the six- teenth century. Bound with Holt, Em- ily S. Well in the di M 01 V Melville, J. G. \\ hyte Mabei Berrington's faith and other stories. I' 11 l/i M. B. \l \i.i 1 I ,ee. I isher, Fram 1 C, (Chi istian Reid, /•send.) Mam 1 Mai tin. \\ rattier, J. G 948) '7 >! bei nhope. ' I'Meara, K. ( -i M m.i l Walt ei iment. Mai hev . I II 618A98 I ad) and the prii V V.. 1851. 8°. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. B., 1882. "2° 295-58 An of 1 eading. In Abbott, I .. , d. Hints for home reading. pp. 57-61 S05-I2 M IBINOGION. I anicr, S. Bo) ' M.ibino- gi m : being the earliesl Welsh tali 1 I King Arthur in the famous red book of Ilergest 3831 58 Bulfini h. T. \ge ol 1 hivalry 3831-2 Mi \ 1 ■ \m, 1 .i.ih.iiii. An alphabet in final 1 1 1 limple statemenl ol 1 am m princi- ples and theii application to que ition ol the day ; w tth an introdui tion by R. R. Bowker. N. Y"., 1876. 12° 332 o M. VFFERTY. M \* \l I \Y. McAkferty, ( 'apt. [ohn, Spi ei h ; h it!i e. /// >|m i i 1 1 i , - \r \\ i . i , H. Whit, field r Mr. M ' Ml' i ii to tin worl n "I Pari .iii.i Lyons I . ...mi ■>. I . Moderi reli tou problem -. pp. [63 1 l'i. rsoiij \ l . Evangeli tii work. pp. ^77 - >s 7 McAndrew, Wrs. B I lei I kiel and othei poem I ., 1876. 16 . Mi \ ially, D. R., jr. 1 1 ish wondei ;, ghosts, . I ■ - 1 l 1 di 101 [1 ; ■■ banshei old maids, and oth ; B 1 8° 1 ) 1 1 [1 1 1< h 1 1 . tloi ■■..in. J. A., ed. . . 80 M \i \i im k. Arthur. Education in its re- l.it to niami. il industry. \. \ ., 1 1 • M i\ w i!ii r, Margaret. History of Scot- land : ed. b) I - V I' reeman. V \ .. 1874. io°. . . , ( 940-5 w u \ 1 1 v 1 . , Thos. I -. 1 1 m 1 1 ■ ton, " ■'■■. \tr ami historian* />. [800 d. 1 Biographical essaj -. Leipzig, 1857. i" '. . . . 603E15 1 ■ 1 Gold : ■ 1 . 1 1 Cril teal, historical, and mi ellain } \ . N r . Y., 1879. 603E3 1 1 f .1 Roman 1 On the Royal I I 1 1 ■ ■ enes " Vth" nian re> Cri prin- ■ 1 me a ] reat law suit Im ■: ■ irishes of St. Denis and 5l * Jeorge in the water —Conversation between Mi Vbraham Cowley and Mr. John Milton ton hing thi ivil v 1 On 1 \ ticnian orators Prophetic account of a great National 1 pit poem to b< entitled the \\ d and to be published in .■ ■ t ' >n M itford's I l : t ' I : Milton, Machiavelli [ohn ! iry- den.— History. -Hallai : his- tory. — .Mill r re- viewer's di I Utilitarian theory of uthey's Colloquies on society. Rob< rl Montgomery's Poems.— Sadler's Law ilal lition of the Pil- l ler's Refutation refuted. Civil disa Hides f thi I 1 I i f c of Lord Byi n Ci >ker's edition of Boswell's Life t I n. — Lord Nugent* s Memorials of Hampden Rei 1 fare's Memoirs of igh.— Etienne Dumont's Memoirs ol Mirabel. Lord Mahon's History of the war of the succession in Spa v. 3. I tor. ice V Pitt, earl of Chatham, 1 1 i Win, Temple, 1 Gladstone on Chun -Lord Clive, Von Ranke. — l Hum. Lord Holland, Warren Hasting i deric the great— Madame D'Arblay.— I [ministration \ 1 ife and writings of Addisoi — Earl of Chatham, — Francis Attcrbury.— John him \\ , \ I \ Halil 1 1 ■ Win, [ohn 1 It 1 \i hibali Richard 1 ' .i.i ill. Marj I : Bi 1 ,.f Marlboi Will ■ 1 I lace > '"'"- . illiam II I Unpopularity I ■"■ III Popularity of Mary 1 1 1 ■ ■ Dalrymple Lord Melville.- I Mar- ■■f R \1\ i.;h\ I.— Avarice ol M lath and Well l>r Win. Sherl Collier. — Henry Dodwcll. -K willi im. — — Aldrich and ' v.— marthon. — John I thei 1 I .irk. 1 ■ \\ in. Fuller- I inc.— R Whitney.— Anne Bracegirdlc bun. 1 1 —William III .,i Icn.-Wm, Vndei I ( 11.; 1 Harlcy, earl of Oxford and Mortimer. — Paul Foley.— Elizabeth Villers.- heath of Mary II i licy of Marlborough after the death of Mary. Robert Charnock and his a< 1 om] 1 1 r shall, duki 1 don Universil and industrial — Present adminu trati f the University ;cch on retiring from political life.— MUcella ns.— f ancient K — Ci itical and historical ess >uted to the Edinburgh review. 5 v. Leip- 1S50. 24 w>jl"5 leal and miscell N. V ., 1S59 tical and 1 us. V \ .. 8° itical and n I hila., and poems. N. Y\, 1S60. 1 . . . . I 1 the 5 vol. editions arc tantially the same .is thi - editioi lilted from the t vol. ed History of England. 4 v. N. Y.. 12 . Same. - MACAULAY. Soo — Mi c \i:K. MACAULAY, T. B., continued. — Same. 10 v. Leipzig, 1849-61. 16 . . 936-64 — Same. 5 v. Phila., 1879. 12° 936-6 — Same. 5 v. N. V. 12 936-61 — Lays of ancient Rome. n. t. p. 24°. . . 603C5 Contents. — Preface. — Horatius. — Battle of Lake Regillus.— Virginia. — Prophecy of Capys. — Ivry; a song of the Huguenots. — The Armada: a fragment. and other poems : also Lays of the Scot- tish cavaliers, by Wm. E. Aytoun. B., 1882. 24 . [Modern classics.] .... 603E51 — Life of Frederick the great. B., n. d. 1 6° 382B6 — Life of Wm. Pitt; preceded by the life of the earl of Chatham. N. V., i860. 16° 735BI — Poetical works. X. V. 12 603C4 — Speeches. 2 v. Leipzig, 1853. 16 . S25-55 — Warren Hasting.. X. Y., 1SS6. 16 . . 456B4 - Wm. Pitt [and] Atterbury. Leipzig, i860. 1 6° 41 1-7- — Selections from the writings of Lord Macaulay; with notes by G. 0. Trevel- yan. N. Y., 1877. 8° 603E6 i •lunate of Milton's genius and character. In Masson, I). Life of Milton. . . . 634B4 — History. /// Prose masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 1S5-268 808-7 — Life and writings of Addison. In Addi- son, 1. Poetical works, pp. 13-78. . 108C1 — Life of Samuel Johnson. In Johnson, S. English poets 41821-5 Prophetic account of a future epic. In Travesty. [Treasure Irene series.] — Jones, C. II. Lord Macaulay: liis life, his writings 600B3 Mini. n, J. C. Macaulay 600B34 — Trevelyan, ., jr., Am. writer, i. [84O. Great fortunes and how thej were made : or, the iti uggle and 1 1 iumphs of inn ,11 made men. t'inn.. 1S71. 8°. 4123-6- _ Life of Gen I \.. Gai field, n. 1. p. [2° IO4B6 \i( c \r.i M \< MM \\ I. II I \li ' ■■, i i I D., nlint Ouryoungfoll in \ I n I i o I ii ih Central I 1883 ra ri.MH tlerni or, the ] I869 I 2° 594^1 M'( ai 1 , A' . S. Sprague, W. B. Ki celebritii pp. 73-80 1104-85 MacCall, Wm. fori iv. 1 -. 1873. 8 . 1 7 M.i m 1 \. I laniel. Headley, J. I . Chap ! mi ami clergj ol ihi revi >lution. pp. -7" -'7'' * ■ J12I-4S McCam.A, Sarah. Ellet, 1 '.. F. W omi n ol In V mer ican re vol u t io n , pp i 169 1 ! 1 McCai.M w. Ai. hibald I lamilton, A In idgi d historj I.I ind, and 1 m densed cl [ " ■ ■. . fi he time ol 1 1 1 ni Britons to I lie 1 eign ol \ 1 1 ; with a 5) nopsis ol I ngland in 1 tie nil I tur; . ..iii.i,".. 1 , nstilu- tions, etc. N. Y., 1880. 8° 9301-6 M'( ' \i; mi, 1 1. T., /. I : guide i" the Royal and men I.., |M"| I .•' . H2H2-48 MacCarthy, I Ii ■ Irish author, b. , ,/, 1882. original sources ; with incidents, letters I writings. I... it. d. 12° 820B4 McCarthy, Justin, Irish author, b, 1830. < .MMi, , I, : i he girl with a foi tune. I .. 1886. 12°. I Mm 1 ler's statue. \ . t ., 1S79. 24 . I li m I i-U Disdain. V 1 .. 1876. 8°. I .' '. ■. N. Y., [879. 8 . Epoch "I reform, [830 1850. V \\. n. . ' . Kighl In 1 ' n'l tiy, liMin I hi Glad in Ei with preface l>y John Bi lly. I ■• 1 " ■ 1 -• I ! 1 he I fnion : ski Irish 1 1798-1886. 1 1887. 8° M ■ 1 .1; 1 m More. Sadlier, .1/ \l ' , 11,,, Irii kson. B and carryall : or, out-door sights and in- thoughts. 1 inn., 1873 1 . 241-511 1 tes. I inn.. 1876. 1 M'Cai land, 1 nil k. Builders ol B 1.., 1871. 12 : 1 C. F. ' Cultivation In 1 ', , years' prog the ttes. pp. 103-124 609-6 \l \< 1 11111 a, Bl isevelt Tu 1 1 . 1 1 1 it- life ■ 1 I lenrj \\ . I ongfellow : ■ 1 am- bridge and Nahant, during lite yi . ■ V V., 1S82. 12°. . \l m 1 11 ia\ 11 1 i, N:. 1 old, Florentine man, b. 1469-//. 1527. Florentine his- tories: ir. by C. E. Lester. 2 \ . V V., 1845. 12 -, client, luminous and picturesque."— -J. Thomas. Mi 1 ence and of the affai 1 1 earliest times to death of renzo lite magnificent : the prince; and various historical tracts. I... 1 >-' Villari, P. Niccolo Macchiavelli and ni- nnies " 1 lie latest and most satisfactory wurk on the life and publi< 1 this great polit- : philosopher and writer."— C. *" 1 leu lett. 11.(1. Hi ■\; 41 aulay, F. B 1 ays. v. 1. pp. 193 -j° 603E3 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pt. 1. Age of the despots, pp. 37o "4506-7 e Italian authors their works Florence. Italy. M. C] Kl LAN. — 802 M.COOK. Mi < "1 F.I 1 an, Carswell. Personal memoirs and military history of U. S. (Irani, versus the record of the army of the Potomac. I;., ins-. 8° 4., : .P,i McCl.ELl.AN, Geo. Brinton, Am. general, Ik iS26-. Fifty years' observation of men and events, pp. 437-480 5j2pi — Lanman, C. Hap-hazard personalities. IT- 370-379 ■ • • 412 58 — Reid, \\ . Ohio in the war. pp. 275- l°9 9796 7 McClellan, II. B. Life and campaigns of Major Gen. J. E. 1!. Stuart, commander of the cavalry of the army of northern Virginia. P... 1S85. 8° 858B4 Mcl 1 1 1 1 an, Mrs. 11. 11. (Flemming Harford, ■ 1 \ carpetknight. P., 1885. 12 . ■ Cupid and the sphinx. N.Y.,1878. 12 . McClellan, Robert. McBride, J. Pioneer biography, v. 2. pp. 7-98 41271-6 McClelland, M. G. Jean Monteith. N. Y., 1SS7. 16 . Oblivion. X. \ .. 1885. 16 . Princess. X. Y.. 1880. 16°. — Self-made man. Iii Lippincott's m zine, Feb., 1SS7. VIi < 'ii'. \M'. John \l.-\.. Am. ,..■. n ral, t<. 1812. Headley, I. P. Granl and Shi man, etc. pp. 528-537 4122-., 1 1 1 11 1 n. Earl of. .SVi-Parker, 1 '■i' 1 1 1 rocK, Mrs. Eva, . d. Pile in Ala letter- "l Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. ... 26 Mcl lintoi k. Sir Franci I eopold, Arctic .-1//''.., r- 1. 1, Fate of Sir J.. In 1 uklin : voyage "i 1 he " Fo> " in the ch of Fi anklin and mpanions. P.. 1875. 12". ... 1.98-6 In tl.i itive ol the dis- ■ of thi i 11 ol Sir John f ranklin. Phila. 12°, I ".;■] . . 498-6 Mcl lintock, Sir F. L., continued. — Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions B., i860. 8°. [Same.] 498-6 age of the " Fox " in the antic in search of Franklin and his com- panions. L., 1875. I2 °- [Same]. . . 498 6 — Recent Polar voyages, pp. 201-213. ■ ■ 49^-78 M'Clintock, John, D. />., Am. scholar, l>. 1814-1/. 1870. Plan of the centenary of American Methodism of 1866. /;; Stev- ens. A. Centenary of American Meth- odism. . .* 287-7 — Summary of the acts of the council. In Bungener, P. P. F. History of the coun- il of Trent 27061-2 - Fish, IPC. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 2S5-294 2521-4 McCLOSKEY, John, Am. cardinal, l>. 1810. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prom- inent Xew Yorkers, pp.. 2211-234. . . 41247-3 M'Clung, Rev. John Alex. Sketches of west- ern adventure: also additional sketches 1 if ad \ en 111 re. compiled by the publishers, and a biography of John A. M'( lung, by Henry Waller. Louisville, Ky., 1879. 8°. 987-5S Mcl LURE, A. K. The south : its industrial, financial and political condition. Thila. 1886. 12° 984-6 - Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains. Phila., 1869. 16 . . . . 47>N-6 Mi 11 1 i:r, I. P., ed. P.- lis. hi and his inven- tions, including explanations of the tele- phone, phonograph, tasimeter, electric light and all his principal discoveries. Chicago, 1S79. 8° 310B9 Mi t'1.1 RE, Capt. John. Speech ; with in- troductory sketch and biographical no- tice. In Sullivan, T. D., A. M. and 1). P. Speeches from the dock 41 13 85 \|i Cl 1 RE, Mary. Ellet, P. F. Women of the American revolution, pp. 175-197. 4121-35 Mcl 11 ci. Robert. Gentlemen's stal.le -aide. Phila., 1870. 12° 6361-6 Mm Ml . A 1 V. D. \iuinig the in.' ■ is ; hi . work in the Wynds. 1 ., 181.7. 12 . . 2641-5 Mm 1 mi, Re, Malcolm. Arguments fot and againsl II e rule. I .. 1880. 8°. 32041-6 Mci " .1.1 \ . Rebecca. The hen. ,.1 t low- pens, [lien. Daniel Morgan]: a revolu- tionary skett h. V \ ., 1885. 12 . . . 646B9 Mi CONNELL, Annie Bliss, I Pdl married. V him g am e. Phila., 1S87. 12 . M'CONNEL, J. L. TheGlenns: a family his- tory. X. Y., 1851. 12°. Mil s. Ales. McDowell, Am. [831 . Reid, \\ . 1 'hi., in the w ar. pp. 806-S09 '1796-7 Mi. -.. Daniel. Reid, W. ( >hio in the I pp. 904 000 9796-7 \\i COOK. - X0.1 — 'II \l i . Henr) ' liristi iphei , D. />. null i 8 ;;. I lone) I i ..'i 'i f the Ci n .-i the \ mi'i H .in pla mi ;, rinl. i.. 1882. 8° 59 Natural hi torj ol i he agrii nil n il lii i rchi lecture and tructun of | i mex bai batus. Phila., t88o. 8° 59593—' ( ibjei i and outline teaching: aguidi foi S laj i ho il « orkers. St. I ,nuis, i s 7 i . i6° 146-6 I rn. mi ..1 .in old in hi : lea> es Fi om the note t I- 1 'i 1 ii.n in alist. \ . 'i . 1885. 12° '■ 5957 6 \V en friend ol I u ' i 1 "] " ular lectures based upon 1 he lives and 1 ii 11 h ti ' - ol the holj vi 1 gospel history. V \ .. isso. 12° 22179 itttit Mm.. 1 '.. 1 . 1 1 . 11 .1 fore tin birth of I hrisl Wary the m [herol I iu (after the birth ol ■ .uina. — Joanna, thi royal *. trt's wife.— Martha of 1 :. t ii in \ M .1 y of Bethany. Weep daughters of Jerusalem. — Mary ol CI Mary Magdalene. Mary the mother ol Mark. Mil 1 » ik, Roberl I .. ' 1 1 862. Uri'l. \\ . ' Ihio in tin- \\ .11. pp. s 7"i 879 9796 7 Mai < 'a 11 n. 1 has, \\ m. I\ inem il 1 ti eat- isc mi the modifii ation 1 1 motii m as ef- fected by forms and mi idi of 1 onnection . 1 1 1 1 1 moving pai X . v.. 1883. s° 6218-58 \l ' 1 mick, Cyrus Hall, Am. inventor, l>. [809 d. 1884. I irake, S. \.. d. ( >ur great benefactors, pp. .1S0-489. . . . 410 \2 1 [owe, 1 1. Ail ni achievements uf Americans, pp. 155 157 4 1 j 55 Mills, J. I >. An hi money making, pp. !58 [69 658 63 Mi CORMICK, Eliot. I v.i. , island ; with oth ei ■.!"! ies foi bo) s. B., 188 ;. 1 .• . mi,/ others. Wondei storie ol travel. B., 1886. 12 1 McO if Mi'i., II rin \ . Practical work in geography. 1 hicago, 1885. 12°. . . , McCosh, Jas., S metaphysi- cian, b. 1S10. Christianity and positiv- ism: a series ol lectures to the times on natural theology and apologetics. N. Y.. iSyi. 12° ' — Emotions. V Y.. 1880. S° 1S7 6 I \. num. limn of Ml. I . S. Mill's phi] phy. X. V., [871. 8°. .■ 161 6 [ntuitionsof the mind inductively investi- I. L., 1865. S° 111 I aw: "i discursive thoughl : .1 text-book ol formal logic. N. Y., 1870. 12°... 18 - Method of the Divine government, phys- ical and moral. X. • .. 1S56. 8°. . . 2315 j McCo l ntinned. Phila 1. Ci op| ti applied 1 1 j. Devi lopmi "i do. V., 1886. 8°. Psycholo ! II. \. V'., 1887. in a phil- osO| v.i.l N. V., [887. 8°. [A new edition of I'hilo- e 1 with an in- troduction.] ■ - Religion in .• college, « liai plo aid have: being an examination <>f Presidenl Eliol per n the lull I11I1 in New York, Feb., t886. \. \ .. [886. 12 [77-6 — k cli I evolution. X. Y.. - . [Bedell Si u! ! 1 ~ Il :. ry, critical, from Hutcheson to llam- . X. \ ., 1S75. 8° 1621 :•■ I levelopmenl ; and what it cannot do. /// Boston ectures, [880-81. pp. 113 [40. 1 1 T. ( lerman psj lay 1 1'n'i '•: llden, I . Natural speaker 801-12 Scottish philosophy. /// Concord lect- ures on philosophy, iSSj. pp.43 \6. 143 2 — and Dickie, Geo. Typical forms special ends in 1 1 eal ion. V "\ .. tsy .. 8 . Brownson, O. A Works. v. 2. pp. |JN 417. Review of Christianity ami i> ism. S18-27 — Wright, C. Philosophical discu I2Q-341 ieWS.] . 1 1.1. W imen of the ■ lion. v. 2. 1 jl ;, . Thos., /'. /'.. *■ > 7 7 ami suppression of the reformation in Italy in the 16th century : including a sketch of the I he reformation in the Grisons. Phila . [842. 12°. . . of Andrew Melville, containing illus- trations of the ecclesiastical and literary his; itland during the latter part of tire loth and beginning of the 17th century : with an appendix. Ed- inburgh, 1- M'CRIE. 804 — MACDONAI I). M'Crie, Thos., continued. — Civil and ecclesiastical history of the bass. /» Miller, 11. Geology of the bass rock. 5541—6 — Miller, H. Headship of Christ, pp. 93- M3 2 577-6 M'Crinuell, Rachel. English governess. L. 1 6° 597AI — School girl in France. N. Y., [873. 16°. 597A2 McCi [lorn, Benj. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 637-644 41225-5 M m 1 11 LOCH, Hunter. From dawn to dusk, and other poems, l'hila., 1SS7. 16 . . 603C8 Mi luLLOCH, John Ramsay, Scottish economist, b. 1784-rf. 1864. Principles of political economy; with a sketch of the rise and progress of the science, [and] an essay on interest and value of money, by John Locke. L. 12° lio-b McCi 1 loi gh, John,*. 1832-d. 1885. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 235-241 41-47-3 Matthews, J. B. ami Ilutton, 1.., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 4. pp.267-286. 4179 7 — Life and writings of Mr. Ricardo. In Ricardo, D. Works, pp. 15-33. . . . 330-77 Macdermots of Bally cloran. Trollope, A. Mai DONALD, Alex. Hinton, R. J. Eng- lish radical leaders, pp. 142-160. . . 411-5 Macdonald, Etienne Jacques Joseph, duke of Toronto, marshal of France, i. 1765- d. 1840. Giant, J. Cavaliers of for- tune, pp. 308-355 410-53 Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his mar- shals, v. I. pp. 242-275 665B56 Macdonald, Flora, Scottish heroine, />. 1720- d. 1790. Adams, W. H. D. Sunshine of domestic life. pp. 139-169 1 1 ; 13 — Clark, 1). W. True tales for the spare hour. pp. 344-376 903-22 — Ellet. E. L. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 142-149. . . . 4121-35 — Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents. 1111.421-432. . . 411-59 I 1 l . .iii ..in. Mi . K. (B.), i< rrai e Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715-1745. v. 3. pp. 3IO-380. . . . 4II2-8 Watson, 11. C*. Heroic women of history. pp. 187 - 111 413-95 ( '. 1 1. Seven heroines of < hris tendom. pp. [69 102 4'3-99 M 1 sAi.n, Frederika. Nathaniel Vaugh an, priesl and man, 3 v. in 1. N. V., 1874- 12°- i! and Pearl: wanderings and wondei ings of two English children in India. 1 888. 8° 454-475 i ii Geo., Scottish writer, 0. 1824. Mi la I athcart. Ii. 12 . Alei Forbi 1 1 Hov, [len. N.Y.,1870. 8 '. N. X. V., V.. 8°. Ill LMl M \' DONALD, Geo., continued. — Annals of a quiet neighborhood. N. \ .. 1871. 12°. — David Elginbrod. 11. 12 . -Donal Grant. B., 1883. 24 . — Double story. N. Y. 12°. — Dramatic and miscellaneous poems. I. Within and without. II. Hidden life and other poems. X. V. 12 — England's antiphon. 1... n. d. 12 . . . — Guild court: a London story 1S66. 8°. — Hidden life and other poems 1S72. 12" — Home again. N. Y., 18SS. 12°. — Imagination and other essays. II. 12 . Contents.— Imagination, its function and its culture — Sketch of individual development. — St. 1 lenrge's day, 1564. — Art of Shakespeare as revealed by himself. — Elder Hamlet. — On Po- lish. — Growing's Christmas eve. — Essays on some of the forms of literature. — History and heroes of medicine. — Wordsworth's poetry. — Shelley. — Sermons. — True greatness. — Malcolm, l'hila., 1S75. 8°. — Marquis of Lossie: sequel to " Malcolm.'" l'hila., 1870. 8°. — Mary Marston. X. Y., 1881. 12 . — Paul Faber, surgeon, l'hila., 1870. — Phantasies: a faerie romance for and women. B. 12°. Portent : story of the inner vision of the Highlanders, commonly called econd sight. P., 12°. — Princess and Curdie : sequel to "Princess and the goblin." n. t. p. 12 . . . . — Princess and the goblin, n. t. ]>. 16 . . — Ranald Bannerman's boyhood, l'hila.. 1871. 16 . . . •. — Robert Falconer. B. 12 . — St. George and St. Michael. N. Y. 12°. Seaboard parish: sequel to "Annals of a quiet neighborhood." I.., 1869. l6°. - Sir Gibbie. X. Y. 12 . — Stephen Archer and other tales. L. 12 . Contents. Stephen Archer. — The gifts of the Christ-child. — The history of Photogen and \ \ 1 i 11s. — The butcher's bills. — Port in a storm. —If I had .t fai her. Thomas Wingfold, curate. X. Y., 1870. 12°. — Vicar's daughter: an autobiographical study : sequel to " Annul . ol a quiet neighborh 1" and "Seaboard parish." I!.. 1876. 16°. Warlock 0' Glenwarlock: a homely ro- mance. P.. 18.81. 12°. Weighed and wanting. I.. [882. 12 . \\ illon and H ithotlt. V \ . [872. 12°. \\ I1.11 mine 1 • mine. P.. [886. 1.'". \\ ilfred ' umbi 1 mede. X. Y., 1872. 12. 604C1 -45-7 604C3 605 E5 381 629 381 63 508 A 2 ""I 1 1 M \('|M l\ \| D. M \< El Macdonald, Ceo., i ontinm it. v hi S., I . W. J., r>. i i from hell Rogers, < r i : ! ■ ketch and poen ■ ■ : \l \ win. Mi II. II. i IhIiI life in Si. mi. In Si;ini and I ao . pp. 184 [92 \l M DONALD, II ugh. Rogei , C, tish I. pp ISO-353 [13 . I 80 \l \ .Mi', Dr. John 1 I i 1 > I he mi pica! * ■ 1 drinking water. Phila., > 5433- 1 Sound .1 in I colour ; their relation . 1 gie ind hai m . L., 1869. 8°. . . 1 . Vfi Di ■'. mii, I'ih.n li.in S. Vital philo iphy : a survey of subsl 1 1 I in 1 ^position hi ii.iiui il religion. 1'lnl i. ( 1871 1 1 no Mcl li in mm. l/< r. N. A. 1 hapti • fn Siam and Laos Mi I 1. in \i 11, W. Spiritualism identical with am ienl soi 111 ( , New I estament dem ■ il ig] ml model n « itchcraft. N. V\, (866. 16 [75-6 M m 1 11 in mii. Win. I oca I go' mil m , 'in in in Scotland. In Probyn, I - \\ .. ed. Cobden club essays, pp. ;N> p>;. ,;i JI 77 Mi I ionni 1 1 . John. 1 I itei civil wai ol [641, and n 11 ' es : « ii!i a his- tory hi the li ish in i',i le undei Muni 11 in 1 1 [6. U '..1 S79. 8 '. . McDonnell, \Vm H I the heath. N. \ .. [874. 1 • M m i".N' 'I'll. Thos. Frost, J., Pii torial history ol the A.mei ii an navy. 13-304 11 •; ■ ; Mi Doui mi. Niel. Rel itive merits of sim- ple and compound engines .1 applied to ship- of war. I .. 1 S 7 5 . S° 621 1 • j Mi DOWELL, Irwin, Am. general, !>. [8l8. Fry, I. B. Mcl lowell and I \ let in the campai ;n 1 I Hull rim ■ 1 7 N 7 1 j — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp.656 14, Mi Dowell, Mrs. Katherine s.. Bonner, pseud J, Ant. writer, l<. 1851-./. 1883. Dialect tales. N. \ .. 1883 Contents. — Gentlemen On the nine-mile Hieronymus Pop and th Sistei W 1 n | \ niky's teeth. I n 1 - predii ami nt. - In Aunt M in Case of Eliza Bleylock Bran dance at the appli I ame Jerry. — Jack and the mountain pink. I ike unto like. N. \ .. [878. 8°. Suwanee river tales. B., 1884. 12 Contents. — Gran'mammy. — Four sweet girls of 1 ii\ic -Ring ni" tales for young folks. Hieronymus Pop and the baby. In Ma- son, E. T., i 1 '.. . erpieci v- 3- PP- -'" s -'7" v ' i 1 mmi. 1 1 1 , 1 : being lli- 1 Same. N*. V., 1877. . . V.. 1 ii' lima- nf 1 hi V., 1SS2. 8° In' 1 if St. Paul. V V., 1881. 12 Sunset i on the II . N. V., 1 1 McD 1 .. Pi ,11 1 1 pp. 74 79 1 1 -' 7- Mace, 1 1 1 Inder pine and IL, [888. S° Mai 1 . Jean, Ft n, h >> iter, b. [81 5 ■ tit chateau. Paris, n. '!. 8°. . . tales : tr. bj < aniline ( ienn. I... 1887. 12 ; Hi tor) of a mouthful of bread, and it- ' 'in nizalion uf men and animals: tr. by Mrs. Alfn \. V., 1872 1 -■ . .... Sei vants ol the sti mat h N . V., 1 12° iONI \n empire. 1 ;i teis, \. M. Rise of the Maci His- al and ancient. . John I. I'" trine of the church: an historical mon . with a full bibliography of the subject. Phila., 1871. 8 230-4 McElligott, I .. V Amei ican de V \ .. 1N55. 12 S001-6 Introduction. In Hailman, \V. N. I lines of a system of obji ng. . 3723-45 —joint aut/i, I. V Anal) sis ol I ngli '1 « 1 ds. . . [15-8 \ni. Thos. Derby, J. C. tnd pub- lisher-, pp. [41 149 4181-3 Mi I 1 "V. John. The red acorn. Chi [883. 16 . M Im. < Celebrities of th< and present, chiefly adapted fromSainte- Beuve. Phila., 1S74. 12 410-6S ' t 1 Richelieu. — Cardinal Mazari 1 daire, with poems. — Montesquieu. — Mine. Rc- imond anil Ninon lie I.'Enclos. ield. — Adrienne Lc Couvreur. —Mil - I nier. — Brother Eugenius. MACEWAN — 806 — MACGREGOR. Macewan, Rev. David. Future probation: a symposium, pp. 52-76 2376-3 Mai FARLAN, Ja^. Rogers, C, ed. Scot- tish minstrel, pp. 340-345. [Biograph- ical sketch and poems.] 80921-7 MT aki.an.W "in. I.eckie. Authority. Things which can not be shaken. In Scotch sermons, pp. 173-214 252-S1 Mi Farland, Mrs. S. G. Schools of Siam. In Siam ami Laos. pp. 206-223. • • ■ 2D 59~7 Macfarlane, Annie Robertson. Children of the earth. X. V., 1886. 16 . MACFARLANE, ('has. Chinese revolution ; with details of the habits, manners and customs of China and the Chinese. 1... 1853. 16 951-6 — Romance of history : Italy. 1... n. d. 12 945- 6 — Romance of travel: the East. 2 v. in I. 1 ,.. 1S46. 16 450-5 Mai farlane, [as. American geological railway guide, giving geological forma- tion at every railway station ; with notes on interesting places "ii the routes and a description of each of the formations. N. V.. 1879 557-6 — Coal regions of America ; their topogra- phy, geology and development. X. V., 1873- 8° 5532-6 M \ 1 \klaxk, John, l.L.D. Life and times of Geo. l.awson, D. I).; with glimpses of Scottish characters from 1720 to 1820. Edinburgh, 1S62. 12 559B6 — Fish, II. C. I'tdpit eloquence of the Kith century. pp. 672-690. [Biographical sketch and sermon.] 2521-4 MACFARLANE, Margaret Russell. Magic of a voice. N. \ .. 1886. 16°. M'FlNGAL : a modern epic poem. Trum- bull, John 895C8 Mai 1 . aii as. John A., Am. war correspondent, //. 1846-1/. 187S. Campaigning on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva. X. V., 1874- 8° 1555 6 — Under the northern lights. L., 1876. 8°. 40s 01 Adams, W. H. D. Some heroes of travel. pp. •!<»> 202 4159-15 koilies, A. Souvenirsoi some continents. pp. 78-90 43 88 -4 Marvin, C. Reconnoitring Central Asia. IT- 95 '- s 455- 6 ' Mi Garvey, 1 . \\ - I amis of the Bible ; ge- ographical and topographical descrip tion of Palestine ; with letters of travel in Egypt, Syria, Via Minorand Greece. 8° 458-598 M 11 1 , \ 1 " 1.. Randal \\ . Tenni :eean abri iad or, lettei from I tirope, Vfrica and Asia. V V., 1S54. 12° 439-6 McGee, Thos. D'Arcy, Irish- Canadian jour- nalist \A. 1825-rf. 1868. History of the Irish settlers in North America, from the earliest period to the census of 1850. B., 1S52. 8° 47331-5 — Poems; with copious notes; also intro- duction and biographical sketch, by Mrs. J. Sadlier. L., 1870. 12°. . . . 606C4 MACGEOGHEGAN, Jas., Irish priest, I: 1O0N- (/. 1704. History of Ireland, ancient and modern: tr. by P. O'Kelly. N. Y., 1848. 4° 941-56 ; with a continuation from the Treaty of Limerick to the present time, by John Mitchel. 2 v. X. V., n. d. 4 . . . . 941-562 McGlLCHRIST, John. Life of Benjamin Dis- raeli. X. V., 11. d. 16 288B73 — Life of John Bright. X. V.,n. d. [6°. 183B35 — Richard Cobden, the apostle of free trade : his political career and public servii es. V V., 1865. 16 232B4 McGlLL, Alex. T. Presbyterian church in the U. S. to 1775. /« Centennial his- torical discourses, pp. 7-70 2N^i ; Macgillivray, Win., Scottish naturalist, b. 1796-r/. 1852. British quadrupeds. In Naturalist's library, v. 17 59°-5 — Travels and researches of Alexander von Humboldt: being a condensed narra- tive of his journey in the equinoctial re- gions of America and Asiatic Russia, to- gether with an analysis of his more im- portant investigations. X. V., 1S55. 16 480-46 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 115- 123 4IO-934 McGilvary, Miss Emelie. Recollections of Cheung Mai. In Siam and Laos. pp. 479-490 2659-7 Mi Gloin, Frank. Norodom, king of Cam- bodia : a romance of the east. N. Y., 1882. 12°. Mi i.i \ mi, Terence, (pseud.) See Blake, 1 Icnry A. MACGREGGOR, A. L. John Ward's govern- ess. Phila., 1868. 12°. MacGregor, Col. C. M. Narrative of a journey through the pro\ ince oi Khoras- san, and on the northwest frontier of Afghanistan in 1875. 2 v - '■■• 1S79. 8 456-55 Marvin, C. Reconnoitring Central Asia. PL- M9 176 455-61 Macgregor, Duncan. Shepherd of Israel; in. illustrations of the innei life. N. Y.. [870. 16° 252-63 Macgregor, Jas. Religion of ancient Rome. /// Faiths of the world, pp. 183-212 290-4 M MCGREGOR. , M. II II Macgregoi fohn [825 " Rob Ro; on B 1 li rough N01 '■' len, I lenmark, Slesv, lg II 1] ii in, North ind 1 lie Balti< I.. 12 . . .' n s 6 ■• Rob Roj " mi [he [ordan, \ ile, Red i'j and Ge h, eti 1 noi ci uise in Pale 1 ine am 1 ind the ival ■ •I I l; u N. Y., 1S70. 12 . . . 458 6 Thou .and miles in the " Ro 1 ■, on the rivers and laki 1 rope. B., ' s "7- I" 4405-55 ih'1 " Rob Roy " it Londoi i" i''i and b) I lavre the 1 h: .-] to thi 1 le ol \\ ight, south coast, etc. I ,1880. 12". ... 1 Mi C1REG1 >r, P. Sj i r 1 logi, | 1 ompi ising •1 'li icuss i I tin- various mean- ol quiring and retaining I m m le Igc and ling error. N. Y., 1862. 12°. . . Macgregor, Robert. Pastimes and playei I .. t88l. 16 791 Mi 1 Iregor, \\ Qui ion on magni tism, elei tricitj md practical telegraphy. I ... 1868. 12 '...'... 538-6 McGl nr,. Rev. \\ in. I folmes, Am. educator, t. [800 d. 1873. N "' A ei lectii V \ .. n. d. 16° 8 n New fifth eel 1 eadi 1 . 1 linn., 1 12' 801-615 Rhetorical guide; containing elegant ex- tracts in pi I pi iet! ) . 1 inn., n. d. 1 .' 801-61 Machiavelli. v \i i, 1 hiavelli. M \. hinery. \1t1. C. D. Elementary prim ip lach j 6218-1 I'M the construction and working of ma- erj 6218-12 Appleby, C. J. Illustrated hand-bo machinery 621-15 Armour, I. Power in motion 6218 1 Ba ii, T. Practical ma -bines and nn chine tools. . 6218 ji Bi ■> 11. II. T. I ive hundred ami se\ en met hanit al movements 62 Cromwell, J. II. Treatise on belts and pulleys 62185 3 li imi ise mi toothed gearing 62183 i I >a> idson, E. \. Drawing for machinists ami engineers 7 1 1 ; 1 Di Roos, J. I ». C. Linkages: different forms and uses of articulated links. . . 021^ 27 I in 1'. urn. W. Principles of mechanism and m 1" transmission t>2ts 1 in. J. Construction "I" trains and othei hoisting machinery 6662-2 Haswell, C. 11. Engineers' and mechan- ics' po< ket-book J03 nson, 1 II . Mei hanics and stu- dent's guide 6218 55 M i< 11 r. 1 1 ", , continued. \. B. \\ . Mi 1 liinei \ 1. 11 kill, J. shop \ g 1 mai nines. 61 Vi 6219-4 Mai Cord, C. W. I 621 Mo iele) .11 M il principli engineering and architecture; with ad- ditions, b) I 1. II. M.ilian Rankine, \\ . J. M. Manual of applied .lilies Manual "I m ind millwork. -and Bamber, II. Mechanical tt-\t- 1121 ; , — Richards, J. \V I conversion by ma- chinery i'7-| 7 Rosi I ' omplete prai hinist. 62 i Shi lie, .1 . P. I'.. Win! 1 i'i 7 Smith, R. II. 1 Cutting to hand and machine 6219 74 — Stall], A. \V. Transmission of powi h ire ropes Templeton, W. 1 millwright mechanics' pocket companion ■ II . I I I ii in 1111; :. Ills. ... I. ; — Thurston, K . II. I on fi iclion and lost work in n and mill- work — Unwin, \V. 1 . Elements "I machine de- - \\ ;u s n. I . I'. Model 'i pi \ niL-i - ican machinists and ei . . . I Kennedy, A. B. W. Kinematics of ma- chinery. In Science lectures ,.t South ngton. v. 1. pp. 76-1 10. . . . 51 '.'•.» Industrial education. l.athe- rk. Mechanic arts. Mechanics, ils. Mi inaii 11. R . John. I ife of Sil John 1868, 12° 7S.7 1".. . Mi I' ■ UNI . Chas. Pettit, /». /'.. /./. />.. /'. E. /iis/10/' of Ohio, /<. 1 tureson the evidences of 1 hristianity. n. t. p. 12 Vi M ■ TiaN ,,f 1 has. I Ml lh .line Fish, II. 1'. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 441 4511 j;ji 4 — I. annum, t . Hap-hazat PP- 334 339 412-58 im. Joshua Hall. .//.;. /' divine, i. 1S15. Elocution: thi ami elements of its power. N. \ .. li 12 - Same, 1871 Soo-6 \\ i-loin of Holy Scripture with reference N. Y., 1 • s ° 2 39-61 MACILWAIN. 808 McKENZIE M 11 11, wain, I leu. Memoirs of John Aber- nethy ; with a view of his lectures, writ- ings and character. X. Y., 1853. 12 . 103B7 M'lNTIRE, [as. New treatise on astronomy. X. V.. 1.S66. 12 520-6 McIntosh, Maria I.. American writer, /'. 1803. Charms and counter charms. X. V., [848. 12°. — Conquest and self-conquest. X. Y., 1S54. 24 1 599 A ' — Loll}- ami the lowly; or, good in all and none allg I. 2\. N. Y., 1853. 12 . — Praise and principle; or, for what shall I live? X. Y., 1854. 24 599A3 Two lives; or, to seem and to be. X. Y., [846 12 . — Year with Maggie and Emma. V Y., iNih. 16 500 \2 MacIntyre, Duncan. Shairp, J. C. As- pects of poetry, pp. 246-269 803] 8 M'Jilton, J. N. Poems. B., 1840. 12 . . 606C9 Mackarness, Mrs. Henry, «£ Young lady's book : manual of amusements, exercises, studies and pursuits. 1... 1876. 16° . 603 48 Mackarness, M. A. Dream chintz [and] 1 oming home. X. Y., 1868 16°. . . 600A1 Old Jolliffe: and sequel: [and] Merry ( hristmas. \. X ., 1868. 16 600A2 — "Only."' Bound ivith Trap to catch a sunbeam. X. Y., 1S68. 16 600A5 Mm hi the desert, (loud with the silver lining. X. Y.. 1S68. Kr . 600A3 Sunbeam stories. Leipzig, 1863. 16 . . 600A4 Cotlt : m ■ < '1< . Pioneers and founders, pp. 285-316. . 4149 98 Mackenzie, Odin, British general, //. [806 . 1S09-1/. 1881 Bil of blarney. Chicago, 1S82. 12°. — Life of Chas. Dickens. Phila., n. d. 16 . Same. 1S70. 12°. 88788 i //tinned. P . '. ■ 1 ■ 1 : ...J of his life. B . 12 Phila., 185 Studii 1 in 1 law ; with • live N iews of thl and Scotland: ed. by J. Kirkpati Edinburgh, 1880. 8° 1 1 rallatin, Am. /■'■. t 1 m and journalist, t. 1807. 1 ryptii ma onry: manual of the couni il ; or, monitorial in- structions in the degn es ol Royal Selc M li mi the Super-excellent Ma ice. X. V., 1867. 12° 366-6 — Lexicon of freemasonry. Phila., 1868. 12 366-61 — Symbolism of freemasonry; illustrating and explaining 1 philoso- phy, its legend-, myths and symb N. V., 1869. 12° 366-63 — Text book of masonic jurisprudence ; illus- trating the written and unwritten laws of freemasonry. X. Y.. 1868. 12°.. . 366-62 MACKIE, John Milton, Am. writer, Ik 1813. I mm < ape Cod to Dixie and the tropics. X. V., 1864. 12° 473-6 — Life of Godfrey Wm. von Leibnitz: on the basis of the German work of Dr. G. I . Guhrauer. B., 1845. I2 ° 562B8 — Life of Schamyl and narrative of the Cir- cassian war of independence against Russia. B., 1856. 12° 807B2 Life of Tai- Ping- Wang chief of the Chinese insurrection. X. \ .. [857. 12 . ... — Life of Samuel Gorton, hi Sparks, I.. ed. American biography, v. 15. pp. 3'7-4" MACKIE, S. J. Sea-weeds as objects of de- sign. In Art studies from nature, pp. 9'->32 Mi Rim, Randolph H. Future punishment : comprising four parochial sermons; with introduction on the Scriptural doctrine of retribution, and an essay on pr. lie dead. X. V.. 1SS3. 12 .. . . 2376-5 MACKINAC, Mich. Strickland, W. P. Old Mackinaw 47749-S M m KINNON, Capt. — . Atlantic and transat- lantic sketches, afloat and ashore. 2 v. 1 . 1852. 12° 470-61 Mackintosh, Sir James, British author and statesman, I'. 1705 •'. is;_\ ! England. 3 v. X. V. 1856. 16 . . . 930-63 Contents. — v. I. Earliest times to 1^5^ — I 14.-2.1558.-v. 3. 155S-15S8. — Miscellaneous works. B., 1S56. 8 °. . . MACKINTOSH. — 810 — Maclean. MACKINTOSH, Sir James, continued. Contents.— Lard Bacon and Mr. Locke.— Law of nature and nations.— Sir Thomas More. — Eikon Basilike. — Progress of ethical philosophy during the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies. — Partition of Poland. — Struensee. — Donna Maria da Gloria.— Charles, first Mar- quis Cornwallis. — George Canning. — Edin- burgh Review— Writings of Machiavel. — God- win's Lives of Edward and John Philips.— Rog- ers' poems— Madame de Stael's " De L'Alle- magne." — Causes of the revolution of 1688. — Affairs of Holland, 1667-86.— Opening of the literary society of Bombay— VindicE Gallicae.— Reasons against the French war of 1793. — France in 1815.— Right of Parliamentary suf- frage.— Speech in defence of Peltier.— Charge to the grand Jury of the island of Bombay.— On the annexation of Genoa to Sardinia.— State of the criminal law.— Trial and condem- nation of the Rev. John Smith of Demerara.— Independent states of South America.— Civil government of Canada.— Affairs of Portugal — On representation. — Appendix. Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke and Erskine: the argument of Mr. Mackintosh in the case of Peltier. . . 825-6 Mackintosh, R. J., «•,/. Memoirs of the life of Rt. Hon. Sir Jas. Mackintosh. . 605B6 Adams, C. K., cd. Representative British orations, v. 2. pp. 176-261. [Biog. sketch and oration In behalf of free speech.] ' S25S-2 - Buhver, W. II. 1.. K. Historical char- acters, v. 2. pp. 1-7S 4104-2 De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers, etc. v. 1. pp. 65-103. . . . 2S4K45 - Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. PP- 43-52- • • • ' 410-44 Fuller, S. M. Literature and art. ]>t. I. PP- 43-57 400E6 1 Irich, C, A., cd. Select British elo- quence, pp. 821-850 S258-4 Hazlitt, W. Miscellaneous work,. \. 5. pp. 137-146 459E8 -- Jerdan, \V. Men I have known, pp. 2 98-302 411-56 - Macaulay.T. B. Essays, v. 2. pp. 83-142. 603E3 McCosh, I. Scottish philosophy, pp. 346-359 . . 1621-48 Redding,!'. Persona] reminiscences "I eminent men. v. 2. pp. 271-291. . . 411-87 Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 220-236 411-07 Mackintosh, John. Macleod, \. Earnest student : memorials of John Mackintosh. 605B7 Mackintosh, Roberi Jas.,W. Memoii ol the life ol Rt. Hon. Sii I ts. Mackin- tosh. 2 v. I:., 1853. 8° 605 B6 Mackintosh, Wm, Renovating power of 1 hristianity. ///Scotch sermons, pp. 1 I 1 ' 172 252-81 b. about i6oo- ( /.°i7',; I i< ran, J. Their, majesties' servants, v. 2- PP- ' s l ")'' 782-35 Mai KLIN, ("has., continued. — Matthews, J. B. and Hulton, I... eds. Vctors and actresses. v. 1. pp. 1-24. 4179-6 McKnight, Chas. Old Fort Duquesne ; or, ('apt. Jack the scout. Pittsburgh, 1874. 12°. — Our western border: its life, combats, adventures, forays, massacres, captivi- ties, scouts, red chiefs, pioneer women, one hundred years ago. Phila.,1879. 8°. 9S7-59 MACKNIGHT, Thos. History of the life and times of Edmund Burke. 3 \. I ... 1858-60. 8° 195B5 — Life of Henry St. John, Viscount Boling- broke, Secretary of State in the reign of Queen Anne. L., 1863. 8° 801B6 Mi Lain. Mary W. Bearing our burdens. n. t. p. 1 6° 602AS — Daisy Ward's work. n. t. p. 16°. . . . 602A4 — Lifting the veil. N. V., 1S75. 16 . — Wedding garments; or, Bessie Morris' diary. X. V., 1S75. 16 . \I v i arf.n, Archibald. System of physical education, theoretical and practical. Oxford, 1S69. 16° 6136-61 — Training in theory and practice. L., 1S74. 16° 6136-6 McLaren, Walter S. B. Spinning woolen and worsted : a practical treatise. I., 1884. 16° 6772-6 McLaren, Wm. Edward, D. D., Am. bishop, />. 1835. Catholic dogma the antidote of doubt. X. V., 1SS3. 12 2838 49 M'Laughi.in, Edward A. Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 289-298. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 McLaughlin, M. Louise. China painting : practical manual for the use of amateurs in the decoration <>f hard porcelain. 1 inn., 1880. 12 738-5 — Pottery decoration under the glaze. ('inn., 1S80. 12° 738-51 — Suggestions to china painters, ('inn., 1884. 12 738-52 McLaws, Lafayette, Confederal . . 1821. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 487-495 41225-5 Maclay, Arthur Collins. Budget of letters from Japan : reinini- ence I work and travel in Japan. N. Y.. 1S86. 12 . . . 452 56 MACLl \n, Evan. Culture of trees in Scot- land. In Rattray, J. and Mill, II. K., tds. Forestry, pp. 135-144 7 '4 7 MACLEAN, J. P. Mound builders: being an account of a remarkable people that once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi, with an investigation into the archteology of Butler county, < '. 1 inn., 1879. 12°. Same, [885. . . . 407-6 \I.\U EAN i i I Ell Maclean, Sit John, I'h a, Mrs. K . i l'..i. i Wharlon, n ■. i Mi moil i Mi. [acobiti v. 2. pp. 124 154. . 1 1 1 \i 1 1 in, Sarah I'rall, Am. writer, b. \ 1 api ' ■ 'I foil . B . 1883. 12 . Some othei folk . B., 1884. 1 \ Towhead : toi y ol 1 gii I. II.. 1883. 12 . M \.i 1 1 vr, /.' . ( .. I . Apostles -.1 mi 1 .'I urope. I .. 11. r|. 12 11 [2 ^7 Book "I I" 1 1 1 1 . i ; will ps and in- in. 11. in. 1 ambi idge, [885. 16 . ' imbridge Bible foi cl Is.] . . . . 2232-6 1 ... pi 1 ling toSt. Marl with map notes and inl reduction. ' 'a mbrid 1885. id". [Cambridge Bible foi . I Is. I 2276 5 Maci.EI LAN, M. Be Blake, M. I >.. sur- geon .11 1 ilenaldie. 2 v. in 1. M. Y., 187I. 12°. Peasant life j sketche of the villagersand field-laborers in Glenaldie. I...1N71. 12 . Mi Lennan, John Ferg philosopher, b. 1827-rf. [881. Patrian ha] theory: ed. and completed bj Donald McLennan. I... 1885. 8° 321 1-6 - Studies in ancient history; compri ii reprint of Primitive marriage, an in- quiry into the oi igin of the 1 1 ol 1 ip 1 in.' in m. 11 in. . ... r ies. 1 .. 1886. 8 32" "i Mi l.i'.i.. P. of. . 1 in eudiometers. /// Science lectures al South Kensington. V. 2. pp. 2" 29S Ma. I.i . id, I lonald. I ife ..1 Sii W altei Scott. V V., 1852. 12 8141:42 Memoirs of Norman Macleod. - v. \. V.. [876. 8° 1 Bi Pynnhurst: his wanderings and vvaj thinking. N. \ '.. 1S52. 12 . M.m 1 1 . id, I Inn j 1 lunning, 5 .... economisi,b. 1821. Economics for begin- n»rs. \. V., 1886. 12° ; , . 1 I lements of banking. I.., 1885. 1 2 '. . ,; ; 1 1 52 - Element - ol ei onomics. 1 \. \ . \ .. l88l. 12° — Theory and pracli 2 \ . 1 .. inn; 86. n ........ 331, 53 - Hanson, W. Fallacies in " Progress and poverty," etc. Review of Economics. Macleod, a , N01 man. Character si es. N. V , n. d. [6 . Days m North India. Phila., 1870. 12 . ; — Earnest student : being memorials of John Mackintosh. 1 ... 1863. 16° .1 — Eastward. 1 .. [866. 8° 4.54 — Old lieutenant and his son. L., 1S73 ' — Reminiscences ol a Highland parish. I .. 1868. 16°. — Starling : a S< roronto, 1877. 16 . ami 1 . 1 Wind-« N. Y., 1869 p. • Macleod, 1 1. Mi leod 1 Madstonc, W, 1 I eanings "f v. 2. 1, ,1 163 Mai LEOD nf 1 1. 11. . Blai I . Win. M \< Mahon, M.i 1 ! tfttt republic, Ii. 1808. Daudet, E. and others. lebrities. p I 5 -2 ?. . 4 1 Kae, W. F. Men of the third republii . PP '7-3 2 • Mai LISE, I laniel, lirili lill-d. 1870 O'D v. I tin. 1 ... : I . M . ■ Mi Manus, Terence Bellew. Speech; with notice Speeches from the dock. 411 1 ch, Am. historian, b. Benjamin Franklin a^ a man of letters. B., 1887. i2~ y [American men of letters series.] 381U3; History of the pi he 1 nited Slates from llie revolution to the civil war. v. 12. V v.. 1883-85. S° Contents. — v. i. 1784-1790. - McMasters, S. Y. Methodist in search of thechurch. Claremont, N. II..11.1I. 11 Ml \l Ii 11 m I . M ion. Koine;.. J.W. dotes of public men. v. 2. pp.115 '--• t>- : Mai Mil i.an. Dr. Alex., ed. Formulas and domestic guide, n. p. 1 12°. . . 603-5 Macmillan, Daniel. Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many fields, pp. 23—36. 410-962 Mai mmi \n. Hugh, Scottish divin 1 Bible teachings in nature. I... 1873. 12° 2IO-57 I 1 1 - 1 i is of vegetation. I . 1 v 7 | . 12. ; ■ 1. ibles anil inciil. 1 Vlpine plants. I .. in,,. 1. 12 . Same. 1873 4404-0 Ministr) of nature. I .. 1872. 12'. . . 21 — Oliveleaf. 1.. 1886 12' 252-64 MacMullen, John, lli-i 1 its first discovery to ihe present time. I.., 1869. S° m \ka. 1 . History of Asiatic ch 1.., 1N70. 12 M 11 Ni he, Hugh, /'. />., Irish ■ abou 1 ' Fish, II. C. Pulpit [uence of the null century, pp. ; 579 -5-1 : Francis, G. H. 1 pp. ;u 411 : tish minstrel, pp. 22 - ?o. [Biog. sketch anil poems.] .... MacNeill, J. G. Swift. English inl ence with Irish industries. I ... ins i _- ;204i-62 MacNEVEN. 812 MADAN. MacNEVEN, Wm. his. .Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 396- 401 4142-6 MACNISH, Robert. Philosophy of sleep, and anatomy of drunkenness. Bound with Combe, G. Constitution of man. . . . 244E4 Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker; ur, re- flection, song, and sentiment in the quarter. Phila., 1SS3. 12° S17-61 Macpherson, Gerardine (Bates.) Memoirs of the life of Anna Jameson. B., 187 . 8° 51 IBS — Freeman, J. E. Gatherings from an art- ist's portfolio, ser. 2. pp. 201 -233. . 704-36 MACPHERSON, Sir Herbert. Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of some distinguished Anglo-Indians, pp. 290-295 411-61 Macpherson, Jas. Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians, v. 2. pp. 235- 238 4182-54 McPHERSON, Jas. Birdseye, Am. general, />. lS2S-., Am. educator, b. 17S7-,/. 1868. McYicker, Wm. A. Life of Rev. John McYicker. X. Y., 1872. 12 607B9 McWHINNEY, Rev. Thos. Martin. Heaven- ly recognition : discourses on personal immortality and identity after this life. X. Y., 1SS3. 12° 2372-5 — Reason and revelation hand in hand. X. Y., 18S6. 8° 239-64 Contents. — Religion. — Bible. — Theology. — Anthropology. — Demonology. — Christology. Mad world, and its inhabitants. Chambers, Julius 3622-3 Madagascar. Ellis, W. Three visits to Madagascar. 1S59 469-3 — Mears, J. W. Story of Madagascar. 1S73. [Missions.] 2669-5 — Mullens, J. Twelve months in Madagas- car. 1S75. [Missions.] 469-6 — Sibree, J. Great African island. 1880. 469-81 Madagascar and its people. [Missions.] 469-8 — Last travels of Ida Pfeiffer. pp. 131-281. 439-77 — Nordhoff, C. Stories of the island world. pp. 19-86 490-6 Madalena ; or, the maid's mischief: a drama. Warner, Theodore I) 9 2 3C-3 Madam. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Madame de Beaupre. Jenkin, Mrs. C. Madame de Fleury. Edgeworth, Maria. Madame Delphine. Cable, Gen. W. Madame de Presnel. Poynter, E. F. Madame de Mauves. James, H., jr. In Passionate pilgrim, etc. Madame Fontenoy. Clarke, ('. C. Madame How and Lady Why. Kingsley, Chas 551-61 Madame Jane Junk and Joe. Bornemann, Mrs. M., (Oraquil, /send.) Madame I. mas. B. 16 . [Round Robin series.] Madami Tabby's establishment. Kari. . . 525A1 Madame rherese. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. MADAN, A .(.'., tr. and ed. Kiungani ; or, storj and history from Central Africa : written by bins in the 1 I Is ..f the nni\ ersities' mission to Central Africa. L., 1887. 12 . 407-55 MADAN, II. ('.., joint author. Ilaroiurt, A. G. V. and Madan, H. G, Exercises in practical chemistry 54 2 -45 madcap. i MAGDAI I .1 Madi m Violet. Blai I . w rn. M \iiii m i \ \. the Walden ian m hi i pi ople tr. bj I ulie Suttei . \r,i H 'i ,. I : hard Robert, Irish pit) u /.. origin, progre i tnd n ults ; will hi' "i .11 kable pei ion co led «iili the pi' in I reland during the pasl two ., ni in 1, 2 v. I.., 1867. 8°. . 8058 ii I ill' 1 times of Robei 1 I mmel : \\ iih numerous notes and i"i Made, or marred. Fothergill, I. M \i'i 11; \. Baki 1. C. A. Summer in the Azores; with a glimpse of Madeira. 1882. 44691 2 Aubertin, J. J. Six months in 1 1 olony and Natal. pp. 2 \ ; 2S0. ... | Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands. pp. "I 120 j-,; 2 World's paradises, pp. 198 211. . . 1 Brassey, Lady A. In the trades, the tropics, el,. pp. I 79 1.375 2 March, C. W. Sketches and adventures in Madeira, Portugal, etc. pp. 13-97. . 44681 Crane. I-'.. " Nisida ;" or, twowintersin Madeira. M Mn 11 \ 1 ivei Mathews, K. D. Up 1 hi Amazon and Madeira rivers , - Madeleine. Kavanagh, Julia. MADELON Lemoine. Adams, Mrs. Leith. Mademoiselli Bismarck. Rochefort, II. M Mn moisi 111 Mori. Roberts, Marg \\ M'.;i . (', \w in, ; . II. B. \l 1 -i Hardn icke ; or, the valley. 1 .iln'i in', Agnes. Madison, Dorothj (Paym Memoirs and letti I 1 1, wife of James Madison, president of the United States : ed. by her grand-niece. B., 1SS6. 12 . Ellet, E. I. Queens of American society . PP- *37 -57 41239-31 Holloway, 1. C. Ladies ol the White House. pp. 1S1-222 41-.i" 1 Parlon,'J People's book ol biography. >74~579 M' s - MADISON, la-., .///'/ / Slat 1 1 j In ( haplin, J.. ed. Chip pp. I I I IJ2 joint author. I lamilton, A. an I he federalist ', ty, S. II. Jas. Madi on. 1 . . \\ . 1 . History ol ihi times of J M \ ■ 1 . 1 1 ■ 1 1 [as. Monroe 11211 Ellet, I 1 Court cin les of the Repub- lic, pp. 80-94 ill pp. 107-139 1 1 ' 1 1 ■ 196 (■ 53 Moore, V.,ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 125-150 Madoc. Southey, R. Poetical works, v. 5. 844C4 Madoc, Fayr. Story of Milicent. 1 . , 1883. 12°. Madonna Mary. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (V . Madonna of the future. James, H.,y>. In Pas etc. nil-. Phelps, Elizabeth S. Mai Madden. Mason, M. M. Maertz, Louise. New method forthestudy iglish literature. Chicago, 1884. 12 rRICHT, [Sieges, 1576-1740]. Great s of history, pp. 4S2-489 903-4 1 i story of to-day. N. Y., 1S7S. 8°. Maga social papers. N. v.. 1S07. 12 . . 610E5 Contents. — Are wc a good-looking people ? — Proper sphere of men. — Art of eating.— Gam- bling houses of Paris. — Hoarding schools. — Zay-nis of Yan-Ky.— Natural diplomati-- History of a cosmopolite. — African proverbial philosophy. — Household —Compen- sation office. — Our new Atlantis. — About babies. — ThcSt. Nicholas and the Five Point minstrelsy, ancient and modern. Maca stories. N. Y., 1867. 16 . Contents. — Found and three con- versations with Mi-s Chester. — Mrs. Macsi- mum'sbill r the cranberries, liwotte's ghost. — Professor Phantillo. — The Mormon's wife.— The rich merchant of Co The legend of Goodman Poverty. — The double veil. — My husband's mother. — The old woman who dried up and blew away. — The ambassador in spite of himself.— Elegant Tom Dillar. — A up for a husband. — Uncle Pern — How I came to be married. M \i. \i 11 m \. I '. " dan. MACDALA. I lent). 1.. A 963-4 Magdalen islands. Benjamin, S. U. \V. Atlantic island-, pp. 7? ... : 1 na. John E., ' E. Marlitt, r M VGDALENE of France, queen of /ami I520-,;'.1537. Se Strickland, A. I i % . queens of Scotland. [Various editions.) MAGELLAN. — 814 MAGNETISM. Mageli in, Fernando, Portuguese navigator, b. about 1470-,/. 1521. Towle, G. M. Magellan; or, the first voyage round the world 6o8Bg — Frost, T. Half-hours with the earl) ex- plorers, pp. 74-82 437-37 — Goodrich, K. B. Man upon the sea. pp. 210-225 437-43 -- Ocean's story, pp. 225-244. [Same]. . 437-44 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery, pp. 59-85 43-41 Historical account of the circumnaviga- tion of the globe, pp. jo-77 437 I_ 3 — Murray, J. <>'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 65-75 4142-6 — Vogel, F. Century of discovery, pp. 244-262 437-93 MAGELLAN, Straits of. Cunningham, K. 1 >. Natural history of the Strait of Magellan. 59198-3 Maggie's mistake ; or, bright light in the clouds. Shadwell, Mrs. Lucas 820A1 Maggie's walk. Hinkley, H. In Stones for children, by eleven sophomores, pp. 55-68 856A9 MAGHREB, (El.) 1200 miles' ride through Marocco. Stuttield, H. E. M 464-8 MAGIC. Aubrey, J. Miscellanies upon va- rious subjects ! 74- ! 3 Brewster, 1 ». Letters on natural magic. 1 74—18 - Dahlgreen, M. V. South Mountain magic l74- 2 7 - Ennemoser, J. History of magic. . . . 174-j 2 Hernion, H. Hellerism : second-sight, mystery, supernatural vision '743-4 - Lenormant, F. Chaldean magic 292-5 — Lewis, A. J., (Prof. Hoffmann, pseud.) Modern magic 7868-6 Magician's own book 7' S 4-'' I'lanche, F. D'A., ed. Evening amuse- ments for every one 786 6 Preston; I'. Fireside magician: or, the art of natural magic made easy 7868-7 -- Robert-Houdin, J. E. Secrets of conjur- ing and magic 7*4 I Secrets of stage conjuring 784 41 Rydberg, V. Magic of the nod. lie '74-7^ 1 1,-. I .. Philo iophy of magic, prodi- m and apparent miracles 1 74 -S _ - Truesdell, J. W. Bol torn fai 1 1 1 1 ing the science of spiritualism 175 9 I la« tlnn 11c I. ' onfe iii m and criticisms. pp. 218-247 457E2 1 1. < . 1 listory ol the inquisil ol the middle ages. v. 3. pp. $79 $9. .■;.<■ \B I lor, E. S. History ol plaj ing cards. pp. 480-529 7 S 7 s Magic lantern. ' had » ii I.. W. I. Magii lantern manual 7698-3 M \'.]< lantern, continued. — Dolbear, A. E. Art of projecting: ex- perimentation in physics, chemistry and natural history, with the porte-lumiere and magic lantern 535** _ 3 — Wright, L. Light: a course ol experi- mental optics chiefly with the lantern. . 535-96 Lardner, l ( .. ed. Museum of science and art. v. 8. pp. 193-202 603-4 M v.ii of a voice. Macfarlane, M. R. Magii "l kindness. Mayhew, H. and A. . 622. \j MAGIC ring, and other oriental fairy tales. X. V., n. d. 16 385-6 MAGICIAN'S own book ; or, the whole art ol conjuring. Phila., 1S70. 12° 784-6 MAGILL, Mary Tucker. Holcombes: a story of Virginia home life. Phila., 1871. 12°. MAGINN, Wm., Irish writer, />. 1793-rf. 1842. Odoherty papers: with annotations b\ S.Mackenzie. 2 v. X. V., 1S55. 12°. 827-66 ■ - Homeric ballads: with translation- and notes. I,., 1S50. 16 8832-6 — Mackenzie, R. S. Memoir of Wm. Ma- ginn. In Wilson. J. Noctes ambro- -iaii.c. v. 5. pp. 3-12 055I ,1 Magna Charta. Coffin, C. C. Story of lib- erty, pp. 17-29 920-25 — Oilman, A., . Manual of magnetism. . . . 539-3 Harris, W. s. Rudimentary magnetism. 539 4 — Lardner, D. Hand-book of natural phi- losophy 53°~55 Maxwell, J. C. Treatise on electricilj and magnetism 537 "t Pepper, J. 11. Magnetism 539-6 — Rogers, F. Magnetism ol iron vessels; u ith -Inn 1 treati >e on tei resti ial mag- netism 5305 7 MAGNETISM. -8i S MAH Magni m m, conli * Pepper, I . II. < yclopted i | ■ ! i I II-. I . I'hihi. , i-.l ].|i ; , i i, ■ I ed. pp. 149-432 v>t 7 Timbs, I. In\ enti i I pp, 21 28, M tgnel and marinci ' • om- I' .1 6*9-79 I yini. ill. 1 . I 1 agmenl pp. 176 ' \11imal magnetism. I l'li\ n M igni 1 1 1 1 In n 11 and dynnmo-electrii ma 1 hines. Schellen, II 5383-8 \l IGNHI1 D. Bjoi II -'HI, B. Macnifii i\i plebeian. Magruder, Julia. Magnifying glasses. Lardner, D., ed. Mu- seum ■ 'i ' 11 in e and art. v. 8. pp. 97-»2 ... 1 Magnum bonum, Vonge, 1 !hai lotte M. Magnus, Heinrich Gustav, German [802 i. [870. Helmholtz, II. Popular lectures on scientific subjecl ser. 2. pp. 1-2(1. In memoriam. . . . 502-43 Magnus, Julian. Trumped suit. In Mat- thews, J. B., ed. Comedies foi amateur acting, pp. 17-6S 785-59 and Bunner, II. C. Bad case. In M tl thews, J. I!., ed. Comedies for amateui acting, pp. 69-90 785-59 Magnusson, Eirikr and Morri . Wm., Irs. Grettis saga: the story of Grettii the strong. I.., 1869. 12° Volsunga saga: story ol the Volsungs and Niblungs; with certain songs from 1 In eldei 1 'I'l. 1. I . . 1870. 12 . . . . 295 6 Magoon, E. 1.. Westward empire; or, the great drama of human progress. V \ ., 1856. 12° 9 Magruder, Allan B. John Marshall. B . 1885. 12'. [American statesmen series.] 614B7 MAGRUDER, John 1!.. Confederate general, b. 1S10 ,/. 1871. Pollard, E. \. I ife of R. E. Lee. pp. 840-847 4122, ;, Magruder, Julia. Across the chasm. V \ ., 1885. 16 . Honored in the breach. /// Lippincott's magazine, March, iSSS. Magnificent plebeian. X. Y.. isss. 12. M igi [RE, John Francis, Irish viriter,b. KS15- d. 1S72. Father Mathew : a biography. V \ ., 1864. 12° 619B2 — Irish in Vmerica. X. \'.. 1869. 12 . . 47331 6 — Rome: its ruler and its institutions. \. V.. 1S73. 12° 2824-5 Mali [RE, Thos. and Pope, R. I'. !'. Au- thentic report of the discussion which took place at the lecture-room of the Dublin institution. X. Y., n. 1 '. artes. Edinburgh, 1880. 16 I'lni.i ,1881. I Phil ■ h 1-jiglish readers.] k life and thought, from the age of Alexander to the Roman conquest. I-. I887. 12° History of classical Greek literature. 2 V. I... ISSO. 12° Contents— v. I. The 1 , with an appei, ii Homer, by Prol ce.— v. i. Pi wi iters. — Old Greek education. N. Y., 1882. Hi'. 37092-6 Principles of the art of conversation. X. Y., iSSS. 16° 197 2 ' Rambles and studies in < ireece. I.., 1878. 12°. ...-■• I life in Greece, from Homer to Mi- nander. I... 1875. 12°, Same. 1877. 4°53-°' Novum Ilium [and] the Ilios of Homer. //; Schliemann. II [Ho pp. 686-690. | Site and antiquity of the Hellenic I /» Schliemann, H. Troja. pp. 360-375. 41 — and Gilman, Arthur. of Alexan- der's empire. X. V., 1887. 12°. . . 9187 6 iM \11.\N. Alfred T. Gulf and inland waters. N.Y.,1883. 12 . [Nav) in th< civil vvat MAKAN, Asa, D. /».. Am. divine, !>. 1799. < Iritical history of philosophy. 2 \. V \ ., 1883. S° 1-1 1 '■ Contents.— v 1. General introduction.— Oriental philosophy— Grecian philosoph; Christian evolution in philosophy. rrn evolution in philosophy. — Appendix. S< ience of logic ; or, an analysis of the laws of thought. X. Y.. 1857. 8 of intellectual philosophy. X. V'., 1S66. 12° ■ — Theism and anti-theism in their relations to science. In Ingham lectures, pp. 109-135 - Maii \\, I tennis Han. / /. .' /.. 1802 i. 1871. I lementary civil engineering. X. Y.. 1868. s . . 620-5 Industrial drawing: description and uses . 1 drawing instruments, construction of plane figures, projections and sections of geometrical solids, architectural ele- ments, mechanism and topographical drawing: with remarks on the methods of teaching the subject. X.\.. 187 Same, 1874. . 744-5 MAHAN. 5i6 — MAINE. MAHAN, D. H., continued. — Descriptive geometry as applied to the drawing of fortification and stereotomy. X. V., 1868. 8°. Hound with Francis, J. B. The strength of cast iron pillars. 6201-4 Mahan, Milo, D. D.. Am. theologian, i. iSi^-d. 1S70. Works; with memoir by J.H.Hopkins. 3 v. N.Y., 1872-75. 8°. 208-57 Contents — v. I. Church history of the first seven centuries to the close of the sixth general council. v. 2. Palmoni. — Mystic numbers, v, 3 — Memoir. — Poems. — Exercise of faith. — Answer to Coleuso. — Comedy of canonization. — Essays.— Letters. — Sermons. Mahdi, The. Darmesteter, J 297-3 MAHER, Wm. H. On the road to riches: ' hints for clerks and young business men. Toledo, 1876. 12°. Same. Chi- cago, 1878 658-56 Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, Philip Henry. Mahonv, Rev. Francis, Irish writer, b. 1S05- d. 1866. Father Prout's reliques. 11. t. p. 16 828-592 Maid of Athens. McCarthy, Justin. Maid of honour. Massinger, Philip. Plays. pp. 224-251 616C3 Maid of Killeena. Black, Wm. Maid of Mariendorpt. Knowles, J. S. Dra- matic works, v. 2. pp. 113-16S. . . 540C3 Maid of Orleans: drama. See Schiller, F. Maid of Sker. Blackmore, R. D. Maid of Stralsuml. Liefde, J. B. de. Maid, -wife or widow? Hector, Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. Manning, M. A. Maidf.n fair, and other stories. Gibbon, C. Maiden of T'rachis. See Sophocles. Maiden Rachel. ( .iles, Ella A. Maiden sisters. Paul, M. A. Maiden's lodge. Holt, Emily S. Maier, Julius. Arc and glow lamps: prac- tical hand-book on electric lighting. L., 1886. 12 5384 (1 Maii.i.akd, Annetta Marie. Miles Tremen- here; or, the love test. X. V., 1853. 12°. Maimonides, Jewish philosopher, />. 1135-./. 1209. Guide <>i the perplexed: tr. by \1. Friedlander. 3 v. I... 1S85. 8°. 1513-6 Main. David M., ed. Treasury of English sonnet,. N. Y., 1881. 8° S094-6 Main, Robert. Rudimentary astronomy. 1... 1869. 12° 520-61 Main, Thos. J. and Brown, Thos. Marine engine. L., 1852. S° 62iu 61 Questions on subjects c lected with the marine steam engine, and cx.innna n papers; « ith hints l"i 1 lien .Mluti.in. Phila.. iS;;. 1 2 . Same, 1S75. . . . o.'ii • 6 Maine, Henry James Sumner, English jurist. /•. 1822. Ancient law, its connection with the early history of society, and its relation to modern ideas; with an intro- duction by T. \V. Dwight. N. ¥.,1870. 8° 34°'~6 Contents. — Ancient codes. — Legal fictions. — Law of nature and equity. — Modern history of the law of equity. — Primitive society and an- cient law. — Early history of testamentary suc- cession. — Ancient and modern ideas respecting will and successions. — Early history of proper- ty. — Early history of contract. — Early history of delict and crime. — Dissertations on early law and custom. X. V., 1SS3. S° 309-48 Contents. — The sacred laws of the Hindus. — Religion and law. — Ancestor-worship. — Ances- tor-worship and inheritance. — Royal succession and the Salic law. — The King, in his relation to early civil justice.— Theories of primitive socie- ty. — East European house communities. — De- cay of feudal property in France and England. — Classifications of property. — Classifications of legal rules. — Index. — Lectures on the early history of institu- tions, x. v., 1S75. s° 309-47 Contents. — New materials for the early history of institutions. — Ancient Irish law.— Kinship as the basis of society. — The tribe and the land. — The chief and his order. — The chief and the land.— Ancient divisions of the family. — Growth and diffusion of primitive ideas. — Primitive forms of legal remedies. — Early history of the settled property of married women. — Sovereign- ty. — Sovereignty and empire. — Index. Pi ipnlar government : four essays. X. V., 1SS6. 8° 3218-6 Contents.— Prospects of popular government. — Nature of democracy. — Age of progress. — Constitution of the United Slates. — Index. Village communities in the east and west : six lectures delivered at Oxford ; with the addition of other lectures, addresses and essays. N. V., 1S76. S° 3212-61 Contents. — The East and the study of juris- prudence. — Sources of Indian law. — Western village community — Eastern village-communi- ty. — Process of feudalisalion. --Early history of price and rent. — Effects of observation of India on modern European thought (Rede lecture). — Three addresses to the University of Calcutta. — Theory of evidence. — Roman law and legal education.— Appendices. — Index. — India, hi Ward, T. II., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 1. pp. 460-528. . 938-9 Mill, J., S. Dissertations and discus- sions, v. 5. p]). 143-168. Review of Village communities 633 E3 Maim;. Bishop, \Y. 11. Fish and men in the Maine 1 ;lands. 1SS5 4741-2 I [ubbard, L. I.. Woods and lakes of Maine. 1884 474 1 -4 Lanman, C. Tour to the river Saguenay m lower Canada. 1S48 4714-5 MAINE 817 M \l. [NC M mm, (otilinu, -/. Springer, f . S. I II trees: compi i-iii^ wintei in] ng 1 he I iggei . and wild m ood adven- ture ; with descri] ol luinl p erations on varioi FMi . 1 L 6, 714—8 Steele, I , S. I'addlc and poi lage from Moo -clir.nl lake to 1 lie Aroostool ri Maine, 1882 I7|i s Stephen ;, C. V- Knocl ibout club in thi \ Is. 1883. . . . • 17 1 1 s ; itevens, C. \Y. Flj fi ,h ing in thi M lakes. 1881 795 8 ; Thoreau, II. I '. Mai e « Is. 1864. . 1741-9 - Whitman, W. E. S. ami I 1 ue, C. 11. Maine in the « ai foi 1 he union. . . 979 igassiz, 1 1 leologii .>l iketi hes. ■• . 2. pp. 101-152 55°4-2 B ughs, J. Signs and sea ions. pp. [09-138 I96E7 G011 titutions ol 1 he se\ eral States, pp. 23 1" 1 >avis, W. Maine la« vindii ■■ ' . /// Temperance trai ts. \. 1 198 85 I "\\ ell, J. K. I ireside tra> els. pp. 89 152. A Moosehead journal 588E3 Winthrop, T. 1 ife in the open air. pp. ,?-tro. Katahdin and Penobscot. . . Mainstone's housekeeper. Meteyai I, I M iinten vnce ol health. I 1 thergill, J. M 613 M vintenon, Francoise d' Aubigne, Marquise de, '. 1635-rf. 1719. Bennett, W. Mad- ame de Maintenon 609B4 Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. PP. 130-338 410-19 Bush, Mrs. 1 . Queens of France, pp. 182-211 \u>--,\ 2 Fifty famous women, pp. [62-168. . . 413 .|i Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of history. PP. vS 408 H3- 6 — rhomson, K. (B.) and]. C, (Grace . Sir Wm., Scottish mini b. about [530 ; . 1573. Skelton, John. Mail 1 thington and the Scotland ry Stuart : a history 1 1 of illustrious |n pp. 67 74. 41 1 65 Majendie, / ■■ Margaret. Giannetto. V V., 1 Ma Beckw ith, A. Majolica and fayence 7a 7 - - - Fortnum, C. D. E. Maiolica. D m, J. Memoirsof the Dul no. v. 5. pp 382 404 — 5tv also Pottery. Major Barron. Lewis, D. Prohibition a failure, pp. 2 (I 266 1 Major, H. Up the Nile; for boys and girls, I .. 1887. 12 ; i Lawrence. F. I.. S. I awless, Emily. M IJOR, Richard Henry, / 1818. Discoveries of Prince Henry ihe navigator and theii ieing nar- rative of ilie di sea within century of more than half the world. [877 8° 1 M Lji iR and minor. \.'i ris, W.I. Makers of Florence. < >liphant. Mr. . M. O. (W.) 4107-7 Makers of Venice iaint- and men of letters. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) M VKlNG honey. Flint, S. A. . . 360A85 MAKINi of a man. Baker, Rev. W. M. MAKIl and. ( ireen. 1. R Making of New England. Drake, S. A. MAKING. 818 — MAI.l.Ksnw Making of the American nation; or, the rise and decline of oligarchy in the west. Partridge, J. A 87S5-7 MAKINS, Geo. Hogarth. Manual of metal- lurgy. I.., 1873. '2° 669-58 Makqwiczka, Prof. — . Bavaria. In Em- minghaus, A., ,,/. Poor relief in differ- ent parts of Europe, pi'. 11S-129. . . 339-35 Malan, Rev. Abraham Henri Caisar. t'hee- ver, H. II. Wanderings of a pilgrim. IT'- 27-34 4494 23 Malan, Rev. Solomon Caesar. Fish, II. C. Pulpil eloquence of the 19th century. 11'- 149-163 2521-4 Malay peninsula. Bishop, 1. L. (Bird). Golden Chersonese. 1SS3 45.1-2 Malcom, II. Travels in South-eastern Asia. 2 v. 1S39 453-6 — Thomson, J. T. Some glimpses into life in the far East. 1865. [Missions]. . . 453-8 Sequel to some glimpses into life in the far East. 1865. [Missions.] 453-84 Malaysia. Adams, W. H. D. Eastern archipelago. 1S80 490-14 — Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the Fast In- dian archipelago. 1869 492-2 — Earl, (1. W. Eastern seas; or, voyages anil adventures in the Indian archipela- go '832-34 490-3 Forbes, II. 1 >. Naturalist's wanderings in the I istern archipelago, 1878-83. . . 490-4 — Guillemard, F. II. II. Cruise of the " Marchesa." 2 v. 1886 4376-4 — Habersham, A. \V. North Pacific sur- veying and exploring expedition. . . . 490-45 — Knox, T. YV. Boy travellers in the far I : Siam and Java. 18S1 453-5 Wallace. A. R. Malay archipelago. . . 490-9 Ballou, M. M. Dae west. pp. 10S-124. 438-15 Pai ki M. A. Traveling about. PP- 295-3>5 439 '4 Hornaday, W. 'P. Two years in the ' PP. 333-3 s 9 454-47 Pfeiffer, I. Pads iecond journey round the world, pp. 83-286 438-72 ►1 i ' 1 . Edward < .. Tuckerman, 1 1. P. Bool Of I lie 11 I I .[ .. pp. t2I-I25. • ■ • 7v S O II iggin on. 1 . w. 1 • a, f.lm, I ! ,111,/ histo- •n, : 1 700 ,/. 1833. Jerdan, W. '!, n I have know 11. i' ;i 1 j ; 1 1 41 1-56 Kaye, J. W. Ia\ es ol Indian offii 1 1 v. 1. pp. [29-232 l"-595 Mai coi A. Mai di 111 Id, 1 leo VI 1 om, Howard, />. />.. Am. Baptist, I). 879 i 1 ve\ in Soul ii eastern rig Hindustan, Malaya, ■ Ii 1 tii ol ■ ions and a full Malcom, Howard, continued. of the Burman empire; with disserta- tions, tables, etc. 2 v. B., 1839. 8°. Same, 1845. 12° 453~6 Ma iini. Webster, J. In Marston, J. Works, v. 2. pp. 193-292 1 1 1 4< 1 Malden, Henry Elliot. Hereditary tenden- cies as exhibited in history. Jn Evolu- tion in history, etc. pp. 18-32. . . . 575 ;; Mai e life among the Mormons. Ward. Austin N 29S1-92 Malebranche, Nicolas dc. French philoso- pher^. l63S-. 1S08-,/. 1836. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 330-360 4178-3 — Ferris, G. T. Great singers, ser. 2. pp. 9-5o 4178-4 Mallalieu, W. F. Separation of the soul from God. In Grout, II. M., ed. G is- pel invitation, pp. 71-87 252-43 Mallary, Mrs. M. Jeanie. Horace Wilde. Phila., [868. 12 . Mallery, Garrick. Introduction to the study of sign-language among the North American Indians as illustrating the ges- ture speech of mankind. Washington, 1880. 4 137-0 Malleson, Col. G. P. Ambushes and sur- prises: being a description of some of the most famous instances of the lead- ing into ambush and the surprise of armies from the time of Hannibal to the period of the Indian mutiny. P..1S85. 8°. 903-6 Contents. — Preface— Pake Trasimenus.— For est of Teutoburg. — Roncesvalles.— Kerkoputta, — Innsbruck. — Fort Duquesne.- Maxen. — St. Gothard. — Inkerman \r.di and Azamgarh. — I nd< n Panic fields of Germany, from the out- break of the thirty years' war to the bal ilc oi Blenheim. 1„, 18S4. 8°. . . . 9434-6 Contents. — Breitenfeld Lech and Nurem- berg. -Liitzen. — Nordlingen, — Jankowitz. — TuttHngen ami la ibui Mergentheim M [ershcim. Zusmarshausen. —Prague. I < hi bellin, \ ienna -Blenheim. I lei isive Panics of India from 1710 to 1849 incln live: ' ■ ond edition ; with an add tional chapter. I -. 1885. 8° 95402-5 Contents. St II ic. iveripal Plassey, — Kondur and Machhllpatanam Biderra I ni I'o. .mi N.i ' Baksai Porto Novo. As sayi Laswarl Bharatpi'u FIru hahar ami •II I I I I I I 1 I l,\ , 1 I , .Mill I . I I I I , I I I I |l I I I MALUM >V MALI III - Malleso i I B., continued. I nt' French ii ugglc in In the I in bin eas; with appi itain- in' [m i p in 1801 1 ,1878 1 History ol 1 1878. L., 1879 1 nidi 11 ketch ol ■ 11 fi ( Udei H i 1 in Freihei von 1 .oudon, Mini. I : . 11. 1 1 1 thi Vustrian I . 1884. 12' kusso- Afghan qu< 1 ii in ind thi <•••• asion of India. I... 1SS5. 12° \l \i 1 1 1. David, Scottish poet, b. about n 9 it. 1765 [ohnsi m, S. I Iminenl I English 1 oel ;. * . 2. pp. 561 570 41821 5 \I m 1 1 1. Paul I kin i. Swiss historian, (>. [730-rf. [807. Northern antiquities; ..1 . .in histoi i. .'I account ol 1 he manm 1 - custon religion and law -. maritime expeditions and discoveries, langi and literal ure ol the am ienl Si mdina- vians; revised with a translation oi the prose I dda from i lie 01 iginal Old Noi texl and note ci 1 tl ind explanati l.\ 1. \. Blai kwell : to w hii h 1- ad .in abstract of the Eyrbj 1, bj mi \\ alter Scott. I .. [859. 1;°. . . \1 \i 1 1 1 . Robei 1. Vppendix. In Ann- strong, R. 1 lonsti u managi menl ol steam boilers, pp. 137 [76. . 6211-45 Manufacture ol bricks by machinery. //; 1 lobson, I '.. M. inui. . 1. ture ol bricks and tiles, pp. 210 244 1 Notes and illustrations. In Wiggins, J. Embanking land from the sea. pp. l 1 °3» I — eii. Rudimentary papers on th< arl ol constructing and repairing common 1 .. 1S1.S. ii, 625-6 I onitnts, Survej of Hie metropolitan roads, by S. Hughes. Art .if constructing common roads, b) 1 1 1 tv R marks on the mainte n. in. e of in. ii .nl. 11 ' '.1 I Burg oyne. ■ 1 of macad ids in certain localities, by [thi itor.) Miiiniui. Abbott, Jaci 103A2 M m 1 OCK, Win. Hurrel, Eng. . . 1849. Is life worth living? V \ .. 1879. I2 °- . [886 201-6 New Paul and Virginia; or, positivism mi an island. V \ .. 1S78. 12 . New Republic; oi culture, faith and phi- losoph) in hi 1 nglish counti ■ \. \ .. I878. 12°. Propertj and progress; or, a briefinquiry into contemporary social, agitation in England. N. \ .. 1884. 12 338 56 \l \i 1 •■' K, W. II.. continu 1 1 Mi .i Mai li iry, 1 1 Hon. Hi obituary 2 v. N. V .. i860. 8' . , Sir Thi 1 ; M01 te I I'Arthui Vrthur am le knights of the round table; with introduction by Sir Edw Bart. Phila., 1868. 16 ii. la Mori d'Arthur: History of King Arthur and of the knighl and table: edited from the text of the edition of 1634; with introduction and m by Thomas Wright. .^ v. I... 1 : 12° Ma i.i > r. Hector, French writ 183 Ni relations. Phila., 1S80. 12°. — Romain Kalbris i his adventui and shore. Phi . 1 '- ; . 12 Phila., 1 S7 5. 12 . Malplaquet, Battle of, 1709. Adams, W. II. D. Battle • ip. 202-215. . 92 ttles of Lrilish army. pp. IP ' ;i 9 Malsy and I. Walworth, i2;.\'. Malt. Williams, W. M. Chemistrj . >f cookery, pp. 3°j-3'3 Mama. Porter,W. History of the Knights of Malta; or, the order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem Seddall, II. Malta, past and present. . St nior, \ . \\ . I and jour- nals nl '.'I Malta. 2 v — Charles, Mrs. I'. R. Wanderings Bible lands and ~ea-. pp. 0-19 j;s 22 - Ii ving, W. \\ ..III rt's 1 oosl papers. pp. 144 107. Knight of Malta - Regnault, K. Criminal f the English government, pp. . 9303-7 — Romer, Mrs. I. F. Rhone, the I and the Guadalquiver. pp. 333 382. . - Taylor, Bayard. Lands of the Saracen. pp- 3SS-36 2 - ■ 4409-75 tyn, s. T. Crescent and the 1 MALTBY, Win. Porsoniana. /;; K S. Table talk. pp. 293-334. ....', M Mini S, Thos. Robert, .' 171 /. iSj4. Bonar, J. Malthus and his work JjO-t'o MA I. THUS. MAN. Mai i ill's. T. R.. continued. -- Bagehot, \V. Economic studies. pp. 135-15° 33°4-i8 — Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life. pp. 71- 108. Malthus notwithstanding. . . . 435E5 — Ilazlitt, Wm. Miscellaneous works, v. 5. pp. 149-161 459K8 — Turner. S. Sacred history of the world. v. 3. Review of Mr. Malthus' theories on population 901-85 Mai is, Etienne Louis, French optician and engineer, I). 1 775— 'A 1812. Arago, F. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. ser. 2. pp. 11 7-1 70 416-15 Malvern chase: an episode of the Wars of the Roses ami the battle of Tewkesbury. L., 1SS1. 12 . MAMBI-LAND : or, adventures of a Herald cor- respondent in Cuba. O'Kelly, J. J. . 47291-7 Mammals. Figuier, L. Mammalia: their various orders and habits 599~3 — Natural history of quadrupeds 599— 57 — Parker, W. K. On mammalian descent. 5913-8 — Schmidt, O. Mammalia 599-7 — Waterhouse, mpai ativi ai ny. Creation, El I [1 igy. Evolution. 1 ii ology. I [credit) . Il\ giene. Lon hi , Natural histor) Pal at 1 Phrenol ;y. Phj ical ra] ih ■■ Ph) iognom) . 1 '1 log) . Zoolo 1 nti Hi Philo ;ophj . P cho I 1 Futun life. Religion. tlso ' nil ure. 1 ife. S logj . W01 \i nd beast, here and hereafter. W01 d, J. G 5 5-95 \l \n and his relations. Brittan, S. B. . . . 176-12 \i \ . and the gospel. Guthrie, Thos. ... 24] [g M 1 N and nature. Marsh, < reo. I' 551 M\\ and wife. Collins, Win. \\ ilkie. Man il ai ms. James, 1 ,. P. R. Man is love, an American story 1 1>> one who knows. Phila., 1S7.;. 12°. Man made ol money. Jerrold, Douglas. In Works, v. 4. pp. 3-230 S2S-5 M \n oi feeling. Mackenzie, Henry. Man ol honor. Eggleston, G, C. M as ol Kent. 5 I ov tan, R obi rt. Man ol man) fi iends. I look, Theo. Man ol I hi h S.ld< a, Mr . I. M.,| Pan- 1 714A64 Man-oI h ar life : boy's expei ience in the United States navy during a voyage round the world. Nordhofi*, Chas. . . 437 69 M \n upon i In- sea ; or, a history ol maritime adventure, exploration and discovery from the earliest ages to the present time. G li ich, F. B \ 37 43 Man versus the state. Spencer, Herbert. . 320 84 M an with the book ; or, the Bible the people. Weylland, I. M 2642-S Man with the broken ear. About, E. F. V. M \n with the iron mask. Topin, Marius. Man uuli the iron mask 9443a 9 Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. ii2-uS. Marciali 410-72 — See ai Lou XIV. Man without a country. Hale. E. E. In 1 1, yes and perhap , In Exile. [Little classics.] /« Modern classics, pp ip 1.79 Man who laughs. Hugo, Victor. Man n ho n .is guilt) . Loughe III. Man. woman and child. Savage. M. I. . . [93 B Management and diseases,,!' the dog. Hill, J- W . .-. 798 t Man m.i mini and treatment of the horse. Procter. W 6361 7s Managi I ! 1 1 1 1 in and hair. M M 1 .' I ' • . I . II. Mi 1 during the reign ol tin 218 nil. A. R. Ai i |: I.I leyings with certain people of in>; pp. 21-36 1 Mandeville, Henry. Elements of reading and '■ . Y., r S5 1 . 12°. ... VIL1.E, Sir John 1300 ,/. 1 i . I lalf-hc with the early explorers, pp. 24 ;2. . M , E. E. Si .ventures. pp. ;i 14. Sir John Mandeville and the crusades Lang, A. Lei tio-tiS M I., Great triumphs of great men. 410-7 Mangan, I is. Clarence, Irish poet, l>. \ ,/. 1849. Poems, with biographical in- troduction, by John Mitchel. N. Y., 1859. 12° Mi arthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 13-50 941-54 MANGIN, Arthur, French writer, l>, 1824. Earth and its treasures: descriptioi the mi tallii and mineral wealth of na- ture: ed. with additions by \V. II. I). Adams. I... 1S75. 1 2 553—6 Mysteries of the ocean : tr. and en! b) W. II. H. Adams. L., . . 5514 5 MANGNALL, Richmal. Historical and mis- cellaneous questions; with large addi- nents of myth- ology, astronomy, architecture, herald- ry, etc.: ed. by Mrs. Julia Lawrence. V V., 1877. 12°. Same. tS.St. . . . 004-6 Manhattan club. Fairfield, F. ('.. In Clubs of New York. pp. 139-166. . . Manii 1 I \. Spe< 1:1, ms of the 7001-3 Manii i \. Ellis, II. T. Honj Manilla Manilla hemp. Jagor, I. Travels in the Philippines, pp. 308 .,2.; Manin. Daniele, Italian statesman, . i,So4- ;il l.i'ii h of 1 1. F. In Sarmiento, I'. F. Life in the Ar- gentine Republic in tin da) "I tin- ty- rant ... 482-8 Manx. Dr. Robei 1 Emigrant's guide to the colony of Natal. I,..|iSo;|. 12. |iS| 11 Guide 1 ' ledge ol life, 1 egetable animal : being a prehen 1 1 iology. V Y.. [860. 12°. "i 2 62 Drink. Weather. /// Sim| el foi home use. pp.89 119 aiuipp. 277 303. 607-5 Manners. John, marquis of Granby, i. 1721- d. 1770. James, G. P. K. Memoirs ol great commanders, pp. 409-434. . . . 4151—5 Manners, Lady John. Some of the advant- age- of easily accessible reading and recreation rooms, and free libraries ; with remarks on starting and maintain- ing them, and suggestions for the selec- tion of books. Edinburgh, [1885]. 12°. 8054-6 Manners, Motley, pseud. See Duganne, Augustine J. H. Manners. See Etiquette. Manners: a hand-book of social customs. V V., 1SS8. 16° 395-59 Manners and customs. Brand, J. Obser- vations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain 3832-2 — Daniel, G. Merrie England in the olden time 394-25 — Edwards,C. History and poetry of finger- rings 3917-4 — Farrar, J. A. Primitive manners and cus- toms 399-35 — Gentleman's magazine library. Manners and customs 380-411 — Greenwood, T- Savage habits and cus- toms 399-4 — Jamieson, R. Eastern manners, illustra- tive of old Testament history 2213-5 New Testament history 2213-51 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Brides and bridals. 2 v 3925-5 — Loaring, II. I. Selection of common savings, words and customs 380-5 — Real, A. Story of the slick in all ages and lands 390-7 Trumbull, If.C. Blood covenant, a prim- itive rite and its bearings on Scripture. 2214-9 — Tylor, E. li. Primitive culture. 2 v. . 2902-8 - Emerson, R. \\ . Essays, ser. 2. pp. 115-15° 318E4 — Holland, 1. (1. Every-day topics, v. 1. 350 3'H. American lib' and manners. 483E2 Holcombe, J. P., ed. Literature in let- ters, gossip, society and manners. . . . 826 |s - Spencer, II. Illustrations of universal progress, pp.61-115 142 83 MANNERS and social usages. Sheru 1. lohn 395-7 "Ma • '.1 i' in 1 K n 1I1 man " : by authoi 1 il "How lo be happy though married." N. V., 1887. 12 395-6 M \xnixi.. \111n-. . ', 1X1.7. 1 Iki- ix and Y iolct : a tale "Mli' nil plague. N. Y., 1866. 16°. — Chronicle ..1 Ethelfled. I .. 1861. 12°. < 1 null- the ' olporteui . I ,., 1863. 12 . I in. In , 1.1 Prajetto. 1... [863. [6°. II-: , li.'ld ol Sir H10-. Mine. V Y. 12°. MANNING MANSFIELD i continued. ■ i , 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 . o i 1 h i cl ay s ol i li i dra ii ides. N. Y., 186; 16 Mnich a and mai ried life ol Mai i rward Mi n Milton. N.Y. 16 i Hd Chclsi lie lasl I .nun \. L., i860, 16°. Pa agi in the life ol the fa ■ ;< , Mi tn \ 1 1 ii. Iskew. \. V., 1 1 Provoi 1 1 Madame Pal > ;j . I ... 1880. 12° 708B6 Spanish bat bei . M. V., 1869. 16 . Manning, Edward. Sis irn ml h 1 m .1 lavei . N. Y., 1879. 24 :6i-i Manning, II , Edward, I 1 1 ligi mil literal lire, bj > ai < m writei . v. 2-3. 1 ., 186; : 1 8°. . . Contents. — v. a. Inaugural addi .sum 1 Archl llcct- u a I powci and man': perl ction, by M G Ward. 1 1 .111 rolled intellect, by u G Ward iin the mission anil prospect! of the Catholic church in England, i - 1 Oal eley. — Christianity in relation to 1 ivi! society, 1>\ Ed Luca On theph Tt Ihristianity, bj Ubanj I 1 hrisl 1 some events prepar- atory to thi I I. I hi Fi ion, by 1 1 W. Wil berfoi I nspii ci ipture, by \ii Mud- M mnir Church and state, by E. € Puree]] Ccrtaii used 1 Paul, bj M nsigri 1 1 ittei m v. 3. Inaugural addres □ 1S68-9, by \ n hbishop of Chris- tianity, by \ I tin 1 ', On the mystit tl tnents in religion, and on ancient and modern spiritism, by J. D. Aylwai condition of Germany, by Monsignor Patterson, Mr. Mill u] 1 by E J.u cas.— Christianity in relation to 1 ivd s,.. iety, by 1 1 1 ' Ononepoi ■ nti vci | w ii h the agnostics, by St. 1 Mr.. hi \ reassuring thought at the ape's encroachment on out likeness, by 111 1 aing Darwini to book, by I". H. Lain-, -flaws in the philo! ophy if B 'lii eci rj atti- tude .' esi holasi ii by W Humphrey. — Constituents of th< 1 w 1 1 umphrey. Temporal mission of the Holy 1 reason and revelation. N. Y., 1 1 ' Vatii : il its definitions: pastor- al letter to N.Y.,i884. 12 . 2823-5 d, ' >. A. Works. \ . [3. pp. 370-384. Review of lectures on thi the day ; foi eigntyofGod; and the grounds of faith. 817 27 M • arthy, J. Modern leadei pp. 175-182 4104-0 Manning I ■ ■ ille 1 1 tlf truths and the truth : origin and developmen unbelief. Ii.. 1 ' \1 vnni 5 Nowell, II. P. II, the 1 >. A. Worl pp. Is7 \l VNNII Jourm I Manceuvri 1VOI til. M M \n's age in the worl I 1 1865 M an's natui 1 liny ; nr, of the wicked. Smith, Uriah. . . Man's w rong . K night, \1 EL, 1 lenry Longueville, En ; 1 , Meta] i:- the- phili ousness, phenomenal real. N. V,, 1S71. 12 Phili lie conditii upris- ing some remarks on Sir Win. I [amilt philosophy and on Mr. J. : am- ination of 1 ! iphy. I.., 1 ■■ i, O. A. Works. v . Review Mill, J. S. Examination of Sit Win. y. v. I. Review. 162 6 Rands, W. B. Henry Holbcach, student in life. v. 2. pp. 10S-150 1 -ial lcllcr 77 I 1 5 phens, J. I . J. Essays, pp. .,20 335. 85 I 1 Wright,* . Phili - phical discussion 350-359. Review of Philosophy of the ned 1 M \\s! 11 11.. Murray, W. -. Blachford, (Itlii Kefa- Iende, pseud.) Aerial navigation: by his brother Roberl Blachford Mans- field : « ith preface by I. M. Lud 1... 1877. 12°. ...'.' 5 Mansfield, Edward I »i writ • American 1 cation, its principles and N. V., 1851. S D . Same, 1853 — Life of C.en. Winfield Scott: including the siege of Vera Cruz, battle rdo, and battles in the Vallej to the peace, and his return to the United States. V ,., 1852. 12°. . . 814B7 — Memoirs of the life and s< I laniel I hake ; with 1 nient of Cincinnati. < i m 11 . . 1S60. 8°. — Mexican war: history of its origin and a detailed account of the victories which terminated in the surrender of the - ital: with the official despatches of the generals. N. Y-, 1858. 1 -• 9905-6 MANS FIE I,]). - 824 MANN". Mansfield, E. D., continued. — Personal memoirs: social, political and literary; with sketches of many noted people, 1S03-43. Cinn., 1S79. 12 . . 610B6 — Chinese question. In Atlas essays, no. 3. pp. 100-10S 304-17 Mansfield, L. W., joint author. Hammond, S. II. and Mansfield, I.. \Y. Country margin- ami rambles of a journalist. . . 456E3 Mansfield, Robert Blachford. Log of the "Water Lily," (Thames gig), (hiring two cruises in the summer. if 1S51-52, on the Rhine, Necker, Main, Moselle, Danube ami other stream- of Germany. Leipzig, iS54- 16° 443-6 Mansfield park. Austen, fane. Manson, Geo. J. Work for women. N. V.. 1SS3. J6° 3965-6 Contents. — Industrial designing.— Short-hand writing.— Telegraphy. — Feather curling. — Pho- tography.— Professional nursing. — Proof-read- ers, compositors and book-binders.— The drama, lecturers and readers. — Book agents. — Dress- making, millinery. — Teaching. — Brief notes. Montegna, Andrea, Italian painter, I>. 1430- . 1.. Mani u, of electricity, n. t. p 537 62 M am \i -.1 nursing, prepared for the train- ing school for nurses attached to Belle- rlospital. \. Y.. 1878. i(V . . . 6138 6 Man ' ethics, i iebei . I . .: v. 102 5 . Industrial edui Manuel, Jacques Antoine. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. Eminent orators of France. pp. 146-155 4105-2 Manuela Paredes. B. 16 . [No name series]. MANUFACTURE of photogenic, or hydro-car- bon oils, from coal and other bituminous substances capable of supplying burning fluids. Antisell, Thos 6652-2 Manufacture of steel. Griiner, M. L. . . 6691-5 Manufactures. Bishop, J. L. Ili-toryof American manufactures, 1608-1860. 3 V. 6097-2 — Brown, \Y. Thoughts on paper currency and lending on interest, as affecting labour, commerce and manufactures. 3316—23 — Carey, II. C. Harmony of interests, ag- ricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial 3353-25 — Christy, D. Cotton is king 3267-2 — Uie, A. Philosophy of manufactures. . 6/7-9 — Kettell, T. P. Manufactures. In One hundred year-' progress of the United States 609-6 — Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations. See Index 609-7 — Seealso Calico printing. Candles. Cloth- ing. Cotton. Flax. Fuel. Glass. Gutta-percha. Iron. Mechanic ails. Machinery. Metallurgy. Needle-work. Paper and paper-making. Pottery. Silk. ■ Snap. Spinning. Statistics. Steel. Sugar. Textile fabrics. Weaving. Also England and Great Britain, com- merce and industries. France, miscella- neous. United States, industries. Barbauld, A. I.. Tales, poems and es- says. pp. 141—152. On manufacture. 82S-16 MANURES. See Fertilizers. Manuscript man. Walshe, Misi E. II. . 922A85 Manuscripts. Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle ages. pp. 423-442 "094-5 MANUZIO, Aldo, (Aldus Manutius), Italian printer and scholar, /•. 144 7—^. 1 5 15. 01- iphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice, pp. 393-410. Aldus and Aldines. . 0453-66 Many lands and many people. Phila., 1875- 8° 439 63 Contents.- Searching for the quinine plant in I'eru.-- site .iim! antiquities of Athens. — Roumi in ECabylia Sketches of Eastern travel: Count de I'.cnuvoir in i hina ; Batavia; Bangkok. — \ i home with i he Patagonian -. foui in the China seas.— In .1 caravan with Geromc the painter —With tin Count de Beauvoir in Japan .in.l California.— Constantinople U anderings in Palestine. Many mi -.takes mended : containing two thousand five hundred corrections in speaking, pronouncing and writing the English language; with practical hints on 1 ompo ition and pun* 1 ual ion. N. >■■ 1886, 12° 1173 57 M \\/.<>\| M \\< Manzoni, \l lro, "A-, Italian author, /'. 1 7s | ,/. 18; 1 I I,. I • 1 1 othi d, 1/ pro- ■ pc «), N. Y. 16 11 ■ . W. 1 1. Model i! Italian pod PP. 126-174 8501 •■ Maori, > f.) 1 ngli . 1 M vORll vnd, Nil li"H i, J. H. K, The I ing "try i" I' :" Maple rangi B 1 \ [36 M \i 1 1 11 ■ 11 camp 11 Mi. \. I!. In Wondei torii ol nci pp. 355- ; s i Mais. 1 1 uxley, T. 1 1. Ph) 1 in- trodui tion to the stu of 1 tun pp. I"! ;>" 55'-° Mar, earl of . See Erskine, John. Mara, I laniel. Sheil, R. L. Skeli he of the Irish bar. v. 2. pp. 51 64. ... 34 Mara, Gertrude Elizabeth. 1 layton, I . 1 . Queen ■ ol song, pp 1 12 .... 4178-3 MARABLE family. Hillyer, Shaler. M vRAi hi , \. Mam \. V., [866. 1 6° 789-5 M vi \n. Jeffrey, K. V. M m; aiiina. Watson, II. B. Mai 1 iolt. . 1 1. hi Paul, French jacobin, b. 1743 d. 1793. Gilfillan, G. I Linl gallery of portraits, pp. -i-ji 118 1 ;i 1 "i •• ' ■ |i itte. France, lu's- ution. M if \ 1 111 in, Battle of, . ; 1 '. pi' 1. Black ie, J. S. 1 ays and legend i of ancient Greece, pp. 166-175 160C2 — Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive baitli the world. pp. 1 ; 4.5 1 ; , MARBLE faun. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Marblehi id. Drake, S. A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast, pp. 228-260 474 3 Marble preacher. Clarke. Mrs. HenryS. Mm in prophecy and othei poi a Hol- land. J. G 483C5 MARBLE-workers manual. Booth, Mary L.,/r. 1 Marbi ing. I ia 1 id ion, I . \ Pi ictical manual of house-painting, graining, marbling and sign writing 69S-4 Mari 111 \. Eastwood, Frai is 30 Ma . Marcus ( llaudius. S t I'lu- tan h. Lives. Marcet, Mrs. Jane (Haldimand), b. 1769- d. 1858. Mary's grammar : interspersed with stories. X. V., 1S70. 12 . . . . 1 15-6 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 70-76 4104-62 M 1 1, Dr. Wm. Principal southern and Swiss health resorts: their climate and V Y.. 1883. 1 _• . . . 44 |o 6 Mari 11. Anne, [pseud.) S . Wool son, C. F. \l Mi 11. I III . \\ . I I HIM I " I and the '. V., 1 1 Mai . 11, A'. 1. Il el. Mi d in- 1 nl. Paul. pp. Mi-' 221 I :\, / /.. />., Am. phi- language, in whii h its I of the S Gi eek, Latin, 1 Old Saxon, Oli Old High German. \. Y '., iS;o. — Introduction to Anglo-Saxon: an A Saxon reader; with philological m 1 grammar and vocabulary. N. Y., 1870. 8° — Latin hymns; with English note-. N. Y., 1874. 12 . [875 S791-6 Method of philological study of the Eng- lish language. ith Fowler, W. C. English language, pp. 1-118. . . MARCH. Adams, O. Y., ed. Through the year with the poel li S09-16 oughs, J. Winter sunshine, pp. 99- 112. A March chronicle 196I I M [of the strikers. Bevan, Dr. J. A. ty, G. A 963-4 ! ! I anklin and Nashville. I. I) 9781 24 March winds and April showers. Reeve, Mrs. L. M 5S9-2 March d, I nne. Verne, J. Ex] tion of the world, pt. 2. pp. 294-319. 436-91 Marchant, Jacques. Gould, S. Baring-. Post-mediasval preachers, pp.155 '7' ■! ' ; I 1 \, I .1 : the Riviera and tales. I L\ se, Paul. HESA," 1 ruise of the. Guillemard, E- H Mari 111 in. n : a story of commercial moral- ity. L. 12°. [ALL s Man with the iron mask. Maroon. Tertullian. 1 Marcion. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 7 M P dventures. See Abbott, Marco Polo. - s ;co. Mari "V, Paul. Erost. T. Modern explor- ers, pp. 126-151 M -; or, the boy tamer. Simonds, Win.. (W. Aim v. (.)... M \ki 1 s Aurelius Antoninus, cvv Antoni- nus. iii w ;ht, 1 . 1" 07; \; MARCY. 826 — MARGUERITE. Marcy, Randolph Benton, Am. general, b. 1832. Border reminiscences. 11. t. p. 16 . 478-604 — Thirty years of army life on the border. X. v.", 1874. 8°. 478-605 Mardi, and a voyage thilher. Melville, H. Mardi Gras. McCormick, E. and others. Wonder stories of travel, pp. 12S-141. Mardi Gras in Nice 4388 9 Marenholtz-BUIow, Bertha von Bulow, bar- oness von. The child, its nature and relations ; an elucidation of Froebel's principles of education ; free rendering of the German, by M. H. Kriege. N. V., 1872. 12° 3722-5 Mares, H. II. Manual for the sulphuring of diseased vines and results. In Flagg, W. J. Three seasons in European vine- yards, pp. 211-300 6345-37 Maretzek, Max. Crochets and quavers; or, revelations of an opera manager in America. X. V., 1855. 12° 772-6 Marev, Etienne Jules. Animal mechan- ism : a treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion. N. Y., 1874. 12°. . . . 59147-6 Marey, Guillaume Stanislas. Memoir on swords, etc.: tr. byH. H. Maxwell. L., i860. 16°. Bound with Beckett, E. Clocks, watches and bells 681-171 — Same. Bound with Taubert, Capt. — . Use of field artillery on service. . . . 358-8 Margaret, of Anjou, queen of Henry VI of England, b. 1 129-rf. 14.S2. Abbott, J. History of Margaret of Anjou 611B4 — Hookham, M. A. Life and times of Mar- garet of Anjou 611B5 — Farmer, L. (II.) Girl's book of famous queens, pp. 120-136 413-38 — Fifty famous women, pp. 33-45. . . . 413-41 — Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of history. pp. 223-265 '. 413-6 Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Va- rious editions.] — Vonge, C. D. Seven heroines of Chris- tendom, pp. 52-81 . 413-99 Margaret, of France, 2d queen of Edward I of England, d. 1317. Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Various editions.] MaRGAI i 1../ I , tin, ater, mother of king Hen- ry I'll. 6. 1441-;/. 1509. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Britain. \. 1. pp. 13-20. . . . 411-65 RET, queen of Scotland, b. n>.|S i. 1093. Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 181-197 414-23 ICavanagh, J. Women "f Christianity. PP- 70 75-' • ■ • • • • 413-55 Mai 11 i lor, queen I ' Scol- 1 , {, 15.11. Lodge, I . P01 o f i 1 1 u 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 ■ . 1 1 in. v. I. p. 79-90 41 1-65 Margaret Tudor, continued. — Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland. [Various editions.] Margaret Douglas, countess of Lennox. Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland. [Various editions.] Margaret, duchess of Ncxu Castle. Walford, E. Tales of our great families, v. 2. pp. 91-114 4"-99 Margaret. See also Marguerite. Margaret. Judd, Sylvester. Margaret. Slidell, Mrs. E., (C. C. Fraser- Tytler, pseud.) MARGARET and her bridesmaids. Stretton, J. C. Margaret Cecil ; or, I can because I ought. Bell, Catherine D 145A3 Margaret Chetwynd. Morley, S. Margaret Graham. James, G. P. R. V! 1 1 \KET Kent, Story of. Kirk, Mrs. E. (O.), (Henry Haves, feud.) Margaret Maitland. Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. (W.) Margaret Penrose ; or, scenes in the life of a Sunday school teacher. L. 16°. . . 610A1 MARGAREl Percival. Sewell, E. M. Margaret Regis and other girls. Ryder, Annie H. Makgari 1 Smith's journal. In Whittier, 1. G. Prose works. v. 1. pp. I- 199 947E6 Margaret Worthington. Prevost, K. . . 747A1 M \i.< . \i;i the ; or, life problems. Juncker, E. MARGARY, Augustus Raymond, Eng. ex- plorer, b. 1846-1/. 1875. Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo and back to Man- wyne, from his journals and letters, with brief biographical preface; to which is added a concluding chapter by Sir Rutherford Alcock. I... [876. 8° 45'a- 6 Margery Daw in the kitchen. Bostwick, I .. W 641-21 M mi.ery Keith. Townsend, Virginia F. . 894A3 Margery's son. Holt, Emily S. Margin ol profits. Atkinson, Edward. . . 336-14 Margolle, Elie, joint author. Zurcher, F. and Margolle, E. Meteors, aerolites, storms and atmospheric phenomena. . 55 1 5—9 Volcanoes and earthquakes 55 12—9 MARGRE1 I low th. Davis, R. II. Marguerite d' Angoullme, queen oj Va- 1, 1492-1/. 1549. Robinson, A. M. F. Margaret of Angouleme, queen of Navarre 609B9 Si ant, W. Studies in earl) French poet- ry, pp. 236-247. Francis and Mar- el 8401-2 \l VRGUERH M \l'IM \1 irgi i Ii Valois, •■' n / Hem v // of France, b. 155 \ d. 1615. Bu h \ 1 Queen of Franci ■ pp. 1 ; 1 i ' ■ 1 1 v r "l Henry 1 V, and in ficti n Dum de \ alois. Marc Mrs. \l . I W, Royal girl and royal coin 1 13-48 \\ 1 ER IT] 1 M a 1 ■ ii 11 ournal. Ilai ris, Mn M (l 1 \l \r-. .1 i 1 1 1 11 ., fulie de Biographical no 1 1 1 - M ridel ohn Bartholdy. In Mendi I 1 tholdy, F. 1 1 ' . . 1 1 1 Italy and Switzerland 624B3 Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, b. 1717- d. 1 7S0. Farmer, I., ill.) Girl's book ol famous queens, pp. 283-301. . . . 413-3S — Fifty famous women, pp. 180-187. . 413-41 Hewitt, M. \.., id. Illustrious women of all ages. pp. 263 314 4>3"49 ■ Jamesi \. (M.) Celebrated female sov- ereigns. V. 2. pp. 120 I97 41 55 - Jenkins. J. S. Heroines of history, pp. -° 413-54 - Russell, W. Ext] iry men and men. pt. 2. pp. 267-2S2 410-9 — Wyatt, W. I. Hungarian celebi pp. 203-290 4'043-9 — Yonge, C I). Seven heroines of Chris- tendom, pp. 137-168 413-99 Maria Victoria, queen of Spain. Rose, H. J. Among the Spanish people, v. 2. pp. 273 2S1 446-S Mariana, Juan ile. In Gordon, J. Inqui- sition in Spain. pp. 269-276 2722 4 Marian] 1 a. Pere: Galdos, B. Marianne, princess of Hesse. Se, William of Prussia, print Marie Ann-lie de Bourbon, •':<,;■>: of France, wife of Louis Philippe, b. 1782-,/. 1S66. Bush, Mrs. A. F. Queens of France, v. 2. pp. 334-3S 1 41051-2 Marie Antoinette, queen of Louis XVI, b. i755-- 1 13-272 , queen of France, >'■. 157; d. 1042. Pardoe, J I Medicis. 3 v h, Mrs. \. 1. Queens 'if France. \ . 2. pp. 56-108 11051-2 — Fifty famous women, pp. 257-261. . . 41 — See also Henry IV. Louis XIII. I • ivynska, queen of Fran 1703-^.1708. Bush, Mrs. \.Y. Queens ince. v. 2. pp. 211-261 41051-'}. ! uiagh, J. Women of Christianity. pp. 2S9-303 413-53 Marie Louise, empress of France, -fife* ■ poleon /, b. 170 1 1 ind, Imbert de. Memoirs of the Em: lise Abbott, I. S. 1 . Kings and queens ; or, life in the palace, pp. 13-64 ;i; 1 .• Bush, Mrs. V, 1 . Queens of France, v. • 3 2 3 333 41051-2 Herisson, Comic A'. Black cabinet, pp. 268-344 9445-4 Maria Then f Louis XI d. 16S3. Bush, Mrs. A. I . Queens of France, v. 2. pp. 143-1S1 41051-2 MARIE: a story of Russian hkin, A. Marietta. Trollope, T. A. Marine engine. Bartol, B. II. Marine boilers of the Un 621 12 2 I Iwards, E. Catechism of the marine steam engine 62112 ;; M'Carthy, D. F., ed. Engineer's guide to the Royal and Mercantile n:v. .- 1 1 2 4s — McDougall, N. Relative merits of sim- ple and compound engines 62112; — Main, T. 1. and Brown, T. Marine steam engine 62; Questions on subjects connected with the marine steam engine 621 12 6 — Murray. R. Marine engines and steam vessels 62112-63 MARINE. — 828 MARKHAM. Marine engine, continued. — Baird, G. W. Practical notes on steam engineering. In Qualtrough, E. F. Sailor's hand-book. pp. 435-48S. . . 794~7 — Perry, J. Elementary treatise on steam. pp. 311-3S0 621 1-7 — Winton, J. G. Modern workshop prac- tice, pp. 1-92 620-9 — See also Steam engine. Marine zoology. See Zoology. MARINO, Giovanni Battisto, Italian poet, l>. 1569 -. 1S30. Life of the great Lord Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the army of parliament of England. 1.., 1870. 8° 332B3 M \KKII.\M. MARR1 \l in i. ii wi, ( '. R., continiti I. Peruvian barl i introduction of chin cultivati "t i Briti Ii India, 1860-80. I . [880. 12 6151-6 Sen i»ii ■ "i live of 1 1 gators of I ti me 1. I ... [88 |. 1 .• . 137-63 hold "I the unknown regions. I... 1 6. 12° 1 \\ .11 li.i h 1 en Pei u and 1 Ihili. N. V., 1883. 12 9944 6 ed. Narratives of the missi f G< Bogle i" I 1 1 el and ol the journey of Thos. Manning to I hasa; will ! . introduction and lives ol Mr. Bogle and Mr. Manning. I.., 1S711 .'-■ 1515 < > M vrkh wi. Sir John. I ampbell, J. 1 Ihief- justices of England, v. 1. pp. 145 148. 411-24 Markhams ol Ollerton. Glaister, E. . . . 4j1.N1 MARKHEIM. Stevenson, R. L. ///Norman, II.. td. Broken shaft, pp. 52-80. M 1 Koi : the Russian violinist. Durand, A. M. C. (II. 1, (Henri Greville,/«W.) Marks, Alex. Characteristics ol the church. V Y., [881. 12° 2838-49 M 11 i . J. is. J. Peninsular campaign in Virginia; or, incidents and ;cenes on the battle-fields and in Richmond. ! I I ... 1S64. 12° 9787-6 Marks, Win. Dennis. Relative proportions of the steam engine. Phila., 1SS4. 12°. 6211-55 •■ M \i;i. .\i in," p eud. 1 lead shol : or, sportsman's complete guides being a treatise on the use of the gm>. N. Y., 1S70. 12° 7967-6 Marlborough, Duchess of. S« Churchill, •Sarah. Marlborough, Duke of. See Churchill, John. M \u 1 Bi 1R01 'in school. < lur public schools. PP- 2S9-3I3 37342-6 Marlitt, 1 .. pseud. See John, Eugenie. Marlowe, Christopher, //',s r . dramatist, t>. [564-rf. 1593. Works, including his translations: ed. with notes and an in- troduction by l.t. Col. Francis Cunning- ham, I... 1S70. 12° 613C6 — Poetical works; with memoir. //; Bell, K.. ed. Poetical works of Robert Greene and Christopher Marlowe. . . 435C4 Troublesome reign and lamentable death "I Edward II, king of England [and] rragical history "f Doctor Faustus. In British dramatists, pp. 100-139. . . . 8223 2 Ward, 1 . 11.. td. English poets, v. 1. pp. 411-417 8092-9 Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's predeces- sors in the English drama, pp. 534-580. 82* 8 - Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 1-31 8203-9 Marm iw e, Chi I v, 2. pp. II .1 I ! I II. \l u \ii"'.. :,: M.\ KM" de, i. 1; 11 and his 111.11 dials v. 2. pp. 95-118 ;B56 MAKMl INI II , Jean I ram oi . /■ i. 1723-rf. i ran- cois Marmontcl ; with an essay by W. I>. Howells. 2 v. B., 1878. 24''. [Chi 614B2 Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 109-116 804-4 Marmorne. I!. [6°. I N - ries]. Maronites. Churchill, Col. < II. Mount I ebanon. v. 4. I h uzi and the Ma- ronites under the Turkish rule, 1840 60 Marot, Jehan. Besant, W. Si ud 1 li poel ry. pp. 248 287. M \i 1 1 " 1 1 upid ; with i I ■ by Frank I. Merrill. B., 1883. 12°. MARQI V.RT, John. Six hundred re ■ worth their weight in gold. Phila., n. d 603-53 1 1 111, Jacques, French missionary and explorer, d. 167 3. Abbott, J. S. C. Ad- ventures "f Chi le La Salle and his companions, pp. 1 5 -So 557^6 Milbum, W. M. I leei preachers and people of the Mississippi valley, pp. 67-126 987-6 — Murray, J. O'K. I is of America, pp. 251-264 1142 6 — Parkman, F. Discovery of thegreal PP- 49-72 971-62 — Shea, J. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mi lley. pp. 41 70. . 987-84 Sparks, J.,ed. American biography, v. 10. pp. 265-299 Marqi is and merchant. Collins, M. is of Carabas. SpofTord, II. P. is of I.etoriere. [From the French.] 1 ., G. C. B.. 1S73. «6°- Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald, M alta. Valdes, A. P. Marriage, Aikman, W. Bachelor's talks about married life and things adjacent. 193—13 — Alcoii. W. A. Young husband 1033-14 ar book of the household 1 lies. J. A. Holy matrimony. . . 2615-2 Byford, W. II. Philosophy of domestic life '93-25 er, A. Marriage in the United States 1931 :- — Carroll, ti. D.,ed. Wedding etiquette. . 3951-3 MARRIAGE. 830 MARRYATT. Marriage, continued. — Cook, J. Boston Monda) lectures: mar- riage 1931-j — Croly, J. (C), (Jennie June, pseud.) For better, for worse '933-3 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) A new atmosphere 399-44 — Evans, H. D. Treatise on the Christian doctrine of marriage 2615-3 — Fulton, J. Laws of marriage 3442-4 — Hardy, E. J. How to be happy though married 1933 -4 — Jeaffreson, J. ('. Brides and bridals. 2 v. 3925-5 — Kenny, C. S. Effects of marriage on property 344^-5 — McLennan, J. F. Studies in ancient his- tory; comprising a reprint of Primitive marriage 3211-61 — Opinions concerning the Bible laws of marriage, by one of the people, (pseud.) 2615-6 — Ruskin, J. Letters and advice to young ladies 396-79 — Saunders, F. About women, love ami marriage I933- 8 — Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia 321 1-7 — Swedenborg, E. Delights of wisdom con- cerning conjugial love 2894-78 Marriage and the sexes in both worlds. In Swedenborg library, v. 9 2894-2 — Wood, E. J. Wedding day in all ages and countries 39 2 5-9 — Becker, W. II. Charicles: illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. pp. 209-214 4053- 2 Chapone, Mrs. PI. Letter to a new-mar- ried lady. Bound with Gregory, J. Fath- er's legacy to his daughters, pp. 209- 226 247-5 ' roly, J. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. pp. 185-204 255E2 — Davies, J. L. Social questions from the point of view of Christian theology, pp. , » ;26 . . . 2576-2 - Fairer, J. A. Primitive manners and cus- toms, pp. 188-238 399-35 — Gladden, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living, pp. 204-221 '97-33 Gorton, D. A. Essay on the principles of mental hygiene, pp. 195-233. . . . 171-4 ley, II. Recollections of a bus)' life, pp. 571-618 436B2 — Greene, W. P. Sociali tic, [etc.J, frag- ment,-, pp. 1S3-223 3°4-3 8 II ton, P. G. Intellei tual life. pp. 226-272 152E6 Hill, B. \. 1 .ibei ty and law undei fed- eral! government, pp. 245-255. . .321 1 I'm - 1 1 , 1;. A. Light 1 iem e foi lei ure hours pp. 240 246 502-69 Marriage, continued. — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary and the social, pp. 79-104. 805E4 — Simpson, W. Meeting the sun. pp. 144- 174. Marriage of the Emperor of China. 438-83 — Tchernuishevsky, N. G. Vital question ; or, what is to be done. - .V also Sacrament--. Marriage. Ferrier, Miss Mary. Marriage in high life. Feuillet, O. Marriage of convenience. Jay, Harriett. Married beneath him. Payn, Jas. Married for both worlds. Porter. Mrs. A. E. Married for fun. B., 1885. 16°. Marriott, Jas. Essays. /;/ British essay- ists, v. 25-26 184E1 MARRIOTT, Wharton B. Testimony of the catacombs and of other monuments of Christian art, from the 2d to the 18th cen- tury, concerning questions of doctrine now disputed in the church. L., 1870. S° 2829-53 Marryat, Florence. See Lean, Mrs. Flor- ence (Marryat). MARRYATT, Frank. Life in California: mountains and molehills ; or, recollec- tions of a burnt journal. X. V., 1S55. 12° 4794-6 MARRYATT, Frederick, captain, ///,. naval officer and writer, b. 1792-a'. 1S48. Chil- dren of the New Forest. Leipzig, 1848. 24°. — Frank Mildmay; or, the naval officer. 1... n. d. 12 . Jacob Faithful. L., 1S79. i(.' . — Japhet in search of a father. L., n. d. 16°. — King's own. N. Y., 1873. 12°. — Masterman Ready; or, the wreck of the Pacific. L., 1S86. 12°. Same. N. Y. — Mission ; or, scenes in Africa. Leipzig, 1S45. 16 . — Monsieur Violet; travels and adventures. N. Y., 1868. 12 . — Newton Forster; or, the merchant ser- vice. N. Y., 1873. 12 . Contents. — Pi.it \ "ii tin continent — S. W. and by W. - v W - [ll-will —Sky-blue domino. — Modern town houses. —Way to be happy. — How to write a fashionable novel. — How to write a book of travels. — How to write a ro- mance. Legend of the Bell rock. — Moonshine. Olla podrida. 1... 1S74. 16°. Pacha ofmanytales. N.N'., 1S73. 12 . Percival ICeene. N. \ '., 1872. 16 . Phantom ship. I,., n. d. 12 . I'o. 1. lift. P.. n. .1. 12°. I'm vateersman : adventures by sea anil land in civil ami n age life, : hun- dred years ago. I ... 1S80. 12 . 613A1 MAKKY VI MAI' Ml \l I m . i i n i lerick, continued. Rattlin Ihe reefer. I ., I , ,. 12 . n ida. N. N , n. d, 1 ! . , . \ , 1 hi .! fiend I 1 Life and lctlei ol 1 itt: ed. by Mi 1 i ici 1 rn : [Lean]. 2 v. \ \ .. 1872. 1 • 614B4 M M 1 . 11.II I 'ii including a visil lo the 1 sle ol 1 Idtland. z v. I ... 1862. t2 1485 6 Ri idence in Jutland, the I >anish ides 1 nhagen. I.., i860. 8°. . 1 Mar's whiti wit h Douglas, G. Marsden, Samuel. N onge, CM. 1 1 and foundei - pp. 216 2\o 1 1 Marseili es. Sala, G. A. Prip I B bj ' roundabout te. pp. 71 -101. . 1.65 8 \ t all ■ 1 1 ince. M \i: 11. A 1 1. 1 icw J . New manual ol reformi d I 'lii ii I hand : being 1 completi progi ■ 1 ' ystem of phonography and 1 erbatim repoi ting. San Francisco, [884. 16 655-63 Marsh, Mrs. ■ m 1 aldwell, Eng. 6. 1711S ,/. 1874. Castle Amu. 2 v. in 1. Leip 1 . 1S52. 16 . 1 - Km Mai ston. N. Y., n. d. 8°. Heiress of Haughton. 2 v. in 1. Leip- zig, 1855. 16°. History of the Protestanl reformation in France. 2 v. Phila., 1851 2S45 52 Ravei ■ v. in 1. Leipzig, [851 Rose of Ashurst. 2 v. in 1. Lei] ig, 1857. 24 . — Time the avenger [and] Raven cliffe. V v.. 1864. s°. Marsh, C. C. Science of doul >k- kceping, simplified by the application of an infallible rule for journalizing, cal- culated lo insure a complete knowledge ofthetheorj and practice of accounts. X. 5 .. 1875. 8° Marsh, Catharine. Alldridge, I. [Biog. of]] Lorence Nightingale, etc. IT- 65 98 Ml 15 Marsh, Daniel, joint author. Scribner, J. M. and Marsh, D. Lumber and log book. Rochester, X. \ '.. 1885. 24 . . 6908-7 Marsh, Rev. Dwight W. 1 □ in Pei si 1 and ECoordistan : bi and incidents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea. Phila., n. d. 12° 2656-57 M \ksh. Ceo. Tayler, C. B. Memorial the English martyrs, pp. 299-324. . . 2726-S Marsh, Geo. Perkins, LL. /'.. Am. philolo- gist, b. iSoi-rf. 1 - • ■ 1 unel, The; his . habits and uses, consid- I with reference to his introduction into the United States. B., 1856. 12°. 5>. G P. 1 : lifted bj ■ .ii ol M \ •. 55' Leclui .... 110-6 Man and nature ; or, phj fied by hum V., 1 1 in and history of ihi 1 gua| es. N. Y.,1882 .... id. by 1 aroline < . Mai sh. v. 1. N. Y., 1888. 8° Lanm I Hap hazard pi 1 1 8 |i- s s • i . Hippislej 1 lunliffe. Ride thi m : being a journey througl and Afghanistan t" India, via Meshed, Herat ihar. I... 1877. 8 , , 155 5<"> Reconnoitring Central PP. 54-72 '• I Preliminary essay. In • ridge, S. T. Works, v. I. pp.67 1 : 1. John. Temperance recollecli an autobiography. X. \ '., 1867. 12 . Marsh, \V. Introduction. In Bam J. T. Survey of the Holy land. . . . 2209-14 Marsh island. Jewelt, Sarah O. Marshall, Alfred. Preface. /«Bagehot,W. Postulates of English political economy. 330-1S — and Paley, Mary. 1 rindustry. I ... 1886. i6 c Marshall, Chas. Canadian dominion. I.., 1871. 8° 171 ' Marsh vli . Edward. 1 ■ I... 1882. l6°. [Diocesan histories] 2 742 1 -6 Marshall, Edward C. Fii F ora- tory. \. V.. 1S67. 12° t Marshall, Emma (M . writer, 6. about 1832. Cassandra's casket. N. Y.. 1885. 12 614 An. — Chip of the old block : being the si rtel King of King ait. X. V., 1880. 16° 614A1S — Dev ! diamonds. X. V., n. d. 16 614A2 \ wife. X. V., n. d. 12°. ... 61 . — In four 1 ecol lections of Althea Allingham, 1785-1 L., 1887. 12 . — Little brothers and stei . V \ .. 16° 614A33 — Millicent Legh. X. V.. n. d. 16 . . . 61. Mainwaring's journal. X. Y., 1874. 12°. . 614A38 \ XIII; or, tl f the lost v I... 1S85. I — X'ov . King's daughters. X. Y., 1875 1- 614A41 MARSHALL. 832 - MARTHA. Marshall, Emma (M.), continued. — Poppies and pansies. N. V., n. d. 12°. 614A43 — Rhoda's reward ; or, if wishes were horses. I.., 18S6. 12 614A46 — Silver chimes ; or, Olive. N. V., 1S84. 16° 614A47 — Sir Valentine's victory and other stories. X. V., 1SS3. 12 614A4S Contents —Sir Valentine's victory. — Triple cord. — After thoughts. Marshall, Dr. Henry. Brown, J. Spare hours, pp. 145-192. Dr. Henry Mar- shall and military hygiene 188E2 Marshall, John, Am. jurist and statesman, b. 1755-^. l8 35- Life of Geo. Washing- ton. 2. v. Phila., 1848. 8° 925B1 — Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. . . . 614B7 — Griswold, R. W. In Homes of American statesmen, pp. 263-274 412-53 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 417-434. . . . 4123-6 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2. PP- 7-3-- [Biog. sketch and speeches.] S152-6 — Van Sanivoord, G. Lives and services of the chief justices of the United Slates. pp. 293-45S 41233-4 Marshall, Mrs. Julian. Handel. N. V., 1883. 12 . [Great musicians series.] . 453B4 Marshall, T. \V. M. Christian missions; their agents and their results. 2 v. N. V., 1S74. S° 2632-5 Marshall, Thos. Francis, Am. lawyer, b. 1801-,/. 1864. Speeches and writings; with introduction containing biograph- ical sketch: ed. by W. 1.. Barre. Cinn., ■858. 8° S18-6 MARSHALL, Thos. Wm., (Archdeacon Chas- uble, pseud.) Comedy of convocation in the English church. X. V., n. d. 8°. 2837-5 MARSHALL, \V. <;. Through America; or, nine months in tile United States. L., '88l. 8" 473 _ 62 M IRSHMAN, John Clark. Life and times of < 'airy, Marshman and Ward : embrai ing the history of the Serampore mission. 2 v. 1.., 1859. 8° 4149-6 Mah hman, Jo Int. 1, Eng. orientalist and mis- n try, b. 1767 .,/. 1S37. Marshman, J. 1 '• I- 'I'' and in.ii ,.1 1 arey, Marshman and Ward 4149-6 — Tweedie, W. K. life and work of earn- est men. pp. 9S-127 410-945 tong< C. M. Pioneers and founders, PP- 96 "7 4149-98 Mai ton, Edward, (Amati mi angler, / Amateur angler's days in I hive dale. I.., 1884, 24 7959-2 n the 1 ies. 1:.. 1886. 12° 478-61 MARSTON, John, Eng. dramatist, b. 1575-n'. 1634. Works; with notes and some ac- count of his life and writings, by J. O. Halliwell. 3 V. L., 1856. 12°. . . . 01411 Contents — v 1. Preface.— Antonio and Mel- lida.— Wonder of women; or, the tragedie of Sophonisba. — What you will. v. 2. Parasitaster ; or, the fawne. — The Dutch courtezan. — The malcontent. v. 3. Eastward hoe. — The insatiate count- esse. — Metamorphosis of Pigmalion's image and certain satyres. — Scourge of Villanie: three books of satyres. — Entertainment. — City pa- geant. — Verses. — Antonio and Mellida [and] Antonio's re- venge. In British dramatists. pp. 347-382 S223-2 — joint author. Dramas. .'■ Chapman, G. Works. — Whipple, E. P. literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 1 25—13 1 S203-9 - Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 44-47. 946E5 MARSTON, L. M. Essentials of mental heal- ing; theory and practice: ed. by C. M. Barrows. B., 1887. 12 172-57 MARSTON, Philip Bourke, Eng. poet, b. 1S50- d. 18S7. For a song's sake and other stories; with a memoir by Win. Sharp. I... n. d. 12°. Contents. — Memoir. — For a song's sake. — Lady of the graves. — Strange woman. — Trapped. — Miss Mowbray's experiment. — Act- ress and her drama. — Adventure at a French hotel. — Her price. — Sir Chas. Godfrey, Bart. — 'thousand pounds. — An aesthetic flirt. — Heavy stakes. — Miss Beresford's mystery. — Letter to Eva. — His trust.— Lillian. — Miss Stotford's specialty. — Bryanstoneand wife. ( larden secrets; with biographical sketch, by Louise C. Moullon. B., 1S87. 12°. 614C2 Song-tide: poems and lyrics of love- m and sorrow : ed. with introductory me- moir, by \V. Sharp. L., 1S88. 24 . . 614C25 — Wind-voices. B., n. d. 12° 614C3 MARSTON Mo,,r, battle, 1644. Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories, pp. 366-386. . 9208-13 \l \i 1 1 u he, Jean. Huguenot galley-slave: the autobiography of a French Protest- ant condemned to the galleys for the sake of his religion. X. Y., 1S67. 12°. 2845-54 Martel, Chas. See Charles Martel. Marten, Henry. Forster, 1. Statesmen of tin- Commonwealth of England, pp. 353. Vii 4"' -35 M111 \si\, Dr. II. ins Lassen, Danish theo- logian,b. i8o8-(/. 18S4. Jacob Boehme, his life and teaching; or, studies in theosophy : tr. from the Danish by T. Rhys Evans. I.., 1SS5. 8° 170B4 Mai; 111 1 . 1 6 I any. Hills, O. A. t Ioni- an characters, pp. 260-277. • • • 221 7 4" MARTHA: a memorial. Kecd, A. . . 777B2 MAk'I'II V. M \l \i i Brown, thi hein Leipzig, 1861. Martiai tli Pari Bi int, W. 1 French poeti v. pp. 98 11; 8401 2 Mai in l:iu and tin 1 1 1 vey, Id. Col r> i MARTIAL, i ,1/.j<< kj / 'alerim Martialt \ , ■id 104. 1 tr. into Eng- lish ] , eacl 1 ! ' n v e 1 1 ii"i : li o n s f r o m thi vorl 11I" English poel s and vai ious soui - ed. bj 11 1. Bohn. I.., 1871. 16 . . 8; II 1 . \ Spei imen 1 of ■ thi cla poets, i. 3. pp. 73-85 8; 11 Martin, mini, bishop / Tours. \\ ilsh, W. P. 1 1.1 11", 1.1 Hi mi . ion field, pp. : M49-9 Martin i \%/.A'- - V( Montor, A. de. 1 1 11 1 tiffs 2821-53 Martin, Bon Louis Henri, / r, u h hist >rian, b. iStu ii. 1883. Daniel Manin and Venice in 1848 49 ; with an introduction 1 1 1 1. n Butt. 2 v. in 1. I.., [862. u History of France. \ge ol Louis XIV: tr. by M. L. Booth, z 1 B . 1865. 8°. 94 Contents. — v. 1. 1661-1683. — v - 2 - 1683- 1715. Decline of the French monarchy: tr. j M. L. Booth. 2 v. r... 1866. 8°. 944 Contents, v. i [715 1 ; .,- v. a 174 1 7St>. MARTIN, Edward Winslow. Behind the 1 nil' . 111 \\ ashington : being .1 1 plete and gi aphii aci ' of the Ci edit- Mobilei inve n, n. t. p. 8 . . 475s 6 1 [istorj of the 1 Ii ange \ emi nl or, the farmers' war against monopolies; with a history of the rise and progri ol the order of Patrons ol husbandry, to which is added sketches of the leading grangers. Chicago, 1876. 8° Martin, Elizabeth Gilbert. Whom God joined'. N. V., [886. 16°. Martin, Geo. A.., ed. Faun appliances: a practical manual. N.Y.,1887. 12 . . 6308-6 Fences, gates and bridges a practical manual. \". V., 1NN7. «|2 3 6304-6 Mai. us, Helena (Faucit), lady, Eng. act- . b. 1S16. Shakespeare's female harai tersj Ophelia, Portia, I lesdemona, Juliet, tmogi ne, Ri alind, Beati ice. X. \.. 1887. S° 82 Matthews, I. B. \nd Hutton, I ... Actors and actresses, v. 4. pp. 173-188. 4179 6 M i.R 1 in, Henri. S . Martin, Bon I ouis Henri. Martin, Henry Newell, biologist, &. 1S4S. Human body. N.Y., 1881. S 3 . . . . 6121-6 — joint author. Huxley, T. H. and Martin, II. N. Course of elementary instruc- tion in practical biology =;;; 4 Marti N. \ 1 1 1 .• . 1 /« Spei -ii , John 1 1. Manual of n mounting ; with noti and tralions. Phila., n. d. 8 Mai riN, Luthei , 1744 1/. 1826. Moon i queni e. v. 1. pp. ;;i 400 '! ., Richard, 0/ C [erdan, W. Mm 1 - n. pp. 312-321. . . 411 56 '.I ■ 1 1 1 , ! ' I 1 Her, b. 1803 d. 1870. 1 hina, politii al, 1 -.111- 1. 1 . nl and ocial, in an official rep to Her M vernment. 2 v. I ... 1847. 8 D 451 58 Martin, Rufiis Bacon. Hog-raising and pork-packing. N. V., 1886. 12°. . . I Martin, Sarah, b. 1701 s Hale. S. |. Lessons from won pp. '"7 -•"' in 17 I 1 p] 1, V. 1 1 . 1 1 < 1 id.) Wise and loving deeds, pp. "3-91. . 413 45 Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. PP- 36° 413-55 Ne ile, I CI ing 1 me. v. 1. 1 ,.- 103 410-S Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 209- 215 4>o-934 Martin. T. Carlaw. Franz Liszt. L., n. d. 24 575B6 Martin, Sir Theodore, British writei 1816. Life of his Royal ' . the Prince Consort. 5 v. N. V., 1875-80. 12° H4L4 Contents v. 1 From 1819 to 1848.— v 1848-1854.— v. 3. 18=4-1856.— v. 4. 1857-1859.— 1860-1861. Lifi ' yndhurst, from letters and papers in | 1 of his family. I ., 1883. S° — Horace. Phila., 1S73. ilv. [Ancient classi I lish readers.] — joint editor. Aytoun. W. E. Martin, I . . Look of ballads tone, W . E. Gleaning; years. v. 1 .;. Review of Life of the Prince Consort Martin, Wm. II k fcr the young : being short readings in h _;ra- phy, natural history, theology, ph\ - etc. -er. 1. L., n. d. 16 MARTIN. §34 MARTYR. Martin, Wm., continued. — Veiling student's holiday book : being les- sons "ii architecture, mechanics, natural history, physics, manufacture of pottery, etc. ser. 2. L., n. d. 16° 3728-6 Martin, Wm. A. P. The Chinese; their education, philosophy and letters. N. Y.. 1881. 12 451-50 Martin, Wm. Chas. Linnseus. General his- tory of humming birds; or, the trochil- ida; ; with special reference to the col- lection of J. Gould. L., 1861. 16 . . 59886-6 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens, Chas. Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge, J. T. MARTINEAU, Harriet, English author, b. 1N02-1/. 1N76. Autobiography: ed. with memorials by M. W. Chapman - . 2 v. B., 1S77. 8° 615P.4 — Biographical sketches. N.V.,iS6g. 12 . 4104-62 Contents. — Amelia Opie. — Prof. Wilson. — J. G. Lockhart. — M. R. Mitford. — Charlotte Bronte.— Samuel Rogers. — J. \V. Croker. — Mrs. Marcet.— H. Hallam.— Mrs. Wordsworth. — De Quincey. — Macaulay. — Mrs. Jameson. — I.andor.— Geo. Combe. — Humbuldt. — Bishop 1'! 'infield. — Archbishop Whately. — Marquis of Londonderry. — Lord Raglan. — The Napiers. — Rear Admiral Beaufort. — Sir John Richardson. — Lord Denman. — Lord Chancellor Campbell — I "avid Roberts.— Mis, Berry . — Father Mathew. — Robert Owen. — Lady Byron. — Martinis of Anglesey. — Joseph Hume.— Lord Murray. — Lord Herbert of Lea. — Marquis of Lansdowne. — Lord Lyndhurst. — Earl of Elgin and Kincar- dine. — Duke of Newcastle. — Earl of Carlyle. — Lord Palmerston. — Lord Biougham. — Emperor Nicholas, Metternich and Austria.— Duchess of Gloucester. — Frederick Wm. IV.— Duchi of Kent. — Crofton boys. N. V., 1867. 24 . . . . 615A3 Eastern life, past and present. ]!., 1876. 12 459-55 History of British rule in India. L., ■859- >6° 9543-55 History of England from the commence- ment (if the 19th century to the Crimean war. 4 v. Phila., n. d. 12° 9373—58 Contents. — v. 1, 1799-1S15. — v. 2. 1815-1829. — v. 3. 1826-1835. — v. 4. 1835-1854. Hour and the man. \. Y '., 1873. 8°. — Household education. I!., 1886. 16 . . 3731-6 Peasant and the prince. X. \ ., 1S67. 24 615A4 -Miller. Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. 615B5 Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 3. pp. 17621 1 646E4 Q • • of litei ture of the Victot ian ei a. 13 101 4182-7 li, W. S., i\\ in. Shepard, pseud.) Pen picl tires of earliei Vii ti u is 11 ml hoi . pp. 2711 288 4'8-94 M ir i . |,i ., / n . I iii/,i>i,iii, /,. 1805. II f thought on tcred things. B., 1 -• 252-65 Martineau, Ja^., continued. — Religion as affected by modern material- ism ; with introduction, by Rev. H. W. Bellows. N. Y., 1S75. «6° 215-6 Studies of Christianity; or, timely thoughts for religious thinkers: ed. by Win. R. Alger. I'.., 1867. 12°. . . . 204-6 Study of Spinoza. L., 1883. 12 . . . . S46B2 Types of ethical theory. 2 v. Oxford, 1SS5. 8° 190-6 M ■, 1; 1 i.NEN'GO-Cesaresco, Evelyn, countess. Essays in the study of folk-songs. L., 1886. 8° 380-6 Martinet, Antoine, (Plato Punchinello, pseud.) Ark of the people. Phila., 1873. 12° 2827-6 Martingale, Hawser, pseud. See Sleeper, John S. MARTINS of Cro' Martin. Lever, Chas. MARTYN, Henry, English lawyer, d. 1721. Essays. In British essayists, v. 15. . 184E1 Mar i\ \, Henry, English missionary, />■ 17S1- d. 1812. Journal and letters of Henry Martyn. N. Y., 1S51. 12 615B7 — Sargent, J. Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn 615BS — Adams, W. H. D. Heroes of the cross. pp. 417-440 414-2 — Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. pp. 169-185 41 1-4 — Kaye, J. W. Indian officers, v. 1. pp. 3 2 l-374 4' '-595 — Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry, pp. 292-314 4I4~5 -Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 237-241 41 '-97 — Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility, pp. 177 132 4"-975 - Yimge, CM. Pioneers and founders. pp. 71-95 4149-98 Martyn, S. T. Crescent and the cross: a story of the siege of Malta. N. Y., n. d. 1 6°. MARTYN, W. Carlos. Dutch reformation: history of the struggle in the Nether- lands fur civil and religious liberty in the 1 6th century. X. Y., 1S6S. 12 . . 9422-56 History of the English 1'uritans. N. Y., 1S67. 12° 2859-5 — Pilgrim fathers of New England. N. Y., 1867. 12° 982-6 — Life and times of John Milton. N. X ., 1866. 12° 634B3 MARTYR: a drama. Baillie, J. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 50S-530. . . 132C6 Martyr missionary ; or, five years in China. Bush, (has. P 112B1 Martyr of the catacombs: a tale of ancient Rome. X. Y., 1865. 16 615A9 M \RTYR. ! M \ I' S Martyr . ife. Ai thur, r. S. Maktyrdo i ol in. in. Keade, Win. I 901 1 i 1: . A. k. lit .1 iv :.f the I VIS Fox, I. 1; <"l of in. 11 1 \ 1 272-4 I lodgson, \\ . Refoi mei and mat [nol I hi the I in In 1 i' 'i mal ion, . . 4143 : 1 \i 1 1 hi. A. J . Pel iecul ion of 1 lioi lei ian, 2-21 =; Spai 1 y. 1 '. Illustrated Chri 1 1. at I ) ology. 1'ayler, 1 . B. Mi- 1 ial ol 1 1" 1 ngli >h martyrs. .. " Miller, II. 1 Seology <>( the Ba rock. [Martyrs of the Bass. | See Church 1 . I to the following si 1 hateaul I, 1 . 'I he martyi 1. Easlv I, 1 Man ella 300A55 ( trey, 1 ■. Virgilia 1 :( — Kingston, W. II. < '■. Three hum :igo S35A8 — Out of the mouth of the lion 71 Martyr's monument : being the patriotism and political wisdom of Abraham Lin- coln as exhibited in his ipeeches, mess- . orders and proclamations from the presidential canvass of i860 until his as- ,a n, April 14, 1865. N. V., 1865. 12° 572B7 Martyrs of science ; or, the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler. Brew ter, I >. 416-2 Martyrs of Spain and liberators of Hol- land. Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Martyr's victory. Leslie, Emma. Mari .1 \. Harte, F. Bret. \l n i 1., Ik., psi u I, Si Miti hell, I tonald <;. Marvell, Andrew, Eng.writer, /'. 1620-d. 1678. Poetical works; with memoir of the author. B., 1S57. 12 . Same. I.., 1870 614C8 Whitiier, J. G. Prose works, v. 1. pp. 287-305 94~l-o Marvellous country; or, three years in Arizona and \; 61 Coni Vambcry's journey in disguise to the Khanates of central Asia.— I Khoi Pel Cm I- I A I i 1. 1 R Mei ■ ing in central A Region of the eterna I fire : journey to leum region of the .... 1 I 1. ins at the gate ol Hei It. N. Y.. 1 ,. 12° — ■ ir. ' f, N. 1 1, \\ in. Authorship "f the fout pels, external evidences. X. Y., 1S86. 12° JJ71 6 Marvin and his boy hunters. Thorn M. In Boys' book of sports, pp. 1- !.;-• ■ ■ • Maun, Ad >lph Bernhard, German con. b. 1799-d. 1S66. Theory and practice ol musical composition: tr. from the 1 .1 -i man, and ed. by Herman S. Saroni ; with appendix ami notes by Emiltus Girac. N. Y., 1868. 12° 771., 6 Marx, Karl, German socialist, 6. 1818— d. [. Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production: tr. by S. Moore and E. Aveling : ed. by F. Engel. 2. v. I.., 1887. 8°. . . ....... 330-64 Coni I money. — Transformation of money into capital. — Produc- tion of absolute surplus-value.— Production of 1 vc surplus-value, v. 2. Production of relative surplus-value, luded. — Production of absolute and rela- live surplus-value— -Wages. — Accumulation of capital — The so-called primitive accumulation temporary socialism, pp. 104-171 Mary, the mother oj I. tus. Charles, .'•.' (R.) Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. „'. — Jameson, A. (M.) Legends of the Madon- ed in the tine arts. ... — • Segur, L. < '•. de. Wonders , 1 7—65 — Bushnell, II. Sermons on living sub- jects, pp. 9-36 252-28 — Fulton, J. D. True woman. pp. 145- 172. Mariolatry not of Christ 396-41 Mary, of Bethany. Hills. O. A. Compan- ion characters, pp. 260-277. Martha and Mary _• . Mary Fedorovna, empress of Russia. Kav- anagh, J. Women of Christianity, pp. 3°9-3«7 4".; 55 MARY. MARY. Mary, first queen regnant of England, b. 1516-,/. 1558. Collin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 264 282 920-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. I— II. 411-65 — Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Various editions.] — Tennyson, A. Queen Mary. [A drama.] 2Nji '2 Mary, second queen regnant of England, b. 1662-rf. 1694. Doebner, R. Memoirs of Mary, queen of England, (1689-1693), together with her letters, and those of James II and William III to the Elec- tress Sophia of Hanover 616B3 — Fifty famous women, pp. 217-227. . . 413-41 — Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Various editions.] Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart, pp. I — 1 54. . . 4111-87 Mary, duchess of Gloucester. Martineau, H. Biographical sketches, pp. 425-432. . 4104-62 Mary, of Lorraine, queen ofJa7iiesV. Strick- land, A. Queens of Scotland. [Various editions.] Mary, queen of Scots, b. 1542-a'. 1 587. Let- ters of Mary Stuart : ed. hy A. Labanoff : tr. by W. Turnbull. L., 1845. 8°. . . 616B7 — Abbott, J. History of Mary queen of Scots 616B4 — Benger, E. 0. Memoirs of the life of Mary queen of Scots; with anecdotes of the court of Henry II. 2 v 616B5 — Hosack, J. Mary, queen of Scots, and her accusers. 2 v 616B6 "The author is a learned Scottish barrister and a Protestant, but he has shown himself the most able and ardent of Mary's defenders. His work is the powerful plea of a well-en- dowed advocate." — C. K Adams. — I.amartine, A. de. Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots 616B74 — Leader, J. D. Mary, queen of Scots. . . 6101:77 — Nau, Claude. History of Mary Stuart from the murder of Riccio until her flight into England 616BS3 — Skelton, J. Maitland of I.ethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart 609B6 Strickland, A. Life of Mary queen of Scots : being v. 3-5 of Lives of queens o( Scotland 4II2I-8 Same. v. 2. Same: abridged by R. Kaufman. . . . 616B9] — Tytler, W. Inquiry, hi torical and crit- I, into the evidenci igainsl Mary, I 617B1 ■' A very ingenious and able effort to free Mary from the imputations « .tsi upon her." — C. K. Adams. The life and timi ■■! Mary arc treated very fully in the various histories of Scotland and ] ngland. Sec especially 1!" following: MARY, queen of Scots, continued. — Burton, J. H. Scotland, v. 3-5. . . . 94O-2 — Froude, J. A. England, v. 7-12. . . . 935-4 — Green, J. R. England, v. 2 930-42 — Hume, 1). England, v. 4 930-48 — Knight, C. England, v. 3 930-56 — l.ingard, J. England, v. 7-8 930-61 — Robertson, W. Scotland during the reign of Mary and James VI 9402-7 — Vonge, C. M. Cameos, v. 5 93°-97 Of the foregoing, Burton, Froude and Rob- ertson are adverse, Lingard favorable, and Miss Yonge sympathetic. For shorter sketches see the following: — Brown, J. Horse subseci\ e. pp. 45- 48. Queen Mary's child-garden. . . . 188E1 Same. /// Spare hours, v. 1 1S8E2 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 282-292 410-19 — Bush, Mrs. A. F. Queens of France, v. I- PP- 323-340 4I05 1 - 2 Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 311- 315 and 338-343 920-25 — Ewald, A. C. Studies re-studied, pp. 154-163 93 o6 ~3 — Farmer, L. (H.) Girl's book of famous queens, pp. 156-231 413-38 — Jameson, A. (M.) Celebrated female sov- ereigns, v. I. pp. 171-212 415-5 — Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 3 2 5-392 413-54 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 2. pp. 183-188 411-65 — Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of history. pp. 351-3S4 4'3-6 — Russell, \V. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 131-142 410-9 — Strickland, A. Queens of Scotland. [Various editions.] — Vance, A., tr. Romantic episodes, pp. 229-271 944-93 In firtion and poetry see also Schiller. F., Marie Stuart; Swinburne, A C , Mary smut ; Melville, j. G. Whyte. Queen's Maries; Scott, W., The abbott ; Yonge, C. M., Unknown to history. See also Lives of Elizabeth. John Knox. Mary Beatrice, of Modena, queen of James II. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Si, 1. nis. v.3. pp. 483-497 411-5S — Strickland, A. Queens "f England. [Various editions. | M \i;v Ancilcy. Illackmore, R. D. MARY Barton. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. M \k\ Bell, Abbott, Jacob 103A21 \l m \ Ellis, Arthur, r. S. M m s Erskine. Abbott, Jacob 103A27 Mary Gresley. Trollope, Anthony. M \l<\ 837 \l \ Mary Gre) perplexities. I h ing, A. K 297A25 \l mi Magcl ileni u I ol net poem ' Ireen- ough, \i . K 6151 M ■ 1 1 Mai ton. Mai donald, < ieo, \l I . ■>! Km ■■ 1 1 1 1 ■ I I mi I , P. R, i b 10 \i 11 1 Sch m eidlei , the ambei witch. hold, I. W. Mary Seaham. Grey, Mrs. Col. — . \l ih \ s111.11 1. Mai I ots. M m ■ '. I li : "i . '1 1 1 il il I - nly. In Meale, I . VI rale 1 foi j 1 and 11 11 674A 1 Maryi 1 N i -. Bam ard, I . Ti igii 1 ene in the lull', ol Maryland Brow in , W. II. Maryland i ilic hi oi 1 Palatinate 9842-25 Neill, E. D. Foundei of Maryland. . 9842 7 Tei 1.1 Maria ; or, 1 hread ol Maryland colonial historj 11S 1 • ,1 titul - "l 1 he ri ei Etl States, pp. 220-242 3463-3 Doyle, J. A. English colonies in Amer- ica, pp. 275-327 974 3 Kennedy, J. P. \t home and abroad. pp. 37 87. Legend of Maryland. . . . 532E4 — Lodge, 11. C. English colonies in Amer- ica, pp. 93-'3 [ ''7 13 Ball 1 e. 1 iii' ■ i Win. k. Whittingham. Maryland volunteer, Memoirsofa. Ken- ly. J- R 9905-54 Mary's grammar : interspersed with storii Man et, Mrs. J 115-6 Mary's meadow. Ewing, Mrs. Juliana II. ;2gAis MARZIALS, Frank T. Life of Victor Hugo. L., 1S88. 12° 190B87 Marzio's crucifix. Crawford, F. Marion. MASACi hi. Tommaso Guidi called, Italian painter, b. 1401-1/. about 1443. Jameson, A. (M.j Early Italian painters. pp. 75-83 Mr? 5 Ma \mi 1 1 1 1. rillotson, I. Stories of the wars. pp. 255-279 927s 8 Mascarene isles. Coppinger, R.W. Cruise of the "Alert." 43/6-3 Mask of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn. Chapman, G. Winks, pp.34] 350. 221C1 M vsked ball. Steele, S. S. Drawing-room plays 785 Sj Maskim., Win. Ivories: ancient and medi- eval. N. Y., 1876. 12°. [South Ken- sington Museum art hand-books]. . . 7^5 1 5 Mason, A.J. See Ellicott, (has. 1. New mmentary. Mason, Alfred B. ,;/:./ I.aloi, John J. Prim- er of political economy. Chicago, 1887. 12" , Arthur Jas, Pei ei 1" 1 I) 'I \. I'.. 1 faith. p| i I II ly of the I from tin- earlie the present time. pt. 1, 1 i.- 1 Porter. A. tit. pp. 157 [Bii ■ nis. I 81 Mason, Edward l\, ed. Humo s master- pieces from American literature. V V., 1886. 16° 817-63 : t ■ \. V., 1885. 12° II Contents. — v. i. Byron. — St. re. — K-.iis, — Southey. l.nndor. v. 2. Wordsworth. ' V — 11,1.1: 11 -I'roclor. v. 3. Scott. — Hoeg. — Campbell.- < Wilson. I '-: i.'iiin ey Jeffrey. v. ., It I Macaul I li.-w- Jerrold. — Dickens. — Ch cray. Samuel Johnson: his words ways 5 1 7 1 :-v' • Mason; Emily V. Life of Gen. Robei ward Lee. Baltimore, 1S72. 12 . . . Mas. in. y nf a working man's life: with sketches of travel in Africa and America, as related by himself; with introduction by W. k. William,. N. V., 1S70. 12° MASON, Frank II. Life ami public ser of Jas. A. Garfield: a biographical sketch: with preface by Bret Ilarte. I ... 1881. 12° 404115 MASON, Jas., ed. (neat triumphs of great men. X. V. 12° in, John, deputy governor of Conne b. l6oo-24 1 2 — Mahan, 1 >. II. Descriptive geometry. . 6201-4 MASQUE of the gods. See Taylor, Bayard. MASQUE of the poets: including Guy Ver- non, a novelette in verse. B., 1878. 12° 615C4 i eradi and othei poems. Saxe, J. G. S05C7 M . qi 1 ,. Jonson, B. Works, pp. 660-784. 518C3 MASSACHl iETTS. Sub-divisions: 1. History. 2. Miscellany. /. History. — Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- ii 11,. 1887 9824-12 — Austin, G. I.. History of Massachusi from the landing of the pilgrims to the hi time. 1S76 9824-15 — Carpenter, W. II. History of Massachu- 9824-3 Ellis, G 1 Puritan age and rule in the colony of M icliu cits bay, 1629 1685. 9S24 4 Headley, P. C. Ma achusetts in the re- bellion, isot 97985-4 M \ss \i in si i' 1 s, continued. — Everett, E. Orations. 4 v. [Various addresses. See Contents, p. 432.] ■ . ■ 815-33 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 341-372. 974-5 2. Miscellany. — Agassiz, E. C. and X. Seaside studies in natural history. 1S65 593~ 2 — Haynes, G. Pictures from prison life: historical sketch of the Massachusetts State prison. 1S72 365-4 — Moore, G. H. Final notes on witchcraft in Massachusetts 1744-62 Robinson, 11. II. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. 1881. . . 3 2 43~7 — Thoreau, H. D. Early spring in Massa- chusetts 885E2 Constitutions of the several States, pp. 84-113 3463-3 — Holmes, O. W. Medical essays, pp. 312-369. Medical profession in Mass. 6104-46 — Maynard, C. J. Naturalist's guide ; with catalogues of the birds of eastern Mass- achusetts, pp. 83-167 579-6 — Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the United States, pp. 307-329. Statistics of labor ojj-6 — Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. 2. pp. u-23. Peculiar institutions of Mass. . 947E6 — See also Berkshire Co. Boston. Nan- tucket. New England. Pilgrims. Plymouth. Puritans. Also lives of An- drew, J. A. Bartlett, W. F. Hutch- inson, T. Winthrop, J. MASSACHUSETTS emergency and hygiene as- sociation. Six lectures upon school hygiene. B., 18S5. 12° 3717-6 Contents. — School hygiene, by Frank Wells. — Heating and ventilation, by F. W. Draper. — Use and care of the eyes, especially during school years, by C. H. Williams. — Epidemics and disinfection, by G. B. Shattuck. — Drain- age, by Frank Wells. — Relation of our public schools to the disorders of the nervous system, by C. F. F'olsom. Massacri of St. Bartholomew. White, II. Massacre of St. Bartholomew 2845-9 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 316- 3 2 7 920-25 — Fisher, G. 1'. Discussions in history and theology, pp. 1 34 204-31 Shobei I. b'. I'ersei hi ion i oi popei y. v. I- PP- 279-349. v.2. pp. I-I8S. ■ • 2723-7 — Tales of the persecuted, pp. 366-383. . 272-78 Marlowe, C. Works, pp. 156 172. Mas- sacre at Paris: drama 613C6 M\ 11 11 ; ol tin' mountains; a history of the Indian wars of the far west. I Minn, J. P., it "7"7 3 mi, Blakemore, B. C. I listoricals foi I he young folks, pp. 23-2S. . . . 9738-25 MASSEN \ MAI I.. A, A n d i&, prin I . . ./. i n 1 7 . Head lej .1.1. Napol i and his m trshal v. z, pp. 55 94 665B56 VI assey, Gerald, poet, b. 1.H2N. P r... [866. [6 615C6 Shal ■ pean mm 1 ne\ ■ < befo tei preted : his pi iv ate friend id Red to gi 1 hei with ■< rei o\ ered lilt ol him 1 ii I,., [866. 8° 8235 6 rali ' >| eternity and ol hei poems. B., 1870. n> 615C7 1 rilfillan, ( I. Third gallei j ol portrait PP. 163-174 4>8-43< M" assey, Wm., '/.'. r, i. 1809. 1 1 is- tory "l England > 1 1 1 r i 1 1 ^ the reign of 1 , ill. .1 v. I... 1855 63. 8 ■ MASSIE, K., Huntington, V. D. and othi Religious poems. N. V., n. d. 12° 2451-6 Mil II.LON, Iran Baptiste, /'in J: pulpit or- ator, />. 1663--./. 1 74-!. Saint-Beuve, I . A. Monday chats, pp. 84-122. . . . 8 \\ 8 Turnbull, R. Pulpil oral 1 France and Su itzei land, pp, 1 13 [62 1.146-8 MASSINGER, Philip, Eng. dramatic post, /'. 15S4--1/. 1640. Plays; with notes critic- al and explanatory, by Wm, 1 lirTord. N. Y., [860. S° 616C3 I '. »ts [ntrodu tion I arj 011 tlic writ- ings of Mas ingcr, bj I Ferriai I inda- torj verses Virgin martyi I tural com- bat. — Duke of Milan. The bondman.— The renegado Parliament ol love.- Roman actor. Great duki of Flot nee Maid of honour. — Mi. pictui Emperoi if thi 1 1 I I dow- ry.— A new way to p.iy old debts. — The city mmI. nu I In' guardian \ very woman. Bashful lover. — The old law. I hike of Milan, New way to pay old del 1 -. |ainl| Virgin martyr. /// British dram- atists, pp. ;Si> 459 8223 2 — Campbell, T. attdothers. British dram: lists, pp. 295 345 41822 3 Whipple, E. P. Literature ol thi I 1: abeth. pp. 178-184 i Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 66-73. 'M' ' ; M vsson, David, Scottish auf/ior,i. 1S22. De- q :j N. V., 1882. 12 . [English men of letters series] 284B2 1 ife ol Milton; with an estimate ol his genius and character, by Lord Macaulay. N. \ ., iSi.i. [6° 634B4 — Recent Briti h ph losophy, a review: with criticisms, including some com- ments on Mr. Mill's answer in Sir Wm. Hamilton. N. Y.. 1866. 12° 1621 5 — Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and other « • . 1 . . 1 8 ~ 4 . [2 tt ish influen in British litcrali:i Keats 1 hen- ries of poetry.— Prose and verse: DeQuincey. .1 I ., n. d. 12°. I chronii ipe.] .... - Hugui the heginnii : ! XIV. 1 .. ... d. 16°. . 2845-56 Mazarin. I.., 1889. 12' ,,/. Episodes of 1 from Gui; I ce; with 1 tabh . L., [881. 1 2. Saint Louis and the 131 ;. Francis 1 and the 16th century. 2 v. ■ V. 2. I ' 4. Henry l\ ami the end 1 I the of n ligion ' ini : f the France, [abri fJ of B., n. il. 8° 1 ON, Michel. O ed c hildren of all and nations: tr. from the French, bj Mi i. I . Burl e. I ., n. d. [6°. . . \| \ 11 r Bieland. Vuei bach, Berthold. '.I, Hi Hathorne' family. Merrill, G. E. 627A3 Master I lumphre) 'sclock. D Master mind of the west. I [1 1 12-54 MAST] :. in. . I ■ llll, G. M. \l 11; of his fate. It. in, Amelia E. M \ 11 1. n| lanagra. Wildenbruch, E. von. Master of the mine. But hanan, Robert. Master missionaries. Japp, A Masterman Ready. Marryatt, Frederick. 613A1 . Maxwell T. Plant life on the form. X. V., 1885. S° 631-6 ■ use. Thorpe, Thos. Bangs, M x 11 of genie painting. Wedmc re, F. 754-8 M, 11 of the situation. Tilley, Wm. J. 194-9' MASURY, John W. House-painting, car- . painting and graining: what to do and oit. N. N .. 1881. 12°. 698-61 How shall we paint our houses? 1'opular treatise on the art of house-painting, plain and decorative. N.V., 1869. 12 . . 1S72 698-6 MATADOR'S revenge. Piper, E. M. In Rainbow spines, pp. 193-240 7".>A' M vti 11. The: a comedy. Baillie, Joanna. 1 I natic etc., works. p Matches. Dussauce, H. Practical treatise the fabrication of matches, gun-cot- . colored fires and fulminating | dels 662-4 — Bakewell, F. C. Great facts, pp. 214- 220 609-2 - Mateaux, C. 1. Wonderland of work. pp. 36 ; 1 007-4S fthe "Daylight." Jewett, Sarah O. M\i> ol the •• I.tiy." Kingston, W. H. G. ;;;Aj: MATH. 840 MATHEW. Mate to mate. Sharkey, "1". Mateaux, C. I.. Odd folks at home. I.., "• '!■ 8° 5905-5/ — Peeps abroad for folks at home. L., 11. d. S° 4388-6 Contents. — At Yeddo and other places in Ja- pan. — Poor Jack tar. — Spain. — Wild horses. — The pioneer. — Among the I.aps. — Naples. — Venice. — Peter the determined. — Russia. — Moscow. — India. — Africa. — Canary islands. — Persia and the East. — Far North.— Brazil. - Wonderland of work, L., n. d. 4 . . . 607-48 MATEER, Rev. Samuel. Land of Charity: account of Travaucore and its devil worship. X. V., n. d. 12 2654-4N Materialism. Buchanan, J. Modern athe- ism 2119-14 Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures: biol- ogy 576-25 — Final science: or, spiritual materialism. 16S6-4 — Flint, R. Anti-theistic theories 21 19-4 — Martineau, J. Religion as affected by modern materialism 215-6 Paine, M. Physiology of the soul and in- stinct, as distinguished from materialism. I4yS-7 — Bartol, C. A. Radical problems, pp. 169-194 138E3 — Calvert, G. H. Brief essays and brevities. pp. 90-95 201 E5 — 1. 01 inter, G. C. Isms, old and new. pp. 82-IOO 204-55 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 257-299. Lucretius, or Paul 884E5 Tyndall, J. Scope and limit of scientific materialism. Bound with Tyndall, J. Address at Belfast, pp. 103-11S. . . . 575-92 — See also Philosophy. Mathematics. Bixby, W. H. Graphical computing tables 510S-2 — Bowling, J. Decimal system in num- bers, cuius and account^ 3314-2 1 [ifford, W. K. Common sense of the exact sciences 5° I_ 3 — Comte, A. Philosophy of mathematics. 510-3 — Davies, C. logic and utility of mathe- matics 510-4 Nature and utility of mathematics. . . 510-41 Whewell, W. Archimedes. Greek math- ematii In Encyclopedia metropoli- tana. pp. 305-325 152-4 Sec also Algeb: a. Arithmetic. Geometry. Mather, Cotton, D. /'., \m. theologian, A. [663-rf. 1728. Magnalia Christi Ameri- cana; or, the ecclesiastical history of I land, 1620-98; with introduc- ' and notes, by Rev. Thos. Robbins, n .1 1 tin II, ■ . 1 , ; 1 , : and Latin tis, b) Lucius F. Rob- inson. 2 v. Hartford, 1 S53. 8°. . . 2774 6 Mather, Cotton, continued. — Wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in Xew England. /// Fowler, S. P., cd. Salem witchcraft. PP- 375-446 1744-4 — Same ; to which is added a farther account of the tryals of the New England witches, by Increase Mather. L., 1S62. 16 . . 1744-6 — Account of the sufferings of Margaret Rule. In Fowler, S. P., id. Salem witchcraft, pp. 25-51 1744-4 — Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 6. PP- >63-35o 412-86 Mather, Increase, Am. divine, b. 1635-d. 1723. Remarkable providences, illustra- tive of the earlier days of American col- onisation ; with introductory preface by Geo. Offor. L., 1856. 12 9S2-64 — Cases of conscience concerning evil spirits personating men [and] farther ac- count of the tryals of the Xew England witches. /// Mather, C. Wonders of the invisible world, pp. 199-291. . . 1744 6 MATHERS, Helen Buckingham, afterwards Mrs. Reeves. Comin' thro' the rye. N. Y., 1876. 8°. Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. Kabbala de- nudata: the Kabbalah unveiled, con- taining the following books of the Zohar. L., 1887. S° 1513-5 Contents. — 1. Hook of concealed mystery. — l '.reater holy assembly. — 3. Lesser holy as- sembly. Matheson, Duncan. MacPherson, J. Life arid labors of Duncan Matheson. . . 618B7 Matheson, Geo., D. D. Can the old faith live with the new? or, the problem of evolution and revelation. Edinburgh, 1886. 12° 2398-68 — Evolution in relation to miracle. In Christianity and evolution, pp. 1-26. 2398-26 — Religion of China. In Faiths of the world, pp. 61-90 290-4 Mathew, Rev. Theobold, apostle of temper- ance, b. iycjO-d. 1S56. Life of Father Mathew the "apostle of temperance." Clare, Sister Mary Frances, (M. F. ( u .11 k.) 619B1 Maguire, 1. F. Fathei Mathew: a biog- raphy 619B2 I Iraki-, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. PP- 3'5 S'9 I 1 " L' — Kit ton, J. W. Dr. Guthrie [and others.] pp. 35 64 410-6 Martineau, 1 1. Biographical sketi 1" - pp. 265-272 4104-62 I'aitnn, J. People's book "i biography. pp. 109- 1 14 410-82 \l VTHEWS. 841 \I VI II. DA \l \ 1 in u , Albert, (Paul Siegvolk, / ud.), b. Bundli ol papei N. V., 1879. 12° 1 nitnit He ii tout hing 1I1" .hi ol living [1 igel hei Scrap fi on 1 lie- table-talk of .» telf-educated man Mint about genius and talem 1 pie who live in largi cltii I hildren 1 erm n ui ii. I.. .11 1 i' i, hi of children VI uilti 1 city 1 .nli 'Mil I in r 1 l Ii 1 |ii 1 1., lifi I a hermit. — My friend fi th Field Dividi jury 1 i 1. 1 1. h it linn 1 .1 in 1 111 Did you ever ice the Danube? 1 11 il .1 legend, My 1 1 of Narragansi tl height Mathews, Chas., Eng. comedian, b, 1776 d. 1836. Life and corre ponde ft has, Mathews, the elder, by Mrs. Mathews: ,il.i idged and conden ted in Edmund V ites. I.., i860. 16 619B4 1 ew es, 1 ■. II. Actors and at ting, pp. 60-70 781 5 -- Matthews, J. Ii. dud Hutton, I . Actors and actresses, \. 2. pp. 191- 216 4'79-6 Mathews, Chas. Jas., Eng. comedian, b. 1803-rf. 1S78. Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, I .. ids. Actors and actresses. v. 3. pp. 199 -214 , I .,n Mathews, Cornelius, ,-d. Enchanted moc- casins and other legends of the American Indians : compilei I fromorig N. Y. 12° ;S; ,, M \ rHEWS, Edward I). Dp the Amazon and Madeira rivets, through Bolivia and Peru. I.., 1879. 8° 480-6 Mathews, Joanna II. Bessie books. 6 v. V Y., [867-70. 16 . 1, Bessie at the seaside 618A81 2. Bessie in the city <>is\Xj ), Bessie and her friends 618A83 4. Bessie among the mountains. . . . 618A84 5. Bessie at school 618A85 6. Bessie on her travels 618A86 Edith Murray. N. V., 1S7S. 12°. Eleanor's visit. X. V., 1875. 16 . . . 6i8Ag Elsie's Santa Claus. X. V., 1875. »°°- 618A92 - Fanny's birthday gift. X. Y., 1873. l(,c . 61SA95 Mabel Walton's experiment. N. V., 1S75. "6° 618A98 New scholars. N. V., 1874. 16°. . . . 619A1 Rosalie's pet. N. Y., 1S74. 16 . . . . 619A15 1 nele Rutherford's attic: a story for girls. N. V., 1887. 12 619A2 MATHEWS, Julia A. Eagle crag. X. Y.. 1870. 16 618A4 — Laurence Branson's victory. X. \ '., '874- 1 6° 618A5 MATHEWS, Margaret Harriet. Dr. Gilbert's daughter: a story for girls. Phila., 1SS1. 12°. M vim.'.'. 5, Win.. / /.. I> , .h life. Chii 1 '■■, i s 7.1- ,2 ' J - I ,|r., I , Oil go, 1S74. 12° 6l Co/.i ubt. 1 ipulat fallai ii » 1 y 1 .'lit . '"I" liter '1 I 1 ench tt Jits I'l' ry in literal ire.— O —One book. Pulpit 01 literature i of critii i in I imidity in public ipea i i le of Waterloo.— Index. Hours with men ami bo [877. 12° 6I7E54 Contents. ' D ulh. ' I as. II. Spurgeon.— Recollections of J Story . — Moral Graharoism. — Strength and health —Professorships of hooks and reading.— M r.ility of good living. — Illu Homilies on early rising. — Literary triflcrs. — \\ ritnij; f-.r the press. — study of the modern languages. — Working by rule. — Too much speaking.— Forgotten wit. — Arc wc Angh. ons?— A day at Oxford.— An hotirat Christ' pital— Book-buying— Pinch of snuff. — Literary style and other essays. Chi- cago, 1SS1. 12° 61 Contents.— Literary style —Duty of praise- Periodical literature. — "The blues" and their remedy.— Modesty of genius.— Sensitivcn. criticism.— The ideal and the real.— Fat vs. lean. Memory and its marvels. — Fools.— Angling.— Intellectual playfulness. — A plea for the erring. — Secret of longevity.— Season of travel bouse education. — Originality.— Art of listen- ing. — Who are gentlemen ?— Office-seeking. — Americanisms. — Index. — Men, places and things. Chicago, 1887. 12° 617I - Contents— Character of Napoleon I.-Wm. Wirt.— Bulwer. — Alex. Dumas.— Wcakn- of great men.— Greatness of London. — London pulpit: Farrar, I.iddon. Parker, Brooke. —House 1 Commons. — Queen of watcri Dia ries. — Advantages of ugliness.— Worry.— Cour- Oysters. — Cynics and cynicism. — Ex- tremes of dress.— Tricks of types. — Causes of divorce. — Illusions about the past. — Immoral novels.— What shall wc read— Literary quota- tion. — Value of fame —Philosophy of hand- writing.— Index. — Oratory and orators. Chicago, 1S79. 12°. 800-64 Words: their u»e and abuse. Chicago, 1S76. 12°. Same. 1SS0 1 10-63 — ,-,/. and tr. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. day chats Mathews. Matthews. MaTHIAS, G. 11. 1'. En avant, Messieurs! being a tutor's counsel to his pupils. Phila., 1807 ' 374-6 Mathias Sandorf. Verne, Jules. MaTHIEU Kopars, etc. Voting, Win ex-editor, pseud.) Matili 1 of William /, tj England!, Fanner, I. 11. tori's book of farcras 1 I !"■ ■ ■ • 4'j-jS MATILDA. -84- MAUDSLEY. Matilda, continued. — Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Va- rious editions.] Matilda, princess of England: a romance. 1 v. Cottin, Mine. Sophie. Matrimonial infelicities. Coffin, R. 11., (Harry Gray, pseud.) Matrimony. Norris, W. E. Matt. Buchanan, Robert. MATTER. Beale, L. S. Protoplasm; or, matter and life — Papillon, E. Nature and life — Tait, J. Mind in matter: a short argu- ment on theism — See also Materialism. Matter and energy: are there two real things in the physical universe? L.,B. I.. MiiiHEW,i/Crai-ra. Hodgson, \V. Re- formers and martyrs [not] of the Luther- an reformation, pp. 1 18-123 Matthew, of Paris, Eng. chronicler, d. 1259. English history from 1235 to 1273: tr. I>y J. A. Giles. 3 v. L., 1852. 12 . . Contents- — v. i. From 1235-44. v. 2. 1244- 52. v. 3. 1252-73. — Additamenta.— General in- dex 10 Roger de Wendover and Matthew Paris. MATTHEW, of Westminster, Eng. chronicler of 14th century. Flowers of history : espe- cially such as relate to the affairs of Britain; from the beginning of the world to the year 1307: tr. by C. D. Yonge. 2. v. L., 1853. 12 . v. 1. B. C. 4004-A. D. 1066. v. 2. 1066-1307. MATTHEW Caraby : a narrative of his adven- tures during the autumn of 184S, among friends and strangers in country and in town. N. V., 1859'. 12°. MATTHEWS, Henry. Redding, C. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 1. pp. 231-248 Matthews, las. Brander, Am. writer, !>. 1852. French dramatists of the 19th century. N. V., 1881. 8° Contents.— Brief chronology of the French drama in the 19th century. — Romantic move- iii'iil. — Victor Hugo. — Alex. Dumas. — Eugene Scribe. — Emile Augier. — Alex. Dumas, tils Victorien Sardou. — Octave Fcuillet. — Eugene' Labiche.— Meilhac and Halevy. — Emile Zola •out the present tendencies of French drama Notes. — Index. Last meeting. N. Y., 1885. 12". Secret of the sea, eti . \. V., 1886. 12 . Contents. — Secret of the sc.i Love at first sight Brief as woman's love. — Perchanci to dream. — Perturbed spirits. — Esthei I everel. Theatres ol Paris. N. ¥"., 18S0. 16 . . . Biographical iketch of Sheridan. In Sheridan, K. B, I 'omed ie pp. 3 61 1. field's postal cards to his son. In Mason, E, I .. , /. 1 1 timorous mas- terpieces, v. t. pp, £80 i%i 576-2 577-7 201-83 5°'-53 4M3-44 9309-6 9309-61 411-87 41N41 6 782-5 820C8 317-63 Matthews, Jas. I'.., continued. — and Bunner, H. C. In partnership: studies in story-telling. N.V., 18S4. 12°. — and Jessup, G. II. ('heck and counter- check. In Lippincott's magazine, Jan., 1888. — ed. Comedies for amateur acting: with a prefatory note on private theatricals. X. V.. 1KS0. 16° 785-59 Contents. — Prefatory note. — Trumped sun. by J Magnus. — Bad case, by J. Magnus and II <". Bunner.— Courtship with variations, by H C. Bunner. — Teacher taught, 'by A. H. Oakes. — Heredity, by Arthur Penn. — Frank Wylde, by J. B Matthews. - Poems of American patriotism. X. V., 1882. 12° 80913-5 — and Mutton, L., eds. Actors and act- resses of Great Britain and the United States from the days of David Garrick to the present time. 5 v. X. V., 1S86. 12° 4179-6 Contents. — v. i. Garrick and his contempo- raries. v. 2. The Kembles and their contemporaries, v. 3. Kean and Booth and their contempora- ries. v. 4. Macready and Forrest and their con- temporaries, v. 5. Present time. MATTHEWS, Jas. X. My holiday, ami how I spent it : being some rough notes of a trip to Europe and back in the summer ofiS66. Buffalo, 1867. 12° 440-61 Matthews, Rev. John. Evolution and the problem of evil. In Christianity and evolution, pp. 129-141 2398-26 Ma 1 I hews. See also Mathews. MATTHIAS, of Jamrw. Hodgson, \V. Re- formers and martyrs [not] of the Luther- an reformation, pp. 112-117 4143 44 Mattison, Hiram. High-school astrono- my. X. V. 12° 520-62 MATTOON, Mrs. . -Missionary ladies in the king's palace. In Siam and Laos. PP- 520-337 2659-7 MATT's follies. Prescott, Mary X. . . . 746A1 Maude, John Edward. Foundations of ethics: ed. by Win. lames. \. Y., 1887. 12°. ..'...." 101 Maude and Miriam. Mi Keever, II. B. Maudslay, Henry, Eng. inventor, d. 1831. Smiles, S. Industrial biography, pp. 245-28S 1169-8 \l m dsley, Henry, Eng. physician, I. 1835. Body and inin. I : inquiry into theii 1 on nection and mutual influence, special- ly in reference lo menial disorders. L., 1870. 12 . [Gulstonian lectures, 1870]. 170-64 Body and will : being an essay concern- ing will in its metaphysical, physiolog ical and pathological aspects. X. X ., 1884. 8° 188-6 \l \l Msl I.N \l \l 51 'I II \! Maudsi.kv, Hem . tni H ei n. ii ural ings. I , [887. 12° 174-6 i'ii>, iol ogj mcl pa iholi 1 "i > 1 ' • n N \ . 1867. 8° 1 Responsibility ii mm I disease. V V.. 1 12°. S him-, 1875. I Internation- al mi. nun. n ies, I 1 7 ; ii . I . Bo ion M in lecturi her- edil ) i'j .''i j j. Maudsley on hered itai v ilesi i-iii 575'-j Maunder, Samuel. Jerdan, W. Men 1 have know ». pp. 336-347 1 1 1 56 M \i Mn; 1 1 1 . Henry, Lug. traveller, fr. 1650- ,/. 1710. Si. John, J. A. Li vi rln . 1 1 <■< I 1 1 a\ ellei i, v. 1. ]i|i ;i ■ , ; m 1 1 511 7-S Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. IT- 383 5'2 45 s 97 \l vi pas, Charlemagne I mile de, I'rcnrii statesman, i. 1S1S. Slorj of the Coup .I 1 tat. \. V.. 1 s.s j. 12 94472-6 M m pr \ 1 . Sand, 1 lei 1 M u 1:1 in I >hu. Sadlier, M I Maurice, C. Edmund. Re\ olui ai \ movement of 1848 9, in Italy, Austria, 1 1 angary and ( lei manj ; with ;ome ex- amination ol the previous thirty-three \. V., 1SS7. 8° g 1 58 Maurice, Frederick I lenison, Eng. 1 /'. 1S05-J/. 1872. Conscience: aleci on casuistry, delivered in the univers- ity ol Cambridge. I ... 1S-2. 12 . . . 1916 6 — laiili and action: selected by M. (J, D; with .1 preface by Ke\. Phillips Brooks. B., 1886. 12 208-59 1 1 iendship ol I I. ■ and other lectures : ed. »iili .1 preface bj Dios. Hughes. 1 .. 1874. 12 804-6 Gnv/fiffr.— Friendship of books. — Words.— Rooks llic use and abuse of newspapers. — ' hristian civili ..ii mi Ancient history.- Eng lish history Spenser's "Faerie queenc Milton. — Milton considered as a schoolmaster. — Edmund Burke.— Acquisition and illuniiiia- IMII I I I! I Kingdom of Christ ; or, hints to a Quaker respecting the principles, constitution and ordinances ol the Catholic church. 2 v. I ., 1883. 12°. . . .' 2838 5 Learning and working: [and] Religion of Rome, .mil its influence "ii modern civ- ilization: lectures delivered in 1854. ibridge, 1855. i. 370-62 Coutfnts.—Ltarnitig .1 i Fuvenile and adult learning Learning and leisure.— I earning . worship incompatil I .earning thi »f fn edom and ordi i Studies in .1 wot ■ : in a working i ollegc Notes Religion of Rom K nh. — Rome under Greek teacl at the beginning of the new world - Influence of Rome and many upon modern In >p< \ 1 II'., (Olltilllieil. V., ii. . M. Hi eval philu moral and im the 51I1 to 1 he 14th 1870. 12°. . Moral and metaphysical philo v. I-., 1.S72. 8 1 11 '.j Contents.— \ i Kncienl 1st 10 tbc 1 1 ury to the French revolution, with a glimpse into ' ury — Patriarchs and law givers of the I , . - ,, 1 ■ 1 Lincoln's inn. I... 1S07. 12°. 2 . almorajity: twenty-one lectures de- livered in the university of Cambridge. L., 1872 1 .■ 1 Win km. hi and the fi am hise : cha] 1 English history on the representa- tion ami education of the people. 1... J2 — Life ol Fredei Denison Maurice, chief- i« 11 letters 1 ed. l>y his >on derick Maurice. 2 v. N. Y., 1884. 8° 61 iB£ - Drake, S. A., eJ. Great benefactors. pp. ? s 'i 294 Haweis, II. K. Sermons, pp. 325-347. In memoriam. 2^2 46 Hurst, I. 1'. History of rationalism. 165 l" s 211 Mozley, I. Ii. Essays, v. 2. pp. 255- 309. I'm 1. Maurice's theological essays. 2 . Rands, W, B. Henry Holbeach, student in life. v. 2. pp. 34-84. Controver- sial letter 77 ii ; Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons, pp. 191 mi'. Memi irial sermon. ... Mai km 1 Dering. Lawrence, . Sell-made men. pp. 3 41 Mai SOLE! M. Seven wonders of t lie world, pp. 207-236 MAVERICK. — S44 — MAY. MAVERICK, Augustus. Henry J. Raymond and the New York press for thirty years : progress of American journalism, 1S40- 70. Hartford, 1S70. 8° 769B2 Maxen, Battle of, 1759. Mallesorr, G. B. Ambushes and surprises, pp. 271-296. 903-6 Mwimina. Valdes, Don Annand Palacio. Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, b. 1832-^. 1867. On the wing: tr. by A. M. Lush- ington. L., 186S. 8° 449 5"° Elton, J. E. With the French in Mexico. 9907-3 — Hall, 1'". Life of Maximilian; with sketches of the Empress Carlota. . . . 620B1 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 237-241. Mexico and Maximilian. . . 189E3 — Kingston, W. B. Monarchs I have met. pp. 103-115 '■ . 4I04-55 — Moffett, E. L. Crown jewels: a romance. Maxims. Boyes, J. F., ed. Lacon in coun- cil: medley of maxims, epigrams and opinions 807-26 Maxims of public health. Wight, O. W. . .614-S8 Maxims of the laws of England. Noye, \V. 3434-6 Maxims of Washington; political, social, moral and religious S18-91 Maximum stresses in framed bridges. Cain, Wm 624-23 Maxtux, John. Workman's manual of en- gineering drawing. L., 1S80. 12°. . ~\\ 6 Maxwell, Mr. — . Kelly, C. Voyages and travels. 511-558. Account of Con- go and Loango, in 1790 439~53 MAXWELL, Cecil. Story of three sisters. N. Y., 1S76. 16 . MAXWELL, Chas. Alfred. Battle history of Scotland: tales of chivalry and adven- ture. N. Y., 1S69. 12° 9403-6 - English and Sentti^li chivalry. \. Y ., n. .1. 12° 940j-6l - Sea kings of Orkney and other historical talcs. Edinburgh, 1S70. 16 9406-6 Wars of England and Scotland : historical tales of bravery and heroism. X. V., 1869. 16° 9403-62 Maxwell, Jas. Clerk, British physicist, b. 1831 d, 1S70. Elementary treatise cm electricity: ed. by Wm. Garnett. Ox- ford, 1881. 8° 537 63 I 1 % ol heat. N. Y., 1872. 16 . . . 536 6 — Ti' .hi e on electricity and magnetism. v. Oxford, 1873. 8 537 "4 1 ampbell, I .. and < rai nett, W. Life ol fa < lerU Maxwell 620H3 Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many 86 410-962 Maxwell, [ane, duch oj Gordon. Thorn- on, K . li. and J. < .'., (Graci and Philip \\ ha rton, ' . Q teens of society, pp. 262 288 M3-85 Maxwell, John S. The Czar, his court and people : including a tour of Norway and Sweden. N. Y., 1S48. 12° 447-6 Maxwell, Wm., jl/i ear! of Nithisdale. Jesse, J. 11. Memoirs of the pretend- ers and their adherents, pp. 69-77. . 411-59 - Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Jacobites, v. 2. pp. 1-70 4112-S Maxwell, Wm. II. Adventures of Captain Blake; or, my life. L., n. d. 16°. — Bivouac; or, stories of the peninsular war. L., n. d. 16 . — Dark lady of Doona. L., 1834. 16°. — Field and flood ; or, the recollections of a soldier of fortune. 1.., 11. d. 16°. — Fortunes of Hector OTIalloran. I.., n. d. 1 6°. — Luck is everything. L., n. d. 16°. — Sports and adventures in the highlands and islands of Scotland. L., n. d. 16°. 441-52 — Stories of the peninsular war; or, penin- sular sketches. L., n. d. 16°. — Stories of Waterloo. L., n. d. 16°. Maxwell, SiVWm. Stirling-. See Stirling-, Maxwell. Maxwell, Countess, Winifred Herbert, of Nithisdale. Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies, pp. 163-1S4 413-22 — Stanhope, P. H. French retreat from Moscow, etc. pp. 187-232 902-74 — Walford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 2. pp. 53-74 41 '-99 Maxwell. Hook, Theodore. Maxwell Drewitt. Riddell, Mrs.]. II. May, Abby W. Article. In Howe, J. W., ed. Sex and education, pp. 170-173. 3761-5 May, ('has. Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 230-239 4l23'-4 MAY, Edith. Poems. N. Y., 1874. 12°.. 619C1 M \\, Emily Juliana. Bertram Noel. n. t. p. 16°. — Mortimer's college life. N.Y., i860. 16°. — Stronges of Netherstronge : a tale of Sedgemoor. L., 1864. 12°. MAY, cieu. Thos. The ever-living life. N. V., 1S83. 8° 619C4 May, foseph. Hunt, I'. Lives of Ameri- can merchants, pp. 443 450 41238-4 M AY, Rev. foseph. Liberal Christian church. In Modern Unitarianism. pp. 198-218. 2884-3 Man, Samuel Joseph, Am. Unitarian nn'iiis- ter, 6. 1 S 1 7 -//. 1871. Some recollections of our anti-slavery conflict. B.,1869. 12°. 3264-62 [Biographical sketch of] Cyrus Pierce. //; l;,ii ii.n.l. II. ,a/. Educational biogra- phy, pp. 405-438 4IS7- 2 Mcinciii of Samuel J. May: ed. by T. J. Munfbrd, B., 1873. 16 620B4 M \\ - «45 - MAYO. May, S. J., . ontinued. i lai ke, I. I •'. Memorial and ical i • ti he pp [99-210 ,10 • Mas, Sophie, pseud. Set < larke, Rebi Sophie. May, Thos., iter, t. 1595 ./. 11 I listory ol the pai liamenl ol England, h lii. h began Nov. 3, 1640; « iili a shoi 1 and ni irj 1 ii w oi ome prei edenl years. Oxford, 1854. 8° 32S42-6 Guizot, I P. G. lii".;' iphic studies on the English revolution. pp. 58—72. Bound . : 1 .hi/mi, I . P. ( .. M.mk. . 411-43 M iy, I hos, I I. me, Eng. historian, b. 181 , d. iS(>o. Democracy in Europe: a his- tory. 2 v. N. V., 1S7S. 8° 3204-6 Contents. — v. 1 Introduction. — I Greece. — Rome-Dark ages and the revival.— I i.lIi. mi republics, Switzei land v. 2. Netherlands. — Franc* England In- dex. May, \\ . 1. Greenhouse management foi amateurs. I.., n. d. 12 7 1 7—6 M \v. Adams, 0. F., <,/. Through the 1 with thepoets: May 809-18 May. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (.A .) M w and December. Hubback, Mrs. — . May carols, hymns and poems. Do Vere, Aubrey 286* 1 MAY-day. Wilson, I. Recreations ol Christopher North, pp. [68-182. . . 955E2 MAY-day: drama. Chapman, G. Wi pp. 275-306. 221C1 MAY-day and other pieces. Emerson, R. W. J1SC2 May Lane : a story of the [6th century. M., M. C. Bound with Holt, E. S. Well in the desert. May Martin. Thompson, l». P. Mayas. Short, J. T. North Americans ol antiquity 407 8 MAYDOLE, David. Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 9-17 4P"> 7 Mayer, Alfred Marshall, Am. scientist, />. 1836. Sound. N. Y.. 1S78. 12°. Same. I .., 1879 534-5 - Earth a great mngnet. In Half-hours with modern scientists. ser. 2. pp, 213-286 502-42 and Barnard, Chas. Light: serie simple, entertaining and inexpensh e ex- periments in the phenomena of light, ; 1 the use of students of every age. V Y.. 1879. 12° Mayer, Brantz, Am. law) ■. 1809 ./. 1879. I .1I1 (, .ill lute : or, Logan and Cresap : .in historical essay. Albany, [867. 8°. 9704-6 Mayer, J. R. Forces of inorganic nature. Celestial dynamii - Mechanical equiv- alent of heat. //; Voumans, E. I.., <-.;'. Correlation and conservation of forces. PP' -5' 358 5.;'" 3 Mayi owe, Mt H 1 Mas in . 1 HI11 itrated ho being an ■ .111.1 detailed at 1 ounl of 1 he to whii h the 1 subjected ; together with mode ol treatment, and all the pre it 1 ipl ions. Phi la., 18; . . I llustrated hoi le managi .nark. upon anatomy, medicine, dtoeing, 11 food, vices, stables, etc. I'hil.i., n. d. 8° M win . Hem . Boyhood ..1 Martin Luther; or, the suf- ferings of the heroic little beggai who afterwards became the grcai man reformer. N. V., 181 | 1 . . Wonders ol science; or, young Hum- phrey Davy. I .., n. d. 16 . Same. X. v.. 1856 — [and his brothers.] Magic of kindness; or, the wondrous story of the good lluan. I.., n. d. |6° M vYHEW, Ira. Means and ends of univers- al edm 1 11. N. Y., 1S74. 12 . . . . Practical Look-keeping. 1!., 1S71. 16 . I ;al book-keeping. B., i s ~2. 12 . MAYNARD, ' 1. Naturalist's guide in col- lecting and preserving objects of nat- ural history; with complete catalogue of the birds of eastern Massachl I.., 1S7O. 12" Maynard, John. Campbell, J. Lord chan- cellors, v. 4. pp. 33-61 Maynard, Maty Clark (Brayton) ami John- son, Ellen France I < >ur acre and its harvest: historical sketch of the soldiers' aid society of northern Ohio. eveland, 1869. S° Contents. — I, General history. I>y Mary Clark Brayton. z. Special relief, by F.llcn V. Terry. Mayne, Leger D., pseud. Se, Dick, W. B. MAYNE, Richard Chas. Four years in Brit- ish Columbia and Vancouver island. n. 1. p. 8° Mayo, Herbert. Cold water cure: its use and misuse. In Houghton, R. S Water treatment, pp. 185-201. . . . Mayo, Mrs. Isabella I yvie . (Edward ,ind Ruth Garrett, pseud.), Eng. writer, t. 1843. At .my cost. N. V.. n. d. 12 . By still waters. N. V., i>7;. 12 . 1 ked places. N. Y., n. d. 12. Crust and the cake. N. Y., n. d. . 1 sin, and other stories. \. \ .. 12 — Doing and dreaming. N. \ .. i s 75- Equal to the occasion. N. Y.. n. d. — Family fortunes. X. Y., u. d. 12" 592B55 277B1 ' .'_'.\2 570-64 657-63 411 25 17" n.d. 12 12 MAYO. 846 — MEARS. M \Y", Mrs. I. \\ ... ,, nti mi '., — Friends and acquaintances. N. Y., 1N71. 12°. Gold aii'l 'h oss. X. V.. ii. d. 12°. — Her object in life. X. Y., n. d. 12 . House by the works. X". V.. 11. d. [2°. — Occupations of a retired life. X. V., 11. d. 12 . Premiums paid to experience. X". Y., 11. d. 12 . — White as snow. X. Y ., n. d. 16°. — Day, H. Lawyer abroad, pp. 49- S2. . 440-275 Mayo, Wm. Starbuck, Am. physician, i. 1812. Berber, the : a tale of Morocco. Phila., 1S73. 12°- — Kaloolah : the adventures of Jonathan Romer. X. Y., 1S67. 12 . Same, 1887. S°. — Never again. X. Y., 1873. I2 °. Mayo, Ireland. Rooper, G. Month in Mav ° 44173-7 MAYOR, Joseph I!. Chapters on English metre. L., 18S6. S° S21-6 Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy, Tim,. Mayor of Wind-Gap. Banim, M. May's garden, and where the flowers went. X. Y., 1S73. 12° O22A4 V1 ii\. Guilio, cardinal and statesman, 6. i6o2-. Hiram. Reading as a means of dis- cipline supplementary to school training. In Essays anil addresses read before the X. E. O. T. A. pp. 319-347 3/06-6 MEAD, Richard, Eng. physician, />. 1 6 7 3 — 67-5 — Mason, J., e.i. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 432-435 4>°-7 MEADE, Ceo. Gordon, Am, general, b. 1815- d. 1872. Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 326-331 4>2j'-4 — Headley, 1. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and generals, pp. 347- 359 4122-4 Meade, I . T. Bel-Marjory. X. Y., n. d. 12° 623 A 2 — David's little lad. X. Y. 12° 623A23 — How Nora Crena saved her own, [elc] X. Y., 1SS1. 12 623A25 — Knight of to-day. X. V., 11. d. 12°. . 623A27 — Mother Herring's chicken. X. Y.. 1SS1. 12° 623A3 — Stamp and I: a story of city by-ways. X. Y., n. d. 12 623A35 — Water gipsies: a story of canal life in England. X. Y., 18S2. -12° 623A4 MEADE, Richard W. Treatise on naval architecture and ship-building. Phila., 1869. 8° 6238-4 Meade, Theodore D. Horsemanship f"i women. X. Y.. 18S7. 12° 6364-6 Mi AGHER, Thos. Francis, Am. general, />. in Ireland, 1823 - d. 1867. Commercial agency system of the United Slates ex- posed. Is the secret inquisition a curse or a benefit ? N. Y., 1S76. 8°. . . . 658-6 Speech ; with biog. notice. In Speei hes from the dock 411 ; 85 — Forney, f.W. Anecdotes ofpublicmcn. v. 2. pp. 07 78 412 4 McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. [41—149 941-54 Meaning and power of baptism. Stearns, J. G. D 2011 8 Meaning of words. Johnson, A. B. . . . 101-5 Mi \n is I ends; or, self-training. Sedg- wick, CM 370 78 Meany, Stephen J. Speech: with biog. no- tice. In Speeches from the dock. . . 411; 8, Miu, \ini 1 ii .hi 1 hess-playei 's hand- book. Phila., 1S76. 16° 780 51 M EARS, David O. The deathless book. I!., 1888. 12° 2202-58 WEARS. -847- MI.IM \. ill • , |ohii \\ - Beggai ol I [olland and grandee ■ "i Spain : a historj ol the ref- ation in the Netherlands, 1200 1578. I'lnl.i.. 1 s < , 7 . i_> F 1 ex ili- i" oven hrow tory of the few i from 1 he Babylon! in capti\ ity to th< di 1 1 Hi 1 ion nf Mil- second tem I'l.ila.. l88l. 1 6° 9 Story of Madag tsi ir. Phila., 1X7 ;. 1 6° 2669-5 Measi re l"i measure: drama. 5 Shal 1 speare, W . Measi res. See Weights and measures. Mecca, Arabia. Burton, R. I. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah ivi 25 Keane, |. I'. Six months in Mecca. . . 4592-5 ■ \1.d1ia. \ln HA.NIC, The. Tuthill, Mrs. I.. C. . . . 607 8 \l 1 rii \mi arts. Allen, 1 . W. Stitch in time; or, one thousand and one things worth knowing 603-13 Barnard, F, A. P. Report on machinery and processes of the industrial aits, and apparatus of the exacl si iences, Paris exposition, 1867 - Bigelow, J. Useful arts considered in connection with the application "I -1 i ence 602-2 Bishop, J. I . History of American man- ufactures, 1608 [860. 3 v 6097-2 Boy's 1 k of trades 607 1 8 - Boy's workshop; with plans and designs foi in-door and out-door work 6 - Byrne, O. I land-lunik for the artisan, mechanic and engineer 602-3 1 lie kens, 1 .. d. Sunshine on dail) paths, 604 ; Greeley, II.. ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition at the Crystal palace .... 606-5 Griffith, R. Boy's useful pastimes. . . . 607-2 Mateaux, C. I.. Wonderland of work. . 607 |.8 Potter, A. Principles of science applied to the domestic and mechanic arts and to manufacture and agriculture. . . . 604-6 Strauss, G. I. M. and others. England's workshop 609-75 - Whewell, W. ./«./ others. I ectures on the progress of arts and sciences. . . . 606 g — Van Cleve, B. V. English and American mechanics W I, J. G. Nature's teachings, pp. 30S-41 1 Industrial education. Inven- tions. Machinery. Mechanics. Mills and mill work. Receipts. Tools. Mechanicai theory of heat. Clausius, K. s Mechanii u. theory of storms. Bassnett, T.55155 is Mechanics. Baker. T. Principles and prai tire .if statics and dynamics. . 531—13 M Hall, 1 plied mi .111 M.-i hanii nley, J. T. I • tl mechanii s I 1 I '.an- 0.1 W. B. Mei hanical phili phy, horology an I Text-book "f elementary nil 1 nents of mechanism. 531-43 - Manual of mechanics 53 1—45 Pi inciples of mechanics. ...... .'. I I lementary treatise on me- chanics Elements "f mechanics 1 1 ti tii al treatise on the differential and integral calculus ; with some of itsappli- nomy. . 517 7 II I. Stability of a given state of ion 5312—75 ical -tatic-. . . . 5 Tuniliiisi.n. C. Mechanii 53°-9' - Rudimentary mechanics 531-8S In den, J. I . Introduction to practical mechanics I. Scientific dialogui 1 Ei HANH s and faith. Porter, C. T • echanic's and student's guide in the signing in I construction of general ma- ring: ed. by F. II. Joynson. . 621S ;; Ei 11 VN1 girder: tre.iti-e on bi 1 and roofs. 1 rehore, J. D ECHANIC'S text-book and engineer- prac- tical guide: Kelt. T.. ed echanic's tool I-." .k. Harrison, W. B. ECHANISM iii thought and morals. Holmes, ( 1. \v life. pp. 260 314 \i EDAl s of creation: or. first lessons in gi ogy and the study of organic remain-. Mantell, G. A kiiberv, Jas. Kn.iv.les. Men and mys- teries of Wall street. 1!.. 1X70. Same. N. Y., 1878 ; ; 1 1 -■ 1 tragedy. Ssr Euripides. EDHI RST, Sir Waller llenr\. I oreigner in Far Cathay. V \ .. 1872. 12 Same, t s 7.; 451-6 EMA. I.enormant. F. 'lie:. 1 . Manual of the ancient history of the East. v. 2 910-6 Kawlinson. G. Five great monarchies, v. 2. . . MEDIA. 848 MEDITERRANEAN. Media, continued. — See also History, undent. Medi.f.val and modern saints and miracles. X. V., 1S76. 12° 2829-54 Medieval Christianity and sacred art in Italy, 900-1350. Hemans, Chas. I. . . 7091-4 Medieval civilization. Adams, G. B. . . 921-2 MEDIEVAL philosophy. Maurice, F. D. . 159-6 Medi i.vai. tales; with introduction by II. Morley. I.., 1884. 12 . MEDICAL adviser in life assurance. Sieve- kin g, E- H 3 68 3-7 Medical chemistry. See Chemistry. Medical essays. Holmes, O. W 6104-46 Medical jurisprudence. Naquet, A. Legal chemistry: a guide to the detection of poisons, examination of tea stains, etc., as applied to chemical jurisprudence. . 543-48 Medici, Cosmo de', Florentine statesman, i. 1389--/. 1464. Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe, pp. 206-230 4104-52 Medici, Lorenzo de', prince of Florence, //. 144S. Reumont, A von. Lorenzo de' .Medici, the magnificent. 2v 621B19 " Not so much a biography of Lorenzo as a history of Italy at the time when Lorenzo was its most important figure. * * Its most strik- ing merits are the industry, the accuracy and the rigid impartiality of the author."— C. K. Adams. — Roscoe, W. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici. 621H2 •' Xot tu he regarded as a good authority."— C A'. Adams. See also Medici family and the references under that subject. Medici family. Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in Southern Europe, v. 1. pp. 46-100. Florence and the Medici. 445-86 — See also histories of Florence and of Italy, especially Macchtavelli's Florence and Symond's Renaissance. Also Leo X. Marie de' Medici. Medicine. Bigelow, J. Modern inquiries: classical, professional and miscellaneous. 152E2 < at hell, D. W. The physician himself; what he should add to his scientific ac- quirements 6104-25 Crabtre, A. 1 1. Funny side of physu ; or, the mysteries of medicine 6108-3 Davis, A. J. Harbinger of health, con- taining medical prescriptions for the human body ami mind 616-3 Dungli , R. History of medicine. . . 6109-3 Elam, C. Physician's problems 6104-3 Mini, A. Medicine of the future. . . . 6104-35 Holmes, 0. W. Border lines of knowl- edge in some provinces of medical science 6104-44 ents .ind counter-currents in med- ical science 6104-45 Medical essays 6104-46 1 i"i 1 . 1 • I ill the docl ime . and bow to help him 61 18-45 Medicine, continued. Same. In Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking 643-17 — Hunt, E. M. Patient's and physician's aid. . ." 616-45 — I.etterman, J. Medical recollections of the Army of the Potomac 9803-5 — Napheys, G. H. Body and its ailments. 616-65 — Oswald, F. L. Household remedies. . . 616-7 — Pleasanton, A. J. and others. Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight 5356-7 — Post, A. C. and others. Ethical sympo- sium: being a series of papers concern- ing medical ethics and etiquette from the liberal standpoint 6103-7 — Smythe, G. C. Medical heresies, histor- ically considered S104-S — Thomson, S. Dictionary of domestic medicine 616-8 — Valentine, F. C. 600 medical " Don'ts." 613-87 — Owens college. Essays and addresses. pp. 257-289. Science and medicine. . 709E5 — Greenwood, J. Savage habits and cus- toms, pp. 67-87. Savage M. D.'s . . 399~4 — Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures on sci- entific subjects, ser. 2. pp. 199-236. 502-43 — Huxley, T. 11. Critiques and addresses. pp. 56-70. On medical education. . . 502-49 — Macdonald, G. The imagination and other essays, pp. 236-244 605E5 — Papillon, F. Nature and life. pp. 204- 22S 577-7 — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary, pp. 199-236. Mysteries of medicine. . . . 805E4 — Stanton, T., ed. Woman question, pp. 63-89. Women in medicine 396-85 — Virchow, R. Medical practice in the Troad, in 1869. In Schliemann, 11. Ilios. pp. 721-726 4026-7 -See also Accidents. Homoeopathy. Lon- gevity. Mental healing. — Also Lives of Abernethy, J. J. — Bell, C. — Combe, A. — Gross, S. D. — Holland, H. — Macilvaine, G. and others. Medicine in relation 10 mind; the patholo- gy of nerve centers and the jurispru- dence of insanity. Dickson, J. T. . . 1 731 —J MEDINAH, Arabia. Burton, R. F. Pilgrim- age to El Medinah and Mecca 459-25 Keane, 1. F. My journey to Medinah, 459-5 See also Arabia. Mi nil \iiiins in Advent, on creation and on providence. A 1 ford, II 240-15 Meditations of a parish priest. Roux, J. 844-75 Meditations on the essence of Christianity. Guizot, I'. P. G -■ [9 i" Mediterranean Sea. Bennett,J.H. Win- ter and spring on the shores of the Med- iterranean 4449-3 MEU1TERR WK \V MEI HOI Mm> \m \\ Sen, continued. Bras ley, Lady A. Sun 1 1 in the easl ; ■ ox, S. S. Search foi I lisraeli, B. I tome lettei 1 1 i'i I \ i i ■■ -, 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 , i > 1 1 1 1 1 1 - wing \\ allai e, S. E. Storied sea 1 1 1 Wise, II. V. Scam fi om < libel Tarek to Si.iniln.nl 44 \u g H II hi m i hi mill) land . pp. z8i 308 1 19 v- I [owe, J. W. Winter I (brim ilids. pp. 164 190 613 1 M 11 \m an 1 slai 'I. G. -\ r"i 7 Medley, i .. W. Vccount ol thi pi ings and a me ir ol the Briti h 1 he association. Fn CI 1 n of il ed. by J. Lowenthal ; Medley, ( !eo. W. England under free 1 1.., 1881. 1 6° 335-6 Fi ade unm 1 ked : note on thi n iiy report of llic Royal a on depression of trade and industry. 1 .. n. -1. 12 335- 6o 5 Rei iprocitj i 1 e: a tract for the times. I.., 1881. 16 Medley, [ulius Geo. India and Indian en- gineering : three lectures delivered at the Royal Engineer Institute, Chatham, July, 1872. I ... [873. 12° 454-62 Mi i" ir \ I ,eigh. Mackey, I . ••Mini • \," fn , 1 irk, D. W. Travels and adventures, pp. 141 207. Ship- wreck of the " Medusa." 4388 ; I [owe, 11. 1 ilr and deal h on the ocean, pp. 433 40S. Shipwreck of the Frei te " Medusa." 447 48 Medwin, Mi"-. Journals <>f the conversa- I - "I 1 1 ' 'ii : nol ed iluiing a 1 i iriu e .11 Pisa in 1S2 1 J2. Baltimore, 1825. 12° I99-B45 'i ' 1 I) 1 , B e, [843. Adams, W. H. D. Battle stories, pp. 1;: 152 9208-13 Mi 1 11 w. C. P. Fate and fortunes "I I [ugh O'Neill, Karl of Tyrone, an I B O'Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnel: their flight from Ireland, their vicissitudes abroad and their death in exile, n. t. P- 12° 4»3-6 Meeker, Nathan C. Life in the west; or, stories ol the Mississippi valley. \. \ ., 1868. 12 . Meeting the sun. Simpson, W 438-83 M 111 ki 111. Gould, S. Baring-. Post medi- aeval preachers, pp. 81-99 4'4~4 Mi in 1 , Etienne I tenri. 1 en 1-. G. T. Great Italian and French composers. IT- 175-195 4T7-4 1 ovei Sibi ' I through Mongolia, 11 and the mule palanquin 1 hina to Pekin : ed- from 1 In- I 'in ; with supplemcntarj ined in the original edition. 1 1 Mi [os, Retui n Jonalh nor of 182 , Hildrclh, s. P. of O Williams, s. Expedition of Gov. Meigs the relief of fori Meigs, 1 S 1 ;. In 1 . 7. . . MEIKLKJOHN, J. M. I). English language, iis grammar, history and liieralure; with chapters on composition, versifica- tion, paraphrasing and punctuation. I . . 1 S86. 8° II Meilhac, Henri. Mattl • ■-.■. , J. B. 1 rench dramati Is ol the 19th century. pp. 243-263 4' s l' " M EI N HOLD, J. W. Mary Schweidler, the ier witch : ed. by W. Meinhold : tr. by Lady Duff* N. Y., 1845. 12 . ier, Mi . Sophii ! de. Ter- race of Mon hcsii: a novel of Russian life. Meissonier, lean Louis Ernest, French fainter, b. [81 1. Bolton, S. K. I . who became famous. pp. 303- 312 410-16 : Karl's sketch 1. 00k. I. eland, Chas. G 440-557 Miiwiii"i\ anatomized, showing its equences and cure; with anecdotic illustrations from ancient and modern sources, and founded on's anal my of melancholy. 1 .. 1S67. 12° 17 ny of. Burton, I. ;;>. 17 Mi 1 w 1 HON, Philip, C( man 1 1 7 -. Meldrum, Mrs. — . Gertrude Ellerslie : story of two years. Edinburgh, 1884. 12°. Meleager. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 435-448. . . 87001-3 MELECHSALA. Musseus, J. K. A. Carlyle, T., tr. Tales of Musnjus, etc. v. 1. pp. 104 165 833-6 Melkna, Elpis. Garibaldi ; recollections of his public and private life: tr. by Chas. Edwardes. L., 1887. 8° 405B25 Mm i\nA the Caboceer. Skertchley, J. A. S2SA4 i , Jas. F. Two thousand miles on horseback, Santa Fe and back : a sum- mer tour through Kansas, Nebr 1 I olorado ami New Mexico, 1866. X. V., 1S67. 16° 478-62 Melito, bishop of Sardis. Vonge, C. M. Pu- pils of St. John the divine, pp. 201- 213 2701-98 MELLICHAMPE. Simms, Wm. G. Mtas, A. Clelia, from family papers. B., 11. d. 8°. MELVILLE, Andrew, Scottish reformer, b. 1545-^.1622. M'Crie, T. Life of An- drew Melville 622B8 — Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry, pp. I95 T 220. Andrew Mel- ville and his contemporaries 4>4 _ 5 — Taylor, W. M. Scottish pulpit, pp. 72-79 2741-8 Melville, (.en. John Whyte, Eng. writer, /■. iSjii il. 1878. Brookesof Bridlemere. X. V., 1S72. 12°. Cerise: a tale of the last century. L., 1866. 12°. Digbj Grand: an autobiography. Leip- [862. 16 . Gl diators: a tale ol Rome and Judea. N. Y., 1872. S°. Holmby house: a tale of old Northamp- tonshire. L., a. d. 12 . — Interpreter: a tale of the war. L., n. d. i6 . — Kate Coventry : an autobiography. I ... n. d. 12°. ECaterfelto: a story "I Exmoor. I'liila., n. d. 12°. - M.01N. u Similia, similibus curantur." N. V., 1S71. 8°. hedon : a legend of the great queen. I.., n. .1. 12°. I ilbui ) '■ n the life of an unsuccessful man. 1.., n. d. 12°. cross, The: a legend of the chinch. [Poem. I L., n. d. 12 N. Y., 1874. 1 ■ . - White rose. X. V., 1 1 ■ MELVILLE, Geo. W. In the Lena delta: a narrative of the search for Lieut. Com- mander DeLong and his companions, followed by an account of the Greely re- lief expedition and a proposed method of reaching the North pole: ed. by Mel- ville Philips. B., 1SS5. 8° 498-64 Melville, Re-o. Henry, b. 1798-1/. 1871. Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 503-517 2521-4 — Hood, E. 1'. British pulpit, pp. 105-141. 4144-4 MELVILLE, Herman, Am. writer, b. 1819. Battle pieces and aspects of the war. X. V., 1S66. 12° 622C6 Mardi: and a voyage thither. 2 v. N. V., 1S64. 12°. — Moby-Dick; or the whale. X. Y., 1871. 12°. — Onion: a narrative of adventures in the South seas. X. Y., 1875. I2 °- - Piazza tales. N. Y., 1S56. 12°. Contents. — The piazza. — Bartleby. — Benito Cereno. — Lightning-rod man. — Encantadas, or enchanted islands. — Bell tower. - Pierre; or the ambiguities. X. Y., iS^j. 12°. — Redburn ; his fust voyage. N. Y.. 1863. 12°. — Typee : a peep at Polynesian lifednring a four months' residence in a valley in the Marquesas. N. Y., 1S71. 12°. — White jacket; or, the world in a man-of- war. N. Y., n. d. 12 . How they live on board an American man-of-war: abridged from White jack- el. In Howe, H. Life and death on the ocean, pp. 261-2S4 437-4S — Chasles, P. Anglo-American literature and manners, pp. 11S-146 473 -'-' MEMBI K for Paris. Murray, E. C. G. Memes, John S. Memoirs of the Empn Josephine. N. Y., 1855, 16 . Same, 1868 519B5 Memnon, Statue of. Stanhope, I'. II. French retreat from Moscow, etc. pp. 235-253 902-74 Memoir of the controversy respecting the three heavenly witnesses. 1 John, v. 7. Orne, Wm 231 1-6 \! i it .n: ..i .1 ca\ alier. I >eFoe, I '. Works. pp. 3»3-jS5 828-34 Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer. Kenly, J. R 9905-54 \li 1 ; o1 a physician. Dumas, Alex. M 1 \n 1 1 us of Arthur Hamilton : ed. by Chri topher ( 'art. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, W. M. MEMOIRS of extraordinary populai 1 id 11 urn ami (he madness of crowds. Mackay, • has 1742-6 MKMOIKS. 851 \i bmoii of Mr. ( '. J. Vellow plu ih. 1 . . W. M. \li morabilia of S01 enopl n, An .ih. 1 iisfand) Mi mi n abilist Ml MORABI.E i Vdam .will' 930 mi rem h 1 Schmucker, S. M 944-78 1 1 [O] 11 e « ai 5 of Si oil md. 1 j tlei . P. F '.103-82 Mi mi 'i 1 m 1 ■ :n, Cro tfand, Mi r. N. . 41 Memoranda ol art and artists. Sandell, I. 758 7 Memoranda ol persons, pi I lavis, A ndrew 1 1 M emi iria] ; "i , 1 he life and ■ Hi , d mghter, Hubbell, Mrs. M. | M 1 mi iri \i. and biographical >kel 1 1. 11 ke, Ji.l 410-29 \l iin irials ol 'in'' ian lift.- in the and middle age . Neander, A. ... 270-6 Memorials of Coleorton. Knight, Wm., 4. 2 v 826-55 Memori vLSof early genius and ai hievements in the pursuit "l km « ledge. I.., 1 12° 4IO-74 Contt Bacon ialil I una- bue Giotto Buonarotti 1 : phael I 'ante. —Mil' ' I tcrton. — Kirki Whil Shel- |< j 1 N tpiei I. Hal 1 Blai 1 ' 1 — C. Wren \ I B itt. M 1 vti is 1 m - "I .1 half centurj . Hubbard, 1S7 (i 7 Memorials ol the I ngli h marl yrs. Tayler, C. B Mi .IORIALS 1 'I il ■ .'. ho "i" 1 ed for the Catholic faith in Ireland. O'Reilly, M.. ed. '. . . . 4142-65 Memorie and Rime. Miller, Joaquin. . . 634E4 Memories: a story of German love. Miil- ler, F. Max. Memories and portrait-. Stevenson, R. I.. 451E3 Memories of French palaces. Challice,A.E. '1)403-3 Memories of many men and som Field, M. B Memories of my exile. Kossuth, Louis. . 543 B3 Memories of old friend ts from the journals ai Mi 1 IRIES of the great metropolis. Saun- ders, F Memories of the men who saved the Union. Piatt, Donn 4122—74 Memory. Butler, S. Life and habit. . . 5751 24 Unconscious memory 1 iwler, O. S. Memor) and intellectual improvement applied to self-education and juvenile instruction i me. In Fowler, 1 I. S. Education self-improvement — Holbrook, M. 1 . How to strengthen the memory; or, natural and scientific methods of training the memory. ... [841-4 in , A . E nemory 1 pp. 1 yil 1 1 I'll III \-l 1 .... Mil' he , \V. Literary pp. 147 1 72. Mi 11 617E6 ders, I ■'. Pa 1 1 me pi pei , pp. 1 17 [67. Mai it Is of memory Ml HORY'S gift. N. \ ., 11. d. 12°. . . . MEMPHIS, Egyft. Wright, W. B. Ancient pp. 56 -74 Mempkremagog, Lake. ,S.J.ami ks in camp 7 Ludies in homili Phelp . tin nd events of half a century. Wallace, II Men and I tys. Scudder, I.. I 810I 1 Men and 111 ' \mcrica one hundred Scudder, H. E., ed. . . . nd mysteries of Wall Street. Med- . J- K j Men and tilings as I saw them in Europe. Murray, . N | Mi 1 f the Revolution ; or, mem- I I kanah Watson Mi N and women. Browning, Robert. ... I Mi I have known. Jerdan, W 1: 1 character. In Jerrold, D. \\ v. (. pp. 107-446 history, by eminent writers. X. Y.. n. d. 12° 4'0-75 MEN of invention and industry. Smiles, S. 4169-Sl Men of our times. Stowe, Mrs. H. (B.) . . 41 Men of the Third republic. Rae, W. K. . 4.] Men of the time. Townsend, three wai -. pp. 145 152 41 Meri han 1, I he. Tuthill, Mrs. 1 1 life series.] , Bi lin. Mnii.lt. K. (M.), (I.. Muhlbach, pseud.) i : w 1 ofVenii e. care, Wm. tANTS. Boardman, I i. \. Bible in the counting-house 1 Boui ne, 1 1, k. I . 1 . mer- chants 4112 — Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. 41238-4 ville, J. A., i\\. Barrett, pseud.) merchants of New York city. 5 \. . . 41247 2 Cutts, E. I . Scenes and characters of the middle ages. pp. 461-528 1 ' inimerce. Merchant's clerk. Taylor, C. B 87 Meri IER, Mrs. Jerome. Our mother church: being simple talk on high topics. N. y., 1SS0. 16° , BI mi. I.I. Metals : their properties and treatment, pp. 261-275. ' Bodemann, T. and Kerl. 1!. Treal assaying, pp. 206-214 669-2 li. Vere, M. Scheie. Wonder- of the deep. pp. 3°2-.;27 5S95-3 -. W. Treasures of the earth. 3»9-326 553-5 Knox, I". \\ . Underground world. pp. 5>i -5"" 6229-5 — Nichols, J. R. fireside science. pp. ■;--: ^27 s Mercy Glidden'swork. Phelps, Elizabeth S. 727A2, Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson, Helen M. (F.), ill. II. 1 MERCY to babes: plea for the Christian bap- tism of infants. Adams, Wm 2611-3 MEREDITH. 854- MERLK. Meredith, Mrs. Chas. My home in Tas- mania during a residence of nine years. L., 1852. S° 4946-6 Meredith, Geo., Eng. writer, b. 1828. Ad- venturesof Harry Richmond. B., 1886. 12°. — Ballads and poems of tragic life. B., 1S87. 12° 625C1 — Diana of the crossways. B., 1SS6. 12 . Egoist, The :'a comedy in narrative. L., 1SS6. 12°. — Evan Harrington. B., 1886. 12 . — Ordeal of Richard Feverel: historj ol father and son. B., 18S6. 12°. — Sandra Belloni, [originally Emilia in land.] B., 1886. 12°. — Shaving of Shagpat: an Arabian enter- tainment. Farina. B., 18S7. 12°. — Vittoria. 3 v. I.., 1867. 12°. Meredith, L. P. Every-day errors of speech. Phila., 1S73. 16° "73-6 Mi 1 1 DITH, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. R. MEREDITH, Win. Geo. Memorials of Charles John, king of Sweden ami Norway: illus- trative of his character: of his relations with the Emperor Napoleon : and of the present state of his kingdom; with a discourse on the political character of Sweden. I.., 1829. S° 223B3 MEREWETHER, Henry Alworth. By sea and by land: being a trip through Egypt, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand and America, all around the world. I.., 1S74. 12° 43- s -59 Merian, Maria Sibylla, 6. 1647-1/. 1717. El- let, Mrs. E. F. Women artists in all ages and countries, pp. 116 120. . . . 4174^3 — Memoir. In Naturalist's library, v. 30. pp. 17-46 59o-5 MERIDIANA. Verne, Jules. Merimee, Prosper, French author, b. 1803-0". 1870. Colomba. B., 1S56. 16°. — Stoddard, R. H., ed. Prosper Merimee's letter.-, to an incognita, pp. 17-136. . 4184-S — joint author. Gautier, T. and Merimee, P. Tales before supper. Abraham, <•■ W. Essays, pp. 248-272. Review of Demetrius the imposler. . . [03E5 MERIVALE, Chas., Eng. historian, h. 1808. 1 onversi f the Northern nations. N.Y., 1866. 8°. [Boyle lectures, 1865]. 274-5 — Conversion of the Roman empire. V Y., 1866. 8°. [Boyle lectures, 1864]. . . 2701-5 1 lectures on some epochs of early church in tory. N. V., n. d. 12°. . . 2702-5 Contents.— Si. Ambrose, and the union of the Christian church with the State.— St. Augus- tine; some lessons from his life and teaching. Leo, the Great, and rise of the papacy. — [ early missions of the church. MERIVALE, Chas., continued. — General history of Rome from the foun- dation of the city to the fall of Augus- tulus, B. C. 753-A. D. 476. N. V., 1875. 12°. Same, 1879 919-66, — History of the Romans under the empire. 7 v. N. V., 1879. 12° 919-67 — Roman triumvirates. X. Y., n. d. 16°. [Epochs of history series.] 9'95-6 — Contrast between pagan and Christian so- ciety. In Christian Evidence Society lectures. Faith and free thought, pp. 341-387 239-25 MERIVALE, Herman, joint author. Ed- wardes, II. B. and Merivale H. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence 559^3 5 Meriwether, Lee. A tramp trip: how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. N. Y., 1887. 12° 440-613 Merle d'Aubigne, Jean Henri, Swiss divine ami historian, />. 1704-/. 1S72. Dis- courses and essays; with introduction by Robert Baird:'tr. by C. W. Baird. N. Y., 1855. 12° 252-653 — Germany, England and Scotland ; or, recollections of a Swiss minister. N. V., 1855. 12° 274-2 History of the reformation of the 16th century: tr. by H. White. 5 v. N. V., n. d. 12° 2706-3 Contents. — v. 1. Slate of Europe before the reformation. — Youth, conversion and early la- bors of Luther, 1483-1517. — 1 11 diligences and the theses, 1517 to May, 1518. — Luther before the legate, May to December, 1518. v. 2. The Leipsic disputation, 1519. — The papal bull, 1520. — The diet of Worms, 1521, Jan- uary to May. — The Swiss, 1484-1522. v. 3. First reforms, 1521-1522.— Agitation, reverses and progress, 1522-1526. — Divisions: Switzerland, Germany, 1523-1527. — The French, 1500-1526. v. 4. The protest and the conference, 1526- 1529. — Augsburg confession, 1530. — Switzer- land, conquests, 1526-1530. — Switzerland, a ca- tastrophe, 1528-1 ■ v. 5. England before the reformation. — Re- vival of the church. — English New Testament and the court of Rome. — The two divorces. : abridged and tr. by Rev. John Gill. L., 1S63. 12° 2706-3 The protector, [Cromwell]: a vindica- tion. N. V., 1S47. 12° 255B1 Introduction. In Craig, J. Protestant church in Hungary 27439-3 Cheever, G. I;. Wanderings of a pilgrim. pp. i5-44 4494-23 . . Fish, II. < . Pulpit eh iqueni e of the 19th ry. pp. 123-138 2521-4 Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 3S-57. . . . S70F.2 — Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators of France and Switzerland, pp. 296-323 4146-8 MERLIN. M II ALU i \Iiii , Geo. W. and [om I II. Populi 'i i in ii' iddl pp. -';i •■; I M krmaids, 1 1 mil, l: . Populai i I - 1 1 1 1 i l h land . pp 148 1 ;■ 1 . ■ . | Merriam, ii!> nd 1 1 imi 1 .• v. V 1 > '., 1885. 8°. ... 1 \\ ing faith. B., [876. 16 841-61 kriam, J. C. Steam. In One hundred 1 Mi. United Stales. pp, 227-273 609-6 M 1 RKIAM, Mary B. I Ionic life in Afi ii ed. I". I I '. I luntingti n. n. 1. p. 16 . Merrick, Jas. 1 .., tr. I ,ife and religii in 1 il Mi .hammed 1 1 ontained in the She< ah in 1 the Hyat-ul-kuloob B '■ s 5". ' s 297" 5 Mi 1 1 H In [land. I ippini ott, Sara J., iciid. ) Merrii England in the olden time. Daniel, ,; ''" M 1 rrii game in t ; > % mi 1 ye olden nine. Plunkett, E. M 786-61 Mi ni:ii [eld, Mt . Marj Philadelphia. I Ire as a line arl; with suggestions on chil- dren's dress ; with an introduction on dress, by Pi of. I . \\ . Eairholt. B., 1854. 8° Merrill, Frank T. Marplol < lupid. B., 1883. 1 6°. Merrill, Geo. E. Master Hathorne's fam- ily. Phila., 187*. 16° 627A3 Storj .'I the manuscripts B., [881 12 . 2202-6 Merrill, S. M. Christian baptism : its sub- jects .in.l mode ' inn., [876. 16 . . . 2611-6 Mi rrii 1 . Selah, D. />. East of the Jordan : . .-. ord of travel ami obsei ration in countries of Moab, ( iilead and Ba h in, during the years '875—77; with intro- duction by Prof. Roswell D. Hitch- cock. V v., isni. 8 C 4587-6 Galilee in the time of Christ. I... (885. 12 . [By-paths of Bible knowledge.] . 2269-5 Merrim ick river, n :au, H. D. V mi the 1 mi... i.l and Merrimack rivers. Merriman, Helen Bigelow. What shall make us w hole ' or, th " ;hl in the .li- reclion of man's spiritual and physical integrity. B., iSss. 12 172-58 Merriman, T. M. \\ illiam, pi ince ol I tr- ange; or, the king and his hostage. I'... i s 71- I-: 954B7 Merr\ Christmas. In Mackarness, M. A. Old Joliffe 600A2 In Sunbeam stories, pp. 301 -325. . . 600A4 — See also Christmas. M errv men. S'e> enson, K. I.. M 1 kry « ives ol \\ ind • > Win. 1 1 ! V., ■ 1 ■ Mi. ,re. M11. O'l , E. Mci ■■ .... is: travi Merv : epitomized from Mi I V. 2. PP. <7S -"" 455 2 1 . [ules, joint author, Girardin, I ■'.. .I.- an I n 1 or, 1 fohn Theodore. Leibnitz. Phila., n. d. 16 . [PI Animal magm .,\Vm. Tungking. I... 1884. 12 ' 1 ami \. I from .vcli and travels in nia, Assyria and Syria 1.577 1 I 11 er, I. I'.. Mesopotamia and A 915 4 Southgate, H Vi to the Syriai lamia I Issher, I. Joui ney from I ghestan, G Irmenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia and Persia Ml enger withoul 1 1 . . In . .1. leu, W. Plain thoughts on the art of living 1 M 1 ssiAMi 1 icrn Juda- ism. Schindler, Solomon Mi [ANIC prophecy. Briggs, I . A. . . . 2 vnic prophecy. Riehm, I',. . . . 22. M ,11 1 : gleanings of song from a hap- py life. Blackie, J. S 1 Ho] mlie . \ . 1 e, I . I . Repousse work for amateurs: being the art of orna- menting thin metal with raise. 1 ligun METAL-worker's assistant. Byrne, O. . . . 671 - wealth of the Lnii Whitney, I.I' 1 IGRAPHY as a separati Blyth, T. A Bauerman, II. Treatis the metallurgy of iron ( >6g t — 1 7 enwood.W. H. Manual of metallurgy. — Kustel, G. Roastinj and silver . and the extraction of their res: ive metals without quicksilver I — Lamborn, R. II. Metallurgy of silver and lead Metallurgy of copper. — Makins, G. II. Manual of metallurt Overman, 1. Treatise on metallurg — Percy, I. Metallurg] . Metallurgy of lead. . . . METALLURGY. 856 METHODISM. Metallurgy, continued. — Richards, J. W. Aluminium 6697-8 — Scoffern, J. and others. Useful metals and their alloys 669-8 — Watt, A. Electro-metallurgy 5386-91 — See also Assaying. Metals. Metals. Bloxam, C. L. Metals 669-18 — Blyth, T. A. Metallography 669-19 — Davis, D. C. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining 553~3 2 — King, C. W. Natural history of precious stones and of the precious metals. . . . 735—5 — Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. . . 553-6 — Pepper, J. II. Playbook of metals. . . 669-73 — Spangenburg, L. Fatigue of metals un- der repeated strains 6201-7 — Whitney, J. D. Metallic wealth of the United States 557-9 — Brockett, L. 1'. Our western empire. pp. 1 18-130 47S-I9 — See also Names of various metals. Metaphysics. See Philosophy. Metaphysics in three books: ontology, cos- mology, psychology. Lotze, Hermann. 145-55 Metamorphosis of Pigmalion's image and certainesatyres. Marston, John. Works, v. 3. pp. 199-237 614C1 Metaurus, Battle of. Creasy, E. S. fif- teen decisive Lotties of the world, pp. 96-126 903-25 METCALF, R. C. Public library as an aux- iliary to the public schools. /;/ Green, S. S., iii'. Libraries and schools, pp. 74-SS 8054-4 Metcalfe, Chas., /,. 17S5-,/. 1S46. Kaye, J. W. Lives of the Indian officers, v. '■ PP- 375-464 4H-595 Metcalfe, Frederick. Englishman and the Scandinavian; or, a comparison of An- glo-Saxon and old Norse literature. B., 1880. 8° 829-6 — History of German literature based on the German work of [A. E. ('.] Vilmar. 830-5 Ml i' mm. Samuel L. Caloric : it, ma han- ical, chemical anil vital agencies in the phenomena of nature. 2 v. Phila., [859. 8° 5361-6 Metempsychosis. Walker, E. D. Reincar- nation 14994-9 "Mi 11. 1. teamship. Morse. J. T. Fa- trial ■■ PP- JH S34 3482 5 M ill' 'i: [1 astronomy. See Meti - - Min Abercromby, R. Weath- :i I 1 In nature of ( "'i ' hange I lay i" day. . . 5515-12 B : nel t, 1 . ■ oi • h.iiin .il 55 1 55-1S B t., \l. Storms, their natui e, ficati 55155 2 Meteorology, continued. — B.uchan, A. Introductory text-book of meteorology 55 1 5— iS — Butler, T. B. Philosophy of the weather. 5515-2 — Hartwig, G. Aerial world 551 5—4 — Lardner, D. Hand-book of natural phi- losophy and astronomy 5 2 °-55 — Loomis, E. Treatise on meteorology; with meteorological tables 551 55 — Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea 5514-6 — Muller, L Principles of physics and me- teorology 530-65 — Smith, R. A. Air and rain : beginnings of a chemical climatology 55 1 57—7 — Steinmetz, A. Sunshine and showers, their influences throughout creation. . 5515-7 — Zurcher, E. and Margolle, E. Meteors, aerolites, storms and atmospheric phe- nomena 55 15-9 — Mrinn, R. J. Weather. In Simple les- sons for home use. pp. 277-303. . . . 607-5 — Metcalfe, S. L. Caloric, v. 1. pp. 299- 344 536i-6 — I'rout, W. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, pp. 141-275. 210-107 — Reclus, E. Ocean, atmosphere and life. v. 1. pp. 220-301. v. 2. pp. 1-95. . 5514-7 — Schleiden, M. J. Poetry of the vegetable world, pp. 1 14-136 5N04 7 — South Kensington museum. Conferences held in connection with the'special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1S76. 502 -S — Wilson, W. S. Ocean as a health resort. PP- 303-329 6135-9 — See also Physical geography. Meteors'. Kirkwood, D. Comets and me- teors 5 2 356-5 Meteoric astronomy 5235—5 Phipson, T. L. Meteors, aerolites and falling stars 5 2 35"7 — Zilrcher, E. and Margolle, E. Meteors, aerolites, storms and atmospheric phe- nomena 551 5—9 also Astronomy. Meteyard, Eliza, (Silver Pen, pseud.) Main- stone's housekeeper. B., 1S66. 12°. Method of Shakespeare as an artist. Rug- gles, Henry 1 8236-7 \lii 1 the Divine government, physical and moral. M'Cosh, Jas 2315-5 Methodism. Brown, G. Recollections of itinerant life 1 N7 H3 — Christophers, S. W. Epworth singers. . 245-39 Davis, 1 - I > - Life in the itinerancy. . . 2S7-3 — Fuller, E. Q. Appeal to the n Is, 287-4 Gori ie, I'. D. Lives of ei enl Method- ist ministers 4147-5 1 tineranl side 2S7 5 Ml. I IK ID] M ; Ml. I' f » \l i i ii ' M.M.i h i ., S. V. M. ill. idisl of the i Inn. I. Stevens, A. I Method! m 2S7 7 \\ 11 ..1 Met hodi hi 287 71 [ . Highways and hedge | or, fears of wester n Mi 1 . 1 . . . . Bi 1 yei in. in, 1 . ford Method ts. . . . 2S7 8 Wi ley, J, Works, yv 208-96 Wright, I . V Peopl 1 pr< tiei ii 1I1. Methodist Episcopal Church. . . . Bi 1 in-. II Mi torj -1 |-i live Meth odists. //; I >..'.» . Lorei I • and « 1 11 in;-. 1. v. 2. pp. 265 19] 1 '. .Hi,- ..ii.ni ,1 Mel nodi t. ■■'•■ ' and the < hurch. pp. 171 1 79 37°4 -l Durbin, J. P. 1 tbsei Europi v.J. |.|.. 1 1 I 10 ||" -"' Howitt, W. History of th itural. v. 2. pp. 171 398 174-48 Nevin, R. P. B es; or, ;ki tchi of missions and ministers, pp. 1 8 , 2; , Religious life an 1 Samuel I son. pp. 330 ,552. The Wesleyan Mi-i hodists S17B48 Win hi. the city? pp. 9; r,o See ah • Live ol \ bury. Boehm, I ten- ry. ( ',11 1 w 1 ighl 1 ..II 1 11 . I hos. I i-k, W.— I Let) In 1 . Win. I hint, John. Lorrain, A.M. \ an 1 lott, l/» M. (N). The Weslej Whitefield. Mi 1 I ; Fletcher, Miriam. Mi rHODWS, saint, bishop of Palara, also Eubulius, martyr, d. 312. Writings: ir. by Win. R. Clark. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 14. pp. t-2;o. . 2813 6 Maclei 1. 1 .. 1 - A Europe pp. 201-216 4142 57 Mi 1 11. 'i>s of hut teriologii il invi igation. Hueppe, I' 5786-5 Mi rHODS hi" ethics. Sidgv, ick, II mi 8 Methi ids hi histoi ii al stud} . Freeman, E. A 904-4 Methods of instruction. Wickersham, l.l'. 5723 Mi rHODS -I -..-. 1.1I u-f.ii in .111.1 ,.■ hei papers. Jevon-, \V. S 304-55 Ml 11 f study in natural history. ■ 1 5901-2 M111 \k Mm \. Storj of. Wellcome, II. - " ■ in. See Weightsand measures. Mi ikii \i tales and other poems. Lover, Samuel Mi 1 i:n u translatii ns and poems. II- Frederic II. anrfWister, Mrs. A. 1.. . . Metropolis local management act; also last pauper removal act, parochial as- sessmenl act, and 1 lie metropolis local management amendment act, 1862. 1 . ' v. 2. pp. 21 1 - K. M I I I I : Irian Met- ternich, R., id. ' I Metternich : tr. by Mi~. '. 5 v. N. -i .. 1S80. 8° Cont ' 5. 1815- 1829. — Everett, I'.. Mount Vern pp. |26 I l.i\ v. ai .!. A. SI eti In- 1 of 1 mil men and writer*, v. r. pp. 201-21 Marlineau, il. Biographical skel pp. 414 124 |i Mri rill, J. S. Self noted 11-. pp. 74-77 410-78 1 1 \., M. />. Hi." in preserve the 1 tys and addresses read be- the x.l. 11 I . \. p| , ; iihj. 3706-6 I11 , V. Ic. Hand-book of modern palm- istry. N. \ .. [883. 12 1 Mm/.. (Ireat sieyes of history, pp. 699- 722 9<>3-4 1 \\ war. English soldier in the Unit- ed States army, comprisil tion and adventures in the United Slates and Mexico Giddings, I. R. Speeches in Congress. I. 1 I, ins, J. S. History of the w.i tween the Unite 1 Mexico. . 9905-5 Kenly, J. R. Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer ''905-54 M - slield, E. I 1 M in war : hi: of its origin 9905-6 Dix, I. A. Speeches and occasional ad- dressee v.I. pp.198 2jn. Wai with ico. pp. 413-452. Territories ac- quired from Mexico ttin, A. \\ ritings. v. .;. p] 592. Peace with Mexico Jiv ; : — Knox, T. W. I terloo. pp. 91-116. Capture "Oj-53 — See also United S I ives of Scott, Winfield. Taylor. Z. Si '-.:'. I . I listory. 2. Travels and description. 3. Mines. 4. Missions. 5. Relig /. History — di — Dalton.W. New world and its discoveries. 970-6 MEXICO. 858 MEYERBEER. Mexico, continued. — Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Mon- tezuma and conquest of Mexico. . . . 644B7 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery, and to the government of colonies. 4 v. 970-38 — Prescott, W. II. History of the conquest of Mexico. 3 v 9902-6 — Wilson, R. A. History of the conquest of Mexico 9902-9 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 237-241 1S9E3 — Clark, D. W. Historical sketches, pp. 284 349. Conquest of Mexico 420S-25 — Dalton, W. Stories of the conquests of Mexico and Peru. pp. 51-302 9902-3 — Robertson, W. History of the discovery and settlement of America, pp. 197-260. 970-7 — See also Aztecs. Eife of Cortes. History — general and epoch ' — Elton, J. F. With the French in Mexico. 9907-3 — Johnson, II. M. About Mexico, past and present 990-5 — Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Santa Fe expedition 4789-6 — Robinson, F. Mexico and her military chieftains 9903-6 — Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexi- can revolution; including narrative of the expedition of Gen. Xavier Mina . 9903-7 — Ober, F. A. Young folks' history of Mexico 990-7 — Bancroft, H. H. History of the north Mexican states and Texas. [With bibli- ography, v. 1. pp. xix-xlviii.] .... 99001-2 History of the Pacific states of North America : history of Mexico, 1516-1861. [With bibliography, v. I. pp. xxi-cxii.] 996-2 K-xican war. Lives of Maximi- lian I, and Princess Sahu-Salm. Travels and description. — Bartlett, J. K. Personal narrative of ex- plorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihua- hua 4789-2 — liiart, !,. Adventures "f a young natur- alist 150A2 Bishop, W. II. Old Mexico and her lost provinces 47c- [c Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico of to-day. 472 iN 1 alderon de la Barca, M • (In- 1 . 1 ; 1 ■ i 1 1 M 1 ■ 472-2 , \V. W. Travels and advent- 472-22 '.in ienl 1 ities ol the new 4072-3 A. k. Appleton' Mexico. ... ... 472-24 M 1 CICO, continued. — Conkling, H. Mexicoandthe Mexicans; or, notes of travel in the winter and spring of 1883 472-25 — Ferry, G. Vagabond life in Mexico. . . 472-35 — Gray, A. Z. Mexico as it is 472-4 — Griffin, S. B. Mexico of to-day 472-42 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight through Mexico 472-44 — Hamilton, L. Le C. Mexican hand-book. 472-45 — Haven. G. Our next-door neighbor: a winter in Mexico 472-47 — ' Iswald, F. E. Summerland sketches. . 472—7 — Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains 472-8 — Sanborn, II. J. Winter in Central Amer- ica and Mexico 4728-7 — Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the tropics 472-87 — Wells, L). A. Study of Mexico 472-93 — Wise, II. A. Eos Gringos. 1 439-96 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 148-185. Visit to Mexico 189E3 — Eand we live in. pp. 703-751 470-55 — Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in the United States, 1849-50. pp. 159-246. 473-97 j. Alines. — Box, M. J. Adventures and explorations in new and old Mexico 472-19 — Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora 4791-6 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 2 56-247. Mexico and its mines. . . . 6229-5 4. Missions. — Rankin, M. Twenty years aiming the Mexicans: narrative of missionary labor. 2672-7 5. Religion. — Reville, A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru 2908-7 — Wilson, R. A. Mexico and its religion. 472-95 Meyendorf, Georg. Taylor, B. Cyclope- dia of modern travel, v. I. pp. 323- 146 436-8 M ever, Conrad Ferdinand. Monk's wed- ding. 1'.., 1S87. 12°. Meyer, Georg Hermann von. Organs of speech and their application in the form- ation "i articulate sounds. N. Y., 1884. 12°. [International scientific in,.] 61 141-6 Meyer, Leopold Der. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 308-314 410-S5 Meyer, Mrs. Lucj Rider. Real fairy-folks : [orations in the world of atoms. I'.., [887. 12 5402-6 Meyerbi 1 1 . < liai omo, or Jacob. Bad< iu, \. \ agabond. pp. 3541 131 F6 ■ 1,1. From Mozarl i" Mo 1 to. v. 1. pp. i8i 216 4177 3 \il.\ ERBEER. \l i . i : Mi G., continued. i . 1 1 1 . i ., i , Gi I . ompo !i i . pp. 205 228 ; 1 77 1 Upton, G. P, tandardopei ; 1 1 77 2_ 9 R. C. V, iii Iven of i ■. . thi ren rangei and cout" Phila., 1883. 12°. Ml \ i 1; -., Robei 1 1 . Miss Mai a love story. Phila., n. d. 16 Mi all, 1 dward. 1 1 ", R. J. English radical leadei pp ■ 1 240 1 1 1 - \l hi al plaj I li yd, Mi leil Forest, pseud.) 377A53 M ii M 1 1 1 Vngelo. S Bu rroti. M i' hael Angi 1 igfellow, II. W. \liii 1 Verne, Jules. Mn 11 \i 1 m \ -. Broi 1 . I . S. Storied holi- days, pp. 207 22;. Little I 1 I 1 er's a M ichaelms i itory 186A37 Mh 111.1., T. and Moritz, Aug. Will ami a v. aj . I' . 1859. 16 630A3 CoitteHli Tailor ami tiddler Patienc< 1 portrait. — Ways 1 1 1 a^hter. M11 in 1 1 1 \ lele (Mialaret), wife of fules, I. 1S2N. Story of my childhoi tr. by M 1 ier Curtis. I:., 1867. 12 . — Autobiographic sketch. In \V hit tier, J. 1... ed. Child life in prose, pp.262-270. 943A3 M [i 111 1 1 r, 1 'ai 1 Ludwig, Germanp /'. 1801. Philosophy of art. With Hegel, G. W. I'. Philosophy of art; tr. by W. Haste! 701-45 Michelet, Jules, French author, />. 1798-./. 1874. France before Europe. B., 1871. 12° 9448 67 Histoire de France. 3V. Paris, 1871 72.12. 944 641 Historical view of tlie French revolution from ii> earliest indications to the flight of the king in 1791 : tr. I>y C. Cocks. I .. 1S64. 12 9444' 6 — Histor) ol France. 2 v. X. V., 1859. 8°. 944 64 — History of the Roman republic: tr. b) Win. Hazlitt. I .., 1847. 12 9192-6 — Insect, The; with 140 illustrations by Giacomelli. 1.., 1875. S° 5957-63 — Life of Martin I uther. 2 v. n. t. p. 8°. 592B6 — Joan of A 1 c; or, 1 he m leans : from Michelet's history of France. N. V., 1S60. 16° 275B4 Modern history; with introduction bj A. Potter. X. Y.. 1855. 16 925-56 — Sea, The. N. Y., 1864. 12 5514-65 — Spiritual direction and auricular confes- sion: their history, theory and conse- quent translation of " Du prltre, dc la femme.de lafamille." Phila., 1S45. 12° Mi. in . .ry : It . I L., 1875 ' tr. bj Win. Hazlitt. I .,18; '.vii \\ ritin lith. X. \ I , A . 1 ' ; 1 1 ;l 1 I.m 1 . ■ ' A. Work . V. 14. I 1 I 12S. Review of] .... Mill, J. S. hi V. 2 i 1 1 1 1 lory ince 1 1 family. < lliphant, M. O. (W.) Venice, pp. 40-65. . . NIi. 111 Bei sier, Mm I M n 111 1 I I .12. I... |886. I . Siberian overland route from Peking to Petersburg through the 1 cits and steppes "f Mongolia, Tartary, etc. I.., 1864. 8° 1 iter S. Life and letters of Em- Upton ; with introducl [as. Harri 5. 12^. I I I.I.I. See Miclieli. IAN. Cooley, T. Mel. Michigan: a history of governments — Hubbard, B. Memorials of a half cen- tury I.anin.in, J. II. History of Michigan. . n v — Sheldon, E. M. Early history of Michi- : 1 the firsl settlement to 1815. . Sn ii I. Ian. 1. \Y. P. 1 ild Mackinaw . . . 47; Tuttle, C. K. General history of the state of Michigan; with biographical sketches 9874-9 titution of the several states. 445 157 nrop, A. J. Camps and tramps. pp. 279-302. Grayling fishing in north- 1 ichigan 1 — See also Detroit. Michigan university, Ann Dilke, C. W. Greatei Britain. pp. 439 - v • Hamlin, S. D. University of Michigan. [it Brackett, A. C, ed. Education of American girls e : introduction into the study of specific micro-01. Klein, E 5780-55 . E. L. Mici ferments and moulds 1 osm: a poem. Cole-. Abraham. . . Micro. oncerning man and his relation to the world. Lolze, H. . 163-6 MICROMETRY. 860 MIDDLE. Micrometry. Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science anil art. v. 4. pp. 190-192. 603-4 Microphone. Du Moncel, T. A. L. Tele- phone, microphone and phonograph. . 53^2 -j Microscope. Badcock, J. Vignettes from invisible life. 1883 5785-2 — Battershall, J. P. Food adulteration and its detection. 1SS7 5431-15 — Beale, L. S. How to work with the mi- croscope 57S-15 — Bell, J. Chemistry of foods with micro- scopic illustrations. 2 v. 1881-83. . . 5431-2 — Brocklesby.J. Amateur microscopist. 1S71. 578 iS — Carpenter, W. B. Microscope and its revelations. 1875 57S-2 — Catlow, A. Drops of water. 1851. . . 5785-3 — Clarke, L. L. Objects for the micro- scope. 1S70 57S2-3 — Cooke, M. C. Rust, smut, mildew and mould : introduction to the study of microscopic fungi. 1878 5886-3 - I lavies, T. Preparation and mounting of microscopic objects 5782-4 — Davis, G. E. Practical microscopy. 18S2. 57S 3 — Friedleander, C. Use of the microscope in clinical and pathological examina- tions. 18S5 5786-4 1 isse, P. H. Evenings at the micro- scope. 1868 5785-4 Hogg, J. Microscope; its history, con- struction and application. [1867.] . . 578-4 — Klein, E. Micro-organisms and dise 1S84 5786-55 — Lewes, G. H. Studies in animal life. i860. 5904-56 — MacDonald, J. D. Microscopical exam- inations of drinking water. 1S75. . . . 5433-6 — Martin, I. II. Manual of microscope mounting. 1872 57S2-6 — Naegeli, C. and Schwendener, S. Micro- scope in theory and practice 57S-6 Sanders, J. M. Crystal sphere. 1 -S 5 7 . 5785-67 — Slack, H. J. Marvels of pond life. 1871. 5785-7 Stokes, A. G. Microscopy for beginners. ■887 578-77 Suffolk, W. T. On mi manipu- lation. 1S70 578-8 Ward, Mrs. F. M. The microscope. 1870. _s;< s 9 Wood, J. G. < odd in. in .l.jects of the mi- cro cope. 1864 578-95 N', J. II. Microscopist. 1S77. . . 578-97 — Cook, I. Bo ton Monday lectures: bi- ology- PP- 7.5-92 576-25 Museum of science and art. v. 6. 8. 9 603-4 I. 11, M. 1 . 1 iel 1 '. "I 1 In- vegeta- ble world, pp. 29 52 5S04-7 Sni by, 1 1. 1 '. M icro 1 ope , In S tures at South Kensington, v. I. PP- R'.i 215 '. 502-81 Microscope, continued. - Strahan, A., cd. Boys' and girls' book of science. pp. 353-359 507-83 Midas, King. Hawthorne, N. Wonder- book. The golden touch 2941-46 MlDDENDORFF, Alex. Theodor von. Hart- wig. G. Polar world', pp. 220-227. • 498-46 Middle ages, called also the Dark ages, ex- tending, according to Hallam, from 486 to 1495. — Adams, ( \. 11. Mediaeval civilization. . 921-2 — Kingsley, C. The Roman and Teuton. . 921-5 — I.ecky, W. E. H. History of European morals, [especially v. 2 chap. 4.] . . . 190-5 — Robertson, W. Charles V. v. 1. View of the progress of society in Europe. . 222B8 " The most successful general study of this period." — C. K. Adams. Note. — C. K. Adams' Manual of historical lit- erature, (904-2;, from which the foregoing note is quoted contains, pp. 152-186, a list of books on the middle ages, with comments on each, and valuable suggestions to students, outlining courses of reading on the period. See also under History the sub-divisions, An- cient and mediceval^n& Mediaeval', Europe, his- tory ; the histories of various countries of Eu- rope, especially England, France, Germany and Italy. Anglo-Saxons. Chivalry. Crusades. Monasticism. Troubadours. See also the following on special subjects : — Berrington, J. Literary history of the middle ages 802-16 — Boutell, C. Arms and armour in antiq- uity and the middle ages 355 1—2 — Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the mid- dle ages 9213-2 — Cox, G. W. and Jones, E. II. Popular romances of the middle ages 382-3 — Heckci, J. F. C. Epidemics of the mid- dle ages 6109-4 — Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitu- tion of universities; with a survey of mediaeval education 378-5 — Lea, H. C. History of the inquisition of the middle ages. 3 v 2722-48 — Ludlow, J. M. Popular epics of the mid- dle ages of the Norse-German and Car- lovingian cycles S315-6 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe 4142-57 — Maurice, i. I). Mediaeval philosophy. . 159-6 — Nasse, E. Agricultural community of the middle ages and the inclosures of the 16th century in England 333 2_ 6 — Rydberg. \. Magic of the middle ages. 174-78 Wagner, W, R, Epics and romances of ilic middle ages 8315-9 Woodhouse, F. C. Military religious orders of the middle ages 3947~95 Fyfe, J. II. Merchant enterprise, pp. i33-'5 2 6 5°-4 MIDI HI MILES. M agi on/in it, ./. I illy, \Y. S, Chaptei European his- v. 1 OS Spalding, M.J. Misci m i 77 130. I itei il .... JVr.' I An, CI ( :ivilizal ion f Crime, Fol loi ( 1, . 1 . 1 . Law 1 ntain 1 nt of thi ubj I 1 .1 ; I hi 1 iddli Middle kingdom. Sa William . S. Wells. Middi 1 br . Mi 1 1 ■' ■'■ e 1 im ■ in y life, I leanoi \\ inthrop' diary foi [869. B , 1870. 16° MlDDLEMARCH. 2 V. Eliot, Ge< Middlemore, Mrs. S. G. ' , ed. Spanish 1... 1885. 12° Middlesex Co I i )rake, s. A. His- 1 lield md man ii m ol M iddlesi 1 i M iimi 1 1 1 1\. A. E. All about mnemonics. 1... 1885. 12° I84.I-6 \l MM [ ton, Arthur. I »wight, \. Lives of the signers of the declaration of in- depend pp. 353 -357 p-'i 5 1 ling, B. J. Biographical sketches ol igners. pp. 222-226 \\i\ 53 M inni ETON, Conyers, ed Lifi ind leticrs of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1 .. 1854. S° 2271:2 Contents.- Life of Cicei i, bj Di Middleton. — Ci> to several of his friends: tr. by Wm. Melmoth Cicei to Atticus : tr. by 1 >r Heberden Mini. 11 roN, Henry. Perry, B. F. Rem- iniscences of public men. pp. 137-142. 412-75 MlDD \ . Sir 1 1 ugh, b. 1 565 •!. 1 1 1 ; 1 . I.'iil^c, K. Portraits of illustrious per- onages "l ( rreat Britain, v. 3. pp. 267-27;, 411-65 MlDDl 1 TON, Mrs. Jane. Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of the com 1 of < lharles II. pp. 223-229 4"-55 fe se, J. II. Memoii ■ of the com ; ol England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3- pp. 395-398 411-58 Middleton, Thus. Fanshawe, Bng. prelate, i. 1769-1/. 1822. yonge, C. M. Pio- neers ami founders, pp. 171 178. . . 4149-98 M IDGE, The. Ilunnci . II. 1 . Minus. J!el. 1796-1/. 1884. His tor) the French revolution from 17- I . . 1 - 1 ' 94 ■■ I horough enough for the general tlton ' tcr; the best, by far, of all theshori —A. />. White. M [1 ini in. From the I rench. N. V.. 1 16 . MlGNON. Stannard, Mrs. II E. \ .. (J. S. Winter. / Mikado's empire. Griffis, Wm. E 952-4 M11.KIKN, M. M. The cow: dairy hus- bandry and cattle breeding: ed. by Am- in-. V Y., 1S52. In Sax- Rural hand-books Mil in k\, Win. Henry, Am. Methodist preach- w,£. 1823. 1'ioneer preacher; or, rifle, axe and saddle bags, and other lecture-: with an introduction by J. McClintock. N. \ ., 1858. 12° Contents. — Symbols of early western charac- ter ami civilization. — The rifle. — The axe. — The saddle-bags.- Songs in the night; or, triumphs of genius over blindness. — An hour's talk about woman. — French chivalry in the southwest. Pioneers, preachers anil people of the ssippi valley. X. Y.. i860. 12 . 9S7-6 Ten years of preacher life: chapters from an autobiography. V 1 i .. 1860. 12 . MlLi H cows. Guenon, F. Milch cows. . 637 ;; 1 d. I'raik, Georgiana M. Mil HKK.11 books. See Finley, Martha (F.) Mildred Gwynne. n. t. p. 16 1 Mildred's bargain and other stories. Lil- lie, Lucy C Mm ies in our life-journey. Osgoi ,£ 241-7 Henry A. Traces of picture writing in the Bible. B.. 1S70. 12 2216-6 ' . Manly. Stock-breeding. X. V.. 12° 636-6 Ni \ inparative valu- ation of lands and products. In l.ind- ley, W. and Widney. J. P. California of the south, pp. 311-326 4 - MILES. — 862 MILL. Miles, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liber- al faith, pp. 232-238. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Miles Tremenhere. Maillard, A. M. Milks Wallingford. Cooper, f. I . Miles gloriosus : the braggart captain. Plautus. Comedies, v. 1. pp. 67-144. 8723-7 Military and camp hospitals, and the health of troops in the field. Baudens, L. . . 6139-2 MILITARY art and science. Halleck, II. \Y. Elements of military art and science. . 355—45 — Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Germany and France 35543-4 — Jenold, \V. B. French under arms. . . 35544-5 — Schalk, E. Campaigns of 1S62-63, illus- trating the principles of strategy. . . . 97S7-8 — Wraxall, C. F. L. Armies of the great P ow ers 355-9 Military sketches 3554~9 — See also Artillery. Cavalry. Infantry. Military biography, Essays in. Chesney, c - c 4I5J-3 Military historical society of Massachusetts. Peninsular campaign of Gen. McClellan in 1862: papers read before the society in 1S76-77-78 and 'So 1,17.x 7 .7 Military life in Italy. Amicis, E. de. . . 9450S-1 Military manners and customs. Farrer, Jas. Anson 355^4 Military operations of Gen. Beauregard in the war between the states. 1861-65. Roman, A 142B4 Military operations at Cabul. Eyre, V. . 9581-3 Military religious orders of the middle ages. Woodhouse, F. C 3947~95 Military sketches. Wraxall, Sir C. F. L. 3554-9 Mill, Hugh Robert, joint ed. Rattray, J. ,iih/ Mill, H. R., eels. Forestry and forest pi '"IllCtS 714-7 Mill, Jas., British author, />. 1773-rf. 1836. Analysis of the phenomena of the hu- man mind ; with notes by A. Bain, A. I imllater, and Geo. Grote : ed. with ad- ditional notes by J. S. Mill. 2 v. I,., [878. 8° 180-63 Hi tory of British India: 4th ed.: with in ite by Hoi ice Ha) nun Wilson. 9 v. I.., 1848. 8° 9543 1, 1 t 1 1527-1708. — Tin Hindi v. 2. 'I he Hindoos, l he Mohammt dans, v. 3. i 708-1776. — v. 4. 1776-1784.— v. 5. i785- r 793-— v - 6- 1793-1805.— v. 7. 1805-1813. — v. 8. 1813-1823.— v. 9. 1823-1833. Bowei . ' •■ 5. I >avid I [artley and Jas. Mill [62-43 Mi 1 m !i. J, Scotti -li philosophy . pp. [88 1621-48 , T. English psychology. pp. 44-77 [621 7 Mill, John. Ottomans in Europe; or, Tur- key in the present crisis; with the secret societies' maps. L., 1876. 8° 9496-65 Mill, John Stuart, E>ig. philosopher and econ- omist, h. iSo6- W I Thornti m, M 1 u al 1 hai a< ter, bj Hei bei t ! Ipen Mill Mill KR. Mm, I. S., continued. cci Botanica I ti I ii j i ' in , phy, ni \ Huntei Wot] | Ii m , by J i I i r n i I : ii, Infl prai ti ,iii i 1 1 i , ■ Hunter, Hazard, R, G, l ■■> ■ ■ le ■ ition mmI free lom in « tiling, addressed to John Stuarl Mill 188-4] McCosh, J 1 - iminal ii in ol I S. ' I hy 161-6 Mansel, H. L. Phil ndi- tioned com] ] omi ren irl Win. Hamilton's philosophy and on Ml |. S. Mill's examin that phi- phy [46-6 M 1 son, I '. Ri B ish philosi iphy ; includin al on Mr. Mill' answei to Sii \\ m, I [amilton [621-5 Stebbing, W. \mli 1 ol Mr. Mill tem of logic 189-85 Subjei 11 1 women, Reply to the. . . 191 Bowen, I . Gleanings from a literary life, pp. 288 ;-'7- Revii ] of Sii Win I [amilti m's philosophy. . . ' — Brandes, G. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century, pp. 123-146.. . . 41.S-2 Buckle, H. T. Essays, pp.39 161. Re- 1 1 liberty [90E5 Cobbe, F. P, Hopi ' pp. 9 7.'. 1 'reface havinj e to Mi. M ill' i e aj "D relij ion Hinsdale, B. A. Schools and studies. PP' "•; '49 Hooker, I. I:. Womanhood. pj>. 2S-37. leni e » ith J. S. Mill. ... (96-5 Lucas, E. Mi. Mill upon liberty of the pn is. In Manning, 1 1. E., td. Es ser. j 204-58 McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 106- 1 ' 5 4104-6 Morley, J. Critical miscellanies. v. 3. pp. 37 02. I v-aili of Mr. Mill. Review of autobiography 646E4 — Monis. G. S, British thought and think- ers, pp. 302 336 Porter, V Science and sentiment, etc. pp. 96 111. [Three reviews] 142 7 In Atlas essays No. 2. Biographical and critii il, pp. 226-270. [Two of the three reviews contained in the foregoing]. 1 Rands, W. I'.. Henry Holbeach, student in life. v. 2. pp.3 33. Controversial le « er 774E5 Ribot, 1. English psychology, pp. 78 123 1 Mill. • a, 1 1. I ■..!■. ip 1 Mill Hamilton, 1 Wright, ' 'hi I H4-428. 1 M11. 1. ni ! Mi . \i.i ■ ge. MlLLAI ., / 1829. Rv kin, I. ■ Sii I . I Mil- : Mii.ledulcia: a thousand pleasant ll selected from • ■ tedt, I. M. End of tile world near ; or, \ ippearing. Published by the Shakers ! ent. M .,■ 11 ral, 6. 1705 ,/. 1861. Red- ding, C. Personal reminiscenci iuent men. v. 1. pp. 201-230. ... 411-7 MILLER, Mrs. Anna C. Johnson, (Minnie the bright of Indian character. N. V., 1 12°. Same, 1859 MlLLl Innie Ji B irbara TI her glorious career. B., 1884. 1 .: . ' 1 - 1 i Her, I laquin. V . M - I . Fenwick. Harriet Mar- tineau. B., 1885. 16 . [Famous men series.] 61 5B5 — Air and ventilation. How and why we breathe. Our bodily life. Sickn, that spread. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. I-58 and 217-275 607-5 History philosophically illus- trated, from the fall of the Roman em- pire to the I' rench revolution. 4 v. I.., 1852 54. 12° 92O-6 M . Hugh, Scottish . h. 1802-d'. 1856. Cruise of the " B summer ramble among the fossilifei of the Hebrides; with Ram- ten thou- miles over the fi of Scotland. B., 1858. 12 . Same, 554" 5 lys, historical and biographical. ; ical, social, literary and scientific: with preface e. B., 1S65. 12° iinl and it- ple. ' prints of ',' he asterol- epis of Stromness; with a memoir of the ant' 12°. Same. 1S66 MILLER. 864 - MILLER. M111 ER, Hugh, continued. — Geology of the Bass rock; with its civil and ecclesiastical history and notices of some of its martyrs, by Dr. McCrie and others. X. Y.. 1S57. 16 5541-6 — Headship of Christ and the rights of the Christian people: a collection of essay-, historical and descriptive sketches and personal portraitures; with the author's celebrated letter to Lord Brougham: ed. with a preface by P. Bayne. B., 1863. 12 . Same, 1S65. [The Witness papers.] 2577-6 — Leading articles on various subjects : ed. by J. Davidson. N. V., n. d. 12°. . 633E7 Contents. — Thoughts on the educational ques- tion.— Lord Brougham.— The Scott monument. — Late Mr. Kemp— Annie M'Donald and the Fifeshire forester.— Highland clearing. — Poet Montgomery. — Criticism : internal -evidence. — Sanctities of matter. — Late Rev. Alex. Stewart. — Calotype— Tenant's true quarrel.— Conclu- sion of the war in Afghanistan. — Periodicalism. — Annus mirabilis. — Effects of religious dis- union on colonization, — Fine-bodyism. — Organ- ship.— Baillie's letters and journals. — First prin- ciples. — An unspoken speech. — Descriptive principles. — Characteristics of the Crimean war. — Poets of the church. — Encyclopaidia Brit- tanica. — Vision of the railroad. — Two .Mr Clarks. — Pulpit duties not secondary. — Dugald Stewart. — Our town councils. — Sutherland as it was and is; or, how a country may be ruined. — My schools and schoolmasters; or, the story of my education, n. t. p. 12°. 633B6 — Old red sandstone; or, new walks in an old field: to which is appended a series of geological papers read before the Royal Physical soi iety of Edinburgh. B., 1855. 12°. Same, [858 55174-6 Popular geology : a seriesof lectures read before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh ; w ith desi ripth e iketi lies from a geologist's portfolio ; and an intro- ductory resume of the pro< essof geolog- ical science within the last two years: by .Mis. Miller. 1',., i860. 12°. Same. '865 5504-61 ["all ind keti In- : ed. with preface, b) Mrs. Miller. I:.. [866. 12 . ... 633E8 Contents. Recollections of Ferguson Recol ns -1 Burn Salmon fi In r of 1 doll.— Wid II'.. tith.- Lykewake. Hill Whj te V >un ■ urge " Gi r 'i 1, igent. 11 ill I ■ mechanician - otch mer- 1 hant of i he eig hi ntury. I 1 I n 1 -I thi n« I .hi. geology in its bearing on thi two thi ologii , natu- ral and revealed ; ■•■. . f thi ill and chin h 1 the author. 1;., 1857. 12°. Sum,. 1S7;. 12" 5501-5 — Witi, [Same as 1 teadshi] ■ . 1 Miller, Hugh, continu . — Autobiographical sketch. //.' Whittier, I. G., ed. Child life in prose, pp. - s ' 285 94jA 3 — Bayne, I'. Life and letters of Hugh Miller 633B5 — - Essays on biography and criticism, ser. i- PP- 334-362. ser. 2. pp. 356-392. 139E6 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 45 2 "457 410-42 — Famous boys. pp. 107-126 410-4S — Japp, Alex. II., (H. A. Page, pseud.) Golden lives, pp. 227-313 4104-75 — Lives made sublime, pp. 96-129. . . . 4144-5 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 283-291 4IO-757 — Men who have risen, pp. 225-276. . . 410-76 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 61-72. 410-934 Mil 1 m;, Mrs. Hugh. The dog and his cousins, the wolf, the jackal and hyena. L., 1S76. 16 798-62 MILLER, Jas. Alcohol : its place and power. Also Use and abuse of tobacco: by John 1 1 us. Phila., 1S67. 12 19S1-56 — Same, Phila., i860. 16° 1981-561 Miller, Joaquin, literary name e/Cincinna- tus Heine Miller, Am. writer, 0. 1842. First families of the Sierras. Chicago, 1876. 16°. — '49. Gold seeker of the Sierras. X. V., 1884. 12°. — Memorie and Rime. N. Y., 1S84. 12 . Contents. — Notes from an old journal. — Cali- fornia. — Oregon. — Colorado. — Rhymes for the right. — In memoriam. — One fair woman. N. Y., 1876. 12 . — Shadows of Shasta. Chicago, 1 88 1. 16 . — Ship in the desert. B., 1S75. I2 °- ■ • 633C3 — Songs of the Mexican seas. B., 1887. 12°. 633C37 Songs of the Sierras. B., 1871. 12°. Same. L., 1S72 633C4 — Songs of the Sun-lands. B., 1S73. 12°. 633C5 Unwritten history: life amongst the Mo- docs. Hartford, 1874. 8° 9702-01 — Heywood, J, C. How they strike me, these authors, pp. 148-160 804-47 Miller, Joe. Model n Joe Miller, n. 1. p. 24 827-69 Mm 1 ii, John. Fetich in theology; or, doctrinalism twin to ritualism. N. Y., 1874. 12° 234-6 Miller, L. W. Essentials of perspective. V V., 1887. 4 743-6 Miller, Mary C. Mr- Arnold's stories: 1, ilk . aboul the refoi mation in ( Germany. Phila., 1884. 1 6° 2706-6 Miii er, • Hive I hoi ne. Bird-ways. B., 1885. 12" 598-6 Little folks in I. ithei and fur. Hart- ford, 1874. 8°. . . ■ • ■ 5905-58 Mill i :k - 865 " Mil. MAX. M L, Olive I ., ■ oniimud. Mm,', i pel .ii Marcy' V V ., r o 59 \l 1 1 i i r. k. K .ill. . Rom my, I ., is; j, i2 c Mn i hi;, Rev. Samuel, Am. Presbyterian di- in . i. 1769 f. 1850. I hi,, 1 ii .il review of the cl 01 choolb 1837, In Presbyterian reunion, 1837 1S71 [ntrodm . In Si ott, T., tr. Articles ol I of Dorl I ii< ol I" 11 , 1I1. m Edwards. In Sparks, J., d. \in, 1 bi 1 iphy. v. 8. pp. I-256 1 M urray, N. I *ai ish and othci pern ilmgs. pp. 1 7 j 17S 241-65 Miller, Thos., . 1 809. 1 lis- tory of the Anglo-Saxons. L., 1856. 12°. 931-6 - - Royston 1 ,, ,wer ; or, thi daj s ol K ing l.ilni. 2 v. in 1. Phila . [838. 12°. Bi ni| ,i. .1, among the ri isi >. /;/ Rainbow stories, pp. 241 284 763A1 11 1, I . P. Peerage of poverty, pp. I"> 5 s Miller, Wm. Wintering in the Riviera; with n,, 1, ■ "i travel in [tali i nd France, in. 1 pi u tical hints to 1 1.., 1881. 8° K49-62 MILLER, Wm., founder of the Millcrites, b. 17S1 ./. 1849. While, J. Sketches of the < 'In 1 1 1. in I !,■ ind publii laboi W in. Mill : . gal lu-i , ,1 1 In '■! moir, In 1 he lab s \ Ive in Bliss, and other sources 1. ; ; 1-7 Burnap, ('■. W. Miscellaneous writings, pp. 256-293. Discourse "ii the end of the « orld : occn sii med b) the ex( item created by Miller, 1843 [95] ; Miller, Wm. Mien, Eng. client, . . [817 (/. 1870. I of chemistry, theo- retical and practical, pt. 1. Chemical physics. V > .. 1869. s D 541-6 pt. 2. Inorganic chemistry. N. Y.. 1S1.S. 8° 546-6 pt. 3. Chemistry of carbon compounds : or, organi( 1 hemisti j . Se< 1 ion 1. Hy- drocarbons, alcohols, ethei s, al and paraffinoid acids. Revised and in ■ ■ 1 , byH I \ and C. E. Groves. X. V., 1SS0. 8°. . 547 6 Introduction to the study ol inorganic chemistry. 1... 1871. 16 . Same. X. \ ., 1872 Magnetism and electricity. X. V.. 8 ' 537-65 M111 iK, Wm. Hallowes, Eng. mineral . is. .1 . . : 1 5 culture, pp. 145—160. Memoir. . . . 502-2S Mn 1 1 r, Wm. Henry, 'A I I: D pi ii-- 1 • 7 I \l 11 1 1 1 ..1 Angibault. I Mum. II mill. I '. ' I 1. or, the Plebi 1 I nann, I . • ' n, A. M 1 r, Ii. ii, 1 . er, A. Ji I I tale, I . I . 1 1 7-122 410-536 M 11. 1 hi n 1 and Bethell, gusta 149A2 Mini 1 I ill, Emma. ... 614 1 in, \\ . Rcligio In Faiths ol the world, pp. 153-182. . Millini I Introduction. /« English as she i- spoke I'?.!; Mil. 1 incton, r. S. Son ■ if our fellov ry. B., 1888. 8° I Millionaire of Rough-and-ready. I 1 . Bret. \1iii. n. I .awless, Emily. Abraham. Ancient I with intn ,>ing the w . the Rood. N. V., 1856. 12 . . I iterature and [he literary men of Great in and Ireland. 2 v. N.V., 1851. 8° 820-6 Mills, (has. K. Nursing and cure of the nervous and insane. Phila., 1887. 12 . 61 Mni.s, Clark. I.anman, C. " Hap-hazard nalities. p] ; 41- 5'' Mill--, Edmund J. Destructive distillation: manualetti in oil, petroleum and kindred industries. U, 1886. 8° ' Mills, Fi I Life of John Carter. X. Y., 1868. 12° Mills, Jas. 1 >. Art of money-making the road to fortune. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 658-63 MILLS, Mary. Ellet, 1 men of the ttion. pp. 276-2S4. . . 41. • 1 [5 Mills and millwork. Evans, O. Young millwright and miller's guide I Hughes, W. C. American miller and millwright's assistant Fallen. H. Miller's, millwright's and engineer's guide 6218 6 — Rankine, W. I. M. Manual of machin- ery and millwork 621S-7 Mechanics. Machinery. Mills of the gods. Twells, Mrs. I. H. Mills of tuxbury. Townsend, V. F. Mii.lv; or. the hidden ernsey, L. E. MlLMAN, Rev. Henry Hart. Eng. Fall of Jerusalem : dra- matic poem. 1 .. 1831. 8° Mil. MAN. — 866 MILTON. MlLMAN, Rev. H. II., continued. — History of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire. 3 v. X. Y., 1S72. 12°. 270-4S Contents. — v. 1.— Birth of Christ to death of Paul. v. 2. To the emperor Julian. v. 3. To the abolition of Paganism. — History of Latin Christianity: including that of the popes to the pontificate of Xicolas V. 8 v. N. Y., 1871 2821-5 Contents. — v. 1. Introduction. — 67-556. — Christian jurisprudence. — v. 2. Western mon- nsticism. — 590-839. — v. 3. To 1095. — v. 4. To 1200. — v. 5. To 1254.— v. 6. To 1314. — v. 7. To 1433. — v. 8. To 1454, and ageneral survey of so- ciety, literature and art. -- History of the Jews from the earliest pe- riod down to modern times. 3 v. X. Y., 1S55. 16°. Same, 1871. 12°. . . 913-6 — Life of Thos. a Becket, from Milman's Latin Christianity: ed. by O. W. Wight. X. Y., 1S60. 16° 143B3 — Memoir of Macaulay. In Macaulay, T. B. History of England, v. 5. pp. 9-27. 936-6 — Xotes. In Gibbon, E. Roman empire. 9199-5 — Peter the hermit. In Spooner, E. His- torical scenes, pp. 58-68 903-85 — Mahan, M. Works. v. 3. Review of Philosophic history 20S-57 Mil man, Robert. Mitslav; or, the conver- sion of Pomerania : a true story of the shores of the Baltic in the I2th century. L., n. d. 12° 2743-6 Milne, Rev. J., of Edinburgh. Religion of Persia. In faiths of the world, pp. 91-12 1 290-4 Mn NE, John. Earthquakes and other earth movements. N. V., 1886. 12°. [In- ternational scientific series.] 55122-6 Geological notes on the peninsula oi l'har- an, northwestern Arabia, and Mt. Sinai. /« Beke, Dr. C. Discoveries of Sinai. PP- 5 2 5-555 4591-2 Milne, Thos. Afforesting of waste land in Aberdeenshire. In Rattray, J. a»afMill, 11 R., eds. Forestry, pp. 129-134. . 714-7 MlLNER, Dr. — . Vindication. In Ward, T. Errata of the Prote tanl Bible. . . 22012-8 Mil. mi;. Edith. Sunshine in ihe shady ilai e. Phila., [877. 12°. \l n .1 1:. i ieo. ' 'ountrj pleasures : the chronicle of a j ear chiefly in a garden. B., ism. 16" 635E2 Mii.m r, /' \n Isaac. 1 dgar, J. G. E il prim of fa pp. I59-I79. • 410-45 Milner, Joseph, I !», b. 1744-1/. 1 797. iii torj "l 1 lie 1 hun h of < Christ, (from ii. 1 t to the 1 6th century) 1 with additions and 1 . by Rev. Isaac Milner. 2 v. Phila., 1835. s °- • • • 270-5 , Richard Monckton, baron Houghton, Eng. statesman, />. iSog-rf. 1S85. Mon- ographs, personal and social. N. Y., 1S73. 12° 4IO-77 Contents. — Suleiman Pasha. — Alexander von Humboldt at the court of Berlin. — Cardinal Wiseman. — Walter Savage Landor. — The Ber- rys. — Harriet, Lady Ashburton. — Rev. Sidney Smith. — Last days of Heinrich Heine. — Present social results of classical educa- tion. In Farrar, F. W., ed. Essays on a liberal education, pp. 365-3S4. . . 375—3 — Biographical -ketches. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 4 S092-9 MlLTIADES, Athenian general, d. about 489 B. C. Cox, G. W. Greek statesmen, pp. 93-"5 • . . . 4102-3 — Gilman, A., ed. Magna Charta stories. pp. 52-66. Miltiades it Marathon. . . 903-37 Milton, John, Eng. poet, b. ido%-d. 1674. Poetical works; with life by Rev. John Mitford. v. 2. B., 1853. 16°. . . . 634C19 — Poetical works. X. Y., n. d. 12°. . . 634C4 — Poetical works; with biographical notice. N. Y., n. d. 12° 634C2 — Prose works; with biographical introduc- tion by Rufus W. Griswold. 2 v. in 1. Phila., 1S53. 8° 828-61 Contents. — v. i. Biographical introduction. —Church discipline — Prelatical episcopacy. — Reason of church government urged against Prelaty. — Animadversions upon the remon- strant's defence against Smectymnuus. — Apol- ogy for Smectymnuus. — Of education. — Areo- pagitica. — Doctrine and discipline of divorce. — Judgment of Master Martin Bucer concerning divorce. — Tetrachordon. — Colastcrion. — Ten- ure of kings and magistrates. — Observations on Ormond's peace. — Eikonoclastes. v. 2, Defence of the people of England. — Civil power in ecclesiastical causes. — Likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church. — ! rai ts on the commonwealth. — Brief notes on Dr. Griffith's sermon titled " Fear God and the King." — History of Britain. — True religion, her- esy, schism and toleration. — Brief history of Muscovia. — Declaration for the election of John 111, King of Poland.— Letters of state, etc.— Manifesto of the Lord Protector against the Spaniards- — Second defence of the people of England.— Familiar epistles. — Britain under Trojan, Roman, Saxon rule. I... 1S70. 12° u Milton anthologj : .elected from the prose writings. N. Y., 1876. 12 828-6 Minor poems: ed. bj Wm. J. Rolfe. N. ■ V., 1SS7. 16 634C36 Paradise lost : in twelve parts. R, 1S49. 12° 634C4 ; with iioic- explanatory and critical: ed. bj Rev. Jas. R. Boyd. N. V., i860. 12° 634C3 ^reopagitica. In Famous pamphlets, pp. "-81 335E1 MILTON. — 867 — M I N I Mil 1 "V John, • ontinued, 1 fri 'in writing In Monl B. Selectioi 1 ... Martyn, V\ . C. Lifi incl timi Milton 634B3 \l 1 on, I >. I .ife 1 Milton ; with an 1 timate 'if hi* d 1 haracter, by I ,ord Mai aula) < ■ ; 4 1 - j — Patti M. Milton 634B5 — Arnold, M. Mixed 1 ;ays. pp.237 -'73- 124E6 — Bayne, I'. Chiel actoi in [he Puritan lution. pp. 297 346 936-2 — Birrell, A. Obitei di i-5' "S3E4 ' ii inning, W. I . Works. v . 1. 208-17 I ie Quim ey, T. I criticism, pp. 455—478. Milton vs. Southey and 1 Logic of pi pp. 221-255. I ''■ " Milton 284E5 Note book ol an English op pp. 193 216. Milton \ . Southey and I ,andoi . [Same a - the e aj in 284E5, ibove] 284E 11 I heol igical 1 \ . 2. p] 1 1.;. Milton 284E46 1 lobson, W. 1 . 1 l.i ssic pi • >. pp, 45 2 8021-3 — Drake, S. A., Oui great henel pp. 25-30 410-42 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 42 17. . . . 410-49 — Fuller, S. M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 45-52. Review ol pn e works I Iterature and art. pp. ,5s 42. [Same w. I 400F.6 Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and lit- erary men. ser. 2. pp. 9-41 11S 43 ' -o, E. \V. Studies in the literature of northern Europe, pp. 278 ;i-:. Vondel and Milton 8304 1 1 linn, picturi of English poets, pp. 64 84 821-45 — Howitt, Win. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. 1. pp. 75-117. . . . 41S21-4 -Jameson, A. (M.) Loves of the ] PP. «49 - (1 3 418-4S Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 1. |'|'- "3 «93 111. Works. \.-. pp. 22-46 8s — Kitto, J. Lost senses, pt. 2. pp. 119- '30 1 Knight, 1 '. 1 'in :e upon a time. 189 -mi 538] 1 I .1111,1111111', A. 'ie Mi characters, pp. [29-159 410-63 I owell, I. K. Among my books, pp. 252-302 588E1 — Maceuen, M. Celebrities, pp. 197 202. Milton, John, continued. I.I' iii nd ship of b Mci 1 17 2 1 1 . 4 1 - M'.'l men. pp, 1 Mull I'hy. •( Ml... I I -'32 Seeley, J. K. Roman imperial pp. 96 165. M ilton's political and poetry ["ulloch, J English Puritanism am 1 '7-27S hi Ward, I . II... '. I English poel PP- 293-305 Hundred greatest i I I" V Mimi I tile sketch of a grisette. Mus iet, Alfred ons. pp. 37-79 Mimic life. Ritchie, A. 1 . Mimnermus. Elton, C. A. Specimi the classic poets. \. 1. pp. 151—155. S7001-3 MlNA. ' v • '.ills. in, W. I '. Memoirs of the Mexican revolution: in- cluding narrative of the expedition 'if General Xavier Mina 9903-7 MlNCHMOOR, Scot/and. Brown, J. Spare v. 2. pp. 99-II4 I MlND and body. Set Mental path'' Mental physiology. MlND cure, a Mental healing. MlND in matter: a short argument in theism. Tait, Jas 201-S3 MlND in nature. Clark, H. J 5901 ;; Mimi in the lower animals in health and disease. Lindsay, W. L. 2 v 5 MlND of Mencius: systematic digest of the rines of the Chinese her Uls Mimi leading. Grimes, J. S. Mysteri the head and heart explained 1 Hovey, W. A. Mind-reading and beyond. 17; — Carpenter, W. B, Mesmerism, spiritual- ism, etc. pp. 53-55 177-2 M 1 61 15-8 Mink, The; or, darkness and light. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. 1 . -».;'.) .... 116A25 Miner, A. Louis, jr. Fly-fishing in the Vosemite. /« Orvis, C. F. iW Cheney, V V. is. Fishing with the fly. pp. 172 : MINER boy and his monitoi : or, the career and achievements of John 1 324K1 Minkkai riches of the earth. Phila., 1861. '6° 55 MINERAL. 868 MINNESINGERS. Mineral resources of the United States. Browne, J. R. and Taylor, J. W. . . . 553-2 Mineral waters. Gutmann, E. Watering places and mineral springs of Germany, Austria and Switzerland 6155-4 Madden, T. M. Principal health resorts of Europe and Africa for the treatment of chronic diseases 6135-6 Moorman, J. J. Mineral springs of North America; how to reach and how to use them 6155-6 Wilton, G. E. Mineral springs of the United States and Canada 6155-9 — Gale, L. D. Chemical analysis, etc. In Stansbury, II. Explorations and survey of the valley of the great Salt Lake of Utah. pp. 417-421 478-85 — Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays, pp. 94-158 502-46 — Jackson, R. M. S. The mountain, pp. 123-202 55'47-5 — London, B. In Merrylees, J. Carlsbad and its environs, pp. 173-199 4434-6 — Orton, J. Underground treasures, pp. 105-113 553-7 — See also Health resorts. Mineralogy. Bauerman, II. Text-book of systematic mineralogy 549 -2 — Brush, G. J. First appendix to the 5th edition of Dana's mineralogy, completing the work to 1872 549-j2 — Buckland, W. Geology and mineralogy. 2 v 550l- 2 3 — Chapman, E. J. Exposition of the min- erals and geology of Canada 5571—3 — Collins, J. II. First book of mineralogy. Bound with McTurk, J. Physical geog- raphy 551-641 — Dana, J. D. Manual of mineralogy; in- cluding observations on mines, rocks, reduction of ores and the applications of the science to the art-, 549-3 and Brush, G. J. System of mineral- ogy 549-3' — Davies, D. C. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining 553—32 Erni, II. Mineralogy simplified: easj methods of identifying minerals includ- ing ores 549-34 IT iker, W. Science for the school and family, pt. 3. Mineralogy and logy 55°-49 1 - on. M al 1 implified. 549-4 - Sketches from the mineral kingdom. . 503-S < . \. T. Aim ienl mineralogy. . . 540 6 i iy, A. Rudiments of mineralogy. 550-76 WShler, F, 1 land 1 ! ol mineral ' i 549-9 - Young pp. 107 138. . . . 504-97 Mineralogy, continued. — See also Assaying. Blowpipe. Chemis- try, analytical. Geology. Mines. Also Names of various minerals. Mines. Flavel, S. Presbyterian clergyman looking for the church. N. V., 1866. 12°. 2838-52 Mines and mining. Davies, D. C. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. . 553-32 — Jones, W. Treasures of the earth ; or. mines, minerals and metals 553—5 — Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. . . 553—6 Morgans, W. Manual of mining tools. .' 5532-71 — Orton, J. Underground treasures. . . . 553-7 — Knox, T. W. Underground world. . . 6229-5 — Lester, C. E. Glory and shame of Eng- land, v. 1 442-56 — Overman, F. Treatise on metallurgy. PP- I/-150 669-7 — Pepper, J. H. Playbook of metals, pp. 3-i IS- • 669-73 Scoffern, J. and others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. Sl-144 669-8 — Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations, ser. I. 609-7 — See also Metals. Mineralogy. Tools. Also Coal. Copper. Gold. Iron. Sil- ver and other minerals and metals. Also Names of various countries and states, as United States, England, France, Aus- tralia, Arizona, Colorado, etc. The following stories treat of mining life : Meade, L. T., David's little lad; Greene, H., The blind brother; and Munroe, K., Derrick Sterling, MlNGO and other sketches in black and white. Harris, J. C. Mingotti, Caterina. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 63-70 4I7S-3 Miniature fruit-garden. Rivers, T. . . . 634-7 Minifie, Wm. Text-book of geometrical drawing, for the use of mechanics and schools, and an essay on the theory of color and its application to agricultural and mechanical drawings. N. Y., 1871. 8° : 744-65 Mining camps. Shinn, C. II 3401-8 Ministering children. Charlesworth, M. L. 222A35 Sequel to. Charlesworth, M. 1 222A36 Ministers. 51k Pastors. Preachers. Minister's charge. Howells, W. D. Minister' family. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. . . . 314A88 Minister's wife. Oliphant, \frs. M. O. (W.) Minister's wooing. Stowe, Mrs. 11. (B.) MINISTRY of health and other addresses. T.i. hard ion, B, W 6104-7 Ministry of life. Charlesworth, M. L. Ministry of nature. Macmillan, II. . . . 210-58 ii'. oftheword. Taylor,^, . Wm. M. 251 88 Miwi iingei of Germany. Kroeger, \. I. X3 1 5—5 Minnesingers. Taylor, B. StudiesinGei man literature, pp. 29-60 S30-9 MINNES01 \ — 869 Mil' '■.< I I Minnesota. Vndi ew . < C. M inne ind Dacotah 177'- 1 ; Bishop, 1 1. E. Floral (rears in Minn< t77'' "■ Bond, J. \\ . M I il Brj mt, 1 . S. and Murch, A. B. Hi ■ •I [In real n . Lin 1 lians, [862 9876 2 1 ''M111, ( '. ( . 1 I of empire 47, " 1 1 in. in. Mrs. M. I >." "t;ili ; or, lifi md legends ol the Sioux 1 Fori Snel- ling 97°2"3 Heard, I. V. D. I listory ol 1 be Sioux h .11 and mi • f 1862-6 9 R , S. K. Talil.... 1 V. ,ili I .111 ; in , the gospel among the I 'akotai Schoolcraft, II. R. Exploratoi tion i" 1 1" issippi in 1820 Taopi and his fi iends ; or, the Indian's u rongs and 1 ights. | Mission -. | . . . . Bro 1. rii. I . I'. ( lur « estei n empire. rOO-927 17- 1 , Constitutions of the several states, pp. 580 602 1 ■, , I [owe, I. W. \\ intei l> es foi im .ilids. IT- '5'i-H'.; 61 Minnie Hermon, the rumseller's daughti Illl'W II. I . \\ . Minot, Geo. Richards. Moore, 1 ., <• ol 1 1"' middle pp. 207 j< 17. Mint. x. i Inited States. Minto, • 1 Hi. itt, 5» ( (ilbei 1. Mix in, Win. //.-,. writer, 6. 1845. Daniel Defoe. V \ .. 1S79. 12°. [English men of letters ser.] 280B5 Biographical sketches. In Ward, I. II.. <■p. 37-61 1 1" 93 Mintorn, J. H. I . . m in flower ami fruit modeling in wax. 1.., n. d. 16 . . . 7399-5 Min n rn, Robert B. From New Vorli to Delhi by way of Rio Janeiro, Australia and China. \. V., 1859. 12° i;s 6 Miot, \ni. 1 itt de Melito, French statesman, i. 1762-1/. 1S41. Fleischm at. Memoii of O • Miot de Melito 636B1 Mir ibeau, • de. Memoii of ( Iheva- lier de Bacourt. /« Bacourt, D. Souve- nirs of .■■ diplomat Mirabeau, Ili'ii.'U' Gabriel de Riquetti, '«.'. :»■ and statesman, />. 17 fi ■ 1 7. ii- \ life In ■ rj in four . I'hil.u. (848. 12° M IRANI M . I I \. M pp. !28 ' . I '.. 5. pp. 21 I .. M. dc la II. 1 ' iilfillan, G. I : PP- '3-2' ;. E. . 2. pp. 124 165 )i" 8 I: a ell, W. Extraordin 11 md h omen. pt. 1. pp. 102-113 IRAUEAU, I : an llistorii al no M null, I heodor. 1 family. Bro m, II. I list ical sket< hi in the time of 1 ■- III. . j. pp. 5'"74 4'0-'7 [RAi 1 1 in stone. . J. A. ... 41 [RACLE plays. See Mysteries and mil plays. iti.i.i... Browne, II. LI. Reason and religious belief . A. B. Miraculous element in the 1 . . 1- Irons, W. J. Bil ts interpreti it-- miracles and , 2202-49 Layman, A., (pseud.) l • Drum- mond and miracles 210-5 I lei n .saints and mirai Ii Mountford, W. Miracles, past and pres- ent *3«7 5 Mozley, J. B. Eight lectures on miracles. 231 7 1. W. M. Gospel miracles in their relation to Christ and Christianity. . . 2517 7 i, R. < . Notes mi the miracles of our Lord 2:17s . I. On the credibility of miracles. //; Collection of theological essays by various authors, pp. 485-504 204-67 I '. Q ncey, T. rheological essays, etc. \. I. pp. 163 188. On Hume's argu- ment against miracles 284E46 Fisher, G. P. E he supernatural origin of Christianity, pp. 471-514. . 239-39 n Is uf theistic ami Christian belief. PP- '4 s '77 239-jS . J. Unseen world and other essays. pp. 129-137 357] 5 Gill, W. I. Evolution and progress, pp. "5-I30 zi Hall, W. J. Some sceptical fallacie- certain modern writers examined, pp. - Heurtley, C. A. Miracles. /;/ Re] nd reviews. pp. 125-17 204-29 How itt, Wm. II he supernatu- ral, v. 2. pp. 1 51-168. Miracles in the churchyard in Paris, 1731. ... 174-4S MIRACLES. 870 MISSION. Miracles, continued. — Laing, S. Modern science and modern thought, pp. 242-273 215-52 Maudsley, H. Natural causes and super- natural seemings ! 74-6 — Matheson, G. Evolution in relation to miracles. ///Christianity and evolution. pp. 1-26 2398-26 Merle d'Aubigne, J. II. Discourses and essays, pp. 420-466 252-653 — Rector and his friends. pp. 132-178. . 204-74 — Scotch sermons, pp. 66-85. ...... 252-S1 — Seelye, J. H. Miracles. /« Boston lec- tures, 1S70. pp. 203-239 239-19 — Shuckburgh, E. S. Modern miracles. In Coan, T. M., ed. Questions of belief. pp. 194-204 204-1S — Smith, Samuel. Occasional essays, pp. 250-274. Rationalism and miracles. . S36E6 — Tyndall, J. Fragments of science, pp. 43-70 «« pp.253 255. Magic minors and . 1 1 : ■ lensi 609-79 MlRTHFl LNESS and its exciters; or, rational laughter and il pro :i . Clark, B. F. 817-26 Mirza A 1 .11 Taleb Khan. See Abu Taleb Khan. LLANI1 . old and new. Sniilh, John C 8 |61 1 Misi ' thank ;i\ ing. \\ ool ej . Sarah C, 1 I '.) 240 \ 52 Miseries of Fo-Hi. Sarcey, F. Misfits and remnants. Ventura, I.. )K m/i/ Shevitch, S. Misguidit lassie. Ross, P. Miss Bayle's romance. N. Y., 1S87. 16 . Miss Bretherton. Ward, Mrs. H. Miss Carew. Edwards, Amelia B. Miss Churchill. Fisher, Frances C (Chris- tian Reid, pseud.) Miss Con ; or, all those girls. Giberne, A. Miss Curtis. Wells, Kate Gannett. MISS Dorothy's charge. Benedict, Frank L. Miss Forrester. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Miss Gilbert's career. Holland, J. G. Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress. N. V., 1S76. 16°. Miss fanet's old home. Noble, A. L. Miss Lou. Roe, Rev. Edward P. Miss Lucinda. Cooke, Rose (Terry). In Modern classics, pp. 299-335. Miss Ludington's sister. Bellamy, Edward. Miss Mackenzie. Trollope, Anthony. Miss Margery's roses. Myers, R. C. Miss Melinda's opportunity. Campbell, Mrs. Helen S. Miss Molly. Butt, Beatrice May. \l rss Nam y. Rahm, Ida. Miss Nancy's pilgrimage. Johnson, V. W. Miss or Mrs.? Collins, W. W. Miss Priscilla Hunter. Alden, Mrs. Isabella M., (Pansy, pseud.) ......... 714A67 Miss Prudence. Conklin, Mrs. Nathaniel. Miss Ravenel's conversion. De Forest, J. W. Miss Richard's boy. Holley, Marietta, (Jo- siah Allen's wife). Miss Thistledown. Clarke, Rebecca S., (Sophie May, pseud.) 021A45 Miss Tiller's vegetable garden and the money she made by it. Warner, A 635-85 Miss Tommy. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Miss Toosey's mission, and Laddie. B., 1884. 16 .. Miss West's class in geography. Sparhawk, F. C 4207-8 Ml HON, The. Marryatt, Copt. Frederick. Mission of Black rifle. Kellogg, Rev. E. . 531A33 Mission of the North American people, ge- ographical, social and political. Gilpin, Wm 557-4 Mission Ridge, Storming of. .V, Lookout mountain. Mission schools. Harris, A. B. Huston Chinese mission school. /// Curious chools. pp. 182-209 379-3 Same. In How to earn and learn, pp. 182 200 3719-4 Mission to Russia in [866, of the Hon. Gus- tavti \ 1 1 Fox. I .oubat, I. F 447-5° MISSIONARIES. -871 - \i mil 1 ipp, \. 1 1.. in. \ 1 ■ pseud.) Master-mis . . . . 1 1 1 Mai 1 1 111.1 1 1 , I . ( '. Iii. ..1 1 ire} ''.in iim.'i id Ward 1149-6 Ma ion, I . Story of w 01 1 ing man life; wuli iketche of travel in I urope, \ 1 1 1 • . 1 . 1 1 1 ■ 1 \ 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 > 1 s 1 : 1 I'lim. Mrs. E. U. M 1 [if in Greeci ' zi Tracy, C. C. Myra; or, a child's torj "i missionai ) life Waldmeier, 'I*. \ bii igi aphy 921B9 I 'in bin, J. P. Ob 11 ( .11 in the 1 1 • vm-i Iso Live "i thi following: Betl Mrs. Joanna The Judson I 1 ' lasas - Livingstone Moffat, R. Pattis I. 1 '.. Si bneidei . I. II. and 1 ',. M . \ an I ennep, Mai j I . Zei sbergei . Da\ id. M 1 n > . \i", 1.1 bi 'U' and • em in southci n M.i. ... Moffat, R 2668 6 Missions. Sub-divisions: 1. Foreign mis- sions. 2. I linn.- mi isions. /. Foreign mil — Anderson, R. Foreign missions, thi In ii ms and claims Bainhridge, W. F. Along the lln< the front. [Baptist.] 2636-2 A rou ml the world tour of 1 hristian mis- sions Brightwell, MissC.h. Romance of mod- ern missions Forde, II. A. Blai I. an I v\ bite : mission stoi ies 263 35 — Gill. \V. \\ . Jottings from the Pacific. 1 Hon ;e, I . Mi ionary in m inj lands . . . Hue, K. K. Christianity in China, I tary and Thibet 265-45 - Kip, W. I. Historical scenes from the old Jesuit missions 2632—4 1 owi ie, J. < '. Man ual ol 1 he fi missions of the Presbyterian church in the 1 nited States 2635-4 Mi ion n j papers 263 Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions. 2632-5 Missions igs. Auburn, 1850. 12-. 263-55 — Miiller, F. M. On missions < Same. In Sell lys. v. 2. pp. : '5 652! 1 v • in, R. P. Blacl robi or, kel hi of missions and ministers 267-6 Pierson, A. T. Crisis of missii ... 263 11. on. W. F. I i.iwn of the modern mission 263-8 Thompson, A. C Moravian missions: [with biography, pp. 491-510.] .... 2634 8 ker, II. \V. English church in other lands 20;- 8 Mi ions, continued. Walsh, \\ . P. I [croc of tin field West, M, \. R N oung, r . I n'l.i in land ■ \ aughan, J. I mi. nt, I hi tin.- cros ' n Monda) pp. 1 19 130. ■i 1 urrent religious pel il 231 Dui bin, J. P. 1 >b ei valion . in the 1 v- 2. . . 1 ler, J. Ci itical • .1. pp. 1 10 132 and 227 23d 1 1 anl, J.I '<-. pp. 133-349- • Ladd, G. T. I 1 church polity. PP- .555-395 Mai I'.ii , G. F. IO-2i "1 I of tin- middle ages m — Neander, A. Memorials of Christian life in ihc early and middle ages. pp. si s Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 172 190. Rainsford, W. S. Sermons preached in St. George's, pp. 1 19-132 25.' ;s i I and culture, pp. 1 11 202. Mission monument and iis • i »_- < I i - cation 787I s Smiles, S. I >uty. pp. 31 1 .;.|i 1 — Smith, S. I . M his- of the work of the A. B. M. U. . — Stanley, A. P. End and the means of Christian missions: introducl iiii'ii. In M Hi ; I'M. ( in missii i in, 1 1. M. •■ 1 ". |i\ " : e jsaj - from litor's drawer, pp. 94 99 . J. Pioneers of civilization. •93 -' s l - Bainbridge, W. F. Self-giving: [a story.] — See also Missions of Abyssinia — Afi Alasl Armenia Minor Australia British America Brittany Burmah China Egypt — Greece — Greenland — Hawaii — In- dia Indians of America- Italy Japan Kurdistan —Levant Madagascar — Malay peninsula -Melanesia — Mexico — Minnesota Mongolia — N'estorian New Guinea New Zealand Palestine Persia Polynesia — K th America — Spa S Turkey — Turkey in _Wi -'. — Halliday, S. B. hi Little street sweeper: or, life among the poor MISSIONS. 872 MR. Mi SSIONS, continued. — Loomis, S. L. Modern cities and their religious problems 263-49 — Maccoll, I). Among the masses: or, work in the wynds 2641-5 — .Morgan, H. Shadowy hand ; or, life struggles i>47 1'.2 — Mowry, H. Sixty years in the harvest held. 254-6 — Paul, T. Harvest of the city, and the workers of to-day. [London.] .... 2642-4 — Pierce, B. K. Half century with juvenile delinquents; or, New York house of refuge, and its times 364-7 — Ranyard, E., (L. N. R., pseud.) Life work; or, the link and the rivet. . . . 2642-6 Missing link; or, Bible women in the homes of the London poor 2642 61 — Reed, A. Martha: a memorial 7771:2 — Richmond, J. F. New York and its in- stitutions, 1609-1S73 4747'-? — Strong, J. Our country: its possible fu- ture and its present crisis 267-75 — Warren, \V. Twelve years with the chil- dren 267-9 — Weyland, J. M. Man with the Book; or, the Bible among the people 2642 8 — Baird, K. Religion in America. pp. 282-295 ,7««/ 5SS-63S 277-2 — The regular service : [a story] 776A1 — See also Dalton, Amy. Jones, Agm Lowder, 1 Mississippi. Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi .817-21 Nordhoff, C. Cotton states in the spring and summer of 1S75 475-6 — Constitutions of the several states, pp. 325-340 3463-3 Mississippi bubble. Mackay, C. Extraor- dinary popular delusions, v. I. '-44 1742-6 — St-,' also Law, [ohn. ! 1 j ■ j ■ 1 river. Abbott, J. S. ( '.. Ferdi- nand De Soto di coverei oi thi 'I S 'PP' 843B3 1 li "I'n . S. I.., (Mark Twain, pseud.) Life on thi ppi 817-273 Greem I . V. The Mississippi. |' war] 97S1 22 Schoolcraft, II. R. Exploratory expedi- tion to the soul ces ol the M issi ippi in 4776-S — Waterhouse, S. Memorial to Congress dequate appropriation foi a prompt and thorough improvement of the Mississippi river 6271-9 I "hi, one, E. I low the IV oild w . P led - PP- 273 33" 573 !7 I ! ' lice Ol !ii lory. PP- 2 ->-5' 987 5 Mi iissiPPl river, continued. Kingsley, II. Tales of old travel, pp. 273-307. Alvaro Nunez, red discoverer of the Mississippi 436-5 M 5IPPI valley. Conant, A. J. Foot- prints of vanished races in the Mi sippi valley 4073-28 — Dickeson, M. W. Antiquities of the Mis- ippi valley. In Fish, J. G. Bible in the balance 2202-37 — Foster, J. W. Mississippi valley; its physical geography, including sketches of the topography, botany, climate, ge- ology and mineral resources 5576-4 - Hart, A. M. History of the valley of the Mississippi 987-51 Milburn, W. II. Pioneers, preachersand people of the Mississippi valley 987-6 — Shea, I. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley 987-S4 — See a/so Soto, F. de. Missouri. Kelso, I. Stars and bars; or, the reign of terror in Missouri 9795-5 — Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas. . 9795—7 — Snead, T. L. Fight for Missouri. . . . 9S78-8 — Brockett, L. P. Our western empire. pp. 927-954 478-19 — Constitutions of the several states, pp. 457-47 s 3463-3 MISSY. Harris, Mrs. Miriam (C.) MISTAKEN. Swan, Annie S 867A1 Mistaken; or, the seeming and the real. Fuller, l.ydia. \1 1 1 \ki:n paths. I lick, II. G. Mr. Absalom Billing-lea, and other Geor| folks. Johnston, Richard M. MR. and Mrs. Morton. Williams, Harold. Mr. Arnold's stniies: talks about the ref- ormation in Germany. Miller. MaryC. 2706-6 Mr. l'.odlcv abroad. Scudder, Horace. . . 440-8 Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town. Thackeray, YV. M 828-89 Mr. Butler's ward. Robinson, F. M. VI] Dunn Browne's experiences in foreign pari . Fiske, Rev. Samuel 440-36 Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in thearmy. Fiske, Rev. Samuel 9801-3 Mr. Isaacs: a tale of modern India. Craw- ford. F. M. Mister I lorn and his friends. Pearse, Rev. M. ('.. Mr. Incoul's misadventure. Saltu . I Mr. Pendleton' cup : .1 tor) foi boys. Bradley, W. I., (Clam 1 I !ai lord, a '.) [80A ft Mr. < Udmixon. I lamm 1, V\ . A. Mil. Pel kin's daughter. Lanza, Clara. Mr. Rutherford' children. Wi :r, S. and A. B 924A29 Mr. Scarborough's family. Trollope, \. MR. MI'M 111 I I Mr. Standfast' i join ney ; or, the pal h of 1 he \\ right, Mi r. I.M.N ■ i ; 9 Mr. Stubb's brother. Otis, Jas 7" s \ i Mr. Vaughan's heir. Benedict, F. I.. Mr. Wynyard's ward. Parr, Harriel MlSTRAL, Frederic, Provencal poet, b. 1830. \I 11. 10 : .1 Pn i\ encal poem : tran lated b) HarrietW.Pre B., 1872. 12 . 849-6 Presl II. W. Troubadoui 5 and Trou vires, pp. 1-42. Mistral's Calendau. . 8401 7 Mistress and maid. Craik, Mrs. l>. M. (Mulock.) M 1 ;, \i mington's ward. Wi ight, I >. T. Ml Vrthur. ( Hiphant, Mi r. M. 0. (W.) Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. B. 16 . [No name sei ie | Mrs. Brown. See Rum-, Rev. Geo., (Arthur SkeU hley, pseud.) Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures, Jerrold, D. 827 642 — In Jerrold, D. Works, v. 3. pp. 7-103. 828-5 Mrs. Deane'sway. Foster, M>>. I. II., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) 495A46 Mrs. Dymond. Ritchie, Mrs. Anne I. (Thackeray.) Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. Hawthorne, Julian. Mrs. Gerald's niece. Fullerton, Lad) Geoi giana. Mrs. Gilpin's frugalities: remnants, and 200 ways of using them. Brown, Susan A. <>j 1 2; Mrs. Harry Harper's awakening. Alden, Mrs. I. M-. (Pansy, pseud.) 714 V69 Mrs. Hurd's niece. Pratt, Mrs. Ella (Far- man). Mrs. Jerningham's journal. Hart, Mrs. — . 455C55 — Same. With John Jerningham's journal. 455I 6 Mistress Judith. Slidell, Mrs. E., (C. C. Frasei r> I lei . pseud.) Mrs. Limber's raffle ; <>r, a church fair anil its victims: a short story. N. Y., 1876. 16°. Mrs. Lorimer. Malet, I . Mrs. Mainwarning's journal. Marshall, Em- ma (M.) 614 \;N Mrs. Merriam's scholars. Hale, E. 1 ■'. Mistress of Ibichstein. Henkel, F. Mistress of the manse. Holland, J. G. . . 483C6 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. Ewing, J. II. (G.) 329A2 Mrs. Partington's knitting work. Shillaber, P. B 817-85 Mrs. Peixada. Harland, Henry, (Sidney Luska, pst-iii/.) Mrs. Skagg's husbands and other sketches. Harte, F. Bret. Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Alden, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, end.) 71 j X 7 1 Mrs. Vereker's couriei maid. Hector, Mrs. Annie F., (Mrs. Alexander, pseud.) • I : iel, John, h -, /.. 1S1 5 d. 1875. I ife and tin esol i e of Ulstei el Hi ;h, i ,il ..1 1 .. , on, .. id, nl of his pn igh. X. \ 1 , • [Biographical /„ M. I. ' 1 • j I, itinuation from thi to th 'line, fn M ■ ,.,,,, I. History of Ireland. . . . Introduction. fit Davis, T. 1 1 ' ' ech ; with biog. notice, fn from the dock 4M Bungay, G. W. 1 IfT-hand takings, pp. 400-408 '. 412-25 Mi I arthy, J. II. Hours with Irishmen, pp. 150 107 — Savage, I. '98 and ' (8: mi l< rn revolu- tionai y hi literatureof Ireland. PP- «43 > 2 4 Mil' 111:1, Ormsby Mi Knight, Am. astrono- mer and general, b. iNio-,/. 1862. Astron- omy of the Bible; with biographical h. \. \ .. 1868. i2 D 221 Orbs of heaven; or, the planetary and stellar worlds. L., 1856. 12° 520-63 — Planetary and stellar worlds. \. v., 1S59. 12°. [Same as foregoing.] . . . 520-631 dar astronomy: a concise elementary- treatise on the sun, planets, satellites and comets. X. Y., i860. 12 . . . . 520-64 I teadlej , P. C. ( )ld stars: life and mili- tary career of M 0. M. Mitchel. 638B3 — Mitchel, F. A. Ormsby Macknight. Mitchel, astronomer and general: a bio- graphical narrative. 15., 1SS7. 12 . . — Parton, J. People's hook of biography. 9 x t : — Keid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 591- ""' 9790-7 Mitchell, Arthur. l'ast in the present: what is civilization ? X. Y.. ism. ,s . 571-65 MITCHELL, Donald < Irani, (Ik. Marvel, Im. author, 6. 1822. About old story tellers, of how and when they lived and what stories they told. X. Y.. I878. 12° tents. — Introduction. — First printers and their homes. — Arabian Nights. — Goldsmith. — Sw ift.— Maria Edge worth.— Bernardino Si Pierre: Madame Cotiin.— The Grimm broth- ers— Scot t.-Dc Foe. — Bunyan. i k summer: being transcripts from personal observation in Paris during the [848. X. V.. 1S50. 12 0447 6 B uiul together: sheaf of papers. N. V., 1884, 12 MITCHELL. — 874 M1TF0RD. Mitchell, D. G., continued. Contents. — Washington Irving, 1783-1883. — Titian and his times. — Procession of the months. — Beginnings of an old town. — Two college talks. — In-doors and out of doors. — - Doctor fohns: being a narrative of cer- tain event- in the life of an orthodox minister of Connecticut. 2 v. N. V., 1866. 12°. — Dream life: a fable of the seasons. X. Y., 1856. 16°. Same, 1S72 639E2 — Fresh gleanings; or, a new sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe. X. V., 185I. 12° 44O-62 — Fudge doings: being Tony Fudge's record of the same, in forty chapters. X. V., 1S55. 12°. — Lorgnette ; or, studies of the town, by an opera goer. 2. v. N. Y., 1852. . . . 639E3 — My farm at Edgewood : a country book. N. Y., 1864. 12 . Same, 1S67. . . . 639E4 — Out of town places; with hints for their improvement. X. Y., 1S84. 12 . [A re-issue of Rural studies.] 639E5 — Reveries of a bachelor. X. Y., 1856. 16°. Same, 1S77 639E6 — Rural studies; with hints for country places. X. Y., 1S67. 12 639E7 Contents. — An old-style farm. — Advice for Lackland. — Wayside hints. — Laying out of grounds. — Mr. Urban and a country house. — Seven stories; with basement and attic. X. Y., 1864. 16 . Contents. — Introduction. — Wet day at an Irish inn. — Account of a consulate. — Petit Soulier. — Bride of the Ice King. — Cabriolet. — Count Pes- aro. — Emile Roque. — Under the roof. — Wet days at Edgewood ; with old farm- ers, old gardeners and old pastorals. X. Y., 1S65. 12° 639E8 — Sketch of F. S. ('ozzens. In Cozzens, F. S. Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, pp. 23-27 817-33 — Harris, A. I!. American authors for young folks, pp. 227-242 41S1-38 Mitchell, Edward C. Critical hand-book : guide to the study of the authenticity, canon and text of the Greek Xew Testa- ment. L., n. d. 12 226-6 Mitchell, Elizabeth Harcourt. Golden horse-shoes: a tale of chivalry for old and young. I.., 1885. 12°. MITCHELL, |. Fall of Napoleon: an histor- ical memoir. 3 V. 1... 1846. 12°.. . 666B3 Mitchell, Lieut. Col. J. Life of Wallen- stein, Duke of Friedland. I.., 1840. 12 . 922B5 Mitchell, Jas. Kitto, John. Lost senses. pt. 2. pp. 20-40 182-54 Mitchell, John. Manual "f practical as- saying. I.., 1854. 8° 669-6 — Same: ed. by Win. Crookes. \. Y., 1881. 8° 669-61 MITCHELL, Maria, Am. astronomer, />. 1S1S. Bolton, S. K. Girls who became fa- mous, pp. 87-103 413-2 — Parton, J. Xoted women, pp. 322-331. 413.-63 MITCHELL, Mrs. Murray. In Southern In- dia: visit to some of the chief mission stations in the Madras presidency. I.., 1885. 12° 2654-5 MITCHELL, Samuel Augustus. Ancient ge- ography. Phila., 1S71. 12 423-6 Svstem of modern geography, physical, political and descriptive. Phila., 1882. 12 4201-6 Mitchell, Samuel Weir, Am. physician, />. 1S29. In war time. B., 1885. 12°. — Prince little boy and other tales out of fairy-land. Phila., 1888. 8° 381-65 — Wear and tear; or, hints for the over- worked. Phila., 18S7. 12 613-62 MITCHELL, A'ev. Walter. Bryan Maurice; or, the seeker. Phila., 186S. 12°. MlTCHINSON, Alex. Win. Expiring conti- nent: narrative of travel in Senegambia ; with observations on native character, present condition and future prospects of Africa and colonisation. L., 1881. 8° 4663-6 Mitford, A. B. Tales of old Japan. L., 1876. 12 3852-6 Mitford, John. Lives of the authors in the poetical works of Butler, (198C2); Dry- den, (295C2); Falconer, (335C1); Gold- smith, (430C6) ; Gray, (434C6) ; Prior, (745C7); Young, (903C5). Mitford, John Freeman, baron Redesdale, English statesman, l>. 1748-fl'. 1 830. Me- moir of Wm. Mitford. In Mitford, Wm. History of Greece, v. 1. pp. 7-42. . 918-6 — Burke, O. J. Lord chancellors of Ireland. pp. 181-192 4H3-2 Mitford, Mary Russell, Eng. toiler, b. l,S6-d. 1855. Works. Phila., 184I. 4°. S28-62 Contents. — Our village. — Belford Regis. — Country stories. — Finden's tableaux. — Foscari. — Julian. — Rienzi. — Charles I. — Life: told by herself in letters to her friends. 2. v. X. Y., 1S70. 12°. . . 639B1 — Our village: sketches of rural charactei and scenery. 2 v. B., 1S53. 16°. . . 640K1 — Recollections of a literary life; or, books, places and people. X. Y., 1S55. 12°. 804-63 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. pp. 261-352 418-4 — Martineau, il. Biographical sketches. pp. 37-43 4104-62 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 142-145 410-83 — Payn, J. Some literary recollections. pp. 61-77 7"> l; " MITFORD. 87 S M< >l 1] \l 11, R, C. W ., major. I •• ' -il.nl with 1 in ii .w all y In igade : .1 narrative ol pel .il t . pel I- in • with the fbrci undei 1 .1 in 11I Sii F. S. Roberts ; « iili < .mil illu 1 1.11 ii ketchi '■■ the author. I.., 1881. 8° 9581 6 Mitford, Win., Eiig. historian, i. 1711 d. 1 s _• 7 . 1 1 1 itorj ol ' in • ' e : in'» editi to which is prefixed .1 briel me ir of t he author, by In brother, I ord Redes- dale. 8 v. I ., 1829. 8° nis 1. " Strongly tinctured with the anii-democratii prejudices of the author." — Thomas* Biog, Diet. \l 1 1 1: \. .'.. . R ijendi alula Mitra Mitsi.w ; hi, the conversion ol Pomerania. Milman, R ■'. 1 , ' Mi\ \i;i. St. George, Eng. naturalist, 0. 1 s _■ 7 . < .11, The: an introduction in the si inly ni back-boned animals, especially mam- 111 ils. \. V., 1881. S° 599S7 6 Contemporary evolution: an essay on some recenl social changes, V V., [876. 12 215-64 l 1 s ' ins from nal in e, as manifested in mind ami matter, V \ ., 1876. 12°. . 210-62 M.in and ape an 1 icpi it ion ol trucl ural resemblam e and differences beai ing upon questions of affinity and origin. V V, 1874. 12° 5914 y 5 — Nature and thought: an introduction to a natural philosophy. I... 1SS5. 16°. [42 63 — On the genesis ol species. \. V., 1871. 12°. Same. 1 575-63 — 1 (ne point in controversy with the ag tics, in Manning, II. E., ed. Essays eligion ami literature, ser. ;. pp. 203-230 204-58 — Fiske, J. Darwinism and oilier essays. pp. 32-38. Review of Lessons from na- ture. . 3571:1 Mixed essays. Arnold, Matthew [24E6 Mixing in society: a complete manual ol manners. I ., 1874. i6 c Mi/ maze; or, the Winkworth puzzle: a story in letters, h) nineauthors; F. Aw- dry, M. Bramston, C. R. < olei idge, A. E. M. A. Morehead, C. M. Yonge, F. M. 1'eai.l. M. S. I re, E. Price, I •'. Wil- ford. I.., [883. 12°. Mm MONK S. £ Memory. Moab. .Merrill, S. East of the Jordan. . . 4587-6 — Tristram, 11. P.. Land of Moab 45S7 9 M 'Mill stone. Sayce, -V. II. Fresh light from the ancient monuments, pp-74 01. 2212 23 — Wilson, C. \Y. and Warren, C. Recov- ery of Jerusalem, pp. 389 |i ■- 2212-9 MOBERLY, Rev.C. V- Early Tudors: Henry \ Hand Henry \ HI. \. V.. 1SS7. 16°. [Epochs of modern history.] 935-6 I ' Uisbury, /■. 1 Saj ings of iln v., 1 2525 -, Mobs. MoBY-DicI "i, the wli.de. Melville, II. MoDEof lil I loodn in, I . A. Model draw ing, Do i on, E. A 74 Mi 'i u ' v. \\ ebb, A. « Mi id) 1 homes, 1 Palli ei ' 1 : showing 1 ni de ign 1 11 model dwellings ; Modi i wife. Cervus, • .. I, 1 implete guide to ornamental I Mintorn, I. II. Lessons in flower and fruit modelling in wax 7 A. L. Instructions in the an of eling in clay M in ai -ii" 1. in. M Mode: ; or, pen poi traits of living Vmerican reformers. Bartlett, D. \\ . 412 2 Modern American homesteads. At" D. t 728-14 Modern inecdoti 1 ish, Irish and Scoti Ii. n. 1. p. 16° 8077-63 MODERN armor for national defence. I |ues, Win. II 6234-52 Modern atheism. Buchanan, Jas 2119-14 Modern Buddhist. Alabaster, II.. tr. . . 2931 is Modi rn Christianity a 1 I ni-.ni. Pullen, W"m. II 240-62 M tN chromatics; with applications to art and industry. R I. O. N 752-6 Modern cities and their religious problems. I oomi . Samuel I Mi i 1 1 n classics. Phila., n. d. 12°. Contents. — My double, and how he undid me, 1 E. Hale. — Diamond lens, by F. J. O'Brien. — Life in the iron mills, by R. Harding [Davis]. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, by M A. Dodge], Gail Hamilton. — Raft that no man made, by l\ T. S. Lowell. — Why Thomas was discharged, by (i. Arnold. — Victor and Jacqueline, by C. Chcsebro. — F.lkanah Brew- ster's temptation, by C. Nordhoff— ( Jucen of the red chessmen, by I.. P. Hale - Miss l.ucin- da, by R. Terry [Cooke]. — Denslow palace, by 1 h Whelptey— Friend Eli's daughter, by B. Taylor. -Half-life and half a life, bj 1 II \j pleton. — Man without a country, by E. E. Hale. Modi rn diabolism, commonly called modern spiritualism. Williamson, M. I. . . . 175-96 MODERN dwellings in town and country. Holly, II. Hudson - Modern explorers. Frost, Thos 4 Mi ERN Europe. 1453 1871. $v. Dyer, T. H. MODERN fishers of men among the various sexes, sects and sets of Chartville church and community. N. V.. 1S79. 12 ERN Frenchmen. Hamerton, Philip G. 4105-4 Mi ERN German music. Chorley, Henry 1 Modern Gothic architecture. Jackson, T.G. MODERN. 876 MOFFET. Modern Greece. Band, Henry M 4495~ 2 Modern Griselda. Edgeworth, Marin. Modern Hagar. Clark, Mrs. C. M., (C. M. Clay, pseud.) Modern Hinduism. Wilkins, W. J. . . . 2938-88 Modern horse doctor. Dadd, G. H. . . . 6361-3 Modern idols: studies in biography and crit- icism. Thome, W. II 418-88 Modern inquiries; classical, professional and miscellaneous. Bigelow, J 152E2 Modern instance. Howells, W. D. Modern Italian poets. Howells, W. D. . 8501-37 Modern Jacob. Stuart, Hester. Modern Joe Miller 827-69 MODERN languages in education. Comfort, G. F 1017-3 Modern leaders: biographical sketches. Mc- Carthy, J 4104-6 MODERN magic. Lewis, Angelo J., (Prof. Hoffman, pseud.) 7868-6 Modern men of letters honestly criticised. Friswell, J. H 804-38 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcolt, Louisa M; B. l6°. [Xo name series.] Modern painters. Ruskin, John. 5 v. . . 750-69 MOD] RN painters and their paintings. Ked- die, H. C, (S. Tytler, pseud.) 759~8l MODERN palmistry ; or, the book of the hand. Craig, A. R 1746-3 Modern persecution. Packard, Mrs. E. P. W 3622-6 Modern physical fatalism and the doctrine of evolution. P.irks, T. K 1686-24 Modern prophets. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 7'4 A 74 MODERN St. Christopher. Porter, Rose. Modern science and modern thought. Laing, Samuel 215-52 MODERN ships of war. Reed, E. J. an, I Simpson. E 359-8 MODERN society: changes in American so- ciety. Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) 197-4 MODERN sphinx and some of her riddles. Savage, M.J 3°4-75 MODERN Story teller: or, the best stories of the best authors. \. Y., 1S56. 12°. Contents. — Unlucky present —Sultan's bear. Ghost raiser.— Pierced skull.— Cornet Win- throp's st'Ty. — Opposite neighbors.— Midnight adventure. — Two Isabels. — Popping the ques- tion. — Captain Wither . engagement. 1 win listers fud c « ho alv/aysantii ipati d satis- faction ol a .'■ ntleman. — Conn 1 ei troke Bi trothal. Love passages in the life of Perron the Breton. — Match milking. — Tapis vert of Versailles. — White lace bonnet.— First anil last dinner.— Cock fight.— Our Major's story. Modern Telemachus. Yonge,< harlotte M. Modi i \ il ings. Boyesen, II. II 179A72 Modern war: its theory and practice. Szabad, Emric 355 75 Modern women and what is said of them : reprint of articles in Saturday review ; with introduction by Mrs. L. G. Cal- houn. X. Y., 1868. 12° 396-68 MODERN workshop practice as applied to marine, land and locomotive engines, etc. W'inton, J. G 620-9 Modjf.ska, Helena, countess Chlapowski, Pol- is/i actress, />. 1843. Altemus, J. T. Helena Modjeska 640B5 — Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 195-210. 4179-6 Modocs. Miller, J. Unwritten history: life amongst the Modocs 2702-61 — Peters, De W. C. Rit Carson's life and adventures; with a history of Modoc Indians and the Modoc war 206 B8 — Dunn, J. V., Jr. Massacres of the moun- tains, pp. 543-583 9707-3 Moehi.er, Johann Adam, German Catholic theologian, l>. 1796-r/. 1 838. Symbolism, or, exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants: translated, with a memoir of the author, by J. B. Robertson. X. Y., n. d. 12°. 2S27-5 Moens, W. J. C. English travelers and Italian brigands. N. Y., 1S66. 12 . . 4457-6 MoSER, Justus. Hedge, F. Prose writers of Germany, pp. 50-56 830-43 MOFFAT, Jas. Clement, II. D., Scottish- Amer- ican clergyman, />. 1S11. Comparative history of religions. 2 v. X. Y., 1873. 12° 209-63 — Introduction to the study of aesthetics. Cinn., 1856. 12° 701-65 — ed. Life of Thos. Chalmers. Cinn., 1853. 12° 220B4 Moffat, John S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. X. Y., 1S88. 8° 640B8 Moffat, Mary. Moffat, John S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat 640BS MOFFAT, Rev. Robert, Scottish missionary, />. I795~R1 II. Mogridgi . 1 "". Old II umphrey' walks in I Ion, and il • neighboi hood. V V., 1S47. hi'. Hound with Journey 1 he region "i fulfilled pi ophei y || JI 5s Mi hi \m\ikii XII, I Boabdil el < hii o], .1/ ish km, 01 Granada, d, 1536. Irving, \V. 1 lonquesl ol Granada 9463 1 oppee, II. History of the conquest of Spain. v. 2. pp. 263 427 Mohammi d and Mohammedanism. Arm ill, I . Peai 1 . "i faith 123] Blunt, W. S. Future of Islam 297-2 — Brown, J. P. Dervishes: or, orienl il spiritualism -'''77 ' Darmesteter, J. The Mahdi 297-3 — Gibbon, E. Life ol Mahomet, [being the 501 li chapter of Gibbon's Roman empire. | 2971-3 Roman empire. Chaptei 50 and succeed- ing chapters 9'99 - 5 — Green, S. Founder ol the religion of Islam, and "l the Empire of the Sara- cens; with notices ol the history of Islamism and of Arabia 2971 | — Irving, W. Mohammed and his successors. - v 297-5 — Martineau, II. Eastern life 459—55 Mi mm 1 . J. I.,, tr. Life and religion of Mohammed as contained in the Sheeah traditions "f the Hyat-ul-Kuloob. . . 297] j Muir, W. Life of Mohammed. 4 v. . . 2971-55 ■ — Osborn, K. I). Islam under the Arabs. . 297-6 Islam under the Khalifs i>f liajdidad. . 297-61 — Palgrave, W. G. Essays on the Eastern question 297-64 — Smith, R. II. Mohammed ami Moham- medanism 297-7 — Stobart, J.W. II. Islam and its founder. 297-77 — Syed Ameer All. Personal law ol the Mohammedans — Taylor, I. Fanaticism 272-8 — Vaughan, I. Trident, the crescent and the ' ross 2754-S — Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers. pp. 144 "'.) 204-12 1 '.ii I3 le, T. I leroes, hero w orship, etc. PP- 39 72 410-24 — Clotlel, E. Childhood of religions, pp. 204-229 290-32 — Deutsch, E. Literary remains, pp. 59-134, 204-25 — Ireland, Wm. \V. Biol upon the brain. pp. 32-51. Hallucinations of Mo- hammed, Luther and Swedenborg, . . 17; 5 — Killen, W. I >. Old 1 atholic church, pp. 129-149 2S11-5 — Kuenen, A. National religions and uni- versal religions, pp. 1—58 290—53 I ees, I. C. Mohammedanism. /» Faiths of the world, pp. 304-335 290-4 Muir, Win. Islam and Christianity. /// Non-Biblical systems of religion, pp. 104-114 290-62 Mohammed and Mohammi ontinutd. — Noble trail "i kindly men., pp. <• 78 Mil! 1 mhes In medixval hi pp. 98 121 921 ; \\ heeler, '.II. Letlei from I den. pp. ■A 117 2' Williams, W. K 1 ' history, pp. 1 )8 1 59 W I, W., II Ired men. 141-148 V — See also Di Rel gion. Saracens. Thei countries which 1 n Mohai edan, as Ara- bia, l'n li ia, a, Spain, Turkey. VI< nan, Mecca, Ml Lei anon. Moh \\t\11 D-Ahmed, (El Maahdi.) I C. C. Three prophets 410-65 Mohammed Ali ami his house. Mi Klara (Ml, (Luise Milhlbach, pseud.) Mohammed Amin Haji. ."*-,■ Keane, J. F. Mohini M. Chatterji. Bhagavad Giti I ord's lay with commentary and notes, as well as references to the Christian scriptures: translated from the Sanskrit. B., 1S87. 8° MoHL, Julius. Miiller, I . M. Biographical essays, pp. 220 257 ('" - . Mohl, Madame Mary Clarke. O'Mi Kathleen. Madame Mohl, her salon and her friends 641B1 Mohr, Edward. To the Victoria falls of the Zamliesi: translated from the German, by N. D'Anvers. I.., 1S76. 8° ; M«iik, David Macbeth, Scottish writer, Ik ijgS-d. 1851. Bridal ol Borthwick. hi 1 lull book. v. 2. pp. 41 — Gilfillan, G. Third galler raits. pp. 200-217 418 431 MOISTURE and dryness; or, the anal) atmospheric humidities in the States. Denison, C 55'57 3 Mot esworth, 1 juilford I .. i useful formulae and memoranda for ci\il and mechanical engineers. Phil . 1 24 . . 620S-5 worth, Mrs. Mary Louisa, (Ennis Graham, pseud.) Carrots: just a little boy. I... 1877. 16 — Cuckoo clock. L., 1882, 1 639A3 — Four winds farm. 1.. 1S.S7. 12°.. . Grandmother dear. I... 1882. 1 . . . 639A45 — Not without thorns. B-, 1S7;. 8°. — Rosy. L., 1886 \2- — Silverthorns. N. Y., n. d. 12 . . . . 639A55 Tapestry room. 1 ., 1882. 16 63 — Tell me a story. I . 1882. 16°. ... 63-. — Two little waif-. 1.. 1866. 12. ... 631 MOLESWORTH. 3 7 8- MON'ASTERIES. MOLESWORTH, Sir Win., English statesman, b. iSlo-a'. 1855. Redding, Cyrus. Per- sonal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 2. pp. 1-22 411-87 MOLESWORTH, Win. Nassau, English clergy- man, b. 1816. History of England from 1830 to 1874. 3 v. I.., 1S74. 12°. . 938-6 Contents. — v. 1. 1830-37. — v. 2. 1837-53. — v. 3- 1854-74. Moliere, lean Baptiste Poquelin, French dramatist, />. \b12-d. 1673. Besant, W. French humorists. pp. 310-357. . . . 8407-2 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 184-194 804-56 — Prescott, W.H. Miscellanies, pp. 36 1 -409. 744E5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. I. pp. 49-54 41°-° — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art and liter- ature, pp. 304-318 8022-8 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 47-49 4io-975 MOLINOS, Miguel. Spanish theologian, b. 1630- (/. 1696. Golden thoughts from "The Spiritual guide ; " with preface, by J. Henry Shorthouse. X. V., 18S3. 16°. 240-55 — Bigelow, J. Molinos, the quietist. N.Y., 1882. 12° 642R1 — Hodgson, W. Reformersand martyrs, [not] of the Lutheran reformation, pp. 321-341. 4143-44 Rule, W, II. History of the Inquisition. V. 2. pp. 258-268 2722-61 MOLLETT, John W. Rembrandt. X. Y., 1879. 12°. [Great artists series.] . . 7S1B2 MOLLISON, John R. New practical window gardener. L., 1877. 12° 718-5 MOLLOY, Gerald. Geology and revelation; or, the ancient history of the earth, con- sidered in the light of geological facts and revealed religions, with introduc- tion to the American edition, and a chapter on cosmogony from the manual of geology; by J. D. liana. X. V., 1870. 12 5501-6 MOLLOY, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. I'.., 1879. 16° 4442-6 Moi.i j si a. Lovell, M. S. Edible mollusks of Great • Britain and Ireland, with re- ceipts for cooking them 594-5 -■'renin-'.. Mrs. S. Pictures and stories of animals: sea, land and river shells. . . 594-77 Woodward, S. P. Manual of the mollusca. 594~9 Whymper, E. The sea. v. 4. also Conchology. /oology. \I"i 1 \ \Irnii'' : origin, growth and char- acter of the organization. Dewees, F. I'. 3107 ; VtOl 01 11. Praed, Mrs. Campbell. MOLTKE, Helmuth Karl Bernard von, count, Pru ■■| [65 — Cleveland, K. E. Geo. Eliot's poetry, etc. pp. 129 151. I lie in. .ii.. lery. . 229E5 — Cnu-, E. 1. Scenes and characters 'of the middle ages. pp. 1 .11 9213 ; Froude's Short studies, v. I, 2, 3. . . . 383E2 — Gilliat, E. Champions of the right. . . 4104-4 — Kidder, D. I', and Fletcher, I.e. Brazil ami the Brazilians, pp. 107-123. . . 481 s — Kingsley, C. Roman and Teuton, pp. 231-270. The monk a civilizer. . . . 921-5 Seymour, M. II. Pilgrimage i" Rome, pp. 149-216 4456-S2 — Stille, C. I. Studies in mediaeval history. . hap. 12 921-7 — Taylor, I. Natural historj ..i enthu pp. 208-247 201-85 — Walsh, T. History of the Irish church, with the monasteries of each county, etc 27 ; 1 ^ .1 — Williams, W. R. Eras ami characters of history, pp. 45 68 902-9 — See also Abbeys. Celibacy. Church his- tory. Convents. Middle ages. Roman Catholic Church. MONASTIER, Anln inc. Ilis|.,rv of the Vau- dois church from its origin, and of the Vaudois Piedmont to tin- presenl .lay. X. Y.. 1S49. 16 2S44-5 M"M" /,' .'. r.urnelt, |. Mi.Ni !■ 1 . Theodore Vchille I .mis du, vicomte, French scientist, />. is 21 . 1884, and Preece, Win. Henry. Incandescent electric lights, with particular reference to the Edison lamps at the Paris exhibi- tion : to which is added the Edison electric light meter, by Francis Jehl; the economy of the electric light by in- candescence, by John W, Ii.. well; and on the steadiness of the electric cur- rent, by C. W. Siemens. V Y..1SN2. . 5384 ; 1 .. i;. .11 vin.-i, 1 ■ 1 ; 1 n'l In in. 11 I1.1l I. v.l. pp. 223-24I. .lONCK, W. II. S. Sil \\ 11. I ! V Y., l88l. 12 II 1 u.'\ 1 '.. I >. van. Populai ' itograph) : also de 1 1 iption of, and remarks on the ,t, .. ,.| photo- tr. by W. II. Thornthv .mi-. I ., 1867. 16 . ... 1 1 1 1 . I 1 . Wit ami h isdom of the I ., [882. !• . :i 1 1 , [. Visit to 1. con, in. I;., 1871. 16°. Mum rieff, Robert Ho] tt R. Hope, /.(.-/v.; ! .111 hoys. I'... 1869, 1 Book about dominies: being the reflec- tions liii. 1 I a member of the profession. X. V., 1869. 12 . . I! Boys' own stories. I'hila., 1SS7. 12''. . Contents.— Princes in prison. — Recollections of a romancer. — A Smith an. ,-cs. — I I m's tirst battle.— Subalti \ .1 ventures i.f a ship-boy. — Seamy side of war. -Humbling of Algiers.— Breton hroi . Hermit's apprentice. Edinburgh, 1886. 12° 4S7 A.i'. Young rebels: a story of the battle of Lexington. 1... 1879. 12 4^7 \ 7 — 11I. Famous historical scenes from three centuries. N. \ '.. 1S75. 12 903-65 Moncrieffe, Margaret. Ellet, E. F. Wo- men of the American revolution, pp. 357-37 s 41-'' - Monday chats. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. . . . MONDAY work. Putnam, Mrs. E. T. II. . 749 At 1 1. Gilbert Chichester. Creation and the Scripture the revelatioi G N. Y.. 1S82. 12° 239-66 MONETARY and industrial fallacies. Howe, J- B MONEY, Edward. Cultivation and manu- facture of tea. L., 1878. 8° 6334-6 MONEY. Clarke, F. W. Weights, measures and money 659-2S — Colton, C. Public economy for the United States 3353 -•-- — Del Mar. A. Money and civilization. . Gil 1 R. Physics and metaphysics of money 3 — Howe, I. P. Common sense, mathemat- ics, and metaphysics of money Mi no-metalism, and bi-metalism. ... ;: Monetary and industrial fallacies. . . . ;;i 41 Political economy of Great Britain, the United States, and France in the use of v ;hes, R. W. Popular treatise on the currency question, written from a south- ern point of view ;;.* ; MONEY. MONOGRAPHS. Money, continued. — Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechan- ism of exchange 331-5 — Playford, F. Practical hints for invest- ing money 337-9 — Poor, H. V. Money anil its laws. . . . 3jl~7 — Sumner, W. G. History of American currency ; with chapters on the English bank restriction and Australian paper money 331-8 — Upton, J. K. Money in politics; with introduction, by E. Atkinson 331-86 — Walker, A. Science of wealth 330-94 — Wells, P. A. Robinson Crusoe's money. 331-93 — Woolhouse, W. S. IS. Measures, weights and moneys of all nations 337~9 — Barnard, II., ed. Letters, essays, etc. pp. 249-272 370-16 — Craik, D. M. (Mulock.) About money and other things, pp. 1-27 655E2 — Crallan, T. E. Money. In Simple les- sons for home use. pp. 393-422. . . . 607-5 — Hill, B. A. Liberty and law under fed- erative government, pp. 144-176. . . 3218-45 — Hume, D. Essays, pp. 167-175. . . . 491E2 — Locke, I. Essay on interest and value of money. In M'Culloch, J. R. Princi- ples of political economy, pp. 220-360. 330-6 — Saunders, F., (An epicure, pseud.) Salad for the solitary and the social, pp. 249- 274. Modem Moloch S05E4 — See also Hanks and hanking. Bimetal- lism. Coins and coinage. Finance. Gold. Paper money. Political econo- my. Silver. Money. Bulwer-Lytton, E.G. E. I.. Dram- atic works, pp. 301-407 594C7 Money god. Quinton, M. A. MoNEY-king and other poems. Saxe, J. G. 805C8 Money makers: a social parable. X. Y., 1885. 16 . MoNEY-making for ladies. Church, E. R. . 3965-3 Mon a and the Mongols. Gilmour, I. Among the Mongols 4517-4 — Michie, \. Siberian overland route. . . 4529-6 Piassetsky, I'. Russian travelers in Mon- golia and China 451-74 .V, also 1 hina. Genghis Khan. MONGREDIEN, Augustus. Free trade and English commerce. 1.., n. d. 16 . . . 335 65 History ol I he free 1 rade mo\ emenl in England. 1.., n. d. 16° 335 66 lion 1 it ed. I.., 1882. ,6 ° 335 "7 Monica, taint, mother oj Saint Augustine, />. 322-,/. 387. Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) W omen ol 1 it, 1, ndom, pp. 138 14s. 413 -m - Kavanagh, J. \\ omen of ( !hi 1 tianity. 17-44 4«3 55 Monica, saint, continued. — Wilson, W. Heroines of the household. PP- 1-47 413-96 Momkins. Cooper, J. F. MONITIONS of the unseen. Ingelow, Jean. 504C4 Monitor. Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 210-229. Battle between the Monitor and Merrimac. . . 903-53 Monk, Ceo., duke of Albemarle, Eng. general, b. 1608 -<£ 1670. Guizot, F. P. G. Monk ; or, the fall of the republic, and the restoration of the monarchy in Eng- land in 1660 411-43 — James, G: P. R. Memoirs of great com- manders, pp. 191-220 415 1—5 — J esse, [. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3. pp. 41-63 411-5S — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Creat Britain. v. 5. pp. 209-222 411-65 Monkeys. Jardine, W. In Naturalist's library, v. 27 590-5 — Parrots and monkeys 5905-64 — Appleton, T. G. Chequer-work. pp. III-136. May a monkey possess genius? 121E5 — See also Zoology. Monks. See Monastic institutions. Monks of the west, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Montalembert, C. F. de. 2 v. 271-6 Monk's wedding. Meyer, Conrad F. Monmonier, John F. and Mcjilton, J. N., eds. High-school literature : selection of readings for the higher^ classes of schools. N. V., 1870. 12 801-64 Monmouth; duke of. See James, duke of Monmouth. Monmouth, earl of. See Mordaunt, Chas. Mon.nikr, Henri. Gamier, T. and others. Famous French authors, pp. 259-263. 41S4-4 Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii. X. Y., 1874. 12 4059-6 Mono metalism and bi-metalism. Howe, J. B 331-42 MONOD, Adolphe, Swiss Protestant minister, /1. 1800-fl'. 1856. Failing words to his friends and the church: translation of " l.es adieu* d' Adolphe Monod." N. Y., 1S73. 12 252-66 Fish, A. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 164— 185 2521-4 Pressense, E. de. Contemporary por- traits. i>i>. 149 230 4104-77 Turnbull, K. Pulpit orators, pp. 228-260. 4146-8 MONOD, Win. Fish, II. C. Pulpit elo- quence of the 19th century. pp. 204- 217 2521-4 M i LAI 11 , pel lonal and «« :ial. Millies, K. M., I ord Houghton 410 77 M< >N< »M Wl \<' — 881 ■ . I VG1 Monom/ IAC, 1 lilbci 1, W m, \ 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 m 1 Bo 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 ■ •I trade. 1 . 1 . 164 •1 1 . I h .1 (K ■■i'ii, 1 I lolloway, I 1 - 1 I;, ol ' lie Whiti 'l 1 , [as., .■."/// /' ■'' ////.eople, ihe "■"I' 1 1 ol 1 1" ern- 1 "i 1 lie I nited Stati - wil h tho the republics which have 1 » llll tin- ' fall : ed. bj Samuel I .. 1 iouveme with biographii al sketi h ol the .1 tithoi . I'liila., 1 Si!-. '12° Vdams, I. Q. Live: "I [as. M lis in ami ''In . ( 12-14 ( iilman, D. C. I ■ M rela- tions to the public ten ice dui ing half a 1 entury, 1 7 7' • [826 Ellet, I . I . Courl ircli if I lie repub- !" ■ PP. 'I5-' 22 1' Fi " i.J. Presidents of the 1 nited Sti PP- '45 '57 1" 1J \\ .ilil". S. P. Vmei ii ■' 11 na\ al heroes. PP- .557 367 1'-' '' Monroe, Lewis B., ed. Fifth reader. Phila., 1S71. 12 801 Public and pi and dramas. B., 1873. 12 : humorous. B., 1872. 12'. Same, 1877 Soi~65i :n' eous. B., 1872. 12°. Same, i' s 7.; 801 65 -- Sixth reader. Phila., 1872. 12 . . . 801-658 - Young folks' readings. Ii., 1S77. 12'. 81 Mi inri 'i •: Lewi B. Story ol oui try. B., 1S76. 16° MONROE, Fortress. Wirithrop, T. Life in open air, etc. pp. 2N 1 ■ 1 1 17 1 17, 1 Bacon, F. ' Latimer, Hall, Milton, 1 1. N. V. • -M' 63 MONTA I 71 v I lisli poets, v. 1. pp. 495 500 p [ONTAGU, 1 ipbell, J. • Ihief-jusl chap, v 1 1 1 - t I dward, za [671. Lodge, E. Portrs illusti Great Britain. v. 5. pp. 22 ; 250 in ■ 5 Mon rAc:u, Edward Wortley, .1713 1776. Autobiography; with preface by R. ■1 Phila., n. d. . . .r. Henry, 1st earl of Ma f. 1 ' T 411-24 Montagu, John, * "71 67 Monti Rosa: epic of an Alp. Nichols, S. II 686C4 Monti fiore, Sir Moses, English / , ', for /i/s philanthropy, b. 17S4-,/. 1885. Wolf, L. Sir Moses Montefiore, a cen- tennial biography; with selei tions from letters and journals 644B6 — Parton, J. Captains of industry. pp. 379-384 4 7 [RO, Joachim John. Angola ami the river Congo. X. V., 1876. 12 . . . . 4117.; 6 Monteiro, Mariana. Legends and popular tales of the lias, pie people. I.., 1887. S° 3 1 in, Jas. Physical and political ge- ography. N. V., 1873. 4 420-6 JEGRO. Creagh, J. Over the bor- ders of Christendom and Eslamiah: fin '• s 75-] 4: I. is inski, V. Montenegro ami the Sla- vonians of Turkey. 1853 IPCs — R., R. II. Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia and Montenegro. [875 44 ;o 75 1 'i vtli, W. S!:i\ oni provin 1 south of the Danube, pp. 97-12S 9407 36 Glad tone, W. E. Gleaningsof past years. v. 4- PP- 305-339 Robert, C. Slavi nces of Turkey, pp. 304 453- Ranke, L. I [istory of Ser\ ia 1)407 7 fo 1 1. II. !•'. Researches in the high- lands of Turkey, v. 1. pp. 234-279. . 4496 9 — See also Turki Monterey, California. Lothrop, Mrs. II. M. (S.), (M trgaret Sidney, 1 en west. pp. 338-388 1 t ii q tEU, 1 liarles de Secondat, baron de la Br6de el xrist and philo . [689-a'. 1755. Considerations on tin .1111.nl 1 leur and di 1 de i 1 he Romans: tr. with introduc- . not and index I" fehu Baker. \. V., 1882. 12 \\ ood, \\ ., . ■'- 1 1 undred greati ; men. 02 4'°-975 about 1470-^. 1520. EgglestOll, Ii. and Seelye, L. E. Montezuma and the con- 1 . 1 1 1 M<»\ I I Ml' | -883- Montfort, Sim . /'. 1 ■!.., < M, Life G44 B8 G. \\ Lifcol .11 Ii ■ ■■ 1 >ii 6 ■11 '. W. II. I >. M< ahli ... Be\ . 1 1 Romnnl ii p English 1 . . Blaauw, W. II.; i. R. II ■;■ i I • Mon r hall Mon re r, I . ph. \\ ood, W .. I lllll Mi family. Mali . l-ighl pp. 537-54 I >. II. I eading I I 11 I' i |SS6. [2°. ..." Montgomery, 1 Mi >un lerstoi \. \ ., 1870. 1 Pi I .. [877. 1 2 P 1878. 12°. -I. I'llil.l., [872. 12°. I 1 eggs ina hen's I'hil.i.. 1874. 12° 641A1 1 mi; 1I1 tory : being . 1 i In- thoughts 11 \ . Y., n. ,1. (2° 641A2 Mon mery, 1 1. 1 en. liar- I'liil.i.. 11. •!., 12° I55B4 1 Major ( ieneral Zacharj I l'hila., 11. il. 12 879B2 MONTGOMEI I 1 :i ... 185 |. Poetical works : with memoir of the author, by R. ( .1 ruthei 5 v. B., 1858. i2 n 644C4 Contents.— v. 1 Memoii in Switzerland Miscellaneous p t In- ■ mcnis. World before the flood. — Miscellaneous poem Climbing 1 soliloquies.— Songs of /ion. v 3. Greenland. — Miscellaneous poems [*ranslations from I v. 4. Pelican islands.— Miscellanies Songs on the abolition of negro slavery in the British coloin to the memory of the late Richard Reynolds rural subjects.— Appendix. 1 iri^in.il hymns.— Appendix of posthu- mous ; — Knight, Mrs. If. C. Life of Jas. Mont- ry . 1 ite of mod- ern English poets, pp. ,;55-359. . . . .ul famous men. pp. 100- 115 n illan, G. Modern literature and lit- eral \ men. v. 2. pp. 277 2S7. ... 4 1 s ,j | ■ ford, J. A. Pi adron in t Am. crals. . 1. pp. 132 145. ... .41 1 1 . 1852. 12 . . . Home, R. 11 T. 15. 1 1 523. [Review | . , Sii Robert. I auric, \\ Distinguished Anglo-Indians, pp.2 111-61 H Mi in 1 11 iii Mayo. Ro : MdMII tory of the capli\ it; Helena. 4 v. in I. \. Y., 1846. v. 3 1 Phil: .,1847 Monti, Vincen . . ij , \V. D. Model 11 I ■ il 102-115 S501-37 - Sands, R. ] 153. [Review of the n.l . L. Moody, with anec- dotes arid temperance talks; with sketches of the lives of Moody and Sankey. by Abby Clemens Morrow. X. V., 1878. 12 .' 254-53 — Boyd. R. Wonderful career of Moody and Sankey 254-5 — Hall, 1. and Stuart. < r. 11. American evangelists, 1 •. L. Moody and Ira I>. Sankey in Gt. Britain and Ireland. . . 254-51 Bolton, S. K. P ' boys who became fa- mous, pp. 325-541 410-16 — Field, II. M. From the lakes of Killar- ney to the Golden Horn. pp. 32—41, . 440-345 — Holland, J. G. Everyday topics. ser. I. pp. 156-159. . . 4S3 E2 — Noble, W. 1'. P. Century of gospel work. pp. 45 1-470 277-7 — Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work. pp. 248-261. 254-67 MOODY, Sophy. What is your name ? Pop- ular account of the meanings and deriva- tions of Christian names. L., 1863. 12 . 4194-6 Moody, Wm. Godwin. Land and labor in the United States. X. Y., 1883. 12 . 535-6 MOON, Geo. Washington. The Dean's Eng- lish : criticism on the Dean of Canter- bury's essays on the^Oueen's English. 1.., 1S66. 16 110-65 Moon. Bassnett, T. Outlines of a mechan- ical theory of storms 551 55—18 — Godfiay, II. Elementary treatise on the lunar theory 5 2 33~4 Guillemin, A. Wonders of the moon. . 5233-43 Hariey, I. Lunar science, ancient and modern 5233-46 Moon lore 5233-47 Proctor, R. A. The moon ; her motions, aspects, scenery and physical condition. 5233-7 - Tyerman, T. F. The moon's rotation ex- amined by the Newtonian theorj oi gravitation 52333 8 - De \ ere, M. S. Stray leaves from the ol nature, pp. 266-291 502-32 Lardner, 1'.. ed. Museum of science and art. v. 5. pp. 33-48 605-4 Si e also \ 1 ronomy. MoONBl VM tangle. Shadbolt, Sydney. 381 Sc.5 Mi >"-,i,\ .1 . 1 I'Reilly, J, I:. Mi 11 iNl 1 1] •■■■ \" 1 in. I. mi- (G.) j8i 14 MOONI IGH I buy. I [owe, E. W . .1 ONE. < ' < . 1 1 i 1 1 - . W. W . Mi 11 -1' 1 . Vugu ;ta. Notes from Plymouth pulpit ; with >keh h ol Mi. Beecher and the lei ini, room, N. V., 1S05. 12°. . 249 ■■ 1 B m field H. 'in dangeri iu id liip. Phila,, 12°. MOORE, Chas. II. What to read and bow- to read : being a classified list of choice reading, with appropriate hints and re- marks. X. V., 1871. 12 8052-6 Moore, Mrs. Clara Jessup, (Mrs. II. 1 ). Ward, pseud.) Young lady's friend. Phila., 12 500 n. — Epigrams from the fuvi poems. Poems relal in tion and intolerance. — The so | oph- ical satire. — Twopenny post-bag Satirical and humorous po< I al and satil poems. — The Fudge family in I' 1 1 les Tor the Holy alliance v. 3. Satirical and humorous poems -The Fudges i" England. v \ Letter to the M 'nwagerof Don- J I risli melodies N'ational airs. 5a crcd songs.— Glees. — Ballads, songs, miscella- ems. v. 5. Evenings in Greece. — Legendary bal- lads, — Melologuc upon national mu 1 summer fete.— Songs from the M IV; or, the blue stocking. — Miscellaneous poems S<.ne,s from the Greek anthology. Unpublished on the road. -Alciphron. — Fragments from thi v. 6. Lalla Rookh. — Biographical preface. — The loves of the angels.- 1 — Poetical works; with life. Edinburgh, n. d. 12°. . . 6451 i Poetical works; with memoir, by David Herbert. Edinburgh, iS;;. S°. ... 64 I picurean, a tale, and Alciphron, a < V Y.. 1877. 12 . — Historj "i Ireland. 2 v. Phila., 1843 46. S° 941-565 Contents. — v. 1. I 1 us I to the great expediti ind fn 1545. Irish melodies; with symphonies ami ac- companiments, by I. Stevenson and Henry Bishop. Dublin, 1885. 8°. . . "744-6 Mi 10R] 1 mtinutd. Y., n. <1. .■; ! I.. 11. V., I864 I-' mental : ■ II. I ■ laid. V V.. I II Li ers and joui with notices of his life. 2 v. V \ '., . 8° . journal ed. by Rt. I Ion. I "id John R u ell. 2 v. V Y.. is:,;, 8 Sj mington, \. I . 1 Mi i and liter- ary celebrities, pp. 161 -192 410-25 — I levey, J. I ern English poe - I Igar, T. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 220-2.12 410-45 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and lit- erary men. V. 2. pp. 3II-31S. ... I! ill. Wui. Homes and haunts ol the . . 2. pp. 145-461 . JlVl 4 Kent, 1 . I 11 tpi ints m ■ he I. pp. 159 4IO-597 Mason, E. I .. -. Personal trail British authors, v. 1. pp. [41-166. . 41 — Reed, II. Bi itish 1 oets. v. 2. pp iid Jerdan. pp. 19-170 ;i — Willis, N. I'. I pp.463— 470. Moore and Barry Cornwall. Moore, Rev. Win. Bramley. Six siste the valley : an historical 1 . n. d. 16°. \M> cottage. Gaskell, M . 1 Moorman, J. J. Mineral spring 1 ica : hi '\\ to reai h tnd how to use them. Phila., 1873. 12 \|"ous. SeeAiahs. Mohammedanism. • ecus. Granada. S bary state-. Algiers. M Tri- poli. Tunis. M Field sports "f the Uni v. 2. pp. 1 ... ; Murphy. I. M. Sporting adventures in the far West. ; "96-6 S Animals. Hunting. Morag : a tale of highland life. V Y\, n. .1. 16 Moraine, Paul. Shining hours. I 644A1 Moral phil ,ics. Morat pirates. Alden, Win. L 114A98 MORAL. 886 MORE. iL reforms. Coxe, Arthur C 241-32 Moral sinner. Daly, Myrtilla N. Mi iB i item. ( iillett, Ezra II mi-4 Moral tales for young people. I gev rth, Maria 310A7 Moral uses of dark things. Bushnell, H. . 216 1; Morality and tin- State. Nash, S 192 7 , 1 s. See Ethics. Culture. Morals: by way of abstract. Seneca. . 15S-8 Mi ir vls and mj stei ies. Aide, II. Morals of trade. Newton, R. II 1944 6 Olj mpia Ku! . 1526^/. 1555. Wilson. Win. Heroines of the household, pp. 48-106. Star of the reformation 413 '"' Moravians, or United Brethren. Thomp- \.i'. Morivian missions 2634 S Kaufmann,M. Socialism and communism. 338 1.5 Nevin, R. P. Blacl 1. sketches of missions and ministers 267-6 Howells, W. I). Three villages, pp. 117-198 47.>-4^ — Howitt, Wm. History of the superna- tural, v. 2. pp. 4211-435 V 17 1 4 s — See also Life of Zeisbergei . Mordaunt, 1 ■•.//. b. 1658 d. 1735. Russell, F. S. Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, (has Mordaunt: a memoir 646B2 — James. (1. P. R. Great commanders, pp. 3 s "-4°4 41515 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 135 411-65 Henty, <•. A. Bravest of the brave ; or, with Peterborough in Spain. Mi irdecai. Hills, O. V ( ompanii m acters. pp. 205-225. Haman and Mordecai 221 — Williams, II. L. Boys ol the Bible, pp. 233 251 2217-9 Hannah, 1 745 d. [S33. Works. 2 x. \. V., 1S57. 8 . 828 63 ntents. — v. 1. Epitaphs.- Ballads Hymns. Ballads, Bible rhymi rci ma Stories for pci n mid- • rales Strictun on the ol femali edui ation.— 1 Poei Hints for forming the character ol . young princess.— Christian morals Si Paul. Co hcs lii-iii. Prayer, elel ch of a wife. Phila., 1S1.0. and allegories. V V.. . 24 644A5 — Rural tale , porl I ife. V V., 14 644A6 : 1111, ami ill In \. N ., l86l. 12° 644A7 More, Hannah, continued. Letters. In Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers. ser. 2. pp. !3° S26-54 — Roberts, W. Memoirs of the life a ndence of Mrs. Hannah More. . . — Vonge, C. M. Hannah More 640114; our, C. I.. Working women of this century. pp. 38-86. Mrs. Hannah More and her sisters 413-1S tries, Mrs. E. (R.) I the women of Christendom, pp. 2S7-292. 413-24 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefai pp. 66-69 f>°-4 2 — Hale, S. j. Lessons from women's lives. PP. 1 10-130 .- . . . 413-47 — Kavanagh. J. Women of » hristi: pp. 257-205 4>3-5S — Sprague, W. II. European celebrities. pp. 64-72 4104-85 More, Henry, 'En& . . 1014-./. 1687. Tulloch, J. Rational theology, ami Christian philosophy in England^ 17th century. v. 2. pp. 303-409 2742-S More, .s>> Tims , Eng. statesman, /<. 1480 1535. England under Richard III. Bound with Milton, J. Britain 93°6 6 I 1 , cription of Richard III. In Taucli- nit/, 1'.., ed. Five centuries of the Eng- lish language and literature, pp. 109- 120 S209-86 1 opia, /// Ideal commonwealths, pp. 51-167 3 202 "5 — Adams, W. II. I). Famous books, pp. 1-33. Review of Utopia S04-12 — Brightwell, C. L. Greal lawyers, pp. '5-35 4I54- 2 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius. pp. ioo-ti6 410-2 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors. v. 1. PP. I5 2 - I s ' 411-25 Drake. S. A.. . . eat benefai ' PP- .146-350 410-42 1 .... 1 . 1 ill 11 ;il essays. \ . 1. pp. 217 227. Review Memoirs 377E4 Gardiner, S. R. Historical biographies. PP- 7" iii-45 — Gilliat, E. Champions of the right, pp. '72 '"4 . . . 4104-4 Lodge, E. Portraits ol illustrious per- . Britain, v. 1. pp.41 52. 41 1-05 Manning, M. A. Houi ehold of Sir I More. More " Bab" ballads. Gilbert, W. S. . . 422C12 More bed time stoi ie . Moulton, I louisi ' . 648 \22 Mori critici n Darwin. Huxley, T. H. 575-52 Mi ir] h ippj though! . etc. Bui nand, F. ('. S27-25 Mure lea . ■ from tin : tal ol 1 life in I hi higlil. queen. . 916B35 More than she could be: 1 ' .. \\ . M( >RE M s 7,;- '2 11. 1. •i. 1 v., 1 Con ' I Growth ol famil .VII..!- I ' I : Salva memoirs : autobiograph) . - Ka\ anagh, I. Engli ;h ■ nal remini- eminent mi 1 —4 1 . . . . Philip Wharton, \, Wm. Green, S. ! roken M prominent New Yorki Manual of mini als from, and applications, qualities and 1 i.vth. \V. \V. ' in Turkey . 1855. 1 hist' . cen : club ( MORISON. MORMONISM. Morison, J. Life of Win. Stroud. In Stroud, W. Physical cause of the death of Christ 2324-8 Morison, Jas. Cotter, Eng. author, 6. 1831- d. 1S8S. Gibbon. \. V., 1S79. 12 . lish men of letters series.] .... 420K6 Macaulay. N. Y.,1883. I2 °- [English men of letters series.] 600B34 — Service of man : an essay tow aids the re- ligion of the future. L., 1887. 8°. . . 201-62 Morison, John II. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels : Matthew . B.,iS6i. 12 . 2275 6 Moritz, Aug., joint author. Michel, T. and Moritz, A. Will and a way 630A3 MORITZ, C. P. Travels in England, in 1782. \. V., n. d. 24 442-64 MORI ixn, Geo. Cunningham, A. liritish painters and sculptors, v. 2. pp. 184— 20 7 4I/-3 MORLEY, Henry, Eng. author, b. 1822. Eng- lish literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past ; with facsimi- les of the signatures of authors. N. Y., 1SS2. 12 8204-6 — English writers: an attempt towards a history of English literature. 4 V. I.., 1887-89. 12 820-63 Contents. — V. 1. Introduction. — Origins.— I >ld Celtic literature. — Beowulf. v. 2. From Caedmon to the conquest. v ; I r 13° 17 s '7 iew we 1. pp. J"7 272 1 mini in, J. Round trip. pp. 169 2 , ;. 478 2; 1 !i n ik, J. ( 'in renl 1 elig ; peril >. pp. 188-194 204-231 1 ox, s. 1 1 . Interview pp. 275-300. . 2-1 1 ; I i.iy, S. P. Life and erica. 1 1 1. PP. 235 2 57 Ci -7 — I hike, ( '. W. 1 .111" 1 I li tain. pp. I IO-133 1 . ' I >l\mi. W. II. \i ."■'. Aim 1 u .1. pp. 141 «47 17; ; I hinii, I. r , M I the niiiiin- PP- 273 323 9707-3 1 1. 11 -ly, I ). Through ■ h ies and pi tii ie lands, pp. 102 127 170 4 I udlow, I . II. I If. 11 1 "l the continent. PP- 315-375 '"" / 5°3-5 f ' s 478-58 Mackay, C. Life and libertj in Ami v. 1. pp. 231 240 170-6 — Marshall, W. G. Throu ;h Vi pp. '46 236 473-62 — Murphy, J. M. Rambles in north-west- ern America, pp. 236-265 158 - -, Murray, N. Parish and other pencillings. pp. 114-120. Mormon preacher. . . . 241 65 Prime, E. 1 >. < i. Around the worl 2 5-35 J38 71 — Rae, W. F. Westward by rail, pp. 98 '95 17 s 7" Rice, II. Letters fi om the Pacific si PP- 20-35 479-7 Robinson, P. Sinnei and saints, pp. 68-24S (7 S 711 ■ Kusling, J. F. GreatWest. pp. 183-205. 478-8 — San 1 ram ;co and back. pp. 1 14 140. . 4794-74 — Strong, J. Oui country, pp. 59-67. . . 267-75 ["angled talk. pp. 301-308 s — Todd, J. Sunset land. pp. 101-212. . 4- — See <;Av the following Moiu": Gilchrist, R. I .. Apples "i Sodom ; Paddoi k, \. G., Fate of Madame La Tour; Wal- worth, J. R. II.. Bai Mh ilso Religion. Utah. \ oung, Brig- ham. Morning communings with God. Sturm, ' 240-7 Morning land. I licey, E 1 ; Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. Sey- mour, M. 11 M RNINGS in I Ruskin, I 7 . ] 1. Ai ; ill.-. II. E. slippers Learcd, A. M R oh I fs, G . A II. I . M rel | Trotter, P. II. 11I M 1I1. 111. D. Pill ' ... ; ; U.S. \ i-n i" \\ I Cecil, E. 1 il life at home I, |)| . 79 104 I lalf-hours in 11 pp. 253-277. 4 ;i Warner, ' D Round pp. 102 I'lO — Mayo, W. S. The Berber: a 1 n Mi n 1 111 .1 I; bit. Ball, I!. Morphine habil — Day, II. 1 Ipium habit, pp. 1 Morphology of the skull. Parker, W. K. and Bettany, 1 .. I 01117 Morphy, Paul (has., Am. cluss-pbi) t. |S S |. I cpli and triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy. the 1 champion, by [his] late secretary. \. V., 1859. 12° Garni ..line- played by the distinguished champion in Europe ami America; with notes by Lowenthal. I... 1878. 12 ? MORRELL, I.. A. American shepherd: his- tory of sheep; with their breeds, man- agement and di-ea-.--. N. Y., 1845. 12 . 6375-6 Morrill, Justin s., Am. legislator, />. 1810. Self-consciousness of noted person-. B., [887. 8° 410-78 i . A',-: Alfl I, P. British pulpit, pp. 235-262. . 4144-4 MORRIS, Chas. Manual of classical litera- ture, comprising biographical and critical notices of the principal Greek and ' man authors; with illustrative extn from their works: also a brief surve; the rise and progress of the vai forms of literature ; with descriptioi the minor authors. Chicago. 1S80. 12°. — In- -Adamite monumental history. /« Fish, |. G. Bible in the balance, pp. 132-184 2202-37 — <■(/. Half hours with American hisl 2 v. Phila., 1887. 12° Contents.— v. i. Colonial America Independent America. Half hours with the best American authors. 4 v. Phila., 1887. 12 . . . I l.ilf hours with the Lest foreign at.' 4 v. Phil i2 - Contents. — v. i. Greek and Roman.— \ German. — v 3. French. — v. 4. Italian, Span- MORRIS. 890 MORRIS. Morris, Clara. Matthews, J. B. a«a?Hutton, L., !'./ . Actors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 213-228 4179-6 MORRIS, Edmund. How to get a farm, and where to find one. N. V., 1S64. 12 . 6301-6 Morris, Edward D. American Presbyte- rianism. In Centennial historical dis- course-, pp. 253-300 2851-3 MORRIS, Edward E. Age of Anne. X. V., [1876.] 16°. [Epochs of history.]. . . 9369-6 — Early Hanoverian-. X. V., 18S6. 16 . [Epochs of history.] 937-6 Morris, Francis Orpen, Eng. naturalist, b. 1S10. Dogs and their doings. X. Y., 1S72. 8° 79S-64 Birds. In Simple lessons for home use. PP- 337-362 607-5 Morris, Geo. !'., Am. poet, l>. 1802-1/. 1S64. Poeros; with illustration- by Weir and Darley. X. Y., 1S54. 8° 047(1 — and Willis, N. P. , cds. Prose anil poetry of Europe and America. X. Y., 1S55. S° 809-6 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings. ]>p. 43-5' 412-25 11. You have heard of them. pp. 91-97. 410-85 Morris, Geo. Sylvester, Ph. D., Am.scholar, />. 1S40. British thought and thinkers: introductory studies, critical, biograph- ical and philosophical. Chicago, 1SS0. I2 D 1621-6 Hegel's philosophy of the State and of history. Chicago, 1887. 12 901-381 — Philosophy and Christianity. X. Y., [883. 12 . [Ely lectures, 1883.] . . . 239-71 Morris, Gouverneur, Am. statesman, b. 1752- J. 1816. Speeches. /'/ American ora- tory, pp. I32-I5O ill!,/ 203-227. . . . 8152-2 Roosevelt, T. Gouverneur Morris. . . 648B19 — Sparks, J. Life of Gouverneur Morris. . 648B2 ;les, P. A11-I0. American literature and manners. pp. 11-2S 475-22 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. i- PP- 1-53 1-88 N152-0 MORRIS, J. Kotaka, a Samurai'- daughter: : . tale. I.., 1885. 24 . Mi hi:.. I 1 ■ is. I > -^ ight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration oi [ndepend- pp. 1 12-1 17 4121-3 Lo ing, B. I Biogi aphical sketi h< ■■ ol 1 he :igm 1 . pp. 74-76 4121-53 Morris, Lewis, British poet, b. 1835. ' 1 ' Hades, Phila.; 1X7"- 12 647C4 Songs unsung. B., 1884. 12 64 7 < ' > Mi 'i b 1 . M ilcolm. Management of thi and hair. L., 11. d. 12° 3916-6 Morris, Margaret . Ellet, E. I . \\ omen 01 ll 1 : 1 '. Oltll ion. '. . 2. pp. «8i 2K7 .4121 35 Morris, Mowbray. Claverhouse. [John Graham, Viscount Dundee.] X. Y., 1887. 12 . [English worthies.] . . . 434B86 Morris, Rev. Richard, Eng. philologist, 6. 1833. English grammar. X. Y., 1SS1. 16°. [Literature primers.] 115-65 — Historical outline- of English accidence, comprising chapters on the history and development of the language and on word formation. L., 1872. 16°. Same, 1SS3 115-64 — and Bowen, II. C. English grammar ex- ercises. X. Y., 1880. 16 . [Literature primers.] 115-66 — ed. Specimens of early English ; with introduction, notes and glossarial index. pt. 1. from Old English Homilies to King Horn, 1 150-1300. Oxford, 1S85. 16° 8211-6 — mid Skeat, W. W., eds. Same, pt. 2. From Robert of Gloucester to (lower, 1298-1393. Oxford, 1872. 16 . . . . 821 1-6 Morris, Rev. Robert. Youthful explorers in Bihle land-: faithful account of the scenery, ruins, production-, customs, antiquities and traditions of Scriptural countries, as youthful pen- would de- scribe them : Joppa and Jerusalem. ' In. ago, 1S71. 8° 458 64 Morris, Robert. Dwight, X. Live- of the signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence, pp. 147-162 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 93-98 4121-55 Morris, Wm., Eng. poet, b. 1.S34. Earthly paradise. 4 parts in 3 v. 1!., 1881. 12° 647C9 Contents. — v. i. pt. i and 2, An apology. — Prologue: the wanderers.— The author to the reader. — March : Atalanta's race. — The man born to be Icing. — Af>ril ; The doom of king Acrisius. — The proud king. — May: The story of Cupid and Psyche. — The writing mi [he im- age.— June ; The love of Alccstis.— The lady of the land. — July: The son of Croesus. — The w.iiL hing of the falcon. — August: Pygmalion and the image.— Ogier the Dane. v pt. ->, September: The death of P. iris. The land east of tin- sun. and west of thi moon. — 0< tober : The story of Accontius and Cydippe.— The man who never laugh < I again —November : The story of Rhodope. fhc lovers of Gudrun. pt. 4, December . II" oldi n Lpplcs. — The fbst< ring of Vslaug.— January : Bellero- phon at Argos. — Thi 1 ing givi n to Venus ruary Bi lit rophon in I yt ia. I In hill of Ven us E pilogue. — L'envoi. 1 id- and death of Jason : poem. B., 1867. 12° 648C1 1 ovi is enough ; or, i he freeing 1 ii Phara- mond : a morality. B., 1873. 12°.. . 648C2 Storj ol Sigui 'I 1 he \ olsung, and the i.ill of the Niblungs. B., 1N77. 12 . . . . 648' '1 morris. MoRRI V\ ntinuea. \\ 111. Irs. G ' mg \ ■ . Hazel tine, M. W, CI I , I m iew "l Sigurd. . . . Su-ihii in. I . i . Victorian poets, |i|». 821-85 Su inbui ne, A. < '. E saj and ;l in pp. 1 10-122. Ri i ! 1 ... Morrisi in, A. B. Spirituali n ad neci om- 1 inn., 1N7.;. 16 1 I il - 1 and warming 0! 1 liool building >. \ . Y .. 1887. 12° 6281 Morrison, I 1 .. 1781 185; h iy j and ho\> they bei pp. 202-26S (I' ' \S Men « ho ha\ e made 1 hem ;eh es. pp. *5> 2SS i' Mi ir 1: 1 ii in, Mary J., ong an h for littli :s. V V. 1 n.s.j. 8°. , . . N099-62 Mi hi: isi in, Win. ' >'Connoi . I rem h ' lion ipire; with appendix upon the bibliography oi the sub and ■ A. D. Wh ite. \. V., 11. d. m" 9444-67 Morrisons. Hi M. Morrow . Abbie CL Besl thoughts and discourses of D. 1 . \l Iy, with and temperance talks: the < 1 11 !■ "i Moody and Sankej a i its, with sketi he ol theii livi ; and an 1: m, by E. J. Haynes. N. V; ' s :*. 12° . Clara Frances. Blush roses. V \ .. 1878. 8°. Moi i.l Iward rivi ier, Am. naturalist, /*. [838. First book of . X. Y., 1876. 12 590-64 I anese homes and theii surroundings. B., 1886. S° 452-55 MOI 1 John ibrrey, jr., Am. lawyi -r, />. 1S40. Famous trials. B., 1 S74. 12 Contents .— Tichbornc claimant. — Troppmann. Prince Pierre Bonaparte.— Mrs. Wharton. — ["he '• Meteor." M rs. Fair John Vdams. B., 1885. 12°. [Amei i- can statesmen series.] 107625 John Quincy Adams. B., 1882. 12 . 1 American I tesmen series.] [07B5 — Life of Alexander Hamilton. 2 v. B., 12 452B2 lli' [efl '. B., 1883. 12 . [Amer- ican statesmen series.] 513B4 — ed. See American statesmen series. Morse, Samuel 1'inl 1 Am. inventor ami artist, l>. 1 791—1/. 1S72. Prime, S. I. nuel F. B. Morse 1 it- H Prose wi I , (J. W. 17 I I ' Our great bi pp. 462 .(65 1 Mrs, I. H ield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp 29. [Memorial address.] 1 I insdale, Ii. A. President Garfield and education, pp. 343-351. . 404B4 ii iwe, II. Adventures and achievements lericans. pp. 157 140 112 55 I. I 1. 1 ." : how they were made. pp. .o-i 366 - Spalding, M. J. Mi pp. 635-651. Lafayette and Prof. Morse. . — Tuckerman, II. I. Book "f the . 163-170 — Wallace. F. T. Men and events, pp. 104-106 Morse lectures, 1874. Dawson, I. W tu re and the Bible 2 39&~3 Morseixi, Henry. Suicide: an essay on iparative moral statistics. N. Y., [882. 12° 1 Moi 1 u antipathy. Holmes, Dr. O. W. Mor 1 m; >, S 1 ■ ments. D'Arthur: book of Kins' Arthur, and of his noble knights of the Round table. Malory. Thos 3831 6 Edward Adol] ' [oseph, b. 1768 :. 1835. Headley, J. T. "ii and his marshal-. v. I. pp. 276-299 I Mortimer, Jol Hamilton. Cunningham, A. intei - and 1 ■. . 4. pp. 158-172 Mortimer, Mrs. Thos. Fai \-ia and Australia d with anecd and illustrations. N. N .. i s ;j. 16 . . 45°~57 Mortimer's college life. May. < Morton, Henry, and Leeds, A. K. Stu- dent's practical chemistry : . on chemical physics, and inorganic and or- ganic chemistry. Ph 12. . 540-64 .1 Dwight, V 1 ives ' I the signer- of the 1 laration of Independence. pp. 1S7 4«2i-3 ing, B. I. Biographical sketci. the signer-, pp. 112-113 4 i2,_ 5j MORION. MOSES. Morton, John Maddison. Comediettas and farces, n. t. p. i6° 7S5-6 Contents. — Box and Cox. — First come, first served. — Pepperpots little pets.— After a storm comes a calm. — Express, taken from the French. — Declined, with thanks. Morton. Levi P. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 249-253 41247-3 Morton, Oliver P. French. Win. M.. ed. Life, speeches, stale papers, ami public services of Oliver I'. Morton 64868 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 529- 532. [Memorial remarks.] S1S-45 Morion, Samuel Geo., Am. naturalist, />. 1799-rr'. 1851. Patterson, II. S. Me- moir of the life and scientific labor- oi S. G. Morton. In Nott, J. C., and Glidden, G. R. Types of mankind. PP- '7-57 572-7 Morton, Wm. Thos. Green, Am. physician, b. 1819-rf. 1868. Bolton, S. K. How success is won. pp. 195-220 412-24 — Drake. S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 493-5°' 410-42 Mortuary customs among the North Amer- ican Indians. Yarrow, Dr. H. C. . . 393-9 Digby, K. H. Broad stone of honour, v. 3 3947"3 MoRWOOD, Vernon S. Facts and phases of animal life; with amusing and original anecdote-. N. V., 18S3. 12° 5905-6 Mo ,11 account of creation, the miracle of to-day. Waning, Chas. I! 2 I3~95 Mosaic era. Gibson, J. M 2231-5 Mo Mis. Atkinson, J. B. Art tour to 1101 them capitals of Europe. pp.316-335. 7087-2 — Gullick, T. J. and Timbs, J. Painting popularly explained, pp. 79-99. . . . 750-43 — See also Art. Mosaics. Saunders, Frederick S05F.2 Mosaics of Bible history. Willson, M. and K. I'. 2 v 2211-95 1 if Grei urn history. Willson, M. Is. I' 91S-9 MOSEY, John Singleton, colonel, Confederal, /•artisan. War reminiscences, and Slu- arl 1 .1I1 y campaigns. I'.., 1887. 12 . 649B1 Scott, I. Partisan life with Col. J. S. Mosby -. 649B] 1 1 ooke, I. E. Wearing of the gray. pp. 113-126 9812-3 - Wallace, F, I . Men ami <■'. enl -. pp. 1 1 'i 123 922E4 VTo 1 in n . [gnat/., German pianist and com- 1 70 1 d. [870, Receni m and musicians: ed. bj his wife. N.Y., 1873. "■' 77'-6S — Life "i Beel hoi en ; ini luding ! phy Beethoven' corn Moscheles, Ignatz, continued. spondence with his friend-, numerous characteristic traits and remarks on his musical works ; to which is added life and characteristics of Beethoven, by II. Doting. I!., n. d. 16 1 44 1 ; 1 5 — Ferris, 2.|2 hi Diehl, .1/- r. \. (R.) I - ami eli ii in ion pp, 279 •' Sl - • ■ ■ ■ s "' ■"' /// Five minute recitations i .•■ . - In Hill. ml, < .. S., ed. Fiftl lei . . 8oi 45 A/ Mon I . I'., ed. Fifth reader. . 81 11 - In 1 > 1 1 , ■ liundredcl led ms, N0.3. 801-4 In Raub, A. V \ lal fifth reader. 801 785 Moses, Bernard, 'oint author. Crane, Wm. W. Mosi . B. Politics 320-25 Mosi < ight, and Bi hop 1 lolen 1 1 h rong. Cummings, 1 2251 4 Mo Hi' im. J, ih. inn 1,11,111 on, 1 ' an m, b. 1604 ,/. 1755. Institute of ei , le ' tii al history, ancient and modei n \ tr. from the Latin ; wil li note oi iginal and elected, 1 ■•■ fas, M urdock. ; \ . \. Y., 1S69. 8° 270-55 Contents, v. 1 From the birth of Christ to 1 harlemagne. v. 2. From Charlemagne to the commence- ment of the reformation hy l.uther. v. 3. From Luther to 1700. Mosquito shore. Squier, E.G. Waikna; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. . 47285 8 Stout, I'. I''. Nicaragua 1 pasl , pr< and future 47285-9 Mos i'k-. Terhune, M. V., (Marion Har- land, pseud.) Mo 1 .. Bagnall, J. E. Hand-book of mosses 5882 2 — Sullivant, \V. I.. Mosses and liverworts. //; Gray, A. Botany of the northern United States 580-35 \l. i,ini]], in, II. First forms of > egetation. pp. 25-89 '. . . . 5S6-6 Roberts, M. Voices I 1 1 he t II mds. pp. IS-28 5S04-65 S also 1', ,i.ui\ . Miissi s ii -in .hi old manse. I law 1 h :, \ Mo op, Henry, *, 1729-rf. 1773. Matthews, |. 11. . and Hutton, I... eds. Actors and actresses, v. 1. pp. 171-188 417" 6 Mosteli aki \ : or, the haunted hoi e Plautus. Comedies, v. 2. pp.459 511. 8723 7 MOTH and rust. Wright, Mrs. Julia McN. 975A36 Mothej it home. Abbott, J. S. C '935-14 Mother Bornbie. Lilly, John. Drai work-, v. 2. pp. 71 1)7 570C2 Mother Goose foi gi om n Folks. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T Mother Herring's chicken. Meade, L. I'. 623A3 Mothi 1; "i pearl. Simmonds, P. 1 . 1 mercial products of the sea. pp.370 401. 5S95-7 Mm hi 1; Molly. Peard, F. M. Jane I lunbai . Witt, Mn ll' M it Mother's fabli E. 1 Mm in 1 of 1 real men. Ellis, Mr . S. (S.) 41 Mm HER - "f tin- Bible. Ashton, Mi H 111 1 ol ihi Mi 1 1 11 1 . Aguili ■silc. I leli hei , A Mi 1 1 in 1 \\ 1 i 1 , Wm., .v.. Hi ■ :• '. 1 [835. Poetii al works. V V., n. d. 1 1 ' C] .iti-li minstrel, pp. 250-253. [B nit anil p • 1921-7 Motley, fohn 1 ,«, h. 1814 1609. 4 v. V V ., 8° 9422-61 — Life and ileath of John of Barneveld, a.l- ite "f Holland : « itli the primary cause ements of the thirty years' war. 2 v. N. v.. 1874. 8 . I he foregoing, in the order named, form a consecutive history of the Netherlands, from '555 'o 1623. Corn eol John Lothrop Motley, 1 1. C. I .. : ed. bj 1 \\ in. < urtis. 2 v. N. V., [889. 8° 649B29 Holmes, O. W. John Lothrop Motley. 649B3 1 een world and other es pp. 211-236. 1: United Nether- land 357L5 '.■in. P. Out of the past, pp.422 Review nf I Hitch republic. . . . 430K5 — Heywood, I. C. How they strike me, these authors, pp. 236-250. Review : I ' veld S04-47 — Whipple, 1". P. Recollections of eminent men. pp. 155-203 Motion. Dircks, II. Perpetual motion: he search for self-motive power, dur- ing the 17th, (8th and 19th centuries. . ; - Routh, E. J. Stability of a given state otion 53 Motives of life. Swing, Rev. David. ... 2, See 1 lei trit ity. Gas engines. Hyd raulii s. Mai hinery. Phys aes. Mm 1. Henry A. Air we breathe, ami ven- tilation. N. \ .. 1883. in MOTT. — 894 MOUNT. Mi itt, Henry \.,jr. Fallacy of the present theory of sound. N. Y., 18S5. 16 . . 5341-6 Mott, Jas. Sa Mott, Lucretia (Coffin.) Mott, Lucretia (Coffin), Am. pliiliinlh b. 1793-d. 1880. Hallowell, A. D. Jas. ami Lucretia Mott 649B6 — Bolton, S. k. Lives of girls who became famous, pp. 53-49 4 J 3- 2 — History of woman suffrage, v. I. pp. 407-440 3243-8 Mott, Richard F. Memoir and correspond- ence of Eliza P. Gurney. l'hila., 1S84. "2° .' 443^5 Mil. Valentine, Am. surgeon, 6. 1 7S5— . 1835. Bed-time stories. B., 1874. 12 . 648A2 ied time »toi ie ;, B., [875. 16°. . 6 (.8 i.22 New bed-time storie B., [880. 12°. . 648A22J Out elves and our neighbors : shorl chats top B., [887. 16 . . . . 396-69 1 B., 1882. 24 650C1 ndi 'in 1 ambles. I'., 1SS1 . 24°. . . . 441 1-64 ■ omi 11' I'.n 1 . B., 1874. t6°. etch. In Marston, Philip B. Garden secrets, pp. 9-46 614C2 In Parton, J., ed. Princi author, and stal 11 time. . . 410-83 Moulton, Richard G. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist: a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism. (In lord, 1885. 12° 8236-6 Miii 1 tun. Susan M. Hill re-t. II., 1SS3. 1 6° 648A8 Mm 1 con, W. F. Commentary on He- brew.. In Ellicott, C. J- New Testa- ment commentary 22S8-3 Moultrie, Wm., Am. general, />. 1731-1/. 1805. Headley. J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 7S-98. . . . 4121-411 Moultrie, Fort. Doubleday, A. Remin- iscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie, 1S60-61 9784 3 Mm S'D-builders. Baldwin, J. Ancient :rica 407-2 — Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished in the Mississippi valley 4073-28 — Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the United States of America 407-4 — MacLean, J. P. Mound-builders. . . . 407-6 - Pidgeon, W. Traditions of De-coo-dah, and antiquarian researches; comprising extensive explorations of the mound- builders in America 407-75 -- short, J. T. North American-, of antiq- uity 407-8 — Chapin, J. II. Creation and the early developments of society, pp. 243-276. 213-19 — Domenech, E. Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America, v. I- PI'- 353-37° 478-32 — Hubbard, B. Memorial, of half a cen- tury, pp. 199-261. Mound-builders in Michigan 9874I-7 — July, X. Man before metals, pp. 166-175. 571 — 5 — Lubbock, J. Pre-historic times. pp. 250-288 571-6 — Nadaillac, margin's de. Pre-historic Amer- ii l, pp. 80-132 407-7 Whittlesey, C. Early history of Cleve- land, pp. 29-46 9S61-9 — Yarrow, 11. C. Introduction to the study of 111n1i11.il) customs among theN. A. Indians, pp. 17—29. Mound burial. 1; g, also America. Archjeology. United Si. ilcs. MOUNSEY, Augustus II. Journey through the Caucasus and the interior of Persia. I •• 1872. 8° 457-65 i , \\ in. s. I.anman. ( '. 1 iaphazard naliiic's. pp. 16S-1S0 412-58 1 \ ul'ui 11 . rim in 5 . F iagg, \\ . Mount Auburn : its si enes, its beaul and its lessons 7'9"4 M01 '■ 1 I leserl 1 -land. I >.- I '■• ta, B, 1 . Ramble, in Mount DeSerl 47P' J I [ayes, A, A. Jesuit's riiij 1 our. \H >i NT. \|n/| |.\ Moi i flolyoki fi in.ii. cminorj N lilting, \i i . . i i i i i " i in VIcj i i ) .1! populat i.i' 6 . Moi n 1 \ ei non, ' 'irginia. 1 ing, \i I . Mount Ve 1 and il 9241(9 u , inir'h n, 1 ieo. Washingl city, Moi -i \ papei . E\ 1 rett, I ■'. ... i8Ei Mountain md p i"i 1.1 i" \\ pi ' Ion, Rev. 1 >. M (7" ; s Moi N'l vin flowei . rodd, R . .1 890 \$ Mountain ol lure and tradition. Haj ne, Paul II. . \h 'i '. 1 in Meadow ma res. '■ Mor- mons and M lonism. Moi ntain 'sprite's kingdom. 1 1 1 II. K11.1i' hbull- 381 Moi n 1 -mm 1 ring in ilie Sierra Ni King, '' # Moi ntain . Green, W. S. II igh \1| ol 1 1 . 1 c 1 ; 1 i 1 1, idley, I . I .. "■'■ Mountain 1 ■. entures in \ ; 1 of I In- vi "i Id -. Jackson, R. M, S. The mountain. . . . 55147 5 K ing, C. ! ■■ ' ■ Nevada M u null. in, II. I lolidaj on ii igh lands. Reclu 1 " . 1 i . . . 5514 — Tweedie, T. K. Mountains of the Bible. 2208-59 — Allen, ( I. pp. 1 1 j-i 2 1 502-14 Donnelly, I. Atlantis, pp. 440 (.55. . 400-3 I ye, I- . ilc. Sublime in nature, pp. 1-247 55«-55 Ruskin, I. Modern pa inters, v. 4, Oi mount mi beauty 750-69 — Sec- also Ulegha nj intains. Alps. Amir ..I I .1 III. I. layas. Pyn ees. Rocky. Sinai. White. t/so 1 ieologj . Ph ysical raphj . Voli ani ie Mountains and molehills. Marryat, F. . | Miii mtford, Wm., Unitarian minister, b. iSiii ..-. 1885. Euthanasy j or, happy talks i"" ards the end of life. B., 1 87 |. 1 - - — Miracles, past and present. I'. 1S70. •2° 2317-5 Mi " n ii".. Ii 1 ing, W. Wolfei t's k ost, etc. pp. 50-108 11 • 887 Movi md habits of climbing plants. ' has ; Movements ol religious thought m Britain durin h century. Tulloch, J. . 283 83 Mow a 1 1. Ami iC. SerRiti hii . Vnnai M.) i , 1 1 a v i 1 ah , R. M. .... sil\ ' 1 1.791 MOWRY, \\ \. I PP- 347 1 ade 1 Lei 179: I .lid wig N I i'ly Wallace. 2 v. Ii., 11. d. 1 V \ .. 1 "■ . 12 rd, 1 '. I-. T 1 . I;.. 16 M77-2 Hoffni 11. I . Mozart's early days. . . — Bolton, S. K. P001 moils, pp. 72-S2 : ■ Buckle} . I . \. Dawnin nius. pp. 235-259 r, J. G. Boyl men. 165-275 1 . From Mi ' ; " it: 1 . T. Great German comp 14-109 V 1 ich, S. G. Hci oism - I pp. 119-130 410-51 — Hali , E. 1 centuries. PP- 3'9-3 2S 4« Haweis, II. K. Music an pp. rl 77' 47 Kol In. II.. (S. Tytler, pseud.) M • and their works. pp. 133 M77-5 — Lillie, 1 ' . Story ol and musi- cians for young readers. pp. 1 1 I" — Parry, ('. II. II. Studies ol posers, pp. 119-155 ■'•' K ussell, W. 1 iry men an men. pp. 114 124 410-9 — Upton, G. P. Standard operas, pp. 167- \\ . v Hundred greatest men. pp. 107-110 410-975 — Kan. II. Mozart: a biographical mance. M . . Herbert N. lities married woman, and oilier legal ef- marriage. /'.• Butler, I. I '.. > and woman's culture. pp. 186-246. . . . Mo/ LEY. 896 MULI.KK. MoZLEY, |as. Bowling, Eng. clergyman, Ik 1813-1/. 1S7S. Eight lectures on mira- cles. I.., 1S72. 12°. Same, 1880. [Bampton lectures, 1865.] 2317-6 — Essays, historical and theological. 2\. X. V., 1S79. S° 204-63 Contents. — v. 1. Introduction. — Lord Strat- ford.— Archbishop Laud.— Carlyle's Cromwell. — Luther. v. 2. Dr. Arnold. — Blanco White.— Dr. I'usey's sermon. —Book of Job. — Maurice's The- ological essays. — Indian conversion. — Argu- ment of design. — Principle of causatir.11. — In memoriam of Rev. Samuel Rickards.— List of the author's articles and works. - Ruling ideas in early ages, and their re- lation to Old Testament faith: lectures. X. V., 18S0. S° 2214-6 — Sermons, parochial and occasional. N. Y., 1S79. 12° 252-671 — Sermons preached before the university of Oxford, and on various occasions. N. V., lS8o. 12° 252-67 — Theory of development: criticism of Dr. Newman's essay on the development of Christian doctrine. X. V., 1S79. 12°. 2829-56 — Treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. X. Y., 1S78. 12°. . . 2349-5 — Principle of causation, hi Christian evi- dence society lectures, faith and free thought, pp. 1-48. : 239-25 MoZLEY, Thomas, Eng. clergyman, /<. 1806. Reminiscences chiefly of Oriel college and the Oxford movement. 2 v. B., '882. 12° 650B8 Mozoomdar, 1'. C. See Protap Chundar Mozoomdar. Much ado about nothing. See Shakespeare, Win. Mucilages. Dawidowsky, K Raw mate- rials and fabrication of glue, mu- cilages, etc 668-2 M 1 1 ki ey, Win. J. Hand-1 k for painters and art students on the character and use of colours, their permanent or fugi- tive qualities, and the vehicles proper to employ; also short remarks on the prac- tii e of painting in oil and n ate) 1 olours. I.., 1SS0. 8° 752-5 MUDFOG papers. I lickens, ( 'has. Mi». 1. Zachariah Atwell, Am. Methodist minify.!. [813. Christian statesman: portraiture ol Sir I hos. Fowell Buxton. V v., 1865. 16° , 9 8B 7 — Luck of Alden farm. B., 1S73. 16°. . . 650A5 W iti li hill : lii tory ^l Salem « it. hcraft, including illustrative ketchi of persons and plai es. N. Y., [870. 16 1744-64 Mi die, 1 h . , I dward. Curwen, II. [Iis- f booksellers, pp. 421 432 M8-33 W ) nter, A. Subtle 1. rains and lissom fin 1 ;; 165 17-'. Mudie's library. 304-91 Mudie, Robert, Scottish naturalist, b. \77~1~d. 1842. Popular guide to the observation of nature; or, hints of inducement to the study of natural productions and ap- pearances in their connections and rela- tions. X. Y., 1S54. 16° 507-5 MCGGE, Theodor, German writer, />. i8o6-. 1823. Biographical essays. X. Y., 1884. 12° 410-70 Contents. — Rajah Rammohun Roy. — Keshub Chunder Sen. — Dayananda Sarasvati. — Bunyiu Nanjio and Kenjiu Kasawara. — Mohl. — Kings- ley. — Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. I.., 1SS8. 12° 100-61 — Chips from a German workshop. 4 v. X. Y., 1S69-76. 12° 652E3 Contents. — v. 1. Essays on the science of re- ligion. v. 2. Essays on mythology, traditions and customs ; with index to v. 1 and 2. v. 3. Essays on literature, biography and antiquities. v. 4. Essays chiefly on the science of lan- guage ; with index to v. 3 and 4. — India: what can it teach us? Course of lectures delivered before the university of Cambridge : text and foot notes com- plete; with introduction and notes, by Alex. Wilder. N. Y., 18S3. 12°. . . 8912-6 Contents. — Dedication. — Introduction. — What can India teach us? — On the truthful character of the Hindus —Human interest ..f Sanskrit lit- erature. — Objections. — Lessons of the Veda. — Vedic deities. — Veda and Vcdanta. - Lectures on the origin and growth of re- ligion as illustrated by the religions of India. X. Y., 187S. 12° 293-6 — Lectures on the science of language : de- livered at the Royal institution of Great Britain, in A]. til. May and June, 1S61. 2 v. N. Y.. 1870-74. 12° 100-6 — Lectures on the cienceof religion; with :i paper on Buddhist Nihilism and a trans- lation ..I the I ihammapada : or, " Pal I. ol virtue." \.Y.. 1S72. 12 290-56 Memories: a story of German love: tr. by Geo. P. Upton. ( hii ago, iSSS. 12 . On missions: a lecture delivered Dee. 3, 1873; with introductory sermon, by Arthur P. Stanley. V \ .. 1S74. 12 . 263-6 Selected essaj on language, mj thologj and religion. 2 v. I ., l88l. 12°. . . 652) | Mill II' — 897 — Mil LIGAN. Mr 1111, F, M.. 1 ontinued. 1 I nti.—v. 1. [nil I. di live r< ■' tCs tri on ■ 1 gy of ili«- Indo-Germani, I ugural led tOxl Rtivi ph I Imi-i;. 1873 : On the ri I ■ phi lolog) On spelling 1 1 ,,.•, 1 mytl Ci Bellero phon Migration o( fable 1 Phili oph I in y lli v, a. Opening addr, al thi 1 longre ■ of Orientalist , 1 lecture on missions, 1873 Oi lity of Bi ihmanisra Lei n thi Vi das. Bud dhii "i Buddhi .1 pil 'I Nir- I Nil, ih in ■ Mil iii Japan P | il Vuh Sen 1 hi i im False ana Fri Cobbe, F. P. I lai w inism In morals, pp. 251-285. Religions of the East. . . . Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic sunlit, v. 2. pp. 126 148. Re> iew hi 1 in rrom 1 1 iei man woi kshop. . . \li 11 1 1 , 1 redei ik Paludan-. & Paludan- MUller. Mil 1,11;. Geo., German-Eng. philanthropist, Ik 1S05. Life of trust: narrative ol the Lord's dealings « ith 1 ieo. MUllei : writ- ten by himsell : « ith an in lui tion by 1 1 in, ,- \\ ayland. B., 1873. 12°. . . Mi 1 1 1 1;, J ulivi . ' 1 an P .' (ant ■' ol gian, /'. 1801 ,i. 1878. Fish, II. I . Pulpil eloquem e ol the 19th 1 entury. PP. 45 53 Schaff, P. Germany, its universities, etc. PP. 340-34D \i 1 1 1 1:, K ail 1 itfried, Get ' tan ist, />. 1797 ,''■ [840. \n, ienl an and il mains ; or, a manual ol the arcl of art ; with additions, bj 1 . G. V, er: Ir. by John Leitch. 1 ... 1852. S°. Mi mm;. Otto, German novelist, b. 1816. Chariot te Ackerman theatrical ron founded upon interesting facl > in thi of a, young artist of the 1: tury. Phila., 1871. 12 . Mi 1 111;, Wilhelm, German poet, />. 1 794—^. 1827. Lyrics. In Bi 1 ioks, 1 . T. Ger- man lyrics, pp. 127-137 M hi;, Wilhelm, German historian, Political history of recent times, 1S16- 1875, with special reference toGi tr. with an appendix covering the pe from 1S76 to 1881, by John P. Pi N. Y.. 1882. 8°. . . Muhlenberg, Petei Gabriel. Headley, J. T. 1 haplains and clergy of the revolu- tion, pp. 121-126 Muhlenberg, Wm. Augustus, Am. i/iiin, /•. 1796-,/. 1S77. Ayres, A. Life ami work of Win. A. Muhlenberg. . -•' ' 1 '" I'M 115 651B6 2743 s 7093-7 929-6 4121 \s 625B1 Mi in 1 .M 1 ., Wm. A., continued. Si uddi r, H E. M 1 1 114 Mi in, />', ..A.I. Evolution and tian doctrine of ihi Hi evoli 11.11 lution — joint editor. II .A. l.i Muir, M. M. 1 Hi . hemisl . I ., 1883. 12 54- ■ Ml ir, Sit V 1819. I ife ol Mahomet : with in ductory chapters on tlic origin for the biographj of M pre-lslam ia. 4 v - I ., 1861. 8 . . . .' 29 Non-l In i-tian religii its composition and teaching, and the tes- timony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. I... 1878. 16 2979-4 Muirhead, Jas. Historical introducti the private law of Rome. Edinburgh, 1886. 8° i ;RY tree. Clarke, J. Treatisi the mulberry tree and silkworm. . . . 630: Mi 1 1. The. Riley, II 6369-7 Mil FORD, ElMia, Am. aulfi 1 ' Na- : foundations ,.f civil ordei and litical life iii the United Man-. N. V.. 1870. 1.' - me, 1872 3 2 °7-7 Republic of God : an institute of tl B., 1882. 8 230-45 idder.H.E. Men and letters, pp. 1-22. S10E1 Mi LHALL, .Michael G. History of 1 since the year 1850. I.., 1SS5. 12'. . Mi LHALL, Mrs. M. G. the Ama- zon and the Ancles; or, ten years ravels in the Pamp; Chaco, Paraguay and Matte ' I ., 1881. 12 480-65 Mi 1 lany, Patrii 1, Francis, {Broil, Irish- Am. writer, h. 1S47. nent ol English literature : I 1 N. Y., 1879. I2 C S202-6 Mi llens, Mrs. — , of Calcutta. Life by the M, r es; or, faith and victory. Phila., 16° 2 Mullens, Joseph. Twelve months in Mad- agascar. X. V.. 1S75. 12" 469-6 I ER, Christine. Burgomaster's family. N. V.. 1873. 8°. MULLER, J. Principles of physics and me- teorology. Phila.. 1848. 8 5jO- 6 5 MULLIGAN, John. Exposition of the gram- matical structure of the English lan- guage : being an attempt to furnish an improved method of teaching grammar. V \ .. 1852. 12° Ils-7''' MULLINGER. — 898 MURCH. Mullinger, J. B. Biographical account of authorities. In Gardiner, S. R. Eng- lish history for students 9302-42 Mulock, D. M. See Craik, Mrs. I>. M. (Mulock). Mulso, Miss II. See Chapone, Mrs. Hester (Mulso). Multitudinous seas. Benjamin, S. G. W. 5514-2 MULTUM-in-parvo gardening. Wood, Samuel. 635-91 Mummies and Moslems. Warner, C. D. . . 462-94 Mummy. Loudon, Mrs. Jane Webb. Mumu, and the Diary of a superfluous man. Turgenieff, I. Mundella, Anthony John and Howell, C. Industrial association. In Ward, T. H., cd. Reign of Queen Victoria. v. 2. pp. 43-82 938-9 — Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. PP- 121-141 411-5 Munden, Joseph Shepherd, Eng. comedian, b. 1758-^. 1S32. In Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses. v. 2. pp. 97-115 4179-6 MUNDT, Mrs. Klara (Miiller), (Luise Miihl- bach, pseud.), German novelist, b. 1S14-1/. 1873. Andreas Hofer. N. V., 1868. 8°. — Berlin and San-Souci ; or, Frederick the great and his friends: an historical novel. N. Y., 1876. 8°. — Bern thai; or, the son's revenge. X. V., 1S67. S°. — Daughter of an empress. N. Y., 1868. 8°. — Empress Josephine : tr. by W. Binet. N. V., 1886. 8°. — Frederick the great and his court. N, Y. 1867. 8°. — Goethe and Schiller: historical romance. X. V., 1S7S. S°. - Joseph II and his court: historical novel. X. V., 1876. 8°. Louisa of Prussia and her times: histor- ical novel. X. V., 1S75. 8°. - Merchant of Berlin. X. Y., 1876. 8°. Mohammed AH and his house. X. V., 1872. 8°. — Xapoleon and Bliicher. X. V., 1S69. 8°. Napoleon and Queen Louisa. X. Y., I M.S. 8°. -Old Fritz ami the new era. X. Y., 186S. 8°. — - Prince Eugene and Ins times. X. Y., 1869. 8°. Queen Hortense: life picture of the Xa- poleonic era. X. Y., 1876. 8°. Story of a millionaire. N. Y., 1872. 16°. Ml hi, Theodor. Count Mirabeau : histor- ical novel. X. Y., 1868. 8°. . 1 . •■ ;menl of, 1 [all, J. /« Ideal commonwealths, pp. 265-284. 3202-5 MUNERA pulveris. Ruskin, John 33°-74 MUNGER, Theodore Thornton, Am. Congrega- tionalist clergyman, b. 1830. Appeal to life. X. Y., 1887. 12° 252-679 - Freedom of faith. B., 1S83. 12°. . . . 252-68 — Lamps and paths. B., 1885. 12°. . . . 248-5 — On the threshold. B., 1SS3. 12°.. . . 204-65 Contents. — Purpose. — Friends and compan- ions. — Manners. — Thrift. — Self-reliance and courage. — Health. — Reading. — Amusements. Munich. Watts, Mrs. A. M. Ilowitt. Art student in Munich 4433-4 — Winter at the Italian lakes, pp. 27-43. 445 2 -9 — Set also Bavaria. Germany. Minn, B. Practical land drainer. X. Y., 1855. 12°. Same, 1858 6313-6 Minn, II. II. History of the declension of the great republic of the United States; with evidence of its impending fall. v. 1. Cleveland, 1S75. 8°. 9739-6 MUNRO, J. Electricity and its uses. L., n. d- 12° 537-67 Munro, Sir Thos. Gleig, G. R. Life of Maj.-Gen. Sir Thos. Munro 654B2 Munroe, G. S., ed. Keepsake of friendship. B., 1S54. 12° S08-6 Munroe, Henry. Is alcohol a necessary of life? [and] Physiological action of alcohol. In Temperance tracts, v. 2. 19S-85 Mi mioe, Kirk. Derrick Sterling: story of the mines. X. Y., 18S8. 16 654A3 — Flamingo feather. X. Y'., 1SS7. 16 . . 654A4 — Wakulla. X. V., 188S. 16 654A0 Munsell, Chas., id. Collection of songs of the American press, and other poems re- lating to the art of printing. Albany, 1868. 12° S0956-6 Munsell, Rtv. Oliver S. Psychology; or, the science of mind. X. Y'., 1871. 12° 180-66 Munson, Jas. E. Complete phonographer. X. Y., 1872. 12 . Same, 1876. . . . 655-68 1 in 1 iun.n \ ol prat in al phonography. B., 1886. 12° 655-7 MUNSTER festivals. Tales of the. Griffin, Gerald. MUNTZ, Eugene. Short history of tapestry, from the earliest times to the end of the iSth century : tr. by Miss Louisa J. Da- vis. I.., 1S85. 12 745-2 Muramasa blade. Wertheimber, L. Mi rat, Joachim, king of Naples, b. 1771-12. 1815. Headley, J. T. Xapoleon and his marshals, v. 2. pp. 1-36 665B56 MURAT, Xapoleon Achille, b. 1801-rf. 1847. America and the Americans: tr. by 11. J. Bradfield. Buffalo, 1851. 12°... . 473-66 Murch, Abel B., joint author. Bryant, C. S. and Murch, A. B. History of the great massacre bv the Sioux Indians 9876-2 ML'KDKk. 99 Ml I \li rder. 1 1.'. 'inn. ej , I Miscellaneou essays, pp. 17 5;. Murdc idei as one of the fine arts 284] ;> Note book •■! an English opium 1 pp. 1 71. rhree nora ble murders. -■ 1 1 i 1 M 1 R in 1 "i \mv Ki'li -;ii 1 : In iel foi Hi' pro ei 1 Rye, VV 11B1 \li mini 11, Jas, Edward, Am. elocutionist, !•■ 18 1 1 . Plea for spoken langi < inn., (883. 12° — ed. Patriotism in poetry and pro 1 ing selei ted pas .age from lei tures and pati H in readings 1 al ;o poems by Thos. Buchanan Read, Geo. II. Boker, Fran- cis I >e II. Janvier ami oilier American authors, commemorative of tin- gallant deeds of our noble defenders on land and sea. Phila., 1866. 12° 808-62 M 1;, Rev. David, Dutch dominie of the Catskills; or, the times of the " Bloody Brandt." N. V., 1S61. 12. MURDOCK, J. 1!. Notes on electricity ami magnetism: designed as a companion to Silvanus I'. Thompson's Elementary lessons. \. Y., 1884. 16 537 68 Mi RDOCK, Win., /■. 1754-rf. 1839. Nicoll, 1 1. J. ( .1c.1i 1'- 1-33 Mt urn I 1 1 ritical and exegi inentary on the hook of I with a new translation ; with a preface by J. P. I homp .,n, and an introdui tion by AK.1I1 II..., .. I',., 1873. S° 22311-7 Murphy, John Mortimer. Rambles in north- western America, from the P can to the Rocky mountains: being a scription of the physical geography, cli- mate, soil, pi industrial and commercial resources, scenery, popula- tion, educational institutions, arboreal botany and game animals of Ore. W 1 hingl I Montana, Utah and Wyoming. I .. 1S70. 8°. . 458-65 - Sporting adventures in the far west. X. Y., 1.S80. 12° • • • . . Murphy, John Nicholas, chair of Peter; or, the papacy 1 litu- 1, development and organization, and in the benefits which for over eighteen centuries it has conferred on mankind. I.., 1883. 8° 2821 55 MURPHY, Joseph John. Habit and intelli- gence in their connection with the Ian matter and force: a seriesof scientifi 2. \. I .. 1 - • 501-6 ution, and man's faculty edge. In Christianity and evolution. pp. 196-215 .- Murray, A. W. i work in Polynesia and New Guinea, from 1 \. V., 1S76 Murray, Dr. Alex., Scorn 1775 ..•'. 1813. Adams, W. 1!. D. Su aim. pp. 225 j;; 41 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge. -17 260 4"o-35 . 1>. Self-made men. pp. 45 5° 410-92 Murray, Alex., . . 1755-1/. 1821. Frost, }., ed. Pictorial his of the American navy. pp. 60-74. . . 41232 ; MURRAY. 900 MURRAY. Murray, Alex., continued. — Waldo, S. P. Distinguished American naval heroes, pp. 244-355 4121-9 Murray, Alex. S. Manual of mythology: Greek and Roman, Norse and old Her- man, Hindoo and Egyptian mythology ; founded on the works of Petiscus, Frai- ler and Welcker. N. V., 1S73. 8°. Same, 18S6 294-6 Murray, Andrew. Economic entomology : aptera. X. V. 12 595-6 Murray, Hon. Chas. Augustus, Eng. diplo- matisf, />. 1S06. Prairie-bird. L., n. d. 12°. — Red Indians of Newfoundland, n.t.p. 8°. — Travels in North America, including a summer residence with the Pawnee tribe of Indians in the remote prairies of the Missouri, and a visit to Cuba and the Azore islands. 2 v. L., 1S54. S°. . 470-65 Murray, Mrs. Elizabeth. Modern system of painting in water colours from the living model, li., 1S80. 12 75 1—5 Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville, known as Grenville Murray, Eng. author, l<. 1819. Embassies and foreign courts: a history of diplomacy. L., 1856. 12° 327-6 — Member for Paris: a tale of the second em- pire. B., 1871. 8°. — Pictures from the battle-field. L., 1855. 12° 9475-6 — Side-lights on English society ; or, sketches from life, social and satirical. 2 v. I,., 1881. 8° 442-65 — Turkey: being sketches from life. L., 1877. 12° 4496-6 — Young Brown. B., 1S74. 8°. Mi RRAY, Lord Geo. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents. PP- 417-421 ' 4"-59 — Thomson, K. (B.),(l Irace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 17 1 5 and »745- v. 3. pp. 1-225 4112-S Murray, Geo. Augustus Frederick John, 6th duke of Athole. Brown, J. Spare hours. v. 2. pp. 213-220 188E2 Murray, Grenville. See Murray, Eustace, C. G. Mi rray, Hugh, Scottish writer, b. 1779-1/. 1 /'. Historical and descriptive account of British America. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. "' '71 55 — Travels ol Marco Polo, greatly ai and enlarged from valuable early manu- 1 ■ recentl) publi hed by the French iety of geography, and in Italy by 1 lit Baldelli Boni ; wii h copii u notes illustrating the routes and observations of the author and comparing them with Murray, Hugh, continued. those of more recent travellers. X. Y., 1855. 16 . Same, 1S74 450-69 — and others. Historical and descriptive account of British India. 3 V. N. Y., 1855. 1 6° 9543-7 Murray, J. Clark. Hand-book of psychol- ogy. B., 1888. 12° 1S0-67 Murray, J. D. Christie. Aunt Rachel: arus- tic, sentimental comedy. I.., 1886. 12 . Murray, Jas. O. Commemorative discourse on J. Lewis Diman. In Dinian, J. L. Orations and essays, pp. 1-40. . . . 2S7E7 Murray, John. Curwen, H. History of booksellers, pp. 159-198 41S-33 Murray, Rrv. John. Redding, C. Per- sonal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 10S-151 4U-87 Murray, John Archibald, b. 1780-1/. 1S59. Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. PP- 309-3 '5 4'°4 62 Murray, John O'Kane. Catholic pioneers of America. N. Y., 1885. 12 . . . . 4142-6 Murray, Nicholas, (Kirwan, pseud.) , Presby- terian divine, b. 1S03-V. 1861. Letters to the Right Rev. John Hughes, Roman Catholic Bishop of New York. N. Y., 1S55. 12° 2S29-6 — Men and things as I saw them in Europe. N. Y., 1853. 12 440-65 — Parish and other pencillings. N. Y., 1854- 12 241-65 — Romanism at home: letters to the Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief-justice of the United States. N. Y., 185S. 12 . . . 2824-54 — Prime, S.I. Memoirs of Nicholas Murray. 657B2 MURRAY, Patrick Joseph. Life of John Ba- nim, the Irish novelist; with extracts from his correspondence: also selections from his poems. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . 134B2 Murray, Robert. Rudimentary treatise on marine engines and steam vessels. Bound with Dempsey, G. I)., Treatise on locomotive engines 62113-2 Murray. Ross, ed. Modern householder: manual of domestic economy in all its branches. I.., 1872. 16° 640-7 Warne's model housekeeper: manual of domestic economy in all its branches. I ., n. d. 12° 640-71 \\, Win., earl of Mansfield, /iri/is/i statesman, b, 1704-,/. 1703. Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British orations. v. 1. pp. 143-171. [Biog. sketch and eeel the 1 ighl of England to tax \ mi 1 ica] S258-2 Brougham, II. L. Statesmen who flour- ished in the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 83-100 410-17 Ml R.RAY. 901 Ml 511 Murray, Wm., continu, ./. 1 ampbell, I . Chief-justici if I land. v. 2. pp. 234-442 11 1 1 I 11, J. (I. B men. pp. 99-IIO 1 1 1 1 It 1 di ich, 1 - A., ed. Selei I British elo- quence, pp. 143 162 8258-4 1 1 11 [ge E. Porti aits ofillu agesofGreal Britain, v. 8. pp. 75 81. 411 65 \I111 .\, Wm., marquii of Tullibardine. Mi n, Mrs. K . I:. 1, Win ton, pseud.) Me ii ol hi 1 1 lites nf 1715 and 17.iv v. 2. pp. 92-123. . 4112 8 Murray, Wm. Henr) Harri on, tm. author, /'. 1840. How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Years, and other stories. I'.., 1888. 12°. Contents.- How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Year 01 'log. —The ball. V. ho was he? M n sii Hall ' i up ms. : eries. B., 1S70- 73- '2° 252-7 The perfect horse; how to know him, how i" breed him, how to train him, how to shoe him, how to drive him; with an introduction, by Henry Ward Beecher, and a treatise on agriculture and the horse, by Geo. B, I oring, B. , 1S7,;. 8° 636] Murrell, John A. Set Stewart, Virgil A. Murrey, Thos. J. Puddings and dainty rts. V Y., 1SS6. 16° 641-7 Mi . 11 .. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3, pp. 337-357. . . 87001-3 Mi wis, J, i|i. inn Karl August, Hainan writer, i. 1735— d. 1787. Dumb love. 1 i- bussa. Melechsala. In Carlyle, T., tr. Tales by Musseus, Tieck, Richter. \. 1. S33-6 — Hedge, F. Prose writers of Germany. pp. iS4-i8i 830-43 Muscles. Rosenthal, 1. General physiol- ogy of the muscles and nerves 6125-7 Mi si i \i of science and art. Lardner, I)., ed. 603-4 Mi 11 MS. Jevons, W. S. Methods of so- cial reform, pp, 53 Si 3°4-55 Mushet, David, Scottish metallurgist, 6. 1 77 J d. 1S47. Papers on iron and steel, prac- tical and experimental. I.., 1840. 8°. 6691-7 — Smiles. S. Industrial biography, pp. 180-18S 4169-8 Mushet, Robert. History of coinage in Great Britain. In Homans, I. S. ruin book. pp. 1-53 33H-4 Mushri '"Ms. See Fungi. Mi sic. Sui-dh/isions : 1. History of music. 2. Essays, sketches, etc. 3. IK. of music and musical education. 4. Dictionaries. 5. Sacred and dramatic music. 6. Singing. 7. Songs. 8. In- struments. 9. Musicians. M tinned. 1. History of 11 tlloner, R. History of the science and 1 ■ . i I . I . M .\. ill, \. E. Mu '.n and 770-3 Davi . I.. S. Studii 770-34 1 1 trlh, < .. M lory, biography and criticism 770-4 1 lullah, J. 1 1 modern mu ic. . 7; Hunt, H. G. p. G 770-44 Lillie, L. 1 . Story "f music and musi- cians for young readers 770-6 Ritter, !•'. I.. History of music, 2 v. [With a bibliography, v. 2. pp. 276- 3' i.J 770-7 Manual of musical history 770-71 Music in America 77or-7 Music in England 7702-7 . W . s. General history of mu- sic from the infancy of the (ircck drama to the present period 770-75 Wade, 1. C. Studies in the science and history of music 7?o-9 2. Essays, sketches, etc. ' hornet, H. Influence of music on health and life 771-22 I •. J. E. Musical recollections of the last half century 771 25 1 hlert, L. Letters on music, to a lady. 771-35 — Fay, A. Music-study in Germany. . . 771-37 G trdiner, W. Music of nature. ... 771 ._■ — Grove,(l. Beethoven's nine symphonies. 771 :; — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. . . 771-47 My musical life 771-475 My musical memories 7- — Jacox, F. Bible music 771 5 — Mason, 1 . Musical letters from abroad. 771-6 Mi scheles, I. Recent music and musi- cians 771-65 — Polko, E. Musical sketches 7 — Thibaut, A. F. J. Purity in musical art. 771 I — Upton, C. P. Woman in music 771— g Bryant, W. C. Orations and addn pp. 283-292 S15-2 — Dw-ight, J. S. Music. /;; Peabody, Elu- abeth P., cd. /Esthetic papers, pp. 25-36 720K1 — General view of the tine arts. pp. 431- 47- 709-4 — Giles, II. Illustrations of genius. pp. 1 5.7 1S1 422I 1 — Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures on sci- entific subjects, pp. 61-106 502-43 — King, T. S. Substance and show and other lectures, pp. 231-253 534E9 MUSIC. 902 MUSIC. Music, continued, — Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle ages. pp. 1S7-232 7094-5 — Lloyd, \V. W. Age of Pericles, v. 2. chapters 50-51 91S4-5 — Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece, pp. 428-451 4495~55 — Parratt, W. Music. In Ward, T. 11., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 593-620 938-9 — Saunders, F. Mosaics. pp. 362-302. Magic of music 805E2 — Spencer, II. Illustrations of universal progress, pp. 210-23S 142-S3 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. Catholic reaction, v. 2. pp. 315-342. 94506-7 — Torrey, J. Theory of fine art. pp. 233- 246 701-9 — Wallace, F. T. Men and events of half a century, pp. 261-286 922E4 — Young lady's book. pp. 449-472. . . . 504-97 3. Theory of music and musical education. — Blaserna, P. Theory of sound in its rela- tion to music 7716-2 — Cummings, W. II. Rudiments of music. 771 1—3 — Fetis, F. J. Music explained to the world; or, how to understand music and enjoy its performance 7711-4 — Gilmore, P. S. History of the National peace jubilee and great musical festival held in Boston, June, 1869 7714-4 — Higgs, J. Fugue 77^-4 — Hullah, J. Music in the house 7711-45 — Jubilee days: humorous features of the World's peace jubilee 7714-41 — Marx, A. 1!. Theory and practice of mu- sical composition 7719-6 — Mason, L. and Seward, 1 . F. Pestaloz- zian music teacher 7711-6 — Ouseley, F. A. G. Treatise •>» musical form and general composition 77 ] 9-7 Treatise on counterpoint, canon and fugue, based upon that of Cherubim. . 7718-6 — Palmer, II. R. Theory of music: being a practical guide to the study of thor- ough-bass, harmony, musical composi- tion and form 77"> 6 Pauer, E. Elements 'ii the beautiful in music 7711, 62 Musical forms 7710 <>; — Rice, I. I.. What is music? 7710 7 — Saroni, U.S. Musical grammar; or, . mecum: a manual "I the ., ience of ii 771 1-7 Shedlock, I.. I . ["rip to music-land: a fairy tale, forming an allegorical and pic- torial expo 11 ion ol thi eli menl ol music. 77 1 1 74 Siaincr, J. Composition 7719-8 Music, continual. — Stone, W. H. Scientific basis of music. 7716-75 — Taylor, S. Science of music ; or, the physical basis of musical harmony. . . 7716-8 — Trastour de Varano, E. Rudiments of music 771 1-8 — Tufts, J. W. and Holt, H. E. Normal music course. 1st reader 7711-84 — Woodbury, I. II. Elements of musical composition and thorough-base 7717-8 — See also Counterpoint. Harmony. 4. Dictionaries. — Moore, J. W. Complete encyclopaedia of music 7712-6 — Niecks, F. Dictionary of musical terms. 7712-7 — Stainer, J. and Barrett, W. A. Diction- ary of musical terms 7712-8 J. Sacred and dramatic music. — Helmore, T. Plain-song 77325—5 — Hood, G. History of music in New Eng- land 773-4 — Troutbeck, J. Church choir training. . 7738-8 — -Upton, G. P. Standard cantatas. . . . 7734~9 Standard oratorios 7733— g — Boyd, A. K. H. Leisure hours in town. pp. 274-290. Organ question in Scot- land 179E8 — Bushnell, H. Work and play. pp. 440— 464. Religious music '97^4 — Talmage, T. DeW. Around the tea-table. pp. 139-150. Massacre of church music. 871E1 — See also Operas. 6. Singing. — Bach, A. B. Musical education and vo- cal culture 7 74— 1 5 — Baxter, J. Technics for the voice. . . 774-17 — Curwen, J. Tonic sol-fa 774-27 — Daniell, W. II. Voice and how to use it. 774-3 — Ellis, A. J. Speech in song 774—33 — Greenwood, J. Sol-fa system 774~37 — Randegger, A. Singing 774—75 — Seiler, E. Voice in singing 774-S — Rush, J, Philosophy of the human v pp. 625-659 774 78 — See also Voice. 7. Songs. Elliott, C. S., ed. Songs of Yale. . . . 7746-3 — Jubilee and plantation songs. . . • ■ • 7747-5 — Moore, T. Irish melodies; with sympho- nies and accompaniments, by J. Steven- son a ,d II. Bishop 7744-6 Pike, G. D. Jubilee singers 7747-7 — Waitc, II. R. Carmina collegensia complete collei tion "I the songs <,f the American colleges; with selections from the student songs of English and Ger- man universities 7746-9 MUSIC. 9°3 — MY. Mi [C, continued. 'i.l iolom ello 777.3-5 I 11". 'I, C. Musical in .... Hall, K I In in. .iiiuin 77'"' 1 Prout, E, Instrumei 77 S 7 Rimbault, E. F. Bi lufacturing in. In itries. v. 11. p .... — Set a Orgti 11. Piano. \ iolin. g. Musicians. — Barnard, C. I. The lone masters, 3 v. 4177 - — Clayton, E. C. Queens ol ;ong 117^.1 Engel, I .. I Mozarl '■' 1 ii 1, rem- iniscem 1 ol hall a century. 2 v. . . 4 1 77 3 — Ferris, ( ;. T. Great l 11 mposei . 1 1 77-45 Great Italian and French c 1 ■■ . 4177-4 Great singers 4178-4 Great violinists ind pianists 4177-41 Haweis, II. R, Music and morals. . . 771-47 — ECeddie, II., (S. Tytler, pseud.) Musical composers and their works 41 77—5 — Parry, C. II. H. Studies of great com- posers 4177-68 — Phipson, T. I.. Biographical sketches and anecdotes of celebrated violinists. 4177 7 - Wallace, Lady, — tr. Letters of distin- guished musicians 4'77~9 Fuller, M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 222-283. Lives of the great com- posers, Haydn, Mozart, Handel, Bach, Beethoven 400E2 — See also Lives of Bach. — Balfe. — Beelho- van. — Berlioz. — Bull. — Chopin. — Chor- ley. — Gottschalk. — Handel. — Heller. — Liszt. — Mendelssohn. — Mozart. — Phil- lipps, Adelaide. — Rossini. — Schubert. — Schumann. — Spohr. — Verdi. — Wag- ner. — Weber. Music and moonlight: poems and O'Shaughnessy, A 706C7 Music lesson of Confuci her poems. Leland, C. 1 562C9 Music-master. Denison, .''■ Mary A. 285A28 Mi h -hall sermons. Murray, Wm. H. II. 252-7 Musical forms. Pauer, Ernst 7716-63 Mi SICAL recollections of the last half cen- tury. Cox, John Edward 771 25 Ml ti k, John R. Banker of Bedford. B., 1883. 12°. Musings over the " Christian Year " and " I via lnnocentium." Vonge. C. M. . 26034-9 M oka lakes. Cumberland, B., Northern lakes of Canada 47' .> — Watson, B. A. Sportsman's paradise ; or, lakelands 1 1 I anada (7M 9 MusKRAT-hunting. New house, S. and others. Trappers' guide, pp. 146-158. ... Miss, Nicolas, History of. Melly, Chas. DuBois-. . Alfred de, Fi ... On:!- 'Iillli .tli love. Ol the - to a gay lit. — In 1 urwen, II. French love and othei poer — Mussel, Paul de. I of Alfred 658B2 ier, T. and others. 1 ench authors, pp. 102-118 (i II Fi and novel ' 30 — Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 35- 6 5 4184-6 1 . Paul tie, French novelist, />. 1804-d'. 1880. Biography of Alfred de Mu tr. by Harriet W.Preston. 1!., 1877. 12°. 658B2 MUST; or, Ann Holbrook's girlhood. At- kins, M. A 127A42 Ml 1 the Old Testament go? Crafts, W. F. 2202-25 Mustard leaves ; or, a glimpse of London society. S., D. T. is, Geo. Chaworth. At home with the Patagonians : a year's wanderings over untrodden ground from the Slraits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. I... 12° 4829-6 — [Extracts from ihe above.] In Many- lands and many people, pp. 149-172. 439-63 Israel of the Alps: com- plete history of the Waldenses of Pied- mont and their colonies: tr. by Rev. John Montgomery. 2 v. I.., 1S66. 8°. 2S44-6 Mu IE singer. Riu 1 M.i Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. n.d. 16 . 3594-6 Mutiny of II. M. S. "Bounty." Belcher, Lady D. Mutineers of the " Bounty,'' and their descendants in Pitcairn and Ik islands — Whymper.F. The sea. v.l. pp.235 -57- 4.s7-95 — See also "Bounty." MUTTERINGS and musings of an invalid. Townsend, Frederic 901-1 MUZZEY, Artemas Bowers, Am. Unit minister, b. 1S02. Blade and the ear : a book for young men. Edinburgh, n. d. 16° 247-58 Reminiscences and memorials of men of the revolution and their families. B., 8° 4121-6 Ml Apingi kingdom. Du Chaillu, Paul. . 46- My bondage and my freedom. Doi:.. Frederick My boys. Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo's scrap bag. v. 1 II4A2 MY. — 904 — MY. My brother's keeper. Warner, A. B. My brother's wife. Edwards, Amelia B. My circular notes. Campbell, J. F. . . . 438-2 My clerical friends and their relations to modern thought. N. V., n. d. 12°. . 2S27-53 My command in South Africa, 1S74-187S. Cunynghame, A. T 468-3 My comrades. Hinton, Howard. (II. IM., pseud.) My confession, [and] The spirit of Christ's teaching. Tolstoi, L. N - . . 240-S49 My courtshipand its consequences. Wikoff, H. My daughter Elinor. Benedict, F. L. My days and nights on the battle field. Coffin, C. C 978-21 My desire. Warner, Susan. My destiny : or, Lady Musgrave. Carew, Laura A. S. My diary in India. Russell, W. H. ... 9544-" My diary North and South. Russell, W. H. 9801-53 My double and how he undid me. Hale, E. E. In If, yes and perhaps. — Same. //; Modern classics, pp. 1-20. My enemy's daughter. McCarthy, }. My farm at Edgewood. Mitchell, D. G. . 639E4 My fascinating friend. Archer, Wm. In Norman, H., ed. Broken shaft, pp. 132-156. My first holiday; or, letters home from Colo- rado, Utah and California. Dall, Caro- line II 27S-27 My first offer and other stones. Hay, Mary Cecil. My friend Jim. Norris, W. E. My friend Moses. In Habberton, J. Bow- sham puzzle, pp. 211-222. My garden pets. Treat, Mary 5957-86 My girls, etc. Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo's si rap hag. v. 4 114A23 My grandmother— that might have been. Cary, A. My guardian. Cambridge, Ada. My health. Iiurnand.* F. C S27-26 My heart's in the highlands. Grant, M. M. My hero: or, contrasted lives. Porter, Airy. A - E 74IA25 My holiday': how 1 spent it. Mathews, J. N 440-61 My home in Tasmania, during a residence of nine years. Meredith, Mrs. C. . . 4946-6 My limit after " The Captain." Holmes, O. \V. in Pages from an old volume of life, pp. '6-77 \^\\~r- In Soundings from the Atlantic |S;I .S My journey round the world. Parry, Capt. S. II. 1 mi 438-7 My journey to Vtedinah. Keane, I. F. . . 459-5 My Kalulu. Stanley, H. M 850A5 My lady Pokahontas. Cooke, J. Esten. My land and water friends. Bamford, M. E. 5905-18 My life and acts in Hungary in the years 1848-1849. Goergei, A 9428-4 My life on the plains. Custer, Gen. ('.. A. 266B8 My little corner. B., n. d. 16 661 Ai My little girl. Besant, W. and Rice, J. My little lady. B., 1873. 8°. My little lady. Poynter, E. F. My little love. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. (Marion Harland, pseud.) My marriage. B., 1880. 16 . My married life at Hillside. Coffin, R. B. My ministerial experiences. Biichsel, C. . 190B6 My miscellanies. Collins, W. W. My missionary apprenticeship. Thoburn, Rev. J. M • • . . . 2654-S My mother ; or, recollections of maternal influence. B., 1856. 12° 247-6 My motherandl. Craik,il/r.cD.M.(Mulock.) My mother's enemy. Lillie, Lucy C. My mother's manuscript. Lamartine, A. de. 554B1 My musical life. Haweis, H. R 771—475 My musical memories. Haweis, H. R. . . 771-48 My night adventure. Cassell's select library. My novel. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. Holley, Marietta, (Josiah Allen's wife). . . . 817-48 My own story. Howitt, Mary (B) 492A23 My Paris. King, Edward 4443-5 My Pearl. Graves, A. W 434A6 My pilgrimage to Eastern shrines. Bush, Eliza C 458-2 My portfolio: a collection of essays. Phelps, Rev. Austin 204-7 My prisons : memoirs of Silvio Pellico. . 721B4 MY recitations. Potter, Cora U Soi-75 My recollections of Lord Byron. Guiccioli, Teresa G., countess '99l>3 MY religion. Tolstoi, Count L. X 240-85 My school days in Paris. Jeune, M. S. . . 516AS \1\ schools and schoolmasters. Miller, II. 633B6 My sister Jeannie. Sand, George. My sister Margaret : a temperance story. Edwards, Mrs. CM 310A95 My shooting box. Herbert, II. W., (Frank Forester, pseud.) My Southern friends. Gilmore, las. Rob- cits, (Edmun d K i rk e , pseud. ) My study and other essays. Phelps, Rev. A. 204-71 My summer in a garden. Warner, Chas. D. 817-93 My trivial life and misfortune: gossip with no plot in particular, by a plain woman. pt. 1. Spinsterhood. pt. 2. Meumand mum. \. Y., 1883. 16°. My uncle the clock maker. Howitt, M. (B.) 492A24 My way» nd pardner. Holley, Marietta, (Josiah Allen's wife) 817 481 \l\ wife and 1. Stowe, Mrs. 11. (li.) \1\ 905 — My wife and my wifi B 1 [No name >ei ies. | My « inti r in Cuba fay, W. M. 1 472 Mi w inte the Nile. W :r, CD... 46s \l , year in an Indian fort. Guthrie, Mrs. M. 4548 1 My young Vli idi . \ onge, I M. M \ 1 1 ■. 1 . Si hliemann, II. Myi en 1 : narra- tive "i re eat ch< and discovers Mycena ind Tiryr 1" ■ 1 ', K nox, T. \Y. Underground world, pp, 221-235 '' ' '" M ihaffj , J. P. Rambles and tudies in Gn ce, pp. i".' 1-7 (495 55 Mydas. Lilly, John. Dramatic works. \. 2. pp. 1 69 570C2 Myddleton, Sir Hugh. Smiles, S. Jas. Brindley and the early engineers, pp, 48-102 (.168-8 Myddli ton Pomfret. Ainsworth, W. II. \l ', I r ., Mi . I U". i,:.- : c-,11.1 '■• I !■..■ Baron's 1 hildren. Phila., n. d. 12 . . 662 \ 1 \|', 1 1 .. \i Hun B. R. Life with the 1 1 1 in \i abs : account of a spot ting tour ol >ome officers of the guards in the Soudan during the winter of 1874-5. I ... 1876. 8° 4626-65 Myi rs, i 1 edei ii Wm. 1 tenrj , En i. is,;. Word worth. V \ .. 1881. 12°. (English men of letters series.]. . 968B5 joint auth r. 1 turney, E., Myers, I- . W. 1 1. ami Podmore, I'. Phantasms of the liv- ing. 2 v [74-4 Myers, II. M. ami V. V. N. Life and na- ture under the eti hes of travels among the An.li-> and on the Orinoco, Rio Negro and Amazons. N, V., 187I. 12° 480-67 Mm , Philip VanNess. Outlines of an- cient history from the earliest times to the fall of t lie western Roman empire, 476. N. v., 1SS2. 12 910-65 — Outlines of medi eval and modern hi I!., 1886. 12° 920-64 Remains of lost empires: sketches of the ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon and Persepolis; with some notes on India and the Cash me Himalayas, N. Y., 1S75. 8° 402-6 — joint author. See Myers, II. M. Myln, Walter. Blackie, J. S. Songs of re- ligion and life, pp. 136 [49. Poem on \\ liter Myln 160C3 Myi nt, Jas. McCosh, J. Scottish philoso- phy, pp. 364 .167 1621-4S MYRA, pseud. Adventures of Kwei, the Chinese girl. 1!., n. d. 16 107A93 MYS x; or, a child's story of missionary life. ["racy, C. C S94B4 Myra Sherw l's cross, n, t. p. 24°. . . 6 ./.III \l\ r 1 1 1 , Minnie, Ann or, glimpse of thi ipet natural. t, C. \\ 1 Mysteries and m Am ienl 1 he mil !1 Bi njamin, S. 1 '.. W. Pet >ia and 1! 1 456-2 Smith, 1.1. Vork plaj - 82.' Hay, J. Ci ■ ilian day-. 150. A miracle play, [in Madrid] 446-48 I [eckethorne, C.W. of all ages and countries. *■ . 1. pp. 35-115. 3669-4 — Keary, C. F. Outlines of primitive belief among the Ini I \>\>. 214-260 290-5 — Strutt, J. Sports and pastime- of the people of England, pp. 150-158. . . 394-7 — - Symonds, I. A. Shakespeare's pred so'rs in the English drama, pp. 93- 1 1 — See also Drama. Passion play. M if bee-keeping explained. Quin- by, M 639-69 Mysteries of masonry. Reynold .11 . 366-7 niESof the head ami the heart ex- plained. Grimes, J. S '79-45 Mysteries of the ocean. Mangin, A. . . . 5514-5 Mysteries of time and space. Procl >r, R. A. 5204-72 Ms -11 rii sol 1 lolpho. Radcliffe, Mrs. A. Mysterious disappearance. Baker, G. M. 7S5 :j M, liKint's island. Verne, J. MYSTERY. See Little classics, v. 8. i ry of Bar-Harbor. Leffingwell, Alsop. Y of creation and of man. Baker, L. C 252-144 MYSTERY of Edwin Drood. Dickens, 1 MYSTER\ of Hamlet. Vining, E. P. . . . 82363-9 MYSTERY of life, and other papers. Par- sons, T 2794-6 V . ERY of matter, and other e ton, J. A 210-71 Mystery of Metropolisville. 1 Edward. MYSTERY of the cavern. With Y nge, 1 . M. Abbeychurch 990A2 Mystery of the locks. Howe. I'. W. M\ - 1 fry of the lodge. Chellis, Mary D. . 2:: MYSTERY of pain. Hinton, Jas 216-41 MYSTIC and other poems. Bailey, P. J. . . 1 Mystic delvings. Bamitz. Col. A 1 Mystii London-. Davies, Rev.C M. . . . 44 [C numbers. Mahan M. Works, v. 2. 20S-57 Mysticism and the mystics. Vaughan, R. A. Hours with the mystics. 2 v. . . MYSTICISM. — 906 MYTHOLOGY. Mysticism and the mystics, continued. — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 275-298 204-165 — Heckethorn, C. W. Secret societies of all ages and countries, v. 2. pp. 3-2S. 3669-4 — Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 1-22. Tauler and the mystics. 4143-4 — Kingsley, C. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. pp. 155-176. Review of Vaughan's Hours with the mystics. . . 535 K4 — Williams, Wm. R. Eras and characters of history, pp. 252-276 902-9 — See also Church history. Quietism. Rosicrucians. Also Lives of Boehme. Fenelon. Guyon. Kriidener. Tauler. Myth, ritual and religion. Lang, A. 2 v. 290-54 Myth of stone idol : a love legend of Dakota. Jones, W. P 518C1 Mythical monsters. Gould, Chas. . . . 2901-43 Mythology. Sub-divisions: 1. Classical. 2. Norse. 3. Miscellaneous, including comparative mythology, the mythology of various peoples, essays, etc. /. Classic a/. — Brown, R. Great Dionysiak myth. 2 v. 2941-2 Myth of KirkS, (Circe) 2941-21 — Bulfinch, T. Age of fable 294-22 — Cox, G. W. Manual of mythology in the form of question and answer. . . . 294-28 Tales of ancient Greece 294-3 — Dillaway, C. K. Roman antiquities and ancient mythology 4056-3 — Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman mythology 294-35 — Edwards, S. A. Hand-book of mythology. 294-37 Gladstone, W, E. Juventus Mundi: gods and men of the heroic age. . . . 2941-4 — Grote, G. History of Greece, v. 1. . . 918-43 . — Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology. . 294-6 — Rtiskin J. Queen of the air: being a study of the Greek myth of cloud and storm 798E2 — Tooke, A. Pantheon 294-8 — Blackie, J. S. Horse Hellenics!, pp. 167-196. On scientific method in the interpretation of popular myths. . . . 8804-2 Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city. pp. '5-48 3203-3 Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 2. pp. 363-415. Review of Early Grecian history and legend 653F3 Midler, K. O. Ancient art and its remains; or, a manual of the archaeology of art. pp. 417-592 7093-7 Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets, v. 1. pp. 51-90 881-8 — .SV<' also Greece. Rome. Literature, classical, Greek, latin. Mythology, continued. Stories from classical mythology. — Craigie, M. E. Once upon a time: stories for children taken from the ancient gods and heroes 294-33 — Goddard, J. Boy and the constellations. 294-4 — Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales. . . 2941-45 Wonder-book for girls and boys. . . . 2941-46 — Kingsley, C. Heroes 294I-5 — Earned, A. Old tales retold from Gre- cian mythology. 294-5 — See also Wm. Morris' The earthly paradise. 3 v. 647C9); Life and death of Jason, (648C1.) 2. Norse. — Anderson, R. B. Norse mythology. . . 295-2 Younger Edda 295-22 — Grimm, J. Teutonic mythology. 4 v. . 295-4 — Jones, J. C. Valhalla; myths of Norse- land, a saga in twelve parts 295-47 — Keary, A. and E. Heroes of Asgard; tales from Scandinavian mythology. . . 295-4S — Lamed, A. Tales from the Norse grand- mother 295-5 — Mabie, H. W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas 295-58 — Saintine, X. B. Myths of the Rhine. . 295-8 — Vicary, J. F. Saga time 94801-9 — Wagner, W. Asgard and the gods. . . 295-93 — Burns, G. S. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion. hi Faiths of the world, pp. 213-243 290-4 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship. pp. 1-38 410-24 — Lillie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. pp. 230-240 2933-5 — See also Sagas. Scandinavia. J. Miscellaneous. — Bible folk-lore : study in comparative mythology 2214-18 — Brinton, D. G. Myths of the new world. 2907-2 — Clement, C. E. Hand-book of legendary and mythological art 703-3 — Clodd, E. Childhood of religions. . . . 290-32 Myths and dreams 2901-3 — Conway, M. D. Wandering Jew. . . . 2901-33 — Cox, G. W. Mythology of the Aryan na- tions 290-34 — Crabbe, G. Mythology of all nations. . 2901-35 — Fiske, J. Myths and myth-makers. . . 2901-4 — Fornander, A. Account of the Polyne- sian race: its origin and migrations. 2 v. 9996-4 — Gould, C. Mythical monsters 2901-43 Gubernatis, A. dc. Zoological mytholo- gy- 3 v 2901-44 — Keary, C. F. Outlines of primitive be- lief among the Indo-European races. . 290-5 — ed. Dawn of history 400-5 — Keightley, T. Fairy mythology 380—47 MYTHOLOGY. — 907 N A '■ Mv 1 1101 oo\ , continued. — Lang, A. Custom and myth 2901 My tli, ritual and religion. 2 v. ... 290-54 1 1 in. nit, I- . Chaldean magic. . . . 292 5 Miilli'i, F. M. India: whnt can it teach us? 8912 6 Lectures on the science of iangu ser. 2 100-6 - - Sell- ted '• ays on language, mythology and religion. 2 v 652E4 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and its kindred literature 802-7 — Seiss, J. A. Gospel in the stars; or, pi 1- meval astronomy 22152-7 — Smith, G. Chaldean account ol Genesis. 4025-71 — Smith, S. F., ft/. Myths and heroes. . . 2901-8 — Tylor, E. 11. Anthropology: introduc- tion to the study of man and civilization. 571-84 Researches into the earl) history of mankind 571-82 — Vignoli, T. Myth and science 2901-9 — White, C. A. Student's mythology. . . 2901-94 — Bancroft, II. II. Native races of the Pa- cific states, v. 3. pp. I-550 970S-2 Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world 400-3 Ragnarok : age of tire and gravel, pp. H3-340. pt. 3. The legends 51-45 — Ennemoser, J. History of magic, v. 2. !•]'• 3 72 '74-32 My 1 hoi '».., conl I 11 rer, I. A. Primith 1 1 . 1-40 Hunt. I.. Day by the fire. pp. t; 259 i ■ - j J ;i — Joyce, I. Familiar introduction to the pp. 114 1 jt Mangnall, K. Histories - ella- liolls. pp. JJ, ;2I Prit chard, W. T. Polynesian reminis- ■ <■ I-I-- .;'■; 375 - Ragozin, /. A. Story "I I pp. 258-336 '."51-7 encer, II. Recent discussions, pp. 33- 62. Origin of animal worship 1 Stoddart, J. Introduction to the study of universal history, pp. 117-148. . . 902-8 — Tylor, E. I!. Primitive culture. pp. .76 2902-8 Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 2. pp. 149-165 104-95 — See also Fairy tales. Folk-lore. Indians. Language. Legends. Literature. Re- ligion. Superstitions. Mv I Its. .S'. J. Lord chancellors of Ireland, pp. 293-307. . 41 13-2 '■'. 11 I 1 si is, British general and historian, />. 1 785-1/. i860. History of the war in the peninsula and in the South ol I ranee, 1807-14. N. Y., n. d. 8°. . 9466-55 Kent. 1 . Footpri 1 he road. pp. 215-220 410-597 Martineau, II. Biogi iphical sketches. '93- 2 o6 4104-62 Napier, Wm. F., continued. — Redding, C. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 152-172. . . 411-87 Naples. Abbott, J. Rollo in Naples. . . 4457-12 — Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Naples. . . . 4457-4 — Stamer, W. J. A. Dolce Napoli. . . . 4457-8 — Benjamin, S. G. W. World's paradises. pp. 69-74 439-17 — Fisk, G. Pastor's memorial of Egypt, etc. pp. 36-49 548-38 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 4. pp. 1 — 137 426E1 — Hall, N. Land and the Forum and the Vatican, pp. 364-376 4456-44 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 205-220. Caverns of Naples 6229-5 — Regnault, E. Criminal history of the English government, pp. 156-173. . 9303-7 Napoleon I, emperor of the French, b. 1769- d. 1821. Subdivisions: 1. General bi- ography. 2. Special campaigns. 3. Napoleon at St. Helena. 4. Sketches, essays and criticisms. /. General Biography. — Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v 664B2 " The author was not simply an ardent, but a boundless admirer of Napoleon. He was not too particular in regard to his facts, but those which he made use of he arranged with such consummate skill as to captivate completely the judgment of the * * unwary." — C. K. Adams. — Abrantes, L. I'. J. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. 2 v 664B4 — Anecdotes and characteristics of Napo- leon Bonaparte 664B5 — Arnault, M. A. and Panckoucke, C. L. I''., Irs. Life and campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte 664B6 — Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Life of Napo- leon Bonaparte 664 B7 — Camp fires of Napoleon 664B76 — Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. . . . 664B75 — Confidential correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother Joseph, . . 66488 — Court and camp of Bonaparte 664H9 — Frost, J. I i 1 lie corporal: young folks' life uf Napoleon Bonaparte 665B3 — Grimshaw, W. Life of Napoleon. . . . 6651,4 — Ila/liit, W. Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. 3 v 665B5 " Unlike most "f the histories of Napoleon written on the north side of the Channel, it shows a strong sympathy for the career of its Subjei 1." C A'. Adams. Headley, J. 'I'. Napoleon and his mar- shals 665B56 History "i Napoleon, a. 1. p. 8°. . . 665B52 — Home, K. II. History ol Napoleon Bo- naparte 665B65 NAPOLEON l. — 9°9 NAPOLEON I. Napoleon I, continued. Ireland, W, II., td. Napoli I anfn \ . V . Historj "I Napolei n I. -1 v. [To the organization "I 1 In the invasion of Russia.] 665B8 " Lanfrey (lis. 1 inn: K Adatnt, 1 tvalette, V, M. C. de. M< moil ;. . . 558B87 Life ol Napoli Bonaparte 665B95 Loci tin t, J. G. I listoi y "I Napoleon Bonaparte 666B] Napol gallery; or, Illustrations of the life and time, of the emperor of Fi I ., 1S52. 16 i| Napoleon, his army and his generals, their unexampled military 1 areei with sketch of the French revolution, by an American. N. V., 1853. 12" 666H45 Ropes, J. C. I 11 il Napoleon 666B7 Scott, W. Life ol Napoleon Buonaparte. 666B8 "Scott, writing from the standpoint of Eng- lish Toryism, is uniformly depreciatoi Brooklyn Library Catalogue, — Seeley, J. R. Short history of Napoleon the first 1 1 1 1. 1 — Thiers, I.. A. Consulate and empire mi- ll. 1 \;i|«i]nm. 5 \ "Itsurrounds the age of Napoleon with a halo of glory, I tun I as .1 rei ord oi fa< ts it is not always careful," C K. Adams. — See also France, history. Europe, his- lory, especially Alison, (928-15) ; Schlos- ser, (928-7.) Also Lives of his contem- poraries as Alexander I. Josephine', empress. Louisa, of Prussia. Marie Louise, empress. Ney. Mettemich. Miot. Stein. Wellington. Refer to Adams' manual of historical litera- ture for a list of books with comments. See also the catalogues of the Brooklyn library and Boston Athenaeum. 2. Special campaigns. — Doi \ illargennes, A. J. Army life under Napoleon Bonaparte 664B95 — Headley, J. T. Imperial guard of Napo- leon from Man ngo to Waterloo. . . 665B55 — Hooper, G. Italian campaigns of (ien. Bonaparte in 1796-7 and 1800 665I — Mitchell, J. Fall of Napoleon : historical memoir, j v 1 B ; — Segur, P. History of the expedition to Russia — Tolstoi, L. N. Physiology of war: Napo- leon and the Russian campaign. . . . 9445—83 Adams, C. Great campaigns, pp. 1-227. 9208-12 Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 37-42 115E1 — Clark. D. W. Historical sketches, pp. 83 150. Napoleon's Russian campaign. 92 — Stanhope, P. II. French retreat from cow, etc. pp. 1-7S 902-74 Napoleon i. i . 1 terloo, 3. II Una. Abell, Afi . 1 I I i the Helena < hi kburn, G. St. Helena I ... Cases. Marqui I . A. D. M. J. dc. Mem 1 life, exile •1 v. . I ovi e, H. Captivity of M it St. Helena. 2 v Mi I . de. I listory of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. . 6 O'Meara, B. I . Napoleon in exile; or, a voice from St. Helena ./. Sketches, essays and criticisms. — Jackson, I.ady C. C. French court and society, reign of Louis XVI and I empire. 2 v 94435-5 — Pardoe, J. S. II. Episodes of French history during the Consulate and First empire 9445-65 — Remusat, P. de, ed. Memoirs of Mad- ame de Remusat 782B3 " The work as a whole is the most interesting .Mid at the same time the most damaging com- mentary on the character of Napoleon that has ever been produced." — C. K. Adams. Whateley, R. Historic doubts relative to Nap Icon Bonaparte 667B5 Same. In Famous pamphlets. pp. 251-290 — Adams, W. II. I>. Eminent soldiers. pp. 191-244 415'-- — Rates. S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture, pp. 41 -S3. I) leon 370-18 I r, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 2. pp. 1-23. S deon. . . . 2743-2 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and crit- icism, ser. 2. pp. iSt-234 139E6 — Brougham, II. II statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 1:2 134. . . . 410-17 Bryant, W. C. Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 370- 373. Bona| . can traits — Carlvle, T. Heroes, hero-worship, etc. pp. 1S1-224 410-24 iibers' papers. Historical and liter- ary celebrities, pp. 1 32 410-25 — Channing, W. I. Works, v. I. pp. 69-166 20S-17 \n] able and eloquent review of [his] life and character. Although very severe, it has the merit of being totally free from any , san or national animosity." — Thomas' Biog. Diet. NAPOLEON I. 910 — NARES. Napoleon I, continued. — Cormenin, L. M. de la H., vicomte de, (Timon, pseud.) Eminent orators of France, pp. 66-97 4105-2 — De Puy, H. \V. Louis Napoleon and his times; with memoirs of the Bonaparte family, etc. pp. 13-67 668B25 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 246-258 4IO-44 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. pp. 211-245 319E1 — Farmer, L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers, pp. 433-477 4'5~4 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 86-92. . . . 410-49 — Fremont, Jessie (Benton.) Souvenirs of my time. pp. 324-325. Tomb of Na- poleon 3 S 3^3 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. PP- 38-SS 41S-431 — Hadley, J. Essays, philological and critical, pp. 356—36 1 . Was civil lib- erty in Europe promoted by the career of Napoleon? 450E1 — Hale, E. E. Boys' heroes, pp. 150-163. 410-535 — Herisson, Comte d'. The black cabinet. pp. 109-308 9445-4 — Holland, H. R. Foreign reminiscences. pp. 123-202 379B9 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 89-98 4IO-597 — Mathews, W. Men, places and things. PP- I-I9 617E7 — Morrill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted persons, pp. 56-60 410-7S — Mothers of great men. pp. 348-363. Mother of Napoleon 413—35 — Parton, J. Topics of the time, pp.3'7- 349. Correspondence of Napoleon Bo- naparte 715 K 5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. I. pp. 198-213 4IO-9 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers, pp.. 353-376 4>5 I "9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 445-448 4IO-975 In fiction, see especially the novels of Erck- mann-Chatrian. Napoleon II, titular emperor of tlie French, />. iSu-d. 1832. Masson, M. Cele- brated children, pp. 55-71 410-72 — Parton, J. People's 1 1. <>t biography. pp. 499-507 410-82 — See a/so Marie Louise, empress. NAPOLEON 111, emperor of France, b. 1808-r/. 1 sy.i. History of Julius Coesar. N. V., 1865. 12°. Same. 2 v. N. \\, 1867-6S. 200H7 Posthumous works and unpublished auto- graphs of Napoleon III in exile. I.., i»73 8° 9448 69 Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon III. 66SB1 Napoleon III, continued. — De Puy, H. W. Louis Napoleon and his times — Haswell, J. M. Life of Napoleon III by popular caricaturists — Hugo, V. Destroyer of the second re- public : being Napoleon the little. . . — Jerrold, W. B. Life of Napoleon III. 4 " He writes from a sympathetic point of view ; but his spirit isin the main impartial." — C. A*. Adams. — Public and private history of Napoleon the Third — Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and queens ; or, life in the palace, pp. 333-370. . . . — Forbes, A. Souvenirs of some continents. pp. 4S-62. Emperor and his marshals. — Kirwan, A. V. Modern France, pp. 331-360. Napoleonism — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. iS- 24. Real Louis Napoleon — See also France, history. Crimean war. The coup d' etat is elaborately described by Tenot, [94472-8,] and Hugo, [94472-4.) The same event [and] the * early policy of Napoleon are * reviewed in * spirited and denunciatory terms by Kinglake, [9475-5, v. i.J — C K. Adams. Napoleon, prince, (Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte), b. 1822. McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 77-84. . . . NAroLEON, Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, prince imperial of France, b. 1856-*/. 1871. Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 131-137. End of Prince Louis'Napoleon NAPOLEON dynasty: history of the Bona- parte family brought down to the pres- ent time. Williams, F. and Lester, C. E Naquet, A. Legal chemistry : guide to the detection of poisons, examination of tea, etc., as applied to chemical jurispru- dence: tr.with additions from the French, by J. P. Battershall. N. V., 1SS4. 12 . \ u < 1SSUS : a tale of early Christian timea. Carpenter, Rev. W. Boyd. Narcotics. Johnson, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. 2. pp. 5- ,0 5' • • • \\iis, Rev. Edward. Thinks-I-to-myself : serio-ludicro, tragico-comico, written by Thinks-I-to-myself Who ? I'hila., 1S09. 24 . — joint author. Tytler, A. F. and Nares, F. Universal history Nares, Sir Geo. Strong, Eng. navigator, b. 1831. Markham, A. II. Northward Ho! pp. 285-326. Sir Geo. Nares' polar expedition, 1875-76 668B25 668B2 668B3 668 B4 66SB6 415-12 4388-4 444-5 4104-6 4 1 04-6 410-S3 664B1 543-4S 660-5 906-9 498-621 \ A K ES. — 911 — VVl [ON NARl , Kobi-rt, at; ■': 1 '.-,;, on. |. -i.I:iii, \V. Men 1 liave 1 now n. pp. ;.'j i^.S. . . 4.1 1 56 Naresboroi i.ii vi( tory. Key worth, I \ m |. .I , Felix, /•».". h an hit, ■ i. < 1836 Notes and sket< In-, '.1 an an hitei 1 taken during a joui nej in the hw esl ol Europe : tr. from 1 he French b) f. Peto. B., 1877. 8° :■ Marka, the Nihilist. O'Menra, Kathleen. Narrative of anexpedil to the interioi ol Aim a I aird, M., and 1 (ldfield, R. A. K 4662-6 Narrative of military operations during the war. Johnston, Gen. I. 1 9811 5 Narrativi uf military sei v ii e. I [azen, 1 W. B 979-45 Narrativi "l the operations and recent rlis- coverie in 1 ;ypl and N Libia. Belzoni,! .. 403-2 Nari \\\\\ ol the United States expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead ea. Lynch, W. F 4586-5 NARRATIVES ami adventures of travelers ill Africa. Williams, (has 460-94 Narratives of State trials in the 19th cen- tury. Browne, G. Lathom 3482-2 NARROW escape. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie i'1'li Narvaez, Panfilo de. Banvard, J. Novel ties of the New World, pp. 45-53. . . 97°-2 Nasiiv, Petroleum V., {pseud.) See 1 D. K. Nasiiv in exile; or, six months of travel. Locke, D. R 440-59 NASEBY, Battle of, 1645. Adams, W. II. I). Battle stories, pp. 387-397 9208-13 Memorable battles in English history. pp. '38-147 9308-2 NASH, Ephraim. banner's practical horse farriery : with account of the breeds in the United Slates. Auburn, 1857. 12°. 6361-7 NASH, Richard, called Beau A'asA, b. 1674-,/. 1 761. Thompson, K. (B.) and J. C. (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 12"- 144. beau Nash 410-964 NASH, Robert Lucas. Short inquiry into the profitable nature of our investments. L., 1880. 8° ;;' N 7 NASH, Simeon. Morality and the state. Columbus, 1859. 8° '92-7 Nash, Thos., £'«.<,'. dramatist, b. 1 564-*/. 1601. Symonds, J. A. Shakspeare's predecessors in the English drama, pp. 534-580 S22-8 Nash, Wallis. Two years in Oregon. N. V., 1S82. 12 1795 6 Nash, Willard G. Century of gossip; or, the real and the seeming. New Eng- land life. Chicago, 1S76. 12°. 1 \ 1 1 1 1 " I Argument ii. (71 an.,. Battle of, 1 ■ Gen. J. D. March to the tea, Franklin and Nashville 9781-24 111. David, Scottish philanthrofi 1 coll, D. Work in (he Wynds Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility, pp. -■ 1" 175 Nasmvth, I : ed. by Samuel Smiles. N. Y.. 1883. 12° Remarks on tools and machinery, In Maker, T. I of practical mechanism and machine tools, pp. 221 237 6218-21 Smiles, S. Industrial biography: iron- ers and tool-makers, pp. 333-360. 4169-8 NASOLOGY ; or, hints towards a classifica- tion of noses. Warwick, Eden. . . . 1798-9 . Elias, Am. author, b. 1811. Life and timesof (has. Sumner. B., 1874. 12° & NASR-ed-din, shah of Persia. Diary kept bis Majesty the Shah of Persia dur- ing his journey to Europe in 1878: tr. by A. It. Schindler and 1.. 1 1. Norman. I ., 1S79. 8° 440-66 , Emilie de, countess of Ossory. Jameson, A. M. Beauties of the court of Charles II. pp. 102-117 41155 Nassau. See Bahama islands. N \--i , E. On the agricultural community of the middle ages, and the enclosures of the sixteenth century in England : translated from the German, by Col. II. A. Ouvry. L., 1871. 8° 3332-6 Nat the navigator: life of Nathaniel Bow- ditch. B., 1870. 16 179H2 NATAL. See Africa, southern. Natasql'a. Davis, Mrs. K. II. Nathalie. Kavanagh, Julia. Nathan the wise: drama. I.essing. G. E. S31S-55 Nathaniel Vaughan. Macdonald, E. NATION, The. Critical and social essays, :e- printed from the Nation 675E5 \ ITION, The. Mill ford, E 3207-7 NATIi IN in a nutshell : rapid outline of Amer- ican history. Towle, G. M 973-8? . \i Academy of Design. Badeau, A. The vagabond, pp. 151-157 131E6 National budget : national debt, taxes and rates. Wilson, A. J 33242-S NATIONAL church of a democratic state. Holland, Spencer I.. /« Oxford house papers, pp. 227-246 230-73 NATIONAL debt. Crilical and social es=ays. from the Nation, pp. 113-118. Social influence of the national debt 675E5 NATIONAL. — 912 — NATURAL. National educational association. Ad- dresses and journal of proceedings of the National Educational association; sessions of trie year 1871 at St. Louis, Mo. 3706-5 National exhibition of Scottish portraits. /« Carlyle.T. Essays, v. 7. pp. 129-137. 206E2 National guard. Gilchrist, J. G., ed. Manual for infantry officers of the Na- tional guard 356-4 National hymns. White, R. G 8031-9 National ode. Taylor, Bayard 876C6 National party. Certain dangerous tenden- cies in American life, etc. pp. 51-76. Nationals, their origin and their aims. 4733-3 National peace jubilee and musical festival, Boston, 1869. Gilmore, P. S 7714-4 National religions and universal religions. Kuenen, A 290-53 National sermons. Haven, Rev. Gilbert. 9S0S-4 National system of political economy. List - F 330-55 Nations around. Keary, A 910-54 Nation's birth and other national poem-. Calvert, G. H 202C5 Native Georgian, (pseud.) See Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin. Native races of the Pacific states of North America. Bancroft, H. H. 5V.... 9708-2 Native religions of Mexico and Peru. Reville, A 2908-7 Natural and politic law. Burlamaqui, J. J. 3402-3 Natural causes anil supernatural seemings. Maudsley, Henry 174-6 Natural conditions of existence as thev affect animal life. Semper, K 591-7 Natural cure of consumption, constipation, Bright's disease, neuralgia, rheumatism, "colds," (fevers,) etc. Page, C. E. . . 6164-7 Natural history. Abbott, C. C. Upland and meadow 5904-125 — Adams, \V. H. I). Every day objects. . 5S9-11 — Allen, G. Evolutionist at large. . . . 589-14 — Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the river Amazons 481-17 — Biart, L. Adventures of a young natural- ist [in Mexico] 150A2 Bowden, J. Naturalist in Norway. . . 59194-2 Brothel Bei tie and his friends in the fields and flower beds 186A8 1 hadbourne, P. A. Lecture; on natural history ; ils relation to intellect, taste, wealth and religion 5901-3 Chambers, k. Vestiges of the natural history of creation 21 3 1 s ' lundall, J. Every day 1 1 ol natural 'V 5904-26 — Cunningham, K. O. Natural historj of the Strait of Magellan and 1 Pal igonia 59198 ; Natural history, continued. — Darwin, C. Journal of researches. 2 v. 589-27 What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship " Beagle." 5909-3 — Dyer, S. Ocean gardens and palaces; or, the tent on the beach 5895-33 — Forbes, H. O. Naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago 490-4 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial natural history. 504-45 — Gosse, P. H. Romance of natural history. 5904-35 — Hartwig, G. Harmonies of nature. . . 501-44 — Houghton, W. Country walks of a nat- uralist with his children 589-48 — Humboldt, A. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America 4S0-45 — Jeffries, R. Amateur poacher 589-52 Gamekeeper at home 589-53 Wild life in a Southern country. . . . 589-54 — Jesse, E. Gleanings in natural history. 5904-5 — Johohnot, J., ed. Natural history reader. 589-56 — Karr, A. Tour round my garden. . . . 589-58 — Kirby, M.andTL. World at home. . . . 4204-54 — Philp, R. K. Reason why: natural his- tory 5902-7 — Pliny. Natural history. 6 v 500-6 — Proctor, R. A., ed. Nature studies. . . 502-7 — Reeve, Mrs. L. M. March winds and April showers 589-2 — Robinson, P. Under the sun. [Humor- ous sketches] 589-8 — Saintine, X. B. Dame Nature and her three daughters 5905-8 — Scripture natural history 22159-7 — Smellie, W. Philosophy of natural his- tory 5901-7 — Smith, Airs. C. Conversations introduc- ing poetry, chiefly on subjects of natural history 5905-S4 — Taylor, J. E., ed. Notes on collecting ami preserving natural history objects. 579— S — Treat, M. Home studies in nature. . . 5S9-9 — Wallace, A. R. Island life; or, the phe- nomena and causes of insular faunas and floras 5909-9 — Ware. |. Philosophy of natural history. 5901-9 — Waterton, C. Essays on natural history. 5904-9 — White, G. Natural history of Selborne. 5904-92 -- Wood, |. G. C01 n objects of the country 5904-94 — World of wonders 507-95 — Kingsley, C. Health and education, pp. 150-171. Study of natural history. . . 535El New miscellanies. pp. 277-296. On the study of natural history 535'"'.> also Botany. Chemistry. Country life. Geology. Nature. Zoology. — Also Names of various countries. Natural history of atheism, Blackie, J. S. 21 10 1 V\ I I KAI N VI I !■ M I NATI l; 11 In torj -I Natural histoi 'I aylor, I \ -. i i i m law in i In- I Henry Natural law in the >pii itual « orld, I H ,11 '■> Natural law ol hu bandi * . I iebi | von 631 5 \ \ 11 rai philo ophj . S Ph Nati raj religion. Seeley, I. R 21" s ' Natural n 1 1 1 he 1 Inited Hooker, f. D. . m -, . N atur Al c ien ci Naturai e and religion. Gray, Vsa, 21 5 (6 Naturai society. Burke, E. Works, v. I. 82 \ \ 1 1 rai peakei . Uden, [a 801-12 Naturai theology. See 1 heoli ■ S ' 1 1 s m « i'. 1I1 h ol I lalifoi in. 1. Ci :, Til us Fay 91 Naturai wondei ol New Zealand; [Won- derland nf the Pacific] ; its boiling lakes, inn. I voli anoes, sulphur baths, medii inal pi ings and bui ning mountains. I.., 1 ssi . 12° p. ;i 6 Nati ralisi in Norway. Bowden, I. . . . 59194 2 \ in mi. in \ ancouver island and British ( Columbia. I ,ord, J. K 471 1 i> Natui in. on llie rive 1 Amazons. I II. W |M 1; Naturalists. See Lives ofAgassiz, Audu- bon, Buckland, Cuviei , I lai w in, I idmon- ston, Edward, Watei ton and ol Naturalist's guide. Maynard, C. J. . . . Naturalist's library. Gould, \. \../. 590 1; Nati ralist' library: ed. by W. Jardine. 40 v. Edinburgh. 16° 59°-5 Ornitholo^ v. 1 |. Birds Gn Bi itain ami Ireland. Jardine, W . n. d. v. 5. Nectai 1 in 1.1 ' ;or, sunbirds. Jar- dine, W. 184.3. v. 11 7. II iimming birds, fai dine, W. n. d. v. S. ( 1: Jardine, W. a. d. v. 9. 1 'ig< . Si Iby, P. J. n. il. v. in. Parrol Selby, P. J. 1855. v. 11-12. Birds of Western Africa. Swainson, \\ . 1854-53. v. 13. Fly-catchers. Swainson, W. 1853. v. 14. Gallinaceous birds. fardine, W. [853. Mammalia. v. 15. Introduction to mammalia. Smith, C. II. 1858. \ . n>. Lions, 1 igers, etc. fardine, W. 1858. v. 17. British quadrupeds. Macgilli- vray, W. 1S54. v. 18-19 I ' 'gs- Smith, G. II. 1 s 5 1 . v. 20. 1 [01 ies. Smith, C. 11. 1 S54.. v. 21. Deer, antelopes, camels, etc. Jardine, W. 1855. \.jj. Goats, slurp, oxen. fardine, W. 1854. v. 2 dine, V\ I in. 1 , ' . It. i^55- v. 25. Amphibiou I lamil- 1 v. 26. Whale Hamilton, v. 27. Monki Enl V. js. 1 1 1 1, J 1 v. -• i h butterflies. I an, J. , . .. v. 30. Briti l) moths, sphii I hi , I. 1 \ . ;i . F01 eign butterflii . D an, J. 1858. v. ;2. I Miin in. .1I1 . I ' [858. \ . ; ;. Beetles. Duncan, J. 1 v. 34. Bei Ichthyology. v. J5. Fishes, particularly llieir struct- ure and economical uses. Bushman, 5. 1853- v. 36-37. British fishes. Hamilton, R. 1852 54. v. 38. Fishes of the perch family. Jar- dine, W. 1S52. v. 39-40. Fishes of liriti^li Guiana. Schomburgk, R. II. 1852. Tin contains the following memoirs : Aldrovandi, Ulysses, v. 17. Al istotle. v. 14. \ i.\. Felix d\ v. 19 Banks, Joseph, v. 38. Barclay, John. v. 2 \. Be» ick, Thos. v. 10. 13rucc fas. \ . 1 1 . le C. v. 27. Burckhardt, John I., v. 40. ( amper, Peter, v. 21. Cuvier, Geo. 1 . C. 1 . I >. v. 1 Daubento . I.J. M.. bj Baron Cuvier. v. 10. I l| 111 v. I li u. v. 15. 1 leer, Chas. de. v. 28. 1 lesner, < loni ad. v. 20. Haller, Alberl i on. v. 13. llulier, Francis. \. 34. Humboldt, Alex. von. v. 37. Hunter, John. V. 22. Lacepede, Comte de. v. 26. Lamarck. 1. 31. Latreille, Pierre-Andre. I. inn. 1 us, Carl. v. 6. Merian. Maria Sibilla. Pallas, P. S. v. 18. Pennant, Thos. v. 7. n, Francois, v. 25. ri'mv. v. 9. Rallies. Sir Tims. v. Ray, John. v. 33. Rondelet, Wm. v. Salviani, Hippolito. v. 35. Schomburgk, Robert II. v. 39. Sibbald, Robert, v. 1. me. Hans. V. 23. Smellie. Wm. v. 2. 32. v. 30. NATURALIST'S. 914 N \vk;ation. Naturalist's library, continued. Swammerdam, John. v. 28. Vaillant, Francis le. v. 12. Walker, John. v. 3. Werner, Abraham-Gottlob. v. 29. Willughby, F. v. 5. Wilson, Alex. v. 4. Naturalist's rambles about home. Ab- bott, (has. ( ; . . . . 5004-12 NATURAI IST'S wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. Forbes, II. 49°-4 Nature. Alger, W. R. Solitudes of nature and of man 1978-4 — Armstrong, G. D. Two books of nature and revelation 215-103 — Bucke, C. Beauties, harmonies and sub- limities of nature 507-2 — Bushnell, II. Nature and the supernatu- ral, as together constituting the one sys- tem of God 2\2 26 — Davis, A. J. Principles of nature, her divine revelations and a voice to man- kind 176-27 — Dawson, J. W. Nature and the Bible. 2398-3 — Flagg, W. Halcyon days. . .... 589-41 G odale, E. Journal of a farmer's daughter. . 432E1 — King, Mrs. M. M. Principles of nature. 176-55 — Lanoye, F. de. Sublime in nature. . . 55 1—55 — Leifchihl, J. R. Higher ministry of nature 2398-64 — Macmillan, II. Bible teachings in nature. 210-57 Ministry of nature 210-58 — Thomas, E. M. Round year 883E3 — Tuttle, II. Arcana of nature ; or, history and laws of creation 176-9 -Whiting. C. (i. Saunterer 947^3 — Winslow, C. F. Force and nature. . . 501-95 — I'.eecher, II. W. Star papers, pp. 93- 359 143E3 — Emerson, R. W. Essays, ser. 2. pp. [61-188 318E4 Nature, addresses and lectures. pp. 1; 80 and 181-213 318E91 lie, J. W. Wisdom of Goethe, pp. I s ' 198 83539-2 — Mill, J. S. Three essays on religion. pp. 3 68 204-62 I ce, II. Nature and culture, pp. 5- 44. Nature and hei lessons 787E5 See ati • Natural history and the references under thai subject. Nature. Little 1 lassies, v. 1 ;. \ \ 1 1 1 1 and aim ol theo oph) - Bui k, J. D. 212-12 N \ 1 1 RE and funi mm ol art, 11, pei tally ■ ■I an hitei 1 ure. Eidlitz, I.. . 720-35 \ \ 1 1 re and life. Papillon, E. . 577 7 \.\ n R 1 and reality ol reli] control ersy bet'.', een Frederi llarri Hei berl . 204-38 N \ 1 URE and thought. Mivart, St. Geo. . . 142-63 \ \ 1 ike in Scripture. Cummings, E. C. . 210-22 Nature of light. Lommel, E 535-57 NATURE of spirit and of man as a spiritual being. Giles, C 2894-33 Nature of the gods. Cicero, M. T. ... 8754-6 — Same. In Tusculan disputations. . . . S754-7 Nature of the scholar. Fichte, J. G. . . 163-34 Nature of things. Lucretius Cants, T. . . 8711-5 Nature series. Clifford, W. K. Seeing and thinking 1S1— 3 — Darwin, Chas. Memorial notices. . . . 276B4 — Gladstone, J. II. and Tribe, A. Chemis- try of secondary batteries 5385-4 — Lockyer, J. N. Spectroscope 5446-51 — Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits and leaves. 582-5 — Mayer, A. M. Sound 534—5 and Barnard, C. Light 535-65 — Kodwell, G. E. "Birth of chemistry. . . 5409-8 — Romanes, G. J. Scientific evidences of organic evolution 575~78 Nature studies. Allen, G. and others. . . 502-7 Nature's aristocracy. Collins, Miss }. . . 3368-3 Nam re's serial story. Roe, A'iV. E. P. Nati RE'S teachings. Wood, A',--. J. G. . . 609-9 Nature's wonders. Newton, Rev. Rich- ard 248-53 Nature's wonders : pictures of remarkable scenes in foreign lands. L., 1867. 16 . 55 1—7 Nau, Claude. History of Mary Stewart from the murder of Riccio until her flight into England : ed. by Rev. Jos. Steven- son. Edinburgh, 1883. 8° 616B83 \.\i riCA) surveying. Jeffers, Wm. N. . . 52699-5 Naval anecdotes, humorous, sad, romantic. I.., n. .1. 16 3594-63 \ w \u architecture. See Ship-building. Naval battles of America, n. t. p. 12°.. 9732-7 Naval history of Great Britain. James, Wm. 6 v 35942 s Naval war of 1812. Roosevelt, T 070, - Naval warfare. McDougall, M. Relative merits of simple and compound engines ,1 applied to ships of war 62112-5 I arrai, I as. A. Military manners and customs, pp. 66-92 355-4 — Hale, E. I'. Stories of the sea. pp. 236-273 437-45 Navarino, Battle of, 1827. Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 29-46 9°3-53 NAVARRETE, Battle of, 1367. Adams. W. II. 11. Battle stories pp. 77-92.. . 920s 13 Navigation. Brady, W. N. Kedge-anchor; or, young sailor's assistant 651 2 Clark, L. Theoretical navigation and nautical astronomy 527-3 1 geshall, G. Historical sketch of com merci and navigation to i860 437-24 NAVIG \TI< »N. -9'S — Navigai ion, ■ titin Preble, i i. 1 1 . ry of 2 Qualtrough, I I ndy 1 1. and j ichl man' m inual 794 7 Rogei .1.1' [395—7 Schuyler, \. Surveying and navigation. 521 Scott, < 1. New coasl pilol 4277 8 I >i\, J. A. Spi echi ind I ad- dn 1 v. 2. pp. 1 ; |. Pilol laws. 815 | 1 . 1 1 1 les, H. J. < 'oloi -blindne gi 1 and 11 detei tion. pp. 161 175. 611 Loomis, E. Eli 1 plane and phei in igonometi 1 . pp. 1 ; r , 1 vt- • • • Proi tor, R. \. Scieni e by « ay . pp. ii, 223 502-72 Root, O., ed. New tn 1 ui intl navigation, pp. .525 398 - - Schuyler, I'.. mai y. pp. 265-2S1. Free navigation 5 islands. S • Samoan islands. X.w 111 e, Ernest. Problem of evil 1 1 the French, bj John P. I 1 ix. V \ ., 187I. 12° 216 7 Adams, \\ . II. D, Famous ships of the British navy 93081-1 Navy, \,i.hu .. W. II. D. Fa u -hips of the British navy 93081 1 Frost, J., Univei il naval lii I n [-3 Kelly, J. I» J. Question of ships. . . . 651 5 Reed, E. J. and Simpson, E. M ships of war \ onge,C, I >. History ol the Bi itish nai 1 Greal Britain, navy. I Inited States, ;,'.; i . 'ships. \ \\\ in the civil war [series]. 3V. N. V., 1883. 1. Soley, J. R. The blockade and cruisers. 9782 6 2. Amnion. D. The Atlantic coast. ■ . 9; ;. Malian, A. T. The gulf and inland waters 97*2 62 .V.', In. inflection with * Campaigns of the civil war,' (see p 1x0,) I 1 i [lie war [18(1 ' \ \\ 1 i 11, U. S. Common sense observations OH rules in the English language, fol- lowed by a treatise, entitled Pronuncia- I 1,111 in. nle easy ; H illl ! i -Is of Words, .il-, 1 an essaj on the pronuni iation of proper names. Melbourne, 1869. 8°. 110-6S Nayler, Jos. Whittier, J. G. Prose works. pp. 26S 2S0 947E6 \i era: a tale of ancient Rome. Graham, J. W. Neal, \1i- e B., 1 Uii e Haven). Go ips of Rivertown ; with sketches in prose ami verse. Phila., 1859. 12 . Neal, Daniel, Eng. dissenter, i. 1678 1743. History of the Puritans; or, Prot- estant nonconformists from 1517 to ion, u nli 1 2 v. \. Y., 1855. Whipple, l.l' 1 1 . 1 N 1 vi, John, - and little plague . B., 1 10 Con.' • t. — ndering rei ivhal busy life: an autobiography. B., 1 .' loseph 1 '.. .////. jourtt '17-r/. Charcoal sketches ; [with] Pi Faber's misfortunes, Peter Plodd dream, [ami] forty-one other Phila., 1865. 16 Neale, Rev. Erskine. Closing Christianity ami infidelity contrasted in the last hours of remarkable persons. 2 v. Phila., 1868. 12 Neale, Rev.]. M. Duchenier; i ' Vendee. L., 1885. 12 . — Tales for young men and women. ' Contents. — Railway accident —Recruit. — Su- san. — Servant's influence — Mary 1 dissent at Evenly. — Caroline I . n i ( y ami jealousy. NEALE, W. Johnson. Cavendish ; or, the patrician at sea. L., 1854. II NEANDER, Johann August Wilhelm, Ger- man theologian, t. 1 ,o. His. tory of the planting and training of the Christian church by the also his Antignostikus ; or, spirit of Tertul- lian : tr. by T. E. Ryland. 2 v. I . 1S64. 12° 270I-55 — Lectures on the history of Christian mas: ed, by J. L. Jacobi : tr. from the German, by J. E. Ryland. 2 v. I . 1866. 12° 23O-5 — Memorials of Christian life in the early and middle ages ; including his Eight in dark places: tr. from the German, I. E. Ryland. 1 . 1872. 12 270-6 — Hurst, I. F. Hi- lism. pp. 240-254 21 — Schaff, P. Germany, pp.21 gue, W. P. European celeb pp. 130-136 4104-85 to nature's heart, Rue. Rev. E. P. NEARER my God to thee. Adams. S. E. . . 1 N EAVES, Chas., lord. Creek anthi Phila., 1S74. l6°. [Ancient class for English readers.] S849-6 NEBRASKA. 916 — NEIL Nebraska. Brockett, L. P. Our western empire, pp. 1004-1032 478-19 — Taylor, B. Colorado : summer trip. pp. 17&-185 478S-9 Nebula. Nebula- and comets. L., n. d. 16 523-6 — Spencer, II. Illustrations of universal progress, pp. 239-299. Nebular hypo- thesis 142-38 — See also Astronomy. Nei KER, Jacques, Swiss financier, prime minister of France, b. \"]^2-d. 1S04. On peace ; or, the calamities of war, and the blessings of peace. Bound with Sumner, C. True grandeur of nations. 1924-8 — Beesley, E. S. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius, pp. 149-169. Necker and Calonne : an old story 4103-2 — Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. 2. pp. 29-40 410-17 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 68-81 410-45 Necker, Susanne (Curchod),^. 1739-./. 1794. Brightwell, C, L. Above rubies, pp. iis-Jjs 413-22 Ned in the block-house. Ellis, E. S. . . . 314A38 Ned in the woods. Ellis, E. S 314A39 Ned Melbourne's mission. Hillock, A. E. 473A2 NED on the river. Ellis, E. S 314A4 NEEDHAM, Geo. ('., cd. Life and labors of Chas. H. Spurgeon. B., 1SS1. 8°. . . 848LS Needles. Aitken, \V. C. Guns, nails, etc. . /// British manufacturing industries, v. 3. pp. 101-126 670-2 — Dickens, C, ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 119-127 604-3 — Landrin, M. H. C. Treatise on steel. pp. 479-499 6691-6 Needlework. Church,E.R. Home needle. 646-3 — Glaister, E. Needlework 7461-4 — Hartley, Miss ¥., ed. Ladies' handbook of fancy and ornamental work 7461-5 — Lambert, Miss — . Ladies' complete guide to needlework and embroidery. . 7461-6 Bolton, S. K. Social studies in England. PP- 'G-73 304-21 — Campbell, II. American girl's home book. pp. 234-247 786-24 Clarke, Mrs. B. Plain needlework. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. 153- 181. 607-5 NEELE, Henry, Eng. -.oriter, b. 1708 ,/. 1828. Romance oi In tory: England. L. 16 . 9308-6 NeELY, Kate J. Line feathers do not make rds. I;., 1872. 16 677A2 < 'iir g I turn deserves another. B., 16 677 \ ; \i 1 in, 1; . I'. Les tn ii ' 185 98289-6 myths from the ' leorgia - oast, bines, Chas. 1 387 53 i servant. Richmond,!.. In Annals of the poor 242-7 Negroes in America. Cable, G.W. Silent South : together with the freedman's case in equity, and the convict lease system . 984-3 — Child, Lydia M. Freedman's book. . . 3268-2 — Haygood, A. (',. Our brother in black, his freedom and. his future 3268 4 — Helper, II. R. Nojoque : question for a continent 3267-41 — Light ami dark of the rebellion 980-53 — McClure, A. R. The south: its indus- trial, financial and political condition. 9S4-6 — Like, J. S. Prostrate state: South Caro- lina under negro government 9847-7 — Tourgee, A. W. Appeal to Caesar. . . . 9S4-9 — Williams, G. W. History of the negro troops in the war of the rebellion. . . . 9806-9 History of the negro race in America from 1619 to 1880. 2 v 3269-8 — Campbell, G. White and black: a visit to the United States, pp. 111-194. ■ • 473~ 2 — Coffin, L. Reminiscences, pp. 619-650. Working for the freedman 3265-3 — Deming, C. Byways of nature and life. PP- 343-383 283E2 — Giddings, J. R. Speeches in Congress. 815-4 — Japp, A. H. Mastet -missionaries. pp. 363-374. John (1. Lee, and the freed- men of America 4149-5 — Latham, II. Black and white, pp. 263— 279 • 473-55 See also Slavery. South. For the folk-lore of the negroes in the south, see Harris, J. C, (387-48 and 387-49); Jones, C. C, (387 53) I Macon, J. A., (817-61). NEHEMIAH, Hebrew governor of Judca, about 445 B. C. Hills, (i. A. Companion characters. pp. 226-246. Ezra and Nehemiah 2217-47 — Vonge, C. M. Book of worthies. pp. 92-107 4101-96 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge, J. T. . 857A18 Neighbors. Bremer, Frederika. Neil, Jas. Palestine re-peopled; or, scat- tered Israel's gathering, a sign of the 1 urn ;, I... 1877. 12° 296-6 NEIL, Samuel. Epoch men, and the results - 1 ili.n lives, Edinburgh, n. d, 12 . 4104-67 Contents . — Charlemagne ; modern Europe. — !.i>^i>i\ Nil. 1 11 1 i.i' v Kii^'ir Macon ; experi- mental science. — Dante; nationality. — Chau- cer; English literature. — Copernicus; modern astronomy. — Lord Clive ; [uesl of India. — fas. Waits; utilisation of steam. — ed. t .I r.it 1866; with introduc- tory sketch, by E.S.I reasy. I.., 1866. 12 9302-7 NEIL! — <>' , 01 - \ i n i , ,v, Edward I 'uffield, tm. author, />. 182 Fi 1 1 1 1 ol VI - land , - manu cripl . "i 'I ■. ni'l earl 1 n Albany, 6. 8° 1 '■ 11 il ter IV ihe histoi y ol 1 he \ irgiri m pan) -I I Ion. Vlbany, 1869. 8°. . : : 1 Maria . or, tli re ad 1 VI a ry Ian d 1 ol al hi tory. Phila., [867, 12°. . 9 Nb hi. |. . Geo., is nl, /■. 1S10 ,/. 1857. Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian i n> 1 1 1 vis I aui ie, \\ . F. B. Sketch* ol m tinguished Anglo-Indians, pp. 75 92. 111 61 Neilson, I 1 Bei nt. Smiles, S. tn- 'I hi 1 1.1I biogi aphy. pp. [89 203. . . 1 Neilson, I .Hi. in Adelaide, /.'■,., . ■ ■■ t> r, />. 1S50-,/. 1880. Matthews, I. B. and Hutton, I ., eds. A'i irs and actre 1 v. |. pp. 289-304 1179-6 Neison, Adrian, Kemp, Dixon and Davies, . j~-d. 6S. Abbott, - to - Bruce, I . ' lassie and hisl raits. pp. 127 131 410-19 — Williams. \V. R. Eras and characters of history, pp. 1-20 902-9 Ner\ ai.. Gerard de, / 1 e Liefde, The beggars; Kingston, Golden grass- hopper ; Wallis, A. S. C, In troubled times; Walshe, E. H. and Sargent, G. E-, Within sea walls. 2. Travel. — Abbott, J. Rollo in Holland 4492-11 Amicis, E. de. Holland and its people. 4492-13 Bird, I'. S. Land of dykes and wind- mills 4492-16 — Butterworth, II. Zigzag journeys in northern lands, Rhine to the Arctic. . 440-197 — Collier, G. France, Holland and the Netherlands a century ago 444-22 Esquiros, A. Dutch at home 4492 36 — Reynolds, J. Literary works. v. 2. Journey to Flanders and I [olland in 1781. 704-75 — Scudder, II. E. Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Holland 4492-8 Waring, G. E , jr. Farmer's vacation. . 4492-9 — Cox, S. S. Arctic sunbeams, pp. 1-48. 440-243 — Durbin,J. P. Observations in Europe, v. I. 440-29 Tappan, H. P. Step from the new world 0. the old. v. 1 440-87 See also Europe, travel. 3- Art. Conway, W. M. Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century. . . . 761-3 Gower, R. Figure painters of Holland. 41747-4 - Taine, IL A. Art in the Netherlands. . 7507 7 - Same. In Lectures on art. v. 2. . . 701-S5 ./. Miscellaneous. Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Eu- rope, pp. 161-174 396-85 Flint, C, I . Mil' li ( ow s and daii j farm- ing 637-4 Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club essays, ■875- PP- 245-2S2 35 2 '-7 \i 1 Vsahel, /'. />., Am. divine. />. [783 ,/. 1844. Noble, W. F. P. Cen- tury of gospel work, 1776-1N70. pp. 286-307 277-7 NE1 l l' \l \ i French \\ illiam . \fi \ i ■ 1 1 1 i I | I the Ipachi i luntrj Bro I'll. L. P. . e lei n empiri . pp. 1033-1055 1,|' VI Nevad/i or, tin losl 11 i. Bakci , < •• M. Globi tli una 7 s s -'S \ 1 \ 1 . , \\ 111. I [owe, II. I ife and di th mi the ocean pp >■ ■ , [20. [ncidi nl in Ihe lifeof a Yankei iloi Never igain. Maj 0, W . S. Never, nevei land. Stirling, A. \\ i'u ; 8 Never too lati Burdetle, Chas [95A22 Neville, < leo. < ampbell, [.Lord cellors. v. 1 . pp. 309 ;i 1 1 1 1 \s Ni \ in, John \\ . Summai j ol Biblii ;il an- 1 1. 1 e . rini.i., 1849. 1.2 Nevin, Roberl J., D. />.. tm. clergyman, b. 1839. St. Paul's within the walls; ac- counl "i the Vmei Ii an 1 hapel .11 R ome, Italy. N. Y.. [878. 12 2645 5 Nevin, Robei 1 P. Blai k-rol ie - .1 mi io '■ mini tei in the h ilder- ii< , and "ii the bordei . Phila., 1872. 12 267-6 Contenti fi ;uil Moravian Methodist.— Pi esbyterian Les Prois Rois. Pittsburg, [888. 12°. 98289 6 Coat . Li rrois Rois, I ■ in the tinker — Stephen C Foster and negro min ti Nevins, Sarah Birkbeck. Charming money. 3 V. I.. 12°. Nevii ;, Helen S. Coan. Our life in China. N. Y.. 1876. 16 2651 6 Nevii 5, John L. 1 Ihina and thi i N. i .. [868. 12 451 i.s \ 1 v\ Vbelard. Buchanan, K. New America. Dixon, W. II 47.; .; New Antigone. 2 v. in 1. I... 1887. 12 . New Arabian nights. Stevenson, R. 1.. New Arcadia and ■ pi >ems. Robinson, A. M. F 790! 5 \ 1 w Ulantis. See Bai on, Fram New al mo iphei e. Dodge, M. \.. (I rail 1 1 am i I ton, pseud.) New book of kings. Davidson, J. \1. . . 9303-3 New Britain. Powell, VV. Wanderings in a \x ild country New l mi sweep 'loan. Baker, G. M. Social stage, pp. 263 2S1 8015 21 New Brunswick. Dawson, J. \\ . Acadian geology 55/1-4 Springer, I. >. Forest life and forest trees; with descriptions ol lumbering ns "ii \ arious rivers ol Maine Mew Brunswick. Murray, II. II ind desi ri| account of British America, pp. So 98. 071 55 — See also Canada. Maritime provim . J. W. of t ravel i n Fij bun Ii. Bi . . Di C ■ . . I. 1 . 1 . 1 ■ : 1 M ■ pi .I being. . I [oh ombe, W. II. I lui 1 hildren in heaven . . . r. Deus 1 n. . . Mj iiiy of life ■..ill, I-. Pillov \\ ilkinson, J. 1 . 1 ■. II ttman divine revelation Where is the city. pp. 195 226 .... Swedenborg lerk. Talmon, Thrace ommandment : or, Ella's min Shaw , A. R ecticut : an poem. AK ou. A.I! New day : poerj .Gil- der, R. W Lothrop, Harriet M. (Stone), (M. Sii 11 ol the I 1 " .liniiiy I 1 ll.':. ■ ecent defence of that doctrine, and sermons by I Starr King and Dl ville Dewey. B., i860. 12 Nev 1 1 luixote. I laudi England. I : j. Miscellany. /. — Abbott, I. Northern colonies — Adams, II., ./'. Documents relating to New England federalism Mien, R. II. New England tragediesin prose Carver, J. Sketches of New England; or, memories of the country Drake, S. A. Mai ing of New England. Mather, ( '.. Magnalia < Ihristi Americana : or, ecclesiastical history of New land, 1620-98. Mather, I. Remarkable Providences illus- trative of the early days of American colonization I. i ,. Historj of New England. Same, [abd.] 2 \. . . satisfactory land."— C A" Aa — Smith, 1. T. Northmen in land: or, America in the loth century. White, II. Early hi gland. Wilson, D. Pilgrim fathers. . 875A3 42-" '5 1 ;n 1 9824 13 982-3 NEW. 920 — NEW. New England, continued. — Bushnell, H. Work and play, pp. 124- 166. Founders great in their uncon- sciousness '97E4 — Fyfe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas. pp. 69-96 437-4 — Lowell, J. R. Among ray books, pp. 22S 290 58SE1 — Stebbing, \\ . Some verdicts of history reviewed, pp. 351-379 4"-95 Webster, D. Speeches, pp. 59-114. . 815-9 — Seealso Pilgrim fathers. Plymouth. Pur- itans. Witchcraft. 2. Miscellany. — Baldwin, II. Orchids of New England. 7156-2 — Carter, R. Summer cruise in New Eng- land 474-24 — Choate, R. Addresses and orations. . . 815—23 — Crowninshield, M. B. All among the lighthouses 6279-35 — Del osta, B. F. Rambles in Mount Desert 474H-3 — Drake, S. A. .Hook of New England legends and folklore in prose and p° etr y 3874-3 - Nooks and comers of the New England coasl 474-3 — Fellows, II. P. Boating trips on New England rivers 4744-; — '' a y»> W. Birds and seasons of New England 5S9-39 - Woods and by-waysof New England. . 589 | — Hand-book for travellers 474-7 Harris, T. W. Insects of New England which are injurious to vegetation. . . . 632-4 — Leland, C. G. Algonquin legends of New England 3S7-56 — Luiu. G., ed. Old New England-traits. 982-5 — Ulyat, W. C. Life at the seashore. . . 4337-9 Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Gala days. pp. 3-248 455E-2 Jackson, II. M.. ill. H.) Bits of travel at home. pp. 175-210 473-5 — Seealso Maine. New Hampshire. Vet mont. Massachusetts. Rhode Island. < '< iiinei ncut. New England conscience. Greene, B. < . 1 I ng ind farm house, Autobiography of a. Chamberlain, N. II. England idyl. Gn 1 m Bi lie C. I ngland tragedies. ' Longfellow, II. w. 1 In-' land tragedie in pro ie. Allen, R. 11 9824 '3 New English. 1 lliph mt, T. L. K 11.. 74 dry tales fi Bn ntano, Kroeker, K. Freiligrath-, tr $81-23 New Hi ■ en. Child, w> , Lydia Maria ■ Newfoi mh \\i'. Hatton. J. and Harvey, M. Newfoundland; history, present condition, prospects in the future. . . . — Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. pp. 146-160 Cruise of the " Alice May." pp. 72-90. — Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. pp. 75-92 — Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 227-241 — Hartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 376-381. — Murray. II. British America, pp. 99- ■38.' — Kae, \V. F. Newfoundland to Manitoba. PP- 3-6o — Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 238-303 — Tucker, II. W. Memoir of the life and episcopate, of Edward Feild, bishop of Newfoundland New Godiva. Hope, S. New Godiva, and other studies in social questions. L., 1885. 16° Contents. — Introduction. — Sanction of pure- ness. — " Puissance oblige.'' — New Godiva. — Western harem. — Zola in England. \i w graft on the family tree. Alden, Mrs. I. M., (Pansy, pseud.) New Grenada, ice Columbia, Republic of. New ground. Yonge, Charlotte M. . . . New Guinea. Albertis, L. M. D'. New Guinea, what 1 did and what I saw. 2 v. 1SS0 — Chalmers, J. ,i//,/Gill, W. W. Work and adventure in New Guinea. 18S5. . . . 1 rocker, II. Adventures in New Guinea. 1S76 — Gill, W. W. Life in the southern isles. [1876.3 ' . . . — Lawson, J. A. Wanderings in [he inte- rior of New Guinea. 1S75 — Moresby, J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea. 1876 - Murray, A. W. Forty year-' mission work in Polynesia .no! New Guinea, 1S35-75. Romilly, II. 11. Western Pacific ami New < ruinea. 1SS6 — Gillemard, E. II. II. Cruise of the " Mar- chesa." v. 2. pp. 2 )S $25 New Hampshire. Hawk-, E. L. History "I 1 In- I niird States. New I [ampshire. 2 V Constitutions of the several States, pp. ■17 68 Lodge, H. C. Short history of the English colonies in America, pp. 397-405. . . N ew I laven, ( 'onn. Lei 1 , 1 !has. 1 1. Republic of New Ha\ en 9718 4 497-2 4711 -' 283 F.2 263-35 498-46 971-55 471-7 439-87 340L45 loo 1. 7'4-\77 990A7 495-2 495-27 495-3 496-41 495-5 495-6 2695-5 493-8 1376 I 9822-6 3463 3 974-5 98261 5 NEW. '/-• ' NEW. New head | or, little Speed * ■ n toi y. Haycroft, Mai ;arel New I lebrides. Markham, \. 1 1. ( ruise of the "Rosario." | | \ i w iii ol tndford and Merton, Bui ....I, . I. l.i- 827-28 \i. u hop< 1 or, the re 1 Lie : tale 1 il the greal Kanawha. N. \ '., 1855. 12°. New Hyperion. Shinn, 1 irl, (Edward Stra- han, pseud.) 443-9 \ i'u India ; or, India in ti ansition. < lotton, ILLS . . . 9545-3 New Iimi ; or, the lit;''' heart. Jonson, B, Works, pp. 516-547 5 ' S( : 3 New fersey. Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S., ids. History ol New Jersey. . . 9829-3 Garrettson, J. I".. Brushland 420E1 — Ulyat, W. C. Life at the ieasl :. . . 4337-9 — Constitution of the several states, pp. 167 183 3403-3 I odge, II. C. English coloniesin Amer- ica, pp. 263-284 974-5 New [erusalem, Church of the. SiwSweden- borgianism. New lands within the Arctic circle. Payer, Julius 498-73 New life. Dante Alighieri 851-9 \i u life, Sermons for the. Bushnell, II. . 252-29 New life in new lands. Lippincott, Mrs. S. |., [Grace Greenwood, pseud.) .... 478-4 New London jest book. Hazlitt, Wm. ( ...,/. 827-6 \ 1 u Magdalen. Collins, W. W. New method foi the study of English liter- ature. Maertz, Louise 8205-6 New Mexico. Cooke, P. St. Geo. Conquest of New Mexico an, I California. 1S7S. 9889-3 , o zens, C. S. Marvellous country; or, three years in Arizona and New Mexico. 1876 479t-3 Davis, W. W. II. El Gringo; or, New Mexico ami her people. 1S57 47S0 ; — Hayes, A. A. New Colorado and Santa I , trail. 1SS0 4788 5 — Kendall, (i. W. Narrative of Texan San- ta 1,' expedition. 2 v. 1855 47S9-6 — Kilch. Wm. ('.. Illustrated New Mexi- co, historical and industrial. 1SS5. . . 47S9 72 lo, licit, J. R. Personal narrative of explo nil incidents in Texas, New Mexico, etc. 2 v. 1S54. . . . 47S9-2 Brockett, L. P. Our western empire, pp. 1056-1091 47S 1 , — Giddings, J. R. speeches in Congress. PP-4°3 409 ; ■ • Si 5-4 Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies. 1 '-• '77 47 s 42 Meline, I. I . Two thousand miles on horseback: Santa Ie ami hack. pp. 93-282. 1866 nlinued. 1 walk ■ • • 473-76 Rideing, W. II A addle in the wild west. pp. 1 )9 146 ; Stephens, < . A. K n n the 71 I! Kingsley, H ' I New Nethei lands ; or, Inn, h. ' I'Callaghan, I.. B. 2 v. . . 983-6 1 nobilitj Forn I W. \i • Orb an . Pedrh k, W. I , New Oi- lcans as it is. 1885 »; 1 ibinson, W. L. The diary of s Samar- itan, liy .1 membei of the 1 1 ciation of New Orleans 6l 1. ; 11, <;. II. Poems of the war. pp. 66-79 1 7 i' 5 — Jefferson, T. Writings, v. 8. pp. 507- 604. Batture at New Orleans 818-5 — See also Louisiana. NEW Paul and Virginia. Mallock, W. II. \i . playground; or, wanderings in Alge- ria. Knox, A. A 465-5 New poems. Gould, Hannah F 4 New practical window gardener. Mol J. K 7IS-5 New priest in Conception bay. Lowell. R. S. I. New purchase. Carlton, K. New race. Friedrich, Mine. B. IL, (G. Kai- mund, pseud.) New reformation : a narrative of the old Catholic movement from 1870 to the present time. Theodorus New republic. Mallock. W. II. New scholars. Mathews, Joanna II. . . . 619A1 New songs and ballads. Perry, Nora. . . . 723C5 NEW South Wales. Cane, D. M. New- South Wales and Victoria — Johnson, F. E. New South Wales and how- to get there 4944-5 — See n/si> Australia. New story book. Howitt, Mary 492A26 NEW story book for children. Parton, S. (P.), Fannj Fern,pseud.) 345 Aa New Sweden. Two hundred years ago ; or, life in New Sweden S60A22 iheology. Browning, Henry B., ed. . 24 NEWl'imon: a poetical romance. Bulwer- I.ytton. E. G. E. L New Timothy. Baker, A'cr . Wm. M. New tracks in North America. Bell, W. A. 47S-15 New waggings of old tales. Bangs, J. and Sherman, F. D t New way to pay old debts. Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 34S-376 616C3 In British dramatists, pp. 435-459. S223-* NEW. 922 — NEW. New west ; or, California in 1S67-68. Brace, C. L 4794-18 New world and its discoverers. Dalton, W. 970-6 New Years. Brooks, E. S. Storied holi- days, pp. 33-49. Mistress Margery's pin-money: a New Year's day story, 1578 i86A 37 — Rexford, E. E. Old year and the new. In Elocutionist's annual No. 10. pp. 83-84 801-88 — Thaxter, C. Cruise of the "Mystery," and other poems, pp. 101-102. New Year's song 882C9 — Thoughts for the New Year. In Elocu- tionist's annual. No. 14. pp. 1S1-183. 801-SS — Winton, Mrs. J. M. Will the New Year come tonight, mamma? In One hun- dren choice selections. No. 2. pp. 20-22 801-4 — See also Adams, O. F.. eJ. January [and] December . . . 809-14 New Year's bargain. Woolsey, Sarah Chaun- cey, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) 246A55 New Year's eve adventure. In Zschokke, H. Princess of Brunswick-. Wolfen- biittel and other tales, pp. 209-274. New Year's masque and other poems. Thomas, Edith M S84C5 New York city. Appleton's dictionary of New York and vicinity. X. Y., 1884. l6 ° 47471-1 — Black, Wm. N. Storage and transporta- tion in the port of New York 650-17 — Brace, C. L. Dangerous classes of New York and twenty years' work among them 361-2 — Child, L, M. Letters from New York. . 224B3 — Dayton, A. C. Last days of Knicker- bocker life in New York 9831-3 — Disosway, G. P. Earliest churches of New York 2774-3 — Fairfield, F. G. Clubs of New York. . 367-4 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of promi- nent New Yorkers 41247-3 — Francis, J. W. Old New York ; or, rem- iniscences of the past sixty years. . . . 9831-4 — Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York. . . 3311 4 — Greeley, IL, ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition of the Crystal palace, N. Y., 1853-54 606-5 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes: New York 47471-5 Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street 331 1-56 Peirce, B. K. Half century with juvenile delin or, New York House of Refuge and its times 364-7 — Richmond, J. F. New York and its in- stitutions. [000-1873 47471-7 New York city, continued. — Scoville, J. A., (W. Barrett, pseud.) Old merchants of New York city. 5 v. . . 41247-2 — Smith. M. H. Bulls and bears of New York with the crisis of 1873 and the cause. 47471-8 — Social etiquette of New York 395—75 — Stone, W. L. History of New York city from the discovery to the present day. 9831-S — Sutton, C. New York Tombs; its se- crets and its mysteries 365-7 — Todd, C. B. Story of the city of New York. . . 9831-85 — Valentine, D. T. History of the city of New York 9831-9 — Volcano under the city. [An account of the draft riots, 1S63.] 9831-92 — Wright, Mrs. J. McN. New York Bible women 975Aj8 — Berry, C. B. The other side, how it struck us. pp. 27-38 470-14 — Cecil, E. Impressions of life at home and abroad, pp. 131-156. After dark in New York 439-23 — Day, S. P. Life and society in America. ser. 1. pp. 15-156 473-27 • Dix.J. A. Speeches, v. 2. pp. 337-359. Growth of New York city 815-3 — Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 300-316 263-35 — Halliday, S. B. Little street sweeper; or, life among the poor 339-5 — Howe, H. Adventures and achieve- ments of Americans, pp. 571-598. . . 412 55 — Parton, J. Topics of the time. pp. 350- 401. Government of the city of New York 7151:5 — Willis, N. P. Rural letters, etc. pp. 225-252 95jE4 New York state. Subdivisions: 1. History. 2. Miscellany. /. History. — Abbott, J. American history. v. 4. Northern colonies 9S2-12 — Campbell, W. W. Border warfare of New York during the revolution ; or, the annals of Tryon county. 1S49. . . 983-27 — Carpenter, W. II. and Arthur, T. S. His- tory of New York. 1S56 983-3 -Hammond, J. 1 1. History of political parties in the state of New York [to 1840.] 2 v 9 8 3-4 — Irving, W. Knickerbocker's history of New York 9 8 3'-5 — O'Callaghan, E. B. History of New Netherlands; or, New York under the Dutch. 2 v 983-6 — Roberts, E. II. New York. 2 v. 18S7. 983-7$ — Ruttenber, E. M. History of the Indian tribes of Hudson's river 97°4- NEW. -923 — l.I I New Yorl ' . continued. Sylvester, V B. I li to 1 ketchi ■ 1 northern New Yorl '■ \ 1. ii.ii , 1 \| . 1 lints; or the light- ing pai ;oi in" hi. [48th New York. | 9 I odge, II. C. Short history of 1 lie Eng- li li 1 • >! in \ mil ica, pp. 285-340. w.i 5 Mi ellaneous. 1 ih li, A. I' 11 .1 .mil iei ond re| n thi insects of tin; slate of New York. ... 632-3 1 lonstitutions ol the evi ral itates. pp. 142-16" 3463-3 1, Luigi. Taxation, its principles and methods, pp. 196-201 1 1 erett, E. Mount \ ei nor papei . pp. 53-7' 328E1 Hammond, S. II. <"'•'' Mansfield, I. W. Country margins. [>]>. 233 ;,;2 » 5' • ' : -> also Adirondacks. Hudson river. New York city. New York Ledger. Everett, E. Mounl Vernon papers, pp. 480-490 ,1 1 \ 1 u York Tribune. Congdon, C. T. Tri- bune essays: leading articles contrib- uted t" the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863; with introd. by H. Greeley. 1 1 1 Ni u York Yachl club. Fairfield, F. (;. Clubs of New York. pp. 84-105. . . . 367 4 New Zealand. Subdivisions: 1. Descrip- tion, etc. 2. Missions. /. Description, etc. Baird, J. Emigrant's guide to Australia. 1868 493-2 — Barker, Lady M. A. Station amusements in New Zealand. 1873 4931-15 Station life in New Zealand. 1S;2. . . 4931-16 — Butler, A. R. Glimpses "f Maori land. [886 4931 2 — Green, W. S. High Alps of New Zealand. 1883 4931-4 — Natural wonders of New Zealand. 1881. 4931-6 — Nicholls, J. II. Kerry-. King country. 1S84 4"3' 7 — Russell, M. Polynesia ; or, an historical account of the principal islands in the South sea, including New Zealand. . . 996-75 Vcton, R. Our colonial empire, pp. 103-131 93°7-2 — Ballon, M. M. Under the southern io>ss. pp. 298-405 1 — Cumming, C. I . Gordon-. Al home in Fiji. v. 2. pp. 151-229 4961 ; — Pilkc, C. ..o/./others. Local govern- ment and taxation in [Australia] and New Zealand, hi Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club essays, 1875. PP- 2 33 2 43- IS 21 7 Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. 53 s -557- 377 E 7 — Froude, .1. A. Oceana; or, England and her colonies, pp. 230-335 43S-3S \ Zealand, continued. ins, J. s. Voyage of the United States exploring quadron. pp.290-310. 4 ;; 51 haw, M. < Olonial fa' I and In ■ pp. 102 207 49-t 55 IX, T. W. I lid wold. pp. 755-767. Mineral resources ' Nordhoff, C, Stoi ii of the 1 land world. pp. 238-315 \\ 1] on, W. S. Ocean as a health n pp. 238-278 6135-9 2. Mil Butler, I. Fortj yeai in New Zealand. 20931-2 Forde, H. A. Black and white. pp. 349-36.? 263-35 Newberry, Mrs. F. E. Coming to the light. B., [873. 16 681A2 — Into the light. 1!., 1873. >6°- [Same.] 681A2 Newby, Mrs. C. J. Common sense. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1S66. 16 . — Trodden down. N. V. 8°. ii 1 . Duke of. See Cavendish, Win. Also Clinton, Henry l'elham. 1 1MB, Raymond l.ee, ed. ' ' rers: narrative of the " Jeanneltc " Arctic expedition as related by the sur- vivors and in the records and last jour- nals of Lieut. UeLong. Hartford, 1888. 8° 498-67 1MB, Simon, LI.. />., Am. astronomer, li. 1835. Critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern re- bellion. N. Y., 1S65. 12" 3367-6 Plain talks on the labor question. N. Y., 1886. i6 c 33°-5 — Popular astronomy. N. Y., 1S79. 8°. . 520-67 — Principles of political economy. N. Y., 1886. 8° 330-7 ,md llolden, E. S. Astronomy. N. *! .. 1S79. 8° 520-6S Nl v COM BE, S. l'rout. Pleasant page young people; or, book of home educa- tion and entertainment. B., 1S53. 16°. NEWCOME, Wm. Our lord's fortitude. In Collection of theological essays by va- rious authors, pp. 197-220 204-67 Newcomes. Thackeray, W. M. Newell, C. M. Kalani of Oahu : historical romance of I lawaii. 11. , 1881. 8°. Newell, Harriet Atwood. Foster, Mrs. I. 11.. (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women, pp. 60-64. • • 41 ; -2 NEWELL, Robert II., (Orpheus C. Kerr, f>s,ud.) Avery Glibun; or, between two tire-: a romance. N. X ., 1S67. 8°. — Orpheus C. Kerr papers. N.Y.. 1871 l6°. 817-68 — There was once a man. N.Y., 1884. 12°. — Versatilities. B., 1871. 12" NEWELL. — 924 N EWTON. NEWELL, Win, Putnam, A. P., ed. Sing- ers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 177-1S9. [Biog. sketch and poems.]. . 2458-7 Newell, \Ym. Wells, ed. Games and songs of American children. N. Y., 1883. 8°. 7S6-56 of life. pp. 202-234 439- 2 3 Newfoundland. See p. 920. Newgate prison. Cecil, E. Impressions of life. pp. 202-234 439- 2 3 Newhall, Chas. Stedman. Harry's trip to the Orient. X. V., n. d. 12° 457-6S — Joe and the Howards. B., 1869. 16 . . 681A8 NEWHALL, Fales H., D. D. Alleged discrep- ancies of Scripture. In Ingham lectures. pp. 249-286 239-51 NEWHALL, Lieut. Col. Fred C, (Staff officer, pseud.) With General Sheridan in Lee's last campaign. n. t. p. 12°. . . . 97891-8 NEWHOUSE, S. <;W others. Trapper's guide : manual of instruction for capturing all kinds of fur-bearing animals and curing their skins; with observations on the fur trade, hints of life in the woods and nar- ratives of trapping and hunting excur- sions. N. V., 1874. 8° 7968-6 Newlight, Aristarchus, pseud. See Whate- ly, Richard. Newman, Francis \V., Eng. author, b. 1S05. Life after death. Palinodia. L., 18S6. 8° 237-6 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 167- 174. Par nobile fratrum, the two New- mans 4104-6 Newman, John B. Fascination ; or, the philosophy of charming. In Library of mesmerism and psychology, v. 1. . . >77~5 Newman, John Henry, Eug. theologian, t>. 1801. Apologia pro vita sua: beingare- ply to a pamphlet entitled "What, then does Dr. Newman mean !" X. V. 12 . 2S27-56 — Callista: a sketch of the 3d century. Leipzig, 1869. 16°. — Essays in aid of a grammar of assent. V V., 1S70. 12° 2827-55 Verses on various occasions. L.,iS69. 12°. 683C7 — Private judgment. In Prose masterpieces. v. 3. pp. 221-278 S0S-7 — Buchanan, J. Modern atheism. pp. 1 16-128. Theory of ecclesiastical devel- opment 2119-14 - Fronde, J. A. Short studies on great subjects, v. 2. pp. 86-121. Review <>f Grammar of assent, v. 4. pp. 179-192, Oxford counter-reformation 383E2 Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers and trum- pets, ser. 2. pp. 137-156 251-48 [cCarthy, J. Modem leaders, pp. 167- 174. Par nobile fratrum, the two New- mans 4104-6 Newman, J. H., continued. — Rands, W. B. Henry Holbeach, student in life. v. 2. pp. 1 51—196. Contro- versial letters 774^5 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry, pp. 377-401 8031-8 — Walsh, W. S., (Win. Shepard, pseud.) Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 68-73 4>8-95 Newman, John Philip, Am. M. li. church bishop, b. 1S26. Christianity triumphant : its defensive and aggressive victories. X. V., 1S83. 12 2576-6 Contents. — Achievements of Christianity. — Infidelity an inglorious failure. — Criminality of infidelity. — Great Christians r p j. great infidels. — Elevation of woman. — Home life of the republic. — Impure literature. — Gamblers and gambling. — Magnanimity of self-denial. — Commercial in- tegrity. — From Dan to Beersheba ; or, the land of promise as it now appears; with illustra- tions of the remarkable accuracy of the sacred writers. N. V., 1S64. 12 . . . 45S-6S — Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nin- eveh from sea to sea, a thousand miles on horseback. N. V., 1S76. 8°. . . . 456-6 Newport, A'. /. Curtis, G. W. Lotus-eat- ing, pp. 163-206 473-25 — James, H. Portraits of places, pp. 338- 349 44°-5!5 — Talbot, C. R. Midshipman at large: a story of Newport and ocean yachting. — Wheeler, E. G. Stray leaves from New- port. Newport. Lathrop, G. P. Newport aquarelle. 1!., 1S83. 12°. Newsboys. Brace, C. L. Dangerous classes of New York and twenty years' work among them. pp. 97—1 13 361-2 \ 1 u ijiv's lodging house. Brace, C. L. Short sermons to newsboys 248-24 Newspapers. See Journalism. Liberty of the press. NEWSTEAD abbey. living, W. Crayon miscellany, pp. 323-441 818-482 Newton, Adelaide Leaper, .Memoir of. Baillie, J 680B1 \i N, Chas. Thus., British archao b. 1S16. Travels and discoveries in the Levant. 2 v. L., 1865. 4 4499-6 \i.\\ ion, Gilbert Stuart, painter, b. \"Jt)i,-d. 1835. Biographical annual, pp. 257-265. 412-21 Ml vton, Sir Isaac, Eng. philosopher and mathematician, b. 1642-rf. 1727. I'rin- cipia, first book, sections 1, 2, 3; with notes and illustrations and a collection of problems principally intended as ex- amples of Newton's methods, by 1'erci- val Frost. L., 1878. 8° 501-94 NEWTON. 9-5 NIB] I i Jewton, Sir Isaac, continued, i i ter, D. sir Isaac Newton 680B4 Bui 1 ley, I . A. I lawnings <.f geniu .. pp. 21S 228 410-2 I ooper, T. I 1 iumph ol pei 1 '.. pp. 107-1 12 1 1 1 raik, G. L. Pursuil "I know ledge, pp. ' 7 4'°-35 I Irake, S. A., <■,/. < lur greal benefactoi pp. v; 127 |i" 1 1 Edgar, J. < '•■ Boj h I "l greal men. pp. 170 1 Si 410-44 Ewart, II. C. Heroes and mai 1 ) rs of a i'ii. e. pp. 146-190 1 1" 1 I oster, M> r. I. II., 1 Faye I luntingl pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 86-90. 410-585 ( Irani, R. Phy teal a 1 1 onoray. pp. 15-40 5 2 °9-4 - Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. pp. 26-36 2941 15 I odge, I . Portraits of illusti ious per- sonages of ( .1c.1i Bi itain. v. 7. pp. 1 1 1 1 16 411-65 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs "I gi men. pp. 230-234 410-7 Memorials of early genius, pp. 42-61. . 410-74 Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 244 260 410-S2 Proctor, R. A. Mysteries ■ '! lime and space, pp. 1— 13. Newton and Darwin. 5204-72 Timbs, J. tnventors and discoverers. pp. 219 224 609-79 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest nun. PP- 347-35" 4IO-975 Iewton, Reginald Heber, /'. /»., Am. cler- gyman, i. 1840. Morals of trade: two lectures. N. Y., 1876. 12 1944-6 Contents.— Inquiry into the actual moralit] trade'. — Inquiry into the causes of the exi demoralization ami the remedies therefor. Philistinism: plain words concerning cer- tain forms of modern scepticism. N. Y., 1885. (6° 239 72 Social studies. V Y., 1S77. 12 . . . . 330-71 Contents.- Bird'seye view of the labor ques- tion mom of co-operative pro< nd co- operative credit in the I ites.— 5tory of co-operative distribution in the United States. Is the State just to the work- ing man '.' ' >ld time guilds and modern commer- cial aa Prevention of intemperan — Moral edui ation in the public schools. — Free kindei hurchwork, — RcIik ; of socialism. — Communism.-— Notes Iewton, Rev. Richard. In Bible lands. I... 1S80. 12° 458 69 - Great pilot. N. Y., 1S67. 16° 248 52 Jewish tabernacle and its furniture, in their typical teachings. N. Y., 1S72. 16°. 2211: 6 Nature's wonders. N. Y., 1S72. 16 . • -'.i s ;; Iewton, Rev. Robert. Hood, E. P. Brit- ish pulpit, etc. pp. 36S-3S0 4'44 4 , Tho . 1 Dissei hich have been fulfilled and a fulfilling in the world: revised by \Y. S. I lobson. I . 8 2203-7 Vm. Wilberforce, ./'". clergyman, 1843. Nothing to do " itli Chi H invitation, pp. 17-1 [96. 252-43 lEWTi I Marryatt, CaJ Next d Burnh m, C. L. Ney, Madame . Sprague, W. B. I in celebrities, pp.83 S4 \\ Iichael, prince of the M Frenth marshal, i. 1769-1/. 1815. Memoirs, pub- lished by his family. 2 v. in 1. Phila., 1834. 8° 680H6 Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 84-93 "5 1 ' II' id ley, J. T. Napoleon and Ins mar- shals. V. 2. pp. 2SO-322 1 NEYMANN, V., joint Ir. Keith, N. S. «- also Central America. NiCCOLl dei Lapi; or, the last days of the Florentine republic. Azeglio, Massinod'. NICCOLINI, Giambattista. Howell, W. I>. Modern Italian poets, pp. 196-243. . S501-37 Nn hoi., John, /./.. D., Scottish writer, 0. 1833. Byron. N. V., 1880. 12 . [English men of letters series.] .... 199B6 English composition. N. V., 1879. 16°. [Literature primers.] 117-6 Biographical sketches. /;; Ward, T. II., id. English poets, v. 1, 3, 4 8092-9 '■1 1. Prof, lolin Pringle, Scottish astron- omer, l>. 1804-^/. 1859. Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and literary men. ser. 2. pp. 207-228 418-43 Nicholas I, emperor of Russia, b. iy<)6-d. 1855. Schmucker, S. W. Life and reign of Nicholas the First 6S0B9 — Abbott, J. S. C. Rings ami queens; or, life in the palace, pp. 155-206. . . . 415-12 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 405-414. Last birthday of the Em- peror Nicholas, July 6th, 1854 4104-62 Nicholas I-V, popes. See Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs ... 2S21-53 Nicholas, of Basle. Hodgson, W. Re- formers and martyrs [not] of the Luth- eran reformation, pp. 51-62 4143-44 Nicholas Minturn. Holland, J. G. Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens, Chas. Nicholls, J. H. Kerry-. King country; or, explorations in New Zealand; nar- rative of 600 miles through Maoriland. L., 1S84. 8° 4931-7 Nichols, Clarina I. (Howard.) Reminis- cences. In Stanton, E. C, and others. eds. History of woman suffrage, v. 1. pp. 171-200 3 2 43-S Nichols, Geo. Ward, Am. writer, b. 1831. Art education applied to industry. N. V..1S77. 8° 749-67 — Pottery: how it is made, its shape and decoration, practical instructions for painting on porcelain and all kinds of pottery, with vitrifiable and common oil colors; with full bibliography of standard works upon ceramic art. L., 1878. 12 737-° — Sanctuary : story of the civil war. N. Y., 1866. 12°. — -'Story of the great march, from the diary of a staff officer. N. V.. 1S66. 12°. . 97944-7 Nichols, Jas. M., brevet col. U. S. V., b. 1S35- d. 1886. Perry's saints; or. the fight- ing parson's regiment, [48th N. V.,] in the war of the rebellion. B., 1SS6. 12°. 9700; 1 Nichols, Jas. K. Fireside science : series of popular scientific essays upon subjects connected with everyday life. N. Y., 1872. 12° 502-65 — Whence, what, where ? View of the ori- gin, nature and destiny ol man. !'>., 1883. 12° 218-67 Contents. — Genesis <>f man.- Material man. Spiritual man. — What is spirit? — Religions man -What ol death? After death, what? — Where? Introduction. In Hinton, J. Mysteryof pain 216-4] Nichoi . ■'•'■ .Jo ']'li I lulbert. Everest, C. A. Poets of 1 onnei tii ut. pp. j J9 | 18. [Biographical sketch and poems.] . . . 80914-4 Nichols, I . D. Yisit to a camp Inn refinery. /» Wonde ie 1 of science, pp. 97- 104 602-9 mi HOLS. 927 - NIEDE1 \ 11 ho) l, Stan II ''i 11 li I' ,11 Alp. B., 1883. 12° \ n v, Wm. Ripley. W ati 1 u| pi sidered main!} from 1 ■ I" m i< Hi anitai ) l Ipoint. N. Y., 1883. 8 . N 11 inn Si in, .1/' r. lli. .1 1 . 1 Poitevent,) (Peai I Rivers, pseud.) I yrics. Phila., 1X73. 12° 686C8 \ 11 hoi 1 1 •. I tern j Ulej in . I/. />., lish zoologist, b. 1844. Am lili hi lory ol the 111 il nprehen >i\ e 1 line of tin- pi im iples and leading I of palreontologii al science. N. V., 1878. 12 60-; 1 ntrodui tion to the tud) ol biolo ;y. N. V., 1872. 12 577-6 Manual ol oology ; » ith general intro- duction "a the principles of zoology. V Y., 1872. 12°. Same, 1874. . . . 590-68 — Text-book of geology. N. Y., 1872. 12 . 550-68 — Text-1 k ol oology. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 590-69 \i. HOLSON, Jas. B. Manual of the art <>f bookbinding, containing full instruc- tions in ilic different branches of for- warding, gilding and finishing, also the art of marbling book edges and paper. Phila., 1856. 12° 686 6 Nicholson, John, b. 1821-1/. 1857. 1 |. \Y. 1 ,ives "l Indian officers, v . 2. pp. P7 492 411-595 Nicias. Cox, G. W. Greek statesmen, ser. j. pp. 200 247 4102-3 See also Plutarch. Lives, [various editions.] Nick ol the woods. Bird, Robi rl M. . . . 157 \> Nil hi. fas. Rogers, ' .. ■■'. Scottish min- strel, pp. 71 73. I Bii ig. sketi h and poems.] S0921-7 NiCOl vi. Christoph Friedrich, German writer, b. 1733-1A l8ll. Hedge, 1'. II. Hours with German classics, pp. 194-206. 830-42 Nicolas, Sir Harris. Analysis of Junius and his works. /» Junius. Letters. . S26-5 Memi ! I I. my Kirk White. /(/White, II. K. Poetical works, pp. 11-56. . 9471 1 Memoir of Jas. Thomson. In Thomson, I Poetical work-, pp. 5-144. . . . 8861 1 NlCOLAY, John Geo., Am. author, b. 1832, Outl V \ . l88l. 12°. [Campaigns of the civil war.] . . 9781 1- Nicolini, G. B. 1 list 'iv ol the Jesuits : their 01 igin, pn - and de- signs. I... 1873. Same, 1S54. 12°. . 2715 6 Nicoll, Henry J. Great movements and those who achieved them. 1... 18S1. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1SS2 4104-7 Contents. — Prison reform: John Howard. — Abolition of the slave trade : Wm. Wilberforce. — Amelioration of the criminal code : Sir Sam- uel Romilly — Popular education : Lord Broug- Nicoll, II. J., continu ham. Cheap litcratun ■ land Mill I 'aw« : Cob- den. Bright, Vil u insor, Cli its -i| W'.-r, 'ele graph : (.nuke, W — I.an i I erature. N. V., 12° 820-7 \ii 1 ill, fas. Assembling of oui e\\ ■ gether. In Scotch 1 pp. 236- 246 ' Nicoll, Robert, b. 1814 /. 18 \j. 11 P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 290-325. . 4 10 5 s Rogi ■ . I Si Ottish minstrel, pp. 299-302. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . v — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 186- 195 4>o-934 NicOLS, Arthur. Chapters from the physi- cal history of the earth. N. Y., 1880. 12 . 550-69 Nicolson, Rev. W. One purely moral re- ligion. In Non-Biblical systems of re- ligion, pp. 195-243 290-62 Nicomachean ethics. Aristotle '55'-' \i 1 1 \, I >iego de. Irving, W. Life and voyages of rl, 1 olumbus. pp. 102-137 243P.4 NlDWORTH and his three magic wand-.. Prentiss, E 3 8l "72 NlEBUHR, Barthold Georg, German historian, b. 1776-rf. 1831. History of Rome: tr. by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall. 2 v. I... 1855. 8° 9'9-73 — Lectures on ancient history from the ear- liest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus : ed. by M. Niebuhr: tr. by L. Schmitz. 3 V. Phila., 1852. 8°. Life and letter- 1 «n in his char- acter and influence, by Chevalier Bunsen, and riot's. Brandisand Lorbell. [Found- is-tiachrichten iiber Barthold Georg Neiiiihr ; ed. by Madame Hensler. \. \ '., 1S52. 12°. Same, 1S54.. . . kley.T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 260-277 4 10-2 1 ik. Carsten, German traveler, i. I d. 1815. St. John. 1. A. Live- of cele- brated traveller-, v. 3. pp. 99-154. ■ 4> V. Self-made men. pp. 121-129 4>o-92 — Taylor, B., ed. Travel- in Arabia. . . . 459-S7 Niecks, Frederick. Dictionary of musical terms, to which i- prefixed an introduc- tion to the elements of music. L. 12°. NlEDERER, Johannes. Kriisi. IL I'estaloz- zi : his life, work and influence, pp. 79-S6 NIEPER. — 928 — NINETEENTH. Nieper, Joseph. Timbs, J. Great inventors. pp. 134-145 4169-9 NlERIKER, May (Alcott). Studying art abroad, and how to do it cheaply. 1!., lS/9- 1 6° 707-5 Xih.ru/. Karl Gustav, German writer,-b. 1795-r/. 1876. Bears of Augustusburg: an episode in Saxon history. N. Y., 1867. 1 6° 685 \2 — Gustavus Vasa; or, king and peasant : tr. by J. F.Smith; with historic sketch and notes, by Rev. A. L. I luss. I'hila., 1872. l6 ° 685A3 Nigel Bartram's ideal. Wilford, F. N I < . 1 R liver. Burdo, A. Niger and the Benueh _ ■ 4662-2 — Laird, Mac G. and Oldfield, R. A. K. Narrative of an expedition into the in- terior of Africa 4662-6 — Lander, R. and']. Journal of an expedi- tion to explore the Niger 4661-5 — Life and travels of Mungo Park; with the substance of later discoveries relative to the termination of the Niger 714B81 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery, pp. 202-220. Mouth of the Niger 436-41 Night and morning. Bulwer-Lytton E.G. E. L. NlGHT-side of nature; or, ghosts and ghost- ■^eers. Crowe, Catherine 174-25 NIGHT thoughts on life, death and immortal- ity. See Young, Edward. Nightingale, Florence, Eng. philanthropist, b. 1S20. Notes on nursing: what it ii and what it is not. N. Y., 1865. I2 ° 6138-7 — Introduction. In Una and her paupers: memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Tones by her sister 51x1:2 — Aldridge, L. Florence Nightingale, pp. 5-34 4I3-I5 — Bolton, S. K. Lives of gji], w ho became famous, pp. 278-299 41; -2 Nightingale. Burroughs, J. Fresh fields. pp. 83-120. Muni for the nightingale. [96C4 Nightmare Abbey. Peacock, T. L. Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris, J. C. 387-49 Nihilism. Danson.J.T. Wealth of house- hoIc1 330-34 Huxley, T. H. Critiques and addresses. PP-3-3 2 - Administrative nihilism. . . 502-49 I eleye, 1 I . V. de. European In ror. In Coan, T. M., ed. Social problems. IT- ">S-22S 304-28 — Rae, J. Contemporary socialism, pp. a 5«-3i8 ' 338-7 II in ey, G. B. Respice finem ; or, love in 1 11 v. i NlJNI-Novgorod. Johnstone, IE A. Mini- ro-Butler. Trip up the Volga to the fair. 447-51 N'lKiAs. See Nicias. Nile. Baker, S. W. Albert N'yanza: great basin of the Nile and exploration of the sources. r868 462S-2 — De Cosson, E. A. Cradle of the Blue Nile : a visit to the court of King John of Ethiopia. 2 v. 1877 463-2S — Jonveaux, E. Two years in east Africa. 4628-6 — Livingstone, D. African explorations. . 460-6 — Speke, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. [1S59.] . . . . 4628-S5 — Southworth, A. S. Four thousand mile-> of African travel. 1S75 4628-84 — Taylor,' B. Journey to central Africa. . 462-91 — Adams, W. H. I). Some heroes of travel. pp. 365-404 4I59->5 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery, pp. 188-201. Source of the Nile 436-41 — In fiction See Bates, E. K., Nile days; Fletcher, J. C, Kismet. — See also Abyssinia. Africa. Egypt. Nu- bia. Bruce, Jas. NlLES, Hezekiah, Am. journalist, />. 1777-./. 1839. Centennial offering : republica- tion of the principles and acts of the rev- olution in America; dedicated to the young men of the I'nited States. N. Y., 1S76. 8° 9759-6 NlLSSON, Christine, (Mine. Rouzaud), ish singer, b. 1843. Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario, v. 2. pp. 290-331. 4177-3 — Woods, G. B. Essays, etc. pp. m-115. 965E5 Nimport. Bynner, E. L. NiMRuti, pseud. Sec Apperley, C. J. Nimrod in the north. Schwatka, F. . . . 498-842 NlMRODofthe sea; or, the American whale- man. Davis, W. M 79531-3 NlNA Balatka: story of a maiden of Prague. Leipzig, 1867. 16 . Nina Cordon. Stowe. Mrs. II. (B.). Nina's atonement. Fisher, Frances C (Christian Reid, pseud.) NlNDE, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. Chicago, [886. 12 440-68 \ INE-da) 5 wonder. Aide, I I. Nim. little goslings. Woolsey, Sarah Chaun- cey, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) 246A57 Nine months in the Quartermaster's depart- ment ; or, the chances for making a mill- ion. Leib, ( lhas 9806 5 Nim years on the northwest frontiei of In- dia, 1S54-63. Cotton, S 9547-3 Ni.i 1 1 i-.s beautiful years, Willard, F. E. 953^2 Nineteen centurie ol drink in England. ch, R. V 1983-3 Nineteenth century. Mackenzie, R. . . 9^9-57 Nim 1 1 in 1 11 century hero. I ,ane, L. M, NINETEENTH. — 929 '. 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 "i -11 tii ih in- 1 .11 Hi' in, II ■ 7' • t \ IM I I I : .111 ill) II "I Pi V Y., l888. 12°. "NlNl n eighl and forty-eiglil ' : model n revolutionarj historj erature ol [rel md ivage, J 9417-7 NiNETV-three. 1 lugo, \ ii loi . Nineveh. B J. Ninevel 1 il p ilai es 1 1 ' ' , . I ergusson, J. Palai e ol Nineveh and Pel epolii n tored 7 22 ~3 Fleti her, I. P, Note • fi N im .< h. . . 4577-4 1 lyard, A. II. Discoveri ruins ol Ni /eh and Babylon 4025-5 Nineveh and Babylon 4025-52 Popul ii 1 ml "i -ii covei ies .11 N ine- veil 4025-5' — Myers, I'. V. X. Remains <>f lost em- pire 402-6 — Newman, J. P. Thrones and palai Babylon and Nineveh 456-6 Ragozin, /,. A. Storj ol Chaldea. . . . 91 51—7 — Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries, 1873-74. 4025-7 Greal rivers ol the world, Euphrates and the Tigris, pp. 145-206 1 — Wright, W. B Ancient cities, pp. 18-34 401-9 Ninth armj corps. \\ Ibury, V. Major- Gen. Ambrose I . Burnside and the Ninth army corps: narrative of cam paigns 196B5 Nll'lliiN. S.; Japan. Nisbet, Jas., ji'ii'i author. Sonic, F. and others. Annals of San Francisco. . . 9S1111 s "NlSIDA;" or, two winters in Madeira. ( i.tne, 1". Nithisdale, Countess of. See Maxwell, W. II. Nithisdale, Earlof. See Maxwell, Wm. Nitsch, Catherine (Owen.) Gentle bread- winiiii : the sloi y of one of them. B., [888. 12 640 ;is -- New cook book. V Y.. 1885. 1 -> . . . 64] ;.• Contents ( ulture and cooking Practical i ecipes. — Ten dollars enough — keeping house well on ten dollars a week; how ii has been done, how it may be done again. B., 1887. 12 640-72 \m in, Karl [mmanuel, C man theologian, i. 17S7 ./. 1S0S. Schaff, P. Germany; its universities, theology ami religion. PP-33" 339 - , 74.; s No cross, no crown. Penn, Wm 2S96-61 No fiction. Reed, Ret . V. No j eiitlemen. Burnham, < '. L. No love lost: a romance of travel. How- ell-, W. D N 1 1 man's friend. Robin son, 1 . v\ . v . medium. ' udlip, Mrs, Am • . W. i . i' Aftei glow . Lathi op, < '•■ P. Aim \ 1 henbroi del. ' an ington, K. in 1. enemii Clarl ■■ ' M. Barrin I Hunl \ft V, W. Colom 1 loak. Bru ih, C.C. L., 1879. 16 . 1 1 ker Joe. 1887. — I laughter of th I Deirdre. Joy..-. R. D 51 I liane ( !oi yval. 1884. Don John. Ingelow., Jean. ■ mi. 1880. — Great match and other matches. 1 Her crime. 1 — - Her picture. 1882. Hetty's strange history. 1886. His Majesty myself. Baker, Rev. W. M. Is that all- 1878. — Justina. 1SS6. Kismet. Fletcher, Julia C. 1883. — Little sister. 18S2. Manucla Parfedes. 1881. Marmome. 1S78. — Masque of the poets. 187S 61 j< 4 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson. II. M., (H. II.) 1876. — Mirage. Fletcher, Julia (.'. 187S. Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. 1880. Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott, L. M. My wife and my wife'.- sister. 1 SSi. Pi incess Ainclie. 1883. estion of identity. 1887. — Salvage. 1880. Signor Monaldini's niece. Tincker, M. A. 1879. Superior woman. 1885. . — Tsar'- window . I (ooper, I . 1881. \\ Ul I tenbigh, nobleman. 1 i Wolf al thi door. 1877. V 1 new thing. Won is, W. E. Ni 1 1 lations. Malot, H. No saint. Sergeant. A. No sense like common sense. Howitt, I No sex in education: or, an equal chance for both boys and girls: review of E. II. Clarke's " Sex in education." Huffy, E. B No sign and other tales. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. No thoroughfare. Dickens, Chas. trifling with love : comedy. Musset, Al- fred de. Selections, pp. 133-195- • • S4S-67 NOACHID^. 93° NORDHOFF. Noachid.e ; or, Noah and his descendants. Holgate, I. 11. Noad, Henry M. Manual of chemical analy- sis, pt. I. Qualitative. L., 1863. 12°. 544-6 pt. 2. Quantitative. L., 1864. 12°.. 545~6 — Text-book of electricity : ed. with an in- troduction and additional chapters, by W. H. Preece 537-7 Noah. Weil, G. Bible, the Koran and the Talmud; or, Biblical legends of the Mus- sulmans, pp. 53-67 2214-95 Noble, Annette Lucile, Am. author, 0. 1844. Miss Janet's old home. N.Y.,1884. 12 . — St. Augustine's ladder. B., 1873. 24 . 688A3 — Silent man's legacy. Phila., n. d. 12°. 6SSA5 — joint author. Keeney, E. B. and Noble, A. L. Dr. Grantley's neighbors. . . . 530A1 Noble, Edmund. Russian revolt, its causes, condition and prospects. B., 1885. 12 . 9477-6 Noble, Louis Legrand, Am. clergyman and writer,/'. I$l2-d. 1882. Life and works of Thos. Cole. N. V., 1S60. 12°. . . 238B1 — Lanman, C. Ilap-hazard personalities. pp. 206-225 412-58 NoBLE,Lucretia. Reverend idol. B., 1882. 12° Noble, W. F. P. Century of gospel work, 1776-1876 : history of the growth of evangelical religion in the United States. Phila., 1876. 8° 277-7 Noble, Copt. Win. Hours with a three-inch telescope. L., 1887. 12 522-65 Noble deeds of American women. Clement, J-. ">■ 412-32 Noble deeds of women. Starling, E. . . . 413-S Noble life. Craik, Mrs. 1 1. M. (Mulock). Noble name. Gliimer, C. von. Noble printer. Overend, C 711A21 NOBLE traits of kingly men. L., n. d. 16 . 6S9A3 Contents. — European life.— Original elements of European life — Christian element. — Cru- sades. — Secret of Mohammedan conquest.— In- fluence of the crusades.— Europe ecclesiastical; Church of Rome, Hildcbrand. — Church of Rome in another aspect. — Luther. — Europe spreading westward, Columbus. — Pilgrim fathers. — Modern emigrant.— Last sigh of the Moor. — Famous order of the Knights templar. — Council of Consi Noblesse oblige. Keddie, Henrietta C, (S, Tytler, pseud.) Noblesse oblige. Roberts, M. NOBODY. Warner, Susan. , loves me, and Olive's story. \\ 'ni- ton, Mi . 1 <■ I " ■ I \ ; \ ibi idy's child and ol tie: torii . 1 >eni on, 1/. . M (A). fortune. Yates, E. Nocti iml '■■ Wilson, John. . . . 955E1 Noel, Baptist V ;. Baptistmin- i/i ..'. 1S7 ;. I\-. iy cm the union "I ' hurch and Stale. N. Y., I. 12° 2577 64 Noi 1., B. W., continued. Fish, II. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 541- 553 2521-4 Noel, Maurice. Buz ; or, the life and adven- tures of a honey bee. N. V., 1886. 12 . 639-66 NojOQUE. Helper, H. K 3267-41 Nolan, Alice. Byrnes of Glengoulah. N. V., 1S70. 12°. NOLAN, Thos. The telescope: the principles involved in the construction of the re- fracting and reflecting telescopes. N. V., 1SS1. 16° 5222-6 Nollekens, Joseph. Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. v. 3. pp. 108-173 417-3 NOLTE, Vincent. Fifty years in both hemi- spheres; or, reminiscences of the life of a former merchant. B., 1854. 12°. . 682B1 Nomisma; or, legal tender. Cernuschi, H. 3315-25 Nomistake, pseud. See Partee, W. B. . . 3316-7 NoN-Biblical systems of religion : a sympo- sium. Hastings, Frederick and Muir, A. F., eds 290-62 NoN-Christian religious systems [series]. Da- vids, T. W. Rhys. Buddhism 2933-32 — Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taou- ism 29I-3 — Muir, Wm. Coran 2979-4 — Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. 297-77 — Williams, M. Hinduism 2938-9 Nonnus. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3. pp. 319-335. . . 87001-3 Nonsense songs. Lear, Edward 558A5 Nooks and corners of the New England coast. Drake, S. A 474~3 Nora's love test. Hay, Mary Cecil. Norbury, Lord. See Toler, John. NoRCROSS, Jonathan. History of democracy considered as a party name and as a political organization. N.Y.,1883. 12°. 3293-6 NoRDAU, Max Simon, Germ, in writer, h. 1849. Conventional lies of our civiliza- tion. Chicago, 1884. 8° 304-58 N0RDENSKJ6LD, Adolf Erik, baron, Swedish navigator, l>. 1832. Arctic voyages of 1858 and 1879. L., 1879. 8° 498-69 Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Europe; with historical review of pre- vious journeys along the north coast of the old world. X. V., 1882. S°. . . . 498-691 Hovgaard, A. Nordenskiold's voyage round Asia and Europe 498-692 — Frost, T. Modem explorers. pp. 80- 100. Exploration of arctic Asia. . . . 437-38 NORDHOFF, ('has., German American author, /'. 1830. California for health, pleasure and residence, foi travellers and settlers, giving detailed accounts of the culture of the wine and raisin grape, the orange, NokDIIol-'l'' — 93 ' — Nos Dm 'ii.i li ' , continued. I' ii i.ii'. e, and ol hei emi i ropii a! fi uii , ' olonj etl lements, mel hod ol irrigation, etc. V \ ., iS;i. s . S <■ 1882 4794-7 — ( !ape <'i»l and ail-along 1 ies. N. V., (868. 12°. Content* I iptain 1 irrccti n.— What 1 ■' ■ ■ ■ t truggli foi lifi Ell anah Brewstei temptatl One bl Mehitabli Roger's berrj t p A . Albert's love 111.1t' h. 1 ! il ii ii 11 i' 1 \t of the United States. \. V., 1875. 8° 3389 6 Contents. — Introduction \ H.irn its 11 1 v Separatists of Zoar, — Shakei Oneida ind Wallii [ ' lion- 11 \ r.t ,hm! Bethel ' ommum ■ Ii irian Bishop Hill Ci ir Vale commune. — Social freedom comn 1 Three colonies, not coi Inaheim, \ 1 1,. i.iinl, Sitlcville home.— Comparative view and revi — Ilibliography. — Index Cotton states in the spring and summei ,ii 1875. N. \ .. 1S76. 8° 475-O ( .".I and tlu- future life : reasonablem 1 1 hristianity. N.Y., 1884. 16 . . . 210-66 — Man-ol wai life; boy's experience in the United Stales navy during a VOJ ige around llie world, in a ship of the line. N. V., 1S55. 1 6° 437-69 — Northern California, < lii^mi ami the Sandwich islands. N. V., 1874. 8°. . 479-6 - Politics for young Americans. N. Y., 1875. 16 . Same, 1884 3 2 °7-73 Sailor life on man-of-war and merchant I. N. Y.. 18S3. 8° 437-7 — Stories of the island world, N, V., 1857. 16 490-6 — Whaling and fishing. X. Y., n. d. 16°. 79531-7 — Elkanah Brewster's temptation, />» Mod- ern elassies. pp. 24S-270. Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard, Thos. Norfolk island. Belcher, Lady D. Muti- neers of the "Bounty," and their de- scendantsin Pitcairnand Norfolk islands. 4964 | Clark, 1). W. Travels and adventure. Narrative of scenes at Norfolk island, (.388 | NoRGATE, Kate. England under the Ange- vin kings. 2 v. L., 1887. S°. ... 933-6 NoRMAl methods of teaching. B ks, 1. 3713 -' Norma] music course. First reader. Tufts, J. W. and Holt, II. E 7711-S4 Normai phonography. Barlow, W. H. . . 655-16 Normai question book. SherriU, J. E. . . 37135-7 \. iRM \i si hools. I [olbroi k, \. I he nor- mal ; or, methods of teaching the com- mon branches. 1859 371 ; 1 Stow, D. Training system of education, 3707-8 — Boutwell, i'.. S. Thoughts on education- al topics ami institutions, pp. 203-220. 370-23 — See also Schools. \i irman, • . B. Armenia and thi ■ ■-;- I .. n. d. 8 . [Map rebound -•I V.J n ; or, France in thi l I.., 8° Norman, Henry, Body Ice : a 1 ha history of liish 1 . S'., [887. 12". Iv day], . . ed. Broken ihaft: I de in mid-i N. Y. 1 i Contents. On board the Bavaria, t>y 11 N rth, I'V I' ird. — Markheim, by R. I. Stevenson Marjory, by I \ 11 1 - y ["hi by W H 1 —Riley, Ml' I 1 nan. Norman and Elsie; or, two little prisi Brodie, Emily Norman conquest of England, .sic England, history. Norman Leslie. Fay, T. S. " i urice. Simms, W. G, I v. 1. pp. 5-120 .... 824C6 Norman Vallery. Kingston, W. H. G. . . 535A57 Normandy. Blackburn, II. \ landy picturesque. 1S73 4442-2 \l,ii quoid, K. S. Thro 1 landy. 1874 ; — Macquoid, T. and K. S. Pictures and le- gends. 18S1 4442-51 ' 1 dericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of England ami Normandy. 4 v. 1S54. . 9309-65 Normans. Barlow. J. W. Short history "f the Normans in south Europe 94503-2 — Jewett, S. O. Story of the Normans. . 932 46 — Johnson, A. II. Normans in Europe. . 921-45 — See also England, history. France. Nor- mandy. Northmen. Scandinavia. Sicily. Norodom, king of Cambodia. McGloin, I. NoRRIS, E. M, Snowed up. n. t. p. 16°. 691 \i NoRRIS, John Pilkington, 1-itg. clergyman, b. 1823. Rudiments of theology. N. V., 1876. 12° 2303-7 NORRIS, P. W. Calumet of the Coteau and other poetical legends of the border; also a glossary of Indian names, w and western provincialisms, together with a guide book of the Yellowstone • national park. Phila., 1SS4. 12 . . . ( •XoKRls, Septimus. Hand-book for locomo- tive engineers and machinists. Phila., I874. 12° 621 I3-5 Norris, \Y. E. Heaps of money. N. Y., 1877. 8°. — Her own doing. N. Y., 1S86. 16 . — Major and minor. 2 v. N. \ . . 1887. l6°. — Matrimony. N. Y., 1881. 16°. — My friend Jim. 1.., 1SS6. 12°. NORRIS. — 932 NORTH. Norris, W. E., continued. — No new thing. N. V., 1883. 16 . — That terrible man. N. V., 1S85. 16 . XoRSE-folk. Brace, C. L 44S-2 Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Ma- bie, H. W 295-5S Norsemen. See Northmen in America. Scandinavia. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. Vincent, F., jr. . 448-96 North, Christopher. See Wilson, J. . . . Q 5 5 B 1 North, Sir Dudley, b. 1641-1/. 1691. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. pp. 138-157 41 1-2 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 96-103 4 IO -35 North, Edward, 1st lord North. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 21-25. . • • 411-65 North, Francis, baron Guildford, b. 1637-rf. 16S5. Campbell, J. Lord Chancellors. v. 3- PP- 345-393 41 1-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 181-187. . 411-65 North, Frederick, earl Guildford, better known as Lord North, b. 1 732-1/. 1792. Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen, v. I. pp. 44-59 410-17 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 51-59 4"-65 North, John Henry. Shiel, R. L. Sketch- es of the Irish bar. pp. 252-268. . . . 34°9~75 North, Wm. Slave of the lamp. N. Y., 1855. 1 6°. North America. Subdivisions : I. Discov- ery and colonization. 2. Travel and description. 3. Natural history and geology. 4. Miscellaneous. /. Discovery and colonization. — Baird, C. W. History of the Huguenot emigration to America 2845 17 — Drake, S. A. Making of the Great West. 988-2 — Doyle, J. A. English colonies in Amer- ica 974-3 — Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit missions in North America 267-4 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America 974~5 — Smiles, S. Huguenots, with an appen- dix relating to the Huguenots in Amer- ica 2845-71 Chapin, |. II. < reation and the early developments ol ;ociety. pp. 243—276. [Antiquities. | 213-19 — Freeman, I.. A. English people in its three homes 9306-4 North America, continued. 2. Travel and description. — Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller ; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America 439~ 2 — Domenech, E. Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America. 2 v 478-32 — Gallenga, A. Episodes of my second life. 401 B9 — Hardy, D. Through cities and prairie lands 47°~4 — Hatton, J. Henry Irving's impressions of America 473~45 — Land we live in 470—55 — Lyell, S/'rChas. Life letters and journals. 594B1 — Moorman, J. J. Mineral springs of North America 6155-6 — Mm at, N. A. America and the Ameri- can-. 473-66 — Murray, C. A. Travels in North America. 470-65 — Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America 473-72 — Trollope, A. North America 47°-9 — Tuckerman, H. T. America and her commentators 470-95 j>. Natural history and geology. — Caton, J. D. Antelope and deer of America 59974-2 — Coues, K. Field ornithology 598-3 — Jaeger, B. and Preston, H. C. Life of North American insects 5957—5 — Macfarlane, J. American geological rail- way guide 557-6 — Morgan, L. 11. American beaver and his works 5993^1-6 — Say, T. American entomology 5957 _ 8 — Wood, A. American botanist and florist. 580 87 — Richardson, J. Arctic searching expedi- tion, pp. 408-470 498-79 4. Miscellaneous. — Ritter, F. L. Music in America. . . . 7701-7 — Stevenson, D. Sketch of the civil engin- eering of North America 62097-7 — See also America. Alaska. Canada. Central America. Mexico. United States. Northmen in America. NORTH Americans of antiquity. Short, J. T. 407-8 NORTH and South. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. North Cape. Kent, S. II. Within the Arctic circle: experiences of travel through Norway to the North Cape, Sweden and Lapland I I s S \ 1 1 arolina. Andrews, S. Southsince the war. 1866 175 14 — Hale, P. M. Coal and iron counties of North Carolina. 1883 553-4 NORTH. 933 — NOR1 HROP. North < larolina, continued. — Moore, J. W. School history of North i aroline ii om i s s i to the pre enl time. 1882 9 — Nun I li< ill, C. I hi inn states in the spring and summer of 1875. 1876 475-6 Ramsay, I. < i. M. Annals ol I enm 1 pai 1 of North Cai olina from 1 777 to 1784, and from 1788 to 1790. 1853. 9858-7 1 aliaferro, 1 1. E, Fisher's river, (North Carolina), iceni 1 and Icnis. 1859. 817-88 Wheelei , I. II. Historical iketchi North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. . . 9846 9 — Zeigler, W. G. and Grossi up, B. S. Heart of the Allegh; i ;. (1883.J 1.756 9 ( lampbell, 1 .. While and blai k. pp. 292-3H 473-2 1 lonstitul ion 1 if 1 he »e\ eral states, pp. 255-2»5 3463-3 Doyle, J. A. English colonies in Amer- ica, pp. 325-380 974-3 Howe, J. W. Winter homes for invalids, PP- 88 -92 6135-4 — Lodge, H. C. English colonies in Amtr- "•'■ PP- '32 ' 57 974-5 Olmsted, 1'. I . Journey in the seaboard •.lave stairs, pp. 305-376 475-7' Wright, S. Surf: a, sumrner pilgrimage. PP- "5 '5o 475-96 NoRTH-eastern Ohio teachers' association. Essays and addresses read before the N. I ■'. 1 '. I . A.; with a brief history of the association; eil. by A.J. Rickoff, E. F. Moulton, S. Findley, 1.. I.. Campbell and Alex. F01 bes .i7 11 " 6 Contents.— History — Inaugural address of the president, Hon. Thos. W. Harvey.— Crown the ti .1. her, n story of Olympus, by Dr.W Bowen. — How to preserve the eyes, by Dr. A. Metz. — Oral instruction versus text-books, by II M James. — Training in the use of language, by Harriet I. Keeler. — Object teaching, by Samuel Find- ley. Teacher in grooves, by Miss P. II. Good- win. -Promotions and examinations, by E. F. Moulton Honor men, by Ellen A. Darling. — II r.ih Ii in the publii schools, bj Pres B ft Hinsdale. — Words correctly spoken, by Ell "OJ M. Avery. — Charge of inflexibility of graded schools, by E. F Spaulding. — Inaugural ad- dress of the second president. I M i lemen — High school and the college, by Prof. C. II. Penfield.— Education of the eye. by Pres \ A. lv Taylor.— Some reasons for teaching draw- ing, bj 1 s rhompson. — Reading as a means 1 if discipline supplementary to school trai g, by Prof, Hiram Mead— Inaugural address of the third president, H M. Parker. — Music ; its object, how and by whom taught, l.v \ i Stuart System of teaching drawing for com- mon schools, by Franlc Aborn. North Mexican states and Texas, History "I the. v. 1. liancroft, II. II. ... 99001-2 Noi rHANGEF \liliey. Austen, lane. NoRTHCOTE, Jas. Cook, D. Art in Eng- land, pp. 244-259. Sir Joshua's pupil. 7592-3 i . 1 , continued. ( lunningham, A. Bi iti h pa 5- PP- I s "7 M7-3 OTE, ' fohn. I lamilton, A. II. A., ../. Note bool "l s n I'llin Noi thi vt i 1 1 1 1 ■ ; cote, W. H rheorj tnd 1 1 .f ii:u. I ... n. il. 8°. . . 6211-6 Northeast j Northend, 1 has., ./«/. educator, />. ■• Teacher and thi ipon common ■ 1 hool edui 1' ion, 1 ontaining practical suggestions to teachers and pa- rents. N 1 12° - Teacher's assistant. U., i860. 12° . . 371-67 — , ed. Book of epitaphs, amusing, curious and quaint. N. V., 1S73. 12 . . . . 4195 6 I IiIhi Burritt: memorial volume ci taining sketch of his life and laliurs, with selections from his writings and lectun and extracts from his private journals in Europe and America. X. Y., 1879. 12° [97B2 Northern antiquities. Mallet, P. II. . . 4068-6 Northern harrier of India. Drew, F. . . 4546-3 Northern California, Oregon ami the Sand- wich islands. Nordhoff, Chas 17.1 6 Northern Cross ; or, Randolph's last year at the Boston Latin school. Allen, W. !'■ 115A96 Northern lakes of Canada. Barlow, C, ed. 471 | Northern Pacific railroad. Coffin, C. C. Seat of empire 4 Kelly, W. D. >peeches, etc. pp. 454- 494 33<>4-46 Winser, 11. J. Cireat northwest 478-95 NORTHERN regions; or, Uncle Richard's re- n of Captain Parry's voyages for the discovery of a northwest passage, and Franklin and Cochrane's journeys to other parts of the world. X. Y.. 1 - 1 6° 49S-69 Northern travel. Taylor, Bayard. ... NORTHMEN. Se, Normans. Scandinavia. Northmen in America. Anderson, Rasmus B. America not discovered by Colum- bus: historical sketch of the discovery I America by the Xorsemen 970-15 DeCosta, B. F. Pre-Columbian discov- I America by the Northmen. . . . 970-3 Smith, J. T. Northmen in New England ; in. America in the 10th century. . . . 970-75 Higginson, T. W. Book of American ex- plorers, pp. l — 1 6 970-4 — Sec Longfellow's poem " The skeleton in ar Northrop, Birdsey tirant. Education abroad, and other papers. X. V.. 1 ■ 8° 370-67 NORTHROP. — 934 NORWAY. Northrop, B. G., continued. Contents. — Should American youth be edu- cated abroad ? — Legal prevention of illiteracy. — Culture and knowledge. — Professional study. — Study and health. — Labor as an educator. — Ed- ucation and industrial arts. — Education and in- vention. — Labor and capital theoretically har- monized. — Labor and capital practically har- monized. — Appendix. NORTHROP, Henry Davenport, ed. Marvel- ous wonders of the whole world. Cleve- land, 1886. 8° 439-7 Northrut, A. Judd. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks and grayling fishing in northern Michigan. Syracuse, 1S80. 16°. 47475-7 Northward Ho! Markham, Capt. A. H. 498-621 Northward Hoe. Webster, J. Dramatic works. v. I. pp. 171-267 930CS Northwest. Coffin, C. C. Seat of empire. 4776-3 Northwest coast. Swan, J. G 4797-8 Northwest passage. See Arctic regions. Northwest territory. Albach, J. R., cd. Annals of the west 987-14 — Burnet, J. Notes on the early settlement of the Northwest territory $87-2 — Garfield, J. A. Settlement of the West- ern Reserve 987-4 — Hinsdale, Ii. A. Old Northwest 987-54 — M'Clung, J. A. Sketches of western ad- venture 987-58 — Smith, \V. Historical account of Bou- quet's expedition against the Ohio In- dians in 1764 987-86 Norton, Andrews, D. D., Am. theologian, b. 1786-1/. 1856. Evidences of the genuine- ness of the gospels. B., 1868. 12°. . 2271-7 — Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrine of Trinitarians concerning the nature of God and the person of Christ ; with additions and biographical notice of the author. B., 1869. 12° 2311-5 Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. PP- 73-78 412-74 — Putnam, A. I'., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp. 46-54. ]Biog. sketch and poems]." 245S-7 Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, Eng. writer, b. 1808-r/. 1877. Poems. 2 v. V V., 1S57. 12° 693C5 — Dream, and other poems. N. V., 1 S 5 5 . 12° 693C6 m], I Sir Douglas. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1867. 16°. Stuart of Dunleath. Leipzig, 185 1. 16°. ■ n roN, ( has. Elliott, Am. author, b. 1K27. 1 1 1 itorical studies of church-building in the middle ages: Venice, Siena, Flor- ence. N. V., 1880. 8° 7244-6 navel and study in Italy. 11., i860. 12° 445-7 Norton, Chas. E., continued. — Early letters of Thos. Carlyle. L., 1886. 12° 205B6 — tr. Dante Alighieri. New life 851-9 — Biographical sketch of the author. In Wright, C. Philosophical discussions. 142-95 Norton, C. L. and Habberton, John. Ca- noeing in Kanuckia; or, haps and mis- haps afloat and ashore of the statesman, the editor, the artist and the scribbler, recorded by the commodore and the cook. N. Y., 1S7S. 12° 471-66 Norton, Frank Henry, Am. journalist, b. 1836, joint author. Junkin, D. X. and Norton, F. II. Life of W. S. Hancock. 453B2 NORTON, John Nicholas, Am. clergyman, b. 1820. Every Sunday: a course of ser- mons for the Christian year. Hartford, I873- I2 ° 252-72 — Golden truths: a course of sermons for the Christian year; with a special series for Holy week. N. Y., 1880. 8°. . . 252-73 — Ring's ferry boat. N. Y., 1876. 16°. . 248-54 — Life of Archbishop Laud. B., 1864. 12°. 558BS — Old paths: a course of sermons for the Christian year. N. Y., 1880. 8°. . . 252-75 — Warning and teaching : a course of ser- mons for the Christian year. N. Y., 1S79. 8° 252-74 Norton, John Pitkin, Am. chemist, b. 1S22- d. 1852. Elements of scientific agricul- ture ; or, the connection between science and the art of practical farming. N. Y., 1S55. 12° 6317-7 Norton, Sidney Augustus, Am. educator, b. 1835. Elements of natural philosophy. Cinn., 1870. 12° 530-69 — Elements of physics: text book for acad- emies and common schools. Cinn., 1875- 12° 530-7 Norton, Wm. Augustus, Am. educator, b. iSlo-rf. 1883. Treatise on astronomy, spherical and physical: with astronom- ical problems and solar, lunar and other astronomical tables. N. Y., 1S69. 8°. 520-69 — and Porter, J. A. First book of science. pi. I. Natural philosophy and chemis- try, pt. 2. Chemistry and allied sci- ences. N. V., 1S66. 12°. Same, 1873. 504-6 NORWALK, Conn. Townshend, C. H, Brit- ish invasion of New Haven, Conn., to- gether with some account of their land- ing and burning the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk, July, 1779 9755-9 Norway. Anderson, E. I . Six week, in Norway. 1877 4481-15 — Ballantyne, R. M. Chasing the sun ; or, rambles in Norway. 1869 44S1-2 — Bowden.J. Naturalist in Norway. 1869. 59194-2 noku \\ 93S NO I \< ii \\ w , continued. Boyi i 11 1 1 . 1 1. Story of Norwaj i 94 I ! Brai .■, i '.. L. Not e foil 1859 M Brow ii,-, |. U. Land of Thor. 1867. . 1 1 '■ - 1:111 kley, J. M. I In midni hi nn : the 1 11 ml 1 in nihilist. 1886 1 Carlyle, I. Earlj Icings of Norway. . . 9481 .i <,ii. m, J. I >. Summei in Norway. 1875. 4481 i Gamle Norge, 1 1 lid Noi w aj 1 1S02. . . 4 18 .| — Kennedy, \ . W. M . 1 Vrctii regions and back in si\ weeks: being a summer tour to Lapland and Norway. 1878. . 1481 j Michell, T. History of the Scottish ex- pedirion to Norway in 1012 9481 6 Price, E. Norway and its scenery. . . . 4481-7 Rhodes, E. Adventures of five spin ters in Norway 44S1 -75 — Sidgwick, C. S. Story of Norway. 1885. 9481-7 Snorro Sturleson. Heimskringla; or, a chronicle of the kings of Norway. 3 v. 9481 8 — Three in Norway 44.S1-.SS — Unprotected females in Norway. 1859. . .)|Si g — Wood, C. W. Round about Norway. «88o 4481-9S — Atkinson, J. B. Art tour to northern cap- itals ni Europe, pp. 82-102 7087-2 — Cuyler, T. L. From the Nile to Norway. pp. - 2 : -\; s 440-263 — Davis, S. M. II. Norway nights and Rus- sian days, pp. 17-210. 1SS7 || — Froude, J. A. Historical and other sketches, pp. 62-101 383E1 — Jackson, II. M., ill. II. 1 ( Him] three coasts, pp. 221-321 439-52 — Lloyd, L. Field sports of the North of Europe, pp. 299-329 7963 6 M.n millan, II. I lolidaj - on high lands ; or, rambles in search of Alpine plants. pp. 165 328. 1869 4404-6 Maxwell, J. S. The Czar, his court and people, pp. 1 |S 447-6 — Pfeifler, I. Journey to Iceland. pp. 190-21 1 ... 4491-7 — Prime. S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. pp. 447-461 44o-74 ■ — Rae, E. Land of the North wind. pp. l ~ 22 4471-7 Sum. in, T., ,(/. Woman question in Eu- rope, pp. 189 ms 396-85 — Vincent, V.,jr. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. PP- 34-112- 44S-96 Boyesen, 11. II. Idyls of Norway and other poems i;ot '- Mflgge, T. Afraja: [a romance]. V Scandinavia. Norwich, Conn. Mitchell, D. hi the sunny south. Ingraham, Rev. J, II 175 i Noi .in> thing : Vrthur, T. S. Bulwer-Lytti 1 . I I . I Iramal 1 pp. 411 594C7 Noi dead yet. Jeaffre on, I . ' . Noi easily jealous. B., 1873. Noi li'i din. Giberne, Agnes 420A4 No 1 in the pros] Danforl b, I'. NOI like other gil Is. ' N. Not wiselj ■ ■ Bi ugh ton, Rhoda. Noi without thorns. Mole worth, Mrs. M. L., (Ennis Graham, pseud.) 1 E thoughts about women. Ballou, M. \L, <•, 440-16 NOW II I 1 Nl R i ii , I I . P, II . i M I I ml.) Billj Grimi I ori I Greenleal talenl B., 1875. ''' '• • Littli ; I ; or, old Ji P.., iSi.'l. Hi El 1 1 . 1 . Outline 1 crea t ion . \ . V., 1859 12 lev \ 1 . Earth W ■ m \ nil .1 I in iliilll loYE, ''■'■■ n 'I n ii!.: I England ; \( iili In";;, ketch of the autl and 1 1 1 ■ 1 . .., by ( '. S. Sims. Alb u NoVES, Gi 1 1 ill, I'", clergyman, i. 1798 il. 1868, ed. < lollei 1 i 1 1 hei ilogii al 1 1 ■ in riousaul hor >. Ii., 1 867. s ■ 104-67 ConttHts.— Introducl , by G R N Faith and icience, b) 1 P G Gu 1 1 .111,1 1 by B. Powell Doctrim I tio'n, 1 1 \ 1 ' ! 1 ,. -' ■ 1 ' ' Set van! 1 ol God speak- ing .is moved by thi H0I3 Ghost ! iams, 1 he spirit and thi r f the truth and it"-- Book, by R. Williams ' In the 1 which probably spired to produce out vn'ur's agony, by I Harwood Of our Lord's fortitude, bj W. Ncwcome D 1 the 1 i faith, by B I nun of the sin of Adam, by B loweti Oi changi >of characl r, bj 1 lowctl Casuistry, ii\ B lowett, 1 in 1 Ii nection ol immorality and idolatry . by B. Jowetl 1 Ol uu'iii, by I', Jow el 1 On thi from the Ol 1 B. Jowetl 1 nuMit on the character of Si Pa fowetl I' nl and the twelve, by B. Jowett. — Evils in the , Ii 1: ■ ;e, by B. Jowett. On the belief in the coming ol 1 I111 1 in the apostolical age, by B. Jowett. — 1 1- .a), of Christ, considered 1 ■ a sacrifii e, by J. Foster. — Epistles to the Corinthians, in rela- tion to the Gospel history, by \ P. Stanley. — Vpostolical worship, by \ P. Stanley 1 h ■ u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 j \ P Stanley ' nit] u ! rai t 1 1: hi. I iii \ P.Stanley. — Gift of i.m : n. in d the 1 ■ , ■ by \. P. Stanli . Love, I he greatest ol ;ifts, \ P Stanley. B of Christ, by A. P. Stanley Resurrt 1 tion "f 1 he dead, b) \ P Stanley On the credibility of miracles, by I hi is Brown — Ir. NewTestament : from the Greek text of Tischendorf. B., 1869. 12°. . . . 22m 1, New translation nl Job, I 1 1 le is ti and Canticles; with introductions and notes, chiefly explanatory. 1'.., 1868. 12 . . 224 <> New translation of the book of Psalms, ami of the Proverbs ; with introductions ami notes. B., lSnS. [2°. 22\2 6 New translation ol the Hebrew proph- el : with introductions and notes. 2 , . 1: . 1868. 12 JJ5 1. — Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscenc IT- '3° '33 41-74 NOYES, John Humphrey, Am. communist, 1811 rf. 1886. History of American so- cialisms. I'hila., 1870. S° B I ami Nil', 1 • • 1 E. Two years in 1 1S75 1 , W. I Kit life in Egypt ami 1S57 Km ell, M. \ ubia 1 St. John, I. \. Egypl and Smith, A. C. Nile ami ii jour- nal of travels in Egypl ami Nubia. 2 v. 1868 '. I 1 1 . Ii, 1 1 . 1 1. • nlimental ! - pp -'1, -'7 i Warburl I v. 1. pp. [80 220 M Iso Africa. Levant. Nile. . 1 , Lord. \'< ma Pompilius. See Plutarch. Ni M \ Roumestan. Daudet, Alphon Numantia. Cervantes, S. M. Parnassus, pp. 121 210 R one and how to take care .'f him. , J. J No. XIII; or, the story of ilie losl vestal. Marshall, 1 614A 1 NUMBERS. Numerals. .V ..■ Ai Ilium ■ us and coi ; Kenmare. See Clare, M. 1 M. F. Ni \a the Brahmin girl. French, II. W. . Alvaro, Spanish tiai . Kingsley, II. Tales of old travel, pp. 273-3°7 Nunneries. See Abbeys. Convents. astic institutions. Ni N's curse. Riddell, M s. }. II. Crumpet tells the story. 1 Amelie. In Hi dragons, pp. 16S-230. Nursery. Terhune, M. \ '.. (M. Harland, pseud.) Common sense in the nursery. V, 1 lie : illustral for little people. B., 1888. i v noonings. Dodge, M. A., Hamilton, pseud.) 1 NURSING. I Hume nursing and how to help in cases of accident. 1SS0. r.ruen. E. T. Outlines for the manage- ment of diet; or, the regulation of : to the requirements of health and treat- ment of disease. i^s; 6131-24 — Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Diet for the sick. 1885 ies and hospita woman's work, as exhibited in the la- - of Amy Dutton and Agnes li. Jones. 1S-3. 300P1 NURSING. -933 OI'.KRUN. \ 1 rsing, continued. — Liickes, E. C. E. Hospital sisters and their duties. 1886 6138-5 — Manual of nursing. 1S78 6138-6 — Mills, C. K. Nursing and care uf the nervous and insane. 1SS7 6138-64 Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing, what it is and what it is not. 1S65 6138-7 — Thompson, W. G. Training schools for nurses; with notes on twenty-two schools. [883 613S-8 Weeks. ('. S., ed. Text-book of nursing. 1SS5 613S-9 — Browne, P. What girls can do. pp. 91- 97, 220-221, and 355-360 3965 2 Ihnton, J. Health and its conditions, pp. 203-217 613-45 — Manson, G. ]. Work for women, pp. 47-59 3965-6 — Murray, R., ed. Modern householder. pp. 664-689 640-7 — Una and her paupers : memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones, by her si>ter. pp. 471- 497. Hospital training and nursing in the United States 518B2 Nursing, continued. ■ See also Accidents. Hospitals. Medicine. Nussir-u-deen, king of Oude. Knighton, Wm. Private life of an Eastern king. 688B1 Nits for boys to crack. Todd, J 24N 71 NuTTIE's father. Yonge, C. M. Ni mini:, Mary O., (Mary Barrett, pseud.) Story uf William the Silent, and the Netherland war. B., 1869. 12 . . . . 954l ; " Mount Holyoke Seminary, In Bracked, A. ('., ■•./. Education of American girls, pp. 318-328 376-2 NyASSA : a journal of adventures whilst ex- ploring Lake Nyassa, central Africa, and establishing the settlement of l.iv- ingstonia. Young, E. D 4679 98 Nymph of the West. Seeley, Howard. Nystrom, John W. New treatise on steam engineering, physical properties of per- manent ga^e~, and of different kinds of vapor. Phila., 1S76. 8° 6211-64 — Technological education and ship-build- ing lor naval and marine engineers. Phila., 1S65. 12° 623 o O., C. A. Into the light: or, the Jewess. B., KS68. 12°. O. T., a Danish romance. Andersen, H. C. O Mother dear, Jerusalem; the old hymn, its origin and genealogy. Prime, W. C., ed. 2452-7 Oakeley, P. On the mission and prospects of the Catholic church in England. In Manning, II. E., ed. Essays on religion and literature, v. 1. pp. 130-159. . . 204-58 OAKES, A. H. Teacher taught. In Mat- thews, I. P.., tii. Comedies for amateur acting, pp. 127-152 785-59 11 i 1 \ . Alex. Building a home. Y Y., 1881. 12°. [Appleton's home books.] 728-7 - HomegroumK. N. \ ., [SSl. 12 . [Ap- pleton's home books.] 712-6 Oaki.v, AfissM. R. See Hewing, Mrs. Ma- ria R. OAK-openings. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. OATH-keeper of Forano. Wright, Mrs. J. McN. ■ .1 v. ild oats ' 1 • >mmon en men. Pin IJcv, J. M '94-2 1 iks. 1 looper, W. K. short historj <■! the Egyptian obelisks 4032-3 VVeisse, I. A. 1 Ibelisk and fn 1 Bel mi and < ommandei ' lorringe 1 ■ ■ < Ober, Frederick Albion, Am. author, 6. 1849. Camps in the Caribbees: adventures of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. P., [880. 8° , 47-'i- s 7 Knockaboul club in the Everglades: ad- ventures of the club in exploring Pake I ikechobee. P., 1S77. 8° 4759-7 — Young folks history of Mexico. P., [883. 12 99°-7 ( lu l:- IMMERGA1 . Se< Passion play. Oberhoi rzER, Mrs. Sarah Louisa (Vicl Am. poet, /'. 1841. Daisies of verse. Phila.'. 1886. 12° 700C2 Hope's heart bells. P.. 1884. 12 . OBERLIN, Jean Frederic, philanthropist, b. 1740-,/. 1S26. Knight, C. Once upon a time. pp. 436-444 5.v sl '-4 — Men who have risen, pp. 168 197. . . 410-76 — Watson, Mrs. K. A. Poet-toilers in many fields, pp. 137-149 410-962 1 im 1 1 in, Madame Madeline Salome (Witter.) 1 InM, L.M. Bi of good v, ives. pp. i|i 148 4I3- 2 S 1 n 1 1 1 1 Shumway, A. 1 . .. la Brow er, C. DeW. Oberliniana; juliilee vol- ume of semi-historical anecdotes con- nected with the past and present of 1 iberlin college, 1833 83 37^77' 7 fohnsion, A. A. F. OIh i e. In Bi .11 ki 11, \. C, ed. Education of erican girls, pp. 329-345 37°- 2 I (BERLIN. 0< l i H i i i i ''.'■ rd, J. K., ,,/. Mi itory of the! Iberlin Well li ■ ;i uc c Ini 1 1 R dii ii. s v, Birrell, A CT-I '\. A. I'i i objei ' 1886 I .1 in;. II. I I 1 I" impi ..i'i ■ Foi ii ■ ■ [886 3723-4 II Him in, W. N. 1 lul in" of a '-'ii oi object-teai hing. 1867 .1 on, \. I dui 11 I". doing. 188 |. . Mi i look, 1 1. 1 '. Object and oul lim ing: [foi 11.... 1 ibjei 1 1 on indoi : '■ sons. In Pa published from 1 I's N. 1 ■ 1 . rica a i- tion. 3723-7 Sheldon, E. A. Manual of elementary instruction. 2 v. [860-61 372 8 Jon M, I . M. and Krusi, II. Manual of element iry in 1 1 '723-79 \\ alker, 1. Hand) bool ol ol ; [884 Will ."ii, M. Manual ol inl n mati m and 11 rge ition ; for 1 ns. 1867. . : Findlej , S. < ibjecl teaching. and adili e es read before 1 he V E. O. 1. \. pp. i2i) 140 37°6-6 — Johonnot, J. Princi] e of teai hing. pp. 83 94 S7»— 5 Objei i for the microscope. Clarke, I . I.. 5782-3 I IB! (J. Ml I Irll.unl, M. G. Oboi'Ki \ii, I Inn ■> . I • icr, Mrs. 1. II. (l-'aye Huntington, pseud.) Stories "f gri men. pp. 91 97 1 1 O'Brien, In James, Irish- Am. journalist, b. d. 1862. Diamond lens. In M em classics, pp. -i \<). O'Brien Michael. Speech; with biog. no- tice. In Speeches from the dock. . . 4113 85 1 i'Brien, R. Bai ry. Parli imentai j history of the Irish land question fi om [82 - 1869 and the 01 igin and results of the II, I, a CUStOm. I.. 1S80. 12°. ... 1 ib 11 1 ire diseases of the brain and disorders of the mind. Winslow, !•' '73~9 i Ib 1 i;\ v 1 IONS in Europe. Durbin, J. P. . . 1 R.VATIONS in the East. I lurbin, J. P. 1499 ; rver, rhi Bi sh 1 ssayists. \ . .;: .; \. [8 |i 1 in 111 mi ej e; or, lei tei i to children on die thri e lowest divisions of animal life: the radiated, articulated and mollus- cous. 1... n. d. 16° 111 vllaghan, Edmund Bailey, II. /'.. Irish-Am. historian, b. 1803 d. (S History of Nei» Netherland ; or, New Vork under the Dutch. -'v. N. V.. 1855. 8° 983-6 H ! France, I ition in ' • In i' XVI. V V., n. d. 8° P' , 1 . muel. . . ■ ie and mi 1 1 Ru h, Rii hard. Oi 1 , J. I Boston Monda tures.] 1 1 world. Sinnett, A. P 212-78 IS of a retired lit I. I ., 1 1 dwai I I nd.) 11. Kan. Benjamin, S. G. W. Multitudin- 1 I 54M-2 ton, W. Sea and the sailor. 1S51. . Si — Croll, J. Climate and time in theii logical relations. 1875 55 ,_ 3' 1 ,uier, L. O d 1 . . . 5S odrich, !■'. B. 1 iry 4 S7 -1-1 nes, I. S. Geonomy: creation of the continents by the ocean currents. 1885. 53145 42 1 | e , E. I.. Storii - ol the sea, told by sailors 437 45 Howe, H. Life and death on the ocean. 43 es, R. J. C. Shi| 1877 6 5«-4S — Mangin, A. Mysteries of the ocean. 55*4-5 — Maury, M. F. Physical geography "f the sea. 1858 5514 6 Miehelet.J. The sea. 1S64 551 us, E. Ocean, atmosphere and life. ; Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea. 1S7S 5 8 95~7 Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea. 1875. . 5514 8 Whymper, F. The sea. 4 v 437"95 \\ ilson, W. S. I tcean as a health resort. 61 1 1,-\ ere, M. S. Stray leaves from the of nature, pp. S7-I1S 502-32 — fohnson, S. Lectures e pp. 216 :.59- Symbolism of the sea. . . . 517' 5 1 . Sublime in nature, pp. £ [" creation, pp. 91-III I 1 --.in. Her, G. Wonders of water, pp. 3-58 ;; — See also Physical geography. ma> gardens and palace.-: or. the tent on the beach. Dyer. Rev. S can: Sand ford Fleming's dition. Grant, G. M 471 4; OCEANA. — 94° O'DONOVAN. ' I ■ 1 LNA; or, England and her colonies. Froude, J. A 438-38 Oceanica, or, Oceania. Jenkins, J. S. Ex- ploring expeditions in the South seas and the Pacific ocean, n. t. p 490-52 — Romilly, II. II. Western Pacific and New Guinea. 1SS6 493-8 — Stories from the South seas 496-S5 — Thomas, J. Cannibals and convicts : n of personal experiences in the western Pacific. 1866 490-8 — Vincent, F., jr. Through and through the tropics, pp. 51-104 438-9 — See also Australasia. Malaysia. Polynesia. Ocean's story. Goodrich, F. B 437-44 Ockley, Simon, Eng. Oriental scholar, b. 1678-1/. 1720. History of the Saracens: lives of Mohammed and his successors to the death of Abdalmelik the eleventh caliph. L., 184S. 12° 953-6 — Same: with Gibbon, E. Saracen empire. 953~4 O'CONNELL, Daniel, Irish orator, b. iyj^-d. 1847. Select speeches: edited with his- torical notices by his son, John O'Con- nell. 2 v. Dublin, 1S71. 12 . . . . S25-58 — Cusack, M. F. Life of Daniel O'Connell. 693B5 — Burke, T. N. Lectures and sermons, pp. 34-45. Funeral oration 2827-22 — Cormenin, L. M. de la H. Eminent or- ators of France, pp. 314-326 4105-2 — Giles, H. Lectures and essays, pp. 76- 103 422E2 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, pp. 223-320. . . . 41 13-5 — McCarthy, J. H. I funs with eminent Irishmen. pp. 251-261. Emmet — O'Connell 94'-54 — Savage, J. '98 and '4S ; modern revolu- tionary history and literature of Ireland. pp. 243-324 9417-7 — Shiel, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. PP- 73-97 _ 3409-75 O'Connell, Daniel, count, b. \~\i-d. 1S33. Grant, I. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 298-307 4IO-53 O'Connor, J. 1). History of Turkey : com- prising the geography, chronology and 1 1 tics of the empire; ethnology, primitive traditions and sociology of the Turks; genealogy of the Osmanli dynas- ty and lli' of I he » :ir of 1 S 7 7 . I In. ago, 1S77. 8° 9496-7 mi. 1 '.. Power. Parnell mo\ 1 ment ; with a sketch of Irish parti e fi OIE 1843. V Y., [886. 8° 9418-6 //; Sullivan, M. F. Ire- land of to-day 9418-8 O'Ci ti IR, \\ 111. I ' iter, b. 1833. 'I ; \. v.. 1867. 16°. 1 ('CONOR, W. A. History of^the Irish peo- ple. L., 1886. 8° 941-6 1 '< rAVIA Bragaldi; or, the confession: a tragedy. Barnes, C. W. S. Plays, prose and poetry, pp. 5—1 18 818-2 Oi TOBER. Adams, O. F., ed. Through the year with the poets : October S09-23 — Prime, S.I. Under the trees, pp. 59-62. 745E2' O'Daniel, W. Ins and outs of London. I'lula., 1859. 12° 4421-65 Odd boy, pseud. See Tillotson, John. I Idd couple. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (\V.) ODD-Fellows. Donaldson, P., ed. Odd- fellows offering for 1S49 3663-3 Grosh, A. II. Odd-fellows improved manual 3663-4 Odd folks at home. Mateaux, C. L. . . . 5905-57 Odd hours of a physician. Garretson, Jas. E., (John Darby, pseud.) 420E3 Odd one. Payne, Mrs. A. M. Mitchell. . . 719A4 Odd or even? Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Odd people. Reid, Cape. Mayne 572-8 ( inn trump. Coulson, J. G. A. Oddities in Southern life and character. Watterson, H., ed. 817-94 Oddments of Andean diplomacy and other oddments. Helper, H. R 3419-4 O'Dea, Jas. J. Suicide : studies on its phi- losophy, causes and prevention. i\. Y., 1882. 12° 1999-7 ODGER, Geo. Hinton, R. J. English rad- ical leaders, pp. 326-346 41 1-5 ODILON-Barrot. See Barrot, C. H. O. Odling, Wm. Course of practical chemis try. L., 1S69. 12 543-5 Odo. Campbell, J. Chief-justices of Eng- land, v.i 41 1 24 ODOHERTS papers. Maginn. Wm S27-66 O'DONEL, Rory. Meehan, C. P. Fate and fortunes of O'Neill and O'Donel. . . . 41 13-6 O'DONNEL, Joseph Henry, count of Abispal, Spanish general, d. 1S34. Grant, J. Cavaliers of fortune, pp. 256-261. . . 410-53 O'DONNELS of Glen cottage. Conyngham, 1). P. O'DONOGHUE, Mrs. Power. Riding for la- dies; with hints on the stable. I.., 1SS7. 12° 6364-7 ( >'l lONi iGHI 1 . The. Lever, ('has. O'Donoi \\. Ed nd, war correspondent, b. 1838 ./. 1883. Mci\ : story of adven- tures and captivity, epitomized from the ••\bn oasis." V V.. 1S84. 12 .. . 4554-61 \Ict\ oasi i travels and adventures east of the Caspian during the years 1879-81, including five months' residence among theTekkesofMerv. 2 v. N.Y.,1883. 8°. 4554-6 \ il.iuis, W. II. D. In perils oft', pp. 393-440 4>59-'4 (t'liuMA \\ ■>\i — olllo O'Dono i ., I dmond, • ontinutd. Marvin, C. R n g Central \ ;ia. pp. 295-343. O'Do 1 lash to Merv. O'Donovan Ro 1 1 i , ■ 1. ■ bel in English priso I of p r i N. Y., 1 to 8° 694B1 I] h : « ith biog h • ft "in I In- docl ! 11 Odontalgia, i ommonly called toothai he 1 11 . hi ie ;, prevention and 1 are. Shaw, S. P 6175 8 ( )'l >',\ wv.i '..I neliu -. it i-CI nn • < I'Reilly, M. Irish n sors. pp. 198-214 (.142—65 ( >'l >risi nn. W. In tin. Mi moir of I laniel Maclise. L., 1871. 12° 606B4 t >n\ :sey. S 1 lomei , ( Knin s. See Sophoi li GEdipus Tyrannus : or, Swellfool the tyrant. Se, Shelley, P. B. Oelnii /, I . \ mi d., joint author. Lankenau, 1 1. von and ( (elnil . I., von d'. Rvi pasl and present 147-2 Oemli r, Dr. A. Trui It farming at the South: guide to the raising of vegeta- bles fornorthern markets. \. V.. [884. '2° O'er many lands, on many seas. Stables, G. 849A2 I (era Linda 1 1 Go ;e, !•'.. \V. Studies in the literatui e ol ■• 1 n them Eui opi PP- 313 333 8 3°4-4 Oersted, Hans Christian, Danish natural philosopher, b. 1777 i,ii Boniface. Picard, < r. H. OLD«Catholic church. Killen, W. D. ... 281 1-5 Old Catholic movement. Theodorus, pseud. New reformation, narrative of the old Catholic movement from 1870 to the present time 2S48-8 — See also Dollinger, J. J. I. Lasaul, A. Villi. chateau. McKeever, II. B 601 \<- Old Chelsea bun-house. Manning, M. A. Old Cheraw , Hi orj oi the. G Ui «. 9847-5 Old cookery books, and ancient cuisine. Hazlitt, Win. C 6428 1 1 111 * 1 ..unless. 1 1 ..lei, Edmund. Old court. Un rw ... th, W. II. Old courl life in Frame. Elliot, France . 9443 3 Old . reole .lays. ( 'able. ( ieo. W. Old curiosity shop. I »ii ken-, ('has. ( ILD doctor. ( li.'iicy, John V. Old doctor's, son. Chellis, Mary Dwinell. 22;\i.| I ion. fames, ( '•■ P. R. England. I loppin, Jas. M 41 Old 1 nglish history. Freeman, F. A. . . 93'-3' Old Engli h wild Bowers, Burgess, J. T. . 5S2-24 ( II. n faith and the new. Strauss, I ». F. . . 2II-8 Old faiths in new light. Smyth, N. . . . 234-7 Old farm ind the new farm : political alle- gory. I l.ipkinsoli, F 817-52 OLD 943 < -i.M-.r Old j hioni d fairy I k. Han > 1 1 i Old fash - 1 i . 1 1 1 \ i ■ i ■ i i [ 11 G i M. , M Old fa hioni c] than! I M, 1 1 1 V25 Old Fathei Chi i. ili . In I'.u ing, J. 1 1. 1 1 1.) Snapili iffon . |2g \ i ; Old foi i or, wild | i lm ibell, V* 7g Old Fori I 'uc[ii< ne. Mi Knight, < ( ii.D li i • - 1 1 . 1 i ml in ■. [i i ■ Sarah < >. i ii I- i I with m i ci Tin ker, < 'hai Ion.'. (A. L. O i . i i n6Az; i »ld Fritz. M iiml i, K lara M . (L. Muhl bach; /■■■ ltd.) Old gem n el, bj ' I ,., [866. H' ' Old ( !re< I. ediu i n. Mah iffy, I . P. 17092 6 Old ( .i.-rl. life. Mahaffy, I. I' 1 1 ii 1 1 helmet. Wai nei . Su an. Old m uide. \\ eber, C. W. Old high in China. a, I. 451-96 1 in 1 ! poem . Bi 11. e, Wall 1 '.. I' 1 ■ i n n house .11 Sandw ich 11 ton, J. Old house by the Boyne. Sadlier, Mi I Old Humphrey « ilk in London. Mi ridge, G 1 , Old J. 11 k and his fool [Life of I !en. T. J. facl -ii |. 11. 1. p. 16° 510B8 Old Jan is' » ill. I li yg ite, W. I I ales men and women, v. 1. . . < n n Jolliffe : and sequel, [and] Merrj Chi ist- 111 1 . Mackai ne . Mrs. M. A Same. In Sunbeam stories 6 Old Kin ington, Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. 1 1 hai kei ay.) iMn lad) Mary : s tory ol the seen and 1111- 11. B., 1884. 16°. ''in landmarks and historic Boston. 1 Iraki.-, S. A 9825-3 M.i iing< r, P. Plays, p] 527- • • ■ 616I 3 Old lea> es ;atheri usehokl « w ills, 11. W., td 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 . ■ 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 - on , M c Li " i . \ . ( iin M secret. John, Eugenie, il . M.11 litt, seud.) Old Mackinaw. Strickland, \V. P yj Old maids, Knowles, J. s. Dramatic works, v. 2. pp. zS 1-346 .... 540C3 I Elizabeth S. 1 ii d manor-house. Smith, Mrs. C. Old Mark 1 . R. M. Old masters and their pictures. Keddie, Henrietta 1 '.., (S. 1 j tier, .). ... erchants ol Ne« i ille, , J. A., |\\ . Barrett, clerk, (•in Merry's travels on the continent. Hi I dei . E 4401-0 Old M01 talit) . x - .n. Sir Walter. • iin Myddli 1 I l| I' V.i thw .• .1 ; '.\ ill. li. A 1 Old p I II. I. |.L I ! Old 1 ne. Miller, 1 [ugh, . -55' and ili. I ! 1 11 1. n gime and iin- revolution. '■ ville, A. de I "li 11 1 11 1 > I: 11 .' and neu Italy. ilamander: life and naval iiral David - 1 ragut. 1 li ley, P. C ( 11 n Salem. Bal ud.) 1: Hows and what became of them. B., 1S77. 24 g ml and .'tli- II. A. Old Si 1 I louglas. N- slip wareho \. 1 '1 i> Spain and new Spain. Field, 11. M. 44 Old stone house. Woolson, C. I.. (Annie Marsh, pseud.) tone mansion. Phila., 1879. 1- . Old tales retold from Grecian n Lamed, Augusta I eslament charai ' 1 7 4 J ue child life. Rollins, E. 11., (E. II. Arr, psatd.) nne pictures. 1 j. F. . . Old times in the 1 olonies. Chellis, M . 1 > and their makers. Fleming, J. Old wells ilug out. Talmage, I. DeWil rot. Hall, A. • Old world: Palestin . --. ia and Asia Minor, e, J. R I ' 1 . 1 ' v rid in its new face: iin; H. W. . 1 Ul worthie ! i'hy. [Selected from Plutarch.] 41 i;v. Keary. Annie. Olden tim< Older England, illustrated Saxon antiquities in (lie l!riti>h museum. Hodgetts, J. F. . . ... OLDEST. 944 OLIPHANT. Oldest and newest empire: China and t lie United States. Speer, \V 951-7 Oldfield, R. A. IC, joint author. Laird, Mac G. and 1 lldfield, R. A. K. Narra- tive nl an expedition into the interior of Africa 4662-6 Oldham, John, Eng. poet, 6. 1653-,/. 16S3. Poems: eel. witli memoir by Robert Bell. 1.., (n. d.) 16 702C1 — Bryant, \V. C. Prose writings, v. 1. ]>|>. 115-128. Review of Poems 189E3 Oldport days. Higginson, T. W 470E6 Oldrey, Captain — . Redding C. Person- al reminiscences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 279-314 411-S7 Oldrieve, W. T. Best method of maintain- ing the supply of teak. In Rattray, J. andWiW, H. R., cds. Forestry and for- est products 7 1 4-7 Oldtown folks. Siowe, Mrs. 11. (B). Oldys, \V. Life of Sir W. Ralegh. In Ra- legh, W. Works, v. 1 82S-75 O'I.eary, Rev. Jas. Most ancient lives of Saint Patrick : including the life by Joce- lin, hitherto unpublished in America. and his extant writings. X.V., 1S83. 16° 717B7 — i'iI. Treatise on sixteen names of Ireland, in ten»chapters. N. Y., 1S74. 16 . . 941 1-7 < I'LEARY, John. Speech ; with biog. notice. In Speeches from the dock 4113-85 OLGER the Dane. See Ogier. Olier, Jean Jacques, French reformer, />. l6o$-d. 1657. I. ear, Mrs. II. L. Re- vival of priestly life. pp. 252-304. . . 4142-7 OLIN, Stephen, D. />., LL. /)., Am. M. E. divine, 6. ijgj-d. 1851. College life ; its theory and practice. X. V., 1867. 12 . 37S-6 < Sreeceand the Golden I lorn ; with in trod. bj Rev. J. M'Clintock. N.Y., 1854. 12 . 4495-65 Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrasa and the II ol) land. 2 \. X. Y., 1849-51. 12°. 458-7 '-'lie, P. I). Lives of eminent Metho- dist ministers, pp. 383-40S 1147 5 Oliphant, Carolina, baronesi Nairne, />. 1769 d. 1845. Fifty famous women. 106-308 413-41 Idie, 1 1, and Watson, J. I.. Si mg i Scotland, v. 2. pp. 108-179. 4178-8 ian 1, Lawrence, Eng. traveler and 1829 d. 1888. Altiora Pi to \. Y., 1S83. 16°. 1 lisodi in a lifi ol adventure ; or, |ii>'. V V., 1887. 12 ". — Haifa; or, life in modern Palestine: ed. by rii. 1 ;. \. Dana, \. > ., [887. 8°. 158 71 I !•■ 1 andu, 11 lie 1 ipital of Ne- paul) ; with I he campoi I ung Bahadoor ; h of the Ncpaulese am 1] ; 1 X. Y., 1S52. 12°. 4542-65 4587-7 451-7 9475-7 700 A 7 Oliphant, Lawrence, continued. — Land of Gilead ; with excursions in the Lebanon. N. Y., 1SS1. 8° — Narrative of the Laid of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1.X57 '59. N. Y., 1S60. 8° — Piccadilly. N. Y., 1884. 16°. — Russian shores of the Black sea in the au- tumn of 1S52; with a voyage down the Volga and a tour through the country of the Don Cossacks. N. Y., 1854. 12°. 4479-S — Trans-Caucasian campaign of the Turkish army under Omer Pasha. Edinburgh, 1S56. 8° Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. (Wilson), Scot- tish author, !>. 1820. Ague-. X. Y., 1866. 8°. — Agnes Hopetown's schools and holidays. B., 1S69. 24° — Beleaguered city: narrative of certain re- cent events in the city of Semur, in the department of the Haute Bourgogne. L.,.1881. 12°. - Brownlows. X. Y., 1881. 8°. — Carita. L., 1SS5. 16°. — Cervantes. Phila., n. d. 16 . [Foreign classics for English readers.] — Country gentleman. N. Y., 1S86. 4 . — Curate in charge. X*. Y., 1S76. 8°. — Francis of Assisi. L., n. d. 12°. . . — For love and life. L., n. d. re°. — Greatest heiress in England. L., 1886. Hester: story of contemporary life. X. V.. 1883. 12°. — 1 [istorical sketches of the reign of Gei irgi Second. P.., n. d. 8° Contents. — 'the- queen. — YValpole. — Ches- terfield. — Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. — Pope. — Prince Charles Edward Stuart. — Wes- ley. Prison, l'.erkeley. — Richardson. — Hume. — Hogarth. - Innocent. X. V., 1S73. 8°. — Katie Stewart : a true story. X. Y. 8°. — Ladies Lindores. X. Y , 1883. 16°. — Last of the Mortimers. Leipzig, 1864. 12°. — Life of Edward [rving, minister of the national Scotch church, London. X. V., 1862. 8° 1 .1.1:1 hi i"i y of England in tin 1 end ol the tSih ami beginning ol the 19th cen- tury. 3 v. N. Y., 1NS2. 12° - Little pilgrim. B., 1883. 16°. I . . , < rofton. X. V, 1S60. 16°. Madam. X. , i ., 1SN5. 16°. 215] 18 380B4 411-7S 506B5 8204-7 Madonna Mary. 2 \ . in 1. Leip; ig, is.. 7. 16°. Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Sav- onarola and theii city. 1 .. 1885. 12° 4107-7 OI.II'II W'l 0LN1 . i ii.nii \-. i . \h r, \l. i I . i\\ i. continued. Makei "I \ e painti i ind men ol lettei -. V \ ., 1888. 12" Co I luction 1 1 ! Margan 1 Maitl nd Phila. 1 1 May. \. Y. 1873. 8 . Me ii "i < ount de Monl 1 1 < ml 1 rt, peei "i I 1 mi e, deputy ol I he depai Imenl for 1 '• .':ii .1 1 hapli r of rea tory. -! v. in 1. I eipzig, 1872. 16 . - Mini 2 v. in 1 . 1869. 16 . M.s. Arthur. V Y., 1877. 8°. I Mil couple. Phila. 12 . — Oliver's bride : 1 1 .. [886. 12 . Ombra. N. Y., [873. 8°. — Perpetual curate. 2 v. in 1. Li [870. 16°. [Chro ford.] — I'lin ! 1 11 lr hi Cai ling- ford. N. V., 1876. 8°- — Primrose path: a cjiapter in the annals of the kingdom of Fife. L., 1S86. 12°. — Rector and thi 1870. 16 . [Chron - Rose in June. B., 1874. 8°. — Salem chapel. 2 v. in 1. Leip 16°. [Chronicle ol 1 ai lingford. ] — Sell Phila. 1 ■ — Sheridan. N. Y., 1883. 12°. [English men of Ietti -.] — Sir Tom. I.., 1884. 12°. Son of his father. I.., n. d. 12 . Son of the soil. X. V., 1S65. 8°. Whiteladies. X. \'., [875. 16°. — Within the precincts. I ., 1885. 16 . — Wizard's sun. I.., 1884. 12°. young Musgrave. \.Y., 1S7S. 8°. — and Aldrich, T. B. Second ion. B., ISSS. 12°. — Heywood, J. C. How they strike me, these authors, pp. 113-125 Oi. ifii an r. Tin in I ce Kington, author, b. 1831. New English. 2 v. L., 1S86. 12° — Old and middle English. 1.. 1S7S. 16 . — Sources of standard English. 1... 1873. '6°. Olive. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mul Olive Blake's good work. Jeaffreson, [. 1 . OLIVE-Branch, Rev. Snmm. *■,.'., /. S erts, \\ in Olive Lacey. Argyle, Anna. Olivi leaf. Macmillan, 1 1. Olive oil. Ross, Janet. Italian ske pp. 1 13-124. Oil-making in Tuscany. ( Ilivecron \. Ro Sweden. /;; Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 109-220 9453 '■" 82 1 B4 804-47 1 [10 :; 110-72 -145 1 A. L. Barbauld. In — Introduction. In ke, I . I ... 12° er Wyndham. 1 5 Olivi th, M. L. Oliver, 1 1, Sir Hem 1 Oliver I Hiphant, Mr . M. ( ». 1 'i i\ i.\ Raleigh. Synge, W. W. F. Olla Podrida. Marryatt, Frederick. Ollier, Edmund, ry of the war be- tween France and Germany, 1870-71. 2 v. L., n. d. 8° 94 Olmsted, Denison, LL.D., Am. chemist and geologist, b. 1791-r/. 1S59. Compendium stronomy : revised by E. S. SnelL X. V., 1S68. 12°. ..... " 520-71 — Introduction to astronomy, revised by E. ill. N.Y., 1S65. ' 8°. Same, 1868. 520-72 — Introduction to natural philosophy. X. V., 1S67. 8° "... 530-71 — Letters on astronomy. N. Y., 1855. I2~. 520-7 — Timothy Dwight as a teacher. A nard, II., ed. Educational biogra] PP. 78-96 i Barnard, 11.. /. Educational biography. 110-124. Biog. sketch 11:- 2 ED, Frederick Law, Am. 1S22. Cotton kingdom : a ti observation on cotton and slavery in the American slavi 2 v. N. \'.. ' - N . V., [8s6. 12° : — Journey through Texas, n. t. p. 16 3 . . 4764-7 — Walks and talks of an American farmer inEngland. N. Y., 1852. u r . Same. Columbus. 1S50 442-7 . Edward. LL. -. Treatise on special or element netry : also elements ine- try, plane and spherical. X. \ 513-7 — University algebra. X. Y.. I Ot.NEV. Ellen W. See Kirk. Mrs. Ellen W. (Olni lc--e and Barber. John W. Family New Haven, li OI. RIG. — 946 — ONE. Olrig grange. Smith, W. C, (Prof. Her- mann Kunst, pseud.) 837C1 Olver, Rev. G. W. Future probation : a symposium, pp. 225-254 2 37°~3 — Inspiration: a clerical symposium. pp. 1 19-136 2202-47 OLYMPUS, Mount. Tozer, H. F. Researches in the highlands of Turkey, v. 2. pp. I-58 449M O'Mahony: a tale of the rebellion of '98. Conyngham, D. V. Omar Khayyam, Persian author and mathema- tician, b. about I025-■/<_>/ Tyrone, Irish chieftain, m \ a girl. Hillern, W. von. ( tsi.v a girl. Jones, C. A. Only a pin. St. Germaine, .1. T. de. Only a year and what it brought. Andrews,!. 118A5 Onl'V an incident. Litchfield, G. 1). ( )ni \ nil Is. Townsend, V. F. Only herself. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie (Thomas.) Only sister. Witt, Mrs. H. (G.) de. . . . 95SA3 (Inly the governess. Carey, Rosa (Nou- chette). Only three weeks. B., 1873. 8°. ONOMACRITUS. Elton, ('.A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp.2352511.. S7001-3 Onward; or, the mountain clamberers, Winscom, J. A 954 \\ Oort, II., Hooykass, 1. and Kuenen, A. Bible for learners. 3 v. I:.. 1SS1-SS. 12° 221-7 Contents.— \. 1. Introduction. — Generations before Moses. — From Moses to David. — v. 1. From David to Josiah. — From Josiah to the su- • preinacy of the Mosaic law. — v. 3. Narratives of the New Testament. Opdycke, Gen. Emerson. Reid, W. < >hio in the war. pp. S37-839 979&-7 1 town. \ er< y, J. 91 il 1 I 11 1 •. aii grape 1 nlturc. Phin, J. . . i..... . Smith, I. II in.- place in all ages. Putnam, J. I Hayes, 1st I on. 1 '.-Mill.-, las. .it liurr. Roe, /' 1 P I ion aid <.. ma. I. Steele, S. s. Draw ing 785-82 1 ni 1 \ Caldor, M. I. Social charades and pa operas ; ( larleton, 1- . I . O] and their plots 77^-3 I umley, B. Reminiscences of 772—5 Maretzek, M. Crotchel tnd q or, revelations of an opera manager in America 772-6 — Pardon, G. F. Talcs from the operas. Sykes, Mrs. O. (1 I Before the footlights ami behind the scenes 782-45 — Upton, (i. P. Standard operas; their plots, their music and their composers. 772-9 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 7. pp. 123-128. 206E2 — Clayton, E. C. Queens of >ong ; with chronological list. pp. 5 1 5—545. . . . 4178-3 -- Mitchell, D. (■. Lorgnette; or, studies of the town. pp. 145-160 639E3 — &, also Music. Musicians. Operi 1 1 1 in inutile. Czeika, psaid. 1 nil. Mrs. Amelia. Works. 3 v. I'hila., 1841. 8°. Contents. — v. i. Madeline. — Adeline Mow- bray. — Simple tales: Black velvet pelisse. — The death bed. — The fashionable wife.— The robber. — Mother and son. — Love and duty. — Soldier's return. — Brother and sister.— The revenge. — V'nclc and nephew. — Murder will out. — The or- phan. — Father and daughter. — Happy faces ; or, benevolence and selfishness. v. 2. Tales of real life : Lady Anne and Lady Jane. — Austin and his wife. — Mysterious stran- ger. — Appearance is against her— Valentine's eve. — Neu< talcs : M i A rlington. — Proposals of marriage.— White lies. — Henry Woodville. — Quaker and the young man of the world. — Tale of trials. — Ruffian boy. — Welcome home. v. 3.— Temper. — Woman's love. — Wife's duty. —Two sons. — Opposite neighbor. — Love, mys- tery and superstition.— After the ball — FaUe or true. — Confessions of an odd-tempered man. —Illustrations of lying in all its branches. — Illustrations <>t lying in all its branches V V.. 1856. 24 703A3 — Balfour, C. 1 W men worth emulating. pp- 72-So, 4U-17 Kavanagh, J. English women of letters. pp. 274 288 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 13-20 4104-62 Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 2. pp. 261-266 410-9 OPIE. -948 ORDER. Opie, John, Eng. painter, />. 1 761-rf. 1807, joint author. Barry, J., Opie, J. and Fuseli, II. Lectures on painting, by the Royal Academicians 75° _2 5 — Cunningham, A. British painters, v. 2. pp. 156-183 4I/-3 OPINIONS concerning the Bible law of mar- riage, by one of the people. Phila., 1871. 12 2615-6 Opinions on the scriptural doctrine of retri- bution. Beecher, E 2370-2 Opium. Calkins, A. Opium and the opium habit 19 88 "3 — Day, 11. Opium habit 19SS-4 — DeQuincey, T. Confessions of an. Eng- lish opium-eater 2S4E4 — Hubbard. F. II. Opium habit and alco- holism 198-48 — Kane, H. II. Opium-smoking in Ameri- ca and China ; [with bibliography, pp. 7-n.]' I9S8-5 — Ludlow, F. Hasheesh-eater 1988-55 — Carey, H. C. Unity of law. pp. 395-403. Opium trade 301-26 — Colquhoun, A. R. Across Chryse. . . . 45 [ - 2 3 — Crane, J. T. Arts of intoxication, pp. 101-119 198-25 — De Quincey, T. Avenger, etc. pp. S3- 106. Additions to the confessions of an opium-eater 284E49 Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. 2. pp. 122-164. Coleridge and opium- eating 284E43 — Hargreaves, I. G. Blunders of vice and folly, pp. 208-220 199-4 — Smith, G. Visit to the consular cities of China, pp. 380-390 45 1-83 OPIUM war. Regnault, F.. Criminal his- tory of the English government, pp. 215-241 9303-7 — Yonge, < . D. History of the British navy. v. 3. pp. 380-491 93°Si-9 Oppert, Ernest. Forbidden land: voyages to the Corea; with an account of its ge- ography, history, productions, commer- cial capabilities, etc. N. Y\, 1880. 8° 4519-6 Opiman. I Iton, I '. A. 1 11 n ol 1 he ! V. 3. pp. 1 53-l8l. . . K70OI-3 1 mi. 11 ; fot industry and the safe in- 1 of capital : or, a thousand to make money. Freedley, I- . T • 1 Hi. .1 it mi y. See lie 1 . W> ■• Annie M. (Crane). Opposite the jail. D Mrs. Mary (A.) 285A29 Oil 11, 1 ' Adams, A'. A\ . T. ii lantern. .hi. Kaye, .1. W. ... ,;1 1 Oracles. De Quincey, T. Memorials and other papers, v. I. pp. 233-283. Pa- gan oracles 284E47 ORANGE, Prince of. Sec William I, Prince of Orange. < Irange and green : a tale of the Boyne and Limerick. Hentv, G. A. ORANGE blossoms. Arthur, T. s. ORANGE culture. Moore, T. W. Orange culture m Florida 6346-6 — Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. PP- 377-422 632-75 — See also California. Florida. Fruit and fruit culture. ( Irange Free State. See Africa, sen/hern. Oraquil, pseud. See Bornemann, Mrs. M. Oratorical year book for 1865. Hill, A. II., ed. 801-44 Oratorios. See Music. Orators and oratory. See Eloquence and oratory. Orazio, Fra Francesco delta Penna di Billi. Account of Tibet. In Markham, C. R. Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, pp. 309-340 45'5-° ORBS of heaven. Mitchell, O. M 5 2 °- 6 3 Orchids. Baldwin, H. Orchids of New England. 1SS4 7>56-2 — Castle, I.. Orchids, their structure, his- tory and culture. 18S6 7156-3 — Darwin, C. Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects. 1877 5S13-42 — Rand, E. S. Orchids. 1876 7156-6 — Williams, B. S. ( Irchid-giower's manual : brief description of upwards of 800 spe- 1 ies and varieties of orchidaceous plants. 1871 7156-9 — Spence, J. M. Land of Bolivar, v. 2. pp. 192-220 4S7-8 — Se, I ; any. Flow ers. Orcutt, Hiram. Teacher's manual: con- taining a treatise upon the discipline ol the school, and other papers upon the teacher's qualification and work. B., a. d. 12 37'-7 2 1 inn, (ieu. Memoiroi Fhos. Say. /»Amer- ican entomology, pp. vii-xxi 5957-8 ORDEAL for wives. Edwards, Amelia 13. ' IRDEAL of free labor in the British West In- dies. Sewell, W. G 9918 >> Oi 11 vi ol Richard Feverel. Meredith, G. ORDEAL, The. Lea. II. C. Superstition and force, pp. 201-322 3401-5 Ol 11 "i creation; conflict between Genesis andgeology; a controversy. N.Y. 12°. 213-63 Contents. — Dawn of creation and of worship, by W I Glad tone.— The interpreters of Gen - is, and the interpreters of nature, by T. H. Huxlej Post cript to s,,|.,r myths, by Max ORDER. 949 REILLY. < >i; i -I i "I on, ontinutd. Mull' r Proem to G i plea fbi > t"i trial, by V I . I - 1 i I ; I-. ■ i i Mi Glad I n ' G I" Huxlej \ proti t and i pi i ''.Mi. I I i mi m i >rdi k ..i it in. Ids, i '. W. . . 375-8 it, I'. 1075- ,/. about 1141. I . 1 1 iastical histoi ■ land hi. I Normandy : tr. with noti , [he introdui 1 ion of Guizot, b) I ho ■. 1 n ter. \ \ . L., 1853-56. 12 . • • 9309-65 Contents, -v. t. I [ntl Mic- tion notice, l>\ 1 ruizol Tin authi 1 prefa Books i in "t 1 In In .lory. v. a. Books it .118. v. 3. Books viii from chapter 19-xii to chap ter 20. v. 4, Bditoi .... Remarks on the life, work and times of Ordericus Vitali Leopold Dclislc. — Book xii of thi History from chapter 21 and Book \iii. The chronicle of St F.vroult. — Chronological index. — General index. Ordnance. Barry, P. Shoeburyness and the guns. 1865 62 Jaques, W. II. Eric 's destroyer and submarine gun. 1885 ''-'il . Modern armor for national defence. 1886 6234 ,i Reed, E. I. ix, J. A. Speeches ami occasional ad- dresses. \. 1. pp. 1-59 and 300.-345. 815 ; — Farnham, T. J. Travels in California. PP. 433 40N 479-33 ntinued. ( iallatin, A. Writing . v. ;. pp 554. 818-43 Giddings, J. I: r - I littell, J. S. 1 of t alifornii ; with ■ ' 171 4794 45 "ii, II. M . II. II.,' end.) 1 ,'. of tin 129-149 ... 439-52 — Ludlow, f . II. II.. in oi tin iiineitt. IT- 445 472 I 1, J, Memorie and Rime. pp. 93- '42 Murphy, J. M. Rambles in north 11 11 America, pp. 43-104 : Nordhoff, C. Northern I alifornia, Ore- gon, etc. pp. 209-226 479-6 1 horn ton, J. Q. < >regi n and ( tlifornia. 2 v 479-9 -Wilson, II. Rise and fall of the slave in America. \. 2. pp. 31-49. . 3269-9 ■ Winthrop, T. I dthesaddle. pp. 80-110 479-96 'mi \ trail: -ketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. Parkman, Francis. . . 478-71 — I hake, S. A. Making of the great west. pp. 215-270 988-2 |'I:;: • 1, pseud.) Life of Pius IX. N. Y., 1883. S°. . . 736B1 I Fe of Leo XIII, from an authentic me- moir furnished by his order, written with encouragement, approbation and bless- ing of His Holiness the Pope. I ... 1887. 4° 563B7 O'REILLY, Edmund, archbishop of Armagh, 1 I Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confess- ors, pp. .U7 ,v"7 V O'Reilly, John Boyle, /././'., Irish-Am. journalist, /<. 1844. I boxing and manly sport. IS., iSSS. 12° 791-6 Moondyue: a story from the under world. • B.. 1SS5. 16°. — Songs from southern seas, and othei poem- 1: . 1873. 12° 706C4 Preface. /» McCarthy, J. Irela cause in England's parliament 941S-49 O'REILLY, Myles, /. Irish martyrs and confessors: memorial who suf- fered for the Catholic faith in Ireland, in the 16th, 17th and tSlh century. N. V.. 1S69. 8° 41 O'REILLY, Private Mile-, pseud. Set Hal- pine. Chas. Grahame. O'Reilly, Mrs. Robert. Daisy's compan- ions. B.. I 706 A 1 — Doll world. 1'-.. 1S7J. 16 706A3 -' minority nes at the red house. B., 1S74. 16 706A4 O'REII.I.Y 95° ORLEY. O'REILLY, Mrs. R., continued. — Stories they tell me. n. t. p. 16°. . . . 706A5 O'RELL, Max, pseud. See Blouel, Taul. Ores. ^Metallurgy. Mineralogy. Mines. ORESKO, Elise. Poland. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 424-445. 396-85 Orestes : a tragedy. See Euripides. Orford, Earl of . See Walpole, Horace. Organ, The. Clarke, W. H. Outline of the structure of the pipe organ 7766-3 — Stainer, J. ( Irgan : history, construction, stops and their management, and prac- tical study 7767-8 — Holmes, O. W. Soundings from the At- lantic, pp. 362-400. The great instru- . ment 483E8 — King, T. S. Christianity and humanity. pp. 204-324. The organ and its sym- bolism 252-56 — Lukin, J. Boy engineers, pp. 121-146. Organ-building 607-41 — See also Music. Organization of labor in accordance with custom and the law of the decalogue. LePlay, F 336-4 Organization in daily life. Helps, A. Es- says 461E7 Organon ; or," logical treatises. Aristotle. 