__ Q L 2. TFrom the TRANSACTIONS or THK ROTAL SOCIBTT OP CANADA, Vol. I ^H ON SOME MARINE INVERTEBRATA DREl" tED ' OTHE1 : FR! BY J. F. WHITEAVES, F.G.S. MONTREAL DAWSON BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS 1887 BIOLOGY LIBRARY G [ION IV., 1886. [ 111 ] TRANS. ROY. Soc. CANADA. IX. On some Martin' Inn rtt'tirata dredged or otherwise collected by Dr. G. M. in 1885, In the northern part of the Strait of Georgia, in Disrom- Johnstone Strait, and Queen Charlotte and Quutsino Sounds, British Columbia ,- n-'itlt a Supplementary List of a feic land and fresh water shells, fishes, 1>irdx, A-., from the same region. By J. F. WHITEAVES. (Kead May L'7, 1886.) As stated in his preliminary report, 1 Dr. Dawsou's geological explorations of certain parts of the coast of British Columbia, in the summer of 1885, in which he was assisted by Mr. D. B. Bowling, were prosecuted by means of a schooner. In the intervals of the more purely geological work, this mode of locomotion afforded many opportunities, which were utilized to their fullest extent, for collecting marine invertebrata, on the shore, by the towing net or by the dredge. The title of the present paper sufficiently indicates the area examined, at many points within which collections were made at low tide. The material collected by the towing net, being to a large extent microscopical in its character, has not yet been examined. The dredge was used successfully at depths of of from seven to fifty fathoms, at the following localities : STATIONS. STRAIT OP GEORGIA. No. 1. Ball inac ( 'hannol, opposite Lasqueti Island, in forty fathoms. False Bay, Lasqueti Island, in ten to twenty fathom?, sand and gravel. 8* Off the mouth of Qnalieum River, Vancouver Island, in forty fathoms, sand and gravel. 4. Oil' the north end of Texada Island, in fifty fathoms, sandy mud, 6. Between Ilernando and Cortez Islands, in eight to twenty fathoms, sand. 6. Between Mary and Cortez Islands, in fifteen to twenty fathoms, sand. DISCOVERY PASSAGE. 7- Duncan Bay, Vancouver Island, in ten to twenty fathoms, sand and gravel. 8. Elk Bay, Vancouver Island, in twenty to twenty-five fathoms, sand and gravel. JOHNSTONE STRAIT. '.'. Blinkinsop Kay, on the mainland of British Columbia, in ten fathoms, sand and mud. 10. Forward Bay, Cracroft Inland, in fifteen to twenty-five fathoms. QlT;l:\ ClIAI'.l.ll! (Including I'.larkiisli and Fife, Hounds and Bronghton Strait) 11 Farewell Harbour, between Swanson, Lewis and Berry Islands, in nine fathoms, gravel. 12. Fresh Water Hay, Swanson Island, Blackfish Sound, in ten fathoms, -ravel and coarse sand. uiry Report of the Operations .f the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada t 31st, 1885. Ottawa, 1S80, pp. !, 299272 112 WHITE AVES ON MARINE INVERTEBRATA, ETC., STATIONS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUND. (Continued.) No. 13. Cullen Harbour, Broughton Island, Fife Sound, in four to eight fathoms, sand and mud. 14. Alert Bay, on the west coast of Cormorant Island, and nearly opposite the mouth of the Nimpkish River, Vancouver Island, in Broughton Strait, in ten fathoms, sand and mud. 15. Between Alert Bay and the mouth of the Nimpkish River, Vancouver Island, in ten to twenty fathoms, gravel. 10. Near Suquash, off Pulteney Point, Malcolm Island, Broughton Strait, in twenty-five fathoms, sand, gravel and dead shells. 17. Off False Head, Vancouver Island, in thirty fathoms, sand, gravel and dead shells. 18. Off Blunden Harbour, mainland of British Columbia, in six to ten fathoms, sand. QUATSINO SOUND, NORTH-WEST COAST OP VANCOUVER ISLAND. 