x-..;s'^^-^ ^fj'^fv A/i(si, J'Z^JVV^ 'V z> V^cC '■, cr. "^ f < \^ o PQ w K H O O b O (^ O m NOTES OF TRAVEL IN NORTHERN EUROPE BY CHARLES A. SUMNER. WITH VIEWS, PORTRAITS, MAPS, AND PLANS, ENGRAVED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS BOOK. A. L. RAWSON, ARTIST. ' . »« a NEW YORK: ANDREW J. GRAHAM, 744 BROADWAY. 1886. V Copyrighted, 1885, BY CHARLES A. SUMNER. ^■^ /T TO MY WIFE AND TO MY DAUGHTER ESTHER, MY COMPANIONS IN THESE JOURNEYINGS, THIS VOLUME Ji8()J2SS JlONATELY INSCRIBED. CONTENTS. I. PAGE From London to Gothenburg n II. First Objects of Observation ig III. Public Institutions 29 IV. The Gotha Canal. — Trolhattan 37 V. Trolhattan to Venersborg 53 VI. Venersborg to Stockholm 62 VII. Stockholm to Stromsholm Castle 7q VIII. Monktorp to Kolbeck 87 IX. In the Kolbeck Parish loi X. The Stromsholm Vardshus Family and Neighbors 113 XI. Stromsholm to Vestanfors 122 XII. At Smedjbacken 134 vi CONTENTS. xiii- Delecarlia. — Smedjbacken to Leksand 141 XIV. Leksand to Mora 152 XV. At Mora and Utmeland 166 XVI. From Mora to Falun 182 XVII. At Falun ; and thence to Westeras 190 XVIII. A Week at Westeras 203 XIX. To and in Upsala : 218 XX. At Stockholm 236 XXI. King and People 260 XXII. From Stockholm to Malmo 274 XXIII. Copenhagen 298 XXIV. From Copenhagen to Stettin 310 XXV. A Glance at Berlin 316 XXVI. Berlin to'Dover. A few Notes at Dresden, Cologne, and Paris. 331 List of Illustrations. ♦ ■» ♦- — — PAGE Harbor of Gothenburg. Frontispiece Steamship "Alaska" 12 Hotel Christiania iq The Bourse and Ostra Street, Gothenburg 24 Statue of Gustavus Adolphus 26 Mauritz Rubcnson, President of Board of Practical Education. 40 Sidney W. Cooper, U. S. Consul to Gothenburg 45 Canal Locks, near Trolhattan 48 Trolhattan Falls 54 Venersborg 5g Vadstena Castle 71 Gotha Canal, near Borenshult 73 Brunneby 74 Cloister Church 75 Soderkoping 76 Grave of Baron von Platen 76 Mem 77 Horningsholm 78 Strengnas Cathedral 80 Stromsholm Castle 81 Charles IX. Statue 84 Landlady of Vardshus 121 Skansen Locks 126 Leksand Church 14^ Mora 153 Cottage Scene in Delecarlia 157 yiii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Mora-Kulla 162 Gustavus Wasa's Concealment 173 Monument of Gustavus Wasa 177 Rattvik Church 181 Ornas 189 Falun. — View of Market, Cathedral, and Copper Hill Range. . . . 191 B. V. Norstedt I93 The Stoten Abyss 195 Map of Southern Sweden 202 A. P. Erickson, Keeper of Westeras Castle 205 Interior of Westeras Cathedral 208 Statue of Gustavus Wasa 216 Skokloster 221 General View of Upsala Castle and Cathedral 223 Upsala Cathedral 227 Upsala University Library 232 New University Building, Upsala 233 View of Hasselbacken, Stockholm 246 English Church, Stockholm 250 The Royal Palace, Stockholm 252 Riddarholmen Church, Stockholm 255 Interior of Jacob Church, Stockholm 256 King's Theatre, Stockholm 258 National Museum, Stockholm 259 Gustaf Adolph Square, Stockholm 265 Bird's-eye View of Stockholm 269 Norrk oping Public School 275 Linkoping Cathedral 277 Prof. Victor Hugo Wickstrom, of Lund 279 Lund Cathedral 280 Crypt of Lund Cathedral 282 New University Hall, Lund 283 Malmo Castle 286 Malmo City Hall 287 St. Peter's Church, Malmo 289 Kockumska Hus 290 Flat and Side View of Swedish Bread 292 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ix PAGE Costumes in Skane 294 Our Malmo Entertainers 297 Map of North Germany 299 Plan cf Copenhagen 303 Stettin 315 KaiserhofT, Berlin ; 318 Royal Palace, Berlin 327 Berlin and Vicinity 329 Central Portion of Dresden 333 Bruhl Terrace 336 Helbig's Restaurant. 337 Ths Belvedere 338 Old Bridge and Cathedral, Dresden 340 Grosse Gardens, Palace, and Lake 344 Royal Museum and Theatre 351 Zvvingcr Court-yard 352 Rev. H. R. Haweis 355 Great Choir and High Altar, Cologne Cathedral 359 Main Aisle of Cologne Cathedral 361 Arcii of Triumph 364 Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte 366 Palais Royal, Paris 368 Grand Opera House, Paris 369 Grand Stairway of Opera House, Paris 371 The Seven Bridges of Paris 373 Steamship "City of Berlin" 381 Cliffs of Dover 382 KOTES OF TRAVEL IN NOETHERN EUROPE. I. FEOM LONDON TO GOTHENBURG. Thursday, the 21st of June, was a foggy, drizzly day, in London; such a day as Englishmen appear to delight in calling "nasty." The walking in the streets where the mud was about the composition of the inside of an average loaf of London baker's bread was declared to be "beastly." [You must not say that you have been or are liable to be seasick; you must