155 1—5 Organs of speech. Meyer, G. H. von. . . 61141-6 Orient. See Levant. Orient and its people. Hauser, Mrs. I. L. 451-46 ORIKNT sunbeams. Cox, S. S! 4499-26 ORIENT: with preludes on current events. Cook, Joseph. [Boston Monday lectures, 1886] 265-3 Oriental acquaintances ; or, letters from Syria. Deforest, J. \Y 45S-28 Oriental and linguistic studies. Whitney, W. 1) 104-95 ORIENTAL and sacred scenes. Howe, F. . 458-4S Oriental and western Siberia. Atkinson, T. W 4529-'4 Oriental 1 Ihrist. Protap Chunder Mozoom- • jlar 2329-65 Oriental church. Southgate, H. Visit to the Syrian church of Mesopotamia. . . 2815-7 1 mm >jtal harems and scenery. Belgiojoso, C. T 4579-2 Oriental religions. 3 v. .V, Johnson, S. Orii itai ig i". Hamilton, C 462-46 Origen, [Origincs Adamantius,) Christian father, b. iS6-d. 253. Writings: trans- lated by 1. 1 rombie. 2\. In Ante- m 1 hristian library, v. 10 and 23. 2813 7 1 .: , C. Chri 1 iiu Platonists oi Alexan- dria, pp. 115-234 2812-2 also Fathers, md antiquity "I physii al man I uttle, 1 1 ndson. . 573 9 Origin and development of religious belief. Gould, S. Baring-. 2 v 201-35 Origin and growth of religion. Sec Hib- bert lectures. Origin of civilization and the primitive condition of man. Lubbock, Sir Johni 571-59 ORIGIN of cultivated plants. Candolle, A. de 5816-3 Origin of nations. Rawlinson, Geo. . . . 4°°-7 Origin of primitive superstitions. Dorman, R. M 2907-3 ORIGIN of Republican form of government. Straus, O. S 3427-75 Origin of species. Darwin, Chas 575—29 Origin of species. Huxley, T. H 575—53 — Same. Bound with Evidence as to man's place in nature 59'4~3 Origin of the Disciples of Christ, [Campbell- ites.] Whitsitt, W. H 2869-9 ORIGIN of the fittest : essays on evolution. Cope, E. D 575-25 Origin of the Homeric poems. Bonitz, H. 8834-2 Origin of the late war. Lunt, G 9784-5 Origin of the stars, and the causes of their motions and their light. Ennis, J. . . 5231-3 ORIGIN of the world according to revelation and science. Dawson, J. W 213-23 Origin, tendencies and principles of govern- ment. Woodhull, V. C 3207-95 Original belle. Roe, Rev. E. P. ORIGINS of English history. Elton, C. . . 931-25 ORION, an epic poem. Home, R. H. . . . 487C4 Orkney islands. Maxwell, C. A. Sea-kings of Orkney, and cither historical tales. . 9406-6 — Kneeland, S. An American in Iceland. pp. 9-26 449'~5 -- Scott, W. The pirate: a romance. Orlando Furioso. See Ariosto, Ludovico. ORLANDUS. Digby, K. H. Broad stone of honour, v. 4-5 3947-3 Orleanian, pseud. Se, Wharton, G. F. Orli i\^, Charles d', comte a" Angouleme, b. 1391-1/. 1465. Besant, \V. Early French poetry, pp. 54-S0 8401-2 ORLEANS, Charlotte Elizabeth, duchesse a". Bruce, I. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 321-329 410-19 'mm \\s, Helena Louisa Elizabeth, duchesst d\b. iSi4- '' I, Eng. writer, about l he o luin ; « nli the notes and gl .1 1 >• ol I 'I. R. M. White : ed. by Rev. Roberl Holt. 2v. O i > mi: 4 Ormathwaite, • '-'. Isl i n B. I ir \n , Robei i. I ■■•■ rem , I - British his- torians, v. 2. pp. ;i 2 i 1 7 H?2 54 Orme, Win., (Criticus, pseud.), Scottish divine and author, i, 17S7 d. iS;o. Memoii dI ili. con troversj n I rei heavenly witnesses," 1 John, v. 7; with notes and appendix by E. \bbott. B., 1S67. 12 2311-6 Spi ague, W, B. European celebrities, pp. 39 43 4104-S5 « Irme rod, Eleanor A. Repoi 1 ■ tions of injurious in i ci immon 1 pests dui ing the yeai 1 885 I w ith methods of prevention and remedy. 9th report. 1.., 18S6. 8° 632-6 1 n; m . ind 1 dgen "I tli, Maria. Ormsby, I'llm, tr. Poem of the Cid : from the Spanish; with introduction mul notes. I.., 1879. 12° S611-65 ( IRMULUM, The. S v Orm. ORNAMENT. Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress 39 1-2 — Redgrave, (i. R., erf. Outlines of historic "i nament 7 is 7 — See a/so Art. Decoration. Ornamentai gardening for Americans. Long, E. A 715-56 Ornithology. Se< Birds. Oro Noque, pseud, Set 'Blakem re, Bi eC. Orosius, Paulus. King Alfred's Anglo-Sax- on vnsi.m of Orosius. In l'.uili, Dr. R. Life of Alfred the great 11 ;1, Orpah. Mills, O. A. Companion charac- ters, pp. 116-135. ill pah and Ruth. 2217-47 Orphan boys. In Steele, S. S. Drawing- room plays 785 82 Orphan heiress. De Quincey, T. Men rials and other papers, v. 1. pp. 19- 132 2S4E47 Orphan's triumph. Potwin, II. K 743A2 Orpheus, C. Kerr paper.. Newell, R. 11. 817 68 Orr, Jas. 1. Perry, B. I. Reminiscences ol public men. pp. 179 -iSS 412-75 ORR, Mrs. Sutherland. Hand-hook to the works of Roberl Browning. 1 .. 1S86. 12 [891 1 Orr, Wm. Speech : with biographical no- tice. In Speeches from the dock. . . . 411 j 85 ORRA : a tragedy. Baillie, J. Dramatic and poetical »"ik-. pp. 235-259 I32C6 Orseoi.i family. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice, pp. 9-39 o. Orthodoxy. See Christianity. Heresies. Theology. manual. 1 .mi. 1 . I , | VI • I.) . 1115 2 . i' Mini projei tion 1 1 1 n 1 hogs '.in. H Analytic orthography IO9I I De Quincey, 1 IM' Grammar. Language. Spelling. 1 n< 1 mo or, the culm ation of the voice in elocution. Russell, Wm., ed. . 77: ' ' 1 , Edward, . Im. is/, i. \ ic survey ol preliminai port upon petl ' ill "in and in' 5. Columbus, 1887. 8° 5577' 7 I ., , I ■'. 1830. Andes and the Amazon; the conti- nent of South America. N. \ '., 1876. 8° 480-7 1 ompai tive oology, structural and tematic. N. V., 1876. 8°. Same, 1883 59H-5 — Liberal education of women ; the demand and the method : current thoughts in America and England. N. Y.. 1873. 12° 3766-6 — Underground treasures; how and where to find them. Ilartfoi 16 . Same. Phila., 1SS1 553-7 Orvis, Chas. F. and Cheney, A. V. Fishing with the fly. Troy, N. Y. 12 . - Contents. —Etchings on a salmon stream, by C. Hallock. — Fly-casting for salmon, by G. t-law son. — Salmon and trout of Alaska, by I. \ I'eardslcc— Sea trout, by Fitz-Jas. Fitch. — Rangcly brook trout, by J. A. Williamson. — Fly-fishing for trout in the Rangcly region, by II 1' Wt-lls— The grayling, by F. Mather.— Trouting trip to St. lgnacc island, by W. Thomson.— The angler's greeting, by W. D. Tomlin. — The lure, by " Bourgeois."— Fly- fishing in the Yoscmitc, by A. I.. Miner, jr. — Fly-fishing on the Nip'gon.by H. H. Vail.— How to cast a fly, by Scth Green. — Trout : meet- ing them on the "June rise." by Geo W, Sears. Why P.ier went a-fishing, by W. C. Prime. —From " Game fish of the North," by R B Roosevelt. — Poetry of fly-fishing, by ! Pond. — Perfect day. by G W. Van Siclen.— Suggestions, by C I Orvii Resources of fly- fishing, by Dr. .las. A, llcnshall— Winter ang- 1 S. Pinckney. — Not all of fishing to fish, by V. N. Cheney.— Fly-fishing in Florida, by Dr. C.J. Kcnworthy— Fly-fishing, by E. Z. C. Judson. OSBORN, II. Stafford. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discoi nn., S° 912-7 — Little pilgrims in the Holy land. n. t. p. 16 ;■ OSBORN, Laughton, |An American art ltd.) Hand-book of young artists and amateurs in oil painting. N. V., Ic ■ 2° OSBORN. — 95 2 OTHO. Osborn, Laugh ton, continued. — Travels by land and sea of Alethitheras. N. V., 1S68. 12°. Osborn, Robert Dune. Islam under the Arabs. L., 1876. 8° 297-6 - Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad. L., '878- 8° " 29 7_6r Osborx, Selleck. Everest, C. \V. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 131-136. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Osborn, Sherard, British naval officer, b. about 1822-1/. 1875. Polar regions; or, a search after Sir John Franklin's expe- dition. X. V., 1871. 1 6° 498-72 — Introduction. In Markham, A. H. Whaling cruise 498-623 Osborne, Duffield. Spell of Ashtaroth. N. V., 18SS. 12°. Osborne, Edward, b. 1530-!/. 1591. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. PP- 65-8l 411-2 Osborne, Thos., 1st duke of Leeds. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 19-28. .. 411-65 Oscanyan, C. Sultan and his people. N. Y., 1857. 12° 4496-7 Oscar ; or, the boy who had his own way. Simonds, W., (W. Aimwell, pseud.) . . 826A46 Osgood, Frances Sargent. Powell, Thos. Living authors of America, ser. I. pp. 276-286 804-68 Osgood, Geo. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 383- 390. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . . 2458-7 OSGOOD, Lucius, ed. Progressive fifth read- er. Pittsburg, 1858. 12° 801-7 OSGOOD, Samuel, D. D., Am. clergyman, b. l8l2-8«7- 12 446-68 • Thos. Embley, (Alfred Ajres, pseud.), Am. author, b. 1826. Orthoepist : a pro- nouncing manual, containing about three thousand live hundred words, in- cluding a considerable number of the "■ ;i ''' ! "i foi eign authoi ;, artist . etc., that are often mispronounced. X. Y., 1880. 16° 1 1 15 2 Osmun, T. E., continued. — Verbalist: a manual devoted to brief dis- cussions of the right and wrong use of words. X. V., 1S82. 16 1 1 73-13 — ed. Cobbett, W. English grammar. . . 115-24 OSORIUS, John. Gould, S. Baring-. Post- mediae al preachers, pp. 1 77—191 . . . 414-4 OssiAN, semi-fabulous Scottish bar,/. Poems, translated byjas. Macpherson; witli dis- sertations on the era and poems of Os- sian and Dr. Blair's critical dissertation. Leipzig, 1847. l6°- Same. X. Y., IS77- 12 S9163-7 Note. — It is still a controverted question whether the poems are genuine or were fabri- cated by Macpherson. — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry, pp. 219-245. Poetry of the Scottish High- lands 8031-8 Ossoli, Marchesa d'. See Fuller, Margaret S. Ostrea ; or, the loves of the oysters. Ger- ard, J. W 589C6 Ostrich. See Buds. Zoology. Also Afri- ca, southern. Australia. Patagonia. Oswald, E. Vain forebodings: tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila., 1885. 12°. Oswald, Dr. Felix Leopold, Am. naturalist, b. in Bc'gium, 1845. Days and nights in the tropics. B., 1887. 8° 481-7 — Household remedies for the prevalent dis- orders of the human organism. N. V., 1886. 12° 616-7 — Physical education ; or, the health laws of nature. X. Y., 1882. 12 613-65 — Poison problem ; or, cause and cure of in- temperance. N. Y., 1887. 12°. . . . 198-71 — Sc-Liet of the East ; or, origin of the Christian religion, and the significance of its rise and decline. X. Y., 18S3. 12° 21 I4-6 — Summerland sketches; or, rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Central Amer- ica. Phila., 1880. 8° 472-7 Othello. See Shakespeare, W. Other folks' lives. Smedley, M. B. Other girls. Whitney, Mrs. A. 1 >. I. Other people's windows. L., 1S76. 12°. OTHER side. Foran, Martin A. ( nm 1; side: how it -truck us. Berry.C. B. 470-14 Other worlds than ours. Proctor, K. A. . 52313-7 OthO, emperor of Rome, b. about 32-d. 69. Plutarch. 1 .ives : edited by A. 1 1. Clough. v. 5. pp. 487-506.- 4101-7 I'.i m e, J. < las >ii and hist iric portraits. pp. '40-143 410-19 Kaufman, R., ed. Our young folk-' Plu- tarch, pp. 457-460 4101-75 ( m iii', bishop, apostleof Pomcrania. Ma. lear, G. F. Apostles of mediseval Europe. pp. 217-239 4M2-S7 OTIS. — 953 - I in,, Belle, pseud. S,, \\ I , C. II. Otis, Calvin V Sai red md ;ti ui live art, its origin and progress: a eries ol essays. V Y., 1869. 12°. ... . . 701 68 Otis, F. N. Historj ol thi P no rail- road, and the Pai ifii mail te im ship 1 pany. N. \ '.. [867. 12 47- s 7 7 Otis, II. 1 Gray, Am. statesman, b. ■ 7 * > 5 ,/. 1848. \l 1 . \ mi rii m el quence. v, 1. pp. 557-564 S152-6 ( > 1 is. Mi r. 1 1. Gray. Lllet, E. F. Queen i ol \ me n society, pp. ;i ' 324 4i--v ;i Otis, Jas., American orator and patriot, l>. 1725 d. 1783. Sp.Trks, J., ed. Ameri- can olograph] . v. 2. pp. 1 199 1 1 2 86 I [owe, 1 1. Adventures and ai hii en 1 nl "i V in«- 1 1 ■ .ins. |i|i. 189-200 412-55 Moore, 1 . ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 1-7. [Biog. sketch and speech.] 8152 6 Otis, his. Left behind; or, ten days a newsboy. N. V., 1885. 24 708A3 M 1. siulili's brother: a sequel to Tobj Tyler. N. V., 1883. 16 708 \\ Raisingthe " Pi irl.' N. \ ., 1884. 24 . 708A5 Silenl Peti . or, the stowaways. \. \ ., 1886. 16 708A6 1 "in Tylei ; or, ten weeks with .1 circus. \. V .. 1881. 24 70SAS Otis family, Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and memorials of men ol the revolution and their families, pp. 21 48 4121-6 Otranto. Freeman, S. A. Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of Venice, pp. 3'3-j3> 445"42 Ottawa, Canada. Berry, C. B. The other side : how it struck lis. pp. 246-260. . 470-14 — Stf also Canada. "in |.,\ , J. B., joint author. Arnold, T. and others. History of the Roman empire. 919-75 < 1 1 l IKY, R. 1.. Discipline of self. In Ox- ford house papers, pp. 156-177. . . . 239-73 OTTO, bishop of Bamberg. Neander, A. Memorials of Christian life. pp. 503- 520 270-6 — Walsh, \V. P. Heroes of the mission field, pp. 125-144 4149-9 im in, Emile. French conversation gram- mar ; revised by Ferdinand Bocher. N. \ .. 1S66. 12° 122-6 Otto, Jacob Augustus. rreatise on the structure and preservation of the violin, and all other bow instruments : together with an account of the most celebrated makers, and of the genuine character- istics of their instruments: tr. from the original with additions and illustrations, b) John Bishop. I.., 18S5. 12°. . . . 777-7 OTTOMAN empire. See Turkey. ( ITW \Y, I li.. , l' 1 II I S. I 1. i. pp. j (7 242. '.1 1708. A<1 ms, W. II. li. B pp. 175 201 - Low, c. R, i ,1 .at Littles of the B army. pp 11 11, ,lu, de 1 I: 1767 ,/. 1S47. Head ley, I. 1. poleon and hi 2. pp. I si 17; 665H56 1 11 1 ai re am laynard, Mr . Mary Clarl (Brayton) ■in,! Johnson, Mrs. Frances (1 erry) 9804-2 OUR Admiral 1 Montgomery, J. E 440-625 Ol K American cousins at home. \ era. . 473-92 Our Arctic ] II. W. . . . 4798-34 < H K artist in ( luba, Peru, Spain and Ai Carleton, (i. W Oi 1 ntist in Peru. Carleton, G. W. . . . 485-2 1 n r aul iimn holiday on I rem h rh ei Mol- II 4 1 11 r Im 1 ball club, and how it won the championship. Brooks, Noah 1 dies and ho e. Blaisdelk. A. F 612-2 Our boys in China. French, H. W. . . . 451-38 Ol 1 brother in black. Hay good, A. G. . . 3268-4 1 n 1; brothers and sons. Reaney, Mrs. G. 1 in; campaigns. Woodward, E. M. ... 97996-9 Our chancellor : [Bismarck]. Busch, M. . 15863 Our Charley, and what to do with him. St,, we, Mrs. H. (B.) 860A23 Our children in heaven. Holcomb, W. H. 28 Our Christmas in a palace. Hale, E. E. Our colonial empire. Acton, R 93°7-3 I UK colonies and India: how we got them, and why we keep them. Kansome, C. 9307-7 in 1; common insects. Packard, A. S.,y'r. . 50: OUR 1 "inni" l;c A. M., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) 3797-4 ountry: its possible future and its ent crisis. Strong, Rev. Josiah. . . 267-75 Mi 1; daughters; their lives here and here- S. 396-77 1 '1 1 digestion. Lewis, Dio 6131-; 1 11 1: domestic pets. W 1, J. G 63S6-9 lunib neighbors. Jacks. m, T 59°5~49 Our English Bible and its ancestors. Wal- den, T 2201 1-9 Oik English Bible; its translations and trans- lators. Stoughton, J 22011-7 is and how to take care of them. Wil- liams. H. W 6115-0 Our family. 11 '. I. Prose works, v. 3. PP- 1-140 OUR farm of four acres, and the money we made by it; with an introduction by I'. B. Mead. V V.. i860. 12°. Same. 1S71. 630-6 OUR. — 954 — OURSELVES. Our Father's business. Guthrie, Thos. . . 241-46 Our forest home. B., n. d. 24° 709A7 Our girls. Lewis, Dio 6129-5 Our gold-mine. Chaplin, Mrs. A. C. . . . 2654-3 ( lUR gracious Queen. Walton, Mrs. O. F. 916B78 Our great benefactors. Drake, S. A., ed. 410-42 Our Helen. Clarke, R. S., (Sophie May, pseud.) 621A17 Our heredity from God: consisting of lect- ures on evolution. Powell, E. P. . . 214-7 Our hero, Gen. U. S. Grant; when, where and how he fought. Pollard, E. A. . 435B62 Our holiday in the Fast. Sumner, Mrs. G. 458-S6 Our homes. Arthur, T. S. Our homes: how to make them beautiful. X. V., 18S8. 12 746-54 Our honeymoon, and other comicalities from "Punch"; with original illustra- tions, by J. McLenan. K. Y., 1854. I2 ° S27-751 Our hundred days in Europe. Holmes, < >. w 440-485 Our inheritance in the great pyramid. Smyth, C. P 4031-8 Our insect allies. Wood, T.. ..... 5957-95 Our insect enemies. Wood, T 632-9 Our island : comprising Forgery and the Lu- natic. 2 v. Phila., 1S33. 12 . Our liberal movement in theology. Allen, J. H 288-14 Our life in China. Nevius, H. C. S. . . . 2651-6 Our little Ann. B., 1886. 16° 709A8 I M R little men and women. B., 1886. 8°. 709A9 Our little ones. n. t. p. 12 710A1 Our lost explorers: narrative of "Jeannette" Arctic expedition. Newcomb, R. L. . 49S-67 Our merchant marine. Wells, D. A. . . . 651-9 Our mission to the court of Marocco. Trot- ter, P. H 464-9 Our mother church. Mercier, Mrs. J. . . 2838-51 OUR mutual friend. Dickens, Chas. Our national institutions. Buckland, A. . 32042-18 Our nationalities: who are the Irish, Scotch, Welsh and English ? Bonwick, J. . . 57242-3 Our neighbors in the corner house. Arthur, T. S. Our new Alaska. Halleck, Chas 479S-4 < 11 r new masters. Wright,'!' 3361-8 Our new vicar. Monsell, J. S. B 2838-54 Oik new way round the world. Collin, c - c 43 8 " 2 4 1 H 1 new west. Bowles, S 47S IS Our nexl d neighbor; a winter in Mexi- co. Haven, Rev. Gilbert 472-47 Oik northern and eastern birds. Samuel , E. A 598-72 Kawl hoi in-. \" 442-45 Our only brother, n. 1. p. 24 710A2 01 r Oriental mi. ions. Thomson, Rev. E. 265-8 Our own birds. Baily, W. L 598-2 Our parish. Hill, G. C. Our party of four. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. Our penal machinery and its victims. Alt- geld, J. P 3467-15 Our place among infinities. Proctor, R. A. 5204-74 Ol R planet, its past and future; or, lectures on geology. Denton, Win 550-3 1 Oir poetical favorites. Kendrick, A. C. . S09-54 Our " Press gang ".: complete exposition of the corruptions and crimes of American newspapers. Wilmer, L. A 8059-5 Our public schools. L., 1881. 12°. . . . 37342-6 Our reptiles. Cooke, M. C. 5979~3 Our rulers and our rights; or, outlines of the United States government. Willis, A. 353~9 Our saints. Porter, Rose. Our sentimental journey through France and Italy. Pennell, J. nm/E. R 4408-64 Our seven churches. Beecher, T. K. . . . 280-2 Our social bees ; or, pictures of town and country life and other papers. Wynter, A. 2 v 304-9 Our soldiers and the Victoria cross. Beeton, S. O., ed. 9308-24 Our sovereign lady : a book for her people. N. V., 1887. 16 916B7 Our street. Clark, Mrs. S. R. (G.) .... 229A4 Our summer migrants. Harting, J. E. . . 598-45 Our Sunday school and how we conduct it. Abbot, Waldo 246-13 Our two lives; or, Graham and I, by A. 11. K. N. V., 1873. 24°. 710A3 Our untitled nobility. Tillotson, J. . . . 411-975 Our vacations; where to go, how to go, and how to enjoy them. Clark, Frank F. . 470-2 Our village. See Mitford, Mary R. Our war-ships. Smith, Sir W. C 3594-S Our wasted resources ; the missing link in the temperance reform. Ilargreaves, W. . 1982-4 OUR wedding gifts. Douglas, Amanda M. Our western border. McKnight, C. . . . 987-59 Our western empire; or, the new West be-, yond the Mississippi. Brockett, L. P. 47S-10 Our work in Palestine: being an account of the different expeditions sent out to the Holy-land, by the committee of the Pal- estine exploration fund. N. Y., 1S73. 12 2209-72 Oik work-shop: being a practical guide to the amateur in the art of carpentry and joinery. N. Y., 1866. 16° 694-6 Our young folks in Africa. McCabe, J, D. 460-65 OUR young folks' Plutarch. Kaufman, R.,../. 4101-75 Oik young ladies. Harris, Lillie 396-46 OURSELVES: a series of essays on women. Linton, E. (Lynn) 396-55 Ourselves and our neighbors: short chats on iocial topics. Moullon, Louise ('. . 396-69 OUSELEY. 955 OWEN. Oi .in,. Em Frederic] ^rthui Gon musician, b. 1825 •!. iS-So. i" ti e on < ountei point, 1 a and fugue ba 1 upon 1 I1.1i "l 1 Iherubini. Oxford 1869 8° 7718 6 e 1 'ii I1.11 monj . Oxford, 1875. s • 7 7 ' 7 ' • Treatise on musical form and general com I n. ( Ixford, 1886. 8° 77I9-7 1 H ,n 1 v, Rev. Gideon, <5. 1762-./. 1839. Gor- rie, P. 1 1. Eminent Methodist minis- tei 1. pp. ivi 186 M47-5 111 1 door papers. Higginson, T. W. . . 470K7 1 11 1 in the world. Arthur, T. S. Ol 1 of door rhymes. Turner, E. S. . . . ., 18S0. 16 . . . 710. \4 ( 11 IM study of man. Hopkins. Mark. . 1S0-46 Outlines of men, women and things; Hud- son, Mrs. Mary (Clemmer) 229E7 Ot KS on SOi iety, literature and ["'lilies. Whipple, E. 1' 946] 63 ( Ir rPOST. Austin, Jane (G.) OUTRAM, 5»V Jas , !>:.,. ... tteral, . t Soj-d. 1863. Foster, E. He softhelndian empire, pp. 235-243 41 1-4 OuTRE-Mer. See Longfellow, 11. W. Outside the walls. Payne. Mrs. A. M. M. 719A44 Ouverture. See Toussa-inl I'Ouverture. 1 1\ wiiii, Nicolas. Helps, A. Spanish con- quest in America, v. 1. pp. 177-224. 970-3S OvER-sea; or, England, France and Scotland as seen by .1 live American. Morford, 11. 440-64 OVER the bonier : Acadia the home of •■I vangeline." B., 1SS4. S° 4716-7 and I h, J 1 -. Over thi nds. Guild, I his ( . ider. John, 1,1 Marlitt, / < Iverhi -i.-\ , Sir I p/ier, li. 15K1 ,/. 1 1 .1 woi l.s in prose and vei .■- ith notes and biog. account of the author, by Edward F. Rimbault. I ... 1 ■ 1 Book of characters, pp. 1 51 828-69 \1i.111. , W. H. D. I ami 1 pp, 145 169. Review of Characters. . . . 804-12 OVER] ' bell. Noble printer and hi- adopted daughtei : a tale of the hr-t printed Bible. B., n. d. 12 711AJ1 .11, Mrs. Campbell, ed. ami ir. Bi sieged city, and the heroes of Sweden. N Y., n. d. 16° 711A2 Wanderings of Master Peter in search of knowledge. N. Y., n. d. 16 . [A ■-lory of Peti 'il -at.] 724B7 ; Overing; or, the heir of Wycherly. Hare, Robert, (E. Gra ■» II, M . S, Edibl in iks. pp. ;• Mathev, , U . pp. 264 282 Simmond , P. L. ' orami pp 1.1 1-17 589s 7 P. i .., hi , pel ii' 1 :,' in lema n. ingei oil, L. 395 5 i P m \, Win. I (wight, N. Lives ol the signers of the declaration, pp.252 257. 4121-3 in;;, B. I . Biograph 1 ol the signers, pp. 151 156 1121 V \ m;i 1 1 1 1 1. Browning, Robert. . , - 188C4 I'm 11 \ hi in 11. \ [ales. Man yatl . 1 1 Pacii 11 ' ".1 1 "i the 1 nited States. Ban 1 mil, II. II. I [istgrj of the North- wesl coast. 2 v. [884 989 - Native races ol the Pacific stales. 5 v. 187 1 76 970S-2 Greenhow, R. Hislor) ol Oregon and Califoi in. 1. etc. 18 )6 989 4 — Johnson, K. B. Very far west indeed : .1 few 1 ' ii" Ii 1 1 1. . mi the northv 1 1 Pacifii 1 oast. 1872 471 1-5 Leighton, C. C. Life al Pugel Sound; «iili sketchi i of travel in Washington territory, British Columbia, ( Iregon and < lalifomia, 1865 8i - Rusling, J. F. i in-. 11 west and Pacifi< coa 1. [1866.] 47s s — Swan, J. (1. Northwest coast. [ 1 8 5 2 . J 4797-S — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the (J. S. ex- ploring squadron. 1111.415-446. . . . 4(7 51 also British Columbia. Calif' a. Oregon. Washington. Pacific mail steamship company, <»tis, F. N. History of the Panama railroad, and the Pacific mail steamship company. 472S7-7 I'm iin mean. Historical account of the circumnavigation of the globe, and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Cook 4^71 3 — Jacobs, T. J. Scenes, incidents and ad- ventures in the Pacific ocean 490-5 — Jenkins, J. S. Exploring expeditions in the South seas 490-52 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 135- "39 • 920-25 — Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery. | 145-166. Voyages in the Pacific. ... Pacific railway. Bartlett, J. K. Personal narrative of exploration . 2. PP- 56S 575 I7' s " - Pacific railwa) and Colorado; with map and seventy-one illustrations, by 1 . D. Woodward. N. Y., [1878]. 8°. . . . 478-82 Packard, Upheus Spring, jr.. Am. ,in/it, 1 ■ 1 he ni'ly of in • and ■• injurious and ben- [1 . Salem, 1 Same, 1S74 5057 7 Hall hours with insects. B., I s 77- 8° s Life hisl including in. 111 ; or, outlines of comparative embryology. \. Y., 1876. 8° - Our common insects : insects of oui forests, garden- and houses. Salem, 1873. 12 59S7 73 /"■■logy for high schools and colli X. V., 1880. 8 590-72 P 1, 1 eth Pai sons Ware. Mod- ern persecution. 2 v. Hartford, I S 7 5 . S° CattteHts.—v. 1. Insane asylums unveiled. v. 2. Married woman's liabilities. PACKARD, J. F. Stanley and the Congo: I irations and achievements in the wilds of Africa of Henry .M.Stanley: also full description of hisperiloii scent, thrilling adventures and late la- boi on the ' ongo river. Phila., 1884. 12° 4675-7 11, Lewis Richard, Am. , 1836 -./. 1884. Studiesin Greek thought : essays selected from [his] papers. B., 1886. 12° ' Pai KARD, Sila- Sadler. Am. educator, b. 1826. and Bryant, II. B. New Bryant and Stratton counting-house book-keeping, embracing the theory and practice of ac- nts. N. V., 1S74. 4 PADDLE and portage from Moosehead lake to the Aroostook river, Maine. Steele, is 474I-S PADDLE your own canoe. In Baker,!.. M. Handy dramas Paddock, Mrs. A. G. Fate of Madan Tour: a tale of Great Salt lake. N. Y.. 1881. 1 6°. PADDOCK, Capt. Judah. Howe, H. Life and death on the ocean, pp. 61-112. Bondage among the Arabs Paddock lectures, 1883. Wilson. W. D. Foundations of religious belief. PAEZ. 958 PAIGE. Paez, Don Ramon. Travels and adventures in South and Central America ; with life in the Pianos of Venezuela. Hart- ford, 1873. 12 480-73 P.V.ANINI, Nicolo, Italian violinist, b. 17N4- d. 1S40. Dix.J. Lrons: living or dead. pp. 24S-263 4IO-4 Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario, v. 2. pp. 194-242 4'7"-3 Ferris, G. T. Great violinists and pian- ists, pp. S9-131 4177-41 — Haweis, H. R. My musical life. pp. 339-3S8 77>-475 My musical memories, pp. 105-143. . 771-48 Phipson, T. L. Sketches and anecdotes of celebrated violinists, pp. 110-159. . 4'77"7 Paganism. See Religion. PAGANS, The. Bates, Arlo. Page, Abraham, pseud. Sec Holt, John S. Page, C. E. Horses, their feed and their feet: a manual of horse hygiene ; with treatise and notes on shoeing, by Sir George W. Cox and Col. M. C. Weld. X. Y., 1SS3. 12 6361-73 Natural cure of consumption, constipa- tion, Bright's disease, neuralgia, rheu- matism, "colds" (fever), etc.; how sick- ness originates, and how to prevent it. X. V., 1S83. 12 6164-7 Page, David. Advanced text-book of geol- ogy, descriptive and industrial. Edin- burgh, 1867. 12° 550-73 Chips and chapters ; book for amateur and young geologists. Edinburgh, 1869. 12° 5504-7 — Elements of geology : ed. by U. M. Reese. X. Y. 1S70. 12° 55°-72 Geology for general readers : series of popular sketches in geology and palae- ontology. Edinburgh, 1866. 12°. . . 550-74 PAGE, David Perkins, Am. educator, b. 1S10- d. 1848. Theory and practice of teach- ing; or, the motives and methods of good school -keeping. X. V., 1859. 16° 371 73 Barnard, H., ed. Educational biography. pp. 465-472 4 '57 2 . 11. A., pseud. See Japp, A. 11. Page, Thos. Jefferson, Am. naval officer, b. about 1S15. La Plata, the Argentine confederation and Paraguay, being a narrative of the exploration of the trib- utaries of the river I. a Plata and ad- jacent countries during the year- 1S53, '54i '55 an( l '5^i ull(ier tne orders of the U. S. government. V Y., 1859. 8° 482-7 Page, Thos. Nelson, .-/«'. author, />. 1S53. I,, I >le Virginia. N. V., 1SS7. 12. Pagi , Thos. X., continued. Contents. — Marse Chan : a tale of ole Vir- ginia. — " Unc' Edinburg's drowndin." — Plan- tation echo. — Meh lady. — Ole 'Stracted. — " No Haid Pawn."— Polly : a Christinas recollection. — Two little confederates. N. Y., 1888. 8°. 7"\54 — joint author. Gordon, A. C. and Page, T. N. Befo' de war : echoes in negro dia- lect 432C8 PAGE, W. R. About the stars. ///Stories for children, by eleven sophomores. pp. 75-S6 S56A9 Page, Wm. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists, pp. 295-299 75 8 ~9 I 1 , squire and knight. Adams, W. H. D. 107A7 Pages from an old volume of life. Holmes, o. \v 483E72 Paget, F. Everlasting punishment. In Oxford house papers, pp. 125-134. . . 239-73 Paget, Rev. F. E. Tales for young men and women. Oxford, 1S78. 24°. . . . 7 IlA 7 Contents.— Mother and son.— Wanted a wife. — Hobson's choice. Paget, Henry Wm., marquis of Anglesey, British field marshal, b. 1768-1/. 1 854. Martineau, H. Biographical sketches, pp. 295-301 4104-62 Paget, Tas. On the importance of the study of physiology. In Culture demanded by modem life. pp. 149-184 3704-9 PAGET, John, //. 1808. Hungary and Tran- sylvania ; with remarks on their condi- tion, social, political and economical. 2v. Phila., 1850. 12° 4439-65 Paget, John, barrister-at-law. Judicial puz- zles gathered from state trials. San Francisco, 1876. 16° 34S2-6 Contents. — Elizabeth Cunning. — Campden wonder. — Anoesley case.— Eliza Fleming. — Spencer Cowper's case. PAGET, Violet, (Vernon Lee, pseud.) Bald- win : being dialogues on views and as- pirations. B., 1886. 12° 711E5 — Countess of Albany. B., 18S4. 12 . [ Famous women series.] 114112 — Juvenilia: being a second series of es- says on sundry .esthetical questions. 11., 1887. 12° 7 ' 1 •- 7 — Phantom lover: a fantastic story. 11.,' [886. 12°. — Responsibilities of unbelief. In Coan, T. M., ed. (Questions of belief, pp. I-56. 204-1S Paget, Lord Win. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 2. pp. 13-19 4' '-65 PAG \ shadows. Fielde, A. M 2651-37 Paige, Elbridge Gerry, (Dow, jr., pseud.) Dow's patent sermons. 4 series. Phila., 1857. 12° 8I7-7I — Short paten rten is. N. Y., 1841. 8°. 817-7:1 I'M Ik I I I 959 — PAINTI1 Patjki ii. 1 . W. Sumn Iceland lated by M. R. B d I [81 1 n Pain. Kinton, J. Mj tery ol pain. . . . 216 11 — Bushnell, II. Moral usi ol larl : Kings. pp. 95 1 19 1 1 1 mi. .11, [., id. I'll', ioli 1 ■ pi tical use. pp. 225 i.\\ Paine, 1 . 1 .. 1 '•. Supplemei • r. In Froiseth, J. A.. td. Women ol Mor- monism Paine, I !ha 1. I lemenl ^i ail road in:;. N. V., 1885. ,2° os-> 68 Paine, John. I ,ee, F. 1 i. I li I sketches "I ill" 1 ef n mation pp. 347- jN- 283-53 Paine, Martyn, M. />., II. />., eian, /'. i;'i| ,/. 1877. I'll'. ' ili'' soul .end instinct us distinguished from materialism ; with supplementary dem- onstrations of the Divine communica- tion of the narratives of creation and the flood. N. V.. 1S72. 8° 1 Paine, Robert Treat, '. i;_;i d. 1814. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of tin- Declaration of Indei'endence. pp. 52- 57 • 4i-'i -3 — Lossing, 1$. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 37 39 4121-53 PAINE, Thos., Am. writer, l>. 1737-rt'. 1809. Works, comprising life of T. Paine, ex- amination of the prophecies, and his miscellanies, theological writings and letters; with an account of his life. Phila., 1875. 12 208-69 — Political works, (ant Common sense — Crisis — Rights of man. N. Y., 1S7S. 12°. 308-7 — Theological works. Ik, 1875. 8°. . . . 208-69 Contents.-* Preface. — Age of reason: part 1st and 2d. — Letters.— Discourse to tho Socie- ty of Theophilanthropists. — Essay on dream. — Examination ^i passages in the New Testa- ment. — Tin n ' 1 luture state. — Reply to the Bishop of LlandufT 1 t [in 1 Freemason- ry. — Miscellaneous pieces, Daly, J. Ik Radical pioneers of the 18th century. [See index.] 937-3 — Erskine. J. Speeches, v. 1. pp. 415 593. Speech on the trial of Thos. Paine for a libel S25-4 [Same]. In Celebrated speeches, pp. 327-3 6 4 825-6 — Ingersoll, R, G. The gods and other lectures 2114 45 — Xeale, E. C losing scene, v. 1. pp. 17-26. An avowed infidel 410-S Painted bird, and the painted text. Bushe, M. C 197A5 Painter, 1. V. N. History of education. X. V.. 1886. 12° 3700-7 PAINTER: a Sicilian tale. (.'.alt. John. Ill Club book. v. j. pp. 183 192. Pai ' lingham, A. 1 In al I ngli h '1 British - id >•■ ulptoi . \ v. ;' 1 1 pture and painting 4'7 4 1 1 imerton, P. G. G • • 1 — Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of early Italian painters n painters. 5 v. 7 S| ner, S. Anei d iti of paintei - J v. ; • Wed more, 1 M tei of genre painting. 7 - Reynolds, J. Literary works, v. 2. pp. 425-468. I hronologii al li I "f painters from the reviral of the ail to the begin- ning of the last century 7 4~75 — See also Ait. Artists. Painting. Pain i i ■ \ mitage, E. Lectures on ing 75 0-2 Ayers, G. B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oil 75 ,-, 5 Barry, J., Opie, J. and Fuseli, II. Lect- ureson painting by the Royal Academi- cians 750-25 kburn, II. Artists and Arabs; or. sketching in sunshine 4°5-2 — Blanc, A. A. I'. C. Grammar of paint- ing and engraving 75°-3 — (lenient, C. E. Outline history for painting 759" 2 — Fowler, F. Oil painting : a hand-book. 75'~4 naberg, I . 1). Rudimentary essay on the art of painting on glass. Bound -Willi Gessert, M. A. Painting on glass. Gessert, M. A. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass, or glass staining, to which is added an appendix on the art of enamelling 748-3 Gullick, T. J. and Timbs, J. 1'ainting popularly explained 75°-43 Hamerton, P. G. Landscape 7 Painter's camp - Ileaton, M ' Concise history of ing 759-4 Knowlton, II. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. 2 v 741 4 Leslie, C. R. Hand-book for young painters 75°-55 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon : essay upon the limits of painting and poetry ; with re- marks illustrative of various points in the history of ancient art 7°'-5^ — Murray, Mrs. E. Modern system of painting in water colors from the living model ni. I.. Hand-book of young artists and amateurs in oil painting ~ ; i Rollin, II. J. Studio, field and gallery. 7 — Ruskin, J. On painting Lectures on architecture and painting PAINTING. — 960 — PALEONTOLOGY. Painting, continued. Pre-Raphaelitism 704-83 — Smith, G. \V. Painting, Spanish and French 759—7 — Sully, T. Hints to young painters, and the process of portrait painting. . . . 751-85 — Urhino, M?~. L. I'.., Day, H. and others. Art recreations 751-9 — Viardot, L. Wonders of European art. . 75904-S — Wornum, R. X. Epochs of painting characterized : a sketch of the history of painting, ancient and modern 759~9 — Beard, L. and A. B. American girls' handy-book. pp. 238-256 746-15 — Browne, P. What girls can do. pp. 232-231 3905- 2 — Graham, J. M. Literature and art in Great Britain, pp. 275-41S 820-44 — Helmholtz, II. Popular lectures on sci- entific subjects. ser. 2. pp. 73-138. Relation of optics to painting 502-43 — Kemble, M., ed. Art recreations, pp. 93-256 and 341-408 746-4 — - Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece, pp. 451-468 4496-55 — Milman, II. II. History of Latin Chris- tianity, v. 8. pp. 464-505 2821-5 — Young lady's book. pp. 545-572. . . . 504-97 — See also /Esthetics. Art. Color. Painters. Painting, industrial. Condit, C. L. and Scheller, J. Painting and painter's ma- terials; [with a bibliography, pp. 449- 45'] 698-25 — Davidson, E. A. Practical manual of house-painting, graining, marbling and v sign-writing 698-4 — Facey, J. W. Practical house decoration. 747-4 — Gardner, F. B. Carriage painter's illus- trated manual 698-5 Everybody's paint-book 69S-51 How to paint 698-52 — Garrett, R.andA. Suggestions for house decorations 749~5 — Hay, D. R. Interior decoration. . . . 747-5 — Masury, J. \V. House-painting, carriage painting and graining 698-61 House-painting, plain and decorative. 698-6 — Painter, gilder and varnisher's compan- ion : containing rule-, and regulations in everything relating to the arts of painting, gilding, varnishing, glass- staining, graining, marbling, sign-writ- ing, gilding on glass, and coach-painting and varnishing ; tests for the detection of adulterations in oils, colors, etc.; and a statement of the diseases to which paintei are peculiarly liable with the sini] est n medics; with an ap- pendix containing colors and coloring, Painting, industrial, continued. theoretical and practical: together with Chevreul's principles of harmony and contrast of colors. Phila., 1878. 12°. 698-7 — Painter's manual: containing the best methods of, and the latest improvements in house-painting, sign-painting, etc.; also glass staining, harmony and con- trast of colors, etc. N. Y., n. d. 12 . 698-8 Pair of blue eyes. Hardy, Thos. Pair of gloves. Dickinson, E. E. In Won- der stories of science, pp. 39-52. . . . 602-9 PAISIELI.O, Giovanni. Ferris, G. T. Great Italian and French composers, pp. 17- 48. Piccini, Paissiello and Cimarosa. . 4177-4 Palace of truth. Gilbert, W. S. Original plays, pp. 265-340 422C2 PALACE-prison ; or, the past and the present. X. V., 1S84. 12°. Palaces. Challice, A. E. Memories of French palaces 94403-3 Palaces and hovels; or, phases of London life. Kirwan, D. J. . 4421-47 Tai.aces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. Fergusson, J 722-3 Paladin of finance. Jenkins, E. Paleario, Aonio, Italian scholar, b. 1300-d. 1570. Benefit of Christ's death; with introduction by John Ayer. B., i860. 16 2347-6 Paleontology. Adams, W. II. D. Life in the primeval world. 1872 560-13 — Dawson, J. W. Chain of life in geolog- ical time. 1885 560-3 Geological history of plants. 1S8S. . 561—3 — Eley, H. Geology in the garden ; or, the fossils in the flint pebbles. 1859.. . . 5504-3 — Figuier, 1.. World before the deluge. 1867 55'-45 — Gunning, W. D. Life-history of our planet. 1876 560-4 — Mantell, G. A. Medals of creation. 2 v. 1854 560-6 Petrefactions and their teachings. 1851 560-61 — Miller, II. Footprints of the Creator ; or, the asterolepis of Slromness. 1854. . . 5504-6 — Nichols, A. Chapters from the physical history of the earth. 1880 550-69 — Nicholson, II. A. Ancient life history of the earth. 1S78 560-7 Richardson, G. F. Introduction to geol- ogy and its associate sciences, mineralo- gy, fossil botany and paleontology. 1851 55°-79 — Hunt, R. Symmetrical and ornamental forms of organic remains. In Art-studies from nature, as applied to design, pp. 177-212 745-4 PALE( >\ li M.< i<;\ 961 — I'M I i Paleontology, ontim Huxley, T. II. Cril in d add re pp, 1S1 .'17. Pali 1 and the docl 1 ■ • olution K ing ley, Chas. I leall h 1 pp. 172-11 t>i logy -. . ,1 ' 1 trdner, I >., , ./. Mi 1 1 enci and 11 1. \ . 1 ■. pp, [-160. , 603-4 Paleography. We itropp, II. M. I land- 1 of archa olog ) 7°93~9 I leutsch, E. I iterarj remain . pp. 1 53— 158. Semitic paleography 204-25 Palermo. Mazini, Linda. In 1 In golden shell: aslory 622A7 Pali tine. Sut ■ 1 History, scription and navel. 2. Antiquities. ;. Missions. /. History, description and travel. Barl I'M, S. ' . From Egypl to Palestine. 1879 ' 459-2 — Ban-man, II. Sinai and Zion. 1865. . . 458 15 — Bonar, A. \. Palestine foi the young. . 45S 16 Burt, V 1 '. Land and its story; or, the sacred historic -:il gi ogra] hy of Palestine. 1869 458-19 Dixon, \Y. II. Holy land. 1868. . . . 221m 3 Durbin, J. P. Observations in the east. 2 v. 1854 4499-3 I d wards, M. A. Philip in Palestine. l- s I — Elliott, C. W. Remarkable character ami places ol the Holy land. [868. . . 221-35 1 ■ Id, II. M. Among the Hoi) hills. > ss l t- s 34 — Fisk, G. Pastor's memorial ol the Holy land. 1847 15 8 "35 I In nun. 11. M. Journey to Egypt and t lie Holy land ill [869-70 (.58 15 Harper, II. A. Letters to my children from the Holy land. n. d 45s 1.55 — fohnson, Mrs. S. B. Hadji in Syria. ' S v S 4581-5 — Keith, A. Land of Israel according to the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1N71 2209-51 — Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the Uniti Slates expedition to t lie river Jordan and the Dead sea. 1S50 4586-5 I yne, A. A. Midshipman's trip to Jeru- salem. 1S71 45s 59 M icgi egoi . J. Rob Roj on the Jordan, etc. 1S70 45s 6 Neil, J. Palestine re-peopled ; or, scat- tered Israel's gathering. 1S77 296-6 Oliphant, I . Haifa; or, life in modern Palestine. 1SS7 158 71 I and of Gilead. 1881 4; — Osborne, 11. S. Little pilgrims in the Holy land. i860 45S-716 1 Pi in... 5. I. Tl I I llie 1855 Prime, W. ' . Tent life in the Holy land. I Ro E. 1 il the Holy land : upplemenl B ...._■ rs, M. E. I ' tic life in Pali line. Russell, M. Pali '854 — Rllssel], W. II. 1 ' 1 Saulcey, I di [ouri . round thi I and 1 ■ lands. 1 ^i 1 Stanley, A. P. Sinai ami Pall 1868 Sermons preached before II. K. II. prince of Wales during his tour in the 1 t, 1862; with notices of places. . . 2jii ■•. — Tillotson, J. History of Palestine and 1 he I loly laml Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 4: - Wylie, J. A. Journey over the reg fill ti lied prophecy. 1S47 4421 55 Bainbridge, Mrs. I . s. Round the world letters, pp. 340 ;ot ; Bellows, II. W. Old world in its new face. 1S67-6S. v. 2. pp. 267-390. . . 440-14 Bonar, II. Days ami nights in the East. PP- i6j-347 45 s -'/ Browne, J. R. Yusef; or, the journey of the Frangi. pp. 319 422 ; . Bryant, W. C. Letters from the [ PP- '02 185 (. — Bun, N. C. Far East. pp. 210 340. . 45s 18 Bush, E. C. My pilgrimage to Eastern shrines, pp. 112-204 — Butterworth, 11. Zigzag journeys in the Levant, pp. 211-206 Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Wanderings 1 lands ami seas. pp. 45 363. . . 45 s -22 — Cox, S. S. Orient sunbeams, pp, 230- 360 1 . — Day, H. Lawyer abroad, pp. 151 185. 4; He Hass, 1 . S. Buried cities recovered. pp. I09 456 • ■ ■ . . 21 — Dicey, E. Morning land. V. I. pp. [83 258 4 — Field, II. M. On the desert, pp. 33° — Fiske, S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experi- ences in foreign parts, pp. 144-169. . 440-50 Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim mem pp. 295-406 II. 1. 1 ley. I. Essays, philological and crit- ical, pp. 405-41S. language. . . . IO4-4 — Harriman, W. Travels and observations in the Orient, pp. 90 277 PALESTINE. 962 PALEY. Palestine, continued. — Herbert, Lady M. E. Cradle lands, pp. 52-261 45- s -4& — Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes. pp. 163-408 45S-4S — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the U. S. ex- ploring squadron, pp. 461-517. . . . 437— 5 1 — Kinglake, A. W. Eotlien. pp. 87-132. 457-5 — Knox, T. W, Boy travellers, pt. 4. Egypt and the Holy land. pp. 2S0-43S. 462-52 — Lee, J. S. Sacred cities, pp. 9-187. . 458-55 — Leech, II. II. Letters of a sentimental idler, pp. 332-463 4499-46 — Lindsay, A. W. C. Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy land. pp. 203-365. 458-57 — McGarvey, J. \V. Lands of the Bilile. PP- «9-374 458-598 — MacGavock, R. W. Tennessean abroad. pp. 237-282 439-6 — Macleod, X. Eastward, pp. 73-265. . 45S-61 — Many lands and many people, pp. 241- 25 6 439-63 — Martineau, H. Eastern life. pp. 347- 45' 459-55 — Newhall, C. S. Harry's trip to the Orient. pp. 173-2S6 457-68 — Newman, J. P. From Dan to Beersheba. vi-43 1 458-68 — Newton, R. In Bible lands, pp. 41-2S2. 45S-69 — Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Pe- traea and the Holy land. v. 2. pp. 191-326 458-7 — Porter, J. L. Giant cities of Bashan ; and Syria's holy places, pp. 1S2-226. 4^8-74 — Randall, D. A. Handwriting of (lid. v - 2 45 s -7" — Richardson, I). N. Girdle round the earth; home letters from foreign lands. PP- 233-290 43S-775 — Robinson, T. Wanderings in Scripture lands, pp. 134-299 458-782 Seward, W. 11. Travels around the world. pp. 519-678 438-81 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Pelr.ea and the Holy land. pp. 132-282 4499-72 — Sumner, Mrs. (i. Our holiday in the East. pp. 69-278 458-86 Swift, J. I . (ining to Jericho, pp. 190- 3" 4499 7^ Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracens, pp. i- "4 4409-75 Thomas, Mrs. S. 11. Travels in Europe, 1 and Palestine, pp. 287 346. . . 439-S9 mill I ['ravel in Euro] ie, I c;ypt, 1 , 276 440-922 Warl ton, 1 Crescenl and tin- cro v. 2. pp. 1-182 4499 91 Ward, A. Around the pyi amids. pp. 4499 "•' Palestin e, continued. — Warner, C. I). In the Levant, pp. I— 151 4499-95 — Warren, \V. W. Life on the Nile, etc. 1866-67. PP- 105-156 462-95 — Weill, A. G. Sacred palm lands, pp. 67-241 458-94 2. Antiquities. — Bannister, J. T. Survey of the Holy land. 2209-14 — Conder, C. R. Syrian stone-lore ; or, the monumental history of Palestine. [Pales- tine exploration fund.] 1886 4027-3 - Tent work in Palestine. 1878. . . . 458-245 — Our work in Palestine: being an account of the different expeditions sent out to the Holy land by the committee of the Palestine exploration fund. 1873. . . 2209-72 — Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine and in the adjacent regions: journal of travels in the year 1S38. . . 2209-75 — Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the an- cient monuments. 1884 2212-23 — Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. 1886 2269-55 3. Missions. — Anderson, R. History of the missions of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Oriental churches. 1S72 2656-2 — Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King. 1858 4581-2 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Mission life in Greece and Palestine 2656-62 — See also Bible. Jerusalem. Prophecy. Syria. PALESTRINA, Giovanni Pierluigi, Italian com- poser, b. about 1 524-1/. 1594. Ferris, G. T. ( ii eat Italian and French composers. PP- 7-16 4177-4 — Parry, C. H. H. Studies of great com- posers, pp. I-2I 4177-68 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: pt. 5. Catholic reaction, v. 2. pp. 315-342 94506-7 Palette club. Fairfield, F. G. Clubs oi New York. pp. 271-337 367-4 PALEY, V . A. Greek wit: collection of smart sayings and anecdotes translated from Gre k prose writers. I.., 1SS1. 16°.. 887-7 Paley, Wm., Eng. writer, 0. 1743-./. 1805. I loir Paulinas. N. V., n. d. 12°. Bound with Paley, W. Natural theology. 210-7 Natural theology. N. Y., n. d. 12 . . 210-7 ; or, evidences of the existence and at- tributes of the Deity. Hartford, 1847. 12° 2IO-69 - ; with notes, etc., by Henry Lord Brougham and Chas. Bell. 2 v. N.Y., 1S55. 16 210-69 PALEY. PALMER I'm i . , Wm., continued. View of the i f Chi nily. N. V\, 1855. 16 Foster, J Critical < 1 pp, 1 1 heologian. . . . 377 1 1 Stephen 1, Sir I. F. 1 . 1 tj pp. , 106. Polej 's Moral philo oph) I I hompson, J. P. Amei ii an 1 menl on European questions, pp. 300-330. Final cause : i crit ique "I 1 he failun ol Paley and the fallacy of 1 1 1 ■ Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, brevet, brig.- gtn. U. S. /'., i. 1831. AiiiKiam and redericksburg. \. \ .. 1SS2. 12 . [Campaigns of the civil war.] 9781 19 1 1 1 W in. Franci Ban lelt. B., 1879. 12° i,[.i Palfrey, John Gorham, Am. historian, />. 1796 ./. 1SS1. History of New England during the Smart dynasty. 3 v. I!., 1858-65. 8° 982-7 History of New England from the disi ery by Europeans to the revolution of the 1 7 tli century : being an abridgment of [the foregoing]. 2 v. N. V., 1866. 12° 982-71 I Hi of Wm. Palfrey. In Sparks, J., >£■ poet, b. [824. Essays on art. N. ¥*., 1S67. 12° * 704-7 Palgrave, Wm. Gifford, Eng. author, b. 1826. Dutch Guiana. 1... rS?6. 8°. 4885 : Essays on Eastern questions. I .. i s ;^. 8° 297-64 Conttnts Mahometanism in the Levant. — u ,!. mi i in 'revival.' — Turkomans and other tribes of the Northeast Turkish frontier lit em Christians.- I las.— Al khasian insurrection.— Poet 'ilm.tr.— The brig- 1 V abhet Shurran. — Hermann Agha. N. V., 1S72. 16°. V 'i through central 1 .. 186 1 A. lain ), W. M. I '. In pel ii ■ "ft'. pp. M59-»4 Taylor, I!., ed. I ■ • s 7 J25 , Bernard, French potter and enai b. a 1 1 twell, ( I . Palit sy the pottei ; I luguei and martyr I ' Morley, II. Palissy the potter, tifi Bernhard I ami discoveries in art and science; with philosophi \'! am . W. II. I). The steady aim. pp. I i 19 P" '-' Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became 1. is. pp . 1 ( 1 410 10 Caldwell, II. Art of doing our best. . 1 "5 I I loud, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. [8 1 [99 410-58 I mi 11 inn-. A. de. Memoirs of celebrated characters, pp. 233-266 410-63 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 203-210. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 260-267. 609-79 — Tweedie, W. K. life and work of earn- est men. pp. 396-417 410-945 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 465-468 410-975 Palk, John. Baur, W. Religious life in my. \. 2. pp. 224-259. . . . 274; 2 Pallain, M. ( '•., ed. Corresponden Prince Talleyrand and King Louis XVII] during the Congress of Vienna, 1 15. N. V , 1SS1. 8° Pali » . Peter Simon, German naturalist, 6. 1 741 -. I . I'.n I-' .... 785 95 \m..n. J. E. Deal life. N. V., [886. 1 ioli 1, Fra. See Sarpi \r \. 1 . Se Roman ' al holic 1 hurch. \ii 1: and papei making, I lavis, < • T. Manufai ture of papei . [886 676 2 Dunbar, J. Practical paper-maker. 1881. Proteaux, \. Pracl ii al guide foi the manufacture of paper and board 1866. 676 7 Bakewell, 1. C. Great facts, pp. 221- 22'). Papei in 'i. in", mai him v. ... 609-2 Bai bauld, A. 1 .. rale >. pp. n>^ [66. Manufacture of paper. . 82S--16 1 11 y, A. Wonders of common things, pp. 251-284. A sheet of paper. . . . 604-2 - 1 [istoi y .'I silk, cotton, linen, « ""I ami othei fibrou - ubstani es. pp. .104 413. Ancient manufacture 677-4 1 11 is. P. \ns in the middle ages. PP- *i3-422 7094-5 - Lukin, J. Amongst machines, pp. 248 274 6o 7-4 - One hundred years' progress ol the 1 nited States, pp. 201-298 609-6 Rattray, J. and Mill, H. R., eds. Forest- ry and fores! products, pp. .H7-514. . 71 1 7 APER and printing recipes. Chicago, 18S3. 12° 656-6 APER-hanging. Arrowsmith, I. Paper- hanger's companion 6982-2 Gardner, F. B. Everybody's paint-book. 1 62-64 698-51 AiKK money. Bancroft, &-5 - Mann, ('. A. Paper money, the root of evil. 1S72 3316-6 - Partee, W. Ii. Science of money. 1S74. (316 Richardson, II. W. Paper money. 1879. While, A. D. Paper money inflation in France; how it came, what it brought, ami how it ended. 1SS0 33'6-9 'apers for home reading. Hall. Rev.]. . 241 51 'ai'F.ks for thoughtful girls. Keddie, Hen- rietta, (S. Tytler, pseud.) 1 'apers from overlook house. Beasley, V. \\ . 'API RS from ovei the water. Tousey, S. . 440-905 'apers on an. I 'air. J. C 704-25 Papias, tain/, bishop 0/ Hierapolis. I ■ of ■■■ riling . /" An lian library. ■.. 1. > , 1 , si. John thi vine. pp. 201-203 2; 1 11 mai he. I - "ii daily pal 1 I .indsey, < ,. British manufai turing 1 v. 3. pp. r 1 and 1 mai he PaPILLON, Fernand. Nature and life : ind doctrines relating to the constitution latter, the new dynami phi- losophy <>f nature: trans] the Fn i by A. R. Mai donough. \. V ., 1875. 12 577 7 Papi 11 1 in, A'' v. I hos, I .eslie. Manual of parative ph applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflec- tions. < Ixford, [876. 12° 1'AiiN, Denis, French natural philosopher, b. 1647-'/. '"12. Ewart, Henry C. Hi ami martyrs of science, pp. 191-206. . ;i- Timbs, J. Inventors and di pp. 382— 395. First practical steamboat. 609-79 Para: scenes on the Amazon. Warner, J. E. sm 9] PARABLl Bl ice, A. B. Parabolic teach- ingofChrist 22-2 3 Kiummachcr, F. A. Parables 24 - Taylor, \\ . M . I ost found, and the wan- derer welcomed --',- 6 Trench, R. C. Notes on the parabl our Lord 22~2 7 — Tweedie, W. K. Parables of our Lord. 220S-59 Brock, Mrs. Carey. Sunday echoes in week day hours. Tales illustrative of the parables 1 Parables for children. Abbott, 1 V 248 12 Paradi 1 foun the cradle of the race at the North pole. Warren, W. F 5; Paradise in the Pacifii Bliss, W. R. . . 4969-2 Par idisi lost. See Milton, J. Paradise of chili implete manual for the kindergarten. Wiebe, E. ... Paradox of acting. Diderot, D 7.M ; Paradoxes. Morgan. A. de. Budget of paradoxes 806-33 — Russell, A. P. Library notes, pp. 244- 267 Paraffin. Mills, E.J. Destructive distil- lation 6659-6 Paragreens, (The), on a visit to Paris. Ruf- fini, J. Paraguay. Hadfield, W. Brazil and the river Plate in 1S6S : Page, r. J. 1 al'lata, the ArgentineCon- federation and Paraguay. [ 1S59.] . . — Pelleschi. f industry, pp. 33 2 341- 4169-7 PARIS, Francis. Parton, J. People's 1 1 of biography, pp. 85-95 \i" 82 Paris, Louis Philippe, omtt de, /■'■ prince, b. 1818. Battle of Gettysburg, (from the Hi tory "f the civil war. v. 3.) Phila., 1886. 8° 9788 7 Hi torj "i the civil « ai in Vmerica. v. ed. Iiy I [enry < loppee. v. 3 I : ''''■ by J. P. Nicholson. 4 v. Phila., 1876 88. 8° 9781 7 Cont ' 1 I American ! Se 1 fit ' Hi. 1 11,. first autu 1 tirst winter. Paris, L. P., continued. v. 2. Richmond. — Naval war. — Maryland. — Kentucky. — Tennessee. — Virginia. — Politics. v. 3. On the Rapidan. — The Mississippi. — Pennsylvania. — The third winter. v. 4. Eastern Tennessee. — Siege of Chat- tanooga. — The third winter. — The war in the south-west. — Trades unions of England : tr. by J. Nas- sau: ed. by Thos. Hughes. L., 1869. 12° 3369-7 Paris, Matthew. See Matthew, of Paris. Paris. Sub-divisions: 1. General. 2. Ex- hibitions. /. General. — Allen, J. Vf.,jr. Paul Dreifuss, his hol- iday abroad. 18S2 444-13 — American family in Paris. 1S69 4443-12 — Bowdes, T. G. Defence of Paris. 1871. . 94481-2 — Gardiner, M. Idler in France. 1S41.. . 4443-36 — Hamerton, P. G. Paris in old and pres- ■ ent times. 1885 4443~4 — Hare, A. J. C. Days near Paris, (n. d.)4443-409 Walks in Paris. 18S8 4443-41 — Head, F. Faggot of French sticks; or, Paris in 1S51. 1862 4443-42 — Houssaye, A. Life in Paris: letters on art, literature and society. 1875. . . . 4443-45 — Jackson, C. C. Lady. Old Paris: its court and literary salons. 1610-1715. . . . 94433-5 Old Regime : court, salonsand theatres. 1715-1778 94434-5 French court and society : reign of Louis XVI and first empire. 2 v 94435~5 — Jarves, J.J. Parisian sights and French principles. 1856 444-45 — King, E. My Paris. 1868 4443-5 — Leighton, 1. Paris under the commune. 1871. . . '. 944S2-5 — Matthews, J. B. Theatres of Paris. 1S80. 782-5 — Morford, H. Paris in '67 4443-6 Mulock, D. M. (M.) Twenty years ago. 1872 4443- 6 3 — Piatt, I.. K. Bell Smith abroad. 1859. . 4443"7 Robinson, W. Gleanings from French gardens. 1S69 7'5~78 — Taine, II. A. Notes on Paris. 1S75. . 4443-7S — Thackeray, W. M. Miscellanies. (1840). Student's quarter, (n. d.) 4443-8 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays. pp. 100-109. Paris in 1814 115K1 Berthet, P. Pre-historic world 4004 2 — Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Undercurrents over- looked, v. 1. pp. 1 [9 204. Conti- nental Sunday, v. 2. pp. 1-70. Pas- times of the people 3368-2 1 ri il, Lord F. Impressions of life at home and abroad, pp. 130 179. Pris- on life in Paris 430 23 I iurbin, I . P. Ob :ei 1 al s in Europe. v. 1. pp. ;< 440-29 •ARIS. PARKKR Paris, < ontinut ./. Forde, II. A. Bl rl white, pp. 14-68 Missions. I rcemon, I . \ Historical i i. pp 107 ■ , i . Early ; I ren I , J. I'.. Sou\ ol m | lime. PP *53 us 383B3 1 ii sieges of history, pp. ~';7 2$8and ■ I 743 "" : I 1 Inthrie, T. 1 hil "I hai ne >. pp 1 ■ 1 ireel of Paris, Sunday in Pari 241-5 I leadley , J. T. Rambh pp. "i 103 n" r, [1 \ mj;, W. Wolfert's roost, 215-244 Si 7 4 S 7 k nox, I . W I 'i '.1 1 mnd « 01 Id. pp. 314 130, Co 1 I 1 'ai 1^. pp. 1 ' 1 1 si Undei woi Id ol Paris, pp. 5 ■ 1 5S 0i Parisian >e« ers 1 — Sala, (1. A. Journey due south, pp. 3°> 413 115 s - rissandier, G. Wonders of water, pp. 11 [ii. Water supply .if Paris. ... 5514 86 ["ripp, V 1 rests from the ocean woi Id. >' 303 44°-9'5 Wallace, Mrs. I . I ' Won 1 Pa 2. Exhibitions. ^micis, E.,de. Studies ol Paris. [1878.] \\\\ \\ — Arnold, H. P. Great exhibition. [1867.] 440-12 Barnard, F. A. P. Report on machinery and pi .it he industi ial arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. I1S07.] 606-7 Moiford, II. Paris in '67 444! 6 — Kennedy. I. P. Al home and abroad. pp. 286 344. [1867.] 532E4 Paris commune. See France. Paris in America. Laboulaye, I'.. R. I .. de. Paris, Paulin. Les romans de la table ronde. Paris, 1868. 16 . Paris sketch book. Th ickeray, W. M. Parish ami othei pencillings. Murray, V 2 ) 1 65 Parisian sights and French principles, seen through American spectacles, [arves, J- J 144-45 Parisians. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Park, Edward Amasa, D. D., Am. theolo- gian, i. 1808. Introduction. /nSchauf- ilor. Win. C. Autobiography 807B3 Prominence ol the atonement : a sermon. /« Grout, H. M.,«/. Gospel invitation. PP' *99-332 252-43 i 1771 ./. 1 lun- iplcmenlarj line; the I. in Africa. V V., n. d. 16 1 dinburgh 7 ' ! I; " .villi the account of his death from the jour- nal of 1 late, 11 of the N V., 1854. 16 . San Kelly, C. V< pp. I' I sio St. John, J. A. Lives "f celebrated \ . ;. pp. ■ 3-<"'5 i 1 I i.. i..i . 1: .rn travel. v. I. pp. 2-54 Hurst, J.I. History of ral ionalism. pp. 564 57' 2110 .11 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singei and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 294 303. [B skei 1 ins. J 2458-7 Parker, Thos., earl of Macclesfield, b. 1666- d. 1732. Campbell, J. Lord chancel- lors, v. 4. pp. 399-447 4H-25 Parker, W. Kitchen. On mammalian de- scent: being nine lectures delivered in the theatre of the Royal college of sur- geons during February, 1884. L., 1885. 8°. [Hunterian lectures, 1884.] . . . 5913-S and Bettany, -5 Parks and pleasure grounds. Smith, C. 1 1. |. 710-8 Parkyns, Mansfield. I ife in Abyssinia: be- ing notes collected dui ing tin residence and travels in that country, 2 v. N. V., 1854. 8°. Same, 1S60. . . r.63 — I lot ton, J. C, ■'. Abyssinia and its peo pie- pp. 78-87 163-45 - Taylor, B, 1 yclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 665-6S2 156-i P m: 1 1 ■, . Peter, pseud, s. , i h ii h, S. ' ■. PARLEYINGS with certain people of import- ance in their day. Browning, Robert. 1SSC43 PARLIAMENT in the play room. Tucker, (aniline, (A. I . 0. E., pseud.) .... II6A3 Parxiameni , if England. See England, par- liament, iment of love. Ma singer, P. I pp. 149-171 616C3 Parliamentary general'- of the great civil war. Walford, \. 1 9363-9 Parliamentary history of the 1 1 i >h land question. ( •' Brien, R. B Parliamentary law. Cushing.L.S. Rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies, 1S77 3281-23 — Finger-post to public business, by an ex- memberof the Philadelphia bar. [1S64.] 3281-4 — Jefferson, T. Manual of parliament practice. 1S71 5281 6 — McElligott, J. V American debater. . 8001-6 — Robert, II. M. Pocket manual of rules of order for deliberative assemblies. 1S86 3281-7 — Spofford, A. R. Practical manual of par* liamentary rules. 1S84. . ., [281 7; Waples, R. Hand-book of parliamentary " e. 1883 — Bain, A, Practical essays, pp.291 _;i" Procedure of deliberative bodies. ... 132E2 1 Ian , ' ontinued. Jeffer I . \\ ritings. v. 9, p| Pittenger, W. Oratory, pp. 199 220. . 800-7 .. Maria. Appll 1883. I2 C 641 7 ; would be ; ■ 8° 641-735 Parlor acting ch Frost, S. A. . . 785-48 Bellew .1 '■ Parlor car: a fane. 11 yells, W. D. . . 4' e: selection of vers ite soeieti rn poets. \. V., 1SS4. 24 . 8096-68 : varieties. Brewster, E. E.andS ner, L. B 785-25 OR varieties. Wilson, < ). 1 785-95 I'ari.oi K tales and stories selected from the old series of Chambers' journal. I.., n. d. 1 6°. Contents. — Path of duty. — Love letter extra- ordinary.— Louis Mandrin. — Whip and the wish. — Tradition of Sark. — Strawberry girl. — 1 itiveof Juan Van H.ik-n. — Scipio Crackles. — Reminiscences of a West Indian voyage.— My friend the polytcchnist. — Apprentice girl. — Tri- gaud. — Story of a garment. — Raven of the Rey- nards. — Greek monk's talc. — Krcttcl. — ' irton. I'armi 1 1 1 I ! Life scenes among the mountains of Ararat. B., 1868. 12° 2656-6 Parmenides. Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets, v. 1. pp. 185-206. . 8S1-8 '. Italian painter, real name Fran- cesco Mazzola, i. 1504-a'. 1540. Jame- son, Mrs. A. (M.) Early Italian painters. PP- 3°2-3°9 4175 ? Parnassus. Emerson. R. w...,/ 809-4 Parnassus in pillory. Duganne, A. J. H. . 296C2 PARNELL, t'has. Stewart, Irish states/' 1846. Home rule. In Irish question a^ viewed by one hundred eminent statesmen, pp. 263-282 32041-51 — O'Connor, T. P. Parnell movement ; with a sketch of Irish parties from 1843. . . Parnell, Thos., British poet, b. 16^-d. 1718. Poetical works: with life, by Ol- iver Goldsmith. Bonn,: :ical works of Thos. Tickell. B., 1 854. 12°. 71511 I ;says. In British essayists. v. 10, 11 and 14 1S4E! I'aknv. Evariste 1 ' 'ges, vieomtede. Poems. In Curwen, II. French love . etc 84I-3 Parr, Catherine. See Catherine Parr. Parr. Harriet, Eng. anther. Annis War- leigh's fortunes. X. V. 8 t rev's caprice. I 1 6°. — Ben Milner's wooing. B., 1S77. 16°. — Canterbury tales. 2 •■ . N. V.. I PARR. — 97° — PARTING. Parr, Harriet, continued. Contents. — v. I. Friend's tale: Stanhope. — Landlady's tale : Mary Lawson. — Old woman's tale: Lothair; a legend. — Poet's tale: Arun- del. — Traveler's tale: Montford. — Wife's tale: Julia. v. 2. German's tale: Cruitzner. — Officer's tale: Cavendish. — Frenchman's tale: Con- stance. — Scotchman's tale : Claudine. — Echoes of a famous year. Leipzig, 1872. 1 6° 9448-7 — Her title of honour. Leipzig, 1871. 24°. — Kathie Brande : fireside history of a quiet life. L., 1865. 1 6°. — Mr. Wynyard's ward. N. Y., 1867. 8°. — Sylvan Holt's daughter. N. Y., i860. 12 . — (Holme Lee, pseud.) Tuflongbo and little Content: their wonderful adventures in the enchanted forest. L., 1868. 16°. 381-68 — Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. Phila., n. d. 16°. Parr, Louisa. Adam and Eve. Phila., 1881. 8°. — Dorothy Fox. Phila., 1871. 8°. — Hero Carthew ; or, the Prescotts of Pam- phillon. N. Y., 1873. 16 . — John Thompson blockhead and com- panion portraits. Phila., 1S70. 12°. Contents. — John Thomson, blockhead. — 'How it all happened.' — Trethill farm. — 'A will of her own.' — Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs. — At the sign of the Golden Canister. — Peter Trotman. — Saved from the wreck. — Christine. — Young Tom's grey hairs. — ' A feather in Jack's cap.* — Loyalty George. N. Y., 18S8. 16 . — Robin. N. Y., 1882. 16°. Parr, Samuel, Eng. scholar, b. jy^y-d. 1825. De Quincey, T. Essays on philosoph- ical writers, etc. v. 2. pp. 144-314. . 284E45 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. PP- 343-346 410-44 PARRATT, Walter. Music. In Ward, T. 11., cd. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 593-620 93 8 9 Parrhasius. Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 103-107 417-9 Parrots. Parrots and monkeys. N. Y., n. d. 12° 590S-64 — Selby, P. J. Parrots. Naturalist's libra- ry, v. 10 590-5 — See also Birds. Zoology. PARROTT, Friedrich. Journey to Ararat: tr. by W. I). Cooley. N. V., 1852. 12°. 4571. 6 PARRY, C. llul.cu II. Studies of great composers. L., 1887. 12° 4177-68 Contenti Palestrina. — Handel. — John Sebas- tian Bach.— Haydn. — Mozart. Beethoven. — < 11I M;iri.i von Weber.— Franz Schubert. — Mendelssohn R berl Schum; Richard jicr. Parry, Emma Louise. Life among the Ger- mans, B., 1SS7. 12 443-7 Parry, Capl. S. H. Jones. My journey round the world, via Ceylon, New Zea- land, Australia, Torres Straits, China, Japan and the United States. 2 v. L. , 1881. 12 438-7 Parry, Sir Wm. Edward, Eng. navigator, b. lygo-d. 1855. Northern regions: [for children.] pp. 1-77 and 166-242. . . . 498-69 — Smith, D. M. Arctic expeditions from British and foreign shores, from the ear- liest times to the expedition of 1875-76. 498-87 — Relley, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 712-766 439-53 — Markham, A. H. Northward, Ho ! pp. 256-284 498-621 — Smucker, S. M., ed. Arctic explorations. pp. 85-155 498-88 — Tillotson, J. Adventures in the ice. pp. 134 and 157-186 498-9 Parsifal. See Parzival. Parsis. Bleeck, A. H. Avesta: religious book of the Parsees 2925-2 — Dosabhai Framji Karaka. History of the Parsis. 2 v 2925-4 — Bibles of other nations, pp. 23-38. . . 290-25 Parson o' Dumford. Fenn, G. M. Parsons, Benjamin. Hood, E. P. British pulpit, pp. 285-303 4144-4 — Lives made sublime, pp. 281-31 1. . . . 4144-5 Parsons, Jas. Hood, E. P. British pulpit. pp. 195-234 4H4-4 Parsons, S. B. The rose; its history, poetry, culture and classification. N.Y.,iS6o. 8°. 7152-5 Parsons, Samuel Holden. Hildreth, S. P. Early settlers of Ohio. pp. 186-216. . 41271-4 Parsons, Theophilus, chief-justice of Mass., b. 1750-1/. 1S13. Parsons, T. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons 716B2 Parsons, Theophilus, Am. jurist, son of pre- ceding, b. 1797-0'. 18S2. Peus homo: God-man. Chicago, 1867. 8° 232-75 — Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, chief-jus- tice of the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. B., 1861. 12°. . . . 71(11:2 — Mystery of life and oilier papers. Phila., 1879. 12° 2894-6 Parsons, Usher, Am. surgeon, b. 1788-rf. 1868. Life of Sir Wm. Pepperell, Bart. I'.., 1856. S° 722B4 Parson's daughter. Hook, Theo. I'AKiik, \V. 1!., (Nomi stake, /««6-7 Parthia." Rawlinson, ('•. Sixth great Ori- ental monarchy 9'56-7 PARTICULAR providence: lectures on the his- tory of Joseph. Gordon, W. K. . . . 2218-44 Parties and their principles. Holmes, A. 320 48 Parting words of Adolphe Monod 252-66 VRTINGTON. 97' — CAL Partington, Mrs., pseud. .V. Sliillaber, B. P. iii, !/■ . \iin "■. ■ ill I Clo ser. -•. pp. .■ |6 255 410-8 Partisan. Simms, w m. < ■■ Partisan life with < !ol. John S. Mo Scott, Maj. J 649B1 1 P ■-, fas., Am. author, 6, 1*12. 1 , tains of industry ; or, men 'if busine v. liu .li.l something be ide making money. B., 1884. 12 |n-i 7 Famous Amei icai enl times. I!,, 1877. 8° 1'-! 72 Contents — Clay. — Webster. — Calhot I dolpb Girard and his college Ben 1 lie Herald. — G lyi 11 Beecher. — Commo dorc Vanderlili rheodosia Burr. tatoi - Fanny Fern: a memorial volume, contain- ing lier select writings and a memoir. N. V., 1873. 12 715E65 Gen. Butler in New Orleans; history of the administration of the department of the Gulfin the year 1862. I:., 1S66. 12 . 198B1 Life ami times ol Aa Burr. N. N-. 1858. 12°. Same. 2 v. B., 1867-70. 19689 — Life ami times of Benjamin Franklin. 2 v. N. Y., 1864. 12 381B4 — Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 v. N. Y., 1861. 12 510B4 Life of Thos. Jefferson. I:.. 1874. 8°. Same, 1S78 > I [B5 — Life of Yoltaire. 2 v. 13., 1882. S°. . 918B5 - Noted women of Europe and America. Hartford, 1883. 8° 413-63 — People's book of biography ; or, short lives of the most interesting persons of all ages and countries. Hartford, 1869.8°. 410-82 — Smoking and drinking. B., 1868. 16°. 198-72 — Topics of the time. I!., 1871. 12°.. . 7 1 5 1 . 5 Contents, — Uncle Sam's treatment of his ser- vants — Yankees at home. — Congressional pec- cadilloes. — International copyright. — Our Ro- man Catholic brethren. — How Congress wastes its time. — Clothes mania. — Log-rolling at Wash- ington. — Our [sraelitish brethren. — Correspon- dence of Napoleon Bonaparte. — Government of the city of New York. — ed. Humorous poetry. 11. t. p. 16°. . 8096-7 Some noted princes, authors and state- men of our time. X. Y., 1885. 8°. . 410-83 Contents.- \ I' Stanley Buckland.— Dick- ens. — Thackeray. — Mulock-C raik. — Geo. Eliot. — House of Commons. — Lord lleaconsfield. — Prince of Wales. — King and Queen of Denmark. — King of Bavaria, Prince Louis Napoleon. — Leigh Hunt Mis- Mttford. — Chas. Lamb. — Thos. Hood. — Thos. Campbell. — Macaulay. — Carlyle. — Victoi Hugo. — St. Pierre — Jules Grevy. Scott. — Chas Kingsley. — Lord Cole- ridge. — Spurgeon. — Macrcady. — Jenny Lind. — Grandson of Robert Burns. — Gladstone. — Rufus Choate. — Emerson. — Longfellow. — Prescott. — N.P. Willis. — Hawthorne. — Whittier. — Alexan- der 11. — Thiers. — Queen Victoria.— Lincoln , Sarah 1 pseud.), Am. author, /<. 1S11 ./. 1 men 12° 71 ■ : ! Fern : a memorial volume, lilies and a memoir, by J. is. Parton 7 1 5 1 I ei n I. -a 1 , e from I I ilio. Au- burn, 1854. 1 1 715I 7 Folly as it flies. N. \ ., 1X7... 16 71 Ginger-snaps. N. Y., 1870. 12°. ... 71 story hook for children. N. Y., 1872. 1 6° 345A2 Play-day book. X. Y., 1 . . 345A4 Deri .1 1 . Fifty years among autl etc. pp. 208-220 4181-3 Partridge, I. Arthur. Making of the American nation ; or, the rise ami de- cline of oligarchy in the west. I'hila., 1886. 8° 8783-7 Partridge, Wm. Ordway. Goethe as a playwright. In Sanborn, F. It., ed. Life and genius of Goethe, pp. -217 430B6 Party leaders. Baldwin, J. G 412-18 PARZIVAL. Dippold, ('.. T. Great cjiics of mediaeval Germany, pp. 218-258. . . 8315-4 — Warner, C. D. Roundabout journey. PP- 333-360 440-93 PASCAL, Blaise, French philosopher and math- ematician, b. 1623-d. 1662. Provincial letters: new translation ; with historical introduction and notes by Rev. Thos. M'Crie: life of Pascal, critical essay, and biographical notice: cd. by O. \Y. Wight. N. V., 1859. 12°...'. . . . 208-69 — Thoughts, letters and opuscules: tr. by O. W. Wight: with introductory notices and notes from all the commentators. X. Y., 1866. 12° 20S-7 Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. pp. 381-420 Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 145-151 410-2 — Edgar, J. G. lioyhoodof great men 199-205 4IO-44 — Elam, C. Physician's problems. pp. 3 2 7-33 2 6104-3 1 egouve, E. Art of reading, pp. 250- 25S 800-5 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 96-108 1 — Russell, W. Kxtraordinary men and wo- men, part 1. pp. 55-66 410-9 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Monday chats, pp. 12; 140 — Stephens, I. 1 ■". I. Essays, pp. 254-266. Pascal's thoughts S50E1 PASCAL. 97: PATENTS. Pascal, Jacqueline. Weitzel, S. W. Sister and saint: sketch of the life of Jacque- line Pascal 716B9 Paschal I— II, popes. See Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs 2S21-53 Paschino, Gospodin. Marvin, C. Recon- noitering Central Asia. pp. 252-263. . 455-61 Pascoe, Chas. Eyre. London of to-day : illustrated hand-book for the season. B., 1886. 12° 4421-68 Passages from the life of Chas. Knight. X. V., 1874. 12° 538B1 Passing the portal. Victor, Mrs. M. V. Passion and principle. Hook, Theodore. Passion in tatters. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie Thomas. Passion play at Ober-Ammergau. Field, H. M. From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. pp. 179-193. . . . 440-343 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. pp. 34-40 451E1 — Horstman, G. H. Consular reminis- cences, pp. 203-221 443-47 — Howitt, A. M. Art-student in Munich. pp. 47-68 4433-4 — Jackson, H. M. (H. H. pseud.) Glimpses of three coasts, pp. 402-418 439-52 .-week. Stowe, H. (B.) Footsteps of the Master, pp. 233-284 2321-7 Passionate pilgrim, and other tales. James, H-, jr. Passionist missionary priest. Voice of Jesus suffering, to the mind and heart of Chris- tians: book on the passions. N. V., 1876. 12° 2324-6 PASSMORE, Win. Compendium of evangel- ical theology, given in the words of Holy Scriptures. N. V., 1876. 12° 2305-7 Passos, John R. Dos. Inter-state commerce act ; an analysis of its provisions. N. V.. 1887. 12°. [Questions of the day.] 3465-6 PAST and present. Carlyle, Thos 206E61 Past in the present: what is civilization? Mitchell, A 571-65 Past, present and future. Carey, H. C. . 330-3 Past, present and future of the republic. I.amartine, A. de 9447-5 1 redemption. Baker, G. M. Globe drama 785-215 Pasta, Giuditta. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 246-265 4178-3 — Ferris, G. T. Great singers, ser. 1 yy. 171-196 4178-4 EUR, 1 ouis, French biologist, h. 1822. Louis Pasteur ; his life and labors, by his in-law: tr.by Lady Claud Hamilton. X. V., 1885. 12 .. .' ;i 7 Bl — Su/> ; an account "I M. Pasteur's system . . 61624-8 Pastimes and players. Macgreggor, R. . 791-48 Pastime papers. Saunders, Frederick. . . S05F.3 Paston letters: original letters written dur- ing the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV and Richard III. p'enn, J. 2 v. in 1. 826-7 — Gairdner, J., ed. v. 1. L., 1872. 16°. 826-71 Contents. — v. 1. Henry IV, 1422-1461. — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best let- ter-writers and autobiographers. v. 2. PP- 3-'6 826-54 Once upon a time. pp. 37-82. . . . 53SE4 Pastor and the prince. Wildenhahn. Bound with Paul Gerhardt 207A25 Pastor of Hernias. In Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library, v. I. pp. 319-435. . . . 2S13-13 Pastor of the desert : Jean Jarousseau. Pel- letan, E 512B2 Pastoral office. Bedell, Rt. Rev. G. T. The pastor 250-2 — Kidder, D. P. Christian pastorate; its character, responsibilities and duties. . 250-4 — Littlejohn, A. N. Conciones ad clerum. 250-5 Pastor's memorial of the Holy land. Fisk, Rev- G 45 s "35 1 's wife, pseud. S«Hubbell, Martha S. Patagonia. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia. 1S81 4S29-2 — Bourne, B. F. Captive in Patagonia. 1853. 4S29-25 — Coan, T. Adventures in Patagonia. 18S0. 4829-3 — Cunningham, R. O. Natural history of the strait of Magellan and west coast of Patagonia. 1871 59 r 9S-3 — Dixie, Lady F. C. Across Patagonia. 1880 4S29-4 Mu»ters, G. C. At home with the Pata- gonians. 1873 4S29-6 [Extracts from above.] In Many lands and many people, pp. 149-173- • • • 439-63 — Coppinger, R. W. Cruise of the " Alert." pp. 103-126 4376-3 — Hartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 417-424. 49S-46 — Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 379-395- [Missions.] 263-35 Voting, R. Light in lands of darkness. PP- 33-7°- [Missions.] 263-9 Patch, Olive. Childhood's pets. X. V., 1887. 8° 717A2 PATi HWORK quilt society. Corning, Mis. M. S 21; \t. Patent sermons. Paige, E. G S17-711 Patents. Campin, F. W. Law of patents for inventions. 1S69. 3447 _ 3 Howson, II. and C. American patent system. 1872 60S-4 Brief treatise on United Sine- patents for inventors and patentees. 1S76. . . 608 |i — Moore, J. G. Patent office and patenl laws, i860 608-5 — Farrer, T. II. State in its relation to trade, pp. 60-67 33 ~35 PATER. I • '•. I l I , i Pater, Waltei H„ British critic, b. i ■ , Imaginary portraits. I.., 1SS7. 12 . . 71'. 1 8 CohUhU Pi ini •■ ■■! 1 ■ >n n p tei I ' I. 'Auxcrrois. Seba il I ' ( u I .:i I-: n 11 Id Mariu 1 lie I p lan, hi - iti n Hi.,,,. J v. I ... 1SN5. 12°. .1 udies in ihr In stoi v of the ren li I ... 1873. 8° 7i7l' Contents. — Aucassin and Nicolcltc. — Pico delta Mi inli Sandra Botticelli.— Luca del- ta Robbia Poetry of tfichelau elo.— Lionar- ,1., .1.1 Viin i Joachim du Bella] -Winckcl- iii.imii Conclusion Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 4 8092-9 Pater mundi. Burr, Rev. E. !•'. : . . . . 2398 -1 Paterculus, C. Velleius, Roman historian, t. about 20 B. C, d. about 30 .■/. D. Re- mains of his t lompehdium of t lie history of Rome. In Watson, J. S., tr. Sal- lust, Florus and Velleius Paterculus. pp. 425-547 8782-9 PATERSON, Jas. Liberty of the press, speech and public worship : being comment. 1 on tlir liberty of the subject ami the laws of England. I... 1NS0. 12° 323-56 Paterson, [as. Wallace, the hero of Scol land. V V., n. d. 16 922B2 Paterson. See also Patterson. Pathfinder. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. Pathology. Friedlaender, C. Use of the microscope in clinical ami pathological examinations 57 s " 4 — Liebig, L Animal chemistry 547-53 Chemistry ami physics in relation to physiology and pathology 547-53 5 •ah 1 'isease. Medicine. I'm 11 mi Preston, M. 1'. Raffensperger, Mrs. A. F. Patienci ofhope. Greenwell, Dora. . . . 241-46 Patienci Strong's outings. Whitney, Mrs. A. I.. (T.) ' Patieni waiting no loss. Haven, A. B. . 458A25 Patient's and physician's aid. Hunt, E. M. 616-45 Patmore, Coventry Kearsey Dighton, Eng. pool, b. 1823. Angel in the house. 4 pai ts. 1. Betrothal. B., 1S66. 12 717C1 j. Espousals. B., 1864. 12 717'- 3. faithful forever. 1!., 1 861. 12°. . 717C3 — ed. Children's garland from the best poel ;. 1 ., 1873. 12 8099-7 Paton, Mary Anne. Clayton, E. C. Queet of song. pp. 274-2S7 4 1 7S ; Paton, Wm.Agnew. Down the islands: a ge to the Carribees. N.Y., 1.887. S°. 4729S-74 Patriarchai theory. McLennan, J. F. . 3211-6 Patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testa- ment. Maui ice, F. D 2226-64 Patrh i\ (Cembali. Linton, E. I.. Patrici 372. LifeofSainl Patrici t'i-' 7 1 1 I .' .11 y, I. 1 iainl I 'at rick 7 1 7 1 17 nil of I In ... ■-, T. N. I ■ i.i 11. on ,. ij -' Van I > Storii i.ii'' 1 1 t ; - Killen, W. 1 1. pp. 302-3.;i -•11 \l 11 tear, < .. F. Apostli Kniopc. pp. jo 40 11 Meander, A. M of( hristian life. PP- 425 -434 270-6 Stokes, ti. T. Ireland and the ) church, pp. 25-96 27415 7; — Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field, pp. 45-66 4140 9 Patrick, Mary. Marjorie Bruce's I N. V., 1877. 8°. Patridge, Leila E, ',>uincy methods illus- trated : pen photographs from the Quin- cy schools. N. V., 1S85. 12°. . 372-73 Patriotic eloquence. Kirkiand, Mi .CM. 801-52 Patriotic speaker. Raymond, R. R. . . ,s. 1 Patriotism. St. John, H. Letters "ii the study and 11 1 ry, eti 902-7 Ring, T. S. Substance and show, and other lectures, pp. 3S9-412 534Eg Pa risM in poetry and prose. Murdock, J. I .,ed. S0S-62 Patroci.us and Penelope. I'odge, T. A. . 6 \i.t . Eclgeworth, Maria. Patrons of husbandry. Martin, K. W. 1 1 i^- tory of the Grange movement ; with his- tory of the order of Patrons of hus- bandry 3369-6 PATTEN, Claudius Buchanan. England as seen by an American banker 442-3 Patten, I.t.-Col. G. W. Voices of the bor- der : comprising songs of the field, songs of the bower, Indian melodies ami pro- miscuous poems. X. Y., 1867. 12°. . Patterson, Elizabeth. Saffell, W. T. I Bonaparte-Patterson marriage in 1803, and the secret correspondence on the subject 172B2 PATTERSON, H. S. Contributions. /« Nott, l.i. and Gliddon, G. R. Types of mankind PATTERSON, Mrs. Martha, daughter of presi- dent Johnson. Hollow ay, I.. C. Ladies of the White House, pp. 606-634. . . 41239-4 PATTERSON, Rev. Monsignor — . Remarks on the value of certain sacrificial words used by St. Paul, [and] Religious condi- tion of Germany. In Manning, H. E.. ed. Essays on religion and literature, v. 2-3. 204-58 Pa 111 ' a/so Paterson. PATTESON. — 974 PAUL. ]'\i ri. son, John Coleridge, missionary bishop of Melanesia, b. 1S27-1/. 1S71. Awdry, F. Story of a fellow soldier : being life of Bishop Patteson 71SB1 — Vonge, C. M. Life of John Coleridge Patteson 718B2 — Adams, W. H. D. Heroes of the cross. pp. 441-474 414-2 — Blaikie, W. G. Leaders in modern phi- lanthropy, pp. 225-240 4 I 5 6 - 2 — Charles, E. (R.) Three martyrs of the 19th century, pp. 289-391 4'49~3 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. v. 2. pp. 213-263. Review of Yonge's life of Patteson 426E1 — Japp, A. H., (H. A. Page, pseud.) Mas- ter-missionaries, pp. 294-362 4149-5 Patti, Adelina Maria Clorinda, l'. 1843. Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario, v. 2. pp. 245-2S9 4'77-3 PATTISON, Dorothy Wyndlow. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora 718B4 PATTISON, Mark, D. D., Eng. clergyman, b. 1813-rf. 1884. Milton. N. V., 18S0. 12°. [English men of letters series.] . . . . 634B5 — Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2 and 3. . . . 8092-9 — Tendencies of religious thought in Eng- - land, 1688-1750. In Essays and re- views, pp. 229-288 204-28 Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 3. pp. 133-173. Review of Memoirs. . . 646E4 PATTISON, K. E. Commentary, explanatory, doctrinal and practical on the Epistle to the Ephesians. B., 1859. 12°. . . . 2285-7 Pattison, Thos. Harwood. Congregation- alism and aesthetics. In Religious re- publics, pp. 133-168 285S-7 Patton, Francis Landey, D.D., LI. D., Am. educator, l>. 1843. Great Presbyterian conflict: Patton vs. Swing 2851-7 Summary of Christian doctrine. In Pre- paring to teach, pp. 213-324 246-4 PATTON, Jacob Harris, Am. author, b. 1812. Concise history of the American people, from the discoveries of the continent to 1876, centennial year of nation's inde- pendence, giving aclear account of their political, military, moral, industrial and commercial life. N.Y.,1876. 8°. Same. 2 v. 1882 972-7 Democratic party; its political history and influence. N. Y., 1884. 12°. . . 3293-7 — Natural resourci "I the United States. N. Y., 1880. 16 . [Science primer series.] 553~73 PATTON, Wm, Laws of fermentation and the wines of the ancients. N. Y., 1S71. 12° 1981-62 PATTOU, A. A. Art of voice-production ; with special reference to the methods of correct breathing. N. Y., 1882. 16 . 774-7 PATTY Gray's journey. See Dall, C. (H.) 1'attv's perversities. B. 16°. [Round Rob- in series.] Pau, France. Wonder stories of travel, pp. 185-199 438 8 -9 Pauer, Ernst. Art of piano forte playing. L. 4°. [Music primers] 7763—6 — Elements of the beautiful in music. L. 4°. [Music primers] 7716-62 — Musical forms. L. 4°. [Music primers]. 7716-63 Paul, apostle, saint, l>. about 10-d. about 65. Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. 201-103 — Barnes, A. Scenes and incidents in the life of the apostle Paul 221S-609 — Bungener, F. Saint Paul: his labors and epistles 2218-61 — Clarke, J. F. Ideas of the apostle Paul. 2218-62 — Conybeare, W. J. aWHowson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul 2218-63 — Farrar, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 2218-64 — Hanson, R. D., /;•., (C. V. S., pseud.) Letters to and from Rome 242-3 — Haweis, H. R. Picture of Paul the dis- ciple 2218-655 — Hoyt, W. Gleams from Paul's prison: studies in Phillippians 221S-66 — Macduff, J. R. Footsteps of St. Paul. . 221S-67 In Christo ; or, the monogram of St. Paul 252-62 — Paley, W. Hora? Paulinae 210-7 — Paul of Tarsus ; an inquiry into the times and the Gospels of the apostle of the Gentiles, by a graduate. B., 1872. 16°. 2218-65 — Pfleiderer, Otto. Lectures on the influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity 2218-675 — Renan, E. St. Paul 2218-68 — Taylor, W. M. Paul the missionary. . . 221-69 — Abbott, E. A. Onesimus: memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul 242-2 — Allen, J. H. Christian history: 1st period. pp. 21-46 270-15 — Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 3S-51 and 13S-150 4>4~ 2 3 — Boyd, A. K. H., (Country parson, pseud.) Graver thoughts of a country parson. series 2. pp. 313-332 252-24 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions, pp. 487-511. 204-31 Apostle Paul. In Boston lectures, 1S71. PP- 293-323 239-2 — Giles, J. A. Apostolical records of early Christianity, pp. 317 43S 2701-39 Head ley, J. T. Sacred heroes anil mar- tyrs, pp. 566-623 2217-45 — Hills, O. A. Companion characters, pp. 278-296. Paul and Barnabas 2217-47 'AIM I'M LD1 I'm i , continued. fowel i.li. I' i agmenl on the i hai m Si. Paul, [and] St. I'. nil and the twelve. In ( lollection of theologii pp. ;p 38a "i 6; Martineau, J. Studii ol 1 hristianity. pp, 1 1 1 465. St. Paul and hi 1 Ii 1 n tudenl 204-6 More, II. Works, v, 2. pp. 217 -.504. . 828-63 1 homp ton, J. P. Amh-i ii a mnients mi European que il ion . pp. 257-299. Lucretius 01 Paul 884E5 — Williams, W. R. Eras and charactei .•I histoi j . pp. 1-20 902-9 Wood, \V., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. I.S4-I58 4'°-975 I'm 1 I V, popes. See Montor, A de. Roman pontiffs 2821-53. I'm 1 IV, pope. Jenkins, R. •'., lr. Siory of the Caraffa 204B7 I'm 1 V,pope. Trollope, T. A. Paul the pope, and Paul the friar 2745-8 PAUL I, emperor of Russia. Vogue, I'.. M. . 1773-rf. 1854. Rogers, C.,ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 128-132. [Biog. sketch an. I poems.] S0921-7 I'm i, Howard. Dashes of American hu- mor. N. Y., 1853. 12 817-72 — cd. Smart sayings of bright children. \. Y.. [886. 16 8077-6S I'.m 1 , John-, fisi ud. See \\ ebb, 1 Ins. II. Paul, /1/r.r. Margaret Agnes (Col ville.) Maid- en sisters. 1 . ipzig, 1859. 16°. — Still waters. Leipzig, 1S57. 16 . Uncle Ralph. Lei] 1 858. 16 . PAUL Revere's ride. Longfellow, II. \V, Poetical works [various editions.] Note. May also tic found in Classic heroic ballads, pp. 177-182, (So.) 91 ; Favorite poems, pp. 102-105, 1 I"' ■ 1 endent fifth reader, pp. 257-261, (801-97 ; Normal fifth reader, pp. 88-92, 1801-785 ; One hundred choice selections. No. 2, pp. 8-10, (801-4) ; Poems of American patriotism, pp. 8-14,(809:3-5.) PAUL, Sara T. Cookery from experience. n. t. p. 12° 64I-74 Paul, T., (Pearl Fisher, pseud.) Harvest of the city, and the workers of today ; with introduction by II. Sinclair I'aterson. N. Y.. n. d. 12 2(142 4 Paul, Vincent de. See Vincent de Paul, 1 1 1 1 net. I'otu in, ii.k... r . Paui and i . the revolutii truggle in the Mohawk valley, lirusli, 11 Paui and the • omb m I . I ■ In Wondi ice. pp. i 147 Paui and Virginia. St. I'ierrc, Bernardin. Paui < lifford. Bulwer-Lytton, E. ' . I I ■ \. < '.. Paui I Ireifus , his holiday abroad. Allen, I W.,/r |44 '3 I'm 1 l-.il.cr, surgeon. Mai donald, I Paui Fane. Willis, N. P. i 1 elton. I i.ina, R. II. Poems and writings, v. 1. pp. 270-274. . 818-33 Paui Ferroll. Clive, C. PAUL Gerhardt : tale of the Lutherans. Wil- denhahn : tr. by Mrs. S. Carr, L. 16 . 207A25 Paul Go letl nfession. I ever, 1 'has. I'm 1 Massie. Mc ' larthy, J. I'M 1 Patoff. (raw ford, F. M. I'm 1 Ms.,, Hiram, Am. rear-admiral, b. 1800- d. 1878. Headley, J.T. Farragutand his commanders, pp. 496-502 4122-39 I'M ] DINC, Jas. Kirke, Am. writer, b. 1779-rf. i860. Book of vagaries : comprising the new mirror for travellers, and other whim-whams: being selections from the papers of a retired common-councilman, erewhile known as Launcelot Lang- , and, in the public records as Jas. K. Paulding: edited by Wm. I. Pauld- ing. X. V., 1S68. 12 718L1 Contents. — F.pisile dedicatory, and petition. — Preface to the new mirror for travellers. — New mirror for travellers.— Nymph of the mountain. — Jonathan's visit to the Celestial empire. — History of Uncle Sam and his hoys. — History Ol and his woman-kind. — Haschbasch, the pearl diver. — Killing, no mur- der. —Si* weeksin the moon. — Mood of nature and of man. bulls and the Jonathans; comprising fohn bull and brother Jonathan, and John Bull in America: edited by W. I. Paulding. N. V., 1S67. i2 D . . . . 817 :; — Dutchman's lire-side. N. V.. 1S6S. 12°. — Tales of the good woman, by a doubtful gentleman, otherwise J. K. Paulding. \. V.. 1S67. 1 J . Contents. — Memoir of the unknown author.— Azure hose. — The dumb girl. — Dyspepsi Progress of the age. — Revenge of Saint Nicho- las.— Cobus Verks. — Ride of Saint Nicholas. — Politician. — • and others. Tales of Glauber-Spa. — joint author. Irving, W., Irving, Wm. and Paulding, J. K. Salmagundi. . . S1S-4S4 Literary life of las. K. Paulding : ed. by W. 1. Paulding. N. V.. 1867. 12 : . . 7Kib2 PAULDING. — 97" PAYNE. Pauldin.g, Jas. K., continued. — Homes of American authors, pp. 20-32. 41S1-45 — Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. pp. 129-156 4181-9 Pauli, Dr. Georg Reinhold, German histo- rian, b. 1S23. Life of Alfred the great, [and] Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius with liberal English translation, and an Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glos- sary by B. Thorpe. L., 1S57. 12 . . . 115B5 -Pictures of Old England: tr. by E. C. Otte. Cambridge, 1861 93I-6S Pauline. Walford, L. B. Pauline charity: discourses on 1 Cor. 13. Cross, J 2282-3 PAULINE Warden's new life. B., 1870. 24 . 71SA2 PAULL, Mrs. H. B. Breaking the rules. L-, n. d. 24° 718A5 — Eva Grant's escape. L., 1886. 12°. . . 71SA56 — Mabel Berrington's faith, and other stories.- L., n. d. 12 . — Only a cat ; or, the autobiography of Tom Blackmail. N. V., 1S80. 16 . . 718A6 Paulus, Beate. Weitbrecht.M. Miracles of faith ; sketch of the life of Beate Paulus. 719B4 Paulus Diaconus. Kingsley, C. Roman and the Teuton, pp. 171-194 921-5 Paulus, Lucius ,-Emilius, Roman general, Herbert, H. W. Captains of the Ro- man republic, pp. 171-250 4103-7 — See also Plutarch. Pauperism. Emminghaus, A., ed. Toor relief in different parts of Europe. 1873. 339-35 — Fawcett, H. Pauperism: its causes and remedies. 1871 339~4 — Fowle, T. W. Poor law. 1S81. . . . 3529-4 — Stallard, J. H. London pauperism among Jews and Christians. 1S67 339~7 — Cook, J. Transcendentalism, pp. 3-6. 1681-3 — Fawcett, H. and M. G. Essays and lect- ures, pp. 70-106. Pauperism, charity and the pnor law 304-36 Hawthorne, N. Ouroldhome. pp. 320- 357. Outside glimpses of English pov- er, y 442-451 — Lorimer, G. C. Isms, old and new. pp. 326-344 204-55 — Royce, S. Deterioration and race educa- tion, pp. 49-58 309-7 Smith, S. Works, pp. 320-327 and 334- 338. [Poor law.] 837E] — See also Charities. Crime. Poor, Tem- perance ami intemperance. IAS. Cox, G. W. 1 rreek statesmen. I. pp. I9S 211 4102-,) (as, the Spartan. Buiwer-Lytton, I . 1. I .. L. Pavemi 1 See Roads, streets and pave- ments. PAVIA, Italy. Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories, pp. 1 17-138. Battle, 1525. . 9208-13 — Great sieges of history, pp. 309-315. . . 903-4 Pawnbroker's daughter : farce. In Lamb, C. Eliana. pp. 189-220 554'-5 PAXTON, Isaac. McBride ; J. Pioneer l>i ography, v. 2. pp. 103-140 41271-6 PAYER, Julius. New lands within the Arctic circle : narrative of the discoveries of the Austrian ship "Tegetthoff " in the years 1872-74. 2 v. L., 1876. 8°. . 498-73 PAYING investment. Dickinson, A. E. . . 370-28 Payn, Jas., Eng. writer, b. 1830. Bred in the bone; or, like father, like son. N. V., 1S71. 8°. — Cecil's tryst. N. Y., 1872. S°. — Clyffards of Clyffe. Phila. 12°. — Found dead. Leipzig, 1869. 16 . — Like father, like son. Leipzig, 1871. 24 . — Lost Sir Massingberd. Phila. 12°. — Luck of the Darrells. N. V., 1885. 16°. — Mark Gildersleeve. N. Y., 1S73. 12°. — Married beneath him. Phila. 12°. — People, places and things. L., 1865. 12 . — Prince of the blood. N. Y., 1888. 16 . — Some literary recollections. N. Y., 18S4. 12° 719B6 — Thicker than water. N. Y., 1882. 12 . — Woman's vengeance. N. Y., 1875. 8°. — Kideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors, pp. 86-101 418-74 Payne, Mrs. A. M. Mitchell. Odd one. N. Y., 1S76. 1 6° . . . 719A4 — One winter's work. Cinn., 1883. 16 . 719A42 — Outside the walls. X. Y., 1SS1. 12 . . 719A44 Payne, Rev. Chas. H. Noble, W. F. P. Century of gospel work, 1776-1876. PP- 546-558 277-7 PAYNE, E. J. Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 3. 8012 9 — joint author. Cotton, J. S. and Payne. E. J. Colonies and dependencies 93°7-33 — , <-,/. Voyages of the Elizabethan sea- men to America: thirteen original nar- ratives from the collection of Hakluyt ; with historical notices. 1,., 1S80. 12°. 437-73 PAYNE, John Howard, Am. actor and poet, b. 1792-;/. 1852. Harrison, G. JohnHow- ard Payne, his life and writings. . . . 719B8 Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 231-238 412-58 Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, I.., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 3. pp. 39-S4. 4179-6 PAYNE, [oseph. Lectures on the science and art of education, with other lect- ures and essays: ed. by J. F. Payne. P.. 1S84. 8° 370-68 [Teai her's handy lib. ed.: essays selected from the foregoing.] P., 1SS5. 8°. . 370-69 I'.W NE. Payne, I" ieph, - ontimu d, \ i n in 1 1,, i .. of a profe al tour to inspi mi I ihe I, indergai tens, pi imai \ ;i hool , pu ^h l !, md si hool i" techi in ii ui ti in I [ambui Bcrlii ! I den, \\ riiii.ii , i lotha, and Ei en tch in thi autumn of 1874. I ., 1876 1 1 Payne, Wm. Cleveland illu traied 1 torial band-book of the Fori villi 1 11 11 , .ui; 1.1 11 . mo I tractivi mils. Cleveland, 1876. 8° 1771 1 7 I'u ne, \\ in. I [arold, Am, educate • 1836 1 Ihaptei ■ on h hoi il upei . i ion. Cinn., 1875. '-' : - ' Contributions to thi al N. Y., 1886. 12 Paynter, Mii > Mi. in me. Caleb the irre- pressible. Chicago, 1883. 16 . I'i ibody, Andrew Preston, /'. /'., LL. /'., .In:, edu, a 111. Harvard n niscences. B., 188S. 12° 412 71 Mi. 1 al philosophy : 1 lectures. I!., 1887. 12° [91 7 Reminiscences ol European travel. V V., 1869. 12° — Sermons designed to furni h comfort and strength to the afflicted. B., 1867. 12 . 2401-6 < '..nun ; to one' ell a iermon. //; ' ■ pel invitation, pp. 101 -113 252-43 Preface. In Plutarch's essays S8S8-3 — Simplii itj ol tin gi ispel ' ni- tarianism. pp. 168-182 2884 3 — Sovereignty of law. In Boston lectun 1870. pp. [81 -202 239-19 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, Am. educator, b. 1804. Lectures in the training schools foi kindergartners. B., 1881 12 . . 3722-7 1 of Mr. Al. nil' . 1 1, exempli ing the principles and methods of moral culture. B., 1874. 12° 37158-2 — Childhood. In Concord lectures oh phi- losophy, 1882. pp. 1 in 123 1 1 ; 2 Eme a preacher. /» Sanborn, F. B., ed. Genius and character of Emerson. pp. 146-172 317B2 ed. I sthetic papers. B., [849. 8°. . . El ContenU I 1 net- ic." — Criticism, by J. C>. Ward. — Music, by J. S. Dwighl i\ ir, by R W I m. ison.- I ii .1. . . .. P 11 twin —Genius, by S Reed. — Dorian measure with a modern ap] P. I'eaboiiy. — Correspondence, by J.J. Ii. Wilkinson —Main str.it, by \ ' tin. nil- lbus< of representative government, i I. Perkins Resistai mcni, lecture delivered in 1S47, by II. 1) \ I P Peabod) \ egeta- tion about Salem, Mass, Poetry. Crawl Orpheus, by the editor. — Spirit's reply — Hymn if .i spirit shrouded.— Meditations of .a \\ i — Two-fold being Favorite. Peabody, 1 from the poclii al literal il .'///. philanthropist, t. 1 I 1,. 11 , ifo d, P. A. I Pi abody 720B4 Bolton, S. K . P001 boy famou ; |. 1 1 ■ I: ne, 1 1 . I'.. I I Lor 1' Mi 1 .il,.-, I. 1 1. ' Jreal pp. 16 1 'Si,' Mills, J. D. Mo I'i vin hi'. , Jo eph. Il'i' Ann :rii an merchanl .. Pl \i;i IDY, 6. 17119-,/. is tS. Life of I >rael Pul n /nSpart , L, ed. American biography, v. 7. pp. 105-21S. Life of John Sulli- . /« Same, v. 13. pp. 7 177- • ■!'- Peabody, Wm. Bourn Oliver, Am. ant i, . ■/. 1S47. Life of David Brainerd. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 8. pp. 261-372. Cotton Mather. In Same. v. 1 1 ,-350. . J.n m irpe. ///Same. v. 12. pp. 205- 405. Alex. Wilson. In Same. v. 2. pp. 3-169 412-86 Putnam, A. I'., ed. Singers air the liberal faith, pp. 137-151. [B sketch and poem.] 245- 7 ■1 v, Selimll. Cecil's books of natural history. N. V., 1881. 24 59° ; Contents— Beasts.— Birds.— Insects. — Elements of astronomy, written for the mathematical course of Joseph Kay. Cinn. 8" " 5 2 °-73 Peabody. See also Pebody. Peabody institute. Choate, R. Addn and orations, pp. 202 221. Dedica- II address y ' • . the: a comedy. See Aris International law. Pi m 1 island. McCormii k, E S I'i \. 1 of Utrecht. Gerard, J. W. . . . 1 maker. Arthur, T. S. [culture. Fulton, J. A. Peach cul- ture. 1SS2 i — See also Fruit-. k, Thos. P.rower. Poems of the plains and songs of the solitudes, togeth- er with the rhyme of the " Border war." N. V.. 1888. 12° Pl A ./. 1S66. Gryll grange. I .. i y 1. 1 : Headlong hall, and Nightmare Abbey. N. V .. 1845. '- ■ — Buchanan, R. A look round literature. pp. 102-1S4 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists, pp. III-150 S04-S PEAKE. 978 — PEAT. Peake, Elizabeth. Pen pictures of Europe. Phila., 1875. 12 440-724 — ed. and tr. History of the German em- perors and their contemporaries. Phila., 1874. 8° 943-7 Peake, Jas. Rudiments of naval architect- ure: an exposition of the elementary principles of the science and their prac- tical application to naval construction. L., 1867. 12 6238-6 Peanut plant; its cultivation and uses. Jones, B. W 6339-6 Pear culture. Field, T. W. Pear culture. i859 6342-4 — Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. pp. 140-161 632-75 — See also Fruit and fruit culture. Pearce, Nathaniel, Eng. traveler, b. ljSo-d. 1820. Life and adventures of Nathaniel Pearce, written by himself during a resi- dence in Abyssinia from 1810 to 1S19, together with Mr. Coffin's account of his visit to Gondar: ed. by J. J. Halls. 2 v. L., 1831. 8° 720B7 Pearce, Robert Rouiere. Memoirs and cor- respondence of the most noble Richard, Marquess Wellesley. 3 v. L.,iS46. 8°. 933B4 PEARCE, Zachary, Eng. critic, b. 1690-^. 1774. Essays. In British essayists, v. 7 and 14. 1S4E1 Pearce. See also Peirce. Pierce. Peard, Fiances Mary. .Castle and town. Phila., 1882. 16°. — Mother Molly. N. Y., 1SS1. 16 . — One year; or, the story of three homes. L., n. d. 12 . - Princess AJethea. N. Y., 1S82. 16 . . 720A5 - Rose-garden. Leipzig, 1872. 16 . — Thorpe Regis. P., 1S74. 16 . — Unawares: story of an old French town. Leipzig, 1872. 16 . — Winter story. P.. 1S77. 16 . — Number 7639. hi Tales from many sources, v. 5. — and others. Mi/ maze. I 1 \ki. fountain and other fairy laics. Kav- anagh, P. and J 3S1-54 Pi \kj. ol ()n\ island. Stowe, Mrs. H. (B.) Pearl of the Antilles. Gallenga, A. . . .47291-35 Pearls and pearl fishing. Cooper, 11. S. il lands, v. 2. pp. 79-105. . . . 496-3 I >r \ ere, M. Si hele. Wonders of the deep. pp. 75- 102 5' s 95 J Dicki ' ' SunshiiH daily paths. I']'. 7 20. My pear] fishing expedition. 604-3 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean itory. chap. 55 437-44 herii 1 the world, pp. 269-284. 7953-4 — Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products _ of the sea. pp. 4°2-435 5 8 95~7 Pearls for young ladies. Ruskin, J. [Se- lections] : ed. by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. . 396-8 Pearls of the faith. Arnold, Edwin. . . . 123C35 Pearls of the Pacific. Whetham, J. W. Boddam- 496-95 Pears, Edwin. Fall of Constantinople : being the story of the fourth crusade. N. Y., 1886. 8° 94903-7 Pearse, Rev. Mark Guy. Mister Horn and his friends. N.Y., 1876. 12°. — Simon Jasper. N. Y., n. d. 12 . — Preface. In Boardman, Mrs. W. E. Life and labors of Rev. W. E. Board- man 167B9 Pearson, Dr. C. H. Cabin on the prairie. P., 1869. 12 720A9 — Young pioneer of the northwest. B., 1870. 12° 720A98 Pearson, Chas. Henry, Eng. historian, b. 1830. English history of the fourteenth century. N. Y., 1S75. '6° 9335~6 — History of England. 2 v. L., 1867. S°. 931-7 — On some historical aspects of family life. In Butler, J. E., ed. Woman's w r ork and woman's culture, pp. 152-185. . . 396-25 Pearson, Mrs. Emily C. Gutenberg and the art of printing, n. t. p. 12 . . . 656-7 — Prince Paul: the freedman soldier. B., 1867. 24 721A1 Pearson, Geo. Cullen, (Penitent peri, pseud.) Flights inside and outside Par- adise. N. Y., 1886. 12 439-75 Pearson, John, bishop of Chester, b. 1612-d. 1686. Exposition of the creed ; with an analysis by Edward Walford. L., 1869. 12° 2383-6 — Sermon. In Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy, v. 1. pp. 47-89. . . . 26031-4 Pearson, Thos. Infidelity dissected. Evan- gelical Alliance prize essay on infidelity. Chicago, 1874. 12 239 77 PEASANT and the prince. Martineau, Harriet. 615A4 Peasant life. Maclellan, M. Peasant life : sketches of the villagers and field laborers in Glenaldie — Mucklejoi k — Kate Rose and "her Bairns" — Handy Drainer- Mason's daughter — Bourtree — Red tiled cottage. L., 1871. 8°. PEASANT life in Germany. Johnson, Miss A. C 443-5 1 I 1 \ wr life in the west of England. Heath, F. G 44--47 Peasblossom, by the author of "Honor Bright." n. t. p. 12° 64 ; \s , fudge Calvin, b. 1776-fl'. 1839. Rii e, II. Sketches of western life. pp. 104- 109. Western Reserve jurists 9863-7 PEAT. Johnson, S. W. Peat and its uses, as Intilizer and fuel. 1866 55321—5 PEAT. '-7'/ I'M I I. I'i \ i , continued. I i .1 1 in . I 1 1 I .ii i 1 1 j ii i ii I. ol fuel. 1867 5 Pkbody, 1 'li.i 1 11" ii h 1 11. 'ii m, and thi men « ho t, 1882. 16°. . 8058-7 Pecaut, Felix. 1 obbe, F. P Darwini morals, pp. [40 ii"' \ French theist. 204-19 I'i- k, Geo., />. /'., Am. M. /■'.. ,/ut>, man, b. 1797 . 1S17- d. 1859. Melbourne and t lie Chincha islands ; with skett he "i I im.i and a voy- age round the WOI Id. \.Y., 1854. 12°. 438-708 PECK, Henry E. and Plumb, Ralph. Intro- duction. In Shipherd, J. R. History of the Oberlin-Wellington rescue. . . 3264-67 I'll k , Jesse Truesdell, -•/"'. M. E. church bishop, b. 181 i-d. 1S83. History of the great republic from a Christian stand- point. N. V., 1869. 8° 972-72 Contents. — Introduction. — Preparation.- In dependence. — Development . — !■'. mancipation. — Mission. PECK, John M. Life of Daniel limine. In Sparks, I., ed. American biography, v. 23. pp. u-203 412-86 PECK, Samuel Minturn. Cap and bells. [Poems.] V Y., [886. 16° 720C4 PECK, Wm. Guy, Am. mathematician, b. 1S20. Elementary treatise on mechanics. V V„ 1S74. 12° 531-7 — Elements of mechanics. X. X ., 1S66. 12°. Same, 1874 53'-7" — Practical treatise on the differentia] and integral calculus ; with some of its appli- cations to mechanics and astronomy. \ . V., 1875. 12" 517-7 — ed. Sec Ganot, A. Peculiar people. Balch, W. s. Pedagogics as a system. Rosenkranz, K. . 370-8 Pedagogy. &« Education. Teaching. PEDDER, Henry C. Garfield's place in his- tory. X. V., n. d. 8° 4iM 1! 7 Pedigree of the devil. Hall, F. T. . . . 2;,i | Pedrick, W. E. New Orleans as it is; with a correct guide t" all places of interest. Cleveland, 1SS5. 16 t Pi 1 bles, J. M. Around the world : travels in Polynesia, China. India, Arabia, Egypt, Syria and other heathen coun- tries. B., 1S75. 8° >;s ;i I 1 1 1 1 1 , I M., continued. Hid mora] tendem ii > I'i 1 1 11 . M L. An hie's hadbw. [6 722A.S 11. t. p. 24'' 7-2A4 Peel, Sir Robert, Eng. statesman, b. 1788-^. 1850. Doubleday, I deal life of Rt. Hon. Sir Roberl Peel: an analyt- ical biography London Times. Lives of Wellington and Peel Abraham, G. W. I - aj . pp. 473 51 ;. Review of Memoirs it ;l : . — Chambers' papers. Historical and litera- ry celebrities, pp. 97-12S 410-25 Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. pp. 7-37 4' i-37 g, W. R. Miscellaneous essays, scr. 2. pp. 193-267. Sir R. 1'cel's charac- ter and policy 435E7 — Landor, W. S. I'entameron. pp 263 828-588 — Men who have risen, pp. 53-79. . . . 410-76 Russell, J. Recollections and sugges- • iSi j-73- PP- "93-204. Faults of Sir R. Peel's policy, etc 798B7 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, part I. pp. 247-261 410-9 — Smith, G. Ii. Prime ministers of Oueen Victoria, pp. 47-124 411-93 I'i 1 1 1 . Geo. I '.ve of King David and fair Bethsabe; with the tragedy of Absalom. In British dramatists, pp. 59-75. . . . S223-2 Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's predeces- sors in the English drama, pp. 534- 580 822-8 PEEP into a lace kingdom. Morey, II. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 343-354. 602-9 Peep into Ceylon : book of travel written for children. Thompson, Mrs. A 4549-S Peep o' day. Banim, J. abroad for folks at home. Mateaux, C. L". 4388-6 at Ceylon life and people; by the wife of a missionary. L. 16 4549-6 Peerage of poverty. Hood. E. P 410-58 Peers and parvenus. Gore. Mrs. C. G. Peet, Harvey Prindle. Barnard. II Educational biography. pp. 2 : 1 57-2 PEET, Stephen D. Ashtabula disaster. Chi- "S77 1- 652-7 Peg Woffington. Reade. Chas. and other talcs. Montgomery, F. . 640A104 Peile, John. Philology. X. V., tS/9. 16 . 102-7 PEILE, S. C. F. Lawn tennis a^ a game of skill: ed. by R. D. Sears. V Y.. 1 ■6° PEIRCE. 980 PENINSUI,\k. PEIRCE, B. O. The bear. In Stories for chil- dren: by eleven sophomores, pp. 15-23. S56A9 PEIRCE, Benj., Am. mathematician, I'. 1S09- d. 1SS0. Ideality in the physical sciences. B., 1881. 12= 5oi-75 — Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew. [Poem.] pp. 27-2S 4S4C65 — Peabody, A. 1'. Harvard reminiscences. pp. 1S0-186 412-74 PEIRCE. Bradford Kinney, Am. clergyman, b. [819 ./. 1889. Half-century with ju- venile delinquents ; or, New York House of Refuge and its times. N. Y., 1S69. 8°. 364-7 — Young Shetlander and his home. N. Y., 1870. 16 3 IlB 3 PEIRCE, Cyru-. May, S.J. In Barnard, H., c s 14 a, Luigi. Taxation; its principles and methods, pp. 202-213. • • • ■ 1 nklin, B. w !. >. v. 3. ( Government. 8i 8 4 . I. II. Enterprise beyond the l7-»4 437 S .-. II. C. Shorl history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 211 262. 074 5 Greene, II. Blind brother: a story of Pennsylvania coal mines. Two hundred years ago; or, life in new Sweden 860A22 Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, (lal- latin, A. Penn, \\ m. -, 1 vania I tutch and othei essays. 1 iib- bons, Mrs. P. E Pennsylvania pilgrim, and other poems. Whittier, J. G Pennsylvania Reserve volunteer 1 W Iward, !'. M. Our campaigns. . 97996-9 Pi \". '. years in Melane- sia. I.. 1887. I-' 26993-7 Penny, Virginia, Am. auth . .1826. Five hundred employments adapted to men: with the average rate of pay in each. Phila., 1868. 12' 3965-7 PENNY. 982 — PERCIVAL. Penny, Virginia, continued. — Think and act: series of articles pertain- ing to men and women, work and wages. Phila., 1869. 12° 3905-7' Penny postage. See 1 1 ill, Sir Rowland. Postage. PENNYWISE and pound foolish. Brock, Mrs. C 1S4A25 Penrose, Mrs. Elizabeth Cartwright, [Mrs. Markham, pseud.) History of France, from the conquest of Gaul by Julius I esar to the reign of Louis Philippe: ed. by J. Abbott. N. Y., 1S70. 12°. . 944-65 PENRUDDOCKE. Aide, Hamilton. Pens. British manufacturing industries, v. 3. pp. 1 51—164. Pens and papier mache. 670-2 Pens and types. Drew, I! H7-35 PENSIONS. Walker, C. B. Treatise on the practice of the Pension bureau 3 5 [ 5 ~9 PENTAMERON. See Lander, W. S. Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentecost, Geo. Frederick, Am. evangelist, b. 1843. Out of Egypt: Bible readings on the book of Exodus. N. Y., 18S4. i2°.223i2-65 — Introductory letter. In Song victories. 245-S People and preachers in the Methodist Epis- copal church. Wright, J. A 2S7-9 People from the other world. Olcutt, H. S. 176-7 People places and things. Payn, las. People the sovereigns. Monroe, J 3207-65 People's book of biography. Parton, Jas. . 410-S2 " People's day :" an appeal to the Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley, against his advocacy of a French Sunday. Arthur, \V 2594-2 People's history of the United States: em- bracing accoun ts of all the great political agitations and governmental changes in the separate States, as well as in the Federal government. N. Y., 11. d. 12 . 973-72 PEPACTON. Burroughs, John 196E6 1'EPE, Guglielmo, Italian genera/, />. 1783-*/. 1855. Redding, C. Personal reminis- cences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 193-216 411-87 PEPIN-le-bref, king oj the Franks, it. 76S. Hewlett, II. <',. Heroes of Europe. pp. 16-22 4104-52 Pepper, John Henry. Boy's play-book of science. 11. t. p. 12 507-68 — Chemistry, electricity, light. L., n. d. 12 53°-74 Chemistry: embracing the metals and element-- which are not metallic. 1.., n. d. 12 546-71 Same. Bound with Pneumatics 546-7 — Cyclop. ' lii 1 ieni e implified : light, heat, electricity, magnetism, pneumat- Phila., n. d. 8°. Same. I.., 1869 5°4~7 Pepper, John Henry, continued. — Heat: embracing thermometric heat, con- duction of heat, latent heat, steam. I . , n. d. 16 . Bound with Light 535-7 — Light: embracing reflection and refraction of light, light and colour, spectrum analy- sis, human eye, polarized light. L., 11. d. 1 6° 535-7 — Magnetism: embracing electro-magnet- ism, magneto-electricity, thermo-elec- tricity, dia-magnetism, Wheatstone's telegraphs. L., n. d. 12 539-6 — Play-book of metals: including personal narratives of visits to coal, lead, copper and tin mines. L., 1869. 16°. . . . 669-73 — Pneumatics: embracing the air-pump and the diving bell. L., n. d. 12°. . . . 533-6 — Same. Bound with Chemistry 546-7 — Scientific amusements for young people. L., n. d. 24 5302-6 — Same. Bound with Peterson, R. E., ed. Guide to familiar science 507-17 PEri'ERTOT's little pets. Morton, J. M. Comiedettas and farces. pp. 61-84. 7S5-6 l'EPPERRELL, SirWm., Am. general, li. 1696- d. 1759. Parsons, U. Life of Sir Wm. Pepperrell 722B4 — Hawthorne, N. Fanshawe, and other pieces, pp. 197-208. Pepys, Samuel, Eng. writer, b. 1652-d. 1703. Diary and correspondence: the diary deciphered by Rev. J. Smith, from the original shorthand manuscripts in the l'epysian library ; with life and notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 4 v. Phila., 1866. 8° 722B6 — Wheatley, H. B. Samuel Pepys and the world he lived in 722B8 — Wilson, J. G., (Allen Grant, pseud.) Mr. Secretary Pepys; with extracts from his diary 722B7 — Adams, W. H. U. Famous books, pp. 227-250 804-12 PEQUINELLO. James, G. P. R. PERCIVAL, Jas. Gates, Am. poet, b. 1795-rf. 1856. Ward, J. II. Life and labors of Jas. Gates l'ercival 7 2 3 li2 — Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 237-252. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 I owell, J. R. My study windows, pp. 178-192 588E4 Whipple, E. 1'. l'Nsays and reviews. pp. 53-56 946E5 PERCIVAL, Spencer, Eng. statesman, b. 1762- d. 1812. Brougham, II. Historical sketches ol statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. v.i. pp. 196-201. 410-17 PERCIVAL ECeene. Marryatt, Capt. Fred- erick. PERCY. - 983 - PERIL Peri Y, Algernon, 10th carlof Northumberland, b. 1602 d [668 Lodge, 1 Portrai i.i illusti ious personagi of Gn il Bi itain. v. 5- PP- '89 194 I" ' li 1 ' \ , 1 1 li v, 1 .-mi!, M 'I ,odge E. P01 traits ol illu trioi 1 ages 01 Greal Britain, v. 5. pp. 93-98. . . .|ii 65 Peri \ . Elizabeth, du [ami s.m, A (M.) Beautie 1 ol the I ourl "l Charles II. pp, 138-142 411-55 Percy, Florence, pseud. See Allen, Eliza- beth Alters. Percy, Henry, gth earl of Northumberland, b. i56;- 1845. Gloria: tr. by Clara Hell. 2 v. V \ . 1882 iii . 1 on 1 n li : tr. by 1 1 2 v. N. Y., 1888. 16 . Marianela: tr. by Clara Bell. N. Y., 1883. 1 6°. Perfei 1 Vdoni >, Hum-, M, . Miriam I " ntleman ; or, quence- N. V., n. d. 12° Perfei i horse. Murray, \V. II. II. ... 6361-68 PERFECT life: twelve discourses. (hanning, W ■ E 252-3 Perfumes. Cooley, A. J. Hand-book of perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet ar- ticles 6468 2 I lussauce, II. , ed. Practical guide for the pei turner 6468-3 P ise, G. W. S. Art of perfumery, and the methods of obtaining the odors of plants 6468-6 — Rimmel, E. Book of perfumes 6468-7 Wright, A. S. Book of 3,000 practical receipts 603-9 -Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. 2. pp. 179-216 660-5 Papillon, F. Nature and life. pp. 1 2 °3 577-7 PERIANDER. Fenelnn.l-'.de S.de la M. I of the ancient philosophers, pp. 80-90. 418-3 I 1 IK IKS, Athenian statesman an J oral 429 B. C. Lloyd, W. Y\ . Age of Peri- cles. 2 v 9184-5 — Cox, G. W. (ireek statesmen. ser. 2. pp. 28-IIO 4102-3 — Grote, G. History of Greece, v. 4-5-6. 111 I andor, \V. S. Pericles and Aspasia. . S2S-5S1 [Same]. ///Works, v. 5 W 1, \V., ed. Hundred greatest men. PP- 374-3'S 410-975 also Plutarch. Lives. [Various edi- tions]. Irama. See Shakespeare. Wm. PERIER, Augusie Casimir Victor Laurent, French statesman, b. 181 1 menin, L. M.delaH. Eminent oral of France, pp. 174-1S0 4105-2 Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic. pp. 2S5-294 4105-5 Peril. Fothergill, Jes PERILOUS. -984 — PERRY. Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors an. 1 travelers. Phila., n. d. 8° 4388-7 Contents. — Pirate life. — Captivity among the Japanese. — Sea-fight on the Cuban coast. -W in- ter in the frozen ocean. — Shipwreck. — Voyage to the East Indies. — Home sickness of a Si- berian. Perilous secret. Reade, Chas. Perils afloat and brigands ashore. Elwes, A. Perils of greatness. Edinburgh, 11. d. -4 723A9 Period of the Reformation, [517-1648. Hausser, L 2706-46 Perkins, E. E. Practical treatise on gas and ventilation ; with special relation to illu- minating, heating and cooking by gas: including scientific helps to engineer students and others. Phila., 1S56. 16 . 6281-63 Perkins, Eli, pseud. See Land on, Melville D. 1'f.rkins, Frederic Beecher, Am. author, b. 1828. Chas. Dickens : sketch of his life and works. N. V., 1870. 12 . . . . 2S7B9 — Scrope ; or, the lost library: a novel of New York and Hartford. B., 1874. 8°. — What to read [and] Plans of reading. In Abbott, L., ed. Hints for home reading. pp. 23-40 805-12 — and others. Six of one, by half a dozen of the other. B., 1872. 16 . — ed. Best reading: hints on the selection of books; on the formation of libraries, public and private ; on courses of read- ing, etc.; with a classical bibliography for easy reference. N. Y., 1879. 12°. 8052-7 Picture and the men : being biographical sketches of President Lincoln and his cabinet together with an account of the celebrated artist F. B. Carpenter, and the first reading of the emancipation proclamation before the cabinet by I'res- idenl Lincoln; including also an account of the picture, an account of the crisis which produced il, and an appendix containing the great proclamation and the supplementary proclamation of Jan- uary 1, 1863, together with a portrait of the artist and a key to the picture. N. Y., 1S67. 12° 4122-7 Peri in '• eo Roberts, Am. mathematician, b. 1 X 1 2 . 1766-rf. i'|i. Howe, H. American mechanics. PP. 188 I'M 41237-4 kins, Jas. Brick, .////. author, b. 1S47. I 1 hi. . nil. I . - 1 M.i/. 11 in ; with a review of the ad < n of Richelieu. 2 v. V V., 1886. 8° . Perkins, J. B., continued. Contents. — v. 1. 1610-1648. — v. 2. 1648-1661. PERKINS, Jas. 11. Poems. In Selections from the poetical literature of the west. 8091-36 Perkins, Mrs. S. C- Laos land and life. /// Siam and Laos. pp. 419-459. . . . 2659-7 Perkins, S. H. Abuse of representative government. In Peabody, E. I'., ed. /Esthetic papers, pp. 174-18S. . , . 720E1 Perkins, Thos. Handasyd, Am. philanthro- pist, b. 1764-1/. 1854. Hunt, ]•'., ed. Lives of American merchants, pp. 33— 101 41238 I Perkins institution. /// Curious schools. IP- 28-61 379-.! -[Same account]. In How to learn and earn. pp. 2S-61 3719-4 Permanence of Christianity. Eaton,J. R. T. 239-33 Peron, Francois. Naturalist's library, v. 25. pp. 17-36. Memoir 59°-5 Perowne, Rev. J. J. S., ,./. See Cambridge Bible for schools. PERPETUA, saint. Anderdon, W. H. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 73-81. . . . 414-23 Perpetual curate. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Perpetual forces: an essay. In Emerson, R. W. Lectures, etc. pp. 69-89. . . 318E5 PERPETUAL motion ; or, the search for self- motive power, during the 17th, iSth and 19th centuries. Dircks, II 53 ! 8-3 PERRAM, Annie Frances. "Go work": a book for girls. N. V., 18S5. 12 . . . 724A4 PERRANZABULOE, the lost church found. Trelawny, C. T. C 283-8 PerreVve, Henri. Gratry, A. J. A. Henri 1'erreyve 723B4 — Hamerlon, P. U. Modern Frenchmen. pp. 105-160 4105-4 — Wats. m, Mrs. K. A. 1 '..el-toilers in many fields, pp. 39-53 410-962 Perrier, Amelia. Good match. N. Y., 1873. 12°. PERRING, Sir Philip. Hard knots in Shake- speare. 1... [885. S° S236-65 Perry, Alice. Esther Pennefather. N. Y ., 1S7S. 8°. Perry, Arthur Latham, Am, economist, b. [830. Elements of political economy. V Y., [878. 8° '. 330-74 — Introduction to political economy. V V., '^77- 12 330-75 Perry, Benjamin Franklin, Am. lawyer, b. 1805-r/. 18S6. Reminiscences ol public in. n : prefaced by a life ol I he author, by H M Perrj Phila., 1883. 8°. . . 412-75 Perry, G. G. History of the < lunch of Eng- land, from tlic acci ii m of Henry X' III lo the silencing of convocation in the PERRY. n.i Perry, G. i '•., tontinutd. iNili century ; with appen a skrii li iii I hi history of l he Prote tanl Episi opal church in ihi I [nited Stati ■ •I Am. i !. a, by I. A. Spem er. N. V., 1879. 8° I listory of tl N. Y., n. d. [6 .'7' III iiny hi the refoi mi England. V \ .. 11. .1. 12° 283-59 Perry, Col. Jas. H. Nil hols, J. M. Perry's saints 97994-4 Perry, John, t. 1669-a'. i;;j. Smiles, s. Jas. Brindley and the early engineers. pp. 103-117 i Perry, John. Elementary treati e on team L./1874. Same, [881. 16° 6211-7 Introduction. In Urbanitzky, A. \ on. 1 lectricity in the service of man. ... 53; Perry, Matthew Calbraith, Am. naval officer, b. 1794-1/. 1858. Griffis.W. E. Matthew C. Perry, typical American naval officer. 7 2 j; 1 ! 5 — Hawks, F. II. Perry's expedition 1 China seas and Japan 452-46 — Tomes, R. Americans in Japan : abridge- ment of the nanain 1 lition under Commodore Perry 152 8 — Schmucker, S. M. Life of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane. pp. 365-406 (lyi 8 — Taylor, li. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 915-937. Exploration of I Choo under Commodore Perry \y< 8 PERRY, Nora, Am. author, b. 1S41. Hook of love stories. B., 1881. 16°. Contents.— Dolly.— Dick Halliday's wife.— I. aura and her hero. — Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. — Charmer charmed.— After five years fohn 1 1 1 IcstorTs thanksgiving.— An heiress.— M 11 garct Freycr's heart. — For a woman, li., 18S5. 24°. — New songs and ballads. I!., 1887. 12°. 723C5 PERRY, Oliver Hazard, Am. naval officer, i. 1 7S5— r/. 1S19. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Commodore I (liver I la.' an 1 Perry. 2 v. 723r.i1 — Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 338-357 41232 3 — Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and me- morials of men of tile Revolution and their families, pp. 260-268 4121-6 — Percival, J. G. Perry's victor] on lake Erie: a poem. In Poems of America: Middle States, pp. 77-78 S0912-51 — [Same.] In Poems of American pati ism. pp. S3-86 80913-5 Terry, Thos. Sergeant, Am. author, />. 1845. English literature in the 18th century. N. V.. 1883. 12° S204-74 — Evolution of the snob. B., 1887. 12 . . 304-59 — FromO] I essing: a study of pseud classicism in literature. B., 1885. 12°. S30-65 — cd. Life and letters of Francis Lieber. B., [882. 8° 570B4 from theii of King Pepin. I... 1857. 8" 9441 7 Win. Stevens, Am. bishop, i. 1 Hand book of the Genei lion of the Protestant Episcopal church, giv- ing its history and constitution, 17 N. V., iv; 1 • 2- Life lesson, from the book of Proverbs. X. Y.. 1 $79 12°. . 2247-6 I M. . . . 1 n. Plautus, T. M. I edics. v. 2. pp. 255-302 8723-7 1, A. J. Pi of I lioclctian 272 1 5 Shoberl, F. Persecutions of popery. . . 2723-7 • . I . Account of the church under the Roman en 2721-7 I hlhorn, Dr. G. Ci I hristianity with heathenism 2721 s — Cobbe, F. P. Religious duty. pp. 46 53. 241-26 — Smith, S. Works, pp. 172 170. Reviews of books on persecuting bishops. . . . 837E1 — See also Church history. Martyrs. PERSEFOLIS. Fergusson, J. Palaces of Nin- eveh and Persepolis restored 722-3 ., P. V. N. Remains of lost em- pires, pp. 319-340 402-6 I11 1 Kingsley, C. Heroes, pp. 1-67. 2941-5 ■eke ami prosper. Goodrich, S. G. . 431A9 PERSIA. Sub-divisions: 1. History. 2. Travel. 3. Religion. 4. Missions. /. History. — Arrianus. Anabasis of Alexander. . . . U4B61 — Benjamin. S. G. W. Story of Persia. 915 15 — Cox, G. W. Greeks and the Persians. . 9183-3 rr, J. B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia 915-41 Vaux, W. S. W. Persia from the earliest period to the Arab conquest 9'55 - 8 — Xenophon. Anabasis 8i Dosabhai Framji Karaka. History of the Parsis. v. 1 2925-4 Rawlinson, G. Five great monarchies. v-3 9>5-7 — See also Herodotus. History. 3. Trai — Arnold, A. Through Persia by caravan. 1877- • - 45<>-"2 — Ballantyne, H. Midnight marches through Persia. 1S79 ■tt. I. Persia: the land of the Imans. 456-15 — Benjamin. S. G. W. Persia and the Per- sian-. 1887 456-2 — Burnes, A. Travels into Bokhara: being the account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Persia. 1S35. . . 45? 2 PERSIA. 986 PERU. Persia, continued. — Geary, G. Through Asiatic Turkey. 2 v. 1878 457-4 — Fogg, W. P. Arabistan ; or, the land of Arabian nights, being travels through Egypt, Arabia and Persia to Bagdad. 1S75 459-35 — Marsh, H. C. Ride through Islam. 1877. 455-5° — Mounsey, A. H. Journey through the Caucasus and the interior of Persia. 1S72. 465-67 — Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. 1875 402-6 — Stack, E. Six months in Persia. 2v. 1882. 456-7 — Thielmann, Max von. Journey in the Caucasus, Persia and Turkey in Asia. 2 v. 1875 45°- 8 7 — Ussher, J. Journey from London to Per- sepolis. 1865 45o-9 — Wills, C. J. Persia as it is : being sketches of modern Persian life and character. 1887 455-94 — Half-hours in many lands, pp. 311-336. 439-46 — Strabo. Geography, v. 3, book 15. . . 423-S3 3. Religion. — Johnson, S. Oriental religions: Persia. 2925-9 — Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient world, pp. 77-104 290-7 — Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 1, chapter 10 174-48 4. Missions. — Marsh, D. W. Tennessean in Persia and Koordistan ; being scenes and incidents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea. . . 2656-57 — Wheeler, C. H. Letters from Eden. . . 2656-92 — Young, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 209-236 263-9 — See also lives of Cyrus. Darius. Xerxes. PERSIANI, Fanny. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 413-422 4178-3 — Ferris, G. T. Great singers, ser. 2. pp. 141-158 4178-4 Persians; a tragedy. See ^Eschylus. PERSIUS Flaccus, Aulus, Roman poet, b.^-d. 62. Satires. In Evans, L., tr. Satires of Juvenalis, Persius, etc. pp. 199-268 and 488-512 8777-4 — Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 5. pp. 165-221. [Translations] 295C2 • Elton, ('. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 399-411 87001-3 I 1 1 ON "1 1 hrist. Schaff, P 232-82 I11 ON AL adventures during the Indian re- bellion in Rohilcund, Futtehghur and Oude. Edwards, XV 954 1 ; ; idventures of "Our own corre 1 lent in [taly." Honan, M. I;. . . 94508-4 1 '1 1 onal and poli tii al ballads. M 'J ,;<£ .80913 01 I 1 1 ONAL appearance in health and disease. Coupland, S 613-29 Personal beauty: how to cultivate and pre- serve it in accordance with the laws of health. Brinton, D. G. and Napheys, G. H 39>-23 Personal law of the Mahommedans. Syed Ameer Ali 342S-8 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes of the American frontiers. Schoolcraft, H. R 9701-7 Personal narrative of a years' journey through Central and Eastern Arabia. Palgrave, W. G 459-° Personal recollections of distinguished gen- erals. Shanks, W. F. G 4122-8 Personal recollections of Sherman's cam- paigns, n. t. p. 8° 979-65 Personal records of the Kandahar cam- paign. Ashe, Major W., ed. 9582-2 Personal reminiscences of eminent men. Redding, C 411-87 Personal traits of British authors. Mason, E. T., ed. 4 v 4182-56 Perspective. Davidson, E. A. Elements of practical perspective 743 _ 3 — Miller, L. W. Essentials of perspective. 743-6 — Pyne, G. Perspective for beginners. . . 769-6 — Ruskin, J. Elements of perspective. . . 743~7 — Warren, S. E. General problems in the linear'perspective of form, shadow and reflection 743~9 — Manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form and shadow. 743 _ 8 — See also Drawing. Perth, duke of. See Drummond, Jas. Perthes, Boucher de. In Joly, N. Man before metals, pp. 35-47. Work of B. de Perthes 571-5 Perthes, Caroline Claudius, wife of F. C. Perthes, b. 1774-fl'. 1821. Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies, pp. 58-S6 4'3~22 — Wilson, W. Heroines of the household. 1>P- 192-232 4>3-9° PERTHES, Clement Theodor. Life and times of Frederick Perthes: an abridgment of memoirs of Frederick Perthes; or, liter- ary, religious and political life in Ger- many from 178910 1S43. N - Y -> l8 57- 12° • • 723B8 PERTHES, Frederick Christopher, Germ, in publisher, />. 1 772-d. 1843. Perthes, C. T. I ife and times of Frederick Perthes. 723B8 Haur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 2. pp. i33-'7S 2743-2 Japp, A. II., (II. A. Page, pseud.) Gold- en lives, pp. 332-376 4104-75 l'ii;r. Sub-divisions: 1. Conquest and his- tory. 2. Antiquities. 3. Travel and description, 4. Religion. PERU. ■ 987 - I'M EF Peru, continued. J. COttOUCSl ,ltlil hi Adams, W. II. D. Land of the Ini and City of the Sun : Btory of Frani isco l'i mo ami Ihe conquest of Peru. . . . 994 -2 — Dalton.W. New world and its discoverers. 970-6 — Grimshaw, W. History of South America. 992-4 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in Vmerica, and its relation to the li 1 ^tory of slavery and to the government "f colonies. . . 970-38 — Markham, C. R. Wai between Peru and Chili, 1879-1882 9944-2 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. 2v. 994-7 - Dalton, W. Stories of the conquests of Mexico and Peru. pp. 303-499. . . . 9902-3 — Hassaurek, F. Four years among Spanish Americans, pp. 351-398 4868-4 — Robertson, W. History of the discovery and settlement of America, pp. 261-312. 970-7 — See also Pizarro. 2. Antiquities. — Rivero, M. E. and Tschudi, J. J. von. Peruvian antiquities 4085-8 — Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P. Marquis dc. Pre-historic America, pp. 3.S7-475. . 407-7 3. Travel and description. — Carleton.G.W. Our artist in Peru. 1866. 4S5 2 — Cole, G. R. Fitz-Roy. Peruvians at home. 1884 l\s ^i — Duftield, A. J. Peru in the guano age. 1877 485- 2 9 Prospects of Peru : end of the guano age and a description thereof; with some accounts of the guano deposits and nitrate plains. 1881 485-3 — Mathews, E. I). Up the Amazon and Ma- deira rivers. 1879 480-6 — Squier, E. G. Peru : incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. 1877 485-8 — Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in Peru, 1838-42 485-9 — Wise, H. A. Los Gringos. 1S8S. . . . 439-96 — Frost, T. Modern explorers, pp.126-151. 437-38 — Gallenga, A. South America, pp. 45-124. 4S0-4 — Many lands and many people, pp. 5—54. Searching for the quinine plant 439-63 — Warren, F. R. Dust and foam. pp. 92- 123 439-93 — Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in the United States, 1849-50. pp. 360-437. . 473"97 4. Religion. — Rcvillc. A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru 2908-7 PERUGINO, rietro, real name Pietro di Cristo- foro Vanucci, Italian painter, b. 1446-rf. 1523. Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of early Italian painters, pp. 141-14S. . 4175—5 i 1 continued. Jervis, Lady J. W., tr. Stories of boy pp. 22 ; 2 10 l> 7 1 "■ ian I/ark. Markham, C. 1< 6151 6 l'i in 1 , I 1 ikar, Germai i i man and their geographical tribution. N. Y., 1876. 12" 572 7i II .1. 1 onflict in nature and life. . . II — Flint, R. Anti-thcistic theories 21 — Saltus, E. Anatomy of negation. 11,96-78 pi. of disenchantment 1696-8 — Schopenhauer, A. World a- will and idea. 3 V 163-82 I ledge, F. II. Athei no in philo ophy. pp. 51 144 '42-4 — Lorimer, G. C. Isms, old and new. pp. 127 155 204-55 i 1 11 fohann Heinrich, Swiss edu b. 1746-./. 1827. Barnard, H.,ed. I talozzi anil Pestalozzianism 371;; .• Contains his life by K. von Raumcr, sketches of his followers and selections from his works. — Kriisi, II. Pestalozzi: his life, work and influence 7 2 4 '• ' - Compayre, G. History of pedagogy, pp. 413-445 3709-3 — Hailman, W. X. Lectures on pedagogy. PP- 93-' >3 3709-4 [ohonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching, pp. 1 16-129 37'~5 — Koltzof-Massalsky, H. C. Switzerland, the pioneer of the reformation, v. I. PP- J3 8 -354 27494-5 — Quick, R. II. Educational reformers. pp. 157-197 3704-7 PeSTALOZZIAN music teacher. Mason, L. and Seward, T. F 771 1-6 Pests of the farm: depredating animals, birds and insects. X. V., 1S52. . . . 636-7 Pet. Haweis, Rev. H. R 459-Vi Peter, apostle, saint. Life and writings of St. Peter, by the author of "Essays on the church." L., 1S73. 12° 221s 74 — Green, S. G. cr; his life and letters 2218-71 Hodder, E. Simon Peter; his life, times and friends 2218-711 Macduff, J. R. Footsteps of Saint Peter. 2218-72 — Taylor, W. M. Peter the apostle. . . . 2:: Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs, pp. 520-541 2217-45 — Hills, O. A. Companion characters, pp. 247-259. Peter and John 2217-47 — Montor, A. de. Lives and times of the Roman pontiffs, v. I. pp. Il-is. 2S21-53 l'i t j k the great, emperor of Russia, l\ 1672-./. 1725. Abbott, J. History of Peter the great, emperor of Russia 7241.0 — Bradford, S. H. History of Peter the great, czar of Russia 72487 PETER. — 988 PETRARCH. Peter, the great, continued. — Overend, C. Wanderings of Master Peter in search of knowledge 724B73 — Schuyler, E. Peter the great. 2 v. . . 724 B 7 — Vogue, E. M. de, viscount. True story of Mazeppa 947~9 — Wight, O. W., cd. Life of Peter the great 724B8 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 295-305- • • •• 4IO-35 — Farmer, L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers, pp. 367-397 4'5-4 — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 426-432 410-82 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, part I. pp. 76-86 4'°-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 426-429 410-975 PETER, bishop of Alexandria. Writings: tr. by I. B. II. Hawkins. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 14. pp. 267-332. 2813-6 Peter, of Blois, French ecclesiastic, d. 1200. Continuation. In Ingulphus. Chron- icle of the abbey of Croyland 9309-5 Peter and Polly. Douglas, Marian. Peter Budstone, the boy who was hazed. Trowbridge, J. T 896A8 Peter Carradine. Cheseboro, C. Peter Gott. Reynolds, J. Peter of the castle. Banim, J. Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso, A. von. Peter Wilkins. Paltock, R. Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt, Chas. Peterktn papers. Hale, L. P 447-'^ 2 Peters, DeWitt C. Kit Carson's life and adventures, including accounts of Indian tribes of the far west: also description of the country and history of the Modoc Indians, and the Modoc war. Hartford, 1874. 8° 206B8 Pioneer life and frontier adventures: life of Kit Carson and his companions. B., 1883. [Same as Kit Carson's life and adventures] 206BS Peters, Hugh, />. 1807-rf. 1831. Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 349- 356. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . . 80914-4 PETERS, John P. Appendix covering the period from 1876 to 1SS1. In Midler, W. Political history of recent times. . 929-6 Peters, Wm. Theodore. Children of the , MDCCCLXXXV] : being the horn I and only authentic account of certain stories as related by the Red In- dian to Alex. Selkirk, jr., herein truth- fully set down by Win. Theodore 1'cters; with pii inn", thereunto by 1 linton Pe- ters. N. Y., 1S86. 8° 725A5 Peter's journey, and other tales. S., M. Peterson, Chas. Jacobs, Am. publisher, b. 1819-1/. 1S87. Continuation. In Rot- teck, C. von. History of the world from the creation to the present time. . . . 906-75 Peterson, Henry, Am. publisher, b. 1818. Pemberton ; or, one hundred years ago. Phila., 1S73. 12°. Peterson, Robert Evans, ed. Guide to fa- miliar science, n. t. p. 16° 5°7 _I 7 Petigru, Jas. Lewis. Parry, B. F. Remin- iscences of public men. pp. 256-262. . 412-75 Petite ; or, the story of a child's life. Bray, Mrs. R. M 1S0AS Piu land revisited. Wood, Rn\ J. G. . . 5905-91 Peto, Sir Samuel Morton, Eng. engineer, b. 1809. Resources and prospects of Amer- ica. N. Y., 1866. 12°. Same. L. 8°. 473-72 Contents. — Population. — Agriculture. — Man- ufactures. — Minerals. — Commerce. — Railroads. — The South. — Finance. — Taxation: its levy and expenditure, past and future : being an inquiry into our financial policy. L., 1863. 8°. ... 3322-7 Petofi, Alex., or Sandor, Hungarian poet, b. 1822-rf. 1847. Translations by Sir John Bowring. L., 1866. 12°. . . . 8941-6 — Poems and memoir. In Loew, W. N. Gems from Petofi, etc. pp. 3-50. . . . 8941-5 Petra. Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. v. I. pp. 160-189 4499-3 — Gillett, E. H. Ancient cities, pp. 121- 145 401-45 — Martineau, H. Eastern life. pp. 320-336. 459-55 — Oltn, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Pe- trsea and the Holyland. pp. 13-49. . . 45S-7 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrxa and the Holyland. v. 2. pp. 50-66 4499-72 — Wright, W. B. Ancient cities, pp. 97- 109 401-9 PETRARCH, or Petrarca, Francesco, Italian poet, b. 1304-d. 1374. Sonnets, triumphs and other poems, now first completely translated into English verse, by various hands; with life of the poet, by Thos. Campbell. L., 1859. 12° 8512-7 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius. pp. 23-39 410-2 — Campbell, T. Life of Petrarch 725B4 — Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties and contested events, pp. 93-104 902-3 — Howells, W. I). Italian journeys, pp. 216-236 445-47 fameson, A. (M.i Loves of the poets, pp. 74-86 418-48 — Landor,W. S. Pentameron. pp. 372-409. 828-588 Works, v. 8. pp. 424-458. [Same. I S2S-58 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice. pp. 142-362. finest of Venice 9453-66 PETR \k('ll. IM LEIDERER rii: ii'ii, continued. Symonds, I . A. Sketcl d tud Southern Europe, v. 2. pp. 385 388. Eighl ionnel 1 ol Petran b 445-86 \ 11 , I i. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 77 83 t' s 7 '> Petri] u i ti in and 1 hi ii teachings ; or, .a hand book to the gallery of organic re- mains of the British Museum. Mantell, G. A 560-61 Petroleum. Bowen, E, Coal and coal oil. 1865 5532-'7 Cone, A. and Johns, \V. R, Petrolia: brief history of the Pennsylvania petro- leum region, its development, growth, resources, etc., 1859-69 55328-2S — Crew, H.J. Practical treatise on petro- leum. 1887 55328-3 Daddow, S. II. and Bannan, B. Coal, iron and oil. 1866 553—3 — Gesner, A. Coal, petroleum and other distilled oils. 1865 55328-4 — Marvin, C. Region of the eternal fire: account of a journey to the petroleum region 11I ! he < 'aspian in iSS ; 1479-6 Mills, E.J. Destructive distillation. . . 6659-6 — Orion, E. Geological survey of Ohio : preliminary report upon petroleum and inflammable gas 5577 1 -7 Redwood, I'.. Petroleum, its production and use. 18S7 55328-7 — Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. 1S65 4748-96 — Dodge, J. R. West Virginia; its farms and forests, mines and oil wells, pp. '76-270 4754-3 — Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey, pp. 267- 271 4496-35 — Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays, pp. 16S-1S3 502-46 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 331-345 6229-5 — Lindley, W. and Widney, J. P. Califor- nia of the South, pp. 337-342. . . . 4794-55 I'i 11: iY. Rutley, F. Study of rocks. . 552-7 Pi rRONEL. Lean, Mrs. Florence (M.) PetrucelU de la Gattino, Ferdinando. Rome and the papacy : history of the men, manners and temporal government of Rome in the 19th century, as admin- istered by the priests ; including the life of Gian-Maria Mastai, now Pope Pius l\ : being commentaries on the Roman question of E. About : translated by R. E. Peterson. Phila.. 1S72. 8°. . . . 2S24* P111, Phineas, Eng. ship-builder, i. 1570-1/. 1647. Smiles, S. Men of invention and industry, pp. [—48. Beginnings of English ship-building 4169-81 I'i 1 11 , 1 !eo, Win. Whi ■ an analy is of thi mproved by the inli' in. I ■ 1 hods of play. P.., 1887. 12° - 1 ONE, Augi ' Herman, h>i. lawyer, i. 1 S 35. Memorial In Hin .- , B. V. Pre lidenl ' .. 1 fii Id and edu- '■ PP- '17 150 urn'. I othrop, Mi . 1 1. \l Sidney, pseua , 825A18 Pi 1 1 n. 1 1 \, J. Bi II. Animal loi omotion ; or, walking, swimming and flying ; with a dissertation on aeronautics. N. V., '874- '2° 59M7-7 Physiology of the circulation in plants, in the lower animals and in man. I.., 1874. 8° 591 1 1 7 Pi 1 , I 1 I eph. Chronicles of the tombs : select collection of epitaphs. 1 ■ '864. 12° 4195-7 Pi in. Jas. S. Modern reproductive graphi- cs. N. V., 1S84. 24°. . . . 7601-6 Pi 11.. Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, mar.. Lansdtrwne, d. 1863. Martineau, II. ographical sketches, pp. 329-337. . . 4104-62 I'i in. Win., marquis of Lansdowne. I maurice, I Life of William, Earl of Shelburne, afterwards First Marquess of Lansdowne 725 B8 — Lodge, I. Portraitsof illustrious person- ages of Great Britain. v.8. pp.171 177. 411-65 1 ill. of the peak. Scott, Sir Walter. PFEIFFER, I la Laura, Austrian traveler, 6. 1797-rf. 1858. Journey to Iceland, and travel- in Sweden and Norway: trans- lated from the German by Charlotte Fenimore Cooper. N. V., 1852. 12 . 4491-7 — Lady's second journey round the world. N- V.. 1856. 12° 1 — Last travels of Ida Pfeiffer : inclusive of a visit to Madagascar: with an autobio- graphical memoir of the author: trans- lated by II. W. Dulcken. N. V.. 1 I2 ° 439-77 — Fifty famous women, pp. 169-176. . . 413 41 — Taylor, I!. Cyclopedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 827 847. Travels of Ida Pfeiffer 43 6_s PFLEIDERER, Rev. Otto, German thee: 1839. Lectures on the influence of the Apostle Paul on the development of Christianity: delivered in London and Oxford in April and May, 1SS5 1 tr. by 1. lerick Smith. I... 1885. 8 . [Hib- bert lectures, 1885.] 221S-675 - Philosophy of religion, on the basis of its history: tr. by \. Stewart and A. Men- ties. v. 1. I ... 1SS6. S° 201-7 PH^DRUS. 99° PHELPS. Ph.-edrus. Fables. With Terence. Come- dies, pp. 365-535 8725-7 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 393-398 87001-3 Phaethon: an essay. In Kiugsley, C. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. pp. 276- 316 535 E 4 Phalaris. Bentley, R. [Extracts from the] Dissertation on the epistles of Phalaris. In Donaldson, J. \V. Theatre of the Greeks, pt. 2. pp. 43-»35- ■ • - • • 882-31 PHANTASMION: a fairy tale. Coleridge, S. 3S1-2S Phantasms of the living. Gurney, E., My- ers, F. W. H., and Podmore, F. 2 v. . 174-4 Phantastes. Macdonald, Geo. Phantom : a musical drama. Baillie, J. Works, pp. 570-590 132C6 Phantom city. Westall, W. PHANTOM flowers: treatise on the art of pro- ducing skeleton leaves. B., 1872. 12°. 7469-6 1'iiamdm lover. Paget, Violet, (Vernon Lee, pseud.) PHANTOM of the forest. Bennett, Emerson. Phantom ^hip. Marryatt, Capt. Frederick. Pharaohs and their people. Berkeley, E. 912-17 Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. Robinson, C. S 912-76 Pharos at Alexandria. Seven wonders of the world, pp. 237-260 401-7 Pharsalia. Lucanus 8733-7 Phayre, Sir Arthur, b. l8l2-i^- cipline of life; or, Ida Norman. X. Y., 1S72. 16°. — Dramatic stories. Chicago, 1874. 12 . 785-72 PHELPS, S. Dryden. Introduction. /;/ Philip, R. John Bunyan 193B9 Phelps, Mrs. s. s., pseud. See Griswold, Frances Irene Hurge. PHEI.I'S, Samuel, o. lSo4-'. C.,d. about 432. Urbino, S. K., /;•. Princes of art. pp. 21-26 4'7~9 — Wood, W ., nl. Hundred greatest men. PP- ( >3-67 4'0-975 I '1 1 1 1 ami his friends. Trowbridge, J. T. . 896AS2 Phil Thorndyke's adventures. Wilbraham, I M. In Rainbow stories, pp. 1-48. 763A1 Philadelphia. Belisle, D. W. History of Independence Hall; with biographies of the signers of the Declaration. 1859. 98281-2 — Centennial exposition 60674-3 — Cook, J. Brief summer rambles near Philadelphia. 1882 473-23 — Sylvan city ; or, quaint coiners in Phila- delphia. 1883 47481-s — Woolsey, S. C, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) Short history of Philadelphia. 18S7. . 98281 9 — Berry, C. B. Other side: how it struck us. pp. 57-67 470-14 Philadelphia, continued. 1 in reform I lay, S. P, Life and lociety in Ami ■ 1 1. pp. 171 '■■' 473 27 Mackinnon, Capt. — . Atlantic and 1 tlaittii ketches, v. 1. pp. 74-85. 470-61 — Rees, J. Footprints ol rricr. PP. "o-'55 3534-7 Iding, M. J. Mi v. 2. pp. 596-61S. Philadelphia riots 204-84 — See also Girard, S. PHILADELPHIAN brethren. Howitt, W. History of the supernatural, v. 2. pp. 264-272 174 48 PHILAN [pseuds) Physiological cru- elty ; or, fact vs. fancy : inquiry the vivisection question. N. Y., 1S83. 8° 6 1 2 11 7 Philanthropy. Blaikie, W. G. Lea in modern philanthropy 4156-2 Barnett, II. O. Women as philanthro- pists. In Stanton, T., <•. American union speaker. 12° S01-74 Philidor, Francois Andre Danican, called Philidor, French composer and chess-player, /•. 1727-d. 1795. Allen, G. Life of Philidor 7-':P.i PHILIP II, king of Macedonia, b. B. C. 382- d. 336. Ranke, L. von. Universal his- tory, pp. 368-392 91 Philip II, king of Spain, f. 1527-./. 159S. Gayarre, C. A. Philip II of Spain. . . ;2M'.2 — Prescott, \V. H. Philip the Second. 2v. 728B3 — Farmer, L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers, pp. 291-311 4154 — Sec also histories of Spain, of the Netherlands, es- pecially Motley's Dutch Republic, (9432-6), and lives of William of Orange, Mary of I ngland. Elizabeth, and others of his contemporaries. PHILIP, king, Indian name Mctacom, Sachem of Pokanoket, d. 1676. Abbott, J. S. C. History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the Wampanoags 727 PHILIP. — 992 PHILLIPS. Philit, i-ing, continued. — Church, T. History of the great Indian war of 1675 and '76 9743~3 — Blakemore, B. C, (Oro Noque, pseud.) Historical for the young folks, pp. 66- 74 9738-25 — Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks, pp. 145-163 970I-3 — Irving, W. Sketch book. pp. 356-377. 818-485 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. v. 2. pp. 122-184 982-71 1'HILir, duke of Wharton. Thomson, K. (B.) and}. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 145-164 410-964 Philip Chabot, admiral of France. Chap- man, G. and Shirly, J. In Chapman, G. Works, pp. 519-550 221C1 Philip Neri, saint. Lear, H. L. Revival of priestly life in the 17th century in France, pp. 31-50 4142-4 Philip, Robert. The Lydias ; or, the de- velopment of female character. N. Y., 1844. 16 241-76 — Life, times and characteristics of John Bunyan. N. V., 1866. 8° 193B9 Philip Augustus. James, G. P. R. Philip Brantley's life work, and how he found it, by M. E. M. N. Y. 16 . . . 728A5 Philip in Palestine. Edwards, M. A., cd. . 458-3 Philip Nolan's friends. Hale, E. E. PHILIPPA of Hahiault, queen of Edward III. Strickland, A. Queens of England. [Various editions.] Philippine islands. Bowring, J. Philip- pine islands. 1S59 4914-2 — Ellis, H. T. Hong-Kong to Manilla in 1S56 49I4-3 — Gironiere, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippine islands, 1819-39 4914-45 — Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines, 187S 49H-5 — Adams, W. H. 1 1. Eastern archipelago. PP- 530-576 490-14 — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the United States exploring squadron, pp. 447-458. 437-51 — Warren, F. R. Dust and foam. pp. 362-375 439-93 PHILIPS, Ambrose, *. 1675— a". 1749. John- sun, s. English poel ■ v. 2. pp. 461- 47i 41821-5 PHILIPS, F. «'. As in a looking glass. N. Y. 12°. Philips, John, />. 1676-rf. 1708. Johnson, S. English poets, v. 1. pp. 433-445. 41821-5 I'nii ii . Mel\ ill.-. 1 he devil's lint : a sketi li in oil. li., ISS7. 12 . Philips, Mil.-,. Kingsley, 11. Tales of old travel, pp. 210-236 43&-5 Philips' historical readers. 4 v. B., 1884. 12 930I-75 Contents. — v. I. Stories. v. 2. Earliest times to Henry II. v. 3. Henry II to Elizabeth. v. 4, James I to the present time. Philips. See also Phillips. Philifse, Mary. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Women of the revolution. v. 1. pp. 202-207. 4121-35 PHILISTIA. Allen, Grant. Philistinism. Newton, Rev. R. II 239-72 Phii.leo, C. W. Girard Carlton. N. Y., n. d. 8°. — Twice married : a story of Connecticut life. N. Y., 1S55. 12 . Phillimore, Catherine Mary. King's name- sake : tale of Carisbrook Castle. L., n. d. 16 -. 729A1 — Preface. In Eikon Basilike 222B2 Phillimore, Lucy. Sir Christopher Wren, his family and his times; with original letters, and a discourse on architecture, 1585-1723. L., 1881. 8° 970)15 Phillimore, Sir Robert, Eng. lawyer, b. 1810. Commentaries on international law. 3 v. L., 1S71-73. 8°. 341-7 PHILLIPS, Adelaide, singer, b. 1833-r/. 18S2. Waterston, Mrs. R. C. Adelaide Phil- lips 729B1 — Parton, J. Noted women of Europe and America, pp. 347"353 413-63 Phillips, Barnet. Burning their ships. N. Y., 1879- 24 . Phillips, Chas., Irish lawyer, b. 1788-;/. 1859. Curran and his contemporaries. N. Y., 1854. 12° 264B2 — Speeches. In Irish eloquence, pp. 9-164. 825-5 Phillips, G. S. Gypsies of the Danes' Dike. B., 1864. 12 . Phillits, John, Eng. geologist, b. iSoo-.) /" Men of our times. pp. 483 5° 2 4122-83 — Thoreau, II. 1>. Yankee in Canada, etc. pp. 274-277. Wendell Phillips before the Concord Lyceum S85E7 Phillips, Wm. A. Labor, land and law: Search for the missing wealth of the working poor. X. V., 1S86. S°. . . . 333-68 Phillips. See also Philips. I'ltti .uiTs-Wolley, C. See Wolley, C. I'hil- lipps-. rim, 1. fin is, J. Surtees, joint author. 1 ord ery, B. M. and I'hillpotts, J. S. King and commonwealth 9362-3 Philo Judaus, Jewish philosopher. Works: tr. from the Greek, by C. 1'. Yonge. 4 v. I.., 1S54-55. 12° 1513-7 Bigg, C. Christian platonistS "f Alexan- dria, pp. 7-26 2812-2 PHILOBIBLIUS, pseud. See Brockett. L. I'll 11 nt iik is its : memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. Abbott, E. A 2329-107 l'liu uci'ETES. Sophocles. Tragedies, pp. 286-339 8822-6 PHILOLOGY. See Language. PHILOPCEMEN. See Plutarch. Lives. Philopatris Varvicensis, pseud. See Parr, Samuel. Philosophers. Wells, J. Christ and the heroes of heathendom 150-9 Philosophers and fools. Hunting, J. . . 304-34 PHILOSOPHICAl and political history of the settlement and trade of Europeans in the East and West Indies. Raynal, G. T. F. 437-S Philosophical classics: ed. by Wm. Knight. 16°. Berkeley. Fraser, A. C. Edinburgh, 1881. I4SB2 Butler. Collins, W. L. l'hila.. 1881. 198B2 Descartes. Mahaffy, J. P. Edinburgh, 18S0 " 285B5 Fichte. Adamson, R. l'hila., 1SS1. 350B6 Hume. Knight, Wm. l'hila., [886. 492B3 Leibniz. Merz, J. T. Phila., 1SS4. 562B9 Philosophical inquiry into the origin of • hi, of the sublime I iful. 7"i -•-• : ision 1. History. 2. Ancient. 3. Modern. 4. Miscellane- /. History. I II: I ! ry of philosophy. 1886 141-14 — Blakey, R. History of thi philosophy of the mind. 1S50 [41 10 Elmendorf, J. J. < - 1 the history ofpbilo ophy. 1876. ... 141— 3 — Henry, C. S. Epitome of the hi, lory of philosophy. 1841 141-45 Holland, F. M. Rise of intellectual lib- erty from Thales to Copernicus. 1S85. i)i 48 Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of philosophy. 2 v. 1857 i|i ', Mahan, A. Critical history "of phi phy. 1883 141-6 — Schwegler, A. Histor) <>f philosophy in epitome: tr. by J. H. Scelye. 1856. . 141 8 Hand-book of the history of pi phy: tr. by J. II. Stirling, n. d. . . . 141-81 — Tennemann, W. G. Manual of the his- tory of philosophy. 1S70 141-8S eberweg, F. History of philosophy from Thales to the present time. 2 v. 1^7-74 141-9 2. Atii tent. — Bigg, C. Christian platonistS of Alexan- dria. 1886 — Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philosophy. 1870 152-3 — Encyclopedia metropolitana. 1S53. . . 1 5 2— 4 — Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. n. d. 150-4 — Maurice, F. I>. Mediaeval philosophy. 1870 159-6 — Ram Chandra Bose. Hindu philosophy. 18S4 15M-2 3. Modern. — Cousin, V. Course of the history of mod- ern philosophy. 2 v. 1SS6 I4I-22 — Fischer, K. History of modern ph phy: Descartes and his school. 1887. 164I-4 — McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy. 1S75. 1621-4S — Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1881. I&2I-S — Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Chris- tian philosophy in England in the sev- enteenth century. 2 v. 1S72 2742-S — Zeller, E. Outlines of the Greek philos- ophy. 1SS6 152-9 4. .'.'.- itmgs. - Alexander, A. Some problems of philos- ophy. 1SS6 142-14 — Bascom, J. Problemsin philosophy. 1885. 142 : PHILOSOPHY. 994 PHIPPS. Philosophy, continued. Science, philosophy and religion. 1871. 142-21 — Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism and the doctrine of evolution. 1876. 1686-24 — Blackwell, A. L. (B.) Studies in general science. 1869 142-24 — Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics. 1882. . . 145-2 — Bridgman, R. L., ed. Concord lectures on philosophy. 1883 '43 -2 — Cudworth, R. Intellectual system of the universe. 1S20 162-3 — Cyples, W. Inquiry into the process of human experience, n. d 162-32 — Eucken, R. Fundamental cencepts of modern philosophic thought. 1S80. . '45-3 — Graham, W. Creed of science. 1S84. . 168-4 — Guthrie, M. On Mr. Spencer's unifica- tion of knowledge. 1SS2 16S6-43 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. 1SS1 451E1 — Maurice, F. D. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 1S72 141-62 — Oersted, H. C. Soul in nature. 1852. . 168-7 — Schiller, E. Hand-book of progressive philosophy. 1S71 141-78 — Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and phi- losophy. 1872 819E4 — Shields, C. W. Final philosophy. 1S77. 161-8 - Philosophia ultima. 2 v. 1S88-89. . 161-81 — Smith, A. Essays. 1S69 142-S — Stewart, D. Collected essays. v. 5. Philosophical essays 162-87 — Vinet, A. Outlines of philosophy and literature. 1867 844-9 — Wright, C. Philosophical discussions. 1877 142-95 — Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. pp. 136-456 179E1 — Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European his- tory, v. 2. pp. 121-191 9204-5 See also Agnosticism. Atheism. Epi- cureanism. Evolution. History, phi- losophy. Intellect. Kabbalah. Mate- rialism. Pes imism. Religion. Science. Skepticism. Stoicism. Theism. Trans- cendentalism. also Writings of Aristotle. Bacon. Berkeley. Boethius. Bruno. Brown- Butler. Comte. Confucius. Des- cartes. Hick. Epictetus. Fichte. Fiske. Fowler. Hamilton. Hartley and Mill. Hegel, Hume. Hutcheson. Kant. Liebnitz. I. ewes. Locke. Lot; e. 'i' Cosh. Maimonides. Man- sel. Me 1 . Mill. M iv. 11 1. Philo Juda Plato. Porter. Si hlegel. Schopenhauer. Seneca. Shaftesbury. Adam Smith. Socrates. Herbert Spen- cer. Spinoza. Sir I'imi f art. 1 !, 1 1. A 701-S4 Philosophy of eating. Bellows, A. J. . . 643-2 PHlLOSOPHYof English literature. Bascom, J. 8201-2 Philosophy of living; or, the way to enjoy life and its comforts. Ticknor, C. . . 613-86 Philosophy of magic, prodigiesand apparent miracles. Salverte, E 174-8 Philosophy of mystery. Dendy, W. C. . . 174-29 Philosophy of natural history. Smellie, W. 5901-7 Philosophy of natural history. Ware, J. . 5901-9 Philosophy of religion. Pfleiderer, Otto. . 201-7 Philosophy' of sacred history considered in relation to human aliment and the wines of Scripture. Graham, Sylvester. . . . 22086-4 Philosophy of spiritual intercourse. Davis, A. J 176-29 Philosophy of the plan of salvation. Walk- er, J. B 234-8 Philosophy of the state and of history. Morris, G. S 901-381 Philosophy of the weather. Butler, T. B. 5515-2 Philosophy of theism. Bowne, B. P. . . 201-14 Philostorgius. Epitome of ecclesiastical history. In Sozomen, S. II. Eccle- siastical history 2702-8 Pnii.r, Jas. Washington described : com- plete view of the American capital, and of the District of Columbia : ed. by W. D. Haley 4753"5 Philp, Robert Kemp. Best of everything. Phila., IS70. 12° 603-6 — Enquire within upon everything, to which is added enquire upon fancy needlework. I.., 1869. 16 602-4 — Historical reason why: English history. L., n. d. 12 93° 2 - 8 — Reason why: domestic science, affording intelligible reasons for the various duties which a housewife has to perform. L., n. d. 12 640-77 : general science, careful collection of many hundreds of reasons for things, which though generally believed are im- perfectly understood. N.Y.,n.d. 12 . 507-7 : natural history. L., n. d. 12°. . . 5902-7 PHIN, fohn. Open air grape culture, and the manufacture of domestic wine. N. V., 1867. 12° 6345-7 I'iiineas Finn. Trollope, Anthony. 1'niii's, C. M. Katharine. Douglas Arch- dale: a talc of Lucknow. I.., n. d. 12°. Sword of de Bard well. N. Y., n. d. 16°. . 729A2 I'nnTS, Cape. Constantine John, lord Mill- grave,i. aboue 1740-fl'. 1792. Markham, A. 11. Northward Ho! pp. 69-231. Account of Capt. Phi pps' voyage. . . . 498-621 Phipps, Constantine Henry, 1st marquis of Normanhy, b. 1797-d. 1S63. Yearol rev- olution : from a journal kept in Paris in [848, 2 v. L., 1857- S c 9447-7 I'll [0T< IGB \ I ' 1 1 V Phipps, I" ■- 1 ■ 1 1 . < >i iginal and pre i nl i it< ■ ■I n bi iefly i on ideretl - wl Bhown the nal ure ol hi fall, eti . held ii.i ill to the world by the i pie i ailed Phila., 1856. 12 -■■ I'm ii' ., or Phips, Sir \\ m. governm W , huselts, b. 1651 d. 1695. Blal r. 1 . (i ii 1 Noque, /■•■■ ud.) 1 1 1 itoi icals foi j \ foil . pp. 49 56 Bow en, F. I .iic- ol Sii W in. Phipps. In Sparks, J., td. Amerii an biogi iphj . v. 7. pp. 3-102 (12 S(. Haw thoi rte, \ ■ Fan ihaw e, eti , pp. 188 196. Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men, t8l-I90 |1" o.' Phipson, Thos. Lamb". Biographical sketch .- and anei dotes ol celebrated violinists. 1... 1877. 12° I'77 7 Contents Preface.— Introduction.— I.ulli.— i . . t .-Mi The Bannisters Tartini I Giardini, Pugnani, Viotti Nicolo Paganini. — i ii 1 . lugustc I ' 1: [iot Ole Bull ' on temporary violinists — Fraulein S< I ihling. Meteors, aerolites and falling stars. I... 1867. 12 5235-7 Phosphorescence; or, the emission of light l>y minerals, plants and animal I.', 1862. 16° 5353-7 Phisterer, Frederick. Statistical record of Hit; armies of the United States. V \ .. 1883. 12 9781 27 Phocion. See Plutarch. Lives. Phcebe, Junior. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) I'll'] N n 1 v. Kawliuson, (!. Story of l'lw ■ nil 1.1. 18S9 91744 7 lt.il N -' 3 Phonography. Barlow, W. 11. Normal phonography. 1SS6 655-16 litirn/, E. B. Phonic shorthand, 1SS0. 655-24 Graham, A. J. First standard phono- graphic reader in the corresponding style, i860 655-41 Hand-book of standard, or American phonography, (n. d.| 655-4 Lindsey, 1). 1'. Elements of tachygraphy. 1869 655-57 - 1 iv, continued. Longley , 1 Select ii nography : .1 acquisition of Pil mat hand, with 01 1, A. J. New manual "l reform i - Munson, I . I . < Complete phi graphy. 1872 '■ I I 1 phy. 1886 Pil m hi , B. Manual ofphoi I and I low u!. I . B nography 6 I'." knell, 1 horthand. . . — Searcy, \V. E. II. Les ons in phonogra- phy. 1879 6 — Thornton, G. II. Modern stenographer. 1886 655-9 Watson, J. Phonographic instm. 1887 655-95 Manson, G. J. Work for women, pp. 10-19 3965-6 Pkorhia; or, the scheming parasite. Ter- ence. Comedies, pp. 301-364. ... k Phormion. Cox, G. W. Greek statesmen. pp. 111-120 4102-3 I [older, i.l. Living lights; popular account of phosphores- cent animals and vegetables; [with a bibliography, pp. 17S-1S4] 589-47 — Phipson, T. L. Phosphorescence. . . . 5353-7 Photh s,patriarch of Constantinople, ed. Phi- lostorgius, Ecclesiastical h In uen, Ecclesiastical history of. . . 2702-8 Photography. Ayres.G.B. Howtopaint photographs in water colors and in oil. ■ s 7° 75»-»5 Dawson, G. Manual of photography. IS73 769-27 Hi pworth, T. C. Photography for ama- teurs. 1SS4 769-4 — Monckhoven, I>. van. Popular treatise on photography. 1867 769-6 — Robinson, H. P. Studio: and what to do in it. 1SS5 769-77 — Smyth, C. P. Poor man's photography at the great pyramid, in the y( | 131-81 — Tissandier, ( ;. History and hand-book of photography. 1S76 769-S5 — fouler, J. Silver sunbeam: practical and theoretical text-book on sun draw- ing and photographic printing. 1S70. 769-88 — Vogel, II. Chemistry of light and pho- tography. 1S75 769-9 Wilson, E. I.. Photographies. 1SS3. . 769-95 Quarter century in photography. 1SS7. 769-94 — Wyles, 15. Instructions for beginners in photography. 1SS5 769-97 PHOTOGRAPHY. 996 — PHYSICAL. Photograi>hy, continual. — Abney, W. de W. Photography. In Science lectures at South Kensington. v. I. pp. 1-32 502-81 — Bakewell, F. C. Great facts, pp. 67-85. 609-2 — Boys' workshop, pp. 169-185. .... 607-22 — Holmes, O. W. Soundings from the At- lantic, pp. 124-281. Stereoscope and the stereograph 4S3ES — Kemble, M., ed. Art recreations. pp. 325-340 746-4 — Manson, G. J. Work for women, pp. 37-46 3965-6 — Mayhew, H. Wonders of science, pp. 4I9-45 2 77 Bl — Pettit, J. S. Modern reproductive graphic processes, pp. 53-105 7601-6 — Proctor, R. A. Familiar science studies. pp. 402-422. Photographs of a gallop- ing horse 502-6S — Rees, J. E. Ruutz-. Home occupations. pp. 122-132 746-6 — Thompson, M., ed. Boys' book of sports. pp. 2S9-301 791-8 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 134-145. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 432- 444. Photography and the stereo- scope 609-79 — Wynter, A. Subtle brains and lissom fingers, pp. 297-317 3 4"9i - Young lady's book. pp. 573-580. . . . 504-97 Phrenology. Boardman, A. Defence of phrenology. 1847 '79-2 — Combe, G. Lectures on phrenology. 1840 179-3 — Fowler, O. S. Education and self-im- provement. 1879 179-38 Memory and intellectual improvement applied to self-education and juvenile instruction. 1854 I?9~39 Practical phrenology, n. d 179-41 Self-culture and perfection of character. 1847 >79-4 — I ii imes, J. S. Etherology and the philos- ophy of mesmerism and phrenology. 1845 177-44 Mysteries of the head and the heart ex- plained. 1875 179-45 — Hecker, J. Scientific basis of education. 1868 3701-5 Self-instructor in phrenology and physi- ology. X. V., 1873. 12°. Same, 1879 '79-8 — Sizer, N. Whal t" do ami why. 1872. 602-7 and Drayton, II. S. Heads ami faces. 1885 179-82 - Spurzheim, J. <;. Education: its ele- mentary principles founded upon the nature "f m in. 1872 3701-8 Phrenology, continued. — Weaver, G. S. Lectures on mental science according to the philosophy of phrenol- ogy. 1S74 179-9 — Appleton, T. G. Windfalls, pp. 82-112. Plea for phrenology 121E6 — Bastian, H. C. Brain as an organ of mind. pp. 511-547. Phrenology : old and new. 170-16 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 9. pp. 235-254. Review of Combe, G., Sys- tem of phrenology 818-27 — See also Combe, Geo. Phyfe, Wm. Henry P. How should I pro- nounce ? or, the art of correct pronun- ciation. N. V., 1885. 16° 1 1 '5-7 Phyllis Browne. Shaw, F. L. Phyllis of the Sierras, [and] Drift from Redwood camp. Harte, F. Bret. Physical and moral aspects of geology. Barbee, W. J 5501-2 PHYSICAL astronomy. Grant, R 5209-4 Physical basis of immortality. Blackwell, A. B '. 218-1 Physical basis of mind. Lewes, G. H. . . 162-51 Fhysical cause of the death of Christ. Stroud, W 2324-8 Physical culture. Blackie, J. S. On self- culture. 1874 374-2 — Blaikie, W. How to get strong. 1SS2. . 6136-2 Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1884 6136-21 — Brackett, A. C, ed. Education of Amer- ican girls. 1874-. 376-2 — Brickwood, E. D. Boat-racing ; or, the arts of rowing and training. 1876. . . 7949-2 — Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 1873 79 1-3 — Dowd, D. L. Physical culture. 1S88. . 6136-3 — Lewis, Dio. Weak lungs and how to make them strong. 1881 6164-5 — Maclaren, A. System of physical educa- tion. 1S69 6136-61 Training in theory and practice. 1874. 6136-6 — Mayhew, I. Means and ends of universal education. 1S74 370-64 — O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing and manly sport. 1888 79'-6 — Oswald, 1''. L. Physical education ; or, the health laws of nature. 1882.. . . 613-65 — Ralfe, C. II. Exercise and training. 1879. 6136-7 — Safford, M. J. and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. 1884 6129-76 — Taylor, G. II. Exposition of the Swedish movement cure. 1874 6136-8 Health by exercise. 1880 6136-79 — Tyler, M. C,ed. Brawnvillc papers. 1S69. 6136-86 — Walker's manly exercise. 1886 6136-SS — Walsh, J. H. Encyclopedia of rural sports 79'-9 1'IIVSICAI. — 997 — I'll', 5I( Physical culture, continued. w ;iis^ Physical geography, continued. Ili' ley, I . II. I'li> iography : introdui - , the itudy ol nature. 1878. . . 551 6 King ley, 1 M idame I Ion and Lady Why. 1885 551 01 I anoye, F.T. . S 5. 551 55 Macturk, J. Physical geography. i"7i- 55' '■' Mai Ii, G. P. Eai th 1 by bu man action. 1S74 55' 67 Man and nature; or, phj ical geogra- phy in. 1869. 551 66 Monteith, J. Physical and political ge- ography. 1873 420-6 — Nature's wonders : pictures of remarkable scenes in foreign lands. 1S1.7 55 1 — 7 — Proctor, R. A. Elementary physical ge- ography, n. d 55 1-74 Ramsay, A. C. Physical geology and ge- ogiaphy of Great Britain. 1872. . . . 5542-7 — Reclus, E. The earth. 2 v. 1S71. . 551-78 Ocean, atmosphere and life. 2 v. 1S73. 5514-7 Robinson, E. Physical geography of the Holy land. 1865 2209-76 Somerville, M. Physical geography. i s 7' 55'"84 Warren, D. M. Elementary treatise on physicalgeography. 1873 551 '14 — Winchell, A. Sketches of creation. 1870 550I-9 — Wonders of the world. 1873 507-94 — World of wonders. 1881 5°7-95 — Young, J. Physicalgeography. [1873.] 551-98 — Buckley, A. B. Fairy-land of science. PP- 73-'23 504-25 — D'Anvers, A. Science ladders. No. I. 504-4 — Goldsmith, O. History of the earth and animated nature, v. I. pp. 57-180. . 590-4 — Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos, v. 5. . . 503-4 Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 9. pp. 129-192 603-4 — South Kensington museum : conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876. 502-S — See also Caves. Climate. Earth. Earth- quakes. Geography. Geology. Ice. Mammoth cave, A'y. Meteorology. Mountains. Nature. Ocean. Physics. Rivers. Tides. Universe. Volcanoes. Water. 1'ir, m. ai manipulation, Elements of. Pick- ering, E. C 5307-7 PHYSICAL media in spiritual manifestations. Samson, G. W 175-S Physical optics. Glazebrook, R. T. . . . 535-4 PHYSICIAN himself: what he should add to his scientific acquirements. Cathell, D. W 6104-25 Physicians. Jeafireson, J. C. Book about doctors 4'67-5 PHYSICIANS. 998 PHYSICS. Physicians, continued. — Roosa, D. B. St. J. Doctor's suggestion, to the community 6104-73 — See also Lives of Gross, S. D. Drake, D. Pasteur, Louis. Sims, J. Marion. Stockmar, C. F., and others. Also Med- icine. PHYSICS. Arnott, N. Elements of physics. iS/7 530-I2 — Avery, E. M. Elements of natural phi- losophy. 1878 530-14 — Baker, T. Principles and practice of statics and dynamics. 1851. Bound with Tomlinson, C. Pneumatics. . . . 533~8 — Buckmaster, J. C. Elements of mechan- ical physics. 1875 53I-I8 — Cooke, J. P. Elements of chemical physics. 1873 541-31 — Cooley, Le K. C. Easy experiment, in physical science. 1870 5307-2 Text-book of natural philosophy. 1870. 530-24 — Deschanel, A. P. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. 4 pts. 1873-74. . 530-28 — Dolbear, A. E. Art of projecting : ex- perimentation in physics, chemistry, and natural history with the porte lumiere and magic lantern. 1877 535^-3 — Draper, J. W. Text-book of natural phi- losophy. 1861 530-3 — Everett, J. D. Outlines of natural phi- losophy. 1887 . 530-34 Units and physical constants. 1S79. . 5308-4 — Faraday, M. Various forces of nature and their relation to each other, n. d. 501-4 — Ganot, A. Natural philosophy. [Three editions. See Ganot.] — Hogg, J. Elements of experimental and natural philosophy. 1861 53°-47 — Hooker, W. Science for the school and family. pt. I. Natural philosophy. 1867 530-48 — Hotze, C. L. First lessons in physics. 1871 530-49 — Hunt, R. Elementary physics. 1855. . 530-5 Poetry of science. 1S54 501-48 — Johnston, J. Manual of natural phi] phy. 1858 530-52 — Joyce, J. Scientific dialogues. 1S68. . 5302-5 1 inn, 1 1. Popular lectures on science and art. 1855 502-56 Lees, W. Elements of acoustics, light and heat. 1873 53°-5° — Liebig, J. Chemistry and physics in re- lation to physiology and pathology. . . 547-53 — Loom; . I - Elements of natural philoso- phy. 1872 530-58 — Muller, J. 1 of physics and me- logy. 1848 53°- 6 5 Physics, continued. — Norton, S. A. Elements of natural phi- losophy. 1870 530-69 Elements of physics. 1875 53°-7 — Norton, YV. A. and Porter, J. A. First book of science. 1873 504-6 — Olmsted, D. Introduction to natural philosophy. 1867 53°-7I — Parker, R. G. Compendium of natural and experimental philosophy. [1S71.] . 530-72 — Pepper, J. H. Chemistry, electricity, light, n. t. p 530-74 — Pickering, E. C. Elements of physical manipulation. 1873 5307-7 — Pynchon, T. R. Chemical physics. 1874. 530-76 — Quackenbos, G. P. Natural philosophy. 1S71 530-78 — Rolfc, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Hand- book of natural philosophy. 1869. . . 530-79 — Routledge, R., ed. Science and sport made philosophy in earnest. 1877. • • 53°2-7 — Silliman, B., jr. Principles of physics. 1870 530-8 — Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1882 5301-S — Steele, J. D. Answers to practical ques- tions and problems. 1S75 504-8 Fourteen weeks in natural philosophy. [1869.] 530-85 — Stewart, B. Lessons in elementary physics. 1873 530-87 Physics. [Science primer.] 1SS3. . . 530-88 — Tate, T. Elementary course of natural and experimental philosophy. 1S5S. . 530-9 — Tomlinson, C. Natural philosophy. 1870. 530-91 — Trowbridge, J. New physics. 1884. . 530-92 — Wells, D. A. Natural philosophy. 1869. 530-95 — Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics, considered with reference to natural theology. 1S56 2102-97 — Franklin, B. Works, v. 6 818-4 — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences, pp. 204-320. . . . 504-4S — Lardner, D. Hand-book of natural phi- lo ophy. pp. 25-186 530-55 ed. Museum of science and art. v. 3. pp. 65-96 603-4 — Martin, W. Holiday books. 2 v. . . . 3728-6 - Miller, W. A. Elements of chemistry. pi. 1. Chemical physics 541—6 Pepper, J. 11. Cyclopaedic science sim- plified. I..,ed. pp. 123-206. Phila., ed. pp. 146-234 504-7 Tyndall, J. On the study of physics. !>• Culture demanded by modem life. pp. 59-85 3704-9 ■ — See also Astronomy. Atoms. Chemistry. Electric light. Electricity. Force. Heat. Light. Magnetism. Matter. PHYSICS. I'us in , continued. \.ii ure. Si iem e. Sound. Spei tro scopi ii' pecti urn anal) Physii ian's probli ms. I lam, C. . 6104-3 I'm su ian' vacation. 1 .banning, W. . . 1 • 1 1 • Physii ■ and metaph) >ii - <. animal and 1. 1855. . . .• < load by, 1 1. VcgcU • iology. 1859 in, |. II. Animal n and physiology. 1.H55 Hatfield, M. P. I'll*, iology and hygii 1887 III.- in, |., ,,/. Ph) ioloi use. 1880 Hitchcock, !■'.. and E. jr. Elementary .... 6 I J ) 1 Hutchisi m, J. C. Trealisei pi 1886 612-44 Huxley, T. II. and Voumans, W. J. Elements "l physiology and hygii 1872 612-46 Jarvis, E. Physiology and law health. 1S69 Johnson, A. B. Physiology of the sen 1856 182-5 LePileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 1870 Loomis, J. R. Elements of anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the human 1869 612-57 Mace, J. History of a mouthful in I its effect mi the organization ol men anil animals. 1S72 6l2 5 I - Servants of the stomach. 1868. . . . Mann, R. J. Guide to the knowledge of life, i860 612-62 Newell, M. II. Human body. 1881. - 6izi 6 Pettigrew, J. Ii. Physiology ol th< culation in plains, in the lower animals and in man. 1874 591 1 1 7 Prout, W. Chemistry, meteorology and the functions of digestion. 1855. . . . 210-107 Roget, I'. M. Animal and vegetable physiology. 1S67 59'-6 Rosenthal, I. General 1 muscles and nerve-. 1881 6125-7 Self-instructor in phrenology and physiol- ogy. 1874 179-8 Steele, J. D. 1 urteen weeks in human physiology. 1S72 612-8 Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. 1882 6129-S Tuke, D. II. Illustrations of the influence nf t he mind upon the body in health anil disease. 1S84 172 Warner, I'. Physical expression. i^ v '. 1 795-SS Culture demanded by modern life. pp. 149-184. I'r. las. I'aget on the SI of physiology 37°4~9 PHYSIOLOGY. PICKERING. Physiology, continued. — Fowler, O. S. Physiology, animal and mental. In Fowler, O. S. Education and self-improvement *79 - 3S — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to arts and sciences, pp. 391-402 504-48 — Lawrence, W. Lectures on comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology and the natural history of man. pp. 46-81. . . 5914-4 — Miller, Mrs. F. Our bodily life, [and] How and why we breathe. In Simple lessons for home use. pp. 1-28. . . . 607-5 — Napheys, G. H. Body and its ailments. pp. 26-88 616-65 — Paget, J. On the importance of the study of physiology. In Culture demanded by modern life. pp. 149-184 3704-9 — Trail, R. T. Hydropathic encyclopedia. pp. 235-294 6157-9 — Verdi, T. S. Mothers and daughters. PP- 7-92 6129-9 — Willis, R. and Harvey, W. History of the discovery of the circulation of the blood 455B9 — See also Anatomy. Animal magnetism. Biology. Brain. Digestion. Food. Hair. Heredity. Hygiene. Insanity. Longevity. Man. Marriage. Medi- cine. Nervous system. Pathology. Psychology. Sleep. Somnambulism. Physiology of the soul and instinct as dis- tinguished from materialism. Paine, M. 1498-7 Physiology of war : Napoleon and Russian campaign. Tolstoi, L. N 9445-83 Pianists. Ferris, G. T. Great violinists and pianists 4177-41 PIANOFORTE. Christiani, A. F. Principles of expression in pianoforte playing. 1886. 7763-3 — Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music. 1883. 7761-4 — Pauer, E. Art of pianoforte playing. 7763-6 — Taylor, F. Primer of pianoforte playing. 1880 7763-S — Wieck, F. Piano and song: how to teach and how to learn, ami how to form a judgment of musical perform- ances. 1875 7763-9 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals, pp. 337-347 771-47 PlASSETSKY, 1'. Russian travelers in Mon- golia anil China: tr. by J. Gordon dim- ming. 2 v. L., 1884. 12° 45'-74 Piatt, A. Sanders. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 913-915 9796 7 PlATT, Donn, Am. journalist, l>. 1819. Mem- ories of the men who saved the Union. N. V., 1SS7. 12 4122-74 PlATT, John las., Am. poet, /'. 1835. Land- marks and other poems. X. V., 1872. 12° 730C2 Piatt, J. J., continued. — Western windows and other poems. N. V., 1S69. 12° 730C3 Piatt, Mrs. Louise Kirby, Am. writer, wife of Donn, />. 1826-rf. 1864. Bell Smith abroad. N. Y., 1859. 12° 4443-7 Piatt, Mrs. Sarah Morgan Bryan, Am. poet, />. 1836. That new world and other poems. B., 1877. 12° 73°C6 — Voyage to the Fortunate isles, etc. B., 1874. 12° 730C8 Piazza tales. Melville, II. Piazzi, Mine. — ., (Leila Hanoum, pseud.) Tragedy in the imperial harem at Con- stantinople : tr. from the French ; with notes by Gen. R. E. Colston. N. V., 1SS3. 1 6°. Picard, Geo. H. Old Boniface. N. Y., 1886. 12°. Picard, Louis Joseph Ernest. Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic, pp. 147-159. 4105-5 Piccadilly. Oliphant, Laurence. Piccini, Niccolo. Ferris, G. T. Great Ital- ian and French composers, pp. 17-4S. 4177-4 Picciola. Saintine, X. B. Piccolomini, Alessandro. Badeau, A. Vag- abond, pp. 340-346 131E6 Piccolomini, Marietta. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 493-5 01 4"7 8 -3 — Ritchie, A. C. (T.) Italian life and legends, pp. 203- 445~8 Piccolomini : drama. See Schiller, J. C. F. PlCHLER, Karoline, German writer, b. 1769- d. 1843. Siege of Vienna. L., 1834. 16°. Pichot, Amedee. Life and labors of Sir Chas. Bell. L., i860. 12° 145B3 Picked up in the streets. Schobert, H. Pickell, John. New chapter in the early life of Washington, in connection with the narrative history of the Potomac company. N. V., 1856. 8° 925B2 PlCKEN, Andrew. Deer-stalkers of Glen- skioch. Eisenbach ; or, the adventures of a stranger. Three Kearneys : tale of Dominie. In Club book. PlCKENS, Francis W. Perry, B. F. Remi- niscences of public men. pp. 165-178. 412-75 Pickens, Rebecca. (Calhoun). Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution. PP- 3 3-309 4121-35 Pickens, 1- < .n . Anderson, T. M. Political conspiracies preceding the rebellion. . . 9784-14 Pickering, (has., Am. physician, l>. 1S05- ige 1 "i Vi n 'in- itary law, In Bowditch, II. I. Public hygiene in America 614 j I'n kering, Timothy, Am. statesman, b. 1745 y Octavius Pickering. 4 v, B., 1867 73. 8°. 731B9 Lodge, II. C. Studies in history, pp. 182-223 904-5 Pickett, Geo. Edward, ( general, b. iS.'S-'/. 1875. Pollard, E. A. Life "f Robert E. Lee. pp. 509-519 41225-5 I'll Kl II, Win. V ., 1, -hit author. Scofiern, J. and others. Useful metals and their :illi >y- 669-S Pickwick club. Dickens, (has. Pickwickian pilgrimage. Hassard, J. R. G. 442 \\ Pli mc papers. Dickens, (has., at. Pico Delia Mirandula. Pater, W. H. Studies in the history of renaissance, pp. 18 38. 717111 Pico, Giovanni, b. 1463-1/. 1494. Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 15— 22. 410-2 — - Masson, M. Celebrated children, pp. 321-324 410-72 I'ii roN, Jas. Allanson. Essential nature of religion, n. t. p. S° 201-72 Contents. — Religion and free. I "in "f thought, — Evolution of religion: fetichism. — Naturi worship. — Prophetic religions.— Religious dog- ma: future of religion. Mystery of matter and other essays. I.., 1873. I2 ° 210-71 Contents.— Mystery of matter.— Philosophy of ignorance. — Antithesis of faith and sight. - Essentia] nature of religion. — Christian pan- theism Pn toriai calendar of the seasons. Howitt, M. (B.), ed 589-5 rn ii'kiai. field-book of the revolution. 1 oss- '"g. B. J 975-5 PlCTORIAl press: its origin ami progress. Jackson, Mascn. .' 7°5 _ 5 Picture, The. Massinger, I'. Plays, pp. 252-2S3 616C3 Picture and the men: biographical sketch- es of President Lincoln and his cabinet. Perkins, 1 ■'. B., ed 4122-7 Picture of Jesus (the Master.) Haweis, Rev. II. K 2329-49 Picture of Paul (the disciple.) Haweis, UK 2218-655 Pn 11 ti of St. John. Taylor, Bayard. . . s Picture writing. Miles, H. A. Traci picture-writing in the Bible 2216-6 I B. Art tour to n"i [hei n capita ... Bai ley, II. W. Spain. 2 v 1 ; II 111,1. S. and F. Walks in Florence HS5 5 1 -liie, W. L. Plea l"i ait in lh< Napoleon gallery ; or, illu of the life and tin ror of Franci 1 kin, J. Noti I I . . . . ; - Fuller, M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 2S4 297. Mr. W. Allslon'fi pit tun nolds, Sir J. Journey to and Holland in 17S1. In Literary winks, v. 2 — Swinburne, A. C. 1 ad studies. ,14-380 — See a /so Art. In 111:1 and legends. Mai [uoid, T. and K. 1112 51 d prattle for the nursery. Cinn., 1886. 8° Pn 1 1 ris ami stories of animals. Tenney, Mrs. S Pictures from English history, l>y the great historical artists: ed. by C. 1 Bisl 0301-2 I'n it RES from Ireland. Hlake, II. .\.. ence McGrath, pseud.) | Pictures from Italy. Dickens, Chas. . . . 445 2^ is from prison life: historical sketch of the Massachusetts state pris,,n. Haynes, G 3^5-4 Pll 1 ruts from Sicily. Bartlett, W. II. . . 4458-2 I 1 torn the battle-fields. Murray, E. C. G I'M 11 RES from the history of the Swi-.. B., i860. 16°. Same. X. V., 181,9. . . Pictures of country life. Cary, Alice. Pli 11 RES of Europe, framed in ideas. Bar- tol, C. A 440-13 Pictures of life in camp and field. I 1',. I'. [Same as Mission Kidge and 1 ookout mountain.] 9801-9 i; ruRES of old England. Pauli, R. . . . 931-68 1 I : ES of rural life in Austria and Hun- gary. Stifter, A. In n kks of the periods. Collier, W. F. Pli rURES of travel. Heine, II S.;7 48 is of travel in far-off lands: com- panion to the stuily of geography: South America. I.., I S 7 1 . to . -vime, 1883 : PICTURES of travel in Sweden, among the Hart/, mountains, in Switzerland, etc. Andersen, II. 1° 440-109 Piddington, Rose. Gain of a loss. N.Y., I Sen). 12°. Pidgeon, Wm. Traditions of De-coo-dah, and antiquarian researches, comprising extensive explorations of the mound- builders in America. N. Y.. 1858. 8°. .: ~ " - PIEDMONT. PIKE. Piedmont. Gallenga, A. History of Pied- mont. 3 v. 1855 9451-4 — Muston, A. Israel of the Alps : history of the Waldenses of Piedmont and their colonies 2S44-6 — St. John, B. Subalpine kingdom. . . . 4451-7 — Moore, W. B. Six sisters of the valley : a story. Pierce, Benjamin, b. 1757-1/. 1839. Moore, J. B. In Biographical annual, pp. 90-99. 412-21 Pierce, Edward L. Memoir and letters of Chas. Sumner. 2 v. B., 1877. 8°. . 861B2 Contents .— v . 1. 181 1-38. —v. 2. 1838-45. PIERCE, Franklin, 14th president of the United States, b. l8o4-.) Mayflower. Whiting, M. II. Faith While's letter hook. — Witt, H. G. de. Tales of three centuries. 2S6A5 — See also Massachusetts. Plymouth. Pur- itans. PILGRIM republic : an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth, t ', win, J. A 98248-4 PILGRIM sorrow. Elizabeth Pauline Attilia, queen of Roumanta, (Carmen Sylva, pseud.) Pilgrimage of the Tiber. Davies, W. . . 445-25 Pilgrimage to Egypt. Smith, J. V. C. . . 462-86 Pilgrimag] to Rome. Seymour, Rev. M. H. 4456-82 PILGRIMAGES: a sermon. Hale, E. E. Sum- mer vacation, pp. 43-58 Js- 45 I'll.. KIMS. Cults. E. I.. Seems ami char- acters of the miihlle ages. ])p. 157-194. 1 P11 grim ■ of the Rhine. Bulwei I ptton, I '. E. I.. I'm 1.1 1 .1 .,1 \\ .! iingh tm. strii kland, A. Bunyan, John. ■.' , v. allel . 11 ' .illui l ; Pillar of lire. 1 1 ill. P11 lab "i I I'll "I' . Urquhart, D ... t : ■ . 1 tie M, Pillory, IP. DeFoe, D. '■'■ 604-607 P11 low, I hi 1. Repot > . ni 1 he ■ om: on the conduct ill il' I it Pillow 11 tcre iw of stones. Sewall, I- 252 P11 hi. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. Pi 1 ' * 1 ;iinl 1 1 i — i wife. I-ie, J. PlLPAY, or Bidpai, Oriental fabulist. I X. V., 1S72. 16 3811-7 Pimblett, W. Melville. Sim udan war, from the rise of thd revolt, July, 1SS1, to the fall of Khartoum ami death of Gordon, Jan., 1885. I.., 1885. 8°.. 9626-6 1 ». Albert. Daudel E. and others. French celebrities, pp. 1 21-139. . . . 4105-35 PlNCKNEY, Chas. Moore, F.,ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 361-370. . . . S152-6 Pindar, Greek pott, b. 520 />'. C. < literally translated into English verse by Dawson W. 'Punier, to which is adjoined a metrical version by Abraham Moore. L., 1868. 12 8S45-8 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 199-234 87001-3 — Heber, R. Poetical works, pp. 106-135. Translations 460C5 — Lloyd, W. W. Sicilian odes. /» History of Sicily to the Athenian war. pp. 213- 396 91908-5 — Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Creek v. i. pp. 340-371 SSi-S Wood, \V., Lit. Hundred greatest men. PP- 7-9 410-975 Pindar, Christopher Laomedon. Allegha- nia ; or, praises of American heroes. Phila., iS6S. 12 ■ . • . . 733C5 Pindar, Susan, Am. author, b. 1820. I.egemls of the flowers. X. V., 1S65. 16°. . . 381 7 Pine, G. S. Santa Claus' deer. In Stories for children, by eleven sophomores, pp. 45-54 Pine ami palm. Conway, M. I >. Pine cone-. Allen. W. P 11 Pink needles. Warner, Susan. Pinel, Philippe. Drake, S. A., <■,/. Our great benefactors, pp. 211— 218. . . . 410-42 — Lloyd, W. R. Flower of Christian chiv- alry, pp. 122-146 414 5 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe, Mrs. II. iP.i PIXKERTON. 1004 — PITCAIRN'S. PlNKERTON, John. Early Australian voy- ages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier. L., 1886. 24 493-73 — Sprague, W. I!. European celebrities. pp. 102-106 4104-S5 PlNKNEY, Wm., American jurist, l>. \-jb\-d. 1S22. Speeches. In American oratory. PP- 303-35I 8l 5 2 - 2 — Pinkney, W. Life of Wm. Pinkney. . . 733B8 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 93-129 8152-6 — Wheaton, H. In Sparks, J., cJ. Ameri- can biography, v. 6. pp. 3-84. . . . 412-86 Pinkney, Rev. Wm., bishop of Maryland, b. 1%10-d. 18S3. Life of Wm. Pinkney. N. V., 1853. 8° 733B8 Pinneo, T. S. Guide to composition. Cinn., 1864. 12° 1 1 7-7 Pinner, Adolph. Introduction to the study of organic chemistry : tr. by P. T. Aus- ten. N. Y., 1883. . 12° 547-7 I'iNNF.Y, Rev. Norman. Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 335-33S. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 Pinnock, Wm. Panorama of the old world and the new : comprising a view of the present state of the nations of the world, their manners, customs and peculiarities, and their political, moral, social and in- dustrial condition. Phila., 1859. 12 . 4201-7 — cd. Improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's history of Greece 91S-4 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 336-347. Pinnock and Maunder. . . . 411-56 Pins. British manufacturing industries, v. 3. pp. 87-100 670-2 — Lukin, J. Amongst machines, pp. 16S- 177 607-4 Pinto, Erasmus. Ye outside fools! glimpses inside the London stock exchange. N. V., 1877. 12° 3316-72 Pinto, Major Serpa. How I crossed Africa; from the Atlantic to the Indian ocean, through unknown countries: discovery of the Great Zambesi affluents, etc. : tr. from the author's manuscript by Alfred Elwes. 2 v. Phila., 1881. 8°. . . . 467-6 Contents. — v. 1. King's rifle. — v. 2. King's rifle, concluded. The Coillard family. PiNzoN, Vicente Yanez, Spanish navigator. Irving, W. Life and voyages of Chris- topher Columbus, v. 3. pp. 39-46. . . 243B4 — Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 48-53 4142-6 R biography: sket hi I the lives of some of the earl} 11 ttlei >ol Butlercounty, Ohio, Mi Bride, J 41271-6 El b hop; or, the life and times of Francis Asbury. Strickland, Rev. W. P. 126B2 Pioneer engineering. Dobson, Edward. . 629-3 Pioneer life in Kentucky. Drake, Daniel. 293B2 Pioneer mothers of the west. Frost, J. [Same as Heroic women of the west.] . 41239-34 1'n inker preacher; or, rifle, axe and saddle- bags. Milburn, Rev. W. H 632E1 Pioneer Quakers. Hallowell, R. P. . . . 2896-38 Pioneering in South Brazil. Wither, T. I'. B 'gg- 481-93 Pioneers. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. Pioneers and founders of the mission field. Vonge, Charlotte M 4149-98 Pioneers of civilization. Tillotson, J. . . 436-85 Pioneers of France in the new world. Parkman, F 971-6 Pioneers of the west ; or, life in the woods. Strickland, Rev. W. P 987-88 Pioneers, preachers and people of the Mis- sissippi valley. Milburn, Rev. W. H. . 987-6 Piozzi, Mrs. Esther Lynch (Salusbury) (Thrale),^. 1739-d. 1S21. Autobiogra- phy, letters and literary remains of Mrs. Piozzi : ed. with notes, by A. Hay- ward. B., 1861. 12° • . 734B1 — Crosland, N. Memorable women, pp. 53-180 413-2S — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of so- ciety, pp. 395-434 413-85 Piter, E. M. Matador's revenge. In Rain- bow stories, pp. 193-240 763A1 Pipes from prairie land and other places. Gilmore, Minnie 422C9 Piracy. Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo. 491 1-5 — -St. John, II. C. Notes and sketches of Nipon 452-67 — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 3. pp. 1-70. 437-95 — See also Buccaneers. Pirate. Scott, Sir Walter. Pisan, Christine de. Besant, W. Studies in early French poetry, pp. 49-52. . . 8401-2 Pisani, Vettore, d. 1380. Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice, pp. 166-205. 9453~66 PisAROi.'l, Rosamundi. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 23S-245 417S-3 Pisistratus. See Peisistratus. PisTRuri 1, Benedetto, i. 1784. Autobiogra- phy: tr. by Mrs. Billing. In Billing, A. Science of gems, etc. pp. 135— 211 735- 2 PITCAIRN'S island. Barrow, J. Descrip- tion of I'itcairn's island 4964-2 — Belcher, Lady D. Mutineers of the boun- ty and their descendants in Pitcairnand Norfolk island 4964-3 — Fyfe, J. II. Enterprise beyond the seas. PP. 233-242 437-4 — Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea. pp. 192-235 437-45 I'lTKIN. — 1005 — l'l 1 1 ENGEB I'm Ms, I Lv, Am. lawyer, b. 1761 1S.17. Politii al and civil hi tory "l the I nited State of America, from the ■• 1 1763 to close oi admini iti ation ol Pn ilrni Washington in March, 1 7<»7 : in- i luding -i iu Nun. it \ \ icw 1 .1 1 he politii a! and civil state of North America I" nies prior to that period. 2 \. New II iven, 1S28. 8° 97-' 71 l'i 1 man. Benn, Anglo- Ameiican stenographer, i. 1.S22. Manual "t ph gi aphj . I'inn., 11. (1. 12° 655 7J Appendix on modeling foliage, etc. In Vago, A. I., instructions in the art of modeling in clay 73 ,- 8 - and Howard, J. B. Manual of phonogra phy. (inn., 1885. 12 655-75 Pitman, Mrs. Emma Raymond. Central Africa, Japan ami Fiji : a story of mis- sionary enterprise, dials and triumphs. N. V., n. d. 12° 263-7 — Elizabeth Fry. B., 1886. 12 . [Fa- mous women series.] 3861^2 Mission life in Greece and Palestine: memorials of Mary Brisco Baldwin. L., n. d. 12° 2656-62 Pitman, Isaac, ling, stenographer, b. 1813. Longley, 1'.. Eclectic manual of pho- nography : complete guide to the acquis- ition of Pitman's phonetic shorthand, with or without a teacher 655-6 PITMAN, Marie J., (Margery Deane, pseud.), Am. writer, b. :85c European breezes. H., 1882. 16° 440-73 Pitman, Robert C. Alcohol and the state: discussion of the problem of law as ap- plied to the liquor traffic. N. Y., 1880. 12° 19S4-7 Pitrk, Giuseppe, joint author. Busk, R. and Giuseppe, 1'. Folk-songs of Italy 3845-7 Pitt, Christopher, b. 1699-d. 174S. John- son, S. English poets, v. 2. pp.421-424. 41821-5 PlTT, Theodore L. Fishing in autumn and winter. Boat building. Expedition to the I.aurentian hills. In Xewhouse, S. and others. Trapper's guide, pp. 108- 110, 126-129 .i I III. v. 1. pp. 21 43 410 17 1 hildren 10k. pp. 173-171 410 .'7 h ii h, ' . A., • i, British elo- quence, pp. 52 142 825-, 1 rial ha, I >. V Most eminent 01 and statesmen, pp. 75 12! 410-54 Lodge, E. Portraits ol illu trious per- sonage "i I treal Bi itain. \ . 7. pp. 289-304 41 1 '.; Mas J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 95-102 410-7 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp- 56-70 411 97 I'm 1, wm., English statesman and oral 1759-r/. 1806. In Vdam . ' . K., ed. Representative British oration,. v. 2. pp. 1 18. [Biographical sketch and I' I 8258-2 Brougham, II. Historical sketches of stati flourished in the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 156-167.. . . 410-17 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Miscellane- ous prose works, v. I. pp. 1S3-275. Pitt and Eox 601 E5 — Burnap, G. W. Miscellaneous writings. pp. 93-130 195E3 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 82-102 410-45 Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 551-628. [Biographical sketch and speeches.] 8258-4 — Ilarsha, D. A. Most eminent orators and statesmen, pp. 256-2S0. . . . 410-54 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 179-192. 411-65 — Macaulay, T. Ii. Life of Wm. Pitt, pre- ceded by the life of the Earl of Chatham. 735B1 Wm. Pitt. Atterbury. pp. 3-166. [Same article as preceding.] 411 72 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 115-121. . . ■ • 410-7 — Smith, G. Three English statesmen. PP- I39-28S 41 '-94 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 269-278 4""97 Pi 1 1 mi s. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 69-76. 41s ; I'ii 1 in. ik, Wm., Am. M. E. clergyman, b. 1840. Capturing a locomotive : history of secret service in the late wax. Phila., 1SS2. 12° 9S02-71 — Daring and suffering; or, the great rail- road adventure, n. t. p, 16° 9802-7 PITTENGER. 1006 — PLANETARY. PITTENGER, Wm., continued. — Daring and suffering: history of the An- drews railroad raid into Georgia in 1862. N. Y., 1887. 8°. [New edition re-writ- ten of "Capturing a locomotive".] . . 9S02-7 — Extempore speech ; how to acquire and practice it. Phila., 1883. 12°. . . . 800-69 — Oratory, sacred and secular ; with sketches of the most eminent speakers of all ages ; with an introduction by Hon. J. A. Bing- ham, and appendix. N. V., 1S68. 12°. 800-7 Pittsburg. Nevin, R. P. Les Trois Rois. 1S88 98289-6 — Brackenridge, II. M. Recollections of persons and places in the west. pp. 10 et seq 179B9 Pitzer, Alex. White, Am. clergy man, b. 1834. Ecce Deus-homo; or, the work and kingdom of the Christ of Scripture. Phila., 1868. 12° 232-35 Pitzmaroon. Beach, C. A 381-2 Pius I-IX, popes. Sec Montor, A. de. Ro- man pontiffs 2S21-53 Pius IV, pope, b. 1499-suc. 1559-^- 1 5 6 5- Jenkins, R. C, tr. Story of the Caraffa. 204B7 PlUS VII-VIII, popes. See Wiseman, N. Recollections of the last four popes. . . 4142-92 Pus IX, pope, b. l-]t)2-suc. 1846-1/. 1S78. O'Reilly, B. Life of Pius IX 736B1 — Gladstone, W. E. Speeches of Pope Pius IX. Bound with Gladstone, W. E. Rome and the newest fashion in religion. 2823-35 — Maguire, J. F. Rome : its ruler and its institutions 2824-5 — Petrucelli de la Gattina, F. Rome and the papacy 2S24-6 — Kingston, W. B. Monarchs I have met. pp. 139-165 4104-55 Piutes, Life among the. Hopkins, S. W. . 9702-4 Pizarro, Francisco, Spanish conqueror of Peru, />. about 1475-^/. 1541. Adams, W. II. D. Land of the Incas, and the City of the Sun: story of Francisco Pizarro and the conquest of Peru 994~ 2 — Grimshaw, W. History of South America. 992-4 — Helps, A. Life of Pizarro; with some account of his associates in the conquest of Peru 736IS8 — Towle, G. M. Pizarro, his adventures and conquests 736B9 — Kelly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 71- 97 439-53 — Lives of Balboa, etc. pp. 204-267. . . 4159-2 , ('. k. Maritime discovery, v. 1. pp. 286-288 437-58 Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 1 13-123 4142-6 Parton, I. Peopli I k of biography. pp. 323-328 410-82 Pizarro, Francisco, continued. — Tillotson, J. Golden Americas, pp. 92- 110 992-9 — Vogel, T. Century of discovery, pp. 313-345 437-93 — See also Peru. Pizarro: a drama. Sheridan, R. B. Works. pp. 485-57 2 820C9 Place for everything. Haven, Mrs. A. (B.) 458A26 Places and people. Parkinson, J. C. . . . 713E4 Placide, Henry. Matthews, J. B. and Hut- ton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 3. pp. 145-156 4179-6 Plagiarisms. Cozzens, F. S. Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, pp. 59-68 817-33 — Emerson, R. W. Letters and social aims. pp. 167-194. Quotation and originality. 318E6 — Tangled talk. pp. 47-60 S73E1 Plague in London. See DeFoe, Daniel. Plain commentary on the four Holy Gospels : intended chiefly for devotional reading. 2 v. Phila., 1868. 8° 2274-7 Plain educational talks with teachers and parents. Raub, A. N 37°-77 Plain guide for suitors in the county court, by a barrister 3452-6 Plain guide to good gardening. Wood, S. 635-9 Plain lectures on the growth of the papa] power. Robertson, J. C 2821-65 PLAIN man's love: a story. In Willis, N. P. Rural letters, etc. pp. 359-380. . 953E4 Plain man's talk on the labor question. Newcomb, Simon 336-5 PLAIN reasons against joining the church of Rome. Littledale, R. F 2829-5 Tlain song. Helmore, T 773 2 5~5 Plain speaking. Craik, Mrs. D. M.(Mulock). 655E4 Plain talks on familiar subjects. Holland, J. G 483E4 Plain thoughts on the art of living. Glad- den, Rev. W . 197-33 Plains of the great west. Dodge, R.I. . . 478-3 Planche, Frederick D'Arros, ed. Amuse- ment without end. L., n. d. 16 . . . 7S6-59 Evening amusements for every one. Phila., 12° 786-6 PLANCHE, Jas. Robinson, £u^'. dramatist, I'. 1796-r/. 1880. Personal reminiscences. In Stoddard, R. II., ed. Chorley, I 'lam lie and Young, pp. 73-149. . . 4182-85 PLANi mi ik. Beecher, C. Spiritual mani- festations, pp. 25-36 '75-2 Samson, G. W. Physical media in spir- itual manifestations. Phenomena of re- sponding tables and I he planchette. . . 1 75—8 Planet, The: a song of a distant world. Best, 1 148C4 Planetary and stellar worlds. Mitchel, O. M 520-63 PL WKTS. 1007 — PLATO Pi nm 1 :, '• . Vsti 01 \ . Pi am -huntei ; or, adventure .1 g 1 he Himalaya mountains. Reid, Mayne. . 77NAS4 l'i an 1 lore and gai den crafl "i s li ike peare, Ellacombe, II. N 8231 I 'i.an iM. km 1 , John, dukeoj Bedford. J ami 1 i. P, R, Memoirs "I great • land- • I pp. 26 t5 4151 5 PlantagenEI family. Stubbs, W. Earlj Plantagenets 933-! Pi inting and training ol the Christian church by the Apostles, Meander, A. 2701-55 Planting the wilderness. McCabe, J. D. . 5 1 ) \ A 1 Plants. Mien, G. Colour-sense ; its origin and development. 1879 1821-2 Darlington, W. American weeds and useful plants. 1859 5816-4 — Darwin, C. Variation "l animals and plants under don\es(ication. 1876. . . 575-27 — Hehn, V. Wanderings of plants and an- nuals from their first home. 18S5. . . 5S9-45 I [emsley, W. B. Hard) tree . >hi ubs and herbaceous plants. 1873 7 1355 Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants and man: populai pictures of nature. 1852... . 503-8 Taylor, J. E. Sagacity and moralitj oi plants. 1S84 581-8 De Vere, M. S. Stray leaves from the book of nature, pp. 119-154 502-32 Helmholtz, 11. Popular lectures on scientific subjects, ser. 2. pp. 139- " ,s 5° 2 ~43 Hooker, W. fluid's book of nature. pt. 1 504-46 - Iluline, F. E. Adaptability ol ournative plants to the purposes of ornamental art. In Art studies from nature as applied to design, pp. 1 -89 745-4 Nichols, J. K. Fireside science. pp. 262-2S3 502-65 See also Agriculture. Botany. Flowers. Gardening. Natural history. Paleon- tology. Window gardening. Plants of the Bible. Browne, SirT. Works. v. 3. pp. 151-203 828-2 Pj \ 1 v. Battleof, 1757. Adams, W. H. D. Kiltie stories, pp. 423-436 9208-13 Memorable laities in English history. pp. 314-324 93°8-2 I ow, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 162-171 930S-4 I'i\shkin... Burnell, G. R. Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, con- cretes, mastics, plastering, etc. 1872. 6662-2 — Cameron, K. Plasterer's manual. 1 S79. 693-3 Pi ah-, i Iripps, W. I. 1 ollege ind - ration plate 1 hand-book to the reproduc- tions of silver plate in South Kensington museum. 1SS1 739>-2 Pi mi .1 m. I C. L. Mi ' 1 pp. • 1 11 aday, M. History ol pp. 1 10 53 Metallurgy. Ml I'r a 1 philosopher, i. a, d. 347. I 1 : translated into Eng- lish verse ; with "'I introdui tion by B. Jowett. 4 v. V Y., 1S71. 8". 1 Colli' '••! - I ' li.irnililrs l.ysl-. ' — Protagoras. — Euthydcmiii. — Ion.— Mcno. — ESuthyphi V] posiu m Ph aed r Ci v. 2. Republic. — Timacus.— ( ■ v. 3. Gorgiax.— Philebui.— Parmenidet. — Theaetetu man v. 4, Lawi Appendix Lester Hippi First Alcibiades; Menexenus. — Index ot | sons and places. Select dialogues: new and literal vei chiefly from the text of Stallliaum: ed. by II. Cary. X. V., 1875. 12 . Same, 1878 «54'-« Contents. — Apology of Socrates.— Crito; or, the duty of a citizen. — Phaedo ; or, the immor tality of the soul. — Gorgias; or, on rhetoric. — Protagoras: or, the sophists — Phardrus ; or, on the beautiful. — .Ktetus; or, on science 1 thyphron ; or, on holiness — Lysis; or, on friendship. Against the atheists; or, the tenth hook of the dialogue on laws : with critical no by Taylor Lewis. X. Y., 1859 1 J , . 2118-71 I 'ay in Athens with Socrates : translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plat,,. X. Y., 1S83. 12° 1511 8 — Socrates: translation of the Apology, Cri- to, and parts of the Phaedo. X. Y., 1S79. 12 l54'-7 — Talks with Socrates about life: translated from the Gorgias and the Republic. X. V., 1SS6. 16° 1541 7" — Pest thoughts: compiled from Prof. Jow- ett's translation of the Dialogues: cd. by C. H. A.Bulkley 1541-5 — Collins, C. W. Plato. [Ancient classics for English readers] • 54 ,_ 3 — Bayne, P. Essays, ser. 2. pp. 235 258. I39E6 — Bruce, J, Classic and hi traits. PP. 3'1-42 410-19 — De Quincey, T. Historical, etc., c v. 1. pp. 16S-219. Plato's Republic. .' — Donnelly, I. Atlantis, the antediluvian world, pp. 5-30 4°o-3 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. IT- 39-87 3«9Ei — Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 165-177. . . 41 s ; — Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Rome, B. 1 . \. II. 140. pp. 56S-579 Lowndes, W. Encyclopedia metropoli- tana. pp. 51-92 1 ,2 4 PLATO. 1008 — PLOTINUS. Plato, continued. — Mill, J. S. Dissertations, v. 4. pp. 227- 331 633E3 — Packard, L. R. Greek thought, pp. 41- 66 8S04-7 — Wells, J. Christ and the heroes of heath- endom, pp. 96-137 150-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 207-211 410-975 Plato Punchinello, pseud. Sec Martinet, A. Platt, A. H. Human life prolonged, n. '■ P- 12° 613-67 Flattner, Karl Friedrich, b. iSoo-fl'. 1858. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe: ed. by T. Kichter: tr. by II. B. Cornwall and J. H. Caswell. N. Y., 1872. 8° 5491-6 Plautus, Titus Maccius, Roman comic poet, d. about 184 B. C. Comedies: tr. with notesby H. T. Riley. 2 v. L., 1S52. 12°. 8723-7 Contents. — v. 1. Trinumnius. — Miles Glorio- sus.— Bacchides.— Stichus.— Pseudolus.— Men- sechmi. — Aulularia.— Captivi.— Asinaria.— Cur- culio. v. 2. Amphitryon. — Rudens.— Mercator. — Cistellaria.— Truculentus.— Persa.— Casina. — Pcenulus.— Epidicus.— Mostellaria. — Fragments. — Collins, W. L. Plautus and Terence. . . 8725-3 Play and profit in my garden. Roe, E. P. 635-6 I'laybook of metals. Pepper, J. H. . . . 669-73 PLAY-day book. Parton, S. P., (Fanny Fern, pseud.) 345A4 Played out. Cudlip, Annie (Thomas). PLAYFAIR, John, Scottish mathematician, b. 1748-r/. 1819. Elements of geometry: containing the first six books of Euclid; with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle, geometry of solids, and plane and spherical geometry. Phila., 1863. s° 513-74 Pl.AYFORD, Francis. Practical hints for in- vesting money ; with an explanation of the mode of transacting business on the stock exchange. L., 1869. 12 . Bonn,! with White, N. Handy-book on the law of friendly, etc., societies 337~9 Playing cards. Barr, Mrs. A. E. Romances and realities, pp. 223-228 136E9 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle ages. pp. 22 3-250 7094-5 Set a/so Games. Whist. PLAYS. Set Am, item- theatricals. Amuse- ments. Charades. Drama. Names of dramatists. Titles of plays. Plays and poems. Boker, G. H 171C45 Plays and Puritans, etc. Kingsley, Rev.C. 535E33 Plays, prose and poetry. Barnes, C. M. S. . 818-2 Playwright' daughter. Edwardes, Mrs. \. Plea for art in the h 1 oftie, \V. |. . 749-6 1 'i 1 \ lor spoken language. Murdock, J. E. 800-66 Plea for theconstitutionofthe United States. Bancroft, Geo 3316-2 Pleas for protection examined. Mongre- dien, A 335~ 6 7 Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. Si- gourney, Mrs. L. II 442-82 Pleasant pages for young people. New- combe, S. P 3728-7 Pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming. Beecher, J\cv. H. W 6304-17 Pleasant waters. Claytor, Graham. Pleasanton, Gen. A. J. and others. In- fluence of the blue ray of the sunlight, and of the blue colour of the sky, in de- veloping animal and vegetable life, in arresting disease, and in restoring health in acute and chronic disorders to human and domestic animals as illustrated by the experiments of Gen. A. J. P-leasanton and others, addressed to the Philadel- phia society for promoting agriculture. Phila., 1S76. 8° 5356-7 Pleasantries of English courts and lawyers. Jeaffreson, J. C 34°9-5 Pleasures of a book-worm. Rees, J. R. . 8051-7 Pleasures of a pigeon fancier. Lucas, Rev. J. 63S4-4 Pleasures of life. Lubbock, Sir J 600E1 Pleasures of memory. See Rogers, Samuel. Pleasures of old age. Souvestre, E. Pleasures of taste. Taylor, J 877A5 Plimsoll, Samuel. Hinton, R.J. English radical leaders, pp. 191-210 4''-5 Pliny, [Cains Plinius Secundus), Roman natu- ralist, b. 23-^.79. Natural history : trans- lated with notes and illustrations, by J. Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 v. L., 1855-57. 12° 500-6 — Bigelow, J. Modern inquiries, pp. m- 118. On the death of Pliny the Elder. 152E2 Pliny, the younger, (Cains Plinius Cacileus Secundus), Latin author, b. about 6l-d. about 115. Church, A. J. and Brodribb, \V. J. Pliny's letters 8762-3 — Naturalist's library. v. 9. pp. 17-82. Memoir 59°-5 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works, pp. 46-53 4'S7"9 PLONNIES, Luise von, German author, b. 1803-fl'. 1872. Princess Use: a story of the Harz mountains, [and] Will o' the Wisp. B., 1868. 16° 381-71 Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediev- al and modern history : tr. with additions, by W. H. Tillinghast. 1'.., 1884. 12 . 905-75 I'iiis, Eugene, French writer, i. 1836. Thor- valdsen; his life and works: tr. by I. M. Luyster. B., 1873. 12 885B8 Plotinos. Jeremie, J. A. In Encyclopedia metropolitana. pp. 285-304 152 4 PLOUGHED. — 1009 — N.i I • R( II Pi i'i i'i OUCHED I' r: story ol 1 1 II. owdi 1, W oltei . Desci iption ol \h sinia. In Hotten, I C, 1 :: pei iple. pp. 111-246 1 ■( kv boys. Crailt, Aft r. I >. M. (W 1 1 1 . • . 1 , . ■ . 1 1 \i. The. Elliott, F. R. W 1 itei n fruit- 1 k. 1867 ' Saunders, W. [nsecl injuriou to fi aits. pp. 162 190 < I inn hi. I I1111I , nil inc. 1 MB, Ralph, joint author. Pei 1 , Hi nrj and Plumb, Ralph. Introduction. In Shipherd, J. R. I listorj ol thi lin Wellington re 1 ue 3264-67 umbing, Denton, J. Bailey-. Housesan- Itation. 1882 Hellyer, S. S. Plumbei and sanitary linn ;es. 11. 'I I House and its surroundings. 1879. . . . 628-4S Plunkett, Mrs. II. M. Women, plumb- ei ■ and doctors; or, house sanitation. 1885 63S-6 Putnam, J. P. Lectures on the princi- ples of house drainage. 1S66 62S-62 \ .iinii.i. A. de. Sewer gases, their na- tun . etc. 1882 628-S5 r\i 1 ■ k. Wm.Swan, Am. clergyman, b. 1802- '. [Cam- bridge Bible foi si hools. | General epistle of St. James, with m and introduction. Cambridge, 1884. 10 [1 tmbridgi Bible 01 >cl Is.] General epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude; with notes and introduction. Cambridge, 1885. 16 . [Cambridge Bible for schools. ] •. Biographical essay. / 1 schylus. Trag- edies, pp. 13 (>8 Introduction. In Hagenbach, K. R. I listorj oi Chri stian dot nine i ' I 1 i' . ./. 1 ■ 15 I pp. "• . R, I . bar. v. 1. pp. 98 120 1 I by A. II. ' the translation called Di B., [871. 8° 4101 7 Contents.— v. i. —Romulus. — Lycu licola. — Thcmistoclcs. — Camillus — Pericles.— FabiuS. v. 2. Alcibiadcs. — Coriolanus. — Timoleon. — lius Panlus. — Pclopidas. — Marccllus. — Aristides.— Cato the elder.— Philopiemcn. — Flamininus. v. 3. Pyrrbus. — Marius. — Lysander.— Sylla. — Cimon. — Lucullus.— Nicias. — Crassus. - — Eumcnes. v. 4. Agesilaus. — Pompcy. — Alexander. — Ca:sar.— Phocian.— Cato the youngci nencs.— Tiberius Gracchus.— Cains < clius. v. 5. Demosthenes.— I metrius. — Antony -Dion — Marcus Brutus.- Aratus. — Artaxcrxcs. — Galba, — I I and girls' Plutarch: being pai the Lives of Plutarch : edited for and girls: with inn . John S. White. N. Y.. 1883. 8° 1 — Famous Greeks: being the livi tides, Themisti IS. I... 11. 12° )I"I 72 1 lid phy. X. Y., n. d. 12° | ' young folks' Plutai lie Kaufman. Phila., i of Lycurgus. //.• I wealths, pp. u-49 I ays; with preface d an intro W. Emerson. B., 1881 !,t:ts.— Concerning the cure of iperstition, or indiscreet devotion.— C lation to Apollon or, an essaj friends— Of envy and hair • man may inoffensively pr.ns* himself without ' liable to envy.— crate's Daemon. of his progress in virtue . — \\ 'he ihrr '• rightly said, live (lying one's count rrul- PLUTARCH. POCAHONTAS. Plutarch, continued. ity, or talkativeness. — Lives of the ten orators. — Fate.— Plutarch's consolatory letter to his wife. — Against running in debt, or taking up money upon usury. — Laconic apophthegms ; or, re- markable sayings of the Spartans. — Apoph- thegms; or, remarkable sayings of kings and great commanders. — Morals : translated from the Greek by several hands: corrected and revised by Wm. \V. Goodwin ; with introduction by R. \V. Emerson. 5 v. B., 1870. 8°. Contents. — v. 1. Discourse touching the train- ing of children. — Concerning thecure of anger. — Bashfulness. — That virtue may be taught — Account of the laws and customs of the Lace daemonians.— Concerning music. — Tranquillity of the mind. — Superstition; or, indiscreet de- votion. — Apophthegms ; or, remarkable say- ings of kings and great commanders. — Rules for the preservation of health.— How a man may receive advantage and profit from his enemies. — Consolation to Apollonius. — Con- cerning the virtues of women. — Hearing. — Large acquaintance ; or, an essay to prove the folly of seeking many friends.— Concerning the fortune or virtue of Alexander the great. v. 2. Eanquet of the seven wise men. — How a young man ought to hear poems.— Envy and hatred —How to know a flatterer from a friend. — That it is not possible to live pleasurably ac- cording to the doctrine of Epicurus. — Roman questions. — Greek questions. — The love of wealth. — How a man may inoffensively praise himself without being liable to envy. — Concern- ing the procreation of the soul, as discoursed in Timaeus.— A philosopher ought chiefly to con- verse with great men. — Discourse concerning Socrates's Daemon.— Curiosity ; or, an over- busy inquisitiveness into things impertinent.— How a man may be sensible of his progress in virtue.— Fortune.— Virtue and vice.— Conjugal precepts. v. 3. Whether 'twere rightly said, live con- cealed. — Abstract of a comparison betwixt Aristophanes and Menander. — Banishment ; or, flying one's country. — Brotherly love.— Where- fore the Pythian priestess now ceases to deliver her oracles in verse.— Those sentiments con- cerning nature with which philosophers were delighted.— Breviate of a discourse showing that the stoics speak greater improbabilities than the poets. — Symposiacs.— Moral virtue. — Natural questions. v. 4. Why the oracles cease to give answers. — Isis and Osiris; or, the ancient religion and philosophy of Egypt.— Concerning 6uch whom God is slow to punish. — Natural affection towards one's offspring. — Concerning the for- tune of the Romans.— Garrulity, or talkative- ness. — Love. — Five tragical histories of love. — Discourse to an unlearned prince. — Herod otus's malice. — Common conceptions against the stoics. —Contradictions of the stoics. —The word ei engraven over the gate of Apollo's tem- ple at Delphi. — Whether vice is sufficient to render a man unhappy. - Whether tin- p.issions of the soul or disease of the body are worse. v. 5. Eating of flesh.— Lives of the ten ora- tors.— Whether an aged man ought to meddle in Stat) pit hi . Politii --I prei epts U hich arc the most crafty, watrr animals or those crea- 8888- tures that breed upon the land ?— That brute beasts make use of reason. — The face appear- ing within the orb of the moon. — Fate. — Con- cerning the first principle of cold. — Whether water or fire be most useful.— Against Colotes, the disciple and favorite of Epicurus.— Plu- tarch's consolatory letter to his wife. — Three sorts of government: monarchy, democracy and oligarchy. — Whether the Athenians were more renowned for their warlike achievements or their learning. — Against running in debt, or taking up money upon usury. — Platonic ques- tions. — Parallels ; or, a comparison between the Greek and Roman histories. — Names of rivers and mountains and of such things as are to he found therein. — Index. — Trench, K. C. Plutarch, hislife, his par- allel lives ami his morals: five lectures. I.., 1S74. 16° S888-8 — Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biograph- ical sketches, pp. 275-304 3*$E5 — Stephens, J. F. J. Essays pp. 2S0-292. S50E1 — Wood, \\\, ed. Hundred greatest men. .pp. 2S2-2S4 410-975 I'm NKETT, Mrs. II. M. Women, plumbers and doctors; or, house sanitation. N. V., 1S85. 12° 62S-6 Plurality of worlds. Whewell, W. . . . 52313-9 Purrs. Aristophanes. Comedies. v. 2. pp. 681-745 _ 8824-4 PLYMOUTH. Banvard, J. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 1866 9824S-2 — Goodwin, J. A. Pilgrim republic: an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth. 188S '. . . . 9S248-4 — Martyn, W. C. Pilgrim fathers of New England. 1S67 9S2-6 — Drake, S. A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast, pp. 261-303. . . 474~3 — Whiting, M. II. Faith White's letter- book. [A story] 941A2 — See a /so Pilgrims. New England. PNEUMA 1 ICS. Baker, T. Principles and practice of statics and dynamics. 1S5 1 . 531-13 — Lardner, D. Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics, 1 S3 1 532—5 — Pepper, J. II. Pneumatics 546-7 Pneumatics: embracing the air-pump and the diving bell. n. d 533~6 — Tomlinson, C. Pneumatics. 1866. . . 533-S Same. "1866. Bound with Main, K. Rudimentary astronomy 520-61 Pepper, J. II. Cyclopaedic science sim- plified. L., ed. pp. 44S 472. Phila., ed. pp. 473-515 504-7 — Thomas, J. J. l-'ann implements; with an elementary treatise on mechanics. pp. 213-234 6308-8 — See a/so Mechanics. Physics. Pom her. Marryatt, Capt Frederick. Pocahontas, daughter of the Indian chief Powhatan s d. 1617. Banvard, J. Ro- mance ol American history 974-22 roc VHON I VS. — 1011 — l'OF/1 I", Pi ii v ■ i ■ . - . i \ , continued. — Eggleston, E. and Seelye, I- (E.) Poca- I t.i 71' 1B2 Ni Mi, I ■ . 1 1. Pocahontas and Itci panions 7 i"i ; ; Barnes, C. M.S. Plays, prose and poetry. pp 1 45 70 1 1 L pr i . . . . 818-2 Blakemoi e, B. C. Histoi young folks, pp 1 s 26 9; B 1 . E. S, i [istorii gii 1 1. pp. J" s ' 225. |i • 2 1 — Fifty famous women, pp. 158 168. 113—41 I [ale, S. J, (Ii.) I .essons from h 1 ■ ■ PP. I 1 15 1U 17 P01 Hi 1 . Leon. Stea jei ioi , iheii the- ory mil 1 use, \. \ .. 1877. .• 1 • • • • 021 18 6 PoCKET-1 1. 1 'l 11 ri ni f mla and memoi - aml.i foi 1 ngineei s. Moleswoi ih, ( ). I .. - Pi II KE 1 mi .1 .inc. Allien, Mi F. I, M | 1 Pans] , /••• iij.) 714 V85 P01 KNELL, I dward. Legible ihorthand. 1., 11. d. 12° 655-78 I' .1 . E ., ../. Arnold, I lios., ami oth- ei . History of Rome. ,j 1. I ... 1S52- l8S3- « 9'9 75 Contents. — v. 1. Roman 1 Ms nil the time of Sylla, v. 2. Roman empire, fi i 1 I ilius ( .< ..u to that of Vitellius. v j, Roman empire, from the timi ol \ tern empire, Pocot ke, Richard, /•.'., .1 17115. St. John. J. A. Lives "f cele- brated travelers, v. 2. pp. 102-125. • 4'59 7 s Podmore, Prank, joint author. Gurnt Myei . 1. W. H. and Podmore, F. Phan- tasms of the living. 2 v '74-4 Poe, Edgar Allan, Am. author, b. 1M09-./. 1849. Works. 4 v. .\. \ ., 1859. 1 Same, 1867 818-7 Contents.— \. 1. Edgar Allan Poe, by J. is. Russell Lowell. Death I V Poe, by N, P. Willis. — Memoir of the a iries. v. 2. The poetic principle and poems, v. 3. Piographical sketches and critii v. 4. Narrative of A. Gordon l'yni and mis- cellanies. — Poems; with an original memoir. \. Y., 1869. 24 740C4 — Prose talcs. N. V., 1867. 12°. Contents - Adventures of one Hans Pfaall. — Gold bag. — Balloon hoax Von Item] Ion and his dis, overy. — Mesmeric revelation.— Facts in the ca >i i of M Valdemar. — The thousand and second talc of Schchera/adc.— Mss. found in a bottle. — I'cscent into the maelstrom — Murders intheRu, V ic Rogct.— Purloined letter. — Black cat. — Fall of the House of Usher. — Pit and the pendulum.— Premature burial Masque of the Red death. — Cask of Amontillado. — Imp of the Pen > tnd of the Fay. — Oral portrait — Assignation. — Tell- t.iK- heart Domain of Arnheim. — Landor's cottage, a pendant to the domain of Arnheim. — William Wilson. — Bcrnice. — Elconora. — I.igcia. — Morel la.— Mcucngcrslein. POE, Edgai All. in, confinu, I , W. F. I ifi 1 I dgai Ulan Poe. . 740B5 1 Edgar Allen 1 norial v olume 7 . . 1 • 1 \ll.11, Poe. . . . 7 ; Whitman, S. H. EdgarPoeandl tics. 7. — Wo '.III B nib 1 ,S. M, I it' '.'• H hotl .thill. Re\ iew • ' 1 1 c r ' I""' "1 in, G 1 int. I galli 4'8-43« old, 1 1. T. 1 1 c lifi tl au- 418-45 Ingram, I. II. Edgai Allan Poe. /« Atlas essays No. 2. pp. 127-154. . . 41s 14 Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 140-151 804-56 Powell, T. Living authors of America, scr. I. pp. 108 lit 804-68' — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 157 164. 410-934 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 225-272 812-8 — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of earlier nan authors, pp. 240-278. . . . 418-94 Wilson, J. G. Bryant and liis friends. 134-3 1" 41 s '' - ' — Wise, 1). Vanquished victors, pp. I • l °-97 Poems and parodies. Cary, Phoebe. . . . 207C7 Poems for children. Thaxter, Celia. . . . S83C2 from the inner life. Doten, Lizzie. . Poems child] B ing, I . (B.) . 1S6C7 Poems of faith, hope and love. Cary, Phoebe. 207C8 Poems of home and travel. Taylor, Bayard. 876! 4 Poems of life. Chadwick, S 21 PoEMSoflife and nature. Hudson, Mary (Clemmer) 232' '5 POEMS of passion. Wilcox, Ella (Wheeler). 9421 4 POEMS ol progress. Doten, Lizzie 292C6 Poems of the plains and songs of the si .nude. Peacock, T. B "i the v, ar. Boker, 1 i. II '7'C5 us, the young Carthaginian. Plautus. Comedies, v. 2. pp. 351-41S. . . . S723-7 P01 1 and other poems. Sprague, A. W. . 8471 1 i kfast-table. Holmes, O. W. 4S3E6 PoET-toilers in many fields. Watson, R. A 410-962 !n.« arraignment. Jonson, 15. Works, pp. 205-235 Pi IETICAL dramas for home and school. Cobb, Mary 1 7S5-36 POETRY: Sub-divisions: 1. History, theory, criticism and essays. 2. collections, general. 3. Miscellaneous. 4. Religious. 5. Humorous. 6. Juvenile'. 7. Amer- ican. S. English. 9. German. 10. Hungarian. II. Irish. 12. Italian. 13. Oriental. 14. Scottish. POETRY. POETRY. Poetry, continued. i. Hi i , criticism and essays. — Bain, A. On teaching English 1 17—16 — Browning, E. (B.) Essays on the Greek Christian poets ami the English poets. . 186C4 — Burroughs. J. Birds and poets; with other papers 196E3 — Cooke, G. W. Poets and problems. . . 804 32 — Corson, H. Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry 189C2 — Courthope, W. J. Liberal movement in English literature S204-3 — De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets. . . 284E4S — Devev, L Comparative estimate "I modern English poets 821-3 — Dobson, W. T. Classic poets S021-3 — Dryden, J. Parallel between poetry and painting. [Being the preface in Fresney, C. A. du. Art of painting] 7°4-/5 — Hood, T. Rhymester; or, the rules of rhyme 1 166-4 — Howells, W. D. Modem Italian poets. S501-37 — Lanier, S. Science of English verse. . . 821-5 — : Lessing, G. L. La n 701-58 Ma son, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and other essays 804-59 — Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English metre. S21-6 — Raymond, G. L. Poetry as a representa- tive art S031-7 — Reed, H. Lectures un the British poets. 821-78 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry S031-8 Studie in poe ry and philosophy. . . . S19E4 — Smith, G. II. Poets and novelists : a series of literal y studies S04-S — Suggestions toward the mechanical art of verse. Bound with Bride of the icono- 183C3 1 11 11 v of English poetry in. in 1 In nth to the 17th century. . . . 821-9 Bryant, W. C. Prose willing-., v. 1. PP- 3-92 189] 3 Bum e, O. B. Bachelor Bluff: his opin- and disputations, pp. ■' 193E5 — Burroughs, J. Pepacton. pp. oi 1 ;o. iets I'li'l ' 1 R. W. Essays, ser. 2. pp. 3«8E4 Lei 1 aims. pp. to 17. try and imagination, pp. 211-238. 3 1 8E6 — Fuller, •- M. Literatui e and art. pt. 1. M idem Britisl poets, pt. 2. 1 ■ 1 . Poets oi Mi' pi ople. . . . 400E6 : . \Y. \Yi id in -I 1 ,1 . hi . pp. S.5539-2 II. Recolli tioi 'i bifsy life, pp. 1 136B2 Poetry, continued. — Guizot, F. P. G. Corneille and his times'. pp. 21-110. Toetry in France before the time of Corneille 247112 — Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 2. pp. 436-453 174-48 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 9. pp. 193-208 603-4 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 1. pp. 89-120. Thoughts on poetry and its varieties 633E3 — Owens college, Manchester. Essays and addresses by professors and lecturers of the Owens college, pp. 379-421. Pro- vencal poetry in old and modern times. 709E5 — Smith, A. Essays, pp. 468-473. . . . 142-8 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. pt. 2. Revival of learning, pp. 447- 507. [Latin poetry.] 94506-7 — Torrey, |. Theory of line art. pp. 249- 265 701-90 — Turner, S. History of the Anglo-Saxons. v. 3- PP- 575-5S3 931-85 — Vindication of the genuineness of the an- cient British poems of Aneurin, Taliesin, Llywarch hen and Merdhin. In Turner, S. History of the Anglo-Saxons, v. 3. pp. 44S-574 93«-S5 — Wilson, J. Recreations of Christopher North. pp. 72-91. An hour's talk about poetry 955E2 — See also Ballads. Literature. Quotations. Readers and speakers. Troubadours. For poems by individual authors see the names of the authors. 2. Collections^ general. — Dana, C. A., ed. Household book of poetry 809-35 — Emerson, R. W., ed. Parnassus 809-4 — Foster, E., ed. New cyclopedia of poet- ical illustrations 809-43 — Gould, S. Baring-, ed. Silver store. . . 8093-4 — Holland, J. G.,ed. Illustrated library of favorite song 809-5 — Hunt, N. C, ed. Poetry of other lands. 8093-45 - Kendrick, A.C.,ed. Our poetical favor- ites S09-54 — Little classics: minor poems S09-53 — . - : poems lyrical 809-52 : poems narrative S09-51 Longfellow, 11. \Y.,,>f song the American pn ., ind othi 1 poems re- lating to the an ui printing S0956-6 - Poemsof placi Longfi How, II. W., ed. I 1 >i tor, K. \V., , /. ' ! hi 'in-Ill and flow ei - "I tain y 7 101 8 — Ralston, W. R. S. S.m.;s of the Russian people 8917-8 Sea ami shore: a collection ol poems. . . 80959-7 — Ward, A. 1., ed. Surl an. I wave; the sea a, sung oets 80959-9 ■/• R .. — Borthwick, J, !>., ed. Harp •>! Canaan; or, selections in lie poel on Bible historical incidents 2451-24 — Changed cross and other religious poems. 2451 28 — Child, F. J., ed. Poems of religious sor- row, etc 245'-J — Ksu-s, D., ed. Light at eventide. . . . 2451 5 Gilfillan, i .. Bards of the Bible. ... — Massie R. and others, eds. Religious poems 2451 11 Shiras, \. < In istian festivals : a help to devout observance ol the sacred seas-ins of the church 2453-8 .V t 1 1 j inn.'!, igj . Hymns. Humorous. — Jones, C. II.. ed. \ ers Book 'if juvenile poetry. . . I 1 ' 1 . 1 < 'I ■ ■ i"i 1 hildhood 1 1 - 1 rilman, 1'. and Jervey, C. II and poems 305A25 II... ies 8099-4 — Kirkland, I '.. M., ,./. ( ;. he young 80 — Lamb, C. <;//./ M. 11 children. . S099-5 1 well, Mrs. A.< "., ed. I I ildren. S<. 1 Mc keevcr. II. B., ed. Children with the poets 8099-58 Morrison, M. J., r,l. Songs and rhymi for little ones S099-62 — Patmore, <'. K. I'., ed. The child garland from the best poets S099-7 Sewell, Mi . M., d. Ballads for children. 8099-8 — Village school and other poem, foi ) 1 pie 8099-9 — Whitmarsh, C. S., II moth- ers and children ,s - Whittier, J. (,. ,-,/. Child-life; ac tion of poems 8099-95 7. American. •» — Browne, 1 . 1.. ,;'. Bugle echoes: a col- .n of poems of the civil war. . . . 80913-2 — Griswold, R. W. Female poets a. 8091-4 Poets and ; America S< 1 thews, J. B., ed. Poems of American patriotism S0913-5 M Lyrics of loyalty. . . . 80913-6 Personal and political ballads S0913-61 Selections from the poetical literal the West, (inn., 1S41. 12° S091-36 — Howe, II. Adventures and achievements of Americans. 111x653-720. Collection of American poetry 412 55 S. J — Bell, R.. ed. Songs from the dramatists. So — Bellew, J. C. M., •'. I . er. . . 8092-16 iell, 1.. Specimens of the Brit- ish poets s — English songs, from 16th to 191I1 century. S092-3 — Karrar, F. \\ .. ed. With the poets. . . 809; — Fields, J. T. .in.! Whipple. E. I'.. Family library of British poetry. . . . S092-37 — Halleck, Fitz-Greene, ed. Selections from the liritish poets S092-45 POETRY. — 1014 POLARISATION. Poetry, continued. — Hazlitt, W. C.,ed. Early popular poetry of England S211-4 — Hunt, Li, ed. Selections from the Eng- lish poets 82 1-46 — Linton, \V. J., ed. Rate poems 8092-49 — and Stoddard, R. H., ids. English verse. 5 v 8092-52 — Mackay, C, ed. The cavalier songs and ballads of England, 1642-84. ...... 8092-6 Thousand and one gems of English poetry 8092-62 — Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English poetry S211-7 — Richardson, A. S., ed. Songs from the old dramatists .' . S092-79 Stories from old English poetry. . . . 821S-7 — Rowton, F., ed. female poets of Great Britain S092-75 — Ward, T. II., ed. The English poets. 4 v. S092-9 g. German. — Baskerville, A., ed. Poetry of Germany. 8319-1 — Brooks, C. T., /;■. German lyric poetry. 8319-31 10. Hungarian. — Loew, \V. N. Gems from Petoli and oth- er Hungarian poets 8941-5 //. Irish. — Ballad poetry of Ireland 80922-2 — Songs of Ireland and other lands. . . . 80922-7 i2. Italian. — Busk, R. 11. andPhre, G. Folk-songs of Italy 3845-7 jj. Oriental. — Alger, \V. K. Poetry of the Orient. . S911-2 — LyaTl, C. J., Ir. Translations of ancient Arabian poetry, chiefly Pi.u-Islamic. . . S927-5 — Deutsch, E. Literary remains, pp. 449- 465. Arabic poetry 204-25 14. Scottish. Rogers, ('., ed. Scottish minstrel: the gs of Scotland subsequent to Burns; with memoirs of the poets S0921-7 — Scotia's hards 80921-75 Pre cott, YY. H. Biographical aad critical miscellanies. pp. 56S-595. Scottish song 744^5 Poetry of architecture. Ruskin, J 720-75 Po.i 11 \ ol .1 tronomy. Proctor, K. A. . . 5204-75 Pot 11 ■ . ol science. Hunt, R. . 501-48 , of tin- vegetable world. Schleiden, M. J 5804-7 Pol r's bazaar: pictures ol travel in ' 'er- many, Italy, Greece and the Orient. Andei en, II. <' 440-11 Poj 1 's birds. Robin on, P 807 7 I'D 1 corner, Bellew, J. C. M 8092-16 I'm 1 ign. Sanboi n, 1 . bS. In Alcott, A. 1!. 1 1 1. 317B1 Poganuc people. Stowe, Mrs. H. (B.) POINT of honor. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Poinsett, Joel Roberts. Parry, B. F. Rem- iniscences of public men. pp. 246-250. 412-75 POINT lace and diamonds : poems. Baker, G. A.j'r 133C1 I '< 1 1 n 1 of view. James, 11., Jr. In Siege of London, etc. Poison of asps. Lean, Mrs. Florence (Mar- ryatt). POISON problem. Oswald, Felix L 198-71 POISON tree: a tale of Hindu life in Bengal, by Chatterjee Bankim Chandra: tr. by M. S. Knight, with a preface by E. Ar- nold. L., 1884. 12°. Poisons. Murray, R., ed. Modern house- holder, pp. 654-660 640-7 — Naquet, A. Legal chemistry, pp. 163- 185. Bibliography 543~4S Poitiers, Battle of, 1356. Adams. W. II. D. Battle -lories, pp. 64-76 9208-13 — Low, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 16-25 '• 93°8~4 Poker. Proctor, R. A. Chance and luck. pp. 226-246 519—7 POLAND. Hay, W. A. Russian govern- ment in Poland ; with a narrative of the Polish insurrection of 1S63. 1867. . . 9479-3 — Fletcher, J. History of Poland. 1S54. 9427-4 — History of Poland. L., 1831. 16 . . . 9427-3 — Hutchinson, A. II. Try Cracow and the Carpathians, n. d 4438-55 — Stixton, L. C. Fall of Poland ; with a history of the country from its origin. [1850.] 9427-7 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays. pp. 52-63 115E1 — Clark, I). \V. Historical sketches, pp. 212-2S4. History of Poland 920S-25 True tales for the spare hour. pp. 377— 39° 9°3" 22 — Oresko, E. Poland. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 424-445. 396-S5 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Greece, etc. v. 2 4409-7 — Tilley, II. A. Eastern Europe and west- ern Asia. pp. 145-194 4409-8 — Porter, J. Thaddeus of Warsaw: a ro- mance. — Sadlier, Mrs. J. The knout : a romance. POLAK regions. See Antarctic. Arctic. "POLARIS," The. Blake, E. V., ed. Arctic experiences 498-16 Mo I. ham, A. II. Whaling cruise to Baf- fin's hay and the Gulf of Boothia: and an account of the rescue of the crew of the "Polaris." 498-623 — Recent polar voyages, pp. 545-593. . • 498-7S Polarisation of light. Spottiswoode, \V. 5355-7 POLE. 1015 - !■(»! I I !' Pole, Reginald, Eng, cardinal, i. 1500 ... 155s. Lee, F. < .. Reginald Pole, dinal archbi ho] of I interbui y. . . . 741B1 I lodge, !•'. Portrail of illustriott 1 ' M Ireal Britain v. 1 pp • , ; 163. 1 1 1 65 Pole, Wm., Eng. author, />. 1814. rheorj of the mode intifii gam hist, to h In. li 1 added the law ■ and 1 ule ol u In 1, from the Portland club code. V V., 1879. 12 788-6 — Explanation "f the diagrams of the mu- sical scale and its compo 1 :n In < luseley, I . A. G. Treatisi on har- mony 7717 6 Pol 1 11 impti in, II. in f S. Bai tlett, 1 '. W. Heroes ..1 the Indian rebellion. pp. IOO- 1 10 954 1 ; Police. Mai tland, F. W. Justice and police, 15442-7 — I'hitliii^, \\". Speechi ,eti pp. p., , ■ ;. 815 7 I'm [SHING. French polishing, by a practical man (,.,S ( - Politicai adventures of Lord Beacon field. N . \ ., 11. d. 16 288B75 Political and legal remedies foi war. Amos, Sheldon !4'3-2 Political conspiracies preceding the rebel- lion. Anderson, T. M 9784 i| POLITICAL crime: the history Of the fraud. 1 libson, A. M 981 Poli 1 ical ec nj . About, I Hand- book "l social economy. 1863 Andrew 5, S. P. 1 :ost the limit of price. 1S54. [Science of society. No. 2.] . . 304-15 — Hagehot, \Y. Kconomic studies. 1880. 5304 18 Postulates ol English political economy. '88s 330-18 — Bastiat, F, Harmonies of political econ- omy . n. .1 330-2 — Blanqui, J. A. History of political ei on oiny in Europe. 1880 1 — Holies, A. S. Chapters in political omy. 1S74 330-22 — Bourne, S. Trade, population and food. |SS " 3304-2 Bowen, F. American political econ including strictures on the management of the currency and the finances since 1861. 1874 330-24 — Bowker, R. R. Economics for the peo- ple. 18S6 330-25 Of work and wealth. 1883 330-251 — Cairnes, J. E. Character and log method of political economy. 1S75. . 330-27 Essays in political economy. 1873. ■ • 33°4-25 Some leading principles of political economy newly expounded. 1S74. . . — Carey. II. C. The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing and commer- dal - ,88 3 3353-25 Polii mlinu d. 1 1 hamplin, |. 1 L. 1874 < hapin, \ . I I 1881 Wealth of hi 1 ii 1 luincey, T. 1 I pol • • t« i F., C. W. I • Iiool child .11,11. Manual of politii my. 1883 — Ores,.. W. R. 1 1875. . . ■; i M v political economy. 1882 33°-4 Jamieson, R, Political eci my. 1880. 330-5 fevon W. S. Politii '1 ei onomy. 1879. 330-51 — Laughlin, J. L. Si udy of polil omy. 1885 330-53 — List, F. system <■( political omy. 1856 330-55 Mi 1 ulloch. J. R. 1 litical nomy ; will and e. n. d 330-6 — McKeart, K.,.,/. Manual of social science: being a condensation of the Principles of social science, ofH. C. Carey. 1 ^74- 3°'-353 Mai I I, II. D. I for begin- ners. 1S86 330-61 Elements of economics. 2 v. 1881. . 330-62 — Mas, ui, A. B. and Lalor, J. J. Political my. 1887 33°7-6 — Mill, J. S. Principles of political , omy. n. t. p 330-66 — Mulhall, M. G. History of prices since the year 1850. 1SS5 3 (4 5 — Newcomb, S. Principli litical economy-. 1S86 33°-7 — Perry, A. L. Elements of political omy. 1S78 3jO-74 Introduction to political economy. 1877. 330-75 — Rogers. J. I'.. T. Manual of political economy. 1S69 330-/8 Social economy. 1885 330-79 her, W. Principles of political omy. 2 v. 1S7S 330-8 — Ruskin, J. Munera pulveris: six 1 on the elements of political economy. 1^72 3304-7 "Unto this last": four essays on the first principles of political economy. 1 - 3304-7« Same. Bout Ethics of the dust. 7 - — Say, J. B. Treatise on political economy. POLITICAL. 1016 — POLITICS. Political economy, continued. — Smith, A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 186S. 330-85 — Smith, E. P. Manual of political econo- my- 1873 330-S6 — Steele, G. M. Outline study of political economy. 1886 330-88 — Sumner, W. ( i. Problems in political economy. 1884 3307-7 What social classes owe to each other. [ ,88 3] 3304-8 — Taylor, J. American political philosophy. l88 J 33 4-85 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and na- tional economy. 1S75 330-0 — Walker, A. Science of wealth. 1869.. 330-94 — Walker, F. A. Political economy. 1SS3. 330-95 — Wallace, A. R. Bad times. 1885. . . . 3304-9 — Wayland, F. Political economy. 1870. 330-96 — Wells, D. A. Practical economics. 18S5. 3304-92 — Aristotle. Politics and economics, pp. 287-325 308-2 — Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. PP- 33-125 I7gE i — Brown, T. E. Studies in modern social- ism, pp. 234-237 338-2 — De Quincey, T. Memorials and other papers, v. 2. pp. 255-346. Templars' dialogues on political economy 2S4E47 — Franklin, B. Works, v. 2 818-4 — Froude, J. A. Historical and other sketches, pp. 256-261. Political econ- omy of the 18th century 383E1 — Stephen, L. History of English thought in the 18th century, v. 2 1621-8 — Stewart, D. Collected works, v. 8-9. . 162-87 — See also Sociology. Also Banks and bank- ing. Finance. Free trade and pro- tection. Labor ami capital. Land. Money. Poor. Population. Prices. Socialism. P0LITICA1 e in) of art. Ruskin, J. . . 704-8 Political ethics, Manual of. Lieber, F». 192-5 Political fallacies. Junkin, Rev. Geo. . . 97S3-48 Political manual. Hiatt, Jas. M 329-45 Political mission to Afghanistan in 1857. Bellow, II. W 4552-2 Political recollections. Julian, G. W. . . 520B8 Politii \i Romanism ; or, tin- secular policy oi the Papal church. Hughey, G. \V. 2S29-45 P01 He m ongs and squibs. Hook, T. E. ■■' ' pp. 1 i i 206. 827-62 Polii [i u peei lies in Scotland. ( Had tone, W. E 825 _ 45 Political ti 1 1 1. i.,i 1860: ed. by II. ' • and I. I 1 [, , ! .ml 329-4 Politician, The. Heygate, \V. E. 1 ties 'ung men and women, v. 2 (.69 {2 ■ at. Aid. -ii. |. Si I III. 1866 320-12 Politics and government, continued. — Amos, S. Science of politics. 1883. . . 320-15 — Andrews, S. P. True constitution of gov- ernment. [Science of society. No. I.] 304-15 — Aristotle. Politics 320-17 Politics and economics 30S-2 — Bluntschli, J. K. The theory of the State. 18S5 320-2 — Buckalew, C. R. Proportional represen- tation. 1872 3242-2 — Chalmers,M.D. Local government. 1S83. 352-3 — Coan, T. M., ed. Social problems. 1SS3. 304-28 — Crane, W. W. and Moses, B. Politics: an introduction to the study of compara- tive constitutional law. 1884 320-25 — Duganne, A. J. II. History of govern- ments : showing the progress of civil society, i860 320-34 — Farrcr, T. II. State in its relation to trade. 1883 330-35 — Fawcett, II. and M. G. Essays and lect- ures on social and political subjects. 1872. 304-36 — Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics. lS 74 3 2 o-4 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of the origin of representative government in Europe. 1861 3204-4 — Helps, A. Thoughts upon government. 1872 320-45 — Ilildreth, R. Theory of politics: an in- quiry into the foundations of govern- ments and the causes and progress of political revolutions. 1854 320-47 — Hurlbut, E. P. I says on human rights and their political guaranties. 1852. . 320-49 — Kingsbury, 11. Law and government. 1849 2577-47 - Lieber, F. Civil liberty and self-govern- ment. 1S74 321S-5 Manual of political ethics. 1S75. . . 192-5 — McLennan, J. V. Patriarchal theory. 1885. 321 1-6 -Maine, U.S. Popular government. 1SS0. 3218-6 Mill, J. S. Considerations on representa- tive government. 1S62 321S-63 - On liberty. 1868 320-65 — Nash, S. Morality and the state. 1.S59. 192-7 — Paine, T. Political works. 1878.. . . 308-7 Porter, K. S. Local government at home and abroad. [1S79. | 35 2 ~7 — Progress of nations. 1861 901-65 Raleigh, T. Elementarj politics, 1886. 320-7 Riddle, A. G. Law students and lawyei . the philosophy of political pari ies, etc. 1873 3404-7 our. I V Monan h) and democ- racy. 1880 320 8 Spencer, II. Man versus the State. 1884. 320 84 Stephen, J. F, I ibei ty, equalil v. fra- ty. 1873 3-'" s ~ •OLITICS. 1017 POI Politics a lent, continued. Stern, S, Repn nmenl and pi 1. 1871. . . I 1 .1 ill, II. D. Central g \ ■ 1 .1 M 1 , I. Worl it. 4-5 Bnrtol, C. \ i 1 ■" 'ii Brow n ion, O, A. W [8. pp, $02-519. Reviev 1 Calhoun, L C. Works, v. 1 Emerson, R. W. 1 191 -'I ' Goethe, J. W. Wisdom of Goethe. |i|>. 95 '"" I leen n, A. H. L. Hist 1 ks. . . 906 1 I lolland, J. G. Ei ip ser. '• PP- 148 359 ley, I . K. Roman imperialism, pp. 306-335. Te 11 hing of politics. Speni er, II. Esi ays", pp. t6 ; 209. . 304 78 .S 1 also Church and tate. 1 in im e. La- bor and capital. 1 aw. Political ei 1 >n omj \ rious countries. Politics and Wright, E P 11*1 1, Vngi lo, .' '. ■ .-. '/. 1 1 [494. S) ids, J. A. Sketches and studie i in :oul hei n 1 1 ie. \ . 1 . pp. 159 177. 1 1 1 Poliziairo 145 86 Polk, Jos. Knox, nth president of the United 1 1 1 I . Court circles .it the republic, pp. 4«o ! Frost, J. Presidenl ol I ; |67 3" s 112-43 Polk, Leon idas, /'. /■'. p • "ate general, b. 1806 d. 1864. Poll ird, E. A. • i 7-600. . 41 Pi n 1 , .i/j>. Sarah (< hildres 1 r as. A'. Poll; b. 1803. Hollov. f, L. C. 1 adies of the White House, p] 1.1239-4 1 llet, E. !■'. Queens ol Vi PP- 2 '3 -3 41 ' M' 1 llure, V, K. Tin- South, pp. ■ 246 984-6 Polko, Eli e (Vogel),G rfiym writer, b. 1823. Musical sketches : tr. by 1 H.. 1863. 16 77l 7 Reminiscenci Felix Mendelssohn- Uartl1.1l.lv, .1 social and artistic biogra- .1 lj \\ .ill. 1. e ; with addi- tional letters addressed t.> English indents. V Y., [869. 10°. . . . 624B6 P01 1 \ki>, II . Journalist, /•. Earl} life, gns and public sei \ ices ol Robei 1 I . 1 with 11 record of the campaigns and he- roii deeds of his companions in arms. V v., 1S71. 8° IU25 5 . t 1 1 1 * tew- Forn 1 grudi I I of the war of the Confederates, X. Y.. 1 Lo gained. \. Y., 1868. 12 inia tout ., 1870. 12'. . . .(755 7 11, Eli/a I'. II 1. \. Y.. 1872. 8°. Pi 1] 1 U'!.. Josephine. Our ' nt: when, where, and how he ! syllable. ) \. Y., n. d. 8° ' ; Pollen, John II Cord. Ancient and modern furniture ami v. ■ ■ \. V., 1876. 12 Land laws. L.,i '2° Pollock, Walter Ilerries. Action to the word. In Norman, II.. ed. Broken shaft, pp. 1 16-131. Pollok, Rob ftime: apoem withan enlai in.lev. a men the author, an in- troductory notice and an analysis pre- ich book. ! 70. 16 . I lana, R. II. Poen v. -'. pp. J44 37"- Review Poij , M. . . . I'm 11, Marco, Italian tr, Travels of Man e Venetian : tr. of Marsdi m of his nol ;ht. I ... 1 Knox, r. \Y. rravels of Mai Murray. H., ed. Travels ol ;<>-69 ■ To« Ie, G. M. Mat liis travels and adventures 741B2 ms, \\ . 1 1. 1 1. PP- ' : ! t, T. Half-hours with the plore Irich, 1 ■'. B. Man upon the sea. pp. 1 1 . — Hale. II S idventure. POLO. TOlS POMEROY. Polo, Marco, continued. — Letter, C. E. and Foster, A. Life and voyages of Americus Vespucius. pp. 337-3 6 S '"5 I; - — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers ofVer pp. 141-165 9453-66 — St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated ellers. v. I. pp. 30-69 4159-78 — Taylor, B., cd. Central Asia. pp. 10- 42. Marco Polo in Central Asia. . . . 455-S — Verne, J. Exploration of the world : fa- mous navels and travellers, pp. 43-76. 436-0 POLONIUS: a collection of wise saws and modern insl ice Fitzgerald, E. . . . 807 ; v v Polwhele, Rev. Richard. Redding, 1".. Persona] reminiscences of eminent men. v. I. pp. 176-200 411 Sj Pi <\.\ nits, Greek historian, b. about 204 />'. C- d. about 122. General historj : tr. by J. Hampton. 2 v. Oxford, 1823. S J . . 88S5-4 Polycarp, saint and martyr, bishop of Smyr- na, b. about "i-i/. about 155. Epistle to the Philippians. In Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library, v. 1. pp. 65-77 2813—13 — Holland. 11. S. Apostolic fathers, pp. 177-199 2S12-45 — Yonge, C. M. Pupils of St. John the di- vine, pp. 179-200 2701-98 POLYCRATES. Cox, G. W. ('.reek states- men, v. I. pp. 72-81 4102-3 \my. Hume, I). Essays, pp. 107- 113. Polygamy and divorces t'.il 2 — See also Marriage. Mohammedanism. \I111 monism. Also Descriptions of coun- tries where polygamj is practiced. Polyglot of foreign proverbs. Bohn, II. '•■■/■ 3819-3 Polynesia. Sub . t. Hi tor) . 2. Travel. 3. Missiot /. Histoi ■ — Fornander, A. An an mint of the Poly- nesian rave, its origin and migrations. 2 v. 1S7S 80 9996 4 — Russell, M. Polynesia; or, an historical account "f the principal islands in the South sea, includ nd. 1855. 996 75 2. Troy, 1 II. 'I'. I lie lat I '-ild of the Pacific. 1851 4969-29 Vlert," 1878 ■ 1883 1.376 ; — Cummin] 1 I 1 ■ \ lady's crui >e in a I 11 in li man of w ar. 2 v . 1NS2. ... p.' 1 I li imett, A. Ri Il .iinl \ In. 1 : .1 South I ream ... • 1 1 1 ■ VV. W. fott from Ihi I' too 1 '■ 1 . 6 1.96-4 1 Pol's ESIA, continued. Myths and songs of the South Pacific. i' s 7ceanica. Also Hawaiian islands. . heme. per, M.S. Coral 1 1 . v. 2. pp. 360-370 |oo 3 Pom tR, Medina, count Ac The honeymoon 1 remembrance ol 1 bridal tout through ■ ' I iii'l. 2 v. Phila., 1S74. 12°. 1' in \M\. Milman, K. Mitslav; or. the conversion of Pomerania ~1\.\ 6 I fill, ( .. s. A ipei ts 1 i 1 mi man culture. pp.80 86. Pomeranian watering place. 451E1 Pom Re \ Benjamin, I teadley, J. T. Chaplain and clei gj of 1 lie rei olulion. PI 14' 146 4' '' Is '( i.M KROY POO! P r, M -i i!K, (Brick I'on Am. journalist, />. i rented) foi the blui for peopli V \ ., i 1 3 8 i 7 7 5 < iold dusl ; foi thi I fir ol livi and home . N. Y., 1871. 1 2°. ... 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 hai nil a cullcclion ol ' nighl reflei 1 ion Ibi I N . \ ., [876. 12° Hen ;e ; or, Sal imlaj nighl mil ng and il ghtful papei ;. N. Y., 1 s 7 5 . 12'. , 1 1 Pi im 1 I . Francoi . Anne, / uit, />. 1619 •' 1673. Pantl im by A. Tooke. ["ooke, \., tr. Pompeii. Adams, W. II. D. Bui ied 1 "i I ampani i, 1869 i< Clark, II. II. Losl in Pompeii. 188 ; Dyer, I. II. Pompeii; its history, build- ings and antiquities, 1S70 4°59~3 Monnier, \l. Wondersol Pompeii. 18; \. 4059-6 Rolfe, E. N. Pompeii, practical and popular. 1888 Dickens, I d. Sunshim pp. 12N 137. Citj of sudden death. . 604 ; Foster, I . Fo 1- pp. 512 Ko ii « of Gell md ly' Pompeii. . 377E7 Knox, I . \\ . I in underg I ■■ PP- '57 -'"-I ' — Phillips, J. Vi uvius. pp. 11 39. . . . 551-1 6 — l'.ulw ei 1 \ 1 ton, l.i. E. L. I asl days 1 ■{ Pompe 1 ' Se» also Italy. Rome, antiquiii Pi 'Mi 1 11 !, I icius, (Pompcy, tit, Plutarch. Lives. Pompeius, Trogus. A i" Pompeius. Pi impi inia j or, 1 he g in 1 housi hold. Webb, Mrs. I. I: Ponci de la Fuente, Constantine. In Go don, J. I nquisit ion in Spain, pp. 214 -7-- 4 Ponce de Leon, Juan. Spanish 1 | ■ ■» » d. 1521. h\ ing, \\ . I ii. voyages of Christophei Columl us. \ . ;. PP *62 290 243B4 Murray, I O'K, ( alholii pioni America. |>|>. 61-65 1142-6 Pi ind, F. E. Poeti y ol In Fish- ing with the By. pp. 227 2;<> 7954 6 Pond, Geo. K. Shenandoah valley in 1 Si ■_) . N. Y., 1883. 12°. [Ci mpaign 1 1I10 civil war] < , 7 s 1 25 Pond, Jas. B., ed. Summer in England with Henry Ward Beecher. N.Y., 1S87. 12. 204 11 POND lily si ■-. Phila., 1S57. 16 . . . . 739AS Poniatowski, Joseph. Headley, J. 1. Napoleon and hi> marshals. \. 2. pp. 251 202 665I Ponkapog to Pesth. Aldrich, T. B. . . . 446-105 ; 1 1 . 2 1 , 1 1 99 1 ty y 1 : tr. by S. E. and V. I' . I [720 ./. I 769. P I nan, ['". ' iac. 2 V — Drake, F. S. Indian hi Mil. night, C. O pp. 112 1 >; 2 . 1 — M i 1 1 .it til , W. II. Ii people of the d pp. 1 202 Victor, O. J. I listory ol spiracies. pp. II-. Trench, A. Sei mi m and old. pp. 134-151 Pontmartin, Ale> Ire de. 1 lolildi the secret of three ms: ir. I>y Kate C. 171.1-. i '■ : , their hisli nena and pi able causes. 1 .... 5512'. P 1 1 enting alSl I;., ISSN. 12 . Vacation in I P D. ' \ nong the Si j ikota: eighteen months experiei agent. N. Y., 1881. 12 Poole, Joh . 1 --72. Little Pedlington and the Pedlington- ians. 2 v. N.Y., 1852. 16 827 '12 Poole, Reginald Lane. Ii ol the call ofthi I 12°. [The 1 I Reginald Stuai . I.., ISS2. 12° Contents. — Intr, — Tli — On Stanley I list, 1854. I T. .\l.. ..;'. Art and literature. p| — and Gilman, A. Story of the Moors in — , Gibb, E. J. V. nan, A. . 1 rurkey. N. Y., 1888. 12 of the naj " . W. 11. i. . the fruit of the spirit. Cinii., 1SS1. 16'. . . . 240-6 . T. A. Brewing, distilling. In British manufacturing industries. \. 12. POOR. POPE. !'<">R, Henry V. Money and its laws: em- bracing a history of monetary theories, and a history of the currencies of the 1 States. N. Y., 1N77. 8°. . . . 331-7 P , I. aura Elizabeth. Sanskrit and its kindred literature: studies in compara- tive mythology. B., 1SS0. 12°. . . . 802-7 Poor. Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Und overlooked. 2 v. in 1. 1S60 330S-2 Campbell, H. Prisoners of poverty: wo- men wage-workers. 1887 • 3364-3 — Cobden, J. C. White slaves of England. '853 3368-27 — Collins, J. Nature's aristocracy. 1871. 336S-3 — Despard, C, ed. A voice from the dim millions, n. d 3368-37 — Bmminghaufe, A., ed. Poor relief in dif- ferent parts of Europe. 1873 339-35 — Fields, Mrs. J. T. How to help the] r. lSS 3 339-45 — Halliday, S. B. Litrlestreet sweeper. 1875. 339-5 — Hale, E. E. Workingmen's homes. 1S74. ^71-4 — Homes and hospitals; or, two phases of woman's work, as exhibited in the lab n 3 of Amy Dutton and Agnes E. Jone . iS73 3°°i;i — Jones, A. Homes of the poor in West- minster. 1885 339-56 — Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people in England. 1S63. . . . 442-52 — Krausse, A. S. Starving London. 1S86. 3394-63 Wolff, M. P. On the rational alimenta- tion of the labouring classes. 1SS6. . . 336S3-9 — Cobbe, F. P. Hours of work and play. PP- 23-J« 240K5 — Helps, A. Friends in council. ser. 1. v. 2. pp. 9-46. Improvement of the condition of the rural poor 461E8 — Lester, C. E. Glory and shame of Lug- land, v. 2 442-56 1 1 :e, II. J. Among the Spanish pi v. 1. pp. 1-71 440 8 I Labot and capital. i 'auperism. Politic. d economy. POOR bey and merchant prince. Thayer, \\ . M 559B3 Pi «>k humanity. Robinson, F. W. Pi ior laws. Set P tupei 1 m. Poor man friend. Cobbett, W 640-27 ' amids. Smyth, < '. P joj, 81 II ollins, W. W. Pi 11 if 1 ti h man and 1 hi 1 ii h poor man. Sedg- wick, CM 817A2 I'uo* scholar. < ai Ii 1 Wm. 1 IVrlcy, Am. . 1820- .1. 1887. 1 - 11 1 Men the inur- I 1 tempt to ovei Poore, Benj. Perley, continued. sination of its principal officers. 2 v. B-, 1865. .2° 34S3 .7 — Perley's reminiscences ol sixtyyearsin the national metropolis. 2. v. I'hila., 1S86. 8° 741B4 — Ki>e and fall of Louis Philippe, ex-king "I the French, giving a history of the French revolution. H., 1N4S. 12 . . . 587B3 Abraham Lincoln. In Parton, J. Princes, authors and statesmen. pp. 347-354 410-83 — and Tiffany, O. 11. Life of U. S. Grant. Phila., 1885. 12 435B64 POPE, Alex., Eng. poet, 6. L6SS- 5 — Stephen, L. Alex. Pope. [English men of letters series.] 741B6 — Hindi, A. Obiter dicta, ser. 2. pp. 52-10S ! 53 E 4 — De Quincey, T. Biographical e pp. 101-166 284E48 Essays on the poets, pp. 147-206. . 284E48 Note book of an English opium eati r. pp. 2S0-294 284E41 Theological essays, etc. v. 2. pp. 251-315 284E46 — Disraeli, I. Calamities ol authors, v. 2. pp. 71-145 804-36 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 26-34 4'"-44 1 , 1 driili, S. ( ;. I [eroism oi boyhood. pp. 99-112 410-51 1 [ale, E. P.. ed. Lighl 1 1 1 « centui ies. pp. 399-410 410-536 1 [ome pit inn', "i I nglish poets, pp. '1 1 54 821-45 I low in, W. I lomes and haunts ol Brit- ish poets. \. I, pp. 163-197 4I.S2I 4 Jameson, A. (M.) Lovesoi the poets, pp. 177 1>' S 4 s l"i 11, S. Lives ol the most eminent I 1 ;1 li poets, v. 2. pp. _M>) 358. . . 41821 5 POP] 102 I . continued. \\ ml, ,. v. 2, |)p. 22 | .'ii|. [H imi .| 828 52 K ing ilcj , < '. New mi, 1 ill. inn i. pp. '. 5i5''-3 Knight, C. 1 in' e u| a lime. pj). Ill 538E4 1 tng, \ Letlei to dead ithors, pp. 46-54 1 ,1 iw ell, J. R. W . tinly window >. pp. 38S 433 588E4 m, J., ed. Gn men. pp. 181-184. \io 7 Oliphant, M. 1 '. i\\ .1 Hi torii tl ki of the reigi pp. 8 | 102, .|i 1 78 Reed 1 Led ure \ on 1 In B v. 1. 298 321 821-78 Stephen, I.. I loui . in a library, pp. 90-' 7j 804-84 Thackeray, \Y. M. English hu rists of the 181 li ■ entui j . pp. 138 186. Prior, 1 i.i\ .in.l Pope 82 \\ ard, T. II... d. Engli I ■ ; v. 3. pp. 55-69 8092-9 Pope, John, I ' 1823 1 G. 11. Mi tor) "I the ca mpaign of the armj of \ irginia undei John Pope, B Gen. U. S. A 9785 .| 1 Rop< . I . < '. Tin- .11 in-, undei Pi ipe. . . 9781 18 Pi hi . Joseph J. Nun u and hou take 1 are ■ il liim : a sei pular talk i 1 cience. N. V. 1884. 12 Clothing. /uSimplc ne use. PP- >' s 5 21S 6 °7-5 Pope, Richard T. P. Authentic repoi 1 of the discussion which took place at the lecture room of the I lulilm Institution. N. \ ., n. d. 12 . . Pope, the king and the people. Arthur.W, 283 12 P01 1 >. Se, Rom 1 hurch. Pi nil \\i, Sit John. 1 J. < justices of England, v. I. chap. 6. . .| 1 1 24 I'm kin, John Snelling. Peabody, A. B. II i vard reminiscences, pp. 40-47. . . 412 74 1'ui'i ut grove; or, littli Harry and his uncle Benjamin. 1 'opley, E I'm in \ 1 \i 1 11, Mount. Broi klehurst, T. 1 . Me cico today, pp. i<>4 1 13 172 t8 P01 ol Vuh. MUller, F. M. Sell says. pp. 372 401 P 1 and pansies. M 1 ;hi II, Emma (M.) 614A43 I'. . . I . question ; or, the bell of the ball, Phila., n. d. 12 . . legacy. Smith, A. Popular conchology. Catlow, A I'Hti ai; deciduous and evergreen tree- and shrubs. Elliott, F. 1< 713—3 POPI 1 \k flowers and how to cultivate them. Kami. E. S.,_/> ; Smith, 1 . I.., / 1 . <.. W. an I II . i , W. A. I'iiI'I i a i [1 in. I. and food. 1880 — I lanley, I ital and pi 1] man, 1 .. C. Progri 1 Turner, S. Sacrcil history of the world. v. 3 ' See also Political economy. of an old pc.u tree. Bruj E. van 5 Pottery. China painting. t, Hester Edwards. An ideal fanatic. ■ gO, I8S3. 12°. philosopher, b. 233-1/. 306. Introduction. In Aristotle. Organon. v. 2. pp. 609-633 • 55'-5 1 i hard, Greek schot Uic, I/. ' d. 180S. Maltby, W. Porsoniana. In Rogers, S. I, 'collections of the ta- ble talk of Samuel Rogers, pp. 291— 334. in, W. Men I have known, pp. 348 .555 411 5'' Port Royal Abbey. Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin. v. 2. | — Kenan, E. Studies in religious hi PP- 415-45 2 204-75 — Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 95-120. . . . S70E2 i. Macdonald, Geo. . Mrs. Ann Emerson, Am. ;.■>. 1816. Cousin Polly's gold mine. N. V., 1878. Ilk May. the minister'.- ~"ii. II.. 1 6° 741A2 Married for both worlds. B.,1871. 12 . M) hero; or, contrasted lives. B., 1872. 24° 741A25 — Sunset mountain. 11. t. p. 24 . . . . 7M1A3 [686. Burke, O.J. chancellors of Ireland, pp. 89 95. . . 211; 2 PORTER, Chas. Talbot. Mechanics and faith : a study of spiritual truth in na- ture. X. V.. 1886. 12 210-72 Porter, David, .-///;. naval officer, !•. i-So-. 1776-./. 1S50. Scottish chiefs. I'hila., 1SS0. 12 . — Thaddeus of Warsaw. I'hila., 11. d. 12°. — \\ illis, N. P. Famous persons and places. pp. 471-4S3 44-^-95 PORTER, John Addison, Am. chemist, 6. 1822- J. 1SO6. First book of chemistry and allied sciences. N. V., 1873. 12°. In Norton, \V. A. and Porter, J. A. First book of science 5°4-° Principles of chemistry; its application to agriculture and the arts. N. V., 1869. 12° 540-65 — tr. Selections from the Kalevala : trans- lated from a German version; with an introduction and analysis "I the poem. N. V., 1868. 12° 8941-45 Pol iik. fohn Leeds. Five years in Damas- cus; with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, the giant cities .if the Bashan, and the Hainan. I,., 1870. 4579-7 Giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy X. Y., 1N0N. 12°. Same, 1873. 458-74 Porter, Luther Henry. Outlines of the constitul ional history . D., LL.D., Am. educator, i. 181 1. Bool ling; or, whal books shall I read, and how shall 1 read them. N. V., 1S71. 8°. Same, 1879. 805 7 Elements of intellectual bridgi n Human intellect. N.Y.,1871. 12". 18) 75 Fifteen years in the chapel of Vale 1 lege, 1871-S6. N. Y., 1888. S°. . . . 252-77 Porter, Noah, continued. — Human intellect; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. N. V., 1872. 8° 181-74 — Kant's ethics: a critical exposition. Chi- cago, 18S6. 12° 163-53 — Science and sentiment ; with other papers ckietly philosophical. X. Y., 1882. S°. 142-7 Contents. — Science and sentiment. — The sciences of nature versus the science of man. — What we mean by Christian philosophy.— Au- tobiography of John Stuart Mill. — John Stuart Mill as a philosopher.— John Stuart Mill as a theologian.— Prof. Tyndall's last deliverance. — Physiological metaphysics. — Force, law and do- sign. — Prof. Huxley's exposition of Hume's philosophy. — The newest atheism. — Herbert Spencer's theory of sociology. — Kantian cen- tennial. — The collapse of faith. — Additions. In Uebenveg, F. History of philosophy from Thales to the pres- ent time >4>-9 — Argument for Christianity, complex and cumulative. In Fusion lectures, 1S70. pp. 340-406 239-19 — Introduction. In Eucken, II. Funda- mental concepts of modern philosophic thought '45-3 — Introduction. In Half-hours with mod- ern scientists, ser. I. pp. v-xi. . . . 502-42 — Introduction. In Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 195-19S. . . . 410-975 — John Stuart Mill, [and] John Stuart Mill as a philosopher. In Atlas essays. No. 2. Biographical and critical. pp. 226- 270 418-14 — Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 2. pp. 3S3-427. Review of Human intel- lect 818-27 PORTER, Robert 1'. Local government, at home and abroad. Chicago, 1S79. 8°. 352-7 PORTER, Rose, Am. writer. Charity, sweet charity. N. Y., 18S0. l6°. — Foundations; or, castles in the air. N. V., 1871. 16°. — In the mist. N. Y., 1S79. 16 . — Modern Saint Christopher; or, the broth- ers. X. Y„ 1887. 12°. — Our saints: a family story. N.Y., iSSl. 16°. - Rest a while. X. Y., 1888. 16°. . . . 240-61 Song and a sigh. N. Y., 1877. 16 . — Story of a flower, and other fragments twice gathered. N. Y., 1883. 16 . — Summer driftwood for the wintci Inc. \. Y., 1870. 12°. Uplands and lowlands; or, three chap- ters in a life. N. Y., 1872. 16 . - Winter lire: a sequel to Summer drift- « I. N. Y., 1S74. i.e. — Years that are told. N. V., 1875. 10. I'nkTKk. — 1 02.3 — l'( I I \<,l. Pi ib i i r. \\ hitwoi ill. Ill toi \ <•! the K nights ol Malta; or, the oi dei "f the Ho spital of St. [ol ' I'' 1 u i lem. 2 v, I .. 1858. 8 G |9 17 7 PORTER, Wm, David, U11, na al officer, b. 1809 rf. 186 1. I [eadli v.l I . I ai ra- gul and 11.11 .1! lers. pp 435 155 I' P wn cement. Grant, J. 1 pei ii mi the strength of cement. 1875. ... 1 Reid, II. s. ieni e and arl ol the manu- facture of Portland cement. '877. . . 61 Portland, Maine. Fowler, W. W. Fight- ing fire ; 1 he gi eal fires ol hi tory. pp. 4'8-43' Pi ir 1 1 ■ m 1., \fajo 1 1 eph Ellison. Ru- diments "l g< oli 1 ;in- ners. I.., n. d. 12° 55°-7 I'm; 1 rait, The. Riddle, A. < \. Portraii of a lady. James, H.,/r. Portraits of celebrated women. Sainte Beuve, C. A H ; 7 s Portraits of curious characters, n. t. p. 16° [i Portraits ol plan-,. James, II., jr. . . . 440-515 Portraituri "i Quakeri mi. ( llarkson, T. Por'i moi rH, England. Forde, H. A. Black and while. ]>|'. 149 177. [Missions.] . 20; 35 — Wynter, A. Subtle brains and lissom fingers, pp. 226-241 I'< irtug \i . An dei sen, II. ('. In Spain and a visit to Portugal 446-14 Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. 1854 "I" ; — Latouche, J. Travels in Portugal. 1S75. 4469 5 Alison, A. Essays, pp.321 .525. . . . I15E1 — Benjamin, S. K\. W. The world's para- dises, pp. 112-127 t '.'' 17 — Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays: .11 home and abroad, pp, 25-150 140-16 — Burke, I'. R, and Staples, R. Busini and pleasure in Brazil, pp. 1 16. . . — Freitas, Rodrigues de. In Stanton, I'., <■ags. 1855 ,1 le, J. W. Roj al mail ; its curio and romam 1 — Lewins, W. Ho " 5. 3534 s S — Rees, J. Foot-prints of a letter-carrier; or. a history of the world's correspi ence. 1866 — Woodward, P. 11. Guarding the mails. — Farrer, T. II. State in its relation trade, pp. 98 10S \..i. Hill, Si") R. ■■ G. B. I ifeofSir Rowland Hill, and the history of the penny posi So 47 "1"4 POSTAGE. 1024 — I'OUilN. Postage, continued. — Post-office of fifty years ago: containing reprint of Sir Rowland Hill's famous pamphlet dated Feb. 22<1, 1837, propos- ing penny postage. L., 11. d. S°. . . 3534 2 -7 — Skinner, E. M. Essay on the penny post system. //; Boy's own magazine, pp. 17-24 760E1 POSTANS, Mrs. — . Cutch; or, random sketches taken during a residence in one of the northern provinces of western In- dia, interspersed with legends and tradi- tions. L., 1839. 8° 4547-6 Potable water. See Water. Potato. Klotzsch, Dr. — . Protection of the potato plant against diseases. In Liebig, J. Researches on the motion of the juices in the animal body. . . . - 547-53 — Riley, C. V. Potato pests 632-7 POTHUAU, Louis Pierre Alexis. Rae, W. F. Men of the third republic, pp.318-328. 4105-5 Potithar papers. Curtis, Geo. Wm. . . . S17-34 Potomac company. Pickell, J. New chap- ter in the early life of Washington. . . 925B2 Pol 1 r,K, Alonzo, Am. P. E. bishop, b. 1S00- d. 1865. Principles of science applied I" 1 he domestic and mechanic arts, and to manufactures and agriculture. N. V., 1S55. I2 C 604-6 Religious philosophy : or, Nature, man and the Bible witnessing to God, and to religious truth, Phila., 1872. 8°. . . 230 78 — Drinking usages of society. In Temper- ance tracts, v. 2 19S 85 and Emerson, G. P>. School and the id Imaster; a manual for the use of teachers, employers, trustees, inspectors, etc. N. Y., 1S42. 8° 371 74 — Fish, II. ('. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 319 $33 2521-4 Potter, Cora Urquhart, ed. My recitations. Phila., 1887. 12" 801 75 Potter, Henry Codman, Am. P. /.'. bishop, b. [835. The gates of the east: a winter in Egypt and Syria. N. V., 1S77. 16°. 462 68 Sisterhood i and deac i e it h irne and abroad. N. V.. 1873. 12° 2719-6 Potter, ILL. 1). Manual of reading, ortho- phony, class methods, gesture and eloi u- tion. N. Y., 1871. 12". Same, [880. 800 7; Potter, Horatio. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 41247 3 Pol R. Howe, II. Adventures : achievemi mericans. pp. 163 ISS LI2 POTTl I. 1 liri itianity and its di I ni t inns. /;; Freedom and fellowship in religion. pp. 178-221 !i 1 1 Pottery. Beckwith, A. Majolica and fay- ence: Italian, Sicilian, Majorcan, Ilis- pano-Moresque and Persian. 1877. .. . 737—2 — Fortnum, C. D. E. Maiolica. 1S76. . 737-4 — Janvier, C. A. Practical [ceramics for students. 18S0 737—5 — Jewitt, L. Ceramic art of Great Britain. 737-53 — Nichols, G. \V. Pottery; how it is made, its shape and decoration. [With bibliog- raphy, pp. 125-138.] 1S7S 737-6 — Solon, L. M. Art of the old English potter. 18S6 737-7 — Treadvvell, J. II. Manual of pottery and porcelain for American collectors. 1872. 737-0' — Burty, P. Chef-d'ceuvres of the industrial arts. pp. 3-173 737-3 — Carey, A. Autobiographies of a lump of coal, etc. pp. 1 13-144. A piece of flint. 604-19 — Chester, G. J. Lottery and glass found > in the excavations. In Wilson, C. W. a»rfWarren, C. Recovery of Jerusalem. pp. 36S-388 2212-11 — Collignon, M. Manual of Greek archaeol- ogy- PP- 261-324 70938 j — Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley, pp. 79-96. 4073-2S — Dickens, C, rd. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 202-212 604-3 — Harvey, M. J. Jennie finds out how- dishes are made. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 297-30S 602-9 — Jewett, L. English antiquities, pp. 79- 101. Among ancient pottery 406-5 — ICnapp, E. Chemical technology, v. 2. pp. 1116-311. Pottery and porcelain. . 660-55 — I.acroix, P. Arts in the middle ages. LP- 53 74 7094-S Martin, W. Young student's holiday Look. ser. 2 3728-6 Printing, gas-light, etc. pp. 139 1S7. . 609 | ho China painting. Also Lives of I'alissy. Wedgewood. Pottinger, Eldred, b. 1S11 d. 1843. F° s " ter, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. pp. 100-110 and 119 126 pi 1 — KLaye, J. W. Lives of the Indian officers. v. 2. pp. 145 208 J 1 1 59S Potwin, Mrs. 11. K. Kemptons. N. \ '., 1865. 24° 743A1 Orphan's triumph ; or, the story of Lily ami Harry Grant. V Y.. 1868. 24°. 743A2 Paul 10I Mai garet, the inebriate's chil dren. \. Y., 1869. - 1 743A3 Pouchet, 1 . A. The universe; or, the in imii. ly greal and the infinitely little. \. v.. 1882. 8 503-7 Pougin, Arthur, Verdi: an anecdote ins tot v of his life and works : ti . I<\ I. E. Matthi v I . 1887. 8 G 91 1B6 POI LSSI >N — '025 — \'<)\\ I.I' Poui 1 I' nil- Blind ■ hildren kinder- garten. /// I I'H'. i" I'M 11 and in 11 pp. 117-443 I ' -. . \ 1 ■ ■ ;i. revised by Ihe Vmei ii an poultry show. 1883 Beale, S. Profitable 1 Itry keeping 63 13 Bemenl, C. N. Amei ii an poulti n 1 1.S7.S Bui nli. mi, ( '.. P, New pi mil 1 1 book. 1.S71 638-22 History ol thi hen fevei i .1 humorous record 817 248 Doyle, M.. td. IHu ti iti 1 1 1. ol 'l" mestic poultry 6 , Felch, I. K. Poultr) culture ; how to 1 .11 ;e, in 'u.i" . mate and judge thi ■ - h bred fow I .. 1886 James, Ii. Profitable and economical poull 1 v keeping 638 5 Poultry yard. n. 1. p. it>° 638 58 Profits in poultry: useful and 01 nainenl needs and their profitable manage- ment. [886 638 '■ Rii li.n 'I 1 1. 1 1. I lomestic fow Is. In Sax ton's Rural hand-books, ser. 1. . . 636-7 Stoddard, II. II. \u egg farm. [1876.] 63 - Walls. E. Poultry, n. d 6386-33 Wi ight, I . Practii 1 1 1 Itrj keeper. 638-95 Beeton, S. O., ed. Book of home pets. PP IT 177 6386-3 Campbell, 1 1. Amei ican ;irl's home "l work and play, pp.376 379. . 7S6-24 Dodge, M. A., (i rail 1 [amilton, / Summei rest. pp. 34-61 I55li| Murray, R., c. 1805-1/. 1873. McCabe, J. I). Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 471-487. 4123-6 — Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the artists. pp. 276-294 758-g Powers, Lee I.., joint author. Silloway, T. W. and Powers, Lee L. Cathedral towns and intervening places of England, Ireland and Scotland 442 83 Powers, Stephen. Afoot and alone: a walk from sea to sea by the southern route, adventure and observations in southern California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Hartford, 1S72. 8° 473-76" Powhatan: metrical romance. Smith, S. S36C2 "Powhatan," U. S. steamer. Johnston, J. D. China and Japan 451-52 Powlett, John, jth marquis of Winekester. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 2S1-2SS 411-65 PoWLETT, Wm., 1st marquis of Winchester. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 2. pp. 61-66 411-65 Poynter, E. Frances. Among the hills. N. V., 1SS1. 16 . - Ersilia. N. V., 1876. 1 6°. - Madame cle Presnel. N. Y., 1SS5. 16°. - My little lady. N. V., 1873. 16°. Poynter, Edward J., joint author. Buxton, II. f. W. and Poynter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch painting 759-16 - and Smith, Roger, eds. See Art hand- books. Practical economics. Wells, D. A. . . . 3304-92 Practical essays. Bain, A 132E2 Praed, Mrs. Campbell. Moloch: astoryof sacrifice. — joint author. McCarthy, |. and Praed, Mrs. Campbell. The right honorable. \. Y., 1888. 12°. Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, Eng. poet and lawyer, b. 1802 -. Modern Italian poets. PP- 323-332 8501-37 1'k ai 1. Anne. Haunts of the wild flowers. L., n. d. 16 582-7 Pratt, Chas., earl of Camden, Eng. statesman, />. 1714-1/. 1794. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 5. pp. 198-296. . . . 411-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 83-90 4"-6$ PRATT, Chas. E. American bicycler: a manual for the observer, the learner and the expert. B., 1S79. 16° 79--" Pratt, Mrs. Ella (Farman). AnnaMaylie: a story of work. B., 1873. Iu °- • ■ ■ 33 SA 3 — Mrs. Hurd's niece. B., n. d. 16°. — White hand : a story of noblesse oblige. B., 1875. l6 °- — Bad boys of France. In How to learn and earn. pp. 253-267 3719-4 PRATT, Frances Lee. Captain Ben's choice. In Mason, E. T., ed. Humorous mas- terpieces. V. 2. pp. 97-115 817-63 Pratt, John, d. 1725. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, v. 2. pp. 143- 150 4"-24 Pratt, John Jeffreys, marquis of Camden, b. 1 759—^. 1840. Brougham, II. States- men [of] the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 259-278 410-17 PRATT, Laura Maria, (Laura Loving, pseud.) Bonnie Aerie. B., 1875. 16° 744A2 — Holiday album for boys 744A22 Pratt, M. E. Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. n. t. p. 24 744A 1 I'kai r, S. W. A summer at Peace cottage ; or, talks about home life. N.Y., 1880. 12°. PRAXEDES, St. Anderdon, W. II. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 1 51-164. . . 4 1 4 2;, Praxiteles. ' Urbino, Mrs. S. R., t>: Princes of art. pp. 26-29 4'7 9 — Wood, \V., id. Hundred greatest men. pp. 6S-70 4'o-975 Pray, Lewis Glover. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp.81 87. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 245S-7 Prayer. Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of prayer z 44""3 — Goodrich, C. A. Bible history of prayer. 244 | Maurice, F. D. The Lord's prayer. . . 2273-6 Phelps, A. The still hour ; or, commun- ion with God 244-6 Whittle, D. \\.,od. Wonders of prayer. -11 9 Ai mstrong, G. I K Two Look . ol nature and revelation, pp. 154-1811 215 103 PR VYER — 1027 — ill ADAMITE Pl vyer, 1 ontinued. < ' 1 1 1 1 1 ■. \ ick, I . \\ . "1 he (.ui li "( 1 eason. pp. 161-208 25 Cook, I . Bo ton M Oi lhodo> j pp. 1 ; 1 1 |9 2 ,x ■ , ( luthrie, T. Oul "I hai ne pp. ■■ • , 3>5 241-5 I lall, W. |. Some 1 epi i< d fallai ie , pp. 256-264 LeConte, J. Religion and icience. pp. H' 324 215-55 Mi i !osh, J. 1 !ei Litude, providence ind praj er. Phi losoph 1 No. |. [42—6 More, II. Works, v. 2. pp. 177 549, 828-63 Phelps, A. Mj portfolio, pp. 230 249. 204-7 — —My study and othei 13 pp. 28S- 308 204-71 Savage, M. |. Religion <>f evolution, pp. i5°-'69 214-77 ryndall, J. Fragments o) science, pp. 33-42 504-85 Weiss, J. American religion, pp. 191 219 204-95 Wiseman, N. P. Essays on various snl>- jects. v. 2. pp. [44-208 2827 oi l'i uir 1 k. • Book of common prayer. Prayer meetings. Prime, S. I. Fifteen years of prayer in 1 lie Fulton St. meet- ing 244 7 rhompson, L. O. How to conduct prayer meetings 244-S Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Stumbling blocks, pp. 140 179. . . . 204-37 I'm r .. Beei her, 1 1. W, Prayei - from Plymouth pulpit 244-2 Brett, K.. ed. Churchman's guide to faith ami piety. 2 \ . ill 1 26034-2 Bright, W. Ancient collects and othei prayers; with an appendix on the col- lects in tin- prayer I I- 26037 -' -Cliilils, 1.. M. Aspirations of the world. 208-1S Parker, T. Prayers 244 5 Pond, J. !'.., ed. Summer in England with Henry Waul Beecher 204-11 Shields, ( . W., ed. The book of com- mon prayer, and administration of the sacraments; with directory for public woi hip of the Presbyterian church in the United Stales 2605-S Sturm, C. C. Morning communings with God 240-7 Taylor, i. Holy living and dying; with pi lyers 240 S — Sei •'•.■ Book of common prayer. Praying and working. Stevenson, W. F. . 4146-7 lv 1 u in ! and the king. Bungener, L. I ■'. Pri \. 111 us. From the world to the pulpit. 250-3 Gould, S. Baring-. Post-mediaeval preach- ers 1 1 1 1 1 1 I, I ',. I'. British pulpit : emini fackson, 1 of the pulpit. . 251 Smith, C. A. I ountry pa itor. . . 2 V 8 or, v\ '■■] pulpil from the mal ion to thi 'lay 274 1 8 — Townsend, I.. T. Sword and garment. 251 9 Holland, |. G. Evi i- PP 113-' I 6 Spurgeon, < . 1 1. 1 ommenting and lies. 283 303 2 also Clergy and clergymen. KING. Alexander, J. W. Thoughts mi preaching 251-13 — Bedell, G. I. The pastor 250-2 'her, II. W. Vale lectures on preach- ing. 2 v 2^11-, — Bowes, G. S. 111. 253-2 Broadus, J. A. Lectures on the history of preaching — Brooks, P. Lectures on preaching. . . 251 19 — Hall, J. God's word through preaching. 251 t; I [ei vey, < I. W. A systi ^ian rhetoric :;i >'■ — Hood, E. P. Lamps pitchers and trump- ets. 2 v 251 )S 1 ittl John, A. N. Conciones ad elerum. 250-5 Phelps, A. English style in publii . course 251 7 ; Men and 1 hi. or, indies in homil- etics 2,17^ My portfolio 204-7 Tl preaching 251 — Plumer, W. S. Hints and helps in pas- toral theology 250-7 Shedd, W. G. T. Homiletics and toral theology 251-S2 — Spencer, J., ed. I lungs old and new. . -Taylor, W. M. Ministry of the word. . 251 — Three hundred outlines of sermons on the New restament 2519-3 — Townsend, L. T. Sword and garment. . 251 9 — Willard, F. I'.. Woman in the pulpit. . 251-95 — Bayne, P. Essays in biography and crit- icism, pp. 322 )55 1 ;.,l 6 line!!. II. Building eras in religion. pp. tS2-24S 204-13 I'.yrnc, \\ '. 1'. Cii'lercurrcnts overlooked. v. 2. pp. 301 -330 336S-2 . 1761-r/. 1S07. Frost, J., ed. Pictorial history of the American navy. pp. 135-172. . 41232-3 — Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 22. pp. 7-188 412-S6 — Waldo, S. P. Biographical sketches of American naval heroes, pp. 143-243. 4121-9 PREBLE, Geo. Henry, Am. commodore J>. 1S16- d. 1SS5. Chronological history of the origin and development of steam navi- gation, 1543-1882. Phila., 1SS3. 8°. 621 12-7 — Our flag : origin and progress of the flag of the United States of America ; with an introductory account of the symbols, standards, banners and flags of ancient and modern nations. Albany, 1872. 8°. 41997-7 Precaution. Cooper, Jas. Fenimore. Precious stones. See Gems. PRE-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen. DeCosta, 11. F 970-3 Predestination. Mozley, J. B. Treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predes- tination 2349-5 Preece, W. II. ond SivWrighl, J. Teleg- raphy. N. V., 1876. 16° 538-73 — joint out/ior. Moncel,Th. Du. and Preece, W. II. Incandescent electric lights. . 5384-3 — ed. Introduction and additional chap- ters. In Nnad, II. M. Text-book of electric lighting 537-7 PRE-glacial man, and the Aryan race. Burge, 1 573-19 Prehistoric men ^n<\ times. See Archaeol- ogy- Pre history of 1 he North. Worsaae, J. J. A. 4067-05 Prejevai.skv, Co/. N. From Kulja across the Tian Shan, to Lob-Nor : translated by E. Delmar Morgan; with introduc- tion by Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, includ- ing notices of the lakes of central Asia. I- 1S79. 8° 455-7 Prejudice. Barbauld, A. L. Tales, p.. ems and essays, pp. 27-3S 828 10 Prelate, The. Henders Isaac. I'i: 1 mati m death : its promotion or preven- 1 V Y., 1879. 24° 613-72 PREMIUMS paid to experience. May. Mrs. I. I-'., (Edward and Ruth Garrett, pseud.) I'i 1 HCE, Geo. Deni mi. Am. journalist, b. 1802-0'. 1870. Poems: edited with biog. sketch, by J. J. I'iatl. < imi., 1S7L. 12. 7 ||' 's Prenticeana ; "i . .\ ii and humoi in para graphs; with a sketch ol the author, by G. W. Griffin. Phila., 1871. 12°. . . S 1 7 70 Poem :. In Selei I ii m 1 1 om 1 he poetical f the wesl 8091 ;'■ Prentice, G. D., continued. — Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biograph- ical sketches, pp. 245-259 410-29 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 419-426. . 41S1-3 — Everest, C. A. Poets of Connecticut. pp. 321-334. [Biog. sketch and poems.] S0914-4 Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 13-106 804-4 — Watterson, H., ed. Oddities of southern life and character, pp. 446-450. . . . CS17-94 Prentiss, Afrs. Elizabeth (Payson), Am. ■writer, /<. \%l%-d. 1S7S. Aunt Jane's hero. N. V., 1871. 12°. — Avis Benson ; or, mine and thine, with other sketches. N. Y., 1879. 12°. Contents. — Avis Benson. — Mine and thine. — Such as I have. — Homeward bound. — Taking for granted. — Why Satan trembles. — Having nothing yet having all.— Success and defeat. — On the banks of the river of life. — Playing with sunbeams.— Saved from his friends. Fred and Maria and me. N. Y., 1872. 1 6°. — Home at Greylock. N. V., 1S76. 12 . - Little threads, n. t. p. 16° 745^32 Nidworth-, and his three magic wands. Ik, 1S70. 24 3S1-72 — Pemaquid: a story of old time in New England. N. V., 1S77. 12 . - Percys, n. t. p. 24 745-V5 — Religious poems. N. Y., n. d. 12°. . . 744C7 — Stepping heavenward. N. Y., i860. 12°. — Story Lizzie told. N. Y., 1870. 24 . . 745 \o — Urbane and his friends. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. Life and letters edited by Geo. L. Pren- tiss. N. Y., 1SS2. S° 744B8 Foster, I. H., (F'aye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women, pp. 68- 73 • • • 413-5- PRENTISS, Sergeant Smith, Am. orator. /•. [808 ./. 185.1. MemoirofS.S. Prentiss: ed. by his brother, C,. 1 ,. Prentiss. . . 745B] Shields, 1. I). Life and times of S. S. Prentiss 745' 5 2 Mi Mire, 1''. American eloquence, v. 2. IT- 579-587 Sl 5-' " Preparation and mounting of microscopic objects, Davies, T 5782-4 Preparing to teach : for study by Sabbath choo] teachers and training classes. Hall, John .///,/ others. Phila., 187 5. 12° 240-4 Contt i;t\. — Evidences of Christianity. — Cer- emonial institutes Bible history. Geography of the Bible A 1 < ha "I" : v of 1 he Bible Sum mary of Christian doi trine.— How t" teai Ii the Bible. h 1 Raphaelitism. .V,-, Ruskin, John. PRESBYTER! VN. — i PRES< "M I'ii . ■. i i i i w cook book : ed. by i he lad ie nf l-'ii si Pre byterian cl h, Daj i 0. Dayton, in--. 8° 641-; i'i 1 iivTERlANl .1 Bi ig| , C, V Vmeri- can Presbyterian ism ■ I ( 'entennial hisl al d rsi ( Ireal Pre byterian con Hi I Patton vs. Sw ing 1 1 ughes, I. and Bi ei keni idge, J. Disi 1. in 1 , [he Presbyli 1 ian religion inim nil to civil and reli ei ty. . . 282 I ,o« 1 ie, f. C. Foreign mission ; of I hi Presbytei ian chui ch in 1 he 1 Initcd Stati Miller, 1 1. The he idship ol ' Ihrist, ami the rights of the < 'hristian people. 741 Mini's. F. S. Presbyterian looking for the church 2838 52 Presbyterian reunion, [837—7'- N. \ '., [870. 8° ' 2851 6 Shields, 1 '. W., ed. Book of common prayer and administration ; 6 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. V. 2. pp. 165-206 also Live ol S.. Cai lyle. I .. Beei hei . Thos. Chalmers. Alex. Duff. T. Guth- rie. 1 '. I lodge. I . 1 1 ving. ( '•■ I ,an 1 >n. 1 . Mackintosh. \. Mai leod. I '. Math- eson. |. M. Mason. A. Melville. O. Pai l.ei . N. Murraj 1 \ i • an) 1 1. 11. Smith. <■•. Spring. P 11. Albei 1 Benj., Im ■■ t, . - 1832. Chemical examination of alcoholii liquors. X. \ '., [875! 12° 5473 6 i'i: 1 < ieo., ' trician, b. 1830. Bell's electric speaking telephone ; its in- vention, construction, application, mod 1 ti.-.u i.m and history. N. Y., 1884. 8°. 5382 7 Dynamo-electricity ; its generation, appli- cation, transmission, storage and mea urementi N. V.. iss |. 8° 5383 6 II.. 1 1 ieiiy and the electric telegraph. X. v.. is;;. 8° 538 rs History, theory, and practice of the elec- tric telegraph. B., 1*7-;. 12 5 38 71 Presi .hi. I leiin P. Strong drink and to- bai 1 moke X. ¥., 1870. 8°. ... 11. Marj \. Matt's follies. B., 1873- ". . '. 746A1 Prescott, Win. Hickling, Am. historian, 6. 1796 ''■ 1*5". In graphical and critical miscellanies, B., 1855. 8°. Same. Phila., 1N75 744ES \ mer- ican novelist \ -\ him for the blind Irvii 1 ESCOTT, Wm. 1 1., fontinu I ■ 1 1 lit' M 1 )h lory ••( 1 1 tory "f ili« with ,t preliminary view "f thi life "T ili- qui ror Hernando < $ v. N. Y., 1 [4. 8°. Same. Phila , i by John Fosl Kirk. Phila., 1873. 12°. 74. . . . \ Ztec civili/ntr 1 1 v. 2. M.u i i o, concluded I inn from M I ■ incut career of Cortc; \ pendix, nquest of Peru; with n preliminary w of the civi) el . 2 v. Phila., 1871. 8°. Same, 1883. 1 \ Contents. — Inti I zation of the li> Con- <|ucst .»f Peru. I ,'icsl of Peru, concluded.— Civi\ wars of 1 : irs.— Settlement of llic couniry. — Appendix. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the 1 . Phila., 8°. Same, 1S79 earlier chapters give an excellent sum- mary of Spanish history during tin- mi. Ml. :tn account of the political condition of Spain in the 15th century, a skel ! X\ l.mcnt of the modern Inquisition, a .f the Spanish Arabs. As a di tion of the important period of the consolidation number of petty governments in to uh.it was practically one kinqdoni, this has no rival in any language." — C. A' Ada Ri ibertson, W. 1 1 1 tory ol the reign ..f theemperorl harle \ : with an account oftl He after his abdication, [by the editor]. See Robertson, W. . . History of the reign of Philip II. King of Spain. ; v. B., 1859. 8 . Same, 1S74. was unfortunately left unfinished. It • rs the period from the abdication of '.Ie V in 1555 to the dear ' Anne in 15s... The I. la. Charles V, and Philip II, in the order named, complete an unbroken period of more than 100 years in the Spanish annals. Christopher Columbus' hist voyage and return [and] Inquisition in Spain under I erdinand and Isabella. /;; Spooner, E. Historical scenes, pp. go. 120. . . Lifi of( has. Brockden Brown, /n Sparks, I., ed. Am. biography, v. 1. pp. 117 18 Preface. Life in Mexico r, G ji!' Wm. II. Pre-' -. K.. Famous American authors. PP. ^'2 IO3. . 94645 : .; I s 1 2 PRESCOTT. 1030 — PRICE. Prescoi 1. Win. II., continued. Craik, G. I.. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 210-213 4IO-35 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 268-270 328E1 — Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks, pp. 49-68 4181-38 — Homes of American authors, pp. 123-156. 4181-45 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and states- men, pp. 297-305. College life of I'rescott 410-S3 Powell, T. Living authors of America. ser. 1. pp. 169-1S8 S04-6S Whipple, E. I'. Essays ami reviews, v. 2. pp. I52-208 O46E5 Present case of Ireland plainly stated. Cusack, M. F 9418-2 Present day thoughts. Boyd, A. K. II. . 252-25 Present heaven. Greenwell, Dora. . . . 241-47 Present lessons from distant days. Iloyt, Rev. Wayland 22311-45 Present problem. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K. Present religious crisis, l'.lauvelt. A. . . 211-2 Present status of social science. Hamilton, R. S 309-4 Presidential elections. History of. Stan- wood, E 3247-7 Presidential government. Freeman. E. A. Historical essays, pp. 373-406. . . . 902-4 President's daughter, etc. Bremer, F. Presidents of the United Slates. See United States. Presland, Rev. John. Future probation. pp. 77-104 2376-3 Press. See Journalism. Press and the public service: by a distin- guished writer. I..,. 1S57. 12°. . . . 323-6 Two years of school life. L., n. d. 24 . 74''. \o Pre- iN-i, Edm 1 Dehault de, French writer, b. 1S24. Contemporary portraits: tr. by Anne Harwood Holmden. X. Y., 1S80. 12 4104-77 Contents. — Thiers. — Antecedents of the Vati can council. — Strauss anil Voltaire.— Cultur- kampfin Germany. — Armand de 1' Ariege, — Du- panloup Vdolphc Monod. — Vinet Verney and Robertson. Early years of Christianity : the apostolic era: tr. by Anne Harwood. N. V.. 1870. 12° 270I-6 Religion and the reign of terror; or, the church during the French revolution : tr. by John P.Lacroix. N. V., [869. 12°. 2744-5 Koine and Italy al the opening of the I 1 iiincnical count M : lei lers wi ilicn from Rome to a gentleman in America: tr. by G □ Prentici N, V., 1X70. 12 . 2:-: 54-64 - Hurst, J. I- . II istory of ral li m. pp. 41 1-416 21 10 n 1 e Francoise 1 Theresa's journal. Philsi 181 -i 746 A 5 PRESTON, D. S. Columbus; or, a hero of the new world ; an historical play. X. V., 1S87. 12° 744C9 I 1 rON, II. C, joint author. Jaeger, 13. and Preston, II. C. Life of North American insects 5957—5 Preston, Harriet Waters, Am. writer, b. 1843. Aspendale. 1!., 1S71. 16 . — Troubadours and trouveres, new and old. I!., 1876. 12 8401-7 Contents, — Preface. — Mistral's Calendau. — Theodore Aubanel. — Jacques Jasmin. — The songs of the troubadours. — The Arthuriad. Preston, Margaret Junkin, Am. poet ,0. 1825. Beechenbrook : a rhyme of the war. Baltimore, 1S72. 12° 745Cl Preston, Paul. Fireside magician; or, the art of natural magic made easy. N. V., 1S70. 12° 7868-7 PRESTON, Rev. Thos. Scott, Am. clergyman, I'. 1S24. Lectures on reason ami revela- tion delivered in St. Ann's church, New York, during the season of Advent, 1867. N. Y., 1868. 12 2827-63 Introduction. In Reflections and medita- tions from the writings of Fenelon. . . 240-4 — Preface. In Gaume, J. J. Christian cemetery in the 19th century 393 1-4 Preston, Wm. Campbell. Perry, P. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 56-62. 412-75 Pretenders and their adherents. Jesse, J. II 411-59 Pretension. Ellis, S. S. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. Lakeman, M. Pretty Miss Bellew. Boulger, Dora. (Theo. Gift, pseud.) Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Cooke, J. E. Pretty widow. Ross. C. 11. PREVOST, Katherine. Margaret Worthing- ton; or, holding forth the word of life. B., 1872. 24 747 \i Prey of the gods. Lean, Mrs. Florence (Marryatt). Price, A. Who is Sylvia ? I.., n. d. 12 . Price, Bonamy, Eng. economist, /: 1807. Currency and banking. N.Y.,1876. 12 . 331-75 Price, WhEX. Constantia. 2 v. L.,1876. Prii 1. Edward. Norway ami it-, scener) : comprising a journal of a tour ami a road-book for tourists: cd. by Thos. For- ester. L., 1853. 12 4481-7 Price, Eleanor A., joint author. Awdry, F. and others. Mi/ maze. Price, F.G.Hilton. Hand-book of London hankers; with some account of their predecessors the early goldsmiths; to- gether with lists of bankers, from the earliest list printed in 1677 to that of the I omloii po toffii c of [876. I ... 1876. 12" 3 ;n 7 — IO, ITI.II. Price, Fl Uice, (Florence Warden, pseud.) S i I , 5' Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of men. pp. 557-560 410-7 - Muir, M. M. P. Hen ie nee : chemists, pp. 52-79 5409-6 Prig, The. pseud. Ho« to make a saint; or, I ! ization in the Church of England. X. V., 1887. 12 . 827 ;j — Life of a prig, by one. X. \ '.. 1886. 12° 827-73 Venerable Bede expurgated, expounded and exposed. N.Y., 18S6. 12°. . . . Sj; 74 Primacv of the Apostolii /indicated. Kenrick, I . P jSjj 4 Edward Do 111,111, >'. 181 (. Around 1 he » orld : .1 navel through man) I and ovei m Forty yeai 1 in the Turl 1 . . \\ mi. < ioodcll. N. V., Pi ime, Samuel 1 11 .1 Alhambra and the K 1 Mm: the south and the north 'if Eun X- \ ■. 1873. 12 ■11. hi I I id lel- lers nf the Rev. C. X. Rightcr. I... 1. 16 Fifteen years ol 1 niton St. meeting. X. N ., 1872. 12°. . . 244-7 ei 1 1 "in Switzerland. X. Y ., 1 1 Life of Samuel F. 1 the electro-magnetic recording telegraph. X. Y., 1875. 8 Memoirs of the Rev. Nicholas Murray (Kirwan.) N. \ .. 1863. 12 I els in Europe and the East : in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, B urn, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Palestine. 2 v. X.Y..1S55. 12 — Under the trees. N. 1 Coni lent pitched.— Garden and shine— Sh >. — An arrow hca Authors. 1 1 ks. — With the old man of the mountain: ily. — \ l.l and day in the Alps. — N ■ >' in the deep. — Parson's story. — Prophets and prophetesses.- ( hi lying and lending. — Little trials. -Talking 1 g and doing I. — Whence com- furl comes.-- My first ii. ion. — 1 mer. — Our friends in heaven. Derby, [.C. Fifty years among aul etc. ' M81-3 [m. jauriia/i '. 1825 I ]it and N'tilna. N. Y., 1877. 12 462 7 - I go X. Y.. 1873. 8°. . 7 '59-6 ConttHti the rookery [skander EtTcndi. — Morning trout : evening talk.— Sunday morning and » the Franconia m tunta —On Echo lake. — Three hollies of claret. — What dies to cast on a Sunday --In northern \ « Ham] 1 N\ Y., 1854. 12 ; Tent life in the Holy land. N. \ '.. 1S60. 1- PRIMK. PRINGLE Prime, Wm, C, continued. — Why I'eter went a-fishing. In Fishing with the fly. pp. 199-208 7954-6 — ed. O mother dear, Jerusalem! the old hymn, its origin and genealogy. N. Y.. 1S64. 12 2452-7 Prime minister. Trollope, Anthony. Prime ministers of Queen Victoria. Smith, G. B 411-93 Primeval man. Campbell, (i. D. G., duke trgyle 573-22 Primeval man not a savage. In Brownson, (). A. Works, v. 9. pp. 457-485. . 81S-27 PRIMEVAL world of Hebrew tradition. Hedge, F. H 2214 45 Primeval world of Switzerland. I leer, 0. 55494-4 Primitive belief among the Indo-European races. Keary, C. F 290-5 Primitive culture. Tylor, E. B. 2 v. . . 2902-8 Primitive man. Figuier, 1 571 —3 5 PRIMITIVE manners and customs. Farrar, J- A 399-35 Primitive mind cure : the nature and pow- er of faith. Evans, W. F 172-32 Primitive property. Laveleye, E. L. V. de 333-55 Primogeniture. Kenny, C. S. Law of primogeniture in England 3441-5 Primrose path : chapter in the annals of the kingdom of Fife. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Primroses. Buckley, A. B. Fairy-land of science, pp. 150-171 504-25 Primus in Indis. Colquhoun, M. J. Prince, John J. School management and method in theory and practice. L., [884. 16 371-76 Prince, John Critchley. Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty. 1)11.398-404. . . 410-58 Prince, The. Macchiavelli, N. In His- oi Florence 9455-6 Pi C) and the page. See Yonge, C. M. Prince and the pauper. Clemens, S. M., (Mai k in :iu\, pseud.) Prince Charles and the Spanish marriage, nit; 23. < rardiner, S. R 0301 4 I harlie, the young chevalier, (I has. Edward Stuart.) Johnes, M 858B2 Di ttkalion. Taylor, Bayard. Princi I '"i us. In Lamb, C. and M. Poel 1 children. pp. 183-196 8099-5 Prini t Edward island. Benjamin, S. G. W. The cruise of the " Alice May." 1885. 4711 5 Atlantic islands, pp. 188 204 497-2 I lawson, J. W. Acadian pp. 116-124 5571-4 ty, 11. British \ merica. pp. 80- 98 'i7' 55 ■I '■■ 1 . 1 ' ■ ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Pi;i 11 I, Eugene and his times. Mundt, K. (M.), (L. Muhlbach, pseud.) Prince Hugo. Giant, M. M. Prince little buy, and other tales out of fairy land. Mitchell, S. Weir Pi 1 < i of Kashna. Kimball, Richard B. Prince of the blood, Payn, Jas. Prince of the house of David. Ingraham, Rev. J. H. Prince of Wales in India. Gay, J. D. . . Prince Otto. Stevenson, Robert L. Prince Paul. Pearson, E. C. Prince Peerless. Collier, M Prince Rupert's drops. Timbs, J. Invent- ors and discoverers, pp. 152-155. . . Prince Serge Panine. Ohnel, G. Princes, authors and statesmen. Paiton, Jas., ed Princes of art. Urbino, Mrs. S. R., ir. . Princess. McClelland, M. 1 \. Princess, The. Morgan, Lady S. O. Princess, The. In Gilbert, W. S. Orig- inal plays, pp. 211-264 Princess, The. See Tennyson, A. Princess Alethea, Peard, F. M Princess Amelie. [No name series.] Prini ESS and Curdie. Macdonald, Geo. . Princess and the goblin. Macdonald, Geo. Princess Casamassima. James, II., jr. PRINCESS Idleways : a fairy story. Hays, W. J Princess Use: a story of the Harz moun- tains. Plonnies, L. v Princess of Brunswick - Wolfenbiittel. Zschokke, H. Princess of Java. Higginson, S. J. Princess of Thule. Black, Wm. PriNCIPIA; first book, sections 1, 2 and 3. Newton, Sir Isaac PRINCIPIA; or, basis of social science. Wright, R. J Principles and portraits. Bartol, C. A. . PRINCIPLES of agnosticism applied to evi- dences of Christianity. Harris, J. A. Principles of divine service. Freeman, P. Principles of nature. King, \1. M. . . . PRINCIPLES of nature, her divine revelation,, and a voice to mankind. Davis, A. J. PRINCIP] I'.s di science applied to the do- mestic and mechanic arts and to manu- factures and agriculture. Potter, A. . Pringle, M. A. Towards the mountains of the moon : a journey in cast Africa. I dinburgh, 18S4. 8° I'i ingle, I'hos., b. 1789 d. 1834. Redding, i '. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 235 25S Rogei . 1 . . d Scotl ish minstrel, pp. 220-223. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . 381-65 454-4 721. \i 381-3 609 70 410-83 417-9 422G2 720A5 j8i 629 |8i 63 381 43 381-71 501-64 ; 1 138E2 2398-5 2603-42 176-55 176-27 604 -6 4678 -7 41 1 57 ' '1 -7 I'Uixsig'. '°.™ - \ I K ri i . i i i | S Laurie, v\ I i fAnglo-Indiai , , I I 1 1 1 ' i Printers, Smith, < '. M, Working man' i e world Saunders, F. I'asl i] i pp. 210 ■'■ ' I'kintini Blades, W, Slinl e pi ire and I pography Mai kellar, 1 \ intei . 656 5 Mini, ell, 1 '., .,/. V collection I the A mi- 1 ii an pre and othei | n lating to 1 he rt ol printing 81 Paper and prii 6 Pea 1 E. C, < iutenberg and 1 lie ai ol pi intitig Wilson, 1'". J. !■'. T\ i nling iii.ii hines, and mai lime printing. ... 1 liakewell, F. 1 Great facl I 1 aeli, I. Amenities of liteialurc. v. 1. PP- «35 -'.".1 Sl 1 iS 1 1 1 nsard, T. 1 . Proce 1 >f manufaclun and usi ol prin ting, etc. pp 135 1 Lacroix, P. Arts in 1 lie middle pp. 4S5 520 7094-5 I .11 dner, I >.. .•■'. M useum art. v. 2. pp. 1 32 Mitchell, D. (i. Ah . ellers. 7-4' l ,s " Smiles, S. Men ol n try. pp. 153-216 |i' 1 Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 1-34. Inventors and discoverers, pp. Prinzi m; m i., I he : an e isay. In Cai T. Essays, v. 7. pp. 138-168. . . . Prior, Jas., ed. Memoir of the life and fli, 11 ai tei of the Rt. I ton. Edm Burke; with specimens of poetry and letters. 2 v. B., 1854. 12 [95B8 Frior, Matthew, En diplomatist, b. [664 ./. 1721. Poetical works: with a life by Rev. John Mitford. 2 v. B., 1853- "2° ~W 7 Johnson, S. I Ingli sb poets, v. 1. pp. iii 1 635 41821-5 - Thackeray, W. M. English hu Stebbing, W. Some verdicts of hi reviewed, pp. 82—121 |ii 95 Prior, Dr. R. C. Alex., Ancient Danish ballads, transl: ti inals. 3 v. 1... [860. S° 83981 7 Prior, W. D. Roses and their culture. I.., n. il. 16° 7152—1 I 1 1 >riu. a ; or, trials for the truth: an his- toric tale of the Puritans and 1I1 1 1 Banvard, J 134A4 Prison books and theii authors. 1 angford, J. A 418 5 Pri iONl of Chillon. .' , G. G. N, Poems. 1 \ arious editions]. 1 1 In I Ion, conlinutd. A',,.- ... [ 1 1 war. Ill ' pp ■ 1 , M. I ■ in le life 1 enal servitu I , 11 W. M. Pris in of W II G. Pictures from prison life: an orical sketch of the M 3*>5 1 1 1, 1 , ms ; their effects and 3 6 5 43 Kropolkine, P. In Russian and French 365 _ 5 P , B. K, Hal century with juvenile delinquents ; or, New Vol k 1 1 and n . limes Sutton, C. N< and its mysteries 7 \\ Is, C. II. Woman in prison. . . . le, G. W. Silent South, pp. 113-1S0. Carlyle, T. Latter-day pamphlets. p 73. Model prisons 1. E. Impi life at home and alui 2 (5 254. French eon - Knox, T. W. The underground world. ii in. War and prison adventure. ,-, A. S. Spain r< visited, v. I. ; ;. Prison of the court. . . 1 Regnault, E. Criminal history of ilic I rlish government. |i|>. : prisoners of war , II. J. Among the Spanish ; V. I. pp. jOO-402. V. 2. pp. 1-42. . - Saunders, F. Pastime papers, pp. 126- 146. 1 ienius in jail - Smith. S. Works, pp. 155 171 Ke\ iev - Spencer, II. Essays. 50. . . 3' Timbs, J. London and Westminster. 9381 81 Bastile. Crime. Law. Siberia. ! if Mrs. 1'.. (G.) Fry. John Howai I. G< 1 . Jas. 1 iglethorpe. 1 . : prisoners of war during the rebellion. 5 United S ates. Pritchard, Wm. Thos. I remi- niscences; or, life in the South Pa islands; with a preface I an. 1.1 " Private judgment. Newman. J. 11. /« masterpieces, v. 3. pp. 221 278. PRIVATE. 1034 — I' RECTOR. Private life of an eastern king. Knighton, \V 6SSB1 Private purse and other tales. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) 450A2 Private tuition. Thompson, A. F. Eng- lish school-room ; or, thoughts on private tuition 3731-8 Privateer captain. Waters. L., n. d. 12 . PRIVATEERSMAN. Manyat, Capt. Frederick. Prize papers written on various subjects for the Boys' own magazine. L., 1864. 8°. 7G0K1 Contents. — Edward the Black Prince, by F. C. Wharton. — Penny post system, by E. M. Shin- ncr. — Translation of the Eible into English, by A. H. Higgs. — The story oT Tennyson's poem "The Idylls of the king," by T. Jee, jr. — An- cient Greek heroes, by W. I.. Barnes. — Negro slavery, by E. Staley. — Cotton, by G. S. Hol- lings. — Light-houses, by W. M. Watts. — Bridges, by G. S. Hollings. — Two poems on athletic sports, by J. Mason and J. Fraser. Prize selections ; quotations from English and American poets. Moulton, C. \V. ,,-,/. 807-6 Pro aris et focis. Davis, Rebecca (H.) . . 396-3 Probabilities. Proctor, R. A. Chance and luck 519-7 — Venn, J. Logic of chance; an essay on the foundations and province of the theory of probability 5'9~9 Probation. See Future punishment and probation. Probation. Fothergill, Jessie. Problem of evil. Naville, M. E 216-7 Problem of human life. Hall, A. W. . . 214-37 Problem of problems, and its various solu- tions, llraden, Clark 239-22 Problem of religious progress. Dorchester, Daniel 270-35 Problem of the Homeric poems. Geddes, W. D 8S34-4 Problematic characters. Spielhagen, F. PROBLEMS in political economy. Sumner, w - (; 3307-7 Problems of life andmind. Sri. ewes, ( ;. II. Problems of the age, Hewitt, A. F. . . . 2827-43 PROBYN, John Webb. Italy, from the fall of Napoleon I in 1S15, to the death of Victor Emmanuel in 1S7K. L., 1884. 8°. 94508-7 ed. Correspondence relative to the budgets of various countries. 1,., lS 77- '2° 332-7 Local0government and taxation. L., 1875. 8°. [Cobden club essays]. . . . 3521-7 Contents. — Local government in England, by 1 Brodrick. — Local government and taxation in Scotland, tjy A McNccl-Caird. — Local jov ernment and taxation in Ireland, by W . N. Han- cock. — Local government and taxation in the Australian colonics and Nc/v. by C. I W Wan and W II A, h 1 n viii': munal institutions of Belgium and Holland, by I [ Icye.— Local . 1 nt in France, by Comtc dc Fran- Probyn, J. W., continued. queville. — Local government and taxation in Russia, by A W. Pilke. — Local government and taxation in Spain, by Moret y Prendergast. — Local government considered in its historical development in Germany and England, with special reference to recent legislation on the subject in Prussia, by R. B. D. Morier. Local government and taxation in the United kingdom. L., 1SS2. 12 . [Cob- den club essays.] 3521-77 Contents. — Local government in England, by G. C. Brodrick- County boards, by C. T. D. Acland. — Areas of rural government, by E. Fitzmaurice. — London government and how to reform it, by J. F. B. Firth. — Municipal bor- oughs and urban districts, by J. T. Buncc.— Lo- cal government and taxation in Ireland, by R. O'Shaughnessy. — Local government and taxa- tion in Scotland, by W. Macdonald. — Local tax- ation in England and Wales, by J. R. Phillips. Procter, Francis. History of the Book of common prayer; with a rationale of its offices. L., 1S80. 12 2603-7 Proctor, Adelaide Anne, Eng.poet, />. 1S25- d. 1864. Poems. B., 1879. 16°. . . 746C1 — Parton, J. Noted women of Europe and America, pp. 213-21S 413-63 Proctor, Bryan Waller, (Barry Cornwall, pseud.), Eng. poet, l>. about 1790-1/. 1874. Chas. Lamb : a memoir. B., 1866. 12°. 554 D7 — Dramatic scenes; with other poems. B., 1S57. 12° 746C6 — English songs and other small poems. B., 1851. 12 746C5 — - Essays and tales in prose. 2 v. 11., 1853. 1 6° 764E1 Contents. — v. i. Memoir and essay on the genius of Shakspere. — Death of friends. — Spanish student.— Short mystery. — Portrait ot my uncle's snuff-box. — Flay in Venice. — Staun- tons.— Chapter on portraits. — Prison-breaker. — Planter.— Yicissitu des in a lawyer's life. --Man- hunter. — Two soldiers. v. 2. Story of the back-room window. — Chap- ter of fragments. — Usher. — Monsieur de Beam. — Happy day.— On English tragedy.— On Eng- lish poetry. — A defence of poetry. — Four dra- matic scenes. — Bryan Waller Proctor: an autobiograph- ical fragment and biographical notes; with personal ki ti he "f contempora- ries, unpublished lyrics and letters of literary friends. B., 1877. 12°.. . . 746B4 — Fields, J. T. ' Yesterdays with authors. PP- j53-4'9 418-4 — Ilowitt, W. I Ionics and haunts of the British poets, v. 2. pp. 50S-512. . . 4 1 S J 1 4 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traitsof Brit- ish authors, v. 2. pp. 259-268. . . . 4tN-' 56 — Stedman, I'.. C. Victorian poets, pp. 100-113 821-85 — Whipple, E. P. Recollections of eminent men. pp. 305-343 946E7 Willis, N. P. Famous persons and places, pp. 463-470 442-95 PROCTOR — t035 — PRO< TOB 5°4-7> 5*9 7 523S9-6 55' -74 5 2 °4-7 5204-76 502-68 Proctor, Edna 1 Am* poet, />. 1 Poems. \. v., 1867. 16 746C9 R.11 iian : B., 1872 \2 ... 4-17 74 Proctoi Geo I ighi ing 1 tu ii h -■■ n the history of thi n \ . Y.. 1777. 12" 2704 6 - I [istoi \ ofthi 'i u ade theii rise, ] tncl ri tilts. Phi la., 185 \. 8°. [Si i is Fi itii heir way. | 2704-6 Proctor, Kit hard Vnthony, Et ■■ (ratio- mer, /;. 1837 d, 1889. B01 I of >< ■ ■ i erie ol familiar dissertat ion ■ on star:-., plane) 1 and met n un and . moon; earthquakes, flyin mai hines, coal, gambling 1 oincidences, gh ■ Phila., 1874. 12° ( "banco and luck : a discussion of the laws of luck, coincident es, (lotteries, and ihc fallacies of gambling ; with n< >ti on pokerand martingales. L., 1S87. 12 . Easy star lessons. X. Y., 1882. 12 . . Elementary physical geography. Phila., n. d. 16 Essays on astronomy. L., 1S72. 8°. . 1 x panse of heaven : a series of essays on the wonders of the firmament. N. Y., [876. 12 — Familiar science studies. N. Y., 1882. 12 . Contents . — Notes on infinity. — Science and religion \ men u ing i omel ■ Mi teorifcdust. — Biela's comet and meteors. — Movements of Ju- piter's cloud masses.— rhe origin of the week. — The problem of the Great Pyramid. — The pyra- mids of (ihi/ch. — Sun-spots and ft n a m ial pani — Cold and wet.— Our winters. — About lotteries. — Betting on races, — A gambling superstition. — The fifteen puzzle. — Etna. — Weather forecasts. — Some strangely fulfilled dreams. — Susp< n animation.—* hir astronomers royal. — Photo- graphs of a galloping hi — Flowers of the sky. N. Y.. n. d. l6°. . 5204 71 < . 1 rat pyramid : obsei vatory, tomb and temple. 1... 1883. 12° 4031-6 I lalf-hours with the teli sco] >e : being s popular guide to the use of the telescope as a means of amusement and instruction. N. Y., 1873. 12 5222 -7 How to play whist; with the laws ami etiquette o\ whist and forty fully anno- tated games. N. Y., 1SS5. 16 . . . . 788 65 — Illusions "f the senses, and other e n. t. p. S° ;. 1 1 72 Contents,—* 'Illusions of the senses. — Animals of the present and the past. — Life in other worlds. - Earthquakes. — Our dual brain. — A new star in a star cloud. Monster m- — The origin of comets. I ighl science for leisure hours. 1 ., 1S71. 12° 502-69 Contents. — Strange discoveries respecting the Aurora. — Earth B magnet.— Our chief timepiece losing time Enclci th< atsl ron Venus on the sun's face. — Recent Pro rem, l'. A., can/it 1- the ' i u If t|. ..111 .1 11, yr h I land * ir.-.it tidal was ■ i 1 rvcr known — For . r yS- 1 -Influence of man irvey of I ndia. — Ship attacked by 1 1 1 — Oxford and Cambridge rowing styles. tin« es ; or, the state of the oddf . — Squaring the circle.— New theory of Achilles' shield. — Moon, The; her motions, aspects, scenery ami physical condition. V Y. t 1873. I2 ° 5233-7 My iteries of time and space. X. Y ., I883. 12° 52 Contents. — Newton and Darwin. — Vistas of the past. — The birth of the moon.— Birth and death of worlds. — The sun as a perpetual ma- chine. — The sun's corona. — The sun's long streamers. — Meteoric astronomy. — Comets. — Cornel I langers from comets. — The world's end. — The menacing comet. — Jupi- ter's satellil trial magnetism. — The star-depths. — Transit of Venus. — Star-clouds and star-mist.— Herbert Spencer's philosophy. — A survey of the northern heavens. — Star unto star. star atlas; intended as a companion to Webb's celestial objects for common telescopes. I.., 1S77. 12 52389-7 — Notes on earthquakes, [etc.] n. t. p. 8°. v Contents. — Notes on earthquakes. — Photo- graphing fifteen million stars. — Story of the moon. — Earth's past. Story of the earth- i of Niagara, — Unknowable. -^Sun worship.— Her- bert Spcnceron priesthoods. — Star of Bethlehem and a Bible comet— An historical puzzle. — Galileo, Darwin and the pope. — Science and pol- il 1 -Parents and children. — Orbs around us. !.., 1S72. 12°. . . . 5204-73 Contents. — Introduction: the gamut of light. • 1 her habitable worlds. — Other inhabited worlds. — The Rosse telescope set to new « — The planet of love— The planet of war — A miniature sun. — Shooting stars, meteors and aerolites. M meteor systems. — Pro- 1 or Tyndall's theory of comets. — Comets and comets' tails. — The sun's corona.— What, then, is the corona ?— The corona as a phenom- enon of eruption.— Colours of the double stars. — Other worlds than ours. X. Y.. 12°. Same. 1 ., 1S70. 12° 52;!;; 1 »ni place among infinities: a sern essays contrasting our little abode in space and time, with the infinities around us, also essays on the Jewish Sabbath and astrology. X. Y.. 1S76. 12°. . . 52 Contents. — Pah and future of the earth. — 11 New theory of life in other worlds -A mi I —The lost comet and its meteor train— Jupiter. — Saturn and its system.— A giant sun.— The star depths PROCTOR. 1036 PROGRESS Proctor, R. A., continued. — Star gauging.— Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews. — Thoughts on astrolog) Poetry of astronomy. I.., 1881. 12°. . 5204 7;, Contents. — Age of the sun and earth -ih'. sun in his glory.— When the sea was young. — Is the moon dead? — The moon's myriad small rati rs — A new crater in the moon. — A world. — The planet of war. — Living in dread ami terror. — A ring of worlds. — Earth-born ine- ir orites —The architecture of the univi 1 — Rough ways made smooth : a series of familiar essays on scientific subjects. N. V. 1SS0. 12 5o+-73 Contents. — The sun's corona and his spots. — Sun spots and commercial panics. — New planets near the sun — Results of the British- transit ex- peditions. — The past history of our moon. — A new crater in the moon. — The November me- teors. — Expected meteor shower. -.Cold winters. — Oxford and Cambridge rowing. — Rowing styles. — Artificial somnambulism. — Hereditary traits. — Bodily illness as a mental stimulant. — Dual consciousness. — Electric lighting. — Great storms. — The recent storms. — Mechanical chess-players. — Influence of the mind on the body. — Saturn and its system. I,., 1S65. 8°. . 52346-7 — Science by-ways. I'hila.. 1876. 12°. . 502-72 Contents. — Life, past and future, in olhcr worlds. — Planet put in Leverrier's balance. — Comets' tails. — Three orders of comets. — The sun a bubble. — Sun's surroundings and future eclipses. — Weather and the sun. — Finding the way at sea. — Journeys toward the North pole. — Rain — Danger from lightning. — Growth and decay of mind. — Have we two brains? — On some strange mental feats. — Automatic chess and card playing. — Money for science. - The sun : ruler, lire, light ami life nf the planetary system. L., 1871. 12°. Same, ■ 18/6 5237~7 — Transits of Venus : a popular account of past and coming transits, from the first observed by I lorrocks, 1639, to 1 he transit of 2012. N. Y., 1875. S° 52396-7 — Treatise on the cycloid and all forms of cycloidal curves. L., 187S. 12 . . . 5213 7 - Astronomy, hi Simple lessons for home use. pp. 305-335 607-5 [Lectures on astronomy.] In Tribune popular science, pt. I. pp. 1-45. pt. 2. pp. 36-59 502-9 — Strange discoveries respecting the Aurora. Recen t solar researches. In Estes, I >. , ed. Half-hour reci n er. 1. pp. 1 -22. 504-42 /. Nature tudies. V Y., 1883. 12 . 502-7 CI R Darwin, by R. A. ] tor.— Newton and Darwin, by R. A. Proctor. — Di , bj I < lodi M -v ants, by ( \. Al- len.- Colors v\ ilson Winter ■ 1 1 G \ 1 1 ■ 1 1 Poi lizard, by A . Birds wiib teeth, by T. Foster. —Fiji islands, by R A , Proi toi Hyacinth bulbs, by ' Out V. Wilson First 1 ' ■ G : ■ 1 i t n Pi ittercups, I'm 11 n iR, R. A., continued. by G. Allen. — Found links, by A. Wilson.— In- telligence in animals, by R. A. Proctor.- Out ancestors, by G. Allen. — The beetle's view of life, by G. Allen. — What is a grape ? by G. Allen. — 1 rms of disease and death, by A. Wilson. — Wonderful discovery, by R. A. Proctor. — Ilrain troubles, by R. A. Proctor. — Thought-reading, by R. A. Proctor.— Monkshood, by G. Allen. Proctor, Richard Wright, ed. Gems of thought and flowers of fancy. 1.., 1855. 12° '. 746C8 Proctor, Wm. Management and treatment of the horse in the stable, field and on the road. 1,.. 1883. 12 6361-75 Proem to Genesis. Gladstone, W. E. In Order of creation, pp. 70-106 213—63 Profanity. Sharman, J. Cursory history of swearing 1995-S — Whipple, E. P. Outlooks on society, lit- erature, etc. pp. 75-94. . ■ »- • • • • 946E63 Set also Ethics, practical. Professor, The. Bronte, Charlotte. PROFESSOR at the breakfast table; with the story of Iris. Holmes, O. W I s ?' 7 Professor Conant. Huntington, I.. S. I11 hi " 11; Johnny. Williams. Annie- Bowles, (Jak, pseud.) 510A7 linn \ 1 r, John. Curiosities and law of wills. San Francisco, 1S76. 16 . [Le- gal recreations.] 3441-6 Profile house. Curtiss, Percy 264A6 Profiles. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. . . 714A86 PROFlT-sharing. Taylor, Sedley. Profit- sharing between capital and labour. . . 3362-8 Bolton, S. R. Social studiesin England. pp. 167-174 3 4-24 — Brown, H. E. Life on the lagoons, pp. 335-33S- Schio 4453~ 2 — See also Labor and capital. Profitable plants. Archer, Thos. C. . . 5S16-2 Profitable poultry keeping. P.cale, S. . 638 1; PROFITS in poultry; useful and ornamental breeds, ami their profitable management. N. V., 1SS6. 12 638 11 Progress. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 12. pp. 182-200 818 27 I'm iiikkss and poverty. Grotge, Henry. . 333"4 Progress and poverty: essay. In Savage, M.J. Modem sphinx, pp. III-129. . 304 7s Progress and prejudice. Gore, Mrs. C. G. Progress and suppression of the reforma- tion in Italy. Mi Ciie, Rev. rims. . . 2745-5 Progri of doctrine in the New Testament. Bernard, I . D 239 ij Progri is of nations. Seaman, I.e. .. . 609-7 Pri igress of nation . or, 1 lie prim iple ol national developmenl in their relation to mo hi an hip : a siinly in analyl ii al history. I... 1861. 8° 901- PROGRESS. Progki "i the < life. \\ arc, II. Bonn I with \\ are, 1 1. Kormali Chri ' Progri ol the woi kin hall a G i, R i ■ Bolai I • i ■ igri [VI moi I T. ... 191 P e orthodoxy : buti 1 the < In 1 .1 ian intei pi docl - Smith, E. C. and othei ■. , .• ; ■ Progr 1 IVB pel 'i 1 1 I I B 17-81 1 '1 1 n 1 1 1 philosophy, I 1 1 tl I Si lull. 1, E Hi 7< s Prohibition. S I and intern- pei Pri ijecting, Vrt of. I tolbi 11 \ 1 '. . . . 535^-3 Pri ilegomena to ethi ' ; H. 191-44 Prologi 1 . B., 1 ;. S. Siinly of the pro- . and epilogue in Engli h liti 1 iture. Pri ime, Battle of. K nox, I . W. I ' battle sim e Watei 17-28 . 903-53 Promi 1 hi 1 >. Blacl ie, I . S. Lay: and legends ol ancii nt Greeci [60C2 Pri imeTHEI bound. 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 louhd, and othei p Brow ".Ili ib 1 : i'U) 1861 18 Promi i hi i in Atlantis extinction of th Chri 1 N. Y., 1867. 1 ■ Pri .minims unbound. See Shelley, P B Pri ini m (%.<■■ in. A) res, A. Ortl ist : .1 pronouncing manual 11 15-2 Ellis, A. I. Speei h in song 77 ■ Phyfe, W. II. I'. How should I pro- nounce ? 111,7 Whitney, D. \V. Oriental and linguistic studies, scr. 2. pp. 202-276 1 English language. Language. PROOF-reading. Authors and publishei pp. 74 76 8053-2 Propagation of plants. Fuller, A. s. . . 634 1 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius, Roman poet, b. about 45 A'. C.-d. 22 ./. D. Davie . I Catullus, Hbullus and Propertius. . . 8741-4 Elton, ('. A. Specimens of the cl poets, v. 2. pp. 231-294 S7001-3 Pri iri 1; 1 \ . See 1 ,and. Law. 1 ■ on- 11 my. Property and pi M ick, W. H. . 538 56 PROPERTYlaw. Sugden, E. B 3443-7 Prophecy. Baxter, M. Coming won. I. expected I 17 and 1875. . . . 229 .;; Guinness, II. G. Romanism and the reformation from the standpoint "I prophecy 2 — Neil, J. Pal or, v-at- tered Israel's gathering — Smith, R. P. Prophecy a prepan Christ • ' PrOI'IIP.) V, COIttin I . II 17 U j lie, J. A. 1421 in, M. My in n umbei . In \\ V. 2 Pi I r. by \\ in. W il son. /« An ( Ihristian library, v. 24. pp. 11 [.Natural 1 enl pp. 99-121 Bible, raclism. vent. lyard. Prophetic spirit and the prophecies of the Christian era. Dollinger, I. J. I. von ning Ami Sumner, Chas PrOI'HEI of the t ircat Smoky Mountain. Murfree, M. \ . . ud.) epresentation. Buck ale w, C. R 1 idylls, new and old. Kin Prosi m modern 3 v. N. Y., n. d. 16 Contents. — v. 1. Mutability of literatim W. Irving.— World of books, by I Hunt, [m pcrfc*:t sympathies, by C. Lamb. ' ion of the I for to W S. Landoi I ■ parliament I f an- ti-reformers, hy S. Smith, — Nil nisi bonum, hy W*. M I hai 1:. ray. — Compensation, by R. V. Emei — On popular culture, by J. Morlcy. in the art of living with others, by \ Helps. — My winter garden, by I y. — 1 Ruskin. — On a certain cond< t in foreigners, by J. R hy T. Carlyle. — History, by T. B. M ience of history, by .1 \. Froude. — Race and language, by 1- \. Freeman. - beyond sea. by V7, I judgment, by J. H. N plain speaking, by I Stephen. pastorals. Sylvester, II. M. . . . writers of Germany. Hedge, I. II. G Pros English, Greek, Latin and oilier langu.i Prospects of Peru. Duffield, A. J Prosper. Cherbuliez, V. Mrs. — . The Awdries and their friends, and other tales. ].., n. d. I PROSSER, R. Brickmakihg as practised in the Staffordshire potteries, h E, Brick and tiles, pp. - ,: 6663-4 PROSTRATE state : South Carolina under ne- government. Pike, J. S PROTAI'. 1038- PROTESTANT. Protap Chundar Mozoomdar. The Oriental Christ. B., 1SS3. 12° 2329-65 — Emerson as seen from India. In Sanborn, I'. 1'.., ed. ( renius and character of Em- erson, pp. 36S-37> 3!7B2 Proteai'x, A. Practical guide for the man- ufacture of paper and boards; with addi- tions, by L. S. LeNormand : tr. with notes by Horatio Paine; to which is added a chapter on the manufacture of paper from wood in the United States, by Henry T. Brown. I'hila., 1S66. 8°. 676-7 Protei riON. See Free trade and protection. rECTiON against fire. Bird, J 3523-2 Protection of majorities. Quincy, J. P. . 304-6 Protection, or free trade. George, Henry. 335-38 Protection to home industry. Thompson, R. E 3353-S PROTECTION to young industries, as applied in the United States. Taussig, F. \V. 335-91 Protectionism. Sumner, W. G 335-^8 Protector, The. [Oliver Cromwell] : avin- dication. Merle d'Aubigne, J. II. . . 255B1 Protestant, The. Bray, Mrs. A. F. Protestant church of France, with paral- lel notices of the church of Scotland. Lorimer, J. G 2845-5 Protestant Episcopal church. Adams, W. H. D. Great English churchmen. . . 4145-2 — Anderson, J.S. M. History of the church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British empire. 3 v 2833-2 — Andrews, J. W. Church law 3424-2 Bailey, T. J. Defence of Holy orders in the church of England 2S37-2 Jurisdiction and mission of the Anglican episcopate 2S37-2 Bedell, G. 1'. Canterbury pilgrimage. . 2834 2 Biddulph, T. T. Practical essays on the liturgy of the church of England. 3 v. 26031-25 Bolmer, W. B. Church and the faith. . 270-22 Brett, R., ed. Churchman's guide to faitli and piety. 2 v. in 1 26034-2 Brown, I- Exclusive claims of Puseyite I piscopalians 2837-25 Browne, E. II. Exposition of the thirty- nine articles 2383-2 Burgon, |. W. England tnd Rome. . . 2829-3 — Capel, J. T. Reply to the Rt. Hon. \V. E. Gl dstone' political expostulation. 2S27-25 Chapin, A. B. \ iev, ol 1 hi 1 11 g ini n and order of the primitive church. . . ■ ' 1 ■ 1 lark, I. A. Walk aboul Zion 2838 2 Colto I Senius ami missii I 1 he Proti tanl Episi opal 1 Ihurch in the 2832 3 \ 1 Apollo . "i . the ■■■ ay of God . . . 2838 33 Protestant Episcopal church, continued. — Cutts, E. L. Protestant Episcopal church. 283-3 — Eaton. A. W. Heart of the creeds. . . 2838-3 — Elliot, A. State and the church. . . . 2577-3 — Englishman's brief on behalf of his na- tional church 2838-37 — Estcourt, E. E. Question of Anglican ordinations discussed. 2837-4 — Field, W. Stones of the Temple. . . . 724-5 — Goulburn, E. M. Holy Catholic church. 2S38-4 — Hook, W. F., ed. The Christian taught by the church's service 26034-5 — Huntington, W. R. The church idea : an essay toward unity 283S-4 — Jacob, G. A. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament 25S-5 — Kip, W. I. Double witness of the church. 283S-45 — Lay, H. C. Studies in the church. . . . 283S-48 — Little, A. W. Reasons for being a churchman 2838-47 — Littlejohn, A. N. Conciones ad clerum. 250-5 — McElhinney, J. J. Doctrine of the church 230-4 — McLaren, W. E. Catholic dogma the antidote of doubt 2838-48 — McMasters, S. V. A Methodist in search of the church 2838-43 — Marks, A. Characteristics of the church. 2838-49 — Marshall, E. Oxford. [Diocesan his- tories.] 27421-6 — Marshall, T. W. Comedy of convoca- tion in the English church 2S37-5 Maurice, F. D. Kingdom of Christ. . . 2S38-5 — Mercier, J. Our Mother church. . . 283S-51 — Mines, F. S. Presbyterian clergyman looking for the church 2S3S-52 — M on sell, J. S. B. Our new vicar. . . . 2S38-4 — Noel, B. W. Essay on the union of church and state 2577-64 — Perry, W. S. Hand-book of the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church, giving its history and constitu- tion, 1785-1877 2S321-I — Powell, T. Apostolic succession. . . . 2581-6 — Prig, The, pseud. How to make a saint. S27-72 — Rector and his friends 204-74 Richardson, N. S. Churchman's reasons foi his faith and practice 2838-6 — Sadler, M. V . Church doctrine: Bible truth 2838-7 Church teacher's manual of Christian instruction 2;S; 8 Shiras, A. Christian festivals: a help to devoul obsei * ance "I 1 he sai 1 ed 1 asons of the church 2453-8 Smith, J. C. Certain aspects of the church '. 2838 75 Southey, R. The bonk of the church. . 2S3-7 Swete, II B. England versus Rome. 2829 8 I'l<< (TEST \N I PROI I Proti i.i I' i pal i Inii' li, continued. I relatt ny, C. T. C. Perranzabuloi lost church found rrevern, J. I-'. M. Ann. able di cu on the ■ huri li "I England • | - ["ucker, II W, 1 ngli h cl h i hi i land . "i , i i" i^i itual expansion of England I ulloch, J. Mi>\ ements of relij i thought in I'.i it.il" dui in}; the 1911 liny 283 83 Vail, T. 1 1 . The 1 pi 1 hen live church. 28 |8 Wa.lilnn n, E. A. 1 I"" li in ' I li liis- torj - White, W. Memoii \ ol the Protestant Episcopal cl li in the 1 nited Stall s. 28 yt 9 \\ ilde >, G. I '.. ed. Vuthorised repi n 1 ( .f the proi eeding ol 1 1" ;i i enth church 1 ongress in the Protestant Episcopal church in the 1 nited States, 1S.S1 2S321-81 Ann. Ill, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. pp. Si-122 ' 201-103 1 'milr 1 f an Episcopalian. In College and t lie church. pp. 129- 139 3704-4 I Uii bin, J.I'. ' ,!i ei 1 al ions in Europe. V. 2. pp. 259-274 I ! 0-29 Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology, pp. 176 zm< 204-31 Howitt, W. Historj of the supernatural. v. 2. pp. 104-150 and 169-186. . . . 171 48 Lea, II. 1. Historical sketch of sacer- dotal celibacy in the Christian church, pp. 4(12-507 2582-5 M 1I1. hi, J. Prose works, v. I. pp. 1- 88. v. z. pp. 127-159 828 61 - Phelps, A. My study, pp. 262-287. . 204 71 - Where is the city? pp. 151-1S0. . . . 2S0-9 — Wiseman, N. Essays on various sub- jects, v. 4 2827 'I w I ives hi 111"-. Arnold. I". Bick- ersteth. Joseph Butler. T. T. Carter. Mrs. 1 li in j 1 >i ning. Edu at d Feild. I.I [ami ing ton. A. I.< ',. I [are. !•'. R. Havergal. K. S. Hawker. R. Ilcber. Henry VIII.- Latimer. C. E. 1 r-ter. Chas. Lowder. M. Lonsdale, [Sister Dora.) C. P. Mcllvaine. II. Martyn. F. I'. Maurice. W. A. Muhlenberg. f. C. Patteson. F. W. Robei C. Simeon. S. Smith. A. 1'. Stanley. Edward ami Catherine Stanley. Cath- erine and Craufurd 'Tail. C. Thirlwall. J. F. M. Trevern. Henry Venu, Wm. Warburton. M. F. Ward. W. K. Whittingham. — Se< ro England, 'ory. Rit- ualism. I 1706-1881 ng, M. A 11. volution. Scebohm, I S. I', in ' Lilution nf government. Nn. 1 Arnold, M. Si. Paul .mil Pi I I ion. Prol 1 atholii ity il;. Variations of the Pi 1 hillingu hi Mi, \\ . ants: a safe way I" salvation ' Craig, J., church in 1 lungary ', I.i. 1 atholicity in i in Pro ' . . • • 2829 i- 1 — Hughes, J. iimt Breckenridgc, J. troversy, Is I ut religion the religion of Christ tire, T. and Pope, R. T. P. mil Mai .li, A. C. 1 1 1 t"i ■■ r thi I reformation in France Moehlet . J. A. Symboli in. 11 ut tlir .li.i 11 inal between i latholic ■ and Protestants Roussell, X. Catholic ami Protestant na- tions compared 2829-7" Brov nson, ' I. A. \\ ork . v. 5. pp. 241 330. v. 7. pp. 567-579. ... - De Quincey, T. Theological essays and papi ' . v. 1. pp. 53 141. ... I 1 cursions of an evolutionist. >93 357E3 Froth ingham, O. B. Soul of Protestant- ism. In Freedom and fellowship in religion, pp. 265-298 -°4~33 Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects, v. 2. pp. IJJ I48 Christianity. Church history. Ref- ormation. PROTHl RO, (ico. Walter. Life of Simon de Montfoi 1 1 ; with special reference to the parliamentary his time. I .. 1877. 12 Urbino, Mrs. S. K.. tr. Princes of art. pp. 1 1 \ 119 M7~9 Protoi ' . matter and life. ! L. S 576-2 Proudfoot, John, b. iS"2 ,/. 1888. Scotch- man in America: addresses, songs, etc. at Scottish gatherings: n cms ami occasional verses. Cleveland, 1873. 12° l'Kot t. Father, Mahoney, A'r.: I ncis Syh ester. Prout, Instrumentation. L. 8°. [Music primers.] PROUT. 1040 PSYCHE. PROUT, Samuel. Ruskin.J. Miscellanea, v. I. 704-S25 Prout, Win. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology: ed. by J. W. Griffith L., 1S55. 12°. . . 210-107 Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish; their habits and haunts, and the methods of catching them. B., 1883. 8° ■ 795-6 Provencal literature. See Literature, pro- venial. Troubadours. Proverbial philosophy. Tupper, M. F. . 896C8 Proverbs. Beecher, H. W. Proverbsfrom Plymouth pulpit 249-225 — Bohn, H. G.,ed. Hand-book of proverbs. 3S19-2 - Polyglot of foreign proverbs 3819-3 — Bowes, ('.. S. Illustrative gatherings. 253-2 — Brown, M. Wit and w isdom of proverbial philosophy 38] Frost, S. A. Dramatic proverbs and charades . . 7S5-47 — Gentleman's Magazine library, v. 2. I'i- alects, proverbs and wordlore 380-412 - Hodder, E. Q iei on queer proverbs 481 A 1 - Holland, J. G. Gold-foil hammered from popular proverbs 483E3 - Kelly, W. K. Collection of the proverbs of all nations 3^I9~5 ! ong, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems, illustrating old truths 220S-61 ■I 11. J. A., ed. Hand-book of proverbs and family mottoes. Bound with Cal- der, M. T. New charades for the drawing room 785-27 Riley, H. T.,ed. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverb , maxims and mottoes S7008-7 -Tupper, M. F. Proverbial philosophy. - Wilkins, C, tr. Fables and proverbs fi the Sanskril ; being the 1 1 -- Wo. .lever, A., ed. Treasur ol wisdom, wit and humor : odd 1 mpai 1 on i and provei bs 807-9 Burton, R. I . nd Drake, 1 I . I'. Un 1 ed Syria, v. 1. pp -ii 194. . 4579-23 Camden, W. Reni.i . ning Brit- ain- PP- 3'6 3,55 406-3 1 ' '' ,"■'.17 |20. . . 9519 1 Hay, J. ( '. tilian clays, pp. 267-281. . 4 \> - Helps, A. I 1 iends in couni il. ei . 2. v. 1. pp. 204-217. u5i 1 8 N l - ! ^- ocial pa] , 173-197. Afii- rovei bial philosophy 610E5 Philp, R. K. Best of everything. . . . 603-6 tlbury, W. Life in Spain. I Provi 13 of. i Bible. IENCE. Alford, II. Me litations in : lenci 240 1 5 Providence, continued. - Child, G. C. Benedicite: illustratii the power, wisdom and goodness of ( .."I, as manifested in his works 210-19 — Gordon, W. R. Particular providence : lecture on the history of Joseph. . . . 2218-44 — Armstrong, (.). D. Two books of nature and revelation, pp. 154-1S6 215-103 — Holland, J. ('. Gold-foil. pp. 79-90. . 4S3E3 — McCosh, J. Certitude, providence and prayer. Philosophic series. No. 4. . 142-6 Swedenborg, E. Divine providence and its laws. Ill Barrett, B. 1., ■■/. Swe- denborg library, v. 4 2S94-2 Provinces of the Roman empire from! 3 sar to Diocletian. Mommsen, Theo. . . . 9196-55 Provincial letters. Pascal, Blaise. . . . 208-69 Provocations of Madame Palissy. Man- ning, A 708L.O Prowse, W '.J., joint author. Strauss,'.. I . M. and others. England's workshop. . 609-75 1*1:1 DENCE. Lillie, Lucy C. Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, Thi I l'i;i DENCE Win let burn. Doudney, Sarah. 229A62 PrudyI 10I . Clarke, Mrs. R.S., (Sophie May, pseud.) Prue and 1. Curtis, Geo. Wm 817-341 Pri sias. Eckstein, Ernst. Prussia. Ranke, L. Memoirsof the house of Brandenburg, and history of Prussia, during the 17th and iSth centuries. 3 v- I S 49 9429-7 I tittle, II. History of Prussia to the ac- cession of Frederic the great, 1 134-1740. 1884 9429-8 History of Prussia under Frederick the -Hit, 1 740-1 745. 2 v. lSSS 9429-81 — Morier, K. 1'.. D. Local government ; with special reference to recent legisla- tion in Prussia. In Probyn, J. \\ '.. ed. Cobden club essays, 1875. pp. 409-454. ."521-7 ,s; . ,,. 10 Lives ol I redet ii 1. '.hi great. Hen- ry, prince of Prussia. Louise, queen of Prussi :. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. . Sophie Marie \ an. Pri SSIAN vase. Edgeworth, Maria. Pi 1 , ,, Mrs. Mary. Grandmamma's letti 1 from Japan. B., 1877. 16° 45 2 "5 8 , 1 (avid. 1 1 1 1 history. I din- burgh, 1865. 16 9202-7 — Highways of literature ; or, what to read, and how to read. V Y., n. d. 12 . . 805-72 L and Q 1. S onge, 1 Iharlotte M. . . . 990A85 1 idoxia epidemica. Brow ne, Si) I'. .. v. 1 and 2 828 2 I iLUSJ or, the cheat. I 'hint u ,. I om v. I. pp. 253 (16 8723-7 1 . 1 111 of tO-day. I.ml.ni, 1/; r. 1 'has. r che, with other poems, Hghe, Mrs. H. 888CS 1'SSCIIH' \l I I'llll K Psychical research. G I , • I . \Y. II. and Pod mon .1 I'hanl oT the living 2 v 1 , | 1 1 ,'. . Abbott, 1 A 1 udy in hu- man nnl ure. [885 1 11 Ulen, G. Colour icn c, il origin and develo] 11 ive psyi holog 1 1879 1821-2 Bain, \. Emol ii m 1 1 the h ill. 1875. 180 1 , Mental icienci 1868 1 llir ense and 1 1 Ii llei t, 1874. . 1 - (6 l'..il.|u 111, J. I Elemental \ p \ . I.. .!■■■■ y and 1 lu. ation. [887 1 Basi inn. |. ( lomparati> e psycholog 1 1 Prim iple "I |i i holi ■■ 1878. . . . 180-19 Blackwcll, A. L. (B.) Stm 1 n ral science. 1869 142-24 Brown, I . Lectun on the philosoph) of the human mind. n. d 1 Clifford, W. K. Seem;.; and thinking. 1880 181-3 Cousin, V. Elements "I psych ol 1864 181 Cyples, W. [nquiry into the 1 I human experience, n. d ti Day, II. V Elements of psj < In 1876 1 I lew ey, J . Ps) 1 hology. 1 887 181 Hamilton, I '. II. Autology: an induct- ive system ol m ntal science. 1873. . . 1S0 (i Hamilton, 5iV W. Lectures on meta- physics and logii . \ . 1 1871 1 1 - Metaphysics. 1SO7 180-421 — Haven, J. Menial philosophy. 1883. . 1S0-427 1 1 .' ard, R. 1 ;. Man .1 creativi fii 1 e. 1883 1 I [opkins, I . P. Educational ps) 1 In (886 180-45 Hopkins, M. 1 'inline study of man. 1878 1 Hume, D. [Treatise on human nature. [882 I No 1 7 — Janes, E. Human psychi logy. 1884. . t8o s I add, ii. T. Physiological p yi hology. '887 — Lewes, G. II. Problems ol life and mind. 11 . .5. Sunly "i \.i 879. . 162 52 — Locke, I. An essay concerning human understanding, and a treatise on the conduct of the understanding. 1S57. . 1 • tions : ed. by S. H. Emmons. . . 189 ;; Lotze, H. 1 lutline ology. 1886. 1 81 McCosh,J. Intuitions of the mind. 1865. 161 61 Psychology; ihe cognitive powei [886 1S1-6 : the motive powers. iSS7 180 61 — Mill, J. Analysis of imena of the human mind. 1S7S 1 Munsell, O. S. Psychology. 1S71. . . 1- r ivi in inued. S., I . I . 1 .hi 111. 111. -i think ? 1 Smec, A. Mind "l 1 . -, 1 1 2 v. 1 i I Stewart, D. Elements ol the philosophy human mind. 1N511 1 Sully, I. I . . hand-l k ol cholo 1886 1 mi, T. C. Menial philosophy. [Same. Abi idged.] 1 Warden, R. B. Familiar forei of man and law. 1N60 1 A. Pra 1 ■ 'in mon en id 1 1 ntellect. En i I the hand. Beamish, R. . . 1; and parlor readings. See Monroe, I B., ed. and private history of Napoleon III. II. t. p. 12° Pi 111 11 debts. Adams, II.' P >f the Athenians. Boeckh,A. 3324 j u niiy of the United States. C 3 1 tc health. See Hygiene. ! 11 men and events, 1817-53. Sargent, N. •pinion: essay. ///Giles, II. lllus- : genius, pp. 1 12 1 37. . . . \i-\ 1 Pi in n relief anil private charily. Lowell, J- S 1 Bible in the public schools. .,771 J — Daily public schools in the United States. 3/O-S Freese, \. Early history of the Cleve- land publii - — Kennedy, J. Tin- I the family. , — Patridge, 1 . E. Quincy methods. . . Pom er and authority of school officers and teachers 1. S. T. Religion and the stati the Bible and the pti : 377>-S Wells, VV. II. Graded com e of instruc- tion fm public schools Bi iei ly, I. R. Publi ithern ifornia. In California of the South. C Bryant, W. C. Orations and addn pp. 283-292 hnell, II. Building eras in religion. pp. 7«-«05 — Hill, It. A. Liberty and law under f ative government. |2i8 45 rkley, T. Practical essays on educa- tion, pp. 1 105. PUBLIC. 1042 — PUNSHON. Public schools, continued. — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 652-684 204-84 — See also Education. Schools. Teaching. PUBLICOLA, Publius Valerius. See Plutarch. Lives. [Various editions.] Publishers. Authors and publishers. . . 8053-2 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors. books and publishers 4 I $ I- 3 — Dodge. M. A.. (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Battle of the books, recorded by an un- known writer for the use of authors and publishers 1944-4 Puck and Pearl : two English children in India. Macdonakl, Frederika 454-475 PUDDINGS. Brown, S. A. Book of forty puddings 642-2 — Murray, T. J. Puddings anil dainty des- serts 641-7 — See also Cookery. Puddleford papers. Riley, H. 11. ... 817-8 PUDENTIANA, saint. Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints, pp. 151-164. 414-23 PUCKLER-Muskau, Prince Herman v. 'Tutti- frutti : tr. by E. Spencer. Pt'GET de la Serre, Jean. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. Eminent orators of France. pp. 102-111 4102-5 Puget sound, Life at. Leighton, C. C. . . 479~5 Pulaski, Count Casimir, Polish patriot, 6. 1747-d. 1779. Murray, J. O'K. Cath- olic pioneers of America. pp.318-320. 4172-0 — Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 4. pp. 369-446 412-86 Pulcheria, empress of the East, />. 309-'/. 45 j. Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. PP- 44-53 4ij-55 PULCI, Luigi, b. 1431-1/. 14S7. Hunt, L. Italian poets, pp. 167-230 8501-4 Tin ., Henry Win. Modern Christianity, a civilized heathenism. B., 1S75. 12°. 240-62 ■ — Tom Pippin's wedding. Phila., 1S71. 1 6°. 1 1 1 1 t.vs. Cromwell, J. H. Belts and pulleys. 62185-3 Pi ll' for paper making. See Taper. Pulpit. See Preachers. I'i i.ii 1 eloquence of the 19th century. Fish, 1 1. < ' 2521-4 Tii.iti oral if France and Switzerland, Turnbull, R 4146-8 Pulsford, Rev. John. Hood, E. P. British pulpit, eti . pp. 123 J55 4144 4 PULTNEY, Win., earl Oj Hath. Lodge, E. Portraits of illu ;l is | age i of Greal Britain, v. 7. pp. 217-225. . . 411 05 Stebbing, W. ol hi Lory reviewed, pp. 200-254 111 os Tri.n.v. a, Battli ol [709 vi . m . VV. II. 1). Battle itorie . j <• ■;.... 9208 1 ; Pi ltowa, continued. — Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles. pp. 289-304 903-25 PUMPELLY, Raphael, .I'll, geologist, I'. 1837. Across America and Asia: notes of a live years' journey around the world, and of residences in Arizona, Japan and China. N. V., 1S71. 12°. Same, 1S70. 8" 438-75 PUMPS. Swindell, J. G. Well-digging, boring and pump-work 0222-2 — Appleby, C. J. Illustrated hand-book of machinery, section 3 621-15 — Lardner, I '., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 5. pp. 177-192 603-4 — See also Machinery. Mechanics. Physics. PUNCH. Half a century of English history pictorially presented in a series of car- toons from the collections of Mr. Punch, comprising 250 plates, by Doyle, Leech, Tenniel and others, in which are por- trayed the political careers of Peel, Pal- merston, Russell, Cobden, Bright, Bea- conslield, Derby, Salisbury, Gladstone, and" other English statesmen. X. Y., 1884. 12° 827-75 — Our honeymoon, and other comicalities, from Punch. N. V., 1854. 12°. . . . 827-751 — Thackeray, W. M. Contributions to Punch 828-892 PUNCH'S complete letter writer. Jerrold, 1). W. Works, v. 3. pp. 449-541. . . S28-5 Pi N( H'S letters to his son. Jerrold, D. W. Works. v. I. pp. 401-4S4 828-5 Punch, brothers, punch. Clemens, S. L., (Mark Twain, pseud.) S17-2S PUNCHARD, E. G. Commentary on the epistle of St. James. In Ellicot, C. L, ed. New Testament commentary. . . 22SS-3 Punctuation. Drew, B. Tens and types. Bound with Smith, C. L. Home arts. . H7~35 \\ tlson, J. 'Treatise on English punctua- tion II 19-9 — See aha Rhetoric. Punic wars. See Carthage. Rome. Punishment. Altgeld, J. P. Our penal machinery and its victims 34''7 '5 Brooks, II. M., ed. Some strange and curious punishments 9825-255 — Hargreavi . f. G. Blunders ol vice and folly, pp. 1-16 '99-4 — fessup, II. II. Syrian home life. pp. s 95 4579-5 .s: , Crime. Law, Also Future punish- ment. 'Theology. Punshon, Win. Moiley, Eng. II' yan min- ister, i. ISJ) a'. 1S.N1. lee lures and sermons. B., 11 d. 12". Same. N.Y., 1877 204-72 PUNSHON. — 10.13 — N I N \M Pi n hon, W in. M.. continui l. Cottt Hi - I I ! I3fl M ■ caulay; John Bun; II ici md the Florentim [ [ I ; Pil grimage n> two Vmericfl Kindn III acl : Lord's upper; rra ral I Pi I'm. "f ilic I ,egion <>f honor. En tilt, I pi i'ii . ol Ipelle ind hi porai ies. I:., i860. 12 . Pi in . ol St. John, the divine. Yon I harlotti M 2701-98 h i! mi, Edward Shei idan, < Ihurch and ;l ite. In Manning, II. I , /. 1 isays in religion and literature, pp. 386 477. I'i mm, John Bapti t, ai hbishop, />. (I. iSN;. Debal 1 the Roman Cath- olic religi \. < lampbell ol Bethany, Va., and Rt. Rev. John B. I 'in 1 ill of Cincinnati 2828 2 Pi Ki'Y, J. S. Introdm I ion. In Fabei . I W. rhoughts on greal mysteries. . . 234-4 Pi r 1 > . , I'mnian II. Legends of th Su que- hanna,and other poems. Phila.,1888. 12 . 749C5 Purdy, Wm, London banking life : papers on trade and finance. NT. Y., 1876. 12° 3311-73 Pi rgati if \ . Canty, M. Purg matic and scholastic i Seeaho Future punishment and probation. I Huntington, W. R. The . hurch idea. pp. 75-94 2838-4 Pi 1:11 ins. Bardsley, C. W. Curiositie il Puritan nomenclature. 1SS0 1.194 11 Bayne, P. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution. 1879 936-2 Coit, T. W. Puritanism. 1S45 2859-3 - Ellis, G. E. Puritan age and rule in the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629- 1685. 1888 9824-4 — Hopkins, S. Puritans and Queen Eliza- beth. 3 v. n.d 2859 i Martyn, W. C. History of the English Puritans. 1867 2859-5 Neal, D. Historj ol the Puritans. 2 v. 1S71 2S59-6 - Siow-ell, W, II. Puritans in England. isss Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leaders. 1S61 |i 1 oS Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. pp. 81-122 201-103 Bi igham, C. II. Memoii tnd pa] pp. 3 68 39« -"( '2 Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation. 1 Kingsley, C. Plays and Puritans, etc. PP. ' 80 535E33 So 1 In Sii w altei Raleigh and his time. etc. pp. 7( 11S 535^4 1 odge, II. C. Studies of histoi \ . pp. > s l 904-5 Pi i-i 1 nued. pp. '■'■ ' ■ I . I po 1 pp. \\ 1II1.1111 , W. R. I ird, J. Priscilla 1 or, trial foi 1 he trulli : an I itan B tho lllue law Congreg 1 Pilgrims. Plymouth. ity crusade id ti iumpl illustrated with portraits leaders and advocates. 1.., n. d. 12 . 196-7 Godiva md il her studie ' lolls Purity in musical art. Thibaut, A. F. J. . 771 8 Pui mi. rhos. '1 he 1.. Ila: a hological romance. I.., 18S7. 12°. — Literature and its professors. L.,n.d. 12°. I ' . .- 1 1 ind fine linen. Fawcett, Edgar. Pui 1.1 139A22 i ol knowledge under difficulties. ... I r , ' Gl i it of knowledge under difficulties. VI. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) hi Modem 1 I 1 , I >. Laing. Law and lawyers, curi- ous facts and characteristic sketches. I'hila., 11. t. p. 16 3400-7 — <■ f the Saxon . or, Villa in Vecti ■■!. Mrs. Sarah V (Broi k). Richmond during Ihc • 11 \ V.. 1867. 12". 9819 - Putnam, Worthy. Science and art of elocu- tion and oratory. N. V., 1871. 12°. . 801-77 Putrefaction. Tyrtdall, J. Floating mat- ter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection 6132-8 Pi 1/. Wilhelm. Manual of ancient geogra- phy and history: ed. by T. K. Arnold. N. V., [868 423-7 LES. Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll, pseud). A tangled tale 5'°7-J — See also Amusements. Riddles. Puzzling pictures : being pictorial rebusses and their answers. Bound with Planche, F. d'A., ed. Amusement without end. 786-59 PYCROFT, Rev. Jas., b. 1813. Course of Eng- lish reading: ed. by J. A. Spencer. N. Y., 1S59. 16 . Same, 1S71 S05-74 Twenty years in the church ; an autobi- ography. L., 1S61. 12°. Pygmalion and Galatea. Gilbert, W. S. Original plays. pp. 73-133 422C2 1'VI.K, Howard. . Int. artist, b. 1853. Merry ad- ventures of Robin Hood. N.Y.,1884. 8°. S219-6 — Rose of paradise'. X. Y., iSSS. 12 . — Within the capes. N. Y.. 1NS5. 12°. Wonder clock. X. Y., 1SS8. 4 . . . . 3S1-725 Pym, |ohn, Eng. statesman, b. 1584-*/. [643. Adams, C. K., ed. Representative Brit- ish orations, v. I. pp. 27-S4. [Biog. sketch and oration.] S25S-2 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E.L. Miscellaneous prose works, v. 2. pp. 85-163 601E5 -- lousier, J. Statesmen of the common- wealth of England, pp. 135-240. . . . 4II-35 — Smith G. Three English statesmen, pp. 7 on 411-94 Pymhi i.-s 1 . Mel eod, 1 '. PYNCHON, Thus. Ruggles, Am. educator, b. [823. Introduction to chemical phys- ics. X. Y.. 1S73. 12 . Same, 1S74. . 530-76 Pyne, Geo. Perspective for beginner.: adapted to young students and amateurs. 1.., 1S70. 12 . Boundwith Monkhoven, I 1, 1 on. Photography 769-6 Pyramids. Ballard, R. Solution of the pyramid problem 4031-2 Barnard, t. A. I 1 . Imaginary metrolog- 1 1! :ystemof the great pyramid of Gizeh. 4031-3 Proctor, Is. A. Great pyramid. . . . 4031 6 Savile, B. W. Anglo [sraelism and the N ,1 1 pyramid 2203-8 Sei . I \. Miracle in itone 4031-75 Smyth, C. P. Our inheritance in the • pyramid 4031-8 Poor man's photography al the great pyramid in the year [865 4031-S1 Cobbe, F. P. Hours of work and play. PP- "47 LS S '40] i Donnelly, 1 Atlantis, pp. 330 142 400-3 I'VKAMIKS. — I ■.I Pyramid . wnli Pecbli . I M Ground lln orld. pp. 2N2 293 I Pl'Ol tor, K. A. I ;ilin I .. I pp. i'i| i6g i , 1 1 . W . J . British I rael i ti pp. 147 1 78. Pyramid of 1 ... N'i en u ondei of the world, pp. 11-62. : s, e also Archaeology. Egypt. \ ile. Pyri 1 Blackburn, II. Pyrenees. 1881. 1 n s - - Tainc, 1 1. A. roui through I 1 nei 1874. 111 , \ ini .hi, M. R. In the ihadow of the Pyrenees. 1883 44479 s 'i P yrotech n 1 1 l \ or, pie 1 1 nf making firework Kenl 1 ;h, T. . . 6625 Pyrhh m . ntliry B. C. I, or ru 'c' III |io 19 de In M. A. 1 ' ■ _• 1 Redding, M. W. 1 PP. '99 z°2 II o Q. \ ou ]).i'. e hi ard of them. V V., 1854. 12°. |l S^ Contents. Vernel Fanny Ccrito Men Ini Lady Bulwer.— Thos Moore. Giulia Grisi, Berli Cla) Disra 11 1 Uris- tian Andci 'i' I , ' I . 1 ' \l -I,o- la Monti I I , .. tr . -John ( i Catherine Hayi Bci 11 , Ion. — :. ,Vn \ W •! \ ; ., hef- Chas. Kcan. Jules Janin. 1 Landseci Boucicaull fenny 1 .ind. Bay- ird Tayloi 1 Ife. Mark I 1 n n.— Charlotte Cushman Geibel I ton G udin, \ ullien Mi it 1 pi G varni. - - 1 .copold ! ler Meyer 1 ■ -Kenny. Qi m m m.i 1 ,. 1 ieori e P 1 j ne, I . i. 1826 of. ism. 1 'omposil ii m and 1 het- oric. 11. 1. p. 12" 117-73 English grammar. N, V.. [886. [2 . ''5-76 Firsl lessons in composition, in which the principles of the arl are devel. pi d in connei tidn with the pi inciples of gram- mar embracing full direi the subjei 1 of puni tuation. N. Y., [877. '2° 117 7; - Illustrated lessons in our language; 1 r, how to speak and ■ ctly. X. V.. 1876. 16 "... 115-75 Natural philosophy. N. V. [870. 16 . Same, 1871 530-7S Qt acki nbo . fohn I luncan, / i/or, i. is |S I [istorj of theUniti - n. '• V- "' 973 76 - Illusti oriental and classical. N. Y., 1882. 12 . 870-7 — Illustrated N. Y.. [876. 12 Ql \n. M.. .' ud. S I ewis, Chas. B. Ufims. \ C. M. Pupils .if Si. John. pp. 169 1 78. 2; Ql Mil : ry. Zooli "Ql m C. II., (M. Quad, pseud.) 11 il 1 hemistry. 1 B., n. d. 24 . 756A 1 Qi mi' I r's I1.111.lv and yachtsman's manual adapted for the use of the navy, merchant service, rev- enue marine and yachtsman. N. Y., 1SS '- 24 ... 794 _ 7 Qi antitative analysis. See Chemistry. Qu \n 1 1 1 iks and measurements. Beaton, A. C 6908-2 Quantity surveying. Leaning, J 1 Ql mi 1 ,. I rani is, Eng.poct,b. 1592 .;'. 1644. Enchiridion : containing institutions di- vine, contemplate e, prai tii tl, moral, ethical, economical, political. I... 1 I2 ° i VVillmott, R. A. Early 1 poets, pp. 211 2;. 1 1 in... Burgoyne, I. F. Treat: the blasting and quarrying of stone, n. d. ■ — Davies, P. C. Slate and slate-quarry- in S- 1880 lunteer. Brinkerl NIONS. Kelland, P. ,;;/,/ Tait, P. (.. Introduction to quaternions .— Tait, P. <;. Elementary treatise on qua- ternions .: ny and Waterloo; a nar- rative o( the campaign in Belgium, 1 Gardner, Horsey QUATREFAGES de l'.rcau, Jea aland de. French nalttralii 1 Human es. X. Y., 1879. 12°. ... QUATREFAGES. — 1046 QUIN. Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de, continued. — Natural history of man : a course of ele- mentary lectures : tr. by E. A. Youmans. N. V., 1S75. 12 573-76 Qi atremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysos- tome, French archaeologist, b. i755-(/. 1S40. Life and works of Raffaello : tr. by Wm. Hazlitt. /« Duppa, K. Life of Michael Angelo. pp. 189-461 194B3 Quebec. Berry. C. B. The other side; how it struck us. pp. 261-273 470-14 — Tames, H., jr. Portraits of places, pp. 350-363 440-515 — See also Canada. Qui 1 CHY. Warner, Susan. Queen llortense. Mundt, Klara M.. (L. Miihlbach, pseud.) Queen Mab. Kavanagh, Julia. Queen Mary: a drama. Tennyson, Alfred. 882C2 QUEEN Money. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen (Olnevi. (Henry Hayes, pseud.) Queen Mother and Rosamond. See Swin- burne, A. C. . of hearts. Collins, \V. Wilkie. Queen of Sheba. Aldrich, T. B. Queen of the Adriatic. Adams, W. H. D. 9453-2 Queen of the air. Ruskin, John 798E2 Queen of the county. Stretton, J. C. Qi een of the pirate isle. Harte, F. Bret. 456A9 Qi 1 1 \ of the red chessmen. Hale, L. P. In Modern classics, pp. 271-29S. Queen of the regiment. Ring, Katherine. Queen Rhoda ; or, follow me. I!., 1870. 16° 758A1 Queen Titania. Boyesen, II. II. Qi eenie'S whim. Carey, R. N. Ql 1 ins. Sie Names of individual queens. Si also Biography also Names of various countries. QUEENS. Emery, E. B. QUEEN'S English: a manual of idiom and usage. Alford, Henry 110-13 Queen's highway from ocean to ocean. Cumberland, Stuarl 471 52 Qi 11 •-.' - land. < lameron, Verney I.. Ql 1 1 necklace. Dumas, Alex. QUE] "I \in< 1 ii .;n 1 11 iel j . Ellel , Mrs. E. F 41239-3' Queens of England, Se, Strickland, \. Biography, English. ■ : 1 hi literature of the \ ictoi ian era. I... 1SS6. 12° |I- ' / Mary Somerville. — Harriet Mar tin. in ih ii. 1 h Barrett Browning ' hai lOttl I ': ntl ' ■' 11 I lii. I I -li. 1.1 I I 1 111 it. — 1 1 SrcStrii 1. 1. in. 1. A. / ! Biogl 1 1 . 1 1 \ . .'.'< / ' "i land. Qi 1 1 . ■ 1 iciet; rhoi Mi t. K. (B.) and}. C, ii.. and Philip Wharton, <■) 4J3-85 Queens of song : being memoirs of some of the most celebrated female vocalists. Clayton, Ellen C 4178-3 Queen's speeches in parliament. Ensor, F. S-, ed. 32S42-3 Queensland, (North). Stirling, A. W. Never, never land 4943-8 Queer discourses on queer proverbs. Hod- der, Edmund 4S1A1 Queer little people. Stowe, Mrs. II. (B.) . 5905-S6 QUEER pets at Marcy's. Miller, Olive (T.) 5905-59 (JUEERrace: story of a strange people. Westall, W. QUEER stories for boys and girls. Eggleston, Rev. Edward 31 1A5 QUENTIN Durward. Scott, Sir Walter. QUEROUAIIXE, Louise Reneede P. de, duchess of 'Portsmouth. Jameson, A. [M.] Beau- ties of the court of Charles II. pp. 243- 267 4"-55 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 197-206 411-58 Ql ESI [ON, A. Ebers, Geo. QUESTION of Anglican ordinations discussed. Estcourt, E. E 2837-4 Question of honor. Fisher, Frances C, (Christian Reid, pseud.) QUESTION of identity. [No name series.] Question of ships. Kelley, J. D. J. . . . 651-5 Questions. Duncan, A. Eclectic question book 37135-35 — Mangnall, R. Historical and miscel- laneous questions 904-6 — Sherrill, J. E. Normal question book. . 37135-7 — .S',v also Hathaway, B. A. Ql ESTIONS and answers for engineers. Roper, S 6211-77 Questions of belief. Coan, T. M., ni. Ql 1 [TONS of the soul. Decker, J. F. . . 2827-42 i,n [1 1.. knl.cn Hebert. Essays on educa- tional reformers. Cinn., 1SS5. 12 . . 3704-7 Contents. —Schools of the Jesuits. — Ascham, Montaigne, Ratich, Milton. — Comenins. — Locke.- Rousseau's Kmile. — Basedow and the I'hil.inthropin. — Pcstallozzi. — Jacotot. — H. Spencer. — ThouKhts and suggestions about teat hing children. — Some remarks about moral and religious education. — Appendix. Schools of the Jesuits; Ascham, Mon- taigne, Ratich, Milton. Syracuse, 1S86. 16 37094-7 Quick or the dead. Rives, AmeEe. In I ippincott's tnai'.i in.-, \pril, iSSS. Qi [i i.s whs. Streckfuss, A. |,M 11 1 nook in the J ura. Kullini, J. 1,11 11 riSM. See Molinos. Qi in, 1 . W . 'oint author. Strauss, G. I .. M. nwrfothers. England's workshop. . . 609-75 i,)! in, Jas.. 0. [69 ; d 1766. Matthew s, J. B. and Hutton, L. eds. Actors and act- resses, v. l. pp. 25-45 4 1 70 11 Ml IN. 1 I, Ql OTA'I Quin, \\ in. Hi. mi I ho \\ ndl flh earl rhi idi trav- els in iln- uppei Velio sil irl ..I [874. V V., 1S71.. 8°. . . QuiNBV, M, Vlysleri. ol bee-kecpin plaim J I mplcti ..1 [he h hole iubjei 1. N. Y., 1 .///./ Root, I .. C. New bee kei ping . oinplete guide tosui cessful bee 1 ul with memorial of M. Quinby, by J. I . I [ethei ington. \. N ., 1879. 12.. 639-; QuiNCY, Edmund, Am. author, b. 1808 J. 1.S77. Haunted adjutant and othei stories. B., 1885. 12 . tenti \ n 1 1 ) 1 in ted id 1 ul mi Lewi 1 1 1 1 1.. 1 1 1 in Si 1 tomingo. Pho ' I »in .ih Rollins. I iir ..f |,.si.ili Quincy. B., [867. 8°. 755H5 Wensley and othei stories: ed. by hi Edmund Quincy. B., 1885. 12 . Conien 1 Pi efa< e Wensle) Vlounl \ ■ 1 iion. — W'liu paid fm 1 in prima d \S In. paid for the pi ima donna .' fn M • mi, 1 1, 1 '.. d 1 1 u in. 11 1 mi , ni.i itei 1 iei ■ v. '• pp. 49 s 4 Si Ql m .. \o 1 1I1, Am. patriot and orator, l>. 1744-". 1775. Moore, I., ed. Ameri- can eloquem e. v. 1. pp. j ;i 545. . - 1 Ql INCY, Josiah, statesman and scholar, • of preceding, b. 1772-d. 1864. Life of John Quincy Adams. B., 1859. 8°. Same, i860. . 107B4 Speech in the House of Representative "ii Foreign relations, In American tory. pp. 241 254 8152-2 Quincy, E. I ife ol I i ih Quincy. . . 755^5 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences, PP- 2Q-37 4J2-74 ','1 im \, Josiah, son ,/ pre* ding, . 1802-1/. 1882. Figures of the past from leaves of old journals. B., 1883. 12 . 755B6 QuiNCY, Josiah Phillips, Am, writer, /•needing, b. 1820. The protection of majorities; or, considerations relating to electoi with oilier paj 1 B., 1S70. 12 04 6 Contents. Introduction. — The protection rities. Coercion in the later stages of ed- ucation. — The function of town librai 1 1 1d.i1 The better Samaritan. Ql ini \ family. Muz ey, A. B. Reminis- cences ami memorials of men of the re lution ami their families. pp. 77- 100 41210 Qi in. \, Quatremere de. -\. Quatremere de ' incy. Ql i\< v. Mass. II. ile, E. E. Workingman's home-, pp. 28-36 3371 4 pIlS Norn ih' '."Ill" ', 1 I hie 621A19 lit Il8. I J. S. Wat V. I. I.., 1856. 12° Ql inton, M. A. Aurclia 1 Baltimore, 1870. 1 ■i ; or, the empire and th 1 enlury. 1 ll'iiole, 1S7 ;. 12°. Z v. Eckstein, ] ',M (NTUS Fixlein. See Richter, J. P. I . ', ni> 111. ens, Creek poet, about 500. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the ; s 781-5 Rai iiii. (.ray. Kavanagh, Julia. Rai HEL Ray. I Vnthony. [EL the little captive maid. Suiter, Julie 866A4 Rai iii.i wci 1 hildi en. \ 11 sa 11I, X • ■ 2401-9 848-7 8407-2 804-56 410-975 61624-4 R iCHEl 's share ol the road. [Round Robin series] . RACINE, Jean, French dramatic poet, b. 1639- d. 1699. Trollope, II. M. Coincide and Racine 41841-8 RACING a thunder storm. Taylor, F. II. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 1S9- 210 602-9 RAIiAN, Rodolphe. Wonders of acoustics: ed. by R. Hall. X. Y., 1S70. 12°. . 534-7 RaDi ill 11, A. °"7 Radi iiiii. I ho 1., :•■' oj Surrey. I ■ E. Portraits >>i illustrious personages ,,\ 1 Ireal Bi u.iin. v. 2. pp. 140 150. . 411 65 Radiati 5 N'.iiui al lii itorj . Zool Rai hi it. piom 1 1 1 the eighteenth 1 entury. Daly, J. n 937-3 RADICAL i n RAII RO R Mm \i pi .ill. in .. Bai i..l, C. A i . K \ mi ii i:. i -".I .', I. I'. S( ientilii . ulture. pp. Si. uii 502-28 Km, Edward. ( '..iintiy of the M join ni-y from I 1 i|...li iii Bai bai y to . itj ..1 Kaii v, 11.. I.., 1S77. 12 . ... I'M , I ;ui. I of ihe inn 1I1 win. I ; or, travel imong the Laplanders and the Samoyedes. I.., 1875. 12° i47>-7 — White sea peninsula: .1 journey in 1 sian Lapland and Karelia. L.,1881. 8°. 117 1 7 1 R.AE, Frank Ii., joint ,n<. ,! .>'>. Davis, C. II. and Rae, F. B. Hand-book ..f electric- al diagrams and 1 1 mm ctions 53^5 3 U \v , 1 ..'' '. I he counti y banker, Ins clii cares and work, from an experience . about 1735-,/. 1M1. Tillotson. J. Our un- titled nobility, pp. 47-64 Ill — Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earn- est men. pp. 163-174 410-945 RAIKES, Thos. Personal reminiscences. In Stoddard. R. II.. ed. Cornelia Knight and Thos. Raikes. pp. 167-332. . . . 4182-89 Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 123 135 410-597 Railroads. Adams, C. F.,_/V. Chapti Erie. 1869 652-14 Notes on railroad accidents. 1879. . . 652-15 Railroads: their origin lems. iss; 652-16 Alexander, E. P. Railway practice, its principles and suggested reforms re- viewed. 1SS7 652-1S — Barry, I. W. Railway appliances. 1876. 6i Chattaway, E. IX Railways; their cap- ital and dividends; with statistics of their working in Great Britain and Ire- land. 1SS5 625-6 D01 ey, 1 B. English and American railroads compared. 1SS7 625-3 — Flint, II. M. Railroads of the United States. 1868 Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation, its history and its laws. [886 652-45 — Hudson, J. Railways and the republic. 18S6 — Jeans, J. S. Railway problems. 1887 Kennedy, W. S. Wonders and curiosi- ties of the railway. [884 — LeChatelier, L. Railway economy. 1S69. 6691-9 ine,Ci Elements of railroading. 1S85. 1 - RAILROADS. RALEIGH. Railroads, continued. — Passos, J. R. Dos. Inler-state-commerce act. 1887 3465-6 — I'eet, S. D. Ashtabula disaster. 1877.. 652-7 — Smith, S., ed. Romance and humor of the rail. 1873 652-75 — Stephenson, K. M. Science of railway construction. 1S69 625-6 — Stretton, C. E. Safe railway winking. 1887 652-77 — Taylor, J. Fast life on the modern high- way. 1874 652-S — Tomes, R. Panama in 1855: an account of the Panama railroad. 1855 47287-9 — Vose, G. L. Bridge disasters in America: the cause and the remedy. 18S7. . . . 624-9 Manual for railroad engineers and en- gineering. 18S3 625-8 — Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways. 18S7 625-9 — Arnot, W. This present world. pp. 171-182. Railways 55 1 1 5 — Atkinson, E. Distribution of products. pp. 229-300. The railway, the farmer and the public 3304-15 — Farrer, T. If. State in its relation to trade, pp. 109-119. Railways. . . . 330-35 — Jeffries, B. J. Color-blindness, pp. 166- 175. Can the railroad and marine sig- nals be changed? 61 15-5 — Jevons, W. S. Methods of social re- forms, pp. 353-383. Railways and the Stale 304-55 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 492-500. Railway tunnels 6229-5 — Martin, E. W. History of the grange movement, pp. 25-251. Railroad mo- nopoly 3369-6 — Moody, W. G. Land ami labor in the United States, pp. 1 74- 1 80. Did rail- road building cause our industrial dis- tress? 333-6 — Owens college, Manchester. Essays, pp. 423 505. Railways ami the slate. . . 709E5 Spencer, II. Essays, pp. 25I-3H. Rail- way murals I tail way policy 31 14 78 — Squier, E. G. Notes on Central Amer- ica, pp. 235 293. tnter-oceanic rail- way 4728-S Stewart, A. Speeches, pp. 395-397- ■ 33°4 75 Taylor, l;. E. World on wheels. . . . 876E5 Ward, '1". IE, ed. Reign of Queen Vic- toria, v. 1. pp. 83-111 93S-9 W I, IE Natural law in the busim world. pp. 1S7-204 336 88 See also Bridges. Engineering. I.oco- motive engines. Road . Railway accident. In Neale, J. M. Talcs for young men and women 674A1 RAIMOND, Golo, pseud. See Eriedlich, Mine. Bertha Heyn. RAIN, Thos. Individualism and the church. Pharisee and the publican. In Scol sermons, pp. 247-280 252-si Rain. Smith, R. A. Air and tain. . . 551 57—7 — Dickens, C, ed. Home and social philos- ophy, pp. 249-264. Wind and rain. 485E5 Ivingsley, C. Health and education, pp. 89-121. The air-mothers 535^1 Proctor, R. A. Science by-ways. pp. 243-262 502-72 Rainbow stories for summer days and winter nights. 1.., n. d. 16 763A1 Contents. — Phil Thorndyke's adventures, by F. M. Wilbraham. — Rift in the ruck, by .Mrs S. t" Hall.— Burgomaster's daughter, by W. It G. Kingston —Story of Herbert Archer, by Chas. Thynne. — Matador's revenge, by F. M. Piper. — Brampton among the roses, by thos. Miller. RAINBOWS for children. Child, L. M. . . 224A29 Rains, Geo. W. Interesting chemical ex- ercises in qualitative analysis for ordin- ary schools. N. Y., 1883. 12 . . . . 544 s RAINSFORD, William Stephen, D.D., />. 1850. Sermons preached in St. George's. N. V.. 1SS7. 12 252-7S Raising the " Pearl." Otis, Jas 70SA5 Raja of Sarawak. See Brooke, 5i> Jas. RAjENDRALALA Mitra. Indo-Aryans : con- tributions towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediaeval history. 2 v. L., 1SS1. 8° 9541-5 RAjt', P. V. Ramiswami. The tales of the sixty mandarins; with an introduction by Prof. Henry Moiley. E., 12 . . . . 385 7 RALE, Sebastian, Jesuit missionary, b. 1658- d. 1724. Francis, C. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 7. pp. 1 59— Hi 412-86 -Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 313-317 |I-1-' 6 Raleigh, /linen. See Strutt, John Wm. RALEIGH, Alex. The little sanctuary and othei meditations. N. Y. 1: . . . . 241-79 Raleigh, Thos. Elementary politics. I.., 1886. 16° 320-7 RALEIGH, or Ralegh, Sir Waller. Eng. » gator and author, 6. 1552-1/. 1618. Work ; with livesof the author, by W. Oldysand T. Birch. 8 v. Oxf.td, 1829.8°.. . S28-75 Contents v 1 Life by W. OldyS and T. Birch. — Trial.- Speech on the scaffold. Hi torj ol the world Creation to A In. .h. mi 1 11 1 in .!. ithol Deborah 1 To i In .li strut lion of Jerusalem. — 5. To the death of Pyrrhus, B. ( ; f/o thcpeaccgi anted from Rome I" Carthage, B C. 114. — 7. To thi defeal ' 1 Perscu bj thi I' mans, B C. 168. — i 1. 1 11. .In. ,1 al table v. 8. Maxims of state. Tb.- cabinet 1 ouncil. Prei 1 parliaments Match ! • 1 ween lady Elizabeth and prince o| Piedmont. Mar- R VLEIGH. - '051 - I' AMI I ; ■.'. , : I War with Sp [nventi 1 Iii] eti I \ ! 1 : "A ilium 1 1 I opu le n c y of i 1 1 ; e p 1 1 ! r 1 I'cnu fore 1 \ relation of I ' 'r 1 ■ . ommantl irs. — A ed fathei 1 Edwards, ] Lifi of Sii ■ ■ iltei R l< her wiih his letters 7 5, • * 1 ; -> Go 1 1 1 igli 759 B 3 "1 > > \s le, 1 '. M. R ileig h, hi > ■ ploits and 759 B 5 ■ii', 1 1. R. 1 . English >■ 1 linn under the Tudors. v. I. pp. ; 2.11 1 ;; 17 1 dd, A. C Studies re-studied, pp. [64-205 9306-3 I ii 1 hi, \\ . 1 1 . Her Maj< I v. '■ PP- 257 -"<' 939H j Drake, S. A., ed. ' *ur gre il benefactors. pp. 1N2-1S5 410-42 i [. G. Sea kings, pp. 154 185. 1159-35 1. Early explorers, pp.192 208. 4 37 37 Gilliat, E. ' ha mpii ins ol the right, pp. 195 "3 !'"l 1 Kent. C. Footprints on the road. pp. 99-122 4'" 597 KVingsley, C. Sir Waller Raleigh and lii— linn i, eti . pp. t ~ 3 5vsl I Plays and Puritans, and olhei historical essays', pp.81 207. [Same essay]. . . 535] ;; Lnngford, I. A. Prison books, pp. 83 123 4i8-5 Lawrence, E. British historians, v. 1. pp. 31-163 I1S2 54 Lippincott, Mrs. S. J.,(( lra< e ' Ireenwood, 1 Mm ie England, pp. 167 [86. I ondon and 1 he tower 1 odge, E, Portraitsof illustrious person- ige of Great Bi ilain. v. 3. pp. 125- [37 t" "s Payne, E. J., cd. Elizabethan seaman. pp. 32s .;•'" I Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. pp. 250-277. Sidney and Raleigh 8203-9 IVLFE, C. II. Exercise and training. V V.. 1S70. 24 61 \1.111 Harding's success. B., n. d. 24 . 765A1 \\ 111 Norbrei I- - trust. Westall, W. \LPH Somcrville. Eden, C. G 3WA55 111 I Bruno. Bramst m, Mary. M.111 the drummer boy. Rousselet, 1 . . M.ni the heir. Trollope, A. Ai.iMi Wilton's weird. Hector, M r. \. I-'.. (Mrs. Uexandei . in/.) 1 1 : 1 . . . ■, Rai i"'., William Ralston Sheddcn, r, 6. 1S2S. Ru . inn folk-tale .. N. Y.. n. .1. 12° Soni; of the F iii. ople, as ill live of the Slavonii mythology and I sian so. ial life. I... 1872 .... B91J 8 M. inn 11 of Kriloff. In Krilof, I. A. S9178-5 Ram Chandra Bo e. Hindu philosophy pop- ularly explained : th< N". Y., [884. 12° 1514 6 W Sarasvati Pundita. II>gl> Hindu woman; with an introduction, by Rachel L. Bodley. Phila., 1887. 8°. 454-72 \ ddre In Cook, J. Current religious pp. 251-266 204-231 Ramayana, The. Richardson, I-'. The Iliad of the East . ' . 1 . 1 1 idle-land of arts and creed pp. 1 1-21 293-8 Wheeler, I. T. History of India, v. 2. 954-9 short history of India, chap. 2. . . . 951 91 Rambai i>. Alfred. History of Russia, from tile earliest times to 1877. 2 v. I.., 1879- 8° 947-7 Rambler, The. British essayists, v. 16-18. [84] 1 Johnson, S. Works. [Various editions.] Rambles about the country. Ellet, Mrs. 1 F 473-34 Rambles among words. Swinton, Wm. . 110-8 Rambles and sketches. Headley, J. T. . . 440-47 Rambles and studies in Old South Wales. Sikes, W 4429-S es and studies in Greece. Mahaffy, J 1 ' 4495-55 . Dalmatia and Montene- gro. R., K. II 4436-75 Rambles in Mount Desert. DeCosta, B. F. 47411-3 R wiih h in Naples. Forbes, s. R 4457 4 RAMBLES in Northwestern America. Mur- phy. J. M ! s iii the islaml- of I 1 and Sar- dinia, forester, T 4459~3 Rambles in h lerland; or, up the Yellow- stone. Stanley, E. J Rambles of a geologist. Miller. Hugh. . . 5541 5 Rambi i sofa rat. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. 1 . ( '. 1... p 11,/.) 11 Rambling story. Clarke. Mary Cowden. Rambosson, J. Astronomy: tr. by C. B. Pitman. I .. 1875. 8° 520-77 Rameses II. king of Egypt. Lanoye, I". T. de. Rameses the great; or, Egypt 3300 year- ago 912-5 McCormick, E. and others. Wonder stories of travel, pp. 295-307. The boy-king of Egypt RAMILLIES. RANDALL. Ramillies, Bailie of, 1706. Adams, W. II. D. Battle ,-tories. pp. 1S6-194. . . . 920S-13 — Lou-, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 90-100 9308-4 RAmmoHI n Roy R&jah, Indian philosopher, b. ljSo-d. 1S33. Miiller, F. M. Biograph- ical essays, pp. 1-46 410-79 RAMONA. Jackson, Mrs. M. (F.) {H. H.) RAMSAY, Alex., jr. Rudiments of mineral- ogy : a concise view of the general prop- erties of minerals. L., 1868. 12°. Bound with Portlock, J. E. Rudiments of ge- ology 550-76 RAMSAY, Allan, Scottish poet, b. 1685-1/. 1758. Ward, T. II., ed. English poets. v. 3. pp. 159-167 8092-9 Ramsay, Allan, son of preceding, British painter, b. lyij-d. 17S4. Cook, D. Art in England, pp. 123-141 759^-3 — Cunningham, A. British painters, v. 4. PP- 33-42 417-3 RAMSAY, Andrew C. Physical geology and geographyof Great Britain. L., 1872. 12°. 5542-7 Ramsay, David. Moore, Y.,cd. American eloquence, v. I. pp. 30S-31S. . . . 8152-6 Ramsay, \Vm. Manual of Latin prosody. L., n. d. 12 126-7 - Manual of Roman antiquities. L. 12°. 4056-7 Ramsbottom papers. Hook, T. E. Choice humorous works, pp. 39-130 827-62 RAMSDEN, Jesse, Eng. optician, />. 1 735-"'- 1800. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowl- edge, pp. 469-473 4IO-35 — Howe, II. Memoirs of mechanics, pp. 3I3-3JS 41237-4 RAMSEY, Jas. Gattys McGregor, Am. author, b. iyg6-d. 1884. Annals of Tennessee to the end of 18th century : comprising its settlement as the Watauga associa- tion from 1769 to 1777 ; a part of North Carolina, 1777-S4; the state of Frank- lin, 1784-88; a part of North Carolina, 1788-90; territory of the United States, south of the Ohio, 1790-96; the State of Tennessee, 1796-1S00. Charleston, 1853. 8° 9S528-7 I VER, Augustus nil./ Kiihue, Johannes. lour years in Ashantee : ed. by Mrs. Weitbrecht. N. Y., 1875. 12 . . . . 26665-8 Ran away from the Dutch. Perelaer, M. I. II. Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Macdon- ald, (ieo 598 A2 CHM AN torii 1 1 j , 1 1 . Rand, Benj. Howard, Am. chemist, />. 1827. Elements of medical chemistry. I'hila., 1871. 12° 540-77 Rand, Rev. Edward A. Aftei the fre het. B., 1882. i-' . Rand, Rev. E. A., continued. — All aboard for sunrise lands: a trip through California, across the Pacific to Japan, China and Australia. B., n. d. 12 439-78 — Pushing ahead ; or, big brother Dave. B., 1880. 12°. . . .' 767A1 — School in the light-house. N. Y., 1SS5. 12°. — Tent in the notch. B., 1881. 12°... . 767A2 Rami, Edward Sprague, Am, floriculturist, b. 1S35. Bulbs: a treatise on hardy and tender bulbs and tubers. B., 1866. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1S76. .... . . . 7157-7 — Flowers for the parlor and garden. B., 1874- 12° 715-73 — Garden flowers and how to cultivate them. N. Y., 1876. 12° 715-74 — Orchids; the species and varieties grown at Glen Ridge near Boston, and other desirable kinds : a complete manual of orchid culture. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. . 7156-6 — Popular flowers and how to cultivate them. N. Y., 1S76. 12 . [Enlarged edition of Seventy-five flowers.] .... 715-72 — Rhododendron and "American plants.'' B., 1871. 12°. Same. N.Y., 1876. . 7153-7 — Seventy-five popular flowers, and how to cultivate them. B., 1870. 12°. . . . 715-71 — Window gardener. B., 1873. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1876 718-7 — Introduction. In Hemsley,W. B. Hardy trees 7i3"55 Randall, Anna. See Diehl, Mrs. Anna (Randall). Randall, Rev. David Austin, Am. author, b. 1813-^.1884. Ham-Mishkan, the won- derful tent : an account of the structure, signification and spiritual lessons of the Mosaic tabernacle erected in the wilder- ness of Sinai. Cinn., 1886. 12 . . . 221 12-8 — Handwriting of God in Egypt, Sinai and the Holy land : the records of a journey from the great valley of the west to the sacred places of the East. I'hila., 1868. 8°. 458-76 RANDALL, Henry Stephens, Am. author, b. iSu-a'. 1876. Life of Thos. Jefferson. 3 v. N. Y., 185S. 8°. ...'... . 513B7 — Sheep husbandry ; with an account of the different breeds, and general directions in regard to summer and winter man- agement, breeding, and the treatment of diseases. N. Y., 1S59. 8°. Bound with Youatt, W. Sheep 6375-9! RANDALL, Jas. Ryder, Am. poet, b. [839. Davidson, J, W. Living writers of the south, pp. 439-44S 81 1-3 Derby, I. C. Fifty years among authors, Looks and publishers, pp. 661-666. . 41N1 ; !• \\h\l.l. — I i.l I I - I: indaj i , Samuel S., ./<«. ciucational h. 1809 (/. l88l. I' il I |JI 'I" Ipll Ol i».|i- 11 lav edui ation and publii in Intel V \ . 1868. 12° 370 76 Randall's island. Peirce, B K. I [all 1 ntui y with juvenile delinqui nts. pp. '•'I '17 R \\ .1 r, Albei i". Singing. I... n, d 4 . [Music primei !.] 77 I 7^ Ran n. Afi t. . < lentianella. Phila, 1 • Iris. Phila., 1882. 16 . Randi >i in, Edmund J< g U , I ■■ man, 6. I7S3 ''• 1813. Speech on the ex- pediency of adopting the Federal 1 onsti- tution. In Amei ii .in oratory, pp. 34 >'• ! Speech ami biographical sketch, hi Moore, !•'., ed. American eloquence. v. i. pp. 163-182 8152-6 R win u I'll, J. T. I loin ISS of Sw Phila., n. d. 12 . Randolph, John, Am. statesman, b. 177; d. [833, Speeches. In American oratory. 8152 2 Adams, II. John Randolph 761B2 Garland, H. A. Lifeofjohn Randolph. 761B3 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders, pp. 135-276. 412 18 Day, II. Opium habit, pp. 2\\ 246. . 1988-4 Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2. PP- '55 t88 8152-6 — Parton, J. Famous Americans. pp. '75-219 H2-72 — Quincy, J. Figures ol the past. pp. 209-21S 755^6 — Russell, A. P. Characteristics, pp. 195 233 7" s ' » Randolph, Martha (Jefferson), daughter of Thus. Jefferson, 1>. 1772-./. 1836. Hol- loway, I.. C. I. a.lies of ihe White House, pp. 1 16-180 41239-4 Randolph, Paschal Beverly. After death: the disembodiment of man ; with mm Ii matter pertinent to the question of hu- man immortality. I... 1873. S J . . . . 1711 s Randolph, Peyton. Jefferson, T. Wrii ings. v. 8. pp. 477-480. [Biog. sketch.] 818 5 Randolph, Sarah Nicholas, Am. author, b. 1S39. Domestic life of Thos. Jefferson. N. V., 1S71. S° 51 jB8 — Life of Gen. Thos. J. Jackson, (Stonew all Jackson.) Phila., 1S76. 12° 510B9 R V.ND01 phs, The. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 71 i \ss Random rambles. Moulton, Louise C. . . 441 Random recollections. Stanton, II. B. . . 852B4 Random shots, (lark. ('. II.. (Max Adeler, pseud.) 817-18 Random shots ami southern breezes. Tasis- tro, 1 . 1- Random sketches and notes "I European travel, 1S56. Edwards, I. E ; U 1.1. Itrighly. I tenr) I loll hy. 2 v. 1 ' - 7741 - /hy Stud . 1 Truth .w><\ h : that a prni '. men' to wi [*o n young come a critic. -Intermcdi v. 2. Cant) Mill, the iphcrc ol ■ ■ ■ of love ; to Tl Carlyl rights ; to Rev, 1 1 I M mcl faith; to Rev. J. H, Newman, aulhorh truth ; to G. H. I .■. ■ phy ; to Ah Bail thur Helps, a m Matthew Arnold, application of ideas Last words from the editor. Ltlliput levee. I ., 1864. 12 8099 7^ Shoemaker's village. 2 v. in 1. I ., 1S7I. 12°. Rangers; or, the Tory's daughter. Thomp- son, D. P. Ranke, Leopold veil, G nnan ; 1795 5 Darton, I. M. Heroism of Christian wo- men, pp. 157 167 413 3 R iphael, [Raffaetto San io da I rii'iio,) Ual ianpainter, b. 1483-1/. 1520. Bell, N. R, I'.., (X. D'Anvers, pseud.) Raphael. . 764B1 Sweetser, M. !•'. Raphael 764B2 Buckley, T. A. I > < ol genius. pp. 66-78 1 1.1 .• :i. I . Memoi rs of the dul 1 I'll. in'), v. 2. pp. 206 243 4107-3 Doremus, s. D. Great lights, pp. 1 1 127 417-4 11: wed. — Jameson, A. (M.) Italian painters, pp. 228-279 4175-5 — Quartremere de Quincy, A. C. Life and works of Raffaello. With Duppa, R. Life of Michel Angelo pp. 189—461. . 194B3 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism, pp. 139-171. Rafael and Michael Angelo 755-8 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 142-162 417-9 \Y 1, \\\, i'd. Hundred greatest men. pp. 79-82 410-975 RAPHAEL; or, pages of the book of life at twenty. Lamartine, A. de. Rapiii transit abroad. N. V., 1879. 16 . . 440-77 RAPIN-Thoyras, Paul de. Lawrence, E. British historians, v. 1. pp. 226-229. 4182-54 Rare good luck. Francillon, R. F. Rare poems. Linton, \V. J., ed. 8092-49 Rarey, John S. Art of taming horses: the Rarey system fully explained. Bound ■with Lady's equestrian manual. . . . 6364 55 Rassei \s. See Johnson, Dr. Samuel. RATHBONE, Mrs. Hannah Mary. Lady Wil- loughby; or, passages from the diary ol a wife and mother in the seventeenth century. N. V., i860. 12°. RATHBONE, Wm. Protection anil commun- ism : a consideration of the effects of the American tariff upon wages. X. \ .. 18S4. 12° 335-75 RATH m, W. Quick, R. 11. Schools of the Jesuits ; Ascham, etc. pp. 30-36. . . . 37094-7 Rational alimentation of the laboring 1 la ;es. Wolff, Copt. M. V 33<> s 3 '> RATIi >\ai theology and Christian philosophy in England, 17th century. Tulloch, J. 2742-8 Rationalism. Blauvelt, A. Present re- ligion- crisis 21 1-2 — Fisher, G. 1'. Faith ami rationalism. . . 2307 | — Hurst, 1. F. History of rationalism; [with a bibliography, pp. 590-610]. . 2119-44 — Fisher, (I. P. Discussions in history and theology, pp. 439-467 204-31 In Boston lectures. 1N70. pp. 240-275. 230 10 Gostwick, J. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. .|i 63 ' ; ' 1 ; Haddan, A. \\ . Rationalism. In Re- plies in 1 n andreviews. pp. 299-349. 204-29 Moore, T. Prose ami verse, pp. 177 203. German rationalism, Sept. 1831. 645I 5 Ratlin the reefer. Marryatt, Capt. F. Rattray, John and Mill, Hugh Robert, I 1 iresl ry and forest products : pri e il the Edinburgh International forestry exhibition, 1884. Edinburgh, 1885. 8° • . pi; Contents.— Introduction, — Appendb I i 1 t-trei nm ;ei ic . by B \. C Brae I R \ I I I ■ \\ ' R \ i i I I i ill. 1 1. K., continual. man y V I ' I | .1. i .ml in \bcrilcenshin Ijj I Miln I i L). Caiinon. — i , Uon ' ■ I i I 'ir i En ca . , i i . Hraci l'i supi f Grcal llritnin and Irel I I (ii. i I'cak, by I i Kemp in ind timbci di troyinf ii eel 1 1 t •, i CI d \ I ' Wcbst i Byi produ i l)j G Papei pulp, by Vk I Stonbill VVood-pul] G i | W I] thi i proi \ I ! i Wood-pulp ] 'I Ci .11, : i | i .- i ' If. R m , i Ii i , . i ■ [887. Early man in Europe. N. Y., 1876. 1 . -^71 77 Rau, Ilei ibei '. Gm tan ■ 1 M ; V. [876. Mozart: a biographical romanci tr. by E. K. Sill. I:.. [870. 1 ! R mi;. Albert \. 1 Complete aritht t 1 imbining oral anrl h ritten exeri 1 in 1 natural and logical system of instruc- tion. Phila., 1877. !-• 51 1-71 I lementai \' aril 'i mel ic, oral and \\ ril ten. Phila., [877. in" 511-7 fCe) I mpli ti i hila., 1879. 16 5117- 1 1 1 11 in English : -i pi ai I nil course of laii'' '.' M and eli iry gram- mar. Phila., 1880. 12 iiy-s Normal first reader. Phila., 1878. 12 . Soi-781 N01 in.i! .1 1, 1, In . Phila., 1878. 12 . Sin 782 \ lal third reader. Phila., iN;.s. 12 . 801 Normal fourth reader. Phila., 1878. 12'. 8 I Normal fifth reader. Phila., 1S7.S. 12 . S01-7S5 Plain educations and parents. Phila., r86 1, 12° 370 77 Practical English grammar. Phila., 1880. 12° "5-79 Raulin, Jean. Frenth preacher, />. \\ 1514. I ..■iiM, S Bai in:'. I ost-media:- v ii preai hei >• pp. 69 So p 1 , R u m. (liii. E. Tour around the world : .1 sketch of the most interesting sights in I and America while mi a two yen-' ramble. N. Y., 12° 138 ;: K ai m, Greene Bei rj . .'. . 1829. I , mflicl betw een republ vernment ami Southern oligarchy. Cleveland, 1884. 12° 9S4 8 kr, Karl Geoi />. 1 7 Gei man universities : contributions to the history and improve- ment of (he German universities. V V., 1859. 8°. [A trans] Hi 1 \ his " Geschichte der PSdagogik."] . . 37843-7 1 III V., 1 1 1 12 . , I lenry. W. Rawdo 11 1 I ,ce, II. ' of the war. pp. 61 V73' r '^ R AW I I .' I I II II, .' 1 Egy] 1 1 ■ rchiesof the am cm world ; or, the ; •'< > . and antiquities ol < h Babylon, I ami illustrated from ! v. N. Y., 1871 vi 5 7 Sixth great oriental monarchy; or, the ;raphy, history and antiquitie da. I... iS7i. s Seventh ntal monarch) geography, ind antiqu of the Sassanian, or new Persian em- pire. 2 v. I... 1S70. 8°. Same. N. \ .. 1882 i.n;; ; . I listorii al illustrations of the 1 I.. l6° 22 11 7s iry of ancii I ;t. 2 v. I!., 1SS2. 8° il of ancient history from the earliest limes to the fall of ihe western empire. 1S69. 8°. Same. N. Y., 187 1. 12 Origin of nations. N. V., 1883. 12. 400-7 Cant 1 ivili/aiions. — Ethnic atTini- lics, etc. — Religions of the ancient world, including Lssyria and I ! I me. X. V.. 1883 12° Ancient Egyptian systems. /'■■ Non-Bib- lical systems of religion, pp. 17 ;;. — and Gilman, Arthur. Story of ancient 1 ypt. X. Y.. 1887. 1- the nations ser.] — joint ed. Sec 1 1 RAWLINSON, Sir Henry Creswi : .. . Hi Laurie. W. F. 1:. Distinguished Ai Indians, pp. 1 85-202 411 61 Ka\ . [saac, ./".•■ [881. Menial hygiene. B., .... 171 7 - . 1705. Engl • ith additions from foreign languages. In Bohn, II. (\..d. Han RAY. — 1056 — READ. Ray, or Wray, John, continued. — Memoir. In Naturalist's library, v. jj. pp. 17-70 590-5 — Small beginnings, pp. 194.-205 410-93 RAY, Joseph. Captain's yarns: memorial of the fifty years' service of late Joseph Ray, Com. R. N. : ed. by Jas. M. Men- kes. L., 1S86. 12° 768B2 Ray, Joseph, Am. mathematician, 6. i^oj-d. 1S55. Rudiments of arithmetic: em- bracing mental and written exercises. Cinn., 1886. 1 6° 5"-75 — The following bunks in the library arein- cluded in the Ray educational series: Clark, J. G., Infinitesimal calculus, (517-4) ; Howison, G. II., Analytic ge- ometry, (516-47) ; Peabody, S. H., Ele- ments of astronomy, (520-73) ; Schuy- ler, A., Surveying and navigation, (5269-8) : Tappan, E. F., Geometry and trigonometry, (513-86); Tappan, E. F., Plane and solid geometry, (513— Syj . Ray, P. K. Text-book of deductive logic. L., 18S6. 12 1S92-7 RAY, Wm. Everest, C. W. Toets of Con- necticut, pp. 1 13-122. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Raymond, Mrs. Clara W. Cadet-life at West Point. In How to learn and earn. pp. 7-27 3719-4 Raymond, Emily. About Chautauqua ; asan idea, as a power, and as a place. To- ledo, 1886. 8° 3747-7 Raymond, Geo. Lansing, Am. educator, b. 1839. Ballads of the revolution and other poems. N. V., 1887. 16 . . . . 778C4 — Colony ballads: an attempt to represent something of the spirit and the circum- stances attending the separation of the British colonies of mid dleNorth America from their mother country. N. V., 1877- 12° 778C5 Poetry as a representative art. N. Y. 1886. 12° 8031-7 Raymond, Henry Jaivis, Am. journalist, b. [ 820-3'. 1869. Introduction. /»DePuy, II. W. Kossuth and his generals. . . 543 l; 2 Maverick, A. Henry J. Raymond and the New '.ml pn 1 1 ;i e :s of Amer- ican joui rial ism 769B2 Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 352-363. . 4181 ; 'I 'ilton, T. Sanctum sanctorum. pp. 290-293 889E4 Raymond. John Howard, Am. educator, b. r- 1 1 d. 1S78. Life and letti 1 : edited by his eldest daughter. N. Y., 1881. 8°. 769B8 Raymond, John! ., Am. actor, £. 1836-a. ins-. Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, I.., eds. >rs and actresses, v. 5. pp. 231 .'i 1 '. P7' 1 6 Raymond, Lord Robert, b. 1678-a'. 1733. Campbell, J. Chief justicesof England. N. Y., ed. v. 3. pp. 75-100. Phila., cd. v. 2. pp 150-168 411-24 Raymond, Robert Raikes, Am. educator, b. 1S19. Patriotic speaker, n. t. p. 12°. 801-79 — cd. Shakspeare for young folks. N. Y., 1SS1. 8° S236-67 Contents.— Midsummer night's dream. — As you like it— Julius Ca;sar. RAYMOND, Rossiter Worthington, (Robert- sun Gray, pseud.), Am. engineer, b. 1S40. Brave hearts. N. Y., 1S73. 12°. — Camp and cabin: sketches of life and travel in the west. N. Y., 1S80. 24°. — Children's week : seven stories for seven days. N. X ., 1871. 16 77°A' Raynal, Guillaume Thos. Francois, French historian, b. 1 7 13— (/. 1796. Philosoph- ical and political history of the settle- ments and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies : tr. by J. O. Jus- tamond. 6 v. London, 1798. 8°. . . 437-S Contents. — v. 1. Portuguese, Dutch [and] English in the East Indies. v. 2. French [and] other Europeans in the East Indies. — Inquiries concerning the connec- tion of Europe with India. — Discovery of Amer- ica. — Conquest of Mexico. v. 3. Conquests of Peru, Chili and Para- guay.— Settlement of the Portuguese in Brazil. — European nations in the great archipelago of America. v. 4. Introduction of slaves into the Caribbee islands. —Spanish, Dutch, Danes [and] French in the American islands. v. 5. English in American islands. — French in North America. — English settlements in Can- ada, New England, New York and New Jersey. v. 6. English in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Georgia and Florida. — Re- capitulation. — Morley, J. Uiderotand the encyclopaed- ists, v. 2. pp. 204-231 288 P»4 Rum, Mrs. M. Louise. Fallen among thieves: a summer tour. N. Y.,1879. 12°. RAYM'.K: a tragedy. Baillie, J. Dramatic works, pp. 391-419 132C6 Read, Geo. Dwight.N. Lives of the sign- ers of the declaration of Independence, pp. 231-236 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers. pp. 137-I4O 4121-53 Read, Hollis. India and its people: a view of the Sepoy mutiny. Columbus, 1S59. S°. 454-78 READ, Nathan, Am. inventor, 0. 1759-^. [849. Read, David. .Nathan Read: a contribution to the early history of the steamboat and locomotive engine. N. v.. 1S70. i2° 77.;i ; ; Rl \,,. ( rpie P. I.en Gansett. B., 1888. 12°. READ, llms. Buchanan, Am. poet and painter. . 1S22. Poetical works, Phila., 18S3. 8°. 779C9 R I, \h - <°57 READ R] An, I . B., onlinued. \\ ag ii of the Alii hanii il,, daj ol '76. Phila., 1868. 16 . . Rl ah. Set also Re : l Reid. Ki Mn . A. \i thui .1-1 write 1 a pi 1 rt Englisl posi- tion. Phila., n. d. i2 c 117 75 ,-J. Siuily and stimulants ; or, the intos icanl ind m 1 lation to ni. |li e, as illustrated b; n i 1 1 ition on the subjei t, from 1 1 letters and ol cieni e. Phila., 1883. 12 198-76 1 : 1 » 1 ■ 1 . 1 1 -' 1 1 : •■ Christie [ohn 1. B., 1885. 12°. Cloi iri and the heai th ; 01 maid, wife and « il"" . B., 1871. 16 . Clouds and sun ihine. N. Y., 1 s 5 5 - 12°. 1 ,,m ,■ of true love never did run smi Phila., 1S69. 16°. 1 ;,, id fighl .mil othei tales. N. Y., 1859 12°. — Good stories. N. Y., 1884. 12 . Contents.— The history of an acre.— Knights- bridge mystery.— Single hear! 1 doubleface. —Tit for tat.— Rus.— Horn to k" 1 " 1 !mi ' There's manj ., slip twixt the cup and the lip. — The picture What has become of Lord Cam- elford 1 bod \ Good torii i of man and other animal ( \< iffith ' ..mi: ; or, jealousy. B., 1866. 8'. Ii is never too late 10 mend. N. Y., 1876. 12°. I ove me little, love me long. N. Y., KS59. 12°. — Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, and other stories. N. \ '.. 1S77. 12°. Contents Peg Christie J »hn- sti'Mr. — Clouds and sunsl \ adramatii 1 tie Propria quae maribu l .unci. — Jack of all trades. Perilous secret. N. Y., 1884. 12°. I'm yourself in his place. N. Y. 16 . — Simpleton, [and] The wandering heir. B., 1873. 12 . — Terrible temptation. V \ ., u. d. 12 . Verj li ird 1 ish. N. Y.. 1864. 8°. — Wandering heir. B., 1873. 16 . — White lies. B., 1S71. 16 . \\ om in hater. \. \ . 1877. 16°. — and Boucicault, Dion. Foul play. B., 1872. 12°. — Keade. Chas. I., and Reade, Comptoi Chas. Reade: dramatist, novelist, jour- nalist N. Y.. [887. 12° 77.;l ;s — Buchanan, R. A look round literature. PR. 308 313 S04-25 — Friswell, I. II. Modern men of letters. pp. 77-87 S04-3S — Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about books, poets and novelists, pp. 326 336. . . S04-45 -- McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. pp. 192 — 201 Rl am , Win. Will man. 12 [ntrodui tion. /« Rohlfs, ' .. G. kdven- tin- pp. 1-6 Introduction. In Si hweinfurth, ' .. Heai t of A 4627-8 [ - 1 Reid. Rl A I 'I 1 lira 1 80I-I2 Baker, G. M., ed. Handy speaker. [Reading club I ; [ S01 19 Humorous speaker 801 1 14 1 |. 801-2 — Branch, O. 1'.., ed. Hamilton speaker. . S01-21 — Calkins, N. A. ,;«,/ Adams, W. T., eds. Universal speaker Soi-22 enter, 1. I'.., ed. Popular readings in prose and verse 801 2 ) — Coatcs, II. T., ,-./. Comprehensive speaker. 801-26 , W. II. Institute reader and normal class-book 801-265 — Coppee, H . 1. Select academic speaker. 801-27 hi, Mrs. A. (R.), ed. Carleton's pop- ular readings 801-28 — Favorite poems 801-32 es, W. K.. -. Five minute readings for young ladies 801-36 Five minute recitations 801-365 Fowle, W. B., ed. The free speaker. . . 801-37 I I ,, ed. American speaker. . . 801-375 — Fulton, K. I. and Trueblood, T. C, eJs. 1 ! ice readings from standard and pop- ular authors 801-38 — Garrett, 1'., ed. One hundred choice se- lections. 26 v S01-4 — Hillard, G. S., ed. The fifth reader. . . Soi-45 [ohonnot, I , d. Geographical reader. 4204-5 Natural history reader 5> — Kid.I, R., ed. Rhetorical reader .... 801-5 — Kirkland, Mrs. C. M., ed. Patriotic elo- quence Soi-52 ngwell, C. W., ed. Reading book of English classics 801-57 Lyons, I. \..\i. American, '. 801-58 McGuffey, W. II., ed. New eclectic speaker Soi-611 New fifth eclectic reader Soi-615 Rhetorical guide 801-61 Marshall, E.C.,ed. First Look of oratory. 801-62 Monroe, L. B., ed. Fifth reader. . . . S01 Public and parlor readings: Humor- ous Soi-651 Miscellaneous S01-65 Sixth reader S01-65S Young folks' readings Soi-652 — Normal readers. 5 v. See Raub, A. N. — Osgood, L. Progressive firth reader. . . S01-7 — Tarker, R. G. .1".:' Watson, J. M.. ed. National fourth reader Soi-72 READERS. 1058 — RECIPES. Readers and speakers, continued, National fifth reader Soi-721 — Philbrick, J. I)., ed. , American union speaker 801-74 — Potter, H. L. D. Manual of reading. . Soo-73 — Raymond, R. R., ed. Patriotic speaker. 801-79 — Rusk, J. W., ,-,/. Model selections. 4 v. 801-83 — Sanders, C. W., ed. Rhetorical, or union fifth reader 801-84 — Sargent, E., ed. Intermediate standard speaker 801-S5 — Shakespearean reader S231-45 — Shepherd, II. E., ed. Historical reader. 903-8 — Stearns, J. N., ed. Water spouts. [Tem- perance speaker.] 19S-8 — Sypher, J. R., ed. American popular speaker 801-9 — Tommy's first speaker 801-94 — Watson, J. M., ed. Independent fifth reader S01-97 — Young lady's picture reading book. . . . S08-98 — See also Elocution. Eloquence. Poetry. Rhetoric. READING. See Books and reading. READING of books; its pleasures, profits and perils. Thwing, C. F 805-9 Readings and recitations. See Readers. Readings from the Dane : ed. by J. F. Vicary 3849S-9 Ready, Arthur. His good angel. L., n. d. 12 . READY-money Mortiboy: a matter of fact story. Besant, W. and Rice, J. Ready reckoner for ascertaining at sight the value of any quantity of corn from one bushel to one hundred quarters, at any given price from £1 to £$ per quar- ter, with approximate values of mill- stones and millwork, etc. I... 1861. 12°. Bound with Beaton, A. C. Quan- tities and measurements 690S-2 Real, Anthony. Story of the stick in all ages and lands. N. V., 1875. I2 °- • • 39°-7 Real fairy folks. Meyer, Mrs. L. (R.) . . 5402-6 Real folks. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Real queen. Francillon, R. E. Realistic assumptions of modern science examined. Herbert, T. M 16S6-5 Realistic philosophy. McCosh, J. . . . 142-6 Realities of Irish life. Trench, W. S. Reality of religion. Van Dyke, II. J. . . 252-96 Realm of the ice-king: by the authot ol Saved from the wreck. L., n. d. 12°. 498-77 Realmah. Helps, Sir Arthur. , .'/ 1 .. S. ( >ur brothers and N. V., n. (I. 12° 193-/7 ■ — Our daughters: their lives here and here- after. \. ¥"., n. d. 12° 396-77 REAR-guard of the revolution. Gilmore, J. R. 9756-45 Reason and faith; or, the two lights. Leask, W 242-6 Reason and religious belief. Browne, II. L. 2317-2 REASON and revelation: lectures. Preston, T. S 2827-63 Reason and revelation hand in hand. Mc- Whinney, T. M 239-64 1: 1 ison in religion. Hedge, F. H 2308-64 REASON why series. Biblical reason why ; a guide to Scripture readings 2208-15 Reason why series. See also Philp, R. K. Reasonable apprehensions and reassuring hints. Footman, Ken. H 239-4 Reasoning power in animals. Watson, J. S. 5915-9 Reasons for being a churchman. Little, Rev. A. W 2S3S-47 Rebecca; or, a woman's secret. Corbin, Mrs. C. E. F. REBECCA the witch. Foster, D. S 37&Cl Rebecca's triumph. Baker, G. M. In Globe drama 785-215 Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas, and the campaign of the Army of the border against General Sterling Price. Chica- go, 1S65. 8° 9795-7 Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital. Jones, J. B 9819-5 Rebel's recollections. Eggleston, G. C. . 9819-3 Reiser, Franz von, German historian, b. 1834. History of ancient art : tr. and augment- ed, by J. T. Clarke. N. Y., 18S2. 8°. 7093-8 — History of mediaeval art: tr. by J. T. Clarke. N. Y., 1887. 8° 7092-7 Reboul, Jean. Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 439-445 410-58 Recamier, Jeanne Francoise Julie Adelaide Bernard, French politician, b. 1777-1/. 1849. Memoir of correspondence. L. 16 7751:2 — Maceuen, M. Celebrities of the past and present, pp. 125-138 410-6S — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 2. pp. 205-211 4 IO ~9 -- Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of so- ciety, pp. 289-329 4"3- s 5 RECEIPTS. See Recipes. Rei ini advances in physical science. Tail, 1'. G 5309-S RECENT art and society. Chorley, II. V . . 225B1 RECENT polar voyages : a record of discov- ery and adventure, from the search after Franklin to the British polar expedition, 1875-76. I.., n. d. 12° 498-78 RECIPES. Benjamin, P., ed. Wrinkles and i. ipes 603-2 — Cha-.c, A. W. Recipes 603-25 ( 1 mil, W. M. Handy home book of medical recipes and family receipts. . . 640 -:S RECIPES. 1059 — 1 1 ' flFICAl [ON. Recipe :, continued. Mi \l illan, A. Formulas and dome 1 guide - Maquart, J, Six hundred receipts. . . 603-53 — Paper and printing recipes 6 Philp, R. K. Be it ol everj thing. . . . 603-6 Inquire within upon everything. . . . 602-4 Reason why: domestic science. . . . 640-77 S| 1 •:. \\iiii I.' ip receipts 603 Stoke i, I . ' ■' i>ii>"! maker and uphol- sterer's companion 684-7 — Van Cleve, B. V. English and American mechanic 603-8 Vouman, A. F. ,<•N \I l;iii', I [em y, continual. Life ol I" 1 1 I' B i pari ,1 \111- biogi aphy. v. 18. Reed, W. B. \ 1 my 1 1 pp ■ ■ 27" • ,l 1 Reed, fosi I'll, - tin, tfat mian, b. 17 1 1 I. I7N5. Split 1,1,/, \iim-i 11 .111 biog- raphy, v. 18. pp. 213-439 1 R] 1 d, Mm 1I1. 1, A. 1793 1 ■ • 1 . Reed, A. Martha: 1 mi moi ial 777 B2 Reed, P. I ishe. Beyond the snow : hi torj of Ti im's adventure in \ irdlichl hein. n. t. p. 16 381 7 ; Little cor] I' drawing book: draw- ing lessons ; with tv enty p i| e 1 il litho- graphic engravings and numerous « 1 i, [869. 12 . oblong. . 7-i" 7 Reed, Rebecca Perley. Everybody's prov- idence. IL. 1873. 1 ■ Reed, S. B. Cottage hou es for village and country homes; together with complete plans and specifications. N. \ '.. [883. 12 728-75 — House-plans foi everybody, for village ami country residences, co ting from $250 to $8,000; including full descrip- tion and estimates in detail of materials, labor and cost. N. Y., 1878. 12 . . . 728-76 Reed, Sampson. Genius. In Peabody. I . P., ed. /Esthetic papers, pp. 58-64. Kiii'. ralbot Barnes. " Follow my leadei ;" or, the hoys of Templelon : a school story. I... 1SS5. 12° 775Ai Reed, Wm. History of sugar, and sugar yielding plants; with process of sugar extraction and manufacture. L., 1S66. 1 6° 6641-7 Ri 1 D, Wm. Bradford, Am. lawyer, l>. 1S06- ,1. 1876. Among my books. X. Y ., 1871. l6° 783] 1 Contents r [broke.— Clarendon. —Junius -Quotation books. — Books of travel. — Memories of the cist —Prayer book. — Auto- graphs. — Wm. Cobbctt.- I'.l.n ! 1 nuns. Borrow t" Manning. — The Napicrs.— Stuart books. — The theatn Novels Defoe to Thackeray. — Thackeray Waltei Scott. — Lord Palmerston. — American history Henry Reed — Reed. See also Read, Reade, Reid. REEI in a bottle for Jack in the Doldrums. ' ever, 1 1. T 243-4 Rl 1 \ii 1 in, Chas. Vine dresser's manual: an illustrated treatise on vineyards and wine making. \. Y., 1S5S. 12 . . . 6345 ~s 1:11 . I. Rogers. Pleasures of a book-worm. V \ ., 1887. 12 8051 7 Contents. — Concerning books and lovers f books. — Homes and books : glio irthly tdise. — Romance and reality ofdedicati — An odd corner in a book-lover's study, nius and criticism. — On the pursuit of literature !,! moments. I 1 1 I : of the world I2' J Iii. 1 Edwin 1 , n.d. 12 177U6 iii [anct E. 1 H V., 1881. 12 1 1 "ii cupation , N. X ., 1 I A p| I 746-6 iii Miss L. L. We foui what we saw in Europe. Ph [880. 12° ; Rej .Wm Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloqui ' s 252>-4 Reeve, Clara, 1725—1/. 1803. Scott, Sir W. Eminent novelists and dramatists, pp. 545-550 11 1/ . L. M., formerly Miss Budgen, (Acheta Domestica, psetul.) Episi of insect life. X. \'., 1S52. 8°. . . . March winds and April showers: being notes an on a few created things. 1 .., [854. 16 589-2 ' , C. M. M ' . 1 1 Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 429- 489. Five years an American soldier. . .|u ;; Iii es, Ji hn, Eng. lawyer,!/. 1752-1/. 1S29. History of the English law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth; with numer- ous notes ami an introductory disserta- tion on the nature and use of legal his- tory, the rise and progress of our laws, and the influence of the Roman law in the formation of our own, by W. F. Fin- lason. 3 v. L., 1869. 8° 343-7 Contents, v 1 From the time of the Ro- mans to the end of the re i^n cf Henry III v 1 Edward IV. 1 i!,cth. . John. The Rothschilds, financial rulers of nations. [.., 1SS7. 12 . . . 795B45 . R. Harris. Had drains, and how to test them ; with notes on the venti- lation of sewers, drains and sanitary fittings, and the origin and transmission of zymotic I ... 1885. 12 . . 62S-7 Reference book of English history. Ewald, A. 1 9302-3 ReFLEi HON. Holland, Mrs. B. (W.) . . . 483A44 R111 1 'T ions and meditations from the writ- ings of Fenelon 240-4 . A. C. Moral reforms. . . 2 ) 1 32 — Paul, A. History of reform: a record of the struggle for the representation of the people in parliament .52042 -57 t, W. C. tirations and addresses. |86 815 REFORM. — 1062 REGENT'S. Reform, continued. — Fisher, Mrs. M. W. Philadelphia school of reform. In How to learn and earn. pp. 96-12S 37 ! 9-4 Reformation. Allen, F. H. Young folks history of the reformation 2706-14 — Beard, C. Reformation of the 16th cen- tury in its relation to modern thought and knowledge 2706-35 — Blunt, J. H. Reformation of the church of England, 1514-47 283-2 — Butler, C. M. Reformation in Sweden. 27485-2 — Carter, T. History of the great reforma- tion 2706-25 — Cobbett, \V. History of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland. . 2S3-27 — Creighton, M. History of the papacy. 4 V. 2821-2 — Dalton, H. John a Lasco : his earlier life and labors: a contribution to the history of the reformation in Poland, Germany and England 557 r >9 — Dinwiddle, W. Times before the refor- mation 2745-3 — Fisher, G. P. The reformation 2706-4 — Geikie, C. English reformation. . . . 283-4 — Guinness, H. G. Romanism and the refor- mation from the standpoint of prophecy. 2829-44 — Hausser, L. Period of the reformation, 1517-1648 2706-46 — Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and suf- ferings of some of the reformers and martyrs [not] of the Lutheran reforma- tion 4143-44 — Koltzof-Massalsky, II. G. Switzerland, the pioneer of the reformation 27494-5 — Lee, F. G. Historical sketches of the reformation 283-53 — Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Watchers for the dawn 2706-55 — McCrie, T. History of the reformation in Italy 2745-5 — Marsh, A. Caldwell. History of the Protestant reformation in Fiance. . . . 2845-52 — Martyn, \Y. C. Dutch reformation.. . 9422-56 Mears, [. W. Beggars of Holland and grandees of Spain 9422-58 — Merle d' Aubigne, J. II. Reformation of the 161I1 century. 5 v 2706-3 — Perry, G. G. History of the reformation in England 283-59 Russell, J. Rise and progress of the Christian religion in the wesl "I Europe. 274-6 SilialT, P. Christ and Christianity. . . . 204-79 — Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant rev- olution 2706-7 Smith, J. \V. Stars of tin- reforma- tion 2706-72 - Spalding, M. I. IP >tory ol the Pn ant reformation 2706-74 Reformation, continued. — Swaine, S. A. Religious revolution in the 16th century 2706-7S — Yaughan, R. Life and opinions of John de Wycliffe, with a preliminary view of the Papal system, and of the state of the Protestant doctrine in Europe, to the commencement of the fourteenth cen- tury 986E5 — Davies, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch nation : including an account of the rise and progress of the Protest- ant reformation in Holland 94 2-2 — Fisher, G. P. Notes on books in Eng- lish relating to the reformation. In Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant ref- ormation, pp. 239-246 2706-7 — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 1. pp. • 128-154. Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character 3&3E2 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 3. pp. 217-273. The 16th century arraigned before the 19th: a study in the reformation 426E1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Historical works. v.I. 906-4 — Lea, II. C. Sacerdotal celibacy, pp. 402-434 2 5 82 "5 — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 710-728. Demonology and the refor- mation 204-S4 — Stephen, J. Essays, pp. 38-57. . . . 870E2 — Washburn, E. A. Epochs in church his- tory, pp. 77-104 204-94 — Wilberforce, H. W. Events preparatory to the English reformation. /" Man- ning, H. E., ed. Essays on religion and literature, pp. 31 1-347 204-58 — Sec also Huguenots. Also Lives of Calvin. Farel. Henry VIII. John Hus. Knox. Luther. Melancthon. Wiclif. Zwingli. — /;; fiction .S".i 1 (• hi . Edinburgh, 1868 1 □ Regin ind 1 1 1 .1 ing . Warburton, 1 Recion "i eternal fire : an accounl dI 1 \ in 1 In pel roleum reg 1 the Caspian in i.ss;. Mai 1 in, C 1 1 , 9 6 Register : a farci 1 [owell :, W. D. . 1 - Regnard, Jean Francoi , French polt, b. 1653 d. 1709. Be ..mi, \\ . I' rem h hu- ll 1 1. pp. 158 374 R egnauj 1 , lli. 1 1 leorge Soulangei ' ili\ a, French publicist, b. (801 d. 1868. Crini inal history i>f 1 he I ngli ih go> e N. V., 1843. '2° 9303-7 ,'. '■/■ I reland War ol Vmerici pendeoce. — The 1 ' pies. — France I'he I 1 " n 1 England 1 turcs of prisoners "f war, Wai in timi 1 peace Violation of the rights of neutral na- tions. ' .in"'.' REGNAi ir, Henri, French artist, b. 1 S43— r/. 1871. Hamerl I'. <;. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 334 411s 4105-4 Regnier, Mathurin, French satirist, b. 1573- 5 1S4 8407-2 Regular service. I.., 1868. 16° 776A1 kii.i lar Swiss round. Jones, Rev. II. . . 44111 52 Reichenbach, Moritz von. TheEichhofs: 11. by A. 1.. Wister. Phila., 1881. 12 . Kkih, Alex. Dictionary of the English lan- guage, containing the pronunciation, etymology and explanation of all words authorized by eminent writers ; in which are added a vocabulary ol the roots of English winds: with an introduction by Henry Reed, ami an appendix of geo graphical names. N. V., 1S78. 12 . . 11; 7 Kkiii, Andrew, ed. Ireland: a book of light mi the Irish question; contribu- tions 1'v .1 numbei 1 1 leading 1 1 ishmen ami Englishmen. L., 1886. 12 . . . 32041-7 K1111, Christian, pseud. S.. Fisher, Frances C. K 1 1 1 1, David Bi 'swell, Scottish chemist, b. 1S05- d. 1S63. Ventilation in American dwellings; with an introductory "inline of the progress of improvement in venti- lation, by E. Harris. X. V., 1S04. '8°. 62S1-7 Reid, Henry. Science and arl of the man- ufacture of Portland cement ; with ob- servations on some of its constructive applications. 1... 1S77. 8° 6662-7 Reid, Mayne, captain, /■. i8iS-: b. 1*42. Charlotte Bronti : a monograph. X.V., [877. 12° 1 Kill', Whitelaw, Am. journalist, />. 1837. After the war: a southern tour, May, 1865, to May, 1866. X. V., 1S66. 12°. 475-76 in the war; her statesmen, her gen- erals ami soldiers : a history of the state during the war, an. 1 the lives of her gen- erals, v. i. Cinn., 1868. 8° 9796-7 — Fiskc, s. 1 Mi-hand portraits of pi nenl New Yorkers, pp. 265-270. . . . 4 1 -';: Ki 1 n. S also Read. Rea le. Reed. REIGN of law. Campbell. <.. 1 1. (".., .lute of 210-13 REIGN ol I ouis XI. Willert, P. !•' 94427 9 REIGN ol Queen Victoria: a survey of fifty years of progress. Ward, T. II., d. 2v. 938-9 Reign ol William Rufus and the acci ol Henry I. Freeman, E. A. 2 v. . . 9322 4 1 Winslow, Catherine M. Reigm Reilly, Thos. Devin. Savage, J. 'oS and '4 s - PP- 359 3 8 4 Reily, John. McBride, J. Pioneei raphy. v. 1. pp. 1-106 41271 o KSNYDER, Junius I'.enj.. /'. /'., Am. .,yman,b. 1S41. Six days of creation ; the fall and the deluge. Phila., [1SS6.] '- "3 73 Ri in. Johann Justus, (,',/-/;. is:;. Japan: travels and researches un- dertaken at the cost of the Prussian gov- ernment: ir. from the Herman. X. Y.. 1884. 4 REIN. 1064 RELIGION. Rein, Wm. lift- of Martin Luther. N. V., 1SS3. 12° 592B7 Reincarnation: a study of forgotten truth. Walker, E. D 14994-9 Reindeer. Batty, J. II. How to trap and hunt. pp. 85-S7 7967-2 — Caton, J. D. A summer in Norway, pp. 213-239 44SI-3 — Hunter and trapper. 255-2S1 "96-13 — Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. v. I. pp. 159-174. . 4471-8 Reindeer, dogs and snow-shoes. Bush, R. J 45 2 9 - Keis, Johann Philipp. Thompson, S. 1'. Philipp Reiss, inventor of the telephone. 779^ 2 ReISKE, Ernestine Christiane (Midler). Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. pp. 252-258 413-25 Rejected addresses. Smith, H.and]. . . 835C6 RELATION between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of geological science. Smith, J- P 215-S3 Relation of Christianity to civil society. Harris, Rev. S. S 2576-4 Relations between religion ami science. Temple, F 239S-8 Relations of mind and brain. Calder- wood, H 170-19 Relative merits of simple and compound engines. McDougall, N 621 12-5 Relative proportions of the steam engine. Marks, W. D 6211-55 Religio medici. See Browne, Sir Thos. Religion. Sub-divisions: 1. Philosophy of religion. 2. Essays and miscellanies. 3. Various religions. /. Philosophy of religion. - Alviella, Goblet d' count. Contemporary evolution of religious thought 201-102 Arthur, W, ( >n the difference between physical and moral law 201-104 Bascom, J, Philosophy of religion. . . 201-11 Science, philosophy and religion. . . . 142-21 — Brinton, I), G. Religious sentiment; 11 source and aim 201-16 — Feuerbach, 1- Essence of Christianity. 201-25 Galloway, \V. \\. Philosophy and religion considi iid in their mutual bearings. . 201-3 Gould, S. Baring-, Origin and develop- ment of religious belief. 2 v !OI |J Mullock, W. II. Is life worth living? . 201-6 Morison, J. C. Service of man: an essay 1 : 111 igion of the future. . . . 201-62 Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. . 201-7 Picton, J. A. The essentia] nature of re- ligion 201-72 R I I ' pectof philos 1 >phy. 201-75 — Taylor,'!'. Natural history of enthusiasm. 201 S5 Religion, continued. — Value of life: a reply to Mr. Mallock's essay, Is life worth living? 201-9 2. Essays and miscellanies. — Arthur, W. Religion without God, and God without religion 1686-2 — Bax, E. B. Religion of socialism. . . . 338-12 — Burder, W. History of all religions. . 209-14 — Bushnell, II. Building eras in religion. 204-13 — Chadwick, J. W. Faith of reason: a series of discourses on the leading topics of religion 252-296 — Child, L. M., id. Aspirations of the world 20S-1S — Clarke, J. F. Common-sense in religion. 204-16 Every-day religion 204-17 — Cobbe, F. P. A faithless world 2118-2 Darwinism in morals 204-19 — Conflicts of the age 204-2 — Conway, M. D. Earthward pilgrimage. 204-31 — Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. . . . 150-4 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology 204-31 — Freedom and fellowship in religion. . . 204-33 — Graham, W. Creed of science 168-4 — Harrison, F. and Spencer, H. Nature and reality of religion 204-38 — Hedge, F. H. Reason in religion. . . . 230S-64 — Heinzen, K. Six letters to a pious man. 460E9 — Holland, F. M. Rise of intellectual lib- erty from Thales to Copernicus 141-48 — Hume, D. Essays, literary, moral and political 491E2 — Keary, C. F., ed. Dawn of history. . . 400-5 — Locke, J. Four letters on toleration. . . 2577-5 — Luther, M. Table talk 208-56 — Manning, H. E., id. Essays on religion and literature, by various writers. v. 2-3 204-58 — Mill, J. S. Three essays on religion. . . 204-62 — Mo/ley, J. B. Essays 204-63 — Midler, F. M. Selected essays on lan- guage, mythology and religion 652E4 — Oswald, I. I.. Secret of the East. . . . 2114-6 Paget, V. Baldwin: being dialogues on views and aspirations 711E5 — Reade, W. Martyrdom of man 901-7 Shairp, J. ('. Culture and religion. . . 819E3 Strauss, D. F. Old faith and the new. . 21 1-8 Van Dyke, II. J. Reality of religion. . 252-96 — Volney, 1'. F. C. The ruins 901-9 \\ .1 ihburn, E. A. Epoi lis in church his- tory 205-94 Weiss, J. American religl 204-95 Wool ey, T. I'. Religion .'I the present and of the future 252-98 - Coleridge, S. T. Works, v. 1. pp. 1 17— 416, Aid i o. reflei Hon S28-32 RELIGION RE I IGI< Ki i [gii in, conlii Dick, 'J Works, v. 3 8s I 1 1 ! 1 1 < , 1 , 1 . , Populai ■■'. 1 ! pp 1 .'■ I U 111 I63 I Foster, J. I aj . pp. 200-3 - . ;; , lie, J . \\ . Wi ;dom of G pp. 57 92 I ,iri',\\ . K. Roi I. ! .'I" id pp. Ill l6 ' July, N. Man bel tl pp.32; ; '• 571 5 Mi \\ hinne} , T. M. Ri ■ la lion. pp. 17-94 1 1 11, /.. A. Story of Chaldea, pp. 1 v ;j6 •>' 1 , 1 iii, I., v. l'ni\ n sal history. pp. 280-341 9IO-74 Ruskin, J. True and beautiful. pp. 383 45- V — Thompson, 1 1. M . "Copy " : 1 >aj ■ 1 1 .111 editoi ' > di ■!« ei on relig literature .mil life — Thompson, J. P. American comments on] [uestions, intei rial ii mal and religious 884E5 I \ li.i , I B. Primitivi 1 ulture, v. 2. I>l>. 362-442 2902-8 — Whitne) , W. D. Oriental and lingui ;tic studii 1 2. pp. 126-1 \8 104-95 ,'. ' ariot — Clarke, J. F. ["ei ;ri trel ions. . . . 290-3 — Clodd, E. I In , liil Ihoi of rel 290-32 — Dunlap, S. F. Vi I the »pii it-his- of man 290-36 — Faiths of the world 290-4 I [and book to all religions 209-34 — Hardwick, C. Chrisl and othei 1 1 \ 290-47 Hastings, F. anrfMuir, A. I ., .•' . N 1 11 — Hayward, J. Book ol religions 209-38 Johnson, S. Oriental religions. 3 v. .v Johnson, S. — Keary, C. F., ed. Outlines ol primitive beliel in ■ I he 1 "'I 1 I un ipean raci — Kuenen, \. National relig uni- 290-53 — Lang, A. Myth, ritual and religion. . . 290-54 — Lorimer, ii. C. I rid new. . . . 204-55 — Moffat, J. C. Comparative histor) ol re- Is 209-63 — Miiller, I. M. Lectures on the scienci i"ii 290-56 — Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient Id 290-7 — Rupp, I. D. An original history of the religious denominations al present exist- in the United States — Schmui leer, S. M. H iryol II I ■ 1 gion 291 han, J. 'I hi trident, thi the 2754 ■ 1 ;. . lli!,!..' led 1 ! lory, philt I In phy. '■• Religi I I . I-' - I life 5901-25 Bai bee, W.J. Phy ;ii al a of geology 5501-2 — Bixby, J. I . Similarities of phy ical and religious ki 215-9 1 1 . 1 . ["hi • ■ . . . 2 1 5 \i ewster, D. More worlds th 52313-2 — Draper, J. W. History of the coi between religion and science 215 26 1,1,1,. P, Faith and rationalism. . . 2: Gray, A, Natural cience ami religion. 215-36 Religious truth illustrated fl .215 41 — Kinns, S. Harmony of the Bible with ice; or, Muses and geology. . . 215-49 Modern science and modern ;ht 215-52 LeConte, J. Religi nd science. . . . 215-55 . J. R. I lighei 111 i 11 i -1 ry of na- 2398-64 I eitch, W. God's glory in the heavens. 523-5 tineau, J. Religion as affected by 111 materialism 215 '' Miller, II. Testimony of the rocks. . . 5501-5 Molloy, G. Ge I igy and revelation. . . 5501-6 — Potter. A. Religious philosophy. . . . 239-78 — Reynolds, J. W. Supernatural in nature. 210-74 — Ronayne, M. Religion and science ; tlieir union historically considered 215-76 Shield ., C. V\ . Final philosophy. . . . 161-8 Religion and science in their relati philosophy 501-S4 — Sidney, I . Conversations on the ' and science 215-82 Smith, I. 1'. Relation between th< 1, tines and some pan gical science 215-S3 ignet, A. S imogony 21 — Temple, F. Relations between religion and science 239S-S — Thompson, J. 1'. Man in Genesis and geology ; — Waring, C. B. Mosaic account of crea- tion ; the miracle of I-!. :> 213-95 Winchell, A. Reconciliation of science and religion 21 — Combe, tstitution of man. 5S0 179-3 RELIGION. — 1066 — REMNANTS. Religion, continued. — De Quincey, T. Note-book of an English opium eater, pp. 72-S0 284E4] — Dick, T. Works, v. 2 S2S-35 — Holland, J. G. Every day topics, ser. 1. PP- I.57-I5 2 483E2 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 233- 243. Science and orthodoxy in England. 4104-6 — Russell, A. P. Library notes, pp. 353- 3S5 79SE7 -- See also Christianity, evidences. Creation. Evolution. Materialism. Philosophy. Rationalism. Religion. Theology. Religion ami state. See Church and state. Religion in a college. McCosh, J 377~6 Religion of evolution. Savage, M.J. . . 214-77 RELIGION of geology and its connected sciences. Hitchcock, E 2105-42 Religion of Israel to the fall of the [ewish state. Kuenen, A 296-5 Religious anecdote. Hood, E. P. World of moral and religious anecdote. . . . 253-4 Religious aspect of evolution. McCosh, I. 2598-67 Religious aspect of philosophy. Royce, J. 201-75 Religious duty. Cobbe, F. P 241-26 Religious reeling. Smyth, N 234-71 Religious history of Israel. Konig, F. E. 221-58 Religious life in England. Esquiros, A. . 2743-4 Religious life in Germany. Baur, W. . . 2743-2 Religious mission of the Irish people and Catholic colonization. Spalding, J. L. 27415-7 Religious orders. &y T. Dunphy and T. J. Cummins 34S2-3 Rembrandt Van Ryn, Dutch painter mid engraver, A, 1607-rf. 1669. Mollett, J. \V. Rembrandt 7S1R2 — Sweetser, M. F. Rembrandt 7S1 B3 — Clark, D. \V. True tales for the spare hour. pp. 80-146 903-22 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R. tr. Princes of art. pp 269-279 417-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 95-9S 410-975 REMICK, Martha. Richard Ireton : a le- gend of the early settlement of New England. N. V., n. d. 12°. REMIGIUS, St. Anderdon, W. II. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 246-272. . . 414-23 kt mini 5CENCES and memorials of men of the revolution. Muzzey, A. 11 4121-6 REMIN1 CENC1 and opinions, 1813-85. Doyle, F. II ! 1 iBg Reminiscences, historical and biographical, of sixty-four years in the ministry. Boehm, Rev. H 170B3 Reminiscences of a journalist. Congdon, C. T ' 245B3 Reminiscenci 1 oi .in "tin er oi Zouaves. Cler, Gen. — 9475-3 Reminisci '.' 1 1 ol jii old sportsman. 1 Iam- ilton, J. P 79°2-4 Reminiscenci : of public men. Perry.B.F. 412-75 REMINl 'i ICES ol the lasl sixty-live years, em ing with the battle of I exing- 1011. Thomas, E. S 884B1 Ri mi u\ 1.. T., ed. Gen. I". S. Grant' tour around the world 438 78 REMNA 1 1 early Latin. Allen. F. D. . 126 2 KKMORSR. T067 — wu k R 1 5. T. P01 lii il and ! I . v. 2. pp. I<>5 255. . R 1 m 1 ■. I11, . lm. ■ hemist, >'■. 1846 Thco 1 11 1 11 uin.ii 1,1 . hemii il 1 ompo I'hil.i., [877. 12° 541 7 Rj mi i,l 111 le. Harris, Joel < handler. 1: 1 m 1 . \ 1 , Clain 11 ibeth I e, de, I i'ii< '1 writer, />. 1780 d. 1824 i' musat, P. de, d. Me 1 ol VI ad arm de Remit at. J v. in 1 782B3 Selecl ; ii "in lettei to hei hu band 111,1 on, l& 1 1 | tr. Iiy Ml 1 1 ... - > and John I ,iltle. N. \ ., 1881. 8° 7*2111 — Sainte Bern e, C. \. Portrail >■ cele brated women, pp. 269 308 413 78 k 1 mi sat, Paul de, d. Memoii ol Madame de Remusat, 1802 1808: tr. by Mrs. Ca- lul Hoej and John LUlie. V\ .,1880. 8 ....'.. .' 782B3 Remy, Jules. Contributions of a venerable savage to the anc ienl hi tor) of the Hawaiian islands. In Nordhoff, 1 Northern California and the Sandwich 1 lands, pp. 227-252 479-6 Rem; St. Remy. Gildersleeve, M r. C. II. 421A4 li ,m \ ce. Burckhardt, J. Civilisation ol 1 1" pe i "i thi Renai ssance in Italy 94 Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle ages, and at the period ol the R nee. . . . Pater, W. II. Studies in the hi itoi j "l the Renaissani e 71 71 1 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 7 v. 114506-7 Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European his- tory. V. I. pp. 254-299. V. 2. pp. 1-66 9204-5 Renan, Ernest, French author, /v. 1823. Ab- bess "I Jouarre : Ir. by G I lei nd I F. Rhodes. N. 1 ., 1888. 12 . ... rVpostles. \. \ .. iSnn. 12 22171 7 I ife ol Jesus : tr. by < . E. Wilbour. N. Y., [873. 12° 2328 7 Recollections of my youth : tr. by C. B. Pitman. N. V., 1883. 12 783B5 Sainl Paul : tr. by I. Lock; 1. \ V., 1869. 12° 221 lies in religious history. I... 1SSC1. 12° Content*. — Author's pi I cperimental method applied to religion. — Paganism. — Com- parative mythology. — liuddhism. — Translations ,, Bible. — Teaziehs of Persia. — Joachim I>i Flor, and the eternal gospel. — Francis of V Nfooastic idyl of the thirteenth century. — Religions art. — Congrcgationc 'de Auxilit's. — A word upon Galileo's trial. — Port Royal.— Spin — Introduction. In Wood, W., ed. Hun- greatesl men. pp. 140 153. . . . 1 ontinued. (T, P. m M.I pels. -■ ! pp. I47 1 l:ii.-] ie, J. and olh< 1 58 :> I isher, G. P. 1 itural ■ view Hurst, J. F. II lism. pp. 403-406. Revii .2 1 1 . 1 1 !. ( Ihristianity and po •20-254. Critici m ol 239-58 — Smith, II. li. Faith ami philosophy. pp. 401-441. Reviev us. 204-81 1 Hoffman, 1 4*2.\.i RENEE and Franz. Haller, G Rl si 1 of Trance, duchess of Ferrara. Weit- zel, S. W 784B1 Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 120-148 RENNIE, D. F. The llritisli arms in north China and Japan; Peking, i860; Ka- gosinia, 1862. L., 1864. 16 . . . 95'-65 Peking and the Pekingese during tlielirst year of the llritisli embassy al Peking. 2 v. I... 1865. 12° 4511-7 RENNIE, Jas. Insect architecture: new edi- tion, much enlarged, by J. G. Wo I ., 1869. 12 5 RENNIE, John, lUitisli civil engineer, h. 1761- ./. 1821. Adam-, W. II. 1 1. The steady aim. pp. 87-. lj()6-avi. Boutwell, 1 .. S. Why I am a Republican. 1884 3296-2 — Smalley, E. V. Brief history of the Re- publican party 3296-7 i 1 urns. Fate of republics 321S-4 1 1 ill, P. A. Liberty and law under fed- erative government 3218 45 — Lamartine, A. de. Pa 1. presenl and future ol the republic 9447-5 Mill, I . S. ' 1 mi [derations on re] >re lenta live governmenl 3218-63 Monroe, J. The people, the overeigns. 3207-65 Adam .1. Works, v. 4 818-14 Repubi ii s, continued. See also Politics and government. United States. l:i ;i 1 in from Egypt. Tucker. C. (A. L. (>. E., pseud.) 116A36 R 1 1 ARCHES in the early history of mankind. Tylor, E. B 571-82 Reservoir walls. Krantz, J. B 62S43-5 RESIDENCE in Bulgaria. St. Clair, S. I .. I:. and Brophy, C. A 4497-7 Residence in Jutland, the Danish isles ami Copenhagen. Marryat, II 44S9-65 Resolution. Roe, A. S. RESOURCES and prospects of America. Pelo, SirS. M 473-72 Resources of California. Hittell. J. S. . . 4794-45 RESPICE linem. Harvey, G. I!. RESPONSIBILITY in mental disease. Mauds- ley, II 173-6 RE-statements of Christian doctrine. Bel- le .US, II. W 230S-2 Restoration of belief. Taylor, 1 239-91 Resurrection of the dead. Athenagoras. Writings. In Ante-Nicene Christian library. v. 2. pp. 423-456 2813-54 — Boyd, A. K. II. Graver thoughts of a country parson, pp. 255-273 252-24 — Stanley, A. P. Resurrection of Christ. /;/ Collection of theological essays, by various authors, pp. 477-484 204-67 — Swedenborg, E. In Barrett, B. F., ed. Swedenborg library, v. 1 2894-2 Washburn, E. A. Epochs in church histo- ry- PP- 349-3^9- Persona] resurrection. 204-94 Retailer's manual. 'Perry, S. FI 658-S RETAINING walls. Jacob, A. Practical de- signing of retaining walls 6291-4 — Tate, J. S. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls 6291-8 — See iilsa Engineering. 1:1 1 111 11 I'k. in business. In Comedies and dramas, pp. 247-303 240C9 Retribution. Beecher, E. Historyofthe criptural doctrine of retribution. . . . 2376-2 "Retribution," Confederate privateer. In Argument at Geneva, pp. 140-143. . . 3416 - RetROSPEI 1 of a long life, 1814-1882. Hall, s. c 450B9 Retro pei riONS oi America. Bernard, J. 473-16 Rl 11 RN ol the native. Hardy, Thos. Retz, Jean I rancois Paul de Gondi, cardinal, French prelate, b. 1614-1/. '679- Ja.me . G. P. U. Cardinal de Retz, Colbert, etc. v- '• IT- 3 '35 4IO-59 — Maceuen, M. Celebrities, pp. 71 83. . 4m 68 Reuben Davidger. < rreenw 1, Jas. Ri 1 1:1 n Medlii ott. Savage, M. W. I'M ,iont, Ufred\ .in. Lorenzo de' Medii 1. ilw magnifii ent. 2 v. I.. 1S76. 8°. . 6ai Big I'Kl Nln\. — 1067 — DS Ki 1 nion of the cl D J. J. 1 on 280-3 1: 1 1 i, I .In ml Wilhclm I , man protestant theologian, b. 1804. Mi tory of the ss or the Ni ' in. hi : 11. by E. I .. 1 1 ;hl rn I Idin- burgh, 1884. 8° 2262-7 K 1 1 111:, Fritz, German writer, t. 1S10-1/. is;.), in the yeai ' 1 ; . a tali ol Meck- lenburg life. Leipzig, 1867. 16 . Seed-time and harve 1. N. i . 1878. 8°. 1 ' 1 ■■ 1 1 I ■ led bj lal to the moral being of G , H. 239-3 ' : 1 '. I )i 1 .. \i 111 I . I '. 1 1 "i I. ' ■ and ■'.... 215-103 \i 11 he >on, 1 1, Can the old faith live w ith the new? 2398-68 — Whiton, J. W, Evolution ol reveli 1. 2202-92 Rl \ 11 \ rn ins, Book of. .v e Bible. Revengi foi I hi : drama. 1 lhapman, G. Works, pp. in. 148 11C1 Revenge of Buss) D'Ambois: drama. Chap- 1, G. Works, pp. [78-213. ... 221C1 Kk\ ERE, Ji 1 . i'li H arren, / - 1 .//, b. iSi2-. 1826. \aim- icli.'h.n - ..1 Mexico and Peru: tr. by P. II. W eed. \. V., 1884. 12 . [Hibbert lectures, 1884.] . 2908-7 Dawn ol < reation. In Order of creation. it- '07 133 213-63 Revision of the Bible. Se< Bible, authority. REVIVAl ..i priestly life in t he 17th century in France. Lear, Mrs. II. 1 (142 1 Revi\ \is. Harvest and the reapers: remi- niscences of rev ival Mrs. Van ' otl 254-8 Jones, C. J. From the 1 to the P«lpil 254-4 — Mowry, H, Sixty years in the liar vest field. 254-6 Noble, \\ . F. P. A century of gospel 1 277 - I'm ker, 1 '. Fire and the hammer ; or, revivals and how to promote them. . . 254 65 — Pierson, A. T. Evangi I 254-67 1 . iiM'inl, I.. T. Supernatural factor in religious revivals 254-75 Baird, R. Religion in America, pp. 134 277-2 — Cook, J. Orient, pp. 53-67 265-3 I [1 11 111.I. J.i. I . daj topics, pp. «53 '".; i\;i -• s Finney. C I Moody andSankey. Rei .1 1 ol man. Besant, Waltei . .... i ■ V. S. G. 1417 2 1 1 1 M. I M 1 . I . I . . . . 975 12 1 ghn, !<• 3 v Reynard the Fox. I roude, I. A. 1 1 ical and other ski the Low-German original of the 151b century. P... 1N72. 16° DS, 1 . M. Modern methyls in ele- mentary geometry. I.., 1868. 12°. . 51; 17 us, E. W. Tangletown letters. Buffalo, tS56. 12 8 1 7 7 •, M ' I Phila., 1851. 8°. — Kenneth: a romance of the Highlands. 1. S°. RE'S N S, Dr. I. Pi ' e Ann fisherman. I'... 1856. 12°. I lds, J. V Voyage of the 1 fnited States frigate "Potomac" under the command of Com. John Downes during the circumnavigation of the globe in yeai including a particular ant of the engagement at Ouallah- Battoo, on the coast of Sumatra; with all official documents relating to the same. X. V.. 1835. 12 1.371-8 Reynolds, Joseph Wm. Supernatural in nature: a verification by free use science. I... 1SS0. 8° 210-74 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Eng. painter, b. 1723- J. i"Q2. Literary work-, to which is prefixed a memoir of the author; with remark- ..11 hi nal charai illustrative of his principles and prac- tice, byH.W. Beechy. 2 v. I... 1- 12°. Same, 1873 ; — Life, [by -Allan Cunningham,] and dis- courses. Hud-. .11. O., 1853. 12 . — Essays., In British essa) .'7. . . 184E1 — Sweetser, M. F. Joshua Reynolds. . . 7 — Carr, J. C. Papers 011 art. pp. 122 158 " ■'.. D. Art in England, pp. 24.: Sir Joshua's pupil — Cracroft, B. I says. v. 2. 2, 250E1 — Cunningham, A. British painters, v. I. pp. 1S6-2S1 417-3 Great English painters. pp. 166 2,2. 417 ;i REYNOLDS. 1070 — RHINE. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, continued. — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 243-271 4IO-45 — Hale, E. E.,«/. Lights of two centuries. pp. 25-3S 4io-53 6 — Weekes, 11. Lectures on art. pp. 224- 293 704-97 Reynolds, L. E. Mysteries of masonry: being the outline of a universal philoso- phy founded upon the ritual and degrees of ancient freemasonry. Phila., 1S70. 12° 366-7 Reynolds, Michael. Locomotive engine- driving : a practical manual for engineers in charge of locomotive engines; com- prising, besides other additional matter, a key to the locomotive engine. L., 1882. 12° 621 13-6 — Stationary engine driving. L., 1881. 12°. 62116-7 — Parton, J. Captains of industry. pp. 36-42 4169-7 REYNOLDS, Osborne. Sewer gas. and how- to keep it out of houses: a hand-book on house drainage. L., 1S76. 12°. . . 62S-72 Rhea, Samuel Audley. Marsh, I >. W. Tennesseean in Persia and Koordistan : being scenes and incidents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea 2656-57 RHEINHARDT, Rudolf 11. Whist scores and card-table talk; with a bibliography of whist. Chicago, 1SS7. 12° 788-7 Rheinsberg : memorials of Frederich the great. Hamilton, A. 2 v 382K4 RHESUS. Euripides. Tragedies, v. 2. pp. 309-334 8823-2 Rhetoric and composition. Abbott, E. A. How to write clearly. 1S75 1 1 7-14 — Aristotle. Treatise on rhetoric. 1S69. . 1 55 1—7 — Bain, A. English composition and rhet- oric. 1873 801-17 — Bardeen, C. W. System of rhetoric. 18S4. 1 1 7 1 7 Boyd, J. R. Elements of English compo- ition. 1867 1 17-2 — Campbell, G. Philosophy "I rhetoric. 1^54 "7-25 — Channing, E. T. Lectures read 10 the seniors in Harvard college. 1856. . . 800-2 — Coppee, II. Elements of rhetoric. 1865. 117-28 Day, II. N. Ail of discourse: a system of rhetoric. 1S73 ■. > 17-20 Grammatical ynthesis. 1868 1 17—3 1 hetorical praxis : principle 1 oric. 1886 "7 3- young composer. 1874 1 1 7—3 1 .1; Pens and types. 1873. . . . 117-35 I lai pel . Mrs. M. J. Prai tical tion. 1870 "7-4 Hart, J. S. Manual ol :|"< 1 1 - > 1 ■ and rhetorii . 1871 1 17-42 Rhetoric and composition, continued. — Hervey, G. W. Christian rhetoric. 1873. 251-46 Higginson, T. W. Hints on writing and speech-making. 1SS7 117-44 — Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric and their application. 18S3 1 1 7 45 — Hill, 1). J. Elements of rhetoric and composition. 1S7S 117-46 Science of rhetoric. 1S83 117-461 Home, H., Lord Karnes. Elements of criticism. 1856 S03-45 — Kerl, S. Elements of composition and rhetoric. 1869 1 1 75 — Lord, I). X. Characteristics and laws of figurative language. 1857 H7-53 — Macbeth, J. W. V. Might and mirth of literature. 1875 1 17-57 — McGuffey, W. H. Rhetorical guide: containing elegant extracts in prose and poetry 801-61 — Nichol, J. English composition. 1S79. 117-6 — Phelps, A. English style in public dis- course. 1S83 251-74 — Pinneo, T. S. Guide to composition. 1864 H7-7 — Pittenger, W. Oratory sacred and secu- lar. 1868 800-7 — - Quackenbos, G. P. Composition and rhetoric "7 _ 73 First lessons in composition. 1877. . . 117-72 — Reade, A. A. How to write English. . 117-75 — Whately, R. Elements of rhetoric. 1852. 117-95 — Cox, E. W. Arts of writing, reading and speaking, pp. 26-63 Soo-24 DeQuincey, T. Literary criticism, pp. 314-371 284E5 - Historical and critical essays, v. 2. pp. 212-275 284E44 — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences, pp. 50-65 504-4S See also Elocution. Eloquence. English grammar. English language. Readers. Rhetorical reader. Kidd, R S01-5 Rhett, Robert Barnwell. Perry, II. F. Reminiscences ol public men, pp. 129- ■34 412-75 Rhind, Vim., joint author. Murray, II. and others. British India. 3 v. 1873.. . 9543-7 Rhind lectures, 1876-7S. Mitchell, A. The past in the present; what is civiliza- tion ? . . 57'-65 1.SS2. Anderson, J. Scotland in pagan Hi' 4061-2 I'm 1 . I 'he. Abbott, J. Rollo on the Rhine. 185N 4434 \2 Eddy, l». I'. Percj family: the Alps and the Rhine. 1868 440-301 Headley, J. T. The Alps and the Rhine. ' s sl 445-455 k 1 1 1 N !•;. 107 [ — r m 1 I'm 1 , 1 ontinui d. II 1. I . 1 I- the I'l 866 ... S27 617 iii. 1 1 1 ; 1 1 Saimine, \. I'.. Mj 1 1 > i <.i the Rhine 1 1 ... 1 - 1 •■ 1 . 1 11M m. 1 1 . 1 1 .. . .11 the pp. 1 j ; 198 (401-6 rappan, 11 P, \ te| I Mew woi Id to the Old, v. 2 | 1 ■ ■ Kin ii. 1 I ! m ill ! Pratt, M.I. 7 n \ t Rhoda's reward; or, if w ishi horses. M a rsh al 1 , Era m a 6 1 4 A 46 Rh Island. Arnold, S. ( .. Histoi the -Mil- ol Rhode I land, [1636 1790. | 2 v. l8S9 ■ Lodge, 1 1. 1 . English colonii in Araei I'l'- 385-396 ' 11 in 1. .ii ..1 the evei I . pp. I 1 1 128 J463-3 — St~< also New Eng] Rhodi % Albert, Am.vniter,b. 1S40. French II home. N. Y., 1 S75. 24 144-7 Contents. — Character. — Gallantry French living.— Day with the painters.— N\ Rhodes, Dudley Waul. Creed and ■ • lectures. 1 linn., 1879. 1 2 . . . 194-7 Contents— Story of thi - books.— Food Storyof the auditoi ' . looks. 1 life in 1 1 in. .11 - I he I etrayal L city. Curse of ten. M [lurch and theater.— Common sense in fun. I Rhodes, Edith. Adventures of five spin- I.. I2 Q ; , 1 Rhodes, \. II. Memorial address. In Hjnsdale, B. A. President Garfieldand niiiii. pp. 124 1 ; ; 4<-'4k4 Rhodes, M. Life thoughts for young men. l'hil.i., 1SS1. 12 248 i. Rhodes, M.J. Visible unit) .4 the Catho- lic church maintained against o] po 1 ies. 2 v. in 1. I... 1870. S°. . . j- Rhodes. Greal i 161 183 903-4 — Half-hours in many land. pp. 298-308. 439-46 — Ne wton, C 1 . 1 1 in the Levant, v. 1. pp, 1 . 4499-6 — Porter, W. Historj 1 the Knights <4 Malta 3947 - Rhododi ! i| 1 • and American plants. Rand, E. S., r 7 1 53—7 Rhoidis, Emmanuel. Pi n I n, (female pope): tr. with preface by Chas. 11. tte. L., 1SS6. 12° 516B7 Rho 1. the Darro, and the Guadalquiver. 1. ner, .1/ p. I. T 1 Rhymes and jingles. I Mapes. Rhymi 1 atween-times. MacKellar, T. . Rhymes of Yankee-land. Greene, A. . . . 435' 2 Rhymester; or, the rules of rhyme. H Tom ' I ures mi Hi.- hi I... 1 [Hibberl Ribault, J- /'.1 ' . J , .-'/. '7- I'l'- 5 ' 5' 1 - • 1 \ 1 1 rnory : 1 \\ in. II. Smith. V \ m . N. Y., is- 1 encct \ ll.ii. ' ■ If ..inuel ■ lay .- the empir- lated by J. M. I win, with preface by J. Mc( u h. N. V.. 1886. 8°. ...'.' 1 M ' 1 i he 2d edition. — Intr I ..f Merhart and the el ' , thc- I m of the notion of space.— Fech ner and YVnnJi and , chology. — Duration of psychii acts 1 iility: a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causi quences. N. Y.. 1875. 12 RlCARDO, D 1 \\ orks : with a notice of the life and writings of the author, by I R. McCulloch. I... 1886. 8 . pies of political co mom y and laxal ' of bullion a proof of the I bank notes.— Kepi-. sanquet's practical observations on the report of the bullion committee.— Essay on the in- fluence of a low price of corn on the profits of Stock.— Proposals for an economical and secure currency, with lits of the Bank of I - ricul- ture. — Plan for the establishment "f a 11 banl tions on parliamentary reform. -Speech on voting by ballot. — Bagehot, W. Economic sti 151-160 — Brougham, II. Statesmen |"f] the lime , , I' ( ' . . j e Me- zieres, I 171 Kavanagh, J. French women PP- . y. LI . .".. Am. •;.- Incidents ei life in the earl; tlemcnt of the Connecticut Western Re- ts from the i inij N. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . Ni in a. I culture. - 12 . . . i'. 21 7 5751 7 330-77 33°4-'S 410-17 4" s 4 5 RICE. RICHARDS. Rice, Harvey, continued. Contents. — Nature and her lessons. — Woman and her sphere. — Education and its errors. — America and her future. — Life and its aspira- tions. — Mission monument and its dedication. — Sketches of western life. B., 1888. 12°. 9863-7 Contents. — Gen. Moses Cleaveland.— Major Lorenzo Carter. — Rev. Joseph Badger. — Homes in the wilderness. — Western Reserve jurists. — Footprints of Puritanism. — Woman and her sphere. — Land of flowers. — Career of DeSoto. — First ship on Lake Erie. Rice, Isaac Leopold, German-Am, writer, Ik 1850. What is music ? N.Y., 1875. I2 °- 7716-7 Rice, Jas., Eng. novelist, b. 1844-1/. 1S82. History of the British turf from the ear- liest times to the present clay. 2 v. L., 1S79. 8° 6365-67 — join/ author. Besant, W. and Rice, J. All soils and conditions of men. By Celia's arbor. Golden butterfly. My little girl. Ready-money Mortiboy. Sir Richard Whittington, Lord mayor of London 947 Bo This son of Vulcan. When the ship comes home. With harp and crown. Rli k. Sara Sigourney. Edgar Allen Poe: a memorial volume. Baltimore, 1877. 8°- 7401:58 Rl( II. Anthony. Dictionary of Roman and ■ k antiquities. N. V., 1874. 8°. . 4051-7 Rli it, Claudius Jas., Orientalist, b. 1787-rf. 1821. Bonomi, J. Nineveh, pp. 2-6. 4025-2 RICH, Henry, 1st earl of Holland, d. 1649. Jesse, J. II. Memoir of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 2. pp. 161-171. 411-58 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp, 291-305 Ml-65 RICH, Richard, baron, b. about l^gS-d. 1568. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 2. PP- 30 44 411-25 Rli 11. Robei 1, earl of Warwu k. Lodge, I .. Portraits of illustrious pi 1 onage • ol Gn il Britain, v. 5. pp. 67-74. ■ • ■ 411-65 Rich and rare. Blal e, L. O'B. Rli hard I, king cj England, called Caw de Lion, b. 1157-rf. 1199. Abbott.J. His- tory of King Richard 1 787B2 I :s, . 1452-1/. 14S5. Abbott, J. History .if Ring Richard III, of England 787B7 — Gairdner, J. Life and reign of Richard III 787B8 — Legge, A. O. Unpopular king: the life and times of Richard III 9346-2 — More, T. England under Richard III. . 9306—6 — Seealso Shakespeare, W. Ring Richard III. Rli hard I, dnkr of Normandy, b. about 933- . 1.S17. Electron; or, the pranks "I the mi idernPu raph ic epic for the times. Bound -with Low ell, J. R. Vision "l Sii Launfal. . . . 1 .1 eal in g Ine ■ 1 .1 mem 1 1 !eo. N. Briggs, go> e 1 ol 1 hi imonwcalth of Massachusetl i from 1844 to 1851. B., 1866. 8° 183B2 Rli 11 \v dsi in, ^bby Sage, Am. writer. Abel- .11.1 and Heloise : a mediaeval romani e ; with the letters '.1 Heloise: edited 1 >y Abby Sage Richardson. B., 1884. 16 . 103B3 — Familiar talks on English literature: a manual embracing the great epochs of English literature from the English con quest of Britain, 449, to the death of Walter Scott, 1832. Chicago, 1881. 12°. 820-78 — Stories from old English poetry. N. V., 1871. 16 8218-7 Contrnt.t. licoffrcy Chaucer. — Two nohlc kinsmen. Pious Constance.— Knight's dilem- ma.— Three unknown poets.— Story of Candace. — Spencer. — Adventures of the fair Florimel. — Campaspe and the painter. — Frio Bai on'sbrass head. — Margaret the fair maid of Fresingfield. Sketch of Win Shakespeare. — Story of Per- dita.- Story of Km- 1 ear, and his three dai ters. Wnty Portia; or, the three caskets. — Story of Rosalind ; or, As you like it M.i beth, king of Scotland Wonderful adventures of Pericles, prince of Tyre.— The ten.; — ed. Songs from the old dramatists. V V., 1873. 12° 8092-72 Richardson, Albert Deane, Am. journalist, l>. 1833-d. 1S69. Beyond the Mississip- pi: life and adventure mi the prairies, mountains ami Pacific coast, 1857—67. Hartford, Conn. 8° 478-78 — Secret service: the field, the dungeon and the escape. Hartford, Cum., 1865. 12° 9807-7 Richardson, Benj. Ward, Eng. physician, /'. 1S2.S. Uriel noies for temperai teachers. N. Y., 1883. 12° luSi 7 — Common health: a series of essays on health ami felicity for every-day readers. 1 ■ ■ c s : 12° ' . . . . 613-73 — Diseases of modern life. N. V.. 1878. 12° 616-75 — Ministry of health, and other addresses. N. v.. 1S79. 8° 6104-7 Rli HARl inued. Content M ni tryofhealth \\ m Han — Homily. I and health Vitality, individual and natii 1 world ' irmi- 1 and cxtr:. lion. I 1 . 1 ■ ■ . alcohol at 11 on the body. \. V., 18.S0. 16 1981-71 Ten lectin. ohol, N. Y., 1880. 12° I Content Oi alcohol, a course of six Canl lectures delivered before the Society of Arts. — \ . n .I. of alcohol 1 alco- hol on the 1 1 rate drinking I against Che medi • pi fi 01 ) — The liberty of the abject. rdson, C. J. Englishman's house from a cottage to a mansion. \. Y., 1S7;. 12° 728-8 House-building ' ittage to a man- sion. [Sat in's house], . 728-8 Rli HARDSON, < 'has. I 1 11.' i . tm. 1851. American literature, 1607-1885. N. V., 1887. 8° 810-7 Contents. — v. i. Development of American thought. Rli HARDSON, 1). X. Girdle round the earth: home letters from foreign lands. Chi- 1, 1888. 8° 438-775 Richardson, 1 ii.rcas. Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution, v. I. pp. 263-273 4"2'-35 RICHARDSON, E. Veil lifted; or, the ro- mance and reality of convent life. I!.. II. d. 16°. Richardson, Frederika. The Iliad of the East : a selection of legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanscrit poem, the Kainayana. I.., 1S70. 12° Richardson, G. F. 1 uti to geology and its associate sciences, mineralogy, fo il botany, ami paleontology, revised ami enlarged ' In. 1... 1851. 12°. 55°-79 Richardson, II. I'. Domestic fowls. Horses; their varieties, breeding and management in health and disease. Hive and the honey bee. Hog; his origin and varieties, management and treatment under disease. In Sax' rural hand-books, ser. I. N. Y.,1852. 12 636-7 Richardson, II. W. Paper money: a col- lection of the principal historical facts bearing upon the current financial dis- cussion. X. Y., 1.S79. 16° 3 Richardson, An: Jas. b. iSij-d. 1 Putnam, A. 1"., Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp. 376-3S3. [Poem; and biographical sketch.] ... RICHARDSON. — io/4 — RICHTER. Richardson, Jas. Taylor, B. Cyclopedia of modern travel, v. 2. pp. 871-895. Richardson's travels in the Sahara. Richardson and Barth's expedition to Central Africa 43°-S RICHARDSON, Jas., ed. Wonders of the Yel- lowstone. N. Y., 1873. 16° 47S6-7 Richardson, 5i>John, Britisli naturalist, />. 1787-1/. 1865. Arctic searching expedi- tions : a journal of a boat voyage through Rupert's land and the Arctic sea, in search of the discovery ships under com- mand of Sir John Franklin ; with an ap- pendix on the physical geography of North America. N. Y., 1854. 12°. . 498-79 — Polar legions. Edinburgh, 1S61. 8°. . 49S-8 — Mcllrath, J. Lifeof Sir John Richardson. 787B9 — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 225-231 4104-62 RICHARDSON, Nathaniel Smith, Am. clergy- man, b. iSio- of. ■' 1 ennoi . I ha < i. Richmond, J. F. Ni \ orl and it in 1 itu- tions, 1(109-1873. The bright ide ol New Vork, N. Y., is-;. $° 17 . )7 , 7 Richmond lady, A., /semi. See Putnam, Mrs. S. A. (B.) Richmond, Leigh, Eng. clergyman, b. iy~2- ii. 1S27. Annals of the poor; with memoir. L., 1859 242-7 Contents. — Memoir of the author. — The dairy- man's daughter. — The negro servant. — The young cottager. — Cottage conversation.— A visit to the infirmary. Rli HMOND, W. I). Colour and colour print- ing, as applied to lithography; contain- ing an introduction to the study of colour, an account of the general and special qualities of pigments employed, their manufacture into printing inks, and the principles involved in their application. 1... 11. d. 12 764-7 Richmond, Va. Putnam, Mrs. S. A. (B.), (A Richmond Lady, pseud.) Richmond during the war 9819-7 — Berry, C. B. The other side : how it struck us. pp. 27-38 47°- I 4 — See also Virginia. South. Richter, Eugene. Co-operative stores ; their history, organization and manage- ment. N. Y., 1867. 12 3375-7 Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich, commonly called Jean Paul, German author, b. 1763- d. 1825. Campaner Thai, and other writings. B., 1864. 12°. Contents.— The Campaner Thai. — Life of Quintus Fixlein.— Schinelzle's journey to Flatz. — Analects from Richter. — Miscellaneous pieces. — Flower, fruit and thorn pieces; or, the married life, death and wedding of the advocate of the poor, Firmian Stanis- laus Siebenkas. 2 v. B., 1863. 12°. — Hesperus; or, the forty-five dog-post days, a biography translated by C. T. Brooks. 2 v. B., 1S55. 12°. - Invisible lodge. N. Y., 1883. 1 6°. — I.cvana; or, the doctrine of education. B., 1863. 12° 370-79 — Walt and Yult ; or, the twins. 2 v. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz. Life of Quintus Fixlein. In Carlyle, T., tr. Tales by Musaeits, Tieck, Richter. v. 2. 833-6 — Lee, E. B. Life of J. P. F. Richter, compiled from various sources, preceded by his autobiography 7S8B3 — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 1S7-203 410-16 — Carlyle, T. Lssays. v. 1. pp. 1-21 and 262-271. v. 2. pp. 1-59 206E2 — I)e Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers, etc. v. 1. pp. 183-224. . . . 284! is Mothers of great men. pp. 399-414. . . 4'3-35 In ell, W. Extraordinary men and Vi-omen. parti, pp. 323-334 4'°-y .ICHTER. '°75 - R.IDL1 . R i\ Jean I'. I ., contim Whittier, I. ./. < Ihild life in | pp. 271 275. Autobiographii I 1 ti h. 1 ■••.in. RlCHTHOFEN, Waller von, baron. ' raising on thi plain ol North \"" \. Y., iNSc;. 12 637I-; RlCKARDS, ii "I. ./. 1865. Mo lej , I . B. I 1, . V. 2. ||i. 445-450. I I II MIC- moriam] 204-63 \li .ley, T. Remini a rices, v. 2. pp. 80-92 650B8 Ricker, N. 1 Clifford. I' lemenl n statics ami 1 In- ruction ol tru ed roofs : a manual ol 1 1 ) rid pi 11 N. V., 1885. 8° 624-67 l: n ORD, I I- di rii k Win., Am. author, t. 1819. History of Rome. V \ ., i860. 12 . . 1873 9«9 77 — The republic ol Rome. N. Y., 1856. 16 . 9192 7 — ed. English song 1 oreign tongues. \. \ ., 1879. S° K11.n1 11. 1/ r. Charlotte Elizabeth (Lawson), Eng. novelist. Above suspicion. I!. 8°. — l'ai above rubies. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1S57. 16 . — George Geiili of Fen Court. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1865. 16 . — Life's assize. V V., 1S71. S°. — Maxwell Drewitt. N. Y., 1866. 8°. — Nun's curse. N. Y., 1888. 12 . — Race for wealth. X. \ '.. 1S66. S°. — Too much alone. 1!., h. d. 8°. RlDDELL, Henry Scott, Scottish clergyman, 6. 1798-1/. 1 S70. Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 366-392. [Biographical sketch and poems] S0921-7 RIDDLE, Albei I 1 '■allatin. Am. la-wy, r, fr. 1S16. Vlice Brand: a romance of the capital. Cleveland, 1S75. 12 . — Bart Ridgely: a story of northern Ohio. r... 1873. 12 . — Castle Gregory: a story of the Western Reserve woods in the olden in Cleveland, O., 1884. 12 . — House of Ross, and other tales. Ii., 1881. 12°. Contents. — The house of Ross [*hc itowi of Auburn. — Lu Pettingill's punishment. — Edith Grover.— Monson. — Law students and lawyers, etc. : eight lec- ture- delivered before the Law depart- ment of Howard university. Washing- ton, KS73. 12° 3404-7 Contents. — Law. — Law studentsand lawy. — The argument to the jury. — Last words, ad- visory and suggestive. — Public speaking.— Gov- ernment. — Observations on the constitution. — The philosophy of political parties. — 1. ii'c 1.1 Benjamin F. Wade. Cleveland, 1SSO. 12° 920IS2 Riddle, All. en 1 .., c, ntim A. Garfield. I leveland, 1 Portrait : a romani e ol the < 1 val- B., 1874. i' -/;, /'. I : i VS., [884. I'. ' Gospi 1 Mark. X. X ., 1881. 16 Riddli . Bookof riddli . and live hun home enl 786-4 Barbauld, A. I.. T. Pp. 172 170. On 828-16 ments. l'u. Run. in Egypt. Loftie, W. J 462-6 I111 in petticoats ami slippers. Colvillc, Capt. II. E Klin: to Khiva: travels ami adventures in Central Asia. Burnaby, K 4555-2 Ride through [slam. Marsh, II. C. ... 455-56 RlDEING, Win. Henry, Am. ;^>it<>; i. 1853. Idle in the wild west : a glimpse of travel among the mountains, lava-beds, sand towns, Indian reser- vations, ami ancient Pueblos of southern Colorado, Xew Mexico, ami Arizona. N. V., 1S79. 16 4789-7 Boyl ring authors. X. Y., 1SS7. 12° ' Contents. — Holmes. — Aldrich. — Trowbridge. — Russell.— Gladstone. — Egglcston. — Ho wells. — Jas.Payn — Whittier— F R.Stockton.— T.W. Knox. — I. E. Hale. — Lowell. — Hoyescn. — Hig- ginson.— Edgar Fawcctt. — E. C. Stcdman.— C. I I, Warner. — Stray moments with Thackeray; his hu- mor, satire and characters: selections from his writings, prefaced with a few- biographical notes. X. Y., 1880. l6°. S2S-899 — Thackeray's London; hi- haunts ami the scenes of his novels. B., 1887. 12°.. 8821:28 ing folks' history of London. I'... 1S85. 12 939>-7 — ■ ed. The alpenstock: a book about the Alps ami Alpine adventures. X. Y.. 1880. l6° : \ h l>r. Francis T. Buckland. House of Commons. In Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen 410-83 Riding for ladies. O'Donoghue, Mrs. P. . 6364-7 RIDLEY, Annie 1". Hetler than gold. I .. n. d. IO : 7S3A5 Ridley, Jas. Essay. /" British v. 20. pp. IOj-IIO is;! I RIDLEY, M. L. Sent to Coventry. X. Y., n. d. 12° 7*3 A 9 Ridley, Nicholas, ,/. 1555. Lodge, E. Portraits ol illus- trious pen Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 225-234 411-05 RIDLEY. 1076 RIOTS. Ridley, Nicholas, continued. — Tayler, C. B. English martyrs. pp. 254-298 2726-8 RlDPATH, G. Border history of England and Scotland: ed. by P. Ridpath. L., 1810. 4° 9403-7 Ridpath, John Clark, Am. educator, b. 1840. History of the United States : embracing the features of Lyman's historical chart. Cinn., 1S79. 8°. Same. N. V., 1S76. Riedesel, Frederika, baroness von, b. 1746- d. 180S. Letters and journals relating to the war of the American revolution and capture of the German troops at Sar- atoga: tr. by W. L. Stone. Albany, 1867. 8° 788B4 — Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. pp. 219-222 4 : 3- 2 5 — Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 1. pp. 1 19-142. . . . 4121-35 Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, baron von, Gorman general, b. 1 738-1/. 1S00. Eel- king, M. von. Memoirs, letters and journals of Maj. Gen. Riedesel 7SSB41 Riehm, Edward Karl August, German theo- logian, b. 1830. Messianic prophecy ; its origin, historical character and relation to New Testament fulfilment : tr. by J. Jefferson. Edinburgh, 1S76. 12°. . . 2203-75 RlENZI. Nicola Gabrini, Roman tribune, d. 1354. Todhunter, J. True tragedy of Rienzi, Tribune of Rome 891C4 — Gibbon, E. Roman empire, chap. 70. . 9199-5 — Mitford, M. R. Works, pp. 632-650. . 828-62 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Rienzi : a romance. Rifi'ault des Hetres, Jean Rene Denis. Vergnaud, A. D. and Toussaint, (i. A. Practical treatise on the manufacture of colors for painting: rev. and ed. by M. F. Malepeyre : tr. by A. A. Fesquet. Phila., 1874. 8° 6672-7 RIFLE and hound in Ceylon. Baker, S. W. 4549-21 Rift in the rock. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) /// Rainbow stories, pp. 49-96 763A1 RlGGS, Stephen K. Tah-koo Wah-kan ; or, the gospel among the Dakotas; with in- troduction by S. B. Treat. B.,n.d.i6°. 2677 S RIGHT and wrung: history of Rose and Ag- nes. I.., n. d. 16 7S4A2 Right at last, and other tales. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Right honorable, The. McCarthy, J. and Praed, Mrs. Campbell. RIGHT life; or, candid talks on vital themes. . J. A 252-815 Right one. Schwartz, Marie S. Right use of books. Atkinson, \V. I'. . . 805-15 Righteoi apostate. Lan . ' llara. RlGHTER, Chester Newell, Am. missionary to Turkey, b. 1824-,/. 1856. Prime, S. I. Bible in the Levant ; or, the life and letters of Rev. C. N. Righter 2656-7 Rights, Science of. Fichte, J. G 34° 2 -4 RIGHTS of the Christian people. Miller, H. 2742-5 RlGVEDA; the oldest literature of the In- dians. Kaegi, A 2 93 I_ 5 Riley, Chas. Valentine, Am. entomologist, />. 1843. Potato pests ; the Colorado po- tato beetle and the other insect foes of the potato in North America ; with sug- gestions for their repression and methods for their destruction. N. Y.,1876. 12°. 632-7 Riley, H. T., ed. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottoes. L., 1S71. 12° 87008-7 Riley, Harvey. The mule : a treatise on the breeding, training and uses to which he may be put. Phila., 1869. 12°. . . 6369-7 Riley, Henry Hiram, Am. lawyer, /•. 1813- d. 1888. Puddleford papers. B., 1S75. 12° S17-8 Riley, Jas., American sea captain, b. iyjy-d. 1840. Authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig " Commerce." N. V., 1S59. 12° 466-7 — Sequel to Riley's narrative : being a sketch of interesting incidents in the life, voyages and travels of Capt. J. Riley : ed. by W. W. Riley. Colum- bus, 1851. 8° 78SB6 — Biographical annual, pp. 216-218. . . 412-21 Riley, M. P. Hopkins, T. In Norman, H., ed. Broken shaft, pp. 157-185.- RlMBAULT, Edward Francis. Musical instru- ments. In British manufacturing indus- tries, v. 11. pp. 109-153 670-21 Ri.mmel, Eugene. Book of perfumes. Phila., 1866. 12 6468-7 Rimmer, Alfred. Ancient stone crosses of England. I.., 1875. 8° 406-7 Ring, Max, German writer. John Milton and his times. N. Y., 1S68. 8°. Ring and the book. Browning, Robert. . 1SSC55 Ring of Amasis. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. RlNK, Dr. Henry. Danish Greenland, its people and its products. I .. , 1 S77. 12 . 49S1-7 — Tales and traditions of the Eskimo, with a sketch of their habits, religion, lan- guage and other peculiarities: ed, by Dr. R. Brown. Edinburgh, 1S75. 12 . 3898 7 Rn> de Janeiro. Minturn, R. li. From New York to Delhi, pp. 13-19. . . . 43S 6 — Warren, F. R. Dust and foam. pp. 21- 48 439-93 Riots. Headley, J. T. Pen and pencil sketches of the greal riots .vt (, 7 I tOTS. — i°77 - 111 l ENHOI 1 Rioi , continued. \ oli in" undei the city, | V V. drafl riot.] 9831-92 — Phillips.W. Speeches, etc, pp. (19 142. Si 5 7 Spalding, M.J. Miso llanea. v. 2. pp. 596 63 1. Philadelphia riol ' also 1 rime. Rip Van Winkle. Irving, W. Sketch book. pp. 44-77 818 485 Rip \ an Winkle' : travel in 1 ;n ! Van Wert, R 4401-9 Rl it grapes ; or, the fruit of the pirit. Poole, W. II 240-6 Ripley, Rev. I ra, b. 1751-rf. [841. Emer- son, R. W. Lectures, eti pp ; , , [70. 318B 5 Ripley, Geo., tm. jottrnalist, t. 1S02-,/. 1880. Frothingham, O. B. George Ripley 788Bg — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp.193 '99- • ■ 4181-3 — Frothingham, < >. B. Transcendenl in New England, pp. 322-334." . . . 1681-4 Kir< in, Earl of. See R I'. J. Riquet, Pierre Paul. Smiles, S. las. Brindley and the early enginei 1 pp. 301-312 4168-8 Rise and early constitution of universities. Laurie, S. S 37S— 5 Risk and fall of the Confederate govern- ment. Davis, Jefferson 981-3 Risk and fall of the [rish nation. Barring- ton, Jonah 9417-2 Risk and fall of the mustache, and Eiawk-eyetems. Burdette, R. J. . . . S17-245 Risi and fall of the Paris commune in 1S71. Fetridge, W. P 94482-4 Risi and progress of religion in the soul. Doddridge, Philip 241-36 Risk and progress of the English constitu- tion. Creasy, E. S 346-3 Risk, increase and progress of the Christian people called Quakers. Sewel, W. . . 2896-7 Rise of intellectual liberty from Thales to Copernicus. Holland, 1''. M 141-4S Risk ol Silas Lapham. Howells, W. I). Rise of the British power in the East. El- phinstone, M 954-3' Rise of the Dutch republic. Motley, J. L. 3 1 9422 6 Rise of the Huguenots. Baird, 11. M. 2 v. 2 Risk,,) the Macedonian empire. 1 \M 9'87-3 Rise ol the republic of the United States. Frothingham, Richard 972-38 Risk, progress, and presi nl structure of the English language. Harrison, Matthew. 110 is Rishell, Dyson. Elfrida: a drama. Phila., 1883. 12" 788C6 Rising in the world. Arthur, T. S. tide. 1 '' • rvillc hall [and] Rising tide 31 4A9 1, Vdel lidi C. (0 Italian life and Rl n 11, \\ in. 1 .. 111. historical and industrial. Santa Fc, 1885. 8" ,; Ritchie, Mi . Anna < !ora (' IgdenJ I actress and litterateur, /•. 1822 N. V., 1870. 1 * 4-15 8 fi it e and I" loud the curtains: a series of narratives. I'.., I856. 12°. — Mute singers. N. \ ., 1866. 12 . RlTi iin , Mr . Ann. Isabella 1 1 English novelist, i. 1S42. Madame de Sevigne. Phila., [1881.] !-• . [1 eign classics for English readers.] . . . S 1 S 1 : ; Mrs. Dymond. N. \ ., 1S85. 16 . — ( Hd Kensington. N. \ ., 1 s 7 ; . S°. Story of Elizabeth and other stories. 11, t. p. 12°. Contents. — Story of Elizabeth. — Five old friends.— Out of the world. — To Esther. - Village on the cliff. N. Y., 1868. 8°. Writings. N. V., 1870. 8°. ' .' Village on the dirt*. — From an island. — Five old friends. — Story ol — To Esther. — Out of the I king merry. — Sola. — Morctti's Campanula. — Miscel- lanies. — Heywood, J. C. How they strike nie, these authors. pp. 39-56 S04-47 RITCHIE, D.G. Rationality of history. In Seth, A. and Haldane, R. B., I . Es- phical criticism, pp. 126- 158 142-76 RITCHIE, I. Ewing. British senators; or, political sketches, past and present. I„, 1869. 8° 411-0 I -. S. Wisconsin and its re- sources, n. t. p. 12° 477; 7 Ritchie, Leiteh, £nj:. writer, i. i8oi-. 1732-./. 1796. Renwick, J. Life of David Rittenhouse. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 7. pp. 298-398. . 4 1 2 g Men who have risen, pp. 270 3 1 5. . . . 410-76 RITTENHOUSE. 1078 ROBBIA. Rittenhouse, David, continued. — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 1 14-120 410-92 KlTTER, August. Elementary theory and calculation of iron bridges and roofs : tr. by II. R. Sankey. L., 1879. 8°. . . 624-68 RlTTER, Carl, German geographer, b. 1779-1/. 1859. Geographical studies; with bio- graphical sketch by the translator, W. L. Gage, and an account of Prof. Rit- ter's geographical labors, by H. Biige- kamp. B., 1S63. 12° 4202-7 — Gage, W. L. Life of Carl Ritter. . . . 789B4 Ritter, Frederic Louis, writer on music, b. 1834. History of music, in the form of lectures. 2 v. B., 1876-74. 16 . . . 770-7 — Manual of musical history from the epoch of ancient Greece to our present time. N. V., 1SS5. S° 77°-7 r — Music in America. N. Y., 1883. 8°. . 7701-7 _ Music in England. N. V., 1SS3. 8°. . 7702-7 Ritual of Freemasonry. Allyn, A. . . . 3662-2 Ritualism. Brown, E. ('•. K. Annals of the tractarian movement, 1842-60. . . 2839-2 — Capel, J. T. Reply to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone's "Political expostula- tion." 2S27-25 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 6. pp. 107-142 426E1 Hall, T. Questions of the day. pp. 271- 2S0. How much ritual is there in the New Testament 241-52 — Rector and his friends, pp. 9-44. . . . 204-74 Rival heirs. Crake, A. D. Rivals. Clemens, J. Rivals. Griffin, G. Rivals. Sheridan, R. B. Comedies, pp. 61-1S6 S20C8 River of golden sand. Gill. Capt. W. . . 451-4 RlVERO, Mariano Eduardo de tin. I Tschudi, John fas. von. Peruvian antiquities: tr. by E. I.. Hawks. X. Y., 1S54. 12° 4085-8 Rivers, Pearl, pseud. .Si-.- Nicholson, Mrs. E. J. (Poitevent). Rivers, Thus. Miniature fruit garden ; or, the culture of pyramidal and hush fruit trei N. Y., n. d. 12 34-7 Rose-amateur's guide; containing de- scriptions of all the line leading varic- I... 1S77. 16 7152-7 Rivers. Frisi, I'. Rivers and torrents; wiili the method of regulating their and 1 ii urn. 1 55'43~4 Tyndall, |. Forms "I water in clouds anil rivers, ice and glaciers 55 14-9 Rivers of water in a dry place. Moffat, R v. R. [Same . . 1 lospel 1 ing the ' affre | 161 Rives, Amelie, now Mrs. John A. Chandler, Am. writer, !•. 1863. Brother to drag- ons and other old time tales. N. V., 1888. 12°. Contents. — Ilrother to dragons. — Farrier lass o' Piping Pcbworth.— Nurse Crumpet tells the story. — Herod and Mariamne. /// Lippincott's magazine, Sept., 1888. — < »mick or the dead. In Lippincott's mag- azine, April, 1S88. — Virginia of Virginia. N. V., 18S8. 12°. Rives, Wm. Cabell, Am. senator, b. 1793-1/. 1868. History of the life and times of las. Madison. 3 v. B., 1S6S-73. 8°. 608B4 Riviera. Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams 4449-3 — Miller, W. Wintering in the Riviera. . 4449-62 — Sparks, E. I. Sketches of the health resorts of the north Mediterranean coast of France and Italy, from Hyeres to Spezia 4449-7 — Bennett, J. II. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean, pp. S- 227. Genoese Rivieras and Mentone. 4449-2 RlZPAH. Blinn, Mrs. L. In Elocutionist's # annual, No. 10. pp. 174-177 801-SS RlZPAH's heritage. Conklin, Mrs. N. Roads, streets and pavements. Clark, I). K. BMdTLaw, II. Construction of roads and streets 625-5 — Free Lance, pseud. Horses and roads. . 6362-5 — Gillespie, W. M. Principles and practice of road-making 625-4 — Gillmore, Q. A. Practical treatise on roads, streets and pavements 625-42 — Mallet, R., ed. Papers on the art of con- structing and repairing common roads. 625-6 — Rogers, R. Y. Law of the road 3465 _ 7 — Bushnell, II. Work and play. pp. 403- 439. Day of roads 197L4 — Mahan, I). II. Elementary course of civil engineering, pp. 277-300. . . . 620-5 — See also Engineering. Roasting of gold and silver ores, and the extraction of their respective metals without quicksilver. Kustel, G. . . . 6692-5 Run of the bowl. Kennedy, John P. ROB Roy, Scottish freebooter. Scott, Sir W. Rob Roy: a romance. Se> also Campbell, Robert MacGregor. " Run Roy ," canoe and yawl, voyages of. See Macgregoi, John. RiiiiA.li Roma. Story, W. W 4456-84 Robbei . 1 he. James, G. P. R. Robbers. Schiller, E. Works, v. 4. pp. 1-120 836 2 ROBBIA, l.uca delta, Florentine sculptor, b. about 1400-1/. about 14S0. Pater, \Y. II. Studies in the history oi ibe renaissance. PP- 53-6i 717E1 ROBBINS. - 1079 - ROBER1 R ins, Chandler, i. 1810 1882 1 body, A. r. 1 1 .11 1 1 remit 1 [87 191 I'-; 71 Putnam, A. P., 1 ./. Singei and ol the liberal 1 lith. pp. J03 305. [B ketch and poems] - 1 . ■ , Robbins, Samuel Dowse. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singei and ong ol the liberal 1 hi li p] [23-335 I l:i "". ' etl '' ■ ll1 ' 1 poem | ■ 2458-7 Robbins, Mrs. S. S. Bert, the enterprising boy. \. V., 1886. 16 786A2 — Binding the heaves. N. Y., 1867. 2.1 . 786A25 — Busy bees; or, wintered gs in Marga- rel Russell' 1 hool. N. Y., 1870. 24 . — Edged tools. N. V ., 1867. 16". ... — Jack who persevered. N. Y., 1886. 16 . 7 V " V I7 Robert 1 ii. 1I1. mi' 1 1 nil ie, X. Y., 1883. 12 786 \ J5 \\ In. will. 11. I. |i 786A6 ROBBINS, 'rims. Introduction and notes. In Mather, ('. Magnalial hristi Amer- icana; or, the ecclesiastical hi torj ol New I ngland, 1020 98 2774-6 ROBBINS, W. E. Hand-book of India and British Burmah. Cinn., 1883. 16°.. . 454 79 RoBl 1 1 I, Bruce, king of Scotland, b. 1274-1/. 1329. Allison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 94-99 115K1 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 219-221 410-19 — Children's story book. pp. 37 42. . . . 410-27 — Fanner, 1 . II. Boys' I k of famous rulers, pp. 253-265 1154 — Great Scotsmen, pp. 9-19 4112-4 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 19-25. . . . ■ ■ |io 7 — See also Scotland. In fiction see Aguilar, (i., Days of Bruce; Porter, J., Scottish chief-; Scott, W.', Castle dangerous, and Lord of the Isles. Ri n:i 1; 1 . Cj prien. Sla\ e proi inces "I Turkey. In Ranke, I . History of Ser via. pp. .575 5°° 9497-7 Robert, Henry Martyn, Am. officer, 6. 1837. Pocket manual ol ■ ules ol 01 del for de- liberative assemblies. Chicago, 1880. 24 . Same, 1886 3281 7 Robert, Karl — Le fusain. Charcoal draw- ing without a master: a complete ; < tical treatise on landscape drawing in charcoal, followed by lessons on studies aftei Allonge: tr. from the 4th edition, bj Elizabeth Haven Appleton. Cinn., 18S0. S 711 7 ROBERT college, Constantinople. Baker, J. 1 urkey. pp. 431 434 14 1 ' ' I — Hamlin, C. Among the Turks, pp. 287- 3° J 2649-4 Roperi Elsmere, Wnnl. Mrs. Humphrey. )// s. s 781 1 I . ■ ., R. \. Ri phi 1: 1 I lammond, W. A. 1 I loudin, lean 1 > 1 ; Robi nil tli ijuroi ., v. 1 itti-u by linn .-if: tr. by R. S. Mackenzie. Phila., 1 1 luring and magic: ed. and tr. by A. J. Lewis, (Prof. Hoffm a, / < ud.) n. t. I 1. 12° Secrets of stage conjuring: ed. and tr. by A.J. Lewis, (Prof. Hoffman, pseud.) I.., 1881. 12 ; Roberts, Albert. Watterson, H., ed. Odd- ities of southern life, pp. 466-473. . . Roberts, Alex. Old Testament revision. N. \ . 1883. 16° 22011-65 1 1 . I ' I dan, W. Men I have known. ] i] 1 411-56 Martineau, II. Biographical sketches, pp. 248-255 4104-62 — Remarkable men. pp. 201-218 410 SS Ri 1.1 1 ■ 1 , I rds. Santa Barbara and around there. B., 1S86. l6° 4 7 Ramona's home : a visit to the Camulos ranch, and by II. II. ///Jackson, II. M. (F). Ramona, pages following 490. RoBER 1 5, Ellis Henry, Am.joumalist, i. 1827. ernmenl revenue, especially the 1 384. 12 . . . 3353 6 New York : planting and the growth of the i ire State. 2 v. B., 1887. 12 . . 9S3-75 1 3, John. Whittier, J. . 1 S 1 6 — a". 1853. Lectures and addresses on literary and social topics. B., 1S59. 12° 790E5 Contents. — Two addresses : working man's institute. — Two lectures on the influence of poetry on the working classes. — Lecture on Wordsworth. — Notes of a lecture. — Speeches, etc. — Life, letters, lectures and addresses: ed. by Stopford A. Brooke. N. V., 1871. 12 . 790B32 — Sermons preached at Trinity chapel, Brighton. 4 v. in 2. Leipzig, 1 861. 16°. Same. I v. N. V., 1871. 12° 252-79 — Arnold, F. Robertson, of Brighton ; with some notices of his times and contempo- raries 790B3 Cobbe, F. P. Darwinism in morals, pp. 103-139. An English Broad Churchman. 204-19 — Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers and trum- pets, ser. 2. pp. 34-S5 251-48 E. de. Contemporary portraits. pp. 283-400. Verny and Robertson. . 410.1 77 Robei 1 on, Jas. In Gilmore, J. K., (Ed- mond Kirke, pseud.) Rear-guard of the lution 9756-45 ' 1 ON, Ja i. Burton, /•'«;;• hi torian, />. 1800-a'. 1877. Lectun or :omi mbjects ■ ■I modem history and biography : deliv- ered .'t thi I atholii 1 Diversity of Ire- land, i860 to 1 864. Dublin, 1864. 12 . 904-7 Robertson, Jas. B., continued. Contents. — Prefatory address. — History of Spain in the 18th century. — Life, writings and times of M. de Chateaubriand. — Two lectures on the secret societies of modern times. Robertson, Jas. Craigie, Eng. historian, />. 1%13-d. 1882. History of the Christian church from the Apostolic age to the Reformation, 64-1517. 8 v. N. V., 1874. 12° 270-7 Contents. — v. 1. bk. 1. — Nero to Constantine, 64-313. bk. 2. — From Conslantinc to the death of Theodosius the great. 313-395. v 2. bk. 2. concluded.— -bk. 3. — Theodosius I to Gregory the great, 395-590. bk. 4. — Greg- ory the great to death of Charlemagne, 590-814. v. 3. bk. 4 concluded. — bk. 5. — Death of Char- lemagne to deposition of pope Gregory VI, 814- 1046. v. 4. bk. 5 concluded. — bk. 6. — Deposition of pope Gregory VI to death of pope Celestine III, 104 6-1 198. v. 5. bk. 6 concluded. v. 6. bk. 7. — Election of Innocent III, to death of Boniface VIII, 1198-1303. v. 7. bk. 8. — From death of pope Boniface VIII, to end of council of Constance, 1303-1418. v. 8. bk. 9. — End of council of Constance to end of the fifth council of the Lateran, 1418- 1517. — Same. 4 v. 1866-73. 8 ° 270-71 — Plain lectures on the growth of the papal power. L., n. d. 16° 2821-65 ROBERTSON, John Parish and Wm. Parish, Scottish writers. Four years in Paraguay : comprising an account of the Republic, under the government of the dictator Francia. 2 v. Phila., 1838. 12°. . . 489-7 — Francia's reign of terror: a sequel to Let- ters on Paraguay. 2 v. in I. Phila., 1839. 12° 997 2 -7 Robertson, Margaret M. Inglises; or,how the way opened. N. Y. 12°. — Two Miss Jean Dawsons. N. Y. 12°. Robertson, Struan. Brown, J. Spare hours. v. 2. [ip. 221-226 1S8E2 Robertson, Thos. Wm. Eng. actor anddram- atist,b. 1829-1/. 1871. Friswell, J. 1 lain. Modern men of letters, pp. 346-356. . 804-38 Robertson, Viva.., Scottish historian, 6. 1721-1/. 1793. Historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which Ihe ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with thai country, prior to the discovery of the passage to it, by the cape of Good Hope. N. Y., 1852. 8°. Bouniwith Robertson, YV. History ol Scotland. . 9402-7 — History of the discovery and settlement ol America; to which are added ques- tions for students, by John frost. N. V., 1S55. 8° 970-7 — History of the reign of the Emperor ( 1 1.1 1 1. , \ : w 1I1 a \ iew of the progn ol 01 ii iy in Europe, from the subversion Rl IBERTSON. - IO»l ROBIN I' ion, \\ in-. . ontinu, ,/. ol ili- I ' hi Empire to i he begi i the [6th i entury. N. . ., 1855. 8°. .■ ■ sB; [Same] ; with an ai count "I 1 he 1 peroi Mi aftei hi abdical ion, b) \\ . II. P tt. ; v. B., 1857. 3 v. i'hila., 1867 71. Same, 1N75. 12 . 222 B8 Historj "l Scotland durinj il Queen Mary md I \ I . N . Y . , 1 S° 9402-7 Lawreni .-. E. Lives ol 1 he British his torians. v. 1. pp.327 365 4182-54 Stcwai t, D. 1 Collected woi I. ;. 1 . i<>. pp, 103 242, A. . "mil "I 1 In- life and writ- ings ol W. Robei is' hi 162—87 Ri mi 1 1 si in, \\ m. I .ife and times of the Rt. Hon. John Bright. J.., n. d. 8°. . . 183B4 1 . \l 1 .1111:1 in Mai H I idore de, French revolutionist, b, 17S.S .,•'. 17'n. Lewes, G. II. Life of Maximilian Robi pierre 790B5 Brougham, II. Statesmen |"i | the time "i George III. v. 2. pp. 177 192. . . 410-17 - Gilfillan, G. Third gallerj ol portra pp. 21 -jt. Marat, Robe ;piei 1 e and i );iiiloii ||S 4 ;i M01 ley, J. Ci 11n.1l miscellanies. \ . 1. PP- I-I33 646! 1 — Sanson, 11 . Memoirs of the Sansons. \ . 2. pp. H17 211. I leath of Robes- piei il- 803B6 Ri ibin. Pal r, .)/' r. I .ouisa. ROBIN ( iray. 1 iililiun, ( !has. Robin i rema) ne. Holt, Emily S. Robins, Elizabeth. Se< Pennell, Mrs. Eliza- beth (Robins). Robins, Storj of the. Trimmer, Mrs. . . S95A5 Robinson, IgnesMarj Franci . 'uthor, /'. 1 S 5 7 . An Italian garden: a book of B., [886. K>° 7'i"i i Emily Bronte. B., 1883. 16 . [Famous i\ omen series] 185B1 Margarel ol Vngouleme, queen ol Navarre, I!.. 1SS7. 12. [Famous women series]. 609B9 — New An-. 1. 1 1 othei 1 n . B., 1884. 1 ■ Biographical sketches. In Waul, T. II., tit. English poets, v. 3 and 6,. . . . "■nl. /;; Tales from mai . . \ . 5. Robinson, Ana tasia, *f Peterborough, it. 1750. Clayton, E. r. Queens of song. pp. 26 34 417s 3 Robinson, Chas. E. Cruise of the " Wid- geon " through the Dutch canals and the Zuyderzee. n. t. p. 8° 4405-7 Robinson, Chas. Seymour, Am. nan ryman, b. 1829. Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. \. Y., 1887. 1 912-76 Robi i s., continu Shoi \. Y., [862 11 Introduction. In Weilbrcchl, M. Mira- 1 faith I ' Ipitl 1 ;y of ■ .is : an inquiry into "i ' ! ifo 1 ion. I.., 12° Edith Forced B., [887. 8°. Robinson, i? 1 ird, Am. Biblical scholar, />. 1794 d. 186 |. B Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Pe- • is iii the- year 1838, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. ; 1. Ii., 1841. 8°. Same. 2 v. 1*74. . . 2209-75 Contents. — v. i. Introduction: Gn Egypt. — From Cairo lo Sue/. Mourn bah, Jerusalem. v. 2. — Jerusalem, Bethel, 'Ainjidy, Dead sea, Jordan, Ga/a, Hebron, Yv'.uly Musa v. 3. — Kamleli. Jerusalem, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Lake of Tiberias, Safed, Tyre and Si Beirut.— Religii us sects in Syria and Palestine. Physical geographj ol the Holy land: a supplement to the late author's Biblical 1 he in Palestine. B., [865. 8°. 2209-76 i ion, Ezekiel Gilman, Am. Baptist minister, b. 1S15. How I was educated. In College and the chinch. 1 101. 3704-4 Moral law in its relations to physical sci- enii . 1 religion. In 1 ton Monday lectures, 1880-81. pp. ;i 60 Robinson, F. Mabel. Mr. Butler's war. I. N. V., 1885. 16 . on, Fayette, d. 1859. M and her military chieftains from the revolu- tion of Hidalgo to the present time. Hartford, [848. 12° Robinson, Frederick John, earl of Kipon. Jenla.11, W. Men I have known, pp. 3S 6 -3"2 4115" Robinson, Frederick Wm. . 'it/, b. 1S30. As long as she lived. N. \ .. 1876. 8°. — Carry's confession. N. Y., [873. 8°. 1 hristie's faith. N. Y.. [867. 12 . — N.i man's friend. N. Y., 1S70. 8°. — Poor humanity. \. i .. 1 — Romance on four wheels. N.Y.,1879. 24 . — Stern necessity. X. Y., 1870. 8°. Woman's ransom. 11. 8°. — Calvert.G.H. Brief essays, pp.115 122. IN, H. P. The studio and wh do in it. I ... [885. 12 769-77 in, Harriet Hanson, b. 1825. M chusetts in the woman suffrage m ment. B., 1881. 16 3243-7 ROBINSON, Henrietta. Wilson, D. . . . .; : ROBINSON. ro.S; ROCHE. 790U7 4712-7 520-7S 5 '4-7 512-74 ROBINSON, Henry Crabb, English lawyer and author, b. 1775-rf. 1S67. Diary, remin- iscences and correspondence: ed. by T. Sadler. 2 v. li., 1S69. 12°. Same. 2 v. in 1. X. Y., 1877 ROBINSON, Henry Martin. The great fur land ; or, sketches of life in the Hud- son's bay territory. X. Y.. 1S79. 8°. Robinson, Horatio Nelson, Am. mathemati- cian, b. iSo6-bi ■ W; . rherese Ubet tine Lo von Jakob, Cei itei . b. 1 707-//. Fifteen years : a picture from the last century X. \ '., 1871. 12 . rhos. Wi ndi 1 ing in Scri] : being a lour of nine I hs in 1 o ■ ne, Syria, I 111 key and Greece, 1869-70. L.,1872. 12". 43S-782 787A1 807-7 589-8 6211 85 Robinson, \V. God's acre beautiful; or, cemeteries of the future. L., 1SS0. 8 ° • 3932-7 — Gleanings from French gardens; an ac- count of such features of French horti- culture as are most worthy of adoption in British gardens. L., 1S69. 12 . . . 7 1 5-78 - Mushroom culture: its extension and im- provement. L., 1870. 12 ''359-7 — Subtropical garden ; or, beauty of form in the flower garden. L., 1871. 12°. 715-79 ROBINSON, Wm. Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican revolution : including a narra- tive of the expedition of Gen. Xavier Mina; with some observations on the practicability of opening commerce be- tween the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, through the Mexican Isthmus, and at the Lake of Nicaragua; and of the future importance of such commerce to the civilized world, and more especially to the United States. Phila., 1820. 8°. . 9903-7 Robinson, Wm. L. Diary of a Samaritan : a member of the Howard association of Xew Orleans. N. Y., 1S60. 12°. . . 6139-7 Robinson Crusoe. See De Foe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe's money. Wells, D. A. . 331-93 ROBISON, John. Treatise on the construc- tion of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery, deduced from the works of Robison, Price and Tredgold. Bound ■with Richardson, T. A. Art and archi- tectural modelling in paper 7 2I ~7 ROBSART, Amy, countess of Leicester. Rye, W. Murder of Amy Robsart : a brief for the prosecution 791 1!i Robson, Frederick, b. 1821-if. 1864. Matth- ews, J. li. mill Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses. v. 4. pp. I9I-206. . . 4179-6 Robusti, Jacopo. See Tintoretto. ROBY, Henry John, Eng. scholar, b. 1S30. An introduction to the study of Justin- ian's digest, containing an account of its composition, and of the jurists used. 01 referred to therein, together with a full 1 ommentary on one title, (De usufructu). Cambridge, 1884. 8° 342-51 — Latin grammar for schools. L., [880. 12° 126-74 RoCHAMBEAU, Jean Baptiste Donatien de, vicomte l>. 1725-,/. 1807. Murray. J. (>'k. Catholic pioneers of America. PP- 332 342 4'4-= '< ROCHE, Harriet A. On trek in the Trans- \ aal ; or, 01 et berg and veldt in South Africa. I... 1878. 12 4682-7 R Regina Maria, Irish novelist,b. 1765- • /. 1845. Children of the abbey. I'hila., 1880. 12°. ROCHEFORT - , RODW I I I Rochefort, Victoi Henri in. ., margin's, Frtnth journalist, b. 1830. M 1 1 1 1 Hi Bi man 1 . V \ .. 1881. 16 . 1 llaretie, J. and othei . I rem h 1 • li tie - pt. -•■ pp. 59-77 i" Rae, VV. I' . Men ol the third repubiit pp *57 '7° I 1, Ri 11 HE \iii'. See I ..1 I '■" hel auld. R01 he 1 11 . Siege of, 1627 8. I illol on, J. Stories ol the « ti 1 pp. 204 243. . Km hester, Earl of. Set VVilmot, John. R01 11 1 1: Fellow , (A), pi 11,/. S 1 - uddei s. 11. Rochois, Mm 1 11.1 1 '. 1 l.i\ ton, I . I . Qui i n of song. pp. 43-51 4178 .; R01 k, A\ I '. -I. I ,■• ill. fabrii . N. Y., [876. 12". South Kensington museum .111 hand I ks 7151 7 Ri 11 k ahead, \ ates, E. Rock of Ages ; or, Scripture lest in y to the 1 Ine etei nal Godhead Rickei 1 I 1 11 2 ; 1 • 2 R01 kiiii 1 , \\ . \\ I\ ille, Ir. I ife of the Buddha, and the eai ly historj of hi der : derived from Tibetan « 01 ks in the Bkah-Hgyur and Bstan-Hgyur, followed by notices on the early history ol fibel and Khoten. B., 1SS5. 8° 2932 7 Rocks ahead ; or, the warnings "l Cassan- dra. Greg, W. R 135E8 Rockstro, W. S. General hi torj ol music from the infam y ol the Greel di m the present period. I.. [886. 8°. . . 770-75 — LifeofGeo. Frederick Handel; with an introductory notice, by G. Grove. I.., 1883. 12 tf 3 B5 Rockwell, Chas. Howe, II. Life and death on the ocean. pp. 609-624. 437-48 Rockwell, Jas. 1 Hi,. I vi rest, C. A Poel of Connecticut, pp. 357 366. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914 4 Rockwell, Mrs. M. E. Rose Thorpe's ambition 787 V5 Rock's Fork. Catherwood, M. II 209A42 Rocki mountain health resorts. Denison, Dr. Chas 6135 3 Rocky mountains. Bishop, Mrs. I. 1,. (Bird). A lady's life in the Rock] moun- tains. 'S79 • . . . 478-16 Bowles, s. Across the continent. 1866. 478-17 Burton, R. F. City of the saints. 1862. 47 - Fremont, J. C. Exploring expediti' the Rocky mountains, n. t. \> 47S-36 Grohman, W. A. li. Camps in the Rockies. 1882 47S-43 — Ingcrsoll, K. Knocking about the Ro( kies. 1883 478 51 [rving, W. Adventures of Capt. I'- villc. I . S. A., in the Rooky Mi~. and the far west. 47S 53 ntinued. I .udlow, Fitz-1 1 u ! II. 1S70 Mi 1 Inn , A. K. lii". 1 li'.u and tl 1 1 .. 1 Vdventun '■'•■ and the 1 lor, B. 1 trip. : nt, E. Wl 1 Cal pp. '(-' '' ' 4794 '" Horetzl , 1 1 pp. 5- 64 1711 t ■ \\ 1 1 . Roddy ' i ide tl. [ohn on, H en K. ... 517A6 Roddy's reality, fohnson, Helen K. . . . 517A61 Ri ideNI Ol 11. I hei iphilu Francis, eral, > Afghanistan and the An glo Russian dispute. V \ ., 1885. 12 . ed. I'm 1 of the hich the medal I. been awarded, I h ho have .von it, 1861 86. N. \ '., 1S86. 8° 973" RODERU ■ . Don. [rving, W. Spanish pa- pp. 1-109. Legend of Don I crick i' k, the last of the 1 1 they, R. Poelii al works, v. 9. ..*... . k'U'i rii k Hudson. James, 1 1., jr. Roderii K Hume. Bardeen, C. W. . its, John, Am. comm Y)-d. 1NN2. Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, pp. 542-547. . 4122—39 Xi.iii se, J. 1 \ 1 rican explorations in the io pp. 10S-131 498-7 Rodman the keeper. W 1 . Ri iDNEV, I 1 ' ,■ ■ ' 1 1 wight, X. Lives of the signers of the Declara- of Independence, pp. 222-230. . 4121 ; I ossing, li. I . ' Bi the signers, pp. [33 136 4121 5; ■-, British admiral, b. 1 71s .■'. 1 792. Ed , J. 1 Sea kings and naval heroes. |>p. 272-291 (i Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. 41-49 411 "s Ki 'I'M \ . M.11 1 in . I Fadette, / irithorne; or, the light of to-day. l'hil.i., [872. 12 Rodoi 1 hi ;. Abbott, J ioiA:v RODRH Panama canal: its his- . its political aspects, anil financial difficulties. N. \ .. 1885. 12 . . . . 6269-7 ELL, G. F. Birth of chemistry. L... 1S7,. i2°. [Nature -- - es.] 5409-S — Etna: a history of the mountain and of Minions. I ... [878. 12 ;;i2i 7 ROE. 1084 ROGERS. Roe, A/el Stevens, Am. author, b. ljgS-ii 1886. Cloud on the heart. N.Y., 1869. 12°. — How could he help it ? N.V.,1873. 12°. — fames Mountjoy; or, I've been thinking. N. V., 1SS3. 12 . — Like and unlike. X. Y., 1S71. 12°. — Looking around. X. V., 1S65. 12°. — Resolution; or. the soul of power. X. V., 1S71. 12°. — Star and the cloud. X. V., 1S78. 12°. — To love, and to he loved : the minister's story, [and] Like and unlike. X. V., 1875- ' 2 °- — True love rewarded. X. V., 1S77. 16°. — True to the last; or. alone on a wide, wide sea. X. V., 1883. 12°. — Woman our angel. X. V., 1867. 12°. Roe, Edward Payson, Am. Presbyterian clergyman ami author, b. 1838-1/. 1SS8. Barriers burned away. N.Y.,1872. 12°. — Day of fate. X. Y., 1880. 12°. — 1 (riven back to Eden. X. V., 1885. 12°. — Earth trembled. X. V., 18S7. 12°. — Face illumined. X. Y., 1S7S. 12°. — From jest to earnest. X. V., 1875. — He fell in love with his wife. N. 1886. 12°. — His sombre rivals. X. Y., 1883. 12°. — Hornet's nest : a story of love and war. X. Y., 1887. 12°. — Knight of the nineteenth century. V., 1877. 12°. — Miss Lou. X. Y., 1888. 12°. — Nature's serial story. X. Y., 1885. S°. — Near to nature's heart. X. V., 1S76. 12°. — Opening achestnut bur. X. Y., 1874. 12°. — Original belle. X. V., 1S85. 12°. — Play and profit in my garden. X T . Y., 1873. 16° 635-6 — Unexpected result, and other stories. X. V., [883. 12°. Contents. — Unexpected result. — Christmas eve in war times.— Three Thanksgiving kisses. What can she do? X. V., 1S77. 12°. — Without a home. X. V., 1881. 12°. — Young girl's wooing. N. V. 12°. — Gentle woman roused. Iu Temperance tracts, v. 2 198-85 Roe,E.R. Brought to bay. I!., 1882. 16°. — Cray and the blue. Chicago, 1 887. 12°. Roebuck, John Arthur, /<. i8oi-<£ 1879. Francis, (1. II. Orators ol the age. pp. 272-297 4H-37 RoEBl 1 1.. X. \ .. 1866. 16°. I:, in . Johann I- 1 iedi i< h. Sprague, W. I'.. pp. 107 111. . . 4104-85 R01 mi'.k, Jean,/'. 1815. Origins of the Eng- lish people and ol the English langu t| V V., [888. 8° 031 7* 12" Y. X. 9309-72 535A67 80021-7 5395-7 ROGER Camerden: a strange story. X. Y., 18S7. 16°. Roger de Hoveden. See Hoveden, Roger de. Roger of Wendover, Eng. chronicler, J. 1237. Flowers of history: comprising the his- tory of England from the descent of the Saxons to 1235: formerly ascribed to Matthew of Paris: tr. by J. A. Giles. 2 v. I... 1849. 12° Roger Willoughby. Kingston, W. H. G. . ROGERS, Chas., ed. Scottish minstrel: the songs of Scotland, subsequent to Burns; with memoirs of the poets. Edinburgh, 1872. 8° ROGERS, F airman. The magnetism of iron vessels; with a short treatise on terres- trial magnetism. X. Y., 1S77. 16°. . ROGERS, Henry, Eng. critic, b. i8o6-. 18; 'i. [6°. ; 1 1 1 1 ,aw ni 1 he road ; or, w rong > and right - ■ I .1 traveller. San Fram co, 1876. '" 3465-7 Rod i'.. Samuel, En . A '. 1 763 d. 1855: Complete poetical works ; with biograph- ii il iketch and notes : ed. bj Epes Sar- gent. 1: . [854. 8 792O Recollei 1 ion "I the table talk of Samuel Rogers : to w hich is added Porsoniana. V \ ., I856. 12° 792] I - Clayton, P. W. Early life of Samuel Rogers 792B1 Devey, J Comparati e 1 timati of mod era English poets, pp. 145-155. . . . 821 j Howitt, W. Homes and ha unl i ol the most eminent British poets, v. 2. pp. 420-444 41S21-4 Ionian. W. Men I have known, pp. 375 .v s " in 51. Martineau, 11. Biographical sketches. PP- 5 1 59 4104-62 M 1 on, I . T., ed. Personal trails of Bi it- ish authors, v. 1. pp. 167-1112. . . . 41XJ 56 R I'll Mark, Eng. physiologist and pkysidtin, /'. 1779-1/. 1869. Animal nn.l vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural theology. 2 v. I,., 1867. 12 59J-6 Contents. — v. 1. The mechanical functions.. — v. 1. The vital functions. The sensorial functions. — The reprodui tivi funi tii Thesaurus of English words, so classified ami arranged as to facilitate the expres- " 1 ide is and assisl in literal j compo- sition; revised and edited with a list of foreign words, defined in English, by I!. Sears, B., 1854. I2°. Same, i860. 114 7 Ri 'in h, Mrs. Anna Katharim Hand and ring. V \ .. 1883. 12 . Irn enw "i 1 li 1 ase . a 1 1 « ) er's st< iry. \. V. 12°. - Mill mystery. V , .. iSSm 12 . — Strange disappearance. V v.. 1880 — Sword of Damocles. N. V., 1881. 12 . Rom 1 i, /'/ . 1 .■ 1 hard, <■ 1 man ' ■ ■ . 1 \ 1 through the ' la i of Draa nn.l by U in 1 I I • I ... 464-75 'ir W. in. J. Stoi y ol Rol ni'l 1 ill ,f 1 harlen | 1 ; 1 ' hanson de Roland : tr. fr..m the 1 Her, by L. Ra- il . G. W. and Jones, E. II. Popular ;20- 11 Roi VND, Marie Jeanne (Phlipon), /'. 1754- ./. 17'/;. Abbott, J. S. C. 1 1 I Blind, M. Mad 1 Roland - VI 'ins, W. II. D. Sunshine !°3 11 . 1 . 1 iftj famous women, pp. 121 125. . . 41 I ikins, J. S. Heroines of history, pp. 473-520 413-54 ill, \\ . Extraordinary men and men. pt. 2. pp. 39-53 410-0. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of cele- brated women, pp. 93-150 Sanson, H., ed. Memoirs of the San v. 2. pp. 77-S0 mson, K. li. and J. I and Philip Wharton, pseud). Queens of so- I 15 9° 4 '3 s 5 Wal 11. H.l . Heroii women of history. PP- 361 ; W I on, II. S. Studies in history, I. and literature, pp. 266-336 11 Ri -I vnd Cashel. Lever, Chas. Roi 1 house. I .illie, Lucy C I ' 1 1 1 . I 1 ■ \<\ ille. Pompeii : popular and practical. Naples, iSSS. 12 . . . 4059-7 .John,,-,/. Extracts from English lit- ire. I.., 1S67. 12 S209-7 Roi 1 i:. Win. las., .////. ,111/1: ir, 1 527, and Gillet, J. \. Elements of astronomy. r... 1868. 12 520-79 Hand-book of natural philosophy. 1'... I2 ° 530-79 1 land-book ol I he stars. B., 12 S Shakespeare's complete works. 40 v. I; "iii. Henry./-. 1 ^So-./. 1656. Campbell, I. Chiefjustices of England. I'hila., oil. v.I. pp. 340-350. VW.e.I. v. -• PP- 76-90 41 1 2 ( ROLLER-skating. Vandervell, II. 1. Witham, T. M. A system of liyurc- skating 7919-S ROLLIN. 1086 ROMAN. Rollin, Chas., French historian, />. i66i- I > < rhost. 2313-5 Manning, R. Celebrated answer to the Rev . < . I '■ >le] cast tated bel « een the church of Rome and thechurch >>f 1 n land 2828 53 Martinet, Antoine, (Plato Punchinello, \i K 1. 1 the people 2.^27 6 let. J. A. Symbolism; or, exposi- 11 of the docti inal diffi renci be- tween Catholics ami Protestants. . . . 2.S27 s M\ clerical friends and their relations to 111 2827-53 — Newman, J. II. Apologia pro vita sua. 282 Preston, T. S. Lectures on reason and revelation 2827 63 Row rch, conlinu ide , M.J. Visible unity of I church 2S27 '.'/ 1 te, M. Religion and cience. . . 21 5 76 Spalding, M l Miscellanea Stone, J. K. The invitation heeded: holii unity. . 1 erville, II. Al.i idgemenl ..f 1 he 1 In i,li.ui dot Ii ine \ oil e ol Jesus suffering to the mind and heart of I hristians 2324 6 VVi .'in, in, .V Principal and practices of the Catholic church. . . . 2827-9 I n ; on various subjects 2S27 .1 Brownson, O. A. Works. 20 v. |>cc pecially v. 5-8, 10-14 f the discussion between Thos. Maguire and Richard T. P. Pope. 2S2S-5 7. Arguments against. Barnum, S. W. Romanism as it is. . . 2S29-2 Burgon, J. W. England and Rome. . . 2829-3 — Elliott, C. Delineation of Roman Catho- licism 2S29-4 1 .1.1.1. Catholicity in its relation- ship to Protestantism and Romanism. . 28 - Fisher, G. P. D ns in history and theology 204-31 — Gladstone, W. E. Rome and the newest fashions in religion ii. Guinness, II. G. Romanism and the reformation from the standpoint of prophecy 2829-44 Huber, V. A. The pope and the council. 2S23-4 — Hughey, G. W. Political Romanism; or, the secular policy of the papal church. 2S29-45 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies. . . . 204-53 — Littledale, R. F. Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome 2S29-5 — Marriott, W. I!. Testimony of the cata- combs, and of other monuments of Chris- tian art, concerning questions of doctrine now disputed in the church 2S29-53 — Maurice, F. D. Kingdom of Christ. 2v. 2S3S-5 ROMAN. — 10SS — ROMANCE. Roman Catholic church, continued. — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles. 2S29-54 — Mozley, J. B. Theory of development. 2S29-56 — Murray, N. Letters to theRt. Rev. John Hughes 2829-6 — Roussell, N. Catholic and Protestant na- tions compared 2829-7 — Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity. . . 204-79 — Schulte, John. Roman Catholicism old and new. [Anti-infallibility] 2822-7 — Seymour, M. II. Evenings with the Ro- manists 2S29-73 — Stearns, E. I. Eaith of our forefathers. 2829-76 — Swete, II. B. England versus Rome. . . 2829-8 — Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the civil power 2S22-S — Trevern, J. F. M. Amicable discussion on the church of England, and on the reformation in general 2S39-S — Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. pp. 220-266 257-7 S. Miscellaneous. — Channing, W. E. Works. v. 2. pp. 261-288 208-17 — Deutsch, E. Literary remains, pp. 265- 291. Apostolica-' sedis 204-25 — Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. v. 2. pp. 275-293 440-29 — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 1. pp. 155-165. The philosophy of Catholi- cism, v. 3. pp. 93-146. Revival of Romanism 383E2 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 4. pp. 139-195 426E1 — Howitt, Wm. History of the supernat- ural, v, 1. pp. 4^4-5'9 174-4^ — Parlon, J. Topics of the time. pp. 132- 19S. Our Roman Catholic brethren. . 715E5 Religious life and death of Samuel John- " 1'P- 353-4«° 5'7 |; 4 S — Stille, C. J. Studies in mediaeval history. pp. 251-304 ,,2. 7 Taylor, [. Fanaticism 272-8 Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 33-91. Pa- parchy and nationality 884E5 See also Celibacy. Christianity. Church councils, Chinch history. Fathers. Inquisition. Jesuits. Monastic orders. . Pel iecutions. Reformation. Koine. Roman exile. Gajani, < .. Roman imperialism. Seeley,J. R. . . . 816E5 R< iman law. < ..tins, 1 !o lentai ie > of, and rules of Ulpian 342-4 G eene, T. \Y. Outlines of Roman law. 342 12 Hadley, J. Introduction to Roman law. (42 || 1 1. 11 in, w . F, 1 >ige 1 "I he Roman law "I • ontracts 1 1 ' !7 Roman law, continued. — Mackenzie,'!'. Studies in Roman law; with comparative views of the laws of France, England and Scotland 342-6 — Muirhead, J. Historical introduction to the private law of Rome 342-65 — See also Justinian. Roman legends. Busk, R. H 3845-2 Roman poets of the Augustan age: Virgil. Sellar, W. Y 8732-S ROMAN question. About, E 2829-15 Roman singer. Crawford, F. Marion. Roman triumvirates. Merivale, C 9'95-6 Romance. See Fiction. Literature. Romance. [Little classics.] ROMANCE, Essay on. Scott, W 2704-46 Romance and humor of the rail. Smiles, S. 652-75 Romance and its hero. N. Y., 1S59. 12°. Romance and reality. Landon, L. E. Com- plete works, v. 1. pp. 7-201. . . . 828-578 ROMANCE and revery : poems. Fawcett, E. 339C4 Romance of a letter. Choate, L. Romance of a mummy. Gautier, T. R' imance of a poor young man. Feuillet, O. Romance of American history. Banvard, J. 974-22 ROMANCE of an honest woman. Cherbuliez, V. Romance of astronomy. Miller, R. K. . . 5204-6 Romance of certain old clothes. James, H. jr. Passionate pilgrim, etc. pp. 327- 362. Romam 1 of charity. Liefcle, J. B. de. . . 361-51 Romance of history : England. Neele, II. 930S-6 — : France. Ritchie, L 944~7 — : India. Caunter, II 95401-3 — : Italy. Macfarlane, C 945-6 — : Spain. Trueba, T. de 946-S ROMANCE of invention. Burnley, J. . . . 609-23 Romance of London. Timbs, J 9j9'-8 Romance of missions. West, M. A. . . . 2656-9 Romance of natural history. Gosse, I'. II. 5904-35 ROMANCE of rascality. Whipple, E. P. Es- says ami reviews, v. 2. pp. 74-N5. . 946E5 Romance of Spanish history. Abbott, J. S. C 946-12 ROMANCE of student life abroad. Kimball, R. 11. Romani e of the age. Dunbar, E. E. . . . 9894 ; Romance of the English stage. Fitzgerald, P. 782 \ Romani 1 of the forest. Radcliffe, A. Romance of the forum. Burke, P 3467-2 Romanci of the harem. I.i owens,A. H. 4533-6 Romance of the republic. Child, I.. M. Romani e of the revolution: being true sto- 1 1 1 1 In- adventure . romantic inci- dents, hairbreadth escapes, and heron exploit.' "I the daysof '70. Phila., n. d. i.' 9758 7 Romance of trade. Bourne, II. R. F. . . 380-2 KOMAM K. — 1089 — ROME. ROM \\. r of travel : com] in foreign i ri ption of ninii" I t., I Si,.,. 12" Rom vni Eof trai <■! : [he east. Mac! 1 i5°-5 Romance of western history. West, J.. . 987 5 Romance on four wheels. Robinson, F. \V. Rom inces. i His, 1 '.. Spe en 1 eai ly English metrical romances 8211 ,\ Romances and realities. Barr, Mrs. \. 1 136E9 Romances of chivalry. Ashton, J 394 Romances of the east. G [. A. Romani i, Geo. fohn Vnimal ii N. V., 1S83. 12 . [International sci- entificser.] 591 5—7 — Jelly-fish, star-fish and set thins: bi a research on primitive nervous systi N. Y., 1885. 12°. [Internaliona! entificser] 59j-" — Mental evolution in animals ; with a post- humous essay on instinct, by Chas. Dai win. \. Y., [884. 12 • 5915-71 Scientific evidences of organii I.., 1S82. 12 575-78 — Life and characterof Darwin. Darwin's work in psychology [and] zoology. In Darwin, C. Memorial notices reprinted from " Nature." pp. 1-14 ana' pp. 46-82. 276H4 Romanism and the rel from the standpoint of prophecy. Guinness, II. (i. 2S29-44 Romanth epi odes of chivalric and mi val France. Vance, \.,tr 744-93 Romantic love and personal beauty. Finck, "• T 3926-4 Romantic passages in English history. Bev- erley, M 930S-25 ROMANTH school. Heine. II 837-49 Romantic Spain. O'Shea, J. A 441,11s ROMANTH tales. Craik, Mrs. I >. M. (Mu- lock). Romantic young lady. Grant, R. Rome. Sub-divisions: 1. Antiquities. 2. General history. 3. Regal and repub- lican Rome. 4. Imperial Rome. 5. Conversion to Christianity. 6. Modern city. 7. Missions. /. Antiquities, customs, religion, etc. — Adam, A. Roman antiquities 4056-14 — Adams, W. II. D. Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient ( ireece and Rome. 4052-2 — Anthon, C. Manualof Roman antiquities. 4056-17 — Becker, \V. A. (".alius; or, Roman scei of the lime of Augustus 4056—2 — Brock, M. Rome, pagan and papal. . . 2S24-2 — Coulanges, F. de. Ancient city 3203-3 -- Dillaway, C. R. Roman antiquities and an, lent mythology 4056-3 Dyer, T. H. History of the city of Rome : to the end of the middle ages 9>9~34 ////(<■(/. I, E. and Koner, W, life of the ; Hudson, E. II. Histor) of the ' — I In; C. 76 \. 1 1. 1 t» 1 1 ge, W*. R. 91906-5 — Kip, \V. 1.1 f 1 ....)■ — Lord, J. Old Roman world ',1 M.i, . oil. .v, T. I',. 1 ..■;. ,,f ancient Rome. 6 Montesquieu, < '.. de S. 1 on iderati the causes of the grandeur and deca- of the Romans — Ramsay, \V. Manual of Roman antiqui- ties j — Rich, A. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities 4051-7 — Salkeld, J. Classical antiquities. ... 4' — Wilkins, A. S. Classical antiquities: pt. 2. Roman antiquities 4056-9 — Howitt, Wm. History of the supernatu- ral, v. 1. pp. 370-394 i;i . — Macgregor, J. Religion of ancient Rome. In Faiths of the world, pp. 183-212. . 290-4 — Rawlinson, G. Religions of the ancient world, pp. 213-239 290-7 — Wright, W. B. Ancient cities, pp. 162- 183 — See also Archeology. Catacombs. Lit- erature, Latin. Roman law. 2. Central history. — Bonner, J. Child's history of Rome. 2 v. 910-19 — Brewer, E. C. A guide to Roman his- tory from the earliest period to the close of the Western empire 919-21 — Creighton, M. History of Rome. . . . 919-3 — I ormby, H. Ancient Rome and its con- nection with the Christian religion. . . 919-37 — Goldsmith,!). History of Rome. [Pin- nock's improved ed.] 9>9~395 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial history of an- cient Rome 9'9 _ 4 — Keightley, T. History of Rome. . . . 919-54 — Leighton, R. F. History of Rome. . . 919-6 " As a bird's-eye view of the growth and de- velopment of Roman greatness, it has no supe- rior.'' — C. A". Adams. — Merivale, C. General history of Rome, [until] 476 919-66 Niebuhr, 1',. 1.. History of Rome. . . . 919-73 — Pococke, E., ed. History of Rome. 3 v. 91 — Ricord, F. W. History of Rome. . . . 919-77 — Vonge, C. M. Young folks' history of Rome 919-98 [uincey, T. Essays, v. 1. pp. 1- 25. Philosophy of Roman history. . . ,-. Regal and Republican Rome. — Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history. S7S9- 6 ROME. — 1090 ROME. Rome, continued. — Arnold, T. History of Rome (to B. C. 208.) 3 v. in 1 919-14 — Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 9195-2 — Caesar. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars 8781-3 — Dyer, T. H. Kings of Rome 9i9'-j — Eliot, S. History of liberty : ancient Ro- mans 919-35 — Ferguson, A. Progress and termination of the Roman republic 9192-4 — Gilman, A. Story of Rome to the end of the republic 9'9-39 — Ihne, W. Early Rome from the founda- tion of the city to its destruction by the Gauls 9191-5 History of Rome. 5 v 9'9~5 — Liddell, H. G. History of Rome from the earliest times to the establishment of the empire 919-62 — Livy. History of Rome S784-7 — Merivale, C. Roman triumvirates. . . 9195-6 — Michelet, J. Roman republic 9192-6 — Mommsen, T. History of Rome. 4 v. 919-69 " Preeminently a constitutional history. De- scribes the growth of the state. Cares less for feats of valor than for the strategic and politic- al movements by which feats of valor are turned to account." — C. K. Adams. — Polybius. General history 8SS5-4 — Ricord, F. W. Republic of Rome. . . 9192-7 — Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage. . . 9194-7 — Tacitus. Works, v. 1-2 8786-8 4. Imperial Rome. — Arnold, W. T. The Roman system of Provincial administration to the acces- sion of Constantine the great 3203-2 — Capes, \V. W. The Roman empire of the second century ; or, the age of the An- tonines 9197-31 Roman history : the early empire, Julius Coesar to Domitian 9 T 97~3 — Curteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire, 395-800 9199-3 — DeQuincey, T. The C.i-sars 284E49 — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Ro- man empire. [Various editions.] From the middle of the 2d century to the fall of Constantinople, 1453. — Kingsley, C. Roman and the Teuton. . 921-5 — Merivale, C. History of the Rinnans un- der the empire. 7v 9'9-ME, continued. — Cleveland, R. G. Geo. Eliot's poetry, etc. pp. S3-104. Old Rome and New France 229E5 — Freeman, E. A. Chief periods of Euro- pean history 9204-3 Historical essays, ser. 2 902-4 — Great sieges of history, pp. 5S-85. . . . 903-4 — See also Italy. Middle ages. Also Lives of Agricola. Belisarius. Caesar. Cic- ero. Constantine the great, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Nero. Romulus. — In fiction. See Church, A. J., Two thou- sand years ago, (225A9) ; Church and Putnam, Count of the Saxon shore ; Da- vies, G. S , Gaudentius, (278A95) ; East- wood, I'., Marcella, (300A55) ; Eckstein, E., Chaldean magician ; Graham, J. W., Neaera; Grey, G., Virgilia, (436A6) ; Marshall, E., No. XIII, (614A4) ; Mel- ville, G. J. W., The gladiators; New- man, J. It., Callista; Out of the mouth of the lion, (710A41 ; Quinton, M. A., The money God; Taylor, G., Antinous; Ware, \\\, Aurelian ; Weld., Mrs. J. B., Pomponia; Sheip, L. C, Greek maid, (822AS1 ; Wiseman, X., Fabiola. J. Conversion to Christianity. — Crake, A. D. History of the church un- der the Roman empire, 30-476 2701-28 — Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christian- ity 2701-4 — Mason, A. J. Persecution of Diocletian. 2721-5 — Merivale, C. Conversion of the Roman empire 2701-5 — See also Church history. Roman Catholic church. 6. Modern city. — About, E. Roman question 2824-12 — Arthur, W. Italy in transition 94508-2 — Butler, C. M. Inner Rome ; political, religious and social 2S24-22 — Castelar, E. Old Rome and new Italy. 445-22 — Deakin, R. Flora of the Colosseum of Rome 5S194-3 — Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century. 4456-3 — Freeman, J. F. Gatherings from an art- ist's portfolio, 1st series 7°4 _ 35 2d series 704-36 — Hall, N. The land of the Forum, and the Vatican 4456-44 Hare, A.J. C. Days near Rome. . . . 4456-46 Walks in Rome 4456-47 Kip, W. I. The Christmas holydays in Rome 4456-5 1 1 inlcr, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes : Rome 4456-51 I 1 1. mil, II. I'. Americans in Rome.. . 4456-52 KOMI — 1091 ROOK Ri 1MB, ntinued. Neligan, W, II. I ' iols Nevin, R. J. St. Paul's wilhi 645 5 Pn 1 11 1 , 1 di Romi rid 1 ly al ihe opening ol I lie Q — Koine and the en | with plan 1 mi and tin en> irons. L., n. 'I. 16 . 1 Rome ; its edil I i ... .1 ; — Rydberg, A. V. Roman da] . . . 4456-73 Sancl 1 ., I .. de. Ri ime. Christian papal -' — Scot 1, Mrs. 1 1. I-:. '• ; it is I |i" s Si\ in. hit, M . 11. A pil Stoi v. \\ . \\ . I;. .1.1 di Rom - 11 \\ 1 .1;. in, \ , I!, tions of the last I.., 11 i of Ri nne in their timi i > . Bliss, 1 1. J. Three monl hs in I he ' h ient. pp. 175 [86 1449 '7 Brov, 1 '. A. W01 ks. v. 18. pp. 431 144. Sardinia and Rome 818-27 Eddy, D. C. Percj mily : the Baltic to Vesuvius, pp. 116-181 440-302 Elliott, I'. Diary of an idle woman in Italy P45 I — Lee, .1. S. S ' ies. pp. 2.16 266. 458 55 I .11 ell, .1. R. Eire ;i [ravel pp. 281 i'l 5 ss '\i May, I . I ',. I 'in. 1 1 ' V. 1. pp. I4O 220 Spalding, I. M. Mi v. 2. pp. 57a 584. Romi New Worker, pp. 7 :> 7m. Romi and Berlin. 204-84 -- in fiction. See Hawthorne, N. Marble faun. 7. Missions. — Bacon, L. W. Memorials of Emily I'.l c lould of Rome 1 ; t l; " Barlee, E. Bible in Rome 2645-2 5i . also Italy. Roman 1 latholii church. Rome and the Abbey. N. Y. 1 .■ . Rome and the papacy. Gattina, 1". P. de la. 2S2 1 6 Rome in Canada. Lindsay,C 28261 1 Romeo and Juliet. See Shakespeare, W. Romer, A. Anecdotal and de criptive nat- ural history: aquatic, doi and minor animals. 2 v. 1 .. 1872. 12 . 5905-7 Romer, Mrs. Isabella T. The Rhone, the Darro and the Guadalquivei : a summer le in 1842. 2 v. 1... 18 i.v 8°. . j 16 :* i, Jas. Fish, 1 1. Pulpil eloquence uf the Mill century, pp. 423-440. . . . 2521-4 Romiero : a tragedy. Baillie, J. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 312 336. . . 1 ;.m 6 Rom illy, Hugh 11 item Pa- cific ami New Guinea: notes on the na- tives. Christian and cannibal ; « ith some . mnl "i the oI Sa el, *. 1757 '. C. 750. Abbott, J. History of Romulus. 79481 — See also Plutarch. [Various 1 RONAYNE, Rev. Maurice, Irish-Am. educator, b. 1S2S. Religion and science: their union historically considered. N. V., 12° 215-76 m, •.. B. Ambushes and surprises, pp. 97- 122 903-6 Ronconi, Georges Alexandre, Italian . si2. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 107-114 410-85 RoNDEAl 5. White, (',. Ballades and ron- deaus 809-95 Rondelet, Guillaumc, I'rtnch natural l507-73"7 Roos, J. D. C. De. See De Roos, J. D. C. Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John, Am. physi- cian, b. 1838. Doctor's suggestions to the community : being a series of papers upon various subjects from a physician's standpoint. N. Y., 1880. 12°. . . . 6104-73 Contents. — Old hospital. — Anniversary ad- dress. — The coming medical man. — Human eyes. — Maintenance of health. — Relations of the medical profession to the State. — How should our hospitals be governed ? — Objections to the code of ethics, and to the disciplinary authority of the American medical association. In Ethical sympo- sium, pp. 101-122 6103-7 Roosevelt, Mrs. Cornelia (Van Xess.) Ellet, Mrs. E. F '. Queens of American society, pp. 281-292 41239-31 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell, Am. journal- ist, b. 1829. Florida and the game water- birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes of the United States, sporting along our sea-shores : remarks on breech-loaders and hammerless guns. N. Y., 1S84. 12 . 7961-69 — Game-birds of the coasts and lakes of the northern states of America. N. Y., 1866. 12° 7961-7 — Game-fish of the Northern States and British provinces. N. Y., 1S66. 12°. Same, 1884 795-7 — Love and luck: the story of a summer's loitering on the great South bay. N. Y., 1S86. 12°. — Progressive petticoats; or, dressed to death : an autobiography of a married man. N. Y., 1S74. 16° 817-81 — Superior fishing; or, the striped bass, trout, black bass, and blue-fish of the Northern States. N. Y., 1S84. 12 . . 795-71 — [Selection.] In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., eds. Fishing with the fly. pp. 209-226 7954-6 I vf.lt, Theodore, Am. author, b. 185S. < jouverneur Morris. B., 1S88. 12°. [American statesmen series.] 648B19 — Hunting trips of a ranchman: sketches of sport on the northern cattle plains. N. V., 1886. 8° 796-7 life of Thos. Hart Benton. I'... [887. •2° 147B5 — Naval war of 1S12 ; or, the history "f the Unitd States navy during the lasl wai with Great Britain. N. Y., 1882. 8°. 9765-7 Roosevelt, Theo., continued. — Winning of the west, from the Alle- ghanies to the Mississippi. 2 v. N. V., [889. 8° 987-8 Contents. — v. 1. 1769-1776. — v. 2. 1777-1783. Roostam. See Rustem. Root, L. C, joint author. Quinby, M. and Root, L. C. New bee-keeping. . . . 639-7 Root, Oren, ed. A new treatise on survey- ing and navigation ; theoretical and practical. N. Y., 1S72. 8° 5269-7 Ropemaking, Treatise on. Chapman, R. . 694-6 Roper, Margaret. Fifty famous women. PP- 53-65 413-41 Roper, Stephen. Catechism of high press- ure; or, non-condensing steam engines including the modelling, constructing, running and management of land and marine engines and boilers. Phila., 1878. 24 . Same, 1S85 6211-74 — Engineer's handy-book : a full explanation of the steam engine indicator, and its use and advantages to engineers and steam users. Phila., 1881. 16° 6211-75 — Hand-book of land and marine engines, including modelling, construction, run- ning and management of land and ma- rine engines and boilers. Phila., 1883. 16° 6211-76 — Questions and answers for engineers. Phila., 1SS6. 12 6211-77 Ropes, John Codman, Am. author, b. 1S36. Army under Pope. N. Y., 1881. 12 . [Campaigns of the civil war] 97S1-18 — The first Napoleon: a sketch, political and military. B., 18S5. 12° 666B7 Ropes of sand and other stories. Hamil- ton, Mrs. C. V. ROQUETTE, Otto, German writer, b. 1824. Conrad Hagen's mistake : tr. by Mrs. S. A. Crozer. Phila., 1SS1. 12 . RORAIMA and British Guiana : with a glance at Bermuda, the West Indies and the Spanish Main. Whetham, J. W. Bod- dam- 4SS1-9 Rorison, G. Creative week. In Replies to Essays and reviews, pp. 242-298. . 204-29 RoRV'O'More. I. over, Samuel. ROSA, Salvator, Italian painter, b. 1615-rf. 1673. Morgan, Lady S. Life and times of Salvator Rosa 794B8 — - Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. pp. 60-68 410-32 — Jervis, Lady J. W. Stories of boy genius. pp. 241-293 4174-5 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. PP- 306-317 4>7-9 Rosalie's pet. Mathews, Joanna H. . . . 619A15 ROSA MOM i. — '°W — !■• I Ro l MONO. Addison, J. Poetical pp, 22 | 264. 1 Ci Ri . i wi. >\ii. Swinburne, A. i '. Quei mothi 1 and R nd. p|i. 175-232. . 8681 ; 1 lMOND ] mi. Lee, M. and C 559A5 R ii'.i;, Wilhelm, German economist, l>. 1.S17. I'i in. iple 1 ..I polil 1. :il ei "i. nil li additional 1 haptei paper .... mej . international trade, and the pro 11 j torn ; and a preliminary essay uii the historical method in political ■ onomj by I.. Wolow iki ; 1 r. by J. J. 1 alor. -• v. Chicag 1^78. 8°. . . 330-8 ROSCOE, Sir Henry Enfield, /■•■. .', />. 1833. Chemistry. N. V., 1S82. 16°. [Sciem - im rs.] 54°-79 Spei 1 analysis : six lecture in [868, bef the Society of apothe- caries of London. L., 1870. 8°. . . 5446-7 — Spectrum analysis. In Half-hours with modern scientists, ser. 2. pp. 61- 80 502-42 — Technical chemistry. In Science tures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 299-344 502-81 ROSCOE, Thos. Noll's and memoir, of J. Swift. In Swift, J. Poetical works. pp. 1 7->93 868C2 Roscoe, Wm., Eng. historian, i. 175; ./. 1831. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. I.., 1846. 8°. Same, 1S77. 12° 621U2 — Irving, W. Sketch Look. pp. 25-33. . S1S-485 Roscommon, Earl ..t. See Dillon, u™i. worth. Ri isi , t if..., 1 Ai tluir Sketchley, pseud.), Eng: humorist, />. [817-rf. 18S2. Brown pa- pers. 2 ser. 1... 1S70. 16° 827-76 — Mrs. Brown and Disraeli. L.,11. d. 16 . 827-82 — Mrs. Brown at the sea-side [and] in the Highlands. I.., n. t. p. 24 827-78 — Mrs. Brown on the Shah's visit, [and] on the Royal Russian marriage. 1.., 16 827-79 — Mrs. Brown on the Tichbome defe 1 . 16 827-8 — Mrs. Brown on woman's rights, [ant] on the new li.pi.n law. I.. 16° 827-S1 Rose, H.J. Bunsen, the critical school and Dr. Williams. In Replies to 1 ■ ml reviews, pp. 60-124 204-29 Rose, Hugh las. Among the Spanish peo- ple. 2 v. L., 1877. 8° ||" s ROSE, Joshua. Complete practical machin- ist : embracing lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, taps and dies, hard- ening and tempering, the making and use of tools, etc. Phila., 1S76. 12°. Same, 1SS3 6219-6 Rosk, The. American rose culturist. 1852. 7162-5 Ro 1 . continued. Ellwangcr, 1 1. I'.. I 11 I'm ms, S. B. I 1 ■ 1 i860. 71 Prior, W. D. I I their culture. 11. d 7152 (> ..■!,, I. i ■ ir's guide. 1877. 7 1 52—7 i I :. In - for children, 1 pp. 24-30 856A9 , G. P. R. 1 garden. Peard, F. M. l-i mi bloom : a sequel to Eigl , I ouisa M 1 1 - 1 in June. 1 lliphant, Mrs. M. 1 >. R 1 Arragon. Knowles, J. S. lira- works. V. 2. pp. 347 403. . . 540C3 Rose of Ashurst. Marsh, Mrs. Anne ' well. RO 1 "I D 'Mil I-.. / ! ■ ' 1 - 1 of Paradise. 1'yle, Howard. Rose Parnell. Conyngham, D. 1'. I...1 Raymond's wards. Vandegrift, M. . 913A25 Rose Thorpe's ambition. Rockwell, Mrs. M. E J I'i. thi tli and !iamrock : a drama. I Igeworth, Maria. Tales and novi v. 8. pp. 189-241. I'll. I [opkins, Kllice. w,, Wm. Starke, Am. general, 6. 1819. lleadley, J. T. Grant and Sher- man ; their campaigns and gentrrils. pp. 39S-415 4'-- 4 — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 311- 35o 9796-7 — Shanks, W. 1'. (i. Personal recollections of distinguished generals, pp. 25S-2o5>. 4122 S Rosecroft. Round, W. M. F. or, the step daughter. Gil- christ, A. S. 1: I. . \ fi < 1. GalvanoplasUo manipu- ns ; practical guide for the gold and silver electroplater, and the galvano- plostic operator ; tr. by A. A. Fesquet. Phila., 1S72. S 53S6-7 1 ary. Huntington, J. V. \kv: a tale of the fire of London. Fullerton, Lady Georgians. Rosemary and rue. Champney, Mrs. L. (W.) [Round Robin series.] \ .1 1 \. I - . ' . Am. lawyer, 0. 1S35. The German soldier in the wars of the United Mates. Phila., 1SS6. 12°. 9731-7 inn Karl Friedrich, Gir- man philosopher, t>. 1S05-1/. 1S79. Ped- agogics as a system ; tr. by A. ( . Brackett. st. Louis, 1S72. S°. . . . 370-S ROSENKRANZ. 1094 ROTHENFELS. ROSENKRANZ, J. K. F., continued. — Philosophy of education : tr. by A. C. Bracked. N. Y., 1S86. 12°. [Inter- national education series] 37°-Sl Rosi . 1 HAL, Isidor, German physiologist, b. 1836. General physiology of muscles and nerves. L., 1SS1. 12° 6125-7 Rosenthal, Lewis, Am. writer, b. 1856. America and France ; the influence of the United States on France in the 18th century. N. V., 18S2. 12° 9444-S Roses and myrtles. Cornwall, S. J. . . . 246C1 Roses and thorns; or, five tales of the start in life. L., n. d. 24 790AS Roses of shadow. Sullivan, T. R. RosiCRUCIANS. Jennings, H 366S-5 Roslyn's fortune. Fisher, Frances C. (Christian Reid, pseud.) ROSS, Chas. H. Pretty widow. L., 1868. 16°. — and Clarke, A. Slory of a honeymoon. n. t. p. 12° 817-82 — joint author. Barnard, F. and Ross, C. H. Behind a brass knocker 827-19 Ross, Charley. Ross, Christian K. Charley Ross. n. t. p. 12° 34D7-7 Ross, Geo., b. 1730-1/. 1779. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pp. 219-221. . . . 4 IZI ~3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 130-132 4121-53 Ross, Jas. Essay. In Saadi. Gulistan. pp. 21-88 8915-8 Ross, .Sir Jas. Clark, British admit al,b. 1S00- "7 — Blowpipe in chemistry, mineralogy and geology : containing all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working examples and instructions for making apparatus. I.., 18S4. 12° 5411 71 1 1 . Win. T. Voice cull uri ution. X. V., 1887. 12' 800-76 Rossa, J. O'Donovan. See O'Donovan 1, J. [. | D thea. 1882. 1.1.1... 1 — Georgians, [Hammond, II. II.) Mi ign. [Thomas, M.] I lomoselle. | I iernan, Mi .. M. 1 . | 1 1 1SS2. n in love. [Kirk, E. W. O.] 1881 — Madam I 1 1SS2. Nameless nobleman. [Austin, Mrs. J. (G.)] — Patty's perversities. 18S1. Rachel's share of the road. 1882. Rosemary and rue. [Champney, Mr . I. [W.)j -- Strike in the B mill: a study. 1887. — Tallahassee girl. 1 1. the grange farm. Watson, J. L. . 92''. A 5 . the world. See Circumnavigations. 1. the world. Bridges, E. S 438-17 D the world. Carnegie, Andrew. . . 438-22 11 the world. Fogg, W. P 438-35 ROUND the world. Kingsley, Chas. . . . 438-53 i the world: including a residence in Victoria, and a journey by rail across North America. Smile-, S., ed. . . . 438-85 the world in 124 days. Leyland, R. W 438-56 D the world letters. Bainbridge, Mrs. 1. S 438-14 Roi ND trip by way of Panama, through Cal- ifornia, Oregon, Utah, Idaho and Colo- rado. Codman, J ROUND year: poems. Thomas, Edith M. . 883I 3 . dabout journey. Warner, C. D. . . 440-93 pers. Thackeray, W. M. . S2S-S96 Roundaboi i to Moscow. B uton, J. B. 440-17 Roi Mill u:r-. Harris, M . M. (C.) ... .; Roi SSEAI . lean Jacquc philosopher, [712 d. 1778. Morley, J. Rousseau. 795BS — Carlyle, T. Heroes, hero-worship, pp. 143-180 410-24 — Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 345-382 410-29 — Compayre, G. History of pedagogy. 278-310 37O0-3 Hailman, W. N. History of peda| pp. 74-84 3709-4 — Hale, E. E. I ightsof two centuries, pp. 189-204 410-530 ROUSSEAU. 1096 — ROYALISTS. Rousseau, Jean J., continued. — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, pp. 349-33o 5SSE1 — Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians, pp. 223-228 937-6 — Quick, R. H. Educational reformers. pp. 96-138 3704-7 — Saint-Beuve, C. A. Monday chats, pp. 141-161 S44-S Rousseau, Lovell Harrison, Am. general, b. iSi8-\ ii , Samuel. I letei iorati ind 1 ih .11 ; with prai ii' il applii ation to tin- conditi 1 the pei • 1 . 1 «. ■ ami indu ;ti j . v \ .. 1878. i2° 9-; ROYBR-Collard, Pierre Paul, Fren statesman, b. 1703 d. 1845. Cormenin, L. M. dela II. Eminent orators •■( France, pp. >33-'45 l'°5-2 Roy's repentance. Sergeanti A. Roysb, X. K. Manual of English literature for the use of schools and advanced grades, l'hila., 1882. 12° S20-784 I;. i'. . 1 ' i\ 1 ; . ■ \\ cr. Miller, 'I hi RubaiyAt. Omar Khayyam 8915-6 l: 1 1 1 1 . Sennoia, pseud. See Burke, J. Rubens, Peter Paul, Flemish painter, b. 1577- d. 1640. Calvert, G. H. Lifeof Rubens. 707111 — Kett, C. W. Rubens 7 • » 7 1 '. -= Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculp- ture ami painting, pp. 154-160. . . . 417-4 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., Ir. Princes of art. pp. 243-261 417-9 — Wood, \V., cd. Hundred greatest men. pp. 91-94 4'°-975 Rubruquis, Guillaume de, />. 1220-1/. 1293. St. John, J. A. Celebrated travellers. v. 1. pp. 17-29 4«S9 7 s RUB1 Duke, l'otwin, Mrs. II. K. Ruby's husband. Terhune, M. v., (Marion Harland, pseud.) RuchratH, Johann, called von Wesel, Ger- man reformer, b. 1410 J. I4S1. Ilodg- son, \V. Reformers and martyrs, [not] of the Lutheran reformation, pp. 202-223. 4143-44 Rudder grange. Stockton, F. K. Rude, Francois, French sculptor, b. 1 784-^/. 1855. Hamerton, 1'. (\. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 161-224 4 io 5-4 Rude stone monuments in all countries: their age and uses. Fergusson, J. . . 400-45 Rudeus: the fishermen's rope. Plautus. Comedies, v. _•. pp. 63-132 872 Rudiments of music. Cummings, W. H. . 7711 —3 Ri diments ol theology. Norris, J. 1'. . . 2303-7 Ri DOLPK, emperor of Germany, b. I2iS-i-58 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 57-73. 411-65 — Timbs, J. Inventors ami discoverers. pp. 146-151. Inventions of Prince Ru- pert 609-97 R.UPP, Israel Daniel, Am. writer, b. 1803-r/. 1878. An original history of the relig- ious denominations at present existing in the United States : containing authen- tic accounts of their rise, progress, sta- tistics and doctrines. Phila., 1844. 8°. 209-74 RURAL architecture. Allen, Lewis F. . . . 7281-2 Rural economy. Colman, H 6302-3 Rural hand-books. See Saxton, C. M. Rural homes. Wheeler, G 7281-8 Rural hours. Cooper, Susan F 246E1 Rural letters and other records of thought at leisure. Willis, N. P 953 E 4 Rural manuals : the house, the garden, the farm, domestic animals. N.Y.,lS59. 8°. 630-7 Rural rides. Corbett, W 442-228 Rural studies ; with hints for country places. Mitchell, D. G., (Ike Marvel, pseud.) . 639E7 Rural tales. More, Hannah 644A6 Rush, Mrs. Ann (Ridgway), d. 1857. Ellet, E. F. Queens of American society, pp. 363-374 41239-31 RUSH, Benj., b. 1745-rf. 1813. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pp. 163-170. . . . 4121-3 — Foster, Mrs. I. H. (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 105- 108 410-585 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 99-103 4121-53 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 613- 621 4' 2 3-° — Moore, F. ed. American eloquence, v. I. pp. 346-349 S152-6 Rush, Jas., Am. physician, b. 1786-d. 1S69. Philosophy of the human voice: em- bracing its physiological history; to- gether with a system of principles, by which criticism in the art of elocution may be rendered intelligible, and in- struction definite and comprehensive. Phila., 1859. 8° 774-78 Ki si 1, Richard. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 22-29. . . 4 I2 -4 Rusk, John W. Model selections. 4 v. Cleveland, 1883-S5. 12° S01-83 Ki'sKiN, John, Eng. author, b. 1819. Aratra Pentelici : six lectures on the elements of sculpture, given before the University of Oxford, 1870. N. Y., 1872. S°. . 732-7 — Ariadne Florentina : six lectures on wood and metal engraving; with appendix given before the University of Oxford, 1872. N. Y., 18S0. 12° 760-7 — Crown of wild olive : three lectures on work, traffic and war. N. Y., 1866. 12°. 304-7 Deucalion: collected studies of the lapse of waves and life of stones. 2 parts. N. V., 1S75-S6. 12° 5504-75 I agle's nest : ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art, given before the University of Oxford, 1872. N. V., 1886. 12° 704-81 — Elements of drawing, in three letters to beginners. N. Y., 1887. 12° 740-75 Kl'SKIN. — 1099 — KIN. Kiiskin, John, continued. 1 li mi iii of perspective, arrangt d f< u 1 hi , in, 11I., and intended to be read in connection with the fii 1 < hree bool of Euclid. N. V., [868. 12 . Same, 1S81 743-7 — Ktliics of the dust : ten lectures In little housewives on the elements "f crystal- lisation. X. Y., 1867. 12° 798EI7 — Kors Clavigera: letters to the workmen ami labourers of Great Britain. 2 v. X. V., 1871-72. 12° 3368-69 — Inquiry i n t ■ > some of tin ons at pre .inn affei 1 ing 1 he ti ady ol archi- tecture in our schools. X. V., 1S66. 12 . Bound with Fre-Raphaelitism. . 704-83 — King of the Golden river; or, the lil.nl-. brothers: .1 legend of Sliria. I'.., 1873. 16 381-76 — Same. N. V., 1S66. 12°. Bound with Pre-Raphaelitism. — Lectures on architecture and painting, delivered at Edinburgh, 1S53. X. Y., 1885. 12° 704-815 — Lectures on art delivered before the Uni- versity of Oxford, 1S70. N. V., in- 1 . 12° 704-82 Contents. — Inaugural. — Relation of art to re- ligion. — Relation of art to morals.— Relation of art to use — Line, light, colour. — Letters and advice to young skirls and young ladies, on dress, education, mar- riage, their sphere, influence, women's work, women's rights, etc. X. V., 1SS6. 12° 396-79 — Love's meinie I letters on Greek and Eng- lish birds, given before the University of Oxford. X. V., 1S73. 12° 598-7 — Miscellanea: a collection of the minor writings of John Ruskin. 2 v. N. V., 1886. 12° 704-825 Contents. — v. i Giotto -mil his work in Padua. — Mil li.u-1 An^elo and Tintoret. — Notes on sonic of the principal pictures exhibited in the Royal Academy i ;. Notes mi Samuel Prout and Win, Hunt. — Turner's drawings and sketches exhibited in the National Gallery. — Guide to the principal pictures in the Academy of Venice. v. 3. Fiction, fair and foul. — In Monti Sanctis: studies of mountain form. — Inaugural address at the Cambridge school of art.— t li cnarrant ; studies of cloud form. — The opening of the Crystal Palace ; us relation to the pros- pects of art. — The king of the Ooldcn river. — Notes on the construction o( sliccpfolds ; or, visible churches. - Modern painter-. 5 v. X. Y., t^S; 12° 750-69 Contents. — v. 1. Of general principles. — Of truth. v. .'. Of the imaginative and theoretic facul- ties. v. ; ( If many things ; . . ntinutd. V. 4. Of mountain beauty v. 5. Leaf beauty Cloud beauty. — Ideas of relation : of invention formal Ideas of rela- tion : of iuv ril aal v. 2, rearranged and revised by the author. X. V., 18S3. 12° 751, 69 1 Contents. — Of ideas of beauty and of the imaginative faculty. — Mornings in 1 limple studies of Christian art for Engti h traveler-. X. Y., 1S77. 12° 755-75 Contents. — Santa Crocc. — Before the Soldan. — The strait gate. — The golden gate, vaulted book. — The shepherd's lower. Munera pulveris: six essay- on the ele- in. nts of political economy. X. Y., 1872. 8" 3304-7 Contents. — Definitions. — Store keeping. — Coin-keeping. — Commerce. — Government. — Mastership. — Notes on some of the principal pictures of Sir John Everett Millais, exhibited at the Grosvenor gallery; with a pre- face and original and selected criticism- ; with other comments. I.., 1886. 8°. 7502 7 — Notes on the construction of sliccpfolds. X. Y., 1866. 12°. Bound with Pre- Raphaelitism 704-83 — Pearls for young ladies, from the later works of John Ruskin : including letters and advice on education, dress, marriage, influence, work, rights, etc. : ed. by Mrs. L. ('. Tttthill. N. Y., 1879. 12°. 396-8 -Poem-: ed. by J. O. Wright. N.Y.,1882. 12° 798CI Poetry of architecture: cottage, villa, etc. ; to which is added suggestions on works of art. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . . . 720-75 — Political economy of art : being the sub- stance, (with additions,) of two lectures delivered at Manchester, 1S57. N. Y., 1858. 8° 704-S l'i i-terita : outlines of scenes and thoughts perhaps worthy of memory in my past life. 2 v. X. Y., 1SS6. 12° 798B5 — Pre-Raphaelitism. X. Y., 1S66. 12°. . 704-S3 — Queen of the air: being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. X. Y., 1S69. 8° 798E2 — Ruskin on painting. [Selections.] X. Y., 1SS1. l6°. Same, 1S82 750-7 St. Mark's re-t : a history of Venice written for the help of the few travellers who still care for her monuments. X". Y., 1SS4. 12 704-S37 Contents. — Burden of Tyre.— Latrator anu- bis.— St. James of the deep stream.— St. Theo- dore the chair seller. — The shadow on the dial. — Red and white clouds. — Divine right. — The requiem.— Supplements : 1. The shrine of the slaves.— 2. The place of dragons— Appendix : Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus. RUSKIN. RUSSELL. Ruskin, John, continued. — Selections from the writings of John Ruskin. N. Y., 1868. 12° 704-84 — Sesame and lilies. N. V., 1879. 12°. Same, 1S86 7981-3 Contents.— Of kings' treasuries.— Of queens' gardens. — Of the mystery of life. — Same. 1866. Bound with Pre-Raphael- itism 7°4-8j — Seven lamps of architecture. N. V., 1S54. 12°. Same, 1883 720-76 — Stones of Venice. 3 v. N. Y., 1SS1. 12°. 723-7 Contents. — v. 1. The foundations. — v. 2. The sea-stories. — v. 3. The fall. — Storm-cloud of the nineteenth century. N.Y., 1884. 8° 55155-7 — Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne. N. Y., 1868. 12° 33GS-7 — True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals and religion ; with a notice of the author, by Mrs. L. C. Tulhill. N. v., i860. 12° 704-845 Contents. — Beauty. — Nature. — Architecture. —Sculpture.— Painting.— Poetry. —Morals and religion. — Two paths : being lectures on art, and its application to decoration and manu- facture, delivered in 1858-9. N. Y., 1859. 12° 745-8 — Unto this last : four essays on the fust principles of political economy. N. Y., 1866. 8° 33°4-7i Contents. — The roots of honor. — The veins of wealth. — Qui judicatis terram. — Ad valorem. — Same. 1867. Bound with Ethics of the dust 798EI7 — Notes on Turner. In Thornbury, W. Life of J. M. W. Turner, pp. 505-558. S79B4 — Preface. In Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Chris- tian art and symbolism 755-S — Work. In Prose masterpieces, from modern essayists, v. 2. pp. 63-1 11. . 808-7 — Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism, v. 1. pp. 2S1-333 139E6 Lessons from my masters, Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin S04-2 — Cook, D. Art in England, pp. 316- 359 7592-3 — Cook, T- Host. m Monday lectures : Mar- riage, pp. 63-71. Ruskin's charactei and writings [ 93 I- 3 — Cooke, G. W. Poets and problems, pp. 171-267 804-32 Friswell, ]. II. Modem men of letit :rs. pp. 91-116 S04-38 — Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 367- 393 430^5 — Griswold, II. 'I'. Home life of greal authors. | , \5 P> ; IS — McCarthy, J. Modern leadei . pp. 183 191 4104-6 Ruskin, John, continued. — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 58-67 418-95 Rusling, James F. Across America; or, the great West and Pacific coast. [Same as following.] N. Y., 1874. 12°. . . . 478-8 — Great west and Pacific coast ; or, fifteen thousand miles by stage coach, ambu- lance, horseback, railroad and steamer, across the continent, and along the Pa- cific slope, through the Rocky moun- tains, down the Columbia river, over the Sierra Nevadas, among Indians, Mormons, miners and Mexicans, by order of United States government : be- ing sketches of men and things from New York to St. Louis, in [the western States and territories] Mexico and Cen- tral America, with a chapter of advice to emigrants and settlers. N. Y. 8°. . 478-S Russell, Earl. See Russell, John. Russell, A. P. Characteristics. B., 1S84. 12°. 798E6 Contents. — Conversation of Coleridge. — Sarah Siddons. — Doctor Johnson. — Lord Macaulay. — Lamb. — Burns. — Christianity of W'oolman. — John Randolph and John Brown. — Audacity of Koote. — Habit. — Habit of detraction. — Art of living. — Library notes. N. V., 1875. I2 °- • ■ • 79 S E7 Contents. — Insufficiency. — Extremes. — Dis- guises. — Standards. — Rewards. — Limits. — In- congruity. — Mutations. — Paradoxes. — Con- trasts. — Types. — Conduct. — Religion. — Thos: Corvvin : a sketch. Cinn., 1882. 12°. 24SB2 Russell, Francis, duke of Bedford. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. S. pp. 131-142. 411-65 Russell, Francis, 4th earl of Bedford. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp. 53-58 411-65 RUSSELL, Frank S. Chas. Mordaunt, earl of Peterborough and Monmouth : a memoir. 2 v. L., 18S7. 8° 646B2 RUSSELL, J. Scott. Systematic technical ed- ucation for the English people. I... 1S69. 8° 607-63 Li 11 1., John, duke of Bedford. Edgar, J. G. Sea kings and naval heroes, pp. 88-97 4'59-35 RUSSELL, [ohn, .///; duke and 8th earl of Bed- ford. Brougham, II. Statesmen [of] the lime of George III. v. 2. pp. 241-258 410-17 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 255-263 MI-65 i'i 111, John, at carl Russell. Essays on the rise and progress of the Christian religion in the wesl of Europe, from the reign of Tiberius to the end of the coun- cil of Trent. I.., 1S73. 8° 274-6 RUSSELL. [101 l.l l I' i in., John, continued. Rei ollections and , 1813-73. 1!., 1875. 8° Schools of Great Britain: sketches of the edui ational sy item "I the 1 >1 and India. I.., n. d. 8° $79 8 ed. Memoirs, journals and coi encc of Thos. Moore Mi'i i.il and e | lem e ol 1 I 1 Fox. 2 v. Phila., 1S53. 12 . . . 179B — Francis, G. II. Orators of the age. pp. 38-S2 1" 17 — Lodge, K. Portrait', of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 217-224 411-65 — Sergeant, L. England's policy. pp. 169-1S8. Later Whig policy 32042 — Smith, G. B. Prime ministers of Queen Victoria, pp. 127-174 4"-93 Russell, Martha. Leaves from tree Igdra- sil. B., 1854. 16°. Russell, Michael. History and present condition of the Barbary states. N. V., 1S54. 16 961-7 — Nubia and Abyssinia. X. V., 1S54. 16 . 963 7 Palestine; or, the Holy land. N. Y ., '854- "6° 913 73 Polynesia; or, an historical account of the principal islands in the South sea, including New Zealand. X. Y., 1842. 16 996 75 View of ancient and modern Egypt. X. V., 1S54. 16 912-77 — Chapters. //; Pococke, E.,ed. History of Rome 111 1 7, Rl ssell, Lady Rachel (Wriothesley). Sketches of distinguished females, pp. 59-Si 4>3-79 Crosland, Mrs. X. Memorable women. PP-9-5 2 413-2S — Fifty famous women, pp. 14-21 1.13 4] Russell, Thos., joint author. Haven, G. and Russell, T. Father Taylor. . . . < S 77'' J RUSSE1 1 , \\ m., lord,b. 1639-rf. 1683. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of (ireai Britain, v. 6. pp. 109-11S. 411 05 RUSSELL, Wm., /./.. D. Extraordinary men anil women, their early clays and afterlife. 2 v. in I. I,., 1S68. 12°. . 410-9 Contents. — v. i. Michael Angelo.— Luther. — Shakespeare, — Cromwell. — Moliere. — Pascal. — Duke of Marlborough. — Peter the great. — Franklin. — Mirabeau. — Mozart. — Sir S Rom- illy. — Nelson. — Burns. — Sil T, Lawrence. — Wilkic. — Bonaparte.— Byron.— Wellington. — Sir K. Peel.— Louis Philippe. —Dr. W I Charming. — \V. Cobbett. — Sheridan. — Richtcr. v. 1 Maid of Orleans. — Mrs. Fry. — Em- press. Josephine. — Madame Roland. — Christina, queen of Sweden. — Elizabeth Woodville. — Mrs, Hutchinson — Queen Elizabeth. — Mine, de 5 \ 11; [sabi lla of Castile — Vnne Poleyn. — 11., Wm., contin Lad I -Marie Am Mme. de in. — . , Full- r 1 1 i Hni ■ II, '.f R u > '-If r ell, Wm., LL. D Hit r, t. 1 7.41 ./. 1 70 ;. Hi toi v ol modern Europe; with a view of the progre iy from the rise of the modern kingdoms to the peace of Paris in 1 763. N. V., 1856 72. 8" [X, Wm., Scottish-. Am. educator, i. I it. 1 s 7 5 . Principles and methods of hu- man culture, pt. I. Intellectual edu- cation. X. Y., i860. 8° 3713 7 Orthophony; or, the cultivation of the voice in elocution : a manual of ele- mentary exercises, adapted to I 'r. Rush's " Philosophy of the human voice," and the system ol vocal culture introduced by J. E. Murdoch, designed as an intro- duction to Russell's "American elocu- tionist," with a supplement on purity of tone, by G. J. Webb, li., 1S72. 12°. . 7710 Barnard, II., ed. Educational biogra- phy, pp. 227-231 4'57-2 — Tweedie, VV. K. Life and work of earn- len. pp. 2S2-296 410-945 Rl 1 11., Wm. Clark, /:';;■'. writer, /'. 1844. Jack's courtship. X. Y.. 1SS5. 16°. — Round the galley fire. X. Y., 1881. S°. — Sea queen. X. Y., 1883. 4 . Win k ol 1 he "Gn enor " : an account of the mutiny of the crew and the loss ,f the ship when trying to make the Hur- mudas. X. Y., n. d. 8°. — cti. Hook of authors: a collection of crit- icisms, anagrams, mots, personal de- scriptions, etc., etc., wholly referring to ;lish men of letters, in every age of English literature. I.., n. d. i6 D . . . 804-74 i tentative actors: a collection of criticisms, anecdotes, personal descrip- tions, etc., with notes, memoirs, and a slmrt account of English acting. L. 16°. 4170 8 Rideing, VV. II. Boyhood of living authors, pp. 39-51 1 ELL, Win. Howard, Irish wri: 1821. Diary in the East, during the tour of the Prince and Princess Wales. I ., 1S69. S° da; its defences, condition and re- sources, being a concluding volume of My diary north and south. U., 1S65. 12°. 471-75 Hesperothen ; notes from the west: record of a ramble in the United States ami Canada in the spring and summer of 1SS1. 2 v. 1 .. 1882. 1: 470-S RUSSELL. RUSSIA. Russell, Wm. H., continued. — My diary in India in the year 1858-9. 2 v. L., 1S60. 12° 9544-7 — My diary north and south. N. V., 1863. 8° 9S01-83 Russell. James G. P. R. Russia. Subdivisions: 1. General history. 2. Special history. 3. Travel. 4. Mis- cellaneous. 5. Religion. 6. Biography. 7. Literature. /. General history. — Benson, M. E. Story of Russia. 1SS5. 947-15 — Boulton, S. B. Russian empire. 1882. 947-2 — Dole, N. H. Young folks' history of Russia. 1881 947-25 — Geddie, J. Russian empire. 1S82. . . 447-42 — History of Russia. 3 v. 1836-38. . . 947"5 — Relly, W. R. History of Russia. 2 v. 1885 • 947-4 — Lankenau, H. von and Oelnitz, L. von d. Russia past and present. 1SS1 447-2 — Little, II. \V. Short history of Russia. 1885 947-53 — Rambaud, A. History of Russia. 2 v. 1879 947-7 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 16. pp. 408-471. Turkish war S18-27 2. Special history. — Boynton, C. B. Four great powers : Eng- land, France, Russia and America. 1S66 929-2 — Bugbee, J. M. Eastern question, histor- ically considered. 1877 9496-23 — Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon. 1S87. . 947-27 — Malleson, G. B. Russo-Afghan epiestion and the invasion of India. 1S85. . . . 9583-5 — Noble, E. Russian revolt. 1SS5. . . . 9477-6 — Stepniak. Russia under the Tzars. 1885. 9477-7 — Towle, G. M. England and Russia in Asia 9583-8 Bancroft, G. Miscellany, pp. 318-404. Turkish and Russian wars 134E2 — Cobden, R. Political writings, v. I. . 30S-3 — Thompson, J. 1'. American comments on European questions, pp. 175-185. Shall England side with Russia? . . . S84E5 — Seealsa Crimean war. Napoleon. Rus- so-Turkish war. j. Travel. — Barry, H. Ivan al home; or, pictures of Russian life. 1S72 447-15 — Cunynghame, A. I'. Travels in the east- ern Caucasus. 1872 4479-3 Dixon, W. II. Free Russia. 1870.. . 447-28 — Englishwoman in Russia: impressions of the so< ■ i e 1 y and manners of the Russians 11 lion. 1S55 447-3 Gautier, I. Winter in Russia. 1874. . 447-4 Russia, continued. — Gurowski, A. G. de. Russia as it is. •854 447-44 — Hare, A. J. C. Studies in Russia. . . 447-47 — Jerrmann, E. Pictures from St. Peters- burg. 1S52 4474-5 — Johnstone, H. A. Munro-Butler. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Nov- g°r°d 447-5' — Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in the Rus- sian empire. 1S87 447-52 — Lagny, G. de. The knout and the Rus- sians. 1854 447-54 — Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the mission to Russia in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox. 1873 447-56 — Maxwell, J. S. The Czar, his court and his people. 1848 447-6 — Oliphant, L. Russian shores of the Black sea. 1854 4479-8 — Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 1872. 447-74 — Sala, G. A. Journey due north; being notes of a residence in Russia. 185S. . 447-8 — Sears, R. Illustrated description of the Russian empire. I S55 447-S2 — Seebohm, H. Siberia in Europe. 1880. 4472-8 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 2 v. 1854 4409-7 — Stepniak. Underground Russia. 1SS3. 9477-71 — Telfer, J. B. The Crimea and Trans- caucasia. 2 v. 1876 4479-9 — Wallace, D. M. Russia. 1S77 447~9 — Arnold, A. Through Persia by caravan. pp. 17-112 456-12 — Atkinson, J. B. Art tour to northern capitals of Europe, pp. 141-433. . . 70S7-2 — Ballou, M. M. Due North, pp. 193- 373 44S-15 — Bouton, J. B. Roundabout to Moscow. 440-17 — Browne, 1. R. The land of Thor. pp. 9-193 448-23 — Buckley, J. M. Midnight sun, the tsar and the nihilist, pp. 138-376 448-25 — Butterworth, II. Zigzag journeys in the Orient 4499-25 — t'ox, S. S. Arctic sunbeams, pp. 222- 332 440-243 — Davis, S. M. II. Norway nights and Russian days 44S-28 — Elliott, C. B. Travels in the three great empires of Austria, Russia and Turkey. pp. 80-136 4409-3 — Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites, pp. 81-230 440-433 — Kropotkine, P. In Russian and French 1 "■ " s 3 6 5-5 Michie, A. Siberian overland route from Pi I in i" Pi ti 1 burg. pp. 203-400. . 