LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. (il KT OF" Received , igo Accession No. 8315 / Clots No. i " ' & *y^ " ' *'. Jf THE COMING RAILROAD. THE CHASE-KlRCHNER AERODROMIC S Y ST E M OF TRANSPORTATION. G. N. CHASE, H. W. KIRCHNER, LIEUT. U. S. ARMY. F. A. I. A. ST. LOUIS, MO. FEBRUARY, 1894. ft ' CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGK I. INTRODUCTORY 5 II. THE PRESENT SYSTEM 8 III. AN IDEAL SYSTEM 14 IV. THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM 16 Y. DESCRIPTION OF THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM . 24 VI. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 29 VII. ADVANTAGES OF THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM . 39 APPENDIX 43 The Press of Nixon- Jones Pig. Co. 215 Pine St., St. Louis. 83157 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. Transportation is the greatest single interest in this coun- try, except perhaps agriculture, and that is reciprocal. No one condition would so completely relegate the world to the dark ages as the entire obliteration of the present system of railroads. So none can be conceived which would more materially advance the interests of civilization than would an increase of their present state of efficiency. Speed is the present and future problem of railroads. The pressure for a more rapid movement of passengers and freight has become intense. It is a necessity of the fast age in which we live, and it is felt by the management of every railroad. The motive power is taxed to its utmost. Expensive and important changes in the present equipment are suggested to this end, but experience has shown that the wear and tear is so great for higher rates of speed, that a faster service than now, can be maintained only by a proportionate increase in the (5) THE COMING RAILROAD. tariff. And again, the risk of accident increases so rapidly with the increase in velocity, especially on curves, that there is also a limit of safety, as well as economy, to the speed rail- roads may attain, in their desperate efforts to meet the demands of shippers and the traveling public. The successful railroad system of the future, is the one which will fulfill these requirements, and do it at even cheaper rates. It must have many advantages, for the railroads are already built and they will continue to be used until their suc- cessful rival shall leave only heaps of decaying rolling stock, and "parallel streaks of rust" as evidences of their former prosperity. It is generally admitted that the limitations of steam are practically reached, and with them those of speed and safety. But whether the possibilities of speed with steam, upon a sur- face track have been reached or not, every engineer upon a fast train will testify that the strain of such service has about reached the limit of human endurance. The present railroad system is but the outgrowth of the old, wagon idea, clumsy and cumbersome, with the center of gravity far above the fulcrum. It is simple, but for high speed it is inherently weak. The improvements made upon the original conception consist, chiefly, in a better and more economical application of the power, and consequent greater speed and comfort. The successive steps in the evolution of land transporta- tion have been, from the rude cart, whose wheels were fashioned from the trunks of trees, to the iron axle and wheels with spokes and iron tires ; from the primitive path in the forest, to the well built roads of the Romans, and so on to the well-nigh perfect road system of Europe. From the first attempts at steam locomotion, at eight miles an hour, with strap-iron track laid upon wooden stringers, to a possible sixty miles an hour with magnificent steel tracks and the lux- urious Pullman service. From the dirt road to the polished steel rail was one step ; from the steel rail to the French chemin de fer glissant, where a liquid took the place of steel with superior results, was another step ; and now from the liquid to the air, from gliding upon water or oil, to gliding THE COMING RAILROAD. upon the atmosphere, is offering only a suggestion in the line of previous successful results, In the following pages it is proposed to show that this idea is a practicable one, the successful development of which will have as great an influence upon the world, socially, politically and financially, as have the telegraph and railway in the past. The Concord coach is now abandoned for the locomotive, and in the days to come it is just possible that we may see the locomotive in its turn relegated to the rubbish pile, or pre- served in our museums as a monument to mark the path of mechanical progress. It is generally conceded that electricity is the coming mo- tive power, or, at all events, that the days of steam's monopoly are numbered. The science of electricity, so far as its appli- cation as a motive power is concerned, is of very recent de- velopment ; yet its strides in this direction have been unequaled, and its possibilities are only hinted at. The predictions made for this young giant are not ridiculed as were those of steam sixty years ago. The world has grown wiser. The successful use of the alternating current for transmit- ting force through long distances, opens up avast, and as yet untrodden field. It signalizes a new epoch in civilization. The development in the art of transmitting power by means of the continuous current, though restricted in its range, leaves little to be desired. Many and fruitless have been the efforts to apply electricity economically to the unwieldy system of existing railroads. Success can only come with a complete change in the method of construction. The inven- tive genius of the world, spurred on by the splendid oppor- tunities of the future, stands ready to do its part. We take this opportunity of acknowledging the assistance and personal courtesy of Dr. John E. Davies, Professor of Mathematical Physics in the University of Wisconsin, and Professor S. P. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tution. Professor Langley's work, entitled " Experiments in Aerodynamics," has been of great assistance. It forms one of the "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge," published by the U. S. Government. CHAPTER II. THE PRESENT SYSTEM. The present system of land transportation did not spring into being in its existing state of efficiency. It is the result of the inventive genius of two generations of the entire civil- ized world. Every department of mechanics has contributed its best results. Compare the first successful locomotive, the first coach, the first rude track, with the luxurious service of the present day. Sixty years ago, three hundred thousand spectators with the Duke of Wellington as master of cere- monies, witnessed the modest performance of the little "Rocket." It has taken all this time and unlimited pluck and money to bring about the perfection of to-day. Progress has kept pace with the requirements of the times, until now a network of steel rails connects the remotest parts of civiliza- tion with its great commercial centers. The effect of a good system of transportation is seen in (8) THE COMING RAILROAD. the phenomenal development of our country. It has every- where stimulated its products to a wonderful degree, and has made possible the very general distribution of our population. The equilibrium between supply and demand is more evenly maintained, and the distribution of population about commer- cial centers is made nearly as the square of the speed attained. Thus, if a person must walk, and have but one hour to reach his business and another to return, he is re- stricted to about 28 square miles, in which he can reside, his place of business being its center. If he use a horse, this area is increased to 200 square miles. If he travel 25 miles per hour, this circle is increased to nearly 2,000 square miles. If by any chance he could travel 125 miles per hour, it is 48,087 square miles. Traveling at this rate, professional men could conveniently have office days in cities a thousand miles apart, and the value of suburban property wou]d marvelously increase. The greater value of all products of the soil and mines at a distance from the place of production or manufacture, is another benefit, familiar to all, due to a good means of trans- portation. One example is sufficient: the radius of a circle in which corn can be sold profitably, if dependent upon wagon transportation, is 125 miles, while with railroads it is about 1,200 miles. By the census of 1890, the railroad mileage of the world was 370,281 miles. In the United States alone, 163,197 miles, over 44% of the whole, or one mile for every 357 inhabitants. At the close of 1892 this had increased to 175,223 miles. Its growth in this country has been marvel- ously rapid. In 1830 only 40 miles were in operation. In 1840, 2,755 miles; in 1850, 8,571 miles; in 1860, 28,916 miles; in 1870, 49,168 miles; in 1880, 87,724 miles. In the next decade the mileage added, nearly equaled that built in the previous fifty years ! The importance of this vast system of transportation can scarcely be realized, and only a rough estimate of the work done can be made. The whole number of passengers carried in 1892 was over 560,000,000 ; the number of tons of freight, about 1,000,000,000, transported in one 10 THE COMING RAILROAD. million freight cars ; the total number of miles run by trains 300,000,000. The total gross revenue for 1892 was $1,200,- 000,000, and the net earnings, $125,000,000. The railroads give employment to over 800,000 men. Vast as this seems, eminent authorities calculate that in the near future develop- ment of this country it will support one mile of road for every ten square