. ?-u:.,-; 80jf Of! uiO'.- : - '. "e3 : PREFACE. IT is attempted, in the following pages, to controvert Mr. Hume's doctrine on the " Nature of the Relation of Cause and Effect/ ' as set forth in several sections of his "Treatise on Human Nature;" and as confirmed in three sections of his "Essays." The former work is taken notice of only in as far as it forms a foun- dation for the latter. But, in as much as some propositions are taken for granted in these latter sections, which serve as the support of all the argument, it could nei- ther be so well answered, nor brought so clearly within the reader's comprehension, as by exposing the fallacies of those as- sumed premises on which it is founded, and which are to be found at large in the earlier work. B In this respect, Mr. Hume cannot fairly avail himself of the higher esteem he has called upon us to grant to his " Essays" above his juvenile " Treatise;" for, as the conclusions are the same in the Essays as in the Treatise, and as the medium argu- ments used in the Essays are the conclusions drawn in consequence of great detail of pre- vious discussion in the Treatise, it is both fair and necessary to examine these details. It may be, as is hinted in the Adver- tisement to the Essays, " that these de- " tails contain some of those negligent (t reasonings that he could have wished not " to acknowledge in after life." I shall not, however, readily allow of the advantage of such an excuse ; for, as long as the premises that support his ma- tured opinions are only to be found regular- ly deduced in this unacknowledged work, it is incumbent upon one attempting an An- 3 swer to expose them ; for, there is no little art, in refusing to adopt the " negligent " reasonings of youth," in a state of ad- vanced judgment, yet covertly making use of a material proposition (that might pass as true, even in many an acute mind, in reading these popular and elegant Essays), which is only supported by the sophistical reasonings of the youthful Treatise, and is evidently adopted in consequence of them. It is also possible, that Mr. Hume might not intend to deny his opinions, in every particular that regarded these points, as he continued to hold the consequential doctrine deduced from them ; therefore there may be the less infringement upon the wish he expresses, " not to be consi- " dered as publicly avowing any doctrine not " contained in his latter Essays." :>:--. ., : " That Nature may be conceived to al- " ter her course, without a contradiction," is the material proposition (eliciied in the 4 Treatise, and subsequently assumed in the Essays), on account of which the reader's patience is principally intended to be in- truded upon ; and which is mentioned in this place, in order that he may perceive the importance of its investigation, previ- ously to his consideration of the more avowed objects brought under his notice, in the answers to the three sections of- the Essays, entitled, " Sceptical Doubts con- <( cerning the operations of the Under- " standing; " " Sceptical Solutions of " these Doubts;" and " Of the Idea of " necessary Connexion." The doctrines contained in these last, lead directly to a scepticism of an athe- istical tendency, whose dangerous nature can require no comment, nor any apology for its refutation. Nevertheless, did there seem but sound argument for their sup- port, ^whatever might be the unhappiness of the opinions that could be inferred from them, I would leave them unnoticed and uncontroverted, imagining there might possibly be an error in the argument, be- yond the reach of my discovery ; and should content myself in withholding an assent to propositions which my understanding might be unable to refute. Nor at this time of day does the intention of entering into this controversy appear to be useless. It is not many years since Mr. Hume's notions were the occasion of much dispute, on the vsry ground on which I have undertaken it ; a dispute which nearly lost the mathe- matical chair in one of our universities to the present possessor of it, on account of his favouring this doctrine. His opinion, however, as far as it related to any coun- tenance it might afford to the principles of atheism, was defended from the insinua- tion, by a learned treatise, from the then Professor of Moral Philosophy in the same university. This treatise, whilst it con- troverts Mr. Hume's opinions in some re- B 3 6 spects, denies that atheistical inferences may be deduced from them : but I shall endeavour to show, that, in this respect, the author wanted observation and acute- ness : neither perceiving the corollaries that go along with the doctrine, nor de- tecting the sly and powerful sophistry of the reasoning by which they are sup- ported. Also a modern and living author, of great celebrity, Mr. Lawrence, in his late Lectures, has adopted Mr. Hume's and Dr. Brown's notions of the relation of cause and effect, as containing a proof of the materiality of the soul; a doctrine of sufficient importance to justify a further investigation of the argument on which it is supposed to be well founded. In every controversial work, much ob- scurity appears in an author's arguments, on account of the opinions of his adversary not being distinctly understood; owing either to partial quotation, or mistaken statement : I therefore mean to obviate all chance of any misunderstanding on that ground, by giving the adversary's opinions upon the controverted doctrine in his own words; taking care to leave out only ex- traneous matter, and to alter the arrange- ment in such a manner as to form at once a clear and concise, a fair and intelligible view of the whole subject. fi4 s":r 10 e fts SkJBwdtt OJ ItBOia 0*{<>l;?'i:3fit 1 : ^!>.itrjjj5J'i *;;/;; no ^nihif^lrfiohnuaiiii Y^U* IP -aoaeffa' '";/'>; ill! JO 8 "/*i 5 %, nwo sid m ^/xi-Ji-jol) L'jiis^ -/o yi:io fuo ^v^:?l of -^'''nn 9 fit TO.1ffl of O'iiio ijs nndi o t #j; idnfifiai fi fbi/g ni im Dk!:'4iii:.vk!{ bns fiiA jj - e >ebfioi> btut ifiofo. [dw -iI{ ilw Jiflt s 7/9/ AN ESSAY, 10& ,98nc'J ft INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. rr\ ... 1 HE plan I mean to adopt, in order to give a clear view of Mr. Hume's doctrine of the relation of Cause and Effect, in the most concise manner possible, is ; first to arrange such quotations from the " Treatise of Human Nature," as will show the opinions there held; and afterwards select some others from the " Essays," in which they are corroborated, and enlarged upon ; and which will be sufficient to show, that the doctrines contained in the Treatise are there repeated; with the addition of an application of them to the affairs of ordinary life; as affording a ground of scepticism concerning the powers of the understand- ing having any part to perform in the re- gulation of her expectations. 10 The quotations from the Treatise will first show, " what is the doctrine enquired into;" Secondly, the argument, by which Mr. Hume attempts to confute the opinion of the necessity of a Cause, for every be- ginning of existence; and also the argu- ment he employs in aid of his own doctrine, concerning the ideas we have of the neces- sary connexion of Cause and Effect; and of the belief there is placed in such necessary connexion. Thirdly, the definition of the relation of Cause and Effect ; this definition being the object aimed at by the whole argument. The doctrine enquired into is the neces- sary connexion of Cause and Effect, and is divided into these two general propositions or queries ; First, " For what reason we pronounce " it necessary, that every thing whose " existence has a beginning should also " have a Cause?" Secondly, " Why we conclude, that " such particular Causes must necessarily 11 " have such particular Effects ; and what is " the nature of that inference we draw " from the one to the other, and of the " belief we repose in it*?" Mr. Hume's method of answering these questions is by adopting a new and scepti- cal view of the subject, and by attempting to confute those philosophers who were of a different opinion from himself concerning it, by asserting, that it is " neither intui- " lively nor demonstratively certain that " every thing which begins to exist must " have a cause; for in order to show that " neither intuition, nor demonstration, " proves the maxim that whatever begins " to exist must have a cause for existence, " let us consider that all certainty arises " from a comparison of ideas, and from " the discovery of such relations, as are " unalterable so long as the ideas continue " the same. These relations are, resem- " blance, proportions in quantity, degrees * See Treatise on Human Nature, Vol. 1, Fart 3. Concluding Sentences of Sect. 2d, page 116. Sect. 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th, part of Sect. 8th, page 150 to end. 12 " of any quality, and contrariety ; none of " which are implied in this proposition, " whatever has a beginning has also a cause " of existence; that proposition therefore is " not intuitively certain/' " That the pro- " position is incapable of demonstrative " proof, we may satisfy ourselves by con- " sidering that all distinct ideas are separa- " blefrom each other; and as the ideas are " separable from each other, and as the " ideas of Cause and Effect are evidently " distinct, it will be easy for us to conceive " any object to be non-existent this moment " and to be existent the next, without con- " joining to it the distinct idea of a Cause, " a productive principle." " The separa- " tion therefore of the idea of a cause, " from that of a beginning of existence, is " plainly possible for the imagination, and " consequently the actual separation of " these objects, is so far possible, that it " implies no contradiction, nor absurdity ; " and is, therefore, incapable of being re- " futed by any reasoning, from mere ideas; " without which it is impossible to demon- 44 strate the necessity of a cause." -"Ac- " cordingly eveiy demonstration which has 13 " been produced for the necessity of a " cause, is fallacious and sophistical. They " all presuppose the existence that begins to " be an effect; but this does not prove that " every sort of being must have a Cause." " As the opinion, therefore, that every " existence must have a Cause, is not de- " rived from knowledge, or scientific reason- " ing, it must necessarily arise from obser- " vation and experience ; the next question " therefore is, how experience gives rise to " such a principle? This question I shall " sink in the following : Why we conclude " that such particular causes must neces- " sarily have such particular effects ? Be- " cause the same answer will serve for both " questions." 5(1 The next subject, therefore, which is considered is " necessary connexion;" where it is shown in what way experience becomes the foundation of our expectations of similar effects rising from similar causes. The reader must remember that this dis- cussion is supposed to contain the answer to the question, concerning the idea we have of the necessity of a Supreme Cause ; 14 else he might be apt to forget that he has the author's authority for considering the custom and habit of the mind, arising from an association of ideas, as the only ground of our belief in the necessity of a cause for the beginning of any existence; and con- sequently for any notion of the necessity for a great Author, Contriver, and Ar- ranger of the universe. Mr. Hume goes on, " The next ques- " tion therefore is, whether experience produces the idea by means of the under- standing or the imagination, whether we are determined by reason to make the transition, or by a certain association (of ideas) and relation of perceptions." " If reason determined us, it would be " on this principle That instances of " which we have had no experience must " resemble those of which we have had eocpe- " rience; for that the course of nature conti- " nues uniformly the same. Now there can " be no demonstrative arguments to prove " that those instances of which we have *' had no experience resemble those of " which we have had experience." 15 " We can at least imagine a change in " the course of nature ; reason therefore " can never show us the connexion of one '< object with another, though aided by " experience; when, therefore, the mind " passes from the idea or impression of one " object to the idea or belief of another, "it is not by reason, but by certain prin- " ciples, which associate together the ideas " of these objects, and unite them in the " imagination. The inference, therefore, " solely depends on the union of ideas ; " for, " After we have observed resemblance " in a sufficient number of instances, we " immediately feel a determination of the " mind to pass from one object to its " usual attendant, and to consider it in a " stronger light on account of that rela- " tion. The several instances of resem- " bling connection lead us into the notion " of power and necessity " " Necessary connexion, therefore, is the " effect of this observation, and is nothing 16 *'. but an internal action of the mind, or a " determination to carry our thoughts from " one object to another." l)9f Ji.fi J^HQUvt ( 13ilOli* fiirtf i Jj;-d(> *' " The efficacy or energy of Cause, *' therefore, is neither placed in the Causes " themselves, nor in the Deity, nor in the " concurrence of these two principles, but " belongs entirely to the soul, which con- " siders the union of two or more objects " in all past instances. Thus objects have " no discoverable connexion together, nor " is it from any other principle, but custom " operating on the imagination, that we can " draw any inference from the appearance " of one, to the existence of the other ; and " all BELIEF in this connexion consists only " in a lively idea associated to a present im- e^L'Ja'J^d .-i>f ll c j'ff 2" [<>'i > ! V< rfO') * Had ideas no more union in the fancy, than ob- jects seem to have to the understanding, we could never draw any inference from Causes to Effects, nor repose belief in any matter of fact. See Treatise on Human Nature, vol. i. part 3d, p. 134. 21 I begin the subject with those reasonings which are reckoned the support of the main argument, " Nature may be con- ceived to alter her course, without a con- tradiction." First. Says Mr. Hume*, " I shall " venture to affirm, as a general proposi- " tion, which admits of no exception, that " the knowledge of the relation of Cause " and Effect is not in any instance attained " a priori. Experience then is the founda- " tion of all our reasonings concerning that " relation." " And, as the first imagination of a par- " ticular Effect is arbitrary, where we con- " suit not experience; so must we also e#> " teem the supposed tie or connexion between " the Cause and Effect which binds them to- " gether, and renders it impossible that any " other Effect could result from the opera- " tion of that Cause f ." n/> -< ^ * Hume's Essays, Vol. 2, Part 1, Sect. 4th, p. 27, 33, 37, &c. Part of Sect. 5. Sect. 7. f Ibid. p. 30. c3 22 Secondly, " After Experience of the " operations of Cause and Effect, our con- ** elusions from that experience are not " founded on reasoning, or any process of " the understanding ; for Nature has kept " us at a great distance from all her secrets, " and has afforded us only the knowledge " of a few superficial qualities of objects, " while she conceals from us those powers " and principles on which the influence of '^ these objects entirely depends.** ! ' Thirdly. " But notwithstanding this " ignorance of natural powers and princi- " pies, we always presume, when we see " like sensible qualities, that they have " like secret powers, and expect that Ef- " fects similar to those we have experi- "** nced, will flow from them." " This is a " process of the mind or thought of which " I would willingly know the foundation ;" " but enumerating all the branches of ^* human knowledge, I shall endeavour to " show that none of them can afford an " argument, whence reason may draw a " conclusion, that the future must iieces- " sarily resemble the past ; for all reason- 23 " ings may be divided into two kinds ; " namely, demonstrative reasoning, and " that concerning matter of fact and ex- " perience. That there are no demonstra- " tive arguments in the case seems evident, " since it implies no contradiction that the " course of nature may change; and that " an object seemingly like those we have " experienced may be attended with differ- " ent or contrary effects ;" for, ",rr- ffjrvji " May I not clearly and distinctly con- " ceive that a body falling from the clouds, " and which in all other respects resembles " snow, may have the taste of salt, or feeling * * of fire. Is there any more intelligible pro- " position than to affirm, that all the trees " will flourish in December and January, " and decay in May and June?" " The " bread which I formerly ate nourished " me ; but does it follow that other bread " must also nourish me, &c. ?" ' " From causes which appear similar we " expect similar effects this is the sum of " all our experimental conclusions but it " seems evident that if this conclusion c4 24 were formed by reason^ it would be as perfect at first, and upon one instance, as after ever so long a course of experi- ence ; but the case is far otherwise." " Nothing so like as eggs ; yet no one, " on account of this apparent similarity, " expects the same taste and relish in all " of them. Now, where is that process of " reasoning, which from one instance " draws a conclusion so different from that " which it infers from a hundred others ? " When a man says, I have found in all " past instances such sensible qualities " conjoined with such secret powers, and " when he says, similar sensible qualities " will always be attended with similar " secret powers, he is not guilty of a tau- " tology, nor are these propositions in any " respect the same. You say the one pro- " position is an inference from the other ; " but you must confess the inference is not " intuitive, nor yet is it demonstrative ; of " what nature is it then ?" to mjjtf ariJ at aMf~ &J f jefj f > -laiuciia iosqzs li " This principle is custom and habit : " for wherever the repetition of any parti- 25 " cular act produces a propensity to renew " the act, we always say this propensity is " the effect of custom. Custom is the " great guide of human life ; and when we " say, therefore, that one object is con- " nected with another, we mean only they " have acquired a connexion in our thoughts; " and our belief (in this necessary connex- " ion,) is nothing more than a conception " more intense and steady than attends the " fictions of the imagination ; and this " manner of conception arises from a cus- " tomary conjunction with something present " to the memory or the senses." The definition of the relation of Cause and Effect is much the same as in the " Treatise ;" it is this : " We may define a Cause to be an ob- " ject followed by another; and where all " the objects similar to the first are follow- " ed by objects similar to the second ; or, in " other words, where, if the first object " had not been, the second never had ex- " isted." 26 And again, he has a third definition : " The appearance of a cause always con- ** : veys the mind by a customary transition '* to the idea of the effect. Of this also " we have experience ; we may therefore " form another definition of a cause, and " call it an object followed by another, " and whose appearance always conveys ** the thought to that other." 27 . . '' ,. , : CHAPTER THE SECOND. -;i' ' HAVING now made an abstract of Mr. Hume's Treatise and Essays on the subject of the relation of Cause and Effect, I shall proceed to examine each part in as regular an order as I conveniently can ; and endea- vour to answer the two questions first pro- posed, in a more popular, and, I hope, not more illogical method than Mr. Hume has followed, by attempting to prove, FIRST, That reason, not fancy and " custom/' leads us to the knowledge, That every thing which begins to exist must have a Cause. SECONDLY, That reason forces the mind to perceive, that similar causes must necessarily produce similar effects. THIRDLY, I shall thence establish a more philosophical definition of the relation of Cause and Effect. FOURTHLY, show, in what respects Mr. Hume's definition is faulty. FIFTHLY, proceed to prove that Nature cannot be supposed to alter her 28 Course without a contradiction in terms ; and, finally, show, that Custom and Habit alone are not our guides; but chiefly rea- son, for the regulation of our expectations in ordinary life. $M\J;ir: r ifi* ito >"_ U After this, I shall endeavour to point out some material faults in Dr. Brown's reasoning, tending rather to support Mr. Hume's erroneous arguments, than to repel them : arguments which Mr. Lawrence avails himself of, in the Physiological Lec- tures, at present before the public ; which have drawn so much of its Notice ; and upon which I shall not consider it irrelevant to make a few remarks. SECTION THE FIRST. First, then, let me show, why Mr. Hume's argument, in favour of the possibility of beings commencing their own existence is sophistical ; as well as his attempted con- futation of those philosophers who have argued to the contrary. Mr. Hume says, the proposition, " that whatever has a be- ginning, has also a Cause of existence, 29 cannot be demonstrated, because the ideas of Cause and Effect are "distinct" and " separable;" and it will be easy to con- ceive " any object to be non-existent this minute/' and " existent the next;" with- out " conjoining to it the idea of a Cause, or a productive principle." " This imagi- nation is plausible, and may perhaps appear well founded until thoroughly sifted. On a first impression, Causes and their Effects may seem separable, because two things are mentioned ; one is distinct from the other, and may be imagined separated from it. TLey may also seem to follow one ano- ther, and time to elapse between the opera- tion of the Cause, and the appearance of the Effect ; so that during the interval of the supposed period, the effect might be ima- gined in suspense, and so indifferent to existence or non-existence; but upon a strict and rigid attention to the real nature of a thing in opposition to its accidental appearances, one cannot, for a moment, suppose that the circumstances here men- tioned, namely, of antecedency of Cause ,30 and subsequency of Effect ; or of that dis- tinctness of language which occasions two words to be used for two ideas ; should in any degree render it possible for causes and their effects to exist apart in nature. That it is impossible for them to do so, without involving a direct contradiction in terms, is a proposition I hope to prove in the course of this Essay. But before examining into this notion, concerning the possibility of effects being held in suspense, and then of being liable to begin their own existence, or, in Mr. Hume's words, " of the separation of the " idea of a cause from that of a begin- " ning of existence," it will be necessary to render the expressions in which it is conveyed more intelligible. This can in no way be done so long as the definition of the word effect presupposes a cause ; for the supposition of the objection lies, in its being possible for effects to be held in suspense : but in order that this should be possible, the meaning of the word effect