UC-NRLF Gun? IP John S. Prell MODERN ANTIQUITY, Ice. LONDON : PRINTED BY J. AND C. APLARI>, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. JOHN S, PRELL Qttf/ & Mechanical Engineer. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI* MODERN ANTIQUITY, AND OTHER POEMS. THE LATE REV. C. C. COLTON, AUTHOR OF " LACON," &c. FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, IN THE POSSESSfOX OF MARKHAM SHERAVILL. LONDON : K I X G, MONUMENT Y A R J> , A. H. BAILY & CO., CORNHILL. PREFACE. I MOST willingly admit that no poetry, having the slightest taint of mediocrity, would meet with readers in the present day; but, when we consider the following Poem, either as to its extent or its variety, or the masterly manner in which that diversity is handled, we feel assured that none who are in possession of " Lacon," or " Hypocrisy," will deem their libraries complete without the assistance of this their sister Muse. The dying request of my much-esteemed friend, the author of ''Modern Antiquity," that it should be printed after his death, involved me in a task of great difficulty. I say, it was a difficult A 3 M737843 VJ. PREFACE. task imposed upon me, because he desired I would write explanatory Notes to such parts of it as I should find necessary to be relieved from an almost unavoidable obscurity. He conceived the idea that I was fully acquainted with all the matter which his master-mind has endeavoured to express on the subject now before us. But Mr. COLTON, however he might feel convinced, after an acquaintance of twenty years, of my readiness to serve him to the extent of my power, deceived himself much s to my capability for such a task, and had formed too high an opinion of that which appears but too insignificant in the execution. A few hours previous to his death, Mr. Colton dictated the last four stanzas of " Modern Antiquity ," and at the same time expressed a wish that they had been more creditable to him and to the subject: how far his apprehension was well founded is for those to decide who are fit judges and liberal critics. PREFACE. vil. That the poem would have been retouched by his powerful pen, there can be little doubt; and that he would have added to it a long train of deep thought, fitting the subject he had in view, 1 know to have been his intention, if pain and disease had not wholly deprived him of that " Hope and Patience'' which he felt had quitted him for ever ! It may be said by some, that the object of this poem is of little worth, or that it possesses no moral : the fact of there being no moral attached to it, is certainly less reprehensible than if it in- culcated a bad one. The subject had been treated on before the late Mr. Colton gave it its present splendid form, as Bacon was the first writer to dispute the validity of the claims of our forefathers to true antiquity; claims that have produced much that is deplorable, if not more that is absurd. " True talent is the ray that flings A novel light o'er common things." Vlll. PREFACE. In the following pages we find many of those thoughts that would have been beautiful even in their simplicity and nakedness of nature, and are certainly not less so now that they are pre- sented in the best drapery and ornaments of art : we should be equally capable of detecting de- formity, were she arrayed in costly trinkets. In this poem we observe that the rhyme is almost invariably thrown upon the strongest word; which, however difficult to accomplish, is a rule that our poet strictly attended to. Antithesis became a powerful engine in such skilful hands as those of our author; and in most cases we may acknowledge that it had Truth for its root, and Wit for its fairest blossom. For his images and illustrations, he had recourse to the whole material and intellectual world: his researches were deep, and he frequently chose the most obvious as the most expressive, not- withstanding the chance that they had been an- ticipated ; while at other moments he selected PREFACE. some less clear and less evident, because they were novel, although they might possess the dis- advantage of being somewhat obscure. Metaphors have been described as the algebra of language, and their use or abuse is an almost unerring test of talent: we may venture to assert that the abuse of this elegant figure is scarcely to be found in this poem; for our author was not of that class of bad poets, who, when mounted on a metaphor, generally break down or bolt. I have heard Mr. Colton say, that, when he was writing his poem " Hypocrisy," (now out of print,) he had no books in the room in which he wrote; and it was only when he had finished that work that he examined with the originals the quotations he applied, in order to ascertain if his memory had been correct. That he wrote " Modern Antiquity" under the same circum- stances, would not be difficult for me to aver. During the progress of his writing, he did not appear at a loss for those close and remote re- X. PREFACE. semblances on which all wit and illustration de- pend. His memory was certainly very extraor- dinary and extensive : she is generally the friend of wit, though but too often the treacherous ally of invention; sometimes assuming her shape, sometimes counterfeiting her signature, and this so clumsily, that it deceives none but him alone who suspects the fraud the least, and whose cre- dit suffers the most. He observed to me one day, when I was speaking to him on his apparent want of books, that, if the mind be well stored, the less we have to do with books during the period of composi- tion the better. The truth of this remark was certainly exemplified in our immortal bard, Milton, whose works lost nothing by his blind- ness. Although " Modern Antiquity" was written in the winter of his life, which was somewhat rough and boisterous, Mr. Colton has shown sufficient proof that his mind retained to the last all the PREFACE. XI. freshness of spring, and all the fecundity of autumn. Mr. Colton (as I have already stated in a former page,) was labouring under great pain, from an old and inveterate complaint, at the time he finished the present poem. During the last four-and-twenty hours of his chequered life, he expressed to me more than once great doubt as to the probability of his recovery. I may say that he entertained a fear of death, and, while apprehending that awful moment, a sudden aberration of mind called it to his relief! How strange, that which he dreaded most, he courted as his only cure. We have witnessed moments when the best and the most learned men resigned their powers of reflection into the hands of de- spair, and abandoned the idea that good even may be inculcated by an example of courage and resignation. The insufferable agony with which Mr, Colton was afflicted, seemed at once tQ^cle- throne his reason, and render him the victim of XII. PREFACE. derangement.* Let us hope, in consideration of his respectable and extensive connexions, that a pall will be drawn over those deviations which humanity is subject to. That the good which he may have done should not be evil spoken of, it is but just that we should here state how invariably cautious he was of respect towards jevery hallowed subject; frequent in alleviating the miseries of others, even when in affliction himself; and last- * It may be presumed that suicide will unhappily be- come more frequent as civilization and its improvements advance, as it proceeds from causes that such a state con- tributes very much to create and multiply. There are eloquent though silent actors, that but too often succeed in tempting us from our right path : they are to be found in this our age, which has been termed an age of refine- ment; and, if they do exist elsewhere, they have not attained a sufficient influence to produce any fatal results ; for we hear of few instances of suicide among rude and barbarous tribes : ready to destroy one another, they rarely lift the murderous band against themselves. PREFACE. Xlll. ing will be the benefits of his aphorisms to the studious and contemplative, and which, if care- fully gleaned, must still the voice of the enemy and avenger, forcing even such to tread lightly over the ashes of his untimely grave. It was erroneously stated, at the moment of Mr. Colton's death, that he was in a state bor- dering on poverty: such was not the truth. He had been for a long time substantially assisted by his family, which is confirmed by a letter he wrote to his aged mother only a few days before the awful moment of his decease, in which he thanked her for her ample remittances. We hav,e spoken of Mr. Colton's high respect towards every hallowed subject. In his frequent and unrestrained conversations with me on the possibility of a future state of immortality, his opinions and conclusions always tended to this one great truth, that " this world cannot explain its difficulties without the assistance of another." He would strongly urge the necessity of a ge- XIV* PREFACE. neral acceptation of the Christian doctrines, as the safe side : " they are/' said he, " the only thing that can give permanent consistency to virtue, or appal vice with apprehension and alarm ; they give solidity to our happiness, and are a solace to our minds. A belief in a future state," continued he, " is necessary to the well- being of society : without that belief, an oath, in many instances our sole guide to truth, becomes an empty sound." I asked him, one day, what he considered the strongest proof in favour of Revelation : he re- plied, " The History of the Life of Christ, par- ticularly as exhibited in the Gospels, and the morality adducible from it: they are so pure and perfect, so salutary to our nature, so suitable to our condition, that they are in every respect worthy of that high source from whence they are supposed to emanate." "The Life of Christ," he continued, " was so perfect, that, without an Original, the copy could not have been drawn : PREFACE. XV. the corruption introduced by men into the prac- tice of Christianity is no argument against the purity of Christianity itself." Such were the general opinions and convic- tions of the Author of " Lacon," expressed in unreserved conversations with me on these highly interesting and most important subjects. By the sudden death of Mr. Colton we shall be deprived of a great literary feast, inasmuch as the Memoirs of his own Life, extraordinary and singular as it was, remain unfinished. The out- line of this work promised much: it was richly adorned with the characters of the most leading men of his time and of the age; the Notes indi- cate a great variety of matter and anecdote, which it was his intention to throw into them, in the shape of opinion of men, with a review of their public conduct and literary productions, finely worked up with that acute language and satire which marked his writings and conversa- tion. Writing was to Mr. Colton an intellectual XVI. PRKFACE. pleasure of such a magnitude, that latterly he sought no other; and his nights were dedicated to this recreation rather than to sleep. The ma- terials with which his mind was so well stored, could never cloy or remain idle : far from deterio- rating his mental powers, the constant exercise of those materials seemed only to invigorate. In one of the Notes connected with his own Memoirs, he says, " I for one would rejoice to live my life over again to please myself, but cer- tainly should think it hard to be obliged to do so to please others." But, alas ! we have seen by this short sketch, that there exists a paradox but too common to humanity ; which is, that those live who wish to die, and those die that have the greatest desire to live. Mr. Colton complained to me lately of the failure of his eyesight : even from- this circum- stance he would draw a conclusion that would not occur to every one: " It is a warning," said he, " to shut up all books, to study our own PRKPACE. XV11. character, that we may amend, and benefit by those former readings that were, or ought to have been, the occupation of our youth and manhood. I have already said that, in the sketches among Mr. Colton's papers intended for his memoirs, the career of many worldly men is finely traced ; but it must not be understood that they are written with disgusted misanthropic disappoint- ment, or with the querulous debility of old age : he considered the arrangement of these memoirs as a recreation, a reaction to be attempted at less cost; and not more a matter of amusement to himself, than they certainly would have been, like many of his former works, of great profit and advantage to the reader. The best recompense that a man can offer to posterity, who has passed through a long and an eccentric life, certainly would be to offer a life well written. Examples, otherwise pernicious, may thus be converted into warnings, and our b XV111. PREFACE. defects may teach others to conquer. What little skill or prudence we may have evinced may 1 be rendered more beneficial to others, by candidly examining the how, the when, and the where; and, should our wisdom or our sagacity not have accomplished all that might have been done, what they have accomplished may have been for a moment tarnished by an intoxication of success. MARKIIAM SIIERWILL, CONTENTS. PREFACE . MODERN ANTIQUITY NOTES TO DITTO 1 tO 38 , 39 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. SOCIETY ........ 59 ON BEING ASKED, BY A LADY, WHAT IS WIT? . . 63 OLD AGE ........ 65 ON THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF OLMEDO, THE POET LAU- REATE OF PERU, HAVING BEEN SELECTED BY THAT REPUBLIC TO NEGOTIATE ANOTHER LOAN IN LONDON. 06 AMBITION ........ 67 XX. CONTENTS. ON SEEING THE BUST OF SOCRATES IN A DEBATING SOCIETY ........ ib. REDDES DULCE LOQUI ..... .68 HOPE 69 HUMAN HAPPINESS ...... 70 A TRUISM .71 DESPAIR ......... 72 ON THE STATUE OF THE VENUS DE MED1CIS . . 73 ODE ON THE DEATH OF LORD BYRON . . ib. FRIENDSHIP 79 NEQUE SEMPER ARCUM . . . . . .80 NAPOLEON ........ 81 FAME ......... 82 EXAMPLE ........ ib. JEU DE MOT, ON MR. HUNT'S ADDRESS TO THE RADI- CALS, AT THE CROWN AND ANCHOR TAVERN. . . 83 THE FATES 84 FAITH AND HOPE ....... ib. HUMILITY . . . . . . . 85 CONFESSION .86 PRETEXTS AND MOTIVES 87 AURUM POTENTIUS ICTU FULMINEO . . . .88 TO THE TRUE POET 89 CONTENTS. XXh PAIN. WRITTEN DURING A PERIOD OF SEVERE AGONY. 90 TO DR. PARR'S BIOGRAPHERS .... 91 JULIUS AND JULIA 93 ALARMISTS ib. JUDGMENTS . .94 "OREMUS UT SIT MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO" . 95 WISDOM AND FOLLY 96 WRITTEN AT MIDNIGHT ..... 97 BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE . . . . . .98 TIME 99 PERSECUTION . . . . . . . ib* ADVERSITY . . . . . . . 100 PRAYER 101 PROLIXITY ....... 103 CONCORDIA DISCORS . . . . . .104 " LUMENQUE JUVENTJE PURPUREUM" . . . 105 IMPROMPTU ON THE BISHOP OF AIX, WHO LATELY BEQUEATHED HIS HEART TO THE JESUITS. . . 106 UNDE ET QUO 107 A MISTAKE . . . . . . . 108 BIOGRAPHERS. LINES ; BEING AN ANSWER TO A LET- TER FROM AN OCTOGENARIAN, INFORMING ME THAT HE HAD GIVEN UP AUTHORSHIP, AND THAT A FRIEND OF HIS WAS ABOUT TO WRITE HIS LIFE. . . 100 XX11. CONTENTS. INSTINCT Ill BAYLE 113 A CHARACTER , . . . . . .114 AN IMPROMPTU ON FfRST HEARING THE NEWS OF LORD BYRON'S DEATH 115 "QUISQUE SU^E FORTUNE FABER EST" . . . 110 VOLTAIRE 118 THE BARD ........ 122 SOCRATES 124 JEALOUSY ........ 125 LINES ADDRESSED TO LANE FOX, ESQ., WHOSE HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY FIRE, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CONFLAGRATION OF YORK MINSTER; TOWARDS THE RESTORATION OF WHICH HE MUNIFICENTLY GAVE A THOUSAND POUNDS. 126 COURAGE 127 COMPENSATION 128 DEATH 129 AVARICE 131 HOPE ...... . 132 FORTITUDE ........ 11). VICE AND VIRTUE . 134 WIT AND TRUTH . . . . . . 135 CONTENTS. XXIH. QUANDOQUE BONUS DORMITAT HOMERUS . . . ih, BURNS ........ 13t> A NAME. VIDET RIDET. . . . . .137 THE VILLAGE HERO 138 CEREUS IN VITIUM FLECTT. A PARALLEL CASE. . 