THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES l^ SYNOPSIS OF OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY BEING .4 SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT OF OLD ENGLISH FOIFELS AND CONSONANTS AND THEIR CORRESPONDENCES IN THE COGNATE LANGUAGES BY A. L. MAYHEW, M.A. JOINT-AUTHOR OF 'A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF MIDDLE-ENGLISH ' : ::\::\/ /';;:* .' " .'. \ ::•♦.•. :•. :.-: . • • *..*•*-• '"^ . •'•. *. • • • • • ',' •, . • ,• . • . ••, • . . r •! • .• • . ••• ••.- AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1891 \^All rights reserved'\ 66939 HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C. • • •• * < > < , < t t 1 in f \ ^ p DEDICATED TO EDWARD SIEVERS, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF GERMANIC PHILOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY 4- y-v OF HALLE |2 PREFACE. 1 HAVE named this little work 'A Synopsis of Old English Phonology.' By the term ' phonology ' I mean exactly the same thing as the Germans mean by the '>, term ' Lantlchrc,' that is, a systematic account of the '\ sounds of a language as represented by written symbols f^ or letters. The subject of my book is the Vocalism and *^ Consonantism of Old English or Anglo-Saxon. Its central subject of investigation is the Early West Saxon form of Old English. The work is an attempt to give a systematic account of the correspondences of the "^'. West Saxon Vowels and Consonants : in the first place, with Primitive Germanic and pre-Germanic sounds ; secondly, with the sounds in the principal Old English Dialects; and thirdly (in Part II), with the sounds in ^ Modern English. With the help of the Tables set i- forth in Part II the student will be enabled in some typical instances to trace the Modern English form of a word through the Old English form, through the Primitive Germanic type, back to the type assumed to have existed in the ' Ursprache,' called in this work ' Indogermanic' The principal portion of this little treatise (contained in Part I) consists of two main divisions. In the former vi OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. and larger part (contained in Chapters I and II) I start from Early West Saxon, making that the central point, whence I work back to the Indogermanic sound, around to the Old English Dialects, and forward to the later West Saxon developments ; while in the latter part (Chapters III and IV), I start from the sounds of the Indogermanic parent speech, and give the Primitive Germanic and Old English equivalents thereto. There is nothing original in this book. It will be found to be simply a ' Synopsis.' The modest aim of the writer has been to present in a compact, handy, tabulated form some of what appear to be the assured results of the recent researches of scholars in England and Germany. The structure may be said to rest on four main pillars — Sievers and Sweet, the eminent Old English scholars, Kluge, the well-known author of the ' Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache,' and Brugmann, the industrious investigator of Indo-Germanic Sound Laws, the judicious codifier of the learning of the New School of Comparative Philologists in Germany. Their names occur as author- ities for statements on every page of Part I of this work. Besides these four eminent scholars, who have helped me by their published works, I would mention the names of two friends, to whom my hearty gratitude is due for advice and assistance in the preparation of this book — Dr. J. A. H. Murray, the Editor of the New English Dictionary, and Dr. Joseph Wright, PREFACE. VI I the learned translator of the first volume of Brugmann's Grundriss, and Deputy- Professor of Comparative Philo- logy in the University of Oxford. I hardly like to think what Part II of this 'Synopsis' would have been, if it had not had the advantage of Dr. Murray's wide learn- ing and trained judgment, which have always been at my service whenever I have applied to him on any point of doubt or difficulty. It would give me great pleasure if I could think that this little work would be of use to some of those who are interested in the hunt after English etymologies. But alas ! I know from long experience that many of these etymological Nimrods are defiantly lawless per- sons, and some there be amongst them that scoff at the very name of ' Lautlehre.' However, that some treatise like the present work is needed we may I think rightly infer from an equation I have just met with in a book written by a distinguished English scholar, which only appeared a few weeks ago. The English word deer (we are told) = Greek 6rip. That this equation is utterly impossible is of course proved both by the Vocalism of the Old English form deor, and by the Consonantism of its Gothic equivalent dius. It is not too much to say that popular Etymological Dictionaries of the English language swarm with such impossible equations. Never mind, the day of ' Lautlehre'' is coming ! A. L. MAYHEW. Oxford, FcI>. 23, 1891. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory xi Explanation of Symbols (Letters) xiii Symbols of Modern English Vowel-Sounds . . . . xv Other Symbols xv List of Authorities and Books Consulted .... xvii Abbreviations (Languages) ....... xix PART 1. [T/ie Nufiibers 7'efer to Sections.] Correspondence of Old English to the Cognate Languages. Chapter I. — West Saxon Vowels and their Equivalents in the English Dialects and in the Cognate Lan- guages 1-344 Short Vowels, 1-199. a, 1 ; se, 22 ; ai, 35 ; ea, 36 ; e, 50 ; eo, 80 ; ei, 99 ; eu, 103 ; i, 104 ; ia, 122 ; ie, 126 ; io. 135 ; iu, 142; o, 145; oe, 164; u, 167; y, 186. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX Long Vowels, 200-344. a, 200; », 218 ; ea, 229 ; e, 249 ; eo, 267 ; i, 287 ; ie, 303 ; 6, 310 ; 6e, 321 ; u, 324 ; y, 332. Chapter II. — Old English Consonants and their Equi- valents IN THE Cognate Languages . . . 345-553 The Semi- Vowels, 345-362. w, 345 ; i, 359. The Liquids, 363-376. r. 363 ; 1, 371. The Nasals, 377-395. m, 377 ; n, 384. Labials, 396-427. p, 396 ; b. 403 ; f, 41-2. Dentals, 428-477. t, 428 ; d, 443 ; 3, 458 ; s. 467 ; z, 476. Gutturals and Palatals, 478-553. c, 478 ; k, 500; qu, 501 : X, 502; g, 506; h, 532. Chapter III. — Representation of Indogermaxic Vowels in Old English 554-579 i, 554; 1, 556; u, 557; u, 560; e, 561; e, 568; o, 571; 6, 574 ; a, 575 ; a, 578 ; a. 579. Chapter IV. — Representation of Indoger.manic Consonants IN Old English 580-643 The Semi-Vowels, 580-587. i, 580 ; u, 585. The Nasals, 588-604. m, 588 ; n, 590; m, 598 ; n, 601. The Liquids, 605-608. r, 605 ; r, 606 ; 1, 607 ; 1, 608. Labials, 609-611. p, 609 ; b, 610 ; bh, 611. Dentals, 612-618. t, 612 ; d, 616 ; dh, 617. Palatals, 619-623. k, 619 ; g, 622 ; gh, 623. Velars, 624-634. q, 624 ; 9, 630 : gh, 633. Spirants, 635-643. s, 635 ; z, 641 ; j, 643. Chapter V. — The Six Indogermanic 'Ablaut' Series in Old English and the Cognate Languages . . 644-656 X OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. PART n. Correspondence of Old English with Modern English Sounds and Symbols. Table I. — West Saxon Vowels with their corresponding Sounds and Spellings in Modern English . . 657-726 Short Vowels, 657-690. a (se, 9, ea), 657 ; e (eo% f, 666 ; i, 675 ; o, 678 ; u, 683 ; y, 687. Long Vowels, 691-726. a, 691; S, 696; e (ce), Merc, e, 702 ; ea, /OS ; eo, 708 ; i, 713 ; 6, 716 ; u, 721 ; y, 725. Table II. — Representation of Old English Consonants in Modern English 727-762 Table III.— Modern English Vowels with their West Saxon Correspondences 763-848 Table IV. — Modern English Sounds and their corre- sponding West Saxon Vowels 849-920 PAGE Appendix A. — Table Showing the Vocalization of Old English Dialects 257 Appendix B. — Table Showing the Various Developments of Vowels in Old English 258 Index of Words . 261 INTRODUCTORY. By Old English (OE.) we mean the language of the Ger- manic inhabitants of England as exhibited in its earliest literary monuments from the beginning of the eighth century to about the end of the eleventh century. This book treats principally of the West Saxon (WS.) dialect of this language, as it was written in the ninth and in the tenth century. Old English forms one member of the West Germanic division of the Germanic branch of the Indogermanic family of languages. The Indogermanic family of languages consists of eight branches : — I. Aryan, including Sanskrit, and the Iranian lan- guages, consisting of Zend or Old Bactrian, and Old Persian. II. Armenian, comprising the dialects of Armenia. III. Greek, traditionally divided into three dialects, namely, Doric, Aeolic, and Ionic. IV. Albanian. V. Italic, divided into two main groups — the Latin and the Umbro-Oscan. VI. Celtic, including Old Gaulish, Old Irish and Old Welsh. Xll OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. VII. Baltic-Slavonic, including Old Prussian, Lithu- anian, Lettish, and Old Bulgarian (Old Church Slavonic). VIII. Germanic. The Germanic branch consists of: — i. Gothic. ii. Old Norse (Scandinavian), which is sub-divided into two groups : — East Norse, including Swedish and Danish. West Norse, including Norwegian and Icelandic, iii. West Germanic, which is composed of Old English (OE.), Old Frisian (OFris.), Old Saxon (OS.), Old Dutch, and Old High German (OHG.). In Old English we have to distinguish three principal dialect groups : — i. Anglian, including Northumbrian (North.) and Mer- cian (Merc). ii. Saxon, the main representative of which is West Saxon (WS.). iii. Jutie, the main representative of which is Kentish (Kent.). The principal Northumbrian texts are an interlinear trans- lation of the Gospels, commonly called the Lindisfarne Gospels, and a similar translation of the Durham Ritual. The principal IMercian texts are the interlinear version of the Psalter, commonly called the Vespasian Psalter, and the Corpus and Lorica glosses, all published in Sweet's Oldest English Texts. Mercian is also supposed to be represented INTRODUCTORY. Xlll by the transcript of the Northumbrian gloss on [Matthew (Rushw.^) in the so-called Rushworth MS. The Old English version of Bede was probably written originally in an Anglian dialect; the Oxford Corpus MS. bears many traces of Mercian peculiarities, see Miller's Introduction, EETS. No. 95. The principal Kentish remains are some glosses published in Wright-Wiilcker's Old English Vocabularies (I. p. 55 ff.). The Epinal Glossary is characterized by Sievers as not pure Kentish, but Kentish with an admixture of Mercian forms, in which category Sievers would also place the nearly related Corpus and Erfurt glossaries. The principal specimens of West Saxon are certain works by Alfred the Great, namely, the translation of Gregory the Great's Cura Pastoralis, and the history of Orosius. Next in importance is the Parker text of the Saxon Chronicle. Among the later remains may be mentioned the works of uElfric, especially his Grammar and Homilies. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (LETTERS). Indogermamc. In giving the foiTns assumed to have existed in the ' Ursprache ' (Indogermanic I have in the main used the symbols which are used by Brugmann in his Gruttdriss. The following may need explanation : a is the indistinct vowel sound, pronounced as a sound lying between a and e. i, u are the vowels i, u employed as consonants. XIV OLD EAGLISH PHONOLOGY. ^, m are the nasals n, m employed as sonants. r, 1 are the liquids r, 1 employed as sonants. k is the palatal explosive (^tenuis). q is the velar explosive (tenuis). g is the palatal explosive (media). a is the velar explosive (media). j is the spirant pronounced as English y. Sanskrit. r, r, 1 are the sonant liquids. h is the Unmodified Sibilant or Visarga, pronounced as a hard breathing. I as in ^ indicates the nasal pronunciation of a sonant. c ( = /i in Macdonell's Grammar) is a palatal pronounced as a hard ch in church.. j (y=g in Macdonell) is a palatal, pronounced as English j in join. y ( = Indg. i and j) is pronounced as y in English year. s (=j in Macdonell, Kluge's g) is a palatal, pronounced as English ss in session. s ( = sh in Macdonell) is a cerebral sh sound. Zend. For ^, c, j, s, s compare the same symbols in Sanskrit. X is a spirant pronounced as Mod.G. ch in dach. y is the corresponding voiced sound. p is pronounced as English th in thin. z = English z ; z — French j as in jour. Lithuanian. c as in g, indicates that the vowel was originally followed by a nasal. y = i. e and o are very close and always long. e is pronounced as ie or as ia. li is pronounced as ua. a, ia are long stressed vowels. z = English z ; z = French j as in jour. sz = English sh. ; c = ts; cz = tshL. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. XV Old Bulgarian. e = e; y = long modified u vMod.G. u\ ^ is a nasal vowel, pronounced as French in-. ^ is a nasal vowel, pronounced as French on. ch.=:Mod.G. ch. in dach. c = ts; c = tsh; s = sli; z as in Lith. Primitive Germanic (Germ.). g is the i-umlaut of a. p is the voiceless interdental spirant, pronounced as English th in thin. X is the voiceless guttural spirant, pronounced as Mod.G. ch in dach. "b, d, 3 are voiced spirants (see Wright, 47). j is a palatal semi-vowel, pronounced as English y in year. Gothic. ai is a short open e ; aii is a short open o. ai, au correspond etj-mologically to the Germ, diphthongs, ai, au. Antevocalic ai, au (as in saian and staua) w^ere probably the long vowels to ai and au, that is open e and open 6. ei = i. The guttural nasal was generally expressed by g . before guttural explosives, so laggs (cp. OHG. lang), drigkan cp. OE. drincan;, seldom by gg, as in driggkan, or by n, as in bringau. q ( = Germ. kw) is pronounced as Lat. qu. d, b medially afier vowels were pronounced as Germ, d, 'B. h, when final and before consonants, was pronounced as Mod.G. ch in dach. Old High German. z (as in OHG. ha^ hate) from an older t, was pronounced like s. z (as in OHG. scaz, Goth, skatts) from an older tt, was pronounced like ts. XVI OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. SYMBOLS OF MODERN ENGLISH VOWEL SOUNDS. 1 as in Sit e j» set 3e j> sat 9 ?* what P j» got V >» but u 5> bull t »> see I' '! fear ^ >5 say e' '5 care a J» far a J5 bask 5 » bird » )S churl ? as in fall P >» horse P ?» lost 69 11 fore « t)U 11 know U 11 fool V? 11 moor ai 11 high 3i« 11 hire oi i> boil \u 11 few iu^ 11 your au 11 how QU^ 11 our OTHER SYMBOLS. The macron (-), as in a, ea, eo, is used to indicate length. The acute accent (') is used to indicate stress (except in Greek). The double colon (: :) occurring between forms of words, is used to indicate ' ablaut ' or change of grade in a vowel series. The colon (:) indicates the same when occurring between verbal stems. The symbol (. '.) or ('.) is used to indicate consonant stress mutation, the interchange of consonants dependent upon a shifting of the stress, a law discovered by Verner, frequently called ' grammatical change.' The symbol (: :') or (:' :) is used to indicate change of grade in a vowel combined with consonant stress mutation. \J EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. xvii The symbol (V) is used to indicate an Indogermanic or Germanic root. The asterisk (*-) at the beginning of a word denotes a theoretical form, assumed (upon scientific principles; to have formerly existed. LIST OF AUTHORITIES AND OF BOOKS CONSULTED. WITH EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS. Note. — The Abbreviations referring to the Texts which are the Authorities for the forms of Old English and other Germanic words are printed in Italics. 1. i5/2VW. = Blickling Glosses, as printed in OET., see 39. 2. Braune : Althochdeutsche Grammatik, i886. 3. Braune: Gotische Grammatik", 1887. 4. Brug. = Brugmann, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, 1SS6. 5. BT. = The Bosworth-ToUer Anglo-Saxon Diet. [A— SAR]. 6. C/;r(7«. = Two Saxon Chronicles (glossary;, ed. Earle, 1S65. 7. Conway: Verner's Law in Italy, 1887. 8. Cook : The Phonological Investigation of Old English, by Prof. A. S. Cook, 1888. 9. Corp. (and Cp.) = Corpus Glossarj', as printed in OET. , and see 26. 10. Cosijn : Kurzgefasste altwestsachsische Grammatik, die Vocale der Stammsilben, 1881. 11. Cwa Tas(.=^ Cura Pastoralis, ed. Sweet, EETS, 1S71. 12. Curtius : Greek Etymology"', ed. Wilkins and England, x886. 13. CV.=The Cleasby-Vigfusson Icelandic Diet., 1874. 14. Douse: Introduction to the Gothic of Ulfilas, 1886. 15. .£/. = Epinal Glossaiy, as printed in OET. 16. .5;^. = Erfurt Glossary, as printed in OET. 17. Feist: Grundriss der gotischen Etymologic, 18SS. 18. Fick : Worterbuch der indogermanischen Sprachen, 1874. 19. Franck: Etymologisch Woordenboek der nederlandsche Taal [A— RAK]. b xviii OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. 20. Franz : die lat. roman. Elemente im ahd., 1884. 21. Grein : Glossar der angelsachsischen Poesie, i86r. 22. Grimm : Teutonic Mythology, ed. Stallybrass, 1883. 23. Heliand : ed. Heyne, 1873. 24. Helten : Altostfriesische Grammatik, 1890. 25. Henry : Precis de Grammaire comparee du grec et du latin^, 1889. 26. Hessels : An Eighth-Century Latin- Anglo-Saxon Glossary, 1890. 27. Hexham : Dutch Diet., 1658. 28. Kluge : Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache *, 1889. 29. Kluge NS. = Nominate Stammbildungslehre der altgermanischen Dialecte, 1S86. 30. Kluge PG. = Vorgeschichte der altgermanischen Dialekte- fin Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Philologie), 18S9. 31. LB. =Leabhar Breac (glossary), ed. Atkinson, 18S7. 32. Zf/. =-Leiden Glossary, as printed in OET. 33. Zeer//;/. = Leechdoms, ed. Cockayne, Record Series, 1864. 34. Lmd. = i\\Q Lindisfarne Version of the Gospels, ed. Skeat, see 49. 35. Z F. = Liber Vitoe, as printed in OET. 36. NED. = New English Diet., ed. Murray [A— CLIVY]. 37. Noreen : Altislandische Grammatik, 18S4. 38. O'Curry : Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish (glossary), 1873- 39. O.e 7:= Oldest English Texts, ed. Sweet, EETS., 1885. 40. Or. = Orosius, Pt. \, ed. Sweet, EETS., 1883. 41. 0//". = Otfrid, Evangelienbuch (glossary), ed. Piper, 1884. 42. Pogatscher : Zur Lautlehre der griechischen, lateinischen und romanischen Lehnworte im altenglischen, 1888. 43. Rhys, CB. =Celtic Britain, by J. Rhys, 1882. 44. Rhys, Lect. = Lectures on Welsh Philology '■*, by J. Rhys, 1879. 45. /\'««/?tt'.' = Rushworth Gospel (Matthew), see 49. 46. Z'7«/iw.- = Rushworth Gospels (Mark, Luke, John), see 49. 47. Schade : Altdeutsches Worterbuch, 1872-1882. 48. Sievers : Angelsiichsische Grammatik ^, 1886 ; the same translated by Prof. A. S. Cook, 1887. 49. Skeat, The Gospels in the Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian (and Mercian) Versions, 1871-1887. LIST OF AUTHORITIES. XIX 50. Stokes : Celtic Declension, 1886. 51. Sweet: History of English Sounds, 1888. 52. 7aA=Tatian, Evangelienbuch, ed. Sievers, 1872. 53. FZT. = Vespasian Hymns, as printed in OET. 54. F<7f. = Wright's Vocabularies, ed. Wiilker, 1884. 55. VP. = Vespasian Psalter, as printed in OET. 56. Wharton : EtymaLatina, 1890. 57. Windisch : Irische Grammatik, 1&79. 58. Wright : Old High-German Primer, 1888. ABBREVIATIONS (LANGUAGES). Arm. = Armenian. Bret. = Breton. Com. = Cornish. Du. = Dutch. Germ. = Germanic or Original Teu- tonic (NED.). Goth. = Gothic. Gr. = Greek. Icel. = Icelandic or Old Norse. Indg. = Indogermanic or pre-Teu- tonic (NED. J. Lat.= Latin. Lith. = Lithuanian. Merc. = Mercian. M. — Middle, as in — MDu. = Middle Dutch. ME. = Middle English. MHG. = Middle High German. Mod.G. = Modern German. North. = Northumbrian. O. = Old, as in — OBulg. = Old Bulgarian or Old Slavonic (NED.;. 0E. = 01d English 1= Anglo- Saxon). 0Fris. = 01d Frisian. OGaul. = Old Gaulish. 0HG. = 01d High German. OIr. = Old Irish. 0Lat. = 01d Latin. 0Per3.=01d Persian. OPmss. = Old Prussian. OS. = Old Saxon. OSwed. = 01d Swedish. OWel. = Old Welsh. Skr. = Sanskrit. Vulg. Lat. = Vulgar Latin or popu- lar Latin. Wei. = Welsh. WS. = West Saxon. b 2 PART I. Correspondence of Old English to the Cognate Languages. CHAPTER I. WEST SAXON VOWELS AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN THE ENGLISH DIALECTS AND IN THE COGNATE LANGUAGES. Short Vowels. a. 1. Short a in West Saxon is comparatively rare; its pronunciation was that of the modern French a, or that of the Southern English a in pastime. INDOGERMANIC. 2. Short a in West Saxon corresponds regularly with a Germ, a, which represents Indg. a, o, or the indeterminate vowel a. WS. a=Indg. a. hara hare, ORG. haso ; OPruss. sasins, Skr. sasas, Indg. base kasa- (Kluge, p. 132). B 2 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 3-7. 3. WS. a=Indg. o. dagas days, Goth, dagans, ace. pi. of dags, Germ, type dagaz day ; Indg. type dhoghos :: V dhegh biir7i (Brug. § ']^). nacod fiaked, Goth. naqaj?s ; Indg. base nogoto-, Olr. nocht, Lat. nudus ( = no(g)uedos) (Feist, 114; Brug. § 432). 4. WS. a= Indg. a (the indeterminate vowel, see Brug. §109). starian to stare, Icel. stara to stare, cp. Mod.G. starr stiff; Skr. sthiras fast, fixed, firm :: Indg. Vsta (Brug. § 109). GERMANIC — IN OPEN SYLLABLES. 5. WS. a=Germ. a, in open syllables: (a) When the following syllable contains one of the guttural vowels, a, o, u (Sievers, 50; Cosijn, p. i). faran/«r^, OHG. faran. nacod ?taked, OHG. nakot. sadol saddle, Icel. spSull, Germ, base sadula-. dagum dat. pi. of daeg day. 6. {b) When the following syllable contains an e arising from an original guttural vowel (Sievers, 50). hafela head (for hafola). nafela navel (for nafola, cp. nabula, Corp, 215 1). adelay?//// (for adula, cp. adul-seaSe, Voc). hacele cloak, Goth, hakuls, Icel. hpkull (Feist, 241). 7. {c) When the following syllable contains i in the second class of weak verbs, since this i sprang from a Germanic o, the common basis of all the forms of this class being in original Germanic a stem in -oja-, which in OE. regularly became ia- (-iga-, -igea-), (Sievers, 50, 411). maeian 7nake (pret. macode), OHG. mahhon. Germ, type makojo / make (Kluge PG., p. 82). §§ 7-1 1 •] SHORT VOWELS. 3 la'Sian invite (pret. latSode), OHG. ladon. sadian^i?^ wearied (pret. sadode), OHG. saton, saturare. IN CLOSED SYLLABLES. 8. WS. a=Germ. a in a closed syllable : Of rare occurrence (Sievers lo; Cosijn, p. 3). (a) Before doubled consonants, and certain consonant groups. before cc : tSaeeian stroke. before pp: linappian ftap. lappa skirt, lap, OHG. l&^^Sk piece hanging down. before bb : habban have. crabba crab, I eel. krabbi. before ss : hassuc sedge. before sc (xj : asee (axe) ashes, OHG. asea, Goth. azgo. flasee {^a;s.e) Jlask, OHG. flasca. masce (maxe) mesh, OHG. masca (Schade). wasean (waxan) wash, OHG. wasean. before st (x) : wrastlian (wraxlian), wrestle, Du. wrastelen (Hexham), brastlian crackle, cp. Mod.G. prasseln (Kluge). before ht : sahtlian reconcile, Chron. 9. {V) Before two consonants the result of syncope (Cosijn, p. 4). ■watrian to water, from waster. 10. if) Before a single consonant at the end of a word; regularly in the imperatives of strong verbs (Cosijn, p. 3). far imper. of faran jare. Also in ac but, ah ah. 11. WS. a=Lat. a in borrowed words in closed syllables. B 2 4 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 11-17. a before r + cons. (Pogatscher, 184; Cosijn, p. 4; Sievers, 10, and 79. I, n. 3). carcern, Lat. career. arcebiscop, Chron., Lat. arehiepiscopus. ge-martrian, from Lat. martyr. Elsewhere as in castel castle, Lat. eastellum. sace sack, Lat. saccus. trahtian treat, Lat. tractare. IN DIALECTS, SPECIAL TEXTS, ETC. 12. In early texts a often represents Germ, a before nasals (Sweet S., 415). gimang, ganot, hand, scamu, Ep. 13. In Merc, a=WS. ea (fracture of a). galla^o".^//, VP.=gealla. fallany^z//, VP. = feallan. 14. In Merc, ar=WS. or, Germ, or, Indg. r (Sievers, 10; Brug. § 299; Kluge; Feist, 385). margen morning, VP.=inorgen, OHG. morgan, Otf., Goth, maurgins ; Indg. base mrkeno- :: V merk to be dusky. 15. In North., wa varying with wea=WS. wee (eo= o-umlaut of e) (Sievers, 156. 3). wala riches, weala (North, forms), WS. weola. waras men, wearas (North, forms), weoras, VP. 16. In late texts, a = earlier a when the following con- sonant is geminated before r (Sievers, 230). attor venom = &tov. IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 17. As final in unstressed syllable, a=OHG. o : Germ, on, Indg. on ; cp. Gr. kuuk (Brug. 2, pp. 528, 746). hana cock, OHG. hano, Germ, type xanon. §§ 17-25.] SHORT VOWELS. 5 nama name, OHG., OS. namo :: Lat. nomen (Brug. 2, p. 345). guma vian, OS. gumo, OFris. goma, OHG. gomo, Germ, type gumon ; Lat. homo. 18. a=Germ. au, Indg. 6u (a dual termination). eahta eight, Goth, ahtau; Indg. type oktdu, Skr. astaii (Kluge PG., p. 106 ; Feist, 10). 19. In unstressed syllables, a=ea the fracture of a (Sievers, 43- 2). toward, in contrast with tow6ard. 20. a=ea = eo (fracture of e) (Sievers, 43. 2). scip-tara, scip-tearo ship-tar, also iflg-tara, ifig-tearo ivy- gum ; compare teoru tar. 21. In late West Saxon, a=io the o-umlaut of i (Sievers, 43- 2). andwlata/af^, Leechd., pndwliota, VP., pndwlita, VP. 86. 22. Short se in West Saxon was pronounced as the Southern English a in that, Alfred. INDOGERMANIC. 23. Short se is a special English modification of Germ. a, the representative of Indg. a, o, or a. 24. WS. 86 = Indg. a. aeeer field, Goth, akrs, Germ, type akraz ; Gr. dypos, Indg. type agros, from V ag drive (Feist, 25 ; Brug. § 310). fsBger fair, Goth, fagrs ; from Indg. Vpak (Feist, 143). 25. WS. 88 = Indg. o. daeg day, OFris. dei, Goth, dags. Germ, type dagaz ; Indg. dhoghos (Feist, 115; Brug. § 77). 6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 26, 27. 26. WS. 9e = Indg. a the indeterminate vowel (Brug. § 109). faeder father, Goth, fadar ; Gr. iraTrip, Olr. athir, Skr. pitar-, Indg. base pater- (Feist, 142). staBS shore, bank, OS. stad, Goth, stajja (dat.), OHG. stad, Otf. ; Gr. CTTaVis, Skr. sthiti-, Indg. base stati- (Feist, 532 ; Brug. § 316; Brug. 2. § 100). laet slow, OS. lat, Goth, lats slothficl, Icel. latr, OHG. laz 'piger,''Ta.\..; Indg. stem lad-, Lat. lassus ( = lad-tus) :: Indg. V led, Goth, letan /ei (Brug. § 315). slaee slack, lazy, OS. slak timid, Icel. slakr, OHG. slaeh :; Gr. XtjYu I cease, Indg. V sleg (Brug. § 565). gSBrs (graes) grass, OS. gras, OHG. gras. Tat., Goth, gras :: MHG. grvioseyo7ing shoot (Schade), Germ, type grdson, also OS. groni green, OHG. gruoni (OE. grene), Germ, base gronja-, Germ. V gro grow, to be green, cp. OE. growan ; Indg. V ghra, Lat. gramen (Kluge, p. 120 ; Brug. § 316). blaed blade, OS. blad, OHG. blat. Tat., Icel. blatJ:: Indg. V bhle (Brug. §§ 109 f., 315). GERMANIC — IN CLOSED SYLLABLES. 27. WS. 8e = Germ. a in a closed syllable: {a) Before a combination of consonants (Cosijn, p. 6). aeppel ( = 8Bpl) apple, OHG. apful. naegl nail, OFris. neil, OHG. nagal ; cp. Skr. nakha- nail, Indg. base noqho- (Feist, 410; Brug. §553. 5; Kluge, p. 243). hrsBgl robe, garment, OHG. hrfgil ( = hragil) ; OFris. hreil. cv^fi poiuer, OHG. kraft. wserra, comp. of ■waBr cautions, Goth, wars ; cp. Gr. opdoj (Curtius, 501 ; Feist, 653). aern house, Goth, razn (Cosijn, p. 7 ; Sievers, 179 ; Brug. § 582). haern wave, Icel. lirpnn (stem hranna-) (Sievers, 79. i, n. 2). Note. — So in borrowed words WS. aB = Lat. a, as, for in- stance, aestel tablet = Vulg.Lat. astula, Lat. hastula (Pogatscher, 184; Kluge, PG., p. 12). §§ 28-31.] SHORT VOWELS. 7 28. {h) Before a final consonant (except m, n, h, w). (Cosijn, p. 4). stael stole, OHG. stal, pret. s. of stelan. baec back, OFris. bek, OS. bak, Germ, base baka-. wasr cautious, OS. war (Feist, 653). fast vessel, vat, Icel. fat, OS. fat, OHG. faz, Tat., Otf (Kluge, p. 79)- stssf staff, OS. staf (in compounds), OHG. stab (stap). owsei^quot//, OHG. quad, pret. s. of quedan, Tat. graBs (gaers) £-rass, Goth, gras :: OS. groni (OE. grene), from Germ. V gra : gro (Feist, 221). 29. WS. 86 = Germ, e (i-umlaut of a) (Sweet S. 468), the normal WS. representation being §. baarnan durn, Icel. brenna, Gotii. brannjan (Cosijn, p. 15). aernan ruu, OHG. rgnnen, Goth, rannjan. hserfest harvest, OHG. hgrbist, from Germ, stem harb ; Indg. -V karp (cp. Lat. carpere pluck, Gr. KapTrosy)'//-//). \3£)CQ.QQSD. seize, Germ, typelakjan (Sievers, 89. I, n. i). gemaecca comrade, from Germ, type makjon (Sievers, 228). 30. WS. 88 = Romanic e, Lat. i (Cosijn, p. 21 ; Pogatscher, p. 62). msBsse mass, OF. messe, VuIg.Lat. messa, Lat. missa. 31. 89 = Germ, a in an open syllable: (a) When the following syllable contains an original e, that is an e not weakened from the guttural vowels a, o, u. daeges, gen. of daeg day. fSBtes, gen. of feet vat. hwaeles, gen. of hwael whale. paecSes, gen. of paecS path. [d) When the syllable was originally closed (Sievers, 14). aecer acre, Goth, akrs. Germ, type akraz. fasger/air, Goth, fagrs. 8 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 31-34. ((t) When the following syllable contains an e arising from an original guttural vowel, followed in the next syllable by an i (Sievers, 50. i, n. 2). gaedeling kinsman, OS. gaduling. asSeling ;Z6><^/^, from Germ. *a)?uling, Icel. ptSlingr 7ioble prince. laetemest last, from Germ. *latuinist. Saeterndaeg Saturday, cp. Lat. Saturni (dies). aex (for BBces) a.r^, Germ, type akusjo, OS. akus, OHG. achus, Goth, aqizi. haeletS hero, from Germ. *halu]3iz, Icel. hpltSr (for *halu'Sr). maegden maiden, from Germ. *ma2adin, OHG. magatin. faedera tmde, OHG. fatureo ; cp. Indg. basepaturio- (Cosijn, p. 16 ; Kluge, p. 369). (to)gaBdere together, from Germ. *2aduri. 32. Certain texts have occasionally S3 for the i-umlaut e before nasals (Sievers, 89. 2, n. 2) : ssendan, (Saencan, sengel, maenn, fraBmman. 33. In late texts se is shortened from ae, when the following consonant is geminated before r (Sievers, 230). aeddre 7/^z>« = ^dre. blaBddre bladder =\i\.^6xe. 34. In North, and Mercian (VP.) : se is the palatal umlaut of Germ, a before h, ht, x (hs) (Sievers, 162). gesaeh saw, OHG. sah. saex knife, OFris. sax, OHG. sahs. waBxan^r'(i) (^rd-u^-actij) (Kluge, p. 371). seah saw (pt. s. of seen), OHG. sah (pt. s. of sehan). pleah adventured (pt. s. of pleon). gefeah rejoiced (pt. s. of gefeon). TO OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 38-40. 38. ea usually=Germ. a when followed by 1 + consonant (Sievers, 80). feallan/?//, OS. fallan, Icel. falla,from Germ, stem fain-, Indg. stem phal-n (Kluge PG., p. 72). weallan boil, bubble, OFris. walla, OHG. wallan, from Germ. stem wain- (Brug. § 306). healf /z«^ OS. half, Goth, halbs. heall hall, OS. halla, ^qqM. salve, OS. salfea, OHG. salba. bealg was afigty, OHG. balg, Tat. (pt. s. of belgan). wealhstod interpreter (see Wealh below). For other instances see Cosijn, p. 9. 39. But in the following words a often occurs as well as ea in the older texts (Cosijn, p. 8) : eall all, Goth, alls, Icel. allr, perhaps from Germ, base al-na-, a participial formation (Kluge, p. 6 ; Kluge PG., p. 37). eald old, OS. aid, OHG. alt, from Germ, base al-da- ; for the suffix cp. Indg. to-, participial formation ; cp. Lat. al-tus high. heall rock, Goth, hallus, Icel. hallr ; Lat. collis :: Indg. Vqel (Brug. § 425 ; Feist, 244 ; Kluge, p. 128 ; Henry, 47). heals neck, Goth, hals. Germ, base x^lsa- ; Lat. coUum for *colsum (Brug. § 57i ; Feist, 245). healdan hold, OS. haldan, Goth. YidiXA'Ssn. feed sheep. sealt salt, Goth, salt, from Germ, base salta-. Wealh >r^zV;?, Welch, OHG. Walh Italian, foreign. [We find also "Wealas Wales even after the disappearance of the h, through a levelling of the vowel sound.] 40. ea=Germ. a when followed by r + consonant (Sievers, 79 ; Cosijn, p. 10). beam child, Goth, barn :: OE. beran ; Indg. V bher bear, eaxva. poor, OS. arm, Goth. arms. eard dzuellijig, OS. ard, OHG. art ploughing, Icel. prtS crop ; from Indg. V ar plough. §§ 40-44-1 SHORT VOWELS. II heard hard, OHG. hart, Tat., Goth, hardus. s'weard skin, OFris, sward, fearr ox, cp. OHG. farro, I eel. farri. sweart black, Goth, swarts. nearo (stem nearw^-), narrow, OS. naru. mearo (stem mearw-), tender, OHG. maro (maraw-) (Wright, 120). 41. Sometimes in this Germ, ar + cons., the ar was the representative of Indg. long sonant r (Brug. § 306). earm arm, Goth, arms; Lat. armus, Skr. irmas, Indg. rmos. O 42. In North, ea is often written for eo, fracture of Germ. e. earSe, earre, for eor'Se, eorre. FRACTURE BEFORE U AND O. 43. In VP. ea=Germ. a as the result of ' u- (or o-) umlaut' (Sievers, 160 ; Sweet S., 431). featu, pi. of faet vessel. geatu, pi. of gset gate. gleadian make g/ad {ian = 63a,n.) (Sievers, 411). 44. WS. ea = Germ, a as the result of ' u- (or o-) umlaut.' This occurs very rarely in prose ; frequently in the poetical texts (Sievers, 105 ; Cosijn, p. 11). ealu (in WS. prose) a/e, Icel. 9I (Noreen, 71); Lith. alus (Fick 5. 307). cearu care, OHG. ehara. beadu daMe, OHG. batu- (Schade), Icel. bo's (Noreen, 293). eatol terrible, Icel. atally?,?;r^ (ptull brisk). dearocS dart, javelin, Icel. darracSr. wearoS shore, from -waBr sea, Icel. vprr (see Kluge, p. 382). eafoc5 strength, cp. Icel. afl ; from Indg. \/ op (Brug. § 336 ; Feist, 2 ; Kluge, p. 363). I a ' OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 44-47. hea'Su- battle, OHG. hadu- ; OGaul. catu- (Brug. § 50). heafoc hawk, OHG. habuh, Icel. haukr ( = h9'bukr). Note. — It is not improbable that all these ea's were carried over into the poetical texts from Anglian originals (Sievers, 105, n. 2). 45. North. ea=WS. eo, the ' o- (or a-) umlaut' of Germ, e (so Sievers, 160. 3). weala riches, WS. weola, OHG. wela. wearas men, -weora (gen. pi), OHG. A?ver man, Icel. verr ; Lat. vir, Indg. type uiros (Brug. § 272 ; Wright, 17 ; Sweet S. 301). beara bear, OHG. beran ; from Indg. V bher (Brug. § 61). eata eat, OHG. etan ; Lat. edere, Gr. eSeii/, from Indg. V ed (Brug. § 368). 46. In VP. ea=Germ. a in closed syllables. hneappade he dosed. hneappung a dozing. ea (^a) due to palatal + a. 47. Here the e was properly a mere sign of the palatalized consonant, the vowel being really a; e.g. ceaf=c8ef (caf). ea=8e = Germ. a preceded by the palatals ^, c, and sc (Sievers, 75. i ; Sweet S. 430; Cosijn, p. 7). ^QoS-gave, g°af for *gaef, OHG. gab (pt. s. of geban). gea,t gate, g^at for *gaBt, Icel. gat opening. ceaster, c'^aster for caester -caster, Lat. castra; cp. Merc. eester, VP. (whence our -Chester in names of places). CQSif chaff, c^af for *caef, MHG. kaf, Du. kaf. ceaflas ciiav els, jaws, c'^aflas, OS. kaflos. sceatt treasure, se^att, Goth, skatts. Ice), skattr, OHG. scaz. sceaft shaft, sc'^aft, OS. skaft spear, Icel. skapt. sceal shall, sc^al, Goth, skal (Brug. § 299). sceacan shake, sc'^acan for scacan, Icel. skaka. sceamu shame, sc^amu, OHG. scaraa. §§ 48-51-1 SHORT VOWELS. 1 3 IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 48. In an unstressed syllable ea=eo the u-fracture of Germ. e. scfpte^o I ^^°^" ^^''' °"- *^^^ (^^"g^' P- 352)- 49. When final in late West Saxon (Sievers, 76. 3, 4). -scea=-sca (rarely). mf nnescea for m^nnesca hinnan being. egiptiscea for egiptisca Egyptian. e. 50. Short e had in West Saxon a fourfold origin : a Germanic original e, an e (§) the umlaut of a, an e the umlaut of o, and e (e) the umlaut of 9 arising from a + nasal. To what extent these remained distinct in sound is un- certain; but it is generally held that the first, the original e, had the clpse sound, like the e in Mod. French 6t6 (Sweet S., 422). INDOGERMANIC. 51. Short e corresponds to Germ, e (Goth, i), Indg. e (Brug. § 67). cwene woinan^ wife, queen, OHG. quena •z^z/^, Otf., Germ, type kwenen, Goth, qino, Germ, type kwendn ; cp. Indg. type gena, Olr. ben. wesan to be, Goth, wisan ; Indg. V ues dwell, whence Gr. eo-Tta hearth, Lat. Vesta (Feist, 676). wrecan wreak, avenge, Goth, wrikan persecute, I eel. reka, OHG. rechan, Otf. ; Indg. V ureg, Skr. Vvrj (Kluge, p. 270). ■Segn thane, servant, OHG. thegan disciple, Otf., Icel. Jjegn.'. Gr. -xiKVQv child, Indg. base teqno-, Indg. Vteq, Gr. eVeKoi' begat, cp. Indg. base teqo-, Germ, base Jjegwa-, J)ewa-, 14 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 51-54. Goth. Jjius servant, OHG. deo servant, thiu tnaid-servant, Otf., Tat., OE. 'Seo servant, Icel. }>yr (Noreen, 155 ; Feist, 605 ; Douse, p. 72 ; Wright, 51). sweger mother-in-law, OHG. suigar. Tat. .'. Lat. soerus ( = suekrus), Indg. stem suekr- (Kluge, p. 319). bred board, table, OHG. bret ; Indg. base bhredho- :: OE. bord side of a ship, table, Icel. bord; Indg. base bhrdho- NED. (p. 1082). 52. This e corresponds to Goth, ai (=open e) before r and h (Brug. § 67). ^-^oh-or father-in-law, Ep., sweor, OHG. suehur, Tat., Goth. swaihra ; Indg. base suekuro-, Gr. iKupos, Lat. soeer ( = suekuro-), OBulg. swekru (Brug. § 529 ; Kluge, p. 319). beran bear, OHG. beran, Goth, bairan ; Gr. ({>Epu I bear, Lat. fero, OBulg. ber^, Olr. berim, from Indg. Vbher. sex six, OHG. sehs, Goth, saihs ; OWel. ehwech, Gr. e|, Lat. sex, Indg. type seks (and sueks) (Brug. 2, p. 476). 53. {a) e corresponds to Germ, e (Goth. ai= open e), the representative of Indg. i, before r and h followed by a guttural vowel (Brug. § 35; Wright, 17). wer jnan, OHG. wer, Goth, vp-air ; Lat. vir, Indg. type uiros (Kluge, p. 383). {h) e==Germ. e = Indg. i + o (Sweet S., 301). nest nest, OHG. nest; Lat. nidus (base nizdo-), Indg. base ni-zd-o- :: 'f sed sit (Brug. § 590; Kluge, p. 246). 54. e=Lat. i in borrowed words (Pogatscher, p. 62 ; Kluge PG., pp. II, 13). cest chest= Lat. eista. peru/^ar=Lat. pirum. segn sign, standard= Lat. signum (signum), sengp jmcstard—'Ldii. sinapi. §§ 55- 56.] SHORT VOWELS. l5 THE UMLAUTS. 55. e = the i-umlaut of Germ, a (Sievers, 19. 2 ; Cosijn, p. 16 ; Sweet S., 472). w§ecan (weccean) wake, Goth, wakjan : : Lat. vegeo, from Indg. V ueg be acthie, strong (Brug. § 402). sgttan set, Goth, satjan : : Goth, sitan sit ; Lat. sedeo, from Indg. V sed. sfllan sell, OS. sfUian, Goth, saljan offer: : Gr. eXeli' take, from Indg. V sel (Feist, 472). tfllan /=bearg, Icel. borgr, OHG. barug, Du. barg. herg zV/\,. deg day — daeg. bed prayed = baad. cester «/y = csester (ceaster). 69. In WS. as a variant e = 8e = Germ. a (Cosijn, p. 11). federa of fathers = faedera. strec violent=stvsdQ, OHG. straeh. weter ii'ater='wasteY. wes 7i'aj=waBS. IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 70. e=8e [see Sievers, 79, n. 2] (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 3). hordern store-hotese ='hovA treasure + 3sra a place, house. bfrern baj-ti (also beren, bern) = bfre barley + asivia.. beodern refectory ='beoA. table + ssm. e=:ea (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 3). andwerd present, tdwerd future, for'Swerd forthward, in presence, compounds of weard. 71. In the older texts, such as the Cura Pastoralis, when the unstressed syllable is followed by a syllable with a guttural vowel e=i, the unstressed representative of i (Sievers, 43. mislecor, mislecost, comp. and super!, of mislic various, Goth, missaleiks. 72. e = a (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 4 ; Sweet S., 400). oret struggle, battle— *or-h.sit, from hat heat, OHG. heizi, Germ, stem xait-. Hence oretta zvarrior, and ondrettan perform with effort (Kluge NS., 13). §§ 72-78.] SHORT VOWELS. I9 onettan Jinsteji = * orx.-'haX^a.-a.. See above, fullest (also *fallist, whence fylst) rt/^=*ful-last, OHG. fol- leist (BT., p. 345). 73. e = se, Goth, e, OHG. a (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 4). hired y?7 ;«//)/=* hi (wj-rEed, OHG. hirat *■ connubium^ Alfred Alfred =^m\i-v^di. awer anywhere and nawer «oa//i^r^=a-hwffir and na-hwSr. 74. e = a, Goth, e (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 4). frsetewe (fraetwe) adornment, a compound of tawe (cp. getawe) equipment, Goth, tewa arrangenietit, Germ, base tae(g)wo :': Indg. V deq (Brug. § 444 ; Feist, 577). geat(ejwe equipment, cp. getawe (Brug. § 687). 75. e=ea, Germ. au. daegred early dawn=dssg-re3Ld, cp. OHG. tagarot. 76. e=e, the i-umlaut of 6 (Sievers, 43. 3, n. 4). aefest fefest, VP.) envy, zea/ == SBf-eat, from est = *6sti- = *pnsti, Goth, ansta /avozer. oreSian (orSian) breat/ie =or-e^ia.n. etSian = ^pnSian, Icel. anda. 77. In final unaccented syllables e was developed from a vocalic liquid or nasal. seeeryf^/c/= Goth. akrs. tacen sign = Goth, taikns. fssgev /air = Goth, fagrs. finger yf;/^^r= Goth, figgrs. FINAL UNSTRESSED. 78. {a) e=Germ. -ja-, Indg. -io- (Brug. 2, § 194). grene green, OS. groni, OHG. gruoni, Germ, type gronjaz. m.^re/amoi(s, OS. marl, OHG. mari. Germ, type mffirjaz. c 2 20 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 78-81. Wilde ivild^ OHG. wildi, Tat., Goth, base wiljjja-. §nde end, OS. fndi, OHG. fnti, Goth, andeis, Germ, type andjaz (Feist, 40). rice reign, OS. riki, OHG. richi, Germ, type rikjaz. {V) e=:OHG. a, Germ, en (Brug. 2, § 192). tunge to7igtie, OHG. ztinga. heorte heart, OHG. herza. 79. {a) e = OHG. o, Germ, on (om), Indg. am, cp. the Lat. adverbs clam, coram (Kluge PG., p. 103). geliee like, alike, OHG. gilicho, Otf. {J)) e = OHG. o, OS. o, Indg. ed, cp. OLat. ed in rected (recte) (Kluge PG., p. 103 ; Henry, 187. 4). softe softly, OS. safto, OHG. samfto. eo. 80. OE. short eo was the fracture (hrechung) of Germ, e or i before certain consonant groups, or when followed in the next syllable by a back vowel (' u- or o- or a-umlaut ').• FRACTURE BEFORE CONSONANT GROUPS. 81. Short eo corresponds to Germ, e [see 51], as the result of fracture before final h, or h+ consonant, including x=hs (Sievers, 83). This eo is somewhat rare, as this form is usually disguised by palatal umlaut. feohtanyf^///', OHG. fehtan. reoht right, OS. reht, OHG. reht, Goth, raihts, Icel. rettr, Germ, base rexta- ; Lat. rectus, from V^eg, Indg. Vreg. cneoht boy, OHG. kneht, Tat. seox six, OHG. sehs, Goth, saihs. tech order, array of men (Grein), MHG, zeche (Kluge, p. 394). §§ 81-84.] SHORT VOWELS. 21 teohhian arrange, MHG. zechen, OHG. (gi)zelion, Germ. Vtexw ; IndgVdeq (Bmg. § 444 ; Feist, 577). 82. (a) eo=Germ. e when followed by Ih, Ic (Sievers, 81). seolh seal, OHG. selah. eolh elk, OHG. elaho. sceolh squinting, OHG. scelah from Indg. V skel :: Gr. CTKoXios crooked (Kluge, p. 297). aseolean languish, OHG. arselhan (see Grein, p. 41). meolcan milk, OHG. melchan ; Gr. (d)p,eXYw, from Indg. Vmelg (Feist, 398 ; Brug. § 212). [b) eo=Germ. e exceptionally before If (Sievers, 81). heolfor gore (a poetical word with no apparent cognate). seolf self {VV.), OS. self, OHG. selb, Goth, silba, Icel. sjalfr (Noreen, 84). 83. eo=Germ. e when followed by r + consonant (Sievers, 79)- heorte heati, OS. herta, OHG. herza, Goth, hairto, Icel. hjarta (Noreen, 84) ; Indg. stem kerd-, Skr. hardi, Gr. kt)p :: Gr. KapSid. Lat. cordi-, Olr. eride (Kluge PG., 53; Curtius, 39; Feist, 239; Brug. § 375). steorra star, OS. sterro ; Lat. ster- (stella = ster-la), Wei. seren (for ster-en), Indg. V ster (Feist, 529 ; Henry, 51). weorpan throw, OS. werpan, Icel. verpa, Goth, wairpan, OHG. werfan, from Germ. V werp ; Indg. V werg : OBulg. vrigg, I throw (Brug. § 444 ; Feist, 639). eortSe earth, OHG. erda, Icel. jprS (Noreen, 85), Germ, type er}5e(n) (Feist, 18; Wright, 84). 84. eo=io the fracture of Germ, i before h + cons. (x=hs) (Sievers, 84; Sweet S., 429). meox (miox) dung, Goth, maihstus, Germ, base mixstu- ; Gr. (o)fji,ixfJLa : : Indg. V meigh (Kluge, p. 234). Also in the borrowed word Peohtas Picts, cp. Lat. Pieti. 22 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 85-88. 85. eo=io, the fracture of an i, which is the shortening of a Germ, i (Sievers, 84, n. i ; Cosijn, p. 44). leoht light, not heavy, Goth, leihts, Germ, base lihta- for linxta-, lenxta-, from Indg. V lengh : : Gr. e\a^=iniolue, Goth. m.iluks, OS. miluk. seolc j///t'=sioloc, Icel. silki. sceopu ships, pi. of scip, OS. skip, Icel. skip, Germ, base skipa- (Sievers, 241). weocu 'week = vn.ocM (wncu), OS. wika (Sievers, 279). s"weotol manifest = sw^iotul, Lith. svid^is. weodu-Tve widoiv, OHG. wituwa, Goth, widuwo. 90. eo=the o- and a-umlaut of Germ. e. (a) In a few weak nouns (Sievers, 109 a). seofa mind, sefa, OS. sebo (Kluge NS., p. 50). weola riches, wela, OS. welo, OHG. wolo. ceole throat, OHG. chela :: Lat. gula (Brug. § 297). (p) In reduplicated verbs (Kluge PG., p. 42). reord gave advice (pt. s. of rjedan), Germ, type r6r6d, Goth. raii'o)?. Hence from analogy, 24 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 90-95. pndreord. dreaded, pt. s. of pndrffidan, and leort let^ pt. s. of Isetan (Sievers, 394). 91. In VP. eo=the o- or a-umlaut of Germ, e in strong verbs (classes IV and V) (Sievers, 370). beoran bear=\s?). beran. ectan ^rt/=WS. etan, OS. etan ; from Indg. Ved. pngeotan understand=WS. pngietan. treodan /read=WS. tredan, OHG. tretan. 92. In North, (very rarely) eo^the a-umlaut of Germ, e (Sievers, 160. 3). eota (eata) ea^=etan. eo (^O) DUE TO PALATAL + O. 93. eo=Germ. o preceded by the palatal so (Sievers, 76). seeop poe^, sc^op for scop, OHG. scoph, scof. So 69=9, Germ, a (before nasal). scepmu shame, se^pmu for scpmu, OHG. scama. scepnd shame, se^pnd for scpnd, OHG. Bcanta. 94. eo=Germ. u after the palatal sc- (Sievers, 76. 2; Sweet S., 537). sceoeca demoji, sc^occa for scucca. seeolan be obliged, sc^'olan for sculan, Goth, skulan :: Lat. scelus, Indg. Vsqliel (Brug. §. 553). sceort short, sc^'ort, scort, OHG. scurz, Vulg. Lat. *excurtus. 95. geo=Germ. j + o (u) (Sweet S., 430). geoG yoke, g'^oe, OHG. johh (juhh), Goth, juk; Lat. jugum, Gr. %»'iov, Indg. base jugo- (Feist, 324). geong young, g''ong, OHG. jung, Goth, juggs. ge9=:Germ. j + a before nasal (Sievers, 74). gegnyon, forjpn, Germ. *jan, cp. OHG. jfner (Kluge, p. 154; but see Brug. 2, p. 771). §§ 96-I02.] SHORT VOWELS. 2$ 96. In North, after palatal g, e9=9=Gerin. a before nasal (Sievers, 157. 4). gepnga go = gpngan, gangan. eO AFTER w. 97. eo=Germ. e (after w) (Cosijn, p. 21 ; Sievers, 72). sweostor s/s/er, OHG. swester, Goth, swistar, Germ, base swestr- ; Indg. base suesr-, Lat. soror ( = *suesor), Wei. chwaer (Brug. § 175 ; Henry, 40). FINAL UNSTRESSED. 98. In unaccented syllable in later texts sceo = see (Sievers, 76. 3, n. 4). Ebreisceo Hedreuf ='EhYeiBco. ei. 99. ei occasionally =Icel. ei in borrowed proper names (Sievers, 6). Swein, Icel. Sveinn. Note. — Normally this Icel. ei was represented in eg, so Icel. Sveinn was written Sv«reg(e)n. 100. In the early texts and in the Kentish dialect ei=:eg (Sievers, 214. 2). bodei l>ody, Ep. --= bodeg, Corp. del da_y = deg, VP. = WS. daeg (GET. p. 479). 101. Rarely ei=a=Germ. ai (Sweet S., 445). weilawei a/as/ Boeth. (Cott. MS.) = walawa. 102. In North., eis = ex (ehs), ex (ehs) (Sievers, 155). seista six//i = se-Kta, Rushw'^. neista nex/=ne'Kta, nehsta. heista hig/ies/ =hehBta. 26 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 102-105. In North., eig=]Merc. eg (Sievers, 155). ceiga ^a//=Merc. cegan, WS. eiegan. eu. 103. Occasionally in the oldest texts eu=:Germ. eu, Indg. eu (Sweet S., 464; Sievers, 64). beust beesihigs, Ld. steupfaedaer step-father, Ep. spreut spear. Erf. ^revX gravel, North. (OET., p. 622), 1. 