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Class '!M/-v¥nHri"j-VSi-.". i'j-TV/nViTMi-illtJTBKMi-vH.-vVj-J'n'T; RUSSIA'S MESSAGE TOLSTOI PROPHET OF THE LAST GENERATION Taken especially for the author in 1906 Russia's Message The True World Import of the Revolution By WILLIAM ENGLISH WALLING ILLUSTRATED New York Doubleday, Page & Company 1908 -r COPYWGHT, 1908, BY IXJUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY PUBLISHED, JUNE, 1908 ALL RIGHTS KESERVED INCLUDING THAT OF TRANSLATION INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES, INCLUDING THE SCANDINAVIAN ^36 \ TO THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO IN ALL WALKS OP LIFE ARE CONTENDING AGAINST THE FORCES THAT ARE TRYING TO INTRODUCE INTO AMERICA THE DESPOTISM AND CLASS-RULE OF EASTERN EUROPE; TO ALL THOSE WHO, IN THE TRADITIONAL REV- OLUTIONARY AMERICAN SPIRIT, ARE LEADING OUR COUNTRY AGAINST ALL THE REACTIONARY TEN- DENCIES PREVAILING IN POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE, TO ITS GREAT DEMOCRATIC AND SOCIAL WORLD- DESTINY 173175 PREFATORY NOTE It is impossible to harmonise the Russian spelling, with its twenty-six letters of a different alphabet, with the spelling of any other modern language. As a consequence there are often half a dozen ways of putting into English, French or German letters the name of some well-known Russian, consequently the reader must not be surprised to see a Russian name which he has been accustomed to see spelled in one way, here spelled in another; for example, I have spelled the name of the present prime minister Stolypine, whereas the reader may possibly know the name better as Stolypin, or Stolipin. PREFACE No ONE who has seen and understood the social upheaval now going on in Russia can doubt that the Russian people have a message. It does not need to be written down; it is carried abroad by every telegram. But to understand the whole message the situation must be seen and understood as a whole. I have undertaken to make a plain statement of this situa- tion, omitting no feature of the first importance and relating all together as a single whole. I have not written suggesting what we can do for Russia, but rather what Russia has to offer us; I have concerned myself with the universal qualities of the Russian people rather than with any aspect of their character and situation that is peculiar to themselves. I have not written historically for the benefit of the academic student, nor sought to dwell on the picturesqueness of those sections of Russia and aspects of Russian life that are most strange; I have not dwelt on personal experience, as the situation is too large to be presented in all its aspects in any personal narrative. I have sought rather, through the personal acquaintance with a majority of the most important leaders of all parties and elements of the Russian nation, to put myself in the most immediate contact with the inner ideas and spirit of the great struggle and to present this struggle to the reader as seen through the eyes of its leaders themselves. Finally, I have written not for the casual reader or for him who draws from this tragic and inspiring situation a mere interest in the chances of the fight or in its melodramatic aspects. I appeal rather to those seriously interested in the Russian revolutionary movement for the Hght it sheds on that all- inclusive problem, the future of human society. The greater part of two years I have spent in Russia in order to gain a rounded view. My attention was first drawn to the absorbing interest of this great struggle by Polish and Jewish ix X RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Russian exiles met while I was living among them in the University Settlement in New York. Leaving the United States shortly after the massacre of January 22, 1905, I spent several months in London, Paris, Geneva, Cracow, and Vienna among leaders of the revolutionary parties of all factions and races. Within a week after the Czar issued his October Manifesto I was in Warsaw, and a few days later in St. Petersburg, where I at once met Witte and the chief members of his ministry, and at the same time put myself in touch with the most conspirative of the revolutionary organisations. I spent the larger part of my time in that country from this date until the opening of the third Duma. Near the close of my last visit the press of the United States, and the leading European countries, announced the arrest of myself and wife and her sister and our detention for twenty-four hours in prison through the acknowledged mistake, or perhaps inconsideration, of the Russian Govern- ment. It is not true, as was suggested then in a few papers, that the Russian Government made either a direct or indirect request through the American ambassador that we should leave the country. We had wished to follow Russian events closely only until the meeting of the third Duma, and we left St. Petersburg on the day on which we had previously arranged to go. It was explained by the Russian political police that our arrest was due to our friendly relations with certain revolu- tionists. I have certainly had such relations with hundreds of leading persons of this movement, as with an almost equal number of their opponents. I have to some extent made use of articles that I have written for various magazines — particularly the Independent, in which perhaps a score of my articles appeared in the course of 1906 and 1907. I have also made some use of articles published in Collier's Weekly, the Outlook, the World To-day, Charities, the American Federationist, and Moody's Financial Magazine. However, nine-tenths of the present book is entirely new. , Realising the immensity of the task that lay before me, I have confined my attention in the present work largely to the Russian part of Russia, leaving aside entirely all Asiatic Russia, the Caucasus and the Baltic Provinces,, PREFACE xi Poland, and Finland. The Polish and Finnish situations are of such exceptional importance in relation to the Russian that I spent several weeks in visiting both countries, but I have not made them a part of my work. One feature of the book needs perhaps a special explanation* The crimes of the Russian Government are so monstrous and so manifold that I have quite despaired of giving any satis- factory picture of them as a whole. In my first chapters I have dwelt at some length with this subject, but I have devised the economical measure of taking the Jews as my central theme, not because I consider that their persecutions are any worse than other peoples' in Russia, nor because they are more important than other nationalities, as for instance the Tartars or the Poles,, but because they have themselves been selected by the Govern- ment as the centre of the whole persecution system. In other parts of the book I have tried to portray not merely the central feature but the whole situation. If I had cared to burden my work with footnotes showing the source of all my information I could readily have done so; but this would have increased very largely the bulk of the volume, besides interrupting the attention of the average reader, interested rather in the facts themselves than in the source from which they come. I am prepared, however, to give my authority for every detail, just as much as if I had been writing a history or a scientific sociological work. I owe little to writers of books and much to active leaders in the movement. Of these I have met hundreds. It would be impossible in a few pages to mention even their names. To a few persons, however, I am especially indebted ; among the fore- most are: Prince M who introduced me to the Czar's ministers, Witte and the rest, as well as to several of his most important generals and who kept me for the whole period of my visit in close touch with the situation in court circles and the ministry; to Mr. David Sosskis, the able correspondent of the London Tribune; Mr. Harold Williams, correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, a valued friend of the Constitutional Democratic Party ; to Madame Turkova, one of the most active and important leaders of that party ; to the Countess Bobrinsky of Moscow, one of the organisers both of the Constitutional xii RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Democratic Party and of the Peasants' Union; to Professor Milyoukov, whose high personal quahties are appreciated even by his severest critics; to the poet Tan (Borgoraz), a founder of the Peasants' Union and of the National Socialist Party and an active leader in all the most revolutionary but non-partisan movements; to Aladdin, the most active and valuable, if not the most influential, of the Labour Group; to Volkovsky, Tchai- kovsky, Gershuni, Chisko, Shidlovsky, and Madame Breshkov- skaya, founders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party ; to Isaac Hourwich, Nahum Stone, and James M. James, leaders among the Russian Social Democratic Party in New York ; to Vladimir Simkhovitch, of Columbia University ; to Prince Dimitri Hilkov, one of the most gifted and popular leaders of the whole revolu- tionary movement, and most of all to Bielevsky, Staal, and Mazurenko, founders of the great Peasants' Union. I have selected these names somewhat at hazard and do not wish to imply that the list of those to whom I am most indebted is exhausted. I cannot leave the question of my indebtedness without expressing my gratitude to other prominent Russians with whom I have had only single long interviews or brief meetings. Among them are Tolstoi, Gorky, and Korolenko; the conservative leaders, Gutchkov, Maklakov, and Michael Stachovitch; the Social Democratic leaders. Parvus, Dan, Lenin, and Alexinsky ; the brilliant leaders of the Polish Socialistic Party who make their headquarters at Cracow — not to speak of innumerable others, especially Duma members, editors, elected members of local government boards, and active organisers of all the popular parties, labour organisa- tions, and of the Union of Unions. I have written of course according to the possibilities of the moment. The time is ripe for a general review of the first act of the great revolutionary drama. The second act has not yet begun and it will be years before the whole drama has been finished. A few months ago it would have been impossible to gauge accurately the real intentions and policy of the Czar, the court and the Government after the great events through which Russia has just passed ; a few years hence it will be possible to write a full and satisfactory history at least of a large part of the revolutionary movement. In the meanwhile, if I have been PREFACE xiii able to give a general understanding of the first act, to spread the conviction that Russia has a message for humanity and to suggest what this message contains, the reader will be enabled to appreciate coming events at their true value and to feel that the Russian struggle is not far av/ay, as we sometimes imagine, but nearer to us in the end than any of the smaller spectacles that are taking place in front of our own doorways. Lincoln's Birthday, 1908. CONTENTS Preface IX I. II. PART I THE BIRTHPLACE OF SOCIAL FREEDOM Why Russia is the Field of the Great Experiment The Beginning — 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 3 10 PART II OPPRESSION I. Nicholas, Czar .... II. How Czars Govern III. The Czarism Struggling for Existence IV. The Slow Massacre System V. Creating the " Internal Enemy " . VI. The Danger of Progress VII. "My Chief Support" . VIII. What Happened to ' * The Constitution IX. " Prussian " Reform . X. Autocracy's Last Hope XL The People's Enemies are the Czar's Allies 29 32 40 51 59 70 80 88 100 112 126 PART III REVOLT I. The Russian People — A Mystery 11. The Russian People — Their True Character III. How the Peasants Live IV. How the Peasants Till the Soil XV 145 153 166 180 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE PART 111 — Continued V. From Slaves of the Landlord to Slaves of the State . 192 VI. The Peasant Gives His Orders . . . .208 VII. How the Peasant Became a Revolutionist . . 216 VIII. The Village Against the Czar — A State of Mind 227 IX. The Czar's Armies of Revenge .... 235 X. The Village Against the Czar — A State of War . 250 XL Waiting for Civil War 261 PART IV EVOLUTION OF A NEW NATION I. The Nation United . . . 271 II. The Nation Chooses the Revolutionary Way . . 279 III. The Unity Destroyed . 287 IV. The Moderates Cooperate with the Reactionaries • 295 V. Begging for Crumbs ..... 304 VI. The Peasants Become Socialists . . 312 VII. The Peasant Parties Abandon Hope in the Duma • 327 VIII. The Leaders of the People .... 33^ PART V REVOLUTION AND THE MESSAGE 'I. The Workingmen .... II. The Position of the Workingmen . III. Organising ..... IV. Planning the War .... V. How the Priests are Becoming Revolutionists VI. The Religious Revolution . VII. The Russian Revolution vVIII. Russia's Message .... Appendix . Bibliographical Note Index 349 358 371 382 392 402 413 428 468 469 473 XVI ILLUSTRATIONS Count Tolstoi Nicholas 1 1. , " Most High ' ' . Two high officials . How the peasants are " pacified" Executing political prisoners . The slayer of von Plehve Marie Spiridonova Krushevan, massacre organiser Reactionary Duma members Herzenstein and Kovalevski . Map showing political divisions in Teaching the peasants . A southern peasant The landlord's palace . The peasant's cottage . The earthen cottage The cottage's single room A peasant's waggon Agricultural implements Peasants in winter costume Famine-stricken peasants Methods of threshing . Haying done by women Bogoraz (Tan) , the poet Korolenko, the novelist The village chief . A wise peasant The village street Social farming of the peasantry Little Russian peasants . Professor Milyoukov Constitutional Democratic leaders Labour Group of first Duma . xvii Russia Frontispiece 22 23 48 49 64 65 80 81 96 97 162 165 174 175 178 179 190 191 192 193 208 209 340 240- 241 241 256 256 257 276 277 284 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Social Democratic deputies . 2S5 Executive Committee of Peasants' Union 294 Cossack liberals . . . . . . 29s A young village leader . 298 Peasants' Union delegates . 299 Peasant members of the Duma 326 An educated peasant leader . 327 Anikine ..... 330 Aladdin ..... 330 Bielevsky , under " house arrest *' 331 Father Gapon 356 Type of working man . 357 A corner of old Moscow . 364 Prince Kropotkin 36s Socialist Revolutionary leaders . 384 Two types of village priests . 38s Fathers Petrov and Kolokolnikov 400 Two types of the higher clergy 401 xvin PART ONE The Birthplace of Social Freedom OF THE ^>^ DIVERSITY OF CHAPTER I WHY RUSSIA IS THE FIELD OF THE GREAT EXPERIMENT ON THE banks of the Neva, the Volga, and the Vistula," writes Anatole France, "the fate of new Europe and the future of humanity are being decided." / The future of humanity is being decided in Russia because fit is Russia alone among the great nations that has not already \definitely chosen the path of her development. The foundations of modem industry were laid in Great Britain more than a cen- tury ago, the political institutions of America have undergone no revolution for more than a hundred years. The other modem nations also are held fast in the framework of material and political conditions fixed by some long-dead generation. In this sense Russia is comparatively free. Without being out of touch with modem life she is not bound by any of the peculiar limitations of the other nations. i She is almost entirely free from those great business interests that dominate the life of other modem nations. Witte has tried the great experiment of turning Russia into a modem business nation by means of ukases of the Czar and the division of his plunder and the country's wealth with foreign capital. The result was the collapse in 1 900 of the whole artificial indus- trial structure based on the taxation of the starving peasantry. The recent parliamentary experiment is also ended and the shadow of a constitution has disappeared. The Government i is once more a despotism that leaves neither power nor freedom to the people. Neither by political education, then, nor by economic neces- sity are the Russians tied to any one of the industrial and political institutions that characterise other peoples of our time, nor are they in any way wedded to an effete and outworn ^civilisation. The Czarism is a half -Asiatic, half -German insti- tution imposed on the coxmtry from without, just as the Church 3 4 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE was bodily transported from Constantinople and set up without the slightest reference to religious ideas then in existence. We have the judgment indeed of one of Russia's greatest histo- rians and sociologists, of the man who led the party that con- j| trolled both of the first two Dumas, to the effect that Russia is ^^ I indeed without any national religious or political tradition in the truest sense of the word. Scratch a Russian and you find not a Tartar but a new European. Old institutions are hated rather than venerated. There is no question among any important element of the population outside of the relative handful that supports the Czar, of not leaving the landmarks of Russia with all speed. Russia's unparalleled tragedy is not due to any innate conser- vatism in the national character, not to the grip on the people's soul of old customs and an old faith, but to an incredible incubus that has been imposed upon her from without and like a mon- strous parasite has grown strong at the expense of all her best vital forces. "The Russian," said Turgeniev, "is so convinced of his own strength and powers that he is not afraid of putting himself to severe strain. He takes little interest in his past and looks boldly forward. What is good (in his own past or that of other nations) he likes, what is sensible he will have, and where it comes from he does not care." y "The old is dead, the new is not yet born," says an old Russian proverb. It portrays the present condition of the country. The old Russian system of slavery and despotism is already dead in the minds and hearts of the people because enslavement either to private individuals or to the State wholly contradicts every thought and feeling of the Russian, as of every thinking and feeling man who knows of any other mode of existence. The new is not yet bom because of the greatness of the changes that are coming into being. It is not merely a revolutionary change in land ownership or a new government that is demanded. It is, to employ an expression now widely in use among all classes, ^ ""new forms of life," new forms of national and individual existence. The peasants want the land and the nation wants to rule itself, not because conditions are growing worse, not so much because they are inspired with the horror of what now RUSSIA THE FIELD OF EXPERIMENT 5 prevails, as because they are filled with a sense of the greatness that is possible to a regenerated Russia. Here is a great people in possession of half the continents of Europe and Asia, a people unhampered by inherent traditions, that has yet never experienced a great national awakening like other countries. Every thoughtful or enterprising Russian feels that in a well ordered society there would be room for his development. Every peasant knows of the better conditions and opportunities of America and Western Europe. Every educated person has read and thought over what is desirable and undesirable for Russia in this "Western life." Every trained person, publicist, artisan, professional or business man, has studied, planned and dreamed over the technical revolution already accomplished in other countries that is called for also in his occupation in Russia. But all feel that the absence of any real tradition in Russia, the long pent-up energies and revolution- ary spirit in all things, should ultimately give her an advantage over the other countries, and sweep away many of the obstacles to individual and national development that exist in other lands either because their advanced economic condition has set them in the hard and fast lines of a fixed material and institu- tional framework, or because some popular, but none the less blind, political tradition has been allowed to sink its roots in the minds of the people. The evil Russia is fighting does not exist, then, in the charac- ter of the nation itself, as a thing of the spirit, but as an arbitrary physical power. Nevertheless, the struggle of the new against the old Russia is not merely a physical conflict. The people's cause has long ago attained a strength sufficiently great to force the Government to break its silence and to cover its selfish, irresponsible, and anti-social action, often consciously hostile to the general welfare, by a whole universe of lies. To every appeal from glaring wrongs to reason, to justice, to the nation's welfare, or even to the most elementary rights of the individual, the Government's answer is — some falsehood. Official Russia is in a land of lies. The Czar lies as to facts in signed documents, breaks his most solemn promises to the nation, and, finally, diabolically proclaims his God-given right to break his word. The ministers lie to the Duma and the Duma 6 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE fully exposes their lies. To retrieve its own national reputation lost in the war with Japan, the Government tries to throw the blame on the Manchurian generals and finally convicts them, apparently with justice, of every manner of fraud and degrada- tion, even to telegraphing in official despatches of battles that were never fought. Every financial statement the Government has issued has been proved by the experts of Europe to be only a cleverly managed collection of misstatements. All the tele- grams allowed to be printed in Russia are those of the Govern- ment agency, and every day proves some of them to be either lying half-truths or falsehoods. Each of these lies covers a wrong. With the growth of the revolutionary movement all wrong-doers and parasites enjoying a wrongful or unearned income are herding together for defence. Whether the incompetent person is professor, administrator, engineer, or priest, whether the dishonest wrong-doer is official, banker, or landlord, makes little difference. They are all connected with the Governnient. The ramifications of the governmental power are numberless and few are the unscrupu- lous that have not secured some kind of protection or benefit. It would seem that there is nothing too old, too outworn, too repugnant to all humanity and reason, whether in government, religion, education, or science, for the Czar to cover with the Imperial sanction. The struggle is not being carried out on a physical plane, largely because all the best life of the nation is absorbed in exposing this great system of falsehood. And as the hard-pressed Govern- ment takes shelter at one time or another behind nearly every one of the most used and dangerous lies that are oppressing humanity and have oppressed it for centuries, the leaders of the nation on their side have been forced to draw into the discussion all the greatest and most illuminating truths of history and of [our time. The more hopeless the outlook for the immediate success of the revolution, the more enthusiastic, impassioned, many-sided and profound has been the public discussion of every far-reaching social problem, until it can now be^ said though she is without a vestige of political liberty that Russia is more vitally alive to every great political and social issue than the freest countries. In the brief periods of relative free- RUSSIA THE FIELD OF EXPERIMENT 7 dom of the press that have occurred several times during these revolutionary years no great problem of human destiny was left unstirred. All arguments, all philosophies, all history, the experience of all countries were dragged into the arena. Because nothing is settled in the nation's life, because the people are clamouring for everything that for generations may have been denied, and because all great questions are under discussion, nothing can be taken for granted in the argument. So there are marshaled in opposing camps in Russia all the forces of progress and reaction as in no other country during all the century that has elapsed since the revolution in France. The issues of this revolution are greater than they were in France, the struggle is on a more extended scale, and the whole ^ world is lending its forces to aid the Russian Government. The foreign influence that threatened the French Revolution through the English fleet and the Prussian and Austrian armies on the frontier, which finally forced the Revolution to choose between Napoleon's military dictatorship and extinction, is represented in the very heart of Russian life by the apparently inexhaustible supply of gold by means of which foreign money- lenders enabled the Government to provide itself with all the formidable machinery of modem warfare and to hire an army of nearly a million Cossacks and police to hold down the revolu- tionary movement. The Russian revolution is in no sense only a Russian question. It is against the financial powers ^ of all the world that the revolutionists are fighting. This is why Russia's most profound thinkers cannot see an early end to the upheaval — though the whole world will benefit from ' their victory. I saw Count Tolstoi just after the meeting of the first Duma, and told him I had come to spend several years to observe the revolution. " You had better stay here fifty years," he answered. "The revolution is a drama of several acts. This Duma is not even the first act, but only the first scene of the first act, and as is usual with first scenes it is a trifle comic." If the revolution is long drawn out, if the losses are great, if the Czarism seems to be holding its power, this is only because new forces have been thrown into the balance, and means that a still greater battle will have to be fought, a battle that may 8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE V become what Carlyle called the French Revolution, "the account day of a thousand years." But in order to realise what is going on it is not necessary to wait for the final fruition of the great movement. The soul Wof the future civilisation is foreshadowed in the conflict. The rising generation, the youth and even most men under middle age, those who will constitute the chief force of Russia in another decade, are nothing less than inspired by the revolution. Their devotion goes further than that of mere patriots engaged in foreign wars; they imdergo denials, sufferings and actual tortures that make them more akin to religious martyrs. Patriots die freely in battle for their country — these enthusiasts submit to a whole life of unrewarded sacrifice. The vast majority of the young men of every social class except the most privileged, and a large part of the educated young women as well, are daily offering their lives, their liberty, their property and their future careers for the cause. Their leading motive is not hatred of the enemy, nor perhaps even love of their own friends and kindred, so much as the political principles and social ideals ' to which they have given all their most serious thoughts. The t more thoughtful, active, and capable the young people, the more immersed we find them in the revolutionary movement. Nor do they leave it with growing years. The revolutionists of the former generation have for the most part remained steadfastly attached to their faith, and each of the great parties is still led by the last even more than by the present generation. Neither must it be inferred that it is altogether different with the fathers of the rank and file. As usual in wars or revolutions their positions and family cares do not permit them to bear the brunt of the movement, the active parts are necessarily taken by the yotmg, but the parents often encourage, and rarely interfere with, their children's activities. It is perhaps the first time in history that a whole nation has been infected to the point of religious enthusiasm by this purely social faith. Something like this occurred in France. But as the revolution there did not meet a tithe of the obstacles that this one has already met, it did not develop a tithe of the intensity, profundity, or universal scope of the present move- ment. This is why so many great thinkers feel that the RUSSIA THE FIELD OF EXPERIMENT 9 Russian revolution means more to humanity than any great popular movement, political, economic, or religious, that all history records. As regenerated Russia, inspired by her victory and with the spiritual strength and character gained through the struggle, steps finally into the arena of the modem nations and faces the same situation as the rest, she is likely to lead in her solutions rather than to follow, to inspire rather than to act as a drag upon the others. Her poverty, her inexperience, her miserable past, will give to her young men the same stimulation as they have to our own, who in struggling against precisely such obstacles have created the greatness of the United States. CHAPTER II THE BEGINNING — 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 IN THE brief space of four years Russia has gone through the experience of a generation: the war with Japan; the broken promises of the Czar and the false constitutional hopes of a part of the people ; the indefinite postponement of the once impending bankruptcy; the failure of passive resistance called for by the national assembly, of the second great general strike, of the insurrections in the cities, of the agrarian uprisings in the country, and of the imposing mutinies on sea and land to shake off the hated Czar. The guerilla war and the killing of. the most murderous officials by mortally injured and mad- dened citizens continue to cost the Government dear, but the very persons engaged in this kind of warfare know that by it alone the Czarism can never be overthrown. The people's parties are powerless and insignificant in the third Duma, but they have succeeded in planting their doctrines everywhere and even in partly organising the masses of the population. The three Dumas and the revolutionary movement have brought no great improvements in the political freedom or the economic condition of the people. But they have already brought the Russian problem before the whole world, and revolutionised Russian life, thought, and opinion. It was at the beginning of war with Japan that the foreign press first directed its attention to Russia's internal affairs. The spectacular failure of the Russian arms in Manchuria, however, shed little light on the internal conditions of European Russia nearly ten thousand miles away. One particular fact, though, was made evident. From the events in Russia at this time it was clear to all the world that a large part of the people of all classes was opposed to the war. The leading newspapers, gagged as they were, managed to attack the war and the Govern- ment; and the troops began almost immediately to revolt. 10 THE BEGINNING ii The world learned that the Russian people had not brought on this war. The real cause of the war soon developed. It became clear that the terrible conflict was brought on chiefly to further the private interests of the Grand Dukes, Admiral Alexis, and other favourites of the court, A quarter of a million lives had been destroyed and a sum calculated by a leading economist at four or five billion rubles, a tenth of the total wealth of this impov- erished people, had been destroyed. The whole world then for the first time realised that the Russian Government is indeed a barbarous despotism, that it is sustained by violence, that the welfare of the people is subordinated to the interests of those who happen to be pleasing to the Czar. The true nature of the Czarism was probably as plain at that moment as it will ever be. All the other horrors, the massacre of the St. Petersburg workmen on January 22, 1905, the innumerable massacres of the Jews instigated by the police, the butcheries of Tartars, Armenians, and Poles in peaceful assemblies, the deliberate burning of a theatre full of educated people at Tomsk, however terrible to the foreign reader, were, taken all together, hardly so costly to the Russian people, hardly so significant of their enslaved condition, as the spectacle of a nation of a hundred and forty million people being driven by their despot to war against another people ten thousand miles away of whom they knew little and against whom they had conceived no grievance. The events of the last three years (1905, 1906, 1907) are surely enough to show that there is no hope of this incredible and monstrous despotism reforming itself. Russia has listened to the Czar's broken promises for more than a generation. But the promises of the last three years have been heard one after another by the whole world. In October, 1905, the Czar prom- ised a Duma and freedom and equality before the law. At present all continues as before : newspapers are confiscated and suppressed ; every kind of -meeting forbidden ; Jews and Poles persecuted for their religion and nationality; workingmen and peasants arrested by the wholesale for striking; hundreds of speakers, writers, students and working people sent every day, without trial, to prison, hard labour, and Siberia; the starving \ peasantry crushed by the same overwhelming burden of taxes, 12 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE and the Duma abolished in all but name. The third Duma is entirely in the hands of the landlords, the sole important ele- ment of the nation outside of Government employees on which the Czar can now rely for loyal support — about one per cent, of the population. It is not a question of reform in Russia but of revolution. The reader does not need to be reminded how large a part of the Russian people are of this opinion. Tens of thousands have died for it, hundreds of thousands gone to prison or exile, millions suffered persecution, fines and arrest. Tens of millions of Russians who do not happen to have been individually persecuted share their view. In the election an overwhelming majority of the people voted for representatives of the revolu- tionary factions. It was only a most unequal suffrage and unheard of arbitrariness of the officials that gave the moderately oppositional parties a bare majority. It will be remembered that this election law, though by no means distorted enough to give a Government majority and now replaced by one infi- nitely less democratic, nevertheless gave the noble landlord the same number of votes as a hundred peasants. And it will be recalled that voters and electors were publicly disqualified by the hundred thousand at all stages of the election for nothing more subversive than unfriendliness to the Government. But it is not generally realised that nevertheless an overwhelming majority of the votes cast were votes for revolution. The intelligent newspaper reader is well aware that every attempt at revolution has failed to gain any concrete results, whether general strike, insurrection, mutiny, refusal of taxes and recruits, assassination of despots, guerilla war, or even the most peaceful parliamentary method of refusing to countenance the foreign loans on which the Government is absolutely depen- dent for every year of its continued existence. The general strike, which won the Czar's idle promise of reform, the well known Manifesto* of October, 1905, was carried to success by two causes that can hardly recur again — the unpreparedness of the Government, and the unity of the people. The strike was begun on the railroads and its effect was almost wholly due to the tying up of all the communication of the country. * For the full text of this Manifesto see Appendix, Note A. THE BEGINNING 13 The Government has now organized the railroads on the Prus- sian military system and made it an offence punishable by immediate execution to have anything to do with a railway strike. After the passing of this law a second effort to strike, in December, 1905, proved an almost complete failure. This was partly due to the preparedness of the Government, partly to the hostility or indifference of a part of the population. The Railway Union in Siberia felt itself forced to leave the lines open to send the troops home from Manchuria. The troops in Man- churia, though sympathetic with the revolt, were more anxious to get home a few weeks earlier than to further the cause. In another section the imion felt compelled to forward grain to the famine-stricken peasants. The peasants were sympathetic but not enough so to withstand a few more weeks of a state of siege for the sake of permanent freedom. The railway men knew then, and have since finally decided, that a strike can succeed against the courts-martial only if the communications are completely interrupted and the bridges as far as possible de- stroyed. They propose to wait until some large section of the peasants rises in revolt. The general strike depends then on the general insurrection. But the general insurrection has also been tried and foimd wanting. The Moscow barricades certainly proved an imex- pected and brilliant success at the outset, and this success was repeated at a nimiber of other places. But no unity of action developed between the various points. The railroads remained almost intact and the Government was able to send reinforce- ments wherever it was hard pressed. In the meanwhile the revolutionists failed to get on their side a sufficiently large part of the army at any one point to be able to march to the rescue of their comrades. , The agrarian insurrections were even more isolated and fruitless. Numbering on the whole several thousand, they were yet so disconnected that never were more than a handful of villages able to act in concert. A hundred million rubles worth of landlords* property was destroyed, here and there an official was killed. Yet there was no call for, nor support of, a general railroad strike, the only measure that could have confimed the loyal part of the troops to the cities and allowed time for the 14 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE organisation of the agrarian revolt. Again, in the summer of 1907, after the dissolution of the second and last real Duma, the whole of the southern part of the country was covered with agrarian revolts, but again these revolts were never so general as to be too much for the relatively few loyal troops, the Cossacks '. and mounted rural police. If the day should ever arrive when these revolts become general in any section, the Railroad Union, sure then of the support and aid of the people, promises a strike accompanied by the destruction of the lines. This would cer- tainly leave the country districts in the people's hands. The half a million mounted soldiers who happen for the most part to be loyal would be as nothing spread over a large section of the country. Events have shown conclusively that most of the peasant / infantry in the towns are infected and that some are ready for ' mutiny or desertion. But there remains the semi-professional army of Cossacks and guards, and this has been the one great safeguard of the throne. The relatively few revolts among the loyal professional, and one might almost say standing, army have of course been made the most of by the revolutionists. But such mutinies have been directed often merely against the miserable food, and unnecessary regulations or discipline. The Czar has quickly realised the necessity of giving these soldiers no such causes of discontent. Their food has been entirely altered, their pay increased, their service eased and especially compensated in times of "campaigns against the internal enemy." The regiments of the guard were favoured in every way, stationed at the most important and interesting places, clothed, fed, paid, and treated better than the rest. The mem- bers of these regiments had been chosen from all the recruits, not only on account of their physical development, but also because of loyalty and zeal. The Cossacks are even more favoured among the subjects of the Czar. They are truly professional soldiers and the chil- dren of paid fighters. Living in outlying parts of the country the Czar has devoted to their use for several generations, they are given every privilege the Government can afford -Aplenty of land, low taxes, and even local freedom to govern themselves. They are not forced conscripts like the rest of the Czar's forces THE BEGINNING 15 and all the great armies of to-day. They are well paid to follow the profession their fathers freely chose before them. Their privileged position puts them socially apart somewhere between the nobility and the common people. Without having the inde- pendent military power of the Janissaries or Pretorian guards, they are as much the indispensable prop of a detested govern- ment as were the mercenaries of the old Empires of Constanti- nople or Rome. The reader has often noticed the undoubted zest with which these Cossacks have filled their murderous office, and he has doubtless felt the hopelessness of inspiring such bom servants of despotism with devotion to the people. If he remembers that the Cossacks* privileges would also vanish with the institu- tion of a people's army and a more democratic government, he will understand from the Cossack problem alone that the revo- lution has before it a task greater than that ever faced by any people fighting for freedom. An impoverished and unarmed people spread out in little isolated villages and towns over half Europe and half Asia has to face a modem army of half a million men, mostly hereditary fighters, perhaps the best horsemen in the world, well paid and rewarded, splendidly armed and disci- plined, hated by the mass of the people and naturally returning with contempt this hatred, prepared by special schooling and the careful tutelage of their officers to despise democracy and peace, to love Czarism and war, already experienced in, and now thoroughly reorganised for the express purpose of, putting down revolt. It is this army paid by the money advanced by the financiers of Germany and France, that has checked the revolu- tion. It is the activity of this army that explains why the peasant uprisings limited to a few thousand villages scattered over the land did not take hold of the others and result, as in France in 1789, in the driving of the last landlord out of the country. It was this army that suppressed the growing mutiny among the troops in every comer of the land. It was this army that recaptured the few towns and strongholds that fell into the people's hands and prevented the peasants and small towns from imifying their movements as was done by the federations in France, which organised a government that was able to defend itself for twenty years against the allied forces of all Europe. i6 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE The peaceful measures of revolt, as I have said, were no more successful. The failure to get a foreign loan would have forced the Government to yield — but the people's opposition to the loan availed nothing. In December, 1906, the Government reports showed that the country's finances were only a few million rubles, or a few days from paper money and ruin. The financial situation may indeed overwhelm the Government in another generation, but if aljowed to reach that point it might first overwhelm the natioii in utter impoverishment and economic ruin. The only other "peaceful" means of forcing the Government to terms were those appealed to by the first Duma when it was dissolved. The celebrated Viborg manifesto,* signed by a majority of the people's representatives, called for every possible means of passive resistance, denounced the foreign loans, and proposed to the people to refuse taxes and recruits. These latter measures, certainly passive, could not long have remained peaceful. If the Duma's advice had been followed by any considerable proportion of the people, the savage and universal reprisals of the Government would inevitably have led to open outbreaks. The villagers that refused recruits were at once taken before the courts-martial, which were the supreme power in the country from that time, and punished by military "law." Both the people and the majority of the Duma members who had signed the manifesto, were thoroughly aware of the impos- sibility of a general insurrection. The people refused to take the first step where a second was out of the question, the moder- ate party within a few weeks repudiated the proposal they themselves had put forward, and passive resistance is no longer talked of as a means of liberating the land. So far all the means of revolution have failed. But more remarkable than their failure is the way the people have taken their defeat. The reader must have noticed that the revolu- tionary spirit has lived on even after the hope of any kind of immediate and general movement had failed. All the more determined revolutionists have decided that the spark of revolt shall be kept alive until a way is found to inflame the nation to a final heroic and successful stand. Assassination, expropria- * For text of the Viborg Manifesto see Appendix, Note C. THE BEGINNING 17 tion and guerilla war are on the decrease because they are not leading to the general movement their partisans had hoped — and the current has set against them as means of leading up to a general revolt. But confidence in Russia's future and undying hatred to the Government have driven the people to ever new and more successful forms of action, slower, more costly perhaps, but irresistible in the end. Some of the measures of repression still in effect are proving fruitless, and when the Government does successfully maintain its might it does so at the cost of mak- ing new enemies it can ill afford, or of a financial expenditure that must lead to a steady decay of its power. The reader must have realised that the new election law by which the voice of the people in the third Duma is reduced almost to zero, while the nobility and landlords, scarcely one per cent, of the voters, are given a majority of the representatives, amounts practically to an abolition of the national parliament. He may, therefore, have concluded not only that the revolution- ary movement is quelled but that the revolutionary parties, many of them formed or crystallised in the Duma, have been robbed of their importance. None of the popular parties had any hope that the Czar would allow the Duma to accomplish anything, and they finally succeeded in their great common object, which was to teach the people that nothing would be gained from the Government that was not taken by superior power. Three years of revolution and three national assemblies have brought the Russian people neither freedom nor the control of their Government, nor any great improvement. If the revolu- tion should now draw to a conclusion all the colossal struggle and waste of hundreds of thousands of lives would have been for nothing; but if it should continue, even though it takes a generation to overthrow the Czarism and establish the sover- eignty of the people, all the sacrifice will be justified. Russia is willing to pay high for freedom because of the infamy of the Czarism, because of the qualities of her peasant population and the splendidly progressive character of the people of her towns. But above all she is making these unheard of sacrifices because of the greatness that lies before her. A people that will have overcome an enemy like the Czarism backed by the world's i8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE money power, will not shrink before the greatest social regen- eration the worid has ever known. The recent partial successes and complete defeats, the mon- strosity of the evils she is fighting, the difficulties to be overcome, are only measures of the power the nation is developing in the struggle and the profundity of the social revolution that only such a struggle can call into being. The recent dramatic struggle, the incredible degradation of the present Government, the tragic spirit of rebellion among the peasants, the exceptional intelligence and public spirit of the educated classes, the daring and devotion of the revolutionists, has led the Russian nation to the most heroic, the most inspired, and the most revolutionary social movement of centuries. Because of this revolutionary social movement the Russian people lead the world at the present moment in the imselfish devotion of individual to the general welfare, in the systematic study of social problems, in the intensity of their interest in other coimtries and other periods, in the subtlety and profimdity of their analysis of the political, social, and moral movements of our time, and in the elevation of the individual type which is a necessary result of such a vigorous social movement. When the coming regeneration of life, which is believed in as a religious faith by all sincere and disinterested Russians from the peasants to Tolstoi and the most moderate of liberals, is finally accomplished, the world may have to look to Russia not only as it does now for individuals with the most developed social character but for the community that will have evolved for the first time social equality and a truly social government. The germs of this future society are already visible, the truly social individuals are already here. That complete and glad devotion to social causes that must constitute the life principle of the men of the future is already embodied in inntmierable individual Russians of the present generation. PART TWO Oppression r CHAPTER I NICHOLAS, CZAR Russian People, who journey sad and trembling, Serfs at St. Petersburg, or at hard labour in the mines, The North Pole is for your Master, a dungeon vast and sombre ; Russia and Siberia, O Czar! Tyrant! Vampire! \ These are the two halves of your dismal Empire; One is Oppression, the other Despair! — Victor Hugo {Les Chatiments) NICHOLAS II., though bom heir to the vast Empire of the Romanoffs and absolute master of a hundred and forty million people, was a most ordinary child. But he was not long allowed to remain normal or ordinary. All the unlimited resources and powers of a Czar's educators from infancy to man- hood, were used to convince him that he is the God-bom superior to every man in his Empire, and that he has been given the 'right by God to regulate to the last particular the lives of each one of his one hundred and forty million subjects. Such an education can lead to only one result — with ordinary children. "I knew a promising young princess," a well-known old courtier told me, "who had inborn progressive ideas. She was given to asking most interesting questions. Her teacher was of course changed, and when I saw her again, a few years later, I did not know her, she was so much like the rest. It is impos- sible that anything good should come out of that poisonous and misanthropic atmosphere of the Court. I have abandoned hope." So with the Czar. He is a product of his environment.