140 ENERGY . . . . . . . 141 LIFE 143 GRJECI7E MALEDICTIO . . ... 144 POLEMICS 147 LORD BACON 14S "AN TIBI VIRTUS VENTOSA IN LINGUA?" . . 152 FRIENDSHIP AND INGRATITUDE. AN ALLEGORY. . 153 TINNIT INANE EST ! 154 REVENGE ........ 155 "BUM TENER IN CUNIS JAM JOVE DIONUS ERA'f" . 156 A WORD TO THE WISE ..... II). NOTES TO THE MISCELLANEOUS POEMS . 157 MODERN ANTIQUITY. " Ea enim pro vera antiquitate habenda est, quae temporibus nostris tribui debet, non junior! aetati mundi qualis apud anti- quos fuit." LORD BACON. THE sun is old, as may be known From spots around his brightness thrown ; The sea is old, as still appears, Whene'er his hoary head he rears ; And earth, that hath for ages spun Her giddy circle round the sun, Must burn, or beg the Polar Bear To cool her axle, scorched with wear : 2 MODERN ANTIQUITY. The stars, to music of the spheres Their twinkling feet and listening ears Have lent so long, that some the dance Have quitted/ for a welcome trance. So old and ancient are the hills, Their date a musty proverb fills ; And all the fire that warmed their breast, By frost of ages is suppressed; 2 The rivers are so far from youth, They Ve worn both rock and pebble smooth ; And some, with pioneering wave, Have dug their own gigantic grave. But Thou 3 that o'er th' Egyptian hurled Thy crystal wall, and didst a world Both made and marred record, Oh, deign to tell, Seer of the pillared flame, and granite well! MODERN ANTIQUITY. Who taught old Mother Earth to hide The lava's age-repeated tide, And bid, though centuries toiled in vain, Her thousandth Eden bloom again ? Or solve what seras, since the shock Of flood and flame, rived hill and rock, Have rolled to turn to flint and stone The Bison's horn the Mammoth's bone! Imbedded deep and dark they lie, 'Neath mountains heaped on mountains high ; So long, their very race is spent, They exist but in their monument ; But who their mausoleum made? Did earthquakes wield that mighty spade That renders all thy Babel piled But the card-castle of a child ? B 2 4 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Strange ! that Creation can't afford Such pomp to shroud her sixth-day's Lord, But gives each mean or monstrous thing- That burial she denies her king! These are Earth's secrets but to gain Those of that Deep thou rent in twain, Twere worth a dull eternity Of common life to question thee. Call to thy council, all the scribes That Israel trained in all her tribes, Canst thou, or they, by scale or line Of Matter, Measure, Weight, define ? What giant 4 reared those isles that brave With coral brow the southern wave, A world reconquered from her foe, And conquering still, doomed still to grow. MODERN ANTIQUITY. Thy Noah saw one world destroyed, His sons are better far employed ; They build an ark their father's trade To find out worlds already made; Compared to which, the works of man, Till but an atom, last a span ; Though Archimedes the compass bent, And Chseops all his myriads lent ! View, sons of Egypt, Rome, and Greece, What Time can't mar, but must increase ; Your rules remodel, and reform, And seek your master in a worm ! Canst find a plummet more profound Than these immortal builders sound Dire fathoms deep, and then detect A grub the mighty Architect ! O MODERN ANTIQUITY. Proud cities ! hives of prouder men, What are ye now ? th' Hyaena's den ; With hoof unshod the Zebra bounds O'er prone Palmyra's mouldering mounds. Who laid your shroud of sable on, O Tadmor, Thebes, and Babylon ! Then left, your spectred forms to deck, Nought but the ruin of the wreck ? But Time himself is aged grown, His teeth are gone with crushing stone ; His might to mow his scythe forbids, 'Twas shattered on the Pyramids. Then we, that on these days are thrown, Must be the oldest Ancients known : The earliest, modern Earth hath seen, Was Adam, in his apron green. MODERN ANTIQUITY. He lived when young Creation pealed Her morning hymn o'er flood and field, Till all her infant offspring came To that great christening for a name. While Earth, a virgin then, repaid His gentle toil without a spade ; And, decked in flowrets, dared the plough To trace a wrinkle on her brow. Then in his teens, a stripling blithe, Time worked his wing, but not his scythe, His leisure, pleasure his employ To ripen beauty not destroy. Unyoked by science to the sail, Young zephyrs sported in the gale, Or wantoned with the jocund wave- A truant then, but since a slave. MODERN ANTIQUITY. The youthful Sun, \vith bridal smile, Kissed ocean continent and isle ; No Joshua curbed, no comet quailed, No dim eclipse his glory veiled. Then he that would the Ancients know, Must forward come, not backward go ; The learned lumber of the shelves Shows nothing older than ourselves. Yet Prejudice discovers true Antiquity, where all his new ; And more perversely still doth hold That all is new where all is old. Prescribing, with dogmatic pen, Her milk of babes, as meat to men ; Nor kens the river's mighty bed, Still poring o'er the fountain-head. MODERN ANTIQUITY'. But who in older times than we Shall live ? That infant on the knee, 5 See sights to us were never shown, And secrets know to us unknown. He on that Vantage-ground shall stand, That must far nobler views command ; By each successive hand or head, With grandeur clothed or verdure fed. Each buried sage might beg the boy To read a lecture on his toy, 6 On principles profounder planned Than Boyle divined, or Bacon scanned ; And, ere his lip with down be spread, He might instruct their hoary head Till, wrapped in wonder, o'er his tongue The pensive shade of Newton hung. 10 MODERN ANTIQUITY. For man alone of all that lives In ocean, earth, or air derives Light from his fellows 7 Man alone, By tracing- backward, marches on : O'er all that has been retrospects, And hence on all that is reflects ; And where success or failure steers, A beacon or a Pharos rears. Keen to one point, beyond it blind, Could Instinct here compete with Mind, Some change had marked the spider 's loom, Bee's fragrant cell, or beaver's room : Then might yon ape be taught to swell And feed the flame, he loves so well; 8 Or India's ant to shun the bank Where all his van by millions sank, MODERN ANTIQUITY. 11 For Instinct is as one that sees The hour-hand trace its slow degrees, But ne'er can tell the time of day By such a circumscribed survey ; But Man his firm foundation lays On past experience, and surveys His Sons progressing in their might Like Time through darkness as through light: 10 Through darkness with man's nonage blent, When each unconquered element, Not hope, but havoc did afford By turns man's tyrant or his lord. Through light when ray with ray combined, Collects, by mind propelling mind, From all earth, air, or ocean yield, Safety or strength a sword or shield, 1'2 MODERN ANTIQUITY. By time deciduous, scooped by worms, 11 Docked in ravines, and launched by storms, The bark, that sculked from nook to nook, And feared a wreck in every brook, Bore in her rotten womb the plan That changed the destinies of man, Dominion gave, and bid him roll The Thunderer's peal from Pole to Pole. Wedded the Nations, joined their hands, Their goods, their chattels, and their lands, Made all that 's viewed from Andes' ridge No more a barrier, but a bridge! Transplanted half that Anak brood That Earth overshadows, to the flood, And forests launched, but bend before That blast had levelled them on shore. MODERN .AXTIQUITY. 13 But whether art, by entreaty 'gulled, With phantom-forms amuse the child, Or bid her tube Protean ope Thy fairy freaks, Kaleidoscope; Or, soaring view from silken ball The "Condor's watery double wall ; Or dive with Davy's net, to tame As Vulcan, Mars the fettered flame : Yet still with her! what's meanest tends Full oft to mightiest, loftiest ends, Bids Newton's apple, Franklin's kite, Give laws to Lightning and to Light. The hoary Sage, 13 that first did raise, Slow steaming from his faggot's blaze, The subtle Vapour, instant hailed Alcides, in his cradle veiled ; 14 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Reason and Force, too oft opposed, For once their hands resistless closed, Combined to rear, and pledged their troth, This full epitome of both. Then, limb by limb the giant rose, A Sampson e'en in swaddling clothes ; Matured he changed Earth's form and face, And half subjected time and space ; Pierced through the mountain's bowels deep, Where sunless, countless treasures sleep, And, like a Nero, ripped the womb From whence his iron sinews come ; The cost of all his outfit, told And summed, he paid a thousand fold ; And where the barren desert frowned, The ransom of a Croesus found. MODERN ANTIQUITY. 15 Thy hundred arms, O Briareus, To match with his, 'twere little use, His flail to dust thy bones would grind, His winnow blow them to the wind. Command his speed, and quick elope, And double distance th' antelope; 14 Or dare him, and the race he'll win From all that feather hath, or fin ; Or task his strength, and straight embark With all that lumbered Noah's ark ; Then mast-less, sail-less, oar-less ride Triumphant against wind and tide; 15 Yet can those giant fingers ply The spindle for his Omphaly, Her cestus weave and broidered zone, Mould all her trinkets one by one. 16 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Her mirror form, her tresses fold In microscopic mesh of gold ; Or spread the gossamer to shroud Her beauties as the moon a cloud. Though prompt to pile, if needs be done, A pyramid, by set of sun, 16 Or mountains move, might gall a train Of harnessed elephants in vain ; Wouldst fit him for the field, proclaim All former strife a truant's game, Tis war no longer but a wreck Of helmed head, and bridled neck : Not spoil, but havoc none are ta'en Not rout, but ruin all remain, That fought but not a tongue to tell The fate that all alike befel ! MODERN ANTIQUITY. 17 Still foot by foot, and year by year, This giant gains in growth and gear, But what he shall be, none can say But those that bide the Judgment-day; Or wait some deluge thundering forth His hundredth ploughshare o'er the earth; Then those might boast, that chance survived, They invented that, they but revived. But Time, nor rhyme, can tell the throes As perfect from imperfect rose Of minds that writhed in Error's yoke, Ere from Art's acorn burst her oak. 17 Long was the labour, tough the toil, Ceaseless the conflict and turmoil Of those, that PREJUDICED that old Antseus braved, and half controlled c 18 MODERN ANTIQUITY. As Cacus brutes he fetters men, And drags them backwards to his den, Puts out their eyes, then bids them go And guide their brethren that have two : Then 'tis his wont when sorely pressed, To rouse some buried name from rest, His prowess vaunt, expose his head, And scare the living with the dead. He crotchets had, and many a whim, But who denied them woe to him, He 'd lash or lecture, many thought Twas better to befogged than taught. He did maintain 'twas not the blade But scabbard that the faulchion made, And that the merits of a steed Lay in his trappings, not his speed. MODERN ANTIQUITY. 19 He swore no living mortal, yet, E'er got beyond his Alphabet; Termed cities nought but Riot's schools, The masters dead the scholars fools : He said, the seed that held the tree Must, of the two, the greater be ; And that the Nile, at fountain-head, Was mightier far than in his bed : He held a feast, and there and then Served meat to babes, and milk to men, And swore 'twas proper, will or nill, And crammed it down with club or quill. An old decrepit dwarf he kept, That never talked but when he slept, This was his oracle, he 'd note All these his babblings down, and quote : c 2 20 MODERN ANTIQUITY. He sunk a well, at vast expence Of time and cost, and drew from thence Some muddy water, this he swore Excelled the river at his door ! He dubbed the faggots from his wood The best logicians since the flood, That threw more light on things unknown Than e'en from truth or reason shone ; Strong slaves he had, and not a few, But how to rule them never knew, Their rebel hands but ruin spread, And sometimes broke their master's head ; He brought a parrot up, to speak All languages, and whistle Greek ; What pleased him most, when all was done, Was this He could talk sense in none; MODERN ANTIQUITY. 21 He trained an elephant, with skill, His teapot night and morn to fill, At length the beast, from sheer excess Of food, succumbed, and idleness; He had a guide 19 that knew the way O'er all his grounds, by night or day ; But him he kept in durance close, At cost of his own shins and nose. These freaks of his, to some may seem Irrelevant unto my theme, But those who through the surface pierce, Will see the Moral of my verse : His neighbours, these vagaries sad Had watched, and deemed him daft, or mad, Albeit he sometimes dealt a hint That had a world of method in *t; 22 MODERN ANTIQUITY. At length they mustered all their power To force his keep, and storm his tower, And hand him, bound, by hook or crook, Over to Bedlam,- or St. Luke; If 'twas a task his cave to force, To clear and cleanse it was a worse; Its age augmented trash to rout, Had worn th' Augsean besom out; For Prejudice had been, in truth, An antiquarian from his youth, And any rubbish, so 'twas old, To his chaotic hoard he rolled; He dragged the mile-stone from its bed That Ajax hurled at Hector's head, On which was graved, what must destroy All cavil " SEVEN MILES FROM TROY I" 20 MODERN ANTIQUITY. 23 Here pile on pile, embattled stood, All reading, none could read or would; Huge folios ranged, but not for show! With these he levelled many a foe. Systems, by others or themselves Overthrown, all settled on his shelves, Nor one, so 'twas exploded, lacked, But, chose them, like old China, cracked; Flawed astronomic cycles, charts From Tycho, Ptolemy, Descartes, Old armour too that buckled on Twas vain alike to fight or run ! With lantern of Diogenes, And slipper of Empedocles, 21 And self-same ink-horn, and ink too ! That Martin at the Devil threw; 22 24 MODERN ANTIQUITY. He showed the very shoes that shod The Giant-race before the flood, And "clouted" too, yet would they suit And tightly fit a common foot ! The bones of martyrs he'd parade, A second army might have made, And if a head, or heart or so, Was scant 'twas even some had two ! ! But most he prized th' identic hat Of him who proved a ball vfd♭ And a huge jack, his mightiest feat, That made the grate turn, not the meat! He had a tube that spied out true Antiquity, where all was new; Reversed, it as correctly told That all is new. where all is old. MODERN ANTIQUITY. 25 And an old almanack to show Who live the longest, youngest grow, And that the world, as here displayed, Was oldest, when it first was made I 23 Think of their toil, that did embark To force and cleanse this second ark, While "many a rude repeated stroke" Of sledge and axe the portal broke; But Prejudice who hated nought So much as Innovation, fought Most manfully to keep aloof These rough reformers from his roof: Some then he mangled, some he slew, And others to the fire he threw, And some He took, these made a boast, He'd try them all but first would roast : 26 MODERN ANTIQUITY. But finding that the fight grew warm, He had recourse to spell and charm ; More imps and goblins summoned he Than e'er beleagured Anthony. But, once an entrance gained, they found Much more to frighten, than to wound, And clouds of fancied enemies Turned out but dust to blind their eyes. At length in his own Donjon penned, He thought it time to call a friend ! Skilled to divide, distract, or make His foes their very selves mistake ; The despot Doubt, 24 that some hath taught They 're not of bone or body wrought : 25 And others in a trance control, From which they wake without a soul! MODERN ANTIQUITY. 