104. Short i was pronounced in Old Enghsh as the i in Mod. E. hit. OE. i corresponds to Germ, i, the representative of Indg. i. Germ, i (as well as e) is represented in Gothic by ai (that is, open e) before h or r (Brug. § 35). flseyfji-//, Goth, fisks ; Lat. piscis, Olr. iasc (Windisch, 21). widu (wudu) wood, OHG. witu ; Olr. fid tree. widuwe widow, Goth, widuwo ; cp. Lat.- vidua, Olr. fedb (Windisch, 21), OBulg. vidova. mist vapour, Icel. mistr, Germ, base mixsta- ; Ion. Gr. ofiLx^T], OBulg. migla :: Indg. V ineigh (Feist, 370). ■wirsa worse, OS. wirsa, Goth, wairs (adv.). mix (meox, miox) dung, Goth. m.aihstus, Germ, base m.ixstu- (Sweet S., 429) ; Indg. ^Dieigh. (Feist, 370). hnitu nit, MHG. ni^ ; Gr. KOfiS-, Indg. stem knid (Kluge, p. 248; Schade, p. 410). 105. i=Germ. i=Indg. e. {a) Before nasal + consonant (Brug. § 67). bindan bind, Goth, bindan ; from Indg. Vbhendh. {b) When followed by an i, j, or i in the next syllable. is is, Goth, ist, Germ, type isti; Indg. type esti, Gr. lori. §§ I05-II0.] SHORT VOWELS. 27 midd mid, Goth, midjis ; Indg. type medhios, Lat. medius. bireS beafeth, OS. birid, through Germ, birid(i), beridi, beredi ; Indg. type bhereti. {c) In an enclitic word (Kluge PC, p. 96 ; Brug. § 67) ic /, Goth, ik ; Indg. base eg-, cp. Gr. lyoS, Lat. ego. 106. Before nasal + consonant i = Germ, i = Indg. e (Kluge PG., p. 53 ; Brug. § 614). ■wind wind, Goth, •winds, Germ, base winda-, wenda- ; Indg. ' base uento-, v^ue, Gr. o.r[\i.\. I blow (Feist, 674). 107. i=Germ. e=Indg. e before nasals (Sievers, 69). niman take, OHG. neman, Icel. nema ; Gr. vi^u), deal out, possess, from Indg. -v/nem (Brug. § 23S). *cwinian (cuman) come, OHG. queman ; from Indg. V gem :: Lat. venio (for *guemio) (Brug. § 208 ; Henr^', 49; Kkige, p. 182 ; Sievers, 390, n. 2 ; Cosijn, p. 32; Wright, 155). 108. i represents Lat. e before nasals in early borrowed words (Pogatscher, 121 ; Sievers, 69; Kluge PG., p. 13). gimm geui, Lat. gemma bud, precious stone. m.inte ?iiint, Lat. mentha, Gr. ^ivQa. pinsian coiside?; Lat. pensare weigh caj-ejully. pinn^^;/, l^^A.-g&sxn.'a, feather, pen. 109. i occurs as the shortening of i before ss='Ss (Cosijn, p. 44 ; Sievers, 202. 7 ; Sweet S., p. 299). bliss =blitSs bliss, from \i\\^& joyful } (Kkicre NS. 146). liss — liSs mildness, from licSe soft, mild j" » "' • THE UMLAUTS. 110. In late WS. i appears for y (the i-umlaut of u) before e, g, h, and after c (Sweet S., 476). cicene kitchen, cycene, OHG. chiihhina, Vulg. Lat. cucina, Late Lat. coquina (Franz, 24}. 38 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ r 10-115. hricg ridge, hrycg, OS. hruggi, Germ, base x^ugja- ; Indg. base krukio- (Kluge, p. 285). cining ki7ig, csrning, OHG. ehuning (Cook PI., 3). fliht^/V///, flyht, OS. fluht :: OE. ^QO^dca. fly, flee, OHG. fiiagan, Otf., Germ. Vfleu^. 111. In late texts i=ie, the i-umlaut of eo (developed from Germ, palatal j + u) (Sievers, 100, n. i). gingra jw/;/^^r=giengra, comp. of geong, iiing, OHG. jung young (Sievers, 307 ; Kluge PG., p. 102). 112. In late texts i=i§, the i-umlaut of ea, the fracture of Germ, a [see 38, 40]. irin'Su = i§rm'Su poverty (OHG. armida), from earm poor. ildo=ifldu age (OHG. alti, §lti), from eald old. 113. i=ie, the i-umlaut of eo, the fracture of Germ, e (Sievers, 100). wrixlan exchange =' 133. ie is the 'palatal umlaut' of eo, the breaking of Germ, e before an originally guttural h + cons. (Sievers, loi). rieht right = Teoh.t. OHG. reht. cnieht servant = onedht, OHG. kneht. siex j'z';ir=seox, OHG. sehs. ie FOR io. 134. ie=io, the u- (o-) umlaut of Germ, i (Sievers, 107). siendun are, siondun, sindun (Sievers, 427), OHG. sint, Tat. io. FRACTURE BEFORE CONSONANT GROUPS. 135. Short io was a fracture of Germ, i [see 84, 104] before h + consonant (x^hs), or final li (Sievers, 84). miox (meox) dung, OHG. mist, Goth, maihstus, Germ, base mixstu- (Feist, 370). 136. In Kent. io=:eo, the fracture of Germ, e before r + cons. (Sweet S., 427). iortSe earth = eov^e, OS. ertha. FRACTURE BEFORE U, O AND a. 137. In older WS. io=the u-umlaut of Germ, i (Sievers 107). siolfur (siolufr) silver, seolfur, VP., Goth, silubr, OS. siluBar. OHG. silabar, Tat. mioluc milk, mile, VP., OS. miluk, OHG. miluh, Icel. mjolk (mjolk) ; Indg. V melg (Feist, 398). siodu custom, OS. sidu, OHG. situ, Otf., Goth, sidus. fvid^M peace, OHG. fridu, Otf., Icel, friSr (Brug. 3, § 108). lioSu li}nbs (Sievers, 241), Goth. lif)us lii?ib, OHG. lid, Tat, wiodu vjood, OHG. witu, Otf. D 34 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 138-144. 138. io = the o- and a-umlaut of Germ, i, especially in weak verbs of the 6 class (Sievers, 109). tiolian ai)n, OHG. zilon, Tat. . cliofian sticky OS. kli'bon. be-wiotian observe, pet-form, cp. "wiota ' sapiens J hlionian /6v;;/, hlionode (pt. s.), OS. hlinon :: Gr. Kkivui I incline :: Indg. V klei (Feist, 273). cliopian call, cliopode (pt. s). 139. So in weak nouns in Merc. (VP.) wiota counseller, wita, OHG. wizzo, having knowledge of, Otf., OS. ge-wito witness. 9nd.wliotay(/r^, andwlita (Grein), cp. Goth, wlits. 140. In non-WS. dialects, especially in North., io = the o- and a-umlaut of i (Sievers, 160). ionna within, OS. inna. ionna'S entrails, innoS, OHG. innodi (Schade). bihionda behiitd, OS. bihindan. AFTER PALATAL. 141. io=eo=Germ. palatal j+o (u). gioc/^^',?=geoc, OHG. johh (juhh), Goth. juk. giongj(^;//;;_^=geong, OHG. jung. iu. 142. In early texts iu=eo, Germ, eu (Sweet S., 464, 466; OET., p. 619). briusa gadfly. Ld. = breosa. fliusum (dat. pi.), cp. ^qo^ fleece, MHG. vlies (Kluge, p. ZZ). Liudhardo, BH., cp. leode {^^X.) people. 143. In North., iu=Germ. ju. giung youfig— OHG. jung. 144. In North., iu=io, the u-umlaut of Germ. i. Friujjuulf, LV. from frio'Su, tvi^ peace (OET., p. 500). §§ 145, I46-] SHORT VOWELS. '>,^ o. 145. Short o in stem syllables represents two different sounds, a close o, and an open o. This twofold pronunciation may be referred to a twofold origin, the close o corresponding to primitive Germ, (r.nd Goth.) u, and the open o to Germ, a before nasals, and often in Old English interchanging with a. This latter o is denoted in this work by 9 (Sweet S., 425). O FROM ORIGINAL U. 146. Short o (close) corresponds to Germ, o, arising from an earlier u, which is the representative of Indg.u. This old u when followed by an a or o in the next syllable became o in Germ., except when protected by a following nasal + consonant, or an intervening i (j) (Wright, 18 ; Brug. § 51). o=OHG. o, Germ, u (o), Indg. u. god God, OHG. got, Goth. gu)>, Germ, basegiida-; Indg. base ghuto- :: Indg. a/ ^oxi-pour, saa-ifice, Gr. ^ecj (xif-w) :: xo^ drink-offering, Skr. hotar- priest (Zend, zaotar-), Arm. jau-nem I sacrijice, consecrate (Brug. § 410). oxa ox, OHG. ohso. Tat., OS. ohso, Goth, aiihsa, Germ, type uxso(n) ; Indg. type uqs(6)u, Skr. uksa. dohtor daughter, OS. dohtar, OHG. tohter fdohter), Tat., Goth, daiihtar ; Indg. dhu^h + ter (Brug. § 552). boda messeiiger, OHG. boto, Tat., Germ, type bua:6(n), from stem bud :: V beud ; Indg. V bheudh (Feist, 98). Yioxdi treasure, OHG. hort, Goth, hiuad, Icel. hodd (Noreen, 197) ; Indg. base kudh-dho- :: V keudh hide, Gr. k£u8w, cp. OE. hydan (with i-umlaut) (Brug. § 538 ; Feist, 297). snoru daughter-ill- laio, OHG. snora, snur. Tat. ; Gr. i/u6s ( = cri'ucr6s), OBulg. snueha, Skr. snusa, Lat. nurus. Arm, nu, Indg. t>'pe snusa, snusus (Kluge, p. 313 ; Brug. § 201). D 2 36 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 146-151. hlot lot, Icel. hlutr, Germ, base xl^^^a- :: OE. hlyt (with i- umlaut), Merc, hlet, VP., Goth, hlauts, Icel. hlaut sacrifice, OHG. loz, Tat. :: OHG. liozan draw lots, Tat., OE. hleotan, 05. hliotan, Icel. hljota, Germ. V xleut. 147. o = OHG. u (Braune, 32). io-^fox, OHG. fuhs ; Indg. V puk (Kluge, p. 97). ofer over, OS. oBar, OHG. ubar, Goth, ufar (also OHG. ubir, Icel. yfir) ; cp. Indg. type uperi, Skr. upari, Gr. oire'p, Lat, s-uper, Olr. for (=u(p)or) (Feist, 620). 148. o=Vulg. Lat. o from Lat. u (Pogatscher, 148, 149)., coper copper, Vulg. Lat. *copr-um, Lat. cuprum. box the box-tree, Lat. buxus. torr tower, Lat. turrem (Kluge PG., p. 17). 149. In late MSS. on- is sometimes written for the nega- tive prefix un- [see 168] (Sievers, 56). on-tydre ^sinefoetu,' (BT.), cp. un-tyder (Grein). 150. or- = OHG. ur-, Goth, us- (Sievers, 56 ; Feist, 627). orsorg secure, OHG. ursurgi, Tat. orlege war, OS. urlogi, Olr. luge oath :: OHG. urliugi lawliss condition ; Indg. V leugh (Feist, p. 145). or FROM Indg. r. o 151. or = Germ, or (ur), the equivalent in certain cases of an older ur, the representative of the Indg. sonantal liquid r [see ur, 169]. In like manner Germ, ol is often the representative of the Indg. sonantal liquid 1. t5orn thorn, OHG. dorn, Goth. }>aurnus ; OBulg. trinu, Indg. base trnu- (Brug. § 299). vOiOvgenmorning, OHG. morgan, Tat., Goth, maurgins ; Indg. base mrkeno- :: Indg. V merk /o (^^ ^ary^ (Feist, 385 ; Fick, 6. 629 ; see Kluge, p. 237). ford ford, OHG. fvirt (Mod.G. furt) ; Lat. portus, porta. § 151.] SHORT VOWELS. 3/ OGaul. -ritvtm passage (in Augusto-ritum), OWel. rit ford (mod. rhyd), Indg. base prtu- (Brug. § 298). Sorp thorp, village, OHG. dorf (thorf, Tat.), Goth. )7aurp latid; Olr. treb dwelling, Indg. base trbo- (Kluge, p. 5 7). wort woi-t, Goth, waiirts ; Indg. base urd- :: Indg. V uerd (Brug. § 306). word word, OHG. wort, Goth, waurd ; Lat. verbum ( = vor- bum) [for medial Lat. b = Indg. dh, see Brug. § 370], OPruss. wirds, Ind?. base urdho- :: Lith. vardas name :: Indg. V uerdh. spora spnr,0\iG. sporo : Gr. aTraipw ( = airapiw) I struggle, Lith. spiriu I kick, Indg. sprio :: Indg. V sper kick, Lat. sperno (Brug. 293 ; Kluge PG., p. 28). brord point, Icel. broddr, OHG. brort edge; Skr. bhrsti- point, Indg. base bhrsti- :: Olr. brot sti7ig, OBulg. brazda furrow (Brug. § 595). horn horjt, Goth, haurn, Lat. cornu, Gr. Kdpi'os homed cattle^ Indg. base krno- (Brug. § 299). corn corn, Goth, kaiirn ; OBulg. zrino, Indg. base grno-, cp. Lat. granum from a base with the long liquid sonant r :: Indg. V gev grind (Brug. § 533 ; Feist, 330). tprht bright, OS. torht, OHG. zorht (zoraht, Tat.) ; Skr. drsta- seen, Indg. type drktos, cp. Gr. SpaKwc dragofi : : Indg. Vderk, Gr. SepKOjuiai I see, Olr. derc eye, lizard :: Gr. SopKcis gazelle (Brug. § 299 ; Henr>^, 43). hoi hollow, OHG. hoi, Icel. holr ; Gr. KoXld barn :: OHG., OE. helan conceal; Olr. celim I hide (Brug. § 301). stolen stoleti, OHG. stolan :: OE., OHG. stelan steal, gold gold, OHG. gold ; Indg. base ghlto- :: OS. gelo yellow, OE. geolo ; Lat. helvus, Indg. Vghel :: Gr. xoXtj bile (Brug. § 273 ; Feist, 226). folde earth, OS. folda, Germ, type fuiae(n), cp. Icel. fold ; cp. Indg. base prthu-, Skr. prthu- broad, Gr. irXarus, cp. OWel. litan, Olr. lethan (Brug. § 288 ; Kluge, p. 86). molde the top of the head; Indg. type mldhe(n), cp. Skr. vavLv6h.gL highest part, head, with long sonant 1 (Brug. § 306J. 66939 38 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 151, 152- molde mould, cp. Goth, mulda ; Indg. stem mlt- :: Goth, malraa satid, Icel. malmr (in local names), OE. mealra (see BT.) :: OS. melm dust, OHG. melm, Tat. ; OBulg. inelj^ I gri?td, Indg. V mel- (Feist, 374). holt wood, OHG. holz, Germ, base xulta- ; Indg. base kldo-, Gr. kXciSos branch (Kluge, p. 147). ^o\vQ. palm of the la7id.,0Y{0.f oYvd'a,; Gr. -n-aXaixT], Indg. type plma, cp. Lat. palma, Olr. lam, the stem vowel of these words representing the long sonant I (Brug. § 306). *151. no=Indg. n (?). The vocalization of the following word is difficult. Kluge explains the vowel as belonging to the zero grade of an -n series. Knosvinose :: naes- (in compounds), OHG. nasa :: Lat. nasus . .' naris ?iostril (Kluge PG., p. 55 ; Conway, see index). O FROM ORIGINAL a. 152. Short 9 (open) corresponds to Germ, a, Indg. a and o before nasals. This 9 often interchanges with a (Sievers, 25; Sweet S., 415). inpnn. (mann) man, OHG. mann ; Indg. base manu- (Brug. § 180). hgna (hana cock, OS. hano, Goth, hana ; Lat. can5 I sing, Olr. canaim (Brug. § 430 ; Feist, 248). hpnd (hand) ha/ui, Goth, handus. Ipnd land, Goth, land ; Olr. land, lann, OBulg. l?dina tm- tilled land (Kluge PG., p. 4 ; Feist, p. 145). strpng (Strang) stro?ig, OS. Strang, Icel. strangr, OHG. strgngi. Ipng (lang) long, OS. lang, OHG. lang. Tat. npma name, Goth, namo :: Skr. nama :: OBulg. im.§ (Brug. § 219; Kluge PG., p. 55). scpmo shame, OS. skama, OHG. scaraa, Tat. ; Indg. -/ skam cover (Kluge, p. 295). §§ 153-156.] SHORT VOWELS. 39 IN TEXTS, DIALECTS. , 153. In late texts o comes from older 6, when the following consonant is geminated before r (Sievers, 230). moddrie nunt=vcib6xige (see ET.). ioA.6.or fodder = foAoVy OHG. fuotar. 154. In North, after w (i) o appears for eo, the fracture of Germ, e (Sievers, 72). wore ivork, weorc, OS. werk. worpan tltroiv, weorpan, OS. werpan. hworfan turn, hweorfan, OHG. hwerban (werban, Tat.). (2) o = eo, the u-umlaut of Germ, e (Sievers, 72). worold world, weoruld, OS. w^erold. swolo'S heat, sweolo(5, cp. swelan, Germ. V Bweiglotv. 155. In Late WS. after w i=io, the o- or ti-umlaut of Germ, i (Sievers, 71). wole-read purple, wioloc-read, Cp., cp. vp^iloc, Voc. (OET., P- 534). swotol clear, swiotol ; cp. Lith. svid^is bright. IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 156. {a) When final, o occurs as a vocalization of w final in wa stems, after a syllable with short vowel (Sievers, 249 ; Sweet S., 529; Wright, 66). \iQQXO grove, Icel. bprr (Noreen, 276; see CV.). seai'o armoitr, Icel. sprvar (pi.) necklaces, a band of men. smeoro lard, Icel. smjpr butter, OHG. smero. raeolo meal, Icel. mjpl, OHG. melo. (/y) o represents older u, Germ, i in adjectival abstract nouns (Sievers, 279; Wright, 88; Kluge NS., 116). hyldo (hyldu) ^r<2^^, OS., OHG. huldi, Icel. hylli. rafnigo (mfngu) multitude, OHG. mgnigi. Tat., managi. 40 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 157-162. 157. o was the ordinary OE. way of writing the unstressed indistinct vowel (a), arising from any source. In the unstressed procHtic prepositions o=Germ. a (Sweet S., 418; Cosijn, 13; Sievers, 51; Kluge PG., p. 48). of-, cp. CBf- (stressed), Goth, af ; Lat. ab, Gr. dTro, Indg. type apo (Feist, 3). ot-, cp. set- (stressed), Goth, at ; Lat. ad. on-, cp. 911- (an-) (stressed), Goth, ana ; Gr. o.v6.. 158. In an unstressed syllable o = ea (the fracture). hlaford lord=')oi\a>S. loaf+ weard guardian. to-wovA fut lire =tb-vresiv6. (Grein). nihold inclhted, Cp. = ni dcnv?i-{-\ieaXd sloping (GET., p. 491). twiefold /7£'(?-y2?/cf=twiefeald (Sievers, 43. 2). Cp. also Grimbold, Oswold (Sievers, 51). 159. -oS^ -6(5 = -9n'S= Germ, -an]? (Sievers, 185). ore's (oruS), breath = or- + *o(S = *9n'S = Germ. anjj-, cp. Icel. &-n.6x breath, OE. anda seal \ Indg. V an (Feist, 38 ; Kluge, p. 4). 160. -o'S=-u'S=:Germ. -unj7 (Sievers, 185 and 43 ; Kluge PG., p. 42; Kluge NS., 131). ocS taitil (enclitic), for *u'S, *un(5, cp. Goth. und. fracocS itifaiiiotes = * fv3i,e\\.^, cp. OHG. eund knuw7i, Tat., Goth. kunjjs (Feist, 342). dugocS virtue, OH(x. tugund (Kluge, p. 362). ^eo^o^ youth, OHG. jugund. Tat. 161. o=a. Germ, ai (Sievers, 43). eorod troop = eoh horse + rad riding. eofot crime, debt, eobot, Corp. ebhat, Ep. = *ef-liat. *eofolsian blaspheme. North, ebolsia, ebalsia = *ef-lialsian. 162. -ost=-est=-9nsti- = Germ. -ansti- (Sievers, 43). ofost zeal, North, eefest, also efest, VP. = 8Bf-est. est = *osti, §§ i62-i66.] SHORT VOWELS. 41 *9nsti, Goth, ansts grace, OHG. anst, Otf. :: Icel. pf-im-d envy (Brug, 2, § 100). 163. {a) In final unstressed syllable o is developed from a vocalic liquid or nasal (Sievers, 138). fagolfowl, Goth, fugls. &,toT poison, Iceh eitr. foAoY fodder, Icel. fotJr. Tnlxitov pure, Goth, hlutrs (Feist, 277). {b) ol=Lat. el in borrowed words (Pogatscher, p. 150; Kluge PG., p. 15). eosol ass, also fsol, *§sil, OHG. §sil, Tat., Otf., Lat. aselkis. cp. Goth, asilus. oe. 164. In North, and Mercian oe = e, the i-umlaut of o. doehter j g"' 3.;' R^shw.^ i iron, ^o^^tov darcghier (see Kluge PG., p. 87 ; Wright, 16). 165. In North, after w {a) oe often represents Germ, and umlaut e. woeg Wfly=weg. [So also in Erfurt, see OET., p. 525.] svp-oefn sleep, dream = svp-efn. woel ic'ell—'wei. woendan /z//-« = wfndan, Goth, vp-andjan. tuoe\£ i'welve=tw^'\S, Goth, twalif. 166. {b) oe=8S, Germ, a (Sievers, 156). cuoeS qtioth, Lind. (Joh. 8. 42j=cwaeS, OHG. quad. 42 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 167, i68. u. 167. Short u in Old English was pronounced as Mod. E. u in full. u corresponds to Germ, u, the representative of Indg. u (Brug. § 51). sunu S071, Goth, sunus, OHG. sunu (sun, Tat., Otf.) ; Zend hunu, Indg. base su-rni-, from Indg. Vsu bear (Kluge, p. 330). duru doo7', OS. dura, OHG. tura. Tat. ; Gr. 6upa, Indg. stem dhur- (Kluge, p. 354). fugol fowl, Goth, fugls. Germ, base flugla- (with loss of the former 1 through dissimilation) :: Germ. V fleug, Indg. Vpleugh :: Lat. pluma ( = Indg. type plughma) (Feist, 190; Brug. § 277). hund hound, dog, Goth, hunds ; OWel. eun (nom. pl.), cp. Gr. Kwo^ (gen. s.), Indg. type kunos, from V ku. iuc (g^oc) yoke, Goth.juk; Gr. (^uyov, Lat. jugum, Skr. yugam, Indg. type juQom. budon (i pret. pl.) offered, Goth, budum, OHG. butun; Skr. bu-budh-ima ive observed : : Indg. V bheudh (Brug. § 51). un, uin=lNDG. n, m. 168. un=the Germ, un, which is the representative of the Indg. sonant nasal n, represented in the other languages as follows : Skr. a, an, Gr. a, av, Lat. en (in), Olr. en (later e), Lith. in, OBulg. e, in. In like manner Germ, um is often the representadve of the Indg. sonant nasal m (Brug. § 223 ; Sievers, 127). hxm.d hundred, Goth, hund; Gr. (e-)K0iT6v, Lat. centum, Olr. eet ( = cent), Indg. type kmtom (for dkm-to-m). (ge)cumen (pp.) co/ne, Goth, qumans ; cp. Gr. ^aivoi ( = Pai'ia) = Pafiiw) / ^^j Lat. venio (= (g)ueniio) / come, Indg. type Qmio :: Indg. V gem (Brug. § 225). §§ i6S, 169.] SHORT VOWELS. 43 guma ;;w«, Goth, guma, OHG. gomo ; OLat. hemo (later homo), Indg. type ghmmo(n) :: Indg. stem ghem- earth, OBulg. zemlja (Feist, 227). ■Simor thimder, OHG. donar, Germ, base Jjunara- :: Indg. V ten stretch :: Gr. tovos st?-etchif!g, a tone. (ge)numen take7i, OHG. ginoman, OS. genoman :: Goth. niman take, OHG. neman ; Indg. V nem :: Gr. vojjlos pasture. sundor asicnder, apart, OHG. suntar, Tat. ; Skr. sanutar, Gr. arep ivithout, Indg. type snter (Feist, 546 ; Kluge, p. 331). gund vims, matter, Goth, giinds, OHG. gund; Gr. Kai'0(uXT]) a siuelling, Indg. stem ghndh- (Feist, 228 ; Henry, 61). under tmder, OHG. untar, Goth, undar ; Indg. base ndhero- (ndh + comp. suffix -ero-), Skr. adhas below, adhara- lower, Lat. inferus (Brug. § 244 ; Feist, 624). lungre quickly, OHG. lungar quick, strong; Gr. (€)Xa4>p6s light, Indg. base In^hro- :: Goth, leihts light, Germ, base linxta- ; Indg. y'len^h (Brug. § 224). un-, the negative prefix, Goth, iin- ; Gr. d-, 6.V-, Skr. a-, an-, Lat. in-, Indg. type n (Feist, 623 ; Henry, 49). ur, ul = Indg. r, 1. 169. ■ur=the Germ, ur, which is the representative of the Indg. sonantal hquid r, represented in the other languages as follows : Skr. r, ur (ir), Gr. pa, ap, Lat. or, Olr. ri, ar, Lith. ir, OBuIg. ri. In like manner Germ, ul is often the representative of the Indg. sonantal liquid 1 (Brug. § 284 ; Sievers, 127). fwch. fnrrozo, OHG. furuh; Lat. porca ridge, Wei. rhych, Indg. stem prk (Kluge, p. 98 ; Brug. § 295). Surst thirst, VP. (in \VS. usually the umlauted from Syrst), Goth. J>aurstei, OHG. durst: from Indg. stem trs- :: Indg. V ters, Lat. terra ( = tersa) (Brug. § 299). 44 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 169-172. durran dare, OHG. turran, Tat., Goth, (ga)daursan ; Or. Gpacrus, Gapcrus bold, Indg. stem dhrs- :: Indg. V dhers. -wnl^wo/f, Goth, wulfs, Germ, type wulfaz ; OBulg. vluku, Lith. vilkas, Skr. vrkas, Gr. \u'ko5, Indg. type ulqos :: Indg. V tielq drag, Gr. cXkco (Brug. § 164 ; Sweet S., 423). seulan fo be obliged, Goth, skulan, OHG. scvdun (pret. pr.), Tat. :: Lat. scelus crime, Indg. V sqhel (Brug. § 553). hulu ki/ll, husk, covering, Goth, huljan to cover:: OE., OHG. helan conceal, Olr. celim. I conceal (Feist, 289). U FROM LATIN O. 170. In the early borrowings from Latin {a) u=Lat. o (Pogatscher, p. 92). cucl§re spoon, Late Lat. coclearium (Kluge PG., p. 11). {b) un=:Lat. on (Sievers, 70; Cosijn, p. 36; Pogatscher, 163). m\inuc monk, Lat. monachus. munt mount, Lat. montem. -gwa.A poimd, Lat. pondo. nunne tiun, Lat. nonna. U AFTER W. 17L wu=weo=wio the fractureof Germ. wi (Sievers, 71). wuht thing, wiht, OHG. wiht. betwuh between, betwih, from older betwih (Sievers, 329). 172. wu=wio, the u-umlaut of Germ, wi (Sievers, 71). wudu wood, wiodu also widu, Ep., OHG. witu ; Olr. fid tree (Brug. § 34). wuduwe widow, OHG. wituvp-a, Goth, widuwo ; Lat. vidvia, Indg. V uidh, cp. Gr. t|i0£os unmarried (Feist, 669 ; Kluge, p. 389). " wucu week, OS. wika, Goth, wiko. Germ, type wik6(n) (Feist, 671). §§ I73-I79-] SHORT VOWELS. 45 173. wu = weo, the fracture of Germ, we (Sievers, 72). swTird sword, sweord, OS. swerd, OHG. swert (suert). wurtSan become, weor'San, OHG. werden. wurcSian estimate, weor'Sian, OHG. werdon, Tat. 174. wu=weo, from the influence of w on Germ. e. swustor sister, sweostor, OHG. swester (suester, Tat.) 175. u=wu=wi=:Germ. we before nasals (Sievers, 69). cuman ( = *ewiman) come, OHG. queman (coman, cumu (i pr. s.), Tat.), Goth, qiman ; Indg. V c^em (Kluge, p. 182 ; "Wright, 155 ; Sievers, 390). 176. u occurs occasionally for wu (Sievers, 172). uton come now, wuton. uht thing, wuht (Cosijn, p. 32). cucu alive, ewucu, OHG. quee. Tat. nauht naught, nawuht. fullulit baptism, fuUwuht (Sievers, 173). SHORTENING OF U. 177. In late texts u is a shortening of u when the following consonant is geminated before r (Sievers, 230). tuddor posterity = tudor . hluttor e/ear—hlxitor. [Cp. ME. uddyr udder. Prompt. = 0E. uder.] IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 178. Occasionally un- = on- (the unstressed verbal prefix expressing the reversal of an action) (Sievers, 56). unbindan unbind= onhinda,n, MHG. entbinden. 179. In unstressed syllable u=9=Germ. a before nasal (Cosijn, p. 13; Kluge PG., p. 44). licuma body, lic-hpma, OHG. lihhamo. Tat. 46 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 179-183. licumlic bodily, carnal. -sum (suffix) -some, OHG. -sam. sulung plough-length = sulh + Ipng, ollung aloftg, pndlpng (Sweet S., 416). ffif-Sunca insult, cp. asf-Spnca, aef-Sanca (BT.). a-cumba (?a/t«;« (that which is combed), cp. OHG. achambi, OE. epmb comb, Icel. kambr. 180. u=ea (Sievers, 43). fultum help, Corp., fulteam. Erf. 181. In North. uw=eow (Sievers, 43). latuw leader, latteow = lad-tSeow. laruw teacher, lareow = lar-^eow. 182. -u?S=:-uS = Germ. -unj? (Sievers, 185). ^QO^ViS youth, g'^oguS, OHG. jugund, Germ, base jugim]?!-. duguS virtue, OHG. tugund, Germ, base dugunjji-. 183. {a) Unstressed final u (also o)=OHG. u, Germ, o, Indg. a (Kluge PG., p. 86 ; Sievers, 134 ; Wright, 35). giefu gift, OHG. *gebu (geba is prop, the ace), Germ, type gebo ; for the final vowel cp. Skr. asva mare, Gr. x^pa. fatu vessels (pi. of faet). Germ, typefato (Brug. 2, § 338 ; Kluge PG., p. 88; Sievers, 135). {h) u final=Germ. urn, Indg. m (Kluge PG., 87). hnutu nut (ace. sing.) ; Indg. type knudm, cp. Gr. iroSa, Lat. peclem (Brug. 2, § 219). hnitu;/// (ace. sing.) ; Indg. type knidm, Gr. kovI%o. (Henry, 127). {c) In abstract feminine nouns u (later o) represents Germ, i (Sievers, 279 ; Kluge NS., 116). yldu (yldo) age, cp. Goth, mikilei greatness. hyldu (hyldo) kindness, OS., OHG. huldi (Wright, 88). {d) In jMercian, in the present tense of verbs, u=OHG. u, Germ, o, Indg. 6 (Sievers, 355; Wright, 35). \iQov\3L I bear, VP., OHG. biru, Germ, type bero ; Lat. fero. §§ 1S4-187.] SHORT VOWELS. 47 184. u=a vocalization of w final in the nom. sing, of nouns with wa- and wo- stems, the u only remaining after a short syllable (Sievers, 174). hesiiro. grove, stem barwa- (Sievers, 249). searu ar7nour, stem sarwa-. beadu baffle, gen. beadwe (Sievers, 260). aceadu shadow, gen. sceadwe. 185. (a) In final syllable unstressed u is developed for vocalic liquid or nasal (Sievers, 138). macSum. a treasure, Goth, maijjms a gift. becun beacon, Rushw.' (BT.), cp. WS. beacn. {U) nu=Lat. ni (Kluge PG., p. 15). munuc monk, Vulg. Lat. monicus for Lat. monachvis. tuniice (tunece) tunic, Lat. tunica. y. 186. In Old English short y denoted regularly a sound resembling the modern German li. Short y is the regular i-umlaut of Germ. u. This y is sometimes characterized as stable. Besides this stable y, there occurs in later texts an unstable y, interchanging with i and i- diphthongs (Sievers, 31 ; Sweet S., 474). STABLE y. 187. y is the i-umlaut of u, Germ, u, Indg. u. hycgan think, OS. huggian, OHG. huggen, Otf., Goth. hugjan ; Indg. V kuq (Brug. §§ 439, 552). bycgan buy, OS. buggian, Goth, bugjan. hrycg back, OS. bruggi, OHG. hrukki (ruggi, Otf.), Icel. hryggr; Indg. base qrukio- (Kluge, p. 285). lygen a lie, OS., OHG. lugina ; OBulg. liigati to tell a lie:: Indg. V leugh, Goth, liugan to lie (Feist, 362J. 48 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 187, 188. dysig foolish, OHG. tusic :: Olr. doe slow ( = *dausios) (Stokes CD, p. 40). gyden goddess, OHG. gutin, cp. OE. god, OHG. got ; Indg. ghutom (Wright, 18) [see 146]. fyxen vixen, OHG. fuhsin, cp. fvxhBfox (Kluge, p. 97). cyssan kiss, OS. kussian, OS. kus kiss. byrne breastplate, Icel. brynja, OHG. brvmja, briinna, Goth. brurjd, Germ, type bruiij6(n). Probably of Celtic origin, cp. Olr. bruinde breast, LB. (Feist, ill), hyrstan adorn ( = hrystan), OHG. rusten, Otf., cp. OE. hyrst decoration, OHG. rusti equipment, Otf., Germ, stem xrud, cp. OE. 'h.vod.eia. adorned, (pp.) :': hreoSan, Icel. hrjo'Sa dear, strip (Kluge, p. 287). For Germ. -sti = Indg. -tti see Brug. § 527, n. 3. 188. y=:the i-umlaut of Germ, u before nasals and liquids, the vocalization of the Indg. nasal and liquid sonant [see 168, 169]. fyllan///, OS. fullian, OHG. fuUen, Tat., Goth, fulls /«// ; Indg. base plno- :: Indg. V pel/// (Feist, 192). wyllen woollen (OHG. wuUin), from wull %vool, Goth. wuUa ; OBulg. vliina, Lith. vilna, Indg. type ulna (Feist, 688). wylfen she-wolf {OHG. wulvin), from wtdf ; Indg. ulqos. gylden goldeji, OHG. guldin, cp. OE., OHG. gold; Indg. base ghlto-. hyldo grace, OS., OHG. huldi, Icel. bylli, cp. OHG. hold gracious :: OE. heald bent, inclined, Icel. hallr leaning, attached (Kluge NS. 116 ; Sievers, 279). cyrnel kernel, OS., OHG. kurni corn, cp. Goth, kaurn ; Indg. base grno-, OBuIg. zrino, also with r, Lat. granum (Feist, 330; Brug. §§ 303, 306 ; Kluge NS., 56). byrtSen burden, OHG. burdin, OS. burdinnia ; Lat. forti- chance, Olr. brith birth, cp. OE. byre son, Goth, baur; Indg. stem bhr :: V bher bear (Brug. § 285). myrge pleasant (' what makes the time short'), OHG. murg- §§ 1S8-190.] SHORT VOWELS. 49 faxi'^ cadticus, fragnis, transitorhis'' \ Gr. ppaxu's short, Indg. base mrghu- (Brug. 2, p. 298). wyrcan (wyrcean) to luork, Goth, waiirkjan, also waurstw (base waur(h)stwa-) icork, Germ, wurxstwa(ni) (Brug. 2, p. Ill), cp. OS. wurhtio tvorker, OE. wyrhta :: OHG. wirken to wo7'k, Otf., OS. wirkian, also OHG. wer- kon, Otf., OS. ■werkon, OHG., OS. werk work, OE. weorc ; Gr. cpyoi', Indg. V uerg : : Gr. opyai'oi' instrtwient, opyioi' sacred act (Feist, 657 ; Kluge, p. 388). clyppan embrace, OFris. kleppa, Germ, type kluppjan :: Lith. globti (Kluge PG., p. 22 ; NED., p. 506 ; Helten, p. 36). cymen come, with Germ, participial suffix ina-, Indg. eno- :: cuman to come, OHG. queman (Kluge PG., p. 80). synn sin, Germ, base stmjo for simdjo, OS. sundea, OHCi. suntea (sunta, Tat.) ; Indg. base sntia : : Lat. sonti- real, sonticus (Kluge, p. 349; Henry, 123 ; Kluge N., 126). hyngran to hunger, OS. hungrian, OE. hunger ht/ftger, Germ. base xuJigru- Indg. base knqru '■.: Icel. ha vex, pinch. Germ. type xanxon :: Indg. V kenq (Feist, 232 ; Sievers, 273). 189. y = the i-umlaut of Lat. u (Sievers, 95 ; Pogatscher, p. 124; Kluge PG., p. 11). ^Sle pillow, Lat. pulvinum (ace). bytt bottle, Vulg. Lat. *buttis. pytt/zV, *puti-us (for Lat. puteus), OFris. pet. ynce i7ich, Lat. uncia ounce, inch, a twelfth. cymen cumin, Lat. cuminum. cjxiQt gourd, Lat. (cu)curbita. hymele hop plant, Lat. humvilus. cyln kiln, Lat. eulina. eylle leather bottle, Lat. eulleus. byden bushel, OHG. butin, Late Lat. butina, Gr. purtfT]. 190. y=the i-umlaut of Late Lat. u=Lat. o. eycene kitchen, OHG. chuhhina, VuIg.Lat. cucina, cocina, Late Lat. coquina. E 50 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 190-193. mylen 7nill, OHG. mulin, Vulg. Lat. mvilina, Late Lat. molina, for Lat. mola. mydd bus/iel, OHG. mutti, Tat., Lat. modius (Kluge PC, p. 12). 19L y=the i-umlaut of Germ. u=Lat. o before nasals (Sievers, 70; Pogatscher, p. 124). mynet coin, OHG. miiniz, Tat., also mvinizza, Lat. moneta (Kluge, p. 240). mynster minster, OHG. munistri, Lat. monasterium. spynge sponge, OS. spvinsia, OHG. spunga, Tat., Lat. spongia (Franz, p. 48). UNSTABLE y. 192. In late texts y = i§, the i-unilaut of ea, the fracture of Germ, a (Sievers, 98 ; Sweet S., 474). fyrd rtr;;?y = fifrd, OS. fard (dat. fgrdi) journey, OHG. fart (dat. ffrti. Tat.) (Kluge, p. 76). yrni?5u misery — i^xvii^Vi, OHG. armida. yrfe inheritance = \^vfe, OHG. frbi, arbi, Goth, arbi, Germ. base arbja-; Indg. base orbhio-,cp.Lat. orbus, Olr. orbe, Gr. 6p({)aK6s (Brug. § 335 ; Feist, 47). syllan ^/t/^ = sif llan, Merc, sfllan, VP., OS. sfllian, Goth. saljan ; Indg. soleid / cause to take :: Indg V sel take, Gr. eXeii/ (Feist, 473 ; Sievers, 407 a, n. 2). cnyll knell =cni^\\, Mod.G. knalL cnyllan beat ?ioisily = oni^Waxi, Du. knallen. scyll shell=sci^\\, Merc, scfll (OET.), Goth, skalj a ///<;'. wylm 7va7'e = -wi^\ni, Germ, base walmi- (OS. 'wallan boilup) ; Skr. urmis wave, Indg. type ulmis (Brug. § 306). hsrrstan (hifrstan) fry, Merc. h§rsta '■frixoriuvi^ VP., OHG. h.axst gridiron (Schade). 193. y=ie, the i-umlaut of eo the fracture of Germ, e (Sievers, 100). hyrde=hierde herdsman, OHG. hirti, cp. heord, herd, Goth, hairda, OHG. herta (Brug. § 538). §§ 193-I97-] SHORT VOWELS. 51 fyrsn heel, Germ, base fersni-, also OHG. fersana, Tat. ; Indg. stem persns ; Skr. parsnis (Kluge PC, p. 53 ; Brug. § 582). 194. {a) y=ie, the i-umlaut of ea («'a) after palatals (Sievers, 98; Sweet S., 471). scyppan create = sc\^^^qxl, Goth, skapjan. cyfes conatbzne = cieies, OHG. kfbisa, Germ, type kaBiso. cyrman cry ^;//=cigrrQan, Genn. type karmjan, MDu. ker- men (Franck). cyrran turn = ci^vva,n, Merc, egrran, VP. (see NED.). gyst guest = gX^st, Goth, gasts ; Indg. base ^hosti- stranger, Lat. hostis, OBulg. gosti (Brug. § 422). {b) So in borrowing from Latin C37tel kettle =c\^t<5i\, Merc, eetel. Vulg.Lat. *catillus (Kluge PG., p. II). cyst-beam chestnut-tree, Vulg. Lat. castinia, cp. OHG, ch§s- tinna. eyren must, ivwe = ci^ven, Merc, egren, Lat. carenum, 195. {a) y = ie = Germ. e after palatals (Sievers, 75, 3). cyrlic charlock= cierlic, Merc, cerlie (see NED.). cjvva. (cyrn) churn, Voc, MLG. kerne, MDu. karne (from kerne) (Franck, p. 421 ; see NED.). c5Tnan to churn, MLG. kernen, Du. karnen (from kernen). {b) So in borrowing from Latin cyrs cherry = cierse, Vulg,Lat,*cer(e)sia, from Lat. cerasus (Kluge PG., p. II ; NED., p. 323). 196. y=io, the u-. o- or a-umlaut of Germ. i. elyf r//j7'(pl. cliofu), OS. klif, OHG. kleb, Germ, base klilba-. swyra neck=awiora. 197. y=i, Germ, i (Sievers, 31; Wright, 16). cyriee church = cirice, OHG. chiricha. Germ, type kirik6(n) (see NED.). mycel ^^r^a/=micel, Voc, Goth, mikils, OHG. mihil, Gr. lieyaXo-, Indg. V meg (Brug. § 469 ; Feist, 395). E 2 52 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 198, 199. 198. y contraction for e + wi (Sievers, no). nytan, nysse, nyllan = ne witan, ne wisse, ne willan, through the loss of an initial w in the negative forms of some verbs. IN UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. 199. In unstressed syllables (in late texts not unfrequently) y=e (Sievers, 44, n. 2). heelynd, faBdjrr, bityr, for hselend, faeder, biter. In unstressed words in late texts occasionally y=i (Sweet S., 477). ys, hyne, hyt, for is, hine, hit. §§ 200, 201.] LONG VOWELS. ^-3, Long Vowels. a. 200. Long a (a) was pronounced in Old English as the a in Mod. English father. a = Germ. ai. Long a (a) corresponds to Germ, ai, Indg. ai and oi. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. e, Zend, ae, Arm. ai, Gr. ai, oi, Lat. ae, oe (u), Olr. ae, oe (e), OWel. oi, OBulg. e, Lith. e (ai). The following are the correspondences of Germ, ai in the various Germanic languages : Goth, ai, Icel. ei, OS. e, OFris. e (rarely a), OHG. ei, also e before r, h, and w. ^ 201. {a) a==Indg. ai. hal whole, OFris. hel, OS. hel, OHG. hell, Tat., Goth, hails ; OBulg. celu, Olr. eel, OWel. coil '■ augurium^ Indg. base qailo- (Feist, 236 ; Brug. § 439). ad biiriiifig pile, OHG. eit ; Olr. aedyfrt', Lat. a^edes /ire-place, Jwuse, Gr. aiGw / burn, Skr. edhas Jire-ivood, Indg. V aidh glow (Brug. § 93). gad lack, Goth, gaidw (Sievers, 249) :: OE. gitsian to desire (Sievers, 198. 4). Q&Agoad; Indg. base ghaito- :: Skr. V hi to drive on, cp. Gr. Xaios shepherd's staff {¥Avig&, p. ill). 54 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 201, 202. sada S7iare, cord, OHG. seito .'. Lat. saeta /^rw//^, Skr. setu- biuding, Lith. setas cord, OBulg. seti cord, Indg. V sai bind. sal bond, OS., OFris. sel rope, OHG. sell, Otf., Icel. sell (Brug. 2, p. 19s). tacor brother-i7t-law, OHG. zeihhur ; Arm. taigr, Skr. devar-, Gr. Sdrip (for *8aifiip), Indg. base daiur-, daiu6r- (Brug. §§ 95, 97)- ^&X goat, Goth, gaits ; Lat. haedus (Feist, 203). slaw j-/f w, OHG. sleo weak, dull, Germ, type slaiwaz ; Lat. laevus left, Gr. Xaios, OBulg. levii, cpf. laiuos (Brug. § 96 : Kluge PG., 31). 202. {h) a=Indg. oi. atS oatJi, Goth, aijjs, OHG. eid, Germ, type aijjaz ; Indg. type oitos, Olr. oeth (Kluge, p. 66; Feist, 21). dag (dah) dough, Icel. deig, OHG. teic (teig), Goth, daigs ; Gr. Toixos wall:: Gr. reixos, Zend, pairi-daeza- enclosure, Skr. dehi ivall, Indg. V dheigh smear, knead, for?n, Goth, deigan knead :: Lat. figura (Feist, 124 ; Brug. §§ 63, 395). had condition, Goth, haidus, OS. hed, OHG. heit 'persona,' Tat. ; Skr. ketu- picture, form, Indg. base qoitu- (Feist, 233 ; Brug. § 374). hador clear, OS. hedar, OHG. heitai-; Indg. base qoitro-. wat he kftows, OFris. wet, OHG. weiz, Goth, wait ; Gr. oiBe (foISe), Skr. veda, Indg. type uoide (Brug. § yy). sXov poison, Icel. eitr, OHG. eitar; Gr. otSos tumoicr, oiSa'w / swell, Indg. stem oid- (Kluge, p. 68 ; Brug. § 79). faxafoam, OHG. feim. ; Skr. phena, Lat. spuma. an one, Goth, ains, OHG. ein, OS. en; Olr. oen, OLat. oinos, oenos, Lat. iinus, Gr. oicos, Indg. oinos (Henry, 34). man wicked, false, OFris. men, OHG. mein, Germ, type mainaz ; Indg. type moinos ; cp. Lat. communis, *com- moinis, Indg. base moini- (Brug. § 2, p. 138). clam cloam, clay, mud; Gr. yXoios mud, oil, Lat. gliiten :: OHG. ehlenan stick', Gr. yXicrxpos sticky, greedy, yXixo/xai, I desire eagerly (Kluge PG., p. 72). §§ 202-204.] LONG VOWELS. ^^ swat sweaty OS. swet, OHG. sueiz, Tat., Icel. sveiti ; Skr. svedas, Lat. sudor, Indg. base suoid- :: Gr. tSos, Skr. -/ svid to sweat. ham. Jiome^ OS. hem, OHG. heim, Goth, haims village ; Indg. type qoimos :: Indg. -/ qei to rest (Brug. § 84 ; Feist, 237). fah variegated, OHG. feh, Goth, faihs ; Gr. -n-oiKiXos :: Indg. V peik (Feist, 146 ; Brug. § 401). fah hostile, guilty, OHG. feh. Goth, fdih deception ; Olr. oeeh enemy:: Gr. TiKpo'i s/iarp, Lith. piktas angry :: Indg. V peiq (Feist, 145 ; Brug. § 45S). last a track, Goth, laists footstep, track, laisjan make to track, teach ; Lat. lira tjack ( = Indg. loisa) :: Indg. V leis to track out (Feist, 346 ; Kluge, p. 209 ; Brug. § 588 ; Conway, 58). wrasen chain, OHG. reisan '^ nodus ^ Germ, base wraitsna- :: OE. wriSan twist (Kluge PG., p. 28). 203. a is a contraction of a ( = Germ. ai) + vowel, the two coming together through the loss of h. ta toe = tahe (OET, p. 591), OHG. zeha. Germ, type taixe(n), taihwoin) ; Indg. V daiq (Kluge, p. 394)- ra roe = ra,ha, Corp., OHG. reho. Germ, base raixo(n) (Sievers, 277)5 cp. Icel. ra (Noreen, 291J. a=GoTH. e, Germ, se, 204. Followed by w, or when the following syllable con- tains a, o, or u a=Germ. se, Indg. e [see 219] (Sievers, 57; Sweet S., 446). clawu claw, OHG. klawa, chlawa. Germ, base kleewo- (Sievers, 259; Kluge PG., p. 86). sawon (pret. pi.) sa2u, OS. sawun.'. OHG. sahun, Otf., Goth. sehwun. taiwian prepare, getawe equipment, Goth, tewa order. Sawan tliaw '. . Indg. V' teq, Gr. TrJKa) (Kluge, p. 352). awul awl, Voc, eel, OHG. ala (OET., p. 463J. j6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 204-207. hraca spittle, Icel. hraki, Germ, type xrfflko(n). tal caluDtny, Icel. tal deceit, OHG. zala, peril, Otf. lacnian /leal, Germ, type ISknojo / heal, cp. Goth, lekeis a leech, physician, OE. Iffice. slapan (beside sl^pan) sleep, OS. slapan, OHG. slafan, Goth. slepan. swar heavy, OS. swar, OHG. swar, Icel. svarr, Goth, swers grave, honoured (base swera-). trag un-cuilling, bad, lazy, cp. trage badly, OHG. trago, Germ. stem tr£eg- ; Indg. V dregh to torment (Kluge, p. 357). wag (beside w^^) wave, OS. wag, OHG. wag (base waga-), Otf., Goth, wegs :: Indg. V -aegh to move (Brug. § 178 ; Kluge, P-389)- wat (besides waet) wet, Icel. vatr :: Goth, wato 7vater ; OBuIg. voda :: Indg. Vued : ud, Gr. uSwp (P>ist, 655). maga kinsman, cp. m^g, OHG. mag, Otf., Tat. lagon (pret. pi.) lay, OHG. lagun, Goth, legiin. a FROM LATIN. 205. In late words a=Lat. a (Pogatscher, 195). papa/^/i?=Lat. papa. pal/6i/i?=Lat. palus stake. da doe = Late Lat. damus, Voc, Lat. dama. Before w. jiSuVfei pea- cock = l^?ii. pavo. 206. In learned words a=Lat. a (Pogatscher, 186). sacerd/r/Vi'/=Lat. sacerdos. calend calends=haX. kalendae. magister master = 'La.t. magister. ^alendae palace =Yu\g. Lat. palantium. 207. aw represents Lat. au (Pogatscher, 254). cawel cole = 'L2L\.. eaulis. lawer laurel =h^.t. laurus. Pa wel Paul^ Lat. Paulus. §§ 208-214.] LONG VOWELS. 57 LENGTHENINGS OF GERM. a. 208. By compensatory lengthening for loss of g : a=ag (Sweet S., 401; Sievers, 214. 3). befran asked, fran, pret. s. of frignan (frinan), Goth, fraihnan : Indg. V prek, Lat. precor :: Lat. procus suitor, OBulg. prositi to ask (Feist, 182). 209. a is a lengthening of Germ, a in monosyllables when the vowel is final and stressed (Sweet S., 447). swa so, Goth. swa. 210. a is a lengthening of Germ, a in stressed mono- syllables when the vowel has become final through loss of final consonant (Sievers, 121). hwa who .? = *hwa(r), Goth, hwas ; Indg. base qo- (interroga- tive), Skr. ka- who?, Lat. quod, Gr. Tr69ei/ whence?, Gr. iroTepos, Ion. Korepos, OBulg. kotoru who?, Olr. eo, ca what?, OWel. pa, Lith. kas who? (Brug. § 419 ; Feist, 301 ; Kluge PG., p. 95)- a- (prefix) = *a(r), OHG. ar- (Sweet S., 386). a-gifan to restore, OHG. ar-geban. 211. In early texts a is a lengthening of Germ, a in monosyllables (Sweet S., 387). paat (=pa'S)^a//^, Corp., for paeS (OET., p. 474). 212. In some texts a is a lengthening of Germ, a before a single consonant in subordinate monosyllabic words (Sweet S., 384 ; Sievers, 122). ae but=aiC, OS. ak. 213. Even when originally geminated (Sievers, 122). can can, OHG. kann. man man, OHG. raaiin. 214. In late WS. and in the dialects a is a lengthening of 5^ OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 214-219. Gerin. a before 1 or r + consonant (Sievers, 124; Sweet S., 395)- aid old, Rush.i (Matt. 9. i6) = eald. tialdan //(V^i'= liealdan. salde i^<9/^= sealde. all cz//=eall. arn ran = earn, fallan fall = feallan. 215. In late WS. and in the dialects a is a lengthening of Germ, a before nasal + consonant (Sievers, 124; Sweet S., 395)- hand //rt:;?^/= hpnd, OS. hand (Sievers, 274). fandian tiy, e/uleavour= fsmdian, OS. fandon. CONTRACTIONS. 216. In North, a is the contraction of Germ. a(h)a (Sievers, 374). sla slay, Icel. sla, OFris. sla, OS. slahan, OHG. alahan. Swa -u/as/i, Icel. pva,, OS. thwahan, OHG. thuuahan, Tat. 217. au is the contraction of Germ, aiw- (Sievers, 6 and 174- 3)- saule = sawle, dat. of sawol soi/l, Goth, saiwala. auht, naviht = a(w)uht, na(w)uht aught, naught. 86* 218. Long 83 (se) was pronounced in Old English as the vowel sound in Mod. English there, or perhaps as the vowel in man sung to a long note. 8e=GoTH. e, Germ. se. 219. WS. ^ (Merc, e), corresponds to Germ, se, Indg. e (Sweet S., 448). §§ 2 19, 220.] LONG VOWELS. 59 The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. a, Gr. t) and d, Lat. e, OBulg. e, Lith. e, Olr. i. 220. The following are the correspondences of Germ, se in the various Germ, languages : OE. 86, Goth, e, OFris. e, OHG. a, OS. a, Icel. a. sffid seed, OS. sad, OHG. sat, OFris. sed ; Lat. semen. Gr. TJ/jia a t/ifom, Olr. sil seed, Indg. -«/ se t/iroiu, sow (Brug. § 72). djed deed, OS. dad, OHG. tat, Tat., Goth. gadej?s ; Gr. firjaw I shall place, Indg. •%/ dhe. nsedl needle, OS. nadla, OHG. nadala, Goth. ne]?la, OFris. nedle ; Gr. vr\\i.a. yarn, Lat. neraen, Olr. snim spinnmg, Indg. V sne, ne (Feist, 423). msel measiirc, mark, season, OS. mal 7nark, OHG. mal, Goth. mel time, OFris. mel, Icel. mal ; OBulg. mera nieasure, Indg. V me (Feist, 390 ; Brug. 2, p. 177). waer t7-ue, OFris. wer, OS. war, OHG. vp-ar. Tat. ; Lat. verus, Olr. fir, Indg. type ueros from yesros, cp. OHG. wesan io be : :' OE. wSron wet'e (Feist, 668 ; Kluge PG., _PP- 55, 75)- beer bier, OS. bara, OHG. bara. Tat., Otf., OFris. bere. Germ. type bffiro (Kluge, p. 16). hSr hair, OS. har, OHG. har. Tat., OFris. her. Germ, base Xseza-, hffira- :: OBulg. kosa (Brug. § 585). fffir danger, OS. far waylayifig, Icel. far harm, OHG. fara, :: Gr. irelpa ( = TT€pt.a.) trial, Indg. V per (Kluge, p. 106). ffifan even OHG. aband, OS. aband. rffid counsel, OFris. red, OS. rad, OHG. rat, Otf., Icel. ra'S. TEedan advise, OS. radan, OHG. ratan, Icel. ra^a, OFris. reda, Goth, redan reflect (Brug. § 75 ; Feist, 449). slJepan sleep, OFris. slepa, OS. slapan, OHG. slafan, Goth. slepan ; Indg. V sleb :: OHG. slaf slack, OBulg. slabu (Brug. § 533). mt ate, OHG. az ; Lat. ed- (perf. stem of edere dvz^") (Wright, 156; Brug. § 314; Douse, 24). 6o OLD ENGLISH PHONOL OGY. [§§220,221. mseS ino7ving, OHG. mad, Germ, base inee)?!- ; Indg. V me vioiu, Gr. a|uiT]Tos tJie field whc7i 7-eaped (Kluge, p. 219). IseS landed J>roperty '. . Goth, unlejjs (stem unled-) ivithout possessiofis, poor (Kluge PG., p. 40). mjete 7/iodei-afe,poo7; OHG. m.aza a 77ieasu7-e, I eel. mat 7/todera- tio7t, OHG. mazun, pret. pi. 77ieasiired :: OHG. m.ezzan to 7/ieasu7-e, OE. m.etan, I eel. meta. wSpn 'weapo7i, OS. wapan, Icel. vapn, OHG. wafan, OFris. wepin (Helten, p. 17), Goth, wepna (pi.). Isetan let, OS. latan, OHG. lazan, Icel. lata, Goth, litan, OFris. leta; Indg. Vied :: Goth, lats slothful, OHG. laz. Tat., Icel- Ipskr ( = Germ. type latkuaz) soft (Brug. § 527) ; Lat.lassus (=lad-tus) //>d'c/ (Brug. § 315). sffll ti//ic, Goth, sels good, khid, OS. salig fo7-tt(7iate, blessed, good, OHG. salig, Tat. wfflg wave, OS. wag, OHG. wag, Otf., OFris. weg, Goth. wegs. strffil a7T07v, OHG. strala ; OBulg. strela. bffll fi7-e (for burning the dead), Icel. bal ; Skr. bhala bright- ness, OBulg. belu white (Fick I. 152). swffis dear, i7iti77iate, OHG. suas, Otf., suaso ^ do7/iesticus.' Tat., OS. swas, Goth, swes (Feist, 559). braecS S77iell (as of anything burning), odour, breath, cp. OH(}. bradam vapour, stea7n ; Indg. V bhre burn, heat (NED., p. 1079). THE UMLAUTS. 221. 86 = the i-umlaut of a, Germ. ai. ISran teach, OS. lerian, OHG. leren, Tat. .' , Goth, laisjan ; Lat. lira ( = Indg. type loiso) furrow '.. MHG. leise /rar,^ :: Goth, leisan to experience ; Indg. •%/ leis to trace, t7'ack (Feist, 346 ; Brug. § 588 ; Conway, 58). Isest t7-ack, OS. gilesti pe7fo7'77ia7ice, OHG. leist track, shoe- maker's last, Goth, laists track, Icel. leistr part of the foot. See above. §§ 221, 222.] LONG VOWELS. 6l dsel (i-stem) j?^ar/, OS. del, OHG. teil, Tat., Goth, dails. hsel (i-stem) w.?//ar^, OHG.heil, Tat., Icel. 'h.eiWfavourable omen. fffimne virgin, Merc, femne, VP., OFris. femne, famne. Germ. type faimnie(n) (Helten, p. 23 ; Siebs, p. 274 ; PBB. xiv. 245). feege doomed, dead, timid, OHG. feigi of little luorth, Otf., Icel. feigr fated to die, OS. fegi, cp. OE. feegtS imminent death, OFris. feithe revenge for bloodshed. Germ, base faigij?- (Helten, p. 113 ; PBB. xiv. 244). eegen own, OHG. eigin (with Germ, participial suffix ina-) .'. Goth, aih I have (Kluge PG., p. 80). staenen made of stone, from stan stone, Goth, stains. fi^sofesh, OS. flesk, OHG. fleisk. Germ, base flaiski-. rffiran rear, Goth, raisjan raise :: Goth, reisan rise. stSger stair \ OHG. steigal steep :: OHG. stigan, OE. stigan; at&gl steep ) Gr.aTeixw, Indg.V'steigh. (Kluge NS., 189, 196). Ijefan leave, OHG. leiben, Otf., Icel. leifa, cp. Goth.laiba rem- nant :: OE. lifan (belifan) remain, OHG. biliban (Mod.G. bleiben), Goth, bileiban ; Indg. V leip smear, stick, glue :: Gr. \i-irosfrt (Brug. §§ 221, 254; Kluge, p. 33). clsene clean, OHG. 'kleinifne, crafty, Otf., OFris. clen. hlffider (hlaedder) ladder, OHG. leitara, Germ, type xlaidrjo :: Indg. V klei incline (Brug. § 180; Kluge, p. 209). haest I'iolence, fu7j, Goth, haifsts strife, Icel. heift (heipt) feud, also OE. heeste violent, OHG. heist, OFris. heste (Brug. 2, p. 286 ; Feist, 234 ; Kluge, p. 132 ; CV. p. 252). ' fflg egg, OS. ei, OHG. el, Du. ei. Germ, type aijas (Kluge, p. 65 ; Sievers, 290). f^XXfat, OHG. feitit, feizit (see Cosijn, p. 50), Icel. feitr. laedan lead, OS. ledian, OHG. leiten. Tat., Germ, type laidjan cause to go :': OE. liSan^<7, OS. liSan, OHG. lidan, Goth. leijjan (Wright, 63 ; Kluge, p. 207). 222. £e = the i-umlaut of a (before w), Germ, se, Goth, e (Sievers, 57). n.^gB.n accost, speak to. Germ, type naegjan .'. Merc, neh, Goth, nehw nigh (Kluge PG., p. 82}. 62 OLD ENGLISH PILONOLOGY. [§§ 222-226. ISwan defray, Goth, lewjan (lew opportunity), OHG. laen (=lawjan), fir-laen betray, Otf., cp. laga ambush :: Goth, ligan to lie :: Gr. Xoxos ambush (Kluge PG., p. 53). SBltaewe perfect, complete, in good order, Goth, tewa order (Feist, 577). 223. 86 represents Lat. a and its i-umlaut (Sievers, 57; Pogatscher, 195, 205). streegl (str^l) carpet, Lat. stragulum. street street, Lat. strata (via). nsep turnip, Lat. napus. raedie radish — 'LdA. radicem. LENGTHENINGS. 224. In the stressed form of prefix a- the sound ae is the lengthening of Germ, a in a monosyllable which has become final through loss of consonant (Cosijn, p. 4). £e- = OHG. ar- (NED, p. 144 ; Schade, p. 1058). ffi-men uninhabited (Grein). ae-gilde without compeiisatioti. ^-mod dishearte7ied. se-muSa without a mouth (' ccecum intestinum '). ae-cumbe oakum, cp. OHG. tow. 225. 