UC-NRLF B 3 1D4 7Mb JW AiB3 Ji y Published by Authority of the Government of New South Wales. uiltling and Ornamental Stones of Australia. Geological Sciences EARTH OlENCES LIBRARY 5UILDING AND ORNAMENTAL STONES or AUSTRALIA - i We replace the Bark Gunyah with Stone and Marble Cities. . J. W. Tremain, Photo. SYDNEY SANDSTONE. (LENNOX BRIDGE, UPSTONE HILL.) The erst stone bridge constructed in Australia, ,833. It is on the main western road over the Blue Mountains from Sydney, and is named after its constructor. - SCIENCE* LlBRADV (r SYDNEY SANDSTONE. C. t . Laseron, Photo. N.S.W.) tLANSDOWNE BRIDGE, GEORGE'S RIVER, On the main Southern Road, 16 miles from Sydney. Built of sandstone obtained from the neighbourhood, and opened for traffic, 26th January, 1836. Built by Wm. Lennox, with the authority of Major T. L. Mitchell, and was the largest stone bridge in Australia up to that date and for long afterwards. The arch is apparently elliptical. TECHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA. Building and Ornamental Stones of Australia. 19J5. Cv R. T. CAKER, F.L.S., &c. 'f CURATOR, TECHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM, GYDNEY FROM THE MINISTER CF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. SYDNEY i WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1 919. CONTENTS. LIST OF VARIOUS KINDS OF BUILDING AND ORNAMENTAL STONES LIST OF COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS INTRODUCTION BUILDING AND ORNAMENTAL STONES OF AUSTRALIA ... (a) HISTORICAL (b) GENERAL SURVEY OF THE SUBJECT (c) COLOUR (d) DURABILITY (e) FIRE TESTS DESCRIPTIONS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF BUILDING AND ORNAMENTAL STONES 5-7 8 9-10 ii 12 12 16 24 27 28 ...30-149 APPENDIX: CRUSHING STRENGTHS AND FIRE TESTS ... ... ... 150 LITHIC MAP OF FEDERAL TERRITORY AND DISTRICT ... 169 IGNEOUS ROCKS. Red Granites contd. Red Granites contd . (b) Grey Granites. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. I. GRANITES Carrick Cooma ... 31 ... 31 Midgee Mudgee 32 32 Adelong Albnry 42 42 (a) Red Granites. Cowra ... 31 Mulloon Creek 32 Arnprior 42 Gabo Island... ... 31 Murray Bridge 32 Bathurst 42 Albury 30 Grenfell ... 31 Murrumbateman 32 Beech worth ... 4 2 Barren Jack... ... 30 Heemskirk . . . ... 31 Rylstone 41 Braidwood ... 42 Beckworth 30 Inverell ... 31 Tarana 41 Breadalbane ... 4 2 Braidwood ... ... 31 Jerangle ... 32 Tarago 41 Bredbo 42 Broula Hills (Cowra) 31 Jindabyne . . . ... 32 Trial Bay ... 41 Bungendore 43 Bungendore ... ... 31 Lithgow ... 32 Woolami 41 Burrowa 43 Bungonia ... ... 31 Maffra ... 32 Wombeyan 41 Collingwood ... 43 Canberra ... ... 31 Michelago ... 32 Wudina 41 Cooma 43 CONTENTS continued. PAGE. I. GRANITES contd. (c) Variegated and PAGE. V. DIG RITE PAGE. Marbles contd. PAGE. Green Granites. (6) Grey Granites contd. Albury 49 Bumbaldry Goulburn 60 60 Bathurst Bibbenluke ... 69 69 Cowra Gladstone Goulburn Gunning 43 43 43 4 3 Braidwood ... Bungendore II. GNEISS 49 49 Jerangle Stringer's Creek Tarago Tumut 60 60 60 60 Binalong Bingara Borenore Brundle Creek 69 6 9 72 7 2 Harcourt 43 Adelong 49 Walhalla 60 Buchan 7 2 Harden TT 43 Bungendore ... 49 Wee Jasper ... 60 Buckeroo 74 Harrow Inver ?11 Jerangle Lake Bathurst 43 43 44 44 Cooma Pomeroy III. TRACHYTE 49 49 VI. BASALT Dundas 63 Bumbaldry ... Bungendore ... Bungonia Burrowa 74 74 74 Maldon Meckering ... Minippa Montague Island 44 44 44 45 Bowral Canoblas Orange 52 52 52 Footsoray ... Inverell Jerangle Kiama 61 63 63 63 Calaula Calliope River Caloola Carrol 74 74 74 Moody 45 IV. PORPHYRY Orange 62 Chillagoe 77 Moruya Mount Kosciusko ... 45 Bredbo Burrowa 58 58 VII. DOLE RITE CoolaLie Cooma 77 77 Oberon Tallangatta ... Tenterfield ... Trial Bay ... Tumut Uralla West Island Yass Young 45 45 46 46 46 4 6 46 46 46 Canberra Cowra Currawong ... Gawler's Range Goulburn Hall Michelago ... Murrumbateman Uriarra 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 Prospect 65 METAMORPHOSED ROCKS. VIII. MARBLES Abercrombie Caves... 69 Adelong ... ... 69 Angaston (S.A.) ... 69 Cow Flat Cowra Cudal Fernbrook ... Galena Point Gamboola ... Gigoomgan Heads ... Gilmore Goulburn 77 77 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Yass 59 Attunga 69 Gresford 80 CONTENTS continued. Marbles contd. PAGE. Marbles c< Gundagai 80 Norongo Havilah 80 Orange Herberton ... 80 Orbust Hunter Island 83 Parkes Iron Island ... 83 Portland Jeir ... 83 Queanbeyan . . . Jenolan 83 Rockley Kangaroo Hil] 83 Rosedale Kapunda 83 Ryistone Kempsey 83 Sawpit Limekilns 83 Springhill Limestone Creek ... 83 Tamworth . . . Macclesfield ... 85 Tarago Mansfield 85 Taree... Marblestone... *5 Tarrabandra... Martin Creek 85 Thomson Rivei Marulan 85 Toongabbie ... Michelago ... 85 Townsville . . . Molong 85 Tumut Moonbi 85 Walli Moorabool ... 85 Waratah Bay Morton Island 85 Warialda Moruya 85 Warnambool Mount Emma 85 Waurn Ponds Mount Grimm 87 Wee Jasper ... Mount Roundback... 87 Windellama... Mount Tambo 87 Wombeyan Caves Mudgee 87 Ya rrangobilly Nemingha ... 87 Yass 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 IX. SLATE Bungendore Chatsbury ... Cooma Grattai Gundagai Jerrawa Mintaro Queanbeyan... Taralga Towrang X. SERPENTINE Bingara Canoona Carcoar Cowra Gundagai Kandanga ... Lucknow Macleay River Nundle Port Macquarie Rockhampton Tarrabandra... Tumut Warialda XL QUARTZITE Burrowa Queanbeyan ... Tarago 90 90 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 94 94 94 94 94 93 94 93 94 94 94 94 93 95 95 95 PACE. XL Quartzite contd. Tarrabandra... ... 95 Uriarra 95 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. XII. SANDSTONES .. 118 .. 118 .. 118 .. 118 .. 118 Albury Apollo Bay ... Barber's Creek Barrabool Braidwood . . . Bundanoon .. Canberra Desert Donneybrook Frogshole Galong Greendale Grong Grong.. Hobart Marulan Milparinka ... Mundooran ... Newcastle . . . Patersonia ... Ravensfield ... Ross Stawell Sydney Wangaratta . . . Yass .. 118 118 118 118. 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 132 132 132 132 COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. IGNEOUS ROCKS Granite, Red Albury facing 38 Gabo ... ... 30 Heemskirk ... ... 32 Mudgee 32 Murray Bridge ... ,, 34 Tarana ... ... ,, 36 Granite, Grey Bathurst 42 Montague Island ... 44 Moruya ... ... ,. 44 Uralla ... ... ,, 46 Young ... ... ,, 48 Granite, Green- Albury 48 Trachyte ... Bowral 52 Canoblas (Orange)... 54 Porphyry ... Goulburn 58 METAMORPHOSED ROCKS Marbles ...Attunga ,, 68 Bathurst ,, 70 Bathurst ... ... ,, 70 Binalong , 70 Borenore (Blue) ... 70 Borenore (Red) ... ,, 70 Buchan 70 Caleula (Red) 78 Caleula (Dark Green) 78 Caleula (Green) ... ,, 78 METAMORPHOSED ROCKS contd. Marbles Fern brook (Queen Alexandra). Fern brook Gamboola (Molong) Gilmore ... Kempsey ... Lime Kilns Macclesfield Marulan ... Michelago... Molong Molong Mudgee Nemingha... Queanbeyan Rockley (Bathurst) Rylstone Rylstone (Cudgegong ... Golden). Rylstone (Cudgegong Ivory) Springhill Sprirghill... Warialda ... Warialda Windellama facing 78 78 84 80 82 70 82 84 84 84 84 86 84 86 86 Serpentine Port Macquarie Port Macquarie 94 94 PHO TOGRAPHIC ILLUS TRA T1ONS Of Buildings Constructed of, and Decorated with, Australian Stone. A.M. P. Buildings 116 Attunga Marbles 68 Bank of Adelaide, Adelaide ...114 Bank of Australasia, Adelaide... 40 Basalt Quarry, Kiama ... ... 62 Do Orange... ... 62 Bundanoon Sandstone Cube ... 97 Caloola White Marble Quairy ... 76 Camden House Portico 113 Mantelpiece ... ... 84 Sundial ... ... ... 169 Challis House, Sydney ... ... 56 Church of England, Braidwood 47 Do Breadalbane 91 Do Bungendore 51 Do Canberra ... 102 Do Cooma ... 51 Do Gunning ... 47 Clock made of New South Wales Marbles ... ... ... 72 Colonial Sugar Refining Co.'s Office, Sydney ... ... 103 Commercial Bank of Tasmania, Launceston ... ... ... 143 Commercial Travellers' Club, Launceston... ... ... 135 Court-house, Cooma ... ... 50 Council Chamber. Melbourne ... 70 Customs House, Sydney.. ... 37 Customs House, Hobart ... 137 Dixson Buildings, Sydney ... 75 Drilling (Caloola) ... ... 67 Equitable Building, Melbourne 39 Do Sydney ... 54 General Post Office, Adelaide ... 146 Do Hobart ... 140 Do Launceston 134 Do Melbourne 145 Do Sydney ... 36 Building ... ... ... 36 Colonnade ... ... ... 38 Main Entrance ... ... 44 Hawkesbury River Bridge ... 55 Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney Vestibule ... ... ... 79 Inverell Store ... ... ... 63 Jewish Synagogue, Sydney ... 99 Lansdowne Bridge Frontispiece Lands Department ... ... 117 Law Courts, Melbourne... ... 147 Lennox Bridge ... Frontispiece Mintaro Flagging ready for Market, S.A. 91 Mitchell Library, Sydney ... 112 Museum, Adelaide (new wing)... 130 National Ait Gallery, Sydney ... 106 Portico ... ... ... 105 Stairs 86 Vestibule 82 National Mutual Buildings, Adelaide ... ... ... 131 Newington College ... ... 119 Obelisk. Macquarie Place, Sydney 104 Parliament House, Adelaide ... 81 Do Mclbourre... 124 Public Library, Melbourne ... 73 Post Office, Cooma ... ... 50 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Vestibule ... 78 Public School, Kiama 61 PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS continued. Queen Victoria Statue Melbourne ... ... ... 77 Sydney 44 Ravensfield Sandstone Cube ... ... ... 98 Quarry ... ... ... 127 Structure, West Maitland... 126 Registrar General's Office, Sydney 115 Roman Catholic Church Braidwood ... ... ... 47 Burrowa ... ... ... 58 Yass... ... ... ... 102 Young 48 Roman Catholic Convent Cowra ... ... ... 48 Yass 102 Ross Bridge, Ross ... ... 144 Royal Insurance Company, Sydney ... ... 53 St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney 108 St. David's Cathedral, Hobart... 133 St. George's Church, Hobart ... 141 St. John's Church, Ross ... 136 St. John's Church, Launceston... 141 St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney ... no St. Mary's Church, Maitland ... 128 St. Patiick's Cathedral, Mel- bourne. ... ... ... 64 St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne 120 St. Peter's and St. Paul's Cathedral, Goulburn ... 57 St. Peter's Church, Adelaide ...129 St. Saviour's Anglican Cathe- dral, Goulburn ... ... 109 Savings Bank of S.A., Adelaide 35 Soldier's Memorial, Goulburn ... 149 South African Soldiers' Memor- 34 ial, Adelaide. Statue of Allan Cunningham, Sydney 103 Supreme Court, Adelaide ... 147 Sydney Sandstone (Cube) ... 96 Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart 142 Technical College, Sydney ... 52 Technological Museum Sydney . . . Frontispiece Melbourne ... ... ... 138 Maitland West 71 Maible Columns ... ... 