LIBRARY University of California. Class 6S THE PORTFOLIO MONOGRAPHS ON ARTISTIC SUBJECTS EDITED BY P. G. HAMERTON PUBLISHED MONTHLY r<^-) No. 8 August., 1894 The New Forest h a y. CORNISH London: SEELEY AND CO., LIMITED, ESSEX STREET, STRAND Sold by Paris: Librairie Galignani, 225 Rue de Rivoli. Berlin : A. Asher & Co., 13 Unter den Lindem New York : Macmillan & Co. THE PORTFOLIO. (ft 1ft 1ft 1ft REEVES' ARTISTS' COLOURS. FOR YOUR BEST WORK USE BEST MATERIAL. "\ can speak of them in nothing but the highest terms; they are pure and rich in tint, very free and pleasant in working, and bear the severest test as to permanency." The President of the R.B.A. CATALOGUE POST FREE. REEVES & SONS, Ltd. 113, Cheapside, London, E.G. 19, LOWER PHILLIMORE PLACE. 8, EXHIBITION ROAD. 1ft « 1ft 1ft 1ft 1ft