4529-6 RUSSIA. ' | ! I'i I II'. I Russia, continued. Rae, I I in l ill the noi ill w ind. pp. I l" 152 II7> 7 Taj lor, B. Tra> el • mi i Ircei •■ and Rus- sia. pp. 315 I-''' i I illej , 1 1 . A. Eastern Europe and Wi I ei " \ ii. pp. i 2i i 11'"'"' also M « . Si I'i i. i sburg. Sibei ia. ./. Miscellam » — I >ilkc-, A. \\ . I hi ii "\ i i i .mil tax- ation in Russia. In Probyn, I. VI., ed. CobdenClube lays, 1875. | •[>. 309 .;.;''• 3521-7 Knox, T, W. The underground » orld, |i|>. 145 15(1. Mining 6229 5 Sci \\ enoi ,11. History of 1 1"' iron trade. pp. "5 s '73 6 7> 7 Zebrikoff, M. Russia. In Stanton, T., ed. The woman question in Europe. pp. 390 423 396-85 5. Religi. t: . — Gagarin, Father — . Russian clergy. . . 2S19-4 — Heard, A. V. Russian church and Rus- sian dissent 2S19-5 Forde, II. A. Black and white. i>|». 258-280 263-35 6. Biography. — See Lives of Alexander I. Alexandra Feodorowna. Catharine II. Mazeppa. Nicholas. Peter, the great. Schamyl. Skobeleff. G01 tsi hakoff. 7. Literature. — See Literature, Russian. Also the writ- ings of the following Russian authors, ECokhanovsky, Korolenko, Lermontoff, Tchevniushevsky, Tolstoi, Turgeneff. Russian Central Asia. Lansdell, II. 2 v. 455-54 Russian church and Russian dissent. Heard, A. F. . 2819-5 I iSIAN clergy. Gagarin, Father — . . . . 2819-4 Russian folk-tales. Ralston, W. R. S. . . 3847-7 RUSSIAN government in Poland: with a nar- rative of the insurrection, 1863. Hay, W. A 9479-3 RUSSIAN journey. Proctor, K. I) 447-74 Rl ssian miss inn thrdugh Mongolia to China. Timkowski, G 451-S8 Russian proprietor and oilier stories. Tols- toi, L. V ires of the Black sea. ' iliphant, 1 • ■ 417'- 8 Ri ssian travellers in Mongolia and China. Piassetsky, P 451-74 Russians at the gates of Herat. Marvin, C. 95S3-6 1 Turkish war, 1S76-7S. Dwight, II. O. Turkish life in war time 9496-35 — Greene, F. V. Army life in Russia. . . 9476-4 — Hobart, A. C. The torpedo scare. . . . 62 — Norman, C. I>. Armenia 9476-6 — Sec also Russia. Turkey. l fungi M. C - ;. Oriental mythological hero. I , in full, id I irdausi, var tion . < hurch, A. |. Stoi Ie of the I'I'- "9 255 i s 55 3 im , A. dc. ( leli N1.1t. 134 I 1 r. it. .in-! 1' 1 1 1 I 1 . 1 n . 1 ' . I I ■ . 1 1 1 I lib- , S 71-1 Rusty Linchpin. Kokhanovsky, Mine. — . Rill 1:. .', /jth century. I sant, \V. French hum p. 25-43. 8407-2 ' 111, Martin, Am. clergyman, /: 17S5 ,/. 1838, cd. Concise history of the Chris- tian church, from its first establishment tn the 19th century: compiled chiefly from the works of Dr. G. Gregory ; with the history of the Christian church in the 19th century to 1865; an index and questions by C. K. True. X. Y '., 1^34. 8° 270-75 RUTH. Houghton, R. C. Ruth; the Moa- hitess, the ancestress of our Lord. . . 221S-8 - Hills, O. A. Companion characters, pp. 1 16—135. Orpah and Ruth 2217-47 — See also Bible, Ruth. R tin and other tales. Gaskell, Aft . 1 . ' . Ruth Derwent. FreelaoeV, Mrs. C. J. . . 380A9 RUTH Erskine's crosses. Aldcn, Mrs. I.(M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 7 14A9 RUTH Maxwell. Blake, Lady — . RUTHERFORD, John. Secret history of the Fenian conspiracy ; its origin, objects and ramifications. 2 v. P., 1S77. 8°. 32041-73 — Troubadours : their loves and their lyrics ; with remarks on their influence, social and literary. P., 1873. 12° 8491-8 Rutherford, Mark, (probably a pseud). Autobiography of Mark Rutherford: ed. by R. Shapcott. P. 12 . Mark Rutherford's deliverance: being a 2d part of his autobiography. P., 1885. 12°. — Revolution in Tanner's lane; edit! R. Shapcott. X. V., 1887. u . Rutherford, R. C. Henry George Henry George : a review. X. V., 1 ! ■2° 333-75 Rutherford, Samuel. Taylor, \V. M. Scottish pulpit, pp. SS-97 274 1 -S RlTHEKFORH, Win. Outlines of practical histology. I.. 1876. 12° 57S5-65 Rutherford. Fawct RUTHVENS of Cedar grove. Seymour, M. A. 819A25 RUTILIUS. 1 104 SABBATH. Rutilius. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3. pp. 309-318. . . S7001-3 Rutledge, Edward, />. 1 749-rf'. 1 Soo. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declara- tion of Independence, pp. 336-341. . 4121-3 - Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 211-214 4121-53 Ki [XEDGE, John, b. 1739-./. 1800. Moore, Y.,ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 118-124 S152-6 — Van Santvoord, (». Chief-justices of the Supreme court of the United States. pp. 91-192 4i^jJ-4 RUTLEDGE. Harris, Mrs. M. (C.) RUTLEY, Frank. Study of rocks: an ele- mentary text-book on petrology. N. V., 1881. 16 552-7 RUTTENBER, Edward Manning, Am. anti- quary, b. 1S24. History of the Indian tribes of Hudson's river ; their origin, manners and customs ; tribal and sub- tribal organizations ; wars, treaties, etc., Albany, N. V., 1S72. 8° 9704-7 Rutter, Jas. Henry. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 277-283 41247-3 RtiUTZ-Rees, Janet E. .SVcRees, J. E. Ruulz-. RUXTON, Geo. Frederick Augustus, Eng. traveller, b. 1820-rf. 1848. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. N. Y., i860. 12 472-8 — Life in the far west. Edinburgh, 1851. 16° 478-81 — Adams, \V. H. D. Some heroes of travel. pp. 49-89 4i59-'5 Ryan, Chas. Systematic drawing and shad- ing. L., n. d. 16 740-76 Rydbekg, Abraham Viktor, Swedish writer, b. 1829. The last Athenian. 1'hila., 1S79. 12°. — Magic of the middle ages. N. Y., 1879. 12° 174-78 — Roman days: tr. by Alfred Corning Clark ; with a sketch of Rydberg by Dr. II. A. W. Lindehn. N. Y., 1879. 12°. 4456-73 RYDER, Annie H. Hold up your heads, girls! Helps for girls in school ami out. 1!., 1SS6. 12° 376-7 — Margaret Regis and some other girls. B., 18SS. 12°. Ryder, Dudley, /'. 1694-r/. 1756. Camp- bell, J. Chief-justices of England, chap. 27 411-24 RYE, Walter. The murder of Amy Robsart : a brief for the prosecution. L., 1885. 8°. 79lfJl RYE-house plot. Dixon, W. H. Her Maj- esty's tower, v. 4. pp. 1 16-124. • • 939 II_ 3 — Ewald, A. C. Studies re-studied, pp. 255-283 9306-3 Rylance, Joseph Mine, D. D., b. 1826. Lectures on social questions; competi- tion, communism, co-operation, and the relation of Christianity to socialism. N. Y., 18S0. 12° 3304-72 — Relation of miracles to the Christian faith. In Christian truth and modern opinion, pp. 101-136 2398-25 Ryi.e, John Chas., D. £>., Eng. bishop, b. 1816. Christian leaders of the last cen- tury ; or, England a hundred years ago. L., 1S69. 12° 4>45-7 Ryley, E. Scientific value of tradition: a correspondence between Lord Arundell of YVardour, and Mr. E. Ryley. . . . 290—15 S., C. Nellie Arundel: a tab- of home life. N. ¥"., n. d. 12 . S., C. Y '., pseud. See Hanson, R. I). S., I). T. Mustard leaves; or, a glimpse of London society. N. Y., 1885. [6°. S., F. T. Can matter think ? ed. by E. Coues. B., 1 886. 24° 183-8 S., G. G. Memoir of K. 1». Sheridan. /;/ Sheridan, K. B, Dramatic works, pp. 1-206 82IC] S., M. Peter's journey and other tales. N. . Y. 12°. Contents. — Temptation; or, the merchant's story. — Lost and found; or, Jeremy's blessing. Peter's journey and what came of it. S., O. E, Hungary and its revolutions; with memoir of Louis Kossuth, I ., 1854. 16 9428-7 Saadi, or, S.'uli, Mus-lik-ed-Deen, Persian poet, b. about IlS4-r/. 1291. The Culis- tan; or, Rosegarden; translated from the original by Francis Gladwin: with an essay on Saadi's life and genius, by Jas. Ross, and a preface by R. W. Em- el on. B., 1S65. 12 S915-8 Sabbath. Andrews, J. N. History of the Sabbath ami Inst day of the week. . . 2591-2 — Arthur, W. " People's day " : an appeal to the Rt. lion. Lord Stanley against his advocacy of a French Sunday 2594-2 Brool , II. M., ed. New England Sun- day 9825-253 — Collins, F. K., ed. Is there a Christian Sabbath ? 2593-2 — Crafts, W. F, Sabbath for man 2594-24 S \l:i:.\ I'll. 1105 - s\< 1 . nil. s m;i:\ 111, continued. I 1;' In Indies ol iIm Lord' day Hcssey, J. A. Sunt! In, hi story and |'ii- .mi obligation Hill, C. C 1 1. 'I Sunday 1 1 bour. . 2595-4 I lovey, A. Relig and I hi ite. . . ^577 1 I. in:; I. iim , II. III. Sabbath : a brief In torj "i law . I'll 11 , 1 - poi t >, etc., relating to the Chri ;l ian Sabbath. . . . I ,ew is, \. 1 1. Ci 11 11 al In >lory of Sunday legisli om 121 to 1888 I .ittlejohn, W. II. and Steven ton, I. I'. C 11 in H'li.il amend 1 1 , "i , the Sun- day the Sabbath ■ , 1 6 — Sessions, A.J. Lord' da) re :d. . . S 1 1 1 1 1 (_■ , J, S. I iK i in rest ; or, ;ci iptural views ol the Sabbath 251; S — Sunday in many lands. I.., n. d. 12°. . 251/1 7 Bax, I - '. I». Religion of socialism, pp. 54-59. Socialism and the Sundaj ques- tion — Blake, M. Twenty-six hours a day. pp. 164-182. Older and Sunday occupa- tion • 640-19 — Brace, C. L. Slum sermons to newsboys. pp. 121 12N. Keeping the Sunday. . . 248 24 Browne, I. Humorous phases of the law. pp. 14-2S. The law ol Sunday. . . . 3409-25 Byrne, Mrs. \Y. I'. Undercurrents over- looked, v. 1. pp. 67 2114. The Lon- don Sabbath Cook, J. Current religious perils, pp. 28-40. Lord's day lawlessness 204-231 Fry, C '. The listener, pp. 53—59- The Sabbath, pp. 334-346. The three Sab- baths 247-4 I [all, J. Questions ol the day. pp, 192 207. Is the Sabbath for us? 2 1 1 -, • Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 88 93. The question of Sunday cars 204-7 Proctor, R. A. Our place among in- finities, pp. 290—313. Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews 5204-74 — Rainsford, W. S. Sermons preached in St. George's, pp. 169 too. The Chris- tian Sabbath 252-7S — Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity, pp. 240-275. The Christian Sabbath. . . 204-79 Thompson, 1. P. Man in Genesis and logy. pp. 1 1 1-124. Sabbath m for man 573 N; Sadba 1 11 leisure ; or, ms: in prose and verse. I.., 1S67. 12°. . . 211 8l Sabbath schools. Abbot, W. Our Sunday 10I and how we conduct it. 1863. . 246-13 — Bethune, ii. W. Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune. 1864 — Billiard, A. Fifty years with the Sabbath schools. 1S76 246-2 Sauba 1 npney, I.. (W.), !. Eiitertainm< Sund: 1 1 W. I . Through the eye to the ''• "'• l' s 7.M I tunning, A. E. Sunday school lil 1883 - I "I "in, A. P. ."/ / M. I . Help for , being a choi< 1 1 -.73 II. ut, J. S. Sunday school idea. 1S71. 2: Kindling; or, a way to do it. 1856. . . 24'. 51 Ml I-, II. C. I tbjei t and outline 11 bet, F. V > — Johnson, s. Most eminent English poets. v.i. pp. 4io-4 2 3 ; SACKVILLE. — 1 106 SADLER. Sackville, Edward, 4II1 earl of Dorset, b. 1590-1/. 1652. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 5. pp. 37-46 411-65 Sackville, Thos., earl of Dorset, b. 1536- d. 1608. Works of Thos. Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, afterward Lord Treas- urer to Queen Elizabeth and Earl of Dorset: ed. by the Hon. and Rev. Reginald W. Sackville- West. L., 1859. 12° S00C4 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. I. pp. 185-188 411-58 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 3. pp. 47-62 411-65 Sacraments. Barclay, R. Apology for the true Christian divinity, principles and doctrines of the Quakers, pp. 3S0- 450. Baptism [and] communion. — Bolmer, W. B. The church and the faith. pp. 29S-314. The eucharistic contro- versy 270-22 — Goulburn, E. M. The Holy Catholic church. pp. 175-202. The holy eu- charist at its successive stages 283S-4 — Lay, H. C. Studies in the church, pp. 1 19-128 and 149-199 2S3S-4S — Little, A. W. Reasons for being a church- man, pp. 36-44. The Anglican church and holy baptism, pp. 194-205. The Anglican church and the breaking of the bread 2838-47 — Marks, A. Characteristics of the church. pp. 84-100. Sacramental system of the church 2S38-49 — Maurice, F. D. Kingdom of Christ; or, hints to a Quaker, v. 1. pp. 301-343. Baptism, v. 2. pp. 57-107. The eu- charist 2838-5 — Mines, F. S. A Presbyterian clergyman looking for a church, pp. 51-103. . . 283S-52 — Sadler, M. F. Church doctrine, Bible truth, pp. 41-206. Baptism ami the baptismal services. Holy communion. 2S38-7 — Shields, C. W. Book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, etc. [Presbyterian] 2605-S Trevern, J. F. M. Amicable discus ion on the church of England, pp. 157-350. The eucharist 2839-S Vail, T. II. Comprehensive church, pp. 131-140 and 174-212. Admission to the sacraments 2838-9 Seeaho Baptism. Marriage. Lord 'sSup- pcr. Christianity. Protestanl E] pal church. Roman Catholic church. Theology. Sacked allegories. Adams, Rev. Wm. . . 243-24 Sacred and constructive art. Otis, C. N. . 701-68 Sacred and legendary art. Jameson, Mrs. A- (M.) 755-6 Sacred anthology. Conway, M. D., ed. . 20S-2 Sacred biography. Hunter, H 2217-49 Sacred book. Davis, A. J 176-3 Sacred cities. Lee, J. S 45^-55 Sacred cosmogony. Sorignet, A 213-83 Sacred dramas. Boxer, J 179C2 Sacred geography and antiquities. Bar- rows, E. P 2209-16 Sacred history of the world. Turner, S. 3 v 9^-85 SACRED mountains, characters and scenes in the Holy land. Headley, J. T. . . . 2211-42 Sacred nugget. Farjeon, B. L. Sacred palmlands. Weld, A. G 458-94 Sacred philosophy of the seasons. Duncan, II 210-26 Sacred poems. Vaughan, H 913G5 Sacred quotations. Weld, H. H., ed. . . 2451-9 Sacred scenes and characters. Headley, J. T 2211-41 Sad shepherd ; or, a tale of Robin Hood. Jonson, B. Works, pp. 603-615. . . 518C3 Saddle and sirloin. Dixon, H. H 636-32 Saddlery. Aitken, W. C. Guns, nails, locks, etc. In British manufacturing industries, v. 3. pp. 127-136 670-2 SADLER, Mrs. J. Con O'Regan; or, emi- grant life in the New World. N. V., 1864. 1 6°. — Confederate chieftains: a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1641. N. Y., i860. 16 . — Confessions of an apostate. N. V., 1S64. 16°. — Heiress of Kilorgan; or, evenings with the old Geraldines. N. Y., 1870. 16 . — MacCarthy More; or, the fortunes of an Irish chief in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth. n. t. p. 16 . — Maureen Dhu, the admiral's daughter. N. Y., 1S73. 16°. — Old house by the Boyne; or, the recollec- tions of an Irish borough. N. V., 1865. 1 6°. Biographical sketch of T. D'A. McGee. In McGee, T. D'A. Poems, pp. 15-40. 606C4 — tr. The knout : a tale of Poland. I'h i la. 16 . Sadler, L. K. Set Larwood, Jacob, pseud. Sadler, Rev. Michael F. Church doctrine, Bible truth. N. V., 1869. 12 . . . . 2838-7 — Church teacher's manual of Christian in- struction. 1.., 18S0. 16° 2383-8 — Emmanuel ; or, the incarnation of the Son of Goil the foundation of immutable imih. 1.., 1879. 1 6° 232-8 SADLE] l 107 SAILORS. Sadi 1.1:, St M. I ■-, continued. — Justification of life, il nature, intccedenl and resull 1. I ... 1877. 16 — Our offei ing : .1 It. mm r mi the I rifii ial nature •>( the eucharist. I.., 1878. 16 — Scr I Adam, and the new birlh ; or, the doctrine of baptism as contained in Holy Si i ipture. I.., 1874. hi' 261 1-7 Sadler, S. W hitei hurch. Ship ol ice; a strange story ol thi Polai sea. I ., 1S75. 16 797A2 S \ 1 1 1/ i.k, Ales. I 1. in 1 mi icoustics ill C lei 1 1 "ii with veil I i Ial inn : and :in ." count of the modern and ancienl meth- ods ol beating and ventilation. N. Y., i*7-- '2° 53484-7 Saewulf. Wright, T. Early unci- in Palestine, pp. 31 50 15s 07 Safe railway working. Stretton, C. I'. . . 652-77 Safes. Hobbs, A. C. Locks and safes. . 683-5 Safest creed, and other Froth- ingham, O. B 252-391 Safety lamp. Mayhew, II. Wonders of science; or, young Humphrey Davy. . 2771:1 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum ol 1 ind art. v. 4. pp. 1NS-190 603-4 — Proctor, K. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 261-266 502-69 Safety valves. Buel, K. II 6211S-2 Saffell, W. T. R., ed. Bonaparte-Patter- son marriage in 1S03 and the secret correspondence on the subject. I'hila., 1873. 12° 172B2 Sai ford, Mary J. a«rf Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. B., 1SS4. 16 . 6129-76 — ed. Christmas country, and other tales. N". V., 1SS6. 12° 798A1 Contents. — Christmas country, by H. Scitlcl. — A trip with the man in the moon, by C Sturm — Floating island, b} H. Seidel, Two Christ- mas trees, by M. Kok. — Cave of Sccnfoll, by W\ HaufT. — Rosamunda, an leclandic fairy tale. — The butter-maid of Zerbst, by J. I.ohmcy- er. — Our queer pet, by M . J. SafTbrd- Boys B, C, by M I Saftbrd, — The water man, by II. Seidel -The butterfly, by M. Kok.— The young Englishman, by W. HautT. — The tir- tree, by Jesscn Berg. — Prince of gold-land, by \V. Halm. — lleriwalt of Vineta, by A. Frey. — A baptized ided, by S. Keyscr. — The three princes, an Icelandic fairy tale. — Two Persian schoolboys, by M. J. Safford. — Princess sun- shine, by 1 1 von Leixner. Sai 1. ird, Win. 1 1.111 ison, Am. lawyer, /<. 1S21. life of Harman Blennerhassett. Chil- licothe, O., 1S50. 12°. Same, linn., 1859 162B4 - ed. Blennerhassett papers: embodying the private journal of Harman Blenner- hassett ; with a memoir 1 Sagas. Dasent, G. W. Gisli the outlaw. . S396-3 . ontinued. -1, E. and Morri , W„ // . 1 • \ i ting lory of the Vol- sung, ami Nil. lung. ; witl iler Edda 275 6 — Vigfusson, Dr. '.../. Sturlung I pp. ■,26. Saga of kin II 141 17 .; See I Saga 8396 2 — See a/10 Literature, tan. Saga of Halfred the Sigskald. Dalm, 1 . Saga time. Vicary, J. Fulford 94801-9 Sagacity and morality of plants. Taylor, J. E ..-•••.... 5S1-8 Lanman, C. Tour t" the Saguenay in lower Canada 471 .1 5 Hallock.C. Pishing tourist, pp. 179-182. 795-28 Taylor, I!. Al home and abroad, v. 2. IT- 374-387 439-87 \lso Howells, W. D. Chance acquaint- — See also Canada. Sahara, desert of. Mackenzie, D. Flooding .if the Sahara. 1877 4661-6 — Naphegyi, G. Ghardaia ; or, ninety days aiming th. Ii. 1S71 4661-7 — Rohlfs, G. Adventures in Morocco. . . 464 73 — Tristram, II. B. Great Sahara: wander- ings south of the Atlas mountains. i860. 4661-9 — Nature's wonders, pp. 57-68 55 1—7 — See also Africa. SAIGEY, L'mile, French scientist, '. iSz<)-d. 1872. Unity of natural phenomena; with introduction nnd notes by Thos. F. Mosi . B., 1873. 12 501-8 SAILING. Biddle, T. E. Construction, rig- ging and handling of model yachts, ships and steamers 6238-2 — See also Navigation. Ships. Yachting. Sailing on the Nile. Laporte, L 462-56 SAILORS. Betsy Lee: a fo'c'sle yarn. . . . 149C2 — Cheever, H. T., ed. Memorials of Capt. 1 Miadiah Conger 2451:2 — Colton, W. The -e.i ami the sailor. . . 818-32 trell, C. C. Ships and sailors. . . . 651-3 — Dana^R. II. Two years before the mast. 4374-4 — Haven, G. aiu/Russell, T. Father Taylor. s ~ — Howe, II. Life and death on the ocean. 437 4s ■ — Jewell, J. G. Among our sailors. . . . 651-4 — Jones, C. J. From the forecastle to the PulP'l 254 4 — Jones, R. J. C. Ships, sailors and the sea. 651 4; — Nordhoff C. Sailor life on man-of-war and merchant vessel 437 7 — Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travellers — Whitecar, W. B.,yV. Four years ab a whale ship 7'>5ji-9 SAILORS. — noS ST. JOHN. Sailors, continued. — Cobden, J. C. White slaves of England. pp. 257-283 336S-27 — Melville, II. Redburn : his first voyage. ■ — See also Ships. Ocean. Sailor's handy-book and yachtsman's man- ual. Qualtrough, E. F 794~7 Sailor's lass. Leslie, Emma 562A7 Saint, John Jas. Heath. Voters and their registration : comprising the representa- tion of the people act, 1SS4; the regis- tration act, 18S5 ; the redistribution of seats act, 1S85; and the medical relief disqualification removal act, 1SS5 ; with notes and index. L., 1885. 12 . . . 32442-S St., W. von. In exile. Phila., 1SS2. 12°. SAINT-Amand, Imbert de. Memoirs of the empress Marie Louise of France. L., 1866. 8° 612B6 SAINT-Amant, Marc Antoine Gerard, French poet, b. l6ig-d. l68y. Besant, W. French humorists, pp. 186-198 S407-2 SAINT-Arnaud, Jacques Achille Leroy de, marshal 0/ France. Jerrold, B. French under arms. pp. 13S-239 35544-5 St. Augustine, Florida. Dewhurst, \V. \V. History of St. Augustine, Florida. 1SS1. 9S491-3 — See also Florida. St. Augustine's ladder. Nnble, Annette L. 6SSA3 St. Clair, Arthur, Am. major-general, />. about 1735V. 1S1S. Albach, J. R., ed. An- nals of the west. pp. 571-592 987-14 — Headley, J. T., ed. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 201-224 4121-46 — McClung, J. A. Sketches of western ad- ventures, pp. 263-270 9S7-5S — Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant, v. 2. iSol!6 St. Clair, S. G. IS. and Brophy, C. A. A residence in Bulgaria; or, notes on the resources and administration of Turkey : the condition and character, manners, customs and language of the Christian and Mussulman populations with refer- ence to the eastern question. I... 1S69. 4497-7 St < lair, lake. Hubbard, B. Memorials of a half-century, pp. 155-175. The naming of Lake St. Clair St. Clar, Robert. The metrupol i les ; or, know thy neighbor. \. Y ., n. d. i6°. St. Cupid; or, Dorothy's fortune. In Com- edies and dramas, pp. 307-347. . . . St. . 1764-^.1830, Headley, J. T. Napoleon and hi marshals, v. 1. pp. 1 51—184. ■ ■ ien de, d. 1 502. Besant, W. Early French poetry, pp. 218-235. St. George and St. Michael, M u donald, 9874] 7 240C9 065H56 8401-2 St. George and the dragon. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. (S.), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) . 825A19 Saint Germaine, J. T. de. Only a pin. N. Y. 1 6°. St. Giles and St. James. See Jerrold, I). St. Giles lectures. Faiths of the world. . . 290-4 — Scottish church from the earliest times to 1881 2741-6 — Tulloch, J. Movements of religious thought in Britain during the 19th cen- tury 2S3-S3 St. Gothard, Battle of, 1797. Malleson, G. B. Ambushes and surprises, pp. 297- 33 2 • 903-6 St. Gregory's guest, and recent poems. Whittier, J. G 948C95 St. Helena, island. Brooke, T. II. History of the island of St. Helena to 1S06. . . 9977-2 — Spalding, J. \V. Japan expedition, pp. 27-44 • • . . . 452-7 — Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South seas. v. 2. pp. 290-304 496-81 — See also Napoleon I. r St. James. Ainsworth, W. II. St. John, Mrs. A. R. Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. pp. 189-194. [Biog. sketch and poems]. 245S-7 St. John, Bayle, Eng. writer, b. 1822-d'. 1859. Subalpine kingdom; or, experiences ami studies in Savoy, Piedmont and Genoa. 2 v. L., 1S56. S° 4451-7 St. John, Capt. H. C. Notes and sketches from the wild coasts of Nipon ; with chapters on cruising after pirates in Chinese waters. Edinburgh, 1S80. 8°. 452-67 St. John, Henry, viscount Bolingbroke, b. lGyS-d. 1 75 1. Letters on the study and use of history: on exile: the spirit of patriotism: idea of a patriot king : state of parties in 1714. L., 1S70. 12°. . . 902-7 — Collins, J. C. Bolingbroke: a historical study S01B5 — Macknight, T. Life of Henry St. John. 801B6 — Brougham, II. Statesmen [of] the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 426-447. . . 410-17 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 191-203 4II-65 — Neale, E. The closing scene, pp. 76-S0. 410-8 Reed, W. B. Among my books, pp. 21-26 783E1 — Stebbing, \Y. Some verdicts of history reviewed, pp. 125-199 4"-95 St. John, Mrs. Horace Roscoe, Audubon, the naturalist of the new world: his ad- ventures and discoveries. B., 1864. 16 . Same, 1S74 129B6 Court of Anna Carafa; an historical nar- rative. I.., [872, 8° 204B71 ST. joiin. i iog s\i\ I I. 1:1.1 I St. John, I i . Augustus, Eng. writer, b. i i loo ./. 1875. Egypt and Nubia ; then i em i -. Hi-It heii pi i iple being in- cidents of history and travel from the bi i in l in. .1 i . .ni mthoritii , im lud- in^' J. I . Burcl hs rdl and Lord I indsay. 1.., 1845. s ° 1 1 1 im \ ni the four conque 1 of 1 ngland. 2 v. I.., 1862. 8° Conttnti v, 1 B. C . v l>, 1001.— v. 3. too? 1 1 ivi ."I celebrated travelers. | v. N.Y., 1854. "6° PS9-78 1 1 . 1 . 1 . in \l.\ isinia. In I Cotton, I. C, ed, Abyssinia and its people, pp.88 92 i'.; i, Si . John, 1 lliver, b. about 1 596 [6; ; ( lampbell, J. Chief-ju it ii ■ ol Eng- land, ' hap. 1 ; 41 1-24 St. John, Samuel. Elements "I" ge V V., 1 S 5 1 . 12 550-8 St. John, Spenser, Eng. author, b. 1826. I l.ivii ; or, the black republic. I .., 1884. 8° 47294-8 Life ni 1 he f .1 e ;l of the far east ; or, travel . in iwi ihei n Borneo, 2 v. I ,., 1863. 8° lull 8 St. John's eve and other stories. Gogol, V V. St. Johnston, Alfred. Camping a ngi in nibals. I... 1883. 12° 496-8 ' 'I1.11 lie Vsgard; the tory ol 1 idship. I.., 1SS4. 16° 800A2 — In quest of gold; or, under the Whanga falls. I... 1SS5. 12 800A ; St. Just, A n 1 "inr Louis Leon de, French rev- olutionist, b. about 1767-0". 1794. Brough- am, II. Statesmen [of] the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 204-222. . . . 410-17 St. Lawrence, gulf. Benjamin, S. ii. W. Cruise of the " Alice May." 47'4 2 St. Lawrence, river. Hough, F. Ii., <■./. The thousand islands of the river St. Lawrence 17177 I — Hallock.C. fishing tourist, pp.160 169. 7115 38 — See also Canada. St. Leger. Kim hall, R. B. Si. Leon. Godwin, \V. St. Leonards, Lord. SiwSugden, Edward I',. St. Lucie, island. Lindsay, C. Narrative ol the occupation and defence M the island of St. Lucie, 1779. In Lindsay, A.W. ( '. Lives of the Lindsays, v.3. pp.229— 260. 573'\5 SAINT-Marc Girardin, French author, b. 1801 S4-4 — Kirwan, A. V. Modern France, pp. 284-330 444-5 — Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 108-128 4184-6 SAINTE-Beuve, Jacques, French casuist, b. 1613-r/. 1677. Poems. In Curwen, H. French love songs and other poems. . 841-3 Swn'tine, (Joseph Xavier Boniface, called Sain'tine), French writer,b. 1798-^. 1865. Dame Nature and her three daughters: a grandpapa's talks and stories about natural history and things of daily use. N. Y., 1869. 16 5905-8 — Myths of the Rhine : tr. by M. S. de Vere. N. Y., 1875. 8° 295-8 — Picciola. B., 1SS0. 12°. — Woman's whims; or, the female barome- ter: tr. by F. Robinson. N. Y., 1S50. 12°. Saints. Anderdon, W. II. Evenings with the saints 414-23 — Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. Stories of the saints 4'4~3 — Clement, C. F. Hand-book of Christian symbols and stories of the saints as illus- trated in art 755-2 — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles. 2829-54 — Kennedy, P. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts, pp. 319-350 3841-5 — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 397-417- Charge of idolatry 204-84 Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancient legends, etc., of Ireland, pp. 121-160 3S41-9 SAINTS' everlasting rest. Baxter, R. . . . 2374-2 tragedy. Kingsley, C. Poems: in- cluding the Saint's tragedy 534C5 rsBURY, Geo. Winner, English scholar, b. 1S45. Drydcn. N. Y., 1881. 12°. lish men of letters ser.] 294B5 III. lory of Elizabethan literature. 1.. 1SS7. 12° 8203-7 Saintsisury, Geo. W., continued. -Marlborough. N. Y., 1SS6. 12°. [Eng- lish worthies ser.] 613B7 — Primer of French- literature. Oxford, 1888. 1 6° 840-S — Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. II., id. English poets, v. 1 and 3. . . . 8092-9 — id. Specimens of English prose style from Malory to Macaulay ; with an in- troductory essay. L., 18S6. 12°. . . S209-73 Saker, Alfred. Watson, R. A. Poet-toil- ers in many fields, pp. 181-192. . . . 410-962 SAKYA-muni: the story of Buddha. Sidney, A. A 2932-14 Sai.a, Geo. Augustus Henry, Eng. journalist, b. about 1827. Breakfast in bed ; or, phi- losophy between the sheets. N. Y., 1863. 12° 802E1 — Journey due north; being notes of a resi- dence in Russia. I!., 1S5S. 12°. . . 447-8 — Journey due south: travels in search of sunshine. L., 1SS7. S° . 445-82 Contents. — Journey due south. — Springtime in Paris. — Seven sons of mammon. 2 v. in I. Leip- zig, 1S69. 16°. — Trip to Barbary by a roundabout route. L., 1866. S° 465-8 — Under the sun : essays mainly written in hot countries. L., 1887. 12° 43SS-77 — Wm, Hogarth: painter, engraver and philosopher : essays on the man, the work and the time. L., 1886. 12°. . 4S1P4 — Introduction. In Hardinge, Mrs. B. B. Belle Boyd in camp and prison 9S19-45 — Sketch of Chas. Dickens. In Dickens, C. Speeches, etc. pp. 125-144. . . . 825-35 — Friswell, J. H. Modern men of letters. pp. 159-168 804-38 Salad for the solitary and the social. Saunders, F., (An epicure, pseud.) . . 805K4 SALAMIS. Blackie, J. S. Lays and legends of ancient Greece, pp. 176-1SS. . . . 160C2 SALAMMBO. Flaubert, G. Salathiiu.. Croly, Rev. G. Sale, Lady Florentia (Wynch), d. 1S53. Croslartd, Mrs. N. Memorable women. PP- 323-355 4>3-28 Sale, Geo., Eng. Orientalist, i. i6So-. Half century in Salem. 9S245-8 — See also Brooks, II. M., ,',/. Olden time ies. Also Witchcraft. s u e m. 1 lastleton, I >. R. Salem chapel. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) SALEM SAMI Salem « n hi raft, S V\ itchcrafl Sam .',. I i .mi is ili- S;ili\, mini. SALISBURY, Bishops of . Si Burnet, Gilbert. Moberly, Gi Sui i.ii,, / arli i. .' I, Sai ki i d, Jo eph, i I ical antiquilic : or, a i impi ndium of Roman and Gn antiquities : with a sketch "l am Ii nl mythology, N. V., 1S17. 16 1 ,1 Sallik Williams, the mountain girl, Che- ney, Mrs. E. 1> 223A92 Sai ii si, [Caius Sallustitu Cris/uis), Roman historian, b. B. 1 ■ ; | 1 of Catiline. Jugurthine war. 1 1 mi nl- ol the historj ol Sallust, and two epistles to Juliu Ca ai . on thi govei n hi nt of the state. Tn Watson, J. S., lr. Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Pater- culus. pp. 1-2S6 S782-9 Sai 1 \ Cavanagh ; or, the untenanted grave, K ickham, C. J, SALM S.ilm, Pagans, princess, b. 1842-1/. about 1881. Ten years of my life. 2 v. L. 8° Salmagundi, Irving, W. am/ others. . . . sis .in, ( Salmon, Murphy, J. M. Ramble in northwestern America, pp. 23-42. . . 1 — Set also Fishing. Salome: a dramatic poem. Heywood,J.C. .('">' 7 Salt, Henry, Eng. antiquary, !•. 1 7.S ^ ,/. 1S27. Travels in Abyssinia. In Hot- ton, J. C, id. Abyssinia. pp. 4.) 41,. 40; 4; Salt, Sii Titus, English manufacturci lSiij-r/. 1S76. Burnley, J. The world's workers: Sir Titus Salt ami Geo. Moore 41122 — Blaikie, W, (i. Leaders in modern phi- lanthropy, pp. 241-261 1 156-2 l>i 'It, in, s. K . I 'oor boys whi 1 bei famous, pp. 1 J4 ij'i 410-16 Salt. Carey, A, Autobiographies of a lump of coal, pp. 24 50 604-19 Wonders of common things, pp. 24- 50 604-2 — l'e Vere, M. S. Wonders <*( the deep. IT- '45 '75 5895 3 I li< ki 11 , 1 '., .■,/. Sunshine on daily paths, pp. 261-269. A walk through a mountain 604-3 — Jones, W, Treasures of the earth, pp. !S5 553-5 — Knox, T, W, The underground « IT- 930 947 1 Manley, J. J. Salt preservation ol In British manufacturing industries, v. 12 664-2 — Simmonds, P. 1.. Commercial products of the sea. pp. 339-348 5 S 95~7 — See also Chemistry. Mines. Sal'I Lai e < ily, 1 tali. < < ■ way round the world, pp. ; ; 1 Gn 164-182 1 >■ mons. Utah. United - West. Salt water. Kingston, W. H. ( 535A7 Salter, Win. LifeofJas.W. Grimes. N. V-, 1876. 8' Sai mi" I Man], W. 855A4 .11, .-////. author, />. 1858. Anat- 1. N. Y., 1886. 12°. . 11 — Balzac. I-., 11 12 1331:7 Mr. 1 misadventure. N. V ., 1 12°. Philosophy of disenchantment. I:., 1885. 12° I — The truth about Tristrem Varick. Chi- cago, 1888. 12°. — Introduction. In Balzac, II. de. After- dinner stories. [No name scries.] SALVATION. Walker, J. B. Philosophy of the plan of salvation 234 8 — Coles, V. S. S. Salvation. In Oxford house papers, pp. 10S-123 2 39~73 I hristianity. Salvation army. Adams, F. W. I.. Aus- tralian essays, pp. 27-49 I Salverte, Anne Joseph Euscbe Baconn French statesman, b. 1771-1/. 1S30. Phi- losophy of magic, prodigies and appar- ent miracles; with notes by A. I. Thomson, and a biographical sketch of M. Salverte, l>y M. Francois Argao. 2 v. X. Y.. 1862. 16° 174-8 SALVIANI, Ippolito, Italian naturalist, b. 1514-1/. 1572. Naturalist's library, v. 35. pp. 17-44. Memoir 590-5 Salvini, Tommaso, Italian t. Lewes, ('.. 11. Actors and acting, pp. 222-232 7S1 5 Sam Shirk. Devereux, *.. II. S\m Slick in search of a wife. Haliburton, T. C • SAMANTHA at Saratoga. Holley, Marietta. Si 7 482 SAMARIA. Eddy, D. C. Walter'- tour in the Last : Samaria ; — Wright, W. B. Ancient cities. pp. 184-204 401-9 SAMOA a hundred years ago. Turner, ('.. Samos. Holland. T. E., td. European concert in the eastern question, pp. 70-SS. Samos and Crete, 1S30 78.. . 341 -: j SAMPSON, Henry. History of advertising from the earliest times, illustrated by anecdotes, curious specimens and bio- graphical notes. 1.., 1S74. 12 J . . . . 65S9-7 SAMS" IN. SANBORN. Samson, judge of Israel, b. about B. C. 1 1 55. Chapman, E. II. Lessons of faith and life. pp. 182-199 252-32 — Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and mar- tyrs, pp. 202-219 2217-45 - Williams, H. L. Boys of the Bible, pp. 85-113 2217-9 Samson, Deborah. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 122 135 4'2'-35 Samson, Geo. Whitefield, Am. clergyman, />. 1819. Elements of art criticism: com- prising a treatise on the principles of man's nature as addressed by art, togeth- er with a historic survey of the methods of art execution in the departments of drawing, sculpture, architecture, paint- ing, landscape gardening, and the deco- rative arts. I'hila., 1868. 12°. Same, 1874 "OI-74 — Physical media in spiritual manifestations. Phila., 1S69. 12 175-S Samuel Brohl and company. Cherbuliez, V. SAMUEL Titmarsh. Thackeray, W. M. Samuels, Adelaide Florence, Am. writer, b. 1S45. Daisy Travers; or, the girls of Hive hall. B., 1876. 16 801A4 Samuels, Edward Augustus, Am. naturalist, b. 1836. Our northern and eastern birds ; containing descriptions of the birds of the northern and eastern States and British provinces, together with a his- tory of their habits, times of arrival and departure, their distribution, food, song, time of breeding, a careful and accurate description of their nests and eggs ; with illustrations of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs. N. V., 1883. 8° 598-72 Samuels, S. B. C. August's 'speriment. How logs go to mill. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 211-232 and 331-342. 602-9 Samuels, dipt. Samuel, seaman, b. 1825. From forecastle to cabin. N. Y., 18S7. '2° 4374-7 1 son, Jas. Roumania, past and pres- ent. I.., 11. d. 8" 9498-7 San Domingo. See Santo Domingo. San Francisco. To San Francisco and back. "• <• P- l6 ° 4794 7 1 — Soulc, E. and others. Annals of San Francisco. 1855 98941-8 - Dilke, C. W". Greater Britain, pp. 179- 200 439-28 - Keyes, E. I), lifts year,' observation of men and events, pp. 223-314 532Hl Knox, T. W. The underground world. pp. 768-784. Underground in San ni isco 6229-5 San Francisco, continued. - Lothrop, Mrs. II. M. (S.|, (Margaret Sidney, pseiul.) Golden west as seen by the Ridgeway club. pp. 295-337. . 478-S3 — Rae, W. E. Westward by rail. pp. 263-2S2 47S-76 — Rusling, J. E. Great west and Pacific coast, pp. 276-321 478-S — Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics, pp. 41-50 438-9 — See also California. San Rosario ranch. Howe, Maud. San Salvador. Squier, E. G. Notes of Central America, pp. 295-352. . . . 472S-S SANBORN, Franklin Benj., /■. 1S31. Henry D. Thoreau. B., 1882. 12 . [Am. men of letters ser.] 8S5K5 — Life and letters of John Brown. B., 1S85. 12° 187B6 — Lectures. In Concord lectures on philos- ophy, 1882 143-2 — Memoir of T. Parker. In Parker, T. Prayers 244-5 — Poet's countersign. In Alcotl, A. B. Ralph Waldo Emerson 317IJ1 — cd. Genius and character of Emerson : lectures at the Concord school of philos- ophy. B., 1S85. 12 317B2 Contents —Concord school of philosophy. — Emerson and Boston, by Mrs. E. I'. < heney. — Emerson and Alcott. — Emeison as an Ameri- can, by J. Hawthorne. — A French view of Emerson, by M. Rene de Poyen Belleisle. — Em- erson's religion, by C. A. Bartol. — Emerson as a preacher, by E. P. Peabody,— Emerson among the poets, by F B. Sanborn. — Poems in honor of Emerson, by E. La/arus, E. Channing, F. B. Sanborn, Mrs. E. C. Kinney. — Emerson's eth- ics, by E. D. Mead.— Emerson's relation to so- ciety, by Mrs. J. W. Howe. — Emerson's view of nationality, by G. W. Cooke. — Emerson's phi- losophy of nature, by W. T. Harris. — Emerson as seen from India, by Protap Chunder Mo- zooindar. — Emerson's Orientalism, by \V T Harris.— Emerson's relation to Goethe and Car lyle, by W. T, Harris. — Ion: a monody, by A, B. Alcott. Life and genius of Goethe: lectures at the Concord school of philosophy. II., [886. 12° 430B6 Contents. — Introduction. — Goethe's youth, by II S White.— Self culture, by John Albee. — Goethe's Titanism, by T, Davidson. -Goethe and Schiller, by C \ Bartol. Goethe's March- en, by 1 II Hedge Goethe's relations to English literature, by F. 1'.. Sanborn. — Goethe ;is a playu right, by V7, 0. Partridge I '.is Ewig Weibliche, by Mrs. E. 1). Cheney.— The elect- ive affinities, by S. H. Emery, jr.— Child life .is portrayed by Goethe, by Mrs. C. K.Sherman — History of the Faust poem, by D.J. Snider.— Goethe's women, by Mrs. J. W. Howe. — Goethe's Faust, bj W. I . Harris. SANBORN, Helen J. A winter in Central America and Mexico. B., 1886. 12°. 4728-7 S VNBORN. — in; Sandorn, Katharim Ibbott, Am. author, b. 1839, ed. V year ol unshim 1 h ei ful extr.M . i . ly in the yeai B., 1884. 12° 8077-75 The wil -I women. V V., 188 ,1 SANCROf 1, W 111 . 6. Sn mons. In \- 1 ' inns • il the liturgy, v. 1. pp. 119 |6l . 26031-4 Sani ns, I., ilc. Rome, ' hristian and papal : sketi hi ol its reli ;ious monu- ments ami ecclesiastical hierarchy; with notices of the Jesuits and the inqui- sition. N. Y., 1856. 12° -■ n 11 m \ , Tlie. Nil hoi . * ieo. W. Sani ruM sanctorum. Tilton, Theodore. . 889E4 Sand, George, pseud, of Amantine Lucile Vurore Dupin, (Madame Dudevant), French author, i. i8o4-. 1%22-d. 1881. The Hekim Bashi; or, the adventures of Guiseppe Antonelli, a doctor in the Turkish empire. 2 v. in 1. L., 1864. 16°. — Ward, T. H. Humphrey Sandwith, a memoir 803B4 Sandys, Geo., Eng. poet, b. l^yy-d. 1644. Poetical works now first collected; with notes and introduction by Rev. Richard Hooper 2 v. L., 1872. 12° 803C1 — Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 192-19S 8092-9 — Willmott, R. A. Lives of the early Eng- lish sacred poets, pp. 52-61 41821-9 Sane lunatic. Burnham, Clara L. SANITARY drainage of houses and towns. Waring, G. E., jr 62S-9 Sanitary suggestions ; or, the householder's vade mecum. Low, S.,j'r 628-5 Sankey, Chas. Spartan and Theban su- premacies. L., 1877. i6°. Same. N. V., 1886 91S6-7 Sankey, Ira David, Am. evangelist, b. 1840. Song victories of the " Bliss and Sanke} hymns;" with biographical sketches of Ira D. Sankey and P. P. Bliss 248-8 — See also Moody, 1 >. I,. Sans merci. Lawrence, G. A. SANS-souci series. Life letter, and table talk of Benjamin Robert Ilaydon: ed. by K. H. Stoddard 459B1 Men and manners in America one hun- dred years ago: ed. by II. E. Scudder. 9758-75 — Anecdote biography of Percy Bysshe Shelley: ed. by R. II. Stoddard. . . . 820B6 Sanskrit. Bopp, I. Comparative gram- 11111 '"95-3 Poor, I.. E. Sanskrit and its kindred literature 802-7 [win, J. T. Pre-historic nations, pp. 216-266 910-15 I ter, I. Critii al essays. v. 1. pp. 400-41 -. San ;] 1 11 |iti .... 3771.4 Sanskrit, continued. — Midler, F. Max. Chips from a German workshop, v. 1 652E3 Selected essays, v. 2 652E4 — R.ijendralala Mitra. Indo-Aryans. v. 2. 9541-5 — Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 2. pp. 318-340 104-95 — See also Literature, Indian. Sanson, Henry, ed. Memoirs of the San- sons from private notes and documents, 1688-1S47. 2 v. L., 1876. 8°. . . . 803B6 Santa Barbara and around there. Roberts, E. 47942-7 Santa Claus' deer. Pine, G. S. In Stories for children, by eleven sophomores. PP- 45-54 856A9 Santa Claus land. Douglas, Amanda M. . 292A88 Santa Claus picture gallery: pictures and verses for the little folks. Cinn. 4°. . 804A9 Santa Cruz islands. Markham, A. II. The cruise of the " Rosario." 493-6 Santa Fe. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. (S.), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) Golden west, as seen by the Ridgeway club. pp. 201-260 47S-83 SANTO Domingo. Hazard, S. Santo Do- mingo, past and present. 1873. ■ • • 99 '§3-4 — Keim, De B. R. San Domingo, n. t. p. 47293-5 — Kelly, W. D. Speeches, pp. 427-447. 3304-46 Santvoord, Alfred van. Fiske, S. Off- hand portraits of prominent New York- ers, pp. 339-343 41247-3 Sapho and Phao. Lilly, J. Dramatic works, v. 1. pp. 153-214 270C2 Sappho, Greek poet. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 1-8 410-19 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. I. ■ pp. 131-143 S7001-3 — Higginson, T. \Y. Atlantic essays, pp. 30'-3 2 4 470E5 — Holland, J. G. Every day topics, pp. 3 '-324 483E2 SAPPHO: a tragedy in fiveacts. Grillparzer, F 8318-42 Sara Crewe; or, what happened at Miss Minchin's. Burnett, Frances II. . . . 195A91 Saracens. Freeman, E. A. History and conquests of the Saracens 953—35 — -Gibbon, E. Rise and fall of the Sara- cen empire. [Being chapters 50, 51 and 52 of his Roman empire.] 953~4 — Gilman, A. Story of the Saracens from the earliest times to the fall of Bagdad. 953-42 — Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. . . 953-6 -Same. Bound with Gibbon, E. Riseand fall of the Saracen empire, pp. 161-439. 953-4 SARACINESCA. Crawford, E. Marion. SARAGOSSA, 1S09. (heat sieges of history. IT- 5 6 '-5 6 9 903-4 Sarah de Bei enger. [ngelow, Jean. SARA rOG \ - "is - IAN. Sara toga. Sylve iter, V B. Histo in ol noi them Ne« Vol k. pp. 2S2 ^11. Sal ; the noi I hern war-path ■ — Creasy, E. S. I iftei n di isivi ball li .il the world. pp. .505-327. \ ii toi the Americans" ' 7111 903-25 — Cui tis, G.W. liiii.il ing. pp, 105-126 17 j js Jame 1, II., jr. Portraits ol plai e ;, pp. 324 J.57 11,'. Iarcey, Francisque, / 1828. Mind your eye ' advice to the horl sighted by their fellow ufferei tr. by R, E. Dudgeon. I.., 1886. 16°. ... 6115 ,\l i ;ei ii of Fo Hi, a cell tial funi tionary. Chicago, 1883. 16 . Sardinia. Forester, T. Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. 1861. ; Sleeper, M. G. Mediterranean islands. 1866 tl'ii 7 Sardoi , \ ii 1.. 1 ien, b. 1831. Mai the 1 B. French dramatists, pp. 172-202.. 41841 6 Maui is M. French men ..1 lettei >. pp. 199-218 4184-6 — Rae, W, !■'. Men of the third republic. PP. l<>9-3«7 4105-5 SARGAN I , Win. I ■! . N. V., n. d. 12°. . 615BS — - Dana, R. II. Poems and prose writings. v. 2. pp.418 44>>. Review of Memoir of Henry Martyn 818 .;.; Sargent, Lucius Manlius, Am. writer, fi. 17S1. ,/. 1S07. Dealings with the dead. a v. in 1. Ik, 1S50 393-7 — Temperance tales. 6 v. N.Y., n. d. 16 . S06A35 Contriit v 1 Wild 1 ■ then v. a In'/ Hazcll '.'• ny 11 '[.»r'fc will- ow V v. 4. Kitty Gi v. 5. I v. < 1 lie Wberi ... 11 . . , Nathan, b. 1701 d. 1S75. Public men anil events from the . of \Ii . \l ration in 1 to the close of Mr. Fillmore's adm tration in 1853. 2 v. Phila., 1875. 8°. 976-8 1 . Winthrop, Am. author, 1S70. Life and career of Major John An- dre. B.,lS6l. 12°. Same. N.Y.,1871. — ed. History of an expedition again Du Quesne in 1755, under Maj.-Gen. Edward liraddock. [With memoir by the pp. 15-2S0.] Phila., 1S55. 8°. 9749-8 SARMIl ' ingoFaustino, Spanish-Am. statesman, b. 1811. Life in the Argen- Republic in the days of the tyrant-; or, civilization and barbarism ; with graphical sketch of the author, l>y Mrs. e Minn. N. V., 1S68. 12°. . . Saroni, Herrman S. Musical gramma- vade mecum : a manual of the scien music, [for] teachers and scholars; with alphabetical index. N. V., 1S52. 12 . 7711 7 Sarpi, I'ietro, (/■>(! Paolo,) Italian />. 1552-fl. 162;. Trollope, T. A. Paul the pope and Paul the friar. — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: Catholic reaction, v. 2. pp. 1S5-241. 94506—7 SARRASIN, or Sarasin, Jean Fran., author, 6. 1603-1/. '654. Besant, \V. French humorists, pp. 214-219. . . . S407-2 SARSI 11 ! !', Pal 1 i< '.. iri mander, b. 1645-rf. 1693. McCarthy II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 45-5 1 SARTO, Andrea del, Florentine 1488 I. 1530. Jame- ;. \. M. Early Italian painters. 227 Sartor resartus. Carlyle, T 206E8 Is. Mrs. Adelaide (Ken. author, />. 1816-./. tS7Q. A week in a French country house. Medusa, and other tales. B. S D . Sassani AN empire. Rawlii . enth great oriental monarchy : or, the geog- raphy, history and antiquities of the - sanian, or new Persian empire 9157—7 SATAN'. — 1 116 SAVAGE. Satan- chained. Dunn, N 297C6 Satanstoe. Cooper, Jas. F. Satire. Dry den, J. Works. v. 1. pp. 105-119 295C2 — See also Wit and humor. Saturday evening. Taylor, Isaac 241-89 Saturn and its systems. Proctor, R. A. . 52346-7 Saul, first king of the Israelites. Headley, J. T. Sacred heroes and martyrs, pp. 236-267 2217-43 — Hills, O. A. Companion characters. pp. 136-155. Samuel and Saul. . . . 2217-47 — Weil, G. Bible, the Koran, and the Tal- mud, pp. 171-200 2214-95 — Heavysege, C. Saul: a drama 460C1 Saulcy, Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart de, French arclurologist, b. 1807 -d. 1880. Narrative of a journey round the Dead sea and in the Bible lands in 1850-51 : in- cluding an account of the discovery of the sites of Sodom and Gomorrah : ed. « by Count E. de Warren. 2 v. L., 1854. 8° 45S-S Saunders, Edmund, d, 1683. Campbell, J. Chief-justices of England, chap. 21. 411-24 Saunders, Frederick, Anglo-Am. author, b. 1807. About woman, love and marriage. X. V., 1868. 12 . Same, 1874. . . . 1933-S Contents.— Concerning celibacy. — The ruling passion. — Wedded life. — Modern impediments to marriage. — Memories of the great Metropolis; or, London from the Tower to the Crystal Palace. N. Y., 1852. 12° 4421-8 — Mosaics. N. Y., 1859. 12° 805 E2 Contents. — Epistle to the reader.— Author- craft. — Youth and age. — The human face divine. — Witchery of wit. — Single blessedness. — Ori- gin of celebrated books. — Night and day. — Fame.— The magic of music. — The bright side. — Pastime papers. N. Y., 1885. 12°. . . 805E3 Contents. — Apology. — Notes on names. — Let- ters and letter-writing.— Old masters.— Touch- ing tailors. — Genius in jail. — Marvels of memo- ry.— Concerning cobblers. — Coffee and tea. — Printers of the olden time. — (An Epicure, pseud.) Salad for the soli- tary. N. Y., 1S53. 12°. Same, 1872. S05E4 Contents.— Preliminary chat. — Dietetics. — The talkative and the taciturn. — Citations from the cemeteries. — A monologue on matrimony. — Curious and costly books. — Something about nothing. — Sports and past B >k craft. — Last words of the illustrious.— The mysteries of medicine. — Talk about trees. — The modern loch. — Infelicities of authorcraft. — The toilet and its devotees. — The selfish and the social. — The cycle of the seasons — Pastimes of the pen. — Pulpit peculiarities.— The shrines of genius. — The humors of law. — Facts and fancies about flowers. — Larcenies of literature. — The mule creation. Sleep and its mysteries. — A puff at parting. — Si "ine famou I ks, N. V.. I887. I2' J 804-75 .Saunders, Frederick, continual. — a». 160S ,/. 171;. See Johnson, S. Eminent English poets. I \',u i,ni, edil ions. | Savage, Afrs.Vf.T. Miramichi. I!., 1S65. 12°. S\\ \i.i 1 lull papers. Halliday, A., ,•,/. . . 807] i Savagi habits and cusl . Greenvi iod, I. 399-4 Savarin. See Brillat-Savarin. Minn, \\ 111. I vans, S. Journal of the life, travels ami religious labours of Win. Savery 1 : . Savile, Bourchier Wrey. Anglo-Israelism an. I the gi eal pj i amid in 1 imination of the alleged claims of II. M. Queen Victoria to the throne of David: and n 1 ins fin fixing the end oi the age in 1882. I.., 18S0. 8° 2203-S How India was won by England under Clive and Hastings; with a chapter on Afghanistan. L., 1S81. 12 9543'-7 Savings banks. See Banks and banking. Savonaroi \, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo, Italian reformer, i. 1452-;/. 140V Clark, \V. K, Savonarola ; his life and times. 1S78 805B9 — Villari, 1'. Life and time- of G Savonarola. 2 v. 1S89 806H1 Ail. 1111s, W. II. 1'. Heroes of the 1 IT- 199-284 414-2 1 In ke, J. I-'. V'\ enl ; and 213-240 204-165 Dinwiddie, W. Times before the "- pp. 1 58-381 — Foster, I. II., (Lave II: '•send.) Stories of great men. pp. 109-114. . . 410-5S5 — Merrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- ■ l.tv. pp. 73-96 4'43 4 — Hodgson, W. Rel and martyrs in- dependent of the Lutheran reformation. pi'- -,r -7" 4143 44 — Lloyd, > ' . W. K. 1 I ti of < . tian chivalry, pp. 50-121 414-5 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Makers of Flor- ence. pp. 23S-349 4i°7-7 1 M. F. M., \. 1 . (M 1 Italian life ai >2 Smile , s. Duty. pp. 1 ;i 1 5 1 1 Symond , J. A. I ;■■ 4''7 5 i' 1 Willi. im , W. R. Era and IT- II" I 'w 902-9 1 lorence. ' Geo. 1 i The h" ole. Savoi 11 641 12 Savoy. St. John, it. I pine king- dom id studies in Piedmont and Genoa 4451-7 Saward, Fredi I The coal trade : in- formation relative to coal produi I prices, transportation, etc., at home and abroad; with many facts worth;, preservation for future reference. N. V., 1S75. 8° 6223-7 Saws. Grimshaw, R Saws: the hi development, action, classification and comparison of saws of all kinds. . . . 62193-4 — I.andrin, M. II. C. Treatise on steel. 518-527 6691-6 Sawyer, Wm. Edward. Electric lighting by incandescence and it- application to interior illumination. N. ¥"., 1881. 8°. 5384-7 Sam., Hermann Maurice, count, /•. 1696-rf. 1750. Wilson, J. G. Illustrious sol- diers, pp. 249-265 4151 9 Sank, John Godfrey, Am. poet b. 1816-rf. 1887. Poems. B., 1868. 24 . Same, 1878. 805C5 — Fables and legend- of many countries ren- dered in rhyme. P., 1S72. 12 . . . . 805C6 — Masquerade and other poems. B., i860. "2° S05C7 — Money-king, and other poem-. IV, i860. 12° S05C8 11s. fi: Jones, I '. II,, , ;'. \ societe. pp. 11 7-1 23 S096-45 Sa in, Mrs. E. Lydell. City in the sea: st..ries of the deeds of the old Venetians from the chronicles. N. V., n. d. 12 . SAXON, Isabel le. Five years within the Golden Gate. n. t. p. 12° 4- SAXONY. Hawthorne, J. Saxon stl lS 7 6 4432-4 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 7. pj The Prinzenraub: a glimpse of Saxon history 206E2 — Nieritz, G. Bears of Augustusburg. . . 6c — See also Germany. SAXTON, C. M. Rural hand-hooks, ser. I. X. V.. 1852. I2 a 636-7 Contents. — Horses: their varieties, breeding and management. — The hog : his or;.. rieties.— Hive and the honey-bee.— Pests of the farm. — Domestic fowls. H. I>. Richardson. — The cow. U. M. Miltnirn. SAXTON. SCARRON. SAXTON, C. M., continued. ser. 2 Contents.— Every lady her own flower gar- dener-— Skinner's Elements of agriculture. — Browne's Bird fancier. — Dana's Essay on man- ners. SAXTON, Luther Calvin, b. l8o6-. l6lo-. lj$6-d. 1S13. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, during the ir. 1. pp. 5'n 7'.. Schai niin. Win. Gottlieb, /'. /'., //../>., minister, />. 179S-1/. 1883. Ajitobiography, for forty-nine yeai missionary in the Orient : ed. by hi- sons; with an introduction by Pro A. Park. X. Y. 12 807B3 — Tribute to Dr. It II. In Prime, E. D. ii. Forty year- in the Turkish empire. pp. 476-479 2649-7 Si ham k, Julia. Tiger lily and other sti X. V., 1883. 16 . Com 1 1 lily. — Thirza. — Holly. — Sum- mer's diversion.— -My friend Mr- Angel. Set .1 Id, German physician, i. 1784- . 1809. Carroll, H. Twelve Americans. pp. 219-262 412-3 — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 725-738. 9796-7 SCHEi'Ei.ER-Lette, Anna and Hirsch, Jenny. Women's movement in Germany. In Stanton, T., oil. Woman question in Europe, pp. 139-153 39°-85 SCHERER, Wilhelm, German historian, b. 1841-1/. 1886. History of German liter- ature: tr. by Mrs. F. C. Conybeare: ed. by F. Max Midler. 2 v. N. Y., 1886. 12° 83O-8 S^ herr, Johannes, German historian, b. 1817. History of English literature. L., 1882. 12° 820-796 Schiller, Edward. Hand-book of progress- ive philosophy. N. V., 1S71. 12°. . . 141-78 SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, German poet, b. 1759-1/. 1805. Works: tr. by A. J. W. Morrison and others. 6 v. L., 1872-77 836-2 Contents. — v. 1. History of the thirty years' war. — Revolt of the Netherlands, bks. 1.-3. v. 2. Revolt of the Netherlands, bk. 4. -Wilhelm Tell. v. 3. Historical dramas: Don Carlos. — Mary Stuart. — Maid of Orleans. — Use of the chorus in tragedy. — P.ride of Messina. v. 4. Early dramas and romances: Robbers. — Fiesco. — Love and intrigue. — Demetrius. — Ghost-scer. — Sport of destiny. v. 5. Poems : tr. by E. A. Howring. v. 6. Essays, aesthetical and philosophical: Introduction. — Vocabulary of terminology. — Letters upon the aesthetics] education of man. — Moral utility of asthctic manners. — On the sublime. — On the pathetic— On grace and dig- nity. — On the necessary limitations in the use of beauty of form.— Reflections on the use of the vulgar and low elements in works of art. — ■ hed reflections on different questions of < i ; 1 1 iitinicntal poetry. — The stage as a moral institution. — On the tragic art. — On the cause of the pleasure we derive from tragic objects. — Philosophical let- ters. — On the connection between the animal piritual nature in man. Schiller, Johann C. F., continued. — History of the thirty years' war: tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. N. V., 1855. '6° 9434-71 — Homage of the arts ; with miscellaneous pieces: tr. by C. T. Brooks. N. V., n. d. 12 8319-2 — Poems and ballads: tr. by E. Bulwer-Lyt- ton. Leipzig, 1844. 16° S361-5 — Revolt of the Netherlands, trial and exe- cution of Counts Egmont and Plorn, siege of Antwerp: tr. by A. J. W. Mor- rison. X. V., 1855. 16° 9422-8 — Piccolomini; or, the first part of Wallen- stein, and death of W.tllenstein : dramas: tr. by S. T. Coleridge. In Coleridge, S. T. Works, v. 3. pp. 10-327. . . . 237C1 — Selections. In German lyric poetry, pp. i3'-'47 8319-31 — Selections, translated. />/ Mangan, J. C. Poems, pp. 33-91 610C1 — Carlyle, T. Life of Friedrick Schiller, comprehending an examination of his works 807B5 — Duntzer, H. Life of Schiller. 1S83. . . S07B6 — Boyesen, II. II. Goethe and Schiller. pp. 289-424 41S3-2 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 19. pp. 100-129. Schiller's aesthetic theory. . 81S-27 — Bryant, W. C. Orations and addresses. PP- 293-302 815-2 [Same.] In Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 215-220 1S9E3 — Bulwer-Lytlon, E. G. E. L. Prose works. v. 2. pp. 167-293. Life of Schiller. . 601E5 — Calvert, G. II. Goethe: his life and works, pp. 75-107 430B2 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 3. pp. 65-IIO. 206E2 — DeQuincey, T. Biographical essays, pp. 263-286 2S4E48 — Gostwick, J. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 31S-346 239-43 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. PI'- 435-448 410-536 — Mundt, K. (M.), (L. MUhlbach, pseud.) 1 I rthe and Schiller ; a story. — See also Literature, German. Schiller, Charlotte (von Lengefeld), wife of J. C. /•'. Schiller. Child, L. M. Bio- graphiesofg 1 wives, pp. 2S1-2S7. . 413-25 s. 1111 mm;, N. II. The present condition of electric lighting: a reporl made al Mu- nich, 1885. li., 1886. 8° 5384-71 Si 1 i i m m i 1 I'l NNli 1., Mrs. M. A. S,e Galton, Mary Anne. Si niMH.Rll \n\ks, the robber of the Rhine. Ritchie, 1.. Schindler, A. Biography, /» Moscheles, I. Life ol Bi ethoven 144H1 5 sen IN i H ir 1121 < MM I.I /I I. S IDLER, Soloi Messi; i > and modern [udai m ; tvil h an in ii.. .In. nun, bj M. J. Sai igi B., IJ 12° ' si iii i ..i i , Augusl \\ ilhi I i. on, <>i foet and Oritntalist, /■. 1707 ./. 1 1 1 lectui Iramatit ai 1 and literature: tr. by J. Black: rev. by A. J. W. Morri on I ., 1846. 12". ... [Extracts from] Led ures Iramatic art and liti 1 iture. fn I Id on, J. W. 1 heatre of the < Ireeks. pt. .;. pp. 1 (7 8 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2. pp. 219 121. Shakespeare' critii 946] 5 JCHLEGEL, Karl Wilhelm lm drii h von, German scholar, b. 1772 d. 1829 I thel ic and hum ellaneou « oi I. - : tr. b) E. J. Millinglon. I.., 1875. I2 ° 704-88 Contents. Prefaces.* Di 1 paint- ings in Paris .iiui the Netherlands, 1802-04. — Principles >>f Gothii architecture.— Study of romantii 1 ind 1 Mi err 1 li 1 man paintings. Romantic fictions of the middle iges M i-. .Mum. .11 essays On the lm ii the beautiful.— On the : md philoso- phy of the 1 ndians. Course of lectures on modern history: to which are added historical essays on the beginning "t out history, and ami Alexander: tr. b) I.. Purcell and R. II. \\ hitelock. I .. 1862. 12 '. . . 9204 7 Content*. I ectures on modern history. — 11 .ui.l Alexander : .in histoi ical. On thi ;inningof out nd the last re^voluti irth ; as the probable ef- fect of a comet. — Index. Lectures on the history of literature, an- cient and modern. L., 1S71. 12 . Same, 1876 .s, ._• \ — Philosophy of history, in a course of lec- tures delivered at Vienna: tr. with a memoir of the author, by J. B. Rol son. I.., 1871. 12 . Same, i^;.;. . . 901-75 Philosophy ..I life and philosophy of lan- guage, in a course of lectures: tr. bj \. J. \\ . Morrison. X. Y., 1S55. I2 °- Same. 1... 1866. Same, 1876 163-8 A I 1 unc, German. Schleicher, Gustave. Garfield, I. A. \\ orks. \ . 2. pp. 632 636 SCHLEIDEN, Matthias Jakob, German physi- cian and botanist, b. 1804-1/. 1881. Poetry of the ve orld: the science of botany and it- relations toman, 'inn., I8S3- -2° 5S04-7 Scitt.l-.il KM. \< m k, Fiic.lrich Ernst Daniel, . 1768 ... 1834. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 1. PP- *59 3'S '. . . . Gostwick, J. German culture and Chris- tianity, pp. 4JO-445 S< 111 1 1 E. mud. 0.1 1. pp. man. I Win. von 1 boldt: tr. by J. H . P, I- . II. Alex, von II boldl 191B2 Si hlev , \\ infield Scott, and Si. ley. J. K. I N. Y., 1 Schlever, lull. inn M . u tm. Grammar "f Volapilk, the language of the world : fur all -pc.il-.ei- of the English langua; tr. ami published with the consent of the inventor, by W. A. Seret. Glasgow, [1885]. 12°. ._ 1 Si iii.n-.MANN, Ileiinicli, German at Ii. 1S22. Ilius: the city and count! the Trojans: the resull hi and discoveries on tl throughout the Troad, in tl ; 1 72 73-7S-79, including an autobiogra- phy of the author; with a preface. pendices and notes. \. \ .. 1881. S°. 4026-7 Mycenae: a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns; with .1 preface by W. E. Gladstone. N. V., 1878. S° 4054-7 ja: results of the latest researches and discoveries on the site of limner'- Troy, and in the heroic tumuli and other sites made in 1882, and a narrative of a jour- ney in the Troad in 1881 ; with a pn by Prof. A. II. Sayce. N. Y., 1884. 8 |i I ■;. and its remains: a narrative of re- rches and discoveries made on the >( Ilium, and in the Trojan plain. I... 1875. S° 4 ix, T. W. The underground world, pp. 221-235. Excavations of Dr. Schlie- niann at Mycenae 6. Taylor, B. Ancient Troy: research Dr. Schliemann in 1S72-73. /» Tribune ular science, pp. 2-11 5°2-9 1 st, 1 tic hi. Ii 1 hristoph, German his- torian, b. 1770 ..•'. 181. 1. Historj of the 1 St h century and of the 19th. till the the French empire, with particular reference to mental cultiva- tion and 'ace and notes, by D. Davison. 8 \. 1.., if 52. 8 - History of the 18th century. /« DeQuin- cey, T. N : of an English opium eater, pp. Si-135 2S4F41 SCHMELZLE'S journey to Flatz. Sec Richter, J. P. 1 . SCHMID. SCHOOL SHIP. SCHMID, Herman, Theodor von, German writer, b. 1S15. The habermeister : a tale of the Bavarian mountains. N. V., 1869. 1 6°. SCHMID, Rudolf. Theories of Darwin and their relation to philosophy, religion and morality. Chicago, 18S3. 12°. . 214-S Schmidt, Henry Immanuel, Lutheran minis- ter, b. 1S06. Ancient geography. N. Y., 1S61. 12 423-S — Education. N. V., 1853. 16° 3709-S Contents. — History of education, ancient and modern. — A plan of culture and instruction. Schmidt, Oscar. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. . . . 575-8 — The mammalia in their relation to prime- val times. L., 1SS5. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1886 599-7 Schmitz, Leonhard, historian, b. 1807. His- tory of Latin literature. N. Y., 1S77. 16° 8709-8 — Manual of ancient history, from the ear- liest times to the overthrow of the west- ern empire. Phila., 1S56. 12°. . . . 910-85 — Preface. In Mommsen, T. History of Rome 919-69 SCHMOHLING, Elizabeth Gertrude. Phipson, T. L. Celebrated violinists, pp. 23S- 2 54 4177-7 SCHMUCKER, also written Smucker, Samuel Mosheim, .-/«/. author, b. 1823-1;'. 1863. Arctic explorations and discoveries dur- ing the 19th century ; ~ : <~ including the first Grinnell expedition under Lieut. _ De Haven and the final effort of Dr. E. K. Kane in search of Sir John Franklin. X. Y., 1S58. 12 49S-S8 — History of all religions, n. t. p. 12°* . 209-79 — History ol the civil war in the United States, its cause, origin, progress and conclusion : rev. and completed by L. P. Brockett. Phila., n. d. 8° 97S1-8 — History of the four Georges, kings of England. N. Y., i860. 16 . Same, 1865 41 1 1 1-8 — History of the Mormons, n. t. p. 12°. 298-7 — Life and reign of Nicholas llie first, em- peror of Russia, complete history of the war of the East, sketches of Schamyl the Circassian chief, and other distinguished characters. Phila., 1856. 12°. . . . 680B9 — Life and times of Henry Clay. Phila., 1867. 12° 229B3 Life and times of Thomas Jefferson, n. i' 12 513B9 — Life ol hi. Ili, ha Kent Kane, and of "i her distinguished Amei ii an e cplon Phila., 1807. 12 4159-S Contents.— Kane. — Fremont. — Ledyard. — Wilkes.— Perry. SCHMUCKER, Samuel M., continued. — Memoirs of the court and reign of Cath- erine II, empress of Russia ; with a brief survey of the Romanoff dynasty, embracing the reign of Nicholas, fall of Sebastopol, etc. Phila., n. d. 12°. . 209B1 — Memorable scenes in French history, n. t- P- 12° 944-78 — ed. Blue laws of Connecticut : a collec- tion of the earliest statutes and judicial proceedings of that colony: being an exhibition of the rigorous morals and legislation of the Puritans. Phila., I86l. 12° 3431-8 Schneider, Jas. II. and Edward, M.. Mem- oirs of. Tarbox, 1. N 810B2 Schoeert, H. Picked up in the streets: tr. by Mr,. A. L. Wister. Phila., 1888. 12°. Schoelcher, Victor, French statesman, b. 1804. Life of Handel. B., n. d. 12°. 455B6 Schomann, (ieorg Friedrich, Ger.man philol- ogist, b. 1793-1/. '879. The antiquities of Greece: tr. by E. G. Hardy and J. S. Mann. L., 1880. S° 32038-7 SCHONBERG-Cotta family. Charles, Mrs. E. R. SCHOENHOF, J. The destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture and com- merce. N. Y., 18S3. 12° 335-8 — The industrial situation, and the question of wages: a study in social physiology. N. V., 1885. 12° 336i-74 Schofield, John McAllister, Am. general, b. 1S31. Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and generals, pp. 4S8-495 4122-4 Scholar and the trooper. Heygate, II. C 469A1 Scholastic philosophy. See Philosophy. Scholemaster. See Ascham, R. SCHOMBURGK, Robert Hermann, German ex- plorer, b. 1S04-,/. 1S65. Fishes of Bril- ish Guiana. Naturalist's library. v. 39-40. [With memoir in v. 39.] . . . 59°-5 School buildings. See Architecture. Edu- cation. Schools. Ventilation. School days of eminent men. Timbs, J. . 37094-9 Scii' mil fni fathers. Gwynne, T. S' hi iol foi si . 1 m I.i 1 . .v, , Sheridan, K. P. SCHOOL girl in France. McCi indell, Rachel. 597A5 School girls ; or, life at Montagu hall. Carey, Annie. Si hiiio 111 tin- light house. Rand, E. A. School of chemical manures. Ville, Geo. . 6312-8 Si 11. 11. 1 hi lib-. Alger. \V. R 370-12 Si in 11 iL-ship " M innesota." /// t lurious 1 limits. pp. 34^372 379-3 SCHOOL. "23 — S( HROEDER s 1 itage. v enable, W. H 8015 91 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, / /.. D., Am. traveler and ethnologist, '. 1793 d. 1864. A-lgic re iear< he 1, pi ising inqi rii re i" ■ 'in'; the mental ch racteri 1 the North American Indians. 2 v. in I. N. V., 1839. 16" 387-8 Pei ional memoirs of a residence of thirty MM. with ilic [ndian tribi the American frontiei , Phila., 1851. 8°. 9701-7 Summary narrative q£ an exploratory ex- pedil mil to Hi' "' 1 he Mississippi 1 iver in iSjo : resumed and compli ted l»y the di 1 o\ ery of its origi El lake in 1832. Phila., 1855. 8°. . . . 4776-8 — I .annum, ('. I [apha . n ' pel "ii IT- 36S .i?0 412-58 Schoolmaster and his on, Co p ri, K. II. 208 A4 Si 11 masi n: hi Abbai ii ami other tales. 1 lertel, W. Schools. Adams, I'. History of the ele- mentary school contest in England. 1882 37942-2 Arm 'I'l. M. 11 igher schools and un in 1 in ( lei many. 1874 378 | j -' Bartley, •■. ' '. T. Schools for the peo- ple. 1871 37942 -24 Dodge, M. A., (( rail I tamilton, ps, . Our common school system. 1S80. . . 3797-4 Fearon, 1 1. R. School inspection. 1876. 3701 ■ 1 Green, S. S., ./. Libraries and schools. 1883 S054-4 Hi rn, W, B. School ami the ainiv in Germany and France. 1872 3554.5-4 — Hertel, Dr. — . Overpressure in high schools in Denmark. 1SS5 37171-4 Hinsdale, B. A. Schools and studies. 1884 370-47 I low to Learn and earn; or. half hours in some helpful schools. 1884 37 J 9~4 Massachusetts emergency ami hygiene association. Six lectures on chool hy- giene. 1885 37>7-6 — Our public schools. 1881 37342-6 - Payne, J. Visit to the German schools ' s 7<' 37943-7 — Payne, \Y. II. Chapters on school su- pervision. 1S75 37«-733 — Peabody, E. t'. Record of Mr. Alcott's school. 1S74 , 7 1 5, s .1 — Potter, A. and Emerson, ('.. B. S ami the schoolmaster. 1S42 37'-74 — Raymond, E. About Chautauqua, isso. 3747 - — Kuskin, J. Inquiry into Mime of the con- ditions at presenl affecting the study of architecture in our schools 704-S3 — Russell, J. Schools of Great Britain, n. d. 379-S — Sheely, A., ed. Anecdotes ami humors .if school life. 1S77 3708-S • ii'.' ii .... ntinucd. iint H. Schoo I I ' — Various schools. [1881.] U ..] ih, M. Mi N. I In- lawyei in the 1S67 3797-9 — Wickersham, J. P. momy. [874. — Arnold, M. I in criticism, pp. 425-506 i.'ii, 1 11 ■ 'ii, 1 1. A. '■'• 12. pp. 200 -1 ami edui ii i "ii ''I 1 ''I, K. Iinii I life. pp. l8l- 201. Schools in 11. Ion. . . . 439-23 I ... 1 1 II.. ii'l its surround- ings, pp. 270 2S2 Guthi ie, 1 . ' >ut of harness, pp. 1 21. The Edinburgh original ragged school. 211 ^ Howells, W. I 1. Italian journeys, pp. 136-146. Protestant ragged school, in Naples ii.i 47 Knight, 1 '. 1 lalf houi s with the letter writers. ser. I. pp. 369 Si hi "I mi ■ liool life 826 vi — War. I, 'I'. II.. ed. Reign 1 Queen Vic- toria, v. 2. pp. 2.5S 27S 938-9 also Colleges. Education. Teaching. Universities. V I land, education. I ton. Rugby. United - luea- tion. Schools and masters of painting. Rad- ■ . A. ('. 759-6 Schools of the Jesuits. Quick, R. II. . . 37094-7 Schooner Mar) Ann. Abbott, J 103A13 Si HOP] \11\1 11;, Arthur, German philoi b. 1788-rf. i860. The world as will and idea: tr. by R. Ik Haldane ami J. Kemp. 3 v. IS., 18S3-86. S°. . . . 163-82 Hedge, I''. H. Atheism in philosophy. pp. 51-121 142 4 — Saltu-, E. E. Philosophy ol disenchant- ment 1696-8 Schouler, Jas., Ant. historian, '•. 1839. His- tory of the 1 ini.'l Male- of America under the constitution. 41. Wash- ington. 1SS6-89. 12 973-82 Contt-nts. — v. 1. 1783-1801. — v. a. 1801-1817. 'v. 3. 1817-1831.— v. 4. 1831-1847. S. HOI «, Joachim Frederic, Danish botanist, Ii. 1789-1/. 1S52. Earth, plants anil man : popular pictures of nature, [also] Sketches from the mineral kingdom, by Francis von Kobell: [loth] tr. and ed. L. Henfrey. 1 .. 1S52. 12°. . . . 503-S SCHREINER, Olive, (Ralph Iron, pseud.) Story of an African farm. L., 1887. 12 . Schroeder, John Frederick, Am. clergyman, tr. lSoo-. \7S0-d. 1S60. Mirror of nature : tr. by \V. II. Furness. Phila., 1849. 12° 607-68 SCHUCKERS, J. W. Life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase; [with] the eulogy on Mr. Chase delivered by Wm. M. Evarts, June 24, 1874. N. V., 1874. 8° 223B7 SCHUCKING, Christoph Bemhard Levin, b. l8l4-. \8\o-d. 1856. Maiiiainl, J. A. V. Schu- mann S12H36 Wa ielwski, von — . Life of Roberl Schumann. . . ' 812B4 - Engel, L. From Mozarl to Mario, v. 1. *'7-*53 4177-3 Ferris, G. T. German composer-., pp. '53 4177-45 ni I tnd pianists, pp. 216 241. . 417-41 Schumann, Robert, continued. — Hale, E.Y..,ed. Lights of two centuries. PP- 377-386 410-536 — Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner, and the music of the future, pp. 193-239. . . 921B4 — Parry, C. II. II. Great composers, pp. 289-321 4I77-6S SCHURMAN, Jacob Gould, /'. 1854. Ethical import of Darwinism. N.Y., 1887. 12°. 191-77 SCHURZ, Carl, German-Am. statesman, />. 1829. Eulogy on Chas. Sumner. I!., 1874. 12°. S61B4 — Life of Henry Clay. 2 v. B., 1887. 12°. [American statesmen series.] 229B4 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 289-294 41247-3 SCHUYLER, Aaron, Am. educator, />. 1S28. Complete algebra. Cinn., [1870]. 12°. 512-76 — Plane and spherical trigonometry and mensuration. Cinn., 1S75. 8°. . . . 5'4-S — Surveying and navigation; with a treatise on trigonometry and mensuration : ed. by J. Ray. Cinn., [1S73.] 8° 5269-8 SCHUYLER, Eugene, Am. writer and traveler, l>. 1S40. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. N. Y., 1S86. 8°. . . . * 3277-7 — Peter the great, Emperor of Russia. 2 v. N. Y., 1884. 8° 724B7 — Turkistan: notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, Kuldja. 2 v. N. Y., 1876. S°. Same, 1877. . 4554-8 Schuyler, Philip John, Am. patriot, b. 1733- //. 1S04. Lossing, P.. J. Life and times of Philip Schuyler 812BS — Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals, v. 1. pp. 229-259 4121-46 SCHWABE, Dr. II. Berlin. In Emming- haus, A., ed. Poor relief in Europe. PP- 71-92 339-35 SchwackhoFER, Franz. Fuel and water: with special chapters on heat and steam- boilers: ed. by\V. K. Browne. L., n. d. 8° 6211S-7 Schwartz, Marie Sophie '(Birath), Swedish novelist, !•. 1S19. liirth and education. N. Y., 1871. 8°. Gerda; or, the children of work. Phila., 1874. 12°. — Gold and name. Phila., 1S74. 8°. 1, mil ami innocence. Phila., 1871. S°. — The right one. N. V., 1S71. 8°. — Son of the organ-grinder. Phila., 1875. 12°. — Two family mothers, r... 1S72. 8°. Wile of a vain man. B., 1S71. S°. SCHWARZ ar Schwartz, < hristian Friedrich, German missionary, I. 1726 a\iil Zeisberger, the western pioneer and apostle of the Indians. Phila., 1S70. "2° 997^4 Schweinitz, Lewis David von, Am. botanist and Moravian minister, b. 1 7S0 it. 1 S 34. Botany. In Keating, W. H. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's river, etc. v. 2 47127 5 Si iiwi.i i /ik. See llelvetius. Schwendener, S., 'oint author. Naegeli,C. and Schwendener, S. Microscope in theory and practice SciDMORE, E. Ruhamah. Alaska; its south- ern coast and Sitkan archipelago. I'.. 1S85. 12° 479S-S Si 11 nce, natural and physical. — Subdivisions: 1. History. 2. Text-books and books for the young. 3. Theories, essays, miscellany. ntinut ix, ). A. Spi id occasional ad- es. v. 2. pp. 242 27S. I 1 c i en ce 8 1 % \ Huxlej .1.11 In Ward, I . H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 322 387 Spencer, II. Illu tl I universal progress, pp. 1 16 193 1 Win v.i il. W. I'll the influence of the history of science upon intellectual 1 cation. /// Culture demanded by mod- ern life. pp. 227-251 37"i 9 2. Text-books and books for //;.■ youi Bell, N. R. 1 . II 'Am cis, / ice ladders. 1882 504-4 tein, A. Popular books on natural 504-2 — Brewer, E. C. Scientific knowled things familiar. 1S50 5°4- 2 3 I ley, A. li. Fairy lainl of science. 5°4-25 Chambers, W.andR. Treasury of knowl- edge. 1873 504-3 — Herschel, I. F. W. Familiar lectin scientific subjects. 1S69 502-44 I. 111. R. E. Easy lessons in natural 1874 — Mudie, R.* Popular guide to the observa- tion of nature. 1S54 Nichol . J. R. Fireside science. 1S72. 502-65 — Pepper, J. II. Boy's playbook of science. n. t. p 507-6S Cyclopaedic science simplified. 1S69. . ; Scientific amusements for young pie 5 — Peterson, R. E., ed. (lui.le to familiar science, n. t. p 50/-I" — I'liilp, R. K. Reason why: general sci- ence, a. d S°7~7 — Stralian, A., B v-' and girls' of science. 1SS1 507-S3 — -That's it: or. plain teaching 5°7~9 — Wells, D. A. Science of common things. 1S69 504-9 SCIENCE. U26 SCIENCE. Science, continued. — Hooker, W. Child's book of nature. part 3 504-46 — Routledge, R., ed. Science in sport. . . 5302-7 — See ako Science primers. — See also Abbott, J. Science for the young. 3. Theories, essays, miscellany. — Allen, (1. Common sense science. 1886. 502-14 — Blavatsky, II. I'. Isis unveiled, v. 1. 1882 2 1 2- 1 1 — Brougham, H. P. ami others. Objects and uses of science and literature. 1S55. 187E3 — Clifford, \V. K. Common sense of the exact sciences. 1SS5 S°'-3 Lectures and essays. 1S86 230E1 — Cooke, T. P. Scientific culture. 1SS1. . 502-28 — Duncan, II. Sacred philosophy of the seasons. 4 v. 1S55 210-26 — Estes, D. Half-hour recreations in pop- ular science, n. d 504-42 — Graham, W. Creed of science. 18S4. . 168-4 — Haeckel, E. II. Freedom in science ajid teaching. 1S79 502-14 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. 1881 451E1 — Helmholtz, II. I.. F. Popular lectures on scientific subjects. 2 v. 1S73-S1. . 502-43 — Herbert, T. M. Realistic assumptions of modern science examined. 1886. . . . 16S6-5 — Humboldt, F. A. v. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates; with scientific elucidations. 1850. . . 503-39 - Cosmos. 5 v. 1858 503-4 — Hunt, R. Poetry of science. 1S54. . . 501-48 Huxley, T. H. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. 1876 5°2-5 - Science and culture. 1882 502-52 — Jevons, \V. S. Principles of science. lS 74 189-49 — Kingsley, C. Health and education. |S 54 5351-1 - Lardner, I). Museum of science and art. 12 v. in 6. n. d *. . 603-4 Popular lectures on science and art. 1855 502-56 Lazelle, II. M. One law in nature. 1872. 501-54 — Lewes, G. H. Comte's philosophy of the sciences. 1853 164-31 — Mivart, St. G. Nature and thought. 1SS5. 142-63 Murphy, J. J. Habit and intelligence. 1869 501-6 1 B. Ideality in the physical sci- ences. 1881 501-75 or, l'. A. Borderland <>l >i iem e. 504-71 - Familiar science studies. 1SS2. . . . 502-68 for 1 hours. 1871. 502-69 Rough ways made th. 1880. . . 504 7; Science by-ways. 1S76 502-72 Science, continued. — Ruskin, J. Eagle's nest : lectures on the relation of natural science to art. 1886. 704-81 — Saigey, E. Unity of natural phenomena. 'S7J 501-8 — Schubert, G. H. Mirror of nature. 1849. 607-68 — Scientific illustrations and symbols, moral truths mirrored in scientific facts. 1886. 507-77 — Seaman, E. C. Views of nature. 1873. 501-82 — Shields, C. W. Order of the sciences. 1882. 375-8 — Sinclair, J. Lectures on popular and sci- entific subjects. 1879 604-7 — Somerville, M. Connection of the phys- ical sciences. 1S71 501-S6 — South Kensington Museum. Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876. 502-8 — Spencer, H. Genesis of science, n. d. 504-78 Recent discussions in science, philoso- phy and morals. 1871 142-S4 — Timbs, J. Curiosities of science. 1S60. 507-91 — Tribune popular science ; by Louis Agassiz, R. A. Proctor and others. 1874. 502-9 — Tyndall, J. Fragments of science. 1871. 504-85 — Vignoli, T. Myth and science. 1S82. . 2901-9 — Williams, W. M. Science in short chap- ters. [1SS2]. 502-95 — Wilson, A. Science and crime, and other essays, n. d 502-96 — Arnold, M. Discourses in America, pp. 72-137. Ligature and science. . . . 124E4 — Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits. pp. 108-133 I38E2 — Brown, J. Spare hours, pp. 195-206. Art and science 188E2 — Critical and social essays, pp. 27-40. Popularizing science 675E5 — Lubbock, J. Pleasures of life. pp. 146- 17' 600E1 — Savage, M. J. Debt of religion to sci- ence. In Modern Unitarianism. pp. 93-"5 2SS ( 3 — Smith, P. II. P. Congregationalism and science. /« Religious republics, pp. 169-201 2858-7 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 1S6-21S. What is science ? 884E5 — Wells, D. A. Things not generally known, pp. 222-422 806-9 also Astronomy. Botany. Chemistry. Force. Geography. Geology. History. Industrial education. Inventions, lan- guage. Law. Logic. Mathematics. Mechanic arts. Mechanics. Medicine. Microscope. Military art and science. Mineralogy. Natural history. Nature. Philosophy. Phrenology. Physical SCIENCE — 1127 — l 01 I \ I ■ 1 1 Si 11 •' 1 ■., continued. gei graphy. 1 'hj ii 1 ' mal ics. Po litical ei ononiy. Pol nd gi 1 1 ■ 1 ■ - 11 1 . Religion and -1 ieni e. Soi ial cienci Thei ilogy, Uso Lives ol Davy. I araday. Hai vey, Humboldt. Maxwell. Newton, r nut . U.i. Silliman. Somerset, mar- quit oj Worcester. Somerville, Ms Thompson, B., Count Rumford. Si ieni e and health. Eddy, Mary B. (G). . Si ir ni ii and rn! iinriit. P01 ter, Noah. . . Si 11 ni e i'"i the 11 1 I .1 nd fa mil) . See Hool er, W. Science lectures al South Kensington. 2 v. I.., 1878. 12° Contents. — v. 1. Photography, bj I Alui.'\ Ibsorpi f light, and 1 1 . * colo I natural 1 Fluoi Pro! — The kinematics oi machinery, by A B. W. Kennedy On the steam engine, by 1'. J. Bramwell Radiation, aj G. Forbes.- Micro 5C0pes, [)y II. C Sui by Klii Ir cl. is, . , I T Bottomley ( >n the apparatus relatin tc vegetable physiology, by Sidney II. Vines.— Elei trical measurements, by Carey Poster. v. 2. Polarised light, by W Spottiswoode.— '1'ht.Tiii.il conductivity, thermo-dynamics, by Prof Fori I in 1 . by II. W. 1 1.1 holm Geometrical ind engineering drawin by T 1 Pigol Lav ol fluid resistance, by W Froudc 1 hi bathometer, by I h Siemens. [nstruments foi experiments on sound; on temperament. Sensitive flames .is illustrative of sympathetii vibration, by Prof. Barri ti Lighthouse illumination, l>y T. F. Pigot. — Velocity of light, by Prof. Forbes. — Apparatus for physiological investigation, l>y 1 >r I'.urdon* Saiul. rson. Apparatus foi physiological chem- istry, by Dr. Lauder Brunton.- -On endiome- ters, by Pro! M< I cod. — Technical chemistry, by I'rof. Roscoe. si ieni 1 "i education, anil art of teaching. Ogilen, J si 11 ni 1 ni English verse. Lanier, S. . . . Si 11 nii ..| government. Alden, J. ... Science of knowledge. Fichte, J. ('.. Scieni 1 ni language. MUIler, F. Max. . . "si 11 m 1 ul law. Amos, Sheldon Science of money. Partee, W. 1! . s Amos, Sheldon. . . . MUIler, F. Max. . . . Fichte, J. G Andrews, S. 1'. . . . Walker. A Si n m e primers: ed.byT. 11. Huxley. II. E. Roscoe ami I!. Stewart. 12 v. V Y. 1 6°. Astronomy. Lockyer, J. N. 1SS6. . Botany. Hooki 1. J. 1'. 1878 Chemistry. Roscoe, 11. E. 1SS2. . . Geology. Geikie, A. iS>.2 172-3 142 7 571 821 Science of music. Science of politic . si ienci ill religion. si ii.ni 1 nf rights. Science of society. Si 11 x. r of wealth. -7 -5 320-12 100-6 3402-15 1316 : 7716-S 320-15 2no 50 3402-4 5Cq Is 330-94 520-5SI 540-79 550-3S I pi mi. 1 , continued. W. '.. !■■; 51 W. s. 1879 1 Natural 1 - ■I'., ti. .11, J. II. 1880 5< Physical geography. G 1880. 5 s ' 5 2 1 . . . . - Physiology. Foster, M. 1882 forte playing. 1 Poli -.in;. . Jevi in . W. s. ■ *7 B. H. . . . 509-2 I I n 1, ,111am es. No. 1. What is the fourth dimension? rlinton, ( . II. . . 5 1 i7 t Scientikii lophisms. Wainwright, S. . . 21 1 1 11 p 1 li.-i in. Abbot, 1 I zoi-i up value of tradition: a correspond- ence between Lord Arundell of War- ilour. ami Mi. E. Rylcy; with a letter from the Rev. II. I'.irmliv on the Chris- tian science of tradition. I... 1879. S°. 290-15 Scintillations from the pi ks of Heinrich Heine i Si in. Benjamin, S. (.. W. The world's paradises, pp. 56-69 Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius, Roman command: . 1 />'. C. 235. I'.ruce, J. (lassie and historic portraits, pp. 75- 410-19 — Herbert, II. W. Captains of the Roman republic, pp. 23-132 — Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies, pp. ;25 4101-96 Si i wuMi languages. Bopp, F. Compara- tive grammar io 95-3 SCOFFI KN. John and others. Useful metals ami their alloys ; including mining, ven- tilation, mining jurisprudence, andmet- allurgic chemistry employed in the conversion of iron, copper, tin, zinc, anti- mony and le.nl ores, with their applica- tion to the industrial arts. L., 1S69. 8 669-8 Vdditions. hi Byrne, O. Metal work- er's assistant 671-2 \KIi. Clinton, -•/'-.. - .1861. Willi reed and lyre. Ik. n. d. l6=>. . . . 813! S SCOONKS. — 112S — SCOTLAND. Si oones, W. Baptiste, ed. Four centuries of English letters : selections from the correspondence of one hundred and fifty writers from the period of the Paston letters to the present time. N. Y., 1SS0. S° S26-8 ^< OPE and limit of scientific materialism. Tyndall, J 575-92 SCORESBY, Wm., D. D., F. K. S., Arclii ex- plorer, [•. i-jqo-d. 1857. Journal of a voyage to the northern whale fishery ; including researches and discoveries on the eastern coast of west Greenland, made in the summer of 1822, in the ship "Baffin," of Liverpool. Edin- burgh, 1S23. 8° • 49S-845 — Maikham, C. R. Sea fathers, pp. 19S- 21° 437-63 — Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility, pp. ijj-162 k 4H-975 Scotch sermons, 1880. N. Y., 1883. 12°. 252-81 Contents. — Corporate immortality [and] Union with Cod, by J. Caird. — Homespun religion [and] Religion of love, by J. Cunningham. — Law and miracle [and| Vision of God, by D. J. Ferguson. — Conservation and change [and] Continuity and development of religion, by W. Knight. — Law of moral continuity [and] Reno- vating power of Christianity, by W. Mackin- tosh. —Authority [and] Things which cannot be shaken, by W. L. M'Farlan. — Successors of the great physician [and] Christian priesthood, by A. Menzies. — Assembling of ourselves together, by J. Nicoll. — Individualism and the church [and] Pharisee and the publican, by T. Rain. — Eternal life, by A. Semple. — Religion, theology, ecclesiasticism, by J. Stevenson. — Unity [andj Eternal life, by P. Stevenson. — Christ's author- ity [and] Christian righteousness, by R. H. Story. Scotchman in America. Proudfoot, J. . . 747C4 Scotia's bards, n. t. p. 8° 80921-75 ' 'Htents. — Jas. Thomson. — Allan Ramsay. — Robert Blair. — Win. Falconer. - Jas. Beattie. — Jas. MacPherson, (Ossian.)— Hector Macneill. — Michael Bruce. — JohnLogan. — Robert Burns. — Rev. Jas. Graham. —Sir W. Scott.— Jas. Hogg. — Robert Tannahill. — Robert Chambers. — Chas. Mackay. — Alex. Smith. — Nursery rhymes —Miscellaneous pieces. Scotland. Sub-divisions: 1. History. 2. I 1 lesiastical history. 3. Biography. 4. Travel. 5. Geology. 6. Miscellane- ous. /. ///>/ Anderson, J. Scotland in Pagan times. 18S2 4061-2 nil ige, I . S. 1 1 iediw ays of hisl 1 I ngland and Scot- land. 1S85 94°->4 — Burton, J. II. History of Scotland from Agricola's invasion In the extinction ..| the last Jacobite invasion. 8 v. 1873. 940-2 — Campbell, 1 1 ••, i -in N"ii \\i\ conlinui ./. Lindsay, A. W. C. Li vi ol the Lind- • \ , "i, ;i memoii "I ihe I tes "I ' !rnw- ford and Bali arrcs. \ * 573^3 Millei ,11. My k hool i nd hoolma ters, Hi Si rickland, \. Livi ol i he Q i ol Scotland p 121 8 Thomson, Mrs K. (B.), (Grace Wharl f>ti 11,1. i Memoii ^ ol ili» | icobites. 41 1 2 8 also Names of eminent Scotchmen. ./. Tra\ i /. Boswell, J. Journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel [ol i, [86o. 441-2 Bradley, E. Tour in Tartan land, n . 1 p. .||i 23 M.iw\ ell, W. II. Spi 'i 1 i and ad vein u 1 e in the highlandsand islandsof Scotland. 1 1 1 52 Sinclair, C. Si otland and the Si oti h '840 ui 7 Wordsworth, D, Recollections of a toui made in Scotland, 1S03 441 a — Bailey, J. M. England 1 1 .1 back win- dow, pp. 264-352 442-15 — Carnegie, A. American four-in-hand in Britain, pp.243 (35 442-21 — Cams, t'. tl. ECing ol Saxony's journe) through England and Scotland, pp. 76-34 8 442-22 Din-bin, J. P. Observations in Europe. v. 2. pp. 140-174 440-29 — Eddy, D. (.'. Percy family through Scot- land and England, pp. 13 So || 2 29 Halliday, A. '1'uun and country, pp. 236-308 hiln« 1 hiefly of the west and south of Scotland. T Bonwick, J. Our nationalities. Part II. Who are the Scotch ? 1880 57-'i- ; 1 impbell.G. D. G. t duk of Argyle. lona. |S 7' 2741-2 — ( lhambers, R. Illu I the author of Vi averley. 1884 1 ilad tone, W. I-:. I Scotland, Nov., 18S5 825-45 II 'Icy. I.. J. Scotland's influence on civilization. 18S5 9405-4 — Hood, I . P. Scottish characteristics. . 441 1 — Logan J. Scottish Gael; or, Celtic man- ners, as preserved among the Highland- er-. 2 v. 1876 9406-5 Longfellow, H. Vf.,ed. Poems of places: Scotland. 1S76 80921-5 Mair, J. A.,<-./. ModernScotch anecdotes. S077-6 Maxwell, C. A. Sea-kingsof Orkney and other historical tales. 1S70 9406-6 - Turnbull, R. Genius of Scotland. 1S50. 441 70 — Caird, A. M'Neel-. Local government and taxation in Scotland. /wProbyn, J. \V. ,,-en Greenough. Development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America. N. V., 1SS2. 8°. 3: SCOTT. 1130 — SCOTT. Scott, Frank J. Art of beautifying sub- urban home grounds of small extent ; with descriptions of trees ami shrubs. X. V., 1873. 8° 7'2-S S , Cenio C. Fishing in American waters. N. V., 1875. 8° 795-8 Contents.— Coast and estuary fishing with rod and line.— Fresh-water fishing with fly and bait. — Commercial fisheries. — Ancient and modern fish culture. — A glimpse of icthyology. — South- ern fishes and how angled for. — Miscellaneous fishes and how to take them. Scott, Geo. New coast pilot for the lakes ; containing a complete list of all the lights and light houses, fog-signals and buoys on both the American and Can- adian shores; with a full description of all the harbors and breakwaters com- pleted and in progress, with directions for entering them ; a list of all the life- saving stations and other useful informa- tion ; also courses, (corrected for mag- netic variation of the compass,) dis- tances and sailing directions for all the lakes and rivers. Detroit, 1 886. 8°. . 4277-8 Scott, Mrs. II. R. Rome as it is: being reminiscences of a visit to the city of the Caesars. Phila., 1S74. 12°. . . . 4456-S Scott, Jas. Geo., (Shway Yoe, pseud.) The Burman, his life and notions. 2 v. L., 1882. 12° 4532-8 Scott, John, earl of Eldon, lord-chancellor of England, l>. 1751-1/. 1838. Brougham, II. Statesmen [of] the time of George III. v. I. pp. 355-369 410-17 — Campbell, J. Lord-chancellors, v. 7. PP- 33-55' 411-25 - Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 1 10-122 410-44 — Foss, E. Memories of Westminster, pp. 161-164 3482-35 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 192-197 411-56 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. PP. 1 18-127 4»-97 — mi 1 , John, Eng. poet, b. about 1736-rf. 1783. Knight, '.'. Once upon a time. pp. 543-549. Amwell and its Quaker poet. 538E4 SCOTT, Maj. John. Partisan life with Col. John S. Mosby. N. Y., 1867. 8°. . . 649B11 SCOTT, Mary E. Keith ; or, lighted at last. Phila., 1881. 12°. Scott, Michael, Scottish author, b. 1789-r/. 1S35. Tom Cringle's log. P.., 1874. 1 6°. , Samuel, b. 1 719- ,/. 1788. Diary of - reli exi rcises and experience 1. Phila., 1859. 12°. . . . 2896-68 "ii. / T. J. Missionary life among the villagi ol India. ' inn,, 1876. 12°, 2654-65 Scott, Thos., English clergyman, b. 1 747—./. 1S21. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 v. Hartford, 1845. 4° 2267-7 — tr. Articles of the Synod of 1 >ort ; with an introductory essay by S. Miller. rhila., 1S56. 12° 23S4-7 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 325-335 410-757 Scott, Sir Walter, Scottish author, b. \,-]i-d. 1S32. Sub-divisions: 1. Miscellaneous writings. 2. Poetry. 3. Waverley novels. 4. Memoirs, reviews and sketches. /. Miscellaneous writings. — Autobiography. Phila., 1831. 16°. . . S14P.5 — Letters on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart. N. X ., 1855. 16° I744-S — Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French ; with a preliminary view of the French revolution. 3 v. New London, 1S34. 8° 666B8 — Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists. 2 v. B., 1826. 12° 4182-82 Contents. — Swift. — Drydcn. — Richardson. — Fielding. — Smollett. — Richard Cumberland.— Goldsmith. — Johnson. — Sterne.— Henry Mac- kenzie. — Horace Walpole. — Clara Reeve.— Mrs. Ann RadcliflTe.— Alain Rene Le Sage.— Chas. Johnstone. — Robert Bage. — Tales of a grandfather: history of Scot- land from the earliest times. Phila., n. d. 16°. Same. B., 1855 94°-7 Contents.— x. i. Earliest times to James VI. v. 2. James VI to the Union. v. 3. The Union to 1745. ■ : tales from French history. Phila., 1S30. 12° 944-8 — Abstract of the Eyrbyggia Saga. Mallet, P. IL Northern antiquities, pp. 516-540. 4068-6 — Essays on chivalry, romance and the drama. In Gibbon, E. Crusades, etc. pp. 161-360 2704-46 2. Poetry. — Poetical works. B., 1873. 8° 814C3 . 2 v. Leipzig, 1861. 24° 814C35 ; with a memoir of the author. 9 v. P.. 1857. 12° 814C4 Contents.— x. I. Memoir. Lay of the last minstrel. v. 2. Marmion. v. 3. I Ms ol 1 he lake. v. 4. Rokcby.— Vision of Don Roderick. v. 5. Lord of the isles. v. 6. Imitations of the ancient ball..'! I'd lads, translated, or imitated, from tin: German. — Songs. v. 7. Miscellaneous poems.— Poems printed m Lockhart's biography, — Lyrical pieces, mottoes, etc., from the Waverley novi v. 8. Bridal of Trierinain. Harold, the dauntless.— The field of Waterloo. — Halidon hill.- M <■ Dufl cro v. 9. The doom of Uevorgoil. — Anchindrnnc ; ., ih. Ayrshire tragedy. — The house of scon — 1 1 .3 1 — OtT. Si < 1 1 i , .',,./ Walter, i ontinued. \ i traged* i !o< I of Berlichii i, i I ,adj "i iln- laki « ith notes, by Wm, I. Rolfe. B., 1883. 16 . . . . Lay "i 1 in last minstrel. N ' <-< - I ■ ii the lal e. 1:., [883. 12° j. 11 — Abbot, I I" • quel to the Monastery. 2 v. iii 1. Phila. 12 . A f Geierstein ; or, the mo idi n of the mist. 2 v. in 1, Phila. 12 . \nln|u.n v. z v. in I. B., [N73. 12°. Betrothed. Phila. 12°. Black dwarf [and] Legend ol Montro e. B., [873. 12°. Bi ide "i 1 am 1 11 1 [and] 1 egi nd ol Montrose. 2 v. in 1. Phila. 16 . — Castle Dangerous. With Count Robert 1 I '.ii is. Same. With Surgeon's daughter. 1 hronii le tof I he ' lanongate. iei . 1 : The Highland widow. The two drovers. The surgeon's daughter, etc. Phila. 12 . ( lounl Robei t oi Paris [and] ( lastle I lan- gerous. Ph'ila. 16°. I in Maid ol Perth; or, St. Valentine's day . 2 v. in 1. Phila. 12 . Fortunes of Nigel. 2v.in1. I:.. 1S72. 12 . Guy Mannering ; or, the astrologer. B., 1873. 12°. 1 1, -.ii 1 hi M nl 1 ,1 ithian. 2 v. in 1. Leip- zig, 1S5S. 16°. Highland widow. With Chronicle: ol the 1 lanongate. I van hoe ; a romani e. V Y. 1 2 . Etenilworth, \. V. 12°. Laird's Jock. With Talisman. Legend of Montrose. With Black dwarf. Same. With Bride of Lammermoor. — Monastery; a romance. Phila. 12°. Mv.iuiii Margaret's mirror. With Tali! man. Old Mortality. 2 v. in 1. B., 1N7;. 12 . Peveril ol the peak. Phila. 12 . Pirate. 2 v. in 1. Phila. 12 . Quentin Durward. I!., 1S71. 12 . — Redgauntlet : a tale of the eighteenth 1 entury. 2 v. in 1. Phila. 12 . ii. Roy. N. Y. 12 . St. Ronan's well. Phila. 12°. — Surgeon's daughter [and] Castle Danger- ous. 2 v. in 1. B., 1S71. 12°. — Same. With Chronicles of the Canongate. — Talisman. The tv. My aunt Margaret's mirror. The tapestried cham- ber. Tin- Laird's Jock. B., [873. 12 . — Tapestried chamber; or, the lady in the sacque. With Talisman. — Two drovers. 1 1 'ith Talisman. 814C58 81 r C6 Scott, Sir Waller, continued. me. hi 1 hi Waverle) ; or, ' ■-. 1 ■ 1 or, thi 1 1 ■■ aliei . 2 v. in 1. Phila. 1 tToU 1 he following Ii Waverley nov-i il order: ( R when the Cru ||1 "" were before the - I Betrothed, 1187, ill ' resulting ' long absent 1 tine, tl ii' ■ marches during the reign of Henry II. The Talisman, 1193, the scene is in Pale I 'luring the I 1 II Ivanhoe, 1194, in 1 land after the return of Richard I from the Crusade. — Castle Dangerous, 1306-7, during the wars between Edward I. : England, and Bruce, of Scotland I r maid of Perth, about 1402, the time of King Robert III, of Scot- land.— Qucntin Durward, 1470, relates to Louis III, of France, and Charles the Hold, of I gundy. — Anne of Geierstein, 1474-77. relates to Charles the Bold, of Burgundy, and the S and also introduces the exiled Margaret, queen of Henry VI, of England.- II' M tery, about 1559, the scene is Melrose Abbey, and tbe period that of the reforma- ' iccn Mary of Scotland 1 "t, 1568 and the following years, relates to the history "f Queen Mary of Scotland I rth, 1575, the Icad- ' haracters arc Queen Elizabeth, the carl <<( l 1 fortunate countess. Amy Robsart.— The Laird's Jock, Scotland, about 1600. — Fortunes of Nigel, 1620, in London and its vicinity during the reign of James L— Le. of Montrose, 1645-6, the scene is Scotland dur- ing the civil war.— Woodstock, 1651, the royal lodge of Woodstock and its vicinity after the battle of Worcester.— Peveril of the Peak, 1660, relates to a pretended popish plot during the reign of Charles II. — Old Mortality, 1679 90, Scotland.— The Pirate, in the Orkney and Zet- land islands, the latter part of the 17th century —The DrideofLammcrmoor. a Sottish tragedy during tile reign of William and M try The Black dwarf, a tale of the Scottish border during Queen Anne's reign, al. nut 1 70H. -Rob Roy, the story of a Scottish Robin Hood, 171;. —The Heart of Mid-Lothian. 1736-51, a story of Edinburgh Ii ' ■ the Scot- tish insurrection in 1745.— The Highland wid 1755.- Guy Mannering, Scotland, 17:0 70. one of the principal characters is Meg Merril gypsy— The Two drovers, 1765 —Red gaunt- let, a story of tin I —The Surgeon's daughter, India, lime of II y- dcr All, 1770-80.— Tapestried chamber, a gh ..%t story, 1780— The Antiquary. Scottish life and manners about 179S.— St Ronan's well, illus- trates the manners of the early years of the 19th century. ./. Memoirs, reviews . 17S6-1/. 1866. Mansfield, E. D. Life of Gen. Winfield Scott — Memoirs of Lieut-General Scott. 2 v. X. V., 1S64. 12° — Semmes, R. Campaign of Gen. Scott in the valley of Mexico — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 323-326 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. i73-'87 — Headley, J. T. Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson, pp. 13-202. . . — Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observations. — Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. PP- 3 l6 ~32o — Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP. ^38-243 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers, pp. 377-396 Scott andSebright. Dixon, II. II., (Druid, /'send.) Si 11 1 IIsll characteristics. Mood, Rev. E. P. SCOI nsii chiefs. Porter, Jane. Si 1 1 1 11 SI 1 church from the earliest times to [881, to which is prefixed an historical sketch of St. Giles cathedral, by W. Chambers. Edinburgh, 1S81. 12 . . . 821-78 783E1 410-88 80921-7 S031-8 804-S4 870E2 411-97 441-76 8092-9 946E5 410-975 410-17 7593-8 814B7 814B8 9905-8 412-25 41231-4 412-5 532Bi 412-5S 410-82 4i5'-9 6365-41 441-4 2741-6 SCOTTISH. ' '.>.; DDER 1 in expedition to Noi w aj in 1612. Mil lull, r '1 ' Scottish 1 !ai 1 . or, ' '■ 1 1 1 ■ mnnni 1 > pre lerved among the Highlanders. Log n, I mi mini itei B., n. d. 16 8 1 Scottish m el: the • >ng 1 ol Si otland. Rogers, ( !., eJ 80921-; Scotti iii 01 pli. in . : founded on .1 hi 1 1. 11 1. Blai kford, Mrs. — 160 V5 Scottish philosophy. McCosh, Jas. . . . 1621-48 Scottish .ketches. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. 1 ;; \ 1 Scourci ol villanie: threi bool 1 il Marston, J. Works. \. ;. | .p. 239-309. mp 1 Scouring. Love, 1 . Arl ol dyeing, 1 ii' ni'i couring 667 5 Si n\ 11 lb, J ose 1 1I1 A. The old merchants of New York city. 5 v. N. Y., 1864-70. 12° 41247-2 Scoville, Rev. S., joint author. Beecher, W. C and Scoville, S. Bio 1 iphj of Henry Wind Beecber 143B76 Scrambli • among die Alps in the years i860 i"i. Whymper, I' 4494-9 Scribe, Augustin Eugene, comic dramatist, i. 1791 in < h 111. !'•.. 1887. 12°. . . Contents.- I .lislia Mulford.- Longfellow and 1 1 Modern prophet. - 1 Dr. ii history on the stage. Shaping of Excelsior. Emerson's self. — Aspects of historical work. -Anne Gilchrist. ire of Shakespeare. Noah Webster. B., 1882. 12. (Amer- ican men of letters series.] o;ill; Stories from my attic. N. Y., 1869. 16°. 813 V8 Contents .— In the window sent. — At the study tahlc.— When music is heard. — Before the fire. — Romance. — joint author. Taylor, Mrs. M. II. <7«. 1607- d. 1701. Kavanagh, J. Frenchwomen ofletters. pp. 21-94 4 l8 4~5 Sculpture. Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers and their works. 1874 7°3-4 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors. 5 v. 1854 4>"-3 — Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture and painting. 18S0 4'7~4 Eaton, I). C. Hand-book of Greek ami Roman sculpture. 1886 73 2- 3 — Flaxman, J. Lectures on sculpture. 1S65. 730-4 — Liibke, W. History of sculpture. 2 v. 1872 73°-5 — Redford.G. Manualofsculpture; Egypt- tan, Assyrian, Greek, Roman 73 2 -°3 — Ruskin. 1. Aratra Pentelici : six lectures on the elements of sculpture. 1872. . 732—7 — Shedd, Mrs. J. A. Famous sculptors and sculpture. [881 417-7 — Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, etc. 3 v. 1S65 75 8 ~8 — Tanagra figurines. 1S79 73 2 ~ 8 — Urbino, Mrs. S. K.. /;•. Princes of art, painters, sculptors and engravers. 1S70. 417-9 — Viardot, L. Wonders of sculpture. 1873. 73°-S — Westmacott, R. Hand-book of sculpture, ancient and modern. 1864 73° - 9 — Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 221-227. . 131E6 — Collignon, M. Manual of Greek arche- ology, pp. 101-238 7093S-3 — Graham, J. M. Historical view of litera- ture and art in Great Britain, pp. 421- 459 820-44 I roix, P. Arts in the middle ages. PP- 339-372 7°94-5 — Lossing, B. J. Outline history of the fine arts. pp. 115-174 709-S Milman, II. II. History of Latin Chris- tianity, pp. 452-463 2S21-5 — Reynolds, J. Life and discourses, pp. 172-187 785B8 Works, v. 2. pp. 5-20. Same dis- course 7°4-75 Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons. pp. 66 74. Religious aspect of sculp- ture 252-S5 — Torrey, J. Theory of fine art. pp. 199- 212 70' -9 Weeke ,11. I .ei 1 ares on ai 1. pp. 318 429 7°4-97 a 'hi Art. Also \\\ e: "I '■<■>■ anni 1 >u- pre. Pow '-I - rhorwalsden. Si 1 1 iiia. Heeren, A. II. L. I fistoi ii 1 works, v. 3 906-4 -ma. See 1 ' Malot, 1 1. Si \ and ihore. W arfield, M> . I . \. Sea and shore: a collection of poems. B., 1874. 16 80959-7 Sea and its living wonders. Hartwig, G. . 5514-4 Ska and its wonders. Kirby, M. andE. . 5895-5 Sea and the sailor, etc. Colton, Walter. . 818-32 Sea birds, and the lessons of their lives. Suit, E 598-S3 Sea change. Shaw, F. L. ShA-fishing as a sport. Young, L. J. H. . 7593~9 Sea gull rock. Sandeau, L. S. J 802A6 Sea kings and naval heroes. Edgar, J. G. 4159-35 Sea kings of Orkney, and other historical tales. Maxwell, C. A 9406-6 SEA-lions. Cooper, J. F. Sea mosses. See Algce. Sea queen. Russell, W. C. Sea serpent. Elliott, W. Carolina sports. pp. 105-122 796-3 — Wilson, A. Facts and fictions of zoolo- gy, pp. 12-27 5904-935 Sea shore, Life at the. Ulyat, W. C. . . . 4337-9 SEA shore, Natural history of. See Natural history. Zoology, marine. SEA shore and prairie. Thacher, M. P. Sea spray; or, facts and fancies of a yachts- man. Benjamin, S. G. W 794~2 Sea stories. N. Y., 1S76. 12 . Contents. — Barney O'Reirdon the navigator. — The sunken rock : a tale of the Mediterra- nean. — The Johasmee; or, the pearl diver of Bahrein. — An Irish pilot on board an India- man. — The frigate, the privateer, and the running ship. — Saint Escarpacio's bones. — The frigate's tender; or, the ruse. — Mss. found in a bottle. — Carl Bluven and the strange mariner. — Vanderdecken's message home; or, the tenacity of natural affoction. — Story of Richard Falconer.— Byron's narrative of the loss of the wager. — Why the sea is salt. Si \ tales. Set Cooper, J. F. SEA-urchins. Romanes, (I. J. Jelly-fish, star-fish, and sea-urchins 593—7 SEA-weed and what we seed. Webb, C. H. SEA-weeds. S,, Alg;e. Sea wolf: a romance of the free traders. L., 1834. 16 . St vboard parish. MacDonald, Geo. Si\i;ii;v, Samuel, Am. clergyman, i. iSoi-i/. 1872. Discourses illustrative of the na- ture and work of the Holy Spirit, and other papers: ed. by Win. 1. Seabury. N. Y., 1S74. S° 252-814 Se afield, Frank. 'Literature and curiosities of dreams. 2 v. L., 1865. 12 . . . . 1776-S St ai in; 1 11. Montgomery. Florence. Si u and seaj hunting. Deming, C. By- ways of nature and life. pp. 93— IOI. . 283E2 — Elliott, II. W, Our arctic province. PP- 188-373 4798-34 Greal fi heries ol the world, pp. 426- 464 7953-4 SEAL "35 - ECONFJ Si m and a 'I hunl m^, continued. Mangin, A, M\ tei ies of I lie oi i an. pp. i I ■ ii-' 55'4 5 Sealed orclei , Phi Ips, Eli ibeth S. Si mil pai ket. 'I rollope, I . A. Sealing h .< •<■ ;. Andres, E. Treatise on I he fabi ii al i volati Ii and fal i ami he , eti ■ pp. ' ; ; 275 66; ; I Sealsfield, Chas., real name Karl Postel, /'. 1793 d. 186 |. I In- . abin I k ; or, na- tional 1 harai teristics. N. Y., 1871. 12". Seaman, I 2ra < ham| , Am. author, l>. i8< 15 ,; - 1881 >« Amei ican | .(■■.. II nun HI. \. \ ., 1S70. 12°. . . . |207-7; I lys on 1 In- progn f nation in civ- III ation, productive industry, wealth and population. 2 v. V \ '., is.;, j 68. s 609-7 Views "i nature, and of ihe element , I'n - 1 and phenomena of nature, and "I mind. N. V '., 1N7;. 16° 5m 82 Si win:, Mary, ed. Shakespeare': simply told. I.., n. d. \i° 8236 74 Search for the talisman. Frith, H. . . . 382A5 Sj \i ' 11 foi winter sunbeams. Cox, S. S. . 4449-; Searcy, W. E. 11. Lessons in phonogra- phy ; .111 expositi I 1 In- in 1 "I phon- iin hoi 1 hand « 1 iting. Phila., 1879. s 655 82 Searing, A. E. P. A social experiment. N. Y.. 1885. 16 . Si w . r-.uii.i., /). /'.. /./. /)., Am. educator, i. 1802 d. 1880, Edwards, B, B. and 1 - ii"ii, ('. C. Classical studies: es on ancient literature and art; with bi- tphy and correspondence of emi- nent philologists. 1'.., 1843. 12°. . . S70-S Contents. Schools of German philology. — St in I y of Greek literature Study of lassical an- tiquity, Wealth of the Greeks in works ofpl.is- tii art.— -Philological corn pondence. — School of philolo i :" Holland Su] ritj 'f the 1 ii ■ *k language in the use of its dialects.— His- tory of the Latin language.— Education of the moral sentiment among the ancient Greeks. — Ni'Us. Edmund Hamilton, D. /»., Am. tier- "■', '. 1810 d. 1876. Athanasia : or, foregleams of immortality. I!., 1S6S. 12° 237-7 — Regeneration. B., 1S67. 12 . . . . . 2344-7 — The fourth gospel the heart of Christ. B . 1872. 12° 2275 8 — Dr. Huntington on the Trinity. In discus iion 1 >i I he Trinity 2 ;i 1-4 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 305-311. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 245S 7 Sears, Geo. \\\, (Nessmuk, pseud.) Trout. -hinsj with the By. pp. 187-198. 7954-6 Robert, publisher, /: 1810. trated desi 1 iption of Ihi 1 N. V., 1S55. 8° 1 1 1 \ "I iln- '-. - volu- tion. 11. I. |.. S 975 .s ket. Haliburton, I . 1 Slii 1., pseud.) X17 457 Sea ' in 1. s. .- rhom| ■ -n, J. 1 - tl I nt, J. . .; . eat of en 1 . 1; Seati in, Sir Thos. From 1 adel the record ol .1 lift I . 1877. 12 .S15DS Si vton, Win. Winston, Am. journalist, l>. , /. 1866. Win. Win ii, of the biograph- ch, with pa ;ing nolii ■ ol lii, iates .iml friend . B., 1871. 12 . 816B1 Lanman, C. Haphazard pei PP. 41 75 4'-= 5 8 Sea rs ai , bits and billing. I iwyer, F 6;'. ( J2 Sebasi H hoi in-. J. Si bastopol, Siegi 1 1 of history, pp.600 632 9°3-4 Knox, T. W. Decisive battles W iti rloo. pp. 1 ;;. 153 903-53 [°ol 1, I . Sebastopol. — See also Crimean war. A. lam anil the new birth. Sadler, M. i 261 1-7 Second Adventists. Andrews, 1. N. lli-- tory nt the Sabbalh ami first day ■'! the 2591-2 - Littlejohn, W. II. and Stevenson, T. P, Constitutional amendment, [a discus- sion.] . 259-6 Smith, I . Thoughts, critical ami prac- tical, on the Book "I Daniel 2255-S 1 h. ii in . ' ritical ami practical, "ii the Book of Revelation 229-7 White, Mrs. E. G. Spirit of proph the great controversy between Christ ami Satan 2206-S ! ives of Bates, J. White, J. and Mr,. E. G. Miller. Wm. Sei OND army corps 111 Ihe Army of tl tomac. Walker, 1-'. A 97S5-9 Second book of botany. Voumans, E. A. 5S0-95 Second funeral of Napoleon. Thackeray, W. M. Roundabout papers. Second marriage : a comedy. Baillie, J. Works, pp. 19S-23S 132C6 MD middle English primer. Sweet, H. 11 -sight. Lee, F. G. G ■-.; - - of the supernatural 174-56 son. Oliphant, Mrs. M. P. (W.) and Aldrich, T. B. Second thoughts. Broughton, Rhoda. SECOND. — 1 1^6 SEED TIME. SECOND visit to the United States of Amer- ica. I. veil, Chas 473~59 Second war with England. Headley, J. T. 9765-4 Sei OND life. Hector, Mrs. A. F., (Mrs. Al- exander, pseud.) SECOND wife. John, Eugenie, (E. Marlitt, pseud.) s i 1 RET dispatch. Grant, J. Secret documents of the second empire. Curry, T.,/>- 9448-2 Sei ret drawer, n. t. p. 12° 816A2 SECRET history of the Fenian conspiracy. Rutherford, J 32041-73 Secret of death (from the Sanskrit) ; with some collected poems. Arnold, Edwin. 123C4 Secret of her life. Jenkins, Edward. Secret of success. Adams, W. H. D. . . 107E4 Secret of the east. Oswald, F. L 2114-6 Secret of the island. Verne, J. Secret of the sea. Matthews, J. B. SECRET of two lives. Jenkins, Edward. Secret service. Richardson, A. D. . . . 9807-7 Secret societies. Ffeckethorn, C. W. Se- cret societies of all ages and countries. 2V 3669-4 — Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians 366S-5 - La Hodde, L. de. Cradle of rebellions: a history of the secret societies of France 3669-5 De Quincey, T. Historical and critical essays, v. 2. pp. 276-341 2S4K44 — Herisson, cornte d'. Black cabinet, pp. 309-344 • 9445-4 - Robertson, J. B. Lectures on modem history and biography, pp. 321-405. . 904-7 Secrets ol conjuring and magic. Robert- Houdin, J. E 784-4 Secrets ol internal revenue. (U. S. Vidocq, ' 3532-4 Secrets of stage conjuring. Robert-Houdin', J- E 784-41 rARV, I he. Know les, J. s. I Iramatic works, v. 2. pp. 405-456. ..... 540C3 Si DDAi 1, Henry, LI .IK Church of Ireland : a historical sketch. Dublin, [886. [2 27415-6 Malta, past and present. I.., 1870. 8". 9458 7 ! KOOR, Battle, 1685. Adams, \V. II. I). Battle stories, pp. 39S-408 9208-13 [an oj Montrose. ICK, John, .////. general, 6. 1S1 ; ,/. 1864. Headley, J. 'I'. Grant and Shei 11 m, 'i ampaign and generals, pp. 416-433 4122-4 A. lam, //, ,'. ,,,/, /,. 1785-1/. 1S73, joint author. Discourses " n cl I. 11, - , tphysical, moral, and natui tl tudie i. In Brougham, II., and others. Discourses, pp. [41-260. . . 187E3 SEDGWK k, Catherine M., continued. SEDGWICK, Catherine Maria, Am. author, b. 1789-r/. [S67. Letters from abroad 10 kindred at home. 2 v. N. V., 1841. 12 440-8[ — Life and letters: ed. by M. E. Dewey. N. V., 1871. 12° 816B5 — Linwoods ; or, sixty years since in Amer- ica. 2 v. N. V., 1873. [2°. — Live and let live. n. t. p. 24°. . . . 817A1 — Love token for children. N. V., 1S71. 24° 817A15 — Means and ends ; or, self-training. N. V., 1875. 16° 376-78 — Memoir of Joseph Curtis. N. V., 1871. 16° 264B7 — Poor rich man, and the rich poor man. N. V., 1876. 24 . ' S17A2 — Stories for young persons. N. V., [878. 24° 817A3 — Biography of Lucretia Maria Davidson. /;; Davidson, L. M. Poetical remains. PP- 25-75 278C6 — Same. In Sparks', J., ( \I. American biography, v. 7. pp. 223-294. . . . 412-S6 — Spaulding, J. K., Bryant, \V. C, Sands, R. C. and Leggett, W. Tales of Glauber-Spa. 2 v. in 1. N. V., 1856. 1 6°. Contents. — v. i. Le Bossu, by C. M. Sedg- wick. — Childe Roeliffe's pilgrimage. — Skele- ton's cave. — Medfield. v. 2. Btock-house. — Mr. Green. — Sebin. — Boynca. — Homes of American authors. pp. 159- 176 4ISI-45 Sedgwick, Theodore, Am. jurist. />. iySo-d. 1S39. Bryant, \Y. C. In Biographical annual, pp. 13-24 412-21 Sedi.EY, Catherine, countess of Dorchester, d. 1692. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the Court of England during the reign of the St nails. v. 3. pp. 504-509. . . . 411-58 Si hi 1 v, .SV; Chas., Eng. poet an,/ dramatist, li. 1639-1/. [701. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 325- 332 411-58 mii:,, mm, Frederic. Era of the Protestant , solution J with notes on books in Eng- lish relating to the refoi mation, by Geo. I'. Fisher. N. Y., 1874. 16 2706-7 Seei'.ohm, Henry. Siberia in Europe: a \isil to the valley of the Petchora 111 northeasl Russia: with descriptions of the natural history, migration of birds, etc. I.., iSSo. '8° 4472-8 Sr.i:n-grain foi thought and discussion. Lowell, Mrs. A. C., ed. 20S-55 SEED-time and harvest. Reuter, F. SEED-TRUTHS. ' ' -.7 -II Seed truth I hun h, P ■ , Seeinc and i hinking. < llifford, \\ m. K. . iS i iEEIng thi i lephant. Bal er, G. M. In Handj dn 785-22 Seeki 1 . aftci God. Farrar, F. V 1 ,■ 1 1 Sb eking the golden fleei e. Stillman, f. D. B 1794 84 Seeli \ . 1 1. 1 .. Freshwatei li ihe ol Eu- rope : a history of 1 heii gem i, structure! habits and distribution. L. f 1886. 8° 597 7 Si e i ey, Howard. \ 1 am hman' ■ 1 N. V., 1886. 12°. Contents A li li- stnr. Bo 1'- ep 1 he mys- 1 1 1 \ of s. in Saba. I In ■ f Ci ncho. — An epi idi of Paint-rocl A ta 1 1 lach en- chanl ress. V wandering Melibocu ^ front- hi Bohemian rhe temperance ball at Brady. — The tiger lily it] -Christmas day at Centerfitt. - Nymph of the West. \. V., 1S88. 12 . Seeley, John Robert, Eng. writer, b. about 1834. Ecce Homo: survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. B., 1886. 12 . 232S-75 - Expansion of England : two courses of lectures. B., 1883. 12° 93°7~S — Life and times of Stein ; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age. 2 v. 1!., 1879- 8° 853B5 Contents.— v. 1. 1757-1809. — v. 2. 1809 — 1831. — Natural religion. I:., 1SS2. in.. . . jm Si — Roman imperialism, ami other lectures and essaj >. B., 1871. 12 816E5 Contents. — Roman imperialism ["he ^rcat Roman revolution ; The proximate cause of tile fall of the Roman empire; the later em- pire. — Milton's political opinion I] poetry. — Elemental y principles in art. E_.il eral educa- tion ill the universities. -English in schools — The church as a teacher of morality. — The tl 11 Inn.' ..! polttii .11 inaugural lecture de- livered ai Cambridge. — Short history of Napoleon the First. B., 1886. 12° 666B9 Liberal education in universities. In Farrar, F. \V., ed. Essays on a liberal education, pp. 145-'/^ 375 1 Preface. In Life of Ernst Moiril Arndt. 123B1 — joint author. Abbott, E. A. anJ Seelev, J. K. English lessons for English people. 1 10-12 — Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 3. pp. 291-335. Review of Expansion oi England 646E4 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. v. 3. pp. 41-93. Review ol Ecce I [onto \ 26I 1 Seelye, Julius Hawley, D. />.. 1. 1.. . Am. clergyman, b. 1824. Mil 1 In Boston lectures, in;", pp. 203 .:;<>■ . — tr. Schwegler, A. History of philos phy in epitome 141-S Seelye, Lillie (Eggleston),/o*Vi/ ««/&>/•. Set I 1 ana Seelye, L. (E.) 1 it. 187I. Viti : ■ ru- in, or Fijian, island i in tin 1 bridge, 1862. 8 ; Seemi 1 ■ . ■ I Am. writ . 1 1872. < Ippor tunity. B., 1S71. 1 2 , er. B., 1871. 1- . ol unseen. \. Y., 1876. 1 ! 11 I In ; or, refreshed. I hint. I f ' I 1 1 mi itualism, pasl and present, Peebles, J. M. . . . 1 1 eta, 1 r, Meadow 5. , L. G. 1 B leople .mil legend >. I... 1SS5. 12 1434-8 Wall -lg iers ami i- I ... 1S78. 12° ! Gastoi de, French ccclc- lic, b. 1820. The of Lour- tr. by Anna T. Sadlier. N. V., 1874. 16 2317 I 5 Segur, Louis Philippe, comlt de, French historian, b. 1753-"'. 1830. Memoirs and recol! ;ur : writ- ten by himself. 2 v. I.., 1825. 8°.. 817B2 5l ■ ■ 1 , Paul, comte de, French eral and historian, b. 1780-1/. 1873. His- of the expedition to Russia. 2 v. V V., 1N45-54. 16°. Same, [864 72. nine, itesse de, 6. 1799-./. 1S74. Fairy tales. I'liila., n. 1 12° Seidel, Martin, D. D. In the time of Jesus : historical pictures. L., 1885. 12°... 2211 m Seidl, Johann Gabriel, Austrian writer, b. 1804-1/. 1 S75. Lyrics. In Brooks, C. I . 1 ,1 1 11 .hi Ij 1 158-165. . . Seilkk. 1 11I. Clergyman's sore throat. In Seller, E. Voice in speaking : Seiler, Emma. Voice in singing: [tr. by W. II. F.] : new eel. rev. ami enlarged. Phila., 1875. '-' 774 s ing: tr. by W. II. Furness. Phila., 1875. 12° : si iss. Joseph A ugustus, Am. Children ofsilc-r.ee; or, the Story of the .leal". Phila., 1887. 12 . . . . 371 2-8 G pel in the stats; or, primeval astron- omy. Phila., 1SS2. 12° 22152 7 — Luther and the reformation : the life- springs of our liberties, [also] The found- ing of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1S83. 12° — Miracle in stone ; or. the great pyramids gypt. Phil 12 4031-75 — Right life; or camliil talks on vital themes. Phila.. 1886. 12 252-815 SEJANUS. 1138 SENECA. Sejanus: his fall. Jonson, B. Works. pp. 236-271 S l8c 3 SELBY, Prideaux John, Eng. ornithologist, d. 1S67. Pigeons. In Naturalist's libra- ry, v. 9. Parrots. In Same. v. 10. 59°-5 SELDEN, John, Eng. lawyer and statesman, b. 1584-a'. 1654. Table talk of John Seklen ; with a biographical preface and notes, by S. W. Singer. L., i860. 12 817E5 — Adams, W. II. 1). Famous books, pp. 251-273. Review of Table talk. . . . S04-12 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 47-57. 411-65 Select Academic speaker. Coptpee, H.,ed. S07-27 Select charters and other illustrations of English Constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward I. Stubbs, W., ed. 340-71 Select glossary of English words used form- erly in senses different from their pres- ent. Trench, R. C 113-9 Select poems. Sigourney, Mrs. L. (II.) . S23C1 SELEUCID.E. Fan, E. Ancient history. *v. 4. pp. 27S-340 9 IO -3° Ski. ['-conquered. Heldmann, B 462A2 SELF-consciousness of noted persons. Morrill, J. S 410-78 SELF-culture. Blackie, J. S. Self-culture, intellectual, physical and moral. . . . 374-2 — Clarke, J. F. Self-culture; physical, in- tellectual, moral and spiritual 374-27 — Fowler, O. S. Self-culture and perfection of character I79~4 — Charming, W. E. Works. v. 2. pp. 347-4" 20S-17 — See also Culture. Education. Etiquette. Manners and customs. SELF-giving. Bainbridge, W. F. -1 1 1 -help. Holland, J. G. Plain talks on familiar subjects, pp. 9-47 4^3 E4 Si:i.i-hclp ; with illustrations of character and conduct. Smiles, S 194-S3 SELF-instructor in phrenology and physi- ology. N. Y., 1S74. 12 179-S S] 1 1 -justification, Science of. See Edge- worth, Maria. nowledge, Treatise on. Mason, J. With Combe, G. Constitution of man. 244E4 mi 1 -made. Welty, Mrs. 1 .. A. nade man. McClelland, M. G. In Lippincott's magazine, Feb., 1887. men. Seymour, Chas. B. . . . 410-92 revelation of God. Harris, Rev. S. . 201-46 SELl'-sacrifice. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) elkirk, ' Seal htraig, Uex., S ottish sailor, b. 1676-,/. 1723. Clark, I). W. Trav- els and adventure, pp. $V) 395. The original ol I in 111 ' rusoe 4388-3 — Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea. pp. 107- "8 437-45 — Howe, II. Life and death on the ocean. pp. 113-132 437-48 Sell, Dr. — . Alice, grand duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ire- land ; biographical sketch and letters. N. Y., [1884.] S° 115B7 Sellar, W. V. Roman poets of the Augus- tan age: Virgil. Oxford, 1883. 12°. 8732-S Sellers, John. Color mixer: containing nearly four hundred receipts for colors, pastes, acids, pulps, blue vats, liquors, etc., etc., for cotton and woollen goods, including the celebrated Barrow delaine colors. Phila., 1S65. 12° 667-7 Selous, Frederick Courteney. Hunter's wanderings in Africa. L., 1SS1. S°. . 46S9-8 Selous, II. C. True of heart, n. 1. p. 16 . SELWYN, Geo., Eng. politician and wit, l>. 1719-1/. 1791. Thomson, K. (IS.)and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Witsand beaux of society, pp. 307-343. 410-964 Seminoles of Florida. Sprague, J.T. Flor- ida war 9S49-8 — Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folk-, pp. 405-425 970I-3 — Mallory, D. Life and speeches of Henry Clay. pp. 420-445 229B2 SEMIRAMIS, queen of Assyria, reigned about 1250 B.C. Farmer, L. II. Girl's book of famous queens, pp. 1-9 413-38 — Hewitt, M. E., ed. Illustrious women. PP- 9-15 413-49 — Jameson, A. (M.) Female sovereigns. v. 1. pp. 25-31 415-5 Semmes, Raphael, Am. naval officer, />. 1809- d. 1877. Campaign of Gen. Scott in the valley of Mexico. Cinn., 1S52. 12 . . 9905-8 — Cruise of the "Alabama" and the "Sum- ter." L., 1S64. 12 . Same. N.Y. 16 . 9815-8 — Service afloat ; or, the remarkable career of the confederate cruisers "Sumter'' and "Alabama" during the war between the States. L., 1887. 4 9S15-S1 — Boker, G. II. Konigsmark. pp. 224- 228. Captain Semmes: [a poem]. . . 171C4 Si hi 1;, Karl, German traveler and naturalist, />. 1S32 Natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. L., 1881. 12 . 591-7 SEMPLE, Adam. Eternal life. In Scotch sermons, pp. 281-290 252-81 Senator's son. Fuller, M. V 390A5 S] NECA, Lucius Ann. ens, Roman philosopher, I), about 5 B. C.-d. 65. Morals; by way of abstract; tr. by Sir Roger L'Estrange: ed. by L. V. Bierce. Cleveland. 12°. 158-8 F.iiiar, F. W. Seekers after God. pp. I- 185 150-4 SENECA. — "39 31 RMONS. Si mi \, 1 .1 \., , onlinu, ■/. I.iiwmlcs, VV. In Em j i lopi di i metropol- itan;!, pp, 247-266 152 . 1 Senegambia. Mii.Iimi .hi, a. \\ . rhe ex- pi 1 inj; continent 1663-6 Senior, Lieut.-Col. 11. W. J. The Briti ii Israelites; or, 1 iden ol 1 r Hebi ew origin, gatl Ifi In itory, genealogy, philology :i"'l heal hen 1 u torn . 1 rip- luul ,1.1 1 mi 1 in compared with existing facts, objection an wered. L.,n.d. 12'. 2969 7 Senior, N i lu Wm., /•.«..■ , i. 1790- li .1 ingu 1 hed pel ons during the second empire, 1S60-63: ed. by M. C. M. Simpson. I.., 1880. 8°. 9447-8 I inn. ils kept in France and Italy from [848 to 1852; «nli .1 sketch of the revo- lution of 1848: isl. by M. C. M. Simp- 2 v. I.., 1871. S° 4408-7 Sennacherib, king of Assyria, r man. 1S76. 1S2-2 Grant, II. Exercises for the improve- ment of the senses lor young children. •886 3723-4 — Johnson, A. II. Physiology of the sen e . 1856 182-5 — Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 1S73 612-56 — Smith, A. Essays, pp. 450-46S. . . . 142 S SENSIER, Alfred, French art critic, l>. 1S15 ./. 1877. Jean Francois Millet, peasant ami painter: tr. by H.DeKay. B.,i88l. 8°. 633B9 Sent to Coventry. Ridley, M. 1 783A9 Sentimental calendar. Stimson, F. I. Sentimental journey through France ami Italy. 5Sw Sterne, 1.. Si s 1 1 \i 1 , pseud. See Bogart, W. II. Separation: a tragedy. Baillie, J. Works. PP- 530-550 Sepoys. Greg,W.R. Miscellaneous e ser. 2. pp. 268-294. Employment of our Asiatic forces in European wars. . 435E7 — See also India. September. A. lams, O. F., ../. Th the year with the poets: September. . Septimus Felton. S Hawthorne, X. SEQUEL to sonic glimpses into Hie in the far east. Thomson, J. T | I si 1 1.1 v. 1, Adeline. I- ill. N. V., ■ , 11 — Jacobi's wife. N. Y. 4 . tudy. \. V., 1SS6. 11 1 oy' ■ repentam <■. \. V., 1888, 1 Itkins. I 'mi Idson, J. I.. .1, John, Am. Salesman, /■. 17; 1 nee. v. 2. pp. 506-532 S152 6 I 1 wis. England's polii j ; ditionsand problem . Edinbui 8° 3 2 °42-7 Si- rmons, (, : 2S5 1 ; 1, 1 1. ( '.. Pulpil eloqueni eo eig century 2521-4 Great Presbyterian conflict. Patton vs. Swing 2851 7 Grout, II. M.. ed. (inspel invitation: raons related to the great Boston re- vival, 1S77 252 ( ; — Three hundred outlines of sermons on the New Testament 2519-3 - Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators of France and Switzerland (146 "s — The library also contains sermons by the following: Adams, Wm. -Alexander, J. W.— Allon, II. Bacon, I.. W. Beech- er, H. W.— Bellows, II. W. Boyd, A.. K. II. — Brogden, J. — If.— Brooks, P. — Burke, T. N. — Burnap, '.. W. -Bush, J. S.— Bushnell, H Butler, J. — Chalmers, T. — Channing, W. E. — Chapin, E. II.- Charnocke, S.— < belt, Wm. I nor, T. — Cross, J. — Cudworth, R.— Cumming, J.— Davies, J. I.. — Dewey, O.- Himan, J. L. — Dix, \1. Edwards, J.- Eliot, W. <;.- Far- rar, F. W. — Finney, C. G.— Fisher, S. W. — Foster, J. — Fraser, A. C— Froth- ingliam, O. B.— Gannett, W. C. — Giles, H.— Gladden, W.— GrafiT.J. F.— Guth- rie, T.— Hale, E. E.— Hall, K. — Hal- lam, R.A.— Halley, R.— Harris, J. A. Haven, ( '.. — Haweis, II. R.— Hitchcock, E.— Hitchcock, K. I).— Hobart, J. II. — Hopkins, M. — Huntington, F. I Hyancinthe, C. I.. — Johnson. S. — Jones, Sam P. — King, T. S. — Kingsley, — Lacordaire, F. H. — Lewis, W. II. — Liddon, H. 1'. — Lorimer, (1. C. — I.uckock. H. M. — Macduff, J. R.— Macgregor, D. — McKim, R. II. — Mac- millan, II. — Mahan, M. Martineau, J. — Maurice, F. D. — Merle d'Aubigne, J. H.— Moberly, G.— Mombert, J. I.— Monod, A. M •■■ dy, D. 1 . Moiley, J. B.—Munger,T.T— Murray. \V. II. II. SERMONS. — i 140 SEVEN. Sermons, continued. — Newton, R. H. — Norton, J. M. — OH11, S.— Paige, E. G.— Peabody, A. P. — Porter, N. — Punshon, W. M. — Rains- ford, W. S. — Robertson, F. W. — Robin- son, C. S. — Savage, M. J. — Seabury, S. — Seiss, J. A.— Sewall, F.— Shedd, W. G. T. — Simpson, M. — Smith, J. C— Smyth, N. — Stanley, A. P. — Sterne, L. — Stone, J. S.— Talmage, T. De W.— Taylor, W. M.— Temple, F.— Trench, R. C— Van Der Palm, J. H.— Van Dyke, H. J.— Vincent, M. R. — Washburn, A. II.— \\ .ishburn, E. A. — Wesley, J. — Whip- ple, E. P.— Whitetield, G.— Woolsey, T. I). Sermons to children. Bolton, J. J. Gold- en missionary penny. 1S68 248-2 — Brace, C. L. Short sermons to newsboys. 1866 248-24 — Hall, J. Familiar talks to boys. 1S76. 248-4 — Macduff, J. R. Hosannasof the children. 18S2 248-47 — Munger, T. T. Lamps and paths. 1SS5. 24S-5 — Newton, R. Great pilot and his lessons. 1867 248-52 Nature's wonders. 1S72 248-53 — Norton, J. N. King's ferry boat. 1S76. 248-54 — Old gems re-set. 1866 24S-57 — Stanley, A. P. Sermons for children. 1887 248-66 — Todd, J. Lectures to children. 1S74. . 248-7 Sermons to young men. Munger, T. T. On the threshold. 1883 204-65 — Rhodes, M. Life thoughts for young men. 18S1 248-6 Sermons out of church. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock) 655E6 Sr.ui'ENT-charmer. Rousselet, 1 792A4 Serra, Francis Juniper, missionary, b. 1713- d. 1784. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 321-326. . . 4142-6 Serrano, y Dominguez, Francisco, due de laTorre, Spanish general, b. iSio-rf. 1885. Thieblin, N. L. Spain ami the Span- iards, pp. 350 304 446-S7 in. See Puget clc la Serre, Jean. Sertorius, Quintus, Roman general, d. /•'. C. 72. See Plutarch. [Various editions]. Servants. Spofford, 11. P. Servant girl que lion 647-7 Craik, Mrs. I >. M. (Mulock). A w an's thoughts ahoui women, pp. 70-94. . 396-7 — Jewry, M., ed. Warne's lei cookery. IT- 680-693 641-53 Wigley, Mrs. W. II. Workers at home. pp. 182 20J 640-95 Servant's influem e. Neale, J. M. 1 ale id omen 674A 1 Servants of the stomach. Mace, Jean. . 612-6 Servia. Creagh, J. Over the borders of Christendom and Eslamiah 4496-25 — Ranke, L. History of Servia 9497~7 — Forsyth, W. Slavonic provinces south of the Danube, pp. 15-72 9497 _ j6 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Poems, v. 2. pp. 259-334. National songs of Servia. . . 596C1 Service afloat. Semmes, R 9815-81 Service of man : an essay towards the re- ligion of the future. Morison, J. C. . 201-62 Sesame and lilies. See Ruskin, J. Seso, Carlos de, Protestant reformer, d. 1559. Gordon, J. Inquisition in Spain, pp. i95- 2 °3 2722-4 Sessions, Alex. J. Lord's day rescued: with an introduction by H. M. Dexter. B., 1883. 1 6° 2593-7 Sestinas. White, G. Ballades and ron- deaus, pp. 205-212 809-95 Seth, Andrew and Haldane, R. B., eds. Essays in philosophical criticism ; with a preface by Edward Caird. L., 1883. S° 142-76 Contents. — Preface, by E. Caird. — Philosophy as criticism of categories, by A. Seth. — Relation of philosophy to science, by R. B. Haldane and J. S. Haldane. — Logic as the science of knowl- edge, by B. Bosanquet. — Historical method, by W. R. Sorley. — Rationality of history, by D. G. Ritchie. — Philosophy of art, by W. P. Ker. — Social organism, by H. Jones. — Struggle for ex- istence, by J. Bonar. — Pessimism and the re- ligious consciousness, by T. P. Kilpatrick. Seth's brother's wife. Frederic, Harold. Seton, Eliza Ann, (Bayley), founder of sis- ters of charity in the i nited States, b. I774-rf. 1821. White, C. I. Life of Mrs. Eliza A. Seton, foundress and first superior of the (laughters of charity in the United States ; with extracts from her writings, and a sketch of the sister- hood from its foundation; also an ap- pendix containing a history of the sis- ters of charity to the year 1879 817B8 — Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 353-359 4142-6 Si 1 ON, Geo. Gossip about letters and letter- writers. Edinburgh, 1870. 12 . . . . S07S-7 Settlers in Canada. Marryat, F. Seven against Thebes. See .F.schylus. SEVEN champions of Christendom: St. George of England, St. Denis of France, St. James of Spain, St. Anthony of Italy, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. Pat- rick of Ireland anil St. David of Wales. L., n. d. i6 c 382-8 SEVEN churches of Asia: their history, and past and present condition, I.., 1869. 16 . Bound with Life in Bible lands. . 2208-59 Si \ in decades of the Union. Wise, II. A. 899B4 SI A I IN. — 11.(1 SEWARD. Sea i.i ii. of CI li in. > onge, ' . l> i' Sbvi i lamp ol irchitectun Ruskin, J. . 720-76 Si * 1 tei who lived ..11 the round ball that floal in thi lir. Vndrev .1 11 Si- \ 1 -. in h ' run. B ks, J. is 1 Seven oal . I lolland, J. G. Si- \ E N sons "i Mam 1. Sala, G. \. m v 1 \ Sp.iin h cities. I lale, I ',. E • ■ Se\ en I'ih ■ 1: li i "i and attii . Mitchell, D. G., (Ike Marvi I, p Seven v< i 1 ympal hy : ed. from the writings of II. W. Longfellow, by C. F. B ites 5871 'i Seven weeks war. Kozier, II. M 94 Seven wonders ol the world: with their as- ations in art and history. I.., 11. d. 16 401-7 1 1 . years. ECavanagh, Julia. Seven years for Rachel. Beale, Anne. SEVEN years in Smith Africa. Holub, E. 2 v. 46S-45 Si \ en years residence in the grea leserts of North America. Domenech, E. 2 v. 478 ;-• Seven years' war. See Austria. Frederick II. ( .ei many. Prussia. Seventeen seventy-six, and other poi Johnson, III' 517*1 Seven m daj Adventists. nd .VI- ventists, Seventh greal oriental monarchy. Rawlin- son, G 9'57-7 Sevi n 1 11 regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry. W I, 1 reo. 1 9796-9 Seventh vial. Cumming, J 252-354 SEVENTY-five popular flowers. Kami, I. S. 715 71 Severance, Mark Sibley. Hammersmith; his Harvard days. B., 1S7S. 12 . Severus, Cornelius, Roman poet. Elton, C. A. Specimensol the classic poets, v. 2. PP- 337 344 S7001-3 Sevier, John, governor of Tenn., b. 1744 1N15. Gilmore, J. R. John Sevier as a commonwealth builder 818B1 Rear-guard of the revolution 975°-45 — Roosevelt, T. Winning of the West. . . 987 ^> — Victor, O. J. History oi American con- spiracies, pp. 153-164 3467 'I — See also Franklin, State of. Tennessee. Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, French writer) />. about 1626-./. 1696. Letters of Madame deSevigni to her daughter and friends: ed. by Mrs. S. J. (B.) Hale. V Y.. 1S56. 16° 818B3 — Thackeray, A. I. Madame de S6vigne\ 818B4 — Cracroft, B. Essays, v. 2. pp. 255-320. 250E1 11 i » .ml, A. Sketches of eminent states- men and writers, v. 2. pp. 1-66. . . 410-55 Hunt. J. II. I.. Men, women and books. V. 2. pp. 250-21)7 491E42 I am M tine, A 1 i ell, W. Extl men and en. pi. 2. pp. ... i PP. 1 23 ma I ' Philip \\ h pp. 202-235 — S, 1:1/1. . I rank. Pillow ol ivine allegories in their spiritual meaning. . [876. 12° 2 Seward, Anna, Eng. writer, £. Vjtfl-d. 1809. \luii. uly on Major Andre. In Lossing, I'.. I . Twi i 164. ... 4151-55 d, Frederick Win,, Am. lawyer, b. 1830, ed. Aul y of Win. 1 1. Seward, 1S01 -34: with a memoir of his life, and selections from his letters from 1831 to 1846. V \ .. 1877. 8°. . . . SEWARD, fleo. Frederick, Am. diploma! 1S40. Chinese immigration in its social and economical aspects. \. V., 1881. 8 . 91 Seward, Thi eltnghuysen, Am. mu- 1835, joint author. Mason, I.. and Seward, T. F. Pestalozzian music ler 7711 o Seward, Wm. Henry, Am. statesman, b. l8oi-. F. Shadow on the snow. Farjeon, B. I.. Shadowy hand; or, life struggles. Moi gan, II ii i;l'.2 Shadwell, Litut.-gen. Lawrence. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde: illus- trated by extracts from his correspond- ence. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1SS1. N . . 20JK5 Shadwell, Mrs. Lucas. Maggie's mis- take ; or, bright light in the cli I.., n. d. 12° 820 \l Shady side; or, life in .1 country parson age. Hubbell, Mrs. M. S., (Pasl wife, pseud.) Shaftesbury, Earl of. Sec Cooper, An- thony Ashley. Si 1 \n N'.niu'h. See Firdausi. Shairp, John Campbell, L. I.. IK, British scholar, I'. iSn}. Aspects of poetry: lectures delivered at Oxford. I!., 18S2. 12° Soji-S Contents. — The province of poetry.— Cnti- eisni and creation. — The spiritual side of poe- try. — The poet a revealer. — Poetic style in mod- ern Knj;lis!i 1'iauv Virgil as a religious poel — Scottish song and Horns. — Shelley as a lyric poet. — Poetry of the Scottish Highlands. sian. —Modern Gaelic hards; Duncan Macln- tyre. — The three Yarrows.— The white doe of Rylestone.— The Homeric spirit in Waller Scott. — Prose poets; Carlyle; Newman. — Culture ami religion in some of their re- lations. X. Y., 1871. 12° 819] 1 Contents. — The aim of culture; its relation to religion. — The scientific theory of culture. — The literary theory of culture. — Hindrances to spiritual growth. — Religion combining culture wltti itself. — Appendix. — Robert Bums. \.\.. 1S79. I2°. [Eng- lish men of letters series.] till: i — Studies in poetry and philosophy. X. Y.. 1S72. 12° S19E3 Contents. — Wordsworth. — Coleridge.— Kcble. — The moral motive power. Shairp, T. Up in the north. L., 1873. 12°. 44S5-S Sn m.i 1 I 1 , F. W. 1 ipliy ■ 1 .ind revelation ol the Apo- Sh ompendium of the 01 toi y, prim i| v ol believei ■ in Chri ap- pearing ; with I 1 1 ing ; history ol the ; lod ; Antichi ist's kingdom. All. any, 1 12° -■ ier, A. M.11 riage in the United Si IT- '7" '75 ' I [olland, 1 . 1 .. Everyday to] 1. pp. 1S1 1N4 Howells, W. D. Three villages, pp. 69-116 17 i I s Nordhoff, C. Communistic PP- "7 -V s 3389-6 — Woolsey, T. I). Communism and social- ism, pp. 50-60 — See also Religion, Socialism. Shakespear, Capt. Henry. Wild -ports of India; with remarks on the breeding and rearing of horses, and formation it irregular cavalry. 1!., i860. 12°. PEARE, Win., Bug. dramatic p \\':\-d. 1616. Sub-divisions: I. Works. 2. Selections. .;. Separate plays and poems. 4. Glossaries and quotatii 5. Biographical. 6. Special subji 7. Authorship: Bacon, or Shakespeare. S. Criticism, sketches, etc. 9. Tales from Shakespeare. V .' I' is hoped that the n of the hooks in sub-divisions 5-8 will be found con- ii ut, although it is by no me.ins precise. M iny books in sub-division 8 treat in part of the subjects of sub-divisions 5, 6 and 7. /. Works. — (lark. W. ii. and Wright, W. A . Complete dramatic and poetical works ol Win. Shakespeare ; with a life of the poet, and a description of his portraits, by I. S. Hart; an analysis of the plot of each play ; an index to the characti an index to familiar passages; and a glossary of words that vary from their modern signification. Phil.:.. 1888. 12 . — Clarke. Mary Cowden, cJ. Complete rks; with a scrupulous revision of the text. V ^ ., is-;. 8° S23-3 — Duyckinck, G. I... cJ. Complete works ofWm. Shakespeare; with a full and comprehensive life, a history of the early drama, an introduction to each play, the readings of former editions, glossarial and other notes from the work Her and others. Phila., n. d. 12°. . . S23-35 SHAKESPEARE. 1144 - SHAKESPEARE. Shakespeare, Win., continued, — Harness, \V., ed. Complete works: comprising plays and poems; with Dr. Johnson's preface, a glossary, an ac- count of each play, and memoir of the author. Auburn, 1S56. 8° — Hudson, H.N. , ed. Plays; with introduc- tions and notes. 3 V. B., 1S75-74. 12°. Contents.— v. 1. Sketch of the poet's life. — State and sources of the poet's text. — As you like it. — Merchant of Venice.— Twelfth night. — King Henry IV, parts 1 [and] 2. — Julius Caesar. —Hamlet. v. 2. Tempest.— Winter's tale.— King Henry V.— King Richard III.— King Lear.— Macbeth. — Antony and Cleopatra. v. 3. Midsummer-nights dream. — Much ado about nothing. — King Henry VIII. — Romeo and Juliet. — Cymbeline. — Coriolanus. — Othello. — Leopold Shakspere: the poet's works, in chronological order, from the text of professor Delius; with Edward III, and The two noble kinsmen, and an intro- duction by F. J. Furnival. L., n. d. 8°. — Reed, I., ed. Dramatic works; with the corrections and illustrations of Dr. John- son, G. Steevens and others. 5 v. N. V-, 1S54. 12° — White, K. G., ed. Works: the plays ed- ited from the folio of 1623 ; with various readings from all the editions and all the commentators, notes, introductory re- marks, a historical sketch of the text, an account of the rise and progress of the English drama, a memoir of the poet, etc. 12 v. B., 1872. 12° Contents. — Preface. — Supplementary notes. — Memoirs. --Rise and progress of the English drama. — Essay on Shakespeare's genius. — His- torical sketch of the text. — Poems. Comedies, v. 2-5. v. 2. Preliminary matter to the folio of 1623, and remarks. — Tempest. — Two gentlemen of Verona. — Merry wives of Windsor. v. 3. Measure for measure. — Comedy of er- rors. — Much ado about nothing — Love's labour lost. v. 4. Midsummer-nights dream. — Merchant of Venice. — As you like it.— Taming of th* slirew. v. 5. All's well that ends well.— Twelfth night ; or, what you will — Winter's tale. Histories, v. 6-8. v. 6. King John.— Kinjj Richard II. — King Henry IV, parts 1 [and] 2. v. 7. King Henry V.— King Henry VI, parts 1 [and] 2. — Essay on the authorship of Henry VI, v. 8. King Henry VI, part 3.— King Richard III King Henry VIII. T>ii£- '• r 12. 1 lir. and Crcssida. — Coriolanus. — 1 ■ v. 10. Romeo and Juliet.— Timor 1 — Juli i ■1I1 v. :i. Hamlet,— King 1 ir.— Othello. v. ia. Antony and Cleopatra, — Cymbeline. — Pericles. S23-2 S23-5 S23-7 S23-9 Shakespeare, Wm., continued. 2. Selections. — Bowen, H. C, ed. Shakespeare read- ing book; being seventeen of Shake- speare's plays abd. for the use of schools and public reading. L., 1881. 12 . . 8231-2 — liullinch, Thos. and S. G., eds. Shake- speare; adapted for reading classes and for the home circle. B., 1877. 12 . . 8231-22 — Hows, J. W. S.,ed. Shakespearian read- er : a collection of the most approved plays; with introduction and explana- tory notes and memoir of the author. N. Y., 1863. 12°. Same, 1872 S231-45 — Selections. In Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists. pp. 1-9 8J2-26 — Selections. In Fulton, R. I. and True- blood, T. C, eds. Choice readings, pp. 681-694 801-38 j. Separate flays and poems. Note. — The plays and poems in the following list, marked " Rolfe" are edited with copious notes by W. J. Rolfe, and illustrations, pub. in N. Y., 1880-87. After several of the plays in the following list references are made to some of the more important comments. Most books in sub divisions 5, 6, 7 and 8 contain comments on the various plays. For individual characters, see the plays in which they occur. — All's well that ends well. Rolfe.. . . 8231 1-7 Note. — See also Elze, K., Essays on Shake- speare, pp. 118-150,(8236-3). — Antony and Cleopatra. R'olfe 82312-7 Note. — See also Canning, A. S. G., Thoughts on Shakespeare's plays, pp. 1 [-30, (82361-3.) — As you like it, with tale of Gamelyn: ed. by Henry Motley. L., 1886. 24°.. 81313-5 — As you like it. Rolfe 81313-6 Note.— See also Latimer, E. L., Familiar talks, pp. 231-290, (8236-38); Martin, H. F., lady, Shakespeare's female characters, pp. =27-288, (82362-4); Raymond, R. R., Shakespeare for young folks, pp. 77-139, (8236-671; White, R.G . Studies in Shakespeare, pp. 127-150 and 233-257, (8236-94.) — Comedy of errors. Rolfe S2314-7 — Coriolanus. Knife S2315-7 — Cymbeline. Rolfe 82316-7 Note Latimer, E, 1. . Familiar talks, pp. 393-440,(8236-58); Martin. 11. I... lady, Shake- speare's female characters, pp. 157-226,(82362-4). — Hamlet: ed. by Henr) Morley. I.., 1886. 24 82317-5 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Rolfe.. . S2317-7 Nete.-Scc also Vining, I I' . Mystery of Hamlet, 82363-9); Calvert, G. H , Brief essaj . pp. 177-189, (2oiEsj ; Coan, T. M.. ed., Studies in literatun n 119, I 1 ' ' ' ■ k • ' say- on Shakespeare, pp. loj .'S3, (8236-3); Could, T. K . Th.- tragedian, pp 1 , . (174B1 . 11 ,, Lett, J. II., Certain plays and ai tors ol Shakespeare, pp. 13-9°. ( 82 3" 11 ■ Martin, II. F. lady, Some of Shakespeare's femali 1 harai ters, pp. mi, (82362-4); Morgan, .1 A., Shake- SHAKESPEARE. — "US ~ SH VKESPEARE Shakespeare, Wm., continued. peare in fact ai pj 59) ; Reed, 1 I , Bngli li hisl i ■ ■ 1 1 . ; , | i i I ' let, H I M.ll. nidcr, D I liaki perian drama, pp |i (8336-77) ; Stearns, C W., haki | trefl ury. pp. 3 1 ; Weiss, J., Wit, li and Shaki c, pp 1 < 184 a .136- a); White R. G., Studii in c, pp "-■;' 14) Juliu Co m . Rolfe 82237 7 ... ilia Crail I.I In' I Shakespcai e; a philulo Julius < < lai . (1 1 1 .M.rn , 0., Shakes] 's historii .1 pla] . pp < to, Vlouil K. i'... S h di mi hi in .1, pp, 168-201, (8236-1. IV. Shake 1 ' are .mi I ' iassii .'I antiquity, pp. 316- 378, (8a .1 »i — King Edward III. [Authorship doubt- ful]. .V, Leopold Shaksperc 823-5 King limn 1\. pt. 1. Rolfe 82318 7 King Henry IV. pt. 2. Rolfe 82319 7 Not, Sei also Canning, A. s. <;,, Shakc- 1 t's historical plays, pp. 10c— 155, (8336] Jacox, 1'"., Shaki ; 454, (8236 5-' : Raymond, R. K ,s)i.i).. peare foi young 1 1! pp 141 1. (8236-67); Kccil, II . li'"' lish history and tragic poetry, pp. ill . 1 ■ 1 Kin;; Henry V. Rolfe 8232 7 King Henry V ; with introductions and . !'H vise in school! . ; i J \ . Hudson. I;., 1876. 12 8232-4 Note.~ For .i riiiiii-.ni on the character of Henry V .is he appears, both in King Henry IV iiiul King Henry V, sec Waters, R . Wil liam Shakespeare as portrayed by himself, I 9). King Henry VI. pt. 1. Rolfe 82321-7 — King Henry VI. pi. 2. Rolfe 82322 7 King Henry VI. pi. 3. Rolfe 82323-7 Note. — For notes on King Henry V, and King Henry VI, sei Canning, A. S. G-, Shaki | historical plays, pp > 16, (82361-3 : Kccd, 11 , Euglish history and tragic poetry, pp -77. (82361-7). King Henry \ 111. Rolfe S2324-7 King Henry VIII; with introductions ami noies for use in schools, by Henry V Hudson. I ; .. 1879. 12 82324 4 Note See also Canning, A s. G-, Shake- speare's historical plays, pp. : 196, 1 1 El .. K., Essays on Shakespeare, pp. 151 1 . . Kemble, I \ . Notes mi sonic of Shakespeare's plays, pp. : 100,(8236-56); Kccd, 11 , English history anil tragic poetry, pp. 327- |4«i ."-7.) — King John. Rolfe 82325-7 ..... Canning, 1 S i . E hake- I ' In i ■ 1 . 1 1 ! . ' . ) . 1 King Lear. Rolfe 8 A'.' See also Gould, 1 R., The tragedian, pp, 134-150, (174B 1; Hackctt, J H . Certain plays .in,l actors gp. 115-114. [8236-S44) ; Ja !•'., Shakespeare diversions, pp. -65-295, r II and it;- J74, [62 ,■ ' 1 in.., j.|- 1 ' 1 . (8136 82J3; X t e also I - tkc- . pp 147 '-". 8a - Kin- Rii hard III. Rolfe A ■ ' r. R., The tragedian, M ikon, R i - . artist, pp. ,0 is). B236 6); Reed, 11 1 history and try, pp, jog . I ■ ■■. 1 1 i'- o Rolfe M.n l.eth. Rolfe .• • • 1 cbeth, with historie of Macbeth from 1 1, ilinshed ' Chn micle of Scotland, 1577: eil. by II. Morley. L., 1886. 2 1 Note. — See also Canning, A. S. G., Sliakc- ie's historical plays, pp, 31-51,(82361- Qllincey, T., Literary criticism, pp. 53 1 , nil. 1 K , The tragedian, pp. 118- 133,(1741)0 ; Kemble, F. A., Notes upon Shakespeare's plays, pp. 21 79, (8231 Moulton, R. ( - . Shakespeare as a dramatic artist, pp. 125-167, B236-6); Kecil, H., English history and tragic poetry, pp. 375-40; Ruggles, 11. I.. Method of Shakespeare, pp. 181-298,(8236-7); Snider, D. J., Shakespearian drama, pp. 210-285, (8236-77); Weiss. J., Wit, humor and Shakespeare, pp. 361-428, (82 ; Wliite, K. (I.. Studies in Shakespeare, pp 58-76, (8231 — Measure for measure. Rolfe — Merchant of Venice. Rolfe 82331-7 — Merchant of Venice; with introducl a.id notes, for use in schools, by Henry \. Hudson. 1'.., 1883. 12° SS2331-3 — Merchant of Venice ; with notes, examin- ation papers, and plan of preparation, (selected), by Brainerd Kellogg. N. Y., tss 4 . 16° 82331-47 — Merchant of Venice ; with the adventures of Giannetto: ed. by Henry Morley. I .. 1887. -•) 82331 5 ', dr.— See also 1 I.e. K . Essays on Shake- re, pp. 67-117, (8236-3) ; Gould, T. K., The tragedian, pp. 73-80, (174B6); Latimer, E W., familiar talks, pp. 339-390, (8236-58; ; Martin, II 1 , lady, Shakespeare's female characters, pp. --5-44, [83362-4I ; Moulton, R. t", , Shake- speare as a dramatic artist, pp. 43- Weiss. J . Wit, humor and Shakespeare, pp. 36-9). — Merry wives of Windsor. Rolfe 82 AW, .—See also Morgan. J A., Shakespeare in fact and in criticism, pp. 339-269, (823' For the character of EalslatT sec Weiss. J., Wit, humor anil Sli.,. .16-9), also notes on King Henry IV — Midsummer-night's dream. Rolfe. . . 82333-7 SHAKESPEARE. — 1 146 SHAKESPEARE. Shakespeare, Wm., continued. Nate.— See also EIze, K.. Essays on Shake- speare, pp. 30-66, (8236-3); Latimer, E. W., Fa- miliar talks, pp. 91-128, (8236-58J; Raymond, R. R., Shakespeare for young folks, pp. 11-75, (8236-67) ; Wilson, D., Caliban, pp. 239-291, (82362-9). — Much ado about nothing. Kolfe. . . . 82334-7 Note. — See also Latimer, E. \V\, Familiar talks, pp. 181-231, (8236-58). — Othello, the Moor of Venice. Rolfe. . 82335-7 Note. — See also Gould, T. R., The tragedian, pp. 81-117, (171B6) ; Martin, H. F., lady, Shake- speare's female characters, pp. 45-82, (82362-4; Reed, H., English history and tragic poetry, PP 437-466, (82361-7); Snider, D. J., Shake- spearian drama, pp. 79-124, (8236-77) ; White, R. G., Studies in Shakespeare, pp. 101-126 and 258-279. (8236-94). — Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Rolfe 82336-7 — Poems; with a memoir by Rev. Alex. Dyce. L!., 1S56. 12° 82329-3 — Romeo and Juliet. Rolfe 82339-7 Note. — See also Kemble, F. A., Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays, pp. 165-169, (8236-56) ; Martin, H. F., lady, Shakespeare's female characters, pp. 85-155, (82362-4) ; Snider, D. J., Shakespearian drama, pp. 36-78,(8236-77). — Shakespeare's sonnets never before inter- preted ; his private friends identified, together with a recovered likeness of himself, by Gerald Massey 8235-6 — Songs, poems and sonnets of William Shakespeare: ed. with a critical intro- duction, by Wm. Sharp. L., 18S5. 16 . 8255-8 — Sonnets. Rolfe 8235—7 Note. — See also Jacox, F., Shakespeare di- versions, pp. 1-38, (8236-52); Morgan, J. A. Shakespeare in fact and in criticism, pp. 27-89, (823.. Taming of the shrew. Rolfe 8234-7 Note. — See also Latimer, E. W., Familiar talks, pp. "31-177, (8236-58). — Tempest. Rolfe 82341-7 — Tempest; with introduction and notes, for use in schools, by Henry N. Hud- son. B., 1S79. 12 82341-4 Note. — See also Calvert, G. H . Ilrief essays, pp. 157-166, (201E5); Elzc, K., Essay on Shake- speare, pp. 1-29, (8236-3) ; Irving, W . Wolferl's roost, pp. 109-125, The Bermudas, (818-487); Kemble, F. A.. Notes on some of Shakespeare's plays, pp. 103-162, 18236-53 ; Latimer, F.. \V., Familiar talks, pp. 55-88, (8236 ■ , \\ il ion, D., Caliban, (82362-9). — Timon of Athens. Kolfe 8j;4- 7 Note. — See also Snider, li. J., Shakespearian drama, pp. 11-35, (8236-77). Titus Andronicus. Kolfe 82 ; | ; 7 Tn. ibis and Cressida. Kolfe 82344 7 Twelfth night ; or, whal you will. Rolfe. 82345-7 Note. See also Lai 1, E. \\\, Familiar tall.-,, pp. 291-335, (823'. -,'-;.; Ruggles, H. I., Mcili.nl ..f Shakespeare, pp. 1-51, (8236-7); w 1 ■ .. J . Wit, humor and Shakespeare, pp. . Two gentlemen ol Verona. Kolfe. . . . 82346 , ■ Venus and Adonis, I ucre I Olhei poems, Kobe 82349-7 Shakespeare, Wm., continued. — Winter's tale. Rolfe 82348-7 Note. — See also Latimer. E. W . Familiar talks on Shakespeare's comedies, pp. 3-51, ^236-58). — and Fletcher, J. Two noble kinsmen. . 82347-7 — Same. In Leopold Shakspere 823-5 4. Glossaries and quotations. — Bartlett, J. Shakespeare phrase book. . 82355-2 — Dyce, A. Glossary to the works of Wm. Shakespeare 82351-4 — Shakespeare's mental photographs. N. V., 1866. 16 . [Quotations.] .... 82355-8 — Wit, wisdom and beauties of Shakespeare : ed. by Clarence Stuart Ward. I'.., 1887. 16 82355-9 j - . Biographical. — Dowden, E. Shakespeare. [Literature primers.] 8236-26 — Guizot, F. P. G. Shakespeare and Ins times S236-42 — Hudson, II. N. Shakespeare; his life, art and character. 2 V 8236-48 — Hugo, Victor. Wm. Shakespeare. . . . 8236-5 — Kenny, T. Life and genius of Shake- speare 8239-5 — Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits. pp. 315-341. The personality of Shake- speare 138E2 — DeQuincey, T. Biographical essays, pp. 9-100 284E48 Dowden, E. Wm. Shakespeare. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 1. PP- 435-441 S092-9 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 12-24 410-42 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. pp. 179-209 3'9 El — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 36-42. . . . 410-49 — Home pictures of English poets. pp. 45- 6 3 821-45 — Howitt, W. 1 Ionic- and haunts of the British poets, v. t. pp. .15-05. . . . 41821 4 — Jameson, A. (M.) Loves of the poets. pp. 182-190 41S-4S Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs. pp. 162-166 4i°-7 Parton, J. People's book of biography. PP- 559-565 410-82 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pi. 1. pp. 26-39 4'°-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp- 4i-43 4'4 075 6. Special subjects. blades, W. Shakespeare and typogra- phy : an attempt to show Shakespeare's pe 'I nection with, and technical knowledge of the ail ol printing. . . . 82364 2 Bullock, C. Shakespeare's debt to the Bible ' 82368-2 si I VK.ESPEARE. " 17 — -ll \ i l - CI . \ l- 1 . SHAKESPEARE, Win., COtttinUtd, I (yer, I. Folk-lore ol Shake peare. . . 82 ;'>i ; I Mi be, II. V Planl lore and garden craft ol Shaki peare 8a 165 ; Giles, II. 1 1 inn in life in Sh — ( tilman, \- ed. Shake pean moral — Goadby, E. England of Shaki pi 155 is Heard, II. 1 . Shake ipeai 1 n a lawyei 82367 1 Spalding, T. A. Elizabethan demonology 82364 8 Stearns, C, W. Shakespeare treasury of wisdom and knowledge 8236-8 Wordsworth, C. Shakespeare's knowl- edge and use cf the Bible 82368 9 Cook, J, Bo ton Monday lectures: Con- science, pp. 255 279 1916 ; Boston Monday lectures: Marriage, pp. 201 211 1931 3 Wheeler, D. II. By-ways "I literature. pp.138 167. Shakespeare mi greatness. So.) 94 7. Authorship: Bacon, or Shakespeare. Donnelly, I. Great cryptogram. . . . 8238-3 — Holmes, N. Authoi hip of Shakespeare. 8238 1 — Morgan, A. Shakesperean myth. . . . 8238 6 Shakespeare in fact and in criticism. .8231 Contents.- Shakespeare and his aesthetic crit- ics.- Much ado .il'ont sonnets. Whose son- nets? — "Something touch n Lord fi m let." Shakespeare's liters I r; the first Shakespearian revival Law and medicine in the plays. Growth and vicissitudes of a Shakes pearian play. Queen Elizabeth's share in the Merry wives of Windsor.- Have we a Shake* speare among us? — The Donnelly and prior ciphers, and the Purnival verse 1 its Theobald, K. M., ed. Dethroning Shake- speare: letters to the Daily Telegraph. 823S-S S. Criticism, sketches, — Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar. S237-2 — Canning, A. S. (I. Thoughts on Shake- speare's historical plays "... 82361-3 — Coleridge, S. T. Lectures and noti Shakespeare and other English poets. . 8236-2 — ("oilier, J. P. Notes anoetr\: km.: Lear. — Macbeth. — Hamlet.— < ithello. ggles, H. I. Method of Shakespeare as an artis! S236-7 Contents. — Twelfth night : or, what you will. — Hamlet. — Macbeth. — Snider, D. J. Shakesperian drama com- mentary. The tragedies 82 Contents. — Introduction.— Nature of tragedy. — Timonof Athens. — Romeo and Juliet.- Othel- lo. — King 1 th. — Hamlet. — Stapler. 1'. Shakespeare and classical antiquity: Greek and Latin antiquitj presented in Shakespeare's plays. 1 .. n. d. 12° S2361-S SHAKESPEARE. 1 148 SHAPCOTT. Shakespeare, Win., continued. — Stokes, II. P. Attempl to determine the chronological order of Shakespeare's plays 823S1-8 — Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's prede- cessors in the English drama S22-8 — Thorn, W. T. Two Shakespeare examin- ations : with some remarks on the class- room study of Shakespeare S236-S4 — Waters, R. William Shakespeare as por- trayed by himself: a revelation of the poet in the career and character of one of his own dramatic heroes, [Henry V.] 8238-9 — Weiss, J. Wit, humor and Shakespeare. S236-9 Contents. — Cause of laughter. — Wit, irony, humor. — Dogberry, Malvolio, Troilus and Cres- sida(Ajax), Bottom, Touchstone. — FalstafT: his companions; Americanisms. — Hamlet. — The porter in Macbeth, the clown in Twelfth night, the fool in Lear. — Women and men: Maria, Helena, Imogen, Constance. — Lord Bacon and the plays, Shakespeare's women, love in Shake- speare. — Portia. — Helena ; Ophelia.— Macbeth. — Blonde women: Lady Macbeth. — White, R. G. Studies in Shakespeare. . 8236-94 — Wilkes, G. Shakespeare from an Ameri- can point of view 8236-96 — Winsor, J. Was Shakespeare Shapleigh ? a correspondence in two entanglements. 8239S-9 — Archer, Wm. About the theatre, pp. 239-256. . .• 7S1-12 — Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. pp. 457-507. Restoration of the text. 179E1 — Bryant, W. C. Orations and addresses. PP- 3 6 9-378 815-2 Same. In Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 300-309 189E3 — Calvert, G II. Brief essays, pp. 140-192. 201E5 — Campbell, T. In British dramatists, pp. 19-100. Life and writings of Wm, Shakespeare 41S22-3 — Carlyle, T. On heroes, pp. 73-106. . . 410-24 — Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographic- al sketches, pp. 300-341 410-29 Coleridge, S. T. Works, v. 4. pp. 19- 185 828-32 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 2. pp. 169-240 804-35 — Gilfillan, (J. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 434-468. Lecture 41S-431 Gould, T, R. The tragedian : an essay mi the genius of J. B. Booth, pp. 37-152. [74B6 — Griffin, <',. W. Studies in literature, pp. 125-152 804-4 Studies on the Tempest, Antony and Cleo- patra. Cymbclinc, All's well that ends well, and Edwin Booth's Macbeth and Hamlet — Jacox, I. Cues from all quarters. . . . 510E4 — Lamb, ('. Works, v. 2. pp. 349-3S0. 828 57 — Landor, W. S. Pentameron. pp. 141— 244. Citation and examination of \\ in. Shaki iching deer stealing. . . 828-58S Shakespeare, Wm., continued. — Lewes, (i. II. Actors and acting, pp. 83-99 781-5 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, v. 1. pp. 151-227 5SSK1 — Macdonald, G. Imagination and other essays, pp. 77-181 605E5 — Morris, G. S. British thought and think- ers, pp. 80-113 1621-6 — Proctor, B. W. Essays, pp. 1-61. . . . 764E1 — Reed, II. British poets. v. 1. pp. 160-198 821-78 — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art and liter- ature, pp. 354-446 8022-8 — Schlegel, F. von. /Esthetic and miscel- laneous works, pp. 272-2S2 704-S8 — Scudder, II. E. Men and letters, pp. 21 5—235. Future of Shakespeare. . . S10K1 — Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 32-S4 8203-9 — See also Literature, English. Stratford-on- Avon. q. Talis from Shakespeare. — Barr, A. E. Young people of Shake- speare's dramas 82361-2 — Clarke, M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines 82399-3 — Lamb, C. and M. Tales from Shake- speare S2399-5 — Raymond. R. R., ed. Shakespeare for the young folks 8236-67 Contents. — Preface. —Memoir of Shakespeare. Midsummer-night's dream. — As you like it. — Julius Caesar. — Seamer, M. Shakespeare's stories sim- ply told 8236 7 1 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, Am. geologist, 0. 1841. First book in geology designed for beginners. B., 1SS4. 12° 550-81 — Kentucky: a pioneer commonwealth. 1'..,' 1SS5. 12°. [American commonwealths series.] 9859-S Shall our mothers vote? In Baker, G. M, Handy dramas 785-22 Shand, Alex. Inncs. On the trail of the war. N. Y., 1871. 8°. Bound with Laboucherc, II. Dupre. Diary of the besieged resilient of Paiis 94481-5 Shandon bells. Black, Win. Shanks, Wm. Franklin Gore, Am. author, b. iS;". Personal recollections of distin- guished generals. N. Y., 1S66. 12 . 4122-8 Shannon, Mrs. Mary Eulalie Lee, (Eulalie, pseud.) Buds, blossoms ami leaves: p. .ems. Cinn., 1854. 12° 819C1 Shannons. Finley, Martha, (F.) 3S3A55 Siians, Amongst the. Colquhoun, A. I\. . 4534~3 Shapcott, .Reuben, <■•/., [probably pseud.) Set Ruthei ford, Mark. SHARKEY. "49 — -III. hh mi m;i.i.v, T. K. Mate I ate. N. \'., 1879. 16 . Sn mil w, Julian. < !ui lorj hi tor) 1 il ing. I.., 1884. 12 (995 8 mm p, Granville, Eng. philanthropist, b. 1 ; ; 1 d. 1813. I . I . . >■ ■ I . Mrs. \\. C. M of Christian chivalry, pp. 257 291. . . 414-5 - Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men, pp. 15' 162 )n> -n; Sharp, John, Eng. prelate, [644 1713. Sermon. In Brogden, J., ed. Illustra- 1 I of the liturgy. \.;. pp. 202-224. -" Sharp, Samuel, Eng. . b. 1 799 d, 1881. Historj "i 1 , pi from the e 1 licst limes lill the conquest of the Vrabs, 640. 2 v. I. , 1S76. 12 . . . 912 83 History <>f the Hebrew nation, and il -. literature. I... 1869. 12° !2i ["exts from the holy Bible explained by the help of the ancient monuments ; with a few plans and views. 1.., 1S69. 12 . 2208 N t — Sketch of Assyrian history. In Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces, pp. 77 SS. 4025-2 tr. Epistleof Barnabas from the Sinailic manuscript of the Bible. L., 1880. 1^. 2299 2 Clayden, P. W. Samuel Slim p. I ologisl and translatoi ol the Bible. . . 81964 Sharp, Wm. Dante Gabriel Rossetti : a record and a study. I... 1882. 12°.. 795B3 — - iJ. Sonnets of this century ; edited and arranged with a critical introduction on the Minuet. I.., 1886. 24 8094 8 Shattuck, Dr. (i. B. Epidemics and di infection. /;; Massachusetts Emergen cy and hygienic association. Lectures. PP- 9" H2 3717 Shaving of Shagpat. Meredith, Geo. Shaw, A. R. New commandment : or, Ella's ministry. B., n. d 821 \ 5 Shaw, Benjamin. Evidences of Christian- ity. /// Christian evidence society lect- ures. Faith ami free thought, pp. 589 435 232-25 Sii\u, Catherine. Alick's her... X. Y.. n. d. 16 821A8 — Only a cousin. N. V. 16 . Shaw. Flora I.. Castle Blair. B., 1878. 16°. t'olonel < lic-\\ ick's campaign. B., 1886. 1 j . I lee I"! : B 5t01 ) . B., iSM. i(V. . . . 822 \ I - Phyllis Browne. B., 1883. 16°. — Sea change. B., 1SS4. 16°. Shaw, Henry W., (Josh Billings, pseud). Works, complete; with biographical in- troduction. N. Y., 1880. 12°. . . . Si; S|i Everybody's friend; or, Josh Billings' encyclopedia and proverbial philosoph) of wit and humor, n. t. p. 12 . ... 817-84 Shaw, Odonl nlj Phils., 1868. 16 . . . 017^ 8 , Eng. h " , b. 1092 ./. 1751. st. fohn, J. \. I : •■ .,f v. 2. pp. 19 ;j, 1 1 Shaw, Thos. It. Complete manual ol lish literal I. ith noti nd [ration liy \\ m. Smith : with "I \ ii in literature by Hem y I . I. X. V., 1 I'.... iry of English literature: pre- pared on the basis of Shaw's manual, 'I 1 urn. in I Bacl 11-. X. Y., 1877. 12''. 8 Outlines "f English literature: with a 1 Ii of American literature by Henry T. Tuckerman. Phila., 1S54. 12 . . S20-82 mi,l Smith, Wm. 1 ecimens of English liti 1 I Amer- ican students by I!. V Martin. X. Y., 1870. 12° S209-75 mi \\\, W. I. Solomon 1 ■ Smau 1 -straps. Alcott, Louisa M 114 \2i Shaybacks in camp. Barrows, S. J. and L.C. 7969 - : I 1 11 .el. I'll. ifll,li,-l\ ' [74O Victor, O. J. History of American con- spiracies, pp. [65 1 So 3467 9 1 II .aid, 1 1. Rider. " She spake of him : " recollections of Mr-. I loin I teming. 1 iuinness, Mrs. 1 ■. She stoi nquer. &i Goldsmith, O. mii \. fohn Gilmary, Am. scholar, b. 1 Discover) and exploration of the Missis- sippi valley ; with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Henne- pin, and A. Douay. N. Y., 1852. 8°. 987-84 of modern Europe, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the council of the Vatican. X. Y., 1S70. 12 925-7 lli-t"iy of the Catholic church in the United States, v. 1 2. X. V., 1886 88. S°. [To be completed in 5 v.] ... . 2826-7 Contents. — v. i. Colonial days, 1521 v. 7. Life and limes of Archtiishop Carroll ; with a history of the church, 1763-1815. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribe- of the United States. I529-1S54. X. V., 1S54. 12°. ... — Joint author. Courcy, II. D. and Shea, J. (',. His tor j of the Catholic church in the United States. 1S79 Shi uian, las. W. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. X. Y., 1S60. 12 Shed a, Queen of. Weil, G. Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud, pp. 200-24S. 22 Shedd, Julia Ann (Clark), Am. writ is;i. Famous sculptors and sculpture. I:.. 1881. 12° 417-7 SHEDD. — n5° — SHELLEY. Shedd, Win. Greenough Thayer, D.D., Am. author, l>. 1S20. The doctrine of endless punishment. N. V., 1S86. 8°. . . . 2377-6 — Homiletics ami pastoral theology. N. V., 1S67. S° 251-S2 — Literary essays. N. V., n. d. 8°. . . . S20E4 Contents. — True nature of the beautiful, and its relation to culture. — Influence and method of English studies. — Ethical theory of rhetoric and eloquence. — Characteristics and import- ance of a natural rhetoric. — Relation of lan- guage and style of thought. — Scientific and popular education. — Intellectual temperance. — Puritan character. — African nature.— Coleridge as a philosopher and theologian. — Confession of Augustine. — Sermons to the spiritual man. N. Y., 1SS4. S°. . . . .' 252 SHEDLOCK, Emma L. Trip to music-land: a fairy tale, forming an allegorical and pictorial exposition of the elements of music; illustrations by J. King James. L., 1876. 8° 77>i-74 Sheely, A., ed. Anecdotes and humors of school life. Phila., 1S77. '2° 37°S-S Sheep. Heatley, G. S. Sheep farming. 1884. 6375-4 — Morrill, L. A. American shepherd. 1845. 6375-6 — Origin and growth of sheep husbandry in the United States; with some remarks on the Angora fleece. Washington, 1880. 8° 6375-7 — Randall, II. S. Sheep husbandry. IS59 6375-91 Shepherd, \V. Prairie experience in handling cattle and sheep. 18S5. . . 636-8 — Youatt, W. Sheep; their breeds, man- agement and diseases. 1S4S 6375-9 Same. 1851 6375-91 — American sheep hook. In American horse book. pp. 515-552 636-17 — Brisbin, J. S. Beef-bonanza; or, how to get rich on the plains, pp. 93-142. . . 636-2 Jardine, \V. In Naturalist's library, v. 22. Goats, sheep, oxen, etc 59°-5 Sheep in wolf's clothing. Debaus, ( . SHEET-metal. Blinn, L. J. Practical work- ;hop companion, for tin, sheet-iron, and copper-plate workers 672-2 Warn, K. II. Sheet-metal worker's in- structor 672-9 Lukin, J. Amongst machines, pp. 190- 196 607-4 Sheffield, Lord. See Holroyd, J. B. -mm 11, Richard Lalor. Sketches of the Irish liar; with memoir and notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie. 2 v. in 1. Chi- cago, 1SS2. 12" 3409 7s 1 1: ;, G. H. 1 trators ol 1 he age. pp. >87-2'3 4"-37 Sheip.L.C. Greek maid. Phila., 1871. 24°. 822A8 -in 1 1.1 1 .1 , /,ul,'/. S,. Petty, Win. Sheldon, E. M. Early history of Michigan, from the first settlement to 1815. N. Y., 1S56. 8° 9874-8 Sheldon, Edward Austin, Am. educator, b. 1S23. Manual of elementary instruction for infant schools and private tuition. 2 v. L., 1860-61. 16° 372-8 — and Barlow, E. H. Teachers' manual of instruction. N.Y., 1875. 12°.. 800-8 — with Jones, MissM. E. M. and Krusi, H. Manual of elementary instruction ; con- taining a graduated course of object lessons. N. Y., 1862. 12 3723-79 Sheldon, Henry Clay, Am. clergyman, b. 1S45. History of Christian doctrine. 2. v. X. Y., 1SS6. 8° 230-7 Contents. — v. 1. 90-1517. — v. 2. 1517-1885. Sheldon, Louise Vescelius. Yankee girls in Zululand. N. Y., 188S. 12°. . . . 46S3-8 Sheldon, Mary Downing, (Mrs. Earl Barnes), Am. educator, l>. 1850. Studies in general history. B., 18S7. 12 . . . 905-S3 Shell worker and other stories. B., n. d. 24° 823A1 Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances; including description of the gauging ami measuring instruments, the hand-cutting tools, lathes, drilling, planing, and oth- er machine-tools used liy engineers. X. V. 16° 6219-7 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin), /■'.ne-. writer, /•. 1797-1/. 1S51. Franken- stein. B., 1S69. 12°. — Moore, II. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. 820B2 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and lit- erary men. v. 2. pp. 251-263. . . . 41S-43 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Eng. poet, Ik 1792- d. 1822. Poetical works: ed. by Mis. Shelley; with a memoir. 3 v. B., 1855. 12 820C4 Contents. — v. 1. Memoir. — tjucen Mab.— Al- castor; or, the spirit of solitude. -The revolt of I slam. — Prometheus unbound. v. 2. The Cenci. — Hellas. — (Edipus Tyrau- nus.— Early poems, 181G-19. v. j. Poems, 1820-22 and translations, — Poetical works. 1.., 1S53. 12° 820C3 Selections from the poems: ed. with a me ir, by Mathilde Blind. Leipzig, 1872. 16 820C5 Dowden, E. Life of Percy Bysshe Shel- ley. 2 v. 1886 820B35 — MacCarthy, 1 1. V. Shelley's early life, from original sources 820B4 Shelley memorials, from authentic sources, to which is added an essay on Chris- tianity by P. P.. Shelley: ed. by Lady Jane Shelley. B., 1850. 12° 820H5 Stoddard, R. 11.,,,/. Anecdote biogra- phy -I P. B. Shelley S20P.O SI I HI. I. KY [] , 5HEPP sin i i i -. , Pel i j B., continued. Syi [g, J. A. Shelley 820B; I ul. m in, K. J. Recollections of the I.1.1 A tj -1 ihi llej and Bj ron 820B9 1 lalvei t, G. H, Briel 1 pp. 129 1 19 -'"' ^ 1 hope, W. J. I ibei il vemenl in 1mihIi.Ii literature, pp. 111 158. . . . 1 ii Quim ■ ) . I . I .11 "ii the poel pp. I-! 75 284E48 Devey, J. p trative 1 timate ol mod- ern English poets, pp. 230 -<■-■ ■ . . 821 .. I ii\, |. Lion - : Ii '. in:; and dead, p] 14 1"' 1 — Puller, S. M. Life " ithoul and lil<- within, pp. 149 152. Review. ... \o 1 1 iiiIm hi, P, 1 hit nf the past. pp. 1 1 1 ' 11 1 .' ■! i Griffin, G. W. Studies in literature, pp. 191 — 197 804-4 Griswold, 11. I. Home life of greal .iiiilim .. pp. 102-111 41S-45 • Howitt, W. Homes ami haunts of the British poets, v. 1. pp. 489-523. . . 41821 .1 Kingsley, C. New miscellanies. pp. 106-125. Shellej and Byron 5 ;> I ; Johnson, 1 '. F. 1 hree Englishmen and three Americans, pp. 88 131 S04-53 Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. '7; 183 804-56 Macdonald, G. Imagination an. I mlier essays, pp. 264 281 605K5 Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits ol British authors, v. 1. pp. 73 140. . . 41S2-56 M isson, 1 1. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, ami oilier essays, pp. 104-142. . . . S04-59 Neale, E. < losing scene, v. 1. pp. 231 -' 19 410-S Oliphant, M.O. (W.) Literary history of i land. v. 3. pp. 79-110 8204 7 Shairp, I. C. Aspects of poetry, pp. [94-218 803 i-S Swinburne, A. C. Essays ami studies. pp. 1S4 237 8681 1 Whipple, E. I'. Essays ami reviews, v. i. pp. J08-318 946E5 Wise, D. Vanquished victors, pp. 248- 27' 410 97 — See also Literature, English. Poetry. Sin 1 1 1 \ family. Paul, C. K. Wm. God- win; his friends and contemporaries. . 428B5 Shells, S I lonchology. Shelly, a. Fishe, pseud, s Gerard, Jas. \\. Sin 1 1 1 kn. Coningsbj . I . Sun ion, Frederick Wm., Am. clergyman, 6. 1814-rf. 18S1. Crystalline; or, the heir- ess of Falldown castle : a romance. N. V., 1S54. 12°. sin 1 roN, Frederi I W., conlinu rhe reel 1 I Bardolph ; or, thi ted. V '. 1 12 [ncidenl in 1 retired life. In 'I'., ed. II 1 pp. l43-'49 I In. in.-. Phil 1 ■■Shenandoah,' In pp. 1 1 1 1 . 1 '.Ihi ill o' [864. I' I. ' >. I . '•. 1 7 14-1/. 1 1 on men and manners. I., iS , I I Ha publ ion :.— On tl I 11, impi nptu ' I "hi Hi niiii in the manner of Cambi dignil . 1 in reset i in. hi - 1 in extet n 'I fig '1' ■ *■ -An ■ .1 rragmenl hypocrisy.— On vanity k-.iy and impudence. I!i--i<>ry of Pedi Upon 1 ' I nnectcd thoughts on gardening.— On poll t > 1 hi: from my own s. 1 1 in dress.- ' >n » riting and I — of.iiL-ii and manners.— Of books and wril On men .mil manners, On religion.— On 1 y on 1 Howitt, W. Homes ami haunts of the British poets, v. 1. pp. 258 20;. . . 41821 1 [ohnson, s. Lives "f the mosl eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 497-505. . . 41821 5 Knight, C. Half hours with the best let- ter writers ser. 1. pp. 277-291. . . 820 54 D ' - ■■ , .1 ■ (', Fifty years among authoi and publishers, pp. 517 525 4181-3 sum \i:n. Hazel. Great cities "f the mod- ern w.irl. 1. V Y.. 1SS5. H D I sin 1 \ KU, Wm., W alsh, Wm. Shepard. Shepherd, Henry E., ed. An historical I, Ii I. V \ .. 1884. 12° QO3-8 Shepherd, W. Prairie experiences in haml- ling cattle ami sheep. X. V., 1885. 12° 636-8 [ERD-King. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. I .0. i:., pseud.) 2218-31 Shepherd of Bethlehem, Kin^ of Israel. 1 tcker, Charlotte, (A. I . « '. 1 .. ud.) [Same as Shepherd-King.] 2218-31 Shepherd of Israel. Macgregor, D. . . . 252-63 Sin pherd of Salisbury plain. More. II. Sheppard, Mrs. Edwin. Hester Towers' girlhood. B., 1S67. 12 . Sheppard, Elizabeth, £n^. novelist, b. 1830- ./. 1S02. Charles Auchester. N. V.. 1873. S°. — Counterparts; or, the cross ol love. B., 1869. — Rumor. I'.., 1S04. 8°. SHEPPARl). — 1152 — SHERMAN. SHEPPARD, Nathan, Am. writer, b. 1834,/. ISSS. Before an audience; or, the use of the will in public speaking. N. V., 1SS7. 12 ... Soo-81 — Shut up in Paris. Leipzig, 1871. 16 . 94481-7 SHERBROOKE. Goodwin, II. II. Sherburne, Andrew. II. nve, II. Adven- tures of Americans, pp. 261-29S. . . 412-55 Shere Alee. Boulger, D. C. Central Asian portraits, pp. 52-84 41 148-2 Sheridan, Philip Henry, Am. general, b. iSjI-i/. 18S8. Personal memoirs. 2 v. X. V., 188S. S° 821B19 — Headley, P. C. Fighting Phil: illus- trated story life of Gen. Sheridan. . . S21B2 — Keim, De U. R. Sheridan's troopers on the borders 9707-46 — Newhall, F. C. With Gen. Sheridan in Lee's last campaign 97S91-8 — Boker, G. II. Konigsmark, etc. pp. 229-231. Cavalry Sheridan : [a poem.] 171C4 — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous. pp. 251-269 410-16 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 365-369. Character of Sheridan. . 189E3 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 278-286 4123 1-4 — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman; their campaigns and generals. pp. 460-4S7 41 j 2- 4 Read, T. li. Poetical works, pp. 227- 228. Sheridan's ride 779<-'9 Note. — The poem may also be found in the following: Am. popular speaker, pp. 238-240, (801-9) I Bugle echoes, pp. 242-243, (80913-2) ; Classic heroic ballads, pp. 256-25S, 1809-911; Favorite poems, pp. 65-67, (801-32) ; Five minute recitations, pp. 161-162. (801-365); One hun dred choice selections, no. 1, pp. 31-32, (801-4) I Poems of America : Southern States, pp. 241- 243, (80912-52); Poems of American patriotism, pp. 257-260, (80913-5). — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 495-560. 9796-7 — Stowe, II. II. Men of our limes, pp. 405-419 4122-83 shanks, W. F. ('.. Personal recollections of distinguished generals, pp. 128-162. 4122-8 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler, Irish ..'.//../■ mid dramatist, />. 1751— d. i.Nni. Works: with memoir by J. P. Brown; containing extracts from the life, by T. Moore. Phila., 1873. 8° S20C9 I '..mi. .11. wink,; with memoir of his life, I.., 1866. 12° 82lCl Comedies: ed. with an introduction and notes to each play and a biographical ■ li hi Sheridan, hy J. B. Matl hew s. P., 1SS5. 8° 820C8 Rivals [and] Scl Iforscandal, N.Y. 24". 821C3 — Selections. In 1 rawfurd, O. English 1 dramati I 163-284. . . 822 20 Sheridan, Richard P.. P., continued. — Moore, 'P. Memoirs of the life of the Rl. Hun. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. . . . 821B3 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Sheridan. . . . NjiP) — Brougham, H. Sketches of statesmen (of) the lime of George III. v. 1. pp. 168-174 410-17 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 399-436 S25S-4 — Ilarsha, D. A. Orators and statesmen. pp. 240-255 4'o-54 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 400-405 411-56 — McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen. pp. 1 17-125 94I-54 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 109-114 410-7 — Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. pp. 141-245 411-85 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, part I. pp. 309-322 410-9 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 296-308 4H-97 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. O, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 329-3S0 410-964 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2. pp. 250-302 946E5 Sheridan, Thos., l>. 1721-d. 17S8. Mat- thews, J. B. and Ilutton, L., ids. Act- ors and actresses, v. 1. pp. 161- 170 4179-6 Sherlock, Vim., dean of St. PauPs,b. 1641- •/. 1707. Sermon. In Brogden, J., ed. Illustrations of the liturgy, v. 3. pip. 31S-341 26031-4 sin RMAN, Mrs. Caroline K. Child life as portrayed by Goethe. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life and genius of Goethe, pp. 290-312 430H6 SHERMAN, Rev. I). Woman's place in the Gospel. In Harvest and the reaper. pp. xxix-xxxix 254-8 Sherman, Frank I)., joint author. Bangs, J. R. and Sherman, F. I). New wag- gings of old tales 817 22 SHERMAN, John, Am. statesman, b. 1823. Se- lected speeches, ami reports on finance ami taxation from 185010 187S. N. V., ■879- 8° J327 7 Garfield, J. A. Works; v. 2. pp. 777- 7S1. Nomination of John Sherman. . . 81S 45 Sherman, Mrs. Martha. Balfour, C. L. Working women of this century, pp. 175-212 41318 Shi RMAN, Roger, Am. statesman, b. 1721-d. 1793. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. PP. 76-S4 4 ' - ' i si i urn \\ — "53 — -IIII Sherman, Roger, . ontimu d. I ■.in ii. ii men. pp, 410-478 Lossing, !'•. J. Biographii il ketchi iln igm i pp. 50-52 4121-53 Seymi • 11 . 1 C. B. Self-r le men. pp. 159 |i" '<-' Shi rm vn, \\ m 1 ei am eh, A ml, b. 1829. Memoii i ol W m. I . Sherman himself. 2 v. N. V., 1S75. 8°. . . 821 B9 Bowman, S. M. and Irwin, R. B. Sher- man and his 1 am] aig n 1S05 .sji B8 Boynton, II. V. Sherman's historical raid. 1 s 7 5 . 97944 J IL 1.1 lej , P. C. I .n ing 1 he • nem) lifeol Gen. W.I. Sherman. 1883. . 821B83 Nichol , G. W. Story of the great march. 1S66 9 Pi 1 0n.1l recollections of Sherman's cam- paigns, n. 1. ]. 9; '.Ii ier, W . I Ui 1 ies of three wars. pp. 263-277 (■ ■ ' II. idley, J. T. Grant and Sherman. PP. >.i" 2 \" 11— 4 — Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 417— 193 9796-7 Shanks, W. F. 1 1 Personal n nf distinguished generals, pp. 17-57. Shci 11. trategist 4122-S Siowe, II. Ii. Men of our times, pp. (23 444 4'-'- s ; - Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers, pp. 117 466 4i5'-y .W/. - Tin- poem, Sherman's march to the ica, by S II ^1 Byers, may be found in Bi h ; Poems ol Amer- 11 .hi patl 1-263, (80913 SiiKKKii 1 . J. E. Normal question li.iok; rev. and enlarged. Indianapolis, 18S6. I2 ° 37U5-7 StlERRlNG, Rev. Matthew Atmi H Ty ol Prote tant missions in India from their commencement in 17(1610 1SS1 : revised bj I dward Storrow . 1... 1884. 12 . . Sherwin, John ECeyse. Cook, D. Art in England. | p. 230 243 7592-3 Sherwoi id, John 1 >. ( tomic history of 1 Unite. I Stales. l;.,lS70. 12° 9733 8 Sherwood, Mrs. Mar) Elizabeth (Wilson), Am. writer, b. iS;o. Amenities of home. - X. V., 1881. 12°. [Appleton's home 1 Its] 193-16 Home amusements. N. V., 1881. 12°. [Appleton's home books] 7S6— 7 — Mann. ial usages. N. V"., 1SS4. ■6° 305 7 Royal girls and royal 1 irts. B., 1887. >- 413 7*7 ■ transplanted rosi of New ^ society, V 1 .. i ss j. 12 . ' . ■ ; . ■ > . ' 1 ! 1 1 u j. in. .11 of th Sab Her. 2 v. \. y. 16 I ! e man.. 1 : n lilt subji I higher rai nig V. 12°. of the . h chism. N. V.. 1S7.,. 12° -Mm . illustrating the . ]»;. A. I I 1 .... — Kellj , S., 1 d. Life of M (chiefly autobiographical) ; with exti : l's journal during his imprisonment in France and residence in India. 1.., 1857. 8° 822B3 — Sprague, W. 11. European cclel pp. 210-215 11 11 Neal, Barberine . a woman n. Chica [2 . II the world tu me. t line. T. Hall. sn islands. Kneelaml. S. An American in Ireland, pp. 26-37 I . , ! !, K. Voung Shellander and his 311B3 irmick, E. and others. Wonder stories of travel, pp. 103-113 and 121 and 127 nt author. Ventura, L. D. and Shevitch, S. Mistits and rem- nant-. I ml. Aw. hydropathic physic: i8i6-. 1S25. Final philosophy ; or, system of perfectible knowledge issuing from the harmony of science and religion. N. V., 1S77. S°. Same, 1S79 161-8 Order of the sciences: an essay on the philosophical classification and organi- zation of human knowledge. N. V., 1882. 12° 375-S — Religion and science in their relation to philosophy : an essay on the present state of the sciences. N. Y., 1875. 12°. 501-S4 — Philosophia ultima; or, science of the sciences. 2 v. N. Y., 1888-89. 8°. . 161-81 — Biographical sketch of Elisha Kent Kane. In Kane, E. K. Arctic explor- ations, pp. 749-766 ... 49S-53 — ed. Book of common prayer and admin- istration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church as amended by the Presbyterian divines, 1 66 1, and in agreement with the direc- tory for public worship of the Presby- terian church in the United States; with supplementary treatise by [the ed- itor.] N. Y., n. d. 12 2605-S SHIELDS, Joseph D. Life and times of S. S. Prentiss. Phila., 1884. 8° 745B2 Shiftless folks. Smith, J. P. Shikar sketches. Brown, J. M 7964-2 Shili.aber, Benj. Penhallow, Am. humorist, /'. 1S14, (Mrs. Partington, pseud.) Ike Partington. B., 1878. 16 S24A15 — Mrs. Partington's knitting work, and what was done by her plaguy boy Ike: a web of many textures as woven by Ruth herself. B., 1S59. 16° 817-85 — Bungay, G\ W, Off-hand takings, pp. 372-376 412-25 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 407-4'3 4181-3 Shiloh, baitle of, 1862. Swinton, W. Twelve decisive battles of the war. pp 86-138 9781-9 — See a/so United Stales, history. Beaure- gard, P. (i. T. Grant, U.S. Johnston, Albert S. Sherman, W. T. Shiloh. Woodruff, J. I.. M. Shining hours. Moraine, P 644A1 SHINN, (has. Howard. Mining camps: a study in American frontier government. N. Y., 1885. 8° • ■ . . 3401-8 Shins', Earl, (Edward Strahan, pseud.) New Hyperion, from Paris to Marly by way of the Rhine. "Phila., 1875. 8°. . . . 443-9 Shin , Geo. Wolfe, Am. clergyman, b. 1839. Manual i>f instruction in church his- tory. V V., 1S70. 16 270-78 Siiiwkk, Edward Mitchell. Essay on the Penny post system. /// Prize papei . 760E1 Ship ahoy. Fenn, G. Manville. Smp-building. Biddle, T. E. Construc- tion, rigging and handling of model yachts, ships and steamers. 1879. . . 62 38 1 — Bland, W. Forms of ships and boats: hints experimentally derived on some of the principles regulating ship-building. 1872 6238-21 — Grantham, J. Iron ship-building. 1S68. 6238-3 — Meade, R. \V. Treatise on naval archi- tecture and ship-building. 1S69. . . . 6238-4 — Nystrom, J. W. Technological educa- tion and ship-building. 1865 6238-5 — Peake, J. Rudiment-, of naval archi- tecture. 1867 6238-6 — Sommerfeldt, II. A. Construction of ships for ocean and river service, n. d. With Peake, J. Naval architecture. . 623S-6 — Thearle, S. J. P. Naval architecture. 2 v. [1S73.] 6238-8 — White, W. 11. Manual of naval archi- tecture. 1877 6238-9 — Wilson, II. B. Science of ship-building, • in its relations to the law of nature. . . 6238-92 — Byrne, O. Metal worker's assistant. pp. 167-179 671-2 — Scoffern, J. and others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. 467-478 669-S — Smiles, S. Men of invention and indus- try, pp. 1-71 nW2S4-3l8 4169-S1 — Whewell, W. and others. Progress of arts and science, pp. 405-463 606-9 — Sec also Marine engine. Ships. SHIP in the desert. Miller, Joaquin. . . . 633C3 Smr of ice. Sadler, S. W 797^ 2 Shipherd, Jacob R., ed. History of the Oberlin-Wellington rescue; with an in- troduction by Henry E. Peck and Ralph Plumb. B., 1859. S° 3264-67 Shipley, Mary E. Christmas at Annesley. P., 1S75. l6 ° S24A6 — Jessie's work. n. t. p. 16 S24A63 Ships. Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the sea. 437-43 — Jones, R. J. Cornewall-. Ships, sailors and the sea. 1S77 651-45 Rogers, F. Magnetism of iron vessels. 1877 5395-7 — Wells, Dl A. Our merchant marine. 18S5. 651-9 — Wynkoop, P. Clearance and entrance of vessels in the United States. 1S82. . 3476-9 — Ward, T. II., <! the most remarkable persecutions of the Church of Rome. 2 v. I.., 1844. 8° 2723-7 Shoddy. Whipple, E. 1'. Success and its conditions, pp. 272-305 946E8 SHOEBl RYNJ IS and the guns. Barry, P. . . 6234-2 Shoemaker, Chas. C, ,-,/. Choice humor for reading and recitation. 1'hila., 1886. 12° 801-87 Young folks' dialogues. I'liila., 1885. 12° S015-S1 Shoemaker, J. \\ .. ed. Practical elocution. I'liila., 1886. 12° S00-S2 — and Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W., <•. 1751-1/. 1834. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 143-158. 410 ), and cities of the BodenSee, 1S79-80. per, S. J | ; Shores of Lake Aral. Wood, 11 4554-9 Shoring and its application. Blagrove, G. II 1124 19 SHORT, John T. Ohio: a sketch of industrial progress. Columbus, 1882. 16°. ... North Americans of antiquity; their ori- gin, migrations and type of civilization considered. N. V., iSSo. 8° 407-8 Siiori poems for short people. Fawcett, E. 339C5 Short sayings of great men. Bent, S. R.,ed. S07-2 Short stories and lessons on the festivals, fasts and Saints' days of the Protestant Episcopal church. N. V., n. d. 12°. 26034-S SHORT studies on great subjects. 4 v. Froude, J. A Shortest way with the Dissenters, .s'.v 1 u- Foe, D. SHORTHOUSE, J. Henry, Eng: writer, 6. 1834. John Inglesant. N. Y., 1882. 12°. — Little schoolmaster Mark: a spiritual ro- mance. I ... 18S4. 12°. — Sir Percival: a story of the post and of the present. L., 1SS6. 12°. — Teacher of the violin and other tales. 1 ... 1888. 12°. Contents. — A teacher of the violin. — The Mar- quis Jeanne Hyacinthe dc St Palaye. — The Baroness Helena von Saarfeld.— Ellie: .» story of a boy and girl. — An apologue. The humorous in literature. /»Coan, T. M.. ed. Studies in literature. pp. 12 IsS S04-3 Shoshie, the Hindoo zenana teacher. Brit- tan, Miss H. G shove. — ns6 — SI l: REE. Shove, Geo. A. Life under glass; contain- ing suggestions toward the formation of artificial climates. I!., 1S74. 16 . . . 717-8 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, Eng. admiral. Ed- gar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes, pp. 247-260 4159-35 — Winks, \V. E. Illustrious shoemakers. pp. 13-24 4169-95 Shreve, Samuel Henry, Am. engineer, b. 1829-rf. 1884. Treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs. N. V., 1873. 8°. 624-75 Shreve, Thos. H., Am. journalist, b. 1808-fl'. 1853. Poems. In Poetical literature of the West 8091-36 Shrubbery. See Flowers and flower-garden- ing. Landscape gardening. Trees. Shuck, Oscar T.,ed. California scrap-book: a repository of useful information and select reading. San Francisco, 1869. 8°. 4794-78 SHUCKBURGH, E. S. Modern miracles. In Coan, T. M., ed. Questions of belief. 194-204 204-18 Shumway, Arthur Leon, Am. writer, />. 1860-rt'. 1889, and Brower, C. De W. Oberliniana: a jubilee volume of semi- historical anecdotes connected with the past and present of Oberlin college, 1833-83- Cleveland, [1883.] . . 12°. 378771-7 Shut up in Paris. Sheppard, N 944S1-7 Shway Yoe, pseud. Set Scott, J as. Geo. mam. Colquhoun, A. R. Amongst the Shans. 1885 4554-3 — Con, M. L. Siam. 1886 4533-2 — Feudge, Mrs. F. R. Eastern side; or, missionary life in Siam 2659-3 — Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. English govern- ess at the Siamese court. 1S70. . . . 4533~5 Romance of the harem. 1873 4533-° — Siam and Laos as seen by our American missionaries. Phila., 1S84. 12 . . . . 2659-7 — Siam and the Siamese as described by American missionaries. I.., 1SS6. 12 . 2659-71 — Bainbridge, W. 1'. Along the lines at the front, pp. 146-153 2636-2 — Earl, G. W. Eastern seas, 1832-34. pp. 147-181 490-3 Feudge, Mrs. F. R. Bangkok. In Many lands, pp. 141-149 439-63 — Gutzlaff, C. Voyages, pp. i-cxiii. . . 45'~44 rie, J. C. Manual of foreign mis- ions, pp. 110-118 2635-4 Mai com, II. South-eastern Asia. v. 2. pp. III-140 453-6 a, J. Strait^ of Malai ca. pp. 78-163 453-8 Wood, W. M. Fankwei. pp. 149 262. 450-97 .' Siiieria. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and 1858 4529 i-t Siberia, continued. — Bush, K. J. Reindeer, dogs and snow- shoes: a journal of Siberian travel, in 1865-67 45 2 9-2 — Collins, P. McD. Overland explorations. 4529-25 Voyage down the Amoor ; with a land journey through Siberia. 1S60. [Same as foregoing] 4529-26 — Dostoyevsky, F. M. Buried alive; or, ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. 1881. 4529-3 — Erman, A. Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 1850. 4529-35 — (iilder, W. H. Ice-pack and Tundra : an account of the search for the " Jean- nette," and a sledge journey through Siberia. 18S3 498-4 — Hovgaard, A. Nordenskiold's voyage round Asia and Europe, in 1878-80. . . 498-692 — Kennan, G. Tent-life in Siberia. 1S70. 4529-5 Note. — See also his articles on Siberia in the Century, 1888-89. — Knox,T.W. Overland through Asia. 1S70. 450-4S — Lansdell, H. Through Siberia. 2 v. 1882. [Bibliography, v. 2. pp. 280- 286] 4529-55 — Meignan, V. From Paris to Pekin over Siberian snows. 1SS5 450-54 — Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta. 1S85. 49S-64 — Michie, A. Siberian overland route, from Peking to Petersburg. 1S64. . . 4529-6 — Wrangell, F. Expedition to the Polai sea, 1820-23 498-97 — Habersham, A. W. North Pacific sur- veying and exploring expedition, pp. 408-482 490-45 — Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure, pp. 275-310. Siberia and Kamschatka. . . 436-4 — Hartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 191-219. 498-46 — Knox, T. W. The underground world. pp. 599-612. Exiles in Siberia. . . .. 6229-5 — Northern regions, pp. 243-302 498-69 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. pp. 388-427 438-75 — \\ hymper, F. Travels and adventures in the territory of Alaska, pp. 286-296. 479S-87 also Arctic regions. Asia. tii\ in Europe: a visit to the valley of the Petchora, in northeast Russia. Seebohm, II 4472-S Sibbald, Sir Robert, Scottish physician, b. 1641-a'. about 1722. In Naturalist's library, v. 1. pp. 17-67. Memoir. . 590-5 Sibley, John Langdon, Am. librarian, b. 1804-,/. 1885. Peabody, A. P. Har- vard reminiscences, pp. 146-154. . . 412-74 1 11. Rev. las., jr. Great African island : chapters on Madagascar : a popular account of recent researches in the physical geography, geology, and explor- ation of the country, anil its natural his- SIBREE. "57 II- '.I , , I , onlinued. tor) and botanj ; and in i he 01 ij^i n and li>- ion , 'I' toms and I. in) 1 ii pel hi , lull, lore and religion be- liefs, and practice ol thi d ifTen nl tribes : togel hei ■■■ ilh illustral ion ol Scripture, and i irlj cl h lii torj from native habil ■ , and mis r; pei iences, with physical and i 1 1 Ii ig i< .J keti li maps. I.., 1880. 8°. . . . | Madagascar and its people: note ol foui years' residence, with a sketch ol the histoi y, position and pi 1 ispei ts "! mission work amongst the Malagasy, n, d. 12° p5o-8 Sim 1 . 1 lolvert, • '•■ 1 1 2021 6 Sim 1 Spencer. Kent, J. Sibylline books. Huidekoper, F. Juda- ism nl Rome. pp. 395-459 296-4 Sibylline leaves, extracts for the drawing- in : by A. E. M. K. X. Y.. ]SS;. 12° 807-8 Sn \i;i>. Roch Ambroise Cucurron, French instructor of deaf mutes, />. 1742-1/. 1S22. Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flowei ol Chris- tian chivalry, pp. 147 174 4'4~5 Sid vTlVES. Andres, E. Fabrication of varnishes, siccatives, etc 6673-2 Sn my. Barlow, J. W. The Norman-, in south Europe. 1886 94503-2 Bartlett, W. II. Pictures from Sicily. ■864 445K-2 Kavanagh, J. Summer and winter in the two Sicilies. 1858 4457-5 I loj d, W. W. History of Sicily to the Athenian war 9190S-5 Sleeper, M. G. The two Sicilies. 1867. 4458 7 Tnckci 111:111, II. T. Sicily: a pilgrimage. 1848 »458-S - Browne, J. R. Vusef; or, the journe] of the Frangi. pp. 13-79 4499-23 Half-hours in many lands. pp. 283 289. 139-46 Smith, K. B. Carthage, pp. 46-59. . . 9177 7 Symonds, I. A. Sketches ami studies in southern Europe, v. 2 445-S6 Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracens, pp. 3 6 3-jS2 4409-75 Unprotected females in Sicily, etc. pp. 1 lt^ s 9 Woolsey, S, C, (Susan Coolidge, pseud.) At the toe ol the l>ig boot. In Oilman, K.,ed. Magna Charta stories, pp.88 «°5 Set s/joEtna. lialy. Mediterranean Sick giant ami the doctor dwarf. Jerrold, D. Works, v. 4. pp. 475 402. . . . 828 5 StCKi 1 s, Daniel Edgar, Am. general, b. 1823. Fiske, S. Off-hand porti imi- nent New Yorkers, pp. 284 - s v , . 41247 3 . 1/ u ,ih (Kemli ■ /'. 1755 d. 1831. Boaden, J. Mem Idon Kennnrd, N. II, Mi Idon 1 ■ Li I V. 2. pp. 21S 22S I ' J. I heii maji V- 2- PP- -'I' 263 \. (M.| PP- 449 175 7"l 19 Matthew ;, I. B. an I Hutton, I . v - 2. 1 ,i 70 '. — Russell, A. P. Characteristics, pp.25 51. 7 ell, W. Extraordinary men and ■ 11. pt. 2. pp. 174 |S ; (IO-9 S IDE-lights on I nglish society. Muri .. I 2 v t42-65 Sidei : I . Works, v. 8. 82 Sidgwick, Alfred. Fallacies: a view ..f logic from the practical side. N. Y., 1884. 12° ii Sidgwick, Charlotte S. The story ol way. I.., 1885. l6° Sidgwick, Henry, Eng. philosopher, b. 1838. Methods of ethics. I... 1 s 7 ; . S°. . . 191 8 — Outlines of the history of ethics foi Eng- lish readers. I... 1886. 12 1 — Theory of classical education. //; Far- rar, F. W., i I >n a liberal ucation. pp. 81 143 {75-3 Sidney, or Sydney, Algernon, F.ng. republi- can, li. 1622 -. Siege of Vienna, 1674. Pichler, K. Siege ol Washington, I ». ('. Adams, ]•".('. 9S09-2 Sieges. Great sieges of history 903-4 — See also Patties Gibralter. SlEGVOLK, Paul, pseud. .Sr Mathews, Albert. Siemens, Sir (lias. Wm., inventor, l>. 1S23. Bathometer. /'/ Science lectures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 122-136. 502-N1 Dynamo-electric current, ami on certain means to improve its steadiness. It: Du Moncel, T. and Preece, W. H. tncan- descenl electrii lights, pp. 142-188. . 53S4-3 11 , W, T. Creators of the age of pp. I3I-2I2 1 10.1 -, Siena, Italy. Coan, T. M., ed. lh torical studies, pp. 54-')* 902-25 Norton, C. E. < !hun b building in the middle ages. pp. 87 178 7.'|| o Sierra Leone. Forde, II. A. Black ami white, pp. 1-19 263-35 — Williams, G. W. Xegro race in Ameri- ca, v. 1. pp. S5-94 3 2 °9-8 Sierra Nevada mountains. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 478-55 Sieveking, Amelie. Brace, C. L. Home life in Germany, pp. 39-47 443 -2 — Japp, A. II., (E. C. Gray, pseud). Wise words and loving deeds, pp. 221-242. 413-45 Sieveking, Edward Henry. Medical ad- viser in iife insurance. Phila., lS74- 12° 3683-7 Sieves, Emmanuel Joseph, comic, (called Abbe SiSyes,) b. 1748-^.1836. Brougham, H. Statesmen [of] the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 223-227 410-17 SlGEL, Franz, German-Am. general, b. 1824. American republic. In Atlas essays No. 3. pp. 61-77 3°4- I 7 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 368-374 4I23I-4 — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and generals, pp. 513-519- 4 I22_ 4 Sight. Bernstein, J. Five senses of man. pp. 4S-163. .'.••■ 1S2-2 — See also Eye and vision. Light. SIGHTS and insights. Whitney, Mrs. A. D.T. Sights and secrets of the national capital. Ellis, J. B 4753-35 Sights and sensations in Europe. Browne, J. H 440-176 SIGHTS and sensations in France, Germany and Switzerland. BufTum, E. G. . . . 440-19 Sign language. Clark, W. P. Indian sign language. 1885 '37~3 — Mallery, G. Sign language among the North American Indians. 1SS0. . . . I37 _ 6 — See also Deaf ami dumb. Language. SlGN-painting. Callingham," J. Sign-writ- ing and glass-embossing 6981-3 — Davidson, E. A. House-painting, grain- ing, marbling and sign-writing. . . . 698-4 Signals. Coston, Mrs. M. J. Signal success. 248B6 Higgins, C. A. Talking by signals. In Wonder stories of science, pp. 319-330. 602-9 Signboards. Larwood, J., pseud, of I,. R. Sadler. History of signboards. . . . 394~5 SIGNERS of the Declaration of Independence. Belisle, D. W. History of Independence Hall; witli biographies of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. . . . 98281-2 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers t'-'-.i Lossing, P.. J. Biographical sketches of the signers 4121-53 Signing the contract. Finley, Martha (!•'.) Sic nor Moualili ui's niece. Thicker, Mary A. Signs and seasons. Burroughs, J 196E7 Signs of the times. Carlyle, T. I ays v. 2. pp. 230-252 206E2 SIGOURNE^ — " 9 SUA I.I' i i i . 1/ . Lydia (1 1 until ■ |, Am. /J*. \->w it. 1865. Lcllci ladies. N. Y., 1854. 12 '937-75 Lucy 1 low ard' joui rial N. Y., [858 1 I Myrtis; with other etching ketch- ings. N. \ .. 1846. 1 ■ Content* The emigrant bride Lady Ara bella John ■ m Mar) Rici Fall of 1 !>• I' 1 quod, The Yankci V legend of Pennsj Iva 1 11. 1 Mi. lad) "I M ".1 n 1 Vei ' 1I1 ol Po I mil III- Jin h hi .' -The 1 > I ' > 1 1 k 1 1 and 1 he ,« hi .I 1 hi 1 1 1. 1 1 1 in in 1 1 1, J Pleasant me of pi ' lands. B., I844. 12° 442-82 Sell'. 1 poem . Phila., 1838. 12. 1854 823C] — Introduction. in Clement, J., ed. ■ I ii. -ii American women 412-32 1 . .1', mi 1 in genius ol Mrs. I [em ins. //; Memoir of Felicia Hemans 161B4 Memoir "I Felicia I lemans. /// I [ernari , F. I'l.rln.ll lli'lks. |i|i. 29-46. . . . .(''-'' I Everest, < '. W, Poets of < !onnectii ill . pp. 195-212. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 Par ton, J. People's book of biography, pp. (101-606 (.10-82 Sigrid: an Icelandic love story. Thorodd- son, J. T. Sigurd the crusader. Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine, pp. 50 (12 (.58 97 Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs. Morris, Wm 648C4 SlKES, Wm. Wiri, Am. writer, b. 1836 d. i.SSj. Rami ilcs ami studies in old Smith Wales. I.., 1881. S° 11 29 8 S) 1 vs Marner. Eliot, < leorge. SlLBER, Win. Latin reader: to which is prefixed an epitome of Latin grammar together with notes and copious refer- ences to the grammars of liarkness, An- drews and Stoddard, and Bullions; al :o a vocabulary and exercises in Latin prose composition. V \ .. 1867. 12 . [26 83 Silcote ofSilcotes. Kingsley, Henry. Sit t m 1. ui I >. in Maitland. ( Srey, Maxwell. SlLENI man's legacy. Noble, A. 1 688A5 Silent partner. Phelps, Elizabeths. Silen c Pete. ' >ii-, Jas. Silent south. Cable, >. W 984-3 Suns [talicus, Caius, Roman poet, t. ,i/><ur domestic pel-, pp. 106-148 Sm.k and scarlet. I Ii ton, 11.11 Silkville prairie home in I. Nord- liull. I '. I tic societies of the niti 1 I ti pp. (75 384 Sill, Edward Rowland, Am. edn,. 1816 d. 1SS5. I ipli I chemistry. Phila., 1S70. 12° 540-82 Principles of physics; or, natur; l>hy. Phila., 1S70. 12 530-8 Sn loway, Thos. Wm., Am. architect, b. 1 ami Lowers, Lee L. The cathedral towns and intervening places of I'.ng- laml, Ireland and Scotland: a descrip- tion of cities, cathedrals, lakes, moun- tains, ruins and watering places. B., 1883. s° 442-83 Sit. us and ensilage. Thurber, Dr. G. ... I Silsbee, M. C. I'. Half-century in Salem. B., 1S87. 12° o- Silver. Anderson, A. D. The silver coun- try ; or, the greal southwest. 1S77. . . I . I 1 - -piracy against silver, 1886 Gee, G. C. Silversmith's hand-Look. 1877 6692-4 Indian official, An. Silver >pie— tion reviewed Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora : geogra- phy, history and resources of the silver region of North America. 1S66 in. S. Trade, population and PL- ">'> -,i- s jj°4-2 Bowles, S. Across the continent, pp. 141-15S 47s 17 SILVER. — i 160 — SIMMS. Silver, continued. - Knox, T. W. The underground world. pp. 82-117 6229-5 — See also Assaying. Bimetallism. Jewel- ry. Metallurgy. Metals. Mines and mining. Money. Also accounts of silver- producing regions, as Arizona, Colorado, etc. SILVER casket; or, the world and its wiles. Tucker, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.) 116A4 Silver chimes; or, Olive. Marshall, Emma. 614. \.j7 SILVER cord. Brooks,- Shirley. Silver lake; or, lost in the snow. Ballan- tyne, R. M 133A65 Silver lining. Flint, S. A 360A8S Silver medal. Trowbridge, J. T 896A88 Silver pen, pseud. 6'iv Meteyard, Eliza. Silver pitchers and Independence. Alcott, Louisa M 114A6S SILVER pound and England's monetary poli- cy. Horton, S. D 3314-42 SILVER rags. Allen, Willis B I15A98 Silver store. Gould, S. Baring- 8093-4 Silver sunbeam: text-book on sun-drawing ami photographic printing. Towler, J. 769-S8 SILVERADO squatters. Stevenson, R. L. Silverthorns. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary L., (Ennis Graham, pseud.) 639A55 Silvester, saint. Anderdon, W. H. Even- ings with the saints, pp. 311-322. . . 414-23 Silvia. Kavanagh, Julia. SlMCOX, Geo. Augustus, Eng. dramatist. History of Latin literature from Ennius to Boethius. 2 v. N. Y., 18S3. 12 . S709-84 — Poems and romances. L., 1869. 12°. . S24C3 Sime, Jas. Lessing. 2 v. B., 1S77. 8°. 566B4 Sime, Win. Red route. N. V., 18S5. 16°. Simeon, Chas., Eng. clergyman, b. 1759-rf. 1836. Memoir of the Rev. Chas. Simeon ; with a selection from his writings and correspondence: abridged by J.S. Stone: ed. by Wm. Carus. N. V., 1855. 12°. 824B3 Neale, E. Closing scene, ser. 2. pp. 40-70 410-8 Si mi 1 ari 1 [ES of physical and religious knowl- ■ I ;e. Bixby, J. T 215-9 Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea ; or, marine contributions to food, industry and art. N. Y., 1879. 12 . . 5895 7 Mops; their cultivation, commerce, and uses in various countries. I.., 1S77. 12 . 6339-8 Sir John I ranklin, and the Air lie regions ; wiili detailed notices of the expeditions in search oi the missing vessels under Sir John Franklin; to which is added an account of the American expedition undei the patronage of Henry Grinnell; with an introd ui tion to 1 he Ai an 1 dition, by J. C. Lord, Buffalo, 1852. 12 v' Simmonds, P. L., continued. — Continuation. In Ure, A. Philosophyof manufactures °77~9 Simms, Frederick W. A treatise on the prin- ciples and practice of levelling. N. V., 1870. 8°. Bound with Enthoffer, J. Manual of topography 5 2 ^9 i J Simms, Joseph, physiognomist, b. 1833. Phys- iognomy illustrated; or, nature's reve- lation of character. N. V., 18S7. 8°. 1795-75 Simms, Wm. Gilmore, Am. author, b. 1S06-1/. 1S70. Beauchampe ; or, the Kentucky tragedy: a sequel to Charlemont. N. V., 1856. 12°. — Border beagles: a tale of the Mississippi. N. Y., 1S55. 12°. — Charlemont; or, the pride of the village: a tale of Kentucky. N. Y., 1S56. 12°. — Egeria; or, voices of thought and coun- sel for the woods and wayside. I'hila., 1853. 12° 824E5 — Eutaw: a tale of the revolution: sequel to Forayers. N. V., 1856. 12°. — Guy Rivers. N. Y., 1859. 12°. — Katherine Walton; or, the rebel of Dor- chester. N. Y., 1864. 12°. — Kinsmen; or, the black riders of the Congaree. 2v.ini. I'hila., 1841. 16°. — Life of the Chevalier Bayard. N. Y., I8 4 7- 12° '39B8 — Lifeof Francis Marion. N. Y., 1854. 12 . 612BS — Mellichanipe: a legend of the Santee. N. Y., 1862. 12°. — Partisan: a romance of the revolution. N. Y. 12°. — Poems; descriptive, dramatic, legendary and contemplative. 2 v. Charleston, 1853. 12° 824C6 Contents. — v. 1. Norman Maurice: a trage- dy. — Atalanlis: a talc uf the sea. — Talcs anm " — The two camps. — The Inst wager. — The arm- chair ofl 1 hi snal c of the cabin. Oakatibbc; or, the ('linctau S.unpsiai I" , ee, 1 * In 1 1 1.1 1 legend — The giant's coffin. — Sergeant Barnacle.— Those old lunes. — The lazy crow.— Caloya.— 3 m < de Ayllon. — VY hi. ill: or, hawks about the dove- cote: a story of the South ai the close ol the revolution. V V., 1854. 12 . \, in. 1 it: a romance of Carolina, N. Y., 1853. 12°. SIMMS. ! I 6 I Simms, Win. ( ;., continued. ed. Life of Natl | i 01 gen- eral in Ihe irmj ol I he revolution. N. V., 1861 12 «6B; — II isof Vmerican authoi , pp.2S7 _ - oj. 4181 45 Simon Ja ipei . Pearse, M. G. Simon, Jules, {Ju ■ Simon St Freni h /■■ ■■ n i statesman, b. 1814. Government ol M. Thiers, from 8th Feb- ruary, 1S71, to 24th May, 1873. 2 v. N. V., 1879. 8° 94484-8 Claretie, J. and othei . French celebri- ties, pt. 2. pp. 93-107 4'°5-35 Rae, W. 1'. Men of the third republic, pp. 295-308 4105-5 Simon Peter. See Peter. Si mi is. Sand, George. Simondi de Sismondi, Jean Chas. Leonard, Swiss historian, i. 1773-'/- iS)j. Histor- ical view of the literature of tlie south of Europe: tr. with notes and life of the author, by Thos. Koscoe. 2 v. N. V., 1855. 12°. Same, 1871 802-83 — Italian republics. N. V., 1S55. 16°. . 945-7 — Appendix on the Jerusalem delivered. In Wiffen, J. II. Life of Torquato f/ass 874B4 — Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. 1 : 9*-9S 4104-85 SlMONDS, Wm., (W. Aimwell, pseud.), Am. author, b. i822-. 1810-r/. 1S84. Sermons: edited from shorthand by Rev. Geo. 1 ( . N. Y., 1885. 8° 2J SIMPSON, Thos. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 62-68 \> Simpson, Thos. Kelly, C. Voyages and travels, pp. 831-862. Dease and Simp- son's expedition 439-53 SIMPSON, Wm. Meeting the sun : a journey all round the world through Egypt, China, Japan and California; including an account of the marriage ceremonies of the Emperor of China. B., 1877. 8°. : Sims, Chas. X., Am. clergyman, />. 1 Introduction. In Vansant, N. Rachel ■ nig for her children 2401-9 Sims, Clifl ird Stanley, Am. author, b. 1839. Biographical sketch of W. Noye. In Noye, W. Maxims of the laws of Eng- land 3434-6 SlMS, Jas. Marion, Am. surgeon, 1 1883. Story of my life: ed. by his 1 1. Marion Sims. X. Y., 1S84. 12°. . SlMSON, Alfred. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador, and the exploration of the Putumayo river. L., 1886. 12=. . . 4868-8 SlMSON, Dr. Martin Eduard, German states- man, b. 1S10. Tuttle, II. German po- litical leaders, pp. ioi-iio 4106-S SlMSON, Walter. History of the gi] with specimens of the gipsy language: ed. with preface, introduction, notes and a disquisition on the past, present and future of gipsydom, by Jas, Sim- son. I ., 1865. 12° Sin. Bushnell, H. Nature and the super- natural — Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of for- giveness of sin t Naville, E. Problem of evil SIN. — 1 162 SIR. Sin, continued. — See also Crime. Evil. Ethics. Future punishment. Justification. Theology. Sinai, Mount. Beke, C. Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia, and of Midian. 1878. 4591-2 — Field, H. M. On the desert, pp. 98-202. 4591-4 — Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. Pilgrim memories. pp. 69-168 458-42 — Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Recov- ery of Jerusalem, pp. 403-429. . . . 2212-9 — Kitto, J. Scripture lands, pp. 64-73. 2209-54 — Lepsius, K. R. Letters from Egypt, etc. pp. 290-320 462-59 — Loring, W. W. Confederate soldier in Egypt, pp. 20S-240 462-62 — Martineau, H. Eastern life. pp. 261- 344 459-55 — Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, etc. pp. 373-419 45S-7 - Palmer, E. H. Desert of the Exodus. pp. 17-230 4591-6 — Randall, D. A. The handwriting of God. pp. 285-345 458-76 — Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 1868. 458-S5 — See also Arabia. Bible. Palestine. Sinai and Zion. Bailsman, Benj 45S-15 Sinclair, Miss Catherine, Scottish writer, A. 1800- «". 1S64. Modern accomplish- ments; or, the march of intellect. N. V., 1861. 12°. — Scotland and the Scots. N. Y., 1840. 12°. 441-7 Sinclair, Ellery. Christie's choice. N.Y., 18S6. 12°. Sinclair, Jas., 14th carl of Caithness, Scot- tish author. Lectures on popular and scientific subjects. L., 1879. 12 . . . 604-7 Contents. — Coal and coal mines. — Science ap- plied to art. — A penny's worth; or. ''Take , care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves." — Past and present means of communication. — The steam engine. — On at- traction. — The oil from linseed. — Hodge-podge ; or, " What's in tilt . " Sinclair, John. Thomson, K. (B.), (Grace Wharton, pseud.) Memoirs of the Ja- cobites of 1715 and 1745. V. I. pp. 282-312 41 12-8 Sinclair, w. M, Commentary on the epistles of St. John. In Ellicott, C. J., <■. (W.) Sir Valentine's victory, and other stories. Marshall, Emma (M.) 614A48 Sir Victor's choice. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie (Thomas). SIRANI. i i Ct, SKA I SlRANl, Elisabetta, Italian painter, b. 103S •/. 1665. Ellet, Mrs. E. i . Women ar- " I pp. 68 73 1174 i SmU'.n, A. I rollope, 1 . Adolphu 1. Siricius, pope, saint,b. ,i/><>ui 324 -.t«c 384-a'. 398. M.nii \. de. Lives and time ol the Roman pontiffs, v. 1. pp. 88-91. . 2.S21 53 Sismondi. See Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Sis 1 m and saint. Pascal, fai queline. . . . 716B9 Sister Augustine, an old Catholic: memo- rials of Amalie von Lo aulx. Hare, A. J- C, Ir 1 10B2 Sister Dora. Lonsdale, Margaret "> s| 'i Sister Eleanor's brood. Griswold, Frances [n Burge, (Mrs. S. S. Phelps, pseud.) 655A6 Sister Ursula. Bearne, I ucy W. Sisterhoods. Ludlow, J. M. Woman's work in the church 2719-4 — Totter, 11. C. Sisterhoods and deaconess- es at home and abroad 2719-6 — See Convents. Monastii institutions. See also Life of Mrs. E. A. Seton. Sisters, The. Ebers, (leorg M. Sisters, The. Holland, Mrs. B. (W.) Home tales 4' S a-ViJ SISTERS, The. Heygate, \V. E. Tales for young men and women, v. 1 469A2 SISTERS abroad ; Or, an Italian journey. Channing, Barbara II 445-24 Sister's bye-hours. Ingelow, Jean. SlSTKRS of Orleans : a tale of race and social conflict. N. V., 1871. 12°. Sister's story, ('raven, Mme. Augustus. SlTKAN archipelago. Scidmore, E. R. Alas- ka and the Sitkan archipelago 4798-S Si\ ewright, I., joint author. Preece, W. 1 1. and Sivewright, J. Telegraphy. . . . 53S-73 Six centuries of work and wages. Rogers, J. E. T 336-6 Six cushions. Yonge, CM 990AS7 Six days of creation. Lewis, Taylor. . . . 213-54 Six days of creation : the fall and the deluge. Keimensnyder, J. B 213—73 Six girls. Irving, Fannie B. 600 medical dont's. Valentine, Fred C. . . 613 87 Six hundred receipts. Mat-quart, John. . . 603-53 Six in all. Townsend, Yirginia F. Six legislative enactments for the guidance of contractors, merchants and trades- men. L., 1858-59. 16° 3471-7 Six letters to a pious man. Heinzen, Karl. Bound with What is real democracy. . 460E9 Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich islands. Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). . 4969-17 Six months at the White Mouse. Carpenter, T. B 572B4 St\ months hence. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. "ii a ilaver. Manning, E. . . 32'.! 6 Six night, with the Washingtonian . Ar- Ihur, : . hy half a dozen of the other. Stowe, Mrs. 1 1. 1 B.) and ol i F which two are now in t translated from the monkish 11 originals: ed, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles 93°9-8 Contents— Kthclwcrd'i chronicle. — Ai»cr'» Life of llfred. — GcoflV ith'% Brit- ' ol.las. — Nennius.— Richard of Cirencester. or, si hool days in Bantam val- ley. Weeks, Mi . Helen I ., << tmpbell Wheaton, pseud.) 938A5 Six sisters of the valley. Moore, Rev. W. I!. honor. Andrews, II. P. . . . 11SA45 Six to one: a Nantucket idyl. N. Y., 187S. 1 6°. Six weeks in the saddle in Iceland. Waller, s. i: 4491-9 Six years a priest, and a decade a protestant. \\ I, Rev. F. W Six years later; or, taking of the Bastile. I >umas, Alex. Six years ofa traveller's life in western Africa. Valdez, F. T 4573"9 SIXTEEN months at the gold diggings. \\ lod . I '.miel B 4794~95 ; ii i \ names of Ireland. O'Leary, J., ,-./. " 1 1 I 7 Six i H great oriental monarchy. Rawlinson, Ceo 9l5 6 -7 II VI. Se Montor, A. de. Roman pontiffs 2821-53 Si\ 1 1 s V, original name Felix Peretti, pope, b. 1521-xw. 1585-*/. 15S9. Hiibner, J. A. Life and times of Sixtus V. . . . 826B5 Sixi'V-nine years at the court of Prussia; from the recollections of the countess Von Yoss SIXTY years' gleanings. Brown, John. . . i s 7' ; 7 Sixty years in the harvest field. Mowry, H 254-6 Sl/.KK, Nelson. What to do, and why: how- to educate each man for his proper work. N. Y., 1S72. 12 602-7 — and Drayton, II. S. Heads and faces, and how to study them : a manual of phrenology and physiognomy. N. Y., 8° 179-82 Skating. Vandervell, H. E. and Witham, T. M. A system of figure skating. . . 7919-S — Croly, J. (C), (Jennie )ane, pseud.), Jennie Juneiana. pp. 212-217 255E2 — Ways for boys to make and do things. pp. S3-92 791-87 — S-e also Amusements. SKEAT. — i 164 — SLATE. Skeat, Walter Wm, Eng. clergyman, />. 1835. Biographical sketches. In Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. I. . . . 8092-9 — ed. Specimens of English literature, from the ' Ploughman's crede ' to the 'Shep- heardes calender,' 1394-1579; witn in - troduction, notes and glossarial index. Oxford, 1871. 16 . [pt. 3. Specimens of early English.] 821 1-6 Specimens of early English. Part 1. Set Morris, R. Part 2. See Morris, R. and Skeat, w. w. Skeleton leaves. Phantom flowers: a treatise on the art of producing skeleton leaves 7469-6 Skelton, John, Eng. poet, b. 1460-rf. 1529. Poetical works principally according to the edition of Rev. Alex. Dyce. 3 v. B., 1856. 12° 828C5 — Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 1. pp. 184-191. [Biog. sketch and poems]. 8092-9 Skelton, John. Maitland of Lethington, and the>Scotland of Mary Stuart : a his- tory, v. 1. Edinburgh, 1S87. S°. . 609B6 Skepticism. Confessions of a skeptic. In College and the church, pp. 206-214. 3704-4 — See also Infidelity. Skertchlev, J. A. Melinda the caboceer ; or, sport in Ashantee : a tale of the gold coast. N. Y., 1876. 12° 82SA4 SKETCH-book of Geoffrey Crayon. living, Washington 818-485 Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. Dar- ley, F. O. C 44°-27 Sketches and stories of life in Italy, by an Italian countess. L., n. d. 12°. Contents.— Fenncla.— Brothers of Olmeta.— Student of Padua. — Eettina Ravelli. — Father Anselmo. — School in the forest. — Italian volun- teer. — Wounded soldier. Sketches and studies in southern Europe. Symonds, J. A. 2 v 445-S6 Sketches by " Boz." Dickens, C. Sketches from life; or, illustrations of the influence of Christianity. Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden lime. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Sketches of creation. Winchell, A. . . . 5501-9 Sketches of illustrious soldiers. Wilson, J.G. 41 5 1-9 SKETCHES of the lives of distinguished fe- males, by An American lady. N. V., 1854. i6 c 413-79 Sketches of western life. Rice, Harvey. . 9863-7 Sketches of young couples: young ladies, young gentlemen. Caswell, Edward, (Quiz, pseud.) 827-35 SKETCHES of young couples land] Young gentlemen and young ladies. See Dick- ens, < 'Li Sketches old and new. Clemens, S. M., (Mark Twain, / Sketching. See Drawing. Sketchley, Arthur, pseud. See Rose, Geo. Skew arches. Hyde, E. W 6242-31 Skin. Skin and its troubles. N. Y., 1879. 24°. [Health primers.] 39l6~7 — Morris, M. Management of the skin and hair 3916-6 — See also Hygiene. Skinner, Chas. M. Hints for young pedes- trians. In Ways for boys to make and do things, pp. 22-38 79'-87 — Walking and riding. In Thompson, M. Boys' book of sports, pp. 277-285. . . 79 ,- 8 Skinner, John, Scottish poet, b. l,2l-d. 1807. Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel, pp. I— 10. [Biog. sketch and poems.] .... 80921-7 Skinner, John Stuart, Am. editor, b. 1788- d. 1S51. Supplement: an essay on do- mestic animals, especially the horse. Phila., 1848. Bound with Mason, R. Gentleman's new pocket-farrier. . . . 636-56 Skinner, Thos. Harvey, Am. Presbyterian clergyman, b. ijgi-d. 1S71. Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 363-377. . 2521-4 Skipsev, Joseph. Carols from the coal fields, and other songs and ballads. L., 1SS6. 12° 828C9 Skirmishing. Jenkin, Mrs. C. Skitt, pseud. See Taliaferro, H. E. Skobeleff, Mikkail Dimitryevitch, Russian general, b. 1845-a'. 18S2. Nemirovitch- Dantchenko, V. I. Personal reminis- cences of General Skobeleff. 828B5 — Forbes, A. Souvenirs of some conti- nents, pp. 7-33 43 ss ~4 — Greene, F. V. Army life in Russia, pp. 126-143 947 6 ~4 Skokomish, Washington. Eells, M. Ten years of missionary work at Skokomish. 26797-3 Skottowe, B. C. Short history of parlia- ment. N. Y., 1SS7. 8° 32S42-7 Skull. See Anatomy. Skye. Smith, A. A summer in Skye. . . 441 17-8 Slack, Henry J. Marvels of pond life; or, a year's microscopic recreations among the polyps, infusoria, rotifers, water- bears and polyzoa. L., 1S71. 12°. . . 5785-7 Slauen, Col. Edward B. Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien : narrative of two expeditions to western China, 1S68 and 1875, under Col. Sladen and Col. Brown. 4532-2 SLAGG.John. Free trade and tariff. L. 16 . 335-83 — Cotton trade and industry. In Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 2. pp. 153-195 "3 s 9 S[.\m;. Dc Vere, M. S. Americanisms. PP- 573-653 " 8 -3 Si \ii. Burn, K. S. Building construc- tion. 2V. 1873 693-23 SLATE. — 1165 — SI..W I I", Si vii, continued. I lavies, I >. 1 '. Slate and late q . 1880 55354-3 C ■ , I 1 . I ays in political ecoi pp 166 186 331 — K ingsley, < '. Tow n g( olog ) pp. 1 S. 1 «39- • • 5504-5 — Tyndall, J. Fragments ol icience, pp. 377-3'/' 504-85 Si iter, John, joint author. Smith, T. K. and Slater, J. Architecture: classic and early Christian 722-6 Si ITER, Samuel, Anglo-Am. manufacturer, b. 1768-1/. 1835. Howe, II. Eminent mechanics, rp- 85—98 4 I2 37 I Hunt, I' . American merchant! . pp. 45'-472 4"238-4 Si w .11 Saxon. Foulke, Wm. I) 947~ 2 7 SLAVE-holder abroad ; or, Billy Buck's visit with his master to England : letters from Dr. Pleasant Jones to Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. Phila., 1S60. 12°. 442-85 Sl \\ e king. 1 1 ugo, Victor. Si w 1 of the lamp. N01 1I1, \V. Slave trade. Baker, S. W. Albert N'yan- za. 1870 462S-2 Ismailla : expedition to Central Africa for suppression of slave trade. 1875. • 462S-21 — De Cosson, E. A. Cradle of the Blue Nile: a \ i-ii to Ethiopia. 1S77. . . . 463-2S I ite, A. II. Africa and the American flag. 1859 966-4 — Jenkins, 1-'.. The coolie. 1871. — Livingstone and his African explorations. 1S72 460-6 - Manning, E. Six months on a slaver. 1879 3261-6 — Markham, A. II. Cruise of the "Rosa- rio." 1873 493-6 — Raynol, G. T. F. Europeans in the East ami Wesi Imlies. 6 v. 1798 437-8 Sulivan, G. I.. Dhow chasing in Zanzi- bar waters. 1S73 467S-8 - Thiersch, H. W. J. Abyssinia. 1SS5. . 963-8 - Clark, D. W. Historical sketches, pp. 350-401. History of the slave trade. . 9208-25 — Howe, 11. Life and death on the ocean. pp. 521-550 437-4S Mullens, J. Twelve months in Mads car. pp. 321-324 469-6 — Sou they, R. Poetical works, v. 2. pp. 65-80. Poems concerning the slave- trade 844C4 — Southworth, A. S. African navel, pp. 204-225 4628 N4 — See also Africa. Slavery. Lives of F. Buxton and Wm. Wilberforce. Slaver's adventures. Thomes, W. II. Slavery. Std-divisions : 1. General. 2. In America. ntinued. 1. General. ■ , \\ . I I., ,,/. Slave 1 trade, am ienl and Icrn. 1 ^57. . . Burke, J., (Sennoia Rubek, pseud.) • airy, slavery and y.ung An 1 J66. 194! 9 1 a agnai . A. I .. de Working and liur- ghei classes. 1S71 33 I maica: enslaved and free. 11. d. . . — Sewell, W. 1 .. 1 Irdeal ol free laboi in the 1 tish West Indies. 1861 Bei ker, \\ . A. Charicles: illnstu of the private life of the ancient < Ireeks. PP- 336-373 I Codman, J. Tenmonthsin Brazil, pp. 187-204 481-25 — Leonowens, Mrs. A. II. Romance of the harem, pp. 257-270. Siam 45 ; ; 6 — Mackenzie, D. Flooding of the Sahara. pp. 276-279 4661-6 — O'Kelly, J. J. Mambi-land. pp. 53-73. 47201 7 iff, P. Christ and Christianity, pp. 1S4-211. Slavery and the Bible. ... ■ 11 111, I.. G. Walks in Algiers, pp. S9-112 ; — Vanilicry, A. Central A-ia. pp. 205-230. 455~9 — In addition to the foregoing, see also the names of various slavebolding countries. 2. In America. — Augliey, J. The iron furnace; or, slav- ery and secession. 1S63 ,,- — Heecher, II. W. Freedom and war. 1S63. 9S08-16 — Boutwell, G. S. Speeches and papers. 1867 9808-2 — liright, J. Speeches on the American question. 1865 980S-23 — Christy, I). Cotton is king. 1S55. . . 3269-2 — Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days. 1 884. ;.' — Haven, G. Sermons, speeches and let- ters, 1850-1S69 9808-4 — Helper, II. R. Impending crisis of the Si mth : how to meet it — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America. 4 v. 1S56-68 970-3S — Hildreth, R. Despotism in America. . . 32 — Kemble, F. A. Journal on a Georgian plantation, 1838-39 I egion of liberty! and force of truth. 'S57 — Lincoln, A. <;«. Yankee in Canada ; with anti-slavery and reform papers 885E7 Wilson, H. History of the anti-slavery measures. 1864 3 2 °9-9l Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 v. 1872 3 z6 9~9 — Applelon.T. G. Windfalls, pp. 21S-242. 121E6 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 15. pp. 45-85 SlS " 2 7 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 7. pp. 79-110. The nigger question 206E2 — Channing.W. E. Works, v. 2. pp. 5-153. 208-17 — Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors, pp. 357- 375. Slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia 240E1 — Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. pp. 132-143 3I7E4 — Emerson, R. W. Miscellanies, pp. 203- 230. The fugitive slave law. pp. 291- ^03. Emancipation proclamation. . . 318E8 — Franklin, B. Works, v. 2. pp. 515-524. 81S-4 — Giddings, J. R. Speeches 815-4 — Hamilton, J. A. Reminiscences. pp. 624-631. Property in man 45 2B 3 Helps, A. Friends in council, ser. 1. v. 2. pp. 95-266 461 E8 King, T. S. Christianity and humanity. pp. 224-241. Decision in the Dred Scott case 252-56 Longfellow, H. W. Poems on slavery. In Poems 5S6C2 Mill, [. S. Dissertations and discussions. v 3. pp. 265-299 <>33 E 3 Muzzey, A. B. Reminiscences and me- morials, pp. 292-299. Anti-slavery movement 4121-6 — Phelps, A. My study, etc. pp. 179-213. 204-71 Schujler, E. American diplomacy, pp. 233-264 3 2 77-7 Staley, E. Negro slavery. In Prize papers. 760E1 — Sylvan city. pp. 333-3^7- Early abo- litionists 47481-8 — Victor, O.J. History of American con- spiracies, pp. 383-388 and 393-408. • 34 6 7-9 — Whipple, E. P. Outlool i society, etc. pp. 150-185 94 6Eu 3 — Whillicr, J. G. Prose works, v. 2. pp. 72-84. Chapter of history 947 1; 6 Voices of freedom. In Poems 948C3 Slavery, continual. — See also Africa. Negroes in America. Slave trade. South. United States. In regard to the struggle immediately preceding the rebellion see especially His- tory of Kansas and life of John Brown. — See also Lives of S. Bowles. G. Bradburn. F. Buxton. L. Coffin. F. Douglass. Garrison. Gasparin. Giddings. Gree- ley. Sarah and Angelina Grimke. Fath- er Ilenson. I. T. Hopper. Lincoln. E. P. Lovejoy. S. J. May. Gerrit Smith. Arthur Tappan. Note.— In fiction see H. (B.) Stowe's Uncle Tom's cabin and Nina Gordon ; A. W. Tourgee's Toinette; Fifty years in chains; and other stories illustrating Southern life before the war. Slavic races. Creagh, J. Over the borders of Christendom and Eslamiah. 1876.. 4496-25 — Forsyth, Wm. Slavonic provinces south of the Danube. 1876 \ . . . 9497-3 6 — Krasinski, V. Montenegro and the Sla- vonians in Turkey. 1853 4497-5 — Mackenzie, G. M.aH(/Irby, A. P. Slavonic provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. 1S66. 4497-6 — Robert, C. Slave provinces of Turkey. Willi Ranke, L. History of Servia. . 9497"7 — Fiske, J. Darwinism, etc. pp. 204-236. Races of the Danube 357 El — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, v. 3. pp. 379-427. The southern slaves. . . 902-4 — See also Austria-Hungary. Russia. Tur- key. Bosnia. Dalmatia. Montenegro. Roumania. Servia. Also Ethnology. Sleeman, Wm. Henry, Eng. writer, b. 17S8- 4 — Bushnell, II. Moral uses of dark things. pp. 7-28. Night and sleep 216-14 — Dickens, C, ed. Home and social philos- ophy, ser. 1. pp. 166-182 485E5 — Hinton, J., cd. Physiology for practical use. pp. 323-362 6121-4 — Macnish, R. Philosophy of sleep and anatomy of drunkenness. pp. 3-56. With Combe, Geo. Constitution of man. 244E4 — Saunders, F., (An epicure, pseud.) Salad for the solitary and the social. pp. 501-518. Sleep and its mysteries. . . 805E4 — See also Hygiene. Sleeper, John Sherburne, (Hawser Martin- gale, /t live; from Bombay. I.., I877- 12° 454-S3 Sin 11;, Rev. Thos. R. Church as a school of ethics. In Modern Unitarianism. pp. "3°-'49 2884-3 Slick, Sam. See Haliburton, Thos. Chandler. Si mi -1 ule. Iloare.C. Slide-rule and how to use it. 1872 690S-2 — Kentish, T. llox of instruments and the slide-rule. 1S72 744-46 sum valve. Burgh, \. 1' 6211-21 Slid \frs. Edward, (( . C. I raser-Tytler, pseud.) Jasmine Leigh. I.., 1 s 7 1 . — Jonathan. N. ¥"., 1876. 16 . — - Margaret. N. V., 11. d. 16°. — Mistress Judith. N. V., 1S73. l6 °- Slings and arrows. Fargus, Frederick J., (Hugh (dnway, pseud.) Slingsby, Francis. O'Reilly, M. Irish mar- tyrs and confessors, pp. 227 251. . . 4142-65 Slip in the fens. N. Y., 1S73. 10 °. SLIPS of tongue and pen. Long, J. II. . . 1173-53 Sin\N, Samuel, Am. architect, />. 1815-1/. 1884. Homestead architecture, - taining forty designs for villas, cottages, and faun houses; with essays on style, construction, landscape gardening, fur- niture, etc. I'hila., 1S67. 8° 72S-S5 Sloane, Hans, Scottish naturalist, /•. i66o-. 1722 /. '773- Browning, R. Parleyings with certain people, pp. 55-68 1 Smart, Haw ley, Eng. novelist. Belles and ringers: a novelette. I'hila., 1SS1. 12°. trtship in 1720, and in i860: romances of two centuries. I'hila., 1S77. 16 . — False start. N. V., 1SS8. 12°. — From post to finish. I.., n. d. 12°. — Tie and trick : a melodramatic story. I ... n. .1. 12 . SMART sayings of bright children. Paul, II., ed. 8077-6S Smi WON, John, Eng. civil engineer, b. 1721 J. 1792. Story of John Smeaton and the ■.-tone lighthouse. I... 1886. 12°. 831B1 Adam-, W. II. D. Steady aim. pp. 70- 79 410-12 — Children's story book, pp 201-205. . . 4IO-27 — Drake, S. A., cii. Our great benef.v pp. 396-401 410-42 Howe, II. Eminent mechanics. pp. 219-23° 41237-4 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 242-24S 4>°-757 Men who have risen. | 8. . . 410-76 — Taylor. \\ . C. M tern British Plutarch. pp. 309 314 -- rimbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. PP- 3 6 5"3 6 9 609-79 SMEDLEY. 1168 SMILEY. Smedley, Francis Edward, Eng. novelist, b. about 1814-r/. 1864. Frank Farleigh ; or, scenes from the life of a private pupil. Phila. 8°. — Harry Coverdale's courtship and marriage. Phila. 12 . — Lorrimer Littlegood. Phila. 12°. — Tom Racquet and his three maiden aunts. Phila. S°. Smedley, John. Partem, J. Captains of industry, pp. 18S-194 4169-7 Smedley, Menella Bute, Eng. writer, b. about 1825-^. 1875. Other folks' lives. L., 1S69. 1 6°. Contents. — Twice lost. — Nina. SMEE, Alfred, Eng. surgeon, b. 1818-1/. 1877. Mind of man : being a natural system of mental philosophy. L., 1875. 8°. 1S0-S3 Smell. Hinton, J., ed. Physiology for practical use. pp. 102-126 6121-4 — See also Senses. SMELLIE, Win., Scottish naturalist, b. about 1740-rf. 1795. Philosophy of natural his- tory ; with introduction and additions by John Ware. B., 1835. 12°. . . . 5901-7 — Memoir. In Naturalist's library, v. 2. PP- 17-44 590-5 aMET, Peter John de, Jesuit missionary, b. \S01-d. 1873. Western missions and missionaries : a series of letters. N. Y., 1859. 8° 2678-7 Smiddy, Richard. An essay on the Druids, the ancient churches and the round towers of Ireland. Dublin, 1 87 1. 16 . 4062-7 Smiles, Samuel, Scottish surgeon and biog- rapher, b. 1816. Brief biographies. N. Y., n. d. 12° 410-934 Contents. — Watt. — Stephenson. — Arnold. — Hugh Miller.— Francis Jeffrey. — Ebenezer El- liott. — Geo. Borrow — Audubon. — Wm. Mac- gillivray.— John Sterling.— Leigh Hunt. — Hart- ley Coleridge.— Kitto. — Poe. — Theodore Hook. — Andrew Combe.— Robert Nicoll. — Margaret Fuller.— Sarah Martin. — Character. N. Y., 1872. 12° 194-8 — Duty, with illustrations of courage, pa- tience and endurance. N. Y., 1S80. 12° I94-81 — Huguenots in France, after the revoca- tion of the edict of Nantes; with a visit to the country of the Vaudois, N. Y ., 1874- 8° 2845-7 — Huguenots: their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland. I .., 1880. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1868. 8° 2845-71 — Industrial biography: ironworkers and aakers. B., 1864. 12° 4169-8 Contents. —Iron and civilization.— Beginnings of the iron manufacture in Britain.— Iron smelt- ing by pit-coal: Dud Dudley.— Andrew Yar- Smii.es, Samuel, continued. ranton. — Coalbrookdale iron-works : the Darbys and Reynoidses. — Invention of cast steel: Benj. Huntsman — Inventions of Henry Cort. — Scotch iron manufacture: Dr. Roebuck and David Mushet. — Invention of the hot-blast : Jas. Beaumont Neilson. — Mechanical inven- tions and inventors. — Joseph Bramah. — Henry Maudsley. — Joseph Clement. — Fox, of Derby: Murray, of Leeds : Roberts and Whitworth i Manchester. — Jas. Nasmyth. — Wm. Fairbairn. — Jas. Brindley and the early engineers. L., 1S64. 12 4168-8 Contents. — Sir Cornelius Vermuydcn. — Sir Hugh Myddelton. — Captain Perry. — Jas, Brindley.— Duke of Bridgewater. — Pierre Paul Riquet. — Life and labor ; or, characteristics of men of industry, culture and genius. N. V., 18S8. 12° 194-82 Contents. — Man and gentleman. — Great men, great workers. — Great young men. — Great old men. — Lineage of talent and genius. — Lit- erary ailment : over-brain work. — Health hob- bies. — Town and country life. — Single and married helpmeets. — Evening of life: last thoughts of great men. — Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thos. Ed- ward. N. Y., 1877. 12 312B1 — Life of Geo. Stephenson and of his son Robert Stephenson : comprising also a history of the invention and introduc- tion of the railway locomotive. N. Y., 1868. 8° 854B3 — Life of Geo. Stephenson, railway engin- eer. Columbus, 1859. 12° 854B2 — Lives of Boulton and Watt: comprising a history of the invention and introduc- tion of the steam engine. Phila., 1865. 8° 4168-79 — Men of invention and industry. N. Y., 1885. 12° 4169-Sl Contents. — Phincas Pett. — Francis P. Smith. — John Harrison. — John Lombe. — Wm. Mur- dock. — Frederick Koenig. — Walters, of the Times. — Wm. Clowes. — Chas. Bianconi.— In- dustry in Ireland. —Ship-building in Belfast, by E. T. Harland. — Astronomers and students in humble life. — Self-help; with illustrations of character and conduct. B., i860. 12 194-83 — Thrift. N. Y., 1S76. 12 3368-75 — ed. Nasmyth, Jas. Autobiography. . . 672B1 Round the world : including a resi- dence in Victoria, and a journey by rail across North America. N. Y., n. d. 12° 438-85 Smiley, Sarah F. Fullness of blessing ; or, the gospel of Christ as illustrated from the book of Joshua. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. 2232-S Garden graith ; or, talks among my flow- ers. N. Y., 1SS0. 12° 240-68 Contents. — The garden itself. — Seed sowing. — "Consider the lilies." — Weeds. — Fragrance. — Pot-bound. — After the rain.— The life beyond. SMITH. — I I 69 S.MII II Sm 1 1 11, Ail. mi, Scottish b. 1 7 .!,; •/. 1790. 1 aj . i . 1869, 12". ... 142-i 1 in/, w, Moral enlimenl Formati ol langungi litre i 1 ■ irii I Incienl logii and physii 11 tivi [ poetr; I Eternal senses.— English and 1 1 ill. in vem An inquiry into the nature and eausi o( [he wealth ol nation . I ... 1868. 8°. . 330-S5 Theorj ■>! the 1 'al .''"i imenl , to « hii li 1 added a dissertation on the origin ol language >, wil li a biogi aphii .il men hi the author, by Dugald Stewart. I.., I87I. 12° I'll 82 Letter, In 1 1 time, 1 1. Essays, v. 1. I'P- 9-14 I ■' I ■ 1 hi:ii, J. A. Adam Smith 833B8 Bagehot, W. Economic studies, pp. 95-134. Adam Smith ami our modern my 3304-18 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. IM'- 348 369 4IO-4S McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy. pp. 162-173 1621-48 Stewart, D. Collected works, v. 10. pp. 5-98 162-87 I hake, S. A., ed. Our great benefa pp. 49-54 4'" t- Smith, Agnes. Glimpses of deck life and scenery. 1.., 18S4. S° 4495-82 Smith, Albert, Eng. writer, b. iSio-a 1 . 1S60. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, and his friend Jack Johnson. I.. 16 . — Fortunes of the Scattergood family. I.. 1 6°. Month at Constantinople. 1'.., 1852. 12°. 44961-7 Poppleton legacy: a story of town and country life. I ... n. d. l6°. — Struggles and adventures of Christopher Tadpole at home and abroad. 1.. 12°. — Dix, J. Lions; living and dead. pp. 19S-203 410-4 Smith, A\ex., Scottish writer, b.aI>out 1829-1/. 1867. Alfred Hagart's household, li., 1865. 16 . — Dream thorp: a book of essays written in the country. 1... 1S03. 12° 835E1 Contents.- Dreamthorp. — On the writing of \ s. — On death and the fear of dying. — Will- iam Dunbar. — A lark's (light. — Christmas. — Men of letters.— The importance of a man to himself. — A shelf in my bookcase. — Geoffrey Chancer. — Hooks and gardens. —On vagabonds. — Edwin of Deira. B., 1861. 12 . . . . 835C2 — Foems. Cleveland, 1S53. 12 853C1 — Summer in Skye. B., 1S65. 12°. Same. 1.., 1S66 441 17 n — Selections. In Scotia's hauls, pp. 401 470 80921-75 Smj hi. All ■ ., continu pp. 130-142 • • . . 41 — K i 1 1 J4 lej . ' . New n pp. 5. Alex. Smith and Alex. Po| Smith, Alfn I Nile an banks: a journal of travi I ypt Jubia. 2 v. I 1 1 Smith, Caroline I.., (Aunl Carrie, pseud.), .Int. auth I for old and young. I!., 1873. l6°. Bound I (rev. , B. Pens and type 11 — - I tome g 1 ' ing. li., 16 7 Popular pastime I and fire- side. Springfield, M 1 l6°. . 786-8 1 1 tie, 1 Brenda, pseud.), writer. Kroggy's little brother. N. Y., n. .1. 16 835A4 Smith, Chas. Adam, Lutheran clergyman, b. \?* typical forms, pri- meval distribution, filiations and migra- s ; with a preliminary abstract of the vie«s of Blumenbach, Prichard and oth- ers on the subject, by S. Kneeland, jr. 15., 1859. 12° 573-8 — Dogs. In Naturalist's library, v. 1S-19. Horses. In Same. v. 20. Introduction mmalia. A Same. v. 15. . . . 59°-3 SMITH, Chas. Henry, (Bill A r p, pseu d.), Am. humorist, b. 1826. Bill Arp's peace pa- pers. N. Y., 1S7;. 12° S17-S6 erson, H., ed. Oddities of southern life ami character, pp. 2S5-303. . . . S17-94 Smith, Chas. K. McBride, J. l'ioneer aphy. v. 2. pp. 214-224. . . . 41271-6 Smith, Chas. Manby, Eng. writer. Work- ingman's way in the world : being the autobiography of a journeyman printer. V \ .. 1854. 12° 834B1 Smith, Mrs. Charlotte. Eng. novelist, b. 17; .-. 1S06. Conversations, introduc- ing poetry, chiefly on subjects of natural history. L., 1S63. 10 5905-S4 — Old manor house, n. t. p. 16 . SMITH. — 1170 SMITH. Smith, A/rs. Charlotte, continued. — Kavanagh, J. English women of letters. pp. 91-93 4182-5 Smith, Cotton Mather, Am.chrgyman, b.1731- d. 1806. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 305-317. 4121-45 Smith, D. Edson. Ten acres enough to support a family. In Lindley, W. and Widney, J. P. California of the south. PP- 369-373 4794-55 Smith, D. Murray. Arctic expeditions from British and foreign shores, from the ear- liest times to the expedition of 1875-76. Edinburgh, 1877. 4° 49S-87 Smith, David. The dyer's instructor ; prac- tical instructions in the art of dying silk, cotton, wool and worsted and wool- en goods ; [with] nearly 800 receipts, a treatise on the art of padding, and the printing of silk warps, skeins, handker- chiefs, etc. Phila., 1876. 12°. . . . 667-8 Smith, Edmund Kirby, Am. general, b. 1825. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 761-773 41225-5 Smith, Edmund Neale, Eng. poet, b. 1668- d. 1710. Johnson, S. Lives of the Eng- lish poets, v. 1. pp. 304-321 41S21-5 Smith, Edmund Reuel. Araucanians; or, notes of a tour among the Indian tribes of southern Chili. N. Y., 1S55. 12 . 483-8 Smith, Edward, M. D. Foods. N. Y., 1873. 12 . [International scientific ser.] 643-8 — Health: a hand-book for households and schools. N. Y., 1875 613-8 Smith, Eli, Am. missionary, I'. \%o\-d. 1857. See Robinson, Edward. Biblical re- searches 2209-75 Smith, Elihu Hubbard, b. \yj\-d. 1798. Everest, C. W., ed. Poems of Connecti- cut, pp. 105-112. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 80914-4 SMITH, Elizabeth, /'. jyj6-d. 1806. Lives of distinguished females, pp. 84-120. 413-79 — Balfour, C. L. Women worth emulating. PP- 57-7' 4U-I7 Working women of this century, pp. i'5-'37 413-18 SMITH, Elizabeth n.ikes (Prince), Am. au- thor, b. 1806. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 545-549. 4181-3 Smith, Erasmus Peshine, Am. jurist, b. 1S14- .Francis. Thecanary: its varie- ties, management and breeding. L., 1S0H. 12° 6387 7 Smith, Francis Hopkinson, Am. artist, b. 183S. Elements of descriptive geome- try ; with its applications to shades, shadows and perspective, and to topog- raphy. Baltimore, 1871. 8° 515—8 SMITH, Francis Pettit, Eng. inventor, b. 180S- d. 1874. Smiles, S. Men of invention and industry, pp. 49-71 4169-81 Smith, Geo., Eng. Orientalist, b. 1840-d'. 1876. Assyria from the earliest times to the fall of Nineveh. N. Y., 1876. 12°. . 9152-7 — Assyrian discoveries: an account of explo- rations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh during 1873-74. N. Y., 1S75. 8° 4025-7 — Chaldean account of Genesis, containing the description of the creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the patriarchs and Nimrod, Babylonian fables, and legends of the gods, from the cuneiform inscriptions. N. Y., 1876. 8° 4025-71 Smith, Geo., LL.D. Geography of British India, political and physical. L., 1882. 12° 4254-8 — Life of Alex. Duff. 2 v. N.Y.,[i879.] 8°. 296B4 Smith, Rro. Geo. Narrative of an explora- tory visit to each of the Consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan in behalf of the church missionary society, in the years 1844-45-46. N. Y., 1857. 12°. . . . 451-83 Smith, Geo. Barnett, Eng. author, b. 1S41. Life and speeches of Hon. John Bright. N. Y., 1881. 8° 183B5 — Life of the Right Hon. Win. Ewart Glad- stone. N. Y., 1880. 8° 425B1 — Poets and novelists: a series of literary studies. N. Y., 1876. 12° 804-8 Contents. — William Makepeace Thackeray. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning. — Thomas Love Peacock. — Nathaniel Hawthorne. — The Bron- tes. — Henry Fielding. — Robert Buchanan. — English fugitive poets. — The prime ministers of Queen Victoria. L., 1S86. 8° 411-93 Contents. — Lord Melbourne. — Sir Robert Peel. — Earl Russell. — Earl of Derby. — Earl of Aber- deen.— Lord Palmerston. — Earl of Beaconsficld. — Mr. Gladstone. — Marquis of Salisbury. — A/>- pendix. 1. List of the administrations during the reign of Queen Victoria. — 2. Principal ai ts passed during her Majesty's reign. SMITH, Geo. Putnam. Law of field sports. \. Y., 1886. 12° 79I-7 Smith, Gerard W. Painting, Spanish and French. L., 18S4. 12° 759-7 Smith, Gerrit, Am. philanthropist, b. 1797-r/. 1874. Frothingham, O. B. Gerril Smith. 1S79 834B3 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings. pp. 330-340 412-25 SMITH 1,71 — Mil Smi 1 11, Gerrit, continued. Parton, I . Captains 1 ■! indu itry. pp. 1 1 1 1 19 1 7 Smith, Goldwin, Canadian author, i. 1S23. Cowper. V v., 1SS0. 12". [English men ol lettei :ei ies] • 19B2 — I *i ture on the 1 udy of In tory, deliv- 1 red in Oxford, 1859 61, [also] a Ice lure on the I niv.'i ii\ "i Oxford, V \'., 1866. 12°. . . . ' 8 Contents. — Inaugural lecture,— Study of his* tory, 1 h lecture ; Odi u n>'»sed conse- . 1S41. Alone in Lon- don. 1'.., n. tl. 16 863A1 — Bede's charity. X. Y., 1X72. 16°. . . 863A15 Broughl home. N. Y.. 1S70. 16°. — Children of Cloverley. B., n. d. 16 . . 863A2 — Cobwebs and cables. \. Y. 12 . — Crew of the Dolphin. N. Y., 1876. 24 . — Doctor's dilemma. N. Y., 1S77. S°. — Hester Motley's promise. X. Y. 12°. — The king's servants. X. Y., n. <1. 10. St> 3A4 — Through a needle's eye. N. Y., 1878. 12 . — The wonderful life, [life of Jesus]. X. Y., n. cl. 16° 2329, 85 SMITH, .Wis. Hannah Whitall. Foster, Mrs. 1. 11., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of remarkable women, pp. 80-83. • • l l; 5 2 SMITH, Helen Ainslic. History of lapan, (words of one syllable). X.Y..| [887]. 8°. 952 75 Smith, Henry, Am. .1/. E. clergyman, Rec- ollections ami reflections of an old itin- erant. N. Y., 1S54. 16° 834B5 Smith, Henry Boynton, Am, Congregational 11, 1876. Faith and philosophy: .h ed- ited ■■■ hi. mi roduction, by ' .. I - 1 ■ . 1S7S. 8« 204-81 Cont f faith and philosophy — Nature and worth •>( the science I iry, Reformed chin I ir-ijiT and America in relation to general church history, — Idea of Christian theology as a system.— New latitudtnari of 1 l i *ys- tern of Kmmons < - lesias- tical r ':nii ion.— Sir \V. Hamilton's theoi I knowledge. Di >i" r*s [ n telle ctual development of Europe.— Whedon on the will. — Kenan's Life of Jesus. — New faith of Strauss. — Life .ml work; ed. by his wife. V Y., 1881. 8° 834B53 SMITH, Herbert II. Brazil, the Amazons and the coast. N. V., 1879. 8°. . . . 481-8 Smith, Horace, /'. about 1780-//. 1849 and James, />. 1775-//. 1839, Eng. writers, brothers. Poetical works ; with portraits and a biog. sketch : ed. by Epes Sargent. X. V., 1857. 8°. . . . ' 835C5 Rejected addresses; or, the New Thea- trum Poetarutn. 1!., i860. 12°. . . . 835C6 SMITH, Horatio. Festivals, games and amusements, ancient and modern. N. Y., 1S62. 16° 780-8 Smith, J. F. Sir Bernard Gaston; or, the secret of Moultree Hall. N. Y. 8°. SMITH, Mrs. J. Gregory. Atla: a story of a lost island. X. V., 1886. 16°. Smith, J. Hamblin. Introduction to the study of heat. I.., 1S79. l6° 536-7 SMITH, J. Milton. Stars of the reformation: sketches of eminent reformers, and of the leading events in Europe which led to the revival of Christianity. I.., n. d. 12°. 2706-72 Smi 1 11, J. Y. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt, n. t. p. 12° 462-S6 — Turkey and the Turks. B., 1854. 12'.. 4496-S . las., b. about 1 720-1/. 1S06. Dwight, \ . Lives of the signers of the 1 leclara- tion of Independence, pp. 19S-205. . 4121-; 1 sing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. Iig 122 4121-5; Smith, Col. las., b. 1737.'. 1812. McClung, J. A. Western adventure, pp. 13-44. 9S7-58 SMITH, | lish poet, b. 1S24. Rogers, C.,ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 470-474. ' . sketch and poems] S0921-7 'smi ill. Capt. John, founder of Virginia, b. I579-rf. 1632. Hill, G. C. A biogra- phy of Capt. John Smith. 1S57. ... Warner, C. D. Captain John Smith : the of his life and writings. 1881. . 834B72 emore, B. C. Historical for young folks. pp. 7-l8 .;- — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 362- -s77 920-25 SMITH. 1172 — SMITH. Smith, Cap/. John, continued. — Higginson, T. W. American explorers. pp. 229-266 97°-4 — Ililliard, G. S. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 2. pp. 177-407. . . . 412-86 — Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. pp. 9-36 532E4 — Richardson, C. F. American literature. pp. 63-72 810-7 — Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. pp. 479-495 410-92 — See also History, United Slates. Pocahon- tas. Virginia. Smith, John, Eng. clergyman, b. 1618-1/. 1652. Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the 17th century, v. 2. pp. 11 7- 192. 2742-8 Smith, John. Domestic botany : an exposi- tion of the structure and classification of plants, and of their uses for food, cloth- ing, medicine and manufacturing pur- poses. L., 1883. 12 5816-8 — Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man ; with notes and illustrations, by R. T. Trail. N. Y., 1S72. 12°. . . . 6436-8 Smith, John Augustine, M. D., b. 1782-a'. 1865. Select discourses on the functions of the nervous system. In Boardman, A. Defence of phrenology, pp. 81-153. 179-3 Smith, John Cotton, D. D., Episcopal clergy- man,b. 1826-rf. 1882. Briarhill lectures: certain aspects of the church. N. V., 1881. 12° 283S-75 Contents. — Charity and truth. — Liturgy and Christian union. — The church's law of develop- ment. — The church's mission of reconciliation. — Miscellanies, old and new. N. Y., 1876. 12° 836E1 Contents. — Gladstone's Homer and the Ho- meric age. — Suspense and restoration of faith. — Oxford essays and Baden-Powell on miracles. — United States a nation. — Evolution and a per- sonal Creator. — Dante. — Evolution and a personal Creator. In Christian truth and modern opinion. IT- 189-229 239S-25 — Theistic basis of evolution. In Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. pp. 285-315. 239-21 SMITH, John Hyatt, Am. Baptist clergyman, b. 1824-1/. 1886. The open door; or, light and liberty. N. V., 1870. 12°. Smith, John Nelson. On the science of ibility (intelligence); or, simple cle- ment of soul, and the spirit of life and origin of species and natural cause of thi constancy of each species to its 1. I'hila., 1875. 16 1498-8 Smith, John Prince. 1 nglish coinage ques- tion. In Cobden club essays, 1871-2. IT- 34S-360 304-3 Smith, John Pye, D. D., LL. D., Eng. theo- logian, b. 1774-rf. 1 85 1. Relation be- tween the Holy Scriptures and some parts of geological science; with a sketch of the literary life of the author, by J. H. Davies. L., 1854. 12° 215-83 — Sprague, W. B. European celebrities. pp. 166-169 4104-85 Smith, Joseph Edward Adams, (Godfrey Greylock, pseud.), Am. writer. Tagh- conic, the romance and beauty of the hills. B., 1879. 12° 47441-7 Smith, Joshua Toulmin, Eng. author, b. 181 6— «/. 1869. Northmen in New Eng- land ; or, America in the loth century. B., 1839. 12° 970-75 Smith, Airs. Julie P., Am. novelist, d. 18S3. Blossom-bud. N. Y., 1883. 12°. — Brazen gates, n. t. p. 12° 381-81 — Chris and Otho. N. Y., 1872. 12°. — Courting and farming ; or, who is the gentleman? N. Y., 1871. 12°. — His young wife. N. Y., 1883. 12°. — Kiss and be friends. N. Y., 1S79. 12 . — Married belle. N. Y., 1871. 12°. — Shiftless folks. N. Y. 12°. — Widow Goldsmith's daughter. N. Y., 1S80. 12°. — Widower. N. Y., 1881. 12 Smith, Rev. L. L. Questionson ancient and modern history: to accompany the Man- uals of ancient history, by W. C. Taylor. N. Y., 1869. 8° 905-7 — [Same], With Taylor, W. C. Manual of history 905-S7 Smith, Mary L. G. Among the stars, n. t. p. 16 523-8 Smith, Mrs. Mary Prudence (Wells), (P. Thome, pseud.), Am. author, b. 1840. Browns, The. B., 1S85. 16°. . . . S36A8 — Jolly good times. B. 16° 836A82 — Jollygood times at school. B., 1SS4. 16°. 836A83 Smith, Matthew Hale, Am. clergyman, b. iSlo-ft". 1879. Bulls and bears of New York; with the crisis of 1873 ami the cause. Hartford, 1874. S° 47471-S Smith, Mclancthon, Am. naval officer, b. 1810. Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, pp. 531-541 4122-39 Smith, Minna Caroline. Boys of Cary farm. B., 1887. 12 835A6 SMITH, Philip. Ancient history of the East, from the earliest times to the conquest by 'Alexander the Great, including Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Per- sia, Asia Minor ami Phoenicia. N. Y., 1871. 12°. Same, 1872 910 87 — History of the world, from the earlie 1 nk 3 v. N. V., 1S65. 8°. . . 910-88 SMITH. — "73 — Mi Smi i ii, Philip, i ontinued. Content* v. i Fi t>m < hi creation to I he 1 Philip of Macedon v. i. From Philip <•( M to the R m m conqii. i .ii Carl id Isia v. i Ft the ttinin\ irate . 1818-1/. 1SS4. Air ami rain : the begin- nings <>f a chemical climatology. I.., ■872. 8' 55157-7 Smith, Robert II. Cutting tools worked by hand and machine. I., 1SS2. 16°. . 6219-7 SMITH, Robert Payne, Eng. clergyman, />. 1S1S. Prophecy a preparation for Christ. I'.., 1870. 12°. [Hampton lectures, 1869.] 2203-84 SMITH, Roderick 11. 'The science of busi- ness : a study of the principles controlling the laws of exchange. N. Y., 18S5. 12 . 334-7 SMITH, Roger, jointed. .SW-Art hand-books. SMITH, Roswell, Am. publislur, b. 1820. Der- by, J. C. Fifty years among authors, ks and publishers, pp. 704-708. . 4181 3 SMITH, Samuel. Occasional essays. Edin- burgh, 1874. 8° 836E6 Contents.— The comparative vitality of an- cient and modern civilization. — American insti- tutions.— British rule in India [864). — War in relation to modern civilization. — Reflections tested by a second visit to I ' -i.ites of America. — I lie basis of political right. — Re- flections on the Franco-German war. — Ration- alism and the Bible, -Rationalism and miracles. \ppendix. SMITH, Samuel Francis, /»./'., .■/».-. clergyman, t. 1808. Missionary sketches: a concise history of the work of the Amer- ican Baptist Missionary Union. I?., 1SS1. 16 2636-7 Smith, Samuel I., continued. I. Myths and heroes ; or, childhood of the world. B , 187 ). 16 •■, 1 ■ Con! I I of tlie world, [by I- f Hi iui. t:> lleropl and A* hillei ' Grecia ' mopylje.- I 1 and Aristidl tcs. — Kpaminond thenci Deliver- ers of Syracuse. — Considerations on mythol Smith, Seba, Am. journalist, t. 1772 u\ ckinck. N.V., 1S66. 12 ' SMITH. — 1 174 SMITH. Smith, Sydney, continued. — Fallacies of anti-reformers. In Prose masterpieces, v. I. pp. 123-173. . . 808-7 — Holland, S. S. Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith S35B1 — Reid, S. J. Sketch of the life and times of the Rev. Sydney Smith S35B2 — Foster, J. Critical essays, v. 1. pp. 285-315. Review of Smith's sermons. 377E4 — Gilfillan, G. Modern literature, v. 2. pp. 2S7-292 418-43 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of British authors, v. 4. pp. 81-125. • 4182-56 — Milnes, R. M. Monographs, pp. 249- 2S2 4'°-77 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 433-46S 410-964 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 1. pp. 13S-171 946E5 SMITH, T. A. Medical use of alcoholic drinks. In Temperance tracts, v. 2. 19S-85 Smith, T. Roger. Acoustics in relation to architecture and building: the laws of sound as applied to the arrangement of buildings. L., n. d. 16° 721-8 — Architecture: Gothic and renaissance; L., 1880. 12°. [Art hand-books.] . . 723-8 — and Slater, J. Architecture: classic and early Christian. N. Y., 1882. 12°. [Art hand-books.] 722-6 Smith, Thos. Assheton, b. \777-d. 1S5S. Wilmot, J. E. E. Reminiscences of the late Thos. Assheton Smith; or, the pur- suits of an English country gentle- man 835B6 SMITH, Thos. L. Elements of the laws ; or, outlines of the system of civil and crim- inal laws in force in the United States. Phila., 1882. 12 3402-8 Smi 1 11, Thos. Southwood. Eng. physician, b. 1790-1/. 1861. The philosophy of health ; or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man ; with a view to the promotion of human longevity and happiness. 2 v. L., 1S51. 12°. 613-82 SMITH, Uriah. Man's nature and destiny; or, the state of the dead, the reward of the righteous, and the end of the wicked. Battle Creek, Mich., 18X4. 12°. . . . 237-75 Thoughts critical and practical on the book of Daniel. Battle (reek, Mich., 1873. 16° 2255-S Thoughts, critical and practical on the k of Revelation. Battle Creek, Mich., 1865. 12°. Same, 1SS1. . . . 229-7 — United Stales in the light of prophei J . or, an exposition of Rev. 13, 11-17. Battle Creek, Mich., 1874. 16 . . . . 9739 7 Smith, Virginia. Boy's menagerie. /// Ways for boys to make and do things. PP- 5S-77 79'-87 Smith, W. Anderson, Eng. writer. Lewsi- ana ; or, life in the outer Hebrides. L., 1S75. 12° 44117-82 Smith, W. H., Eng. publisher, b. 1792-1/. 1855. Curwen, H. History of book- sellers, pp. 433-440 418-33 Smith, Walter. Art education, scholastic and industrial. B., 1873. 8° 7°7~7 Smith, Walter Chalmers, D. D., LL. D., (Herman Kunst, pseud.), Scottish clergy- man, b. 1824. Olrig Grange. B., 1872. 12° 837CI Smith, Wm., (Alover of his country, pseud.), Scottish Am. scholar, b. about lJ2J—d. 1803. Historical account of Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Cinn., 1868. 8° 987-86 Smith, Wm., Am. statesman, b. 1762-d. 1840. Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 80-84 412-75 Smith, Wm., Eng. geologist, b. 1 769-^/. 1839. Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility, pp. 9-25 41 '-975 Smith, Wm., LL. D., Eng. philologist, b. 1814. History of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest ; revised by Geo. W. Greene. N. V., 1869. 12°. Same, 1S75 918-7 — New Testament history ; with an intro- duction connecting the history of the Old and New Testaments. N. Y., 1874. 12° 221-86 — Old Testament history, from the creation to the return of the Jews from captivity. N. Y., 1S75. I2 ° 221-85 — Smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology and geography. I,., (868. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1877 405-S — and Tuckerman, H. T., eds. Smaller his- tory of English and American litera- ture 820-83 — joint editor. Shaw, T. B. and Smith, W., eds. Choice specimens of English lit- erature S209-75 Smith, Wm., /./.. I). Memoir of h'ichte, //; Fichte, J. G. Popular works, pp. 1 132 163-34 Smith, Wm. Ernesto: a philosophical ro- mance. L., 1S33. 16°. — Thorndalej or, the conflict of opinions. B., 1859. 12°. Smith, Rev. Wm. A., Am. A'.////)/ clergy- man. The spinning wheel of Tam- woiih. N. V., 1884. 12°. W'Ihi is responsible? a story of American life. P., 1883. 12°. SMITH. "75 - SMVI II. Smith, Sir Wm. Cusack, Oui wai ships: n naval t lay. I.., 1886. 12 smi 1 ii, Wm. 1 1 "■•■ Ii 1 1 i" 1 -."I" 1 •• 1 in. n " in hi . 11 ugg'le foi 1 he m vival of the fitte 1 In himself. Ii-, 18 1 1 ■ Sm Wm. Robertson, / /.. !>., Scottish Orientalist, b. 1846. Kinship and riage in early Arabia. ( ambridge, Eng., 1SS5. 12 J- 1 1 7 < 11. 1 Testament in the Jewish church: twelve lei tures on Biblical ci iticism. N. Y., 1883. 12° 22!<< 8l — Prophets of 1 irael and their place in his- tory In 1I1, 1. 1 , ..I : lit" Sill .lilt hi ) B. 1 . N. \ . 1SS2. 12° 2226-82 Gn en, W. II. Mosi ind 1 he prophets. pp. 33-135 and 255-353. Reviews.. 2397 \l Smith, Wm. s. Apologetics, a course of lectures: ed. by Win. S. Karr. X. Y., 1882. 12° Smith, Sir Wm. Sidney, Eng, admiral, b. 1704-1/. 1840. Barrow, I. Life and correspondence of Admiral Sir W. S. Smith ' s .;il ; 7 -Adams, W. II. D. In perils oft. pp. -5 "7 4159-1 Smith, Wm. Sooy, Am. engineer, />. 1830. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 884- ss 7 9796-7 Smith, Worthington G. Diseasi of field and garden crops, chiefly such as are 1 mi ed by fungi. I.., 1SS4. 16°. . . . 6321-7 — Etingi. /" Taylor, J. E., ed. Notes on natural history objects, pp. 159-180. . 519-8 SMITHFIELD, Eng. Tayler, C. 11. Memo- rials of the English martyrs. pp. 1-32 2726-8 SMITHSONIAN Institution. Garfield, J. A. Works, v.i. pp. 430-433 S1S-45 — See at so Washington, D. C. Smithy and forge. Crane, W. J. E. . . . 682-3 Smoke. Hood, C. Wanning buildings. PP- 397-440 62S1-4 — Williams, C. W. Combustion of coal, ami the prevention of smoke 62SS-9 /« Clark, L). K., ed. Fuel, its com- bustion and economy, pp. 3—188. . . 6698-3 also Wanning and ventilation. Smoke: a Russian novel. Turgenef, I. S. Smoking and drinking. Parton, J 198-72 Smoi LETT, Tobias G 1st and historian, 6. 1721 d. 1771. The expedi- tion "f Humphrey Clinker. Leij 1846. 16°. — History of England from the revolution in 168S to the death of George II. Phila., 1S32. 8° 936S-8 — Thackeray. W. M. English humorists. . 82S-S93 ontinued. I ,awn nee, 1 British historians, v. I, pp. : »'*- 54 s, ott, W. Eminenl pp 1 17 467 4182 82 I kcr. Smi ,..,i 1 R, I he. 1 hi'' , ' ■• I'. K. ia Minor. Van I ennep, II. J. ; Benji n, S. ' •. W. World's parad pp. 31-56 ; \\ illace, S. E. St, > lie, I >ea. pp. 201- 227 11 Smvi 11, An /'. /'., .////. Pi 1 yman and educator, b. 1S12 ,/. 1887. Introduction. /'/ Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Woman's thoughts about women 39<>-7 Smyth, Egbert Coffin, /'. /'., Am. < gati> nan, b. 1829. From I ing to S, hleiermacher; or, from rational- ism to faith, hi lioston lectures, 1870. pp. 276-311 239-19 — Tucker, W. T., Chin, hill, J. W., Harris, 1 . and Ilincks, Edward I.., editors of the Andover Review. Progressive ortho- doxy: a contribution to the Christian interpretation of Christian doctrines. !:., 18S6. 12° 23058-7 Contents.— Introduction. — The incarnation. — The atonement. — Eschatology. — The work of [he Holy Spirit. — The Christian.— Christianity and missions. — The Scriptures. — Concli, Christianity absolute and universal. Smyth, J. Paterson. How we got our Bible: ait answer to questions suggested by the Xew Revision. I.., n. d. 12° 2201 1-6S SMYTH, John Yester, possibly the real name of, (Ah-i 'hin-le, pseud). Some observations upon the civilization of the western bar- barians 442 12 Smvi 11, Julian K. Footprints of the Saviour : devotional'studies in the life and nature of oui Lord. B., 1SS6. 12 2 Smyth, Piazzi, Eng. astronomer, b. 1819, Our inheritance in the great pyramid. I ... 1864. 12°. Same. 1SS0 403I-S — A poor man's photography at the great pyramid in the year 1805. L., 1S70. S° 41 SMYTH, Samuel Phillips Xew man. /'./>., clergyman, .'■. 1843. Christian facts and forces. X. Y., 1887. 12° — did faiths in new light. X. V., 1S79. 12° 234 7 theology of to-day. X. V., 1883. 12 252-841 — Religious feeling : a study for faith. X. i ., > s 77- 12° 234-71 SMYTH. — i 176 — SOCI \l.. Smyth, Samuel P. X.. continued. — ed. Dorner On the future state 2 37~3 Smyth, Warington \V. Rudimentary treat- ise on coal and coal mining. 2d ed. L., 1S72. 12°. With Morgans, W. Mining tools 5532-71 line. 5th ed. 1880 5532-7 Smyth, Wm., Am. educator, b. 1797-d. 186S. Lectures on the history of the French revolution. 2 v. L., i860. 12°. . . . 9444-84 — Lectures on modern history from the ir- ruption of the northern nations to the close of the American Revolution ; cor- rected with additions, including a pre- face, and a list of books on American history, by Jared Sparks. B., 1849. 8°. 920-7 Smythe, Emily Anna (Beaufort), vi'sanm/css Strangford. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines, including a visit to Pal- myra. L., 1874. 12° 4499-18 Smythe, Gonzalvo C. Medical heresies his- torically considered: a series of critical essays on the origin and evolution of sectarian medicine, embracing a special sketch and review of homoeopathy past and present. Phila., 1SS0. 12 . . . . 8104-8 Smythe, Thos., l>. about 1560-rf. 1625. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants, pp. 98-131 41 1-2 SNAiL-shell harbor. Langille, J. II. ... 554A5 Snails. Lovell, M. S. Edible mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland, with recipes for cooking them. pp. 1-27 594— 5 Snakes. Hopley, C. C. Curiosities and wonders of serpent life. 18S2 5979 2 ~5 — Hartwig, G. Tropical world, pp. 292-309. 5919-4 — Seealso Natural history. Reptiles. Zool- ogy- SNA r-dragons : a tale of Christmas eve [and] Old father Christmas. Ewing, J. II. . 329A43 SNARLEYYOW ; or, the dog fiend. Marryat, Frederick. SNEAD, Thos. Lowndes, Confederate officer, b, 1828. The fight for Missouri, from the election of Lincoln to the death of I. yon. N.Y., 18S6. 12 9S78-8 Snelus, Geo. J. is., I-'.ng. metallurgist, b. 1837, Jeans, VV. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 318-336 4169-5 Sm , hen 1 mi Jacques, Am. author, />. 1841. Goethe's Faust: a commentary on the literary Bibles of the Occident. 2 part-. B., 1886. 12° 8357-7 The Shakespearian drama: a commen- tary: the tragedies. B., 1SS7. 12 . . 8236-77 Hi tory of the Faust poem. In Sanborn, F. B., ed. Life and genius of Goethe. I'l- ;•.; 344 1 10B6 Snip and whip. Davis, Elizabeth A. . . . 279A7 Snob, Evolution of the. Perry, T. S. . . . 304-59 Snorro Sturleson, Irish poet, b. ii7&~d. 1241. Heimskringla ; or, chronicle of the Kings of Norway, tr. with a preliminary dissertation by Samuel Laing. 3 v. L., 1844. 8° 9481-8 Snow. Glaisher, J. Crystals of snow as ap- plied to the purposes of design. In Art studies from nature, pp. 133-175. . . 745~4 — See also Physical geography. Snow and sunshine. Lamb, Mrs. M. J. . . 552A3 SNOW-berries. Cary, Alice 207 AS Snuw -bound. Baker, G. M. Social stage. PP- 93-137 8015-21 Sxow-bound : a winter idyl. &«-Whittier, J. G. SNOW-bound at Eagle's. Harte, F. Bret. Snow image. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. . . 459A6 Snow man. Sand, George. SNOW-shoes. In Ways for boys to make and do things, pp. 93-97 79"-87 SNOW-shoes and canoes ; or, early days of a fur trader in the Hudson's bay territory. Kingston, W. II. G 535A72 Snow storm. Burroughs, J. Signs and seasons, pp. 97-108 196E7 SNOWDON, Mount, Wales. Tyndall, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps. pp. 421-428 4494-S Snowed up. Norris, E. M 691A1 Snuff. Mathews, W. Hours with men and books, pp. 347-374. A pinch of snuff. 617K54 So as by tire. Lothrop, Mrs. II. M. (S.), (Margaret Sidney, pseud.) 825A2 Soap. Cristiani, R. S. Technical treatise on soap and candles; with a glance at the industry of fats and oils. 1881. . . 668-3 — Watt, A. Art of soap making. 1SS4. . 6681-8 — Dussauce, H., ed. Practical guide for the perfumer, pp. 316-327 6468-3 — Morris, M. Management of the skin and hair. pp. 49-56 3916-6 — l'iesse, G. W. S. Art of perfumery, pp. 262-282 646S-6 SOBIESKI, Clementina Maria, princess, b. 1702-d. 1765. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. pp. 54-6o 411-59 SOBIESKI, John, Polish warrior, b. 1629-rf. 1696. Trauermantel, tr. Love of country; or Sobieski and Hedwig. . . 41042-8 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. - PP- 3°3-3° 6 410-19 Heroic life and pictures of heroes, pp. 213-234. The Polish wizard 4104-5 — Pichler, Karoline. Siege of Vienna. sm [al aims. Emerson, K. W 318E6 SOCIAI aspects of Christianity. Weslcott, Brooke F 2576-9 Social charades. Caldor, M. F 7S5-28 SOCIAL — "77 SOCIALISM. Sociai i iii and i pli ol I H gland. Kay, Joseph 442-52 Social 1 im I [all, 1 lorem e H. . . . 395-42 Sin in economy. Rogers, J. E. T Same. Bound with Gale, Ethel 1 - 1 1 CSS SociAl equality. Mallock, \\ . 1 1 3.5s 57 Soci vi el iquette ol V V ., l8»7- 11-' S01 1 m expei iment. Si firing, \. I . P. Social gleanings. Boyd, Mark 1; Social history of England. Creighton, L. V305-3 Si icial law of 1 Sod : m on (lie ten commandments. Washburn, E. A. . . Social law of labor. Weeden, W. B. . . 536-85 Sim 1 \i. life in Greece. Mahall'y, |. P. . . 4053 6l Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. \ hton, John 9369-17 Social life of the Chinese. Doolittle, J. . 451-3 S01 ial morality: lectures. Maurice, F. D. 191-62 S01 iai palace at Guise. In Calvert, (',. II. Brief essays, pp. 42-48 201E5 Sol hi pressure. Helps, Sir Arthur. . . 304-5 Social questions. Rylance, J. II 3304-72 Social silhouettes. Fawcett, Edgar. SociALstage. Baker, G. M 8015-21 Social statics ; or, the conditions essential to human happiness specified, and first of them developed. Spencer, H. . 162-S6 S01 ial studies. Newton, Reginald II. . . 330-71 Sim ial studies in England. Bolton, S. K. 304-24 Socialism and communism. Andrews,S.P. True constitution of government. 1854. 304-15 — Bax, E. Ii. Religion of socialism. . . . 