8e = the lengthening of se, Germ, a as a compensation for the disappearance of the g between the palatal vowel and one of the voiced consonants d, S, n and sometimes 1 (Cosijn, p. 7 ; Sweet S., 401). maeden jnaiden^msegden, OHG. magatin, Tat. v/8dn wain='wadgn, OS. ■wagan. ssede said=ssegde, OHG. sageta. sn^l snai/=an8Bgl :: OHG. snecko. 226. 86 = the lengthening of 86, Germ, a as compensation for loss of 6 before 1 after a short vowel (Sievers, 202). nisei speech =^l speech, an assembly, Goth, maj^l a place of §§ 226-229] LONG VOWELS. 63 public meeting, market-place, I eel. mal speech, OHG. mahal tneeting, agreement, jnarriage-contract, OS. mahal assembly, speech. vcL^lSiVL converse = va.2B^a,ia., Goth, maj^ljan, Icel. ra^la,, speak, stipulate, OHG. mahalen take to wife, Otf., OS. mahlian speak, gimahlian speak, take to wife. staelan to foiaul^stsB^liaun. (statSelian). st^lwierSe stahvart, cp. ^\,^o\ foundation. IX SPECIAL TEXTS. 227. In the earlier texts as in the Corpus glossary 88 = ea. Germ, au before c, g, h (Sweet S., 462 ; OET., p. 613). on-ls6c opened =on-\.Q^Q, pret. s. of on-lucan (Sievers, 385). heeh high = heah. tffig tye = teag. beeg ring=heag. Iseg lye = leag. 228. In VP. 8e = the i-umlaut of Germ, a before Incon- sonant (Sweet S., 469; OET., p. 542). mseltan melt, cp. OHG. malz malt :: OE. meltan. waelle well, OHG. wallan bubble forth :: wellan roll. seldu old age, OS. aid old (Kluge NS., 116). cwSlman affiict, OS. qualm viole?it death :: quelan die. c^ltcalf, OHG. kalb ikelbir, pi.). ea. ea = Indg. au. 229. ea corresponds to Germ, au, Indg. au and ou. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. o, Zend, ao, Gr. au, ou, Lat. au. u (6), Lith. au, OBulg. u, Olr. 6, (later ua). The following are the correspondences of Germ, au in the various Germ, languages : ^4 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§ 229. Goth, au, Icel. au (6 before h), OHG. ou (o before dentals), OS. 6, OFris. a. eaca additioii, increase, cp. Goth, aukan to increase, Icel. aiika, OHG. oiihhon, OS. okian, OFris. aka; Skr. ojas- strength, Zend, aojah- strength, Lith. augu I grow, Lat. augeo, Olr. 6g virgin (i.e. growing) , Indg. V aua (Brug. § 430). eae eke, also, Goth, auk, Icel. auk, OHG. ouh, OS. ok, OFris. ak (Brug. § 99). Seah though, OHG. doh (enclitic), Icel. ]36, Goth. Jjauh, Germ. )7au + h; for h cp. Goth, -uh, -h, Lat. -que, Gr. tc (Kluge PG., p. 47 ; Feist, 621). eare ear, Icel. eyra (with r-umlaut, see Noreen, 68. 5), OHG. ora, OS. ora, OFris. are .'. Goth, auso ; cp. Lith. ausis, OBulg. ueho, Olr. 6 . .' Lat. auris. hean low, humble, OS. hon, OHG. honlih, OFris. han, Goth. hauns ; Lett, kauns shame :: Lith. kuvetis to be ashamed (Feist, 255). heap heap, OS. hop, OFris. hap, OHG. houf, Otf. ; Lith. kaupas, OBulg. kupu (but on the Balt-Slav. forms, see Kluge, P- 133)- seats pit, OFris. satS (sad), Goth, saujjs (saud-) a seethe- offeritig (Grimm, p. 40), Icel. saucSr sheep (see CV.), MHG. sot (sod-) boiling, bubbling, bubbling water, gushing spring, well (Schade) :: 0£. seo'San seethe, boil, Icel. sjotSa, OHG. siodan. Germ. V' seuj) seethe. lea,a false, Goth, laus empty, vain, Icel. lauss vacant, OHG. los, OS. los, OFris. las :: OE. forleosan lose entirely, Goth. fraliusan :: Goth, fralusts loss (Feist, 364). deaf ^/m/ Goth, ddufs dull, OHG. doub, Otf (toub, Tat.) :: Gr. TU(j)X6s blind :: Indg. V dheubh to be dull in senses (Feist, 118; Kluge, p. 351). leaf leaf, Goth, laufs (pi. laubos), Icel. lauf, OHG. loub, OS. lob (lof), OFris. laf leae leeh, Icel. laukr, OHG. louh :: Olr. luss ( = luksu = Uigsu-) //(?;//, vegetable, LB. (Kluge, p. 201). bean bean, Icel. baun, OHG. bona, Germ, type "bauno. §§ 229-231.1 LONG VOWELS. 6^ leah meadow, OHG. loh; Lat. lueua grove, Lith. Isiukaa Jie/tf, Skr. lokas. fleahy^m, OHG. floh, Icel. flo (Noreen, 91), Germ, type Jjlauxaz (Kluge, p. 89). eage eye, Goth, augo, Icel. auga, OHG. ouga, OS. oga, OFris, age. leag /ve/or 7t'as/n';ro'^0UG. louga, Icel. laug 7uarfn bath :': OHG . luhheu ivash (Braune, 154. 6 ; Kluge, p. 201). teag tie, rope, Icel. taug string '. . Lat. dueo (OLat. douco) ;: Goth, tiuhan ciraiu, Indg. V deuk (Feist, 580). ?Sreat troop, croivd, press, t]iro>ig, also troicble, calamity, Icel. j?raut labour, exertion, OBuIg. trudii :: Goth. )5ruts-fill leprosy :: Goth. J>riutan (in compound) to vex greatly, OE. Sreotan, OHG. thriazan, Otf., Indg. V treud (Feist, 613). dreapian distil :: dreopan to trickle, OS. driopan, OHG. triofan, Indg. V dhreub :: OE. dropa, OHG. tropfo, Olr. drucht (base druptu-) dew (Kluge, p. 359 ; Windisch, 36). sceat lap, Goth, skauts the hem of a garment, Icel. skaut comer of a sail, OHG. scoz :: OE. seeotan to shoot, project. lead lead, OHG. lot; Olr. luaide (Kluge PG., p. 5). dream noise, OS. AroTiy joyous noise, joy ; Gr. Gpoos ( = 0pofos) noise :: Gr. fipuXos noise. eanian yean, produce young (generally used of sheep), Dutch dial. ooio-eTO. produce yozmg (see BT.), Germ, type aunojan to act as a ewe, cp. Goth, awi (in compounds), OE. eowu (Sievers, 411 and 25S, n. 2 ; Douse, p. 115; Kluge, p. ,293). 230. ea = Lat. au in borrowed words (Kluge PG., p. 11). ceas strife, Lat. causa a cause (in law). eeac pitcher, basin, Lat. caucus, Gr. KauKog, cp. Olr. cuaeh (Stokes CD., p. 8). 231. eaw=Goth. aggw, Icel. oggv (ggw=Indg. u, see Brug. § 179; Cosijn, p. 52). g\e&-w prudent, Goth, glaggwus, Icel. glpggr, OS. glau. hneaw stingy, Icel. hnpggr (ace. linpggvan). F 66 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 231-234. deaw deiv, Icel. dpgg (gen. dpggvar), OHC^. tou (gen. touwes), OS. dau, Germ, base dauwa- ; Indg. base dhauo- (Kluge, P-35I). ?eaw tliew, manners, OS. thau. heawan hc%u, Icel. hpggva. OS. hauwan, OHG. houwan, Otf., Germ, stem hauw-, haw- ; Indg. stem qou-, OBuIg. kovati, to hammer, Lat. cudd (OLat. eoudo) ; cp. OS. houwi hay, OE. Meg, hig, Merc, heg (Brug. §§ 181, 439 ; Kluge, p. 133). 232. eaw (througli aiiw) = Goth. aw, Indg. au, and ou (Sievers, 73). feawe (pi.) few, Goth, fawdi, Icel. far (Noreen, 105) ; Indg. Vpau, Gr. irauw make to cease, irauofjiat cease, iraupos foii>, Lat. paueus and paulus small (Brug. § 93). sceawian behold, OS. skawon, OHG. seouwon, Tat., Germ. stem skauw-, skaw- ; Indg. stem skou-, kou.-, Gr. Kofiiit [Koidi] perceive (Brug. § 81 ; Kluge, p. 296 ; Sievers, 411). CONTRACTIONS. 233. ea=au(j)a, Germ, auja (Sievers, 119). frea /oin led (Kluge, p. 5). tear tear, *t8Bfhjur, OHG. zahar, Otf., Icel. tar (Noreen, 105), §§ 234-238.] LONG VOWELS. 67 Germ, base taxra- ; Indg. stem dakr-, Gr. SdKpu, OLat. dacruma, OWel. dacr, Olr. der (Brug. 2, p. 303). gefeay(?j' = *gefaho, cp. Goth, fahejjsy^j :: OHG. gifeho, Tat. (Kluge NS., 105). 235. ea=au, the u of which is the w vocalized when standing at the end of a syllable (Wright, 66). hrea raw, Germ, base xi'awa-, OHG. ro (gen. rawes), led. hrar :: Gr. Kpe(f)as raw meat, Indg. V qreu (Brug. § 183I. strea straw, Germ, base strawa-, OHG. stro (gen. strawes), I eel. stra. tSrea, thrauu, Ep., OHG. dro (Kluge, p. 59). 236. ea=Geim. au, contraction for agw, the voiced gw being the modification of Germ, xw, hw, h (representing Indg. q) by consonant stress-mutation (Verner's Law) (Wright, 51). beam tree, OS. bom, OHG. bourn, Goth, bagms (base bag-ma-), Germ, ba-u-ma-, bag-m.a- = bagwma- ; Indg. base bhaq-mo- (Feist, 72). 237. ea=:Germ. au, contraction for augw, the voiced gw being the modification of Germ, xw, hw, h (representing Indg. k), by consonant stress-mutation. tQdjm. family, offspring, OHG. zoum, bridle, I eel. taum.r, Germ, base tau-ma-, taugw-ma- :': Goth, tiuhan; OLat. douco, Lat. duco, Indg. \/ deuk (Brug. 2, § 165 ; Feist, 72). 238. ea=Germ. au, contraction for augw, the gw repre- sendng Indg. gh (Brug. § 453). dream dream, OS. drom, OHG. troum, Tat., leel. draumr. Germ, base drauma-, draugwma- :: OS. driogan deceive, OHG. triogan, also driagari deceiver, Otf. ; Indg. \/ dhreugh :: Zend, draoga lying, OPers. drauga- untruth, Skr. drogha- crafty damaging. ge-dreag apparition, vision, OS. gidrog, I eel. traugr ghost. See above (Kluge, p. 361). F 2 68 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 239-244. 239. ea= earlier au, the contraction of a (=OHG. a, Goth. e) + u(o) after shortening of the a (Sievers, 112). elea claiv, VP. = cla(w)u for clawu, OHG. chlawa (NED. p. 472). brea^r^w = bra(w)ufor *brawu, OHG.brawa(NED.,p. 1083). pea peacock = ^du(yT)vjx for pawun, ace. of pawa, Lat. pavo (Sievers, 118). 240. ea=earlier au, the contraction of a (=Germ. ai) + u (o). wea woe, also wawa, OHG. wewo, a derivative of the Germ, interj. wai, Goth, wai, OE. wa (see Sievers, 62 and 118). AFTER PALATALS. 241. ea (®a) is the result of the combination of the palatals g, c, se with Germ, se (Sievers, 75; Sweet S., 461). g^afon^i^z/ij^g^fon, OHG. gabun, Goth, gebun. sc'^ap sheep = S(i&^, seep, VP., OHG. seaf. sc*'aron ci(t=s6&Yon, OHG. scarun. 242. ea (*?a) = Germ. se after the palatal g (=Germ. j) (Sievers, 74). gearjKm;-=gSr, OHG. jar, Otf., Goth, jer, Icel. ar (Noreen, 210); Zend. yare_y^i:?r :: Gr.wpos J^'ar, wpa /zV//^ (Feist, 321 ; Brug. §§ 118, 311). g.'^Si yea = g^, OHG. ja; Gr. ■^ ti'uly (Kluge, p. 153). 243. ea (ea) = a (Germ, ai) after sd (Sweet S., 537). sc^adan separate, scadan (VP.), Goth, skaidan (Brug. § 553 ; Feist, 501 ; Kluge PG., p. 28). sc^an shone = Merc. scan, Goth, skain, pret. s. :: skeinan. 244. ea= lengthening of ea in compensation for loss of g (Sievers, 214. 3). pngean a§a/>2j/=:*9ngeagn = 9ngaBgn = *9ngagn (NED., p. 171). §§ 245-^49-] LONG VOWELS. 69 BEFORE C. 245. Rarely ea=Late Lat. e, Lat. se. Greaeas, Creacas Greeks = G;veQ^B, Crecas, cp. Lat. Greci, Grseci (Pogatscher, 141 ; Cosijn, p. 42). IN DIALECTS AND SPECIAL TEXTS. 246. In North, and Merc. (VP.) ea=contraction of Germ. e + a (or o), in the infinitive of verbs. gesean see, *se(h)an, OHG. sehan. gefean rejoice, *fe(h)on, OS. gifehon, OHG. fehon (Schade, p. 174). 247. In Merc. (VP.) ea = contraction of Germ, i + a (from o). freayr^^=freo, *fri(j)a, OHG. fri (Kluge, p. 94). 248. In Bede and VP. occasionally, ea=eo, Germ. eu. fleat, esitcary, 'Jleet,' Bede, cp. fleot. Seada ''gentium,' VP. = cSeoda, gen. pi. of Seod, Goth. J)iuda people. e. 249. Long e (e) was pronounced in Old English as the vowel sound in they without diphthongization. Germanic Correspondences. OE. e does not correspond to any simple Indg. sonant. It sometimes corresponds to a Germ, close e, a rare sound, the origin of which is obscure (Wright, 28 ; Brug. § 75, n. 2 ; Sievers, 58). This Germ, close e appears thus in the various languages : 70 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 249-252. Goth, e, Icel. e, OE. e, OS. e (i, ie), OHG. ea, ia, ie, OFris. e, i (i before r). her here, Goth., OS., Icel. her, OHG. hear, hiar, hier, OFris. hir (Helten, p. 18). lef weak, OS. and OFris. lef. Weland Weland, OHG. Wielant (Grimm, p. 1392). cen torch, OHG. kien//;/^, torch (Kluge, p. 169). Here may be placed the e, the stem-vowel of the redupli- cated preterites which was e in the oldest stage of the Germ. language, a sound probably the result of contraction (Wright, 159; Sievers, 394). let let (pret. s. of laetan), OS. let, Icel. let, OFris. let and lit, OHG. liaz, Otf.,liez, Tat. het called (pret. s. of hatan), OS. het, Icel. het, OFris. het and hit, OHG. hiaz, hiez. seed separated (pret. s. of scadan), OHG. seiad, Otf. slep slept (pret. s. of sl^pan), OHG. sliaf. Otf. se that (iiian), OS. se (Kluge PG., p. 94). 250. e=Germ. e, a contraction of older iz, Indg. iz. med vieed, OS. meda, OFris. mede, mide, meide, OHG. meta (mieta, miata), Goth, mizdo ; Gr. |yii(T06s, OBulg. mizda, Indg. type mizdhos (and mizdha) (Feist, 405 ; Brug. § 538). 251. In poetry e is a rare equivalent of Germ. ae. This is perhaps taken from Mercian [see 263] (Sievers, 91 ; Sweet S., 450). meee sword, OS. maki, Goth, inekeis (meki, ace). 252. In poetry e is a rare equivalent of OS. e = WS. a= Germ, ai (Kluge PG., p. 79 ; Grein). egesa (egsa) owtier, possessor, OS. ekso, cp. egan to have, OE. agan Goth, digan. § 253.J LOXG VOWELS. THE U:MLArTS. 253. e is the regular i-umlaut of o, Germ, o (Sievers, 94). swete sweet, OS. swoti, OHG. suozi, Germ, base swotja- : Lat. suavis ( = suad.vis), Skr. svadii-, Indg. base suadu-, cp. Dor. Gr. a8us = o-fa8us (Brug. § 104; Henr)', 152J. gled (i-stem) gloxving coal, OHG. gliiot, Tat., from Germ, stem glo-. gerefa reeve, Germ, type -ro^on, cp. I eel. -rof (in stafrof) number, OHG. ruova nionbcr (Schade; Kluge, p. 119). steda steed, sticd-Jiorsc, Germ, type stodjon, cp. OE. stod stud p/horses, OHG. stuota :: Indg. V sta stand (Kluge, p. 348). wregan accuse, OS. wrogian, OHG. ruogen, Tat., ruagen. Otf. '. , Goth, ■wrohs accusation (Kluge, p. 285). bra's (i-stem) /(?;;/t', cp. HroS- (in proper names), Icel. hro$r, OHG. Ruod- (in proper names). gefera companion, wife, feran (foeran, Corp.) travel, cp. OS. forian bring, OHCi. fuoren bring, Tat., OFris. fera :: OHG. faran_^i,^6> (Kluge, p. 98). cene bold, OHG. chuoni (kuani, Otf.), ODutch coene, Icel. kdenn wise, Germ, base konja- :: OE. ceiman make known. Germ, type kannjan :: Germ. V ken knoti' ; Indg. V gen. cepan keep, Germ, type kopjan (Kluge in PBB. 8. 538). met5e tired, OS. moSi, OHG. muodi (muadi, Otf.), Germ, base m5J7Ja-, cp. Icel. moSr ; Indg. \/ mo, cp. Gr. jioiXos ttvuble. efstan hasten, oefstan VP., from bio^t haste (obst, Ep.) (OET., pp. 643, 648). secan seek, OFris. seka, OS. sokian, Goth, sokjan, Dor. Gr. aYeop,ai, I lead, Lat. sagire track, Olr. saigim I go towards, aim at (Brug. § 107 ; Feist, 521). eeeel cake, coecil, Ep., cp. OHCj. chuohho :: OSwed. kaka (OET., p. 650 ; Kluge, p. 192). pndresn y^rtr=*9ndrosni, *9ndr6tsni, :: ^Ta.dv&d.axi. to dread (Kluge PG., p. 28 ; Kluge NS., 147). sweg sound, swoeg (OET., p. 650), from swogan to sound, OS. swogan, Goth, swogatjan to sigh. 7 -J OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 253-255. f\f-^Qr& five-floored, from ^bv floor (Kluge NS., 177). fBtfeei (Germ, type fotiz), pi. of f5t (Wright, 16). 254. e = the i-umlaut of 6 (before nasals) = OHG. a= Goth, e — Indg. e (Sievers, 68). cwen woman, queen, cwoen, VP., Goth, qens (i-stem), Icel. kvan wife ; Skr. -jani- wife, Indg. base geni- (Brug. § 70). wen hope, OS. wan, OHG. wan, also wani, Otf., Goth, wens, OE. wenan to hope (wosnan, Corp.), OS. wanian thi7ik, OFris. biwena (Helten, p. 18). bremel bramble. Germ, base feraemila-, cp. OE. bronS broom, (ierm.base br£ema-,and OHG.branio,Germ. type breeni6(n). Setem.e suitable, OHG. gizami, Otf. gecweme convenient, cp. OHG. biquami, Otf. 255. e = the i-umlaut of 6=911, Germ, an before spirant (Sievers, 94; Cosijn, p. 19). ges geese (for ^gosins, *gonsins. Germ, type gansins), ace. pi, of gos, OHG. gans. est grace, oestful, Corp., cp. OHG. anst (i-stem). ehtwa. persecute, oehtan, VP., a ja- verb, from oht persecution, OHG. ahta, cp. ahten persecute, Tat., OFris. echta. Germ. V anx (Brug. § 214 ; Kluge, p. 3 ; Helten, p. 44). feSa troop, a ba?td on foot, f5e'5a, Corp., Germ, base fan]?ian- ( Sweet 8., 322 ; OET., p. 648). neSan to venture, OFris. netha, OS. nadian, OHG. nendjan, Icel. nenna strive (Noreen, 199), Goth. nanjTJan. sefte soft, cp. softe gently, OS. safto, and OHG. sfmfti soft, samfto softly, Goth, aamjan to please (Brug. § 529). eSian breathe (on-oe5ung inspiration, VP.), Icoi.&nAa. breathe, pnd (gen. andar) breath. smeSe smooth, smoe^e, Corp., Germ, base snian)>ja- ; cp. Bohem. smant, Russ. sm^tana, whence MHG. smant cream, and schmftten in East German dialects (Grein, ii. 457 ; Kluge, p. 308). geseSan prove as true, gesotSian, from so5 true, Icel. sannr ; §§ 255-259-] LO^VG VOWELS. 73 Indg, base sonto-, Lat. sonticus genuine :: Goth, surja truth, Germ, type sun(d:)jo ; cp. Skr. satya- true, Zend. hai9ya-, Indg. base sntio- (Feist, 547 ; Brug. § 125 ; Henr}% 123; Kluge PC, p. 35). CONTRACTIONS. 256. e = eg + d. or n (Cosijn, p. 21 ; Sweet S., 401). bredan /?/;// away ^/«V^/y =, OHG. brettan. stredan J'ffl// (Sievers, 389. 4). tSen sen'ant=^egn, OS. thegan do/, Germ, base J?egna-. ren ratn = regn, OHG. regan, Tat. 257. In some texts (Orosius for examj)le) e = 8e = 8eg+d (Cosijn, p. 11). sede j'azV/=s8ede = saegde, pt. s. of sfcgan. lede /azV/=l£ede=laegde, pt. s. of Igcgan. LENGTHENING. 258. e is the lengthening of Germ, i (e) in monosyllables, when the final consonant has disappeared (Sievers, 121). he /le (for *he(r)), OS. he, OHG. (Franconian) he, her, Goth, hi- tht's, pronominal stem in himma in himma daga t/n's day ; Gr. -Ki (in ouki), Lat. ci- (in cis, eitra), Albanian si-, OBulg. si, Olr. ce (in a few compounds) (Kluge, p. 142 ; Feist, 264 ; Brug. § 387 ; Wright, 137 ; Kluge PG., p. 95). me me (for *ine(r)), OHG. mir, Goth, mis (dat.). we we, OHG. wir, also wir, Goth, weis (Cosijn, p. 45). ge _>'£>, OHG. ir (see Brug., 2, p. 810). IN DIALECTS AND SPECIAL TEXTS. 259. In non-WS. dialects, especially in I\Ierc. (VP.) e=the i-umlaut of ea. Germ, au, andof eo, Germ, eu (Sweet S., 483). lesan deliver (OET., p. 707j = \VS. lysan, liesan, OS, losian, 74 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§ 259. OHG. losen, Tat., Goth, lausjan, cp. laus empty, vain, OHG. 16s, OS. los, OE. leas :: Goth, liusan, OE. leosan, OHG. liosan (these verbs generally found compounded with prefixes) :: Gr. Xuw, Lat. so-lu-tus (Brug. § 268). legyf^w;z^=WS. lig, lieg, Icel. leygr, OHG.loug, Tat. '. . MHG. lohe ( = Goth. *lauha) :: Lat. luceo I shine, Gr. Xcukos white, Indg. V leuk (Brug. § 258 ; Kluge, p. 215). cegan call = ^S. cigan, ciegan, Germ, type kaujan (Sievers, 408.3); Gr. Pous ox, OBulg. govedo ox, Gr. jSor) (^^pofa) call, Lat. voved / vow (for guou-eo) (but see Wharton EL.) :: Indg. V geu (Brug. § 428). Yiegaxi. petfoj-ni, Germ, type xaujan, Icel. heyja (Sievers, 408. 3). cesnis tiiceness {in eating) = V\l'S. ciesnis, also eeasnes, cp. ceas chose, Goth. kaus. (See NED., s.v. chis). stregan strew, Goth, straujan (Feist, 543). stren bed, ^ stratum^ cp. streon (Grein). See above. ned }teed=WS. nied, Icel. nauS, Goth. nau]>s, OHG. not, Otf., cp. Goth, naus dead body, Icel. nar (Noreen, 105 ; Feist, 419). hlet /ci/=WS. hliet, Icel. hlaut sortilege (hleyti share), OHG. loz, Tat, OS. lot, Goth, hlauts :: OS. hliotan obtain, OE. hleotan.OHG.liozan; probably Indg. Vkleud wash, purify :: Gr. kXu^w ( = kXu8ioj) I wash, kXuSwi/ wa7'e, cp. OLat. cluere cleanse :: Lat. cloaca sewer ( = elovaca), Indg. V kleu. astepnis orphanage, steop- orphaned, OHG. stiuf-, also stiufen deprive (Kluge, p. 341). gemnis care (cp. WS. gieme), Icel. geyma also gaumr, cp. OHG. goumen take care of, Otf., OS. gdmean. degol secret=^'S,. diegol, OHG. tougali. Tat. (Kluge NS., 18). hehst highest, heah high, OS. hoh, OHG. hoh, Goth, hauhs, Icel. har (Noreen, 91 ; Feist, 254; Sievers, 310). geheran hear, (joth. hausjan, OHG. hdren, Tat. henaxi hitmiliate, Goth, haiinjan, OHG. honen, Otf. (Feist, 255). gelefan allow, Icel. leyfa permit, OHG. arlouben. Tat., Goth. iislaubjan (Feist, 361). See below, gelefan believe, Goth, galaubjan :: Goth, liufs dear, OE. leof, Indg. V leubh to please (Kluge, p. 21 2). §§ 260-264.1 LONG VOWELS. 75 260. Rarely in WS. e = the i-umlaut of ea, Germ, au (Cosijn, p. 53). degle hidden, hreman call. genian to care for. lefan pcrtnit. hehst highest, gelefan bdiei'e. geheran hear, gefleman put to flight. henan humiliate, gened compelled. 261. In late Kentish e = y the i-umlaut of u (Sievers, 154 ; Sweet S., 487). pntenan (9/5^// = ontynan, from tun enclosure. brectS enjoys = \)XYC^-i from bruean. 262. In Kentish glosses and charters e = 8e. the i-umlaui of a, Germ, ai (Sievers, 151. i). enig // = (Seoh, I eel. )5Jo. eo. 267. eo corresponds regularly to Germ, eu, Indg. eu. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. o, Zend, ao, Gr, eu, Lat. ov, ou (u), OBulg. ov, u, Lith. av, au, Prim. Celt, ou, Olr. 6, ua (when a or o followed), OWel. u. The following are the correspondences of Germ, eu in the various Germ, languages : Goth, iu, Icel. ju, jo, OHG. iu, also eo, io, ia (when a or o followed), OS. io, OFris. ia, OE. eo (and in oldest texts occasionally eu). ^eo, Seoh thigh, OHG. dioh, MDu. die, OFris. thlaeh, Icel. J?j6 ; Lith. taukasyi^c/ of anitnah, OBulg. tuku (Franck). deor wild beast, OHG. tier, Icel. dyr (with r-umlaut, Noreen, 68. 6), ODu. dier, CJoth. dius (gen. diuzis, see Braune, § 94) ; Indg. base dheixso- animal, breathing creature, Indg. ■v/ dheus breathe, OBulg. duehu soul, Lith. dausos, pi. air (Feist, 128; Kluge, p. 355). <5eod people Goth. J)iuda, OHG. tliiota. Tat., and diota, OS. §§ 267, 268.] LONG VOWELS. 77 thioda, OFris. thiade, Icel. JrjoS ; Lith. tauta, OLat. touto, Olr. tuath, OWel. tut, Indg. type teuta (Brug. § 67). (Seote cataract, OHG. diozo (diezo), cp. OE.'Seotan to roar (of the waves, winds), Icel. f)jota, OHG. diozan :: Goth. J?ut- haurn tru?/ipet (Feist, 618). fLeosJieece, MHG. vlius :: MHG. vlus (Kluge, p. 87). fleet estuary (cp. *■ Northflect'), Icel. fljot strea7n, ODu. vliet brook, cp. OE. fleotan siviiii, OS. ^iotsco-floiv, OHG. fliozzan, Icel. fljota ; Indg. V pleud, cp. Indg. -«/ pleu, Gr. -nXefu} (■n-Xe'cj) sat'/ (Brug. § 65 ; Kluge, p. 89). reocan rcei, smoke, OHG. riohhan. Tat. :: OHG. rouhh smoke. OS. rok, also with i-umlaut OE. rec, Icel. reykr. beost biestings, OHG. biost, OFris. blast, cp. OE. bysting (with i-umlaut). steer steer, bullock, Goth, stiiir, OHG. stior ; Zend, staera beast ofbu7-den ; the s is lost in Icel. }?j6rr (Kluge, p. 342). mees moss, OHG. mies :: OHG.mes, OY.. raos a sw a »ipy place. Germ, base musa-, cp. Lat. muscus moss, Lith. musai, pi. (stem musa-), mould on sour milk, OBulg. muchu moss (Brug. § 52 ; Kluge, p. 236). seeSan seethe, boil, OHG. siodan, Icel. sjotSa, Germ. \/ seu)?. fi:eoQax\. freeze, OHG. friosan, Icel. frjosa, Goth, frius frost . '. Lat. prurio itch, lit. burn .' . Indg. V preus burn, freeze :: Lat. pruna (=prus-iia) but-nifig coal {Y&'isi, 188). cleefan split, cleave, OHG. cblieban, OS. klieban ; Indg. V gleubh, Lat. glubo I peel (Kluge, p. 175 ; NED.). weed weed, OS. wiod :: Low G. woden (pi.) in Bremen dialect. heepe hip (of the dog-rose), OS. hiopo, OHG. hiafe (Schade. p. 403). seec sick, Goth, siuks, Icel. sjukr, OHG. sieh. Tat., siech. Otf., OS.siek, OFris. siak. eeol ship, OHG. cheel, Icel. kjoll, Germ, type keulaz (Franck, p. 441). 268. eo=Germ. eu, contraction of egw, where the voiced 78 OLD ENGLISH PLIONOLOGY. [§§ 268-270- gw is the modification of xw, hw, h (representing Indg. q) by consonant stress-mutation (Verner's Law) (Wright, 63). hweol wheel, hweowol, Germ, base x^ei^ila- for xwe7wla- ; Indg. base qeqro- circle, Gr, ku'kXos ( = k/^6kX6s), Skr. cakra- 7ohee/ (Brug. § 427 <^; Kluge PG., p. 33 ; Douse, p. 37). pnseon face (usually appearing in umlauted form onsyn or pnsien), OS. ansiun, OHG. anasumi, gisiuni, Tat., Goth. sitms aspect, Germ, base siuni- for seg-wni- ; Indg. base seqni- .'. OHG. sehan i-t'^; Indg. \/ seq( Feist, 498 ; Douse, p. 72 ; Brug. § 441 ; Sievers, 269, n. 4; Kluge NS. 229). Sec (base Sewa-) servant, OHG. deo, Goth. )?ius, (cp. Icel. jjyr (with i-umlaut) bcmdwoman). Germ, base J^egwa- ; Indg. base teqo- (Kluge, p. 52 ; Feist, 605). feower /tf/cr, OS. fiwar. Germ, type fewer, fe^wur ; Indg. type qeqiir a form due to assimilation, cp. Indg. type qetuer, Olr. eethir, OE. fiSer- (Kluge PG., p. 105). 269. eow=ewi, i-umlaut form of an older awi (Sievers, 73)- meowle maid, damsel ■=*-niQMv\\.b, Goth, mawilo, dimin. of mawi _^/;7=Germ. type magwi, cp. Goth, magus boy ; cp. Olr. mug (base mogu-) slave (so Stokes CD., p. 14; Rhys, p. 412 ; Brug. § 82, 538 ; but see 347). eowTi ewe, Germ, base awi-, cp. Goth, awistr sheepfold ( = awi-wistr) ; Gr. ois (=:6f-is), Lat. ovis, Lith. avis, Skr. avis, Olr. oi, OBulg. ovi-, Indg. base oui- (Henry, 34). QOViAe. flock of sheep, OHG. fwit. Tat., Goth. awe)?i. eowestre sheepfold, OHG. gwist, Tat., Goth, awistr (Feist, 68). streowede strewed, OHG. strfwita, Goth, strawida, pt. s. of straujan. CONTRACTIONS. 270. eo= contraction of Germ, eu-fo (a) (Sievers, 119). teon riu, Goth. )?rija, Germ. type {>rijo ; Indg. stem tri- (Kluge, PG., p. 105). beo ^iv = *bija, North, bia, cp. bian bees, VP., OHG. bia. eode / «'£'«/ = *ija ivent + 'de (weak pret. suffix). With *ija cp. Goth, iddja ; Skr. ayam I -went, Indg. 6-iein. In e-iem the Ho OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 272-277. 6 is the old augment, and the Indg. \/ is ^ go (Feist, 309 ; Douse, p. 188 ; Brug. § 61 ; Kluge PC, p. 1^). 273. eo=:Germ. iw, Indg. iu. Qovj you (dat. pi.), OHG. iu, Germ, stem iww- ; cp. Indg. stem iu-, Skr. yusma-, Gr. u(jl|j.ii' (Brug. 2, p. 834). 274. eo= contraction of Germ, i (Indg. ei) + o, a (Slavers, 114). teon censure, ofteon withhold, deny, OS. tihan (in aftihan), OHG. zihan, Otf., Goth, ga-teihan announce; OLat. deicd 1 declare, Lat dico, Gr. SeiKi/ufAi, Indg. V deik (Brug. § 368 ; Kluge, p. 395 ; Feist, 575 ; Sievers, 383). leon lend, OHG. lihan, Tat., OFris. lia, Icel. Ija, Goth, leih- wan; Gr. Xeiirw I leave, Lat. linquo (with nasal infixed), Olr. lecim Heave, Indg. V leiq (Brug. § 64; Feist, 352). seon sift, OHG. sihan, Icel. sia. Germ. V sih, sihw, sixw ; Indg. V seiq (Kluge, p. 325 ; Brug. § 442). fQo\file, OHG. fihala ; Indg. V peik cut, scratch :: Lat. pietor, OBulg. pisati write (Kluge, p. 81 ; Brug. § 36). 275. eo= contraction of Germ. iha=inxa. (Seen thrive, OS. thihan, Goth. ga-}?eihan, OHG. gi-dilian, thihan. Tat., Germ, base )?inxana-. Germ. V )?enx, cp. MHG. ge-dihte frcqueiitly, and Icel. jjettr close, tight. Germ, base jjenxta- (see Noreen, 197) ; Indg. \/ tenq ::' OE. ge'Sungen thriven, excellent (Feist, 599 ; Kluge, p. 106 Sievers, 185, n. 2 ; Wright, 16; Brug. § 360J. 276. eo= contraction for y + a, o, u (Sievers, 117). reo covering, rug, reowu, Voc, ryhae, Ep. (see OET., p. 640), Germ base ruxjon, cp. OHG. ruh rough. eeo chough, cyhae (in Ep. chyae). Germ, base kuxjon (see OET.,' p. 638). 277. eo= contraction for eo(w)u (Sievers, 396, n. 4). reon rozved^veovfyxa, pt pi. of rowan to row. §§ 278-283.] LONG VOWELS. 81 278. eo= lengthening of eo in compensation for loss of g before S (Sievers, 214. 3). teotSe tithe = teog(e)'Sa, teogoSa tenth (Sievers, 328), Goth, tigus a decad .'. Goth, taihun, OHG. zehan ; Lat. decern, Or. ScKa, Indg. type dekm (Sievers, 106. 2 ; Feist, 578, 568 ; Brug. § 530). 279. eo=lengthening of eo (the fracture) as compensa- tion for loss of h before a vocaHc ending (Sievers, 242). seoles, gen. of seolh seal. eoles, gen. of eolh elk. feores, gen. of feorh life, OHG. ferah ' aniiiia' Tat. feolan adhere, Goth, filhan conceal :: WS. fealh (pt. s.) (Sievers, 387. 2, n. 2). 280. eo = 10 = the lengthening of io (the fracture) as compensation for loss of h. weobud, weofud altar, also wiobud for ■cviohbed (Sievers, 222. 2, n. i). The latter element is probably beod tal>le, Goth, biujjs (stem biud-) (Feist, 98). AFTER PALATALS, 281. After Germ, j (the palatal semi-vowel) eo i.e. ^0=6, the English representative of OHG. a before nasals (Sievers, 68, 74). geomor, g^'omor mournful, OHG. jamar, Otf., OS. jamar sad (Kluge, p. 153). 282. After the palatal sd, ^6=0 in some texts sporadically (Sievers, 76). sceoh, sc^oh shoe, sometimes occurs for sc'oh, OHG. scuah, Otf., Goth, skohs :: skewjan /rir, Goth. Jjreis ; Gr. rpcis, Indg. type treies, Skr. trayas (Brug. § 67. 2). bitan bite, Goth, beitan, OHG. bizzan (bizan, Otf.) ; Skr. bhedami / cleave, Indg V bheid :: Lat. fidi, i pt. s. of findo I cleave (Brug. § 61 ; Kluge, p. 25). ripan cut corn, reap :: rap (pt. s.) :: Merc, reopan (eo from short i),VP., reopa ^ manipulus'' (see OET., p. 516; Sievers, 382; Sweet S., p. 319). seir bright, OS. skir, Icel. skirr, Goth, skeirs :: Icel. sksrr sheer, bright (Germ, base skairja-, Noreen, 165, and 61. 2). seinan j'/«>;4', Icel. skina, OHG. scinan, Goth, skeinan ; cp. 8keim.a a light (Feist, 507). hrinan touch, OS. hrinan, OHG. hrinan (rinan. Tat.) :: OE. hrine touch, ^ tactt/s.' Note. — On the grade of the Indg. stem vowel of n verbs see Kluge PG., p. 72. GERMANIC LENGTHENINGS. 289. 1= lengthening of Germ, i in compensation for loss of nasal. flijive, OS. fif, Goth, fimf, Icel. fimm, OHG. finf, Otf. ; Indg. type penqe, Lat. quinque, Gr. ireWe, Lith. penki, OWel. pimp, Arm. hing, Skr. panca (Brug. § 419J. G 2 84 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 289, 290. fifel- mighty big . ' Icel. fimbiil-. OE. f ifel-cyn, fifel-dor, fifel-stream (see Grein) ..' Icel. fimbul-tyr the mighty god. fiinbul-}?ulr the great wise man (see CV.) (Kliige PC, p, 40). a\^ JotiJ'ney, titne, Goth, sinjjs way ; Bret, hent ( = sento-), Olr. set :: Goth, insandjan to f)ut on the road, OE. sgndan se7id. gesi6 co})ipanio7i, retainer, OHG. gisindo, Otf., Goth. gasin|?a travelling companion (Kluge, p. 113; Feist, 495). See above. swiS strong ( .'. aeswind idle), OS.swidi, OFris. swith, OHG. swindi, MHG. swinde, Goth, swinjjs, Icel. svinnr clever (Kluge, p. 112; Kluge PG., p. 40). briber ox, bull, hriS-, Corp., OHG. hrind, also rind, Otf. :: OE. brySer, hru'Ser, Dutch rund (Kluge, p. 280). W^&getitle, soft, lithe, OS. lidi, OHG. lind, Otf. 290. i= lengthening of Germ, i in compensation for loss of g (Sweet S., 401 ; Sievers, 214. 3). il hedgehog=\g{e)\, OHG. igil ; Gr. exifos, cpf. eghinos (Kluge, p. 151). Sil-hearwa Ethiopian = ^ige\-YieaxwgL (Grein, ii. 448). bridels briille = 'bvigAe\s, cp. brigdils, Erf. (OET., p. 44), OHG. brittel, cp. OE. bregdan pull, twitch, braid, Icel. bregtSa, OHG. brettan, Otf. (NED.). wicSbritt resistcth = Mvi^rig6it (Sievers, 389. 4, and 359. 3). See above. gelire '■conjifgium,' adt/lte^y =geligere,Got\i. galigri marriage, cp. ligrs bed, ligan to lie (Fiest, 356 ; Cosijn, p. 32). siSe ^n'///^ = sigdi, Ep. (OET., p. 624), Icel. sigcSr sickle', Lat. seco I cut (Brug. § 430). tiSian^ri3«/=tig'Sian, cp. ge-tigSian (BT). frinan ask = frignan, Goth, fraihnan ; Indg. V prek, Lat. precor :: Lat. pi'ociis suitor. Arm. harsn bride (Feist, 1S2). rinan ;72/V^ = rignan, Goth, rign raitt. tSinen maidservant =^ignen, cp. Segen servant. §§ 291-296.] LONG VOWELS. 85 i FROM CLOSE e. 291. i=Germ. e, OHG. e (ia, ie) (Sievers, 58). tvc glory, OS. tir, Icel. tirr, OHG. *zeri splendid, ziari (see Schade). 292. i=prim. Celt, i, Indg. e (Kluge PC, p. 5; Brug. § 74). rica ruler, cp. Goth, reiks mighty, borrowed from prim. Celt. rig-, Olr. ri king, rige royal power, Lat. rex (gen. regis). 293. i = Lat. e (Pogatscher, 129; Franz, p. 39). side, sid-wyrm silk, silkzuonn, Lat. seta. Sigen Scine='V.?L\.. Sequana. cliroc f/t7-/t = Lat. clericus. cipe onion ^Lat. cepa. tigol /z7^=Lat. tegula ; cp. OHG. ziagal. Sarcinas Saracens = 'La.t. Saraceni. 294. i=Late Lat. e ( = oe) (Pogatscher, 130; Sievers, 69). pin torlure = hate Lat. pena, Lat. poena. Sirophinisc Syrophefiician, cp. Lat. Syrophoenicius. 295. is=VuIg. Lat. es, Lat. ens (Pogatscher, 131). pis heavy, also pislic heavy, pislice heavily, Vulg. Lat. *pesus, Lat. pensus lueighed (Kluge PG., p. 13). pisle cupboard for clothes ^'Lai. pensile (OF. poisle, OHG. phiesal ) . raise table=W\x\g. Lat. *mesa, Lat. mensa. IN SP£CI.\L TEXTS, DEFLECTS. 296. In late WS. i=ie, the i-umlaut of ea, Germ, au (Sievers, 100). nid 7iccessity, dtdy=nle6.. Germ, base navidi-. hiran hear='h.ieva,u, Goth, hausjan. 86 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 297-302. 297. In late WS. i=ie, the i-umlaut of eo (Sievers, 100). lixan sJiine—Vier^'asQ. for *leohsian ; Indg. V leuq (Brug. 2, p. 132). strinan ^(5/rtz« = strienan ; cp. ^^^treors. possession. Sistre _g^^(9;//;/ = Siestre ; cp. tSeostre, OS. thiustri. 298. In late WS. before and after c and g. i=y=ie, the i-umlaut of ea and eo (Sievers, 31 ; Sweet S., 486). ican increase==f oaxi, ieean, Germ. V auk. ig island=leg, Germ, type afgjwjo (Wright, 63). cigan cal/=ciega,n, Germ, type kaujan (Sievers, 408). bigan fie?id='biegsin, Goth, baugjan :: biugan dom. CIS choice\ cp. ceasnes :: eeosan choose (see NED., s. v. chis). cist chooseth = ciest (Germ, sufifix -idi) ; cp. eeosan. 299. In late WS. i=y the i-umlaut of u after c (Sweet S., 486). ciSan /^//=cySan, OHG. kunden, Tat., Germ, type kunjjjan. 300. In late WS. i=lengthening of Germ, i in mono- syllables (Sievers, 121, 122; Sweet S., 383). bi (big) by = Got\i. bi. 301. In ]\Iercian i=e=:eo before c, g, h (Sweet S., 465). tuigendi, Corp. = tweogende doubling. fligan, VP. = fleogan77y. gefrigend liberator, VP., from gefreogan to free. 302. In North, and Merc. (VP.) i= contraction of Germ. i(h)i (Sievers, 374). sist seest = *sihist, 2 pr. s. of seen, OHG. sehan. sits j'^i?/// = *sihi(5, 3 pr. s. of seon. §§ 303-305-] LONG VOWELS. 87 ie. THE UMLAUTS. 303. ie = ihe i-umlaut of ea. Germ, au (Sievers, 99). geliefan Mieve, Goth, galaubjan. cp. OE. geleafa belief:: Goth, liufs dear, OE. leof ; Indg. V leiibh desire, please :: , Lat. lubet if pleases, lubido lust (Feist, 361 ; Brug. § 538). Weg Jlaine, OHG. loug, Tat., Germ, base laugi- :' : Lat. lux { = louc-s, base louci). luceo ( = louceoi, cp. Goth. liuhaf> light; Gr. XeuKos '-^i'liite, Indg. V leuq (Feist, 363; Kluge, p. 212 ; Henry, 108). hiehst highest (Germ, base x^uxista-, Kluge PG., p. 102), superl. of heah., Goth, hauhs (Sievers, 310). hiew'S heiueth, pr. s. of heawan, OS. hauwan ; OBulg. kovati strike :: Indg. V keu (Kiuge, p. 133). nieten small animal (Germ, base nautina-), from neat animal, Icel. naut ; Lith. nauda use ; cp. OE. geneat compatiion, OS. ginot, OHG. ginoz, Otf. :: OE. neotan use, enjoy, Icel. njota, OS. niotan, Goth, niiitan :: Goth. nvXB^ fisher, c^. OHG. nuzzi jise, Otf., OE. nytt use, also useful. diegel secret, OHG. toiigali, Tat., cp. dougan, sea-et, Otf. bietel beetle, mall, Merc, betel, MHG. bozel cudgel. Germ. type baiitilaz, cp. OE. beatan beat. 304. iew=:the i-umlaut of eaw=Germ. augw. iewan show, bring before the eyes, eawan, OFris. auwa, Germ, type au( glwjan, cp. Goth, augjan shew, augo eye (Feist, 60 ; Brug. § 444 ; Cosijn, p. 54). 305. ie — the i-umlaut of eo, Germ, eu (Sievers, 100). strienan obtain, gestreon possession, OHG. gistriunen to gain, '■ lucrari^TdX. (see Schade, p. 882). ^\qs\,vq gloomy, (Seostre, OS. thiusti'i, also OE. tSeostor and Seostru darkjiess, OS. thivistri. 88 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 305-310. eiest choosefh, pr. s. of ceosan, Goth, kiusan, OHG. kiosan, Tat. (kiasan, Otf.) ; Gr. yeuofjiai (stem yeua-) (Brug. § 67):: Goth. 'kaAxsiaxi prove (Kkige, p. 169). 306. ie=the i-umlaut of the eo which is the result of contraction (Cosijn, p. 34 ; Sievers, 286). friend, dat. s. of freond/97>;?^ ) ,-,^. ^^^ ^ a \ ^ , , , f^- , (Kkige PG., 46, A. 4). fiend, dat. s. of feond enemy ) PALATAL INFLUE^XE. 307. ie = the i-umlaut of ea developed by palatal from se, OHG. a=Lat. a (Sweet S., 483). ciese cheese, *ceasi, *cffisi, OHG, kasi, Vulg. Lat. *casius, cp. Olr. caise, Lat. easeus. 308. ie=:palatal umlaut of e after g (Germ, j) (Sievers, 74). Sleye = se (ge). 309. Rarely ie=Germ. i (Cosijn, p. 44). iedel e7Jipiy=\de\. tiema //w6' = tima. pnhriene ' tangat ' = pnhrine. 310. Long o (6) was pronounced in Old English as the vowel sound in the Mod. German Ibote. Indogermanic. 6 corresponds to Germ. 6, which is the representative of Indg. a or o. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : § 3IO.] LONG VOWELS. 89 Skr. a, Zend, a, Gr. a (tj), w, Lat. a, 6, Lith, 6, u, OBulg. a (=prim. Slav, a), Olr. a. Germ. 6 remains o in the various Old Germ, languages except in OHG. where it becomes uo, ua (in Otf.). broSor brother, OS. broSar, OFris. brother, Goth. brof)ar, Icel. broSir, OHG. bruoder, Tat. (bruader, Otf.); Lat. frater, Gr. <})paTT)p (poUt. term), OBulg. bratru, Olr. brathir (brathair, LB.), Skr. bhrata, Indg. type bhrate{r) (Brug. § 103). modor mother, OS. modar, Icel. moSir, OHG. muoter, Tat. (muater, Otf.) ; Lat. mater, Dor. Gr. fjtdrTjp, OBulg. mati. Olr. mathir (mathair, LB.), Skr. m.ata, Indg. type niate(r) (Brug. § loi; 2, p. 358). boh (bog) arm, bough, Icel. bogr elbow, OHG. buog, Dutch boeg, Germ, basebo^a-; Indg. base bhaghii-, Skr. bahu-, Zend, bazii-, Dor. Gr. iraxus (for 4)dxus) (Brug. § loi). boo beech, Icel., OFris. bok, OHG. bviocha. Germ, type boko; Dor. Gr. ^o.>fo% esculent oak, Lat. fagus beech (Brug. § 105). stol chair, OS. stol, Goth, stols, Icel. stoU, OHG. stuol, Tat. (stual, Otf.); Indg. V sta (Brug. § 316; Feist, 541). vp'oS eloquence, wocSbora orator, prophet; Lat. vates, Olr. faith (Kluge PG., p. 6; Windisch, 18). lb^, Goth, fodeins/^w^/, fodjan^'tv/; Indg. \/ pa nourish, Lat. panis bread, pa-sc6 I feed [Yioxixy, 116). ost knot, knob :: OHG. ast branch, Gr. o^os (Kluge, p. 12: Kluge PG., 55). ro (row-) rest, Icel. ro, OHG. ruowa ; Gr. epw(f)ii, Indg. type roua (Kluge, p. 285 ; Brug. 2, § 64). ibtfoot, OS. fot, OHG. fuoz. Tat., Goth, fotus ; Dor. Gr. ttws (ttwS-):: Lat. pes (ped-) (Brug. § 311). flod flood, OS. flod, Goth, flodus, OHG. fluot. Tat. ; Gr. ttXwtos swimming, Indg. V plo (Feist, 175 ; Kluge, p. 91). mod mind, spirit, Goth, mojjs (mod-), OS. m.od, OHG. muot. Tat. (Brug. 2, § 79, p. 221). 90 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§311,312- GERMANIC — BEFORE NASALS. 311. Before nasals 6 = Germ. se (Goth, e, OHG. a), Indg. e (Sievers, 68). mona'S inontJi^ OFris. monath, Goth, menojjs, OHG. manod, Otf., I eel. manacSr. mona moon, OFris. mona, Goth, mena, OHG. mano, Icel. mani ; Gr. \>-^v-(\, cp. Lat. mensis, Dor. Gr. ^■f\%, Ion. Gr. p,eis inouth, from Indg. stem mens- (Feist, 391). ewomun (pt. pi.) came, Goth, qimun, OHG. quamun. nomun (pt. pl.j took, Goth, nemun, OHG. namun (Kluge PG., p. 55). sona soo?i, OS. san, OHG. san. somcucu ^ sevih'iviis^ OHG. sami-quee ; Gr. i^fxt-, Lat. semi-, gedon done, OHG. gitan :: OE. don, OHG. tuon. apon spoon, splinter, OF^ris. spon, OHG. span, Icel. spann. brdm broom, OHG. bramo bramble, Germ, stem breem-. Oman (pi.) erysipelas, Icel. ama. 312. 6 = compensation lengthening of 9 for loss of nasal before s, tS, ft (Sievers, (i€). gos^i^'-oose, OHG. gans, Dutch gans, Icel. gos (gas) ; Indg. stem ghans-, Skr. hansa-, Lat. anser (=lianser), Gr. ■j(r]v (gen. X'r)i'-os:=X^''°''0?) ' ^P- ^^^^ from Indg. ghan-, OHG. ganazzo gander, OE. ganot gannet, gandra gander, OHG. *ganda [OFr. gante wild goose\ Olr. ged goose (Kluge, p. 102 ; Henry, 47 ; Brog. § 565). OS a divinity, god. This word, with its cognates in the other Germ, languages, is mostly found as the first element in proper names, as Oscytel. Icel. ass, As-, OHG. Ans- (cp. Norm. Fr. An- in Anquetil) (see BT. ; Grimm TM., p. 25). osle ousel, blackbird, OHG. amsala. Can this word be in ablaut relation with Lat. merula (=mesula).'' (Kluge, p. 8). ho3 band, company, Goth, hansa, OHG. hansa ' coho7-s,' Tat. (KUige, p. 130). §§ 312-3I4-] LO^G VOWELS. 9^ bosig boosy, coiu-stall, from *bos, Icel. bass, Mod.G. banse barn^ Germ, type bansaz, cp. Goth, bansts barn. tots tooth, OS. tand, OHG. zand (zan, Tat.), Icel. tpnn (gen. tannar) ; Lith. dantis, Gr. oSoi't-, Skr. danta, Indg. stem dont- :: Goth, tunjjus, Olr. det, Lat. dent-, OWel. dant, Skr. dat-, Indg. stem dnt- (Brug. § 243 ; Heniy, 123). oSer other, OHG. andar, Goth, anj^ar, Icel. annarr. so5 true, Icel. sannr ( = san)7r, Noreen, 199); Indg. base sonto-, Lat. sonticus ^^tv//////fc^ (Feist, 547 ; Henry, 123J. smoSe smoothly, cp. smecSe smooth [see 255]. softe softly, OHG. sanfto, samfto. 313. 6h=9nh=Germ. anx (Sievers, 67 ; Wright, 15V brohte brought, Goth, brahta, OHG. brahta, Germ, branxta, pt. s. of brangjan :: bringan. ?ohte thought, Goth. )?ahta, OHG. thahta, Tat., Germ. |>anxta, pt. s. of Jjankjan, Goth, jjagkjan ; OLat. tongeo / knoiv : : Indg. V teng (Feist, 589). ohi persecution, OHG. ahta (cp. sihten persecute, Otf.), Germ. type anxto ; Indg. V angh (Kluge, p. 3). toh /«/^/i, OHG. zahi. Germ, stem tanx- ••'^nge close to, OHG. gi-zfngi, Otf. (Kluge, p. 392). woh crooked, bad, perverse, OS. wah, Goih. Vi-awa:hs blajfieless, Germ, base wanxa- ; Indg. baseuanqo- (Feist, 630 ; Schade, p. 1076). *cloh dough, OHG. klah (in place names). Germ, base klanxa- ::' OHG. chlingo ravine. hoh hough, heel. Germ, base xanxa-, cp. OE. hela ( = liohila) heel, Germ, base xanxUan- (Franck, p. 369 ; Kluge, p. 1241. 314. 6= Germ, anx- fon catch, OHG. fahan, Icel. fa, Germ, stem fanx- (Feist, 144 ; Wright, S3 ; Noreen, 416). hon hang, OHG. hahan, Otf., Goth, hahan. Germ, stem xanx-; Indg. V kanq (Feist, 232). c5o clay, thohae, Ep., OHG. daha, Goth, jjalio. Germ, type )?anxon (Kluge, p. 354). 92 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 315-321. OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENCES. 315. 6=Lat. 6 (examples very rare) (Pogatscher, 175). mor(beam) /nitlberry-irce = 'Lzt. morus. non «(96i« = Lat. nona (hora). 316. is rarely the representative of Icel. au (Sievers, 26. 4). ora a piece of tnoncy (introduced by the Danes), cp. Icel. aurar (pi.), see CV. (s. V. eyrir). X'axiA.cb^ purchase of land (BT.) = Icel. landkaiip, OFris. land- kap. 317. In late WS. 6 is a contraction for og (Sweet S., 556). brdden (BT.)=brogden, pp. of bregdan draw quickly. 318. 6 is a rare lengthening of Germ, o in compensation for loss of h. holes, gen. of holli hole, cp. hool, Ep. (OET., 578). 319. 6 is a rare lengthening of o, 9 before consonant combinations (Sweet S., 395). gdld gold^ cp. last century's pronunciation, goold. wpmb womb, cp. modern pronunciation. 320. Very rarely 6 = a, Germ, ai (Sievers, 62). o, ever=^, so also owiht aught=s^NS}n.t and owcSer either = aw^Ser. sorig, CP. for sarig may be a clerical error. oe. 321. In North, and Merc. (VP. and Rushw\) 6e = the i- umlaut of Germ. 6. doeman to judge, from dovajndginefit. soecan to seek, cp. sohte sought. §§ 321-324-1 LONG VOWELS. 93 QT^oeA prosperity, cp. OS. spod. ^etfeet, cp. hotfoot. 322. In North, and Merc. oe=the i-umlaut of 5, from 911, Germ. an. toe's teeth, pi. of tdcS tooth, OHG. zand. foeSa troop. Germ, base fanjjjan- (Kluge NS., 12; Sweet S., 322). 323. In North, after w {a) 6e=WS. 86, Goth, e (Sievers, 156). woepan iueapon = vir^^en., Goth, wepna (pL). ■woeAe garme?it=w&Ae, OS. wadi. {b) 5e-.=WS. e (final). woe we='we (we). U. 324. Longu (u) was pronounced in Old English as 00 in ]\Iod. English soon. INDOGERMANIC u corresponds to Germ, u, Indg. u (Brug. § 53). mus mouse, OHG. mus ; Lat. mus, Gr. jaus. bru eye-brow, Icel. bru-n; Gr. ocjjpu's, Skr. bhru- (Brug. § 56). su sow, OHG. su ; Lat. sus, Gr. us, Skr. su-kara-//>, boar : : Lat. suinus relating to a pig, Goth, swein, OHG., OE. swin (Brug. §§ 37, 57). run secret, rune, OHG. runa (giruni ' mysteritan^ Tat.) ; Olr. run secret, runda mysterious, LB. (Brug. § 58). tun town, enclosure, Icel. tun hedge, OFris. tun, OHG. zun, Tat. ; cp. Olr. dunta shtd, LB. fiil/oul, OFris. ful, Goth, fuls, Icel. full; Lat. pus fgen. puris) foul matter, puteo smell bad, Gr. irdOaj, Indg. \/ pu (Brug. §59). 94 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 324, 325. rum 7-ooin, open space, OS. rum, Icel. rum., Goth, rums ; cp. Lat. rus open counfry :: Zend, ravah- y>-f f . uder udder, OFris. uder, OHG. utar ; Skr. udhar. hlud hmd, OS. hlud, OHCi. hlut (lut, Otf.) ; Or. kXutc (imp.) /lear, Olr. clu fame :: Indg. V kleu, Zend, sravah- tuord, prayer (Kluge, p. 202 ; Brug. § 62). sur sour, OHG. stir, Icel. surr ; Lith. suras salhie, OBulg. syru raw (Brug. § 60). drugian diy up, drugung drying, drugo^e drought (dryge (withi-umlaut) d?y) :: OS.drueno (drokno) dry (adv.), OHG. trochan, LG. droge, Dutch droog :: Icel. draugr dty bit of wood :: Germ. V dreuj (Sweet S., 316 ; Brug. § 534). 325. ■u.= Germ. u, Ind;:^. u, the vowel of the secondary accented weak grade, in the eu ablaut series, in the follow- ing aorist-presents (Brug. § 312 ; Sievers, 385 ; Noreen, 404 ; Wright, 153; Douse, p. 165). slupan s/ip :: Goth, sliupan creep into :: Goth, af-slaupjan to make to slip of {Feist, 512). siipan taste, sip, Icel. supa, OHG. sufan ' fnergi,' Tat. dufan di7'e, also as v.'eak verb with i-unilaut dyfan (Grein). scufan sliove, Icel. skufa, OFris. skuva :: Goth, skiuban, OHG. seioban (sciaban, Otf.) (Kluge, p. 300J. hrutan stiore, OFris. ruta :: Icel. hrjota. lutan bow, Icel. luta. strudan devastate :: gestrod rapine, phnider, VP. brucan bf-ook, enjoy, OFris. bruka, OHG. bruhhan (bruchan, Tat.), Goth, bruks useful; Lat. frux (frugi-). lucan lock, OHG. luhhan, Goth, lukan, OFris. luca, Icel. luka :: Ijuka (Noreen, 94). eugan suck, OHG. sugan, Icel. suga :: sjuga. bugan bow :: Goth, biugan, OHG. biogan. Tat. smugan creep :: Icel. smjuga, MHG. smiegen. '^crudan pus/i, press, crowd, MDu. eruden :: OE. croda throng :: cvea,6. pressed, Chron. (Franck, p. 524). §§326, 327-1 LONG VOWELS. 95 FROM LATIN. 326. u = Lat. u (Pogatscher, 179). mur wall, Lat. murus, cp. I eel. murr. mul nnilc, Lat. mulus, cp. I eel. mull. plume plum, Lat. pruna, pi. of prunum, cp. MHG. pflume, Icel. ploma, also OHG. pfruma, MDutch prtime (Kluge. p. 261 ; Franek, p. 759). rude rue, Lat. ruta, cp. OHG. ruta (Kluge, p. 274). truht froitl. Late Lat. tructa (Pogatscher, 180). bi-mu.tian exc/iange for, Lat. m.utare. LENGTHENINGS. 327. u = lengthening of Germ, u in compensation for loss of nasal (Sievers, 185). mutS mouth, OS. mu(5, OFris. muth and mund, Icel. mu^r and munnr, OHG. mund, Otf., Goth. mun|3S ; Indg. base mnto-, Lat. mentum clii?! (Kluge, p. 239). huBl sacrifice, Icel. husl, Goth, hunsl. Germ, base x^^^ntsla- ; Zend, spenta- holy, OPruss. swints, OBulg. svetu, Indg. stem kunt (Brug. §§ 180, 413 ; Feist, 294 ; Kluge NS. 98). us (us) us, OHG. uns, Goth, uns ; Indg. base n-sme- Lesb. Gr. afx.aes (Brug. § 233 ; Kluge PG., p. 97). cu5 known, OS. kuS, OFris. kuth, OHG. kund, Otf., Goth. kun)3S, Germ, base kun}7a-, Indg. base gnto-. guS war, Icel. gu'Sr and gunnr, OHG. gundia (gundfano banner, Otf.), Germ, types gunf^o, gTin)5Jon :: Indg. \/ ghen strike (Brug. §§ 225, 233). suS south, OFris. sutherna, Icel. suSr and sunnr, OHG. sund (sundarin soiitJiern, Tat.). fus eager, OS. fus, Icel. fuss, OHG. funs. Tat. :: Icel. finna find, OS. f\^3SQ. find, discover, Go\.\\. fin}?an; Indg. Vpent, Olr. etaim I find (Feist, 172). dust dust, OHG. tunst, dunst (Kluge, p. 62; OFris. dust (see Helten, p. 44). 96 OLD ENGLISH PLIONOLOGY. [§§ 328-332. 328. u= lengthening of Germ, u in compensation for loss of nasal before x (h) (Wright, 53 ; Sievers, 185). uhta daimi, Goth, tihtwo, Germ, type unxtwdn ; Indg. base nqtuon, cp. Skr. aktu- brillia7ice, Gr. dxris bea?]i (Brug. 2, § 61 ; Feist, 622 ; Kluge NS. 140). tStihte seemed, OHG. duhta, Goth, fiuhta, Germ, type jjunxta, pt. s. of )5unkjan, OHG. dunchan, Goth, fjugkjan, OE. cSyncan (Feist, 62 ; Sievers, 407 ; Wright, 18). 329. -11= compensation lengthening of u for loss of h (Sweet S., 498). furum = f urhum, dat. pi. oi f\ijc\x furrow . 330. u= lengthening of Germ, u in monosyllables when strest (Sweet S., 383, 457). nu 710'w, Goth. nu. Su thou, Goth. )7U. CHANGE OF QUALITY. 331. u represents Germ, o (Helten, p. 20). hu hew, OFris. hu, OS. hwo, Dutch hoe (Franck, 372). cu cow, OFris. ku, Icel. kyr (r- umlaut, see Noreen, 68), OS. ko, Dutch koe, OHG. chuo ; Indg. type Qom, Skr. gam, Gr. pic, ace. of PoGg ox, Indg. gous (Brug. §§ 188, 645). 