must be altered. Then, if the ideas are altered that lie under the term, according 31 as the varied occasion seems to require, there can be no philosophy ; and it never can be insisted on, that the effects, which are supposed to be conjoined with their causes at one period of time ; and to re- quire, in order to their exhibition, those causes or others ; and to receive the name of effects, on account of requiring causes ; can again, upon another occasion, not be effects, not require causes, be held in sus- pense, and be imagined capable of begin- ning their existence by themselves, without conjoining to them the distinct idea of any " productive principle." It might as well be reckoned sound reasoning, after de- fining the figure 2 to be a sign signifying that two units are necessary to its compo- sition, to maintain, that because it stands singly, it can be imagined an unit itself, without a contradiction ; so that it does not stand in need of 2 units to its com- position : that is, a word may be taken in two contradictory senses, and then it may be reasonable to predicate of each, affections that belong only to the other ; and so to form any contradictory scheme in the world. To make, therefore, any 32 thing like a rational meaning in this sen- tence of Mr. Hume's, nothing more can be intended by it, than that we should ima- gine, those existences which we always observe conjoined with others in such a manner, that they appear to be their ef- fects, properties, or qualities, to owe them no real existence or dependence; and there- fore capable of being independent objects, and of beginning their own existence. In like manner, it may be said of causes, that although the word signifies something cal- culated to introduce a certain quality, yet that in fact it does not introduce a new quality; thus naming the object in one sense, and imagining its essence in another sense. pbii;l< .ti vKfif!, .f*K? tefl) This also is as though we should agree to designate each unit by the figure 1 ; and to assert, that the union of two units in- troduces a compound notion, which shall be made known by the sign 2 ; and on ac- count of this relation, the union of the units shall be called the cause of the com- pound quality two, under a single term ; and the sign 2 shall be named its effect; 33 and afterwards assert, that we can imagine the cause, that is the union of the two units, to exist without, and separate from, the effect, the result 2. All this cannot take place whilst we assign the same meaning to our words ; and if we use the terms in different senses, there can be no philoso- phy. Therefore, to make any meaning whatever of the proposition, " We may " imagine causes to exist separate from " their effects ;" the objects we call causes are not to be imagined as causes, but may be supposed not to cause any thing, but to exist without determining their own effects, or any others; that is, causes and their effects are so evidently distinct, that they may be imagined to be unconnected ob- jects, that are not causes and effects, and to exist separately without a contradiction, though they are named expressly as signs of the ideas we have, that they are neces- sary to one another. Thus, the original question, namely, ."Whether every thing which begins to " exist requires a cause for its existence ?" resolves itself into two others ; viz. D 34 First, Whether objects called EFFECTS, ne- cessarily require causes for their existence ? or, whether they may begin to exist with, or without them indifferently ? As also, Secondly, Whether any objects what- ever, without being considered as having the nature of effects, can begin their ex- istences ? It may be plainly seen, that the first, of these questions is sunk in the latter, be- cause, if objects usually considered as ef- fects need not be considered as effects, then they are forced to begin their existences of themselves; for, conjoined or not to their causes, we know by our senses that they do begin to exist : we will, therefore, immediately hasten to the consideration of the second question, which may be stated in the following terms : Whether every ob- ject which begins to exist must owe its existence to a cause? Let the object which we suppose to be- gin its existence of itself be imagined, abstracted from the nature of all objects 35 we are acquainted with, saving in its ca- pacity for existence ; let us suppose it to be no effect; there shall be no prevening circumstances whatever that affect it, nor any existence in the universe : let it be so ; let there be nought but a blank; and a mass of whatsoever can be supposed not to require a cause START FORTH into exist- ence, and make the first breach on the wide nonentity around ; now, what is this starting forth, beginning, coming into ex- istence, but an action, which is a quality of an object not yet in being, and so not possible to have its qualities determined, nevertheless exhibiting its qualities ? If, indeed, it should be shown, that there is no proposition whatever taken as a ground on which to build an argument in this question, neither one conclusion nor the other can be supported ; and there need be no attempt at reasoning. But, if my adversary allows that, no existence be- ing supposed previously in the universe, existence, in order to be, must begin to be, and that the notion of beginning an action (the being that begins it not supposed yet D 2 36 in existence), involves a contradiction in terms; then this beginning to exist cannot appear but as a capacity some nature hath to alter the presupposed nonentity, and to act f6r itself, whilst itself is not in being. The original assumption may deny, as much as it pleases, all cause of existence; but, whilst in its veiy idea, the commence- ment of existence is an effect predicated of some supposed cause ', (^because the quality of an object which must be in existence to possess it,) we must conclude that there is no object which begins to exist, but must owe its existence to some cause. For this reason it is, that the answers to Dr. Clarke and Mr. Locke are unsound, in as far as they are an endeavour to show, that their arguments are altogether so- phistical. Mr. Hume objects to them, that the existence supposed to begin by itself, " is not to be considered as an effect; and that these authors as- sume what is not granted, viz. that the existence in question requires a cause;" as where Dr. Clarke shows it is an absur- dity to imagine an object its own cause, and 37 Mr. Locke asserts that it is equally so, to conceive of nothing as a cause. It is un- doubtedly true, that these authors assumed that which was in question ; namely, that every existence must have a cause : but, as every thing not yet in existence, to exist at all, must begin, and as the beginning of any thing must always be supposed, by the nature of the action, to be a quality of something in existence, which existence is yet DENIED by the statement of the ques- tion, these philosophers felt the involved absurdity so great, that they passed over the first question as too ridiculous, pro- bably, to consider formally ; then show- ed, that the mind of man was forced to look upon all things which begin to exist as dependent QUALITIES ; and thus, that an object could neither depend upon itself for existence, nor yet upon nothing. Let it be remembered, too, that al- though Mr. Hume inveighs against this method as sophistical, by conceiving it begs the question, yet his own argument, the whole way, consists in the possibility of imagining an effect " non- existent this D3 38 minute," and " existing the next;" and does not himself consider any other " sort of being" possible ; and has no other way of supporting his own notion of the begin- ning of existence by itself, except under the idea of an effect in suspense ; which is still a relative term, and begs the question for the necessity of its correlative, i. e. its cause, just as much as he asserts his ad- versaries do, whom he declares to be illo- gical reasoners. If then (as I hope I have shown) all objects whatever, which begin to exist, must owe their existence to some cause, those we usually consider as effects CANNOT be held in suspense ; suddenly alter their na- ture; be "non-existent this minute, and existent the next;" and, though always introduced as qualities of other objects, be easily separated from the ideas of their causes, and require no " productive prin- ciple." - . , . f T , . , .' -i ' " That Cause and Effect are distinct and separable ;" so " that any object may be conceived, as therefore capable of begin- 39 ning its own existence," must be considered as among the notions adopted in the Essays: what else is the meaning of such proposi- tions as these : " There appears not " throughout all nature, any one instance " of connection, as conceivable by us;" " one event follows another," "but we never can observe any tye betiveen them, &c.*" Indeed, the not admitting " any relations of ideas," or " any reasonings a priori," (so as to be capable of supporting the idea of CAUSATION as a creating principle absolutely necessary in the universe) is but repeating " the juvenile ideas" of the Treatise, and " casting them anew in these later pieces^ " Before I proceed further, I wish my reader to grant the proposition, " That a Being cannot begin its existence of itself;" because I mean to make use of it in iny further reply to Mr. Hume's doctrines; and, unless this step is allowed, I can make no further progress in this argument. * Essays, Sec. 7. p. 77. f See advertisement to the Essays. 40 SECTION THE SECOND. We will now proceed to the second part of the original inquiry ; that is, Why " we conclude that such particular Causes must necessarily have such particular Ef- fects ; and what is the nature of that in- ference we draw from one to the other, and of the belief we repose in it ? The question, however, ought to stand thus, " why LIKE CAUSES must necessarily have LIKE EFFECTS ? because what is really en- quired into, is the general notion of neces- sary connexion, between all like Cause and Effect; and by thus putting the question respecting particulars only, although they might be included in an universal answer, yet no answer applicable to them MERELY, could authorize an universal axiom. The manner of stating the enquiiy in the Essays, is also too vaguely expressed, (although it be evident that it is the general relation which is enquired into.) Mr. Hume says, " we will now enquire, how we arrive at the knowledge of Cause and Effect*:' It ought to be stated, how we arrive at the knowledge of the necessary connexion, between like Cause and Effect ? * Essays, Sec. 4. p. 27. 41 Let it be remembered, that Mr. Hume says, " this principle is nothing but custom and habit;" that " belief in necessary " connexion is nothing but an intense " and steady conception, arising from " the customary conjunction of the ob- " ject with something present to the me- " mory or senses ; that when flame and " heat, cold and snow, have always been " conjoined together, there is such a cus- " tomary conjunction between them, that " when flame and snow are anew present - " ed to the senses, the mind is carried by " custom to expect heat and cold." " That reason can never show us the " connexion of one object with another, " though aided by experience ; for we can " at least conceive a change in the course " of nature. That necessary connexion is " nothing but an internal act of the mind, " determined to carry its thoughts from " one object to another." Thus necessary connexion of cause and effect is only a custom of the mind ! Power is only a cus- tom of the mind! Expectations, and ex- perience, are only customs of the mind ! 42 The consequence of which doctrine is, that as a custom of the mind is entirely a dif- ferent circumstance from the operation of nature, we may "conceive" at least the contrary of what we have been accustomed to may take place, we may conceive the " course of nature to change." Now it is my intention to shew, in con- tradiction to these ideas of Mr. Hume, that it is Reason, and not Custom, which guides our minds in forming the notions of neces- sary connexion, of belief and of expectation*. * I conceive it impossible to have a complete con- viction that every Effect is inherent, or contained in its Cause, until the mind be imbued with the knowledge, that objects are but unknown circumstances in Nature, when unperceived by the senses ; which when perceived, exhibit their appropriate qualities accordingly ; and which then appear in certain defined masses, as to the different senses they affect, as to their figure, &c. ; and receive an arbitrary name for their assemblage. They must have also among each other certain proportions. When these unknown circumstances, (or affections, or substances,) in nature, mix, and are thereby altered, the qualities which affect tlw senses are in the same proportions altered, and are necessarily included in those objects as their Effects. But this part of the subject, is of such moment that a se- parate consideration of it is intended. 43 In order to this let us bear in mind the reasoning already adduced in the foregoing Chapter, and it thence immediately follows, that objects which we know by our senses do begin their existences, and by our rea- son know they cannot begin it of them- selves, must begin it by the operation of some other beings in existence, producing these new qualities in nature, and introduc- ing them to our observation. The very meaning of the word Cause, is Producer or Creator; of Effect, the Produced or Cre- ated and the idea is gained by such an ob- servance of nature, as we think is efficient in any given case, to an experimentum crucis. Long observation of the invariableness of antecedency, and subsequency, is. not wanted; many trials are not wanted, to generate the notion of producing power. One trial is enough, in such circum- stances, as will bring the mind to the fol- lowing reasoning. Here is a new quality, which appears to my senses : 44 But it could not arise of itself; nor could any surrounding objects, but one (pi- more) aifect it; therefore that one, (or more) have occasioned it, for there is no- thing else to make a difference; and a difference could not " begin of itself." This is an argument, which all persons, however illiterate, feel the force of. It is the only foundation for the demonstrations of the laboratory of the chymist ; which all life resembles, and so closely, in many in- stances, that the philosopher, and the vul- gar, are equally sure of what cause is absolutely necessary to the production of certain effects; for instance, each knows that in certain giyen circumstances, the closing of the Eye will eclipse the prospect, of nature ; and the slight motion of reopening it, will restore all the objects to view. There- fore, the Eye (in these circumstances,) is the Cause or Producer of vision. ONE trial would be enough, under certain known circumstances*. Why ? not from " custom" f When more trials are needed than ONE, it is in order to detect the circumstances, not to lay a foundation for the general principle, that a LIKE Cause repeated, a LIK* Effect will take place. because there has been one trial only.; but from Reason, because vision not being able to produce itself, nor any of the sur- rounding objects by the supposition ; it is the Eye which must necessarily perform the operation; for there is nothing else to make a difference ; and a different quality could not " begin its own existence' 3 It is this SOrt Of REASONING UPON EXPERIMENT, which takes place in every man's mind, concern- ing every affair in life, which generates the notion of Power, and necessary Connexion ; and gives birth to that maxim, " a like Cause must produce a like Effect" The circumstances being supposed the same on a second occasion as on a former one, and carefully observed to be so ; the Eye when opened would be expected to let in light, and all her objects. " I observe (says the " mind) in this or any other case, all the " prevening circumstances the same as be- " fore ; for there is nothing to make a dif- " ference ; and a difference cannot arise " without something to occasion it ; else " there would be a beginning of existence " by itself, which is impossible." 46 It is this compound idea, therefore, the result of the experience of what does take place upon any given trial, MIXED with the reasoning that nothing else could ensue, un- less on the one hand, efficient causes were allowed for the alteration ; or, on the other, that things could " alter their existences FOR THEMSELVES ;" which generates the notion of power or " producing principle," and for which we have formed the word. It is in vain to say that a habit of asso- ciation of ideas from observing " contiguity in time, and place," between objects is all we know of power ; a habit of the mind will not begin existence, will not introduce a quality. The really philosophical method of viewing the subject is this : that objects in relation to us, are nothing but masses of certain qualities, affecting certain of our senses; and which, when independent of our senses, are unknown powers or qua- lities in nature. These masses change their qualities by their mixture with any other mass, and then the corresponding qualities determined to the senses must of course also change. These changed 47 qualities, are termed effects; or conse- quents ; but are really no more than NEW QUALITIES arising from new objects, which have been formed by the junctions of other objects (previously formed) or might be con- sidered as the unobserved qualities of exist- ing objects ; which shall be observed when properly exhibited. If then an existence now in being, con- joined with any other, forms thereby a new nature, capable of exhibiting new qualities, these new qualities must enter into the de- finition of the objects ; they become a part of their natures ; and when by careful ex- periment, or judicious observation, no new prevening circumstances are supposed to make an alteration in the conjunction of the same bodies, the new qualities, that are named effects, are expected without a doubt to arise upon every such conjunction ; be- cause, they as much belong to this newly combined nature, as the original qualities did to each separate nature, before their conjunction. So little is custom the prin- ciple of cause and effect, that if upon the first and original trial of the element of fire, 48 all surrounding circumstances were put away from having any influence over it, saving the body it destroyed ; that power of discerptibility would be ever after con- sidered as one of its qualities ; as much as its colour or its light, or its warmth, without the presence of which, it would not be fire. This conjunction with a grosser material than itself, is the new circumstance, on which it exhibits its essential and perma- nent quality of discerptibility to the senses ; now if the trial be complete, when upon a second occasion an object having the same sensible qualities as fire hath, known also to have been elicited from the same prevening circumstances, meets with the same gross body as heretofore, it must of necessity consume it. There is nothing to make a difference. A difference is an Effect, a change of being, an altered existence, an existence which cannot " begin of itself any more than any other in Nature ; could the fire be supposed not to consume the gross body, there would be a difference of qualities, that is, new qualities, which by 49 the data there is no cause for. The origi- nal circumstances, of which fire is the compound Effect, from which it results as a formed object, are supposed to be ordered the same as on a former occasion ; these are necessarily compelled to be attended with the same effects or combined qualities ; otherwise there would be the " beginnings of existence" by themselves, which has be- fore been shown to be impossible. But the combined qualities, are the whole quali- ties that fire in every circumstance, is capa- ble of producing. Meeting, therefore, with a gross body, which on any one occasion, in certain circumstances, it once consumed ; under the same circumstances, it must ne- cessarily again consume it. That DIFFER- ENCES OF EXISTENCE cannot begin of them- selves ; is therefore the second conclusion supposed to be established. " Antecedency and subsequency" are therefore immaterial to the proper de- finition of Cause and Effect;" on the contrary, although an object, in order to act as a Cause, must be in Being ante- cedently to such action; yet when it E 60 acts as a Cause, its Effects are synchronous with that action, and are included in it; which a close inspection into the nature of cause will prove. For effects are no more than the new qualities, of newly formed objects. Each conjunction of bodies, (now separately in existence, and of certain de- fined qualities,) produces upon their union those new natures, whose qualities must necessarily be in, and with them, in the very moment of their formation. Thus the union of two distinct natures, is the cause, producer or creator of another ; which must instantly, and immediately, have all its peculiar qualities ; but the cause has not acted, is not completed, till the union has taken place, and the new nature is formed with all its qualities, in, and about it. Came producing Effect, therefore, under the strict eye of philosophical scrutiny, is a new object exhibiting new qualities; or shortly, the formation of a new mass of qualities. A cliain of conjunctions of bodies, of course, occupies time; and is the rea- son why the careless observation of phi- losophers, enabling them to take notice 51 only of some one distinct effect, (after per- haps innumerable successive conjunctions of bodies,) occasions the mistake, by which they consider subsequency of effect, as a part of the essential definition of that- term ; and priority, as essential to the nature of Cause. As a short illustration of the doctrine unfolded, let us take the idea of nourish- ment, considered as the effect, subsequent to the taking of food, its cause. Here the nature of nourishment, is a process which begins to act immediately that food is in conjunction with the stomach. " That we are nourished;" is only the last result of a continuous chain of causes and effects, in formation from the first moment the food enters the stomach, to that, in which every particle is absorbed and deposited in the proper place in the body. Here, the capa- city of food to exhibit certain qualities, when in conjunction with the body, is shown ; the nature of the human body, to exhibit certain other qualities, in conse- quence of that conjunction, is also shown ; but the effect of nourishment, being subse- quent to, and at such a distance of time E 2 52 from, the original Cause, is only so, on account of its being the effect of a vast number of causes, or unions of objects in succession, of which the union of the sto- mach and the food was first in order. .settaOlo' siu-Rn ydt ol NVAV-V.V/WI w ^\\mix\ Our deficient observation, is apt to pre- vent our taking notice of the 2d, 3d, or indefinite number of effects ; which arise in consequence of as many conjunctions of objects. rf )nw v? .; ifihfarffroff V> vwVwv But the first, and other effects succes- sively, are as much and entirely synchron- ous with their causes, as any other