miles of territory, or more than double its present mileage. Those who think that we have about reached the limit of development in this direction, will find food for thought in the fact that were the whole country as well provided with railroads as New Jersey, the United States would have nearly a million miles of road ! The average cost of railroads, including equipment, in the United States, is not easy of determination, but the best authorities agree in placing it at $50,000 per mile in the West, and $75,000 in the eastern States. This would represent nearly $10,000,000,000 invested in this class of securities in the U. S. alone. In England and some of the continental coun- tries of Europe, this cost has reached $180,000 per mile. In the United States, they were built quickly and at the least possible cost, adapting themselves to the needs of a rapidly growing country, so their standard of excellence was at first low. Improvements are however rapidly made, when the increased traffic warrants the extra expenditure, so that in the older States the existing competition has resulted in an efficiency in the trunk lines, which, as before re- marked, has practically reached its limit in speed and safety, comfort and economy. Yet their managers feel the ever- increasing pressure for a still faster service. Steel cars, more powerful and steel-encased locomotives, making to- gether a light, vestibule train, offering a minimum atmos- pheric resistance; steel ties, cut stone road-beds and the abolition of grade-crossings, are some of the more important and expensive changes which have been suggested. With these is predicted an average speed of sixty miles per hour between large cities. There are, however, two other conditions necessary in order to make the present system perfect, and these it can never THE COMING RAILROAD. 11 hope to attain ; from the very nature of the construction they become impossible. These are the abolition of grades and curves. With a radically different construction, while it may not be possible to dispense with grades, it is possible to ren- der them inoperative as obstacles to high speed, and the straightening of the track follows as a necessary sequence. The great weight of modern railroad trains must be lifted through the vertical distance of the grade, by a greatly increased adhesion of the driving wheels to the rails, due to the weight of the engine. Experience shows that this limits them to a 4% grade, and introduces corresponding degrees of curvature. These are the greatest obstacles which they have to combat, and the advantages of a level track, and tangents between points, are fully appreciated by their projectors and managers. To emphasize this truth a few figures upon this subject are given. Mr. Steele's report of the Reading road gives the following results, based upon five years' observation. The resistance of a curve of 400 ft. radius, is double that upon a straight line. Grades of 25 ft. per mile reduce the capacity, (a level road being taken at 4,000,000 tons per annum), to 1,900,000 tons; grades of 50 ft. reduce this capacity to 1,200,000 tons. The cost per ton per mile ranges from sixty-five hundredths of a mill on a level, to one cent and seventy-three hun- dredths of a mill for grades of 55 ft. per mile, while the net load per engine falls from 437.2tons on a level to 119.1 tons on such grade. Thus we see that the capacity of a road varies under these conditions from 4,000,000 to 500,000 tons. If we compare two roads, each one hundred miles long, one level and the other with grades of only 25 ft. per mile, and the requirements of each road amounted to 2,000,000 tons per annum, the difference in favor of the level road is $600,000, or the interest on $10,000,000. But as the level road can perform twice the service of the other, this is doubled, and at the same prices the level road can realize $1,200,000 net profit on its 4,000,000 tons, interest on $20,000,000, while the graded road is carrying its 2,000,000 tons at net cost. 12 THE COMING RAILROAD. This computation of Mr. Steele's is based upon the carry- ing of coal at a low tariff, but it is equally applicable to all classes of freight, and, to a certain extent, to passengers. When the Pennsylvania road was first built it was reckoned that every mile of distance saved was worth $53,000, or $10 per foot. Upon the same road, a degree of curvature was valued at $50, or $18,000 for each circle of 360 degrees. This is corroborated by Trautwine, who computes that one degree of curvature costs as much to operate as 8.7 ft. on a straight line, or that $55 can be spent to save one degree, and that if the operating expenses of a road are annually $3,000 per mile, $2,000 of it, or 38 cents per foot, is for motive power. If it cost $40,000 per mile to build a road, and the cost of maintenance and operation be $10,000 per mile per annum, $206,666 can be spent to shorten it one mile. If, however, these computations were based upon the present traffic of the Pennsylvania road the above $53,000 would become $433,000, and the value of grades and curves saved would increase in like proportion. In striving for greater comfort and luxury in passenger traffic, the non-paying tonnage has been greatly increased. The average number of passengers carried per train in the United States during 1890, was but 41, less than the capacity of a single coach, and the average freight haul, per train, was less than 180 tons, or 10 tons per loaded car. An empty Pullman car weighs 40 to 50 tons. By the official report of the Lake Shore R. E. it is shown that for every passenger carried in these cars, five tons of non-paying weight is transported. In England, where the original cost of the roads and equipment is three times greater than in the United States, less than 5% of the total weight of pas- senger trains, and only about 30% of the freight trains, or less than 17% of the total tonnage is remunerative ! These are facts few outside of railway managers ever think of. They realize that if the freight carried could be augmented by even a small fraction of this seemingly necessary non-paying tonnage, their receipts would be very materially increased. Besides, this great weight, in every way, increases the wear and tear of the rolling stock, the bridges and the road-bed. This THE COMING RAILROAD. 13 deterioration rapidly increases with the speed. Fast trains are also a source of great expense both directly and indirectly, and this expense increases very nearly with the square of the velocity. All trains on the road near fast trains must be kept waiting on sidings with steam up, and their crews are often idle from this cause one-fourth of the time. CHAPTER III. AST IDEAL SYSTEM. ERIAL NAVIGATION represents an air ship capable of being floated at any convenient height, rising, falling, turning, starting and stopping at will and landing with safety ; capable of being propelled at great speed, suc- cessfully resisting air currents, in short, breasting all the sudden meteor- ological changes of the atmosphere ; crossing continents and seas, carrying passengers and freight, with economy and speed, in comfort and safety. This would seem to be the very acme of rapid transit ; this has been the dream that for a century has en- gaged the attention of man, who has gained almost god-like control over the forces of nature, and yet we are little nearer the realization of his hopes in this direction than a hundred years ago. Experiment has long since demonstrated the fact that it is possible to construct a vehicle possessing the ability to rise in the air, carrying a considerable load and capable of being propelled. The obstacles which have so far baffled man's in- genuity, are his in ability to control the machine under even the most favorable circumstances, and his failure to provide en- ergy enough to propel it to any considerable distance. This latter difficulty cannot be overcome by any known method of storing up potential energy in a structure which is designed to sever all connection with terra firma, and in which levity be- comes of primal importance. While it would perhaps be rash (14) THE COMING RAILROAD. 15 to predict the failure of all future efforts to overcome this obstacle, it is fairly safe to affirm that the securing of a rea- sonable safety will delay indefinitely the full realization of Aerial Navigation. Among the more scientific of the experimenters in this direc- tion, the attempt to navigate the air by means of a machine specifically lighter than air has been abandoned. Flight is not a function of levity, but of weight and power. Man, if he ever fly, must closely imitate the flight of birds. The fledgeling after one or two abortive attempts, adjusts its motions successfully and naturally to the accomplishment of perfect flight. The rate of vibration of its wings, and the in- clination of their surfaces to the ever-varing direction of the wind to its line of flight, are instinctively changed with the rapidity of lightning. Given a machine which is capable of performing all of the essential functions of a bird in flight, it is extremely doubtful if the coolest human intellect could ever be trained to control it safely under all the conditions and circumstances which it must inevitably encounter. The apprenticeship of a pilot or locomotive engineer would be trifling in comparison. The conditions seem too many, or rather the known quan- tities are at present too few, for a satisfactory solution of this problem, pure and simple. CHAPTER IV. THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM, AIKROAD securities are already being declined as investments, by shrewd, level-headed men, for the avowed reason that they foresee the coming of- a new system of transportation which will compete directly and successfully with the present railways for the carrying- trade. The system which will arouse all of its rivals' powerful antagonism, must be capable of competing with them in all departments, for the railroads are already in the field ; but so were the stage-coaches sixty years ago, and the railroads can scarcely hope to escape the effects of that inexorable law by which they profited in the past, the survival of the fittest. In engineering everything is practically possible, and the inventors, while disclaiming any disbelief in the ultimate scientific solution of the problem of Aerial Navigation, have contented themselves with the solution of a much simpler one. It has occurred to them that by omitting several of the conditions of such a perfect system, another might be evolved which will be commercially valuable, and at the same time, vastly superior to the present system. (16) THE COMING RAILROAD. 