29 Technological Museum contd. Maible Exhibits Specimens cf New South Wales Building Stones Vestibule Tested Specimens Barren Jack Granite Borenore Marble ... Bowral Trachyte ... Bundanoon Sandstone Caleula Marble Fernbrook Marble ... Gabo Island Granite Ravensfield Sandstone Springhill Marble ... Sydney Sandstone... Tenterfiekl Granite Town Hall, Adelaide ... Do Goulburn ... Do Melbourne ... Do Sydney Treasury Building, Melbourne Do Sydney ... University, Sydney Do do Medical School Victoria Buildings, Sydney 66 99 29 156 163 J 59 165 160 161 157 164 162 166 158 148 121 139 107 123 33 103 IOO III 10 T INTRODUCTION. [Bv THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION.] HE aim of this work is to demonstrate that Australia has an unlimited supply of building and ornamental stones, which lend themselves admirably to the purposes of decorative art. It is hoped that its publication will result in a greater appreciation of our resources, not only on the part of Australia, but of the world in general, while the technical information supplied by Mr. Baker must prove invaluable to all who are interested in town planning. With the possession of such magnificent building material, and the gradual development of national artistic perception, there is no reason why we should not evolve a style of architectural decoration purely Australian. I may be pardoned for pointing with pride to the industrial value of the important research work carried out by Mr. Baker and his colleagues at the Sydney Technological Museum, of which the publication of this volume is further evidence. (Signed) CAMPBELL CARMICHAEL. Building and Ornamental Stones of Australia. (a) HISTORICAL. THE specific literature on this subject, since the foundation of the first Colony in Australia, 1788, is very limited. The most important factor militating against the use of our excellent building material in the past by the settlers was, no doubt, the abundance of such a good substitute as our hardwoods. However, in the case of Sydney, the Hawkesbury Sandstone, so abundant in the neighbourhood, was early employed by architects and builders, and this has remained the principal stone for this purpose to the present time. It was not till nearly forty or fifty years after the English occupation of the continent that marble was brought into use, as shown in " Mitchell's Expedition into Australia," published in 1838, vol. II., p. 318, where occurs this reference : " Near the Wollondilly, and a few miles from Towrang, a quarry of crystalline variegated marble has been recently wrought to a considerable extent, and marble chimneypieces, tables, &c., now ornament most good houses at Sydney. This marble occurs in blocks over greenstone, and has hitherto been found only in that spot." 12 Investigation has proved that this was in the locality or district which is now known as Marulan, and an authenticated specimen of that time is here illustrated. It is a mantel-piece taken from the house known as Barcom Glen, near Darlinghurst (now demolished), belonging to the late Mr. O. West. It is a beautifully coloured variegated marble, the white patches running very closely in texture to some of the Onyx Marbles of Mexico, with blotches of a rich red colour, and is probably one of the most handsome marbles found in New South Wales. In the Great International Exhibition of 1851 in London, there appears to have been no exhibit of building and ornamental stones from Australia proper, but Tasmania is credited with the following: Marble Maria Island; partially dressed; sent by W. Stoutt. Marble Maria Island; cut and dressed as paper weights; sent by J. Boyd. Grey Granite Flinder's Island ; sent by J. Mulligan. Granite East Coast of Van Diemen's Land ; sent by J. Mulligan. Granite Hampshire Hills; sent by J. Mulligan. Pcrphyritic Granite Webb's Harbour; sent by J. Mulligan. Limestone Fingal and Break-o'-day ; sent by J. Mulligan. Limestone Maria Island; His Excellency Sir H. J. Denison. Limestone Mersey River, between Hobart Town and Bridgewater. Limestone From foot of Mt. Wellington ; J. E. Bickero. In the Paris Exhibition of 1855, the Commissioners of New South Wales exhibited a White Marble from Abercrombie, and a Green Marble from Emu Swamp. At the same Exhibition, Mr. W. Patten, of Sydney, exhibited a specimen of Argyle Marble (Marulan). The next Exhibition record is the International Exhibition of London, in 1862, where the Colonial Architect, New South Wales, Mr. A. Dawson, contributed stones and timber used in building, viz: (i) Eight specimens of sandstone from Sydney and suburbs; (2) Six specimens of sandstone and one of granite, from the Hunter River district ; (3) One specimen of trachyte, one of granite, and one of limestone, from the Peel River district ; (4) Specimens of porphyry from Port Stephens, and of pumice stone found on the sea coast ; (5) Sandstone from the neighbourhood of Sydney, used in the erection of the lighthouse at Port Stephens ; (6) Sand- stone, from the Clarence River district ; (7) Specimens of twenty kinds of timber, used in building on the Hunter River and Peel River. Sir William Macarthur exhibited building stone, nine specimens from the Wianamatta and Hawkesbury rocks, near Camden. From Cavan, near Yass, by J. S. Calvert, Esq. (i) Limestone; (2) Marble; (3) Galena. Marbles were exhibited from Burrowa by Mr. Laidlaw, and from the Australian Marble Works, on the Wollondilly River, by Mr. Patten. One specimen was exhibited by the former, and five by the latter. By G. H. Cox, Mudgee. (i) Marble. From Moruya, by W. S. Caswell, Esq. Granite. By Captain Arthur Vyner, Tumut. Two specimens of marble, polished by W. Patten. The next most important data concerning our building and ornamental stones will be found in Professor Liversidge's book " Minerals of New South Wales." Mr. Pittman, in his " Mineral Resources of New South Wales" gives a list of various New South Wales marbles. Then followed a slack period, when little development took place in our local marbles, although Sydney sandstone was extensively drawn upon in all the States, more particularly of course in Sydney, where from early times onwards it was used in almost every form of plain and ornate decoration, mostly illustrating the ancient Greek and Roman types of architecture, but in some instances the artist has indulged in modern conventionalisations, and being especially a free and easy working stone, it yields readily to the artistic fancy of the sculptor. Some of the finest buildings in Sydney and Melbourne are monuments of the stonemason's craft of this period. During recent years, one or two local granites were gradually introduced into Australian architecture; but within the last decade our local marbles, however, have come rapidly to the front, and have received the appreciation to which they are justly entitled, for it is doubtful if any other country in the world is so rich in this particular decorative material. New South Wales is especially to be mentioned in this connection, as here greater development in these natural resources has taken place, whilst the other States may possess equally as good stones, but so far these have not yet been recorded. At the Franco-British Exhibition, held in London in 1908, was exhibited the finest and largest collection of Australian building and ornamental stones yet sent out of the country, and it was awarded a Grand Prix, the jurors stating: " The exhibits of marbles . . . were especially noteworthy and served to convey to British and Continental architects an adequate idea of the richness of New South Wales in these excellent materials, some of which were admitted by competent judges to surpass any European marbles found in commercial quantities Specimens of granite were also shown with freestone, . . . and with the exhibits there were displayed enlarged photographs of the principal public and private buildings in Sydney, in which these materials have been used extensively." It was the favourable reception throughout Australia of the two books already published on this local product of New South Wales that has brought about the enlarged scope of the present work, and so the subject matter is now treated as a Commonwealth one in this issue. As Australian marbles are coming rapidly into use, it would seem that they are destined to play an important part in the industrial and commercial future of this Continent, which has been so lavishly endowed by bounteous Nature. (b) GENERAL SURVEY OF THE SUBJECT. Now that Australia's wealth in this direction is daily becoming more widely known, literature on the siibject is gradually being published from time to time. As stated in the historical sketch, only odd references to our building and ornamental stones are to be found in exhibition catalogues and State Mines Department publications. This Institution, however, was the first to bring into book form this side of technological geology. The first book was published under the title of " Building and Ornamental Stones of New South Wales," and issued at the Franco-British Exhibition. As new data came to hand, a second edition was published in 1909, and as an Appendix, a lithographic survey of the Federal Capital area and neighbouring districts was added, in order that the records therein given might be of use to those architects to whose lot it will fall to build Australia's future metropolis. The greater part of the material for this particular survey was collected, although rather hurriedly, owing to the time being limited, by Mr. C. F. Laseron, of this Museum, and the route of his travels is given on the map appended. In the building of Australia's future capital, Canberra, it is hoped that, in view of the great wealth of building stones available, the words on the title page will, in this particular instance, be fully borne out, and that we shall also strive to emulate the Roman Emperor 16 Augustus, who is recorded to have said " that he found Rome brick, and left it marble ;"- the Australian on his part superseding the bark gunyah of the aborigines by a capital made of home granites and marbles, a city that shall be even more durable and beautiful than that which to-day perpetuates in its monuments and edifices the architectural labours of this Emperor builder in stone. Since the 2nd Edition was issued, a more extended technical research was undertaken on crushing and fire tests by the Author and Mr. J. Nangle, now Superintendent of Technical Education. These results were published in the form of a paper read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, and are given as an Appendix in this work. The principal result brought to light by this investigation was undoubtedly the remark- able compression strength of our marbles. Thus a 3-inch cube of Caleula Marble sustained a weight of 84-96 tons before crushing, as against Barren Jack Granite breaking under a pressure of 68 tons. Several of these tested specimens are shown in the text in their fractured condition just as taken from the 100 tons testing machine ; and as far as I am aware, this is the first systematic series of building and ornamental stones of Australia yet investigated, so that the figures are of special interest. It is worthy of mention that this great compactness of texture is a distinguishing charac- teristic of Australian marbles, and although practically only the surface of our quarries has been worked, yet soli,d blocks are obtained, and in the dressing for market, and in the finished article, no stopping is required, consequently it lends itself to thin cutting a feature of great commercial value. Although so many localities are now known from which excellent lithic building material can be procured in this State, yet the industry is only in its infancy. The prospective develop- ment of the trade, however, augurs well for the extension of the industry, although at the present time the value of the imported marbles and granites is somewhat considerable. Australian rocks especially, possess all the qualities of the imported article, and in many features or characters are superior to them. Much modern machinery has been installed for quarrying, cutting, and polishing; in fact, plant sufficient enough to comply with all architectural demands likely to be made upon it for some time to come, is now well established. It therefore behoves us to take a pride in the development of our natural resources in this direction, and to appreciate our beautiful marbles, granites, &c., cognisant that they more than hold their own in appearance and hardness against the foreign competitor. As regards quality, durability, and colour, the majority of our stones must be ranked first-class. The grey granites of Uralla, Trial Bay, and many others are certainly equal in colour and hardness to the best Scottish, so much imported, whilst our marbles are reputed to be harder ; and many are unsurpassed in beauty by those imported from foreign countries. Within the last year or two our local marbles have been utilised in many of the fine buildings erected, and now in course of erection, ; n Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, and with very gratifying effects, a circumstance that should lead to their greater utilisation in future. 