* Or, better, he is part and parcel of the whole of the old system. For now that he is on the throne, he is daily creating his environ- ment and his environment is daily creating him. \ .. -^ That Nicholas II., by nature an ordinary, normal man, should have developed into a perfect and willing tool of reaction and an enemy of progress, is a sign that the day for expecting liberty from Czars or benevolent despots has passed. The sustamers 21 22 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE n of autocracy have read history and studied revolutions aright. They are now taking no chances with their despots. To prevent his becoming better than those around him, Nicholas, like his uncles and cousins, the notoriously dissolute grand dukes, was scientifically corrupted in his youth. He was allowed several mistresses. A Jewish girl whom he is said to have really loved was torn away from him by the Court. True love is dangerous to despotism, above all love for a member of a persecuted race. His notorious affair with the ballet-dancer, Kshesinkaya, which lasted to the very day of his marriage, was more after his uncle's heart. He was allowed to endow this woman with a palace and a fortune in jewels and gold. /And while his body was being corrupted by fast living and drink, his soul was imder the sinister and misanthropic influence of fanatic old Pobiedonostzev, or the half -crazy mysticism of Father John of Cronstadt, who, while still preaching massacre, has now set himself up for a Russian Christ. It is natural that a mind so beclouded should shower honours on the necromancer Phillipe, and, as God-appointed head of the Russian Church, canonise the monk Seraphin, dead now for fifty years, for having interceded with God to send him a male heir. Nicholas is by education an ordinary absolute monarch, as h^^^ is by nature an ordinary man. If he has lightly glorified war, so has William II. If he has publicly announced his hatred of millions of his subjects, has not the German Emperor called a party of three million of his subjects "dogs"? He differs from other autocrats not in his ideas or in his nature, but in his actual crimes. UnfortuLnately for Nicholas, history offered him the choice either to rise above the monarch to the true man, or else to sink from the level of inhuman feeling and opinion to the definite degradation of criminal acts. Nicholas chose as a Czar, and not as a man. As a consequence the Czarism has been preserved, but at this price, that the Czar has become an accessory before the fact to a policy as black as anything ever dreamed by Machiavelli, and to crimes more horrible than any that have been perpetrated in Europe since the religious wars. It is said that Nicholas II. is not to be known or judged like ordinary mortals, that he is helpless against the grand dukes, p< f^ 2 o £ ^ o a. NICHOLAS, CZAR 23 his family, and the court. But, as was pointed out to me by one of the most honoured and best-informed men in Russia, the Czar has long selected his own court and chosen his own family favourites. "An autocrat can be formed by his environment for a few years," said this man, "but since the age of thirteen Nich- olas has himself created his own environment." Nicholas loved the old reactionary advisers left him by his father — his Uncle Sergius, Minister Sipiaguine, and Count Ignatiev. The revolu- tionists have taken these terrible persons away. He feared Von Plehve, who, before the Czar had yet obtained a secure con- trol of the reins of government, had got a firm hold on the secret police, a position impregnable in a despotism. The revolution- ists also solved this problem for him. But he has replaced the reactionaries he loved by new reactionaries. He became jealous within a few weeks of the popularity of a successful liberal minister like Sviatopolk-Mirski. Witte he always hated, but held to him long because he better than all others could procure gold in biUions from Germany and France, His present favourites are all either discreet reactionaries, men of blood and iron like Stolypine, or shameless reactionaries like Kaulbars. Noble leaders of the black league formed for massacres, Bobrinsky, Sherebatov, Apraxin, Konovnitzin, General Bogdanovitch, have constant access to the court. Men of relentless violence, like Prime Minister Stolypine, Deduline, and Dumovo, are given the ministries that hold the real power. Kaulbars, Skalon, Herschelman, and Meller- Zakomelski are entrusted with the fate respectively of Odessa, Poland, Moscow, and the Baltic provinces. They are all cynical, violent, and open reactionaries. It was Herschelman who upset even the military law of the realm by reversing the sentence of a military court, which had let off with a light punishment four drunken peasants who had insulted a policeman. Herschel- man had them hanged. When new laws are being prepared it is the reactionary jurists, old Goremykin, Stichinsky , and Dumovo, not real experts, who are taken into the Czar's personal confi- dence. But above all, to swing the destiny of the tortured and suffering peoples and nations called Russia, one must win the favour of the Czar's boon companions, the extreme reactionaries Prince Orlov and the Queen's Secretary, Prince Putiatin. 24 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Prince Orlov is the Czar's drinking companion, Prince Putiatin is endeared to him as a heritage from his late beloved Uncle Sergius. Talents for despotism, flattery, and intrigue, these are all of value in securing a commanding position and power in the land of the Czar. " But the only way to succeed permanently," said one of the most trusted and best-known of my informants, "the only certain road is reactionism — open, active, and bitter hatred of progress. Nicholas sometimes tolerates a progressive person for a short time. But he is never really pleased with anything but reaction, movement backward toward his father's regime. All his sympathies are for reactionary things, all his feelings are for reactionary men. This is why we are governed by reactionaries, why Russia may have to go through far worse trials and horrors in the next few years than in those just passed. The Czar is oppressed and weighed down by superior intelligence, because it dwarfs his own ordinary powers. He can't bear it aroimd him. His real favourites have always been, and doubt- less always will be, dull and stupid men." Other opinions equally to be respected are in entire accord with this. "The keynote to the Czar's character," said another authori- ty, "is an inflated hypertrophied self-love, as is natural and almost inevitable with an irresponsible and absolute monarch. This self-love was consciously created in his youth and is pur- posely developed by all who approach the throne. It is the explanation of every important act of the reign. For instance, it was nothing but the Czar's self-love that brought us the Duma and a few months later took this Duma away." At enmity with the people, surrounded by dull and brutal persons of his own choosing, endowed himself with a clearly expressed love for violence and the "good old times" of his father Alexander III., what is the use of seeking further Nicho- las's political ideas? They are, of course, most rudimentary. His leading idea, expressed in every public utterance, is that his personal desires and the welfare of his immense empire are one and the same thing — that the preservation of his own unlimited, irresponsible, and absolute personal rule, and' the maintenance of the riches and irresponsible power of his family and his friends, of the grand dukes, the high officials, NICHOLAS, CZAR 25 the high clergy, the high nobihty and the court, are all entirely consistent with the welfare of the vast and varied peoples of the realm. It was to the supposed interest of the grand dukes, the Czar's mother, the Russian police, the heads of the army and the court, to declare war against Japan. The nation, almost wholly opposed to the calamitous and terrible enterprise, was not consulted. But the Czar, justly certain that he was acting in accordance with the wishes of his family, his friends, and every- body he respected, entered into the bloody and unprincipled business with a light heart. He said, writes Prince Urussov, that he considered the Japanese attack "like the bite of a flea" and that he was "fully satisfied with the progress of the war" because it would call out an increase of the patriotic spirit, because the agitation against the Government would cease and it would he easier to maintain order in the State. This unjust, bloody, unpopular war was brought on, then, by the common human frailties of a single individual — the desire to please his friends and relatives and the determination to maintain his control of his inherited property, Russia, at any cost. Nicholas happens to be absolute master of the lives and property of one hundred and forty million people, and that they are "the submissive servants" of his will is agreed by all defen- ders of the autocratic system. Imagine the wrath of such a master when the slaves are in revolt. Rebellious slaves have never been treated as human beings, and their revolts have usually been put down without stint of the utmost cruelties. In Russia, where not even the highest of the nobility have any rights against the Czar, a revolution is quite incomprehensible to the supreme power. A certain Russian prince, internationally famed for honesty, moderation and public spirit, complained in person to the Czar about the frightful Bielostock massacre. After having shown that the massacre was carried out almost entirely by the soldiers and police, the prince said, "This thing simply cannot continue. It is wrong." The Czar hesitated long, but finally answered: "Yes, it is wrong. It is wrong. But what can you do? These people are republicans and revolutionists." 26 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE The loyal prince excused himself in hopeless despair. "The people of Bielostock are republicans and revolutionists; that justifies any crime against them," thinks the Czar. But nine- tenths of the Russian people are, broadly speaking, revolution- ists. The Czar is then simply at war with his own people — imhampered by any usage or principle of civilised humanity or of civilised war. "What is the exact relation of the Czar to the crimes and horrors that are perpetrated in his name? Is the Czar himself primarily responsible, or are others more to blame?" I asked these questions of the men in Russia best able to answer, and had for my literal replies: "The court is the centre of the 'pogromists' and 'Black Hundreds.* The Czar himself is the chief of the 'hooligans.'" And I foimd such to be the almost unanimous opinion of Russia's most reliable men. Prince Urussov, recently governor of Bessarabia, places a full share of the responsibility for the wholesale massacres of 1905 directly on the Czar. "A word from the authoritative mouth of the Emperor or any action would have extraordinarily facilitated the maintenance of order," he writes significantly. But every effort failed to obtain from Nicholas either any kind of declaration condemning the pogroms, or even the suggested manifestation of unspoken sympathy with the victims through some slight monetary present for their relief. " From 1 903 " writes the prince, "it became plain to all the world that the Czar himself, if not in action, at least in thought and feeling, was an enemy to the Jews." A recognised enemy to the Jews, yes, but none the less an enemy to the Poles, Armenians, Finns, Letts, and Lithuanians, as the most credited representatives of all these races have testified, and to all the fifty million non-Russian peoples that constitute a full third of his subjects. For the actions and policies that have shown the Czar's attitude to the Jews, the most powerful of the "subject" peoples, have been repeated, almost exactly, toward the rest. A recognised enemy also of the overwhelming majority of the common people of Russian stock, the hundred million peasants and workingmen, as their representatives in the Duma testified. Friend only of the officials, the landlords, the very rich, the few himdred thousand NICHOLAS, CZAR 27 pampered Cossacks, spies, and police, who altogether constitute the only real foundation of the throne. Friend, also, of the murderers who have carried out the massacres that have drenched the land in blood. Nicholas is no mere onlooker. To be sure he has not taken part in the shooting, as did Charles IX. in the massacre of St. Bartholomew, but he is literally throwing open the prison doors for all who have murdered "in his name." The pogromists at Kertch, at Volsk, at Nijni Novgorod, in Volhynia, in Bessarabia, at Tula, and a dozen other places, though sentenced by the local courts, have all been fully par- doned by the Czar. The Czar's pardon for three Kharkov assassins who murdered a lawyer in his home, carried with it an even more open excitation to a repetition of the act in the words, "A pardon is extended to X, Y, and Z, the men who killed the miscreant revolutionary Jew.'' One of the chief organisers of the great Odessa massacre of October, 1905, when nearly a thousand were killed and wounded, was at last got behind the bars. The circuit court could not declare him innocent. It sentenced him, however, to only eight months' imprisonment. He soon received the full pardon of the Czar. Numerous other pardons followed, until the daily massacres in that city increased to the point that brought a diplomatic disgrace to the Russian Government. The combined foreign consuls felt impelled to raise a protest; it, however, accomplished nothing. Nearly every day shows one or more open and cold-blooded murders to be attributed directly to the immistakable approval of the Czar. The chief of police, Novitzki, was finally forced to telegraph Stolypine: "It is not possible for the police to fight successfully against secret leagues which are led by persons who guarantee the members impunity for crifne.** In Odessa the Government and the murderous League of Russian Men have become practically one. The local president of the league, Count Konovnitzin, is the aid-de-camp of the governor-general, Kaulbars; the latter is a member of the executive council and its meetings are often held in his palace. Nicholas himself is an honorary member of the League. A delegation, headed by the mayor, recently sent by desperate Odessa to the court to complain against the league's atrocities 28 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE was received by the Czar wearing on his breast the emblem of the League of Russian Men. That emblem was significant of his answer: he has delivered the great port of Odessa, with its half million of inhabitants, to the tender mercies of the League. To the delegation which presented him his badge (and one for his little heir), together with an address setting forth the "loyal" and anti-semi tic purposes of the organisation, Nicholas answered: "Thank in my name all the Russian people who have joined the league." Stolypine reported recently to the Czar that 60 per cent, of this notorious league was recruited from the criminal classes and scarcely i J per cent, were edu- cated persons. On Stolypine 's report Nicholas wrote: "The league is the most loyal of all the parties and the most useful to the Government. It would be well to be patient and to give it time to improve and correct itself." Dr. Dubrowin, president of the league and editor of its St. Petersburg organ, the Russian Flag, was asked recently the practical way out of Russia's difficulties. The justly notorious doctor replied: "It is necessary to hang eleven fore- most leaders whom I cotdd name, two hundred secondary leaders and three thousand party workers." To the question as to who could be foimd to execute such a cruel sentence, he answered: "The League of Russian Men would have the courage to do it." Dubrowin has made it clear that he reckons among those to be killed not only beloved popular leaders like Anikine and Aladdin, but also moderates like the economist Herzenstein, already assassinated by the league, if not by Dubrowin 's own personal order. No Russian revolutionist has ever made a proposal of wholesale butchery — their victims are the victims of a guerilla war. It is not the revolution for freedom that has produced the Russian Marat. It is the criminal counter- revolution personally patronised by the Czar. At first it was proposed to make Nicholas himself one of the three members of the league's executive board. Later the position was given to the Czar's new favourite and spiritual adviser, the priest Vostorgov. This "orthodox Christian" fire- eater stirred up race-wars in the Caucasus imtil he was forced to flee from the enraged people. Though only a common priest, he has now taken the place of sinister old Pobiedonostzev as the NICHOLAS. CZAR 39 theorist of arbitrary autocracy and reaction and the spiritual consoler of the court — while at the same time he guides the league for massacre. The Czar in appreciation has heaped exceptional ecclesiastical honours on his head and has given him a place in the Holy Synod. With the coming of Vostorgov it can at last be said that the League's end, the fusion of the "true Russian people" with the "Most High," has at last been accomplished. The title "Most High" sounds almost blasphemous. But in the eyes of the advocates of absolutism the Czar can be guilty of no blasphemy, just as he can be guilty of no crime. What he does is not only right, but sacred. The heads of the Church are his servants, as much subject to his orders as any peasants. The Czar has been given by God the care also of his subjects' souls. Every important ukase, even if on a purely political subject, is read from every village pulpit along with the rest of "God's word," likewise emanating from the whims and dictation of Nicholas and other Czars. Every expression and activity of life, every book, every newspaper, every school, every church or private society, must be forced and distorted to express absolute obedience, submission, subjection, and servility to the Czar. If a man in whom such a megalomania is cultivated from early childhood is not engaged personally in hunting down his subjects like Charles IX., it must be attributed to court custom rather than to anything in the conscience of the Czar. Young German barons around him who have led man-hunts against peasants they have harried into rebellion, receive his full sympa- thy, approval, and even promotion for their actions; while those who do not take a lively interest in such work are quickly marked with imperial disfavour and disgrace. This bloody business has gone so far that many who in the past have been reactionary or circumspect enough to rise to the highest rank, are now drawing back in horror and disgust. Not so the Czar, and no titles such a renegrade may bear, no services rendered, can save him from the imperial wrath. To an officer reporting a rather bloodless "pacification" in the west, the Czar replied after a long meditative silence: "Just the same, you have killed too few, you have killed too 30 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE few.'* To General Kazbek, reporting a similarly bloodless success against the revolutionists, the Czar listened without a word. After having given his report, the general was leaving and was already near the door when he heard a low, harsh voice behind him. He turned immediately round; the Czar was following him with a wolfish stride, and hissing through his closed teeth: "You ought to have fired just the same, general! You ought to have fired just the same! " The famous General Subbotich, a member of the general staff and recent governor-general of Turkestan, not only did not shed any blood in his province but scandalised the court by making several speeches in which he promised that the Czar would carry out his promises expressed in the October Manifesto and soon begin the work of reform. He was removed from his office and robbed of his dignities and pension without any statement of the cause. He demanded a trial by courts-martial, and was refused. He was told only that he had not taken measures to suppress the revolution, and that the Emperor "had deigned to refuse to let him know the tenor of the accusa- tions against him." He annotmced himself as a candidate to the Duma from the most conservative class of St. Petersburg, consisting of 2,000 members carefully selected by the Govern- ment, and received more than eight himdred of their votes. This vote is an evidence of the fact that the bitterness of all classes has reached such a point that only a bare half even of the most favoured and privileged can be persuaded to stand for the bloodthirstiness of the Czar. The Czar has also his minor heroes of violence. A certain cadet heard disrespectful words about his sacred Majesty on the street. He struck the speaker two blows on his head with his bayonet and the latter sank to the groimd. The Czar wrote with his own hand on the war minister's report to express his thanks for this "praiseworthy action " as he called it. A certain cavalry officer, a passenger on a local steamer, called the members of the Dtuna "rascals," entered into a quarrel with his fellow- passengers and finally opened fire with his revolver, seriously wounding a waiter before he was disarmed. His term was shortened by his Majesty's favour to three months' police arrest. A soldier shot a girl prisoner dead through the head for looking ^^':: NICHOLAS, CZAR 31 out of the prison window against the rules. He was sent a present of five dollars by the Czar. Since then this act has been repeated by the wholesale in all parts of the country. Nicholas II. is a criminal in the eyes of his people. In all sections, among all classes, among rich and poor, townspeople and country people, the educated, the business men, and priests, there is one dominating opinion about the Czar — that he bears to the full his share of the responsibility for the monstrous system of crime and plunder called the Russian Government, that he is neither better nor worse than the average of his predecessors, and that nothing better is to be expected from his successors since even the Czars themselves are products of the Czarism it is sought to destroy. The people have no desire to wait tmtil the Czarism produces a ruler who is not a Czar. '^^-^^ CHAPTER II HOW CZARS GOVERN IT IS not permissible to dip far into Russian history in the course of this review of present-day conditions. But we can thoroughly grasp the deep-seated and almost unconscious feeling of Russia about her rulers, only when we recall what kind of Czars the Czarism has actually produced. The first great Czar was Ivan the Terrible. He was a successful Czar and did Russia the inestimable service of driving out the Tar- tars and more than doubling the extent of the realm. But when he was not crushing the Tartars he was literally crushing the souls and bodies of his own people. He was trained purposely in his childhood to make what was then considered the strongest type of Czar, a man whose very name was to cause fear and submission among his subjects — and this principle of govern- ment not alone by the strong arm, but by fear of it, by "terror," remains a leading principle of the Czar's Government to-day. We have seen that Nicholas still demands bloodshed instead of unconditional surrender, and we shall see that this principle is not merely one of the chief policies of State but the very basis of the whole governmental system. Ivan set an example of Czarism that has never since been equalled — though, to be sure, most of his actions have been repeated frequently since his time. When as late as the middle of the sixteenth century Ivan wiped the half-free and the half- democratic towns of Pskov and Novgorod off the map, he did not ask for surrender, but practised deliberate and continuous tortures for the space of five weeks, in which time, one chronicle says, he put to death in one of the towns, men, women and children to the number of sixty thousand. Moscow, in 1 5 70, was treated to similar tortures, at which Ivan as usual assisted in person, piercing many to death with his him ting spear. The scene was on the great sacred place in Moscow, afterward 32 HOW CZARS GOVERN 33 christened the Red Square, in front of the famous sacred church erected after Ivan's own plans and clearly announc- ing his insanity, but which has served ever since as a cherished model for the Czars, like so many of the traditions of this age. Ivan's practice was to make a public spectacle of his "execu- tions," but on this great occasion the instruments of torture and pots for boiling people alive frightened the public away, and they had to be brought back by main force to witness the performance. Men were tortured by the wholesale in all ways known to human ingenuity, and, what is rarer in modem history, a show was made of the disgrace and tortures of women and girls, a feature entirely in accord with the wild and cruel private orgies of this Czar. After torture and disgrace the women and girls were killed either by having red-hot spears thrust into their bodies, or by Ivan's own instrument. Philip, metro- politan of Moscow and head of the Church, he had burned to death for refusing to bless him after his debauchery and crimes, the court chancellor was cut to pieces, the treasurer boiled alive, and a certain prince lingered impaled on stakes for fifteen hours while his mother was shamed by the soldiers before his eyes. Ivan's cruelties doubtless somewhat exceeded what might be calculated even by the most cold-blooded despot as useful to the maintenance of his power, but the fact remains that he was successful in increasing the might of the Czarism both at home and abroad, and his example has not been without its influ- ence on later Czars. To Peter the Great also, who ruled more than a hundred years later, human life was nothing. He repeated almost exactly several of the tortures devised by Ivan, as well as the executions "in person." He also caused the death of his own son Alexis. Fortunately, however, Peter the Great was a man of ideas. If the building of St. Petersburg cost as many unnecessary lives as the destruction of Novgorod, there was at least a more positive result. Peter also had less time for cruelty than Ivan, since he was busied with what he considered, often rightly, to be real affairs of State. But like Ivan he governed by execution, torture and terror, enjoyed the cruelty in person, and indulged in as bestial and wholesale debauchery 34 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE as the world has known. In one respect he went farther than Ivan, insisting on forcing on all the nation every detail of his arbitrary and sometimes even whimsical "will." By regulating every detail of his subjects' lives, even to the cut of their beards, he reduced every individual of the nation to the position of his personal servant or serf. Catharine II. was scarcely less debauched than Peter, and scarcely less cruel to the great mass of her subjects. But, though she undoubtedly caused the death of her husband and many others for whom she felt enmity, she showed as a rule a woman's gentleness to those immediately about her. However, as these last were her companions in luxury and debauch, the nation had little benefit from the descent of the great Empress to this ordinary virtue of the human race. Her successor, Paul, reverted to the arbitrariness of Peter. It would be more inter- esting to show the disastrous effects of this reversion on the people, which finally led to his assassination, than the ridiculous forms it took in his personal behaviour. But it is personal character tha|* concerns us for the moment, and nothing 'reveals his character better than his compelling his subjects to kneel, in dust, rain, mud, or snow, to his holy person when his carriage passed; and he even snatched a cap from an infant's head when a nurse did not know how to honour his presence. There can be little doubt that Alexander I. was privy to the murder of his father, and his reign, thus begun so thoroughly in the tradition of the Czars, was in perfect accord with his predecessors'. Europe, always densely ignorant of all things Russian and most hopelessly in the dark about the true character of the Czars, for some time took Alexander I. for a liberal, as it had taken Peter and Catharine, and has since taken Alex- ander II. and the present Czar. The original basis for this conception was slim; later the conception became absurd, for Alexander formed the Holy Alliance to battle against every great idea the French Revolution had introduced, and Russia became the mainstay of the reaction in Europe until her defeat, fifty years later, in the Crimean War and her replacement at this post of honour by Prussia and the German Empire of to-day. It was Alexander who added the Prussian military discipline and servitude to the other burdens of the nation. In his military HOW CZARS GOVERN 35 colonies the new militarism was combined with serfdom, till it became a full penal system of forced labour. Nicholas I. brought the new military serfdom to its perfection, to the envy of Prussia and other "military" powers; and he went even further and applied this system to the post-office and other public service, to several industries and to the mines. When Nicholas's army crushed the liberties of Hungary in 1849, his generals, Haynau and others, were so cruel that even Turkey refused to give up the refugees, and America finally felt impelled to carry Kossuth away on a frigate of the Government. Alexander II. again, who was forced to emancipate the serfs . c^ by the failure of the Crimean War and the impossibility of I ^ creating a modem army or raising the taxes under the old I » regime, was known as a liberal in Europe until his barbarous | suppression of the Polish insurrection. It was only because he had taken away the very slight liberties he had granted that a group of revolutionists robbed him of his life. This revolu- tionary act in turn stirred the reactionary forces in the Empire to make a "martyr" of him, and gullible Europe, which for years had turned away from him in disgust, again took up his cause and still does honour to his memory as a "liberal" Czar. Alexander III., the present Czar's father, was a typical Czar, without any special talents, blindly devoted to reaction, absolutism, and the narrowest conception of the Church, sur- rounded by dull and servile flatterers and leading the narrowest personal life, absorbed in trivialities and drink. It was this- stagnant, suffocating atmosphere that produced the "heroes"' of the present reign — its half-crazy or sinister fanatic priests ;; its demoniacal and all-powerful police heads, von Plehve and Trepov; the organisers of the statesmanship of persecution of subject races, Ignatiev and the Grand Duke Sergius; the first theoretical defenders of absolutism, Absakov and Leontieff, who sought to keep out of the policy of the Russian State the new and "obnoxious principle of seeking the material and moral welfare of the human race." Russia has learned something from her Czars. She has learned that it is one-man power itself that is wrong. Nearly all thoughtful Russians feel that the concentration of govern- 36 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE mental power in the hands of a single man is the worst curse that can befall a people. They know that the only possible defence of such a system is based on a lie, a radical miscon- ception of the nature of the human individual and the race. And they know that the first result of this lie is to distort, corrupt, or pervert the mind and character of the ruler himself, so that there can be no benevolent despot unless by chance, and that such a despot, if intelligent, would have to deny despotism itself, and, if honest, put it to an end. In Russia there is no Napoleonic worship, no "great man" theory, no demand for, and no blind faith in, all-powerful leaders. There is too much similarity, as far as the masses of the people are concerned, between the reigns of the Czar-genius Peter and the lunatic Ivan the Terrible, between the reactionary "liberal" Nicholas II. and the conqueror of Napoleon and the French Revolution, Alexander I. The present reyolutionary movement of the Russian nation must have arisen under any Emperor. It is directed against Czarism rather than against any particular Czar. But in so far as the Russian ruler is really Autocrat and Czar, that is, in proportion as he rules by his own will and not that of the people, he is the living embodiment of the despotism. The present Czar, all future Czars, must stand or fall with the system of which they are a part. Since Nicholas II. remains head, or at least centre, of the old system, since he refuses to abdicate or share his power, and since he is neither a degenerate nor a weakling under duress, he must bear his share of the great crimes of the system of which he is a part. This is the judgment of the Russian people. It is the judg- ment of their leaders and noted men: of writers like Tolstoi, Gorki, Korolenko, and Andreief ; of public men of international fame like Kovalevski, Roditchev, Prince Dolgorukov and Milyoukov; of conservative leaders like Shipov, Stachovitch, Count Hey den, Prince Trubetzkoi, and Prince Lvov; of the liberal parish priesthood and its leaders. Father Petrov and the Archimandrite Michael ; of recent governors and ministers and generals like Urussov, Kutler, and Subbotich — in fact, of prac- tically every public man of the first rank outside of the Govern- ment service. Not only the masses of the Russian people, then, HOW CZARS GOVERN 37 but its best brain and soul are in revolt against both Czarism and against Nicholas II., because he is Czar. This slow-witted, self-centred reactionary and blood-loving tyrant is recognised by the Russian nation as its most deadly enemy, not because he is stronger or more vicious than many others in high places in the State, but because he is on account of his position and his power the centre of the system that it is costing the country's best life-blood to destroy; not because he is any worse than his predecessors, or because his successors can be expected to turn out any better than he, but just because there lives in him and breathes in all his actions the very spirit of ''the Czar." But if Nicholas is no better than the machine by which he "governs," certainly the machine is no better than the Czar. In every -day life the Czarism exists only in the form of millions of irresponsible officials directing every detail of life even to the commonest business affairs — officials who get their direc- tions either from the senseless, confused, and lifeless orders of irresponsible and neglected bureaus, or from the protdg^s of the court, who without the slightest thought given to their capacity or achievement have caught the eye of a favourite, or of the favourite of a favourite, of the Czar. The court is the first and most indispensable support to the throne. Here is the mother, here are the uncles, the father's advisers and all the sure and tried supporters of the former Czars — the only channel in a Czarism or purely personal govern- ment through which the ruler can get even a slight idea of his nation. Nearly all the members of the court are of course also members of the bureaucracy. Some to be sure are merely rich idlers, such as ornamented the court in France before the revolu- tion. Others hold sinecures, are called assistant ministers and appear at the bureaus a few times in a week, or attend the occa- sional meetings of some very honourable commission without any real function or power. Whether they are suited for it or not, those persons nearest the Emperor are usually given positions of exalted power. One grand duke is head of the army, another of the navy. The Russian Supreme Court, called the Senate, is filled with such men alone as happen to have been in the most intimate relations with the Czar, his father, or some grand duke. 38 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE The Czar must have some system or machine by which he expresses his power, and carries out the details of ** govern- ment." This system, before the days of Peter the Great, was a sort of despotic feudalism ; since that time it has been a bureau- cracy of the Prussian type. This bureaucracy had to be made an integral part of Czarism, and this was accomplished not alone by sending the court into the bureaucracy, but by bureaucratising the court. Now the court and bureaucracy are inseparable. The court represents the unlimited and arbitrary power of the Czars over the lives and property of the people, the bureaucracy the only method by which it is possible for the Czar and the court to profit from this power. The army, the police, all governors and vice-czars, all those who have the right to exercise to the full the Czar's arbitrary power — that is to say, all the human tools necessary for defending by force the hated bureaucracy — all these are under the direct control of the Czar, subject neither to Dumas nor to bureaucratic ministries. On the other hand, all the tax-gathering, borrowing from abroad, all the banking, railway, and other business for supporting the arbitrary power of the court and the Czar, are necessarily systematised under the Government bureaus. I Peter's new bureaucratic machine of course immensely in- :■ creased the work of the Government. New departments arose one after another, until finally the biggest businesses like rail- roads and banking fell into the hands of the State. Some of the most costly departments, the political courts, prisons, and police, the army of rural guards, the censorship, could not prove of any possible service in an intelligently organised and democratic society. With industrial development new sources of taxation were discovered ; sugar, tobacco and petro- leum were made to produce immense sums, and the entire profit of the liquor industry was taken over in the form of a monopoly by the State. Such of these profits and taxes as finally reached the central treasury were again the source of innumerable easily earned incomes in the "administration." Modem equipment, for instance, must be supplied and applied in the army and a modem fleet created. "Self-made" bureaucrats began to accumulate fortunes in plunder, with the aid of which they became irresistible in the most aristocratic society. Soon there HOW CZARS GOVERN 39 were more rich and successful bureaucrats in the court than there were pampered courtiers in the bureaucracy. Now, indeed, most of the ministers and chiefs of departments come from the former class. But the distinction is only superficial In the long run the successful courtier must know how to make his way by means of the bureaus, must understand how to "govern" as it is understood by the loyal supporters of the Czars ; while a successful bureaucrat can only meet a miserable end if he is not at the same time a true courtier, a believer in the reactionary principles of Czarism and a proved expert in the practice of irresponsible despotism. The corruption of the court from the grand dukes down, the inefficiency of the bureaucracy, are proverbial. But this corruption of individuals is a commonplace, hardly worse than what exists in many other countries. If the Czar should ever succeed, as he no doubt desires, since it is the Czarism itself which is being despoiled, in developing a rigid system of inspection and control of Government bureaus irresponsible to the people, there would still remain the wholesale legal robbery and oppression that arises from the Czarism 's mere existence. The present Russian Government is a product of historical evolution. The main determining factor in its development from the beginning has been not the welfare of Russia, but that of each privileged class in exact proportion to its nearness to the throne. Every bureau of the Government is based on this principle; all are more or less anti-social in the very founda- tion of their methods and organisation, and in the training of their personnel. A high position is attained only through the sacrifice of many elementary principles of personal honesty and of reasonable, not to say legal, administration. It is held only by a complete abandonment of every principle for that of the mere preservation of the power of the Czar, the bureaucracy and the court, the maintenance of the Czarism. CHAPTER III THE CZARISM STRUGGLING FOR EXISTENCE FULLY to picture the Czarism as a single whole and realise its life-principle, one must see it at the moment of a death-struggle to preserve its existence. Such a struggle began with the present revolutionary movement just before the war with Japan, reached its culmination with the Czar's Mani- festo, and has by no means entirely subsided at the present time. The negation of autocracy is constitutional government. If a constitution places any essential part of the Czar's power finally in the hands of the people or of a given social class the unlimited "autocratic" rule of the Czar has disappeared, since he may always be forced to terms with the new power. The promises of the Manifesto were so broad that it seemed to many that the beginning of a constitution had been granted and that the autocracy was a thing of the past. The 17th of October, 1905 (October 30th Western calendar), was then an intensely critical moment in the history of the autocracy, and this was fully realised by nearly all the court, bureaucracy, and other defenders of the old power. In the desperate battle for its existence that ensued, not only the organisation of the Czarism and its policy, but its very soul is exposed. At this supreme moment the Czarism pulled itself together as a single man, called to the aid of the court and bureaucracy the only other classes from which support can be safely relied on, the land-owning nobility and the dregs of the city population, and fell back on the traditional policy of the Czars — i.e., to promote civil war by official lying and the machinery of the Government, and then to step in and crush the divided forces of the people. For this purpose any line of cleavage will do, religion, race, or social class. "Patriotism" is the general term employed by the Government to rouse and justify all such conflicts. Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Mohammedans, 40 CZARISM STRUGGLING FOR EXISTENCE 41 and Russian dissenting creeds are not patriotic because they do not belong to the Orthodox Church. Poles, Jews, Armenians, and Germans, though they speak Russian and have lived in Russia a century or centuries, are foreigners. College gradu- ates, professional men, and factory workmen had no part in old Russia and are rarely inclined toward the Czar ; they are suspected classes in the official propaganda — they, too, are unpatriotic. But patriotism. Orthodoxy, and Czarism are not sufficiently concrete conceptions to bind the whole of the reactionary move- ment together. There was need of a common enemy — an arch enemy, present everywhere, always more or less active. This enemy has been found in the Jews. For notwithstanding the confining of the majority of the Jews in one section of the country, the Pale, the minority is scattered everywhere and is everywhere pressing into the newest occupations and movements, and like all others of the oppressed nationalities is in universal opposition to the Czarism. The whole philosophy, character, morality, and programme of the autocracy is expressed, then, in the cry "Down with the Jews." When in the height of its prosperity the Czarism has no need of popularity, it announces no programme and no philos- ophy. But when it is in need of popular aid, of loyal support and sacrifice other than such as it can command always from the nobility bought with privileges, or from the dregs bought with drink, it has resort to the cry "Down with the Jews"; and as conditions vary it adds, "and with Poles," or "and with the intellectuals," or even "with the workingmen." This invariably brings together the reaction as a man, and appealing, as it will be shown later, to the lowest passions of the non- reactionary classes, almost invariably draws a few of their weakest and most depraved members. There is not a criminal or degenerate impulse of mankind that is not played upon to maintain the integrity of "Holy Russia" and the power of the "Most High." Personal revenge, lust, crazy fanaticism, incredible superstition and ignorance, depravity in drink, desire for social position, greed, or mere envy and prejudice fanned to a flame of murderous hatred, are all motives to which a Czarism struggling for existence makes its daily call. The propaganda begins necessarily with the secretly spoken 42 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE approval of the Czar himself, but it is also openly manifest to all in the numberless laws specially directed against the Jews. When Prince Urussov was sent to Kishinev directly after the massacre there, in response to the world-wide demand for a more liberal governor, he was warned by the Czar's famous Minister von Plehve to show "less sentimental friendship for the Jews." In a long talk with the Czar at this time the prince was unable to get from him any expression whatever on the Jewish question and had to drop all reference to the recent pogrom on account of the manifest displeasure of the Czar. It was clearly agreed between Nicholas and Plehve that the latter was to handle this vital matter. But there was no reason then, and there has been none since, to suggest any discord on this subject between the two. The attitude of all high officials and those most likely to know the Czar's will was, says Prince Urussov, ** either to remain silent or to justify the position towards the pogroms reflected in the Russian anti-semi tic press, and which therefore appeared in a certain sense binding on all persons in public service." The impression of the highest officials spread down through every servant of the Government to the least privileged elements of the population. "We have come to carry out the Czar's will that we should massacre the Jews," said a crowd of peasants when asked by an official at the time of the massacre why they had come to Kishinev. This interpretation of the "Czar's will " certainly had a plausible basis, thinks Prince Urussov, in the numberless legal and illegal persecutions of the Jews by the officials and their denunciation by the highest persons in the land. For instance, these peasants could have read in Krushevan's paper, which was permitted by the censor, and subsidised by the Government both before and after the pogrom, the following: Down with the Jews! Massacre these bloody monsters wallowing in Russian blood! Act so that they will recall the Odessa pogrom, where the troops them- selves helped us. This time they will help too, inspired as they are here by the love of Christ! Brothers, lend us your strong arms! Massacre these vile Jews! We are already numerous. (Signed] The Party op Workingmen, Who are true Christians. CZARISM STRUGGLING FOR EXISTENCE 43 As a reward for this and similar work Krushevan was afterward elected to the Duma with the aid of the officials and the Czar's Bessarabian favourites, Pureschevitch and the Krupenskys. Indeed, when Governor Urussov complained against this paper to the chief of the newspaper censorship, Senator Swerew, a trusted adviser of the Czar, he had for answer that Krushevan 's tendencies and activities had a sound basis. Did not the peas- ants have good reason for assuming that the massacre was the will of the Czar? The semi-official massacres that accompanied the Czar's Manifesto of Liberty were not a chance outburst of reactionary passion. They were not dictated by a mere desire of the reac- tionaries for revenge, but by the old and deep-laid plot to / create a counter-revolution. They were the one possible solu- tion of the crisis accepted by all the extreme reactionaries of the Empire. Furthermore, they did not spring directly out .of the Manifesto. Soon after the January massacre of 1905 in f St. Petersburg, and many months before the Manifesto, public . opinion had already brought Nicholas to promise the rather ^ empty form of an elected but purely consultative national council. To counteract the danger of this concession, arrangements had already been made to give the autocracy a new basis in a popu- lar counter-revolutionary uprising, or wholesale massacres of v^intellectual leaders, Jews and organised workingmen, with the, Caid of the police, the Cossacks, and a part of the priests, the •black monks. But owing to the unexpected general strike and necessity of signing of the Manifesto, the date fixed for the massacres had to be set forward. The Manifesto granted, the signal for the postponed murder was given. The day following the Manifesto, at a hundred different points at once, the wholesale and prearranged massacres of men, women, and children began. Everyv.rhere the bloody work was carried on by small bands of ruffians organised and led by the police and protected by the troops. Urussov, as assistant to Witte, unearthed and exposed to the Duma and the whole world the direct responsibility of Trepov, Ratchkovsky, the head of the police, and many others of the Czar's favourites, in these massacres. Conclusive evidence in incriminating the police is scarcely lacking in one of the hundred 44 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE places where the massacres occurred. Lopuchin, the chief of the police department at the time, has come out with his state- ment that "Government officials have systematically prepared Jewish and other massacres. The facts were given to Witte and verified by another official . . . and one proclamation was approved in writing by Wuitch, head of the secret police." The prefect of Sebastopol received on the 17 th of October, the very day of the Manifesto, a telegram, signed Trepov, enjoin- ing him not to publish the Manifesto before receiving money for a "patriotic (reactionary) demonstration." A few days later he received sixty thousand rubles for this purpose and a sug- gestion that he should retire the police. Similar telegrams were sent in all directions by the highest officials and favourites. y These exposures in the Duma effected absolutely nothing. Trepov remained in office until his final sickness. The chief of the police is still in daily contact with the Czar. The court favourites are still the court favourites. The local governors and police who more or less actively took part in the massacres have largely been promoted and rewarded in person by the Czar. The actual murderers Nicholas is now letting out of jail by twos and threes and dozens, as a direct act of grace from the throne at a time when on grounds of public policy pardons are refused to all other persons. At the time of the opening of the third Duma the country was quiet enough to bring some of the massacres and many of the revolutionary disturbances before the courts. It is significant to compare the wholesale sentences of revolutionists with the fate of the pogrom murderers. On December 7, 1907, to give a typical instance, there appeared in the same issue of the Rus- sian papers two official telegrams, one about the trial and sen- tences of sixty -two sailors that had mutinied a few weeks before at Vladivostock, the other of fifty-four ruffians that had parti- cipated in the murderous pogrom of October, 1905, in Mohilev. Twenty-four of the ruffians were freed, twenty-four condemned to short terms of the mildest form of arrest, five to prison for less than eighteen months, and one to four years of forced labour. Of the sailors twenty were, condemned to be shot, twenty were condemned to terms of forced labour far more severe than that of the one scapegoat ruffian just mentioned, and sixteen were CZARISM STRUGGLING FOR EXISTENCE 4$ sentenced to arrest. Thus sharply does the Russian Govern- ment distinguish between a courageous revolt in the name of a high principle, and the cowardly massacre of unarmed men, women, and children in the name of racial hate. The higher criminals, as I have said, were never even sen- tenced. Major Bugadowsky of the gendarmes was proved before the first Duma to have endeavoured to gain the favour of the St. Petersburg authorities by pointing out that he had caused to be widely distributed a proclamation calling on "all true Russian people, those who are for the Czar, the Fatherland, and the Orthodox faith," to gather togeth-er at the first alarm at a designated place "with arms, scythes, and pitchforks" and to hurl themselves under "the holy image and the portrait of the Czar " on the common enemy. The major, confident of approval, explained in his report that he had done "all in his power" to give the proclamations a wide circulation, as they would have "a happy influence on the peasantry." Stolypine explained to the Duma that the major had been called to St. Petersburg, but as the massacre did not actually take place he could not judi- cially be held responsible! "As to the rewards he received," added the Czar's mouthpiece, "they were for having reestab- lished order." Twenty-six provincial governors, all appointed in person by the Czar, were involved. Of these not one has been punished to this day, and the two or three that were removed from the reach of local vengeance were rewarded with high dignities else- where. The governor of Minsk, for example, has been made a member of the council of the interior with a large salary. On the contrary, all who did not aid in the massacres were removed by the Czar; as, for instance, the prefect of Sebastopol, Admiral Spitzky, who organised a militia to protect the defenceless population; the governor of Samara, who would not allow the lieutenant-governor to bring the massacres into execution; the governor of Ufa, who was removed for complaining to the prime minister against the preparations for the massacres; the governor of Terek, who, when asked by a personage he does not name but "too high to refuse" to prepare a massacre, preferred to be relieved of his office. These cases of forced resignations continue without interruption. 