19. Quatsino Sound, off Entrance Island, in from thirty to fifty fathoms, mud and sand. 20. Forward Inlet, Quatsino Sound, in ten to twenty fathoms, mud. Owing to the systematic way in which the collections were made, the series of marine invertebrata now reported upon is by far the most extensive and important that has yet been made by any of the exploring parties of the Survey. The Crustacea, with the exception of the minute and for the most part larval forms collected in the towing net, have been kindly examined by Prof. S. J. Smith, of Yale College, who will report on them separately. The sponges, hydroids (with one exception), polyzoa, and worms, have not yet been studied. Including the foraminifera, the number of species that have been iden- tified so far is approximately as follows : No. OP SPECIES. Foraminifera - , , -, , 19 Hydroida 1 Anthozoa 2 Echinodermata 15 Tunicata 1 Brachiopoda 4 Lamellibranchiata 54 Gasteropoda 88 Cephalopoda 1 TOTAL 185 At station No. T, the sand which came up in the dredge, when washed and examined under the microscope, was found to be unusually rich in diatomaceae. Among these, connected frustules of Himantidium, Tabellaria and Grammatophora marina are frequent, associated with separate frustules of Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii (rare), Amphitetras antedilu- viana, and of species belonging to the genera Amphora, Campylodiscus, Coscinodiscus, Fragilaria, Gyrosigma, Licmophora, Navicida, Podosphainia, Surirella and Tric&ratium, Samples of the sand, mud, etc., dredged from the bottom at ten of these stations were saved to be examined for foraminifera. The species from the Vancouver district do not appear to have previously been studied by any naturalist, and the present list of the foramiuifera of that region, though making no pretence to completeness, is believed to be the first that has yet been published. The largest and most conspicuous form is the Rhabdammina abyssorum of M. Sars, which was taken abundantly at three of the stations. FEOM THE COAST OF BEITISH COLUMBIA. 113 It had been dredged by the writer before, in 1873, at a depth of 200 fathoms in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Other remarkable forms are double examples of Discorbina I ttriairnsif, which are far from uncommon in Dr. Dawsou's dredgings ; large varieties of CrisleHnriii rnltraln. and a Frondirularia which, although common a.s a fossil in the Chalk of Europe and England, was previously unknown as a living species. Among the echiuodermata, the most interesting species collected is the Astrogonium grnnii/are, which is new to the fauna of the Pacific. Of the lamellibranchiate bivalves, two, vix., Pecten Alaskensis and Yoldia thradceformis, are arctic or subarctic shells which had not previously been taken so far to the south as the Vancouver region, while, on the other hand, Limntiiln xitbauriculata and Ledu acutn are species which have not hitherto been recorded as occurring so far to the north, on the west coast of North America. The number of species of gasteropoda collected is unusually large, and among these, Leptochiton cnncellatus, Bela violacea, Cancellaria ciri'inni-imiii, Admete viridula, and Sipfio VerkruzKnl are northern forms new to the Vancouver district ; while Solariella peramabilis ami Bin-twin sulik'iitiis are Californian shells now for the first time placed upon record as living within it. Astarte undata and Eulima incurva (=distorta auct.) if correctly identified, seem to be new to the fauna of the west coast of North America ; Margarita cidaris, of which a line series w r as obtained, was previously known only from a single specimen ; and Cadulus aben-anx and Leptochiton pinictatus are here described for the first time. It would appear that the outer and exposed western coast of Vancouver Island is tenanted by a somewhat dilfercnt assemblage of marine invertebrata from that which lives in its eastern, south-eastern and more land-locked waters. So far, Tellina Bodegensis, Cadulus aberrant, Pachypoma gibberosum, Chlorostoma funebrale and Olive/la biplicata have been found by the Survey collectors on the west and north coast of the Island only, while Acmii'ii iitstiiliilif.. Cri/i>lobranchia concenlrirn, IJnliotis Kamtschatkana and Phorcus nulligo, though not exclusively confined to the outer coast, appear to be rare in its eastern and south- eastern waters. The exact geographical distribution of the different species around the coast of Vancouver Island, however, has yet to be ascertained, and the preceding remarks have only been written with the view of directing