332. Long y (y) was pronounced in Old English like Mod.G. long ti, later like OE. i. STABLE y. y=the i-umlaut of u, Germ. u. bryd bride, Goth. bruj>s (stem brudi-) daughter-in-law, OHG. brut, Otf. §§ 332-335-] LONG VOWELS. 97 hyd hide, OFris. bed, OHG. hut :: Lat. cutis, Gr. kotos (Kluge, _P- 133)- h.yf hive, Dutch huif, Germ, type Xufjo (Franck, p. 389). dyfan dive, I eel. dyfa, a weak verb, cp. OE. dufan (pt. s. deaf). tSymel thimble, formed with Germ, dimin. sufifix ila, cp. tSuma thionb, OHG. dumo. 333. y= the i-umlaut of u, the lengthening of Germ, u in compensation for loss of nasal. Sywan oppress, Dutch duwen .'. OHG. duhen squeeze, press (for *J)uhjan), Germ, stem Jjunx- for Jjuunx- . .' OHG. gi- Aos\^a.-Q. pressed :: OHG. dwingan ; Indg. \/ tuenq, Lith. tvenkia it is sultry, gives pain (Brug. § 180 ; Kluge, p. 402 ; Franck, p. 219). 334. y = the i-umlaut of Germ, u, the lengthening of u in compensation for the loss of nx before s. fyst /^/, OFris. fest; OHG. fust, Tat., Germ, base fusti-, fuhsti-, funxsti- ; Indg. base pnksti-, OBulg. p§sti (Brug. § 249 ; Kluge, 79). 335. y=the i-umlaut of Germ, u, the lengthening of u in compensation for the loss of n before S or s. hytS booty, prey, OHG. -himda, Germ, type Xun)?j6, cp. Goth. hunjjs :: Goth, hinjjan seize (Cook PL, 23). hrySer ^r, cp. Dutch rimd, Germ, basexrunjji- :: OE. hri'Ser, cp. OHG. rind (Kluge, p. 280 ; Brug. 2, § 74 ; Franck, p. 817). ytJ u^ave, OHG. undea (imda, Otf.), Icel. unnr, Germ, type unj7J6 (Brug. § 221 ; Sievers, 258. 2 ; Noreen, 298). cySan 7nake known, OFris. ketha, Germ. t>'pe kunjyan, OHG. kunden. fysan hasten, for fusian, from fus eager, OHG. funs, Otf. yet storm, OS. iist, OHG. unst (base unsti-). wyscan wish, OHG. wunsken, Germ, type wvmskjan, cp. OHG. wunsc wish, Icel. osk (Noreen, 148), Germ, type wunsko (Kluge, p. 391 ; Noreen, 289). H 98 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 336-342. 336. y=yg, where y is the i-umlaut of Germ, u (Cosijn, p. 39; Sievers, 214. 3). -hydig 7ninded=-'hys6is, cp. hycgan /Imik, OHG. huggen, Germ, type x^gjan. 337. y=Lat. y, Gr. U (Pogatscher, 181). cSyle, tSyla (Tile) Tkule, Lat. Thyle, Thtile, Gr. GuXtj. 338. y=the i-umlaut of Lat. u (Sievers, 96; Pogatscher, 181). plyme///^w, Late Lat. T^T\va.edi plum-tree (Pogatscher, 217). stryta ostrich, Lat. struthio. 339. y=Lat. e (Pogatscher, p. 85 ; Kluge PG., p. 12). flytm.ey?i'(T//z, Vulg. Lat. fletoma, Voc. Lat. phlebotomum (ace). myse (mese) table, Vulg. Lat. raesa, Lat. mensa. UNSTABLE y. AFTER PALATAL. 340. After palatal, y = ie, the i-umlaut of ea=Lat. a (Sievers, 75. 2). cyse (cyse) cheese=elese, Lat. caseus (Kluge PG., p. 11). 34 L After palatal s6 y = ie for e, the i-umlaut of o (Sievers, 76, n. 3). ge-scy j//c^x = gescie = gesce, cp. geseoe, VP., pi. of scoh shoe, OS. skoh, OHG. scuoh (giscuohi, Tat.). DIALECTS. 342. In late Kent, y is sometimes written for se (Sweet S., 487). lyce leech, ' sangiiistiga'' = \&ce, OHG. lahhi ' medicus^ Tat. lyssa less—\^Q^^, OFris. lessa, Germ, type laisizon (Kluge PG., p. 104; Helten, 22), §§ 343. 344-1 LONG VOWELS. 99 343. In late West Saxon and in the Rushw. and Kent, glosses y=ie, the i-umlaut of ea, Germ, au (Sievers, 99 ; Sweet S., 484). f^^facilius' (Grain), Germ, type aujjiz, cp. OE. eaSe easily (Kluge PG., p. 104). nyd need=nle6., OFris. ned, Germ, base naudi-. hyran hear^hlevwa., OFris. hera, Goth, hausjan. cypan ^d7/=ciepan, Germ, type kaupjan. rf^SiiQ. plunder, OHG.roufen, Otf., Goth.raupjan//z/(;X' :: Indg. V reub :: MHG. rupfen (Brug. § 534; Feist, 446). getyme team, yoke, cp. team ieam (Khige NS., p. 32). 344. In late WS. y=ie, the i-umlaut of eo, Germ, eu (Sievers, 100). lyhtan illie?iunate = \leh.tsia., cp. leoht light, Goth, liuliaf) ; cp. Gr. XeuKos. cysS chooseth = cies^, pr. s. of ceosan, Goth, kiusan ; Gr. yeu'w, Indg. V geus. strynan f^/czzVz = strienan, cp. gestveom possession. ^Ystve gloomy = ^iestve, cp. '^eostva gloojn. ansyn countenance =ansien, also anseon, cp. Goth, siims (base siuni-) appearance (Feist, 498). H 2 lOO OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§345,346. CHAPTER II. OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN THE COGNATE LANGUAGES. The Semi- Vowels. W. 345. This character, which is now the usual orthographical expression in the place of the Runic letter wen (the usual symbol employed in the manuscripts), represents the sound of Mod. English w. In the oldest texts the runic is not yet employed, uu being generally used to denote the sound in question ; sometimes simple u, which was especially common in North. w occurs initially, before all vowels, in the combinations wr, wl, in the combinations cw, hw, dw, tw, J^w, sw. w occurs medially before all vowels except u without change. It disappears before u, and thus frequently gives rise to contractions, as reon=reowun, pt. pi. of rowan navigare. INDOGERMANIC. 346. w corresponds to Indg. u before sonants and con- sonantal liquids (Brug. § 177). wegan carry, move, Goth, ga-wigan shake up ; Gr. dial, [iy^ §§346>347-] THE SEMI-VOWELS. lOI carry (:: Att. Gr. oxc'w carry, 0x09 chariot, oxeros water-pipe), Lat. veho, OBuIg. vez^, Skr. vahami, Olr. fSn (=fega), Indg. V uegh (Brug. § 151). wat / know, Goth, wait ; Gr. yToiSa, Skr. veda, Indg. type uoida : : V ueid see, know. •weald forest, OFris. wald, OS. wald, Icel. vpllr (gen. vallar) ^etd, Germ, base wal}7u- ; Indg. base ualtu-, Gr. aXaos { = fa\Tfos) (Kluge, p. 373 ; Brug. 2, § 108; Helten, 125). wulf ii/o/f, Goth, wulfs, Icel. ulfr, OHG. wolf, Germ, type widfaz, from uulxuos ( . .' Icel. ylgr she-wolf) ; Indg. type ulqos, Skr. vrka-, Lith. vilkas, OBulg. vluku :: Lith. velku / draw, Gr. IXkcj ( = /^cXko>), Indg. \/ uelq (Kluge, p. 390; Brug. § 444). wull wool, OHG. wolla, Goth, wulla, Germ, type wuilo ; Indg. type ulna, OBulg. vluna, Lith. vilnos (pi.) : Indg. ulna- and ulno-, Skr. urna-, Gr. oSXos ( = /^oX>'os) fl<-"^<:y, Lat. lana (Feist, 688; Brug. §§ 151,306). wiflm wave, Germ, base walmi- ; Skr. urmi- wave, Indg. base ulmi- ebullition :: OHG. wellan tur^i round; Indg. -/ uel, Gr. i\ Wright, 51). meowle damsel, Goth, mawilo, dimin. of mawi girl (for 103 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 347-351- magwi), cp. Goth, magus boy .'. Indg. stem maq, Olr. mac (mace) son, OWel. map (Brug. § 436 ; Windisch, 65). sawe he should see, cp. saegon we saw, Merc, segun, Germ. type segwumi' . seon to see, OHG. sehan ; Lat. aeci- follow, Indg. V seq (Brug. § 419). Sawan thaw, Icel. Jjeyja, OHG. douwen, dfwen dissolve, Germ. V jjaw (for j?agw) :': Gr. TrJKO) I dissolve, Indg. V teq (Kluge, p. 352). &owev four, OS. fiwar, Icel. fjogor, fjugur (neut. pi.), OHG. fior, Tat., Germ, type fewur, fegwur ; Indg. type qeqr (Kluge PG., p. 105). raw row, Germ, type raiwo for raigwo :': Germ, type reiXwan, OHG. rihan set iti a row, cp. MHG. rihe rozo, Mod.G. reihe. 348. w corresponds to Germ, w, for gw, Indg. gh. snaw (sna) snow, Goth, snaiws, base snaiwa- for Germ, snaig'wra- ; Indg. base snoi^ho- :: Indg. \/ sneigh :: Lat. nivem (ace), Gr. i/iclja (acc.j, Indg. (s)niQhm. (Feist, 517; Brug. § 423 ; Henry, 68). 349. In Late WS. uw, uw=ug, ug (Sievers, 214). adruwian = adrugian to dry, cp. dryge (i-stem) dry. suwian = sugian, swugian, cp. swigian to be silent, OFris. swigia, OS. swigon (Kluge, p. 320). 350. w is sometimes inserted to prevent hiatus caused by the loss of h ; the w, however, may perhaps be due to consonant stress mutation. riiwes, for ru(li)es, gen. of rtih rough (Sievers, 116). horwes, gen. of horhyf/M (Sievers, 242). niwo\ prone, for nihold, Corp. (Sievers, 51). DISAPPEARANCES OF W. 351. w initial is often lost in the negative forms of verbs (Sievers, 172). nat=ne wat know not (Sievers, 420. i). §§ 351-355-1 ^-^^^ SEMI-VOWELS. IO3 nast=ne wast know est not. nytun=ne witon (wietun), pi. kfiow not. nysse = newisse)^,^^^,^^^^^^ nyste =ne wiste J nyllaS = ne willa'S ivill not (Sievers, 428, n. 2;. naes = ne waes loas not (Sievers, 427. 3). nsron = ne weeron were not. Also in other negatives, as nauht }ianght=ne awuht fiot anything. Occasionally before u (Sievers, 172). uton = wuton let ns ! 352. In North. oeg = woeg, for weg way. 353. w disappears when it is the initial of the 2nd un- stressed member of a compound (Sievers, 173, n. 4). hlaford /f7r^/=hlaf + weard. fullviJit baptisvi = i\x\.-wSh.t. Hro'Sulf = HroS- gloty + wulf. ealneg rt/w^?>' = ealneweg (Sievers, 172). enitrej'^rtr/z;/_g-=£enwmtre (Sievers, 173). 354. w medial disappears before u or i (Sievers, 173). eucu = c'wneu alive. betuh=betwuh betwixt. gifrede ( = *garwida), pt. s. of gigrwan prepare (Sievers, 408. i). wiflede ( = *walwida), pt. s. of wiflwan roll. smi§rede ( = *sniarwida), pt. s. of smi§rwan anoint. si§rede ( = *sarwida), pt. s. of si§rwan deceive. pyle ( = *pulwi-)/27/^w, Lat. pulvinus (Pogatscher, 314). 355. w final disappears after long vowel in stem syllable. £6 /aw = Germ, ai'cs'i-. see sea = Germ, saiwi-. 104 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 355-359. hr£8 corpse (stem hrsewi-) (Sievers, 288). sna snow, Goth, snaiwa-. / mffid mead (stem msedwo-). \^Q pasture (stem leeswo-). gad lack, Goth, gaidw (Sievers, 249). VOCALIZATIONS OF W FINAL. 356. w final is vocalized to u (o) after consonant, which u (o) remains as final after a short stem syllable (Sievers, 174. 2 and 249 ; Wright, 66). \>eQXVL grove (stem bearwa-, Germ. fcarv«ra-). searu armour (stem searwa-, Germ, sarwa-). smeoru lard (stem smeorwa-, Germ, smerwa-). 357. w final is vocalized to u, which after a short vowel forms a contraction. treo /rt'^=*treu, stem trewa-. cneo Zv;^^=*kneu, stem knewa-. tSeo servant=^*\e\x, stem )?ewa-. hleo lee, shelter = *hleu, stem hlewa-. 358. w final is vocalized to u and contracted after a long stem vowel (Sievers, 250). gleo joy, gen. gliwes, cp. gliu, Ep. heo appearance, gen. hiwes, cp. North, hiu. i (semi-vowel). 359. OE. i when consonantal in function was pronounced like Mod. English y. This symbol occurs but rarely in genuine OE. words, the sound being generally represented by g, to which letter refer for the correspondences (Sweet S., 543). \\Ji formerly, Goth, ju already. §§ 359-363-] THE LIQUIDS. 105 iucian to yoke, iuoyoke, Goth. juk. iung youn^, Goth, juggs. itingra ' adolesce7itior^ VP. vx'gv^ youth, VP. In Kentish \oc yoke, Goth. jxik. 360. In old texts, i=g (in Latin words). lorius = Georgius, GET. (Sweet S., 544). 361. In Rush.^ and in some late texts, i=g, Germ, g (Sievers, 212; Sweet S., 544). iarwan, Rush.' = gi§r'wan^r^/«r^. .ffi(Sil-iserd=.^'Selgeard. (Sweet S., 549). iemung = gemung tnart-iage. ieteld = geteld tent. 362. i (g) initial disappears occasionally in later MSS. earon = *iearon = gearon (dat. )^\.) years. eogotS = geogotS, iugutS youth. THE LIQUIDS. r. FROM INDOGERMANIC T. 363. OE. r corresponds to Germ, r, and Indg. r. wer Juan, OS., OHG. wer ; Lat. vir, Olr. fer, Indg. uiros (Brug. § 272). reotan loeep, OHG. riozan, Tat. :: OHG. roz weeping', Lith. viMAh, plaint :: Lat. rudo / bray, Skr. ruddmi (Brug. § 275). read red, Goth, raujjs (stem raud-), OS. rod, OHG. rot, Tat. Icel. rauSr; Olr. ruad:: Gr. epuOpds, Lat. ruber :: Indg. V reudh (Brug. § 255). rgccan, rfccean stretch, OS. rgkkian, OHG. rfcchen, Goth. TC5 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§363,364. ufrakjan //// up :: Gr. opeycj / stretch out, Lat. reg6 / rule, Indg. V reg (Brug. § 264 ; Kluge, p. 275). GERMANIC — r FROM S (z). 364, r = Germ, voiced spirant z, the modification of Germ. s = Indg. s by consonant stress mutation (' Verner's Law') (Sievers, 234; Wright, 51). va^xQ, greater, OHG. mero, Tat., OS. mero, OFris. mara, Icel. meire, Goth. m.aiza (Germ, -iz-, -jiz-.'. Indg. -ies-) (Kluge PG., p. 102 ; Feist, 372). deor deer, wild annual, Icel. dyr (with r-umlaut, see Noreen. 68), OFris. diar, OHG. tior, Goth, dius (gen. diuzis) ; Indg. base dheuso-, V dheus breathe, OBulg. duchu breath (Feist, 128; Brug. § 588. i\ eare ear, OHG. ora. Tat., OS. ora, OFris. are, Icel. eyra (with r-umlaut) .'. Goth, auso ; Lith. ausis, OBulg. ueho, Lat. auris (Feist, 67). b§rie berry. Germ, type fcazjen, OS., OHG. bfri, Icel. b§r, Germ, base bazja- .' . Goth, basi. Germ, base basja- ; Indg. Vbhas eat (NED. ; Franck, p. 82). baer bare, OFris. ber, OS., OHG. bar, Germ, type bazaz ; Indg. type bhosos, OBulg. bosu, Lith. basas (NED.). pngnora (pngnere) the hollow of the nose '.. nosu nose (Kluge PG., p. 40). mpn-tSwSre mild, VP., OHG. man-dwari, Tat. .'. OE. tSw^s (Kluge PG., p. 98). curon we chose,0\\Q. kurtm, Icel. kurom. Germ, type kuzumi. coren chosen, OHG. gikoran, Germ, type kuzana- :': OE. ceosan choose, OHG. kiosan. Tat., Goth, kiusan ; Indg. \/ geus (Feist, 337). -loren lost, OHG. -lor an. Germ, type luzan^- :': OE. -leosan OHG. -liosan (Brug. § 268; Feist, 364). Iseran teach, OHG. leren, OS. lerian, OFris. lera, Germ, type laizjan, cp. laizjo I teach ; Indg. type lois6i6 :: Indg. \/ leis to track (Feist, 346 ; Kluge PG., p. 39). §§ 364-366.] THE LIQUIDS. 107 n§rian save, OHG. nfrien, Otf., Goth, nasjan (s for z through the influence of nisan) :: Goth, ga-nisan be saved; Gr. ^'e'ofJLal ( =: i'eo-o|jLai) / go, Skr. nasami / approach, Indg. V nes :: Gr. i/oottos return (Feist, 426; Brug. § 581). mifrran hhider, OHG. mfrren, Otf., OS. m§rrian, Goth. marzjan :: Indg. V mers (Brug. § 582 ; Feist, 383). ierre (snrre) wanderifig, OHG. irri, Otf., Goth, airzeis, also airzjan lead astray, OS. irrian, OHG. irren ; Lat. errare wander {V ersj. 365. rd=Goth. zd, Indg. zdh (Brug. § 596; Kluge PC, P- 30- reord speech, voice :: Goth, razda, OHG. rarta, Icel. rpdd (stem radd-, see Noreen, 197. 2) ; Indg. stem rozdh- (Feist, 44S). heord, heordan toTi' (BT.) :: Icel. haddr hair; cp. OBulg. kosa hai'r (Kluge, p. 123). meord reward, VP., Rush^ WS. med, OS. meda, Goth. mizdo, OHG. miata (m.ieta. Tat.) ; Gr. jaictGos, OBulg. mizda, Indg. bases mizdho-, mizdha- (Feist, 405 ; Kluge, p. 232). \iXOvA. sting, prick, OHG. brort edge, Icel. broddr sting, spike. Germ, base feruzda- ; Indg. base bhrzdho- :: Olr. hrot prick (Brug. § 595). herd treasure, OHG. hort, Goth, huzd, Icel. hodd, Germ. base xuzda- ; Indg. base kuzdho-, Gr. KuaOos hole : Indg. V keudh hide, Gr. kcuOu (Feist, 297 ; Brug. § 536 ; Kluge, p. 148). OT6.po!7it, beginning, OHG. ort, Icel. oddr (Kluge, p. 253). gifrd staff, rod, OHG. gfrta, Otf., Tat., gartia, Germ, type gazdjo, cp. Goth, gazds, Icel. gaddr; cp. Lat. hasta, Indg. type ghazdha (Feist, 209). 366. In the following two cases we have metathesis of r. as well as assimilation of Germ, zn (nn, n) (Sievers, 179, i n). aem house (=-*raBn, *raBnn, *raBzn), Goth, razn, Icel. rann, cp. granne Jieighbour, Goth, garazna (Noreen, 197. 1). Io8 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 366-371. hssrn wave ( = *hraBn, *liraBnn, *hraBzn), Germ, type x^^azna-, I eel. hrpnn. RARE CORRESPONDENCES. 367. r (initial)=:ar- (Kluge PC, p. 42). raefnan pcrfortn, etidure, cp. ar-sfnan endure, and fflfnan perform, accojnplish. 368. r (initial) = hr (Kluge PC, p. 4). rifeling a kind of shoe or sandal, I eel. hriflingr :: Gr. np-qiri's boot. DISAPPEARANCES OF X. 369. r disappears through assimilation (Sievers, 312). Ir becomes 11. sella for selra better. sr becomes ss. leessa for *l£esra less. 370. r disappears rarely (Sievers, 180). specan (at first prob. Kentish) for sprecan speak, " spfflc for sprsec speech. peetig for prsetig tricky. wixla (North.), for wrixla, WS. ■wrixlan (wriexlan) exchange. But in this last case English ■wr = Germ. w (see Kluge, p. yTj). 1. INDOGERMANIC. 371. OE. 1 corresponds to Germ. 1, Indg. 1. lean reward, Goth, laim, Icel. laun, OS. Ion, OHG. Ion, Otf, Dutch loon, OF'ris. Ian ; Gr. diroXauw, I enjoy, Lat. Laverna ^goddess of thieves,^ OBulg. lo-vvi prey (Brug. 2, § 66). leod people, OHG. liut. Tat., Goth, liudan grow, Indg. V leudh, Skr. Todihaiti grows (Feist, 360). leof dear, Goth, liufa :: Lat. lubido (libido). §§ 372-376.] THE LIQUIDS. 109 372. l=Indg. si, sr (Kluge PG., p. 31) ISBtt a lath, OHG. latta ; Olr. slatt rod, LB. Ipm (lam) lame, OHG. lam; OBulg. chromu :: Skr. srama (Drug. § 588). GEMINATIONS. 373. 11= Germ. 11, Indg. In (Brug. 2 § 66). fell skin, Goth, fill, OHG. fell, Icel. fjall (Noreen, 84), Germ. base fella-; Indg. pelno-, Lat. pellis ( = pelnis) (Kluge, p. 82 ; Feist, 169). fall/;/'//, Goth, fiills, OHG. foil (fol, Tat.), Germ, type fulnaz ; Indg. base plno-, Lith. pilnas, OBulg. plunu (Kluge, p. 370). eall all, Goth, alls ; Indg. type olnos, cp. from Indg. base olio-, Olr. uile (Feist, 33 ; Windisch, 116). hyll/^///; Lat. eollis { = *colnis) :: Lith. kalnas :: Lith. kelu I raise, Indg. -s/ qel (Brug. §§ 208, 265 ; Feist, 244). stille j/z'//, OHG. stilli; cp. Indg. type sthelnu, Skr. sthanu itnmoveable (Kluge PG., p. yj^. toll toll, OS. tolna, OFris. tolne, also OE. tolnere publicati, OFris. tolner ; Germ, base of OE. toll was tulna- :: OE. talu tmmber, OHG. zala (Kluge, p. 399). feallan /a//, OHG. fallan (where ll = pre-Germ. 1-n) (Kluge, p- n)- 374. 11 gemination for Germ. Ij (Sievers, 228). syll base, support, Icel. syll sill, door-sill, Goth, sulja sole of a slice, gasviljan to lay a fotmdation. ^^■aca. give, CP., Goth, saljan. tgUan tell, OHG. zfllen, Germ, type taljan. 375. with this 11 ( = Germ. Ij) contrast U ( = Germ. 11) before which breaking takes place. sifUan ^zV^, North, sealla, Germ, type salljan. 376. In late WS. by assimilation ll = nl (Sievers, 186). ollune — pnlgng, 9ndl9ng along. no OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§377-381. THE NASALS. INDOGERMANIC 377. OE. m corresponds to Indg. m. modor mother, OS. niddar, OHG. muoter ; Dor. Gr. jiartjp, Lat, mater, Olr. mathir, OBulg. mati. mearc mark, limit, Goth, marka coast, OHG. marea, Tat., OS. marka, Icel. mprk border-land, forest; Gaulish brog- ( = *inrog- =*niorg-) district, Olr. bruig ( = mruig) (Rhys CB., p. 274). 378. ni=prim. Germ, mm, Indg. sm (Brug. § 582). eom (eom) am (the diphthong eo probably indicates contamin- ation with the forms beo, ■beom, see Paul's Principles, 243), cp. Goth, im, Icel. em; Indg. type 6smi, Skr. asmi, yEol. Gr. e|i|jii, OBulg. jesmi, Lith. esmi. COMBINATIONS. 379. mm = Indg. nm (Kluge PG. p. 37). hpmm (hamm) the ham (OET. p. 470), OHG. hamma; Indg. type kanma :: Gr. Kvi\^-(\ leg, Olr. cnaim. bone, LB. 380. In late texts mim.= older fm (by assimilation) wimm^n woinen, Chron. = wifm§nn. Hlammesse Lammas, Chron.=lilaf-m8BSse. 38L In the later texts mn=older WS. fn (Sievers, 193). emne ez'en=etne, OHG. ebano. stemn voice=Btefn, OHG. stimma (stimna), Goth, stibna. stemn stem = atefn, staefn, Icel. stafh (also stamn;, OHG. stamm, Germ, base stamna- (Kluge, p. 337). hremn raven — hrefa, hrsefn, Icel. hrafa (later hramn). §§ 382-387.] THE NASALS. Ill 382. In late texts mn=pn (by assimilation) (Sievers, 189). waeinn 7C'i?rt:^^« = waepen. waemnian fl;r;«=wffipnian. 383. mb = nb (Sievers, 187). Huinberht = Hunberht (GET. p. 532). n. 384. n corresponds to Indg. n. niht (naeht) night, Goth, nahts, GS. naht, OHG. naht, Tat., Icel. natt (nott) (Noreen, 197. 3) ; Lat. nox (base nocti-), Lith. naktis GBulg. nosti, Indg. base noqti- (Feist, 411). 385. n=Germ. m (before dental) (Brug. § 214; Kluge PG., p. 34). sc§ndan to shame, confound, GHG. scanta shame, Gtf., Goth. skanda, OE. seepnd, cp. Goth, skaman to be ashamed (Kluge, p. 295 ; Brug. 2. § 80). rand brink, edge, Icel. rpnd (stem rand-), OHG. rant ; Germ. base ramjja-, cp. OHG. ramft :: Goth, rimis rest; Indg. V rem cease, rest (Kluge, p. 271). sand sand, OHG. sant, Tat., Germ, base samada- ; Gr. ap.a9os. sund swimming, a narrow sea, Icel. svmd ( = swumd) :: Icel. svima swim (Brug. § 180). 386. In the Cura Past, now and then, and in late texts, final m of an inflectional syllable is changed to n (Sievers, 187). dagon (dat. pl.) = dagum to days. GEMINATIONS. 387. nn=Germ. nn, Indg. nu. mpnn (mon) inan. Germ, base mann- ; Indg. base manu-, Skr. manus (Brug. § 180; Feist, 379). 112 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§387-395. rinnan run, Goth, rlnnan ; Indg. stem rinu- (Feist, 455). tSyxine thin, OHG. dunni, Germ, base Jjunni- for Jjunw- ; Skr. tanus, Lat. tenuis, Indg. base t^nu- stretched, cp. Olr. tana (Kluge PG., p. 91 ; Brug. § 227). 388. nn=Germ. ncJj, Indg. nti (Kluge PG., p. 35). sjmn sin, OHG. sunta, Tat., Otf., suntea, Germ, type sundjo. wr§ima wren, OHG. wrendo, cp. Germ, type wrandjan to grumble, OHG. wranten (Schade). METATHESIS. 389. n (medial) sometimes undergoes metathesis. oljesnian cleanse =c\^TQ.Qi3M., cp. geclasnad *■ 7mmdatus^ VP. DISAPPEARANCES. 390. In North, n disappears when final, as for example in the infin., and in the weak declension (Sievers, 186; Sweet s., 532). 391. In late texts medial n sometimes disappears from the r cases of rain, Sin, an, e.g. mire, Sire, are. 392. In late texts n disappears in final mn. em- (in &[n.-cr\zt&a.fellow-Ch7-istia7i) = &mxi., efn even. hrem (hr8Bm) = hreran, hrsefn rave7i. 393. n disappears in final In in compounds. flboga = 9lnboga elbow, OHG. flinbogo. 394. n disappears in final pn in compounds. wsepman = wsepenman man, male. 395. n (vocalic) disappears sometimes between s and 1 (Sievers, 196). pndryslic = pndrysnlic dreadful. §§ 396. 397-1 THE LABIALS. II3 LABIALS. 396. It is uncertain whether there is any example of a genuine Germanic word beginning with p in English : psetS, pad, plega may be instances of extremely early borrowing. The sound p is not uncommon in the medial and final posi- tions : helpan, scearp. INDOGERMANIC 397. OE. p corresponds to Germ, p, Indg. b. In OHG. Germ, p initially, as also medially after consonants 1, r, m, n, and when doubled, became pf, vv-hen medial ff (f), when final f. slsepan to sleep, OHG. slafan, cp. OE. sleep sleep, OHG. slaf, Goth, slep ; Indg. V sleb to be slack :: O. Bulg. slabu slack, weak, OHG. slaf, Du. slap; Lat.labare totter (JixM'g. § 533). deop deep, Goth, diups, OHG. tiof ; Indg. V dheub :: Lith. dubus deep, hollow, OBuIg. dubri ravine, O Gaul, dubno- deep, also the world(c^. Dubno-rix), OIr.domun( = dubno-), Welsh dwfn deep (Feist, 127 ; Brug. § 325). slupan j//;J :: Goth, sliupan ; Indg. \/ sleub, cp. Lat. lubricus ( = slubricus) slippery (Brug. § 337 ; Henry, 68). rypan to spoil, plunder, OHG. roufen, Otf., Goth, raupjan pluck :: Indg. V reub, a secondary form of Indg. a/ reup, OE. reofan break, I eel. rjufa :: Skr. V rup, lup tear, shatter, Lat. rup- in rumpo (Brug. § 343 ; Feist, 446). segp sap, OHG. saf ; Skr. sabar- nectar, Indg. V sab, which is perhaps a secondary form of V sap (as in Lat. sapio) (Brug. § 328 ; Kluge, p. 288). I 114 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 398-403. FROM LATIN. 398. p occurs frequently as initial in words borrowed from the Latin (Pogatscher, p. 169). )^MTQ.6. pound, Lat. pondo. pea (pawa) peacock, Lat. pavo. yyle pillow, Lat. pulvinum. (ace). ■pyttp/l, Lat. puteus. ■prafoBt provos/, Lat. prEepositum (ace). COMBINATIONS. 399. pp = Germ. pj (Sievers, 228; Wright, 56). scifppan create, OS. skfppian, Goth, skapjan. 400. pp=:Germ. pp, b-n, Indg. p-n (Brug. § 530; Sweet S., 316). hoppian hop, Icel. hoppa, Germ, type xuppon, from primitive stem x^PP"5 X^^^" ; Indg. stem qup-n-, cp. OBulg. kypeti hop, leap. 401. In the oldest texts pt is written for ft (GET. p. 476). scsept sliaft — ^GiBit. edscsept regeneration = edscaeft. gidopta companion =^e^ofta,. 402. In Kent. Gl. nip = mb (final) (Sievers, 190). lamp = lamb lamb. b. 403. OE. b corresponds to Germ, b, Indg. bh (Wright, 46, 48). The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. bh, Gr. <}), Lat. f, Olr. b, OBulg. b. broSor brother, Goth. br6)?ar, OHG. bruoder, Tat. ; Lat. frater, Gr. ({>pa.TT]p Skr. bhratar-, OBulg. bratru,OIr. brathir (Brug. § 103). beran bear, OS., OHG. beran, Icel. bera, Goth, bairan ; Lat. §§403-407-] THE LABIALS. II5 fero / (^i^ar, Gr. (})epa), Skr. bharami, Olr, berim, OBuIit. berg, (Brug. § 61). bindan bind^ OS., Goth, bindan, OHG. bintan ; Indg. V bhendh, Lat. ofFendix kjiot, also by Grassmann's Law Gr. Trei'Gepos father-m-laiu , Tr6i(T|i.a cable (^Tr€»'(0)-o-fjia for irefG-fia), Skr. bandbu- relation (Kluge, p. 31 ; Brug. § 194). beodan atinoj/nce, offer, coiiunand, OHG. biotan, Goth, biudan ; Indg. V bheudh, Gr. Treu'9ofiat I learn by enquiry :: Olr. bude (buide LB.) thanks (Feist, 98 ; Kluge, p. 30). bugan boii', turn, flee :: Goth, biugan, OHG. biogan, Tat.; Indg. V bheuq, also bheug, Gr. os, uii iveb, u<|)aiVw / weave (Kluge, p. yjT^ Brug. §552; Kluge NS. 65). 8ib(b) /d'ac.?, relationship, OS. aibbia, OHG. sibba ^ pax^ T2X., Goth, sibja relationship, I eel. Sif, the name of a goddess of the family and wedlock (Noreen, 296), Germ, type sibjo ; cp. OBulg. sehvu peasant (lit. neighbour), Indg. V sebh (Feist, 483 ; Brug. § 540). 408. bt) = Genn. fj (Sievers, 228; Brug. § 529). h§bban hcai'e, raise, OHG. h§ffen, Otf., Goth. ha:Qan ; Lat. capio / take, Indg. -s/ qap (Brug. § 430). libban (lifgean) li^ie, OS. libbian, cp. Icel. lifa :: Indg. V leip continue, stick (Kluge, p. 203 ; Sievers, 416, n. 2). COMBINATIONS. 409. br= older mr. Nebrod = Nefrod = Nemrod Nimrod (Sievers, 186), cp. Olr. Nebruad, see Stokes, Tripartite Life of St. Patrick. 410. b?S= older mtS. nybSe, VH.=nymtSe ' 7iisi^ VP. (Sievers, 186; OET., p. 570). DISAPPEARANCE. 411. b final disappears in some cases, yni- (erti-)=ymb- about, arozmd {Sievers, 190). f. 412. OE. f had two different sounds. When initial it was a surd spirant, being pronounced as Mod. Eng. f in father. It had this sound also when medial, when it was geminated, as in rage ; in the combinations ft, fs, as in haeft capture, rsefsan censure ; and probably whenever it corresponds to Germ, f (Sievers, 192. i). §§ 413, 4H'] "^^^ LABIALS. 11 y 413. f medial was usually a sonant spirant, being pro- nounced like Mod. Eng. v in five, as in ofer over, giefan give (Sievers, 192. 2). INDOGERMANIC 414. f corresponds to Germ, f, Indg. p. In Armenian, Indg. p when initial becomes mostly h ; in Old Irish Indg. p is generally lost, but sometimes h is found (Stokes CD., p. 59)- fea, feawe (pl.)^w, OHG. fao, fo, fawer hV^/e, I eel. far, Goth, fawai (pi.), cp. also OHG. fohe /e2u, Tat., from Germ, base fauxa- ; Lat. paucus, cp. paulus /i7//e, Gr. iraupos, and Horn. irdis (base irdf-iS-) h'///e boy, Olr. Yiaiae grandson, descendant, aue ^ Jiepos^ (Windisch), also tia (LB.), 6 (Feist, 162 ; Stokes, CD., pp. 10, 59 ; Henry, 127). fadgev fair, Goth, fagrs .'. Goth, fahejjs yV^y ; Gr. irdo-aaXos (iraKi-) peg, Lat. paciscor agree, Indg. V -gaikjoin. faeder fat/ter, Goth, fadar ; Lat. pater, Gr. iraTTip, Olr. athir, Skr. pitar-, Indg. base pat6r-. fQoh. cattle, money, ivealtii, OHG. fehu (fihu, Tat.), Goth, faihu ; Indg. type peku cattle, Skr. pasu, Zend, pasu-, Lat. pecu, pecus (Kluge, p. 369; Feist, 147; Brug. § 313). frignan (frinan) ask '. . Goth, fraihnan ; Lat.precor :: procus suitor, Arm. harsn bride :: OHG. forskon ; Lat. posco = *porc-sc6, Indg. type prk-sko I ask (Brug. § 2S8 ; Feist, 182 ; Henry, 64 ; Kluge, p. 92). fern trout (Voc), Du. voorn, OLG. forna, OHG. forhana; Indg. type prkna; cp. Skr. prsnis, speckled :: Gr. irepKros speckled, -n-e'pKT] perch, Olr. ere speckled, a salmon, ercnat embroideress (Kluge, p. 92; Brug. § 306; O'Curry, 3. 123). fell skin, Goth, fill, OHG. fell, Otf., I eel. ijall, Germ, base fehia-, Indg. base pelno-, Lat. pellis ( = *pelnis), Gr. ireXXa, Indg. \' pel :: Gr. ireTrXos (reduplicated form) (Kluge, p. 82; Feist, 169). 1 1 8 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLO GY. [§ § 4 r 4-4 1 6 . full>//, Goth. fiillB, OHG. fol (U), Germ, type fulnaz, Indg. base plno-, Lith. pilnas, OBulg. plunu :: Goth, filu, OE. feolu; Olr. il, Indg. \/ pel (Kluge, p. 370; Brug. 2 § 66). tola, foal, Goth, fula, OHG. folo, Tat., Icel. foli, Germ, type fulon; Indg. base pllon ; cp. Lat. pullus young fowl, Gr. TTwXos foal, Indg. base plno-, pln6- (Brug. § 208). io\m. palm of hand, OHG. folma ; Gr. iraXd|ni, Indg. type plma ; cp. Lat. palma, Olr. lam hand, Wei. Haw, Indg. stem plra-. for^r, Goth, faur, OHG. fora ; Gr. irapog before, Olr. ar, air by, before, for, Indg. stem pr. fovd ford, OHG. furt ; Lat. portus, OGaul- -ritam. passage (in Augustoritum, with Latinized ending), OWel. rit ford, Wei. rhyd (Brug, § 295) :: Icel. fjprcSr (base fer^u-j (Brug. 2, p. 310). Bwefan sleep, swefh dream ; Lat. somnus, Indg. type suepnos, Skr. svapnas :: Gr. utti'os, Olr. suan, OWel. hun, OBulg. sunu (Brug. § 194; Henry, 116). hofer hump, Ep., OHG. hovar; Lith. kuprji (Brug. 2, § 74). tSearf I need, Goth. )>arf, OHG. darf :: Germ. V J)erf ; Indg. Vterp (Feist, 594 ; Kluge, p. 63). 415. f (medial) = before m (n) (Kluge PG.,p. 106). sefen^w??, OS. a'band, OHG. aband, Tat., Icel. aptann. seofon seven, OS. siBun, OHG. sibtm ; Lat. septem, Indg. type septm (Kluge, p. 327 ; Feist, 484). 416. f medial = Germ, fe, Indg. bh. jrrfe (ifrfe) inheritance, Merc, frfe (VP.), OS. frfei, OHG. f rbi, arbi, Goth, arbi, Germ, base arbja- ; Indg. base orbhjo-. Arm. orb orphan, Lat. orbus, Olr. orbe inheritance, Gr. 6p4)ai'6s (Brug. § 335; Feist, 47 ; Kluge, p. 72). beofian treinble, OS. bibon, cp. OHG. biben ; Skr. bi-bhe-ti he trejnbles :: Indg. \/ bhei (Kluge, p. 22 ; Kluge PG., p. 74). giefan give, OS. geban, OHG. geban, Goth, giban (Feist, 211). § 4i6.] THE LABIALS. II9 efes eaves, *ofis, *ofas, OHG. obasa, Germ, type uBaswo, also Goth, ubizwa, Germ, type uMswo, whence OE. yfes (*ufis) (Cook PL, 6). wefan lueave, OHG. web an : Indg. ^^ uebh. :: Gr. u({>os '^eb, u<})aiVcj weave (Kluge, p. y]l)- hafaS has, OHG. habet, Tat. ; Lat. habet, 3 pr. s. of habeo I have, OE. haebbe ( = *habj6) ; Indg. stem khabh- (Kluge, p. 124; Brug. § 553; Sievers, 415; Feist, 230; Douse, p. 114). dufe dove, Goth. dCibo, OHG. tuba, Tat. :: Olr. dub black (cp. Gr. Tre'Xeia ivild dove and -rreXos dark grey) (Kluge, p. 351)- deaf^/^a/OHG.toub,Tat. :: Qx.TM^\o (Pogatscher, 309). cerfille (eyrfille) chervil = Lat. chaerephylum, Gr. x^^P^'' <})u\Xoi'. antefen antheni=\ antiphona, Gr. avTi^tiiva. fenix = VuIg. Lat. fenix = Lat. ph.cenix = Gr. ori'i.^. §§ 427-429-1 ^-^^ DENTALS. 123 f FROM W. 427. In late texts f medial or final represents older w (Sievers, 192). hlef=hlae'w mound, ' low' gleof=gleow music. stanhifet = stanhiewet stone-quarry , stanhywet, Voc, l£efend=l£ewend betrayer, Voc. DENTALS. t. INDOGERMANIC. 428. OE. t corresponds to Germ, t (OHG. z), Indg. d. tien (tyn) ten, Merc, ten, VP., Goth, taihun, OHG. zehan ; Lat. decern, Gr. SeVa, Skr. dasa, Olr. deich-n (Stokes, CD., p. 96), OBulg. deseti, Indg. dekm (Brug. §§ 65, 211 ; Feist, 568). etan cat, Goth, itan ; Lat. edo / eat, Gr. ISu, Indg. V ed (Feist, 317). ^bt soot :: Goth, sitan jz/ ; Lat. sedeo, Gr. ej^opat, Indg. \/sed (Kluge PG., p. 53)- swat sweat, OS. swat, OHG. sweiz, Tat. ; Indg. base suoid-, Skr. sveda-, Lat. sudor (suud- = suoid-) : : Gr. i8pws (stem suid-), Wei. ehwys (Brug. § 170). swete sweet, OS. swoti ; Lat. suavis ( = suaduis), Skr. svadu-. Dor. Gr. dSu's (Brug. § 104). hnitu nit, OHG. niz, Gr. kociS- (Kluge PG., p. 42). GERMANIC. 429. In early WS. in final syllable unstressed and preceded by n or 1 t=earlier d (Sweet S., 533). elpfnt^/^//!a;2/=elpfnd, Vulg. Lat. elpant-, Lat. elephantem. 134 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 429-435. ^^vqWj passage, passover, Or. = f8Breld. h^laent atigur, Corp. = heelsend. sint ar^ = sind, syndun (Sievers, 427). 430. t = d.5 (Sievers, 202. 4). brytofta spousals='^'bYf 6^oita,. gescentu j-//(;r;;/^ = *geseendSu ^ -,, /- cc -u ^ ",,.7* \>c ( with Germ, suffix -bu. gesyntu /i^^//^ = *gesyndou ) fylt [fi^lt) foldeth, cp. fealdeS, pr. s. of fealdan. btat = bind(e)'S bhidcth, pr. s. of bindan (Sievers, 359. 3). weor'Smynt honour, Germ. -inundi|)a (Sievers, 255. 3). GEMINATIONS. 431. tt^dS (Sievers, 202. 4), latteow (latteow) j^?«rtfe = lad-tSeo'w (Sievers, 43. 4). ofermettu arrogance \ ea^mettu hu7nility \ -medcSu (with Germ, suffix -]>u). weamettu sadness > mitte (mitty) = mid'Sy whilst (BT., s.v. raid, xi). bitt = bid(e)'S bidet h, pr. s. of bidan. 432. tt=t(S. bitt = bit(e)S biteth, pr. s. of bitan. itt = it(e)'S cateth, pr. s. of etan. ^Bi>\XQ = ^siit^Q that zvhich. 433. tt=Germ. tj. sfttan set, Goth, satjan, Germ, type satiio / cause to sit, Indg. type sodeio :: OE. sittan ( = *sitjan), OHG. sitzen, cp. Goth, sitan; Indg. V sed, Lat. seded I sit, also sella ( = sedla) scat (Feist, 496 ; Brug. § 67, 2a; Henry, 116). 434. tt = Germ. t + d. hatte I a7n called, Goth, haitada (Kluge PG., p. 85). COMBINATIONS. 435. tl=Germ. \>\. botl building, Germ, base bu)?la- (Brug. 2. § 62 ; NED., p. 1014). §§ 436-442.] THE DENTALS. 125 436. ts=Lat. tj in borrowed words (Pogatscher, 357). dracentse = Lat. dracontia (name of a precious stone). 437. ts = Lat. cj in borrowed words (Pogatscher, 349). yntse inch = Lat. uncia. 438. ts (surd) represents an older ds (sonant) (Sweet S., 524 ; Sievers, 198. 4). bletsian <5/^jj=bledsian VP., from blod blond. gitsian ^^z/r/=gidsian, MHG. gitsen, OHG. git greediness :: Goth, gaidw /rtT/?', 7va)it (Feist, 197). miltsian^//y = mildsian VP., from milde 7nild. 439. ts=d + s (surd) (Sievers, 198. 4),,tt payment for service, Cura Past. = medsceatt. 440. st=sS (Sweet S., 525 ; Sievers, 202. 6). ciest chooseth = cleB^, pr. s. of ceosan (Sievers, 371). meteliestu lack of food ) . , ^ rr , _ ^- ^ J J > with Germ, suibx -pu. receliestu recklessness ) ' hilpestu helpest //^^z^ = hilpes(t) tSu. INORGANIC 441. In late texts t is sometimes inserted between s and 1 (Sievers, 196, n. 4). mistlic = mislic various. elmestlic = 8Blm.eslie- eleemosynary. pndrystlic = pndryslic (for pndrysnlic) dreadful. m8estlmg = m8Bsling brass. DISAPPEARANCE. 442. In late texts t disappears in consonant groups, espe- cially after h, s (Sievers, 196, n. 3). droh.nian = drohtnian live, converse. 'Srisnes = (5ristnes boldtiess. fsesnian = fsestnian fasten. genihsum = genihtsum a^««i/(3«/. ] 26 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 443, 444. d. INDOGERMANIC. 443. OE. d corresponds to Germ, d (OHG. t), Indg. dh. The following are the correspondences of Indg. dli in the other languages : Skr. dh, Or. 0, Olr. d, OBulg. d, Latin f (initial), d, b (medial). ciSBg day, Goth, dags, OHG. tag, Tat., Icel. dagr ; Lith. dagas harvest (lit. hot time), Indg. type dhoghos :: V dhegh burti (Brug. § 376; Feist, 115). duru door, Goth, daur ; Gr. Ou'pa, Lat. fores (pi.), OBulg. dvorii conrt, Olr. dorus, LB., Zend, dvarem (ace), Indg. stem dhur :: dhuer :: dhuor (Kluge, p. 354). beard beard, OHG. bart; cp. Indg. base bhardha, OBulg. brada, Lat. barba (Kluge, p. 20 ; Brug. §§ 278, 338). l^ndenu loins, OHG. Ifntin, Tat., Germ, stem landin- ; cp. Lat. lumbus(=Indg. type lomdhos) (Brug. § 370). read red, Goth, ravijjs (stem raud-), OHG. rot, Tat. :: OE. reed, Icel. rjdcSr ; Indg. base reudho-, Lat. rufus, Olr. ruad, Lith, raudas :: Lat. russus ( = Indg. base rudhto-, *rutto-), OBulg. rudru, Gr. epuGpos, Lat. ruber, word word, Goth, waurd, OHG. wort. Tat. ; Lat. verbiun (=vorbuin), OPruss. wirds :: Lith. vardas name (Feist, 656). uder udder, OHG. utar ; Lat. uber, Skr. tidhar :: Gr. ouQap (Brug. § 370: Kluge, p. 75)- hrider (hridder) sieve, Corp., OHG. ritara ; Lat. cribrxim, cp. Gr. Kpivu J separate :: Kpt.r6 (OHG. d) = Indg. t by consonant stress mutation (Verner's Law). Isedan lead, OS. ledian, OFris. leda, OHG. leiten, Otf., Germ, laidjan, laidjan :': OE. liSan^^?, OS. litSan, OHG. lidan. liden [^^.) passed, OHG. gilitan :': OE. liSan. See above. sfndan se7td, OS. Sfndian, OHG. sfnten, Otf., Goth, sandjan ; Indg. type sonteio (i pr. s.) :': Goth, sinjjs (base sin))a-) way; Olr. set, Wei. hynt, Indg. base sento- (Brug. § 530; Feist, 495)- Mi}e&ev%veather, OS. wedar, OHG. wetar, Germ, base wedra-; Indg. uetro- :: OBuIg. vetru wind, breeze, Indg. V ue. cnediSin. kftead, OHG. chnetan .' . Indg. V gnet, OBulg. gneta I knead {K\uge, p. 178). fsdev father, OS. fader, OHG. fater, Otf., Germ, base fader- ; Gr. -n-arep-, Skr. pitar- (Brug. § 530). had rank, Goth, haidiis, OHG. heit ^ persona,^ Tat. ; Skr. ketu-, Indg. base qoitu- (Feist, 233 ; Brug. 2, § 104). god God, OHG. got, Goth, gu)?. Germ, base guda- ; Indg. base ghuto (Brug. 2, § 79). hund hu7idred, OHG. hunt. Tat., Goth, hund. Germ type y^3Xi- dam ; Indg. type kmtom (for dkmtom), Lat. centtim, Gr. (e)KaT6»', Skr. Satam (Brug. 2, § 179). gemjmd me}no?y, Goth, gamiinds, Lat. menti-, Skr. m.ati- mind, Indg. base mnti (Feist, 407). heard hard, Goth, hardus, OHG. hart, Tat., Germ, base Xardu- ; Lith. kartus (^'///t'r :: Gr. K^o.Ttj'i stro?ig :: KpeiTxojk stronger {^■=Kpir-i(^v) (Henry, 39; Brug. 2, § 104). 445. d=Indg. th by consonant stress mutation (Kluge PG., p. 29). pnd (and) and, OHG. fnti :: OHG. unti ; Indg. type ntha, Skr. atha (Kluge PG., 46 ; Kluge, p. 364). folde earth, OS. folda, Icel. fold ; cp. Skr. prthvi (Brug. § 288). 128 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 446-449. FROM LATIN. 446. d=Lat. t (intervocalic) in borrowed words (Pogat- scher, 319). Iseden Latin, speech, language ^latvaxiva.. byden barrel, bushel =1.21. butina (Kluge PG., p. 11). side ^//Z'=Lat. seta sf iff hair (Schade, p. 759). abbod abboi^'LaX. abbatem. feed vinegar= Lat. acetum. tfped tapestry =1^31. tapetum. GEMINATION. 447. dd=Germ. dj (Sievers, 228), midd 7nid, Goth, midja- ; Gr. /xe'cros, Lat. medius, Indg. type medhios (Feist, 393 ; Henry, 39). tSridda third, Goth. )?ridja ; Zend Jjritya-, Indg. base tritio- (KlugePG., p. 35). hreddan rid, OFris. hredda, OHG. r§tten, Otf., Germ, type hradjan f: Indg. V kreth, cp. Skr. srathayami / loosen (Kluge, p. 279). COMBINATIONS. 448. ld=Germ. IJ? (Sweet S., 517; Sievers, 202. 2). fe\d/it-Id, feltha (gen. pi.), Corp., OHG., OS. feld, Germ, type feVpwz (Braune, 162 ; GET., p. 521 ; Cook PL, 8 ; Kluge, p. 81). \3ea\dib0ld. Goth. bal]3s, OHG. bald. gold gold, Goth, gul)?, OHG. gold. \iold faithful, Goth. ImVpa, OHG. hold, wilde wild, Goth, wiljjeis, OHG, wildi, Tat. •wvUdov glory, cp. Goth, wnljjus. 449. dl=Germ. f>l (through dl) (Sievers, 202. 3). nffldl needle, OS. nadla, OHG. nadala, Goth, nejjla, Germ. V ue + -\>\6 (Indg. -tla) (Kluge, p. 243; Kluge NS., 97; Brug. § 75)- §§ 449-456.] THE DENTALS. 1 29 adl disease, Merc. a(5l, VP. (OET., p. 592). \v&dila,poor!nan, Merc. we'Sla, VP., cp. OHG. wadal (wathal) ' egens.' midl bit, Merc. miSl, Voc. (OET. p. 625), OHG. mindil. widlan dejile. North. wiSlan, Lind, cp. widl ^ i)tluvzein,' Voc. 450. dr = Gerni. pr. sedre vein, Merc etSr, VP., OSwed. aj>ra, OHG. adara, Germ. stem sef) ; Gr. TJTop heart, r\rpov belly (Kluge, p. 3). 451. In North. dl=tl (medial) (Sievers, 196,2). sedles (gen.) from secSel, cp. WS. setl seat. bydla inhabitant, cp. \\"S. botl building: spadle (dat.) from spaSel, cp. WS. spatl spittle. 452. In VP. and in poetry ld=tl (final) (Sievers, 196. 2). seld=\VS. setl seat. bold=WS. botl building. 453. ds = Lai. tj in borrowed words (Pogatscher, 357). palfndse = Vulg. Lat. palantium /a/a^:^. 454. ds=Lat. cj in borrowed words (Pogatscher, 351). yndse z«^/i = Lat. uneia. INORGANIC. 455. d is sometimes inserted between n and 1 (Sievers, 198. 5). fndlufon (§ndleofan) eleven, aenlufon, Goth, ainlif, OHG. einlif (Sievers, 325). pndrysendlic = pndrysnlie = pndryslic dreadful. hwilendlic temporary, from hwilen, OHG. wilin ' temporalis.' forgyi"en.dlic=forgyfenlie pardonable. 456. d is also sometimes found inserted after n in andcleow a;z/^/^=aneleow, OHG. anchlao (Sievers, 198. 5). andvp-eald = pnweald poiuer. andwealhnys = 9nwealh.nes wholeness, integrity. K 130 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 457-459- DISAPPEARANCE. 457. d disappears between two I's (Sievers, 198. 3). siQYiiQ peculiar., cp. Goth, sildaleiks. ballice boldly, Lind. = baldlice. mpnigfallice manifold., -faldlice. Note. — In very old texts d is sometimes found as a graphic representation for % ()?, th), see OET. (Sweet S., 516). gidopta, sceadau, loda, dislum. th («, \). 458. The original pronunciation of th (S, }?) in OE. was as a surd spirant only, as it was in Germanic. Probably in OE. the original sound came to be differentiated into surd and sonant, the sonant occurring only between voiced sounds. OE. th (S, \) ^^'^^ therefore pronounced as the th in INIod. Eng. thin, and also as the th in I\Iod. Eng. weather. Note. — The oldest texts generally write for this sound th initially, very rarely d ; in the medial position the th and d ; in the final position th and sometimes t. The earliest dated (S appears in a charter of Wihtrted of Kent, a. d. 700-715. The earliest dated ]? appears in a charter of Coenwulf of Mercia, a. d. 811. (See Earle's Charters, pp. 18, 88). INDOGERMANIC 459. S (also written ]?) corresponds to Germ. ^ (OHG. th, d) Indg. t. ■Synne thin, Icel. |:>unnr, OHG. dtmni, Germ, base ]^unma- ; Indg. base tnnu- stretched, thin, Skr. tanii-, Olr. tana, Gr. § 459-] ^^^ DENTALS, I3I TacuyXaxTCTos long-tongued, Lat. tenuis, ORulg. tinuku :: Gr. TOKOS stretched stritig, Goth. uf-J^anjan stretch out, OE. acSgnian :: Gr. TeiKw ( = TeViw), Lat. tendo, Indg. V ten stretch (Feist, 593; Brug. § 225; Henr>-. 92). cSolian e?idiire, suffer, Goth. f>ulan, OHG. thulten, Otf., githult patience. Tat. ; OLat. tulo / endure, Gr. rdXas enduring, TdXaKToc rt fixed loeight, OBulg. tilo bottom (ht. stirface), Indg. stem til : V tel (Brug. § 287). S'sBc thatch, roof, Icel. ]:>ak, OHG. dah ; Lat. toga :: Germ. V Jjek ; Indg. V teg cover, Lat. tego, Gr. reyos ^v^yC ■Sencan think, OS. thenkian, OHG. th§nken, Tat., Otf., Goth. Jjagkjan; OLat. tongere think, kno^u (Feist, 589). 6eon thrive, Goth. Jjeihan, OHG. thihan, Tat., Germ, type }?mxanan, Jjenxanan ; Lith. teuku / have enough (Brug. § 214). ■Sorn thorn, Goth, j^aiirnus, OHG. thorn, Tat., dorn ; OBulg. trinu, Indg. base trnu-. Sorp village, Goth, jjaurp, OHG. thorph. Tat., dorf (dorph) ; Indg. base trbo-, Olr. treb a dwelling, OWel. tref. Srotu throat, OHG. drozza, Germ, stem Jjrut ; Indg. trud ; cp. from parallel Germ, stem strut, Indg. strvid the forms MHG. strozze, OLG. strota. Du. stroot. The radical meaning of the words seems to be '■swollen^ cp. Icel. ]7rutinn swollen, Jjroti tumour, MHG. strotzen to swell, be piffed up (Kluge, p. 346 ; Sievers, 279). broSor brother, Goth. br6)5ar, OHG. bruoder, Tat. ; Lat. frater, Indg. type bhrate(r). wetSer wether, Goth.wif>x'vxs, OHG. ■roidar, Germ, base wej^ru- ; Indg. base uetru-, Lat. vitulus calf, from Indg. Viet- year, Gr. lrQ<5year, Lat. vetus old (Kluge, p. 384 ; Henrj', 59). we?e sweet, pleasant, OS. wodi. Germ, base wanj^ja- : : Indg. V lien to rejoice in, Lat. Venus (see Kluge, p. 390). fae'Sm embrace, Icel. fatJmr the arms, OS. fadmos (pi.) the hands and arms, OHG. fa,Aa,va. fathom :: Gr. Tre'raXos spread out, TTeTdfvup.1 (Kluge, p. 75). K 2 / 132 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 460-465. 460. cS (intervocalic) = Indg. tt (Kluge PG., p. 38). heorSa deer-skin, OHG, herdo :: Skr. krtti- skin, bark. hreSer breast, bosom, Goth. hair]7ra bozvels ; Indg. base kerttro- :: Lat. cord-, Or. KapSia (Kluge NS., 93 ; Brug. 2, p. 114). 461. cS = Indg. th (Kluge PG., p. 26). scea'Sa criminal, enetny, Goth, skajrjan to injure, OHG. scado injury ; Indg. V skath :: Gr. daKT]0i]s unhurt :: Icel. skocS a hurtful thing (Feist, 503). lycSre evil. Germ, base leu)3ri-, cp. MHG. liederlich ; Gr. eXeuOeposA^^, Indg. Vleuth (Kluge, p. 212 ; Kiuge NS., 197). -tS, the suffix in Merc, ear's art. North. artS ; Indg. -tha, cp. Gr. ota9a, Skr. vettha thou knowest (Kluge PG., p. 85). GEMINATIONS. 462. '5(S=Germ. J^f) (Sievers, 227). mocSSe moth, MHG. motte, Germ, type mu)?}?6 (Kluge, p. 238). etSc5a or, OHG. eddo (odo, Tat.), Goth. ai]7)?au (Kluge, p. 251). 463. tStS=Germ. Jjj (Sievers, 228). rytSSa a large dog, ^ molossus^ OHG. hrudeo, Germ, type ruj>j6n, also OE. roS-hvind, hro'S-hund, OHG. rudo (Kluge NS., 14). niSSas men, Icel. ni'Sr (base nitSja-) son, kinsman, Goth. ni]?jis (Kluge NS., 7 ; Noreen, 278). smiSSe smithy, Icel. smiSja, Germ, type snii]7Jen (:6n). scfSSan itijuj'c, Goth, skajyan. PfStSan traverse (a -ja verb from -psei^ path). COMBINATION. 464. In North. tSl=older tl (final) (Sievers, 196). setSl, seSel=setI seat. 465. In early WS., especially in the Cura Past., s'S=st (Sweet S., 525). faestS =: f sest fast, dus tS == dust dust. §§ 466-468.] THE DENTALS. 1 33 DISAPPEARANCE. 466. After a short vowel tS sometimes disappears before 1 (Sievers, 202. 3, n. 2). msel speech — vci^^b\ place of assembly, speech (Grain). maelan converse = vi\Si^'acQ. (Grein). staelan found, '•fimdare^ cp. staSol foundation, staSelian '■fu/tdare.'' slffilwiertJe stahuart, der. of stac^ol. s. INDOGERMANIC. 467. OE. s corresponds to Germ, and Indg. s. Indg. s initial was retained in Skr., Lat., Olr., OBulg., Lith. In Arm. s initial before vowel was either lost, or represented by the h sound, in Greek s in like circumstances was repre- sented by the li sound, symbolized by the rough breathing. In Welsh Indg. s regularly becomes h (Brug. § 555). seofon seven, Goth, sibun ; Lat. septem., Olr. sechtn-, Skr. sapta (sapta), OBulg. sedmi, Lith. septyni, Arm. evtn, Gr. eirra. sawan sow, OHG.saan, Goth, saian ; Lat. semen seed, OBulg. sej^ / sow, Lith. seju, Olr. sil seed, Wei. hil, Gr. ■^p.a a throv.1, Indg. Vse. steorra star, OS. sterro ; Skr. star-, Gr. dtrriip (dorxep-), Lat. Stella ( = *ster-la), also with -non suffix OHG. sterno, Icel. stjarna, Goth, stairno ; cp. Wei. seren, Corn, sterenn, Breton ster (Kluge, p. 341 ; Stokes CD., p. 66). 468. str=Germ. str=Indg. sr initial and medial (Brug. §§ 578, 580). stream stream, Icel. straumr, OHG. stroum, OS. strom, Du. stroom, Germ, base strauma- ; Gr. poi] {^z^pofr]) stream :: 134 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§468,469. Indg. VsreU) Gr. pew (^ape'/^w) :: pocris (for srutis, see Henry, 118), Olr. sruth strearn, LB. (Kluge, p. 346). strgccean stretch, stradc /irm, OHG. streechen stretch, strak tight, Germ, stem strak :: Indg. \/ *sreg, parallel with -J reg, Gr. opeYetf, Lat. por-rigo I stretch (Kluge, p. 345). eastor Easter, OHG. ostoron (pi.) '■ pascha^ Otf. :: Skr. usra da'W7i (Kluge PG., p. 31). sweostor sister, OS. swestar, OHG. swester, Goth, swistar, OS. swestar, Icel. syster, Germ, stem swestr- ; Indg. stem suesr-, Skr. stem svasr-, ..' Lat. soror ( = swesor) (Kluge, p. 321 ; Brug. 2, p. 748 ; Henry, 201). 469. After a long vowel s=Germ. ss = Indg. dental + t-, t^t from tt (Brug. § 527; Henry, 64; Kluge PC, p. 38; Sweet S., 318). wis ivise, Icel. viss, OHG. wis, Goth, unweis jtiiknoiving ; Lat. visus seen, Indg. type uit tos :: Indg. V Vf.Q\^see (Brug. § 501 ; Henry, 64). ^^ food, carrion, OHG. as (az, Otf.), Du. aas; Lat. esus an eating, Indg. base et^to- :: Indg. V hSs command, Germ, base haissi-, haitti-, cp. Goth, haiti (base haitjo-) a command, haitan command, call. Germ. V halt, l&s, Iffiswu in blod-leeswu biood-letti7tg=\n6.g. led + tua, cp. OE. Iffitan let, Goth, letan (Brug. 2, p. iii). rffis (gen. reeswe) counsel =\r\dg. redh + tua, cp. OE. rsdan give advice, Goth, ga-redan ^r^'Z^/^i?. Tends food, OS. mos, OHG. muos, Tat., Germ, base mossa-, motta- :: Goth, mats food, xaatjan eat. Germ. V mat ; Indg. V raad, Lat. mando I chew (Feist, 384, Kluge, p. 240J. cnosl 7'ace, offspring, OS. knosal, OHG. knuosal ; Indg. base gnot-tlo-, cp. Goth. knoJ?s (knod-) I'ace, OHG. chnuot, chnuat ; Gr. yi/wTos related by blood :: Indg. V gen 'gignere ' (Brug. § 467; Brug. 2, p. 115 ; Henry, 122; Feist, 339). f€is ready, eager, Icel. fuss, OHG. funs. Tat., Germ, base fimsa-, funssa-, fun}7ta- . .' OE. ftmdian endeavour to find, hasten. §§ 470-475.] THE DENTALS. l-i,^ GEMINATIONS. 