46 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Before the whole Witte ministry was forced out, Ministers Kutler and Tolstoi had abandoned all hope of the Czar and thrown up their offices. Other self-respecting men, about the same time and since, have refused to accept these humiliating ministerial positions, including the new influential leader Gutchkov. These conservative leaders, among the strongest men in Russia, have refused to become ministers, as I learned from one in person, just because they know the Czarism and the Czar. The position is too humiliating for an honest and self-respecting man. It is not necessary that a minister should himself be in direct relations with the "patriotic" leagues, as is usually the case. He may even be on unfriendly terms with them, but at least he must be tolerant. Often the right hand taketh not the respon- sibility for what the left hand doeth. Witte played the part of a liberal. His minister of the Interior, Dumovo, was the most reactionary the country has had since von Plehve. I was told by a minister that the two disagreed in every cabinet meeting. " But," he reassured me, "Witte gets his way in three cases out of ten." In the other seven cases Durnovo was arresting workingmen for mere membership in the trade unions, sending out Cossack expeditions in all directions among the peasantry to revenge the landlords for property destroyed, and exiling hundreds of persons a day into Siberia or the mines on the mere suspicion of the police. Lopuchin has proved that Witte was informed of the preparations for massacre and neither took effective measures to prevent them nor honourably resigned. Witte even claimed in my presence and that of a third person that it was not the Government but the whole nation that was aroused against the Jews! Stoly pine's brother, editor of the chief reactionary organ in Russia, although he finds inadmissible the permanent cooper- ation of the Government with the murderers, confesses that in a crisis there is "no other choice than an appeal to the League of Russian Men." To save the Czar and Czarism, then, the minister must always be ready to descend to the principles of the St. Bartholomew massacre, the Mafia or the Spanish Inqm- sition. This is why, since the beginning of the Stoly pine minis- try, a helping hand has been frequently extended to the League CZARISM STRUGGLING FOR EXISTENCE 47 from the Central Government, to say nothing of the intimate relations encouraged in almost every local government between the officials and the local leaders of the league. This is also why, in both Duma elections under the Stolypine regime, the league has been favoured in every possible manner. Its local branches all over Russia were twice endowed with large sums directly by the Government, its conservative rivals were appealed to by the St. Petersburg authorities to ally themselves with the league in the elections, and in many places all popular or liberal rivals were crushed by the arbitrary arrest of the candidates or the wholesale striking of electors off the lists. After the great massacres following the Manifesto, there was a brief respite. There were two reasons for postponing further killings. Chie was the financial needs of Russia. Too much bloodshed would have made it difficult for Russia to bor- row the billion rubles she obtained from France and other coun- tries the following spring. Too many official crimes would have made the Duma elections impossible, or made them still less favourable to the Government, and would have destroyed the object for which the Duma was created, to give the Czarism an artificial credit abroad for money and military allies. Not- withstanding these weighty reasons, it was all that Witte could do to restrain the Czar's over-zealous friends in the bureaucracy and the court. The plotting and planning went on, as was exposed later in the Duma by Prince Urussov. Finally the "patriots," patience gave way and the world was treated to the grandiose massacre of Bielostock. In this three days* massa- cre nearly a hundred persons were killed and as many more seriously mutilated. The Bielostock pogrom was foreseen, as pogroms always are, several days before it occurred, and the leading and most respected citizens did all they could to persuade the local authorities to stop it. They obtained little satisfaction. Governor Kister, when complained to, refused to do anything; and even after his brief visit to Bielostock by a special train during the massacre, the slaughter continued. He doubtless knew be would not be permitted to act. The chief of police, Rodetzki, who was opposed to the pogrom, resigned on the very morning of the massacre and was replaced by a "surer'* man. 48 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Shortly before the massacre one of the colonels stationed at Bielostock said to his soldiers: "You are defending the Czar and the Fatherland. The Jews want to kill you. They have decided to exterminate you to the last man. I announce to you that the authorities give you the right to do whatever you please on the 21 St of this month.'' This colonel knew his Government and his Czar. He knew he would be thanked for his bloody work and given other opportunities in the future to rise. He was not disappointed — as we shall see. The Bielostock pogrom was fully investigated and exposed by the Duma, then in session. The Duma branded the official report as a tissue of lies. The investigators found that the troops were present, calm and impassible, at all the crimes of the massacre. While the police and ruffians murdered, muti- lated and plundered, they swept the streets with volleys "to keep away the Jews." The Duma decided that the pogrom was not only due to the officials, hut solely due to them, that, con- trary to the Government report, there was no racial, religious, or economic enmity between the Christians and the Jews, that this hatred existed only among the police ; that the police knew all about the preparation for the massacre, and they them- selves murdered and robbed; and that the troops shot down peaceable men, women, and children without the slightest cause. But the Czar knew how to show that he was pleased by the massacre and suited by the official report. The guilty troops were at once sent his special and public thanks, as was noted in the official army journal of July 9, 1906. The mayor of the town was removed for questioning the truth of the official report. The CathoHc Archbishop Ropp, who reported a meet- ing of those who were preparing the massacre, has been followed by the imperial vengeance until this day. Only recently he was forced out of his office on a trivial pretext, even against the protest of the Vatican. The penalties for the atrocious mutilations at Bielostock are significant. Here is the sum total for the punishment: One prisoner received a rather severe sentence at hard labour, eight years — which, of course, may be later shortened by the Czar. One received a sentence of eight months in prison. The penalties of the others were nominal. Six were let go, three BARON TAUBE AND PICTURES HE SENT HIS FIANCEE TO SHOW HOW HE DEALT WITH PEASANTS He wrote under the pictures: "Bringing the man to execution." "Thev are preparing to shoot; the men are at their places." "They are firing the second time; he is already dead." These pictures were produced before the first Duma by Alexinsky and caused a great sensation OF THE ' liVERSITY CZARISM STRUGOLING FOR EXISTENCE 49 given three months in the disciplinary battalions. Two of the leaders, Popko and Peredo, along with several others, although under accusation were not kept locked up for the trial — • *' which circumstance," laconically explained the gagged Russian press, "much favoured their escape." For a time the forces of reaction and massacre were some- what frightened by the Duma's uproar about the Bielostock affair. But soon they were at work again. The first to act were, not unnaturally, the brave troops of Bielostock, one regi- ment of which was now transported to Siedlice in Poland. A frightful pogrom followed this transfer, this time entirely and solely carried out by the troops, as shown by two official reports. As is proved by one of these, Colonel Tichanovsky, the chief of the garrison, called a conference before the pogrom, in which he exposed his bloody plans, and answered every protest of one or two subordinates by a promise that he would assume full responsibility. This meant that he was sure of support higher up. The governor was complained to without result and the massacre put deliberately into execution. During the whole- sale butcheries by the drunken soldiers in the houses and on the streets, Colonel Tichanovsky gathered together a soldiers' chorus "to raise the spirits of the troops," and "their singing resounded amidst the noise of the rifles, the spilling of blood, the plundering and conflagration." The colonel said that *'in case he was killed he hoped the soldiers would honour his memory decently and bathe themselves up to the ears in blood." Though the killed and wounded amounted to hundreds, while only a single soldier lost his life, the colonel complained that there were too few dead. This is how Colonel Tichanovsky at least, given supreme authority by his superior, interpreted the personal thanks of the Czar for loyal services at Bielostock. But now Stolypine was in office. However humiliating the position he occupied along with all other ministers in the court, and however helpless he was against the Czar, Stoly- pine saw with the minister of war that this particular manner of conducting these campaigns against the "internal enemy" was a dangerous, disintegrating force of the army itself. Already at Siedlice there was a threatening minority of the officers against the massacre. The soldiers of a whole regiment scarcely took a 50 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE hand in the business. A little more and there could have been a mutiny and the military massacres would have turned into a revolutionary movement. Siedlice was the last military pogrom. We have now in the place of this short-lived institution the cherished politics of the League of Russian Men, the arming^ of the dregsjjf the population, and the steady beating and murder under the pro- ;' teciion of the police of all persons "unfriendly " to the Govem- i ment. The new system, which prevails at a hundred different points at once, received the sanction of the Czar, this time so openly and clearly that he could be sentenced for partici- pation in the crimes before any honest jury or court. CHAPTER ly THE SLOW MASSACRE SYSTEM THIS new "slow massacre" system, always popular, has now been supreme for over a year, and promises to remain an indispensable arm of the Government. Recently in Vologda, for instance, a respected citizen went to the governor to com- plain of the beatings the league was executing daily on the streets. As an answer he was sentenced to a month's imprison- ment. Of course there is a party that prefers an intensification of martial law to this lynch justice of the dregs, and a reaction- ary group in the Duma has recently petitioned to this effect. But martial law means a setting aside of civil government, and even the existing chaotic "system" of the bureaus, plus the daily semi-official murder of liberal citizens on the streets, is better than the utter arbitrariness of a state of war. The first demand of the moderately liberal members of the Duma is not the extension but the abolition of martial law, since it bears down not on the "internal enemy" alone, but on the whole community. There is, then, no alternative for a poor Czarism harassed for its existence. The army cannot be used quickly to put an end to the business, for that leads to military disorganisation and revolt. It cannot be used to govern the country, for the price of its arbitrariness falls alike on the just ' and the unjust. The internal enemy must be left to the police land such voluntary allies as they can procure themselves from I the criminal class. In the first year of the national organisation of the counter- revolution on this principle, and before its universal adoption made it impossible to enumerate farther, there were over six hundred of these "patriotic demonstrations," $25,000,000 worth of property was destroyed, over a thousand persons were killed and several thousand seriously or permanently injured; of Jewish families alone thirty-seven thousand were affected. 51 52 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE It is unfortunate that the figures do not show what was the part played by the employees of the Government and what by the organised mob. There can be little question that a large part, if not most, of the actual killing was done by the hands of officials, police, soldiers, spies, and Government employees in disguise. The massacres were so similar it seems likely that even the details were studied and ordered by the central commit- tee; they were 'enough like those already mentioned not to need description here. The new development of the "system" as practised in Odessa rests upon a triple basis of the Czar's patronage: his direct , relationship with the organisation that prepares the massacres, )the favours he extends to his leaders personally, and the pardons I he distributes freely to any of the murderers themselves who • may be sentenced through the occasional ignorance or simplicity • of some honest court. The active aid of Stolypine, who claims to oppose it, is not necessary ; with the Czar's personal relation- ships, favours and pardons, Stolypine, who is only a minister, has nothing to do. Moreover, the people's Duma has been abolished and nearly a hundred of the four hundred members of the new "landlord's Duma " are members of the massacre organ- ^ isations, while the majority of the rest are ultra-conservative , officials, noblemen, and privileged persons precisely in the ] situation of Stolypine, that is, without either thejv^iU.or ppyer • to combat the Czar. Thus, having no influential opposition, the Odessa system will continue to reveal daily the life principle of the autocratic State. In Odessa at the present moment everything reminds us of the St. Bartholomew massacre and the league during the civil and religious wars three centuries ago in France. Odessa is the chief stronghold of the league and Stolypine is naturally jealous, as it is his chief rival for the favour of the Czar. So bitter is the mutual jealousy that Konovnitzin, the local presi- dent of the league, has now brought an important legal suit against Stolypine for a criminal non-enforcement of anti-Jewish laws. Stolypine has naturally made a counter attack and recently exposed in full the Odessa excesses to the Czar ^- not out of any kindness of heart, be it remarked, for when Stolypine was governor of Saratov he permitted the burning of towns and THE SLOW MASSACRE SYSTEM 53 the wildest excesses by the Cossacks and the hired mob. But the prime minister could do nothing to shake the Czar's con- fidence in the organisation that so nearly responds to his desires, and he has allowed nothing to interfere either with Governor Kaulbars or the Odessa branch. Even among the officials there are a few good men who have /made complaint — but their voices are drowned in the reaction- ary chorus of the Czar's favourites. The civil governor of the province that contains Odessa, one Malajew, exclaims to little purpose: "We cannot close our eyes. Among all the races the Jews are the most oppressed and circumscribed. We need not fear them, but ourselves. One is astonished not at the grumblings but at the mildness of these people. We must do them justice, we must give them the right to live and breathe." Grigoriev, until recently chief of police, strove in vain to do his duty and prevent the daily slaughter of the Jews. He finally went to Stolypine to report that he could do nothing against Kaulbars and that either he or Kaulbars must go. "Then you resign," replied Stolypine, aware of Kaulbars's unshakable position with the Czar. Grigoriev resigned. I arrived in Odessa a few months ago on the same train with the new chief Novitzki, who came with special secret orders from Stolypine, directed mainly of course against the league. The town had almost declared a holiday. The streets were lined with thousands of people to welcome their last hope. But the daily massacres have continued and Novitzki has had to give up in despair. He failed above all to muzzle the press of the league that calls for massacre from day to day. The head' of the censorship in St. Petersburg complained of this paper and Novitzki issued the order to suppress it, but Konovnitzin,. safe under the protection of Kaulbars, refused to recognise the order. All the other leading criminals are also immediately under the governor's protection. Last year, for instance, the secre- tary of the league, Kahov, was arrested for distributing proc- lamations calling for the massacre of the Jews. Kahov 's brother entered the police headquarters, abused the police, called up the governor of that time by telephone and made a complaint. Immediately after this he had a personal conference 54 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE with the governor and his brother was released. This governor, tired of his strenuous duties, resigned, and was later killed. He is acknowledged, even in reactionary circles, to have been a brute. But in his successor, Kaulbars, the Czar has found another man just as much to his taste. Recently a well-known and respectable citizen received threatening letters from the league. He called on Kaulbars. The governor in his presence called up one of the chiefs of the criminals familiarly by tele- phone and told him not to touch this particular man. Kaulbars *s position in court, along with several other magnates of his character, remains as firm as the grand dukes'. When a dele- gation from Poland went to complain against Governor Skalon, Stolypine received its members with evasive answers and left the room. A minister who had been present asked them why they complained to Stolypine and if they could possibly be so ignorant as not to know that Skalon was protected higher up. It is the same with Kaulbars ; he is protected by the ** Most High." The situation that has arisen in Odessa is by far the most damning to the Government of all the varied and innumer- able horrors it has created. After a massacre last June the league organ, For Czar and Fatherland , declared quite truth- fully that the organisation would act in the same way in the future. The continuous massacre began at once to increase its daily toll. By August the murderers were in such complete possession of the city that not even officials were respected. A teacher of the military school wearing his uniform pointed out to the police how members of the league at that moment, in broad daylight and the centre of the city, were beating Jews. The murderers by the grace of the Czar then began to beat the -teacher before the eyes of the police. He fled, his face stream- ing with blood, into a leading hotel near the palace of the governor-general. The hotel was filled with high officials. Nevertheless the league members surrounded it and threatened to bombard if their prey was not surrendered. Two military officers tried to calm them in vain. Finally the proposed victim was saved by the chance appearance of the assistant prosecuting attorney. During the massacre on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of September, in which many were killed and still more mutilated by the new THE SLOW MASSACRE SYSTEM 55 curved knives and clubs of rubber and wire that break noses and beat out eyes, one of the leaders arrested in the act of plun- der was let off merely with a "fatherly warning" by Kaulbars. The league issued an appeal in which it ominously recommended to those Jews who wanted to preserve their lives and property "to gather themselves together with the teachers and rabbis in the synagogue and to publicly call down a curse on all the revolutionaries and educated Jews, to forget all their clamourings for equal rights with the Christians, and to form a league of Jews for the maintenance of the unlimited autocracy of the Czar.** "Since the revolutionists are invisible," said the Count Mus- sin-Puschkin, "we must strike at the public." For striking at the public the league has in Odessa a fighting organisation of three hundred men armed by the governor and given head- quarters in a government building. Besides this band, all very young men and some mere boys, there is a student detachment of eighty members. These are permitted publicly, as many of the other two thousand members are permitted secretly, to carry arms. But the overwhelming majority of the ordinary members are simply the young toughs and rowdies of a great port. The members of the fighting organisation are paid fifteen to twenty dollars a month, a goodly wage in a starving country. Their duties consist especially in revenging on the general pub- lic the killing of police by unknown anarchist or revolutionary groups. A recent "order" gives the following scale: for each policeman killed two Jews, for each roundsman four, for a captain eight, for the chief of police still a larger number, and in the case of the assassination of Konovnitzin or Kaulbars a general massacre. The scale is not literally carried out, but if we substitute two Jews seriously wounded for one killed it is executed almost to the letter. The league murderers, who often wear a yellow jacket as a uniform, are organised under three captains or "attamans." It was to one of these that Kaulbars gave the telephone order already referred to. Another, Gazabatov, a typical western **bad man" nineteen years of age, who even killed a five-year- old child, was recently once more released from prison by Kaul- bars. Under assumed but well known names he and another attaman sell passes of safety from massacre. Nothing else 56 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE secures one's life in Odessa now. An American friend recently saw a ruffian beat a man in the face. With the blood streaming the victim called for help and a crowd was soon giving chase. My friend joined in. Soon a policeman was reached. When appealed to he threatened the crowd, which he said he considered to be a mob, that he would call the Cossacks, and in the mean- while the criminal escaped. Another policeman when asked in a similar case why he did not arrest the criminal replied: "Why, don't you know, he's one of ours?" ; Let the reader note carefully each turn of events in the following outbreak, which occurred in Odessa, and he will understand the nature of that basic institution of Czarism, the pogrom. As the body of a police officer, assassinated for an unknown cause, passed the Jewish hospital shots resounded. This firing shots near a Jewish house is a regular feature of the massacres, and in several cases, as at Bielostock, it has been proved that the shots were fired by a hidden agent of the police. There began a fusillade. Several shots hit the coffin and the corpse, hut not one of the leaguers was touched! There was a wild panic ; soon all the streets were deserted and all the shops closed. A group of the "yellow jackets " forced its way into the hospital, with revolvers in their hands. The police appeared with the Cossacks and put an end to the scandal, hut they arrested nobody. The league members retreated still shooting, and a fourteen- year-old girl and a man of seventy-eight were wounded. Not- withstanding all those warnings to the authorities, the disorders were repeated, unhindered, the next day. Again there was a fusillade, an old Jew and an eight-year-old girl were killed, several Jews were wounded and many beaten. This occurred in the morning. At one o'clock in the afternoon the beatings began again; carriages and street-cars were held up and men and women passengers attacked. At two o'clock a funeral ap- peared accompanied by the Chief of Police Novitzki, by Cossacks, and by a large number of mounted police. As the procession neared the hospital again the traditional shots resounded, and a Jewish boy was severely wounded. After the funeral a crowd of yellow jackets again began beating and shooting in the streets, a young girl was wounded and a Jew killed before the police THE SLOW MASSACRE SYSTEM 57 put in their tardy appearance. For this carnival of crime ten members of the league were taken into custody and sen- tenced to two months' arrest, doubtless, as usual, in the very headquarters of their friends the police. The official account of this affair, without mentioning the league, puts the whole responsibility, as is commonly done, on the murdered Jews. It begins as usual with a totally irrele- vant accotmt of the shooting of a policeman, for which the massacre is supposed to be the revenge — carried out by the Christian population of Odessa. Although the said assault took place after dark and the assailants escaped, the police never- theless characterised them as Jews. **0n September ist," says this report, "a detective named Vemik was passing about eight o'clock in the evening through Portof ranco Street when he noticed two Jews stealthily approach- ing him. . . . One drew a revolver and shot Vemik in the left side. They then escaped. . . . The next day two or three Jews roaming through the street fired several more shots and then escaped into the crowd. . . . When the body of the dead Kharchenko was carried in front of the Jewish hospital, a group of Jews opened fire at the squad of police." This report, as are all pohce reports of such affairs, was nothing more nor less than clear invitation to repeat the massacre of the Jews. The police incitement was successful in stirring up a massacre within a few days. In this affair the same performance, even to the fimeral, was repeated, and in addition several hundred shops were plundered or destroyed. In the police report, since the "yellow jackets" did all the killing and the Jews only furnished the killed, the latter are scarcely mentioned. It says that "individuals" forced their way into a tea-room and wounded two "persons," that a "man" was wounded on the street, that the "crowd" destroyed various windows, that a certain " Stcherbakov " received a woimd. Nobody familiar with the situation would question that the "individuals" and the "crowd" were leaguers, while the "persons," the "man" and "Stcherbakov" were all imfortunate Jews. In the report of the massacre of the following week, the police again referred to the Jews six times in the brief space of a few hundred words. But it must be by no means inferred 58 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE that the Jews are the only subject of attack by the yellow jackets and police. A Russian smith who asked a mob of yellow jackets who were beating some Jews what offence these Jews had committed, was at once disembowelled by the mob. Three Russian workingmen were attacked in the house of the mother of two of them, and the mother and small sister were beaten. The mother died and it is doubtful if the men will ever recover from their mistreatment. While these massacres go on in the streets, while Kaulbars is sitting in council with the league in the governor's palace, the life of Odessa has naturally become a chaos. During the sessions of the town council, the members of the League of Russian Men sit in the gallery and interrupt and terrorise the progressive members, while armed reinforcements are waiting outside in front of the building. Three newspapers were con- fiscated for mentioning the names of the liberal candidates for the Duma and their editors thrown in prison, along with one of the candidates himself. For Czar and Fatherland, the League newspaper, appears daily with the words of the Czar's famous telegram at the top: "The League of Russian Men will be my most faithful support," and on the next page, "Smash the Jews, Socialists, Caduks (Cadets), and other reptiles." The anarchy in Odessa, unequalled in any city of Europe in modem times, unless in Constantinople, is no worse than in many other of the eighty-two (out of eighty-six) provinces of the Russian Empire that are now entering into the third year of "government" by martial law. It may well be disputed whether the martial law has brought on the anarchy, or the anarchy the martial law. But it cannot be questioned that both are the inevitable results of the anarchy of the Russian bureaucracy and the government by violence which history shows constitutes the ideal of the true courtier and the true Czar. CHAPTER V CREATING THE " INTERNAL ENEMY" IN A recent conversation with the Czar which was at once careftilly written down by the Countess Tolstoi, Nicholas said: "I am very sorry that in the course of the last revolts and the massacres of the Jews public opinion of that great country (America) has turned against me. I am not guilty of all those troubles. I think the Jews themselves incite the mob to attack them. The time will come when the Americans themselves will hate the Jews and regard them, not as a nation of great intelli- gence and isolated from the others through their religion, but as the worst type of business-men and money-makers. All the revolts of the last two years have been agitated by the Jews. A Jew in common life may be good, but a Jew in politics is worse than anyone else." Before exposing the roots of the gospel of religious and race hatred here openly preached by the Czar, let us read what is clearly expressed between the lines. The Czar was talking not in the abstract but of the situation in Russia at the present moment, and we would lose half the value of what he says if we did not recall just what questions he is answering and what the situation is to which he refers. To begin with, most of his remarks cannot apply only to the Jews. If he expresses himself fully Nicholas must say he is sorry that "in the course of the recent revolts and the massacres ** of the Poles, Lithuanians, Esths, Letts, Tartars, Georgians, and Armenians, the opinion of America and of the whole civilised world has turned against him. Neither he nor anyone speaking for him has ever withdrawn the accusation constantly issued by the officials that each one of these peoples has also agitated revolts. Nor has is ever been denied that their rebellious tendency is the reason why all non-Russian peoples are more 59 6o RUSSIA'S MESSAGE or less disqualified in the new Duma and legally persecuted by the courts. In speaking of the Jews as if they stood alone then, Nicholas creates an impression the exact reverse of the fact by failing to state the "whole truth." Sworn before an Ameri- can court he would stand convicted of the crime of common perjury. This is a fine specimen of the kind of lie by which the Czarism is trying to save itself. If the Jews, as the Czar implies, are hated by all the peoples in Russia, it looks badly for the Russian Jews. But if all the non-Russian peoples in Russia hate the Government and the Czar, and do not hate the Jews, then the overwhelming presumption is against the Government and the Czar. All the other false impressions created by this little gem of falsehood are made doubly vicious by this first general lie of omission that underlies every word. The great Autocrat finds it inconvenient to mention the other "subject" races because had he done so his attack would have appeared on its face so vicious and absurd that it would have sufficed in itself to convince any thinking person of the malicious hostility of the Czar toward all who for any reason oppose him. Who is guilty of the massacres according to Nicholas? The Czar says he is not. He says the Jews are partly guilty, not daring, as do many of his officials, to put all the blame on them. The accusation that the Jews are bringing about the massacres, of which they are often the only victims, is ridiculous on the face of it and a monstrous perversion of facts with which, as I have shown, the Czar himself is perfectly familiar. Did not the Czar excuse his officials for the Bielostock pogrom, not on the ground that the Jews had incited an imaginary mob to massacre them, but that the Jews were "republicans and revolutionists"? How are we to know when Nicholas speaks the truth? Does he hold that the Jews incite the massacres, or that the Jews are against Czarism and therefore ought to be massacred? But if, as he says, to the Jews is due only a part of the guilt, where is the rest of it? The Czar does not assume for his own Government any part of the responsibility, and has not caused a single official of any consequence to be punished for these crimes. Where is the missing guilt? Does it belong to the ■ CREATING THE "INTERNAL ENEMY" 6i mobs? But often there were no mobs, and in nearly every case where so-called mobs existed they were composed of the members of the League of Russian Men whom Nicholas has since pardoned, because such criminals are an indispen- sable element in what he considers to be "the best party" in the country. Then comes the effort of the Emperor to stir up race hatred, the basis of his own power, in the United States. The Czarism is like an infectious disease, a sort of black death. It tends to spread its putrefaction in all directions, encourages by its military power the reactionary influence in Prussia, Poland, Hungary and even the horrible jacqueries of Roumania, corrupts with high interest on its loans the small bourgeoisie of France, and now hopes to defend itself by inoculating with its poison of lies and hatred England and the United States. Again, why does not Nicholas mention the other hounded and massa- cred peoples? Why does not the God-sent take the courage to tell us the unsuspected dangers of our Armenians, Lithuan- ians and Poles? All three races form numerous and valuable elements of our people, and the Poles from Russia are even more numerous in America than the Russian Jews. How does it come that they have received from the Czar the same treatment as the Jews and raise the same complaint against him ? Why does not the Czar tell us that his officials are every whit as bitter against the Poles and Armenians wherever they are found in Russia, as against the Jews? Because Nicholas knows that to give the whole of his lying defences in a single statement would in itself be sufficient to convict him of falsehood. We hear from the Czar's own lips that the Jews are a separate "nation" — that is, foreigners in his Empire. We know that this is the fixed view of the Russian law concerning both the Jews and the rest of the fifty million not of Russian race, but it is an unexpected frankness to have it so stated by the Auto- crat himself. So there are fifty million foreigners in Russia, to be legally oppressed and on occasion enumerated among "the internal enemy"! And these same people are also "iso- lated" by their religion! Not in civilised countries, but in Rus- sia we know that innumerable privileges are reserved for only the orthodox. Yes, once more and finally, we have from the 62 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE mouth of the Czar the secret of autocracy and the very founda- tion of all his power. Hatred, violence, war; these are the savage instincts in man by the development of which the Czar hopes to master. In the end always war. The idea is very old. Every absolutism and every political slavery has so far been based on war. But Russia's mannner of waging war is new. She has invented a system of universal war within her own borders that for the purposes of despotism excels the most ingenious contrivances of Macchiavellian or Roman Imperial politics. Russia might well surpass her predecessors and has in fact done so. History has never known a power more absolute, more despotic, than the Czar's, and the world has never seen an absolutism with a tithe of Russia's population, resources, territory, and organisation, to say nothing of the thoroughly modem equipment of her army and the half -modem exploitation of her wealth. Russia's absolutism is more than a success — it is danger to civilisation. If the Russian system can survive in the modem world, it will be copied in neighbouring countries, and so on indefinitely. It is a standing menace to the freedom and progress of humanity in the coming age. No free people can afford to view it with indifference. The great and novel feature of Russian statesmanship on which the Czar stakes his empire is civil strife. The Empire is already too large for imperialism. The people are satisfied with the extent of their country, as large as the average continent, touching on all the seas and embracing nearly every clime. The foreigner is too far away to hate. Besides, an attack on one enemy exposes to another some flank of the unwieldy country. / Like Great Britain, Russia will be glad with the addition of I some few small pieces of territory she can easily get by treaty ' to keep what she already has. The recent treaty with Great Britain showed that both are essentially peaceful powers. Russia can scarcely defend her purely military form of govern- ment on the ground of danger from abroad. But since absolut- ism lives solely by violence employed against the people there must be some pretext or other for military rule, government outside of any law. Fortunately for the Czar the fifty million, non- Russian subjects are not yet thoroughly intermarried CREATING THE "INTERNAL ENEMY" 63 with the Russians nor evenly distributed over the kingdom. The pretext has been found. In the case of some races, as the Tartars and Armenians, the officials have been able to pro- duce an actual war. With others, as with the Jews, it has been necessary to subsidise a war between them and the secret police and criminal element. By these means the Czar remains absolute master. He does not need to risk a foreign war, nor to wait for a favourable occasion. He can have his wars, or what is equally useful for his purposes, his "states of war" or abolition of civil order and civil government, when and where he wishes. The Czar in this statement, then, is busied with inventing an enemy. For without an enemy there is no hate, no violence, no open or latent civil war ; and without civil war the Czar would be supported, of course, by just exactly the number of people he could buy. A part of the Russian people, the officials and landlords, the Cossacks and the dregs of the population, he has bought. But the money was not his own, and without an unpaid increment composed of other elements of the population, the investment is a bad one. For not one of the elements so far bought produces any noticeable income to the State. They are all parasites, and a greater number of such parasites will be needed to keep the people down every day the people advance in wealth-producing power. Every step forward in the wealth- producing power of the nation, which is the objective of the people who lend the money in Germany or France, is also a step forward in the intelligence, organisation, unity, and revolt of the people of the Empire. The Czar's appeal to hatred is not a sudden inspiration of malice or an instinctive revenge. It is a deep expression of what has constituted the life principle of the Czarism since the dawn of history. The Czar's civil war is stirred up by a campaign of lies of every kind, is conducted publicly by Government officials and by means of direct attacks on the property and liberties of the non- Russian subject races, the Russian intellectuals and peasants — these officials acting either through specific laws requiring such persecution, or under the arbitrary power placed in their hands, or under administrative law, or under martial law, or, since there 64 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE is never any responsibility to the people in any case, even directly counter to all these so-called laws. The aims and hopes of the official persecution are best shown by the official propaganda. Witness the proclamation printed on the official press of the prefect of St. Petersburg, authorised by the censor, cynically defended later in an official investigation by the prefect on the sole ground of this authorisation, and defended by the censor himself because its printing had been ordered by "a man who had not been without value" — sup- posedly to the reactionary cause. "Do you know, brothers, workingmen, and peasants, who is the principal author of all our ills ? Do you know that the Jews of Russia, America, Germany, and England have concluded an alliance and decided completely to destroy the Russian Empire?" asks this shameless document. In West Russia just such proclamations are launched against the Poles, in the Caucasus against the Armenians, in the Baltic Provinces against the Letts, in the country against the workingmen, in the city against the students, the educated classes or "intellec- tuals" and the Jews. "When these betrayers of Christ present themselves," con- tinues the proclamation, "slash them to pieces, kill them, so as to take away from them all wish to come." The document is vicious, ignorant and at once both calculating and naive — it breathes the very soul of the statesmanship of Nicholas, the ministers and the court. "The order has been given," it says to the people, "to elect men who will represent you before the Czar (referring to the Duma). Remember that your natural defenders are the landlords, manufacturers, and orthodox merchants." How ignorant these governmental hopes in Russian peasants and workingmen! Except where under coercion, they did not elect a single landlord. The valuable document then makes a complete exposition of the court's favourite measures for "settling" the Jewish question. They are similar to those that have been practised for twenty-five years by the Czar and his "sainted father," Alexander III., whom he claims as pattern. This document says that the Jews, who kept out of half the towns, are to be expelled not only from all the cities of European and Asiatic Russia, but also from ten A TYPE OF THE TERRORISTS WHO ARE CREATED BY : : \ Sasonov, who in 1904 killed von Plehve — the most popular terrorist act ever committed in Russia "VERSITY MARIE SPIRIDOXOVA The most famous woman terrorist of recent years. She killed the brutal com- mander of a "pacification" expedition CREATING THE "INTERNAL ENEMY" 65 small towns of South Russia where they are now allowed to reside. Where permitted to live, they are not to be allowed to trade in grain, meat or wood, or to open banking or commer- cial houses or "similar establishments," or to own any real estate. All special Jewish schools are to be closed and the Jews are to be deprived of the right of entrance to all the Russian higher, secondary and technical schools. The author-officials recognise that it will take a complete sang-froid to execute these measures, but "the cause is holy," nothing less than "the lasting rescue of the people from the internal enemy." The "holy cause" is at the present time especially "holy," not so much for the plunder the Czar's officials are used to extracting from the Jews and other "internal enemies," as for the hope that the people can be corrupted by a promise of a share in this plunder to turn their wrath away from the Govern- ment to the Jews. For this purpose all the legislation has been devilishly contrived from the outset. Whenever the country has become very quiet, of course the officials keep all the plunder for themselves; in other words, they allow the Jews to violate the law, or if paid enough they even moderate its provisions for a time. When revolutionary trouble begins again, the persecution takes the form of legislation and enforcement of the law, instead of secret blackmail. The purpose of the laws is not mere punishment or the satisfaction of an existing hatred, but an appeal to the greed and selfishness of all who compete in any sphere with the Jews and can draw a profit from the handicap set by the Government on their rivals in the race. There is no race hatred, but there is selfish and even criminal greed — in certain classes. All during the last century the laws have been thus reversed according to the Government's varying need, either to let the Jew prosper and to plunder his wealth, or to ruin him to please his competitors and win an enthusiastic and aggressive support among certain elements of the population in behalf of the whole system of oppression that is called by the name of government. The law forbidding Jews to sell liquor was twice repealed and twice passed again; that forbidding them to deal in land was repealed, then passed again, then twice relaxed in practise, then strengthened until now it is absolute. The right to live 66 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE in villages was passed, repealed, passed again, and again strength- ened. It was justified on what Prince Urussov brands as the pure hypocrisy of separating the Jews in order to protect them from the Christians! The Jews, shut out of agriculture and many other occupations by law, are forced into petty trade and handwork. Here the wages and profit become so low from over-competition that other nationalities shun these occupations, until finally nearly all little shopkeepers and artisans are Jews. Then arises the cry for further persecution, in hope that it may drive the Jews from these occupations also. The cry arises, of course, not from the producers of raw material, since it is good to have many buyers, nor from the purchasers, who also profit from the competition, but from those non- Jewish little traders and arti- zans who remain. It is to these poor starving wretches that the Government appeals with its campaign of murderous plimder. Having artificially produced this desperate misery, the Czar and his servants turn part of these wretches against the others with a promise of their business when they are destroyed. The relatively small but desperately needy class of Russian small shopkeepers has in many places succumbed to the poison, and wherever the Jews are numerous allows the Government to work them up periodically into a pitch of hatred, hardly murderous, however, since many Jews are their associates and friends. It is rather their wilder sons that furnish new recruits to the criminal and professional "patriotic" organisations. But the small merchants do enroll themselves, subscribe to the organi- sation and read its papers, and it is undoubtedly to the selfish interest of the small trader in the ruin of Jews that the Govern- ment makes its most direct appeal. I talked with Tichamirov, the editor of the notorious Moscow organ of the League of Russian Men, who made clear to me at once the purely lower middle class basis of the league. He is close to the people, as he was a leader of the revolutionary party in the former reign. While an exile abroad he completely reversed his politics, and has written a book on the Czars which is said to be the most able defence of autocracy extant. He did not hesitate for a moment to acknowledge that anti-semit- CREATING THE "INTERNAL ENEMY" 67 ism was the basis of the ultra-reactionary party and the hope of the Czarism. This anti-semitism he considers to be in its essence an economic movement, and it is by conservative econ- omic reform, not political, that he hopes to preserve the domina- tion in Russia of the autocracy, the Orthodox Church and the Russian nationality. Politically, like all the leaders that stand with the Czar, Tichamirov favours inertia. All accept what the Czar has given without asking what it is, and all say that what the Czar has given, Duma or what not, the Czar can take away. Either they do not ask whether Russia has a constitution, or else they say definitely with Tichamirov that a pure autocracy still prevails. They accept the Duma, but they do not object to any of the innumerable limitations under which it has proven utterly powerless whenever opposed by the ministers of the Czar. The League of Russian Men and all extreme reactionaries are, nevertheless, in a certain peculiar sense democrats. They believe in the possibility of a mystical direct union of "the true Russian people" under their leadership with the Czar, and they profess to believe that no disagreement in this case is possible and that so autocracy and democracy can become one. This peculiar union and harmony it is hoped to attain by purely economic reforms. The Czar is to favour those classes that are most loyal to him and his policies, and these classes are to grow and flourish until the whole people become the loving children of the "Little Father," the Czar. Naturally one must begin, not with the peasants, but with the smalf shopkeepers and the small landowners. The league has- always bought for itself a fighting organisation of the very^ lowest social classes, but nowhere has is obtained any real foot- hold among the mass of the people, the peasants and workingmen. These classes are neither loyal to the Czar nor do they want small doles in land, but a sovereign people's Duma, expropriation of the landlords, and a social guarantee against accumulation of the land in the future in private hands. The league has definitely recognised that the workingmen and peasants, at least for the moment, have strayed off the true path. Ticha- mirov even confessed that he did not wish to see an extension 68 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE of peasant communal ownership, nor even of small farms, but only of those with from 132 to 266 acres. Outside of the Government and nobility these small landlords and shopkeepers are almost the sole class from which the league gets the rank and file of its members, and that they succeed here is due solely to the diabolical machinations of the Govern- ment. An overwhelming majority, however, even of the small landowners belong to other less reactionary or even to merely conservative groups; while the larger landlords have a party of their own, the moderate reactionaries. The majority of the small landowners are probably conservative or reactionary, but certainly not very extreme since scarcely one out of ten took the trouble to vote. The small shopkeepers, on the other hand, took a lively interest. With the aid of the lower officials, everywhere openly or secretly connected with the organisation, and of the wholesale disfranchisements under the new election law, they carried many of the smaller towns. These small tradesmen, joined by the numerous class of landlords who are also officials, or officials who are also landlords, and by the higher clergy, elected over one hundred members or one-fourth of the third Duma. To this anti-semitic party the peasants have contributed almost nothing. In eighty-four out of the eighty-six provinces (or states) they have refused practically to have anything to do with the organisation. Out of sixteen thousand township electors for the third Duma only fifty-one declared themselves members of the league, and of these thirty-three came from the one govern- ment of Volhynia, leaving several hundred even in that govern- ment in other parties. All unprejudiced observations agree with those I made personally in a score of Russian villages. Among the peasants there is almost no racial prejudice of any kind. Even in those governments into which the law has forced the Jews in abnormal numbers, there is scarcely a trace of hostility. Witness the Duma's report on Bielostock, already quoted, and Prince Urussov's conversations with Bessarabian peasants. These peasants did not understand why he should ask them such a foolish question as to whether they were hostile to the Jews, and simply answered with other questions: "What do you mean? What kind of hostility? Why any hostility?" CREATING THE "INTERNAL ENEMY" 69 I learned absolutely nothing from the peasants about anti- semitism, because they don't know what Jew-baiting means. It is all a question of plunder. The purely business reasons for the persecution are baldly stated by the "patriotic organisa- tions" themselves. The Fatherland Union, of which Count Bobrinsky was chief organiser, states in its preamble, "If to give the Jews equal rights should prove to be detrimental to Russians, then no matter how convincing the arguments are, we shall be energetically opposed to it." This is as if we should deny rights of citizenship to emigrants, or to Americans who were not "Sons of the Revolution." For the Jews and other subject races have inhabited Russia for hundreds of years. "Russia is first of all for the Russians," says the declaration, apparently meaning those whose ancestors have been Russian for a thousand years; and further, "the more elements there are of foreign origin in the Russian Empire the stronger and more forcible must the real Russian nationality be represented in it." What if Americans were to say, the more foreigners we have the more we must restrict their privileges and those of their children to the last generation? CHAPTER VI THE DANGER OP PROGRESS THE organisations that defend the autocracy are without exception the same that call for the persecution of the subject races and oppose the giving either of land or of civil or political rights to the people. The Union of the Fatherland, the League of Russian Men, the Russian Assembly and the other ** patriotic" organisations, are "absolutely opposed to any lessening of the Czar's power." One hundred and forty-six of their members in the third Duma recognise Nicholas as an absolutely unlimited autocrat. Why this self-renunciation, self-annihilation indeed? Because the leagues are sure of this and all future Czars. They know that the Czar created a Duma of officials and landlords. They know that he has restricted the rights of the small merchants* Jewish rivals to seats on exchanges or on merchants', artizans' and citizens' commissions, and they hope that he will exclude them altogether from these bodies. They know that even the Centre of the Duma, composed partly of mere conservatives rather than reactionaries, has abandoned the Jews. They have nothing to gain, and everything to lose then, by the most elementary political freedom, and so they believe in the unlimited autocracy of the Czar. We are beginning to penetrate into the citadel of reaction. To the obvious fact that the Czar governs by the mere physical power of the army and police, we have added the less obvious fact that he governs by creating real or fictitious civil wars; to the evident hostility of absolutism to democracy, we have added its hostility even to the most elementary or conservative forms of political or legal order. The Czarism is opposed to all political rights and to any constitutional system. It is the complete antithesis not only of individual freedom, but even of law and order. 