quality of any single object, which is always exhi- bited along with it. 2dly. It is also quite immaterial to the definition of this relation, whether an un- tried, or unobserved quality, be called quality, or effect. The unknown or at pre- sent undetermined quality, which is termed an effect, might always change its place with some known quality, and not bear the name of effect ; and vice versa : Thus, a blind man may call the object which 53 warmed, or burned him, fire ; but his eyes being supposed suddenly to open, he would consider the flame and its brilliant colour as the effects of fire ; whilst he who sees fire constantly, being able always to take notice of its flame and colour, considers them as the constant and unvarying quali- ties of fire, and which render the substance before him worthy of bearing that name ; but the quality of burning, which he does not constantly experience, he names an effect or consequence of fire previously being in existence. But the true method of look- ing upon the subject is this that fire, in order to deserve the name it bears, must comprehend all its qualities tried and un- tried ; observed and unobserved; determined and undetermined; it deserves the name only on account of its being a certain de- fined object; elicited from certain causes observed to be efficient to its production; and by the very conditions of the question, is al- lowed to be the same. But an object is nothing else (in relation to MS,) than a mass of peculiar qualities ; and when obser- vations inform us, that any known mass is produced by similar circumstances, on E 3 54 various occasions; such mass or object must necessarily contain all its qualities, and be equal to exhibit all its effects in hitherto untried events. Upon any occasion where we are either certain, or have a high pro- bability, that an object presented to us is truly similar to a former one, and was created by the same causes ; we expect all tried qualities to be the same as before, and any untried quality, (that is, any quality not in present operation, though previously ascertained,) must belong ever after to its definition. All that is necessary is to be correct, as to the prevening or influencing circumstances which gave birth to the ob- ject. They being the same on any two or more occasions, the object elicited must necessarily be the same but it is not the same, unless it hath all its qualities, and no other than its qualities. Therefore fire, in order to have a right to the sign of the word fire, for an expression of its attributes, in order to be a " like cause," must of necessity burn as much as it must be red, otherwise the red object were not fire ; and could not have been produced by those causes that elicit that element. I mean 55 therefore to conclude, that Effects are but the qualities of an object not experienced by some of the senses of the human frame, whilst certain others at present touch it ; the knowledge of which last, being joined to the observation of the WHENCE the object was produced, beget the knowledge of what new untried qualities may be expect- ed in future under given circumstances. It becomes therefore part of the definition of fire to burn certain bodies, to melt others ; of bread to nourish the human body; of snow to be cold, and white ; and these qua- lities they must have, in order to compose that entire enumeration of qualities, for which appropriate names have been formed, and to the exhibition of which similar and efficient causes have been in action. If it should be said, that in considering objects as masses of combined qualities, the result of like Causes previously in action, we beg the question not yet supposed to be granted, I answer ; that like Causes, that is, like objects, are by the supposi- tion admitted, and then the question arises, whether it is demonstrable they E 4 56 must have like effects or qualities, under like circumstances in future? I answer, they must have like effects, or qualities, be- cause there is nothing else given that can be supposed to make a difference ; and a differ- ence of qualities could not arise of itself, could not begin its own existence ; and I add, not only, there is nothing else sup- posed that can make a difference ; but that when we also know that in the FORMATION of any object no difference took place ; then, there is no ground whatever, for imagining the possibility of an alteration in the effects of that object. But although it be very difficult in the analysis of this question, not to use the word cause in its intended sense, before the definition of the word is given, and although it be true that in this last observation I may have done so in saying, that objects must be the same which are elicited from like causes, i.e. from the junc- tion of like prevening circumstances-, (and which position will be fully borne out in the process of the argument;) yet a fastidious reader may omit every such reference to the notion of Cause ; for the argument is per- fect without it, and stands thus : 57 Effects are nothing but those same con- junctions of qualities, which in other words are admitted as similar causes, in the sup- position of the question. The objects Cwhose union is necessary to a given result,) must certainly exist, antecedent to such an union. But it is in their UNION, there exists those newly formed objects, or masses of qualities called Effects, which are therefore identical with the similar cause; for in this union, Cause and Effect are synchronous, and they are but different words for the same Essence. Fire and wood must be antece- dent to combustion, no doubt ; but in the union of Fire and Wood, there exists imme- diately combustion as a new event in na- ture; also in this union exists the similar cause allowed by the data, whilst combus- tion is also termed the Effect of the union of Fire and Wood ; but, however termed, an effect, is in fact a new but similar ob- ject as heretofore. A similar mass of qua- lities, in kind, which cannot therefore be a different mass of qualities in kind. Equals added to equals upon any two occasions, the whole must be equal ; add equal quali- ties to equal qualities, the sum of the quali- 4 58 ties must be equal upon every repetition of the junction ; and the sum must be the same result taken twice over, not two differ- ent, or possibly altered sums. Therefore I repeat, that in the consideration of the nature of Cause and Effect, it is immaterial whether the yet unframed qualities of ob- jects, previous to their junction, be named effects; they are to be considered as quali- ties ; and qualities may be considered as effects , under any circumstances that prevent their usual exhibition. Effects when deve- loped are no more than qualities ; and qua- lities previous to their developement are in our imagination considered as Effects. 3dly. Again, it is immaterial to the defini- tion of the relation of Cause and Effect, that we are not acquainted with the " secret pow- ers" of natural objects, either before or after experience ; for when we find, that in any distinct and given circumstances they put on certain qualities to the senses, their secret powers and properties must be qualified in all like circumstances to be the same, and are obliged to be so ; because no contrary qualities could " begin their existences of 59 themselves;" and by the supposition there is no cause in the circumstances, to give rise to any differences in the qualities. Indeed, Mr. Hume makes a great mistake in sup- posing it necessary to demonstrate, in every particular instance, what particular Effect must necessarily flow from its object, in order to gain the idea of necessary Connex- ion. The how and the why have nothing to do with the general reasoning affecting the general proposition; for "whether like Causes shall produce like Effects" is not a question exactly the same as whether " such particular causes shall have such particular effects ? which Mr. Hume seeins to consider as precisely of the same import*; whereas one is a general question, which however answered, in the affirmative or ne- gative, would apply to particulars. But sup- posing in each particular instance under our notice, we could descry the " secret powers of nature " the general question concerning all like causes would still remain unan- swered ; and an universal conclusion could not logically be deduced from the particular * Compare Sec. 4. p. 30, with Sec. 4. p. 34. ro premises concerning it: as will be more fully argued in the discussion upon Dr. Brown's reasoning. If it should be asked, (as Mr. Hume presently does,) how is it known when ob- jects are similar upon any two occasions ; the "sensible qualities may be the same, and not the secret powers, upon which the Ef- fects depend ?' ' I answer, this is to shift the question from the examination of like Causes supposed, to the consideration of the method whereby their presence may be detected*. But this difficulty is met, and considered in, its proper place ; I shall only here say, that as the secret powers are the real external unknown Causes in Nature, which deter- mine the sensible qualities, as well as every other Effect ; so when we find the sensible qualities the same on any two occasions, * I should notJiere have taken notice of this objection, but that as Mr. Hume does suddenly shift the question, so I would not appear to avoid an answer to it : otherwise it is something too early to enter upon the subject ; obliging me to make use of my argument previously to its complete developement. But the reader may pass over to the next Section if he please. we are sure the secret powers are similar thus far, and therefore fitted to exhibit their further similar effects; (or combined secret powers and sensible qualities ;_) and although some unobserved cause might creep in to alter the object, whilst appearing the same, yet this we do not imagine when we are not aware of it, especially in cases where the same sensible qualities have been re- gularly exhibited along with like secret powers ; for this regularity is perceived as an Effect, for which there must be a pro- portional Cause, and begets a proportional belief accordingly. We argue from the re- gular Effects, (the sensible qualities;) to the regular Causes, (the secret powers -,) which having been equal to certain other Effects or properties, we expect again the same, under similar circumstances. We argue from the regular ends nature keeps in view, up to nature's God, who ordained them, and who must be supposed still to continue true to those ends ; and along with the grander operations of nature, we may often in many cases observe our own ac- tions, and those of others, conspiring only to fashion similar objects. But when the secret 62 powers, and sensible qualities, are known, or supposed the same, the conclusion is demon- strative ; so must be the Effects. Whilst, were it possible to know the secret powers in each particular past instance, universal truth would not thence result. Neither has Mr. Hume any right to make this argument ; because to conceive " there may be secret " powers which may change the Effects, " dependent on them," is to make use of the relation between Cause and Effect, as of a really necessary connexion, in order to oppose his adversary : a principle which he previously refuses to admit. Also the ob- jection forms an illogical argument in ano- ther way. For it virtually draws a general conclusion from two negative premises. To assert, that like sensible qualities merely, will NOT produce like Effects ; and, that like sensible qualities are NOT like Causes, is to separate the middle term both from the sub- ject and from the predicate of the general question. By such an argument Mr. Hume is certainly right in supposing, that REASON cannot support " our conclusions concern- " ing the operations of Cause and Effect" 63 Having thus cleared a way, towards the comprehension of this relation of Cause and Effect, we will proceed to a definition of those terms in the next Section. SECTION THE THIRD. A Cause, therefore, is such action of an object, as shall enable it, in conjunction with another, to form a new nature, capa- ble of exhibiting qualities varying from those of either of the objects unconjoined. This is really to be a producer of new be* ing. This is a generation, or creation, of qualities not conceived of, antecedently to their existence ; and not merely an " idea always followed by another," on account of a " customary association between them." An Effect is the produced quality exhi- bited to the senses, as the essential pro- perty of natures so conjoined. Necessary connexion of cause and effect is the obli- gation qualities have to inhere in their objects, and to exhibit their varieties ac- cording to the different human senses with which they come in contact. Power is but another word for efficient cause, or " pro- 64 ductive principle;" and signifies the pro- perty which lies in the secret nature of objects, when unobserved by the senses, and which determines the qualities that can be exhibited to them upon every new conjunction. An object may be defined, a combined mass of qualities ; the result of proportional unknown circumstances in na- ture, meeting with the human senses. But Mr. Hume's three definitions of the relation of Cause and Effect are, in many respects, faulty, and not borne out by his own arguments ; for he defines a Cause " an object followed by another, and where " all the objects similar to the first are fol- " lowed by objects similar to the second." Now, if he means an object that will in future, as in past times, be always follow- ed by another; an invariable necessity in the antecedent to be followed by its subse- quent, his whole argument tends to prove the contrary, and to show that experience has power to answer for the past only, and cannot for the future ; for, that we may conceive a " change in the course of na- ture," and that imagination supplies only 65 the notion of invariable expectation from " custom ;" that this is the sense of the passage containing the original defini- tion, we may be sure of, from what fol- lows; for he goes on to say, " or in other " words, where if the first object had not " been, the second never had existed;" but this idea expresses a much stricter necessity of connexion than does the relation of any number of objects, which had only followed each other in past time, however often their antecedency and subsequency had been repeated. Such a necessity is con- tradicted the whole way by the argument. It is quite another sentiment, from that which arises from the ideas of always be- fore and after. That which requires an- other object to its existence, must be ne- cessarily connected with it ; and I contend that it is so connected, as a new quality of an altered mode of existence. But Mr. Hume says, it is only connected, as an in- variable subsequent, must always be under- stood to require its invariable antecedent. But I retort, Why does the definition assume more than the argument can pos- sibly bear out ? F 66 How can the invariableness of the fu- ture be answered for by the experience of any invariableness in the past ? It is truly impossible that it should be so. Custom can only, at the most, lead us to expect that the future would be similar to the past ; but it never could so sufficiently an- swer for it, as to enable us to form a defi- nition concerning its absolute INVARIABLE- NESS of phenomenon. Indeed, in many cases there are single exceptions to universal experience, and to any habit of expectation founded on it ; which at once proves Mr. Hume's defini- tion to be erroneous ; for hence the invaria- bleness of the sequence becomes altered, and custom shown to be utterly incapable of af- fording an universal definition, of the rela- tion in question. Now, experiment is what decides as to a real and necessary cause, under given circumstances. When an event happens under one set of circumstances, not under another in all respects the same, save ONE ; that one is a true cause, and a necessary one ; and under the same circum- stances, it must be invariably wanted to 67 that end ; and every mind feels it so, be* cause it perceives that an alteration could not begin of itself. This, and nothing but this, is a strict necessity, and can enable the mind to predicate for the future as for the past. But the first definition is also faulty in another instance ; because in every just definition, the ideas that are included hi the terms, must not suit any other object. Now many objects are invariably antecedents and subsequents, that are not Causes and Effects ; and it can be no good definition, to warrant the arguing in a circle, which this definition evidently does. The second definition is also erroneous, because although similar causes must have similar eifects, yet diverse causes may produce the same effects also therefore the second object might exist without the first, by the operation of any other cause efficient to it*. The third definition, viz. * I make this remark however, rather with respect to Mr. Hume's notion of Cause than my own ; in order to F2 68 " an object followed by another, and whose " appearance always conveys the thought " to that other," does not differ materially from the first yet it is worthy of observa- tion, that the thought always being carried by the appearance of one object to the idea of another, proves nothing but an acciden- tal^ though strong association of ideas ; and is in like manner objectionable, on account of suiting other objects than the thing defined. Eveiy Andrew is not necessarily " Simon Peter's Brother," although my thought always recurs to that idea, upon every men- tion of the name of Andrew. SECTION THE FOURTH. It follows then from the definitions given in the preceding section, and the reasonings on which they are formed, that were a body, in all other respects resembling snow, to have the taste of salt and feeling of fire, it would be an extraordinary phoenome- non, no doubt ; and one which might for shew there is an inconsistency between his argument and his definition ; for diverse antecedents might invariably be followed by similar subsequents; then, in each separate case the second object might exist without the first. 69 ought we know take place, but it would not be snow; and such a body could not fall from the clouds but by new causes efficient to its formation ; it would, therefore, be en- tirely a different object, and would require a new name ; and the phoenomenon could offer no ground for the conclusion, that reason does not afford an argument, for the expectation of similar effects from similar causes. Nature, it is true, varies all her opera- tions ; but not in a manner that can ever make it appear otherwise than a contradic- tion to reason, that it should be through interferences with her regular course. For instance, something similar to the case imagined does take place ; we all know that various substances fall from the clouds ; but they are all named by various names accordingly ; they are known by reason to be different masses of qualities , different ob- jects, which must have been produced by different circumstances. Such variety, therefore, offers no contradiction to our REA- SON, our EXPECTATIONS, or our TERMS. Yet 70 Mr. Hume seems to think that nature, with- out a contradiction to our ideas, may be supposed to alter her course in the determi- nation of her qualities ; and occasion con- trary and different qualities, from otherwise similar objects. Nature, no doubt, pre- serving in many objects certain appear- ances to some of the senses, may vary the remaining qualities. But this cannot be, without her using prevening causes of an altered kind, effi- cient to the new production ; and then it is a new object and must be newly named. Such events as these, which are nothing else than all the various events, in the uni- verse, (for all things are alike to some of the senses, and diverse in others;) na- ture is full of; but this does not prove, there is not a necessary connexion between CAUSE AND EFFECT; and that custom only guides our expectations. On the contrary, it is because there can be no " beginnings of existences" by themselves, that we know, when new phenomena arise, from apparently similar circumstances, that we must lie 71 under a mistake ; and that the new objects cannot be the same objects altered, and eli- cited from similar circumstances. We might as well deem meteoric stones to be snow, as a body, which had the taste of salt and the feeling of fire. Nature, therefore, cannot, when employing like causes in ac- tion, alter her course in determining differ- ent and contrary " Effects" from otherwise similar objects ; because in such a case, these new qualities would absolutely be un- caused ; different qualities would be exhi- bited from precisely similar conjunctions of bodies, i. e. different and contrary qualities, (or Effects) from otherwise similar objects, (or Causes) which is impossible. Should it be said that nature is sup- posed to be employing different causes in action ; by altering the " secret powers" (whilst the " sensible qualities" remain the same,) that it is in this way she changes her course then the prevening conjunctions of bodies which produced these secret powers, being supposed different ; the na- tures of the objects are different ; they are truly other objects, and there is no astonish - F4 7*2 ment at the production of their altered Ef- fects ; there is no alteration in the course of nature ; and the Phenomena will not support Mr. Hume's argument against REA- SON, and in favour of CUSTOM only ; it fol- lows, therefore, that if "we imagine the course of nature may change," it must be under the notion of a cause equivalent to it; in which case there is no contradiction offered to the notion of causation as founded on REA- SON. But for nature otherwise to change, and to vary either her " Effects," or " Secret powers" without varying the causes or pre- vening circumstances whose junction form- ed the objects, whence these result; is so obviously impossible, that we cannot even suppose the will and power of the Deity to be able to work the contradiction. He could not make a finite quality, depen- dent upon himself or some other cause for its exhibition, to become independent. and able to exist of itself; he could not otherwise than by himself altering the de- termination of the causes that form the objects ; then there is a cause for the al- leged change the objects are not simi- lar objects; the whole pi-evening circum- 73 stances are. not the same ; and it is only unlike causes again that beget unlike ef- fects; unlike objects that vary in their qua- lities. But the following sentence*, which con- tains the passage alluded to, involves an ambiguity of expression, which ought to be noticed, lest it should appear as though I had mistaken it, and conse- quently my answer not appear sufficiently applicable, viz. " Nature maybe supposed " to change her course since it implies no " contradiction, that an object SEEMINGLY " like those which we have experienced, " may be attended with different or con- " trary Effects." There is here an ambi- guity of sense on account of the expression " SEEMINGLY;" for it may either intend, an alteration in the determination of Effects from objects, in ALL OTHER respects similar, save in these CONTRARY effects ; or an " ARBI- TRARY" change in the " secret powers" "which " mix with the sensible qualities; and on which " the effects entirely depend" in either sense, such an arbitrary change in the course of * * Sec. 4. p. 36. 