17 The problem which the inventors have undertaken to solve is the construction of a machine, which will be able to run upon the air at great speed, guided by a track in absolute safety, and supplied with power by a means now available. The application of a hitherto little understood principle of flight to transportation, is novel,* but from the scientific data upon which it is based, it can scarcely be considered experimental. The Aerodromic System of Transportation is, in brief, a compromise between the present railways and aerial naviga- gation. It eliminates from the former problem, the obstacles to great speed, namely, grades, grade -crossings, and lateral curves, and from the latter those of starting, stopping and guiding. Like Antaeus, by its contact with earth, it draws from it an inexhaustible and economic supply of power; difficulties in the way of flying, which, for the present at least,, seem insuperable. The work performed by a bird in flight is small, espec- ially in the act of soaring. That both the angle and the friction in this species of flight are very small, may be in- ferred by the great distance covered by the buzzard without exertion. If the bird, with an initial velocity of 22 ft. per second, soar for one minute, and, as is not unusual, cover in this time 1,200 ft., with an average velocity of 20 ft., and a final velocity of 18 ft. per second, then the energy lost is equal to one-half the bird's weight multiplied by the difference of the squares of the velocities, or ^^ in which M is the mass of the bird. This lost energy is equal to the work necessary to raise the bird's weight through ^~ ft. equal to 2.484 feet, g being the acceleration due to the force of gravity. It is evident from this, that the bird can sail down an incline of 11 ft. per mile indefinitely, and that, too, with a speed vastly in excess of that possible by the expenditure of the same amount of work in any other means of transport. The bird in this case is simply an animated aerodrome. Aided by gravity alone, the bird, in this case of nearly hori- zontal flight, can never exceed its initial velocity ; whereas, * This application is fully protected by United States patents, recently issued. Patents in Canada and the principal foreign countries have been applied for. 18 THE COMING RAILROAD. the machine has a method of traction, with the solid earth as a fulcrum, whereby its speed may be increased up to some limit indicated by considerations of economy. If the bird increase its initial velocity, it must do so by work expended against the movable fulcrum of thin air. The machine has an evident advantage. The problem would seem to be simply one of proportion. During the years 1887 to 1890 inclusive, investigations were made at the Western University of Pennsylvania under the di- rection of the Smithsonian Institution, by Prof. S. P. Langley, its secretary, to determine, among other things, the accuracy of hitherto accepted formulas relating to the science of Aero- dynamics. Perhaps no one better fitted by reason of scien- tific training than he could have been selected. The results of these experiments, published two years ago, startled the scientific world, which until then had unquestioningly accepted the empirical deductions made upon the subject by Newton, Gay Lussac, Navier and others. As an example of the erroneous deductions of such eminent authorities, says Prof. Langley in substance, the report to the Institute of France drawn up by Navier, may be cited as an instance. " He formulates the differential equa- tion of motion for the two cases of hovering and horizontal flight in the case of the swallow, integrates them in the cus- tomary way, assumes approximate values for the constants of the equations, and computes the work expended by this bird, with the following results : for hovering the work done per second is approximately equal to the work required to raise its own weight 8 meters ; while in horizontal flight the work done varied as the cube of the velocity and for 15 meters per second is equal to 5. 95 kilogrameters per second, or enough to raise its weight 390 meters. This is fifty times as much work as that expended in hovering, or in the English measure, over 2,500 ft. pounds per minute, which is a rate of working- greater than a man has when lifting earth with a spade ! ' These results are of course absurd, but it was upon such premises that all scientific computations upon this subject have hitherto been based ; formulas in which ' * the error as to fact begins with the great name of Newton himself. ' THE COMING RAILROAD. 19 The introductory remarks to the memoir which forms the report of these experiments are interesting, and the following extracts are made from them : " Schemes for mechanical flight have been so generally as- sociated in the past with other methods than those of science, that it is commonly supposed the long record of failures has left such practical demonstration of the futility of all such hopes for the future that no one of scientific training will be found to give them countenance. While recognizing that this view is a natural one, I have, however, during some years, devoted nearly all the time at my command for research, if not directly to this purpose, yet to one cognate to it, with a re- sult which I feel ought now to be made public. " To prevent misapprehension, let me state at the outset that I do not undertake to explain any art of mechanical flight but to demonstrate experimentally certain propositions in Aerodynamics which prove that such flight under proper direction is practicable. This being understood, I may state that these researches have led to the result that mechanical sustentation of heavy bodies in the air, combined with very great speed, is not only possible, but within the reach of mechanical means we actually possess, and that while these researches are, as I have said, not meant to demonstrate the art of guiding such heavy bodies in flight, they do show that we now have the power to sustain and propel them. Further than this, these new experiments, (and the theories also when reviewed in their light), show that if in such aerial motion, there be given a plane of fixed size and weight, inclined at such an angle, and moved forward at such a speed, that it shall be sustained in horizontal flight, then the more rapid the motion is, the less will be the power required to support and advance it. " This statement may, I am aware, present an appearance so paradoxical that the reader may ask himself if he has rightly understood it. To make the meaning quite indubit- able, let me repeat it in another form, and say that these experiments show that a definite amount of power so expended at any constant rate, will attain more economical results at high speeds than at low ones e. g., one horse power thus 20 THE COMING RAILROAD. employed, will transport a larger weight at twenty miles an hour than at ten, a still larger at forty miles than at twenty, and so on, with an increasing economy of power with each higher speed, up to some remote limit not yet attained in ex- periment, but probably represented by higher speeds than have as yet been reached in any other mode of transport, a state- ment which demands and will receive the amplest confirmation later in these pages. " I have now been engaged since the beginning of the year 1887 in experiments on an extended scale for determining the possibility of, and the conditions for, transporting in the air a body whose specific gravity is greater than that of the air, and I desire to repeat my conviction that the obstacles in its way are not such as have been thought ; that they lie more in such apparently secondary difficulties as those of guiding the body so that it may move in the direction desired, and ascend or descend with safety, than in what may appear to be the primary difficulties due to the nature of the air itself, and that in my opinion the evidence for this is now sufficiently com- plete to engage the serious attention of engineers to the practical solution of these secondary difficulties, and to the development of an art of mechanical flight which will bring with it a change in many of the conditions of individual and national existence whose importance can hardly be estimated. *********** " I do not, then, offer here a treatise on Aerodynamics, but an experimental demonstration that we already possess in the steam engine as now constructed, or in other heat engines, more than the requisite power to urge a system of rigid planes through the air at a great velocity, making them not only self-sustaining, but capable of carrying other than their own weight. This is not asserting that they can be steadily and securely guided through the air or safely brought to the ground without shock, or even that the plane itself is the best form of surface for support ; all these are practical considera- tions of quite another order, belonging to the yet inchoate art of constructing suitable mechanisms for guiding heavy bodies through the air on the principles indicated. I desire to be understood as not here offering any direct evidence, or THE COMING RAILROAD. 