70 THE DANGER OF PROGRESS 71 Now we can get a still deeper insight. In order to protect the Czarism from the demand of the people for justice, order and law, the Government and reactionaries are compelled to attack every line of progress. The spread of intelligence through the press, schools, and universities must be hindered, the coming into Russia of foreign culture must be prevented, religious evolution must at least be held where it is, and modem capital- ism and business methods must be admitted with every con- ceivable restriction and foresight. The Russian bureaucrats and leading reactionaries are not a wonderfully endowed race, but they are no savages. They have as a rule half a higher education. They have read and travelled over Europe. They are not opposed to higher education, modem business, European culture, religious progress, and constitutional government, because they dislike these things in themselves, but because these things endanger their private positions and the whole system from which they draw their support. There are a few sentimental writers who work themselves up into a genuine hatred of progress. The bureaucrats give these writings their approval, pass them on to the people, and even paraphrase them in the laws. But of course they would not express any such views personally, as for example when in conversation with intelligent foreigners or their bosom friends. We must do justice to their intelligence. They are not fools. The lie by which they live and degrade themselves and the whole nation they command, is conscious and deliberate. All the Government's campaigns against progress are con- ducted on the same principles as the attack on the Jewish tradesmen already outlined. The Government always appeals to the baser instincts of some element of the population that may draw a profit from the ruin of another, and it always manages to connect its enemies in some way or other with the Jews. The onslaught on the freedom of the press, on the schools and universities is, for instance, often enough defended on the direct ground that all these institutions are opposed to the old ideas of autocracy. But when the courage for such honesty is lacking, the attack is aimed first at the Jews. The teachers, the students, the press, it is said, are under Jewish influence. It is for this reason, then, that the already miserable 72 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE schools must be deprived often of half their teachers, the uni- versities once more closed, and the last shred of so-called jour- nalistic freedom, first created two years ago and already grad- ually attenuated to almost nothing, finally taken away. Anti-semitism is the touchstone of the reaction. It was for some time a question whether the party which controls the third Duma, the conservative Octobrists, would on the whole prove moderately progressive or moderately reactionary. The doubt was short-lived. They have made a political agreement with the outright reactionaries by which they have abandoned the Jews. They will not even ask for Jewish equality before the law. This means, and is actually accompanied by, an abandon- ment of all the other subject races and oppressed classes of the Empire. In fact my talk with the leader, Gutchkov, made it unmistakably clear that the Octobrists will insist on keeping control of the Duma at every cost and that for this purpose they will work, as they must, almost wholly with the landlords and bureaucrats who constitute a large majority of the assembly. Gutchkov is satisfied especially with the landlords and says that at the bottom they are progressive men. I shall show later how this is the reverse of the truth. It is enough to say here that this alliance with the reactionary landlords is in itself enough to alienate from the Duma leader every other important element of the population. Since the third Duma has decided to take up a position with the Government against the Jews and other subject races, it has the same pretext as the Government for every reactionary measure. It will not now be necessary to make a direct attack on progress, and the so-called moderates can even continue the polite and harmless verbal criticism on the bureaucracy and the court without coming to any serious disagreement with either. The campaign against progress in the form of the spread of intelligence, has already been typically instituted by Gutchkov 's own organ in Moscow, the object being first of all narrowly selfish — that is, to destroy this newspaper's rivals — • and only incidentally to aid the Government. "The very fact alone," says this oracle of the third Duma, "that nine-tenths of our press is in the hands of the Jews is a disgrace. . . . We must see to it that Russians who know THE DANGER OF PROGRESS 73 that a certain paper is Jewish must not only not read it, but not even take it in their hands." This "moderate" party organ further suggests Duma legislation against the freedom of press, and finally adds a sentence that discloses the truth, which is that it is not really the Jews but the opposition in general that troubles it. For it is "not only the Jewish press but the present oppositional press, preponderantly Jewish" that is "in its spirit rotten and foreign.'' We also see here, as we shall see again and again, that what is foreign is scarcely to be distinguished from what is rotten by the truly reactionary mind. How does this moderate onslaught differ from that made a year before by Trepov, speaking almost in the name of the Czar? " Don't you see," Trepov said to an English interviewer, "that a part of the newspapers of St. Petersburg are owned by the Jews and that the majority of their editors are Jews? Don't you see to what point the Jews are represented in the Duma? Say what you like, this revolutionary movement is principally the work of the Jews." But the Jewish writers in the capital are scarcely as numerous proportionately as the Jewish readers of the press, there are as many anti-semitic as Jewish newspaper proprietors, and there were only twelve Jewish members of that Duma instead of the twenty to which their numbers in the country entitled them. Even this small representation was, of course, a disappointment to a Government that hoped there would be none in its assembly, but the great disillusion was that there were not half a dozen anti-semites. In spite of all the outrages of the officials in the elections, and the innumerable inequalities of the election law in favour of the Jew-baiters, there were not six men in five hundred that voted against the full equality of the Jews. The hostility to Jewish and oppositional freedom of opinion and enlightenment, leads directly to attacks on enlightenment itself. In a local government board in Bessarabia recently the question arose whether in the country town of Akkerman the library for teachers should be continued. No doubt it was the only library there. The notorious reactionist Pureschewitch, who happened to be a member of the board, spoke heatedly and for hours against the library. "What do you teachers need books for?" he cried. "Either 74 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE you have learned enough already and you don't need to learn more, or you have learned nothing. In either case you don't need books. "No more books! Through your books, through your teachers, sedition is being carried amongst the people. For the rooting out of this sedition, not the Manifesto of October 17th, but ptmishment expeditions are what we need." In the meanwhile the Czar's Government is careful not to allow the chief prey and scapegoat by any possibility to go free. The Jews are not permitted in any of the thousand activities of life to fuse themselves with the rest of the population. The Jews, artificially held separate from the rest of the nation in the ways I have indicated, are also forcibly held separate in religion, in education, and in every other pos- sible way. The most conservative rabbis only are permitted to perform their functions, and intellectually inclined Jews are by tens of thousands forcibly prevented from obtaining such an education as would allow them to become one with the educated class. We have seen that the reactionaries demand that all higher education be closed to the Jews. Already many such institutions as the St. Petersburg Normal, Dramatic, Electrical Engineering and Railway Engineering schools, the Moscow Agricultural and Medical schools are completely closed against them, while in all other higher institutions, though from a fourth to a half of the applicants for admission are Jews, they are allowed to form only from 2 to 10 per cent, of those in attendance. So perhaps not one young Jew out of ten striving for a higher education is permitted to attain one. In primary education the conditions are still worse, for here only the smallest nimiber of Russian-teaching schools are provided by the State, while Jews are forbidden to teach children the Russian language. As a consequence, in one of the provinces where an investigation was held (Odessa), it was found that only II per cent, of the Jews could read and write the Russian language. The evident intention of the Government is to keep them separate for easier persecution. In the schools, as elsewhere, the plan has some success. Of course there are far from enough schools for the population anyway. Under these circumstances only good students should THE DANGER OF PROGRESS 75 be admitted, and a large proportion of those passing the best j examinations are Jews. But it is evident that for every good ^)*^ Jewish student excluded some inferior Russian can find a place. j From this exclusion of Jewish students there results a double I gain for the Czarism. The standard of dangerous intelligence ^ is lowered and " Russianised," and at the same time the inferior Russian students are corrupted. Boys whose dulness already inclined them to reaction are often made "patriots" once for all by the selfish interest to keep a place they have no right to. So there is a certain minority of young reactionaries in the intermediate schools. But such students are not suited for higher professional studies. They become rather officers, bureaucrats, landlords, or merchants. In the universities there is scarcely a trace either of reaction or of hostility to the Jews. So strongly, indeed, do the Russian students stand up for the rights of their fellows that the universities must often be closed to make it possible to carry out the persecution of the Jews, as has recently happened at Odessa and at Kiev. The Government, moving ostensibly against the "foreigners," has had the satisfaction of being able to shut up at the same time some of the most important centres for the spread of general intelligence. By the revival of religious persecution the Government hopes to enrage against the non-orthodox Russian sects, against Catholics, Protestants, Mohammedans, and Jews, all the narrowly fanatical and blindly superstitious elements of the people. But unfortunately for the Czarism, such elements are as rare in Russia as in any country in the world. This may seem strange, but the liberal Milyoukov, the reactionary Tichamirov, and the best observers of all schools are agreed that it is so. Perhaps the most obvious reason for no growth of deep-rooted traditions in Russia is the absence of sharply defined national boundaries, at least in the older and European section. In complete contrast with the rest of Europe there were in Russia no naturally fixed populations, little hereditary permanence of residence, little chance for narrow and local traditions to be created. Through the vast empire were always wandering and intermarrying families and tribes of Finns, Tartars, several very different races of Slavs, and even some 76 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE entirely foreign elements. There was no more possibility of deep-rooted prejudice than in the modern United States. Another ever-present reason for no traditions, denied of course by Tichamirov, is the very existence of the autocracy, at first perhaps a military necessity but later a sheer burden on every useful class. As each nascent national tradition had to have the official stamp of the hated Czarism, the people rejected it at the outset, and as far as possible decided their private affairs according to their actual conditions and without regard to the official traditions of the Church or State. Neither Orthodoxy nor Autocracy are national traditions among the people. The only places where the official doctrines have obtained a certain hold on the people, are where Russia has defended the population in a recent generation against some foreign foe. The people of Volhynia, for instance, where the league obtained a few votes even among the peasants, were oppressed a few generations ago by the Poles. Then Russia, even with its Czar, was the Volhynian peasants' only hope, just as later the Orthodox Russian priests have been the chief means of reawakening among them the old Russian language and culture almost extirpated during the Polish dominion. Of course a result of this dependence on the priests is that Volhynia is one of the most ignorant provinces of the empire, and this ignorance again aids the reactionary movement. The condition is similar in Bessarabia, which was won finally from Turkey only a few generations back. There, where the people are not Russians, but Latin descendants of the ancient colonies of Rome, was the first great stronghold of Krushevan's League of Pure Russian Men, and there also was the first great massacre of recent years, Kishinev. It was in Volhynia that the wild monk, Iliodor, preached recently to enormous assemblies a literal religious crusade against the internal enemies of the Czar; and it was in the neighbouring provinces of Eaev that the following appeal, among many others, was launched in October, 1905, to be circulated in Volhynia and other near-by provinces: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, the great anchorite of the Lavra in Kiev has ordered the people to be informed that Saint Vladimir who first christened the Russian people [Vladimir THE DANGER OF PROGRESS 77 was in reality a barbarian Czar] has risen out of the bowels of the earth, waked up the anchorite and wept with him about the Fatheriand, brought to shame by the Poles and the Jews. O God, where is the courage of Russia that once hurled back the foreign hordes? Shame and dishonour to the descendants of the holy Vladimir who tremble before a handful of cowardly Jews and street urchins they have employed. All of us to whom the name of Russia is still dear must know that the Jews and the Poles are thirsting for our blood, that they are trying to set us against one another so as to reach the throne over our dead bodies and overthrow the Czar. Gather, all of you, in the churches, and take counsel there as to how the Fatherland is to be defended against the Poles and the Jews. Do not kill the Poles and the Jews, but give the students who are sent by them the sound thrashing they deserve. Each person who receives this letter must make at least three copies and send them to other villages and towns. He who has not fulfilled this order in six days will undergo serious sickness and evil, but whoever spreads more than three copies of this letter will be granted recovery from incurable diseases and will prosper in all things. In St. Sophia Cathedral and the cloister of St. Michael many will assemble, and when they go out they will call out to the people that it shall gather itself together against the Jews and Poles. The black clergy did assemble in several provinces, as a result partly of this denunciation, and led hired ruffians not to beat the students but to carry out the thinly veiled suggestion to kill the Jews, as well as the Russian students and workingmen that stood for their defence. Certainly if the Russian peasants were narrow fanatics these appeals from the most holy places would have led to a monstrous and wholesale bloodshed, instead of to the cut-and-dried massacres prepared by the officials and poHce. As a matter of fact only in one of the eighty-six governments did they fall on fertile ground. Even here the promise of the league that every dues-paying member (the dues are twenty-five cents a year) will get land from the Government, is said to have had more to do with the movement than the limited popularity of the priests. It is chiefly the black monks and others getting an income directly through the State's money spent on the Church, that give real enthusiasm to the religious part of the Government propaganda. They are most numerous in holy Kiev, and a light on their political character is shed by the action taken at a recent meeting against the press, presided 78 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE over by Bishop Agapite. As elsewhere in Russia the press of Kiev is gagged and sobered by innumerable fines, yet it manages to make as progressive and intelligent a presentation of the news as that of Moscow or St. Petersburg. This skill and daring in saying something in spite of the censor had called down the wrath of these "holy '* ecclesiastics, who resolved that the great majority of modem newspapers furthered ideas that are in direct hostility to religion, the Church, the Government, society, and Christianity, and therefore asked that the censorship be made more severe and that "a prescribed standard of reason, morality, and property" be required of all editors. Doubtless their reverences would like to examine the editors themselves before they are allowed to write. Or perhaps they are opposed to newspapers in general, like Pobiedonostzev. This old adviser-in-chief of Nicholas, head of the Church for the first decade of his reign, thought that newspapers were largely responsible for the democratic spirit that has corrupted Europe and the United States and brought them to the present low level from which God has spared the empire of the Czars. Where the Government is unable to plan religious hatred, jealousy of the educated classes, or the greedy desire for the ruin of a persecuted race, it makes a direct call to sheer ignorance, invents domestic and foreign enemies plotting against the Russian nation. In one place it is the Poles and Jews that "form the majority of the agitators" and are "far more dangerous than our external enemies." These words were used by a colonel to his troops, of course where the Poles are numerous. In a proclamation, endorsed by the censor and the governor at Kiev, the enemies of Russia are "the Poles who cannot resign themselves to the fact that the Russians are not their serfs; the Japanese and their allies, the English and Americans, who instituted the war; and finally the Israelite Jews." Then follow citations from the scriptures recalling the biblical times when the Hebrews were massacred, and an appeal to repeat these massacres. Soon after came the massacres in the very places where the manifesto had prepared the way. The vicious and glaring cartoons spread by "patriotic" organisations among the soldiers in Manchuria, leave no doubt THE DANGER OF PROGRESS 79 that the Government also at this time encouraged the last degree of hatred against England and the United States. The proclamation above mentioned, issued at the order of Trepov even after the war was over, is final evidence on the question. A very responsible editor of one of the semi-official Russian organs, the Sinet, has even warned the United States that Russia will not tolerate the insulting remarks made in American papers about the Czar. He calls for diplomatic action, and suggests as the explanation not that all truly democratic newspapers must necessarily oppose despotism, but that the American press is also owned by Jews. CHAPTER VII "my chief support" THERE is no end to the lie system by which this powerful Government prepares the persecution of its miserable sub- jects. Special lies are needed for the army, and other special lies for the lower servants of the Government. It is said the Jews do not make good and willing soldiers. There is evidence to show that before the present revolutionary movement of all the people began, the Jews on the whole made as good soldiers as any. Now, of course, special persecutions in the army have had their results. Jews are first given the worst of the recruiting, assigned to the worst regiments, denied all chances to rise from the ranks, refused any respect for their religious observances, their race is insulted in the addresses of the officers in which the soldiers are told to prepare to crush the Jews — and then they are accused of not liking the service. An officer ordered his soldiers to spit in a Jewish comrade's face. When some obeyed and finally the Jew struck one of them» he was courts-martialed for the act. The Government and reactionaries endeavour to get the lower officials to hate the Jews on another count — that is, for systematically undermining the laws. Here, in a word, is the legal situation. In spite of civil and poHtical disabiUties and exclusion from State and charitable aid and State education, the Jews pay the same taxes as the rest of the people. But this is not all. Special taxes are raised on Jewish "kosher" meat, and even on the candles of the synagogue. These special taxes are supposed to provide for the institutions the Jews are denied. But no account is rendered by the Government for the miUions of rubles raised, and the money is often spent, according to former Governor Urussov, for pavement of streets, for the maintenance of general institutions and of the police, for the notorious Russian Red Cross, and even for higher schools in 80 KRUSHEVAN Professional Jew-baiter, preparer of massacres, and a leader of the extreme reactionary party "MY CHIEF SUPPORT" Si which Jews are not allowed. Thus the Jews are taxed twice over for institutions in which they have no share. Is it not inevitable that they should try to get around such laws? Yet this very fact is often made as pretext for the enactment of further restrictive laws. Two classes the Government has long ago secured for its civil war programme, the nobility and the criminal element, the former on account of its intimate connection with the court, the latter through its relations with the police and spy system. The nobility, it goes without saying, is paid with privileges, governmental positions and disguised grants to landlords from the treasury of the nation ; the mob, of course, with vodka or cash. I have spoken of the noble organiser of the League of Russian Men in Odessa. In Moscow Count Sherebatov is at the head, in Tula Count Bobrinsky, in Kursk and many other governments the head marshals of the nobility, in St. Petersburg Count Apraxin, gentleman of the Czar's bedchamber. Besides, the league reckons on almost half the court, including many princes, generals, court chamberlains, assistant ministers, judges and so on. All this nobiUty is vitally interested not only in the preservation of the court, the bureaucracy, and the privileges of landlords, but also in agrarian poUtics, beet sugar boimties, special railroad rates for large exporters of the grain of a starving people, the abolition of land taxes, indefinite loans from the State Bank, the free import of agricultural implements, especially of such as they use and the people cannot buy, and perhaps even paper money in the end. This would seen to have nothing to do with the Jews. But it is obligatory for every reactionary element that seeks to share in the plunder to do so under the same pretext. Of course the landlords manage to get a special profit from the persecution of the Jews. There are no Jewish landlords to persecute, since Jews are not allowed to own land. But there are Jewish capitalists, and like other capitalists these want the whole state policy to be directed to benefit industry rather than agriculture. This unsympathetic attitude toward agriculture arises not from the fact that they are capitalists, the landlords pretend to believe, but from the fact that they are Jews. Under the accusation of being part of a Jewish conspiracy to imdermine 82 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Russian agriculture, even industry itself is sometimes attacked and every effort of foreign or Russian capital to advance it is branded as an anti- Russian, Jewish, German or English attempt to control the empire through the purse strings. From this same agrarian quarter metallic money is already criticised and may some day be repudiated as a Jewish contrivance, and the payment of interest on the international debt may some day be postponed as touching only foreigners and Jews. Already there are grumblings among the nobility against un-Russian money and the underhand influence of Russia's creditors. There is no doubt that at the time of a great financial crisis a tremen- dous movement against foreign capital could be created in dominant Government circles. Already Russian capitalists are pursued with fierce bitterness as friends and business associates of Jews. That Brodski, a member of the Russian sugar trust, was a millionaire did not protect him from being beaten by ** patriots " on the streets of Eaev. That Erasmus, a wealthy Jew, was seated at the table in a Moscow summer garden with a group of Christian manufacturers did not prevent a "patriot" leader from joining the group uninvited, openly boasting of his murder- ous plans, creating a quarrel, and, picking out the Jew for for attack, shooting him dead in the arms of his friends. Trepov, the murderer, has not been punished, for he is the founder of J '^the "League for Active Struggle against the Revolution," of rCw" '^^i^^ some influential persons are members. •^ \VC The Jews "are the worst type of business men and money- makers," says the Czar. But they are half the business men '^' and money-makers of his empire. When we add further than nearly every non- Jewish business man is intimately associated with Jews in business, we see that the Czar's feeling is really directed against the whole Russian business world. But does he attack them because they are money-makers or because they are Jews? One familiar with Russian reaction will hesitate for an answer. There must be hostility between Government by violence and business enterprise. Business men are hated by the reactionaries because of their own relative poverty and incapacity to earn. The plunder of the Government is an irregular source of income at the best and the big prizes are few. "MY CHIEF SUPPORT" 83 /The officials want modem business in Russia, but they want the [profits for themselves. As they are not business men they 'plunder those who are. So when a reactionary says "Jew" he frequently means "business man." To many of these people the ordinary American business man would be thought of as, or even called, a Jew. The Government's favouritism for the League of Russian Men in the recent elections has brought out the character of both organisations. The league's chief nominee for the Duma in Moscow was Schmakov, one of the most important of the league's leaders in the country. He declared after his nomina- tion that he believed only in pure autocracy, recognised neither any Duma nor even merely a consultive assembly as being consistent with autocracy, and considered "that there was only one goal that made life worth living, only one task worthy of man, the struggle against the Jews." If elected, he claimed that his election would give him the right to say it was the will of the people to extirpate the Jews. In spite of all the aid of the Government and police he was not elected. All the fraud, bribery, and violence practised brought him in this immense city with all its corruptible elements, only a few hundred votes, largely those of the spies and other hangers-on of the police, such as the house-porters, who are used for police service, and the proprietors of Government saloons. In Minsk the common candidate of the league and of the so- called moderates, Captain Schmidt, was triumphantly elected against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the popu- lation. In 1 901 Captain Schmidt sold the plans of the fortress of Cronstadt, was caught, convicted, sent to Siberia and lost all his titles and civil rights. The election law, aimed at the revolutionists, expressly disqualifies all such persons and was turned against Schmidt during the elections. But this traitor, convicted of high treason, had been pardoned by the Czar; he had only sold the plans, he was not a convinced revolutionist. Of course, the Government, taking its cue from the " Most High," interfered in his behalf and declared his election valid. After a solemn meeting of the league in a monastery in which God was thanked for His mercy, the moderates and the True Russian Men sent the captain to represent them in the Duma. "Even 84 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE if he is no Russian," said the presiding officer in one of the meetings, "nobody else defends so well the Orthodox faith." Such characters are among the leaders of the organisation from which the Czar says he expects his "chief support"; ruffians, murderers, and men ready to sell their country for a song. It is these men and their noble friends in and out of the bureaucracy and court that are the most influential, because the most active, element in the "legal " political life of the Russia of to-day. It is they that demand daily in their official organ the exclusion of all the democrats from the Duma, the arrest of Hessen, Milyoukov, and Kutler, the most moderate leaders of the moderate reform party, and the regular and systematic beating, as part of their punishment, of all the hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in the jails. Nor are these demands unreasonable, viewed from the standpoint of recent actions of the Russian Government. Only a few years ago Prince Dolgorukov was exiled for merely expressing the mod- erate wishes of the official local government boards, and the entire membership of one democratic party is now locked up and under trial. The Government still declares the moderate party illegal; why should its leaders not be arrested? There is scarcely a prison in Russia where beating is not occasionally employed, to say nothing of the open flogging of whole villages of peasants; why should this beating not be made universal? The league demands also the removal of unsuitable "humane" chiefs of police, and more frequent shooting by the police of suspected persons. But has not General Rennenkampf already said, in an official order, that there were too few deaths and that the soldiers must shoot to kill? And has not the Czar just promoted the famous general in full knowledge of this notorious order, and of the general's campaign against the "inner enemy" in Siberia when he ordered a whole committee that came to him with a complaint to be executed ? Why should not the league hope for the worst? The league knows that the Government's legal persecution of the Jews has proceeded to a point where Governor Urussov confesses that it constitutes the chief business of the provincial governors. It also remembers its own successes; that its agitation and demonstrations brought on the great massacres ••MY CHIEF SUPPORT" 85 of 1905, that in many places the Government openly partici- pated, as in Tiflis where the governor ordered the military band to lead their procession, and that at Odessa the governor, Neiahardt, to this day unpunished, quoted in the official pronunciamentos the league's own proclamation to the effect that ' * thirty thousand small bourgeois had threatened to bum the university if the revolutionary activities of the students did not cease, and that he lent them all his power to promote instead of to hinder the most horrible massacre of all the bloody history of the modem empire." The league knows that at Tver its members were allowed to besiege in broad daylight the building in which the pro- gressive employers of the local government board were holding a meeting, to set it afire and to kill and cripple those who escaped, all before the eyes of the assembled troops, until finally a single volley fired in the air easily put an end to the supposedly irre- pressible disturbance. In Baku the German consul telegraphed a protest against the proposed demonstration which he was sure would lead to massacre. He received as answer that "German citizens" would be protected, and the massacre took place according to the schedule. The league knows also that to-day Government buildings are turned over to its use, that Government officials, especially local officials or those elected by the privileged electoral bodies of the Russian law, preside over its meetings, that the most influential persons are pub- licly or secretly connected with it, that the grand dukes and Government newspapers have expressed their cordial approval, and that the Czar has given them every encouragement within his power. Why should it not demand the arrest of all the moderate and liberal leaders and the flogging of the political prisoners under arrest ? No wonder, then, that they boldly attack even the Czar^s prime minister for his desire to re-shape the Czarism, to con- vert it into a stronger and more orderly if not less oppressive system, and to place every activity of the league under legal and official restraint. There is raging a real war between the two powers, but it is of little benefit to Russia. Taking advantage of the state of martial law, Stolypine confiscates the league organ, the Russian Flag. But Dr. Dubrowin replies that 86 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE martial law applies to revolutionists and not to patriots like himself, and is sustained by the Senate, the highest court of the country. Stolypine sees that even martial law cannot be equally or evenly applied in a Czarism. But still under martial law he has an additional power and it is his only hold against the "spontaneous" and relatively democratic action of the league. Against the disorder of the reaction, as well as the disorder I of the revolution, Stolypine 's only remedy is the disorder of *« martial law. What government by martial law is in Russia I shall show later. Here I only wish to show not only how the reactionary disorder can work through the disorder of martial law, but that it must inevitably do so since the army officers are on the whole as reactionary as any official body in the coimtry, and every other group of officials to whom martial law is supposed to give this power of life and death are as bad as they. An example of non-military officials to whom it is proposed to give absolute power of life and death are the county "land officials" or "zemsky natchalniki." These men already have unheard of powers. The peasants have never seen the gover- nor and higher officials even of the provincial government. For them this " zemsky natchalnik" is already czar, and most of the thousands of revolts of recent years have been directed mainly against him. These officials are almost universally reactionaries — none others would accept the popular hatred that goes with the function. Everywhere the important "land officials" who may play such a r61e in the near future, are most active in the circles of the league. Recently one of them was entirely missing from his ordinary duties for several weeks. He was sought for in vain by the peasants, the marshal of the nobility, the other officials and the local and provincial police. He could not be found because nobody dared interfere with the more impor- tant labours to which he had abandoned himself. He was vice- president of the Smolensk league, was attending all this time league meetings and conferences in the provincial capital. This brings an ordinary picture of the fusion of the local govern- ment with the league. The extreme reactionaries are indispensable to the new ( "MY CHIEF SUPPORT" 87 Government, whichever way it turns. If the policy is to be the reign of martial law, made practically universal and steadily maintained, as Minister Stolypine seems to desire, then a large majority of all the more zealous army officers, those who perform with zest and interest this poUce work of crushing the "internal enemy," are connected with one of the reactionary leagues or unions. If Stolypine goes further toward the creation of local czars and special police whose chief duty it is to fight the revo- lution, he must rely almost entirely on the same type of men. If he wishes to return to the plan of creating an artificial counter- revolutionary movement among the people, he finds all the arrangements, prestige, and popular leaders already monopo- lised by the league. The league is also as strong in the Duma as St oly pine's moderate reactionary friends, and stronger in the upper house. It cannot be questioned that the immediate future of Russia is largely in the hands of professional agitators of the League of Russian Men. The underlying reason for this lies in the simple fact of human nature, that intelligent and high-minded men cannot be obtained to serve a government at war with its own people. The work of drowning in blood the struggle of all kinds of people to secure the most elementary rights and self-government, is a task for dull and brutal men. Nothing is more to the credit of the Russian nation at the present moment than that the worst of her citizens as a rule occupy the higher position in the State. CHAPTER VIII WHAT HAPPENED TO "tHE CONSTITUTION** IN THE same audience in which Nicholas promised the League of Russian Men that he would "think over" their petition to refuse the rights of Russian citizens to the Jews, one of the league's representatives prayed His Majesty also that he should preserve the old principle of autocracy — in a word, that he should grant no constitution. The Czar replied in an unmis- takable affirmative, that he would give an account of his power to God, So we find always linked together the call for persecution and outspoken hostility to constitutional government. One of the persecuted races, the Mohammedans, formed a league "to further constitutional government in Russia." Several government officials thought the league might be legalised on the ground that a constitutional limitation of the Czar's power already existed in the fact that the Czar could not change the so-called fundamental laws without the consent of the Duma. The prefect of St. Petersburg took the opposite view, and the highest court in the country has finally decided with him that it is illegal in Russia for any organisation even to ask for consti- tutional government. At the time of the great massacres constitutionalists were not distinguished from Jews. Indeed the chief purpose of Trepov and the grand dukes at that time was to put an end to the cry for a modem form of government. Their purpose reached down to the lowest officials that were superintending the killing. So in the small town of New Zybkov, in Tchemigov, the police captain, with a telegram from the governor in his hands, mounted a carriage and declared to the people: *' Gentlemen, there is no constitution, there are no liberties. What was said here yesterday was invented by our enemies the Jews, Doctor Ivanov and Bagolioupov. Now you can do 88 WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 89 what you please to them. You are given this right." Immedi- ately a part of the crowd commenced assaulting and killing the Jews. One third of the members of the new Duma deny that there is a constitution and another third refuse to assert officially that there is one. The Czar and Stolypine in the meanwhile reassert the existence of an unlimited autocracy, and both refuse so' much as to mention the supposedly constitutional promises of October 17, 1905, to say nothing of reasserting them. The coup d'etat of the 3rd of June, 1907, by which the Duma was made over into an assembly of officials and landlords, practically annulled these promises in repealing the previous election statute that had been soberly granted by the Czar as a "fundamental" law. There is, then, no real need for the extreme reactionaries of the Duma to assert and reassert that there is no constitution, that whatever the Czar has granted he has the right to take away. Already he has done this. Already all semblance of a constitution has disappeared, and as long as the Duma has no control whatever over the Government it remains merely a king's council, no matter how the majority may try to dodge the plain statement. Persecution reigns and the autocracy is triumphant. The anxiety of the extreme loyalists is not so much for the present as for the future. If the Czarism is to be preserved, the persecution must go on undiminished ; if it is to be strengthened, the persecution must be intensified. So all the extreme reactionaries speaking in the Duma for autocracy and against constitution have occupied themselves almost exclusively with attacks on the Poles and Jews. And they have already succeeded in getting a majority of the body on their side against these races. Stolypine, too, willingly or unwillingly, must follow. A few days after the encouragement he received from these debates, he closed the. Polish School Union that has opened 780 schools in the year or two it had been allowed to exist. His onslaught on the painfully -won liberties of Finland probably means that, even here where the conquests of the revolution seemed secure, nearly everything will again be taken away. The chief party of the third Duma, the moderate reactionary Octobrists, have tried to avoid the issue. They secured the 90 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE consent of 212 out of the 440 members that the Duma in its address of thanks to the Czar should avoid both the words autocracy and constitution. As the democratic and Polish groups abstained from voting this remains the Duma's position on the question of the constitution, but not so on that of autocracy. Only 1 46 reactionaries voted to recognise the unlimited autocracy on this occasion, but more than a hundred others have recognised it on every other. If two votes were taken, instead of one, the Duma would vote against the existence of a constitution and in favour of the autocracy. The present anomalous position of certain timid constitutionalists by which they acknowledged autocracy every day and cannot use the very word constitution or any equivalent, is defended by such false and shameless I subtleties as that the title autocrat refers only to independence from foreign powers and not to independence of the people, and I that the discussion whether Russia has a constitution or is I governed like China or Turkey is "a purely verbal" or "specu- \ lative question." This is the position of the Government itself in the Russia^ its official organ. In the meanwhile the Duma's cowardly refusal to face the one issue that is uppermost in Russian life and includes every other question, has forced it to make other and still more dangerous concessions to the Government's brutal power. In his declaration of his ministerial policy Stolypine did not mention the Czar's Manifesto of the 1 7th of October, the Magna Charta of Russian liberty, or at least the only official charter of Russia's hopes. A conservative member, Prince Lvov, moved that the Duma at any rate recognised the continued validity of this instrument. The party of the 17th of October thereupon voted down the motion and denied its own name and reason for existence. Like the extremists, the moderate reactionaries demand nothing, and accept everything, from the Government. Russia's so-called representative assembly claims neither a constitution, a fundamental law, nor any rights of the citizen. It is simply another council of the servants of absolu- tism, another arm of the already cumbrous bureaucratic system. The leader of the new majority, Alexander Gutchkov, explained the position of his party in the following dark but explicable manner. In a few years of the new Duma there WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 91 would be no strife among its leading parties about this question of the form of government. They would all be satisfied with the practical results. His party was of the view that a consti- tution existed, that the Czar himself had limited his own power. But he would not insist on the extreme reactionaries recognising that there was a system of government other than the will of the Czar. All parties could agree to accept the Czar's own term for the instrument that had brought the change, namely the Act of October 1 7th. As we have seen, Gutchkov's intended friends of the extreme reaction would not bear a reference even to this instrument, since it is now tabooed by the Government. But, so satisfied apparently is he with the present Duma and the harmony to come from it, that he consented to abandon the only principle through which his party came into being. Or perhaps his consent was unwilling. Between the moderate and extreme reactionaries is what we might call the reactionary centre, a group of over a hundred landlords without whom Gutchkov cannot hope to form a majority. The landlords by no means agree with Gutchkov; they have not decided whether they can expect more from the new Duma that has resulted from the Manifesto of October 17th, or from a return to the older form. They are not so optimistic about the Duma. Gutchkov 's enthusiastic party is composed mostly of officials, rich merchants, and indus- trialists. Under the old regime the court influence of the landlords had only the bureaucracy to contend against. Gutch- kov does not care about the constitution so much as about his Duma. The landlords don't care so much about the Duma and the October Manifesto as they do about their power over the Czar through the court. The landlords alone cannot control the Duma, any more than can Gutchkov, but they have carefully provided Russia with an election law that gives them a power equal to, or greater than, that of any other class. For the landlords, that is the nobility, can do nearly what they please; they are the foundation of the throne. The leader of the Duma was careful to add to his confession of constitutional faith that he did not consider that the Czar's voluntary limitation of the unlimited autocracy had decreased his power. No, the new Duma would be a counterweight against 92 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE the encroachments of the bureaucracy and the court on the Czar's power. As we have seen, however, a part of this counter- weight consists of officials, a second and larger part of the landlord nobility, the matrix both of the higher officialdom and of the court. The third part represents the wealthy merchants and manufacturers, by whom Gutchkov's party was first created, but in it is a considerable number also of the less reactionary landlords. It is, then, largely from the increased power of the landlords that Gutchkov hopes to control the court. Indeed he has said as much. It is also from the power of the most privileged of Russian capitalists, which the election law favours, that he hopes to curb officialdom. But I shall show that the majority of Russian capital lives from official privileges and Government contracts and has a corresponding influence in the bureaus, just as the landlords live from and control the court. Gutchkov's career, his extensive travels, his service as a ^Voluntary administrator of the Red Cross during the Japanese I wax and as president of the Moscow Municipal Council, sug- I gest that he is a sincere reformer rather than a merely ambitious man. But he seems to have become a fanatic of one idea and 1 a bitter enemy of all who disagree with his estimate of its value. That idea is that any assembly of men, however constituted and however limited in its power, that bears the name of Duma has the ability to regenerate poor Russia. The name "consti- tution" or "Manifesto of October 17th" he is ready to abandon. The name "Duma" retains all the wonder-working power of a Russian ikon. Indeed his paper speaks literally of the Duma's "sacred walls." He is the only disinterested public ; man of any great moment in Russia who expects the Russian landlords and contractors to relinquish their power over the officialdom and the court. But what is the meaning of the Duma to the Government? First of all, the Government's financial credit abroad is steadily falling, and it hopes to impress the little French and German investors who keep it from bankruptcy, that Russia has a loyal popular assembly that votes all the loans and taxes the Govern- ment requires. That the majority of this Duma consists of indi- viduals who are living by direct subsidies in one form or another WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 93 from the Government is a fact it is hoped the small investor will overlook. Second, the Duma serves a purpose inside of the country. It unifies the bureaucracy, the court, the landlords, and other privileged classes against all pressure of the masses of the people from below to secure a democratic form of gov- ernment. It enlists definitely on the Government's side all those who are in any way dependent upon it, and gives to each element a definite r61e to fill in the national defence against progress : — which, of course, depends entirely on the further democra- tisation of the state. "The Government must have a firm will in this matter," said Stolypine to the Duma; "but this is not enough, the will of the Duma must be added to that of the Government." Count W. Bobrinsky, in the name of the landlords, the heart of the reactionary majority, had just used almost the same words: "The Duma without a strong Government is nothing," said he, "but the struggle of the Government against the revolutionary excesses without the Duma is unproductive. Without the Duma the Government cannot accomplish the pacification of the country." This pacification accomplished, it remains to be seen if the Government or the landlords will have any further need of the Duma. They do not have to abolish it. The Czar or the upper council can as hitherto veto its acts, more pressure can be brought to bear on the elections, or the election law can again be modified by the Czar or again interpreted by the Senate to suit the occasion. Or perhaps Gutchkov will see that discretion is the better part of valour, and in order to preserve the form of the present "sacred" Duma will definitely abandon, one at a time, every shadow of social reform. For there is a party in Russia that is composed largely of capable and devoted reformers, a party that has at the same time given aid to the revolution only in an indirect manner as a last desperate resort. This party desires a constitution, fundamental changes in the structure of the Government; but it is so anxious for the social elevation of the masses that it has been willing to give up its greater hopes for the slow and diffi- cult work which alone is possible under the present system. When the revolution seemed about to triumph, the party mem- 94 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE bers were ready to put aside their administrative work to lay the foundation for a greater edifice. When the Government was for the time victorious over the revolution, they were ready to take up again their difficult and almost hopeless task of trying to bring about a little progress in the local administration in the face of the hostility of the local officials and landlord caste. ^■\ I am speaking of the party of the famous "zemstvos," or local government boards. The majority of the professional em- ployees and workers were members of the Constitutional Demo- cratic Party, a smaller part of the more conservative "peaceful regenerators" or even of the liberal wing of the Octobrists, Gutchkov's organisation. A few were populists or independent progressives, more radical than the Constitutional Democrats. But the local government boards are elected mainly by landlords. Liberals were on the administrative committees and radicals were employed as doctors, veterinaries, teachers, agricultural experts and statisticians only because the over- whelming reactionary majorities among the landlords did not take the pains to vote. As soon as the revolutionary movement began among the peasants, their tenants and labourers, the landlords began to assert their principles. The results surprised even the Russians. Two years ago, of the thirty odd provincial zemstvos, nearly every one was liberally administered; now all but one are in conservative or reactionary hands, and in the several hundred subordinate district boards the proportion is similar. Experienced and devoted landlord administrators are giving place to ignorant and pronounced reactionaries, looked on as enemies by the people they are supposed to serve ; fOT else occasionally, which is sadder to relate, some mild liberal V surrenders his principles and remains in office. The elections showed only 5 or lo per cent, of Constitutional Democrats and a still smaller proportion of liberals of every other variety. Faithful employees, of whom tens of thousands have devoted themselves heart, mind, and body to the peasants and the practical application of their science, have been discharged. Hospital after hospital, school after school, has been closed because the new administrators have been unwilling to make the sacrifices by which alone the old were able to sustain their work under Russia's wretched government. WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 95 The least public spirit ends at once the career of any employee, as it did that of Chief Engineer Skriabin, of Vologda, who merely complained to the governor of the tolerated beating of the Jews. The poor consecrated teachers with their pittance of ten or fifteen dollars a month, one-fifth of the rather low average of the whole United States, get the worst of it. All over