74 nature, is a " CONTRADICTION TO REASON" and an IMPOSSIBILITY. Mr. Hume however seems to use it in either of these senses, as the occasion serves, and without conceiving there is much difference between them. The former sense however appears to be that in which it is used, as applicable in the instance concerning the changes upon snow. Compare these passages*, " may I not " distinctly conceive, a body in all other " respects resembling snow having the taste " of salt, and feeling of fire," withf , " Every Effect is a distinct event from " its Cause ; and ever after it is suggest- " ed, its conjunction must appear arbi- " trary with its Cause, since there are " always many other effects, which to rea- " son might seem fully as consistent and " natural." But it is in the latter sense, viz. : in the " arbitrary" alteration of the " secret powers," (in order to form DIFFERENT * Essays, Vol. 2. Sec. 4. p. 36. f Ibid. p. 30. 75 Causes for the determination of DIFFERENT Effects}, which must explain the following passage*: " Let the course of nature be " allowed hitherto ever so regular proves " not that for the future it will continue " so." " The secret nature of objects, " and consequently all their effects and " influences, may change without any " change in the sensible qualities ;" In either of the senses in which Mr. Hume uses the notion in question, it is equally absurd ; for as Cause is not by him granted, nature must be supposed to change her regular march uncaused; whether in striking off different and contrary qualities, from objects in every other respect similar, save in these arbitrary and contrary determina- tions ; or in the mixing different secret powers amidst the sensible qualities. Nor will it answer for Mr. Hume to shift his position, and say; that the " secret powers" may be considered, as changed by the re- gular operations of nature ; and that, on account of our inability to detect them, * Ibid. p. 39. The method in which this idea beg& the question, has been taken notice of before. 76 we are necessarily obliged to consider, the sensible qualities ONLY, as like Causes ; thereby concluding the Effects will be si- milar upon insufficient grounds; and thus REASON, not able to support the idea of a really necessary connexion between them. For upon this supposition, the real re- lation of Cause and Effect, is assumed as granted 1st. In order to account for the change in the secret powers. 2dly. To account for the change in the effects dependent upon them. And this is at once yielding the whole argument to the adversary *! enabling him justly to retort, that he makes use of the * This sort of argument forms a sophism which logi- cians term " ignoratio elenchi ;" " something being proved " which is not necessarily inconsistent with the proposi- " tion maintained :" See W. Logick. p. 340. And this is the real gist, of the whole of Mr. Hume's argument (a posteriori) and which is generally considered, I believe, as both acute and logical. 77 general principle concerning Cause and Ef- fect (whicli is now granted), and which he supports upon " general reasoning" where- by in many instances to suspect, and in many others to detect, UNlike secret powers amidst the sensible qualities, by which means it becomes applicable, as an AXIOM founded on REASON, wherewith to try eveiy kind of experience both in philosophy and common life whilst also he can maintain; that unless it were for the knowledge of such a general principle, no knowledge of the " secret powers of nature in ever so many past instances, could be of any ma- terial service to us for the future. All mathematical demonstration is built upon the notion ; that where quan- tities, or diagrams, resemble each other, the relations which are true, with respect to ONE of each kind will be true with respect to all others of a like kind ; ONLY because there is nothing else to make a difference among them. So, if in all past time, such secret powers could be shown necessarily connected with such sensible qualities ; yet in future it could not thence 78 be proved to continue so, unless supported by the axioms; that LIKE Causes must EX- HIBIT like Effects, and that DIFFERENCES CANNOT ARISE of themselves. Upon the whole, therefore, Mr. Hume must be understood to mean, that as we know nothing of " Cause and Effect," or of the " secret processes of nature" so she might be supposed indifferently to strike off con- trary Effects from similar prevening Causes, or else to alter their " secret powers," whilst their FORMATION was produced by the same means as usual. Thus that exactly the same circumstances might prevene the fall- ing of snow, (precisely the same objects might unite to produce that object,) upon any two occasions, yet, it might have the taste of salt or feeling of fire ! That the "se- cret powers of vegetation might in future be altered; although the seasons should roll the same as before ; and every power in nature be only equal to the contrary supposition ! To all which I answer, nature cannot alter her course when she is employing simi- 4 79 lar means in the formation of objects, by changing any of the " Secret powers," or altering any Effects ; because the prevening circumstances being supposed in any two cases similar, there would be no assigna- ble reason for the difference. A difference, or change, either in the " secret powers" of objects, or the Effects of Causes, (other things remaining the same) is exactly equal to the CREATION of so many new qualities, which could not, without a CONTRADICTION, arise of themselves. I can conceive it said by some, although Mr. Hume would have no right to do so, that a miraculous interference might alter the course of nature ; not so, not in deter- mining the production of dissimilar objects from similar causes. No miracle could form an uncaused change in nature (which is the notion in question). A miraculous interference, that is, an interference of God as a cause, might alter the production of objects, yet still there is a cause equivalent to the change, and again unlike objects beget unlike qualities : I 80 therefore draw a conclusion from the whole of this reasoning, exactly contrary to Mr. Hume's inference from his ; admitting in- deed with him, that before experience we cannot know what particular effects will flow from given causes ; yet after experience I judge that it is " reason which guides us in "our expectations; because it convinces " us, that instances" (of Effects,) "of which " we have had no experience must resem- " ble" (when Causes are similar) " those of " which we have had experience, for that " the course of nature must continue uni- " formly the same," by the regular determi- nation of like Cause and Effect. The same kind of answer will serve for other paradoxical questions which Mr. Hume puts in these Essays. Is there, says he, any more intelligible proposition than to affirm, that all the trees will flourish in December and January, and decay in May and June ? Certainly not, to those who conceive that the " course bf nature may without an implied contradic- tion alter the determination of Effects that 81 proceed from like Causes," or, which is the same thing, exhibit different or contrary qualities, from similar objects. But accord- ing to the method I have laid down of viewing the operations of nature, there can- not be a more unintelligible proposition than to assert of those trees, which have usually flourished in May and June, that they may cease to do so, and only thrive in December and January. So far from the mind being able dis- tinctly " to conceive" such a change in their qualities, when the proof has been once afforded, that it is their nature to require warmth for their growth ; and that cold kills their blossoms ; it must be ever after considered impossible for these objects to affect qualities not originally included in their natures ; or, for their natures to alter, without a cause equivalent to the alteration or a cause equivalent to it to be supposed, without REASON being the founda- tion of the whole principle of CAUSATION. To suppose that the circumstances which at first stamped them the objects they are, G '82 could enable them to preserve themselves similar objects, and yet arbitrarily put on wholly contrary qualities, seems to be about as reasonable as to assert that black may be- come white, and white become black, and yet each colour merit its original name, of black or white; whilst, at the same time, these changes take place on account of such a " change in the course of nature," as de- termine that although all the causes in action are sufficient only to produce black, yet white shall appear; and vice versa. Indeed, before " nature could be conceived to alter her course ;" the question about which Mr. Hume is examining ex- perience (namely, whether she will support the knowledge of the necessary connexion of like objects and their qualities,) must be supposed to be already answered in the negative ; and that it is KNOWN that nature may be supposed to exhibit similar antece- dents followed by different subsequents, or in other words that there is no necessary connexion between like objects and like qualities; which is begging the question; and in a different way from that in which he means to answer it, for he means to 2 83 support the doctrine of necessary connex- ion, though upon principles peculiarly his own. Should it be said that I assume the contrary position, I answer, I do not assume it ; but have previously proved the general conclusion, that " all like causes must have like effects ; (because otherwise, ob- jects would begin of themselves :) in order purposely to show that " nature cannot alter her course." Mr. Hume makes also a great mistake in supposing because we can con- ceive in the fancy the existence of objects contrary to our experience, that therefore they may really exist in nature ; for it by no means follows that ihings which are incongruous in nature, may not be contem- plated by the imagination, and received as possible until reason shows the contrary. Indeed, the fallacy, on which his whole sceptical doctrines are built, may be seen at the very outset of his first Essay. He imagines it impossible to conceive the con- trary to any known relation in quantities ; but that we may conceive the contrary of every matter of fact as possible impossible, under the same circumstances, and if the circumstances alter, the fact is a different G 2 84 fact; but not a contrary one any more than the different relations of various quan- tities are not contrary to each other. Mr. Hume did not perceive that all objects whatever in relation to us, are but masses of certain qualities elicited from certain prevening circumstances, and therefore in- capable of having different qualities, (or of showing diverse effects) whilst yet they remain similar objects born under like cir- cumstances. He did not perceive that the "productive principle" or the Cause of an Effect, is to be found in the junction of ob- jects already existing, by which new ob- jects are formed ; but conceiving the na- ture of the operation of this principle to be wholly unknown, he imagined and alleged all things to be only " conjoined, and not connected;" and that they might change their places fortuitously ; custom only connecting them in the fancy ; and a contrary fancy as capable of unconnecting them again. Strange philosophy! " Effects may be supposed non-existent this minute, and existent the next;" (and so in suspense,) 85 and may therefore " begin their existence by themselves." If this be so, undoubtedly we want no Causes for our Effects ; our Rose-trees may suspend their blossoms in June ; the flower require no warmth for its expansion, and remain non-existent till De- cember ! That different objects have different qualities, all are well acquainted with ; The Chinese rose, and the holley, can thrive in Winter; but the same kind of rose, that hitherto has grown only in spring, and flourished in summer, can no more put forth its leaves and expand its blossoms in winter, than the mercury in a tried ther- mometer can suddenly contract to the freez- ing point, in a burning summer's day. Let us however, before quitting this im- portant and interesting argument, chuse an example to prove, that " nature can- not without a contradiction be imagined to alter her course." Let a receiver be ima- gined void of every substance whatever; and nothing but an uncoloured space within it. Now it is surely the ' ' course of nature, ' y for this imcoloured space to remain as it is, without some cause steps in to alter it; and if some cause steps in to alter it, " nature does not alter her course." Then let nature be supposed to alter her course, and a scarlet colour uncaused to enter. Does not every reader perceive the impossibility that scarlet uncaused could enter? that it could " start of itself into existence?" yet such is the idea that is veiled under Mr. Hume's argu- ment ; that different and contrary qualities can take place in similar circumstances ; that a rose may blow in winter, when the causes were efficient to its blowing only in June ! No circumstances are supposed changed; and yet " of itself," the nature of the rose may change ! and so may a new phenomenon take place in an empty receiver, as the entrance of a scarlet colour, or of a dove, or any other imaginable being, without an equivalent change of circumstances for its introduction. ' The sum of Mr. Hume's argument is, that we knowing nothing of the " se- crets of nature," we cannot know there is really a necessary connexion between ob- 87 jects; but imagining there is, this ima- gination arises, from a CUSTOMARY OBSER- VATION, of the invariableness of their antece- dence and subsequence ; which invariable- ness, however, does not prove, that each connexion may be more than an insulated casual event; not obligatory in nature; therefore other subsequent events might, without a contradiction, be imagined to happen after similar antecedents, and a dif- ferent order of events might be supposed in the " course of nature." Now shortly the whole of this reasoning concerning the possibility of nature altering her course, is but a circle ! for the argument is invented to show that CUSTOM not REA- SON, must be the only ground of our belief in the relation of Cause and Effect. But it is impossible to imagine such a change in nature, unless reason were previously excluded as the principle of that relation ; and it is im- possible to exclude reason as the principle of that relation, except by supposing that nature may alter her course. Thus the idea of cau- sation, is founded only on experience*, ex- * " The opinion that a cause is necessary to every " new production arises from experience." TREATISE. o 4 perienceis supplied with arguments by cus- tom not by reason * and custom is supported in her authority by a supposed change in nature f, impossible to any idea of causa- tion J, Unless ALREADY SUPPOSED TO BE MERELY THE EFFECT OF CUSTOM . Nor must we conclude this branch of the subject, without observing the contra- diction that lies in the very endeavour to persuade the world that custom is the true " CAUSE of BELIEF" in necessary connex- ion, when before assenting to such a doc- trine it must give up ah 1 usual habits of think- ing upon the subject, and believe upon Mr. * " All inferences from experience are Effects of cus- " torn not of reasoning" ESSAYS. [ " Since it implies no contradiction that the course " of nature may change, there can be no demonstrative " arguments in the case." ESSAYS. " Wherever there is a propensity without being " impelled by any reasoning we say this propensity is the " Effect of custom." ESSAYS. J " If tiwre were nothing to bind objects together the " inferences from present facts would be entirely precari- "ous." ESSAYS. " Our belief in causation is the Effect of custom." ESSAYS. 89 Hume's reasoning, what it never before be- lieved ! Mr. Hume himself recapitulates his ar- gument thus : " Every idea is copied from some pre- " ceding impression (idea being an Effect " derived from impression as its Cause^). " In all single instances of the operation of " bodies there is nothing that produces, " nor consequently can suggest the idea of " necessary connexion. But when many " instances appear, we feel a new impres- " sion, a customary connexion in the " thought, between one object and its usual " attendant*." Now this method of placing the argu- ment is but the statement of another circle ; for causation is used as the very principle which lies at the foundation of * Compare the Treatise and Essays, in both works impressions are considered as absolutely necessary to cause ideas to create them ; to produce them ; they are considered as the truly " productive principle" of ideas Objects without which they could not exist. 90 the whole system ; and afterwards we are desired to search for the impression, which is the CAUSE of that EFFECT, viz. the idea causation. And it is no answer to say that the notion of causation is spoken of in his own sense, not in his adversary's ; for in either sense it is equally illogical, to prove the conclusion by the premises, and the pre- mises by the conclusion. What should we think of an author, who, in attempting to account for the original discovery of metals, proved that it was effected by the use of instruments framed from a material termed iron, drawn from the bowels of the earth ? In like manner there is a want of logical precision in referring all the principles which connect our ideas to three kinds of associations amongst them ; of which cau- sation is ranked as one ; and then (in order to account for causation,) shew the power that lies in the associations of ideas. Such a notion ends in the formation of a mere 91 identical proposition; viz. a certain asso- ciation of ideas is causation; and causation consists in an association of ideas. But there is still another passage in Mr. Hume's Essays, of greater conse- quence than any I have quoted, or argued on ; and which I shall yet detain the reader for a few moments in order to consider; it is this following: " As reason is incapable of any va- " riation, the conclusions which it draws " from one circle, are the same which " it would form from surveying all the " circles in the universe. But no man " having seen one body move after being " impelled by another would infer, that " every body will move after a like iin- " pulse*." This passage I consider as containing the whole gist of Mr. Hume's error, and therefore it points out where my answer should meet it. The error consists, in inak- * Essays, Vol. 2. Sec, 6, p. 4-7. 92 ing an incomplete comparison, between the two subjects compared. Every body is taken in an indefinite sense for every kind of body ; but circle is not taken for every kind of figure. The reason whence the CONCLUSIONS concerning all circles are general, is upon the very principle of Cause and Effect ; for I know by experience, that upon the first study of Mathematical science, I found much difficulty in a phi- losophical objection I could not easily answer ; namely ; that the relations of the quantities in one figure did not seem necessarily applicable to all of a like kind ; until I perceived that the affections of all, were INVOLVED in one of each kind; as there was nothing to occasion a differ- ence amidst their relations. Now then let the data be the same, and the IMPULSE given not only be like, but the BODY given be like; and I conceive that every man, and every child, would expect, upon a second trial, that the same body would move in the same manner as before. The inference would be drawn from the mind perceiving, (in the first instance,) that no motion would have taken place except from the conjunction of 93 the body with the impulsive force ; and in the second case would add to the memory of this Effect, the reasoning, that there being nothing else to make a difference, a like Effect would again take place. Nay, I am persuaded, that reason might go so far as, from calculating the proportions of the impulse used, and the body moved, to con- clude the varieties, which would take place under proportionably different circum- stances. Mr. Hume draws two inferences of much consequence from his doctrine ; 1st, that as our custom of thinking is not the operation of nature, so we have no positive proof, that a cause is wanted for the existence of the universe as of a truly " productive princi- ple" 2dly, That it is unreasonable to be- lieve in miracles, because it is foolish to allow of our customary habits of thinking, which arise from " experience in the course of nature," to be interfered with by an " ex- perience of a less frequent occurrence;" which dependence upon testimony can only afford. This latter inference he pro- fesses in his Essay against Miracles. The 94 former opinion is less openly acknow- ledged; not being stated in explicit terms, but of immediate inference from the doc- trine ; and which he was well aware of, was the case. "." .' i \ -. .' ' . ~j .'.....'