attention to the subject. For critical and valuable suggestions in regard to some of the mollusca collected, and for the identification of eight species of gasteropoda, the writer is indebted to Mr. W. H. Call of the United States National Museum at Washington. The following is a list of the species that have been identified so far. FORAMINIFERA. MILIOLTNA SEMINULTJM, L. Strait of Georgia at station No. 2, Discovery Passage at station No. 7, and Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. It, one specimen at each. MIL.IOLINA FERUSSACII, fOrbigny. "With the preceding at station No. 17, one specimen. RIIABDAMMINA ABYSSORUM, M. Sars. Strait of Georgia at stations Nos. 4 and 5, Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 17, and Quatsino Sound at station No. 20, abundant at each. Sec. IV., 1886. 15. 114 WHITE AVES ON MAEINE INVEKTEBRATA, ETC., HAPLOPHRAGMIUM CANARIENSE, r. Carpenter's last report, but the mistake was corrected by him in / LuciN,v FILOSA, Stiiiipson. Quatsino Sound at station No. 19, one small but living shell; and at station No. 20, a large and perfectly fresh single valve. LrcipfA TENUISOUI.PTA, Carpenter. Strait of Georgia at station No. 2, one living speci- men ; and Quatsino Sound at station No. 19, abundant, living. Vi:\KKK'u;i>iA HOIJKALIS. Conrad. Living, but usually of small size, at the following localities : Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12, 14, 15, 17 and 18; and Quatsino Sound at station No. 19. A few dead valves of this shell were dredged at station No. 1, in Discovery Passage. ASTAKTK r.\ DATA? Gould, var. Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, two living and full- grown specimens ; Discovery Passage at station No. 7, two living specimens and several single valves, and Johustone Strait at station No. 10, one living and unusually large specimen. The shells from station No. 5 can scarcely be separated from examples of a variety of A. undata dredged by the writer, in 1873, between Pictou Island and Cape Bear, P.E.L ; while those from stations No. 7 and 10 are more transversely elon- gated and more like A. elliptica in shape, but their ribs are fewer (some fourteen or iil'ieen in number) and more prominent, and shew little if any tendency to become obsolete near the ventral margin. A single dead and immature valve of an Astarte, dredged by Dr. G. M. Dawsou off Metlakatla in 1878, and identified by the writer, with doubt, as possibly the A. semixulmta of Leach, in the Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of 1878-79 (p. 197 B) is certainly identical with the shells here provisionally referred to A. unduta. /ASTARTE ESQUIMALTI, Baird. Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, two living specimens ; Discovery Passage at station No. 7, abundant, alive ; Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, two living specimens ; and Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, four living shells, and at station No. 14, abundant and alive. In the specimens from these localities the irregularity of the concentric ribs is very slight and scarcely appreciable without the aid of a lens. &<&&.TOCIIITON CANCELLATUS, Sowerby. Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, eleven small but living .specimens, four of which have been identified with this species by Mr. "NV. H. Dall. Three specimens of a small, white Chiton, from station No. 14, appear also to belong to this species. LEPTOCHITON PUNCTATUS. N. Sp. FIGS. 3 and 4.Lcptochiton j,iiiictBiTTlUM FILOSUM, Gould. Common, living, at low tide, in Malaspina Inlet, Strait of Georgia ; in Discovery Passage, between Seymour Narrows and Elk Harbour ; in Johnstone Strait, the Goletas Channel, and Queen Charlotte and Quatsino Sounds. BITTIUM MUNITUM. (= Cerithiopsis munita, Carpenter.) Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, ten fine and mostly living specimens. The writer is indebted to Mr. "W. H. Dall for the suggestion that this shell is probably a Bittium rather than a Cerithiopsis, and that the Cerithiopsis columna of Dr. Carpenter is only an abnormal form of it. / LITTORINA SITCHANA, Philippi. A common littoral species throughout the district. A few specimens of it were dredged in Discovery Passage, at station No. 7. The late Dr. Jeffreys regarded this shell as only a local variety of the European L. rudis. / LITTORINA SCUTULATA, Gould. With the preceding species, but apparently not quite so common. LACUNA SOLIDULA, Loven. (=L. carinata, Gould.) A few living specimens were taken at or near low water in Alert Bay, B. C., and it was dredged living, but in very small numbers, in Discovery Passage at station No. 8, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12 and 15. Dr. Jeffreys was of the opinion that this shell is a variety of L. divaricata, Fabricius (=L. vincta, Montagu), of northern Europe. JBARLEEIA SUBTENUIS, Carpenter. Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, one living specimen. J3UROULA PERVERSA, Gabb. Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 16, one large, living specimen, an inch and three-quarters in length, and another small but living shell ; and station No. 17, an immature but living specimen. This large and remarkable species, which is invariably sinistral, was previously dredged alive by Mr. James Richardson in from thirty to seventy fathoms in the Strait of Georgia. In the young state the test is nearly smooth and covered by a very pale, greenish-grey epidermis, and the body whorl is encircled by two spiral bands of a faint reddish-brown tint, one next to the suture and the other a little below the middle. x BELA FIDICULA, Gould. Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, four specimens ; Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 14 and 16, one living specimen at the first, and two full-grown, living shells at the second. ' BELA TABULATA. (=Mangelia tabulata, Carpenter.) Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 16, two specimens. Perhaps only a variety of the last named species. VIOLACEA, Mighels, var. (Teste Dall.) Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 14, one living specimen. FROM THE COAST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 131 /TuRBONiLLA VANCOUVERENSis. ( Cliemnitzia Vancouverensis, Baird.) Discovery Passage at station No. 7, one living shell ; Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, one living shell ; Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 13, eight living examples of a white- shelled variety of this species. ODOSTOMIA SITKENSIS, Dall. Strait of Georgia at station No. 2, one living and full-grown specimen. .EULIMA POLITA, L. Living and frequent in the Strait of Georgia at stations Nos. 5 and 'I, in Discovery Passage at stations No. 7 and 8, in Johustoue Strait at station No. 10, in Quern Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 14, 15 and 1*7, and in Quatsino Sound at station No. 20. About fifty living specimens of this shell were dredged by Dr. Dawson, and the only observable difference between them and authentic English examples of E. polita is one of size, the former attaining frequently to a length of thirteen milli- metres, while the latter are sometimes as much as sixteen mm. long. Smaller specimens of the same shell were dredged by Mr. Richardson in the Strait of Georgia in 1875, and these were referred by the writer to the E. micans of Car- penter, in " Canadian Naturalist," Vol. VIII, N. S. ; but Dr. Carpenter himself regarded E. micans as " perhaps a smaller variety of the European E. polita." ,- EULIMA INCURVA, Renieri (=.. distorta, auct.) With the above, but not nearly so common, at stations Nos. 6, 10 and 14. Two living specimens were also taken at low tide in Discovery Passage, between Seymour Narrows and Elk Harbour, and one at low tide in the Goletas Channel. y SCALARIA INDIANORUM, Carpenter. One fine, living adult specimen of this species, measur- ing nearly an inch and a half in length, was dredged in Discovery Passage at station No. 7. , CANCELLARIA CIRCUMCINCTA, Dall. Johnstone Strait at station No, 10, one living and adult specimen; Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, a series of about twenty living specimens, and at station No. 13, one full-grown living shell. ADMETE VIRIDULA, Fabridus. Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12 (three living specimens), 1*7 (two living specimens), and 18 (one living specimen). Most of these belong to the short-spired variety of the species, to which Verkruzen has given the name undatocostata. TRICHOTROPIS CANCELLATA, Hinds. Dredged more or less abundantly, alive, in the Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, in Discovery Passage at station No. 7, in Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18. Taken living also, in some numbers, at low water in Johnstone Strait and the Goletas Channel. / VELUTINA I^EVIQATA, L. Discovery Passage at station No. 8, one living specimen. /NATICA CLAUSA, Broderip and Sowerby. Taken sparingly, but alive and in some cases of considerable size, at low water, on the north shore of the Strait of Georgia ; in 132 WHITEAVES ON MARINE 1NVERTEBRATA, ETC., Johustone Strait ; at Beaver Harbour, Vancouver Island ; on the east side of Queen Charlotte Sound, and on the north and north-west coast of Vancouver Island between Nahwitti Bar and Quatsino Sound. Dredged also, alive, but in small numbers, in the Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, in Discovery Bay at station No. 7, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12 and 17. LUNATIA LEWISII, Old. Low tide, entrance to Malaspina Inlet, one specimen. , LUNATIA PALLIDA ? Broderip and Sowerby. Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 17, two dead and imperfect shells. ^TRITON (PRIENE) OREGONENSIS, Redfield. Low tide in Johnstone and Broughton Straits, in the G-oletas Channel, and on the east side of Queen Charlotte Sound, but appar- ently not very common. Dredged, living and adult, but in very small numbers, in Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 11 and 12. This shell is possibly only a local variety of the Triton cancellatus of Lamarck, from South America. /MARGINELLA (VOLUTELLA) PYRIFORMIS, Carpenter. Low tide in the Goletas Channel ; dredged also in Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, and in Quatsino Sound at station No. 20. One adult, living shell of this diminutive species at each of these stations. yOLiVELLA BIPLIOATA, Sowerby. Abundant, living, on the west or outer coast of Vancouver Island. OLIVELLA B^mcA, Carpenter. Strait of Georgia at stations Nos. 2 (frequent) and 5 (very abundant), also in Discovery Passage at station No. 7, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 16. Living, and apparently not uncommon, at each. / CHRYSODOMUS LIRATUS, Martyn. Queen Charlotte Sound, at station No. 12, two living but very young specimens, with the mammillated apex beautifully preserved ; at station No. 16, one half-grown and dead specimen ; and at station No. 17, two fine adult specimens (one living), with a short spire to the shell and an unusually inflated or globose body whorl. / CHRYSODOMUS DIRUS, Reeve. (Sp.) Abundant, living, at low water at the entrance to Malaspina Inlet and on the north shore of the Strait of Georgia ; in Discovery Pas- sage, between Seymour Narrows and Elk Harbour ; in Johnstone and Broughton Straits ; in the Goletas Channel, and on the east side of Queen Charlotte Sound. Dredged, but in small numbers, in Discovery Passage, at station No. 7. The generic position of this species is uncertain, as the animal has not yet been described. The shell does not look like that of a Chrysodomus or Sipho. Tryon places it in the genus Euthria, but that course is not free from objections. SIPHON VERKRITZENI, Kobelt. Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 17, associated with Neptunea lirata and other rare species ; one large, dead shell, but in excellent condi- tion. Mr. Dall, to whom the writer is indebted for the identification of this specimen, writes that it had previously been found in Norway and in Behring Sea and Strait, but that the present is the most southerly locality yet reported for it. FROM THE COAST OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. 