Russia the conditions of the teachers are more or less the same. Two recent despatches from widely separated points testify what these heroes, on whom the future of this half- illiterate people hangs, are going through with. Each incident is similar to hundreds of the kind. "The Glosov zemstvo treasury is empty. The men and women teachers have been wandering about the streets several days trying to get a few pennies to travel away with. Even in this they failed." " Kuznetz. In the whole district there are only two teachers in freedom. All the rest are arrested." If this district is like the others in size, the despatch means that some hundred teachers were too radical to suit the landlords or police. In these zemstvos lay Russia's only hope for a democra- tisation of local government, the basis of every free society. Very slowly, indeed at a most discouraging rate, but nevertheless surely, they were teaching the people modem culture through books, healthy living through doctors and hospitals, and modem farming through the sale of modem machines and the object lessons of the veterinaries and agricultural experts — to say nothing of the invaluable personal influence of Russia's most useful citizens, the zemstvos, employees. Besides, they were the only effective means of fighting the periodical cholera epidemics and the almost chronic famines. Without them even the insufficient svmis dedicated to these vital purposes are desecrated or unequally distributed. Now the zemstvos as reform institutions are a thing of the past, and the wish of the most hated of all of Russia's ministers is accomplished. Von Plehve several years ago recognised that the zemstvos were slowly modernising the Russian peasant. This is why he exiled Prince Dolgorukov who presented their wishes to the Czar, notwithstanding that the clemency of Nicholas had been promised. And this is why he executed his 96 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE notorious cleaning out of the Tver zemstvo that contained Roditchev and Petrunkevitch, later founders of the Consti- tutional Democratic Party, and other capable liberals. In advance of most of the other local government boards, the Tver organisation was making a visible improvement in the province, which is as much as to say that it was moving in many directions against the reactionary principles of the St. Petersburg authorities. A notorious official named Sturmer was therefore sent to inspect, with full powers. Nearly all the employees were dismissed, the teachers not wishing to submit to individual persecution resigned in a body, the elected council was removed and von Plehve appointed his own nominees to take their places. To-day Sturmer is again being promoted for his zeal. But he is not needed for this particular work now. The landlords are awake and the machine of the Government is turned no longer against a single provincial group, but against the whole liberal organisation, and the Senate has once more declared the whole Constitutional Democratic Party to be outside of the Russian law. Milyoukov in the Duma may well complain against the sincerity of Stoly pine's political and social reforms. What more inevitable than that Stolypine should hand over his proposed reform of local government to a committee of reac- tionary landlords ? Still more significant is the prime minister's land reform that must serve as the basis for the people's lives in the future. Two years ago even the most reactionary Party of Legal Order, when organising a peasants' section, was forced to incorporate a proposed measure, the compulsory alienation of the landlords' land for the peasants' benefit, in its platform. The moderate Constitutional Democrats still retain the measure as the only possible solution of the question — though they are willing that the State should pay a fair price. Now Stolypine actually proposes, to quote Milyoukov, instead of the expropriation of the landlords, compulsory expropriation of the peasants — a "reform" which would benefit only the relatively few small peasant landlords, to the injury of all the poorer peasants, as former ministers and imperial councils have repeat- edly acknowledged. It is proposed to rob the peasants of the protection of their commune, by giving each individual for the i ..wtuxraph by Bulla, St. Petersburji A VICTIM OF THE CZAR'S MURDERERS To the left, Russia's greatest financial authority, Herzenstein, murdered by the League of Russian Men, the Czar's favourite organisation; to the right, the publicist Kovalevski 10 15 20 25 Longituae 40 East from 45 Greeuwicb 50 ".p- MAP SHOWING POLITICAL DIVISIONS IN RUSSIA From the heavily shaded provinces the majority of the peasant deputies belonged to the revolutionary parties ; from the lighter shaded provinces majority belonged to Labour Group ; the peasants elsewhere also strongly oppositional. Conditions in Poland and Baltic Provinces too complicated to be shown on a map. WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 97 first time a right to sell his share in the village property. But in a famine ridden country this right to sell is a right to ruin. No peasant will prefer to die rather than sell his land. Stoly pine's land reform is, then, to create a few million prosperous peasants alongside of a class of landless labourers that will number five or ten times as many. But Russian industry is already overcrowded with almost starving workmen. These new labourers will have to sell themselves for a few crumbs to their neighbours, and in famine periods be supported even in greater numbers than at present by the State. They will have no power to raise their wages above the starvation point, for already agricultural strikes have been called rebellion. Under this "reform" the majority of the peasants will be the economic serfs of their close-fisted and often needy neighbours instead of belonging as now to the rich and often absent noblemen. The cost of keeping them alive and in subjection will be an added burden to the State, and no revolutionary movement will be too desperate to find its common soldiers in this element. Stoly pine, like his predecessor, Witte, has lost all hope for the mass of the Russian people "in this epoch." He says that freedom on paper can only become real freedom when small proprietors are created. In opposition to him Rodit- chev finds that all the Czar can do is to abolish privileges, make all equal before the law, first of all the officials themselves, cease to be a Czar of the nobility, and become a Czar of all the Russians. Stoly pine's proposed extension of the so-called benevolent activities of the Government is simply a pretext for a simultaneous extension of its brute power. Half of his declaration to the third Duma was taken up with threats against officials, judges, and teachers who are not reactionary enough to suit the Government. Even the more liberal of the Octob- rists were forced to protest. They wished to know whether officials were compelled to oppose their moderate reactionary party, whether the radical students, "our own children" as one speaker truly remarked, were to be treated in the old inhuman way, and whether order could not be restored by lawful means. Stolypine had said that the Government would be compelled to do nothing by fear of a movement from below, that "com- 98 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE prehensive rights" would be granted only from a "superfluity of strength " and not through fear on the part of the Government. Milyoukov asked if these high-handed measures were those of confident power. Evidently the day of "superfluous strength" has not arrived. The moderate reactionaries protested but they did not revolt. Stolypine cracked his whip, demanded them to vote against the reaffirmation even of the October Manifesto, the basis of their party platform, and was obeyed. The official Govern- ment organ gave them a scolding the next morning for their hesitation, and announced that the fact that the moderate liberals favoured the Manifesto was reason enough for all friends of the Government to vote against it. Even the most weighty official actions are "unpatriotic," then, the moment they serve progress. Has not the reproduction of the official reports of the Czar's own speeches been repeatedly prohibited by thecensor ? With his inverted social reforms, his blood and iron, and his mastery over the national assembly, Stolypine promises to turn out a Russian Bismarck. But what is important is not whether he is a valuable servant, but whether he is a loyal servant, of the Czar. That he is loyal there can now be little question. This tells us where he stands. It is unimportant, then, whether he or the Czar is governing, whether he is seeking to discover his master's will or his master is forcing his orders on a willing servant. Well-informed and friendly correspondents of weighty and conservative European papers assured me last summer that the Czar was managing things himself or that he was superintending everything, and that Stolypine lacks the will, the ideas, and the statesmanship to have his way with the Czar.* Certain it is that the movement of the extreme reaction- aries to depose the prime minister has several times made considerable headway. If the Czar governs we know by this time how he governs. If Stolypine governs he does so, as he must, to please the Czar. A certain countess, with access to the court and a leading woman in the country, assured me later that Stolypine himself was doing the work, even directing the Czar's personal appointees, the provincial governors, to whom he has no right to give orders, by means of personal correspondence. * See appendix, Note D, WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE CONSTITUTION" 99 It makes little difference whether the supreme direction is in the hands of trained Czars like Nicholas, or the trained courtiers of trained Czars like Minister Stolypine; the court and the Czarism remain unchanged, and the words of Prince Urussov received with the prolonged applause of almost the whole of the first Dtuna remain true: "The great danger . . . cannot disappear as long as the direction of the affairs of state and the destinies of the coimtry remain under the influence of men who are marshals of the court and policemen by education and murderers by conviction." Equally true will probably prove the words of Roditchev who was suspended for them by the present reactionary Duma after the most dramatic and scandalous scene of the three national assemblies. Referring to the hangman's noose by which Russia is governed to-day, he shouted above all the clamour with which the "patriotic" deputies sought to drown his voice: "Yes, I say again, if the Russian Government considers as the only palladitmi what Pureschevitch called Muraviev (the recent minister of justice) collars and what will be called in the future Stolypine neckties " Here he was interrupted by the tumult. Stolypine left the minister's box, and Roditchev, realising that he had taken the remark quite personally, went to him to explain. He passed two of Stolypine 's seconds who had come to demand an apology. But he did not, as reported, regret his words. And when Stolypine said, "I accept your apology," Roditchev answered, "I do not apologise." Expelled from the Duma Roditchev became the hero of Russia. His house was filled with flowers and he received hundreds of telegrams from all parts of the country. Already the overwhelming majority of all classes of the Russian people except the officials and nobility feel that Stolypine governs by the noose. CHAPTER IX PRUSSIAN REFORM GEORGE III. of England wrote: "The times certainly reqiiire the concurrence of all those who wish to prevent anarchy. I have no wish but the prosperity of my own domin- ions, therefore I must look on all those who would not heartily aid me not only as bad subjects but as bad men." So speaks in all ages the easy conscience of the despot born and bred. The times, not despotism, have brought the anarchy. The despot born and bred, like the slave-owner, denies that he could do otherwise than wish the prosperity of his own human property. Disobedient subjects are bad men, criminals, or malefactors. Those who heartily assist the despot are not courtiers, flatterers, self-seekers, or petty tyrants, but patriots and the best men of the realm. And the prevention of anarchy and the preservation of despotism absorb nearly the whole energy of the State. To Greorge III. the anarchists and bad men were happily to be found for the most part in America. To Nicholas II. most of his own Russian subjects belong either to a class to be suspected or to a class to be persecuted. For him the so-called war against anarchy and the internal enemy is a war against the over- whelming majority of the nation. The struggle of the Czarism to preserve its existence is a desperate business. One persecution, one arbitrary act, necessitates another, until the oppression as a whole assumes monstrous and finally ridiculous proportions. The unbiased foreigner asks perhaps why philosophical books must be censored or school- children kept in jail. If the country happens to be quiet he does not realise that a desperate and ceaseless struggle is going on, that a few lenient measures have often been enough to allow a cumulative, and for a time irresistible, movement of revolt to be set in motion. It is precisely in the Czarism *s I CO "PRUSSIAN" REFORM loi I worst feature, its arbitrariness and colossal violence, that j it cannot reform. Indeed as the people grow more intelligent and universally \] discontented the Government must become more oppressive I if it is to preserve its existence. For instance, two lawyers have recently been punished, not by the judges but by the political authorities, for the political tenor of speeches made in court. This is a novelty even in Russia. But the reactionary organ, the Russian Flag, reminds the complaining lawyers' association that the provincial governors can, like the Czar, do absolutely anything; that they are appointed by the Czar and have unlimited powers. It quotes the law to the effect that "the governor, as the responsible head of the province entrusted to him by the most high will of his Majesty, is there the first protector of the infallibility of the most high prerog- atives, of the autocracy, of the welfare of the State, etc." The power of the civil governors is disputed. But it cannot be disputed that nine-tenths of Russia at the present moment has been placed entirely in the power of military governors and satraps by explicit laws created to "prevent anarchy" and "preserve the State." At the same time new civil laws are constantly being drafted, the reactionary Duma may lend its aid, and in time most of the arbitrary oppression and punish- ment now entrusted to individuals or to "military law" may be classified and embodied in the civil code. Such a "reform" would facilitate the preservation of order for the officials, and lighten the burden the loyal and privileged have to bear in times of "internal war." Whether it would lighten the oppression can be questioned. Under the present disorder some officials entrusted with irresponsible power are worse than any law, but just as many are more humane than the statutes. ^ The one reform on which all officials, courtiers, and reaction- 1 /aries are agreed is that the nation shall be forced into order ( and tranquillity. But here the harmony comes to an en^ Shall the new order be an "autocratic" or a "legal" order? The extreme reactionaries cannot see how an unlimited ruler can be bound by any laws. All their "reforms" propose rather to increase his personal power. They are opposed on abstract grounds to the bureaucracy and in order to control I02 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE it they want the Czar to institute a new supreme court governed by no law but his personal wishes. It is certain that every tradition of the Czarism is on their side. For years every great new problem that has arisen has been solved, not by an extension of the law, but by lending to some newly created class of officials a part of the Czar's arbitrary power. When a few years ago, in response to the landlords' complaints that they could not bring their tenants and labourers to terms, the local "land officials" were created, they were subordinated not to higher local officials but to a St. Petersburg ministry more subject to the immediate dictates of the Czar. But this was not enough for Nicholas. The minis- tries are after all bureaus subject to laws, while the provincial governors are, as we have seen, the Czar's personal lieutenants. So Nicholas asked Prince Urussov whether he did not think it would be a great reform to subordinate the land officials directly to the provincial governors and so withdraw them entirely from the ordinary laws, and he was most displeased with Urussov 's negative answer. Of course, legal order, organisation, and system must be .extended in Russia since it is a semi-modem State. In its enormous business enterprises, for instance, personal rule is unthinkable, and the State must be more or less modern in its methods. But the Russian Government has peculiar functions of persecution that can never be quite classified, ordered, or brought under the law. Such activities will be administered as before. Legal order based on violence will extend itself in some departments, but alongside it will grow the present order of sheer despotism, the brutal annihilation of all opposition to the ruling class through the gallows, prisons, mines, exile, and the knout. This is a time as never before in Russian history of official talk of reform, and that there will be reform among the officials we make no question. The Czarism must reform its human mechanism or of its own accord disintegrate. The corruption of the Russian officials is notorious the world over and was perhaps never worse than to-day after the recent wars against Japan and the "internal enemies." Less known are the discord, jealousy and hatred that prevail among the innumerable bureaus "PRUSSIAN" REFORM 103 and the various ranks of officials within them; the generation- long delays in the most fundamental reforms, the arbitrary- manner in which nearly every official fulfills his functions. That all this will be much improved with the aid of the new Duma, interested in such administrative improvements, to the exclusion of all social reform, there is little doubt. If administrative improvements are not made and made quickly the Government will not even make a temporary headway against the revolution. Even a part of its present allies, including a large part of the lower and even a part of the higher officials, will join the revolt. Already recent ministers and generals of the staff have gone over to the almost revolutionary opposition, a large majority of the railway, post-office, and telegraph employees of all classes joined the revolutionary general strike two years ago, and several hundred army officers are members of the revolutionary organisations. Policemen have struck, officials of all classes have aided the moderate opposition, a large part of the village clergy has become liberal, and judges have become lenient; Stolypine had to devote half his declaration to the third Duma to threats against officials that aided the opposition parties, however moderate, though he could not deny that all, from highest to lowest, are encouraged to join the extreme reactionary organisations that openly oppose the ministers as not being sufficiently reactionary. The officials must be reformed if the Government is not to be crippled by internal dissensions or lose its own employees to the revolutionary cause. Indeed the bureaucracy must be regenerated if even those measures that the Government itself considers most necessary are ever to be put into execution.* The big business interests are now well represented in the new Duma, which includes not only merchants and capitalists but many landlords who exploit their lands in a business way, and the disorganisation and robberies have reached the limit of the bearable for any business interest. The railways, the banks, the coal mines, are crippled for lack of effective control, and the Duma will not hesitate to use effectively its sole power, that of inspection and exposure, a power sufficient to this end. It will never be known which of the losses in the recent war • See Appendix, Note E. I04 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE were due to thieving officials and which to the real superiority of the Japanese. It is known that the supplies for the Red Cross were pilfered, that a thousand carloads of coal vanished so completely that an investigating committee was unable to say when they disappeared, and that the Czar wrote in his own hand "poor fellows" on the report telling how soldiers had had their feet frozen from boots that wore out after a few days of service. It was not that this could be done only under cover of the excitement of the war. After the war was over the Government declared that Russia must learn from her defeat that a new and better army and navy must be created and that better fortune awaited her. As a step toward the new navy it was decided to build seven gun-boats in the Far East on the River Amur. They were nearly completed and an inspector was just about to arrive when a fire destroyed them. The Russian press claims they were burned by the order of officials who had stolen a part of the money assigned to their construction. Why should we not believe it? Has not a recent minister just been convicted of having handed over an enormous contract for supplying grain to starving peasants to a stranger whom he had met through a woman of doubtful character? The grain was of course not delivered, and thousands of peasants starved. The criminal, Lidval, was let out of jail before he had been there a few months, the minister, Gurko, was dismissed from office but given no punishment. It is not likely that this corruption will continue as it has been, nor is it likely that the old type of arbitrary official will always be tolerated. Like the Prussians, it is probable that Government servants of the future will be held more strictly to the line of their duty and the letter of the law. Here is a typical case of what has been happening. Prince Gortsch- akov, Governor of Viatka, went off for a three days' hunt on the estate of a rich merchant. He did not turn over his "unlim- ited" powers to his lieutenant, as is required on such occasions. An order came from St. Petersburg declaring martial law in one of the districts of the province. Nothing cotdd be done, however, in this apparently critical situation until the prince returned. When he did so, instead of issmng special manifestoes to the population of the disturbed district, he decided to turn "PRUSSIAN" REFORM 105 it over to the mercies of a young officer friend named De Roche- fort who was Hving in his house and whom he had brought with him to Viatka. This young official, though of high rank, was not on duty, perhaps on account of his notorious habits or his publication of a reactionary pamphlet against the Government. But still he was made czar of the disturbed district of Sarapul. Hereupon, though the elections were just beginning, the cholera breaking out, and this district was under martial law, the prince went off again officially for an inspection, but unofficially for another hunt, and for the journey advanced himself 1,000 rubles from the Government's funds. In Prussia such idle nobleman administrators are not tol- erated. If Stolypine has a tithe of the force of Bismarck and the new Duma the "loyalty" of the Prussian Landtag, a few years will work great changes in the whole governmental machine. From the uncertain engine of oppression that it now is, it will become the admirable, smooth- working, soul-crushing instru- ment that is the Prussian bureaucracy of the present moment. The wildness as well as the htunanity may largely disappear, but the result will be the impressive but highly deceptive efficiency of the Prussian btireaucrat. For the Prussians have certainly created a "legal" order, but they have as far as they were able annihilated individual initiative, hardened the lines of caste, and done all in their power to drill into htunble and terror-stricken privates all the citizens of the country. There can be little doubt that Stolypine and the majority of the third Dtrnia envy and emulate in almost every particular the perfected absolutism and bureaucracy of Prussia. As in Prussia, they want a "legal" rather than a "constitutional" monarchy, a gradual increase of civil but not of political rights, a regenerated State rather than a regenerated people. How could it be otherwise ? Prussia has, like Russia, a bureaucratic absolutism, a militarism, a State that can rely on the zealous loyalty only of its landlord nobility. Austria has been, and Hungary is still, not dissimilar. The ciu-se of Russia lies not in any institutions peculiarly Russian, but in the fact that the pe jple have not yet won their freedom by fighting for it. In all the eastern half of Europe — Prussia, Saxony, Austria, Hungary, and Roumania — elements of the same evils that are seen in io6 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Russia are still prominent. France and England have had their revolutions and are politically free. In these other countries the people have been beaten and have just such freedom as corresponds to the interests of the ruling class. A larger part of the Russian practices that shock Englishmen and Americans as outrages, glaring there because vigorously- resisted by the nation, are but better disguised commonplaces in Germany, carried out under the forms of law and accepted by a people that has no hope whatever of immediately overthrow- ing the Government. The Prussian Landtag is, like the Russian Duma, composed of officials, landlords, and the privileged classes, but the proportions are still higher than in Russia, for there are no Socialists and only a handful of opponents to the Government ; while in Russia there are fifteen Socialist deputies and the opposition numbers about one hundred and fifty, or one-third in the Duma. The police terrorise the voters in Russia, but in Prussia this is not necessary; the voting is public, and the "disloyal" voter is black-listed by the landlords and the Government. Indeed the radicals of Prussia are now agitating for the secret ballot that Russia has already adopted. We forget that Prussia is an absolutism as much as Russia, and that the King of Prussia even refused the crown of the German Empire in 1849 solely because it was offered to him by a constitutional assembly and not by the kings, his equals. We forget the boundless Prussian reaction of 1849, ^.nd that "the rights of man" are not even guaranteed by the present constitution of the whole German Empire. We look at Prussia as a modern State because her people are so clearly a modem people, at least in part. We forget that politically the Prus- sians have been able to make almost no progress against their Government since 1848, and that there is actual retrogression in such vital matters as the schools, the very basis of Prussia's reputation as a modem government — to say nothing of the antiquated relations between church and State and the handing over of many local governments to the nobility. It is preeminently natural, if not inevitable, in a country ridden by an absolute monarch, his army, officials, nobility, and church, that the people's schools should be neglected. The official organ of the Russian Government finds that a slight "PRUSSIAN" REFORM 107 increase of 7,000,000 rubles expenditure for the nation's schools would be a "luxury." The Russian budget is 2,500,000,000 rubles. Four hundred or five hundred million go every year to the army and navy, and this year the amount will probably be raised forty or fifty million rubles. The schools are getting in many places one-tenth of what they do in the United States, and yet an increase of twenty or thirty cents a head for the children of the people is a "luxury." There have been years when the increased expenditure of the backward schools of New York City has been as great. But this is not a Russian phenomenon; it is a normal result of absolutism. In proportion to her greater wealth and better organisation, the Prussian schools are better. Prussia also enjoyed a generation ago some sweeping school reforms, under the able Minister Studt. But this was at the time of the victori- ous wars with Austria and France, that seemed to give a raison d'etre to absolutism and reanimated all its branches. Since 1 87 1 there have been no wars, and the degeneration soon set in; the common schools stood almost still while the country moved forward, until now an incredible low level prevails. We can not dilate upon the antiquated teaching of the one- sided religious instruction, the orders to teach the splendid achievements of the HohenzoUerns "in every branch of civili- sation," the condemnation of all revolt and the glorification of war. But we can point out that outside of the large cities, where wealth and public opinion have brought some improvements, there are sixty-three to seventy-four pupils to a single teacher and the expenditure per pupil is from thirty-five to forty- eight marks; the better schools of America expend this much in dollars, so four times as much — ■ for it must be remembered that in the present high-taxed Germany a mark buys no more than a quarter of a dollar in the United States. There are ten thousand half-day schools, many teachers have even three sets of children a day, or as many children as two hundred. Three thousand schools are without teachers, either, as in Russia, because of their liberal opinions, or because of the nig- gardliness of the landlords who control the schools. It seems that these latter need the children in the fields, and to secure the children's labour, often declare holidays of several days or io8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE weeks. Recently a teacher who protested was removed and a preacher that supported him given a good scolding for resistance to his superiors. This is what Russia may hope to rise to in her present course. For a change to Prussia's condition would be a rise, since after all only a small per cent, of the Prussians remain without some education, miserable as it is. Further Russia will scarcely go until the people have captured some share in the Government. With an election law like Russia's or Prussia's, there is even a likelihood that the weak national assembly will degenerate into a more and more servile tool of the Emperor and officials. The Prussian Landtag is much more backward than it was sixty years ago. Of over four hundred members i6i are landlords, iii officials, and more than a hundred others represent the wealthy classes. It is thus not necessary for the Prussian Government to consult the common people either of the towns or of the country, nor any part of the inhabitants of the towns. The Russian Duma is not yet so bad, but the pressure of the Government on its dependents and the interference of the police may even bring about, after the coming elections, a less representative assembly than the Landtag. Indeed the analogy with Prussia is almost indispensable for an understanding of the present Russian Government. Of course Prussia does not as a rule tolerate the wildest reaction- aries as Russia does, yet we have the notorious Count Pickler going about for years unpunished and preaching that the day would come when the Germans would have to massacre the Jews. Even when he was finally arrested "in the fortress" he was allowed a leave in which he went home to his estate to drill the peasant troops he was preparing for the coming event. Fortunately for the Government, the insanity of the count has just relieved it from its embarrassing predicament. The similarity between the two neighbouring governments is more than an analogy ; it is due to common causes, a largely common history, and parallel development. For instance,, the Czars of Russia are very much more German than Russian, and this has been the case for two centuries. Of a hundred of the present Czar's ancestors scarcely ten are of Russian blood and education; nearly all the rest are German. Indeed "PRUSSIAN" REFORM 109 Catherine II. and several other Russian monarchs have been wholly German. The nobility and the bureaucracy are also largely German. Of a recent cabinet six members, or about half, bore German names ; of fifty-three members of the Council of State eighteen were Russian Germans; of forty -six members of the first department of the Senate twelve were German; among noted generals are Kleigels, Kaulbars, Rennenkampf, Neidhardt, Miiller-Zakomelski, and Bauer; of recent prime ministers von Plehve and Witte were German ; of the chief organisers of the massacres nearly half bear German names. Of course these are all Russianised Germans, but at the same time they come for the most part from the Baltic Provinces where they preserve their German culture and are in constant and intimate relations with their Prussian neighbours, only a few hours away. Very many have much Russian blood, but very many noblemen and high officials bearing Russian names are largely German. The truth, more accurately expressed, is that the highest Russian nobility and bureaucracy owes a third or fourth of its blood and traditions to the Germans. The bureaucracy and military are not only inspired by their own German tradition, but are consciously modelled and remodelled on the German example. Sometimes the process has been reversed. Doubtless Peter the Great was something of an inspiration to Frederick, and Nicholas I. to Wilhelm I. The chief influence of Russia on Prussia has been as a possible enemy, a bogy to frighten the Prussians into militarism and subjection. But Prussia, in this exchange, has given more than she has received. Peter's bureaucrats were mostly Germans and, in the later reigns, the proportion was even increased. The evolution of Russia in the last generation and at the present time, so incomprehensible to the English, French, or Americans, seems like an old story to the educated Prussian. ^ The serfs were emancipated in Prussia from 1808 to 1848, in ' Russia in 1 86 1 ; in both countries the conditions before and after the emancipation were remarkably similar. Both were military and bureaucratic absolutisms, in both society was divided by the law into nobles, peasants and citizens, and all the military and important civil posts went to the nobles. In both countries the reforms came not as a social regeneration no RUSSIA'S MESSAGE from below, but as measures to save the State from disintegration after disastrous wars — in Prussia those against Napoleon, in Russia the Crimean war. "The idea" (in Prussia), says Seig- nabos, "was not to better the condition of the people but to rescue the State from ruin." Count Hardenberg said, "We wish to establish a monarchical government without democratic principles." His wish was accomplished and his entirely undemocratic State remains to this day intact. After, as before the emancipations in both countries, the peasants remained for a generation or more under the police and judicial administration of their former owners and were still subjected to corporal punishment. In both countries the peasants had to pay extortionary and impossible prices both for their freedom and the tiny parcels of land that were left them. In both they lost their rights of access to the forests and part of their common pasture, and held their property on such precarious titles that the landlords in control of the courts were often enabled to steal it from them. Until 1891, eighty years after the emancipation was begun in Prussia, old land laws were still in force, and the proprietors were favoured not only by the courts but by the letter of the law. And it was not till the same date that the local government was taken away from the landlords, only to be placed in the hands of a bureaucracy which was, as I have shown, almost entirely in their control. This is what may be expected to happen in Russia to the proposed local government reforms. In Prussia, as in Russia, the Government's borrowing operations were long kept secret, and a representation of the people was long promised but never granted. In both countries it took a tremendous struggle to secure the concession that the national assembly, such as it is, should be called periodically and not merely at the will of the ruler, and that new taxes at least must be voted by this body. But in both countries the budget is often voted after the money is already expended, and neither Bismarck nor Stolypine ever hesitated to go right on with their expenditures when the national assemblies were opposed. Finally, in both countries the ruler appoints the upper chamber, controls alone the army and foreign relations, appoints all officials and reserves an absolute veto over all laws. ; "PRUSSIAN" REFORM iii Russia and Prussia, and even the whole German Empire, are unconstitutional governments — if for no other reason than for this: When a contingency arises that the constitution (so- called) does not provide for, the old laws hold. But the old laws were those of absolutism. It is because they recognise the fact that the Kaiser has the power in the last resort that the opposition parties are so timid, and that the most the majority of them claim is merely that the people have certain rights alongside the equal rights of the Crown. This is why local reforms are arrested, the schools stand still, the dignity of man is crushed under an iron heel, and Germany is threatened every moment with monstrous war. The condition in Russia is and must remain similar until there is a revolutionary upheaval from below. But in the meanwhile there are two great differences between the two countries. Stolypine has provided such a reactionary election law that he may not have to repeat his recent coup d'etatsind call a Duma more friendly to the Government than the present one. In that case he will not have to perform Bismarck's act of trampling on the constitution. He can ignore it. At the same time Stolypine has a vast disadvantage com- pared to Bismarck, He has no chance to wage war, fuse Russia together with blood and iron, and crush all opposition with renewed and victorious arms. Russia is not a small and de- fenceless country like Prussia was. Her peasants are not war- like; they are revolutionary. Absolutisms arise from and are nourished by war. And without wars all absolutisms will perish. With no prospect of patriotic bloodshed the doom of the Czarism is sealed. CHAPTER X AUTOCRACY S LAST HOPE THE problem before Nicholas II., an ordinary man and an ordinary Czar, remains after the lapse of two centuries the same as the problem before the Czar-genius Peter the Great. It is an insoluble problem. The desire of the Czars at their best is to develop the people without giving up to them any of the autocratic power. The result is not mere paternalism, but a withering benevolent despotism that defeats even its own object. Peter's system was to create governmental institutions and electoral bodies in a country where systematic organisation and the regular participation of any class of people in the Government were almost unknown. And, indeed, the people were forced for the first time, rather arbitrarily to be sure, to think about the best form of organisation of the country, to feel deeply over real questions of state. The policy of the first ten years of Nicholas's reign forms a striking parallel. Nicholas is not a genius, but perhaps Witte is. This is a business or economic age. It is not then merely political institutions that Witte has created, but railways, manufactiires, gold currency, an enormous liquor monopoly, and banks. It is not of political questions that the people have been forced to think and feel, but of the great economic questions of modern life. But the parallel holds good. "Peter was possessed by the abstract idea of state," says the Russian historian, "the people were only ciphers in the total." But the people could be forced into ciphers only by whips and the sword. Peter insti- tuted for the first time an elaborate system of espionage, revived many of the tortures of Ivan the Terrible, and still failed. His great state machine became a Frankenstein and threatened its creator's existence. His new bureaucracy became corrupt 112 AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 113 and rotten with bribery, and came to be an additional burden on the state. Witte is possessed by the idea of the state as the universal capitalist, as the great owner, manufacturer, banker, and employer. His is a state socialism beyond the dreams of Bismarck. If the Russian Government were to continue to absorb private capital at the rate it did in the ten years of Witte 's reign over Russian finance, half a century would develop a perfected state capitalism (a more accurate term than state socialism) and the monopoly of industry and bank- ing by the Government. To accomplish his reforms Witte did not have to resort to whips and the sword like Peter. As long as the instruments of violence could preserve the Czarism from revolution, Witte had no need of their direct use for his reforms. Quite the contrary, where they were in use he often had them abolished and replaced by more modern instruments. Starvation of the people is, as I shall show, literally the founda- tion of Witte's reforms. But actual starvation is unable to bring about the permanent economic prosperity of any community. It cannot be said that Witte 's plan has failed, for it is still in practice. But it must lead to the greatest economic cataclysm the world has seen. Peter's whole system, says Kostomarov, was directed against the prevailing want of public spirit, the lack of independence of action, the absence of initiative capacity. Mentioning his proposed reforms and the Czar's October Manifesto, Witte says in the budget of 1906: "The steady growth of the con- sciousness of the masses will undoubtedly soon lead them to true comprehension of economic progress, and arouse in them a desire for real improvement of national well-being. A sure pledge of the awakening of public life is Your Majesty's call to the nation to enter the path of independent action, and also the equality before the law granted to all Your Majesty's sub- jects." After the lapse of two centuries Russia's statesmen are still trying to inoculate her Czar-cursed people with initia- tive, independence, and public spirit. That Witte failed as Peter did is due not entirely to himself. The proposed equality before the law and the popular assembly for which he finally obtained the Czar's promise against all the 114 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE nobility and the court, have now been definitely abandoned. If Witte could have spoken more openly perhaps he would have deplored not the lack of desire, but the lack of hope, for real improvement among the masses of the people. But Witte 's error lay not so much in a too loyal hopefulness and confidence in the false Nicholas, or in a too bureaucratic contempt for the people, as in a fundamental misconception of his own business, finance. It is he that has the lack of true comprehension of economic progress of which he accuses the Russian people. Peter could not, says Kostomarov, "inoculate civic courage, ' the feeling of duty, or love of one's neighbour," he could not create a new and living Russia by means of violence. Witte could not ♦ inoculate initiative, independence, and public spirit on the ^ basis of the starvation of the peasants, which is the basis of his conception of economic progress. Peter the Great laid the foundations of the modem absolutism ; Witte has set it on the road of its last hope. Perhaps Witte at the last was even conscious of the desperate character of his experiment, of the need of compromising with democracy, the arch-enemy. It was no accident, however, that the road of state socialism was chosen. If Witte had not been there, another man or other men would have assumed his burden, and the same results would have been reached, perhaps with the loss of a few years, or a few billion rubles to the Russian state. The reason for choosing this road is not far to seek — the neces- sities of war; a reason fearfully painful to consider, for poor, starving, Czar-cursed Russia is, after all, part and parcel of the great modem world, flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. Russia is part and parcel of the modem world if for no other reason because she must defend herself against it. She is our neighbour, she controls a fourth of the best cultivable land of the earth, her people are of our own white race and of the same religions as ourselves. Even at the time of Peter the Great she had already decided to utilise all the machinery of modem industry that does so much to make our life what it is. Besides, millions of her people have all our modem culture, and half the rising generation can read and write. Why do we forget all these obvious facts and try to judge Russia as a thing apart? Even Japan and Turkey are dragged into the circle of modem AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 115 civilisation, above all by the necessity of defending themselves by modem means. It was especially by the necessities of war that the Czars have been compelled to keep step with many modem ideas, and it was the absolute need of getting money to support her enormous armies and costly fleets that inevitably forced Alexander II. to abolish slavery and his son Alexander III. to call a modem financier like Witte into power. It was like- wise inevitable in a country where all the power rests with the Government, that Witte in strengthening capitalism should seek to establish State capitalism, just as Alexander II. in abolishing the slavery of the agriculturists to the landlords, should establish instead a slavery to the State. The crushing defeat of Russia by France and England in the Crimean War necessitated revolutionary changes in the Russian army if the country were to preserve its independence. The professional army of military slaves forced to twenty-five years of service, had to be replaced by the much larger modem army of all the young men of the nation enlisted for a few years and trained by a certain "patriotism" as much as by fear. The peasants, breaking out more and more in revolt, had to be made over not only into loyal but into zealous subjects. War rail- roads had to be built, and a new fleet and modem armament were indispensable. At least there had to be enough clothes to keep the soldiers from freezing, as happened so frequently in that war; there had to be medical attendance for the sick and wounded, the miserable lack of which had caused more losses than the enemies* bullets; and enough powder, also lacking, for the cannons and guns. But the country could pay no more even for these important purposes. The serfs had to be liberated then and modem railroads and industry introduced, or the country would be divided up by the foreign powers. It was not an internal situation that abolished serfdom and moved Russia once more into modem Europe, but the imperative necessity of keeping up with her neighbours or belonging to them. Modem civilisation is a whole. It is doubtful if modem machinery can be used without introducing modem ideas and a measure of liberty for the individual and democracy for the mass. To be able to borrow the money for railroads, passing ii6 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE through a non-industrial region that does not give profits in the early years, one must have high taxes to pay the interest on the railway bonds. To get carrying profits even from the grain- trade in an impoverished country, the export business must be developed. But high taxes can only be secured from the high profits of modem industry and modem agriculture, and it is only the latter than can produce enough surplus grain to keep going an export trade. Modem industry needs metal and not paper money. A debtor nation must have a large export trade, and the export trade may make possible gold money. It is all one piece — modem armies and fleets and military railroads, a large government debt, high taxes, gold money, large agricul- tural exports and a protected industry. And all this was forced on the unwilling Czars by the fact that Russia is an integral part of the modern world. 