27 DOUBT! Anarch old that staggers all 26 The mighty vulgar as the small, Claims from all hearts th' allegiance won, Yet satisfaction gives to none; And still resisted, still must reign, Dreaded abhorred reviled in vain, Sole tyrant he, that still must thrive, While any of his subjects live ! The stoutest arm he fastest binds, Still strongest in the strongest minds; Who struggles hardest, suffers worst, And tightens bands he cannot burst. Doubt to his loathed embraces woos One goddess that would fain refuse; HOPE fairest daughter of the skies, She with Him droops without Him dies; 28 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Fear is his mistress, she in sooth Flies not, but seeks him, nothing loth, His converse courts, by bed or board, And loves more than herself, her lord : Their union teemed one monster grim, More false than her more fell than him SUSPENSE, that blends our double dread, His Mother's heart his Father's head! Like Hannibal with Rome, from youth Doubt sneers eternal war with Truth, Till with one voice, both Truth and Time, O'er Doubt and Death their Psean chime; But till that hour arrive he tries To whisper down these enemies, And hints 'twere better trust a spark, Than risk their rendering all things dark ; MODERN ANTIQUITY. 29 Thus those reversions that inspire A Wilson's zeal, a Sydney's fire, Doubt would but Faith forbids destroy, And cancel the security: For Wisdom would with Virtue wed, And e'en on earth their nuptial bed Might Angels bless, and Heaven their hands Unite ! but Doubt forbids the banns ; Shows just enough of future ill To make us pause but not stand still, And just enough of future grace To make us start not run the race ! But HE that made the struggle hard, Hath heightened also the reward; Th' uncertain haven, and the storm, Tis these a Palinurus form! 30 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Doubt most dreads Truth, and right before Her portal stands, and bolts the door; Her choicest treasures too hath he Locked up but cannot find the key; For nought illumes his tower or wall, Let him that scales them heed a fall, Or take a torch, for scarce a spark Hath he, nor fights but in the dark ; Shrouded in night, the random blows, - He deals alike on friends and foes, Had made the one-eyed Cyclops shun, This mightier giant, that hath none! Would'st bind this Sampson' sleeping? He Alas is sure to wake with thee ! One foe can foil him but beware Nor seek that dread ally Despair ! MODERN ANTIQUITY. 31 Doubt's castle on Conjecture's sea, Stable from instability, Rides, lashed to moorings more profound Than art can solve or wisdom sound; Yet hath it weathered many a gale, Hath made the loftiest structures quail, By master-builders proudly planned, To stand awhile, then sink in sand; Whether by craft Chaldean, thrown O'er Memnon's head, and Dendrah's zone, Or marble dome, or ruin wild, By Phidias carved, or Druid piled: O ye ! that followed long the torch t That beamed from stoa, grove, or porch, O mourn with me ! their lamps puffed out, And one by one by breath of Doubt : 32 -MODERN ANTIQUITY. His household troops, that neutral ground Command, 'twixt light and darkness, found A space strown thick, and wide, and far, With wrecks and ruins of the war! Few pierce this limbo-land of cloud, But doff their armour for their shroud, And leave to cheer their comrades on Their trophies and their skeleton ! Yet inroads on this gloomy realm, That mists and shadows overwhelm, Are made, for all that Truth would hail, Must force this frontier line, or fail; And through this Vestibule have passed All master-minds the first, as last, And inch by inch, and day by day, Have cut their road, or fought their way; MODERN ANTIQUITY 33 Yet good from evil may be wrought : Y Who never doubted never thought ; The battle brightens, but the truce Rusts out the blade for want of use; Who thinks as others, and agrees With all, finds nought, and little sees; Did all accord, then all might stand Stock-still, and darkness drown the land ! " Complacent dullness," witnessed long All men agreed but all men wrong, No Discord jarred her gentle rule, Nor ruffled Error's stagnant pool; E'en Luther, harnessed out by Truth, Proud Leo fought, or Henry, both; Or he the Wizard deemed, allied His Talisman to reason's side; 34 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Their thunder pealed o'er papal Rome, Braved her anathemas, her gloom Dispelled, and struck her conclave mute, Trembling to threaten, or refute! True talent is the ray that flings A novel light o'er common things; And those that dead most followers boast, Alive with others differed most; Think with the crowd, and present blame Thou shalt escape, and future fame, And live at ease, but vainly sigh For Harvey's immortality ! Columbus differed, but he found The prize his mighty mission crowned, And bid a new world rise, t' unfold The rooted errors of the old ! MODERN ANTIQUITY. But tell Val d'Arno ! Fiesole ! Your starry pilgrim's destiny; What was your Galileo's life? For truth a race, with Doubt a strife! Alike decried, alike deplored, Alive rejected, dead adored; Theirs* did galling fetters bind, The second in a dungeon pined ! But think not such, their fate bewailed, When friendship frowned, or fortune failed, Or life! Death but ensured their prize, As night hides earth t' unveil the skies I 27 True fame's a plant that seems to need A body buried for its seed; And ere the churlish sucklings thrive, The parent-stock mustce^se to live! D2 36 MODERN ANTIQUITY. The good, the great, the wise, the just, Are little valued till they 're dust, Nor till they mutter " Earth to earth," Can men perceive another's worth ! To find and count his merits o'er The noisome cell of Death explore, Thus Indians search, so travellers tell, For finest pearls the putrid shell! 28 Thus great or little, old or new, Doubtful or certain, false or true; Discordant else, all aid my rhyme, Prove time by truth, and truth by time. Who lived the longest he but staid To witness the foundation laid, Or he that outlived Solomon And saw that seventh wonder done MODERN ANTIQUITY. And science ere her wing was grown, Like eaglet, from his craggy throne Delayed, for strength by trial won,- Her flight adventurous to the sun. Wisdom alone, refreshed by time, Still marches onward to her prime, Doomed, like the lines 29 herself can teach, To approach it never never reach. Who lived before us did in truth See Wisdom's childhood; we, her youth; But men nor days, unborn, untold, Shall ever witness Wisdom old ! Time's light, and depth, and breadth, and length, Add force to force, and strength to strength, To that alone that cannot die, Nor even touch maturity. 38 MODERN ANTIQUITY. Then let not error's pedant head Subject the living to the dead; But break her old inverted rule, That sent the master back to school. Replant the tree of knowledge, thrown By book-winked bigots upside down; And bury what they ate the roots, And what they buried, eat, the fruits. Till universal Truth shall gain Her empyrean, Doubt must reign; O then let Truth the centre be, The circle, Unanimity ! NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 1 , page 2. " The stars, to music of the spheres Their twinkling feet and listening ears Have lent so long, that some the dance Have quitted, for a welcome trance." Lost stars, as, for instance, in the Pleiades and the tail of the Ram. Note' 2 , page 2. " So old and ancient are the hills, Their date a musty proverb fills ; And all the fire that warmed their breast, By frost of ages is suppressed." The tops of many mountains bear signs of having- once been volcanoes, now extinct. 40 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note*, page 2. " But Thou that o'er th' Egyptian hurled Thy crystal wall, and didst a world Both made and marred record, Oh, deign to tell, Seer of the pillared flame, and granite well ! " The questions addressed to Moses in this and the fol- lowing stanzas, are beautifully poetical, and hint, as our author very justly observes, at some of" Earth's secrets :" while to question "the seer of the pillared flame" on other facts, " were worth a dull eternity." Note 4 , page 4. 1 What giant reared those isles that brave With coral brow the southern wave." The giant that formed and still continues to increase the Isle of France and other islands in "the southern wave," is the small zoophite insect that inhabits the coral reefs. This pigmy architect, like his brother fish, the madrepore, (the original builder of the islands of Malta and of Gozo,) commences at the bottom of the sea, the NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 41 foundation of the embryo isle, and continues through ages to augment the testaceous fabric, until at length it reaches above the waves, and presents a resting-place for birds : in process of time these newly erected points become solid, and some enterprising navigator designates them as newly discovered islands. Should not the gigantic labours of these insects humble the arrogance of haughty man ? and should not the reflections called forth by such mighty wonders make the atheist to adore the Creator of all? Your rules remodel and reform, And seek your master in a worm." Note 5 , page 9. " But who in older times than we Shall live? That infant on the knee, See sights to us were never shown, And secrets know to us unknown." The debt of respect and reverence entailed upon us by the efforts of those who lived before us, is a just debt; but this debt has been consigned to some who, in their zeal for their clients, would gladly foreclose the mortgage, and seize on the estate. It might with safety be affirmed, that 42 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. science is at this moment in such a state of rapid progres- sion, that the tyro of the next century will be competent to instruct the ablest proficient of the present, in some of the most important secrets in "rerum natura," could the hoary scholar be brought up to take the benefit of the ac- quirements of his juvenile preceptor. Note 6 , page 9. Each buried sage might beg the boy To read a lecture on his toy, On principles profounder planned Than Boyle divined, or Bacon scanned/' We must, of course, read this line to refer to far more noble discoveries than the mere whipping a top, or flying a kite. It is, perhaps, unfortunate that many of the later discoveries will have a tendency of a destructive, rather than of a salutary nature j and it is not on all occasions that philosophy, like the safety-lamp, while she gives light, prevents the conflagration. NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 43 Note 7 , page 10. For man alone, of all that lives In ocean, earth, or air, derives Light from his fellows ; Man alone, By tracing backward, marches on." Buffon, in his introduction to the history and general character of Parrots, has written much on the power of imitation in birds and animals, and, after explaining the two distinct sorts of imitation, says, " Nous n'apprendrons jamais aux animaux a se perfectionner d'eux-memes. Chaque individu peut emprunter de nous sans que Tespece en profite : aucun ne peut communiquer aux autres ce qu'il a recu de nous." Note 8 , pacje 10. ' Then might yon ape be taught to swell And feed the flame, he loves so well." It is a well-known fact, that a monkey will sit by a fire, rub his hands, and warm himself with great delight; but he was never yet known to "feed the flame," by adding any kind of fuel to the dying embers. 44 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 9 , page 10. * Or India's ant to shun the bank Where all his van by millions sank." Travellers have observed, particularly iu America, where the ants are in much greater quantities than in Europe, that the destruction of millions of their tribes in the rapid rivers of that country, is no warning to those that follow the same track, of the certain fate that awaits them. They arrive at the bank, and such is their instinct, unaided by reflection, that they seek to follow those gone before : their certain destruction is another clear proof that instinct is " Keen to one point ; beyond it, blind." Note 10 , page 1 1 . ' But Man his firm foundation lays On past experience, and surveys His Sons progressing in their might- Like Time* through darkness as through light." The march of knowledge, like the march of time, pro- gresses in the darkness, no less than in the light ; antece- NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 45 dent ignorance has mainly contributed to present advance- ment : the very errors of those that lived before us, like buoys anchored on shoals, have warned us what to avoid, while their efforts at discovery have also taught us, like beacons, what to pursue. Note ll , page 12. "By time deciduous, scooped by worms, Docked in ravines, and launched by storms, The bark, that sculked from nook to nook, And feared a wreck in every brook." Boats, similar to the chance-formed canoes here spoken of by the author, and of which worms are the unconscious artists, are to this day used in the narrow rivers and streams in Greece, and are called by the natives " Mo- noxolos," signifying a boat formed of a single piece of wood. 46 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 1 *, page 13. "Or, soaring, view from silken ball The Condor's watery double wall." The Condor is, I believe, the largest of the vulture tribe, and inhabits chiefly the lofty mountains of Peru, whose height is about twenty thousand feet. The " silken ball," or air-balloon, has surpassed this elevation, from which the adventurous traveller might see the two oceans, which our author designates under the title of " The Condor's watery double wall." Note, page 13. " The hoary Sage, that first did raise, Slow steaming from his faggot's blaze, The subtle Vapour, instant hailed Alcides, in his cradle veiled." The venerable person here alluded to is Edward Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, whose political history during the reign of Charles the Second is too well known to be alluded to in this note ; we shall therefore confine ourselves to that part of his life which relates to his philo- NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY* 47 sophical experiments and discoveries. The Encyclopaedia edited by Dr. Rees, Dr. John Robison of Edinburgh, Dr. T. Young, and other celebrated writers on the subject of mechanical philosophy, have one and all attributed to the Marquis of Worcester the invention of the application of steam, as the primum mobile of the wonderful machines now existing. " The Scantling of One Hundred Inven- tions," perhaps better known by the title of "The Cen- tury of Inventions," written by this " hoary Sage," appeared in 1663. In his 68th invention, he speaks of the discovery he had made t of which he received the first idea while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London, after his return from France, to which country he had escaped from Ireland. Is it not possible, nay probable, that the Mar- quis, during his stay in France, had seen the second edition of the works of Salomon de Caus, printed there at that period ; and that he retained some notion of the vari- ous experiments mentioned by De Caus as connected with a steam apparatus, that he had invented some time previ- ous to 1663, the date of the publication of the "Century of Inventions," printed, as we before stated, by the Marquis of Worcester? Without positively fixing the period of the discovery of the power of steam to the lifetime of Heron of Alexandria, who lived about 120 years before the birth of our Saviour, 48 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. we will come at once to a mucn later period ; and must certainly admit that the power of steam was known in Spain 150 years before the invention of the Marquis in the Tower of London. Blasco de Garay, a captain in the Spanish navy, in 1543, applied the power of steam to a vessel of two hun- dred tons, and proved to a large concourse of persons with what facility a ship could be moved, backwards and for- wards, by these means only, without the aid of winds, oars, or tides. This experiment was made, and repeated by order of Charles the Fifth, before an assembly of learned men; and so completely satisfied were the persons appointed to investigate this new discovery and important secret, that the Emperor conferred a pension and other favours on Blasco de Garay, as appears by records kept at Simancas, in Catalonia, and which bear date " Barcelona, 17 June, 1543." Thus we have authentic evidence that the power of steam was not only known, but practically applied, 120 years before the Marquis of Worcester published his "Century of Inventions." The late Mr. Colton was partly in error in attributing to the " hoary Sage" this discovery : we have sufficiently proved that it was known on the continent many years before ; but we may admit, that the Marquis of Worcester was the first Englishman who nourished this infant Alcides. NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 49 Note H , page 15. *' Command his speed, and quick elope, And double distance th' antelope ;" The Antelope is, 1 believe, the swiftest of the quadru- ped tribe. Note 15 , page 15. " Then mast-less, sail-less, oar-less ride Triumphant against wind and tide;" With respect to the advantages we now enjoy over the earlier world, it is impossible to overlook the accession of strength obtained by the force of steam, as applied to every species of machinery. It is manifest that those powerful auxiliaries of warfare are here alluded to, which, like the slumbering whirlwind, only await the call of some skilful hand, sufficiently strong, not only to raise, but to rule them. Their power is already known ; but it is a power at present too unmanageable to be applied, and therefore too dangerous to be subservient. 