21 expressing any opinion other than may be implied in the very description of these experiments themselves." It will be observed that he is careful not to affirm his belief in the future solution of the problem of aerial navigation. In fact, he is very particular to be non-committal upon that sub- ject. His memoir carries the additional weight of such emi- nent authorities as Prof. Simon Newcomb, of theU. S. Naval Observatory, Prof. Cleveland Abbe, of the U. S. Signal Service, and Prof. Henry A. Rowland, of Johns Hopkins, to whom it was submitted before publication. In giving the re- sults of these experiments, it is perhaps best to again quote the exact language of Prof. Langley himself: " The most impor- tant general inference from these experiments, as a whole, is that, so far as the mere power to sustain heavy bodies in the air by mechanical flight goes, such mechanical flight is possi- ble with engines we now possess, * * and the experiments show that if we multiply the small planes which have been actually used, or assume a larger plane to have approximately the properties of similar small ones, one horse power rightly applied, can sustain over 200 pounds in the air at a horizontal velocity of over 20 meters per second (about 45 miles per hour), and still more at still higher velocities. * * * " In this mode of supporting a body in the air, its specific gravity, instead of being as heretofore a matter of primary importance, is a matter of indifference, the support being derived essentially from the inertia and elasticity of the air on which the body is made rapidly to run. The most important and, it is believed, novel truth, already announced, imme- diately follows from what has been shown, that whereas in land or marine transport, increased speed is maintained only by a disproportionate expenditure of power, within the limits of experiment in such aerial horizontal transport, the higher speeds are more economical of power than the lower ones. " While calling attention to these important and as yet little known truths, I desire to add as a final caution, that I have not asserted that planes such as are here employed in experi- ment, or even that planes of any kind, are the best forms to use in mechanical flight, and that I have also not asserted, without qualification, that mechanical flight is practically 22 THE COMING RAILROAD. possible, since this involves questions as to the method of constructing the mechanism, of securing its ascent and de- scent, and also of securing the indispensable condition for the economic use of the power I have shown to be at our dis- posal, the condition, I mean, of curability to guide it in the desired horizontal direction during transport, questions which, in my opinion, are only to be answered by further experiment, and which belong to the inchoate art or science of aerodromics, on which I do not enter. " I wish, however, to put on record my belief that the time has come for these questions to engage the serious attention, not only of engineers, but of all interested in the possibly near practical solution of a problem, one of the most impor- tant in its consequences, of any which has ever presented itself in mechanics; for this solution, it is here shown, cannot longer be considered beyond our capacity to reach." For a more extended consideration of these experiments reference is made to the memoir itself. A careful study of the facts has convinced us that a useful application of the principles discussed in it, can be made. We have been largely governed by them in determining the form and dimensions given to the construction. The best adjustment of the various parts is merely a matter of mechan- ical detail. Experiments can cheaply and readily be made upon a sur- face track, by attaching a series of aeroplanes to the top of an ordinary coach, and, by means of dynamometers, determine just what the lifting power and resistance of large planes will be for all speeds attainable by a locomotive. This is really the only experimental feature of the design ; but, as before remarked, it can scarcely be considered such. Refer- ring to this matter, Prof. Langley says: " I am not prepared to say that the relations of power, area, weight, and speed, here experimentally established for planes of small area, will hold for indefinitely large ones ; but from all the circum- stances of experiment, I can entertain no doubt that they do so hold far enough to afford assurance that we can transport (with fuel for a considerable journey and at speeds high enough to make us independent of ordinary winds) , weights many times greater than that of a man." THE COMING RAILROAD. 23 As a matter of fact, there is good authority for asserting that large planes will sustain proportionately greater weights than small ones, and that they will require proportionately less power to drive them. CHAPTER Y. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM. The principles upon which the new railway system has been designed have been sufficiently indicated in the foregoing, so that a general description of it will be readily understood. Reference is made to the cuts in the Appendix. The track is elevated and of steel. It consists of two parallel trusses, 6 ft. in depth, and about 11 ft. apart. The upper and lower chords of these trusses form the rails or guides. This trussed roadway is supported upon steel columns, a varia- tion in the height of which, helps to modify the grade where necessary. These columns are firmly fastened to stone or concrete foundations, and are thoroughly braced. The spans average about 37 ft. in length, but may be varied to suit the requirements of the terrain. They are tied from the under- side to prevent spreading, and are made absolutely rigid. The rails are of especial designs. The lower ones are reversed, and so constructed as to give a bearing for wheels on their lower sides. The trusses are fastened to the columns, as shown. The track will be practically a right line between stations, in the immediate vicinity of which, curves may be introduced if necessary. In crossing deep ravines and rivers, where long spans are more economical, steel cables may be used, sup- ported in such a manner that the line of the car's progress will be practically rectilinear, or a continuous tangent to the resulting catenary. Switching can be accomplished in various ways : an auto- matic turn-table may deliver the cars at any desired angle, or the upper rails may be discontinued, and the lower rails (24) THE COMING RAILROAD. 25 reversed and dropped a distance equal to the diameter of the lower wheels, so that the cars can be run upon them, and switches made in the ordinary way. The cars will be of different lengths from 40 to 100 feet, and of sufficient cross-section to give all of the usual interior arrangements for comfort. They can also be adapted to all classes of freight. All cars will necessarily be inclosed, and of a stream-line form, since a body of such shape meets only with a f rictional resistance in passing through the air. Cars for grain and coal will contain hopper-shaped bins, and will be unloaded from underneath. As the cars are usually to be suspended from the top, the method of building must be reversed. The sides and bottom will consist of light trussed frame-work of steel, while the top will be a strong platform, to the underside of which the motors are attached. The whole outside shell will be a continuous surface, presenting no abrupt features. The cars will be fire-proof, heated and lighted by electricity. The windows will be immovable, and ventilation will be through tubes, with automatic valves. To the top of the car and at equal distances apart, are attached sets or banks of aeroplanes, (technically so-called), arranged in form, " aspect ' ' and position as suggested by the experiments. The area of such surfaces will vary, according to the load, from 2,000 to 4,000 sq. ft. These planes are hinged at their rear edge to an immovable standard perpendicular to the top of the car, and at their front edge, to a movable standard, by linked levers as shown in the drawings. These front standards can be elevated or depressed, thus raising or lowering the front edge of the planes. The planes in each bank, operated simultaneously by the engineer, are capable of being set at any angle from zero to ten degrees or more. Each plane is from 20 to 30 ft. in length, by 4 to 5 ft. in width, and thorougly braced. In the banks, the aeroplanes will be superimposed one directly above the other, at a distance slightly less than their width, measured from the advancing edge to the rear, this being the smaller dimension. The axles of the driving wheels, four or more in number, pass through the top of the car, and are journaled in the sides of it. These journal-boxes are capable of a considerable 26 THE COMING RAILROAD. horizontal as well as a slight vertical motion. The former movement performs the office of the bogie in the ordinary car, permitting the axles to accommodate themselves to curves. The driving wheels are 4 to 6 ft. in diameter. Each axle carries two motors, with the armatures directly upon it, one motor upon either extremity, of from 25 to 50 effective horse power, each, connected in series. They are easily removed from the sides. The double metallic system of electrical supply will be used, as it is safer for