18 The demand for stone for monumental purposes is very large, but the supply is obtained almost entirely from abroad, in spite of the fact that so much excellent material lies at our very door, and needs only industrial development. In this comparatively newly-settled country, where the art of city building may be said to be making great strides, it will be found that, in spite of the small and sparsely scattered population, a fair amount of attention has been given to our building and ornamental stones. Building stone, such as Sandstone, has, of course, been used in Sydney since the City's foundation, and this beautiful working material being ready to hand and in great abundance, was early utilised, with the result that some very fine and noble edifices adorn the streets of this State capital, and it has even been used in architecture in Melbourne, Adelaide, and other large towns. In recent years our architects, desiring to materialise their conception of beauty, but wanting variety of material, have turned to sources of supply other than the Sydney sandstone, and in searching for material to meet their requirements it was discovered that, in building and ornamental stones of first quality, Australia in general, and New South Wales in particular, has few compeers. Although practically only the surface has been scratched, the indications show that the supply of building material is inexhaustible, and one is, therefore, perhaps justified in stating that this unquarried material represents a latent wealth that is of sufficient importance to give employment to thousands of workmen, and will be in the future a considerable factor in the prosperity of this island continent, especially when it is remembered that Belgium employs at the present time 37,000 men in its stone and marble quarries. 10 There is every reason to believe that many more beautiful stones will yet be unearthed when increase of population brings an increased demand; and further, the specimens exhibited in London and in this Museum, together with the illustrations and information herein given, will, without doubt, carry conviction concerning the extent of our wealth in building and ornamental stones. The output is certain to increase, inasmuch as the " skyscraper " is a forbidden structure here, and so steel is not likely to enter into competition with other building material in the proDortion that obtains in some other countries. The desiderata at the present time in city structures of Australia are, durability, utility, and stateliness, combined with chaste decoration. All these qualities can be found in, or produced from, our various natural building stones. The atmosphere of these climes is so pure and dry that little or no artificial measures are required to prevent the inroads of adverse climatic conditions upon our stones, and it is pleasing to note that stucco is almost a thing of the past in our buildings. As every beautifying effect can be obtained from our natural sources of building material, there is no necessity to resort to artificiality, and the magnificent buildings of our towns bear full testimony to this. It is, perhaps, not too much to say that almost every variety of colour will be found in our Australian marbles. At any rate, the degrees of colour from known specimens of to-day may be said to cover a very wide range in fact, the colours are so variable that it would not be easv to eive a colour classification. 20 A beautiful black marble occurs at Windellama, in New South Wales comparable almost with the black marble of Belgium ; and in the same class could almost be placed the Victorian Buchan Marble, used so effectively in the decoration of the new Public Library at Melbourne. Red is a colour frequently found, and is well illustrated in Red Borenore, Nemingha, Attunga, Fernbrook, and many others. In New South Wales no distinctly blue marble is yet known, but one with a bluish stain has been found at Marulan, New South Wales. Some fine brecciated marbles occur in New South Wales, the most decorative of all is probably that from Attunga, which, when polished, shows exceptionally big fragments, and so producing figures which would make most decorative majestic columns in large buildings. Amongst yellows the rich gold from Rylstone is at present unique amongst Australian marbles, and the same mi \ ' GABO GRANITE, N.S.W. Nat. Size. BRAIDWOOD, N.S.W. This is a red variety, similar in character, but rather lighter in appearance to that of Gabo Island, and is found in abundance at the south end of the town. It is composed almost entirely of quartz and orthoclase, and very little hornblende and biotite. The felspar is a fine pink colour, and the texture being fairly coarse it should prove a valuable building stone, as it polishes well. BROULA HILLS (COWRA), N.S.W. This rock con- sists of an outcrop, or, more correctly, a series of outcrops, in these Hills about 12 miles westerly from Cowra. Apparently it occurs in a belt about half a mile to a mile wide, and over 2 miles long. It runs nearly north and south. (/. G. Wyndham.) It is a fine-grained granite with pegmatitic veins, and possesses a good rosy colour, and further developments would no doubt yield excellent orna- mental stone. It is a promising red granite. BUNGENDORE, N.S.W. A fine-grained red aplitic granite outcrops about 8 miles to the north of Bungendore. BUNGONIA, N.S.W. There is red granite in this locality, but specimens have not come under the notice of the author. CARRICK, N.S.W. A very fine pink granite is found at Lockyersleigh, along the railway line. This granite is very hard, and takes a splendid polish. COOMA, N.S.W. A fine-grained red granite outcrops on the Berridale Road. 17 miles south-west from Cooma. (A. E. Zcigler.) GABO ISLAND, N.S.W. From this island have been obtained some of the best red-coloured granite used in the building trade of New South Wales ; it is the only red variety that has so far been quarried to any extent in this State. It is a particularly good granite, the constituents being mixed in about equal proportions, and so producing a fairly uniform texture. The colour is often a deep red, and sc is spoken of in the trade as " possessing plenty of life." It is specially suited for building, ornamental and monumental work, and the specimens exhibited at the recent International Exhibition held at Christ- church, New Zealand, were much admired by those interested in building and ornamental stones. The deposit is large, and of easy access from the sea. GRENFELL, N.S.W. The low hills lying to the north and west of the town are composed of this material. The rock consists almost entirely of even-grained red orthoclase and quartz. It is, however, unworked. INGLEWOOD, Vic. This is a red granite, but too pale for most commercial purposes. INVERELL, N.S.W. A pale-coloured stone, with fine- grained felspar predominating. Area of deposit not known. JERANGLE, N.S.W. (a) This is an even-grained rock, containing equal proportions of red orthoclase and quartz. It is very similar in appearance to the Braidwood red granite. (b) Porphyritic red granite. This is a coarse- grained rock, containing numerous large crys- tals of red-coloured orthoclase up to i inch in diameter. Should take a very handsome-polish. JINDABYNE, N.S.W. There is material here of un- surveyed area, which has not yet been worked. It much resembles Gabo in colour and texture, and may, perhaps, belong to the same formation. I am indebted to Mr. W. A. Gullick, Government Printer, for the record of this locality. LITHGOW, N.S.W. A red porphyritic granite of good colour outcrops in the descent of the Cox River, 4 miles from Lithgow, on Rydal Road. Any quan- tity of stone is available. MAFFRA, N.S.W. This locality is 25 miles south of Cooma. The rock is a pink, somewhat pale-coloured granite, fine in grain, and takes a good polish. MICHELAGO, N.S.W. A good coarse, flesh-coloured granite is found on the Murrumbidgee River, near Michelago, associated with the porphyries of that . district. MIDGEE, near Charleston, S.A. This is a good reddish stone of a coarse character, with large felspar crystals, and will no doubt be worked later on, as the demand for red granites extends. MUDGEE, N.S.W. The material occurring between Wellington and Mudgee consists of a remarkably coarse-grained red granite. The felspar occurs in large, irregular, red and dull-greenish or glassy-like patches rather than in well defined crystals, and gives the stone a characteristic appearance, which is quite unlike any other granite at present recorded for New South Wales. It may be said to resemble somewhat the coarse-grained specimens of granite of Norway in colour and texture. It takes a good polish, and arrises as sharp almost as a knife. There should be a good commercial future before this stone. MULLOON CREEK, N.S.W. A red, coarse, handsome granite occurs in unlimited quantities at this locality, which is situated 10 miles east of Bungen- dore. The colour is variegated, produced by the presence of a pink orthoclase and a pale-green vitreous plagioclase, whilst porphyritic quartz crystals also occur, along with hornblende and biotite. MURRAY BRIDGE, S.A. There is a good, fine-grained granite found at Swan Reach, Murray Bridge, but so far has not yet been used. A pale yellowish material is largely used in Ade- laide also from Murray Bridge, but although classed locally as a red, yet it might more correctly be called a pale yellowish, but by some it would be classed as a grey. It is coarse-grained and a good architectural material. MURRUMBATEMAN, N.S.W. Mr. W. Fairley states that a red granite occurs west of this town. HEEMSKIRK GRANITE, TASMANIA. MUDGEE GRANITE, N.S.W. Xal. Site. CABO GRANITE COLUMNS AND SYDNEY SANDSTONE. (THE TREASURY BUILDING, SYDNEY, N.S.W.) 33 MURRAY BRIDGE RED GRANITE, S.A. ,- * t 7V 'v : - : - ;?