470. After a short vowel ss (final) = Indg. dental + t- (Brug. § 527 ; Kluge PG., p. 37 ; Sievers, 232). gewiss certain, OHG. giwis; Gr. aio-ros tinseen, tmknown, Indg. type uit't6s=uid + to- : y/ ueid. sess seat, Icel. sess ; Lat. obsessus besieged, Indg. type set-tos, \/ sed. sit. andcwiss answer, Goth, gaqiss agreement, cp. OE. cwe'San say, Goth. qi)?an. miss- (mis-j mis-, Goth, missa- (cp. misso reciprocally) ; Indg. base mith + to- (Feist, 402). 471. ss (medial) = Indg. dental + s (Kluge PC, p. 77). wissun they knew, OHG. wissun ; Indg. type uit-snt :: Indg. Vueid see. 472. By assimilation ss (medial) = older sr (Sievers, 180). l»ssa/^.y5- = *lSs-i'a (Sievers, 307, 312). 473. ss=tSs (Sweet S., 525). bliss bliss, kindness, gladness =hli^s, OS. blidsea, cp. OE. bliSe Joyous, OS. blidi, Goth. bleiJ5S kind. liss kindness, joy=li'Ss, cp. liSe soft, gentle, lithe, OS. lidi, OHG. lind, Otf. 474. st = Indg. dental + t, th (Sievers, 232). hlaest load, OHG. last. Tat., Germ, hlat-ti-, hlad + ti, cp. OE. hladan ; Indg. V kladh, OBulg. kladg, I lay, put. wast knowest, 2 pr. s. of vp-at I know, so OHG.weist 2 pr. s. of weiz, Goth, waist (Gr. otaGa, Skr. vettha), 2 pr. s. of wait :: Goth, witan to know (Wright, 52 ; Kluge PG., p. 85). FROM LATIN. 475. Often after n, 1 s=ts=Lat. cj. tj. soise inch=jTx\s,Gi = \j3X. uncia (Sievers, 205). 136 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 475-478. dragense dragon-wori =dcs:&CQ'G.t^Q — 'L2X. dracontia. plsBsum (dat. pi.) streets, Rush.^=pl8Bcum, Lind., from North. plsBtse street, Lat. platea. Z. This letter was written to represent the sound of ts. 476. z=rds, tSs, ts. milz = milts, milds mercy, from mild, baezere Baptist ='^\iBi^sei:Q, from bae^ bath. bfzt = betsta best. 477. z=:Lat. tj in borrowed words (Sievers, 205). draeonze (also dracentse) = Lat. dracontia dragon-wort. GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. c. INDOGERMANIC. 478. OE. c corresponds to Germ, k, Indg. g. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Gr. Y, L^t. g, Olr. g, OBulg. z, Lith. z, Arm. c, Skr. j, Zendz. Germ, k became in Upper German ch, as chorn, werch, in OHG. medially hh, and finally after vowel h. eynn kin, OS. kunni, OHG. eunni, Tat., Icel. kyn, Goth. kimi (base kvmja-) ; Lat. genius, Indg. base gn-io- :: Indg. a/ gen ' gignere' (Feist, 341 ; Brug. § 245). ceosan choose, Goth, kiusan, OHG. kiosan, ehiosan, OS. kiosan ; Gr. yeooi (stem yeus-) J^ let taste, Indg. -v/geus:: Lat. gustus, Olr. to-gu choice (toga, LB.) (Brug. § 385). §§478-479-] GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. I37 cneo kfice, Goth, kniu, OHG. chniu, chneo (kneu, Tat.) :: Gr. Y»'UTr6T€ii' to fall on the knees :: Gr. yoi/o knee, Arm. cunr :: Lat. genu (Brug. §§ 394, 79 ; Kluge, p. 178). com grain, Goth, kaurn, OHG. corn, Tat.; OBulg. zrino, Indg. base grno-, cp. Lat. granum, Indg. grno- (Brug. §§ 303, 306). weore work, OHG. werk ; Gr. ^p-^ov, Indg. V vierg :: Arm. gore work (Brug. § 385 ; Henry, 40). meolcian viilk, OHG. melchan ; Gr. dfieXyw, Indg. Vmelg :: Lat. mulgeo, Olr. bligim, OBuIg. mluz^ (Brug. § 382). wreean punish, Goth, wrikan persecute, OHG. rechan (gi- rehhan avefige, Tat.), Icel. reka drive, take vengeance ; Indg. V ureg, Horn. Gr. ee'pyw (=e-fepYs 79). mec me, Goth., OS., Icel. mik, OHG. mih. Germ, type mi-ki, Gr. e-fie'-ye (Kluge PG., p. 96). secan seek, OS. sokian, Goth, sokjan, OHG. suohhen, suochen. Tat., suachen Otf. ; Lat. sagire track. Dor. Gr. ayeofiai I show the way, Olr. saigim I aii)i at, LB. 479. OE. c corresponds to Germ, k, Indg. g. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Skr. g, j, Arm. k. Lith. g, Gr. y, Lat. g, Olr. g, OBulg. g, z. ceald co'ld, Goth, kalds, Icel. kala to freeze :: Lat. ^&\\x. frost, gelidus cold, Indg. \' gel (Brug. § 430 ; Feist, 327). cealf calf, OHG. calb, Tat. : Gr. 8oX> :: Indg. V leigh (Brug. § 214). 482. cc=Germ. gg, Indg. qn (Sweet S., 316; Brug. §■ 221, r4i. 5). smocc smock, Icel. sraokkr. Germ, smugga-, smugnd- ; Indg. smuqno-, cp. Lith. smunku 7 glide. §§ 483-488.] GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. 139 FROM LATIN. 483. c = Lat. c in borrowed words (Pogatscher, 335). casere Ccrsar, emperor= Lat. Caesarem. cuclere spoon^'L'AX. cochlear, cellendre coriander =V.7\.\.. coriandrum. eealo caUow, OHG. chalo, Germ, base kalwa- =^^ Lat. calvus (Kluge PC., p. 11). PALATAL C. 484. cc = Germ. kj. reccean (recean, pt. s. rohte) 7-cck, care, OS. rokian, OHG. ruohhen (ruachen, Otf.) (Sievers, 407). rgccean (pt. s. reahte) slretc/i, expound, OS. r§kkian, Icel. r§kja, OHG. rfcchen, Goth, rakjan :: Lat. rego, Gr. opeyw _(Brug. §§ 264, 394). rsecean (pt. s. raehte) reach, OFris. reka, OHG. reihhen, Germ, type raikjan. 485. cc = Indg. knj (Kluge PG., p. 56V fricca (friceea) herald ; Indg. type preknion, cp. Skr. prasnin. 486. c (sounded as ts) = Germ. tj (Kluge PG., p. 214). aeglaeca w7-etch, monster, Germ, type aglaitjon, Goth, aglaits lascivious. 487. eg (pronounced as j in jiidge) = dg (Sievers, 216). iniegfrny^?/=*midgfrn, OHG. mittigarni fat of the kidneys (Kluge, p. 103). 488. e, cc (pronounced as eh in change) = tj (tg) (Sievers, 196. 3). orcerd, orcgeard = ort-geard orchard, garden. f§cc(e)an = fftianyt'/i;7^, cp. faet a journey (BT.). Muncgiu = Munt giof=Lat. Men tern Jovis. 140 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 489-494. 489. eg=:Germ. gj (Sievers, 228). hrycg ndge, back, OS. hruggi, OHG. rucki (ruggi, Otf.), Icel. hryggr, Germ, base hrugja-. sfcgan say, OS. sfggian, Germ, type sagjan. licgan He, OS. liggian, OHG. liggen, Germ, type ligjan. l§cg(e)an lay, Goth, lagjan. IN SPECIAL TEXTS, DIALECTS. 490. In old texts c = ]i (final) (Sweet S., 502). halc = healh ^ sinus' (OET., p. 489). 491. In the oldest texts ch=h (when final, doubled, or before cons.). salch ' salix^ Ep. = sealh. willow (OET., p. 4S9). Alchmvmd Alkmund, from ealh temple. Strenes //(?/t// = Streones healh (old name for Whitby). toch ' lenta' = to}n. tough (OET., p. 644). scocha '■ le>iod}iiuin,' Ep. = scoliha (Sievers,' 220). torcht = torht bright (OET., p. 576). bercht = beorht bright (OET., p. 530). 492. In North. (Rush.-) ch=c (medial) (Sievers, 210. 3). folches, werches, wlpnches, stfnches, swfnche, fromfolc,&c. 493. In North, c (sounded as ts) = Lat. tj (te, ci) in borrowed words (Sievers, 205. 3, n. i). plsBce street =1.71^. plateaaw open space, street. 494. In the oldest texts ct=ht (Sweet S., 502 ; Sievers, 221). amb§ct Corp. = ambiht office (OET., p. 470J, OHG. ambaht. gifect, Ep. = gefeoht/^/^/ (OET., p. 536). wyrcta, Ep.=wyrhta worker (OET., p. 565). nectigalae, Ep.^nihtegale nightingale (OET., p. 478). §§ 495-500.] GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. 141 495. In old texts and some later MSS. ck = cc (Sweet S., 538 ; Sievers, 207, n. 2). Backa, LV. = Bacca (OET., p. 471). Sicke = <5icce thickly. 496. In late texts tc=t + g (come together through syn- cope) (Sievers, 215). craeftca (crsefca, craeftica) =craBftga, crasftiga cra/tsfiiajt, architect., from craeftig skilful, powerful. 497. eg is a rare spelling for older gg (Sievers, 216. n. 2). frocga = frogga frog. clucge = elugge bell. 8uega = sugga, ^ motacilla' luagtail. 498. c is occasionally inserted in the combinations si, sm, sn (Sievers, 201. i). sclat, Corp. = slat to7r (OET., p. 592). scmegende, VP. co7isideri7ig (OET., p. 614). senicendan, Corp, creeping. 499. c (medial) =Indg. u. ta.coT: brother-in-law, OHG. zeihhur ; Arm. taigr, Gr. 8di]p (mSaifrip), Skr. devar-, OBuIg. deveri, Indg. stems daiuer, daiur- (Brug. §§ 95, 162). k. 500. The symbol k is in some MSS. written for c — very frequently in Rushw.\ as kennan, kene, kneo, folkes. In WS. k is often found before y, or i arising from y, as kynn, kyning, kyne — frequently in the Cura Past. (Sweet S., 538 ; Sievers, 207, n. 2). Kaenta = C§nta, LV. = Lat. Cantium. 142 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 501-506. qu. 501. In the oldest texts, and sometimes in Rush\v.,qu=cw (Sievers, 208; Sweet S., 538). quidu = ewidti, cp. hwitquidu, inasttch, Ep. quoen = ewen (OET., p. 649). quemde pleased, Blickl. = ewemde. X. 502. x = Germ. hs. feax hair, Goth. fahs. siex six, Goth, saihs. oxa ox, Goth, auhsa. weaxan grow, Goth, wahsjan. meox dung, Goth, maihstus. 503. x=cs (due to syncope of a vowel). SQ-x. axe, Goth, aqizi, OHG. acehus (accus^ Tat.), OS. aeeus, Du. aaks ( = akes) (Kluge, p. 14). rixian = ricsian rule, OHG. rihhison, Tat. (riehison, Otf.). 504. x=es (due to metathesis of sc, Germ. sk). axian = acsian = ascian ask, OFris. askia, OS. eseon, OHG. eiscon, Tat., Otf., Germ, type aiskojan. tux = tusc tusk=tvisc, Germ, base tiinska- (with sk for Indg. tk), cp. Goth. tun)7us (Brug. § 527). 505. x=Lat. sc in borrowed words. mixian mix, OHG. miscen = Lat. miscere (Kkige PG., p. 12). INDOGERMANIC. 506. OE. g corresponds to Germ, g, Indg. gh. §§ 506,507-] GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. 143 The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Gr. X, Lat. h, g, Olr. g, OBulg. z, Lith. z, Skr. h, Zend, z (Brug. § 380). guma inaji, Goth, guma, OHG. gomo, Otf., Germ, type gumon; Lat. hemo (cp. nem6=ne + hemo) :: Lith. zmu (Brug. § 241. 4; Feist, 227). gold ,^-^/.'/, Goth. gul)7, Germ, base guljja- ; Indg. base ghlto- :: OBulg. zlato (from Indg. gholto-) :: Indg. V ghel to be yellow, Lat. helvus, OHG. gelo (base gelwa-), OE. geolo, OBulg. zelenu, Olr. gel %cJiite, Lith. zelii I g?ow greeti :: Gr. XoXos ^'•(?//, OE. geall, OHG. galla (Brug. § 273; Feist, 226). goB goose, I eel. gas, OHG. gans ; Lat. anser (=hanser), (]r. X'^i', gen. xT'os = X'^''°'°s), Skr. h^sas, Lith. z^sis (Brug. §395 ; Henry, 78). gang 7ua/, passage, OHG. gang, Icel. gangr, Goth, gaggs ; Zend, zanga- heel-botte :: Lith. zengiu / siride, Indg. V ghen^h. dage, dat. of dah dotigli, Goth, daigs, Icel. deig, OHG. teig ; Gr. Tolxos iii'all :: Gr. xeixos, Skr. dehi wall, Zend, daeza-, Indg. V dheigh (Brug. § 395 ; Feist, 124). boge, dat. of boh (bog) arin, shoulder, bough, Icel. 'bo^v shotildej; the '■bow'' of a ship, OHG. buog shoulder; Indg. type bhaghus, Gr. iraxus (■"'^X'^?)' Skr. bahus, Zend, bazua. 507. OE. g corresponds to Germ. 5, Indg. gh. The following are the correspondences in the other Indg. languages : Gr. x-?^= beag, OS. bog, OHG. boug. beorh inoimtain = 'beoYg, OS. berg, OHG. berg, Tat. burh boroltgh='b^xvg, OS. burg, OHG. burg, Tat. sorh. sorrow = sorg, OS. sorga, OHG. sorga, Tat. 544. Occasionally h=Germ. g when it ends a syllable (Sievers, 214. i). ahlfflca = aglffica viorister. diohla from ^ogo\ glooiiy :: OHG. toiigali. Tat. Also after short vowels. utlah outlaw =\z^\. utlagi. getoh spasm, getoge (dat.) fuhlas ^/r^^=fuglas, OHG. fugal bird, Tat. 545. In Boeth. h=:Germ. g between vowels (Sievers, 214). dahum, mahan, heretoha for dagum, &c. §§ 546-551-] GUTTURALS AND PALATALS. 153 546. In late WS. h=c before st and S (Sievers, 210). tsehst, tJehS for tscst teachest, taeccS teacheth, from tEecan teach. 547. In late WS. and North. h=:c before t in com- pounded words. leahtun, lehtun (North.) for leac-tun _g'ar^i?« of herbs, leae = I eel. laukr. INORGANIC. 548. An inorganic h appears occasionally as an initial (Sweet S., 497) hynnilse, Ep. = ynnil£ec onion., Corp. (OET., p. 613). gi-hiodtim, Ep. = ge-eod.on tvent. 549. An inorganic h appears now and then at the end of a word (Sievers, 223, n. 2). fvQoti. free, qo\\. yew, bleoh colour, for freo, eo, bleo. DISAPPEARANCES. 550. h disappears as an initial occasionally (Sweet S., 497)- SBsil, Ep. = h8Bsil, also haesl hazel, Corp. (OET., p. 474). 551. h disappears between vowel and voiced consonants, especially 1, r, m, n, w (Sievers, 222. 2 j. leoma light, Icel. Ijomi, Gemi. type leuxmon, cp. Goth. liuha]? light. ymest highest, Goth, auhmists (Sievers, 314, n. i). hiera, comp. of heah high. aw^er = a-hw£er anywhere (Sievers, 321, n. 2). pleolie dangerous, from pleoh danger. healic high, from heah. tolie tough, from toh, OHG. zahi. neal^can approach = iaeah. + \^o&Ji. viove quickly. eorod troop, Corp., from eoh + rad a riding. 154 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 552, 553. 552. In compounds the initial h of the unstressed element disappears (Kluge PG., p. 44). heardra ;;z2^//if/=h.eard + hara. g9ndra^<^«rt'i??-=*g9nd- + hara (Kluge, p. 102). oretta wrt;-r/V;r=or + *h£etta (cp. Goth, bi-haitja contentious man (Kluge NS., 13). 553. Occasionally h disappears before J? or s (Sweet S., 504 ; Sievers, 221). gesi'S = ge-sieh'S .ytr/// (Sievers, 374). neosian visit, Goth, niuhsjan, OS. niusian, OHG. niusen (Schade), Icel. nysa/ry itito. Sisl wagon pole, Sixl, Erf., Corp., OHG. dihsila, Icel. )7isl. wffisma gnnuth, OHG. wahsmo fruit, Otf., wahsan grow, OE. weaxan. nest = niehst nearest (OET., p. 608). sesta ^■/^■//^ = sexta (siexta). §§554,555.] I^'DG. VOWELS. 155 CHAPTER III. REPRESENTATION OF INDO-GERMANIC VOWELS IN OLD ENGLISH. Indg. i. 554. Indg. i=Germ. i, OE. i (Brug. § 35). Indg. uid- (weak perfect stem of-/ \x.e\Asee, kno'-dJ) = G^rm.. and OE. wit-. Skr. vidma we k77cw, Gr. /fi8p,ei', Goth, witum, OE. wlton. Indg. bhid- (weak perfect stem of -/ bheid split) = Q^rvsx. "bit-, OE. bit-. Skr. bi-bhidima we have split, Lat. fidimus, Goth, bittim we bil, OE. biton. Indg. migh (weak stem of \/meigh ^jnzngere'), Goth, maihstus dung, OE. mix (meox), Lat. mingo : : Gr. o^lyiu, OE. migan, Icel. miga (Feist, 370). Indg. ki- (pronominal stem) tin's, OBulg. si, Lith. szis, Lat. ci- (in eitra). Germ. Xi", cp. Goth, himma ' Imic,' hidre hither, OE. hider (Feist, 265). Indg. dui- {tzvd), Skr. dvi-, Gr. 8i-( = 8fi-), Lat. bi-, OE, twi-, hence twiwa twice. Skr. vidhava- widow, Lat. vidua, OBulg. vidova, Goth. ■widuwo, OE. widwe. Prim. Kelt, uidu-s, Olr. fid tree, OE. widu (wudu), OHG. witu, Otf. Lat. ^\s,c\s,Jish, Goth, fisks, OE. fisc. 555. Indg. i=OHG. e, OE. e (and i) when followed by a 156 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 555-557. or o in the next syllable, and not protected by an intervening i or j (Sweet S., 301 ; Wright, 17). Indg. uiros, Lat. vir, Olr. fer, Goth, wair, OHG. ^wer (in compounds), OE. wer (Brug. §§ 34, 35). Indg. nizdo- f: :ni-sed- sit do%vii), Arm. nist scat, Lat. nidus, OHG. nest, OE. nest (Brug. § 201 ; Henry, 69). Indg. stem lip smear, Gr. Xiiros fat, \\.i!a,^o% greasy, Icel. lifa to be left, to live, OHG. leben, OE. libban ( = li1o(aijan). Indg. i. 556. Indg. i=Germ. and OE. i (Brug. § 37). Indg. stem si bind, Gr. leathern strap, Icel. svoAcord, rope, OS. simo, OE. sima ' viticuhim^ Indg. suffix -ino- = Germ. suffix -ina-, Lat. haedinus, Goth. gaiteins belonging to a kid, so Lat. suinus relating to a sow, Goth, swein hog, pig, OE. swin, cp. Gr. KopaKikos young raven (Brug. 2, p. 147). Indg. stem uit-, Gr. yftre'd %vilhnv, ' salix' Lat. vitis vine, Lith. wyti 7i'ind, turn, OE. witSig withy, willow-twig, OHG. wida willow (Brug. § 44) :: Zend., vaeti willow. Indg. U. 557. Indg. u=Germ. and OE. u y (i-umlaut). Indg. juQom j(?Zv, Skr. yugam, Gr. ^uyoi', Lat. jugum, OBulg. igo ( = iugo), Goth, juk, OE. iue (geoe). Indg. stem kun- dog, Skr. sunas (gen. s.), Gr. KUkos (gen. s.), Olr. con (gen. s.), Lith. sznns (gen. s.), cp. Goth, hunds, OE. blind. Indg. bbudh- (weak perfect stem of \/ bheudh wake) = Gtrm. bud, OE. bud-. Skr. bubudhimd 7£/^ observed, Gr. iruSe'crOai learti, Goth, anabudum we bade, OE. budon :: beodan bid, offer, OHG. biotan offer. §§ 557-559.1 I^I^G. VOWELS. 157 Indg. gus- (:: -/ geus choose, cp. Gr. ycu'ecrSai). Lat. gustus taste, Goth, kustus trial, also Goth.gakusts (kusti-), OHG. kust, OE. cyst (kusti-) choice. Indg. nu noiv, Skr. nu, Gr. cu, Lith. nu-gi now theti, Olr. nu, Goth, and OE. nu. Indg. weak nominal suffixes -u-, -tu-, -nu- (Brug. 2, pp. 293-304)- Indg. m^dhu hottey, Skr. mMhu, Gr. p.e0u, OE. meodu tnead (Brug. 2. § 104). OGall. catu-, OHG. hadu-, OE. hea'Su- war (in compounds). Indg. -tu-, OHG. fvidM. peace, Otf., OS. fridu, OE. friocSu (Sievers, 271). Indg. -nu-, Lith. sunus soft, OBulg. synu, Goth, sunus, OE. svuiu (Brug. 2, p. 744). 558. Indg. u=:Germ. u=OHG., OE. o when followed by a or o in the next syllable, except when protected by a fol- lowing nasal + consonant, or by an intervening i (j) (Brug. §51; Wright, 18). Indg. ghutom (or (^-) god, Goth, guj? (base guda-), OE. god, OHG. got. But OHG. gUitva. goddess, OE. gyden. Skr. budhanas (pp.), 'Goth, budans, OS. bodan, OE. (gej- boden, OHG. (gi)botan offered. Indg. ukso(n), Skr. uksa (base uksan-) bull, ox, Goth, auhsa, OHG. ohso, OE. oxa. Indg. \/ dhuQh, Zend, dugdar- daughter, Goth, dauhtar, OHG. tohter, OE. dohtor (Brug. § 552). Indg. stem mus-, Lith. musai (pL), mould on sour milk, OBulg. muchu moss, Lat. muscus, OHG. mos (Germ, base musa-), OE. mos (Brug. § 52). 559. Indg. ti, Germ. u=OHG. u, OE. o. Skr. ^-n.\xkh,daughter-in-law ^O'^xA^. snucha, Gr.i/uds (^cri/uo-os), Lat. nurus, Arm. nu, OHG. snur, Tat., OE. snoru (Brug. § 47 ; Henry, 30). 158 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 560-562. Indg. U. 560. Indg. u=Germ. and OE. u. Indg. mus-, Skr. mus-, Gr. jjiu?, Lat. mus, OHG. mus, OE. mus mouse. Skr. bhru-s, Gr. 6, Gr. S9, Lat. sus, OHG. su, OE. su so^v. Lith. pulei (pi.) matter, Gr. ttuGcu I putrefy, Lat. pus foul matter, puteo I smell bad, Icel. full, OE. ivlfoul. Lat. ru3, Goth, rums, OE. rum room, space. Skr. udhar, OHG. utar, OE. uder udder. Lith. suras saline, OHG. sur, OE. svir sour. Indg. e. 561. Indg. e = Germ. and OE. e. Indg. V bher, Skr. bharami / bear, Arm. berem, Gr. 4>Epu, Lat. fero, Olr. berim, Goth, baira, OHG. beran to bear, OE. beran. Indg. V kel, Olr. celim I hide, OHG., OE. helan to hide. Gr. opcKTos stretched, Germ, type rexta^ OHG. reht, OE. reht, VP. 562. Indg. e=Germ. i before nasal + consonant (Brug. §67). Indg. V bhendh, Skr. bandhanam a bi7jdiitg, Lat. oflfendix knot of a band, Icel. binda, OHG. bintan, Goth., OS., OE. bindan. Indg. penqey?zv, Goth, fimf, OHG. finf, fimf, OE. fif. Indg. V tenq, Lith. tenku / Jiave enough, Germ. f>inx-, OS. thihan, OHG. dihan, OE, *'Sihan (contracted Seen, but cp. twill's, pr. s., see Grein) (Kluge, p. 106). Indg. base sento- way, Bret, hent, Olr. set, Goth. sin}7S, OE. siS (Brug. § 530; Feist, 495). §§ 563-567-] INDG. VOWELS. 159 563. Indg. e = Germ. and OE. i when followed by i, i in the next syllable (Brug. § 67). Indg. 6sti is, Skr. asti, Gr. ectti, Lat. est, Lith. esti, OBulg. jesti, Germ, type isti, Goth, ist, OHG. ist, OE. is. Indg. medhios middle, Lat. medius, Gr. fiEacros ( = (j.e'0-ios), Goth, midjis, OS. middi, OHG. mitti, OE. midd. Indg. V sed, Gr. eSos seat, Lat. sedeo I sit, OHG. sitzen, OE. sittan ( = sitjan) to sit. 564. Indg. e = Germ. and OE. i when followed by i, j in the same syllable (Brug. § 67). Indg. \/steigh. = Germ. Vstiig, stig, Gr. cttcixw d go, Goth. steigan (ei = i), OHG., OE. stigan, Icel. stiga. Indg. V bheid split, Skr. bhedami d split, Goth, beitan to bite, OE. bitan (Brug. § 61). Indg. treies three, Skr. trayas, Gr. Tpeis, Goth. Jjreis, OHG.dri, OE. 6ri. 565. Indg. e = Germ. and OE. i when followed by u in the next syllable. Indg. septm, Skr. sapta, sapta seven, Gr. eTrra, Lat. septem, also from type sepm, Goth, sibvm, OHG. sibirn. Tat., OS. sibun, OE. sibun, Corp. (sifun, seofon). 566. Indg. e = Germ. i in unaccented syllables. Indg. podes y^tY, Gr. iroSes :: Germ, fdtiz, OE. fet ( = foti-) (Brug. 2, § 321). 567. Indg. eu— Germ, eu, Goth, iu, OHG. iu, also eo, io, OE. eo. Indg. V gevis, Gr. yei^'oH'Cii / taste, Goth, kiusan to choose, OHG. kiusu d choose, kiosan to choose, OE. ceosan. Indg. V reud, Skr. rodanam weeping, OHG. riuzu / weep, riozan to weep, OE. reotan. Indg. V bheudh, Gr. ireuOofAai, Goth, anabiudan to comtnand, OHG. biutu d offer, biotan to offer, OE. beodan. l6o OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 568-571. Indg. e. 568. Indg. e = WS. se, Merc. e. Indg. V se- throiv, sow, Gr. itjjai ( = (ri-(TT]-fii), Tjfia, Lat. se-men, Olr. si-1, Goth, mana-sejjs, WS. saed, Merc, sed (VP.), OFris. sed, OS. sad, OHG. sat seed. Indg. Vdhe-, Gr. Gti-ctw, Goth. ga-dej7s, Merc, ded (VP.), WS. dffld, OS. dad, OHG. tat deed. Indg. V sne-, ne-, Gr. v^-^a., Lat. nemen, Goth. ne)>la, Merc. nethl, Corp., WS. nsetSl, OHG. nadala 7ieedle. 569. Indg. e = Germ. and OE. i before nasal + consonant (Kluge PG., p. 53). Indg. V ue to bloiv, Skr. vata- wind, Gr. aifjfji.a, cp. Indg. base uento-, Lat. ventus, Germ, base "wenda-, winda-, Goth, •winds, I eel. vindr, OHG. wint, OE. wind. 570. Indg. e = Germ. e, OE. eo (ie, y with i-umlaut) before liquid + consonant (Kluge PG., p. 53). Indg. stem kerd- heart, Skr. hardi, Gr. KTJp, Goth, hairto, OHG. herza, OE. heorte. Indg. type persna, Zend, pasna-, Gr. itTipva., Lat. perna, OHG. fersana, cp. Skr. parsni-, OE. fiersen, fyrsn (base fsrsni-). Indof. O. # & 571. Indg. o = Germ. a, OE. se, ea, a (Brug. § 77). Indg. dhoglios (: V dhegh burn), Lith. isz-dagas burnt out place, dagJi Jiari^est, hot seaso?t, Germ, type dagaz day, Goth. dags, OE. daeg (pi. dagas). Indg. oktou, okto, Skr. astau, asta, Gr. oktoj, Lat. octo, Olr. ocht, OBulg. osmi, Goth, ahtau, OE. eahta. Indg. stem orbh-. Arm. orb orphan, Lat. orbiis, Gr. 6p4>at'os, Olr. orbe inheritance, Goth, arbi, Merc, frfe, VP. (with i-umlaut). §§ 572-575-1 INDG, VOWELS. l6l 572. Indg. oi=Germ. ai, OE, a. Indg. oinos one, Gr. otcos, OLat. oinos (unus), Olr. oen, Goth. ains, OHG. ein, OE. an (Brug. § So). Indg. uoide he knows, Gr. /^oiSe (olSe), Skr. veda, Goth, wait, OE. wat. Indg. stem snoigh- (: -/ sneigh), OBuIg. snegu snow, Goth. snaiws, OE. snaw. 573. Indg. ou=Germ. au, OE. ea. Indg. roudhos, Lith. raud^ red colour, Olr. ruad, Lat. rufus, Goth, raujjs (base rauda-), Icel. raucSr, OS. rod, OHG. rot, OE. read red (Brug. § 83). Indg. stem bhoudli-, Skr. bubodha he has waked, Goth, baujj, OS. bod, OHG. bot, OE. bead bade. Indg. stem noud- ( : V neud), Lith. naudit prosperity, Icel. naut animal, OHG. noz, OE. neat a neat, ox, atu'inal. Indg. O. 574. Indg. o=Germ. and OE. 6. Indg. type roua, Gr. epurj (=epwfTi) rest, OHG. ruowa, OE. row rest, also g-ent/e (Kluge, p. 285). Indg. stem p6-, Skr. patram receptacle, Gr. Traifjia lid, cover, Goth, fodr sheath, OHG. fuotar case, OE. fodor sheath. Indg. stem pod-, Dor. Gr. ttcos (irwS-), Goth, fotus, Icel. fotr, OHG. faoz, OE. ^tfoot (Brug. § 91). Indg. a. 575. Indg. a=Germ. a, OE. ae, a, ea. Indg. agros, Skr. ajras, Gr. dypos, Lat. ager, Goth, akrs, OE. a&ceTjield. Indg. V qan, Lat. cano I sifig, Olr. canaim, Goth, hana cock, OE. hana (Brug. § 430). M 1 62 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 576-579. 576. Indg. ai=Germ. ai, OE. a. Indg. V aidih glow, Skr. edhSuS, Jire-wood, Gr. aiOco I burn, Lat. ^q^lQ^ fire-place, heartJi, Olr. aedyfr^, OHG. eit bicrning-pile, OE. ad, cp. ast y^z7«, Voc, Du. eest ( = Indg. aidh + to) (Franck, p. 226). Indg. stem daiuer-, daiur- JnisbancVs brother, Skr. devar-, Gr. 8aT)p ( =]p), Lat. levir, OBulg. deveri, OHG. zeihhur, OE. tacor (Brug. § 95). Indg. stem aiu-, Lat. aevum, Gr. aiwi/ (ai/^wi'), Goth, aiws time, age, OE. a, £BW /(XW. 577. Indg. au=Germ. au, OE. ea. Indg. V auQ, Skr. ojas- strength, Zend aojah.-, Olr. og ' integer,^ Goth, aukan to increase, OE. eacen pregnant. Indg. V pau, Gr. iraOpos small, Lat. paulus, paueus, OHG. fohem (dat. pi.), fao, OE. fea (stem faw-). Lith. ausis ear, Lat. auris, Olr. au, 6, Goth, auso, OE. eare. Indg. Vsaus, Gr. auw ( = o-aucrw) I dry, OHG. soren to parch, Icel. saurr mitd, OE. sear dry (Brug. § 100). Indg. a. 578. Indg. a=Germ. and OE. 6 (Brug. § loi). Indg. type bhaghus elbow, Skr. bahiis arm. Dor. Gr. T[o.)(ydYos oak, Lat. fagus beech, OHG. buocha, OE. boe beech. Indg. 8. 579. Indg. a = Germ, a, OE. ae, a, ea (Brug. § 109). Indg. base pater-, Skr. pitar-, Gr. TrajTJp, Lat. pater . .' Goth. fadar, OHG. fater, OE, ^^^qt father. § 5?9-l INDG. VOWELS. 1 63 Indg. stem sta (: V sta stand). Skr. sthitas (pp.)? sthitis a standing, Gr. o-Taxo?, CTxdcris, (rraTiip, Lat. status, static, OS. stad, OE. staeS sho7-e (Brug. § 316). Skr. ^Vcaxk^ fast . immovable, OHG. stara-blint, I eel. star-blindr (^////^ Tt'//// a cataract, OE. starian to stare (Kluge PG., p. 28). Indg. stem sa (: \/ sa). Skr. a-si-nva insatiable, Gr. o^-(\v enough, Lat. satis, satvir, Olr. sathech satiated .'. Q<:)\X^. sa]3s (stem sad-), OHG. sat, OE. ssdAfiill :: Goth. so)7s satisfyi7ig (see Brug. § 109). Indg. stem slag, lag (: \/ sleg). Gr. Xayapos slack, thin, Xayoi'es the flanks, loins, Lat. laxus (see Henr}', 64, n. 3), OS. slak, I eel. slakr, OE. slaec slack (Brug. § 109). Indg. stem sna (: V snej. Icel. snara cord, OE. snear sftare, cp. OHG. snarahha. Indg. stem lad (: Vied), Lat. lassus ( = lad-tus), Goth, lats, OHG. laz 7i'ea7y, OE. laet slow, late (Brug. § 315). Indg. stem bhla (: V bhle to swell). OS. blad, OHG. blat, OE. blaed leaf:: Indg. stem bhlo, OS. blomo bloom, Icel. blomi, Goth, bloma. Ji 2 164 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 580, 581. CHAPTER IV. REPRESENTATION OF INDO-GERMANIC CONSONANTS IN OLD ENGLISH. Indg. i (i as consonant). 580. Indg. i=Germ. j, OE. i, g. Indg. stem vix.- you, Zend yus, yuzem, Lesb. Gr. op,)i,es, Att. Gr, ujxets, Lith. jus, Goth, jus, OHG. iu (dat. pL), iuwih (ace. pi.), OE. (North.) iuih, OE. eowic, eow you. Cp. OE. ge (from Germ, type jiz after the analogy of the ist pers. pi. Germ, wiz, OE. we (Brug. 2, p. 834 ; Henry, 223 ; Kluge PG., p. 97). Indg. ier-, Zend, yare year, Goth, jer, OHG. jar, OE. gear (for gser) j/^ar :: Gr. Si^o% year, wpa tiine (Brug. § 141). Indg. io- which, that (pronominal stem), Skr. ya- which, Zend ya which, that, Gr. os ' qui^ o ' quod,' Goth, ja-bai if :: OFris. ief, gef, OE. gif if. Iridg. ioi (locative), Goth, jains that (Brug. § 123; Feist, 320). Indg. -io- (sufhx). Germ, -ja-, OE. -g. Germ, xauja- that which is to be cut, OE. hieg hay, cp. Goth. ha'wi(baseliauja-), OHG. lif"wi^- Gr. \u>f op6s light, OHG. lungar '■ strcnuus,^ OS. lungar, OE. lungre quickly (Brug. § 224). Indg. dnghua tongue, Lat. lingua (for dingua), cp. Goth. tuggo, OHG. zunga, OE. txinge, Germ, type tungon (: en). 602. Indg. n-sme, Skr. a-sma-, prim. Gr. ^d-o-jxe-, Lesb, apfies, Att. iqfieis, Goth.uns, OE. US ( = uns) us (Brug. § 233). 603. Indg. ni=Germ. unj- (unn) (Brug. § 245). Indg. gnio- (: V gen to beget), Lat. genius, Goth, kunja-, OHG. eunni, Icel. kyn, OE. cyn(n) race, generation. 604. Indg. nn=Germ. un (on), and OE. un (Brug. § 227). Indg. nn- ten-, Skr. an-udras, Gr. at'-uSpos waterless, so Arm. an-, Lat. in-, Goth, un-, OE. ^XD.-. Indg. gnna woman, Skr. gana, Boeot. Gk. ^avo., Icel. kona. Indg. r. 605. Indg. r remains in Germ. Indg. V reudh to be red :: Skr. rudhira-s, Gr. epuGpos, Lat. ruber, OBulg. rudru :: Goth. rau)>s (stem raud-), OE. read r^^(Brug. § 255). Indg. \/uerg/(9 7e/(9r/^, Gr. fipyov (ipyov), OHG. werk, Otf., OE. weorc work, Indg. r (r sonant). 606. Indg. r=Germ. and OE. ur (or) (Brug. § 285). Indg. mrto- (: V mer to die), Skr. mrtas dead, mrtam death, Icel. morcS murder, Goth, maurjsr, OE. mar's (Feist, 388). 1 70 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 606-609. Indg. drto- (: V der to tear), Gr. Sparos (Sapros) skinned, also Indg. drti-, Skr. A^\k leather bag, Goth. ga-taurj?s a destroy- ing; from Indg. dr, OE. ge-toren torn :: OE. teran to tear (Brug. § 292 ; Sievers, 390). Indg. drkto- seen (: V derk to see, Gr. 8epKop,ai), Skr. drsta-, OS., OE. torht bright, splendid (Brug. § 299). Indg. bhrtis a bearing (: -/ bher), Skr. bhrtis, Olr. brith, Lat. fors (base forti-),Goth. ga-baurj7s . ^ OHG. gi-burt <5/r/y^, OE. gebyrd, birth, fate, nature. Indg. urgio I work (: V uerg, Gr. fipyov (epyov), OE. weorc), Gr. pe'^w (for paj^w^/^pdyiw.) Goth, waurkjan, OHG. wur- chen, OE. wyroan (pt. s. wrohte) (Brug. § 299). Indg. 1. 607. Indg. 1 remains in Germ. Indg. V leiq leave, Gr. Xeiircj I leave, Olr. leeim, Goth, leiliwan to lend, OHG. lihan, Tat., OE, leon (Kluge, p. 207 ; Feist, 352). Indg. \/ uel to will, Lat. velle to will, OBulg. velj^ I command, Goth, wiljan, OE. willan (wyllan) :: OBulg. volja will, OHG. wala choice, Icel. val (Brug. § 276). 608. Indg.l-Germ. and OE. ul (ol) (Brug. § 285). Indg. ulqos, Skr. vrkas, Lith. vilkas, Goth, wulfs, OE. wulf wol/lFtisi, 687).° Indg. p. 609. Indg. p=Germ. and OE. f (Brug. § 324). Indg. p8-te(r), Skr. pita, Gr. TraTi]p, Lat. pater, Olr. athir, Goth, fadar, OE. frndier father. §§ 609-613.] INDG. LABIALS, DENTALS. 171 Indg. \/ suep, Skr. svapiti sleeps, Lat. somnus, OE. swefan to sleep :: Indg. stem sup-, Gr. uiri/os sleep. Indg. b. 610. Indg. b medial=Germ. and OE. p (Brug. § 343). Indg. V dheiib, Goth, diups, OE. deop deep :: Lith. dubus holloiv, Olr. domun ( = dubno-) deep, also, the world (Feist, 127 ; Rhys CB., p. 290). Indg. Vsleb, Goth, slepan, OE. slspan, OHG. slafan to sleep :: OBuIg. slabu slack, weak. Indg. bll. 611. Indg. bhr=Germ. b and OE. b (Brug. § 326). Indg. bliero / bear, Skr. bharami, Gr. ^ipw, Lat. fero, Olr. berim, OE. beran to bear. Skr. bhru-s. Gr. o^ipu's, OE. bru eyebrow. Indg. gombhos, Skr. jambhas, Gr. yo^i^o^ tooth, OHG. chamb, OE. cpmb (camb) cotnb (Kluge, p. 158). Indg. t. 612. Indg. t=Germ. and OE. ]? (S). Indg. to- (pronominal stem) the, this, Skr. ta-, Gr, to, Lat. is-tu-m, Lith. ta-, OBulg. to-, Goth. )7a-, OE. '8'a-, as in ■^aet that, the (Brug. § 351). Indg. V uert, Lat. verto / tm^t, Goth. wair]7an to become, OHG. werdan, OE. weorSan (Brug. § 348). 613. Indg. t remains in Germ, in the Indg. combinations, St, pt, qt, kt (Wright, 43). Indg. V steigh, Gr. o-reixw, Goth, steigan, OE. stigan ascend. Indg. nepti- grand-daughter, niece, Skr. napti-, cp. Lat. neptis, Olr. necht, OE. nift (Brug. § 339). 172 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 613-617. ndg. noqt- night, Skr. nakt-, Lat. noeti-, Lith. naktis, Goth. nahts, OE. neaht (niht). ndg. oktou eight, Zend asta, Gr. oktoS, Lat. octo, Olr. ocht, Goth, ahtau, OE. eahta. 614. Indg. t = Germ, a, d, OE. d by consonant stress mutation (Verner's Law) (Wright, 51). Indg. qoitus, Skr. ketus form, appearance, picture, Goth. haidus mantter, OHG. heit state, condition, nature, OE. had rattk (Brag. § 374 ; Sievers, 273). Indg. gliutora the object of sacrifice, Goth. guj> (base guda-), OHG. got, OE god^^rt'. 615. Indg. st=Germ, st=OE. s, when final in an un- stressed word. Indg. 6sti is, Skr. asti, Zend asti, (}r. eart, Lat. est, Lith. esti, Goth, ist, OE. is. Indg. d. 616. Indg. d=Germ. and OE. t (Brug. § 375). Indg. d6kni ten, Skr. d^Sa, Lat. decern, Goth, taihun, OHG. zehan, OE. tien (North, ten). Indg. V deuk, Lat. duco, Goth, tiuhan, OHG. ziohan, OE. teen to draw. Cjr. KapSid heart, Lat. cordi- :: Goth, hairto, OHG. herza, OE. heorte heart. Indg. dh. 617. Indg. dh=Germ. d and OE. d (Brug. § 376). Indg. dhoghos (: V dhegli burn). Skt. ni-daghas heat, summer, Lith. dagas //rtr^/f^/, Goth, dags, OE. daeg day. Indg. Vaidh. to burn, Skr. ediiSiS fire-wood, Gr. oHQh, I burn, Lat. aedes hearth, house, Olr. a.e6. fire, OHG. eit burning- pile, OE. ad (Brug. § 93). §§ 618-622.] INDG. PALATAL EXPLOSLVES. 173 618. Indg. dh + t=Germ. st. Indg. V aidh to burn, with -to suffix, Germ, base aista-, ODu. eist (Du. eest), OE. ast oast-Jiouse (Franck, p. 226). Indg. k. 619. Indg. k=Germ. x (h), OE. h (Brug. § 393). Indg." base keru-, Skr. saru- spear^ Goth, hairus sword, OS. heru-, OE. heoru (Feist, 240). 620. Indg. k=Germ. 5, OE. g by consonant stress muta- tion (Verner's Law). Indg. V pak suit, miite. Germ, base fagrd-, Goth, fagrs suitable, OHG. fagar, OE. faeger/azV (Feist, 143 ; Brug. 2, p. 176). Indg. base suekru- inot/icr-i7t-law, Skr. svasrus, OHG. swigar, OE. sweger (Brug. § 530). Indg. dekm (with accented suffix) ten, Skr. dasabhis (inst.), Goth, tigum (for Germ, tegm-mi), tigus decade, OHG. -zig, OE. -tig as in twentig twenty (Brug. § 530). 621. Indg. sk=Germ. sk, OE. sc, x. Indg. V skei, Goth, skeinan shine, OE. scinan :: Gr. o-Kid (Wright, 43). Indg. suffix -sko, -ska, as in Gr. Sictkos (^Sik-ctkos) disk, ^o(TKr\ food ; cp. Germ, base frux-ska-, Iceh froskr, OHG. frosk, OE. fro-K. fro^ (Brug. 2, § 90). Indg. g. 622. Indg. grrGerm. k, OE. c (Brug. § 388). Indg. V ger to grind :: Lith. zirnis/^a, OBulg. zrino corn, Goth. kaurn, OE. corn (Brug. § 415). Indg. V gen '■ gignej-e^ Gr. yeVos, Lat. genus :: genius, Goth. kuni, OE. cynn ki7i. 174 ^^^ ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 623-626. Indg. gh. 623. Indg. gh=Germ. g, OE. g (Brug. § 395). Indg. Vghel to be green, yellow, OBulg. zelenu green :: Gr. XoXos, \ok-f\gall :: Goth, gvdp gold, OE. gold (Feist, 226). Indg. bhaghus ar;?!, Skr. bahus, Zend bazus, Gr. tttixus, cp. Icel. bogr, OHG. buog, OE. b5g (boh). Indg. q. 624. Indg. q=Germ. x (h), OE. h (Brug. § 439). Indg. \/ qreii, Skr. kravis raw flesh, Gr. Kp€'as( = KpEf-as) :: Icel. hrar, OE. hreaw raw (Kluge, p. 282 ; Sievers, 301). Indg. V qai, qailo- healthy, whole, OPruss. kail-, OBulg. e61u, Olr. eel '■ auguriwn' Goth, hails, OHG. heil, OE. hal whole (Kluge NS., 188 ; Brug. 2, § 76 ; Feist, 236). Indg. q (with labialization). 625. Indg. q=Germ. xu (hw), OE. hw (h) (Brug. §441). Indg. qo- stem of interrog. pronoun, Skr. kas who ?, Lith. k^s who f, Gr. iro- in TroOeK whence, Lat. quod, Goth, hwas who ?, OE. hwa (Brug. § 419 ; Feist, 301 ; Kluge PG., p. 95). Indg. V seq follow, Lith. sekii / follow, Lat. sequor, Gr. €iTO)xai, Goth, saihwan to see, OHG. sehan, OE. seoh (imper.) see. 626. Indg. q = Germ, g, OE. g by consonant stress mutation (Verner's Law) (Brug. § 530). Indg. V ueiq, Lith. ap-veikiii /compel, Goth, weihan to fight . '. OE. wigend warrior. Indg. V kuq, Skr. sue- ardour, care, pain. Arm. sug grief . .' Goth, hugs 7ni7id, Icel. hugr, also OS. hugi, OE. hyge (Brug. § 439 ; Feist, 288). §§627-630.1 INDG. VELAR EXPLOSIVES. J 75 627. Indg. q=Germ. (g)u, OE. w (Brug. § 444). Indg. V deq to arrange, Gr. Sei-rrv'oi' meal (znSe-n-vioi'), OHG. gi-zehon /^ arrange, OE. ge-teon ( = -tehan) ::' Germ, type tSgu.o arrangement, Goth, tewa, OE. ge-tawa (pi.) tools. Indg. V se'»'ios snowy, v'l^o. (ace.) snoiu, Lat. nivem (ace), Olr. snigid it snotus (Brug. § 84 ; Feist, 517). §§ 635-639.1 INDG. SPIRANTS. 1 77 Indg. S. 635. Indg. s remains unchanged in Germ. (Brug. § 577). Indg. septm, Skr. sapta, Gr. e-iTTa, Goth, sibun, OE. seofon seve7i. Indg. V se to cast, soiu, Gr. rjfjia a throw, Lat. semen, OBulg. seta?, Olr. sil, OS. sad, OHG. sat, OE. saed seed. Skr. rapas- bodily injury :: OE. r§fsan to reprove, ' intercipere ' (OET., p. 543), OHG. r§fsen to blame (Brug. § 579). 636. Indg. sr=Germ. str (Brug. § 578). Indg. suesr-, Skr. svasr-, Germ, swestr-, hence Goth, swistar sister, OE. sweostor (Brug. § 580). Indg. svevi to flow, Skr. sva^vaXi float's :: Icel. straumr, OHG. stroum, OE. stream stream. 637. Indg. s = Germ. and OE. r by consonant stress mutation (Verner's Law) (Wright, 63 ; Sievers, 234). Indg. V geus, Gr. yeuoixai (stem yeuo--), Goth, kiusan, OE. ceosan ::' curon (we) chose, coren chosen. Lith. ausis, Goth, auso, Olr. au, o, OBulg. ucho . .' Lat. auris, OHG. ora, Icel. eyra, OE. eare (Feist, 67). Indg. V saus, Skr. soSas drying up, Lith. sausas dry, Gr. auu / dfy ( = o-aua-u), OBulg. suchii dry .'. OHG. soren to parch, OE. sear dry (Brug. § 100). 638. So Indg. rs = Germ. rz, rr. Indg. V dhers :: Gr. 0apo-os, Gpdcros courage, Goth, ga-daursan to dare :: Goth, ga-dars (pret. pres.) I dare, OE. dear : :' OE. durron (pret. pres. pi.) we dare, OHG. gi-turrun, OE. durre (opt.), OHG. gi-turri. 639. Indg. Is = Germ, and OE. 11 (Brug. § 582). Indg. bhelso I roar, howl (;: Lith. balsas voice), Skr. bhasami I bark ::' OE. biille thoii bellowedst, BT., btdlue bullock. N lyH OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 659-643. OBulg. glasu voice ( = prim. Slav, golsu) ..'Icel. kalla, OE. ceallian to call, Germ, type kallojan (Brug. § 585). 640. Indg. sn=Germ. zn, rn, OE. rn (Brug. § 582). Indg. baseasani-, OPruss. assanis Z'arz/^j/, Goth, asans . .' Icel. pnn ( = azno) season for working in the field, OHG. arno harvest, arnon to reap a harvest, Otf., OE. earnian to earn, Germ, type aznojan. Indg. V leis :: Goth, lais I know ::' OHG. lirnen, lernen, also from Germ, type liznojan, OE. leornian to learn, cp. OS. linon. Indg. Z. 641. Indg. zd=Germ. st (Brug. § 596). Indg. type nizdos, Lat. nidus, OHG. nest, OE. nest nest. Indg. stem gherzd-, OHG. gersta barley, OE. gerst :: Indg. type ghrzdeiom, Lat. hordeum (Brug. § 594). Indg. type ghoizdos, Skr. hedas anger, OHG. geist, OE. gast, ghost, spirit. Indg. type mazdos, Skr. medas /a/, OHG. mast, OE. maest mast, fruit of oak or beech (Brug. § 591). Indg. type mazdos, Lat. malus, OHG. mast, OE. maest mast of a ship (Brug. § 369). 642. Indg. zg=Germ. sc, OE. sc (x). Indg. V mezg tie knots, Lith. mezgu / tie in knots : : OHG. masca, Icel. mpskvi, OE. max mesh. Indg.j. 643. Indg. j=Germ. j, OE. i, g (Brug. § 598). Indg. juQom, Skr. jugam, Gr. l^uyof, Lat. jugum, Goth, juk, OE. ^QOQ yoke, iueian to yoke (Sievers, 74). Indg. V jes, Skr. yasami I bubble, Gr. j^ew (=:^6o-o>), OHG. jesan to ferment, OE. %\a,t yeast. 644, 645.] VOWEL GRADATION. 1 79 CHAPTER V. THE SIX INDO-GERMANIC 'ABLAUT' SERIES IN OLD ENGLISH AND THE COGNATE LANGUAGES. 644. By ablaut or vowel gradation we mean such differences of quantity, quality and stress in the vowel or sonant element of a stem or suffix syllable as originated in primitive Indo- germanic differences. It is possible to distinguish six series of vowel gradations. They all have one grade in which the vowel of the syllable has disappeared. Representing this grade by or zero, we may display the Indg. vowel-system as follows : 645. Strong (i.e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i.e. Zero) Grades. I 2 3 4 (a) unacc. (b) sec. ace. I. e- series e e (e) 2. e- series e 6 a 3- a- series a — v^ 6 9 4- 0- series 6 3 5. a- series d a (a) 6. 0- series 6 0(?) (0) N 2 l8o OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§646. I. e- Series. G46. Strong (i. e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i.e. Zero) Grades. I Indg. e Gr. e Germ. e, i Goth. i, ai OHG. e, i WS. e, i Str. g. I. I 234 (a) unacc. (b) sec. ace. o e 6 (e) o T] u) e a S o e a e 6 i a a 5 e 32 ai o e Indg. §. The Indg. nominal suffix -t6r-. Gr. na-Tep-a, Skr. pi-tdr-am, OBulg. dus-ter-e. Str. g. 2. Indg. o. -tor-, Gr. (Ppd-Top-a, Goth. bro-Jjar, swist-ar. Str. g. 3. Indg. e. -t6r-, Gr. Tra-xi^p, So-Trjp, Lat. pa-ter (for pa-ter). Str. g. 4. Indg. o. -tor, Gr. (ppd-TOip, fico-Twp, Lat. da-tor (for da-tor). Wk. g. (a). Indg. 0. -tr-, Gr. Tra-rp-oj, Skr. pi-tr-a (instr. s.), Goth, fa-dr-s. Indg. -tr-, Gr. Tra-rpd-o-t, Goth, fa-dru-m. From Indg. Vped. Str. g. 2. Gr. iroSa (ace. s.), Skr. padam, Lat. tri-pod-. Str. g. 3. ped-, Lat. pes. Str. g. 4. pod-, Doric Gr. irws (stem ttcjS-), Goth, fdtus, OHG. fuo?, OE. fot. Wk. g. (a). Zend fra-bd-a znsfep of the foot. Wk. g. (b). Gr. irejids, Lat. pedis (gen. s.), Skr. padas. From Indg. \/ med to measure. Str. g. i. Gr. |j.e8op,at. J think on, p.e'Swi' rule?; jx£'8ip.cos corn-nicasiirc, Goth, mitan to meastur, OE. metan. St. g. 2. Lat. modus ineasure, modius corn-measure, Goth, mat (pt. s.), OE. maet. St. g. 3. Gr. jjii^- %0Y-^\. I deznse, Goth, metum (pt. pi.), OE. maeton. Wk. g. (b). Goth, mitans (pp.) OE. meten. From Indg. V sed. Str. g. i. Gr. e8os scat, Lat. sedeo I sit, sella ( = sed-la) chair, Goth, sitan sit, OE. setl seat. Str. g. 2. Goth, satjan set, OE. s§tten. Str. g. 3. Goth, setum (pt. pi.) OE. sSton. Str. g. 4. OE. sot soot (a settling). Wk. g. (a). Gr. I'i^a) ( = o-i-cr8-w) I make to sit, Lat. sedi ( = se-zd-i = se-sd-i) J sat. Wk. g. (b). OE. seten (pp.). §§646,647.] VOWEL GRADATION. 181 From Indg. Vbhedh, Str. g. i. Goth, bidjan as/c, OE.biddan. Strg. g. 2. Gr. 170005 (for (})o0os) desire, OE. baed (pt. s.). From Indg. Vgel. Str. g. i. Lat. gelu frost, cold, gelidus coid. Str. g. 2. Icel. kala^^^^'^, Goth, kalds cold, OE. ceald cold, ei^le ( = *cali) coldness. Str. g. 4. OE. col cool, OHG. chuoli. ei- Series > 647. Strong (i.e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i, e. Zero) Grades. I 2 Wk. g. (a) Wk. g. (b) Indg. ei oi i I Gr. et 01 ( t~ Germ. 1 ai i I Goth. ei ( = 1) ai i ei (==1) OHG. 1 ei, e i 1 WS. 1 a i 1 From Indg. V dheigh. Str. g. i. Zend pairi-daeza- fe/ice, Gr. T€txos "U^all, Skr. debi rampart, dehmi / smear. Arm. dez a heap, Goth, deigan knead, mould from clay. Str. g. 2. Gr. TOixos "ivall, Goth, daigs dotigli, OHG. teig, Icel. deig, OE. dag. Wk. g. (a). Lat. figura, Goth, ga-digis a thing formed, digrei abundance. From Indg. -/ steigh. Str. g. i. Gr. areixw, Goth, steigan, OHG. stigan, OE. stigan. Str. g. 2. Gr. cttoixos (^ row, Goth, staig (pt. s.), OHG. steig, OE. stag. Wk. g. (a). Gr. cttixos, Goth, stigana- (pp.), OHG. gistigan, OE. gestigen. From Indg. V bheid. Str. g. i. Skr. bhedami I cleave, Goth. beitan, OHG. bizan, OE. bitan. Str. g. 2. Goth, bait (pt. s.), OHG. beiz, OE. bat. Wk. g. (a). Goth, bitana- (pp.), OHG. gebizan, OE. gebiten. From Indg. V krei to separate. Str. g. 2. Goth, hrains clean, OHG. hreini, reini. Wk. g. (a). Gr. Kpixr^s j"dge, Kpiais 1 82 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§647,648. decision. Wk. g. (b). Gr. Kpii/w / decide, Lat. cribrum. sieve, OHG. ritara, OE. hrider (hridder). From Indg. V klei inclitie. Str. g. i. Goth, hleiduma left hand, Olr. cle. Str. g. 2. Goth, hlains hill, hlaiw sepulchral vwund, OE. hlae(-w), hleenan cause to lean, OHG. leo moutid. Wk. g. (a). Gr. KXifia, an inclination, kXictio, « hut, Goth, hlija tent, OE. hlinian (hleonian). From Indg. -/ ueid. Str. g. i. Gr. /^eiSoi/ 1 saw. Str. g. 2. Gr. /^oTSa, Skr. veda, OBulg. vede, Goth, wait, OHG. weiz, OE. wat. Wk. g. (a). Gr. /^iSeif, Lat. videre. OBulg. vidu appearance, Goth., OE. witan perceive, OHG. wizzan. Wk. g. (b). Lat. visus seen, OHG. wisi wise, Goth, weis, OE. wis. eu- Series. 648. Strong (i.e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i.e. Zero) Grades. Wk. g. (a) Wk. g. (b) U Vi u ii u u u, o ii u, o ii From Indg. a/ geus choose. Str. g. i. Gr. yeuw, yeuofxai, Goth, kiusan, OE. ceosan, OHG. kiosan. Str. g. 2. Goth, kaus (pt. s.), OE. eeas, OHG. kos. Wk. g. (a). Goth, kusuns (pp.), OE. gecoren, OHG. gikoran, also OE. curon (pt. pi.). From Indg. Vpreus burn, freeze. Str. g. i. Goth, frius om Indg. Vderk. Str. g. i. Gr. SepKopai /see, Olr. derc eye. Str. g. 2. Gr. SopKcts,?"':?^'?//^, Goth, ga-tarhjan W(?X'£' /^ see. Wk. g. (a). Gr. SpciKCJi/ dragon, OS. torht bright, OHG.zoraht, OE. torht, torhtlie. From Indg. \/prek. Str. g. i. Lat precor /ask, Goth, fraih- nan, OE. freht oracle, frihtrung soothsaying. Str. g. 2. Lat. procus suitor, procax iinportiaiafe, OBuJg. prositi ask. Wk. g. (a). Indg. type pr(k)-sk6 / demand, Lat. posco, OHG. forscon to ask, Skr. prchami / ask. From Indg. uelq drag. St. g. i . Gr. eXKw ( = fi\Kui). St. g. 2. Gr. okKoi machine for haielitig. Wk. g. (a). Lith. vilkas luolf, OE. wulf, Goth, wiilfs. 2. e- Series. 65L Strong (i.e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i.e. Zero) Grades. Indg. I e 2 57 unacc. (b) sec. ace. 3 Gr. Germ. CD 6 (for a) a Goth. e (ai) 6 a OHG. a uo a WS. ^ ae §§ 651, 652.] VOWEL GRADATION. 185 From Indg. V d^e put, place. Str. g. I. Gr. ti0t]|ai, dkaStifAa Skr. dhaman- seat, place, Goth, gadejjs deed, OHG. tat, OE. daed. Str. g. 2. Gr. 0wfji6s heap, Goth, doms jitdgvietit, OE. dom, OHG. tuom, also OHG. tuot does, OE, do / do. \Vk. g. (b). Gr. QeT63 inankind, saian to sow, OHG. sat seed, saan sow, OE. sSd. Str. g. 2. Gr. Dor. de(uKa, Goth, saiso (i pt. s.). \Vk. g. (b). Lat. satus, Gr. Itos (Henry, 41). From Indg. -/led let. Str. g. i. Goth, letan, OHG. lazan, OE. Isetan. Str. g. 2. Goth, lailot (pt. s.). Wk. g. (bj. Lat. lassus, Goth, lats lazy, OHG. laz (Tat.), OE. laet. 3. a- Series. 652. Strong (i. e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i. e. Zero) Grades. I 2 Indg. a Gr. "W CO Germ. 6 6 Goth. 6 OHG. uo uo WS. (a) unacc. (b) sec. ace. 3 a a a a as From Indg. Vbha speak. Str. g. I. Gr. 4)ap,i, Lat. fama, fabula. Str. g. 2. Gr. ^i^vr\. Wk. g. (b). ^o-y-iv, Lat. fateor. From Indg. V ata. stand. Str. g. i. Gr. io-TT)fj,i, aTr||i.u>', Lat. stamen, Goth, stoma basis, substance, stols ^^(j/, OHG. stxiol, OE. stol. Wk. g. (b). Skr. sthitis a standing; Gr. o-Tacris, Lat. statio, OS. stad shore, OE. stasS, OHG. stfdi. 1 86 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 653, 654. 4. O- Series. 653. Instances of this ablaut-series cannot be traced with certainty in the Germanic languages. See Brug. § 317 for the rare examples in the cognate languages. 5. a- Series. 654. Strong (i. e. Vowel) Grades. Weak (i. e. Zero) Grades. I 2 (a) unacc. (b) sec. ace. Indg. a a a Gr. a « (7) a Germ. a o a Goth. a a OHG. a uo a WS. a o a From Indg. Vag. Str. g. i. Gr. ayw I drive, Lat. ago, Icel. aka to drive. Str. g. 2. Gr. CTTpaTT]Yos general, Lat. ambages. Wk. g. (a). Gr. oyjios /^^^^ (with prothetic 6-)- Wk. g. (b). Gr., dyos leader. From Indg. V hhag allot, enjoy, eat. Str. g. i. Skr. bhagas distributer, giver of blessings, Zend baga god, OBulg. bogu god. Str. g. 2. Skr. bhagas share, lot, Gr. ^// ou. grand ground pund pound (ge)funden found (ge)wunden wound (9) w^^, pronounced GM, spelt ow. SUgU J-i)W fugol fo-wl cugele cowl (10) v^, pronounced u, spelt 'ough. Sruh, Curb through 685 686 2 196 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 687-690. 687 y. (i) pronounced i, spelt i. brycg bridge cycene kitchen tynder finder bysig Spelt u. busy (2) pronounced e, spelt e. hymlic hemlock myrge merry lyft left 688 (3) pronounced v, spelt u. byndele bundle clyster cluster tJrysce thrush clyccean chitch crycc crutch cycgel cudgel wyrgan j/>^// O. worry (4) pronounced !, j/>f// e. yfel «w«7 {5) pronounced"?, spelt ei(r). wyrd u/A cyrtel hyre hyrde cyrnel kirtle Spelt e(r). her herd kernel (7) pronounced v, spelt o(r). worm work wort wyrm wjTcan wyrt (8) yg, yh, pronounced 9i, spelt ye. 690 ryge * rye spelt igh. flyht Z^^;?-/'^ fyrhto (fryhto) fright Spelt uy. byge'S buyetk a. (i) pronounced 0^, spelt o, o . . e. ga (i pr. s.) go fra /^(^ halig holy gast ^Atf^^ 691 691 §§ 691-694-] WEST SAXON VOWELS. 