employes, and less expensive of insulation. The motors will be of a type yet to be chosen. They will be upon a circuit of 5,000 to 10,000 volts, converted to 500 volts for the motors, and delivering power depending upon the service required. The supply and return conductors will be supported from the top of the posts wherever they occur, and at points along the spans, and will have no line drop. They will be of such form that while giving greater economy in material, they will offer the greatest resistance to flexure. The axle of the trolley-wheels passes through the sides of the car near the top, with journals the same as the driving axles, but in insulated bearings. The trolley-wheels have a contact on the upper side of the conductor, and being free to fall by their own weight, and that of their axle, a per- fect contact will always be insured. The trolley-axle is pro- vided with the usual brushes and distribution discs, fastened to the top of the car by a spring-post device which keeps the brushes in close contact with the copper sleeve of the axle. These sleeves are removable, and after a certain wear, they, with the wheels, can be taken off and recast. In the engineer's room is located an air-pump which actu- ates a system of rods and levers underneath the car. To these are attached several sets of axles that pass across the bottom of the car. Their wheels (about 2 ft. in diameter), do not ordinarily engage the under side of the lower rails. The object of these wheels is to keep the car upon the track, prevent oscillation and possible swaying from side winds, and to generate a friction for traction or retardation. These re- sults are accomplished by the automatic air-pump and system THE COMING RAILROAD. 27 of levers beneath the car, which, besides operating the air brakes attached to these lower wheels, give the journals a vertical motion, thus bringing the wheels upward against the lower rails, forming a clutch or grip between the upper and lower wheels upon the rails. The track descending in either direction from stations, starting and stopping are facilitated. Whatever the weight upon the track, the center of gravity is several feet below the line joining the points of suspension, instead of several feet above it, as in the case of the present railroads. Presupposing the fact that the aeroplanes can lift the greater part of the load, upon a level or even on a grade, there is no reason why just enough weight should not be carried upon the driving wheels, to give the necessary adhesion to the rails for traction. Upon an ascending grade it is evident that if all but this weight can be lifted from the track, and this equilib- rium be maintained, but little more work will be needed to propel the car up the grade than on a level. But more work is nec- essary to maintain this condition of things. It is, however, not to be compared in amount to that necessary to force the load up the hill by the ordinary rolling method, and yet main- tain a high velocity. In ascending grades, then, the engineer by manipulating the planes, preserves the lift of the machine, only this weight remaining upon the track. He calls into use for this purpose, a reserve of power, and so reaches the summit with the speed slightly reduced. Descending grades or in stopping, he has two methods of retardation ; first by means of the air- brakes, and second, by increasing enormously the atmospheric resistance of the attached aeroplanes, by setting them at such an angle that their vertical projection offers, approximately, the same resistance that a normal plane of like extent would offer. The problem of retardation thus becomes a simple one. The maximum distance of electrical transmission of power by means of the continuous current is about 14 miles, with an average efficiency of 85%. This gives a diameter of electrical transmission of 28 miles as the greatest distance between power stations for this method. Recent actual use of the 28 THE COMING RAILROAD. alternating current for power transmittal, gives an efficiency of 76% through a distance of 108 miles, or a maximum distance between power stations of 216 miles. The future will un- doubtedly see this efficiency and diameter much extended. There are many other details of construction which might be described, but they woiild only encumber the present pub- lication. In the discussion which follows it must be remem- bered that the science of Aerodynamics is in its infancy, little or 110 authentic data on many points being in existence. Few applications of its little understood principles have ever been made in the useful arts. Realizing this, while exhaust- ing every available source of information, care has been taken to make as liberal an allowance as the facts seem to warrant. It is believed that actual tests will reduce these figures materially. CHAPTER VI. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. The essential requirements of any new system of transport- ation are : 1st. As reasonable a safety as in the old system, to say the least. 2 ad. A greater speed, and equal or greater comfort and luxury. 3rd. An adaptability to all kinds of traffic. 4th. It must offer a secure, profitable and stable invest- ment. The first requirement must be met or its stock will go begging. Its fulfillment lies in the peculiar track and car con- struction. Derailment is impossible, and by means of a double track, and a block system of electrical supply, no collisions can ever occur. In short, nearly absolute safety is assured. In considering the second requirement of greater speed, it must be admitted that the most favorable conditions for high speed are an independence of grades and grade cross- ings, right lines between points, a minimum atmospheric resistance, and an adequate and more economical supply of motive power. If it can be shown affirmatively that these con- ditions hold, then the claim as to speed will be conceded ; the claim as to comfort and luxury follows from the cross-section and freedom from oscillation, cinders, smoke, dust, etc. In the Smithsonian experiments, which are independently corroborated by Mr. Hiram S. Maxim, Mr. Horatio Phillips of England, and others, it is abundantly proven that at less speed than has been attained by the locomotive, each horse power can be made to lift over 200 pounds when applied to aeroplanes of a certain size and shape, set at a given angle. At 20 meters per second about 45 miles per hour Prof. Langley lifted exactly at the rate of 209 pounds per (29) 30 THE COMING RAILROAD. horse power, but as this lift was made with planes correspond- ing in extent to 189 sq. ft. per horse power, the area of aero- plane surface requisite to lift any considerable load, becomes, under these conditions, too large to be manageable. And since, in order to have the lifting capacity per horse power increase, the area must remain unchanged, while the angle decreases and the speed increases, it is evident that for very high speeds, and such a heavy machine, we will have to be satisfied with a less lift per horse power. To determine the power necessary to propel such a car at any velocity, its weight, form and dimensions being known, the forces acting to retard the motion along its path must be ascertained. These are, evidently, first, the resistance of the atmosphere to the body of the car, and its internal resistances. Second, the resistance of the atmosphere to the passage of the planes, i, e., the horizontal component of the resultant normal pressure upon an inclined plane, called the " drift." Third, to these must be added, for grades, the force of gravity resolved along the path. The work performed in overcoming these is the sum of all the resistances multiplied by the path. The power necessary to do this work is represented by foot pounds, and is equal to the total resistance in pounds multiplied by the velocity in feet per minute ; this divided by 33,000, the number of foot pounds in one horse power, an arbitrary measure, will give the horse power necessary to do the work. The experiments conducted by the Smithsonian Institution, afford quantitative data from which, with Maxwell's formula, the tables of the Appendix have been computed. Table I gives the atmospheric resistance for the body of a car of certain size and stream-line form, having a rubbing surface of 2,400 sq. ft., and moving endwise with velocities ranging from 25 to 150 miles per hour, with incre- ments of 5 miles. It is a conceded fact that a body of such form meets with only such frictional resistance as is given by Clerke Maxwell's formula* quoted in the table, and which * Attention is called to the remarkably close agreement in the results derived from Langlej's data, and from this formula; assuming, with the former, that the total resistance due to the atmosphere is that which would be caused by one-fifth of the area of the greatest normal cross-section, (95 sq. ft.), and with the latter, an exterior rubbing surface of 2,400 square feet. THE COMING RAILROAD. 31 varies directly with the surface rubbed, and with the square of the velocity. The internal resistances of the car, the roll- ing and oscillating frictions, which are comparatively small, are given for the higher speeds, upon the supposition that they are then reduced to a minimum, by the removal of all the weight from the track, by the action of the planes, except that necessary to give the friction for traction. The ' ' drift ' of the planes is evidently a function of the angle at which the planes are set and the velocity at which they are driven. The experiments of Mr. Phillips show that the " drift " depends greatly, also, upon the form of the planes; certain forms, w T hile giving the same " lift," give a " drift " less than that for strictly flat surfaces, in the ratio of 1. to 2.74.'