- ,- .. :- * U ^ , " MORUYA GRANITE AND SYDNEY SANDSTONE. fa ICE, SYDNEY, N.S.W.) 36 l* $, mJL ^WjrfW TARANA GRANITE, N.S.W. MORUYA GRANITE AND SYDNEY SANDSTONE. (THE CUSTOM HOUSE. SYDNEY. N.S.W.) 37 COLUMNS OF MORUYA AND MONTAGUE ISLAND GRANITE. (COLONNADE, GENERAL POST OFFICE, SYDNEY, N.S.W.) ALBURY RED PORPHYRITIC GRANITE, N S \W. A - a(. Size. WEST ISLAND GRANITE BASES. (BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, ADELAIDE, 8. A.) RYLSTONE, N.S.W. This large area of granite is said to produce a stone of great rarity and beauty. T A R AGO, N. S. W. Extensive deposits of a flesh-coloured coarse-grained granite occur about 6 miles south of Tarago. on the Braidwood Road. Quartz and felspar (orthoclase) make up the bulk of the rock. It has not been worked yet. TARANA, N.S.W. A very large development occurs in this neighbourhood, including several varieties, one a coarse rock with large porphyritic felspars of good colour, and another of a finer texture some- what resembling Gabo. TRIAL BAY, N.S.W. This is a coarse, pale-red coloured stone, judging from surface specimens obtained and polished. The colour would probably improve on going deeper into the rock mass, and if so it should prove an attractive building and ornamental stone, Trial Bay, N.S.W. contd. as the texture is rather pleasing. It has the facies of the Jonesborough granite, Vt., U.S.A., or Trows- worthy granite, Gloucester, England. It is the hardest granite yet turned in a lathe in Sydney. WOMBEYAN, N.S.W. A red granite occurs here in a large boss, but has never been worked. Only surface specimens have been examined, so that no correct data can be given concerning its commercial value. WOOLAMI, Vic. A pale reddish coloured medium- grained stone has been quarried from here, and speci- mens are to be seen in some fine large columns and base courses in the Equitable Buildings in Mel- bourne. WUDINA, S.A. A good, coarse-grained granite outcrops in this locality and occurs throughout an extensive area. It has deep reel colour and is full of life. Grey Granites. These varieties of granites, as far as at present known, are more extensive and numerous than those of the red varieties. Like them, however, they also vary in texture and structure, as well as in shades of colour. They are all excellent building stones, and will, without doubt, be largely used in our city architecture of the future. The following are some of the best-known localities for grey granites : ADELONG, N.S.W. The grey granite of this locality has been quarried near the town, and used for paving the streets of Tumut, and on the authority of Mr. J. Turner, of Goulburn, it is an excellent commercial stone. ALBURY, N.S.W. In this district a great number of granites abound, the varieties being too numerous to particularise here. There is a dark-green granite that is worthy of development, as it much resembles serpentine in colour (ride Coloured Plate). The fine-grained granite reminds one of that of Richmond, Va., U.S.A., but is a shade darker a rather good feature ; the coarse-grained samples are very distinctive and quite unlike any others from New South Wales. With such variety and choice of stones the cities of the future of this district should be amongst the most beautiful in the Commonwealth. ARNPRIOR (LARBERT), N.S.W. A grey granite, similar to that at Braidwood, is the chief rock in this locality. BATHURST, N.S.W. A coarse-grained bright stone occurs to the south, and has been used in monu- mental works in the town. BEECHWORTH, Vic. Specimens of a coarse-grained granite with a full deep colour have been obtained from near here, but no data are available as to the quantity. BRAIDWOOD, N.S.W. Extending almost from Tarago right into Braidwood, a distance of 18 or iq miles, is a coarse-grained variegated hornblendic granite, somewhat resembling that of Table Mountain, Albury. There are two species of felspar present, the larger portion consisting of pale-coloured plagioclase with a faint greenish tinge. There is also some pink orthoclase, and clear glassy quartz in abundance. It is an excellent ornamental building material, and the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches are constructed of it, besides many of the business houses and residences in the town ; and being in unlimited quantities it should be a very valuable building stone in the future. Another variety is fine-grained, and occurs at the south end of Braidwood. It is, however, pale in colour, and the exposed blocks examined were too much weathered for one to give an opinion as to its fitness for building purposes. It requires, therefore, further investigation. BREADALBANE, N.S.W. The Gunning granite extends eastwards within 3 or 4 miles of Breadalbane, and within 8 miles of Goulburn. (/. Turner.) BREDBO, N.S.W. A hard, fairly coarse granite out- crops about 7 miles to the east of this township. It is similar in appearance to the Jerangle grey granite, but is lightei in colour. BATHURST GRANITE, N.S.W. BUNGENDORE, N.S.W. A very hard, tough, grey granite outcrops between 4 and 5 miles north of this township on the Tarago Road. The rock is coarse in texture and outcrops in large boulders, which could be easily quarried. BURROWA, N.S.W. A coarse-grained grey granite is found in this district. COLLINGWOOD, near Gunning, N.S.W. Here a quarry has been opened out. (/. Turner.) COOMA, N.S.W. On the Berridale Road, about 9 miles from Cooma, a fine-grained dark-coloured granite outcrops. COWRA, N.S.W. This rock is very abundant in the immediate neighbourhood, the lofty hill to the north of the town being entirely composed of this material. The texture of the stone is medium, and the colour dark, taking, when polished, a slight bronzy lustre, which makes it a very handsonu stone. It is easily quarried and worked, and, outcropping within a short distance of the railway line, this should be a valuable building stone in the future. GLADSTONE, Tas. A light-coloured granite is found in this locality, which is in the north-eastern portion of the island. GOULBURN, N.S.W. Granite is one of the most common rocks in this district. GUNNING, N.S.W. There is a large outcrop of a good free-working grey granite at Collingwood, near this township. The stone punches well, and is hard enough to take a good polish. Gunning, N.S.W. contd. A first-class granite outcrops about 6 miles west of Gunning, and in fact, constitutes the whole sur- face of the countryside between that spot and the town, but at present is not much worked, although the Anglican Church and several private houses are built of it. It is a fine-grained hornblende granite, hard, tough, and dark in colour. The abundance of hornblende gives the stone sufficient colour for commercial purposes. Looks very well polished. HARCOURT, Vie. (1) This is a coarse-grained grey granite that looks well when polished, having a good colour, and is the most extensively used granite in architec- ture in Melbourne. Its effectiveness is shown in such buildings as State Parliament House (Columns under portico), Savings Bank, Equit- able Buildings, and several others. (2) A fine-grained grey stone is also obtainable from this locality, as well as a pale pink one. HARDEN, N.S.W. Large outcrops of grey granite occur throughout the district. The rock is bright in colour, fresh -looking, and fairly tough. HARROW, Vic. A rather medium-grained granite, with greenish tint, and appears to have good points which favour a trial of its use. INVERELL, N.S.W. A pale-coloured coarse-grained granite is quarried here and used for building pur- poses in the town. JERANGLE, N.S.W. (a) Hornblende granite. This is a fairly coarse rock, with abundance of clear glassy quartz and large crystals of hornblende. It outcrops in the mountains to the east of Jerangle, in the form of large tables or floors, and so is easily quarried. (b) Porphyritic grey granite. The base of this rock is of a very fine aplitic nature, and dark-grey in colour. Large porphyritic crystals of white felspar are abundant, while those of quartz are less common. Should polish very well. LAKE BATHURST, N.S.W. Grey granite is plentiful in the neighbourhood of this sheet of water. MALDON, Vic. Specimens of a coarse-grained granite with a full deep colour have been obtained from this locality, but no data are available as to the quantity. MECKERING, W.A. A fine-grained granite is obtained from this locality, which is on the Eastern Gold- fields Railway. (Maitland and Jackson.) MINIPPA, S.A. A coarse-grained granite occurs here and gives much promise as a building material. 44 3F Of. -* ~ ' *"C"3i SF-^7? r 4ir . --.^ v ^ 'Icf&t MONTAGUE ISLAND GRANITE, N.S.W. MORUYA GRANITE, N.S.W. Sat. Size. MONTAGUE ISLAND, N.S.W. This is rather of unusual structuri, the large crystals of felspar (labradorite) being its chief characteristic. It has been utilised in the Sydney General Post Office with pleasing effect. It takes a good polish, and is close-grained, compact, and hard in texture. This is one of the most elegant of our grey granites, and is less marked with dark basic segregations so characteristic of grey granites generally. MOODY, S.A. This stone is of excellent quality and of a medium coarse-grained even texture and colour, and is one of the finest of this class of granites in Australia. MORUYA, N.S.W. A medium coarse-grained material, possessing a rather palish yet pleasing colour. Its otherwise uniform texture is now and again broken by basic segregations, which rather adds to its architectural effects. The large main columns of tlu colonnade of the General Post Office, Sydney, are constructed of this material, and their general effect is much admired. It has also been utilised in many other Sydney buildings. OBERON, N.S.W. This is a bright-coloured stone with a pinkish tinge, the black mica being specially pro- nounced by the lustre of its fractured surface, and contrasting well with the felspar. TALLANGATTA, Vic. A beautiful tourmaline granite has been recorded from this locality, but .is only known from hand specimens. MORUYA GRANITE PEDESTAL. (QUEEN VICTORIA STUTUE, SYDNEY, N.S.W.) 45 TENTERFIELD, N.S.W. A beautiful porphyritic stone, and unlike any recorded granite. The large flesh- coloured felspar crystals scattered throughout a grey-coloured ground, produce a very pleasing effect, and give the stone a most attractive appear- ance. It is a splendid combination, so to speak, of red and grey granite, and has great commercial possibilities. TREWOOL, Vie. This stone is characterised by its rather greenish-tinted felspar crystals. It has been used in several large business premises in Melbourne. TRIAL BAY, N.S.W. The grey granite occurring here is quite equal to the best Peterhead, having a fresh, bright colour, or what is known in the trade as " life " the polished and chiselled surfaces con- trasting well in decorative work. TUMUT, N.S.W. A deposit of this stone occurs near the serpentine belt. 16 miles N.E. of Tumut. URALLA, N.S.W. A very attractive hornblende or dioritic granite is found here, and is one of the best coloured yet seen in the State. It is a splendid monumental and ornamental stone, and superior to the best Peterhead. It has been compared to the famous Bessbrook, Co. Armagh, Ireland, and will be an esteemed stone when placed on the market. WEST ISLAND, S.A. This is perhaps the most exten- sively used of all the South Australian granites, and figures largely in the most important public buildings, such as St. Peter's Cathedral, Parliament House, banks, &c. It is a coarse-grained, well marked material, with a good colour, and looks well either polished or unpolished. YASS, N.S.W. The granite area of this district is large, and runs generally north and south, intruding into slates, shales, and limestones. Between Murrum- bateman and the Murrumbidgee there runs for several miles north and south a belt of unknown width of stratified granite. It is a splendid stone for building purposes, easily worked and easily quarried, because it is in large slabs, weighing from a few pounds to a few tons, standing on end. YOUNG, N.S.W. This rock covers a large area, extend- ing from Harden to within a short distance of Grenfell, with very little alteration in nature. Churches and private residences in Young are bu'lt of it, and thy abundance of biotite seems in no way to detract from its durability. 