133 BUCCINUM POLARE (Gray), var. COMPACTUM, Da//. At the same station as the species last mentioned ; one adul^but dead shell, in good condition. This species was collected by Mr. James Ui< hardsou, at low water, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, in 18*75. /NASSA (TiMTiA) MKNDICA, Gould. Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, alive and plentiful; Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, one living specimen ; Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, several living shells ; and Quatsiuo Sound at station No. 20, ten living specimens. / ASTYRIS CABINATA (Hinds), var. HINDSII. (=Columbella Hindsii, Reeve.) Low tide in the Goletas Channel, one living specimen. In this species the nucleus of the oper- culum is said to be subcentral, or " somewhat more within the margin " than it is in that of Nitidella Govldii. x NITIDELLA GOULDII, Carpenter. Strait of Georgia at station No. 2, two living specimens, and at station No. 5, abundant and living ; Quatsino Sound at station No. 19, three living specimens. This shell has been separated from the preceding species, both generically and specifically, mainly upon minute differences in the opercula, the nucleus of the operculum of N. Gouldii being stated to be nearly marginal. Morch, Ball and Fischer, however, assert that in the Columbellidse the operculum is so variable that it does not afford a good character for the discrimination of genera or species, and Tryou, in his "Manual of Couchology," places N. Gouldii among the synonyms of Columbella carinata. /AMPHISSA COKKUGATA, Reeve. Common, living, at low tide, at the entrance to Malaspina Inlet ; in llace Passage and other localities in Johnstone Strait ; in the Goletas Channel, and in Queen Charlotte and Quatsiuo Sounds. Dredged also, alive and in some numbers, in the Strait of Georgia at station No. 5, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18. , PUEPTJBA CEISPATA, Chemnitz. (=P. lactuca, Eschscholtz.) Extremely abundant and very variable in size, shape, sculpture and colour, living at or near low water mark, on the north shore of the Strait of Georgia, in Discovery Passage, in Johnstone and Broughton Straits, in the Goletas Channel, on the east side of Queen Charlotte Sound, and at the entrance to Quatsiuo Sound. Dredged also abundantly, alive, in Discovery Passage at station No. 7, and in very small numbers in Johnstone Strait at station No. 10, and in Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 16. PURPURA LIMA, Maityn. (=P. canalicutata, Duclos.) At low water throughout the district, associated with the preceding, of which Von Martens and others regard it as only a local variety. It did not, however, occur at any of the stations where the dredge was used. /PURPURA SAXICOLA, Valenciennes. Queen Charlotte Sound, at low tide, five adult, living shells of a variety in which the interior of the aperture and part of the columella is stained dark brown, while the former is margined exteriorly by a baud of pale straw colour. Von Martens and other writers regard this shell as a mere variety of P. lima, Martyu. 134 WHITEAVES ON MAEINB INVERTEBRATA, ETC., ,OciNEBRA LURIDA, Middendorf. Low tide in Johnstons Strait, one living, adult specimen ; Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 13, an immature^and dead shell. OCINEBRA INTERFOSSA, Carpenter. Living, at low tide, but by no means common, in .Tohnstone Strait and the Goletas Channel ; on the east and north west coast of Vancouver Island, from Nahwitti Bar to Quatsino Sound, and at the entrance to Quatsiuo Sound. One adult, living specimen was dredged at station No. 20. ,CEROSTOMA FOLIATUM, Gmelin. Fine and frequent, living, at low tide, at Twin Island and the entrance to Malaspina Inlet, in the Strait of G-eorgia ; in Johnstone and Brough- ton, Straits ; in the Goletas Channel, and on the east side of Queen Charlotte Sound. Dredged also, living and adult, in Discovery Passage at station No. *7. TROPHON ORPHEUS, Gould. (=T. Stuarti, E. A. Smith.) Queen Charlotte Sound, at station No. 14, an immature, living shell, nearly