* Table II gives the drift per square foot of aeroplanes of cer- tain " aspect, " with shape modified to give, approximately, the efficiency of Mr. Phillip's surfaces, and set at various angles, and driven at speeds varying in each case between practical limits, with increments of five miles per hour. These figures for the "drift" include the skin or surface friction on the planes themselves, and are also fora "fair" form given to their leading edges and cross-sections. Table III gives the ' l lift ' ' per square foot of such planes under similiar conditions. They all for convenience, contain the values of P, the pressure in pounds, upon one square foot of normal plane moving at these velocities. The superior limits beyond which the planes may not be used, relate to both speeds and angles. An inspection of the tables shows that for some of the larger angles, the speed at which the planes may be driven becomes limited by the excessive amount of power required to do the work. For example : with an equipment of 4,000 sq. ft. of aeroplanes, which area is perhaps the greatest which can be used, and is also that which gives, for our purpose, the most economic re- sults, set at an angle of 20 degrees, and driven at 65 miles per hour, lifts about 8 pounds per square foot and meets with a resistance that consumes 742 horse power. The car itself under these conditions demands the expenditure of 71 horse power, or a total of 813 horse power, which might exceed that C ' 32 THE COMING RAILROAD. with which the car was equipped. While, at 50 miles per hour, a total of only 385 horse power would be required, but 20 tons of the weight would have to be carried upon the track, somewhat more than in the former case. A like inspection will show when this limit would be passed for any speed and any angle. It is evident that for very high speeds, only small angles of the planes to their path can be used. The considerations which determine the most economic area of aeroplane surface to be used for a car of a given weight, depend upon its possible arrangement, and the maximum speed. Its arrangement depends upon the laws of interfer- ence of the separate planes with each other, which interfer- ence results in a reduced efficiency, and somewhat upon the manner of their manipulation. It is readily seen that to be efficient, they must be capable of being driven at such a speed that they shall lift the required amount. The practicable speed is, however, limited by the possible power equipment; the power, again, is restricted by the weight of the motors,which weight determines greatly the total weight of the car. So that, the determination of each of these interdependent ele- ments, renders the problem somewhat difficult. By the aid of the tables, however, an approximate result is readily obtained by inspection. Let us start having in view a maximum speed of 150 miles per hour, which has so often been predicted. The tables show that at this speed and at an angle of 2 degrees, probably the lowest practicable angle, the " lift " per square foot is about 12 pounds, and the " drift" is .19 pounds. With an equipment of 4,000 sq. ft. of aeroplanes, the total lift would be 48,000 pounds, and it would require 304 horse power to drive the planes. At this speed the atmospheric resistance to the body of the car, as given by Maxwell's formula, and its other resistances, would call for 641 horse power additional. Hence a total of 995 horse power would be required. The traction would be about 2,400 pounds, calling for, under ordinary conditions, 6 tons upon the driving wheels to give the necessary adhesion to the rails. This with the lift of 48,000 pounds, would allow the car and load to weigh 30 THE COMING RAILROAD. 33 tons. Small electric motors have been made weighing less than 10 pounds per horse power, but until now, there has been no demand for a motor of especial lightness. By the use of nickel and aluminum in their construction, in place of iron and copper, their weights can be very materially reduced, and efficient motors, for our purpose, can be constructed which will weigh, with frames, less than 40 pounds per horse power. Therefore, the motors will, perhaps, weigh 18 tons. As the car is not kept upon the track by its great weight, it will be as light as is consistent with the necessary strength, and, independent of the motors, but including the weight of the planes, will weigh about 10 tons. The margin, then, of 2 tons, is scarcely enough to warrant the hope that this high speed can be attained, even for passenger traffic, with a car of these dimensions, unless the whole passenger load, in addition, is practically carried upon the track. It must be remembered that these figures are for a level only. However, special cars, of much smaller dimensions, proportionately equipped, and capable of carry- ing ten to sixteen persons, each, at this speed in comfort, can be constructed, with reserve power enough to propel them at a high speed even up a 20 per cent grade. As the speed decreases to 100 miles per hour, or less, this margin for the net load increases until it approximates- that of a standard freight car. At the lower speeds, how- ever, the weight habitually carried upon the track, with this equipment of planes, will necessarily be slightly greater. For example : at 125 miles per hour, and an angle of 3 de- grees, the lift is 11.1 pounds per square foot, and with 4,000 sq. ft. of planes, 44,400 pounds are lifted. The " drift " is .27 pounds per square foot, requiring 360 horse power, and the car alone 376, making a total of 736 horse power, for which the motors will weigh say, 15 tons, a margin of 5 tons for the net load, with about 8 tons upon the drivers. This is a capacity of fifty passengers, with a reasonable amount of hand baggage. It will be remarked, in passing, that the tables show the truth of Prof. Langley's "paradoxical" statement that it requires less power to support and transport a given load at a 34 THE COMING RAILROAD. high velocity than at a lower one ; 304 horse power being re- quired at 150 miles an hour, for a greater weight than 360 horse power will support and transport at 125 miles an hour. From 100 miles an hour, or less, up to this speed it is there- fore practicable to handle perishable and other classes of freight where time is of great importance. Especially so is it when it is possible to transmit freight cars automatically with- out attendants. Upon grades, it is evident that if the maximum lift for a level can be maintained by calling into action a reserve of power, the weight so compensated for may be left out of further con- sideration, and that only the actual weight resting upon the track must be lifted through the vertical distance of the grade by the rolling method. If the grade should be too steep for this remnant of the weight to preserve the requisite traction , sufficient artificial friction can be generated by the air-pump and friction wheels beneath the car. The component of the weight which acts as a resistance on grades, is found by multiplying the total weight by the sine of the angle of the grade. Let us consider the case of a car of 30 tons on a maximum grade of 20 per cent., moving the instant it enters upon the grade, with a velocity of 125 miles an hour. The angle of such a grade is, roughly, eleven and one-half degrees. Multiplying the maximum lift to be preserved, 44,400 pounds, by the sine of this angle, we have 8,862 pounds that would otherwise be thrown back upon the track by this change of direction in a vertical plane, and which would act as a retarding force, continually increasing. It has been seen that for the angle of 3 degrees, and at this speed, the lift is about 124 pounds per horse power of that necessary to overcome the resistance of the planes. Hence, about 71 horse power additional will be necessary to preserve the lift. It will be noticed, that a small increase to this, must be allowed to compensate for the slightly diminished lifting capacity of the planes, due to that component of their velocity which is in a vertical direction, and to compensate for the increased 4 'drift" of the greater angle at which they must be set. This increase will be, in a measure, offset by the diminished atmospheric resistance due to the decreasing velocity. The THE COMING RAILROAD. 