46 J$5r 8S ilK^S mm URALLA GRANITE, N.S.W. Sat. 1. GRANITE. (CHURCH OF ENGLAND, BRAIDWOOD.) 2. GRANITE. (RC 3. GRANITE. (CHURCH or ENGLAND, GUNNING.) 48 4f A r Z v" i grtf v GREY GRANITE, YOUNG, N S W Sat. Size ALBURY DARK GRANITE, N.S.W. Sat. Size. (c) Green Granites. Under this heading come varieties of granite which can hardly be classified as either grey or red. The colour is variegated, green predominating, due to the abundance of green felspar intermixed with pink. ALBURY, N.S.W. The plate of this dark granite well illustrates the distinguishing characters of this beautiful granite. BRAIDWOOD AND BUNGENDORE, N.S.W. Speci- mens of this particular stone also occur near these towns. IN addition to the localities given from New South Wales, there are enormous masses of Gneiss in some of the other States, notably South Australia and the West Coast of Tasmania, but their possibility as building stones has not yet been investigated. ADELONG, N.S.W. A handsome hornblende Gne ; ss occurs in enormous quantities in this neighbourhood, but has not yet been quanied to any extent. BUNGENDORE, N.S.W. There are unlimited quantities of this material available for building purposes. It is known locally as granite, and has been used in many buildings in Bungendore. The matrix is a buff or yellowish colour with streaks of black, and is not unpleasant when polished ; in fact, looks like some varieties of marble. COOMA, N.S.W. Gneiss is the chief rock in the Cooma District, and has been largely used in the construc- tion of buildings within the town. The rock at first appearance is not unlike granite, and is dark- grey in colour, consisting chiefly of quartz, felspar, and abundant black mica (biotite). The schistose structure is not as a rule visible in small specimens and imparts but a slight grain to the stone, which is easily quarried and worked. There is an unlimited quantity available. POMEROY, near Goulburn, N.S.W. A grey of this character occurs in the locality. material 49 BOWRAL, N.S.W. The building and ornamental stone passing under this name is a favourite one with Sydney architects. There appears to be some doubt as to its true petrological classification, being regarded by some as a Syenite (Bostonite), but probably its systematic position will be found to lie between these two classes of stones. It is known commercially as " Bowral trachyte," and so that is the name retained for it here. This igneous rock has been principally worked at a bold headland about 85 miles from Sydney on the Southern Line and known as the " Gib," which is close to the town of Bowral. This really beautiful stone of unique colour, which may be described as a dark olive green, or, perhaps dark grey, is occasionally streaked with narrow veins containing beautiful sanidine (glassy orthoclase), hornblende, and aegerine crystals. BOWRAL TRACHYTE COLUMNS AND ARCHES. (TECHNICAL COLLEGE, SYDNEY, N.S.W.) BOWRAL TRACHYTE, N.S.W. Fat. Size. It is very solid and takes a beautiful polish, cracks or flaws being quite absent, and blocks of almost any size can be obtained. Some of the finest architectural structures in Sydney are built of this rock. Asa paving stone it is highly valued, being equal to the famous Caithness, Arbroath, and Yorkshire flagging, and is also eminently useful for foundation work. Its weight-carrying capacity is equal to most of the known granites. Amongst the most prominent edifices in Sydney con- structed from this material are the Equitable Life of New York, Mutual Life of New York, Challis House, Technical College, Bank of Australasia, &c. It has also been used in the piers of the Hawkesbury Bridge, and in the foundations only of many of the largest buildings in Sydney. In both the polished and unpolished condition it gives an appearance of solidity in buildings that is quite attractive and pleasing. ORANGE, N.S.W. Near this town are large flows of true Trachyte, composing the bulk of the mountain known as the Canoblas. As a building stone this Trachyte is in great repute amongst local builders, as it is very hard, durable, and polishes a soft grey or buff base colour, with small pink and black spots, producing a very nice figure, and is alto- gether a very neat-looking material. It makes a good flagging stone, and is used as such in front of the most important buildings in Orange. BOWRAL TRACHYTE, HAWKESBURY SANDSTONE. (SYDNEY, N.S.W.) .53 ' >-. .'.' '*-..' .-/ - A -.:?*:*>.** CANOBLAS TRACHYTE, N S.W Sal. Size. PIERS OF BOWRAL TRACHYTE COLUMNS, FLAGGING, AND BASE-COURSES OF BOWRAL TRACHYTE (INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT, N.S.W.) 56 Tins is a group of hard and very fine ornamental rocks, which are destined to be greatly used in future for internal decorations. At present, however, for obvious reasons, they have not been used extensively, their utilisation being of a local nature. There is in the neighbourhood of Goulburn a large de- posit of this rock. It takes a beautiful olive-green polish; in fact, is similar in colour to Serpentine, which stone it certainly should super- sede in building con- struction, for whilst having all the beautiful effects of that material, yet possesses hardness GOULBURN PORPHYRY. (ST. PITCH'S AND ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL COULBURN, N.S.W.) H and durability far beyond that ornate stone. It looks well either polished or unpolished in buildings of any pretensions, and its qualities are well brought out in SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral at Goulburn, which edifice is entirely constructed of A. this material. It is almost identical in colour and marking with a Diorite used in build- ing construction in Min- nesota, U.S.A., and occurring at Addison Point in that State. Rocks of this nature are exceedingly well de- veloped in the south- eastern plateau of New South Wales, and of necessity only a few of the many and distinct types can be tabulated. This stone could be looked tor in almost any portion of the Southern Table land of New South Wales in conjunction with Silurian and Devonian rocks. QUARTZ PORPHYRY. (ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, BURROWA, N.S.W.) C.F.L. Photo. BREDBO, N.S.W. A light-coloured quartz porphyry, with a pale bluish-grey base, outcrops immediately to the east of Bredbo. It should take a good polish. BURROWA, N.S.W. Dark quartz porphyries, similar to those at Yass, are abundant near the town, and arj used in the construction of churches and other buildings. GOULBURN GREEN PORYPHRY, N.S.W. Nat. Stie CANBERRA, N.S.W. There is a rather plentiful supply of this dark, almost black rock, which splits easily with a slightly flinty fracture. It has been used in part in the Canberra Church. COWRA, N.S.W. It occurs here over a large area; this material having a dark-green base, with white or coloured crystals of felspar scattered throughout. (E. F. Pit/man.) CURRAWONG, N.S.W. Here occurs a small outcrop of felspar porphyry. GAWLER RANGES, S.A. A large outcrop of felspar porphyry is found in these ranges. It has a fine dark red base with black markings. Owinc: tr> its hardness it could only be used commercially in small columns such as seen at Cathedral entrances and Public Buildings. Its high colour assures its decorat i veness . GOULBURN, N.S.W. A handsome dark-green rock, which may be systematically classed as a porphyrite, has been worked in the vicinity, and used extensively for the construction of buildings within thi town. HALL, N.S.W. Quartz porphyry occurs here, similar to that at Canberra. The church is built of this rock. It outcrops at intervals right throughout the district. MICHELAGO, N.S.W. Quartz felspar porphyry out- crops in the range of hills lying between the town- ship and the Murrumbidgee River. The rock has a grey basa, with abundance of white felspar, and sometimes approaches very near a granite in texture. Michelago, N.S.W. coiitd. Another variety occurs on the opposite side of this range. It is fine-grained, with abundant small crystals of pink orthoclasa. A green quartz felspar porphyry, with the red felspars occurring in patches or segregations, is found near the Murrumbidgee River. It takes a good polish, and commercially might be classed with the green and variegated granites. MURRUMBATEMAN, N.S.W. To the west of the town is found a stone which has been called " stratified granite " but is in reality a quartz porphyry, similar to the other rocks of that type in the district. (Vide "Grey Granite," Y?ss.) URIARRA, N.S.W. A very fine-grained quartz felspar porphyry is found near the Post Office. The base is dark, and there is an abundance of fine pink orthoclase. A rock with a chocolate base, in which are embed- ded numerous white fslspar and quartz crystals, outcrops on the Murrumbidgee River, below its junction with the Uriarra to Queanbeyan road. YASS, N.S.W. The hills surrounding this town are composed of this material, so that the supply is equal to all demands for a long time. The base is a dark olive green, in which are numerous white, well-defined felspar crystals along with abundant clear glassy quartz, speckled with larger masses of green hornblende. Sc far it is unworked, owing perhaps to its hard- ness a quality that would be compensated by its durability. V. THIS is a material often with a good colour, but is not frequently favoured by architects owing to its hardness, and hence its high cost of preparation for the builder. BUMBALDRY, N.S.W. Aneven-grained,bright-coloured diorite outcrop^ in large quantities about 3 miles eastward from Bumbaldry. In appearance this rock is very similar to some of the better classes of grey granite. GOULBURN, N.S.W. A fine-grained, dark-coloured diorite is extensively developed in this distiict. The rock, which takes a good polish, has been largely used in the construction of local buildings. JERANGLE, N.S.W. A fine-grained dark diorite, \ery hard and tough, occurs as belts or dykes, up to 20 yards across, cutting through the granite of the locality. TARAGO, N.S.W. A fine-grained green diorite occurs about 14 miles beyond this town in the direction of Braidwood. The predominant minerals are black hornblende and a pale-green felspar (plagio- clase), which being in about the same quantities produce an even texture. TUMUT, N.S.W. This material occurs in abundance in the hill immediately to the south of the town. It is a peculiar rock, dark in colour, but very uneven in texture ; coarse patches occur at intervals through the matrix, consisting of lath-shaped white felspar crystals. It is very tough, and hard to work, and may be classified systematically as intermediate between a true diorite and porphyrite. It takes a good polish. STRINGER'S CREEK, Vic. This is a dark-coloured, fine-grained stone. WALHALLA, Vic. A fine and also a coarse grey variety of this material are recorded from this neighbourhood, but have so far not been used. WEE JASPER, N.S.W. The tops of the ranges south of Wee Jasper, on the Tumut Road, are composed of this hard, tough material. 