4^^ State capitalism went further in Russia than elsewhere. In monopolising the manufacture of spirits Witte undertook one of the very largest businesses in the country; in founding mortgage banks and pushing the active participation of the Government banks and railroads in the furtherance or hindrance of this or that business enterprise, he became the financial dictator of the country as much as the Czar, his master, is the direct dictator over its political and military life. And as the Czar, his master, was helpless before the great fact of human nature, that men cannot be governed by external violence, so Witte was helpless against the great economic fact that the prosperity of a nation cannot be attained without the economic elevation of the masses of the people. The Council of State confessed at the end of the year 1902 that "the Government is powerless for the reorganisation of the life of the peasants and the assistance of agricultural industry." This is an acknowledgment of the complete economic failure of the Czarism. Three-fourths of the Russian people are peasants and two-thirds of her wealth comes from agricultural industry. What is the use of State socialism or autocratic capitalism if all economic hope of regenerating " in this epoch" the chief national industry and the chief industrial class is abandoned? For Witte has used in the State budget the explicit words that this regeneration must belong AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 117 to a future epoch — that is, a future generation, or even a future century. Witte was forced to avow his helplessness not by war or revolution, for neither had yet begun, but by the inevitable industrial crisis that must arise when it is sought to build up a modem industry among a people a large part of which is starving every other year, and is happy to have enough to eat let alone being able to purchase the product of the countries* factories or to give goods or passengers to its railroads. But before this frank confession of failure had been forced on Witte by the tremendous panic and crash of Russian industry in 1900, which he himself had feared, he had already succeeded in one-third revolutionising the economy of Russia. I say one- third revolutionising, for many of the best Russian economists contend that the same policy by which he revolutionised Russian industry is largely accountable for the progressive and constant decay of agriculture. As I have suggested, the modernising process in the national economy began at the time of the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. It took a much more rapid course, on the ascension of Alexander III. in 1882, under Witte's predecessor Wishne- gradsky. It was he that first introduced the high protective customs tariff and increased every other form of indirect taxation on articles of consumption. As fast as the peasants began to use some manufactured and imported article, or rather as fast as the non-starving minority were able to do this, the article was burdened with a crushing taxation. A part of the peasants began to drink tea with sugar, to wear cotton, to use petroleum, and matches and to employ steel ploughs and iron nails. Almost in proportion to the increased use the taxes were raised. Again and again this happened, and was repeated under Witte, and was repeated again in the last two years, until the already miserable Russian peasant now pays two, three, and four times as much for these articles as do the people of Germany or France. The result has been that, although the cost of producing such simple articles is falling enormously everywhere and the consumption doubling again and again, consumption has risen very slowly in all Russia and still more slowly among those most in need. The peasant can afford only the fewest nails, the ii8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE cheapest plough, and almost no petroleum. His single shirt must last a season, sugar is a luxury and his beloved tea an occasional drink. Under Witte's predecessor the peasants were already begin- ning to bear the new load of the railroads and manufacturing industry, added to the already crushing payments they were forced to make to their former masters for their so-called freedom and the possession of a part of the land they had always occu- pied. In 1 89 1 the customs tariff was again increased; during Witte's first ten years, 1892-190 2, the mileage of the Russian railways was doubled, the operations of the State banks were still more rapidly increased and a new bank was formed for lend- ing money to the nobility; in 1894 the State monopolised the alcohol industry, and in 1897 the gold standard was finally established. All these measures were again bound together as a single whole along with the export of grain. For evidently the gold standard could not be maintained unless from year to year Russia should receive from abroad in payment for her exports a sum of gold sufficient to enable her to pay the interest on the huge sums she was borrowing. But the peasants export very little, since they produce scarcely enough for their own elementary needs. While they were crushed with the indirect taxes required to support the new huge and artificial economic structure, their enemies, the landlords, were allowed to reach their hands into the treasury of this poverty-stricken State. They were loaned money below the current rates and in amounts greater than their properties justified. Having one bank for this purpose, another was created with the high-sounding name of "Peasants' Bank" to enable the most needy landlords to sell out at high prices to the few prospering peasants who had elevated them- selves by usury to their starving neighbours and in their turn have become rich proprietors — some having by now millions of acres. But more than this, Witte stated that he did what he could in this starving country, which was no little, to keep up the prices of grain for the landlord's benefit. But the famines came along regularly every other year, boun- tiful foreign crops or financial crises lowered prices in spite of him, and Witte confessed finally to the Czar that they did not AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 119 possess the economic dictatorship of the earth, Witte was fond of saying to his own associates: ** But you don't know the cards." He had not played his last card and had a most disagreeable sur- prise in store for the landlords and the Czar. We need not accuse Witte of duplicity at this point. He had always favoured industry — even though sometimes only as a home market for agriculture. He now felt himself strong enough, and his policies far enough in practice, to display his hand. The budget speech of 1897 is already addressed to a greater power in the end than the Russian landlords, that is, to inter- national capital. Of course his relations with the great bankers were private. The budget address is aimed at their prot^g^s, the small investors. The minister of finance finds now that low agricultural prices have their good sides for other elements than the landlords. And he boasts that the product of industry is now greater than that of agriculture. Industry had increased rapidly though artificially, but Witte used here a very vulgar prospectus writer's trick. The product of agriculture he reckoned at one and a half billion rubles, that of industry at two billions. But a large part of the value of the product of industry is due merely to raw material. The expert De Vaux reckoned the net product at this time as four hundred million or one-fifth as much as Witte. Instead of being the rich country Witte boasted, Russia is almost incredibly poor. One of Witte 's modem devices was the savings banks. The pennies of the non-starving minority of the people were collected in Government saloons, post- offices, railway-stations, ships, barracks, and even schools — from the first to the last always the pitiful total of about five rubles from each depositor. In the fifteen years of Witte's administration (1891—1906) the total of the depositors increased from one to five million, of the deposits from two hundred to one thousand million rubles. The bank was a good piece of business for the Government. But it is only another sign of the poverty of this vast nation. The bank has ceased to grow so rapidly and probably most of the available pennies are already collected. What is a billion rubles among a hundred and forty million people ? The savings banks of other smaller coimtries have ten times as much. OF THE ^y R3(TY 120 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE This money of course nearly all goes over to the Government. It is like another tax. The Government pays low interest and gets high. At first the money went directly into Government bonds. But wise and modem Witte has put it into his rail- ways and his land banks. And in spite of all, the show remains a wretched one. In 1902, after all Witte's borrowing, Russia had only forty-two thousand miles of railways to two hundred thousand in the United States. Moreover, perhaps a fourth of Russia's roads are merely military and most of them are miserably built and equipped. The estimates for all the Russian state railways (two-thirds of the total) in the budget of 1906 were pitifully small — for construction forty-two million rubles, for improvements twelve million, for rolling stock two million, and for repair of locomotives three million. Divide these figures by two to bring them to dollars and they will not by any means be as high as those of several private American companies for the same year. No wonder the bitter and ceaseless com- plaints that appear from day to day in the Russian press from every branch of business. Every day products are undelivered, factories closed for lack of fuel, perishable goods ruined in trans- port and whole train-loads destroyed by accidents. Russia is wretchedly provided with railroads; the United States has eight times as many miles for each soul of her popu- lation. But still Russia will find it difficult to build more until it is arranged that her people shall cease to starve. Witte boasted that the annual loss on the railroads, had fallen from one hundred and seventy-six million rubles in 1892 to ninety million in 1897. According to the juggled official figures it fell to only thirty-five million in 1901, but by 1903 it had risen again to sixty million and is not likely soon to fall. Far worse, and in the end a greater waste, for the country is the almost complete absence of roads. I have seen almost no paved roads except for a few miles from the towns and across some of the properties of the grand dukes of the Czar. The mileage of paved roads in France is one hundred and in Great Britain six hundred times as great as in Russia. In fact Russia has none of the elements of great wealth except the raw materials of the earth that would have been there were the land without people at all. She has neither a great AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 121 agriculture, a great transportation system, a great industry, a great internal, or a great external trade in proportion to her population. The value of the products of Russian indus- try as reckoned by Witte in 1897 was less than one-tenth, that of agriculture one-fifteenth, of those of the United States. The Russian farmers, confesses Witte, are in the economic position of Exiropean farmers of 1800 or 1850. I shall later show this to be a fact. The Russian farmer gets only one-third the product per acre the English or German does, though he has a much better soil. While the total wheat product of the United States increased more than a third during the last decade, that of miserable Russia increased less than one-tenth, not as fast as the population. During this period while Russian exports of wheat remained about the same, ours nearly doubled But as I have shown, the whole economic structure of Russian society and the credit of the Government rests largely on the exports, of which two-thirds are grain and all but 3 per cent, raw or half -raw products. The export of animals and animal products in this vast country, so much better adapted to the purposes of animal raising than Canada, is less than one- tenth that of the latter comparatively small country. Russia exports less wool than she imports and less than ten other smaller countries. The total trade of Russia increased in the last decade be- fore the war, only 25 per cent., less rapidly than the popu- lation. The exports, however, increased only 14 per cent, and the so necessary favourable balance of trade, or superiority of exports over imports, fell by one-third. More recently, in 1903, 1904, and 1905, it seems surprising to find that this balance has doubled. The explanation of this, according to a personal remark of Finance Minister Shipov, was that the peasants were so necessitous that they were forced to sell products needed by their animals and themselves, and these products were then exported. But even then the balance was only about four hundred million rubles, not enough to pay the annual interest on the foreign debts of the State, the railroads, and the great industrial enterprises. And then came, in the years 1906 and 1907, the periodical famine. 122 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE The false policy of the minister of finance kept up the exports the first of these years in order to pay the country's bad debts, but now even reactionaries are demanding the prohibition of the export of the food of a starving people. The Government has not forbidden, but it has discouraged, the shipping away of grain, and this has rapidly diminished. But in the coming decade, as in the last, reckoning every second or third year as a. famine year, as has been the case for several decades, the excess of exports over imports will scarcely average more than two hundred million rubles, or less than half enough to pay the interest, to say nothing of payments on the principal, on the foreign debt. Whether the Russian Government is a failure as a business institution or not, it is certain that the nation imder its present masters is not a successful business concern. The Government has the advantage over the nation in that it can secure money from abroad, either through the hope of the lenders that it will be able to shoot and whip more taxes out of the people, or that it will lend the aid of its rifles and cannons or warships to some foreign ally. In either case the foreign investor is lending not to a business, but to an army of mercenaries. And in either case there are two sides to this bargain. If the foreign investor in Russian bonds agrees to ask no question as to where or how the Czar gets the money to pay him his interest, the Czar must furnish the guns. He is subject to a large extent to the wishes of the creditors to whom he must appeal year after year. Already the most powerful reactionary and Governmental organ has protested angrily that it is not the Duma but the foreign financiers that constitute Russia's real parliament. This, then, is where the new finance and the last hope of the autocracy has led — to a permanent financial dependence on foreign capital. And if internal poverty is the weakness of Witte's policy, it is this external dependence that is its strength. The international bankers are exacting, but they are the powerful and invaluable friends that are keeping the Czarism together. For the Czarism is not supported by Russia — the Russians would have destroyed it long ago — but by the whole world through its gold. AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 123 Russia is poor but the world is rich. The Russian finances in themselves are as hopeless as were those of France before the Revolution. But at that time there was not a tithe of the wealth there is in the world to-day, and all the nations but England were poorer than France. Now there are four great nations each with several times the wealth of Russia, and four smaller ones as rich. All the older countries are overflowing with capital seeking profitable investment, and Russia, like India or China, has become a financial protectorate of international capital. Already Russia is the heaviest indebted as well as the poorest of the great nations. The Government has borrowed five billion rubles for military purposes and three billion for the railways, while Russia's private railways and industries have indebted themselves for an almost equal sum. From 1890 to 1896 there were four large Government loans, from 1897 to 1903 most of the borrowing was private. Since the war every year again requires large borrowings from abroad. The taxes have been brought nearly to the limits; the chief expenditures, the military and naval, are about to be increased, for only by maintaining her armed strength does Russia obtain her foreign military allies and loans. It seems that the deficit of several hundred millions, euphemistically called in the budget "extraordinary expenditure," must remain. Every year or two will see a new loan, just as every two or three years sees a new famine. The sums paid for interest will increase and the Government's financial position will remain of the most difficult. It will not mean bankruptcy unless there is some international military or financial crisis. For if the Government has not the power to make fundamental financial reforms, it can, with the aid of foreign capital, maintain the present taxes and expenditure. But the country is clamouring for reform and reform can mean in a position like Russia's nothing but decreased taxation or increased Government expenditure. Those who want any- thing fundamental, whether it is a new fleet or better schools, will have to solve the financial problem. And they will soon see that it is useless to go to the Government, and will begin more and more to look over the head of the minister of finance 124 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE and the Czar, to their financial masters abroad. Here also they will get no more than they have already gotten, and all the vigorous forces of the country, both revolutionary and reactionary, may turn against the foreign creditor. Already the revolutionaries have announced they will recognise no loan not authorised by a people's Duma, and the reactionaries almost as a man declare that Witte has turned over Russia to the international Jews (e. g., financiers). The popular measure would be the suspension of interest on the bonds or its payment in paper money, rather of course than the cruder cancellation of the debt. In the meanwhile private capital is not accumulating to any great extent in Russia, simply because the larger share of profitable business has been monopolised by the Government. According to Witte's figures, already quoted, the private income of Russia cannot be more than two or three billion rubles. But the Government industries and railroads themselves produce a billion gross income and it takes another billion from the people in the form of taxes. The Government besides borrows several hundred million, which is several times as much as private enterprises get from abroad. The Russian people, then, already owes most of its income directly to the Government, whether in the form of salaries, purchases, or contracts. The way to make money , then, is not to go into business, but to stand in with the officials or to be one. Naturally the accumulation of capital under these conditions is slow. Without materially diminishing poverty State capitalism has made all but impossible the rapid accumulation of wealth. Witte's conception of the omnipotent state went so far as to consider it as the "dispenser of credit" and arbiter of industry. He dilates upon the greatness of this power, but never once sug- gests that it might be used to enable the peasant to support himself and accumulate capital enough to modernise his agri- culture. Witte simply delivered the economic policy of the Government for a short time from the hands of the landlords and gave it over to the foreign financiers. The Japanese war loans strengthened the grip of the financiers, but the dismissal of Witte, the reaction against all liberalism, and the third Duma, seem again about to deliver it over to the landlords. AUTOCRACY'S LAST HOPE 125 Still more likely is a return under the leadership of Stolypine and Gutchkov to the middle course followed during the reign of the father of the present Czar, by which Russian landlords and foreign capitalists inside and outside of Russia divide among them all the rich profits of the benevolent despotism that do not fall to the bureaucracy's lot. Inertia, reaction, or merely formal reform, these are the three courses open to the Government, but the greatest of these is inertia. Inertia defeated completely the heroic measures of Peter the Great to Prussianise his empire and reduced his bureaus to parodies in later years. The impossibility of bringing about any great economic reforms in a country presided over by violence, and where neither freedom of contract nor equality before the law nor inviolability either of property or labour prevail, the contradiction of obtaining the funds for the carry- ing out of such reforms by promising the aid of the Russian army in case of war, or by guaranteeing the use of the same arbitrary power to squeeze the money in some way out of the people — all this is reducing to a still more tragic parody Witte's efforts to modernise Russia by marrying the autocracy to the money-power. The union has taken place and it has brought its fruits. But it is like a union of royal houses. The people were not consulted. But they are already surly and the strength of sullen resistance knows no bounds. There are economic laws even in Russia. Against these neither the Czarism nor capi- talism is able to have its will. What these laws are I can say only after I have spoken of the people, of the new Russia that is in some degree independent of the Government, and of the several efforts to bring the people to a consciousness of the economic realities in which they live. CHAPTER XI THE peoples' enemies ARE THE CZAR's ALLIES NEITHER reform by violence nor the State Socialism (or State capitalism) has put any check on the campaign of the reactionary classes against progress. The present ten- dency of the Russian Government is the resultant of these three forces — the strengthening and better organisation of the brute power of the State, its absorption of private industry, and measures against liberty of the individual in every sphere of private and public life — the "coming slavery" that haunted Herbert Spencer. This tendency will be maintained until the Czar has been forced to acknowledge, not that he has voluntarily granted some reform while his power remains intact, but that the people have compelled him to abdicate or to share his power. The coming Government, like the present one, will be rich and strong. It will not need to bother about the details of the persecution of the individual. But it will still need the support, against the ever rising tide of revolutionary feeling, of certain classes that receive their income from privilege rather than directly from the coffers of the State. It will have to seek the aid of these through lending them the arbitrary power of the State to crush their rivals on the principle shown in an earlier chapter, or, as we shall now see, to crush their employees. It will be done, not in disorder as now, but by law as the moderate reactionaries suggest. Western Europeans and Americans do not have the habit of mind of thinking of social evolution as sometimes going backward. There has been too much prosperity in the past century in America, Great Britain, and France for these countries to have a very defined idea of the reverse of progress. Never- theless we all know that a nation can move backward, and we must realise that it is on the whole reaction which is desired 126 PEOPLES' ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 127 by a large part, if not the majority, of Russia's ruling classes — not because they hate progress in the abstract but because they hate it in Russia where it endangers their incomes, their priv- ileges and their domination. The changes will begin at the bottom, they will be tried first in the schools. There must be no more trouble from the unruly children of the rich and privileged who now absorb ideals of progress and liberty and upset the universities. They will be trained to worship the Emperor, to spend their youth in dissipation, to ignore every serious interest and study except that of their future official career, and to hate foreigners, peas- ants, and working people, as do the youths of the Prussian universities at the present time. The monarchists' congress in Moscow (July, 1907) demanded a "sound Russian national school." A model specimen has indeed just been opened in St. Petersburg. We can picture how it may carry the Prussian school idea beyond anything ever approached on its native soil. In connection with the same propaganda for the enforcement of sound national ideas the congress insisted on the "effective" punishment of agitation in the press, as if the censorship had not already gone beyond anything known in modem times. The reactionaries are clamouring for the same programme they were in the past, based, first of all, on opposition to all traces of democracy in the Government, and next on the "prior- ity of the Russian race in Russia," with all the persecution this implies. They are still insisting on the continuance of the principles of Alexander III., followed by the present Czar without exception for the first ten years of his reign, and restored to the ftdl in the creation of the new landlords' Duma. Whether the reaction has restored the landlords to power, or the landlords have brought about the reaction, will never be decided. No Russian could ever imagine either landlord power or reaction as existing independent of the other. At the monarchist congress preceding the one I have just mentioned the president, the nobleman and landlord Shere- batov, declared that d\iring the revolution the nobility had either kept silent or in the persons of its leaders had joined the enemy. Now the landlord class has awakened, expelled ia8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE from its assemblies most of these traitorous leaders, and its con- gresses together with the League of Russian Men have directed the policies of the Government. It was the landlords* organisation and the league that demanded the dissolution of the first Duma, and the coup d'etat that dissolved the second and put the people's representatives in an insignificant minority by an election law framed directly contrary to the Czar's so-called unchangeable fundamental laws. These monarchists congresses, then, have a great significance. They indicate clearly the position of Russia's ruling class, since both the league and the landlords are represented there. The president's speech in 1906 was a beacon in the often incom- prehensible obscurity of reaction. If the Duma should be abolished altogether, says this courtier and landlord, let us hope it will be replaced by an assembly of the old Russian character composed exclusively of "the population that composes Russia's roots." The Czar did not follow this advice in its entirety; he preserved the name of Duma, and left a few representatives to the Caucasians and Poles. But he certainly went more than half way toward the goal. One more short step and it will be reached. "The principle of the sovereign prerogatives of the Russian nation" must be expressed in several ways said Sherebatov. First, all the responsible official positions are to be filled with scions of pure Russian stock, and even at least half the clerks must be of the dominant race. The congress of 1907 went further and extended its protection not only to Russian clerks but even to Russian servants. It decided its members were to use every means to get positions among Christian families for such servants as were employed by Jews. It is indeed wise for the league to promise something to the servants, for it is among the most ignorant of these that it obtains in the larger cities most of its members. The difficulty of the league and other organisations supported by the landlords, is not to influence the Government, but to get members. There are only about a hundred thousand noble landlords. The Government officials, house-servants and small shopkeepers do not form a tithe of the population. The peasantry, conceded Sherebatov, was in commotion and. PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 129 "without noticing it," he claims, "followed the revolutionists." It is hoped to win these back through the priesthood. The resolution passed by this congress about the punishing of any priests who make themselves offensive by their liberality in the Duma, or in any way opposing the league's principles, is being carried into effect. Every day priests who have assumed any kind of popular leadership are immured in the monasteries, those who spoke for the people in the Duma have been unfrocked, and two-thirds of the present delegation in the Duma is composed of reactionaries of the most violent character. This extraordinary movement that professes to be so loyal to the Czar is strangely opposed to the Government. It savagely attacks officialdom for losing the Japanese war and wants an account of the nation's expenditures. It is opposed to the arbitrariness and corruption in the bureaucracy to the point that it would destroy the bureaucracy's power. But not by making ministers and officials responsible to the Duma. Oh, no, this would be democratic. They are to be made more responsible to — the Czar! To the Czar's thousand bureaus and councils is to be added another, a supreme court, above all the others and directly answerable to the "Most High." To this court each of Russia's sixty million adult citizens is to have access, and all will be well. Such is the political science of the reactionary mind. The political economy of our "Czarists" may be summed up in a word. The State is all. I have spoken of the steps toward the State monopoly of industry, transportation and credit. The professional reactionist does not stop half-way; he always goes further than the Government. The State, which is all, surely need not burden itself with the necessity of keeping hoarded up a supply of gold as the basis for money. Paper money is not only a natural demand in a desperately impover- ished and indebted country, it is the inevitable logical outcome of all the thinking and all the principles, such as they are, that imderlie the Czarism. The Czars have never ruled alone. They have always had the indispensable support of a powerful ruling caste. The autocracy has merely been the device by which this oligarchy has governed. While subjecting themselves absolutely to the I30 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE autocrat, the landlords have relied on the fact that it is from their ranks that are naturally chosen courtiers, ministers, generals and administrators. Landlords are the chief source of the Czar's information, teach him in childhood, advise him when he governs, execute his orders, and organise the demon- strations of loyalty that give some appearance of popularity to the system. In return the landlords have offered the Czar a loyal and zealous support. Whatever causes they may have had for complaint, no considerable part of the landlords have for centuries been so foolish as to attempt to overthrow a system that has worked so admirably in their interests. When the Czars have been wise, they have done everything in their power for the landlord class. When they have been weak, innumerable wealthy or ambitious landlords have crowded to the court to become the true governors of the land. But only rarely have the landlords tried to moderate, and never have they tried to abolish, the autocratic system. So for a thousand years the people of Russia have been living under a double slavery — abject economic subjection to the landlords, and abject political subjection to the State. But always while the people owed a double servitude, the masters were really one. The Czar himself is the greatest land- holder and the natural head of the class. The landlords owe their property, their privileges, and their power to their influence over the Czar. There were never those very serious conflicts among the members of nobility, and between the nobility and the chief ruler, that gave the people a chance to obtain a share of the power in other European states. There were no artificial boundaries to give rise to independent robber barons; the constant threat of Tartar and Turkish invasion strengthened the military power and maintained the absolute dominion of the Czar, There were no great seaports or trading centres to build up independent towns, no industries to create a buffer middle-class. When occasionally the Czar's generals and governors were chosen from among the people they at once became landlords, since the land constituted the sole great treasure of the State from which to draw their rewards. For centuries the peasants have borne this double servitude under changing forms. During these centuries serfdom was PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 131 instituted and then abolished, and finally a "constitution" has been granted and elections held. But the Czar still remains autocrat with absolute and unlimited powers, he still governs in the interest of the landlord caste, draws most of the ministers and nearly all the governors and generals from the landlords, and relies almost entirely for his power on their enthusiastic and eager support. In the new Duma it is in the main the landlords, elected under the unequal election law not by the people but by themselves, that vote for the measures of the Czar. As for centuries, the Czarism and the landlord caste stand united to maintain their rule. /y In the present revolutionary crisis the landlords are no longer / ' entirely united, but none favour the peasants' programme. Practically all are loyal to the monarchy, and the overwhelming majority are zealously fighting to preserve the autocratic State. They are divided with few and insignificant exceptions into three parties: the extreme reactionaries, the conservatives or moderate reactionaries, and the moderate liberals. Perhaps the most influential are still the extreme reactionaries who demand a complete return to the old order: the peasants to be held on the level of serfs, the towns and industries to be left in the hands of an irresponsible bureaucracy limited only by the influence of the court party, which is and must remain the only possible source of control over the Governmental machine. For in a country as enormous and complex as modem Russia, government by an absolute monarch means government by the court party. No ruler ever lived that could impress his single will on such a State. The reactionaries' programme may be summed up in the single word — repression. Let Russia be bathed in blood if necessary until the last spark of self-assertion among the people be destroyed. Then let the Czar abolish the Duma forever, revive the Orthodox Church, and renew the persecutions against Russian dissenters, Polish Catholics, and Jews. Finally, let a general economic reform be introduced of such a character that none but those sentimental landlords who happen to have some sentimental attachment to their estates could cavil at its terms — a reform that in turning over part of the land to the peasants would leave the landlords better off than before, and let the 132 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE nation pay the bill. Let the Government subsidise the so- called "Peasants* Bank" and let that bank gradually buy up estates. In this way, former Minister of Agriculture Kutler himself pointed out, the prices of estates stimulated by Government bidding would constantly rise, and the landlords would secure even more than the present rack-rent prices for their lands. Kutler was so outraged at this proposition made by Count Witte in 1906 that he resigned from the ministry and became the chairman of the second Duma's commission on the land question and is now the financial expert and leader of the moderate opposition party. This "reform" would cost Russia three or four billion rubles, about as much as the Japanese war. I was actually approached by one of the most notorious leaders of the court party last fall, Count X., with an inquiry as to my opinion about the possibility of his interesting American financiers in such a loan. The count had heard that America was overflowing with money to be had by foreign governments on good security at 3 and 4 per cent. Might not America lend Russia a billion dollars or two on the security of her land? The count was of the same group of reactionaries which proposed to mortgage the Russian railways to some Morgan syndicate, and which actually succeeded in putting a large part of the securities of the " Peasants ' Bank" in English hands, with hopes of continuing the process. Until his "execution" by terrorists, the notorious Jew-baiter, Count Ignatiev, was the leader of this party in the court. Pobiedonostzev, head of the church, Trepov, military dictator of St. Petersburg, and the other chief advisers of the Czar with few exceptions belonged to it and were its principal support. Some of the largest landlords in the country, such as Prince Sheremetrieff, also a power in the court, have spoken openly on all occasions since the October Manifesto in favour of a return to pure Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationalist persecution. This party, which might be called the "old" landlords' party, is "legal" — that is, allowed to hold public meetings and demonstrations ; while all the large parties of the Duma, even the moderate Constitutional Democrats, are still "illegal." Yet the basis of its programme is violence, illegal governmental PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 133 violence, without the check even of military law, where govern- mental violence is effective, and wherever it is not, the arming of the dregs of the population against all the better classes. It is this class that has hired to guard their estates large bands of so-called Cossacks, often really only raw recruits raked even from the refuse of prisons. One noble landlord told me that he had instructed his ruffians, as soon as any peasant touched any of his property, to bum the whole thatch-roofed village down. This was in fact the official decision reached at the landlords' congress as to the action to be taken in case of peasant attack. But why does this landlord party give itself up to counter- revolutionary violence rather than to its more profitable economic reform, the purchase of its lands by the Government at a figure beyond all criticism? The cause is this. First, the revolu- tionary propaganda among the peasants has given them the hope and the courage to demand for nothing the land that they have already repeatedly purchased with their sweat and blood. The peasants refuse to buy. In the meanwhile the revolutionary movement forces some of the landlords to flee and sell their estates. Second, the national credit is so low that the Government could scarcely get the money to make the purchase. After all the landlords, even the most violent, are business men. If by fair or unfair means they can crush the revolution, the field of exploitation will again be theirs. They do not have at their disposal any huge corruption funds like our corporation magnates. With all their millions of acres they are "land poor." But they are almost in complete control of this great engine of violence, the Russian Government, and by that means a large part among them still hopes to achieve their ends. But the new landlord party in the court would rather follow the well-tried methods of the Prussian, Polish, Austrian, and Hungarian proprietors. They do not hope to bring about a return to old conditions. They do not want to abolish the Duma, but to dissolve it and change the election law back to the Prussian model, as was recently done in Saxony. They knew the Duma was created not by the Czar or the revolution, but by the foreign financiers, and that therefore it cannot be entirely done away with. They wish, not more violence, but the continued application of the present measures of repression 134 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE which have imprisoned and exiled two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand people during last year. They relied at first on the "constitution," which allows the Czar's "council" to counteract the Duma and in which event permits the Czar to enact the laws alone. With the enactment of an election law that left three-fourths of the provinces entirely in the landlords' hands, and gave them nearly all the rest in common with an electoral body composed exclusively of the wealthy and privileged classes of the towns, the proprietors were inspired with a new life. In the third Duma the majority of the extreme reactionary group of more than one hundred members, and of the moderate reactionary group of 150 members, are landlords, while a third group that takes a position between the two, the so-called simple rights, is composed almost exclusively of landowners. Of these three groups the moderates hold the balance of power, but only when the democratic and popular parties, who are often so disgusted with the Duma that they refuse to participate, happen to decide to vote with their moderate against their extreme enemies. Otherwise not the moderate, but the centre reaction- aries, control. This also often happens when the less moderate landlord members of the moderate group vote with their more violently reactionary friends. In either case the almost ex- clusively landlord party controls entirely the national assembly. And in any case, even when the landlords don't control, they entirely dominate the Duma. The leader of this moderate reactionary party is the wealthy Count Bobrinsky. It has already become almost the official party of the landlords' congress. Perhaps to a greater extent even than the still more extreme reactionaries it now has the sympathy of the ministry and the Czar, and it is in close alliance with the Octobrists who actually propose certain moderate reforms. Both parties, however, are agreed that the landlords are to suffer no loss in whatever transformation is to come. The least influential and numerous party among the land- lords has been touched with the liberal ideas of the middle classes of the towns and feels that Russia can neither go back nor stop at the present point of her political evolution. They have joined in the movement of the Constitutional Democrats, PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 135 the Progressists or the "Peaceful Regenerators" in the belief that the victory of liberalism and the gradual evolution of a moderately democratic state, may stop the revolution and save them from threatened financial ruin. Some have formed the so-called "right wing" of the landlords' party; others have formed the more conservative and independent group of "Peaceful Regeneration." Such are the Princes Dolgorukov, Trubetzkoi, and Lvov, Count Heyden, and former Minister Kutler. Their policy seemed the wisest for the land- lords and at first promised to become the most successful. Their influence on the Constitutional Democrats has so far moderated the latter 's position of revolutionary opposition to the Government that this party has lost what Uttle popularity it formerly enjoyed among the people. The party owed its power in the second Duma almost entirely to a few hundred thousand city electors, who, under the unjust election law even of that Duma, controlled almost as many members as the twenty million peasants. But the Constitutional Democrats have increased their influence over the ministers and the foreign financiers as fast as they have lost it with the people. The party that in an early congress recognised the democratic republic as the goal toward which Russia must evolve, later defended the monarch in the Duma against all disloyal remarks. Its leader, Hessen, has declared that his party was ready to com- promise both on the great political issue, on equal suffrage and on the great economic issue, the handing over of the land to the people. Before the meeting of the first Duma the peasant party leader, Aladdin, reminded us that the Constitutional Democratic Party, of whom a considerable majority were landlords, could never understand or satisfy the peasants* demands. The leaders at that time were Petrimkevitch, Roditchev and Nabo- kov, all noblemen and landlords. These men were not members of the avowedly conservative "right wing" of the party, but of the centre. Public spirit certainly plays a prominent part in their opinions. Nevertheless they are landlords, and so little were the peasants, their tenants and labourers, satisfied with their lukewarm advocacy of the peasants' cause in the first Duma, that they decreased their number to a half in the second. 136 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Many landlords joined this conservatively liberal party, but the peasants turned against it the more bitterly as the landlords joined. After centuries of oppression they have little confidence in a party half composed of landlords and fought at nearly every point by their own elected representa- tives. A generation ago they had a great experience with a reform amended and carried, if not originally executed, by the landlord class. The generation they have lived out since has proved one of the most bitter of history. The peasants of that time were even opposed to their emanci- pation without enough land to keep them from starvation. Warned by the emancipation and pauperisation of the peasants of Prussia, and of the German and Polish parts of Russia a few years before, they feared an abject dependence on the landlords for bread more than they hated their blows. The landlords, on the other hand, came to look on the emancipation even with favour before it was actually put into execution. They looked forward to the institution of a new peasantry, free but not provided with enough land for their food, as the source of a cheaper and more reliable form of farm labourers than the serfs. Besides this, they were lured by three immediate economic rewards. The State agreed to force the peasants to pay both for their liberation and for the miserable plots of land that the landlords were forced to leave to them. In addition to these immense sums in cash, the landlords took the woods and the better half of the pastures, most of which had formerly been used, though not owned, by the peasants. The opposition offered by the landlords was merely a haggling for terms. When the great measure was finally accomplished it more than ful- filled the landlords' anticipations and the peasants' fears. No sooner was it put into effect in 186 1, than a thousand peasant revolts reached an importance that required the intervention of military force. But it took a generation for this landlords' reform to produce its maximtmi of peasant ruin. The famine of 1906, following so many others, has brought the industry and class on which all Russian society is reared, down to an economic level scarcely higher than that they occupied a century ago. In order to collect the new dues required by the enormous PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 137 sums handed over to the landlords, the screws of servitude to the autocratic State, which had never for a moment been relaxed, were turned on harder than ever. The serfs' bodies were taken from the hands of the landlords only to be ttimed over to another more brutal master, the State. The State has always been the worse of the two masters. In the generation that preceded the emancipation Nicholas I. had forced a large part of the peasants to a military slavery of twenty-five years dura- tion and to the most inhuman "discipline." But what is less known is that this same terrible discipline was applied to all the miners of the land, to the post-office and all the lower employees of the State. And what is still more important is that a police system of an almost equally barbarous severity was also applied to half of the peasants working on the land; for to nearly half of the peasants the Czar was not only the great arch tyrant, but their sole master. The State owned literally not only the army which furnished servants and working- men, the miners, the State employees, but also nearly one half the agricultural serfs. By the "emancipation" this State serfdom was simply extended over all the land. The police were given a power more despotic and scarcely less immediate than that formerly the right of the serf-owners. New servitudes replaced the old, and it was largely, if not entirely, on the landlords' accoimt that their severity was increased. To make easier the collection of the State taxes devoted for the greater part to paying indem- nities and making loans to the landlords, and to prevent the escape of the landlords' quarry of cheaper labour, the emanci- pated peasant was again fixed to the land. He could not leave his village without a special and rarely granted legal consent. When the first rumblings of the present revolution were heard this measure was abolished "as a law" only to give place to an almost exactly similar regulation by the police. To make the collection of taxes more sure the village was made responsible as a whole for each delinquent tax-payer. The village was then given the right to inflict corporal punishment or forced labour on its delinquent members. With the alternative hanging over their heads of the ruin and destruction of the village by savage Cossacks, the villagers seldom hesitated I 138 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE to use their powers under the eyes and direction of the police. But this is servitude. What more is there to serfdom than corporal punishment, forced labour, and fixture to the soil? When after two decades the State found it could beat no more out of the pauperised and starving peasant, it imposed a new and immense and crushing burden of indirect taxes that he could not possibly escape. The plan worked so much better than the other that these taxes, as already indicated, have been increased from year to year until the wretched peasant is forced to pay several prices for his plough, the petroleum for his lamp, the shirt on his back and even for his poor luxuries, sugar and tea. Not only has the condition of the people long ago ceased to improve, but agriculture has gone backward and the very soil has deteriorated. The average peasant farmer is to-day producing less per acre than he did at the time of the emanci- pation forty years ago — and this at the very period in which agriculture has made the most spectacular strides forward, and the American farmer is getting almost twice as much from a day's labour as before. Year after year the peasant's share of land is growing smaller, his horses and cattle are degenerating and decreasing in numbers from under-nourishment. The horses are already only about half the weight of those of France. They require less food, but even taking this into account three of them still get scarcely what is necessary for two. Even the men are habitually underfed — according to a Government report to the extent of 17 per cent. Farm machinery and even harness and the iron needed for waggons are almost beyond the peasant's reach, and are often replaced by devices of wood and rope. The harrows are of wood and the ploughs penetrate only a few inches into the soil. So when a dry year comes along the peasants obtain, as a recent investigation has shown, only half the crop of neighbouring landlords who are able to follow the methods of modem agriculture. The frequent famines are worse in years of drought, but the drought is only a secondary cause of the suffering. With more means and modem methods the peasant would have twice his present crop even in dry years, and in good years he would be able to accumulate enough surplus capital to last him until PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 139 the next season, as do our farmers of the arid belt. As it is, he is forced by every drought to sell his farm animals and even his ploughs. It is at such times that the landlords contract for the peasants' labour for the next season, in return for a little bread, at a half or a third of the usual starvation wages. The conditions after each famine increase the losses and sufferings of the next, and every dry year brings a greater harvest of death. The annual death rate is already forty per thousand, twice that of any other civilised land. The landlords do not profit from the peasants' starvation alone. The permanent land-hunger of the peasantry has reached such a point that the landlords are able to obtain, for land no more productive than at the time of the emancipation, four and five times as much rent as it then obtained. The lack of land is so great that the peasants are employing on their own land only one-fifth, and their horses only one-third, of their possible working time. To ward off starvation the peasants must either work for the landlord, or pay him a rent that gives him as much profit as he could extort by direct exploitation of pauper labour. So the landlords have prospered while the peasants have starved. Year after year they are sending out more and more grain from the country, while the peasants and their farm animals are more and more underfed. In 1906, the great famine year, Russian landlords exported enough grain to feed all of Russia's starving millions. In some famine years, as in 1905, the exports were scarcely lowered at all. The landlords have prospered not only because of the conditions created at the time of the "emancipation," but also by their steady influence over the Czars since that time. All the laws favour the landlords. The labour contract with the "free" peasants has been turned into a farce. The landlord, or any of his family, have a right to fine their labourers at their discretion not only for neglect of work but even for lack of respect. But even with this the landlords were not satisfied. Disagreeable and expensive quarrels with the peasants about wages and rents continued to arise. So a new official was instituted whose special business it is to settle all disputes between landlords and peasants. This "land official" has I40 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE become more hateful to the peasants than were the worst of their former landlord proprietors. He is responsible, not to local authorities, but directly to St. Petersburg — and is inac- cessible to any except influential persons. He is backed by the full autocratic power of the Czar, prison, the knout, Siberia, and Cossack invasion. Furthermore, the Czar's ukase requires that he himself shall be a nobleman of rank, which is in most cases tantamount to a landlord! These new officials, surrounded and courted by landlords, have made full use of their powers. Villages have revolted by the hundreds, only to be beaten and shot into subjection by the savage Cossacks, to have their houses burned and their women outraged as in the days of Tamerlane. When terror- stricken villages have answered the despots' orders with loyal arguments about the true will of God and the Czar, it has almost become the custom for these gentlemen to answer, " I am your God and your Czar." Landlord influence has governed Russia from the institution of serfdom centuries ago, to the institution of the hundreds of landlord sub-despots in the last decade, and to the institution of the landlords* Duma of the present moment. The peasants are not again likely to leave their destinies in the hands of any party in which the landlords exert an important power. They showed in all three elections that they are more than ever attached to their own party and its programme. The immense price the peasants have already paid in beatings, imprisonment, exile, starvation and violent death; the hopes that have been newly raised; the evident justice of their demands for a controlling voice in the nation's parliament and for the early possession of the land, though evidently, starving as they are, they cannot pay for it and will not be able to for many years to come; and above all the results that their revolutionary movement has already brought to their cause — these things have decided all the parties that represent them not to await anything even from the most liberal part of their former masters, and not to wait indefinitely for the installment of an indefinite portion of their demands. Even the Constitutional Democrats concede that fear of revolution is still a leading motive with the Government, as PEOPLE'S ENEMIES ARE CZAR'S ALLIES 141 it was at the time of the emancipation. Soon after the peasant disorders of 1902 and 1903 the Czar abolished corporal punish- ment and the confinement of the peasantry to their native village, as normal institutions of peasant life. After the disorders of 1905 the Czar gave the peasants a large proportion of the seats in the new Duma, remitted half of their direct taxes to the State, shortened the term of service in the army, and bettered the food of the soldiers and increased their pay. After the disorders of 1906 the peasants were given part of the crown lands, they were admitted for the first time to equality with other citizens before the courts and the law, and they were given for the first time the same rights as others over their own land. During 1907 there were few disturbances and no great reforms. If we remember that this same movement of violent resistance of the peasants has procured them more respect from the police, has driven away some of the more obnoxious landlords, raised wages and lowered rents, and if we observe that this movement has become better organised, more sure and less bloody each year, we may realise why the peasants are clenching their teeth and holding up their heads as never before in a thousand years. The peasants are full of hope ; but even if the situation of the Russian people is desperate, if it is hopeless for the present generation, this is because of great historical causes over which this