338 12 — Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Chris- tianity. [1S86.] 33S-14 — Brassey, T. Foreign work and English wages. 1879 336-19 — Brown, T. E. Studies in modern social- ism. 18S6. [With bibliography]. . . 338-2 — Cook, J. Socialism. 1880 33^--5 — Dan son, J. T. Wealth of household 1S86 330-34 — Davies, J. L. Social questions from the point of view of Christian theology. 1S86 2576-2 — Ely, K. T. French and German social- ism in modern times. 1S83 33S5-3 — Gladden, W. Applied Christianity. 1SS6. — Gronlund, L. Co-operative common- wealth : an exposition of modern social- ism. 1SS6 33S-35 — Hanson, W. Fallacies in Progress and poverty. 1SS4 — Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. 1S79. . 33S-4 — ECaufmann, M. Socialism and commun- ism in their practical application. 1883. — Kirkup, T. Inquiry into socialism. 1SS7 33S-47 SOCIAL! Laveleye, 1 1 . V. de. So< iali m >.l to- 1 1 ; . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 - I .... 33 i Primitive property. 1878 333 S5 M alloi I , W. 1 1. Propel iy and prog ; 33 s f the ind the in' ' the i'. 1I1 century. 1S71 33 i hoff, C. Comm 1S75. [With bil graphy] 3i" I . II. History of Amerii an bo- lisms. 1S70 338 . . J. Contemporary socialism. 1NS5. 1 itection and commun- 1 ! 335-75 — Rutherford, R. C. Henry (.••urge versus Henry George. 1S87 333-75 nit, W. L. Robert Owen and his iy. i860 704P.2 — Starkweather, A. J. and Wilson, S. R. Socialism. 1SS4 33 8 5-7 - Woolsey, T. D. Communism and social- ism. 1880 338-9 Wright, R. J. Principia; or, basis of social science. 1876 3 0, -94 her, Dr. — . The Red International. 1 3385-9 irnson, O. A. Works, v. 10. pp. 3S-68. Lalior and association, pp. 79- IIO. Socialism and the church. . . . 81S-27 — Fawcett, 11. end M. G. Essays and lect- on social and political subjects, pp. 1-30 3 4-36 — Flanagan, J. W. Home rule, socialism and secession. In Coan, T. M., •/. So- cial problems, pp. 103-125 304-28 — Greeley, II. Recollections of a busy life. pp. 144-158 436B2 — Haeckel, E. Freedom in science and teaching, pp. SS-98 502-4 — Heckethorn, C. W. Secret societ. all ages. v. 1 3669-4 — Maine, II . S. Dissertations on early law and custom, pp. 232-290 309-48 — Newton, R. H. Social studies, pp. 261- 33o-7« :. 1. B. I ectures "n some sub- jects of modern history, etc. pp. 490- 904-7 — Rylance, J. H. Lectures on social ques- tions: competition, communism, co- operation and the relation of Christianity to socialism 3304-72 — Strong, J. Our country, pp. S5-111. . 2 — Wood, II. Natural law in the business world. 1 336-SS SOCIALISM. 1178 SOCIOLOGY. Socialism and communism, continued, — Demos : a story of English socialism. — See also Labor and capital. Sociology. Socialistic, communistic, mutualistic and financial fragments. Greene, \V. B. . 304-38 Society. Howe, J. W. Modern society. 197-4 — Moulton, L. C. Ourselves and our neigh- bors 396-69 — Society in London, n. t. p. 16 4421-84 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of so- ciety 413-85 Wits and beaux of society 410-964 — Towle, G. M. American society. . . . 473-8S Society and solitude. Emerson, Ralph W. 319E2 Society in Rome under the Caesars. Inge, Wm. R 91906-5 Society islands. Cooper, H. S. Coral lands, v. 2. pp. 282-293 496-3 Society of Friends. Greer, Mrs. T. R. . . 2896-35 Socinianism. Brigham, C. II. Memoir and papers, pp. 349-367 204-12 Sociology. About, E. F. V. Hand-book of social economy. 1873 330- J 3 — Andrews, S. P. Science of society. 1884. 304-15 — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 1875. 301-2 — Bascom, J. Sociology. 1887 338-11 — Bellamy, C. J. The way out. 1S84. . 304-2 — Bolton, S. K. Social studies in England. 1S86 304-24 — Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. 1885. 330-63 — Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Undercurrents over- looked. 2 v. in I. i860 336S-2 — Calvert, G. II. Introduction to social science. 1856 301-23 — Carey, H. C. Past, present and future. '859 330-3 Principles of social science. 3 v. I85S-59 -. 301-25 Unity of law. 1873 301-26 — Chapin, J. II. Creation and the early developments of society. 1880. . . . 213-19 — Class interests: their relations to each other and to government. 18S6. . . . 330-33 — Coan, T. M., ed. Social problems. 1883. 304-28 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures: So- cialism. 1880 338-25 — Danson, J. T. Wealth of households. »886 330-34 — Draper, J. W. Thoughts on the future civil policy of America. 1868 901-3 Duhring, J. Gentlefolks and others. '• s ?6 304-33 Philosophers and fools. 1874 304-34 1 1". cett, M. and M. ( '.. E a and lect- ures on social anil political subjects. 1872 304-36 1 I I iily Hebrew life: a study in sociology. 1880 2 2I 3 _ 4 Sociology, continued. — Fichte, J. G. Science of rights. 1869. 3402-4 — George, II. Social problems. 1883. . 3304-35 — Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life. 1873. . 435E5 — Hamilton, R. S. Present status of social science. 1S74 309-4 — Harris, G. Civilization considered as a science. 1S73 301-4 — Hazard, T. R. Miscellaneous essays. 1883 459E5 — Helps, A. Social pressure. 1875. . . 304-5 — Hurlbut, E. P. Essays on human rights and their political guaranties. 1852. . 320-49 — Kaye, J. W. Essays of an optimist. 1871. 535E4 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power. 1866. 336-37 — McKean, K., cd. Manual of social science: being a condensation of the " Principles of social science," by H. C. Carey. 1874 301-253 — McLennan, J. F. Patriarchal theory. 1885 321 1-6 — Maine, H. J. S. Ancient law; its con- nection with early history of society and its relation to modern ideas. 1870. 3401-6 Dissertations on early law and custom. 1883 309-4S Lectures on the early history of institu- tions. 1S75 309-47 Village communities in the east and west. 1876 3212-61 — Mallock, W. H. Social equality. 1882. 33S-57 — Morgan, L. H. Ancient society. 1877. 309-5 — Nordau, M. S. Conventional lies of our civilization. 1S84 304-5S — Perry, T. S. Evolution of the snob. 1887 304-59 — Quincy, J. P. Protection of majorities. 1876 304-6 — Reade, W. W. Martyrdom of man. 1874 90I-7 — Royce, S. Deterioration and race educa- tion. 187S 309-7 — Rylance, J. II. Lectures on social ques- tions. 1S80 3304-72 — Savage, M. J. Modern sphinx and some of her riddles. 1883 304-75 — Spencer, II. Ceremonial institutions. 1880 162-84 Ecclesiastical institutions. 1886.. . . 162-85 — - Man versus the State. 1884 320-84 Principles of sociology. 2 v. 1877-83. 162-83 Social statics; or, the conditions essen- tial to human happiness spei ified, and the first of them developed. 1S73. . . 162-86 Study of sociology. 1874 301-7 — Stephen, J. F. Liberty, equality, fra- ternity. 1873 320-87 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. 1S75 330-9 SOCIOLOGY. OLITI DE Sociology, - tin I li.\ in ■;, C. I ■ and* . I . B. I lie family. 1887 I ■ 1 , I, : 1 in Lorj "i 1 1 1 1 ■ world. 3 1. 1854 i Ward, L. F. Dynami I 2 v. 1883 '1-9 u 1 ight, K. J. Pi in' ipia ; or, ba il social science. [876 301-94 — Burke, E. Works, v. 1. Natural Ly. 828 25 1 lobbe, l.l'. I [opes ol the human raci pp. 209-270 218-24 Conflict in nature and life. pp. 363 488. 169 , Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. PP 9" '66 532E4 Charities. Cities. Civiliz; Crime. Education. Ethii . Laboi and capital. I iw. Man. Marriage. Political economy. Politics and gov- ernment. Poor. Slavery. Socialism and communism. Society. Temper- ance. Si 11 RAT) :, '.' ! mi - Ulosopher, b. about A'. C. 470-./. about 400. Grote, G. 1 teachings and death of Socrates, [fi the historj of Greece] 841B3 — Memoirs of Socrates, n. t. p. 12°. . . 841B4 — Plato. Day in Athens with Socrate translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato 1 S41-S Socrates: a translation ol the Apology, ' ritoand parts of the Phaedo ■ 541-7 Talks with Socrates about life : transla- tions from the Gorgiasand the Republic "l Plato 1 541—71 — Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals. PP- i->35 »9°-2 — Blomtield, C. J. Socrates. In Encyclo- pedia metropolitana. pp. 13-50. . . '52-4 — Bruce, J. Classic and histi its. PP- 35-38 • ■ . . 410-19 — Elam, C. Physician's problems. pp. 299-326 6104-3 — Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 151-164. . 418-3 — King, T. S. Substance and show, etc. PP- 7* 147 534J 9 — Lamartine, A. de. Homer and Socrates. PP- 55-93 8834-6 — Lloyd, W. W. r Pericles, v. 2. . . 9184-5 — Smith, S. !•'., ed. Myths and heroes, pp. 252-258 2901-S — Wells, J. Christ and the heroes of heathendom, pp. 55-95 '5°-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 203-200 410-975 — Xenophon. Memorabilia ol Socrates. . 8884 7 Minor works, pp. 1 92 201. Apolog) ol Socrates 8884 9 a, b. about 1 cession of I , tr. th I.., 1853. 12 2702 try . 1 Mr.. A. I. (Thackeray). Writings, pp. 336 SOLAR heat, gravitation and sun Ked/ie, J. II 5237-5 Si 'I ah ; I ::, omy. Sun. Solar system. Dick, T. V . 10.. 828-35 ild. Biblii I the most imp >ks in the English language relating to the Scandinavian countries. Jn Horn, F. W. Literature of the Scandinavian North, pp. 413- 5°o 8395-5 Soldier born. Gi < , I. P 43',>-\5 ER of three queens. Henderson, K. 2. v Soldiering and scribbling. Forbes, A. . . 4388-39 is. James, G. P. R. Memoir- of great commanders. 4151-5 S01 1 'ii r's story ol his captivity at Anderson- \ ille. 1 ioss, W. 1 9802-4 Soldier's wife. Steele, S. S. In Drawing- room plays 785-82 SOLEY, Jas. Russell, Am. author, 0. 1S50. and the cruisers. N. Y., 1883. 12°. [Navy in the Civil war.] .... 97S2-6 > of 1812 and other naval heroes. B., 18S7. 8° 9732-S Contents. — Beginnings of the navy. — Biddle and the ** Randolph." — War on the enemy's coast. — Paul Jones' cruises. — Barry and ■y.— Hostilities with France. — Tripoli. — Impressment. — War of 1812. — The " Constitu- tion " and the " Guerrierc."— First stoop action. — Decatur and Cambridge. — Capl. Pis I .r*. rencc. — Cruise of the "Essex."— Perry and Lake Sloop actions. — Macdonough and Pake Champlatn.— Stewart and " Old Ironsides." — War with Algiers. — War with Mexico. — joint author. Schley, W. S. r.nJ 5 J. R. Rescue of Greeley 498-84 i system. Greenwood, Jas 7: SOLFERINO, Battle of, 1859. Knox. T. W. I> :-ive battles since Waterloo. pp. I97-200 903-53 Solitude. Alger. W. R. Solitudt nature and of man. lS;i 197S-4 — Help , A. I impanions of my solitude. 1870 — Zimmerman, J. G. Solitude. 1S4J. . . 197S-9 — Hamerton, P. G. Intellectual life. pp. 300-333 SOLITUDE. — 11S0 — SOMMERS. Soliti'de, continued. — Jacox, F. Cues from all quarters, pp. S4-92. Solitude in crowds 510E4 Solomon, Jeivis/i king, b. about />. C. 1033- d. about 975. Gould, S. Baring-. Le- gends of Old Testament characters, pp. 333-355 22t 4~4 — Williams, H. L. Boys of the Bible, pp. 154-162 2217-9 — Gardner, C. E. Every inch a king : a story illustrating the reigns of David and Solomon 2234-4 Solomon's story. Shaw, W. J. SOLON, Athenian legislator, b. about B. C. 638-rf. 558. Cox, G. W. Lives of the Greek statesmen, pp. 1-32 4 I02 -3 — Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of the ancient philosophers, pp. 44-68. . . . 4 lS ~3 — Grote, G. History of Greece. v. 3. pp. 88-162 9 I§ -43 — Plutarch. Lives. [Various editions.] — Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes. pp. 215-266 2901-8 Solon, L. M. Art of the old English pot- ter. N. Y., 1886. 8° 737-7 Solution of the Mormon problem. (oil- man, J 298-24 Solution of the pyramid problem. Ballard, R 4°3i- 2 SoLYMOS, B., pseud. See Falkonberg, B. E. Some boys and girls. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 7 I 4 A 9 2 Some elements of religion. Liddon, II. P. 252-6 Some experiences of a barrister's life. Bal- lantine, Win I33 B 4 Some glimpses into life in the far east. Thomson, J.T 453 - §3 Some heretics of yesterday. Ilerrick, S. E. 4143-4 Some heroes of travel. Adams, W. H. D. 4159-15 Some impressions of the United States. Freeman, E. A 473~38 SOME leading principles of political economy newly expounded. Cairnes, J. E. . . 330-2S SOME literary recollections. Payn, J. . . . 719B6 Some of our fellows. Millington, T. S. . . 633AS Some other folks. McLean, Sarah I'ratt. SOME problems of philosophy. Alexander, A 142-14 Some skeptical fallacies of certain modern writers examined. Hall, W. J 239-48 Some talk about animals and their masters. Helps, Sir Arthur 59°4-44 Something for everybody: gleaned in the Old Purchase. Hall, B. R 242-28 Some things abroad. McKenzie, A. . . . 440-607 Some verdicts of history review ed. Stebbing, Wm 41 1-95 Some women's hearts. Moullon, 1 1 . Si iMEBODY else. Lathrop, ' leo. P. Somebody's luggage. Dickens, Chas. Somebody's neighbors. Cooke, Rose (Terry). Somers, John, Eng. statesman, b. about 1650- d. 1716. Campbell, J. Lord chancel- lors, v. 4. pp. 77-207 411-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 5!-5 6 411-65 Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour, E. and Seymour, Wm. SOMERSET, Edward, 4th earl of Worcester, d. 1627. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustri- ous personages of Great Britain, v. 3. pp. 205-211 411-65 Somerset, Edward, 2d marquis of Worcester, b. \60i-d. 1667. Century of invention, written in 1655. With Dircks, H. Life of the Second Marquis of Worcester. . 842B1 — Dircks, H. Life, times and scientific la- bors of the Second Marquis of Worces- ter 842B1 — Howe, II. Memoirs of mechanics, pp. 2 3°- 2 37 41237-4 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of G. Britain, v. 5. pp. 165-178. 411-65 — Parton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 385-391 4169-7 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 161-169 609-79 Somerset, Henry, 1st marquis of Worcester, b. about 1562-d. 1646. Lodge, E. Por- traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp. 181-193 411-65 SOMERVILLE, Mary (Fairfax), Eng. physicist, b. lySo-d. 1872. Connection of the physical sciences. N. Y., 1854. 16°. 501-86 — Personal recollections, from early life to old age, of Mary Somerville, with selec- tions from her correspondence, by her daughter, Martha Somerville. B., 1874. 842B2 — Physical geography; with notes and a glossary, by W. S. W. Ruschenberger. N. V., 1869. 12 . Same, 1871. . . . 551-84 — Balfour, C. L. Women worth emulating. pp. 1-20 4'3-'7 — Japp, A. II., (E. C. Gray, pseud.) Wise words and loving deeds, pp. 1-30. . . 413-45 — Queens of literature, pp. 3-29 4182-7 Somerville, Wm., Eng. poet, b. 1692-d. 1742. Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 113-116 41821-5 Somerville Hall. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. . . . 314A9 SOMMERFELDT, Hakon A. Construction of ships bir ocean and river service, prac- tically treated. I.., n. d. 16 . Hound ■with Peake, J. Naval architecture. . . 6238-6 SOMMERS, Jane K. Heavenward led; or, 1 hi 1 n bequests. Phila., 1871. 12°. SOMN \Mi:i I. ISM. ,,, IIIA Somn vmbi i ism. 1 .. h ii, lock, W, l;. Statu- volism ; or, artifii ial omnambuli m, i ailed me imei i nri, 01 mimal "''I m, 177 -I Boisraont, A. I:, de. Hallui inal ion . pp. 188 235 1; I ii leu e, I- I'. I' . Pracl ii .il in 1 1 u< nun in anim 'I "i ignel ism. pp. 68 105. . . 1 77 — 3 — Dendy, W. C. Philosophy "i mj tery. PP; ,i"-' 3*7 I — Dickens, C, ed. Home and locial philos- ophy, pp. 212-231 — Ennemoser, J. Historj ol magic, v. 2. PP- 429 ii 2 '7i ;- Son of a genius. Holland, Mrs. B 483A48 Son of his father. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Son "l the organ-grinder. Schwartz, M Marie S. (B.) SON of the soil. 1 lliphant, Mrs. M. 1 '. (W.) Sun Philip. Fenn, G. M. With A terrible coward. Si ing and a sigh. P ir, Rose. Song and story : later poems. Fawcett, !•'. 3391 6 Song pi Hiawatha. See Longfellow, II. W. Songs. Newell, W. W., <. about 1500-a'. 1542. Abbott, J. S. C. Ferdinand DeSoto S43B3 — living, T. Conquest of Florida, by Her- nando de Soto 9849-5 — Banvard, J. Novelties of the new World. pp. 6S-129 970-2 — Gilman, A. Tales of the pathfinders, pp. 25-50 970-35 — Higginson, T. W. American explorer-. pp. 1 19-140 970-4 — Mill, urn. W. II. Pioneer preachers and people of the Mississippi valley, pp. 13-66 987-6 — Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 124-133 4142-6 — Rice, H. Sketches of western life. pp. 205-228 9863-7 — Simms, \V. (,. Vasconselos: a romance. S w Falkonberg, 1!. E., (B. Solymos, pseud.) Desert life ; recollections of an expedition in the Soudan. 18S0. . . . 4626-4 — James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Soudan, 1883 4626-5 Mackenzie, D. Flooding the Sahara; with a description of Soudan and West- ern Sahara. 1877 4661-6 Myers, A. 11. R. Life with the llamran Arabs. 1S70 4626-65 \\M on, C. F, and Felkin, R. W. Ugan- da in I Hi,' I ■ \ 1 ,1 i .1 ti Soudan 4676-96 v, il . loll ic. J. With 1 In ks I', ii in ili, Soudan. 1SS4 9626-3 SOUDAN. — "«3 — I II. Soudan « ar, continued. — Pimblett, W.M. Stoi y ofl he 01 1 1 the rise ol the revoll [uly, 1881, to 1 In- rail "f Is hai 1 i ind di 1 ( lord J in., 1885 \\ il on, C. W, 1 Korti to Kl irtoum. 1885 — Adam ;, W. 1 1. 1 1 1 yp\ pasl ind pn 1 hi. pp. it; ins 462-12 l 1 e in. 1, J. The Mahdi 297-3 — McCarthy, J. II. England under Glad- stone, pp. 296-325 938-57 I lough, I . For fortuni nd [lory : a story of 1 In- Soudan war. — See also Life of G01 . G. Sni 1. I'.um-, M. Physiology of the soul and instinct, as distinguished from m rialism. 1872 1498-7 — Storrs, K. S., jr. Constitution of the human soul. 1857 1498-9 — Plutarch. Morals, v. 2. Concerning the procreation of the soul 8S8S-4 — Tertullian. Writings, v. 2. pp. 410- 541. Anima. In Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library, v. 15 2813-9 — Tylor, K. li. Primitive culture, v. 1. IT- .i77 -45 !■ x 2902-8 — Walker, E. D. Reincarnation 14904-9 — See also Future life. Mental healing. Mental physiology. Psychology. Soi Land body. Evans, W. F 1; S01 1 and origin of life. Stephenson, M. I-'. 573-83 Soul in nature. Oersted, II. C 16S-7 SOUL of things ; or, psychometrii research* and disco\ ei ies. I lent W '77-33 s.ii 1 1 . 1 rank. 1 Hhon, John 1 1, and N Jas. Annals of San Francisco; con- taining a summary of the history ol the firsl discovi ry, settlement, pi present 1 ondition ol < lalifoi nia, and im- portanl event- connected with its great city ; also biographical memoirs of some prominent citizens. \. Y., 1S55. 8°. . 9S941-8 Sot 11. Richard, Am. lexicographer, b. 1S12-1/. 1877. Dictionary of English synonyms and synonymous, or parallel expressions, designed as a practical guide to and variety of phraseology. B.,1876. 12 . 114-8 Soul S e Brov. ning, Robei 1. Sni 1 1. Nichola fean de Dieu, dttkc of Dal- matia, French marshal, b. 1769-d. 1851. Headley, J. r. Napoleon and his mar- li.il.. v. I. pp. 300-339 ' Sound. B . P. Theory of sound in it- relation to music. 1N76 7716-2 — Donkin, W. F. Acoustics: theoretical. '870 5341-3 — Everett, J. D. Vibratory motion and sound. iSSj 5341-4 Lei " I light 1 ; — M.i 1 1 1. Sound and 1 9. 752 46 Mayer, A. M. Sound. 1879 534-5 Mott, H. A., jr. I ■ .1111.1. 1885 5341-6 r idau, Is. Wondi 1870. \. I real isi nection with ventilation. 1S72. . . . 53484-7 — Smith, I . R. Aco architecture and building 721-8 Strutt, J. W. Theory of sound. 1S77. . 5341-8 I yndall, J. Sound. 1S67 534~9 1 roft, B. I . . 2. pp. 186-195. - Deschanel, A. P. Elementary treat 1 ■ natural philosophy, pi. 4. Sound and light 530-28 D Ibear, A. E. Art of projecting, pp. 58-81 5358-3 — Science lectures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 137-156 502-81 W01 I. J. ' ■. Nature's teachings, pp. 5I3-52" 609-9 — See a tso Ear. Physic-. for our boys and girls. Blaikie, 6136-21 Soundi he Atlantic. 11 Imes, O. W Sound fi ' tmbers. Redden, L.C. 7 Soi ill. Robert, /'. /'., Eng. clergyman, b. 1633-rf. 1716. len, |. Illustrations of the liturgy, v. 1-2. 26031-4 — Selections from writings. In Montagu, B. Selections, pp. 103-122. . . . 241-63 - Mathews, W. Hours with men and books, pp. 5S-S0 6l — Whipple, E. P. I and reviews, v. I. pp. 372 404. South's sermons. . . 946E5 I outturn states oj States.) Andrews, S. The South since the war, as shown by fourteen wee' travel and observation in Georgia and the Carolinas. 1S66 475 14 Iwin, J. (i. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. 1S70 S17-21 — Butterworth, II. Zigzag journey- in the sunny south. 1SS7 475~2 — Cable, G. W. Silent South. 1SS5. . . ipney, I . (W.) Three Vassar girls at home. 1888 — Davidson, J. W. living writers of the South. 1S69 Si 1-3 — Fuller, E. Q. Appeal to the record-: a lication of the Methi pal church, in its policy and proceedings — Helper, 11. K. The impending cn- the South. 1S60 SOUTH. — 11S4 SOUTH. South, continued. — Hepworth, G. II. Whip, hoe, and sword. n. t. p 9801-38 — Hooper, J. J. Adventures of Capt. Simon Suggs, n. d 817-49 — Hunnicutt, J. W. Conspiracy unveiled; or, the horrors of secession. 1863. . . 97S3-46 — Ingraham, J. H. Not " a fool's errand " : life and experience of a northern gover- ness in the sunny South. 1SS1 475-5 — Kelley, W. D. Old South and the new. 1888 475-53 — McClure, A. K. The South; industrial, financial and political. 18S6 984-6 — Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to the tropics. 1864 473-6 — Xordhoff, C. Cotton states in 1875. . . 475-6 — Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the South. l88 4 "35-55 — Olmsted, F. L. Cotton kingdom. 2 v. 1862 475-7 — Pollard, E. A. Lost cause regained. 1867. 9S4-7 — Powers, S. Afoot and alone : a walk from sea to sea by southern route. 1872. 473-76 — Raum, G. B. Existing conflict between republican government and southern oligarchy. 1884 984-S — Reid, W. After the war: a southern tour, 1865-66 475-76 — Tasistro, L. F. Random shots and south- ern breezes. 2 v. in 1. 1S42 475-9 — Tharin, R. S. Arbitrary arrests in the South. 1863 9S19-9 — Tourgee, A. \V. Appeal to Caesar. 1884. 984-9 — Trowbridge, J. T. The South, n. d. . 475-92 — Watterson, II., ed. Oddities in southern life and character Si 7-94 — Appleton, T. G. Windfalls. pp. 218- 242. Were the slave states a part of the nation? 121F6 — Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors, pp. 376- 408. True issue between parties in the South: Union or disunion 240E1 — Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. IP- 332-383. The southern planter. . 282E2 — Kelley, W. I'. Speeches, addresses ami letters, pp. 146-1S4 3304-46 — See also United States. The several states of the South. Cotton. Ku-Klux. Ne- groes in America. Slavery. The names of eminent southern men. The following stories illustrate southern life : 1 ' \ year of wreck; Claytor, G . Pleasant water ; ["hi ma ter*s house; Wal- worth, Mrs. J. H., The new man at Kossmcre; Webber, C. W\, Tales of the southern border: 1 .'. 1 able ; J. R. Gilmore, [Edmund Kirke); K S. McDowell, {Sh<-> Bonner); Mary N. Murfrec, [Chas. Egbert Craddock) , W. G. Simins, and A \\ 1 rgei South America. Bates, H. W., ed. Central America, the West Indies and South America. 1878 427-2 — Bishop, N. A. Thousand miles' walk across South America, n. d 4S0-2 — Champney, I.. (\V.) Three Vassar girls in South America. 1885 480-23 — Clemens, E. J. M. LaPlata. 1886. . . 4S0-24 — Crawford, R. Across the pampas and the Andes. 1884 480-25 — Gallenga, A. South America. 1881. . 4S0-4 — Grimshaw, \V. History of South America from the discovery by Columbus to the conquest of Peru by Pizarro. 1S50. . 929-4 — Hassaurek, F. Four years among Span- ish Americans. 1867 486S-4 — Helper, H. R. Oddments of Andean di- plomacy. 1879 3419-4 — Humboldt, F. A. von. Personal narra- tive of travels to the equinoctial regions of America during 1799-1S04 4S0-45 — Knight, E. F. Cruise of the "Falcon": a voyage to South America. 2 v. 18S4. 480-453 — Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in South America. 1S66 480-455 — Mathews, E. D. Up the Amazon and Maderia rivers; through Bolivia and Peru. 1874 480-6 — Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and na- ture under the tropics. 1871 4S0-67 — Paez, Don R. Travels and adventures in South and Central America. 1873. . . 4S0-73 — Page, T. J. La Plata, the Argentine con- federation and Paraguay. 1S59. . . . 482-7 — Pictures of travel in far-off lands: South America. 1883 4 8 o-75 — Tillotson, J. Golden Americas, n. d. . 992-9 — Wallace, A. R. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, n. t. p 481-9 — Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial period. 2 v. 1884 99 2 ~95 — Parker, M. A. Traveling about, pp.147— 202 439-14 Baxley, II. W. What I saw on the west coast "f America, pp. 72-391 439-16 — Beehler, W. II. Cruise of the "Brook- lyn." pp. 20-132 4375-iS Brassey, Lady Annie. Voyage in the "Sunbeam." pp. 33-193 437>-2 — Dahlgren, Mrs. M. V. South sea I tl Ills. pp. 34-I97 4SO-27 Darwin, C. Journal of researches. [1831-36] 589-27 1 ■< : taecker, F. Journey round the world, pp. 13-133 43 8 -4' I In 1 hi;;, G. Tropical world 59'9-4 — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the United Stales exploring squadron, pp. 41-154. 437-51 SOUTH. - Ii85 - 5( >l'l Ml.. Si 11 111 Ainu ii .1, continued. 1. .iinl we live in. pp. 701 879 470 55 Macgillivray, W, 1 1 ..... ! and n ..I A. Mm II iiinl. ..Ml. |i|i. .17 142. . . )'.< . 1 ., Mnrkham.C.R. Peruvian bark, pp. 1 258. 6151 6 Otis, I' . \. 1 '. 1 t 1 1 in. 1 1 ...ii ood, mi. 1 1 Mail Steamship Co. pp.263 .>"- I7-' S 7 7 PfeifTer, I. 1 ,i.| , 1 journey round ll "' world, pp. |3S 197 438-72 Raynal, G. T. F. Settlemenl an. I trade ..I the Europeans in the Ea 1 and We I tndies. v. .;. pp. 142 384 437-8 Reynold . I. \. V03 age ..1 the 1 . S. frigate " Potomac." pp. .| ;2 479, . . 4371-8 — Ballanl \ ne, R. M. The rovei ol 1 he Amies 1 & . also Amazon. Andes. The 1.. 1 1 he \e\ ei ol 1 ounl 1 ie "i Soul ii \nn-i ica. South Carolina. Andrews, S. The South mi. . 1 hi ii .11 . 1866 475-14 — Gregg, A. History of the old Cheraws. '867 ' 9847-5 — Pike, J. S. The prostrate State: South Carolina under negro government. 1 s 7 4 . 9847 7 Campbell, G. White ami black, pp. 3'2-345 473-z 1 . .I. .1 1 in urn .1 the se\ mi .' ' if the Union. I.,.. 266-277 Doyle, J. .\. I nglish colonies in Amer- ica, pp. 328-380 974-3 — Howe, J. W. Winter homes for invalids pp. So-SS 6135-4 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 158-186. 974 5 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard slave states, pp. 377-523 475 71 — See a/so United States. South. — Also the following novels. Siimiis. W. Ii . the kinsman ; The partisan ; The Ycmassee. SOUTH country neighbors. Carpenter, E. i'.. S01 111 Kensington, England. Conway, M. Ii. Travels in South Kensington ; with notes on decorative art ami architecture in England. 1SS2 745~3 South Kensington Museum. Conferenci held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1S76. N. V. 12 502-S Contents. — Chemistry, biology, physical geog- raphy, geology, mineral — Hand-book to the special loan coll. .'i > ientifii apparatu ■. 1876. N. Y ., ■m77- 12° 505-7 — Cripps, W. 1. College and corporation plate; hand-book in reproductions of silver plate in South Kensington muse- um 739>-2 — Science lectures at Smith Kensington. 2 v. 1S7S-79 502-S1 Note. — For contents sec pp. 1197. ontinu. I. Si iem c hand-book .. Mm ray, A. I 595 -d Sni 1 11 1 mi hand-h Engcl , C. M 1 876 For 1 1 mm' 1 1 I B 1877... Maiolica. 1876 737-4 Mi l,rll, W. I 1 in... I 1876 ; Ne inn. \. ■ 1 Rock, l>. Textile fabrii 1876. . . . 7451 7 S01 in in. mIm' Di -.I. t. S01 rH-moun tain magic. Dahlgren, Mrs. M. \ 174-27 nica. Sni 1 11 sea bubble. Mackay, C. Extraor- dinary popular delusions, v. I. pp. 45 s i * 1742-6 Same. Tn Thiers, L. A. The M bubble, etc. pp. 261-338. . . . 558B9 s.ii 111 sea bubble. Ainsworth, W. II. s..i in sea bubbles. Herbert, '.. R. C. and Kingsley, < i. II., (The earl and the d tor, pseud.) ; s..i rH-sea idyls. Stoddard, C. W 406-82 i -ketches. Dahlgren, Mrs. M. V. 4.S0-27 1 ifornia. Van Dyke, T. S. . 4794-y s tEY, Robert, Eng. author, b. 1774-d'. 1843. Bonk of the church, with notes n the Vindicia Ecclesia Anglicamv. I,., 1S69. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1880. . 283-7 — Doctor, The. 2 v. in 1. N.Y., 1864. 12°. S28-8 — Life of Nelson ; with biographical notice of the author. X. Y., 1855. l6°. Same. Edinburgh, 1SS1. 12 . . . . 676B2 — Life "I' Wesley : ami rise ami progre M 1 hodism; with notes by s. T. ( !ole- ridge, ami remarks on thelifeand charac- ter of John Wesley, by A. Knox, Esq.: ed. by C. C. Southey. 2.1. Am. ed. with not. 1 1. 1 lurry, including rvationson Southey's life of Wesley. 2V. X. V., 1S47. 8°. -4. 12°. — Poetical u.uks, with a memoir of the author. 10 v. B., 1S60. 12° .N441 4 Contrnts. — v. i. Life of Southey. — Joan of N Arc. — Vision of the maid of Orleans. v. 2. The triumph of woman. — Wat Tyler, a drama. — Poems concerning the slave-trade. — ny-bay eclogues. — Sonnets — Monodramas. — The amatory poems of Abel ShufHcbottom. — I yric poems. — Songs of the American Indians. — Occasional pieces.— The retrospect.— Hymn to the penatcs. v. 3. English eclogues. — Nondescripts. — [evil's walk. — Inscriptions. — Carmen tri- umphalefor the commencement of the year 1S14 — Odes. — Epistle to Allan Cunningham. — Op Ecnc Vcrzanicling van Mijnc Afbccldingen. v. 4. Thalaba, the destroyer. Madoc. — Madoc in Wales. — Madoc in Aztlan. SOU THEY. 1186 SOVEREIGNS. SOUTHEY, Robert, continued. v. 6. Ballads and metrical tales. v. 7. Ballads and metrical tales continued. — A tale of Paraguay. — All for love. — The pil- grim to Compostella. v. 8. The curse of Kehama. v. 9. Roderick, the last of the Goths. v. 10. The poet's pilgrimage to Waterloo. — Carmen nuptiale: the lay of the laureate. — Funeral song for the Princess Charlotte, of Wales. — A vision of judgment. — Oliver New- man: a New England tale. — Miscellaneous poetical remains. — Letters. In Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers, ser. 2. pp. 369-381 826-54 — Life of H. R. White. In White, II. R. Poetical and prose works, pp. v-lviii. 947C1 — Memoir of Isaac Walts. In Watts, I. Horaf: lyrice. pp. xi— lxxviii 927C7 — Dowden, E. Southey S44B4 — Knight, W., ed. Memorials of Coleorton. S26-55 — Life and correspondence of Robert Southey : ed. by C. C. Southey. N. Y., '855- 8° 844B5 — Carlyle, T. Reminiscences. Sec Appen- dix 411-27 — De Quincey, T. Literary criticism, pp. 455-47S. Milton vs. Southey and Lan- dor 284E5 [Same]. In Note book of an English opium eater, pp. 193-216 284E41 Literary reminiscences. v. 2. pp. 7-58 2S4E42 — Devey, J. Comparative estimate of mod- ern English poets, pp. 1 12-135. • • • 821-3 — Drake, S. A., cd. Our great benefactors. pp. 78-S1 410-42 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. pp. 200-225 410-45 — Fosler, J. Critical essays. v. I. pp. 453-495. Review of Curse of Kehama. 377E4 — Hazlitt, W. Miscellaneous works, v. 5. PI'- ni-120 450ES - liowitt, W. Homes and haunts of the British poets. *. 2. pp. 255-284. . . 41821-4 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 406-420 411-56 — London Times, Essays, pp. 152-201. . 584E1 — Mason, E. T., ed. Personal (rails of British authors, v. I. pp. 209-247. . 41S2-56 Oliphant, M. (W.) Literary history of England, v. 1. pp. 285-304 and 320- 326 . 8204-7 — Reed, II. British poets, v. 2. pp. 127- 162 821-78 Sprague, W. B. European celebrities, pp. 295-.i°5 4104-85 Ward, T. II., r.i. English poels. v. 4. pp. 155-164 8092-9 Southey Robert, continued. — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. '■ PP- 333-335- English poets of the nineteenth century 946E5 SOUTHGATE, Henry, ■■./. What men have said about women : a collection of choice thoughts and sentences compiled and analytically arranged. L., 1S6S. 12° 807-75 Southgate, Horatio, Protestant Episcopal bishop, li. 1812. Narrative of a visit to the Syrian (Jacobite) church of Mesopo- tamia: with statements and reflections upon the present state of Christianity in Turkey, and the character and pros- pects of the Eastern churches. N. Y ., 1844. 12° 2815-7 Southward ho ! Simms, W. G. Southward ho ! a tour through the state of Georgia. Harley, Rev. T 475S-4 Southwell, Robert, Eng. Catholic, b. about 1560-f/. 1595. Poetical works, now first completely edited, by Wm. P. Turnbull ; with memoir. L., 1S56. 12°. S44C8 — Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors, pp. 124-155 418-5 Southwell, Thos. Birds' eggs. In Notes on collecting and preserving natural his- tory objects, pp. 27-43 579-8 Southwick, Solomon. Am. journalist, b. 1713-d. 1S37. Biographical annual, pp. 156-170 412-21 SutnHWORTH, Alvan S. Four thousand miles of African travel: a personal rec- ord of a journey up the Nile and through the Soudan to the confines of central Africa, embracing a discussion on the sources of the Nile, and an examination of the slave trade. N. Y., 1875. 8°.. 462S-S4 Souvenirs of a diplomat. Bacourt, Cheva- lier de 473-H S'>i VENIRS of my time. Fremont, Jessie B. 383B3 Souvenirs of some continents. Forbes. A. 438S-4 SouVESTRE, Emile, French writer and Journal- ist, b. lSo6-i/. 1854. Attic philosopher in Paris; or, a peep al the world from a garret: being the journal of a happy man. N. V., 1859. 12°. Leaves from a family journal. N. V., 1866. 12°. — Legends of Brittany. N. Y., 1S67. 16°. 3844-S — Pleasures of old age. L., 1S6S. 16°. SouzA-Botelho, Adelaide Mam- Emilie Fil- leul, marquise de, French writer, b. ij6i-d. 1836. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Celebrated « en. pp, 70-92 413-7S Sovereigns of industry. Chamberlain, E. M 3369-3 Sovereigns oi the Bible. Steele, Eli/.a R. 2217-8 SOWED. — I ift7 — SPAIN Sowed bj the wind, Kellogg, Elijah. . . 531A36 SOWERDV, Geo, bu ltinj;haiil, />., artist iind naturalist, l>. 1 8 u ,1. 1 88 | Concl ii ,il in mull. I . 1 S52. 8° 594—7 Sowing and reaping. Howitt, Marj (B.). . 492 A 29 Sow is., the wind. Vrthur, 1 . S. Soyer, Vlexi . Fren • took, b. about 1800 ./. [858. Soyer's culinary campaign: be ing In 1 il reminiscences of the late war ; wil h 1 in plain arl oi cookery fur military and civil institutions, the army, 11. n \, et( . I .., 1857. 12° 9475-8 Sozomen, orSozomenos, Hermias, Creek his- torian, b. about 400. 1 1 1 in il his- tory; comprising a history of the church from ;.'i to 140: '''• from the Greek) with a memoir; also 1 he 1 iasl ical history of Philostorgius as epitomized by Photius, patriarch of Constantinople: tr. by E. Walford. I.., 1S55. 12 . . . 2702-8 Spain. Sub-divisions: 1. History. 2. Travels. >. Miscellaneous. /. History. Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish history. 1869 946 12 Bradley, II. Story of the Goths. 1SS5. 94501-2 — Comic, J. A. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3 v. 1855 941. j 3 — Coppee, II. Conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors. 2 v. 1SS1 9462-4 — Dunham, S. A. History "f Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 1854 946-3 — Ihinlnp, J. Memoirs of Spain (hiring the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II, 1621-1700. 2 v. 1S34 9465-3 — Harrison. J. A. Spain. tSSi 946-4 Irving, W. Chronicle of the conquest of ('■ran. nl. 1. 1S72 9463-5 Spanish papers. 1873 9463-51 — Poole, S. I.. <;«./ Cilman, A, The Moors in Spain, n. d 9462-6 Prescott, W. II. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, 3 v. 1S79. 9463-7 — Trueba, T. de. Romance of history: Spain, n. d 946-8 — Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. ;j, 545. Carlist struggle in Spain. . . 115E1 — Robertson, J. B. Lectures on modern history, etc. pp. 1 :i;. Spun in the 1 8th century 9°4~7 — See also Europe. Inquisition. Nether- lands. Peninsular war. Roman Catho- lic church. g. Travel. — Amicis, E. de. Spain. 1881 440 1; — Andersen, II. C. In Spain and a visil to Portugal. 1S70 446-14 — Baxley, II. W. Spain. 2 v. 1S75. . . 440 17 ontinued. * 1 i m in Spain . -.'• 1 . 1 1. n.ii de li Ban a, Mnu .11 Madrid. 1S50 442 23 1 11. pion, J. s. ( in fool in Spain, 1879 — Corte, La: li m Spain. 1868. 446-25 Day, I! I in the Pyrenees to the pil- lat ol il'" all . 1883. , 446-27 Elliot, I . I liary of an idle •■•■ oman in 1. 2 v. 1SS4 — Field, II. M. Old Spain and new Spain. 1 888 446-34 - Field, K. Ten days in Spain. 1SS5. . 446-35 I id, R. The Spaniards and their coun- try. 1850 446-37 Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities. 1883. 441 -Hale, S. Family flight through Spain. t ss i 44"-45 2 Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. 1873 446-46 — Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile. 1879. 446-47 — Harvey, Mrs. — . CositasEspafiolas; or, evi 1 \ -day life in Spain. 1S75 446-473 — Hay, J. Castilian days. 1871 446-48 Herbert, M. I'.. Impressions of Spain. 1 446-49 — Higgin, G. Commercial and industrial Spain. 1SS6 446-5 Lathrop, G. P. Spanish vistas. 1NS3. . 446-55 \l 1 kenzie, A. S. Spain revi ted. 2 v. 1836 446-61 Year in Spain. 3 v. [1836.] .... 446-6 — O'Shea, J. A. Romantic Spain. 2 v. 1887 446-68 — Pemberton, II. Winter tour in Spain. 1868 446-7 — Romer, Mrs. I. F. The Rhone, the I ' row and the Gaudahpiivir. 2 v. 1S43. 446-7S Rose, II. J. Among the Spanish people. 1S77 — Swift, J. I". Going to Jericho. 1868. . 4499-75 Thiclilin, X. I . Spain and the Span- iards. 1S75 446-87 — Thornbury, \V. Life in Spain. 1S60. . 446-8S — Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain. 1854. 446-92 Bennett, J. II. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean, pp. 526- ; v - 4449-2 Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays: at home and id. pp. I5I-16S 44O-I6 — Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba, etc. pp. 109-130. [Caricatures) Sr :; — Chanipncy, L. (W.i Three Vassar girls abroad, pp. 92-181 440-216 5. 3 Search for winter sunbeams, pp. 283 44^ 4449-3 — Disraeli, B. Home letters, pp. 14-58. . 4440-4 Longfellow, II. W. Outre-mer. pp. 165-302 440-0 STAIN. SPANIARDS. Spain, continued, — March, C. W. Sketches and adventures in Madeira, Portugal, etc. pp. 133-445. 446S1-6 — Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. pp. 1-164 440-74 — Strabo. Geography, v. 1. Book 3. . 423-S3 — Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracens, pp. 383-451 4409-75 — Urquhart, D. The pillars of Hercules: Spain and Morocco, 1S48. v. 2. pp. 204-283 446-9 J. Miscellaneous. — Beach, E. T. (P.) Pelayo: an epic of the olden Moorish time. 1866 140C5 — Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. 1847. 446-2 — Gordon, J. Inquisition in Spain, n. t. p. 2722-4 — Middlemore, Mrs. S. G. C. Spanish le- gendary tales. 1S85 3846-6 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters: an outlineof thehistoryof paintingin Spain. 7596-S — Wylie, J. A. Daybreak in Spain. . . . 2746-9 — Arenal de Garcia Carrasco, Mrs. C. Spain. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe, pp. 33°-353 396-S5 — Prendergast, M. y. Local government and taxation in Spain. In Probyn, J. \\..ed. Cobden club essays, 1875. pp. 337-355- •::.•: 35^1-7 — Scriveuor, II. History of the iron trade. pp. 13S-145 671-7 — See also Alhambra. Basque provinces. Gibraltar. Pyrenees. Spaniards. See also Lives of Charles V. Cortez. Soto. Ferdinand and Isabella. Chas. Mor- daunt, earl of Peterborough. Philip II. Pi/arro. Note. — In fiction, See the writings of Perez Galdos, and Valdes. Spalato. Freeman, I-'.. A. Subject and neighbour lands of Venice. pp. 137- 155 445-42 SPALDING, J. W. The Japan expedition: Japan and around the world : an account of three visits to the Japanese empire; with sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, Cape ol G I Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon, Singapore, China and Loo-Choo. N. V-. >*55- 12 ° 452-7 SPA] DING, John Lancaster, I>. D., Am. A'o- 111,111 Catholu bishop, b. 1S40. Religious mission of tin- Irish people and Catholic colonization. N. Y., 1S80. 12 . . . . 2711;. 7 Spalding, Martin JoTin, Am. Roman Catholit archbishop, b. l8io-4 1 17-93 See alto A 11101 i> a. 1 lalifoi nia. Cei Anii-i 1.1. I [01 1 'l.i. 1 "ii: 1.111:1. \l. ico. l'eru. South America. Spanish and Portuguese South Amerii 1 dur- ing the colonial pei iod. \\ al ion, R. G. 99 2 Spanish Armada, 1588. Storj of the Span- ish Armada. I,., 1887. 12 . ..... 94646 7 Bourne, II. K. I . English seamen un- der theTudors. v. 2 437~'7 1 reasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles. PP. «39- 264 903-25 Ewald, A. C. Stories from the state pa- pers, v. 1. pp. 225-257 9306-31 — Froude,-J. A. History of England, v. 12. 935-4 — Hale. E. E. Stories of the sea. pp. 52- 78 437-45 Macaulay, T. I!. Lays of ancient Rome. pp. 23.V 24° 603CS — Motley, J. I.. United Netherlands, v. 3. ■> j22-f>i — Tillolson, J. Stories of the wars. pp. 125-169 9278 8 — See also Elizabeth, queen of England. Spain. Lives of Drake. Frobisherand others. Not*-. — Westward ho I by Chas Kingsley con- tains a graphic description of the conflict with the Armada. Spanish brothers: a lale of the sixteenth century. I.., 1S71. 12°. Spanish gypsy : a poem. Eliot, George. . 314C4 Spanish language, Vocabulary of. /« Conk- ling, A. K. Appleton's guide to Mex- ico, pp. ,;i5 ;7 S 472-24 SPANISH masters: an outline of the history of painting in Spain. Washburn, E. W. 7596-S Spanish match. Ainsworth, W. II. Spanish nun. De Quincey, T. Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. 1. pp. 112-209 284E43 Spanish papers. Irving, W 9463-51 Spanish vistas. Lathrop, G. r 446-55 Spari half-hour [and] The clew of the ma Spurgeon, Rev. C. H 241-84 Spare hours. 3 v. Brown, Dr. John. . . 188] 2 Sparhawk, Frances Campbell, Am. author, />. about 1S5S. A l.i.-y man's work. N. V.. 1SS1. 16 . — Miss West's class iii geography. 1'.. 1888. 12° Sparkes, John C. I... ed. Set fine art library. . Edward I. I he Rivii the health n orl "l tin north Med mil Italy from II',' general met . "f the di medical 1 tc. I.., ■2" M49-7 . Jared, . /'". historian and biographer, />. 1789 d. 1866. I. id- .if Gouverneur Morris, with selci lions rroi ; v. i:., 1S32. 8° — Life "f franklin. In Franklin, B. Works, v. 1 — Life of Washington. In Washington, <■. Writings, v. 1 818-9 - Preface, and a I ks On American history. In Smyth, J. Lectures on 920-7 Also the author of memoirs in American bi rapby. v. i-3-io-n-i4-i7-i8and 24. Sefnzxi entry. — ed. American biography. 25 V. N. V. and B., 1S54-55. 12 :i ■ • Contents. — v. 1. Life of John Stark, by I 1 rctt.— Chas. B. Brown, by W. il — R. Montgomery, by I. Armstrong Ethan Allen, by J. Sparks. v. 2. Alex. Wilson, by W. B. O. Peabody - fohn Smith, by (i. S. Hillard. v. 3. Benedict Arnold, by J. Sparks. V. |. Anthony Wayne, by J. Armstrong.— Sir Henry Y.tne. by C. W, t'pham. v. 5. John Eliot, by C. Francis. v. 6. Wm. Pinkncy. by II. Wheaton.— Wm . by E I I hanning.— Cotton Mather, by W B Peabody. v. 7. Sir Wm. Phips, by F. Bowen. — Israel Putnam, by O. W. B. Peabody.— Lucretia Ma ria Davidson.— David Rittcnhouse. by J. Ren- wick. v. 3. Jonathan Edwards, by S. Miller vid Brainerd, by W B Peabody. v. 9. Baron Steuben, by F. Bowen. — Sl-1 tian C'ali.t. by C. Hayward, jr.— Wm. Eaton, 1 :. Felton. ' v to. Robert Fulton, by J. Rcnwick.— seph Warren, by A. II Everett. - Henry Hud- son, by H. R. Cleveland. — Father Marquette, by J . Sparks. V. it. Robert Cavclier dc la Salle, by I Sparks.— Patrick Henry, bj \ H Everett. v. 13. .Its Otis, ' ■. I Bowen — Jas Ogle- thorpe, by W B. O . ..liody. v. 13. John Sull W. B Peabody. — Administration of Jacob l.cislcr, by t I Hoffman.— Nathaniel Bacon, by Wm. Ware- John Mason, by ti. E. I'.llis. v. 14. Roger Williams, by Wm. Gammell. — timothy Dwight, by ft ^c.— Count . .:ks v. 15. Count Rumford, by J. Renwick.— lion M. l'ike. by H. Whiting.— Samuel : ton, by J. M. Mackie. v. 16. Exra Stiles, by J. L. Kingsley. — John Fitch, by C. Whittlesey —Anne Hutchinson, by G. E. Ellis. \ 17 John Ribanlt, by J. Sparks.— Scbas- • SPARKS. 1190 — SPEIGHT. Sparks, Jared, continued. tian Rale, by C. Francis. — Wm. Palfrey, by J. G. Palfrey. v. 18. Chas. Lee, by J. Sparks.— Joseph Reed, by H. Reed. v. ig. Leonard Calvert, by G. W. Burnap. — Samuel Ward, by Wm. Gammel. — Thos. Posey, by J. Hall. v. 20. Nathaniel Greene, by G. W. Greene. v. 21. Stephen Decatur, by A. S. Macken- zie. v. 22. Edward Preble, by L. Sabine — Wm. Penn, by G. E. Ellis. v. 23. Daniel Boone, by J. M. Peck. — Benj Lincoln, by F. Bowen. v. 24. John Ledyard, by J Sparks. v. 25. W r m. R. Davie, by F. M. Hubbard.— Samuel Kirkland, by S. K. Lothrop. — Powell, T. Living authors of America. PP- 355-365 804-68 Sparks from a geologist's hammer. Win- chell, Alex 504-95 Sparks from the forge of a rough thinker ; literary, moral ami religious. Dutcher, A. P 294-6 Sparry, Rev. C. Illustrated Christian mar- tyrology: persecutions against the church of Christ by pagans and papists. Phila., n. d. 8° 272-7 Spartan and Theban supremacies. Sankey, C 9186-7 Spaulding, E. E. Charge of inflexibility of graded schools. In Essaysand addresses before the N. E. O. T. A. pp. 220- 234 37o6-6 SPAULDING, M. C, .'./. Hand-book of sta- tistics of the United States. N. Y., i874- 12 3173-7 Spaulding, Wm. A. Orange culture in southern California. In Lindley, W. nn,/ Widney, J. P. California of the south, pp. 342-35° 4794-55 Spaulding. See Spalding. SPAYTH, Henry. American draught play- er ; or, the theory and practice of the scientific game of checkers. N. Y., i860. 12° 790-7 - Game of draughts. X. Y., 1S63. 12. . 790-72 SPEAKERS. See Readers and speakers. Spi m, Samuel Thayer, Am. Presbyterian clergyman, />■ 1812. Religion and the state; or, the Bible and the public I Is. N. X., 1S76. 12° 3771-8 mm 1 iii', Otto, German painter, l>. 1807. I'm lure tables drawn by Otto Spcckter; with rhymes from the German of F. Hey, by W. Dulcken. N. Y., 1858. 12°. 3811 82 1 rdner, D., td. Musei 1 e and art. v. 5. pp. 193-204. . 603-4 ■ .I •.■.nn' 1 : .■ . See 1 .ander, Sarah \V. rATi ik, The. Set Addi >on, J. SrECTROSCOrE and spectrum analysis. Es- tes, D., cd. Spectrum analysis ex- plained. 1S72 5446-3S — Lockyer, J. N. Chemistry of the sun. '887 52377-5 Spectroscope and its applications. 1873 5446-51 Same. With Proctor, R. A. Telescope. 5222-71 Studies in spectrum analysis. 1S78. . 5446-5 — Lommel, E. Nature of light. 1S76. . . 535-57 — Roscoe, H. E. Spectrum analysis. 1870. 5446-7 — Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. 1872. 5446-8 — Bollwyn, F. A. S. Astronomy with new explanations and discoveries in spec- trum analysis, pp. 297-354 520-S1 — Half-hours with modern scientists, ser. 2. pp. 61-150 502-42 - Wright, L. Light, pp. 129-139. . . . 535-96 Spedding, Jas., Eng. biographer, Ik iSoS-. sri i"i in. in.-, bui 1. i.t. 11.. 1. 1 . i-;., (E. W ■ 1 mi, /•miiJ.) I .ippincott's Maga; ine, Feb., 1888. Speli ing. MUIIer, I . Max. Sele< ted 1 V. 1. pp. 252 J'|N 252E4 — See also < >i thogi tphy. Spei 1 in. . 1 1 Buckwaller, 1 •. < 1 "ii live spelling book 117121 Primary spelling book 1171-2 — Comly, |. New spelling bool 1171 25 Hazen, E. Speller and definer 1171 4 — Uenkle, W. D. Tesl spelling book. . . 1171 1; Wi itlake, J. W. Three thousand prac- tice words 1 1 7 1 .1 Spelling reform. Sweet, II. Hand-book of phonetics, including a populai exposi lion . >f the principles "i spelling reform. pp. 1(19-215 1114. 8 Speni 1 . II. H. M. c Commentary on the Epistle i" Titus. In Ellicolt, ('. J., ed. New I i-i.iimiii commentary jjss ; ( lommentary on Timothy. /// Ellicott, < '. }.,<■. 1699-1/. 176S. Anecdotes, observation .111.I characters of hooks and men: ml. lected from the conversations of Mr. Pope, and other eminent persons of his time ; with notes and a life of the author, by S. \V. Singer. 1.., 1858. 16 . . . 8077-S Spence, Wm., Eng. /./, /<. 1783-1/. i860, joint author. Kirby, Wm. mni Spence, Wm. Introduction to entomol- ogy S957 54 Spencer, Ambrose. Andersonville. n.t.p. 16° 9S02-8 SPENCER, Edgar A. Hints from a lawyer; or, legal advice to men and women : a law book for everybody; with reference to property, family and commercial af- fairs. N. Y.. 1888. 12° J434-7 Spencer, Captain Edmund. Constantine; or, the last days of an empire. 2 v. in 1. L., 1S55. 16 . S11 s. 1 i;, Edward. An ..mlineof the public- life and services ..i rhos. V. Bayard, sen- ator of the United suites from the State 1 ■ 1 i.l, continued. ..i|. 1 Old ill'- di Congi N. V., il 11 'ii. .1/ 1 .... 1 \ ., 1 •-.-... 1 - ir, / .■/>' 1 icoi g ma, 1 s/iii, . I 1 11, I. 1 1: /.' 1 I ."./ Philip \\ 1 •■"/•J I37-IS9. . • • 4 '3-85 Spencer, H • Sunderland, /'. ahmt 1622 /. 164 ;. I odge, 1 Por- traits of illustri nages of i.rcat Britain, v. 4. pp. 121-130 » ■ ■ '• S , Hi 1 :, Eng. philosopher, I', about 1820. S) ntheiic philosophy. o v. V Y. 12°. 1. first principles "I a new philo I'liv. [868. Same, .(th ed. 1SS1 Contents.- \a. 1. The unknowable, ft. 2. The knowable. 2-3. Principles of biology. 2 v. 1867- 586 162 1 Contents. — v. x. pt. 1 Dataof biology. — pLa. Inductions of biology. — pt. 3. Evolution ol life. v. s. pt. 4. Morphological development, pt. 5. Physiological development, pt. 6. I... ' iplication. — Appendi .t 5. Principles of psychology. 2 v. 1871-73 1 Contents.— v. i. pt. i. Data of psychology. — pt. 2. Inductions of psychology. — pt. 3. Gen- pt. 4. Special synthesis, pt. 5. Physical synthesis. — Appendix. \ pt. 6. Special analysis. — pt. 7. General analysis. — pt. 3. Corollaries. 6-7. Principles of sociology. 2 v. 1877 83 i' Contents.— v. i, pt. i. Data of sociology.— pt 2. Inductions of sociology. — pt. 3. Domes- tic, relations. v. 2. pt. 4. Ceremonial institutions. — pt. 5. 1' ilitical institutions. S. Ecclesiastical institutions: being pt. <• of Principles of sociology. 1SS6. . i r 9. Data of ethics: being pt. 1 of Prin- ciples of morality. 1S79. Same. iSSo. 191 v ; monial institutions: being part 4 <»f .'riiu-iplo of sociology. 18S0 1 ^- Education: intellectual, moral and phy- sical. N. V., 1S86. 12° 370-S7 Cent' nts — What kn>\\ ledge is of most worth? — Intellectual education. — Moral education. — Physical education. 1 \ : moral, political and aesthetic. X. \ .. [S66. 12° 304-7S Contents.-— The philosophy of style.— Ovcr- islation. — The morals of trade. — Personal beauty. — Representative government. — Prison ethics. —Railway morals and railway policy. — Gracefulness.— State-tampcrings with money and Itanks. — Parliamentary reforms : the dan- gers and the safeguards.— Mill versus Hamilton: the test of truth. SPENCER. — 1 192 SPENSER. Spencer, Herbert, continued. — Factors of organic evolution. N. Y., 18S7. 8° 575-84 — Genesis of science, n. t. p. S° 5°4-7S Contents. — The genesis of science. — The com- ing of age of the " Origin of species." — Illustrations of universal progress, n. t. P- « 2 ° M2-S3 Contents. —Progress.— Manners and fashion. — Genesis of science. — Physiology of laughter. — Origin and function of music. — Nebular hypoth- esis. — Bain on the emotions and the will. — Illogical geology. — Development hypothesis. — The social organism. — Use and beauty. — Sources of architectural types. — Use of anthro- pomorphism. — Man versus the slate. N. Y., 18S4. 8°. 320-S4 Contents. — The new toryism. — The coming slavery. — The sins of legislators. — The great political superstition. — Recent discussions in science, philosophy and morals. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . . . 142-84 Contents. — Morals and moral sentiments. — Origin of animal worship. — Classification of the sciences. — Postscript replying to criticisms. — Reasons for dissenting from the philosophy of Comte. — Laws in general, and the order of their discovery.— Genesis of science. — Social statics ; or, the conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed. N. Y., 1873. 8°. 162-86 — Study of sociology. N. Y., 1874. 12°. Same, 1S76 j°l-7 — Gospel of relaxation. In Moody, W. G. Land and labor, pp. 276-285 333"6 — Moral character of J. S. Mill. In Mill, ]. S. His life and his works, pp. 3S-42. 633B2 — On political education. In Youmans, E. L., ed. Culture demanded by modern life. pp. 297-308 3704-9 — Prefatory note. In Spencer, II. Inven- tional geometry 5 1 39-6 — joint author. Harrison, F. and Spencer, II. Nature and reality of religion. . . 204-38 — Arthur, YV. Religion without God and ( lod without religion. Agnosticism and Mr. H. Spencer 1686-2 - Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism, and the doctrine of evolution 1686-24 Guthrie, M. On Mr. Spencer's unifica- tion of knowledge 1686-43 Brownson, O. A. Works. v. 9. pp. 435-456. Reviews 818-27 Gill, W. I. Evolution and progress, pp. 247-262. Review 215-34 Morris, 1.. S. British thought and think- ers, pp. 337-388 1621-6 Porter, N. Science and sentiment, etc. PP- 375 4ii 142-7 ctor, l:. A. Mysteries of time ami spaa 7 377 5204-72 Quick, K. 1 1. I says on educational re- formers, pp. 227-259 3704-7 Spencer, Herbert, continued. — Ribot, T. English psychology. pp. 124-193 -1621-7 — Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology, v. 1. 301-9 — Wright, C. Philosophical discussions. pp. 43-96 142-95 Spencer, Jesse Ames, Am. Episcopal clergy- man, b. 1816. History of the United States from the earliest period to the ad- ministration of Jas. Buchanan. 3 v. N. Y., 185S. 4 972-S Contents. — v. 1. From the discovery of Amer- ica [to the revolution.] v. 2. [From the revolution] to the end of Adams' administration. v. 3. From the inauguration of Jefferson to the administration of Buchanan. — Sketch of the history of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States: appendix. In Perry, G. G. History of the church of England 283-6 Spencer, John, librarian of Sion college, [ed.] Things old and new ; or, a storehouse of similes, sentences, allegories, apoph- thegms, adages, apologues, divine, mor- al, political, etc., with their applications; with preface by Rev. Thos. Fuller. 2 v. L., 1S67-68. 12° 253-6 Spencer, John Chas.,j'(/( , ar/ Spencer, b. 1782- d. 1845. Neale, E. Closing scene, ser. 2. pp. 323-332 410-S Spencer, Mrs. Lily (Martin). Ellet, E. F. Women artists, pp. 317-326 4174-3 Spencer, Robert, 2d carl of Sunderland. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 261-270 411-65 Spencer, Wm. Geo. Inventional geometry : a series of problems; with a prefatory note by Herbert Spencer. N. Y., 1883. 16° 5'39-6 Spencer. See also Spenser. Spender, Mrs. J. K. Jocelyn's mistake. B., 1875. 8 °- Spendthrift, The. Ainsworth, Wm. II. SPENER, Philipp Jakob, German theologian, b. 1635-^.1705. Wildenhahn, A. Phil- ipp Jakob Spener: a historical life pic- ture 844II.S Spenser, Edmund, Eng.poet, b. about 1553— d. 1599. Poetical works. 5 v. P.., 1855. 12° _ . 845C6 Contents.— v. 1-3. Faerie qucene. bks. 1-5. v. 4. Faerie queene. bk. 6-7. — Shcpheard's calendar.— Colin Clout's come home againe.— Astrophel. v. 5. —Miscellanies. — Appendix. Faerie q ■■ 2 books: ed. by G. \Y. 1 . 11. 1. in. Oxford, 1875-74. 16°.. . . 845C65 hi, 1 1,' queene and ol hei poems; with mem- oir: ed. by l>. Laing Purves. Bound with Chaucer, G. Canterbury tales. . . 2241 '7 SPE1 •93 — SPIRIT. Si'EN ii. E d I. conlinu, ,/. ' | I |l llllll.', Ii., r>/. | i l lish literature, pp. [27-176 8209-86 1 hun Ii, R. W. Spi nsei Spenser. In Ward, I . II. English v. 1. pp ; I 'isi 1. Ii, 1. \ i nei il literature, v. pp. 1 12-142 Dob ion, W. T, Cla pp. 327- i 1-3 — Home pi. 1 1 .. pp. 30 11 — 1 In" iii, W. 1 1 .in. and liaunl v. 1. pp. 15 44. ... i 1 A. 1 \l.i I ol pp. [69-181 Lowell, J. R. Vmori pp. 125-200 1 1 Mi rice, I ■'. D. I 1 iend h ks, etc. pp. 219 .'|". Spen ei i'i' S04-6 Morris, G. S. Briti h thi mghl and think- 1 1. pp. 57-61 1621-6 Reed, II. British poets, v. I. "3 '59 S21 7S Whipple, I . P. Literature of the age of Eli tbeth. pp. [89-220 8203-9 Sper w . \. Se, Wildi I mo F. S. Sperry, II. T. ' - vs. city flirta- tion; or, ten ch m the story of a life. N. V.. 1865. 16 845C9 Speyi i.', Germany. Footsteps of the reform- ers, pp. 1 hi 126 2706-42 Sphinx's riddle. De Quincey, T. Memo- rials, etc. v. 2. pp. 255-251 ■ Spicer, Henry. Judicial dramas; or, the romance of French criminal law. L., 1S72. 8° Spii 1 . Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. SPIDERS. Murray, \. E imic entomolo- gy: aptera. pp. 43-92 595-6 — Treat, M. My garden pets, pp- 30-83. 5957-S6 — ■ See ' igy. Spielhagen, Friedrich, German author, i. 1829. Hammer and anvil. X. V., 1S78. 12°. — Problematic characters. V V., 1S79. 16 . — Through night to light. X. V., 1867. 12°. — What theswallow sang. N. Y., 1873. '6°. — Zimmern, II. and A. Foreign novelists. pp. S2 94. [Biog. sketch ami extracts.] 808-99 Spiers, A. Biog. notice ol Bacon. In Ba- con. F, Essays, pp. 1-4S 131E2 ers, R. I'henc. Architectural remains of Palestine. In Wilson, C. W. and War- ren, C. Recovery of Jerusalem, pp. 302-31S 2212 ■> SPINDl 1 R, K i'i. ■ ' 1 i '. '. i- 15-rf. 1855. The enthusiast. I... 1S35. 16 . nued. 1 tin- eighti iry. I.., 1 : ■ authors, bo . II. M., 25-252 lli i'n. . . 1 ' 1 . cotton, [with] Mi I i'!i. W.i 1 and ■'I — Triumph pp. 17 68. Spin- ning-jenny 6209-85 . wheel of Tamworth. Smith, W. A. M:;-\vheeI storie . All otl ; . 1 14A7 Spinoza, Benedict, or Baruch, German phi- [632 "7. Works: tr. from the Latin; with introduction by R.H.M ,2v. I.., 1883 84. 12°. 1 Contents. — v. I. Introduction. — Thcologicc- political treatise.— Aulli I the treat- ise— Political treatise. v. 2. On the improvement of the understand- -The ethics. — Spinoza's correspondence (abridged). — Ethic demonstrated in geometrical order : tr. by Wm. II. White. V ¥"., 1883. 8°. 163-85 Contents.— God.— Nature and origin of the mind. — Origin and nature of the effects. — Hu- man bondage ; or, of the strength of the effects, wer of the intellect ; or, of human liberty. — Martineau, J. Study of Spinoza. . . . S46II2 — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism, pp. 237-252 124K5 — Buchanan, J. Modern atheism. pp. 142 160 2119-14 le, J. A. Short studies, v. 1. pp. (23 3 s jE- — Maccall, W. Foreign biographies, v. 1. pp. 299-320 410-67 — Manning, J. M. Half truths and the truth, pp. 37 7.; 239-65 Meier, O. Philosophy of religion. pp. 3 1 -"? 20I ~7 — Kenan, E. Studies in religious his pp. 45.; 4S2 204-75 Hundred greatest men. pp. 232-235 4IO-975 v. Auerbach, Berthold. Spires. See Speyer, Germany. Siirii of Christ's teaching. Tolstoi, L. N. My confession 240-S49 SPIRIT of prophecy: great controversy be- tween Christ and Satan. White, Lllen 2206-S Spirit of seventy-six. Curtis, A. W. . . . Soi 5-3 SPIRIT of the Hebrew poetry. Taylor, I. . SPIRIT. — 1194 — SPIRITUALISM. SriRiT-rapper. Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 9. pp. 1-234. Spirit-rapper: an autobiography 818-27 SpiRIT-rapping. See Spiritualism. Spirite. Gautier, T. Spiritual direction and auricular confes- sion. Michelet, J 2616-5 Spiritual songs. Gerhardt, Paul. . . .' . 8318-4 Spiritual treasury. Mason, Wm 2 4°-5 Spiritualism. Sub-divisions: 1. Favoring Spiritualism? 2. Miscellaneous, includ- ing writings opposing Spiritualism. /. Favoring Spiritualism. — Brittan, S. B. Man and his relations, n. t. p 176-12 — Britten, E. H., ai. and tr. Ghost-land. 1876 176-lj — Child, A. B. Whatever is, is right. [i860.] 176-2 — Davis, A. J. Answers to ever-recurring questions from the people. 1873. . . . 176-25 Harbinger of health. 1873 616-3 Memoranda of persons, places and events. 1S68 176-26 Penetralia: being harmonial answers to important questions. 1S72 176-2S Philosophy of spiritual intercourse. 1875. 176-29 Principles of nature. 1875 176-27 ed. Sacred book, containing old ami new gospels. 1873 '76-3 — Doten, L. Poems from the inner life. 1873 292C7 Poems of progress. 1873 292C6 — Edmonds, J. \V. and Dexter, G. W. Spiritualism. 1854 '76-33 — Garretson, J. E. Nineteenth century sense: the paradox of spiritualism. 1887. 176-4 — Horn, H. J. Strange visitors. 1873. . 176-48 — Kiddle, H. Spiritual communications. 1S79 176-53 — King, M. M. Principles of nature. 1S71. 176-55 — Lawrence, J. Angel voices from the spirit world. 1874 176-58 — Olcott, II. S. People from the other world. 1S75 '76-7 — Owen, R. D. Debatable land between this world and the next. 1873 176-73 Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 1877 176-74 — Peebles, J. M. Seers of the ages. 1870. 176-76 — Randolph, 1'. P. After death: the dis- embodiment of man. 1873 176-8 — Sinnett, A. P. The occult world. . . . 212-78 — Tuttle, H. Arcana of nature; or, the history and laws of creation 176-9 — Peebles, J. M. Around the world, pp. 250-264. Bra! iomaj and I'. usees: spiritualism in India 43S-71 — See i' I I 1 < "I Conant, J. II. Home, D. D. I (wen, K. Spiritualism, continual. 2. Miscellaneous, including writings op- posing Spiritualism. — Beecher, C. Spiritual manifestations. 1879 175-2 — Blavatsky, H. P. Isis unveiled. 2 v. 1882 212-11 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 9. ... S18-27 — Brown, J. P. Dervishes; or, oriental spiritualism. 1868 2977-2 — Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritual- ism, etc. 1884 177-2 — Dods, J. B. Spirit manifestations exam- ined and explained. 1S54 1 75—27 — Dorman, R. M. Origin of primitive su- perstitions. 1SS1 2907-3 — Emmons, S. B. The spirit land. i860. 175-3 — Fairfield, F. G. Ten years with spiritual mediums. 1875 1 75 — 35 — Hammond, W. A. Spiritualism and al- lied causes and conditions of nervous derangement. 1S76 175-45 — Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. 1863 I74-4S — McDonald, W. Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, New Testament demonology and modern witchcraft. 1866. . . - 175-6 — Morrison, A. B. Spiritualism and necro- mancy. 1873 175-64 — Pember, G. H. Earth's earliest ages; and their connection with modern spirit- ualism and theosophy. 1S84 213-7 — Preliminary report of the commission ap- pointed by the University of Pennsyl- vania to investigate modern spiritualism in accordance with the request of the late Henry Seybert. 1887 175-83 — Samson, G. W. Physical media, in spirit- ual manifestations. 1869 175-8 — Truesdale, J. W. Bottom facts concern- ing the science of spiritualism 175-9 - Williamson, M. J. Modern diabolism called modern spiritualism, with new theories of light, heat, electricity and sound 175-96 The invisibles : an explanation of phe- nomena commonly called spiritual. . . 1 75 — 95 — Bartol, C. A. Radical problems, pp. 195-209 "3SE3 — Buchanan, R. Look round literature. pp. 227-238. Literature of spiritual- ism: post mortem fiction 804-25 — Carpenter, W. P. Principles of mental philosophy, pp. 611-635 170-2 |)a\ies, C. M. Mystic London. pp. 230-331 4421-3 — Elliott, C. W. Mysteries ; or, glimpses of the supernatural. pp. 114- 171. Rochester rapping.s 1 74-3 1 SPIRITU \l,!SM. "95 — SPOK I M SPIR1 ii \ i i !M, coniinUi J. — Crimes, |. S. Mysterii of the hi I ind heai i <■>. plained pp. 25 1 ; vi 1 I lall, 1 i. s. Vspi G :i 1 1 culture, pp. 128-133 15'Ei Hall, J. '. on 310. Is spiritualism in the Bible ? . . 241-52 Hay, J. 1 .1 1 it [ays, pp. 251 266. . 146 \S — Hazard, T. K. Miscellan iys. PP. I4S 3 66 — Lorimer, G, C. Isms, old and new. pp. 205-228 204-55 Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 150-171. 204-7 — Proctor, R. A. I ighl 1 ii in 1 271. Photogi tphii ghosts 502-69 — Stephen, J. 1 . I lays. pp. 22 1 ■ Spirit-rapping 850E1 — Taylor, B. At home and abroad, pp. 433-472 1 — Where is (lit- citj ' pp. 227-258. . . . 280-9 — See also Apparitions. Future life. Sweden! ;. Shakers. Note.— In this connection E. S. Phelps 1 Gates ajar, Beyond the gales. Gates between: Mrs Oliphant's Beleagured city, Little pilgrim, and others; H. W. Holcombe's In both worlds; I lammaron's Stories of infinity, might be inter' SPITTA, Karl Johann Phelps, German poet, i. iSoi-i/. 1859. Johann Sebastian Huh: his work ami influence on the music <,f Germany, 1685-1750: tr. by Clara Bell ami J. A. Fuller-Maitland. 3 v. L., 1884. 8° [31B2 Spitzbergen. Blackwood, F.T. II., earl 0/ Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes, pp. 1S2-216 498-15 — Hartwig, G. Polar world, pp. 131-146. 49S-46 — Kingsley, II. Tales of old travel, pp. 142-160 436-5 — Nature's wonders, pp. 110-121 55 1—7 Spleen. Bacon, I.. W. The simplicity that is in Christ, pp. 219-230. The natural theology of the spleen: a ser- mon 252-14 SPl 1 \1HI> advantages of being a woman. Dunphie, C. J 297E4 Spofford, Ainsworth Kami. Am. librarian, />. 1825. Practical method of parlia- mentary rules. Chicago, 1SS4. 16 . , 2S 1 75 — and Gibbon, C., eds. Library of choice literature. 8 v. Phila., 1881-82. S°. 808-77 Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott), writer, b. 1835. Amber gods and other stories. B., 1S65. 16 . Contents. — The amber gods. — In a cellar. — Knitting sale-socks— Circumstance.— Desert Is. - Midsummer and May. — The south breaker. — Art decoration applied to furniture. N. V., [1S77]. 8" 749-S SPOI 1 nued. ie. I'.., 1864 1 ' II. 1. lanlej 1 \i f 1 I: . 1 I 1 In ihiei in the night, B., 1872, Aunt Pen Humor* masti v. 2. pp. 192-213 Spohr, Louis, German composer, I'. 17 Autobiography. I.., 1S05. 8°. G.T. I .real violinists and piai S -SS 4 '77 :' — Ked lie, H., >. Tytler, / »./.i M pp. 322-328 41775 . ptians. Kcay, J. S. . . . Spo , Erm t. Workshop receipts for man- ufacturers, . t i tic ama- ■ 1 L., 1878. \i . Same, 1885. . 603-7 SPONGES. Demin ways of nature. pp. 143-151. Bahamas] ge-fishers. . — Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea. pp. 155-197 5895-7 Spooner, l.,alcm. — Edward the confessor.— Peter the hermit. — l^atl !■ 1 isy and Poitiers. — Deathof James I, of Scot- land. — Christopher Columbus' first voyage and return. — Inquisition in Spain. — Lady Jane Grey. — Gustavus Adolphus. — Martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer. — Death of William of Orange. — Great fire of London. — Death of Louis XVI. -Marie Antoinette. — Spanish Armada. earjashub, Am. -writer, b. 1809- d. 1S59. Anecdotes of painters, engra- vers, sculptors and architects, and cu- riosities of art. 3 v. \. Y.. 1S65. 12°. 75S-S Spoi 1 and sportsmen. Stretton, Cbas. . . 7962-7 Sport and war. Bisset, Maj. Gen. — . . . 46c Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier. InglisJ 4542-5 Sl'ORT in the Crimea an C- P 4407-9 of destiny. Schiller, F. Works, v. P- 4S3-493 S36-2 ING adventures in the far west. Mur- phy. John M 796-6 riNG in both hemispheres. D'Ewees, J. 7966-3 SPORTS and adventures in the highland and islands of Scotland. Maxwell, W. H. . 441 52 SPORTS and pastimes of American Chadwick, II 7S0-3 and pastimes of the people of Eng- land. Stnr.t. J 394-7 man's paradise ; or, lake Ian . Canada. Watson, H. A 4715-9 SPOTTISWOODE. — i 196 — SrURGEON. SPOTTISWOODE, ffm., Eng. mathematician, b. 1825-^. 1SS3. Polarisation of light. L., 1874. 12 5355-7 — Polarised light. In Science lectures at South Kensington, v. 2. pp. 1-14. . 502-S1 SPRAGUE, Achsa W. The poet and other poems. B., 1S65. 12 Sj;t 1 Sprague, Chas., Am. poet, b. 1791— rf. 1875. Poetical and prose writings. B., 1S50. 12° 8471 -• — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs. pp. 64-72. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and? re views, pp. 39-4° 946E5 SPRAGUE, John T. Electricity; its theory, sources and applications. L., 1884. 12°. 537— S5 Sprague, John Titcomb, Am. general, />. 1%10-d. 1878. Origin, progress and con- clusion of the Florida war. N. Y., 1848. 8° 9849-8 Sprague, John Wilson, Am. general, b. 1817. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 864- 866 9796-7 Sprague, Mary A. An earnest trifler. B., 1880. 16°. Sprague, Wm. Buel, Am. Presbyterian cler- gyman, b. 1795-1/. 1S76. The excellent woman, as described in the Book of Proverbs; with an introduction. B., 1S5I. 12° 2247-8 — Visits to European celebrities, B., 1855. 12° 4IO4-85 Contents. — Edward Irving.— Rowland Hill. — M. Wilks — G. Burder.— Wm. Orme.— Wilber- force. — Wm. Jay. — Robert Hall. — John Foster. — Hannah More.— Dr. M'Call.— Duchess de Eroglie. — Mme. Ney. — Marshal Grouchy. — Gen. Bernard. — Guizot. — Louis Philippe. — Sis- mondi. — Decandolle. — Klumhardt. — Vinet. — Dr. Pinkerton. — Dr. Roehr. — Dr. Froriep. — Mme. de Goethe. — Tholuck. — Gesenius. — Fou- quet. — Dr. Heul.ner. — Neander. — Hengsten- berg.— Humboldt.— Ritter.— Henry.— Raumeur. — Stephens.— Hitzig.— Savigny.— Gans.— Encke. Olbers. — Rogers. — Campbell. — Dr. O. Gregory. — Lucy Aiken. — Joanna Bailey. — E. Fry. — J. P. Smith.— Robert Upland— J. T. Rutt.— G. Dyer.— J. Pratt.— T. H. Home.— T. Wilson. — J.J. Gurney. — Amelia Opie. — C. Simeon. — Prof. Lee Dr Bunting.- I Jr. Pusey. — Dr. Mc- Bridc. — Esther Copley. — Mrs. Sherwood. — Maria Edgeworth. — E. Bickerstcth. — Dr. Sing- er. — J. Gait. — G. Ewing 1 '1 Eieugh. Mr. Ward law. — Dr M 'r. ill Mrs. Grant of Laggan Dr, Chalmers.— Dr. I.ec.— Dr. Gordon.— Dr. 1 Burns' friends.- R. Ainslie.- Mrs. M'l. chose. Mrs. Smith of Mel r \bcr- crombie.— Dr Mini Jeffri D B] .ter. I Wilson I '. Dii k.— Southey. — Biograph ical ketches old chool branch. l>i Presbyterian reunion, in;; 71. . . 2851-6 — Lil - '< D lit. //; Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 14. pp. 229-364 412-86 Sprague, Wm. B., continue,/. — Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 226-227 412-58 Sprat, Thos., Eng. writer, b. 1636-^. 1713. Johnson, S. English poets, v. I. pp. 4S7-492 41821-5 SPRING, Gardiner, D. D., LL. I)., Am. Pres- byterian clergyman, b. 1785-1/. 1873. Per- sonal reminiscences of the life and times of Gardiner Spring. 2 v. X. Y., 1866. 12° 847B8 Spring, Leverett W. Kansas, the prelude to the war for the Union. B., 18S5. 12°. [American commonwealths series]. . . 9881-8 IG, Samuel, D. D., Am. clergyman, founder of Andover theological seminary , b. 1746-*/. 1S19. Headley, J. T. Chap- lains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 89-106 4121-45 SPRING. Burroughs, J. Signs and seasons. pp. 179-200. A spring relish 190F.7 — Croly, J. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. pp. 9-17. 255E2 SPRING comedies. Barker, Lady M. A. Spring floods. Turgenef, I. S. Spring ride. n. t. p. 24 846A1 SPRINGDALE abbey. Parker, J. Springer, John S. Forest life and forest trees: comprising winter camp life among the loggers and wildwood ad- venture ; with description of lumbering operations on various rivers of Maine and New Brunswick. N. Y., 1856. 12°. . 714-8 Springer, Narcissa Smith. Cloudy sky; or, the unfortunate children. Cleveland, 18S2. 12°. SPRINGER, Rebecca (Ritter), Am. author, />. 1832. Beechwood. Phila., 1873. 12 . Springhaven. Blackmore, R. O. Springs. Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. pp. 1 — 1 7 502-65 — See also Physical geography. Springs of action. Richards, C. II. B. . . 197-7 Sproat, Ebenezer, Am. soldier, b. J 752-r/. 1805. Hildreth, S. P. Early settlers ol 1 ihio. pp. 230-240 41271-4 Spry, W. British Coleoptera delineated, consisting ol figun 1 1 all the genera of Bi ttish beel Irs drawn in outline : ed. bj W. E. Shuckhard. I.., 1861. 8°. . . 59575-7 SPRY, Wm. Jas. Joseph. The cruise of Hei Majesty's ship " Challenger" : voyages many seas, scenes in many lands. I ... [886. 8° 437-84 Spin from fact. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 714A96 Spurgeon, Chas. Haddon, Eng. Baptii hi. b. [834. Clew of the maze and the spare hall hour. N. Y., 1884. 12 241-84 SPURGEON. — i i 97 — 51 Ml. Sri rgi ON, i ho . M., continued. I net i. Mi, I 1. 1 i colli e, Metropolitan I il * iili and expositions, ilso a li mi i in [and] completi lisl oi all (if Spurgeo] iih the Scripl i.i V \ .. 1876. 12 . 22079-7 — - Feal he: \ I row . or, illustrations fur md teachei . 1 .1884. 16 . 253-69 I &; being brilliant passages f N . Y, 1 I67. 12" 249-7 — IlhiM 1. in, hi .111,1 in, 1 1 ' hi. .n . N. Y ., ' ss i- 12° — John Ploughm in's tall 1 . plain lui 1 1 N. Y 241-S5 Meedham, 1 '.. 1 .. ,/'. I ife and labi 1 1 1 . 1 1. Spurgeon 848B8 I ield, II. M. Sum 1111 1 pp. 47-65 440-35 Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquena pp 604 619. 2521-4 Hood, I . I'. I ,amp >, pitchet nd 1 pels. ser. 2. pp. [85-216 25 1 >S ll'.yt, J. M. Glance on 1 lit- wing. pp. 48-56 440-5 M , 1 W. 1 lours with men and I li--. pp. N1-96. 617K54 Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors ami -1111 11. pp. 2 1 ' 246 4IO-83 — Pierson, A. T. Evangi 220-234 254-67 Spurr, Geo. G. The land of gold : a tale of '49, illustrative of early pioneer life in California, and found< . dedicat- ed to California pioneers. B., 1881. 12°. Si 1 R -, B ittle of, 1513. I ow, C. R. Great battles nf the British army. 1 >p. 49-52. 9308-4' Spi RZHEIM, Johann Kasper, German physi- cian, /'. 1776W. [832. Education: its elementary principles founded on the nature of man ; with an appendix, by S. K. Wells. V v.. 1S72. 12° 3701-S SPY, The. Cooper, Jas. F. Square, (A.),/ tend. S Ibbott, Edwin A. Squaring the circle. Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 290-29S. 502-69 Sol 11:1;, Ephraim Geo., Am. author, b. 1S21- ./. 1888. 1 1. in. Unas : descriptive, his- torical, and statistical. 1... 1S70. 12 . 47883 8 — Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monu- ments, resources, condition and i. v v., i860. 8° 47285 : — Notes on Central America, particularly the state- of Honduras and San Salva- dor ; theii v. climate, popula- tion, resources, productions, ete., and the proposed Honduras inter-oceanic railway. X. V., 1S55. S° 472S-S hraim ' ■ . continued. — Peru intheland \\'ail.li adventure 1 on the m N. V., 1855. 12" J7 rodui Hon an ', A. ; Squiri '•. n rii. 1 1 .. i 1 1. iy, \l 1 .111,1.'.. STABII : 1 ■ n. Koiilh, 1 1 5.;'- 75 From] 1 tale of the sea. B. 12° 849A15 many huuls, on many seas. I.., n. il. S° 1 tical kennel guide; with plain in- strui to rear and breed ■! i"i pleasure, slum and profit. I.., 11. d. 12 798-8 Stanley Grahame ; hoy and man: ataleof 1 he .I 11 1 ' , 'in nt. N. V.. 1886. 12 . 849 \-'o Wild adventures round the pole; or, the eruise of the "Snowbird" in the Arran- I n. 1.., 1886. 12° .Win. Hildreth, S. P. Memoirs of the early settlers of Ohio. 1111.401-407. 41271-4 nil. six month- in Persia. 2 v. X. Y., 1882. 12° 456-7 ■Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Nei nch author, b. 1766-1/. i s 1 7 . Corinne; or, Italy. X. V.,S°. ',, many; with notes and appendices, by O. W. Wight. 2v. X. V.. [859. 12 . Contents. — v. 1. Germany and the manners of the Germans. — Literature and the arts. v. 2. Literature and the arts, continued. — Philosophy and ethics. — Religion and enthu- siasm. — Influence of literature upon society, [also] Reflections on suicide: with a memoir of the life and writings of the author, ' 1 1 lean. Bound with Combe, — Stevens, A. Madame de Stael: a study of her life and times S50B5 . A. Miscellaneous essays, pp. 64-72 1 15E1 jgham, II. Historical sketches, v. 2. pp. 4I-50 4IO-I7 — Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous, pp. 15S-179 j 1 ; 2 — Bruce, J. (.'lassie and historic portraits. PP- 34 410-19 — Carlyle, I. Essays, v. 2. pp. 265-2 Richtej's review of Allemagne 206E2 — Fifty famous women, pp. 146-151. . . 413 41 STAEL. — 1198 STANHOPE. STAEL-Holstein, A. L. G. (X.), continued. — Greg, \V. R. Literary and social judg- ments, pp. 54-84 435 E6 — Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors, pp. 34-42 4 l8 "45 — Hale, S. J. Lessons from women's lives. pp. 131-141 4'3"47 — Kavanagh, J. French women of letters. PP- 275-344 4184-5 — Xeale, E. Closing scene. v. I. pp. 1 14-126 410-8 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. 2. pp. 184-191 410-9 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of cele- brated women, pp. 151-247 4'3-78 — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Queens of society, pp. 354-394 4'3- s 5 Staff officer, (pseud.) See Newhall, F. C. STAG-hunting on Exmoor. Fortescue, John. 7962-3 Stage, The. See Actors and acting. Stage conjuring, Secrets of. Robert-Hou- din, J. E 784-41 Stage life of Mary Anderson. Winter, Wm 118B3 STAGE-struck. Macchetta, B. R. T. STAGE-struck clerk. Steele, S. S. ///Draw- ing-room plays 7S5-82 Stahl, Albert W. Transmission of power by wire ropes. N. Y., 1S77. 16 . . . 6218-78 STAHR, Mine. Fanny (Lewald), German writer, b. 1S1 i . Hulda; or, the deliv- erer: tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila., 1883. 12°. Stainer, John, Eng. musieiau, b. 1S40. Com- position. L. 8°. [Music primers.] . 7719-8 — Harmony. L. 8°. [Music primers.] . 7717-7 — The organ. L. 4 . [Music primers.] . 7767-8 — and Barrett, W. A. Dictionary of music- al terms. L. S°. [Music primers]. . 77'2-S Stai.ev, Edgecumbe. Essay on negro slavery. In Prize papers, pp. 71-79. 760E1 STALKER, Donald. Formation and manage- ment of plantations. In Rattray, J. and Mill, H. R., eds. Forestry, pp. 85-102. 714-7 STALLARD, J. II. London pauperism amongst Jews and Christians: an in- quiry into the practices and principles of out-door relief and [its results]. L., 1867. 8° 339-7 StALLO, fohn Bernhardt, German- Am. phi- losopher, h. 1822. Concepts and theo- ries of modem physics. \. V., 1882. 12°. [International scientific series.] . 5301-8 Stamer, W. J. A. Dolce Napoli: Naples, its pie, fetes, pilgrimages, environ,, etc. I.., 1S78. 8° 4457-8 : inc. Comstock, A. System of elocution, pp. 33-38 800-23 Stamp act riots. Howitt, M. (B.) Vignettes of American history, pp. 95-105. . . 9738-45 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 371-382 4121-53 STAMPA, Gaspara, Italian poetess, b. about 1524-1/. 1554. Benson, E. Gaspara Stampa; with a selection from her son- nets 851B1 Standage, H. C. The artists' manual of pigments; with the science and art de- partments examination questions on painting. L., 1886. 12° 752-7 STANDARD Oil Co. Hudson, J. Railways and the republic, pp. 67-106 °5 2 -5 STANDISH, Miles, Eng. soldier, b. about 1584- ,/. 1656. Abbott, J. S. C. Miles Stand- ish, the Puritan captain 851B4 — See a/so Longfellow, H. W. Courtship of Miles Standish : a poem. Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. See Bates, II. W. Stanhope, Chas., earl of Stanhope, b. 175?- d. 1816. Howe, H. European me- chanics, pp. 318-322 41237-4 Stanhope, lady Hester Lucy, English politi- cian, b. 1 776-;/. 1839. ' Barker, J. Syria ami Egypt, v. 1 95°9-2 — Fifty famous women, pp. 287-290. . 413-41 — Kinglake, A. W. Eothen. pp. 81-109. 457"5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pt. 2. pp. 222-231 4 IO -9 — Walford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 2. pp. 28-52 4H-99 STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Ches- terfield, Eng. statesman, b. 1694-1/. 1773. Letters written by the earl of Chester- field to his son. N. Y., i860. 16°. . 826-83 — Essays. In British essayists, v. 22-24. 184E1 — Adams, W. H. D. Famous books, pp. 331-354 804-12 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 45-51 8258-4 — Maceuen, M. Celebrities, pp. 159-178. 410-68 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Historical sketch- es, pp. 48-64 411-78 — Thomson, R. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Witsand beaux of society, pp. 203-234 410-964 Stanhope, Philip Henry, jth earl stanhope (Lord Makon), Eng. statesman, b. 1805- d. 1S75. French retreat from Moscow and other historical essays. L.,1876. 12°. 902-74 Contents. — Frein !i retreat from Moscow.— ends of Charlemagne. —Chronology of the gospels. — Year of tin' passion Harold of Nor- way.— Countess of Nithsdalc.— Statue of Mem- 11 m ] En dand, comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. 2 v. in 1. Leip- zig, 1870. 24 93 6 9-8 STANHOPE ngg STANLEY. s ' vnhop) , Philip II., continued. 11 Hoi | ol I ngl in. i i thi i Utrei in in Hi. i i | [i,. _ I-, . '.'-•;. 7 v. in 4, Leip , ,,, . Contents -v. i-a. 1713-17.jo._v. 3-4. ,-, '7 6 3- I 1-1780.— v. 7. 1780-1783. — Life of Belisarius. Phil i i \f>. 12 . Same. I... 1848. 8° Stani by, Ai iIum p, nrhyn, Jean , i. 1 si 5 d. [881. Christii ''"" •' i; 11 1 le liastica] ibjects. N. Y., 1881. 8° Contents.— Baptism I hi 1 .Abso- lution I I kisili- ;';'■ ' ' 1 1- 1 itany.— The Romai 1 | lhl ear j y Christian! I ord' pi tyei 1 sum iland creed 11 in ii ■ pie I mmandments. 1 r ' turi 1 the 1 rj hi [hi 1 1 h ol Si otland. \. ¥"., 1872. S° I ectures on the history of the Eastern church : n ith an introdui tion on the study of ecclesiastical history. X. V., 1S65. 8° — Lectures on the history of the F/ewish church. N. V., 1869. 8°. Same, 1884. 12°. Contents— v. i. Abraham to Samuel. v. 2. Samuel to the capth ity V. 3. Captivity tr, ,! .,„ era — Life and corn pondence of 1 ho nold. X. v., 1S.15. 12 . Same. 937 s ' 1 ! 1 '■ ' *S7 7 -71' -7 281 7 221 88 Ar- 2 v. - v. in 1. N. V'., II.. 1S60. S.-.n.e. 1877. s ' — Sermons for children, including the beati- tudes and the faithful servant, preached in Westminster abbey. N. Y., 1887. 16°. — Sermon, preached before II. R. II. the Prince of Wales, during his tour in the Fast in [862; with notices of some of the localities visited. Phila., 1873. 12°. — Sinai and Palestine in 1 , w ith their history. X. Y., 1S68. 8°. . . . — Westminster sermons. X. Y., 1882. 8°. — Biographical sketches. lit Ward, 1. II.. ed. English poets, v. 3-4 — Essays. In Collection of theological e by varjous authors, pp. 415-484. . — Introduction. /» Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Recovery of Jerusalem. — Introduction. In Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 259-263. — tntrodui tor) 1 ,. . Mailer, I •". M. t >n missions — Serm n Chas. Dickens. /'/Dickens, C. Speeches, etc. pp. 144-14;. — Same. In Hotton, I 1 . ('has. Dickens. — Bradley, G. (i. Recollections of Arthur Pent Iimi Stanley — Hurst, J. r. Hi in i rationalism, pp. 523-52') — Lowell, J. R. Demoi racy, etc. pn 57-"4 ' 1 24B4 248-66 2211-84 458-85 252-85 8092-9 204-67 2212-9 410-975 263-6 825 35 287B71 851B8 2119-44 588] 2 204 1, |ll : 9796-7 598 8 4"-93 ntinu ./ Martineau, I [4-465. 1 tatesmei p| 1 24 Si \M . 1 of Derby, ,/. „/,„„, , 1 I . Portrail of il sonage Britain, v. 5. pp. 1 19 1 i- Walford, I . I ale ..four great families. "■ '• PI ■• ■-,'-• 293 ;,, 99 Von e, CD. 5ei en heroinesol '' Ii'- "2 136 413-94 1 ivid S., Am. general, 6. 1828. 1, \Y. ( duo in the war. pp. 796- 798 Stanley, Edward, bishop of NotwUh, h. 1779 d. 1849. Familiar history of birds. I ... 1S65. 16° — and Stanley, Catherine (I.cycester), his wife, 6. 1792 d. 1862. Memoit t Ed- ward and Catherine Stanlej 1 ed. by their son, A. P. Stanley. I.., 1SS0. 12°. 1 v, Edward Geoffrey Smith, 14th carl of Derby, t. 1799-rf. 1869. Smith, G. B. Prime ministers of Oueen Victoria, pp. 175-205 — tr. Sec Homer. 1 dwin J. Rambles in wonder- land: up the Yellowstone, among the geysers, canons, cataracts, etc., of the National park; Indian customs and tra- ditions, camp life, capture and sufferings of tourists who fell into the hands of the \i In m lei [osephin 1S77. X. Y., !• '2° 4 7S6-8 Si am 1 \. Henry Morton, or Moreland, orig- inal name, John Rowlands, African ex- plorer, I,. 1840. The Congo, and the founding of its free slate: a story of work and exploration. 2 v. X. Y., [885. 8° — Coomassie and Magdala : the story of two h campaigns in Africa. X. Y., 1S74. 8° — How I found Livingstone: travels, adven- tures and discoveries in Central Africa; including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone. X. Y., 1S -. 12° ' ' 4676 _ 7 — My Kahilu, prince, king and slave. X. V > |S 74- 12° — Through the dark continent. 2 v. X. V., 1S7S. 8°. Same. I... 1880. . . . 4675-Sl — Chambliss, J. E. lives and travels of Livingstone and Stanley. 1881. . . . 460-24 — Headley, J. T. Achievements of Stanley, etc " ,S " S 4675-S 960-7 STANLEY. — i 200 — STAR. Stanley, Henry M., continued. — Packard, J. F. Stanley and the Congo. 1884 4675-7 — Bolton, S. K. How success is won. pp. 74-95 412-24 — Frost, T. Modern explorers, pp. 57-79. 437-38 Stanley, Jas., yth carl of Derby, b. about iboo-d. 1651. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 9-16 411-65 S 'ian ley, Lord John. Francis, G. H. Ora- tors of the age. pp. Si-97 411-37 Stanley, Thos., 1st earl 0/ Derby, d. 1504. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Gt. Britain. v. I. pp. 7-12 411-65 Stanley, Reginald Fitzroy, pseud. See Covvtan, R. Stanley Grahame. Stables, Gordon. . . 849A26 Stanley Huntington. Wilson, S. J. Stannard, Mrs. II. E. V., (J. S. Winter, pseud.) Cavalry life ; or, sketches and stories in barracks and out. X. V., 1 886. 1 6°. — Houp-La: a novelette. N. Y., 1885. 16 . — In winter quarters with the 25th (Black Horse) dragoons. N. Y., 1885. 16 . — Mignon; or, Bootle's baby. N. Y., 18S5. 1 6°. Stansbury, Howard, Am. explorer, b. 1S06- d. 1S63. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt lake of Utah ; including a reconnoissance of a new route through the Rocky mountains. Washington, 1853. S° 478-85 Stanton, Edwin McMasters, Am. statesman, 6. 1S14-,/. 1869. Kelley, W. D. Lin- coln and Stanton: a. study of the war administration of 1861-62; with special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan 9785-48 — Perkins, F. B., ed. Picture and the men. pp. 164-176 4122-7 — Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Union, pp. 50-94 4122-74 — Reid, \V.' Ohio in the war. pp. 1027- 1029 9796-7 — Stowe, II. (I!). Men of our times, pp. 363-377 4122-85 — Tilton, T. Sanctum sanctorum. pp. 213-219 889E4 Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady,) Am. reformer, b. 181 5, with Anthony S. and Gage, M. J., eds. History of woman suffrage. 3 v. Rochester, 18S7. 4 3243-8 Contents. — y. 1. 1848-61. — v. 2. 1861-76. — v. 3. 1876-85. — Tilton, T. Sanctum sanctorum, pp. 250-281 889E4 Stanton, Evan. Ruhainah: a story of Afghan life. X. Y., 1886. 16 . STANTON, Henry Brewster, Am. journalist, l>. 1805-1/. 1887. Random recollections. X. Y., 1887. 12 S52B4 Stanton, Robert Livingston, Am. Presbyte- rian clergyman, b. 1810. The church and the rebellion : a consideration of the rebellion against the government of the United States, and the agency of the church, North and South, in relation thereto. X. Y., 1S64. 12° 9806-8 Stanton, Theodore, Am. journalist, son of Henry B. and Elizabeth (Cady), b. 1851. The woman question in Europe: a series of original essays. X. Y., 1S84. 8°. . 396-85 Contents. — Introduction, by Frances Power Cobbe. — England: The women's suffrage move- ment, by M. G. Fawcett; The women's educa- tional movement, by M. G. Grey; Women in medicine, by F. E. Hoggan, M D ; The indus- trial movement, by J. Boucherett; Women as philanthropists, by H. O. Barnett. — Germany : A general review of the women's movement in Germany, by A. Schepcler-Lette and}. Hirsch; The National association of German women, by M. Calm. — Holland, by E. Van Calcar. — Aus- tria, by J. Leitenberger. — Norway, by C. Col- lett- — Sweden, by R. U. Olivecrona.— Denmark, by K. Frtdcriksen. — France, by T. Stanton. — Italy: A general review, by A. C. F. do Luna; The educational movement, by D. D'Istria. — Spain, by C. Arenal. — Portugal, by K. de Frei- tas.— Belgium, by I. Van Liiest, M I" -Switz- erland, by M. Goegg.- -Russia, by M. Zebrikoff. — Poland, by E. Oresko. — Bohemia, E. Krasno- horska. — The Orient, K. A. Kehaya. — Index. STANWOOD, Edward. History of presiden- tial elections. B., 18S4. 12 3247-7 Staoueli, Algeria, Battle of, iSjo. Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo, pp. 64-76 9°3-53 Stapler, Edmond. Palestine in the time of Christ: tr. by Annie H. Ilolmden. L., 1886. S° 2269-55 Stapler, Paul, French autlior, b. 1S40. Shakespeare and classical antiquity. I.., 18S0. 8° S2361-8 Staple of news : drama. Jonson, B. Works. PP- 4' s 4-5'5 5>8C3 Staples, Robert, jr., joint author. Burke, U. R. and Staples, R. Business an. I plea iure in Brazil 481-2 Stapleton, Augustus Granville. Geo. Can- ning and his times. L., 1859. 8°. . . 204B2 Stapleton, Theobald. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 272-277. 4142-65 Star and a heart. Lean, Florence Marryat. Star and 1 he 1 loud. Roe, A. S. Si \i; in the desert. Mack. 11m is, M. A. . . 600A3 Same. /» Sunbeam lories, pp. 155- 230 600A4 Star of hope and taffol duty. I.. 16 . STAK I I.WI. I ; • . | I . . . 1 life. Si u- ol qui Lord i W, , . . Bi ei liei , Hi t. ■ . . I ] 1 starch, elc, . Jelly-fish, 5 Noi man . John IIi-iii v. hand portraits '\< w '■ or] ■■' - iv I 1 V. faith toly Scrip- ture i re- ligion, i .. i 2385-7 Stark, John, . 28-rf. 1822. w 1 . . 160-167 41 j;i .) 1 1 1 adley, J. T. ad his gen- v. 1. pp. 200 228 1 Sparl 1 graphy. v. 1. pp. i-ii 412 86 1: R, V. I. and Wilson, S. K. n trines and phili ocial labor movement ; with B. (,. Haskell. \. Y.. 1 84. 1 . . . . . Starlh men; or, exam .male com ill:. I .' [2° an. Si 1 Letters 1 ter, and a littl iris. 16 11 Letters to rs, married and unmarried. Chi< ago, 1888. 16 . . . 1 rror in >uri. Kiv ihe earth; or, thoughts e, time and eternity. B., n. d. ib°. 5204-S ■ > of the reformation. Smith, J. Milton. 27 i of the Ohio hills. (lark, Alex l-ART] . Paul. \. S 33 Stati charities aid association. Ilaml-I for hospital visitors. \.Y.. 1S77. 1: Sta 1 tld, A. C. 0111 the - St ■ ials. Statements of reasons foi not believing the rines of Trinitarian-. 1 A. f the id 1 1 1 ! '. A. M ; I". Works. V. I. nual 828-32 Baker, I . • • • ■ : R. II. Graphic and 1 624-3S ,1. I reatise on analytical 1 53'2-85 ind. Bark- I. A 493'-'5 . engines. Fam- ines, Finance, Labor, L< P lit- ical - the names countries. nius, Roman poet, />. it 60-d. about 100. Ellon, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 3. 18 87001-3 . artificial somnambulism. Fahnes k, \V. B 1774 ng. scholar, b. 1 8 to- rt'. 1 S7-J. liver's compan l.i 789-72 hand-book. L., 1872. 12 7S9-7« supplement to the ( ok. I ., 1871. 16 . . 789-73 : an account of the foundatii ments and discipline of the chief seminaries of learning in land: inclu a, Winchester, We 1 oil's, Charter-house, Merchant Taylor's, Harrow. Ru Shrev L., 1865. 12 . . . 37 v aim. Adams. W. II. I) 410-12 Gladden, W. Plain thoughts. '53 '97-33 1. Trium] m 6209-85 ner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 4 ; 208 603-4 I 5 and 1 61-197. m. 709E5 am navigation. Steam . ' - • -true- ami management of steam-boilers. 1871 6211-45 is of the Unit< - 1^51 62112-2 — Buel, R. 11. Safety vah 1875. . . . 6211s 2 olburn, Z. Steam boiler explosions. 6211S-3 STEAM. STEAM. Steam boilers, continued. — Dahlstrom, K. P. Fireman's guide: a hand-book on the care of boilers. 1885. 621 18-4 — Pochet, M. L. Steam injectors, their theory and use. iS/7 621 18-6 — Robinson, J. R. Explosions of steam- boilers. 1870 62118-65 — Schwackhofer, F. Fuel and water; with special chapters on heat and steam- boilers. [1884] 6211S-7 — Box, T. Practical treatise on heat. pp. 113-142 53 6 S- 2 — See also Fuel. Steam engine. Steam engine. Anderson, W. On the con- version of heat into work. 1887. . . . 5368-15 — Baker, T. Mathematical theory of the steam engine; with rules and examples worked out. 1867. With Lardner, D. Rudimentary treatise 6211-45 — Bourne, J. Catechism of the steam en- gine. 1S73 6211-14 Hand-book of the steam engine. 1872. 6211-15 Recent improvements in the steam en- gine. 1868 6211-16 — Burgh, N. P. Pocket-book of compound engines, n. d 621 1-2 Pocket-book of practical rules for design- ing land and marine engines, boilers, etc. n. d 6211-22 Slide valve practically considered. 1867. 6211-21 — Cotterill, J. H. Steam engine considered as a heat engine. 1878 621 1-3 — Edwards, E. Practical steam engineer's guide. 1883 6211-33 — Evers, H. Steam and the locomotive en- gine. 1S73 621 13-3 — Goodeve, T. M. Text-book on the steam engine. 18S0 6211-35 — Grimshaw, R. Steam engine catechism. 1886 6211-38 — Hemenway, F. F. Indicator practice and steam engine economy. 1886 6211-4 — King, YV. R. Lessons and practical notes on steam, steam engine, propellers, etc. 11. d 621 12-3 — Lardner, D. Rudimentary treatise on the steam engine. 1867 6211-45 Steam engine explained and illustrated. 1840 6211-46 Steam engine for the use of beginners. 1882 6211-47 — Lowndes, C. S. Engineer's hand-book. 1863. . . 621 1-5 — Marks, \V. I). Relative proportions of the steam engine. 1884 6211-55 — Northcott, W, II. Theory and action of team engine, n. d 62 11 6 — Nystrom, J. W. New treatise on steam engineering. 1876 6211-64 Perry, J. Elementary treatise on steam. 1881 6211 7 STEAM engine, continued. — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of the steam engine and other prime movers. 1S74. 621-72 — Reynolds, M. Stationary engine driving. 1S81 621 16-7 — Roper, S. Catechism of high pressure; or, non-condensing steam engines. 1S85. 6211-74 - Engineer's handy-book. 1SS1. . . . 6211-75 Questions and answers for engineers. 1880. Same, 18S6 6211-77 — Templeton, W. Engineer, mill-wright and mechanic's pocket companion. 1881 6208-8 Practical examinator on steam and the steam engine. 1S74 621 i-S — Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam engine. 1878 6211-83 — Turnbull, J. and Robinson, S. W. Treat- ise on the compound steam engine. 18S3 6211-S5 — Weisbach, P. J. Manual of the mechan- ics of engineering, v. 2. sec. 2. pt. 2. 621-9 — Win ton, J. G. Modern workshop prac- tice. 1S69 620-9 — Bakewell, F. C. Great facts : remarkable inventions, pp. 6-59 609-2 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 480-487 4IO-3S — Delepierre, O. Historical difficulties and contested events, pp. 139-147. Inven- tor of the steam engine 902-3 — Hale, E. E. Stories of invention, pp. i5o-'7t 609-5 — Haswell, C. H. Engineers' and mechan- ics' pocket-book. pp. 582-607. . . . 620S-3 — History of wonderful inventions, pit. 2. 609-8 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 5. pp. 1-48 603-4 — l.ukm, J. Boy engineers, pp. 200-266. 607-41 Toy making for amateurs, pp. 114-216. 680-5 Young mechanic, pp. 226-324. . . . 6219-4 — Merriam, J. C. Steam engine. In One hundred years progress, pp. 227-273. 609-6 — Parker, R. G Compendium of natural philosophy, pp. 196-210 530-72 — Pepper, J. II. Cyclopaedic science sim- plil ed. pp. 179-193 5°4-7 Science lectures at South Kensington, v. 1. pp. 111-172 502-S1 — Sinclair, J. Lectures, pp. 82-115. . . 604-7 — Strahan, A., ed. Hoys' and girls' book ol cience. pp. 309-318 507-83 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 35-55 mid 108-128 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 273- hoi) 71) ii.'i., 1 '95 Watson, E.P. Modern practice of Amer- ican machinists and engineers. pp. 142-230 STE \M — 1203 — 1 l l 1 1 1 1 engine, continued. — Wynter, V, I bees. pp. 424- 1 1 ;. B mi , ngine. . . . 304-9 5 1 'to 1 'I" M Sir. mi. Menu boilei Si aviga- linn. I ■ 1 i ves "i Boulton. Read. Watt. Mi \\i heating, . ■. V\ irm ing and vei linn. Steam ri n. King, W. R. 1 e and pi 111 in .il note on ;ti 1 ei gine, pi opellei 1, etc. n. d 621 12-3 Knox,-T. W. Life of B 1 niton, and histoi ) "i >ti .mi 11. 1 ligation. 1886. . . 388B7 I nil;;, |. II. and Buel, K. 1 1. < -nil ginei 1 1866 621 12-4 Mi 1 lougall, M. Relative mei il oi sim- ple and compound engines. 1 S75. . . 62112 Preble, G. H. 1 Ihronological histoi the origin and development ol team navigation, 1543 [882 62112-7 I ardnei , IX, ed. Museum ol si e and art. v. 10. pp. 113-176 603-4 The steam engine explained and illus- trated, pp. 441-504 6211-46 — Timbs.J. Inventors and Discoverers, pp. 382-395. Thefirstpra tical team-boat. 609-79 — Sec also Life of John Lin li. Steamer I k: ■ ounl ol a city on the sea, Helmuth, Wm. T. . . 4375-3 Stearns, Chas. Woodward, Am. physician, {. 1818 ui y of wisdom and knowledge. N. Y., 1869. 12 . . . . 8236-8 Stearns, Bdward Josiah, Am. clergyman, 6. 1810. Faith of our forefathers: an ex- amination of Archbishop Gibbons' "Faith of our fathers." X. Y., 1S80. 12 . . . . : 2829 ;n Stearns, I G. D. Meaning and power of baptism. X. V., 1877. 12° 261 1-8 Stearns, John Newton, Am. journalist, b. 1829, <•(/. Water spouts. X. V., 1S79. 16° 198 8 Stearns, Jonathan French, Am. clergyman, b. 1S0S. Historical review of the church, new school branch since i s ;7- In Presbyterian reunion .'^1 6 STEARNS, Winfrid Alden. Labra sketch of it-- peoples, us industries and its natural history. B., 1884. 8°. . . '--11 .1 \ ' ■ onari : the adventures of Peyton Phelps with the 1 iety. 1 ... 1SS6. 16 . — In Wiclif's days; or, a safe hiding place. X. V. 12°. II. '.'..: Mi. M 1 75. 12°. 189-85 I.., 1 8° (H-95 Cont, ml lli. .' 11 century le) C01 ipei Abrahi r ; " bew I I'liltrncy. — Bcnj Franklin Wm. Cobbed nnJ . I .in ma, Am. 1 5 it. 1XS2. and mem lifi B , 1879. 8°. . 265B5 I lelsarte system of sion. N. V . 1887. 8° 781-7 S 1 1 1.1:1 n s, Giles B. American protei tionist's iry. 1 lit, 1883. 12° 3353-7 mi mi. . Sumner. Fruits of the liquor traffic, and the results of prohibition. In Tempera v. 2 198-85 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, Am. poet, b. 1833. Poetical works. I!.. 1873. 16°. 850C1 Alice ol Monmouth, an idyll of the great war; with other poems. 1'.., 1S69. 12 . 850C2 -^ Edgar Allan Poe. B., 1881. 16 . . . . 740B6 — Hawthorne, and othei poem . B., 1877. 12° 850C3 — Poets of America. I!., 1885. 12°. . . 812-8 Contents. — Early and recent conditions. — -. th of the American school. — Bryant. — Whiltiei rson. — Longfellow. — I'oc. — ii Imes. — Lowell. — W alt Whitman. — Bayard lor — The outlook. — Victorian poets. B., 1876. 12° 821-85 Contents. — The period. — Walter Savage Lan- dor.— Hnotl. Arnold, Proctor. — Elizabeth Bar- rett Browning. — Tennyson. — Tennyson and Theocritus. — The general choir. — Robert Browning. — Latter-day singers: Robert Bu- chanan, Rossetn M ins --winburne. ibeth Barrett Browning. In Modern classics 186C1 Bolton, S. K. Famous American autl pp. 23 2 -57 4181-2 Derby, 1. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 530-537 4>Si-3 — Ki, Icing, W. II. Boyhood of living au- thors. pp. 195 io$ 41S-74 ln, S. 1 >. Allen 1 ay, a story; with an introductory sketch of the author's home, Hamburg. Phila., 1S76. 16°. 1 1 rett, Am. general, />. 1818 d. 1883. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 784-788 9796-7 — Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections ttinguished generals, pp. 276-2SS. 412J 8 Katharine, l.llet, L. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 3. pp. $3- 116 4'2i-35 Steel. DeKoninck, L. L. and Diel . 1 Chemical analysis ami assaying. i v 75 6691-3 Management of steel. 1S67. . 6691-35 STEEL. — 1204 — STEINMETZ. Steel, continue,!. — Greenwood, \V. II. Steel and iron. 1SS4. 671-4 — Griiner, M. L. Manufacture of steel; with an appendix on the Bessemer pro- cess in the United States. 1S72. . . . 6691-5 — lean, J. S. Steel ; its history, manufac- ture, properties and uses. 1S80. . . . 6691-55 — Landrin, M.Il.C. Treatise on steel. 1868. 6691-6 — Mushet, D. Papers on iron and steel. 1S40 6691-7 — Urbin, E. Practical guide for puddling iron and steel. 1868 6691-9 — Bloxam, C. L. Metals; their properties and treatment, pp. 70-103 669-1S — Greenwood, W. II. Manual of metallurgy. v. 1. pp. 149-196 669-4 — Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work. pp. 41-75 607-48 — Scoffern, J. and others. Useful met. and their alloys, pp. 334-3S4 669-8 — See also Bessemer steel. Iron. Metals. Steele, Anna C. Broken toys. B., 1872. 8°. Steele, Eliza R. Sovereigns of the Bible. X. V., 1869. 12 2217-N Steele, Esther (Baker). Chapters on civili- zation and manners. In Brief history of ancient, mediaeval and modern peoples. 905-2 — joint author. See Steele, Joel D. Steele, Rev. Geo. M. Outline study of po- litical economy. N. V., 1885. 12°. . 330-88 Steele, Jas. W. Cuban sketches. N. Y., 1881. 12° 47291-8 STEELE, Joel Dorman, Am. educator, It. 1S36- d. 1886. Answers to the practical ques- tions and problems combined in the fourteen weeks' course in physiology, philosophy, astronomy and chemistry. X. V., 1875. 12° 504-S — Fourteen weeks in chemistry. X. V.. 1S76. 12° 540-S5 Fourteen weeks in descriptive astronomy, N. Y. 12° 520-S5 Fourteen weeks inhuman physiology. X. V., 1872. 12° 612-8 Fourteen weeks in natural philosophy. X. V., n. d. 12 530-85 Fourteen week- in popular geology. N. Y., 187I. 12° 550-S5 and Steele, Esthei (Baker) joint authors and compilers. Brief historj of (, recce. X. V., 1SS3. 12° 918-16 Mary. Knight, C. Half-hours with l„-. 1 lettei writers. pp. [Oi Richard and Mary Steele Steele, Sir Richard, Iri '. 1671-rf. 1729. 1 .In Pi itish e >} i 1 . .115 1 Ei Crisis: an essay. In 1 ets. pp- 163-247 1 STEELE, Sir Richard, continued. — Dobson, A. Richard Steele >S — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter-writers. pp. 301-328. Richard and Mary Steele 826-54 — McCarthy, J. II. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 109-116 941-54 — Purnell, T. Literature am! its professors. pp. 102-204. . . ." 804-7 Steele, Silas S., Am. '., />. 1S59. Book of drawing-room plays, and even- ing amusements: a collection of cha- rades, burlesques, proverbs, tragedies, comedies, dramas, etc. Fhila., 1874. I2 D . 7S5-82 — Exhibition dialogues: consisting of dra- matic dialogues and easy plays. X. Y., n. d. 16 8015-S5 Steele, Thos. Sedgwick. Paddle and port- age, from Moosehead lake to the Aroos- took river, Maine. B., 18S2. 8°. . . 474I-S Stei le, Willis. Isidra. B., 18S3. 12.° STEEN, Jan, Dutch fainter, b. 1636-d. 1689. Gower, R. Figure painters, pp. 49-50. 41747-4 — Wedmore, F. Masters of genre painting. pp. 106-130 754-8 Steere, Edward. An account of the perse- cutions of the church under the Roman emperors. L., 1S80. 16° 2721-7 Steers, Geo., Am. naval architect, b. 1%2.1-d. 1856. Howe, II. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 140- 146 4' 2-55 STEFFENS, Heinrich, N 6- I 773-"'- '845. Baur, W. Religio life in Germany, v. 1. pp. 316-362. . 2743-2 Stein, Armin. Count Erbach: a story of the reformation. \. \ ., 1VX2. 12 . — and Koch, Rosalie. 1 lurrah for the holi- : B., 1864. 16° 851A5 Contents.— Schoolboys abroad and at home- Anna's vacation. — Julian nces. — Faith- ful dog. — Generous enemy. Stein, Charlotte Albertine Ernestine, baron- German author, !•. 1742-1/. 1827. Cal- . G. II. Charlotte \ on Stein : 1 memoir '^5.>' ! 4 1 \, Heinrich Frii fis- sion statesman, t. 17-: d. 1831. Seeley, ]. K. Life and times "I Sti or, Germany and Prussia in ileon- •. 2 v — Goethe's mother: 1 ceofCath- erim Goel he, 1 and others 1 ■"!''■' Bau r, W. Ri i toil lifi in I ri 1 m iny. v. 1. 1 1 195 2743-2 1 1 1 Andrew. 1.-'" 1 ii duelling in all tii nti tes. 2 v. 1 ... 186S. 12° 3948 7 STEINMETZ. 1205 — Sun 1 1 throughout creati : ' ' 5 5 ' 5 7 Stella, | I her. Si enhoi 1 . M< , I 1. 'iv. "Tell I ism. 11. t. p. 12'' 1! 1 , T. B. II. I' saints : a 1 V V., 1873. 8 298-8 IOCRAPHV. I phy. Step, Edu ard. Plani I thepl 1 my. N ' 12° ' 5»'-7 S 1 1 iside. Wo 1 ' nig), he now world to the 1 1 1. P. 2 v M0-S7 Step mothei , I. me , G P. R. Stephen, saint, king of Hungary, i. about • 17.1 ,/. [038. Wyi 11. \V. J. Hungarian I>1>. 52-66 41043-9 Stephen, kin *>'. wa^-d. 1154. Vets of Stephen, by an unkm contemporaneous author. With Henry ofH micle. pp. 321-430. 9309-45 Stephen, Jas., .' • . writer, ut 1 790-1/. Critical and miscell S J . With Talfourd, 1. N. neous \\ 1 itings. . . Cor. erforce. I >.f Whitfield and Froude, I • \w\ igni '• h of the grt 1 ife and times of Richard Baxl of another life. — Port Royalists.— 1 . -la and his 1 Cdwii Lei re in the history of France. N. Y., -75 ■ ley, T. Reminiscences, v. 1 10S-112 650B8 , Ja ' zjames, (A barrister, /««econd hand knowledge.— Spir- il-r., laliels. — Mr. Carlyle. — Pascal's Pensees.— Joseph dc Maistre.— Plutar philosophy.- Minister's ing.- .Mr. Mansel's Metaph] — History of the criminal law of England. 3 v. I .. 18S3. 8 ierty, equality, fraternity. X. V., 1873. 12° Si EPHI .. I • I 7 (i B6 i 8°. . . . 1 1 . N. V., 1S75. 1 804-84 I •"di- ll , ell. I , i on. X. \ 1 [Ei r I ■ 1 ies] S17B5 t. X. V., 1SS2. 12'. [Englishmen 868B3 Apology for plain speaking. In i • rpieces. v. 3. pp. 28 1 -326. . . 808-7 onous opinions. In . T. M., td. Q f belief. 204-18 S Archer and other tales. Mel ion- aid, I I "as, Amanda M. HEN, M. D. Warner, Susan. idamore, the younger, n. t. p. 16 852A1 Stephens, Alex. Hamilton, Am. statesn. 1M2-,/. 18 land, II. Alex. II. hens, in public and private. 1866. Bolton, S. K. 1 1"-, sui ce > is « on ■52-173 4'2 24 .11,11. Twelve Americans, pp. 429- ■17.> 412-3 — Derby, I ' . Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 500-505 4181-3 — Lanman. 1 . Haphazard personalities. "5 4"2-58 Stephens, Mrs, Ann Sophia (Winterboth- am), Am. author, 6. 1 S 1 3—0'. 18S6. Ever- est, < . \. Poets of Connecticut, pp. 383-390. [Biog. sketch and poems]. . S0914-4 STEPHENS, I . Vsbury. Knockabout club alongshore: the adventures of a party of young men on a trip from Boston to the land of the midnight sun. B., 1SS3. — Knockabout club in the lie ad- ventures of a party of young men in Mexico and Central Amer- ica. B., 1884. S° — Knockabout club in the woods: the ad- venture- ag men in the wilds of Maine and Canada. I 8°. . trine. < !la) I in, E. C. Queens 73 Stephens, H.Morse. History of the French revolution. 3 v. X. Y.. 18! I [em i . I Iraik, (.. I.. Pursuit of know ledge, pp. 109-113 410-35 STEPHENS. 1206 STERNE. Stephens, John Lloyd, Am. traveler, />. 1S05- d. 1S52. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 2 v. N. V., 1S55. 8° 4728-84 — Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Pe- trsea and the Holy land. 2 v. N. V., 1854. 12° 4499-72 — Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 2 v. N. Y., 1854. 12° 4409-7 — Incidents of travel in Yucatan. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 8° 4726-8 Stephens, \V. R. W. Christianity and Is- lam: the Bible and the Koran: four lectures. X. Y., 1S77. 12° 297-75 Stephens. Sec also Stevens. Stephenson, Geo., Eng. engineer, b. i~Si-d. 1S48. Smiles, S. Life of Geo. Ste- phenson, railway engineer S54B2 Life of Geo. Stephenson, and of his son Robert Stephenson 854B3 — Adams, \V. 11. D. The steady aim. pp. 21-41 410-12 — Children's story book. pp. 248-251. . . 410-27 — Drake, S. A., eel. Our great benefactors. pp. 416-421 410-42 — Famous boys. pp. 39-66 410-4S — Goodrich, S. G. Heroism of boyhood. pp. 266-282 410-51 — Hale, E. E.,ed. Lights of two centuries. PP- 5 6 9-576 410-536 — Mason, J., eel. Great triumphs. pp. 511-516 410-7 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 42-50 410-757 — Men who have risen, pp. 7-47 410-76 — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements. pp. 364-412. The steam engine and its ap- plication to locomotion 4104-7 — Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 575-588 410-92 — Timbs.J. Great inventors, pp. 108-133. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 402- 4"3 609-79 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 4S9-49I 410-975 Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza (Tabor). Blue rib- bon. N. Y., 1S77. 8°. — 1 lower house. 12°. Hope Meredith. N. Y., 1875. 8°. St. Olave's and Jeanie's quiet life. N. Y., 1871. 8°. When I was a little girl. n. t. p. . . . 870A1 Stephenson, M. F. Soul and origin of life. ille, Ga., 1X76. 24° 573-83 Stephenson, Robert, Eng. engineer, />. 1803- d. 1X59. Smiles, S. Life ol Gi plu I oberl Stephen- 854B3 Stephenson, Robert, continued. — Ma-.on, J., ed. Great triumphs. pp. 516-520 410-7 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 41-51. — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 4H-425 609-79 Stephenson, Sir Rowland Macdonald, civil engineer, b. 1808. Elementary and practical instruction on the science of railway construction: rev. by Edward Nugent. L., 1S69. 16°. With Mallet, R., .'., M. E. clergyman author, b. 1S15. Centenary of American Methodism: a sketch of its . history, theology, practical system and success. V V.. 1866. 12 2S7-7 Contents. — What is Methodism? The ques- tion historically answered. — What has Method- hieved entitling it to the proposed com- memoration?— Its capabilities and responsihil- for the future. — Arrangements for the celebration of the centenary of American Methodism, 1866, by John M'Clintock, D. D — Appendix. t Mii nit de Stael : a study of her life and limes, 2 v. N. Y.. i.SNi. 12°. . . . S50B5 — Women of Methodism : its three found- resses, Susanna Wesley, the Countess of Huntingdon, and Barbara Heck; with ■i. ,1. and 1. N. V.. W. Fly-fishing in M lake ip life in the ■■•■ B., 1881. 12° ; tmary ol il lions, advantagi and in- 12 . 47719 7 corp narrative of events in the army of the Potomai i the close of the rebellion, April, 1865. V V., 1870. 8° 9; [ . Am. writer, b. 1827. lllatin. B., 1884. I2°. [Amer- ican statesmen series.] 1 Maddens, Am. statesman, t. 1 d. 1S68. Callender, E. B. Thaddeus Stevens, commoner 855B4 — Memorial addresses on the life and char- acter of Thaddeus Stevens, delivered in the House of Representatives. Wash- ington, 1869. 8° 855845 tos., bicyclist, b. 1N55. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v. N. Y., 18S7-S8. 8° 438-87 Contents. — v. I. From San Francisco to Te- heran, v. 2. From Teheran to Yokohama. S I I VI NS. STEVENSON, Alan. Rudimentary treatise on the history, construction and illum- ination of lighthouses. L., 1850. 16 . 6270-7 Alex. F. Battle of Stone's river, near Murfreesboro', Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862, to Jan. 3, 1863. B., 1884. S°. 9792-8 David. Sketch of the civil en- gineering of North America. L., 1S69. 12° 62097-7 STEVENSON, Edward Irena-us. White cock- X. V.. 1SS7. 12°. f. and Bishop, H. Symphonies and accompaniments. In Moore's Irish melodies 7744-6 STEVENSON, J. P., joint l.ittlejohn, W. H. and Stevenson, J. P. Constitu- tional amendment 259-6 Stevenson, John. Religion, theology, ecclesiasticism. hi Scotch semi pp. 291-305 2 Stevenson. Patrick. Eternal life. Unity. //; Scotch sermons. pp. 306-321 I nut her, b. Child's garden of verses. N. V.. 1SS5. 12° — Familiar studies of men and books. L., 1882. 12 SsiEa STEVENSON. — 1208 — STEWART. Stevenson, Robert L., continued. Contents. — Victor Hugo's romances. — Some aspects of Robert Burns. — Walt Whitman — Thoreau : his character and opinions. — Yoshi- da-Torajiro. — Francois Villon, student, poet and house-breaker. — Charles of Orleans. — Samuel Pepys. — John Knox and women. — Inland voyage. B., 1S83. 16 444-8 — Kidnapped: being memoirs of the adven- tures of David Balfour in the year 1 75 1 . N. Y., 1886. 12 S53A2 — Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. N. V., 1887. 12° 514B4 — Memories and portraits. N. Y., 18S7. 12° 851E3 Contents. — Foreigner at home. — Some college memories. — Old mortality. — College magazine. — An old Scotch gardener. — Pastoral. — The manse. — Memoirs of an islet. — Thos. Stevenson. — Talk and talkers. — Character of dogs. — A penny plain and twopence coloured. — Gossip on a novel of Dumas. — Gossip on romance. — Hum- ble remonstrance. — Merry men and other tales and fables. N. V., 1S87. 12°. Contents. — The merry men. — Will o' the mill. — Markheim.— Thrawn Janet.— Olalla. — Treas- 'ure of Franchard. — New Arabian nights. N. Y., 1S82. 16 . — Prince Otto: a romance. L., 18S6. 12°. — Silverado squatters. B., 18S4. 16 . — Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. N. Y., 18S6. 12 . — Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. B., 1879- >6° 4448-75 — Treasure island. B., 18S4. 16 . . . . 853A3 — Underwoods. N. Y., 1SS7. 12°. . . . S51C1 — Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. N. Y., 1887. 12 S51E4 Contents. — " Virginibus puerisque " : on fall- ing in love. — Truth of intercourse. — Crabbed age and youth. — An apology for idlers. — Or- dered south. — ->Es triplex. — El Dorado. — Eng- lish admirals. — Some portraits by Raeburn. — Child's play. — Walking tours. — Pan's pipes. — Plea for gas lamps. — Markheim. In Norman, H.,ed. Broken shaft, pp. 52-81. — and Stevenson, Fanny Van de < trift. More Arabian nights: the dynamiter. X. V., 1S85. 16 . Stevenson, Thos. Me: ies and portraits. PP- 132-143 851E3 Stevenson, Rev. Wm. Fleming, i. 1832-./. 18S6. Dawnof the modern mission. N. Y., 1888. 12° 263-S — Lives and deeds worth knowing about. V V., 1870. 1 6° 4143-7 Cot 1 t I tor Harms of Herrm: i-urg. — Hans Egede's mission. — Spitlcr and his work. — Christian Gottlob Barth Batsch and his co.workei \i..i Zell 'ico. Ncu- I'cncbcrg and his friends. — IS, homme de lettrej.— Dr. Chalmers at Elbcrfcld.— On the Stevenson, Wm. F., continued. biography of certain hymns. — Some guesses at truth. — On vagabonds. — Lebrecbt Friedefeldt's trials. — Praying and working. L., 1865. 16 . . 4146-7 Contents. — Introductory. — John Falk. — Im- manuel Wichcrn. — Theodore Fliedner. — John Evangelist Gossner. — Louis Harms. Stevenson, Wm. G., (An impressed New Yorker, pseud.'] Thirteen months in the rebel army : being a narrative of per- sonal adventures in the infantry, ord- nance, cavalry, courier and hospital ser- vices. N. Y., 1864. 1 6° 9819-8 Stevenson. See also Stephenson. Stewart, Alex. Peter, Confederate general, b. 1S21. Pollard, E. A. Life of R. E. Lee. pp. 71 1-7«7 41225-5 Stewart, Alex. Turney, Am. merchant, b. 1803-1/. 1S76. McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 94-114 • • 4123-6 — Mills, J. D. Art of money making, pp. 370-3S4 658-63 S 1 E\\ ART, Andrew. The American system : speeches on the tariff question, and on internal improvements, principally de- livered in the House of Representatives of the United States; with biograjihic.il sketch. Phila., 1872. 8° 3304-75 Stewart, Aubrey. Taleof Troy, [from Ho- mer] S832-8 Stewart, Balfour, LL. D., Scottish physicist, l>. 1828. Conservation of energy; with an appendix, treating of the vital and mental applications of the doctrine. N. Y., 1874- 12° 5316-8 — bosons in elementary physics. L., 1873. 1 6° 530-87 — Physics. N. V., 18S3. 1 6°. [Science primers.] 530-8S — and Gee, W. W. H. Lessons in element- ary practical physics, v. 2. Electricit) and magnetism. L., 1SS7. 12°. . . . 537-86 — and Tait, P. G. Unseen universe; or, physical speculations on a future state. N. Y., 1875. 12°. Same. L., 1S79. . 218-85 — Clifford, W. K. Lectures and essays. pp. 161-179. Review 230E1 Unseen universe. pp. 1-12. [Same review.] 502-27 Stew hit, Chas., Am. naval officer, b. 1778 . 1753 ,/. 1828. I olli 1 led worl 11 v. 1 dinburgh, 1854 60. 8° 1 tents, vi Dissertation f in. litical iphj 1 ii" active and moral powers of man v , I ■ • 1 111 ' . "11 |i"ln 11 ,il i"iny. v. 10 1 .1 '.■ 1 :|'ii 1 .I memoiri ol A d Smith, Rev. Wm B B 1 hos Reid, to which ii ' ' ■.'. art, w 11 ti seleci B Ii by John V in- Ii v. 11. Translations of th< p m foreign iiL-d in the collected works. — General ill' 1 lements "f the philosophy ol the human mind, 2 parts ; » ith referem e , sec- tional heads, synoptical table of con- tents, ami translation ol the Greek, I. at in ami French quotations. I.., 1856. 8°. 180-S6 - l'llilu soph} "I the ■" tive anil mural i" Hi" man: revised by J. Walker. Cam- bridge, 1852. 12° [91 11 Biog. memoir of [Adam Smith], In Smith, A. Moral sentiments 191-82 — McCosh, J. Scottish philosophv. pp. 27S-3°7 1021 4 s Stewart, F, L. Sorghum and its prod an account of recent investigations con- cerning the value of sorghum in sugar I Itu'lion, al-u .1 new method of mak- ing sugar ami refined syrup from this plant, adapted to common use. Phila., 1867, 12 6336-S Stewart, Frances Theresa, duchess of Rich- mond. Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of Charles II. pp. 143 156. 411-55 Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. v. 3. pp. 219-230 411-58 I odge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- ges of t licit I > 1 itain. v. 6. pp. 271-279 (.11-65 STEWART, Henry. Irrigation for the farm, II ml mi hard. V 1 .. 1877. 12°. 6314-8 Stewart, Jas. Japp, A. II. Master-mis- 273 4U9-5 Stew \kt. John, Am. M. / n, /•. IT'S ■ — • Highways and hedges; j eu- id' western Methodism. . 187O. 12° 855B6 Stewart, John, [railed Walking Stewart), Eng. traveler, b. 1750-d. 1S22. DeQuin- .1 I iterarj reminiscences. t . 2. pp. 229 236 284E42 si 1 v. m 1 , \. t oe. M and by whom taught. In I addn PP- 359 (78 St EW \ to India, 1 - , ■ . I . J. Telegraph and travel, pp. 9 59- 1 . idmarquh of London ■ '. wian, b. 1769 -A 1.S22. Vane, C. \\ ., ed. Mi tl. reagh i Brougham, II. Historical ki 1 pp. 409-416 |i<- 17 Stew art, Virgil A., Am. ,.■'. 1810. Howard, II. R. History of Vir- gil A. Stewart 855B7 sin ins; or, the parasite rebuffed. Plautus. dies. v. 1. pp. 21 I-252. ... Stick, (Story of the,) in all ages. Real, A. 390-7 Stickler, Joseph W., ed. Adirondacks as a health resort, in cases of pulmonary phthisis, bronchitis, asthma, "hay fever", and various nervous affect i X. V., 1S.S6. 16 47475 8 STICKNEY, Albert. Democratic government : a study of politics. X. Y., 1885. 12 . 3207-78 STICKNEY, Win., ed. Autobiography of Amos Kendall. 13., 1872. 8° 530H4 Stier, Rudolf. Fish, II. C. Pulpil quence. pp. 73-S2 2521-4 ; R, Adalbert, German author, b. 1806- . 1841. Buchholz family : sketches of Berlin life : tr. by I.. Dora SchmitZ. 2 v. N. V., 1886-87. I2°- — Buchholzes in Italy ; traveling adventures of Wilhelmine Buchholz : tr. by Harriet F. Powell. I.., 18S7. 12° — Frau Wilhelmine (concluding part of Buchholz family) : tr. by Harriel [•'. Pow- ell. I.., 1SS7. 12°. Woodland tales. V Y., 1SS7. 12 . Contents. — Aunt Juliana. Brother Johannis. — His stupid wife.— Three times ten years. — Hello. — Prim ess I ioldhair Stirling, /.or,/. andi 1. Wm. Stirling, A. At daybreak. I'.., 1884. 12 . \. \\ . 1 he Never, ne\ ei land a ride in ' ■ d. I... 1884. 8°. . 643-17 774-23 I9S-76 4943-8 Stirling. Jas. Lives made sublime, pp. 176-209 Stirling, SirWm. Maxwell, Scottish author, b. 1S1S-,/. 1878. Cloister life of the Emperor Charles V. B., 1853. 8 D . . STIRRING times; records from Jerusalem con- sular chronicles, 1853-56. Finn, J. 2 v. Stitch in time. Allen, C. W Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. L., 1877. 10 °. [Non-Christian religious systems] S'I'OCK-breeding. Stock raising. See Domes- tic animals. Cattle. Horse. STOCK exchange. See Banks and banking. Money. STOCKBRIDGE, John C. Memoir of the life and correspondence of Rev. Baron Stow. B., 1871. 12° STOCKMAR, Christian Friedrich, baron, Ger- man physician and diplomatist, b. ijSj-d. 1863. Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, by E. Stockmar : tr. by G. A. M.: ed. by F. Max Midler. 2 v. L., 1873. 12°. . . Stockton, Annis (Boudinot), wife of Richard Stockton. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American Revolution, pp. 13-34. . . STOCKTON, Francis Richard, Am. author, b. 1834. Bee-man of Orn, and other stories. X. Y., 1S87. 12°. Contents. — Bee-man of Orn. — The Griffin and the minor canon. — Old pipes and the dryad. — The queen's museum. — Christmas before last ; or. the island of the fragile palm. — Prince Has- sak's march. — Battle of the third cousins. — The bani>hed king.— The philopena. — Amos Kilbright : his adscilitious experi- ences. X. Y., 1SS8. 12°. Contents.— Amos Kilbright: his adscititious experiences. — The reversible landscape. — Dusky philosophy, in two expositions: 1. A story of seven devils ; 2. Grandison's quan- dary. — Plain fishing. — Casting away of Mrs. Leck^ and Mrs. Ale- shine. N. Y., 18S6. 12°. — Ch i^tmas wreck, and other stories, set. 2. N. V., 18S6. 12°. Contents. — The Christmas wreck. — Story of assisted fate.— Unhistoric page. — T ale of nega- tive gravity. - Cloverfield carriages. — Remark- able wreck of the "Thomas Hykc." — My bull (ill Discourager of hesitancy. — Borrowed month. — Dusantes: sequel to Casting away ol Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Alc-hinc. X. N., 1 SS.S. 12°. 1. 1c.1t war syndicate. N. V., 1SS9. 12°. — Hundredth man. N.N.. 1SS7. 12°. — Jolly fellowship. X. Y., 1885. 12°. . . Lady or the tiger and other stories, ser. 1. X. V., 18S6. 12°. I ills. — The lady or the o I I I h< transferred ghosl Spectral mortgage.— Our ;ii 1 hery club. — That same old " n 11 is wife's 4144-5 222B9 9569-4 603-13 297-77 S57B5 S56B4 4121-35 854A2 STOCKTOtf. 2 11 STOK Stockton, i im i R., coniinu i. ■ I- < ei : listei Oui tor) Mi rolm i On the 1 1 .Mm ■ I..' i : , . , Every ma Late Mrs. Null. V V., [886. 12 . — KiMin.l-iili.iut Limbics 111 I. in. 1 iii 1 11 1 and 1. in. \. V V.. [872. 8° 854A4 Ruddei Grange. N. Y., 1 9 12 ed . with additional chaptei . 1SS5: Stor) ..I \ ui 1.1, \. V\, is 1 1 • Si|\; — Tale "in ..I 11 hool. 11. 1. | 85 1 A 5 5 — Ting-a-ling. N. \ .. 1870. 12 381 82 — What in ig lit have bi 1 nc: pei led. N . N ., [889. 12° 854 V.65 — Our tavern. — Apiece ol red calico. In M 1 1. 11. I . I'., ,■uke of Well- ington. 2 v. I.., 1S52. 8° 933B9 Stoddard, Chas. Warren, Am. author, 1843. South sea idyls. B., 1873. 2 4°- 496-S2 Summer cruising in the South >c.\-. 1 ., 1881. 12°. [Same as South sea idyls.] 496-82 Stoddard, II. II. An egg farm: the man- agement of poultry in large numbers. N. Y.. 1S76. 12 638-7 Stoddard, John F., Am. educator, b. 1825- ii. 1873. Complete arithmetic. \. X .. n. d. 12 511-S — and Henkle, W. D. 1 niversity algebra. N. Y.. 1866. 8° 512-S Stoddard, Ri< hard 1 lenry, ./"/. poet, h. Henry Wad worth Longfelli a medley in pro e and vei e. N. V., 8° 5X5IS5N Poem . \. \ ., 1880. 8° Conttnti 1 mcr. 11-; 6 I he king'i bell, ' 80). moir of W, C, Bryant. In Bi \\ . < '. Poel 11 al I ' 1 . : t 1 I pp. v-xiv — ed. See Brii is American air 1 "9-231 4181-2 1 . Fifty year- among aul etc. pp. 595-603 41 -1 , Stoddard, Wm. Osborn, Am. auth |S;5. Abraham Lincoln: the true- st, .iv of a great life. N. Y., 1 884. S . 572B8 \iuong the lakes. \. \ ., 1SS3. 8°. . 855A1 Dab ECinzer: a story of a growing hoy. N. Y., 1SS2. 12 855A2 — Esau Ilardery : a novel of American life. N. Y., 1881. 12°. — Geo. Washing!. ,n. \, Y., 1886 1 2 - . 725B26 John Adams and Thos. Jefferson. \. X ., < s 7 7 - 12 412 s.s — Red Beauty: a story of the Pawnee trail. Phila., 1887. 12°. — Saltillo boys. N. Y., 1882. 12 . . . . S55A4 — - Talking leaves: an Indian story. \. X., 1SS2. 16 .S55A45 — The heart of it : a romance of Last and West. N. Y., 1S80. 16 . - — Two arrows: a story of red and white. V Y.. 1SS6. 16° 855AS Winter fun. X. X.. [1855.] 12°. . . . S55A52 — Wrecked. X. Y.. 1S83. l6°. Stoddart, Chas., Eng. officer, d. about 1 Wolff, J. Narrative of a mission to Bok- hara, in the years 1843-45 to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and ('apt. Conolly. 4556-9 STODD mm. Sir John, English colonial : b. 1773-rf. 1856. Glossology; or, the historical relations of languages. I ... (858. 12° IOO-8 - Introduction to the study of universal history. L., 1850. 12° 902-8 Contents. — Uses of history as a study.— Sep- aration of the early facts of history from fable. StOCKHARDT, Julius Adolph, German ist, b. 1S00. Familiar exposition of the chemistry of agriculture addressed to farmers: tr. and ed. with notes by A. Henfrey ; to which is added a paper on irrigating with liquid manure, by I. J. Mechi. I ... 1S55. 12° 631-S ism. Capes, W. W 1581 ; STOKES. STONE'S. Stokes, Alfred C. Microscopy for be- ginners; or, common objects from the ponds and ditches. N. Y., 1887. 12°. Stokes, Frederick A. College tramps : a narrative of the adventures of a party of Yale students during a summer vacation in Europe with knapsack and alpen- stock, and the incidents of a voyage to Rotterdam and return in the steerage. N. Y., 1880. 12° Stokes, Geo. Gabriel, Eng.mathematician, b. 1820. Absorption of light and colors of bodies. Fluorescence. In Science lect- ures at S. Kensington, v. 1. pp. 33—75. — Immortality. Jn Little, \V. J. Knox- and others. Immortality, pp. 1 10-124. . Stokes, Geo. T. Ireland and the Celtic church: history of Ireland from St. Patrick to the English conquest in 11 72. L., 1886. 8° 2 — The Bollandists. In Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in literature, pp. 159-192. . . Stokes, J. Cabinet-maker and upholsterer's companion. I'hila., 1869. 12°. . . . Stokesley secret. Yonge, Charlotte M. . Stiilherg, Friedrich Leopold, count, Danish diplomatist, b. 1750-12'. 1S19. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. I. pp. i79- 22 3 •' Stolen child. Gait, J. Stolen white elephant. Clemens, S. L., (Mark Twain, /•send.) Stomach. See Anatomy. Digestion. Food. Physiology. Stone, Chas. J. Cradle-land of arts and creeds ; or, nothing new under the sun. L., 1880. 8° Stone, Isaac. Elementary and complete examiner; or, candidate's assistant, pre- pared to aid teachers in securing certifi- cates from boards of examiners. N. Y., 1869. 12° STONE, Jas. Kent, Am. R. C. clergyman, nm,' known as Father Fidelis, l>. 1840. The invitation headed: reasons for a re- turn to Catholic unity. N.Y.,1871. 12°. STONE, Jas. Samuel, clergyman, />. 1852. Heart of Merrie England. Phjla., 1887. 8° Stone, John Seely, Am. clergyman, b. 1795-rt. 1882. Divine rest; or, Scriptural views of the Sabbath. X. V., 1867. 12°. . Memoir of the life of the Rt. Rev. Alex. \ mi Griswold ; with an appendix to which are added a sermon, charge and pastoral letter by the late bi hop. I'hila., 8°. . I onathan. 1 1 ildreth, S. P. Memoirs of the eai of ( Him. pp. 380- I9< 57S-77 440-84 502-81 218-56 7415-73 804-3 684-7 990A88 2743-2 293-8 37I2/-7 2827-7 4)2 SS 259-8 L38B1 41271-4 Stone, Livingston. Domesticated trout: how to breed and grow them. B., 1872. 16° 7956-7 Stone, Lucinda H. Efforts of mental growth. In Brackett, A. C, ed. Edu- cation of American girls, pp. 173-209. 37°-2 Stone, Mary Amelia. A summer in Scan- dinavia. N. Y., [1885.] 12° 448-8 Stone, May E. A fair plebeian. Chicago, 18S3. 1 6°. Stone, Thos., h. 1743-a. 17S7. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pp. 258-261. . . . 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 1 51-153 4121-53 Stone, W. H. Scientific basis of music. L, [1878.] 8°. [Music primers]. . . 7716-75 Stone, Wm., Am. Presbyterian clergyman, b. about 1757-1/. 1840. Biographical an- nual, pp. 200-210 412-21 Stone, Wm. Leete, Am. author, b. 1792-d. 1844. Border wars of the American revolution. 2 v. N. Y., 1S54. 16 . . 9755-8 — Life and times of Sa-go-y e-wat-ha ; or, Red Jacket ; with a memoir of the author, by his son, W. L. Stone, jr. Albany, 1866. 8° 776B5 — Life of Joseph Brant, (Thayendanegea), including the border wars of the Amer- ican revolution, and the Indian cam- paigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne. 2 v. Albany, 1865. 8°. . . 180B6 Stone, Wm. Leete, son of the preceding, b. 1835. History of New York city from the discovery to the present day* N. Y., 1872. 8° 9831-8 — Life and times of Sir Wm. Johnson, Bart. 2 v. Albany, 1865. 8° 517B6 — tr. See Riedesel, F. Eelking, M. von. Stone. See Geology. Quarrying. Also Architecture. Building. STONE-cutting. See Masonry. STONE lectures, 1882. Bartlett, S. C. Sources of history in the Pentateuch 2231-2 — 1SS3. Hopkins, M. Scriptural idea of man 233-4 Stonehenge, pseud. See Walsh, J. H. 1 RIDGE : etchings from the sketch book of a country pastor. Smith, C. A. . . 250-8 Stones of the temple. Field, Walter. . . 724-5 Mum 1.1 the valley. Symonds, W. S. . . 5504-8 Stones of Venice. Ruskin, John 723-7 Stone's river, Battle of. Stevenson, A. F. Battle hi Stone's river near Murfrees- li. 11', Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862, to Jan. 3, 1863 9792-8 Swinton, W. Twelve decisive battles. pp. 178-225 978l-9 X ,-i;/\e Army of the Cumberland. United Males, history. STOMIII I — 1213 — : I'. III.- Stonhill, W. fohn, Papei pulp. />■ Ratt- ray, I. and Mill, II. K., eds. Fore ti y. It 137 VJ2 714-7 STORACe, Aiiii.i Silnia, Etlg. I761- (/. 1814. < llaj ton, I C. Queen song. po. 138-152 4'7 S I Storagi and Iran ipoi tat ion in the porl ■ 1 New York. Black, Wm. N 650-17 Stoi 1 hoi SE 'il stoi ies. \ onge, C. M. Storer, 1 1 hi. 1 Humphreys, Am. ehtmist, b. iS;j, joint author. I tiot, C. W. and Siiiicr, F. II. Elementary manual of chemistry 540-31 Manual "f inorganic chemistry, . . . 546-3 Storer, Horatio Robinson, Am. 1S30. Causation, course and treatment of reflex insanity in women, B., 1S71. 1 6° i73«-8 Storied holidays. Brooks, E. s 1S6A37 STORIED sea. Wallace, Susan E 4499-9 Stories about. Barker, M. A. Lady. . . . 135A22 Stories and ballads for young folks. A.lden, Ellen T 1 14A9 STORIES and legends of travel and history for children. Lippincott, Rfrs. Sara J. (Grace Greenwood, pseud,) 930S-51 S n iries and pictures from < hurt h hist* ry, for young people. N. Y., n. d, 16 . . 270-8 Stories and poems. Gil man, Caroline '/>/*/ [ervey, Caroline Howard 305 A 25 Stories and sights of France and Italy. Lippincott, Mrs, Sara J., (Grace Green- u ood, pseud.) 440—57 Stories and sketches by our besl authors. B., 1867. 12°. Contents.— The skeleton .it the banquet, by Scclcy Regester, [Mrs. M. /'. /■' I 'ictor). — Let those laugh who win, by S. W ["utile.— The proper use of grandfathers, by F. II. Ludlow.— At eve, by G, Brode.-- Broken idols, by R. Wolcott. Dr. H tiger's intentions, by L. C. Moulton.— The man whose life was saved. — The romance of a western trip, J. I.. Lord. — The two ghosts of New London turnpike.— Mrs I ralpin I >ow n by the sea, by 11. T Griswold. — Why Mrs Radnor fainted.— Under a cloud, 1 \ \\ \\ S ikes.— Coming from the front, by R. Wolcott.— A night in the sewers, by C. I 1 Shanty. Storii - and tales. Andersen, Hans C. . . 118A26 1 i h) American authors. 10 v. N. V., 1SS4. 16 . Conti v/j v 1 W h i wis she by Bayard Taylor.— The documents in the case,(J B Math- ews and H ( Bunner.— One of the thirty pieces, by W. H Bishop.— Balacchi brothers. by R. H. Davi Vn operation in money, by A. Webster. v. 2. The transferred gh I R. Stock- ton- A martyr to science, by M. P. Jacobi, — Mrs Knollys, bj I 3 I Dale, (F.J. Stimson). —A dinner party, by J. Eddy.— The mount of sorrow, by H. P. SpotTord.- Sister Silvia, by M \ Tincker. Vm eric an authors, continued, I ■ '-■, l ! ' X Brii '■ \ n quarter, by F. H. I 1 purtc « ompai by '» I' Laihrop 1 ■ ' 0. Lloyd hie rnurdei 1 tn gfcui, by I B M ithews. v. 4. Miss Grief, by C. F. Woolson, Love in u!-: .11 I Bunm 1 I wo bucket* in a well, by N P v. ■,., i \ concern, by M I 1 1st, -Loit in the fog, Brooks. v. 5. A light man, bj II fames.— Yatcl, by I D Millet I he end ..f New Vork, by P Benjamin.— Why Thomas was discharged, by *■ Arnold. — The Tachypomp, by K P. Mn. hell. v. 6. The village convict, by C. M White, ( // If. ChafiltM —The Denver cvpress, by A. A Hayes.- Misfortunes of Bro Thos Wheat- ley, by I- R Fairfax.— The heartbreak cameo, ! 1 W.) Champney.— Miss Eunice's glove, by A. Webster.— Brother Sebastian's friendship, by II Frederick. v. 7. The bishop's vagabond, by O. Thanet, (Alice French).— Lost, by E, Bellamy.— Kirby's coatsof fire, by I.. Stockton. — Passages from the journals of a social wreck, by M Floyd. — Stella yland, byj. M McKay. — The image of San Donate, by V, W. Johnson. v. 8. Brigade commander, by J. W. De For- est.— Sphf 1 Zerviafa Hope, by K S Phelps.— Life magnet, by A. A. Adams.— Osgood's predicament, by E D. B Stoddard. v. 9. Marsc Ch.in, by T. N. Page.— Mr Dix- by's Christmas visitor, by C. S. Gage. — Eli, by C. H.White, //. W. Chaplin).— Young Strong of the " Clarion,'' by M W. Shinn.— How old Wiggins wore ship, by Capt. R. T. Coffin.— " 'Mas has come," by L. Kip. v. 10. Pancha, byT. A. Janvier.— The ablest man in the world, by E. P. Mitchell. — Young Moll's Peevy, by C. A. Stephens. — Manm.it 'ha, by C. Dc Kay.— A daring fiction, by H. H. Boycsen. — The story of two lives, by J. Schayer. STORIES explanatory of the church catechism. Sherwood, Afrs. M. M 2383-84 STORIES for children, by eleven sophomores. B .. 1S75. 12 S56A9 Contents— Harry, by C. F. Thwing.— The bear, by B. O. Pcircc. — Rose Bud's story, by S. B. Stiles. — Jamie's mice, by C. H Bar- rows.— Santa Claus' deer, by C>. S. Pine. — Maggie's walk, by H Hinklcy. — Chicken's mistake, by C A Dickinson.— -About the stars, by W K Page —Bertie's dream, by F A Stimson. — Bumble's first day at work, by T. C. Williams— Bronco, by A. A. Wheeler. - for Sundays, illustrating the cate- chism, Sherwood, Mrs, M. M. ... 2 in China. X. Y., n. d. l6°. . 451-S6 STORIES from life, which the chaplain told. R, 1866. 2 4 c 857A3 STORIES from life, which the chaplain told, Sequel to. B . 1867. l6° 8s es from my attic. Scudder, Horace E. 81 5A8 5 from the Moorland ; or, tales of the tnanters. Hates, Lizzie 139A24 STORIES. 12 14 STORY. Stories from the South seas. N. V., n. d. 1 6° 496-85 Stories grandma told. Brine, M. D. . . . 183A2 Stories in verse. Abbey, Henry I°3 C 3 STORIES of a grandfather about American' history. Dodge, N. S 473-2S STORiEsofan old maid. Girardin, D. (G.) de. 422A7 Stories of infinity. Flammarion, C. . . . 5204-4 Stories of old Daniel for the amusement of young persons. L., n. d. 16 . . . . 857A7 Stories they tell me. O'Reilly, Mrs. R. . 706A5 Storm, 1703. In De Foe, D. Works. . . 82S-341 Storm driven. Healy, Mary. Storm warriors. Gilmore, John 3599-4 Storms. Bassnett, T. Outlines of a me- chanical theory of storms. 1854.. . .55155-18 True theory of the sun showing the common origin of the solar spots and corona, and of atmospheric storms and cyclones. 18S4 5 2 37 -2 Blasius, W. Storms, their nature, class- ification and laws. 1875 55 ' 55— 2 Davis, \V. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones and tornadoes. 18S4 55155-3 Ruskin, J. Storm-cloud of the nineteenth century. 1S84 55 ! 55-7 Reclus, E. Ocean, atmosphere and life. v.l. pp. 273-301 and v. 2. pp. 36-46. 5514-7 — See also Meteorology. Storms and sunshine of a soldier's life. Mackenzie, Colin 605 B2 Stormy life. Fullerton, Georgiana, laJy. Storr, Francis and Turner, Hawes. Can- terbury chimes ; or, Chaucer's talcs re- told for children. L., 187S. 16°. 225C4 Contents.— Introduction to the Canterbury tales. — Knight's tale: Palamon and Arcite. — Man of law's tale : Constance.— Nun's priest's tale: the cock and the fox— Squire's tale : Ca- nace.— Franklin's tale: Dorigen. —Chaucer's tale : Gamelyn. STORRS, Richard S., jr., Am. Congregational clergyman, b. 1821, Divine origin of Christianity indicated by its historical effects. N. V., 1884. 8° 239-87 — Constitution of the human soul. N. V '., 1857. 8°. [Graham lectures] 1498-9 Fish, II. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 4S5-500 2521-4 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominenl New Yorkers, pp. 301-305 41247-3 Mom', (lias. A. Vlcohol; its nature and N. V., 1868. 1 6° 1981-8 Story, Daniel. Hildreth, S. P. Early set- tlers of Ohio, pp. 325-329 41271-4 Story, Jas. P. Choisy. I!., 1872. 8°. ! ph, Am. jurist, b. 1779-r/. 1S45. 1 : m liai ' ■ po iition of the Constitution of the United Stales; containing a brief tar j 1 every clause, explaining Story, Joseph, continued. the true nature, reasons and objects thereof: with an appendix containing important public documents, illustrative of the Constitution. N. Y., 1878. 12°. 3463-83 — Discourse. In American oratory. pp. 5°4-53I S152-2 — Life and letters of Joseph Story : ed. by W. W. Story. 2 v. B., 1851. 8°. . . 857B2 — Homes of American statesmen, pp. 427- 445 412-53 - Mathews, W. Hours with men and books, pp. 97-116 617E54 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2. pp. 422-438 8152-6 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. pp. 56-59 412-74 STORY, Robert Herbert, Scottish divine, i. 1835. Wm. Carstares : a character and career of the revolutionary epoch. L., 1874. 8° 207B3 — Christ's authority. Christian righteous- ness. In Scotch sermons, pp. 322-345. 252-81 STORY, Wm. Wetmore, Am. sculptor and author, b. 1819. Fiammetta: a summer idyl. B., 18S6. 12°. — Graffiti d' Italia: [poems.] N. Y., 1868. ■6° 855C3 — He and she; or, a poet's portfolio. B , 1884. 16° 855C4 — Poems. B., 1S56. 12° 855C1 — Roba di Roma ; or, walks and talks about Rome. n. t. p. 12 4456-84 Story Lizzie told. Prentiss, Elizabeth [P.] 745A6 Story of a bad boy. Aldrich, T. B. . . . 115A12 Story of a country town. Howe, E. W. Story of a feather. Jerrold, Douglas. Story of a fellow soldier: being a life of Bishop Patteson. Awdry, Francis. . 71SB1 Story of a flower. Porter, Rose. Story of a genius. Howilt, Mary (B.) . . 492A3 STORY of a honeymoon. Ross, C. H. and Clarke, A 817-82 Story' of a house. Viollet-leDttc, E. E. . 72S-94 Story of a millionaire. Mundt, Mine. Klara (Midler), (L. Muhlbach, pseud.) STORY of a mine. Harte, F. Bret. S'luRY 1 if a Moorish knilc. II. ndci .n,G. K. STORY of a New York house. Bunner, H.C. STORY of a peasant. See Erckmann, E, and Chatrian, A. STORY of a ranch. Rollins, A. YV. Story of a Scandinavian summer. Tyler, K. E 448-93 STOR'i of a short life. Ewing, Juliana II. . 329A45 Same. WM Jackanapes 328A86 S 1 1 ii- 1 -.1 :i stoi v. I ,ee, Margaret, Story of a while blackbird. Musset, A. de. Selections, pp. 1-36 848-67 STORY. i 2 1 5 iWE. i i an African fi Scl er, Olive, (Ralph Iron, / Story '.i I husiast, Jami ion, Mi r. ( . \ . Story of an I ■ I man. About, Edmund. s roRV "I Anton) Grai e. Fenn, ' lei i. M. Story ol Wis. Phelp . I lizabeth S. i is . ol B i. fai kson, I [elen M. (F.) JioCi Sini<\ ol i .u nival. I loppu ;, Mar) A. M. STOR\ -I I ml Rivi . . B . [1869.] 16°. . S5S Vf Itory of ] ion Miff. I '.iimi-v, \ ., ed. Story 1 ,i 1, and othei poems, ingelow, Jean Story of Elizabeth. See Ritchie, Mrs. Anne I sabell 1 (Thacki roi 1 "i foui live . Dunning, Afrs. A. K. 297A3 Story ..1 Helen Troy. N. , i .. 1881. 16 . Story of Herbert Archer. Thynne, I ,uly (has. In Rainbow stories, pp.145 '"' Story of I [erbei 1 I ovell. Bouverie, F. W. B 179A2 Sti iRY of Iris. See Holmes, 1 I, W. Story of Keedon bluffs. Murfree, Mary V. (Chas. Egbert 1 raddock, pseud.) Story of Kennett. Taylor, Bayard. Story of liberty. 1 offin, 1 has. C 920-25 Story of Margaret Kent. Kirk, Mrs. El- len |i tine) 1 , 1 1 I'm j 1 1 v 1 . W.) Story ol Melicent. Madoi . 1 Story of my career as studenl al Frei and Jena, and as Professor at Halle, Breslau and Berlin. Steffens, H. . . . 852B8 Story of my childhood. Michelet, Mine. ]. 630B5 Story of m) heart, Jefferies, K 51 Bg Story ol my life. Andei en. 1 1 1 . . . . 1 18B2 Story of our country. Monroe, Mrs. L. B. 973-64 Story of our Lord. Vounghusband, Fran- ces 2; -, ..■, Story of Puff. Livingston, Mrs. C. M. . . 576A4 Story ol Sib) lie. 1 euillet, 1 1 Story of the Blount family. Brown, R . I. 187A4 Story of the golden age. Baldwin, Jas. . 8834 14 sunn "i thi gre h Nichols, Geo. W. 970 1 1 7 STORY of the guard. I- reinont, Jessie 1!. . 0705-55 STORY of the Nations series. X. V. 12°. Alexander's empire'. Mahaffy, J. P. a>ui Gilman, A. 1887 9> s 7 6 Assyria. Ragozin, Z. \. 1887. . . . 9152-6 Chajdea, from the earliesl times to the rise of Assyria. Ragozin, Z. A. 1SS6. 9151-7 i ;ypt, Ancient. Rawlinson, G. andGM- man A. 1887 912 71 Germany. Gould, S. Baring- and G man, A. lS86 " ; , Goths, The, from the earliest limes to the end ol the Gothic dominion in Spain. Bradley, II. 1SS5 94501-2 Greece. Harrison, J. A. 1SS5. . . . 918 1 1 Hungary. Vambery, A. and Heilprin, L, 1 886 o ; I I • ■ . . ! i r, J. K. 1 886 1 M in Spain. Poole, 5. I <'«. 1X07. Howard the philan- thropist and his friends. L., 1864. 8°. -Our English Bible; its translations and translators. I.., n. d. 12° 22011-7 Stoi r, Andrew V. McCabe, J. I>. C.reat ties. pp. 130-137 4'-J 6 3T01 1. Petei F., Am. consul, b. 1859. Nica- ragua: past, present and future: a de- scription of inhabitants, customs, mil minerals, early history, modern fillibus- terism, proposed inter-oceanic canal and manifest destiny. Phi la., 1 859. I2 D . . 47285-9 , Mrs. Mary. Holloway, L. C. La- dies of the Whitehouse. pp. 635-649. . 41239-4 Stoyv, Baron, Am. Baptist clergyman, b. 1801- d. 1S69. Stockbridge, J. C. Memoir of tlie life and - 1cm e of Rev. 1 Stow STOWE, Calvin Ellis, Am. clergyman and au- thor, . 1802 .-'. 1886. History of the books of the Bible, designed to show what the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it. 1!.. 18S6. 8° -' n and histor) of thi I the th the canonical and the apoc- ryphal. Hartford, 1S69. 8° 2262-8 ill. I ducational biography. it !5° 4«57-z STOYVE, David. Train of educa- tion, including moral school training large towns, and normal seminary for training teachers to conduct the sys- tem. L., 1S59. 8° 3707-8 . Mrs. Harriet (Beecher), Am. an />. 1S12. Agnes of Sorrento. R, 1S69. 12°. — Dog's mission: or, the story of the old Aver) II ouse. V V.. 1880. 16 . . . S60A1 STOWE. 1216 — STRABO. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet (Beecher), continued. — (Christopher Crowfield, pseud. 1 Chimney corner. B., 1868. 16 S55E2 Contents. — What will you do with her ? or, the woman question. — Woman's sphere. — Fam- ily talk on reconstruction.— Is woman a worker '.' — The transition. — Bodily religion : a sermon on good health. — How shall we entertain our com- pany? — How shall we be amused ? — Dress ; or, who makes the fashions. — What are the sources of beauty in dress. — The cathedral. — The new year. — Noble army of martyrs. — Dred : a*tale of the Great Dismal swamp. 2 v. B., 1856. 12 . [Same as Nina Gordon]. — Footsteps of the Master. N. Y-, 1877. 12°. 2321-7 Contents.— Rex, Lux, Lex, Dux.— Advent. — Christmas.— Epiphany.— Lent. — Passion- week. — Easter. —Ascension. — (Christopher Crowfield, pseud.) House and home papers. B., 1869. 12 . . . 640-89 Contents. — Ravages of a carpet — Home-keep- ing vs. housekeeping. — What is a home ? — Econ- omy of the beautiful. — Raking up the fire. — Lady who does her own work. — What can be got in America. — Economy.— Servants. — Cook- ery.— Our house. — Home religion. — Key to Uncle Tom's cabin : facts and doc- trines upon which the story is founded. B., 1853. 8° 3264-7 — Lady Byron vindicated: history of the Byron controversy. B., 1870. 16°. . 199B1 — Little Pussy Willow. B., 1885. 16 . . 860A15 — Mayflower; or, sketches of scenes and characters among the descendants of the Pilgrims. N. Y., 1846. 16 . Contents. — Uncle Lot. — Love versus law. — Tea rose. — Trials of a housekeeper. — Little Ed- ward. — Aunt Mary.— Frankness.— The Sabbath. — Let every man mind his own business. — Cous- in William. — Ministration of our departed friends. — Mrs. A. and Mrs. B-— Christmas : or, the good fairy'. — Earthly care a heavenly disci- pline. — Conversation on conversation. — How do we know? — Which is the liberal man? — Elder's feast— Little Fred the canal boy.— Ca- nal boat.— Feeling.— Seamstress.- Old father Morris. — Two altars. — Scholar's adventure in the country. — "Woman, behold thy son!" — Coral ring. — Art and nature. —Children. — How to make friends with mammon.— Scene in Jeru- salem. — Old meeting-house. — Nev. Y*ears' gift. — Old oak of Andover. — Ourwood lot in winter. — Poems. • — Men of our times; or, leading patriots of the day: being narratives of the lives and deeds of statesmen, generals and orators. Hartford, 1868. S° 4122-83 Contents— Lincoln Grant Win. I. Garri- n Sumner.— Chase.— Henry Wilson.— Gree- ley. — Farragut. — John A. Andrew. — Colfax.— Stanton.— Frederick Douglass. - Sheridan. — Wm ( » Howard w m. A. kingham. — Wendell Phillips. Henry Ward Beecher. Minister's wooing. B., 1872. 12 . My wife and 1. N. \.. 1874. 12 . Stowe, Mrs. Harriet (Beecher), continued. — Nelly's heroics. B., 1SS3. 16 S60A2 — Nina Cordon. 2 v. in I. B., 18S0. 12°. [Same as Dred]. — Oldtown folks. B., 1873. 12°. — Our Charlie and what to do with him. Phila., 1869. 1 6° 860A23 — Palmetto leaves. B., 1873. 16 . [Papers on Florida] 4759-8 — Pearl of Orr's island: story of the coast of Maine. B., 1873. 12°. — Pink and white tyranny. B., 1872. 12°. — Poga'nuc people; their loves and their lives. N. Y., 1878. 12°. — Queer little people. B., 1SS5. 12°. [Stories of animals] 5905-86 — Sunny memories of foreign lands. 2 v. B., 1S56. 12° 440-85 — Uncle Tom's cabin. B., 1885. 12°. See also Hensen, Josiah, [said to be the original of the character of Uncle Tom]. — We and our neighbors. N. Y., 1S75. 12°. — Sam Lawson. In Mason, E. T. Humor- ous masterpieces, v. 1. pp. 97-105. . 817-63 — joint author. Beecher, C. E. and Stowe, H. (B.) American woman's home. . . 640-161 Principles of domestic science 640-16 — Whitney, A. D. T., Hale, L. P., Loring, F. W., Perkins, F. B., and Hale, E. E. Six of one, by half a dozen of the other. B., 1872. 16°. — Bartlett, D. W. Modern agitators, pp. 73-95 412-2 — Bolton, S. K. Girls who became famous. pp. I— 1 7 4ij- 2 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 452-460 4'8i-3 Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. I3'"'37 - • • • 4i°-)2 Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks, pp. 107-124 4181-3S — Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew, pp. 33-36. [Poem] 484C65 — Barton, J. Noted women, pp. 73-77. . 4>3- D 3 — Stephen, J. F. Essays, pp. 307-319. Review of Minister's wooing 850I 1 Stowell, \V. II. Puritans in England. V V., 1S88. S°. With Wilson, I >. Pilgrim fathers 2859-8 mi \,,,i, Greek geographer, b. about B. C. 60- d. A. D. 24. Geography: literally trans- lated ; Willi iN.lcs, the first six books by II. i '. Hamilton, the remainder by W. Falconer. 3 v. I.., 1854-57. 12°. . 423-83 Contents. -V. 1 bks 1 2. Introduction. — 3. Spain. 1 Gaul, 5 6 Italj , I lerniany and ■ t h. astern Europe. v.i. bks. 8-10. Greece 11 Asia: (north of iln- t uxinc, etc.], 12. I Asia Minoi I • 1 Vsia the Troad, etc. STRABO. — 1217 — 51 I'l 11 - inn v. bk. 14. Asia In tlia and Pci iia 1 . 1 11 ind \ 1 1 1 1 1 1< Stra id, Earl /, 5 W entworth, 1 Sth mi \n, Alex., <•■ u relation! — Lunar halo Coals and colliei Wild fli ■ 1 B 1 up! their business Steam and ili<: steam engine. Out i clads Bulbs ' 1 , I'l pets. — Summer grass, — Al'init a caterpillar.- The acanthus. 1 microscope Wati Animal defences. Strahan, Edward, pseud. See Shinn, Karl. Strains in girders. Humber, Wm. . . . 624-15 Strains in trusses. See Rankin, F. A. snaiNs 11 1 "in bridge girders and roof truss- es. Cargill, I' 624-2; Straits ol Malacca, Indo-China and China. I 1 1 "in "ii, J 45.V-S Si r \ni .1' ad i enture s ol a phai ton. Blai 1 . Win. Strang! case ol Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, K. I.. Strange disappearance. Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna K. (Green.) Strange pilgrimage. Walworth, Mrs. I. II. Strang) i i . Allen, ( Irant. Strange story. Bulwer-Lytton, 1". r, who speaks first. In Steele, S. S. Drawing-room plays. . . 7S5-82 Strasburg. Great sieges of history, pp. 69° "99 904-3 — Spalding, M.J. Miscellanea, v. 2. pp. 685-695. Astronomical clock .•■ ■ Strasburger, Eduard. Microscopic bot- any : manual of (lie microscope in veg- ble histology : tr. by A. B. Hervey. r... 1SS7. s° 5 STRATFOXD-by-the-sea. N. V\, i^ s |. 16°. STRATFORD-on-Avon. Irving, W. Sketch book. pp. 34s 370 818 485 \\ hite, R. G, England. pp. 509- 53° !!- "1 — See also England. Shakespeare. : ,inon, ////;. diplomat! ■ 'iilin 1 hi . , 1 ... ;-■ . id F 1 iedi ii h, 1 man '■'■ ■ logian, />. 1808 p. 446-477 239"43 — Hurst, |. I-. History of rationalism 258-27S. Reviews 21 I ensc, E. (le. trah ," too. Strauss and Vol- taire 4 1 — Smith, II. B. Faith and philosophy. : 13-488. Review 204-81 Strauss, G. 1„ M., Quin, C. W., Bt J. C, Archer, Thos., Tegetmeier, W. B., an 1 Prow ;e, W.I. I nglat shops. I.., 1S64. 12 609-75 Strauss, (in haul Friedrich Abraham, man theologian, 6. 1786-rt'. 1S63. The glory of the house of Israel; or, the He- brew's pilgrimage to the Holy city. Phila., i860. 16 242-8 Strawberry. Han, Amelia I". mances and realities, pp. 156-160. . . 1 — Burroughs, J. Locusts and wild honey. pp. 65-76 196E5 Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruit. PP- 521 135 ' — S<-e also Fruit ami fruit culture. S 1 raw -cutter's daughter. Fullerton, lady Georgiana. Stray leaves from Newport. Wheeler, Esther G. Stray leaves from strangeliterature. Hearn, Lafcadio 3S1-5 Stray leaves from the honk of nature. De Vere, M. Scheie 502-32 STRAY moments with Thackeray. Ridcing, W. II S2S-899 Si RAY pearls. Yonge, Charlotte M. Strati studies from England and Italy. Green, J. R 9204-45 StREANE, Rev. A. YY. ,<■,/. The hook of the prophet Jeremiah, together with the Lamentations; with map, notes and in- troduction. Cambridge. 1882. 16 . [Cambridge Bible for schools.] .... STRECKER. STRIKES. Strecker, Adolph, German chemist, b. 1S12- . 1806- d. 1874. Life of Elizabeth, queen <>( ;land, with am - dote ol hei 1 "in 1. {., n. d. 8° 3,51:5 — Life of Mo ' iifSjjotts. 2 v. I... '«73- '2° 616B9 Strickland, Agnes, continued. — Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland; abridged from Queen, of Scotland, by Rosalie Kaufman. B., 18S7. 8°. . . 616B91 — Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart. L., 1872. 12°. 41 1 1-87 — Lives of the queens of England during the reign of Henry VIII. N. V., n. d. 8° 41 1 1-86 Contents. — Katharine of Aragon. — Annie Boleyn. — Jane Seymour. — Annie of Cleves. — Katharine Howard. — Katharine Parr. — Mary, first queen regnant of England and Ireland. — Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. 6 v. L., 1S73-75. 16° 4111-S -[Same]. 8 v. L., 1873. 12° 41 11-81 — [Same] : abridged by the author : rev. and ed. by Caroline G. Parker. N. V., 1S67. 12°. Same, 1884 41 11-85 — [Same] : abr. and adapted [for young folks] by Rosalie Kaufman. 3 v. B., 1883. 12° 4111-84 — Lives of the queens of Scotland and Eng- lish princesses connected with the royal succession of Great Britain. 5 v. N. Y., 1851-55. 16°. . • 41121-S — Pilgrims of Walsingham ; or, tales of the middle ages. N. Y. 12°. — Queens of Scotland : young folks' history: ed. by R. Kaufman. 2 v. 15., 1S87- 86. 12° 4U2-75 — Stories from history. N. Y., 1S70. 16° 9208-69 — Tales from English history for children. N. Y., 1S70. 16° 930S-7 — True stories from ancient history, from the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne. N. Y., 1S70. 16°. . . 9108-8 — True stories from modern history. N. Y., 1851. 16°. Same, 1870 9208-7 — Abraham, G. W. Essays, pp. 225- 247. Review io jK5 Strickland, Wm. Peter, Am. clergyman, i. iSog-o'. 1SS4. Old Mackinaw; or, the fortress of the lakes and its surround- ings. Phila., i860. 12° 47749-8 — Pioneer bishop: the life and limes of Francis Asburyj with an introduction by Nathan Bangs. N. Y., 1S58. 12°. [26B2 — Pioneers of the west; or, life in the woods. \. V., 1S56. 12° 987-88 --,■. 1 ; 1819. Lodge, 1 1. 1 '. Studie • in history. pp. 224 262 904-5 Strong, Rev. I. D. Child life in many lands. i:.. 1871. 16 4383-S Strong, Rev.Jo iah, 4m. clergyman, 6. 1847. Our country: ii- possible future, and its present crisis; with an introduction by Prof. Austin Phelps. \. V., 1S85. 12 . 267-75 Introduction. /« Loomis, S. L. Modern ■ 263—49 STRONG, Latham Cornell, Am. poet, />. 1845- d. 1879. Castle windows. Troy,N.Y., 1S76. 12° 857C4 Strong, Moses M., ed. History of the terri- torj of Wisconsin, 1836-48, preceded by an account of some events during the period in which it was under the domin- ion of kind's, states or other territories ious t" the year 1836. Mad. 1885. 8 9S75-S Strong, T. it. Can man know God? In Oxford House papers, pp. [3-21. . . STRONG, W. C. Fruit culture and the lay- ing out and management of a country home. B., 1885. l6° 634-8 STRONG arm and a mother's blessing. Kel- ■ K 53»A8 -minded w om in. 1 lammond, W. A. Strong to suffer: story of the Jews. Wynne, E. STRONGES of Netherstronge. May. Emily I. STROTHER, David Hunter. I pseud.), Am. author, b. [816 rf. 1888. \ 11 ginia illusl • ntaining a \ i-.it to the Virginia Canaan, and the adven- tures of Porte < ia\ on and his N. V.. 1S71. S D 475, S U, Win., / n l'h\ in to the pi ii 1 li of ■.I). N. V., 1S71. 1- Strozzi, Filippo, Florcntin u, b. 1 il the last day- of the 1 Ild ! 1 . . . 59 Johann Priedrich Dam 1 r.57- d. 1772. Wilson, H. S. Studies in his- tory, legend and literature. pp. 69- "7 4' Win. Struggles and triumphs; or, forty years' rccollectiqgp. Barnum, P. T 'a"'' 2 . John Wm. baron Ray I mathematii ian and physicist, 6. 1 ryofsound. 2v. L., 1877-78. 8°. 5341 8 1 ph, Eng. antiquary ana b. 1742-,/. 1802. Spurts and pastimi the people of England; with additions and index by Wm. Hone. I... 1855. 8°. Same, 1S75 394-7 Strykei . Pi Bible teetotalism ; or, the Scriptures in fa tal abstinence. In Temperance tracts. . . 198-86 Stuart, Rev. A. Moody. Life and letti iheth, last duchess of Gordon. N. V-, 1868. 16° 433B9 STUART, Laay Arabella, b. 1 575-1/. 161 5. us. W. II. D. The sunshine of do- mestic life, pp. 119-135 413-13 — Fifty famous women, pp. 100-107. • • 4Ci 4' e, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. \. 1. pp. 161-170 411-58 Portrai I \ cr- imes of Great Britain, v. 3. 101-113 411-65 r, Mrs. Arabella M. (Willson). Lives of the three Mrs. Jndsons: Mrs. Ann II. ion, Mrs. Sarah B. Judson, Mrs. Emily C. Judson, missionaries to ISur- mah. B., 1S69. 12 520B5 -. 1 .ilbert, Am. 1 - ; ; d. lS28. Howe, II. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 37-42. 412 55 — Tuckerman, 11. T. Book of the ai pp. 108-120 75S-9 Stuart, G. H., I tall, I . Stuart, G. II. American evangel its. - 254-51 STUART-Glennie. See Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. 1. Hardeman. Cooke, J. E. Wear- ing of the gray. pp. 152-157 STUART. STUMBLING. STUAB.T, Henry Benedict, Cardinal York, b. 1725-r/. 1807. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of (he pretenders and their adherents. PP- 0/7-385 4H-59 Stuart, Henry, Lord Darnley, b. 1545-a'. 1567. Lodge, E. Portraits of illus- trious personages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 27-34 411-65 Stuart, Hester. Modern Jacob. B., 1SS8. 12°. Sti \i: 1, Jas., 4II1 Juke of Richmond, b. 1612- d. 1655. Lodge E. Portraits of illus- trious personages of Great Britain, v. 5. pp. 59-65 411-65 Stuart, ]as.,eariof Murray, b. 1533-'/. 1570. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 35-42 411-65 Stuart, Jas. Teaching of science. In Butler, J. E., ed. Woman's Nvoak and woman's culture, pp. 121-151 39° _2 5 Stuart, Jas. Ewell Brown, Confederate gen- eral, b. 1833-rf. 1S64. McClellan, H. B. Life and campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart 85SB4 — Mosby, J. S. War reminiscences and Stuart's cavalry campaigns 649B1 — Cooke, J. E. Wearing of the gray. pp. 17-43 9812-3 — Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 421-439 4' 225-5 Stuart, Jas. Montgomery. History of free trade in Tuscany; with remarks on its progress in the rest of Italy. L., 1S76. 12° 335-85 -i' mi, John, 3d earl of Bute, b. 1713-rf. 1792. Lodge, E. Portraits of illus- trious personages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 61-72 411-65 STUART, Lodowick, duke of Richmond and Lenox. Lodge, f'.. Portraits of illus- triou pei onages of Great Britain, v. 3. pp. 181-1S6 411-65 Stuart, Mary. See Mary, queen of Seats. Sii ART family, Royal /louse of England and 'and. Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678-1694. . . . 9366-4 — Strickland, A. Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart. 4UI-87 — Reed, W. li. Among my books, pp. ■55 " ,s 783E1 ' 1 I1.11 les I and II. Jami 1 and II. I England, hisloi v. • 1 ■: 1 1 .,! I lunlcath. Norton, line E, S. • 1 '. heal ' I lod, S. Bayard. historian, i>. 1825. Con 1 of England in its ori- gin i 1 * nt. iv. 1 fxford, ■2° 34«-7 Sri mis, Wm., continued. — Early Plantaganets. N. Y., n. d. 16°. ■ [Epochs of modern history.] 933~7 — Seventeen lectures on the study of mediae- val and modern history and kindred sub- jects, delivered at Oxford, 1867-1884. Oxford, 1S86. 8° 9204-8 Contents. — Inaugural. — Historical studies, [4 lectures]. — Learning and literature at the court of Henry II, [2 lectures]. — Medieval kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia. — Characteristic differ- ences between mediaeval and modern history, [2 lectures]. — Reign of Henry VIII. — Parlia- ment under Henry VIII. — History of the canon law in England, [2 lectures]. — Reign of Henry VI I, [2 lectures]. —Last statutory public lectures. — ed. Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from earliest times to the reign of Edward I. Oxford, 1S84. 12 346-71 Student, The. 2 v. in 1. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L 601E6 Student life: letters and recollections for a young friend. Osgood, Samuel. . . . 378-63 Student life at Harvard. Tripp, G. II. Student's manual. Todd, J 374-9 Student's quarter. Thackeray, Wm. M. . 4443-8 Studer, Jacob H. Columbus, Ohio: its his- tory, resources and progress, n. t. p., 1873. 8° 9S66-8 Studies. Hill, T. True order of studies. 375-4 — See also Education. Schools. STUDIES for stories. Ingelow, Jean. Studies from life. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mu- lock) 655L7 Studies in conduct: short essays from the Saturday review. L., 1867. 12 . . . 197-8 Contents. — Capacity for pleasure. — Pains of association. — Breakdowns. — Small hypocrisies. — The leopard and his spots. — People with noth- ing in them. — Plain dealing —Social troglodytes. — Trimmers. — Short cuts. — Youthful promise. — Crossing Rubicons. — Unfair advantages. — Diplomacy in private life. — Philosophy of sour grapes. — Intellectual vigor. — Mental ripeness. — Favorite authors. — Drawing-mum < ritics. — Sympathy with nature. — Rural delights. — Town and country. — Imagination and conduct — Col- loquial fallacies. — New friends. — Sins against health. — Middle class morality. — Chesterfield's letters to his son. STUDIES re-studied: historical sketches from origin. il sources. Kwald, A. (.'. . . . 9306-3 STUDIO: and what to do in it. Robinson, II. I' 769-77 Sii HI'S field and gallery. Rollin, Horace). 751 — 75 Si 1 DLEY, Mary J. What our girls ought to know ; with introductory memoir. X. V., 1882. 12° 6129 s Sii nv ami stimulants. Reade, A. A., ed. 198 7'' Study in human nature. Abbott, Lyman. 180 11 Studying art abroad. Nieriker, May (A.) . 707-5 Si 1 mii r.'- M"' I. i. 1 lodge, M. A., (< ..m1 Hamilton, pseud.) 204-37 SI I MP : i KG\ Stump orator, In Carlyle, I I ttei pamphli i i pp. i i" 18] ii fo 'pli, Eng. philanthropist, i. • (I. 1859, Blaikie, W. G. Li 1 rn philanthropy, pp. 133 150 1 boj pp ■'■ ; (01 410-48 WIni 1 ier, I- G. Poel ii al woi I- i. pp. •v> 11 11., Julian. I lick's n andei ings. B., 1 882. 12°. — John Maidmi nt. \. \ .. 1886. 16 — Thraldom. X. Y., 1887. 12 . Sturm, Christopher Christian, German preacher, b. [740-^.1786. M gcom munings with God ; or, devotional medi- tations fur every dny in the year: tr. by W. Johnstone. L., 1870. 12°. . . . ■ 240-7 Sturmi, of Fulda. Maclear, G. F. Ap°s- tl 'I" nH-'liiv.il Europe, |i]>. 132-138. 4142-57 Sturt, Chas., rer,i. 1796-,/. 1S69. Taylor, B. Cyclopaedia of modern travel. v. 2. pp. 581-595. Explorations in Australia 436-8 Siiif ,HughE.M. El Maghreb: 1200 miles ride through Marocco. I.., 1886. 12° 464-8 Si r\ VBSAN r, Peter, 5 1 rn, ■ ? \ fer- dam, />. 1002 J. 1682. Abbott, J. S. C. - Stuyvesant 859B1 Sn vvesant: [a Franconia story], Abbott.J. 103A25 SUBALPINE kingdom. 2 v. St. John, B. . 4451-7 Subjei riONofwomen. Mill, John Stuart. . 396-65 Sublime and beautiful. Burke, E 701-22 —.[Same]. In Burke, E. Works, v. 1. . S28-25 Si 1 1 imi iii nature. Lanoye, Ferdinand de. 551-55 Si D i 1 \'m 1 and shadow ; or, moi ality and religion in their relationsto life. James, I tenry 210-5 Si bterranean world. Hartwig, Geo. . . 553-43 Si mi 1 brains and lissom lingers. Wynter, Andrew 304-91 Subtropk \i garden. Robinson, \V. . . . 715-79 SuB-tropical rambles in the land of the Aphanapteryx. Pike, N 4971-7 Si 11 : ige. Tuthill, \Y. B 72S-S8 S\ in RBAN farming. Donaldson, J. and Burn, K. S 630-24 Suburban home grounds. Scott, F. J. . . 712-S Si Bi rban sketches. Howells, Wm. D. Success. Adams, W. H. D. Secretofsuc- 1879 — Kaye, J. W. I 1 imist. 1871. — Mathews, \V. Getting on in the world. > s :; 617E4 — Smiles, S. Self-help, i860 194-83 — Thayer, W. M. Tact, push and principle 1880 194-9 — Tilley, Wm. J. Masters of the situation. 1887 194-9' ntinued. fortui 1 S82 1 . w t 1 '.' il iif'-. 1874. . ' Whipple, I.I'. lion . 1882 I in by, J. Odd 1 a. pp. IO-16 t-"d ; 1 erson, K. W. Society and lolitude. 267 293 dden, W. Plain thoughts on 1I1 1 living, pp. 121-133 'V-7-33 Mowry,W.A. Talks with my boys. pp. 57-68 1. 7 6 — See a B , practical. Also luiliill, Mrs. I,. C. Success in life 1 ies. Succi 111 men I rafl . W. F. . 194-25 Suchet, Lou 1 iabriel, duke of Alhufera, />. ijyo-d. 1826. Headley, J. T. Napo- leon and his marshals, v. 2 pp. 224- 250 - . . 665B56 I Iding, C. Personal reminiscences of nt men. v. 2. pp. 167-183. . . 411 87 Suckling, SiVJohn, Eng. poet, i. about 1608- d. 1642. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 2. pp. 215-229 411 5S — Ward, T. H., eJ. English poets. v. 2. pp. 170-173 8c$2-9 anal. Lesseps, F. de. Hist" 1I1 Suez canal. 1876 6269-5 — Adams, W. II. I). Land of the Xile. PP- 3 2 3-3 26 9'- ' - — Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the i. pp. 47-63 43S-24 — Luring, W. W. Confederate soldier in Egypt, pp. 241-247 462-62 mm 1 K, W. T. On microscopical manipu- lation : being the subject matter of lect- ures delivered before the Quekett micro- icalclub, 1869. Phila., 1870. 12 . 578-8 SUFFRAGE. I'.ushnell, H. Women's suf- frage ; the reform against nature. 1S69. 3243-2 — llurlliut, E. P. Essays on human rights and their political guaranties. 1S52. . 320-49 — Liildiock, Sir J. Representation. 1SS5. 324^2-5 — Maurice. F. D. Workman and the fran- chise: chapters from English history, : he representation and education of people. 1S66 ;. — O'Neil, C. V. American electoral sys- tem. 1SS7 32473-6 — Saint, J. J. II. Voters and their regis- tration. 1SS5 32442 S — Stanton, E., and others, eds. History of woman suffrage. 31. 1887 Fawcett, M. ('.. The woman's suffrage movement. In Stanton, T., cd. The woman question in Europe, pp. 1-29. 396-S5 SUFFRAGE. SULLY. Si' FFRAGE, continued. — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. I. pp. S5- 94. Suffrage and safety 818-45 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 1 426E1 — Ricardo, D. Works, pp. 557-564. . . 330-77 — See also Politics and government. Names of various countries. Sugar. Reed, W. History of sugar and sugar-yielding plants. 1866 6641-7 — Wagner, L. von. Practical treatise on the manufacture of starch, glucose, starch-sugar and dextrine. 1881. . . 664-4 — Weatherley, II. The art of boiling sugar. 1S65. Bound ■with Reed, W. History of sugar 6641-7 — Ball, R. S. Applied mechanics. pp. 122-127 53!-'4 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. 2. pp. 637- 654. Sugar tariff S1S-45 — Gill, C. H. Sugar refining. In British manufacturing industries, v. 2. pp. 104- 135 66 4" 2 - Hazard, S. Cuba. pp. 337-371. . . . 47 2 9I~4 — Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. I. pp. 197-23S. The sweets we extract 660-5 — McClure, A. K. The South, pp. 198- ^05. The sugar industry 984-6 — Nichols, J. R. Fireside science, pp. 90- 100. Chemistry of a lump of sugar. . . 502-65 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands, pp. 54-64. Maui and the sugar culture 479-6 — See also Sorghum. SUGDEN, Edward Burtenshaw, 1st baron St. Leonards, Etig. jurist and statesman, b. ijSl-d. 1875. A handy book on prop- erty law ; in a series of letters. N. Y., 1858. 12 34437 — Burke, O. J. Lord chancellors of Ire- land, pp. 246-262 41 13-2 SUGDEN, Jonas. Lives made sublime, pp. 7-24 4'44-5 SUICIDE. Morselli, 11. Suicide. 1S82. . 1999-6 1 * I )ea, J. J. Suicide; studies in its phi- losophy, cau '.and prevention. 1882. 1999-7 l-Holstein, A. L. G. (X.) de. Influ- ence of literature upon society, pp. 99-112. With Combe, G. Constitution of man 244E4 DeQuincey, T. Note book "fan English opium eater, pp. 260-266 284E41 t also Insanity. Sin. Dhuv, the coiner. Griffin, <;. 1 ard drawer and other storie pp. 260- 490. ; \\ Pasha. Milnes, R. M., loid Houghton. Monographs, pp. 1-17. . 410-77 Suliotes. DeQuincey, T. Logic of polit- ical economy, etc. pp. 256-269. . . . 284E5 SULIVAN, Ca/t. G. L. Dhow chasing in Zan- zibar waters, and on the eastern coast of Africa: narrative of five years' ex- periences in the suppression of the slave trade. L., 1873. 8° 4678-8 Sl'LLA, Lucius Cornelius, Roman general, b. B. C. i$S-d. 78. Beesly, A. II. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 9195-2 — Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, v. 2. pp. 271-306 902-4 — Herbert, H. W. Captains of the Roman republic, pp. 355-432 4'03"4 — Set also Plutarch. Lives. [Various edi- tions]. Also Rome. Sri. 1. IVAN, Alex. M. The story of Ireland: a narrative of Irish history, from the earliest ages to the insurrection of 1867, written for the youth of Ireland: continued to the present time by Jas. Luby of New York. Providence, 1885. 8° 941-7 SULLIVAN, Algernon Sydney, Am. lawyer, b. 1826-fl'. 1887. Fiske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 306-311 4'247-3 SULLIVAN, Sir Edward. Protection to native industry. L., 1884. 8° 3353-72 Sullivan, John, Ami. general, b. 1 740-1/. 1 795. Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 13. pp. 7-177 412-86 — Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals, v. 2. pp. 180-200 4121-46 Sullivan, M. F. Ireland of to-day : the causes and aims of Irish agitation; with an introduction, by T. P. O'Connor. Phila., n. d. 12 9418-8 Sullivan, T. D., A.M. andD. 1'.. Speeches from the dock; or, protests of Irish patriotism ; the Manchester tragedy, and the cruise of the packet "Jackmel" ; "The wearing of the Green;" or, the prosecuted funeral procession, etc. N. V., 1886. 12 4"3- 8 S Si 1. 1, ivan, T, K. Roses of shadow. N. Y., 1885. 12°. SULLIVANT, Wm. Starling, Am. botanist, />. 1803-a'. 1S73. Mosses and liverworts. In Gray, A., Manual of the botany of the Northern United Siairs 580-35 Sully, Jas., Eng. author, b. 1842. Illusions: a psychological study. N. Y., 1S81. 12° I742-8 — Teacher's hand-book of psychology, on the basis "i iln outlines of psy< hoi | ) N. Y., 18S6. 12° 180-87 Introduction. In Perez, li. The in 1 three years of childhood 372-74 SULLY. — 1223 1 1 ■. , M liei 1 Bel I e, dui de, I < statesman, i, 1^(10 ,/. [641. Memoil ol tin- I (uke ol Sully, rev, unci correi led, with mi historical introd Sir Wallet Scott. .| v. I.., 1856. 12 . . C0Htillt\ .11 ,1 1603. v. 3. i>* l62 758-9 Si 1 i'[i ia, Roman poetess. Satire. /« Evans, I .., l>\ Satires of Jui pp. 8777-4 I liun, 1 '. A. S|n" iim-iis of the 1 1 ' 1 poi 1 . v. 3. pp. 87 97 87001-3 Si 1 ian unci his people. Oscanyan, C. . , : ; ■ Sum archipelago. Burbidge, F. W, I he • gardens of the sun .... 4'ni 2 Sum irokoff, Alex. Petroi iti h, 1 111 nei . C. E, Russian literature, pp. 46-60. 8917-9 Sumatra. Adams, W. II. D. Eastern archipelago, pp. 24 40 490-14 — Bickmore, A. S. Easl India archipelago. pp. 384-406 192-2 Bock, < '. I lead-huntei ol B 10. pp. 257-3'8 I'H 1 1, — Forbes, II. O. Naturalist's wandering. pp. us 279 490-4 — Reynolds, J. X. Voyage of the U. S. frigate "Potomac." pp. 132-234. . . 4371 8 — Thomson] J. Straits of Malacca, pp. 1-22 453-8 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago, pp. '32-H7 490-9 — Sec also Malaysia. Summer. Thoreau, 11. D. Summer. . . . 8S5E4 — Croly, J. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. pp. 92- 102 •. . 255E2 SUMMER and winter in the two Sicilies. 2 v. Kavanagh, J 4457-5 Summer al Peace cottage. Pratt, S. W. Summer cruise on the coast of New England. ( ,11 ter, Robei t 474-24 Summer cruising in the South seas. Stod- dard, C. W 496-82 Si mmh; driftwood for the winter lire. Porter, Rose. Summer gleanings. Todd, John 897] 8 Summer in England with Henry Ward Beei hei . Pond, I B., 204-1 1 Summer in Europe. Wills, Mary H. . . . 440-952 Si MMER in 1. .'land. Paijkull, C. W ) : Si mmer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. Whit- 11, \ . Mrs. A. I>. T. Summer in Norway. Caton, J. D 4481-3 Summer in Scandinavia. Stone, Mary A. . 448 8 I .iid. Abbott, .1 ; ; 1 1 ' . Smith, A ' . \. . . 1 laum through the Old V\ 1 1 14 Si mm 1 i, II. M 440-35 R rest. I ' idge, M. A., (Gail 1 1 '1 455 E 4 Willmott, K. A Summi Hale, 1 E. 252 45 nd Central \in. ri * ' .11 472-7 111/. 1874. Prophetic voice ning ina: a monograph. I'.., 1S74. 8°. 9739~8 — True grandeur of nations: an oration. I: . 1S70. 12° 1 Wai system of the commonwealth of na- tions. Bound with True grandeur of nations 1924-8 1. I . Life and times "f 'has. Sum- ner — Pierce, 1'".. I.. Memoir and lett< mner. 2 v. [1811-1845]. . . — Schurz, C. Eulogy on I has. Sumner. . 861B4 — At I No. 2. pp. 202-225. ... 4 1 Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 17. pp. 39-53. and 293-316. Reviews 818-27 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 273-2S3 4'2-25 — Clark, J. !•'. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 93-1 1 1 410-29 — I)i\, W. C. American state. pp. I-II 3 2 °7-3 erson, R. W. Miscellanies, pp. 231- 237. The assault upon Mr. Sumner. . 318E8 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 173-177 ,;«<*■ 253-263. . . . 4'- 4 — Headley, 1'. C. Massachusetts in the re- bellion, pp. 29-44 97985-4 — l'arton, J. Captains of industry, pp. 300-306 4'^9-7 — Stowe. II. (B.) Men of our times, pp. 212-23S 11 — Whipple. E. P. Recollections of eminent men. pp. 204 243 , Mrs. Geo. Our holiday in the East; ed. by Rev. Ceo. Henry Sumner. 1 .. [881. 8° 45S-S6 Sumner, Samuel Barrett. Putnam. A. P. Singers and songs, pp. 130-137. [Biog. sketch and poems] Si mnkk. Wm. Graham, Am. economist, /•. 1S40. Andrew Jackson as a public man; what he was; what chances he had, and what he did with them. B., 1882. 12 5I0B5 SUMNER. — 1224 SUPERNATURAL. Sumner, Wm. G., continued. — History of American currency, with chapters on the English bank restric- tion, ami Austrian paper money ; to which is appended "The bullion re- port." N. V., 1874. 12 ZZ\-% — Lectures on the history of protection in the United States. N. Y., 1877. 8°. . 335-S7 — Problems in political economy. N. Y., 1884. 1 6°. . ." 3307-7 — Protectionism: the ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. N. Y., 1885. 16° 335-S8 — What social classes owe to each other. N. Y., 1883. 16° 3304-S Sumter, Fort. Anderson, T. M. Political conspiracies preceding the rebellion ; or, the true stories of Sumter and Pickens. 1S82 9784-14 — Crawford, S. W. Genesis of the Civil war: story of Sumter, 1S60-61. 1887. 97S4-28 — Doubleday, A. Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61. 1876. 97S4-3 "Sumter," Confederate privateer. Argu- ments at Geneva, pp. 135-145. . . . 3416-2 — See also Semmes, R. Sun. Bassnett, T. True theory of the sun; showing the common origin of the solar spots and corona, and of atmospheric storms and cyclones. 1884 5237-2 — Guillemin, A. The sun. 1875 5237-4 — Kedzie, J. H. Speculations: solar heat, gravitation and sun spots. 1886. . . . 5237-5 — Ledger, E. Sun : its planets and their satellites. 1882 5232-5 — Lockyer, J. N. Chemistry of the sun. Ig 87 52377-5 — Proctor, R. A. The sun. 1876 5237-7 — Huxley, T. H. Physiography, pp. 359— 377 55»-6 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science ami art. v. 3. pp. 97-112 603-4 — Owens College, Manchester. Essays and addresses, pp. 59-127 709E5 — Steinmetz, A. Sunshine and showers. pp. 390-412 5515-7 — See also Astronomy. Si N-maid. Grant, Maria M. Si ., moon and stars. Giberne, Agnes. . . 523-41 SuN-birds. Naturalists library, v. 5. . . . 590-5 "Sunbeam," Voyage in the [yacht]. Bras- sey, Anne, Lady 4371-2 Sunbi am stories. See Mackarness, Mrs. M. A. SUNDA1 echoes in week clay hours. S v. See Brock, Mrs. Carey. [DAY evenings at Northcourt. Sargent, 1 ■. I 806 \.' IDAY reading for the young. N. Y., 1888. 8° 864A8 Sunday school lessons. Vincent J. H. and Hurlbut, J. L. Lesson commentary on the International lessons for 1881. . . . 2207-S5 — See also Sabbath schools. SUNDERED hearts. Swan, Annie S. Sunderland, J. T. What is the Bible? An attempt to answer the question, in the light of the best scholarship, ami in the most reverent and catholic spirit. N.Y., 1878. i6° 2202-84 S_UNDON, Viscountess. See Clayton, Char- lotte (Dyres). Sunlight and shadow; or, gleanings from my life-work. Gough, John B. . . . 434B5 Sunlight through the mist ; or, lessons from the lives of good and great men. N. Y., n. d. 1 6° 865A3 Sunny hours. Eyster, Nellie 329A8 Sunny memories of foreign lands. Stowe, Mrs. H. (B.) 440-85 SUNNY side of shadow. Benjamin, F. N. . 14SE1 Sunny skies. Channing, Barbara A 445-24 Sunnybank. Terhune, M. V., (Marion Harland, pseud.) Sunnyland. Jones, Col. B. H. SUNNYSIDE papers. Halliday, Andrew. . 451E8 Sunrise. Black, Wm. SuNRisEkingdom : Japan. Carrothers, Mrs. J. D '2652-25 SUNSET land ; or, the great Pacific slope. Todd, John 479-92 Sunset mountain. Porter, A. E 74'A3 Sunsets on the Hebrew mountains. Mac- duff, J. R 2211-51 Sunshine and showers. Steinmetz, A. . . 5515-7 Sunshine and storm in the East. Brassey, Anne, Lady 4499-22 Si NSHINE at home. Arthur, T. S. Sunshine in the shady place. Milner, E. Sunshine of domestic life. Adams, W. II. D. . . ♦ 4>3-'J SUNSHINE on daily paths. Dickens, ('., ed. 604-3 Si PERIOR fishing. Roosevelt, R. B. . . . 795-71 Superior, Lake. Forde, H. A. Black ami white, pp. 69-85 263-35 — Hubbard, B. Memorials of a half cen- tury, pp. 19-62. Lake Superior in 1840 ■ 9874»-7 — Ritchie, J. S. Wisconsin ami its re- "in.es. pp. 177-276 4775-7 SUPERIOR woman. Yardley, Mrs. — [No name series.] Supernatural. Bushnell, II. Nature and the supernatural as togetl unit- ing the one system of God. 1S77. , . 232-26- Elliott, C. W. Mysteries ; or, glimpses of the supernatural. 1852 174-31 Howitt, W. Historj of the supernatural in all ages and nations. 1863. 2\. . . 174 \S SUPERNAT1 R \l i ill. II • i i i i ■ . \ ii i ■ i . . onlinutd. Lee, F. G. Glimpsi of thi upcrnal 1875 '- 1 '■ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - v , 1 1 . Natural natui al ei nun" 1887 1 , 1 ' Brow 1 0. \- W01 ks, v. 2. pp. 27 1 jS j. Revii ■ ol Philo ophy of the supernatural ■ • . . . 818-2; Taylor, B, Al I ie and abroad, pp. 140-164. My — S11 also Vpparil . Spiritualism, Su- perstitions. itural factor in rel 1 ov, 11 lend, 1 . I 25.) 75 : hi .in n 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 verifii 1 tion b j free use of science. IV, n I , |. \\ . . 210 71 '-•i PERNATURALorig I Chi 1 ■' 1. 1 ■ 1 Geo. P : 239-39 Supernatural religion : an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation. 3 v. I.., ■ s 7s 77- 8 2309-7 Note II,, author is said by Halkett and Lning to be — Cassells; with a not« that it is als,, , > Dr. John Muir. — Fisher, < r. P. I ' ml pp. 512 S44- Review. . . Supersi 1 Mi'....,; Superstitions. Aubrey, J. Miscellanii upon various subjects. [ 1696. ] ... 171 13 — Dahlgren, M. \ , South Mountain m 1882 174-27 — Dorman, K. M. Origin of primitive su- perstitions. 1SS1 2907-3 Gentleman's magazine library. v. 3. Popular superstitions 380 11; — Omens and superstitions 171 7 — Wilde, Lady J, F. S. Ancient legends, mystic charms and superstitions of Ire- land 384I-9 — Browne, T. Works, v, 1-2. Pseudoxia epidemica S2S-2 — DeQuincey, T. Narrative and miscel- laneous papers, v. 2. pp. 61-121. . . — Jones. W. Treasures of the earth, pp. 107-117,;;/,/ 235-275 553-5 — Kingsley, C. Health and education. 229-258 535E1 — Proctor, R. A. Borderland of science. PP- 349-376 5°4-7i — See also Alchemy. Apparitions. Astrol- Delusions. Demonology. Divin- ingrod. Dreams. Fairytales. Folklore. Fortune telling. Legends. Magic. Su- pernatural. Witchcraft. Si in ian is : .> tragedj . < Esch; ins. Srrri.iAN 1 ragedy. S Euripides. Si ppressi 1 ' ! I. aboul lavei y. N. V., 1864. 12° 32 Si rcharged ami different formsof retaining walls. Tale, J. S 1 I... .,•''. 1 W. ' 1 mi, and ••■'■ i . II. Si kii h n. II 1 1. 1 1 ilie Holy land. Baker, I . I 5 1 veying; il ' 1 1 , , < . Elements ol urv, leveling. 1S73 5- Duncan, A. Practical surveyor's guide. 1869 — Gillespie, W. M. I. ami surveying. 1 S 7 5 . 5. reatise on levelling, topography, ami higher surveying: ed. by Cady Staley. 1870 5269-41 — Hawes, J. II. System of rectangular sur- veying. 1S71 52 -Introduction to the present practi surveying and levelling: being a plain ilanation of the subject, and of the instruments employed; by a civil engi- neer. I.., 1868. 8° 5269-1S — Jeffers, W. N. Nautical surveying. 1871. 52699-5 — Leaning, J. Quantity surveying. i!>So. 692-5 mis, E. Elements of plane ami spher- ical trigonometry. 1878 514—5 — Root, O., ed. Surveying and navigation. 1872 5269-7 — Schuyler, A. Surveying ami navigation : with a preliminary treatise on trigonom- etry and mensurationi [1873] 5269-8 — Sec also Mathematics. Navigation. Trig- netry. Surville, Clotilde de. Besant, W. Early French poetry, pp. 2SS-30S Surville, Laure de Balzac. Memoir of Hon le B 1 . . . In Bal ,11 Correspondence, v. I '33^6 Si sa. Wright, W. IS. Ancient cities, pp. 205-226 Susan Fielding. Edward. . me. Si . w irii e. B., n. d. 16° - \ 1 i iianna. Purdy, T. 11. I the Susquehanna Sutherland, Geo. Austi gland in the South. I... 1886 12 Si 1 111 ki ami, John. McBride, J. aphy. v. 2 ... 412"! 6 SUTHERLAND. 1226 SWEDEN. Sutherland, Win. Hand-book of hardy herbaceous and Alpine flowers. Edin- burgh, 187 1. 12° 715-85 SUTHERLANDS. Harris, Mrs. M. C. Sutter, John Augustus, Am. pioneer, />. 1S03- d. 1880. Parton, J. People's book of biography, pp. 221-226 410-82 — Soule, F. and others. Annals of San Francisco, pp. 765-768. Memoir. . . 98941-8 Sutter, Julie, tr. Luther and the cardinal: a historic-biographical tale. L., n. d. 12° 592BS Maddalena : the Waldensian maiden and her people. L. 12°. Rachel the little captive maid. 1.., n. d. 12 866A4 Sutton, Chas. New York Tombs; its se- crets and its mysteries: being a history of noted criminals; with narratives of their crimes: ed. by Jas. 13. Mix and Samuel A. Mackeever. X. V., 1874. 8°. 365-7 Sutti in, Francis. Systematic hand-book of volumetric analysis; or, the quantitative estimation of chemical substances by measure, applied to liquids, solids and gases. L., 1S76. 8° 5455-7 Suwanee river tales. McDowall, Kate Sherwood (Bonner). Suvorov, (Suwamow) Alexander Vasilie- vitch, Russian general, 6. 1729-fl'. 1800. Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers, pp. 289-304 4I5I-9 \E De L'Orme: a story of Huguenot times. Cinn., 1871. 16 866A8 SUZOR, Renaud. Hydrophobia: an account of M. Pasteur's system; containing a translation of all his communications on the subject, the technique of his meth- od, and the latest statistical results. 1.., 1887. 12 61624-8 SVEDELIUS, G. Hand-book for charcoal burn- ers : tr. from the Swedish, by R. B. An- derson: ed. with notes by W. J. L. Nic- odemus. N. Y., 1875. 12 6689 7 Swabian stories. Tilton, Theodore. . . . 889C2 Swain, David L., governor of North Carolina, h.i&oi-d. 1868. Perry, I!. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp. 1S9-196. . 412-75 Swaine, Rev. S. A. 1 11] I lordon. I.., 1885. 12 . [The world's workers]. . 433B7 — Religious revolution in the 16th century. L., 1S82. 16° 2706-7S Swain 'I Folk-lore and provincial name ol Bri ish birds. I.., 1S86. 8°. 598-84 Swainson, \V., Eng. naturalist, b. 17 1855. Bird ol we tei n \ii ii a, In Naturalist's library. v. 11-12. Fly- catchers. In Same. v. 13 590-5 Swai u i I :dy, I. P. SWAMMERDAM, Jan, Dutch naturalist, i, 1637- d. 1680. Naturalist's library, v. 2S. pp. 17-58. Memoir 59°-5 Swan, Annie S. Adam Hepburn's vow : a tale of kirk and covenant. N. Y. 12°. — Aldersyde : a border story of seventy years ago. N. Y. 12°. — Freedom's sword: tale of the days of Wall- ace and Bruce. L., 1887. 12 . — Gates of Eden. Edinburgh, 1888. 12°. — Mistaken. Marion Forsyth [and] Poetical pieces. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 . . . . 867A1 — Sundered hearts. Edinburgh, n. d. 12°. Swan, Jas. G. Northwest coast; or, three years' residence in Washington terri- tory. N. Y., 1857. 12° 4797-8 Swayne, Geo. C. Herodotus. Phila., 1879. 16°. [Ancient classics for English readers] 8822-8 SwAZEY, John B., {possibly the real name of Ah-Chin-le, pseud.) Some observations upon the civilization of the Western barbarians : tr. by John Yester Smythe. L., 1876. 12° 442-12 Sweating sickness. Ewald, A. C. Stories from the State papers, v. i.pp. 138-150 9306-31 — Hecker, J. F. B. Epidemics of the mid- dle ages. pp. 177-3S0 6109-4 SWEDEN. Atkinson, J. B. Art tour to North- ern capitals of Europe. 1873 7087-2 — Butler, C. M. Reformation in Sweden. 1883 27485-2 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun ; summer and winter journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland. 2 v. 1882 448-3 — Dunham, S. A. History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3 v. 1839-40. 948-4 — Macgregor, J. Rob Roy on the Baltic. . 448-6 — Marryat, H. One year in Sweden. 1862. 44S5-6 — Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel, pp. 1 1 1-250 440-109 — Browne,.]. R. Land of Thor. pp. 248-291. 448-23 — Buckley, J. M. Midnight sun, the Tsar and the Nihilist, pp. 2I-30<7« eden, continued. Taylor, B, Northern travel, pp. i; 82. 448-9 — Unprotected females in Norway, pp.13 30 ' (481 9 — See a/so icandinavia, Also lives of Charles \ 1 1. Charles X I V, John. 1 lu >tavus \ 1 1. Gustavu Idolphus, Gu tavu III. Uso 1 he no> el "I /. 1 opeliu . S« 1 Dl NUi iru, I manuel, '■ dis i phil opher and t/uosophisl, 6. 1688 wilt, I , tion. v. 7 H ipii ii v. 8. Creation, ii the Divine Trinity. ' 1 v. 10. The author's memorabilia, v, 11. Heaven!'. '. the l.ord. v. u. Swedenborg; ; with a compend of his lungs. M bart, N: Life of Emanuel Sweden- borg; with -- White, W. Lilian.: rid writings 2V,| 79 Ucott, A. B. C 1 •. ii(L2 Eim R. W. Ri - Fuller, S. M. Literature and art. pp. 160-165 . . 400K6 I [ei kelhorn, C. W. v. 2. pp. 16-25 3°69-4 — Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 2. pp. 410-420 174-4S I I ind, W. \Y. Blot upon the brain. it- ;- ?'■ ■ • ■' 173-5 — James, H. Literary remain-, pp.303-386. 5 1 1 IC4 — Vaughan, R. A. Hours with the mystics. v- 2 - PP- 2732-9 — Whittier, J. G. Prose works, v. 2. pp. 341-347 New church. Swedish m are. Taylor, G. II. Exposition of the Swedish movement cure 6136-8 Health by exercise 6136-79 — -S",v also Physical culture. Swei r, Alex. Edwin, Am. journalist, 6. 1841, ««n a Mexican mustang through Texas, from the gulf to the Rio Grande. Hartford, 1883. S°. : SWEET, Henry. Hand-book of phont including a popular exposition of the principles of spelling reform. Ox 1877. 16° IH4-8 — Icelandic primer; with grammar, 1 and a glossary. Ox' [886. t6°. . I2I6-8 ad middle English primer: exti from Chaucer, with grammar and I, 18S6. 16° 1 t;s > . Marietta, (Josiah Allen's wil Swi 1 1 counsel. Keddie, Henrietta, (Sarah Tytler, pseud.) 1 Swei 1 Mace. Fenn, Geo. M. [■HEARTS and wives. Arthur, T. S. SWEETSER. SWINBURNE. Sweetser, Moses Forster, Am. author, b. 1848. Artist biographies series. B., 1877-80. 1 6°. All, ton H5 I; 9S Fra Angelico 11SB6 Claude Lorraine 410B4 Diirer 298B4 Guitlo Reni 44°K5 Landseer 55 6B 9 Michael Ange'to '94^5 Murillo 656B2 Raphael 764B2 Rembrandt ■■ ■ ■ , 7§ lB 3 Reynolds 7S5B9 Titian 8S9B4 Turner 897B3 Van Dyke 912B2 — Europe for $2 a day: a few notes lor the assistance of tourists of moderate means ; with some personal reminiscences of travel. B., 1875. 16 440-86 — What the people read. In Abbott, L., ed. Hints for home reading, pp. 5-14. . . 805-12 Sweetser, Wm., Am. physician, b. 1797-1/. 1875. Human life considered in its present condition and future develop- ments Especially with reference to its duration. N. Y., 1867. 12° 6137-8 Swetchine or Svetchine, Sophia Soymonof, Russian writer, i. i]H2-ii. 1S57. Falloux, A. F. P., count de. Life and letters of Madame Swetchine: tr. by Harriet W. Preston 866B1 — Gautier, T. Famous French authors. PP- 39-55 4184-4 Swete, Henry Barclay. England versus Rome : a brief hand-book of the Roman Catholic controversy. L„ 1868. 16 . . 2829-8 Swett, Sophie. Miss Sparrow's husband. In Mason, E. T., cd. Humorous mas- terpieces, v. 3. pp. 230-246 817-63 Sweyn, king of Denmark. Edgar, J. (i. Sea kings and naval heroes, pp. 34-43. 4' 59-35 Swift, Augustus M. Cupid, M.D. N. Y., ISN2. 12°. Swift, John Franklin. Going to Jericho; or, ketche of travel in Spain and the I . X. Y., 1868. 12° 1499 75 SWIFT, Jonathan, Eng. humorist, b. 166 1745. Work . Brooklyn, n. d. 8°. Same. V Y. 12° 828-86 Cent moir, — Travels into several re- mote nations of the world, in four part ! Lemuel Gulliver.-- -Battle fought between the ■ in am! 1 In: mod) i n books in St. James rse con cchanical I i!n spirit in a letter to a friend. — I 1 i I 1 1 Appi n lice work- 1 erse. X. V., n. d. 12° 828 86 Swift, Jonathan, continued. — Gulliver's travels. Leipzig, 1844. 16°. — Poetical works; with copious notes and additions, and memoir of the author, by Thos. Roscoe. N. Y., i860. 12°. . . 868C2 — Poetical works; with life by Rev. John Mitford. 3 v. B., 1854. 12°. . . . 868C2 — Essays. In British essayists, v. 1-2 and 4 184E1 — Forster, J. Life of Jonathan Swift. ■ • 868B2 — Stephen, L. Swift 868B3 — Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in biography. pp. 30-88 249E4 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 135-148 4l°-53 6 — Home pictures of English poets, pp. 121-13S 821-45 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the British poets, v. 1. pp. 198-236. . . 41821-4 - Jameson, A. (M.) Loves of the poets. PP- 431-454 41S-48 — Johnson, S. English poets, v. 2. pp. 361-407 41821-5 Works, v. 2. pp. 211-223. [Same].. S28-52 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, pp. 1-62 4113-5 — London Times. Essays. pp. 202-224. The amours of Dean Swift 584E1 — McCarthy, J. H. Hours with eminent Irishmen, pp. 5 -12 94 I_ 54 — Mitchell, D. G. About old story lelleis. pp. 96-114 41S-6 — Purnell, T. Literature and it, professors. pp. 231-252 . . 804-7 — Reed, W. B. Among my books, pp. 12-20 783E1 — Scott, W. Eminent novelists, pp.1-192. 4182-82 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists. . 828-893 Swift, J. F. Robert Greathouse. X. V., 1870. 12°. Swifter than a weaver's shuttle. Gambier, J. W. Swimming, Pettigrew, J. B. Animal loco- motion ; or, walking, swimming and Hying. 1874 501 17 7 — Campbell, II. American girls' home-book. pp. 1S9-195. Home swimming school. 7S6-24 — Thompson, M. Boys' book of spurts. pp. 269-276 791-8 — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 4. pp. 257- 272 437-95 — See also Amusements. 1 KM., Algernon (.'has., Eng. poet, l>. 1837. Essays and studies. L.,1876. 12 . 868E1 Contents-: — Victor Hugo; I. 'Homme qui rit, L'Annee terrible Poems ol Dante Gabriel Rossetti. — Morris' Life -nil death of Jason. — Matthew Arnold's New poems. — Notes on the text of Shelley.- Byron. — Coleridgi fohn Ford.- — Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence.- Notes on some pictures of 1868. s\\ [NBURNE. I 2 2 i) l/I.M SwiNi.i i i . Algernon i . ontinued. i I ., 1887. '•■ 8 \l ,, ■, .i i, 1 1 i N. Y., ] ,2° I K i I 12° _Vi ii V V ., i S86 i ■ Biographii 'I I eti he i. In W rd, T. H., ,,/. English poets. * . .; 8092-9 — I levey, J. < lompai ati em Engli li poel PP- 337-354- • ■ ■ 821-3 — Friswell, J. II. pp. 299 ;to — Hazeltine, M. W. Chal oks, purl ., el. . pp. ul I ," ■ • '11. — Lowell, J. R. M\ tudy « ii pp. 2io-22(). Swinburne trage lies. . . . 5S8IC4 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, pp. 142 821-85 — Walsh, W. S. Pen pii ture ol model n authors, pp. 202-209 418-95 Swinburne, Jas, I electrical units popularly explained. L., 1883. 16 . . 5377-7 Swindei 1 . John 1 tm. Rud on well-diggin 51I1 (.'.I., rev. by G. R. Burnell. I.., 1S72. 16 . Bound with J. Blasting and quai ryii .... 6 S\\ [NE. \ vini bool ; und with \ih. 1 ican horse 1 1 fi ' — Harris, J. The pig ; breeding, management and improvement. 1870. 6377 4 — Martin, K. B. Hog-raising and pork- packing. 1886 6377 ii — Richardson, II. D. Hie hog: li is origin and -. rietii 1852. In Saxton, 1 '. M. Rural hand-books, sei . 1 Swim.. David, Am. clergyman, b. 1830. Mo- tives of life. Chicago, 1879. 16 . . . ( 1 lal progress. — Home. — A good !. -The pursuit of happii Benev- olence. — Religion. — Great Presbyterian conflict: Patton \ . Swill" I— Su i\ roN, A. 1 1. 1 . >pa- gation and distribution. L., n. d. 8°. y SwiNTON, Alan A. Campbell. Principli and practice of electric lighting. I .. 1884. >2' 53 Su in 1 ' in, W "' 1 . ;. < am- paigns uf the army of t he Potomac. \ . Y., 1866. 8° 9785 8 — Condensed school history ol the United Slates. N. V., n. d. 12 973 85 — Grammar. V \.. 1887. 12° 115 85 — Outlines of the world's history, ancient, mediaeval and modern. N. V., 1874. 16 ' — Rambles among words; their poetry, liis- tory and wisdom. N. \ .. 1858. 12 . 110-8 lory of thi 1 V., 11. d. 8°. . . Antietam. Murfreeiboi . 1 :.- Atlanta.— Nashville I ,•/-, 11 ■ , II. ill .1 . entury. 1 II 2. Ri vel. 4. ■ us. /. 1 Sv. .i/'-i land from B. 1 . m \. I 1. 1830. \. V., I 125 71 — Lee, T. M. Si '-,■ 9425-37 Mackenzie, H. D.S. Switzerland. 125-4 ires from the h i860 zerland and the 12° 2. Reformats n . — Blackburn, W. M. shield: a of the Swiss reformation. 1868. . 160A2 K.ol ky, 1 1. < ... I ' irad' Isiria, pseud.') Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation. 185S 2 — Meiled' Aubigne, J. 11. reformation of the 16th century, v. 4. pp. 2S5-508 — Smith, J. M. St. us ..1 the rel alion. pp. 72-93 2706-72 tlio Reformation. esofFarel. Zw ingli. 3- Tra Abbott, J. Rollo in Swil :erland. 1 lappei . x . J. if the in See: rambles in 1879-80. ... 4. per, J. V . Ski : ■■ itzerland. 4494-25 — Havergal, F. R. Swiss let t( poems, n. d : : — Jones, II. Tlie regular Swiss round. ■■ — Lander, S. \V. Spectacles : Zurich. 186" : — Prime, S. I. letter- from Swil erland. 1S60 4 . — Tissot. V. Unkno .... 4.: — Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel. | ' 251-266 440-109 — Durbin, J. P. v. I. pp. 192-250 — Ed ly, I '. C. 440-3 SWITZERLAND. 1230 SYLVAN. Switzerland, continued. — Goethe, J. W. Miscellaneous travels. PP- 1-68 8352-5 — Gutmann, E. Watering places and min- eral springs of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, pp. 162-173 6155-4 — Half hours in many lands, pp. 215-247. 439-46 — Hodder, E. Old Merry's travels. pp. I-I3 2 • 4401-6 — Locke, D. R. Nasby in exile, pp. 461- 604 440-59 — Macmillan, II. Holidays on high lands; or, rambles and incidents in search of Al- pine plants, pp. 329-374 4404-6 — Marcet, W. Southern and Swiss health resorts, pp. 342-395 4449"6 — May, T. E. Democracy in Europe, v. I. PP- 347-421. - • • 32 4-6 — Miller, W. Wintering in the Riviera. pp. 401-414 and 450-473 4449-62 — Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. PP- 165-231 440-74 — Tappan, 11. P. A step from the new world to the old. v. 2. pp. 127-210. 440-87 — Thomson, E. Letters from Europe, pp. 202-247 440-S99 — See also Alps. Blanc, Mont. Geneva. Europe. 4. Miscellaneous. — Heer, O. Primeval world of Switzerland. [Geology.] 2 v. 1S76 55494-4 — Geikie, J. Great ice age, and its relation to the antiquity of man. pp. 369-379. 551-5 — Johnson, S. Lectures, essays and ser- mons. pp. 183-215. Alps of the ideal, and the Switzerland of the Swiss. . . . 51 7E5 — Goegg, M. Switzerland. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. PP- 374-389 396-85 Switzerland of America: Colorado. Bowles, S 4788-2 SwoRD and garment. Townsend, L. T. . . 251-9 SWORD and gown. Lawrence, G. A. SwoRD and pen ; or, ventures and adventures of Willard Glazier. Owens, J. A. . . 426B1 Sword and surplice. Wale, II. J 9221:1 ■"1 11 -fish. Proctor, R. A. Light science foi leisure hours, pp. 258-261 502-69 1 ol Damocles. Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna K. (I .1 .en). ol Di Bardwell. Phipps, C. M. K. 729A2 Memoir on. See Marey, G. S. Swormstedt, Jas. M. End of the world r; .11 , Am ichi i '■ the beast of Rev. xiii. linn., 1S77. 12° 229-74 Syharis and othei homi ;, I [ale, E. E. . Heinrich von, 1 lUtorian, />. I . and literature "I the cru- 1 1 Duff G01 don, I.., 2704-7 Sybel, H. von, continue,!. — History of the French revolution: tr. by Walter C. Perry. 4 v. L., 1867. 8°. 9444-86 Contents. — v. 1. Breaking out of the revolu- tion. — First effects of the revolution on Europe. — Abolition of royalty in France. v. 2. Cam- paign in Champagne. — Commencement of the war betweenEngland and France. — Second par- tition of Poland. — v. 3. Interruption of the Coali- tion war.— Reign of terror in France.— Victories of the French republic, v. 4. Third partition of Poland.— Treaty of Basle.— End of the French National Convention. — Tuttle, H. German politicalleaders. pp. 247-259 4106-8 Sybil. Disraeli, Benj. Sybil's book. Barker, M. A., Lady. . . . 135A23 Sydenham, Thos., Ettg. physician, />. 1624- d. 16S9. Brown, J. Spare hours, v. 3. pp. 41-1 18 and 223-233 1SSE2 Sydney. See also Sidney. Sydney, Samuel. History of Australia: comprising New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia ; their pastures, cop- per mines and gold fields. N. Y., n. d. 12 999-8 Sydney Martyn. Wilson, Mrs. A. G., (N. J. N., pseud.) 951A2 Sydney Stuart. Bell, CD 145A35 Sydney, Australia. Adams, F. W. L. Aus- tralian essays, pp. 50-72 494-14 Sydnie Adriance. Douglas, Amanda M. Syeii Ameer Ali. Personal law of the Ma- hommedans, (according to all the schools) ; together with a comparative sketch of the law of inheritance among the Sunnis and the Shiahs. L., 1.SS0. 8° 3428 8 Svkfs, Olive (Logan), Am. wi iter, b. 1S41. Before the footlights and behind the scenes : a book about the show business. I'hila., 1870. S° 7S2-45 Gel thee behind me, Satan : a home-born book of home truths. X. Y., 1873. 12°. Syu.a. See Sulla. Sylvan city; or, quaint comers in Philadel- phia. I Articles by Helen Campbell, Louise Stockton, Elizabeth Robins [Pen- uc'.l], Edwin \. Barber, Eliza S. Turnei and Frank W. leach: reprinted from "Our Continent."] 'I'hila., 1883. 12°. 474S1-S Contents. — A Quaker soldier.— The city of a dream. — Caspipina : the story of a mother church.— Old Saint Joseph's.— The old Philadel- phia library. — Quaker and tory.— Philadelphi post-office.- Shop-windows. — Public schools. — A master builder, -Early abolutionists, — Medi- cal education. — The bettering house and other charities.— The right to bear arms. — Stephen Girard ; marine] and merchant. s\i\\\ Holt's daughter. Parr, Harriet. . . year. Hamerton, I'. G 589-44 s\ I \ ESTER. — >=3' — ii! i iii. vlontoi \. de. Roman pontiffs 2S21 53 Sylvi nr. 1 1. 1 1. 1 1 Milton, Am. writer, 6. 1849. Prosi [ ' toi 'i 1 1 87. 12 . 589-85 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett, Am. author, A. 1825. Historical ketchi ol North ei 11 New N "i 1-, and the Vdiron wildei ness ; ini luding tradition ol thi Indians, early explore: , p hermit huntei s, etc. 1 roy, 1877. 8°. g 111 Sound. Coi kton, Henry. Svi a 1 111 Edwards, Matilda li. Sylvestrai studie of man England. 2 v. I lli . \. R. Sylvia's betrothed. Durand, \. M. ( '. ill.], 1 1 Inn i ( ". 1 i'-vi Ik-, pseud.) Sylvi \\ lovers. ( laskell, Mi r, E. < '.. Sylvin, Edouaid. Claretie, J. and others. French celebrities, pt. 2. pp. 5-22. . 4105-35 Svmi .\i and j mbols. Si ientific illustra- tions and symbols. 1886 5°7-77 Winthrop, I ■'. Premium essay on the 6— 63 Symbolism ; m, exposition ol 1 he doi ti inal differences between Catholics and Prot- estants. Moehler, I. A Symington, Andrew Jas., Scottish author, />. 1825. Thos. Moore, the poet, his life and works. N. V., 1SS0. 12 . . . . 645159 — Wm. Wordsworth : a biographical sketch ; with selections from his writings in poetry and prose. 3 v. B., n. d. 16°. 968IS7 — Rogers, C, <■n Mount Lebanon; by C. G. 1S76. . . 4584-4 — Jessup, II. II. Syrian home life. 1^74. 4579 5 — Johnson, Mrs. S. B. Hadjiin Syria. 1858. 4SS1 -5 — Lud . Caravanroute bei « een 1 vria. 1SS1 4621-5 I he, E. A. B.^Viscountess li hres and Syrian hi ini including a visit to Palmyra. 1858-60. 4499-18 hai 1, D. The Lebanon : 1 M ia.) 2 v. 1S60 "". Dam cu and Pal royra ; of the state and prospect Ibrahim P h IT' 1 457->3 Syria, continued. — Belgiojoso, C. T , princess. Oriental harems and scenery 4579-2 — Bellows, II. AY. The old world in its new face. 1867-68. "v. 2 446-14 — Browne, J. R. Yusef ; or, the journey of the Frangi. pp. 167-318 4499-23 — Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. v. 2. pp. 3S-101 4499-3 — Fletcher, J. P. Notes from Nineveh, etc. IT- 304-3I4- 4577-4 — Freese, J. R. The old world, pp. 254- 405. . '. 458-38 — Hale, E. E. a«rfSusan. Family flight over Egypt and Syria, pp. 335-387 462-45 — Kinglake, A. W. Eothen. pp. 215-225. 457-5 — Lyne, A. A. The midshipman's trip to Jerusalem, pp. 261-450 458-59 — Menzies, S. Turkey, v. 2. pp. 402-412. 9496-63 — Moore, J., Jr. Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient, pp. 179-223 440-63 — Porter, J. L. Giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holy places, pp. 2S5-360. . . . 45S-74 — Potter, II. C. The gates of the East. v. I. pp. 165-171 462-6S — Prime, S. I. Travels in Europe and the East. v. 2. pp. 290-344 440-75 — Robinson, T. Wanderings in Scripture lands, pp. 300-346 458-782 — Saulcy, F. de. Journey round the Dead sea and in Bible lands, pp. 1-83. . . . 45S-S — Strabo. Geography, v. 3 bk. 14. . . 423-S3 — Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracens, pp. 17-185- , 4409-75 — Tilley, H. A. Eastern Europe and West- ern Asia. pp. 227-246 4409-S — Vetromile, E. Travels in Europe, etc. pp. 270-276 440-922 — Warner, C. D. In the Levant, pp. 152- 2iS 4499-95 — Warren, W. H. Life on the Nile, etc.; in 1866-67. pp. 105-156 462-95 4. Missions. — Anderson, K. History of the missions of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Oriental churches. 3 v. 1S75-72. . . . ■ . . 2656-2 — Bird, I. Bible work in Bible lands. 1872. 2656-3 — [essup, II. H. Women of the Arahs. 1873 2656-4 Voung, R. Light in lands of darkness. pp. 7' 113 263-9 Forde, 1 1. A. Blai I. and » hite. pp. I s 263-35 — See also Fiske, Fidelia. Waldmeier, T. • I mi-Hi ,. Am ienl Syriac di « u- menl 1 elal ing to I in e irlie 1 establish- 11 m -1 1 1 11I ( lii istianity in Edessa and the , ... ,i, countries. In Ante-N icene 1 In I ...II ll'.l II V. V. 20 SYR] V.C. '233 — TAI1 Syriai doi ntinued. Syu I I ,i tr. by B. P. 1 Christian library, v. 24. pp. 93-114 .11 S/.AItAI and 1 >55-75 T., T. T. Ho-Fi "f the Yellow girdle. //; 'I'r.n civ. I I 1 easui e ii"'. e eries.] I ! I I ■ 1 in-. H M. s - Popular 1 pos 1 electricity, pp. [83 191. 1 Planchette. 1 ali ;m. 1 -111 1 .II.. Ali mi. \. B. I able talk. . . U4 E 3 — Luther, M. I 208-56 — Rogers, S. Rei ble- talk of S. Rogers, with Porsoniana. . . — Selden, J. Table talk 817E5 — Coleridge, J. Works. \. 6. pp. 227- 528 828-32 ii aits with something on them. Doran, J 6428-3 Tableaux. Weldon's fancy costumes for fancy balls and tableaux vivants. . . . 39] — Rook, E. 1 an I . I. Young folks' en- tertainments. pp.68 71 8015-7 — See also Amateui ' • ■ ments. TABLl "i mons. Luckock, H. M. 22312-6 Mcott, V. B 1 1 ; I 1 T ibor, Eliza. . Eliza (Tal I'm HYGRAPHY. See Phonography. I >. m .1 aius Cornelius, Roman historian, 6. about $$-d. about 117 '. Works. 21-. I.., 1S54. 12° 8786-8 Contents. — v. 1. The annals, v, 2. The his- tory.— Germany. — Agricola. — Dialogue con- cerning oratory ; or, ihe causes of corrupt elo- quent c — Donne, W. B. Tacitus 8786-8 — Josephus, 1'. Works: tr. by W. Whis- ton. pp. S44-S54. [Dissertation in Ap- pendix on T.i. itus' nit units (if the Jews.] 913—5 — Monill, J. S. Self-consciousness of noted us. pp, [6-18 • 410-78 — Vincent, G. E. Some Italian autho pp. 62-69 4 |S 7 '» — Wool, W.i Hui lied greatest men. pp. 278-281 410-975 I 01, 1 1 h oil principle. Thayer, W. M. 194-9 I \. 11. .'-: \. - ry. Infantry. 1 infidels. Lambert, L. A. . . . 2399-52 TADEMA, Laurence Alma, artist, !>. 1S36. Ebers, G. M. ma; his life and works 870B4 'I'm. if onii ; the romant e 11 hills. Smith, J. I'.. A ;7t;' 7 TAH-ko . w ah-kan ; or. 1 207; 'I'm ping-wang, Chit 13-d- 1. Machi, J. M. Lifi >ing- ng, chief of the Chinese insurrectii 1S57 871B1 liina. of Tipperary. Steele, S. S. In ng room plays 7 TAILORS. Doran, J. Habits of men. . . . 1 . Pastime p ■ too- 125 '['aim . Hippolyte Adolphe, French ,>w' 1828. Ancient regime: tr. by J. rand. X. V., 1S76. 8° 9443~ 8 nOeece: tr. by J. Durand. X.N'., 1871. 12 701-82 — Art in Netherlands: tr. by J. Durand. X. V., 1872. 12° 7 — French revolution : tr. by J. Duran v. X. V., 1878-85. 8° 9444-9 Contents, v. I. Spontaneous anarchy. — C stitucnt Assembly and the result of its lal — Application of the Constitution.— v. i. Jaco- bin conquest. — v. 3. Establishment of the revo- lutionary government. — Jacobin programme. — The governors. — The governed. — End of the revolutionary government. glish literature : tr. Van Laun, with preface. 2 v. X. Y.. 8°. Same. 3 v. 1S75. . . . S20-S7 — Ideal in art : tr. by J. Durand. X. Y.. 1S69. 12°. Same, 1S74 7°>-83 — Italy: Florence anil Venice: tr. by J. Durand. X. Y.. 1869. S° 445-SS Rome and Naples: tr. by J. Durand. X. Y.. 186S. 8 445-S7 ares on art: tr. by J. Durand. X. \ .. 1875. 8° " Contents.— v. I. The philosophy of art — The ideal in art.— v. 2. The philosopi art in Italy —The philosophy of art in the Netherlands.— The philosophy of art in Greece. Notes on England: tr. with an introduc- tory chapter, by W. F. Rae. X. Y.. 1872 i; : \ • - on Paris: tr. by J. A - X. Y.. 1S75. S' TAINE. 1234 — TALES. TAINE, Hippolyte A., continued. — On intelligence : tr. by T. D. Have. N. V., 1S72. 8°. Same. 2 v. 1SS5. . . 181-87 — Philosophy of art : tr. by J. Durand. N. V., 1S73. 12 701-84 — Tour through the Pyrenees: tr. by J. ford Fiske. N. Y., 1874. 8°. . . 4448-9 — Dickens. In Perkins, F. II. Chas. Dickens, pp. 215-264 2S7P.9 — Introduction. In Wood, H., ed. Hun- dred greatest men. pp. 57-61 410-975 — Fiske, J. Unseen world, etc. pp. 2S0- 301. Review of Philosophy of art. . . 357E5 — Mill, I. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 5. pp. 122-130. Review of On in- telligence 633E3 Tait. C. \V. A. Analysis of English history; based on Green's Short history. L., 1886. 12° 9301-S5 Tait, Catherine (Spooner), wife of archbishop Tait, b. iSig-o'. 1879. Benham, W.,ed. Catharine and Craufurd Tait 871]:; — Charles, Mrs. E. R. Women of Chris- tendom, pp. 258-279 413-24 — Japp, A. H., (E. C. Gray, pseud.) Wise -and loving deeds, pp. 311-394. 413-45 Tait, Craufurd, son of archbishop Tait, b. 1849-rf. 1878. Benham, \\ '., ed. Cath- arine and Craufurd Tait 871B3 Tait, J. S. The cattlefields of the far wesl ; their present and future. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° 6371-8 Tait, Rev. Jas. Mind in matter: a short argument on theism. L., [1887]. 8°. 201-S3 Tait, Peter Guthrie, Scottish mathematician, b. 1831. An elementary treatise on quarternions. Cambridge, Eng., [1873]. 8° 5168-S — Lectures on some recent advances in phys- ical science. L., 1876. 12 5309-8 — Light. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 535-86 — joint author. Stewart, B. and Tait, P. G. Unseen universe 218-85 TAKEN from the French. Morton, J. M. Comediettas and farces. pp. 125-146. 785-6 I A! I tile. Dumas, Alex. I'm 1 G thi ci usus. Hooper, |. | 817-49 1 ' ■; ; Anna E. 1 atherine, Eng. author, 6. \yzo-d. 1770. ( llisci vance of S Om- an allegory. In British essay- "■ 16 184E] Tai ' ury, 6. o- <£ 1718. 1 I Portr; I illus- 1 ■ itain. v. 411-65 ng. jurist, b. 1684-rf. 1737. 11 v. 4. I'l'- 505-534 411-25 Talbot, Chas. Remington, Am. author. Honor Bright: a romance. Buffalo, 1883. 12°. Midshipman at large: a story of Newport and ocean yachting. B., 1S87. 12°. — Peas-blossom, n. t. p 643A5 Talbot, E. S. Difficulties about Christiani- ty no reason for disbelieving it. In Ox- ford House papers, pp. 1-12 239-73 Talbot, Geo. Foster, (A layman, pseud.), Am. lawyer, £.1819. Jesus: hisopinions and character. B., 1883. 8° 2328-9 Talbot, Guillaume H. French translation self-taught ; or, first book on French translation, on a new system. B., 1855. 12° 122-9 Talbot, Hannah L., (Parke Danforth, pseud.), Am. writer. Not in the pros- pectus. B., 18S6. 16 . Talbot, I. T. Ascent of Mont Blanc. In Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe framed in ideas, pp. 375-407 440-13 Talbot, Marion, joint cd. Richards, E. H. and Talbot, JA.,eas. Home sanitation. 628-74 Talbot, Peter, archbishop of Dublin, b. 1620- d. 1680. O'Reilly, M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 371-380 4142-65 Talbot Hai land: a tale of the day of Charles II. Ainsworth, W. H. Tai.boys, W. P. West India pickles: diary of a cruise through the West Indies in the yacht "Josephine". N. Y., 1876. 24° 4729-8 Tai.cott, D. S. Jesus Christ himself the all-sufficient evidence of Christianity. In Boston lectures, 1S71. pp. 403-435. 239-2 Talcott, Mrs. Goodwin. The fortunes of Miss Follen. N. Y., 1S76. 12°. Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford, F. M. Tale of a nest. N. Y., 1872. 16 . . . . 872A8 Tale of a tub. Jonson, B. Works, pp. 576-602 5 i8C3 Tale of a tub. Swift, J. Works. pp. 41-98 82S-S6 Tale of eternity, and other poems. Massey, G 615C7 Tale of the tenor. Ilericourt, C. d\ Tale of two cities. Sec Dickens, Chas. Tales and* sketches. Miller, Hugh. . . . 633E8 TAI is and stories of the Irish peasantry. Carleton, Wm. Tales and stories to shorten the way; select- ed from Chambers Journal. L., n. d. 24° 873A4 Tales and traditions of Switzerland, West- all, \\ . Tales bi fore ; upper. Gautier, T, and Mtr- imee, P. fALES lor boys and gills. n. t. p. 24°. . . S73A& TALES. '235 I \i i . foi i I W i tc, li. v.. ry ( .1 ingo, pseud,) I \i i i for young men and women. King, R. 534A5 1 m 1 foi young men ind vomer I M 674 Ai i'ii >t"i young met I « ■ »i P l . I 711A7 l \ 1 1 ii in Blackwood. 12 v. in n. For contenl . r« BIa< k\t 1 m 1 ■ Talks from many sources. 6 v. N. \ ., 1886, 12°. Contents. — v. i. Thn by T. II. «r- 1 ."i 'i Richard ind I, by J, Sturgis.— The pa vilii »n q thelinl by B 1 l Hi rmit of Sainl Eugene, by W. E, Norris. Mattie, frcim Blackwood's. v. j. My P tera, by the author <>f " Reata " Mouflou, by < >uida, - Bi and Co . by Mrs. Herbert Martin, — The Knightsbridge mystery, bj Chu 1 ade. — Irchdeacon Holden's tribulations, from I hill magazine.— Michel Lorio's cross, by Hesba Stretton, [Hannah Smith].— In durance vile, by the Duchess. \ The professor and tht: harpy, from I ■ 1 1 : .1 . ::: hi .i 1 mthc (ic St. Pelaye, by [J, II. Shorthou Ch< rock scorpions, from Corn h ill magazine. — Queen Tita's wager, by Win. Black. — King P< pin .iM.i ! ■■■'-.. . 1 1 ■ im < !i >i nhill magazine. A film 1 f ..■ 1 ■ ami 1 , bj I \\ V/ilkie Collins.— Siege of Berlin, from the French of Daudct. — Patient Kitty, by Jas. l'.t\ 11 v. 5. Lob-lic-by-the-firc, by J. II. Bwing. — Wild Ja< k,from Temple bar. — Virgin u. bj Mrs Forrester. — Mr. Josiah Smith's balloon voj from Belgravia. N umber 7639, by Mary F. Peard. — Goneril, by A. M. F. Robinson. — Out of season, from Tempi* I v. 6. Uncle George's will, from Temple Bar. — Flctir de Lys, by E. C. Grcnvillc Murray. — Emilia, an episode, by E. C. Poynter.— How QuedglingtOD was sent down, by J- Stanley. — An Hair, from Temple Bar.— My first client, by Hugh Conway. — Gracie, by Lady Lindsay Ual- carres. Talks from the diary »>f a Sister <>f Mercy. Bra me, C, M. I \m ■ From the Noise grandmother, (the elder Edda.) Lamed, A.ugusta. . . . 295 5 1 M ; from two hemispheres. Boyesen, II. II. I "\i 1 i illu trating church history. 6 v. 1... 1862-66. 16 . [v. 4. lacking.] Contents. — v. i. England, the early per. The cave in the hills; or, Coscilius Viriathus. — The Alleluia battle ; or, Pelagianism in Brit- Wild scenes amongst the Celts.— The rivaN : a tale ol the Anglo-Saxon church. — The black Danes. v. 1 f 1 brey de I- ' ■ 1 v. 3. ■ 1 1 ■ v, ■./■■■ Kief. — Thi 1 ■ ■ "f king [ngi 1 daughters I tenth persecution. v. 6. Asia and A/ri- - or, the f the 1 lily of Tiflis : a sketi h fron tory.— The rianism. — The bride of Ramcuttal. the Jesuit mi 1 of a grandfather. t, Sit Wal- ter. 1 '.jr. Irving, Washington. . 41' fe I : h , 1 1 . w geria : from the V A Tales of all countries. Trollope, Tales of Charlton school. Adams, 11. C 10; of eccentric life. Hammond, \V. A. ami Lanza, C. of filial love. Batrau, '1 :l. I ;7 \ 5 Tales of Flemish life. 1 ence, 11. Tales of Glauber-Spa. Sedgwick, Cather- ine M. and others. TALES of heroes : taken from English hi 1... 1869. IJ 411-96 Contents. — Alfred the great. — Priiv son of King Henry III. — Henry V ; or, the battle of Agincourt. — Henry VI; or, the maid 4 I adventure. II of old travel. II : - of our great families W eden and the Norsemen. \. V., 1874- «6°. Contents. — Tales of Sweden: The copper- mine. — The snow king. — The iron king. — The fall of hats and caps. — Persi pictures.— . I.od- brok. — Hakon the good. — Tl .• icen Astrid.— King Olave.- ! Irade. I'ai es of the Arg I [arte, Y. \ avan, inn and palace. Hauff, Win Tai 1 - of the good woman. Paulding, J. K. Tales of the ocean. Sleeper, J. S., ill Martingale, pi TALES. — 1236 — TAI.MII>. Tales of the Pathfinders. Oilman, Arthur. 970-35 Tales of the persecuted. Phila., n. d. 16 . 272-7S Contents, — Jacques Bonneval. — Refugees of Daubhausen. — Student of Padua. — Gabrielle Men tonini.— Best robe. — Father Anselmo. — Sister of charity. — Narrow escape. — John Craig the condemned heretic. — John Huss, the martyr of Bohemia. — Tragedy of St. Barthol- omew's day. — Wonderful escape from the St. Bartholomew massacre. — St. Andrews ; its martyrs and its worthies. — Jean Waste- — Fe- male martyrs of Wigtown. — Martyrs of the [BassJ rock. Tales of the revolution, being rare and re- markable passages of the history of the war of 1775. N. V. 16 975S-8 Tales of the sixty mandarins. Raju, P. V. K 385-7 Tales of the southern border. Webber, C. W. Tales of the Teutonic land. Cox, G. W. and Jones, E. H 8j>'5~j Tales of three centuries. Witt, H. G. de. 958A4 Tales of truth and trust. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Tales upon texts. Adams, H. C 107A47 Talfourp, Sir Thos. Noon, Eng. dramatist and essayist, //. 1795-rf. 1S54. Critical and miscellaneous writings. B., 1S56. 8° 870E2 Contents. — On British novels and romances. — Mackenzie. — Author of Waverley. — Godwin. — Maturin. — Rymer on tragedy. — Colley Cib- ber's apology for his life. — John Dennis's works. — Modern periodical literature. — On the genius and writings of Wordsworth. — North's life of Lord Guilford.— Hazlitt's lectures on the drama. — Wallace's prospects of mankind, nature and providence. — On pulpit oratory. — Recollections of Lisbon. — Lloyd's poems. — Mr. Oldaker on modern improvements. — Chapter on time.— On the profession of the bar. — 'the wine cellar. — Destruction of the Brunswick theatre by fire. — First appearance of Miss Fannie Kemble. — ■ dramas against gambling. — On the intel- lectual character of Win. Hazlitt.— Late dowager Lady Holland. — Address at the Manchester Athensum.— Lord Eldon and Lord Stowell. — Speech for the defendant in the prosecution of , for the publication of Shel- works. — Speeches on the motion to amend the law of copyright. — Westminster play. apters /// History of Rome; ed. by E. Pococke 9'9~75 — Sketch and memoirs of C'has. Lamb. In I. anils C. Works, v. 1 828-57 — Home, K. II. New spirit of the age. PP- '15 '53 41S2-45 — Redding, C. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 2. pp. 129-166. . . 411-87 — Whipple, E. P. I iy . 1 reviews, v. I. pp. 8I-I02 ,, : I Taliaferro, H. E., ("Skitt," pseud.), Am. olina, seen. . N. Y., 1859. 12 ". 817 88 i'r Walter. Talking leaves. Stoddard, W. 855A45 Talks about labor. Lamed, J. N 3361-68 Talks about law. Dole, Edmund P. . . . 3402-35 Talks afield about plants and the science of plants. Bailey, L. H 5804-2 Talks on art. ■ Hunt, W. M 7°4~47 Talks on manures. Harris, J 6312-4 Talks with my boys. Mowiy, Win. A. . . 197-6 Talks with Socrates about life: translati..n> from the Gorgias and the republic of Plato: tr. by Ellen Mason 1 541-7 1 Tall student. Brooks, Chas. T 834-2 "Tallahassee," Confederate privateer. Ar- gument at Geneva 3416-2 Tallahassee girl. Thompson, Maurice. Tallants of Barton. Hatton, Joseph. TAi.i.EYRAND-Perigord, Chas. Maurice de, prince of Benevento, French diplomatist, 6. 1754-a'. 1820. Pallain, M. G., ed. Cor- respondence of prince Talleyrand and King Louis XVIII during the Congress of Verona S71B8 — Life of Talleyrand, n. t. p. 12°. . . . 871B7 — Brougham, H. Historical sketches, v. 2. pp. 110-121 410-17 — Bulwer, W. H. L. E. Historical charac- ters, v. I. pp. 9-338 4104-2 — Everett, E. Mount Vernon papers, pp. 352-360 3 2 8El — Holland, H. R. Foreign reminiscences. PP- 33-3 8 379B9 — Neale, E. Closing scene, ser. 2. pp. 299-322 410-8 Talma. .1;, Thomas De Witt, D. D., Am. Presbyterian clergyman, b. 1832. Abom- inations of modern society. N. Y., 1873. 12°. . % 197-9 — Around the tea-table, n. t. p. 12°. . . 871E1 — Arrows at a venture. Phila., 1873. 12°. 252-8S — Crumbs swept up. n. t. p. 12°. . . . 871 \\z — Sermons. N. Y., 1S73. I2 ° 252-S9 ser. 2 ; with biographical sketch. N. Y., 1873. 12 252-891 ser. 3. Old wells dug out. N. V., 1874. 12° 252-9 - 1 . 4. Every-day religion. N. Y., [886. 12° 252-91 Talmon, Thrace. Thenewclerk. B., 1S65. 24 > s 75-\3 Contents. — The new Clerk. — Ragged Peter. — Saved by water. — Alice, the western emigrant's daughter. Man who lost bis hat. — Aunt Bur- ritt's Sunday school. — Day before the last.— Addendum. Talmud. Hei hon, P. I., tr. Talmudic misi from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah; with preface by F. W. Farrar, notes and in- 1. es. 1880 2968 1 Treasures of the Talmud. 18S2. . . 2968-41 TAI.MI [». — '237 — i IRS. I a i mi D, . niinu .1. w eil, ( I. Bibli ' mud ; "i , Biblii .'I legi nd ol tin M u isul- — Bible i oi "ill. - nil ior . pp. s; 94. • ■ Deu li. 1 1 1 '. 1 mains, pp. 1 j — Gould, S. Baring-. L< ildTi era fin nn the ralmud and — Owen 1 College, Manchi ter, 1 ind addn ■ p] 129 (78 Phi ralmud. 71 19E5 — Hearn, L. Stray leai ge liter- atun -225 1 , Tamiii r 1 aim, the great. Mai lowi 1 Will ks. |. [1.1-58 Taming ol the shrew. See Shake peare, W. Tanagr/i figurines. B., 1879. S° ;jj 8 — Appleton, r. G. I hequer-work. pp. 1 34. Ami 1 hi ranagra i.'il , Tam ock, 0. W. I ngland during the Amer- n an and European wai 1. /wCreighton, \l. ..■./. Epochs of English history, pp. 55 6 -"5° 93°-J Tani 1:1 d. 1 lisraeli, B. I 1 ■' 1 1 in Digby, K. II. Broad -lone ol In mour. v. 2 1 Brooke, Am. chief just l777-rd, G ■ r the supreme court <>f ihe United States. PP- 459-533 p I am \11111, k. II. Leathei « I god : an ant of ilu' appearance and preten- sions "i Joseph 1 . I >\ Iks in east in iSjS. In Ohio Valley historical ser. x "- 7 Tangier; Ballou, M. M. Hue West. . . 438-15 T \\<;i 1 11 skein. I \. Tang le. Do m, C. I .. 1 1 ew is oil, pseud.) 5'°7-3 Tangi 1 n talk : an es iliday. 1... I864. 12° Tangi ed web. 1 lolt, I mil) S. Tangletown letters. Reynolds, E. W. . . S17-79 Tangi ewoi id tal and biogi 111" thorne, X 2g I'ws vim 1. Robert, Scottish poet, i. 1; 1S10. Rogei .' . . Scottish minstrel. pp. 132-142. [Biog. sketch and 80921-7 1 > ■■ -i . Her i • witness, pseud.), Am. author. The martyrdom of Lovejoy ; an niu oi the life, trials ami perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a pro-slaver} mob at Alton, III. Chi- 1881. 8° 587B9 Tanner, l fl. Macauley, I. Grey Hawk. [Thirty years' captivity of Tan- ner among the Indians] > s :;l ; ; 1 11 1 I las, R. K. I ' mon. 1 29'-33 H enry , B. C . Cn liglll : ' , . . . — Legge, J. Religion, u( China 1 1 V, 2. pp. 58-77 /so China. i.v. Muni/, E. Short tapestry. 18S5 — Burty, P. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts 737-3 — Lacroix, P. Art, in the mid PP- 37-5 2 7094-5 I. I.. (Ennis Graham, pseud.) Tappan, Arthur, Am. philanthropist, b. 1786- d. 1S65. Tappan, L. Life of Arthur Tappan 873B6 Tappan, Cora L. V. Hesperia. N.Y.,1871. 12° , Eli T. Treatise on geometry and trigonometry, for the mathematical course of Joseph Ray. Cinn., [1868]. 8°. llise on plane and solid geometry, written for the mathematical Joseph Ray. Cinn., [1864]. 12 . . . 513-87 TAPPAN, Henry Philip, Am. Congregational yman, b. 1805-1/. 1S81. Revi. Edwards' Inquiry into the freedom of the will. X. V. 1839. 12° — Step from the new world to the old, ami back again ; with thoughts on the gi and evil in both. 2 v Contents. — v. I. England, Scotland and i land. v. 2. The Rhine, Switzerland, Belgium and France. — University education. X.Y.. 1S51. 12 . Tappan, lewis, Am. men hant,b. 1 7SS— Arthur Tappan. N.Y.,1870. 12°. Tara: a Mahratta tale. Taylor. Me. Tarantella. Blind, Mathilde. Taras Bulba. I logol, V V. .. Increase Nites, l si ; d. 1SS8. life of Israel Putnam. B., S c — Memoirs of Jas. II. Schneider, an ward M. Schneider. B., 1867. 16°. . S10K2 TARIFF. See Free-trade anil pr Tartarin ofTarascon. Daudet, Alpl Tartarin on the Alps. Daudet, Alpl Tartars. DeQuincey, T. Narrative and miscellaneous papers, v. I. pp.2IO-2i — See also Genghis Khan. TARTARY. 1238 — TAXATION. Tartary. Burnes, A. Travels into Bokha- ra : being the account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Persia. 1853 455-2 — Hue, E. R. Christianity in China, Tar- tary and Thibet. 2 v. 1S87 265-45 Recollections of a journey through Tar- tary, Thibet and China. 2 v. 1852. . 45 l_ 5 — Tronson, J. M. Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, etc. . . 452-85 TASISTRO, Louis Fitzgerald, Irish-Am. author, b. about 1 80S, d. about 1 868. Random shots and southern breezes', containing critical remarks on southern States and southern institutions, with semi-serious observations on men and manners. 2 v. N. Y., 1842. 12°. . 475~9 Tasman, AbeKTanssen, Dutch navigator of the i~th century. Pinkerton, J. Early Australian voyages, pp. 36-104. . . . 493~73 Tasmania. Bonwick, J. The last of the Tasmanians. 1S70 99906-2 — Lloyd, G. T. Thirty-three years in Tas- mania and Victoria. 1S62 4946-5 — Meredith, Mrs. C. My home in Tas- mania. 1852 4946-6 — Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern cross. pp. 246-29S 490-2 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, pp. 342- 35° 439-28 — Hill, R. and F. What we saw in Australia, pp. 407-427 494-4S — Kershaw, M. Colonial facts and fictions. pp. 158-191 494-55 I J 0, Torquato, Italian epic poet, b. I544-<7. 1595. Jerusalem delivered. N. Y., 1S68. 16 8512-9 — Wifl'en, J. II. Life of Torquato Tasso. . 874B4 — Denni5toun, J. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. v. 3. pp. 292-318 4107-3 — Dobson, W. T. Classic poets, pp. 279- 326 8021-3 — Hunt, J. II. L. Italian poets, pp. 409- 515 8501-4 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: 1 atholic reaction, v. 2. pp. 1-125. . 94506-7 — See also Literature, Italian. \ ONI, Alessandro, Italian critic and satir- ist, h. 1565-^. 1635. Symonds, J. A. enaissance in Italy. 1 atholii reaction. v, 2. pp. 242 314 945°6-7 1 i! on, J., ed. Physiology for practical use. pp. 127-150 6121-4 — See also Senses. I .angmead, T. P. . l " 1 :ad, T. P. Taswell-. Tate, Jas. S. Surcharged and differenl form., of retaini N. Y., 187 ;■ 16 62yi-S Tate, Ralph. Rudimentary treatise on geology ; partly based on Major-Gen. Portlock's Rudiments of geology. 2 v. in I. L., 1871. 12° 550-87 — Appendix. In Woodward, S. P. Manual of themollusca 594~9 — Land and fresh water shells. In Notes on natural history objects, pp. 102-116. . 597-8 Tate, T. Elementary course of natural and experimental philosophy : ed. by C. S. Cartee. B., 1858. 12 530-9 TATIAN, orTatianus, Christian writer, b. about 120. Writings: tr. by B. P. Pratton. In Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 3. pp. 1-48 2813-87 Tatler, The. Steele, R., ed. British es- sayists, v. 1-4 184E1 Taubert, Capt. — . Use of field artillery on service ; with especial reference to that of an army corps: tr. by H. H. Max- well. L., 1856. 16° 358-8 TAUi HNITZ, Christian Bernhard, German publisher, b. 1816, ed. Five centuries of the English language and literature. Leipzig, i860. 16 8209-S6 Contents. — [Extracts from] Wycliffe, Chaucer, Stephen Hawes, Sir Thomas More, Spenser, Ben Jonson, Locke aad Thos. Gray. TAULER, Johann, German theologian, b. 1290- J. 1361. Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday, pp. 1-22. Tauler and the mystics 4!43"4 — Hodgson, W. Reformers and martyrs, [not] of the Lutheran reformation, pp. 62-80 4H3-44 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies. pp. 319-333 535E3 Taussig, F. W. Protection to young in- dustries as applied in the United States. Cambridge, Mass., 1883. 12° 335-91 — History of the present tariff, 1860-S3. X. V., 1883. 12°. [Questions of the day] 335-9 TAUTPHCEUS, baroness — . Cyrilla ; or, the mysterious engagement. Phila. 8°. — Initials. Phila. 12°. — Quits. 2v.ini. Phila., 1S72. 12°. Ta\ kknier, Jean Baptiste, French traveler, It. 1605-a. about 1688. St. John, J. A. 1 1 1, lirale. I travelers, v. I. pp. 180-205. 4159-78 TAXATION. Cossa, L. Taxation, its princi- ples and method.. 1S88 33 22 " 2 — Danson, J. T. Wealth of household!. 1886 33°-34 — Dowell, S. Sketch of the history of taxes in England. 1S76 33 22 -3 [ones, W. II. Federal taxes and Slate expenses. 1SS7 3327-5 Peto, S. M. Taxation; us levy and ex- penditure. 1S63 3322-7 TAXATION. — 1239 — TA\ LOR Taxation, continued. 1 'ri >byn, I . W., / Local got ei nmenl and taxation. Cobdenclube |S 75. 352 1—7 Local got '■! 11 mi "i and tan it ion in the 1 nited khigd , < lobden < lub e 1882 35.M 77 — Sherman, J. Selected peechi ports on finance and taxation. 1879. . 3327-7 — Wilson, A. J, National budget: the national debt, taxes and rates. 1882. . 33242-8 Mill, I). A. Liberty ami law undei fed- ei iiis .■ go\ 1 ent, pp. 20S-224. Hume, I'. Essays. ] • [ > . 203-207. . . . pi I j See also Politic il 1 j . 1 1"- nan various countries. Taxidermy. Avis, R. Bird preserving, bird mounting, and the preservation of birds' eggs. [880 5; — Brown, T. Taxidermist's manual. [S70. 5794-2 — Browne, M. Piactieal taxidermy. 11. d. 5704-22 Maynard, C. J. Naturalist's guide, pp. 3-42 579-6 IV, 1 ik, Rev. Clias. B. Mm ,1, Is , if the 1 11 [1 h mart; 1 ;. V Y., 1853." 12°. . 2726 8 Contents. — Win. Sautre, Badley, Bayfield, 1 li null, mi, Lambert, lnn< \ Lew. — Wycliffe. — Tayler, Yeoman, Bilney Bradford, — Ferrar, W hue. — Bland. — Hooper. — Latimer — Ridley. M.n .li Craomer. — Hunter, Lawrence, Rose Allen. — L' Envoy. M11 1 hant's clerk ; or, Mark Wilton. 1 ... n. il. 24 876A5 — -Thankfulness: a narrative comprising passages from the diary of the Rev. Allen Temple. L., 1S59. 16° Taylor, Alfred, Am. Presbyterian clergyman, />. 1S31. Sunday school photographs; with an introduction by John S. Hart. 1!., 1864. 16 246-87 TAYLOR, Alfred Swaine, Eng. physician and chemist, b. 1806-rf. 1880, joint author. Brande, W. T. and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry 540-2 Taylor, Ann. Set Gilbert, Mrs. Ann (Tay- lor). Taylor, Archibald Alexandei Edward, D. £>., LL. D., Am. Presbyterian clergyman and educator, b. 1S34. Education of the eye. In Essays and addresses read be- fore the V r. O. I. A. pp. 269-294. 3706-6 — Noble, W. F. P. Century of gospel work, 1 776-1876. pp. 533-535. . . . 277-7 Taylor, Bayard, .•////. author, b. 1S25— •»". iS78. At home and abroad : a sketch- book of life, scenery and men. 2 v. X. Y., IS6I-62. 12 4;,, s r Contents. — v. 1. [Travels in Europe and on the continent]. — My supernatural experiences. — Mammoth cave.— Mackinaw. — Telegraphic trip to Newfoundland.— [Germany and Ger- man authors.] Taylor, Bayard, continued. v. a. A country h rland. — Travel'. .lily. 1 ■ Cont «'i ton. — Jon of Iceland.- i — By-wa) 1 Contents, — A familiar 1 A ci and \ ia Winter life in St Petci burg little land of Aj , i l Grande Chartreuse. — The Kyi -1 its \ week on Capri. — A tripto Ischia. — The land of ] I with a distant vi I iheTcutO- bcrgcr forest. — Colorado: a summer trip. N. Y.. I 12° 4788-9 Dramatic forks; with notes, by en) Taylor. B., 18S0. 12°. ... Contents. — The prophet.— The masque of the Gods. — Prince Deukalion. — Notes. — Echo club and other literary diver! r... 1S76. 24 876C65 — Egypt and Iceland in the I N. \ ., [874. 16 3 Eldora lo ; or, adventures in thi empire, comprising ' Cali- fornia via Panama; life in San Fran- cisco and Monterey; piclures of the gold regions, and experience- of Mex- ican travel. X. V., 1S68. 12°. . . . 4794-85 — Hannah Thurston : a story of American life. X. V., 1884. 12 . — Home pastorals: poems. 1;., 1X75. 16 . 876C7 - John Godfrey's fortunes, related by him- sell : a story of American life. X. V., 1879. 12°. ph and his friend : a story of Pennsyl- vania. X. V., 1S70. 12°. — Journey to Central Africa; or, life and landscapes from Egypt to the Xegro kingdom of the White Nile. X. Y.. 1S54. 12 462-91 — Lands of the Saracen^, n. t. p. 12°. . 4409-75 — Lai 1 way : with m I and biographical sketch, li., 1SS5. 16°. S76CS — Masque of the god- B., i v 7J. 12°.. . 876C9 — National ode: the memorial freedom poem. 1',.. 1877. S° 876C6 hern travel: summer and winter pic- tures ; Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. X. \ ., 1879. 12° — Picture of St. John. B., 1S67. 12°.. . — Poems. 11., 1S06. 16 8; — Poems of home and travel. B., 1S66. 12°. 876C4 TAYLOR. 1240 TAYLOR. Taylor, Bayard, continued. — Poetical works. B., 1S82. 12° 876C1 Contents. — The poet'sjournal. — Poems of the Orient. — Romances and lyrics. — Californian ballads and poems. — Earlier poems.— Since 1861. — Home pastorals. — Ballads. — Lyrics. — Odes. Picture of St. John.— Lars : a pastoral of Nor- way. — Prophet : a tragedy. B., 1S74. 16 . . . 877C1 — School history of Germany. N. Y., 1S74. 12° 943-S — Story of Kennett. N. Y., 1878. 12 . — Studies in German literature ; with an in- troduction by Geo. H. Boker. N. Y., 1879. I2 °- Same, 18S7 830-9 Contents. — Introduction. — Earliest German lit- erature. — The Minnesingers. — Mediaeval epics. — The Niblungenlied. — Literature of the Refor- mation. — Literature of the seventeenth century. — Lessing. — Klopstock, Wieland and Herder. — Schiller. — Goethe. — Goethe's " Faust."— Richter. — Travels in Greece and Russia; with an excursion to Crete. N. Y., 1865. 12 . 4495-87 — Travels in South Africa. N. Y., 1S81. 12° 468-85 — Views a-foot ; or, Europe seen with knap- sack and staff. N. Y., 1855. 12 . Same, 1862 440-SS — Visit to India, China and Japan in 1853. N. Y., 1882. 12 450-86 — Ancient Troy; researches of Dr. Schlie- man in 1872-73. Tribune popular science, pp. 2-1 1 502-9 — Friend Eli's daughter. In Modern class- ics, pp. 367-397. — Introduction. In Burton, R. F. Pilgrim- age to El Medinah. pp. ix-xv. . . . 459-25 — Introduction. TwFogg, W. P. Arabistan. 459-35 — Recollections of Mendelssohn. In Lamp- adius, W. A. Felix Mendelssohn Bar- tholdy. pp. 245-253 624B5 — Selections from the experiences of the A. C. In Mason, E. T., cd. Humorous masterpieces, v. 2. pp. 1-23 817-63 Central Asia : travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet and Central Asia. N. Y., 1874- "2° 455-8 Cyclopedia of modern travel, a record of adventure, exploration and discov- ery for the pasl sixty years, compris- ing narratives of the most distinguished travelers since the beginning of this century. 2 v. N. Y., i860. 8°. . . 436-8 Travels in Arabia. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 459-87 — tr. Goethe, J. W. von. Fausl 8356-8 — Conwell, K. II. Life, travels and literary career of Bayard Taylor 876B2 -Taylor, Marie (Hansen-) and Sruddcr, II. E., eds. Life and letti Bayard Tay- ■ v. B., 1884. 12° Taylor, Bayard, continued. — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who become famous, pp. 13-25 410-16 — Brannan, W. P. Vagaries of Vandyke Brown, pp. 11S. Poem on B. Taylor. 180C5 — Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks, pp. 141-163 4181-38 — Q. You have heard of them. pp. 220— 227 410-85 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 396-434 S12-8 — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 178-201 418-95 — Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. PP- 347-375 4181-9 Taylor, Benj. Franklin, Am. poet, b. 1S19- d. 1SS7. Between the gates. Chicago, 1879. 12 4794-86 — Complete poetical works. Chicago, 1SS6. 12° 877C5 Contents. — Poems of country life. — Poems of times and seasons. — Flowers and birds. — Na- ' ture. — Heroism. — Descriptive poems, — Poems of sentiment. — Poems of war. — January and June. N. Y., 1868. 12°.. 876E4 — Mission Ridge and Lookout mountain ; with pictures of life in camp and field. N. Y., 1S72. 8° 9801-9 — Old-time pictures, and sheaves of rhyme. Chicago, 1874. 12 877C6 — Pictures of life in camp and field. Chi- cago. 1S75. '2° 9801-9 — Songs of yesterday. Chicago, 1876. 8°. 877C7 — Theophilus Trent : old times in the oak openings. Chicago, 1887. 12°. — World on wheels and other sketches. Chi- cago, 1874. 12° 876E5 Taylor, E. Blindpits: a story of Scottish life. N. Y., 1869. 12°. Taylor, E. S. and others. History of play- ing cards; with anecdotes of their use in conjuring, fortune-telling and card- sharping. L., 1865. 16° 7S7-8 Taylor, Edward Thompson, (Father Taylor), Am. M. K. missionary, b. 1793-1/. 1 8 7 1 . Haven, G. and Russell, T. Father Tay- lor : incidents and anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor 877B2 — I'.artol, ('. A. Radical problems, pp. 323-348 '38E3 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 79-8i 412-25 lily. Tales from the histoi j "f the Saxons. I!., 1S64. 24 93'8-75 1 vtenti ill- the good. — Hereward the Saxon. - Edith the forestei hter.' .Man- ner tns of thr Anglo Saxons. 1 \ . 1 or, I*'. II. Racing .1 thundei itorm. In \\ onder sto ; nee. pp. 1S9- 210 602-9 AY ink i .• 1 1 i OR i lor, Franklin Pj imei pi lying. V Y., 1880. 16 I LYLOR, Geo., Irish- Am. patriot, b. 171 1781, I )u ight, N. I . i % . ners ol 1 1" Di laral ion ol I ndependence. pp. 206 213 ti.'i ; Lo ing, B, I Bio raphii 1! ketchi il thi igners. pp. 123-125 4121-53 Tayi or, Gi Board ./«/. />',. 1832. Walter Ennis; or, thi eai lj Bapl isl In V irginia 876A9 Taylor, Geo. II., Am. physician, b. 1821. Expo il ion "l the Swedish movement cure, li 'gel her with a iummai y "I 1 he prim iple ol genei al hj g iene N. Y.. I874. 12° 6I36-8 — Health bj exercise. V \ ., 1880. 12 . 61, TAYLOR, Henry, Eng poet and dramatist, b. 1800,/'. 1875. Autobiography. 2 v. V Y., 1SS5. 12 877B7 Biographical sketches. In Ward, I II. English poets. \. 4 8092-9 M ill, J. S. Self-consi iousm ins. pp. 167-170 410-7S Tan 1 1 ir, Isa [787 d. 1865. I inaticism. N. V., 1834. 12 . . . . 272-8 Loyola, and Jesuitism in its rudiments. N. v.. 1854. 12 2715-8 — Natural history of enthusiasm. B., 1830. 12° 2OI-85 Restoration of belief. B., 1867. 12°. . 239-91 Saturday evening. N. Y.. 1S32. 12 . . 241 89 Spirit of the Hebrew poel ' ) ; with a sketch of the life of the tuthor. Phi la., 1873. 12° 224-8 — Dana, K. II. Writings, v. 2. pp. 380- 417. Review of Natural history of en- thusiasm 818 33 1 ay 1 OR, Isaac, Eng. author, son of preceding, 6. about 1S34. The alphabet : an ac- ini of the origin and development of 1. 11, 1 .. 2v, L., 1883. S° 1091-9 Contents. — v. 1. Semil ets, v. 2. \ 1 j .in Alphabets. — Words and places; or, 1 il illus- trations ol history, ethno igj an ;eoj raphy. 1 .. 1865. 12° M94-8 — GilliU.111. 1 ,. Mo lei n ter- arj men. v. 2. pp. 318 327 41S -43 Third gallery of portraits, pp. 67-75. . 4 > s 4 i ■ T \vi 1 ir, I. E. 1 low 11 s : iln-ii oi igin, sha] mes and 1 oloi s. B., [878. 12°. . 582 : s — (o rie of autobiogra- phies in chronological order. N. Y ., 1874. 16 550-S8 — Sagacit) and morality of plants: a sketch of the life and conduct of the vegetable lom. L... 1884. 12 581-8 — td. Notes on collecting and preserving natural history objects. L., 1SS3. l6°. 579-8 l"AYLOI on. Introduction. In of blessing in inland * 'liina. . . . I ay] 1 ir, la .. Ai.i.-i ii in polil ■ pi phy : an inquiry u to thi i political evil I 13 Taylor, Jas, Wickes, Am. author, b. \ .ry of the ,1650-1787. t inn., 185 t 1 .■ joint aut/u > Bn ■• ne, I. R, and I aylor, J. W, 1 -.ii the mineral rc- I he 1 Inited . . . 553-2 I 1 , Jane, /■.//, . writer, 1 Pleasures ol ta te and othei with a sketch of [Miss Taylor's] life, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. V Y ., 1S47. 24° 877A5 — Balfour, C. I . Women worth emulating. pp. 108-123 1 1 . 1; — Neale, E. Closing scene, pp, 166-188. 410-8 TAYLOR, Jeremy, Eng. bishop and auth, 1613-1/. 1667. Holy living and living: with prayers, to which is prefixed a memoirof the author. X. Y, 1S59. 12°. 240-S — Selections. //; Montagu, B. pp. 1-91 — Sermons. In Brogden, I. Illustrations of the liturgy, 3 v 26031-4 Adams, W. II. D. Great English church- man, pp. 3°°-339 4 Us j — Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England, 18th century. V. I. pp. 344-410 274: 8 ft, John, surnamed the water poet, b. i58o-zD6der- lein, L. Handbook of Latin synonyms. 1264-3 — ed. Classical study, its value illustrated by extracts from the writings of eminent scholars. Andover, 1870. 12 . . . . 375S8-8 Contents. — Introduction, [by the editor], — [Articles by] Rev. Joshua Jones, Frederic Thiersch, Hugh S. Legare, Wm. Whewell, John Stuart Mill, Noah Porter, Joseph Payne, B. B. Edwards, John Conington, Wm. H. Gar- diner, Jas. Pillans, Geo. B. Loring, W. Y. Sel- lar, Jas. McCosh, Edwin D. Sanborn, [David] Masson, Philip H. Sears, Cornelius C. Felton, Samuel G. Brown, D'Arcy W. Thompson, Goldwin Smith and the Rev, L. Campbell. Taylor, Sedley. Profit-sharing between capital and labor, n. t. p. S° 3362-8 — Science of music; or, the physical basis of musical harmony. X. Y., 1875. 12°. 7716-S TAYLOR, Theodore, pseud. See Hotton, J. C. Taylor, Thos., Eng. dramatist, b. \%\-]-d. 1880. Life of Wm. Cowper, Esq., com- piled from his correspondence and other sources; containing remarks on his writings, etc. Phila., 1843. 12 . . . . 249B4 — Memoirs of John Howard, the Christian philanthropist. L., 1836. 12 . . . . 489B9 — tr. Ballads and songs of Brittany: tr. from the Barsaz-Breiz of Vicomte Her- sart de la Villemarque, with some of the original melodies harmonized by Mrs. Tom Taylor. L., 1S65. 8° 89168-8 TAYLOR, U. Ashworth. City of Sarras. X. V., 18S7. 16°. TAYLOR, W., joint author. Dick, W. B., Frost, S. A. and Taylor, W. What shall we do to-night ? 786-3 TAYLOR, Walter H. Book of travels of a doctor of physic ; containing hisobserva- tions made in certain portions of the two continents. Phila., 1871. 12 . . . . 440-895 iii years with General Lee. X. \ ., i*;;- *'' 9812-9 TAYLOR, Win. Cooke, Irish writer, b. i.Soo-n'. 1849. I .11 1 -ne. and the factory system ; from parliamentary documents and per- sonal examination. I... 1844. 8°. , . 3368-8 Tay'LOR, Wm. C, continued. — Manual of ancient history: ed. by C. S. Henry. loth ed. X. Y., 1874. 8°. . 910-9 — Manual of ancient and modern history, revised, with a chapter on the history of the United States, by C. S. Henry. N. Y., 1869. 8° 905-87 — Modern British Plutarch ; or, lives of men distinguished in the recent history of England, for their talents, virtues, or achievements. X. Y., 1846. 12 . Contents. — Richard Arkwright. — Burke. — Burns. — Byron. — Canning. — Earl of Chatham. — Adam Clarke. — Lord Clive. — Captain Cook. — Cowper. — Crabbe. — Davy. — Lord Eldon. — Lord Erskine. — Fox. — Franklin. -Goldsmith. — Grattan. — Earl Grey. — Warren Hastings. — Bishop Heber. — John Howard. — Dr. Jenner. — Sir Wm. Jones. — Sir Jas. Mackintosh. — Rev. Henry Martyn. — Sir John Moore. — Nelson. — Pitt. — Sir Samuel Romilly. — Scott. — Sheridan. — John Smeaton. — Jas. Watt. — Marquis of Wel- lesley. — Wm. Wilberforce.— Sir David Wilkie. — Duke of Wellington. — Pictorial history of France and Xorman- dy. Phila., 1848. 12 944-9 Taylor, Wm. Mackergo, Scottish- Am. clergy- man, b. 1S29. Contrary windsand other sermons. N. Y., 1883. 8° 252-91 — David, king of Israel; his life and its lessons. X. Y., 1875. 12° 2218-27 — Elijah the prophet. X. Y., 1876. 12°. 2218-3 — Gospel miracles in their relation to Christ and Christianity. X. Y., 1880. 12°. . 2317-7 — Joseph the prime minister. X'. Y., 18S6. 12° 2218-45 — Ministry of the word. N. Y., 1876. 12 . 251-88 — Paul the missionary. X. Y., 18S2. 12°. 2218-69 — Peter the apostle. X. Y., 1877. 12 . . 2218-73 — Scottish pulpit from the reformation to present day. X. Y., 1887. 12 . . . . 2741-8 — The lost found and the wanderer wel- comed. X. Y., 1873. 12 2272-6 Contents. — The lost sheep The lost coin. — The prodigal sou. Taylor, Winifred. Violet Rivers; or, loyal to duty. N. Y. 16 . Taylor, Zachary, 12th president of the United States, b. 1784-./. 1850. Frost, J. Old Rough and ready: young folks' file of Gen. Zachary Taylor 879B15 — Life of General Taylor. 11. t. p. 12°. . 87961 Montgomery, II. Life of Major-Gen. Zachary Taylor 879B2 — Ellet, Mrs. V.. V . Courl circles of the Re- public, pp. 41 1-43" 41239-3 Frost, J. Presidents of the United States. pp. 4<'3-434 4 '2-4.? — (Hazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 188-202 41231-4 TCHERNAIEFF, General — . Boulger, D. C. Central Asian portraits. pp. 225-233. 41 148-2 TCHERNUISHEVSKY. | •• i ; II \l. l' hernuish] \ ikv, Mikol; ivriloviti b, Russian not i list, t. 1828. Vital q tion ; or, whal is i" !"■ done ' tr. from the Rus tian bj \ II. I '"!'■ and B, s. Skidelsky. \. \ .. 1886 1 1 Tea, Fortune, K . Two visil thi ci it ii ■ "i 1 iii 11. 1. 1853 1.1 — Money, K. 1 ultivation ind of tea. 1S7S 6334-6 — Johnston, I . F. ( Ihemisl 1 \ ol c ion life. v. 1. pp, 128-161) 660-5 NTaquel , A. I < :; 1 chemistry, pp, 1 10 1 17 543 48 — Saunders, F. Pastimi papei pp. 17,0- 209. 1 loffee and tea ,1 Teacher, The. Abbott, Jacob 571-12 Teai imi; and the parent ; treatise upon com- mon school education. Northend, C. . 371-66 TEACHER taught: an attempl to make tbe path of the Sunday school teai hei straight and plain; bj the author ol "The teachei teaching." Phila., 1861. 12 . 246-9 Teacher taught. Oakes, A. II. In Ma- thews, J. B., ■■•■ Comediesfor amateur acting, pp. 127-152 785-59 I 1 M HERS 1 anil students' library. I m.l.i ,. Dallas, «r 374-5 Teachers and teaching. Abbott, J. The ii " ln-r 371-12 Baldwin, J. Art ol 51 hool management. 1881 371-16 — Blouct, P., (Max O'Rell, pseud.) Drat the boys! or, recollections of an ex- Frenchmaster in England, n. d. . . . 1221 _m Brooks, E. Normal methods of teaching. 1883 37"3-2 — Calderwood, H. On teaching; its ends ami means. 1S75 371-3 Duncan, A. Examiner, or teacher's aid. '863 37127-3 — Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching. 1883. 370-4 — Fowle, \V. 15. Teacher's institute; or, familiar hints to young teachers. 1S66. 371-37 — Greenwood, J. M. Principles of educa- tion practically applied. 1887 371-41 Haeckel, E. Freedom in science and teaching. 1S79 502-4 — Hailman, W. N. Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy. 1S74 3709-4 — Hart, J. S. In the school-room. 1868. 371-44 — Hathaway, B. A. 1001 questions and answers on the theory and practice of teaching. 1883 37>-45 — Holbrook, A. School management. 1873. 371 48 Hopkins, I . P. Practical pedagogy. How shall my child he taught. 1886. ;;j 5 — Jewell, F. S. School government. 1S0O. 3715-5 Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching. I0S3 371-5 Klemm, I 1 1 works] 1 idon, J. s, hool in . ' 55 — Leighton, R. 1 papers. 1873 — I. in. 1, i.l'.-/ 1 ■ library. 1883 M 1, 11, R 11 . ' \ R Hopi pseud.) Boo 3704-46 N01 thend, I , I rent 1 1. in ica- tion. 1864 371-66 Teacher's assistant. 1X60 37 1-67 — Ogden, J. Science of education and art of teaching, i860 37 '-7 1 mi, II. reai bei manual, n. d. . 371-72 — Page, I). P. Theory and practice of teach- ing. i!>59 371-73 — Patridgc, I.. E. " Quincy meth «885 372 7; Prince, J. J. School management and method. 1884 37'-76 Rosenkranz, I. K. F. Pedagogics as a system. 1872 370-8 Is, N. Philosophy of teaching: the teacher, the pupil, the school. 1869. . 371-85 — Sheldon, E. A. ami Barlow, E. II. Teach- er's manual of instruction in reading. 1875 800-8 - Sypher, J. K. Art of teaching school. 1872 3/l-SS — Thomson, A. F. English m hool-room ; or, thoughts on private tuition. 1865. 3731-8 — Thring, E. Theory and practice of teach- ing- 1883 371-9 \\ ickersham, J. P. Methods of instruc- tion. 1S67 3723-93 — Dix, J. A. Speeches. v. 2. pp. 72 115. Education of teachers 815-3 I ducation. Industrial education. Normal schools. Object teaching. Questions. Sabbath schools. Schools. Technical education. Ti m iikk's assistant. Northend, C 371 Teacher's manual. Orcutt, II 371 72 ol teachers. Turnbull, H. C. [For Sabbath schools] 246-94 Teaching of the twelve apostles, recently discovered and published by Philothios Bryennios, Metropolitan of Nicomedia: ed. with a translation, introduction and notes by R. D. Hitchcock and Francis Brown. N. V.. 1884. 8° 2299-4 Teachings and counsels. Hopkins, Marl TEACHINGS of Providence: or, new ]<■■ on old subjects. Gross, J. B Teal, Angeline. John Thome's folks: a study of western life. 15. , 1SS4. 16 . TEAZIEHS. 1244 TELEMACHUS. Teaziehs. Renan, E. Studies in religious history, pp. 183-209. The Teaziehs of Persia 204-75 Technical education. Huxley, T. H. Technical education and other essays. . 502-522 — Nystrom, J. W. Technological education and ship-building 6238-5 — Kelt, T., ed. Mechanic's text book and engineer's practical guide, pp. 179— 403 6207-4 — See also Education. Industrial education. Mechanic arts. Schools. Technics for the voice. Baxter, J 774-'7 Tecumseh, Shawnee chief, b.' 1768-rf. 1813. Seelye, L. E. and Eggleston, E. Tecum- seh and the Shawnee prophet 880B1 — Hatch, W. S. Chapter of the history of the war of 1812. pp. 87-156 9765-38 — Moore, F. , ed. American eloquence, v. 2 - PP- 354 _ 356- [Biog. sketch and speeches] 8152-6 Teeth. Shaw, S. P. Odontalgia, com- monly called toothache ; its causes, pre- vention and cure 6175-S — See also Anatomy. Physiology. Tefft, Rev. Benjamin Franklin, Am. writer, b. \%\T,-d. 1885. Evolution and Chris- tianity ; or, an answer to the develop- ment infidelity of modern times ; with an introductory letter by Bishop Simpson. B., 1885. 12° 2398-75 — Life of Daniel Webster. Phila., 1854. 12°. 931B2 Tefft, Lyman B. Curiosities of heat. Phila., 1871. 16 536-77 Tegetmeier, W. B., joint author. Strauss, G. L. M. Am/others. England's workshops. 609-75 Tegg, Thos. Curwen, H. History of book- sellers, pp. 379-399 418-33 TEGG, Wm. The last act: being the funeral rites of nations and individuals. L., 1876. 1 6° 393-8 Tegner, Esaias, Swedish fact, b. 1782-1/. 1846. Frithiof's saga: tr. by Wm. Lewery Blackley : ed. by Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1867 83971-79 — Fridthjof'ssaga: a Norse romance: tr. by T. A. E. and M. A. L. Holcomb. Chi- cago, 1877. 12° 83971-8 - Anderson, R. B. nwi/Bjornson, J. Vik- ing talcs of the .\"i th. pp. 75-364. [A translation of the Icelandic poem and 1 .' i, Sti phens' translation "I Bishop Teg- ner's poem] 8396-2 — Brandes, (). Eminent authors. pp. 168-258 418-2 Glencoe. Bragg, II. A. 1 : 1 .1 ,iiiv. Abernethy, J. P. Modern ' ice of commercial and railway teleg- raphy. 1883 538-13 Telegraphy, continued. — Culley, R. S. Hand-hook of practical telegraphy. 1871 538-26 — Fahie, J. J. History of electric teleg- raphy to the year 1837; [with bibli- ography]. 1884 538-4 — Hoshiaer, V. Laying and repairing of electric telegraph cables. 1878. . . . 5381-48 — Loring, A. E. Hand-book of the electro- magnetic telegraph. 1878 538-58 — McGregor, W. Questions on magnetism, electricity, and telegraphy. 1868. . . 538-6 — Preece, W. H. and Sivewright, J. Teleg- raphy. 1S76 538-73 — Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the elec- tric telegraph. 1877 538-75 History, theory and practice of the electric telegraph. 1875 538-74 — Sabine, R. History and progress of the electric telegraph. 1872 538-8 — ■ Turnbull, L. Electro-magnetic telegraph. 1853 538-88 — Williams, W. Manual of telegraphy. 1885 538-95 — Arnot, W. This present world. pp. 158-170 551-15 — Bakewell, F. C. Great facts, pp. 124-171. 609-2 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings. v. 2. pp. 257-260 189E3 Orations and addresses, pp. 323-330. 815-2 — Home recreation and foreign travel, pp. 129-158 604-4 — Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reforms. PP- 293-306 304-55 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 3. pp. 113-208. v. 4. pp. 1-144- 603-4 — Manson, G. J. Work for women, pp. 20-28 3965-6 — Timbs, ]. Inventors and discoverers. pp. 456-466 609-79 — Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Vic- toria, v. 2. pp. 120-128 938-9 — Richards, W. C. Electron ; or, the pranks of the modern Puck: [a poem] 589C6 — See also Electricity. Magnetism. Phys- ics. Also Life of S. B. F. Morse. Telegraph building in Asia. Bush, R, I. Reindeer, dogs and snow shoes: [Sibe- rian travel in 1865-66-67] 4529-2 ' c 1 1 ins, P. McD. Overland explorations in Siberia, northern Asia, and the Amoor country in 1856 4529-25 — Goldsmid, F. J. Telegraph and travel [in 1864 and the following years]. . . 450-4 TELEMACHUS, saint. Anderdon, W. 11. Evenings with the saints, pp. 13-23. . 4'4- 2 3 In i'\i v 111 5, tonoj Ulysses. Fenelon, V. de S. ile la M. Adventures of Telemachus. 848-4 ii 1 I he < idyssey. TELEPHONE I I MP] lii phoni I lolbear, \ I- I he tele- phone. 1877 I in Moncel, 1 \ 1 rh< lelephone, mil ' ophom . and phom graph. ■ ^ 7* » - I 11 kv I, T. D. Practical inl i88a Pi cott, G 1 ; Bell' 1 li 1 'king telephone, its invention, 1 on, applii al i"". mo in and In 1884 5382-7 1 .,..,' 1 Physi 1 iv.' i ol I . \. Edison. J. P. R 1 1 1 1 1 ici ipk. Noble, W. Hours « ith a three inch telescope. 1887 522-65 No Ian , T. Th 1 teli theprinciple in ■. olved in the infracting and reflecting telescopes. 1881. . . . 5222-6 Proctor, R. V. Half-hours with the I ■ ope. 1873 5222-7 Ward, Mrs. — . The telescope. 1869. 5222-9 Webb, I. \V. Celestial objects for com- mon telescopes. 1881 5222-92 — See also Astn ly. Light. Telfer, J. Buchan. The Crimea and Trans- caucasia: being the narrative of a jour- ney in the Kouban, in Gouria, Georgia, Armenia. 11 [mi ril 1, Swannety and Mingrelia, and in tlie Tauric range. 2 v. 1... 1876. 8° I tD, I'll" ,/«.»•, li. I 757- <-/. 1834. VI mi,. W. II. D. Steady aim. PP- 79-87 410-12 I I iwe, 1 1. Eminent mei han ii >. pp. 33 -336 4>237-4 Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs. pp. 503-506 410-7 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 254-266. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 373-377. 609-79 Tell, Ubert, rtm of Wm. Tell. Good s. <;. Heroism ol boyhood, pp. 164-173. 510-51 Tell, Wm., Swisi patriot, •/. about 1350. I (elepioi re, 1 >. I listorical di ffii ill and contested events, pp. 67-92. . . . 902-3 I tew lett, H. G. Hen M pp. 180-191 4104-52 - Lamartine, A. de. Celebrated chai ters. v. 3. pp. 5-37 410-63 — Schiller, J. C. F. Works, v. 2. Wil- hclm Tell : a drama 836-2 — See also Switzerland. "Tki.l it all." Stenhouse, Afrs.T. B. II. . 2982-7 I 1 1 mi 1 -lory. Molesworth, Mrs, M. I.. 631 ["emperanci and intemperance. Sui-di: . ions: 1. General. 2. Physiological ef- fects of alcohol. 3. 1 and history. 4. Biography. 5. Fiction. /. General. — Armstrong, L. Temperance reformation. 1S74 Its 14 Burn . 1 1 Bases of thi ■ rc- ne, J. I . Am . oi inl 1 ; n, 1 1 1 • 1 g, W. J. r vineyards. 1869 ''345-37 A. I oundi death ; |» "li bibliography, pp. 499-577]. . — ICirton, J. \V. Four pillars of temper- ance. 1869 , Lees, K. K. Text-book of temperance. '869 198-56 Nott, E. Lectures on temperance. 1857. 1 — Oswald, F. L. Poison problem. 1887. I — Powell, F. Bacchus dethroned. 1873. 1 — Stearns, J. N., eJ. Waterspouts. 1879. > — Temperance tracts issued by the National temperance society and publication 2 v. N. V., 1S74. 12°. . . . 198-S5 Contents. — v. 1. (One hundred tracts.] v. a. Suppression of the liquor traffic, by H. I» Mitchell. — The physiological action of alco- hol, by H. Monroe.— Fruits of the liquor traffic, and the results of prohibition, by S. Stcl. —Medicinal drinking, by J. Kirk —The hi and mystery of a glass of ale, by J. W. Kirton. —Is alcohol a necessity of life? by H. Monroe. —Will the coming man drink wine? by Jas. Parton. — Bound, and how; or, alcohol as a nar- cotic, by Cbas. Jcwett.— The drinking usages of society, by Alonzo Potter. — The son of my friend, by T. S. Arthur. — A high fence (of fif- teen bars), which the rumseller builds between himself and heaven, by the author of Lunarius. — The adulteration of liquors, by Jas. II. Dunn. — Bible tcctotalism, by Peter Stryker.— The throne of iniquity ; or, sustaining evil by law, by Albert Barnes.— Is alcohol food'.' I>y K k. Lees. rley, J. B. American temperance cyclopedia of history, biography, anec- dote and illustration. 1S75 198-92 — Wightman, J. li. Annals of the rescued. 1861 1985-92 — Willard, F. E. Woman and temperance. 1883 1985-94 — Burke, T. X. Lectures and sermons, pp. 160-172 — Channing, W. E. '-' -. . 2. pp. 299-346 20S-17 — Clark, F. E. Danger signals, pp. 16-54. 199-23 — Cobbett, W. Thirteen sermons. pp. - 1 42 :, J. Boston Monday lectures: Oc- cident, pp. 149-161. American and foreign temperance creeds 204-23 TEMPERANCE. — 1246 — TEMPERANCE. Temperance and intemperance, continued. Orthodoxy, pp. 169-176 2312-3 Socialism, pp. 292-307 338-25 Current religious perils, pp. 358-380. 204-231 — Crosby, C. H. Calm view of the tem- perance question. In Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81. pp. 141-174. . . . 239-21 — Day, S. P. Life and society in America. ser. I. pp. 220-234 473- 2 7 — De Quincey, T. Narrative and miscel- laneous papers. v. 2. pp. 165-194. Temperance movement 2S4E43 — Dickens, C, ed. Home and social philos- ophy, pp. 150-164 485E5 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Skirmishes and sketches, pp. 191-199. Drunkenness and drinking 455E3 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 46-51. Lord Chesterfield's speech against licensing gin-shops. . . 8258-4 — Hargreaves, J. G. Blunders of vice and folly, pp. 203-208 199-4 — Holland, J. G. Every-day topics, ser. 1. pp. 281-313 483E2 — Newton, R. H. Social studies, pp. 175- 19S 330-7I — Sprague, C. Writings, pp. 147-205. . 847C2 — Strong, J. Our country, pp. 6S-84. . 267-75 — See also Ethics. 2. Physiological effects of alcohol. — Blaisdell, A. F. Our bodies and how we live. 1S85 612-2 — Browne, L. Voice use and stimulants. 1885 774-23 — Carpenter, W. B. Use and abuse of alco- holic liquors. 1 85 1 19S1-2 — Colinan, J. Alcohol and hygiene: an elementary lesson book for schools. 18S0 1981-3 — Graham, S. Philosophy of sacred history considered in relation to human aliment and the wines of Scripture. 1853. . . 220S6-4 — Greenfield, \V. S. Alcohol; its use and abuse. 1879 19S1-4 — Hargreaves, W. Alcohol and science. 1882 1981-45 Hubbard, F. H. Opium habit and alco- holism. 1881 198-48 — Is alcohol food or physic? an examina- tion of the fallacies of Doctors Barclay, lirinton and Lankestcr. n. d 1981— 5 — Miller, J. Alcohol; its place and power. 1867 1981-56 — Palmer, A. 11. I mpi 1 ince teachings of 11 e. 1886 1 98 1 -6 on, W. Laws of fermentation, and of the ancients. 1871 1981-62 — Richardson, I!. W. Brief notes for tem- nce teachers. 1883 1 981—7 Temperance and intemperance, continued. Temperance lesson book: alcohol and its action on the body. 1880 1981—7 1 Ten lectures on alcohol. 1880. . . . 1981-72 — Story, C. A. Alcohol: its nature and effects. 1868 1981-8 — Wright, T. L. Inebriism: a pathological and psychological study. 1885. . . 1981-9 — Hammond, W. A. Effects of alcohol. In Tribune popular science. part 3. PP- 45-53 5 02 "6 — McSherry, R. Health, and how to pro- mote it. pp. 154-176 613-6 — Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life. pp. 209-272 616-75 — Pope, J. J. Number one, and how to take care of him. pp. 61-76 613-7 — See also Alcohol. Hygiene. Opium. Physiology. Stimulants. j. Economic ez>ils and history. — Ellis, J. The wine question. 18S2. . . 1983-27 — French, R. V. Nineteen centuries of drink in England ; [with bibliography. pp. xi-xxiv.] 1884 1983-3 — Hargreaves, W. Our wasted resources : the missing link in the temperance re- form. 1880 1982-4 — Lewis, D. Prohibition a failure. 1S75. 19S4-5 — Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state. 1880 19S4-7 — Bourne, S. Trade, population and food. pp. 301-310 33°4-2 — Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day. pp. 166-186 32042-2 — Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reforms. pp. 253-276 304-55 — Wells, D. A. Practical economics, pp. l5 2 - 2 34 3304-92 — See also Political economy. Charities. Poor. 4. Biography. — See Lives of Burritt. Gough. Guthrie. Joseph Livesey. Sam Hobart. Chas. Jewett. J. Marsh. Father Mathew. j. Fiction. — See among other stories the following: Charley Watson, the drunkard's son, (222A2) ; Fuller, M. V., Senator's son, (390A5) ; Heyworth, T., Naresborough victory; Payne, Mrs. A. M. M., One winter's work, (719A42); Sargent, L. M., Temperance tales, (806A35) ; Van Namee, J. W., Hopedale tavern and what it wrought, (913A8) J Wilson. I. P., Frank Oldfield, (951A5) ; Wright, J. McN., John and the demijohn, (975A32); Jug-or-not, (975 A 33); and Nothing t" dunk, (975A4). TEMPERANCE. i lNCB crusadi Lewi D I ' ibi- i failure, pp. 15 ; -• ;i 198 1 5 I 1 \i 11 1 . Mi. 1 di riaki peare, w. i'i m 11 \ 1 I, rlecketl , C. W. Secrei v. x. pp. 181 196 . 1 .' dial politii il 1 ii Quim 1 ■ , 1 Mi iii- ■ 1 i.ils, etc. v. 2. pp. 255 346 Temple, Frederick, Rng. bishop, b. 1 11 Relal ion bel veen religion and N. Y., 1884. 12°. [Bampton lectures, 1884.] 2398-8 — Sermons preai hed in 1 olchapi 3 v. 1 ... 187O 72. |6° 252-94 Contents. — v ■, i. Sermons preached during 1858-60. — v. 2. 1862-67. — v. 3- 1867-69. — Education of the world. /;/ Essays and reviews. |>i>. 1-44 204-28 Temple, Geo Britta: story of life in the Shetland Mauds. I... n. d. 12 . Temple, Henrj fohn, . tint Palmerston, Eng. statesman, b. 1784-1/. 1865. Bulwer, \V. II. 1,. I . n Dolling and liukuer. Life of Henry John Temple, viscount Palmerston 7 l ^M — Francis, G. 11. ' hators of the age. pp. 98-no 4 [I -37 Martineau, II. Biographical ski-: pp. 381 39" 4104-62 Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 515-520 410-S2 — Reed, W. B. Among my 1 ks. pp. 225-237 783E1 — Russell, J. Recollections and sugges- tions, 1S13-1S73. pp. 183-192. Polii ) of Lord Palmerston in the East. . . . — Sergeant, L. England's policy. pp. 142-168. Palmerston's foreign policy. 32042-7 Smith, G. IS. Prime ministers of Queen Victoria, pp. 237-283 4"-93 — Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons. PP- "3 s 148 I 1 Mi! 1 . Sir Richard, b. 1826. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim and Nepal: ed. with introductions by his son, Richard Carnac Temple. 2 v. 1 ., 1887. S u 454 85 — Laurie. W. F, B. Sketches of some dis- tinguished Anglo-Indians, pp. 227- 243 411-61 Temples. Adams, W. II. D. 1 ves and catacombs, 1886 55'4S-3 Temples, tombs and monuments of an- cient Greece and Rome. 1S72 4052-2 — See also Architecture. Jewish temple. ii rial ; or, for life and death. Green, Evelyn I . Templeton, Timothy, pseud. See Adams, < . millwright and ianii ■ addition ■■! m I V., 11 Cont. >il I lei it-,. E irithmi re and 1 ube 1 luration.— Stl ing en . 1 he circumferences, clcs. tupei Practica 11 and the steam engine; with instructive refer- ences relative thereto. I'hila., 1874. 12 . Same, 1886. 8° 6211-8 I 1 m 1 1 . ■ Man- ning, II. I 2313-5 I 1 ii sand triumph. Towns. -nd. V. I ! idler, S. \\ . Three great temptations of young men '95-4 Tempter and tempted. Wood, M. F. . Ten acres enough: a practical experience showing how a very small farm ma) made to keep a very large family. N. Y., 1864. 