60 Basalt. THIS material is fairly common throughout the Eastern States, showing in its distribution material of varying textures, from very fine to coarse and vesicular, and all varieties have been used to a more or less extent in architecture in Victoria, and even in New South Wales and Queensland. In Victoria, the steps of Parliament House and most of the base courses to all the large public and business pre- mises in Melbourne are con- structed of " Footscray Blue Metal," or Blue Stone, as it is commonly known. St. Patrick's Cathedral is entirely constructed of it ex- ternally. It is, however, now being discarded for everything but base courses and foundations, as being too funereal in its appearance. In Victoria the largest quar- ries are at Footscray. Basalt is also extensively KIAMA BASALT. (PUBLIC SCHOOL KIAMA, N.S.W.) 61 used for road-making and ballast for railways, as well as for building purposes. It is hard, heavy, breaking comparatively easily, and very durable, and is known com- mercially as "blue metal." It is found as a volcanic outcrop in many places in Xew South Wales on the Main Dividing Range and Coast, and has been exten- sively quarried at Kiama and D undas. There is also an exten- sive deposit at Orange of a fine-grained material, which splits readily into well-formed blocks. It is very hard and takes an excellent polish, which gives it a dark shade of green. At Sterling, 9 miles from Inverell, a columnar basalt is quarried and used in the construction of business houses at the latter town. Extensive ancient lava flows of this material cover the granite of the New England tableland in many places. At Uralla they have been quarried for road metal, and the deposits at Sterling, Armidale, and many other localities are of this nature. At Jerangle this rock is abundant, and is known locally as Whinstone. INVERELL BASALT. (STORE, INVERELL.) 63 FOOTSCRAY BASALT. (ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL. MELBOURNE.) THERE is a large intrusive mass, probably a laccolith, of this material at Prospect, near Sydney. It has been extensively quarried for use in the construction of the Prospect Dam. Its rank as a building stone is unknown, although it is most durable in the form of steps, as it does not wear smooth nor take a high polish. MARBLE probably ranks as the most extensively distributed and valuable of all the building material found on this continent, and in her marbles Australia has a very fine and valuable national asset, which may be said to be inexhaustible. In fact, the value of these is beyond computation, and it is doubtful if any other country is so rich not only in amount but in variety of material lying ready for utilisation. Although practically only the surface has been worked, yet indications seem to point to such commercial possibilities that every desideratum in marble products could probably be supplied. The most populous States have, of course, opened out the most quarries, and so naturally New South Wales shows a range of various kinds that are probably not surpassed by any other State or, one might even add, that of any other country. Almost every conceivable colour and texture are to be found in the marbles of this State, and possibly similar terms will be used when speaking of those of other political divisions of the Commonwealth in the future, when they have been more fully developed. The Australian marbles, besides being inexhaustible % are of varied and beautiful colours, and in addition possess all the other qualities that pertain to first-class marbles, and so are of great commercial value. NEW SOUTH WALES MARBLE EXHIBITS (TECHNOLOGICAL MUEUM.) 66 Next to New South Wales, South Australia has given most attention to her marbles, and has worked some of the quarries for a long period, but lack of population has militated against greater development of this commodity. However, within, the last few years a fresh impetus seems to have set in, and the marble industry promises to take new life. The occurrence of marbles in Victoria has long been known, but only within the last year or two has any move been made to develop them. The specimens obtained from various parts of the State give indications of some very fair stones, but at present all are found in localities remote from centres of population, and hence are costly both to produce and transport, and so are at a disadvantage compared with those of the neighbouring States. In addition to those marbles of Victoria given below, others are also recorded from Keiler, Waurn Ponds, Geelding, Bat Ridge, Hope's Mill, but these are all lifeless and of no distinctive colour, and not of any commercial value. In most cases in New South Wales, the stones are on, or near, direct lines of railway, or seaboard, to the Capital Sydney, and other large towns. Queensland is rich in marbles, and as its mineral resources become better known and population increases, these will be largely used for building purposes. Our knowledge of the building and ornamental stones of Western Australia is at present very limited, but as the country becomes opened DRILLING. CALOOL ) 67 (") FINE. ('') COSRSE ATTUNGA BRECC1ATED MARBLE COLUMNS. out and settled, no doubt material comparable with that from Eastern Australia will be brought to light. For obvious reasons only a comparatively limited number of quarries are being worked in Australia, but an increased demand will alter this, as there is little difficulty in procuring the material, which is close to the surface. Necessarily, working on what is practically surface stone, the best has yet to be quarried, lor the deeper the quarries are opened out the better the material will become, being less fractured and of purer quality, as obtains in some of the old Italian, Greek, and Egyptian quarries which have been worked for hundreds of years. Although practically the industry is only at its inception, yet specimens now exhibited at London and this Museum demonstrate that a great commercial future is before it. The varied colours of these marbles are found to blend, harmonise, or contrast in the specimens from the different localities, and in a manner that give each a distinctive character in its beautiful figures and beautiful effect. With such results, obtained from only a few 68 ATTUNGA MARBLE, N.S.W. years prospecting, it is not unreasonable to expect that still greater returns await further development of these remarkable marbles. The specimens exhibited at the Franco-British Exhibition were from Borenore, Caloola, Fernbrook, Kempsey, Xarrabri, Springhill, and Tamworth quarries, these being the more important ones worked at that time. The following are known localities for marbles ot excellent quality : ABERCROMBIE CAVES, N.S.W. A very pale-coloured marble, almost pure white, except for a few brownish- red markings. ADELONG, N.S.W. An attractive white stone, mixed with a moderately dark green coloui. It should look handsome in columns and in decorations. ANGASTON, S.A. (a) White. A coarse-grained saccharine marble, varying in cream and white tints, and in some cases with dark markings similar to those found in Silician. When dressed it has a translucent effect on the edges and face. It is used in monumental work with good effect, having the general facies of the material of which the famous Elgin marbles are made. (b) Pink. A somewhat similar marble to (a) in texture, with a shade of pink. ATTUNGA, N.S.W. This is one of our most handsome marbles, being composed of large pale-coloured fragments embedded in a red groundmass. It varies much in texture, the coarser varieties frequently consisting of fragments up to i foot or more in Attunga, N.S.W. contd. diameter, with well-defined edges. It looks magni- ficent when polished on a large scale, and is so illustrated by columns in this Museum. As a brecciated marble it probably has no superior anywheie. BAT HURST. Vide LIMEKILNS. BIBBENLUKE, N.S.W. A crinoidal black and white marble. BINALONG, N.S.W. A deposit outcrops nsar the rail- way line west of the Binalong railway station. A sage-green colour characterises the whole mass, though there is a paler-coloured variety with brown and green tinges throughout. Our attention was drawn to this green-coloured marble by Mr. F. Rusconi, of Gundagai. BINGERA, N.S.W. This is a continuation of the Warialda deposit, and is as yet unworked. Several varieties of variegated and brecciated marbles occur here. The outcrop of this belt of marble con- tinues to the southwards, being in evidence at MURAL DECORATIONS-BORENORE MARBLE, N.S.W. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MELBOURNE. 70 BATHURST MARBLE, N.S.W. llnl/Nat. Size. BATHURST MARBLE IM.S.W. Half Hat. Size. LIME KILNS MARBLE, BATHURST, N.S.W. Half Sal. Nile. LIME KILNS MARBLE, BATHURST. N.S.W. mmm Half Xat. Size. BINALONG GREEN MARBLE, N.S.W. Hat. Size. BORENORE MARBLE (BLUE), N.S.W. .