50 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 16 , page 16. * ' Though prompt to pile, if needs be done, A pyramid, by set of sun, Or mountains move, might gall a train Of harnessed elephants in vain;" M. Dupin, a French writer, but one who has most pro- foundly investigated the resources of England, gives the following observations on the almost incredible effects that it would be possible to produce, on a supposition (of course, for the sake of argument,) that the whole steam- power of England could be concentrated in one focus, and brought to bear on one object. " The great pyramid of Egypt required for its erection above one hundred thou- sand men for twenty years; but, if it were again required to raise the stones from the quarries, and place them at their present height, the action of the steam-engines of England, which are at most managed by thirty thousand men, would be sufficient to produce this effect in eighteen hours. If it were required to know how long a time they would take to cut the stones, and move them from the quarries to the pyramid, a very few days would be found sufficient." NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 51 Note 17 , page 17. " But Time, nor rhyme, can tell the throes As perfect from imperfect rose- Of minds that writhed in Error's yoke, Ere from Art's acorn burst her oak." The last fifteen stanzas, descriptive of the various powers of the steam-engine, give a most perfect picture of the miscellaneous arts to which those powers are applied. It were difficult to find a poetic description of noise and smoke, which so well conveys to the mind a just idea of that which, as our author shrewdly observes, " Has half subjected time and space." Note 1 *, page 17. " Long was the labour, tough the toil, Ceaseless the conflict and turmoil Of those, that PREJUDICE that old Antaeus braved, and half controlled." The personification of Prejudice, in the following thirty or five-and-thirty stanzas, is admirable : the allegory is E 2 52 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. well kept up, and the sarcasm, that deals many a deadly blow, shews the lamented author to have had more poig- nant wit than badness of heart. Note 19 , page 2 1 . " He had a guide that knew the way O'er all his grounds, by night or day ;" We are inclined to think that this stanza implies a compass. Note 20 , page 22. " He dragged the mile-stone from its bed That Ajax hurled at Hector's head, On which was graved, what must destroy All cavil' SEVEN MILES FROM TROY !' ' Antiquaries often destroy the identity, by the very proofs they bring forward to support it. NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note* 1 , page 23. ' With lantern of Diogenes, And slipper of Empedocles," " Ardentem frigidus yEtnam Insiluit " It is not known whether the philosopher, whose name is here introduced, discovered the secrets of the mountain ; but it is on record, that the mountain did not keep the secret of the philosopher. This instance might have been the first, but it certainly has not been the last, wherein a slipper has led to some very interesting and awkward dis- closures. Note 2 *, page 23. ' And self-same ink-horn, and ink too ! That Martin at the Devil threw ;" It is well known that this incident in the life of Luther is held in great veneration at Wittenberg ; at least, by the person who shows the room in which he was sitting when his satanic majesty appeared. The black spot is renewed 54 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. every year, and the indenture in the wall occasioned by the inkhorn very carefully preserved, as I can attest, from ocular demonstration. Note *, page 25. " And an old almanack to show Who live the longest, youngest grow, And that the world, as here di>i Waso/tfttrf, when it first was made The advocates for the system of early antiquity will tiiul some difficulty in getting over this truth. Note *, page 26. The despot Doubt, Jtc. Almost all persons who are wedded to Prejudice, when they find themselves powerfully assailed, begin to enter- tain Doubt. Siul illusion ! for incredulity is the certain fruit. NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 25 , page 26. " The despot Doubt that some hath taught They're not of bone or body wrought." The allusion here to two writers who endeavoured to prove, the one that we have no hody, and the other that we have no soul, is introduced most happily, as arising from "the despot Doubt." When we consider how very little we know of those mysterious arcana upon which most of our Speculations must of necessity be built; when we find ourselves obliged in candour to confess that our knowledge of them hardly amounts to the power even of defining them; we pause. Take, for instance, time and space, matter and motion, life and death : then it will appear the less extraordinary, that one philosopher should have writ- ten so plausibly to prove that we have no souls, and an- other philosopher so irrefutably to prove that we have no body * r while we, who are no philosophers, find that this abstraction of the parts has not diminished the whole, but that we continue the same, in the full enjoyment both of our souls and of our bodies, in spite of those philosophers. 56 NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. Note 26 , page 27. DOUBT ! Anarch old that staggers all" Doubt may be useful in science; but, in all that relates to morality and religion, it is a rank poison to the soul : it is by far a more serious enemy to our happiness and well- doing than mere prejudice, and not at all to be laughed at, like the latter. Note *, page 35. " But think not such, their fate bewailed, When friendship frowned, or fortune failed, Or life ! Death but insured their prize, As night hides earth t' unveil the skies !" We may venture to pronounce this idea as one of the most beautifully expressed in the English language. The same thought exists in " Lacon ;" so that the author pro- bably felt the chasteness of the line to be sufficiently perfect to permit him to repeat it in " Modern Antiquity." There is no monotony in the repetition of an original and beautiful idea, NOTES TO MODERN ANTIQUITY. 57 Note 28 , page 36. " To find and count his merits o'er The noisome cell of Death explore, Thus Indians search, so travellers tell, For finest pearls the putrid shell !" On the coast of Coromandel, the pearl oysters are laid up in heaps to rot and putrify, in order that they may more easily surrender their treasure. Note 29 , page 37. Wisdom alone, refreshed by time, Still marches onward to her prime, Doomed, like the lines herself can teach, To approach it never never reach." The Asymptotes, or certain lines in that part of mathe- matics called the conic sections, that constantly approach nearer and nearer to each other, yet can never meet, though continued infinitely. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. SOCIETY. WHERE joy but works some other's woe, Each good, some other's ill, And poverty is drain'd, the cup That overflows to fill : Where gain is but another's loss, Each rise, another's fall, And bloated pomp bedizens one But at the cost of all : 60 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Where gold a willing servant finds In each, in most a slave; And law the just and righteous cause Can insolently brave: Where dungeons unadmonish'd guilt In double darkness bind, Or from the body loose the chain, To brutalize the mind : Where those that rule, by those that serve, Are hoodwinked from their birth, To blind the royal bird, and fix His fetter'd flight to earth : Where vice is tax'd, the spendthrift hand , Of public waste to aid, And legalised, that void to fill That want of virtue made: SOCIETY. 61 Where bigots, led by knaves, destroy With serpent fang the dove ; And, with a demon's rancour arm'd, Approach the god of love : Where man is train* d to murder man, And art destruction schools To multiply the work of death, By scientific rules : Where e'en each gracious element That heaven or earth supplies, We teach, by knowledge better hid, Against ourselves to rise : This is that boasted thing that men The social compact term Of folly, vice, and misery The forced but fatal germ. 62 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. This to th' Italians crooked code An air of truth supplied, And plann'd for knaves the rich reward To better men denied. ^ This to Geneva's madman lent His triumph o'er the sage, And half redeemed the bitter sneer Of Swift's indignant page. Oh ! warn'd by woe, and taught by time, Shall reason, full of years, O'er brutes boast but her sole and sad Prerogative of tears? Oh ! when will man each boon despise That makes a brother moan ? And seek, where it alone resides, In other's bliss their own ? 63 ON BEING ASKED BY A LADY, WHAT IS WIT? WHAT'S wit? 'Tis strange that you should ask That you possess to know ; 'Tis wisdom's arrow, barb'd by truth, Launched from Apollo's bow. Brief as the lightning ; but the darts, Like those your eyes surround, Make e'en the pierced their brilliance own, And half forgive the wound. To toil denied, or art, Wit is Th' immediate gift of heaven, Like Pallas, from the brain of Jove, In perfect armour, riven. 64 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. It fastest binds the freest minds, And willing slaves commands ; Can Argus' hundred eyes eclipse, And chain Briareus' hands. Wit can, like Nile, the desert's dearth With life and verdure grace; While all the fertile grandeur own, But none the source can trace! Tis the mind's beauty; but where both Abound, who dares to teach Th* unconscious fair what either is, Will rue the force of each ! OLD AGE. THOU, anticlimax in life's wrinkled page, Worse end of bad beginning helpless Age ! That sow'st the thorn, though long the flow'r hath fled ; Alive to torment, but to transport dead ; Imposing still, through time's still roughening road, With strength diminished, an augmented load : Slow herald of the tomb ! sent but to make Man curse that giftless gift thou wilt not take, When hope and patience both give up the strife, Death is thy cure for thy disease is life. 66 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. ON THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF OLMEDO, THE POET LAU- REATE OF PERU, HAVING BEEN SELECTED BY THAT REPUBLIC TO NEGOTIATE ANOTHER LOAN IN LONDON. THE Poet Laureate from Peru, In want of ready rhino, Like many nearer home, that you, And some, perhaps, that I know, Selected is to raise the wind; A choice discreetly made : The mission suits the poet's mind, To borrow is their trade. But, as both fact and fable are Blent in poetic diction, The borrowing will be fact, we fear ; The payment but a fiction ! 67 AMBITION. O THOU, that bidd'st the brightest close Their intellectual eye, And to thy dizzy, dangerous height, Like hooded falcons, 1 fly: What is thy summit, but the source Whence tears and blood career ? A height that leaves us nought to hope, But everything to fear ON SEEING THE BUST OF SOCRATES IN A DEBATING SOCIETY. GODS! who'd have sought, in such a place! The philosophic Greek ? 7 Tis well for him, he cannot hear ; For you, he cannot speak. F2 68 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS- REDDES DULCE LOQUI. 'Tis all in vain : I have no more Nor force nor fire at will, Though doom'd the trodden round to tread,- A race-horse in a mill. Like that forlorn and flaunting form, The rake's abandoned toy, Whom grief forbids, but want compels To wear the face of joy, My woeworn Muse, too long assailed By sorrow, sickness, pain, In vain resumes the lighter note, Thalia's jocund strain. 69 HOPE. HOPE for Experience boldly steers, And gains that chilling shore, But only to be wrecked on ice, And sink, to rise no more. This is that hope whose sordid views To earth alone are given ; That hope that wreck nor ruin fears, Her anchor casts in heaven. For he that would outride the storm, Though whirlwinds waked the blast, Makes that his first and only hope, That all must make their last. 70 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. HUMAN HAPPINESS. O THOU, that all admire, adore, Pursue, but ne'er possess, Away; delude some easier fool, Thou phantom, Happiness ! Thou art life's long disastrous game, That can the craftiest beat; While Death looks on, but to reveal When 'tis too late, the cheat. Safe is the whirlwind's boding calm, And true the treacherous sea, And real all the mirage paints, Compared, thou dream, with thee ! A TRUISM. 71 Thy still retreating Paradise Flies, as we near the spot ; A land from hope our Pisgah still, Explored, but enter'd not. Delusion, Salem's dotard king In pleasures past could see: Who kens the same in those to come Is wiser far than he. A TRUISM. No man can give, 'tis falsely tfwuyht, Another what he has not got : Nelson, that not a grain could boast Of fear himself, gave others most; And many a muse, that never nods, Can lull to sleep both men and gods. 72 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. DESPAIR. TIME, on thy shield of adamant, Shivers his scythe ; the shock Is as the wave that breaks in foam Around th' impassive rock. Fate's direst page unmoved to read Is thine, and thine alone; Thy Gorgon glance both Hope and Fear Hath petrified to stone. Full oft before thy withering scowl Death drops his dark design; Or, grasping thee, recoils to find An icier hand in thine ! 