not employ that term when speaking in "society" in the metropolis; you must or may admit that you are not a good traveler; but "nasty" and "beastly" are words frequently used by ladies and gentlemen in con- versation at a fashionable dinner-party. The former is pro- nounced with a breadth of accent on the "a" that is of itself at first almost medicinal to a stranger from Yankeeland.] We are glad to get on board the Belle at G o'clock at night — out of the rain. And such a long carriage-ride as it is from Eussell Square to the steamer-landing; no end of streets, and ever-changing variety of trades and inhabitants. The incomprehensible immensity of this tremendous city again fairly oppresses ais. The Gothenburg steamer starts from Mill wall Docks, London, at 1 o'clock in the morning. You are requested to be on board not later than 9 o'clock, the evening before sailing. And we found that most of the passengers were at the suppei'-table, which was spread at 8 p. m (11) 12 NOR THE UN E UIl OPE. The J^elle, Captain C. A. Petterson, is of 1400 toDS register and a thousand-horsepower, capable of maldng 300 miles a day in g'ood weather. Wiiat further is to be joroperly re- corded in this connection should be the fact that the vessel is very neat, and the food most excellent in material and cooking", and the service "all that conld be desired." We coiild not refrain from mutual confessions of a sense of "cramped conditions,"' — though in no manner or degree complaining — after oiu' accommodations on the mammoth "Alaska." THE "ALASKA AT SEA. You have a suggestion of Swedish proximity before the supper-bell rings; you are invited to help j'ourself at the side-shelf or smorgersbord, on which is spread a plentiful supply of bread and cheese, and cold fish and cold meats, cooked or cured in various forms. Admonished by the ex- perience which Du Chaillu so vividh' describes, I tasted with great caution, lest I should bite a morsel that re- quired an educated appetite before it became entirely pal- atable. But I found everything not only eatable on first acquaintance, l.^ut decidedly delicious. O, what a blessed LONDON TO GOTIIENBURO. 13 cliange from the pasty bread and unsavory meats of tbe London restaurant! I do believe that the true genealogy of the New-England kitchen, as I knew it in my boyhood, is to be traced not to our Plymouth forefathers' hearths, but to the ovens of the Scandinavians, who, in a still somewhat undetermined century preceded the Mayflower immigration to the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Precisely how this happened can not be told : but there are strong grounds — such as are called in philology "inherent" — for this sincere conviction or faith. We are welcomed by the Captain himself, saluting in his native tongue, and then speaking in that charming broken English for which his kinsmen — and more especially his kinswomen — are renowned. And when he learns that we are from California, he comes again to us from the fore- hatch, where he had been Avatching the stevedores load his vessel, and talks rapidly and earnestly with us about "the land of gold," and incpiires respecting his people there. He says he never had any inclination to quit his native land for good. In fact, he never leaves her shores without a pang of regret. He has mingled with the inhabitants of many nations; gone among them in their own homes as well as in their places of domestic trade. He has seen nowhere that mutual love and affection that is always to be observed, he says — and he utters this in a very pleasant, kindly way — in his dear old Sweden. He thinks that it is well, — in truth, he knows that it is well — that multitudes should leave Sweden to settle in America; and he rejoices that there is such a country for them to go to, — under the circumstances. But he alwaj-s looks with pity upon the poor emigrants, who must go far, far away from their be- loved kingdom. All this he says without ostentation or tlie slightest sign of affectation. He means what he says; and he does not intend to offensively disparage any other country. His frank, straightforward manner of speech, and his entire freedom in it are delightful, to the point even of being deserving of the title of charming. In his intercourse with his officers and men and the pas- 14 NORTHERN EUROPE. sengers, throughout the voyage, he endears himself to us all ; and as we came in sight of land the last day out, his "guests," as he called them, caught each