\l. fill,: BORENORE MARBLE (RED), IM.S.W. A' (it. Size. BUCHAN MARBLE, VIC. flat. Silt. BORENORE MARBLE. (STIRCE WEST MAITLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE N.S.W.) Bingera, N.S.W. contd. intervals between Warialda, Bingera, Barraba, Manilla, and Tamworth; whilst Attunga is also upon this line cf outcrop. BORENORE, N.S.W. Many varieties are produced from this quarry, which is within easy distance of the railway. Ths deposit is extensive and so is capable of yielding large quantities of stone. The two varieties at present being utilised are a red and a blue. The former, which is a breccia of red and buff coloration, is gaining great favour in Sydney, and has been employed for mural decoration in the New Central Railway Station and many other Sydney buildings ; it makes up well for mantel- pieces, church columns, &c., and is. therefore, a first- class decorative stone. The I lue is a breccia, with this colour predominating, and the fossil corals being well brought out in ths polishing, give a very rich effect to this stone. It is one of the most beautiful marbles yet discovered in New South Wales. For mantelpieces it is particularly effective, but would be equally so in other directions of ornamentation. BRUNDLE CREEK, N.S.W. A white marble obtrudes here, almost identical with that of the Tarrabandra stone. BUCHAN, Vic. This is a marble that is now coming gradually into use in Melbourne. It may be de- scribed as having two colours, a black and a drab or grey. The black is deep with small crinoids scat- tered through it, but is not nearly so highly figured as the New South Wales Rockley or Victorian Toon- gabbie Marbles. MADE OF NEW SOUTH WALES MARBLES BY F. RUSCONI 7 2 Buchan, Vic.contd. The grey has been used as panels along with the black in the Pur lie Library and other interiors in Melbourne buildings, but the earthy colour of the latter variety does not appeal to everyone. A good white streaked marble also occurs at Buchan. BUCKEROO, N.S.W. Many coloured marbles can be obtained from this locality. They range from yellowish-brown to yellowish-grey or red in colour, and the indications from surface specimens are that a good white might be found when opened up. BUMBALDRY, N.S.W. A very extensive area of marble outcrops near the main road, about i mile west of the township. The rock is of a richly- variegated red colour, with some varieties merging into a deep brick red. As there are unlimited quantities available, this should be a useful addi- tion to our list of fiist-class marbles. BUNGENDORE, N.S.W. A limestone of a dark grey colour is found about 6 to 8 miles east of this town- ship. BUNGONIA, N.S.W. A buff-coloured marble. BURROWA, N.S.W. A rather handsome martla with large red markings cccuis near Burrowa, (F. Rusconi.) CALEULA, N.S.W.- This marble occurs some distance (16 miles) from Orange. The deposit ; s large, and so is capable of extensive development. Caleula, N.S.W. contd. The predominant variety is a beautiful white and red streaked stone, approaching somewhat in colour some of the Borenore specimens. It is a very atti active stone, and has been used exclusively in the inteiior decoration of St. James' Church and Dixson Buildings, Sydney. There is also a very prettily-marked mottled variety with green streaks that will come into demand when better known . CALLIOPE, Q. A bed of marble, probably the equiva- lent of some of the limestone beds at Langmorn and Raglan, crosses the Calliope River, about a mile below Carrara Station, 12 miles S.W. of Glad- stone. It has been quarried and shipped in small schooners, which, at high tide, can come up the river as far as this bar. This marble would be valuable for statuary purposes. (R. L. Jack, F.G.S.) Marble also occurs at Ferguson's Ciossing, near Catfish, 21 miles S.W. of Gladstone. CALOOLA, N.S.W. This newly-opened and latest machinery-worked quarry is situated between the Newbridge and Bathurst railway stations. It is a whitish, coarse-grained marble, occasionally decor- ated with very faint bluish clouds, but pure white- coloured material will no doubt be encountered as the depth worked is increased. It is a very fine marble, and is quickly coming into favour in the Commonwealth, foi it is now to be seen in some form or other in the newest architectural structures of Sydney, such as the vestibule of Challis House, 74 CALEULA MARBLE DADO. (oiXSON BUILDINGS, SYDNEY.) ONE OF THE CUTTINGS AT THE CALOOLA WHITE MARBLE QUARRY. CALOOLA MARBLE. (QUEEN VICTORIA STATUE, MELBOURNE.' Caloola, N.S.W contd Martin Place, and Prince Alfred Hospital, also Queen Victoria Statue, Melbourne, &c. Its utilisa- tion qualities are too numerous to mention here, but for indoor work of all kinds it is an excellent marble. The plates illustrating this marble were kindly lent by the Commonwealth Marble"'Co. CARROLL, N.S.W. Variegated marbles occur near here. (D. A. Porter.) CHILLAGOE, Q. White, fine quality, near Chillagoe. COOLALIE, N.S.W. A deposit of marble occurs in this locality, about i mile north of the station, in a level, accessible situation. It outcrops in the form of large boulders over several acres of country, and at a short distance below the surface merges into solid rock. Like most marble deposits, the texture shows several varieties. The surface specimens have a yellow stain, but this would most probably disappear as the solid material is reached, which from indications should be snow white. The samples examined may be classed in colour as white, reddish tinge, and brown. COOMA, N.S.W. White marble is found at Tollbar, 5 miles N.E. of Cooma. COW FLAT, N.S.W. Here is found a whitish marble, but not yet much worked. COWRA, N.S.W. Dark-coloured limestone occurs as a bold outcrop, striking north and south, and cutting across the Burrowa Road about 8 miles from Cowra. 77 CALOOLA MARBLE FLOOR. (VESTIBULE, ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL SYDNEY.) 78 RED CALEULA MARBLE, N.S.W. DARK GREEN CALEULA MARBLE. N.S.W. GREEN CALEULA MARBLE, N.S.W. FERMBROOK MARBLE (THE QUEEN ALEXANDRA) N.S.W Sal. Slzt. FERNBROOK MARBLE, N.S.W. Nat. Size. FERNBROOK MARBLE, N.S.W. lla/S .V<< FERNBROOK MARBLE, NSW FERNBROOK MARBLE, N.S.W Hall Sal Sat, Sal. S''-'. FERNBROOK MARBLE STAIRS. CALOOLA PAVEMENT. (VESTIBULE, HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE, SYDNEY.) ^^r == =^d CUDAL, N.S.W. This is a bluish-black stone, but not much known. FERNBROOK, N.S.W. The varieties produced from this district are too numerous to particularise here, as they range in colour through almost the whole spectroscope. There are great commercial possibilities for these beautifully coloured and wonderfully figured marbles, and many of them will no doubt be found superior to the European and American article. The coloured plates lent by the Commonwealth Marble Co., and shown here, will give some idea of the varieties obtainable. GALENA POINT (near Geelong), Vic. A stratified lime- stone, coloured or striped along the building plane. It has a handsome appearance when polished. (Chapman.) "'"'V-^ GEORGES PLAIN, N.S.W. (near Bathurst). From this district, ;'n the same general line of country as the Caloola and Cow Flat deposits, comes a white marble of hard crystalline texture, which in appear- ance is very similar to the famed Penteilkon marble. It occurs in sufficient quantity to obtain large blocks free from faults. It is eminently suited for the monumental, building, and kindred trades. (M. Ferranti.) GIGOOMGAN HEAD, Q. Station, 35 miles W.S.W. of Maryborough. GILMORE, N.S.W. Here occurs what is probably the finest white or statuary marble yet unearthed in N.S.W. It outcrops at the side of the mountain at Upper Gilmore, 15 miles S.W. of Tumut. The belt strikes N.W. and S.E., and is approximately about 120 feet in thickness, with an almost vertical strati- fication giving it a well defined grain. It thus splits readily into slabs, sometimes very thin, although some large pure-white blocks have been obtained, the prevailing colour being pink, banded with dark green laminae. It is fine-grained, even in texture, pure white, having a translucency near the edges, or in thin slices. At greater depths larger blocks would be most probably found. The quarry is worked by Mr. Back, of Gilmore, for lime. GOULBURN, N.S.W. At Shea's Creek, 6 miles east of the town, a red marble outcrops. GRESFORD, N.S.W. Gresford, near Maitland (Mr. Thos. Browne). A dark-coloured crinoidal marble which takes a fair polish. Used for lime-burning. GUNDAGAI, N.S.W. This marble is not much known, and is unworked. HAVILAH, N.S.W. According to Mr. C. F. Summers, this is a variety of white marble, and one that gives promise of yielding one of the finest white varieties yet found in the State. This authority also states the supply is unlimited. HERBERTON, Q. 12 miles S.S.W. of Atherton railway station. 80 GILMORE BANDED MARBLE, N.S.W Xat. Size, BASE COURSES AND STEPS, WEST ISLAND GRANITE. UPPER STRUCTURE, KAPUNDA GREY MARBLE. (PARLIAMENT HOUSE, ADELAIDE, S.A.) 81 82 Xat. Size. KEMPSEY MARBLE, N.S.W. MACCLESFIELD MARBLE, S.A. HUNTER ISLAND, Q. Duke Group, 45 miles N.E. by E. of St. Lawrence. The marble is minutely crystalline, white, and quite fit for ornamental architecture or statuary. A pink marble is a very beautiful stone suffused with a faint blush rose tint. (R. L. Jack.) IRON ISLAND, Q. Duke Group. White saccharoidal. JEIR, N.S.W. One mile south of Jeir on the main road an outcrop of marble occurs. It is unworked. The colour varies from a light to a deep chocolate, and often shows a prett\~ mottling. JENOLAN, N.S.W. An'un worked marble. KANGAROO HILLS, Q. Mineral Field, 40 miles S.W. by S. of Ingham. White saccharoidal. KAPUNDA, S.A. This district is one of the main sources of supply of marble for South Australia, and several varieties are worked, the principal being : (a) This is a fine grey marble,' with dark and lighter patches toning down in places to very pale coloured or almost white. (b) A pale fawn-coloured material with dark cloudy patches. (c) A light coloured greyish ground with perhaps a faint inclination to blue, while running through are uneven bands or streaks of black. A pretty marble, and one of the best in South Australia. KEMPSEY, N.S.W. A very ornamental and quite uncommon marble. The matrix, which has a warm, chocolate colour, is studded with small white crinoids, and through the whole run veins of white limestone. When polished it presents a very attractive and beautiful figure, and shows to special advantage in column form. The large columns of the National Art Gallery, Sydney, are made of this material, and are much admired. LIMEKILNS, N.S.W. Some very prettily-marked speci- mens can be obtained from this extensive marble locality, which, from want of demand, is not now being worked. LIMESTONE CREEK, Vie. Several varieties occur here, i.e. (a) Red and pink markings with a white ground, (b) Pale grey; and (c) Slate coloured. A great variety of marbles appears to be pro- curable in this neighbourhood, of many shades and figures. One is a very large brecciated sample not unlike that found at Attunga, X.S.W. It would look well in large columns, hall decorations, &c. MACCLESFIELD, S.A. The marbles from this district are of several colours, and the five principal ones in use are (1) Cream. This has a cream ground with dark markings, and is certainly worthy of far more utilisation than is at present given to it. (2) Grey. A grey, figured with darker clouds, and is a good stont for decorative purposes. (3) Dark Grey. This marble differs from No. 2 in being of a darker shade, with a pale grey cloudiness and black patches. MARULAN MARBLE, 1835. CAMDEN HOUSE, N.S.W. GAM BOO LA MARBLE (MOLONG). N.S.W. 11,1/1 Xnl. ,S'i>. MARULAN MARBLE N.S.W. MICHELACO MARBLE, NSW MOLOMG MARBLE, N.S.W. NEMINGHA MARBLE, N.S.W. Macclesfleld, S.A. (4) (5) ontd. Pink. A pleasing pale pink- coloured stone, with grey patches or streaks running through it, and an even fine-grained texture. It looks well unpolished, as well as polished. Red. A darker shaded stone than No. 2. with more of a salmon pink colour characterising it. All these are used in monumental work, and are in demand. MANSFIELD, Vic. This is a crinoidal marble with white streaks and dark markings. MARBLESTONE, Q. Raggott Creek, a tributary of Fuller's Creek, Boyne River, 20 miles S. of Glad- stone. Grey and white. Very beautiful brec- ciated marble occurs in this locality, which is well adapted for ornamental work. The colour