73 ON THE STATUE OE THE VENUS DE MEDICIS. DISCOMFITED, dejected here! Both Time and Nature stand : This his destructive scythe distrusts, This her creative hand. ODE ON THE DEATH OF LORD BYRON. WE mourn thy wreck ; that mighty mind Did whirlwind passions whelm. While wisdom wavered, half inclined To quit the dangerous helm. Thou wast an Argosy of cost, Equipped, enriched in vain; Of gods the work, of men the boast, Glory thy port; and doomed to gain That splendid haven, only to be lost: 74 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Lost, e'en when Greece, with conquest blest, Thy gallant bearing hailed ; Then sighs from Valour's mailed breast, And tears of Beauty failed. Oh hadst thou in the battle died, Triumphant e'en in death, The patriot's as the poet's pride, While both Minervas twined thy wreath ; Then had thy full career malice and fate defied ! What architect, with choice design, Of Rome, or Athens styled, E'er left a monument like thine? And all from ruins piled! A prouder motto marks thy stone Than Archimedes's tomb : He asked a fulcrum; thou demandedst none, But, reckless of past, present, and to come, Didst on thyself depend, to shake the world alone, ON THE DEATH OF LORD BYRON. 75 Thine eye, to all extremes and ends And opposites, could turn; And, like the congelated lens, Could sparkle, freeze, or burn : But, in thy mind's abyss profound, As in some limbo vast, More shapes and monsters did abound, To set the wondering world aghast, Than wave-worn Noah fed, or starry Tuscan found. Was Love thy lay, Cythsera rein'd Her car, and own'd the spell ; Was Hate thy theme, that murky fiend For hotter earth, left hell : The palaced crown, the cloistered cowl, Moved but thy spleen, or mirth ; Thy smile was deadlier than thy scowl; In guise unearthly didst thou roam the earth, Screened in Thalia's mask, to drug the tragic bowl . 76 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Lord of thine own imperial sky, In virgin " pride of place," Thou soaredst, where others could not fly, And hardly dared to gaze. The Condor thus his pennoned vane O'er Cotopaxa spreads ; But should he ken the prey, or scent the slain, Nor chilling height, nor burning depth he dreads, From Ande's crystal crag, to Lima's sultry plain. Like Lucan's, early was thy tomb, And more than Bion's mourned; For still such lights themselves consume ; The brightest, briefest burned : But from thy blazing shield recoiled Pale Envy's bolt of lead; She, but to work thy triumphs toiled, Then, muttering coward curses, fled, Thee, thine own strength alone, like matchless Milo, foil'd. ON THE DEATH OF LORD' BYRON. 77 We prize thee that thou didst not fear What stoutest hearts might rack, And didst the diamond Genius wear, That tempts, yet foils the attack : We mourn thee, that thou wouldst not find, While prisoned in thy clay, (Since such there were,) some kindred mind; For Friendship lasts through Life's long day, And doth with surer chain than love or beauty bind: We blame thee, that with baleful light Thou did'st astound the world ; A comet, plunging from his height, And into chaos hurled ; Accorded King of Anarch power, And talent misapplied, That hid thy god in evil hour, Or showed him only to deride, And o'er the gifted blaze of thine own bright- ness lour. 78 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Thy fierce volcanic breast, o'ercast With Hecla's frosty cloke, All earth with fire impure could blast, And darken heaven with smok e : O'er ocean, continent, and isle, The conflagration ran : Thou, from thy throne of ice, the while, Did'st the red ruin calmly scan, And tuned Apollo's harp, with Nero's ghastly smile. "What now avails that Muse of fire Her nothing of a name ; That master hand, and matchless lyre, What have they gained, but Fame ? Fame, Fancy's child, by Folly fed On breath of meanest things ; A phantom woo'd in virtue's stead, That Envy to the living brings, And silent, solemn mockery to the dead. FRIENDSHIP. 79 Ne'er since the deep-toned Theban sung Unto the listening Nine, Hath classic hill or valley rung With harmony like thine ; Who now shall wake that widowed lyre ? There breathes but one, 2 that dares To that Herculean task aspire; But less than thou for Fame he cares, And scorns both hope and fear, ambition and desire. FRIENDSHIP. To the flaw'd falchion trust your life, The shattered mirror mend ; But hope not fractured once to join The link that lock VI a friend ; 80 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Twere all in vain : that charmed link That hearts in concord held, Was not of steel, but adamant, And, broken, will not weld! 3 NEQUE SEMPER ARCUM. THE calms of life, without the storms, Were but a stagnant pool; One long, but listless holiday, Robb'd of its zest the school. Joy for her truest tablet takes Some sorrow's parting shroud, And paints her richest, brightest hues, Like Iris, on a cloud. 81 NAPOLEON. HE won the laurels, and with them renown, But lost them both, to shape them to a crown ; And, sworn to conquer kings, self-conquer'd fell, When he himself the royal list would swell; And, with the fasces, for the sceptre made A sorry change, the substance for the shade : Untaught what madness to the million clings, Who forms to facts prefer, and names to things. Triumphant for a space, by craft and crime, Two foes he left unconquer'd, Truth and Time: Oh ! had he for true glory shaped his course, He'd 'scaped repentance living dead, remorse! MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. FAME. WHAT is Fame, when the spade our last bed hath designed, But a tune to the deaf, or a torch to the blind ; An ovation decreed, though the hero be fled: Like the trump of th* archangel, 'tis blown o'er the dead ; But, unlike that dread blast, none but fools it amazes ; And you'll find, when too late, it nor rouses nor raises. EXAMPLE. His faults, that in a private station sits, Do mainly harm him only that commits : Those placed on high a bright example owe, Much to themselves, more to the crowd below. JEU DE MOT. 83 A paltry watch, in private pocket borne, Misleads but him alone by whom 'tis worn : But the town-clock, that domes or towers display, By going wrong, leads half the world astray. JEU DE MOT, ON MR. HUNT'S ADDRESS TO THE RADICALS, AT THE CROWN AND ANCHOR TAVERN; WHEN HE INFORMED THEM THAT HE HAD EVEN RELINQUISHED HIS TEA, BECAUSE IT PAID A TAX, ALTHOUGH TEA CONSTI- TUTED ONE OF HIS GREATEST COMFORTS. HUNT rose* to expound with what violence he, And stoical struggle, abandoned his tea: An abandonment truly both safe and in season, For Treason, if T be omitted, is reason. 84 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. THE FATES. HASTE, haste, ye fatal sisters three, Your welcome scissors take, And cut this woe-worn thread of life, Or else methinks 't will break. And ere another skein you spin From such a dismal thread, May Minos break your wheel, and send Ixion's in its stead. FAITH AND HOPE. 'MiD total darkness, Hope herself Is, like the diamond, dark ; But Faith, 'mid murkiest Erebus, Emits her brightest spark : HUMILITY. 85 A spark that death's contrasted gloom But with more light supplies; As night's black pall, that hides the earth, More clearly shows the skies! HUMILITY. THE loaded bee the lowest flies; The richest pearl the deepest lies; The stalk the most replenished Doth bow the most its modest head : Thus deep humility we find The mark of every master-mind; The highest gifted lowliest bends, And merit meekest condescends, And shuns the fame that fools adore, - That puff that bids a feather soar. 86 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. CONFESSION. CONFESSION, like physic, 'mid mortal extremes, In the hands of a skilful concoctor, Is an excellent thing for the patient, it seems, Though not quite so good for the doctor. Hence, some spiritual quacks, in attending their sick, On the virtues insist of confessions; But should a small thorn their own consciences prick, Their sole lenitive pills are professions. As to tears for our sins, if amendment it work, An ounce-phial full, ample perhaps is; And too little the Heidelberg tun, if there lurk At the bottom the seeds of relapses. PRETEXTS AND MOTIVES. 87 But confession what is 't ? but to lighten the ship, With a cargo of sins, that hard ride did; To be fish'd up again, for & fair weather trip, The moment the storm has subsided. PRETEXTS AND MOTIVES. DOST think those gilt and hollow cones That front an organ cause the tones ? Ah, no ! those pealing notes proceed From tubes of baser metal hid. This same remark, we might advance, Holds good in life's mysterious dance : In front the pompous pretext find, But the mean motive skulks behind. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. AURUM POTENTIUS ICTU FULMINEO. THAT universal idol, Gold, In homage all unites ; Without a temple, 't is adored, And has no hypocrites. Nay, more, Gold's warmest devotees Strive most to hide their zeal ; And he that loves this idol most, Would most that love conceal. This idol has prerogatives Peculiar and its own : Unlike its brother idols, 'tis Nor block, nor stock, nor stone, TO THE TRUE POET. 89 It can give eyes unto the blind, And tongues unto the dumb : Nay, more, can make the lynx a mole, And elocution mum! TO THE TRUE POET. CREATION'S heir, and Fancy's fav'rite child, Thou canst, from India's wealth, or Afric's wild, From far or near, from depth or dizzy height, Cull thy rich stores, t' instruct us, or delight : Abundance draw from dearth, and radiance from night. Thus, to th' alembic of thy glowing mind All nature comes, but comes to be refined : Each thought that feculence or grossness stains Thy wit or judgment sublimates or strains, Till all the alloy be purged, and nought but gold remains. 90 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Thus Ocean drinks the foul and turbid tide, When flood and torrent plough the mountain's side; But soon in genial showers he sends them forth, Pure as the pearls that deck Aurora's birth, To feed the famish'd land, and cheer the jocund earth. PAIN. WRITTFJl DURING A PERIOD OF SEVERE AGONY. PAIN, thou sole perfect thing to earth assigned, The body take, but spare, oh, spare the mind ! Wreck'd on thy rocks, or on thy billows tost, Oh, save the compass, though the bark be lost ! Here reason's self not without fear presides, And, like the needle, trembles while she guides. 91 TO DR. PARR'S BIOGRAPHERS. YE little wits, that buzz'd awhile Around the Doctor's wig, With scraps of Latin and of Greek, Fresh from your idol big, In pity both to us and him, And to yourselves, be dumb, Nor with your learned lumber load The mighty Grecian's tomb. The wit that ex re natd shone Is dull at second hand : You have the fiddle, but the stick, We fear, you can't command. 92 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. The joke 'mid smoke, and tale 'mid ale, I fear will but traduce him : You want, I ween, your master's art, " Ex fumo dare lucem." Would Bloomfield undertake the task, We might digest the story : When scholar doth on scholar write, At least 'tis " con amore" But oft our own remains are made Against ourselves to rise, A grovelling, Grub-street, buzzing brood Of maggots, worms, and flies ! 93 JULIUS AND JULIA. THIS happy pair the day and night To tax each other waste, With every failing under heaven, Except a want of taste. In one thing only both agree, And mutual discord waive, He Julia joins, to wet with tears Her former husband's grave ! ALARMISTS. THERE are, that when they wet their pen Must still turn propheciers, While fact and date, both obstinate, Turn up to prove them liars. 94 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. For Britain's land this croaking band Much evil have been brewing ; But she is sure to thrive the more, When such predict her ruin. JUDGMENTS. DfVISUM IMPERIUM CUM JOVE CJESAR HABET. WHEN nations celebrate their rights, Should storm or cloud arise, Behold a judgment, 5 cry the priests, And vengeance from the skies : Should heaven's artillery mar the day That splendid mummery suits, Oh, then the lightnings salvoes flash, And thunder's roar salutes. " OREMUS UT SIT MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO." THE body and the mind, by links More firm than man and wife, For better or for worse are wed, In banns that last for life. Like too ill-coupled hounds, a sad And snarling pair, they start; Two friends, alas! that can't agree; Two foes that cannot part! This would the noblest game pursue, And course the lion's track; But this to filth and garbage stoops, And pulls his brother back. 96 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Happy, when both, precisely match'd In courage, speed, and breath, Life's course well run, come cheerful in Together at the death ! WISDOM AND FOLLY. To borrow Folly's cap and bells Though Wisdom oft descends, Yet Folly, to her cost, doth find That Wisdom never lends. That Wisdom oft hath play'd the fool, Is seen in every age ; But here the bargain ends, for ne'er Hath Folly play'd the sage. 97 WRITTEN AT MIDNIGHT. THE mind, by worldly wants and common cares Too much incumber'd, scarce herself appears, When day, with all its toil and turmoil, brings T* impede her flight, or discompose her wings, It's idly strenuous hours, and host of trivial things. But solemn midnight all her force inspires, Wakes all her strength, and fans her dormant fires, Each earth-bred mist and vapour puts to flight, Till the rapt soul, like Isr'el's pillar'd light, Clok'd in a cloud by day, becomes a torch by night ! 98 MISCELLANEOUS POEMs. BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE. CALAMITIES are sent for ends That prove them true but bitter friends, That wiser make the wise ; And, like those book-devouring flames That Alexandria's 6 tale proclaims, " Are blessings in disguise:" These saved us from those ills that had In outward pomp of wisdom clad, From others' follies grown; And fierce affliction's fiery dart We thank, if it amend the heart, And save us from our own. 99 TIME. TIME'S telescope more wonderful appears E'en than his scythe, and deeper truths conveys; His tube 7 prospective lengthens days to years; Reversed, our years it shortens into days! Then ponder well the substance, and the sum Of what, unscann'd, a contradiction seems; Valued aright, compared with time to come, Time past is but the wealth of him that dreams. PERSECUTION. RIPE Persecution, like the plant Whose nascence Mocha boasted, Some bitter fruit produced, whose worth Was never known, till roasted. ii 2 100 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Such odour from that holocaust 8 In fragrant incense rose, That Truth a deathless vigour gain'd, That half redeemed her foes. ADVERSITY. ADVERSITY misunderstood Becomes a double curse : Her chastening hand improves the good, But makes the wicked worse. Thus clay more obdurate becomes, To the fierce flame consign'd; While gold in that red ordeal melts, But melts to be refin'd. 101 PRAYER. ARRESTED suns and tranquilPd seas declare To heav'n and earth th* omnipotence of prayer, That gives the hopeless hope, the feeble might, Outruns the swift, and puts the strong to flight, The noontide arrow foils, and plague that stalks by night: Unmatched in power, unbounded in extent, As omnipresent as omnipotent, To no meridian nor clime confined, Man with his fellow man, and mind to mind, Tis hers, in links of love and charity, 9 to bind. But farther still extends her awful reign : To her indeed belongs that golden chain 102 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. From fabled God and their Olympus riv'n ; But, since to Truth and her adorers given, E'en with HIS MAKER man to join, and earth with heav'n. Then let those lips that never pray'd, begin : We must or cease to pray, or cease to sin; Each earth-born want and wish, a grov'lling brood, Are oft mistaken, or misunderstood ; But who could dare to pray for ought that is not good? Not that our prayers make Heav'n more prompt to give, But they make us more worthy to receive : There is in that celestial treasury Wealth inexhaustible, admission free ; But he that never prays, rejects the golden key. 103 PROLIXITY. To make their volume little, is To some no little task; But the small phial oft contains The essence of the cask. Her book-debts Wisdom pays in gold, But Dullness, though she fill Your coffers to the very brim, It is but copper still. Words are but Wisdom's counters, which In circulation sent, She limits to the capital And wealth they represent. 