- ; v j - >-- - - The sum of niy answer and argument is, that although we know not the " se- crets of nature/' yet we know that no- thing can "begin its own existence;" therefore there must truly be a " productive principle/' a cause necessary for every new existence in nature; that we gain the knowledge of a " necessary connexion be- tween Cause and Effect," by an expert- mentum cruds, and therefore no greater number of invariable antecedents and con- sequents are wanted, than what is neces- sary, in order to observe what circum- stances affect each other, or the contrary. That neither fancy nor custom creates the notion by an association of ideas ; but the UNDERSTANDING gains it, by an observa- tion of what is that circumstance, without which a new object does not exist. Things therefore could not change their places, nor 95 nature alter her course, without a contra- diction. Hence it is that a cause is wanted in the universe equivalent to the change from non-existence to existence ! And also that it is not more unreasonable to believe in miracles than in any other extraordinary phenomena in nature, when we may sup- pose, that efficient Causes have been in ac- tion, towards their production ; and that fatal causes are of siifficient weight to justify the altered ivork of Providence ! But a minute investigation of Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles is much wanted. The purport of it, and the method by which it is drawn out as a consequence from the three preceding Essays, has not (that I know of) been observed by the learned. One would think at first sight that Mr. Hume, in admitting that the " course of nature might change, "conceded much to the Chris- tians. Instead of which he adroitly turns round upon them, and says, " so it may in fact ;" but in " custom" you think it cannot, therefore it is absurd to allow this custom 96 of thought to be overthrown by testimony. In this struggle of fancy, against fancy, the more powerful must and ought to prevail ! If these pages should find favour before the public, an examination of the Essay on Miracles is intended to follow them ; with- out which the answer to these on Cause and Effect is hardly complete. Should an objection arise to my doc- trine, that on account of supposing causes to act as the junctions of different qua- lities, and yet by pushing back all causes to the ONE UNCAUSED ESSENCE ; I thereby prevent the idea of him being reposed in as a Cause ; as he forms ONE object only : I answer, that the uncaused essence, however mysterious in his nature, and however aw- ful and distant to our speculations, must nevertheless have attributes; or in other words, its own peculiar qualities, which re- quired no former beings, to give birth to them. The unions of such qualities among themselves, might well be equal to the going forth of the great Creation! The 97 union of wisdom, with benevolence ; and of these with the "power" arising out of the inexhaustible resources of his essence, might well occasion the " starting forth" of innumerable beings ; the highest orders of which, without the slightest philosophi- cal contradiction, might be considered as coeval and coequal with the Father " as touching the Godhead." But after this, the wide universe, with all its gradations of wonderful beings, with all its powers of life and heat, and motion, must have come out from him according to the laws with which they were endowed. And although the original undivided essence, whose qualities were equal to such creation, must be con- sidered as antecedent to his own work ; yet the operation of that essence must ever have been the same from all eternity ; and in that point of view, the junction of wisdom and benevolence, with whatever " capaci- ties" of that essence were efficient to their ends, must have been accompanied with their instant synchronous Effects ; the formation of inferior beings. " Let there be light," said God, " and there was light:" ii 98 Thus God, the universal Father, and with him any noble manifestations of his essence ; then archangel, and angel ; man (or beings analogous to him) and animals ; mind, and matter; may be considered as having existed eternally, coming forth from him, living in him, and supported by him ; whilst an analogous state of being must be expected to continue eternally, in like man- ner and it may also be expected as a cir- cumstance consistent and probable with the whole of so grand an arrangement, that some inferior orders of beings may be raised in the scale of nature, to be inhabitants of a kindlier world than this ; with enlarged capacities for happiness and virtue. The consideration of the method the understanding has recourse to, in order to judge of the probable presence of similar causes on the contrary, will come under our view in the next Chapter. 99 CHAPTER THE THIRD. I SHALL now proceed to apply the princi- ples already laid down, to the examination of the question concerning the guidance of our expectations in ordinary life, which question forms the subject of the Essay entitled Sceptical Doubts concerning the operations of the Understanding. The question itself might be shortly stated thus : why does the operation of the apparent qualities of an object upon the senses, lead the mind to expect the action of its untried qualities, when placed in fit circumstances for their operation ? Why should bread, on account of its formerly nourishing the body, be expected to nourish it again ? why may it not, whilst it preserves " its colour, consistence, &c." nevertheless destroy the human frame ? In my answer to these questions, I shall allow to Mr. Hume, that the memory of the H 2 100 sensible and apparent qualities of any ob- ject, is necessary to the acknowledgment of it as the same body, upon every acquaint- ance with it; also that the memory of what its qualities will be, when conjoined with any other, is also requisite to the expecta- tion of any farther qualities arising from it. * -try The idea of these must be associated with the sensible qualities ; but the know- ledge that they will assuredly take place, when existing in like circumstances, is founded upon much stronger principles than those of custom and habit. ', It is founded First, Upon a quick, steady, accurate observation, whether the prevening causes are the SAME, from which an object is elicited in any PRESENT instance, as upon a FORMER one ; and, 2dly,-Upon a demonstration, that if the observation hath been correct, the result (i. e. the whole effects or qualities,) must necessarily be the same as heretofore ; 2 101 otherwise contrary qualities, as already dis- cussed, would arise without a cause, i. e. a difference begin of itself, which has been shown to be impossible*. Thus the first step the mind takes, in order to be satisfied that the same apparent qualities in any ob- ject will be attended with like " secret powers" is the consideration, from the sur- rounding circumstances, of what the pre- vening causes were, which gave birth to the object ; and therefore whether the apparent qualities are truly the accompaniments of the same nature or not. As for instance, we can form a notion almost with certainty, whether the substance placed upon the table has been truly elicited from such causes, as could alone produce the com- pound object bread. Whether the pure liquid offered, be the result of such circum- * It has already been shown upon mathematical prin- ciples, that a difference in the result of equal unions, can no more arise out of the mixtures of any other qualities of objects, than from the Junctions of those of number. If ONE added to ONE, bear out the result TWO, once; it must ever do so ; and if a certain proportion of blue and yellow particles, form a mixture termed GREEN, once; GREEN in like manner shall ever thence result. H 3 102 stances as render it water, or of such others, as may prove it, (notwithstanding its appa- rent quality to the eye,) to be spirits of ammonia ? c. It is not the mere appear- ance of the external qualities, which can determine the mind to expect certain ef- fects ; it is only that appearance in conjunc- tion with the recollection of the probable causes, that have produced the objects in question, and which lead the mind to sup- pose the said objects to be truly bread, water, or hartshorn ; and therefore impos- sible not to be capable of exhibiting all their qualities, and none other than their qua- lities. vifi-J fv;'jH f;f *>idfj: The first step belongs to those com- bined qualities of mind called good sense ; and will always be made with an assurance and propriety in proportion to it. The na- ture of its operation is this; the mind knows that different objects have the same apparent qualities to some of the senses, which cannot aiford a sufficient test con- cerning the farther exhibition of others ; but observation enables it to judge, when an object is presented, what causes have 103 been used in its formation ; and if it perceives that the causes have been similar, it knows that the whole effects or qualities must necessarily be similar; otherwise there might be an uncaused " change in the course of nature ;" which, although some- times philosophers imagine possible, no or- dinary minds ever do, because they never think a change can take place of itself; or in other words, qualities begin their own existences It is nothing but this reasoning concern- ing the causes, used in the formation of an object, which makes us argue to the " secret powers," and the similar appearances only guide us, in as far as they form a proof that they are truly the same objects, with re- spect to those appearances ; for SIMILAR objects could not have different appear- ances. :--SiJiic: The way to try the case is to observe the action of the mind, when two objects are presented of precisely similar appear- ance, but which may be thought, on account H 4 104 of the uncertainty as to the circumstances which excited them, possibly, to possess different properties. 91** 'ft . ffs$5*in*iK*f O ': 1 ">'*}. < v We always enquire, in such cases, as to some leading circumstance, which may ena- ble us to judge what causes were used in their formation. If an ignorant person, for instance, whom we perceived could not read, were about to serve us in a chyrnist's shop with Epsom salts ; we, being aware that oxalic acid had the same apparent qualities, should not feel an assurance in the " secret powers ;" but would cautiously enquire for some mark, by which to be guided in our notion as to then* original FORMATION ; i. e. as to what mass of qualities apparent, and secret, had been combined by the hand of nature, or art, in the object before us. It is here that Mr. Hume's mistake is evident in the state- ment of what he deems an irresolvable dif- ficulty, concerning the method of the mind in the guidance of its expectation with respect to the untried qualities, or "Ef- fects," of the objects presented to it. 105 These are his words, : " The two following propositions are " far from being the same ; I have found " that such an object has always been at-' " tended with such an Effect ; and I foresee " that all other objects, in appearance si- " milar, will be attended with similar " effects/' The connexion between the two propositions is not intuitive ; of what nature is it then ? I answer, WE NEVER DO MAKE THE CONNEXION we never do foresee that objects similar in appearance ONLY, will be attended with similar Effects. But as trail/ similar objects, must necessari- ly appear the same, we combine these ac- knowledged similarities, with the circum- stances which we are aware of, as most probable to have been used in their formation, and thence judge whether the object be truly a mass of similar Effects or qualities, elicited from like causes in action, or the contrary. . If the causes in action have been the same ; (and we are pretty good judges if 106 they have, or have not, in the vast variety of ordinary cases with which we have to do,) then the objects in question must ne- cessarily possess the whole qualities which belong to their natures, whether taken singly, and acting alone on the senses ; or acting in conjunction with another object, and exhibiting those further qualities, which are usually termed " Effects" Thus Mr. Hume's statement " I have " found such an object has always been at- " tended with such an effect ; and I foresee " other objects, in appearance similar, will " be attended with similar effects ;" is not the state of the human mind in any given circumstance. It should rather run thus, (although the familiarity we have from in- fancy with the objects of life prevent the notion from being so distinctly formed, much less expressed, as to be easily detected when called upon.) Here is an object which has been the result of LIKE CAUSES IN ACTION, now as for- merly. The whole mass of Effects, which 107 those causes once produced, must necessarily be again capable of being exhibited in like appropriate circumstances. It may also be added, that when an ob- ject in nature is, on account of some governing circumstance relating to it, con- sidered as a similar object with another; because that governing circumstance points out the creating causes of it; then the " Effects," as well as the apparent qua- lities, enter into its definition, and bread stands as a sign of all the ideas under the term, and of nothing but the ideas. ' It receives that name on account of its tried qualities, and it retains it, when known to have been formed by those creating causes, that necessarily can only determine similar effects. I If the human body is in the same state on any occasion, as on that when bread nourished it ; there is as great a necessity it should again nourish, as that it should be white. 108 Thus all experimental reasoning consists in an observation, and a demonstration, as has before been shown; an observation, whether the circumstances from which an object is produced, and in which it is placed, are the same upon one occasion as upon another ; and a demonstration, that if it is so, all its exhibitions will be the same. But Mr. Hume asks in another question of the same nature, why we judge otherwise con- cerning the " Effects/' (or untried quali- ties), following the apparent qualities, in some other objects. " Nothing, says he, so like as eggs ; " yet no one, on account of this apparent " similarity, expects the same taste and " relish in all of them ;" " Now where is " that process of reasoning, which from one " instance, draws a conclusion so different " from that which it infers from a hundred " others?" The reason is, because it is one of the tried, known, qualities of eggs, to become soon changed in their flavour ; without any great indication of such change becoming 109 apparent to the eye ; therefore again, there is not a connexion between the ap- parent qualities, and " secret powers/' and we should enquire if we doubted; concern- ing some circumstance before tasting that might afford a discreet judgment, some ground for conceiving that only those causes, had hitherto been in action, which had been likely to produce fresh eggs. This instance forms an argument on my side of the question, rather than on Mr. Hume's ; as it shows there is not an abso- lute connexion, (and that the mind never thinks there is,) between the mere APPEAR- ANCES, and the "Effects" of an object; but that we judge concerning the proba- bility of the method in which an object has been formed, and of the circumstances it may have been placed in afterwards, as likely or not to alter it; before we announce, whether the apparent qualities are indications of those " secret powers, on which the Effects entirely depend" Thus I not only assert, that these are 110 "the steps" the mind takes, from experiment to expectation; namely, ONE OF A HIGH PRO- BABILITY, that the prevening circumstances which determine those masses of Effects, (or qualities) called objects, have rendered them the same upon a present occasion, as upon a past ; AND ONE OF DEMONSTRATION, that IF they are the same objects, all the unexhi- bited qualities, or effects, must also be THE SAME ; but I also affirm, that " custom" is not, cannot, be the principle on which the notion of necessary connexion between Cause and Effect is really founded ; and that with respect to the most familiar ob- jects of our life it has only a partial opera- tion, in governing our expectations of the future. I grant that custom or an associa- tion of ideas, arising from those habits which infix ideas in the mind, is the foun- dation of all memory; and therefore similar appearances, suggest the remembered unex- hibited accompanying qualities of objects ; but it will not suit all the phenomena; it will not give the assurance that the accom- panying untried qualities, must of necessity take place ; and that the object in question Ill merits the name assigned to it. In order to prove this proposition, let us try any of the various strongly associated circumstan- ces, which govern the mind, where clearly the suggestion to the imagination, can arise from nothing else but association of ideas. The ideas of these may always be disjoined from each other, without any apparent in- conceivableness to the fancy ; which is al- ways the case in endeavouring to imagine a similar cause to take place with one we have before known, and a different Effect follow, from that which had previously fol- lowed it. Let any school -boy, who always joins the first two lines in Virgil together, endea- vour to imagine one line only written, with- out the other ; he can do it ; or that Virgil might have made another line, the first re- maining the same ; he can ; one is not the cause of the other ; nor, are they neces- sarily connected. But when he says, twice 2 are 4, he finds that the consequence of two units being taken two times over, necessarily exhibit four units to the mind ; and cannot be disjoined from that result, 112 while the terms are spoken of in the same sense. Like Causes : necessarily include, and therefore produce and exhibit their Effects. The mind indeed may be forced from every recollection of habit, and consider the qua- lities of an object apart from each other, as in any other association : but the mind never can consider them as possible to exist apart in nature ; it never for a moment sup- poses it but inconceivable, and impossible, that they should be " non-existent this mo- ment, and " existent the next" without conjoining to them the idea of a cause or " productive principle." The only difficulty the mind has to do with, in forming a right judgment con- cerning its expectations of the qualities of objects, iS the probability, or the con- trary, whether the circumstances which formed them, are the same as heretofore or not. But this part of the question, we always consider with more or less nicety of induction ; and do not believe them to be so, from external appearances only, but U3 from those circumstances which enable us to know, what course nature was taking, when she stamped them such as we see them. We judge in short that nature, in the continuance of her plan, is constant still to her own great ends ; where the first begin^ nings of the work are wholly out of our cognizance. We judge from the memory, of the pails we have ourselves taken in the disposition of Causes. We judge from the knowledge we have had of the actions of others, and of the parts they have also been performing in their disposition; and when these are all in the affirmative, towards the pro- bability of like Causes having been in ac- tion, in the formation of any object imme- diately concerning us ; then we judge that the similar appearances, are qualities, of a like object, which only remains to be tried, to justify the assumption that it is the same; and that it deserves the name which has 114 been bestowed on it accordingly. I think this answers the whole argument, and is suf- ficient to prove, that " reason" not " cus- tom" is the great guide of human life; convincing us, that the " instances of which we have had no experience, must resemble those of which we have had ex- perience, for that the course of nature must continue uniformly the same." SECTION THE SECOND. In the course of writing these pages, I have met with some passages in the works of Mr. Locke, which when compared with the whole of Mr. Hume's argument, (a pos- teriori,} must be considered as forming the basis of that elaborate and inconclusive reasoning. Mr. Locke says, " there is a " supposition that nature works regularly " in the production of things, and sets the "boundaries to each species; whereas " any one who observes their different qua- " lities, can hardly doubt that many of the **- individuals called by the same name, are ** in their internal constitution different from 4 * one another." 115 Again ; " Let the complex idea of " gold, be made up of whatever other qua- " lities you please, malleableness will not " appear to depend on that complex idea. " The connexion that malleableness has " with those other qualities, being only by " the intervention of the real collection of " its insensible parts ; which since we know " not, it is impossible we should perceive " that connection, &c." In another place he has ; " But we are " so far from being admitted into the secrets " of nature, that we scarce so much as ever " approach the first step towards them." ,yA- The parallel passages in Mr. Hume's writings I need not again quote, espe- cially as, if the reader has been interested in the course of this discussion, they will immediately recur to his memory. Now Mr. Locke never meant to say that the differences of species could take place, excepting by the regular operations of CAUSES, necessarily connected with their EFFECTS ; for he considered the sensible i 2 qualities of bodies, as dependant upon their internal constitution ; which is both to ac- knowledge the relation of Cause and Effect, as also to conceive the sensible qualities, to be the EFFECTS of the secret powers*. Both of these principles Mr. Hume denies ; saying expressly of the latter " It " is acknowledged on all hands, there is " no connection between the sensible qua- " lities, and those secret powers of objects, " on which the effects entirely depend." Which latter remark I consider not only as erroneous, but astonishing ! in as much as the ideas in this part of his Essay, are an obvious expansion of those of Mr. Locke, who is an exception to the notion of an uni- versal agreement to this opinion; (being one, at least, and in authority equal to many, who does not acknowledge it.) The doubt how- ever which Mr. Locke throws out, although it does in no respect affect the general prin- * " That every thing has a real constitution, whereby it " is, what it is, and on which its sensible qualities depend, " is past doubt." Locke's Essay on the Human Under- standing. 117 ciples concerning causation ; yet it regards the difficulty there is in the detection of like objects, on account of our inability to form a judgment concerning their internal con- stitutions, from the mere appearance of their sensible qualities. I consider Mr. Locke renders the diffi- culty something greater than it need be ; although he acknowledges that a simi- larity in the sensible qualities forms an argument of high probability, (though short of demonstration,) in favor of the presence of truly similar objects. For as the secret, external, unknown powers or qualities, in nature; deter- mine the sensible qualities as their effects, as well as every other effect, or property ; so when we perceive the sensible qualities in any instances to be like, we know that as far as they go, they are LIKE Effects, from like SECRET constitutions; which secret con- stitutions having been once able to de- termine certain effects, may do the same again; and not only may, but must do i 3 118 so again, wiless something has occurred unobserved to make a difference among them. In order to form a judgment if any thing is likely to have occurred towards making such an alteration ; the mind has recourse to several observations and rea- sonings. For considering that a certain figured, limited, portion of extended mat- ter in nature, does by the action of the self same particles, exhibit different quali- ties, according to the different senses they meet, or variety of objects, with which they mix ; so it applies these masses to the examination of more senses than one, for an higher certainty in this matter : knowing it to be very rare, but that a diversity is detected among the particles, by some one sense, at least. The senses, therefore, are considered capable of nearly detecting the similarity of internal constitutions ; and this upon such a regularity in fact of the course of nature, which must itself be looked upon as a general Effect, from a general Cause. 