cf the stone is grey, white, and red. MARTIN CREEK, Vic. This may be classed as a black marble, but not so distinctly black as Windellama, New South Wales. MARULAN, N.S.W. This deposit is close to the Wollon- dilly River, about 7 miles from Marulan, and is now of interest chiefly from its historical associations. Marble was worked here as early as 1830, and it was the first quarry opened in Australia. A con- siderable range of colour is to be found, but the most noteworthy variety is one which approaches very closely in texture and translucency the famous Mexican " onyx." This was used in mantelpieces in the early days of the colony. MICHELAGO, N.S.W. A very large deposit of marble outcrops on the Murrumbidgee River, 2 miles west from the township. There are many varieties, which include white, yellow, brown, blue, and pink coloured marbles. A purple or wine-coloured, crinoidal variety is very handsome, and similar in appearance to the Kempsey stone. In addition to this, several other distinctive marbles come from the same locality, including a handsome variety with a pale pink ground in which are scattered small patches of purplish red, and another with a wavy figure produced by bands of light chocolate or fawn colour, alternating with white. MOLONG, N.S.W. This is one of the most extensive areas of marble in the State, but samples are not placed at present on the Sydney market, although largely used locally for the many purposes for which this stone can be utilised. A great future awaits this field, for, according to Mr. C. F. Summers, the varieties obtainable are equal to anything produced from ancient and modern European quarries. MOONBI, N.S.W. An extensive field, but undeveloped. MOORABOOL, Vic. This is a good hard limestone with a distinct yellowish tinge, and has been used in the construction of the Police Courts, Russtll- street, Melbourne, the Malvern Post Office, and in the Bendigo R.C. Cathedral. MORETON ISLAND, Q. Duke Group. White and grey. MT. EMMA, Q. Three miles N.E. of Palmerville. NEWEL SHAFTS OF ROCKLEY MARBLE. MARBLE. (STAI RAIL OF FERN8ROOK MARBLE. BALUSTERS, MOLONC MARBLE. STEPS OF BORENORE 86 MUDGEE MARBLE, N.S.W. Half X -\ ^ g g^52 5 - - *T-t- jst %^L ft ysi IB S S ai d3>if "^. oJ reP^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ u J r o^3C^>Ii _; g iShi-g'fel H ,e,-n^ ! i-cS-o' 1 .ei o.^-- 1 j-> s, nr rv^ rz P 3 3"^ T^ 1 a JT~; W ca 5 ^ pa ^ PH " OD " IE 111 I- < & (3 z Q _! ^> CO < 5 X t- o cs> (/) o DC < > ^vf- 102 SYDNEY SANDSTONE. 'NATIONAL ART GALLEHV, SVONEV, N.8.W.) lob SYDNEY SANDSTONE. 767 20 Semi-submerged in cold water; afterwards cooled off beneath tap. Badly cracked along edge on portion submerged, colour changed to deep brown. 15 Moruya Granite ... 806 15 Seven minutes after entry into furnace badly cracked in several places. On removal quite shattered into small fragments. 16 ji , 806 15 Ten minutes after entry into furnace this specimen showed number of small cracks. On removal plunged into cold water, immediately flew to pieces with report. 17 Barren Jack Granite 830 15 After 3 minutes cracked across diagonally. Removed after 15 minutes and allowed to cool slowly; cracked in several places but not shattered; otherwise stood the test well. 18 784 45 Allowed to heat gradually in furnace, taken out unaltered and plunged into cold water ; several prominent cracks at once appeared, otherwise stood the test well. 19 Gabo Island Granite... 783 35 The cube was placed in cold furnace and heated gradually. At 717 a small crack appeared. After removal, cube very badly cracked in many places almost shattered. Effect of Heat and Water on New South Wales Building Stones continued. No. Specimen. Tempera- ture of Furnace. 20 Gabo Island Granite... 544 21 Tenterfield Granite ... 701 22 544 23 Nemingha Marble ... 542 24 ,, ., 719 25 Warialda Marble ... 744 26 Attunga Marble ... 758 27 Warialda Marble ... 808 28 Attunga Marble ... 802 Time in Furnace. How Treated and Remarks. Minutes. 20 20 25 25 35 40 10 10 Heated gradually and plunged suddenly into cold water. Almost unaffected ; several small cracks can be seen on close examination. Heated gradually, at 701 it was noticed that the cube was cracked, and on removal it crumbled into fragments. Heated gradually and plunged suddenly into cold water. Almost unaffected ; on close examination several small cracks could be seen to be developed. Heated gradually and cooled slowly in air. Calcination not started and rock unaltered. This specimen was placed in the hot furnace, but owing to tiouble with the furnace, the temperature became much reduced, but was afterwards raised again. The specimen on removal was plunged into cold water ; cracks appeared in several places, but the calcination was only slight. Came through the test fairly well. Heated gradually and cooled in air. Specimen ruined. Heated gradually and cooled in air. Specimen broken into pieces. Placed in hot furnace. Cracked slightly on removal. Plunged into cold water, broke in two pieces. Specimen ruined. Placed in hot furnace. Cracked slightly on removal. Plunged into cold water, badly cracked in several places. Specimen quite disfigured. Effect of Heat and Water on New South Wales Building Stones continued. Tempera- T;mo No. Specimen. ture of Furnace. i MUV i n Furnace. How Treated and Remarks. c. Minutes. 29 Fernbrook Marble ... 695 30 The furnace was gradually heated up to this temperature when the specimen was taken out and a spray of cold water played upon it. The original colour was quite destroyed, although the edges remained intact. 30 " 695 30 The furnace was gradually heated up to this temperature when the specimen was taken out and a spray of cold water played upon it. The original colour was quite destroyed although the edges remained intact but calcined. 31 Caleula Marble 695 30 Ditto, ditto, ditto, colour not so obliterated as 29 and 30, but more edges were calcined. 32 695 30 Ditto, ditto, but edges still further calcined. 33 Springhill Marble 656 Similar conditions to No. 35, but very much less affected ; original 34 ) ? 656 ( structure still retained, and much of the colour. 45 i 35 Windellama Marble ... 656 45 The furnace was gradually heated up to this temperature during this time, when the specimen was taken out and a spray of cold water played on it. The original colour was quite destroyed on the surface and specimen cracked. 3 6 ,, 656 45 Similar conditions to 35, but after half an hour the specimen burst with a loud report into four pieces. 37 Blue Borenore Marble 648 30 Placed in a furnace heated to this temperature and left for half and an hour. Fared badly, for when the stream of cold water 38 was piayed upon them they cracked in several directions, lost original colour and became almost calcined. All the above specimens are now placed permanently in the Technological Museum, Sydney. 1.5.5 Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. [Photographs by C. F. Laseron.] BARREN JACK GRANITE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 6669 TONS (j. WANGLE I. 156 Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. GABO ISLAND GRANITE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 05.79 TONS (j. NANGLcX 157 Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. TENTERFIELD GRANITE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 54. IB TONS (j. NANC.lt ttt Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. BOWRAL TRACHYTE N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 84.33 TONS J- NANGLC). 159 Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. CALEULA MARBLE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 84.96 TONS (j. NANGLc). Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. FERNBROOK MARBLE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 74.79 IONS J. N*NQLE>. 161 Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. SPRINGHILL MARBLE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 68.18 TONS (j. MANGLE 1 . Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. BORENORE MARBLE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 52.75 TONS (j. NANGLc). Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. RAVENSFIELD SANDSTONE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 42. 48 TONS (j. NANi.ls Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. BUNOANOON SANDSTONE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 23.13 TONS (j. NANOLc). 165 \\ Specimen of Material after Testing by 100-ton Machine. SYDNEY SANDSTONE, N.S.W. 3 IN. CUBE CRUSHED AT 22.83 TONS (j . NANGLc). 166 Compression Tests- -Victorian Sandstones.* Stone. Size of cube in inches. Total Strength in Ib. Strength in Ib. per sq. in. Stawell 3 100,300 (crack at 90,000) 11,255 J, . . . 2 70,200 17,550 ... ... .. 2 70,000 17,500 Dunkeld 3 50,750 5,640 ,, ... ... ... 3 39,250 4,360 Barrabool Hills 3 29,670 3,297 ,, ... ... 3t 26,500 3,195 Apollo Bay 3 61,500 6,833 ,, 3t 73,900 7,866 Bacchus Marsh ... 3 17,750 1,940 Barley 3 10,300 i,i44 Egerton (fine) 3 38,600 4,288 ,, (coarse) ... 3 18,300 2,033 { > 3 27,300 3,033 + Greendale 3 21,600 2,400 Sydney, X.S.W 3 66,300 7,366 )> * 3 43,200 4,800 *H. C. Richards, Proc. Royal Soc. of Victoria, 1909, p. 182. f Approx. Perp. to bed. LITERATURE. VERY little has as yet been written sp3cifically upon the Building and Ornamental Stones of Australia, but the following works have been referred to in the course of this research : Baker, R. T., F.L.S. Building and Ornamental Stones of N.S.W. 1st Ed., 1908; 2nd Ed., 1909. Baker, K. T., and Nangle, J. Crushing and Fire Tests, N.S.W. Building Stones. Roy. Soc., N.S.W., vol. xliii, p, 190. Chapman, F., A.L.S. " A Study of the Batesford Limestone (Yoorabool Stone)." Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 22 (N.S.), Part 2, 1909. " Structure of Victorian Limestone." R.V.I. A., Journ. of Proc., Nov., 1912. " Victorian Limestones." Journ, Proc. R.V.I. A., Vol. x, No. i, 21. Dunstan, B. " Queensland Mineral Index." 1913. Jack, R. L., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., and Etheridge, Robt., junr. " Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea." 1892. Liversidge, A., Prof. " Minerals of N.S.W." Mahony, D. J., M.Sc., and Taylor, T. G., B.Sc., B.E. Report on a Geological Reconnaissance of the Federal Territory, with special reference to available Building Material. 1913. Maitland, A. Gibb, and Jackson, C. F. V. Geol. Survey of W.A. Bulletin No. 16. " The Mineral Production of W.A. to 1903." Pittman, E. F., Assoc. R.S.M., L.S. " The Mineral Resources of New South Wales." Richards, H. C., M.Sc. " Building Stones of Victoria. Part I. Sandstones of Victoria." 168 IDWOOU Srale of Mites Prepared by Technological Museum, Sydney. Gwnin & POIPHY/HC5. 0/Ottre. O GNEISS. <$ MARBLE. SLATE. 9 SERPENTINE (JC SAHDSJOHf. 9 QUARTZ/rE. ffovie taken in a [tying Sumy for Building Stones -=*-. ffAltWMS atom tk SKETCH MAP showing distribution of BUILDING & ORNAMENTAL STONES within the YASS- CANBERRA and adjacent districts. COOMA SYDNEY SANDSTONE. [Krn-tfd in 1835.) CAMDEN PARK, N.S.W.) 169 SYDNEY : W. A. GdLLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1915. J DAY USE mNTO EARTH SCIENCES L1BRAR LD 21-40m-4,'64 (E4555slO)47b Berkeley Htii