noble nation has had no control. And the chief of these is not the Czarism with its dependent army of Cossacks, officials, and police, but the existence of a deep-rooted and time-honoured governing caste, the owners of the white slaves of the last generation, a caste whose interests are against those of the nation and diametrically opposed to the regeneration the nation demands. The majority of the first Duma has just been on trial for having provoked the disobedience of the people. The words of one of the people's own representatives addressed to the judges and the Government, is the judgment of the Russian nation on the third Duma. "We see in you," said Chersky, "in this the greatest political trial of the century, the defenders of the interests ^ 142 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE of Stoly pine's one hundred and thirty thousand landlords, and the enemies of the law and the people." This, then, is the final alignment of the Russian nation — (on the one side the Czar, the court, the Government officials, the officers of the army, and the one hundred and thirty thousand landlords;, on the other the one hundred million peasants, ^the working people and nearly all the middle class. s The power may long remain with the Government. Justice ' is with the nation. PART THREE Revolt CHAPTER I THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE A MYSTERY THE Czar and his ministers continue to assure the world that the real Russian people, the hundred million peasants^ / are, and always have been, contented, loyal and devoted^ subjects. This has been the favourite slander in the long campaign of defamation of its own people that constitutes one of the worst crimes of the Government. We know some of the infamies of Czarism, but there are many of which we are entirely ignorant. Because of the rigid censorship in Russia of all the news, the systematic bribery of many foreign news- papers, and the favourable misrepresentation of officials on all occasions, it has been impossible to get at reliable and general information on the very subjects that are fundamental to all others — the actual conditions of the villages where four-fifths of the people live, the present development of the peasants, their attitude to the Czar, the Church, the officials, the landlords and the revolution. With so little reliable knowledge we have been at the mercy of the imscrupulous official statements. Before the peasants had an opportunity to voice themselves in their national parliament, these official statements had succeeded in implanting in the consciousness and literature of foreign nations a vague and indefinite, but none the less obnoxious, picture portraying the peasants as a dull and indolent race, ignorant, hard-drinking, fanatically religious and stupidly devoted to the Czar. Natu- rally we have had small sympathy with a people we believed to have so little manhood and so little love of freedom as humbly to submit to the curse of Czarism. In Russia itself the Czar's defenders have carried their attacks on the peasants* character so far as to reduce them to absurdity. As patriotic Russians they pretended, of course, that most of \he shameful characteristics they attributed to the great mass 145 146 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE of their countrymen are after all virtues, and that the key to the peasants' psychology, the greatest of all virtues, is — self- renunciation. This is "the highest expression possible to the human individual" since it makes of him the perfect subject of those divine Russian institutions, the absolute Czarism and the "changeless" Church. According to the professional Russian patriots or Slavophils, whatever is Russian is right. But the peasants of Russia are both poor and illiterate. Are their poverty and lack of education also part of the "highest expression possible to the human individual"? The late head of the Holy Church could well give an authoritative answer, since he was also the most venerated adviser of Alexander III. and of the present Czar. That terrible old man Pobiedonostzev opposed general education, newspapers, and everything else that might develop the slightest spirit of freedom. He carried his ideas to their logical conclusion and fearlessly announced to a world that still refuses to believe its ears and does not yet realise the full monstrosity of his doctrine, that "inertia is the fulcrum of progress" and that "poverty, lowliness, deprivation, and self-denial are the true lot of men." Such are the ideas that have ruled and guided the present Czar. This "official character" of the peasants, as I have said, has been so long and stoutly repeated as to have been accepted and passed on by foreign writers on Russian conditions. The three volume work of Leroy-Beaulieu is undoubtedly the most important foreign study of "The Empire of the Czars." By a scientific and historical method the author has covered every phase of Russian life, from the geography of the country to its latest political, economic, and cultural development. But he has refused to place himself at the only standpoint that can lead to a true understanding, that of the Russian people. He has failed to distinguish between that part of Russian life that emanates from the spirit and natural evolution of the Russian people, and that other alien part that has been forced on it by an alien Government which owes its origin and maintenance either to foreign power and influence or to the stem military necessity of defending the most exposed country of Europe against the Turks and Tartars. THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE— A MYSTERY 147 This famous "scientific" but unsympathetic observer, attrib- uting the barbarism of the Government to the whole nation, has branded the Russian people with the same vulgar libels that are current among those totally ignorant of the land. To him Russia is still essentially mediaeval, the people mystical, fatalistic, inert. " Modem as Russia is if we look to the external side of her civilisation, to her army and bureaucracy," he says, "she is mediaeval still in the manners and spirit of her people." This brief sentence is yet such a conglomeration of truth, untruth, and half-truth that I can scarcely correct it, and to bring out all its inaccuracies I must offer a substitute. I am certain that the author in penning such a perversion of the reality was thinking of the only side of Russia with which his book shows any deep acquaintance, namely its government. The sentence should read "Modem as the Russian Government is, if we look at the external side of her army and bureaucracy, the governing caste is still mediaeval in its opinions and spirit." Certainly the Russian army has a modem organisation and armament, certainly the Russian prisons and police are among the most highly developed in the world — this organized violence is indeed the very raison d'etre of the autocratic form of government. It is alone to a certain aptitude and success in modernising the means of holding the people in subjection that it owes its existence. But this is the end of the virtues of the ruling caste. The whole history of Russia and of the present revolution shows that it is the spirit and opinions of the army of officers and Government officials that are reaction- ary and even mediaeval. Perhaps the most dangerous of all the criticisms of Russia is that which attaches some fundamental deficiency to the race itself. Leroy-Beaulieu, who is careful to make no direct attach? on the Slavic peoples as such, nevertheless characterises thQ peasant of to-day as inert and lacking in creative power. But* what permanently oppressed and starving people ever showed much sign of creative power? Are not the East Prussian peasants of to-day, though infinitely less poverty-stricken, both inert and reactionary, an accusation that can scarceVy be made against the revolutionary and Socialistic Russian peasants. Have not the Russian peasants adapted themselves 148 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE quickly to every variety of modern life and industry that was opened to them? Are not former peasants working success- fully in many instances the most complicated agricultural machinery, railway locomotives, the most delicate tools? In fact half of the five or six million working people in Russia's modem industries are former peasants. Furthermore, Leroy-Beaulieu refers continually to ** mysti- cism," "fatalism," and "passive endurance" as the chief traits of the peasant's character. Yet may not such passive qualities, as far as they really do exist, be simply the temporary results of oppression? Mysticism may arise from the very keenness of the desire for a rational explanation of life on the part of those to whom knowledge is denied; fatalism may come from the intensity of frustrated longing for a better regime; passive endurance from the futility of resistance to a stronger physical power. Leroy-Beaulieu himself acknowledged that he had only spoken of negative qualities, for he found it impos- sible at the time he wrote to give an estimate of the peasant's "actual creative power." It is precisely this positive creative power that we want to understand. But this racial prejudice appears much more clearly in more recent and less scientific books than the one to which I have been referring, works which are nevertheless widely circulated and have had on the whole an immense influence. An Ameri- can book that appeared just before the Russian- Japanese War is typical. The author, Senator Beveridge, is known to every- body in America and his views are sure to have had their con- verts. Among the most striking traits of the Slavic race he finds fatalism, indolence, stolidity, inertia, slowness, lethargy, conservatism, subservience, and lack of initiative. Passing from the people to the general spirit of the nation the writer finds the soul of Russia in the voice of Pobiedonostzev. But on •this man's death the foreign press characterised him rightly as the best-hated man in all Russia. The voice of Pobiedonostzev and of the officers, officials, landlords, bankers, merchants, and manufacturers, to whpm this author expressly acknowledges his indebtedness for the information he gathered during the few weeks of his stay in European Russia, naturally supplied him with his view of THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE— A MYSTERY 149 the nation's ideals. The author found that his interlocutors, whose identity he betrays when he speaks of the "ordinary Russian," "business man, banker, or what-not," "appears to be devoted to his Czar and Russian institutions," and that "the Czar is beloved by the great body of his subjects with an adoring affection not accorded to any other ruler." Finally he con- cluded that the Slav thinks that autocratic Czarism and the Orthodox Chtirch are the " foundation stones of civilisation." Unfortunately, many persons still believe that the Russian masses are devoted to their Czar and Church in spite of the plentiful evidence to the contrary in the recent revolutionary events. I shall deal with this fallacy in an early chapter. But in the meanwhile I shall show the superficial character of the broad assertions of this typical observer. The writer quotes without criticism or contradiction the statement of a landlord that the emancipation was granted by the "liberal" Czar "at the expense of the Russian nobility." The truth is that the chief cause of the present revolution is the crushing burden of taxes laid on the peasants to enable the Government to pay the nobility not only an ample, but often even an exorbitant, price for their losses both of land and the uncompensated service of the serfs. This same informant also told our writer that the ignorant peasants had not not known how to use their liberty and had even refused to use iron or steel ploughs. The truth is that the peasants had used iron ploughs even under serfdom, and as to the steel ones they do not employ them at the present day simply because they cannot afford the price. It is certainly not true that the peasant has ever refused to use any important agricultural implement within his purchasing power. Finally, this landlord informed our friend that the peasants had soon forgotten the severities of serfdom and remembered only "the comparatively trivial inconveniences" of the present time. I shall deal with these comparatively trivial inconveniences later. I can find no words for the ignor- ance, carelessness, or indifference of a person writing on the Russia of to-day for a necessarily ignorant audience, who reprints this phrase with every sign of approval and without giving anywhere a single fact or statement to counteract the singularly false and misleading impression it creates. The ISO RUSSIA'S MESSAGE present sufferings of the peasants may be less than those at the time of serfdom, but. they are not trivial in comparison with those of any period through which humanity has passed, and to speak of them as inconveniences is a monstrous understate- ment of the truth. The reader of Senator Beveridge's book knows that this writer's judgment has been condemned out of his own mouth. Writing just before the war with Japan he predicted in his book that there was no probability in international politics greater than the permanency of the Russian occupation of Manchuria. Writing after the outbreak of the great and bloody labour disturbances of 1902 and 1903, which he even mentions, he says that "there have been no considerable labour riots," that labour is submissive and there is no labour question. The year before the outbreak of the revolution he belittles what disturbances had occurred and expected nothing of a very serious character. Another book is worth mentioning here as a sample of the malicious statements that have been circulated over the world as the truth. During the famine of 1906-7 Mr. Howard P. Kennard, M. D., an English "humanitarian," was in Russia to assist the Government and the landlords in relieving the wholesale starvation and disease they themselves had brought on. His book, "The Russian Peasant," he claims to be based on his own personal observation; however, in his preface he confesses himself indebted to such acknowledged friends of Nicholas II. and enemies of the Russian people as the French- man Leroy-Beaulieu, the Englishmen Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, and the courtier Prince Nicholas Sherebatov, one of the most hated men in all Russia. Mr. Kennard unmistakably suggests that the peasants have not progressed since the time of Ivan the Terrible. He describes a national peasant festivity, which he claims is typical, as an "unbridled bestial orgy." He finds that "natural laziness and addiction to drink have brought the peasant to the pass he is in to-day," says that the peasant's belly is his god, tljat he does not wish to improve his condition, and that they do not even wish "to learn to farm in any other way than that which has been handed down to them by their forefathers." THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE — A MYSTERY 151 Mr. Kennard declares that the "Russian peasant, devoid of all capabilities in the matter of reading and writing, has a mind and imagination which are ripe for the reception of all trash that Church, State, those desirous of influencing him for good or evil, may pour into his poor besotted brain." Our savant friend then proceeds to state "that the only subject he knows about is the subject of devils," and that the peasant's first thought every morning is "what will the Domovoi (household demon) do to-day?" In brief, Mr. Kennard finds the peasant "utterly unable to understand what is meant by education, progress, or culture." Finally he simis up the peasant in this manner: "The peasant emerges from the ordeal to-day but the semblance of a man — a thing with half a mind, a mortal without attributes; a mor- bid being blessed with life alone, and cursed with ignorance and imbecility until, in the twentieth century, his melancholy has become innate." All of these statements of Mr. Kennard are about as false and vicious as any calumnies concerning a whole people, or a large majority of any people, could well be. His book must remain a classic example of the stream of poison and hatred that pours into some hearts in the presence of the ugliness of human misery. I have no hope of driving the writer who penned such words to shame. But I do expect to show that, badly educated as the peasants are, a very large portion of them have more than a modicum of education and that they are thirsting for more, that far from being devoted to devils the peasants have a kind of natural instinct for independent religious and ethical ideas; and I expect to show that nothing but a readiness to accept prejudiced statements, or a natural blindness to truth while in its very presence, or a deeply ingrained hatred of mankind, could have led any person who has spent several months among the Russian farmers to find in them merely a creature ranking somewhere between man and beast. I trust it is clear to the reader that the Russian people have enemies in all directions, even among those who claim the most loudly to be their friends; and I trust that he will read what follows unswayed by the self-evident prejudices so widely circulated by writers like those referred to above. This im- 152 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE partiality is important, not alone because of the immense interest attaching to the peasant, but also because he has so long remained an unknown quantity, even to the most sympathetic and unbiased minds. The real character of the peasant has remained a mystery until to-day. He constitutes the greatest unknown element of the white race. He is just for this reason the most interest- ing human problem of our time. If his nature is undeveloped it is in the same proportion unfixed and unspoiled — in other words, the nattire of the generic man. He will come to his majority in the twentieth century more freed from tradition than our own pioneers in the nineteenth. The Russian revolution, bound sooner or later to end in his favour, will not only make him master of half Europe and Asia, and revolutionise the relations of the world powers; it will decide the fate of every democratic movement on the continent, and give a new inspi- ration to the international movement for economic quality. CHAPTER II THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE THEIR TRUE CHARACTER BUT at last the mystery surrounding the peasant, his low reputation, are beginning to be dissolved. Since the first and second Dumas, in which the peasants* feelings and opinions, kept dumb for centuries, were for the first time publicly voiced, we have begun to get a glimpse of the true character of the peasants, of their true attitude toward the Government. The people's own chosen representatives have pointed out that the peasants are and always have been in a rebellious state, that the history of the Russian peasantry has been that of an unending series of revolts, and that the only reason a revolution yL has not yet overturned the Government is the terrible brute- power of the half-million semi-foreign Cossacks who guard the Czar. It appears in contradiction to everything the Govern- ment has claimed that the peasant is a democrat in everything and a Socialist in regard to the land, that he is almost without race prejudice, and that he is liberal and even independent in his religious views. There can no longer be the slightest doubt of these claims; the two elections are substantiated by tens of thousands of village meetings, endorsing the action and attitude of the people's representatives, and by thousands of cases in which the peasants have gone to imprisonment and death for supporting their political faith. It seems that the spiritual, if not the physical, resistance of the people has risen proportionately to the imreason, injustice, and violence of the ruling caste. Instead of devotion to the Czar, there reigns in the mind of the peasant a supreme indifference to the spirit of his laws and an almost equal indif- ference to the authority of his Church. In this the Russian is removed at once from the subserviency of the German peasant before his officials, and that of the Southern Italian before his priests. The story of the origin of the Russian Church gives the best 153 154 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE symbol of its position to-day. Before their "conversion" to Christianity, the ancient Slavs had a very simple and flexible form of belief. They were not idolaters or worshippers of many gods, they had no priests, and their cult was limited to that of Svarog, the god of heaven and light, certainly a rather spiritual deity who might well symbolise the universe and its Hfe. The Emperor Vladimir, however, descendant of one of the Norse conquerors of the land, was impressed with the glory of Constantinople and the Greek Church, and proceeded quite in the scientific spirit to send a commission to study it and the other Christian churches. The commission returned overcome by the beauty of the singing, temples, and service of the Greeks. They declared that they found no gladness among the Bulgarians, and no beauty in the temples of the Germans, but among the Greeks they found such beauty that they knew not how to tell of it, they no longer knew, they said, "whether they were in heaven or on earth . " " It is there , " they reported , ' * that God dwells among men, and their service surpasses that of any land." So influenced by the beauty of the Greek Church's temples and service, and in return for the hand of a princess of the Eastern Empire, Vladimir was baptised, and gave up his promising design of capturing Constantinople, which if accomplished might well have transformed the history of Europe and the world. No sooner was he Christianised than with the true gesture of a Czar he ordered his people led to the rivers and baptised. Thus was Russia converted to the Greek Church. In the same spirit a law among the statutes to-day requires every Russian citizen who does not belong to some other "recognised" creed to attend at least once every year the Orthodox service. Innumerable other enactments of the kind have followed without interruption since the time of Vladimir's baptism, and naturally have had no spiritual effect. To-day it is the pleasure taken in the service and singing that attracts the peasant; the priest does not as a rule enter seriously into his life. The priest is nearly always paid in kind for each service and so is economically dependent on the poorest peasants, who often find they can make a bargain better in proportioii to the amount of vodka they can persuade him to drink. The priests also are forced to serve as the political agents of the THEIR TRUE CHARACTER 155 Government, and this the peasants do not fail to feel and resent. For instance, the priests received full instructions as to what they were to say and do during the elections for the Duma. The outraged peasants replied by ceasing to go to church, by refusing to do any labour for the priests, and even in some cases by proposing through the village meetings to take away their land. Subjected economically to the peasants, and politically to the police, even the relatively small number of the priests that possess the attributes to assume moral leadership are usually without the power to do so. In what, then, does the peasant's loudly proclaimed Orthodoxy consist.? In the first place he has shown an uncon- querable tendency not to be Orthodox at all, but to do his own religious thinking. When two centuries and a half ago one of the Czars appointed a commission to study again the original forms of the Greek Church, which were supposed to have degenerated, the new ceremonies that were enacted were met by a variety of passive resistance as obstinate and successful as the world has ever seen. The passive resisters, the "Old Believers," were satisfied with the "Slavic" Church and the forms of service they themselves had helped to develop. The genius of the people, working through the Church, has developed an original and truly beautiful music that is a real source of inspirational delight. The people loved these forms as they were, they considered they had a God-given right to them. So they obstinately refused these Czar-imposed changes — refused them though persecuted and tortured relentlessly. The Czars, on the other hand, have realised that one freedom leads to another, and have claimed with equal obstinacy until to-day that God, having entrusted them with the absolute mastery of the peasants* bodies, has also made them tyrants of their souls. A large portion of the peasants still go to the Czar's church, for in the sombre, isolated and often starving villages of the forests and the steppes, the most beautiful or least ugly spot is the church, and the most interesting occasion is its service. But they do not obey the Czar's priests and they have developed a morality of their own making. Another large part have not been deterred by the most terrible persecution from creating a religion also after their own ideas. The tendency to break iS6 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE away altogether from the priests is general. A large part of the "Old Believers," especially those who settled in outlying districts where priests were difficult to obtain, decided finally to do without them altogether. The idea spread all over the country and of course led these "priestless" ones, as they are called, to do their reUgious thinking for themselves. The result is perhaps as large a body of sincere and rationalistic religious thinkers as is to be found among the people of any land. But the religious evolution did not stop here. It has continued and grown with the increase of education and travel, and with the new life and new occupations of the people in this already half -modernised country. Along with a political revolution as profound as the French, is going on a popular religious reformation comparable only to the peasants* movements of Luther's time. The peasants have created systems of new religious belief on an entirely independent basis. The subtlety, simplicity and dignity of these beliefs has charmed, and even won, many of their observers. It is enough to remember that Tolstoi has confessed his deep indebtedness to both Molokani and Doukhobors. Though these numerous sects are still in progress of growth and development, their adherents are already numbered by the millions. The Government, of course, is at present straining every nerve to repress and conceal these schisms and to strengthen in every possible way the Orthodox Church. Persecutions relaxed for a year or more after the Czar's famous promises of religious liberty, are every day being renewed. The warfare between the people's genuine religious instinct and the hated State Church is bound to go on undiminished. The peasants have shown as much character in their attitude toward the laws of the Czar as toward his Church. The thousands of bloodily suppressed revolts, and the hundreds of thousands of cases of rebellious peasants who have languished away their lives in prison and exile, are only the lesser mani- festation of the hatred for the Government. Where the people have been literally beaten into submission by the Cossacks,, and this has happened at one time or another in most of the villages, there has arisen a spirit of passive resistance which has often ended by a complete victory over the Czar. THEIR TRUE CHARACTER 157 The Czars have always been able to exact from the peasant a terrible tribute of taxes and recruits. They have been able to tie the peasants to their villages and to prevent their escape from these exactions, but when they have attempted to interfere with the villagers' internal affairs, the imperial will has been shattered against the people's own ideas of right and wrong. Especially when they have tried to upset the peoples' own laws of property, it has been the autocrats who have had to surrender. The peasants as a whole have not yet permitted the Czars to subvert their laws of inheritance or their equitable system of distributing the land. The hundred thousand villages where the mass of the Russian people live are in their internal affairs so many little immemorial republics. At the present moment, as at the earliest dawn of history, they are ruled by a pure spirit of democracy not only in political but in economic affairs. A large part of the peasant land is village property used by all the villagers in common ; the rest is divided, and from time to time redistributed, according to the ideas of equity of the whole village. An estimate is made of each family's claims, either at the death of its head, or at the time of a general census, and the family is allotted a certain proportion of the village ploughed land. But no person is ever allowed to claim a right to a particular piece of soil, he has merely a right to a certain quantity. There is no such thing as title and private ownership of the land itself, since it is not a product of individual labour but a "gift of God." A family is allowed possession of a definite piece of the land long enough only to secure the family the fruits of its labour -^ that is, for the three years' rotation of crops which prevails — then triennial redistribution of land takes place. This is why the peasant deputies in the Duma can say with perfect truth that the peasants do not want the land to buy and sell, but merely to plough. They want more land in order that they may have more work. They have never in their own experience known what rents or unearned profits from land ownership are. The village community, since it controls the peasant's means of livelihood, has an unlimited power over his existence. But this power is as democratic as it is unlimited. All the peasants live in the village, and are infinitely more intimately related iS8 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE to one another than a country -people living on isolated farms. They work together and are always under one another's eye. The spirit is profoundly social, and has been made all the more so by the village ownership of the land. The democracy is therefore profound and rests on the feeling of full social and economic equality, which is the only sure foundation of democracy in any land. The village meetings concern themselves principally with questions of the chief and only great business of every member, the winning of the daily bread. And so the equality of these tens of thousands of little communities has gone deeper than any other equality we know, because it rests on a social and not merely on a political democracy. There is no conflict between this village government and its citizens. The villages do not elect temporary masters to rule over them, like many so-called democratic communities. The starosta, or head of the village, is in very truth the servant of the community, and remains its servant in spite of all the St. Petersburg Government can do to make of him an authority of the despotic order always so necessary to a Czarism. The Czar has enacted that the starosta shall receive a good salary and be immune from taxes and corporal punishment; the Government has endowed him with enough insignia of office to buy the souls of the nobility of some European countries. But the village assembly considers him as its servant and gives its orders at every meeting as to its secretary or clerk. The real business of the village is concentrated in the assembly itself, and there are few villagers that do not take an active part. There is nothing more immediate or important in their lives. Conducted on a scale sufficiently small to enable all the elements of the vital questions under discussion to be under- stood by everybody, the village meeting has come to form a part and parcel of the peasant's existence. Public life is not a thing apart as in some externally democratic countries where private business overshadows' public affairs and politics are a mask for private interests and the greed for office. "As soon as public service ceases to be the principal business of the ^citi- zens," said Rousseau, "the state is already near to ruin." Of all modem communities the Russian villages are perhaps farthest from this calamity. THEIR TRUE CHARACTER 159 In some cases there is already complete communism — that is, both common ownership and common cultivation of the soil, a system that allows the advantages not only of every modem method of agriculture but of large scale production and the use of machinery that no small farmer can afford. Peasant companies (artels) often buy or rent a piece of land, work it together, and share expenses and profits according to a pre- arranged plan. In all the villages the peasants manage their cattle in common, cut their hay in common, and in many cases they own a common granary. A large part of the peasants, and the most progressive and enlightened experts on Russian agriculture as well, hope and believe that this cooperation in production, a natural outgrowth of the prevalent social spirit, will so develop as to make it possible that common property in land will remain the basis of Russian agriculture and of Russian society. The peasants* party in the Duma wishes each province to be allowed to adopt communism if it desires. This privilege would certainly be widely accepted and would result in the abolition of private property in two-thirds of the land. The Czar's Government has looked with suspicion enough at this village nucleus of democracy and Socialism. A gener- ation ago Alexander II. was deliberating over the village commune, or mir. The dangers to the Czarism of maintaining such a democratic institution were obvious. But for several generations the Czarism has been caught between two equal dangers — one due to the education and development of the people within the country, and another due to industrial progress of the rival nations without. If the village commune were to be dissolved to give place to private property, this would do away with the immemorial village republics; but it would also hasten the economic development of Russia by creating two new classes, landless working people furnishing cheap labour, and a rural middle class to furnish capital and business enterprise. The development of capitalists and cheap labour might in turn enable Russia to develop her industry, to accumulate wealth and to build up an army and navy fit to resist those of other modem lands. But such a development seemed to many of the highest officials highly undesirable. j6o RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Both working people and small capitalists are democratic everywhere, and it was they that had brought about the European revolution of 1848. So Alexander decided to keep the mir. He preferred a democratic village to a free nation, a pauperised people to a constitution. But the same Czar also used all his power to maintain another class, whose interests were in sharpest contrast to the peasants' commune. He had made the landlords free their peasant serfs, but he allowed them to take away part of the peasants' land, while he forced these famishing agriculturists to take on a new and crushing burden of taxes and payments of indemnity for their own freedom. The result was that the peasants starved more and more as the years went on, agriculture stag- nated and even deteriorated, it became impossible to beat more taxes out of the villagers, industry was without country purchasers, and the State finances were hopeless. The finance ministers, as we have seen, had introduced every manner of taxation, had protected industry, established a gold currency, built railways, and borrowed billions of rubles from abroad; but the Counsel of State, during Count Witte's ministry, was forced to confess the failure of all these measures to reach their chief aim and to declare that the Government was "power- less for the reorganisation of the life of the peasants and assist- ing agricultural industry." Read for ** peasants" the "mass of the people" and for "assisting agricultural industry" "pre- serving from ruin the economic foundation of Russian society." The Czars had no hope for their people. But the condition could scarcely be worse, and they began almost automatically to reverse their older policies. So finally the present Czar decided to abandon the mir. If there were no chance to save the mass of the people from starvation, perhaps he might aid a few of the peasants to establish an agricultural middle class on the ruin and pauperisation of the rest. Minister Stolypine now proposes to give the last stroke to the village commune — to allow every starving peasant the right of selling his land, and to assign the communities' political powers to other higher, newer, and less dangerous local authorities. It is doubtful if the villages will surrender their political power, more than doubtful if they will allow a few of their number THEIR TRUE CHARACTER i6i the right to buy up the land of the rest. For the popularity of communal property has been growing, and the well-defined Socialist and revolutionary politics of the peasant representa- tives in the second Duma leave no further doubt of the Socialistic principles Russia will some day apply to her land. The great peasant institution, the Socialistic commune, will have furnished the basis of the future Russian State. The peasants, then, show every sign of creative power, in religion, in politics, in economic institutions. They are independent and positive in their individual thought and feeling, social and democratic in public life. Have they also the practical qualities that will bring the revolution to a successful conclusion? We can be certain of at least two of the characteristics most essen- tial to a rapid and sound development, open-mindedness to modem ideas, and the spirit of imity among themselves. They are open-minded with regard to national institutions because Russia has had no national traditions except those imposed by the violence of the Czar. The peasants have neither assisted in the law-making nor, except under coercion, obeyed the law. They are progressive also because conditions have united them by a close material and spiritual bond with two other classes that are as progressive, if not more so, than the corresponding classes of any other country — the working people and the professional element. In Russia, as in no other land, the city working people and the country people form a single whole. The city working- men were drawn only lately from the country. Most of them are in the habit of returning to the country from time to time; many go back for every harvest, for often the city work, service, driving, and so on, is less important to them than their interest in the village property. Furthermore, this current from city to country is increased by the tens of thousands of rebellious workingmen the Government sends back to their villages. All these workingmen have brought back with them the revo- lutionary ideas of the towns. The educated classes have succeeded in establishing the most cordial and intimate relations with the people of both cities and villages. It is as if the whole country were an end- less series of social settlements in which the settlement residents i62 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE had not merely sacrificed a few luxuries and pleasures, but had accepted the risk of imprisonment, exile, and execution. In all the great popular organisations of the revolution, the intel- ligentsia, or educated and professional classes, have played a predominant r61e, have been gladly accepted by the people, and have acted side by side with the people's leaders, who often owed their education in turn to that same class. The political parties are governed almost exclusively by these tried and cultivated democrats. The still more typically popular organisations, the Peasants* Union, the Railway Union, the Councils of Labour Deputies, were also managed almost entirely by men of imiversity training and by self-educated peasants and workingmen. From the greatest professors and lawyers of the land down to the village doctors and school teachers, there has been one common movement toward the people — a movement not only for union against despotism, but for bringing to the people all the great ideas and aspirations of civilisation. The culture of this educated class being in many respects superior to that of other courftries — as for instance, in knowledge of foreign languages, literature, and history, and in the sincerity of their social theories — the people secured a corresponding advantage. Through this movement some of the greatest ideas and highest aspirations of humanity have gained common circtdation among the masses. Many Russian peasants and workingmen are now seriously and intelligently interested in foreign history, literatur-e, economics, and politics. The politics and economics of their own land are put into terse and readable form by the "intellectuals," spread over the country in a sea of leaflets and illegal or short-lived newspapers, and literally devoured by the people of every village and workshop in the empire. Thus there has arisen a great unity among the masses, including the educated and professional class. On the other side and in favour of the Czarism, are only the landlords, offi- cials and army officers and those who accept their pay. Neither the bitterness and class hatred that characterised Germany, nor the selfishness of the extreme individualism that was created by early conditions and still characterises the United States, have ever existed in Russia, to plant in the minds of CO H < in < W W W H O H W H C W C w P4 rt A SOUTHERN TYPE OF PEASANT From a painting by Rcpin THEIR TRUE CHARACTER 163 the people an ti- social or non- social instincts that may take generations to eradicate. The origin of the Russian people, its common struggle against those united powers of evil that call themselves the Czarism, and above all the situation in which it finds itself to-day, have joined together to create the strongest social and the first Socialistic nation of history. It is not only the psychology of the people, it is the present situation itself, that has created this Socialistic sentiment. For whatever the causes of the revolutionary crisis, the crisis itself demands and requires a social solution. The situation is in sharpest contrast to that which prevailed at the birth of our nation. The United States of America were formed by a democratic population whose problem was to people a vast and uninhabited land. The United States of Russia will be formed by a democratic nation whose problem will be to provide a vast people with land. Our internal problem was purely political, to protect individuals from the violent encroachments of other individuals. Most economic and social problems were left in the individual's hands, and out of the control of society. The result has been the most developed individualism the world has known. The Russian people, on the contrary, are confronted with a problem that is at once social, economic, and political. The poUtical problem is to do away, not with the violence of individuals, but with that of the State. The economic problem is the common need for all classes of the nation to lift to the level of the times the methods of the national industry of agriculture and the conditions of the whole agricultural class. As the great mass of the farms and farmers are at present on the same low level, this economic problem is not only common to all, but one in the solution of which society as a whole can and will certainly take an active part. The great social problem has to do with the present and future division of the land. If the Diuna were to allow unrestricted private property, free trade in land under the present conditions, the penniless and needy peasants would be at the mercy of such among them as had a little capital at hand with which to buy the others' land. The peasants are painfully conscious of this danger, and have declared at innumerable village meetings that the right of private property would mean the still further impoverishment. i64 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE the absolute pauperisation, of the many for the benefit of a new landlord class. Some are, therefore, in favour of the reten- tion of the old form of property, the village commune, adapted to new needs. All are for special laws restricting the rights of the individual owner and possessor, and all are in favour of the absolute subordination of private interests as the foundation of the new law and the Nationalisation of the Land. The social spirit goes to unimagined lengths. It has no sombre exceptions for persons of foreign race. The same feeling that holds individuals and classes together has bound into one whole all the races of the enormous empire. Finns and Tartars, with their separate religions, have lived for centu- ries in friendly neighbourliness with the Russian peasants all over the country. In certain sections, German and Jewish colonies have been treated in a cordial and neighbourly manner for a similar period. The White Russians and South Russians have lived for generations in harmony with Letts, Lithuanians, and Poles. The Siberian settlers have gotten along with innumerable Asiatic tribes, as we failed to get along with our Indians, and as the English failed to get along with their native subjects. When the Czars have decided to undertake a special persecution and robbery of some subject race — like the Jews — they have not been able to get the least support from the people on racial grounds, and have had to resort to the same purely religious pretexts with which they persecute the purest Russian sects. The few popular persecutions of the Jews on Russian territory have been the work not of Russians, but of Poles or of Roumanians, like Krushevan. This absence of race feeling is perhaps the last and severest test of the pro- fundity, the completeness, of the social spirit that binds together this great-hearted people. It is not merely a new race or a new nation that is coming into being in the great territory that stretches half-way round the world, from the Pacific to the Black and Baltic seas. The new country, casting aside all governmental violence within and invincible to external attack in its freedom and immensity, will be held together only by the common social problem and the common social idea. By its freedom and power it will be constituted a great and almost decisive influence for peace THEIR TRUE CHARACTER 165 among the nations. An essentially new people on the stage of the world, in possession of a boundless and almost undeveloped land, unhampered by traditions, accustomed to economic equality, and permeated with the social spirit, the Russians are hkely soon to become the chief inspiration of the other nations, a position recently lost after having been held for a century by the United States. CHAPTER III HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE THOUGH Russia's hundred million agriculturists are free from the self-imposed shackles of accepted tradition, both of Church and of State, yet they are by no means free from limitations forced upon them by their own meagre lives, by exhausting and almost unremunerated labour, and by the calamities through which they have had to pass. To see a little way into the lives of these so little understood people — to know concretely the daily work that makes them what they are — to understand the present meaning of their recent history, and even more to know just what they are thinking to-day — to know how far they have advanced in their feeling about coming social changes, how far they dare to pit themselves against the Government, and what are the qualities by which they expect to win and hold the power over the greatest empire in the world — it is necessary not only to hear what sympathetic and edu- cated Russians have to say, but it is also necessary to move among the peasants themselves. So after having interviewed in the towns numerous experts on Russian agriculture and the condition of the peasantry, I went out among the villages armed with introductions to doctors, school teachers, and other devoted persons of education living there, and also to certain of the more intelligent peasants who were able to put me in touch with the rest. I visited half a himdred villages, scattered from the northern forests of Kostroma to the southern steppes of Poltava, from near the Asiatic frontier to the former Polish province of Kiev, and talked with several hundred peasants of every condition and every class. I made it a practice to verify all statements made to me; I endeavoured always to avoid ^he prejudices of a given moment or a given place; and I checked by personal observations the statistics I had obtained in the provincial capitals, and then in turn I had my observations i66 HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 167 criticised by the doctors, teachers, agricultural experts and statisticians who are giving their lives to the betterment of coimtry conditions. In this business I spent half of the summer of 1906, while the revolutionary movement was still in swing, and half of the summer of 1907, when the revolution had greatly subsided and the peasants were hoping to overturn the Czarism only after a desperate struggle that would perhaps not even begin in its full intensity for several years. A mention of some of the circumstances attending these trips will afford an insight into the internal condition of Russia. The Government is trying to quarantine the villages from all contact with the world's intelligence by means just as strin- gent as those taken to quarantine them from Asiatic cholera or any pest. Very many of the city persons to whom I was directed, although by no means active revolutionists, had just been hurried off by the officials to be entombed in prisons or exiled to the arctic deserts, merely because they had visited some village, or happened to be acquainted with a few peasants. Most of the courageous, progressive element had indeed dis- appeared on my second circuit of the provincial towns. Those that remained often did all they could to discourage me from the very idea of visiting any Russian village. Indeed, it is so difficult and rare for Russians to be allowed to travel about among the peasants that on my return from the first journey in 1906 I was eagerly interviewed, even by some who have devoted their whole lives to a study of the peasant question. Occasionally it happened that I would have to spend several days in a pro- vincial capital of some one himdred thousand people, with the best introductions, before any one would dare to suggest the name of some friend in the country to whom I might talk without endangering his safety. In one province, after remain- ing several days, I had finally to abandon entirely the idea of visiting any of the several thousand villages it contained. In this great quarantine, probably the lack of sufficient railways and the almost total lack of good roads does more automatically to keep the villages and towns separated from one- another than all the Government can accomplish with its oppression. Whenever I had to wait in a railway station I foimd dozens, sometimes hundreds, of peasants lying about i68 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE on the hard floors waiting for trains, where often they had waited for days. Sometimes the trains were late, but usually the delay was because the Government did not take pains to furnish sufficient cars for such very common passengers. This is doubtless a matter of much less consequence to the peasant than the fact that the cars he needs to transport his products are not on hand, and the further fact that the railways are not able to take the peasants* products to market but rather serve the largest estates and industries or are used merely for strategic military ends. Away from the railways conditions are infinitely worse. Of course there are no roads whatever in the sense of paved roadways. Everywhere there is naturally some effort to drain off the most serious mud holes and to bridge over other- wise impassable streams, but even this work is so badly done that the roads are often utterly impassable for many weeks, while in many sections the bridges are in a passable condition only in that part of the year when they are strictly necessary. This condition is partly due not only to the poverty of the peasant, who in the Province of Simbirsk spends only half a cent a head per year on the repair of roads, but also partly to the Government which allows the landlords to have an absolute monopoly of the local government and even to pay no taxes whatever for such purposes. It is unnecessary to attempt a calculation of how many hundred million rubles such a state of the roads costs this miserably poor country that can so ill afford such waste. In the great majority of the Russian provinces I did not see any isolated farm-houses. The villages, where live the peasants, are separated by many miles of forests or fields. Usually the first objects that struck the eye before entering a village were a large number of windmills. These are nearly everywhere constructed on the same primitive pattern and entirely of wood, apparently as they were a hundred years ago. It seems that the milling