119 Nevertheless the proposition founded on these trials, is but a probability, although a high one. But, 2dly. The mind has always a regard to the metkod taken by nature and art in the FORMATION of an object. When these are similar; the MASSES of Effects, or objects, are necessarily similar; and SUCH therefore will be their Effects in their turn. Then these forming objects are still silently traced back- wards ; in order to perceive if their produc- tion hath been similar till we rest at last, in those grand objects and operations in nature, which we have found so universally regular to certain ends, that upon the gene- ral relation of Cause and Effect, (as applica- ble to this particular case,) we conclude, that such a regular like Effect, can only be the result of a like continual cause ; which shall not alter as long as the GREAT FIRST CAUSE doth not alter his pleasure therein. Thus we trace the sensible qualities of bread to the SECRET coiNSTiTUTiONS which have partly been put in action, by the sower and reaper of corn, the operations of the miller and the baker; and beyond these to the i 4 - 120 influence of the air, the sun, and the juices of the earth ; which objects as they origin- ally seem to have " come forth from the Father of man" for his use, so have they ever continued too true to their destination, not to be considered as dependant on that " God of seasons," who has ordained the nourishment of his children to arise from " bread, earned by the sweat of their brow." It is, on account of these reasons, (that in answer to Mr. Hume) I say, that " other bread will also nourish, when a body of a like colour and consistency has frequently done so ; and which remains free from the suspicion of any other beings having been concerned in its FORMATION than those al- luded to. Frequency of repetition, abstracted from the principle of CAUSATION as a CONCLU- SION already drawn from " general reason- ing" is not a circumstance sufficient to generate such a principle, either from cm- torn, or aught else; but being previously known and believed in ; frequency of re- petition becomes legitimately to be con- sidered as axisJEffect, from a Cause, equally constant and general in its exhibition ; and 121 thereby begets a reasonable, as well as a customary dependance, upon the necessary connexion, that is between such regular Cause and Effect. Thus the most ignorant conceive ; first that qualities cannot begin of themselves ; for there is as quick and accurate a percep- tion, of natural contradictions in terms, amidst the least as the most learned of men : they therefore believe in Cause, as a " pro- ductive principle" in general. Secondly, they believe that regularity in nature is an Effect whose Cause they may regularly depend on, as a corollary with the preced- ing principle. Thirdly, they believe there is the intimate connexion of Cause and Effect between the secret powers, and sen- sible qualities of objects ; conceiving that an OUTWARD indefinite object, which when it meets with the eye presents to it a certain colour, and with the touch a certain consis- tency, and which they believe to be FORMED from certain materials, will also, upon trial, be palateable to the taste, agreeable to the stomach, and nourishing to the body, 122 Thus when Mr. Hume says, ".I require for my information what reasoning it is that leads men, from the mere sensible qualities of things to expect their future Effects?" he requires the statement of an argument, which in fact is never made ; for men con- ceive that it is something indefinite ; i. e. a certain mass of particles determined into that mass by forming powers equivalent to it, which meeting with the eyes, is seen of a denned colour, with the touch yields the sense of a certain consistency, and when entering the stomach shall be enjoyed as a satisfaction to hunger*. None ever suppose, that it is what is first seen and felt that it is colour and consistency which afterwards NOURISHES. They suppose it is that which is sown and reaped, and kneaded and baked ; which seen, or unseen; touched or untouched; is FITTED TO NOURISH ; but being seen, shall be white or brown ; and being felt, shall be of a less or greater * This part of the subject again touches upon the Berkleyan theory, concerning external nature; and the opinions ordinary minds have of the external existence, or the contrary, of the sensible qualities : upon which point Hume and Berkeley are at variance. 1,23 compressibility. The sensible qualities are only considered as SIGNS of the secret powers, which secret powers are under- stood to be determined by certain similar processes of art, mixed with the grand and regular operations of nature. When the formation of objects can be less accurately detected ; their similarity of internal con- stitution becomes more doubtful, from the mere appearance of some of the sensible qualities only ; for, the greater number of qualities which are exhibited as similar to the senses, the higher does the proof be- come, of the secret powers being also similar. Fourthly. The mind, (of ordinary per- sons especially), though appearing to reason upon this subject in a circle, yet in reality escapes the sophism and proceeds by a me- thod involving much practical result and ra- tional evidence. For instance ; if there were an appearance of fire, doubted, as to its being more than a mere appearance of it ; the moment it were known to have been eli- cited from the concussion of flint and steel, there would no longer be a doubt on that 124 matter. Then if in any case did the ques- tion arise, whether those objects usually considered as JIM and steel, were truly such, it would be thought a proof in the af- firmative, if upon their concussion they could elicit a sensible spark. Philosophers might imagine the secret powers of the whole to be altered ; but plain understand- ings would consider the entire coincidence to be too great and remarkable to arise from chance. Such sensible causes, giving birth to such sensible effects, they would suppose formed a connection of the high- est probability, whence to form a judg- ment, that the whole secret powers of each were similar. And in cases of high pro- bability the mind is as much determined to action, as by demonstration. It cannot stand hesitating, and therefore " takes a step/' (in arguing from the sensible quali- ties to the future effects of things,) governed by a high probability founded on REASONING " that they ARE" connected with like secret powers, on which the Effects entirely depend. Nor is this argument in a circle, for the mind does not reason from the Effects to 125 the Causes; and from the Causes back again to the Effects, but considers in each of these cases, that the invariable regularity of nature is a POWER that may be depended upon ; and from which fact of invariableness the reasonable argument is framed, that the same secret powers will accompany the sensible qualities which have ever done so, when elicited from like apparent Causes. It is an additional proof added to the AP- PEARANCE of fire , that it is REALLY such, if found to be the result not only of apparently like Causes in action, but of such that have never been known to MISS FIRE, when they have seemed to kindle it. Whilst should the temper of steel lie under any suspicion, of incapacity as to the determination of its Effects ; if upon trial, the spark be immedi- ately emitted, the conclusion is as imme- diate that this Effect is similar in the secret powers, which nature in no instance ever failed, to determine along with such sensi- ble qualities. In moral feelings also, I might argue that had I a friend whose absence might suggest a dread, lest the powers of his 1-26 friendship had become weakened ; if upon his return I observed the same sensible manifestations of regard as heretofore I should have very reasonable ground to judge, that they were the symptoms of a heart, as true to me as ever, whose faith was always found to shew itself in similar demonstrations of kindness. It is one of the most ordinary modes of reasoning that the generality of mankind possess ; to consider invariability of recur- rence as incapable of arising from chance. The meaning of which is, that having the principle of general causation already in their minds, they judge that invariable regu- larity cannot be undesigned and without an end in view, (as well as that it is itself an Ef- fect, and must therefore have its own Cause, i. e. a regular invariable Cause of whose very essence it is, only to determine simi- lar Effects.) And it is remarkable that this idea and in the very same language express- ing it, is used at the beginning of Mr. Hume's " Treatise" as the sole foundation of a sys- tem expressly undertaken to prove that the 127 mind never reasons., from experience to ex- pectation. His words are to this purpose ; " this coincidence," (viz. of an IDEA always requiring an IMPRESSION toprevene it,) " is TOO GREAT TO ARISE FROM CHANCE !" To return to Mr. Locke, he merely meant to say, that nature in her regular and usual modes of operation, from Cause and Effect might form irregular collections of qualities, not to be detected by mere ap- pearances ; and therefore unworthy on that account only, of retaining the names of regular species, which are also named on account of their tried Effects and proper- ties. But every man acquainted with Mr. Locke's writings must consider him, as far from wishing to authorize in future times such a scheme as that of Mr. Hume's. Nor do I think he would dissent from my notions, that the method the mind takes to judge of the kind of objects which are present is : Istly. By tracing the manner of their formation. 1-28 idly. By considering an invariable re- gularity in nature as reasonable to be de- pended upon, being itself an invariable effect from an equal Cause. . By the application of various senses to the affections of the particles. 4thly. By the consideration that the sensible qualities being similar is a pre- sumption in favor of similar secret powers, as truly similar objects would necessarily appear the same. 5thly. That in like manner when Ef- fects are apparently similar a presumption is formed in favor of apparently similar causes, having given birth to like secret powers in the EFFECTS, as well as their sensible qualities. 6thly. That the mind quickly and ha- bitually surveys these things ; so that the understanding being accomplished in such latent, and constant reasoning; may uni* formly blend and use it, although it may find a difficulty of analyzing it when call- ed for. 129 7thly. That after the application of an exact experiment, it is imposible to ima- gine a difference of qualities to arise under the same circumstances. It is strange that a system at once so unstable and confused, as Mr. Hume's, should ever have been built upon any no- tions of Mr. Locke, whose moral conclu- sions are so much at variance with his. Divest Mr. Hume's ideas of the air, of science and grace, which he throws around them, and present them in a plain and po- pular manner, they will appear thus. " The mind cannot become acquainted with the knowledge of a necessary connexion be- tween Cause and Effect ; for there exists no relations amidst things, of which an idea can be conveyed to it, except by the means of an original impression" " But in nature events are entirely un- connected, therefore not capable of convey- ing an impression of necessary connexion, or of POWER; yet men conceive that events, are not thus unconnected in which idea they are mistaken ; as experience, which is K 130 the ONLY field for their observation in this matter, merely offers to view certain similar sensible qualities, which are frequently, al- though not invariably followed by other similar sensible qualities. In certain cases, however, there have been such invariable sequences (though " of loose, casual, un- connected events") that a definition of Cause and Effect, as of an invariable sequence, may be framed thereon." "In as much as it is only like sensible qualities with which we are acquainted, so they alone are considered as like Causes or antecedents ; and they have no connexion with the secret powers of objects, which secret powers, are nevertheless the only true Causes on " which the Effects entirely de- pend ; therefore like sensible qualities NOT being like Causes might be followed by different Effects." " Hence the Custom of the observance of those sequences of sensible qualities, which are similar, can alone convey the impression, whence the idea of causation results ; and thence necessary connexion is a KU " fancy of the mind," not a relation in na- ture." " To prove that Custom is the only " Cause" of our belief in causation; it is perfectly reasonable to suppose, that such an invariable sequence might be interrupted, for there is no contradiction in imagining an " ARBITRARY" change in the course of nature. Yet should a contrary imagination resist reason, and not conceive in fact this inter- ruption as possible to take place ; she may again reconsider the possibility of nature altering her course, forming no contradic- tion to reason." I appeal to those who are acquainted with Mr. Hume's Essays, if this statement be not the sum of the argument and I also appeal to every man capable of logical accuracy, if it doth not involve every species of illogical sophistry ; for, 'Ofr>*f."yifj, 1st. There is drawn a general nega- tive conclusion; from an examination of particular instances only. If the adversary may not draw from particular experience 132 the general affirmative conclusion, that there is a necessary connexion; neither can Mr. Hume infer a general negative position, that there is not a necessary connexion be- tween Cause and Effect. He also de- duces a general affirmative conclusion, viz. " that the future shall invariably re- semble the past; from particular instances only *. 2dly. The mind is directed to infer a conclusion against the general relation of Cause and Effect, by the demonstration of a proposition in nowise inconsistent with it; namely, that like sensible qualities, NOT being like Causes, might be followed by DIFFERENT Eflfectsf. 3dly. A general negative conclusion is in fact drawn from negative premises, merely; (however the illogical method may be disguised both as to manner and diction), for it is concluded there is no proof for the existence of the general rela- * See p, 66, of this Essay, f See p. 76, ibid. 133 tion of Cause and Effect between objects because experience shows that like sensible qualities are not like Causes ; and are there- fore not necessarily connected with like Effects* ! 4thly. The question is shifted from the examination of the general relation of Cause and Effect, to that of the crite- rion for ascertaining the presence of like Causes f. 5thly. The very proposition is ad- mitted, which is in dispute; in order to serve the purpose of his argument ; first, in the statement that impressions are the productive Causes of ideas; secondly, in supposing the secret powers of an object * It may be seen, that on account of these particular and negative propositions, (which after all include that proposition which is in question) he really deduces there is no such existence^ in this relation AMIDST THINGS for in the place of the reality of its existence in nature, (supposed by their statement to be disproved to reason, and therefore disproved altogether) a ''fancy of it in the mind alone"" is obliged to be substituted in its stead. This " FANCY'' is no connexion between objects. f See further, p. 60, and 62, of this Essay. K 3 134 to be alone the real productive Causes of its future properties; thirdly, in conceiving Nature may alter her course for the express purpose of changing the secret powers; and that they are changed by such alteration; and lastly, in alleging custom to be the sole Cause (i. e. producing generating prin- ciple) of the IDEA of causation*.-^ fithly. The proposition that the course of nature may be supposed to change/' is used ambiguously, signifying indifferently either an uncaused alteration of the SUBSE- QUENT sensible qualities or of the ANTECE- DENT secret powers^. 7thly, and lastly. The two chief pro- positions of the argument are in opposition to each other ; for Mr. Hume attempts to establish, that CUSTOM not reason is the prin- * In these several instances it cannot be contended that Mr. Hume's idea of Cause, is only that of an antecedent ; IMPRESSION is supposed not merely to go before, but to create IDEA ; i. e. to be an object absolutely necessary and completely efficient to its production, &c. f See pages 76, 90, and 146, &c. of this Essay. J See p. 73, ibid. 135 cipal of causation, whilst he allows REASON to be the sole ground and necessary Cause of this belief. In presenting the foregoing observations to the reader's attention, I have endea- voured, I hope, without presumption, to show that Mr. Hume's reputation for logi- cal correctness has been overrated. The effect of his work is to astonish by its bold- ness and novelty ; to allure us by its grace and lightness ; his propositions are arranged so artfully, that their illogical connexion is not perceived, and the understanding, with- out being satisfied, is gradually drawn into inferences from which it would gladly but cannot readily escape. If any reader should agree with me in conceiving this scheme to be fallacious, when minutely analyzed, and is thereby enabled to overcome its influence on his mind, I shall consider myself more than repaid for the labour of thought spent in an endeavour towards so desirable an end. 136 CHAPTER THE FOURTH. OBSERVATIONS ON DE. BROWN*S ESSAY ON THE DOCTRINE OP MR. HUME. DR. Brown's theory merits a particular in- vestigation, and I shall follow him very shortly through each observation he makes on Mr. Hume's doctrine, which he states m five propositions. He first of all be- gins however with his own definition of the relation of Cause and Effect; which does not differ materially from that of Mr. Hume ; and has the same inconvenience attending it ; viz. that it will apply to other regular sequences, than those which belong to this relation. " A cause," says he, " is " an object, which immediately precedes " any change, and which existing again in *' similar circumstances, will always be im- " mediately followed by a similar change." And again, " invariableness of antece- " dence, is the element which constitutes " the idea of a cause." 137 But I ask, how do you get acquaint- ed with this fact? Mr. Hume says he knows it ; " because of the habit arising " from past custom, carrying the thought "to an expectation of the future, with a " liveliness of conception equal to the ex- " perience of the past," i. e. there is un- certain certainty ; for, a lively idea hath not, in awaking any more than in a sleep- ing hour, CERTAIN EXISTENCE for its resem- blance, without some other notion than merely its vivacity to support an argument for its reality*. -ii: . Dr. Brown says, " I know it from instinc- tive belief, arising from the observation of seeing in any one instance, certain Effects follow given Causes/ ' si Now I confess, I do not know what " instinctive belief" means, except as ap- plied to the mysterious manner in which animals know of the qualities of bodies previous to experience, by some laws be- * This notion is intended to be fully discussed in a future Essay on the nature of external objects. 138 yond our scrutiny ; or at most our con- scious belief, of the existence of a simple sensation. Intuitive belief, I understand ; and by it is meant, that in the relation of the two mem- bers of a proposition, the truth is contained in the definition of the terms ; and cannot be altered without altering the signs of the ideas, which have been just allowed to stand for them. But to say that instinc- tive, or intuitive belief, can arise in the mind, as a conclusive proposition, when it requires experience, in order to form some DATA for its premises ; is to say you be- lieve a thing, without a reason for it, and that you are sure of it, because you are sure of it, although you do want an experi- ment, in order to form a basis for the proposition, wliich is to be a reason for your instinctive conclusion. This is Dr. Brown's Theory. He is excellent in detecting some of Mr. Hume's fallacies ; but in not allowing that the proposition, " like Causes must have like Effects/' to be founded on reason, 139 is equally guilty of a most important one himself. The first proposition of Mr. Hume which he examines is, that the relation of Cause and Effect cannot be discovered a priori. To this Dr. Brown assents ; and I grant, that the particular qualities which will arise, under new circumstances that bodies shall be placed in, cannot. But the exact nature of the question is here rendered very ambiguous : for the general relation of Cause and Effect, is the subject in ques- tion ; but the question answered, is whether the particular Effects arising from particu- lar Causes, can be known ; and in which- ever way it is answered, it does not form an ansiver to the GENERAL one ; for, like Causes in general, might necessarily be con- nected with like Effects (of whatever kind they might be); and this proposition known, from some process of reasoning : although neither before nor after experience, the particular kind of Effects from given Causes should be discovered. This ambiguity 140 renders the argument nugatory, and it would be tedious and unnecessary to say any thing more upon it. The second proposition of Mr. Hume's Theory is, that even " after experience the relation of Cause and Effect cannot be dis- covered by reason." To this Dr. Brown also agrees. The same ambiguity, con- cerning the nature of the question again prevails ; for reason might be able to teach us after experience, that the same qualities must arise out of the same objects, when there was nothing to make a difference, although she should not inform us of the " secrets of nature," and explain to us any better, the mode of the connexion in each particular instance ; for if the contrary were true; if we could know those " secrets" in every particular instance, it could not form a ground, for concluding that " all like Causes must have like Effects." General conclusions cannot flow from particular pre- mises, whether they be formed by reason* or custom, or instinct. 141 But Dr. Brown's argument, against rea- son, must be examined more minutely ; these are his words ; "he who asserts that " A WILL always be followed by B, asserts " more than that A always HAS BEEN/O/- " lowed by B ; and it is this addition which " forms the very essence of THE RELATION 44 OF CAUSE AND EFFECT; neither of the " propositions includes the other; and as " they have no agreement, reason, which " is the sense of agreement, cannot be ap- " plied to them." To represent the relation of Cause and Effect, as A followed by B, is a false view of the matter. Cause and Effect, might be represented rather by A x B = C, there- fore C is INCLUDED in the MIXTURE OF THE OBJECTS called CAUSE. If C arises once from the junction of any two bodies; C must upon every other like conjunction, be the result; because there is no alteration in the propor- tions of the quantities to make a difference; C is really included in the MIXTURE of A and B, although, to our senses, we are forced to note down (as it were) the SUM arising from their union, after the observance 142 of their coalescence. In like manner the results of all arithmetical combinations are included in their statements; yet we are obliged to take notice of them separately and subsequently, owing to the imperfec- tion of our senses, in not observing them with sufficient quickness, and time being requisite to bring them out to full view and apparent in some DISTINCT shape. In- deed my whole notion, of the relation of Cause and Effect, is aptly imagined, by the nature of the necessary results, inclu- ded in the juxta-position of quantities. But as long as Cause shall be con- sidered ONLY as an antecedent; the FUTURE can never be proved to be included in the PAST, which yet is truly the case. For when it comes to be observed, that Cause means, and really is the creation of NEW QUALITIES, (from new conjunctions in matter or mind,) then it is perceived that the future is " involved in the past ;" for when existing objects are the same, they must put on SIMILAR QUALITIES ; otherwise contrary qualities or differences, would arise of themselves ; and " begin 4 143 their own existences," which is impossi- ble, and conveys a contradiction in terms*. All that experience has to do, is to show us, by what passes within ourselves, that there is a contradiction in the supposition of qualities beginning their own existence ; and A CONTRADICTION is never admitted in the relation of any ideas that present themselves. The very act of reason- ing consists, in such a comparison of our ideas, as will not permit of inconsistent propositions^; which would be the case, if " like Causes could produce other than like Effects." So then REASON does establish this beautiful and certain proposition, which * No mathematical reasoning can ever be driven fur- ther back, than by showing that the contrary of an asserted proposition is a contradiction in terms. f- The beginning of every quality is perceived to be only a change, upon some objects already in existence ; and therefore cannot convey the same notion to the mind, as the beginning of a quality, supposed to be independent of other objects and NOT to be a change. THE BEGINNING OF EXISTENCE, therefore, cannot appear otherwise than contrary to the idea of its independency of those objects of which it is a change. 