104 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Cloy'd by prolixity, we search An intellectual feast, From those that most deserve our time, And yet demand the least. CONCORDIA DISCORS. Wno least conform, the best agree; For salient points of mind, In those that in our friend recede, A closer contact find : Like pasteboard maps for children plann'd, They dovetail into one ; But spheres that into contact rush, Each other seek to shun. 105 " LUMENQUE JUVENILE PURPUREUM." EYES that nor tears nor sorrows dim, The cloudless brow, th' elastic limb, That seem'd on air to tread, With thoughts that made it witchery And bliss enough to breathe and be, These, these, with youth, are fled : Fled, but not mourn'd : remembrance wakes No bitter pang for what Time takes ; I mourn for what he brings ! The dread realities of truth, Sad substitutes for dreams of youth, This, this the bosom wrings. Each generous feeling unsubdued As yet by fraud, that friendship woo'd, Nor ask'd the costly price ! 106 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Alas! though quell'd, cannot be kill'd, But droop, by cold experience chill'd, Like flow'rets lock'd in ice. Youth's jocund suns, and seasons blithe, When time had wings, but not a scythe, With these I calmly part; But, as the wreck that braves the deep, Oh, let me still, though broken, keep The fragments of a heart ! IMPROMPTU ON THE BISHOP OF AIX, WHO LATELY BEQUEATHED HIS HEART TO THE JESUITS. THAT prelate shrewdly play'd his part That left the Jesuits his heart : A head they had, 'twere mad to doubt it, But as to heart t they were without it. 107 UNDE ET QUO. FROM whence to where we know not, sent, A fever'd dream to try, Then sink from darkness into night : This 't is to live, and die ! CHRIST touched those ears that could not hear, And eyes that could not see, And said, Leave whence you came to GOD, But WHERE you go to ME! Then to the STAR of Jacob bow! All ye that love the light: Without him, wisdom is a dream, And all our knowledge night. 108 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. A MISTAKE. SINCE fools alone all things believe In cloister hatch'd, or college, Some, by believing nothing, think They're at the height of knowledge. And yet, to have no faith demands More faith than is supposed, For 10 sceptics have their creed, of things Incredible composed. Some truths above our reason, we Reject not, but receive: Against all reason, infidels Unnumbered lies believe. 109 LINES; BEING AN ANSWER TO A LETTER FROM AN OCTOGENARIAN, INFORMING ME THAT HE HAD GIVEN UP AUTHORSHIP, AND THAT A FRIEND OF HIS WAS ABOUT TO WRITE HIS LIFE. BIOGRAPHERS. POL ME OCCIDISTIS AMICI. MAY you live to Jive score, If 't is but to write more, And delight with instruction to blend ; But your life, strange to note, E'en your death might promote,- So beware of your good-natured friend. 110 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Both his zeal and his love He'll officiously prove, In a way that your ghost may distress : He'll suggest your invention Was but a pretension, And the zest of your wit but finesse. He'll swear your best thought From the Sanscrit you caught, And the pride of your muse from the Grecian ; Till, 'twixt hint and surmise, Nought is left but surprise That you e'er reach'd a second edition. Fm afraid, Fm afraid, Like the rest of their trade, Undertakers of fame too perpend Their pay but half won, And their job but half done, That does not in a burial end. INSTINCT. Undertakers of Fame Never scent out a name, Till corruption the carcase assault; And their sheets, meant for binding, Like t' others term'd winding, But a subject prepare for a vault ! Ill INSTINCT. MAN cannot estimate his bright Prerogative too high, If to the skies it point, and rests Upon humility : But ponder well, th* o'erweening pride Of reason to confute, How oft she stoops to gather light And counsel from the brute. 112 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. See unassuming instinct all Perform, but nought profess, Yet seldom suffer from mistake, And never from excess : Behold her fly the common ill, Or, with prospective care, That baffles reason, means to meet And master it prepare. Then let these truths, from Nature cull'd, E'en though they humble, guide Reveal'd man's wisdom to promote, And to restrain his pride. 113 BAYLE. WHO had escaped the tomb, could wit prevail, Or wisdom ? Wit and Wisdom answer, Bayle ! Star of a lowering sky that shunn'd the light, Still more refulgent from surrounding night, He wielded Luther's force, without his rage, Erasmus and Melancthon of his age: Young eyes, that o'er his ponderous folios pore, Deem them too much, yet read and wish them more, And to that feast return, divided quite Betwixt instruction, wonder, and delight. Yet he that knew so much decided nought: Lost in perplexity, or depth of thought, Holding the key of Truth within his hand, On Doubt, 11 her vestibule, behold him stauv. And point, like Moses, to that brighter spot, Pursued, explored, attain'd, but enter'd not. 114 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS A CHARACTER. VENTOSUS, in each deed, and thought, and speech, Still strives the lofty and the grand to reach; Not over wise, for he could ne'er descend To seek instruction from his bosom friend : He would be proud, but place them side by side, With him Religion higher stands than pride; So high, she occupies his head alone, And therp exalted sits, as on a throne, But ne'er descends, to melt the heart, or free The liberal hand, or bow the stubborn knee. 1J5 AN IMPROMPTU ON FIRST UFA RING THE NEWS OF LORD BYRON's DEATH. WHY didst thou live? or, living, die? When Greece, for righteous victory, Call'd on thy sword and pen ; To ennoble more thy noble name, While both Minervas crown'd thy fame, In both, the first of men ! I knew thee well ; that stirring mind, And high chivalric spirit, twined With Heliconian wreath, Had spurr'd thee to the noblest field E'er won by sword, or lost, in shield That bore thee thence in death. i 2 116 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. That forms, and foul hypocrisy, And fools, and knaves, should triumph high, Is more than we can scan : That cant should live, and talent die, When most we want her energy, 'T is woe but such is man ! " QUISQUE SUvE FORTUNE FABER EST. V BLAME not the stars nor destinies, In thine own 12 hand thy prowess lies; Thy map of life review: The march was plain, but thou, beguiled By some short cut, or prospect wild, Hast wandered from the true. QUISQUE SU.E, &C. 117 Self-pride, of good and ill the source, Still prompts again the tortuous course Of error to begin; Blames, for the ruin and the rout Of all our hopes, the foe without, Not the false friend 13 within. What wonder if thy bark, the sport Of winds and waves, outrun the port, And havoc all overwhelm, If passions, sent to swell the gale, But not to steer, or trim the sail, Drive reason from the helm. 118 VOLTAIRE. YES ! Phoebus and the Nine might all despair, Without the pen of Bayle, to paint Voltaire : A form Monboddo might with rapture hail, And beg to search minutely for the tail ; With scarce enough of muscle, nerve, or skin To sheathe the trenchant wit that lurk'd within; A wit that, like the tiger's velvet paw, In deadly gambols dealt th* elastic claw ; And, not unworthy of that form, a face Made up of half expression, half grimace, That, struggling still to smother a conceal'd And latent scorn, what it would hide reveal'd; With eye that secrets from all bosoms wrung, And curling lip, that spoke without a tongue; For all we love, loathe, seek, or shun, nor tear Nor smile had they, but for the whole a sneer; VOLTAIRE. 119 Features that fix, but freeze our gaze, and yet We must remember but would fain forget. By bigots branded, but by sisters loved, By smatterers more than by the wise approved; Champion of freedom, but himself the slave Of flatterers; hope and terror of the knave; At once the magazine and mark of wit, A didapper, as often miss'd as hit; He never strongly soar'd, nor deeply dived, But muddled truth, at which he ne'er arrived. In rhyme a dabbler, but too proud to praise, And oft too weak t' excel another's lays, The swan of Avon his marauding muse Could stoop to pillage first, and then abuse; A /emale pen, while Pallas smiled, rejects With wit the censure, and the crime detects. 120 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Few friends had he; but, what is strange, a foe He found in Frederick, and in Rousseau : His head the hero, not his heart rever'd; The sophist both decried, malign'd, and fear'd; Yet he that march'd through conquest to a throne, A philosophic despot, brighter shone Than he that proffered friendship rudely spurned, To brand with scorn, that on himself returned. Yet Ferney still redeems her patron's fame, And grateful lauds her benefactor's name; Whilst some bright spots his panegyrists boast, And one transcendant act itself a host, Unmix'd applause and approbation wins, And GALAS covers multitudes of sins. We grant, could Reason with a laugh be bribed, Won by a jest, or by a jeer proscribed, VOLTAIRE. 121 A sneer the touchstone, ridicule the test, His page the brightest shines, if not the best : But, foiFd by Truth, these twinklers fade away, As minor stars before the lamp of day. Long had the wits their bitterest gall applied, He still survived them all, and more defied : Smother'd at last in honey 'd flattery, It was his doom an insect death to die. The mark he aimed at, hardier HAROLD hit With bolder energy and brighter wit : Alike their object, and alike their fate, Half doom'd t' idolatry, and half to hate; THE LAST, incompetent and all unskilled, Ought but a hovel or a stew to build; BOTH, strong to pull a church or palace down, To break a crosier, or to shake a crown. J22 MISCELLANEOUS POKMS. THE BAUD. c ' JGSEUS P C.iLESTIS THAT sacred beam that warms the poet's mind E'en by himself can never be defined, And, like the darkness that in Egypt dwelt, May not delineated be, but felt : It is not of the heart, nor of the head, But of THE INMOST SOUL, sustaiii'd and fed By that ambrosial feast to Israel given, Gathered on earth, 14 but sent direct from heaven ! But envy not, contented sons of clay, The rare possessor of this transcendant ray, That dooms full oft its earthly shrine to prove The fate of Semele embraced by Jove ! THE BAUD. 1*23 T is a devouring flame, a torch to illume And lighten others, but itself consume : E'en thus it seems to gross corporeal eyes, But know that HE that bears it, death defies; He asks nor sculptured brass nor breathing bust To cancel "earth to earth" and "dust to dust;" More dear to him his very throes and pains Than all ambition gives, or avarice gains; Throes that no common offspring bring to birth, All time their heritage, their domain all earth; That fire that wastes his strength, and day by clay, As sword the scabbard, wastes his frame away, Lights up a lamp that richer gifts bestows Than all the wealth that famed Aladdin's shows; A lamp whose dying rays the brightest rise, And their last glimmerings beam an earnest of the skies. 124 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. SOCRATES. IN all your philosophic drove, From stoa, colonade, or grove, You had but one alone; And him, O Athens ! Athens prized At nought, you basely sacrificed, To flatter a buffoon. Where was your famed Minerva then? Did she direct your wisest men ? Did she concoct the bowl? Ah no! with indignation fled That goddess bright, but in her stead To rule, she left her owl. 125 "VULNUS ALIT VENIS ET CCECO CARPITUR IGKI/ JEALOUSY. O THOU, for ever doomed to prove The comrade and the curse of love, The bravest thou canst force to yield, And pierce them through their very shield : 16 Self-pride, of other ills the cure, More fatal makes thy shaft, and sure. The task thou settest, is to guess And watch our enemy's success: And what thy ivages? but to know The triumph of our deadliest foe; That fatal secret, that conceal'd Destroyed our peace, and more, reveal'd: Then, goaded on from bad to worse, We seek revenge, but find remorse; Remorse the serpent for the dove, Thy changeling Jealousy for Love! MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. LINES ADDRESSED TO LANE FOX, ESQ. WHOSE HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY FIRE, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CONFLAGRATION OF YORK MINSTER ; TOWARDS THE RESTORATION OF WHICH HE MUNIFI- CENTLY GAVE A THOUSAND POUNDS. WHOSE stately pile is that, whose wreck proclaims The dismal triumph of th' o'erwhelming flames? 'Tis his, who sends, obedient to the rod, A thousand pounds, to build the House of God! That musty proverb is by thee reversed, By misers greeted; and by misery cursed, Sent forth in search of others* wants to roam, Thy charity begins abroad, and ends at home. COURAGE. IT is not fear, that on the brink Of danger shakes the bold : The pulse may faulter, but the mind Bears onward, uncontrolled. There is, ere daring deeds be done, A momentary strife : 'Tis Nature's due, e'en when we prize Less than ourselves our life. The throbbing heart, the quivering lip, That shook a MarlboroughV 6 frame, Were but the throes, the giant birth Was Blenheim's deathless name! 128 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Thus mother Earth most dreadful is When she hath most to dread : The nations from her trembling fly, And cities bow their head. COMPENSATION. THOSE that on Fancy's pinion soar Triumphant o'er their kind, Oft to that venturous pennon join A judgment weak, or blind: Like those seraphic forms that stand Before the King of kings; So these, whene'er on Truth they gaze, Their eyes veil with their wings. 129 DEATH. THOU King of Terrors! better term'd The terror chief of kings; Like them, what art thou? but a name, If stripped of outward things. The grief, the conflict, and the pain, These these belong to life ; The tempest HERS, the mandate thine That instant stills the strife. \ The slimy worm, the mouldering vault, The ghastly grinning head, These, these with freezing horror chill The living; not the dead. 130 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. But wretched man, of fabled woes Or fancied fears the prey, Thy coming dreads, yet blindly bears What's heavier thy delay ! Disgust of life, and dread of death, Like wave opposing wave, A momentary calm command, Man from himself to save ! Enough we know to make the best Life's giftless gift decry, But not enough on death to gaze With Cato's Roman eye ! Hence, still life's batter'd bark we steer, Of doubts or fears the sport ; Would fain the tempest fly, but dread, More than the storm, the port ! 131 AVARICE. PALE Avarice, in vulgar minds, Ambition's place doth hold, And, as the tyrant's bane is steel, The miser's curse is gold. The tyrant at the banquet sits Beneath a falling sword; The miser amid plenty starves, His only feast, his hoard. Both make that costly sacrifice Unto the means of ends ; Both start alike, to gain a good That neither comprehends. K 2 132 iMISCFLLANEOUS FORMS. HOPE. HOPE is a goddess fairest seen When Time holds up his veil between ; Her charms are of such doubtful hue, They cannot bear a closer view. Approach can mar them, contact blight,- And brief possession blast them quite. FORTITUDE. THEN neither fail nor quail: the Christian's breast Is like some land-lock'd haven, still at rest; Around it and beyond it skies may scowl, The tempest triumph, and the whirlwind howl, FORTITUDE. 