1 9 ta toe (4) from northern dialect. dran drone (a) pronounced e^, Stan stone I 7 J ' ban hone Spelt ai. swan swain spelt oa. hal hail aS oath spelt a . . e. laS loath{some) strak strake hlaf loaf draf drave fam foam (in the Bible, A.V.) aw, Spelt ou. (b) pronounced I, sawol soul Spelt ow. spelt ea. Mac bleak cnawan know (5) wa, pronounced u. mawan mow spelt wo. sawan sow twa tzvo Spell ew. hwa who hwam w/iOOT sc«awan s/iew (6) pronounced a, (2) pronounced 6", jr/^// a. Spelt o(re). ascian aj/& sar sore last last {op foot) lar lore mara viore (7) pronounced se, jr/f// a. (3) pronounced^, halgian hallow spelt oa. hlafmsesse laminas brad broad (ge)cla(5od f/ac/ spelt oa(r). (8) pronounced g, ar oar spelt 0. bar boar hat >%o/ bar hoar scan shone has hoarse ban- bon-fire 693 694 198 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 695-698. (595 (9) pronoMiced g, spelt o. claS cloth wraS wroth (ge)gan go7ie (ro) pronounced v, spelt o, o . . e. an ojte nan none na(n)0ing nothing strak spelt U. struct! (11) dh, a.^, pro?iounced 0^, spelt ough. (596 dah agen dough spelt ow. owe own (12) pronounced 9, j/^// augh. tahte (late WS.) iattg/it a(wi)ht auglit na(wi)ht 71 auglit spelt ough. ahte (pt. s.) ougtit 86. (i) pronounced z, spelt e. Sfen even Spelt ee. 697 sfed j^^(/ sciep sheep sl^// e(r)e. wseron were §§ 699-702-] WEST SAXON VOWELS. 199 699 (6) pronounced a, spelt a. blSst blast gsestan cp. agJiasi Icestan last 700 (7) pronounced 3e, spelt a. (ge)ba'ded had (ge)maeded mad hlseder (hlffidd( ;r) ladder fstt fat spsette spat (8) pronounced e, spelt e. flSsc Jlesh jemtig empty ISssa less wset wet spelt ea. clsensian cleanse brSS breath Srsed t It read Spelt a. Snig any spelt ai. ssede (ssegde) said (9) pronounced i, Spelt i. (ge)sSlig silly rsedels riddle (10) sew, pronounced ^u, Spelt ew. Iswede /^Te/^/ mSw me7ii (11) Kg, pronounced e\ spelt ay. "01 clo-g hwaeg grSg faege hnnngan clay spelt ey. whey grey fey (dying) J/)^// eigh. neigh 702 (12) pronounced e", i'/'^// ai(r). staeger j^a?r (13) pro7ioimced J, 5/i<'// ey. cseg ^^y e ((B), e, and Merc, e ( = ws. ie). (i) pronounced t, spelt e. he he me tne we we ge ^'^ !00 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 703-706. 703 spelt ee. secan seek metan meet fed an feed- cwen queen med meed slef (ie) sleeve ned (Ie) need scete (Ie) sheet stele (Ie) steel spell 'e. (ge)lefan (Ie) believe ( 2 ) pronounced I', '"04 spelt ea(r). werig weary heran (Ie) hear her Spelt e(r)e. here (3) pronounced e, spelt e. fidde fed (ge)mette met wepte wept breSer cp. brethren (4) pronoujiced i, spelt ee. brec cp. breeches (5) ^Zi p'>'07iomiced e^, j/'<'// ay. vvregan bewray heg (Ie) hay spelt ey. egaS (Ie) eyot ea. (i) pronounced'!, jr/if// ee. leac /^.'/l- ceace cheek Spelt ea. east east leaf leaf stream stream bean bean (ge)eanian yean 705 (2) pronounced 'v", spelt ea(r). ear • g^r (of com) tear tear near near (3) pronounced e\ spelt ea. great (4) pronounced e, spelt e. read r^(/ screadde (pt. s.) shred sceadde (pt. s.) j/^^i/ seamestre senipstr{ess) Spelt ea. deaf fl'm/ lead /mi/ 706 707 §§ 707-710.] WEST bread bread dead dead deaS death (5) pronounced ae, spelt a. leaSor lather *ceai>farn chaffer ceapmgn chapman 201 ■08 (6) pronounced i, spelt i. hreac rick eac CY>.nick{natne) -leac {gar)lick (7) pronounced ai, eah, heah neah pa~ue (7) pronounced 0^, Spelt ew. seowan sew (8) eog, eoh, pronounced si, spelt igh. Seoh thigh leoht light spelt i . . e. teogoSian tithe 71: (i) pronounced '3i, j/^// i . . e. Is ice ridan ride drifan drive cidan chide Spelt y . . e siSe scythe (2) pronounced 'ai^ j/i^// i(r)e. scir shire wir wire (3) pronounced '\, spelt i. fiftig * /y?y grist grist distal thistle ciTstesmsesse christmcts wisdom 7visdom die (fiVf// jr/i^// W0-. wifmgn women (4) Ivv, pronounced i«, jr/>f// ue. hlw //?/^// ough. toh *cloh genoh tough dough enough u. (i) pronounced Qu^ spelt ow, ou. hu cu bru tun Su bus mus hlud hoiv cow brotv town thou house mouse loud (2) pronounced au^, spelt ou(r). ure siir our sotcr spelt ow(er). bur bower scur shower (3) pro7iounced u, spelt 00. stupian stoop spelt ou. uncuS tmcouth 722 §§ 723-726. WEST SAXO^V VOWELS. 205 723 (4) pronotincei /u, spelt 00. brucan hvok rum roosn Spelt ou(l). cuSe cou{l)d (5) pronounced 0, spelt u. rust rust dust dust uder udder duca duck sucan suck SuS-folc Suffolk Sut5-Seaxan Sussex SuS-tun Sutton 72i spelt 0+ e. dufa dove scufan shove spelt ou. suiJerne southern (6) uh, pronounced »f, Spelt ough. ruh rough *sluh slough (7) ug, pronounced au, spelt ow. bugan bow y. (i) pronounced ^\, spelt i + e. hyf hive cyta /^zV^ mys mice bryd /^rz'^/g hyd A/^^ (2) pronounced ai^, J^^// l(r)e. fyr fire myre w?>^ 725 hyran hire (3) pronounced i, j/i^// i. fyst fist fylS filth wyscan tvish (be)strypan strip Symel thimble (4). yg, pronounced ai, Spelt y. dryge dry 726 2o6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 727, 728. TABLE II. REPRESENTATION OF OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN MODERN ENGLISH. 727 ■« cyning, cyng king b. cyssan kiss cene keen OE. b=Mod.E. b. cepan keep blod blood cyta kite wgb(b) web cSge key Igmb lamb claene clean dumb dumb climban climb bb = p {final unaccented). earc ark god-sibb gossip mearc mark cys-libb cheese-lip bsec back blsec black disappearance. a-ciimba oakum cc = ck. cocc cock crocca crock c. poccas pocks {pox) bucca buck OE. c = Mod.E.c(hard),k,ck. cw = qu. caru care _ coc cook cu cow cwen cwic queen quick Cgnt Kent c {palalal) = ch. cylen kiln cealc chalk 728 §§ 729-732.] OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS. 207 729 ceorl cinn cild ceap ceoce serce-biscop laece aelc swylc churl chin child cheap cheek archbishop leech each such c {palalal) = tch. pic piich die ditch cc {palala^) = tch. flicce flitch gicc(e)an itch bicce bitch 730 (ge)m2ecca fnatch Iseccean latch WKCce watch c=j. cerr (a)jar disappearances. c, ic {unslressed) = y, ey. aefre + aelc bssrlic ic (ig) dnincnian lencten macode every barley I drown lent made d. OE. d = Mod.E. d. dseg day drifan eald daed s + d = st. gelosod n + d=nt. gewunod laned mande d + r=th + r. fseder gsedrian hider ©ider hwider weder modor drive old deed lost wont lent meant father gather hither thither whither weather mother 731 assimilations. cgndel cannel windwian winnow godsib gossip disappearances. gndswaru answer godspell gospel f. OE. f=Mod.E. f, ff. tindan find ceaf chaff wulf wolf ceafor chafer 732 2o8 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 733-736- 733 f=v. ofer giefan hrsfn sealfian hserfest wulfas over give raven salve harvest wolves from a western dialect. fana vane fset vat fyxen vixen fynegian vinnewi^zxt'C) fn = sn (?) see Sweet S. p. 356. fneosan sneeze 734 vocalizations. hafoc hawk *afoc- awk{wara) nafogar auger §fete {n)ewt sufol sowl (see Strat- mann,p.592). assimilations. hlafmoesse lammas leofrngnn leviman disappearances. heafod head hsefS hath haefde had healfter halter gn efen anient wifmgnn woman hlaford hliefdige antefn lord lady anthem 735 g. OE. g = Mod.E • g- gamen gold gyldan glxd lungen game gold gild glad lung sgng song g?st tunge guest tongue gast ghost cg(=gg)=g- docga flocgian frocga dog flog frog ^ {palatal) = y. geld an yield gearn geard yarn yard gi = i. gicc(e)an gicel Gipeswic Gifelceaster itch -icle (in icicle^ Ipswich Ilchester 736 §§ r37-740-l OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS. 209 737 ^e = e. genoh enough eg {palalal= =gg) = dge Scg edge sgcg sedge slfcg sledge w^cg wedge hrj'cg ridge brj'cg bridge mycg midge ng {/)alafal)=nge. crgng'e)an sgng(e)an hgnge cringe hinge 738 vocalizations. ag=aw. hagu-Som sage {^ serra^) sagu (saying) scaga maga gnagan fag(e)nian dagian sg, eg=ai, ay. dseg hjegl HKgl pKgl tasgl sncegl fsecjen hawthorn saw saw shaw maw gnaw fawn daw{it) day hail nail pail tail snail fain msegen slaegen 7)1 at n slain wsegn blegen wain blain regen rain ig=i, y, ey. stigel tigel stile tile nigen nine sigSe scythe popig rudig poppy ruddy hunig honey yg=ie, ye. ryge tyge rye tie og=ow. boga bore/ ug=ow. sugn fugol cugele sow fo'cVl cowl ag=ow. agan owe agren own 739 £eg=ay, ey, eigh. cl$g clay grSg csege hnagan eg (Merc.) = ay, heg grey key neigh 740 hay 2IO OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 741-744. '^41 eag=(e)ye. Spelt wh. cage eye hal whole leag lye h5re whore deag dye h = gh. eog=ie, y. miht (ea) might leogan lie (' mentiri ') niht (ea) night fleogan fly riht (e) right ig=i(e). neah-gebur brohte neighbour broiis^ht frige-dseg fnday Sohte thought og=oo. bohte bought vv5gian woo taehte taught ug=ow. toh tough muga mow (heap) *cl6h dough bugan boiv (vb.) hleahtor laughter yg=y- (r)h-(r)f. 742 dryge dry dweorh dwarf (r)ge=ow. hw = \vh. • beorge (dat.) ba7'roiv hwa who sorge (dat.) sorroiv hwit ivhite bearge (dat.) barroiu (hog) hwsele (dat.) whale mearge (dat.) marroiv Hearge (dat.) Harrow disappearances. hn = n. (l)ga, ge=ow. hnitu nit gealga gallow{s) hnutu nut sealge (dat.) sallow (willow) hngsce hngcca nesh tselge (dat.) tallow neck hl = l. h • hleapan leap hlinian lean OE. h^Mod.E . h. hlot lot helpan help hlaest [burden^ last bond hand hlaford lord 743 744 §§ 745-748-] OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS. 211 745 hr=r. hreowan rue hrutan rout (snore) hrycg ridge hrlm rune hrif [mia)riff seolh(seole,dat.) ^^a/('phoca') heahfore heifer wses hael 7uassail hit it 1. mu3 moutk dom doom wyrm worm m=mb. lim limb gennmen numb cruma C7'umb Suma thumb lAl in.+ l=mbl. scamol shamhle{s) bremel (brsembel) bramble Symel thimble OE. l^Mod.E. 1. m + r = mbr. lar lus lore louse slumerian slumber fugol deofol fowl devil mt=mpt. semtig empty 746 l + r=ld + r. Ham-tun Hampton aler ellem alder elder {tree) Smete ant disappearances. 51c each hwilc 'tohich disappearance. WEestm {growth) -waist swylc such splot spot n. mycel (micel) much OE. n = Mod.E n. wgncel wench nosu 7iose bseddel bad nSdl needle Wincelciamb Winchcomb cwen queen scTnan shine m • n + vowel=^ nd. OE. m = Mod.E -. m. l;rnan lend mona moon hine hind 748 p a 212 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 749-752- 749 harehune punian runian n + r=nd4-r. cynrSden Sunor sunor n + I = ndl. spinel dwinan horehoimd ■bound round{yi\x\s^et) kindred thunder sounder (herd of swine) spindle cp. dwindle nd = m + vowel. lind lime (a tree) 750 T^ + vowel =^xn. *bryne stan brimstone np, n. .p=mp. winpel 'wi}7iple hsenep hemp fn = m. antefn anthem assimilations. myln . mill ell dross gin drosn disappearances. ing {unslressed)=Y. pining penny gndlufon eleven 751 p. OK p = Mod.E. p. psS stgppan p=b, bb. loppestre attor-coppe papol path step lobster cobijveb) pebble assimilation. ceapfaru chaffer r. OE. r=Mod.E. r. rod rood hara hare r = rr. hEering herring rs = ss. brers bass rr=dd. pearroc paddock metathesis. gars fersc grass fresh cgrse Sridda cress third disappearance. sprecan speak 752 §§ 753-756.] OLD ENGLISH CONSONANTS. 213 753 s. OE. s = Mod.E. s63 Syrst cyssan S. sooth thirst kiss biscop fisc disc Srysce S = sh. seo bishop fish disk thrush she s=ce. is ice S = ch. lynes linch{-pin) lys mys S = Z. lice mice disapp byrgels rSdels earajices. burial riddle fyrs hffisel furze hazel t. sc = sk. ascian tuscas ask tusks OE. t=Mod.E. ta t!d t. toe tide sc=x (ks). ascian sc = SS. muscle axe (Wyclif) mussel (a fish) writan ut t=d. prut pryte write out protid pride s=rs. t = th. has (*hars) s = st. hoarse sweart antefn cp. sivarthy anthem hSs ss=s. {be)hest tt=th. Isett lath selmesse alms ts = ss. sc = sh. bletsian bless scip ship st = ss. sclnan shine blostm blossom 755 756 214 OZZ) ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 757-760 757 t + ^ {palatat) = ch. S = d ort-geard orchard cuSe cou{l)d disappearances. rtS=rd. fforst gorsc byrSen burden latost last myrSran murder East-Seaxan Essex geforSian cp. afford West-Seaxan Wessex S + r=:d or dd + r. spiSre spider \ roSor rudder «. S + l=ddl. OE. S=Mod.E. th. fiSele sweSel fiddle swaddle Sunor thitnder c. ■Surh through assimilations. str§ng?>n strength clieSde clad 758 norO north SuS-folc Suffolk SKt that SuSrige Surrey Sis this SuS-Seaxan • Sussex SSr there Sider thither disappearances. Su thou weorSscipe worship Sin thine NorSwic Norwich brotJor brother siSSan sin{ce) a-h\v3eSer owCer S5=th. or wtSSSo wrath mo36e moth w • « = t. OE. w = Mod.E. w. stSlwier'Se slahvart weall wall nosc5yrl nostril wriSan writhe hus-t$ing hnsting{s) •gy lifs Se lest (l)\ve = OW. gesihS sight geolwe (pi.) yelloiv egaS eyot mealwe mallow 759 760 761 §§ 76i, 762.] OLD ENGLISH sweahve swallorv sealwe (pi.) sallow fealwe (pi.) falloiv cealwe (pi.) callow (r)\ve, \va=o\\ . neanve (adv.) narrow geanve yarrow ar(e)we arrow spearwa sparroiv vocalizations. sawol soul feower four 215 disappearances. w6s ooze wlisp (adj.) lisp Swgng thong lawerce lark frsetwan fret swa so al-swa also X. OE. x = Mod.E. X. 3ex axe weaxan wax six six 762 2l6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 763, 764. TABLE III. MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS WITH THEIR WEST SAXON CORRESPONDENCES. 763 a. (i) Mod.E. ■&. pronowiced ■£. =.WS. a (se, ea), a(9). arrow arwe yarrow gearwe shall mallow sceal mealwe and and {p) sprang (pt. s.) sprang {g) fathom black harry tarry fcEdm Mac k^rgian t^rgan = eo(r). ba.TTow{moieud) beorge (dat.) thrash hallow = e(r). (Serscan halgian lammas clad hlafmcESse ( ge)cld6od =z ea. lather leader chaffer ceap -^faru chapman ceapntgn r= £6. spat fat bladder spcette fcett blcedre adder niedre ladder hlceder mad {ge)m^ded (2) a (e) = £6. many nmnig = £6. any ate (pt. s.) ienig cet (3) a (9) = ea. swallow swealwe wallow wealwian 764 §§ 765-768.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 2 r 765 := se. eor. was 7vces far feorr wasp zvasp star steorra watch -wcBcce tar teoru wash wascan starve steorfan what hwcet carve barm ceorfan bcorjtia =■ a. dark deorc wattle xvatol bark beorcan =z a (9). hart smart /teor{o)t smeortan wan wgnn swan S'iuati = ?r, er. wander zuandriaji mar yard {rod) m^rran gird (4) a (q) = ae (a). marsh m^rsc path pcEd char c^rr {ci^rr) 766 bath bad charlock cerlic father fader — eor. grass grcES darling deorlhig ass assa farthing feortSling a. dsciati starboard stcorbord ask = ar. last (for shoe) last garlic gdrleac lark ld{we)rce ^ ^. blast blast (6) a (.i) = a (se, ea). last (vb.) Icestan sale sala aghast cp. gastan whales (pi.) tale hwalas talu (5) ar (a) = ear, ser. dale dale (dat.) arm earm acre acer art (2 pr. s.) eart hazel hasel barley barlic brazen brasen starling star blaze blase are aron (North.) raven hrafn 76; 768 r. 218 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 769-772. 769 770 nave (c f wheel) nafa knave cnafa navel nafela crave crafian states ( pi.) stafas lame lama vane fana bane batt swathe swadti ake acan naked nacod hate hatian cradle cradol ape apa ale ealu shale sceale chafer ceafer = sef. lady hlcefdige = eg. thane degett (7) a (e ') = a [se, ea hare hara stare starian spare sparian share {portion) scearii share ( ' vomer ') scear ware wcsr fare faran care car dare (i pt.-pr.) dear bare (1 pt. s.) bar bare (adj.) bar chary cearig mare (night-) mare mare {horse) (8) a (0) = all hall wall fall call gall alderman chalk stall stalk walnut qualm halt (adj.) salt malt water sward ward warp warn swart swarm wart 772 dwarf §. 771 Di^re - ea before 1 + cons. eall heall zveall feallan ceallian gealla ealdcrmgn cealc steall stealcian ■wealhnut cwealm healt sealt mealt : 36 after w. water -- ea before r + cons, after w. sweard weard wearp wearnia^i sweart swearm wearte -. eo before r + cons after w. dweorh §§ in-11^-] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 215 773(9)ai,ay(^i) ^ aeg. = eg (^g)- hail hicgl bewray nvregan snail nail snagl nagl = iNIerc. eg (WS. leg. tail hcgl hay heg {hieg) pail pag{e)l ^ 36 before st daisy- dcBges-eage waist W(zst{e)tn slain slcEgen eo af/er r. wain Wctgll main m(Zgett strain (progeny) streon brain h-cEgen (io)ai(e') = ^g. maiden niagden stair stager day d(2g lay (pt. s.) lag =z 3eg. may (vb.) mcEg fair fager Daylesford DcBglesford = eg- 774 = eg- lair leger ^ blain blegen rain regn = 2e, Merc, e twain iwegen hair hcer {her) lain braid {ge)legen bre^dati (ii)ai (e) = * (seg). sail segl said (pt. s.) scede {scBgde) way weg (i2)au(9) = ea, a. play plegian haulm heabn =r per baulk balca laid I^de af. ail e^lan layeth to lige^ auger nafogdr sayest sig{e)st (l3)augh(Q) = oh. — »g. daughter dohtor clay dreg Z3 aw(i)h. = eeg, Merc. eg. aught dwiht gray gneg naught ndwiht I ( o 776 777 778 220 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 777-780. =z ah. = ?• taught tdkte (for berry b^rge tcUte) hell hill sell s^llan (i4)augh(af) = eah. elf iV draught *dreaht rest r^st laughter hleahtor net nitt wedge WiCg {15) aw (9) = ag. draw dragaii ■=. 36. maw maga deft daft gnaw giiagau fret fratwan haw haga hemp hcenep shaw sceaga whether hiucsder saw (' serra ') saga together to-gtedere saw {saying) sagH when hwcenne law lagu then dcEtine = aw. ^ a. claw claivu pebble papol awl aivel • af. = y- hawk hafoc shed (sb.) ember-day *scydd ymbren-dag awn — on. hemlock hymlic yawneth g^ona^ left (adj.) lyft merry myrge e. yes i. gise (i) Mod.E. e pro7iotinced e = K. = W.S. e. wrestle wriestlian yell gellan less liessa swell swellan behest hces nest nest wrest 'curcestan elm ebn flesh Jliesc wether weter left (pp.) Icefed 779 780 §§ 781-784.1 MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 22] 781 ever refre bereft bereafod wren wranna beckon beacnan lent (pp.) lie.ned we — wo. empty let (cmtig Icctmi Wednesday zuodtiesdceg wet ivcet (2) e (i) ^r ae. led Icedde pretty prattig shepherd sccephirde slept slSpte = ? before nasal. herring hiring english ^nglisc errand arende were wcere (3) er (5) herd -— eor -f cons heard = e (ffi). swerve sweorfan brethren op. breder stem (sb.) steorn bless bledsian ;:= ear -I- cons. met {ge)metfe fern fearn sped spedde J fed fedde =z ?!■• 782 bled blcdde chervil cirfille kept ceptc :=z yr + cons. =Merc.e ( kernel cyrnel next nixta ^ yr. yet get, glet her hyrc fell (pt. s.) eo. feoll (4) e il) he = e. he held heold ■U-W H/C devil deofol ye ge step- (child) theft Stt'Op cp. ieof we me we me lemman leofiiipit == eo. she seo = ea. be beo (i pr. s.) red read shred (pt. s.) screadde ^ ea. shed (pt. s.) sceadde eke (conj. eac 783 784 785 786 222 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 784-788. — 36 (Merc. e). ^ breath brceS even (sb.) a/en sweat siucetan read (pt. s.) rmdde = Merc.e(WS.Ie). spread (pt. s.) spriedde eke (vb.) ecan meadow nmdwe (pi.) dread {pn^drccdan — — e. thread dried fever fefer weapon wcepen even {^planus ') efen cleanse clcensian besom besema eat (pt. s.) (Bt — i. , heather cp. heed glede glida — ea. = y- death dedS evil yfel head heafod lead lead (5)e(i-) = e. dead dead here her bread bread %• deaf deaf threat 'Sreatian mere m^re . (6) e (e^) = S. =. eo. \ / \ / breast breost ere cer there tSclr where hwar (8) ear (5) = eor + cons. earl eorl (7) ea (e) = e. earth eorSe leather Mer earnest contest feather feder yearning geortmng weather weder learn leornian breakfast cp. brecan — ear + cons. ^ §• earn eamian heavy hfig stead stide = Merc, er (WS — 2b. Ter) + cons. health cp. halo heard (pt. s.) herde {hterde") r §§ 789-792.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 22': 789 (9) ear (a) = eor + cons. team team hearth hearts dream dream heart heorte beam beam hearken heorcnian lea leah flea flcah (io)ea(/) = ^. pea (cock) pea heal hcelan east east sea see easter eastron deal dal leaf leaf heath hceS sheaf sceaf wreath wried bereave bereafian sheath scad leave (sb.) I cafe (dat.) least last beat beatan tease tcesan heap heap leave /a/an leap hleapan lean (adj.) h/ili/e cheap ccap mean (vb.) mienan beacon beacti mean (adj.) mane eo. 790 clean clane gleam giant hie to cleave {split) cleofan heat seal {^ phoca ') seole (dat. of wheat hzvate seolh) each ale ^^ e. reach rcecan steal stelan bleach Macau meal melu lead (vb.) lie dan bequeath becwedan * se (Merc. e). weasel westile ^^ weave 7uefan meal mal quean cwene mead niied eat etan read riedati knead cnedan bleat blatan mead medu ea. bean bead {ge)bede (dat.) bean speak yeast sprecan gest {gist) seam seam steam steam — eo. stream stream beneath beneoban 791 792 224 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 793-796, 79J 794 pease peosan (id) spear spere lean hleonian shear sceran reap Merc, reopan cleave {adhere) cleqfian beard — ea. heard ^^ ?• gear gearwe meat m^te heaved h^fod (12) ea (.-i) = ea after palatal ^ weanec aw^ned = e [umlaut of 0). yea gea eaves efes = ea. (ii)ea(p) = ea. great great ear (of com) ear — e. ear eare break brecan sear sear near tear near tear (i3)ea (e1 = e. bear (' nrsns ') bera — eo. tear (vb.) teran dear deore hear (vb.) beran dreary dreorig pear perzi z=. e (re). =r ?• weary werig swear wear sw^rian w^rian rear rmran (14) ee heel ij) = e ((»). hela = Me rc. e (WS. se). feel pelan year ger teeth m fear f-er geese ween ges wenan = Merc. e(WS.Te). queen C7ven hear her an green keen grene cene z^. e. seek secan smear smerian sweet swete 796 ■97 798 § 797- Soo.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS 22/ feel fet reed hreod meet metan weed wcod greet gretan creep creopan beech bece deep deop heed hedan fleet Jleotan speed spedan fee feo {feok) feed fedmt clee (see NED.) cleo breed bredan weep wepan ^ » (Merc, e) keep cepan seed eel s&d at r= e. cheese case meed med wheeze sleep hwcesan slcepan = Merc, e (WS. le, y). sheep scap sleeve slefislyf) street strat steep stepe needle niedl steeple stepel deed deed need ned {nied) weed {d7 ■ess) 7viede sheet scete {scyte) greedy gradig beetle 'pestle) betel ( bytel) speech sprac reek rec leech lace ea. •""" eo. lee hleo leek leac three dreo cheek ceace free frco e. see seo (i pr. s.) flee fleo (I pr. s.) meet {ge)»iete (adv.) knee aii'o — ?• glee gleo keel 6 cile tree treo bee bco = i. reel ' hreol weevil wifel wheel hweol beetle (insect) bitela seethe seoSaft fleece feos (i5)ee(i) = e (ffi). freeze freosa7i breeches cp. b7-ec 799 800 Q 226 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 801-S04. 801 802 :=: eo. ^2 2)eigh (ai) = Merc. en. threepence Sreo piJiingas height hehdti (Jeh) been {ge)beon (2 3)e\v(/?)^ eow. (i6)ee(P) = eo. threw (pt. s.) dreow deer deor crew (pt. s.) creow beer beor grew (pt. s.) greozv steer {ox) steor blew (pt. s.) bleoiv steer (vb.) steoran brew breowan leer hleor strew stre{o)xvian chew ceoiuan (i7)ei(e) = ea. clew cleowe heifer hcahfore ^z. eaw. (I8)ey(.^) = »g. shrew (mouse) screawa wey 'wUge whey hivieg (24) ew (i«) = eow. grey gr'eg yew eow new neowe ■^ Merc. eg. knew cneow eyot egaQ (Teg) ewe eowe (i9)ey(F) = ffig. = eaw. key aege few feawe hew heawan (20) ey (3i)=: eag. thews ticawas eye i-age dew dca-M (2l)eigh(eFi) = ^g- = 3ew. neigh hn^gan mew {gull) ■nmw lewd Icewede = eg- Ewelm diuylm weigh wegan zr: iw. ■=. eh. spew spnvian neighbour neh( ge)bur ^^ ef. =• eah. (n)ewt ^fete eight eahta {cEhta) Pewsey Pefesig 803 §§ So5-8oS.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 227 805 (25) ew (y"): sew shew eow (eow). scowan aw. sc^dwian 1. (i) Mod.E. i pronounced i. ^ W.S. i. chin cin limb lim rim rima smith s?nid will willa rib - ribb hilt hilt (Jielf) =1 y- hill hyll sill syll fill fyllan pillow pylw)e kiln cyln kiss cyssan minster 7nynster inch ynce vixen fyxen pit pytt ridge hrycg midge mycg bridge brycg did dyde me thinketh me Syficed = e. willow ivelge (dat.) think link string mingle hinge singe rid nib stithy- tippet Christmas grist stiff fifth tick (insect) twit thistle linseed stirnip Ditton filth kith fist wish thimble hid little lithar chicken Spican /i/gnce (cp.Jce], hlikkr) string cp. m^tigai! hinge s^ngan hr^ddan n^bb cp. Icel. sti^i ae. tceppet 807 = 1. Crtstes masse grist stif fifta tica atwitan (ilstel Unseed s tig- rap Dic-tiin y- fyl6 cySSii fyst wyscan dyi?iel ■' hydde lytel J lydre y (ie). cycen 808 Q 2 800 k 810 228 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 809-812. ea. drive drlfan rick k)Tac blithe blibe nick-name cp. eac- writhe ■wriSan garlick -leac ivy tfig {*if-hTg) by bl = Merc.e(WS.x). why hwi silly { ge)s^elig riddle rUdels ^^ y- bride bryd ^= eo. hide hyd sick seoc hide hydan hip {the berry') heap kite cyta (3)i(3) = (de)file fylan i. kine cyna (gen. pi.) birch birce mice mys dirt drit lice lys third Sridda dive dyfan bird bridd hive hyfe (dat.) thirteen trittcne thirty drittig ^— i be/ore • 1 + cons. ^= y- wild •wilde stir styrian mild milde mirth viyrgti child cild birth cp. gebyrd thirst dyrstan n + cons. first fyrsta behind behindan kirtle cyrtel rind rind girdle gyrdel wind ivindan (3)i.y(3i) = \. find grind Jindan grindan mine mln blind blind rime {frost) hrhn rime (in verse) ritn m + cons. file fJl climb clitnban ride ridan wide wld ^z. ig- tide ttd friday frigedcEg chide ctdan hie higian 811 812 8 13-81 6.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 229 := ig (ieg)- =: yh (ieh). i(s)land igland light (vb •) lyhtan = yg- = ih. dry dryge right riht , plight pliht ^ Ig- wight 7viht tile tigole light (' levis liht {leoht) lieth ligiS knight cniht sty stigu fight fiht (pr. s.) stile stigel dight dihtan nine nigon sight {ge)sihd I ig :for ih, ic) night niht = yg- might viiht rye ryge blight Ep.) := ]Merc. eg (ieg). dye degan — yh. tie tegan flight flyht Wright ivyrhta = eog, eoh. fright fyrhto lie leogan fly fleogan (5)ia(9i') = Merc. e. tithe teogo<5a briar brer shy sceoh J (6) ie (e) ^ eo. TZ^ eag (eah). friend freond lye leak (7) ie it) = Merc, e (WS. ie) (4) igh (ai) = Merc. eh. believe {gejefan high >%/A e(oe). nigh Mi?i4 — shrieve scir-{ge)refa = eoh. thigh tSeoh lief ^^ eo. leof ih. priest preost sigh cp. *sih-te, thief mf ^t.s.oistcan fiend f'eond 815 816 817 818 330 OLD ENGLISH '■ PILONOLOGY. [§§ 817-820 '•^^ e (LWS. e). blossom blostma yield g^eldan foster- fostor shield sckld rod rod field feld shod gescod hock (hough) hoh 1= ? (LWS. e). wield ■w^ldan = a. (8) ie (f) =. Merc. e. anon shone pn an scan bier ber (WS. bar) gone {ge)gdn ^^ P bonfire bdn- V^a hot hdt wier were (dat.) wot wdt (9)ie(i) = i. wedlock widldc sieve sife (2) O (?;) = 0. moth mo^fie • broth brod (i) Mod.E. o, pronounced p. frost lost • frost {ge)losod = W.S. o. moss {'pa/us ') mos = a. smock smocc cloth dad (holly) hock hocc wroth wrdS fox fox L lot god Mot god (3) or {0) = or. body bodig forth north ford norS = 9(a). horse hors long Ipjig gorse gorst thong Swpng horn horn song spng torn tore?! strong strgng bom sworn boren stvoren — 6. shorn scoren goshawk gos-hafoc forlorn forloren 821 822 §§ 82I-S24.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 231 r =; eor + cons. (6)o(z') =^ u. sword after w. siveord love tongue lujian tunge monk munnc (4)or(o^) = bore gore (blood) score before for or. borian gor scoru beforan for honey son won wonder some come hunig sunu {ge)wumzen zviindor sum ctinian thorough (Suriih = or. borough buruh swore swor = y. whore ore hore bra worr)' wyrgan = 0. = ar. oven ofen lore Idr shovel scofel sore gore (pomt of land) sdr gdra monger 9. vigngere more mara among fini/ipng hore hound yore hare hutje g<^dra other 6 be/ore S + r. oier (5) or (/I) = world work word worth or. ivoritld wore word wort) {weorS) mother brother glove done month monday moSor brodor {ge)don mdn{a)'d nidn{an" dceg = yr. doth dob worse 7uyrsa = a. worst wyrsta nothing nanbing worm wyr?n one an work (vb.) wyrcan none nan wort wyrt twopence txvd piningas 823 824 233 825 826 = U. shove scufan dove diife (7) (u) = u. wolf ■wulf =r o. bosom bosm (8) 0, oe (J«) = a. so szvd fro frd go (I pr. s.) ga roe rd throe drd sloe sld w^oe wd foe fa toe id doe dd whole hdl mole {mark) mdl clothes clddas rose (pt. s.) rds clover cldfre hone hdn stone Stan drone drdn bone ban token tdcen wrote (pt. s.) wfdi rode (pt. s.) rdd rope rdp pope papa =:. O. hole hole (dat.) j 'HOMOLOGY. [§§ S25-828. thole (Sole (dat.) stolen stolen hose hose rose rose nose nostc over ofer cloven clofen smoke stnocian mote mote (dat.) bode hodian open open yoke g^oce (dat.) choke c«ocian = be/ore 1 + cons. toll toll bolster bolster molten molten colt colt bolt bolt gold gold folk folc yolk g^olca =: g before m + cons. comb cpmb ^ ea, a be/ore 1 + cons. old eald hold healdan fold fealdan sold (pt. s.) sealde told (pt. s.) tealde bold beald cold ceald fold (sb.) fal{p)d 827 828 §§ 829-S32.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. '^33 829 (9) (ti) = a. (12) oar (6-') = ar. who kzm oar dr two Hud hoar hdr whom Iiwdm roar rdrian boar bar — 6. — or. do (i pr. s.) do hoard hard shoe SC^J board bord = 9m qf/er w. _^ a. womb lugmb hoarse has (lo)oa(^u) = a. (i3)oo(«) = 6. oath dS too id loath m cool col loaf hldf stool stol loan Idn school scot groan grdnian tool tol 830 loam Idm pool pol foam fdm sooth sod oak dc tooth toS oakum dctimba goose gos goat gat roost hrost road rdd roof hrof woad zvdd hoof hof goad gad soon sdna soap sdpe noon ndn groats cp. gratan moon mona 0. scolu loom Id ma shoal doom dom foal fola rood rod coal cole (dat.) — og"- throat irote woo wdgian float Jlotian aswoon geswogeu (ii)oa(5) = a. = u. broad brad stoop stupia7i 831 832 234 833 (i4)oo (u) = 0. broom hrom hook hoc rook Jii-oc look locian shook scoc cook coc crook *croc book hoc soot sot good god food foda = u. wool -Willi wood 7uudu Woott on Wudn-tun 834 = U. room rum brook britcan (15)00 {v) = 6. blood Mod flood flod (16) 00 (6^) = 0. floor for = U. door duru (17) oo(u''j = o. moor mor (18) ou, ow (au)= u. how hu thou bu PHONOLOGY. [§§ 833-836. now ml cow cu brow bru foul fra mouth muH mouse mi'is house hits town tiln loud hliid OW = ug- SOW SUgll fowl fugol cowl cugele := ug. bow bugan ou =: uh. trout truht ;^; u before n + cons. groundsel grundeswilge sound ( ge)sttnd wound (pp.) {ge)wunden found (pp.) fiinden ground grund pound pund bound (pp.) biinden =z a. in unstressed syllable. (tit)mouse 7?idse (i9)ou(//) = u. uncouth tincuS 835 836 §§ 83/-840.] MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. ^'iS 837 ousel wound O. osle u + nd {after w). Tvund (20) you (i^) = eow. you eow 838 youth geog. geoguS (21) oul (u) = ol + d. would luolde should sceolde = U cou(l)d aide (22) ou(r') = + nasal. young gco?ig = U be/ore tS + r. southern siiSerne (23) ou ((J") = aw. soul sdwol = before \ + cons. mould niolde = u before 1 + cons, shoulder sciildor coulter ailter (24) our (au') = Or. our ni-e (25) our (u'')= ur. moum mtirnan {26)our(o')= eower. four f eower 839 (27) ow (r;") = aw. row throw sow slow snow know mow crow blow ('fare ') raw tSrdwan sdwaii slaw sndw cndzvan mdwan crdwan bldwan = ow. blow Cforere ') bldwan row (vb.) flow grow glow low (vb.) stow (vb.) tow (sb.) owe own (adj.) rozuan flowan growan glowan hlowan stowiati ow. tort' ag- dgen bow (' arcus ') flown bowl 840 og- boga Jlogen = o before 1 + cons. bolla 336 OLD ENGLISH 841 (28) ough(yf)= oh, og. tough clough enough sough rough toll *cldh genoh cp. swogan llh. rfih 842 slough (of serpent)*^////? (2 9)ough (^f)= oh. trough troll cough cp. cohh-ittan (30) ough (au)= oh. bough boh plough ploh slough (morass) sloh Ug- drought dnizode {31) ough (11)= uh. through Snih, Sitrli (32) ough ((>")= ah. dough ddh in enclitic. = eah. though 6eah (.33) ough (9)= ah. ought ihte = oh. sought sokte thought Solii^: brought brolite PHONOLOGY. [§§ 841-844 oh. bought fought (pp.) wrought hohte {ge)fohteH worhte '""" eah. fought (pt. s.) feaht (34)oughC^k) = hough = oh. hoh u. (i) Mod.E. u pronounced v. = W.S. u. thus ius lust hat sun sunne summer sumor shun scunian z= y- blush blyscan rush rysc thrush Srysce bimdle byndele trundle tryndel cluster clyster clutch clyccan crutch crycc much mycel {niicel) such swylc cudgel cycgel shut scyttan shuttle scytel z= U. us lis 843 844 §§ S45-84S.1 MODERN ENGLISH VOWELS. 23 845 rust nlst] fuller fidicre dust dust pull pullian up tip bullock hulluc but hutan udder fider (tidder) (3) ur {v) z= ur. thumb dfaiia spur spur a furlong furlfng plum slumber plume fr. slftma further durst fiirdor durste suck sfuan curse scurf ctirs scurf utter fitra turf turf husband hushonda spurn spurna7i hussy huswTf burst burston (pt. pi hustings h lisping = yr. z= 6. furze fyrs must (vb.) »idste burn byrnan 846 rudder rdd{oj- hurdle hyrdel mulberry cp. Didr-^bcain) burthen byrden nuncheon non- murder myrdrian stud stod gum goina — eor. woodruff 'vudurofc churl ceorl = 0. (4) u, ue (u) = eow. dull dol rue hr cowan tug *toggan (ME. true treowe toggen) truth treozvd cluck *cloccian frush (frog) frosc {frox (5) u, ue (u7) = iw (Tew). = a. hue hnv struck strdc tuesday tiwes-dceg (2) u (u) = U. yu 3= geo. full full yule g'ola 847 848' 238 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 849, S50. TABLE IV. MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS AND THEIR CORRESPONDING WEST SAXON VOWELS. The modern sounds are arranged in the following order : — Short, i szt, e s^t, se sat, q what, g sot, v b«t, u scot. (See the doubtful a and g among long vowels.) Long. I heai, P b?Vr, t hai\ e^ b^ar, a bar, a bask, 9 bzrd, V hux, 9 fall, g for, g lost, o' fore, 0" foal, ii me, u^ moor. Diphthongs, si hzgh, ai^ h/re, oi bo^^, iz? ftw, iu^* p?2re, du how, au" o«r. 849 • 1. nib n^bb (i) spelt fish shin liver i= OE. i. fisc scinu lifer singe string link Hinksey s^ngan string cp. hl^nce Ilpigestes ig spindle spin{e)l =r 36. = y- tippet tceppet sin bridge kitchen synn brycg cycene wick eo (a/?, w). tinder tynder .— T. = e. thistle affj/e/ willow <• welge (dat.) ' grist ^m/ 850 §§ 851-854-] ^ MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 239 851 Christmas crlstesincess (6) spelt y = i. tick (insect) tica wych (elm) wice wick (town) WIC = y- (7) spelt = \{for-i) fist fyst women 'wimmin wish luyscan filth fylS e. = ea. rick hreac nick(name) (gar)lick cp. eaca -leac (i) spelt e = nest e. nest = eo. elm elm sick seoc wether weSer hip (the berry) heop f- ^^ r= ae (Merc. e). elf tlf 852 silly {ge)s^lig net n^tt riddle rcedels men m^nn (2) speli\Q-= i. = 86. sieve sife when hwcenne deft daft (3) spell e = ?• := i. english iuglisc yes gise = 36. ^ y- pretty prattig hemlock hyjtilic left lyft (4) spe/l ee= e (oeV merry myrge breeches cp. brec ;^ eo (Germ, i) = eo. nether neo^or threepence dreo p^ningas been ( ge^beon ^ se flesh flSsc {^) spe//u = y {M i)- empty ietntig busy bysig [bisig) wet wat 853 854 240 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ S55-858. 855 brethren met fed next fell (pt. s.) step(child) lemman red shred (pt. sO shed (pt. s.) e (^). cp. brewer {ge)mette fedde Merc.e( 7U'Xta eo. poll steop- leofmgn ea. read screadde sceadde 856 Wednesday [^z) spelt Q'^i- feather leather weather heav)' stead cleanse breath thread bread lead deaf o {aft. w). ivodnesdas: e. feder Icder tveder ?• hfig st^de se. clcensian brad tSrad ea. bread lead deaf breast (3) spelt ei: heifer (4) Spelt a : anv eo. breost ea. heahfore je. ani^ 857 = se. many (5) spelt ie : friend eo. freond (6)spelt2i\= se. said (pt. s.) sade {sagde) 858 86. spelt a = 36 (a, ea) black blcec arrow anve mallow meakve = 0(a).' man VI gnu candle cgndel hand hgnd (ra) = e (er). thrash Serscan = eo {de/. r). barrow {moimd) beorge (dat.) §§ 859-862.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 241 harry tarry hallow lammas lather chaffer chapman h^rgian tqrgan a. hdlgian hldfmcBSse ea. leador ceap +faru ceapmgn = ae. spat (pt. s.) fat ladder spcztte fatt hlSdre 9- (only after w.) spelt a= a (ea, ae). wattle wallow swallow was wasp wash watch what wan swan wander •watol wealwian swcahve 'dJCBS WCESp wcEscan wcecce hwat 9, a. wgn S7uan ■waTtdrian ( I ) spelt o : lot moss ox long song strong foster- blossom shod hot bonfire not (2) Spelt o shone 0. c o. hlot mos oxa 9 (a). Ipng sgng strgng O. fostor blostma gesc^od 2l. hat bdn- ndwiht e= a. scdn V, 861 i) spelt u= u. thus dus lust lust summer sumor = y- blush Hyscan cluster clyster bundle byndele such swylc 86^ 242 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 863-866. 863 864 frush {frog) dull cluck rust dust udder suck O. frosc dol cloccian U. riist dust iider {udder) sfican =i o. rudder roSor must (vb.) 7?!oste stud (of horses) stod = a. struck strac (2) spell 00=- 0. blood Mod flood flod (3) spell = 0. oven ofen shovel scofel = 9- among otivigng -monger wpngere ^z. u. tongue titnge honey hunig son stinu love lufu worry y- wyrgan doth month done shove dove one none nothing (4) spell OU southern young ough tough clough enough rough slough (of ser- pent) o. do9 mon{d)S gedon U. sctlfatt dufe a. an nan ndniing U. sildeme 86; = o {be/, ng). g^ong oh. tdh cloh genoh Qh. rfih *slzih 866 u. (i) spell u = U. full full pull pullian bullock btilluc §§ 867-870.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 243 867 {2) spelt 00 = wool wood brook book soot good (3) Spell = wolf bosom to (enclitic) 868 ^ woman (4) j/^//OU = would should could u {a/l. w). ivull tvudn u [a/l. r). brucan 6. bdc sot god u {aft. w). IVlllf o. hosm to if {aft. w). witn?nan [wif- mpn) o {bef 1). "volde sColde u. ciiSe (the / from analogy, see above.) ( 1 ) spelt e = e. he he me me we we ye ^^ she be even (sb.) eo. sea beo 869 eke (vb.) se, Merc. e. afen = Merc. e (WS. ie). ecan = e. even {'planus ') efen fever fefer besom besema ^ y- evil yfel (2) spelt 36 = e(oe). seek secan meet nietan feed fedan = eo. fleece Jleos deep deep wheel hweol knee cneo = ea. leek leac cheek ceace = e (OHG. ie). meed med = . VIerc. e (WS. ») seed s^d sheep scctp sleep slapan 870 R 2 244 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY • [§§ 871-874. 871 =Merc.e ( = e {from 0). 873 steel stel eaves efes sleeve slef eo (Germ. i). need ned ^ reek rcc cleave {stick) cleofian beetle {pestle) betel lean hleonian sheet scete beneath beneodan weevil beetle {insect) i. wifel bitela (4) spell \e = lief thief eo. leaf deof = eo (Germ. i). fiend feond week weoce {wicu) priest preost =Merc. e (WS. ie). {^)speite3.= ea. believe {ge)lefan east east 872 leaf leaf 33 e(/5^/l + d). g^^ bean bean yield gkldan shield scHldan = £6. field feld heath hm lead liedan =: ?(^^l + d). heal hcelan wield w^ldan = eo. cleave {split) cleofan V. seal {'pkoca') seole (dat.) e. (only before r.) steal stelan [i) spell ea. = ea(r). quean cwene ear (of corn) ear meal nielu tear tear near near :^ %■ meat nt^te — eo(r). heaved hifod dear deore weaned aw^ned (VP.) dreary dreorig §§ 875-878.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 245 87j 876 =: ae(r). (5) spelt ei = e {bef. r). rear raran weir were (dat.) = e(r), (£ (r). r= y(r)- weary werig weird ■wyrd (fate) = Merc. e(r), (WS. ^(r). year ger \y fear fer e\ = Merc. e(r), WS. ie(r). {i) Spelt -aS. ,ay= »g. hear heran {Jneran) lay (pt. s. ) lag _ t(x\ may (vb." mag ^Vi- day dag smear smerian hail hagl shear sceran tail tagl slagen spear spere slain — ea(r). brain bragen gear gearwe again gngagn beard beard = %?>■ {2) Spelt ee = eo(r). ail fglan beer hear laid ligde deer deor _ eo". leer hleor ^O' steer (ox) steor way iveg \ J steer (vb.) steoran play sail twain plegian segl Uvegen (3) spelt e(r)e = e(r). blain blegen here her seg. ^ ?(r). clay dag mere {pool) niire rr; eg (reg). (4) spelt ie = Merc, e (WS. bewray wregan £e) bef. r. = Merc. eg(WS.ieg) bier ber, bier hay heg, htcg ^11 878 246 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 879-882. 879 waist = se. 7VtEst{e)me {z)speliQy— 3eg. whey hzvieg = Merc, eg (WS. jeg). wey tviege grey grieg = Merc, eg (WS. ieg). eyot egad {S)spel/ e'lgh = ffig. neigh 880 neighbour weigh htuegan Merc. eh. neh{_ge)bur eg. 2ves;an = North, ffih (WS. eah). eight (skta, eahta {\)sp€U2. ale tale acre raven lame naked halfpenny race lady se (ea, a). ealu tain dcer hrafn lama 7iacod healfpining se. ries hlcefdige thane = eg. degen 881 {^)spe//ea=^ ea. great ^reat = ea. {after palatal g). yea gea break = e. brecan e\ (only before r.) ( I ) spdt e(r)e = £e(r) . ere there where Mr hwZr 882 (2) spelt2i{x)Q. =se(r),ea(r),a(r). ware war bare (pt. s.) bar bare (adj.) bar share import ioti) scearu share (of plough) scear snare sneare hare hara care caru fare faran ?(r)e mare mire {^) spelt a.\{r)= 3e(r). hair Acer {Merc, tier) §§ 883-886.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 247 883 fair stair = aege {bef. r). fager = ^ ^ge {ii/. r). stager {4)spe//ea{i-)= e(r). = eo {be/, r). dar deorling farthing feorS{l)ing = a (be/, r). garlic gdrleac lark ld'\we)rce 885 884 bear (vb.) beran bear (' ursus ') bera (2) spelt ea(r) = - eo [be/, r). pear peru hearth heord tear (vb.) ierait heart heo7-te = ?(r). hearken kebrcniait swear sw^rian wear w{rian (3)j/^//au(gh) = laughter draught = ea (se be/.h). hleahtor *dreakt a • laugh North, klich- han {\) spelt 2l = ea (je, a) be/ \. arm carm art (2 pr. s.) eart barley bcErlic a • starling are stc2r North, aron (modern partial lengthening.) =z ? ibe/ r). spelt a =: bath se(a). mar m^rran path peed marsh m^nc father feeder yard {rod) g^rde grass grcES = e {be/, r). ass assa charlock cerlic char (a turn) cerr ask a. dscian — eo{be/. r). last (of foot) last dark deorc bark beorcan r= se. star steorra blast blast 886 248 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ S87-890. 887 last (vb.) aghast liesian cp. gastan birch bird dirt first mirth kirtle 888 e = 8. (only before r.) (i) spelt i = i {bef. or a/t. r). birce bridd drit y(r)- fyrsta niyrgS cyrtel (u)r. furh (y)r. hyre cyrnel y(r), ie(r). styrne hyrde eo(r). heard s'tveorfan steorn ea(r). feam ?(r). c^r/ille se(r). {2) spelt her kernel stem (adj.) herd {^pastor''') herd {' grex^) swerve stern (sb.) fern chervil were (3) spelt C2i = earl learn earth earnest earn eo(r). eorl leorniaii eorSe earnest ea(r). earnian 889 = Merc.e(r)( heard i^pt. s.) hierde V. (only before r.) (i) spelt \x = u(r). spur turf durst furze burn hurdle churl (2) spelt o word world work worth spur a turf dtirste y(r). fyrs byrnan hyrdel eo(r). ceorl o(r). word or, eor. woruld wore worts 890 §§ 891-894.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 249 891 892 = y(r)- =i oh. worm yrm bought bohte work (vb.) wyrcan fought (pp.' {ge)fohten wort wyrt wrought worhte = eah. fought (pt. s.) feaht 6 » ft z^ ''a (ea) (i) spell ^^'■= ag. chose c^ds,ceas (pt. s.) draw dragan gnaw gnagan (4) j/6'//au = af. maw maga auger nafogdr shaw haw sc^aga haga aul = haulm eal, al + cons. he aim = aw. baulk balca claw awl clawu awel (5) Spell a = se aflef- \\. water wceter — af. hawk ha foe a(l) = ea(l) [f rom sel] + cons. J all call (2) j/>^//augh = aw(i)h. gall wall gealla weall aught naught d'u{i'ht ndxu{i]ht alderman halt (adj.) ealdermgn healt = ah. salt sealt taught tdhie for tHhte malt mealt chalk ceak — oh. qualm cweabn daughter dohtor stalwart stcslwierSe {l) spell 0Vig\i = ah. a(r) = ea(r) + cons. ought dhte sward sweard swarm swearm =; oh. swart sweart sought sohte ward weard thought tSokte warm wearm brought brohtc wart wearte 893 894 895 896 ■iSo OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 895-898. = eo(r) aft. w. > • dwarf ihveorh (only before r.) P' (i) spelt o{r)t = : o(r). {i)speI/o{r) = c o(r). bore gore (blood) borian gar torn toren score scorn born horen shorn scorcn = o(r). horse hors ore lira gorse gorst whore Jwre z= eor after w. = a(r). sword sweord sore sar {2) spelt 03.= a. more lore mdra Idr broad brad hoarse has (^hdrs) (2) spelt 02LV = oar a(r). dr Q' hoar hdr boar bdr (modern part ial lengthening.) r^ly\ (i) spelt moth broth 0= 0. niodSe brotS board hoard 0(1). bord hord frost lost frost {ge)losod (3) speltOo{v) = 6(r). ^^ a. floor Jlor cloth ddiS z= u(r). wroth ivrdd door dztru gone {ge)gdn soft 6. sdfte d^\ (2) spelt t DUgh :=• oh. (i) spelt 03.= a. trough frok foam fdm cough cp. cohhetta7i loaf hldf 897 898 §§ 899-902.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 25 I 899 oak road oath goat dc rod dS gdt = Merc, a (a), WS. 90 1 ea ie/l 1 + cons, old eald bold beald ^ 0. cold ceald foal fola fold fealdat! coal throat cole (dat.) ^rote ost = North . ast (WS £est). shoal scolu most mast (mcest) float {2) spell 0, 0. fotian {3)s/>e/lou= mould hef. 1 + cons. molde so s-iud go (I pr. s.) g^ = U htf. 1 + cons. fro frd shoulder sculdor ghost gdst coulter culter foe fa :\(\(\ toe td " '" aw. . , 902 sa'wol doe da soul roe rd stone hone bone stdn hdn ban (4) spell ough = dough = ah. (Idli 0. nosii =1 eah. nose though (enclilic) icah open hose open hose {^) spell o\\ = ow. over pfer grow grocuan cloven clofen low (vb.) hlowa broken {ge)brocen 1 flow flowan =:. bef. 1 + cons. = aw. gold gold know cndwan folk folc mow mdwan molten molten sow sdwan = g de/. Tn + cons. =r OW. comb cp/nb tow (sb.) tO'M 903 904 352 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 903-906. .=z o bef. 1 + cons. = u. bow bolla stoop stupian = og- = a [aft. w). bow boga ooze *wase (cp. Icel. flown flogen veisa ^ ag. (2) spelt = 0. owe dgan do (i pr. s.) do own dgen 0. . e =: 6. {6)spel/evf= eow. shoe sc^dh sew seowan om = gm {aft w) ^ eaw. womb wgmb shew sceawian WO, who = a {aft. w). two two. who hwd u. whom hwam {l)spe// oo = 6. (3).v/)^//ew = eow. stool stol threw Cpt. s.) Sreow doom dom crew (pt. s.) creow rood rod grew (pt. s.) greow moon mona blew (pt. s.) bleow soon sdna spoon spon ^z eaw. goose gos shrew (mouse) screawa sooth sod tooth m (4) Spell n, ue = eow. = "o (eo). clue cleowe choose c«ose, cease (i true treowe pr. s.) rue hreowan truth treowd "ZZZ Og- woo wogian {^ spelt 0M = 6. aswoon geswogen 1 ousel osle 905 906 §§ 907-910.] MODERN ENGLISH SOUNDS. 253 9o; ::^ U. mild milde uncouth tincfid child cild = u (aft. w). before n + cons. wound Ttnind find findan wind (vb.) windan (6) spelt ough 1= uh. grind grindan through dtirh blind rind blind rind before m + cons u% climb cliniban (only before r.) {\) spelt Q,o{x\ moor = 6(r). mor hie tile ig- higian tigolc {2) spelt Gwif mourn )= u(r). murnan stile nine lieth stigel nigon ligiC yg- oi. rye ryge {i) Spelt \, y, ride i . . e = i. ridan friday — ig. frigeHceg drive drifan chide ctdan ^ Merc, eg (WS. leg. by why hi hwi island tie egland tegan = y- dye degan bride mice hive hryd mys hyf dry n: yg- dryge = i before 1 + cons. = eog. wild u'ilde lie (' nu ntiri ■') leogan 909 .910 254 912 fly tithe Jlt'Ogan teogoda = eag. lye leak (2) Spelt igh = right plight wight ih. riht pliht iviht knight cniht might bright miht briht ' flight fright Wright yh. .flyht fyrhto wyrlita zz: Merc. eh. high heh nigh neh = eoh thigh tieoh light (sb.^ leoht = Th. sighed cp. *sik-te, wk. "pret. oi sTcan (ME. syg/tte) (3) spelt €\z\\ = height Merc. eh. kekdo 4) Spelt ei=: either ^g. (?gt5er (a partial and quite tnodern prominciatioti) PHONOLOG\ /■^ [§§ 9"-9M {r;) spelt ey = eag. eye eag (6)speltuy = buyeth byged er • (only before r.) {i) spelt i{T)e shire ZIZ r(r). scir wire ivtr fire y(r). fyr mire hire myr hyran = eo(r). tire teorian {2) spelt \e or (3^ Merc, e (WS brier ia = . se bef. r). brer 91.3 914 For other instances of this sound comparewords like 'liar,' 'dyer,' ' buyer,' derivatives from ' lie,' ' dye,' ' buy,' see above. 01. spelt oi = y. boil byl {a fiiodern pronunciation.) §§ 915-91S.] MODERX ENGLISH SOUNDS. '^^D 915 916 \7t. (i) speIiyou=. eow. you eow =1 g^og. youth g^ogiid {2) spelt QW =■ ffiw. lewd lawede mew (a bird) nmw = eaw. few featve hew heawan dew deaw thews (ieazvas ^ i\v, igw. spew spiivian steward sttgweard =:, eow. yew cow new neowe knew (pt. s.) cneozv ewe eowe = ef. (n)ewt ef,e)ta Pewsey Pefesig {^) Spelt u. .e = 1\V. tuesday tlwes-dcEg — iw (lew) hue hnu yule lU. hila 917 1U% (only before r.) your eowre au. (i) spe// o\y,ou= u. how /in cow cu now nu brow brfi town tiin thou m foul fill house hus mouse miis loud hind = ug- sow sugu fowl fugol cowl cugele = ug- bow (vb.) biigan = u be/, n + cons ground grund pound pund sound (adj.) {ge)sund found (pp.) {ge)fit7tden 918 256 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. [§§ 919, 920. 