35 greatest grade a car of 30 tons, carrying its own power, can attain, at the minimum speed, by the usual method, with all its weight upon the driving wheels, is less than 900 ft. per mile. * Here then is a method of surmounting grades, at high velocities, which calls for the expenditure of less additional power than any other known method. We have, then, simply to provide for a sufficient reserve of power to compensate for that component of the lifting power lost by this change in the direction of propulsion, and for the component which now acts as a resistance to forward motion. This can be shown graphically : If we represent in the figure that portion of the weight of the car to be lifted, acting through its center of gravity O, by the vertical line OG, proportional to that weight, then, on a level, when the lifting force of the planes for any angle and speed is equal to this weight, this lifting force may be repre- sented in intensity and direction by the line OP=OG, acting perpendicularly to the top of the car, and directly opposed to and neutralizing the force of gravity OG. But when the car as- cends a grade whose angle is (c) , the lifting force of the planes is no longer wholly opposed to the action of gravity, acting as it always does in a vertical line drawn through its center. The speed remaining constant, the vertical component of the resultant normal pressure on the planes, due to the inertia and elasticity of the air, remains virtually the same (subject to a slight correction heretofore indicated) , but it acts perpendicu- 36 THE COMING RAILROAD. larly to the line of motion, or the horizontal axis of the car, in the direction OP. This force can be resolved into two components, one acting in the prolongation of the direction of gravity, OP", and the other perpendicular to it. It is evident from the figure that if the force OP' be made equal to OG by the addition of P"p', the resultant OP' must be increased by the distance P'p. The other component OS, evidently acts to retard the speed. Power enough, therefore, will have to be held in reserve to compensate for these, and the car must proceed up the grade with a reduced velocity, due to the greater resistance of the planes, which, under these circumstances, must be set at a greater angle. If the grade were steep and long enough, it might, without a reserve of power, come to a stop after the Vis Viva stored up had been expended. Therefore, the maximum grade will depend upon its length, and the reserve of power. A body passing through a fluid, near a surface limiting it, has a tendency, like a ship under similiar conditions, to u go ashore," and the actual lifting capacity of planes, must there- fore be the difference between this tendency and their theoret- ical lift. But at the average elevation of the planes from the earth, some 25 ft., this factor, it is thought, will not be appreciable. It may be asked why use aeroplanes at all, when high speeds upon such a track are certainly possible with much less power. The answer is, that such high speeds are only possible in the absence of lateral curves. The centrifugal force developed upon curves, made necessary in avoiding grades even as low as 4 per cent, at such high velocities, would rack and eventually destroy any structure which did not cost too much to render it practicable. The distance saved by direct lines between points, the high speeds in safety, and the more economic supply of motive power made possible by this system, will compensate for the additional power made necessary in thus overcoming grades, to say nothing of the saving in the wear and tear upon the structures. Where the road is over a terrain which will permit it to be made practically level and direct, as for example, in a line THE COMING RAILROAD. 37 between New York, Philadelphia and Washington, aeroplanes need not necessarily be used. A minimum atmospheric resistance is attained by giving a fair or stream-line form to the car, which in itself presents y^ a cross-section of about 81 sq. ft., sufficient to give all the comforts of the Pullman car. The peculiar track con- struction, and the absence of lateral curves, will prevent oscillation and tilting. Self-adjusting seats will prevent any disagreeable effects from the vertical curves, due to grades. Perfect ventilation, heating and lighting by elec- tricity, freedom from smoke, dust and cinders, establish the claim of even greater comfort to the traveler. To avoid repetition, the economic supply of motive power is considered further on. The third desideratum, adaptability to all kinds of traffic, follows from what has been shown regarding the cubic capacity of the car and the net load. In considering the desirability of an investment in this new enterprise, the capitalist, at the outset, may well ask: " How long will a successful new system of transportation remain undisturbed? What assurance have we that some new inven- tion will not appear and impair the security of an investment in this? What about aerial navigation? " He will find these questions answered, as nearly as they can be, in the foregoing pages. Any new system of transporta- tion which shall successfully supplant the steam railroads, will enjoy a longer monopoly than they have had. When, twenty years hence, the Aerodromic Railway has advanced near to perfection, and we are traveling 150 miles per hour, and all freight is moved with equal celerity, there will be little incen- tive to risk life and property, to perfect a system which can- not hope to exceed that speed, and which, from the very nature of things, can A ever hope to approximate to the safety of our present railroads, for machinery will get out of order, and engines will break down in spite of the most rigid in- spections. In the Aerodromic track the factor of safety is great enough to uphold the entire load at any point, and at any attainable speed. The foregoing discussion based upon the data of one of the /X/ ^/^-/7 A,^)-- ^ *<^ *~~ fa-~ ^^L^^^^y L^y- %-t_.*^4^> *j- JfCj~~ j/i^*^^ f\L (f^f <&0-K^? *2s^/ 38 THE COMING RAILROAD. most able experts, eminent as a scientist and investigator, shows that great power will be required to insure the commer- cial success of any system of transportation which depends upon these principles.* If the Aerodromic System cannot be made such, there seems but little hope for aerial navigation in its broadest sense. The cost of construction may appear large, but it will be less than the cost of first-class English roads. It must be remembered that in the economy of Mature something is never had for nothing, and any scheme which promises that, is open to suspicion. In the United States alone there are 208,749 railroad bridges, representing 3,213 miles of continuous track, or enough to form a line from New York to San Francisco over the present route. These bridges represent an average cost of $500,000 per mile. It must be remembered that in the Aerodromic construction, the first cost represents nearly the whole of the track expense. In order to determine whether such an investment would be profitable, it is necessary to know something of the cost of construction, maintenance and operation, as well as the prob- able amount of traffic. These can be estimated approximately. It will, however, only be necessary, in this connection, to assert that a line upon this system, built between New York and Philadelphia, would pay annual dividends of ten per cent upon an expenditure of $200,000 per mile, which would be $75,000 in excess of that required, while the service upon which this estimate is based, could be quadrupled if the requirements of the traffic demanded it. * An exhaustive paper by the late C. W. Hastings, C. E., upon this subject, was read before the World's Fair International Conference on Aerial Navigation, in Chicago, and published in "Aeronautics," by the American Engineer and Railroad Journal, New York. CHAPTER VII. ADVANTAGES OF THE AERODROMIC SYSTEM. The advantages of the new system may not all be evident at first glance, and it may be well to enumerate some of the more important of them. An absolutely straight track, besides giving the shortest distance between points, gives the most favorable conditions for great speed. Being practically independent of ordinary grades, and totally so of grade-crossings, high speeds under all conditions are made possible. It has been shown in the pre- vious pages what large sums may be spent to shorten a road one mile and reduce the curvature. It is estimated by a prominent railroad manager, that in a road upon this system, from New York to San Francisco, a distance of 500 miles could be saved. This would mean a saving of over $50,000,- 000, if the traffic only equaled that of the Pennsylvania road when it was first built. As there will be but little weight ordinarily upon the track, there will be a great saving in wear and tear and in bridge construction. There are no culverts, or grade- crossings, no tunnels, nor in fact any continuous sur- face grading. There are no ties to be replaced, no ballast to be kept in condition, while the alignment of the track is never disturbed. Upon a surface track recent experiment shows that it is possible to have continuous rails by welding the joints in sections. This would insure a smooth track. There can be no snow blockades or washouts. The action of the motors upon the axles is uniform, and the weight for traction uniformly distributed. In the case of the present railroad, the rails under the engine are loaded to nearly their crushing limit, and the pounding of the counterpoised (39) 40 THE COMING RAILROAD. driving wheel against them is one of their most destructive features. The more economic supply of motive power made possible, is one of the greatest advantages. In the locomotive less than 30% of the fuel used results in effective work, and only \% of it moves passengers. The loss from imperfect combus- tion, from radiation of heat, from idleness, waiting with steam up, from the escape of steam while it yet retains much energy, can nearly all be saved by the use of stationary low-pressure engines generating electricity at convenient stations. Indeed, for long distances it will not be necessary to burn a pound of fuel, for, the water-power of every stream crossed can be utilized by turbine wheels, nor is the location of the water- power restricted to the point of crossing. The same water can be used over and over again, thus obviating the great objection to water-power for manufacturing purposes, its failure often in a dry season to afford power enough at any given point. The track being composed entirely of merchantable steel shapes, such as any large iron factor could furnish upon very short notice, it can be built rapidly. Points inaccessible to ordinary railroads, could be readily reached, for the reason that greater grades can be attained. The track being elevated, less difficulty and expense will be encountered in obtaining the right of way. It need not be fenced ; there will be no danger to stock, or from fire, and crops may be sown and harvested beneath it, little or no damage being done to the