133 But all is sunshine here ; that placid eye Proclaims the great sustaining deity, To whom each power and passion is deferred; Fulfilling, as the wind and storm, his word. But all unrivall'd must the Godhead reign ; No earthly idol must HIS temple stain. Wouldst have HIS awful presence fill thine heart, Give him the whole, or none, he scorns a part; And stand resolved, through peril, storm, or cloud, To doff thine armour only for thy shroud : To such alone, fulfill'd their mortal strife, Defeat is victory, and death is life. 134 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. VICE AND VIRTUE. WHILE virtue lends a zest to joy, And bliss to rapture warms, Our very tears she turns to smiles, And every pang disarms. But vice her foul Circean cup May medicate in vain : E'en in her mirth some sorrow lurks, In all her pleasures, pain. Since this, with voice from heav'n, proclaims That HE that rules above Doth on the side of virtue stand, Let fear be lost in love. 135 WIT AND TRUTH. HE that his reason trusts to wit Will often lose his way ; As he that would by lightning walk, Not by the beam of day. But truth, from depth of wisdom drawn, Pure, permanent, profound, Like that deep pearl that ocean yields, Befits a monarch crown'd. QUANDOQUE BONUS DORMITAT HOMERUS. WE may be learrid from others' thoughts, Wise only from our own ; Reflection is the calm repose Of Wisdom, on her throne. 136 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. If Homer nod, he nods to wake With renovated fire : Pale solar suns, that never set, But little warmth inspire. BURNS. So fine his muse, 'tis half a crime Burns ever wrote without a rhime ; But then his prose so pure and terse is, Tis Reason's triumph o'er his verses : Some brains have so bemuddled either, We wish they had attempted neither. 137 A NAME. VIDET RIDET. THE card-built house amused our infant age, The child was pleased; but is the man more sage? A breath could level childhood's tottering toy : See manhood effort, art, and time employ, To build that brittle name a whisper can destroy ! There is A BOOK where nought our name can spot, If we ourselves refuse to fix the blot; Tis kept by ONE that sets alike at naught The tale with malice or with flatt'ry fraught,-^- HE reads the heart, and sees the whisper in the thought. 138 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. THE VILLAGE HERO. " INSANAS CURAS, STUDIUMQUE IGNOBILE VULGI TAL1A, MENS HORUM SOBRIA POST HABUIT; SED QUASI PER LATEBRAS, ET AM^NA SILENTIA VALL1S, INNOCUAM VITJE SUSTINUERE VIAM." DEEP in the vale of humble life, Oft have I seen the mortal strife By village hero waged ; Stretch'd on his pallet cold and scant, With destitution, sickness, want, And pain, at once engaged. Deserted in his hour of need By friends, as false as broken reed, He to himself is true ! Though unsupported by the loud But senseless clamours of the crowd, Or plaudit of the few. THE VILLAGE HERO. 139 ONE EYE there is, and THAT alone This moral grandeur from His throne Contemplates, and sustains : More high doth HE that peasant hold Than him that, canopied by gold, O'er subject millions reigns. Then think no more that virtue stands More firm, because admiring bands Of friends or flatterers cheer ; Through darkness, silence, solitude, By none sustained, by nought subdued, She holds her bright career. Friendless, forlorn, with pain to cope, And peril doom'd, till faith and hope Are in fruition lost : Each ill surmounted, or overthrown, She courts the KEN of ONE alone, But finds that ONE A HOST! 140 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Thus, throned on rocks, Missouri 17 takes His giant leap, and thundering shakes The depth of woods below ! His lone magnificence displays, Where not an eye the pomp surveys, But His that bade him flow. CEREUS IN VTTIUM FLECTI. A PARALLEL CASE. WHO knows the most of man, will least approve, Will pity much, and often rarely love : Quench, cynic sage ! thy lantern's glimmering test ; Search thine own heart, 'tis livelier there ex- press'd How feebly firm the strong, how dimly bright the best ! CEREUS IN VJTIUM FLECTI. 141 The faults, 18 alas! or follies of a friend, We catch and copy, though we can't commend: As to his virtues, if these e'er create A rival effort, 'tis constraint or late ; These we commend, indeed, but seldom imitate. Too closely here the body apes the mind, Ills, ailments, maladies of every kind, From all around us, we contract with ease : But, sons of Galen! who shall count your fees, Could ye but render health as catching as dis- ease ? ENERGY. THE soil, whose rank luxuriance yields But thistles, thorns, and weeds, May smile, with yellow Ceres crownM, Should culture sow the seeds. 14 4 2 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. But 't were a waste of time and toil To till the Lybian sands : Here Art and Culture both despair, And Prudence holds her hands. And thus it is with mind, her force And energy misused In follies, or for purposes More mischievous abused, By friendly counsel, arm'd with truth, May be directed right; But where 'tis barren all, and waste, The case is hopeless quite. 143 LIFE. "CAUSA LATET, VIS EST NOTISSIMA." NOUGHT of this subtle principle Is known, but its effects ; Who seeks it in its citadel Destroys but not detects. This lamp, that lightens all that lives, Like some 19 that guard the dead, E'en by th' intruder's entrance is To utter darkness sped ! 144 MISCELLANEOUS POKMS. NE CITO DECRESCAT TUA CRESCENS LUNA, CAVETO BARBARE, SOLA POTEST CRUX SUPERARE CRUCEM. MALEDICTIO. THOUGH still in dense Egyptian darkness bound, Still Turk to brother Turk is faithful found ; No turban 9 d knave, to foreign fort or foss Deserting, changed the crescent for the cross : This depth of crime, with double treason fraught, The Turk believed not, till the Christian wrought, When to the st agger' d Saracen he sold Faith, freedom, honour, and himself, for gold. But hark, in depth and eloquence of woe, From widow'd Greece these maledictions flow: GRX.CIK, MALEDICTIO. 145 " Your doing- done, your murderous mission sped, Hide, recreants ! hide from earth your hated head ! If homeward-bound, may Freedom's funeral knell Rouse the deaf surge, the slumbering whirlwind swell ; And, oh ! should not avenging Heaven direct All seas to 'whelm you, may all shores reject, Till every sun and soil repulse your band With scorpion scourge from their polluted land ! " May all men curse you! and the mother's knee Still teach the curse to those that are to be! Your very sons will spurn that sire's embrace That stamp'd the mark of Cain upon their race : 146 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Though tears may scald their cheeks, and blushes burn, They'll meet with bitter scorn your loathed return, And hoot you back to your barbarian clan ; Base renegadoes both of God and man ! " But, oh ! some little space, if but to give Full scope to general indignation, live ! Then change your present for your future hell, And fall as your precursor Judas fell ! " Oh, lost to honour! and, oh, dead to shame! Alive to nought, but damning deathless fame ! Oh, may the memory of your monstrous crime Spread through all space, and occupy all time ; On earth forgotten ne'er, and ne'er forgiven ; Revenged in hell, and registered in heaven. POLEMICS. 147 " May Truth, inspired by Byron's glowing page, Transmit your nauseous name from age to age, In that strong infamy embalm d, that dooms To rot for ever what it ne'er consumes; And let one line ten thousand satires speak, The Turk was this man's friend, his foe the Greek r Thus spake A FORM ! that from Colonna's height Indignant plunged, and loathing spurn 'd the light. POLEMICS. POLEMICS with Religion play, As truant children cast From hand to hand the flying ball, But to be lost 20 at last. L2 MISCELLANEOUS POHMS. LORD BACON. 1 QUI GENUS HUMANUM INGENIO SUPERAV1T, ET OMXES PR.ESTINXIT STELLAS, EXORTUS UTI ^THEREUS SOL!" WHILE others toil t' overtake celebrity, But toil in vain, she pants to follow thee, Yet lags outstripp'd behind: thy deeds afford No time to praise, their praise is to record : Thine intellectual eye its lightnings hurl'd, And pierced the darkness that involved the world I Through all the realms of mind and matter stray 'd, But nothing greater than itself survey'd ; While Time, astounded, saw thy magic page Advance mankind whole cent'ries in an age! o And to some error in his dates assi^n'd, o ' Or thee too much before, or them too far behind. LORD BACON. 149 Some mountain thus salutes the virgin ray, Fresh from the sun, fair herald of the day; Views from his lofty summit, clothed with light, The vale where linger still the shades of night. Forgotten half, and half unknown to fame, Thy title follows not precedes, thy name; And, like some gilded valet, apes in vain His master's native dignity of mien. Till thy fam'd star arose, the schoolmen wrought At vast expense of every thing but thought; Their tedious taskwork each revolving sun Beheld beginning still, but ne'er begun: Such time was squandered in adapting rules, Adjusting instruments, and naming tools, That, storeless, pow'rless, frittered down to chips, Discovery lay, and rotted on the slips; No skill to launch her, and no master-hand To rule her rudder, and her course command, 1-50 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. She stood till thy proud spirit walk'd her deck, In wisdom's way, a vast encumbering wreck? Cramp'd by the Stagyrite, whose sons elect, Though domineering still, could nought direct, PHILOSOPHY, on vague conjecture tost, Or metaphysic's misty mazes lost, 'Mid subtleties and nice distinctions pined, And definitions ne'er to be defined ! At length, through cloister shade and convent gloom, Through wrangling hall, and lore-begirted dome, A VOICE was heard! SHE woke as from the dead, And shook the dust of ages from her head ; Woke as a giant, when refresh'd with wine, To do THY bidding, for THAT voice was THINE ! Freed from the schoolmen's folios by thy pen, She quits her cobweb's cage, and dwells with men; LORD BACOX. 151 Looks, for a moment, backward to the night From which she merged, then forward to the light ! And leaves (her childhood past) to bearded boys And pedantry her Greek and Roman toys. Trained by thy Daedal hand, o'er earth and skies, On firmer wing than Icarus she flies; Still more to strengthen what she found aright, She brings the laws that made it so to light, And Cacus error, from his cavern strong, Drags into day, and thus corrects the wrong. Protecting all, by all protected, free, And giving freedom, still she bows to THEE, Grateful for all she is, and MORE she hopes to be ! 152 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. " AN TIBI VIRTUS VENTOSA IN LINGUA?" WHO vainly strive on fulsome breath Of their own praise to rise, The higher they themselves exalt, We but the more despise. The lark that strains his little wing Doth but the less appear. And tops the zenith of his flight, But to be lost in air ! 153 FRIENDSHIP AND INGRATITUDE. AN ALLEGORY. INGRATITUDE, by Friendship's fostering hands Planted and rear'd, her shadowy boughs expands, But boughs with blossoms cluster 'd, not with fruits; And, as to heaven her head aspiring shoots, To Tart'rus nearer still descend her grovelling roots. But, lo, the storm! its fury Friendship shuns, And to the towering trunk she fostered runs : That treacherous tree her very height applies To lure the livid lightning from the skies, And lifeless at her foot the hand that rear'd her lies. 154 .MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. TINNIT INANE EST! THY bark, a coffin; helmsman, death; A narrow shroud, the sail; Thy freight, corruption ; and the breath Of parting life the gale : This makes all sense and sight disclose Contemptible and mean ; But Faith, like Ocean, riches knows, Exhaustless, but unseen. And, as that ocean wild, the moon With silver sceptre guides, And, tranquil on her distant throne, Controls the raging tides; REVENGE. ]/>5 So Faith, from her celestial height, Consoles the troubled breast, And calm, from consciousness of might, Rebellion awes to rest. REVENGE. REVENGE to his dread purpose flies, But faster flies Remorse ; As the fell tigress, of her whelps Bereft, o'ertakes the horse: Remorse ! that on Revenge attends, To accuse, not curb the hand, And bring us, while on earth, the vain Repentance of the damn'd. 156 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. "DUM TENER IN CUKIS JAM JOVE DIGNUS ERAT." THAT promise autumn pays that spring began, And what the schoolboy was, such is the man : The sap and tender bud in childhood shoot, And youth the blossom gives but age the fruit. A WORD TO THE WISE. "NUGIS ADDERE PONDUS." VAIN is thy labour, to create From all that little is, the great : Reverse it, turn the great to little, T will suit thy genius to a tittle. NOTES THE MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 1 , page 67. " O thou, that bidd'st the brightest close Their intellectual eye, And to thy dizzy, dangerous height, Like hooded falcons, fly." IF the falcon escapes with his hood on, he soars perpen- dicularly upwards, until he drops ; a circumstance common to all birds that are blinded, if they have the power and liberty to fly. Note 2 , page 79. Who now shall wake that widowed lyre ? There breathes but one, that dares To that Herculean task aspire." The author is not aware whether the one here alluded to, be dead or alive. 158 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 3 , page SO. " 'Twere all in vain: that charmed link That hearts in concord held. Was not of steel, but adamant, And, broken, will not weld! Platina and iron are the only metals that will weld. Note\paye 83. " Hunt rose to expound with what violence he, And stoical struggle, abandon'd his tea : An abandonment truly both safe and in season, For Treason, if T be omitted, is reason." This trifle had the honour of being taken to the House of Peers by Lord Erskine, and was afterwards sent by a friend of mine to a little periodical, entitled "The Gleaner." NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS TOE1NJS. 169 Note 5 , page 94. When nations celebrate their rights Should storm or cloud arise, Behold a judgment, cry the priests, And vengeance from the skies." The dreadful earthquake at the Caraccas took place on the anniversary of the birth of their independence, when the whole population was assembled in the churches, it being an high festival. This, of course, was construed into a judgment of Providence by a certain party, and its absurdity forces on us a not unprofitable remark on judg- ments in general ; namely, that, when any evils befall us, it is not unwise to examine our own conduet, and to con- sider such calamities as judgments, when they happen to ourselves : but it is both unwise and uncharitable to put the same construction on those misfortunes that happen to another. 