other halfway in expressions of regret on account of our separation from such a master — "Just what I was going to say." If you should ever chance to make this trip, my dear reader, I advise you to seek a passage on the new ship that is being built under the orders of this model and "popular com- mander." His new and larger boat will be ready in October, 188G. At two o'clock Friday morning we are aroused by the noise of departure. Looking out of the cabin-window we appear to be sailing down the center of a street. We are, in fact, passing through the basin that connects Millwall Docks with the Thames. At six o'clock we are at the mouth of the great river. We pass close alongside of two wrecks "of recent manufacture" as one of the sailors explained; and a steamer with a shifted cargo, signaling for a pilot, is seen as we turn the corner of the British Kingdom, and begin moving uji in the direction of Y:;rmouth. But we are not going to hug the shore so far up as the home of Peggotty and little Em"ly. O, for even a brief telescoi^ic squint at the veritable fishing-grounds of Ham and his guardian. The offing is crowded with sail: we counted thirteen steam- ers with the prows pointed toward London; and the brigs and schooners are literally uncountable. Nor does the clus- ter thin out rapidly; but up from the vasty deep new incom- ers seem to rise, for some time after we had "northered," al- most as fast as the score of crafts we met at the mouth of the river descended from our sight. We were disappointed in not meeting as many vessels as we expected to see near Liverpool : contrariwise, we are content on this side of John Bulls dominions. It is a busy part of the Earth's surface: these waters are daily vexed at every angle. The sea is not rough at the beginning of the voyage, and it grows more calm and smooth as we approach the Swedish harbor. All proved to be "good travelers" on this trijD. There is a party of four Englishmen and Scotchmen on LONDON TO GOTHENBURG. 15 board, under care of a professional guide, J. G. Bergquist, who are "})rogrammed" for Norway and Sweden, and perhaps a part of Russia. They go from Gothenburg to Christiana, "and so." "So," simple "so," declaratively and inteiTogatively, is a favorite expression witli the Swedish population hereal)outs, for '-That is so," and '-Is that soT' At first I imaginedthat it implied incredulity. Not so. "So," solus, may, with a heavy emphasis or sharp rising inflection, indicate great sur- prise at your words, but has no signification of disbehef. At times it appears to convey, and I am confident it does mean, hearty satisfaction and profound gladness on account of that undoubted statement which you are making— about America, for instance — to your Scandinavian friend. We hugged the English coast up as far as the line of Harwich, when we turned and pointed for the northern cliffs of Denmark. As the land fades out of sight I count the sail within our horizon, and find that we have the goodly company of twenty-three vessels. Although the sea is smooth, and it is not an uncomfortable occupation to simply sit on the bridge-deck and watch the motion of the boat, and listen to such bits of conversation as drift toward you, we feel anxious to get a closer acquaintance with some of our fellow-passengers, — knowing that that can not be a difficult task if we once set aggressively about it. We have for one of our companions a gentleman of about 60 years of age, whose benevolent countenance would be a passport into cheerfully inclined company anywhere. He opens communication with the youngest-member of our do- mestic circle, and at once establishes relations of a most cordial character. It transpires that he is a Scjtchman, — a practical mechanical engineer. His card shows us the name of J. Jackson, of 27 Walbrook, London. He very shortly im- proves the occasion to announce himself an uncompromising Liberal, an ardent admirer of Gladstone and John Bright, and a missionary for free trade. He can quote at length from Bright's recent speeches at Birmingham, and is never tked ]6 NORTHERN EUROPE. of speaking of Gladstone as a -wonderful man, a wonderful man, a wonderful man. He asked me about the general feeling in America on the Irish land question ; and when I assured him that the large majority of our people deeply sympathize with the peasants, he said with vehemence that they ought to, — that Ireland •was most outrageously oj^pressed. On the second day out the passage was like a