of flour on an economic scale has scarcely begun in most of the villages. It is also to be noted that the windmills are owned and operated in common by a group of several families, as is so often the case in Russian country life. The same cooperative habit can be noticed HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 169 in the presence outside the villages of flocks and herds tended by a single shepherd or cowherd, generally some small girl. The average family has only a very few head of cattle, and usually the herding is done in common. The village consisted as a rule of a single street, a mile or more long Here I was reminded at once of the ever-present despotism that weighs like a nightmare on the land. Most of the villages have the appearance of fortified camps, are surrounded by palisades, and toward evening have a guard standing at the gate. This is no mere figure of speech, for the Government actually does consider the villagers to be prisoners for the night. Here is an order issued by a "land-official" in 1899 which became a popular model for such orders among other such officials of his class: Nobody shall leave the village at night at all, or in the day-time for more than twenty-four hours without reporting to the selectman where he is going and for what purpose. For any departure without permission the guilty one shall be punished. Anyone who departs at night is to be reported in the morning by the watchmen and sentinels to the selectman, who is to inquire into the matter and punish disobedience, even if it be proven that there was nothing suspicious or improper in the departure. That this law is enforced more generally than ever to-day there need be little doubt. Further, the Government has not only guarded the villages, but in many cases has established a night patrol across the country as well — as is done in a conquered country. There is a remarkable similarity among the houses in a village. As a rule there are not more than two or three houses in an entire village that differentiate themselves by some slight change from the others — though of course in different parts of the country the style and size of the cottage varies consider- ably. There is usually no iron employed, and even wood for doors is sparingly used. The single door is made so small that a peasant above the average height is unable to enter without bowing his head. Everywhere the people spend no small part of their time in re-thatching the roofs and re-plastering the cracks in their houses with mud. Extremely cheap and amateur construction make necessary a great deal more repairs than are required in other countries. Of course if the house I70 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE falls into a bad condition while the peasants are very busy, or when they have lost a hand by death, they are forced to stand the cold and moisture for a long period. The cottage is generally fifteen by thirty feet, and half of it, without windows and constructed more poorly than the rest, is built for animals rather than for men. Indeed, every cottage is also a stable. As we pass through the low door we come into the animals' part of the house. Here we often stumble over cattle, chickens, and pigs, and some of the more valuable agricultural implements. It is impossible to describe this part of the house, for there is really nothing here to describe. Passing through the second door we come into the one room, about fifteen feet square, that serves as kitchen, sleeping and living room for the whole family of six to twelve persons — for a "family," it must be remembered, consists not only of parents and children, but also of the grandparents, and perhaps of a non-relative or two, for all single unattached adults of a commu- nity are divided up among the families. The worked-out old people — they are the cause of one of the greatest tragedies of peasant life. They are the paupers of paupers. It is no easy situation for a family, the food- producers of which are starving, to be compelled to share its food with those who can contribute nothing. Sometimes the peasants find themselves looking forward to the time when the old people will be removed by a natural cause. Nor is this the worst of the tragedies which come from the fearful poverty and overcrowding in the cottages. It is unnecessary to picture conditions that often arise when ten or fifteen people of both sexes and all ages, sometimes not very nearly related, are piled up on a single broad wooden shelf and the single earthen stove that constitute the only cottage beds. The only furniture in such a place is a table, benches around the wall, and the large shelf that composes the sleeping place of all the family, except the old people, for whom the top of the stove is reserved. Both benches and beds remind one of the jail furniture that in more prosperous countries is considered a part of the punishment of the convicted criminal. Almost everywhere windows are few and very small; they are often broken, and often they are sealed so that it is HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 171 impossible to open them the year through. It must be remem- bered that in mid-summer Russia has the same hot and dry weather that prevails in America. The inability to open the windows in the summer is a very great evil, but a far greater one is the inability to replace during the long and terrible winter the broken panes on account of the cost of glass. In consequence many broken windows are boarded up a large part of the year. As soon as the weather becomes a little chilly even such as can be opened are immediately tightly closed until the return of spring. Many superficial visitors are disgusted at such an unhealthy habit; but this is not a matter of sanitary or unsanitary habits — it is a matter of expense. Nothing is more costly in many parts of the country than wood. To open one of the little windows, even partly for a whole day or night, would doubtless cost the peasant several kopecks for fuel. Perhaps it would be better for the health of the family ^f he would spend this little sum and eat a little less, already famishing as he is. Let us remember, however, that a large part even of the educated classes of Russia's neighbour, Germany, would unques- tionably reach the same unsanitary solution wherever the question lay between expense and fresh air. Do not convict the peasant too hastily of uncleanliness. There is no doubt that he lives in contaminating proximity with his calves, chickens, and sometimes also with his pigs. The reason for this is not far to seek. In the long and severe winters the animals would often freeze if it were not that they got a little of the heat of the living-room. Furthermore, it is true the peasant does not often change his clothes. An answer to this charge is, he has not the clothes to change. In addition it can be said in his behalf that, as the public bath-house is an institution of his country, there is much more cleanliness in Russia than there was, for instance, in some parts of America in the early days when no such institution existed. Not only do the peasants not have enough inner garments to permit cleanliness, but they do not have enough shoes and overcoats to keep them warm. I was shocked when I saw women passing along the roads in their short skirts on windy winter days and noticed that they wore no woollen clothing of any kind. It would seem to be possible for the peasant to have 172 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE at least enough of these cotton garments for cleanliness and warmth if the Government had not put such a high customs tariff on cotton and cotton goods that the wretched consumers are forced to pay several prices for all they buy. As it is, the man has not enough shirts or the woman enough skirts even for decency, not to speak of warmth. / As for woollen garments, they are rare. Is it not incredible that in this country, possessing more pasture land than any other on earth, there should be insufficient wool for the elementary needs of the population, and insufficient hides and leather to enable the people to wear leather shoes? For in the south, and in the north in the siunmer, the shoe is not of leather, but is of woven bark such as is used by many a primitive race. Even in winter one sees more boots of felt than of leather. But worst of all, these wretched people are not able to afford warm overcoats. It is by no means always that a peasant has a good sheep-skin coat. If he does possess one, it is often held together in tatters for many years \mtil it reaches a disgusting degree of filth. Certainly a sheep- skin coat is the least expensive garment imaginable to protect him from the winter, but even that is all but beyond his attenuated means. It is almost superfluous to speak of the dreadfully low quality and poor variety of the peasant's food. He himself considers that he is very fortunate when he has enough to eat, to say ' nothing of quality or variety. The staple diet is black bread and potato soup, with in siunmer green cucumbers or water- melons. The staple drink is not tea as is commonly supposed; on the other hand this is considered rather as a luxtuy. Their chief drink is "kvas," which is brewed from sour bread. It is not only tea which is looked upon as a luxury more than a necessity, but often also sugar, cabbage, and even a sufficient amount of salt. All these articles are to be seen in every peasant's cottage, but they are very sparingly used. The tea is diluted and adulterated until it is almost imfit to drink, the salt is coarse and dirty from long keeping imtil it is repugnant even to the eye. Of meat, even the coarsest cuts of pork are not eaten daily, but are a luxury indeed. A large part of the peasant families have meat only on the greatest holidays — that is, four times a year. HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 173 But in the preceding paragraph I have spoken only of the average. A teacher from one of the poorer districts, who knew all the peasants of her village, assured me that there, even when there is no famine, the ordinary peasant does not drink tea, that there are no vegetables in common use except green cucimibers, and that he who can put fat in his soup is considered by the others to be a rich man. Instead of meat on the ordinary holidays, they were able to purchase only a little dry fish. And during the frequent famines the food is infinitely more miserable; the flour, to increase the bulk of the bread, is mixed with hay, straw, bark, and even earth. One feels keenly just what life on this basis means when one considers the life of the women. Of course, it is impossible for any woman that must work like a man in the fields to give any attention to cooking. Bread is baked once a week, and this is about all the cooking; occasionally, with a great effort and at a sacrifice of her already exhausted strength, a peasant woman will be able to cook a little potato or cabbage soup in the evening. Ordinarily she leaves a few pieces of bread at home for the chil- dren, takes some more with her to the fields and returns only after an absence of twelve to fifteen hours — for we must remember that the Russian system forces the peasants to work at a great distance from the villages. It happens not only occasionally, but very commonly, that the women give birth to children in the fields, that they are carried home only in the evening, and that in three or four days they are back again at work, tak- ing the child with them. The inevitable result is that nearly every peasant woman of middle age is sick in some way or other. Women who work and live and suffer like this are naturally unable to see anything of life or even of the commonest condi- tions immediately around them. One woman with whom I spoke, who happened to be very intelligent, had never been on a railway train in all the forty-five years of her life although the station was only four or five miles away. Twelve years before my visit she had been in a little town a few miles away, but not since. Her case was not an extreme one. This woman, as well as other educated persons in the neighbourhood, assured me that in a village not very far away the women were unable to feed their children after a few months, and that the children I 174 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE were then noiirished on bread previously chewed by the women and put into little sacks. Of course, such children die wholesale ; the greater part of Russia's fearful mortality figures apply to children under one year of age. Also in the village referred to even the grown-up men were under-sized. I spoke of these fearful conditions to one of Witte's lieutenants in St. Petersburg, and asked him what was the hope for the Russian peasant. Of course no satisfactory answer was forth- coming. But although he did not have a solution, he did have a point of view, and this came out as the result of his telling how it was very common among the peasants to wear a belt and to tighten it frequently to allay the pangs of hunger. "Why, imder the present perfectly hopeless circumstances," he asked, "is this not a very practical device? Why may it not pay both the peasant and Russia that he should just take in his belt? The peasant is underfed, but there is not enough work for him to do. Why should he be kept in full strength ? Is it not fortunate for Russia that her peasants do not have the habit of eating as much as they do elsewhere? For the most part they manage to live and cost the coimtry comparatively little. This is lucky for the peasant, as there is no possibility of obtaining any more. Countries differ in respect to diet as in respect to everything else. There are many savage races that, forced by necessity, have accommodated themselves to the most varied and meagre diet. It is only by this power of accommo- dation that they manage to stirvive." He was thoroughly aware of all the tragdies of the situation, but he accepted them as if there was no ray of hope in any direction. Like the minister of finance, he stated that Russia's grain exports were momentarily rising, because the people were too poor to be able to keep their food for themselves; he pointed out that the exports of eggs and butter from Siberia deprived the Sibeiian peasants themselves of these simple articles of diet. But when he finally took an economic standpoint in which he viewed the peasant entirely as he viewed a horse, the true inwardness of his philosophy came to the light. While we were speaking of the degeneration of the Russian horse and of the fact that it was also imderfed, he insisted that it was not worth while feeding such a horsey and used the same terms with which o < ^ < (^ O o « 2 w 5: o o Px5 S« £ J3 HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 175 he had spoken of the peasant. For the most part the Russian officials do not have any social philosophy, but this is the morality of those who do. The Russian peasants, they confess, are in a deplorable condition — so little advanced, indeed, that it would not even pay for the State to make any sacrifice on their behalf. The terribly low productivity of the peasant's agriculture and the small size of his income are of course at the bottom of his suffering. He is receiving about one-third the income of a poor German peasant, one-fourth that of a French. He is producing only about one-half enough to properly feed himself and animals. To discuss a remedy for this condition leads at once to the whole social problem, the whole economic and political situation of the country, a matter on which conclusions can be reached only farther on; but in the meanwhlie it can be pointed out how the situation is aggravated by the Government. There are two very reliable estimates of the portion of the peasant's income which goes into the treasury of the Government in the form of direct taxation; one from the relatively poor province of Saratov and the other from the relatively rich province of Moscow. In the poor province, where the net family income is only 114 rubles ($57), more than half goes ^ in the form of taxes to the Government. In Moscow where the income, the highest in Russia, is nearly four hundred rubles, nearly one-fifth goes to taxation. Of the taxes the most important are the indirect. In proportion as the direct taxes have been slowly lowered, the indirect have been rapidly elevated. It must not be supposed, however, that direct land taxes absorb any small part of the peasant's income. Direct taxes going to the Central Government have been recently much decreased, but there has been at the same time a very large increase in direct taxes going to the province and the village. As the relation between the local and Central Government is so intimate the latter takes advantage of the new taxing power of the local government, made possible by the retirement of the central authorities, to throw off on the provinces many of its own burdens, and it may soon be that the sum total of all direct taxes will also begin again to increase. < 176 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE In the last twenty-five years some of the indirect tax-rates have been raised almost every year. It is estimated that between 1880 and 1902 the tax on tea increased threefold, that on sugar, five, and that on cotton six; the increased duties on copper and iron have corresponded. The American Bureau of Statistics estimates that on account of the taxing system Russians are forced to pay four times as much for petroleum as they would otherwise. The result is not only that the people are paying several times more for ordinary articles than they should, but that they are absolutely unable to purchase very large quantities of any of the articles so heavily taxed. Where modern industries are arising, as in the cities, and the people are slightly better off, they are consuming five times as much sugar, ten times as much tea, eighteen times as much petroleum, as in the country. The robbing of the people through this system is effected not only by the money taken by the State itself, but also through the abnormal profits the very high customs tariff gives to the Russian manufacturer. The latter is the chief beneficiary from the several prices which are paid for cotton goods and for sugar. But in other cases, tea and alcohol for instance, the profit of the system is almost altogether the Government's. Four-fifths of all that the peasants pay for alcohol goes into the coffers of the Government and half of what he pays for tea. On tea and cotton alone, the greater portion of both of which goes into the hands of the masses, the Government raises over a hundred million rubles. If any considerable portion of all these sums, so vast for a poor country like Russia, came back to the people, perhaps there would be somewhat less reason for complaint. But if we were to examine the expenditure of the Russian budget (excluding expenditures for businesses Iikc alcohol and railways which are privately operated in other countries) we would find that over one-half of the total sum expended for purely govern- mental ends, goes for the army and navy and the police, while another fourth goes to pay the interest on the over-swollen national debt. In reckoning the sum paid for interest by' the Government as one-fourth of the total expended, I have not included the interest on sums borrowed for railways, although HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 177 a very large part of this money also served for almost purely military ends. Considering the many millions of persons that have died in Russia in the last decade from direct starvation or diseases that are derived from it, the amount borrowed and spent on such an absolutely prime national necessity as the relief of famine has been trivial — a total of a few hundred million rubles in all these years. We cannot at all grasp the conditions of the life of the Russian peasantry without recalling the almost chronic famines. We must remember that not only do famines occur occasionally, but that in the larger part of the country they occur with the greatest regularity every two or three years. Of course I did not fail to enter into a famine district in order to see with my own eyes what the conditions were. In the district of Buzuluk, in the province of Samara, the crop had been so small in 1906, and what little grain there was left was so valuable, that the peasants pulled the stalks by hand, finding it impossible to use their scythes. There was even no hay for the horses, and in August they were already breaking down with disease and the people were feeding the thatched roofs of bams to the dying animals. In a small district seven hundred cows had already been sold, which meant, of course, more starvation for the coming year. Horses were selling at five and ten rubles, and goats for as little as seventy-five kopecks. The peasants had recently been forced to buy grain at a ruble and a quarter, the grain they had sold a few weeks before for three- quarters of a ruble. The children were already too weak to study and had left the schools — the village meetings had declared that they would soon die of hunger. Some parents, finding they could not feed their children by staying at home, had left them behind in the village, hoping they might be able somewhere or other to earn them a little bread. The Government was doing something to relieve the famine, but the relief was ridiculously insufficient and outrageously administered. The peasants were being given for the whole season forty pounds of grain for each person in the village, whereas at least two hundred pounds would be required. The Government was feeding the people not with bread, but with a weak soup made out of potatoes and bread. Not only was the i 178 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE Government ration insufficient, but in many places the grain sent for seeds was mixed with earth and manure, even to such an extent that in one case the peasants of a certain village had refused absolutely to accept it. In some districts the grain sent for food was rotten and full of worms; in others the seed needed for planting on the first of September had only been half delivered when that time arrived. In still others, as was brought out in the noted case of the stealing grain-contractor, Lidval, and his friend, Assistant Minister Gurko, a large portion of the sum assigned for this purpose was stolen outright. I have called attention elsewhere to the fact that Lidval was let out of jail on bail, and that it was impossible in the Government's courts to place any criminal responsibility on the shoulders of the former minister. Let us recall that while the peasants are starving, the exports of rye, even from the very district where the famine occurred, continued, and that the total exports of the country in the famine year of 1906 even rose, and that the encouragement of these large exports is the basis of the whole financial policy of the country. And let us remember, finally, that the new law which allows the peasant for the first time to sell or mortgage his land, will rob him during such famine periods of the only assurance that remains to him of the slightest chance of extricating himself from his hopeless situation. In 1906, when the official reports showed that thirty million people were on the verge of starvation, Russia's grain exports actually reached a value of more than five hundred million rubles — more than sufficient to have prevented the death by famine diseases of several hundred thousand children, and to have kept alive millions of dying horses and cattle on which the peasants' life or death in the future depended. If the peasants had not been pauperised by taxes, they would have bought this grain and never have allowed it to leave the country . If the landlords had not been subsidised for a generation, they would never have owned either the grain or the land that produced it, and the famine would not even have existed. For famine is a by-product of poverty. We have the same droughts in America as they do in Russia, some- times even the same crop failures; but we do not have famines. Our farmers have too much money in the bank. o a, o o "5 M to W o O HOW THE PEASANTS LIVE 179 And this new law is Stolypine's great reform. The over- whehning majority of the people must continue to starve. The State is not prepared to make any great financial sacrifice or fundamental reorganisation of the Government in their behalf. But at any cost it must have a few million farmers of the Ger- man or American sort. So the State has decided to give over the mass into the hands of the more thrifty and business-like few, to sacrifice the ninety penniless families of the village for the five or ten that have a little cash. The penniless peasants are to be allowed for the first time to sell and mortgage their little lots. The very first famine they will be sold into the hands of their more usurious or thrifty neighbours. It will then doubtless be possible for many of these latter to build up quite modem little farms of fifty to a hundred acres with several of the former peasants as labourers, forced to accept all wages and conditions offered or to starve. The Government proposes to reduce ninety million of Russia's peasants to a still lower level of dependence and misery than that on which they now live, in order, by handing over their property to the rest, to build up the prosperity of the remaining ten millions. This, in Governmental Russia, is what is called "social reform." CHAPTER IV HOW THE PEASANTS TILL THE SOIL IT IS impossible for the peasants to extricate themselves from their terrible predicament. Their farming is doomed to pitiful failure from the outset. The youngest American far- mer boy would die of irritation if he were set to work tmder the antiquated conditions that prevail everywhere in Russia. It is very difficult indeed to make the reader realise how far behind in this respect the Russian peasants are; yet we must not imagine them too backward. It was only a generation or two ago when many parts of America and several European countries were farmed in a similar manner; and in the United States even to-day there are to be found localities in the out- of-the-way mountains of the East where methods are not much more improved. In the conditions of labour we can see, as in no other part of the lives of the Russian people, the extent to which they have been debarred from civilisation, and why their condition is hopeless without some revolutionary change. We have seen that the peasant is underfed; Kornilov shows that the men have 17 per cent., the horses 40 per cent., less food than they require, even to maintain their full working power. But the .peasants want work as much as they do bread; they are even more underworked than they are underfed. A Government commission investigating the cause of poverty in central Russia found the men had enough work to employ only one-fifth, and the horses enough to employ only one- third, of their working power. Here, then, were the great, incontestable truths underlying the peasants' condition. Neither the farmers nor the iarm animals have enough to keep them from physical degeneration. Even if the peasant was sufficiently occupied to keep himself from starving to death, there would still be no chance for him to 180 HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL i8i save money and to accumulate that capital absolutely necessary for the regeneration of his agriculture; even if the men and farm animals had enough to eat, the peasants would still be idle three-fourth of their time and the horses one-half the time ; there would be no money to buy better animals or better ploughs, no means to increase the miserable yield of the crops and to improve the lot of the miserable agriculturist. We cannot account for these conditions by saying simply that Russia has not entered into the pale of civilisation as far as agriculture is concerned. Everywhere one passes great estates of the nobility and merchants, or occasionally of the very exceptional peasants who have become rich from usury and the very sufferings of their fellow-countrymen. In nearly every such estate modern agricultural methods are applied, often in the most advanced manner. Everywhere peasants are employed on these places, and after a little natural prejudice at the beginning, they soon master the most complicated machines. It is not, therefore, as if the people did not know what scientific methods are. We are facing in Russia not the poverty of barbarism, but the poverty of civilisation, a clear social product. Anyone with a pencil and paper can verify in a few minutes the reckoning of the great geographist, Elisee Reclus, that Russia, cultivated like Great Britain, should sustain the popu- lation of five hundred million souls. Cultivated like the United States even, it should keep in prosperity half that number; whereas at the present moment a large part of its one hundred and forty million starves. Nor does the condition tend to improve. Every year, while the population increases 2 or 3 per cent. , the agricultural production of the country increases only about half as fast. While American farmers have learned to get at least twice as much from an acre as they did half a century ago, the Russian peasants are actually producing less than they did at the time of the emancipation in 1861. This is bankruptcy, ruin, and degeneration for the peasants' agriculture. Of course the soil is being robbed and exhausted and the farm animals are becoming weaker and smaller every year. In the agricultural section, too, men die twice as rapidly as in any other modem country. Every year half a million i82 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE human lives, more than those lost in the whole of the Japanese war, are sacrificed to the demon poverty. This is the social evil in Russia, this is the marsh and quick- sand on which courtier-statesmen are building their gilded and tawdry structure of mere police reform. Since Witte's Council of State declared the Government helpless to aid the peasantry, no minister has had the effrontery even to claim that anything could be done to strike at the root of Russia's ills. When I went to the villages I knew that I saw conditions that have existed over half a century,- thg,t are not improving themselves to-day, and that the Government has no hope to improve materially **in this epoch," to use the words of Witte. When I saw how the Russian Government leaves the farmer to sow and reap, I saw at the same time into the very heart of hearts of the Czarism's pretensions. Laying aside for the moment the question of the right of any man to govern and master another without that other's consent, forgetting that the Russian peasant has a right to the full power over his own life, if for no other reason than because nobody else has any superior claim to exercise that power, let us see how the Czar has employed his "God-given" pretension to act as "shepherd to his flock,'* to employ again a favourite official phrase. Before entering into the Russian villages themselves, even from the train windows, two or three significant features of the peasants* agriculture can be noted: first, that the fields are every- where divided into very long and ridiculously narrow strips, often stretching as far as the eye can reach and only a few paces wide ; and, second, that every third field is lying fallow all the year around. The strips result from the fact that all the land of the village is the common property of the whole. In their crude efforts to attain equality in the division of the land, and the absence of any method of exactly estimating the value of the different kinds of soil in the village's possession, each field is divided among all the several hundred villagers in this manner. Even where, as it happens sometimes in Western Russia, that a single peasant is allowed to own several ** shares," the same method of division is used. This custom, one of the greatest evils in the present system, and recognised as such both by the Government and the HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL 183 peasants, is to be attributed almost entirely to the oppressive system of the Government. No sooner was there a measure of liberty a year or so ago, than both peasants and educated persons who worked in their behalf began to replace this awkward triennial redistribution of the land by some kind of graduated land tax, such as is already in practice in Australia. There is no tendency on the part of the peasants to abandon their almost instinctive insistence on the greatest possible economic equality, but it is evident that a graduated tax is a far superior method of reaching this end than the perpetual redistribution of the land, especially in these utterly impractical narrow strips. The other feature to be seen from the car window, the fallow fields, indicate the still universal use in Russia of the ancient "three field system." The peasantry have never been rich enough to afford a rotation of crops, to be able to plant a field in root crops and to wait for a good yield; neither have they enough farm animals to be able properly to utilise these crops, or to manure the fields. If they stick to the old wasteful system it is not due to ignorance, but to the pressure of sheer economic necessity. The implements used by the peasants are almost incredibly crude. The majority of the waggons I have examined were made without the least scrap of iron, as was sometimes the case among our pioneer farmers over a century ago. The plough is for the most part of a type that has been in use for more than a hundred years, while the so-called new plough, also in com- mon use, is two or three generations behind the times. The harrow, like the waggon, is made without a scrap of iron. Nor is it iron alone that is too expensive for extensive use; it is very rare that the peasant can afford anything but rope or thongs of some wild fibre for the harness either of his carts or his ploughing implements. In this beautiful and immensely rich agricultural country, with its long simny days in the summer, its plentiful snows in the winter, and its very wonderful black soil, the vastest agricul- tural plain in the world, all the work of cultivating the soil is car- ried on in such a primitive and wasteful manner that far more of its riches go to waste than are economically utilised. Every- thing, of course, is done by hand. The seeds are cast out of a 1 84 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE sack or apron, as they were a hundred years ago. Naturally, the birds that are to be seen everywhere in inamense swarms, get a large part. Then if there is too much rain, the seeds rot, or if not enough, it is very common for the wind to heap them up or to blow them away. The ploughing as a rule is about six or eight inches into the soil. In the eastern half of Russia, in the most fertile sections, droughts are very frequent. If a plough was here used that turned up from twelve to eighteen inches, to say nothing of the use of the modem dust blanket idea, there would be very few famines at all in the land, but at the worst only half crops. That this is no exaggeration is proven by the results already achieved by some of the German colonists that settled in the heart of Russia over a century ago. In the summer of 1905, when there was almost a complete crop failure on the lower Volga, where I happened to be, I was able to secure some of the crop statistics of these German colonists and their Russian neighbours in nine German and eighteen Russian townships. These figures show that already the Germans have learned to produce one-quarter or one-half crop where the Russians get practically nothing. In the majority of the Russian townships, the rye crops showed next to nothing, while in the majority of the German there was almost one-quarter of a normal crop. While a large part of the Russian townships produced less than one-quarter of the normal wheat crops, the majority of the German townships were able to obtain from one-quarter to one-half of a normal crop. Now of course these Germans are also poor and have by no means introduced the most modern methods. Where they obtained a fourth, there is little doubt that our Kansas farmer could have obtained half a crop. Of course the first cause of the peasants' agriculture is his poverty, just as the first cause of his poverty is his bad agri- culture. The average peasant family is enabled to obtain an income altogether of only one htmdred to two hundred rubles (fifty to one hundred dollars) ; the most friendly of the reformers do not undertake to promise him that he will be able to bring his income to higher than two hundred rubles within the first few years. To show just what these figures mean, we have many scientific investigations of the peasants* expendi- HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL 185 ture. Such an inquiry in the province of Veronege showed that the peasants' total household expenditure, outside of purchases of food for men and horses, was a little less than one hundred rubles, that he invested for building thirty- four, for clothes twenty-five, for farm animals twenty -four, for implements about eight, and for furniture and vessels six. If we convert these figures into dollars it is not necessary to have any further explanation of the backwardness of the peasants' agriculture. I took pains frequently to learn what the peasant paid for ploughs, harrows, and waggons — and these prices will indicate the inefficiency of the implements. For the most modem plough in use he was paying five rubles and every three years he had to renew the ploughshare at the cost of about 1.80 rubles. These ploughs were manufactured in the village with the exception of certain bolts, screws, and simple pieces that the smiths bought from the factory. I found that the peasants rarely paid more than ten rubles for a waggon, and one waggon-maker assured me a majority of those he made he sold for only five rubles and that such a waggon was the result of one week of his labour. The harrows with iron teeth, which are in rather common use, are worth five or six rubles, but I saw more wooden ones which were only worth a ruble or two. I have traced the blame of these conditions first of all to the poverty and general condition of the country; but the Govern- ment, besides being responsible for this, has also a special blame. The tariff of the customs duties on iron has been placed so high that the peasants can scarcely afford to use even nails. As a result Russia uses per head one-tenth as much iron as the United States. The duty on the machinery the peasant requires is correspondingly high, and there can be no question that a large part of all his technical expenses are due directly to this high tariff policy of the Government. The condition in respect to the live stock is even more illuminating than that of the implements. More than one- fourth of the peasants* households are entirely without a horse, another third has only one horse, while only slightly more than a third have two or more. The condition is not getting better, but worse. In the centre of the country, out of one hundred 1 86 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE families, one every year joins the horseless class. Still more striking is the fact that the average Russian horse weighs little more than half of the better breeds of France. In 1870 there were nine head of cattle for each household. Every ten years this number has fallen one ; in 1 900 the average number was only a little over six head of cattle for each household. Neither in cattle, sheep nor pigs are the Russian peasants one- quarter as well provided as those of Germany. To make still more clear the remarkable inferiority of the agriculture of the Russian peasant, let us contrast the better farmers among the Russian peasants with those of the leading agricultural states of the American Northwest. The American farmer in this section has about one hundred acres of land, the Russian peasant about twenty. The value of the land of the American farmer is about four times as great, so we see already that the landed wealth of the American is twenty times that of his Russian competitor — for we must not forget that these two great grain-exporting countries and their farmers are competitors in the world market. The value of the live stock and implements is in about the same proportion. We may reckon this in Russia to be about twenty-five rubles for machinery and seventy-five for live stock — that is altogether about one hundred rubles or fifty dollars ; whereas the American farmer of the Northwest has more than two hundred dollars in implements and machinery and nearly eight hundred dollars in live stock. Witte estimated the value of the Russian agriculture products of 1897 as one and a half billion rubles; those of America were about eight times as great. The area of the crops in the two countries was about the same. This relative condition is not changing, for whereas in the last decade our wheat crop increased 39 per cent, that of Russia scarcely increased 9 per cent. The contrast is even greater in regard to exports. In the fifteen years preceding 1902 the wheat exports of America nearly doubled, while those of Russia remained almost stationary. But I have suggested in a former chapter that the whole economy of the Russian nation, the maintenance of the gold standard, the payment of the interest on foreign loans, all depend upon a large grain export. The majority of the total exports of HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL 187 Russia is indeed grain; butter and eggs bring up the proportion of agricultural products in exports to two-thirds of the total, and the rest consists of the raw materials, like wood and petroleum; manufactured products do not make 3 per cent, of the whole. If the agricultural exports, espec- ially wheat, do not rise rapidly, then the whole financial policy deliberately chosen by the Government has proved itself a failure. It would doubtless have been more wise on the part of the Government to have discontinued entirely the policy of encour- aging grain exports from a country where both men and farm animals are starving for the need of grain. Only lately another repetition of famine has forced the minister of finance not only to reverse the former policy, but actually to discourage the exports. Both from the extreme reactionary and the extreme revolutionary party there was a strong cry for the forbidding of exports from starving districts, but it was only after her neighbour, Turkey, had taken this very essential means of protecting its population from wholesale starvation that Russia was forced to follow its example. Of course it is recognised by all writers on economic questions that the forbid- ding of exports must be only a temporary expedient, absolutely necessary as it may be in times of famine and war. But the real source of the degeneration of Russian agriculture lies deeper than the exporting of the food of starving men and beasts. At the time of the emancipation in i86i it was already recognised that a peasant family, in order to support itself, should possess at least twelve and a half dessiatines (or thirty-three acres) of land. When serf-owners allowed their peasants' land to fall below this amount, the Government insisted that the peasants should be transported to some of the newer sections, such as the Province of Samara. But in 1875 the average amoimt of land in the peasants' possession was already only about nine dessiatines (twenty-four acres) for each household; in 1900 it had fallen further to six and a half dessi- atines (seventeen acres) — just about half enough, according to the Government's own calculation, to keep a peasant family alive. This does not quite represent the situation, for in some places the decrease has been relatively slight, whereas in the i88 RUSSIA'S MESSAGE south and west the peasants have at the present time less than a half of what they had at the time of the emancipation. Only in the extreme south does the value of the average peasant farm rise as high as five hundred rubles, whereas in the leading agricultural districts in the centre and east it is between three himdred and seventy- five and five hundred rubles, and in the north and west under this sum. An American can get an idea of these farms only by comparing them with the miserable little holdings of our Southern Negroes. Even this does not represent the low level of the Russian agriculturist; the woods and meadows so necessary for the pasturing of cattle and the forests that supply building material and fuel are largely in the hands of the landlords. In the north where the land is poor, and in the east where the so-called "beggar's lots" exist, a large part of the revolts that have occurred in the last two years have had for their immediate cause some quarrel with the landlords over the woods and meadows. So far have the proprietors gone in protecting such monopolised property rights that they have even forbidden the gathering of berries or mushrooms. The "beggar's lots" are those of the peasants whose masters at the time of the emancipation took advantage of the clause of the law allowing them to give the peasants a diminutive piece of land outright, rather than to sell them a larger piece. At this time these "beggar's lots" consisted usually of less than one dessiatine (two and three-quarter acres). Now, owing to the increase of population and division of these properties, the peasant owners are often possessed of no more than one single acre. Such owners of "beggar's lots " are of course forced to rent land from the landlord at his own terms if they remain in the country. The proprietors assign for this purpose the worst and least accessible of their lands, at rents which have very often been proved statistically to amount to more than the net product, and sometimes even to twice as much. Of course such rents are not, and cannot be, collected. They mean simply that the peasants are forced to do the landlords' work on the "rented" land for the price often of nothing more than the straw that is left over. As part of the rent of meadows the landlords often insist on the transportation of their grain to the HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL 189 railways, usually at a considerable distance, and even on as much as two-thirds of the hay crop besides. Little wonder the helpless peasants revolt. Meanwhile all these conditions are always getting worse. The peasant's poverty and the exhaustion of the soil enable him to get less from the land than he did a generation ago, whereas land values and rents have risen more than threefold. Far from being of any service whatever to the people in this hopeless situation, the Government is an even more oppressive financial burden than the landlords themselves. Professor Janson has shown that for many years continually (in fact, until two years ago) the Government taxes were often equal to the peasant's income from the land, and sometimes even twice as much. Again, it goes without saying, as in the case of the high rents just mentioned, that such taxes were not collected. But these excessive burdens meant that the tax-collecting officials were present at the time of the harvest and took every scrap of the peasant's property that was not necessary to prevent his immediate starvation. As we shall see later, the Government actually intended that this tax should make the former serf of a private individual the serf of the State. The taxes were so high that they took from the peasants not only all that the land could produce, but also a very large part of all that he could make by his labour elsewhere. Professor Simkhovitch quotes figures from the province of Novgorod showing that the food deficit to be made up by labour of the peasants in the cities or on the estates of the landlords amounted to three million rubles, taxes to a similar sum, and that all that remained to the peasants of this province, after all their labour for themselves and for other persons, was only about twelve and a half rubles per household, from which infinitesimal amount they had to purchase their clothing, part of their food, and their agricultural irriplements. The same writer quotes the opinion of Professor Janson to the effect that the peasantry was economically better off even during serfdom than at the present time. The result of this extreme poverty is of course to drive a very large part of the peasantry into the position of mere agricultural labourers. Of these there are now in Russia many 19© RUSSIA'S MESSAGE millions. What it means to be a farm worker in Russia one can very readily grasp from the wages they receive. One of the most scientific and complete studies on the subject has been produced by the local government board of Poltava. The wages of this class of labour from 1890 to 1900 varied from twenty-two to forty kopecks a day, with the exception of a single year. The average was thirty-three kopecks (seventeen cents). The monthly wages were on the average $3.06, and the yearly wages $29.46. The wages in the United States, except in the South, were in 1900 about seventeen dollars per month, or nearly six times as much. This by no means indicates the worst of the Russian wage conditions in agricultural industry. We must take into account the good and bad harvests and the varying wages of the different seasons. During the harvest period wages have in certain years risen almost to fifty cents a day, and in the worst years they have fallen only about as low as twenty-five. But we must take into account the long spring and winter seasons when the wages have varied from nine to twelve and a half cents per day. We can indicate the fundamental condition that underlies such starvation wages by remembering that the product for a farm worker in the United States has risen in the last decade by nearly half, while that of the Russian worker has fallen to a little more than half what it was. Russia's hundred million people employed in agriculture are producing crops that, at the most liberal estimate, have only a fifth of the value of those produced by less than fifty million people in the United States. With the aid of oiu* railroads, education, and farm machinery, a single American farmer is producing crops as valuable as those produced by ten Russian peasants, while he is actually receiving as much as fifteen or twenty. There is a glaring inequality in the distribution of such wealth as Russia does manage to produce. The Government and the landlords take nearly half of the peasants' product; and, furthermore, in order to retain their large share of the spoils, the Government and the landlords will not allow the peasants enough income even to develop their agriculture. With a free government, as in America, and the land in the possession of the rural workers themselves, Russia would now 3 -^ Is w •-* > M W o o -5 o -c HOW THE PEASANTS TILL SOIL 191 be producing tenfold the agricultural wealth she does to-day. And if the people had possessed liberty and the land a century ago the social problem in Russia would not be other than it is now in the United States. But this opportunity has passed. The social evil has now become deeper in Russia than in any other modem country, the social problem has become greater, and the solution of this problem will have to be correspondingly more revolutionary and more profotmd. CHAPTER V FROM SLAVES OP THE LANDLORD TO SLAVES OF THE STATE And as for the activity of landlords, nobody would even attempt to justify it. — Tolstoi, "What Is to Be Done." WHITE slavery has been the basis of the Russian State for a thousand years. The so-called revolutionary change that took place at the time of the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 by Alexander II. was no more than a change of the system of servitude. Before that time a part of the peasants had been the slaves directly of the landlords and only indirectly of the State. By the emancipation they became directly the slaves of the State. The overwhelming majority of the Russian people, of absolutely the same blood as the landlord nobility, in this country where all are levelled before the Czar and a nobleman may be created overnight, were not merely serfs but slaves in the fullest sense of the term. For the so-called serfdom that prevailed for two centuries before the emancipation was nothing less than slavery. To be sure, the greater part of the peasants tilling the soil had some sort of a guaranteed legal relation to the land. But this was purely a matter of con- venience. It was possible for the landlords and the Government to transfer them at any time into the class of domestic slaves, who were also called by the same name of serf. After the fixing of the peasants to the soil over two centuries ago, which was the beginning of the new slavery, serfdom, there was a continuous contest between the Czar and the landlords as to which should exercise the dominant r61e over the slaves. Of course there was never any question that the landlord noblemen also were the slaves of the Czar, and that the serfs were therefore the slaves of slaves. But there were always many matters of state which hung on the question as to how far the Czar should interfere directly in the behaviour of 192 w ^ ^^I^tv fc_ J ^ •^e*"- , '-4 L -^f^vl.- ^ 1 1 »» liaBM« a *^ -/^ Jib' w ^ a |H^P^^1 .'■*■■ 3 _ P^ ■ ^ -'"'^ .1: wm