160 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 6 , page 98. "And, like those book-devouring flames That Alexandria's tale proclaims, ' Are blessings in disguise.' " In setting out on his voyage, Mr. Locke strongly recom- mends the young noviciate of science to begin by throw- ing all the useless lumber overboard. Had the Alexandrian library escaped the flames, the whole crew must have been converted into lumber-men, before the vessel could have been cleared for her voyage. What a cloud of commenta- tors, and what hosts of critics, would have been entailed upon us, had these overwhelming relics of earlier prolixity descended unto us ! Those lucubrations that, applied to the baths, kept the Alexandrians in hot water for some months, might have performed the same kind office for the whole world for as many ages, had not the expurga- tory decree of the Caliph forbidden such a misfortune. Our eyes are perhaps the first of our senses that begin to fail us ; and it has sometimes struck me that this is a gentle hint that there is a period when we should cease to pore over the works of others, and begin to examine our NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 161 own, and to cease from reading, that reflection may begin- In ascertaining the real value of any thing, we of course ask two questions, what is the difficulty of acquiring it ? and what is its utility, when acquired ? In order to be an object worthy of our pursuit, the answer to each query must be in the affirmative; for many things, like rope- dancing and fiddling, may be very difficult, but not very useful ; and many other things may be useful, but not difficult. A short rule to get at the true value of any sci- ence is this : ask yourself, candidly, what is there of real value that any one who is master of such a science can per- form, that you cannot ? Some sciences would answer the querist triumphantly, as algebra, astronomy, mathema- tics, chemistry, &c. j others, whose titles are somewhat pompous, would here be mute. What is there, for in- stance, that a logician, or a metaphysician, or a craniolo- gist can perform by aid of their science, that others cannot eifect as well, or better, without it ? H>2 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 7 , puge 99. ' ' Time's telescope more wonderful appears E'en than his scythe, and deeper truths conveys: His tube prospective lengthens days to years; Reversed, our years it shortens into days !" I have elsewhere observed, that one reason why time past appears so very much diminished, compared with time that is to come, is this : when we look back into time past, we must of necessity fix our attention upon some particular period. Now, with all the circumstances connected with this period we are pretty well acquainted, because they have taken place : this therefore is a luminous point. But when we look forward into time to come, the case is dif- ferent: all is darkness and obscurity. In this instance, therefore, the mind is deceived by her own position, as much as he would be, who, stationed in the middle of a dark vista, was called upon to decide on the comparative distance of each end, one having a lamp at its termination, and the other none. NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 8 , page 100. " Such odour from that holocaust In fragrant incense rose, That Truth a deathless vigour gain'd, That half redeem'd her foes." Martyrs prove nothing but their own sincerity. Those who threw themselves under the wheels of Jaggernaut must be discharged from the imputation of knavery, but by no means from that of folly. It is so much more easy to die for religion than to live for it, that all sects, how- ever absurd, have had their martyrs. To entitle martyr- dom to its full share of our admiration and gratitude, two things are necessary: that the religion for which the martyr dies should, from its purity in precept, bear within itself the stamp of having proceeded from the deepest wisdom ; and, from its utility in practice, carry outward evidence that it was the result of the highest goodness. The Christian's scheme in both these points is perfect. M '2 164 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 9 , page 101. " Unmatch'd in power, unbounded in extent, As omnipresent as omnipotent, To no meridian nor clime confined, Man with his fellow man, and mind to mind, 'Tis hers, in links of love and charity, to bind." We ought to pray as those do that expect every thing from God, and act as those do that expect every thing from themselves. Farthermore, we are borne outr bj va- rious passages in Scripture, in attributing a very high degree of efficacy to the prayers of the living for the living: it is a labour of love, that may be of service to others, does improve ourselves, and must be acceptable to our MAKER. Prayer it is that gives universality to benevolence, enabling Christians, who have never seen one another, or who have been divided by distance, or kept asunder by danger, to become spiritually united for each other's good, in a moment and at will, by the awful com- munion of prayer. NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 165 Note lo , page 108. " And yet, to have no faith demands More faith than is supposed, For sceptics have their creed of things Incredible composed." It has often struck me, that a work might be written on a principle that scepticism of every grade, either partial or universal, would find it difficult to confute. As the key- stone oh such a work, one position might be insisted on, which the most confirmed Pyrrhonist could not but admit; and which, being admitted, would involve consequences from which he could not escape. The position I allude to is neither more nor less than this, THE POSSIBILITY OF A FUTURE STATE OF RETRIBUTION. Now this happens to be a most awful possibility: first, because it is impossible to deny it j secondly, because it embraces such tremendous responsibilities. More fully to understand the nature of these responsibilities, the author of the work contemplated would do well to dedicate some of his lucubrations to an examination of the real value of any good, and the true estimate of any evil, attached to this present life, From 166 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. such an examination it would distinctly appear, that no wise man is warranted in allowing his eternal interests to be put in jeopardy, even by the possibility of a future state ; because, as compared to such a bare possibility, all the goods and evils of the present life become an evanes- cent point, and sink into nothingness. This truth might be submitted to the rigid test of the strictest calculation, and would be still more confirmed by so severe an ordeal. We might ask, for instance, how many seconds composed the life of a Parr or a Jenkins? a task easily accom- plished. But, if we ask a second question, we may wait long enough for the answer, How many collective lives of such men as Parr and Jenkins would be requisite to make up an eternity? We can answer the first question, because a second is an absolute and component part of the life of man ; but we cannot answer the second, because the longest life of man is no component part of eternity. The longest life of man, as compared to eternity, is so trifling, that it becomes an evanescent point, a thing not to be taken into the calcula- tion. What, then, are the consequences deducible from these facts ? First, that the longest life of man bears a smaller proportion to eternity than a single second does to NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 167 the longest life of man ; and, secondly, that he is little short of a madman, who, to avoid any evil or gain any good here, puts himself within the possibility of injuring his eternal interests; because he wounds these interests for the sake of a gratification, the duration of which bears a shorter proportion to eternity than a single second does to life. Note n , page 113. " Holding the key of Truth within his hand, On Doubt, her vestibule, behold him stand, And point, like Moses, to that brighter spot, Pursued, explored, attain'd, but enter'd not." One reason why those minds endowed with the keenest acumen of observation, and the greatest vigour of thought, so often leave the subject of their speculations in a state of uncertainty most embarrassing to themselves, and most unsatisfactory to others, would seem to be this : ignorance lies at the bottom of all human knowledge, and the deeper we penetrate the nearer we arrive unto it. After certain points have been passed, and certain lines, as it were, of 168 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. demarcation penetrated, we invariably meet with certain obstacles which we cannot pass, and which seem to say to all efforts of human wisdom, "Thus far shall thou go, and no farther, and here shall thy proud waves be stayed." Take any branch of science you please, and pursue the light it gives you to its very extremity, it will infallibly bring you at last to the point where the philosopher will be no wiser than the peasant ; and the only difference is, that the ignorance of the one lies nearer the surface, whilst the want of knowledge in the other is found at the end of the labyrinth. Note 12 , page 116. " Blame not the stars nor destinies, In thine own hand the prowess lies ; Thy map of life review : The march was plain, but thou, beguiled By some short cut, or prospect wild, Hast wandered from the true." That every man is more or less the fabricator of his own fortune, is too obvious to be insisted on ; but this may be worth observing, that the more applies to those who avail NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 169 themselves of opportunity, the less to those who do not. We have, however, two great authorities against us on this subject, Shakspeare and Butler. The first observes : There is a Providence that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will." One would conceive it difficult to express this thought better; and yet Shakspeare has perhaps been surpassed by Butler, who, with his usual pregnant brevity, thus ex- presses himself: " For whatsoe'er we perpetrate, We do but row, we are steer'd by fate." Texts, however, of an opposite tendency might easily be cited from Shakspeare, who, in common with all good dra- matists, assimilates the sentiments to the characters who utter them. But to return : All who are about to enter on life should be most strongly recommended never to neglect opportunity. Opportunity has effected more than fortune, or even talent : she has often taken them both by the hand, and found eyes for the one, and ears for the other. Therefore, should Opportunity knock at your door, neglect her not ; and remember this, that, inasmuch as she 170 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. always makes the Jirst advances, she is on that account particularly sensible of rebuff. Note n , page 117. 1 ' Self-pride, of good and ill the source, Still prompts again the tortuous course Of error to begin ; Blames, for the ruin and the rout Of all our hopes, the foe without, Not the false friend within." "Stop, sir," observed Napoleon to Barry O'Meara: " you are mistaken ; J had no enemy but myself ; I have my- self alone to blame, for all the disasters that happened unto me." This is the short history of most, who, having failed in their undertakings, waste that time in complaining of their misfortunes which were better occupied in correcting their mistakes. I believe there are very few that would choose to live their life over again ; but, allow them in their second existence to profit by the experience they had acquired in the first, then indeed there are very few that would refuse it. An actor on the mimic stage, preparatory NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 171 to his appearance before the public, is allowed a rehearsal ; but, in the eventful drama of real life, no rehearsal is allowed. Furthermore, we are called upon to please an audience remarkable for its predispositions not to be pleased, and at the precise season of life when we are least aware of the value of character, and least able to follow the dic- tates of prudence : this is the very time when we are ex- pected to lay the foundation of the one, and practise all the precepts of the other ! Note ", page 122. '< It is not of the heart, nor of the head, But of THE INMOST SOUL, sustain'd and fed By that ambrosial feast to Israel given, Gather'd on earth, but sent direct from heaven !" The true poet must of necessity collect his images from earth ; but the inspiration that invigorates them with life, and enriches them with beauty, like the fabled fire that animated the Promethean clay, is not of earth, but of heaven. 172 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Note 15 , page 125. " O thou, for ever doomed to prove The comrade and the curse of love, The bravest thou canst force to yield, And pierce them through their very shield." Seeing that Jealousy inflicts her wounds through that self-pride which is our shield on all other occasions, it strikes one as somewhat remarkable that Frenchmen, a race by no means deficient in honour, sensibility, and high feeling, very rarely resort to atrocious or desperate reme- dies under the influence of this gloomy passion. Perhaps the solution of the difficulty is this: their vanity heals the wounds inflicted on their pride, and, instead of revenging themselves on the fair inconstant, they content themselves by pitying the bad taste she has evinced, in abandoning one so worthy of admiration ; and they finish the matter, not by destroying their former idol, but by seeking another, whose discernment shall enable her not only to select such merit, but also to preserve it. NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 173 Note l6 , page 127. The throbbing heart, the quivering lip, That shook a Marlborough's frame, Were but the throes, the giant birth Was Blenheim's deathless name !" It is a well-known fact, that the Duke of Marlborough was alwavs greatly agitated on going into action : he used to say, " This little body trembles at what this great soul is about to perform." Note 1 ' 1 , page 140. " Thus, throned on rocks, Missouri takes His giant leap, and thundering shakes The depth of woods below ! His lone magnificence displays, Where not an eye the pomp surveys But His that bade him flow." The cataract of the Missouri is very rarely seen, except by such enterprising travellers as Humboldt or Clarke. I have been informed that this cataract is the grandest in the world : that of Niagara did not quite equal my expecta- tions, it struck me as being minor famu. 174 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POF.MS. Note 18 , page 141. " The faults, alas ! or follies of a friend, We catch and copy, though we can't commend ; As to his virtues, if these e'er create A rival effort, 'tis constraint or late : These we commend indeed, but seldom imitate." In confirmation of the above position, it may be re- marked, that large cities, camps, manufactories, or any other establishment, whereby large masses of population are concentrated on any particular spot, have invariably demoralised society, rather than ameliorated it. The rea- son is this, bad habits are more rapidly communicated than those that are good. But some will farther ask, why should they be more rapidly communicated? We would reply, that vicious courses always proffer some trivial but imme- diate gratification or enjoyment; but those that are virtu- ous are followed up with difficulty, and rewarded late : temptation pays in ready money, but self-denial draws a bill. As far as the body is concerned, the parallel is equally true, and almost as deplorable ; for, although health is constantly catching disease from another's sick- ness, yet sickness never yet caught sanity from another's health. NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 175 Note 19 , poye 143. ' This lamp that lightens all that lives. Like some that guard the dead, E'en by th' intruder's entrance is To utter darkness sped !" Rosi crucian lamps. Note 20 , page 147. " Polemics with Religion play, As truant children cast From hand to hand the flying ball, But to be lost at last." This can only happen when controversy is carried on with that degree of acrimony and bitterness, that it induces the destruction of the brightest part of that which we combat to defend. But most evils have their concomitant good : religion at present is in more danger from indifference than persecution, from the supineness of the calm, rather than the devastation of the hurricane. Minds that are 176 NOTES TO MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. energetic in-opposition are too often torpid in acquiescence, and souls that dose in harmony are alert in discord. In this particular they may be compared to that Turkish envoy, who, on his appearance at the Opera, astonished the Parisians by bestowing all his applause and animation on the din produced by the tuning of the instruments, but was observed to be fast asleep the moment the concert began. THE END. 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