trip up the Hudson or the Sacramento River with respect to the smooth- ness of the water and the motion of the steamer. During the entire voyage we were rarely out of sight of sail. As we approached Jutland the number of vessels in sight raj^idly increased. Denmark land is seen at 2 p. m. of the second day from London on this tri^^ ; and it rises and lengthens out until we swing around its northern promontory. We pass by and in among scores of fishing-boats in the vicinity of the upper lighthouse, and the boys in their skills hold up Specimens of their catch for us to examine. They spread their nets on steamer-days with a view of getting the benefit of a '•scare" toward the shore, created by the beat- ing of the screw. Sunday w^as Midsummer-day; which would be only re- stating a fact of the calendar for the northern hemisphere in any other country but Sweden or Norway. Here it im- implies a great deal: hei'e this is the red-letter day of all the year, as may be noted from one item in my diary: — "On Board Steamship Belle, Sunilay Morning, June 24, 5.30 o'clock. "We are on the bridge deck, looking through the Cap- tain's glass for land. The second officer points out where the lighthouse will ''stick up his nose" when we shall have arrived at the point of the globe where it can be seen by the incoming traveler. The air coiild not be clearer. It is so pure that it seems as though j-ou could look very far beyond the line of the horizon of the sea. — far away into the illim- itable sky before us. Now we will try our eyesight again. * * * One of our English fellow-passengers has just cried out that he has detected the yellow speck that must mean. LONDON TO GOTHENBURG. 17 being proi^erly interpreted, the sail of a pilot-boat. The discovery is confirmed by the officer on deck, and ho imme- diately told us where to look to see an unusually white perpendicular line on the edge of the ocean. His vision is keenest after all. And this is the first taper that by night, or this is the first object that by day is beheld by the visitor or the returning Swede, who comes on this path to this northern country. * * * The little shaft-cloud rapidly developed into an unmistakable pillar of stone, and the coast-line has risen up beneath and round about it. And this is Sweden! — the ragged edge of it, at least — that we have read and dreamed so much about, and so often and so devoutly wished to see. " One year ago to-day a good Scandinavian friend asked me where I would be twelve months from date, provided a certain thing happened; and I jokingly replied that I would be in Sweden. I have not thought of the pleasant prophecy from that time to this hour. And here I am about to enter the harbor of Gothenburg, — a most unexpected fulfillment of jocose, conditional foretelling. The pilot has just come on board, direct from the pilot schooner, and not as with us transported to the ship by a small boat. * * * 'We are in the archipelago — in an intricate channel between barren, rocky islands. We are meeting many gayly dressed little steamers, crowded with people, who greet us with cheers." Not without a dry vein of humor is Capt. Petterson. Sev- eral passengers, in an eager manner, withoiit due considera- tion for his proper devotion to his still remaining duties of watchfulness, — although the local pilot is in navigating charge, — began exclaiming in the Captain's presence, and with an inquiring inflection, with respect to the little treeless and sodlcss islands on either hand. As we 2:)assed along up the naiTow channel the Captain is evidently bothered some- what by these interrogating remarks ; but he does not "bluff'' any one, and seeks to avoid showing any annoyance. He finally replies, in a most natural and genial fashion, "Yes, they are entirely l)arren, l)ut that is not the 2:)eculiarity that distresses our folks the most." So be starts a curiosity that 18 NORTHERN EUROPE. works on the minds of a half dozen men and maidens with increasing- torment. They appeal to other native Swedes on the bridge. ''What is the peculiarity to which the captain refers?" No one can tell; or if they have ever heard — as I think some have heard, judging- afterwards from the quiet smile that appeal begets on their countenances — they will not tell: they evade the question. Finally the anxious in- quirers must be aj^peased ; although by this time it is evi- dent to all on board that the master would not be disturbed with imjiertinent or unnecessary questions. " What