owner. Entrance to and through cities and towns can be more easily made, less actual damage being done to adjoining property. The risk from loss by accident is reduced to a minimum, derailment and collisions being eliminated. An accident to any part of the mechanism can result, ordinarily, only in a delay. The cars will be fire-proof. The breaking of an axle would not derail the car, and it is difficult to see hovr anything short of the complete demolition of the track and car could result disastrously. The trusses and posts are available for carrying numberless THE COMING RAILROAD. '41 telegraph, telephone and phonophore lines. They may also carry pneumatic tubes for the transmission of mail and light express, if desirable, operated in connection with the other method, by surplus power generated at the power stations. This method of rapid transit, has been the most successful, a ball 4 ft. in diameter having attained a velocity of over 100 miles an hour, even in a curved tube. In the immediate vicinity of cities and towns, the power stations may be enlarged sufficiently for the furnishing of power and light to their inhabitants. ]STew power, light, express, telegraph, and telephone com- panies will be formed wherever this system is established. The possibilties in each of these directions form one of the most promising features. In addition, a reduction in the non-paying tonnage seems possible. As the cost of the motive power is reduced to a minimum, so will the cost of operation and maintenance be decreased to the lowest figure. It is possible and practicable to handle all freight-cars automatically, with no attendants. The terms, freight, and express, will become synonymous. Mr. Edison, when asked what in his opinion was the practi- cal limit on the horizon of electrical locomotion, replied, "Perhaps 150 miles an hour." A speed of 125 miles an hour, for both passengers and freight, is not an unreasonable claim. Even 150 miles per hour is within the bounds of possibility. It is merely a question of power, and mechanical perfection in the track and car. In view of these and still other advantages, the increased cost of the Aerodromic System over that of the present railway is of trifling importance. To urge it would be as sensible, and as futile, as were the objections made by the owners of stage-lines, to the increased cost of steam roads over the time-honored Concord coach. The monopoly of the stage-coach was doomed before the fires had died out in the furnace of the "Rocket," and the prediction is made that the monopoly of railroads will also come to an end before the close of the present century. In addition to all this, an adaptation without the aeropolane attachment can be made for rapid transit in large cities. Built 42 THE COMING RAILROAD. over block-centers, if need be, connecting all of the impor- tant buildings, a simple and comparatively cheap solution for very rapid transit between points some distance apart, and for suburban traffic, is suggested. Journeying at 125 miles an hour, the traveler from !New York would reach San Francisco inside of 24 hours. He could proceed to Paris, via Behring's Strait, in actually less time than it now takes to cross the Atlantic. At this speed the fruits of California could be placed upon Eastern tables with their bloom unsullied, and her flowers with the dew still upon them. The " visionary * Cosmopolitan Railway scheme," elimin- inating the Atlantic Ocean from the highways of the world, may yet be realized. * " The Cosmopolitan Railway," by the late Gov. Wm. Gilpin of Colorado. APPENDIX, APPENDIX. 45 TABLE I. SHOWING ATMOSPHERIC AND INTERNAL RESISTANCES, POWER, ETC., OF CAR WEIGHING 30 TONS. -d 6 -- 1 a | a 8 a -| Is 1 . 3 S 2 0.0 1 o S S li I Jj * ffl^'g 0.5 Ifl o co ^ a o . u . o k3ft o^ o c -% S .2 7j q"o t X *jj J3 a a s ^SS^c i-t3* * a H o 1 s n ^ >. * f" ft^g O a> a- C S .- 2-2 . 1 o I o _o ~o o ~o ssl S ^* fr 5> to^ti ||s 'S . 3":2 i II 9 o 13 5 ^ O s- *3 o ^ o_o fi O 9 * S* > < ce "- w - H 25 2200 36.66 11.1 2.2 42 120 50 212 14 30 30 2640 44.0 13.3 3.2 61 108 54 223 18 27 35 3080 51.33 15.5 4.3 83 100 58 241 23 25 40 3520 58.66 17.7 5.6 108 96 64 268 28 24 45 3960 66.0 20.0 7.2 137 88 66 291 31 22 50 4400 73.33 22.2 8.8 169 84 70 323 43 21 55 4840 80.66 24.4 10.7 204 80 73 357 52 20 60 5280 88.0 26.6 12.8 243 68 68 379 60 17 65 5720 95.33 28.8 14.9 285 60 65 410 71 15 70 6160 102.66 31.1 17.4 331 52 61 444 83 13 75 6600 110.0 33.3 20.0 380 48 60 488 98 12 80 7040 117.33 35.5 22.7 432 44 59 535 114 11 85 7480 124.66 37.7 25.7 491 40 57 588 134 10 90 7920 132.0 40.0 28.8 547 36 54 637 153 9 95 8360 139.33 42.2 32.0 609 32 51 692 175 8 100 8800 146.66 44.4 35.6 675 28 47 750 200 7 105 9240 154.0 46.6 39.2 747 24 42 811 227 6 110 9680 161.33 48.8 43.1 817 24 44 885 260 6 115 10120 168.66 51.1 47.1 893 24 46 963 295 6 120 10560 176.0 53.3 51.2 973 24 48 1045 334 6 125 11000 183.33 55.5 55.6 1055 24 50 1129 376 6 130 11440 190.66 57.7 59.3 1141 24 52 1221 424 6 135 11880 198.0 60.0 64.1 1231 24 54 1309 471 6 140 12320 205.33 62.2 68.9 1324 24 56 1404 524 6 145 12760 212.66 64.4 76.1 1420 24 58 1502 581 6 150 13200 220.0 66.6 79.0 1519 24 60 1603 641 6 See Remarks Table I. APPKNDIX. REMARKS TO TABLE I. Maxwell's Formula for Air Friction. .0000000256(461Hr0)SX F 2 =R. IN WHICH 6 = normal temperature, 50 F, S = sq. ft. of exterior surface, V = velocity in ft. per second, and R = resistance of atmosphere. P = 929 V\ (see Langley). P = atmospheric pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft. of cross sec- tion normal to line of motion, under ordinary circumstances of temperature and barometer, k m =.0087 (the constant co- efficient of pressure for metric units), and V = velocity in meters per second. w 88 VR V K . = " = 375 ' m whlch V miles per hour. R = resistance to cross section, (assumed at 95 sq. ft. and taken at one-fifth for stream-line form) -f rolling friction taken at 4 Ibs. per ton, + oscillating friction, (see Haswell.) The close agreement between these computed pressures, and those of Rouse, given by Morin, and modified for a mov- ing plane,* are worthy of note. Miles per hour. 30 35 40 45 50 60 80 100 Rouse, Ibs. per sq. ft. 3.16 4.3 5.6 7.11 8.78 12.63 22.49 35.1 Langley, Ibs. per sq. ft. 3.2 4.3 5.6 7.2 8.8 12.8 22.7 35.6 1 * Col. Dubaat's Investigations show that the pressure of the atmosphere on a body moving in still air, is to the pressure caused by an air current of the same velocity, the body being at rest, as 1. is to 1.4. (see Morin). The pressures given by the IT. S. Signal Service, so modified, are, practically, the same. APPENDIX. 47 TABLE II. ' SHOWING "DRIFT'' PER SQ. FT. ON AN INCLINED PLANE OF ESPECIAL DESIGN. Miles per hour. p. Pressure on a normal plane, Ibs. per sq. ft. 00 . 41 o 1 asS> a; a 5* l CD 00 JT O 01 * &a T3 0. 5C to a 00 9 C} X 65 6l s a * j **"* 9,5 9, 9, ! 30 3,9 1 704 35 4 3 2.289 40 5 6 2 982 45 79, 1.102 1.442 2.894 3.558 3.834 50 8 8 1.347 1.763 3.540 4.349 4.686 55 10 7 1.638 2.144 4.304 5.389 5.687 60 19 8 1.959 2.565 3.432 5.149 6.327 6.816 65 70 75 80 85 14.9 17.4 20.0 22.7 95 7 2.281 2.663 3.062 3.475 3.944 2.985 3.486 4.008 4.549 5.150 3.787 4.413 5.084 5.870 6.532 3.996 4.666 5.364 6.088 6.892 5.994 7.000 8.046 9.132 10.349 7.365 8.600 9.886 11.220 12.703 7.934 9.165 10.650 12.067 90 98 8 4.409 5.773 7.320 7.724 11.586 95 39 4.899 6.412 8.134 8.582 12.933 100 35 fi 5.451 7.134 9.049 9.547 105 39 9 6.001 7.864 9.964 10.513 110 43 1 6.598 8.637 10.956 11.559 115 47 1 7.211 9.438 11.972 12 632 190 51 9 7.838 10.260 13.015 13.731 125 55 6 8.512 11.142 130 59 3 9.078 11.883 135 64 1 9.813 12.845 140 68 9 10.548 145 76 1 11.650 150 79 12.094 See Remarks Tables II and III. APPENDIX. 49 REMARKS TO TABLES II AXD III. N In the figure, AB is an inclined plane making an angle @ with the line of motion, HO. C~N = N, the resultant normal pressure on the plane AB. CR = R, the horizontal component, and CL = L, the vertical component of this pressure, the "drift" and "lift" respectively. R = ~N sin R ), L = N cos (a). R = L tan (a), andL =- 7^, (for planes ' ^ ' * ^ S * *-*- >-* / y\ ' X -- tan (_ of no thickness) . R = " drift " for flat planes. R' = " drift " for curved surfaces used by Mr. Horatio Phillips, of England, R and in the table, is taken as^^-p. R is computed from Prof. a*O Langley's data, pgs. 59, 64 and 66 of his "Experiments in Aerodynamics." (Weight of planes, 500 grammes per sq. ft. " Aspect," 30 in. x 4.8. in.) By "aspect" is meant the position of the edges of the plane with reference to the line of motion ; the first written dimension being understood to be horizontal, and perpendicu- lar to the line of advance. The important and "predominating influence of aspect" is shown by the fact that the ratio between the resultant normal pressure on a one-foot square plane, inclined at an 50 APPENDIX. angle of 5 degrees, and the pressure upon the same normal plane, is .15, practically coinciding with that given by Duchemins' formula, 1 _i_ a - n z /^ ; whereas, between a plane II 9 + sm- V -f whose inclination is the same, but whose "aspect'' is 30 inches X 4.8 inches, and a normal one-foot square plane, it is, approximately, .30, or double this ratio for square planes. CO o> o Oi P oc rx g as h b Lbs. Soaring Speed Meters per sec. Ratios of P. L. and R. 2 L 500 1.1023 20 L P .1531 R 20 0.0441 R = L .0400 L 500 1.1023 17 K L = P .2004 K 30 0.0661 1 < .O R = L .0600 A L 500 1.1023 1 c\ q L = P .2542 * R 38 0.0838 ID.O R = L .0760 L 500 1.1023 1 p. 9 L = P .2682 K 45 0.0992 10. Z R = L .0900 in L 500 1.1023 19 zl L = P .4023 1U E 88 0.1940 \&& R = L .1760 i L 500 1.1023 no L = P .4943 10 R 128 0.3043 . J R = L .2760 9O L 500 1.1023 in L = P .5325 A\J R 170 0.3748 1U.O R = L .3400 PLATE I. PLATE II - I