12 630-8 oys who lived on the mad from long 1 to now. Andrew^, Jane I18A55 I 1 Brink, Bernhai I. 1 arly English liter- ature [to Wiclif]: tr. by Horace M. Kennedy. X. V., 18S3. 8° 8202-9 Ten commandments. See Decalogue. TEN days among Greek brigands. Van Len- nep, H. J 45/2-88 I 1 . lays in Spain. Field. Kale 446-35 I 1 1 dollars enough. Nitsch, Catherine (O). 640-72 I 1 . great religions. 2 v. Clarke, J. F. . 290-3 [•en laws of health. Black, J. R 613-22 talks on all sorts of topics. Bur- ritt, F.lihu I: months in Brazil. Codman, J i s i 25 Ii N nights in a bar-room. Arthur, I theophanies. Raker, A',-'. Wm. M. . 232 15 I'i \ thousand a year. Warren, S. Ten times one is ten. Hale, E. Ten years among the mail bi J. 3534 4 TEN years in Melanesia. Penny, Alfred. . 26993-7 1 EN years in Oregon. Allen. A. J., ed. . . 4795~9 rears in Wall St. Fowler, W. W. . . 33'7-35 11s in Washington. Hudson, Mrs. Mary (Clemmer) TEN years of missionary work among the In- dians at Skokomish, Washington terri- tory. Eells, M 26797-3 Ten years of my life. Salm-Salm, A{ princess S02B2 Tl N years on the Euphrates. Wheeler. C. H 2656-93 TEN. 1248 TENNYSON. Ten years with the spiritual mediums. Fair- field, F. G 175-35 Tenace, Major — . Hand-book of whist and ready reference manual of the modern scientific game. X. Y., 1885. 16 . . . 788-8 Tenant house. Duganne, A. J. II. Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Bronte, Anna. Tenants of an old farm. McCook, H. C. . 5957-6 Tenby, England. Forde, H. A. Black and white, pp. 86-101. Seaman's mission. 263-35 Tench, Watkins. Redding, C. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 3. pp. 259-278 411-87 Tencin, Claudine Alexandrine C.uerin de, French politician, b. 1685-1/. I 749- Kav- anagh, J. French women of letters, pp. 136-158 4184-5 Teneriffe. Auhertin, J. J. Six months in Cape Colony and Xatal. pp. 243- 2S0 468-16 — Benjamin. S. ( ;. YV. World's paradises. pp. 188-198 439-17 — See a/so Canary islands. Teniers, David, Dntcli painter, b. \b\Q-d. 1690. Tervis, Lady J. W., tr. Stories of boy genius from the lives of great painters, pp. 148-160 4174-5 Tennemann. Wilhelm Gottlieb, German philosopher, 6. ij6l-d. 1819. Manual of the history of philosophy: tr. by A. Johnson : rev. and continued by J. R. Morell. L., 1870. 12° 141-88 Tennent, Sir Jas. Emerson, Irish traveler, h. iSo4-. 1740-0'. 1777. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 115-120. . . . 4121-45 TENNENT, Rev. Wm. McKay, />. 1741-rf. 1810. Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clerg\ of the revolution, pp. 376-381 4121-45 111 Carpenter, W. H. History of Tennessee. 1854 985S-3 Gilmore, J. K. Rear-guard of the revo- lution. 1886 9756-45 Hughes, T. Rugby, Tennessee. 1881. 4768-4 1 :y,J.G.McG. Annals of Tennes ee, to the end of the 18th century. 1853.. 9858-7 twell, G. S. Speeches and papei re lating to the rebellion. pp. 442 447 , • 9S08-2 1 in- < eral stales, pp. 174 3463-3 I R [Edn 1 Kirke, pseud.) Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Richmond. i 1 - V\ G B A. Johnson. J. Sevier. Tennesseean abroad. MacGavock, R. W. 439-6 f/ENNESSJ 1 an in Persia and Koordistan : be- ing scenes and incidents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea. Marsh, D. W. 2656-57 Tenney, E. P. Agamenticus. B., 1878. 16 . — Coronation : a story of forest and sea. B. , 1S77. 16°. Tenney, Rev. Herbert Melville. Christian science, its truth and errors. Cleveland, 18S8. 16° 172-87 TENNEY, Sanborn, Am. naturalist, b. iSiJ-d. 1877. Elements of zoology. N.Y., 1876. 12 590-8S — Geology. Phila., i860. 12 . Same, 1866. 550-9 — Natural history: manual of zoology for schools, colleges, and the general reader. X. Y., 1S69. 8°. Same, 1873. • • • 593-89 — and Tenney, A. A. (G.) Xatural history of animals. X. Y., 1S69. 16 . Same, 1872. 12° 590-9 Tenney, AbbyAmy (Gove), wife of preceding. Pictures and storiesof animals for the lit- tle ones at home. 6v. X.Y.,1868. 16 . Sea stars, jelly fishes, sea anemones and corals 593~9 Sea, land and river shells 594~77 Insects, crustaceans and worms 595—9 Reptiles and fishes 597-8 Birds 598-86 Mammals 599-87 Tenney, Wm. Jewett, Am. author, b. 1S14- d. 1S83. Military and naval history of the rebellion in the United States; with biographical sketches of deceased officers. N. Y., 1866. S°. Same, 1S67. . . . 9781-92 Tennis. Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill. 1S85 793-6 — Campbell, H. American girls' home-book. pp. 151-161 786-24 TENNYSON, Alfred, baron, poet-laureate, b. 1809. Poetical works. 11, 1SS0. 12°. UStt j; — Becket. L., 1884. 12 881C26 — Cup and the falcon. X. V., 1884. 12°. 881C3 — Enoch Arden. B., 1S67. 16 881(4 — Enoch Arden and other poems: ed. with notes by W.J. Rolfe. I!., 1887. 16°. 881C41 — Gareth and Lynette. B., 1872. 12 . . . SS1C5 — Harold: a drama. I!., 1877. 12°. . . . 881C6 Holy Grail, and other poems. B., 1S70. 12° 881C7 — Idyls of the king. P.., 1S60. 12°. . . . 8S1C8 — Last tournament. B., 1S72. 12°.. . . 881C9. 1 ocksley Hall, sixty years after. I.., [886. 12° 8S1C93 P .1 medley. B., 1S55. 12°. . . 88 si 1 Queen Mary; a drama. B., 1875. I2 °- 882C2 — Tiresias, and othei poems, n, t. p. 16°. 882C4 Voung people's Tennyson : ed. with notes byW. J. Rolfe. B., 1886. 16°.. . . 881C23 TENNYSON l ERH I i ntinued. i . ■ ■ 1 1 i .1 I l i [ n i 'in. its purposi .... B w .... w I Ufrt ■ l. in". 881 — Bayne, P. 1 pp, 50-145 1 ki ' . '.'1 Poel I problem pp. 55 169 1 ,■ , : mastei Cat tlj "ii .in! I' 11 I. in 804-2 Devey, J. Comparal 1 1 11 Engli ii poel . pp. 875 136. . . 821-3 I'n it. Mi 1 1 . 1 1., ( 1 lye Huntingb >n, pseud.) Stoi ie ol greal men, pp, 1 1 5— I'.. 410-585 — Friswell, J. M. Modern men ol 1 pp. ' 17 156 804-38 ( nihil. in, G. Mi "Li n literature. pp. 192-206 4'8-43 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past \. 2. pp. 131-179. Review. . 1 ' I 1 Gri « ..l.l, 1 1. T. Home life of great authors, pp. 107 206 418-45 I ladle) . I . I ays. pp. 296 ;j \. Re- 450E1 — Hale, II.- I ights of two cen- turies, pp. 495-5°4 410-536 — Hallam, A. II. Remains in verse and pp. 42.) I I I ! (sill 1 1.1 .... 11 .1. A. 1 in ii,. ■■ men and writers, v. 2. pp. 305-359 4 IO -55 Heywood, J. C. Hov tl \ strike me, 1I1,. [26-147. An over- rated poet 804-47 — Home, l\. II. New spirit of the age. PP- 193 - IO 4182 45 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts ol the British 1 >el . v. 2. pp. 513 532. . . 41S21-4 — Kingsley, C. Raleigh and his time. pp. '77 195 Stedman, E. C, \ ictorian poel pp. i5o- 2 33 82*1-85 — Verey, J. Open air. pp. 171 1S2. . . 914] 1 Y\ ,l.|i, W. S., iWm. Shepard, pseud.) Pen picl u < odern au ■ hi n >. pp. 71 s 5 4IS-95 — Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. •■ pp- .;.; s 346 pi • Tenot, Pierre Paul Eugene, French journal- ist, b. 1839. I *.: 1 i - in December, 18 or, the Coup il' etat of Napoleon III: tr. with notes by S. W. Adams and A. H. Bran. I, .11. \. Y . . 1870. 1^ 94472-8 Ii \i in the notch. Kami, E. A 767A2 Ii -.1 life in Siberia. Kennan, G 45 2 9 5 lt\i life in tlie Holy land. Prime, W. 1 i on the beach, and other poems. Whit- tier, I.e. 949C2 1 1 1 \ Chautauqua. Bisbi . Mariana M. 160A5 TENT work in Palestine. Cornier. C. K. . . 45S-24 1 ■, ' impbell, J. ' luel jii 152. ... 1 1 1 -■ t ..at Stony beat It. . in K Henry. Knight, ' hours with the best letter writ! auto!. er. I. pp. 215-226. .1, Dutch paint- er, /'. about 101 j ,/. 1681. Gower, K. Figui 1 Hand. pp. 14 20 .1 1 . rentius A/er), Roman n poet, b. 195 B. C.-J. 158. Come- dies and the fables of Phaedrus : tr. English prose, with 1 I . Riley, in which is added a men translation of Phsedru-, 1 art. L-, 1853. 12° 8725-7 Contents. — Comedies 0/ Terence: An.i: or, the fair Andrian.— Eunuchus ; or, the eunuch. — llcut. ntimoriuncnos ; or, the self- tormentor. — Adclphi ; or. ttie brot the mother-in-law, — Phonnio ; or, the patasite. — The fables 0/ PhirJ' — Collins, \V. I.. Plautus ami I Spanish Mini, />. 1 5 Kavanagh, J. Women ol ' tianity. 'p. 115- 12; | TERHl Marj Virgini; (Marion Harland, /scud.), Am. until, 1830. Alone. N. \ 12°. — At last. N. , 12 . kfast, luncheon and tea. \. Y. 12 in the household : a ual of practical housewifery. N. V'., 1S71. 12= .- in the 11 111 very. N. Y., 1883. 12° age kitchi ' tical and inex| N. Y., 1883. 12° — Dinner year bo k, N. Y., 187! 12 ;i 47 — Empty heart; or, hu-k^. N. Y.. 12°.' — Eve's d; maid, wife and mother. N. Y.. 1 12° '■'-'• 4 — From my youth up. X. Y.. 187 .;. 12 . — Handicap.; ed, N. Y., 1881. 1 .' — Helen Gardner's wedding da; one attle sum- mer. N. N .. 1883. 12°. — Hidden path. N. Y., 1883. 12 . — Jessamine. N. Y., 1883 12°. — Judith: a chronicle of old Virginia. Phila., 1SS3. 12°. — l.oiterings in pleasant paths. \. Y., t; 440-45 TERHUNE. 1250 TEXTILE. TERHUNE, Mis. Mary V. (H.), continued. — Miriam. N. Y., 1S75. I2 '- — Moss-side. N. Y., 1884. 12 . — My little love. N. Y., 1878. 12°. — Nemesis. N. Y., 1S74. 12°. — Round hearts and other stories. N. Y., 1871. 1 6° 455A8 Contents. — Roundhearts. — The Christmas sis- ter. — The boy regiment. — Willy Collins. — Ruby's husband. N. Y., [869. 12°. — Sunnybank. X. Y., 18S3. 12 . — True as steel. N. Y., 1S33. 12 . — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 563-567 4«8l-3 TERRA-cotta. Davis, C. T. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc. pp. 294-326. 6663-37 TERRA-cotta bust. Johnson, Virginia \V. In Lippincott's magazine, Nov., 1887. Terra Maria' ; or, threads of Maryland colonial history. Xeill, E. D 9S42-71 Terrace of Mon Desir. Meissner, S. (R.) de. Terrible coward. Fenn, Geo. M. Terrible temptation. Reade, Clias. Terry, Alfred Howe, Am. general, i. 1S27. Headley, I. T. Grant and Sherman; their campaigns and generals. pp. 5 2 °-5 2 7 4122-4 Terry, Ellen, Eng. actress, b. 1848. Mat- thews, J. B. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 249-264. . . 4179-6 Terry, Rose. See Cooke, Rose (Terry). Terry, Samuel H. Retailer's manual : con- clusions of thirty years' experience in merchandizing. Newark, N.J. ,1869. 12°. 658-8 Tertullian, [Quintus Septimius Florens Ter- tullianus), Latin Father, //. about 1 60. Writings. 3 v. tr. by S. Thelwall and 1'eter Holmes. [Ante-Xicene Christian library, v. 11-15-18.] 2813-9 — Five books against Marcion : tr. by Peter Holmes. [Ante-Xicene Christian lib- rary, v. 7.] 2813-41 — Neander, A. Antignostikus; or, spirit of Tertullian. With History of the planting and training of the Christian church. . 2701-55 I 1 ISA Wadsworth's discipline. Conklin, Mrs. Nathaniel. I; 1 spelling book. Henkle, W. D. . . . 1171-43 I 1 1 A.MENTS of the twelve patriarchs: tr. by R. Sinker. [Ante-Xicene Christian li- brary, v. 22.] 2813-58 Testimony of an escaped novice from the rhood of St. Joseph. Bunkley.J. M. 27197-2 I i.vi iMi.NY of Christ's second appearing. Published by the Shakers 2898 ; I 1 riMONY of the catacombs, and of other tuments of < Christian at 1 from the 2d to the 18th century, concerning ques- ine now disputed in the Church. Marriott, W. I: 2829-53 Testimony of the rocks. Miller, Hugh. . 5501-5 Tktlow, John. Progressive series of induc- tive lessons in Latin. B., 18S4. 12 .. 126-9 Tetuan, Morocco. Romer, Mrs. I. F. The Rhone, the Darro and the Guadalquiver. pp. 299-332 446-78 TEUFFEL, Wilhelm Sigismund, German schol- ar, b. 1820-1/. 1878. History of Roman literature: tr. by Wilhelm Wagner. 2 v. L., 1873. 8° 8709-9 Teutonic mythology. Grimm, J. L. . . . 295-4 Teverbaugh, S., joint author. Horton, J. H. and Teverbaugh, S. History of the eleventh regiment Ohio volunteer infan- try 9796-4 Texar's revenge ; or, Xorth against South. Verne, Jules. Texas. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch in Kansas, Colorado, Indian territory and Northern Texas. 1S84 4781-2 — Baker, D. W. C. Brief history of Texas. 1873 9854-2 — Bancroft, H. H. History of the north Mexican states and Texas. 18S3. . . . 99001-2 — Bartlett, J. R. Personal narrative of ex- plorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihua- hua. 1854 47S9-2 — Custer, E. B. Tenting on the plains; or, Gen. Custer in Kansas and Texas. 1887. 266B75 — Kendall, G. W. X r arrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition. 1S55 4789-6 — McCook, H. C. Natural history of the agricultural ant of Texas. 1882. . . 59593-6 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. 4764-7 — Sweet, A. E. and Knox, J. A. On a Mex- ican mustang. 1SS3 4764-8 — Young, M. J. Familiar lessons in Botany. [Flora of Texas]. 1873 580-98 — Brockett, L. P. Our western empire. pp. 1120-1153 478-19 — Channing, W. E. Works, v. 2. pp. 181-260. Annexation of Texas. . . . 20S-17 — Choate, R. Addresses and orations, pp. 334-356. Annexation of Texas. . . . 815-23 — Giddings, J. R. Speeches in Congress. pp. 97-147. Annexation of Texas. . . 815-4 — Powers, S. Afoot and alone; awalkfrom sea to sea by the southern route, pp. i33->5 2 473-/6 Wells, D. A. Practical economics, pp. 1-20 33°4-9 2 WiImmi, 11. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. v. I. pp, 5S6- 651 3 2 69-9 — See aho South. Also Lives of David Crockett. Sain Houston. Textile fabrics. Ashenhurst, T. R. De- sign in textile fabrics. 1883 745'~ 2 TEXTILE. 1251 — THA( K.ERAY. Textile fabrics, continued. Rock, D, Textilefal rii \i j6 Kensington Mu eum arl h 1 bo 'I | , 7451 7 — Schoenhof, J. The industrial situ pp [8-82 33 6l "74 1 11 11 in ]-. Mai y P. ind prairie. B., 1877. 16°. Thackeray, Wm. Mai ng. author, i. 1811-V. i86j. Adventun 1 Philip, lu which is prefixed A shabby genteel 1 v. 1... iS7y. 12°. — Ballads. I!., 1856. 12° Ballad ind tales. Phila., 1872. 12°. . — Bonk ol mob .. N. V., 1859. 12°. — Bonk ol nobs and other stories. N. V., n. d. 12°. Contents. — Hook of snobs. — Sketches and travels in London. — Charactei sketches. — Denis Duval. — Men's wives: The kavens- wing, M r and Mrs Franl ■ tints Haggarty's wifi Stories : The liedford row 1 tttle dinner at Timmins's. — The f.it.il b — Catherine and othei I'.. 1S72. 12 . Contents. — Catherine. — Lovel the widower. —Denis Duval. Balls inc wolves and the laml I riti ll reviews. — Little travels and ket< lies. — Christmas books ol Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Ik. 1S72. 12°. Contenti Mrs I'crkin's ball. — Our street. — Dr. I'm : ! lis youngfricniU ["he Etickle- burys on the Rhine. — The rose and the ringj or, the history of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. — Collection of lettei ol ["hackeray. 1S47- 55. N. V., 1.SS7. 8° 882B2 — Contributions to " Punch (not previous- ly reprinted.) I.., 1886. 12 S28-892 — Denis Duval and other stories. B., 1S72. 12°. Contents. — Denis Duval. — Lovel the widow- er. — Stories: The Bedford row conspiracy. — Little dinners at Timmins's. — The fatal boots. — Doctor Birch and liis young friends. N. \ ., 1S57. 12 SS2A1 — Early and late papers. B.. 1867. 12 . . 828-891 — English humorists of the 18th century. Leipzig, 1853. 16 . Same. 1... 1S66. 828-893 Contents. —Swift. — Congrcve and Addison. — Steele. — Prior, Gay and Pope —Hogarth, Smol- lett and Fielding. — Sterne and Goldsmith. — Charity ami humor. — Four Georges: sketches of manners, morals, court ami town life. X. Y., IS60. 12° 4IIII-85 — Four Georges ami Lovel the widower. . 41111-S51 — Four Georges ami English humorists of the 18th century 41111-852 — Henry Esmond and Lovel the widower. Ik. 1874. 12 . — Irish sketch book. 2v in 1. Leipzig, 1872. 16°. — Memoirs of Barry Lyndon and other stories. N. Y., n. d. 12°. Thackeray, Wm. M., continued. Contenti written by himst - I - ■ I — Rebcccii mancc. — Hi .-du- tion.- ' M I re- 1 1885. 12° Cent (views. — Tales : '. prof- 1 Bluebeard's ghost. — Lect- ure : I ... letters, , etc. Miscellanit pro e and vei e. 4 v. Phila., 1868. 12°. Contents. — v. i. Ballads. — B — Tremendous adventures of Mi I .11. — Fatal boots. — Cox's diary. V. 3. M ■'( Mr J.C. Vcllowplush. — Diary ofC Jeames de la etch- es and travels in London. — Novels by eminent hands. — Character sketches. v. 3. Memoirs 1 l:.irry Lyndon, Esq. — Le- gend of the Rhine. — Rebecca and Rowcna. — Little dinner .it Timmins's. — The Bedford row conspiracy. v. 4. The Fitzboodlc papers. — Men's «r. — A shabby genteel story. — History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond. — Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town; with proser and other paj X. V., 1S53. 12° 828-89 — Xew comes: memoirs of a most respecta- ble family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, 1 sq. I... 1S7S. 12 . — Paris sketch book. 2 v. in 1. X. V., 1865. 16 . — I'aris sketch book and other stories. X. V., n. 4. 12°. Contents. — Paris sketch book of Mr. M \ Titmarsh. — Memoirs of Mr. Charles J Yc plush.— Irish sketch book. — Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. — Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy. Ik, 1871. 12°. — Roundabout papers and other stories. Phila., 1S72. 12°. Contents. — Roundabout papers. — Second fu- neral of Napoleon. — Samuel Titmarsh, and the great Hog- garty diamond. Memoirs 1,1' Mr. C. J. Vellowplush and Burlesques. B . 1 12°. — Second funeral of Xapoleon. Sec Round- about papers, pp. 375 428. — Student's quarter ; or. Paris five and thirty years since. L. 12° 4443-S — Thackerayana : notes and anecdotes. X. V.. 1875, 12 828-S98 — Vanity fair: a novel without a hero. X. V. I-' . THACKERAY. 1252 THARIN. Thackeray, Wm. M., continued. — Virginians: a tale of the last century. N. V. 12°. — George de Barnwell. /» Travesty. [Treas- ure trove series.] — Nil nisi bonum. In Prose masterpieces. v. I. pp. 177-192 808-7 — Painter's bargain. In Burlesque. [Treas- ure trove series.] — Poems. In Jones, C. H., ed. Vers de societe. pp. 95-113 8096-45 — Hotten, J, C, (T. Taylor, pseud.) Thack- eray the humorist and the man of letters. 8S2B3 — Rideing, W. H. Stray moments with Thackeray 828-899 Thackeray's London: his haunts and scenes of his novels 882B2S — Trollope, A. Thackeray 8S2B4 — Bayne, P. Essays, v. 1. pp. 363-392. 139E6 — Brown, J. Spare hours. v. 2. pp. 227-323 1S8E2 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 224-228 412-25 — Dix, J. Lions; living and dead. pp. 204-219 410-4 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. PP- 13-37 41S-4 — Freeman, J. E. Gatherings from an art- ist's portfolio, ser. 1. pp. 35-54. . . 704-35 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. pp. 218-233 418-431 — Godwin, 1'. Out of the past. pp. 326- 34° 430E5 — Griffin, G W. Studies in literature, pp. 234-238 S04-4 — Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors, pp. 322-2,34 4'8-45 — Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. 257-268 4IO-536 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 37O-407 4IO-597 — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter writers, etc. v. I. pp. 351-367. Fielding and Thackeray 826-54 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 1-9 804-56 Maceuen, M. Celebrities of the past and present, pp. 205-208 410-68 Mason, E. T., ed. Personal portraits of British authors, v. 4. pp. 257-314. . 4182-56 Parton, J.,ed. Princes, authors, etc. pp. 52-56 410-83 Reed, W. P>. Among my books. pp. 199-2H 783E1 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists, pp. 1-56 804-8 iddard, R. H., ed. Anecdote biogra- phie "i 1 hai 1 eray and 1 >icken s. pp. 1-196 4182-86 Thackeray, Wm. M., continued. — Walsh, W. S., (Wm. Shepard, pseua.) Pen pictures of modern authors, pp. 294-320. 418-95 — Whipple, E. P. Character and charac- istic men. pp. 197-217 946E4 THADDEUS of Warsaw. Porter, Jane. Thalaba. Church, A. J. Stories of the magicians, pp. 1-116 3855-3 Thalaba the destroyer. Southey, Robert. Works, v. 4 844C4 THALATTA ! or, the great commoner : a po- litical romance. L., 1862. 16°. Thalberg, Sigismund, Genevese pianist, b. i8t2-«73- 1 6° 47429-8 — Cruise of the" Mystery "and other poems. B., 1S86. 16° 882C9 — Poems. 15., 18S4. 16 — Poems for children. I!., 1884. 8°. . . . 883C2 — Parton, J. Noted women, pp. 159-171. 413-63 ThaYBNDANEGEA. See Hunt, J. THAYER, Ella Cheever. Wired love: a ro- mance of dots and dashes. N. Y., 1879. 12°. I iiayer, Gideon F. Barnard, H., ed. Ed- ucational biography, pp. 218-226. . . 4157-2 Thayer, Joseph Henry, Am. biblical scholar, 6. 1828. Criticism confirmatory of the Gospels. In Boston lectures, 1871. pp. 324-402 239-2 Thayer, Wm. Makepeace, Am. author, b. 1820. From log-cabin to White house: life of Jas. A. Garfield ; boyhood, youth, manhood, assassination, death, funeral; with eulogy by Hon. J. G. Blaine. I!., 18S5. 12 . Same, 1886 404B9 — Good girl and true woman; or, elements of success drawn from the life of Mary Lyon and other similar characters. 1!., '864. 12° 594B41 — Poor boy and merchant prince: life of Amos Lawrence, n. t. p. 16 . . . . 559B3 — Tact, push and principle. B., 18S0. 12 . 194-9 — Youth's history of the rebellion. 4 v. B., 1S64. 16 978-9 Contents.— v. i. From the bombardment of Fort Sumter to the capture of Roanoke island. 1 11 \\ 1 r, \\ in. '.: mtinued. v 1 Prom th the I v. j From the battle I the Pillow, VI — Native wines, In I 1. 198-85 I MAY! 1 , Win. S. SI eti hof John Jay. In Komi of An |ia-S3 1 11 1 1 1 , ' I i in South Africa ; or, M heir leaving th lony to the acknowl- edgment of ih, by Great tin. L., 1887. 8° 968-8 — Kaffir folk-lore; or, a selection from the traditional tales current among the peo- ple living on the Eastern border of the • ape Colony; with explanatory notes. L. 8° "... 3868-8 Thearle, Samuel J. P. Naval architecture: a treatise on laying off and building wood, iron, and composite ships. \. V., 1S73. 16 1 1 ki s. See Actors and acting. THEBAUD, Augustine )., Am. A'. C. man, b. 1807-1/. 1S85. Irish race in the past and present. X. X ., 1873. I2 °- • 941-8 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 13. pp. 547-566. Review 818-27 Tin 1 1 a; or, the malediction. La Grange, A. K. Tin in, Marion Fosbroke. What she did with her life. L., 1S71. 12° 882A9 "Their Majesties' servants." Doran, J. . 7S2-35 Their pilgrimage. Warner, C. D. Their wedding journey. Howells, \Y. D. . F. E. Scientific theism. 1886 201 — 1 — Birks, T. R. Modern physical fatalism ami the doctrine of evolution. 1876. . 16S6-24 Bowne, B. P. Philosophy of theism. ■887 201-14 Studies in theism. 1SS0 201-15 — Braden, C. Problem of problems. 1S77. 239-22 her, B. F. Theistic conception of the world. 1S75 201-2 — Flint, R. Theism. [Baird lectures, 1876.] 201-2S - Fiske, I. Idea of God as affecte modern knowledge. 1886 210-31 — Gillett, E. H. God in human thought. 2 v. 1874 201-32 Moral system. 1874 1 — Hahn. A. Arguments for the existence of God. 1885 2°l-43 — Him-. S. Philosophical basis of theism. 1S ^; -o'-45 — Janet, P. F'inal causes. iSS; 1404-5 — Tail. J. Mind in matter, n. d 201-S3 THEISM. — 1254 — THEOLOGY. Theism, continued. — Van Dyke, J. S. Theism and evolution. 1886 215-92 — Winchell, A. Doctrine of evolution. 1874. 214-97 — Bartol, C. A. Radical problems, pp. 119-152 138E3 — Mill, J. S. Three essays in religion, pp. 125-260 204-62 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 257-299. 884E5 — See also Atheism. Philosophy. Theol- ogy. - Theosophy. Thekla: a story of Viennese life. Arm- strong, W. Themistocles, Athenian statesman, b. about 514 B. C.-d. about 449. Cox, G. W. Greek statesman, pp. 129-194. . . . 4102-3 — Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles, v. I. . 91S4-5 — Plutarch. Lives. [Various editions.] — Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes, pp. 236-251 2901-8 Theobald, R. M., ed. Dethroning Shakes- peare: a selection of letters contributed to the Daily Telegraph. L., 1888. 12 . 8238-8 Theocritus, Greek poet, 3d century B. C. Calverley, C. S., tr. Theocritus, trans- lated into English verse 8846-3 — Banks, J. Idylls of Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. pp. 1-301 8846-2 — Dryden, J. Poetical works, v. 3. pp. 124-151 295C2 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 1. pp. 273-304 87001-3 — Landor, W. S. Pentameron. pp. 301-324. 828-588 Works, v. 8. pp. 357-378 82S-58 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors, pp. 130-139 S04-56 Theodicy. Hinton, J. Mystery of pain. 216-41 Theodora, empress of the East, d. 548. Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits, pp. 183-190 410-19 Theodore, king of Abyssinia, b. about 1820- d. 1868. Hotton, J. C, ed. Abyssinia and its people, pp. 230-246 4°3-45 Theodore; or, the skeptic's conversion. Wette, W. M. L. de. ■ TllKODORET, bishop of Cyrus, b. about 390-1/. 457. History of the church from 322 to 427. L., 1854. 12°. With Evagrius. History of the church from 431 to 594. 2702-9 THEODORIC, or Tlieoderic, (Dietrich), the great, king of the Ostrogoths, b. 455-rf. 526. Kingsley, C. Roman and the Teuton. pp. 134-15' 921-5 — See also Goths. Nibelungen lied. THEODORUS. The new reformation : a narra- tive of the old Catholic movement from 1870 to the present time ; with an histor- ical introduction. L., 1875. 8°. . . . 2848-8 THEOGNIS, Greek poet, supposed to have lived about B. C. 440-500. Works: tr. into English prose, by J. Banks and into English verse, by J. H. Frere. In Banks, J., tr. Works of Hesiod, etc. pp. 217-284 and 435-495 8836-2 — Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. . . . 8836-3 — Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. I. pp. 157-163 87001-3 — Frere, J. H. Works, v. 3. pp. 327- 435. Theognis vestitutus: personal his- tory of the poet reduced from an analy- sis of existing fragments 828-38 Theological seminaries. From the world to the pulpit. 1863 250-3 Theology, (in the sense of the doctrine of God in nature and revelation.) Sub-di- visions: I. Natural theology. 2. Re- vealed theology. 3. Miscellaneous topics. For discussions of the existence of God, and Speculative theology see Theism and Philosophy. For Theology in its broader sense as the science of re- ligion, including Comparative theology, see Religion. For Theological Ethics see Christian life. Ethics. /. Natural theology. — Burlamaqui, J. J. Principles of natural and politic law. 1859 3402-3 — Burr, E. F. Ecce ccelum. n. d. ... 523-2 Pater mundi. 2 v. 1S70-73 2398-2 — Butler, J. Analogy of religion. 1871. . 239-24 — Campbell, G. D. G., duke of Argyle. Reign of law. 1872 210-13 Unity of nature. 1884 210-14 — Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on natural history: its relations to intellect, taste, wealth, and religion. 1S60 59 OI -3 Lectures on natural theology. 1873. . 210-18 — Chalmers, T. Christian revelation, n. d. 2102-1S — Child, G. C. Benedicite: illustrations of the power and goodness of God. 1869. 210-19 — Cockburn, S. Laws of nature and the laws of God. 18S6 210-2 — Cooke, J. P. Religion and chemistry. 1880 2104-2 — Cummings, E. C. Nature in Scripture. 1887 210-22 — Davy, H. Consolations in travel. 1870. 210-23 — Duncan, II. Sacred philosophy of the seasons. 4 v. 1S55 210-26 — Drummond, II. Natural law in the spir- itual world. 1SS5 210-25 — Finlayson, T. C. Biological religion. 1885 210-3 — Grindon, 1,. II. Life: its nature, varie- ties and phenomena. 1S67 210-36 — Harris, J. Pie-Adamite earth, i860. . 210-38 THEOLOGY. — 1255 — THEOLOGY Theology, continued. Henslow, G I heoi v i .1 1 . olution of liv- ing things, 1S7 5 2IO-4 liii , I . 1 < 1 11 ique ■ il design-argu- ments. 1883 210-41 1 1 in , I . Man and his d « elling p [872 210-42 Hiti I :k, K. Ri ology. 2105-42 — James, II. Substance 11 1 ''5. 210-5 — Jam.- ., W. P. < rue • it purposi in na- ture. II. (1 5SI5-6 — McCosh, J. Christianitj and] ivism, 1871.. . 239-58 — McDonald, J. S. Vital phil iphy. 1S70. 210-55 1 cmillan, H. Bible teachings in nature. 1873 210-57 Mini ire. 1872 210-58 — Mivart, St. G. Lessons from nature as m tnifested in mind and matter. 1876. 210-62 — Nichols, J. K. Whence, what, where? 1883 218-67 — NonlhofT, C. God and the future life. 1884 210-66 — Paley, W. Natural theology, n. d. . . 210-69 — Picton, J. A. Mystery of matter. 1873. 210-71 Porter, C. T. Mechanics and faith. 1886 210-72 — Reynolds, J. W. Supernatural in nature. 1S80 210-74 — Seeley, J. R. Natural religion 210-81 — Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. 2 v. 1832-46 901-85 — Walker, J. B. God revealed in the pro- cess of creation and by the manifesta- tion of Jesus Christ. 1855 210-93 — Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural history. 1S56 2102-97 — Wilson, W. 1>. Foundations of religious belief. 1883 239-95 — Gillett, E. II. God in human thought. v. 2 201-32 — Gurney, E. Natural religion. /« Coan, T. M., ed. Questions of belief, pp. 82-128 204-18 — Hume, D. Dialogues concerning natural religion, v. 2. pp. 374-468 1S0-47 — See alio Bridgewater treatises. Creation. Evolution. Also Dick, T., Works. Re- ligion and science. 2. Revealed theology. — Hagenbach, K. R. History of Christian doctrines. 1SS0 230-3 — Hodge, C. Systematic theology. 3 v. ,8 73 ■ 23 5-5 — McElhinney, J. J. Doctrine of the church. 1S71 230-4 — Mulford, E. Republic of God. 1SS2. . 230-45 I heoi '".v, eon/in 1 I'. Rudiments of the I ii Ci iiipendium of evangel- ical theology. 1 87^ Shedd, W. G. T. H ; • • orthodoxy. 1886 23058-7 Ii, \\ ' ' light. 234-7 - Wai m, R, 1 ilogical institute v. 1S50 2307-6 — See a trine. Christianity. Theism. Trinitarianism. Unitarian- ism. The names of various Christian denominations. Also Works of O. A. Brownson. J. Edwards. J. Wesley. 3. Miscellaneous topics. — Brooke, S. A. Theology in the English poets. 1875 821-2 — Browning, H. B., ed. New theology. 1873 249-28 — Faber, F. \V. Thoughts on great mys- teries. 1880 234-4 — Gross, J. B. Teachings of Providence. 1876 234-44 — Hurst, J. F. History of rationalism. 1865 2119-44 — Miller, J. Fetich in theology. 1S74. . 234-6 — Moehler, J. A. Symbolism, n. d. . . 2827-5 — Munger.T. T. Freedom of faith. 1883. 252-68 — Plumer, W. S. Hints and helps in pas- toral theology. 1874 250-7 — Schaff, P. Germany ; its universities, theology and religion. 1857 2743-8 — Smyth, N. Orthodox theology of today. 1883 252-841 — Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ. 1872 232-88 — Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy. 2 v. 1S72. . . 274J 8 Note. — Professor Flint, (in the Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th ed.), treating theology in its broader sense as the science of religion, con- veniently divides it as follows : First; General theology, with the following sub-divisions: (a), History of religion, (b). Comparative theol- ogy, for both of which sec, in this catalogue, Retigion ; (c). Psychology of religion, for which see both Religion and Theism ; (d), Theological apologetics, for which see Theism, and also Christianity — evidences, as many Christian apologists seek to demonstrate the existence of God as fundamental to the defence of Chris- tianity; (e), Natural theology, for which see sub-division 1, in the foregoing ; if>, Theolog- ical ethics for which see Ethics. Sr. Christian theology, with the following sub- divisions: fa), Biblical history, see Bible; Ecclesiastical history, see Church history : Biblical theology; [d), History of Christian THEOLOGY. — 1256 — THIERRY. Theology", continued. doctrine, for both of which see sub-division a, in the foregoing ; (e), Symbolics, for which see sub-division 2, in the foregoing, and the sub- ject Creeds: (f), Biblical psychology, including what is taught in the Eible concerning the hu- man spirit, and Christian psychology, treating of the Christian life, both individual, for which see Christian life, and collective, for which see Christianity, and Church history; (g;. Chris- tian apologetics, for which see Christianity, evidences; (h), Christian ethics, for which see Christianity, Christian life, and Ethics. Theology of inventions. Blakely, J. .. . 210-11 Theophilus of Antioch. Writings: tr. by Marcus Dods. In Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library, v. 3. pp. 49-134. . . . 2813-87 Theophilus and others. Dodge, Mary (M.) Theophilus Trent. Taylor, Benj. F. THEOPHRASTUsSuch, Impressions of. Eliot, George 313E8 Theoretical navigation and nautical as- tronomy. Clark, Lewis 527-3 Theories of Darwin and their relation to philosophy, religion and morality. Schmid, R 214-8 Theory and practice of teaching. Page, D. P 371-73 Theory and practice of teaching. Thring, E 371-9 Theory of morals. Janet, Paul 191-52 Theory of our national existence. Hurd, J- c 3207-47 Theory of preaching. Phelps, Re-r. A. . . 251-76 Theory of the state. Bluntschli, J. K. . . 320-2 THEOSOPHY. Blavatsky, H. P. Isis un- veiled. 2 V. l882 212-11 — Britten, E. H., /;-. and ed. Ghost land. 1876 176-13 — Buck, J. D. Nature and aim of theoso- phy. 1886 212-12 Ci ok, Mrs. M. Idyll of the white lotus. 1884 212-19 Eight on the path. 1886 2i2->5 — Five years of theosophy. 1885 212-8 — Jennings, II. Rosicrucians. 8170. . . 3668-5 — Kuthumi. 1886 212-21 — Eight on the hidden way. 1S86. . . . 212-14 — Olcott, II. S. Theosophy, religion and occult science. 18S5 212-7 Pember, G. II. Earth's earliest ages. 1884 213-7 Sinnett.A.P. Occultworld. 1S84. . . 212-78 -Two Chelas, [pseud.) Man: fragments of forgotten history 212-63 — What is theosophy? by a fellow of the calsocietj 1 386 212-97 Origii . ■ li elop- nl of religious belief, v. 1. pp. 291-322 201-35 — Tulloch.J, : logy and Chris- tian philosophy, v. 2. pp. 303-409. . 2742-8 Theosophy, continued. — See Buddhism. Mysticism. Rosicru- cians. Also Life of J. Boehme. There is no hurry. Hall, Mrs. A. M. IF.) Willi Turns of fortune 450A4 There was once a man. Newell, R. IE, (Orpheus C. Kerr, pseud. ) Theresa, saint, Spanish nun, l>. 1515-*/. 1582. Brighanl, C. H. Memoir and papers. pp. 277-298 204-12 Theresa's journal. Pressense, E. F. L. 746A5 Thermodynamics. Eddy, H. T 5367-3 Thermometer. Home recreation and for- eign travel, pp. 36-48 604-4 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 6. pp. 145-160 603-4 — See also Heat. Physics. Thesaurus of English words. Roget, P. M. 114-7 These little ones. Walrond, D 922A4S Theseus, hero of Attica. Blackie, J. S. Lays and legends of ancient Greece. pp. 1 2 5 1 4 7 160C2 — Kingsley, C. Heroes, pp. 195-255. . . 2941-5 — Plutarch. Lives. [Vai ns.] — Smith, S. I'., d. Myth- and heroes, pp. 136-157 2901-8 THESMOPHORIAZ1 'phanes. Com- edies, v. 2. pp. 451-518 8824-4 THEURIET, Andre, Fr . b. 1833. Gerard's marriage. N. V., 1877. 12°. Thibaui', Anton Friedrich Justus. On pur- ity in musical art: tr. by W. H. Glad- stone. L., 1877. 12 771-8 Thibet. Hue, E. R. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 2 v. 1887. 265-45 Journey through Tartary, Thibet and China, in 1S44-46. 2v 451—5 — Gill, W. The river of golden sand. v. 2. pp. 76-248 . . . 45 J -4 Marl ham, C. R. Mission of George 1 1 , etc. pp. 1-210 4515-6 — See also China. THICKER than water. Payn, Jas. IN, V 1. Spain and the Spaniards. B., 1875. 12° 446-87 in the night. Spofford, Mrs. II. (P.) THIELMANN, Max von. Journey in the Cau- casus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia : tr. H 2 v. L., 1875. I2 °- 450-87 I 111 1 1 1. v, Jacques N las fVugustin, / historian, b. 1795-rf. '856. Formation and ] f the Tii I or, third 1 e in 1 ince: tr. by F. B. Well . 2 v. I.., 1S55. 12 32044-8 — History of the conquest of England by the Normans : tr. bj W. Hazlitt. 2 v. 1 1869 12 93«-8j ,!.,<;. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 214-219 4'°-35 THIERS. — '^57 — I iiki LEWOOD. i mi i Loui lolphe, - i f» ( h - i -,- ,/. is; 7. History ol Ll Frei 1 - 1 . dm.. 11 : 1 1 an 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li'-n ; fri 1 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 Shoberl. 4 v. Phil .844 N. Y., 1854 9444-9 1 ■ 1 ■., ever written. Its first volume 1 1 i,. politii .'1 pamphli 1 ftboul th< m, ai quonl ' f [XI ., h titioua value I ir] pi> tures of the ope 1 -J n ■■ of i he re vol ut iun. I pari , re tat in pet I 1 I rians, the Dii valu ■ Me." — A. P. White. Mi 1 1 ■. "i thi late and tin empire of France undt 1 N apoleon : tr. by I >. 1 1 i mpbell and 1 1. W. I In bei t. 5 v - [872-73. 8 C 9445- "Fori ■ ■ 11 hor- ity in France. It surrounds tlie age of N leon with a halo of glory. \ ■ rd of events it was not always careful, and it seems to be certain that the author was some 1 11 guilty of suppressing im] 1 1 ts that con- Ricted with] 1 theories. Beyond .ill doubt the writings of Thiers have had an ex- ceedingly pernii i e on the French people by means of their consummate flattery." — C. A". AH M ississippi bubble : a memoir <»i Law; to which are added authi iti counts «>f the I >arien South sea schemes: tr. and ed. by 1 . S. Fiske. N. V., 1859. 12 558B9 ■ V verj 1 tdable account of the life of Law, a clear statement of his Rnant ial scheme ai its results, and manj curious anecdotes illus- trative of the excitement of the times." — C. A" Adams, 1 e< ".ff, I". Life <. 1-68 410-55 — Headley, J. T. Miscellanies, pp. 1S5- 250. Review of French Revolution. . 460E4 ■ — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp.66-76. 4104-6 — Parton, I., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 331-335 410-S3 — Pressense, E. de. Contemporary por- traits, pp. 5-38 4104-77 5-S 1 [cinrii li W : /. /'■ I .. Mary D , 1 / tian trutl W. . -■:.' 11 Thing -'16-9 'I iiink and ai t. Pi tin 11 I . K . Thini [-1 , I • 'I'm. 1 i the I' elandei . La Mi itte 1 ouque, I ll- K. de. I 1111 1 WALL, Conn. 1]., ,/. 1S75. 1 1 Greece. 2 v. \. V., n. d. 8° • 1S-8 Contents. — v 1. To I!. C. 387.— v. 2. B. C. 3S7 to B. C. 146 ; with some notice of subsequent events. — Index.— [Appendices in each voh — Letters to a friend: ed. by A. P. Stanley. B., 1S83. 12° 882 — Stanley, A. P. Westminster sen. -' ^i-259. [Memorial sermon]. . 252-85 TH1RNYNGE, "Wm. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, chap. .; 4 11 Thirteen months in the rebel army. enson, W. G 9819-8 nine articles. ant Episcopal Church. TuiKTY-three years in Tasmania an Lloyd, G. T 4046-5 Thirty years in the Arctic regions : Sii Franklin's four expe seas. n. t. p. 16 40S-S9 Thirty years of army life on the border. Marcy, Randolph I! 478-605 Tim; 1 Y years since. 1 P. R. Thirty years' view : a history of the Am ican government. 1820-50. Benti n, 1. II 3207-2 Thirty years' war, 1618-164S. Gardi: R. Thirty years' war. 1S75. . . . lely, A. History of the thirty . war. 2 v. 1SS4 9434-43 — Schiller, J. C. F. von. History of the thirty years' war [Same]. In Works, v. I S36-2 — See also Germany. .-/.' John of Barneveld. Gustavus Adolphus. Wal- lenstein. Tills present world. Arnot, Wm 551 15 This son of Vulcan. Besant, W. •. .1. ThisTLKWOOD, Arthur, I . b. \~.~- -•'■■ 1820. Nei ene. v. Z. pp. 71-OI 4IO-S THIUSEN. - 1258 — THOMAS. Thiusen, Ismar. Diothas; or, a far look ahead. N. Y., 1S83. 16 . Thoburn, Jas. Mills, Am. M. E. bishop, b. 1836. My missionary apprenticeship. N. V., 1884. 12 . . . .' 2654-8 Tholuck, Friedrich August Gottreu, Ger- man theologian, b. 1799-r/. 1877. Doc- trine of inspiration. pp. 65-112. In Theological essays, by various authors. 204-67 — Fish, H.C. Pulpit eloquence, pp. 33-43. 2521-4 — Schaff, P. Germany; its universities, etc. pp. 278-294 2743-8 Thom, Wm. Dix, J. Lions; living and dead. pp. 146-171 4 IO ~4 : — Hood, E. P. Peerage of poverty, pp. 404-411 410-58 Thom, Wm. Taylor. Two Shakespeare ex- aminations; with some remarks on the class-room study of Shakespeare. B. , 1883. 16° 8236^84 Thomas, saint. Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didymus 2329-2 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 217-221 410-975 Thomas a Becket, saint, archbishop of Can- terbury, b. 1117-d. 1170. Froude, J. A. Life and times of Thomas Becket. . . 143B2 — Milman, H. H. Life of Thomas a Becket. 143B3 — Tennyson, A. Becket: a drama. . . . 881C26 — Adams, W. H. D. Great English church- man, pp. 62-162 4145-2 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors. v. 1. pp. 84-113. . . _ 411-25 ■ — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 4. pp. i->5° 383E2 — Lee, F. G. Historical sketches of the Reformation, pp. 119-170. St. Thom- as of Canterbury and the destruction of his shrine, 1 538 283-53 — Mason, J., cd. Great triumphs, pp. 1 25- 129 4IO-7 THOMAS aKempis, or Thomas Hamerken, German ascetic writer, b. about 1380-1/. 1471. Of the imitation of Christ. B., 1867. 16 240-83 — Hodgson, \V. Some of the reformers and martyrs [not] of the Lutheran Reforma- tion. «pp. 179-202 4143-44 Thomas, Annie. See Cudlip, Mrs. Amur (Thomas.) Thomas, Bertha. George Sand. B., 1883. [6°. I Kaniuih women rnes| 803II3 THOMAS, ('has. Louis Ambroise, French com- poser, b. 1811. Upton, G. P. The stand- ard Opi ' : . pp. 207-213 772-9 Thomas, Ebenezei Smith, Am. journalist, b. iyHo-d. 1844. Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years, commencing with the battle of Lexington; also, sketches of his life and 1 1 1 irtford, 1840. 12 . 884B6 Thomas, Edith Matilda, Am. author, 6. 1854. New Year's masque, and other poems. B., 1885. 12 884C5 — The round year. B., 1886. 12°. . . . 883E3 Thomas, Edward A. At sword's points. Phila., 1877. 12 . Thomas, Frederick Wm., Am. journalist, b. iSll-d. 1866. Poems. In Selections from the poetical literature of the west 8091-36 Thomas, (ieo. Henry, Am. general, b. 1816— d. 1870. Johnson, R. W. Memoir of Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas 8S4BS — Van Home, T. B. Life of Major-General George H. Thomas 8N4II0 — Garfield, J. A. Works, v. I. pp. 643- 673 818-45 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 3 4-3i3 41231-4 — Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman. pp. 261-293 4122-4 — Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Union, pp. 172-279. . . . 4122-74 — Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections. pp. 58-88 4122-8 — See also Army of the Cumberland. Thomas, Mrs. Jane. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Wo- men of the American revolution, v. I. pp. 250-259 4121-35 Thomas, Jesse Burgess, D. D., Am. Baptist clergyman, b. 1832. Significance of the historic element in Scripture. In Bos- ton Monday lectures, 1S80-81. pp. 229-284 239-21 Thomas, John, Am. general, b. 1725-*/. 1776. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 321-322 4121-46 Thomas, John J., Am. agriculturist, b. 1S10. American fruit culturist. N. Y., 1875. 8° 634-9 — Farm implements, and the principles of their construction and use: an element- ary treatise on mechanics. N. Y, 1S54. 12° 6308-8 , ed. Illustrated annual register of rural affairs and Cultivator almanac, for 1857. Albany, 1857. 12° 6305-8 Thomas, Julian. Cannibals and convicts: notes of personal experiences in the western Pacific. L., 1886. 8°. ... 490-8 Thomas, Manila McCannon, Am. author, b. 1823. Captain Phil : a boy's experience in the western army during the war of the Rebellion. N. V., 1S84. 12 . . . 884A6 ["HOMAS, Milton. Profits and methods of fruit-raising. In Lindley, W. a«., Am. Con- rational clergyman, 6. 1&12. Moravian missions: twelve lectures. N. Y., 1S82. 12° 2634-8 Thompson, Benj., count Rumford, Am. scientist, /'. 1753-rf. I S 14. Ellis, G. E. Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford 798B3 Bigclow, J. Modern inquiries, pp. 90- 110 152E2 Caldwell, II. Art ofdoing our best. pp. 266-276 410-23 — Drake, S. A. Hisl irii fields and man- sions of Middlesex, pp. 427-433. The home of Rumford 98244 ; — Men who have made themselves. pp. •99-205 4IO-757 — Seymour, C. I!. Self-made men. pp. 238-252 410-92 — Sparks, J\, at. American biography, v. 15. pp. 5-216 412-86 Thompson, Rev. Chas. Delaune: the Eng- lish Baptist martyr. Phila., 1870. 16°. S85A1 Thompson, Daniel Pierce, Am. author, l>. i793- . Eliza J. (Trimble), temper- ance worker. I •> ter, Mt I II , 1 Huntington, pseud.) I remark- able women, pp. 84 XS 4«! 52 In 1 L W. Beaten path-; or, a woman's vacation. !'•., 1874. 12 . . . ., Emma. Biog. I er- vantes. /// Wit and wisdom of 1 Quixote, pp. xxi-xlv Thompson, Henry, British surgeoi l>iet in relation to age and activity. I.., 1887. 12° 613I-9 1 id and feeding; with an appendix. I.., 1880. 12 643-9 — (Pen Oliver, pseud.) Charley Kingston's aunt. I.., 1S85. 12°. Thompson, Hugh Miller, Am. /'. E. bishop, b. 1830. "Copy:" essays from an itor's drawer, on religion, literature, ' and life. Hartford, 1872. 8° 204-8S - World and the logos. N. Y., 1886. 8°. [Bedell lectures, 1885.] 2398-85 — Christian doctrine of prayer. /« Christian truth and modern opinion, pp. 43-68. 2398-25 Thomps I ph Parrish, Am. Car tional clergyman, b. I S 1 9—*/. 1S79. American comments on European ques- tions, international and religious. I;., 1884. 8° Contents. — Drift of Europe, Christian and social. — Paparchy and nationality.— Armament of Germany. — Intercourse of Christian with non-Christian peoples. — Concerning treaties as matter of the law of nations. — On international copyright. — Right of war indemnity. — Shall England side with Russia ?— What is science ? — What is religion ?— Christ, the church and creed. — Lucretius or Paul.— Final cause, a critique of the failure of Palcy and the fallacy of Hume. — Index. 1 hurch and state in the United States; with an appendix on the German popu- 1. B., 1873. 12 2577 v — Jesus of Nazareth : his life for the young. B., 1S76. 8° 2329-9 Man in Genesis and in geology; or, the biblical account of man's creation, test- ed by scientific theories of his origin and antiquity. X. Y., 1S70. 12° : — Theology of Christ, from his own words. N. Y., 1872. 8° 2 — United States as a nation : lectures on the centennial of American independ- ence. B., 1877. 8° 3207-8 — Moses. Boston lectin e . i s ;i 86-131. 239-2 Preface. In Murphy. J. G. Commen- ts y on Genesis 2231 1-7 Thompson, Julia Carrie. Aspenridge. Phila., 1S70. 16 — Trye's year among the Hindoos. Phila., n. d. 12 THOMPSON. 1260 — THOMSON. Thompson, L. S. Some reasons for teaching drawing. In Essays and addresses read before the N. E. O. T. A. pp. 295- 318 3706-6 Thompson, Lewis O., Am. Presbyterian cler- gyman, b. i839-., LL. IK, Am. M. E. bishop, b. iSio-r/. 1870. Letters from Europe, being notes of a tour through England, France and Switzerland ; with a preface by Bishop Morris : ed.byRev. D. W. Clark, D. D. Cinn., 1S56. 12°. 440-899 — Our Oriental missions. 2 v. Cinn., 1S70. 12° 265-8 Contents.— v . 1. India and China. — v. 2. China and Bulgaria ; with a biog. sketch of the author. — Miracles. In Ingham lectures 230 51 Thom on, Rev. J. Radford. Inspiration: a clerical symposium, pp. 1-22 2202-47 I hi 1, on, J. T. Some glimpses into life in the far East. I.., 1865. 8° 453-83 Sequel to Some glimpses into life in the fin East. I.., 1S65. 8° 453-84 Thomson, Jas., Scottish poet, i. 1700-1/. 17. |S. Poetical works. Leipzig, 1853. Hi°. 886C3 Same: with memoir by Sir II. Nicholas. 2 v. I:., 1854. 12 886C1 — Same: ed. by Charles Cowden Clarke. V Y. 8° 886C2 I he ''■< sons ; with critical observati 1 \ 11 . aul hoi im I I horn - n's| genius and character, and notes, explanatory and al. V i ., 1856. 12 . . . . 886C4 THOMSON. — 1261 — I HOI I in im 1 ontiuutd. 1 1 ■ im ture ol Engli h poets, pp. '77 831-45 1 1, a lit. W. Eminent British poets. 1. 1. pp. 237-257 41821-4 John on 1 lenl En v. 2. pp 1 ■. ir, M821 5 Ward, 1 . 1 1., id. English poel 1. ■ ■ ;. pp. 168-172 8092-9 Wilson, I. Recreations of Christophei North, pp 260 267 Thomson, John, Straits "f Malacca, Indo ( Inn. 1 and 1 'hina ; or, ion years' 1 1 . 1 adventures and ■ <■ idence abroad. N. V., >S75- 8° Thomson, John. Treatise on hat-making and felting, including a full exposition of (lie singulai .of fur, w ool, and hair. I'hil.i., 1868. 12°. Hound with Keene, I. B. Practical gauging. 659-5 Tiii imson, Joseph, S 1 B57. To the Central African lakes and back : narrative of the Royal Geographical East < in Mil Ah u an e\|icili- tion, 1878 80 ; with a short biographical notice of the late Mr. Keith Johnston. 2 V. B., l88l. 12° 4676-8 — Through Masai land ; a journey of explora- tion among the snow-clad volcanic mountain ge tribes of eastern equatoi ial Mini, being the narrati ■■ the Royal < ieographii al society's expedi- tion to Mt. Kenia and Lake Victoria Nyan/a, 1SS3 S4. 1'.., 1SS5. 8° 107S S5 THOMSON, Mrs. (Catherine (Byerley), (Grace Wharton, pseud.), Eng. author, b. 1S00- d. 1S62. Literature of society. 2 v. in 1. L., 1862. 12° 820-9 Memoirs of the Jacobites, 1715-45. 3 v. I ... 1S45-46. 8° 4112-S Contents. — v. 1. John Erskine, carl of Mar. — Jas. Radcliffe.carl of Dcrwentwater.— Master of Sinclair. — Cameron of Lochiel. v. 2. Wm. Maxwell, carl of Nithisdalc. — Win. Gordon, viscount Kcnnuire. — Win Mu: ray, marquis of Tullibardine. — Sir John Mai lean. — Rob Roy Macgrcgor Campbell. — Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. v. 3. Lord George Murray lis Drummond, duke of Perth.— Flora Macdonald.— Wm. Boyd, carl of Kilmarnock. — Chas. Ra — Memoirs ol Viscountess Sundon, mistress of li; Queen Caroline, consort 1 ieorge II. including letters from the most celebrated persons of her time. 2 V. I... 1S4S. 12° — nm/ Thomson, John Cockburn, (Grace and Philip Wharton,/..,;/,;'.) Queens of so. I . 1870. 12° 41; N Contents. — Sarah, duchess of Marlborough. — Madame Roland. — Lady Mary Worilcy Mon- I HOW (Catherine 1 < 1 , marq gu.- Man non. W n , and N. Y., 1 12°. Sami I 1 -07 1 1 :!,nts. — Gcoi ingham.- < I .<»nd, .01'! .lul, wits uinler Anne. — William CoDgreve. — Beau Nash. — Philip, duke of ft '-rficld — Scarron — I. a Rochcfoucauh and Saint-Simon. — Horace Walpole.— George Sclwyn. — Richard Brii Sheridan.— Beau Brummcll.—Thco.i' 1 — Sydney Smith. — Lord Mclcomhe. Thomson, Mortimer, (Q. K. P. Doesticks, 1'. B., pseud.), Am. humorist, b. 1X20W. 1875. Doesticks: what he says. N. V., 1S55. I2 ° Ili n.ry and records of the Elephant club. Phila., n. d. \(f 817-91 THOMSON, Spencer. Dictionary of don medicine and household surgery: rev. with addil Henry II. Smith. Phila., 1S77. *8° Wild flowers; where to find, and how lo know them ; with remarks on the 1 nomical and medicinal uses of our native plants. L., n. d. 16° 582-8 Thomson, W. Trouting trip to St. Ignace islands. In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney. A. X.. eds. Fishing with the By. pp. >■ 1-132 795*~ 6 Thomson, Wm., Eng. bishop, />. 1819. An outline of the necessary laws of thought: a treatise on pure and applied logic. X. V.. 1871. 12° 1S9-88 THOMSON, Wm. H. Great argumen; Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. N. V.. 1SS4. 8° 2203-S9 Thomson, Wm. McClure, D. /'., ./"/. man, b. 1806. Land and the Book. X. Y., 1S60. 12°. Same. 1S74 458-87 hern Palestine and Jerusalem. X. Y., 1880. S°. [v. 1. of the new editon of Land and the Book] 4: PHOMSON. Set also Thorn | Thorburn, Grant, Scottish- Am. writ 177;-:'. 1S63. Life ami writings. X. V., is;.-. 12 THORDSON, Lawman Sturla. Islendii S In Vigfuss 5 ^396-9 PHOREAU, Henry David. Am. author naturalist, b. 1817-*/. 1S62. Cape I B., 1S66. 16° 4- THOREAU. — 1262 — THORPE. Thoreau, Henry D., continued. — Early spring in Massachusetts; with intro- duction by H. G. O. Blake. B., 1881. 12 885E2 — Excursions. B., 1866. 12 S85E5 Contents. — Biographical sketch [of Thoreau], by R. W. Emerson. — Natural history of Massa- chusetts.— Walk to Wachusett.— The landlord. —Winter walk. — Succession of forest trees. —Walking.— Autumnal tints.— Wild apples.— Night and moonlight. — Letters to various persons. B., 1865. 12 . 885B3 — Maine woods. B., 1866. 16 . Same, 1871. Same, 1S72 4741-9 Contents. — Ktaadn. — Chesuncook. — Allagash and East Branch.— Appendix. — Summer: from the journal of Henry D. Thoreau: ed. by H. G. O. Blake. B., 1884. 12° 885E4 — Walden ; or, life in the woods. B.,1882.12 . 8S5E5 Contents. — Economy. — Where I lived and what I lived for. — Reading. — Sounds.— Solitude. — Visitors. —The beanfield.— The village.— The ponds.— Baker farm. — Higher laws. — Brute neighbors. — House-warming. — Former inhab- itants and winter visitors. — Winter animals. — The pond in winter. — Spring. — Conclusion. — Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. B., 1868. 12° S85E6 — Winter: ed. by If. G. O. Blake. B., 1888. 12° . . . . S85E65 — Yankee in Canada, with Anti-slavery and reform papers. B., 1866. 16°. . . 885E7 Contents. — A Yankee in Canada. — Anti-slav- ery and reform papers : Slavery in Mass. — Prayers. — Civil disobedience. — Plea for J. Brown. — Paradise (to be) regained.— Herald of Freedom.— T. Carlyle and his works.— Life with- out principle. — Weudell Phillips before the Con- cord Lyceum. — Last days of John Brown. — Resistance to civil government. In Pea- body, E. P., ed. -Esthetic papers, pp. 189-211 720E1 — Channing, W. E. Thoreau : the poet- naturalist 885B4 — Sanborn, E. B. Henry D. Thoreau. . . 885B5 — Alcott, A. B. Concord days. pp. 11-20. 114E2 — Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biograph- ical sketches, pp. 419-452 318E5 — Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks, pp. 163-1S4 4181-38 Lowell, J. K. My study windows, pp. 193-209 58.sE 4 — Stevenson, R. I.. Familiar studies, pp. 129—171 851 E2 THORNBURY, Geo. Walter, Eng. author, b. al', >nt 1828-*/. 1876. Buccaneers; or, the monarchy of the main. 1.. 12°. -Spain; past ami present. N. ¥"., i860. 12° 446-88 I ife of J. M. W. I urner. N. V., 1.S77. 12 897B4 — Turkish life and character. 2 v. 1,., i860. 12° 4496-87 Thorndai.e. Smith, W. Thorne, Eglanton. Coral and Beryl ; or, children of the kingdom. L., n. d. 12° 885A9 Thorne, Olive, pseud. See Miller, Olive Thorne. Thorne, P., pseud. See Smith, Mrs. M. P. (W.) Thorne, Wm. Henry. Modern idols: studies in biography and criticism. Phila., 1887. 12° 418-88 Contents. — Mathew Arnold. — Robert Brown- ing. — Ole Bull. — Robert Burns. — Thomas Car- lyle. — George Eliot. — George Sand. THORNET, Theresa A. Kate Comerford ; or, sketches of garrison life. Phila., 18S1. 12°. THORNHILL, Mark. The personal advent- ures of a magistrate during the rise, progress and suppression of the Indian mutiny. L., 1884. 8° 9544-8 Thornton, Bonnel, Eng. writer, b. 1724-a'. 176S. Essays. In British essayists, v. 25-26 184E1 Thornton, Geo. H. The modern sten- ographer : a complete system of light- line phonography. N. Y., 18S6. 12 655-9 Thornton, Henry. Bourne, H. K. F. Fa- mous London merchants. pp. 207- 230 41 1-2 Thornton, J. Quinn. Oregon and Califor- nia. 2 v. N. Y., 1864. 12°. . '. . . 479-9 Thornton, Matthew, Irish Am. patriot, b. iyi4-. 1S15-,/. 1878, probable author. Mastei house: a tale of southern life. N. V., l8S4- I2°- — Hoosier in search of justice. In Ma- "ii. E. T., <•. iyjo-d. 1844. Plon, E. Thorwaldsen; his life and works 885B8 Atkinson, J. B. Art tmir to northern capitals of Europe, pp. 46-81 7087-2 Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 22-27. ■ • 131E6 — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous, pp. 65-71 410-16 Dorenuis, S. II. C.reat lights in sculp- ture and painting, pp. 208-215. • • 4'7 _ 4 Edgar, J. <;. l'.oyhood of great men. PP.- J'7-J22 4IO-44 Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two cen luries. pp. 51-64 410-536 Tin unit 1 -hives. Cuyler, T. 1 241-34 Thoughts. Pascal, B. Thought-, letters and opuscules 208-7 Roux, J. Meditations of a parish priest. 844-75 THOUGHTS ami things at home and abroad. I'unitt, Elihu 195] 9 Thoughts on great mysteries. Faber, F.W. 234-4 Thoughts on men and things. Cooke. C. W. R 827-41 linn mils .hi personal religion. Goulburn, E. M 240-3S Thoughts on the services. Com-, a. C. . 26034-3 THOUGHTS upon government. Helps, A. . 320-45 Thousand a year. Bruce, Mrs. E. M. . . [89A2 Tin 11 s \m> and o':. English poetry. Mil .1 8092-62 THOl SAND and one gems of English p Mackay, ('...,/ S0S-55 Thousand islands of the river St. Lawn Hough, f. \'.., 1 in 1 1 \ 1 11 1 ican . .Hid threi I hmen. I'd 1, ' . I Tiiki 1 ! . Bright, .l/< . \. low, II. W. I in 1 1 1.1 ide . '. rlotte M. Three clerks. 1 rollope, Anthony! i in, W. H. G. 555 A77 id a dessert. Cruikshanl I in 11 English statesmen. Smith, Gold- win 4 1 1 94 Three eras in a woman's life. Arthur, I 11 1 1 iys on religion. Mill, J. S. . . . 2' THREE feather-. Iilack, Win. THREE generations. Emery, S. A. THREE good giants. See Rabelais, I'. Three guardsmen. Dumas, Alex. Three homes. Hope, 1 . T. I.. THREE hundred outlines of sermons on the New Testament. N. Y., 1883. 8°. . 251', | THREE hundred years ago. Kingston, W. H. lney). 481 A2 Thrown on the world. Hodder, E. . . . Thrown together. Montgomery, Florence. Thrupp, Joseph Francis. Anlient Jerusa- lem: a new investigation into the his- tory, topography, plan of the city, en- virons, and temple. Cambridge, 1885. 8° 22191-8 — and Espin, T. E. Commentary and crit- ical notes on Numbers. In Cook, F. C. Bible commentary 22313-2 THUCYDIDES, Greek historian, b. 460 PI. C.-d. about 400. History of the Teloponnesian war: literal version, from the text of Arnold, collated with Bekker, Goller and Poppo, by Rev. H. Dale. N. Y., 1861. 12° s — History of the Peloponesinn war: tr. by W. Smith. Phila., 1846. 8° S8S3-7 — Wheeler, J. T., ed. Analysis and sum- mary of Thucydides 8883-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 267-269 410-975 Thudichum, J. L. W. ntfrf Dupre, A. Treat- ise on the origin, nature and varieties of wine. L., 1872. 8° 6631-7 Thugs. Sleeman, W. II. Thugs, or Phan- sigars of India 3467-8 — Wright, C. and Brainerd, J. A. Historic incidents and life in India, pp. 129-156. 454-97 Thunder. See Lightning. Meteorology. . Thurber, Frank B. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 318-323 41247-3 Thurber, Geo., ed. Silos and ensilage: the preservation of fodder corn and other green fodder crops, bringing together the most recent information from various sources. N. Y., 1SS1. 12° 633-8 THURINGIAN forest. Taylor, 1>. At home and abroad, v. 2. pp. 203-285. . . . 439-87 Thurlow, Edward, Eng. politician, b. 1732- d. 1806. Brougham, II. Statesmen [of] the time of George III. v. I. pp. 74- 82 4I°-17 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors. V. 5. PP. 383-535 411-25 — Daly, J. B. Radical pioneers of the I Sill century, pp. Hl->53 937~3 — Foss, E. Memoirs of Westminster Hall. v. I. pp. 130-137 34> s -' 35 — Religious life and death of Samuel John- ion. pp. 274-2S3 517B48 THURMAN, Allen Granbery, Am. statesman, b. iSl3- Carroll, II. T\velve Ameri- cans, pp. 331-354 4'2-3 Thurston, Mrs. Laura M. (Hawley), Am. poet, b. iSl2-rf. 1842. Poems. A; Selec- tions from the poetical literature of the Wesl 8091-36 THURSTON. 1 265 — •| Ihl - Thursti .. Hi 1 aura M. (H.)i j |io. 1 i!i.i». 1.1 1. 1, and - 'i 1 1 Thurston, I oui e M. ' hildren of Amity 1 ourt. B., 1873. 16 888A1 — Home in the west. n. t. p. 16°. . . . 888A2 1 in 1 ton, Robert Henry, ./«/. engineer, b. 18 ;ii. 1 .hi 1 11 mm, ol mi trii and Id itish or I tailed State « eighl 1 and 1.1 nits. N. V., 1883. 8° 659-8 Growth of the steam engine. N. V ., [878. 12 . [International cientifii eries.] . 6211-83 — Treatise on frii tion and losl work in ma- chinery and millwork. N. V., 1886. 8°. 6218-84 THWAITES, Reuben Gold, Am. antiquary, 6. 1853. Historic waterways : six hundred miles ol 1 anoeing dow n the Rock, I and \\ is( nn^iii rivers. I 'hicago, 1888. 12°. 4775-8 — Biographical -.ketch of Lyman C. I '■ Madison, Wi ., 1887. 8° 412-91 THWARTED. Montgomery, Florence. . . . 641A1 Thwing, Carrie F. Butler, joint author. See Thwing, Chas. F. Thwing, Chas. Franklin, Am. clergyman, b. 1853. American colleges ; theirstudents ami work. N. V., 1878. l6° 3787-8 Reading of books; its pleasures, profits, and perils. B., 18S3. 16° 805-9 mill Thwing, Carrie F. Butler. The fam- ily: an historical ami social study. B., 18S7, 8° 321 1-8 Thymbra. Calvert, F. Thymbra, Hani Tepeh. /wSchliemann, II. Ilius. pp. 706-720 4026-7 Tiivnm . /.'/: Charles. Story of Herbert Archer. In Rainbow stories, pp. 145— 192 ... 763 \' Thynne, John, Lord. Stanley, A. 1'. West- minster sermons, pp. 307-31S. [Me- morial sermon] 252-85 THYNNE, Thos. Jesse, J. II. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 355-362. . . . 4II-58 — Walford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 1. pp. 263-273 4"-99 TlBBLES, Mrs. T. 11., (Bright eyes, pseud., Indian name, Inshtatheamba). Ploughed under: the story of an Indian chief told by himself; with an introduction, by Bright eye.. X. V.. 1SS1. 16 . — Ail ih ess. In Cook, J. Current religious perils, pp. 64-69 204-231 Tiber. Davies, W. The pilgrimage of the 1 ber. 1875 445--5 — Tilier ami the Thames; their associations, past ami present, l'hila., 1S76. S°. . 440-902 Tiberius, Claudius Nero, Roman emperor, b. B. C. 42 ./. A. D.37. Beesley, 1 S. taline, Clodius and Tiberius, pp. 85-1 13. 410; 2 Tibet. See Thibet. Ill:' III , Allni. , 55-,/. B. < 1 Eli Kelly, W. K., tr. V I Davies, J Ca 1 is ■ v >; 1 1 1 Elton, C. A. V. 2. pp. I49 lS'> 87OOI-3 I 1 1 1 , 1. 1 1 1 and force. In I . '. Half hour recreal r. 1. pp. 305-326. . . 501 \i In hborne ii ial. Rose, G., V sketi hley, .'.) Mrs. 1 the Tichbo defence 1 ., . I . of Westminster I [all. V. 2. pp. I-I02 3482-35 M irse, J. T. Famous trials, pp. 5-234. 3482-5 TlCKELL, Thos., Eng. poet, b. l686-r. J son. B., 1854. 12". Bound with Pat nell, T. Poetical works 7'5 r 1 — Essays. In British essayists, v. 15. . . 184E1 — Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 97-103 41821-5 TlCKNOR, Caleb !'»., Am. physician, b. 1805- d. 1840. Philosophy of living : or, the way to enjoy life ami its comforts. X. V., 1836. 16° 613-86 I11 i.i, Int. author, b. 1791— t/. 1871. History of Spanish literature. 3v. X. V., 1854 860-8 "Is everywhere regarded by sch standard authority. It is thoroughly pene- trated with the true Castilian spirit, an'i complete record of Spanish civilization, both social and intellectual, equally intcrcstr the general reader and to the student of history."— A. C. I,. Botta — Life of William Hickling Presc itt. Ii . 1864. i2 D 74S B S — Life, letters, and journals. 2 v. B., 1876. 8° 888B4 — Prescott, W. H. Miscellanies, pp. 639- 729. Review of Spanish literature. . . 744'-5 — Whipple, E. P. In Atlas essays, N PP- 15-35 4«8-I4 Recollections of eminent men. pp. 244-279 946E7 TlCKNOR, Wm. 1 (avis, Am. publisher, /'. 1S10- d. 1864. Derby, J. C, Fifty years an authors, etc. pp. 616-618 4181-3 i DEROGA. James, G. P. K. TlDBALL, John Caldwell, Am. general.! Reid.W. Ohio in the war. pp. 816-820. 9796-7 TimtALL, Mary Langdon. Barbara's vagar- ies. X. V., 1SS6. 12°. TIDES. Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. pp. 61-74. Giant tides of Fundy. — Lardner, D., ft/. Museum of science and art. v. 7. pp. 129-144 603-4 — Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 140-143 502-69 TIDES. 1266 TILLOTSON. Tides, continued. — See also Ocean. Physical geography. Tie and trick. Smart, Hawley. TlECK, Ludwig, German pott, b. 1773-rf. 1853. The fair-haired Eckbert : the trusty Eck- bert: the Runenberg: the elves: the goblet. In Carlyle, T., tr. Tales by Mus.eus, Tieck, Richter. v. 1-2. . . . 833-6 — Selections. In Mangan,J. Poems, pp. 105-110 610C1 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. I. pp. 243-250. 206E2 — See also Literature, German. TlEDGE, Christoph August, German poet, b. l752- TlLLINGHAST, Nicholas, Am. educator, b. \%o\-d. 1856. Barnard, H., ed. Edu- cational biography, pp. 439-456. . . 4157-2 TlLLOTSON, John, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1630-1/. 1694. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 6. pp. 239-246 411-65 Tillotson, John, Eng. author. Adventures in the ice: a comprehensive summary of Arctic exploration, discovery and ad- venture ; including experiences of Capt. Penny, the veteran whaler. L., n. d. 16 498-9 — Golden Americas : a story of great dis- coveries and daring deeds. L., n. d. 16°. 992-9 — History of Palestine and the Holy land ; with a history of the crusades : ed. by Wm. and R. Chambers. N.Y.,1875. 8°. 221-91 — (Odd Boy, pseud.) Letters by an odd boy. L., n. d. 16° 827-9 — Our untitled nobility. L., n. d. 12°. . 411-975 Contents. — William Smith. — Thomas Wag- horn. — Robert Raikes. — David Nasmith. — Cap- tain Coram. — Henry Martyn. — William Seores- by. — The two Brunels. — Marshall Hall. — Thomas Dick. — Henry Cort. — George Wilson. — Palestine ; its holy sites and sacred story. L., n. d. 8° 221-9 — Pioneers of civilisation : the soldier, the adventurer, the explorer, the man of peace, the trader, the settler, the mis- sionary. N. X., 1S69. 16 436-85 Stories of the wars, 1 574—1658 ; from the rise of the Dutch Republic to the death of Oliver Cromwell. L., 1865. 8°.. . 9278-8 Contents. —Introduction. — Siege of Lcyden, 1574— Spanish fury, 1576. — Siege of Macstricht, 1579. — French fury, 1583. — Siege of Antwerp, 1585.— Battle of Zutphcn, 1586. — Spanish Arma- da, 1588.— The three Henries, 1588-1610. — Siege .ofRochelle, 1627-8. — Massacre at Magdeburg, 1631. — Masaniello, 1647. — The covenant, 1638. — The Irish Massacre, 1641. — The king and the commons, 1625-49. — " Curse of Cromwell," 1649- 50.— Battle ..t Dunbar, 1650. — Battle of Worces- ter, 1651.— Puritan sea king, 1645-54. — Oliver Cromwell, 1652-58. TILSON, 1 267 — I IMUS Tilso I 1 1 iy«. /« 1:1 11 ish 1 v. 22-24 184E1 'I'm 1 im, al « indmill . « lonnelly, 1 x| Tilton, Theodore, \m. journalist, t, 1 ■,, Sanctum iani toi urn; "i , pro I from an editor' table. V V., 1*70. 12 ConUnU Visit in ing.— Word for the Governor's cart. -Elizabeth Bai ret Browning, k ^ ! in I South i • i - .Una. — Editoi visit I ditoi I Pi tc of the proclamation Our candidate for the next presidency— Week in a jury box.- -One blood of .ill nations. - Lyl B Foote.— Mr Lincoln's glory and Mr. Johnson's shflme 1 '.'in i" I "it Sumter. — White feather —First and second revolution Path I i fortune. — My new li keeping, Soi ial life of the West Mi ieward' garden Editorial soliloquy. — Imbecile pulpit Outragl On the Christian religion Folded banner Soilure of a fair name. — Tongue of lire — Woman's intlu- , 11, , on literature.— Kaulbach's era of the Ref- ormation. — Churchwomau's ballot, Edwin M Stanton. — Matthew Arnold's example. Fallen oak.— Harvard engravings 1 otus-eating law ycr. — Elliott collection of portraits Elizabeth Cady Stanton. — Supprcssio vcri. — Henry Jar- vis Raymond.-- Assumption of the virgin. -Win Pitt Fessenden. — Golden haired Gertrude. Sexton's talc, ami othei poems. V V., 1867. 16° 889C1 Swabian stories. N. Y., 1882. 12 . . . 8891 Memorial of Elizabeth B. Browning. //; Browning, E. I'.. Last poems 186C4 In rON, Warren, Am. writer, and Crap ts, Win. A., (Trifle and the editor, pseud.) Trifleton papers. B., 1S56. 12°. Tim Bunker papers. Clift, Win 6304-33 Tim the scissors-grindet [and] Sequel. Baker, Mrs. H. X. (W.) TlMANTHES, Greek painter, fl'd about B. C. 400. Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 103-107 4'7-9 TlMAYENIS, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. N. V., 1SS5. 12° 4053-8 — History of Greece, from the earliest times to the present. 2 v. N. V., 1SS1. 12'. olS 82 Timber. Britton, I . A. Treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and cure of dry rot in uiiil>er. 1875 6201-3 — Laslett, T. Timber and timber trees. 1S75 714-6 — Lea, \V. Tables of the strength ami de- flection of timber. 1S50 620S-4 — Set n!s? Building. Forestry. TiMi'.s, ]ohii, Eng. author, h. iSoi-i/. 1S75. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls i.f England and \\ ales : their legendary lore and popular history; rev. ed. hy Alex- ander Gunn. 3 v. 1.., n. d. 12°.. . 9318 8 Contents.— v. 1. South.— v. a. Midland -v. 3. North. I 1MB ,, John, continued. ary of an, 1 1 . ■ 1 • I.. 16 >■■ 1 Hubs and club life in London ; ■■■ ith . and taverns, from the t7'li 'i-ntury -nt time. I.., I.S72. 12'. — Curiositii e. I.., i860, 1 I entricities of the animal creation. B., 1869. 12° English eccentrics and eccentricities. I.., I.S75. 12° I Content*. — Wealth and f.,shi,,n. Del • turcs.and fan.,' icmissions Sti and nes. — Eccentric artists.- I atrical folks.— Men of letters. — Convivial ei tricitics. — Miscellanea. — Great inventot 5; thi fulness, and results of their efforts. I.., n. d. 16 : Ill itory of wonderful inventions. N.Y., [1867]. 16 609-8 Contents. — Mariner's compass.— Light-hou and life-boats. — Barometer. — Thermometer. — Printing. — Telescope. — Microscope. — CI) and watches. — Gunpowder and gun-cott Gas lighting.— Artesian wells.— Steam-engine. — Cotton manufacture. — Steam navigation. — Railway and locomotive steam-engine. — Iron ships of war, guns and armour. — Electric tele- graph.— Ocean electro-telegraphy : the electric cables. — Appendix. — London and Westminster, city and suburb ; strange events, characteristics, and changes of metropolitan life. 2 v. 1... 1868. 12 939'-8i — Romance of London: strange st scenes, and remarkable persons of the great town. 2 v. I.., n. d. 16°. . . 9j9'-8 Contents. — Historic sketches.— Remarkable duels. — Notorious highwaymen.— Rogueries, crimes, and punishments. — Love and marriage. — Supernatural stories. Scl 1-day of eminent men. Columbus, 1S60. 8° 37094-9 Contents.— Sketches of the progress of edu- cation in England, from the reign of Kin. frcd to that of Queen Victoria.— Early lives of celebrated British authors, philosophers and poets, inventors and discoverers, divines. heroes, statesmen and legislat — Stories of inventors and discoverers in science and the useful arts. N. Y., i860. 12° 609-79 — Preface. /" Percy anecdotes S077-7 — joint author. Gullick, T. J. and Timbs, I. Painting popularly explained. . . 750-43 — ed. Modern legal anecdotes; the bar, bench, and woolsack. 1. l6°. . . . 3409-8 Timbuctoo. Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. 373-3*2 TlMBY, Theodore Ruggles, Am. inventor, />. isjj. Parton, J. People's Look of biography, pp. -' ; ; -37 410-82 TIME. — 1268 TITHE-PROCTOR. Time. Stars and the earth ; or, thoughts upon space, time and eternity. [1882]. 5204-8 — Davy, H. Consolations in travel, pp. 271-298. .Pola, or time 210-23 — Lardner, D.,ed. Museum of science and art. v. 5. pp. 1 13-176 603-4 — See also Clocks and watches. Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne. Rus- kin, J 3368-7 Time the avenger. Marsh, Mrs. A. C. Time works wonders. In Comedies and dramas, pp. 73~H3 240C9 Timkowski, Geo. Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia to China and residence in Peking in the years 1820- 21 ; with corrections and notes, by J. von Klaproth. 2 v. L., 1827. 8°. . 451-SS — Taylor, B. Cyclopaedia of modern travel. v. 1. pp. 349-381. Timkowski's jour- ney from Siberia to Pekin 4j6-8 TlMOLEON, Greek statesman an,/ genera/, b. about B. C, 400-d. 337. Plutarch. Lives. [Various editions.] Timon of Athens: a drama. See Shake- speare, W. Timor islands. Adams, W. H. D. East- ern archipelago, pp. 1S3-235 490-14 — Forbes, H. O. Naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern archipelago, pp. 41 5— 4S8 490-4 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago, pp. 160-218 49°-9 — See also Malaysia. Timothy ; his neighbors and his friends. Ireland, Mrs. M. E. Tin. Blinn, L. J. Practical workshop com- panion. 18S5 672-2 — Flower, P. W. History of the trade in tin. 18S0 6696-4 — Warn, R. II. Sheet metal workers' in- structor. 1881 672-9 — Bloxam, C. L. Metals; their properties and treatment, pp. 130-152 669-18 Greenwood, \V. II. Manual of metal- lurgy, v. I. pp. 197-212 669-4 — Scoffern, J. and others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. 569-590 669-8 — See also Metals. TiN-truinpet ; or, heads and tails for the wise and waggish. Chatfield, Paul. . 827-38 TlNCKER, Mary Agues, Am. author, b. |S;;. Aurora. I'hila., 18S6. 12°. — Jewel in the lotos. Phila., 1884. 12°. Signor Monaldini's niece, li., 1879. 16 . [No name series]. Winged word and other sketches, N. \ .. 1873. 8°. I ntentt. \ winged word. Hand in hand. ■ ugherty In t li <- greenwood.— The Wil- Di Mil died "f Little Tincker, Mary A., continued. love. — " Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord !"— The house that Jack built. — John. — A pearl ashore. — Daybreak. TlNG-a-ling. Stockton, F. R 3S1-82 TINKLING cymbals. Fawcett, Edgar. Tinne, Alexandrine, Duteh traveller, b. 1S35- d. 1869. Adams, W. H. D. Some heroes of travel, pp. 229-259 4159-15 Tinted Venus. Guthrie, F. Anstey, (F. Anstey, pseud.) Tintoretto, Giacomo, original name Ro- busti, Venetian fainter, b. 1512-1/. 1594. Clark, D. W. True tales for the spare hour. pp. 147-180 903-22 — Jameson, A. (M.) Early Italian painters. PP- 339-346 4175-5 — Oliphanj, M. O. (W.) Makers of Venice. PP- 3 2 4-34i 9453-66 — Ruskin, J. Miscellanea, v. 1. The re- lation between Michael Angelo andTin- toret 704-825 Tip cat. B., 1885. 12 . Tip Lewis. Alden, Mrs. I. (M.), (Pansy, pseud.) 715A12 Tiquet, Angelique Carlier. Sanson, II., ed. Memoirs of the Sansons. v. I. pp. 27-39 803B6 Tired of housekeeping. Arthur, T. S. Tiresias and other poems. Tennyson, A. 882C4 TlRYNS. Schliemann, H. Mycena;: a nar- rative of researches 4054-7 Tischendore, Lobegott Friedrich Konstan- tin, German philologist, b. 1815-^. 1874. New Testament : the authorized English version ; with introduction and various readings from the three most celebrated mss. of the original Greek text. Leip- zig, 1869. 16 2261-9 Tissandier, Gaston, French scientist, b. 1843. History and hand-book of photography : ed. by J. Thomson. L., 1876. 12°. . 769-85 — Wonders of water : ed. with numerous additions, by S. DeVere. N. Y., 1874. 12° 5514-86 Tissot, Victor, Swiss writer, b. 1845. Un- known Hungary : tr. from the 4th edi- tion, by Mrs. A. O. Brodie. 2 v. 1.., 1881. 12 4439-8 — Unknown Switzerland : tr. by Mrs. Wil- son. N. Y., n. d. 12° 4494-78 I mania: tales and legends. Linden, A. 570A9 I 1 1 1 1 imb, J. II. Moral teaching of the Old Testament vindicated. In Christian evidence society. Popular objections to revealed truth, pp. 143-174 239-26 lii< "\ii:. rimothy, pseud. See Holland, J. <;. Tl 1 HE-proclor. 1 larlel Win. TITIAN. — 1269 T0CQ1 1 .-. in 1 Titian, i Tt ian< 1 ■ 'li,) Venetian painter, /'. 1477-'/. 1 57''- Sweetser, M. F. Titian 889B4 |. ■ ion, V. (M.J Early Italian ] i 119 ;; s M7S 5 Studies, stories and memoirs, pp. 277 ■ ' 7"l r" Mitchell, 1 1. <;. Bound 1 el hei , pp. 1 1 ;8 I ! i bino, Mi r. s. U. , tr. Princi ol art. PP '«9 ''1- 4<7-9 Wood, W.,,Y. Hundred greatest men. PP- 87-90 }i I 1 1 11 ■■ .. I here a, b. 1834. Ferris, 1 1. 1 Great singers, v. -'. pp. 234 248. . 4178-4 TlTUS, [Titus Flaviui Vespasianus,) empert of Rome, b. 40-1/. Si. Williams, W, K. 1 1 1 and characters of history, pp, 21- II 902-4 Titus Andronicus: a drama. Set Shake- speare, Win. In and fro in southern California, with sketches in Arizona and New Mexico. Adams, Mrs. E. II 4794-13 ro Buddlecombe and back. Burnand, !•'.< '. S27 2112 Po Cabul with the cavalry brigade. Mit- ford, Major R, C. W 9581-6 ill her mine. Besant, Walter. ro Cuba and back. liana, R. II 47291-3 I a day. Kimball, R. B. To Esther. Ritchie, Anne I. (Thackeray). Writings. pp, 2S3-304. To leeward. Crawford, F. Marion. In love and to be loved. Roe, A. s. To the central African lakes and back. 1 hompson, J 4676-8 To the Victoria falls of the Zambesi. Mohr, 1 468-56 Toasts. See Perfect gentlemen 395-66 Tobacco. Billings, E. R. Tobacco, itshis- • tory, varieties, culture, manufacture and commerce. 1875 6338-2 Coles, L. B. beauties and deformities of tobacco using. 1S55. With Coles, b. B. Philosophy of health 613-26 — Fairholt, F. W. Tobacco, its history and associations. 1876 6338-4 Hare, II. A. Physiological and patho- logical effects of the use of tobacco. '885 1987-4 Lander, M. Tobacco problem. 1S86. . 198-55 Livermore, A. A. : ' . ir, F. Travels in the Philippines. PP' 324-342 — Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. v. 2. pp. 5-35 660-5 ■ — Lanier, S. II I - 1-275. • • 4759~55 McSherry, R. Health and how to pro- ni' >te it. pp. 177-185 Nichols, |. R. Fireside science, pp. 36-47 502-65 Nordhoff, C. Northern California, pp. '92 '97 — Parton, J. Snicking and drinking. . 1 — Prescott, II. P. Strong 1I1 ink and tobac- co smoke 663-6 — Reade, A. A., ed. Study and stimulants. 19S-76 Richardson, B. W. liiseascs of modern life, pp. 273-323 616-75 — Wynter, A. Subtle brains and lissom fingers, pp. 214-225 304-91 — Set also Stimulants and narcotics. Williams, 11. I.. Boys of the Bible, pp. 2S3-297 2217-9 Tobias Wilson. Clemens. J. Toiiler, Ciustav, />. 1769-1/. 1843. Krusi, 11. Pestalozzi; his life, work and influence. pp. S7-92 72411 Tobogganing. Thompson, M. Boys' book of sports, pp. 305-308 791-S Toby Tyler. Otis, Jas 71 TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Chas. Henri Clerel, Ft ench statesman, b. 1S05-1/. 1859. Amer- ican institutions and their influence; [being the tirst vol. of " Democracy in America ; "] with note- by J. C. Spencer. V V., 1855. 8° 32 — The old regime and the revolution : tr. by J.Bonner. N. Y., 1856. 12 944 ■• N't only a striking exposure of the wretch- ed incompetency and oppressiveness of the monarchs : but, what is perhaps of still greater value, a most convincing demonstration that the revolution had changed the governmental system of the monarchy far less than has gen- erally been suppose. 1 "C. K. Attains. TOCQUEVILLE. — 1270 TOKEN. TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis C. H. C, continued. — Republic of the United States of America and its political institutions: tr. by II. Reeves; with preface and notes, by J. C. Spencer. 2 v. in I. N. Y., 1854. 8°. 3207-89 " His aim was to represent to the advocates of ideal democracy and the advocates of estab- lished precedent the errors in both views ; to show that democracy without intelligence, mor- ality and religion, is anarchy and despotism; that democracy reconciled to 'respect for property, deference for rights, safety to free- dom, and reverence to religion,' is composed of great and noble elements ; and that the choice is inevitable between anarchical democracy and intelligent democracy." — N. A»t. Review, 1862. — Godwin, 1'. Out of the past. pp. 394- 421. Review of Old regime and the revolution 430E5 — Greg, W. R. Literary and social judg- ments, pp. 241-273 435 E6 — Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. v. 2. pp. 79-161. Review of Democ- racy in America 633E3 — Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history, pp. 178-211 903-9 Tod, Geo., Am. lawyer, />. 1773-r/. 1841. Rice, H. Sketches of western life. pp. 112-113. Western jurists 9863-7 Todd, Chas. Burr, Am. author, b. 1849. Life and letters of Joel Barlow, LL.D., poet, statesman, philosopher; with extracts from his works and hitherto unpublished poems. N. Y., 1886. 8° 136B2 — Story of the city of New York. N. Y., 1888. 12° 9831-85 — Story of Washington, the national capital. N.'V., 1S89. 12° 4753-9 Todd, Elliott D'Arcy, 6. iSoS-,/. 1845. Kaye, J. W. Lives of the Indian officers. v. 2. pp. 209-274 4H-59S Todd, Jas. Henthorn, Irish clergyman, b. 1805-1/. 1869, ed. Booksof the Vaudois: the Waldensian manuscripts preserved in the library of Trinity college, Dublin ; with an appendix. L., 1865. 12°. . . 8498-S TODD, John, Am. clergyman and author, b. 1%00-d. 1873. Angel of the iceberg, [and other stories]. Northampton, Mass., 1866. 16° 890A7 Lectures to children, Northampton, Mass., 1S74. 12° 248-7 Mountain flowers. Northampton, Mass., 1869. 16° 890A8 Nuts for boys to crack. N. Y., 1866. 16°. 248-71 anual: new edition with notes. Northampton, Mass., 1857. 12°. . . . 374-9 ;leani ir, sketches and inci- dentsof a pastor's vai ation, Northamp- ton, Mass., 1852. 16° S.17 1-..S Todd, John, continued. — Sunset land ; or, the great Pacific slope. B., n. d. 12° 479-92 — Young man : hints addressed to the young men of the United States. Northamp- ton, Mass., 1846. 16° 248-72 — Story of his life : ed. by J. E. Todd. N. Y., 1S76. 8° 890B2 Todd, Sereno Edwards. Apple culturist. N. Y., 1871. 12° 6341-8 TODHUNTER, Isaac, Eng. mathematician, b. 1820-fl'. 1884. Algebra. L., 1877. 12° 512-9 — Elementary treatise on the theory of equations. L., 1880. 12° 5128-8 — History of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of materials from Galilei to the present time: ed. by Karl Pearson. Cambridge, 1886. 8° 6209-8 Contents. — v. 1. Galilei to Saint-Venant, 1639-1850. — Researches in the calculus of variations, principally on the theory of discontinu- ous solutions : an essay. L., 1S71. 8°. 5174-8 — Treatise on analytical statics. L., 1S74. 12° 5312-85 — Treatise on the differential calculus. L., ■ S75- 12 5I72-S — Treatise on the integral calculus and its applications. L., 1S74. 12° 5173-S — Treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as applied to the straight line and the conic sections. 12° 5135-S Todhunter, John. True tragedy of Rienzi, Tribune of Rome. L., 1881. 12°.. . 891C4 T&KELY, Emmeric, Hungarian patriot, b. i6$6-d. 1705. Wyatt, W. J. Hunga- rian celebrities, pp. 101-121 41043-9 Tofts, Katherine. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. pp. 15-25 4l7 8 -3 Toilers of the sea. Hugo, Victor. Toilet. Bazar book of decorum. 1876. . 395-2 — Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. 1877 39>-2 — Brinton, I). G. l.ijinn. roLD at Tuxedo. Emory, A. M, roLD by the fit e ide. 1 1 umphrey, Mi r. 1 . A., ed 494 A 97 1 1 'i br, John, mi \ orbury, b. 1 745 ./. 183 1 . Shiel, R. i.. Sketi he - ol the Irish har. v. 2. pp. 5-40 4I>3~8 Tolerance. Brooks, P. Tolerance: two lectures 1923 2 1 '1 1] 1 R \ 1 ion. Loi ke, J. Four lettei toleration 2577-5 TOLLA: a tale of modern Rome. A1h.ui, I . roLMAN, Maitha Downe. Finished 1 roLSTOl, Leo Nikolaivitch, count, Russian author, 6. 1828. Anna Karenina : tr. by V II. Dole. — Childli 1, boyh 1, youth: tr. by I. F. Hapg I. N. Y., 1886. 12 . nks; a tale Ol llie Caucasus in IN52: tr. Iiy E. Schuyler. N. Y ., 1S7S. 16°. In pursuit of happiness. B., 1SS7. 12 . — Invalids and other stories: tr. by N. II. Dole. X. Y., [887. 12°. Contents. — Wood-I utting expedition. — An old acquaintance.— Lost on the Steppe.— Polikush- ka. — Kholstomir : istory of a horse). — Ivan Ilyitch and other stories: tr. Iiy X. II. Dole. N. Y., [887. 12°. Contents Death >>f Evan [lyitch.- If you neglect the fire you don't put it out. — Where love is, there God is also.— Candle.— Two old men. — Texts for wood cuts.— Three mendicants. — Popular legends. — The Godson.— Skazka : (Ivan the fool). — Glossary. - Katia. X. Y., 1S87. 16 . - Life: tr. by I. F. llapgood. N. Y., 18S8. 12 240-84S — Long exile and other stories for children : tr. by X. II. Dole. X. Y.. 1888. Contents.— The lung exile.— What men live by. — Repentant sinner Yermak, conqueror of Siberia. Bear-hunting worse than slavery. — Stories of my dogs. Early days.— Scenes from mon life. — Stories from physii 1 iioin zoology Stories from botany. — Fables para. phrased from the Indian, and imitations.- From the new speller.— School scenes at Vasnaya i ' — My confession and spirit of Christ's ti ing. X. \ ., 1887. 12 240-S49 \l\ religion : ti by 11. Smith. X. \ .. 1885. 12°. [For another translation See What I believe.] 240-S5 Ti 'i.i' ! . continui J. ■ •1'ii^y of war: Napoleon and the 1 1 1. in 1 ampaign : tr. by II. Smith. X. Y., 1888. 12 Power and liberty: tr. by II. Smith. X. V., 1 i.iii propi ietor and olhei by X. II. Dole. X. Y., 1887. 1.' Contentt. — A Russian propi etoi I ernt — Recollections of a scorer. — A then 1 in the Caui Sebastopol: tr. bj I D Millet; with an v \Y. 1 1. 1 low ell !. X. Y ., 1887. 16 . — - War and pi a hi storical novel : tr. Clara Hell. 6 v. X. Y., 1886. 16 . Contents. — v. 1-2. Itcfore Tilsit, 1805- 1 v. 3-4 I I 7-1812. v. $-fi. Boro- dino. — The French at Moscow. — Epilogue, 181 2-1820. What I believe : tr.byt . Popoff. X. Y., 1886. 16 240-86 What people live by : tr. by Mrs. A. De- lano. 15., 1886. 8°. — What to do: thoughts evoked by thi sus of Mo, tow: tr. by I. F. llapgood. X. V., [887. 12°. .' 33 — Turner, C. E. Count Tolstoi, as novelist and thinker S91B5 — Dupuy, E. Great masters of Russian lit- erature, pp. 215-33S \ lie. E. M.de. Russian novelists, pp. 209-276 8917-93 TOM Blinn's temperance society. Arthur, 1. S. TOM Bowling. Chamier, Frederick. TOM Brown's school days. Hughes, Tlnis. 494A1 Tom Burke of out,. Lever, < has. Tom Chips. Diekenga, I. E. and Ashw T. M. Tom Cringle's log. Scott, M. Tom Pippin's wedding. Pullen, II. W. TOM Racquet and his three maiden aunts. Smedley, F. E. Tom Sawyer. Clemens, S. 1 .. (Mark Twain, ud.) TOM Telfer's shadow. Hardy, R. F. . . . 454.^5 Tom Thornton. Dana, R. II. Poems and prose writings, v. 1. pp. 153-221. . 818-33 Tom the tinker. Nevin, K. I'. Les Trois Rois. pp. 105-155 9S289-6 TOMBS. Adams, W. II. I>. Temple,. tombs and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. . . .' 4052-2 \rch.vology and the sub-division antiquities or y under the names of various countries. Also liurial ges. Catacombs. Cemeteries. Epi- taphs. Monuments. TOMES. 1272 TOOLS. Tomes, Robert, Am. physician, b. 1817-1/. 1882. Americansin Japan : an abridge- ment of the narrative of the expedition under Com. Perry. N. Y., 1859. 12 . 452-8 — Champagne country. N. V., 1867. 12°. 44432-8 — Panama in 1855 : an account of the Pan- ama railroad, of the cities of Panama and Aspinwall, with sketches of life and character on the isthmus. N. Y., 1855. •6° 47287-9 roMKlNS, Edward. Machine construction and drawing. N. Y., 1873. 16°. Bound with Plummer, J. I. Introduc- tion to astronomy 520-74 roMLlN, W.David. Angler's greeting. In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., ids. Fishing with the fly. pp. 133-144. . . 7954-6 roMLINSON, Chas., Eng. author, b. 1808. Experimental essays. L., 1863. \2°. . 540-37 Contents. — On the motions of camphor on water [and! towards the light. — History of the modern theory of dew. — Introduction to the study of natural phi- losophy (for beginners). L., 1870. 12°. 530-91 — Mechanics : being a concise exposition of the general principles of mechanical science and their applications. I.., 1872. Bound with Natural philosophy. 530-91 — Pneumatics; for the use of beginners. P., 1866. 16 533-8 — Same. Bound with Main, R. Rudiment- ary astronomy 520-61 — Rudimentary mechanics: being a concise exposition of the general principles of mechanical science and their applica- tions. L., 1866. 16 531-S8 — Warming and ventilation: being a con- cise exposition of the general principles of the art of warming and ventilating domestic and public buildings, mines, lighthouses, ships, etc. I.., 1867. 16 . Same, 1870. 12° 6281-8 lottery and porcelain. In C, W. T. History of the process of manufacture and uses of jointing, etc. pp. 139-187. 609-4 ToMLINSON, E. M. Benjamin Franklin. 1 -, n. d '. 3S1B5 ToMMi I pmore. Blackmore, R. D. Tommy' firsl peaker: ed. by Tommy him- self. 1 hicago, 1886. 12 801-94 Tomorrow of death. Figuier, 1 21s 31 Tompkins and other folks. Deming, P. I OM's heathen. Baker, J. R. rheobald Wolfe, Irish politician, t. 1763-d'. 1798. Speech; with in trod uc- torj keti I). In Sullivan, T. I>., A. M. and D. B. Speechi from the dock. . 4113-85 — Savage,J. '98and'48: revolutionarj his tory and literature of Ireland, pp. 23-62. 9417 7 Tonga islands. Lawry, W. Missions in the Tonga and Feejee islands 26961-5 Tonic sol-fa. Curwen, John 774-27 Tonkin. See Tonquin. Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth (Brown), (Char- lotte Elizabeth, pseud.), Eng. author, b. 1792-1/. 1846. Judah's lion. N. Y., 1876. — Darton, J. M. Heroism of Christian women, pp. 309-373 413-3 TONQUIN, Mesny, W. Tungking. 1884. 9599-6 — Norman, C. B. Tonkin ; or, France in the far East. 1884 9599~9 Tony Butler. Lever, Chas. Tony the maid. Howard, Blanche W. Too late for the train. Baker, G. M. In Social stage, pp. 57-72. . ■ .... 8015-21 Too much alone. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. Too rich. Streckfuss, A. Too soon. Macquoid, Katherine S. Too strange not to be true. Fullerton, Lady G. Tooke, Andrew, Eng. -writer, b. 1673-1/. 1731. Pantheon: [a translation of Po- mey's Pantheum Mysticum]. n. t. p. 12°. 294-8 TOOKE, John Home, Eng. philologist, b. 1736- d. 1812. Etzeo. Ilriini-nTu ; or, the di- versions of Purley ; with additions, to which is annexed his letter to John Dunning : ed. with notes, by R. Taylor. L., i860. 8° 110-86 — Notes and a life of Churchill. In Church- ill, C. Poetical works, pp. xvii-xciii. 226C2 — Brougham, H. Historical sketches of statesmen (of) the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 396-408 410-17 — Daly, J. B. Radical pioneers of the 18th century 937~3 — Hazlitt, W. Miscellaneous works, v. 5. PP- 65-77 459E8 ToOLE, John Lawrence, Eng. comedian, b. 1830. Reminiscences : ed. by J . Hatton. 2 v. L., 1889. 8° 892B3 — Matthews, J. B. and Ilutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 5. pp. 267- 282 4"79-9 TOOLS. Baker, T. Elements of practical mechanicism and machine tools. 1867. 6218-21 — Byrne, 11. Hand-book l"i the artisan. 1874 602-3 — Metal workers' assistant. 1872 671-2 Harrison, W. B. Mechanic's tool book. 1868 6219-3 — Lukin, J. Amateur mechanic's workshop. 1874 670-6 Boy engineers, n. d 607-41 Young mechanic. 1872 6219-4 — Morgans, W. Manual of mining tools. 1871 5532-71 TOOLS. t273 1 1 'i rooi , i ontinueii. Shellej i C. P. B. Worl Smiles, S. I ndu itrial bi< i Smith, R. II. < ui: i 1882. . . 1 1 i lope, l.l Repou leui n-31 .... Lukin, I roj making it 5-H Mateaux, C. I Wonderland ol work, 102-109 Wal I 1 Modi 1 11 Vmei 11 pp. 104-14] W I, J. G leai lungs, pp. 222-275. Wynter, A. Oi 171 M !i I W arts. I 1 aring. Cromwell, J. 1 1. Topelius, Zacharias, Finnish author, b. IMS. Surgeon's stories. i>\. v. 1. l'hila., 1872. v. 2-6. Chii 1 , 84. 12 . 1. Gustavus Adolphus and the thirty war : an historical 2. Times of battle and of rest. 5. I imes '>f Charles XII. 4. Times of Frederic I. 5. I i nai I 1 eus. 6. Times of alchem) 1. im \i studies in American history. Allen, .1. C I 1 iii> S of the time. 6 V. S 1 ( '". ii. I . M.. td. Topics of the time. Parton, Jas TOPIN, Manns. 1 \l.ili with the iron mask: tr. and el. by II. I . 187O. 12° "' ldy, Augustus Mi 'ii tagui . man', b. I 7.10-1/. 177S. R\lc, I. ' Christian leaders of the last century. PP. 358-384 roRN and mended. Round, W. M. F. 1 ' ' Proctor, R. A. I for leisure hours, pp. 155-169 Meteorology. Storms. INTO. Berry, C. B. The other side: how it struck us. pp. 1S4-197 1 "i; 1 1 i" 'i Hobart, A 1 . (Hoi irt Pa- sha). The torpedo scare. 18S5. . . . — Jaques, W. II. Torpedoes for national defence. [886 — Knox, T. W. life of Robert Fulton. pp. 474-488 1 ( loethe, J. W. Torrey, Bradford, Am. essayist, 6. 1 . v >4.;. Birds in the bush. B., 1S85. 12°.. . Torrey, Joseph, Am. Congregational clergy- man, b. 1 797-a'. 1867. Theory of tine art. N. V., 1874. 12" "try 6219 ; life . Lea, H. I 1 pp. 430-445. : \frs. K. A. Poel toilet 103. . . . 410-962 i rry winter 1 I ■ . ' ' ■ i 1 ,8-77 I I Indiana 6219 9 1 ' ... ir, Am. author, 1838. Appeal N. V., 1 ice. \. V., 1888. - Bricks without straw. N. V., 1880. 12°. 62183-3 — Button's inn. B., 1887. 12 . - Figs and thistles: a western story. N. V., 1879. 16 . - Fool's errand. N. \ .. 1S79. 16°. , new and enlarged ; to which is added the invisible empire, a concise re of the epoch on which the tale N. Y., 1S80. 12°. - Hot plough-hares. N. Y., 1883. 12 . - John Eax, [and] Mamelon ; or, the South without a shadow. X. Y., 1882. - Royal gentleman [and] Zouri's Christmas. 9736-2 N. V.. 1874. '2°. - Toinette. N. V., 1874. 12 . I 1 KMALINE. Hamlin. A. C. The toiir- 715E5 maline ; its relation as a gem. ilscomplex nature, its wonderful physical proper- ties, etc., with special reference to the crystals in Maine 735 4! I ' it i.n \i. Si( ofhistory. pp. 289-296 903-4 lei . Joseph I'itton de, French 4145 7 . 1656-./. 1708. St. John, I Mated travelers, v. 2. pp. 7-19. 41 roURS, Berthold. Violin. L., 4 . [Mi primers.] TOURS, Battle of, 732. E. S. Fif- teen decisive battles, pp. 169-181. . . 903-25 470-14 Tousey, Sinclair, Am. publisher, b. 181 18S7. Papers from over the water: a 6239-.1 series of letters from Europe. X. Y , 1869. 12° 440-905 62311 -aim, — joint author. Riffault des Hetres, J. R. D. awf Others. Treatise on 3S8B7 the manufacture of color for painting. 6672-7 TOUSSAINT, Anna Luise Gertrude. See Bos- boom-Toussaint, A. L. G. 598-0 1 1 11 SSAIN 1 . Dominique Francois, lal/eJTout- saint I 'Ouverture, Haytian 1 743-d'. 1S03. Child, L. M. Freed- 701-9 I men's book. pp. 33-S3 TOUSSAINT. i j 74 TOWNSEND. TOUSSAINT, Dominique F., continued. — Phillips, W. Speeches, pp. 468-494. . Si 5—7 — Martineau, II. The hour and the man. [Historical romance]. 1'VhY. — , Mcut.-colonel. Martial law and the custom of war; or, military force and jurisdiction in troublous times. L., 18S6. 12 349-8 Toward the strait gate ; or, parish Chris- tianity for the unconverted. Burr, E. F. 239-232 TOWARDS the gulf: a romance of Louisiana. X. V., 1887. 12°. Tower of constancy; or, bearing the cross. Bungener, L. L. F 193A2S Tower of Percemont. Sand, George. ToWHEAD. McLean, Sarah Pratt. Towle, Geo. Makepeace, Am. anther, b. 1841. American society. 2 v. L., I870. 12° 473-S8 — Beaconsfield. X. V.. 1879. 16 . . . . 2S8BS — Certain men of mark. B., 1881. 16°. . 410-94 Contents.— Gladstone. — Bismark. — Gambetta. — Beaconsfield. — Castelar. — Victor Hugo. — John Bright. — Three emperors. — Carlyle. — 1 irake, the sea-king of Devon. B., 1S83. '6° ■ • ■ 293B5 — England and Russia in Asia. B., 1SS5. 24° 9583-8 — England in Egypt. B., 1SS6. 24°. . . 962-8 — Glimpses of history. B., 1866. 16 . . . 903-9 Contents — Memorable assassinations. — John Bright.— Opening scenes of the rebellion. — The last of the Stuarts.— Lord chancellor Campbell. — Count Cavour. — The last days of Chatham. — Leigh Hunt. — Alexis de Tocqueville. — The cardinal-kings. — A century of English history. — History of Henry the fifth, king of Eng- land, lord of Ireland, and heir of Fiance. X. V., 1S66. 8° 462B5 — Magellan; or, the first voyage round the world. B., 18S0. 12° 608B9 - Marco Polo; his travels and adventures. B., 18S0. 12° 741 112 — Nation in a nutshell ; a rapid outline of American history. B., 1S87. 16 . . . 973-87 - Pizarro ; his adventures ami conquests. I... l88l. 12° 736B9 — Raleigh ; his exploits and voyages. II., 1SS2. 16 759B9 — Voyages and adventures of Vasco I >.i Gauia. I,., n. d. 12° 402B8 Young people's history of England, p., 1886. 12° 93OI-92 Towler, John, Am. educator, b. 1811. The silver sunbeam : a practical and 1; retical text-book on sun-drawing and photographic printing, comprehending all thi ]■ i al 1 'i cMiii iwn, with 1 ollodion, albumen, gela tine, .1 and ilver. V Y . 1870. 12 769 88 Town, The. Hunt, J. H. L 9391-4 Town and country. Halliday, A 451E9 Town geology. Kingsley, Rev. Chas. . . 5504-5 Towner, Ausburn. Chedayne of Kotono: a story of the early days of the republic. X. Y., 1877. 12°. TOWNSEND, Edward Davis, Am. general, b. 1817. Anecdotes of the civil war in the United States. N. Y., 1884. 12 . 980-9 Townsend, Frederic, (Invalid and whim- sical man, pseud.) Mutterings and mus- ings of an invalid : [and] Fancies of a whimsical man. X. Y., 185 1 . 12°. . 901-1 Ti iWNSEND, Geo. Alfred, Am. author, b. 1841. Campaigns of a non-combatant and his romaunt abroad during the war. N. Y., 1866. 12° 9801-93 — Entailed hat ; or, Patty Cannon's times. N. Y., 1884. 12°. — Katy of Catoctin ; or, the chain-breakers : a national romance. X. Y., 18S6. 12°. — Poems. Washington, 1870. 12°. . . . 893C4 Townsend, Geo. Fyler. Siege of Colches- ter; or, an event of the civil war, 1648. L., n. d. 12° 9362-8 Townsend, Geo. II., ed. Every-day book of modern literature ; a series of short readings from the best authors. L., n. .1. 12° S0S-8 Men of the time : a dictionary of con- temporaries, containing biographical notes of eminent characters of both sexe^. L., 186S. 12° 410-96 TOWNSEND, Luther Tracy, Am. M. E. cler- gyman, b. 1838. Arena and the throne. B., 1874. 16° 204-S9 — Credo. B., 1869. 16° 239-93 — God-man : search and manifestation. P., 1872. 16° ' 232-9 — Supernatural factor in religious revivals. B., 1S77. 16° 254-75 — Sword and garment. B., 1S71. 12°. . 251-9 Townsend, Mary Ashley (Van Voorhis), Am. author, b. about 1836. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 667-669 4181-3 Townsend, Virginia Frances, Am. author, b, 1836. Amy Deane and other tales. N. Y., 1861. 16° 894A1 — Boston girl's ambition. P., 1887. 12°. Boj from Bramley. B., 1S68. 16°. — But a Philistine. I!., 1S64. 12°. — Darryll gap; or, whether it paid. P., 1866. 12°. - Deerings of Medbury. B., 1871. 12°. Hollands. P., 1S69. 12°. Hope Darrow : a little girl's story. P.. [869. 16° 894A2 1 enoj 1 lare. B., 1881. 12°. InWNSKNI). — 1275 — I R Ml I Ti iw n 1 nd, Virginia 1 ontinued. I ife -I W 1 li ton. \. V., [887, 1 2 925B ; \in in Keith. 1:.. 1S75. 16 . . . . 894 \ | Mills 11I I uxbury. li., 1871. 1 ■ < Ine woman's inn 1 1 Thaym 1 hoii ■ Phil 1.. 187 , 1 • 1 i.ly girls. II., 1.S75. 12". Six in all. I'.., 1886. 12°. Temptation and m iph and othei lorii 1 inn., ISO ;. Hi 894A4 Thai queer girl. I!., 1874. Well in thi rocl 1 ml othei itoi ies, V V., 1S64. 1 6°. Woman's word ami how In I . j . t 11. 1'.., 1S79. 12°. I mi N him 1, 1 h.i .., / ■ an, />. 1725- ./. 1707. Fitzgerald, I'. 1 harle ["own- shend, wit and statesman 893B6 I mi nshend, 1 has. Hervey. British inva- sion of New Haven, Conn.; together with some account of their landing and burning ilie towns of Fairfield ami Nor- walk, July, 1779. New Haven, 1879. 8°. 9755-9 Fownshend, Chauncy Hare, Eng. writer, t. 1S03. Facts in mesmerism. X. Y., 1856. 12° 177-9 TOWNSHEND, F. Trench. Wild life in Flori- da; with a visit to Cuba. 1... 1875. 8°. 4759-9 FoWTON, Hat tie of, 1461. Adams, \V. II. 1 1. Battle stories, pp. 330-342. . . . 9208-13 TOXOPHILI i, Ascliani, K. Whole works. v. 2 828-I4 Toys. I.ukin, J. Toy making for amateurs. 680-5 Mateaux, C. I.. Wonderland of work. pp. 192-266 607-48 iiK, Henry Fanshawe. Classical geogra- phy. N. V., 1878. 16°. [Literature primers.] 423-9 Researches in the highlands of Turkey. 2 v. L., 1S69. 12 4496-9 - Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor. L., 1S81. 8° 457-8 TRACES of history in the names of places. Edmunds, F 4194-3 Traces of picture-writing in the Bible. Miles, H. A 2216-6 Trachini.v. : tragedy. See Sophocles. TRACTARIANISM. Brown, E. G. K. Annals of the Tractarian movement, 1S42-60. . 2839-2 — See also Protestant Episcopal church. TRACY, ("has. Chapin, Am. Presbyterian mis- sionary, b. 1S3S. Myra; or, a child's story of missionary life. Ii., n. d. 16°. Tracy, Roger Sherman. Am. sanitarian, b. 1841. Hand-book of sanitary informa- tion for householders. N. Y.,1884. 16 . 628-8 Tracy, Sarah Newton, marquise . 1755-1/. ' I., ed. elo- queni e. v. 1. pp. 4 ;i \y- Thai 1 in. ' Iriffin, Get IE, population and food. I'- ll \l. I I. I 1 1 11 k, A. Workd ty 1 . \. Wli.ii to do and why how to ed work. 1872 See also 1 1 tion. Mei arts. unions. Pai I Philippe, i 1 nion 11 in 1 — Trant, W. Trades unions: their and objects. 1SS4 3369-8 Bax, li. W. Religion and socialism, pp. 154-163 IS*-'* Brassey, T. Foreign wink and English wages, pp. 197-228 336-19 Brentano, 1.. History and development of gilds, pp. 101-135 3369-2 Brown, T. E. Studies in socialism, pp. 110-126 — Cassagnac, A. G. de. Working and burgher classes, pp. 198-234 3368-25 — See also Labor and capital. Tradition, Scientific value of: correspond- ence between Lord Arundel! of War- dour and Mr. E. Kylcy 290-15 Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian researches. Pidgeon, Wm 407-75 Traditions of Edinburgh. Chambers. R. 9409-3 TRAFFIC. See Commerce. Trafton, Adeline, Am. author, I. American girl abroad. B., 1874. 16 . 440-91 — His inheritance. B., 1878. 12°. - (Catherine Earle. B., 1874. 12 . Tragedian : an essay on the histrionic genius of Junius Brutus Booth. Gould, I. R. 174b'' Tragedy. See Little classics. Tragedy in the imperial harem at Constan- tinople. Piazzi, Mm,-. — . (Leila Han- oum, /sen J.) Tragedy of -access. Putnam, Mary L. . . "50C5 Tragedy of the Duchess of Malii. See Web- ster, J. Tragic scenes in the history of Maryland. Banvard, vvVr'. J 9S42-2 Tragical history of Dr. Faustus. See Mar- low, 1 Trail, Rev. Wm. Literary characteristic- and achievements of the Bible. Cinn., 1864. 12° Traill, H. D. Central government. L., 1881. 12° 35442-S5 — Coleridge. N. Y., 1884. 1 -- . [English men of letters series.] 239B8 Shaftesbury, (the first Earl). N. V.. 1886. 12 . [English worthies.] TRAILL. 1276 TRAVELLING. Traill, H. D., continued. — Sterne. N, Y., 1SS2. 12 . [English men of letters series.] S54B8 — Hellenism in South Kensington: a dia- logue. In Coan, T. M., ed. Art and literature, pp. 40-58 704-28 — Lord Westbury and Bishop Wilberforce. In Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in biogra- phy, pp. 176-192 249E4 Train, Joseph. Rogers, C, ed. Scottish minstrel, pp. 180-184. [Biog. sketch and poems] 80921-7 Training in theory and practice. Maclaren, Archibald 6136-6 TRAINlNG-schools for nurses. Thompson, W. G 6138-8 Training school-ship "Minnesota." hi Curious schools, pp. 346-372 379—3 — Same. In How to learn and earn. pp. 346-37> 3719-4 Training system of education. Stow, D. . 3707-8 Traitor, The. Shirley, J. In British dramatists, pp. '505-528 8223-2 Traits and trials of early life. Landon, L. E. Complete works, v. 1. pp. 413- 468 828-578 Trajan. Keenan, H. F. Trall, Russel Thatcher, Am. physician, b. \%\z-d. 1877. Hydropathic encyclo- pedia: a system of hydropathy and hy- giene. 2 v. N. Y., 1877. 8° 6157-9 Contents. —Anatomy.— Physiology.— Hygienic agencies and the preservation of health. — Dietic and hydropathic cookery. — Theory and prac- tice of water treatment. — Special pathology and hydro-therapeutics, including the nature, causes, symptoms and treatment of all known diseases. — Application to surgical diseases. — Application of hydropathy to midwifery and the nursery Tramp abroad. Clemens, S. L., (Mark Twain, pseud.) 817-283 Tramp trip; or, how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. Meriwether, Lee 440-613 Tramways. See Railroads. Street railways. Transatlantic sketches. James, 11., Jr. . 440-52 Transatlantic tour: comprising travels in Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Phila., 1845. 12° 440-912 Transcaucasia. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 1878 4576-2 — Telfer, J. I!. Crimea and Transcaucasia. 1876 4479-9 mpaign of the Turkish army under Omar Pasha. Oliphant, L., 9475-7 Transcendentalism. Cook, J. Transccn dentalism. [1877] [681 3 — Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism ngland. 1S76 1681-4 0. A. Works, v.6. pp.1-134. 818-27 Transcendentalism, continued. — Emerson, R. \V. Nature, addresses and lectures, pp. 309-339 3 lSr: 9> — Johnson, S. Lectures, etc. pp. 416-460. 517E5 Transfiguration of Christ. Gunsaulus, F. W 2321-4 Transformation of insects. Duncan, P. M. 5957-35 Transits of Venus. Proctor, R. A 52396-7 Transmission of power by wire ropes. Stahl, A. W 6218-78 Transplanted rose. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Transvaal. Bousfield, H. B. Six years in the Transvaal, n. d 4682-2 — McCarthy, J. H. England under Glad- stone, pp. 68-91 938-57 Transylvania. Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania, v. 2. 1850 4439-65 Trant, Wm. Trade unions; their origin and objects, influence and efficacy. L., 1884. 1 6° 3369-8 Trap to catch a sunbeam. See Mackarness, Mrs. M. A. Traps and trapping. Batty. J. H. How to hunt and trap. 1878 79 6 7~2 — Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods and the tricks of trapping and trap mak- ing. 1881 7968-4 — Harding, S. Amateur trapper and trap maker's guide. 1875 7968-5 — Newhouse, S. and others. Trapper's guide. 1874 7968-6 — See also Hunting. Traps for the young. Comstock, A. . . . 199-27 Trasimenus, Lake. Malleson, G. B. Am- bushes and surprises, pp. 1-65. . . . 903-6 Trastour de Varano, Eugene. Rudiments of music, especially intended for class teaching. N. Y., 1S65. 12 77 1 1-8 Trauermantel, tr. Love of country ; or, Sobieski and Hedwig. B., i860. 16 . 41042-8 Travel. Clark, F. E. Our vacations; where to go, how to go, and how to en- joy them. n. d 470-2 — General hints to emigrants. 1866. . . . 433-2 — Rogers, R. V., jr. Lawof the road. 1876. 3465-7 — Barnard, II., ed. Letters, essays, etc. PP. 231-242 370-16 - Mathews, W. Literary style and other pp. 234^240. Season of travel. 617E6 Traveler's club. Fairfield, F. G. Clubs ol New York. pp. 255-270 367-4 Traveller, A.., pseud. See Campbell, J. F. TRAVELLER, Tales of a. Irving, Washington. 41S-486 ! 1 ■ \ \ 1 i.ling about over new and old ground. Barker, Lne r, J. A. Rambles round the world 1874 1 ICingsley, Calvin. Round the world. 2 v. 1870 438-53 Mateaux, C. I.. Pee] at home. n. cl 4388-6 — Merewether, 11. A. By sea and by land. 1874 438-59 — Oliphant, L. Episodes in a life of adven- ture. 1S87 697B2 Parry, S. II. Jones-. My journey round the world. 2 v. 18S1 438-7 — Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travelers, n. d 4388-7 Pinnock, VV. Panorama of the old world the new. 1859 4201-7 Prime, E, D. G. Around the world. 1872 438-74 — Raum, G. 1 Tour around the world. 1886 438-77 Remlap, L. I '., ed. Gen. U. S. ('.rant's tour round the world. 1S79 438-78 I; ii It. 11 .1 urn, 1). X. Girdle round the earth. 1S88 438-775 — Romance of travel. 1S69 437-8 — Sala, G. A. Under the sun. 1SS7. . . 43S8-77 — Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v. 18S7-88 438-87 Strange tei , wedding and fetes. 1S87 4388-8 — Strong, f. D. Child life in many lands. 1871 4383-8 — Taylor, 1!. r. World on wheels. 1S74. 876E5 — Thrilling adventures of hunters and trav- n. t. p 438S-13 — Tillotson, I. Pioneers of civilization. [1869.] 436-85 — Warren, T. R. Dust and foam. 1S59. . 439-93 -Bell, X. R. E., (N. D'Anvers, pseud.) Science ladders, No. 2 504-4 — See also Verne, J. Exploration of the world. A ho Travels of various countries. TRAVELS by sea and land of Alethither.ts. Osborn, I . Travels in South Kensington. Conway, M I) 745-3 Travels of a pioneer ol commerce I 1 I W -'7 5-*5 h .1 donkey in the ' n, R. 1. iw 75 iv. Sit I reasure ti TREADWELL, John II. Manual of pottery and porcelain foi Amerii v v., 1872. 8° i,: ■ Martin Luther and ti i -. work. X. V., 5921*9 in al home. Greenough, Mr,. S. I' I Stevenson, R, I 853AJ RE trove : a poem. 1 ase, I .-■ ed. by R. II. -■" 1 1 dard : compiled by W. S. Wal 1!., 1875. [6 i. Burlesque. Contents. — Preface.— The noble s.,v..t;e, uy C Dickens. — Our new livery and other things, by G W. Curtis. — Mrs Battli i opinion on ca by C. Lamb. — The parish revolution, by I Hood. — A day in the academy, by F. C. Burn- and. — Mrs. Brown at the play, by A. bketchlcy, 1 Geo. Rose).— The will of a virtuoso, by J. Addi- son. — The golden age of New York, by W Ir ving. — The insanity of Cain, by M.iry M I lodge. — An encounter with an interviewer, by Mark [wain, (S. L. Clemens.,— The painter's bargain. by VV. M Thackeray.— The lady Rohcsia, by R H. Barham. 2. Travesty. Contents. — A treble temptation, by F. C Burnand. — George de Barnwell, by W. M Thackeray. — A prophetic account of a future epic, by T. B. Macaulay. — St. Twcl 'mo, by J Paul. — Lessons in biography, by Rev. J . Bcres ford. — Mr. John Jenkins, by Bret Harte. — Ho Fi of the yellow girdle, by T 1 1 Waltoo redivivus, by T. Hood. TREASURES of the earth ; or, mines, minerals and metals. Jones, Win 553-5 Trf.asures of the Talmud. Hershon, P. l.,tr 2968-41 TREASURY of English sonnets. Main, 1 1. M., ed. 8094-6 Treasury of knowledge. Chambers, W . 1792-d. 1881. Recollections of the last daysof Shelley and Byron. I!., 1859. 12°. 820B9 Trench, Richard Chenevix, Eng. clergyman, l. 1807. Authorized version of the New Testament. N. Y., 1873. 8°. Bound with Lightfoot, J. B. and others. Re- vision of the English version of the New Testament 2201 1-5 — Commentary on the Epistles to the seven churches in Asia, Rev. 11-111. N. V., 1867. 12° 229-8 — English past and present. N. V., 1855. 12°. Same, 1871 110-88 — Fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. Christ the de- sire of all nations. N. Y., 1866. 12° [Hulsean lectures] 239-94 — Gustavus Adolphus: social aspects of the thirty years' war. L., 1865. 16 . . . 445B2 — Notes on the miracles of our Lord. N. V., 1859. 8° 2317-8 — Notes on the parables of our Lord. N. Y., 1S59. 8° 2272-7 — [Same], condensed. N. Y., 1861. 12°. 2272-71 — On the authorized version of the New Testament in connection with some re- cent proposals for its revision. N. Y., 1858. 12° 2201 1-8 — On the lessons in Proverbs : being the sub- stance of lectures delivered to young men's societies at Portsmouth and else- where. X. Y., 1S56. 12 3819-S — On the study of words. N. Y., 1855. 12 . Same, 1856 110-89 — Plutarch, his life, his parallel lives and his morals : five lectures. L., 1874. 16 . 8888-8 — Poems. N. V., 1856. 12 894C4 — Select glossary of English words used for- merly in senses different from their pres- ent. L., 1873. 16° 113-9 — Sermonsnew and old. N. Y., 1886. 12°. 252-95 — Studies in the gospels. N. V., 1867. 8°. 2271-8 — Synonyms of the New Testament. N. V., I855. 12° 2268-8 Gould, E. S. Good English, pp. 152- 156. Review of On the study of words., 1173-4 Trench, Wm. Steuart. Realities of Irish life. B., 1869. 1 6°. Trent, Council of. Bungener, I.. L. F. History of the council of Trent. 1855. 27061-2 Lea, II. 1 '. Historical sketch of sacer- dotal celibacy in the Christian chinch. PP- 435-461 2582-5 See also Church history. Roman Catholic church. rRENTO 1 ill . toai York. Curtis, •'.. W. Lotuseating. pp. 59-74 473~ 2 5 Willis, N. I'. Rural letters, pp. 334-357. 953^4 TRESILIAN. 1279 I I'll' 1 Roben ■ impbell, I. Chiel In in e "i l' nglahd, 1 hap, ; » ■ ■ " 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 \\ I, J. G 9152-92 1 ind in friend . Mai 1 1 n: ie, R. S. 1 1 i, tto, Eng. author, /■ 1 Early history "f < 'ha [as. Fo N. Y., i88d. 8° 379BS Life and lei 1 1 >rd Mai aulay. 2 \ . V V., [876. 8 . Same, 1S77 Notes, In M u aulay, I . B S( lei tion . 61 I .odge, II. C. Studies in hisloi y. p] 85 109. Re> iew ol I ai Ij daj 5 of < lias. 1 0* 904-5 I !;>■ \ iiin, J. F, M. \i ible disci] io the < 'him h "I England and on the 1 1 1 ormation in general, in the form ol lei ters: ir. by \V. Richmond. N. Y., n. d. 12° 2839-8 li:i\i ■., Frederick. The influence of cloth- ing ,in health. L., n. d. 12 6134-i 1 1 1 1 1 .. \\ yttenbai h, I. II. Strangei guide to the Roman antiquities of the ci ty ol ["revi 4064 - S I'revoR, John, Eng. lawyer, i. 1033-1/. 1717. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 4. pp. 02-76 4"- 2 5 1 1: 1 \i , The. ^ onge, < harlotte M. Trial; a comedy, Baillie, J. Dramatic and poetical works, pp. 49-76 132C6 Triai by jury, History of. Forsyth, W. . 3455 4 Trial by jury. Gilbert, W. S. Original plays, pp. 341-366 422C2 ["RIALS. Abbott, I',. V. Traveling law- school and famous trials. 1S84. . . . 3434 13 Burke, P. Romance of the forum, n. d. 3467-2 — Dunphy, T. anJ Cummins, T. J., eds. Remarkable trials of all countries. 1867. 34S2-3 — Fam, his cases of circumstantial evidence. 1874 3482-65 Foss, D. Memories of Westminster Hall: a collection uf incidents, anecdotes and -ketches. 2 v. 1874 3 1 Fuller, II. \V. Noted French trials. 1882. 3482-37 Godding, W. W. Two hard cases. 1882. 3282-4 Morse, J. 1. Famous trials. 1S74. . . 3482 5 Paget, J. Judicial puzzles. 1S76. . . . 3482 6 Poore, II. 1'., ,. 1827. Bound in honor ; or, a harvest of wild oats. B., 1S77. 12 896A41 — Chance for himself; or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. Phila., 1872. 16 . . . . S96A44 — Coupon bonds, and other stories. II., 1874. 12°. Contents. — Coupon bonds. — Madame Waldo- borough's carriage.— Fessenden's. — Archibald Blossom, bachelor. — In the ice. — Nancy Blynn's lovers. — Mr. Blazay's experience. — Preaching for Selwyn. — Romance of a glove. — Man who stole a meeting-house. — Doing his best. Phila., 1876. 16 . . . 896A48 — Drummer boy. P., 1S84. 12° 896A5 — Farnell's folly. B., 18S5. 12°. — Fast friends. Phila., 1874. 12°. . . . S96A54 — Ferry boy and the financier. [Life of Sal- mon P. Chase], n. t. p. 16 223B6 — His one fault. B., 1887. 12° S96A6 — Lawrence's adventures among the ice- cutters, glass-makers, coal-miners, iron- men and ship-builders. Phila., 1870. 16 . 896A68 - Little master. B., 1SS7. 12° 896A7 Martin Merrivale : his X mark. B. , 1864. 12°. Neighbor Jackv. 1. 1;.. 1S76. 12 . — Peter Budstone, the boy who was hazed. B., 1888. 12° 896A8 — Phil and his friends. P., 1NS4. 16°. . 896A82 — Silver medal. 1!., 1880. I2°- 896A88 — The South: tour of its battle-fields and ruined cities, n. t. p. 12° 475-92 — Three scouts. 1:., 1888. 12°. — Tinkham brothers tide mill. B., 1889. 16 . 896A9] ond and othei poems. B., 1869. 16° 895C1 Voting Joe ami 01 hi 1 boys. B.,1879. 12°. Voting surveyor. B. l6° 896A96 Fred Trover's little iron-clad. In Mason, E. T., ed. 1 1 tit ter-pieces. v. -■ PI 1 - 57-84 817-63 »ii, J., ed. Prin :e -. aul riors, and -talc men 1 1 ion.-, pp. 289-296. . 410-83 1 ing, \V. II Boyl ■' oi \\\ ing an thoi . pp. 28 [8 |is 7 1 TROWBRIDGE, Wm. Petit, Am. engineer, b. 1S2S. Turbine wheels: on the inappli- cability of the theoretical investigations of the turbine wheel as given by Rankine, Wresbach, Bresse and others, to the modern constructions introduced by Boyden and Francis. N. Y., 1879. 16° 62124-8 TROY. Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy: its le- gend, history and literature. 1SS0. . 8832-14 — Schliemann, H. Ilios: city and country of the Trojans. 1S81 4026-7 Troja: results of the latest researches and discoveries on the site of Homer's Troy. 1884. [Bibliography, pp. 285- 288.] 4026-71 Troy and its remains. 1875 4026-72 — Abbott, J. History of Romulus, pp. 79-102. Destruction of Troy 794B1 — Grote, G. History of Greece, v. I. chap. 15. v. 2. chap. 21 918-43 — Taylor, B. Ancient Troy. In Tribune popular science, pp. 2-II 5° 2_ 9 — Tozer, H. F. Researches in the highlands of Turkey, v. I. pp. 22-49. v - -■ PP- 337-357 4496-9 — See also Homer. Greece. Virgil. Also Helen, of Troy. TROYES, Jean de. See Jean de Troyes. TRUCK-farming at the South. Oemler, A. . 635-55 TRUCULENTUS, the churl: a drama. Plau- tus. Comedies, v. 2. pp. 209-254. . 8723-7 I hi k, ('has. H., joint author. Whitman, W. E. S. and True, C. H. Maine in the war for the Union 979S3-9 True, Chas. Kittridge, Am. educator, b. 1S09- rf. 1878. Elements of logic. N. Y.,1861. 12°. 189-9 — History of the Christian church in the 19th century to 1865. In Ruter, M., ed. 1 1 istory of the Christian church. . . . 270-75 True, Jabez. Hildreth, S. P. Early set- tlersofOhio. pp. 329-337 41271-4 True and other stories. Lathrop, G. P. True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals and religion. Ruskin, J 704-845 TRUE as steel. Terhune, M. V., (Marion I In hind, /■send.) True blue. Kingston, W. H. G 535 AS3 TRUE-born Englishman. DeFoe, I). TRUE character of Humboldt. Ileinzen. K. Bound with What is real Democracy ? . . 460E9 True friend : reflections on life, character and conduct. Campbell, A. J., ed. . . 194-92 True gold: a tale of the diggings. Forde, II. A. TRUE grandeur of nations. Sumner, Chas. . 1924-8 hi issue. Donnell, E. J 335~33 Tut v. love rewarded. Roe, A. S. TRUE. i I i BERVILLE I I I . : . i ■ II i lei of studies. Hill, ["hos. . . . 375-4 I 1 1 1 path. Arthur, T. S. 1 1 1 1 - 1 hi Arthur.T. S. I 1 11 torii "l \ i"' 1 1' hi i; frot ml and famil) traditions. B., [887. 12° 1 1 1 1 e deeds. H ire, 1 1 .. 903-47 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 , for my grandson Baker, S. W. 13 1 1 1 1 tales for the ipari hour. 1 lark, D. W, 1103-22 True, (The), the beautiful, and 1 1. ( '.uisiii. V 142-27 Tki 1 to nature, av.inone. L., 1857, 12°. 1 1 1 1 to the I i-t. Roe. A. S. True to the old ting : a tale of thi A ei war of Independence. Henty, G. A True woman. Fulton, J. I> 396-4' TRUEBAy Co ' . I i-li- 1 in ile, Spanish writer, b. 1805-1/. 1835. Romance of history : Spain. 1.., n. d. 12° 946-8 Trueblood, T. C, joint editor. Fulton, R. I. and Trueblood, I. C. 1 hoice n ings from standard and popular authors. S01-38 I'm esdei 1 , John W. Botl : oncern- ing the science of spii itualism; from care- ful investigations covering .1 | twenty-five years. X. \"., 1883. 12°. . 175-9 III man, Benj. Cummings, Am. author, b. 1835. Field of In t : being ai and comprehensive history of duell in all countries ; including the judicial duel of Europe, the private duel of the civilized world, and specific descriptions ■ it all the noted hostile meetings in Europe and America. N. Y., 1884. 12°. 3948-8 Truman, Wm., joint aut/wr. Scoffern, I. iiuJ others. Useful metals and their alloys. 669-8 TRUMBULL, Benj., D. D., Am. historian, b. i735-, < .. W. I'm Mi's, pseud. See Dick, W. B. I . Thos. \\ ildc, lord, in . tat and jurist, b. i;S2 -J. 1855. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 431-440. . . 411 : 1 ' .. ei in'. ' I - Graphi for en- gineers. 3 pi-. — ( .rillith>, W, I id and iron. 1886 624-42 1 ami the remittance. Clark, Mary C. I in sta, H., pseud. See Phelps, Mrs. Eli/.a- (Stuart). I 1 { Eckarl in I 'arl_\ /;•. I ieck, Richler. v. 1. pp. 186 213 Varick. Saltu TRUTH and trust : or, Iron mountain. Baker, Mrs.\\.\. 1W.1. Mrs. Madeline Leslie, •'. />. Abridgement of the Christian doctrine; with pi 3 ripture points controverted by way questions ami answers. V Y. TUBULAR. 1284 — TUFLONGBO. Tubular and iron girder bridges. Demp- sey, G. D 624-25 Tuck, Rev. Robert. Hand-book of biblical difficulties; or, reasonable solutions of perplexing things in sacred Scripture. X. V.. 1887. 8° 2208-9 TUCKER, Charlotte, (A. L. O. E., pseud.), Eng. author, b. 1830. Children's treas- ury of new stories. X. V., 1867. 16 . I16A12 — City of Norcross and it> famous physi- cian. L., 1S73. 12 243-7 — Crown of success ; or, four heads to fur- nish. L., 1S64. 16° 116A13 — Cyril Ashley. L., 1870. 16 116A14 — Exiles in Babylon; or, children of light. X. V., 1S75. 1 6° 116A15 — Golden fleece. L., 1869. 16 116A17 — Hebrew heroes : a tale founded on Jewish history. L., 1S69. 16 I16A18 — Holiday chaplet ; or, stories. X. V., 1868. 24° "116A19 — House beautiful; or, the Bible museum. X. V., 1S6S. 16° 116A2 — Lady of Provence; or, humbled and healed. L., 1871. 16 116A22 ■ — Mine, The; or, darkness and light. L., 1865. 16 116A25 — Old friends with new faces. L., n. d. 16° 116A27 — On the way ; or, places passed by pil- grims. N. Y., 1868. 16 116A28 — Parliament in the play room. L., 1863. 16° 116A3 — Rambles of a rat. n. t. p. 16 116A35 — Rescued from Egypt. L., 1866. 16 . . 116A36 — Shepherd-king ; or, a sick minister's lect- ures on the Shepherd of Bethlehem and the blessing that followed them. X. Y., n. d. 16 . [Same as Shepherd of Bethlehem. J 2218-31 — Shepherd of Bethlehem, king of Israel. L., 1S66. 16° 221S-31 — Silver casket ; or, the world and its w ilu-. L., 1864. 16 116A4 — Triumph over Midian, X. V., 1867. 16 . 116A42 — Young pilgrim. I,., 1S69. 12° 116A45 Tu< Ki.R. Geo. ]•'. The Monroe doctrine: a conn e histor) of its origin anil growth. B., 1S85. 8° 32773-8 I '. .'■■'. V. II. W. English church in other Kind, ; in, the spii dual expai < I ' ngland. X. Y., n. d. 12°. . . . 2632-8 Memoir of 1 lie life and epi CO] iti ol Ed- ward Feild, bishop ol Newfoundland, 1844-76 I .. 1877. ■-• o4°l ; 45 kek, John Monti • my. Life of the Duke il Welli: ,, de- spa! 1 . and original documents. 1.., n. d. 8°. . . 934B1 Tucker, Pomeroy, Am. journalist, b. 1S02- d. 1870. Origin, rise and progress of Mormonism. X. Y., 1867. 12°. . . . 298-9 Tucker, T. W. Waifs from the way-bills of an old expressman. B., 1872. l6°. . 652-85 Tucker, Wm. J. and others. Progressive orthodoxy 23058-7 TUCKERMAN, Arthur Lyman, Am. architect, b. 1861. Short history of architecture. X. Y.. 1SS7. 8° 720-9 Tuckerman, Bayard, Am. author, b. 1855. History of English prose fiction, from Sir Thomas Malory to George Eliot. N. Y., 1882. 12 8023-9 Tuckerman, Chas. Keating, Am. author, b. 1821. Greeks of today. N. Y., 1872. 12° 4495-9 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore, Am. author, b. 1813-rf. 1871. America and her com- mentators ; with a critical sketch of travel in the United States. X. Y., 1S64. 8° 470-95 — Book of the artists: American artist life preceded by an historical account of the rise and progress of art in America. X. Y., 1S67. 8° 758-9 Contents. — Introduction. — Early portrait painters. — Copley. — Trumbull. — West.— Stuart. — Malbone. — Vanderlyn. — Allston. — Sully. — Morse. — Leslie. — Durand. — W. E. West. — Weir, — Chapman. --Cole.— Inman.— Greenough. — Powers. — Page. — Elliot. — Crawford. — Hunt- ington. — Leutze. —Brown. — Palmer. — Church. — Bierstadt. — Portraiture, genre, and historical painters. — Landscape painters. — Sculptors. — Appendix. — Poems. B., 1851. 12° 896C4 — Sicily: a pilgrimage. X T . Y., 1852. 12°. 4458-8 — Memoir of J. W. Francis. In Francis, J. W. (lid Xew Yorl 9831-4 — Memoir of R. Southey. In Southey, R. Poetical works, v. I. pp. v-xxxii. . S44C4 — Sketch of American literature. In Shaw, T. B. Complete manual of English lit- erature, pp. 477-530 820-8 — - Same. In Shaw, T. B. Outlines of Eng- lish literature, pp. 431-4S9 S20-82 — joint editor. Smith, W. and Tuckerman, II. T., eds. Smaller history of English American literature S20-83 Tuckerman, Joseph, Am. Unitarian clergy- man, b. 1778-rf. 1840. Channing, W. E. Works, v. 6. pp. 91-146. Life and character of Joseph Tuckerman. . 20S-17 I 1 1 KEY, Janet. Joan of Arc, "the maid." x. ^ ., isso. 12 275B5 — joint author. I.eland, C. G., Palmer, E. W.anJ Tin key, J. English gipsy songs. 8919-5 I I 11. ir, f rederick. Parton, J. 1 industry, pp. 156-162 4169-7 ruFLO iir, hi;l.' ' ontent. Parr, 11. . 381-6S I i FTS. 1285 I 1 RK 1 11 1 . fohn W. an i Holt, II. E. Normal N.Y., 18 ' ■ 77" 1 1 1 11 1 1 n Irving, W . V\ Ifi ■ , 1 81 Daniel M I if the influeni e ol Ih< 1 d upon 1 hi Ith I 1 . late the ai lion ol 1 he i 1 m. 2 v. I.., I884. 12° 172-1 'I 1 1 1 n \i 1. 1 . 1 , Marquis of. '■ M Win. ruLLOCH, John, Si III ! theologian, b. 1 for young men on religion, study and business. I .., 1 ■,. 12° I Ingli >h I'm ii 1 and its leadi 1 unwell, Mill Ba B nyan. I burgh, [861. 12 411 98 Leaders of the 1 1 Luther, Cal vin, Latimer, Knox, the represent men ol 1 mi in iny, France, Engl Scotland. B., 1S60. 12° 4143-8 Movi ightin Britain during the 19th century. L., 1885. 12 [St. Giles' lecture . 5th series.] .... 283 83 Rational theology and Chri 0- phy in England in the 171I1 century. 2 v. Edinburgh, 1872. 8° 2742-8 Contents. — v. I. Liberal churchmen. — v Cambridge Platonists, 1 1 NGKING. v 1 ["onquin. Tunis. Hesse-Wartegg, E. von. Tunis, the land and the people, n. d 461 1-4 Rae, E. Country of the Moors: ajour- nej 1 oli in li.ii bary to the • of Kairwan. 1S77 461-7 — Great sieges of history, pp. 197-207. . 903-4 Tunnels. Knox, T. W. l and world, pp. 5 10-523 and 662-674. • • 6229-5 — Proctor, R. \. Light si iem e Tor leisure hours, pp. 150-155 502-69 — Se 1 ineering. Tupper, Benj., Am. colonel, b. 1738-1/. 1792. Hildreth, S. P. Early settlers of Ohio. IT- - 1 : -"' 41271 t I 1 1 11 k, Martin Farquhar, Eng. writer, b. 1810. 1 ri . 1 Idine, .1 sequel" to ( !ole- ridgi ibel ; « ith oilier poems. I... [846. 12 896C9 — I ik of thought^ and arguments originally treated; with an essay on the philosophy ol | and additional n 1851. 12°. Selei 1 in - ellaneous poems. Edinburgh. [1874]. 12° — tr. Translation of the metresof Bocthiu*. In King Alfred's \ n version ol Boethius. pp. 264 ;^2 .! -1 m. I , \ntiti • 1 pp. ; . . . . ; W. P. . . 621 1 1 .. , ' • .' 1 • i 1 1 / 1 Adam , W. H. D. 1 1 11 "i .' PP- 133 «48 410-5' -James, <;. I'. R. Memoirs of great pp. 2212)7 4I5I-5 ibull, R. Pulpit I ranee Switzerland, pp. ... ! . 1 .. Sketi hes of illusl 1 1 [64 4 1 5 1 - 9 tAN'S referee ; with rules and regula- tions for racing, trotting and betting. N. V., 1S67. 12°. Bound with Rules and regulations for the government racing. . ' 6365-7 I 1883. Annals of a sportsman. N. Y., 1885. 16 . - Annouchka. I!., 1884. 12 . I 1 1 I dine. N. Y .. 1873. 16 . Fath is: tr. by E. Schuyler. N. Y.. 1867. 16 °. — l.ear of the steppe: tr. by \V. II. Browne. Bound with Spring 1! — Liza: a Russian novel: tr. by W. R. S. Ralston. N. V., 1872. 16 . Miiuui, and the Diary of a superfluous man. N. Y.. 1S84. 16°. the eve : a tale: tr. by C. E. Turner. X. Y.. 1873. 16°. ke : tr. by W. F. West. X. Y.. 1872. 16°. — Spring Hoods: tr. by Mrs, Sophia Mitchell Butts, [and] A Lear of the steppe: tr. by W. H. Browne. X. Y.. 1S74. 16 . — Unfortunate woman [andJAss'ya: tr. by H. Gersoni. N. Y., 18S6. 16 . — Virgin soil. N. Y., 1883. 16°. 1 . Great masters of Russian lit- erature, pp. 117-213 Heywood, J. C. How tliev strike me, these authors, pp. 265-2S0 S04-47 — James, H., jr. French poets and novel- ! 1 -'I I 252 41 a-, I'.. M. dc. Russian novelists 140 8917-03 — Zimmern, H. and A. Foreign novi .etch and extracts.] 808-99 Tl'RGOT, Anne Robert Jacques, baron de r Aui 172J 17S1. Morley, J. Critical miscellai v. 2. pp. 41-162 646E4 Turk and the Greek. Benjamin, S. (*.. W". 4 . TURKEY. — 1286 TURKEY. Sub-dvvisions: I. History. 2. Missions. 3. Travels and description. /. History. — linker, J. Syria and Egypt under the last five sultans of Turkey. 2 v. 1876. . . 9569-2 — Besse, A. de. Turkish empire, 1S54. . 9496-2 — Bugbee, J. M. Eastern question. 1877. 9496-23 — Creasy, E. S. History of the Ottoman Turks. 1S7S 9496-3 — Dwight, H. O. Turkish life in wartime. [Last Russo-Turkishwar.] 1SS1. . . . 9496-35 — Fowler, G., ed. History of the war, [Cri- mean.] 1855 9475-4 — Freeman, E. A. Ottoman power in Eu- rope. 1877 9496-4 — Lamartine, A. de. History of Turkey. 3 V - l8 55 9496-5 — Madden, K. R. Turkish empire. 2 v. in I. 1862 9496-6 — Menzies, S. Turkey, old and new. 2 v. 18S0 9496-63 — Mill, J. Ottoman in Europe; or, Turkey in the present crisis. 1876 9496-65 — O'Connor, J. D. History of Turkey. 1877. 9496-7 — Poole, S. L. rt«(/others. Story of Turkey. 18S8 9496-74 — Bancroft, C.. Miscellanies, pp. 334-404. Wars of Russia and Turkey 134E2 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 16. pp. 408-427 818-27 — Holland, T. E. European concert in the Eastern question, pp. 220-322. . . . 34124-4 — See also Crusades. Eastern question. Also Life of Don John, of Austria. 2. Missions. — *Hamlin, C. Among the Turks. 1878. . 2649-4 — Prime, E. D. G. Forty years in the Turk- ish empire. 1876 2649-7 — Tracy, C. C. Myra ; or, a child's mission- ary life 894B4 — See also Life of Mary E. Van Lennep. j. Travels and description. — Baker, J. Turkey. 1877 4496-14 — Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. 1867 4499-2 - (lark, I'.. L. Races of European Turkey ; their history, condition and prospects. 1S78 9496-27 — Cox, S. S. Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey. 1887 4496-21 1 le "l the Princes. 1887 4496-22 — Denton, W. Christians of Turkey. 1S76. 4496-28 — Field, II. M. Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 1885 (496 Honved, A. Hungarian emigration into 1853 4I')7 5 — Knight, 1.. I'. Albania: a narrative of recent travel. 1SS0 44969 5 — Laveleye, E. de. Balkan peninsula. 1887. 4496-5 TURKS. Turkey, continued. — Murray, E. C. G. Turkey: being sketches from life. 1877 4496-6 — Newhall, C. S. Harry's trip to the Orient, n. d 457-68 — Oscanyan, C. The sultan and his people. 1S57 4496-7 — Robinson, T. Wanderings in Scripture lands. 1872 45S-782 — St. Clair, S. (',. B. and Brophy, C. A. A residence in Bulgaria. 1869 4497-7 — Smith, J. V. C. Turkey and the Turks. 1854 4496-8 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel. 2 v. 1S54 4409-7 — Thornbury, W. Turkish life and charac- ter. 2 v. in I. i860 4496-87 — Tozer, H. F. Researches in the high- lands of Turkey. 2 v. 1869 4496-9 — Warner, C. D. In the Levant. 1S77. . 4499-95 — Bush, E. C. My pilgrimage to eastern shrines, pp. 244-280 458-2 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Orient, pp. 137-220 4499-25 — Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the east- ern Caucasus, pp. 59-65 4479~3 — Dicey, E. Morning land. v. I. pp. 33- 164 4499-28 — Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. pp. 182-273 4499-3 — Elliott, C. B. Travels in the three great empires, Austria, Russia and Turkey. 4409-3 — Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey, pp. 69-346. 4496-35 — Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes. PP- 83-99 458-48 — Leech, H. II. Letters of a sentimental idler, pp. 2S-97 4499-46 — See also Bulgaria. Constantinople. Crete. Greece. Slavic races. TURKEY in Asia. Geary, G. Through Asiatic Turkey. 2 v. 1878 457-4 — Southgate, II. Visit to the Syrian church of Mesopotamia. 1S44 2815-7 — Thielmann, Max von. Journey in the Caucasus, Persia and Turkey in Asia. 2 v. 1875 450-87 — Wheeler, C. H. Letters from Eden. [1S6S] ■ 2656-92 Ten years on the Euphrates. [1868]. . 2656-93 — See also Asia Minor. Syria. Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor. Tozer, AVr<. II. F 457-8 TURKISH life in war time. Dwight, II- " 9496-35 I : RKISTAN, Or Turkestan. Grodekoff, V Ride from Samarcand 10 Heral through \i •■ ban I in 1 - stan. 1885 455-6 — See also <■ entral Asia. I 1 1 1 in India. Keene, II. G 95423-5 TURNBULL. — 1287 — I rri 1 1 I 1 rnbi 11. fohn, jr. .m t Robin ion, S. W - I real 1 e on I he 1 ompound team en- gine. N, V., 1883. 16 6211 85 ruRNBULL, Laurence, 1 "', A. 1 s j 1 . Elei tro magm tii teli ;raph; with .in nisi al ai 1 "l it> rise, progress ami present condition, prai tical uggestions in <>■■ 1 ula- 1 ion and 1 cl ion from 1 he effei I 1 >l lightning; together with an appendii 1 ontaining several important tel decis a and laws. Phila., 1S53. 8°. 538 88 'I 1 rnbi 1 1 . Robert, Scottish- Am. Bapti Icier- 1 ,/. 1S77. ( .ciiiu> of Italy : being sketi hes ol Italian life, litei ature and religion. N. Y., 1849. 12°. . . . 445-9 Genius of Scotland ; or, sketches ol Scot- lish scenery, literature and religion. X. V., 1S50. 16° 441-76 Pulpil oratoi of E ranee and Sv. itzei land. V V .. I848. 12° M46-8 Contents. — Bossuct. — Flechicr. — Bourdalouc. — I'enclon. — Massillon. — Saiirin. — Vinct.- Mc Grandpierre. — Lacordaire. — Merle D'- Aubigne. Gaussen. Turner, Chas. Edward. Studiesin Russian literature. I... 1882. 12 8917 Contents I tt k .ntcmicr. — Cath- erine II.— SumarokofV Von Vit in. — Derzha- vin. — Karamsiii.— Jukovsky.— Kriloff. — Gogol. — Poushkin. — Lermontoff.— Nckrasoff. — Tolstoi. I.., 1888. 12° 891 B5 TURNER, I has. rennyson, Eng. clergyman, b. 1808. Biog. sketch by A. F. S) n In Atlas essays. No. 2. pp. 155-1S0. . 418-14 li rner, Dawson W. Ni t<- on Herodotus. 1... 1S7I. 12° 8882 85 li rner, Edward, demist, />. 1 797— >%-d. 1 I DID !. J V. I.., 1852. 8° id attempted to 10 a son. 3 v. X. Y., 1832- 54 16° 901-85 ferdan, W. Men 1 h - : now n. pp. til 148 4" '/' Turning. Set Lathe. Tl RNING-poillts in life. Arnold, F 194-16 ING wheel. Cobden, Paul 240. \- Turns of fortune, and other stories. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) 45°--4 in, Vim., Eng. physician and naturalist, Ik 1800. Manual of the land and fresh watei shells of the liiiti-h Islands: ed. by J. I'.. I. lay. I... (857. 12 . ... 594-84 1 M. S. Life in Tus- cany. 1859 4455 ; — Stuart, J. M. History of free trade in Tuscany. 1876 ■1 \s disputation ! Tl 1 nil 1 , Mt . I ouisa Cornelia, Am. author, b. ljqS-d. 1879. Success in life series. 4 v. 1 inn., 1854. 12°. 1. The artist 2. The lawyer I943-S 3. The mechanic 607-8 4. The merchant 1 — Notice of [Ruskin]. /" Ruskin, J. True and the beautiful ' Tl TRIL1 , W. B. The e ; its design and construction. X.V..1SS5. 8°. 728-88 Tl 111 frutti. PUckler-Muskau, II.. Prin von Tuttle, (has. Richmond. General hi of the state of Michigan ; with biograph- ical sketches. Detn it, 187 \. S 3 . . . Pi 1111. I dward B. B about In- dians, n. d. 16 9701-S Ti 1 11 1 . 1 111 ert, Am. . b. 1S46. nan political leaders. X. V., 1876. 12 4IO6-S tents. — Prince Bismarck.— Dr. Falk. — President Dclbriick. — Herr Camphausen. — Prince Hohenlohe.— Count von Arnim. — Herr von Bennigsen. — Dr. Sinison.— Herr Lasker. — Herr Windthorst.— Dr. Loewc.— Herr Schulie- Delitzsch. — Hen Jacoby. — Herr Hasselmann. — Herr Sonncmann. — Professor Gneist. — Pro- : Virchow. — Professor Treitschke. — Pro- s vrtC j TUTTLE. TWO. TUTTLE, Herbert, continued. — History of Prussia. 3 v. B., 1SS4-S8. 12 . [To be completed in 5 v.] . . . . 9429-8 Contents. — v. 1. To the accession of Frederic the Great, 1134-1740.— v. 2-3. Under Frederic the Great, 1740-56. TUTTLE, Hudson, Am. author, i. 1S36. Ar- cana of nature; or, the history and laws of creation. 2 v. B., 1S59-64. 12°. . 176-9 — Origin and antiquity of physical man scien- tifically considered. B., 1S65. 12°. . 573—9 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Tw'EEDIE, W. R., Scottish clergyman. A lamp to the path; or, the Bible in the heart, the home and the market-place. B., 1858. :6° 241-92 — Jerusalem and its environs. L., 1873. 16 . 4581-9 — Life and work of earnest men. Cinn., 1S66. 12° 410-945 Contents. — Basil the Great. — Columba of lona. — John Huss. — Tyndale. — Hans Egede. — Carey, Marshman and Ward —Dr. C. Buch- anan.— G. Sharp. — Raikts. — Jenner. — Arctic explorers. — Alfred the Great. — Dante. — Hamp- den. — Sydney. — Lord Wm. Russell. — Burke. — Grattan. — Webster. — Pellico. — Gutenburg. — Michael Angelo. — Palissy. — Kepler. — Watt. — Mountains of the Bible [and] Parables of our Lord. L., 1S70. 16 . Bound with Life in Bible lands 220S-59 — Ruined citiesof the East. L., 1S67. 16°. 402-S Twelfth night ; or, what you will : a drama. See Shakespeare, \V. TWELLS, Mrs. J. H. The mills of the gods. Phila., 1875. 12°. Twelve Americans. Carroll, H 412-3 Twelve days in the tombs. Green, J. H. . 436B41 Twelve decisive battles of the war. Swin- ton, Wm 9781-9 Twelve miles from a lemon. Dodge, M. A.. (Gail Hamilton, pseut I.) 455^5 Twelve months in Madagascar. Mullens, J. 469-6 Twelve years of a soldier's life in India. Hodson, W. S. R 4S0B9 Twelve years with the children. Warren, W 267-9 TwENTY-five years of my life. Lamartine, A. de. In Stoddard, R. H.,ed. Pros- per Merimee's letters, etc. pp. 137-3:8. 4184-8 Twenty poems. Weeks, R. K 93H 1 Twenty questions: a treatise on the game ; by Hotspur, (pseud.) N.Y.,1882. 12 . 7869-8 TWENTY-six hours a day. Blake, Mary. . . 640-19 TWENTY-six years in liurmah : life and work of J. G. Binney 156B1 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne, Jules, iv years after. Duma , Alex. TWENTY years among the Mexicans. Kan- kin, M 2672-7 Twenty years in the church. Pycroft, A J- Twenty years in the wild West. Houstoun, Mrs. — 44:57-4 Twenty years of Congress. Blaine, J. G. . 97S3-1S Twenty years of inside life in Wall Street. Fowler, Wm. W 331 7—36 TWESTEN, August Detlev Christian, Genua): theologian, b. \Z\t)-d, ie\-t>. Schaflf, P. Germany; its universities, theology and religion, pp. 32t-33D 2743-8 Twin cousins. Clarke. R. S., 1 Sophie May, pseud.) 62tAj: Twice crowned. McKeever, Harriet B. Twice defeated. Edwards, Rollin. Twice married. Philleo, C. W. Twin heroes. Reed, F. A. Twin sisters. Sandham, Mrs. — 803A6 TwiNG, C. F. Harry. /// Stories for chil- dren, pp. 7-14 S56A9 Twining, Elizabeth. Plant world. L., 1866. 12 58:6-9 Twining, Thos. Familiar lessons on food and nutrition; intended to serve as a hand-book to the food department'of the Parkes Museum of hygiene, and to form one of the proposed sequels to the course of elementary lectures entitled, Science made easy. L., :8S2. 12° 643-93 Twins of Table mountain. Harte, F. Bret. TWISDEN, John F. Introduction to prac- tical mechanics. L., 1880. :2°. . . . 531-9 Twtss, Travers, Eng. writer, />. about :8:o. Law of nations, considered as independ- ent political communities: on the rights and duties of nations in time of peace. L., :SS4. S° 34'" 8 : on the rights and duties of nations in time of war. L., 1S75. S° 3413-8 Two admirals. Cooper, J. F. Two apprentices. Howitt, Mary (B.) 492-^33 Two aristocracies. Gore, Mrs. C. G Two arrows. Stoddard, W. O S55 A 5 Two baronesses. Andersen, H. C. Two books of nature and revelation. Arm- strong, Geo. D 2:5-103 Two boys saved. Chellis, Mary D 223A72 Two brothers. Balzac, Hon ore de. Two brothers and other poems. Bickersteth, E. 11 150C4 I vvo brothers; or, \\ hy are \ ou a protestant? Brownson, ( >. A. Works, v. 6. pp. 244-35 2 8:8-27 Two chancellors : Prince Gortchakol and . Bi marck. Klaivko, Julian. . . 4:04-56 Two Chelas [pseud.) Man: fragments of forgotten history. L., 1SS5. :2°. . . 2:2-63 Two college friends. Loring, F. W. I \\o college girls. Brown, II. D. Two Compton boys, Hoppin, A 489A2 1 ■■ 1 - . am icts. Gerstsecker, 1 TW( I — 12 I , I I.I' Two ' losmo I I i ip- tig, 1861. 16 T\\ ttage Mi-. .1. . u I In Tales foi \ oung men and « omen, v. i . . . rwo di I 'ollin , w . W. Pwo I I ies. Finley, M. (F.) 35 1 \/o I imilies in en 1 ! S. S. Drawing plays rwo family mothers. Schwartz, M. S. I u. 1 1 1 : une eekers, an. I othei si rii I ■ 1 1 n . I ! ■ 1 1 ' 1 5 1 s \ I Twi ' I- rem h marri gi ■.. Jenkin, 1 Bound with Psyi hi ol to day. Two ft iends, Grei Dora - 1 I'u nil iends. 1 Miss C. M Two gentlemen of Boston. I'... 1887. 12°. Two gentlemen of Gotham. C. am/ 1 . Two gentlemi n il Ver< ina 1 a dram Shakespeare, W. Two great books of nature ami revelation. Field, 1 leo. . 213-3' Two guardians. Vonge, Charlotte M. 1'wo hard cases. Godding, W. W 3482-4 Two hundred \ e n , life in .ii. Phila., 1S76. 16° S60A22 rwo lei ii 1 m causal ii in and freedom in will- Hazard, R. G [88-41 Two lilies. Kavanagh, Julia. rwo little onfederates. Page, T. N. . . . 711A54 Two little waifs. Molesworth, Mrs. I.. M., (Ennis Graham, pseud.) 639A64 rwo lives ; or, to be. Mcin- tosh, M. I. I'u. 1 lives in one. Gordon, C 433A4 rwo nun of Sandy bar. See Harte, I . I Two millions. Butler, Wm. A I v, . . \l iv. Je.ui I 1 Robertson, M. M. Two New Years days. Sargent, G. E. . . S06A25 Two noble kinsmen : a drama. Fletcher.J. and Shakespeare, W S2;i; 7 I [alsey, C. rwo on a tovi er. Hardy, I ho -. Two patli>. Ruskin, John 745-S Two pilgrims' progress. Pennell, J. and I . ( R 445 75 rwo schools. Hughes, Mrs. Mary. rwo Sicilies. Sleeper, M. G 445S-7 Pwo sides uf the shield. Yonge, C. M. Pwo sisters ol the m Sir, Warfield, Mrs. C.A. (W.i ,.■«,/ Lee, Ml 1 P. «\\ .1 Two spies: Hale and Andre. Lossing, B. I. .( 1 Pwo thousand miles on horse-back: Santa Fe and hack. Meline. |. !•' 47S-62 PWO thousand years ago. Church, A. J. . 225 \ 1 I'u to >'iie. King, R. In I all nig men and women 534^5 1 w 1 1 v isil - . 1 the tea countries ol China. Fortune, K 45'-37 1 •.'. . . 1 poem. W Two yi H 1, J. I wo 1 1 : W. T. 454 i B. .ill. I lillern, \\ . .. /.', ..In! .-. I ,i fe an 1 1 11 \\ 1 ley, founder of the Ml .. N. V., 1 ■ . ... lists: memoirs .,f the Me Ingham, Gamb Hervey and Broughton ; with bio- graphical notices of others. N. Y., S' J 287-8 TYERMAN, Thomas F. Asteroids and the ry of their formation. Oxford, 4 52344-8 11 examined by the Newtonia f gravitation. Ox- ford, 18S5. 8° 52333-8 I 1 i 11. I /. general, />. 1799-rf. 1882. Fry, I. B II and Tyler in the II Run 97871-4 ib li., Am. '/, li. 1S22. 1, W. Ohio in the war. pp. S31- 9796-7 Tyler, J. Bennet. 11 w to teach the 1 //; Preparing to teach, pp. 325-403. . 246-4 1 . John, 10th /' the United 1700-./. 1S02. Wise, II. A. Seven decades of the Union, the human- ities and materialism, illustrated by a memoir of John Tyler 899B4 Ellet, I ■'.. I Ci 'it circles of the repub- lic, pp. 296-367 4>239-3 — Frost, J. Presidentsof the United States. - 412-43 Tyler, Julia (Gardiner), j.i ■''. 1820. Holloway, L. C. Lad White II. .use. pp. 436 438. . . 41239-4 [Catherine ' idina- vian summer. N. Y., 1881. 12 .. . . 44S-93 1 hristian), Tyk-rji. 1790-./. iSj2. Holloway, I . < . Ladiesofthe White House, pp. 376-435. 41239-4 ' Brawnville papers: memorials of the Brawnville athletic club. B., 1S69. 12 . 6136-86 Hist, .ry of American literature. 2 v. N. V.. 1S70. 8° S10-9 Cent " It is not only written in a style of excep- c, but is the fruit of most thorough research." — C. A". Adams. — Patrick Henry. 12 . [Amer- ican statesmen series.] TYLER. — 1290 TYRCONNEL. TYLER, Ransom Hebbard, Am. author, b. 1813-1/. 1881. Bil)le ami social reform ; or, the Scriptures as a means of civiliza- tion. Phila., i860. 12° 2576-8 T\lek, Samuel, Am. author, b. 1809-*/. 1878. Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney. Haiti- more. 1S72. 8° 873B1 — Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities. pp. 304-316 412-58 TYLER, Wat : a drama. Southey, R. Poet- ical work-, v. 2. pp. 29-64 844C4 Tyler, Wm. Seymour, D. £>., Am. Presby- terian clergyman, />. 1810. Joshua and Judges; or, the heroic age of Israel. In Boston lectures, 1871. pp. 132-170. 239-z Ts lney hall. Hood, Thos. TYLOR, Edward Burnett, Eng. anthropologist, b. 1832. Anthropology: an introduction to the study of man and civilization. N. V., 1881. 12° 571-S4 — Primitive culture : researches into the de- velopment of mythology, philosophy, re- ligion, art, and custom. 2 v. L., 1871. 8°. Same. 2 v. N. Y., 1874. . . . 2902-8 — Researches into the early history of man- kind and development of civilization. I.., 1870. 8° 571-82 Stone age : past and present. In Estes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations, ser. I. PP- 3 2 7-j6l 5 4-42 - Preface. In Turner, G. Samoa, a hun- dred years ago 49612-8 TYNDALE, Wm., or Tindale, Eng. reformer, />. 1480-^. 1536. I 'emails. R. William Tyndale 899B6 — Adams, W. H. 1 ». Great English church- men, pp. 343-363 4«4S-2 — Caldwell, II. Art of doing our best. pp. 121-144 410-23 — Footsteps of the reformers in foreign land-. pp. 60-78 2706-42 — Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of ear- nest men. pp. 62-82 410-945 TYNDALL, John, EL. I)., British physicist, b. about 1820. Address delivered before the British Assoi iation assembled at Bel- fast. \. Y., I875. 12° 575-92 Contents. — [PrcfaccsJ. — Addrc-- al Belfast. — Extract from the lecture deliver,*! in Manches- ter, Oct., 1874. — Scope and limit of s< icmiii, materialism. 1 ontributions to moleculai physics in the domain of radiant heat. N. V., 1873. 8°. 53633-8 1 1. on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. I... 1881. 12° 6132 8 — Fai 1 N. Y., 1868. 12°, 338B4 Forms of water in cli ii e, and glaciers. N. Y., 1872. 12. Same, '876- ■ 55'4-9 TYNDALL, John, continued. — Fragments of science for unscientific peo- ple : a series of detached essays, lectures and reviews. N. Y., 1S71. 12°. . . . 504-85 Contents. — Constitution of nature. — Thoughts on prayer and natural law. —Miracles and special providences. — Matter and force. — Address to students. — Scope and limit of scientific material- ism. — Scientific use of the imagination. — On radiation. — Radiant heat in relation to the color and chemical constitution of bodies. — Chemical rays and the structure and light of the sky. — Dust and disease. — Life and letters of Faraday. — Elementary lecture on magnetism. — Slates. — Death by lightning. — Science and spirits. — Vitality. — Additional remarks on miracles. — Heat considered as a mode of motion. N. Y., 1868. 12°. Same, 1S70 536-8 — Hours of exercise in the Alps. N. Y ., 1870. 8°. Same, 1S75 4494-8 — Lectures on light, delivered in the United States in 1872-73; with address at the farewell banquet. N. Y., 1873. 8°. . 535-89 — Lessons in electricity at the Royal Insti- tution, 1875-6. N.Y., 1881. 12 . . . 537-9 — Light and electricity : notes of two courses of lectures before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. N. V., 1S71. 12 . . 535-9 — Sound: a course of eight lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. N. Y., 1S67. 12° 534-9 — On the study of physics. In Culture de- manded by modern life. pp. 59-85. . . 3704-9 — Introduction. In Helmholtz, II. Popu- lar lectures on scientific subjects. . . . 502-43 — Introduction. In Pasteur, L. His life and labors 7 1 " 1 ' 1 Si ientific addresses. In Half hours with modern scientists, ser. 1. pp. 219-28S. 502-42 — Blackie, |. S. Natural history of atheism. pp. 1S1-254 2119-1 — Brownson, 1 >. A. Work-. v. 9. pp. 528-547. Reviews S18-27 — Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. hap. 6. Review of Tyndall's theories. 214-37 — I'oiler, N. Science and sentiment, pp. 10,2-221 '42-7 Tyng, Dudley Atkins, Am. Episcopal clergy, man, b. 1825-1/. 1N5S. Lives made sub- lime, pp. 25-39 4M4-5 TYPEl : a peep at Polynesian life during a four months' residence i" 1 valley of the Marquesas. Melville, Herman. ["ypes of ethical theory. Martineau, J. . . 190-6 Types ol mankind. Nott, J. C. rmrfGlidden, G. R 572-7 J -i ii' \i forms and special ends in creation. M ' osh, J. and Dickie, G 213-56 ["ypography. Se< Printing. Publishers. Punctuation. Tvki nwiii , carl of. Se> O'Donel, K. TYRE. — 1291 I ', I I I l' 1 , 1. 1 Gn ■ ■ ■ 11I hi in! v. |'|i. 'in ii" 'in; 1 Wi ight, w . 13, \ih ienl cities, pp 1 1 . 14; 1 >i g ■ 11. M - 11 ' abell, ed. Hou el eeping in old \ irginia. \. V\, 1S77. 12 . . 641-9 I . ri 11 . B 1 .' . 1 li 11 1 hunl in:;. 1 B60. 71 Wi , G 1 . . 1730-rt. 1786. Essay on the language and versification of < I and an inl roducl ton, togethei with m and a glossary. /;/ Chaucer, G. Poet- ical works 224C8 TYSON, Geo. E., captain. Blake, E. \ .. ./ Arctic experiences 498-16 Tyson, Martha E. Banneker, the Afric- American astronomer : from the posthu- mous papers of M. E. Tyson 1 ed. by her daughter. Phila., 1884. 16° 134B4 T\ 1 1 br, Alex. Fraser, [Lora Woodhou Scottish historian, b. 1747-1/. 1S13. Ele- ments of general history, ancient and modern; with a table of chronology. I ., [873. 12° 905-9 — Essays. In British essayists, v. 28-31. 184E1 ■ ■- iin,! Nares, Edward. Universal history, from the creation of the world to the decease of George 111. 1820. 6v, N. Y., 1854. 16° 906-9 Contents. — v. 1. Earliest ages. — Egypt. Asiatic empire, Greece loconquest by Rome. v .*. Art. social life and literature of Greece. — Rome to accession of Augustus. Roman philosophy, social life, etc. — Roman empire, the Goths. — Arabia and Ma- ■ : I he I r.'iik-. I v t Buro| I v. , I III I'. ill .". centuries. — India I , Ann I raser. Leila land. 1: [866. 24 I'll in England, n, t. p. 16 . . . 1 ' il.i al home : a 1 ontinual of Leila 1 ngland, B., 1866. 21 ,«, . 700A15 1 ITER, C. < I : ier, pseud. See Slidell. I TYTLER, H. W., tr. Callimachus. \\ . tr. into English verse. The hymns anil epigrams from the Greek; with the na Berenices from the Latin of Catul- lus. In Banks, J., tr. Works ol He- 1 'I pp. 369-434 8836-2 1 . Patrick Fraser, Eng. historian, l>. 1791-1/. 1849. Historical view of discovery on the more northern tsts "f Ami im the eai i i" the present lime; with sketch- es of the natural hi tor) ol American regions, by James Wilson ; to which is added an appendix containing remarks on a lati Sebastian Ca with a Yin il Richard Hakluyt. \. Y., 1S55. 16 471-9 — Hi- itland, from the accession of Alexander III to the union. 10 v. 1 iburgh, 1866. 8° 940-S — Memorable warsof Scotland. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 9403-S2 Contents. — Battle of Largs. — Stirling and Falkirk. — Baunockburn. — Harlaw. — Flodden. — Pinkie. — Homildon hill.— Langside. — Edin- burgh. — Glenlivat. — Death of James I, of Scotland. In nei , I". 1 Cist u ii alsct nes. pp. 7S- 98 903-S5 . :. Sarah, pseud. S Keddie, Hen- rietta. . Wm., Scottish writer, 1711 1792, Vn inquiry, historical and crit- ical, into the evidence against Mary . and an examination of the histories of Dr. Robertson and Mr. Hume, with respect to that evidence: 4th edition containing several addi- tional chapters ami an introduction. 2 v. I.., 1790. 8°. "i -Hi UBIQUE. — i 292 — UNCLE. u Ubique, pseud. See Gillmore, P. UEBERWEG, Friedrich, German philosopher, b. 1826-1/. 1S71. History of philosophy from Thales to the present time: tr. by G. S. Morris; with additions by X. Por- ter, and a preface by H. B. Smith, and P. Schaff. 2 v. X. V., 1872. 8°. . . 141-9 Contents. — v. 1. History of ancient and mediaeval philosophy, v. 2. History of modern philosophy ; wilji additions by the translator. — An appendix on English and American philoso- phy, by N. Porter, and an appendix on Italian philosophy, by V. Botta. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. Wilson, C. T. and Felkin, R. \V v . . 4676-96 Ugly girl papers; or, hints for the toilet. X. V., 1877. 16° 3916-8 UHLAND, johann Ludwig, German lyric poet, b. \-]%-]~d. 1862. Selections from his poems, translated, may be found in the following : Brooks, C. T., tr. German lyric poetry, pp. 3-49 8319-31 German lyrics, pp. 1 13-122 8319-3 — Butler, W. A. Poems, pp. 227-256. . 198C5 — Mangan, J. Poems, pp. 92-104. . . . 610C1 — Schiller, F. Homage of the arts. pp. 90-97 8319-2 L'hlhorn, Gerhard. Christian charity in the ancient church. N. Y., 1S83. 8°. 2571-8 — Conflict of Christianity with heathenism ; ed. and tr. from the German, by E. C. Smyth and C. J. H. Ropes. X. ¥"., 1S79. 8° 2721-S ULFILAS.w, Uphilas, Gothit scholar and writer, l>. about 318. Flint, S. History of lib- erty, pt. 2. v. 2. pp. 155-162. . . 2701-3 — Walsh, W. I'. Hemes of the mission field, pp. 34-44 4149-9 Ullmann, kail, German theologian, b. 1796- d. 1S65. Schaff, I'. Germany; its uni- versities, theology and religion. pp. 159 2743-8 LLOA, Don Antonio, mathematician ami naval officer, h. Ijl6-d. 1795. St. John, J. A. rated travelers. \.2. pp. 320-338. 4159-7S lloa, 1 ranciscode. Frost, T. Halfhours with the early explorers, pp. no 110. 437-37 Ulpian, or, Ulpianus, Domitius, Romanjur- ist, li. about lyo-d. 228. Rules of Ulpi- anus. With Gaius. Commentaries. . 342-4 mi, saint, />. 8<)o-d. 9; , inderdon, W. II. Evening with the saints, pp. 222- 232 414-23 ( ink. Mrs. I'. M. (Mulock.) Un- known country 4416-6 McDonnell, J. Civil warol 164] and its consequences 9416-6 Ultima Thule. Longfellow, II. W. . . . 587C5 Ultima Thule; or, a summer in Iceland. 2 v. Burton, R. F 4491-2 ULYAT.Wm. C. Fife at the sea shore ; where to go, how to get there, and how to en- joy public resorts on the New England, New York and Xew Jersey coasts. Princeton, N. J., 18S0. 12 4337-9 Ulysses, king of Ithaca. Baldwin, J-. Story of tfie golden age S834-14 — Homer. Iliad and Odyssey. [Various editions.] — Lamb, C. Eliana. pp. 221-336. Ad- ventures of Ulysses 554E5 — Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes, pp. 174-201 2901-8 — See also Telemachus. Troy. Umbrellas. Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work. pp. 165-174 607-48 — Wonder stories of science, pp. 105-124. 602-9 Una and her paupers : memorials of Agnes E. Jones, by her sister; with an intro- duction by F. Nightingale 518B2 Unawares. Peard, Frances M. Unbeaten tracks in Japan. Bishop, Mrs. I. L. (Bird) 452-2 Unbelief. Paget, V., (Vernon Lee, pseud). Responsibilities of unbelief. In Coan, T. M., ed. Questions of belief, pp. 1-56 • 204-18 — See also Infidelity. Uncivilized races. Wood, J. G 572-9 Unclaimed: a story of English life, by an English woman, n. t. p. 8°. Uncle Daniel's story of Tom Anderson and twenty great battles. Logan, J. A. . . 9S0-55 Uncle Gabe Tucker. Macon, J. A 817-61 Cm i 1: Jack. Besant, Walter. Uncle John. Melville, G. J. Whyte. Uncle John's flower-gatherers. Fuller, J. J. 582-35 I v LE John's talks with his nephews. Hardy. E. J., ed. 454A2 Uncle Lisha's shop. Robinson, Rowland F. UNCLE Mark's amaranths. Hale, Anne G. 445A5 I \< 1 1. Max. Carey, Rose N. Uncli Nat. n. t. y. 24 904AS 1 Peep and I. Clarke, Mary C. . . . 229A5 I INC! i<: Philip, /" aa'. See Hawks, F. L. I mi 1 1 Ralph. Paul, M. A. UNCLE Remus, his songs anil sayings. Har- ris, J. C 387-48 I 11 Rutherford's attic. Mathews, J. II. 619A2 1 Sam at home. Brydges, Harold. . . 473-19 1 .'ii mi id df honor. Rodenbough, I ', I '., ed. 9731-68 1 ■.' 1 1 Silo . 1 1 1. inn. I. S. UNCLE. — i i bin, Stowe, .'/ 1 1 Key to Ui upon '.'• hii h I hi rounded ' i.ih. Uncommi i '" ken . i Uni Butler, S I ird i ' i, H. ■ Hei G. A. Under gray walls. Doudni 192 V65 Under green apple-bough ;. i II | , i der life' key. Hay, Ma I DER loci ' 1 1 ! i i I W. Under ] d ices 1 Un In i nm i; the I" n . Kip, 1 i ider the i edai -. Hatch, \ I Undi R the dog tai 91 |A j I -.in k the fir trei " son, II. \V. ... i mm; the greenwood tree. Hai l NDER the- holly. Phila. 12 l nder the lilacs. Alcott, Louisa M. . . . 114A74 1 jdei thi liU i ml roses. I ean, Mrs. Fram ■ vail.) 1 m 1] 1. 1 he meteoi fia 1 lin 1. 1 1. . 24.3 A56 Undei ten mast, Vdams, N. . . . j ;. Under the Norl hei n lights. Mai > I ihan I \. pis in Undi r the old elm and other ] . : ell, J. R 5 1 -. 1 " R thi 1 ) of the Auri ra Borealis, in the land of the Lapps and K\ en 1 iholt, S u;i 8 1 ider the shield. Winchester, M E, UNDER the southern cross. Ballon. M. M. 490-2 1 nder the itoi k's nest. Kal >ch, \. I . 1 nder the ."lace. Connelly, Mrs. M. 1 jder the trees. Prime, s. 1 745E2 I sin 1: the tricolor. Hooker, Lu j II. 1; the willow ■. 1 ,owell, J. R 5 RBRUSH. Field, J. T ; 1 ndeh urr] its. Kimball, R. B. Undercurrents overlooked. Byrne, Mrs. W. P 3368-2 IDERi ;ri " D 1 ity. Verne, J. I \i.i ri ri " \n railroad. 1 loffin, I . Ren niscences. 1876 3265-3 — Still, W. The underground r.rflroad. •872 3265 7 — See also Slavery, in America. Underground Russia. Stepniak. . . . 9477 -1 Underground treasures. Orton, J. . . . 553-7 Undergroi nd world. Knox, Thos. W. . 0229-5 Undertones. Buchanan, Robert 1 Underwuoh. Francis Henry, Am. 1SJ5. Hand-book of English literal intended for the use of high American authors. B., 1873. 8°. . . 811 9 British authors. B., 1S79. S°. . . . 8209-9 1 : " B., 1 Blunt, J. J 2 He, I. II Undine. 1 ! iuntry. Howells, \V. D. Unkxpectei E. V. * II. Kill": and : inual of Eui opean j and : 12° 1 lalt, J. /n Club b v. 2. pp. 205-212. Fairfield, \ ork. pp. 57 -83. . . . 367-4 Union college. Van Sant\ I : h.ilei N'ott I 'mi in league "1" ; tirfield, F. ■ ew Y'.rk. pp. 106 1 I. VV. . 2 ; - ;imi>, chiefly of the wet and • otland. ! ! ihn G. . ;s,4 j Unitarian, S& Gage, Wm. L. 1 VNISM. Allen, J. II. ( l\ir lil.eral ;ment in theolo . 1882 . . . . — Bal if creation. 1884. ^2-144 tvs, II. W. Restatements of Chris- tian doctrine. 1867 230S-2 — Chad wick, J. VV. Faith 1SS0. 252-296 — Clarke, J. F. I truths and 1S09 230S-3 — Ellis, ii. E. Half-century of the I'nita- ontroversy. 1857 2SS9-35 tint of the origin and f Trinitarian theology. 1^67. 2308-5 hingham, O. B., Child's Imok of religii 260S-4 H. Pen lectures on ortho and heresy in thi . church. 1883. i . 1 1. Reason in religion ianism : essays an 5. Phila., 1886 12 Contents- — Dedication sern F. Clarke. — A century of Unitarianism in America, H Allen. — Israel's inspiration and our relation to it, by 3. R. inity in the presence of modern criticism, by It. Her- ford.— Eternal goodness, by J. W. Chadwick. — UNITARIANISM. — 1294 — UNITED STATES. Unitarianism, continued. Debt of religion to science, by M. J. Savage. — The church in its relation to public charity, by E. E. Hale.— The church as a school of ethics, by T. R. Slicer. — Religion and democracy, by H N*. Brown. — Simplicity of the gospel, by A. P. Peabody. — Visions and patterns, by R. Coll- yer. — A liberal Christian church, by J. May. New discussion of the Trinity. 1S60. . 2311-4 — Norton, A. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of the Trinita- rians. 1869 2 3H-5 — Orme, YV. Memoirof the controversy re- specting the three heavenly witnesses, 1 John, v. 7 23 1 1-6 — Sabbath leisure ; or, religious recreations, in prose and verse, by several members of the Unitarian church. 1867 241-81 — Wilson, J. Unitarian principles con- firmed by Trinitarian testimonies. . . 230S-9 — Channing, W. E. Works, v. 5. . . . . 208-17 — Confessions of a Unitarian. In College and the church, pp. 160-170 3704-4 — Lorimer, G. C. Ism-, old and new. pp. 182-204 204-55 — Maurice. F. D. Kingdom of Christ, v. I. pp. 131-148 2838-5 Where is the city ? pp. 303-344. . . 280-9 — See also Lives and writings of C. H. Brig- ham. O. B. Frothingham. W. E. Chan- ning. O. Dewey. T. S. King. S. J. May. T. Parker. H. Ware. Mary L. Ware. United. Sinnett, A. P. UNITED Irishmen. Savage, J. '98 and '48 ; the modern revolutionary history and literature of Ireland, pp. 151-218. . . 9417-7 UNITED Irishmen, their lives and times. Madden, R. R 9417-6 UNITED States. Sui-divisions : 1. Archae- ology. 2. History. 3. Political his- tory and government. 4. Constitution. 5. Finance. 6. Foreign relations. 7. Army. 8. Navy. 9. Church history ami religion. 10. Education. 11. Bi- ography. 12. Commerce, industries, resources. 13. Geology. 14. Travel-, description, social condition. 15. Mis- cellaneous. Note. — Under such subjects as Agriculture, Architecture, Art, Literature, etc., in the cat- alogue will be found what relates to those sub- jects in the United States. /. Archeology. er, J. W. Pre-historic races of the ites of America. 1878. . . . 407-4 Pidgeon, W. Traditions of De-coo-dah antiquarian researches. 1858. . . 407-75 antiquities. Arch gy. 1 North America. Mound builders. United States, continued. 2. History, Bibliography. — Adams, C. K. Manual of historical lit- erature, chap. 14 904-2 — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history. pp. 716-719 920-7 Questions and topics. — Allen, J. C. Topical studies in American history. 18S5 9736-2 — Hathaway, B. A. tool questions and answers. 1S82 9736-4 General histories. Note. — In the following sub-division may be found the more important General histories, fol- lowing them the briefer Manuals, Miscellaneous works relating to the general history of the country, and histories of limited periods in chronological order. Under the heading Polit- ical history and government, (on p. 1301), may be found books on those especial subjects. — Bancroft, G. History of the United States. [Various editions. See Bancroft]. Covers the colonial period, the revolution and the formation of the constitution. " It is not simply a narration of events, but is also a philosophical discussion of the various principles and ideas that have entered into the structure of our government and society." — C. K. Adams. — Frothingham, R. Rise of the Republic of the United States [to 1790] 972-jS " Admirable for its representation of the causes and tendencies leading towards union." — C K. Adams. — Greg, P. History of the United States, from the foundation of Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union. 2 v. 1887. 972-41 — Hamilton, J. C. History of the Republic of the United States as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton. 7 v. 1857-68 972-42 — Hildreth, R. History of the United States from the discovery of America to the end of the 16th congress. 6 v. 1S54-56. 972-45 — McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the United States, v. 1-2. 18S3-S5. [From the close of the Revolution]. . . 972-6 " A brilliantly written history given largely to the portrayal of the social side of life." — C. K. Adams. — Morris, C, ed. Half-hours witli Ameri- can history. 2 v. 1887 972-64 Selections from prominent historians. — Onehundred year- ol American independ- ence. 1876 972-25 — Patton, J. II. Concise history of the American people, from the discoveries of the continent to 1876. 2 v. 18S2. . 972-7 Peck, J. T. History of the great repub- lic. 1869 972-7 2 — Pitkin, T. Political ami civil history of the United States, from 1763 to 1797. 2 v. 1828 972-74 UNITKh STATES. — '295 ' Unitei , ontinued. "An I int infbrn A'. Adam*. Si houlei ,| 1 1 lory of I he i niled State . ■\ \ . [886-80. Spem ...I \ History hi Stale from the earl id to the ad M ,i i .ii ol I i B cha nan. 3 v. 1858 .' fre Indians ol Lmei land. Northwesl territory, South. w e it. ' .' ■■ 1 he names I I 1 ious States. I , 1 1 1. 1 J04.) Manuals. Vm J. J. I' rial 11 hool hi I of the United States. 1S75 Bonner, J. 1 hild's hist 01 -. ol the 1 nited Stales. 3 v. 11. il 97j-2 — Brief history ol the United States, n. t. P- ,0 ° 973 9 — Brief history of the United Stall [Barnes' historical -erics.] <>; ; 17 — Butterworth, II. Young folks' hi V iii.-i hi 973-22 1 Ihilds, E. I . I li -iii - ol the 1 nited . 1 192-1885 1 lodge, V s. Stoi ies ol .1 grandfather about American history. 1874 973-2 1 ii ij le, J. A. Historj ol 1 he 1 State>. 1876 973-29 " Carefully preparei .-urate."— C A*. Adams. — Eliot, s. History of the United Sta 1 from 1492 to [872. 18S1 973 3 - Frost, J. Popular history of the United |SS| 973-37 Oilman, A. Historj ol the American • "• '1 973-4 Grimshaw, \\ . History of the United Si ites to t nr 1 eai i « ith Mexii in 1848 — Guein~ey, E, History of the United Stale-. 1863 — Hale, E. I History of the 1 ed States. ■ ,S ' S < Higginson, T. W. \ oung Folks' histoi of the United States. 1886 973-47 Larger history of the United States. 1886. 973 ;s -- Howitt, M. (B.) Populai history of the United Siaie>. 2 v. i860 — Johnston, A. I i i~; i\ ol ihe United States. 1SS6 973-52 " A book of much merit, giving more than usual attention to the period subsequent to the revolutionary war." — C A'. Attains. ing, B. 1. 1 miunon school hi "I the 1 inied Stales. 1864 973-59 Pictorial history of the United S ,8 7' 973-5S • ■ :, ,/. \l I :,i-. — M II: try. 1876 "■ 'I II. W. II 84. 973-73 Q [I'll- ' nited I. t. p Lh, J. C. Hi ioiy of the 1 Slates. 1S79 nited Slates. 1S77 973-83 Su niton, W. Condi [1871] r3-85 I .. M. Nation in a nu' 1887 973-87 Venable, W. II. School history of the -1 973-92 — Willard, I 1 nited States to the he Mexican war. 1851. 973-94 Historical miscellani B rber, J. W., • Act Congress in 176s."— C. K. Adams. before the revolut, — Church, T. History of t lie great Indian war of 1675-70, ilip's war I French and 1 idian wars, from 1689 to 1704. i860. . . . 9743-3 - Draki ' A particul; 1 I the i wai inc- 11 1S70. man, A. II ill. .well, l<. T. 1 ikers. 1887. United Smte^. continued. — Johnson, R. History of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada. 1S82 9747-5 — Ridder, F. History of the Boston massa- cre in 1770 19825-5 — Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2 v. 1882 971-68 — Raynal, < '•. T. F. Settlement and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. 6 v. 179S 437-8 — Sargent, W., ed. History of an expedi- tion against Fort Du Ouesne in 1755, under Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock. 1855 9749-8 — Smith, P. H. Acadia: a lost chapter in American history. 1884 9716-8 Note. — Other works treating of the period of discovery may be found under the heading America, discovery. For the French settle- ments in America, see French in America, and Huguenots, especially Baird's Huguenot emi- gration to America, (2845-2], and Canadian his- tory, especially Parkman's works. See also histories of New England, particularly Pal- frey's, and histories of New York and of the oth*er seaboard colonies. Of the general histo- ries Bancroft and Hildreth are very full in their treatment of the colonial period. Revolution. — Abbott, E. Paragraph history of the American revolution. 1S76 975-1 1 Revolutionary times. 1876 975-12 — Abbott, J. Revolt of the colonies. . . 97491-2 War of the revolution 975—13 — Carrington, H. B. Battles of the Ameri- can revolution. 1S76 975-3 — Coffin, C. C. Boys of '76. 1876. . . . 975-35 — Ellet, E. F. Domestic history of the American revolution. 1859 9758-3 — Greene, G. W. Historical view of the American revolution. 1876 975~4 " Presents in striking light the salient points of the revolution, unencumbered with the de- tails of unimportant affairs." —G A* Adams. 1 1 ising, B. J. Pictorial field-1 00k of the lution. 2 v. 1850-52 975-5 — Niles, II. Centennial offering : prim ami acts of the K ■ olul ion in Amer- ica 9759-6 — Sears, R. Pictorial historj oi the \mer- 1 in revolution, n. t. p 975-8 — See also Biography of the revolutii n p, 1305.) li 1 litics and diplomacy of the revolution see Lives of J. Idami I Q Vl.nn- s Adams, Franklin Gallatin. Hamilton. Pat- rick ! I G Morris. ndolph. For its military 1 "^ see 1m han \1!' 11. Vndn , i nold Brant. John ECftlb. Lafayetti I Lamb 1 Vfarion M organ. Putnam. Schuyler. Steuben Washington. UNITED STATES. 1297 — I ED - fATES United States, continued. Ni'tr Of the foregoing thi livi 10I '■'■ ■ in ton, especially thoie by Marsh. ill and Irving, will he found dI 1 ■ 'i value 1 hi lifi ol G n Greene, hy t;. w . Greene, giv< in a i ihc entire course of tin- war, and 1 valuable in regard to the southern of 1780-81. Revolution, special periods, or /<' ' — Romance of the revolution, n. d. . . . '.1758-7 "si udder, II. K., ed. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1S76. 9758-75 — Tales of the revolution 9758-8 Watson, II. C. Camp-fire tion ; or, the war of independence. . . 9758-9 Watson, W. ('., ed. Men and tunes of the revolution; or, memoirs of Elkanah Watson 927B1 — Campbell, \V. \V. Border warfare of New York during the revolution; or, the annals of Tryon county 983-27 — Stone, W. L. Border wars of the Amer- ican revolution. 2 v <>755-8 In this connection sec life of Brant. — Frothinghani, R, Siege of Boston, and the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill 975 1—3 — Jones, C. H. Campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776 975 1 — g Townshend, C. H. British invasion of New Haven, Conn., [in 1779.] .... 9755—9 — Ice, II. Memoirs of the war in the south- ern department 9756-5 — Draper, L. C. King's mountain and its heroes 9756-3 — Gilmore, J. R. Rear-guard of the revo- lution 9756-45 — Roosevelt, T. Winning ol tin- west. 2 v. 9S7-8 JVotc.— The foregoing two give an account of the settlement of Kentucky and Tennessee, and of the part of the settlers in the revolutionary u ir In this connection see also lives of Boone and Sevier. — Deux-Ponts, G.,comie de. My campaigns in America, 1780-S1 9753-32 — Johnston, [{. 1'. Yorklown campaign. 9754-5 — Greene, G. \V. German element in the war of American independence. . . . 9759-4 — Lowell, E. J. Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain. . 9759-5 — Regnault, E. Criminal history of the English government, pp. 51-69. . . . 9303-7 — Hopkinson, F. The old farm and the new farm: a political allegory S17-52 Revolution, foetus. — Calvert, G. H. Nation's birth and other national poems. 1S76 202C5 — Carleton, W. Young folks' centennial rhymes. 1876 • . . 206C6 — Freneau, P. Poems, relating to the Amer- ican revolution. 1S65 ;M< 1 ntinu, ,1. re, 1 Si n and ballad > of the Ami n ri oliiiion. 1 Sid. C. L. Alleghani Amerii an hei 1 73 , tnond, ' .. I.. Ballad- of the revolu- tion, and othi r poi 1887 77 Colony balls 1 ; ; 7; Read, I . B. v, f the Allcgha- nies. 1868 7!- — Trumbull, J. M'Fingal: a modem epic poem 895C8 n, fiction. A revolutionary times and events, sec among others, the following stories: M K. Brush, I' 1 ; I 1 I "per, el I n); Thespj V., 178.. 1: The pilot; The chain bearer; I 10m, a romance of the Jerseys, 1776; N. Hawthorne, Septimius Fel- ton, (Concord, 1775); G. A. Hcnty, True to the old flag; H Hinton, My comrades; M A U Hoppus, The great treason, (Arnold); J. P. Kennedy. Horseshoe Robinson, (S. Carolina, 1780) ; G. Lippard, Legends of the, American revolution; I). Murdock, Dutch dominie of the I II I < ccrson, Pcmberton ; L. Rouftse- Ict, The drummer boy; W. G. Simm's con- nected series of stories about the war in S. Carolina in the following order: :. The parti- san, [from the fall of Charleston to the defeat at Camden ; 2. Mcllichampe, (battle of Camden to Greene's arrival) ; 3. The kinsmen, (siege of ninety-six anil t Irecnc's career;; 4. Kathcrinc Walton; 5. Woodcraft; 6. The foraycrs; 7 ; I • P I hompson, The rangers. 99 — i .1 I ED rATES Uni 1 1 ontinutd. i '/, U war, East, — Fry, |. B. McDowell and Tyler, in the < ampaign ol Bull Run. i s.s.j 97871 -t ( v. it war i>i the East, 1 6 — Marks, J. J. Penin ill li ;n in Vir- ginia. 1864 — Peninsular campaign ol Gen. McClellan in 1.S112. v. i — Webb, A. S. The peninsula j McClellan's Ol t862 978l 17 — R.. ; Aiuiy under Pope. . . . 97 s " 1 — Cox, J. D. Sei ond battle ol Bull Run. 9; — Palfrey, F. W, intietam and Fredericks- burg 9781 19 — Scli. ill,. I . 1 an p ii ;n of 1862-63. . . . 9877- 8 oar in /it,- East, /S63. — See Chancellorsville. Gettysburg. Civil wat iiit : :, East, 1864-65. — Wilkeson, !•'. Recollections ol a private soldierin the Arm) of the Potomac. . . 9789-9 — Pond, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 9781 25 1 1 umphrej ;, A. A. Virgini 1 n of '64 and '65 ; the army of the Potomac and the arm) ol the James. [883. , . 9781 27 — With Sheridan in Lee's last campaign, by a itafl officer 97891-S in the West. — Coffin, C. C. My days and nights on the battle Held 978-21 — Partem, J. Genei Butler in New Or- leans: history of the administration of the Departmenl of the Gulf, 1862. . . . mM'.i Force, M. F. Fort Henry to Corinth. . 9731-16 — Greene, F, V. The Mississippi 9781-2 — Cox, J. I'. Atlanta 9781 23 March to the sea: Franklin and Nash- ville. [882 9781-24 — Nichols, G.W. Storj of the great march. 97" 1 1 7 — I la/en, \V. I!. Narrative of military service 979-45 — Set also Army of the Cumberland. Fort Pillow. Stone's river. Civil war, west of the Mississippi. — Bishop, A. W. Loyalty on the frontier. ' N "i 9795- 2 — Kelso, I. Stars and bars; or, the reign of terror in Missouri. 1863 9795-5 — Rebel invasion ol Missouri and !. n 1865 9795-7 — Snead, T. I. The light for Missouri. |i miii. !. 1 ate account.] 9S7S-8 — See Navy lit 1 . (p. 1 304.) Civil -car, southern prisons. — Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South during the years 1S64-65. 1S65. . . . 981 2 1 2 , I . lb Iron fui i ! ivery and 1 9802-14 Brow in-, J. 1 1. I 9802 2 . 1 1 . \l . 11. 1. i' Draki I I 1 md loose in I >ixic : expi it Libby, Ma- ■ Ely, A. I ar in Richmond. I..o2 9802-3 Pittenger, W. 1 ... 9802-71 Daring and suffering. 1887 9802-7 ii. R. S. Arbitrary arrests in the in- experieni an 9819-9 — See a pilal mtti relief -.cork. , worth, S. S. Loyal people of the north-west. 1S69 9804-3 • Ellis, T. T. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. 1S63 9803-3 1 1. 1. Kelt, II. B. Christian memori the war. 1864 9805-4 II .1'. A. Fiel 1, gunboat, d and prison. 1886 980-45 Hoge, Mrs. A. H. B vs in blue. n. t. p. 980-47 Hospital transports. 1863 9803-4 — Letterman, J. Medical recollectii the Army of the Potomac. 1866.. . . 9803-5 nai d, M. C. I B 1 an i Johnson, E. F. acre and it- harvest. 1869. 9804-2 visshelm, J. G. Half a century. . . . 868B7 — Wheelock, J. S. Boys in white: the ex- periences of a hospital agent in and about Washington 9803-9 — Wilkinson, \\ e lance in the field of life and letters, pp. 255-302. tian commission 804-96 — Alcott, L. M. Hospital sketches. . . . 114A33 Civil : ff'y- ives of J. A Andrew. G. D. Bayard. \\ IJ. Brownlow. Burnside. Custer. Dahl- grcn. J. A. Dix. Grant. Kearny. Kilpat- rick. I.ii I -Han. Milchel. Scott. Sheridan. Sherman. ' I — Fiske. S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experiences in the army. 1866 980-13 — Hepworth, G. II. Whip, hoe and -word. 9S01-38 nan, W. Camp, court and siege: personal adventure and observation dur- ing two wars. 1861-65, 1S70-71. 1S77. 4^1 D- Hosmer, J. K. Color-guard: being a corporal's note- of military service in the Nineteenth arm) corps. 1864 9S01-4 A graphic account of a year's service, includ- ing the Port Hudson campaign. UNITED STATES. — 1300 UNITED STATES. United States, continued. — Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation of men and events. 1SS4 532B1 — Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drum- mer boy. 1S83 9S01-4S The writer enlisted as a boy in one of the regiments of the celebrated Bucktail brigade and served from 1862 to the close of the war. It gives excellent descriptions of every-day life in camp and field, and in a very vivid way a boy's impressions of the battles in which he participated, particularly of the first day's fighting at Gettysburg. — Knox, T. W. Camp-fire and cotton-field. 1865 9801-5 — Nott, C. C. Sketches of the war. 1SJ5. 9801-7 — Lieb, C. Nine months in the quarter- master's department. 1862 9806-5 — Owens, J. A. Sword and pen : the ad- ventures of Willard Glazier 426B1 — Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals: as seen from the ranks during a campaign in the Army of the Potomac. 1S64. . 9S01-8 — Russell, W. H. My diary ; North and South. 1863 9801-83 — Salm-Salm, Agnes, princess. Ten years of my life. 2 v 802B2 — Taylor, B. F. Mission Ridge, and Look- out mountain 9801-9 — Townsend, G. A. Campaigns of a non- combatant. 1866 9S01-93 — Williams, G. F. Bullet and shell. . . . 9801-96 Civil war, anecdotes and incidents. — Brockett, L. P. Lights and shadows of the rebellion, n. t. p 980-2 — Cronin, D. E. Evolution of a life de- scribed in the memoirs of Major Seth Eyland. 1884 328B8 — Hale, E. E. Stories of war, told by sol- diers. 1886 980-44 — Kirkland, F. Anecdotes and incidents of the war of the rebellion. 1867. . . 980-5 — Light and dark of the rebellion. 1863. . 980-53 — Moore, F., ed. Anecdotes, poetry and in- cidents of the war: North and South, 1860-65. 1866 ' 980-6 — Porter, D. D. Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. 18S5 980-7 — Townsend, E. I >. Anecdotes of the 1 ivi] war in the United States 980-9 — Victor, O. J. Incidents and anecdotes of the war. [1862.] 980-93 Civil war, /tumor. — Adams, F. C. Siege of Washington, I). C. n. d 9809-2 — Halpine, C. G. Baked meats of the fu- neral. 1866 452E1 Life and adventure! ol Private Miles O'Reilly. 1864 817-463 — Hinman, \V. F. Corpoi.il Si Klegg and In pard. 1887 9801-39 United States, continued. — Newell, R. H. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. 1871 817-68 — Peck, G. W. How Private Geo. W. Peck put down the rebellion. 1887 9801-75 — Scott, A. M. Chronicles of the great re- bellion. 1864 97S1-82 Civil war, special organizations. — Fremont, Mrs. J. (B.) Story of the guard. 1863 9795-35 — Horton, J. II. tf«yl3-2 11.11. War-lyrici ; and 1 1 — Melville, II. 1 the war. 1 866 Moore, F., L; i 113-6 Pet 80913-61 — See alto the following : Preston, M J., Becchcn- broole ; .1 rhyme of the war, (745c t) ; Htedman, E. C. Alice of Monm< ( I . I a women, (965C1). Also J. R. Lowell's It Rcid's Sher- nl.iu 1 ride; J. G ti hie, .f the war, r, fiction. Child. I.. M.. Romance of the Republic ; Cof- fin, C. C, Winning his way, sjaAs ; Cooke, J. K . 1 1 lit t. . lull, Shenandoah valley, i86«) ; Cro- H.,i derate spy, i86r; Davis, R. H-, Waiting for the verdict ; Dc Forest, J. W . Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty ; Dickinson, ft I.. What answer? Fuller, 1 1 he Brownings: Gildcrslccvc, Mrs. C. II , Rcmy St. Rcmy, 1 4 a 1 A 4 1 ; Gilmore. J K . mund Kirlce, pseud.), Down in Tennessee ; His jew-l G. W , \ s we went marching on; Hosmer, J. K., Thinking bayo- net; King, C, Wartime wooing; Lanier. S., Tiger lilies; Logan, J. A., Uncle Daniel'ssl (980-55); Loring, F. W., Two college friends; Nichols, G. W., The sanctuary, [Sherman's march ; Roe, 1 I' , His sombre rivals; Roe- buck; Thomas, M. M . Captain Phil, [884 Trowbridge, J. T., Cudjos cave. Drummer boy, (896A5), and Three scouts; Verne, J., Tcxar's revenge. L 'nited St 7 history. \. M. A political crime: the history of the great fraud. 1SS5. . . . 98193-4 — See also Lives and writings of Garfield, Grant, Hayes, Blaineand others. Also the sub-divis- ion, Political history. ,-. Political history and government. ms. II., ed. Documents relating to Xew England federalism. 1877. . . . 3291-2 — Adams, J. Works 81S-14 Uton, K. Among the law-makers ;2S7-2 Alien. I. Science of government. 1S66. 320-12 — Benton, T. II. Thirty years' view, 1S20- 1S50. 2 v. 1S5S 3207-2 X .'.-.—" In no other work can be obtain c d good an account of passing political events dur- ing those important years which extended from 1820 to 1850." — C A". Ada — Blaine, J. G, Twenty years of Congrc from Lincoln to Garfield. 2v 97S3- 18 — Brow nson, O. A. American republic. 32073-2 Works, v. 15-18 Sis :- UNITED STATES. 1302 UNITED STATES. United States, continued. — Calhoun, J. C. Disquisition on govern- ment and discourse on the constitution and government of the United States. 1851 3403-25 Centz, P. C. Republic of republics; or, American federal liberty. 1881. . . . 3207-25 Colton, C. Public economy for the United States. 1856 3353-28 Crane, W. \V. and Moses, B. Pulitics: an introduction to the study of compar- ative constitutional law. 18S4 320-25 Dawes, A. L. How we are governed. 18S5 3207-2S Dix, W. G. American State and Amer- ican statesmen. 1876. . . 3 20 7~3 Draper, J. W. Thoughts on the future civil policy of America 9 OI_ 3 Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain : a history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American poli- tics. 1880 35'"4 — Fate of Republics. 18S0 3 2l8 -4 Fiske, J. American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of universal history. 1885 3 2 °7-37 Ford, \V. C, id. American citizen's man- ual. 2 v. in 1. 1886 3 20 7-4 — Greeley, H. and Cleveland, J. F., eds. Political text-book for i860 3 2 9"4 — Greg, \V. R. Rocks ahead. 1S75. . . 435E8 — Gurowski, A. G. de. America and Europe. 1857 473-4 1 — Hiatt, J. M. Political manual. 1864. . 3 2 9-45 Voter's text-book. 1868 3207-45 — Hill, B. A. Liberty and law under fed- erative government. 1874 321S-45 — Holmes, A. Parties and their principles. 1859 329-48 — Hoist, II. E. von. Constitutional and political history of the United States. 5 v. 1877-85 34& 2 -45 — Hurd, J. C. Theory of our national exist- ence. 1SS1 3207-47 — Jennings, L. J. Eighty years of Repub- lican government in the United States. 1868 3 2 °7-5 — Johnson, A. B, Guide to the right un- derstanding of our American union. 1857 3 2 °7-53 — Johnston, A. History of American poli- tics. 1887 329-5 — Julian, G. W. Political recollections. 1884 520B8 — Junkin, G. Political fallacies. 1863... 9783-48 — Lamphere, G. N. United States govern- ment; its organization and practical working. 1880 353~5 — Lawton, G. W. Ili' American caucus system. 1885 3 2 473~5 United States, continued. — Lessons of a century, for the Fourth of July, 1S76 3207-6 — Maine, H. J. S. Popular government. 1886 3218-6 — Monroe, J. The people the sovereigns. 1867 3207-65 — Mulford, E. The nation. 1872 3207-7 — Nordhoff, C. Politics; or, young Ameri- cans. 18S4 3207-73 — Partridge, J. A. Making of the Ameri- can nation. 1S86 8783-7 — Raum, G. B. Existing conflict between republican government and southern oligarchy. 1884 984-8 — Saunders, F. and Thorpe, T. B. Voice to America: the model republic, its rise or its fall. 1855 3207-92 — Scott, E. G. Development of constitu- tional liberty in the English colonies of America. 1882 3207-76 — Seaman, E. C. American system of gov- ernment. 1870 3207-77 — Shinn, C. H. Mining camps. 1SS5. . 3401-8 — Sons of the sires : a history of the rise, progress and destiny of the American party. 1855 3 2 95~9 — Sterne, S. Constitutional history and po- litical development of the United States. 1882 3462-S — Stickney, A. Democratic government. 1885 3207-78 — Straus, O. S. The origin of republican form of government in the United States. 1885 3 2 07-79 — Thompson, J. 1'. United States as a na- tion: lectures on the centennial of American Independence. 1S77. . . . 3207-8 — Tocqueville, A. de. American institu- tions and their influence, v. 1. De- mocracy in America. 1S51 3207-88 Republic of the United States of Amer- ica. 2 v 3207-89 — Willis, A. Our rulers and our rights; or, outlines of the United States govern- ment 353-9 — Wilson, W. Congressional government: a study in American politics. 1885. . 3207-93 — Woodhull, V. C. Origin, tendencies and principles of government. 1871. . . 3207-95 — Voting, A. W. The American states- man : a political history. 1855. . . . 329-9 Government class book. 1865. . . . 3207-98 — Cobb, J. 1'.. Leisure labors, pp. 357- 408 240E1 — Barton, J. Topics of the time. pp. 65- 94 and 199-223 7 1 51^5 — Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. PP. i54->59 532lH UNITKH ST. VI ES. — 'i°3 — . I ES United Stat . n inued. — See also Speeches by Rul Henry Cl»j [ohn A Dix, Uberl ' I illatin foshua R.I.!... \\ '-mlcll Philips. JmIhi Sherman, Daniel M. I... \\ 1 1 on, and ■ 1 1 1 ■ I ./. Constitution, — Constitutii I the several states oi thi Union an I of the 1 nited States, includ- ing the 1 lei in. H ion ol I ndependem e and :i 1 1 ii le of confed [861 3463-3 1 onstituti 1 the 1 'nited States, with the indments thereto ; [effei on's manual of parliamentary practice. [>|>. 5—45. . 328-2 Baker, J. 1. Federal constitution. r887. 3462-2 — Bancroft, ul religion. — Baird, R. Religion in America. 1856. 277-2 United States, continued. — Clergy of America 2509-3 — Colton, C. Genius and mission of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. 1854 2832-3 — Eddy, R. Universalism in America. 2 v. 1S86 2891-3 — Noble, W. F. P. A century of gospel work, 1776-1876 277-7 — Rupp, I. D. Religious denominations at present existing in the United States. 1844 209-74 Schaff, P. Church and state in the United States. 1888 2577-74 — Shea, J- G. Catholic church in the United States, v. 1-2 2826-7 Covers the period from 1521 to 1815. To be complete in 5 v. Catholic missions among the Indians. 1854 • 267-7 — Thompson, J. P. Church and state in the United States 2577-8 — While, W. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America 2832-9 — Alviella, Count Goblet d'. Contempo- rary evolution of religious thought in England, America and India 201-102 — Diman, J. L. Orations and essays, pp. 299-416 287E7 — Hall, N. From Liverpool to St. Louis. pp. 1S7-228 473-46 10. Education. — Daily public schools in the United States. 1866 370-8 — Mansfield, E. D. American education, its principles and elements. 1853. . . 37°-58 — Walsh, M. McN. The lawyer in the school-room: comprising the laws of all the states on educational subjects. . . . 3797~9 — See also Education. Schools. //. Biography, general. — Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 412-18 — Bartlett, 1>. W. Modern agitators. . . 412-2 — Bogart, W. H. Who goes there? . . . 412-23 — Bolton, S. K. How success is won. . . 412-24 Poor lioys who became famous. . . . 410-16 — Bungay, G. W. Crayon sketches. . . . 412-25 — Carroll, II. Twelve Americans 4 I2 ~3 — Derby, I. C. Fifty years among authors. 4181-3 — Drake, S. \..ed. Our great benefactors. 410-42 — Famous boys and famous men 410-478 — Famous boys and how they became great. 410-48 lull, M. I'.. Memories of many men ami some women 35°^8 — Fifty celebrated men 410-49 — Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of promi- nent New Yorkers 41247-3 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes "f public men. 412-4 i NITED ST A l I s '.3°5 I Ml Ih I \ I I - I 'm 1 1 n State , continued. Presidents from Wo hington to Pierce. 112-43 ' .1 1 wold, II 1 . I tome life ol greal au- thoi [iS r. I [arsha, D. A. On and tate men. 110-54 1 1< une 1 ol Vme authors. . 41S1 1 5 1 1 1 ol \ in'' n .in in.- men 41-' 5 ; I I'iihI, 1'!. I'.. <■odge, M A . c ..11I 1 1. million, pseud.) Wool gathering, 1867 473-44 1 llet, E. I ■'. I;. 1 in ble al 1 thi 1 ountry. 1 473-34 — I' 1 . 1 .A. omeim] n of the 1883 1 . United States, continued. — Fremont, Jessie B. Year of American travel. 1S78 470-35 — Fuller, S. M. At home and abroad. 1874. 439-34 — Gilpin, W. Mission of the North Ameri- can people, geographical, social, and political. 1873 557-4 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight around home. 1884 474-45 — Headley, J. T. Pen and pencil sketches of the great riots. 1S77 3467-4 — Hopkins, M. Mahetible Hopkins and her travels. 18S4 817-5 — Howe, J. (AY.) Modern society ; changes in American society. 1S81 I97 _ 4 — Howells, W. D. Three villages. 1884. 473-48 — Ingersoll, E. Crest of the continent. 1885 478-5 — Jackson, H. M. (F.) Bits of travel at home. 1S78 473-5 — Keating, W. H, Narrative of an expedi- tion to the source of St. Peter's river, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the 'Woods, etc. 2 v. 1825 47 I2 7-5 — Land we live in. n. t. p 47°-55 — Lanman, C. Japanese in America. 1872. 4739~5 — Latham, H. Black and white. 1867. . 473-55 — I.vell, C. Second visit to the United States. 2 v. 1S68-55 473-59 — Mackay, C. Life and liberty in America, i860 47°-° — Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics. 1864 473~6 — Maretzek, M. Crotchets and quavers ; or, revelations of an opera manager in America. 1855 772-6 — Marshall, W. G. Through America. 1881 473-62 — Marston, E. Frank's ranehe; or, my holi- days in the Rockies. 1886 47S-61 — Mendell and Hosmer, Misses. Notes of travel and life. 1854 470-63 — Murat, N. A. America and Americans. 1S51 473-66 — Noyes.J. II. History of American social- isms. 1870 33S9-7 — Osgood, S. Hearthstone: thoughts upon home-life in our cities. 1S76 193— 7 — Our American cousins al home, by Vera. 1873 473-92 Rothrock, J. T. Vacation cruising in Chesapeake and Delaware bays. [884. 475-8 — Russell. W. 11. H'esperothen ; notes from the West. 2 v. 1882 470-8 Scudder, II. E., ed. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1876 9758-75 Strong, J. Our country: its possible future and its present crisis. [1885.] . 267-75 UN1TKI) STA II- •3°7 - 1 mi. ontinued. ["owle, G, M. \ can ■ ety. 2 v. 4; — Trollope, \. N01 1 h I 1 ' ' — Willis, V P. Hurry-graph 1856. 9 1 Worl li ■■ , E. S. Ii.' ■ 1 SI it- . 1849 50 1855 ; \\ 1 ight, 5. Hi: a summer 1 [l88l.] ! — I:, idgi . 1 , S. Round the woi Id in sis 1.. pp. i 29, . . .... — Curtis, I!. K. Dol pp. ■ 53 ! — Curtis, 1 1. W. Potiphai . . 81 — Gurowski, \. 1 to St. 1 1 — Hubner, J. A. Rambli 1 >und the world. pp. 3 220 1 — Kingsley, Calvin. Round the world . 1. pp. 239 ill \l.11l. \,Capt.—. Atlantic and trans- atlantic sketches ; — Pfeiffer, I . Ladi tnd theworld. pp. 287-334 and pp. 398-488. 438 72 — Prime, E. I '. G. Around tl pp. 17 68 43 s 74 Pumpelly, R. Uro America ad A I ; s 75 Rae, W. F. Col bia ind Canada: notes on the Great Republic 47" 75 Seward, W. H. Tra vi Smiles, S., , d. Ri 1 — Speer, W. Oldesl and newesl empire; 1 lima and the United States — Taylor, IS. At home and abroad. 2 v. 439-87 — See also Allegheny mountains. America. Negroes in America, Northwest terri- tory. Rocky mountains. South. West. Yellowstone park. See also Names of the various states, cities, rivers and lakes. French in America. Germans in \11ui h.i. li i>h in America. /.!. Mi — Bowditch, 11.1. Public hygiene in Amer- ica. 1S77 614- 2 — Denison, C. Moisture and dryness; or, the analysis of atmospheric humidities in the United States. 1885 55 • 57-3 UNITED States expedition to the rivet Jordan and the 1 lead Sea. Lynch, W. F. . . 1 Units and physical constants. Everett, J. D. 530S-4 I'mi , ry. Freeman, E. A 901-36 (Same.) hi Compai 486-409 3 2 °-4 UNIT\ nt law . Carey, H. < 301-26 Unity of nature, 1 mpbi 1 U. G., a of Argyll 210-14 UNITY of natural phenomena. Saigey, E. . 501-S Unity of the church. S in union. Universal cookery book. Strohm, G. . . Universal history. See History, general. : ; Ami 1 1 iphy. pp f , 61 1 2891-3 llcge 1 195.... •' ■ 1 uture life. Future punish and ] Universe. H — Kin M. Prim v.. I. 1871 i7'j 55 ■ , the inti- nil 5°3-7 w ii . hell, A. World lit' 1 55°' 9' \\ in low, C. F. 1 1 '15 — liana, J. D. Manual of geology. pp. 765-770 55°- 2 9 — Disraeli, I. Amenil 2. pp. , 804-35 Univei .mold. M. High schools and universiti many. 1874. . 37S43-2 — Hart, J. M. German un 1874. 37S43-4 and early constitu- n of universities. 1887 3/8-5 Raumer, K. G crman universi- ties. 1859 37843-7 ii, 1'. 1 lei ni tny ; its universities, theology and religion. 1857 274; 8 1 in university life. . . 37843-8 — Tappan, II. P. University education. . 378-8 — Bain, A. Practical essays, pp. 176-200. The university ideal, past and prevent. i;2l2 ser. 2. pp. 304-321. 139E6 in, J. I.. Orations and essays, pp. 264-296 Gleanings ol past years, v. 7. pp. 1-29. Inaugural ad- on the work of universities — Hall, G. S. Aspe< in culture. I 14-120 45' El — Helmholtz, II. I ares. ser. 2. i 502-43 _ Hurst, 1-1'. I ife and literature in the fatherland, pp. 75 ■ 7-4 443-49 — Huxley.T. II. American addresses, pp. nng of Johns Hopkins university 575 5' Scieni i are. pp. 31 :-. ; — Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism, pp. inl education in univer- Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. I. pp. 11; 130. Schools and universities in . the dark ages — Ward, I". 11.. K< toria. v. 2. pp. 2SS-321 938-9 UNIVERSITIES. UPTON. Universities, continued. — See also Education. Also Cambridge. Harvard. Oxford. UNIVERSITY oars. Morgan, J. E 7949-6 University of Madrid, Spain. Rose, H. J. Among the Spanish people, v. 2. pp. 249-260 446-8 University of Michigan, Ann Ardor, Mich- igan. Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education, pp. 335-347. Study of education in the University of Michigan 37°~7 Unkind word. Crailc, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). UNKNOWN country. Craik, Airs. D. M. (Mulock) 4416-6 Unknown Hungary. Tissot, Victor. . . . 4439-8 Unknown river: an etcher's voyage of dis- covery. Hamerton, P. G 5S9-44 UNKNOWN Switzerland. Tis»ot, Victor. . . 4494-78 Unknown to history. Yonge, Charlotte M. Unlaid ghost: a study in metempsychosis. N. Y., 1888. 12 . Unnatural combat : a drama. Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 33-60 616C3 Unnoticed things of Scripture. Kip, W. I. 220S-55 Unprotected females in Norway ; or, the pleasantest way of travelling there, pass- ing through Denmark and Sweden, with Scandinavian sketches from nature. L., 1859. 16 4481-9 Unprotected females in Sicily, Calabria and on the top of Mount Etna. L., 1859. 12° 4458-9 Unrequited affection; or, Daddy Goriot. Balzac, Honore de. Unseen hand. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. . . 531A4 Unseen universe. Stewart, B. and Tait, P. G ' 218-85 Unseen world; communications with it, real or imaginary. L., 1853. 16°. . . 174-9 1 i.n world, and other essays. Fiske, J. 357E5 Usurpation ended : being the second part ofZapolya: a drama. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical and dramatic works, v. 2. pp. 286-366 237C1 Until the day break. Bartlett, Mrs. I. M. D. Unwin, W. Cawthorne. Elements of ma- chine design: an introduction to the principles which determine the arrange- ment and proportion of the pans of ma- chines, and 1 collection of rules for ma- I. ign. N.Y., 1X77. 16 . Same. I.., 1S7S 621S-9 Unwise laws: a consideration of the opera- , tions of a ective tariff upon industr) , nen ■ and ;oi tety. Blair, I.. II, . 335-2 Unwritti ■ hi tory; life amongst the Mo Miller, J 2702-61 Up and down the London streets. Lemon, M. 4421-5 Up Broadway and its sequel. Kirk, Eleanor, (Mrs. Nelly Ames, pseud.) Up from the cape: a plea for Republican simplicity. B., 1883. 16°. Up in the north. Shairp, T 4485-8 Up the Nile. Major, H 462-645 Up the Rhine and over the Alps. Hocking, Silas K 440-48 Up the Tapajos; or, adventures in Brazil. Ellis, Edward S 314A5 Up De Graft", Thad. S. Boduies; or, camp- ing on the Lycoming: a complete prac- tical guide to camping out. Phila., 1879. 16 795-S6 Upham, Charles Wentworth, Am. author, b. \%Q2.-d. 1875. Life, explorations and public services of John Charles Fremont. B., 1856. 16° 383B4 — Life of Sir Henry Vane. In Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 4. pp. 87-393. 412-S6 Upham, Francis Wm., LL. D., Am. author, b. 1S17. Star of our Lord; or, Christ Jesus, King of all the worlds, both of time or space ; with thoughts on inspira- tion, and the astronomic doubt as to Christianity. N. Y., 1873. 12°. . . . 22152-8 — Wise men : who they were, and how they came to Jerusalem. N. Y., 1873. 12°. 22152-81 Upham, Louise S. Woman's crusade. In Temperance tracts, v. 2 198-85 Upham, Thos. Cogswell, D.D.,LL.D., Am. metaphysician, b. 1799-r/. 1872. Ameri- can cottage life : a series of poems illus- trative of American scenery and of the associations, feelings and employments of the American cottager and farmer; designed to show the value of religion in American homes. B., 1S50. 12°. . 911C5 — Life and religious opinions and experiences of Madame de la Mothe Guyon ; together with some account of Fenelon, Archbish- op of Cambray. 2 v. N. V., 1877. 12°. 4142-8 — Mental philosophy: embracing the three departments of the intellect, sensibility and will. 2 v. N. Y., 1S69. 12°. . . 1S0-9 — Abridgment of. mental philosophy. N. V., 1870. 12° 180-91 Ul'LANli and meadow. Abbott, C. C. . . . 5904-125 UPLANDS and lowlands. Porter, Rose. Upon a cast. Wood, Charlotte Dunning. Upper berth. Crawford, F. M. In Nor- man, H., ed. Broken shaft, pp. 17-51. UPS and down-. Hale, E. E. Upton, Emory, Am. major-general, b. 1839- N, Emoi v, continued. Michie, l'. s. Life and I' ttei I I y i pton Upton, < ■ u Putnam, ./«/. /.'»»«<,.. 1834. Stand trdi antatas ; il>< ii theii mui ii , and 1 he m| Chi- . i.SSS. 12° 77 il 9 Standard opera theii plots, theii m and their composers. < hicago, 1886. 12° 772-9 Standard oratorios; theii ["tics, their music and their c | 1 ! 1887, 12 7733-9 Standard vmphouies. Chii 1889. 12° 7751-9 — Women in music : anessay. B., i860. 12 3 . 771—9 UPTON, Jacob ICendrick, Am. lawyer, /<. 1837. Money in politics; with an introduction, by E. Atkinson. B., 1884. 12°. . . . 331-86 1 pton, K. D. Gleanings from the desi Arabia. L., 18S1. I2°- 459"9 Uk, the city of saints. Wright, VV. B. An- cient cities, pp. 1— 1 7 401-9 Urban I-VIII, / H \. de. Lives and times of the Ro Hs. 2S21-53 Urbane ami his friends. Prentiss, Mrs. E. (P.) URBANtTSKY, Alfred R. von. Electricity in the service of man : practical treaties mi the applications of electricity in modern life: ed. with additions, by K. Wormell, and with an introduction by J. Perry. L., 1886. 8° 537-94 URB1N, E. Practical guide for puddling iron and steel ; to which is added a com- parison of the resisting properties of iron and steel, by A. Briill: tr. by A. A. Fes- quet. l'hila., 1S6S. 12 6691 '< Urbino, Dukes of. Dennistoun, J. Mem- oirs of the Dukes of Urbino 4107-3 Urbino, Mme. L. B., Day, Henry, a/A, others. Art recreations; with valuable receipts for preparing material-. B., 1S59. 12°. 75 1-9 Urbino, Mrs. S. K. An American woman in Europe: the journal of two yen- and a half sojourn in Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. 1!., 1869. 12 . . . 440 92 — , //-. Princes of art: painters, sculptoi and engraver-. L!., 1870. 1 2°. ... 417 o Ure, Andrew, Scottish chemist ami physician, h. 1778-,/. 1S57. Cotton manufacture ■ I 1. real Britain: [with] a supplement by P, I . Simmonds. 2 v. 1.., 1861. 12 . 6771-9 — Philosophy of manufactures; or, an ex- position of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of the factory sys- tem of Great Britain; continued in it- details to 1S61 by P. I.. Simmonds. 1 ., 1S61 077 ., 1 We ley. L., 1 'it 1 tician, 180 1S77. Lebanon . and a . I i.-iry. 2 v. I.., i860. 8° 45- I — Pillai II- , ., narrati travel- in Spain and Morocco in 1 2 v. \. X ., [850. 12'' 4(- Ult'.'l HAR I, |. W.I pro- ing plain di tions for the working of galvanic batter- electri, lamp-, and dynamo-elei machines: ed. by F. C. Webb. I.., 1880. ■2 Q 5384-9 tro-typing: a practical manual. L., 12° 6563-8 la. Sewell, E. M. invent, Charlestown, A/ass. Whit- ney, Mrs. I.. Burning of the convent. 9825-94 URUGUAY. Republic of Uruguay, South America; its geography, history, rural indu 1 general statis- I ted by authority of the Consu- late Gen. of Uruguay. L., 1883. 8°.. .; ens, 1 I . M. La Plata countries of 11 94 480-24 erica. USE and abuse of alcoholic liquors, in health anddisease. Carpenter, W. B 1981-2 l.izars, J. Use of a life: memorial- of Mr-. /. P. Grant Banister. Guilford, L. T "34^3 artillery. Taubert, t 35^-8 the body in relation to the mind. . < '7'" •■■-. John. Journey Iron, London to Ber- sepolis; including wandering- in Dagh- estan, Georgia, Armenia,. Kurdistan, potamia, and Persia. L.,1865. 8°. 450-9 UTAH. Burton, R. F. City of the saints. I — Simpson, J. 11. Shortest route to Cali- fornia. 1869 4792-8 Slansbury, 11. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. 1S53 : ickett, L. P. War western Empire. pp. 1154-1188 Dall, C. II. Mj first h 47S-27 — Ludlow, 1 •'. II. Heart of the cuulineut. pp. 236-3M — See also Mortnonisin and the Mom. U11, A, Siege of, B. C. 203 and 46. Great of history, pp. 210-215 903-4 Utilitarianism. Blackie, J. S. Four phase- of moral.-, pp. 2S0-554 IQO-2 Mill, 1. S. Dissertations and disi x. 3. pp. 3OO-39I 633E3 UTILITARIANISM. — 131° — VAMBERY. Utilitarianism, continued. — Stephen, J. F. Liberty, equality and fraternity, pp. 335"35° 20-87 Utopia. More, T. In Ideal common - wealths, pp. 51-167 3202-5 Utrecht, Peace of. Gerard, J. \V 927-4 V Yaca, Alvar Nunez Cabezade. Higginson, T. W. American explorers, pp. 71-96. 970-4 Vacation cruising in Chesapeake and Dela- ware bays. Rothrock, J. T 475-8 Vacation' in a buggy. Pool, Maria L. . 47441-6 Vaccination. Wilkinson, J.J. G. Human science and divine revelation, pp. 27- 35 2'5-97 Vagabond. Badeau, Adam. . . . 131E6 Vagabond adventures. Keeler, Ralph. . . 442-53 Vagabond heroine. Edwardes, Mrs. A. VAGABOND life in Mexico. Ferry, Gabriel. 472-35 Vagabondia. Burnett, Mrs. Frances (H.) VAGABONDS and other poems. Trowbridge, J.T S95C1 Vagaries of Vandyke Browne: an autobiog- raphy in verve. Brannan, Wm. P. . . 180C5 Vago, A. L. Instructions in the art of mod- eling in clay ; with an appendix on modeling foliage, etc., by Benn Pitman. Cinn., 1880. 12 731-S Vagrant and other tales. Karoleuko, Vladimir. Vail, Henry 11. Fly-fishing on the Nipigon. In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., eds. Fishing with the fly. pp. 173-1S4. . . 7954-6 Vail, Thos. Hubbard, Am. P. E. bishop, b. 1812. Comprehensive church ; or, Chris- tian unity and ecclesiastical union in the Protestant Episcopal church. N. Y., 1879. 12° 2838-9 Vaillant. See Le \ aillant. Vain forebodings. Oswald, E. Valbezen, E. de. The English and India, new sketches; tr. by a diplomate. L., 1883. 8° 9544-9 Values, Don Armando Palacio. Maiquis of Peiialta (Maria y Maria) : a realistic social novel : tr. by N. II. Dole. N. Y., [1886]. 12°. — Maxiinina: tr. by N. 11. Dole. N. V., 1888. 12°. \ I Dl i, J uan, Spanish jurist and reformer, d. 1540. Hodgson, W. Reformers and martyrs, [ | of I he I ,ul heran ref tion. pp. 277-306 41 , ; , 1 Yai. in 1, I ram i Vtn\ isi . Six years of a traveller's life in Western Africa. 2 \. I... l86l. 8" ,(, 7 ; 9 VALE of Cedars. A] ace. of, 1557-1793. 1 sieges of In .'i 1 pp. 169-475 903-4 Valentin. Kingsley, Henry. VALENTINE, Mrs. — ed. Games for family parties and children. L., 1S69. 16 . . — Young ladies' home book. n. t. p. 12°. Valentine, David T., Am. historian, b. 1801- d. 1S69. History of the city of .New York. N. V., 1S53. 12° Valentine, Ferd. C. 600 medical don'ts; in, physician's utility enhanced. N. Y., 1887. 16 Valentine, L. The knight's ransom. 1.., 1S70. 12°. Yai entine M'Clutchy. Carleton, Wm. Valentine the countess. Detlef, C. Valentine Vox. Cockton, Henry. Valentino. Astor, Wm. W. Valera, Juan. Pepita Ximenez. N. Y., 18S6. 12°. Valerio, Katherine. Ina. B., 1871. 8°. VALERIO, Lorenzo. St. John, B. Thesubal- pine kingdom, v. 2. pp. 233-244. . . Valerius, Flaccus, Roman poet, d. about 88. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the classic- poets, v. 3. pp. 45-60 Yai iialla, the myths of Norseland: a saga in twelve parts. Jones, J. C Yai lev of the Nile; its tombs, temples and monuments. Adams, W. H. D. . . . Valmy, Battle of, 1792. Creasy, E. S. Fif- teen decisive battles, pp. 328-343. . . Value of life : a reply to Mr. Mallock's essay "Is life worth living"? N. V., 1879. 12° VAMBERY, Arminius, Jewish traveler, b. 1832. Arminius Vambery; his life and adven- tures written by himself. N.Y.,n. d. 12°. Coming struggle for India: being an ac- count of the encroachments of Russia in Central Asia, and of the difficulties sure 1.1 arise therefrom to England. I.., 18S5. 12° -- History ol Bokhara. L., 1873. ,v • ■ • Sketches of Central Asia: additional chapters mi my travels, adventures, and on the ethnology of Centra] Asia. Phi la., 1868. 8° — Travels in Central Asia: being the account of a journey from Teheran acruss the Turkoman desert on the eastern shore of the Caspian to Rhiva, Bokhara and Samarcand performed in the year 1863. N. Y„ 1S65. 8° 786-9 786-91 *3 1-9 613-87 445'-7 S7001-3 295-47 462-13 903-25 201-9 911B8 9583 9586-9 455 ') 455-9" \ VMBERY. 1 3 1 1 — ; ' Vambi nued. ■ and Meilprin, L. Story of Hungary, N. X ., 1886. 12 . [Story "i tli> Nation eries.] Idam . W. II. I >. In peril oft', pp. "•■ ' 19 r Frost, I . Model n en \ 1 : '■i irvin, I . R< moil ring Central \ ia. PP- ' 53 155 61 V tMPlR ! rozer, H 'in- highlands ol Turkey, v. 2. pp. 80-97 149&-9 Van \l tine, \ ini v. Elli 1. 1 . 1 . ["hi men ol the Vmerican revolution, pp. <-' s 346 4'2i-35 Van Antwerp, David D. Church history. 3 V, (In. in- ml, V II., 1880. 12°. . 27O-9 \ in Beneden. See Beni \ VNBRUGH, 5m John, /•.'«;,'. dramatist and a re in '/,•(■/, /'. 1 666-1/. [726. Selections. Ai'nuifuiJ, 11. English comic drama- tists, pp. S5-107 822-26 Hunt, I.. /» British dramatists, pp. 400-417 P Van Buren, Mrs. Angelica (Singleton),:. of Abraham Van Buren, b. 1 S59 -./. [878. I follow i\ , I . ' . Ladies of the White II ' - PP' S49 155 I 1 Van Buren, Mrs. I lannah (Hoi . of Martin Van Buren, i;^z-J. 1819. I lolloway, I.i. I idies oi the White House, pp. 343 348 41239 4 Van Buren, John, tm. politician, A. iSio-. 1704-1/. 1S77. McCabe, J. D. i.reat fortunes and how they were made. pp. 183-199 4123 '■ on, J. Famous Americans. 375-390 41^7^ . Win. II., .-////. financier, b. 1821 ./. 1885. l'iske, S. Off-hand por- traits of prominent New Yorkers, pp. 329-334 ■ ■ ■ 412 Vanderbilt family. Croffut, W. II. The Vanderbilts 91 rheyde manor house. Mary. \ asm Kl VN. John, Am. fainter, b. 1776-rf. 1 n ,2. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the ts. pp. 126-135 758-9 1 Palm, Johannes Henricus, Duteh historian, b. 1765-./. 1840. Beets, X. Life and character of J. II. Van der Palm 7121:5 Vanderpoel, Aaron J. l'iske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. PP- 334-338 4«247-3 VANDERPOOL, S. Oakley. Futility of a ial code of ethics. /;; Ethical sym- posium, pp. 26-41 6103-7 VANDERPOOLE, Lew. Red mountain mines. In Lippincott's magazine, Sept., 1S87. Van Derveer, Ferdinand, 1/, b. is:; Ri . W. Ohio in the war. pp. 890-893 9796-7 VANDERVELL, II. E. ana William. T. Max- well. A system of figure skating. I... 12° 7919-8 Van Dorn, Earl, Confederate general, t. 1S20- ..'. 1- A. Life of Robert 1. 1 ee. pp. 027-636 4122; ; VAN DYCK. 1312 VAN NAMEE. Van Dyck, Antony, Flemish painter, />. 1599- p. 262-268 417-9 Van Dyke, Henry. Story of the Psalms. N. V., 1S87. 12 2246-87 Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, D. D., Am. Presbyterian clergyman, />. 1852. Reality of religion. N. Y., 1884. 12° 252-96 Van Dyke, Mrs. J. W. Siamese wedding. In Siam and Laos. pp. 162-174. • • • 2659—7 Van Dyke, John Chas., Am. author. />. 1856. Books and how to use them. N. V., •883- 12 ' 8o5 _ 92 — Principles of art. N. Y., 1SS7. 12°. . 701-93 Van Dyke, Rev. Joseph Smith, Am. Presby- terian clergyman, 6. 1832. Theism, or evolution : an examination of modern speculative theories as related to theistic conceptions of the universe ; with an in- troduction by A. A. Hodge. L., 1886 00 215-92 Van Dyke, Theodore Strong, Am. author, (,. 1842. Flirtation camp; or, the rifle, rod and gun in California: a sporting romance. N. Y., 1S81. 12 . — Southern California ; its valleys, hills and streams, its animals, birds and lishes, its gardens, farms and climate. N. V., •886. 8° 4794 _ 9 — The .still-hunter. N. Y., 1883 7967-8 VANE, ('has. Wm., jd marquis of London- deny, ed. Memoirs and correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh, second marquis of Londonderry. 4 v. L., 1S48-49. 8°. 855B68 Contents— v. 1. The Irish rebellion. v. 2. Arrangements for a union. v. 3. Completion of the legislative union. v. 4. Concessions to Catholics and dissent- ers.— Kmmctt's insurrection. — Story of the Peninsular war. N. Y., 1854. 12 9466-9 VANE, (has. Wm. Stewart, marquis of Lon- donderry, h. ijjS-d. 1854. Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. pp. 182- •86 4104-62 \ ank, .S» Henry, governor of Massachusetts, I'. 1612-,/. 1662. Gillett, E. II. Eng- land two hundred years ago 2742-4 Bayne, I', chief actors in the Puritan revolution, pp. 347-386 936-2 — Diman, J. I.. Orations and e i\s. pp. '68-200 2 n 7 k 7 : <--r, J. Statesmen of the Common wealth of England, pp. 265-352. . . . 411 ;, 979-9 SS4B9 VANE, Sir Henry, continued. — Sparks, J., ed. Am. biography, v. 4. pp. 87-403. Memoir by C. W. Up- ham 412-86 Van Gelder papers and other sketches: ed. ' by J. T. L. Van Horn, Antoine Joseph. Irving, W. Wolfert's roost, etc. pp. 343-361. . . 818-487 Van Home, Thos. B. History of the army of the Cumberland : its organization, campaigns and battles, written at the request of Major-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, chiefly from his private military journal and official and other documents fur- nished by him; illustrated with cam- paign and battle maps, compiled by Edward Ruger. 2 v. [Maps bound separately in a 3d vol.] Cinn., 1875. 8° — Life of Major-General Geo. II. Thomas. N. Y., 1S82. 8° VANISHED diamond. Verne, J. Vanity fair. Thackeray, W. M. Van Laun, Henri. French revolutionary epoch : being a history of France from the first French revolution to the end of the Second Empire. 2 v. N. V., 1879. I2 ° 9444-59 Contents. — v. 1. Introduction. — (lathering of the storm. — The republic. — The directory. — The consulate. v. 2. The empire. — The restoration. — Reign of Louis Philippe. — Second republic —Second empire. — History of French literature. 3 v. \. Y., 1876-80. S° 840-9 Contents. — v . 1. From its origin to the Re- naissance. v. 2. From the classical Renaissance until the end of the reign of Louis XIV. v. 3. From the end of the reign of Louis X IV till the end of the rei^n of Lmns Philippe. — tr. See Taine, H. A. Van Lennep, Henry John, Am. Congrega- tional missionary, d. 1815. Bible lands: their modern customs and manners illus- trative of Scripture. N. Y., 1875. S°. 458-91 — Ten days among Greek brigands. B., 1874. 16 4572-88 — Travels in little-known parts of Asia Minor. 2 v. X. Y., 1870. 12°. . . . 457-9 Van Lennep, Rev. J. The adopted son. 2 v. in 1. X. V., 1847. 8°. Van Lennep, Mary Elizabeth (Hawes), wife of Henry J., /: 1821-1/. 1844. Hawes, Mrs. J. Memoir "I Mary E. Van Len- nep 912B6 Van Metre, Rev. — , Protestant missionary in Rome. Barlee, F. Bible in Rome. . . 2645-2 Van Namee, J. Win. Hopcdale tavern and what ii wrought. N. Y., 1870. 16°. . 913A8 VAN NESS. — I3«3- \ A.UGHAN. 2401-9 Van Ness, Mrs, Man ia (Hums), Am, philan- thropist, b. 178 • ■ 1 . ■ Ellet, 11. Queens ol Ami pp, 26 1 2 7" \\ V'anni- \11.1 res Sarto, Vannucchi, Pietro. See Perugino. Van Oostei ee, I I fheolog) of I hi New Testament. In Thompson, J. P, Thi ology "i 1 Imii ft < .111 his own words. PP. ^75-280 233-88 \ 1NQUISHED victors. Wise, Rev. I '. . . . 410-97 Van Rensselaer, Stephen, /./.. IK, (tl, troon), Am. statesman, b. 1765-1/. 1 , Biographical annual, pp. 283-286. . . 412-21 B ks, E. S. Historii boys. pp. 242— 259. 410-165 \ w \\ r, X. Rai : i 1 dren; with an introduction by C. X. Sims. N. V., 1S76. 16° Van Santvoord, Geo., Am. la 1 r, . 1819- d. 1S63. Life of Algernon Sidne) : with sketches oi fhiscontempo raries and extracts from his correspond- ence and political writings. X. Y.. 1S51. 12° Memoirs of Eliphalet Nott; with conti bution and revision l>y I'rof. I lewis. X. V., n. d. S° . — Sketches o! the lives and judicial services of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States. X.Y., 1S54. 8°. 41233-4 Contents.— John Jay. — John Rutledgc— Oli- ver Ellsworth. — John Marshall.— Roger B I mey. Van Schaick, John Bleecker. Biographical annual, pp. 55-65 412-21 VAN Siclan, Geo. W. Perfect day. In Or- vis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., eds. Fish- ing with the By. pp. 237-242 VAN Tramp. Life in the west. n. t. p. 8°. Van Yechten, Jacob, Am. Reformed Dutch clergyman, b. 1788-;/. 1S71. Men of John M. Mason, with portions of his correspondence. N. V., 1S56. 8°. . . Van Vorst, Frederick I!. Without a com- pass. N. V., 1SS5. 12 . VAN Wart, Irving, jr. The golden cross and other poems. X. Y., 1S70. S°. . Van Wert, Rupert. Rip Van Winkle's travels in foreign lands. X. Y.. n. d. 12°. Van Zile, Edward S. Wanted, a sensation : a Saratoga incident. X. V., 1886. 12°. Van Zile, P. T. Supplementary paper and letters. //; Frotseth, J. A.. at. Wo- men of Mormonism Variation of animal- and plan:- under do- mestication. Darwin, Chas 575—27 Variations of the Protestant churches. Bossuet, J. B 2S27-2 VARIOUS contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. Parwin, ('has. . 5S13-42 7954-6 47S-92 6t8B2 0121 ., 4401-9 tion '.1. Philipp, German out • J. 1N58. . 1 1 ■. I Critical ind 1 1 gen Humboldt, A. von. I ettei to Varnha- 1 . .1 B25 Varnish on ! olatile and 6 Bj 1 ne, O Ha id-book for artisan, mechanic and engineer. pp. -l/i-a'S \i, Jas. Mitchell, Am. colonel, b. I d. 1789. Hildreth, S. P. Early settlers of Ohio. pp. 165 1*5 11-71 4 1 ' II ide. Sewer gases; theirna- lure and origin, and how to protect our dwellings. N. Y., 1S82. 24 Simms, W. •'.. VasS, I..C. Amusements and the Christian life in the primitive church and in our day. Phila., 1S84. 16° 2574-8 girls. See Champney, Mrs. 1 .. (W.) college, rough!:,;-; York. Avery, A. ('. Vassar college. /« Brackett, A. C.,ed. Educationof Amer- ican girls 376 -2 — Life and letters of John Howard mond, president of Vassar college. . . 769HS \ 1 1 111 k. Beckford, VY. VaTH IN council, Arthur, \Y. The pope, the kings and the people. 2 v. 1877. -• Manning. II. E. Vatican council and its definitions. 1884 2823-5 11. P. History of the Vatican coun- cil. In 1 . .ome and the newest fashion in religion 2S23-35 Same. Bound with Gladstone, W. E. .111 decrees - Pre I de. Contemporary por- traits, pp. 39-75. The antecedents of the Vatican council 4104-77 — See also Church councils. Vatican decrees. Gladstone, W. E. . . . 2823-36 \ VTICANISM: an answer to reproofs and re- plies. Gladstone, W. E 2S23-35 \ vi 1 IN, Sebastien le Prestre de, French mili- tary engineer, b. 1633-.''. 1 707. Lloyd, I . M. Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot. pp. 60-97 416S-5 VAUDi US. - s Waldenses. Y \i .-.11 w, Henry, l. \62\-d. 1665. Sacred poems and private ejaculations, with a memoir by Rev. II. T. Lyte. P.. 1S65. 12 . . . VAUGHAN. i3 J 4 VENABLE. VAUGHAN, Henry, continued. — Brown, J. Spare hours, v. I. pp. 311- 352. Review of Poems 18SE2 — Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 2. pp. 192-198 8092-9 Vaughan, Jas. Trident, the crescent and the cross : a view of the religious history of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan and Christian periods. L., 1876. S° 2754-8 Vaughan, Robert, English divine, b. 1 795-1/. 1S68. The life and opinions of John de Wycliffe, with a preliminary view of the papal system and of the state of the Protestant doctrine in Europe to the commencement of the fourteenth century. 2 v. L., 1831. 8° 986B5 — Revolutions in English history. 3 v. L., 1867. 8° 9305-8 Contents. — v. 1. Revolutions in race: Celts and Romans. — Saxons and Danes. — Normans and English. — English and Normans. — Lancas- ter and York. v. 2. Revolutions in religion : Nationalists and Romanists. — Protestants and Nationalists. — Romanists and Protestants. — Anglicans and Romanists. — Anglicans and Puritans. — England under Elizabeth. v. 3. Revolutions in government : Parlia- mentarians and Royalists. — Republicans and Royalists. — Court and country. — National pro- gress since 1688. Vaughan, Robert Alfred, Eng. poet, b. 1832. Hours with the mystics. 2 v. L., 1888. '2° 2732-9 Contents. — v. 1. Introduction. — Early Orient- al mysticism. — Mysticism of the Neo-Platonists. — Mysticism in the Greek church. — Mysticism in the Latin church. — German mysticism in the fourteenth century. v. 2. Persian mysticism in the middle age. — Theosophy in the age of the reformation. — The Spanish mystics. — Quietism. — Mysticism in England. — Emanuel Swedenborg. — Conclu- sion. — Kingsley, C. Sir Walter Raleigh and his times. pp. 155-176. Review of Hours with the mystics 5.)5 r -4 Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de, French moral philosopher, b. 1715-*/. 1747. Maccall, W. Foreign biogra- phies, v. 1. pp. 99-113 410-67 — Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, v. 2. pp. 1-40 646B4 Vaux, Calvert, landscape architect, b, 1824. Villas and cottages: a series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. N. Y.,. 1867. 8° 728-92 Vaux, Wm. Sandy Wright, Eng. scholar, l>. 1818-1/. 1885. Persia from the earliest period to the Arab conquest. N. Y., 1876. 12° 9155-8 Vayringe, Philip. Seymour, C. B. Self- made men. pp. 330-335 410-92 Vedas. Butler, W. Land of the Vedas. . 454-18 — Barth, A. Religions of India, pp. 1-38. 293-2 — Muller, F. M. Selected essays on lan- guage, mythology and religion, pp. 109-159. Lecture on the Vedas ; or, the sacred books of the Brahmins 652E4 — Parks, L. His star in the East. pp. 27- 56 290-65 — Wheeler, J. T. History of India, v. 1. 954~9 — Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, ser. 1. pp. 1-148 104-95 — See also Literature, Indian. Religion. Vedder lectures, 1883. Drury, J. B. Truths and untruths of evolution 2398-4 VEE-Boers. Reid, Mayne. Veeder, Nicholas. Cometallism: a plan for combining gold and silver in coinage, for unitingand blending their values in pa- per money, and for establishing a com- posite single standard dollar of account. Pittsburgh, 1885. 12° 33'5"8 " Vega," Voyageof the. 5«Nordenskjold, A.E. Vegetable mould. Darwin, C. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms 595 1-3 Vegetable world. Vegetation. See Botany. Vegetable world, Botany of the. Schlei- den, M. J 5804-7 Vegetables. See Gardening. Vegetarianism. Graham, S. Lectures on the science of human life 6131-4 Philosophy of sacred history considered in relation to human aliment. 1853. . 22086-4 — Smith, J. Fruits and farinacea the prop- er food of man. 1872 6436-8 — Hadley, J. Essays, pp. 379-3S4. . . . 450E1 Vehm. Heckethorn, C. W. Secret socie- ties, v. 1. pp. 199-212 3669-4 Vehse, Karl Eduard, German historian, b. l8o2-i/. 1870. Memoirs of the court, aristocracy and diplomacy of Austria. 2 v. L., 1856. 12° 9426-9 Veil lifted. Richardson, E. VeITCH, John. Memoir of Dugald Stew- art, with selections from his correspond- ence. In Stewart, D. Works, v. 10. pp. i-clxxvii 162-87 Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva, Spanish painter, b. 1 $<)g~d. 1 660. Dore- mus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture ami painting, pp. 169-174 4'7~4 — Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of art. pp. 217-230 417-9 Venabi.k, Wm. Henry, Am. writer, b. 1836. Amateur actor. Cinn., 1874. 12°. . . 8015-9 — School history of the United States. Cinn. 12° 973-92 — School stage, n. t. p. [1873.] 12°. . . 8015-91 VKNliAI.K. '3'5 — . III. .VI [i Vi ndali lo "Hi . Brock, Mrs. ( 18 i , l i Hill, G. J. Story of I he n bi in La Vendee 94445-4 Jeffrey, f . 1 lonti tbution Edin burgh Review, pp. 2jT>-2 1<^. Review of ■■ Memoire de Mad • la Marqu 1 1 irochej iqueli in." 513 1'"- 5 Neale, J. M. Duchenier; or, the revolt of the Vendee. [A 1 | VendettaI or, the story of one forgotten. Corelli, Marie. \ 1 . 1 r m.i 1 Bi I. 1 cpurgated,i pounded and exposed: by the Prig. N.Y., 1886. 12°. 827-74 1 1 11 1 a. Disraeli, Benj. Venetian life. Howells, W. D 4453-4 \ 1 1 1 i 1 a. 1 1 in. e, C. D. Re ollections of four years in Venezuela. 1S76. . . 487-3 East wick, E. 1!. Venezuela; or, sketch- es of hie in a South American republic. 1868 487-4 — Spence, J. M. Land of Bolivar ; or, war, peace and adventure in the republic of Venezuela. 2d ed. 1S7S 4S7-8 — Brassey, A., lady. In the trades, thetrop- 11 and the roaring forties, pp. 163-202. 4375-2 — Paez, R. Travels and adventures in S and Central America, pp. 18-50. . . 480-73 \ 1 \i.i \\i 1 of a Jew. Guenot, C. "Vl ,1.111;." Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 6. pp. 189-205. Sinking of the "Vengeur." . zo61 2 Venice. Adams, \V. II. I). Queen of the Adriatic. 1S69 9453-2 — Brown, II. F. Life on the lagoons. 1884. 445.; J — Flagg, E. Venice: the city of the sea. 2 v. 1S53 9453-3 — Freeman, E. A. Sketches from the sub- ject and neighbor lands of Venice. 1881. 445 t- — Hare, A. J. C. Venice, n. d 44 53~3 S — Hazlilt, W. C. History of the Venetian republic. 1S60 9453-4 — Howells, W. D. Venetian life. 1874. . 4453~4 — Martin, II. Daniel Manin and Venice in 1S4S 49. 1S62 9453-6 — Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church building in the middle ages: Venice, Siena, Florence. 1SS0 7244-6 — Oliphant, M. O. (\V.) Makers of Venice. ■888 9453-66 — Ruskin, J. St. Mark's rest: a history of Venice. 1SS4 704-S37 Stones of Venice. 1SS1 723-7 — Saxon, Mrs. E. L. City in the sea. n. d. 9453-8 — Stiles, W. II. Austria in 1S4S-49. . . . 9426-7 — ■ Trollope, T. A. Paul the pope and Paul the friar 2745-S — Hayward, A. Eminent statesmen and writers, v. 2. pp. 361-436. Review of Vriarte's " La vie d'un patricien de Venise." 4i°-55 Henry, Eng. thtologian, l>. 1725 J. 1777. Life an 11 from the let- 1 t lie late Rev. Henry Venn; the memoir, by the late John Venn. N. Y., 1 I 12° 9I4BI — Ryle, I ' . I hristian leaders of thi century, pp, i;.\ 305 4M5-7 VENN, John, | mm, /■. I 7 I icof chance: an essay on the foun- dation* and province of the theory of 1 bability; with especial refi its logical bearings and its applil ation to moral and 517 9 Vt.Nt ILATION and warming. Atkinson, J. J. Gasi 1 1 with in coal mines and the general principles of ventilation. 1879. 6224-2 Banner, E. G. Wholi omehou es. 1882. 628-14 — Billings, J. S. Principles of ventilation and heating and their practical applica- tion. 18S4 6281-2 gs, R. Steamheating: an exposition of the American practice of warming buildings by steam. 1883 6281-23 — CoriuM, \V. II. Dwelling houses. 1880. 628-3 — Eassie, W. Healthy houses. 1872. . . 628-43 — Edwards, F., />. Ventilation of dwelling houses. 1881 6281-3 — Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. 1882 6224-4 — Gas-consumer's guide. 1871 644-4 — Hall, W. \V. Sleep; or, the hygiene of the night. 1870 6132-4 — Hartley, W. N. Air and its relations to life. 1875 628-45 — Hellyer, S. S. Plumber and sanitary houses, n. d 628-47 — Hood, C. Practical treatise on warming buildings by hot water, steam and hot air. 1879 6281-4 — Leeds, L. W. Treatise on ventilation. 1871 6281-5 Low, S., jr. Sanitary suggestions; or, the householder's vade mecum. 1885. 628-5 Massachusetts Emergency and hygiene association. Six lectures. 1SS5. . . . 3717-6 — Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warm- ing of school buildings. 1SS7 6281-58 Mott, II. A. The air we breathe and ventilation. 1SS3 62S1-6 — Perkins, K. E. Practical treatise on gas and ventilation. 1856 6281-63 Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary en- gineering. 1S81 62S-5S Putnam, J. P. The open fireplace in all ages. 1866 62S1-65 — Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of ventilation. 187S 62S1-69 — Reid, X). B. Ventilation in American dwellings. 1864 6281-7 VENTILATION. 1316 — VERNE. Ventilation ami warming, continued. — Saeltzer, A. Treatise on acoustics in connection with ventilation. 1872. . . 534S4-7 — Smith, R. A. Air and rain: the begin- nings of a chemical climatology. 1872. 55157-7 — Tomlinson, C. Warming and ventilation. 1867 6281-8 — Box, T. Practical treatise on heat. pp. 324-416 5368-2 — Egleston, N. II. Home and its surround- ing, pp. 1S4-199 640-3 — Gerhard, W. P. Sanitary questions. In Brunner, A. W., ed. Cottages 728-21 — Hinton, J., ed. Physiology for practical use. pp. 363-3S2 6121-4 — McSherry, R. Health and how to pro- mote it. pp. 93-109 613-6 — Miller, Mrs. F. Air and ventilation. /// Simple lessons for home use. pp 217- 243 607-5 — Stockton, F. R. and M. The home. pp. 86 — 91 640-87 — Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of sanitary in- formation for householders 628-S — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of household science 640-9S — See also Air. Architecture. Building. Fuel. Hygiene. VENTURA, L. D. and Shevitch, S. Misfits and remnants. B., 1S86. 12°. Contents. — Peppino.— Only a dog. — Beppo.— The " Herr Baron." — Our Nihilist. — A wrecked life. — The stage fiend. — Graziella. — The model. — Who was he ? — The elf of Hohenheim. Venus, the planet. Proctor, R. A. Transits ofVenus, 1639-2012 52396-7 Light science for leisure hours, pp. 56-79 502-69 Vera, pseud. Our American cousins at home. L., 1873. I2 ° 473~92 Vera Nevill. Cameron, Mrs. II. Lovett. Verazzano, Juan de. Banvard, J. Novel- ties of the new world. pp. 34-44. . . 970-2 VERBAL pitfalls : a manual of 1500 words commonly misused. Bardeen, C. W. . 1 173-2 Verbalist, The. Osmun, 1 . E, (A. Ayres, id.) i^-U Verdi, Giuseppe, Italian composer, 6. 1814. Pougin.A. Verdi: an anecdote history of his life and works 914B6 — Badeau, A. Vagabond, pp. 100-105. ■ 131E6 — Engel, I.. From Mozarl to Mario, v. 2. pp. S6-154 4177-3 — Ferris, , Great lights, pp.145 14S. 1 1 7 ; Jameson, A. (M.) Memoii of early Italian painters, pp. 347"349 41 75— 5 I i bino, Aft . S. K., tr. I 1 art. PP. "'"'7-174 4'7-9 tCA. ["roll ; • I - ! I . . he lighthouse keeper. P., 1863. 24 914A2 Veronique. Lean, Mrs. Florence(Marryatt). VERPLANCK, Gillian Crommelin, Am. author, b. 1786-1/. 1870, joint author. Brough- am, H., and others. Discourses on the objects and uses of science and literature. 1 — Bryant, W. C. Orations and addn pp. 195-258 815-2 Prose writings, v. I. pp. 394-431. 189E3 Verazzano, Giovanni, Italian navigai I486-. 1813-d. I I\. ems ; with an introductory memoir by Wm. P. Andrews. B., tSS3. 12°. 915C1 — Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs. pp. 335-347. [Biog. sketch and poems]. Very, Lydia Louisa Anna. Am. poet, '. 1 - 2 , Putnam, A. P., ed. Singers and songs. pp. 466-469. [Biog. sketch and poeni>]. Very far west indeed : experiences on the northwest Pacific coast. Johnson, R. B. 4711-5 Very hard cash. Reade, Chas. Very simple story. Montgomery, Florence. 641A2 VERY. — 1318 VICTOR. Very woman. Massinger, P. Plays, pp. 438-466 616C3 Very young couple. N. V., 1874. 16°. Vesalius, Andreas, anatomist, b. 1514-a'. 1564. Kingsley, C. Health and educa- tion, pp. 385-411 535E1 VESCELIUS-Sheldon, Louise. See Sheldon, Louise Vescelius. Vesey, Denmark, 0. about 1767-d. 1822. Victor, O. J. American conspiracies. PP- 373-388 3467-9 Vespucci, Amerigo, Italian navigator, b. 145 !-(/. 1512. Lester, C. E. and Foster, A. Life and voyages of Americus Ves- pucius 915B2 — Frost, T. Half hours with the early ex- plorers, pp. 69-71 437-37 — Lives of C. Columbus and A. Vespucius. pp. 211-266 4159-25 — Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 35-40 4142-6 — Vogel, T. Century of discovery, pp. 2i9- 2 33 437-93 Vestiges of the natural history of creation. Chambers, Robert 213-18 Vestiges of the spirit history of man. Dun- lap, S. F 290-36 Vestigia. Fletcher, Julia Constance, (Geo. Fleming, pseud.) Vestris, Eliza Lucy, b. 1797-rf. 1856. Mat- thews, J. B. flWHutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses, v. 3. pp. 129-142. . . 4179-6 Vesuvius. Phillips, J. Vesuvius. 1869. . .55121-6 — Dickens, C, ed. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 426-430 604-3 — Knox, T. W. Underground world, pp. 178-204 6229-5 — Proctor, K. A. Light science for leisure hours, pp. 169-190 502-69 Veterinary medicine. Gunther, F. A. Homoeopathic veterinary medicine. 1862 636-4 — Homoeopathic veterinary practice. 1878. 636-45 — Law, J. Farmer's veterinary adviser. 1877 636-54 — Secalso Domestic animals. Cattle. Horse. VETROM1LE, Eugene, Italian priest and author, b. 1 8 1 9— . 1827. History of American con 1 ies: a record of treason, insurrection, rebellion, etc., in the United States of America, from 1760 to i860. N. V., 1863. 8°. 3467-9 Content'— Preliminary chapter. — Pontia conspiracy, 1763-65 — Paxton's riot-. 17' 1 Benedii 1 trnold'a conspiracy, 1780.— Revolt of the Pennsylvania brigade, 1780. — "State of I rankland" insu rrcction, 1785-88.— Shay's rebell- itin. 1784-85.— Wilkinson's western conspiracy, 1787-90. — Whiskey insurrection, 1791 ',4. — Genet's conspiracy, 1793-94.— Alien and 11 ditii D troubles, 1798-99. — Aaron Burr's conspiracy, 1806-7.— New England discontents and Hart ford convention conspiracy. 1809-14. — Denmark Yescy's slave insurrection, 1822. — Georgia In- dian difficulties, 1825 —Nat Turner's slave in- surrection, 1831.— South Carolina nullifi insurrection, 1833-33. — "Patriot war." 1837-38.— Dorr's rebellion, 1842. — Kansas-Nebraska troubles, 1854-58.— John Brown's conspiracy, 1859. — Appendix. — ed. Incidents and anecdotes of the war; together with life sketches of eminent leaders and narratives of the most mem- orable battles for the union. N. Y., 1862. 8° 9SO-93 VICTOR and Jacqueline. Chesebro, Caro- line. In Modern classics, pp. 80-247. Victor ami vanquished, Hay, Mary Cecil. VICTOR Norman, rector. Denison, M. A. \ [1 rORIA, queen of Great Britain and empress of India, b. 1819. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands from 1848 to 1861 ; to which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ire- land, and yachting excursions: ed. by Arthur Helps. N. Y., 1868. 12°. . . 916B3 — More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands from 1862 to 1SS2. N. Y., 18S4. 12° 916B35 — Queen's speeches in parliament from her accession to the present time: a com- pendium of Her Majesty's reign told from the throne : ed. by F. S. Ensor. . 32842-3 — Greville, C. C. F. Grevillc memoirs: journal of the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1S37-60 437l 5 4 — Our sovereign lady: a book for her peo- ple. N. Y., 1SS7. 16° 916B7 — Ball, T. F. Queen Victoria 916B4 — Humphrey, F. A. Queen Victoria at home 916B6 — Lippincott, S. J., (Grace Greenwood, pseud.) Queen Victoria 916B5 — Smith, G. B. Prime ministers of Queen Victoria 4' '-93 — Walton, Mrs. O. F. Our gracious Queen 916B7S il 1 a. eontin Ward, I . II.. 'd. Reign of ',>ueen Vic- toria: a survey of fifty year of progri 2 v 938-9 — Abbott, I. S. « King and queens; or, life in the palace, pp. 397 > 2K 4'5-' 2 l , ner, I II. Gil of famous queens, pp.478 496 4'3 _ 3" McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 7-17. 4104-6 Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 336-346 4IO-83 Strickland, A. Queens of England: adapted and continued by Rosalie Kauf- man, v. 3. pp. 313-476 4"' also Albert, prince contort. England. Victoria ry Louisa, duchess of Kent. Hall, Mrs. M. Royalprince of England, pp. 389-476 4III-46 Martineau, II. Biographical sketches. pp. 146-458 4104-62 Vli rORIA, province. .SVr Australia. Vn rORIA cross. Beeton, S. <>., ed. Our nd the Victoria cross 9308-24 IA history of England. Thompson, A. B 93°i-9 \ [i rORIAN half century. Yonge, C. M. . . 938-97 Vi rORIAN ] 1 Stedman, Edmund C. . 821-85 taint, bishop of Petau. Frag- ment on the creation and commentary on the Apocalypse. In Ante-Xicene Christian library, v. 18. pp. 388-433. 2813-9 \ i rORIOUS defeat. Balestier, W. \ [1 roRY Deane. • irittith, C. Victory of the vanquished. Charles, Mrs. I R). V < Q, Eugene Francois, French adventurer and detective, 6. 1775-rf. 1850. Q. You have heard of them. pp. 243-251. . . 410-85 ViDOCQ, I . S . ud. Secrets of internal nue: ed. by I.I. Felton. Phila., 1870. 8° 3532-4 Vim, Mrs. Teresa. "Following the drum": a glimpse of frontier life. N. V., 1S58. 12° 916B9 VIENNA, Austria. Hale, E. E. Summer vacation : the Vienna exhibition. 1S74. 252-45 — Bliss, O. J. Three months ir. the Orient. pp. 1S9-19S 4449-'7 ce, C. L. Home life in Germany, pp. 3S3-424 *«~ 2 — Great sieges of history. pp. 451-463. [Sieges of 1529 and 16S3] 9°3"4 — See also Austria-Hungary. View of the organization and order of the primitive church. Chapin, A. B. . . . 281-3 View of the state of Europe during the mid- dle ages. Hallam, H 921-41 VtEWS-afoot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and stall. Taylor, Bayard 440-SS VIEWS. — 13 20 VILLIERS. Views of nature. Seaman, E. C 501-82 Viezin, Denis Ivanovitch von, Russian dram- ■atist, b. 1744-d. 1792. Turner, C. E. Russian literature, pp. 61-73 8917-9 VlGFUSSON, Dr. Gudbrand, Icelandic scholar, I'. 1830, ed. Sturlunga saga including Islandinga saga of Lawman Sturla Thordsson and other works. 2 v. Ox- ford, 1878. 8° 8396-9 — awo'Powell, F. York, eds. Icelandic prose reader. Oxford, 1879. 16° 8396-92 — Corpus poeticum boreale : the poetry of the old northern tongue. 2 v. Oxford, 1883. 8° 8396-91 Vigil of faith and other poems. Hoffman, C. F 47 6C8 Vignettes from invisible life. Badcock, J. 5785-2 Vignettes from American history. Hovvitt, Mary, (E.) 9738-45 Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science. N. V., 18S2. 12 . [International scientific series] 2901-9 Vigny, Alfred Victor, comic de, French writer, <*• I 797 - <'- JS63. Cinq-Mars; or, thecon- spiracy. L., 1S64. 8°. Viking Bodleys. Scudder, H. E 448-78 Viking heir. Keene, Mrs. S. F 529A44 Vikings. Anderson, R. B. and Bjarnason, J. Viking tales of the North 8396-2 — Vicary, J. F. Saga time 94801-9 ■ — See also Literature, Scandinavian. Nor- way. Sagas. Scandinavia. In fiction see G. W. Dasent, Vikings of the Baltic, 3 v. ; J. F. Hodgetts, Champion of Odin, (481A5.) Vikram and the vampire. Burton, R. F., ed. 3854-2 ViLLA'on the Rhine. Auerbach, Berthold. Village communities. Keary, C. F., ed. Dawn of history 400-5 — Laveleye, E. L. V. de. Primitive prop- ert y 333-55 Village communities in the east and west. Maine, H. J. S 3212-61 Village garland. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) . 450A43 Village on the cliff. Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. (Thackeray). Village photographs. Lamed, Augusta. Village school, and other poems for young people. I'hila., n. d. 8° S099-9 Villages. Egleston, N. II. Home and its surroundings; or, villagesand village life. 640-3 Villages of the Bible. Hood, E. Paxton. 2213-47 Villari, Linda. In change unchanged. N. Y., 1877. 12 . — On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. N. V., 1887. 12° 445-91 Villari, Pasquale, Italian scholar, b. 1827. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2d ed. 2 v. L., 1889. 8° 806B1 Villari, Pasquale, continued. — Niccold Machiavelli and his times: tr. by Linda Villari. 2 v. L., 1878. 12°. 603B2 Villas and cottages. Vaux, Calvert. . . . 728-92 Villas and cottages; or, homes for all. Woollen, Wm. M 728-97 Ville, Georges, French scholar, b. 1824. School of chemical manures; or, ele- mentary principles in the use of fertiliz- ing agents : tr. by A. A. Fesquet. Phila., 1872. 8° 6312-8 " VlLLE-du-Havre." Weiss, N. Personal recollections of the wreck of the " Ville- du-Havre " and the " Loch-Earn." . . 4372-9 Villegagnon: tale of the Huguenot perse- cution. Kingston, W. H. G. VlLLEMAIN, Abel Francois, French critic and minister of state, b. lygo-d. 1870. Life of Gregory VII, preceded by a sketch of the history of the papacy to the nth century: tr. by J. B. Brockley. 2 v. L., 1874. 8° 436B9 — Essay on his genius and character. In Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Adventures of Telemachus. pp. 1 17-127 848-4 — Pascal considered as a writer and a mor- alist. In Pascal, B. Provincial let- ters "... 208-69 Villeta Linden. Bennett, E. Vii.leite. Bronte, Charlotte. Vii.liers, Barbara, duchess of Cleveland. Jameson, A. (M.) Beauties of the court of Charles II. pp. 68-83 4»-55 — Jesse, J. H. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 182- 196 411-58 Villiers, Chas. Pelham, Eng. politician, b. 1S02. Francis, G. II. Orators of the age. pp. 221-223 4' 1-37 — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements, pp. 221-264. Repeal of the corn law. . . 4'°4-7 VlLLIERS, Geo., duke of Buckingham, Eng- lish courtier, b. 1592-1/. 1628. Jesse, J. H. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 2. pp. 61-122. . . 411-58 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. v. 3. pp. 223-238 411-65 Villiers, Geo., second duke of Buckingham, English courtier, b. 1627-d. 168S. Jesse, |. ||. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. 3. pp. 64-m. 411-58 — Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.) and]. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 13-47 410-964 Villiers, Mary, countess of Buckingham. Jesse, J. H. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v. I. pp. 177-184 4"-58 VILLIERS. \ INI \ ii mi i: , Mary, tlu,h. \s of Richmond. I III. i !oui ii i : ihe reign ol the Stu 173-1 Villii R ., \\ n... visit tint Cramii 1 «. I od| E. Portrail ol illu ol I Ireal Bi itain. v. 4, pp. m; 1 1 2, in 65 VlLLON, I rancois, French poet, i. 1431 1 )S V Be mm, \V. Studies in early 1 rem h poeti y. pp. 1 1 1 143 ''••■• Stevenson, R. L. I amiliai tudii ol men and books, pp, 192 j 35 851E2 \ 11 mar, August I 1 iedi nil Christian, C man politician •ttul writer, l>. i8oo- si Vincent, - admiral. Redding, C. Per- sonal reminiscences of eminent nun. v. 3- PP- 55-78 m-87 \ INi ENT, Frank, jr.. Am. traveller, b. 1848. Land of the white elephant : sights and scenes in southeastern Asia: a personal narrative of travel and adventure in farther India, embracing the countrii Burma, Siam, Cambodia and Cochin China, 1871-72. N. V., 1874. 8°. . . | . . ■■ - Norsk, Lapp and Finn ; or, travel tracings from tlie far north "f Europe. X. V.. 1881. 12° (l s 96 rhrough and through the tropics: thirty thousand miles of travel in Oceanica. Australasia and India. N. V., 1876. >2° Vincent, Geo. E. Some Italian authors and iheii work-. I>., 1SS7. 12 |i,S; 9 G?ft/rM/.r.— Introductory. -Cato the censor. Cicero thi 01 itor. — Virgil the poet. — Horace the satirist.— Pliny, the j fuvenal the satirist.— Tacitus the historian.— Dante the poet.— Petrarch the p lei -Machiavelli the dip- lomatist. — A 1 fieri. Vincent, Mrs. Howard. Forty thousand miles over land and water : the |"iirn.i. of a tour through the British empire at. a America, 1 .. 1886. 12 138-91 Vincent, Jacques Louis Samuel, /■. ir- is,;. Maccall, W. Foreign bio phies. v. 1. pp. 60-68 ii- ^ \ |N< 1 NT, John lleyl, Am. M. /-.'. tisi 1832. How I was educated. In Col- lege and the church, pp. 39 49. . . . 3704-4 VlNI II. [ohn M., ■nllii: Introdui tion. In < rafti.W. I- . I h the eye to the lie.nl I mi odui lion. In I hump on, 1 O. II inducl praj 1 and I 1 11 1 1 Ini 1. Rev. I. I men 2. 1 1 i pp. .145 i 1 J 2 : 1 1/' I 1 1 , ' I i\e lluntu pseud.) Stories ol greal men. pp 1 UN 11 i " Paul, «»/, 6. 1571 Adams, W. II. I>. Heroi 185 pi — I. ear, Airs. II. L. Revival "f priestly life in the 171I1 century in pp. -' : 251 (142 4 VlNi ENT, />'. . Mai '■ in Richard on, Covenant of peace. N. V., 1887. 8° 252-966 Gates into the psalm country. V V., 1883. 12° In the shadow of the Pyrenees from Basque land 1 mi N. Y., 1883. 12° 44479-85 Word tudii in men t. N . V., 18S7. 8° Ruffini, J. Vinci, Li rdo da, Italian paint and architect, b. 14^2-d. 1519. Sue. Ml. I .eonardo .la Vinci. B., iJ 24 . [Artist biographies series.] . . . 917B2 inns. S. D. Great lights in sculp- ture and painting, pp. 93-99 41 7-4 fameson, A. (M.) Menu irs I early Ital- ian painter.-, pp. 170-190 41755 Kent, 1 . Footprints on the road. pp. 1 1 ■ 410-597 Pater, VI. II. Studies in the the renaissance, pp. 91-122 7 1 7 1 1 1 imbs, I. Inventors and d 127-131 609-79 1 rl Mrs. S. k., //•. Princes .if art. PP- 3" 44 4"7-9 Wood, W., Hundred greatest men. PP: 71 74 4IO-975 .is' manual. Reemelin, C. . . Vinegar. Dussauce, II. General tre on the manufacture of vinegar 6649-4 VlNELAND, N i I . Work- ingmen's homes, pp. 122-154 3371-4 \ Ihoff, C. Communistic societies. |66-374 \ims, Sidney II. On the apparatus relat- ing to vegetable physiology. /'/ Science ires at South Kensington, v. 1. pp. 249-263 VINET. '3 22 VIRGIL. Vinet, Alex. Rodolphe, Swiss author and theologian, /: 1797-'/. 1847. Montaigne; the endless study and other miscella- nies : tr. with an introduction and notes, by Robert Turnbull. N. Y., 1866. 12° 204-92 Contents. — Prefatory note.— Introduction, by the translator. — Montaigne on morality. — Sketch of Montaigne, by the translator. — Man created for God.— Idea of the Infinite. — End- less study. — Centre of moral gravitation. — No- tice of Jouffroy, by the translator. — Religions of man, and the religions of God.— Mysteries of Christianity. — The gospel comprehended by the heart.— Folly of the truth. — Characteristic of the gospel.— Natural faith. — Christian^faith. —Practical atheism. — Grace and law.— Man de- prived of all glory before God. — Foundation of Christian morality.— Necessity of becoming chil- dren.— Claims of heaven and earth adjusted.— Pursuit of human glory incompatible with faith. — Power of the feeble. — Intolerance of the gos- pel. — Tolerance of the gospel. — Outlines of philosophy and literature. L., 1867. 12° 844-9 — Pressense, E. de. Contemporary por- traits, pp. 233-279 4104-77 — Turnbull, R. Pulpit orators, pp. 191- 227 4146-8 Vineta, the phantom city. Biirstenbinder, E., (E. Werner, pseud.) Vineyard laborers. Winscom, Jane Anne. 954^5 Vining, Edward P. An inglorious Colum- bus; or, evidence that Hw r ui Shan and a party of Buddhist monks from Afghan- istan discovered America in the fifteenth century. N. V., 1885. 8°. ..... 97°-9 — Mystery of Hamlet: an attempt to solve an old problem. Phila., 1881. 16 . . 82363-9 VlNTON, Alex. H. God's controversy with his people. In Grout, H. M., .',,ed. Half-hour recre- ations in popular science, ser. I. pp. 23-54 5 4-42 — Articles. In Schliemann, H. Ilios. . . 4026-7 — Articles. In Schliemann, H. Troja. . 4026-71 — Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures : mar- riage, pp. 225-247. Virchow's reply to Hackel's materialism I 93 I_ 3 — Tuttle, H. German political leaders, pp. 216-232 4106-S Virgil, Publius Virgilius Afaro, Latin poet, />. 70 P.. C.-d.ig B. C. Works: tr. with notes by Davidson: rev. and ed. by T. A. Buckley. N. V., 1888. 12°. . . . 8731-1 — .Eneid: tr. into English blank verse by J. Conington. X. V., n. d. 12°. . . S731-2 tr. by C. P. Cranch. B., 1879. 8°. . 8731-3 tr. into English, by J. W. Mackail. I.., 1885. 12° 873I-6 a rhythmic prose translation, by II. II. Pierce 8731-7 — Sioiics from Virgil: tr. ami abridged by A. J. Church. .\. V., 11. d. 24°. . . 8732-2 — t ollins, W. I.. Virgil. [Ancient class- ii 1 01 English readers.] 8732-25 — Frieze, U.S. Virgilian dictionary. . . 1263-4 Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Au- gustan age: Virgil 8732-8 Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. pp. 263-275 4035-3 — Ellon, C. A. Specimens of the classic poets, v. 2. pp. 75-142 87001-3 Green, J. R. Stray studies from England and Italy, pp. 227-253 9204-45 — Lessing, (i. E. Laocoon 701-58 VIRGIL. — <3 2 J — V11..11 , ,, ntinu I P 11 ton, !■ Peopled 1 1 of biogi iph) . pp. 007-612 P" ■ ■ !' .1 h ill in keti he pp. 125 ' '■■'' : Mr! igrii ulture in ["usi iny, . . 1 Shairp, J. C. Upecl il poetrj pp. 136-163 8031-8 \ in. .-Hi, 1 .. E. Some Italian a u and theirworks. pp. 32 )8 i' s 7 9 \\ I. W., ed, 1 [undred greatest men. pp. 28-31 ' . . . 4'o-975 ■ — Str also Literature, Latin. Virgilia Grej ' reorgia ^6A6 Virgin martyr. See Massinger, P. Virgin soil. Turginii IIA. Sub-divisions: 1. History. 2. Travel. 3. Miscellaneous. /. History. Arthur, T. S. and Carpenter, W. II. His- tory of Virginia. 1S72 9845 14 — Campbell, C. History of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia, i860. . 9S45-25 Cooke, J. E. Virginia: a history of the le. 1S83 9845-3 — Hawks, F. L. Uncle Philip's conver- sation with the children about Vir- ginia 9845-4 Banvard, J Romance of American his- tory, pp. 110-272 974-22 Doyle, J. A. English colonies in An ca. pp. 185-274 974-3 Edwards, E. Life and letters of W. Raleigh. pp. 77-93. Settlement of Virginia 759B 2 - Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Poca- hontas; including an account of the early settlement of Virginia 740''2 — Fyfe, J."H. Enterprise beyond the seas. pp. 31-68 i;; l — Jefferson, T. Works, v. 8. pp. 249- 428. Notes on Virginia 818-5 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America, pp. 1-92. . . 974-5 — Robertson, W. America, pp. 3S9-426. History of Virginia, 1607-1688. . . . 970-7 2. Travel. — Pollard, E. A. The Virginia tourist. . . 4755—7 — Strother, D. II. Virginia illustrated: containing a visit to the Virginian Ca- naan, and the adventures of Porte Cray- on and his cousins 4755 _ 8 — Campbell, G. D. G. White and black: the outcome of a visit to the United Stales, pp. 275-291 473-2 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard ••tales, pp. 16-376 475 71 — Wright, S. Surf: a summer pilgrimage. pp. 150-201 475-96 Virginia, 1 ontinutd. j. Misctllaneou . What I did with my fifty millions: for Virginians only 817-187 ■ the sevei ■ f the union, pp. 243 -254 34 r >3-3 I 01 le, II. A. Blai k and white. pp. 102-115. [Missions] 263-35 f Jefferson. Pocahontas. Randolph. VlRGINI/ 1. Mai aul.iy, 'I . B. indent Rome, and other poems, pp. 57 94 6031-51 Mi 1 ellane ays and poems, v. 3. pp. 803-815 603E3 Poetical works, pp. 92-118 603C4 ns: ed. by G. O. Trevelyan. pp. 461-472 603E6 /« Five minute recitations, pp. 182-183. 801-36 Virginia Bohemians. Cooke, J. 1 VIRGINIA campaign of '64and'65; the army of the Potomac and the army of the James. Humphreys, A. A 9781-26 \ [rginia 1 omedians. ke, J I Virgin] ndon. Doyle, J. A. English colonii 1 tea. pp. ioi- 184 974-3 Virginia of Virginia. Rives, Amelie. VIRGINIANS. Thackeray, W. M. [ANs in Texas. Baker, W. M. Virginibvs puerisque. Stevenson, R. L. . 851 K4 Virginius. Knowles, J.S. Dramatic works. v. 1. pp. 59-110 540( .'3 \ ISII 1 i: unity of the Catholic church. Rhode,, M. 1 2V VISION and creed of Tiers the ploughman. Wright, T., id 821 15-9 \ (SION of Don Roderick. Scott, W. Poet- ical works, v. 4. pp. 365-452. ... 814C4 Vision of God, and other sermons. Allon, AVr. Henry 2JJ 13 Vision of sir Launfal. See Lowell, Jas. K. 5S9C6 : a study of false sight, (pseudopia). Clarke, E. II «74-*3 Visit to a camphor refinery. Wonder stories of science, pp. 97-104 602-9 Visit to Belgrade. Whittle, J 4497-5 Visit to Europe. Silliman, Henj 440-S2 1 European celebrities. Sprague, W. B 4104-S5 Visit to my discontented cousin. Mon- criefT, J. Visit to the German schools. Payne, J. . . 37943-7 Visit to the infirmary. Richmond, L. An- nals of the poor 242 -7 Visit to the South seas. Stewai 1 S 496-81 Visit t" Wazan, the sacred city of Morocco. Watson, R. S 464-97 VISITS. 1324 — VOICE. Visits to remarkable places. Howitt, Wm. 44 2 -49 VISSCHER, Tesselschade, Dutch poet, t>. 1598- d. 1649. Gosse, E. W. Studies in the literature of northern Europe. pp. 230-277 8304-4 Vital philosophy. McDonald, J. S. . . . 210-55 Vital question; or, what is to be done. Tchernuishevsky, N. G. VlTEAU, Story of. Stockton, Frank R. . . S54A5 Viti: an account of a government mission to the Vitian, or, Fijian islands. See- man, B 496i-7 VlTRUVIUS Pollio, Marcus, Roman architect and writer. Ancient architecture : tr. by Joseph Gwilt ; with a list of the several editions and versions of Vitruvius; also An inquiry into the principles of beauty in Grecian architecture, by George, earl of Aberdeen, K. T. [With a list of the several editions and versions of Vitru- vius.] I.., 1S67. 12° 722-8 VlTT&RIA. Meredith, Geo. Vivia. Wilford, Florence. Vivian. Edgeworth, Maria. Vivian and his friends; or, two hundred years ago. Sargent, G. E 806A3 Vivian Grey. Disraeli, Benj. Vivian the beauty. Edwardes, Mrs. A. Viviani, Vincenzio, Italian mathematician and engineer, l>. 1662-*/. 1703. Masson, M. Celebrated children. pp. 325- 331- 410-72 VlVIER, — , French musician. <,). Vou have heard of them. pp. 339-346 410-85 Vivisection. Philanthropos, /*!>««'. Physi- ological cruelty ; or, fact and fancy : an inquiry into the vivisection question. . 61211-7 — Wilkinson, J. J. G. On human science and Divine revelation 215-97 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. pp. 18-32 431 El — Wynter, A. Subtle brains and lissom fingers, pp. 65-70 304-91 Vizetelly, Henry. Facts about champagne and "ilii'i sparkling wines, collected during numerous visits to the cham- pagne and other viticultural districtsof France, and the principal wine-produc- ing countries of Europe. I.., 1S79. 12 . 6631-8 VLADIMIR and Catherine; or, Keiv in the year 1861 : an historical romance: by a thirty years' resident in Russia. 1... 1864. 12°. U. physiology and hygiene. Holmes.G. 774-45 1, Fichte, J. G '63-34 Volsunga Saga. 'I be story "f the Volsun and Niblungs; with certain songs from the elder Edda: tr. bj I Magnusson . and Wm. Morris 295-6 Vi'iRosm ARTY, Michael, Hungarian writer and pa/riot, b. \%QO-d. 1856. Poems. In Loew, W. N. Gems from Petofi and other Hungarian poets, pp. 51-67. . . 8941-5 • Vogdes, Frank W. The architect's and builder's pocket companion and price book. Phila., 1S85. 24° 6908-9 Vogel, Hermann. Chemistry of light and photography. X. V., 1875. 12°. . . 769-9 Vogel, Sir Julius. Polynesian scheme. In Cooper, H. 5. Coral lands, v. 2. pp. 360-370 496-3 Vogel, Theodore. Century of discovery: biographical sketches of the Portuguese and Spanish navigators from prince Henry to Pizarro. N. V., 1877. 12°. 437-93 Contents. — The Portuguese : Introductory. — Prince Henry the navigator. — Diogo Cam and Martin Rehaim. — Bartholomew Diaz and Pedro de Covilham. — Vasco da Gama. — Pedro Alvarez Cabrel and Juan de Nova.— Francisco de Al- meida. — Alfonso de Albuquerque. — Last dis- coveries of the Portuguese. — The Portuguese rule in India and its decline. — The Spaniards : I ntroductory. — Christopher Columbus. — Amer- igo Vespucci. — Vasco Nunez de Balboa. — Fernam de Magalhaens. — Hernando Cortes. — Francisco Pizarro. — Last discoveries of the Spaniards. — Spanish rule in America. Vogue, Chas. Jean Melchior, comte de, French archaeologist, h. 1829. The Hauran. In Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Recov- ery of Jerusalem, pp. 319-340. . . . 2212-9 VogCe, E. M. de. Russian novelists: tr. by Jane E. Edmands. B., 1887. 12°. . . 8917-93 Contents. — Translator's note. — Preface. — Epochs in Russian literature. — Romanticism. — Pushkin and poetry. — The evolution of realism in Russia. -Gogol. — Turgenef. — The religion of endurance. — Dostoyevski. — Nihilism and mys- ticism. — Tolstoi. — True story of Mazeppa; the son of Peter the great ; a change of reign : tr. by J. Millington. L., 12° 947-9 Voice. Behnke, E. and Browne, L. The child's voice; its treatment with regard to after development. 1885 774- 2 — Browne, L. Voice use and stimulants.^ 1885 774-23 — Daniell, W. H. The voice and how to use it. 1873 774-3 ■ Holmes, (1. Treatise on vocal physiolo- gy and hygiene. 1881 774-45 — Pattou, A. A. Art of voice production. 1882 774-7 Voice in speaking. 1875 774-81 Streeter, 11. K. Voice building. 1871. 774-85 — Cole.YV. 11. Institute reader, pp. 1 13-149. 801-265 — See alio Elocution. Music. Physiology. Von 1 I the dim millions: being the true history of a working woman: ed. 1 . Despard 3368-37 VOICE. '3*5 — V.H. 1 1 ol I hri mii life in long, ' h .1//,. k. (R.) ■) Voice ol [esus Buffering to ill' 1 mind and heai i 'il • In i linns ; by a Pa ioni sionary priest. N. V., 1876. 12°. . . 2324-6 Voici i" Am. -1 1. .1 ; or, the model republii , iis 11 e - fall. Saunders, F. and 1 1 1 1 , 1 . li 3207-92 \ s from the v Hand . Roberts, Mary. 5804-65 Von 1 1 ol hope and gladne . Palmer, Ray. 7 1 \ oices "I nature, Hall, I.. \ 451C2 \ on 1 ■ "i the border. Patten, 1 ,. W. ... 718C3 \<>i mi k. Schleyer, J. M. Grammai of \ ilapiik 1089-8 Vol 1 ■■" under the city; by a volunteer special. N. V., 1887. 16° 9831-92 Volcanoes. Bishop, Mrs. Isabella I.. (Bird). Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich islands. 1876 4969-17 Judd, J. YV. Volcanoes ; what they are and what they teach. 1SS1 55121-5 Marvels of creation : volcanoes and theii phenomena. Bound with Nature's won- .his. 1867 55 1—7 Natural w lei ol New Zealand: il- boiling Likes, steam hides, mud volca- etc. 1S81 493'-° Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos, v. 5. . . 503-4 Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays 502-46 Kingsley, C. Madame How and Lady \\ hy. pp. 54-77 551-61 — Kneeland, S. An American in Icel PP. 247-276 . . 4491-5 — Lanoye, F. de. The sublime in nature. PP. 179-247 551-55 — Lardner, D., ed. Museum of science and art. v. 4. pp. 145-176 603-4 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Ore- gon and the Sandwich islands. pp.39-53- 479-6 — Reclus, J. J. E. The earth, v. 2. pp. 505-528 551-78 — Strahan, A., ed. Boys' and girls' book of science, pp. 81-93 5°"-S3 — See also Earthquakes. Physical geogra- phy. Also Etna. Vesuvius. VOLCKHAUSEN, Ad von. Why did he not die? or, the child from the Ebraergang: tr. by Mis. A. 1.. Wister. Phila., 1883 12°. VOLGA river. Johnstone, II. A. Monroe- Butler. I'rip up the Volga to the fair ..i \i|mi-\,.\ gorod. 1875 147 ;i Bryce, I. Transcaucasia and Ararat. PP- 5-»3 4576-2 VoLKMANN, Richard von, (Richard Lean- der. pseud.), German surgeon, />. 1830. Dreams by .1 French fireside: tr. by Mary O'Callaghan. I... tS86. 12 . . 381-9 V'M.kv 1 hard von, continued. 1 b) Paulini 1 ■-• I An.. 1 hei iron bove]. . . }*i 1 boeuf tomte de, French philosopher, I'. 1757 ./.i . in. dila- tion on the n of empire . which i- ad. led the law of nature, a ihoi , hical notice by < onnt Daru ; also the controversy between Dr. ly and Volney. B., 1835. 16 . . le, 1 CI ;; 1 ene. •• . 1. pp. 127-13 ' 410-8 — St. John, J. A. Lives ..f celebrated trav- v. 3. pp. 219-237 4157 78 \ 1 11, the fox. Jon-. in, I',. Works. pp. 272-306 518C3 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet, / author, b. 1694-1/. '77 s - Ilenriadc; with the battle of Font. - na- tions on man, law of nature, destruction of I .isbon, temple of taste and temple of friendship, with notes from all the com- mentators: edited bj O. W. Wight. N. V.. 1861. 12 841-91 — History of Charles the twelfth, king of len : tr. by T. G. Smollett. N. V., 185;. 16 . Same, 1858. I2' J . . . . 223P.2 — Collins, J. C. Voltaire in England. In .d.ioke: a historical study. . . . 801B5 — Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire : tr. by P. l.efanu 2226-5S — Morley, J. Voltaire 918B4 — Parton, J. Life of Voltaire. 2 v. 1882. 918H5 — Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 2. pp. 120-182. 206E2 Hale, E. E., c. 1 ./. 16J se, E. W. Studies in the literature of northern Europe, pp. 27S- 312. Vondel and Milton 8304-4 VoN 1' Ileburgs, The. Adams, ]■'. C. V.iks, Frederic. Bibelots and curios: a manual for collectors, with a glossary of technical terms. N. Y.. 1S79. 16 . 739-S VOSE. 1326 VULGARISMS. Vose, Geo. L., Am. civil engineer, I. 1831. Bridge disasters in America ; the cause and the remedy. B., 1S87. 16 . . . . 624-9 — Manual for railroad engineers and en- gineering students. B., 1S83. 8°. . . 625-8 Vosmaer, Karl, Dutch writer, b. 1826. The Amazon. X. V.. 1SS4. 24 . Voss, Sophie Marie, countess von. Sixty-nine years at the court of Prussia, from the recollections of the mistress of the house- hold, Sophie Marie, Countess Von Voss: tr. by Emily and Agnes Stephenson. 2 v. L., 1876. 12° 918B9 Voss, Wilhelm. Men who have risen, pp. 205-224 410-76 Voters and their registration. Saint, J. J. H ". 32442-8 Voter's text-book connected with the polit- ical history of America. Hiatt, J. M. 3207-45 VOUSSOIR arches. Cain, W. Practical the- ory of voussoir arches 6242-3 Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arches. . . 6242-34 Voyage alone in the yawl " Rob Roy." Macgregor, J 44°5"5 6 Voyage down the Amoor. Collins, P. McD. 4529-26 VoYAGEof the "Aurora." Collingwood, H. 243A58 Voyage of the "Challenger." Sec " Chal- lenger." VoYAGEof the " Jeannette." DeLong.C.W. 498-28 Voyage of the paper canoe. Bishop, N. H. 470-16 VOYAGE of the " Vega." See Nordenskjold, A. E. Voyage of the " Vivian " to the north pole and beyond. Knox, T. \V. 1885. . . 498-54 VOYAGE in the "Sunbeam." Brassey, Anne, lady. n. d 437'-2 VOYAGE round the world. Wilkts, C. . . 4371-95 VOYAGE to Parnassus. Cervantes, M. de. . S61-3 Vol LGE to the Fortunate isles, etc. Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B 730CS VOYAGES. Allen, A. J., ed. Two years in 1 Iregon; with incidents of two sea voy- ages around Cape Horn. 1848. . . . 4795~9 — Beehler, W. II. Cruise of the "Brook- lyn." 1885 4375-'S Benjamin, S. (). W. Cruise of the "Alice May." 18S5 47M-2 B cy, A., lady. In the trades, the tropics am! the roaring forties, 1885. . 4375-2 - Sunshine and storm in the East. 1880. 4499-22 ler, R. Summer cruise on the coast of New England. 1S70 474~ 2 4 land, K. J. Voyages and commer- cial enterpri e ol the ons oi New Eng- land. 1855 4374-3 iges of a merchant navigator. 1886. 4374-31 ill, G. Ill torii al sketi h of com- merce and navigation to 1S60. . . 437-24 Voyages, continued. — Cowans, D. Anecdotes of life on the ocean. 1870 4374-34 — Crowninshield, M. B. All among the lighthouses. 1886 6279-35 — Darwin, C. Journal of researches. 1S52. 589-27 — Early English voyagers. 1S86 437~3 — Gosse, P. H. The ocean. 1856. . . . 5895-4 — Hall, B. Lieutenant and commander. 1862 45°B7 — Hartwig, G. Sea and its living wonders. 1873 55'4-4 — Helmuth, W. T. Steamer book : a pic- turesque account of a city on the sea. 1880 4375-3 — Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the United States exploring expedition 437—51 — Kelly, C. Voyages and travels by the most enterprising navigators and travel- ers. 1838 439-53 — Montgomery, J. E. Our Admiral's flag abroad. 1S69 440-625 — Parker, \Y. H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-65. 18S3 715B9 — Phelps, W. D. Fore and aft. 1871. . 726B9 — Pinkerton, J. Early Australian voyages. 1886 493-73 — Samuels, S. From the forecastle to the cabin. 1S87 4374~7 — Sleeper, J. S. Jack in the forecastle. . . 4374-74 — Stuart, C. S. Visit to the South seas. . 496-81 — Talboys, \V. P. West India pickles. 1876 4729-8 — Verne, Jf Explorations of the world. 3 v. Sec Verne. — Voyages round the world from the death of Captain Cook to the present time : in- cluding remarks on the social condition of the inhabitants in the recently dis- covered countries, their progress in the arts and in religious knowledge. N. V., 1844. 1 6° 437"-9 — Hall, N. F'rom Liverpool to St. Louis. PP- 1-23 473-43 — For voyages generally, sec Circumnaviga- tions, Ocean, and the various oceans, as Atlantic and Pacific ; also Arctic re- gions, Oceanica, Australasia, Malaysia and Polynesia; also Sailors, Ships and Travel. For early explorations, see in addition, the names of countries and of the noted, explorers as Sir Francis Drake, Prince Henry of Portugal, \ asco da Gama, Fernando Magellan, Sir Wal- ter Raleigh, and others. VROOMAN, (I. W. lour in the Laos coun- try. In Siam and Laos. pp. 525-542. 2659-7 Vulgarisms and other errors of speech. Bai he, R. M 1173-18 \\ \. II. 1 ' WAI'I K w \v., A.M. I . ' i ) daj fai i foi everj da) life. N. V . 