is the peculiarity about those Islands that most distresses your people?" With a bow and a most benignant expression of the eyes and face, the commander responds, '•They are harder than the bottom of a ship." The ques- tioners turn aside and take sweet counsel together over that revelation, — admitting that this information is good, — very, very good. With cunning piloting — and an expert steersman is re- quired, no doubt — we wind into the buoyed haven of Gothen- burg, and at 8 o'clock Sunday morning our boat is fastened directly alongside one of the granite wharves of the city. The custom-house officials are polite, but very thorough, in their work of examination. They go down to the bottom of the trunks, and they sift the ''duds" of the passengers — as one English lady called her clothing — with great delib- eration and care. But the ordeal is not a very severe and lengthy one, and in half an hour after our vessel is tied up we are on our way through the streets in the omnibus of the Christiana Hotel. The i^assage-price, including your cabin accommodations, from London to Gothenburg by this line is £3 3s ; half-fare for children under 12 years of age. FIRST OBJECTS OF OBSERVATION. 19 n. FIRST OBJECTS OF OBSERVATION. The drive np town from the Stora Bommens Haniu, where our gangplank is put down, is through the principal street of the city — the Stora Hamngatan — in the center of which is the Stora Hamn Kanal, and on either side of which are elegant three-story and four-story stone and brick edifices. HOTEL CHRISTIANIA. Your first impression of Gothenbui'g, or Goteborg. is very pleasant, and I can now say that the favorable opinion 3-011 take on the hotel 'bus, on the morning of your arrival, is 20 NORTHERN EUROPE. augmented b}- all your subsequent walks and rides through the city. It is cleaner than London, far; even cleaner than that much belied town of Liverpool ; as neat, in every part, as is our own beautiful New York City, in the neighbor- hood of Union and Madison Squares, in the month of May. The two principal hotels, of w^hich the "Christiana" is the lesser, may be said to be situated on a square formed by the intersection of the Sodra Hamngata and Drottning- torget. Haglund's Hotel and Gota Kallare are one and the same institution. The rooms here are commendable for their neatness, and their heavy, massive furniture, — including single beds all around. I have observed that the accommo- dations are in all respects about the same in the two or three hotels mentioned, while the "tone" and high prices are at Haglund's. Both are kejit, of coiu-se, on what is known among us as the European plan. Everything in the way of accommodation and service is separately charged for; and even as far north as Sweden the much-talked-of imposition of an item for candles, whether burned or not. is on the daily rendered bills — at some hotels which friends have visited. The service up stairs is exclusively by girls. In the res- taurants we find at each j^lace one "English boy" on whom you must frequently expend more ti'ouble, for the purpose of making understood that which you wai:it. than when you are left to extemporized deaf-and-dumb signs and the com- pendious phrase-book. The first peculiar article that requires investigation is the porcelain stove that sits in one of the corners of each room. It reaches from the floor nearly up to the ceiling of rooms that are fully eleven feet high. Some have very handsome cornices, and many are adorned by statues, or busts, or fig- ures of reindeer or bears. On our corner furnace is set the bust of a lady, which I take to be the representation of Dido — head-di-ess and all — just before she mounted that fu- neral pile of which our schoolboys are reading. At this moment, at 10 o'clock p. m., she is looking down upon me with a countenance that sometimes seems to shaj^e itself into one of inquiry; which I fancy asks me now and then FIRST OBJECTS OF OBSERVATION. 