919 bound (pp.) {ge)bunden wound (pp.) {ge)wunden ( 2 ) spelt ough = oh. plough ploh bough hok slough (morass) sloh clough (ravine) *cloh ug- drought drilgode (only before r). ( i) spelt ou(r) = u(r). our sour ure sur (2) spelt owe{r)= u(r). bower diir shower sn7r 920 APPENDIX A. THE VOCALIZATION OF OLD ENGLISH DIALECTS. Germ. Early WS. Late WS. Early Kent. Late Kent. Merc. North. m^nn (a) a 9>a a 9 ? earm ea ea ea ea ea, a a - eald (a) ea ea, a ea a a seah ea ea ea se cS . ceaf ea se se se se e heorte eo eo eo e e a-i digme y ? ? S S e-i hierde y i i i i ge gieldan y e e e e ka-i cigle y ? ? ? § u-i synn y y e y y o-i ele e ce e e oe se saed se e e e e ■yx gear ea e e e e au-i hieran y e e e e eu-i clest y e e e e aug cage ea ea ea e e eug fleogan eo eo eo e e u-i bryd y y e y y 6-i deman e oe e oe oe 258 I— I O P o C/2 o > o W (< O > Q O CO o > H O X CO E "5 3 o !5 O -• o "o ' 13 -o .« O O ^ • P4 o o S 259 111 "" HJ ID l>% l?i D 1^ ^ ^ D Ife '»^ ,rt '=- IO~ 11) icT is" irt ID ID . E 1^ : : . D - taj • ID ca O, e ^ I ^ I I : ^ 3 ^ IK ^^ -P ,s "2 ^ : o ID 03 « c l>^ Is /a 5 W5S rt a (^ , ^ : us : : • * • , * • o t/3 dj u 3 u OS u. fa . M rt . . . C ^ . . . lO • • • t- ; ; ; ; * P ^ o. "a s o S. 1 o 1 1 C l 577, 637. jSaiW 168, 480, 631. /3ai/d(Boeot.)48o, 604. /Sdcris 598. PdaKO) 631. fiaros 598. )Stoy 480, 631. iSoTj 259. ^oOpos 656. ^odvvos 656. liocK-q 621. iSoCs 259, 331. Ppaxvs 188. ^vrivrj 189. ySttic 331. 1111 146, 559. orb 416, 571. sirt 532. sug 626. taigr 201, 499. yifova 649. ^eros 622, 649. yivv- 591. 7€i;o/M< (J^ol.) 378. iyvea 512, 58G. fvvv/u 125. f£ 52. fTTo^at 271,514, 534, 625. eirrd 88, 467, 565. (pyov 127, 188, 478, 605, 650. epoT, 310. l/jvSpos 363, 443, 605. tpajri 574. (CTi 105, 563, 615. €(TT(a 51. troy 459. tTOS 651. fX'"''os 290. . ^x<" 346, 585- Cjaj 511, 643. Cm^Pepi 425. Cno" 95, 167, 511, 557, 643. ^242. ^iOeos 172. ^/ia 220, 467, 568, , 651. ^fius 602. W'- 311- ^6^0589. ■fjpepLHv 589. ^Top 450. TlTpOV 430. Oapaos 638. Bapavs i6y. Ofpfxus 634. ^eros 651. ^T/ffai 220, 568. Opaavs 169. ^/)oos 229. 6pv\os 229. ^"^-^J? 337- BvoaKoos 629. ^vpa 167, 443. QcDfios 65 1 . %«" 554- fSos 202. iSpcus 428. r^o) 646. iV' 56S, 651. lOapos 287, 655. r/ia'j 556, 655. 'ifiovia 655. 'iarrj/Jt 652. '>«« 556. KaXta 151. KavOvXt] 168. /ca/)5m 83, 460, 532, 616. Kapvos 151. Kapnos 29. /fdpraAos 533. KavKos 230. Ktipoi 131. «6V^(U 146, 365. «'?/' 83, 570. -/ft 258. Kiaaa 513. /fXdSos 151. K\ip.a 647. kXxvq} 138. KXiaia 647. /fAi/Scui/ 259. kXv^qj 259. K\vTe 324, K\waaaj 126. ^77^77 379. /coe'o) 232, 629. KoviSa 183, 428. KopuKivos 556. Korepos (loD.) 210. Kparvs 444. /r:/)6as 235, 533, 624. KpUTTOlV 444. Kprj-nis 368. /cpfrw 443, 647. Kpiats 647. KpiTTjS 647. KpiTUS 443. kvkXos 268. /fwos 167, 557. Kvados 365. /fl/TOS 332. /fiJcoi' 1 7. Aa7apds579. Aa7or'es 5J9. Aaios 201. A«(Va, 274, 607. Ae/'xaJ 596. Aey«oy 259, 303, 344. Ae'xos 507, 583. Xrjyoj 26. Xiwos 221. Atx^evcu 481, 596. Ai'xJ'os 596. Aoxos 222, 507. ^noy 595- GREEK WORDS. 263 XvYoo) 595. KvKO's 169, 419. \J7CH 259. fidrep 578. /toTj?p(Dor.^ 310,377. fieyaKo- 197. fifSifivo? 646. /<€50£ 646. l-ifdoov 646. /x«ev 88, 557. /i«if 311. fieffos 447. Mt'o-ffos 563, 5S3. fiTjSo/xai 646. /"7s 311. /XTJTTJp 588. fxivOa 108. /xivvOoj 591. fua9u9 250, 365. /^iC? 324, 560. reVoj 649. vcVt^ 107, 649. veofiai 364. j/e'oj 585. vecpiXrj 416. ve'i^os 416. r^uo 2 20, 56S. r'(>a 348, 634. vofirf 649. fo/itoy 168, 649. vvaroi 364. «"5 557- I'yoy 146, 559. 6 5 So. offios 654. oSofT- 312. o^'os 310. ol8a 346. oi5da) 202. ofSe 202, 572. oTSos 202. oiroj 202, 572. ois 269, 585. oJffOa 461, 474. f«-'-'f 37> 571,613. 6\k6s 650. dfxixioj 554. vfj.ix^TJ 104. OjUiXM" 84. OfMpaXos 416. 6/}dco 27. opyavov 1 88, 650. opyiov 188, 650. opeyoi 363, 468, 484. ope«Toy 117, 537,561. 6pos 407, 416. (payeTv 654. ^570? (Dor.) 310. 578. 654- (papLiv 652. 0a;Ut 652. (ptpw ^2, 403, 561,611. ([>fvyai 403. (poivi^ 426. (ppdrpp 310, 403. (paivf] 652. Xaros 201. XatpifpvWov 426. ^fo) 146. xi?" 312. X077 146. XO^i? 63, 151, 623. XoA-os 506, 623. xp^f^'^C^ 507. Xco/)a 183. dJi'oc 510. ajov 510. aipa 242, 508. 580. wpos 242, 508, 580. ab 157. abbatem 446. aceris 234. acetum 446. acus 234. ad 157. aedes 201, 576. aestiis 655. aevum 576. ager 575. ago 654. altus 39. ambages 654. amphora 406. anser 3 [ 2. antiphona 426. aqua 234, 510. area 65. archiepiscopus 11. annus 41. asellus 163. astula (Vulg.Lat.) 27. augeo 229, 630. auris 229, 364, 577, 637- Latin. balteus 60. barba 443. bi- 554- breviare 423. batina (Late Lat.) 189, 446. buttis 189. buxus 148. Caesarem 483. calvaria 423. calvus 483. camisia 60. campio (Vulg. Lat.') 60. cano 152, 533, 575. Cantium 60, 500. capio 40S, 417, 533, .^83. career 11. carenum 194. carpere 29. easeus 307, 340. castellum 11. castra 47. catapulta 405. catillus 60. eaueus 230. caulis 207. causa 230. caveo 629. centum 168, 444, 532. 600. cepa 293. cerasus 195. chaerephyium 426. ci- 258. cis 258. eista 54. citra 258, 554. clericus 293. cloaca 259. cluere 259. cochlear 483. coclearium (LateLat.) 170. coliandrum (Vulg. Lat.) 58. coUis 39, 373. coUum 39. communis 202. coquina (Late L.) no, 190. cordi- 83, 460, 532. coriandrum 58, 483. cornu 151. coudo (OLat.) 231. crates 533. cnbrum 443, 647. crocus 53S. crj'pta 420. cucina (Vulg. L.) no. cucuUa 516. cucurbita 189, 425. cud5 231. culina 189. cnlleus 189. cuminum 189. cuprum 148. cutis 332. dacnima(OLat.^ 234. dama 205. damus (Late L.) 205. decern 278, 428, 616. deico ,OLat.) 274. dent- 312. diabolus 283, 425. dico 274. donco (OLat.) 229, 237, 270. dracontia 436, 475. duco 229, 237. 270, duo 585. ed- 220. edere 45, 220. edo 428. ego 105. elephantem 429. episcopus 405. equus 587. errare 127, 364. er\Tim 423. est 563, 615. LATIN WORDS. 265 esus 469. habeo 416, 536. Evae 424. habet 416. haedinus 556. fabula 652. haedus 201. fagus 310, 578, 654. hasta 365. falls 418. hastula 27. fama 652. helvus 151, 506. fateor 652. hem5 (OLat.) 16S, febrem 425. 506. fero52,i83,403,56i, homo 17, 168. 611. hordeum 641. fibula 425. hostis 114, 194. 507- fidi 288. 633. fidimus 554. humulus 1 89. figura 647. findo 288. idus 655. fletoma 'Vulg.Lat.) in- 168, 604. 339- Inferus 168. fodio 656. inventio 598. foeniculum 516. inventus 598. fores 443. istum 612. formus 634. forti- 188, 606. jugum 95, 167, 511, frater 310, 403, 459. 557, 630. fremo 507. juvencus 512. frux 325. juvenis 512. fugio 403. juventa 512. fumus 634. kalendae 206. gelidus 479, 646. gelu 129, 479, 646. labare 397. gemma 108. labellum 425. genius 47S, 603, 622. laevus 201. • gens 649. lana 346. genu 478. lassus 26, 220. 579, genuinus 591. 651. genus 622, 649. latinum 446. Georgius 360. laurus 207. glubo 267. Laverua 371. gluten 202. laxus 579. Graecl 245. Levi 424. gramen 26. levir 576. granum 151, 18S, 478. levisticum (Vulg Lat.) Grecl 245. 423- gula 90, 479. libido 371. gustus 478, 557. ligusticum 423. 266 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. lingua 6oi. linquo 274. lira 202, 221. lubet 303, 416. lubido 303, 371, 416. lubricus 397. liiceo 259, 303. lucus 229. lumbus 443. lux 303. magister 206. malus 64 1. mando 469. marrubium 425. martyr 11. mater 310, 377, 578, 588. medius 105, 447, 563. mensa 295, 339. mensis 311. mentha 108. menti- 444. mentum 327. merula 312. mesa (Vulg.Lat.) 339. messa (Vnlg.Lat.) 30. mingo 554. minuo 591. miscere 505. missa 30. modius 190, 646. modus 646. mola 190. mollna (Late Lat.) 190. monachus 170, 185. monasterium 191. moneta 191. monicus (Vulg.Lat.) 185. montem 170. Montem Jovis 488. morus 315. mulgeo 47S. midus 326. murus 326. mus 324, 560. muscus 267, 55S. mutare 326. napus 223. naris 151. nasus 1 51. nebula 416. nemen 220, 56S. nemo 506. nemus 649. nepeta 420. neptis 613. nidus 53, 555, 641. nivem 348, 634. nocti- 116, 590, 613. nomen 17. nona 315. nonna 170. novem 512, 586. novus 585. nox 384. niidus 3. nurus 146, 559. obsessus 470. octo 37, 571, 613. oenos (OLat.) 202. offendix 403, 562. oinos (OLat.) 202, 572. oleum 58. olium (Vulg.Lat.) 58. orbus 192, 416, 571. ovis 269, 585. ovum 510. paciscor 414. palantium( Vulg.Lat.) 206, 453. palma 151, 414. palus 205. panis 310. papa 205. pasco 310. pater 414, 579, 609. paucus 232, 414, 577. paulus 207, 232, 414, 577- pavo 205, 239, 398. pecu 414. pecus 414. pedem 183, 646. pellis 373, 414. penna 108. pensare loS. pensile 295. pensus 295. perna 570. pes 310, 646. phlebotomus 339. PictI 84. pictor 274. pirum 54. piscis 104, 554. piatea 475, 493. pluma 167. poena 294. pondo 170, 398. . porca 169. porrigo 468. porta 151. portus 151, 414. posco 414, 650. praepositus 398. precor 208, 290, 414. presbyter 284. probare 425. procax 650. procus 208, 290, 414, 650. pruna 267, 326. prunea (Late Lat.) 338. prurio 267. pullus 414. pulvlnum 189, 354, 398- pws 324, 560. puteo 324, 560. puteus 189, 398. LATIN WORDS. 26^] quattuor 419, 62S. -que 229. quercus 419. quTnque 289, 419, 628. quod 210, 535, 625. radicem 223, 346, 585- recte 79. rected 79. rego 363, 484. rex 292. ruber 363, 443, 605. rudo 363. rufus_443, 573. mmpo 397. rus 324, 560.' russus 443. ruta 326. sabina 425. saccus II. sacerdos 206. saeta 201, 655. sagire 253, 478, 584. salvia 423. sapi5_397. Saracen! 293. satis 579. satur i;79. Saturn! dies 31. satus 651. scamellum 60. scelus 94, 169. secale 516. seco 290. sedeo 55, 428, 433, 563, 583, 646. sed! 646. sella 433, 646. semen 220, 467, 568, 635, 651. semi- 311. septem 415, 467, 565. seq- 347. Sequana 293, 516. sequor 271, 514, 534, 625. seta 293, 446. sex 52. signum 54. sinapi 54. socer 52, 271. socrus 51. solutus 259. somnus 414, 609. sonticus 1 88, 255, 312. sorbus 425. soror_97, 468, 585. spemo 151. spongia 191. spuma 202. stamen 652. statio 579, 652. status 579. Stella 83, 467. stragulum 223. Strata 223. struthio 338. suav^s 253, 42S, 57S. snbtalares 425. sudor 202, 428. '/> 324, suinus 556. super 147, 417. siis 324, 560. Syrophoenicius 294. tabula 425. talentum 206. tapetum 446. tego 459, 479, 630. tegula 293. tendo 459. tenuis 387, 459, 591. terra 169. Thule 337. Thyle 337. toga 459, 630. tongeo (OLat.) 313, 459- touto (OLat.) 267. tractare 11. tribulare 425. tributum 425. tripod- 646. tructa 326. tulo 459. tunica 185. turrem 148. Tiber 443. umbilicus 416. umbo 416. uncia 189, 437, 454, 475- unus 202. vannus 422. vasculum 422. vates 310. vegeo 55. veho 346, 5S5. velle 607. veni5 107, 16S, 480, 631. ventus 569. Venus 459. verbum 151, 346, 443- versus 422. verto 612. verus 220. Vesta 51. vestio 125. vetus 459. vidua 104, 172, 554. vir 45, 53, 363, 555. visus 287, 469. vitis 556. vitulus 459. vivo 480, 631. vivus 480, 631. vix! 631. voveo 259. 268 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. alu 44. aszva 587. dugu 229, 479, 630. ausis 229, 364, 577, 637- avis 269, 585. balsas 639. basas 364. baugus 403. daga 571. dagas 443. dantis 312. dausos 267. dubus 397, 610. esmi 378. esti 563, 615. globti 188. isz-dagas 571. jau 511. jus 50S, 580. kalnas 373. kartiis 444. kas 210, 535, 6J5. kauns 229. kaupas 229. kelu 373. ketuii 628. Lithuanian. kraujas 533. kupra 414. kuvetis 229. laukas 229. lengwas 597. lugnas 481, 595. mezgii 642. musai 267, 558. naktis 116, 384, 59c, 613. nauda 303, 573. naujas 585. n"gi 557- penki 289, 419. piktas 202. pilnas 373, 414, 592. pulei 560. ramas 589. rauda 363, 573. raudas 443. saiisas 637- sgju 467, 58 2. sek- 271. sekii 514, 625. septyni 467. setas 201. smunku 482, 594. spiriu 151. sunus 557. siiras 324, 560. svaigau 632. svidas 89, 155. szimtas 532, 600. szirdis 532. szis 554. szuns 557. szventas 532. ta- 612. taukas 267. tauta 267. tenku 459, 562. tvenkia 333. vardas 151, 346, 443. velku 346. vilkas 169, 346, 419. 650. vllna 188. vilnos 346. wyti 556. ?.elu 506. zengiii 506, 507. zirnis 622. 2mii 506. bMii 220. ben^ 52, 403. boda 656. bogii 654. bosu 364. brada 443. bratru 310, 403. brazda 151. bruvi 512. c6lu 201, 624. chroinu 372. dera 650. Old Bulgarian. des^ti 428. dgveri 499, 576. dobru 416. dubri 397. duchu 267, 364. dvorii 443. glasu 639. gneta 444. gosti 194, 507, 633. gov^do 259. igosii, 557. im^ 152. jesmi 378. jesti 563. klad^ 474. kosa 220, 365. kotom 210. kovati 231, 303, 510. kruvi 533. kupu 229. kyp6ti 400, 593. l^dina 152. l6vu 201. lizati 596. OLD CELTIC WORDS. 269 lovu 371. lugati 187. mati 310, 377, 58S. inelja 151. nigra 220. migla 104. mizda 250, 365. mluza 478. muchii 267, 55S. nebo 416. nosti 384, 590. novu 585. osmi 571. o-si- 269. pesti 334. pisati 274. pliinu 373, 4x4, 592. prositi 208, 650. rudru 443, 605. sebru 407. sedmi 467. s6ja 467- 582. s6m^ 635. s6tT 201, 655. si 258, 554. slabu 220, 397, 610. smykati 594. snggu 572, 634. sniicha 146, 559. sridice 532. strSla 220. suchii 637. sunii 414. svetu 327, 532. svgtii 287, 532. svinii 287. synu 557- SJTU 324. tilo 459. tinuku 459. to- 612. trinu 151, 459. tnidu 229. tukii 267. u 511. ucho 229, 364, 637. velja 607. v6tru 444. veza 346, 585. vTdova 104, 554. vliikii 169, 346, 419. vliina 188, 346. voda 204. volja 607. vrig^ 83, 632. zali 480. zelenii 506, 623. zemlja 168. Jena 480, 631. 2ivu 480. zlato 506. zleda 507. zrino 151, 188, 478, 622. Old Celtic. (Old Irish nndistinguished.) aed 201, 576, 655. air 414. ar 414. atbail 480. athir 26, 414, 609. au 577> 637. aue 414. ben 51, 480, 631. berim 52, 403, 561, 611. biu 480, 631. bligim 47S. brathir 310, 403. brith 188, 606. brog- (OGaul.) 37. brot 151, 365. bruig 377. bruinde 187. buide 403. ca 210. caise 307. canaim 152, 533, 575. catn- OGaul.) 44, 557- ce 2 58. eel 201, 624. celim 151, 169, 561. cet 168, 532, 600. cethir 268, 419, 628. chwaer (Wei.) 97. chwech(Wel.) 52,117. chwys (Wei.) 428. cia 535- cle 647. clu 324. cnaim 379. CO 210. coic 628. coil (OWel.) 201. cride 83, 532. cuach 230. cun(OWel.) 167,557. dacr (OWel.) 234. dant (OWel.) 312. deich-n 428. der 234. derc 151, 650. det 312. doe 187. 270 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. domun 397, 610. dorus 443. drucht 229. dub 416. dubno (OGaul.) 397. dunta 324. dwfn (Wei.) 397- ere 414. ercnat 414. etaim 327. taith 310. tedb 104. fen 346. fer 363. 555- fid 104, 172, 554. fir 220. for 147, 417. ged 312. gel 506. guar (OWel.) 417. haue 414. hent (Bret.) 289, 562. hil (Wei.) 467. huQ (Wei.) 414. hynt (OWel.) 444. lasc 104. 11 88, 414. imbliu 416. ieuanc (OWel.) 512. lam 151, 414. land 152. lann 152. lecim 274, 607. lethan 151. lige 507. ligim 596. litan (OWel.) 151. Haw (Wei.) 414. luaide 229. luge 150. luss 229. mac 347. map I OWel.) 347. mathir 310, 377, 588. mruig 377. Nebruad 409. necht 613. nel 416. nocht 3. nu 557. 5 229, 414, 577, 637. oc 512. ocht 37. 571. 613. oech 202. oen 202, 572. oeth 202. og 229, 577. oi 269. orbe 192, 416, 571. pa (OWel.) 210. petguar(OWel.) 419, 628. pimp (OWel.) 289, 419, 628. pwy 535- rhych (Wei.) 169. rhyd (Wei.) 151, 414- ri 292. ridd (OWel.) 272. rige 292. rit (OWel.) 151,414- -ritum (Gaul.) 151, 414. ruad 363, 443, 573- run 324. runda 324. saigim 253, 478. sathech 579. sechim 514. secht-n 467. seren (Wei.) 83, 467. set 289, 444, 562. sil 220, 467,568,635. slatt 372. snigid 634. snim 220. sruth 468. ster (Bret.) 467. sterenn (Com.) 467. suan 414. tana 387, 459. tech 479. teg 479' 6.^0. tiagaim 288, 507. togu 478. treb 151, 459. tref (OWel.) 459. tuath 267. tut (OWel.) 267. lia 414. uile 373. war (Com.) 417. Old Prussian. assanis 640. kail- 624. korto 533. sasms 2. swestro 585. swints 327. wirds 151, 346, 443 SANSKRIT WORDS. 271 a- 168. adhara- 168. adhas 168. ajras 575. aJctu- 328. an- 168, 604. aojah- 229. asinva «79. asmi 378. a^ta'u) 18, 571. asti_563, 615. asva 183. atha 445. avis 269, 585. ay am 272. bahus 506, 578. bandhanam 562. bandhu- 403. bhagas 654. bhagas 654. bhaktam 654. bhala 220. bharami 403, 561, 611. bhasami 639. bh^dami 2S8, 564, 647. bhrata 310, 403. bhrsti- 151. bhrtiS 606. bhrQ8_324, 560, 61 i. bi-bhe-ti 416. bi-bhidima 554. bubodha 573. bubndhima 167,557. budhanas 558. cakra- 268. catvaras 628. danta 313. dasa 428, 616. dasabhis 620. Sanskrit. dat- 312. dehl' 506, 647. dehmi 647. devar- 499, 576. dhaman- 651. drogha- 238. drsta- 606. drtis 606. dvi- 554. edhas 201, 576, 617, 655- gam 331. gana 604. garbhas 416, 479. gatas 598. gatis 598. gharmas 634. hansa- 312. hardi 83, 570. hedas 641. hi 201. hotar- 146. idhmas 287, 655. Irmas 41. jambhas 611. jangha 507. -jani- 254, 4S0. jivas 480, 631. ka- 210. kas 535, 625. kasate 535. kavis 629. ketus 202, 444, 614. khaiij 536. kravis 533. kjtti- 460. laghus 537, 601. lokas 229. madhu 557. madhyas 583. manus 387, 591. mata 310, 58S. matar 578. mati- 444. medas 641. mjtam 606. mrtas 606. murdhan- 1 51. mus- 560. nabhas 416. nabhi 416. nabhila 416. nakhas 27, 513. naktis 590, 613. nama 152. napti 613. nasami 364. nava 512, 586. navas 585. navya- 585. nu 557. ojas- 229, 479, 577. padam 646. padas 646. panca 2S9, 419, 628. parsni- 193, 570. pasu- 414. patram 574. phena 202, 418. pilar- 26, 414, 444, 579, 609. praSnin 485. pychami 650. priya- 272. prsnis 414. prthii- 151. prthvi 445. 272 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. ramali 589. rapas- 635. rinvami 591. rddanam 567. rddhati 371. rudami 363. rudhiras 605. sabar- 397. sama- 599. sanutar 168. sapha 418. sapta 88, 467, 565. laru- 532, 619. SaSas 2. §atam444, 532, 600. satya- 255. sgtn- 201, 655. sincati 627. snuSfi 146, 559. s5sas 637. srama 372. Srathayami 447. sravati 636. star- 467. sthanu 373. sthiras 4, 579. sthitas 579. sthiti- 26, 579, 652. sue- 626. sii-kara- 560. sunas 557. svadus 253, 42S, 578. svapiti 609. svapnas 414. svasa 468, 585. SvaSrus 620. SvaSura- 271. svedas 202, 428. ^veta- 287, 532. svid 202. ta- 612. tanu^ 387, 459. tan VI 591. trayas 288, 564. udhar 324, 443, Ji6o. uksa 57, 146, 558. upari 147, 417. urmil 192, 346. urna- 346. usra 468. vahami 346, 585. vata- 569. vayam 585. veda 202, 346, 572. vettha 461, 474. vidhava- 554. vidma 554. Vvrj 51. vfkas 169, 346, 419. ya-_58o. yasami 511, 643. yugam 167, 511, 557. yusma- 273, 508. yuvasas 512. yiiyam 508. aojah- 479, 577. asta 613. asti 615. baga 654. bazus 310, 506. daeza- 202, 506. dehi 202. devar- 201. draoga 238. drauga- (OPers.) 238. drsta- 151. dugdar- 537, 558. Zend. dvaya- 56. dvorem 443. frabda 646. haetus 655. haiSya- 255. hunu 167. pairidaeza- 647. pasna- 570. pasu- 414. ravah- 324. spaeta- 2S7, 532. spenta- 327, 532. sravah- 324. staora 267. >ritja- 447. vaem 585. vaeti 556. ya 580. yare 242, 580. yiis 508, 580. yuXem 580. zanga- 506, 507. zaotar- 146. DUTCH WORDS. 373 TEUTONIC WORDS. (Continental.) aaks 503. aas 469. barg 65. boeg 310. die (^MDu.) 267. dier (ODu.) 267. droog 324. duwen 333. ei 221. gans 312. hoe 331. Dutch. huif 332. kaf 47. karne 195. kamen 195. kermen 194. knallen 192. koe 331. coene (ODu.) 253. cruden (MDu.) 325. lak 37. negen 512. oonen (dial.) 229. priester (MDu.) 284. priime (MDu.^ 326. rund 289, 335. slap 397. stroom 46S. stroot 459. teer 48. vliet (ODu.) 267. voom 414. vvrastelen S. aband 220, 415. acchus 503. achambi 179. achus 31. adara 450. aha 234, 510. ahir 234. ahta 255, 313. ahten 255, 313. ahto 37. ala 204. alt 39. alti 112. altiron 86. ambaht 494. amsala 312. German. (I) Old High G-erman. anasiuni 268. anchlao 456. andar 312. ans- 312. anst 162, 255. apful 27. ar- 210, 224. aran 55. arbi Iy2, 416. arg 126. argeban 210. arlouben 259. armida 112, 192. arno 640. amon 640. arselhan 82. art 40. as 469. asca 8. asni 55. ast 310. a?, 220. bald 126, 448. balg 38. bar 364. bara 220. bart 443. barug 65. batu- 44. bei^ 647. bfldi 126. 274 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. beran 45, 52, 403, 561. berg 543. bgri 364. bia 272. biben 416. bihei^ 271, biliban 221. bintan 403, 562. biogan 325, 403. biotan403, 557, 567. biquami 254. biru 183. biscof 405. biutu 567. bi^(^)an 288, 647. blah 537. blat 26, 579. blgnten .S5. bluowan 582. bolz 405. bona 229. bot 573- boto 146. boug 543. boum 236, bo^el 303. bradam 220. brahta 313, 537. bramo 254, 311. brawa 239. bret 51. brettan 256, 290. brittel 290. bringan 537. brort 151, 365. bniader 310. brucca 51-2. briihhan 325. brunja 187. brunna 187. biuoder 310, 403, 459. briit 332. buocha 310, 578, 654. buog 310, 506, 578. burdln 188. burg 543- butin 189. biitiin 167. dah 459, 479, 630. daha 314. darf 414. deo 51, 268- dfwen 347. die^o 267. dihan 562. dihsila 553. dloh 267. diota 267. diozan 267. dio^o 267. doh 229. dohter 146. donar i68. dorf 151,459. dorn 151, 459. doub 229. dougan 303. douwen 347. dr^wen 233. dri 288, 564. driagari 238. driu 272. dro 235. drouwen 233. dro^^a 459. duhen 333. duhta 328. dumo 332. dunchau 32S. dunni 3*^7.459) 59i- dunst 327. durst 169. dvvingan 333. ebano 381. ebnr 88. eddo 462. ghir 234, 539. ei 221. eid 202. eigin 221. ein 202, 572. einlif 455. eiscon 504. eit 201, 576, 655. eitar 202. elaho 82. glinbogo 393. glti 112. fltiron 86. gnti 78, 445. grbi 192, 416. erda 83. ?ani 55. etan 45- fwist 269. gwit 269. fadam 459- fagar 620. fahan 314- fahs 37. fallan373, 418. fao 414, 576. fara 220. faran 5, 253. farro 40. fart 192. fater 444, 579. fatunga 654. fatureo 31. faweT4i4. fa^ 28. fell 202- feh {hostile) 202. feh5n 246. feh tan 81. fehu 414. feigi 221. feim 202, 418. feitit 221. fei^it 221. feld 448. fell 373, 414. OLD HIGH GERMAN WORDS. '/O veieh 419. fersana 193, 570. flhala 274. fihu 414. finf 289, 419, 562. fioi;^347, 419. firlaen 222. flahs 37. flasca 8, 422. fleisk 221. fliagan no. fliogan 266. fliohan 270, 421. flio^^an 267. floh 229, 421. fluot 310. fo 414. fohe 414. f5hem 577. fol 373, 414- foil 373- foUeist 72. folma 151, 414. folo 414. fora 414. forha 419. forhana 414. forskon 414, 650. frl 247. fridu 137, 557. friosan 267. frist 127, fro 233. frosk 621. fruma 55. uigal 544. fuhs 147, 187. fuhsin 187. fullen 188. luns 327, 335. 469- liioren 253. fuotar 153, 574, 654. fuo^ 310, 574, 646. furt 151, 414. furuh 169. fList 333. gab 47. gabun 241. galla 506. gana^^o 312. gang 506, 507. gans 255, 312. gartia 365. gast 507. geba 131, 183. geban 115, 131, 416, 420. geist 641. gellan 131. gelo 506. geltan 115, 507. gersta 641. ggrta 365. gibotan 558. giburt 606. gidihan 275. gidnngan 333. gifeho 234. gihgken 536. gikoran 364. gilicho 79. gilitan 444. -gin 514. ginoman i68^ gino?, 303. ginuog 543. girehhan 478. giruni 324. giscaft 420. giscuohi 341. gisindo 289. gisiuni 268. gistriunen 305. git 438. gitan 311. githult 459. giturrun 638. giw^nnen 55. giwis 470. giwon 55. giwona 55. gizami 254. gizehon 81, 627. gizengi 313. gluot 253. gold 151, 188, 448. gomo 17, 168, 506. got 146, 187,444,558. 614. goumen 259. graban 416. gras 26. grimmi 507. gruoni 26, 78. guldlii 188. gnnd 168. gundfano 327. gundia 327. gutin 1 87, 558. -haban 417. habet 416. habiih 44, 404. hadu- 44, 557. hahan 314. hamma 379. hano 17. hansa 312. bar 220. harst 192. hart 40, 444, harug 65. haso 2. he 258. hear 249. hgffen 408, 417. hehara 513. heil 201, 221, 624. heim 202. heist 221. heit 202, 444, 614. heitar 202. hei^i 72. helan 55,151, 169,561. hglla 55. hflzl536. her 258. hgrbist 29. i76 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. lierdo 460. herta 127, 193. herza78, 83,532,570, 616. Iigwi 5S0. hiafo 267. hiar 249. hia^ 249. hier 249. Iiie^ 249. hinchan 536. hirat 73. hirti 193. hiru^ 88. hlahhan 126. hlut 324. hovar 414. hOh 259. hoi 151. hold 1 88, 44S. holz 151. h5nen 259. honlih 229. horen 259. hort 146, 365. houf 229. houwan 231, 510. hrggil 27. hreini 647. hrlnan 288. hrind 289. hrudeo 463. hrukki 1S7. hiiggen 187, 336. huldl 156, 183, 1 88. hunt 444. huobun 417. huof 418. huosto 535. hurt 533. hut 332. hwerban 154. hvvgrgin 514. igil 290. innodi 140. innodili 421. innuovili 421. ir 258. irren 364. irri 127, 364. ist 563. Ital 287, 655. m 273, 580. iuwih 580. ja 242. jamar 281. jar 242, 508, 580. jgner 95, 130. jesan 511, 643. joh(,h) 95, 141, 511. jugund i6o, 182, 512, 53°- jung 95, III, 141, 143, 51^- kalb 228, 416, 479. kalba 416. chalo 483. kamb 59, 611. kann 213. chara 44. kasi 307. chgbisa 129. kgbisa 1 14, 194. chela 90, 479. kglbir 228. cheol 267. chgstinna 114. kien 249. chind 649. kiosan 305, 364, 47S, 567- chiricha 197. klah 313. chlawa 204, 239. kleini 221. chlenan 202. chlingo 313. chlioban 267. kneht 81, 117, 133. chnetan 444. kneu 478. chniu 478. knuosal 469. chnuot 469. coman 175. com 478. kraft 27. kuani 253. chuhhina no, 190. cuman 480, 631. cumu 175. cund 160, 327. kunden 299, 335. chuning no. cunni 478, 603. chuo 331. chuohho 253. chuoli 646. chuoni 253. kurni 188. kurun 364. kust 557. label 425. lad on 7. laen 222. lagun 204. lahhan 126. lahhi 342. lam 372. lang 152. lappa 8. last 474. latta 372. la^ 26, 220, 579, 651. 220, 651. lecchon 596. leiben 221. leist 2 21. leitara 221. leiten 221, 444: l?ntin 443. leo 647. leren 221, 364. lia^ 249. OLD HIGH GERMAN WORDS. 27: lirl 137- lidan 221, 444. lie/, 249. liggen 489. lihan 274, 607. lihhamo 179. liht 537. lihti 128, 597. lind 289, 473. liob 416. liogan 266. liosan 259, 364. liogan 146, 259. lirnen 640. liut 371. lobon 125. loc 595. loh 229. Ion 371. -loran 364. los 229, 259. losen 259. lot 229. lonb 229. long 259, 303. loiiga 229. louh 229. \o■l^ 146, 259. lugina 187. luhhan 325. luhhen 229. lunga 601. lungar 168, 601. machon 125. mad 220. mag 204. magan 537. magatin 31, 225, 526. mahal 226. mahalen 226. mahhon 7. maht 37, 116. mal 220. malz 228. managi 156. I man-dwari 364. mann 59, 152, 21; 591- mano 311. manod 311. marca 377. mari 78, 263. j maro 40. 1 masca 8, 642. ' mast {fruit) 641. mast {pj ship) 641. ma^a 220. maijun 220. mein 202. melchan 82, 47S. melm 151. melo 156. mgnigi 156. mero 364. mgrren 364. meta 250. metu 88. me^^an 220. miata 250, 365. mieta 250, mill 478. mihil 197. miluh 137. mindil 449. minniro 591. mios 267. mir 258. miscen 505. mist 135. mitti 563. mittigarni 487. morgan 14, 151. mos 267, 558. muadi 253. muater 310. mulln 190. mund 327. munistri 19 1. muni^ 191. muni7,^a 191. muodi 253. muos 469. muot 310. miioter 310, 377, 578. 588. _ murgfari 188. mus 324, 560. miitti 190. naba 416. nabolo 416. nadala 220, 449, 568. nagal 27, 513. nah 286. naht 384. nakot 5. namo 17. namun 311. nasa 151. nebul 416. neman 107, 16S, 649. ngndjan 255. ngrien 364. nest 53, 555. niun 586. niusen 553. ni^ 428. n5t 259. no7, 573. nuzzi 303. niizzon 125. obasa 57. 416. odo 462. ofan 4 1 9. ohso 57, 146, 55S. ora 229, 364, 637. ort 365. ostoron 468. ouga 229. ouh 229. ouhhdn 229, 479. ouwa 510, 580. pfrQma 326. phiesal 295. priestar 284. 278 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. quad 28, 166. quamiin 311. quec 176, 480, 631. quedan 28. quelan 480. queman 107, i75i ^^8, 4S0, 631. qiiena 51, 480, 631. ramft 385. rant 385, 589. raita 365. rat 220. ratan 220. rgcchen 363, 484. rechan 5T, 478. rgfsen 635. regan 256. reganon 526. reho 203. rehtSi, 117, 133, 537> 561. reihhen 484. reini 443. reisan 202. rgnnen 29. rgtten 447. richi 78. ilhan 347. rihhison 125, 503. rinan 288. rind 289, 335. riohhan 267. rio^an 363, 567. ritara 443. riu^u 567. ro 235. rot 363, 443, 573. roufen 343, 397. rouhh 267. ro^ 363. ruagen 253, rucki 489. rudo 463. ruggi 187, 489. ruh 276. runa 324. Ruod- 253. ruogen 253. ruohhen 484, 584. niova 253. ruovva 310, 574. rusten 187. rustl 187. ruta 326. saan 467, 651. saf 397. sageta 225. sah 34, 37. sahs 34, 37. sahun 204. salba 38, 404. salbSn 125. sallg 220. samanSn 125. samfto 79, 255, 312. sami-quec 311. san 311. sanfto 312. sant 385. saro 87. sat 579. sat_220,568,635,65i. saton 7. sawen 582. scado 461. scaf 241. scama 47, 93, 152. scanta 93, 385, 589. scarun 241. scaz 47. scelah 82. scgmil 60. sceran 131. sciad 249. scilt 132. sclnan 288. scioban 325. scof 93. scouwon 232. SC05 229. scuah 282. sculun 169. scuoh 341. scurz 94. sehan 246, 268, 302, 347, 625, 627. sehs 52, 81, 117, 133. sell 201, 655. seito 201, 655. selah 82. selb 82. sgllen 583. sgmfti 255. sgnten 444. sibba 407. sibun 415, 565. sihan 274, 541, 627. silabar 89, 137. silo 655. sindon 59. sioch 267. siodan 229, 267. sioh 267. situ 137. sitzen 433, 563. slach 26. slaf 220, 397. slaf 397. slafan 204, 220, 397, 610. -slago 513. slahan 216. slahta 126. sleo 201. sliaf 249. smero 156. snarahha 579. snecko 225. snora 146. snur 146, 559. soren 577, 637. sorga 543. span 311. sporo 151. spunga 191. stab 28. ^ OLD HIGH GERMAN WORDS. 279 stad 26. stal 28. btamm 3S1. stara-blint 579. stgdi 652. steig 647. steigal 22 r. stelan 151. sterno 467. stigan 221, 2S8, 564, 647. stilli 373. stimma 381. stimna 381. stior 267. stiuf- 259. stiufen 259. stolen 151. strach 69. strak 468. strala 220. strgcchen 46S. strgngi 15-'- strgwita 269. stro 235. stroum 468, 636. stual 310, 652. stuota 253. su 324> 560. sufan_32 5. suftelaii 425. sugan 325. sun 167. sund 327. sundarin 327. suntar 16S. siintie)a 188, 388. sunu 167. suohhen 47S. siir 560. swar 204. suas 220. suaso 220. suehur 52, 271. sweifan 632. sueizj 202, 428. swert 173. swester 97, 174, 46S, 585- suigar 51, 620. suo7,i 253. sur 324. swin 324. swindi 289. t'lg 443- tagamt 75. tarni 126. tat 220, 56S, 651. teig 202, 506, 647. teil 221. tiof 397. tior 267, 364. tohter 146, 537, 558. ton 231. toub 229, 416. tougali 259, 303', 544. trago 2 04. tretan 91. triofan 229. triogan 23S. trochan 324. tropfo 229. troum 238- tuba 416. tugxind 160, 182. tuiist 327. tuom 651. tuomen 584. tuon 311. tuot 651. tura 167. turran 169. luslc 1S7. thahta3i3. thegan 51. thgnken 459. thlhan 275, 459. thiota 267. thiu 51. thorf 151, 459. thorn 459. thria^an 229. thulten 459. thwahan 216. ubar 147, 417. ubir 147. und(e)a 335. uns 327. unst 335. untar 16S. unti445. urliugi 150. ursurgi 150. utar 324, 443, 560. wadal 449. wafan 220. wag 204, 220. wahs 37. wahsan 34, 553. wahsmo 553. wala 607. walh 39, 126. walhisc 126. wallan 38, 228. wan 254. warn 254. wappi 407. war 220. warm 634. wascan 8. weban 407, 416. wgbbi 407. wehsal 113. weist 474. wei^ 202. wela 45. wellan 228, 346. wer 45, 53, 363, 555. werban 154. werd 127. werden 173, 6i2. werdon 1 73. werfan 83, 632. werk 188, 47S, 605, 650. 28o OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. werkon 188. wi^ 287. Avesan 220. wi^^o 139. wetar 444. wolf 346, 419. wewo 240. vvolla 346. wida 556. wolo 90. widar 459. wort 151, 443. Wielant 249. wranten 388. wiht 171. wullin 188. wildi 78, 448. wulvin 1 88. wilin 455. wunsc 335. wint 569. wiinsken 335. wir 258. wurchen 127, 650. wirken 188. wis 469. zahar 234, 539. wisa 287. zahi 313. wisi 287. zala 373. wissun 471. zala 204. witu 104, 137, 172, zan 312. 554- Zand 312, 322. wituwa 89, 172. zeha 203. zehan 278, 428, 616. zehon 271. zeihhiir 201, 499, 576. zgUen 374. ziagal 293. ziari 291. -zig 620. zihan 274. zil5n 138. ziohan 270, 513. zor(ayht 151, 650- zoum 237. zugun 513. zun 324. zunga 78, 601. zweho 271. zwehon 271. zwei 585. (2) Middle High German. bispel 5 1 8. entbinden 178. gedihte 275. gitsen 438. gruose 26. jest ,^11. kaf 47. lahter 37. leise 221. liederlich 461. lohe 259. motte 462. pflume 326. rihe 347. rupfen 343. smant 255. smiegen 325. sod- 229. strotzen 459. stro^^e 459. vlius 267. vlus 267. zeche 81. zechen 81. (3) Modern German. banse 312. bleiben 221. lurt 151. j knail 192. I prasseln 8. i priester 284. reihe 347. Starr 4. GOTHIC WORDS. 281 af 157. aglaits 486. ahtau 18, 37,571,613. ahwa 234, 510. aigan 252. aih 221. aihwa- 587. ainlif 455. ains 202, 262, 572. airzeis 127, 364. airzjan 364. aij)s 202. aiJ)J>an 462. aiws 576. akrs 24, 31, 77, 575. alls 39, 373. ana 157- anabiudan 567. anabudum 557. andeis 78. ansts 76, 162. anj)ar 312. aqizi 31, 503. arbaij)s 404. arbi 192, 416, 571. arka 34. arms 40. arms (arm) 41. asans 55, 640. asilns 163. asneis 55. at 157. augjan 304. ango 229, 304. auhmists 551. auhns 419. auhsa 57, 146, auk 229. aukan 229, 479, 630. auso 229, 364, 637- awe])i 269. 502, 577, 577> Gothic. awi- 229, 585. awistr 269. azgo 8. badi 656. bagms 236. bairan 52,403, 561. bait 647. bal))s 448. bansts 312. barn 40. basi 364. baugjan 298. baiir 188. bau]) 573. beitan 2S8, 564, 647. bidjan 646. bihaitja 552. bileiban 221. bindan 105, 403. bitans 647. bitnm 554. biudan 403. biugan 298, 325, 403. biu);s 280. bleij)s 473. bloma 579. brahta 313. brannjan 29. bro>ar 310, 403, 459. bruks_32 5. brunjo 187. bru})s 332. budans 558. budum 167. bugjan 187, 537. dagans 3. dags 3, 25,443, 571. daigs 202, 506, 647. dailjan 262. dails 221. daufs 229. dauhtar 146, 537, 558. daur 443. deigan 202, 647. digrei 647. diups 397, 610. dius 267, 364. domjan 584. doms 651. dubo 416. fadar 26, 414, 579, 609. fagrs 24, 31, 77, 4H, 620. fahel)s 234, 414. fahs 502. faifalj) 271. faih 202. faihs 202. faihu 414. fairra 127. falj)an 271. faur 414. fawai 232, 414. fidwor 419, 628. figgrs 77. fijan 272. fijands 272. tilhan 279. fill 373, 414- filu 88, 414. fimf 289, 419, ^62, 628. finj)an 327. fisks 104, 554. flodus 310. fodeins 310. fodjan 310, 654. fodr 574. f5tus 310, 574, 646. fraihnan 208, 290. 414. fralinsan 229. fralusts 229. frauja 233. 282 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. fieis 272. I'rijana 272. frijon 272. frijonds 272. frius 267, 648. fugls 163, 167. fula 414. fulls 188, 373, 414, 592- fuls 324. gabaurjjs 606. gadaban 416. gadars 638. gadaiirsan 169, 638. gadeps 220, 568, 651. gadigis 647. gaggs 506, 507. gaidw 201, 438. gaiteins 556. gaits 201. gakusts 557. galaubjan 259, 303. galigri 290. gamunds 44^. ganisan 364. gaqiss 470. gaqumjji- 5<)S. garazna 366. garedan 469. gasin))a 289. gaskafts 420. gasts 114, 129, 194, 507, 633. gasuljan 374. gataurjrs 606. gateihan 274. gaj)eihan 275, gawigan 346, 585. gazds 365. gebun 241. giban 416. gildan 507. glaggwus 231. graban 416. gras 26, 28. gul> 448, 506, 623. guma 16S, 506. gunds 168. gu)) 146, 444, 558, 614. habai}) 536. hafjan 408, 417, 533, 583. hahan 314. haidus 202, 444, 614. haifsts 221. haihald 271. hails 201, 624. haims 202. hairda 127, 193. hairt5 83, 532, 570, 616. hairt)ra 460. hairus 88, 532, 619. haitada 434. haitaii 469. haiti 469. hakuls 6. halbs 38. haldaii 39, 271. halja 55, hallus 39. hals 39. halts 536. hana 152, 533> 575- handus 152. hansa 312. hardiis 40, 444. hauhs 259, 303. haunjan 259. hauns 229. haurds 533. haum 151. hausjan2 59, 296, 343. hawi 510, 580. hazjan 125. her 249. hi- 2 58. hidre 554. himins 88. himma 258, 554. hin))an 335. hlahjan 37, 118, 126, 540. hlains 647. hlaiw 647. hiaiits 146, 259. hleiduma 647. hlija 647. hlutrs 163. brains 443, 647. hugjan 187, 517, 537. hugs 626. huljan 169. hul})s 448. -hun 514. hund 168, 444, 532, 600. hunds 167, 557. hunsl 327, 532. hun])s 335. huzd 146, 365. hwas 210, 535, 625. hweits 287, 532. iddja 272. ik 105. im 378. ist 105, 563, 615. itan 428. jabai 580. jains 580. jer 242, 508, 580. ju 359> 5"- j"ggs 95, 359> 512. juk95, 141, 167, 359, _ 5", 557, 643- jus 508, 580. kalbo 416. kalds 129, 479, 646. kaurn 151, 188, 478, 622. kaus 259. kausjan 305. GOTHIC WORDS. 283 kinnus 591. kiusan 305, 344, 364, 478, 567. kniu 478. knoJ)s 469. kuni 478, 603, 622, 649. kunjjs 160, 327. kustus 557. lagjan 489, 583. laiba 221. lailot 651. lais 640. laisjan 202, 221. laists 202, 221. land 152. lats 26, 220,579,651. laufs 229. laun 371. laus 229, 259. lausjan 259. legun 204. leihts 85, 128, 168, 537j 597- leihwan 274, 607. leisan 221. leij'an 221. lekeis 204. letan 26, 220, 469, 651. lew 222. lewjan 222. ligan 222, 290, 507. ligrs 290. li})us 137. liudan 371. liufs 259, 303, 371. liugan 187. liuha]) 303, 344, 551. liusan 259. lukan 325. magan 116. magus 269, 347. rnahts 37, 116. maihstus 84, 104, 135, 502, 554- maists 262. maijjms 1S5. maiza 364. malma 151. manase))3 568, 651. manna 591. marka 377. marzjan 364. mat 646. matjan 469. mats 469. ma})l 226. ma])ljan 226. maurgins 14, 57, 151- maur|:r 606. mawi 269, 347. mawilo 269, 3^7. mekeis 251. mel 220. mena 311. menoJ)s 311. metum 646. midja- 447. midjis 105, 563, 583. midjun-gards 529. miduma 88. mik 478. mikilei 183. mikils 197. miluks 89. minniza 591. mis 258. missaleiks 71. mitan 646. mitans 646. mizdo 250, 365. moJ)s 310. mulda 151. munjis 327. nahts 116, 3S4, 590, 613. namo 152. nanjjjan 255. naqa])s 3. nasjan 125, 364. naus 259. nauj)3 259. nehw- 222, 286. nemun 311. ne])Ia 220, 449, 568. niman 168, 649. nijjjis 463. niuhsjan 553. niujis 585. niim 512, 586. niutan 303. nu 557- nuta 303. qemun 311. qens 254, 480. qiman 175, 4S0, 631. qin5 51, 4S0, 631. qius 480, 631. qumans 168. raihts 81, 117, 537. raiioj) 90. raisjan 221. rakjan 363, 484. rannjan 29. raupjan 343, 397. rauj)s 363, 443, 573, 605. razda 365. razn 27, 366. redan 220. reiks 292. leisan 221. rign 290. rimis 385, 589. rinnan 387. rums 324, 560. sahw 534. saia 582. saian 467, 651. saihs 52, 81, 117, 502. 284 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. saihwan2;i, 514,533, 625. saljan 55, 192, 374, 583. salt 39. sanijan 255. sandjan 59, 289, 444. satjan 55, 433, 583, 646. sa])s 579. sauj)s 229. sehwun 204. sels 220. setum 646. sibja 407. sibun 88, 467, 565. sidus 137. silba 82. silubr 89, 137. sin);s 59, 289, 444, 562. sitan 55, 428, 433, 646. siuks 267. siuns 268, 344. skaidan 243. skain 243. skal 47. skalja 192. skaman 385, 5S9. skanda 385, 589. skapjan 114, 129, 194, 399. 420. skatts 47. skaj)jan 461, 463. skauts 229. skcima 288. skeinan 243, 288, 621. skeirs 288. .-kewjan 282. skildiis 132. skiuban 325. skdhs 282. skulaii 94, 169. slahan 513. slaiipjan 325. slep 397. slepan 204, 220, 610. sliupan 325, 397. snaiws 348, 355. 572, 634- sokjau 253, 478, 584. s5})s 579. staig 647. stains 221. staimo 467. sta])a 'dat.) 26. steigan 288, 507, 5 4, 613, 647. stibna 381. stigans 647. stiur 267. stols 310, 652. stoma 652. straujan 259, 269, 581. sulja 374. suma- 599. siinja 255. sumis 167, 557. swa 209. swaihra 52, 271. svvarts 40. sweiban 514. swein 287, 324, 556. swers 204. swes 220. s\vin))S 289. swistar 97, 468, 585, 636. swogatjan 253. taihun 278, 428, 616. taikns 77. tairaii 650. tewa 74, 204, 222, 541,627. tigum 620. tigus 278, 620. tiuhan 229, 237, 513. tuggo 601. tiin{)us 312. 504. twa 585. twaddje 56. twai 585. twalif 165. tweihnai 85. ])a- 612. >agkjan 313, 459. Jiaho 314. ]5ahta 313. J)anjan 459, 649. J)arf 414. ])auh 229. ))aurfta 420. ])aurnus 151, 459. ))aurp 151, 459. J)aurstei 169. jjeihan 459. ])iuda 248, 267. Jiius 51, 268. J)liulian 270, 421.' ))reis 288, 564. jjridja 447. Jjrija 272. ])riutan 229. JjrutsfiU 229. J)ugkjan 328. ])uhta 328. pulan 459. J)ut-haurn 267. iibiswa 57, 416.; ufar 147. ufhlohjan 126. -uh 229. uhtwo 328. un- 168, 604. und 160. undar 168. unlej)s 220. uns 327, 602. nnwahs 313. unweis 469. iislaubjan 259. usskaws 629. ICELANDIC WORDS. 28: wahsjan 502. wai 240. wair 53, ^y^. wairpan S3, 632. wairs 104. wairsiza 127. wair))an 612. wairjjs 127. waist 474. wait 202, 346, 474, 572- wakjan 55, 537. wandjan 165. wanjan 55. 44.'- iSS. wars 2 wasjan 125. wato 204. waurd 151, 346, waurl-:jan 127, 5S4, 650. waurstw iSS. waurts 151, 346, wegs 204, 220. weis 258, 287, 585. wens 254. wepna 220, 323. widuwo 89, 104. 172, 554- wiko 172. wiljan 607. wilj)eis 448. wiljija 78. winds 106, 569. wisan 51. witan 474. witum 554. wij^nis 459. wlitb 139. wrikan 51, 478. wrohs 233. wulfs 169, 346,. 419, 628, 650. wulla 1 88, 346. wul))us 448. afl 44. aka 654. allr 39. ama 311. anda 76, 255. andi 159. annarr 312. aptann 415. ar 242, 508. As- 312. ass 312. atall 44. atta 37. a})ra (OSwed.) 450. auga 229. auk 229. auka 229. anrar 316. bal 220. bass 312. baun 229. bsggja 56- b?r 364. bera 403. binda 562. blad 26. blomi 579. Icelandic. bogr 310, 506, 578. bok 310, 654. bord 51. borgr 63. b^rr 156. breg6a 290. br^nna 29. broddr 151, 365. br53ir 310. brun 324, 560. bn^ggja 512. brynja 1S7. dagr 443. darraSr 44. deig 202, 506, 647. d?gg 231. draugr 324. draumr 238. dyfa 332. dyr 267, 364. eitr 163, 202. eyra 229, 364, 637. ^314. falla 38. far 220, 232, 414. farri 40. fat 28. fa6mr 459. feigr 221. feitr 221. fimbul- 289. fimm 289, 419. finna 327. fjall 373, 414- fjogor 347. fJ9r6r 414. fljot 267. fljota 267. fl5 229, 421. flyja 421. fold 151, 445. foli 414. fotr 574. fo3r 163, 654. framr 55. frgmja 55. Freyr 233. fri&r 137. frjosa 267. froskr 621. full 324, 560. fiiss 327, 469. 386 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. gaddr 365. gangr 506, 607. gas 312. gat 47. gaumr 259. gefa 115. gey ma 259. glofi 404. gl?ggr 231. gos 312. gramr 507. granne 366. grimmr 507. gunnr 327. gu&r 327. ha 188. haddr 365. hallr 39, 188. har 259. hankr 44. heill 221. heipt 221. her 249. het 249. heyja 259, 581. hjarta 83, 532. hjgrr 88, 532. hj^rtr 88. hlaut 146, 259. hleyti 259. hljota 146. hlutr 146. hngggr 231. hodd 146, 365. hgggva 231. hgkull 6. holr 151. hgiar 31. hoppa 400. hyrgr 65. hraki 204. hrar 235, 533, 624. hriflingr 368. hrjota 325. hrjo6a 187. hrgnn 27, 366. luka 325. hroSr 253. lata 325. hryggr 1S7, 489. hugr 626. mrela 226. husl 327, 532. mal 220, 226. hylli 156, 188. malmr 151. mana6r 311. innyfli 421. mani 311. jgfurr 88. J9ra 83. mat 220. mattr 37. meire 364. kaka (OSwed.) 253, meta 220, 654. miga 554. kala 129, 479, 646. mik 478. kalla 639. mistr 104. kambr 179. mjgl 156. kjoU 267. mJ2lk 137. kjglr 55. mJ2tu3r 88. kcenn 253. mjgSm 88. kona 480, 604. mJ95r 88. krabbi 8. mgrk 377. kurom 364. mor3 606. kvan 254. mo6ir 310. kvikr 631. moSr 253. kjni 478, 603. mull 326. kyr 331. munnr 327. murr 326. landkaup 316. mu9r 327. . lata 220. latr 26. nar 259. lauf 229. natt 384. laug 229. naut 303, 673 laukr 229. nau6 259. laiin 371. nema 107. lauss 229. ngima 255. leggja 583. niSr 463. leita 221. njota 303. leistr 221. nott 384. leyfa 259. nysa 553- leygr 259. lifa 408. oddr 365. . Ija 274. ofn 419. Ijomi 551. ofund 162. Ijuka 325. ogn 419. lokkr48i, 595. ok 511. Igskr 220. 2I44. ICELANDIC WORDS. 287 2ld 83. gnd 255. gnn 55, 64O. gr9 40. osk 335. 9tnll 44. gaiingr 31. ploma 326. ra 203. rann 366. raS 220. ra9a 220. rau6r 363, 573. reka 51, 47S. rgkja 484. rettr 81. reykr 267. rj66r 443. rjtifa 397. ro 310. rgdd 365. -rof 253. rgnd 385. rot 346. rum 324. sannr 255, saurr 577. sau6r 229. sax 37. sell 201. serkr 127. sess 470. s?tja 583. sia 274. Sif 407. sigSr 290. silki 89. simi 556. sjalfr 82. sjo8a 229, sjuga 325. sjukr 267. !I2. 267. skSrr 288. skaka 47. skapt 47. skattr 47. skaut 229. skera 131. sklna 288. skip 89. skirr 288. sko9 461. skufa 325. sla 216. slakr 26, 579. smiSja 463. smjgr 156. smjuga 325. smokkr 48 2, 594. snara 579. sgrvar 156. S96UII 5. spann 311. stafn 38 1. staf-r5f 253. stamn 381. stara 4. star-blindr 579. stiga 28S. 564. stjama 467. stoll 310. stra 235. strangr 59, 152. straumr 46S, 636. suga 325. sund 385. sunnr 327. fiupa 325. surr 324. su6r 327. svarr 204. Sveinn 99, 521. sveiti 202. s\-ima 385. svin 287. svinnr 289. syll 374. syster 468. tal 204. tar 234. taug 229. taumr 237. tlrr 291. tonn 312. traugr 238. tiin 324. tvgggja 56. >ak 459, 479, 630. >egn 51. >ettr 275. J'eyja 347- J'lsl 553- ]?jo 266, 267. J)j6rr 267. ])jota 267. ])jo3 267. Jiraut 229. \\\T 288. ])riu 272. >roti 459. J)rutinn 459. })unnr 459, 591. l)va 216. \\-i 51, 268. ulfr 346, 419. iinnr 335. litlagi 544. val 607. vanr 55. vapn 220. vatr 204. vgnja 55. verk 584. verpa 83, 632. verr 45. %'indr 569. viss 2 8 7, 469. vgllr 346. vgrr [haveti) 44. yfir 147. yigr 346, 419- 288 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. achta 37. age 229. ak 229, aka 229, 479- are 229, 364. askia 504. auua 304. bek 28. ber 364. blgnda 55. bok 310. brother 310. hruka 325. dei 25. diar 364. dust 327. echta 255. famne 221. feithe 221. femne 221. fera 253. fest 334. iul 324. gef 580. gonia 17. han 229. hap 229. hed 332. hel 201, her 220. hera 343. herte 532. heste 221. het 249. hir 249. hirte 532. aband 220, 415. accus 503. aftihan 274. aha 234. ak 212. Old Frisian. hit 249. hrgdda 447. hreil 27. ief 580. kanna 59. ketha 335. klen 221. kleppa 188. ku 331. kuth 327. laf 229. Ian 371. landkap 316. las 229. leda 444. Ief 249. lera 364. lessa 342. let 249. leta 220. lia 274. lit 249. luca 325. mara 364. I mede 250. meide 250. mel 220. men 202. mide 250. mona 311. monath 311. miind 327. muth 327. ned 343. nedle 220. Old Saxon. akus 31. aid 39, 228. ansiun 268. ard 40. arm 40. neil 27. netha 255. nigun 512. pet 189. red 220. reda 220. reka 484. ruta 325. saS 229. sax 34. sed 220, 568. seka 253. sel 201. siak 267. skuva 325. sla 216. slepa 220. spon 311. suthema 327. sward 40. swigia 349. swith 289. tolne 373. tolner 373. tun 324. thiach 267. thiade 267. fider 324. walla 38. waxa 34. weg 220. wepin 220. wer 220. wet 202. wigand 519. bak 28. bar 364. bara 220. beran 403. berg 543- OLD SAXON WORDS. 2H9 b?ri_ 364. bfton 416. bihindan 122, 140. bindan 403. birid 105. bisk op 405. blad 26, 579. blI(Ji 473. blTdsea 473. blojan 582. bl5mo 579. bod 573. bodan 558. bog 543. bom 236. brodar 310. bnggian 187. burg 543. burdinnea 188. dad 220, 568. dau 231. del 221. dgrni 126. dohtar 146. domian 584. driogan 238. driopan 229. drokno 324. drom 229. dr5m {dream') 238. drncno 324. dura 167. egan 252. ei 221. ekso 252. en 202. ^ndi 78. grbi 416. ertha 136. escon 504. etan 91. fader 444. fahs 37. fallan 38, 41 8. fandon 215. far 220. fard 192. fat 28. fadmos 459. fegi 221. feld 448. ferr 1 2 7. fif 289. filu 88. fidan 327. fiwar 268, 347, 419. flesk 221. fliotan 267. flod 310. fluht 1 10. folda 151, 445. forian 253. fot 310. fri^du 557. froio 233. fullian 188. fiis 327. gaduling 31. galla 63. geban 88, 416, 420. geld 131. geldan 131. gelo 151. genoman 168. gewito 139. gidrog 2 38. gifehon 246. gilesti 221. gimahlian 226. ginog 543. gisawi 627. glau 231. gijmean 259. graban 416. gras 26. grSni 26, 28, 78. gumo 17. U haldan 39. half 38. halla 3S. hand 215. hano 152. har 220. hauwan 231, 303. he 2 58. heban SS. hed 202. hedar 202. hel 201. hem 202. her 249. herta 83. heru- 88, 532, 619. het 249. hiopo 267. hlinon 138. hliotan 146, 259. hliid 324. hoh 259. hop 229. houwi 231. hrlnan 288. hruggi no, 187, 489. huggian 187. hugi 626. hiildl 156, 183, 188. hungor 188. hungrian 188. hwgrgin 514. hwit 532. hwo 331. Idal 287. inna 140. irrian 364. jamar 281. jngad 512, 530. kafios 47. kgnnian 59. kiosan 478. klibSn 138. 290 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. klif 196. klioban 267. knosal 469. ko 331. kiiiini 47S. kunii 188. kus 187. kussian 187. kud 327. laccon 481. lang i5'2. lat 26. latan 220. ledian 221, 444. lef 249. lerian 221, 364. let 249. libbiaii 408. liggian 489. lidan 221, 444. lidi 2S9, 473. lot> (lof) 229. lofon 125. Ion 371. los 229, 259. losian 259. 