144 is the foundation of all our knowledge ; That like Causes must ever produce like Effects. The third proposition is ; that the rela- tion of Cause and Effect is an object of belief alone. To this Dr. Brown also agrees, saying, " any quality which is incapable of being perceived, or inferred, can result only from an instinctive principle of faith." But I ask how do you know the future is invariable ? You say from an instinctive principle of faith in observing the present. I reply, that it is as impossible to draw an INSTINCTIVE general conclusion, from particu- lar premises, as a REASONABLE one. That A follows B, can no more form an instinct than a reason, for universal certainty of a similar sequence. The fourth proposition, that the relation of Cause and Effect is believed to exist be- tween objects only after their " customary" conjunction is known to us; Dr. Brown combats with such ingenuity, reasons against with such severity of logic, and 145 vanquishes with such skill and power, that all I should attempt to say upon it, would be useless. I can only express my re- gret, that he could suppose, a notion of belief, founded upon the influence of the imagination, rather than of reason, to be a rock, on which we might build our house, without " danger of the storm and tempest." Nor is Dr. Brown's " blind impulse of faith" a much more secure one. He ima- gines such a principle to be the foundation of all demonstrative reasoning ; but it is really not so. Intuitive propositions are those included in tJie very terms, given to our impressions ; and are as true as they are, whose truth arises from simple con- scious feelings, ARBITRARILY named. But IN- STINCTIVE propositions, not so grounded, and which require some DATA, some experi- ence, some premises, in which it is con- fessed they are not included, are an abso- lute contradiction to philosophy and com- mon sense. The fifth proposition is, " that when " two objects have been frequently observ- " ed in succession, the mind passes readily " from the idea of one to the idea of the " other ; the transition in the mind itself " being the impression from which the " idea of the necessary connexion of the " objects as Cause and Effect is de- " rived." This opinion, namely, " that an easy transition of thought," is the only founda- tion of the idea of power, Dr. Brown also combats, and conquers ; showing in a mas- terly manner the illogical CIRCLE in which Mr. Hume argues. Indeed it is matter of surprise to reflect on Mr. Hume's reputa- tion, for logical precision, when the whole superstructure of his work is built upon the denial of a proposition, which is assumed as true in the premises ; for in the ori- ginal inquiry, concerning the method by which we gain ideas'; Mr. Hume says, it must be from IMPRESSIONS as their Cause ; i. e. as a " productive principle;" for " their con- " stant conjunction is too frequent to arise 147 " from chance*;" then examining the na- ture of the idea of cause, or power ; he asks, " from what impression (as its cause) this idea arises" (as its effect) ? Thus prov- ing ideas to be " derived" from impressions, on account of the necessary connexion there exists between them ; and then, disproving this doctrine of necessary connexion, from the very notions previously built upon it. It is considered, however, by Dr. Brown, that Mr. Hume's idea of power, although false, and only resolvable into a strong ima- gination founded on custom; " a belief not different from that we have in fiction, save -dour * " Let us consider how they stand with regard to " existence, and of the impressions and ideas, which are " Causes and which Effects." TREATISE " Such acon- " stant conjunction can never arise from chance, but " proves a dependence of the impressions on the ideas, or " of the ideas on the impressions." TREATISE. These notions, although not expressed in the very same words, are plainly found in the Essays. " Every idea is " copied,"" or is " derived" from an impression, is precisely the same thought, and which as completely begs the ques- tion in dispute, as the passages do which I have quoted from the Treatise ; evidently arguing that IMPRESSION is the " productive principle" of idea. L 2 148 in the vivacity of the conception of its ob- jects ;" is nevertheless sufficient to guard the doctrine from any charge of excluding the necessity of Deity for the creation of the universe. He seems to think, that as Mr. Hume got hold of the idea of POWER, by some means or other, it is immaterial by what means; as any idea of power whatever, would show that a Deity was alike ne- cessary. But this is false reasoning ; if, accord- ing to Mr. Hume, we really did, from ob- serving one object always follow another, fall into so strong a fancy, that one was necessary to produce the other, as to be unable to avoid the conclusion of their invariable and absolute dependence on each other; yet upon the supposition of once knowing this conclusion to be only the effect of a habit of mind, arising from an association of ideas ; (a fancy, a custom of thought) ; we should nevertheless consider that the objects in nature might be perfectly inde- 149 pendent of each other ; and therefore could not draw any conclusion in favour of the necessity of a Creator, as the " productive principle" of the universe. For should the circumstance of B fol- lowing A, in all alphabets, generate in our minds the false notion that A causes B, yet if afterwards we should discover that these letters were not truly necessary to each other, and that in nature any other letter than B might follow A; although after such discovery, B might always be suggested on the appearance of A ; yet not only would the notion of causation be really destroyed, if it arose from the invariableness of their antecedence and sub- sequence ; but upon the supposition of the contrary, and that notwithstanding the conviction of the judgment, the fancy of their mutual necessary dependence held its ground; still we should not justify such an example as fit to be followed in ALL our other expectations ; or thence conclude, that all things we know of, required ne- cessarily their antecedents. No ; this fancy L3 150 of power, without knowledge of it; this ima- gination of productive principle, without an enlightened judgment concerning its ab- solute necessity, cannot be all that is neces- sary, to any arguments that are founded on the belief of POWER." A false and fanciful idea of power, of cause, and of connexion, is just as unsub- stantial for their support, as though these words were absolutely " without any mean- ing." The denial of the idea of power, as of truly a " productive principle," as of & for- mer and generator of new qualities in mat- ter, and the consideration of it as only " a custom of mind," does not prevent the doc- trine, as Dr. Brown seems to think it may, from involving the most dangerous conse- quences. ^up.i:' L ?or;. ihjoi.^ 'ow lir-: ;Su\iw How such an idea of power as Mr. Hume's, should give us the " consolation, and the peace, and the happiness, and the virtue of a filial confidence in the great 151 Father of mankind," is hard to discover? A faith like this, would not go far in af- fording men that " security which has more to do with our happiness, than any present earthly enjoyment!" L4 CHAPTER THE FIFTH. OBSERVATIONS ON MB. LAWRENCE* S LECTUKES. SECTION THE FIRST. I SHALL now proceed to offer a few obser- vations on a modern author, (Mr. Law- rence,) who in his Physiological Lectures, eagerly seizes upon Dr. Brown's definition of the relation of Cause and Effect ; which he imagines well adapted to an explanation of the properties of life. In his 3d Lecture, p. 81, Mr. Lawrence says, " we can only trace, in this notion of " necessary connexion, the Tact of certainty " or universality of concurrence ; therefore " it is we may assert the living muscular " fibre is irritable, and the living nervous 4< fibre is sensible. Nothing more than this " is meant when a necessary connexion is " asserted between the properties of sensi- " bility, and irritability, and the structures " of living muscular and nervous fibres." And again, page 79, ** The only reason " we have for asserting in any case that " any property belongs to any substance, |icU: IT! yxl. v '\ * SECTION THE THIRD. It is plain that Mr. Lawrence has over- looked these distinctions, where there are such manifest differences, on account of his " becoming acquainted with Dr. Brown's Essay on Cause and Effect," which he con- siders as " so simple and logical that any attempt at direct opposition would "be utterly hopeless;" and has quoted along passage in a note as a proof of this, and as a support of the doctrine he is laying down in the text. '.A\W\ *.Y* WW\ \ In this passage are the three following sentences, which I shall not apologize for inserting; since the consequences of a hasty adoption, of what I consider FALSE instead of LOGICAL deduction, and confused * See Locke's Essay, Chap. 6. Book 4. Sec. 8 and 9 ; where unexpectedly I find he perfectly cqincides with me. 4 159 instead of " simple" argument into im- portant practical theories, cannot be too strongly deprecated, and I wish to give my reader full possession of the grounds of my reasoning. Jc , ' The 1 st consists in the definition of the relation of Cause and Effect, which I have already commented on, in the former Chapter against Dr. Brown. .0' " A cause is that which immediately " precedes any change, and which existing " at any time in similar circumstances, has " been always, and will be always followed " by a similar change." " Priority, in the sequence observed and " invariableness of antecedence in the past " and future sequences supposed, are the " only elements combined in the notion of " a cause." inivil 'io .-.-asm i.'ua v 2dly. Of property, ". the words property " and quality admit of exactly the same de- 4 ' finition, expressing only a certain relation " of invariable antecedence and conse- 160 " quence in changes that take place on the " presence of the substance to which they " are ascribed/' *'*" 3dly. " The powers, properties or qua- " lities of a substance are not to be re- " garded as any thing superadded to the " substance, or distinct from it. They are " only the substance itself considered in re- " lation to various changes that take place " when it exists in peculiar circumstances." Hence Mr. Lawrence concludes, p. 81, " That although induced to ascribe the " constant concomitance of a substance " and its properties to some necessary con- " nexion between them, yet we can only " trace in this notion, the fact of cer- " taiuty or universality of concurrence. " Nothing more than this can be meant " when a necessary connexion is asserted " between the properties of sensibility, and " irritability, and the structures of living ". muscular and nervous fibres." Now I must shortly bring to my readers recollection, that I have already shown that 161 Dr. Brown's definition which predicates in* variableness in relation to future sequences, is not supported by his argument, as no past experience merely, could prove it ; it being illogical to draw general conclusions from particular premises. I have also, I think, shown that our knowledge of the future, arises from its being " involved" in the past ; on account of Cause being truly a productive principle, and Effects or proper- ties truly produced qualities, so that neces- sary connexion becomes a very different relation from either a past or future sequence of events, and signifies the " close bond" between the creator and created. Had Mr. Lawrence, however, paid more attention than he has done to the conclud- ing sentence I have quoted from Dr. Brown, he had not engrafted these errors into his system : for nothing can be more just and beautiful than to say of the pro- perties of a substance, " that they are only *' the substance itself in relation to various " changes which take place, when it exists ** in peculiar circumstances" But such an M 162 idea is at variance with all his own previous definitions and arguments on the subject, for if " the powers, properties, or qualities " of a substance are not to be regarded as " any thing superadded to the substance, " or distinct from it, but only the substance " itself, considered in relation to various " changes which take place when it exists " in peculiar circumstances," then these properties and qualities cannot be after itself; but are necessarily connected with, because inhering in it, and brought out to view when mixed with the qualities of other objects. SECTION THE FOURTH. Now as the muscle and nerve can and do exist as organized beings, without irri- tability and sentiency when under death, so when as substances, they are placed under that condition called life, and are then only capable of putting on these qualities of irritability and sentiency, it must be by a truly necessary connexion, between life and these qualities. Irritability and sentiency are verily new powers and beings created by efficient, creating circumstances. Sen- 163 sation and all its variety, is not an effect without a cause ; and life is that object without which it will not exist in the nerve; and therefore according to the doctrine laid down in this Essay, is a true cause for it : being one of the objects absolutely necessary and efficient to that result in certain circum- stances ; although what the WHOLE of those conditions may be, the combination of which is needful, may possibly ever remain beyond the scrutiny of man. Should Mr. Lawrence retort, that the phrase " the living nerve," stands merely as a sign of enumerated qua- lities and properties found together, in the way that I have said gold may stand as a sign for those that lie under that term ; that it is in this sense he compares the two propositions concerning them ; and in this sense, he alleges there is no difference in the evidence for the only kind of necessary connexion there exists between an object and its properties ? I answer the very statement of the pro- position " the living nerve is sentient," as- signs a cause and producing principle for sensation ; for by placing an adjective before M 2 164 a noun, it becomes a qualified noun. And the qualities beneath the whole term are a mass of altered qualities, which alteration, is alleged to be efficient to the production of a new mode of existence ; viz. that of sensation. Thus (to use a familiar illustration) the saying a bilious man is choleric, assigns vile as the cause of anger, and it would be pue- rile after such a proposition, to add, that " however strong the feeling may be, that " there is the close bond of Cause and Ef- " feet between these objects, yet it is a " mistake to suppose it." This would but be a subsequent denial of what the statement previously asserted. r'fit lii bir, : . t>.ij .^ii'a'VJ^U'.; 8UoiJfeoqo'Ki% Whereas gold, or any other noun, when it stands as a sign for any collection of qua- lities, and properties ; is neither a cause nor an object ; it is a word, a name merely, and when thus placed as the subject of a proposition, of which the qualities stand as the predicate, signifies, that by such a name, shall such masses, being found to- notad evil o'jjj}*; #K tjniojjkf vd.wl > aojte^nsa 165 gether and set apart from other collections, be signified*. This distinction between a qualified, and unqualified noun, on account of the different nature of the connexion of the predicate of the proposition, with its subject, Mr. Law- rence did not take notice of; or he would not have thought " there was not the faint- est shade of difference" between the two propositions he states, in this respect. SECTION THE FIFTH. But this is not the most important error in Mr. Lawrence's system, arising from false notions, concerning the relation of Cause and Effect ; for by a strange sort of contradiction, in philosophy, although he denies that any cause can be found, among those things which are invariably together, for the properties they exhibit; yet he makes no difficulty in inferring that the whole causes are supposed to be found * See Locke's Essay in several places, especially Book 3. Chap. 8. Sec. 2. compared with Chap. 9. Sec. 12, 13, and 17. and Chap. 10. Sec. 20, 21, and 22. M 3 from the mere circumstance of their in- variable coalesence ; insomuch that no extraneous cause need be sought for. The sum of his argument is, " There is no such thing as CAUSE and EFFECT, to be perceived between the objects with which we are acquainted. It is idle to say we have found a Cause; it is still more idle to look for it. Objects are found to be amassed qualities and properties, which have invaria- bly existed together in past time, and for that reason will do so in future; but as for a pro- ductive principle, it is unwwihy of a philoso- pher to expect it, or to seek for it; or to need it, in order to account for any appearances. We have objects, variously diversified t his is all and this is enough /" It is hence, (so Mr. Lawrence argues,) absurd to seek a Cause for sensation or thought, although no efficient one is pre- tended to be assigned, in the union of the powers of life with organization. The liv- ing nerve is an object having sensation " this is all and this is enough." Whereas there must be causes for every thing, and sometimes a vast multitude of objects are wanted^ before their mutual bearings and mixtures with each other operate so as to produce any peculiar existence. The highest, and the greatest we know of is, sensation, and its varieties; and although we know that life is wanted as a cause with- out which it cannot exist in this world in the nervous system; yet we have no notion of all the objects that may be necessary to its creation. Of all philosophical errors, the substitu- tion of false, partial, or insufficient causes for the production of an end or object, is the most dangerous, because so liable to escape detection ; and the idleness of the mind which prosecutes with reluctance dif- ficult researches into remote proofs ; its impatience which eagerly grasps at the readiest solution of a doubt ; and its pride, so prone to triumph indiscreetly at the glimpse of a discovery supposed to be com- plete ; for ever occasion it to be guilty of that mode of sophistry scholastically termed non causa pro causa. M 4 168 And this is truly the amount of Mr. Lawrence's error for with all his denial that there are such things as cause and ne- cessary connexion, he virtually assigns a "false cause 1 ' for sensation, because he asserts that all is found that is necessary in order to it*. Now the truth is, that nature affords not experiment, or data enough to show, what are the whole causes necessary ; i. e. all the objects required, whose junction is necessary to sentiency as the result. For as the words life, and nerve, stand only for a few sensible qualities, whereby they affect us ; so does it appear there is no existing definition of them, no possible experiment which can be made on their nature, sufficient to afford premises wide enough to admit the conclusion, that sen- tiency shall result from their conjunction only, and shall not be able to exist without them. ' Mr. Lawrence says, there is no more reason to search for a cause for sensation or life than for attraction or electricity yet these powers must have Causes, and phi- losophers have searched for them ; and if they have given over the inquiry, it is because they despair of success. 169 SECTION THE SEVENTH. If indeed the powers of matter in gene- ral, (whatever matter may be,) were suffi- cient to elicit sentiency when placed under arrangement and mixed with life, then the true causes for it are assigned, and found. But we cannot prove this. If on the con- trary, the essential qualities of matter arranged and in motion be not thought sufficient to account for so extraordinary a difference as that between conscious and unconscious being, then there must be a particular cause for it : which cause must be considered an immaterial cause, that is, a principle, power, being, an unknown qua- lity denied to exist in matter. This must have a name, and may be called soul, or spirit. And this statement, really contains the whole argument either way. It is on this point, that not only here, but in an after Lecture (" on the functions of the brain,") Mr. Lawrence betrays a want of philoso- phical precision, by denying that any cause beyond the brain is necessary to thought, on account of the impossibility of assigning the time of its union with the 170 body ; whereas a Cause must have origi- nally been necessary, upon the creation of man, for the phenomenon in question; and the capacity of sensation may, as a component part of the whole animal mass, be always generated with it, yet retain its individuality, after having once been formed with each being ; analogous to the whole plan of nature, in other respects ; analo- gous to the physical individuality of all the millions of mankind, each of which was formed of the general clay ; analogous to the separate, and particular properties, which wait upon the differences of vegeta- ble life, where every various plant is ex- panded from similar juices. But I must be true to my own doctrine in all its bearings ; and as I have said, that in order to form the proximate cause of any event, a junction or mutual mixture of all the objects necessary to it must take place; so I conceive it to be impossible, but that a distinct and different action of the brain (without which organ there is no sensation in man, and all thought is but a mode of it) must be synchronous with whatever other 171 powers are also necessary for that result ; viz. sensation and thought with their varie- ties. I say, the junction must be synchron- ous for sensation is an effect, and must require the union of those objects whose mixed qualities elicit it. Now those causes not contained in matter, may be called mind, or soul. I have said also, that a different action of brain is wanted for each variety of thought and sensation; and so it must, because there must be a separate or different cause, for every separate or diverse Effect in na- ture, as before discussed. And thus the brain becomes the exponent of the soul; or is in the same proportion in its actions, as the actions of mind : and thus what is termed association of ideas, must have corresponding unions, in the actions of the brain. Now Mr. Lawrence contradicts at once his own arguments for materialism, as well as nature, and fact ; when he says (tauntingly) 4 ' thus we come to diseases of " an immaterial being! for which suitably 4 172 " enough moral treatment has been recom- " mended," inferring thereby the absurdity of moral treatment, to a material mind. .