1S75. 12 \\ , ( . 1 1 . / 1 !haplin, I teman W. VV., C. R. Fragmentary memoii of C. R. \\ . In 1 iodding, W . W. I wo h pp. 5 33 1 1 ■ ' 1 VV., 1 •'. S. Dame heraldry. B., n. d. 8°. 4'96-9 \\ vi 1 . \\ alter E. Alfred 1 1 nn) on ; his life and works. Edinburgh, 1881. [6°. 881B6 Waddell, Mrs. ' oventry. Ellet, E. F. Queens of American society, pp. 382- ' 4" ' \\ \in . Benj. Franklin, Am. statesman, b. i8oo-°2 5"9 7 \\ vis. See I abor and capital. \\ \ iiokn, Thps., Eng. naval officer, 6. 1800- d. 1850. nilotson, J, Our untitled no- bility, pp. 26-46 411 975 \\ IGNER, Ladislaus von. Practical treatise on the manufacture of Starch, glucose, starch-sugar and dextrine : ed. by Julius Wagner, 1 1 i.inl . I and Robei II I 1-., Richard, German musical com/ /'. 1 R. P ■- B 1 . -■ 1 .' . ■ Art, life and thi ries of 1 by 1 I., i: [With bibliography.] V Y., 1875. 12 921B2 tier, I. Rii hai 1 Wagnei and his " Kiell/i " tn " Par- sifal." 1SS3 921B3 — Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner, and the music of the future. 1S74 921B4 — Archer, W. About the theater, pp. 321- 328. Hugo and Wagner 781 1 -• — Engel, I.. From Mozart to Mario, v. 2. pp. 1-41 4177 I ! ' German compo pp. 19S-218 4' — Gurney, E. Wagner and Wagnerism. /;/ ('...in, T. M., i. Arl ... I literature. pp. 152-194 ; — Hale. E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries. pp. V s ; J98 410-536 — llaweis, II. Is. My musical life. pp. 393-606 77'-475 My musical memories, pp. 144-250. . 771 Keddie, II., (S. Tytler, pseud.] Musical com] is and their works, pp. 416- M77-S — Parry, C. H. II. Studies of great com- . pp. 322-356 4177-68 Warner, C. D. A roundabout journey. pp. 330-360. Wagner's Parsifal. . . . 440-03 on, <'.. P. Standard operas. pp. 243-3'6 WAGONER of the Alleghanies: a poem of the days of seventy-six. Read, T. B. 780C1 WAIFS from the way-lulls of an old express- man. Tucker. T. W 652-85 WAIKNA ; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. Squier, E. G 47 Wainwright, Samuel. Scientific sophisms: a review of current theories concerning atoms, apes and men. N. Y., 1883. 12°. 213-93 WAIT for the end. Lemon, Mark. Waite, Mrs. Catharine (Van Valkenl Am. author, i. 1S29. The Mormon prophet and his harem: an authentic history of Brigham Young. Cambrii 12 . Same. Chi. -9S1-9 Waits, Henry Randall, ■. \ 1840. Carmina collegensia: complete collec- tion of the songs of the American col- leges, with selections from the student WAITE. 1328 — WALFORI). Waite, Henry R., continued. songs of the English and German uni- versities ; and popular songs adapted to college singing. B., 1876. 4 774°-9 Waiting for the verdict. Davis, Mrs. R. (H.) Waiting race. Yates, Edmund. WAKE-robin: essays. Burroughs, John. . . 196E8 Wakeley, Joseph B., Am. M. E. clergyman, b. 1804-1/. 1876. American temperance cyclopaedia of history, biography, anec- dote and illustration. N. Y., 1875. 8°. 198-92 — Anecdotes of the Wesleys, illustrative of their character and personal history ; with an introduction by J. McClintock. N. Y., 1S69. 12° 938B2 Wakeman, H. O. What has Christianity done for England ? In Oxford house papers, pp. 193-213 239-73 Wakley, Thos. Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. pp. 229-244 411-37 Waldemar : a tale of the thirty years' war. Harrison, W. H. Waldemar Krone's youth. Evvald, H. F. Walden, Treadwell. Our English Bible and its ancestors. Phila., 1871. 16° 2201 1-9 Walden ; or, life in the woods. Thoreau, Henry D 885E5 Waldenses; or, Vaudois. Monastier, A. History of the Vaudois church from its origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the present day. 1849 2844-5 — Muston, A. Israel of the Alps : a history of the Waldenses of Piedmont and their colonies ; [with historical and document- ary bibliography in v. 2.] 2844-6 Todd, J. H.,,v/. Waldensian manuscripts preserved in the library of Trinity col- lege, Dublin 8498-8 Paeon, 1.. W. Memorials of Emily Bliss Gould, of Rome. pp. 104-113 434B6 — Footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands, pp. 212-258 2706-42 Headley, J. T. Rambles and sketches. pp. 202-241 440-47 Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. v. 2. pp. 49-57 174-48 — Lawrence, E. Historical studies, pp. 198-246 204-53 li, J. M. Stars of the reformation. pp. 94-109 2706-72 Smiles, S. Huguenots in France, pp. 287-426 2845-7 — See also In Action, W. I: Mr, re. Six sisters ol the valleys; J. Sutter, tr, M...1.I ,!.,,., , the Waldensian maiden; f McN Wright, The oath-keeper of Forano. Waldmeier, Theophilus, missionary. Au- tobiography : being an account of ten years' life in Abyssinia, and sixteen years in Syria. L., n. d. 8° 921 ['.9 Waldo, Samuel Putnam, Am. author, b. 1780- (/. 1S26. Biographical sketches of dis- tinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, between the American republic and the kingdom of Great Britain. Hartford, 1823. 8°. . 4121-9 Contents. — Introduction. — Com. Nicholas Biddle. — Com. John Paul Jones. — Com. Edward Preble. — Com. Alex. Murray. — Appendix con- taining character and official services of Jas. Monroe. — Familiar letters of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson. Wale, H. J. Sword and surplice ; or, thir- ty years' reminiscences of the army and the church: an autobiography. L., 1880. 8° 922B1 Wales and the Welsh. Borrow, G. Wild Wales. 186S 4429-2 — Sikes, W. Rambles and studies in old South Wales. 1881 4429-8 — Barry, Giraldus de, [called Giraldus Cam- brensis.) Historical work. pp. 325- 5 22 9309-4 — Bonwick, J. Our nationalities, pt. 2. Who are the Welsh ? 57242-3 — Bowen, B. F. America discovered by the Welsh, in 1170 970-22 — Lester, C. E. Glory and shame of Eng- land, v. 2 442-56 — Phillips, J. R. Local taxation in Eng- land and Wales. In Probyn, J. W., ed. Cobden club essays, pp. 465-506. . . 3521-77 — Schulz, A. Influence of Welsh tradition upon the literature of Germany, France and Scandinavia S9166-S -- Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales, v. 3. . . 9318-8 — Welsh question and Druidism 9399-4 — Beale, A. Seven years for Rachel : Welsh pictures sketched from life. WALES, Prince of . See Albert Edward. \\ ILFORD, Cornelius. Famines of the world, past and present. I.., 1879. 8°. . . . 3133-9 WALFORD, Edward. Juvenal. Phila., 1S72. 12°. [Ancient classics for English I eiders.] 8777-9 - Tales of our great families. 2 v. L., I88O. 12° 4U-99 Analysis. In Pearson, J. Exposition of the creed, pp. xii-xxxii 2383-6 tr. Philostorgius : ecclesiastical history. /;; Sozomen, Ecclesiastical history. . 2702-8 Politics and economics of Aristotle. . . 308-2 \\ VLFORD, Lucy B. Baby's grandmother. N. Y. 16°. Cousins. N. Y., 1879. 16°. WALFORD. i \i<) — WALKER Walfi iRD, Lui j B., cotitinutd, — Dick Netherby. N. V., 1882. II History of ,. week. N. V., 1886. 16 Paul N. V., 1S77. 16 . 1 1^ Mi 1 me daughtei . \. N . 1 16 . '','. 1 1 1 'i ii, \. I,. Pai liiiiKtit.il v genet 1 uf the civil war. I. , 1886. 12°. . . Walk about Zion. Clark, John A 2N ;>- 2 W \i 11 1. \111.1 1, Am. political economist, />■ 1799-1/. 1875. Science of wealth; a manual ol political economy, embracing 1 In- laws of trade, cum ncy ami finam i:., 1869. 8°. Phila., 1S72. 12 . . . 130-94 W u.ker, Arthur Campbell. I lie < 11 d ; or, hoM 1" play at w hist . N. V., 1S7C- 16 788-3 Walker, Calvin I'.. Treatise on the prac- tice "i the Pension Bureau, governing 1 lie adjudication of army and navy pen- sions, being the unwritten practice for- mulated. Washington, 1S85. 8°. . . 3515-9 \V.\i kin, (lias. Manning, Am. journalist, b. 1834. History of Athens county, t Ihio, and incidentally of the Ohio Land Co., and the first settlement of the state at Marietta; with biographical sketche ol early settlers, etc. Cinn., 1S69. 8°. . 9864 9 WALKER, E. D. Reincarnation: a stud] ol forgotten truth. B., 1888. 12°. . . . 14994-0 W'.w'ki k, Esther. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, pp. 155 171 LI21 is WALKER, Francis Amasa, Am. general ami statistician, Ik 1S40. History of the second army corps in the army of the I' mac. X. V.,'i8S6. S° 9785-9 Indian question. B., 1S74. 12 . . . . 0700 9 Contents. — Indian question. — Indian ci ship — An account of the tribes. I in. I and its rent. B., 1883. 16 . . . 333-9 Political economy. N. Y., 1883. S\ . 330-95 — The wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages class. X. V., 1876. 8°. 336-8 Indian citizenship. In Atlas essays No. 3. pp. 78-99 304-17 Walker, Geo. Ait of chess-play: a new treatise on the game of chess. I.., 1S46. 12° 7S9-9 Cribbage made easy ; including the whole of Anthony Pasquin's scientific work on live-card cribbage. N. V. l6°. ... WALKER, (ieo. Washington. Japp, A. II. Master missionaries, pp. 163-225. . . 4140 5 Walkkk, J. Handy book of object lessons. Phila., 1SS4. 12 3723-9 \\ ukiR. Mrs. I. B. R. White robes, n. t. p. 24 Walker, J. H. A few facts and sugges- tions on money, trade and banking. K., 1882. 12°. .'. (31-9 1 , Am. I'r man, b. 1805 7-36 — Grant, R. The lambs: a tragedy. 1883. 434C4 — Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall St. 1878 '..... 3311-56 — Smith, M. II. Bulls and bears of New • York, with the crisis of 1.S7; and the cause. 1874 47471-8 Wall street tot Ireland, J. B. . 439-5 V\ 1 i vi 1 Pi . and others. British In- dia 9543-7 1 1 1. Ufred Russell, Eng. naturalist and biologist, 6. 1822. Bad limes: an essay on the present depression of tradi . tra< 11 ource 101 mous for- eign loans, excessive war "expenditure, the increase of land oi million- aires, and the depopula I of the rural districts with dies. I.. 12 ° 3304-9 — Contributions to tin thi irj 0! natural selection. I.., 1870. 12' 5754—9 I Wallace, Alfred R., continued. — Island life; or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. N. V., 1S81. 8° 5909-9 — Malay archipelago, the land of the Orang- utan, and the Bird of Paradise : a nar- rative of travel, with studies of man and nature. N. Y., 1869. 8° 490-9 — Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. n. t. p. 8° 481-9 — Natural selection of man. In Half-hours with modern scientists, ser. 2. pp. 2-58. 502-42 Wallace, Donald Mackenzie, Scottish au- thor, b. 1841. Egypt and the Egyptian question. L., 1883. S° 962-9 — Russia. N. Y., 1S77. 8°. 447-9 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's experi- ences in Europe, including England, France, Germany and Italy. N. \\, 1872. 12° 440-925 W u LACE, Edwin, ed. Outlines of the phi- losophy of Aristotle. Cambridge, 1883. 16° 155-9 Wallace, F'rederick T., Am. writer. Men and events of half a century. Cleve- land, 1882. 8° 922E4 WALLACE, Grace Stein Don, lady, tr. Let- ters of distinguished musicians: Gluck, Haydn, Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn: [ed. by Ludwig Nohl.] L., 1867. 12 . 4177-9 Wallace, Horace Binney, Am. lawyer, b. l&lj-d. 1856. Art and scenery in Eu- rope. Phila., 1868. 12 704-96 — Godwin, P. Out of the past. pp. 302- 325. Review of Art and scenery. . . . 430E5 Wallace, John H. American t otting reg- ister. N. Y., 1S71. 8° 6365-9 Wallace, Lewis, Am. general, b. 1827. Ben-hur: a tale of the Christ. N. Y.. 1880. 1 6°. — Fair God ; or, the last of the 'Tzins : .1 tale of the conquest of Mexico. B., 18S5. " 12°. WALLACE, M. A. Well! WeM I a tale found- ed on fact. N. Y., 1865. 12 . Wallace, Susan Arnold (Elston), Am. ati- thor, 6. 1830. .Ginevra; or, the old oak chest: a Christmas story. N. Y., 1S87. 8° 922A4 — Storied sea. B., 1S83. 10° 4400 -9 Wallace, Thos. Shiel, R. L. Sketches of tlie liish bar. pp. 269-286 3409-75 Wali \< 1., Win. Epicureanism. I.., 1880. 16° '571-9 WALLACE, Si) \\ m., Scottish >uro and patriot, b. 12,0-d. 1305. Patcrson, J. Wallace the hero of Scotland 92262 u ALLACE. 133" W'AI.I'f I Wallai i. Sir Wm . continued. Children tory book. pp. 30 |6 1 1< I 1 1 1 % ci lebrated men. pp. 1 20 125. . . t ■ ■ ■ \g Greal Scol men : horl livi foi young children, pp. 1-8 4112-4 \i 1 on, I .. '. Greal men, p] 11-35 1 1 " 7 Wallace, Wm, \ Duval, J. 1 Advent- ures of liig-l Wallaci \\ 11 \. 1 , \\ in. \ in< ent, musician, /■. 1 s 1 | 79 6 \\ \\ 1 ai u, John I e ter, (/«. 1 or, b. 1820- ,/. 1888. Matthews, I. U, and Hul I.., eds. A and actn es. v. 5. pp. 2S5-300 M79-6 Wallack, Lewis. Fiske, S. ' Itf-hand poi trail "l 1 inenl New Vorkers. 344-35' 1 -+'-17 3 \\ \ii vdmor. De Quincey, I'. Literary iriiini cences. v. 1. |i|i. 157-152. . . 284E42 Wallenstein, Ubrechl \\ en I Eusebius, 1 ount, Go man , rural, >. 1 58 ; d. 1634. Mitchell, J. I ife ol Wallenstein, duke ol I riedland 922B5 A, I. mis, W. 11. D. Eminent PP- ' -45 4i5«-2 — Hewlett, II. G. Heroes of Europe. pp. 110-422 4104-52 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers, pp. 87-109 4151-9 Schiller, J. C. 1- . von. Works, v. 2. Wallenstein's camp ; Death of Wallen- stein : tragedies 836-2 — See also Thirty year-' war. \\ m 1 1 k, Edmund, Eng. poet, b. i6o5-. last journals in central Africa Waller, S. E. lie in ad. n. t. p. 12 • Sa\ nge, B, In Lip| Feb., 1 Wallis, In troubled time: E. J. 1 1 . 1886; 12°. Royal f.n "in : 11. by I |. In ng. I.., 1886. 12°. Wallis, 1 //; liriti-.li manu- , Mi , Mary Fee nni- lials. I. . 1 ,1 12° Wallis, S.T. ' ilimpse ol Sp dn 1 11 unfinished tour in 1S47. \. V., 1854. 12° 446-92 W \u mi 11, Wilhelm. The king's treasure Egypt: tr. by Mar) I V Y.. li Wai 1 ! I. r.. Stud . — See 1 i ling. Engineering. Walmsley, Hugh Mulleneux. Brank Dene. I.., 11. d. 16°. I 1 Ifrique [and] The brig and the lugger. I.., n. d. 16 . — Life guardsman. I.., 11. d. l6°. 1.1 1 -. 1 .. 1. Short history of the kingdom of Ireland from (he ear'. times to the union with Great Britain. N. V.. 1SS2. 12 941-9 WALPOLE, Horace, 4th earl . ama- teur and wit, b. 1717-/. t; rre- tponden H ■ le, with Montagu and others. 3 v. I... 1837. 8° 9221:72 — letters of Horace Walpole, now first ically arranged: ed. by I'eler Cunningham, o \. 1 . 1S61. 8°. . — Essays. In British essayists, v. 22-24. 184I 1 -- Mann, II. ' Mann ' and manners at the court of Florence, 1 740-1 786, foun on the letters of 1 in to H. 'le, by Dr. I > ran — Warburton, 1". B. G., f. Memoii 1 1. ,i.i. 1 Walpole and his contemporaries. 2 v — Hayward, A. Eminent statesmen and writers. v. 2. pp. 243-304. Straw- iieny bill 4IO-55 — Knight. C. Half hours with the letter writers and autobiographers. scr. I. p - -71 (luce upon a time. pp. ;;2 \;\. . trails of illustri- oat Britain i, W. Live- of emini - and dramatists, pp. 552 544 4 WALPOLE. — 1332 WALTER. Walpole, Horace, continued. — Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.) Wits and beaux of society, pp. 255-321 410-964 Walpole, Robert, earl of Orford, Eng. states- man, b. 1676-1/. 1745. Brougham, II. Historical sketches, v. 2. pp. 404-425. 410-17 — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence, pp. 27-42 8258-4 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 7. pp. 161— 178 411-65 - Oliphant, M. O. I W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George II. pp. 26-47. 4II-78 Walpole, Spencer. Electorate and the legislature. I... 1881. 12° 32842-8 — Foreign relations. L., 18S2. 12 . [Eng- lish citizen series.] 32742-9 — History of England from the conclusion of the great war in 1815. 3 v. L., 1879- 80. 8° 9373-9 Walrond, Dorothy. "These little ones.' L., 1886. 12 922A48 WALRUS. Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic prov- ince, pp. 445-405 4798-34 Walsh, John Benn, Lord Ortnathwaite, l>. 1798. Astronomy and geology compared. X. V., 1S72. 16 502-93 Contents. — Astronomy and geology compared. — Remarks on the theories of Mr. Darwin and Mr. Buckle. — Progress and civilization. Walsh, John Henry, (Stonehenge, pseud. 1 Dog, (The), in health and disease. I.., 1872. 8° 798-83 — Encyclopedia of rural sports; comprising shooting, hunting, coursing, fishing, boating, racing, pedestrianism, cricket, base ball, etc. n. t. p. 12 791-9 — Habits, varieties and diseases of horses and dogs. n. t. p. 12° 798-84 — Horse in the stable and the field; his management in health and disease ; with an essay on the American trotting horse, and suggestions on the breeding and training of trotters, by Ellwood Har- vey, [and] The turf and trotting horse of America, by John Elderkin. 1'iiila., 1871. 12° 636-9 I'i eases and how to cure them. In Every horse owner's cyclopedia, pp. 297-468. 6361-9 WALSH, M. McN. Lawyer in the school- room: comprising the laws of all the on important educational subjects. N. Y., 1867. 12 3797-9 Walsh, Rev. Thos. History of the Irish church, with the monasteries of each county, biographical notices of the Irish saints, prelates and religious, compiled 'I I authentic records, foreign and domestic. N. Y., 1869. 4 . . . . 27415 9 Walsh, W. Pakenham. Echoes of Bible history. N. Y., 18S7. 12° 221-94 — Heroes of the mission field. N. Y., 1S79. 12° 4149-9 Contents. — Apostolic and early missions : the first three centuries. — St. Martin of Tours. — Ulphilas, apostle of the Goths— St. Patrick and his followers. — St. Augustine in England; St. Boniface in Germany. — Anschar, the apostle of the North. — Adalbert amongst the Slavonians. — Otto, the apostle of Pomerania. — Raymund Lull. — Francis Xavier. — Eliot, the apostle of the Red Indians. — Hans Egede, the apostle of Greenland.— Christian Frederic Schwartz. Walsh, Wm., bishop of Meath. O'Reilly. M. Irish martyrs and confessors, pp. 25-31. 4142-65 Walsh, Wm. Shepard, (Wm. Shepard, pseud.). Am. author, fi. 1854. Authors and authorship. N. Y., 1S82. 16 . . 804-77 Contents. —Literary life. --Chances of literature. — Concerning rejected mss. — Rewards of litera- ture—Literature as a staff.— Literature a crutch. — Some literary confessions. — First appearance in print. — Literary heroes and hero worship. — Some successful books.— Sunny side of letters — Literary society. — Consolations of literature. — Pen pictures of earlier Victorian authors. N. Y., 1S84. 16° 418-94 Contents. — Literary London in 1835. — Edward Jiulwer, Lord Lytton. — Benj. Disraeli, Lord Beacon sfi eld. — Macaulay. — Charlotte Bronte. — Washington Irving. — Edgar Allen Poe. — Har- riet Martineau. — Pen pictures of modern authors. L., 1886. 16° 418-95 Contents.— Czrly\e. — George Eliot.— Ruskin. — Newman. — Tennyson. — Emerson. — Bryant. — Whittier. — Lowell and Holmes. — Hawthorne. — Walt Whitman. — Bayard Taylor. — Swinburne and Oscar Wilde. — The Brownings. — Dickens. — Thackeray. — Some younger writers. — Our young folks' history of the Roman empire. Pliila., 1886. 8° 9196-7 Walshe, Miss E. H. Manuscript man; or, the Bible in Ireland. N. Y., n. d. 16 . 922A85 WALSINGHAM, Sir Francis, Eng. statesman and diplomatist, 6. 1^6-d. 1590. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 2. pp. 211-219. . . 4"-65 Walt and Vult; or, the twins. Richter, J. P. F. Wai iik, Emile. What is Free Trade? an adaptation of Frederick I!a-.liat's " Soph- ismes Economiques." X. Y., 1867. 12 . 335-95 Walter Ennis; or, the early baptists in Vir- ginia. Taylor, A\-: Geo. B 876 V> Wai. ikk Goring. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie (Thomas.) Walter, John. Small beginnings, pp. 5- 31 4>°-93 Walter, Ri< hard. \ oyage round the world in the year 1740-1744 by Geo. Anson. /// Purves, D. I... ed. English circum- navigators, pp. 319 174 4.;; 1 ; WALTER. — '333 — w m i in ( Igilhy. Kin- 1' , i/' I. II. \\ m 111 Sej i" y of rural life in Vii B., 1868. 16 91 « inn . fohn. Pai Ion, I - Capti 1 industry, pp, .75 2.S7 1 169 7 Walters, Lucy. Jesse, J. H, Memoii ol the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, v.3. pp. 362-369. . . 411 \\ m 1 1 i;\ [travels.] See Eddy, D. C. Waltham. I... 1833. [6 . W'ai nil 1; if on der \ ogelweide, & ■ man iyn\ poet, b. about 1 1 70 d. about 1230. Go 1 E. W. Studies in the literature of north- ern Europe, pp. 1117-229 8304-4 Kroeger, A. E. Minnesinger of Germany. PP- 127-162 8315 5 w vi roN, \111y. Hawthorns: :i story about children. I... 11. d. 12 881A1 Walton, Coralie. Vandenhoff, G. Leaves from an actor's note book. pp. 126-178. 911B9 \\ m iu\, Geo., Am. patriot, i. 1740-1/. 1804. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declarati I Independence, pp. 366 J73 4>2«-3 Lossing, B.J. Biographical sketches ol thesigners. pp.234 237 4121-53 W u roN, Geo Edward, Am. physician, i. 1839. Mineral springs of tlie United States and Canada, with analysis and notes on the prominent spas of Europe, and a lis) of seaside resorts. N. V., 1S73. 12 . Same, 1SS3 &>55-9 \\ ilton, Izaak, / •.!•. 1593-1/. 1683. and Cotton, C. Complete angler 1 with notes by (i. C. Davies, and biographical sketch of Izaak Walton. L., n. d. 12 . 7959-9 Complete angler: with lives of the au- thors, and variorum notes, historical and practical: ed. by E. Jesse, to which are added papers on fishing tackle, fishing st a i ions, etc., by II. G. Holm. I.., 1S56. 1 -' 7959-9 Extracts from complete angler. In Natu- ralist's library, v. 38. pp. 181-196. . 590-5 Caldwell, II. \rt of doing 0111 bc-t. pp. 198-209 410-23 I .mu;, A. Letter- to dead authors, pp. 86-97 804—56 Walton, Mrs. O. 1'. Nobody loves me, .md Olive's story. N. V., n. d. 16 . . 923A3 — Our gracious queen : I ubilee pictures and es from her majesty's life. L. 8°. 916B78 Shadow-, scenes and incident- in the life ol an old arm chair. N. Y., 1SS4. 12°. \\ ilworth, Clarence Alphonsus, Am. K. C. clergyman and author, 6. 1S20. Andi- atorocte ; or, eve of Lady day on Lake George, and other poems, hymns and meditations in verse. VY..1SSS. 8°. 922C5 Walwoh 1 11 Am. author, b. 1837. irld. B., 1873 1 1 B 1 li iter. N. Y., 1885. 1 i Forgiven at ' Hi B. , 1 876 Many and I. Memphi . I em — Scruple-. V Y., 1 Strange pilgrimage. N. V., 1888. n - Without blemish : to-day's problem. V Y., 1SS6. 12 Walworth, Man field 1 pseud.), Am. novelist, b. \%yo-d. 1873. Beverly; or, the white mask. N. Y.. 1872. 12°. Delaplaine; or, the sacrifice of Irene. N. Y., 1S71. 12°. Hotspur: a talc of the old Dutch m N. Y., 1864. 12°. Lulu : a tale of the N ing. N. Y., 1863. 12°. WANAMAKER, John, Am. merchant, B ill S. K. Hoi 59-73 412-24 — Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work. 302-314 254-67 Wanderer, The. I... n. d. 16- '123A7 Wanderers bj sea and land; or, walk talks over the water. Goodrich, Wandering heir. Reade, > Wandering homes, and their influences. N. Y., n. d. 16° 923A75 Wandering Jew. Conway. Moncure D. . 2901-33 WANDERING recollections of a somewhat busy life: an autobiography. Neal, 1. WANDERINGS of a pilgrim. Cheever, '.. B. i ; 04-23 WANDERINGS in a wild country; or, three- years amongst the cannibals of New Britain. Powell, W 4936-7 WANDl : ' 1 ,r in search of knowledge. Overend, Mrs. Campbell, tr 724B73 WANDERINGS of plants and animals from their first home. Hehn, V 589-45 Wanderings over Bible land- and i . (R.) Wane of an ideal. Coloml Wankiyn. J. Alfred and Chapman, 1 . I. Water analysis: a practical treatise on the examination of potable water. ed. 1 ., 1884. 12 Wanted— a pedigree. Finley, Maul Wanted a sensation. \"an Zile, 1 WAPLES, Kul u -. A han parlia- mentary practice. Chicago, 1883 12 War. Amos, S. Political and legal reme- dies for war. 1SS0 34 1 3-2 1 .mar, J. A. Military manners an torn-. 1885 WAR. 1334 — WARBURTON. WAR, continued. — Halleck, II. W. Elements of interna- tional law and laws of war. 1885. . . 923B8 — Helps, A. Conversations on war and general culture. 1871 461E9 — Jomini, H. de. The art of war. 1879. 355-5 — Malleson, G. B. Ambushes and sur- prises. 1885 903-6 — Schalk, E. Summary of the art of war. 1863 355-7 — Sumner, C. True grandeur of nations. 1870 1924-8 War system of the commonwealth of nations. 1870 1924-8 — Szabad, E. Modern war ; .its theory and practice. 1863 355"75 — Tovey, Lt.-Col. — . Martial law and the custom of war. 1886 349-8 — Twiss, T. Law of nations considered as independent political communities: on the rights and duties of nations in lime of war. 1S75 3413-8 — Davies, J. L. Social questions from the point of view of Christian theology. pp. 181-198 2576-2 — De Quincey, T. Narrative and miscella- neous papers, v. 2. pp. 195-235. . . 2;s4E4; — Emerson, K. W. Miscellanies, pp. 177- 201 318E8 Same essay. //; Peabody, E. P., ed. /Esthetic papers, pp. 36-50 720K1 — Giles, H. Lecturesand essays, pp. 342- 364. The cost of war 422E2 — Greenwood, J. Savage habits and cus- toms, pp. SS-182 399-4 — Helps, A. Friends in council. v. I. pp- 71-H5 461ES — Mozley, J. B. Sermons, pp. 97-122. . 252-67 — Reade, W. Martyrdom of man. pp. 9- 169 901-7 — Ruskin, J. Crown of wild olive, pp. 83-127 304-7 — Smith, S. Occasional essays, pp. 107- 124. War in relation to modern civil- ization 836E6 — Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, pp. 168—174. Right of war indemnity 884E5 — Wood, J. G. Nature's teachings, pp. 50-158. War and hunting 609-9 — See also International law. Military arl and science. War and peace. 6 v. Tolstoi, 1.. X. War correspondence "I the Dailj 1870: a continued narrative of tin- wai eer Get many and France. 2 v. I-. 1871. 12° 9448-3 Contents. — v. 1. Jul to Di v. 2. Dec. 5, 1870, to March 2,1 i events in the •• at of 1 hi 1.1 luii. 1 ,,-.. 1 1, -j 1 n ^ 1 ■ War in Kansas: a rough trip to the border among new homes and a strange people. Brewerton, G. Douglas 9981-2 War lyrics and other poems. Brownell, Henry H 185C8 War of 1S12. See United States, history. War of the bachelors. Wharton, G. F. War of the roses. Baker, G. M. Social stage, pp. 205-216 8015-21 War path. Jones, J. B. War pictures from the south. Estvan, B. 9819-4 War powers under the constitution of the United States. Whiting, W 3463-9 War reminiscences and Stuart's cavalry cam- paigns. Mosby, John S 649B War tiger. Dalton, Wm 272A85 War time wooing. King, Chas. Warbeck, Perkin, Eng. adventurer, d. 1499. Gairdner, J. History of life and reign of Richard the third. pp. 330-390. Story of Perkin Warbeck 787 B8 Warbi'rton, Eliot Bartholomew Geo., Irish writer, b. \%\o-d. 1852. Crescent and the cross; or. romance and realities of eastern travel. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1852. 16 4499-91 — Darien ; or, the merchant prince: a his- torical romance. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1S53. 16°. — Memoir of Prince Rupert and the cava- liers. 3 v. L., 1849. 8° 798B4 — Reginald Hastings; or, a tale of the troubles in 164-. N. Y., 1863. 8°. — ed. Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his contemporaries: including numerous original letters chiefly from Strawberry Hill. 2 v. L., 1852. S° 922B9 — Kent, C. Footprints on the road. pp. 241-259 410-597 WARBURTON, Geo., Rritisll author, b. about 1812-rf. 1857. Conquest of Canada. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 12° 971-9 WARBURTON, Peter Egerton, colonel, b. 1813. Journey across the Western interior of Australia'; with introduction and addi- tions by C. II. Eden : ed. by II. W. Hate-. I . 1875. 8° 4941-9 — Adams. \Y. 11. I). Sonic heroes of travel. PP- 2 93-3 2 4 4'59 15 Warburton, W. Edward III. N.Y. 16 . [Epochs of modern history.] 9337 9 \\ mi 1 rton, Wm., Eng. writer, b. i698-. 367-389. . . 41238 ; WARD, Mrs. H. O., pseud. S Moore, Mrs. Clara Jessup. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. Se, Ward, Mary (Arnold.) \\ aki>. Ireland, pseud. S 1 \\ iddemec, Irene. \\ ARD, 1 ii Hu- Hammond, Am. J'. '!■'.. . 'ergy- nnin, b. 1S37. Life and letters of Jas. Gates Percival. B., 1S66. 12 . . . . 723B2 — Lowell. J. R. My study windows, pp. 178-192. Review of Life of Percival. . 588E4 \\ un, Lester Frank, Am. botanist, b. 184I. Dynamic sociology; or, applied social science as based upon statistical sociology and the less complex sciences. 2 v. \. V., 1883. 8° 3°'-9 Ward, Maria. Female life among thi Mot mons. n. t. p. 12° \\ \Kn, Mary (Arnold), F.ng. writer, b. 1851. Miss Bretherton. 1 ... [884. 12 . — Robert Elsmere. L., 1888. 12 . — Biographical sketches. /,•; Ward. I. 11. English poets, v. 1 8092-9 WARD, May Alden. Dante: a sketch of his life and works. B., 1887. 12°. . . . 274L.4 — Notes and introduction. In Amiel. II. F. Journal in lime 844 - \\ ARD, Matt Flournoy, Am. author, b. 1S26- d. 1862, Englishitems; or, microscopic views of England and Englishmen. V V.. 1833. 12° R. P. Di 2 \. V V., 1K55. 12 - 1 . Criti '.'. tn P* . . I . nuel, ■'"'. politician, , 1814 1 1884. Fiske, H I »(l I tnd portrait pi inenl New Vorkers. pp. iii .,57. 41247-3 Hunt, I Lives of Ami 15 306 41238-4 Key,, E. I >. I- ift) men p|>. 70-75 5i-''' — King,* ' nnual, pp 412-21 Sparks, L, <■nial policy and pr .e editor. — India, by Sir Henry Sumner Maine. —Ireland, by Sir Rowland lilcnncrhasselt. \ : Growth and distribution of wealth, by Robert Giffen.— Industrial association, by \ WARD. L33 6 WARING. Ward, Thos. H., continued. J. Mundella and G. Howell. — Locomotion and transport, by the editor. — Agriculture, by Sir Jas. Caird. — Cotton trade and industry, by John Slagg. — Iron trade and its allied indus- tries, by Sir Lowthian Bell. — Schools, by Matthew Arnold. — Note on Scottish education. — Universities, by C. A. Fyffe.— Science, by Prof. Huxley. — Medicine and surgery, by Rob- ert Brudenell Carter. — Literature : chronolog- ical table, [and] note on newspaper press, by Richard Garnett. — Art, by the editor.— Drama, by Wm. Archer. — Music, by Walter Parratt. Ward, W. G. Dangers of uncontrolled in- tellect. In Manning, H. E., ed. Essays mi religion and literature, pp. 55- 129 204-58 WARD, Wm., Eug. missionary, b. 1769-1/. 1823. Marshman, J. C. Life and times of Carey, Marshman and Ward 4149-6 — Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earnest men. pp. 98-127 410-945 Wardei.l, Ll. Col. W. H. Notes on gun- powder and gun-cotton, extracted from those printed by order of the Secretary of State for War. Woolwich, 1882. S° 662-9 Warden, Florence, pseud. See James, Mrs. V. A. (Price.) Warden, Robert Bruce, Am. author, b. 1824. Familiar forensic view of man and law. Columbus, i860. 8° 180-94 Warden", The. Trollope, Anthony. Warder, John Aston, Am. physician, b. \%\z-d. 1883. Hedges and evergreens. N. V., 1858. 12° 7139-4 Ware, Henry, jr., Am. Unitarian clergyman, b. 1794-d. 1843. Formation of the Christian character, addressed to those w ho are seeking to lead a religious life, [and its sequelj, Progress of the Chris- tian life. B., 1868. 24° 241-95 — Life of our Saviour. B., 1S68. 12°. . 2329-95 - Ware, J. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, jr 923B83 Hood, E. P., id. Master minds of the West. pp. 10S-I56 412-54 — Putnam, A. I'., ed. Singers and songs of the liberal faith, pp. 103-114. [Biog. etch and poems] 2458-7 . 1 . fohn, Am. physician, b. 1 795-^/. 1S64. Vlemoii of the life of Henry Ware, jr. 2 v. in I. B., 186S. 12 923B85 - Philosophy of natural history; with por- tions of the work of Win. Smellie. 1!., 1866. 12° 5901-9 WARE, Mrs. Mary I.ovell (Pii kard), b. 1 79S- d. 1849. Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary I. .'Ware 923B9 >nd, X. Mini men. pp. 111 41.3-28 Ware, Thos. Webb, joint author. Dilke, C. , and others. Local government and taxation 3521-7 WARE, Wm., Am. author, b. 1797-1/. 1852. Aurelian ; or, Rome in the third cent- ury, in letters of Lucius M. Piso from ■ Rome, to Fausta the daughter of Grac- chus at Palmyra. 2 v. in I. N. V., 1874. 12°. [A sequel to Zenobia.] — Lilian ; or, scenes in Judea. 2 v. N. V., I8 7 4- 12°. — Last days and fall of Palmyra : being letters of Lucius M. Piso, to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome, with preface by Rev. Henry Allon. L. 12°. [Same as Zenobia]. — Lectures on the works and genius of Washington Allston. B., 1852. 12°. • I16B1 Contents. — The characteristics of Allston's genius. — The lesser pictures. — The larger pic- tures: Belshazzar's feast. — Zenobia ; or, the fall of Palmyra : an his- torical romance in letters of Lucius M. Piso from Palmyra, to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome. 2 v. in I. N. Y., 1838. 12°. [Same as Last days and fall of Palmyra]. — Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography. v. 13. pp. 245-306 412-86 Warfare of science. White, Andrew D. . 215-96 Warfield, Mrs. Catherine Ann (Ware), Am. author, b. 1816-fl. 1877. Cardinal's daughter: sequel to Feme Fleming. Phila. 12°. — Household of Bouverie ; or, the elixir ol gold. 2 v. N. Y., i860. 12°. — Miriam Montfort ; or, Montfort Hall. N. Y., 1873. 12°. — Miriam's memoirs: sequel to Montfort Hall. Phila. 12°. — Montfort Hall. Phila. 12°. — Sea and shore. Phila. 12°. — and Lee, Mrs. ICleanor Percy (Ware), (Two sister^ of the West, pseud.) Wife of Leon and other poems. N. Y., 1S44. 12°.. 923C1 WARFIELD, Ethelbert Dudley. Kentucky resolution of 1798: an historical study. N. Y., 1SS7. 12° 9859-9 U m nam, Wm., Eng. prelate and statesman, d. 1532. Campbell, J. Lord chancel- lors, v. I. pp. 354-364 4"-25 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonagesof Great Britain, v. 1. pp. 33-38. 411-65 WARING, Ceo. F., jr.. Am. sanitarian, b. IS;;. Hi ide of the Rhine : two hundred miles in a Mosel row-boat, to which is added a paper on the Latin Poet Auson- ius and his poem "Mosella," by C. T. Brooks. B., 1S7S. 16° 4434 9 WARING WA1 \\ '. i i II I , , i •utinii ,1. I >i lining foi profil ind d health. V \ ., 1867. 1 2 . . 6313-g E li !"■ 1 agrii ultun N. Y., 1882. 12°. 1 m B ' 8°. . . ii i/j I [ollow I ind I • iiui. h 1 in 1 hi Old J 1 irk.— CI ' P itscriptum. Sanitarj drain ige of hou >< s and ; V V., 1876 12° 1 yrol and thi kin ol the Up M, Y., [880. 8 44!' 'l '' Waring, \\ m., ■ ■' A 1 .ill to the fountain: to tu had- ow and imitation, and to ■' ubs '■ mi. mini" .illn ion to I he .-1 Friends, and to le of theii testi- monies. Phila., 1873. 12 VVari 1 ro , R. The chemistry of the farm. \. \ .. 1883. 12° 63I-9 U1111 n, 11. Bra) . \ini 1 Eliza. War] '" K 11' 1 .Iriiu 11 lurk. Macdon l.Gei Warm hearts in cold regions, I 1 I ;i"\s W ,1 11 ig \ . ■ 1 Illation and warming. \\ \kn, Reuben Henry. d work- instruc i"i . ini sine, sheel iron, per, and tin plal - irkers, and ol ; 1 Phila., issi. 8° 672-9 \\ mmi;, \11n.1 Bartlett, Am. author, b. 1S20. 1 1 pei mi' Is. N.Y., 1885. 16°. 924A13 N. V., [887. 12 . Dollai and 1 ents. Phila., 1871. 12 . — Miss Tiller's vegetable garden, and the y she made by it. N. Y., 1873. 16 . 635-S5 - My brother's keeper. Phila., 1876. 12 . — joint author. Set Warner, Susan. Warner, Chas. Dudley, Am. author, i. 1829. Backlog studies. r..,iS-;. 16 . . . . 817-92 Baddeck, and thai ortofthing. B., 1874. 24 4716 9 Being a boy. B., [882. I6 3 923. V85 In Uic Levant. B., 1877. 12 4499-95 — In the wilderm -. B., 1^1. 24 . . . . 47475-9 Contents. — In the wilderness: 1. How I killed - bi 11 . 1 >si in the woods; 3. A (ighl with ,i trout ; 4. A-hunting of the deer ; \ character study; 6. Camping out; 7. A wilderness romance; S. What some people ame in New I land — Mummies and moslems. Hartford, 1S76. 8°. [Same as My winter on the Nile. | | My summer in a garden, li.. [871. 12 . Same, 1873. 16 817-93 — My winter on the Nile. B., iSSi. 12 . [Same as Mummies and moslems.] . . , — Ro journey. B., 1884. 8°. . . 440-93 Saunterir B., 1872 24 \\ — Their pilgrimage. N. Y., 1886. i- Washington Irving. B., 1SS1. 16 . . . 1 1., ■ mtin Why youn h. In Abb I.., .,/. I Iiui foi h Hg. pp. is 22 ■ • • In Ma m f 1 1 ., ed. 1 In. ./. B pp. 4«8i - — Rideing, W. II. Boyhood of living author . pp. 204-212 , Fi N. Y., 1886. 12 . [International scientific series.] . . . . 1795 in the Amazon. V v.. 1851. i2' J ;-i ,1 \Y n:\i.li, Susan, Am. author, b. 1819-1/. 1885. ead and oranges. N. V., 1875. 1 M2 I 1 I 1 - 7-1- 12°. I ■ sy Plains. N. N ., 1885. 12 . 1a. N. V.. 1S79. i2°. End of a coil. N. Y., 1881. 12 . Hill ttemuc. I'hila., 1876. 12°. a sequel ti I 1 unity. \. V., [873. 16 924A2 I In. N. Y., 1882. 12°. — Little camp on Eagle Hill. N. Y.. 1875. 16° 924A22 v v., 1880. 12°. V Y.. 1883. 12°. Old helmet. :v. in I. N. Y., 1879. 12°. e needlt-s. N. Y., 1S77. 16°. Queechy. 2 v. in 1. Phila., 1883. 12 . — Red wallflower. N. Y., 1884. 12°. and seal. 2 v. Phila., 1867. 12°. — Sceptres and • N ,1875. 16°. 924A32 What she could. N.Y., 1S71. . - . 9 2 4A37 — Wide, wide world. Phila., 1S52. 12 . Willow Brook. N. Y., [875. 16 . . . . 924 Wiiil. The. Walks from Eden. X. Y.. 1S66. 16° 2206-78 Wy.li Hazel. V V., 1876. 12 . — and Warner, Anna I'.. Gold of Chicka- ree. \. Y.. 1S76. 12°. Warner, Theodon ilena; lischief: a drama. I'hila., 1888. 12° W sum k. Thos. Keyes, B. I '. men and event-. S2 S32B1 Warner, Warren, [probabl Warren. Samuel. W \k\i ■■'> m Jew ry, M., W IRNE'S model housekeeper. Murray. W v i • teaching ; he Christian year. W ARNINGS of tlie II is, Wm. WARNINGS. 1338- WARRENIANA. Warnings to householders : 130 hints and precautions concerning safety, health, and comfort in our dwellings. L., n. d. 8° 62S-93 WARREN, Miss — John Knox ami his times. N. V.,n. d. 16 539B1 Warren, Sir Chas., joint author. Wilson, C. W. and Warren, C. Recovery of Jerusalem 2212-9 Warren, D. M. An elementary treatise on physical geography with brief descrip- tion of the physical phenomena of the United States : rev. by A. von Steinwehr. Phila., 1S73. 4 551-94 Warren, Elizabeth. Bloom field. B., 1871. 1 6° 924A5 Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, Am. general, I). 1830-rf. 1882. Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and gen- erals, pp. 563-572 4122-4 Warren, Henry White, Am. .1/. E. bishop, 0. 1S31. Recreations in astronomy. N. Y., 1879. 12°. Same, 1SS6 520-9 WARREN, Israel Perkins, Am. author, b. 1S14. New Testament ; with notes, pictorial illustrations, and references, v. 1. B., 1867. 8° 2274-9 Contents. — v. 1. The four gospels; with chronological harmony. — Three judges: story of the men who be- headed their king. N. Y., n. d. 12 . 411-992 WARREN, Col. John. Speech. In Sullivan, T. D. and others. Speeches from the dock 4113-S5 Warren, Joseph, Am. physician., l>. 1741-fl'. 1775. Sparks, J., ed. American biog- raphy, v. 10. pp. 93-183 412-86 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 43-53 41231-4 — Moore, I'., ed. American eloquence, v. I. pp. 57-64 8152-6 Warren, Mercy (Otis), Am. author, b. 172S- d. 1814. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 1. pp. 74-106. 4121-35 WARREN, Samuel, Eng. author, ■'. 1807-1/. 1877. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. B., 1880. 12°. — Confessions of an attorney. N. Y., 1S52. 12°. Bound with Experiences of a bar- rister. Contents. — The lit'- policy Bigamy or no bigamy.— Jane Ecclcs.- " Every man his own lawyer." — The chest of drawers. — The puzzle. — The one black spot.— The gentleman beggar. — A fashionable forger. — Experiences "f a barrister, and Confes- 1 in attoi ney. B., 1880. 12 . Contents. — The march assize The northern circuit. — The contested marriage.— The mother and son. — " The writ <>( habi , 1 Mason.— The marriage settlement.— Th< Warren, Samuel, continual. second marriage. — Circumstantial evidence. — " The accommodation bill." — The refugee. — Lily and the bee: an apologue of the crystal palace. Leipzig, 185 1. 16°. . 923C4 — Now and then. Leipzig, 1848. 16°. — Passages from the diary of a late physi- cian. Edinburgh, 1874. 12 . — Ten thousand a year. Phila. 12 . Warren, Samuel Edward, Am. educator, b. 1831. Elementary projection drawing, theory and practice. N. Y., 18S5. 12°. 744-8 Contents.— Elementary projection. — Details of masonry, wood and metal constructions. — Elementary shadows and shading. — Isometrical and oblique projections. — Elements of machines. — Simple structures and machines. — General problems from the orthographic projections of descriptive geometry. N. Y., 1868. 8° 515-9 — General problems in the linear perspective of form, shadow and reflection; or, the scenographic projections of descriptive geometry. X. V., 1868. 12° 743~9 Manual of drafting instruments and opera- tions. X. V., 1S70. 12° 744-9 — Manual of elementary geometrical draw- ing. X. Y., 1869. 12 744-79 — Manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form and shadow ; or, the representation of objects as they appear, made from the representation of objects as they are. N.Y., 1869. I2 C . 743-8 — Plane problems in elementary geometry. N. Y., 1867. S° 513-93 WARREN, T. Robinson. Dust and foam; or, three oceans and two continents. X. V., 1859. 12° 439-93 — Shooting, boating and fishing for young sportsmen. X. V., 1S71. 12°. . . . 7961-9 WARREN, Wm., Am. Congregational da man, b. \S06-d. 1879. Twelve years with the children : mottoes and echoes in morals and mission work. Portland, 1869. 1 6°. Same, 1870 267-9 Warren, Wm. Fairfield, Am. M. E. clergy- man and educator, b. 1833. Paradise found : the cradle of the human race at the north pole: a study of the prehis- toric world. 1'... 1SS5. 12 573-92 Scripture inspiration. In Ingham [eel ures. pp. 215-245 239-5 1 Sermon. In Grout, II. M., ed. Gospel invitation, pp. 238-258 252-43 Warren, Wm. Wilkin-. Life on the Nile in a Dahabeeh, and excursions on shore between Cairo and Assouan; also a tour m Syria and Palestine in 1S66-67. 3d ed. B., 1883. 16 462-95 iniiana; with notes critical and ex- planatory. Deacon, W. F 827-46 WARRING HINGTON .'., < lhas. B. Mo laii unt of crc- ii, iln 11111:11 le "I i'»l. i'. ; hi . new u itnesses t" tin- onene ol Gi u 1 .mil , to which are added an inq as i" the cause and epoi I' "t 1 In- pi 1 inclination of the earth' d an essay upon cosmology. V \ ., 1877. 12 2I3-9S VVarringtons abroad; or, twelve "ill in ' lei many, Italy ami Egypt, V v., n. .1. 12 4.|<'i 88 Wab . 5i .-Mi stories of various nti ies. Wart, I !erti ude \ audi 1 ' hild, I . M. Biographies of good wives, pp. 164- '69 > ' Wartegg. See Hesse-Wartegg. WARTON, Joseph, Eng. critic, b. 1722-rf. 1S00. Essays. /" British essayists, v. 20-22 184E1 Warton, Thus., Eng. critic and poet, b. 1728-1/. 1790. English poetry from the llth to the 1 7 tli century. X. Y., 1870. 12° 821-9 — Essays. In British essayists, v. 27. . . [84E1 Warwick, Eden. Nasology; or, hints towards a classification of noses. I... 1848. 8° 1798-9 WARWICK, Sir Philip, Eng. writer, b. 160S- ./. 1683. Guizot, F. P. <',. Biographic studies on the English revolution, pp. 72-80. Bound with Guizot, F. P. G. Monk; or, the fall of the republic. . . 411-43 Was Shakespeare Shapleigh ? Winsor, J. . 82398-9 Washburn, Miss — . Frost, J. Heroicwo- men of the west. pp. 268-278 4' 2 39~33 Washburn, Alvan Hyde, D. D., Am. clergy- man, b. 1826-1/. 1876. Twenty-two ser- mons on various subjects. Cleveland, 1S78. 12° 252-97 Washburn, Chas. Ames, Am. editor, b. 1S22. Gomery of Montgomery: a family his- tory. 2 v. in I. X. \ '., 1S65. 12°. — History of Paraguay. 2 v. B., 1S71. 8°. . 9972-9 WASHB1 k\. Edward Abiel, Am. Congrega- tional clergyman, b. 1819-1/. 1881. Epochs in church history, and other essays : ed. by C. C. Tiffany. N. Y., 1883. 12 . . 204-94 Contents. — Apostolic age. — Niccne age. — Latin age— Reformation. — English church. — Church of America. — Church of the future. — Richard Hooker.— Aim and influence of Biblical criticism— Christian conscience and the study of the Scriptures.— Christian faith and theology. — Judaism and Christianity. — Personal resur- rection, and modern physical science. — Social law of God: sermons on the ten commandments. X. V., 1S75. 12°. . 22312-9 — Moral responsibility and physical law. In Christian truth and modern opinion. pp. 69-100 2398-25 U w RN, I'.llliu ■- Recollc ti ' 1 in nee. 2 v. N. V., 1887. ill, II. I pp. 395-428 ■I W. Spai in outline ol the h tinting in Spain. X. V.. i.ss,,. 8" 7 Studies in early English literature. X. Y.. 1882. 1 j S202-95 i pp. IS 26 ; , ASHINi I nited States, />. \- ,• ,/. 1799. Writings: being and other papers; with a lit' author, notes ami illustrations by [ared Sparks. i2v. I:., 1855. 8° 818-9 Contents —v . i. Life of Washington, v. 2. Official letters relating to the French war, and private letters before the American revolution. v. 3-8. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the American revolution. v. 9. Correspondence from the time of re- signing his COmmi mmandcr-in-chief of the Army to that of his inauguration as President. v. io-ii. Correspondence, official and pri- vate, from the beginning of his presidency to the end of his life. v. ti. Speeches and messages to Congress, proclamation and addre! " I he life of Washington making vol. t of Washington's writings is of excellent reputa- tion for accuracy."— Justin Winsor. Maxims of Washington ; political, social, moral, ami religious: ed. by J. F. Schroeder. X. V., 1S59. 12 818-91 Selection fn lies. In Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White House, pp. I' 44 8081-3 Abbott, J. Washington 924B99 Abbott, J. S. C. < >eo. Washington; or, life in America 924B1 Bancroft, A. life of Geo. Washington. 924B3 Brown. E. E. Voung folks' life of Wash- ington 924B33 . G. W. P. Recollections and pri- vate memoirs of Washington 924B4 - Everett, E. Life of Geo. Washington. . 924B5 - Mount Vernon papers 328E1 - Habberton, I. Geo. Washington. . . . 924B6 - Headley, J. T. Illustrated life of Wash- ington 924B63 - Irving, W. Life of Geo. Washington. 5 V 924B7 " Gracefully written and shows respectable research. "—Justin Winsor. - Kirkland.C. M. Memoirs of Washington. 924BS 1 ( ieo. Washington, embracing anec- dotes illustrative of his character. B., n. d. 16 924B2 WASHINGTON. [340 — WASHINGTON. \\ ashing n in, I !eo., ontinued. — Lossing, B. J. Mount Vernon and its 11 ial ions 924B9 — Marshall, J. Life of Geo. Washington. 2 v. . . " 925 1 li " [The author] had peculiar advantages in the use of Washington's papers, as well as from a personal knowledge of him. and by reason of his participation in conflict. He gave a sedate and trustworthy character to his work, which renders it still of prime interest, notwithstand- ing later developments, and notwithstanding a treatment of the subject that to some will ap- pear dull." — Justin Winsor. — Pickell, J. New chapter in the early life of Washington 925B2 — Stoddard, W. O. Geo. Washington. . . 925B26 — Townsend, V. F. Life of Washington. . 925B3 — Weems, M. L. Lifeof Geo. Washington. 925B4 — Bogart, W. H. Who goes there? pp. II-52. Washington — Lafayette. . . . 412-23 — Brougham, H. Historical sketches, v. 2. pp. 122-134 410-17 — Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius, pp. 379-405 410-2 — Chambers papers. Historical and literary celebrities, pp. 449-482 410-25 — Children's story book. pp. 210-213. . . 410-27 — Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches, pp. 2S3-300 410-29 — Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 366-374 410-42 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. PP-9-43 4'o-45 — Ellet, E. F. Court circles of the repub- lic, pp. 15-41 41239-3 — Everett, E. Orations and speeches, v. I. 3-4 815-33 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 135-147. . . 410-49 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. I. pp. 240-243 and 257-263. . . . 412-4 — Freeman, E. A. Greater Greece and greater Britain and Geo. Washington, the expander oi England 902-39 — Frost, J. Presidents of the United Stales. PP- 13-5' 412-43 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 21-42 41231 -4 — Goodrich, S. G. Heroism of boyhood. pp. 157-163 410-51 Gregg, W. K. Rocks ahead, pp. 177- 218. Three men, and three eras: Wash- ington, Jacl on, Buchanan 435^8 — Headley, J. I. Washington and his gen- erals, v. 1. pp. 15-91 4121-46 11 ofAmerii men. pp. 1-61. 412-53 — Moore, 1'., ed. American eloquence, v. 1. pp. 251-261 8152-6 — Parker, 'I- II) torii Americans. pp. 73-'4° 412-7 in, 1 Montcalm and Wolfe, v. I. 971-67 \\ \ iHINGTi in, ( leo., continued. — Parton, J. People's book of biography. pp. 9-22 410-82 — Webster, I). Works, v. I. Character of Washington 818 95 Great speeches. [Same speech.] . . . S15-91 — Whipple. E. 1'. Character and charac- teristic men. pp. 293-324. Washing- ton and the principles of the revolution. 946E4 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious sol- diets, pp. 305-326 4151-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 434-437 4IO-975 — Sec also General histories of the United States and histories of the revolutionary period. Also lives of his contemporaries. Washington, Martha (Uandridge), -.oifc of Geo. Washington, b. 1732-d. 1802. Conk- ling, M. C. Memoir of the mother and wife of Washington 925B7 — Clement, J., ed. Noble deeds of American women. 33-38 412-32 — Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 7-25 4121-35 — Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White House, pp. u-59 41239-4 — Lossing, B. J. Mary and Martha, the mother and wife of Washington 925B8 Washington, Mary (Ball), mother of Geo. Washington, b. ijo6-d. 1789. Conkling, M. C. Memoir of the mother and wife of Washington 925B7 — Clement, J., ed. Noble deeds of American women, pp. 25-32 412-32 — Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. I. pp. 24-35 4' 21_ 35 — Lossing, B.J. Mary and Martha, mother and wife of Geo. Washington 925B8 — Mothers of great men. pp. 301-30S. . . 4'3~35 Washington, thestate. Eells, M. Tenyears of missionary work at Skokomish. iS Leighton, C. C. Life at Paget Sound. 1884 479-5 — Brockelt, L. P. Our Western empire. pp. 1189-1213 478-19 — 1 1 i I tell, J. S. Resources of California; appendix on Oregon and Washington. 4794-45 Sw;in, J. G. Northwest coast, or, three years al Shoalwater bay. pp. 392-407. 4797-8 — See also Wi t. Washington, Districtof Columbia. Adams, F. C. Siege of Washington, D. C. n. d. 9S09-2 Alton, E. Among the law makers. 1SS6. 32S7-2 — Dall, C. II. Patty Gray's journey from Baltimore to Washington. 1869. . . . 473-266 llli , |. B. Sights and secrets of the Vn al capital. 1S69 4753-35 — Gemmill, J. W. Notes on Washington. ■884 4753-45 W \SlMNi; K i\ '.14' — WW I II' \\ v.iiim. n in, /'. <".. ( .i.ln ight, I .. A. R • ■ ollci t < m i ol imi : in | ii \\ .1 hington. [809, . . — 1 1 udson, M 1 < 1 1 en yeai in \\ < .liinj,'- ton ; life ind 1 ihe National 1 tpital, ■ [875* Mni in, E. \\ Behind the w 1 hington. n. t. p 17 V. '' Philp, J . Washingti m de ribec] plete i iew ol 1 he Vi n pital, and of the Disti Col bia .17 > ; =, Poore, B. P. Peril si.\i v j 1.1 1 111 1 he N nal mel ropoli . 1886 • • ■ 741B4 rodd, C. B. Story of Washington. 1889. 4753-9 • 1. .111, A. Vagabond, pp. 228-234. . 1 ; 1 1 6 — Berry, C, B. The other side; how it struck »s. pp. 6S-87 470-14 1 ampbell, G, D. G. White and black: the outcome of a visit to the United States, pp. 259-274 473-2 I lay, S. P. Life and society in Ann ser. 1. pp. 194-206 473-27 Forney, J. W. Anecdote ol publicmen. v. I. pp. 230-236 412-4 Mackinnon, Capt. — Atlantic and trans- Atlantic sketches, v. 1. pp. 93-128. . 470-61 Parton, J. Topics ol t he time. pp. 254 2S4. Log-rolling at Wa hington. ... 715E5 Winthrop, T. Life in the "pen air, etc. pp. 255-290. Washington as a camp. . 958] 1 WASHINGTON artillery, 1 1/ Orleans. Owen, W. M. In camp and battle. 981 1 6 \\ iSHINGTON square. James, H.,j'r. Washington winter. Dahlgren, M. (\ .) Washingtons, rhe. Simpkinson, J. S. \\ LSHOE, a county of Nevada. Brown, J. R. Crusoe's islaml ; with sketches of ad- venture in California and Washoe. . . 439-18 \\ \-n 1 w ski, Win. Life "i Robert mann; tr. by A. L.Alger. 1'.., 1S71. 16 . 812B4 \\ \s..s, II. 1.. Letters from 1 B., 1S87. 12 925C] \\ vsps. Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps. 5959-5 Strahan, A., ed. Boys' and girls' bo science, pp. 31-43 5°7-83 WASPS, The: a comedy. Aristophanes. Comedies, v. 1. pp, is; 2 [2 S824-4 Wasson, David Atwood, Am. author, b. 1S23- ■'> — Tyndall, J. Forms of water in clouds and and glaciers. 1876 5514 9 — Wanklyn, J. A l hapman, E. I . Water analysis : a practical treatise on the examination of potable water. 1884. 54;; 9 1. . . i ,C. House drainage and water service. 1SS0 628-16 Burnell, G. R. Hydraulic engineering. pp. 149-251. B01111J wiUi Stevenson, D. Civil engineering 62097-7 \ Autobiography of a lump of of water, etc. pp. 51-87. . 604-19 [Same.] hi Wonders of common things, pp. 51-S7 • ■ • . 604-2 ' ortield, W. II. Dwelling house-, pp. 37-53 628-3 — Denton, I. Bailey-. House sanitation. pp. 112-206 628-4 hi .'. Home and social philos- pp. 232-248. The world of water. 485] 5 — Gerhard, W. P. Sanitary questions. /« Brunner, A.W.. , ./. Cottages, pp.33 48. — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies, pp. 203-240. Water supply of London. . . 535-3 — McSherry, R. Health and how to promote it. pp. 1 10-114 613-6 — Nichols, J. R. Fireside science, pp. [35 149. What to use for water-pipes. 502-65 — Flunked. 11. M. Women, plumbers, and irs. pp. 72-91 62S-6 — Tracy. R. S. Han .anitary in- formation for householders, pp. S6-90. 628-S — Twining, T. Familiar lessons on food and nutrition, pp. 1 _• ; 1 : x . . . . 643-93 — Wynter, A. Our social bees. v. 2. pp. ;. Water supply of London. . . . 304-9 .•.'.,' Glaciers. Hydraulics. Ice. Microscope. Ocean. Physical geogra- phy. Rivers. Waterfalls. WATER. 1342 — WATSON. Water and land. Abbott, Jacob 551-12 Water babies: a fairy tale for a land baby. Kingsley, Rev. Chas 3^1-55 Water colors. See Painting. W.ATER-cure. See Hydropathy. Water gip-ies. Meade, L. T 623A4 "WATER-lily," Log of the [Yacht]. Mans- field, R. B 443-6 Water spouts. Steams, J. X., a! 19S-8 Water wheels. Trowbridge, W. P. Tur- bine wheels 62124-8 — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of the steam engine, etc. pp. 150-207 621-72 Water witch. Cooper, J. F. Waterhury, J. B. Memoir of the Rev. John Scudder. X. V., 1S70. 12°. . . 815B2 Watekdale neighbors. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1868. 16°. Waterfalls. Gibson, J. Great waterfalls, cataracts and geysers. 1887 55144-3 — Holly, G. W. Xiagara ; its history and geology. 1872. 55'44-4 — Lanoye, F. de. The sublime in nature. PP- 274-300 551-55 Waterhouse, G. R. Natural history of the mammalia. 2 v. L., 1846-48. 8°. . 599-9 Contents. — v. 1. Marsupiata; or, pouched animals. v. 2. Rodentia; or, gnawing mammalia. — Marsupialia; or, pouched animals. /« Xaturalist's library, v. 24 59°-5 Waterhouse, Sylvester. Memorial to Con- gre-s to secure an adequate appropria- tion for a prompt and thorough improve- ment of the Mississippi river; with an appendix. St. Louis, 1S77. 12°. . . . 6271-9 Watering places and mineral springs of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Gutmann, E 6155—4 Waterloo, Battle of, 1S15. Gardner, I). Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo: a narrative of the campaign in Belgium. 94455-4 — Jomini, H. Political and military history of the campaign .if Waterloo 94455-5 — Adams, W. II. D. Battle stories, pp. . 224-251 9208-13 Memorable battles, pp. 373-404. . . 9308-2 — Creasy, K. S. Fifteen decisive battles. pp. 346-364 903-25 — Deming, C. Byways of nature and life. pp. 52-60. Waterloo to-day 283E2 Dicker] ,< ,,ed. Sunshine on daily paths, pp. 212-223. A day at Waterloo. . . 604-3 — Durbin, J. I'. Observations in Europe. v. 1. pp. 280-308 440-29 — Gomm, W. M. Letters and journals from 179910 Waterloo, 1815. pp. 346-378. . 431B8 — Irving, W. Wolferl roo 1, etc. pp. 235-238. The field of Waterloo. . . . 818-487 Waterloo, continued. — Lamartine, A. de. Restoration of mon- archy in France, v. 2. pp. 346-436. . 9446-5 — Low, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 410-427 9308-4 — Mathews, W. Great conversers, etc. pp. 272-294. Battle of Waterloo. . . . 617E5 — Perry, T. S., ed. Life and letters of Fran- cis Lieber. pp. 7-24 570B4 — Scott, Sir W. Waterloo : a poem. In Poetical works. [Various editions.] Note. — The last chapter of Gardner's Quatre Eras, 194455-4) , is devoted to Waterloo poetry. He gives poems by Byron, Scott, Southey, Thackeray and others, which may also be found in their works. In fiction see Krckmann. — Chatrian, Wa- terloo; W. H. Maxwell, Stories of Waterloo. Waters, Mrs. Clara Erskine (Clement). See Clement, Clara Erskine. Waters, Robert, Scottish-Am. educator, b. 1S35. Wm. Shakespeare portrayed by himself. X. V., 1888. 12° 8238-9 Waters of Hercules. X. V., 1885. 16°. Waterston, Mrs. Anna C. (Quincy). Ade- laide Phillipps: a record. B., 1883. 12°. 729B1 Waterston, Robert Cassie, Am. clergyman, />. 181 2. Putnam, A. P. Singers and songs, pp. 390-406. [Biog. sketch and poems.] 2458-7 Waterton, Cha>., Eng. naturalist, /'. about 1782-d. 1865. Essays on natural history ; ed. with a life of the author, by Norman Moore. L., 1871. 12 59°4~9 — Hobson, R. Chas. Waterton: his home, habits ami handiwork 926B4 — Remarkable men. pp. 184-200 410-88 Watson, Beriah Andre, Am. physician, b. 1836. Sportsman's paradise; or, lake lands of Canada. Phila., 1888. S°. . . 4713-9 Watson, E. II. Child life in Italy ; a story of six years abroad. B., 1866. 12°. . 445-92 Watson, Egbert P. Manual of the hand- lathe ; comprising concise directions for working metals of all kinds, ivory, bone and precious woods, dyeing, coloring and French polishing, inlaying by veneers, and various methods practiced to produce elaborate work with dispatch, and at small expense. Phila., 1879. I2 °- 62194-9 — Modern practice of American machinists and engineers. Phila., 1874. 12 . . . 6219-9 Contents. — The drill and its office. — Lathe work. — Miscellaneous tools and processes. — Steam and the steam engine. — Gears, belting and miscellaneous practical information. \\ \i ;on, Elkanah, Am. agriculturist, b. 1758-*/. 1S42. Men and times of the revolution ; or, memoirs of Elkanah Wat- on; ed. by W.C. Watson. N. V., 1861. 12° 927B1 WATSON. - '343 Watson, Elkanah, continued. I [owe, I 1. A'l\ enl ures and ai hie* i ol Vmei ican pp 628 o;S \\ \ 1 ion, F. Defend) > of th< 1 ith; or, the * !■■] itian Apologi its of tl third 1 entui ies. L., n. d. 1 < > . 1 1 athers for English readei i.] 28] Watson, Forbes, FI01 I I •-, 1872. 16 7'5-95 \V \ 1 ;i in, II. B. Marriott. Mai ahun - : .1 romance. I... 1X88. 12 . WATSON, Henry ( lay, Am. xut or, .1831 1869. Camp-fin ol N ipol a. t. p. 12° 61 — Camp-fires of the revolution ; or, the war of independence. I'hila., 1858. 8°. . 9758-9 — Hemic women comprising some of the most remarkable examples of female courage, disinterestedness, de- votion and self-sacrifice of ancient and modern times. I'hila., 11. d. 12°. . . 413-95 \\ I.TSON, J. I.., joint author. Keddie, II.. (S. Tytler, pseud.) and Watson, J. I.. Songstresses of Scotland + 1 7 >• 8 WATSON, J. Madison. Am. author, . 1S27. Hand-book of and gymnas- ts. V., 1S0S. 12 6136-9 Independent fifth reader. V V., 1870. 12° 801-97 — joint author. Parker, K. r, a view of the evidi and in ititution of 1 hri tianity ; with index and an II 2 v. N. Y., 1850. 8° e, P. D. I 1 eminent Method- ist Hi 136-154 ;i 17 5 Observati life of W< In Southey, R. I ey. v. 1. PP- 5 47 Mrs. Rol.ert A. 1- in many fields. I . 1884. 12° 410-962 Contents. — Lucy I inillan. — II IVrr.-v I i|-enler.— Ja*. C. Max- well.— Toru Dull.— J mothers in the age of lr ' Denison.— A. Keary.— A. Sakcr. .. Robert Grant. Spanish and Por- tuguese South America during the 1 nial period. 2 v. I.., 18S4. 8°. . . •■ Watson, Robert Spence. Visit to Wazan, the sacred city of Morocco. L., 1880. 8 6 .. Wm. Life in the Confederate army : being the ol old expe- riences of an alien in the South during the civil war. N. Y ., 1888. 12 ')■ ' \\ in, Alex. Art of soap making: a prac- tical hand-book of the manufactui ! and soft soaps, toilet soaps, etc., including many new processes and a hi the recovery of glycerine from waste leys. 1.., [884. 12=. .. . 6681-8 — Electro-deposition: a practical treatise on the electrolysis of gold, silver, cop- per, nickel and other metals and alloys, with description- of voltaic batteries, magneto and dynamo-electric machines, thermopile-, and of the materials and processes used in every department of the art, and several chapter- on electro- metallurgy. I .. 1SS6. 12 5386-9 I 1 , tro-metallurgy practically treated. 1.., 186S. 12° 5386-9« — History of a lump of gold from the mine to the mint. I... 1S85. 12- 6692-9 Watt, I 1S19. Smiles, S. Lives of Boulton and Watt. 416S-79 A :iu-, W. II. I'. The steady aim. pp. 7-17 410-12 \ . i . Biographies ••] distinguished scientific men. pp. 351-486 416-15 Bolton, S. K. 1 who became famous, pp. 33-45 410-16 per, T. Triumph- of perseverance. 19-105 410-32 I k. 1.. 1 . Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 410-35 WATT. 1344 WAYNE. Watt, J as. , continued. — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. PP- 340-347 4'°-45 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 61-65. • ■ ■ 4 IO_ 49 — Great Scotsmen, pp. 45-54 41 12-4 — Hale, E. E. , ed. Lights of two centuries. PP- 5 2 5-53 6 410-536 — Howe, H. American mechanics, pp. 279-298 41237-4 — Lardner, D. The steam engine explained and illustrated. Chapters 3, 5, 6, and 10. 6211-46 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 565-572 410-7 — Memorials of early genius, pp. 312-319. 410-74 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 26-41 4'o-757 — Neil, S. Epoch men. pp. 271-312. . . 4104-67 — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. pp. 364-412. . . 4104-7 — Parton, J. People's hook of biography. pp. 140-145 410-S2 — Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 531-537 410-92 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies, pp. 5-40. 410-934 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. pp. 315-323 4"-97 — Timbs, J. Great inventors, pp. 35-55. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 273-295. 609-79 — Tweedie, W. K. Lifeand work of earnest men. pp. 434-456 4'°-945 — Wood, H., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 485-487 4IO-975 Watteau, Jean Antoine, French painter, b. 1684-./. 1 72 1. Hale, E. E., ed. Lights of two centuries, pp. 1-12 410-536 — Jervis, J. \V., tr. Stories of boy genius from the lives of great painters, pp. 161-185 4174-5 — \\ edmore, F. Masters of genre painting. PP- I55-I8I 754-8 Watterson, Henry, Am. journalist, 6. 1840, ed. Oddities in Southern life and char- acter. B., 1883. 12 817-94 Watts, Alaric Alex., Eng. journalist, l>. 1797- (/. 1864. Alaric Watts: a narrative of his life, by his son, A. A. Watts. 2 v. 1... 1884. 12 c,j 7 l; 7 Watts, Mrs. Anna Mary (Ilowitt). An student in Munich. II. , 1.S54. 12 . . 4433-4 .Elizabeth. Poultry : a guide to their breeding, rearing, feeding and exhibit- ing. L., 1868. 16 . Bound with Bit d- »g 6386-33 Watts, 1 vman ,iut. Smith, S. Way of the world. Adams, W. T., (Oliver Optic pseud). Way out: suggestions for social reform. Bellamy, Chas. J 304-2 Way to do good. Abbott, Jacob 241-13 Way to fortune : a series of short essays, with illustrative proverbs and anecdotes from many sources. N. Y., 1882. 16°. . . 194-95 Way to life : sermons. Guthrie, Thos. . . 252-44 Way to prosper. Arthur, T. S. Way we live now. Trollope, A. Wayfe Summers. Archer, T. WAYLAND, Francis, Am. Baptist clergyman, b. Ijg6-d. 1865. Elements of intellectual philosophy. B., 1856. 12° 181-95 — Elements of political economy. B., 1870. 12° 330-96 — Memoir of the life and labours of the Rev. Adoniram Judson. 2 v. B., 1853. 12° 520B4 — Memoir of the life and labors of Francis Wayland, D. !>., 1.1.. I>., late president of Brown university, including selections from his personal reminiscences, by Ins sons Francis Wayland and 11. L. Way- land. 2 v. N. Y., 1867. 12 .. . . 928B2 Fish, II. C. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 457-471 2521-4 \\ wiami, Robert Sidney. Legend of maid- en rock. Phila., 1877. 12° 928C4 Wayne, Anthony, Am general, i. 1 745— rf. 1796. Sparks, J., ed. American biog- raphy, v. 4. pp. 3-S4 412-86 Burnet, J. Early settlemenl oi thenorth- western territory, pp. 132-275. . . . 987-2 — Glazier, W. Heroes of three wars. pp. 153-159 4>23>"4 w w m: '345 WEBB W'.v, .1 , Am hony, continued. ! 1 1 ' Hi v. I . I . W.i I 'mi II h v. I. pp, JI | ] (O. . . 4121-46 M '< lung, J. A. Wi e. pp. 177-286 now 1 B. Self-made men. pp. 9 1 100 1 ' — Stone, 'A 1 .. Life <>f Brant, v. 2 1 Way ■ and n ■ egrift, M. •>> Ways for I nake and I B. . 1SS7. |2° I >ifrt:t\ —Some comical kilcs, by V. 1 Hints for young pedestrians, by C M Skinner, H pitch a tent, Williamson —Tree culture, by J Robinson. — Boy'i mi — , bj \ mith How tc build a sinipli- 1, mi, by < ' E I aylot Skatin ;, bj C I ' I [o aa le N I Kin,;. Ways of life, showing the right way, ami wrong way. Weaver, G. S 197 96 Ways of the hour. Cooper, J. F. Wayside fancies. Broderip, Francis F. . 1 Wayside springs from the fountain of life. Cuyler, T. I. 240-3 WAYWARD lover. Goethe, J. W. von. Bound with Goethe, J, VY. vim. Faust. IT "79-70S 8355-4 Wazan. Watson, K. S. \' 1--1 1 to Wazan, the sacred city oi Morocco 464-97 We and Yfrs. 11. (B.) \\ 1 and the world. Ewing, Juliana H. . . 129A5 We four : where we went and what we saw in Europe. Rees, 1.1 440-7S WE girls. Whitney, Mrs. A. I). (T.) We two, Bailey, Ada I lien, (Edna 1 yall, pseud.) \\ 1 two alone in Europe. Ninde, Mary L. 4; We Von Arldens. Douglas, Edith. Weak lungs, u. ""Inn to make them strong. Lewis, Dio 6164-5 Weakest goeth to the wall. Webster, J. Dramatic works, v. 4. pp. 213-305. 930C8 WEALE, John. Economy of rural dwellings. In Allen, C. B. Cottage building, pp. m-126 72S-12 WEALTH. Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on natural history, pp. 91-125. Relation ol natural history to wealth 5901-3 Seaman, F. C. Progress of nations. 2 v. 609—7 See also Links. Finance. Labor and capital. Political economy. WEALTH and welfare. Gotthelf, J. \\ 1 \i 111 of households. Danson, J.T. . . 330-34 Wealth ol nation Smith, Adam. . . . 330-S5 WEAR and tear; or, hints for the over- worked. Mitchell, S. Weir I Wearing of the gray. Cooke, [ohn 1 ten. 9S12-3 WEAR1THORNE; or, the light of today. Rod- ney, Mrs. Marian (R.), (K.ulelte,/f347 V\ EBST] I* Wi. bsi i R, I taniel. continued, in the District of I otumbia, 183*!.— The Com* [.wealth bank, Boiton, 1838.— Right of pre- Smption l 1 ■•< Lull settler* on the pu ill 1838. Mir mb treuury, 1838, [two ipeei hei ) 1 epIytoMr Calhoun, 1838 Gradui 1 of the price of the publii lands, iG 1 Genera ■ < l of protection, 1840.— T ream ry-note bill, 1840. v. 5. .Speech e.\ in Congress, continued : Uni- form system of bankruptcy, 184 1, ftwq p< •-< he | — State of ttie finances in [840.—- Admission "f Texas, 1845 Oregon, 1845-46. [three speeches) Defence of the treaty of Wa htin [1 in, 1 4^6. — Organization of the volunteer force, 1846. — Tariff, 1846, [two speei hesj. — Sub-treasury, 1846— Mexican war, 1847.— The ten regiment bill, 1848— Obje< ts df th Mi tii mi war, 1848. — Ext lusion of slavery from the territories, 1848. — Panama railroad, il y, Constitution and the Union, t8so.— Tribute to Mr. Calhoun, 1850.— Tribute to Mr. Elmore, 1850.— Fugitivi bill, 1850- Boundaries of Texas, 1850.— Com- promise bill, 1850. — California public lands and boundaries, 1850. — Last illness and death of Gen. Taylor, 1850.— Compromise measures, 1850. — Legal arguments and speeches to the jury : Ocfcnce of the Kcnuistons, 18x7.— Dartmouth college case, 1818.— Defence of Judge James Presi ott, 1821. v. 6. Legal arguments, continued: I 1 Gibb ms and l Igden, 1824— Case of Ogden and Saunders, 1S27. — Murder of Capt. Joseph White, 1830.— Bank of the United States against W. D. I'rimrose, 1839.— Christian ministry and religious instruction of the young, 1844.- Pi dence railroad company against the city of l ton, 1844.— The Rhode Isl.md government, 1848. — Diplomatic and official papers; Case of Alex. MI. cod, 1841.— Treaty of Washington, 1842. — Correspondence with Lord Ashburton, 1842. — The right of search, 1843. — The treaty of Washington.— Letters to Gen. Cass on the treaty of Washington, 1842. — Relations with Spain, schooner "A mist ad," 1841-42.— Sound dues at Elsinore and the German Zoll-Verein, 184 1. — Treaty with Portugal, 1842. —Relations with Mexico, 1842-43.— China and the Sandwich Islands, 1842^3. — Boundaries of Texas, 1850. — Correspondence with the Chevalier Htilsc- niann, 1850-51. — Excesses committed at New Orleans, 1851.— The Lopez expedition, 1851. — Case of Thrasher, 1851.— Miscellaneous letters. — Great speeches and orations ; with an 1 on Daniel Webster as a master of Eng- lish style, by E. P. Whipple. IL, 1S79. 8° Contents. — Daniel Webster as a master of Eng- lish style. — Dartmouth college case, i8t8 — First settlement of New England, 1820.— Defence of Judge James Prcscott. 1821.— The revolution in Greece, 1824.— The tariff. 1824. — Case of Gib- bons and Ogden, 1834.— Bunker Hill monument, 1S25 — Completion of the Bunker Hill monu- ment, 1843.— Our relations to the South Ameri- can republics, 1826.— Adams and Jefferson, 1826. —Case of Ogden and Saunders, 1S27. — Murder of Capt. Joseph White, 1830— Reply to Hayne. 1830— Constitution not a compact between sovereign states, 1833.— Public dinner at New- York, 1S31.— Presidential veto of the United States bank bill, 1832.— Character of Washing- ton, 1833. — Executive patronage and removal* from office, 1832. — Executive usurpation. — si 5 „i VEBSTER, 1 , conlinui ti. N.ii 11 1 i . tiTf mi y, 1 t Pre«i lenlis.1 prote) t, 1834 A ppoinli *cr, 1835. On the lo [II in 1835 Reccj very in t li' Din Cred (8.— 1 Mr. I in in 1838. — Reply I ■ 1 bankrupt* y, 1 1 1840. 1 t Ply. .- rr ligio . -44 Mr JUN'I 1848 Objecisol n war, i?4S elusion of slavery from the [ei 18. — Speech at M.irslilield, 184)8.-- Jeremiah M 1848. - KnsMith, 1849 Constitution and the 1 1 in, 1850. — Reception at Buffalo, 185X.— The addition lo the Capitol. 1851. — Appci Private correspondence: ed. by Fletcher Webster. 2 v. I;., 1857. 8° 931B22 Speeches il Daniel Webster, and his mas- ter-pieces: cd. by Rev. B. F. TeflTt. Phila., 1854. 12 815-9 Contents.— Dartmouth college case.— Ply- Ith oration: first settlement of New Eng- land -Speech on the Greek revolution. — Hunker hill monument oration. — Orations on the death of Adams and Jefferson. — Lecture before the Bosi n Mi s* Institute. — Eulogyon Wash- n.— Speech at Nibl./s saloon, New York. — Letter on impressment. — Reply to Hayne on Foote's resolution. — Reply to Calhoun: the constitution not a compact. — Compromises of the constitution. — Speeches. In American oratory 8152-2 Moure, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 2 - PP- 357-421 . [Biographical sketch a:id speeches.] 8152-6 — Banvard, J. American statesman; or, illustrations of the life ami character of Daniel Webster 930B6 — Curtis, G. T. Life of Daniel Webster. 2 v 930B7 — Frost. J. The great expounder: young folk-' life ..1 Daniel Webster 930B74 — Harvey, P. Reminiscencesand anecdotes of Daniel Webster 930B8 — Lanman, C Private life of Daniel Web- ster 930B9 — Lodge, 11. I'. Daniel Webster 930895 — Lyman, S. P. Public and private life of Daniel Webster 93' Bi March, C. W. Daniel Webster and hi> contemporaries 931B15 — Tcfl'l, B. F. Life of Daniel Webster. . 931 B2 — Boutwcll, G. S. The lawyer, the states- man, and the soldier, pp. 44-S9. . . . 412-245 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 9-19 -112-25 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 19. pp. r Review nf Webster's works. WEBSTER. — 1348 WEEKES. Webster, Daniel, continue;!. — Burnap, G. W, Miscellaneous writings. PP- 93-13° '95 E 3 — Choate, R. Addresses and orations, pp. 222-333 and 5 17-529 815-23 — Colton, W. Sea and the sailor, etc. pp. 281-284 818-32 - Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 85-96 410-44 — Famous boys and famous men. pp. II— 18. 410-47S — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 122-136 412-4 — Foster, I. H., (Faye Huntington, pseud.) Stories of great men. pp. 129-133. . . 410-5S5 — Harsha, D. A. Orators and statesmen. pp. 429-490 410-54 — Homesof American authors, pp. 317-337. 4181-45 — Homes of American statesmen, pp. 473- 484 412-53 King, T. S. Substance and show, and other lectures, pp. 299-353 534 E 9 — Lodge, H. C. Studies of history, pp. 294-329 904-5 Parton, J. Famous Americans, pp. 55- 112 412-72 — Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. pp. 63-67 4'2-75 — Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences, v. 1. pp. 390-400 74' I ; 4 — Quincy, J. Figures of the past. pp. 138-146 755 B6 — Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 30-39 410-92 — Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea, v. I. pp. 333-352. Webster's Bunker hill speech. 204-84 Tweedie, W. K. Life and work of earnest men. pp. 325-344 4*0-945 — Wallace, F. T. Men and events of half a century, pp. 303-323 922E4 Whipple, E. P. American literature, etc. PP- 139-233 946E3 Essays and reviews, v. I. pp. 172-207. 946E5 Webster, John, Eng. dramatist, b. in ibth century. Dramatic works: ed. by Win. II int. 4 v. I.., 1S57. 12° 930C8 Tragedy of the Duchess of Main. In British dra pp. 317-345. • . . 8223-2 - Whipple, E. I'. Literature of the age of Elizabeth, pp. 1 ;i 148 8203-9 Webster, Noah, Am. philologist, />. 175s-*/. 1843. Scudder, H. E. Noah Webster. 931B3 Wedderiuun, Alex., Baron Loughborough, British politician, b. 1733-'''. 1805. Brougham. II ten [of] the time of George III. v. 1. pp. 60-73. ■ ■ 4'°- I 7 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors. v. 0. pp. 33-296 4"-25 Wedding day in all ages and countries. Wood, E. J 3925-9 WEDDING etiquette. Carroll, Geo. D., ed. 3951-3 Wedding garments. McLain, M. W. Wedgwood, Hensleigh. Origin of language. Phila., 1S66. 16 101-9 Wedgwood, Josiah, Eng. artisan, b. 1730-1/. 1795. Adams, W. II. D. The steady aim. pp. 49-56 410-12 I hake. S. A., ed. Our great benefactors. pp. 162-165 410-42 — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, v. 2. pp. 181-211 426E] — Small beginnings, pp. 37-61 410-93 — Timbs, J. Great inventions, pp. 212-217. 4169-9 Inventors and discoverers, pp. 26S-272. 609—79 Wedgwood, Julia. John Wesley and the Evangelical reaction of the 18th century. L., 1870. 12 937B9 — Female suffrage. In Butler, J. F., ed. Woman's work and woman's culture. pp. 247-289 396-25 WEDMORE, Frederick, Eng. art-critic, b. 1844. Masters of genre painting: being an in- troductory hand-book to the study of genre painting. L., 1S80. 12 . . . . 754-8 Contents.— Genre painting. — Rembrandt. — De Hooch, Van Der Meer and Nicholas Maes. — Terburg and Metsu. — Jan Steen. — Ostade, Teniersand Brekelenkamp.— The petty masters. — Watteau.— Lancret and Pater. — Chardin. — Fragonard. — Hogarth, Wilkie and Leslie. — The impressionists. In Coan, T. M., ed. Art and literature, pp. 134-151. . . . 704-2S Wee Donald : a story from real life. B., 1872. 16 929A2 Wee Maggie, and other stories. Broderip, Francis F 185A23 Wee wifie. Carey, Rosa (N.) Weed, Thurlow, Ant. journalist, b. ljgj-d. 1882. Autobiography: ed. by his daughter, Harriet A. Weed. R,, 1884. 8° 932B2 — Barnes,!'. W. Memoir ol Thurlow Weed. 932B2 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, etc. pp. 506-516 4 lS l-3 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. v. 2. pp. 211-214 412-4 Weeden, Wm. 11. The social law of labor. B., 1S82. 12 336-85 Willis. Darlington, W. American weeds and useful plants 5S16-4 Week. Proctor, R. A. Familiar science studies. pp. 77-103. Origin of the week 502-68 Week in a French country house. Sartoris, Mrs. A. K. Week on the Concord and Merrimac rivers. Thoreau, H. D 8S5E6 WEEKES, Henry, Eng. sculptor, b. &o-]-d. 1877. Lectures on art, delivered at the Royal Academy, London ; with a short sketch of the author's life. T.., 1880. 8°. 704-97 WKKKKS. — '349 ~ wi:isse. W i i i i ■■., 1 1 "ii i v, r ontinued, Conlrnti Life i I ion. — Com posi i - Style. — [deali m and reali m in ulptun Colour in iculptun Education Porti mire. — Sir foshua Reynold I ehnes, tnd Gibson Early histor) ol iculpturc; I [ei .1 11 i, Pliny, the Si i ipi uret. \\ mi I !n. i S., ed. Texl book "f nursing. V Y., 1SS5. 12° .... 6138-9 Weeks, I [elen 1 '., (Whea Campbell, pseud.) Am lie itories. N. V'., 1868. 24° 929 V8 — Six sinners; or, school 'lays in Bai valley. N. Y., 1 11 938A5 W111 . I" 1 I'll D, Lai Jin is and their settlement: a plea for arbitration and conciliation. N. V., 1886. 8°.. . 3361-78 Weeks, Lyman 11. Among the Azores, B., 1882. 16° 44699-95 w 1 ii.., Robert Kelley, Am. poet, b. 1840-rt. 1876. Twenty poems. N. V., 1876. 12° 93'Ci Week's delight : games and stories for the parlor and fireside. N. Y., 1S69. 1 6° 786-93 WEEMS, M ison I"' ke, Am. writer, b. about 1760-rt'. 1S25. Lifeof Benjamin Franklin; with anecdotes. Phi la., 1854. 12 . . . — Life of William Pehn, the settler of Penn- sylvania. Phila., 1S50. 12° 7Jjl'.;; — Lifeof Washington; with curious anec- dotes. Phila., 1S73. s ° — joint author. Horry, P. and Weems, M. L. Life of Gen, Francis Marion. ... 12I WEIDEMEYER, John Wo., (An old angler, pseud.), Am. author, b. 1S19. American fish and how to catch them. X. Y., 1S85. 12° 795 9 W 1 IGHED and wanting. Macdonald, Geo. WEIGHTS and measures. Barnard, F. A. P. Imaginary metrological system of the great pyramid of Gizeh. 1S84 4'm-; — Clarke, F. W., eJ. Weights, measures and money of all nations. 1S79. . . . 659-2S — Colin, A. Universal metric system, 1876. 659-3 — Everett, J. D. Units and physical con- stants. 1S79 ._ ... Smyth, P. Our inheritance m^fle great pyramid. 1864 - Templeton, W. Engineer, millwright ami mechanic's pocket companion. 18S1 6208-8 Thurston, R. II. Conversion tables of metric and British, or United States. weights and measures. 1SS3 — Wonlhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights and moneys of all nations 33"-9 — Herschel, J. F. W. Familiar lectures on scientific subjects, pp. 419-451. ... Win, Guitav, Ger, OrientaliU, t. 1808. Bible, the Koran and thi I with 1 Content 1 uel, £ Shcba J.itin, M Weim m Eliot, G 1 a 11 pp. 226-250. Three months in Weimar W 1 11 , Roberl Walter, Am. pain, Tuckerman, II. T. Book of the art PP- 203-215 2 V. vi 11. Julius, ,/. i s 7 1 . Manual of the mei engineering and of the struclion of machines, v. 2 Application of mechanics to machines. pis. I and 2. N. Y., 1880. 8°. . . . Contents.— pt. 1. Hydraulics and hydraulic motors: tr. by A. Jay 1) pt. a. ii m and steam engines A. Js with additions showing Ameri- can practice, by R. H. Buel. . [ohn. American religion. B., 1871. 16 758-9 621-9 Contents. — R-ight mental method. — America's debt.— The American opportunity —The divine immanence. — A divine person.— An American atonement. - False and true praying. — Strife and symmetry. ■■ for truth.— Con- y to an ideal. — The American soldier. — Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker. 2 v. N. Y., 1864. 8°. ... — Wit, humor and Shakespeare. 1!., 1876. 12°. Contents. — Cause of laughter.— Wit, irony and humor. — Dogberry. Malvolio, Troilus and Cres- sida in. Touchstone. - Falsi. id: his companions: Americanisms —Hamlet. — The porter in '* Macbeth," the clown in "Twelfth night," the fool in " Lear." — Women and men ; Maria. Helena, Imogen, Constance. — Lord 11 and the play*, Shakespeare's women, love in Shakespeare.— Portia.— Helena ; Ophelia. —Macbeth.— Blonde women; Lady .Macbeth. I iligion and science. In Freedom and fellowship in religion. pp. 135-17S. . — Bartol, C. A. Principle* and portraits. pp. 3S6-412. The genius of Weiss. . . — Putnam, A. 1'., ed. Singers and songs. pp. 419-424. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . X. Personal recollections of the "Ville-du-Havre" and the "Loch Earn." X. Y.. is;;. 1: WEISSE, John Adam. . 6. iSlo-rf. 1S8S. Obelisk and freemasonry, accord- ing to the discoveries of Belzoni and Commander Gorringe, also Egyptian symbols compared with those discovered in American mounds with the hiero- glyphs of the American and English obelisks, and translations into English by Dr. S. Birch. V.Y.. 1880. S>. . . 204-95 8236-9 204-33 13SE2 4372-9 • WEITBRECHT. — i35° — WELLINGTON. WEITBRECHT, Mary. Miracles of faith: sketch of the life of Beate Paulus; with an introduction by Rev. Chas. S. Robin- son. N. Y., 1872. 1 6° 719B4 Weitzel, Godfrey, Am. soldier, b. 1835-*/. 1884. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. pp. 7S9-795 9796-7 Weitzel, Sophie Winthrop. Renee of France, Duchess of Ferrara. N. Y., 1S83. 12° 784B1 — Sister and saint: a sketch of the life of Jacqueline Pascal. N. Y., 1S80. 12 . 716B9 Wei.bv, Mrs. Amelia B. (Coppuck), (Amelia, pseud.), Am. poet, b. 1819-a'. 1852. Poems. N. Y., 1864. 12°. Same, 1867. . . . 933C3 — Poems. In Selections from the poetical literature of the West 8091-36 Welch, Deshler. Stephen Grover Cleve- land: a sketch of his life, to which is appended a short account of the life of Thos. Andrews Hendricks. N. Y., 1884. 12 230B19 Welch, F. G. Moral, intellectual and phys- ical culture; or, the philosophy of true living. N. Y., 1869. 16 . 613-9 Welcome, Henry S. Story of Metlakahtla. L., 18S7. 12 . . . 26712-9 Weld, A. G. Sacred palmlands; or, the journal of a summer tour. L., 1881. 8°. 45S-94 WELD, Horatio Hastings, Am. author, b. \%\\-d. 1888, joint author. Yonge, C. M. a«rfWeld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history 973~99 — ed. Benj. Franklin : an autobiography, with a narrative of his public life and services, n. t. p. 8° 381B3 Sacred quotations. Phila., 1851. 8°. . 2451-9 Weld, M. C. Sound views about horseshoe- ing. In Page, C. E. Horses ; their feed and their feet. pp. 133-149 6361-73 Weldon's fancy costumes for fancy dress balls and tableaux-vivants, full of details as to colours, materials, arrangements and making up of each character. N. Y., n. d. 12 3912-87 \\ 1 11.! Well! Wallace, M. A. Well begun is half done. Baron, R. and Deutsch, Dr. C. WELL-digging, boring and pump work. Swindell, J. G 6222-2 WELL in the desert. Holt, Emily S. 111 the rock. Townsend, V. F. WELLES, (Gideon, secretary of U. S. Na?y, b. l8o2-. Eminent soldiers. pp. 142-190 4!5 I- 2 Memorable battles of English history. pp. 404-448 93 o8 -2 — Bayne, P. Essays, ser. 2. pp. 149-180. 139E6 — Chambers' papers. Historical and liter- ary celebrities, pp. 65-96 410-25 — Fifty celebrated men. pp. 113-119. . . 4'°-49 — Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. pp. 53-63 4>l-37 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, v. 8. pp. 287-305 411-65 — London Times. Lives of Wellington and Peel 411-68 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 55-62 4'°~7 — Miller, H. E.-says. pp. 60-70 633E6 — Redding, C. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. v. 2. pp. 33-101. . . 411-87 ■ — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and wo- men, pp. 231-246. . . T 410-9 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. PP- 347-365 4H-97 — Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers, pp. 327-352 4151-9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 449-452 4IO-975 Wellesley, Richard Colley, marquess, 6. lj6o-d. 1842. Pearce, R. R. Memoirs and correspondence of the most noble Richard, Marquess Wellesley. 3 v. . . 933B4 — Brougham, II. Historical sketches of statesmen [ufj the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 342-385 410-17 — De Quincey, T. Note book of an Eng- lish opium eater, pp. 177-192. . . . 284E41 — Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire. pp. 84-100 41 1-4 — Hayward, A. Eminent statesmen and writers, v. 1. pp. 394-45 s 410-55 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch, PP- 324-332 4H-97 Wellfields, The. Fothergill, Jessie. Wellington, Duke of. See Wellesley, Ar- thur. WELLING fON. — >35' — ! WOR1 H Wblunoton, AiiIum Mellen, Am. emit en- gintei , ''. 1847. 1- 'in' theory of the toi iti r railways. N. Y., 1SS7. 8°. 625-9 Wmi i, David Ames, Am. economist, t. 1828. 1 "i principles of geology. N. V., l86l. 12° 550-94 — Natural philo ophy. X. Y., 1869. 12 . 530-95 — Our in. "li larine, how it rose, in- creased, became great, declined and decayed; with an inquiry into the con- ditions essential tn i t s re 1 1 and future prosperity. N. Y., 1885. 12 . [Questions of the day. No. 3.] .... 651-9 — Practical economics: a collection <>f es- respecting certain of the recent eco- nomic experiences of the United States. N. Y., 1SS5. 8° 3304-92 — Principles and applications of chemistry. N. \ '., 1867. 12 540-93 — Robinson Crusoe's money ; or, the re- markable financial fortunes and misfor- tunes of a remote island community. N. Y., 1876. 8° 331-93 — Science of common things. N. Y., 1869. 12° 504-9 — Study of Mexico. \. Y., 1SS7. 12°. . 472-93 — Things not generally known : hand-book of facts not readily accessible, n. t. p. 12° 806-9 — Recent financial, industrial and commer- cial experiences of the United Slates. In Cobden club essays, pp. 461-542. . 304-3 Wells, Frank. Drainage [and] School hy- giene; its relation-, to the Massachusetts emergency and hygiene association. In Massachusetts emergency and hygiene association, pp. I-32 and 1 13-160. . . 3717-6 Wells, Henry P. Fly-rods and fly-tackle; suggestions as to their manufacture and use. N. Y., 1SS5. 12 7954-9 — Fly-lishing for trout in the Kangely re- gion. In Oi vis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N., ed. Fishing with the fly. pp. 87- '° 2 7954-6 Wells, Rev. Jas. Christ and the heroes of heathendom. I.., 1S88. 12° 150-9 Contents.— .-Eschylus, the theologian of hea- thendom.— Socrates, the reformer of heathen- dom. — Plato, the prophet of heathendom. — Epictetus, tlic saint of heathendom. — Christ and his competitors. WELLS, Jas. W. Exploring and travelling three thousand miles through Brazil from Rio Janeiro to Maranhao; with an appendix containing statistics and ob- servations on climate, railways, central sugar factories, mining, commerce and finance, the past, present and future, and physical geography of Brazil. 2 v. 1... 1SS6. 8° 481-92 V. ill, John G. I n law. yer, and business form book. 1'lnla., 1S7S. 12°. Same. N. Y., 1S70. 3434-8 nnett. M I'.., 1888. 12". Wi 1 1 , Samuel Roberts, Am. //;.■ 1 l820-. 1 Explorations and adventures in Hon- duras, comprising sketches of travel in the gold regions of Olancho and a re- view of the history and resources of Central America. X. Y., 1857. 8°. 47283-9 — Life and public services of Samuel Adams, with extracts from his correspondence, state papers and political essays. 3 v. B., 1865. 8° 107BS Wellstf.d, J. R. Taylor, B., cd. Cyclo- pedia of modern travel, v. 2. pp. 615- 627. Wellsted's travels in Oman. . . 436-8 Travels in Arabia, pp. 42-64. Well- sted's explorations in Oman 459-87 WELSH, Alfred Ilix, Am. educator, b. 1S50. Development of English literature and language. 2 v. ill l. Chicago, 1885. 8°. 820-93 Welsh, David, Memoii ol I. Brown. In Brown, T. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind 180-22 WELSH, The. See Wales. Weltevredf.n. Gibson, W. M. Prison of Weltevreden, Java 4922-4 Weltv, Mrs. E. A. Self-made; or, living for those we love. X. Y., 186S. 16 . 93° A 3 Wendell, Barrett. Duchess Emilia. B., 1885. 16°. — Rankell's remains: an American novel. B., 1887. 12°. WENDERHO) ME. Hamerton, P. G. Wendover. See Roger of Wendover. W knsley and other stories. Quincy, E. WENTWORTH, Chas. Watson, 2d marquis 0/ Rockingham, b. 1730-1/. 1782. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. S. pp. 11-20. . 411-65 WENTWORTH, Martha Hilton, /Wy. Diake, S. A. Book of Xevv England legends and folk-lore. pp. 337-344 — See also in Longfellow's poems, the poet's tate. Wen 1 worth, Thos., earl of ^ti afford, b. 1 593- d. 1641. Forster, J. Statesmen of the commonwealth of England, pp. 55-134. 41 1-3; WENTWORTH. »3S2 WEST. Wentworth, Thos., continued. — Goodrich, C. A., ed. Select British elo- quence. pp. 7-14 8258-4 — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. V. 2. pp. I23-I43 4II-58 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of Great Britain, v. 4. pp. 59-78. 411-65 — Mozley, J. B. Essays, v. I. pp. 1-105. 204-63 WEPTof Wish-ton-Wish. Cooper, J. F. Werne, Ferdinand. Taylor, B. Cyclope- dia of modem travel, v. 2. pp. 629- 647. Explorations of the White Nile. 436-8 Werner, Abraham Gottlob, German geologist, b. 1750-^. 1817. Memoir. In Natural- ist's library, v. 29. pp. 17-47. • ■ • 590—5 Werner, Ernst, pseud. See Biirslenbinder, E. Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias, Cer. man poet, b. \-j(>%-d. 1823. Carlyle, T. Essays, v. 1. pp. 74-125 206E2 Wertheimber, Louis. A Muramasa blade: a story of feudalism in Old Japan. B., 1887. 4 . Wesley, Chas., Eng. clergyman and writer of hymns, b. \-c&-d. 1788. Adams, C. The poet preacher : a brief memorial. 937B1 — Fuller, S. M. Art, literature and the drama, pp. 342-351 400E2 — Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 29-49 4'47~5 — Wakeley, J. B. Anecdotes of the Wes- leys. pp. 321-386 938B2 — Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 254-259 8092-9 Wesley, Jt.hn, Eng. founder of Methodism, b. 1703-d'. 1791. Works: 3d Am. ed., with the last corrections by the author; comprehending also numerous transla- tions, notes and preface by J. Emory. 7 v. N. Y., n. d. 8 3 • • • 208-96 Contents. — v. 1-2. Sermons. v. 3-4. Journal. v. 5-7. Miscellanies. — Green, R. J..hn Wesley 937B3 — Southey, R. Life of Wesley 937U5 — Tyerman, L. Life and times of the Rev. John Wesley, founder of the Methodists. 3 V - ■ ■ - '■ 937B7 — Urlin, R.I). Churchman's life of Wesley. 937B8 — Wedgwood, J. John Wesley and the Evangelical reaction of the iSth century. 937B9 - Wise, D. Story of a wonderful life. . . 938B1 — Clarke, J. I. Events and epochs in re- ligious history, pp. 351-386 204-165 Gorrie, P. D. I ivi ; of eminent Methodist ministers, pp. 9-28 4147-5 — Herrick, S. I heretics of yester- day, pp. 291-314 4143-4 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 370-374 4IO-7 Wesley, John, continued. — Mothers of great men. pp. 309-347. . . 413-35 — Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George II. pp. 123- "44 411-78 — Punshon, W. M. Lectures and sermons. pp. 147-191 204-72 — Ryle, J. C. Christian leaders, pp. 64- i°5 4145-7 — Ward, T. II., ed. English poets, v. 3. pp. 254-259 8092-9 — Wakeley, J. B. Anecdotes of the Wes- leys. pp. 73-320 938R2 — Wood, W., e.t. Hundred greatest men. pp. 191-194 4'°-975 Wesley, Samuel, Eng. clergyman, b. about 1664-d. 1735. Wakeley, J. B. Anec- dotes of the Wesleys. pp. 19-50. . . . 938B2 Wesley, Susanna (Annesley), mother of John and Chas. Wesley, d. 1742. Wakeley, J. B. Anecdotes of the Wesleys. pp. 51- 72 938B2 — Brightwell, C. L. Above rubies, pp. 219-243 41.5-22 — Stevens, A. Women of Methodism, pp. 23-55 287-71 Wessel, John, Dutch reformer, b. about 1420- d. 14S9. Hodgson, W. Reformers and martyrs, [not] of the Lutheran reforma- tion, pp. 223-236 4'43"44 West, Benj., Am. artist, b. iy^S-d. 1820. Adams, W. H. D. The steady aim. pp. 197-204 410-12 — Children's story book. pp. 239-242. . . 410-27 — Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance. pp. 69-74 410-32 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, pp. 37I-386 410-35 — Cunningham, A. British painters and sculptors, v. 2. pp. 5-53 4' 7-3 — Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories. PP- >2-24 2941-45 — Howe, H. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 27-37 4'2-55 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 461-470 4123-6 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 25S-264 410-7 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 97-H5 4IO-757 — Men who have risen, pp. 100-110. . . 410-76 Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 382-393 410-92 — Tuckcrman, II. T. Book of the artists. 'pp. 96-106 758-9 WEST, Gilbert, Eng, writer, b. about 1705-1/. 1756. Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 475-479 41821-5 WEST. — '353 Wi-.si , Mil ia A !' im ill idi i'u ■■ >ol li I lnboi in the land of Ararat ; with introdui tii n b) K. (R.) Charles. N. V., 1875. 12 . . 21 West, Richard, • jurist, b. in the lyth century, d. 1726. Knight, C. li with the best letter writei and au 1 iphers. v. 1. pp. 6 1 Iray, Wesl hi w ilpole 826-54 West, Samuel, Am. clergyman, b. i-jyr-il. 1807. Head ley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 41-47. ■ 4 |2 '-45 West, Thos. D. American foundry practice: treating of loam, dry sand, and green moulding; and containing a practical treatise upon the management of cupol and the melting of iron. N.Y.,1882. 12 . 671-9 — Moulder's text book: being part 2 of American foundry practice, presenting best methods and original rules for ob- taining good, sound, clean castings, and giving detailed description for making moulds requiring skill and experience, also containing a practical treatise upon the construction of cranes and cupolas and the melting of iron and scrap steel in iron foundries. N. V., 18S6. 12 . 671-91 West, Wm. Edward, Am. artist, b. i788- — Timbs, J. London and Westminster. . 9391-81 Wi rMiNSTEK A*bbey. Kingsley, R. G. 1 hildren of Westminstei Abbey. 1886. 411-6 — Irving, Washington,. Sketch-lunik, pp. 210-223 wrf 461-465 818-485 WESTMINSTER. - '355 WHAki W i.j mi . .1 1 i \i,li,-v, eontinm I. Kiiij; ley, C. Led lei ■ red in Ann- j is; | pp. i ;i ' si. ml. s , \ P, Westmin pp i 7.1. [Sermons on thi WeSTMINSTEI ' i". i I | wuli the Holy Si i ipture. Stai I., J. . . \\ i ITMINSTER hall. In .1 M We i iter hall: a collection ol inci- denl lotes and -hct. hes relating tu it-- famous judge- and 1 i I'' and ii ii trials. 2 v. 1X7.1 | (82 35 W 1 1 minsi er school. 1 'in publii hools. pp. "99 *5 8 3; \\ 1 . 1 mi. ni ermons. Stanley, A. P. . 252-85 \\ 1 . 1 MOKL \mi, M.u i.i Jourdan. < llifford Troup: a Georgia story, N. Y., 1873. 16°. \\ 1 ITON, iWii Vgnes E. Boll S. K. so- cial studies iii England. pp. 101- 105 \\ 1 ITON, Mrs. Mary. I Met, II'. V\ Oman artists, pp. 232 ,,. ( 2 M74-3 \\ i ITON, Robert. Bui ke, O. J. Lord ( lian- cellors ol Ireland, pp. 59-63 111.1 ; Weston, Rii hard, 1st earl of Portland, d. 1035. Lodge, 1 Portraits ol illusl 1 ion ■ per- 11 iges of ( ireat Britain. \ . j. pp. 2y5-3 4 411-65 \\ 1 , 1 kiut, I [oddei M . Hand I k 1 il at ch- Jogy. I.., 1S67. 8° — Manual of precious stones and antique gems. I.., 1874. 12" 735 9 Westward: a tale of emigrant life. Wright, M, r. J. McN 975 \ >8 Westward by rail. Rae, W. F , \\ 1 iTWard empire. Magoon, E. 1 901-6 WESTW VRD Ho. King-ley. Chas. Westward hoe: a drama. Webster, J. Dramatic works, v. 1. pp. 63 169. . 930C8 Wet days at Edgewood. Mitchell, 1 >. G. . 639I 8 Wetherby, Alired. Hand in the dark, (inn.. lSS;. 16 Wetherel affair. De Forest, J. W. Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery, \m. ant Inn- . b. 1798 .' 1876. Everest, C. \A Pi of Connecticut, pp. 299-306. [Bi sketch and poems.] 80914-4 \\ 1 111. Wilhelm Martin Lebrecht de, Ger- man theologian, l<. 17S0-./. 1849. Theo- dore : or, the skeptic's conversion. lli-- tory ol ihe culture of a protestant clergy- man. 2 \. in I. B., 1836 4II-92 Wetzel, John. M'Clung, J. A. Sketches of western adventure, pp. 355-360. • Wetzel, Lewis. Meyers, R. C. V. Life and adventures of Lewi- Wetzel. . . . — Heroes and hunters of the West. pp. 45-57 Wetzel, Li ■■■ ued. Mi lung, J. A. Ski rn ad- ventui 5. . . . . . 9H7-5S Shiel, l< I .. .1. pp. 2N7 )io 34°9-75 Wl '. , \\ in. 1 I ■ lion. In l.th- 11 in. pp. 72-S1 6l M. Man w 11I1 the B ble among the people : with an if Shaftesbury. 1 1 16 ' WHAl 1 I I. I The while and his captors, 1850. . , \\ . M. .Nun 1 ea ; or, the nan whaleman. 11. t. p 7953 ,_ 3 II i . I. L. Uncle Philip's conversa- with the children about the whale fishery and the polar -ea-. 2 v. 1S54. 795 j 1-4 , 1 A roving prino Life and adventure- in the South Pacific. 1 1 496-5 Mail. h. 1111. A. II. Whaling crui-e to nid the gulf of lioothia. 498-623 M011 ters ol thedeep 5898-6 \ irdl iff, I Whaling and fishing, n. d. 79531-7 Scoresby, W. Journal of a voyage to the hern whale-fishery. 1823 4 \\ hitecar, W. B., t'r. I our year- a. the whale -hip 7953'"9 I .A. The I >utch at home. pp. 174 220 4492-36 1 fisheries of the world, pp. 352- 7953-4 Hamilton, K. Whales. In Naturalists library, v. 26 590-5 — Mangin, A. Mysteries of the ocean, pp. 134 55'4-5 — Whymper, F. The sea. v. 4. pp. 179- 184 437-95 > Arctic regions. Ocean. Zoology. WHALLEY, Edward. Warren, I. I'. Three judge-: the -tory of the men who be- . 1 their king 411-992 roN, Mrs. — . Trial of. Morse, J. T. I, trials, pp. 274-309 WHARTON, Chas. Hand-book on the treat- ment of the horse in the -table and on the road ; or, hints to horse owners. Phila., 1873. I2~ 6361-93 Wharton, Francis. Atla- essays. pp. 3S-5' J 04 " 1 " WHARTON, t;. 1"., (Orleanian, pseud.) War of the bachelors: a -tory of the Crescent city at the period of the Franco-German war. New Orleans, 1SS2. 8°. Wharton, Grace and Philip, fseuJ. See Thomson, Mrs. K (B.) vut Thomson, J. C. WHARTON. 1356 WHATELY. Wharton, Philip, duke of Wkarlon, b. 169S- d. 1731. Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.) and]. C, (Grace and Philip Wharton, pseud.)' Wits and beaux of society, pp. 14S-169. 410-964 Wharton, Thomas Isaac, Am. auihi 1859. Latter day saint: being the story of the conversion of Ethel Jones. N. V., 1S84. 1 6°. WHAT a boy! Willis, Julia A 949A5 What answer? Dickinson, Anna E. What can she do? Roe, Rev. E. P. What can woman do? Arthur, T. S. What career? Hale, E. E '94~4 What does history teach? Blackie, J. S. . 902-2 What girls can do: a book for mothers and daughters. Browne, Phillis 3965-2 What has Christianity done for England ? Wakeman, H. O. In Oxford house papers, pp. I93" 2I 3 239-73 What I believe. Tolstoi, L. N 240-86 What I did with my fifty millions. Bagby, Dr. G. W., (Moses Adams, pseud.) . . 817-1S7 What I know about Ben Eccles. Holt, John Saunders, (Abraham Page, pseud.) What I remember. Trollope, T. A. . . . 895B5 What is art? or, art theories and methods concisely stated. Benjamin, S. G. W. 701-1S What is Darwinism? Hodge, C 2398-6 What is free trade? An adaptation of Frederick Bastiat's "Sophismes Eco- nomiques." Walter, E 335-95 What is music? Rice, Isaac L 7716—7 What is the Bible? Ladd, G. T 2202-55 What is the Bible ? Sunderland, J. T. . . 2202-84 What is the fourth dimension ? Hinton, C. H. [Scientific romances, No. I.] . 5 137—4 What is theosophy? by a fellow of the Theosophical society. B., 1886. 12 . 212-97 What is the truth ? An inquiry concerning the antiquity and unity of the human race. Burgess, E 57j-2 What is your name? Moody, Sophy. . . 4194-6 What Katy did. 3 v. See Woolsey, S. C. What men have said about women. South- gate, Henry. 807-75 What might have been expe* ted. Stockton, F. R 854A65 What Mr. Darwin saw in theship "Beagle." Darwin, Chas 5909-3 What our girls ought to know. Studley, M. J 6129-8 What people live by. Tolstoi, L. X. What shall I read? a confidential chal on books. N. V., 1878. 16° 805-95 Whai shall make us whole? or, thoughts in the direction of man's spiritual and phys- ical integrity. Merriman, H. B. . . . 172-58 Whai shall "1- do to-nighl ? Dii k, V and others What shall we . iS26-rig- and character. — Legends of Kulg Arthur. — The founders' ape in our literature. — Shake- *!>i.-.irc on greatness. — Englishmen ; their lan- gc and countries; old English homilists; glish becoming universal. — Grammatical revolution.— Our spoken English. Wheeler, Ella . Ella (Wheeler.) I Gracie. Stray leaves from Newport. B., 1888. 12°. WHEELER, Geo. Montague, Am. soldier, b. 1842. Exploring expeditions, fit Trib- une popular science, pt. 3. pp. 35-45. 502-9 ER, Gervase. Homes for the people, in suburb and country: the villa, the mansion and the cottage, adapted to American climate and wants; with ex- amples showing how to alter and remodel old buildings. N. Y., 1S68. 8°. . . . 728-96 — Rural homes ; or, sketchesof houses suited American country life; with original plans, designs, etc. N. X ., 1868. 8°.. 7281-8 . ik. Jill' H ry of India from the earliest ages. 4 v. I.., 1S67-76. 12°. 954-9 Contents. — v. 1. The Vedic period and the Bharata.— v. ? The Ramayana and the Brahmanic period. — V. 3. Hindu. — Buddhist. — Brahmanical revival.— t, 4. Mussulman rule. — India under British rule from the founda- tion of the East India company. I , 1S86. S° 9543-9 — Life and travels of Herodotus in the fifth century before Christ : an imaginative biography founded on fact, illustrative of the history, manners, religion, liter, alure, arts, and social condition of the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Babylo- nians, Hebrews, Scythians and other ancient nations in the days of Pericles and Nehemiah. 2v. V Y.. 1S56. 12" 888 1| WHEELER. i35S WHEWELL. Wheeler, J. T., continued. — Short history of India and of the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma. L., 1880. 12°. . ." 954-91 — , ed. Analysis and summary of Thucy- dides. L., 1855. I2 ° 88S3-9 Wheeler, John Hill, Am. historian, b. 1806- d. 1882. Historical sketches of North Carolina from 15S4-1851 ; compiled from original records, official documents, etc.; with biographical sketches of her distin- guished statesmen, etc. 2 v. Phila., 1851. 8° 9846-9 Wheeler, Joseph, Am. general, b. 1836. Pollard, E. A. Life of Robert E. Lee. pp. 695-704 ■ . . . . 41225-5 Wheeler, L. N. Foreigner in China ; with introduction by Prof. W. C. Sawyer. Chicago, 1881. 12° 451-94 Wheeler, Wm. Adolphus, Am. philologist, b. 1833-a'. 1874. Explanatory and pro- nouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction. B., 1865. 12° 8263-9 Wheeler, Wm. Almon, Am. statesman, b. l8i9- 6, 1819- d. 1886. American literature and other papers; with introductory note byJ.G. Whittier. B., 18S7. 12 946E3 Contents. — Introduction — American litera- ture. — Daniel Webster as a master of English style. — Emerson and Carlyle. — Emerson as a poet. — Character and genius of Thos, Starr King. — Character and characteristic men. B., 1871. 12°. Same, 18S2 946K4 Contents .— Character.— Eccentric character. — Intellectual character.- Heroic character. — The American mind. — The English mind. — 1 ii 1 ke ray.— Nathaniel Hawthorne.— Edward Everett. — Thomas Starr King. — Agassiz. — Washington and the principles of the revolu- tion. — Essays and reviews. 2 v. B., 1S56. 12 . Same, 18S2 946K5 Contents.— v. i. Macaulay.— Poets and poetry of America: Sprague, Dana, Bryant, Percival, Halleck, Longfellow, Holmes, Whittier, Maria Brooks. — Talfourd. — Woi 1 ■ '- novels. — Sydney Smith — Daniel Webster. — Ncal's History of the Puritans. W irdsw nh.- Byron. English poets of the nineteenth century: Shelley, Scott, Coleridge, Southcy, Moore, Campbell, Tennyson. Proctor, Keats, Elliot, Miss Barrett, Bailey.— South's sermons. — Cole- ridge as a philosophical critic. v. 2. Old English dramatists : Marlowe, Ben Johnson, Decker, w ebster, Marsti n, Hey- wood, Chapman, MiJdleton, Tourneur, Beau- mont and Fletcher, Massingcr, Ford.— Ro- mance of rascality. — Croakers of society and Whipple, Edwin P., continued, literal ure ! 1 - kin- n Hamilton, GirTord, Hailitt, 11 11 n( Rufui Choatc Pre cott'i histories.— Pr< cott 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ • f Pei i. . Si h lege I, ' <>n. — Richard Brinsley Sheridan Henry Fielding. I I 1 .' 1 ■ a ri tings. — Appen- Hum 1*1 I rature and life: enlarged edition of lectures on subjects connected with lit- erature and life. B., 1882. 12 . . . . » Contents. — Authors in their relations to life. well and novelists: Charles Dickens. — Wu and humor.— The ludicrous side of life. — and misuse of words. — Wordsworth.— Bryant. —Stupid conservation and malignant reform. — Literature of the age of Elizabeth. B., 1871. 12 . Same, 1883 8203-9 Contents.— Characteristics of the Elizabethan literature : Marlowe, — Shakespeare. — Ben Jnnson. — Minor Elizabethan dramatists: Hey- wood, Middleton, Marston, Dekkar. Webster, Chapman. — Beaumont and Fletcher, Mas- singer and Ford.— Spenser —Minor Elizabethan poets : Phineas and Giles Fletcher, Daniel, Brayton, Warner, Donne, Davies, Hall, Wot- ton, and Herbert. — Sidney and Raleigh.— Ba- con. — Hooker. — Outlooks on society, literature and pol- itics. H., 1888. 12 946E63 Contents. — Panics and investments— Grand business man of the new school. — Mr. Hard- ha..knn the derivation of man from the monkey. —Mr. Hirdhack on the sensational in litera- ture and life. — Swearing habit.— Domestic serv- ice.- Religion and scientific theories. — Amer- ican principles. — Slavery in its principles, de- velopment, and expedients —New opposition party.— Causes of foreign enmity to the United States.— Reconstruction and negro suffrage. — Johnson party. — President and his accomplices. — Conspiracy at Washington. — Moral signifi- cance of the Republican triumph. — "Lord" Bacon. — Lowell as a prose writer. — In Dickens- land. — Recollections of eminent men; with other papers; with an introduction, by Rev. C. A. Bartol. B., 1887. 12 946E7 Contents. — Introduction. — Some recollections of Rufus Choate. — Recollections of Agassiz. — Some recollections of Ralph Waldo Emerson. — Motley, the historian.— Recollections of Chas Sumner.— Geo. Ticknor. — Matthew Arnold. — Barry Cornwall and some of his contempora- ries—Daniel Deronda.— George Elliot's private life. - Success and its conditions. B., 1871. 12°. Same, 18S2 946E8 Contents.— Young men in history. — Ethics of popularity.— Grit. — The vital and the mechan- ical. — Economy of invective.— Sale of souls. — Tricks of imagination.— Cheerfulness.— Mental and moral pauperism. — Genius of Dickens — My.— John A. Andrew — Daniel Webster as a master of English >tyle. A; Webster, D. Great speeches. pp. xi-lxiii 815-91 WHIPPLE. — 1360 — WHITE. Whipple, Edwin P., continued. — Sketches of Macaulay, Kingsley, Choate, and Prescott. /»Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen 410-83 — George Ticknor. In Atlas essays, No. 2. Biographical and critical. pp. 15-35. 418-14 — Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings, pp. 156-161 412-25 — joint editor. Fields, J. T. and Whipple, E. P., eds. Family library of British poet.-y 8092-37 Whipple, Henry Benj., Am. P. E. bishop, b. 1822. Preface. In Jackson, H. M. (F.) Century of dishonor 9709-7 Whipple, Win., Am. patriot, b. 1730-1/. 1785. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pp. 8-13. 4121-3 — Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers, pp. 17-19 4121-53 Whips. Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work. pp. 165-174 607-48 Whirlwinds. See Storms. Whiskey insurrection in Pennsylvania. Nevin, R. P. Les trois rois. pp. 105- ■55 98289-6 Whispering pine. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. . 531A43 Whist. Baldwin, J. L., ,-,/. Laws of short whist. 1878 7 88-2 — Davies, C. Modern whist ; together with laws of whist. 1886 /SS-33 — Drayson, A. W. Art of practical whist. lS <9 788-34 — Jones, H. Laws and principles of whist. l86 4 78S-4 — Pembridge — . Whist ; or, bumble puppy : ten lectures addressed to children. 1883. 78S-57 — Pettes, G. W. Whist universal. 1887. 78S-58 — Pole, W. Theory of the modern scientific game of whist. 1879 788-6 — Proctor, R. A. How to play whist. '885 788-65 — Rheinhardt,' R. H. Whist scores and card-table talk. 1887 788-7 — Tenace, — , major. Hand-book of whist. 1885 788-8 — Walker, A. C. The correct card; or, how to play at whist 788-3 - Bohn, II. G., ed. Hand-book of games. PP- 7-198 787-3 — See also Games. Whistler. Simonds, W., (W. Aimwell, pseud.) 826A47 Wiin, 111 r, Mrs. Frances Miriam (Berry), Am. author, b. 181 \-d. 1852. Widow Bedott papers; with an introduction by AliceB.Neal. X. V., 1856. 12°. Same, 1876 817-96 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers, pp. 413-419. . 4181-3 White, Alfred Ludlow. Doctor Hildreth. Phila., 1880. 12°. White, Andrew, R. C. clergyman, b. 1579- d. 1656. Murray, J. O'K. Catholic pioneers of America, pp. 234-243. . . 4142-6 White, Andrew Dickson, Am. educator, b. 1832. Paper-money inflation in France: how it came, what it brought, and how it ended : a paper read before several Senators and members of the House of Representatives, of boih political parties, at Washington, and before the Union league club at New York. N.Y., 1880. 8° 3316-9 — Warfare of science. X. Y., 1876. 12° 215-96 — Appendix. In Morris, W. O'C. The French revolution and first empire. . . 9444-67 — How I was educated. In College and the church, pp. 1 12-126 37°4-4 White, Bahington. Circe ; or, three acts in the life of an artist. N. Y., 1S67. 8°. White, Blanco. Neale, E. Closing scene. v. 1. pp. 81-93 410-8 White, C. A. Student's mythology. N. V., 1870. 16° 2901-94 White, Carlos. Ecce femina : an attempt to solve the woman question. Hanovei, N. H., 1870. 12° 3 2 43-9 White, Chas. Ignatius, Am. R. C. clergyman, b. 1807-1/. 1S77. Life of Mrs. Eliza A. Seaton, foundress and first Superior of the Sisters or Daughters of Charity in the United States of America. Balti- more, 1S79. 12° 817B8 White, Chas. J. Elements of theoretical and descriptive astronomy. Phila., 1869. 12° 5 2 °-94 White, Rev. Edward. Inspiration : a cler- ical symposium, pp. 137-154 2202-47 — Future probation : a symposium. pp. 1 51-174 2376-3 — Immortality. In Little, W. J. Knox- and others. Immortality: a symposium. pp. 220-259 218-56 White, Dr. Elijah. Allen, A. J., ed. Ten years in Oregon. Travels and advent- ures of Dr. E. White and lady 4795~9 White, Eliza A., (Alex., pseud.) As it should be. Phila., 1874. 12° 396-95 White, Ellen G. (Harmon). Spirit of proph- ecy: the great controversy between Christ and his angels and Satan and his angels. 3 v. 1S70-78. 12° 2206-8 Contents —v. 1. [The Old Testament to the time of Solomon.] v. 2. The life teachings and miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ. v. 3. The death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. \\ I NIK Willi I. White, 1 < mental and « : system of instruction. Cinn., n, 12° White, G I ■ nard, ./»/. ed iin for frei n G. D. Jubil 19 ... 7717 7 White, I rilbei t, Eng. natui Natural histoi i i i ti additioi i noti bj Sii W m. fardi ed. with a biogi iphical in i ndi ■ i I I .. 1854. 16 . Same. V 1 . 1855. ... Knight, C. Half-hours with thi letter « ritei - and autobi 1 ' v. 1. pp. [ 16-128 \\ 111 1 1 . 1 rleeson. Ballad chants royal, sestinas, villancelles, 1 selected, with a chapter on the vai forms. N. Y., 1888. 16° 809-95 Win it, Guilford. Politii a! economy : series of letters published in the "Boston Mot ning Post," in the yen 18S ;-86. 1 1 is.., 1888. 12 335 97 White, Henry, of Trinity , ollege, Cantbrid, Elements of universal history; with ad- dition • b) John S. Hart. Phila., 1847. 1 ■ 905-95 — Histor} ol the world ; from the eat lii times tn the Treaty of \ ienna : to which dded a summai j ents 11 that peri. 1,1 to the year 1821. Phila., 1857. 8° 9°5-95' — Massacre of St. Bartholomew; preceded by a history of the religious wars in the 1, ign of Charles IX. n. t. p. 12°. . . •' [.'hough the author looks upon the events he describes with ilie eyes of a Protestant, his moderation is worthy of universal commen- dation and confidence." — C. A". Adams. WHITE, Henry, Am. Congregational cler, man, b. 1 790-1/. 1858. Early 1 \. ■■■. England. B., 1856. 12 9S2-9 White, Henry i l.i\ . Hiram i me- morial. In Hinsdale, B. V Pi ident Garfield 111 1 education, pp. 150-1511. . 4 4 1; 1 White, Henry FCirke, Eng. po t, . 1785 Poetical and prose works; with a life b) R. Southey. L.,n.d. 12 . . 947C1 — Same: with a memoir by Sir Harris Nicholas. B., 1854. 12° 947CI — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge un- der difficulties, pp. 430-430 4'°-35 Lloyd, Mrs. W. R. Flower of Christian chivalry. 314 4'45 Memorials of eai pp. 257 4IO-74 — Seymour, C. B. Self-m pp. ,30 White, Hoi In n 1 B I I . In I mini. pp. v " ; . 1 ■ -'i Phila., < times. I.., n. d. 16 to 1.S4S. \. \ White, 1 j 1 1 irly life. ' Ider lame i Wl Whue. Batth [2°. 947B1 incidents in connection with the by the I Rev. 14. v. 1 .. 2893-9 stian life and public gathered fi his 1 r B ■ ek, Mich., 1875. 16 ! 1 later experience and ittle Creek, Mich., 1877. 12' 139B3 Women of the American revolution, pp. 290-302. . . 4121-35 fohn Silas. American ed 1S47. ed. B iy's and girl's Herodotus. \. V., 1884. 5° 88$ nd girl's Plutarch. X. V.. 8° 4«" ! W1111 1 . Joseph Blam 1 d. 1S41. M lev. J. B. 1 v. 2. pp. 68-148. . 204-63 Redding, aal reminiscen eminent men. v. 3. pp. 173-192 ;i Win h J. Cranberry culture. S ■ 12 WHITE, Nathaniel. Handy book on the law of friendly, industrial, and pi dent building and • iih L., 1867. 12° 357-9 White, PhilipS. Bungay.G.W. Off-hand taking - : Will 1 I , Dr. R. M.N . /" . ilium 82112-4 White, Rawlins. B. Mei of the English martyi WHITE, Rl I ..Herman). '. 4 < -' . Richard G 1S21- ut and within. WHITE. 1362 — WHITEFIELD. White Richard G., continued. — Every-day English: a sequel to Words and their uses. B., 1S80. 12°. . . . 110-96 — Fate of Mansfield Humphreys; with the episode of Mr. Washington Adams in England, and an apology. B., 1884. 16 . — National hymns; how they are written and how they are not written. N. V., 1861. 8° 8031-9 — Studies in Shakespeare. B., 1S86. 12 . S236-94 Contents. — On reading Shakespeare. — Narra- tive analysis: the Lady Gruach's husband, the case of Hamlet the younger, the Florentine arithmetician, the tale of the forest of Arden. — Miscellanies: the Bacon-Shakespeare craze, King Lear, stage Rosalinds, on the acting of Iago. — Expositors: glossaries and lexicons, note on W. S. Walker's " Critical examination of the text." — Words and their uses; past and present : a study of the English language. N. V., 1870. 12 . Same, 1S72 1 10-95 — Account of the rise and progress of the English drama: a memoir of Shake- speare, and an essay on Shakespeare's genius. In Shakespeare, W. Works. v. 1 823-9 — ed. See Shakespeare. White, W. H. Manual of naval architect- ure. L., 1877. S° 6238-9 White, Walter, Eug. author, l<. about 1805. All around the Wrekin. L., i860. 12°. 442-945 WHITE, Wm, Emanuel Swedenborg; his life and writings. I.., 1868. 8°. . . . 2894-79 White, Wm., Am. P. E. bishop, b. 1748-1/. 1836. Memoirs of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States of America: ed. with notes and a sketch of the origin and progress of the colonial Church, by Rev. B. F. DeCosta. X. V., 1880. 8° 2832-9 — Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 171-174 4121-45 White and black: the outcome of a visit to the United States. Campbell, 43 930C8 White feathers. Cervus, G. J. Will I E III I I 1:11,11.... 2(1.(4 2 Win 11 .1 the « atei : story • of the Ami lo I In- rJ and Karens. N. Y., n. I. 11, . . . . 2659-8 or, Yitinria Corombona. \\ eb- I iramatii work -. v. 2. pp. White hand. Pratt, Mrs. Ella (Farman). White heather. Black, Wm. White heron, and other stories. Jewelt, Sarah O. White hoods. Bray, Mrs. Anna E. White horse of Wootton. Foster, C. J. White House. Chaplin, J., ed. Chips from the White House 8081-3 White jacket. Melville, H. White lies. Reade, Chas. WHITE mountains, .Y.-w Hampshire. 1 hake, S. A. Heart of the White mountains; their legend and scenery. 1S82. . . . 47428-3 — Hitchcock, C. il. and others. Mount Washington in winter. 1871 47428-4 — King, T. S. White hills; their legends, landscape and poetry. 1S68 47428-5 — Prime, W. C. I go a fishing. 1873.. . 7959-6 — Clark, F. E. Our vacations, pp. 14- 56 470-2 — Taylor, B. At home and abroad, v. 2. PP- 341-365 439-87 — Torrey, B. Birds in the bush. pp. 75- 102 598-9 — Rand, E. A. Tent in the notch. [A story.] 767A2 White rat and other stories. Barker, Lady M. A 135A26 White robes. Walker, Mrs. J. B. ... 922A2 White rose. Melville, G. J. W. White rose and red: a love story. [Bu- chanan, R.] 191C7 White rose of Langley. Holt, Emily S. White sea peninsula. Rae, E 4471-71 White slaves of England. Cobden, J. C. . 3368-27 White squall. Hutcheson, J. C. White wings. Black, Wm. WHITEBOY. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) WHITECAR, Wm. B., jr. Four years aboard the whaleship, embracing cruises in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Antarctic oceans in the years 1S55— '6. '7, 'S, '9. Phila., 1S64. 12 79531-9 WHITEFIELD, Geo., Eng. clergyman, b. 1714- f the I United Si h 1 ketch ol public 1 \ enl fi he opening of the m". olution i" the elei lion ol Ji (Tei on. N. V., 1887. 12 512B6 w inn in, 1.1 . Bulstrode, Eng. talesm 1 605-*/. 1676. Whitelocke, R. H. Mem- oirs, biographical and historical of Bul- strode Whitelock. I.., i860. 8°. . . . 947B3 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 3. PP- 25-65 4H-25 Whiting, I !ha . G Ii ich. 1 he aunti B., 1S86. 12 947E3 Contents. — New life in field and forest. — Ful- ness of joy: on hill and shore.— Repose ripening: for earl rial ross lots : of life and thought. — Journey : here and hereafter. Whiting, Henry, Am. mam,..', />. 1790-0'. 1851. Life of Zebulon M. Pike. In Sparks, J., ed. American biography, v. 15. pp. 219-314 412-86 WHITING, M. II. Faith While's letter book, 1620-1623: Plymouth, New England. B., 1866. 16 941A2 Whiting, Richard. Lee, F. G. Historical sketches of the Reformation, pp. 171- 220 283-53 Whiting, Wm., Am. lawyer, />. 1 S 1 3— r/. 1873. W.n powers under the Constitution of the United States. B., 1871. 8°. . . 3463-9 Whitling schools. In Curious schools. ! 1 "i-9S 379-4 — Same. In How to learn and earn. . . . 3719-4 Whitman, Sarah Helen (Power), Am. author, t. 1S03-1A 1S7S. Edgar Poe and his critics. N, Y., i860. 12 "40U7 W1111 man. Wall, Am. poet, b. 1819. Bur- roughs, J. Birds and poets, etc. pp. 211-263. Flight of the eagle 196E3 — Lanier, S. The English novel and the principle of its development. Lectures 2-3 8033-5 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 349-395 812-8 — Stevenson, R. L. Familiar studies of men of books, pp. 91-128. ....'. 851E2 Willi : Walsh, W. s. authors, pp. 161 177 V. 1 I and True, Cha II Mail ir O.r the I 'nion of th suppressi if the American rebelli ton, Me., 1865. 8° Win 1 i 1 S., ed. Hymn mothers and children. Ii., 1872. 12°. 8099-44 f Guild, Anna V... compilers. Hymns of the ages. 3 v. Ii., 1S77. 12". . . 2451 4 Contents. — v. 1 :»<;a. — Lyra Gcr- ni. mi, ., Lyra Apottolii .1. — Lyra In, Mi ■•!],. [Hymns arranged by jects.] WHITNEY, Adeline Dutlon (Train), Am. author, b. 1824. Bonnyborough. I... 1886. 12°. — Daffodil 1887. 12 947C5 Gayworthys: a story of threads and thrums. Ii., 1S65. 12°. 1 lull, B., 1869. 12°. Homespun yarns, ii., 1SS7. 1 Contents.— When I was a little girt.— My mother put it on. — Buttered crusts. — Soap-bub- ble qu 1 1 iw the middies set up shop. — ittle savage of Beetle Rock. — Girl noblesse. — Sail-, Gil punk. — How Bel caught the burglar.— Trying on bonnets. — Zerub Throop's experiment. 1 grown folks : a Christmas reading. N. V., 1870. 12° — Odd or even ? II., 1S80. 12°. — Other girls. B., 1S76. 12°. — I insies: " . . for thoughts." B., 1S73. 16° 947C6 — Patience Strong's outings. Ii., 1868. 12°. — Real folks. B., 1S72. 12 . — Sights and insights: Patience Strong's story of over the way. 2 v. B., 1876. 12°. — Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. B., 1S73. 12°. — We girls: a home story. H., 1881. 12°. — Zerub Throop's experiment. B.,1871. 16°. — joint author. Stowe, II. (H.I and others. Six of one by half a dozen of the other. Whitney, Eli, Am. inventor, i. 1765-rf'. 1825. ce, S \.. ■■'. Our great benefacl pp. 404-40S 410-42 — Hale. II. I ights of two centuries. IT- 559-5 6S 410-536 Howe. II. Adventures and achieve- ments of Americans, pp. 124 1 ;2. . . 41.' ;; Eminent mechanics, pp. 101-135. . . 41237-4 McCabe, I. 1'. Great fortunes and how they were made. pp. 301-311 4123-0 — Men who have made themselves, pp. 293-303 4IO-757 WHITNEY. - >3 6 4 WHITTIER. Wiiii m-.\, EH, continued. — Parton,J. People's book of biography. pp. 159-162 410-82 — Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 420-427 410-92 — Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. The mechanic, pp. ■ 109-133 607-S Whitney, Geo. II. Hand-book of Bible geography; with descriptive and histor- ical notes. N. Y., 1871. 12° 2209-95 Whitney, Josiah Dwight, Am. geologist, b. 1819. Metallic wealth of the United States, described and compared with that of other countries. I'hila., 1854. 8°. 557-9 Whitney, Mrs. Louisa Goddard, Am. au- thor, b. 1819-*/. 18S2. Burning of the convent : a narrative of the destruction, by a mob, of the Ursuline school on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, as remem- bered by one of the pupils. B., 1877. 16°. 9825-94 Whitney, Wm. Dwight, Am. philologist, I'. 1827. Compendious German grammar. N. V., 1869. 12 120-9 Essentials of English grammar. I!., 1879. 12 "5-95 — Language and the study of language: twelve lectures on the principles of lin- guistic science. N. V., 1873. 12°. . . 100-96 — Life and growth of language: an outline of linguistic science. N. Y., 1876. 12 . 100-95 — Oriental and linguistic studies. 2 v. X. V., 1S73-74. 12°. 104-95 Contents. — v. 1. The Vedas. — Vedic doctrine of a future life. — Midler's History of Vedic literature. — Translation of the Veda. — Miiller's Rig-Veda translation. — The Avesta. — Indo-Eu- ropean philology and ethnology. — Miiller's Lect- ures on language. — Present state of the question as to the origin of language. — Bleek and the Sinuous theory of language. — Schleicher and the Physical theory of language. — Steinthaland the Psychological theory of language. — Lan- guage and education. v. 2. The British in India. — China and the Chinese. — China and the West. — Miiller's Chips from a German workshop. — Cox's Aryan my- thology. — Al ford's Queen's English.— How shall we spell? — Elements of English pronunciation. — Relation of vowel and consonant. — Bell's Visi- ble speech. — The accent in Sanskrit. — The lunar zodiac of India, Vrabia and China. — Adoption of the English language in Ja- pan, /k Education in Japan, pp. 144- ■52 37952-4 Preface. In Hadley, J. Essays. . . . 450E1 Whiton, Jas. Morris, Am. 1 nal n, I'. 1833. I \ olm ion of reve- lation : a critique on conflicting opinions 1 ning 1 In- I Ud res tent. V Y ., 1KS5. 12° 2202-92 Whitsitt, w 111. 1 1 . 1 1 1 . tin. B ■ \y- man, b. 1 841. Origin of the di ciples ol 1 in 1 1 ' ampbellil tributi Whitsitt, Wm. IL, continued. the centennial anniversary ol the birth of Alexander Campbell. N. Y., 1888. 12 . 2869-9 Whittaker, Frederick, . author, b. 1838. Complete life of Gen. George A. Custer. N. Y., 1876. 8° 266B9 WHITTEMORE, Amos, Am. in ntor, b. 1749- d. 1828. Howe, H. Eminent me- chanics, pp. 147-155 41237-4 — Seymour, C. 1!. Self-made men. pp. 553~55 6 410-92 Whittier, John Greenleaf, Am. poet, b. 1S07. Among the hills, and other poems. B., 1S69. 12 . . . 948C4 — Bay of seven islands, and other poems. B., 1SS3. 12° 948C43 — Hazel blossoms. B., 1875. 12 948C5 — Home ballads and poems. B., 1861. 12 . 948C6 — Mabel Martin, and other poems; with notes and a biographical sketch. B., 18S4. 16 94SC7 — Miriam, and other poems. B., 1871. 16°. 948C8 — Panorama, and other poems. 2 v. 1856. 948C97 — Pennsylvania pilgrim, and other poems. B., 1872. 12° 948C9 — Poetical works. 2 v. B., 1S73-72. 12 . 948C3 — Poetical works. [Household ed.] 18S7. 12° 94SC35 — Prose works. 2 v. B., 1866. 16°. . . 947E6 Contents. — v. 1. Margaret Smith's journal. — Old portraits and modern sketches: John Bun- yan, Thomas Ellwood, James Nayler, Andrew Marvell, John Roberts, Samuel Hopkins, Rich- ard Baxter, William Leggctt, Nathaniel P. Rogers, Robert Dinsmore. v I t'pian schemes and political theorists. — Peculiar institutions of Massachusetts. — Thos. Carlyle on the slave question. — England under James II. — Two processions. — Evangeline. — Chapter of history. — Fame and glory. — Fanati- cism. — Border war of 1708, — Great Ipswich fright. — Lord Ashley and the thieves. — .Mirth and medicine. — Pope night.— Better land. — Poetry of the North. — Boy captives. — Black men of tin: revolution and the war of 1812. — My summer with Dr. Singletary. — Charms and fairy gicians and witch folk. — Agen- cy of evil. — Little iron soldier. — City of a day. — Patuckct Falls. — Hamlet among the graves. — Yank -World's end.— Swedcnborg. — First day in Lowell. — Taking comfort. — Beau- tiful.— 1 .ighting up, — Scottish reformers — Training. Sainl Grego t, and recent poems. r... 1S86. 16° 948C95 Snow-bound: .1 winter idyl. I!.. 1869. 16° 949CI Snow-bound, and among the hills; with explanatory notes. B., 1883. 16°. . . 949C1 - Tent on I, beach, and other poems. B., 1869. 16° 949C2 Introduction. In Gri enw ill. 1 1. Pa tiem ■ 241-46 — Introduction. In Woolman, J, Journal. 965B3 WHITTIER. WHY. \\ ii ii i ttu ./. - td. I i: n e, 1871 80 Child lifi 1 I ' 1 1 . . 94 J \ I Songs of three I : 'A V I • 1 ! I I I ( ■ : ■ 1 ndei '■■ I, I . II. John Grei \\ hittiei Bartlett, I ' v\ Modern ngil itoi . 240-265 Bolton, S. K, Ho 1 is v. on. pp. 42-58 — Bungay, G. W. OfT-hand takings, pp. 140 — Griswold, 1 1. T. I lomi au- 1 hoi >. pp. 238-250 |i8— 45 I lazell in.-, M. \V. 1 lhats abo 1 -is. pp. 2I2-22D. 1 1 1. I . P., d, Mastei mind of the West. pp. 588-627 412-54 Pal ton, J.. 1 d. Ii m 1 ami stales- men hi mil time. pp. 319-323 410-83 Rideing, W. II. Boyhood of living au- thors, pp. 102-120 418-74 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America, pp. 95-'3 2 812-8 Walsh, W. S. 1'en pictures of modern authors, pp 1 : , 1 J4 418-95 Whittingham, Win. Rollinson, Am. I'. E. bishop, />. 1805-rf. 1S79. Brand, W. I". f Win. R. Whittingham 947 B7 in, Sir Rii hard, b. 1353 -2-4 U111.11 .11 \\ I ..-ins prepai in the English reformation. In Man- ning, III 1 ligion and literature, pp. )ii ;i; 204-58 Wilberforce, N. \Y. Priest .in. I ili.. man; or, Abelard and Heloise. I!., 1883. 12 . WILBERFORCE, Reginald !".., joint author. S Ashwell, A. R. WlLBEl iimcl. bishop of Winchester, b. 1S05. Life o-44 — Nicoll, H.J. Great movements, pp. 35- Vbolition of the slave trade. ... — Remarkable men. pp. 72-101 \\ — Sprague, W. B. Eui lebrities. I'l'- 44-4 l > ;< — Taylor, \Y. C. M tish Plutarch. PP- 333-337 4»-97 1 , Wm., eon/in 1 life of wm. Will.. WlI.UKAIIAM adv. i. pp. In M. Musi tian year -' \\ II. in 1:, C. I 1. Hiram college metii In Hinsdale, I'.. A. 1 Gai field and education, pp. 1 ... Wilcox, 1 at, 0. Pollard, E. A. 1 bert -518 41225-5 1 Ins, Am. ,/ rgyman, I ' ! 1 li'ls of ili.- West. pp. 121 147 4'- 54 IX, Mrs. Ella (Wheeler), Am. author, b. about 1845. Maurine. Milwaukee, 1876. 12° 952C2 ems of passion. Chicago, 1883. 12°. 952C1 I'm 1.1 of pleasure. Chi ' J. 12°. 952I I - Wild adventun ■ pole. Stab Wild elephant. Tennent, J. E 599 6 ~9 Win. (lowers. Thomson, S 582-8 Wit. I. l.v.i. null .11 . — . Wit D life. Reid, M Wild life in a southern country. Jefferies, R. 5' W 11,11 life on the plains and horrors of In- dian warfare. Custci. 0707-25 W lien and v . dimming, K. '.. 7964-3 Wild northland: being a story of a winter journey, with dogs, northern North America. Butler, W. F. . . . 47"-2 Wild oats sown abroad. Witmer, 1". B. 44°-9& Wild rose of the Beaver [and] Tononqua, the pride of the Wvan I lhart, K. ports of the Falkland-. Mackinnon, Ca/t. — . Atlantic and transatlantic sketches, v. 2 pp. 172-24S Wii.n time-. Caddell, C. M. Willi tribes of '.he Soudan. James, F. 1.. .1 1 an, M. E. Wilde, Jane Franceses Speran in- dent legends, mystic charms and super- stitions of Ireland: to which is append- ed a chapter on The ancient race Ireland, by the late Sir William Wilde. 12° v. ar O'Flahertie Fingal W Irish port. b. 1- .1-. B., ism. 12 . Same, issi — Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures ern authors, pp. J. 'T s - age. pp. 29S-302 4" '-37 WILDE. 1368- WILKINSON. Wilde, Thos., continual. — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 431-440. 4H-5 6 Wildenbruch, Ernst von. Master of Tan- agra : tr. by Marie, Baroness von Lauer. L., 1SS6. 12°. WlLDENHAHN, Karl August, D. D., German writer, />. 1805. Blind girl of Witten- berg: tr. by J. G. Morris; with an in- troduction by C. P. Krauth. X. V., 1S76. 12°. — Paul Gerhardt : a tale of the Lutherans, and sequel: tr. by Mrs. S. Carr. L., n. d. 16° 207A25 — Philipp Jacob Spener : a historical life picture: tr. by Rev. G. A. Wenzel: ed. by J. K. Shryock. Phila., 1S79. 12°. S44B8 Wilderness, Battle of the, 1S64. Swinton, W. Twelve decisive battles of the war. PP- 356-384 9781-9 Wilderness cure. Cook, M 47475-3 Wildes, Geo. Dudley, Am. P. E. clergyman, b. 1S19, ed. Authorized report of the proceedings of the Seventh Church Con- gress in the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. X. Y., 1SS1. 8°. 28321-81 WlLDMOOR. Burckett, F. WlLDRIi K, Mrs. Marian. Lord Strahan. Phila., 1S79. 12°. — Zeah.t in tulle. X. V., 1S87. 12°. Wu DWOOD. Conkling, Mrs. Nathaniel. WlLEY, Chas. Albert. Elocution and or- atory. X. V., 1870. 12° Soi-98 Wilford, Florence. Nigel Bartram's ideal. 1.., n. d. 12°. - Vivia. X. V., 1871. 8°. — joint author. Awdrey, F. and Others. Mi/ maze. Wilfred Cumbermede. Macdonald, Ceo. Wilfrid, saint, b. 634-1/. 709. Montalem- bert, C. F. Monks of the West. v. 2. PP- .W-453 271-" W 1 is and its consequences. Hei Mary Elizabeth, lady. V\ ILHELM Meister's apprenticeship and trav- els. Goethe, J. W 8351 ,; ■ 1 has., Am. naval officer, i. lygS-d. 1N77. Voyage round the world: em- bracing the principal events o) the nar- rati\ e ol t in' United 1 il g ex- pedition, Phila., 1849. 8° 1 ; 1 . 1 ■- II cal ketch of 1 and navigation, to i860 437-24 ■-Jenkins, J. S. Voyage of the United M.iii' exploring squadron 437—51 I li 1 lley, J. T. I I and our naval landers, pp 103 122 \i 22 39 N'oui sc, J. E. Ainr 1 in e> 1 lui al ion - in pp. 4*9-524 Wilkes, Chas., continued. — Schmucker, S. M. Life of Dr. Eli>dia K. Kane, and others 4159-8 Wilkes, Geo., Am. Journalist, b. 1820-*/. 1S85. Europe in a hurry. X. V., 1S53. 12° 440-94 — Shakespeare from an American point of view ; and an inquiry as to his religious faith, and his knowledge of law: the Baconian theory considered. X. V., 1877. 8° S236-96 WlLKES, John, Eug. politician, b. 1727-rf. 1797. Daly, J. B. Radical pioneers of the iSth century 937-3 — Brougham, H. Sketches of statesmen of the time of George III. v. 2. pp. 278-284 410-17 — Kae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. pp, 3-139 4H-S5 Wilkes. See also Wilks. WlLKESON, Frank, 6. 1845. Recollections of a private soldier in the army of the Potomac. X. V., 1SS7. 16° 9789-9 W11 kie. Sir David, Scottish painter, b. 1785-r/. 1841. Adams, W. II. D. The steady aim. pp. 194-196 410-12 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. pp. 286-303 410-44 — Great Scotchmen, pp. 78-86 4112-4 — Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 449-458 4U-56 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men and women, pt. I. pp. 18S-197 410-9 — Small beginnings, pp. 214-231 410-93 Taylor, \Y. C. Modern British Plutarch. IT- j.18-346 4"-97 Wii.kie, Francis Bangs, Am. journalist, b. 1832. Walks about Chicago, and army and miscellaneous sketches. Chicago, 1S69. 12° - . . . 817-98 WlLKINS, A. S. Roman antiquities. X. V., 1882. 16°. [Classical antiquities.] . . 4056-9 WlLKINS, Chas., Eug. Orientalist, b. 1749-1/. 1836, tr. Fables and proverbs from the Sanskrit : being [he Hitopadesa : with an introduction by Henry Morley. 1., 1885. 12° ' S9I2-93 WlLKINS, W. A. Cleverdale mystery: in, the machine and its wheels: a story of Vmerican life. V \ ., 1882. 12° WlLKINS, W. J. .Modern Hinduism: being an account of the religion and life of the Ilindusof thernlndia. I..18S7. 8°. 2938-88 Wilkinson, Eliza. Ellet, E. F. Women of the Ameriobn revolution, v. 1. pp. 222-236 4121-35 Wll M . . I I . /'. 1757-1/. 1825. pondence . pui poses ol the Wilkinson and Bun revolution. /»Saf- \\. 11.,../. Blennerhassett papers. 162B3 w [LKINSON. u III WlLKl i . ontinutd. \ ii O. J H |hi .ir ie . pp. 181 zi " W< rn coi 1 y, w 1 1 i i on ! [oh Garth. On human i and evil, and its wo .1 .ii l in in. i . -\ elation and its i Phila., 1876. 8°. -•'.., ( lorre pondenci - ij Pi l)ody, I . P., • 1 thctic p ipers. pp. 1 12 145. Win 1 n SON, fanet W . I (and! 1 N. \ .. 11. d. 8 Wilkinson, Jol /'. 1 7<)N ,/. 1875. Populai 1 hi '.I the ancient Egypt ans. ji. N.Y., 1854. 12°. Raw linson, 1 r. and II., an n, J. ■•' . in. '• I lerodolus. 1 1 is tor) . sssi 7 w . i 1 nson, Tati Matthew >, I. 13. and 1 1 in in 11, I .. Vet .1 and acli esses. v. I. pp. 219-241 I W 11 kiss. in. William 1 leaver. Am. lit clergyman,b. 1833. Classii I rem licourse In I ngli h. \. V.. 1886. 16 . ... t Classic German course in I nglish. N. i -. 1887. s Colli 1 . reel 1 in English. N. Y., 1888. 8° 8808-94 Edwin Arnold a^ .1 poetizer and p ganizer ; containing an ex 11 atii m ol the " I ight of Asia for i litera and for its Buddhism. N. Y., 1884. 12 . 2933-8 Free lance in the field of life and letti V V.. 1S74. 12° Contents. — Literary ami ethical quality of George Eliot's novels, Mr. I owell's poetry, "Cathedral," andjprose. Mr.] ■ iry. — Mr Bryant's Iliad History of the Christian commission as a part of Chun h history — Chan ter and tht- literary influence of Erasmus. Preparatorj Greek course in English. N. V., 1887. 8° 8808-93 Preparatory Latin course in English. V V.. 1883. 8° 870S-9 WlLKS, Matthew. Sprague, II. B. I pean celebrities, pp. 27-33. • ■ l"M s s W 11 k\ Robert, >. 1665. Doran, I. majesties' servants: annals of tin I nglish stage, v.i. PP.30S [18 7,^2 35 Will. Bain, A. The emotions and the will. 1S75 180 17 Fothergill, J. M. Will power, its range in action. 1887 188 ; Hazard, R. G. Freedom of mind in will- ing. 1 Six. 188-4 Man a creative first cause. < ss 3- . ■ it - Two letters on causation ami freedom in n illing. 1869 isn 11 Maudsley, H. Body and will: being .111 essay concerning will. iSS 1 188 I Edwards, J. Works, v. 2 208-27 ontinutd. quit y into the frei ill, I he. 1 i Michel, I and M .... [No 111. I liradley, V\ I ... ' ' and 11 - in 1 hi w illamctte ui 11.1 sun. Mi .. < .ii.. line M I .iii- in Via >ka : ed. by ln-r I 11 1 Ann, I laia A. I il ol New England life. N. \ '., 1S71. ILL \l I I : 17S7 (/. 1S70. History of the United Siatcs; or, republii of America, conlin- ■ Mexican war. \. ^ ■ 1851. 12 9 ation. n. 1. p. 12 N. \ .. IM.I. 12 . I fniversal hisl N. V.. 1866. 8° Lord, J. Life of Emma Willard 953B1 Barnard, H., I 1 .i|>!iy. pp. 125-168 s'57 2 it, 1 '. W . P01 tinecticm. 151 102. [Biog. sketch and poen Willard, Frances Elizabeth, Am. temper- ance reformer, 1839 Nineteen beau- tiful , sketches of a yirl's life, written by her sister; with introduction in Rev. R.S. Foster. VY., 1S68. 16 . Woman ami temperance; dr, the work and the workers of the Woman's Chris- tian i ' 1 mce Union. Mart; 1883. 8° Woman in Ihe pulpit. B., 1888. 12. 251-95 1 roduction. In Froiseth, J. A., ed. tonism. ... ei. Mrs. I. II.. (Faye Huntii \ Remarkable women, pp. 92-96. WILLARD, Mary. Willard, F. K. Nine- teen beautiful ■ girl's life id, Mary 1. G. and Willard, Mary R. Industrial education . . 607-3S Wll 1 ard, Samui 1 " Putnam, A, P., d. Sinyeis and e liberal faith, pp. 14 21. [Biog. sketch -.] WILLARD. '37° WILLIAMS. Willard, Sidney. Am. educator, b. 1780-rf. 1S56. Peabody, A. P. Harvard remi- niscences, pp. 60-67 4 I2- 74 Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XI. X. V., n. d. 12 94427-9 WlLLES, John, b. 1685-r/. 1 761. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England, chap. 27. 411-24 William I. emperor of Germany, b. 1797-1/. 1888. Forbes, A. William of Ger- many: a succinct biography 954^3 — Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. pp. 87-93. Emperor Wilhelm's return. 451E1 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders, pp. 45-54. 4104-6 — Towle, A. M. Certain men of mark. pp. 213-242. Three emperors 410-94 — See also Germany. William I, t/ie conqueror, king of England, i. 1025-^. 10S7. Abbott, J. History of William the conqueror 953^4 — Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. pp. 65-82. William of Normandy : the boy knight. 410-165 — Mason, J., ed. Great triumphs of great men. pp. 15-1S 4IO-7 — Men of history, pp. 2S-31 410-75 — Raleigh, W. Works, v. 8. pp. 521-537. 828-75 — Stanley, A. P. Westminster sermons. PP- 39-49 252-85 — Wood, W.. ed. Hundred grealest men. pp. 402-406 410-975 — See also England, history, especially Freeman's Norman conquest, v. ; 4, (931-3), and Yonge's Camoes of English history, v. 1, (930-97). Nor- mans. Normandy- Harold II. William II, (Rufus), king of England, l>. 1056-1/. I IOO. Freeman, E. A. Reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry 1 9322-4 — See also F'ngland, history, especially those of Green and Knight, and Freeman's Norman conquest, v. 5. William HI, king of England, l>. \(jy>-d. 1702. Gardiner. S. K. Historical biog- raphies, pp. 198-256 411-45 — See also England, history, The Stuarts and commonwealth, (p. 409), especially the following: Macaul.iy. I . 1'.. History of England. [Variou editions.] — Hale, E. Fall ol the Stuarts 9366-4 Kanke, L. von. England, v. 4-5. . . 936-75 Burnet, G. History of his own lime. . . 9366-2 — See also the general hisl "f England, particu- larly those of Green and Knight, and the con- stitutional histories of H 1 ind others. — Seen! Mary, . 1707 d. 1854, an.i Lester, C. I . \ tpoleon ii\ 11.1 ty i in itoi v "i the Bonapai te fam- ily, to [1873]. V V . 1873. I2 °- ■ • 66 4 Bl Williams, Eleazer, about 17S7 d. 1858, I [anson, |. II. Lost prim ing 1 prove 1 he identity of Loui \ \ 1 1 ol Fr: :and Rev. Eleazei Williams.. 587H1 Williams, Folkestone I ive ol the English n 1 in 1 ! ; 111. [uding hisiui icalnoti the Papal court. 2 v. I'hila., 1868. 8°. 4142 9 Contents. — v. i Papacy — Anglo-Saxon church.— Anglo-Norman church.— Adrian IV. — Robert le Pi uli Bozon Breakspear, Hcrc- ben dc Bosham, Doubtful and obscure car- dinals. — Stephen l.angton, Robt. Cnrzon. — Robert Somcrcole -John of Toledo. — Robert Kilwardby. — Thomas Joyce. — Simon Langham. — Ail 1 itful and obscure cardi- "I -Chaucer a promoter of the pre I utl 1 ■ I in is Aj.)ir'iltll\ v. a. Philip Repingdon.— English opinion in Bohemia. — Robert Hallam. — Henry Beaufort. — John Kemp, — Thomas Bourchier. — John M ton..— Christopher bainbridgc. — Thomas V sey. — Appendix. WILLIAMS, Francis S. Getting to Paris: a bunk nl practice in Frent I ion. B., 1875. i2 c 122-95 Williams, Geo. I . Bullet and shell: war as a soldier saw it. X. Y., 1883. 8°. 9801-96 Williams, I leo. w ashing ton, Am. author, b. 1849. History of the negro race in America from 1619 to 1880: negroes as slaves, as soldiers, anil as citizens: with a consideration of the unity of the human family, an historical sketch of Africa, and of the governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia. 2 v. N.Y.,1883. 8°. 3269-8 Contents. — v. :. Preliminary considerations. — Slavery in the colonies. — Negro during the Revolution \ Conservative era, negroes in the army and navy. — Anti-slavery agitation. — Period of preparation. — The negro in the war for the n. — First decade of freedom. — Dccli: negro governments. — Histor) ol the negro troops in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865; [with] a re- view of the military sen roes in ancient and modern times. N. V., lSS8. 12° 9S06-9 Williams, Mrs. II. Dwighi. Yeai in China. and narrative of capture and imprison- ment when homeward bound on board the rebel pirate " Florida " : with [intro- duction! by W.C. I'.ryant. X.V.. tSl.4 .1 2 i;i IS 1 Williams, Harold. Mi B . 188 ; 1 I Williams, Hem y 1 . Boj "f the B N. V., 1866. 16 221;' Williams, Henry 1 and Fn t, S. Annie. Evening amusements; or, merry hi for merry people. V '• 95 — and Jone . Mi ' . S. Beautiful hi or, hints in house furnishing. N. V., 1878. 8° 7-i' Window-gardening. V Y., 1874. 8°. 718-9 \\ 11 liams, Henry Willard, Am. physician, I'. 1821 Oui lake care of them. IS., 1S71. 12° 6115 '< 1 in Hildrelh, S. P. Early settlers of Ohio. pp. 475-491 4 ■ -7 ' I Williams, John, Bng. statesman, b. 1582-1/. 1650. Campbell, J. Lord chanccll V. 2. pp. {64 4I4 41' Wll I I. wis, John, Eng. missionary, 6. 1796-*/. 1839. Vonge, C. M. Pioneers and wlc-i's. pp. 240-254 Williams, John, />. /'.. LL. /'., Am. /'. E. bishop, b. 1S17. World's testimony to [esus Christ; or, the power of I hiistian- ity in developing the modem civiliza- tion. N. V., 1881. 12° 2576-92 Williams, Monier, Oriental scholar, b. 1819. Hinduism. L., 1880. 16 . [Non-Chris- tian religious systems.] 2938-9 Indian wisdom; or, examples of the re- ligious, philosophical and ethical doc- trines of the Hindus: with a brief his- tory of the chief departments of Sanskrit literature, and some account of the past and present condition of India, moral and intellectual. L., 1876. 8°. . . . 891 1-9 Williams, K. 1 . 1 remation and other modes of sepulture. Phila., 1884. 12°. 3932-9 Williams, Roger, founder >/ Rhode Island, b. 1599-V. 1683. Blakemore, B. C. His- torical for young folks, pp. 61-65. • • 97j f ^- 2 5 — Foster, J. Fosteriana. pp. 520-537. . 3; — Pumell, T. literature and its profc pp. 164-191 S04-7 Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. sS 4>0-92 Sparl . 1 American biography, v. 14. pp. 5-221 — S, le Island. Williams, Rowland, II lergyman, t>. about 181 Holy Scripture. Servants ol God speaking as moved by the Holy 1 ili. .st. Spirit and the letter: or, the truth and the Book. pp. 113- 166. In Collection of theological essays. by various authors 204-67 — Bnnsen's Biblical researches. In Essays and reviews, pp. 45-S3 204-2S WILLIAMS. WILLIS. Williams, Rowland, (onlinit — k,,-e, 11. J. Bunsen, the critical school, and Dr. Williams, In Replies to essays and review's, pp. 60-124 204-29 Williams, Samuel. Two western campaigns in the war of 1S12-13. In Ohio valley historical series. No. 7 9^7 _ 7 Contents. — 1. Expedition of Capt. Henry Brush, with supplies for General Hull, 1812. 2. Expedition of Gov. Meigs for the relief of Fort Meigs, 1813. Williams, Samuel G. Applied geology: a treatise on the industrial relations of geological structure, and on the nature, occurrences and uses of substances de- rived from geological* sources. N. Y., 1886. 12° 553-9 Williams, Samuel Wells, Am. philologist, 0. 1812-rt. 18S4. Middle kingdom: a sur- vey of the geography, government, liter- ature, social life, arts and history of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants. 2 v. X. Y., 1S00. 12° 45'-95 — [Same]: rev. ed., [enlarged]. 2 v. X.Y., 1883. 8° 45'~949 Williams, T. C. Bumble's firstday at work. In Stories for children, pp. 95-103. . 856A9 Williams, Thos. and Calvert, Jas. Fiji and the Fijians. N. Y., 1859. 8° 4961-94 Contents. — The islands and their inhabitants,, by Thos. Williams. — Missionary history, by James Calvert. Williams, W. Manual of telegraphy. L., 1SS5. 12° 538-95 Williams, W. Mattieu. Chemistry of cook- ery. X. Y., 1885. 12 643 Ml, — Science in shorl chapters. X. Y., 1882. 12° 3O2-95 — Simple treatise on heat. L., [880. 12° • ■ ■ 536-9 William-, Win.. Am. patriot, Ik 1731-./. 1S11. Dwight, X. Lives of the sign- ers of the Declaration of Independence. pp. 90-93 4121-3 Lossing, I!. J, Biographical sketches oi the signer-. pp. 56 58 4121-53 W 11 11 vms, Win. R. Eras ami characters "I history. X. Y., 18S2. 12° 902-9 Contents. — Nero and Pa I I mperor Titus and the Apostle John Monasticism. — Augus- tine and Chi 1 dhism. — Wycliffe, Savonarola and Huss Mahometanism.- I hi Crusades.— but her and his times. —John Calvin. — John Kin 11 , Mystic. — Index. 1 : --!in lie 11. /;/ Ma ion, F. Stoi y ol workingman's life 618B1 1 1 . 1 . Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, pp. 229-252 2521-4 \\ 11 1 iam-.-W vim. .V Wynn, Charlotte Will- iams-. Williams college. Rice. II. Nature and culture, pp. 191-202. Mi sion monu- ment and its dedication 7S7 K5 Williamson, Isabelle. Old highways in China. L., 18S4. 12 541-96 Williamson, M.J. Invisible-: an explan- ation of phenomena commonly called spiritual. Phila., 1867. 12° '75-95 — Modern diabolism* commonly called modern spiritualism ; with new theories of light, heat, electricity, and sound. X. Y., 1873. 12 175-96 Williamson, Thos. How to make and pitch a tent. In Ways for boys to make and do things, pp. 39-45 791-87 WlLLIBALD. Wright. T. Early travels in Palestine, pp. 13-22 458~97 W11.1.IBROD, or, Wilbrord, saint, Ik about 657-i/. 730. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe, pp. 99-109. . . 4142-57 Willing, Mrs. Jennie F. Through the dark to the day. Cinn., 1869. 16 948A8 Willing hearts and ready hands. Johnson, Joseph 396-5 Willis, Anson, Am. lawyer, />. 1802-1/. 1874. Our rulers and our rights; or, outlines of the United States government. N. Y., 186S. 12 353-9 Willis, Julia A. What a boy. Phila., 1875. 16° 949A5 Willis, Xathaniel Parker, Am. poet, i. 1S06- d. 1867. Proseworks. Phila., 1849. 16 . 818-97 Contents. — Pencillings by the way. — Letters from under a bridge. — Dashes at life with a free pencil: 1. High life in Europe ; American life ; 2. Inklings of adventure ; I.oiterings of travel ; 3. Ephemera. — Famous persons and places. \. Y., 1854. 12° 442-95 Contents. — [A portion of ] Pencillings by the way. — Articles from the journal. — Requested letter.— Nature criticized by art.— Jenny Lind. — Magyar and Aztec; or, the two extremes of human development. — Near view of Kos- suth. — Death of Lady Blessington. — Moore and Barry Cornwall. — Jane Porter. — Ole bull's Niagara. — Dr. bardncr's lecture. — Hurry-graphs; or, sketches of scenery, celebrities and society taken from life. X. Y., 1856. 12° 953E3 — Paul Fane. X. Y., 1857. 16°. Pencillings by the way: written during some year- of • re idence an, I travel in Europe. X. Y., 1854. 12° 44°-95 — Rural letters and other records oi thoughl al leisure. Auburn, I S 5 , . 12°. . . . 95a'''4 — Death ol Edgar A. Poe. In I',"-. I Y Works, v. 1. pp. 14-20 818-7 .joint ed. Morris, (i. P. and Willi-, V P., eds. Prose and poetry of Europe and America 809-6 WILLIS | in Wll WILLIS, Natl el P., ronlim Beers, II. A, Nail Bungay, G. W, i Iff h I taking pp. ►3-5' " ' Cobb, I - B. I i " ■ labors, pp Willis's poems Pai ton, I., "I. Pi im es, an i 11 nine-, pp. 30G ;i 1 . . Powell, T. Liv ing aulhoi 1 \ 1 u ser. 1. pp. 78 107 Wilson . I G Bryant and hi friend pp lia-333 ]i Willis, R William Harvej 1 he discover} <>f the circulal ion ol the bio d 1 . 1878. 8° 15569 Willis the pilot; a sequel lo Swiss famil) Robinson. I;.. 187 ; 16 W11.1. Mni 1, Roberl A 1 i -. Eng. writer, if. 1863, 1 ivc ol the 1 irl) English sacred I .. n. d. 16 41s.11 ,, Contents. — Introduction. — Sir 1 Sandys.— Giles Fletcher. — George Wither. Franci Quarli Geoi Herbert. — Richai I \ dditional notes. Summer time in the country. I ,1858. 8°. 953E8 Mi ii" f I [erbert. tn I lei bei t, 1 i. Poetical works, pp. ix— xxxiii 465C5 W 1 ghby d'Eresby, Petei Robei 1 Wil- loughby, haven. Jerdan, W. Men I have known, pp. 459-473 411-56 WlLLOUGHBY, Hugh, Eng. navigator, tl. 1554. Frost, T. Half-hours with the early explorers, pp. 129-135 437 _ 37 Willow brook. Warner, Susan 924. \;s Win s, Alfred. The eagle's nc-i in the val- ley of Sixt; .1 summer home among the Alps: together with -.mie excursions among the great glacier-. 1... i860. 1 4494-93 Wills, C. I Persia as it i-i being sketches of modern Persian life and character. !•■• 1SS7. 12 455-94 Wills, Mary II. A summer. in Eui Phila., 1S76. 12° 440-952 Wn is. Wm. Henry, Eng. writer, 6. i8io-nt Will Pierpont, f Bi b I e h ' with illustrativi n lard literature. V., 1 1 2211 95 M 12° Ison. HBY, 1 lemoir a In ralist's library, v. 5. pp. 17 U 1 ' W 111 ■> Reilly. Carleton, W. Wiimik, Lamberl A.. Am. author, /.. plete exposition of the 1 ciiine- of the \i' 8059-5 Wilmi it, A. I listory "( thi 1... n. d. to 2715-9 Wn. Mm. John, earl of Rochester, Eng. tier, //. 1647-1/. 16! e, I. II. Memoii I ring the reign of the Stuarts. v. ;,. pp. 254-271 nson, S. I iniiicni English 1. pp. 215-222 4IS2I 5 ■ 1 . John 1 . 1 lardley. Reminisi - ol 1 he late Tl 1 1 Assheton Smith the pursuits "I an English country gen- tleman. I... [1862] 12 835B6 Wilmot, John Eardly, f, i. 1709- 1/. 1 gland. 1 hap. 29 41 1 24 Wilmot family. Drummond, .)/>s. -. . 204. \.s Wilmot proviso. eech- es in congress, pp. 202-220 815-4 Wilson, At n I. \ . / Sydney Marly n ; or, time will tell. N. V.. 1873. 10 951A2 .. Alex., Scottish Am. ornit J. 1813. American ornithol with notes bj Jardine: to which is added : ipsis of American birds, including Bonaparte, Audubon, Nultall, and Richardson: ed. by I. M. , r. N. V., 1S53. 8° 59S-95 — Memoir of. In Naturalist's library, v. 4. PP- '7-5° 590-5 Men who have made themselves, pp. '79 410-757 — Men who have risen, pp. So-99. . . . 410-76 — S|>aiks, J..,-./. American biography, v. 2. pp. 3-169 412-Sb — Rot;' - .tush minstrel, pp. 52-56. [Biog. sketch and poems.] . . 80921-7 WILSON. 1374 WILSON. W 11 son, Alex., continued. — Seymour, C. B. Self-made men. pp. 215-233 410-92 WILSON, Alex. Johnstone. National lmdget : the national debt, taxes and rales. [_., 1882. 12° 33242-8 WILSON, Andrew, Eng. traveler, l>. 1831-d. 1881. The abode of snow : observations on a tour from Chinese Tibet to the In- dian Caucasus through the upper valleys of the Himalaya. N. Y., 1875. s °. ■ 4545~9 Wilson, Andrew. Chapters on evolution. N. Y., 1883. 12° 575-95 — Facts and fictions of zoology. 11. t. p. 8°.5904-935 Contents. — Zoological myths. — Sea-serpents of science. — Some animal architects. — Parasites and their development. — What I saw in an ant's nest. — Science and crime and other essavs. n. t. p. 8° 502-96 Contents. — Science and crime. — The earliest known life-relic— About kangaroos. --On giants. — The polity of a pond. — Skates and rays. — Leaves. — Chapters. In Proctor, R. A., ed. Nature studies 502-7 WILSON, Arthur, Eng. writer, d. 1642. Knight, C. Half hours with the best letter writers, ser. 2. pp. 107-114. . S26-54 Wilson, C. T. and Felkin, R. W. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 v. L., 1882. 12° 4676-96 WILSON, Chas. Townsend. James the second and the duke of Berwick. L., 1876. 8°. 511B5 \\ 11 >i in, Chas. W. From Korti to Khartum : a journal of the desert march from Korti to Gubat and of the ascent of the Nile in General Gordon's steamers. I,., 1885. 12° 9626-9 Note on the Ordnance survey. In Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria. v. 1. pp. 226-233 938-9 — and Warren, Chas. Recover) of Jeru- salem : a narrative of exploration and discovery in the city and the Holy Land : with an introduction by A. P. Stanley: ed. by W, Morrison. X. Y., 1S71. 8°. 2212-9 Contents. — Preface. — Introduction, by the Dean of Westminstel -Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, by Capt. Wilson.— Excavations at Jerusalem, by Capt. Warren I 1 ralilee, by Capt. Wilson. — Architectural remains of Pal- estine, by R. Phene" Spiers.— The Hauran, by Count dc Vogiie — The survey of Palestine, by 1 1 11 —On the pottery and glass found in the excavations, by G. J. Chester. — Moabite stone. — Sinai, by F. W. Holland. ".11 on, Daniel, bishop of Calcutta, b. 1778-rf. 1858. Extracts from recollections of the Rev. Chas. Simeon. In Simeon, 1 . M ir. pp, 415-426 824B3 — Yonge, C. M. Pioneers and foundei pp. 198-216 4149-98 Wilson, Daniel, Canadian educator, />. 1816. Caliban : the missing link. L., 1873. 12° 82362-9 — Chatterton : a biographical study. L., 1869. 12° 223B9 — Prehistoric man: researches into the origin of civilisation in the old and new world. L- 1S65. 8° 571-95 — Pilgrim fathers. Bound with Stowell, W. H. Puritans in England, pp. 337-508. 2859-8 Wilson, David, Am. author, b. i8iS-d. 1887. Henrietta Robinson. N. Y., 1S55. 12°. 3482-9 WILSON, Edward L. Photographies: aseries of lessons accompanied by notes on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography. Phila., 1883. 12°. 769-95 — Quarter century in photography : a collec- tion of hints on practical photography. X. Y., 1S87. 8° 769-94 WILSON, Erasmus, Eng. surgeon, h. t&oq-d. 1884. Egypt of the past. L., 1881. 12°. 912-95 — Two chapters on bathing and the water treatment. In Houghton, R. S., ed. Water treatment, pp. 121-165. . . . 6157-2 WILSON, Frederick J. F. Typographic printing machines and machine printing : a practical guide to the selection of book-work, two-color, jobbing and rotary machines. L., 1879. 12° 659-9 WILSON, Geo., 6. 181 8— rf. 1859. Hand-book of hygiene and sanitary science. Phila., 1873. 12° 614-9 — Brown. J. Spare hours, v. I. pp. 3S5-418. 188E2 — Tillotson, J- Our untitled nobility, pp. 255-278 4"-975 Wilson, H. Schiit/. Studies in history, legend and literature. L., 1884. 12°. 4104-94 Contents. — Lucrezia Borgia. — Struensee and Caroline Mathilde. — Elizabeth Stuart. — Eppel- ein von Gailingen. — Goethe's Faust. — Madame Roland. Wilson, Henry, [original name Jeremiah Jones Colbaith], Am. statesman, vice-pres- ident of the United States, b. 181 2-./. 1875. History of the anti-slavery measures of the 37th and 38th United States ('.. ti- gresses, 1861-64. B., 1864. 12°. . . 3269-91 Histor) of the rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 v. B., 1872-77. 8°. 3269-9 Contents. — v. 1. Colonial times to 1845. — v. 2. 1845-1860.— v. 3. 1S60-1868. Headley, P. C. Massachusetts in the re- bellion, pp. 45-56 97885-4 Stowe, II. (B.) Men of our times, pp. 269-290 4122-83 Wll ION, Henry and Caullield, Jas. Punk iif wonderful characters: memoirs and anecdotes of remarkable and eccentric persons in all ages and countries. L., n. <1. 8° 4138-9 WILSON. - '375 — W 1 1 'An - , 1 1: -I. . Bri tow . ■■ h ique d ri In Ea iaj s and revii pp. 13 186. 204-28 w n .. p Hoi ci Haj man, / n . • Orientalist, t. 17S1. ,/. isii 1 Noli - 1 nation. /-/ Mill. I. I'.iin ii India \\ 11 ,..-., 1 [ugh Bai ker. Vn ror: a de foi jurymen throughoul > hi 1 nited States; containing rules foi te ting the credibility of witnesses, ind weighing and estimating evidence; with as) of forei oning foi jurors. Phila., 1868. 12° Wilson, J. Leighton. Western Africa, in histoi y, 1 ondil ion and prospi 1 X. Y , 1S56. 12 966-9 w 1 1 on, J. M. Teaching natural scienci in 1 boots. In Farrar, I . W., 1 mi a liberal education, pp. 241-291. . ;;; ; \\ n son, Jas.; Am. patriot, I. 1742-1/. 1798. Speech in vindication of the colonies. In American oratory, pp. 1 12. . . . 8152 2 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration ol Independence, pp.214 218 ii 'i ; 1 ing, B, I . Bii igraphical sketcli ;ners. pp. 126-129 4 I2I ~53 \\ n son, Jas. Moore, I ■ .. Urn 1 nan , loqui m < » . 1 • pp. s 1 Si .... 8152-6 \\ 1 1 is, Jav.. Scottish naturalist, b. 1795 ,/. 1856. Sketches of the natural history ..I I N01 ih America], In Tytler, 1'. I . Progress of discoveryon the more north- ern coasts of America, pp. 210-332. . 471-9 — Chapters on zoology, in Murray, H.and others. British India, v. 3 95 1 | ; Wilson, fas. Grant, Am. author, l>. 1832. Bryanl .mil In- friends; some reminis- cences hi the Knickerbocker writi N. \ .. 1886. 12 4181 9 lik- an.l letters ol hi Greene Halleck. N. v., 1S09. 12 Nil.' (Allan Grant, pseud.) Mr. Secri Pepys; with extracts from In diary. V V., 1867. 16° 7221:7 Sketches of illustrious soldiers. N. Y.. 1874. 12° 415' o Contenti Gonsalvo. — Chevalier Bayard. — Constable Bourbon.— Prince of Orange. — Duke of Parma. — Wallenstein.— Gustavus Adolphus. — Cromwell. — Turcnne. — Conde. — Marlbor- ough.— Prin —Charles XII— Mai sh.il S.ixc — Frederick the great.— Suwarrow. — Washington. — Wellington. — Napoleon. — Scott. — Lord Clyde. — Moltke.— Lee. — Sherman.— I . T.tllt WILSON, Jas. Harrison, Am. genet < s 37- China: travels and investigations in the Middle Kingdom : a study of its civiliza- tion ami 1 es; with a glance at Japan. V Y.. 1SS7. 12° 4.S1-97 " ,:t r. k 178^ ,/ ' , ChrUtopI B., Com ■ *<■ I 1I1 of capiat talk mere.— 1 Thi 1 I Ii Kill Inner.— Soliloquy on the words on 1 in ' inter quar- 1. 1 -.'i ill ■ Specimens of the British critii Phila., 12° Contents.— Dryden Dryden am Dryden.— Dryden on Chaucer, |andj lupple- 111,1,1 Mai Flccnoe and the Dunciad, land) supplement. Maginn, Win.. Lockhart, J. G., H la-., and others. Noctes ambrosial with memoirs and notes, by R. S. Mac- kenzie. 5 v. N.Y., 1867-66. 12 . . . Contents 1 H ry of Blackwood's mag- I.ifc of Pr ' nr Wilson —Noctes, 1834 Life of J. 1. Lockhart.— Noctes, 1828-30. v. 4 Life of I l! thi Ink shepherd.— Noctes, 1830-31. -v. 5. Life of Win Maginn.— Noctes, 1832-35 M. Christopher North; memoir of John Wilson GilfHlan, G. Third gallery of portraits. ,06-3110 t ; Griswold, 11. 1 . Home life .'f great au- thors. pp. 85 93 4> s 4 ; Hi, win, W. Homes ami haunts of the British poets, v. 2. pp. 501-507. . . 41821 4 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best let- ter writers. -CI. 2. pp. 3S5-4I6. . \l, 1 ,.sli. J, Si ittish philosophy, pp. p ( I4 ' Mackenzie, K. S. Life of Prof. Wilson, /w Nodes ambrosianse. v. 2. pp. iii- XXNvi Martineau, II. Biographical sketches. PP. 21 27 4104-62 Mason, K.T.,<-i/. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors, v. 3. pp 167 210.. . . 41s: 56 — Roger-. S ish minstrel, pp. 215-219. [Biog. sketch ami poems.) . S0921-7 ["urnbull, K. Genius of Scotland, pp. 62-76 W11 s,,\. fohn, Am. aut . !•■ 1802 l86{ Treatise on English punctuation. X. Y.. n. ,1. 12°. . . . 1119-Q Unitarian principles confirmed by Trini- tarian testimony - B., 1869 12 . WILSON. — 1376 — WINCHESTER. Wilson. John Laird, Scottish journalist, b. 1832. John Wycliffe. N. Y., 1884. 12°. 986B6 WILSON, Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan. Chap- ters. In Siam and Laos 2659-7 Wilson, Martha. Ellet. E. F. Women of the American revolution, v. 2. pp. 37-67 4'2i-.?5 Wilson, Olivia Lovell. Parlor varieties: plays, pantomimes and charades. B., 1887. 16 785-95 Wilson, Richard, Eng. landscape painter, b. 1 7i3- Miramion lady-l 1 - ter- hoods and servants "f the poor in France. — Caroline Claudius, wife ol Frederick Perl Mary Anne i. !• I li > hinnnelpen- ninck). — Kaiserwerth deaconesses.— Mi; h's labours among the nav .. Wm., kseller and ' r, />. I,Soi-r/. [860 I -I. by li. I. Lossing. I ie, 1S69. 16° 953C9 Wn 1 Wm, Dexter, Am. /'. E. clergyman, 16 E le m n t i si I og i c , including analv isol nd meth- with an a; fol analysis and criticism and index of terms and V Y., 1.S70. 12°. . . 189-96 Wilson, Wm. !>., continued. — Foundations of religious belief ; methods of natural theology vindicated against modern objections. X. Y.. 1883. 12°. 239-95 Wilson, Wm. S. Ocean as a health resort: ahand-book of the sea for the use of tour- ists and health-seekers. I.., 1S81. 12 . 6135-9 Wilson, Woodrow, Am. educator, b. 1856. Congressional government : a study in American politic^. I'... 1SS5. 12°. . . 3207-93 Wll fON, Joseph, Eng. sculptor, b. 1722-./. 1803. Cunningham, A. British paint- ers and sculptors, v. 3. pp. 62-73. • 4 l 7 _ 3 WlNGHELL, Alex., Am. geologist, b. 1824. Doctrine of evolution ; its data, its principles, its speculations and its the- istic bearings. N. Y., 1874. 12 . . 214-97 — Geological excursions; or, the rudiments of geology for young learners. Chicago, 1884. 12= 550-97 — Pre-Adamites; or, a demonstration of the existence of men before Adam; togeth- er with a study of their condition, an- tiquity, racial affinities, and progressive dispersion over the earth. Chicago, t88o. 8° 573-95 — Reconciliation of science and religion. X. V., 1877. 12° 215-973 — Sketches.of creation : some of the conclu- sions of the sciences in reference to the history of matter and of life ;• together with a statement of the intimations of science respecting the primordial condi- tion and the ultimate destiny of the earth and the solar system. N. V., 1S70. 12°. 5501-9 — Sparks from a geologist's hammer. Chicago, 1881. 12° 504-95 Co7itents. — .-Esthetic: Mont Blanc and the Mer de Glace. — Ascent of Mont Blanc. — The beautiful. — Chronological: The old age of con- tinents. — Obliterated continents. — A grasp of logic time. — Climatic: Geological seasons. — The climate of the lake region. — Mammoths and mastodons. — Historical : Salt enterprise in Michigan. — A remarkable Maori manuscript.— Philosophical: The genealogy of ship- —Hux- ley and evolution.— Grounds ami > quences of evolution. — The metaphysii ol icien e Willie and talks in the geological field. N. Y., 1886. 8° 550-98 World life; or, comparative geology. Chicago, 1883. i2 c . . . 5501-91 Geolog) of the stars. In Estes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations, ser. I. pp. 255- 285 5 4-42 — Gill, VY. I. Evolution and progress, pp. 216-234. Dr. Winchell on evolution. . 215-34 w 1 CHI l"ER, I arroll, pseud. See Curtis, Mrs. 1 'aroline ( '.. Winchester, M. I' Under the shield. N. V., 1882. 12°. WINCHES1 EK \\ [NS( «i\| \Vi\i i I I publi pp i 18 146. i7342- r > WlNCKELMANN, Ji il I .111,1)1 crith ana 1717-rf. 1768 1 1 1 ini i' hi .11 1 a g 1 he Grei ir. |of a pal 1 "l 1 lie work] b) G. II. I dge. I... 1850. 8° 7093 1 h ich, S. 1 ■. Hero 1 boyhood. pp. 229-256 4' 0_ 5 1 Pater, \\ 1 1 Si udies in the histoi thi rei pp. 147 206 Wi , 1 mil and Andi .1 1 1 Mar ufacture and application ol varnishes, stains for wood, horn, ivory, I e, and leather. /// Andre . I . Fabri lion ol volatile and fal varnishes, etc I Wind. I lickens, I ., i. I [ome and social philosophj . pp. .'-iii 264 i s sl j See a/10 A.i Mc teoi ology. Ph ) 1 geography. Storms. \\ imi of destiny. I lard) . A. S, WlND-voices. Marston, P. B 6141 ; WlND-wafted seed. Vlacleod, N.awrfGuth- rie, T., ed Wini 1] Mi \ pplel r. G 1 Windmills. Honv r< r< ion ign travel, pp. j8 64 604-4 rhi imas, J. I • Farm implemenl s. p| >. ; 226 6308-8 Wi ;, G, I '... Jr. Farmer's vacation. pp. 26-2S and 55-58 4492-9 Window gardening. Anders, J»M. House plants as sanitarj agents. 1887. . . . 718-2 — Heinrich, J. |. Window ' len. 1887 7 IN I Mollison, J. K. New practical window gardener. 1887 7 |S s Rand, E. >., jr. Window gardener. [876 7 1 s 7 — Williams, H. T., ed. Window gardening. 718-9 — Hibberd, s . Rustic adornmen homes of taste, pp. 85-112 712 .| — See also Flowers and Bower gardening. Windsor castle. Irving. W. Wolfert's roost and other papers, pp 230 234. 818 [Sj WlNDTHORST, Ludwig, German statesman, b. 1812. Tuttle, II. German polil leaders, p] . 129 2 }8. \\ Wines, Enoch i obb, Am. philanthropist, b. iSoo-f/. 1879. ' ommentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews; with an introductory essay on civil society and rnment. Phila., 1859. 8°. . . . 296-8S Winks. Ellis, J. Wine question in the light of the new dispensation. 1882. . 1 — Graham, s. Philosophj of sacred histi red in relation to human aliment the wines of Scripture. 1853. . — Keene, J. B, Practical gauging, 1868. 659-5 ontinued. n, W. 1 the «ni. 1 : i 1871 I hudii hum, I. I W. and 1 Origin, nature and R. Champ \ izetelly, II. 1 and other sparkling wines 6631 1 I, R. The Spaniard - and theii try. pp. 146-166 Nordhoff, C. Calil 1794-7 William-. W. M. I li'ln pp. 265 293 Wynter, A. Ou 337. Word 1 boul ■ ini I ruit. < ir:i 1 pe culture. I emperani e and intempera Wimiuh, the lawyer's son and how he be- nei al. I tenison, C. W. 45 ;l!i Wise and wing. Cooper, J. F. Wim.aii, 1 . .-/'". lawyer, t. 1840. Through the Velio park on h V Y., 1886. 12° 4786-9 1 \ '.' ■ 1 . :•-, 1. Pi raphy. *. 2. pp. 17 ; 180 4 1271 6 .in word. I 11 A. ,11.111, Lewis. Lovely Wang : a bit of China. N. Y„ 1SS7. 16 °. Winifred. Guern . i E 441A4. Bertram. Charles, Mrs. E. 1K.1 WiNll Kin • 'raik, G. M. WINKS, Wm. Edward. Lives of illustrious shoe-makers. N. V.. 1882. 12 °. ... 41 Contents.— Sir Cloudesley Shovel.— Jas. Lack. ::rn —Win. Gilford.— rt Hhiomficld. — Samuel Drr y.— John Pounds. — Thos. Cooper.-- I .lion of celebrated cobblers. — Ancient ex- ample tan exam- I : I'.ritain. military and naval heroes. and others, poets of the cobbler's stall, preach- , t nd theologians, science, politiciai American examples. \\ inkwor 111. ( atherin ,1. 1S7S. Christian ' iermany. Phila., [1869]. 12°. . . . Winners in life's race. Buckley, A. B. . Winning his waj 1 242A2 Winning of the West. 2 \. Roosevelt, Winnipeg country; or. roughing it with an i-ilip~e party. Scudder, S. IL. A Rochester fellow, :" Winnipeg, Laki lada. WlNSCOM, Jane \ 1 h ward; or. the moun- tain clamberei - — Vineyard labi WINSER. i37« WINTHROP. WlNSER, Henry Jacob, Am. journalist, b. 1833. The great northwest: a guide- book and itinerary for tourists and trav- elers over the Northern Pacific railroad, the Oregon railway and Navigation Com- pany and the Oregon and California rail- road. N. V., 1883. 1 6° 478-95 W'insi ow, Catherine Mary Reignolds-. Yes- terdays with actors. B., 18S7. 8°.. . 4179-95 Contents — Introduction. — Charlotte Cush- man. — Edwin Forrest. — John Brougham. — Laura Keene, Agnes Robertson. — E A. Soth- ern.— Ben De Bar, Matilda Heron, J. H. Hackett, Mrs. John Wood, Jas. E.Murdoch, Mrs. Lander. — Boston Museum. — Travel in America. — Canada and England. Winslow, Chas. Frederick, Am. physician, b. 1811. Force and nature; attraction and repulsion : the radical principles of energy discussed in their relations to physical and morphological develop- ment. Phila., 1869. 8° 501-95 Winslow, Edward, governor of Plymouth col- ony, b. 1595-1/. 1655. Richardson, C. F. American literature, pp. 81-S9. . . . 810-7 Winslow, Forbes, Eng. physician, 6. 1810-1/. 1874. Obscure diseases of the brain and disorders of the mind. 4th ed. L., 1868. 12 173-9 Winslow, Hubbard, Am. author, 6. ljgy-d. 1864. Moral philosophy; analytical, synthetical and practical. N. Y., 1869. 12° 191-94 Winslow, John Ancrum, Am. naval • b. 181 1-,/. 1873. Headley, J. T. Far- ragut and our naval commanders, pp. 288-319 4122-39 WlNSOR, Frederick Albert, Eng. pr< . tor, d. 1830. Nicoll, II. J. Great movements, pp. 340-363. Introduction of gas. . . 4104-7 Timbs, J. Inventor-, and discoverers. pp. 354-360. Gas-lighting 1 70 iR, Justin, Am. scholar, b. 1831. Was Shakespeare Shapleigh? a correspond- ence in two entanglements. B., [887. 16 82398 9 \\ 1 1 \ni.ky, W. \ visit to Abyssinia: an account of tra\cl in modern Ethiopia. 2 v. L., 1881. 12 463-9 \\ INT) R, John Strange, pseud. See Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. ' \\ in im. author, b. 1836. I 1 1 B., 1881. 12 . [Amei ii an es] il 5B2 — Stage life of Mar} Vndei on. N. Y., 1 ■ 118B3 - Trip to England. B., 1881. 12°. . . . 442-97 Winter. Thoreau, H. D. Winter.. . . 8851:65 Rurrough .11 Winti 196E6 Winter, continued. — Bushnell, H. Moral uses of dark things. pp. 188-209 216-14 — Croly, J. (C.) Jennie Juneiana. pp. 205-220 255E2 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Country living and country thinking. PP- 335-350 455KI5 — Guthrie, T. Out of harness, pp. 36-58 an,/ 258-272 241-5 Winter and spring on theshoresofthe Med- iterranean. Bennett, J. H 4449-2 Winter at the Italian lakes. L., 1874. 12 . 4452-9 Winter fire. Porter, Rose. Winter fun. Stoddard, W. 855A52 Winter homes for invalids. Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) 6135-4 \\ INTER in the city of pleasure. Berger, F. K 4498-2 Winter story. Peard, Frances M. Winter sunshine. Burroughs, J. . • . I96E9 WINTER'S tale : a drama. St;- Shakespeare. WlNTHROP, Rev. Edward. Premium essay on the characteristics and laws of pro- phetic symbols. N. Y., 1855. 12°. . 2203-95 WlNTHROP, Hannah. Ellet, E. F. Women of the revolution, v. I. pp. 92-99. . 4121-35 WlNTHROP, John, governor of Massachusetts, b. 1588-r/. 1649. Life and letters of John Winthrop, front his embarcation for New England in 1630 with the charter and company of the ^Massachusetts bay, to 1649: by R. C. Winthrop. B., 1867. 8° 955B8 — Bryant, W. C. Prose writings, v. 2. pp. 221-224 189E3 — Richardson, C. F. American literature. pp. 89-97 810-7 Winthrop, Mrs. Margaret, wife of John Winthrop. Child, I . M. Biographies of good vines, pp. 243-251 4'3- 2 5 Winthrop, Theodore, Am. author, b. 182S- d. 1861. Canoe and saddle: adventures among the northwestern rivets and forests [and] Isthmiana. B., 1863. 12 . 479-96 — Cecil Dreeme ; and .1 biographical sketch of the author, by G. W. ( lurtis. V Y., [876. 1 6°. Edwin Brothertoft. B., 1S71. 12 . — John Brent. 11. 1. p. 16°. — Life in tin open ail and othei papers. B., 1866. 10 05.SE1 Contents. — Life in the open air, Katahdin and the Penobscot. — Love and skates. — New York Seventh regiment, our march to Wash- 1 n — Washington as a camp. — Portress Monroe — Bright ly's orphan. — " Heart of the Andes." Life and poems of Theodore Winthrop: ed. by his sister. X. Y., 1884. 12 . . 955B9 \VI\Tllk< >l' U HKM \.V WIN i Hm »F, I hi odoi ■-, on, • 1 1 i .vilio i in-, |. Coi mil criii- >l i , ■ i , is;i - Winton, John G, Modern land and i i l j - .in i- engine >, floal ing doi ' . dn dging machines, bi idge . hip-building crai etc. I. , 1869, 16 620-9 Winwi iod 1 Mi V\ ise, 1 laniel. ... 9 W111 I .111.1 in. M. II. 1 . Treati steel, pp, 1 1- (.78 6691 '. — Lukin, I \i g 1 in u I im pp. 62 75. 607-4 Wired love. 1 i.e. w 11 1 . Win., Am 1 . . 177- d. 1 I i-iii-i ni the l'-i in .ii py ; to which is prefixed .1 biographical sketch ol the authoi . v \ ., 1S55. 12 Sketi hes of the life and charactei ol Pal rick Henry. Hartford, n. d. 8°. Same. I'lnl.l., 1873. 12° 464B2 Kennedy, J. P. Memoirs of the life ol w 111. Win 956B2 Mathews, W. Men, places and things. pp 20-52 '11717 Moore, I ., .. 1813. B03 travelers in Arabia; or, from Bos- ton to Bagdad, including sketches and anecdotes of the wander- ing Arabs and of the city of Good II roiin Uraschid. V \ ".. 1885. 16' . . 459-94 nicis Forrester, pseud.) Little Peach- blossom : or, rambles in Central park. V Y., 1873. 16° 377A8 — (Lawrence Lance wood, pseud.) Nellie Warren ; or, the lost watch. B.,l866. 16 . ss-lAi — Story of .1 wonderful life; or, pen-pict- ures of the must interesting incidents in the life of the celebrated John Wesley. (.'inn., 1S74. 16 938B1 \ anquifhi tingui li.-'l linn. 1 inn., 1X75. i' Content tcrt'-n Arnold ' ent. — Winwood cliff. B., 1 76 I t '• ■ ■ ■ Intro lui tion. In 1 my quiver Henry Alexander, Confederal , !'. I.S06-1/. I the I 'nio 11. the hum i lal- isin illustrated by a memoir of John with reminiscei his great I ■ 72. 8°. 1 . A. Life ol R. I . Lee pp. 559-572 M225-5 lleniy Augustus, (H ngo, • f.), Am. naval officer, b. 1 ,S 1 9-^. 1869. I Grii or, an inside view of Mex- ico anil California; with wanderings in 11. Chili and Polynesia. V V.. 1 1 439-9° Scampavias from (libel Tarek to Stain- boul. \. Y.. 1S57. 12 4449-9 Tales for the marines. B., 1855. l6°. WISE, Isaac Mayer, Jewish rabbi, />. . Judaism and Christianity; their agree- ments and disagreements. Cinn., 1883. 8° 296-9 fennings. Cooke, J. 1 • Wearing of the gray. pp. 158-166 9812-3 Wise men : who they were and how they came to Jerusalem. Upham, F. W. . 22i;j 81 ving deeds. Japp, A. II., nder Gray, pseud.) 415-45 Wiseman, Nicholas, Eng. cardinal, l>. 1S02- d. 1865. Essays on various subjects. v. 2-4. N. V., 1873 Contents. — v. 2. Letters to John Poynder, upon his work entitled Popery in alliance with heathenism. — Authority of the Holy See in South America. — Paper on ecclesiastical organ- ization. — Kate of sacrilege. — Prayer and prayer- books. — National holydays. — Essays on the minor rites and olTiccs of the church. — Ancient and modern Catholicity. v. 3. Hampden controversy. — High-church theory of dogmatical authority — Tracts for the times. v. 4. Froude's remains. — Catholic and Angli- can churches, Anglican system. — Protestant- ism of the Anglican church. — L'nrealr ican belief. — Position of the High-church theory at the close of 1847. — Fourth iola; or, the Church of the Catacombs. N. V., n. d. 12 . — Hidden gem : a drama in two acts, com- 1 the college jubilee of Saint Cuthbert's, Ushaw, 1858 946C3 — Lectures on the principal doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. 2 v. N. V. 12° WISEMAN. - 1380 - WIT. Wiseman, Nicholas, continued. — Recollections of the last four popes and of Rome in their times. I.., n. d. 12 . . 4142-94 — Witch of Kosenburg; a drama in three acts, composed for the children of St. Leo's convent, Carlow, 1S64. N. V. 12°. Hound with Hidden gem 946C3 — Abraham, G. W. Essays, pp. 123-145. Review of Recollections of the popes. 103E5 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 10. pp. 450-462. Review of Essays 81S-27 — Milnes, R. M., Lord Houghton. Mono- graphs, pp. 37-59 410-77 Wise saws; or, Sam Slick in search of a wife. Haliburton, T. C 817-46 WlSTER, Mrs. Annis Lee (Furness), Am. translator, b. 1S30. Behrens, B., (W. Heimburgh, pseud.) Penniless girl. — Biirstenbinder, E., (Ernst Werner, pseud.) Banned and blessed. Saint Michael. Spell of home. — Friedrich, B. H., (Golo Raimund, pseud.) From hand to hand. New race. — Gliimer, C. von. A noble name; or, Don- ninghausen. — Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and en- chanted. — Harder, L. A family feud. — Hartner, E. Severa. — Hillern, W. von. Only a girl. — John E., (E. Marlitt, pseud.) At the coun- cillors. Bailiff's maid. Countess Gisela. Gold Elsie. In the Schillingscourt. Lady with the rubies. Little moorland princess. Old Mam'selle's secret. Second wife. — Juncker, E. Margarethe. Manteuffel, U. Z. von. Violetta. — Oswald,. E. Vain forebodings. — Keichcnbach, M. von. The Eichhol — Schobert, 11. Picked up in the streets. Stahr, Mme. V. (L.) Hulda ; or, the de- liverer. — Streckfuss, A. Castle Hohenwald. Quicksands. Too rich. ■ A. von. Why did he not die? - Wichert, E. The green gate. -joint tr. 1 II. .;/;,/ Wistei . A. 1,. (F.) Metrical Ir ami poems 461C1 iViSHING-cap papers. Hunt, L 491E46 Wit ami humor. A'Beckett, G. A. Comic history of England 9301-11 — Adams. C. Adventures of my cousin Smooth 817-13 — Adams, F. C. Siege of Washington, D. C 9809-2 — Addison, J. Wisdom, wit and allegory. 109E1 — Alden, W. L. Domestic explosives. . . 817-185 — Ashton, J., ed. Humor, wit and satire n( the 17th century 827-13 — Bagby, (i. W., (Moses Adams, pseud.) What I did with my fifty millions. . . 817-187 — Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi 817-21 — Bangs, J. K. and Sherman, F. D. Xew waggings of old tales 817-22 — Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby legends. . 827-16 — Barnard, F. and Ross, C. H. Behind a brass knocker 827-19 — Beecher, H. W. 595 pulpit pungencies. 249-19 Beecher as a humorist: selections: ed. by Eleanor Kirk 142E9 — Besant, W. French humorists 8407-2 — Bierce, M. A. Cobwebs from an empty skull 827-2 — Boyd, M. Social gleanings 179BS1 — Bradley, E. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green 827-22 — Brooks, C. T., tr. Tall student 834-2 — Browne, C. F., (Artemus Ward, pseud.) Works 817-24 — Brydges, H. Uncle Sam at home. . . . 473-19 — Burdette, R. J. Rise and fall of the mus- tache and other Hawkeyetems 817-245 — Burnham, G. P. History of the hen fever : a humorous record 817-248 — Burton, W. E., ed. Cyclopaedia of wit and humor 8077-17 — Chatfield, P. Tin-trumpet ; or, heads ainl tails 827-38 — Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its ex- citers 817-26 — Colman, G. Broad grins 827-4 — Comic miseries of human life 817-29 — Cooke, C. W. R., (A. Gushington, pseud.) I li ughts on men and things 827-41 — Cox, S. S. Why we laugh 817-32 — Cozzens, I S. Sayings of Dr. Bush- whacker 817-33 — Crabtree, A. I'. Funny side of physic. . 610S-3 — Crofton, F. B. Bewildered querists. . . 817-335 — Cruikshank, ('•. Comic almanac, 1835- 1843 827-42 — Curtis, G. W. Potiphar papers 817-34 Prue and 1 817-341 Daldome, F., ed. Wooing ol the water- witch 827-86 Daniel, <■. Metric England in the olden time 394-25 U I U II 827-46 828-36 U 1 1 and Imiiii- 1 . continued. I >. ... on, u I . Warri ■ ritical and explanatoi j Derby, G. H. Ph ind burlesqui I 'i raeli, B. \\ il and « 1 id ■"> Eliot, Geoi 1 \\ 1 [om : lions.] (13E9 Enchiridion of wil 8.-; 1 ii Id, K. Culture's garland 817-38 — Fitzgerald, I Poloniu 1 ol wise saws and modem instances, . . Fun and eai nest. s 1 7 1 I [alpine, < '. 1 ;., (Private Mill ■ 1 I'Reill) . pseud.) 1 ! Mill iO'Ri ill) S17-463 — Hartshorn, Mrs. N., pseud. Nam 1 ! I hoi n at Chautauqua 81 7 17 I I a/liit, W. < '., ed. New London I k 827-6 Hood, T. Up the Rhine 827-617 Hook, T. E. Choice hun us works. . 827-62 I tooper, J.J. Adventures of Capt. Si Suggs 817 49 I In], kins, I.. Comic history of the United ■ 9733-45 Hopkins, M., pseud. Mahetible Hop- kins and her travels 817-5 Hunt, J. H.L. Wit and hu m selected from the English poets 411 1 17 — Irish jests ami anecdotes 8077-48 — Johnson, V. W. Travels of an American owl S17-525 — Kennedy. P., ed. Book of modern Irish anecdoti 8077-52 Kingsbury, J. Ii. Sketches: a truthful and succim 1 account of the doings and misdoings of the inhabitants of I grove 817-53 Landon, M. I). Eli Perkins (at lai In, sayings and doings 817-55 Eli Perkins, wit, humor and pathos, . 81 - I.atchford, II. Wit and wisdom of par- liament — Lemon, M., ed. Jest book S27-65 — LeRow, C. 13., ed. English as she is taught 1 173-5 I mdon charai ters and the human side of London life 4421 52 — Longstreet, A. B., (Native Georgian, pseud.) Georgia scenes S17-0 - Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker. . . S17-61 Mason, E. 1'., ed. Humorous master- pieces from American literature. . . . S17 63 Miller, J. Joe Miller's jest bonk. . - Modern Joe Miller Sj; Moncrieff, F. C. Wit and wisdom of the bench and bar 3409-6 — Neal, J. C. Charcoal sketches 817-67 Wl I and lnili.ni , well, R. II. < Irpheu Nolan. \l. Biddy 1 tion 1 in 1 nfjneymo I net 1 omi Paige, I G,, (Dow, Jr., / u /.. 41 81771 Short 1 >• 1 7 711 \.. /. Greek v. it : a 1 11I j. ... Ui ed. II •■try. . . . S'. Paulding, J. K. The Bulls and thi athans Peck, G. W. 1 u in of fun. ... m 7 7 1 M. M .. 1 Bri, k /' 1 dust : a remedy for the blues and a some- for people to talk about le, J. Little Pedlington and Pedlingtonians Prentice, <■. W. Prenticeana; or, wit and humor in paragraphs 817— J Reynolds, E. W. Tangletown letter-. 817 79 — Riley, II. II. Puddleford papers. . . . 817 B Roosevelt, R. B. Progressive petticoats. 817 1 i, C. II. and 1 larke, A. Story honeymoon .s 1 7 sj Roy, G. Generalship; or, how I man- aged my husband S17-83 11 1 11 hu, K., ed. Wit of women. . . . 817-836 — Sheely, A., ed. Anecdotes and hum school life 3708-S . J. 1). 1 lomic history of the ed States — Shillaber, B. P. Mr-. Partington's knit- ling-work in 1 li Bill Arp's peace papers. . S17-S6 — Smith, Stephe. Romance and humor of the rail 652-75 — Smith, Sydney. Wil and wisdom : -elec- tions 837E2 — Taliaferro, II. I.. (Skin, pseuj.) Fish- er's rivei i\ rth Carolina) scene- characters — Watterson, II., ed. Oddities in southern life and character — Webb, ('. 11. , John Paul, Paro- dies 817-95 Weiss, J. Wit, humor and Shake-peare. 8236-9 — Whitcher, Mrs. I . M. (B). Widov dott papers 817-96 Wilkie, E. B. Walk- about Chicag - 81 Wi ■■■;< '. , : . \. treasury of wi wit and humoi and proverbs 807-9 — Wright. I . Caricature and grotesque in literature and art S027-9 work and play. pp. 233-254. Humor of various nations. 240E; — Emerson, K. W. Letters and social aims. pp. 149-166. The comic 31SE6 WIT. — 1382 WITHERS. Wit and humor, continued. — Giles, H. Lectures and essays, pp. 365- 394. Popular wit and humor, especial- ly in Scotland 422E2 — Saunders, F. Mosaics. pp. 169-19K Witchery of wit 805E2 — Shorthouse, J. H. The humorous in liter- ature. In Coan, T. M., ed. Studies in literature, pp. 120-158 804-3 — Whipple, E. P. Literature and life. pp. 84-121 946E61 — See also Anecdotes. Caricature. Epi- grams. Also the writings of J. M.Bailey, (Danbury News man). M. Brown. C. F. Burnand. G. W. Carleton. C. H. Cl.uk, [Max Adeler). S. L. Clemens, [Mark Twain). T. C. Haliburton, (Sam Siic/t). M. Holley, (Josiah Allen's wife). D. Jerrold. C. B. Lewis, (M. Quad). I). R. Locke, (P. V. Nasby). H. Paul. The Prig, (pseud.) Geo. Rose, (A. Sketc/tley). H. W. Shaw, (Josh Bil- Ungs). M. M. Thomson, (Q. K. P. Doesticks, P. B.) C. I). Warner. Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M de S63-3 Wit bought. Goodrich, S. G 432A4 Witch of Rosenburg : a drama. Wiseman, N. Dramas, pp. 1-76 946C3 Witch stories. Linton, E. L 1744-5 WITCHCRAFT. Allen, R. H. New England tragedies 9824-13 — Drake, S. G. Annals of witchcraft in New England and elsewhere in the United States 1744-3 — Elliot, C. W. Mysteries; or, glimpses of the supernatural 174-31 — Emmons, S. B. The spirit land 1 75—3 — Fowler, S. P., ed. Salem witchcraft. . . 1744-4 — Lee, F. G., ed. Glimpsesof the supernat- ural. ... I74-5D — Linton, E. I.. Witch stories 1744-5 — Longfellow, H. W. Xew England trage- dies 586C8 McDonald, W. Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, New Testament demonology and modern witchcraft. . '75-6 Mather, C. Wonders of the invisible world : an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New England. 1744-6 — Mather, I. Remarkable providences illus- trative of the early days ol American colonisation 982 Moore, G. H. Final notes on witchcraft in Massachusetts 1744-62 Mudge, /. A. Witch hill: a history ol Salem witchcraft 1744-64 — Scott, W, ! rs on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J. G. I.ockliart. 1744-8 Win HCRAP r, continued. — Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts, pp. 216-236 9824-12 — Baillie, J. Dramatic and poetical works. pp. 613-643. A tragedy in prose. . . 132C6 — Blakemore, B. C, (Oro Noque, pseud.) Historical for the young folks, pp. 57- 60. Salem witchcraft 9738-25 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 2. pp. 57-67 S04-35 — Drake, S. A. Nooks and corners of the Xew England coast, chaps. 14-15. . . 474~3 — Ewald, A. C. Stories from the State papers, v. 2. pp. 184-212 9306-31 — Howitt, M. (B.), ed. Apparitions, dreams, second sight, etc. In Ennemoser, J. History of magic, v. 2. pp. 464-479. 174-32 — Hunt, R., ed. Popular romances of the West of England, pp. 314-340. . . . 383-4 — Lea, H. C. History of the Inquisition of the middle ages. v. 3. pp. 492-549. 2722-4S — Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. Romance of the harem, pp. 184-201 4533-6 — Lowell, I. R. Among my books, pp. 81-150." 5S8E1 — Mackay, C. Extraordinary popular de- lusions, v. 2. pp. 101-191 1742-6 — See also Massachusetts. New England. Superstitions. — See also in fiction : D. R. Castleton, Salem ; Hon. Mrs. Greene, Bound by a spell; J. W. Mein- hold, Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. WITCHERY of archery. Thompson, M. . . 791 1-8 Witch's head. Haggard, II. Rider. With a show through southern Africa and personal reminiscences of the Transvaal war. Du Val, Chas 4682-3 With fate against him. Douglass, A. M. With harp and crown. Besant, W. and Rice, J. With reed and lyre. Scollard, C 813C8 With the Cape Mounted Rifles in South Africa, by an Ex. C. M. K 9687-4 With the immortals. Craik, Mrs. I>. M. (Mulock). Willi the Ling at Oxford. Church, Rev. A. J. Willi Wolfe in Canada. Henty, <■. A. \\ 1 1 11 \m, T. Marshall, joint author. Vander- vell, 11. E. Hint \\ it ham, T. M. System ot figure skating 7919-8 Wither, Thos. P. Bigg-. Pioneering in South Brazil: three years of forest and prairie: tin- province of Parana. 2 v. I.., 1878. 8° 481-93 Withers, Geo., Eng. poet, b. \^i-d. 1667. I [allelujah ; or, Bi itain eo «d remem- brancer, bringing to remembrance (in praiseful and penitential hymns, spirit- ual songs ami moral ode) meditations, WITHERS. 1383 VVOl F Wi 1 in 1 . 1 I ontinued. ,i.|\ .ill' in;; I In' gloi ) Of < ."'I III I 111 tii e "i piel tnd vii tue : in .1 three fold 1 olume , with an introdui tion bj Edward Farr. 1 . 1 B ,,, 12 1 if the Chui th an introdui tion by Edward Fan 1 .1 ■2° , C. Works, v. 2. pp. y j |.io 828-57 Langford, J. \. Prison books ind authors, pp. 1 56 iss. . -. ii,s 5 w i Hi , R. A. Lives of I he earl) 1 ng lish sai 1 ed poel , pp. 91 204 4 1 sj 1 9 \\ 1 1 inn .. lli... I. Pen y, B. F. Rem .■in ... ..1 publi 'in pp. 222 - - jV ) 1 -■ ;=, Wiimr \. John, Am. patriot, 6. 1722-;/. 1 7.1 1. 1 >« ight, N, In es "l the -i; of the Declaration of Independence. PP. 126 135 )12l 3 Head ley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution, pp. 280 2S6 4121-45 I os-in;;, B. J. Biographical sketches ..1 the signers, pp. 81 S4 4121-53 M. 1 osh, J. Scottish philosophy, pp. [83 190. American philosophy. . . . 1621 \S M 1 , I ., ed. Ain.-i 1. .1 11 . i [ueni e. v. 1. pp. 290-307 8152-6 \\ 1 1 iii r .1 ■ .. in, R 1 irlando. I »oi toi Bi i:., 1882. 16 '. [Round Robin serie Wi nils .in .1. e. Jenkin, M W 1 1 ins and « nil. mi. Mai .1 m I 1 . 1 ■■ Within the arctic circle. Kent, S. II.. . 448-5 Within the 1 ape . Pyle, Howard. Within the precincts. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) \\ 1 1 ii' 'i 1 .1 . ompass. \ .in Vorst, F. 11. \\ 1 1 11. 'i 1 a lioine. Roe, Rev. E. P. W1111. n 1 blemish. Walworth, Mrs. I. nut R. (Haderman). Wi 1 HOI 1 kith or kin. 1 raik, G. M. WlTHROW, Win. Henry. Canadiat 18 in. 1 he . .M.i I. ol Rome and their testimony relative t" primitive Chris- tianity. V Y., 1874. 12° 4057-9 \\ 1 1 m 1 . 1 heodore B. Wild . abri ... 11 .mil "ii soundin leaver from a private journal. Phila., 1872. 12° 1 Witness of history to Christ. Farrar.F. W. Witness ol the Psalms to Christ ami Chris- tianity. Alexander, W Witnesses from the Just. Fradenburg, Rev. J.N 2212 | W lis .ind beaux "I" society. Thomson, Mrs. K. (1!.) and J. C, Grace and 1'hilip rton, pseud.) 410-964 Witt, Henriette (Guizot) de. Fren daughter of F. /'. o. Gu . iN.m. French country family. N.Y., 1868. 12 . 958A4 Win, I Mai Mon 1 . : unify. V Y.. Only sister. \. Y., 1873. 16 . . . , I ah I'. . 11. .1 12 t - vcntccnth century: 'I".- pil ' Witt, fohn de, yandpensi 11a Holland, 1 . ■ . 1 . . .- 1 . \ . I . i de Witt, t irand pensionai nd ; or, twenty years of .1 parliamentary public. 2 v. 1885 P. R. I rdinal De- Retz, Jean Baptiste Colbert, John 1 Witt, and the Marquis Di I ouvois. \. 2. pp. 77-151 W1111 Luther. if the rmers in foreign lands, pp. 169-185. 2; Witter, < i. F. Livermore, A. A. and others. Anti-to- bacco 19 Child, L. M. Biographies of good : Wi\ 1 ;htei . Gaskell, Mi I . D'S sun. Oliphant. Mrs. M. I I. (W.) Woffington, Margaret, Ir, \ctress,b. 1720- ./. 17110. Doran, J. Th,eir majesties' servants: annals of the English stage. v. 2. pp. 5-I4 782-35 — Matthews, |. |;. and Hutton, I.. actresses, v. 1. pp. 101-121. Won i.kk. Fried rich, German chemist, b. 1800- kof mineral anal) ed. bj il. B. Mason. Phila., 1871. 12 iTT, Oliver, Am. patriot, k. 1726-*/. I >wight, V I . ■ es ol the signers claration of Independence, pp. 4"l • ing, B. I. Biographical sketchi igners. pp. 59-t'2 4'-' 53 ! ii. 1767. Everest, C. W . Connecticut, pp. 1 .;. sketch and poems] S0914-4 v 1777 1S40. Biographical annual. -•11 215 412-21 en. Sir Moses Montefiore: a centennial hy; with selev • from letters and journals. N. V.. 1 : 12 Wolf run. (Cell Elijah. . 531A4? WOLFE. 1384 WOMAN. Wolfe, Jas. G., British general, b. 1727-rt. 1759. Parkman, F. Montcalm and Wolfe 971-67 — Adams, W. H. 1). Memorable bailies in English history, pp. 366-372 9308 J — Children's story book. pp. 152-157. . 410-27 — James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great com- manders, pp. 435-459. . . 4151-3 Mason, J., ed. (ireat triumphs of great men. pp. 47-49 410-7 — Henty, G. A. With Wolfe in Canada: [a romance]. Wolkert's Roost and other papers. Irving, Washington 818-485 Wolff, Christian. Pfleiderer, O. Philoso- phy of religion, pp. 94-108 201-7 WOLFF, Joseph, b. about 1 705-,/. 1862. Nar- rative of a mission to Bokhara, in the years 1843-45 to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly. L., '-46. 8° 4556-9 Adams. W. H. 1). In perils oft. pp. 150-215 4159-14 Wolff, M. P. On the rational alimentation of the laboring classes: a lecture given at the Parker museum of hygiene. I.., 1886. 8= 33683-9 Wolley, Clive Phillipps. Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus. L., 18S1. 8°. 4407-9 Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin, Mary (Wollstonecraft). Wolowski, Lewis Francis Michael Ray- mond, political economist, b. iSio-r/. 1876. Essay on the historical method in polit- ical economy. In Roscher W. Princi- ples of political economy, v. 1. pp. '-+ S 330-8 Wolseley, l.arnet Joseph, viscount, British <;/, //.1833. The army. ///Ward, T. H., ed. Reign of Queen Victoria, v. '■ PP- 155-225 938-9 Huyshe, G. L. Red river expedition. . 97127-4 1 01 bes, A. Souvenirs of some continei PP' '00-115 43 8S- 4 WOLSEY, Thus., Eng. cardinal, b. ltfi-d. 1530. Cavendish, G. Life of cardinal Wolsej : to which is added T. Church- yard's tragedy of Wolsey 963B5 1 ampbell, J. Lord 1 hancellors. v. 1. PP- 365 4M 411-25 Chil tor) 1 k. pp. 54-58. . . . 410-27 .''•'■ Story oi liberty, pp. 210- 221 920-25 I ifty celebrated men. pp, 210 2i<;. . . 410-49 P01 traits "I illustrious per- son 1 1 Bi n. v. 1. pp ' ni-65 on, J., ed. Gn I ol great 1 I" 135 !' Wolsey, Thos., continued. — Williams, F. Lives of the English Car- dinals. V. 2. pp. 246-532 4I42-9 — See also Henry VIII. England, history. WOLSTENHOLME, Elizabeth C. Education of girls. /« Butler, J. E., (,/. Woman's work and woman's culture, pp. 290- 33° 396-25 Woman. Alcott, W. A. Letters to a si-tei ; or, woman's mission. 1850 1937-14 — Alger, W. R. Friendship of women. 1868 396-14 — Ames, A. Sex in industry. 1875. . . . 3965-13 — Ashton, Mts. S. G. Mothers of the Bible. 1866 221 79-1 — Ballou, M. M., ed. Xotable thoughts about women. 1S82 807-15 — Beauty is power. [Same as Defence of women.] 1S71 396-35 — Brown, W". K. Gunethics; or, the eth- ical status of woman. 1887 3969-2 — Browne, P. What girls can do. n. d. . 3965-2 — Burt, M. E. Browning's women. 1887. 189C15 — Butler, J. E., ed. Woman's work and woman's culture. 1869 396-25 — Campbell, H. (S.) Prisoners of poverty: women wage-workers. 1887 3364-3 — Child, L. M. Brief history of the condi- tion of women in various ages and na- tions. 2 v. 1854 396-27 — Church, E. R. Money-making for ladies. 1882 3965-3 — Cobhe, F. P. Duties of women. 1SS1. 1937-3 — Cook, Mrs. E. G. For mother.-, and daughters. 18S4 6129-25 — Craik,D.M.(Mulock). Woman's thoughts about women, i860 396-7 — Croly, J. (C.) Jennie Juniana. 1S64. . 255E2 — Davis, Mrs. R. (II.) Pro aris el focis. 396-3 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Woman's worth and worthlessness. 1872 396-45 Woman's wrongs. 1864 3243-4 — Duhring, J. Gentlefolks and others. 1876 304-33 — Essays in defend- of women. 1 ... 1868. 12 . [Same as Beauty is power.] . . . 396-35 — Famous women. Sei 1 amous women series. — Froiseth, J. A., ed. Women of Mormon- ism. 1882 2982-4 — Fuller, S. M. Women in the 191I1 cen- tury. 1875 396-4 — Fulton, J. D. True woman: to which is added, W an r. Ballot. 1869. . . . 396-41 1 bind. L. (.'o-operaih e comnn n wealth. 1886 338-25 — Harris, I.. Our young ladies. 1886.. . 396-46 1 ligginson, T. W. ' - im mnn ensi ihoul women. 1882 396-47 \\M\1 \\ I WOM \\ 1 1 mas, continued. 1 [ookei , I ■ li. W "i" inh I : its sani ti- i I fidelities. 1S74 196-5 — Jame ion, \ 1 M | 1 ■ . 1875, .) 1 ■ ; [e iup, II. II. Women • trn nig I he A-i ib , [873 fohnson, J. Willing hearts and ready hands. 1869 Lewis, D. Five minute chats with young women, etc. 1874 6129 19 Oui girl . 1871 6129-5 — Linton, E. (L.) Ourselves: a series of in women. 1870 396-55 - LI., II. Hindu women. 1 883 2654-4 — Ludlow, J. M. Woman's work in the 1 hurch. 1866 2719-4 Manson, G. J. Work for women. 1883. 3965-6 Mill, J. s. Subjection ol women. 1870. 396-65 — Modern women and what is said of them. 1868 396-68 — Moore, Mrs. C. J., (Mr-. II. O. Ward, / ud.) Young lady's friend 396-94 — Moulton, L. C. Ourselvi and our neigh- bors: short chats on social topics. 1S87. 396-69 — Packard, Mrs. E. P. W. Modern perse- cution. 2 v. 1875 3622-6 — Penny, V. Five hundred employments adapted to women. 1868 3965-7 — Think and act. 1869 3965-71 — Reaney, Mi,. G. S. < >ui daughters ; t heir lives here and hereafter 396-77 — Reply to John Smart Mill on Subjection of women. 1870 396-66 — Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. I883 1I.S21 - — Sanborn, K. A. Wit of women. 1N85. 817-836 — Southgate, II., ed. What men have said about vomen. 1S6S 807-75 — Sprague, W. B. The excellent woman a-. ribed in the Book of Proverbs. 1851. 2247 8 Starling, E. Noble deeds of women. 1860 ( i ; S — Stevens, A. Women of Methodism. 1S66. 2S; 71 — Storer, II. K. Causation, course and treatment of reflex insanity in women. ' s 7' I73I-S — Upton, G. P. Women in music. 1SS0. 771-9 — Verdi, T. S. Mothers and daughters. . 6129-9 — Wade, 1. Women, past and present. . . 396-92 — Wigley, Mrs. W. II. Workers at home. 640-95 — Willard, F. E. Woman and temperance. 1985-94 Woman in the pulpit 251-95 — Woman vs. Ballot. Bound ~.rith Fulton, J. D. The true woman 396-41 — Woman's mission and woman's influence. Phila., 1S67. 16 396-96 — Woods, C. II. Woman in prison. . . . 365-9 — Woolson, A. L. (G.) Woman in Amer- ican society. 1S73 396-97 U OMAN, 1 . in*! Il.iiuard, II., ,• ; 7-'93- [Same essay.] 9863 7 — Stowe, II. ib), (Christopher Crowtield, pseud.) Chimney comer, pp. 1-122. . 855I : — Tasistn . 1 F. Random shots, and south- ern breezes, pp. 196-210 475~9 Thompson, J. 1'. Man in Genesis and geology, pp. 125-149. V. iiman and the family 573" S 7 WOMAN. - 1386- WONDER. Woman, continued. — Token and Atlantic souvenir 396-9 — See also under Biography, the subdivision ■women, authors, and the biography of various countries. Children. Cos- tume. Education. Etiquette. Girls. Home life. House-keeping. Marriage. Prisons. Sisterhoods. Woman suffrage. Also Biographies of individuals under their names. Woman hater. Reade, Chas. Woman I love. Blagden, J. Woman in spite of herself. Jeaffreson, J. C. Woman in the moone: a drama. Lyly, J. Dramatic works. v. 2. pp. 149-211. 570C2 Woman in white. Collins, W. Wilkie. Woman killed with kindness: a drama. Hey wood, T. In British dramatists, pp. 484-502 8223-2 Woman of business. Savage, M. Woman of honor. Bunner, H. C. Woman our angel. Roe, A. S. Woman question in Europe. Stanton, T., ed. 396-85 Woman suffrage. Beecher, C. E. Woman's profession as mother and educator; with views in opposition to woman's suffrage. 1872 396-2 — Bushnell, H. Woman's suffrage: there- form against nature. 1869 3243-2 — Dodge, M. A., (Gail Hamilton, pseud.) Woman's wrongs: a counter irritant. 1868 3 2 43-4 — Robinson, H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. 1881. . . 3243-7 — Stanton, E. C. and others, cds. History of woman suffrage. 3 v. 1887. . . . 3243-8 — White, C. Ecce femina : an attempt to solve the woman question : being an ex- amination of the arguments in favor of female suffrage by Mill ami others, and a presentation of the arguments against the proposed change in the constitution of society. 1870 3243-9 — White, E. A., (Alex., /•sen,/.) As il should be. 1874 396-95 — Brownson, O. A. Works, v. 18. pp. 380-417 818-27 — Buxton, S. Hand-book to political ques- tions of the day. pp. 49-57 32042-2 — Collins, J. Nature's aristocracy, pp. 298-322 3368-3 1 i>ok,J. Orient, pp. 95-103 265-3 — Phelps, A. My portfolio, pp. 93-104. 204-7 — See also Life of Sarah and Angelina Grimke. Woman the stronger. N. Y., 1879. 12°. ■v to the rescue. Arthur, I Woman who dared. Sargent, Epes. . . . 804C1 Womanhood : its sanctities and fidelities. Hooker, Isabella B 196-5 Woman's experiences in Europe. Wallace, Mrs. E. D 440-925 Woman's first impressions of Europe. Forbes, Mrs. E. A 44°~37 Woman's friendship. Aguilar, Grace. Woman's handiwork in modern homes. Har- rison, C. C 749-55 Woman's inheritance. Douglas, A. M. Woman's kingdom. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Woman's ransom. Robinson, F. W. Woman's reason. Howells, W. D. Woman's talks about India. Brittan, H. G. 454-175 Woman's trials. Hall, Mrs. A. M. (F.) Woman's vengeance. Payn, J. Woman's whims. Saintine, X. B. Woman's wit; or, love's disguises: a drama. Knowles, J. S. Dramatic works, v. 2. PP- 53-' 12 540C3 Woman's word and how she kept it. Town- send, Virginia F. Woman's wrong. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Women artists in all ages and countries. Ellet, Mrs. E. F 4174-3 Women friends of Jesus. McCook, H. C. . 22179-5 Women of England. Ellis, Mrs. S. . . . 396-33 Women of history. Edinburgh, n. d. 12°. 413-97 Women of the American revolution. Ellet, Mrs. E. F 4121-35 Women of the gospels. Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) 222C2 Women of the Orient. Houghton, A'ez>. R. C 45°-44 WOMEN, plumbers and doctors; or, house sanitation. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. . . 628-6 WOMEN'S rights. See Woman suffrage. Won at West Point: a romanceon the Hud- son. Chicago, 1883. 12°. Won by a head. Austin, Alfred. Won by waiting. Bailey, Ada E., (Edna Lyall, pseud.) Wonder days. N. Y., 18S3. 8° 963A5 Wonder book for girls and boys. Haw- thorne, N 2941-46 Wonder clock. Pyle, Howard 381 725 Wonder of women; or, tragedie of Sophon isba. Marston, I. Works, v. 1. pp. 145-215 614C1 Wonder stories of science. B., 1885. 16 . 602 9 Contents. — How Christmas cards arc made, A. B. Harris. — A pair of gloves, by E. E. Dick- ill on. — How newspapers are made, by D. N. Reach. — A visit to a camphor refinery, by L. D. Nichols. — Umbrellas, by M . W fisher. — How fish-hooks are made, by T. Ii. Wilson.— Paul and the comb-makers, by J. L. Bowen. — In the gas works, by M. Emory. — Way he made the fishing-rod, by A. 13. Harris.— Racing a thun- WONDER. - '387- Wondei 1 1 cience, 1 ontinut ./. del 1 "in 1 , I II 1 .iylor. — Auguit'i 'upcri- mcnt, by S 11 ( Samm ] lighthouiet, by M Lo< k w 1 I hn' bool mastei , by M. 1 Ballard 1 ," by A B 1 1 1 1 in. mI--, by M, J. H 1 1 ! : Noes, by A. I; Hum 1 ,i 1 1 , by aignala, by C. A. i gins.— How '.I'M, I-. 1 1 I imuela. Peep into a lace kingdom, by H Morey —A maple 111,,, yVondes t - ol travel. Mc( "i mick, K. and others 4388-9 Wonder stories told to a child. Ann- II. 1 ' 118A28 Wonderful characters, mem , ! 1 , 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ibli in d eccentrii pel in all ages anil COUtltrii II. and Caulfield, J 4138 9 Wonderful citj ol rokio, Greey, 1. 452-44 Wonderful escapes. Bernard, F 365-25 Wonderful inventions. Timbs, J. . . . 609-S Wonderfui lii<-. Smith, Hannah, (Hesba St ict tun, pseud.) 2329-85 Wonderfui London ; its lights and shadows of humor and sadness. I... 1S78. 8°.. 4421-92 Wonderland of work. Mai 1 1 1107-48 Wonders ami curiosities of the railway ; or, stories of the locomol cry land. Kennedy. W. S 6 Wonders of common things. Carey, Annie. 604-2 WONDERS of Lourdes. Seyur, Mgr. I . Ill' 2317-65 Wonders of prayer. Whittle, I >. W., ed. . 244-9 WONDERS of the deep. DeVere, M. Scheie 5985-3 Wonders of the heavens, Flammarion, C. 523-3 Wonders of the human body. LePileur, A. 612-56 Wonders of the invisible world. Mather. Cotton '744 6 Wonders of the moon. Guillemin, A. . . 5233-43 Wonders of the plant world; or, curiosities of vegetable life. I-., 1870. 12°. . . 5804-9 Wonders of the world: comprising man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, tree-, plants, mountains, caves, volcanoes, rivers, cities, remarkable edifices, ruins, antiqui- ties. B., 1873. s ° 507-94 WONTUS; or, the corps of observation. Run- kel, W. M. . Alphonso, Am. botanist, /<. iSio-c 11:111. i' nclc .iixl prim iplea ol govi rnmenl , or, the rise and fall ol nation , with the 1 nited States .c 1 he repr< ental \\ <■ go> '-1 nm of the world. N. Y., 1871. 8°. . . . 3207-95 Woodland Grange. Howitti Wm. Wi 11 'i 11 1 d I li Stinde, Julius. \V man, ( has. II. Boys and girls 1 revolution. Phila., 1877. 12". . . . 966 V2 tie youtl vcnty-six, -The in 11 martyr.- Boyi in tl massacre.— I he 1 1 Starl 1 hi c/ou it W en Indian.— Little Burr. Voluntc 1 tQuebei I'.cau- tiinl ■ py Alltel ol the house. Dove's nest in the lion's den.— The little black-eyed rebel.— How the cattle were saved. — A hero in pina- fores. —Maids of I'M 1 < Iriswold. — Anecdotes. Woodman, M. S. Choice receipl B., 1875. 12° 641-93 Woodman, The. James, <■■ P. R. Woodroffe, W. L. Parton, J., ed. Princes, authors and statesmen, pp. 2 57-241. . 410-83 Woodruff, Hiram, Am. horse trainer, b. 1817-1/. 1867. Trotting horse of Amer- ica: how to train him; with reminis- 1 en< es of the trotting turf: eel. by Chas. J. Foster; including an introductory no- lice by George Wilkes, and .1 biograph- ical skill li In the editor. Phila., 1874. 12° 63»5-95 Woodruff, J. I.. M. Holden with the cords. N. Y., 1877. 12 . — Shiloh; or, without and within. N. V., 1875. I2 °- Woods, Caroline II. Diary of a milliner. N. V., 1S67. 16°. — Woman in prison. V V., 1S69. 16 . . 365-9 WOODS, Chas. Robert, Am. colonel, b. 1S27- . 1838. Geo. Eliot and her heroines: a study. N. Y., 1S86. 12° 314B9 — Woman in American society. B., 1873. 12° 396-97 — ed. Dress reform : a series of lectures de- livered in Boston, on dress as it affects the health of women. B., 1874. 12°. 3912-9 Contents. — Lectures; by Mary J. Saffbrd- Blake, M. D., Caroline E. Hastings. M. D., Mercy B. Jackson, M. D., Arvilla B. Haynes, M. D., Abba Goold Woolson. — Appendix. — In- dex to topics. Woolson, Constance Fenimore, Am. writer, b. 1848. Anne. N. Y., 1882. 16°. — Castle Nowhere: lake-country sketches. B., 1875. >2°- Contents. — Castle Nowhere. — Peter the par- son. — Jeannette. — The old agency. — Misery landing. — Solomon. — Wilhelmina. — St. Clair fiats. — The lady of Little Fishing. — East angels. N. Y., 1S86. 16°. — For the major. N. V., 1882. 12°. — (Anne March, pseud.) Old stone house. B., 1873. 1 6° 967A2 — Rodman the keeper: southern sketches. N. Y., 1880. 12°. Contents. — Rodman the keeper. — Sister St. Luke. — Miss Elizabetha. — Old Gardiston. — The South devil. — In the cotton country. — Felipa. — "Bro."— King David.— Up in the Blue Ridge. — Two women, 1S62: a poem. N. Y., 1885. 12° 965C1 Wooster, David, Am. general, b. 1710-d. 1777. Ileadley, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2. pp. 323-324. . . . 4121-46 WORBOISE, Emma Jane. Lillingstones of Lillingstone. N. Y., 1872. 12°. Wori ESTER, Marquis of. See Somerset, E. Worcester, Noah, Am. Congregational clergy- man, b. 1758-*/. 1837. Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoemakers. pp. 271-274 4169-95 Worcester letter writer, and book of busi- ness forms. N. Y. 16° 807-9 WoRD-building. Haldeman, S. S 112-4 WORD (A), only a word. Ebers, Geo. WORD studies in the New Testament. Yin- cent, M. R 2267-9 WORDEN, John Lorimer, Am. naval officer, b. 181S. Ileadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, pp. 512-522. . 4122-39 Words. Book of Bible words. L.,n. d. 16°. 2205-3 — Haldeman, S. S. Word-building. 1881. 112-4 Hand-book of the engrafted words of the English language 112-42 — Johnson, A. B. Meaning of words. 1862. 101-5 Loaring, II. J. Selection of common sayings, words and customs, n. d. . . 380-5 Mathews, \\ . Words; their use and abuse. 1880 1 10-63 WORDS. — 139' \\(»l III Word , ontinut I. Roget, P. N. I In- mi " ol i word i, 1854 ■ '4^7 Sandei -, < . W. and McElligolt, I. N. \n.ii of English words. 1878. ... 115-8 Swinton, W. Rambles a ng • 1858 no-8 — Trench, R. C. < In the sin 1 .. 1856 110-89 — White, R. G. Words and their uses. . . 110-9 Bai bauld, A. I.. I ale >, poems and e pp.61 63. Lecture on the u ol ords. 828 16 — Maurice, 1 I >. Friendship of books and 1 lectures, pp. 33-60 804-6 — 5Sn ■'■■• Language. Dictionaries. I'-ng- lish language. I rem h i inguage. 1 1 man language. Words and places; or, etymological illustra- tions of history, ethnology and geog- raphy. Taylor, 1 4194-8 WORDS of cheer. Arthur, T. s. WORDS of Christ as principles of personal and social growth. Ba 1 1 2272-2 \\ OH D ! thai ihook the world; or, Martin Luther his own biographer. Adams, C. 592IS1 Wordsworth, ('has., bishop of Lincoln. Church history to the Council of Nic 1 a, 325. N. Y., 18S1. 12 2701-9 — Shakespeare's knowledge ami use of tin- Bible ; with appendix of additional illus- trations and tercentenary sermon. L., 1880. 12° 82368-9 — On the interpretation of Scripture, hi Replies to Essays and reviews. pp. 350-424 204-29 Wordsworth, Dorothy, sister of Wm. Words- th. Recollections of a tour made in Scotland. 1803: edited by J. C. Shairp. N. V.. 1S7 1. 12 ).|i 9 — Lee, E. Dorothy Wordsworth: the story of a sister's love 968B2 Wordsworth, Mrs. Mary (Hutchinson), of Wm. Wordsworth. Martineau, II. Biographical sketches, pp. 86-92. 4104-62 Wordsworth, Wm., Eng. poet, 6. 1770-d. 1850. Poetical works, with a sketch of his life. 7v. I!., 1854. 12 968C1 Contents, v.x. Sketch of Wordsworth's life. — Poems written in youth. — Poems referring to the period of childhood. — Poems founded on the lions. \ -\ Poems on the naming of places. — Poems of the fancy.— Poems of the imagination.— Mis* cellancous sonnets.- Notes. \ Memorials of a tour in Scotland in 1803. —Memorials of a tour in Scotland, 1814 Poems dedicated to national independence and liberty. — Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820. — ur in lt.ily. 1S37. — The river Duddon.— Varrow revisited and other poems. v. 4. The White Doe of Kylstone— Ecclesi- astical sonnets.— Evening voluntaries. — Poems, Wordsworth, Wm., continued. v. '. M referring 1 < and ■ Appendix, face . v 7 The prelude; or, growth <-f mind, .- v. iii 1. I ,eip- 1 16° Hudson, H.N. Studies in Wordsworth, etc '•' Knight. \\ '., <i\, L I us: living and dead. pp. 1 ; 10 4'°-4 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with autl \\ 260 4'8-4 Giles, II. Illustrations of genius, pp. 239-266 wold, II. T. Home life of . authors, pp. 43- 53 4'S-45 — Hah . i uries. pp. 449-400 410-536 Ila/litt, W. Miscellaneous works. \.$- pp. !23-»33 Howitt, W. 1 f the British poets, v. 2. pp. 295-333. . . 41s.! 4 — Jaco m all quarters, pp. 296-311 Jerdan, W. Men 1 have known, pp. 474-4S0 -■ 1 '. W< (RDSWORTH. 1392 WORSAAE. Wordsworth, Wm., continued. — Johnson, C. F. Three Englishmen and three Americans, pp. I 40 804-53 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, pp. 201-251 5S8E1 Democracy and other addresses, pp. ■35-15° 58SE2 — Macdonald, G. The imagination and other essays, pp. 245-263 605E5 Mason, E. T., ed. Personal traits of British authors, v. 2. pp. 3-54. . . . 41S2-56 - M^sson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays, pp. 1-74 804-59 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. v. 2. pp. 199-231 821-78 — Robertson, F. W. Life, letters, lectures and addresses, pp. 805-824 790B32 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry, pp. 270-322 8031-8 Studies in poetry and philosophy, pp. 1-89 819B4 — Talfourd, T. N. Writings, pp. 47-59. 870E2 - Ward, T. H., ed. English poets, v. 4. PP- I-I5 8092-9 - Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 1. pp. 222-266 946E5 - Literature and life. pp. 253-302. . . 946E61 Work. See Labor and capital. Work: a lecture. Ruskin, J. Crown of wild olive, pp. 3-43 3°4~7 Work. Alcott, Louisa M 114A8 Work and play ; or, literary varieties. Bushnell, Horace 197E4 Work and wages. Howitt, Mary (B.) . . 492A37 Work and wages practically" illustrated. Brassey, Thos 336-2 Work in the Wynds. Maccoll, D 2641-5 Work, play and profit; or, gardening for young folks. Hyde, Anna M 635-44 WORKDAY Christianity ; or, the gospel in the trades. Clark, A 241-24 Workers at home. Wigley, Mrs. W. II. . 640-95 WORKING and burgher classes. Cassagnac, A. G. 'If 336S-25 WORKING man's way in the world. Smith, C. M 834B1 Working men's homes. Hale, V.. E. and " tl,crs 3371-4 WORKING people and their employers. Gladden, Rev. Washington 3361-5 WORKING to win. Symington, Charlotte, (M. Symington, pseud.) WORKMAN and the franchise: chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people. Maurice, ''• " 32442-6 Work 1 ualof engineering drawing. Maxton, John 744-6 W01 ! liances. Shelley, ('. P. P.. . 6219-7 Workshop receipts. Spon, E 603-7 World, (The). Moore, E. and Dodsley, R., ed. British essayists, v. 22-24. • • • 184E1 World, The; or, first lessons in astronomy and geology. Smith, H. L 507-8 WoRLD-priest. Schefer, L 8318-8 WORLD and the Logos. Thompson, H. M. 239S-8 World as will and idea. Schopenhauer, A. 163-82 World at home. Kirby, M. andE. . . . 4204-54 World before the deluge. Figuier, Louis. 551-45 World life; or, comparative geology. Win- chell, Alex 5501-91 World of anecdote. Hood, E. P 8077-44 World of London. Adam, Mine. Edmond, {Count Paul Vasili, pseud.) World of moral and religious anecdote. Hood, E. P 253-4 World of wonders ; or, marvels in animate and inanimate nature. N. Y., 1881. 8°. 507-95 World on wheels. Taylor, B. F 876E5 World to blame. Phillips, W. H. World under glass. Griffin, F 437C4 World we live in; or, first lessons in phys- ical geography. Ansted, D. T 551-14 Worlds. Whewell, W. Plurality of worlds. 52313-9 World's birthday. Gaussen, L 213-34 World's checker book. Barker, W. R. and C. F 790-2 World's foundations ; or, geology for begin- ners. Giberne, A 55°-4 World's laconics ; or, the best thoughts of the best authors. Edwards, T., ed. . . 807-36 World's paradises; or, sketches of life, scenery and climate in noted sanitaria. Benjamin, S. G. W 439-17 World's progress : a dictionary of dates. Putnam, G. P., ed. 9°7~7 World's testimony to Jesus Christ ; or, the power of Christianity in developing modern civilization. Williams, John. 2576-92 World's verdict. Hopkins, Mark, jr. World's ways: lays of life and labour. Edinburgh, n. d. 12 809-98 WORMELL, Richard. Magnetism and elec- tricity. L., n. d. 12° 537~9 6 Worms. Darwin, C. Formation of vegeta- ble mould, through the action of worms S95I-3 Wornum, Ralph Nicholson, Eng. painter, b. 1S12. Analysis of ornament ; character- istics of styles; an introduction to the Study of the history of ornamental art. I.., 1869. 8° 745-9 Epochs of painting 1 haracterized : a sketch of the history of painting, ancient and modern. L., 1847. 24° 759-9 WORSAAE, Jens Jacob Asmussen, Danish an- tiquary, /'. 1S21. Pre-history of the North: based on contemporary inemor- WORS \ \K ■.Ill i |en I. A., continued. ii . bj H. I Moi land Sim| with .1 in iel menu •■ ■ ol l he aul hoi . I .., 1886. 12° f Worshii'. Paterson, I. Libert) of ihe pn 1 peech and public woi hi] I mei ion, R. W, Ci mdui I ol lifi pp. 191-2.50 ( iladstone, W. E. I law nof en ol worship. In Order of en 11 ion. pp. 5-42 Wof Mi' >" '1 "in 1 ure. Mc Laren, W, B Spinning woollen ami worsted I \\'ii, 111. Win. fenkins, Am.genetat, 1 (/. 1849. Glazier, W. Her*oes of three ' wars. pp. 203-208 11a Worth winning. Cameron, II. Lovett. WoRTHEN, Win. Ezra, Am. civil ngin r, 1819, < yclopedia of drawing. N". Y., "857- 4° 744-95 w 1: inn - of All Souls. Burrows, Montagu. 37842-22 Worthington's annual. N. Y., 1884. 8°. 967AS WoRTLEY, Lady Emmeline Stuart. Travel in the United States, [849 50. N. V"., 1855. 12 1 Wotton, ' Henry, Eng. diplomatist and writer, b. 1568 .''. 1639. I odge. I . Portraits of illustrious personages of Croat Britain, \ . 4. pp. 27-40 411 65 — Remarkable nun. pp. 1-10 410-S8 Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age 1 Elizabeth, pp. 243-246 WoTTON, Wtn., Et "uin and scholar, /k 1666 1/. 1726. Bui kley, T. A. Dawn- ings of genius, pp. 131-1311 410-2 — Thoughts on the immortalit) of the soul [ami] < in the Pharisees and Sadducees. In Chalmei -. \.. d. Bi itish essaj v. 14. pp. 207-214 184E1 Wot VEH M IN, Philip, Dutch painter, />. 1620- . 1 838. Divine authority of the Bible. B., 1884. 12 2202-97 — Glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Cleveland, 1884. 8°. . . 55132-9 — Inquiry concerning the relation of death to probation. B., 1882. 16° 2376-9 — Studies in science and religion. Andover, 1882. 12° 215-98 Wright, Geo. H. Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observations of men and events. pp. 266-289 532B1 Wright, Hendrick Bradley, Am. lawyer, b. l8o8- omi a. Phila., [869 ,6 ° 97.SA38 — Nothing to drink. N. Y., 1883. 16 975A4 Wright, Mrs. Julia (McNair), continue,!. — Oath-keeper of Forano : a tale of Italy and her evangel. Phila., 1876/ 12°. — Ohio ark, and where it floated. Phila., 1869. 16° 975A42 — Priest and nun. Phila., 1869. 12 . — Westward : a tale of emigrant life. Pin la., 1870. 16 975A48 r Wife hard won. Phila., 1S84. 12°. Wright, L. Practical poultry-keeper: a complete and standard guide to the man- agement of poultry. X. X ., n. d. 16°. 638-95 Wright, Lewis. Light : a course of experi- mental optics chiefly with the lantern. L., 1882. 12°. „ 535-96 Wright, Maria. Happy village and how it became so. L., n. d. 16° 976A4 Wright, Nathan, Eng. judge, b. 1653-^. 1721. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 4. pp. 207-219 411-25 Wright, Patience. Ellet, E. F. Women artists of all ages. pp. 1S2-186. . . . 4174-3 — Howe, H. Adventures and achievements of Americans, pp. 623-627 412-55 Wright, R. J. Principia ; or, basis of so- cial science : being a survey of the sub- ject from the moral and theological, yet liberal and progressive standpoint. Phila., 1876. 8° 301-94 Wright, Robert. Memoir of Gen. Jas. Oglethorpe, one of the earliest reform- ers of prison discipline in- England, and the founder of Georgia in America. L., 1867. 12° 695B5 Wright, Sir Robert, Eng. judge, b. 16S7. Campbell, J. Chief justices of England. chap. 22 411-24 Wright, Robert Wm., Am. author, b. 1816- d. 1885. Life, its true genesis. N. Y., 1880. 12° 576-95 Wright, Saul. Surf: a slimmer pilgrim- age. N. V., 1SS1. 12° 475-96 Wright, Silas, Am, statesman, b. 1795-^. 1847. Jenkins, J. S. Life of Silas Wright 975B2 Wright, Thos., Eng. antiquary, b. 1810-0'. 1877. Caricature history of the ( ieorges. 1 --. "• d. 12° 937-95 — Celt, the Roman and the Saxon : a his- tory of the early inhabitants of Britain. Phila., 1875. 12° 406-9 — Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions and his- tory of England in the middle ages. 2 v. L., 1846. 8° 9306-9 Contents. — v. 1. Anglo-Saxon poetry. — An- glo-Norman poetry. — Chansons d«- (Jcsie; or, historical romances of the middle ages. — Pro- verhs and popular sayings. — Anglo-Latin poets of the nth century. — Ahelard And the s, liolas- \\ RICH I — 139 \\\.\\ I Wriuh i , Tho i. , i ontinued. tic phtl Dr. G ' i holo li I,.. i i.nr y in j i h >l".; y of England On p i ■ Gr< cce. v .• i i : . i i' i . . elves.— Dun lop History of fiction Hiitoi ici. — 1 he p icl ry ol btsi rj tdvcni ri ol i Icre- ward the Saxon Storj I I u I ce I he monk. — Histoi i i 1 1 i . ■ rim Populai cy cli ol i he R ■ bin Ha d ba la I f In land by tin Vi [lo-N rmani Old I litii a] tonga S< ol tiah poel I ► unbar - Histoi ■ of i ricatun tnd the gi otesque in literature and art. I-., 1864. 8°. . 8027-9 — Histoi y of 1 rani e. 4 v. I . 4''. . . . 94 : "' Contents, v 1. Bar! 1643.— v. a, 1643-1799.— v. 3. 1799-1871. — v- 4. 1870-71 , war with Gei 1 Will inn-. — t «>m erning the unknown public. In 1 -..in, r. M., Studies in literature. pp. 2^0-267 804-3 — ed. Early Lravels in Palestine. 1-., 1S5S. ' 458-97 -I rav- els of bishop Arculf, towards 700 Willibald ■-.— Voyage of Bernard the ■ i . 667.— Travels of Saewulf, 1102-1103. — Saga of Si 1 107 1 1 1 1 Travels "I R.ihlji Benjamin, of Tudela, 1160-1173. — Book I 1 lundeville, 1322-1356. — Travels of Bi rti indi la l.rocquicrc, 1432-1433. — F Henrj Maundrell, 1697. \ ision and creed ol Piei PI' ughman, from a contemporary manuscript; with .1 historical introduction, notes and a glossary. 2 v. L., 1S56. 12 . . . . Sjii; 9 Wright, Thos., (The Journeyman 1 ngineer, pseud.), l-ii;. writer. Our new masti 1., 1873. S° 3361-S \\ Kb. 11 1 , I ho Lee, I 1 .. in, ' . 1825. [nebriism : .1 pathological and psycho- logical study. Columbus, 1885. 12 . 19S1-9 Wright, Velma. Sewing schools. In How II ml cam. pp. 129-181. . . . 0/I9-4 IT, W. W. 1 ion'-: by a stroller in ipe. N. Y . 1S57. 12° 440-97 WRIGHT, Wm. Empire of the Ilittiles; wiili decipherment of Hittite inscrip- tions, l>y A. II. Sayce, a Hittite map bj Chas. Wilson and Capt. Conder, and a con 1 of Hittite inscriptions, rev. l.y W. II. Rylands. I .. 1884. 8 . 9174 8 Ancient Canaanite religion. //; Non- biblical systems of religion, pp. 54-68. Wright, Wm., Irish-Am. journalist, 6. 1S24 ,;'. iSt)0. Oil region^ oi Pennsylvania, sho« mg « here petn mnd, how it is obtained, and what it costs. X. Y., 1865. 12 r Wright, Wm. Bull, Am. author, f>. iS40-out 1573-rf. 1624. Lodge, E. 1 traits of illustrious pi 1 "eat Britai pp. 135 165 41 1 - 5 Wriothi 51 ey, Rachel, Lady Russell. 1 E, Portraits of illti in. v. 7. pp. 89-95. • • ■ 4"-65 i pbell, J. Lord . han. ell us. v. 1. pp. 511-529. . . 411 25 imp- Ion, . 1503- vith a memoir. B . 1854. >- 983C2 ed, with memoir by Robert Bell. L. 16 983C1 WYATT, Captain W. I. Hungarian celeb- rities. L., 1871. B 41043-9 W'YATT. 1396 — WYOMING. Wyatt, Captain W. J., continued. Contents.— Mystic history-— The Huns.— Ar- pad. — Stephen.— John Hunyady. — Rakoczy II. — Tokolyi. — Geo. Klimo. — Statesmen of the present day : Ileak, Miko, Eotvos, Festetitcs, Lonyay, Andrassy, Horvath, Emperor-king of A ustro-Hungary. — E. Szilagyi. — A.Bornemisza. II Zrinyi.— C. Rozgonyi. — C. Szekely. — A. ..y — Maria Theresa. — The present Em- press-queen of Austro-Hungary. WYCH Hazel. Warner. Susan. Wyi hlki.y, Wm., Eng. dramatist, l>. about 1640-'/. 1 71 5. Selections. /r/Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists, pp. 67- 82 S22-26 — Campbell, T. a/2(/oihers. Lives ol British dramatists, v. 2. pp. 349-367. . . . 41822-3 Wyckoff, Wm. Cornelius, Am. journalist, b. 1832-1/. 188S. Silk goods of America: a brief account of the recent improve- ments ami advances of silk manufacture in the United States. N. Y., 1879. S°. 6773-9 Wycliffe, Wiclif or Wiekliff, John de, Eng. reformer, />. a/tout 1324-*/. 13S4. St. John'sGospel. /«Tauchnitz, B., ed. Five centuries of English language and literature, pp. I-5S 8209-86 — Holt, E. S. John tie Wycliffe, the first of the reformers, and what he did for England 986B3 — Vaughan, R. The life and opinions of John de Wycliffe 986B5 — Wilson, J. L. John Wycliffe 986B6 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty, pp. 30- 54 920-25 — Gilliat, E. Champions of the right, pp. 120-142 4104-4 — Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yester- day, pp. 23-44 4 '43-4 — Hodgson, W. Reformers and martyrs [not] of the Lutheran reformation, pp. 30-105 4U3-44 — Loserth, J. Wiclif ami litis 4143-5 — Men who have made themselves. pp. 206-215 410-757 — Milni.in. II. II. History of Latin Chris- tianity, v. 7. pp. 346-403 2821-5 — Smith, J. M. Stars "i the reformation. pp 1 — 1 7 2706-72 — Tayli r, C. B. M ials ol the I Hgli -li martyrs, pp. 40-52 2726 8 -Williams, W. R. Eras and characteris- tics of history. |>p. lit) 137 902-9 111M . ["he. Mac! ty, M> ■ ' 'ol. Wye river. England. Has ard, J. R. '■. I'm I, .-. il I I.OI pilgl 11.1.1:4c. pp. 133 I55. ).| 2 | I Wykeiiam. Set William 0/ Wykiham. Wvti'i. Katherine. An ill-regulated mind. X. V., 1885. [6 Wyles, Den j . Instructions for beginners in photography; with a preface by J. Harris Stone. L., 1885. 12 769-97 Wylie, Isabella. Ellet, E. F. Women of the American revolution. pp. 284- 289 4'2i-35 WYLIE, Jas. Aitkeii. LL. D. Awakening of Italy, and the crisis of Rome. X. V., [1866]. 12° 2745-9 — Daybreak in Spain ; or, sketches of Spain, and its new reformation: a tour of two months. L., n. d. 12° 2746-9 — Journey over the region of fulfilled proph- ecy. X. V., 1848. 24 . Bound with Old Humphrey's walks in London. . . 4421-55 WYLLIE, Robert Crichton, Hawaiian states- man, b. 1798-1/. 1865. Hopkins, M. Hawaii, pp. 497-512 99969-4 WYMAN, Lillie Chace. Poverty grass. 1!., 1S86. 12°. Contents. — Hester's dower. — Saint or sinner. — Luke Gardiner's love. — The child of the state. — "A stranger, yet at home." — And Joe. — Bridget's story. — Valentine's chance. Wyman, Morrill, Am. physician, b. 1S12. Au- tumnal catarrh (hay fever). X. V., 1872. 8° 61649-9 Wyncote. Erskine, Mrs. Thos. WYNDHAM-Quin. See Quin, W. T. Wynd- ham-. Wvnendai.k, battle, 1708. Low, C. R. Great battles of the British army. pp. 1 14-117 93 oS "4 WYNKOOP, Richard. Clearance and entrance of vessels in the United States of Ameri- ca. N. Y., 1882. 8° 3476-9 Wynn, Charlotte Williams-. Memorials of Charlotte Williams- Wynn : ed. by her sister. L., 1S77. 12 987B2 WYNNE, E. Strong to suffer: a story of the Jews. L., ISS6. 12°. WYNTER, Andrew. Our social bees; or, pictures of town and country life, and other papers. 2 v. I.., 1865-66. 12°. 304-9 Subtle brains and lissom fingers: being some of the chisel marks of our indus- trial and scientific progress. L., 1864. 12° 304-91 Wyoming, Pa. Peck, G. Wyoming; its history, stirring incidents ami romantic adventures. 186.S 98285 7 Wyoming /' ritory. Carrington, Mrs. M. |. Ab-sa-ra-ka, home of the crows, n. t. p 4787 25 Murphy, J. M. Rambles in northwestern Amen. .1. 1879 458 65 Brockett, L. P. Our western empire, pp. 1213 1220 478-19 McKnight, C. Our western border, pp. 625-683, Massacre of Wyoming. . . . 98; 59 U YSK. - ' VALE W . .1 , I I Eng. writ • , about li 1862. F 1 1111 1 . 1 .. II. oi of thi PP. -!V S -">i Ri dding, C. Pi e rut men. v. 1. pp. 1 i~ |ii WVTHE, Geo., ./"/. patriot, b. 1726 d < Dwight, N. Live of the 1 ii 1 ! on oi [ni Eependem e. pp. 270 * ■ " " 1 1 1 ling, B. J. Bi ;rapl the signers, pp. 162-165 1 1 WVTHE, |. II . /";/ . / i in, b. l822. I plant life. V V., 1 ■ Mici 1 and compendium "f thi ■cieni ,, biology, patholog- ical hi I 1 . 11 v 11, [ohn 1 1 ugh. Siran| man antiquitie ■•! the 1 ity of 1 1 X Xanihian marbles. Fellows, C. Travels, etc., in Am Minor. |.|>. 421 456. . . . 457-35 Xavii k, .sv. Francis. See Francis Xavier. Xenie's inheritance. Ourand, A. M. C. (II. 1, (Henrj Greville, p ud.) XENOPHANES, Greek philosopher and /- II' »N, continued. tory ; tr. by J. S. Watson, and II. Dale. I 1S59. 12 . Same, 1880 8884-8 — Minor works: ir. with notes, by J. S. Wat- I... 1S57. 12° 8884-9 Contents. — Eulogy of Egesilaul.— Micro, a dialogue on royally ' I -1 onomicus, on the man- t rmand household. — The ban- i —Apology of Socrates.— On the Laccda.-- 1 in the Athenian govern- merit.— On improving the revenues of Athens. — On horsemanship. — Hipparchicus; or, the duties of a comm.i '' r y — On hunting ._;mcnts of lei — Grant, A. Xenophon 8S84-4 — Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies, pp. 108-140 4101-96 [, the great, king of Persia. Al J. History of Xerxes the Great. . . . 989B1 Y Yachts ami yachting. Benjamin, S. G. W. Sea spi ay ; or, facts and fam yachtsman. 1887 794~ 2 Bla< kw I. F. T. II. I .etters fi om high latitudes: voyage in the schooner it "1 oam," in 1S56 49S-15 Bowles, I'. (i. Flotsam and Jetsam: a yachtsman's experience al sea and ashore. 18S3 4405-2 Buchanan, K. Land ol I orne. 1871. . 44117 3 Coffin, K. I ■'. America's cup ; how it was h on by the yat hi " Vim rica' in 1 - 1 and has since been defended [885. Hepworth, G. H. Starboard and port. 1876 )• k 11 ight, I ■'.. 1 . Cruise of the "i *v, 1884 »8o 1, 1 I anion t, I. Yachting in ihe Arctic seas. '• s 7" 198-57 Mi Quade, J. Ci uise ol the "Mi intauk." 1885 Y ICHTS and yachting, continued. - ■ Robinson, C. E. Cruise of the "Wid- geon." n. t. p 44°5-7 — Rothrock, J. T. Vacation cruising in P cake and Delaware bays. 1884. 475-b - - Victoria, •■■< n ' England. Leaves from the journal of our life in the High- lands 916B3 — See also Boats and Voyages. begee surn iik (ihazee, Toorkoman ivm. Boulger, D. C. Central As portraits, pp. 100-11S | YA1 1 college, A . Conn. I I.. II. Four years at Yale. 1S71. . . 37S746-2 Dexter, F. B. Sketch of the history of Yale university. 1887 Iiwiglit, T. Decisions of questions ed by the senior class in Yale col- lege, in 1S13 and 1S14 I ife of Benj. Silliman. YALE. — i39*> — YOKOHAMA. Yale lectures on preaching. See H. W. Beecher. Phillips Brooks. John Hall. »~ W. M. Taylor. . YAMOYDEN: a tale of the wars of King Philip: a poem. Sands, R. C. Writ- ings, pp. 161-522 818-78 Yancey, Wm. Lowndes, Am. politician, />. 1814-r/. 1S63. Perry, B. F. Reminis- cences of public men. pp-313-317-. ■ 412-75 Yankee girls in Zululand. Sheldon, L. V. 4683-8 Yankee in Canada; with anti-slavery and reform papers. Thoreau, H. D. . . . 885E7 Yardley, Mrs. — . Little sister. I!., 1882. 1 6°. [No name series.] — Superior woman. B., 1885. 16°. [No name series.] Yarranton, Andrew, Eng. mechanician, b. i6l6-. i S 1 2. History ol thi British navy, ; '. . I , 1866. 8 •) . Contents.— v. 1 . • [797 I 1 I I ife "I Mai ie Antoinette, qu 1 1 1 .nice. V \ ., 1876. 8° 1 Im 11 nglish literature, N. N .. l88l. 12° 820-98 — 'I lii 1 , 1 ni 111 ie . of model n histoi V V., 1S72. 12° Vonge, Charlotte Wary, / ng. author, h. 1823 M'i'i 1 1 h hi. Ii ; or, self-control and self- conceit, [and] Mysterj ..f the cavern. L., 1872. p. \i im mrei ' prenl ices. \. Y ., [884. 12°. — Aunt Charlotl of Fn nch his- tory for the little ones. I... 1.S75. 16 . .mi 97 Vunt Charlotte's stories of Greek historj foi the little one I ., iSSo. 16°. . . 918-981 — Beechcroft. N. Y., 1S72. 12 . — Hen Sylvester's word. I.., 1876. [6°. . 990A3 — Booh of golden deeds of nil limes and all lands. Cambridge, Eng., 1S65. 16 . 903-94 Conttnti Whal i 1 ' n lecd ?— Storicsot Alcestis and Amu;, ii-:— Cup .if water. How one man has saved a host. — PassofThermop; — Rock of the Capitol —Two friend 1 — Devotion of the Decii Brave brethren of Judah. — Chief of the Arverni. — Withstanding the monarch in his wrath I in the Colisseum Shepherd girl of Nan- tcrrc. — Leo the slave. — Battle of the Hlack- watcr.— Guzman el Bueno., — Faithful till death. What is Letter tli. in 5! m Keys of Calais, --Hattlc of Sempach.— Constant prince. — Carnival of Perth.— Crown en, — George the triller. — Sir Thomas Morc's daugh- ter. — Under Ivan the terrible. — Fort St. Elmo. — The voluntary convict. — Housewives of Low- enburg.— Fathers and sons— Soldiers in the snow. — Gunpowder perils. — Heroes of the plague. — Second of September.— The Vendeens. ithfnl slaves of Hayti Petitioners for pardon. — Children of Blentarn Ghyll -Agos- tinaofZaragi I 1 u \ ivo.— The mad dog. Month yon prizes. — Loss of the Drake and the Magpie. — Fever of Osmotherly. — Chicftainess and the volcano — I 'is ipline. — The rescuers. — rescui parly.— Children in the wood of the fir South. — Hook of worthies, gathered from the old histories. I .. 1S69. 16 4101-96 Contents.- ] shua David H- tot \\ tides. — Nebemi.ili \. n phon — Kpaminondas. — Alexander. — Marcus Curius Dentatus. — Clcomcncs Scipio \lricanus. — Judas Macca- li.ms. — Julius Ca Burnt out. 1 . 1880. 16° 911.. \,, — Caged li.ni. N. . . 1S71. 12°. — Cameos from English history. 5 v. 1., '879-Sj 930-97 1. From Rollo t.. Edward U. 2. Wats in France. 3. Wars of the roses. I A- 5. England and S| 1 . ( I. 1 I 1 . 1 ■ n <>f the faintly. I87I. 12°. I ' 1; N. Y., I87I. Ii . 2 V. ; I 10 . Dove in the eagle's nest. N.Y., 1874. 12 . evor terrace; or, the elixir of life. N. Y., 1857. ' I 1 . ■ . 1 ] 1 1 16°. 990A45 — Hannah More. B., 1888. women -eries] I III irtsease ; or, the brother's wife. 2 v. X. V., 1867. 12°. — Hei lyffe. N. V. 12°. _ Historj ..1 I ranee. N. V., 1882. 1 [History primers series] 944-98 II pes and fears lies from the life of a spinster. 2 v. N. Y., 1861. 12 . — Kenneth; or, the rear guard of the grand army. N. V., 1881. 16°. — Lad} Hester; or, Ursula's narrative. I... 1S74. 12°. 1 i. N. Y., 1856. i6 c . 990A5 I andmarks of history. 3 part-. N. V., I 70. 12°. pt. I. Ancient hisl 1 the earliest times to the Mahom- etan conquest : 1 I I.. Chase. . . 910-98 pi. 2. Middle ages: ed. by E. I . Chase 921-95 pt. 3. Modern history from the liegin- ning of the reformation to our own . 92 — Lanolcv . 1872. 16 . . . . 990A6 — Life of John C itteson, m ary bishop of the Melanesian islands. 2 v. L., 1874. 8°. Same, 1S7S. . . . 71SB2 — Little ilnke: Richard the fearless. 1 .. [883. 12° ■ — Little I ucy's wonderful globe. 1 .. 1881. 12° 4207-98 — Little rick-burners. L., 1886. 16 . . . 990A68 anil life: an old story in iSth cen- tury costume. N. V.. 1880. 12 ■ \l tgnum bon am; >r, mother 1 brood. L.. 1SS0. 12°. — Modern Telemachus. I . i ss 1; — Musings over the "Christian Year'' and "Lyra innocent ium"; together with a few gleanings ..f recollections of the Rev. John Kehle, gathered by several friends. N. Y.. 1871. 10° 26034-0 YONGE. — 1400 — YOU. Vonge, Charlotte M., continued, — My young Alcides: a faded photograph. N. V., 1876. 12°. — New ground. L., 1871. ' 16° 990A7 — Nuttie's father. L., 1885. 12 . — Pigeon pie: a tale of Roundhead times. B., 1887. 12 990A75 — Pillars of the house ; or, under Wode un- der Rode. 2 v. L., 1874. 12°. — Pioneers and founders ; or, recent work- ers in the mission field. I.., n. d. 12°. 4149-98 Contents. — John Eliot. — David Brainerd. — Christian Friedrich Schwartz. — Henry Mar- tyn. — William Carey and Joshua Marshman. — The Judson family. — The Bishopric of Calcutta : Thomas Middleton, Reginald Heber, Daniel Wilson. — Samuel Marsden. — John Williams. — Allen Gardiner. — Charles Frederick Mack- enzie. — Prince and the page. n. t. p. 16 . [Dan- vers papers]. — P's and Q's: or, the question of putting upon. n. t. p. 16 990A85 — Pupils of St. John the Divine. L., n. d. 12° 2701-9S — Scripture readings for schools and families. L., 1871. 16 2227-9 — Seven heroines of Christendom. L., n. d. 12° 413-99 Contents. — Joan Dare. — Margaret of Anjou. — Isabella of Castile. — Charlotte, countess of Derby. — Maria Teresa. — Flora Macdonald. — Marie Antoinette. — Six cushions. L., 1870. 16° 990AS7 — Stokesley secret. L., 1S74. 16°. . . . 990A88 — Storehouse of stories. L., 1870. 12 . — Stray pearls: memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont, viscountess of liellaire. N. V., 18S3. 12°. — Three brides. L., 1S82. 12°. — Trial: more links of the Daisy chain. N. V., 1873. 12°. — Two guardians ; or, home in this world. Leipzig, n. d. 16 . — Two sides of the shield. I.., 18S5. 12 . — Unknown to history : a story of the cap- tivity of Mary of Scotland. N. V., 1882. 12°. — Victorian half century : Jubilee book. I.., 1886. 12° 938-97 Womankind. V Y. 12 996-99 — Young folks' Bible history. B., 1880. 12°. 221-99 — Young folks' history <>l England. I!., 11. d. 12° 9301-98 — Young folks' history oi France. B., n. d. 12 944-99 Young folks' history of Germany. B., 1878. 12° '143-9 — Young folks' history of ( Sreei e. B., 1879. 12° 91S-9.S Young folks' history of Rome. B., 1879. 12° 919-98 Yonge, Charlotte M., continued. — Young step-mother. L., 18S0. 12°. — joint author. Awdrey, F. oiui others. Miz maze. with Bramston, M., Coleridge, C and Stuart, E. Astray: a tale of a country town. L., 1887. 12°. — ami Weld, 11. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history. N. \"., n. d. 16 973-99 — Gladstone, \V. E. Gleanings of past years. v. 2. pp. 213-263. Review of Life of John Coleridge Patteson 426E1 Yorck, or York, von Wartenburg, Hans Da- vid Ludwig, count, Prussian general, b. 1759-1/. 1830. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany, v. 1. chap. 4 2743-2 York, Royal house of. See England. York and a Lancaster rose. Keary, A. Yorke, Chas., Lord Morden, Eng. jurist, b. 1722-r/. 1770. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 5. pp. 298-353. . . . 411-25 Yorke, J. F. Notes on evolution and Chris- tianity. N. Y., 1S83. 12 290-9 YORKE, Philip, 1st earl of Hardwicke, Eng. jurist, b. 1690-i/. 1764. Essay. In Brit- ish essayists, v. 9. pp. 303-308. . . . 184E1 — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person- ages of (ireat Britain. V. 7. pp. 227- 235 411-65 — Walford, E. Tales of our great families. v. 2. pp. 302-211 411-99 YORKTOWN campaign. Deux-Ponts, G. My campaigns in America 9753—32 — Johnston, 11. P. Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. . 9754-5 — See also United States, history. Yosemite valley. Hutchings, J. M. Scenes of wonder in California : guide to the Yosemite valley, n. t. p 4794-47 — Brace, C. L. New west; or, California in 1867-6S. pp. 95-120 4794-18 — Cone, M. Two years in California, pp. 196-238 4794-25 — Gibson, J. Great waterfalls, cataracts and gry-cis. pp. 54-72 55'44~3 - King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, pp. 133-153 478-55 — Leyland, R. W. Round the world in 124 days. pp. 240-282 438-56 Ludlow, F. II. I lent of the continent. pp. 409-444 478-58 Russell, W. II. Hesperothen: notes hum the West. v. 2. pp. 19-43. . • 47°-8 — Yelverton, T. Yosemite: a story. VosHlDA-Torajiro,_/a/a»«K patriot. Steven- son, K. I.. Familiar studies, pp. 172- 191 851E2 Vou have heard of them. '< 410-85 Vol \ I I (Ol — i I , \S Ml , 1 777 d. is i7. 1 lie '!":; . ed ■■• ith '-.I.I Lewis. N . Y . , i i i in i, i., i'-; , , ... Hi t o r y , In 1 1 m e n I , in hoi e ; with a an index. Phila., 1874. \i <•■,<■' 97 Sheep . iheii breeds, mo and \. \ '.. iS,t |2°. ^.tlllf ] tO eds and managemenl 1 the ... N\ Y., 184c Hound with Randall, 11 - Sheep hus- bandrj A "I MAN, A. I .. id. 1 day wanl 1 conl ng twen . thousand human effort. V \ .. n. d. 8°. ... Y01 MANS, I dward I ivinjj 1 1, Am. chemist, I'. iSji /. 1887. ' lass I k m , he mis- try. N. \ .. 1866. i2 c 540-98 1 1 md-1 k hi hou •■ hold ii 1 pop- ul.ii ai count "f heat, light, air, aliment, and cleansing, in their scientific prin- 1 iple land di ime 1 ii applications. N. V°., 1868. 12° I iri bei 1 Speni erand thi loi revo- lui ion. In < '.1. elles, \1 . I Oui line ol on-phili soph y. pp 1 1 575-2 — In ■ m. In 1 'orrelati. .1 and if fours. , — Introduction. In Hintou, J., ed. Physi- il use. 61 2 1-4 — ed. Correlation and conservation "f of expositions. N. Y., 12° 5316-3 Contents— Introduction and brit-t bi . ical notices of th< I Lhe new views, 1 lorrelation of physical by W, R Grove Interaction of natural fori 1 I, by il 1 1 1 1 cs of inor- l;.iiii. 1 'i.m ical equivalent of heat, by J. R Mayer. — ■ nec- tion and equivalent of forces,"by J von I ieliig. — Corrclati il and vital I \\ 1: Carpenter. Culture demanded by modern life: a series of addresses and arguments on the entitle education. X. Y., 1867 1 2 Same, 1870 ipline in education, by ii'. I. by J L'yndall Study of botany, by A. Henfrey. y f by r H H 11 s V\ Study of physiology, by J Pagi ! I the judgment, b] Id 1 u atonal his- tory of science, by W. Whewelt. — Sou!-. econ, 11 VI gson. — Polit- ical education, by H Spencer— Early mental training, by K A. P. Barnard. — Development . by \. von Liebig study of human nature, by E. I.. YoUOUUI Appendix i V .. 1870. 1 \ li I . II. rfl giu . Vndreu W hiti rt. 1S77. Vim ical history exhibiting the rise and ^,,-ss .if partii ernmenl class-book: designed lor the insti youth in the principli litutional government. .V Y.. 1 • 12 .;- Vol ng, Ann Eliza. Wife N 1 .if a life in bondage, being a complete expose ..f M01 monism, and revealing the f ■ 1 1 B church, /'. 1S01 ./. 1877. Mi. '..man, W. A. Brigham's destroying angel : being the life, confession, and startling I li. kman. VVai ; an '' his harem Mi 1 arthy, I. Modern ■ 105 4104-6 Marshall, W. G. rh rough America, pp. 409-424. Brigham Young's will. . . 473-62 Mormons and M01 monism. as. Augustus, .1 in and the phenomena lis atmosphere. In Half-hours with modem scientists, -cr. 2. pp. 151 2 1 -' 502-42 Ma> ne, I Young, .1. ' Mem :: • ' M. Young. Matthews. J. B. md Hutton, I . rsand actresses, v. 2. pp. 1 N oi NG, E. D. Nya f advent- ure while t-n - ual Africa, and establishing the settle- ment of Livingstonia : rev. by Rev. II. Waller. L., 1877. U NG, Edward, Eng. : ' 5- th life of > Rev. .1. Mitford. 2 v. 1 . 1854. I2 C . Cmttntt.—v. 1 life of Young.— The com- plaint : or, ni>;lr v lhe last day —Force of reli^ —Love of fame —Ocean.— A paraphrase on part of the book of Jol famous pie. c of th" YOUNG. — 1402 YOUNG. Young, Edward, continued. tragedy of Cato. — Historical epilogue to the brothers. — [Epitaphs.l — Letter to Mr. Tickell. — Reflections on the public situation of the king- dom. — Resignation. — On the late Queen's death. — The installment. — [Epistles.] — Old man's relapse —Verses sent by Lord Melcombe to Dr. Young. — Night thoughts on life, death and immor- tality; to which is added, The force of religion. B., 1849. 12°. Bonn J with Milton, J. Paradise lost 634C4 — Eliot, George. Essays and leaves from a note-book. pp. 3-64 3'jE/ — Home pictures of English poets, pp. 155-161 821-45 — Johnson, S. Eminent English poets, v. 2. pp. 509-557 41821-5 Works, v. 2. pp. 280-294 828-52 — Ward, T. H., eii, English poets, v. 3. pp. 222-224 8092-9 Young, Jas. Foster. Five weeks in Greece. L., 1876. 12 4495-98 Young, Rev. John, LL. D., of Edinburgh, Christ of history : an argument grounded in the facts of His life upon earth. X. Y., 1S68. 12 232-98 YOUNG, John. Physical geography. N. V., [I873-] '6° 55I-9S Yoi NG, John Radford, Eng. mathematician, b. about 1800. Rudimentary treatise on arithmetic; with full explanations of its principles, and numerous examples for practice: also key containing solutions in full to the exercises. L., 1S69. 12°. 511-98 YOUNG,' Julian Chas. Memoir of Charles Mayne Young, tragedian; with extracts from his son's journal. L., 1871. 12 . 993B3 Stoddard, R. 11., ed. Chorley, Blanche anil Young. pp. 153-292 4182-85 Yoi v., L. II. Remarkable events in the world's history: collected and compiled from authentic sources. Phila.,n.d. 12°. 903-97 Y01 .'., Lamb ton J. H. Sea-fishing as a sport: an account of the various kinds of sea fish, how, when and where to catch them. 2d ed. L., 1872. 12 . . 7953-9 ' ., M. J. familiar lessons in botany; with flora of Texas, adapted to general use in the Southern sta'es. X. Y., 1873. 12° 580-98 , Robert. Light in lands of darkness: a record of missionary labour among Greenlanders, Eskimos, Patagonians, eti .. Syi 1. hi . \i mehians, Nestoriari . Pet 1. hi 1 i [yptians .mi] Jew \ ; with an introduction by the I haftesbury. X. Y., 1884. 12 263-9 I ho ! Distingui hi -I ' ' ■ •' IT 280-350. . 416-15 Young, Wm., (Ex-editor, pseud.), Anglo- Aiil. journalist, b. 1809-*/. 1888. Mathieu Ropars, etc. X. Y., 1868. 12 . , i OUNG adventurer; or, the hero of Falcon's island. B., n. d. 16 992A2 YOUNG Americans abroad; or, vacation in Europe: travels in England, France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and Switzer- land'. B., 1864. 16 4401-3 Young Berringtons. Kingston, W. II. G. . 535A91 YOUNG buglers. Henty, G. A. YOUNG Carthaginian. Henty. G. A. Young Christian series. See Abbott, lacob. YOUNG composer. Day, H. X "7-3' YOUNG cottager. Richmond, L. Annals of the poor. pp. 125-193 242-7 Young deliverers of Pleasant cove. Kel- logg, Rev. E 531A5 Young duke. Disraeli, Benj. Young folks' centennial rhymes. Carleton, Will 206C6 Young folks' entertainments. Rook, E. C. and L. J 8015-7 YOUNG foils' readings. Monroe, L. B., ed. 801-652 Young fortune teller: oracles for youth. Gilman, C. and Howard, C 807-42 Young girl's wooing. Roe, Rev. E. P. YOUNG governess. N. Y., n. d. 16 . . . 994A2 YOUNG housewife's counsellor and friend. Mason, Mrs. M 640-63 Young husband. Alcott, Wm. A 1933-14 YOUNG Joe and other boys. Trowbridge, J. T 896A95 Young ladies' home book. Valentine, Mrs. — 7S6-91 \ iii NG ladies, Letters to. Sigourney, Mrs. I- H 1937-75 YOUNG lady of pleasure. X. Y., 1S65. 12°. 1937-97 Young lady's book. n. t. p. 12° 504-97 Contents. — The cabinet council, an introduc- tory chapter. — Moral deportment. — The florist. — The botanist. — Geology. — Mineralogy. — Con- chology. — Entomology. — Ornithology. — Toilet and costume. — Embroidery and fancy work. — The escritoire. — Archery. — Riding. — Music. — Dancing. — Indian sceptre exercises. — The ornamental artist. — Painting— Photography. — I, 'Adieu. Ym ng lady's book. Mackarness, Mrs. II. .<-./. 603-48 Young lady's hook. Hosmer, W 376-5 YOUNG lady's friend. Moore, Mrs. ('. J., (Mrs. II. O. Ward, pseud.) 396-94 Yoi NG lady's picture reading book. I.., 11. d. 16° 808-98 Young Mai lers. Goulding, V . R. . ..-. 433A92 Sin m, mechanic. Lukin, J 6219-4 Young men. Arthur, T. S. Advice to young men. i860 197-14 Barrett, R. S. Characiet building. 1882. 194-1S Beecher, H. W. Lectures. 1S6S. . . . 24S-14 YOUNG. n men, continued. lil.i. I.ir, J.S. Oil elf-t ulturi 18; 1 ;;.: 2 Bui kley, J. M Oats or wild 1885 194-a 1 li 1 1 . 1 ■ > . E. II. Christianity I t ion of t r u 1 1 ... irk, I-'. E. Dangei n 1885 199 2 ; i lollier, I . A. \ oirfig men ol c E 11 7-28 I •: I i . . t . W. G. Lectun 1869 ... I' 1 iher, S. W. I'hrei temptati 1 men. 1859 195 t Holland, I < ■ Lettei Lo g peopli 1 j , 1 , Nott, E. Counsel 1 ■ Js6 24 1 1 hi." . 1/ , 1 .. -. 1 in: ! irothers and Mills. 11. ll I Rjjodes, M. Life thoughts foi young men. 1881 ["odd, J. Young man : hints addre the young nun <>f the I nited M.nt-. 184S 248-72 I nil. uli. I. Beginning life. 1863. . 248-8 Whipple, E. P. Success and its condi- tions, pp. i-jo. Young men in history. 946E8 YouNg Men's! hristian \ tion W. K. P. Century ol ;ospel work, 1776 I.S76. pp. 1/2- iSl 277-7 Young mill-v 1 ighl and miller's Evans, Olivei ' - Young Mrs. Charnleigh. Kanshew, I . \\ . Young Mis. Jardine. Craik, Mrs. 1 1. M. (Muloi i Young mountaineer. 1 lolme, I >. Musgrave. Oliphant, Mi . M. 1 1. (W.) Yi 'i NG nimrods. See Knox, I h ... W. Young pai son. I >.i \ i-. P, S. Young people "f Shakespeare's drai l: 11 1. Amelia K 82 361 2 Y01 v. pilgrim. Tucker, Charlotte, 1 \. I O. E., pseud.) . . 11 Yoi kg pioneers ol the Northwest. Pes '.ll j Y01 v. rebi Is storj ol the battle "t Lex- on, Mi "I. 1 n 11. R. 1 1 . \ 1 "li R. 1 [ope, pseud.) 4^; \ - Y in" or, the adventui e if a di urn- mer boj . B., 1866. 16 V"i \i. Shetlander anil his home. Peirce, B. K 311B3 Young shipbuilders. Kellogg, I ; ; 1 \ mother. S onge, < . M. ■ '.] lents' holid I'- and domt 1 . 1 1 • in youi hand : 01 , thi 1 raig, A I:. manhood 1 nton. 1 1., milton, I . R Yi 'i 1 h's Bible and imenl itor. n. t. p. "6° 247-98 Y01 in' ipanion and counsellor. C'ham- ■ W 374-25 Vol ni's history ol the rebellion. 4 v. I hayer, W. M 978-9 Youth's miscellany. L., 1864. 16 . . . . Yucatan, i i t. J. Hi>i in. 1844 Stephens, J. I.. Incident .-1 in Yucatan. 2 v. 1S55 4726-8 Incident entral America, rid Yucatan 4728-84 1 . I. A. Speeches, pp.284 308. The Yucatan bill 815-3 YuKONriver. Schwatl g Alaska's 'i v er 4798-79 — Sc-r also Alaska. \ ; 1 E, I leni 1820. Essays on the geography of the valley iftheOxus. In Wood, II. Jour- ney to the source of the river ' I (55-9'J - Introduct In Gill, W. River Men Saiul YuLE-tide stories, rhorpe, B., ed 5848-8 Yusef; or, the journey of the Krangi. ne, J. K 4499-23 1 . linn. 1 .en. M. \ \ in, Melchior, baron, /•'-■ • 1803 V. 187;. joint author. Callery, I. M. and Yvan, Melchior. II -■ • the insurrection in China 95'-3 / Z m HI k. Dr. — . The red international: 11. by Rev. E. M. Geldhart. 1 . 1885. 'a 3385-9 Z.ACHOS, John Celivergos, .... it . 1820. Anal) tii \. Y., [868. 12° 8CO-98 Zaokiel, pseud. Set I illy, \\ m. 1 liver. A' Africa. Zampieri. Set Domenjchino. Zane, Elizabeth, •'. about 1750,-./. Kllei. E. F. Women of the Ataerican revolution, v. 2. pp. 275 280 1 1 /.AXE. 1404 — XOARITES. Zane, Elizabeth, continued, — Frost, J. Heroic women of the wist. pp. 37-46 4I239-J3 Zanoni. Bulwer-Lytion, E. G. E. L. Zanzibar. Ruete, E. Memoirs of an Ara- bian princess: an autobiography. . . . 79?B8 / u ' iLYA: a drama. Coleridge, S. T. Poet- ical and dramatic works. v. 2. pp. 257-285 237C1 ZEALOT in tulle. Wildrick, Mrs. Marian. Zebrikoff, Marie. Russia. In Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. pp. 390-423 396-85 Zeigler, Wilbur (i. and Grosscup, B. S. Heart ot the Alleghanies; or, western North Carolina; comprising its topogra- phy, history, resources, people, narra- tives, incidents and pictures of travel, adventures in hunting and fishing, and legends of its wilderness. Raleigh, N. <-'., 1883. 8° 4756 9 Zeisberger, David, missionary, b. 1721-1/. 1808. Schwenitz, E. de. Life and times of David Zeisberger 997B4 — Japp, A. H. Master missionaries, pp. 82-112. David Zeisberger and the In- dians. ' 414') s Zelda'S fortune. Francillon, R. E. /1 1 i.ER, Dr. E. History of the Greek phi- losophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates; tr. by S. F. Alleyne. 2 v. L., 1881. 12° 152 1-g — Outlines of the history of Greek philoso- phy; tr. by S. F. Alleyne and E. Abbott. X. V., 1886. 12° • ... 152-9 Zf.n1) language. Bopp, F. Comparative grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, etc., languages 1095 ; ZENO, Greek philosopher, h. about 355 />'. C d. about 253. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Ancient philosophers. pp. 287- 299- •' 418-3 Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, jd century. Brooks, E. S. Historic girls. pp. I- 21 4'3 --4 — Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits. pp. 166-173 4 I(J '9 — Farmer, I,. II. Girl's book "I famous queens, pp. 95-'°9 1 ' I )8 Hewitt, M. E., ed. Illustrious women ol all ages. pp. 26-33 4 '3-49 Jameson, A. (M.) < elebi ated female v.l. pp. 57-64 1 1 "1 s Lives tinguishei 1 ties, by an ican lady, op 13-37 I' ; ,> Ware, VV. Zenobia: a mi /1 pit. Jackson, II. M (1 1, ill. II , / Katharine B. The 1 hildren's pai a N. Y., 187; 1 • 8099 99 ZERFFI, G. G. Past and present in the East. in Evolution in history, language, and science, pp. I-I2 575—35 Zerub Th roop's experiment. Whitney. Mrs. A. D. (T.) Zki \is. Urbino, Mrs. S. R., tr. Princes of ail. pp. 9S-103 417-9 Zigzag journeys. See Butterworth, II. Zimmerman, Mrs. Jane E. (hay heads on green shoulders. X. V., n. d. 12°. . 997A1 Zimmerman. John G. Solitude; with the life of the author. Phila., 1849. 16°. 1978-9 ZlMMERN, Helen, German-Eng. author, b. 1846. Epicofkings: stories retold from Firdusi; with a prefatory poem by E. W. Gosse. N. Y., 1883. 12° 8915-96 - Maria Edgeworth. B., 1S83. 16°. [Fa- mous women series.] 310B4 Stories from foreign novelists; with short notices of their lives and writings. I.., 1885. 12° 80S-09 Con/ents.—George Sand, (France) : The mar- riage, Thecabbage. — Henry Murger, (France): Francini's muff, The passage of the Red Sea. — Auerbach, (Germany): The axe. — Busken Huet, (Holland): Gitje, Saturday at the Hague, Along the churchyard. — Slifter, (Aus- tria): The balloon ascent, The heath. — Farina, Italy] Separation.— Daudet, (France): Indret. the vice. The engines. — Spielhagen, (Ger- many): The storm. — Von Sacher-Masoch. Galicia) : The sledge ride. — Flygare-Car- len, (Sweden): The smugglers. — Cherbulie7, (France): L'idee de Jean Teterol. — Hack- lander, (Germany): The volunteer. — Jokai, Hungary): Theplague. — TurgenielT, [Russia The nihilist. — Freytag, (Germany): The Ger- man professor. — Caballero, (Spain): The old and the new ; or, three souls too good for this world. — Feuillet, (France): Julia de Trecceur. — Kraszewski Poland): The foundling. — Mar- litt, (Germany): The twelve apostles. — Bjorn- son, (Norway): The betrothal. The wedding. — Balzac, [France) : A Cretin village, A Breton town— Heyse, (Germany 1 : The huntsman — Gaboriau, (France) : The amateur detective. — Keller, (Switzerland) : The funeral, Clothes make men. — A. L. G. Bosboom-Toussaint, (Hol- land! : Major Frances. — Sandeau, (France): The last of an old family. Zina; or, morning mists. N. Y., 1S73. to . /.int. Bloxam, C. I. Metals: theit ■ prop- erties and treatment, pp. 153-175. • ■ 669 18 — Scoflern, J. an.i others. Useful metals and their alloys, pp. 591-603 669-8 Zincography. Bock, J "631-2 /in/i miiiki , Nil olntts Lttdwig, ,ount, Ger- man theologian, b. 1700-1/. 1700. Thomp- ion, A. G Moravian missions. pp. I' 75 2634-8 /l 1 \. in . \n.l,-i .Ion, W. 1 I. E\ cnings with the saints, pp. 123-137 (i| .■ ; Zoarites. Nordhofl", C. Communistic so- -1 1 nited States, pp. 99-1 10. ; (89 6 ZOE'S. i r^5 — ZOOLi Zt ie's brand. I ton toi '/' . — . /•i'.i.m m, I'uhi Fairchild, .•/«/. artist, b. 1849. Hoi e, fool and d hi -I army life at home and abroad. V V., 1888. 8° Conttnti I r.iin • 1 1. .in' -in depart, Wai 11 [tie time "t i' ' Gri < hlhh Itrn 1 h grenadier, btomi al ' 1 \ \ ' '■ • 1 1 ' ■ 1 ■ ■ r ! 1 . . 1 . Might with 1 in' fourth 11. 1 1. table ' .'II. Vcro country with a cavalry column, Benny Havena, oh !, With the bl at on thi /"t \. I null'. French author, b. 1840. V.mii 1 . 1'". il<-. Studies of Paris, pp. 17s 242. 4443-14 Buchanan, K. A look round literature. Pp. 303 3<»7 804-25 I I.e. eltine, M. W. that, aboul bo poets and novelists, pp. 138-21 1. . . Mauris, M. I- rent li men "i lettei -. pp. ■II 2t)j llS, ,, Matthews, J. I!. French dramatists "I the 19th century, pp. 264 -\S4. . . . 4 1 >- ; 1 i, /."i 1 11 k, Felix Kirk, Confederal fcncral, b. 1S12-,/. 1862. Pollard, E. A. I ife "i Roberl E. I ee. pp. 705-710. . . . 41225-5 Zoologicai mythology. 2\. Gubernatis, A. de 2901-44 Z ' 5 .■ t . t ,1 ni-i ;il worl 2. Special subjects. Miscellany. 3. Marine zoo] /. General worts. — ■ Burton, 1 1. I. let. Natural bistot man, the globe, nil ol quadrupt : 596-25 Carpenter, W, It. Zoology. 2 v. 1871- 76 590-2 ' S. Animal life in the sea and on tlu- land. 1887. . . .' 590-25 1 idman, J. I 1 . American natural his- tory. 2 v. in 1 590-38 [smith, O. II istory of the earth ami animated nature. 2 v. 1853 590-4 Natural history, n. t. p 590-41 -Gould, A. A., .-,/. Naturalist's library. lSnl 590-43 Holder, C. F. and]-. 1'.. Element ogy. 1SS4 590-4S — Hooker, W. Natural history. 1S70. Jones, r. R. The animal creation. 1S7.;. 590-51 l/p . I. i\\ .1 Entertaining nat- uralist, n. t. p 590-5S Mot se, 1-:. s. Firsl 1 k of 00I1 t s 7" 590-64 Naturalist's library: ed. by W. Jardine. 40 n. [Fot contents see p. 913.] . . . Nicholson, II. A. Manual ol 1874 590-68 Text-1 k 1S73 ^90-69 Packard, \. S. Zoology for high -1 h and colleges. 1880 Reese, D. M., /. I 1 . . Tenney, S. 1 s . 1". 1 . ; ; ;• I// 1 Unity. AM. itt, ( I Naturalist 1X84 ; Allen, I .. I lolout - • 1. t : it- Origin and l82l-2 il, M. E. My land ami ids. 11. d 5905-18 I len, I'. J. van. Animal para ami messmates. 1876 ; Boner, C. Fore t creatures. 1861. . . 5904-17 Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. 1849 5904-1S Til . . \. I;. \\ nun 1 of life's rare; or, the great back-boned family. 18.N3. — Bush wanderings of a naturalist, n. 1. p. 494-2 — Chadbourne, I'. A. Instinct ; its office in the animal kingdom, ami it- relation to the higher powers of man. 1S72. . 5915-3 rk, II. J. Mind in nature; or, the in it life, ami the mode of devel ment of animals. 1865 59° 1 -j.i — Francis, B. Child' d garden. »■ <• P 5905-35 Goadby, II. Vegetable and animal phys- iology. 1859 59«-34 — Good, J. M. Book of nature. 1845. • • 5°7 _ 3 1 . e, P. 11. Life in it- Inner, interme- diate and higher forms. 186S 5901-4 — Harris, \. B. Da iryard folks and a win- ter garden. 1883 5904-42 Hartmann, K. Anthropoid apes. 1SS6. 59992-4 Hartwig, G. Tropical world. 1S73. . . 5919-4 li.: Living light-: popular account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 1887 589-47 [ngersoll, E. Country cousins. 1X84. . 5904-4S Friends worth knowing. 1SS1. . . . 5904-49 — Lee, Mrs. S. Anecdotes of the habits, instincts of birds, reptiles and fishes. 598-58 Lewes, *'•■ II. Studies in animal life. S — Lindsay, VV. 1. Mind in the lower ani- mals in health and disease. 2\. 1SS0. M 1 ... II ' . Tenants of an old farm. 1885 5957-6 — Marey.E.J. Animal mechanism. t x "4 J' 147-6 — Maynanl. (.'. J. Naturalist's guide. 1X70. 5 imparative zoology. 1883 5914-5 Oswald, 1.1. Lay- and nights in the tropics. i^ s 7 4S1-7 — i'ettigre", .1. B. Animal locomotion. >oi47-7 ZOOLOGY. — 1406 — ZSCHOKKE. Zoology, continued. — Keid, M. Quadrupeds: what they are and where'found. 1872 599-65 — Richards, L. E., ed. Four feet, two feet and no feet; or, furry and feathery pets and how they live. 18S6 5905-68 — Roget. P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology. 2 v. 1867 591-6 — Romer, A. Anecdotal and descriptive natural history. 2 v. 1S72 5905-7 — Semper, K. Natural conditions of exist- ence as they affect animal life. 1881. . 59'~7 — Timbs, J. Eccentricities of the animal creation. 1869 591 5-8 — Wilson, A. Facts and fictions of zoology. 5904-935 — Who were the first builders? Who was the first paper-maker? Who were the first weavers? L., 1869-70 59°4 _ 93 — Bell, N. R. E., (N. D'Aiivers, pseud.) Science ladders: 5 and 6 504-4 — Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. pp. 11-23. Curiosities of zoology. . . 283E2 — Dickens, C, id. Sunshine on daily paths. pp. 3S5-392. Zoological stories. . . . 604-3 — ' Gill, W. \V. Jottings from the Pacific. pp. 125-169 496-4 — Grout, L. Zululand. pp. 289-331. . . 4683-4 ■ — Hunt, R. Poetry of science, pp. 383-402. 501-48 — Jackson, R. M. S. The mountain, pp. 281-427 55M7-5 — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to arts and sciences, pp. 364-390 504-48 — Noyce, E. Outlines of creation, pp. 215-306 507-6 — Pouchet, F. A. Universe ; or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little, pp. 3-254. 503-7 — Reclus, E. Ocean, atmosphere and life. v. 2. pp. 139-187 55 [ 4-7 — Stansbury, H. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. pp. 307-379 478-85 Wilson, J. Descriptive sketches of natu- ral history of American regions. In Tytler, P. F. Progress of discovery [in America], pp. 210-332 471-9 — Wonders of the world 507-94 — Yeats, J. Natural history of commen e. PI'- 257-349 650-9 — See also Animals. Birds. Comparative anatomy. Domestic animal I i lies. Game birds. Hunting. Insects. In- stinct. Lives and works of noted nat- uralists. Mammals. Names of various animal-, lunK, fishes, reptiles and in- sects. Natural history. Parasites. tiles. Trap and 1 1 apping. \ ei te- bra 1 1 j. Marin Bui kley, A. B. Life and hei 1 InMi en. 592 2 Zoology, continued. — Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. 1879. 589S-3 — DeVere, M. S. Wonders of the deep. l8 72 5895-3 — Eddy, D. C. Walter at the seaside. 1869 5898-35 — Fraser, R. W. Seaside naturalist. 1868. 5895-35 — Gibson, J. Monsters of the sea. 1887. 5898-61 - Gosse, P. 11. Ocean. 1874. [Same as Wonders of the great deep.] 5895-4 Year at the shore. 1S65 5898-44 — Hartwig, G. Sea and its living wonders. '873 55 : 4-4 — Holder, C. F. Marvels of animal life. 1885 5904-46 — Kingsley, C. Glaucus ; or, the wonders of the shore. 1S55 5S98-5 — Mateaux, C. L. Odd folksathome. n. d. 5905-57 — Monsters of the deep. 1875 5898-6 — Romanes, G. J. [elly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins. 1885 593—7 — Thomson, C. W. Depths of the sea . . 5S95-8 — See a/so "Challenger." Conchology. Corals. I livers. Mollusca. Ocean. Zorah : a love tale of modern Egypt. Balch, Elizabeth. Zoroaster, Persian philosopher. 1 >o=abhai, F. K. History of the Parsis 2925-4 — Bramston, M. Judea and her rulers pp. 429-432 9'3-2 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions, v. 1. pp. 171-208 290-3 — Milne, J. Religion of Persia. In Faiths of the world, pp. 91-121 290-4 — Parks, I.. His star in the East. pp. 201-242 290-65 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 125-129 4IO-975 — Crawford, F. M. Zoroaster: a romance. — See also Paris. Religion. ZOUAVES. Cler, General — . Reminiscences of an officer of zouaves 9475~3 /ii lis Christmas. Tourgee, A. W. Zrinvi, Helen. Wyatt, W. II. Hungarian celebrities, pp. 181-190 41035-9 ZSCHOKKE, Johann Heinrich Daniel, German author, b. 1 7 7 1 . \\ Si $-il. 1882. ('realise on harmony and modu- lation: being an exposition of the prin- 1 1 . |ohn, nlinu 1 ■ iple and > ule of hai mon . , thoro N. V., n. d. 8°. 7717-9 I E. phei lena : tr. by W. Lockland, V., 1876 1 ■ 5515 ') Voli anoes and earthquake! 1 ir. b) N. I ..1 kyer. Phila., 1869. ifc°. ... ;. I 11 .. 1 . • '.'. Spectai le youn| 1 1 ■ 1 44 1 ■- l man in Spring; county. K irkland, fo eph. ZwiNCLI, Ulrich, Swiss reformer, t. [4I 1 53 1 < /win^li. 1 1 tept -I thi reformers, pp. 27-51. 2067-42 Siniiti, |. M. Stars of the Reformat 11 72-93 2706-72 Zvmotii disease. Reeves, R. II. drains; and how to test them. pp. 56-68. 628-7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-42m-8,'49(B5573)444