an inch and a half long, with the varices prolonged behind into semitubular or deeply grooved, long, spiny frills, which curve lightly backward ; at station No. 16, a living, adult shell, fully two inches long ; and at station No. 18, a beautifully preserved living specimen, an inch and a quarter in length, with the spinose frills prolonged to an unusual length behind. /TROPHON CLATHRATUS, L. (=T. multicostatus, Eschscholtz.) Low water in Johnstone Strait, one adult, living specimen. A similar, but slightly larger one was dredged in Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12, and another at station No. 16. /TROPHON TENTJISCTJLPTTTS, Carpenter. (=T. subserratus, Sowerby.) Not uncommon, alive, at low tide, on the north side of the Strait of G-eorgia, in Seymour Narrows, and in the Goletas Channel. A few living specimens, also, were dredged in Discovery Passage at station No. I 7, in Johustoue Strait at station No. 10, in Queen Charlotte Sound at stations Nos. 12, 16, 17 and 18, and in Quatsiuo Sound at station No. 19. The largest specimens collected are a little more than an inch and a half in length. "When examined with an ordinary simple lens, the whole surface of the shell of this species is seen to be almost covered by densely-crowded, minute, crenate and squamose raised lines of growth, which cross the spiral grooves and ridges and are superimposed upon the varices. The types of T. tenuisculptus are from the Pleistocene deposits at San Diego, but the shell is by no means uncommon in a living state on the coasts of Vancouver and the Queen Charlotte Islands. CEPHALOPODA. - OMMASTREPHES SAGITTATUS, Lamarck. (Sp.) Three specimens of a squid, which corre- spond very well with Tryon's description and figures of this species in the first volume of his "Manual of Conchology," were collected at low water in Victoria Harbour, Vancouver Island. The following is a supplementary list of fresh-water and land shells, fishes (marine), batrachians, ophidia, birds and mammals collected by Dr. Dawson and Mr. Dowling in the same district and season : FEOM THE COAST OF BEITISH COLUMBIA. 135 FRESH-WATER SHELLS. MARGARITANA MARGARITIFERA, L. Small streams entering Malaspina Strait, on the mainland side, four small specimens. LAND SHELLS. 'SELENITES VANCOUVERENSIS. (=Hdix Vancouverensis, Lea.) Harbledown and Fender Islands, in Johustoue Strait ; and Malcolm Island, in Broughton Strait ; a few living examples at each of these localities. Quatsino Sound, one dead and bleached shell. /ARIOLIMAX COLUMBIANUS? Gould. Malcolm Island, Broughton Strait, three specimens in alcohol. These have not been dissected, and therefore may possibly be A. Californicus, Cooper. MESODON COLUMBIANUS, Lea. Taken sparingly on Harbledown and Fender Islands, with Selenites Vancouverensis. AGLAIA FIDELIS, Gray. North point of Texada Island, three living and six dead ; entrance to Malaspina Inlet, one alive ; and False Bay, Lasqueti Island, one alive ; Growler Cove, Broughton Strait, one alive and one dead. FISHES. MERLUCIUS PRODUCTUS, Ayres. Merluccio. Off Gabriola Island, in the Strait of Georgia. In this fish the scales on the sides of the body, which have been described as very small, are really comparatively large and measure six millimetres by four. They are, however, very easily rubbed off. GADUS PROXIMUS, Ayres. Pacific Tom Cod. Caught in Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, at station No. 14. LIPARIS PULCHELLA, Ayres. Taken by the dredge at a depth of thirty fathoms in Queen Charlotte Sound. SEBASTODES MYSTINUS, Jordan and Gilbert. Black Rock-Fish. Caught in Queen Charlotte Sound at station No. 12. ANOPLOMA FIMBRIA, Pallas. Coal Fish. Taken at Broughton Strait, near Helmken Island. AMMODYTES PERSONATUS, Girard. Pacific Sand Launce. Alive near shore at Beaver Harbour, Vancouver Island. SIPHOSTOMA CAIFORNIENSE, Storer. Big Pipe-fish. Two rather small specimens of this species were collected in the Strait of Georgia. 