-i/.;' .;>; ." *-Vj i;fi- ' :''.-.':' : Now moral treatment, according to his own notion of only a material capacity for thought, might still be proper, as it. would still act on that material capacity for thought, and though " arguments, syllo- gisms, and sermons," might not reach it, of an ordinary kind; yet, the persuasions of friendship ; the influence of beauty, and of love; the pleasures of social inter- course; the calm discussions of reason; scenes that please the imagination, or en- chant the sense, will reach it, and do. Nevertheless all this is " moral treatment,' 1 and which yet requires the brain and ner- vous system. In short, to address the mind is to address the body, which instantly acts along and with it, not after it. And to ad- dress the body is to address the mind for every sensation, however popularly called bodily; requires mind, equally with thought as a cause for it, and is not merely to be considered as a simple being, or feeling, beginning and ending in itself; but as inti- 173 mately associating with those of a LIKE KIND, which certain THOUGHTS are capable of ex- citing, and as having, therefore, a most material agency, when first in order, by sug- gesting such specific thoughts. This mode of thinking on the subject I know not that any have sufficiently heeded, much less cul- tivated. It is to be lamented that the use of pure metaphysics has not been more strictly adopted into the researches of physiology, since the just application of these sciences to each other, would tend to the advance- ment of both. Nor have the talents and genius of Mr. Lawrence exempted him, in this respect, from the common failure. For (in his Lecture on the functions of the brain,) he is guilty of a very great oversight in supposing philosophers speak of an immaterial being as wanted for thought, and not for sensation, Instead of which Mr. Locke, Bishop Butler, David Hartley, Bishop Berkeley, all distinctly argue that matter in motion, not seeming cause suffi- cient for the most simple sensation, there- 174 fore spirit is wanted to that end ; which is merely a name for the cause desired : and this mistake shows the little attention he has paid to these authors. But I consider it as impossible that any material improve- ment should be made in the method of ap- plying philosophy to physiology, as long as men argue, that in every action of the senses, the body acts BEFORE the mind and UPON it. And vice versa, as I have heard it contend- ed in argument " that the actions of the me- mory, the imagination, and the reasoning powers, begin in the mind, exist entirely in the mind, act before the body, and upon it." Nor will it advance, as long as any anxiety among materialists makes them wish to show all is body. Or, on the contraiy, if whilst religious men are fearful that their dearest hopes may fail them, in case any thing of body is wanted, in order to thought. Whereas religion is not concerned in this matter so much as they imagine. If im- mortality is- man's inheritance, it is not as a natural birthright. The meanest worm must feel and think as well as man, and yet may not be immortal If it is his,* it is a gift, whfeh the Giver has power enough to 175 make good by ways unseen to us ; but not surely by conveying to man a power so in- discerptible, indivisible, Sfc. that he becomes a rival to his own omnipotence and " shall not surely die. 1 ' SECTION THE EIGHTH. But to return from this digression which yet was necessary, in order to represent, the whole of Mr. Lawrence's mistaken reasoning on this branch of the subject, I shall only at present further observe, that as the nature of life is become a ques- tion of great interest, I must reserve a few more observations upon it for another chap- ter, as Mr. Lawrence has given various, and apparently, inconsistent definitions of that word. Nor must it be supposed irrelevant to the present subject so to do, for I think his erroneous views in this respect arise also on account of his not supposing that a real efficient cause is necessary to be as- signed for life any more than for sensation. Therefore all philosophers are reckoned absurd, who have hitherto endeavoured, or who still continue, to seek for the proximate cause of it; it being considered by him 176 quite sufficient to look upon it as a circum- stance only concurring with organization,- whereas " there must be a cause for every thing," and a cause for that cause, back- wards towards an uncreated Essence. But every step gained in the knowledge of causes, (i. e. of what objects are neces- sary in order to the production of another) is of exquisite value, and it is pity if a false philosophy should succeed in slackening the emulation of inquiring minds upon this subject, which is one of the highest mo- ment to human health and happiness. I shall therefore, in order to show that I do not mistake my author, take an op- portunity of placing together these defini- tions, &c. in his own words : but in order to be brief, leave out entirely all foreign matter with which they are interspersed, and which prevent the exact noticing of the contradictions that appear to be among them. 177 CHAPTER THE SIXTH. SECTION THE FIRST. . 1 HESUME the subject by saying, that it is difficult to controvert Mr. Lawrence's opinion of the nature of life, because his definitions bear no resemblance to each other. They are as follows : \ (Lecture 1st, p. 7.) " That life then, or " the assemblage of all the functions, is *' immediately dependant on organization, " appears to me as clear, as that the pre " sence of the sun causes the light of day; " and to suppose that we could have light " without that luminary, would not be " more unreasonable than to conceive that " life is independent of the animal body, in " which the vital phenomena are observed/ Lecture 2d, p 61. " To talk of life as " independent of an animal body, to speak *' of a function without reference to an ap- " propriate organ, is physiologically absurd " it is looking for an effect without a " cause." N 178 (Lecture 3d, p. 81.) " The living mus- " cular fibre is irritable. The living ner- " vous fibre is sensible/' (p. 82.) " To ' ' call life a property of organization would " be unmeaning, it would be nonsense. The " primary or elementary animal structures " are endowed with vital properties ; their " combinations compose the animal organs, " in which by means of the vital proper- " ties of the component elementary struc- " tures, the animal functions are car- " ried on." "i. Lecture 4th, p. 92. " The body is com- " posed of solids and fluids ; the compo- " nent elements of which nitrogen is a prin- '-' cipal one, united in numbers of 3, 4, or " more, easily pass into new combinations ; " and are, for the most part, readily conver- " tible into fluid or gas." (P. 93.) " Life presupposes organiza- " tion." (Ibid.) Again ; " Living bodies exhibit a " constant internal motion ; whilst this " motion lasts, the body is said to be alive 179 i4 when it ceases, the organic structures " then yield to the chemical affinities of *' the surrounding elements." SECTION THE SECOND. Now, surely, it is a contradiction to say, life is " dependant on organization," as light is upon the sun, and yet that it is " un- meaning" and nonsense, to call life a pro- perty of it*. It is a second contradiction to say, that life is dependant as a function, upon an animated bodyf ; when the body could not be animated without it ; or that as " assembled functions," it is " dependant " on organization, as light is dependant on " the sunj." When life is so far from con- sisting in " the assembled functions," that none of the functions can take place with- out life, and thus it is wanted as a quality, or being , first in order to coalesce and form a junction with the organs in order to their ac- tion. Accordingly, although life may never be found without organization, because life requires its co-operation in order to a cer- tain result, yet life is not thence dependant * Lect. 3. p. 82. f Lect. 2. p. 61. | Lect. 1. p. 7. N 2 180 on it, as an effect upon its cause, as light is upon the sun, which is never above the ho- rizon without its brilliant attendant. But many a beautiful and youthful set of or- gans are perfect^ without animation. This error arises entirely from considering that as Cause and Effect are things that go toge- ther; so things that go together are to be considered as in that relation. Whereas vast varieties of objects, have been inva- riably together in past time, which are not Cause and Effect ; and as past invariable- ness will not answer for the future, may not in future be so found. Joint Causes are always found together; joined qualities also from a common Cause: and many objects have hitherto always been found together, from an arbitrary position of them, inde- pendent of the relation of Cause and Effect, as the letters of the alphabet, &c. It is a third contradiction to say, that the elementary structures are endowed with vital properties*, and yet to reduce them into the inorganic matters of nitrogen and gasf. * Lect. 3. p. 82. f Lect. 4. p. 92. 181 In my opinion, the only clear and valua- ble definition is the latter one ; viz, " life is a constant internal motion, which ena- bles a body to assimilate new and separate old particles, and prevents it from yielding to the chemical affinities of the surrounding elements." Such a definition as this, com- prehends all the ideas under the term, with- out begging the question of its cause, or mentioning what it is found with. It has also the merit of universal compre- hension, as it comprehends vegetable as well as animal life and of exclusion, not suiting any thing else but itself. It thence leaves free the varieties of the functions, to arise from appropriate organs; and it proves that either all living beings must be sentient, or else a farther cause must be sought for sensation than mere life. '.: 7 - : i?*5 SECTION THE THIRD. That " life must presuppose organi- zation*," is another proposition of Mr. Lawrence's, which I must also deny; * Lect. 4. p. 93. N3 182 and that because life is absolutely neces- sary both for its formation and support. Without life in the parents, the organs could not have been formed ; and without life they cannot act in their juxta-position, upon the surrounding elements, either be- fore or after birth, in order to their growth and support. Yet when life is once given, the use of the organs is absolutely necessary to keep it up. Thus combustible matters may be heap- ed upon each other, yet neither warmth nor light succeed ; but let an " extra cause" kindle the pile, then the flame may be kept alive for ever, by the constant addi- tion of such substances. In like manner life as we find it, as a perpetual flame, must be kept up and transmitted, whilst the proper objects for its support are ad- ministered : but for its original Cause, we must go back, until some extraneous power is referred to as its first parent. It is an ^Effect ; it begins to be in all we know and have known, yet it is wanted in its own turn as a cause, and as a quality already in being, to mix and unite with the gross 183 elements of brute matter, for the formation and continuance of all animated nature. We are told that " God breathed into man the breath of life," and here philosophy supports Scripture, for the organs must originally have been kindled into life by a power, equal to giving them that internal vigour and motion, capable of enabling them to act afterwards for themselves, upon the objects which surrounded them. Then the living lungs could play upon the air, the living stomach be hungry and assimilate its food, the living heart beat, and the living blood circulate through every vein, and become capable of transmitting the principle communicated to it, to similar natures, without any assignable termina- tion. My notion of life therefore agrees in this respect with that of Mr. Lawrence, viz. " That it is a peculiar inward motion of the " organs. "And I consider it further, as continually propagated through the species, and mixing with the newly evolved forms of arranged matter ; and that it is kept up, as N 4 184 long as the organs remain sound, and they are placed in Jit circumstances for their re- spective actions. But men and animals are all of them Effects, and the first of each kind and its life could not have begun of itself, nor yet as Effects, could they go back to all eter- nity, for they might as well be here in time without causes, as in eternity ; Effects, how- ever far removed from the present date, are still Effects ; are still only new qualities from the junction of previous objects ; which objects (the Causes) could not have been the same with the qualities, (the Effects). Thejirst cause of life therefore must be " extraneous" to any of the bodies among which it is found. For at their first crea- tion, and in order to act their parts as it were, the organs must not only have been arranged but have lived, and this life com- municated to them at the same time, and probably by the same forming powers, as a joint quality with their arrangement. Thus a clock may be ever so well put together, but the different instruments will not per- 185 form their functions, without an " extraneous power" originally to put the pendulum in motion : then afterwards the pendulum by the natural physical laws between it and the surrounding objects, will continue to beat ; whilst also the motion of the other me- chanical instruments forms a part of the whole power necessary to keep it going, though not wanted at first to that end. This would form such a circle of Cause and Effect, as would be inexplicable, except upon the principle of the original former and mover being " extraneous* to both. In like manner, all qualities of existing objects, which now play on each other as mutual Cause and Effect, the lungs, which are necessary to the heart, and the heart to to the lungs, and both to the action of the brain, and the action of the brain to both ; life which is necessary to sensation, and the movement of the whole; and sensa- tion, and the movement of the whole to life, must all of them (in order to explain such phenomena) have originally had their builder, and mover, not contained in their own powers. 186 Now the proximate cause for the prin- ciple, or motion termed life, may, and ought to be inquired into by physiologists. But that it is only, and essentially, the result, and consequence, or property or element, of the being to whose results, qua- lities and finest elements, it is necessary in order to give them birth ; is a contradiction, inadmissible in the application of abstract demonstration to the objects of life. SECTION THE FOURTH. But as long as the notions of Mr. Hume shall prevail, inquiries of this na- ture will be instituted in vain ; nor indeed is there any received doctrine upon the relation of Cause and Effect, which can be securely used, as an efficient instrument in the advancement of science. Bishop Berkeley thought a Cause must necessarily be active, and so a spirit ! And it is universally imagined that a Cause is, in its very essence, before its Effects. There is also, a notion that one object is sufficient to an event ; when many are perhaps wanted in order to produce it. I pretend not to have found the whole nature of this relation ; But I shortly re- capitulate what I have advanced. 1st. The junction of two or more qua- lities or objects is wanted to every new creation of a new quality. 2dly. That any one of the qualities or objects needful in order to the formation of another, may be termed a Cause, be- cause absolutely necessary, and, when all the other needful circumstances are duly placed with which it is to unite, efficient to its production. But, 3dly. The whole number of objects existing, which are necessary to it, may also, under one complex idea, be deemed the one whole cause necessary. . 4thly. The union of these, is the proxi- mate Cause of, and is one with the Effect. 4 188 5thly. The objects therefore are before the Effects, but the union of them is in and with the Effects. This ambiguity, arising from the neces- sity of naming each object, wanted to an end, and all that are wanted to it, and the junction necessary to it, the Cause of it, is a fruitful source of error in every branch of analytical philosophy. 6thly. When Effects or new qualities are once formed, they may re-act as Causes, in order to keep up the original objects, which contributed to their formation. 7thly. Although the very word Effect implies a change in qualities, yet among a set of new qualities formed, all of them are not therefore entirely changed. > >' '>j',; ,\\^l The spark first elicited from the tinder, is kept separate, as to its appearance, its warmth and light, amidst all the alteration, in which it involves the objects it ap- proaches. 189 Sthly. It is not necessary, however, that any of the Effects, should resemble any of the objects, by whose union they are caused ; and in general, an entire mixture, junc- tion and concussion of qualities, involves the whole original objects in ruins, whilst it strikes out a vast many new and altered ones, creating other masses, other complex objects, to tally unlike those whose union was their Cause. On the other hand, it some- times appears that nature intends to render one individual essence, the prime object intended to be preserved ; and therefore in its mixture with others, ordains that they shall only administer to it, by contribut- ing to the perpetual nourishment, support, and increase of its qualities ; as in the growth of plants and animals ; or the vigour, improvement, character, individuality, &c. of the sentient principle. SECTION THE FIFTH. But to conclude ; Mr. Lawrence's error lies, 1st, in the adoption and application of the principle, that invariability of con- currence, is of the samenature as the rela- 190 tion of Cause and Effect, object and pro- perty ; which is the result of an argument in a circle, and which cannot be too severely deprecated, however authorized, by the illogical definitions of Mr. Hume and Dr. Brown. And, 2dly. In concluding that because one or more Causes known to be necessary to an end, are discovered, therefore all are discovered, which is to draw general con- clusions from particular premises. Did an ignorant person, unacquainted with the method of forming a mirror, consider it as no more than polished glass ; did he only observe that it reflected images when po- lished, and that injuring the polish pre- vented their reflection, he might form a proposition very similar to that of Mr. Law- rence, and say; polished glass reflects the images when presented to it; polish, and glass, and reflection, always go together ; and as this is the case, we need not seek for any " extrinsic aid" to the production of reflected images from its surface. But we know that extrinsic aid is wanted to the whole Effect. And indeed before a reflected 191 image from a mirror can be attained, let the mind pause, arid wonder at the great variety of objects necessary to cause it. Can we much better enumerate those that may be requisite, to the formation of the most simple modes of sensation ? Do we know the qualities of matter, when we use the term ? Do we know the reason of all its varieties when we name them by some feeble impressions they make on our organs ? As unperceived by the senses, have we the least idea of what is in matter in general, or in the nerve in particular, or in the formation of animals, or in the na- ture of life, that we should suppose nothing more is made use of for so extraordinary a difference, as that between sentient and insentient beings, than arrangement, (i. e. organization,) and motion, (or whatever other mode of being is termed life ?) Cer- tain it is, there is no experiment can be made on animated nature, which shall prove what are all, and only those objects, which may be necessary to SENSATION ; or whether the sensient principle be like, or altogether unlike the Effect, SENSATION; and indeed in any experiment which de- 192 stroyed the life and the nerve, if this prin- ciple should continue to exist, our senses could not descry it. SECTION THE SIXTH. What probable arguments may be ad- vanced upon the matter, is foreign to the object of this Essay, and I shall not now enter upon them; but conclude by ex- pressing my astonishment, that Mr. Hume's and Dr. Brown's definition of the rela- tion of Cause and Effect, should have con- tinued so long, admired, adopted, and un- answered. The necessaiy connexion of Cause and Effect, and our knowledge of it, in oppo- sition to mere fancy or custom, is the go- verning proposition in every science. In vain should we look for improvement in any, could we run the risk of so vital a mis- take, as to suppose that objects, however frequently conjoined, were therefore neces- sarily connected, or, on the contrary, that in the necessary production of qualities, there was no more than an experienced conjunc- tion of them, and that they might change 193 their places by a " change in the course of nature/' I have endeavoured to show, that any one junction of bodies in fit circumstan- ces for what is termed the experimen- tum crucis, may be sufficient to establish where the power lies towards the produc- tion of certain qualities, that ordinary life affords such experiment to the mind ; and that without it, constant conjunctions of antecedent and subsequent objects, will not prove where the Cause of an Effect is. Conjunctions, however frequent, may be separable both in fact and fancy; Cause and Effect, a changed object with its changed qualities, are inseparable in both. Let then the following just propositions be again received That objects cannot begin their own existences. That like objects, must ever have like qualities. o 194 That like Causes, must generate like Effects. And that objects, of which we have had no experience, must resemble those of which we have had experience, for that the course of Nature continues uniformly the same. These are the only true foundations of scientific research, of practical knowledge, and of belief in a creating and presiding Deity. THE EiND. Printed by S. GOSNELL, Little Queen Street, Holborn, London. ERRATA. Page 12 line 16 for a," read " or." 37 32 rfefc 51 25 52 1 577 for 74 13 dele 77 22 90 22 /or 104 2 ' by." of." ' exists," read " exist." with." ' else." ' shew," read " shewing." ' excited," read elicited." University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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