21 what I think about this writing without the aid of artificial light at this hour of the day. And she will insist, I can imagine, now and then, on an answer — a mental considera- tion^'of her quer}^ and an inaudible response, at least. In the center, half-way up, in these porcelain pillars for fire, is a cupboard with thin brass doors, in which you can place anything that you wish to keep warm or hot during the day or night. The fire, of hard wood, is kindled at about a foot and a half from the bottom of the stove-shaft, which is about two feet in diameter ; and it is said that two fires will last abundantly during twenty-four hours. The door- knobs are egg-shaped — a decided improvement on the round handle. The face of the buildings on the principal streets is mostly of a light-brown color. The roofs are all covered with tiles, which are reddish, or black, or yellow, according to the taste of the owners of the different buildings, — which seems to alternately and it might be said fortunately change, and so give a pleasing and regular variety and relief, so to speak, to the complexion of the housetops. A few houses, like the Gota Kallare Hotel, have flat roofs; and in such instances the structures are usually of that woodboxy description so familiar to us in the architecture of some of the hotels in San Francisco. xVs soon as possible after our arrival we hastened to the Cathedral, where services were about to begin. The building is cruciform in construction, and will hold probably over 2,500 persons. There are four galleries, exclusive of the organ-loft. The organ is a magnificent instrument, — nearly the size of the one at St. George's Hall, Liverpool. Of course this is a Lutheran cathedral, but it is also an Episcopal cathedral, — the Swedish church differing in this respect from the German Lutheran. There is an altar, with the communion-bread upon it; and back of the altar is a large, richly gilded cross, with cherubs in gilt flying round about it. On each side of the altar is a full-sized angel, with enormous wings, — disproportionately long wings, T thought; one angel pointing down or pointing in a presentation way 22 NORTHERN EUROPE. at the sacred elements on the altar, while the other points upward toward the cross and the skies. Half-way down the building from the chancel, on the north- ern side — and so situated as to alloAv the preacher a view of all i^arts of the church — is a puljoit, with a sounding- board above it. In front of the pulpit is a gilded protrnsion of cherub-head, lion-head, and ox-head, surmounted by an eagle. The whole of this "ornamentation" looks very taw- dry, — like a great molasses-candy medallion daub. The church was well filled when we arrived ; and we stood at one end of the main aisle, in which a number of short benches were placed crosswise, and occupied by elderly women, — from GO to 80 years of age. It was a remarkable sight to see so many aged females together, — -all ajipearing to be in excellent health, and all very attentive and devout in their actions. At 10 : 30 a priest came on the altar. He wore a gown which I could not distinguish from the Eoman Catholic priestly garment, — it having a large cross on the back, splen- didly illuminated. He read the exhortation and confession and several prayers, and gave out one hymn, or indicated that the singing of the hymn was to take place. Several psalms were sung meanwhile. The numbers of the hymns were posted at different portions of the church, — brass numbers being hung upon pegs set at proper intervals on small blackboards. Then the preacher ascended the pulpit; the youthful priest retiring from the chancel. The preacher read a chapter from the bible, read many praj'ers from a large flat book, preached a sermon an hour and a half long on the subject of rearing children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and deprecating undue levity on holidays, especially when a holiday happened to be on Sunday; and concluded his portion of the day's hard ministerial work by receiving from the sexton's hand a dozen different sheets of paj^er and announcing births, marriages, and deaths that had taken place during the last week, and proclaiming for the first or second or third time notice of FIRST OBJECTS OF OBSERVATION. 23 intended matrimony between members of his great con- greo"ation. When the services were about half way through, a lady unlocked her pew and bade our party enter. The narrow seats would keep any man awake who struggled to impinge upon them; and while I appreciate the kindness and court- esy of that lady, I wish she had been impolite or thought- less enough to have allowed me to stand until the bene- diction. In the afternoon we visited a private park, which is. kept somewhat after the style of Woodward's, and where we heard excellent music. The admission-charge to this park is ten ore, or about two and a half cents. The charge of admission to the splendid observatory — almost equal, in dimensions and variety of plants, to the