15t 259. lugina 187. luiigar 601. mahal 226. mablian 226. maki 251. iiiakon 125. mal 220. mari 78. niarka 377. meda 250, 365. melm 151. mero 364. mgrrian 364. metod 88. middi 563. mik 478. miluk 89, 137. mod 310. modar 310, 377. mos 469. modi 253. . mud 327. naSian 255. nadla 220, 449. naht 3S4. name 17. naru 40. netial 416. nigun 512, 586. niotan 303. niusian 553. otiar 147, 417. oga 229. ohso 146. ok 229. okian 229, 479. ora 229. qualm 126, 228. quel an 228. quglmian 126. rad 220. radan 220. reht 81. rgkkian 363, 484. riki 78. rod 363, 573. rokian 484, 584. riim 324. sad 220, 568, 635. safto 79, 255. saian 582. sall5a 38. salig 220. san 311. sawun 204. se 249. setio 90. sgggian 489. sehan 271. sel 201, 655. self 82. sgllian 55, 192, 583. sgndian 59, 444. sgttian 583. sibbia 407. sifcun 415, 565. sidu 137. silubar 137. simo 556, 655. sick 267. skaft 47. skama 152. skawon 232. skgppian 399. skild 132. skip 89. skTr 288. skoh 341. slahan 216. slak 26, 579. slapan 204, 220. sokian 253,478, 5S4. sorga 543. spod 321, spunsia 1.9 1. staf 28. stad 26, 652. sterro 83, 467. stol 310. Strang 152. Strom 468. sundea 188. sur 560. swar 204. swas 220. swcrd 173. swcstar 468. svvet 202, 42S. swigon 349, 514. sw n 287. swidi 289. swogan 253. swGti 253, 428, 578. OLD SAXON WORDS. 391 land 312. tgllian 55. tlhan 274. tiohan 513. tir 291. tolna 373. lorht 151, 650. tweho 271. twehon 271. thau 231. thegan 256. thfnkian 459. thihan 275, 562. thioda 267. thiustri 297, 305. thiustrl 305. thwahan 216. urlogi 150. ust 335. wadi 323. wag 204, 220. wagan 225. wah 313. wahsan 37. wald 346. wallan 192. wan 254. wanian 254. wapan 220. war 28. war 220. wedar 444. welo 90. wer 363. werk 127, 154, 188. werkon 188. werod 88. werold 88, 154. werpan 83, 154. wigand 519. wika 89, 172. wiod 267. wirkian 188. wirsa 104. wTsa 2S7. wodi 459. wrSgian 253. wulf 419. wurhtio 188. wurt 346. U 2 292 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. ENGLISH WORDS. Old English. a- 210. seglKca 486. a 576. aehher 539. abbofl 446. aehta 665. ac 10, 212. k1 204, 799. ac 830. selc 729, 746, 790. acan 769. aeldu 228. acsian 504. Wilfred 73. acumba 179, 727, 830. sehneslic 441. ad 201, 287,576,617, aelmesse 754. 655- seltSwe 222. adela 6. Smgn 224. adl 449. Eemete 748. adrugian 349. semod 224. adruwian 349. Smtig 700, 747, 7S1 adula 6. semuSa 224. adul-seaSe 6. sengel 32. ffi 355. 416. Eenig 262, 700, 764. ae- 224. Snlufon 455. .necer 24, 31, 77, 575, Snwintre 353. 661, 768. sepl 27. secumbe 224. seppel 27. asddre 33. £er 698, 786. a;dre 33, 450. sere 34. jEf- 157, 179. aerce-biscop 729. sefan 220. Srende 781. Sfen 263, 415, 696, rem 27, 70, 366. 785- aernan 29. cefest 76, 162. Ss 469. Kfnan 367. ossc 657. sefrc 416, 781. aesil 550. sefSanca 179. aestel 27. oefSunca 179. seswind 2 89. Kg 221, 510. at- 157. aegen 221, 513. set 220, 787. iegilde 224. aetwitan 808. ^'Selgeard 361. oeCeling 31. iESil-iffird 361. aew 576. ffiwylm 804. £ex 31, 503, 762. afellaC 63. *afoc 664, 734. afierran 127. agan 252, 696, 740, 840. agen 74O, 840. agifan 210. aglSca 544. ah 10, 542. ahlaeca 544. ahte 696, 842. ahwEtr 73, 551. a-hwaeOer 760. Alchmund 491. aler 746. al-swa 762. ambgct 494. amber 406. ainbiht 494. an- 157. an 202, 262,572,695, 824. and 763. anda 159. anfd)cleow 456. andcwiss 470. andweald 456. andwealhnys 456. andwerd 70. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 293 andwlata 21. andwlita 139. anseon 344. anslen 344, ansyn 344. antef(e)n 426, 735, 750. 756. apa 769. ar 692, 831. ar-Kfnan 367. arcebiscop 11. are 391. aron (pr. pi.) 660, 766. arS 461. arwe 657, 761, 763. asce 8. ascian 504, 694, 754, 766. aseolcan 82. assa 766. ast 576, 618, 655. astepnis 259. astreahte 62. astrehte 62. ator 16, 163, 202. attor 16. attor-coppe 751. at$ 202, 691, 829. aSgnian 459. aSl 449. auht 217. awel 663, 778. awgned 669, 793. awer 73, 551. awiht 320, 696, 776. awSer 320. awuht 351. awul 204. axe 8. axian 504. Bacca 495. Backa 495. bffic 28, 68, 72S, bred 68, 646. boeddel 746. bag 227. bSl 220. bar (adj.) 364, 662, 770. b?er (pt. s.) 662, 770. brer 220, 698. bterlic 660, 730, 766. bjernan 29. b?ers 752. bseS 476, 660, 766. bffiSsere 476, beezere 476. balca 664, 776. ban 691, 694, 826. bana 769. bar 692, 831. bat 647. beacn 185, 791. beacnan 783. bead 573. beadu 44, 184. beag 227, 264. beah 543. beald 126, 448, 662, 828. bealg, 38. beam 236, 791. bean 229, 705, 790. beara 45. beard 443, 662, 795. bearg 65. bearge (dat.) 742. bearm 650. beam 40, 87, 650. bearo 156. bearu 184, 356. beatan 303, 791. bee 68. bece 797. becun 185. becweffan 792. bgd 656. bed 68. beforan 821. beg 264. b?g(e)a 56. behat 271, bglt 60. beneoiVan 792. benioSaii 676. beo 272, 708, 798. beo (i pr. s.) 784. beod 70, 280. beodan 403, 557, 567. beodern 70. beofian 416. beor 710, 801. beoran 91. beorcan 672, 767. beorge (dat.) O68, 742, 76.^- beorh 543. beorht 491. beorma 672, 767. beorn 87. beoru 183. beost 267. beot 271. ber 817. bera (' urstis'') 670, 795- beran 40, 52, 91,403, 416, 561, 611, 670, 796. bercht 491. bgre 70. bereafian 791. bereafod 7S3. bgren 70. bgrern 70. berg 65. bgrge 779. berht 1 1 9. bgrie 364. bern 70. besema 668, 785. betel 303, 798. bgtsta 476. betuti 354. betweoh 85. betweohs 85. 294 betweox 85. betwih 85, 171. betwuh 171, 354. beust 103. bewgrian 509. bewiotian 138. bgzt 476. bl 51S. bia 272. bian 272. bicce 729. bicwide 51 8. bldan 431. biddan 646. blegan 298. bigldo 126. bletel 303. big 5iS- bigan 298. big-cwide 518. big-gyrdel 51 8. big-leofa 51S. big-spell 518. bl-gyrdel 51S, bihianda 122. bihionda 140. bile 675. bileofa 518. bimutian 326. bindan 105, 403, 430, 562. bint 430. birce 677, 809. bire*5 105. birhtan 119. biscop 405, 755. bispell 518. bitan 288, 432, 564, 647. bitela 676, 800. biten (pp.) 647. biter 199. biton 554. but [bidctli) 431. bitt {Idieth) 432. bityr 199. OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. bivvgrgu 509. blac 693. blKC 537, 657, 763. blaecan 790- blsed 26, 579. blseddre 33. bl^dre 33, 764. MsEse 768. blast 699, 766. blStan 790. blawan 839. blec5a 53V, 815. bledde 782. bledsian 43S, 781. blegen674, 739, 774. blgndan 55. bleo(h) 549. bletsian 438, 756. bleow 712, 803. blind 55, 677. bliss 109, 473. bllSe 109, 473, Sii. bliffs 473. blod 438, 718, 834. blostm 717, 756, S19. blowan 582, 840. blyscan 844. boc 310, 578, 654, 718, 833. boda 146. bodeg 100. bodei 100. bodian 827. bodig 818. boga 682, 740, 840. boge 506. boh 310, 506, 578, 623, 720, 841. bolile 537, 682, 743. bold 452. boUa 68 r, 840. bolster 827. bolt 405, 828. bord 51, 681, 831. boren 68 1, borian 681, 821. bSsig 312. bosm 718, 825. botl 435, 451, 4r 2. box 148. brad 692, 830. brsegn 665, 773. brgembel 747. breesen 661, 768. brSS 220, 700, 787. brastlian 8. brea 239. bread 707, 788. brec 704, 800. brecan 670, 795- brecS 261. bred 51. bredan 256, 797- brefian 423. bregdan 256, 290,317, 774- bregu 88. bremel 254. breogu 88. breosa 142. breost 710, 78S. breowan 803. brer 816. breSer 704, 78 1. bridd 677, 809. bridels 290. brig 522. brigdils 290. bringan 537. briusa 142. briw 522. brocen 680. brod 716. broden 317. brogden 317. brohte 313, 537, 743- 842. brom 254, 311, 833. brord 151, 365. bro(5 679, 820. broSor 310, 403, 4-9, 758, 824. 'O, OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 295 bru 324, 560, 611, 721, !^35- brucan 261, 325, 723, 834- brycg 512, 687, 737, S06. brycS 261. bryd 332, 725, 811. bryne stan 750. brytofta 430. bucca 7 28. budon 167, 557. bugan 264, 325, 403, 725, 741, 835. bulk (2 pt. s.) 639. buUuc 639, 683, 847. bur 722. buih 543, 823. burston ,pt. pi.) 847. butan 845. bycgan 167, 537. byden 189, 446. bydla 451. bygeS 690. byndele 688, 844. byre 1S8, 416. byrgels 755. bjTian 416. byrnan 847. byme 187. byrSen 188, 759, 848. bysig 687. bysting 267. bytt 189. CKg(e) 702, 728, 740, 802. cself 228. caeli 55. ccEse 799. caster 68. camb 59, 662. candel 657. carcem 11. caru 661, 727, 770. case re 483. castel II. cawel 207. ceac 230. ceace 705, Soo. ceaf 47. ceafer 769. ceaflas 47. cealc 728, 771. ceald 479, 646, 662, 828. cealf 416, 479. cealfre 423. ceallian 639. 771. cealo 483. cealwe 761. ceap 729, 791. ceap-faru 707, 751, 764. ceapmgn 707, 764. cearig 770. cearu 44. ceas 230, 259, 265. ceasnes 259, 298. ceaster 47, 68. cecel 253. cecil 654. cegan 102, 259, 581. ceiga 102. c?le 55, 669. cel(rendre 58, 483. cfmban 59. cfmes 60. cgmpa 60. cen 249. cene 253, 728, 796. c.-nnan 59, 253, 649. Cgnt 60, 727. Cgnta 5C0. ceo 276. ceoce 729. ceocian ;s2 7. ceol 267. ceole 90, 479. ceorfan 416, 767. ceorl 672, 729, 848. ceowan 803. ceosan 265, 298, 305, 344> 3''4> 440, 478> 567- 637. cepan 2!;3, 728, 797. cepte (pt. s.) 782. cgren 194. c^'rfille 426, 671, 7S3. cerlic 195, 672, 768. cerr 672, 730, 767. cfrran 194. Cfrse 752. ces 265. cesnis 259. cest 54. cester 47, 61, 68. cftel 60, 194. cgtil 60. cicen 648. cicene no. cidan 713, 810. ciffes 114, 129, 194. cleg 510. ci^e;gan 102, 259, 29S, . ^'^% 5io» 519- 5^1- cifle 129, 646. cTepan 343. cigrman 194. cigrran 194. ciese 307. 340. ciesnis 259. ciest 298, 305, 44^. ciesS 344. cifes 114. ciggende 519. cild 677, 729, 812. cin 591, 729, 805. cining no. cTpe 293. cirice 197. CIS 298. cist 298. cistenbeam 114. ciSan 299. clSg 701, 740, 774. cicene 22 [, 728, 790. cljensian 389, 700,7^7. 2g6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. clSsnian 3S9. clSSde 759. clafre 826. clam 202. cla3 695, 820, 826. claffod 694. clawu 204, 239, 663, 778. clea 239. cleo 799. cleofan 267, 709, 792. cleofian 793. cleowe 803. climban 677, 728. cliofian 138, 676. cliofii 196. cliopian 138. cliopode 138. cliroc 293. cliwe 714. cloccian 679. cloh 313, 721, 743, 841. clucge 497. clugge 497, 515. clycc'.e'lan 688, 844. clyf 196. olyppan 188. clyster 688, 844. cnafa 769. cnaihtas 35. cnawan 691, 839. cnedan 444, 792. ^•neo 357, 478, 709, 798. cneoht 81, 117, 133. cneow (pt. s.) 711, S04. cnieht 133. . cni'^U 192. cnifllan 192. cniht 117, 678, 815. cnihtas 35. cnosl 469. cnyll 192. cnyllan 192. c5c 727, 833. cocc 648, 728. coecil 253. cohhjttan 683. col 646, 831. cole (dat.) 680, 830. colt 828. C2mb 59, 179, 611, S28. cgndel 732. copor 148. coren 364, 637. com 151, 478, 622. crabba 8, 657. cradol 769. crseft 27. cr£ef(ti)ca 496. crffiftig 496. crrefti,i)ga 496. crafian 769. crawan 839. Creacas 245. oread 325. Crecas 245. crgngan 737. creopan 799. creow 712, 803. cristesmresse 714, 807. crocca 728. croda 325. croh 538. crudan 325. crnfte 420. cruma 747. crycc 688, 844. cii 331, 721. 727- 835- cue 631. cuclgre 170, 483. cucu 176. 354. cug(e)le5i6,686,740, 835- cidter 685, 838. cuman 107, 175, 1S8, 480, 631, 823. ciiron 364, 637. curs 847. cuS 327. cuJSe 723, 759L cwacian 34. cwoecian 34. cwSdman 228. cwjeS 28, 166. cweahte 537. cwealm 126, 771. cwgccian 537. cwelan 480. cwemde 501. cwen 254, 4S0, 501, 703, 72S, 796. cwene 51, 4S0, 631, 669, 792. cwe'San 470. cwic(u) 480,631,728. cwidu 501. cwi^lman 126. cuoeG 166. cwoen 254. cwomun 311. cwucu 176, 354. cycen 808. cycene 110, 190, 687. cycgel 688, 844. cyfes 194. cylle 189. cyln 189, 727, 806. cymen 188. cymen {ctimin) 189. cyna (gen. pi.) 811. cyning 1 10. cynn 478, 603, 622, 649. C}Tira;den 749. cypan 343. cyren 194. cyrfet 189, 425. cyrfille 426. cyrice 197. cyr(i)n 195. cyrlic 195. cyrman 194. cyrnan 195. \ OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 297 cyrnel 188, 689, 784. cyrran 194. cyrse 195. cyrtel 6S9, 810. cyse 340. cyslibb 727. cyssan 187, 806. cyst 557. cysS 344. cyta 725, 811. cytel 194. cySan 290, 335- cySSu 80S. da 205, 826. dred 220, 568, 651, 799- da^ft 658, 779. tla^g 5. 25, 31, 68, 100, 443, 571, 617, 665, 738, 773- dregas 34. dseges 31. dffiges-eage 773' DcEglesford 773. dregred 75. deel 221, 789. dffilan 262. dagas 3, 34. dage 506. dagian 738. dagon 3S6. dagum 5. dah 202, 506, 64' 695, 842. dahum 545. dead 707, 7S7. deaf 229, 416, 706, 788. deag 741. dear 638, 770. dearoS 44. dea"? 707, 7S7. deaw 231, 804. ded 568. deg 68, 100. /> degan 813. degol 259. dehter 57. dei 100. dflan 262. deman 584. deofol 283, 425, 710, 782. deogoUice 285. deop 397, 610, 709, 799- deor 267, 364, 710, 801. deorc 672, 767. deore 709, 794. deorling 768. dgrae 66. desig 67. die 714, 729. Dictun 808. diegel 303. diegelliee 285. diegol 259. difrne 66, 126. diogol 544. diohla 544. disc 755. do 651. docga 736. doehter 164. doeman 321. dogga 515. dohtor 57, 146, 164, .S37,658>682, 776. dol 679, 846. dom 321, 651, 716, 832. don 311. d63 719. dracentse 436, 475, 477- draconze 477. draf 693. dragan 777. dragense 475. dran 691, 826. dream 229, 791. dream (dream) 238. dreapian 229. dreopan 229. dreorig 709. drifan 713. drit 677, 809. droh 720. droh(tjnian 442. dropa 229. drosn 750. drugian 324. drugoSe 324, 842. druncnian 730. dryge 324, 349, 726, 742, 813. duca 723. dufa 724. dufan 325, 332. dufe 416, 825. dugoS 160. dnguS 182. durran 169. durron 638. diirste 6S5, 847. duru 167, 443, 68 5, 834- dust 327, 465, 723. dus(5 495. dweorh673,744, 772. dwinan 749. dyde 806. dyfan 325, 332, 811. dysig 67, 1S7. ea 234, 510. eac 229, 707, 784. eaca 229. eacen 479, 577, 630. eador 529. eafoS 44. eage 229, 708, 741, 802. eager-stream 234. eahtai8,37,57i,6i3, S02. 298 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. eald39. 112, 214, 662. ealdermgn 771. ealh 491. call 39, 214,373,663, 771. ealla 529. ealn(ew;eg 353. ealu 44, 661, 769. eanian 229, 706. ear 234, 706, 793. ear- 234. earbcd- 404. earc 34, 65, 72S. eard 40. eare 229, 364, 577, 637- 793- earfe 423. earfoS- 404. carfo?fe 524. earg 1 26. ear-geblond 234. ear-grund 234. earm 40, 112, 660. earm (arm) 41, 766. earn 214. earnian 640, 664, 788. earon 362. earre 42. eart 660, 766. earS 461. earffie 42. east 705, 791. eastor 468, eastron 791. East-Seaxan 757. eata 45. eatol 44. eaSe 343. eaSmettu 431. eawan 304. eaxl 62. ebalsia 161. ebhat 88, 161. ebolsia 161. Ebreisceo 98. ecan 785. gced 446. fcg 737- edscseft 401. edscaept 401. Efe 424. efen 668. 785. efen 263. efei 57, 416,669, 793. efest 76, 162. efete 673, 734, S04. efn 392. efne 381. efstan 253. egaS 705, 758, 802. egesa 252. gglan 674, 774. gher 234. ehtan 255. ele 58. ^df 666, 779. ellem 746. elm 666, 77S. elmestlic 441. gin 750. fl(n;boga 393. elpgnd 429. elpgnt 429. em- 392, 411. em be 67. em-cristen 392. emn 392. emne 381. gnde 78. fndleofan 455. gndlufon 455, 750. gnglisc 668, 783. enig 262. enitre 353. eo 549. eobot 88, 161. code 272. eofor 88. eofot 88, 161. eofur 88. eofut 88. eogoS 362, 530. eoh 161, 551, 587. eoh 549. eoldra 86. eoles 279. eolh 82, 279. eom 378. eorl 671, 788. eormiSa 86. eornest 671, 788. eorneste 524. eomfullness 529. eorod 161, 551. eorre 42. eorSe 42, 83, 1 36, 671, 788. eosol 163. eota 92. eotan 91. eow (pron.) 273, 580, 711.837- eow ,sb.) 711, 803. eowde 269. eowestre 269. eowic 580. eovvu 229, 269, 585, 804. eppan 67. ere 65. grfe 66, 416, 571. grm3u 66, 86. ?sne 55. gsol 163. est 76, 162, 255. etan 91, 92, 428, 432, 792. eSian 76, 255. e6r 450. e6(5a 462. exen 57. e.\l 62. fa 826. fsedcr 26, 199, 414, 444. 579. '^09. 731. 766. fsedera 31. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 299 fedjT 199. federa 69. findan 677. fffige 221, 701. fefer 668, 785. finger 77. faegen 738. fefor 425. finu(g)le 516, 531. feger 31, 77, 414, felan 796- Firgilius 422. 620, 665, 775. feld 4|8, 669, S17. first {time) 128. faegS 221. fell 373, 414. fisc 104, 554, 675, fSmne 221. feltha 448. 755- far 220, 2 13, 697. femne 221. fiSele 759. fccreld 429. fenix 426. fiSer- 268, 6 2 8. fserelt 429. feoh4i4, 675, 799. flSsc 221, 700, 7S0. fsest 465. feohtan 81. flasce S. fDes^t)nian 442. feol 274. flaxe 8, 422. fesS'465. feola 88. flea 421. fset 28, 31, 43, 183, feolan 279. fleah 229, 791. 488, 733- feold 271. fleat 24S. fetes 31. feolt 710, 782. fleax 37, 62. fett 221, 699. 764. feolu 414. flegan 266. feSm 459, 763. feond 272, 709, S16. fleogan no, 266, 301, fagnian 738. feores 279. 741. 814. fah 202. feorh 279. fleon 270, 421. fah {hostile) 202. feorr 127, 767. fleos 142, 267, 708, fallan 13. feorSling 768. 798. falod 828. feower 268, 347, 419, fleot 248, 267. fam 202, 41S, 691, 761, 839. fleotan 267, 799. S30. fer 263, 794. flex 62. fana 733, 769. feran 253. flicce 729. fandian 215. fgrd 66. fligan 301. far 10. fers 422. fliht no. faran 5, 10, 654, 661, fersc 752. fliusnm 142. 77°- fet 253, 566, 797. flocgian 736- fatu 183. fftian 488. flod 310, 71S, 834. fea 414, 577. fe5a 255. flogen 682, 840. feaht 666. feSer 667, 786. flogggttan 515. fealdan 430, 662. fex 62. flor_7i7, 834. fealh 279. fi?lt 430. flotian 830. feallanis, 38,63,214, fiend 306. flowan 719, 840. 373>4i8, 771- figrd 66, 192. flyht no, 690, 816. fealwe 761. fiersen 570. flytme 339. feam 664, 783. fierst 128. fneosan 733. fearr 40, fif 289, 419, 562,628. foda 310, 833. featu 43. fifel- 289. fodder 153. feawe 232, S04. fifele 425. fodor 153, 163, 574, feax 37, 62, 502. fif-flere 253. 654- fecc;e)an 488. fifta 808. foeran 253. fedan 703, 797. fiftig 714. foet 310. fedde 704, 781. fil 810. foeSa 255, 322. 300 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. fohten 682. fola 4 1 4, 6S0, 830, folc 680. folches 492. folde 151, 445. folm 151, 414. fon 314. fgnn 422. for 414. ford 151, 414. forgef 6 1 . forget 61. forgyfen(d)lic 455. forleosan 229. forloren 820. fom 414. forSwerd 70. fostor 717, 819. fot 253,310,321,574, 646. fox 147. fra 690. fraco'S 160. frremman 32. fr9et(e)we 74. frKtwan 762, 779. fraigna 35. fran 208. frea 233, 247, 272. freas 64S. freht 650. frgmman 55. freo 247, 272, 549, 798. freoh 549. freond 124, 272, 710, S16. freosan 267, 648, 798. friand 124. fricc(e)a 485. friend 306. frlge-dseg 715, 741, 812. frignan 35, 208, 290, 414. frihtrung 650. frinan 208, 290. frioSu 137, 144, 657. frist 128. friS 144. Friu))uulf 144. frocga 497, 736. frogga 497, 515. fr^m 55. frosc 679, 846. frost 648, 679. frox 621, 846. fugol 163, 167, 686, 740, 835. fuhlas 544. fill 324, 560, 835. full 373, 414, 592, 683. fuUere 847. fullest 72. . fulluht 176, 353. fullwuht 176. fulteam 180. fultum I So. fulwiht 353. funden 686. fundian 469. furh 169, 329, 419. furlgng 847. furSor 847. furum 329. f[is 327, 335, 469. fylan 811. fyllan 188, 806. fylst 72. fylt 430. fylS 726, 808. fynegian 733. fyr 725- fyrd 192. fyrhto 690, 816. fyrs 753, 847- fyrsn 193. 570. fyrsta 689, 810. fysan 335. fyst 333, 726, 808. fyxen 187, 733, 806. ga 690. gad 201, 355. gad {goad) 201, 830. gje 242. gEcdeling 31. gsedrian 731. gaifon 241. g£r 242, 580, 697. gsers 26, 28, 752. gastan 699, 766. gffit 43, 68. galla 13. gainen 735. gan (pp.) 695. gandra 312. gang 506, 507. gangan 96. ganot 12, 312. gara 822. garleac 768. gast 641, 690, 736. gat 201, 830. ge2 58, 308, 508,580, 702. gea 242, 795. geador 529. geaf47. geafon 241. gealga 742. geall 506. gealla 13, 63, 529, 663, 771. gear 242, 508, 580. geara 822. geard 488, 736. geare 64. (ge)arfo'6"e 524. geam 736. gearon 362. gearwe 662, 761, 763, 795- geat 47. geat 265. geat(e)we 74. geatu_43. (,ge)baeded 699. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 301 (ge)bede (dat.) 792. (ge;beon 711, 801. (ge;boden 55S. (gejbyrd 606. (ge)clasnad 3S9. (ge)claSod 764. (ge)clofen 827. (ge)cumen 168. (gejcweme 254. (ge)dafen 416. (ge,don 31 1, 719,824. (gejdreag 238. (ge^eodon 548. (gejfea 234. (ge)feah 37, 271. (ge)fean 246. (ge)feoht 494. (ge)feon 271. (ge)lera 253. (ge)fleman 260. (gejfohten 843. (ge)for5ian 759. (ge)freogan 301. (ge'frlgend 301. (ge)gaii 819. (ge)heran 259. gehhol 539. geldan 736. gelden 67. (ge)leafa 303. (ge)lefan 259. (ge)lefan ((^^/zVz/^) 259, 703, 816. (ge)legen 774. (ge)llc 120. (ge)lice 79. (ge)llefan 303. (ge)ligere 290. (ge)lire 290. gella 63. gellan 7 7 8. (ge)losod 731, 820. (gejmfficca 29, 730. (ge)m£eded 699, 764. (ge)martrian 11. (gejmette (pt. s.^ 7S1. gemnis 259. gemung 361. (ge mynd 444. gen 511. (ge>eat 303. (ge^ned 260. (ge)n?rgu 509. (ge)n<^"riaa 509. (ge)nih,t;sum 442. (ge noh 543, 721,737, 841. (ge~^,numen 168, 747. geoc95, 141,167,511, 657>630, 643. geoce (dat.) 827. geofon 88. geogoS' 160, 362. geoguS 182, 512,530, 837- geohol 539. geola 539, S48. geolo 151, 506. geoloca'88, 82S. geolu 88. geolwe (pi.) 760. geong 838. geornan 671. geomeste 524. geornfulnes 529. geornung 788. geotan 265. ger 794. gvrd 672, 767. gere 64. (ge)refa 253. gerst 641. ges 255, 796. (ge isseh 34. (ge)sceaft 420. (gejscgntu 430. (ge;sceod 717, 819. (ge>coe 341. (ge)scy 341. (ge)sean 246. (ge)se5an 255. (ge)siehS 553. (ge)sih5 758. (ge)sTS 2S9, 553. (ge)si\ven 541. (ge)soSian 255. g?st 735- (ge)streon 297, 305, 344- (ge strod 325. (ge sund 836. ^ge)sw5gen 720, 832. (ge)syntu 430. get 68. get 265, 511, 782. (ge)tawe 74, 204, 627. (ge)teld 361. (ge)teme 254. (ge;t?nge 313. (ge'teon 627. (ge)toh 544. (ge)toren 606, 820. (ge)tyme 343. (ge)5ofta 401. (ge)Sungen 275. (ge)w§nnan 55. (ge)wiss 470. (ge)wuna 55. (ge)wunden S36. (gejwunnen 823. (ge)vvunod 731. giccean 729, 736. gicel 736. (gi)dopta 401, gidsian 438. gie 30S. giefan 115, 131, 416, 420, 733. giefu 131, 183. gield 131. gieldan 115, 131,669, 817. giellan 131. gleme 259. glen 511. gignd [30. giengra ill, gigid 365- 302 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. gi?rede 354. gigrwan 354, 361 gigst 114, 129, 507. 633- giet 511, 782. gif 580. gifaii 1 15. gifect 494. Gifelceaster 736. gift 420. gig 522. (gi)hiodum 548. gildan 115, 507. gimang 12. gimm 108. gingifer 425. gingra ill. gioc 141. giong 141. Gipeswic 736. gise 676, 780. 194. ;ii. 643, 438- gist 114 792. gitsian 201, giung 143. glW ,S2 2. glsem 790. gleadian 43. gleaw 231. gled 253. gleo 358, 798. gleof 427. gleovv, 427. glida 7S5. gliu 358. glof404, 824. gloob 4C4. glovvan 840. gnagan 738, 777. god 718, 833. god 146. 187, 444, 558. 614. godsibb 727, 732. godspell 732. gold 151, 1S8, 44S, 506, 623, 680. goma 718, 846. ggndra 552. ggngan 96. gor 681, 821. gorst 681, 757, 820. gos255, 3i2',7i6,832. gos-hafoc 818. graJdig 800. grSg 701, 740, 774, 801. grses 26, 28,660, 766. grafan 416. gram 507. granian 8 2 9. giatan 830. Greacas 245. great 706, 795. Grecas 245. gremgttan 507. giene 26, 28, 78, 796. greow 712, 803. gretan 797. greut 103. grim 507. Grimbold 158. grist 714, S07. grgm 507. grovvan 26, 719, 840. grund 686, 836. grundesvvilge 836. guma 17, 168, 506. gu'S 327. gyden 187, 558. gyldan 735. gylden 67, 188. gyrdel 810. gyst 194. habban 8. hacele 6. had 202, 444, 614. hador 202. habbe 416. haefde 68, 734. ha.-f-5 734. haefuc 404. haegl 665, 73S, 773. hah 227. hal 221. halan 697, 789. ^ halend 199. hasleS 31. hffilsend 429. hSlsent 429. h&Iynd 199. haenep 750, 779. hter 220, 698, 776. haerfest 29, 733. haring 752, 781. hasrn 27, 366. has 469, 754, 780. hasel 753, 768. hses(i)l 550. hast 221. haste 221. hato 790. haS 697, 786. hafaS 416, 536. hafela 6. hafen 417. hafoc 664, 734, 778. hafola 6. haga 777. hagu-Sorn 738. hal 201,624,693,743. hale 490. halgian 694, 763. halig 690. halsian 161. ham 202. Hamtiin 748. hamm 379. hati, 826. hana 17, 152, 533, 575- hand 12, 152, 657. har, 692, 831. hara 2, 552, 661, 770. hare-hune 749, 822. has 692, 754, S31. hassuc 8. hat 72, 694, 819. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. ?>'^?> hat {promise) i6i. hatan 249. hatian 769. hatte 433- he 25S, 702. heafoc 44. heatod 734, 787. heafuc 404. heah 227, 259, 264, 303, 55i> 708. heahfore 708, 745, 801 . heald, 158, 188. healdan 39, 214. healf 38. healf pgning 661. healfter 734. healh 490. healic 551. heall 38, 39, 771. heahn 664, 776. heals 39. healt 536, 659, 772. hean 229. heap 229, 791. heard 40, 444, 552. heardra 552. hearg 65. Hearge (dat.) 742. heaSu- 44, 507. heawan 231, 303, 804. hfbban 40S, 533, 583. hebuc 404. hedan 797. hefde 68. h?fig 667, 786. hffod (pp.) 669, 793. heg 231, 704, 740, 775. began 259, 581. heh 264, 814. hehst 259. hehsta 102. hehSu 803. hcista 102. hela 313, 79'). helan 55, 151, 169, 561. hehc 264. h?ll 65- 779- hglle-hinca 536. helpan 742. henau 259. Mge 737. 807. heo 358. heofon 88. heold 271, 782. heolfor 82. heope 267, 710, 809. heoran 2 85. heorcnian 673, 789. heord 127, 193, 365, 671,783. heordan 365. heorot 88, 767. heorte 78, 83, 532, 570, 616, 673, 789. heor(5 673, 789. heorSa 460. heoru 88, 532, 619. her 249, 704, 785. heran 704, 794. herde fpt.s.1 788. heretoha 545. herg 65. hgrgian 668, 763. hgrian 125. hgrsta 192. bet 249. hi 518. hider 554, 731. Meg 231, 510, 580. hlehst 303. hiera 551. hieran 285, 296, 343. hierde 127, 193. hi^rstan 192. -hiewet 427. hiew'S 303. -hilet 427. big 518. big 231. higere 513. higian 812. hilpestu 440. hinca 536. bine 199. bine 748. biraa 296. hired 73. hit 199, 745. bin 358. biw 714, 848. bladan 474. bladder 221, 699. blSder 221, 764. blKfdige698,735,77o. bla^nan 647. blSr ^89. hlKst 474, 744. hlae w) 427, 647. hlaf 1 58, 353,691,829. hlafmoesse 380, 694, 734, 764- hlaford 158, 353, 735, _744- blammesse 380. bleabtor 37, 666, 743, 777- bleapan 744. 791. hlef 427. blence 667, 807. hleo 357, 798. hleonian 793- hleor 801. bleotan 146, 259. hlet 146, 259. bli5(,b)han 118, 126, 540- bllet 259. hlihan 118. blinian 647, 744- blionian 138, 676. blionode 138. blot 146, 678, 744, 818. hlowan 719, 840. blud324, 722,835. blutor 163, 177. bluttor 177. 3^4 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. hlyt 146, hnajgan 702, 74O, 802. hnappian 8, 657. hneappade 46. hneappung 46. hneaw 231. hngcca 744. hnfsce 744. hnitu 104, 183, 428, 744- hnutu 183, 744. hoc 833. hocc 818. hof 418, 832. hofer 414. hSfon 417. hoh 313, 819. hoi 151. hold 448. hole (dat.) 680, 826. hole(g)n 531. holes 318. holh 318. holt 151. h2mm 379. hon 314. hgna 152. hgnd 152, 215, 74L. hoppian 400, 593. hord 70, 146, 365, 681, 831. hordem 70. h5re 717, 821, horh 350. hom 151. hoiwes 350. hors 682. hos 312. hose 827. hraca 204. hr^ 355. hrxfn 392, 661, 733, 768. hrffigl 27. hrKm 392. hreac 707, S09. 2. hrea(n) 235,533,624. hrgddan 447, S07. hrem 392. hreman 260. hremn 392. hreod 799- hreol 798. hreoSan 187. hreowan 712, 745, 84S. hreS 253. hre'Ser 460. hricg no. hridder 647. hrider 647. hrif 745. hnm 745, 810. hrinan 288. hrine 288. hriS 289. hriSer 289, 335, 443. hroc 833. hroden 187. hrof 832. hrost 832. HroS- 253, 3,; 3. hroC-hund 463. Hr53ulf 353. hrutan 325, 745. hiuSer 289. hrycg no, 187, 489, 737. 745. 806. hrystan 187. hrySer 289, 335. hu 331, 721,834. hulu 169. Humberht 383. Hunberht 383. hund 168, 444, 532, 600. hund Kdog) 167, 557. hunig 6S4, 739, 823. hus 722, 835. husbonda 845. husl 327, 532. hus-'5ing 758, 845. hus-wif 845. hwa 210, 535, 625, 693. 744. 829- hwKg 701, 801. hwtel 31. hwffile (dat.) 744. hwsenne 658, 779. hwar 698, 7S6. hwKsan 799. hwset 659, 765. hwsete 697, 790. hwreffer 779. hwalas 768. hwam 694. hwearf 64. hweol 268, 798. hweorfan 154. hweowol 268. hwerf 64. hw^rgen 514. hwider 731. hwilc 746. hwilen 455. hwilendlic 455. hwit 287, 532, 744. hworfan 154. hwoita 535. hycgan 187,336,517, _537- hyd 332, 72.S,8ii. hydan 146, 811. hydde 808. -hydig 336. hyf 332, 725, Sii- liyge 626. hyggean 517. hyht 537. hyldu 156, 183, 188. hyll 373. 806. hymele 189. hymlic 688, 780. hyne 199. hyngran 188. hynnilac 548. hyran 34?,, 726. hyrde 193, 6S9. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. ?P5 hyrdel 533, 848. hyre 689, 784. hyrst 187. hyrstan 187. hjTStan 'Jo fry) 19?. hyt 199. tyS 335- lacefes 425. iarwan 361. ic 105, 523, 730, 813. lean 298. idel, 287, 309, 655. lecan 298. Tedel 309. 165298,510,519,580. igldu 112. iemung 361. igrfe 66, 192, 416. igigSo 126. igrmSu 66, 112, 192. ierre 127, 364. ieteld 361. lewan 304. ifig 811. Ifig-tara 20. ifig-tearo 20, 48. Ig 298,519. ig(e)l 290. igg5i9- iggoS 519. igland 813. igoS 519. ih 542. Tl 290. ildo 112. innifli 421. innoS 140. innylfe 421. ioc 359. ionna 140. ionnaS 140. lorius 360. iorSe 136. irmSu 112. is 105, 199, 563, 615. IS 713, 753- itt 432. iu 359- iuc 167, 359, 557. iucian 359, 643. iuguS 359. 362, 530. iuih 580. iung III, 359. iungra 359. Ksenta 500. kene 500. kennan 500. kneo 500. kyne 500. kyning 500. kynn 500. lacnian 204. lad 181. IScan 551. laeccean 29, 730. Iffice 204, 342, 729, 800. Isedan 221, 444, 697, _790. Isedde (pt. s.) 781. iSde 257. Iseden 446. Isfan 221, 789. Iffifed (pp.) 780. Isefel 425. Isefend 427. Iseg (pt. s.) 773. Iseg 227. Isegde 257. Isenan 748. Isened 731, 781. Iffiran 221, 364. If s 355, 469. Isessa 342, 369, 472, 700, 780. iSst 221, 789. l^stan 699, 766. Ijeswu 469. laet 26, 579, 651. X 745. la.'tan 90, 220, 249, 469. 651, 781- Iffitemest 31. loett 372, 756. IseS 220. iKwan 222. iSwede 701, 804. ISwend 427. lagon 204. lagu 777. lam 372. lam 830. lama 660, 769. Iamb 402. lamp 402. landcop 316. lang 152,659. lappa 8. lar i8r, 692, 822. lareow 181. laruw 181. last 202, 694, 766. latest 757. latteow 181, 431. latuw 181. laS 691, 829. laSian 7. laSode 7. lawer 207. lawerce 762. leac 229, 264, _ 705. 707^ 800. lead 229, 706, 787. leaf 229, 705, 791. leafe (dat.) 791. leag 227, 229, 741. leah 229, 791, 814. leahtor 37. leahtun 547. lean 371. leas 229, 259. leaSor 707, 764. lee 264. l?cgaa 257, 489, 5S3. 547 708, 3o6 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. lede 257. lef 249. lefan 260, Lefes 424. leg 259. legan 266. Iggde 674, 774. leger 674, 776. lege'5 fpr. s.) 774. leht 119. lehtun 547. lencten 730. Igndenu 443. leod 371. leof 259, 303, 371, 416, 709, 8ift. IC'ofinon^n) 710, 734, 782" leogan 266, 741, 814. leoht 85, 1 28, 537, 597- leoht 344, 712. leoma 551. leon 274, 607. leoinian 640, 671, 788. leort 90. leosan 259, 364. lesan 259. let 249. leSer 667, 786. libban 408, 555. -lie 120. liccian 481, 596. licgan 489. ITchgma 179- Ileum a 179. licumlie 179. liden 444. lit-g 259, 303, 519. liehtan 128. liehtan 344. llesan 259. -licstu 440. liexan 297. lifan 221. lifgean 408. lig 259' 519- lige 507. ligge 519- , ligiS (pr. s.) 678, 813. liht i^kvis') 537, 815. lihtan 119. lim 747, 805. lind 749. lin-sSd S08. lioht I 28. liotSu 137. liss 109, 473. liSan 221, 444. llSe 109, 2 89, 473. liSs 473. lixan 297. loco 4S1, 595. locian 833. lofian 125. 19m 372. loma 832. Ignd 152. l9iig I 52, 179- loppestre 751. -loren 364. losod 679. lucan 264, 325. lufestice 423. lufian S23. lufu 416. liingen 601, 735. lungre 1 68, 601. lus 745. lust 684, 843. lutan 325. lyce 342. lyft 688, 780. lygen 187. lyhtan 344, 815. lynes 755. lys 753, 811. lysan 259. lyssa 342. lytel 808. lySre 461, 808. macian 7, 125. maeode 7, 730. mfd 355, 790. nia;den 225, 526. m^dwe (pi.) 787. mseg 68, 665, 773. mKg 204. mjegden 31, 225, 526, 773- mffigen 739, 773. ma;l 220, 226, 466, 790. maelan 226, 466. mffiltan 228. msenan 789. mSnde 731. msene (adj.) 789. mttnig 764. masnn 32. mrere 78, 263. msesse 30. maest {fruits 641. msest {of ship) 641. m^st 262. mses(t)ling 441. mset 646. niKte 220. mffiton 646. mSS 220. masSl 226, 466. mEeSlan 226, 466. msew 701, 804. maga 738, 777. maga 204. magister 206. mahan 545. mal 826. man 202. mangere 660. manii 152, 657. mara 364, 692, S22. mare 770. margen 14. marufie 425. masce 8. mase 836. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 3^7 maCiim 185. mawan 691, 839. max 642. maxe 8. me 258, 702. meaht 37, 116, 537. mealm 151. mealt 659, 772. meahve 657, 760, 763. mearc 377, 728. mearge dat.) 742- mearo 40. mec 478. mece 251. med 250, 365, 703, 797- medsceatt 439. medu 792. meg 68. meh 542. meltaii 228. melu 668, 792. mgngan 807. mgngu 156. mgnigo 156. mgnn 59, 666. meodu 88, 557. meodume 88. meolc 89. meolc^i^an 82, 47S. mcolo 156. meord 365. meos 267. meotod 88. meowle 269, 347. meox 84, 104, 502, 554- mfre {^inare) 670, 771. m^re <^mere) 670, 786. mere 263. mergen 57. mgrran 672, 767. mgrsc 672, 767. mese 339. mest 262. metan 220, 646. metan 703, 797. m§te 669, 793. meten 646. metsceatt 439. mette 704. -mettu 431. metud 88. meSe 253. micel 746. micggrn 48 7. midd 105, 447, 563, middan-'g^eard 529. mldl 449. mign-an 364. migan 554. miht 116, 743. mile 137. milde 43S, 677. milds 476. mildsian 438. milts 476. miltsian 438. milz 476. minne 591. minte 108. mioluc 89. 137. miox 84, 104, 135. mire 391. mise 295. mislecor 71- mislecost 71. mislic 71, 441. mist 104. mistlic 44I. mitty 431. mi51 449. mix 104, 554. mixian 505. m5d 310. moddrie 153. moder 578, 588. modor 310, 377, 732. modrige 153. molde 151. X 2 molde {inoitld) 151. 680, 838. molten 680. mona 311, 716, 832. monaS 311? 719- 824. mgnn 59, 152, 387, 591. mgn-^wicre 364. mor 716, 834. m5r-beam 315, 846. morgen 14, 151, 527. mornes (gen.) 527. morS 606. mos 267, 558, 679, 818. mos 469. moste 718, 845. mote (dat.) 827. moSi5e 462, 679, 758, 819. moSor 824. miiga 741. mul 326. Muncglu 488. munt 170. Munt-glof 488. munuc 170, 185, 823. mur 326. muman 839. miis 324, 560, 722, muscle 754. miiS 327, S35. mycel 197, 844. mycg 737, S06. mydd 190. myl(e)n 190, 750. mynet 191. mynster 191, 806. my re 725. myrge 188, 528, 688, 780. myrgS 528, 689, 810. myrS 528. myr3r(i)an 759, S48. 3o8 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. mys 725, 753, 811. myse 339. nacod 3, 5, 660, 769. nsedl 220, 449, 748, _799- naedre 764. nsegan 222. nsegl 27, 513, 738, 773- nseht 384. nSp 223. nseron 351. nses- 151. nses 351. nse^l 568. nafa 769. nafela 6, 769. nafola 6, 416. nafogar664, 734, 776. nafu 416. naht 116. nahwKr 73. nama 17. nan 695, 824. nast 351. nat 351. nauht 176, 217, 3CI. nawer 73. nawiht 696, 776. nawuht 217. neah 264, 708. neah-gebur 743. neaht n6, 126. nealScan 551. near 706, 793. nearo 40. nearwe 761. neat 303, 573. n^bb 667, 807. Nebrod 409. nectigalae 494. ned 259, 703, 798. Nefrod 409. nefte 420. neh 222, 264, 814. neh-gebur 802. nehsta I02. neista 102. Nemrod 409. neol 271. neolacan 286. neosian 553. neotan 303. neowe 585, 711, 803. nepte 420. ngrian 125, 364. nest 53, 555,641,666, 778. nest 553. ngtt 6(56, 779. neSan 255. neSl 568. nexta 102, 782. ni- 158. nid 296. nled 259, 296, 343. niehst 553. nieten 303. nifol 416. nift 613. nigon 512, 586, 678, 739, 813- nihol 271. nihold 158, 350. niht 116, 384, 590, .613, 743- nihtegale 494. niman 107. nistig 121. niSSas 463. nlwe 715. niwol 350. ngma 152. nomun 311. non 315, 832, 846. norS 758. NorSwic 760. nosSyrl 758. nosu 151, 364, 680, 827. nu 557- nunne 170. nybde 410. nyd 343- nyllan 198. nyllaS 351. nymSe 410. nysse 198, 351. nyste 351. nytan 198. nytt 303. nyttian 125. nytun 351. obst 253. -oc 88. oefstan 253. oeg 352. oehtan 255. oestful 255. oexen 57. of- 157. ofen 419, 679, 823. ofer 147, 417, 6S0, 733, 827. ofermettu 431. ofost 162. ofost 253. ofteon 274. oht 255, 313. ollunc 376. ollung 179. Oman 311. gmbor 406. on- 157. 2n-_i57. gn an 819. onbindan 17S. gnd 445. gndlgng 179, 376. gndrgedan 90, 25^, 787. 9ndreord 90. ^ndresn 253. gndrys(n 110395, 441, 455- gndswaru 732. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 309 2ndwli(o)ta 21, 139. yn efen 734. onettan 72. gngsegn 244. ^ngean 244. gngeotan 91. ^ngietan 91. gngnora 364. 2nhri,e)ne 309. onlSc 227. onleac 227. onliican 227. §nmang 660. gnoe^ung 255. onorettan 72. gnseon 268. gnsien 268. gnsyn 26S. ontenan 261. ontydre 149. gntynan 261. gnweald 456. gnwealhnes 456. oret 72. 5retta 72, 552. oreSian 76. orlege 150. open 680. ora 316, 716, 821. orcerd 488. orcgeard 488. ord 365. oroS 159. orsorg 150. ort 488. ort-geard 757. orSian 76. oni3 159. OS 312. osle 312, 716, 837. ost 310. Oswold 158. ot- 157. oS 160. 65er 312, 824. o^viht 320, owSer 320, 760. oxa 57, 146, 502, 558, 679. psegl 73S, 773. pKtig 370. pceS 31, 211, 463, 660, 751, 765. pal 205. palendse 206, 453. papa 205, 826. papol 751, 780. pawa 205, 239. Pavvel 207. pawun 239. pea 239, 398, 791. pearroc 752. Pefesig 804. pining 750. Peohtas 84. peosan 793. peru 54, 670, 796. pgSSan 463. pic 729. pin 294. pinn 108. pinsian loS. pis 295. pisle 295. pislice 295. ploece 493. plsecum 475. plsesum 475. plretse 475. pleah 37, 271. plegian 674, 774. pleoh 551. pleolic 551. pleon 271. ploh 720, 841. plume 326, S45. plyme 338. poccas (pi.) 728. p5l 831. popig 739- pratig 370. proettig 658, 783. prafost 398. preost 284, 816. profian 425. prut 756. pryte 756. puUian 683, 847. pund 170, 398, 686, 836. pimian 749. pyle 189, 354, 398. pylwe 806. pytt 189, 398, 806. quemde 501. quidu 501. quoen 501. ra 203, 825. rad i6i, 551, 830. rScan 790. rad 220, 263. rSdan 90, 220, 469, 790. ra.dde (pt. s.) 7S7. rSdels 700, 755, 809. ra;dic 223. rafnan 367. rSran 221, 697, 794. rSs 469, 698. raha 203. rand 385. rap 288, 826. rarian 831. raw 347, 839. read 363, 443, 573, 605, 706, 782. rec 267, 79S. recan 484, 5 84. rgccan 363, 484. red 263. rgfsan 635. reg(e:n 256,674,739, 774- reht 117, 119, 561. ren 256. 3IO OLD ENGLISH PLI 0X0 LOGY. reo 276. reocan 267. reod 443. reofan 397. reoht 81, 133. reon 277. reopa 2 88. reopan 2S8, 793. reord 90. reord (sb ) 365. reotan 363, 567. leowu 276. reowun 277. r?st 779. ribb 805. rica 292. rice 78. rlcsian 125, 503. ridan 713. rieht 133, 537. rifeling 368. rifter 420. riftere 420. rignan 290, 526. riht 117, 678, 743. rihtan 119. rim 810. rima 805. rinan 290, 526. rind 677. rinnan 387, 591. rlpan 288, 420. rixian 125, 503. ro 310. rod 716, 752, 819, 832. r?nd 589. rose 827. roS-hund 463. roSor 718, 759, 846. row 574. rowan 277, 840. rude 326. rudig 739. ruh 350, 724, 841. """ 324> 5^»o, 723. 834- run 324. runian 749. rust 723, 845. ruwes 350. ryge 690, 739, 8 13. lyhae 276. rypan 343, 397. rysc 844. ryStJa 463. sacc II. sada 201, 655. sadian 7. sadode 7. sadol 5. s^ 355. 697, 789. sffid 579. sa;d 220, 568, 635, 651, 697, 799. saxle 225, 257, 700. stegde 225, 257, 776. sffigdig 523. ScLgon 347, 514. sal 220. salig 700, 809. soendan 32. step 397- sseterndseg 31. sSton 646. SKX 34. safene 425. saga 738, 777- sagu 7^8, 777- sahtlian 8. sal 201, 655. sala 768. salb 404. salch 491. salf 404. salfie 423. sand 385. sang 659. sape S30. sar 692, 822. Sarcinas 293. sarig 320. sawan 467, 582, 691, 839- sawe 347, 627. sawol 217, 691, 76], 838. sawon 204. scadan 243, 249. scseft 401. scKp 241, 697, 799. scjep-hirde 781. scKpt 401. scSron 241. sc^S 789. scaga 738. scamol 747. scamu 1 2. scan 243, 694, 819. sceacan 47. sceadan 243. sceadde (pt. s.) 706, 782. sceadu 184. sceaf 791. sceaft 47. sceaga 777. sceal 47, 657, 763. sceale 769. sceamu 47. scean 243. sceap 241. sceapan 114. scear 662, 770. scearon 241. scearu 662, 770. sceat 229, 265. sceatt 47. scea'Sa 461. sceaw(i)an 232, 629, 692, 805. seed 249. seel 61. scgll 192. scgmel 60. scgndan 385. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. 3>i sceocca 94. sceoh 282, S14. sceolan 94. sceolde 837. sceolh 8.'. scegmu 93. sce9nd 93, 385, 589. sceop 93. sceopu 89. sceort 94. sceotan 229, 265. seep 241. sceran 669, 795. scet 265. scete 703, 798. scgSSan 463. scield 132, 817. scieldan 669. scigU 192. sci^'ppan 114, 129, 194' 399- scieran 131. scinan 288, 621, 754. scinu 675. scip 89. scippan 114. sciptara 20. sciptearo 20, 48. scir 288, 713. sclr-gerefa 816. sclat 498. scmegende 498. scnicendan 498. SCO 716, 829. scoc 718, 833. scocha 491. scofel 679, 824. scoh 282, 341. scohha 491. scol 831. scoln 680, 830. sc^mo 152. scorn 681, 821. screadde (pt. s.) 706, 782. screawa 803. scucca 94. scufan 325, 724, 825. sculan, 94, 169. sculdor 685, 838. scunian 844. scur 722. scurf 847. scyll 192. scyppan 194. scytel 844. scyttan 844. se 249. seah 37, 534. sealde 21 4. sealf 38, 404. sealfian 125, 733. sealge (dat.) 742. sealh 491. sealla 375. sealt 39, 659, 772. sealwe 761. seam 790. seamestre 706. sear 577, 637, 793. searo 156. searu 87, 184, 356. seaS 229. seax 37, 62. secan 253, 478, 584, 703, 796. s?cg 737- sgcgan 257, 489, 517. sed 568. sede 257. sedles 451. sefa 90. sefte 255. sgge 674. sggest 774. sgggan 517. segl 674, 774. segn 54. seista 102. seld 452. sella 369. sgUan 55, 192, 374, 779- selra 369. sgndan 59, 289, 444. sen?p 54. s?ng,i)an 667, 737, 807. senn 67. sec 708, 755, 784. seoc 267, 710, 809. seofa 90. seofon 88, 415, 467, 565, 635. seoh 625, 675. seohhe 541. seolc 89. seole 279, 709. seolf 82. seolfor 89, 137. seolh 82, 279, 745, 792. seon [see) 271, 302, 347- seon («y?) 274, 627. seorvvum 87. seod'an 229, 267, 79S. seowan 712, 805. seoxSi, 117, 133. sess 470. sesta 553. seten (pp.) 646. setl 451, 452, 464, 646. sjttan y^, 433, 583, 646. seS(e)l 451, 464. sex 52. sex [knife) 62. sexta 102, 553. si 518. sibb 407. sibun 565. sican 814. side 293, 446. sidwyrm 293. sigllan 192, 375. 313 OLD ENGLISH PHONOI^OGY. siendun 134. sierce 1 27. sigrwan 354. siex 133, 502. siexta 553. sife 818. sifun 565. sigsiS. sigdi 290. Sigel-hearwa 290, Sigen 293, 516. sigle 516. sigSe 739. Sil-hearwa 290. sima 556, 655. sind 429. sindun 134. sint 429. siodu 137. siolfur 89, 137. sioloc 89. siondun 134. Sirophinisc 294. sTst 302. sittan 433, 563. sis 289, 302, 562. si^'e 290, 713. sicS'San 760. SI wan 715. si wen 627. six 117. sla 216. sla {sloe) 825. slsec 26, 579, 657. slKgen 739, 773. slKp 397, 697. slrepan 220, 249, 263, _397> 610, 799. slsepte 781. -slaga 513. slapan 204. slat 498. slaw 201, 839. sleah 62. sleaht 126. slean 513. sl?cg 737. slef 703, 797. sleh 62. slep 249. slepan 263. slight 126. sloh 720, 841. sliih 724. sluma 845. slumerian 747. slupan 325, 397. smeoro 156, 356. smeortan 767. smerian 669, 794. smeSe 255. smigrwan 354. smiS 805. smiSSe 463. smocc 482, 594, 818. smocian 827. smoeSe 255. smugan 325. sna 355. snregl 225, 738, 773. snal 225. snaw 348, 572, 634, 839- snear(h) 579, 662. snggl 674. snoru 146, 559. soecan 321. softe 79, 255, 312, 717. sohte 321, 720, 842. somcucu 311. somnian 125. sona 311, 832. sorge (dat.) 742. sorh 543. sorig 320. sot 428, 646,718,833. 506255,312,716,832. spadle 451. spac 370. spatte (pt. s.) 699, 764. spanan 770. spatl 451. spaSel 45 1 . spearwa 657, 761. specan 370. spedan 797- spedde (pt. s.) 781. spere 670, 795. spinel 675, 749. spiSre 759. splwan 715, 804. splot 746. spoed 321. spon 311. spora 151. spra-c 370, 800. spiadde (pt. s.) 787- sprang 763. sprecan 370, 752, 792. spreot 710. spreut 103. spura 6S5, 847. spurnan 847. spynge 191. staf 28. stafn 381. stager 221, 702, 775. stagl 22 J. stsel 28. stalan 226, 466. stalwierSe 226, 446, 758. stanen 221. star 766. staS 26, 579, 652. staSlian 226. stafas (pi.) 769. stag 647. Stan 221, 691, 826. starian 4, 579, 770. staSelian 226, 466. staSol 226, 466. stealcian 771. steall 771. steam 790. steda 253. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. Z^^ stgde 667, 786. stefn 381. stefn {stent) 38 1. stelan 151, 668, 792. stele 703. stemn 381. stemn {s/evi) 381. stgnches 492. steop 259, 710, 782. steor 267, 801. steoran 801. steorbord "68. steorfan 767. steorn 783. steorra 83, 467, 672, 767. stepe 797. stepel 797. steppan 751. steupfpeder 103. stif S08. stigan 221, 288, 507, 564, 613, 633, 647. stigel 678, 739, 813. stI(gTap 525, 808. stigu 813. slille 373. stiward 525. stod 253, 718, 846. 5101310,652,716,831. stolen 151. strac 693, 695, 846. strgec 69, 468. strjegl 223. strSl 220. strSl {carpet) 223. strSt 223, 799. Strang 152, 659. strea 235. stream 468, 636, 705, 790. strec 69. strgccean 468. stredan 256. stregan 259, 581. stregdan 2,56. stren 259. Streneshalch 491. strfng 667, 807. strgngra ,-9. strgngffu 757. streon 259, 775. Streoneshealh 491. streowede 269. streowian 803. stri(e>an 297, 305, 344- strgng 59, 152. strudan 325. strynan 344. strypan 726. stryta 338. stup(i)an 722, 832. styrian 8 10. su 324, 560. sucan 723. 845. sucga 497. sufol 734. suftlere 425. sugan 325. sugga 497, 515. sugian 349. sugu 686, 740, 835. sulh I 79. suiting 179. sum 599, 823. -sum 179. sumor 6S4, 844. sund 385. sunder 168. sunne 843. sunor 749. sunu 167, 557, 684, 823. supan 325. sur 324, 722. suS 327. siiSerne 724, 8 38. SuS-folc 723, 760. SuSrige 760. SiiO-Seaxan 723, 760. Sut)-tun 723. suwian 349. swa 209, 762. swSs 220. swStan 787. swan 658, 765. swan 521, 693. swapan 632. swar 204. swat 202, 428. swaSu 769. swealwe 659, 7*5 f> 764. sweard 40, 772. swearm 663, 772. sweart 40, 756, 772. swefan 414, 609. swefn 1(15, 414. sweg 253. Swegen 99, 521. sweger 51, 620. swehor 52. Swein 99. swelan 88, 154. swellan 778. svvgnche 492. sweoloS 88, 154. sweor 52, 271. sweord 173, 673, 82T. sweorfan 671, 783. sweostor 97, 174, 468, 585. 636. sweotol 89. swgrgaS 509. swfrian 509, 671. swete 253, 428, 578, 796. swgSel 759. swift 632. swiftlere 425. swlgda^g 525. swigian 349, 514. swin 287, 324, 556. swiora 196. swiotol 155. swiotul 89. switlma 525. 314 OLD ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. swi'S 289. swoefn 165. swoeg 253. swogan 253, 841. swoloS 1 54. swor 717, 82 1. swotol 155. swugian 349. swnrd 173. swustor 174. swylc 729, 746, S44. swyra 196. syll 374, 806. syllan 192, 583. svndun 429. synn 67, 188, 388. syrfe 425. ta 203, 691, 756,826. tacen 77, 826. tacor 201, 499, 576. tKcan 546. tsefl 425. tag 227. tKgl 738, 773. taehher 539. ti^hst 546. tahte 743, 777. tsehS 546. tjelge (dat.) 742. teeppet 658, 807. tser 650. ttesan 789. tahte 696. tal 204. talu 55. 373,661, 768. tawian 204. teag 227, 229. teah 264, 513. team 237, 343, 791. tear 234, 706, 793. tegan 814. teh 264. t?llan 55. 374- ten 428, 616. teogoSa 278, 814. teogoc^ian 712. teoh 81. teoh(h)ian 81, 271, 541- teon 264, 270, 513, 616. teon (arrange) 271. teon {censtire) 274. teoru 20, 48, 672, 767. teo'Se 278. tgped 446. teran 606, 650, 670, 796. t?rg(i)an 668, 763. teS 796. tica 80S. tid 810. tiema 309. tien 428, 616. Tig 522. -tig 620. tigole 293, 678, 739, S13. tigffian 290, 526. tima 309. tiolian 138. tir 291. tISian 290, 526. TTw 522. tiwesdeeg 714, 848. toch 491. toefi 322. to-gitdere 31, 779. toh 313, 491, 721, 743, 841- tol 831. toll 373, 827. tolnere 373. torcht 491. toren 681. torht 151, 491, 606, 650. torr 1 48. toS 312, 322, 716, 833. toward 19. toweard 19, 158. tSwerd 70. toword 158. trag 204. trage 204. trahtian 11. tre(o)dan 91. treo 248, 357, 798. treowe 712, 848. treo\vc5 848. trifelung 425. trifot 425. troh 683, 841. truht 326, 836. tryndel 844. tuddor 177. tudor 177. tugon 513. tiin 261, 324, 721, 835- tunece 185. tunge 78, 601, 684, 735. 823. tunuce 185. turf 685, 847. tnsc 504, 754. tux 504. twa 585, 693, 829. tvva p^ningas 824. tw?g(e)a 56. tw?gen 774, tw^'If 165. twentig 620. tweo 271. tweogende 301. tweon 271. twi- 554. tvviefeald 158. twiefold 158. tulgendi 301. twiwa 554. tuoelf 165. tyge 739- tyn 428. tynder 687. OLD ENGLISH WORDS. ?>^S -S 461. Sa- 612. fJaccian 8. Sac 459, 479, 630. Ssencaa 32. Ssenne 779. Ski 698, 758, 7S6. Sset 612, 75S. ?isette 432. Sawan 204, 347. t^eada 24S. Seah 229, 264, 842. Searf 414. -^1 wet 700, 781. wether 666, 7 78. wey 801. whale 744. whales (pi.) 768. what 659, 765. wheat 697, 790. wheel 798. wheeze 799. when 658, 779. where 698, 786. whether 779. whey 701, 801. which 746. white 744. whither 731. who 694, 744, 829. whole 743. whom 694. whore 717, 743, 821. wick 667, wide 810. wield 669, 817. wier 817. wight 678. wild 677. will 805. willow 667, 806. wimple 750. Winchcomb 746. winnow,732. wire 714. wisdom 714. wish 726, 808. woad 830. woe 825. wolf 684. wolves 733. woman 734. womb 664, 829. women 676, 714. won 823. wonder 823. wont 731. woo 720, 741, 832. wood 683, 833. woodruff 846. wool 683, 833. Wootton 833. word 682. work (sb.) 672. work (vb.) 689, 822. world 672. worm 689, 822. worry 687, 823. worse 8 2 2. worship 760. worst 822. wort 689, 822. worth 672, 822. wot 819. would 837. wound (pp.) 686, 836. wound (sb.) 685, 837. wrath 758. wreath 789. wren 781. wrest 780. wrestle 7 So. Wright 816. write 756. writhe 760, 811. wrote 826. wroth 695, 820. wrought 682, 843. wych 676. yard {courf) 736. yard i^rod^ 672, 767. yam 736. yarrow 761, 763. yawneth 778. ye 702, 784. yea 795. yean 706. year 697, 794. yearn 671. yearning 788. yeast 792. yell 778. yellow 760. yes 676, 780. yet 782. yew 711, 803. yield 669, 736, 817. yoke 827. yolk 828. yore 822. you 711, 837. young 838. youth S37. yule 488. THE END. Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITV UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. WWIIU. 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