136 WHITEAVBS ON MAEINE INVEBTEBBATA, ETC., CHIMERA COLLI^I, Bennett. " Rat-fish " or " Elephant Fish " of American icthyologists, but according to Dr Dawson known locally as the " Silver Dog Fish." Queen Charlotte Sound at station No 14, one adult male. A similar specimen was collected by Dr. Dawson in 1878, in deep water off the Queen Charlotte Islands. BATRACHIA. DIEMYCTYLTJS TOROSUS. (=Triton torosus, Eschscholtz, and Taricha torosa, Gray.) The Warty Salamander. Texada Island, in the Strait of Georgia, and Coal Harbour, Quatsino Sound, one specimen at each of these localities. OPHIDIA. ETJTAINIA PICKERINGII, Baird and Girard. Pickering's Garter Snake. Oyster Bay, near Comox, one specimen two feet and three-quarters of an inch in length ; and Georgina Point, Malaspina Inlet, one specimen not quite two feet long. BIRDS. BRACHYRHAMPHTJS MARMORATUS, Gmelin. (Sp.) Marbled Guillemot. Northern end of Vancouver Island, two specimens. PODICEPS CORNUTTJS (Gmelin) Latham. Horned Grebe. Two young specimens of this species were shot at Growler Cove, Johnstone Strait, and one equally young at Farewell Harbour, Queen Charlotte Sound. PODICEPS GRISEIGENA? Boddaert. Eed-necked Grebe. A young grebe which may be referable to this species was shot in Broughton Strait. CHROICOCEPHALTJS PHILADELPHIA (Ord) Lawrence. Bonaparte's Gull. False Bay, Lasqueti Island, one immature specimen. LARUS (BLASIPUS) HEERMANNI, Cassm. "White-headed Gull. Malcolm Island, Broughton Strait, one not quite adult specimen. LARTJS GLATJCESCENS, Lichtenstein. Glaucous-Winged Gull. Cullen Harbour, Queen Charlotte Sound, one nearly adult specimen. OCEANODROMA FUROATA, Gmelin. (Sp.) Fork-tailed Petrel. Goletas Channel, north end of Vancouver Island, one specimen. GRACULUS DILOPHUS, (Swainson) Gray. Double-crested Cormorant. Blunden Harbour, Queen Charlotte Sound ; two specimens, both devoid of crests but with twelve feathers in the tail. OIDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (L.) Fleming. Surf Scoter. Comox Harbour or Port Augusta, Vancouver Island, one adult male. KIJOM TIII-: COAST OF BUITISII COLUMBIA. 137 OIDEMIA AMERICANS. N//V/IMXOW. American Black Scoter. False Bay, Lasqucti Island, Strait of Georgia, one adult male. HISTRIONICUS TORQi'ATi's (L.) Bonaparte. Harlequin Duck. One adult male of this species, in fine plumage, was shot on Lasqueti Island, at False Bay ; and a young male at Mittlonach Island, in the Strait of Georgia. MARECA AMERICANA (Gme/in) Stephens. American Widgeon. Beaver Cove, Broughton Strait, a young male. NETTION CAROLINENSIS (Gme/in) Kaup. Green- winged Teal. Blunden Harbour, Queen Charlotte Sound, one young male. ARDEA HERODIAS, L. Great Blue Heron. A young bird of this species was shot in Culleu Harbour, and a similar one in Blunden Harbour both in Queen Charlotte Sound. LOBIPES HYPERBOREUS (L.) Cuvhr. Northern Phalarope. Fresh Water Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound, one specimen. STREPSII.AS MELANOCEPHALUS, Vigors. Black Turnstone. Forster's Island, Queen Charlotte Souud, three specimens. HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Z,.) Savigny. Bald Eagle. Johnstone Strait, one young specimen. COLAPTES MEXICANUS, Swainson. Red-shafted Flicker. Comox, Vancouver Island, one specimen. CERYLE ALCYON (L.) Boie. Belted Kingfisher. Cullen Harbour, Queen Charlotte Sound, two males and one female. CYANURA STELLERI (Gmelin) Baird. Steller's Jay. Comox, Vancouver Island, two speci- mens. MAMMALIA. SCIURUS HUDSONIUS, Pallas, var. Red Squirrel. Comox, Vancouver Island ; one specimen, which differs only from the eastern form of the species in being a little smaller and not so distinctly rufous on the back. PHOCA VITULINA, L. Harbour, Hair, or Leopard Seal. One specimen of the North Pacific variety of the Harbour Seal was shot in Broughton Strait. The species may be readily distinguished from all the other earless seals of both coasts of North America by the oblique implantation of its molars. MUSTELA AMERICANA, Turton. Sable. Pine Marten. Johnstone Strait, one specimen. CANIS LUPUS, (L.) Wolf. A large red wolf was shot near Cullen Harbour ; and a small grey and black variety at Knox Bay, in Johnstone Strait. MARCH 4th, 1887. Sec. IV., 188