great tropical planthouse at Kew Gardens, London, — is twenty ore, or five cents. An American soon becomes accustomed to the money issued here, as it is of decimal basis. And you are not snapped at and snubbed if you confess or apologetically explain that your hesitation in making change is due to your being a foreigner. The copper coinage is one ore, two ores, three ores, and five ores. Precious metals are in the 10 ore, 25 ore, and, of course, the kroner. The bills are from five kroner up to 100 kroner— 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100. Most of the bills are about half the size of our greenback, — the 50-kroner bill alone, though of different shape, being nearly as large as owy paper issue. With the exception noted, the bills are about one third as large as a Bank of England note. Near sunset — that is, about 8 o'clock — in company with a Swedish acquaintance I met on board the Belle, I visited the old rovmd tower at the rear of the cit3% known as the "Lion." A trooper who was on guard admitted us to the structure ; for that purpose unlocking a small iron door at the nortli side. From the ground-floor — which covers a spring — we ascended three flights of stairs. There were portholes and casemates on each floor. At one side there is an angle pushed out from the circle, in which was the 24 NORTHERN EUROPE. kitchen of tlie garrison. The Lion is about forty feet in diameter, and about the same niiniber of feet in hight. It is on a sharp natural eminence, and it comiDletely overlooks the city. From it you look directly across to the twin tower, known as the Crowia, — situated on the other side of the city, and distant about a mile and a quarter. The trooper was indignant when we offered him money for his trouble. I am out of England! THE BOURSE AXD OSTEA STEEET, GOTHENBUEG. On this same eminence once stood the fortress Galberg, renowned for its resistance to the Danes when its Captain, Martin Krakow, was wounded, and his wife took command of the garrison and made a successful defense. She poured down on the heads of the assaulting parties pailfuls of boiling pitch and tar. The enemy became discouraged and disqusted on account of this unusual and irregular mode of warfare — as they termed it — and without making any FIRST OBJECTS OF OBSERVATION. 25 breach in tlie walls, tliey contemptuously quit this district for more hospitable climes. Looking over the city from any one of the many command- ing edifices that rise on either one of three sides, it is difficult to realize that Gothenburg contains a population of 76,000 souls. It is very compactly built, and I have yet to see the first house that is for rent. The Vice-consul says that it is a city inhabited mostly by business people : if you seek pleas- ure, he says, go to Stockholm. There are three lines of tramway recently constructed, leading to the southern, eastern, and western ends of the city borders: fare 10 ore, — half the sum we pay in San Francisco. These city railroads were built and are owned almost exclusively by^English capitalists. Advertisements are blown in the glass of the street-car windows. Hack- hire here is one kroner-and-a-half an hour (or 39 cents), and the drivers do not attempt to overcharge or in any way ex- act more than their prescribed fares. Most of the hacks and carriages that stand for hire are owned by a company, and the drivers themselves get one kroner and a half a day. When you give them ten ore extra they are profuse in their thanks, but I am told that they never show any dis- pleasure if you do not fee them. I wish a few of them could be exported to London, and properly advertized. The hack- drivers and street-car conductors arc uniformed and num- bered. The wages of the common laboring-man here is one kroner and a halif to one kroner and three-quarters per day. \Yomen who work in the field get 80 ore. There are 100 ore in a kroner, or 20 cents. Sailors from this port going on long voyages receive $16 per month. Cooks in the hotels and steamers— mostly women, — receive as high as $18 per month. But, then, they can cook. They must have served an apprenticeship of three years or more, and have passed an examination. Street-car conductors are paid 65 cents a day; steam rail- road car-conductors get twice that sum. You can telegraph from one end of Sweden to the other 26 NORTUERN EUROPE. for a kroner — twenty words. I sent a dispatch yesterday a distance of nearly 600 miles for that sum. There are two otlier lar