BERKELEY JBRARY OF C All FOR Nf A THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Professor F. Wolf i A SELECTION FROM WEALE S SERIES. *r3;> -$$ ARITHMETIC,, a Kudimentary Treatise on : with full * Explanations of its Theoretical Principles, and numerous J&* Examples for Practice. For the use of Schools and for feelf- r ^ Instruction. By J. E. YOUNG, late Professor of Mathematics in J&. Belfast College. New Edition, with Index. Is. 6d. j^ A KEY to the above, containing Solutions in full to the JG?* Exercises, together with comments, explanations, and improved c y^ processes, for the use of Teachers and unassisted Learners. ly^J By J. R. YOUNG. Is. 6d. ^^ EQUATIONAL ARITHMETIC, applied to Questions p^ of Interest, Annuities, Life Assurance, and General Commerce ; ^^ j with various Tables by which all Calculations maybe greatly jafM facilitated. By W. HIPSLEY. In two parts, Is. each ; or in one ^ vol., 2s. -J^K ALGEBRA, the Elements of. By JAMES HADDON, M.A. <&;: With Appendix containing miscellaneous Investigations, and a ^ Collection of Problems in various parts of Algebra. 2s. *^*i A KEY and COMPANION to the above Book, forming an kjl j extensive repository of Solved Examples and Problems in Illus- y^c tration of the various expedients necessary in Algebraical opera- $& tions. Especially adapted for Self-Instruction. By J. E. $-&. YOUNG. Is. 6d. $CO EUCLID, the Elements of: with many additional Propo- ifc sitions, and Explanatory Notes ; to which is prefixed an Intro- $-^ ductory Essay on Logic. By HENRY LAW, C.E. 2s. &o^ PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, the Elements of. By &fg JAMES HANN. Is. ?3 V ) SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, the Elements of. fe^ By JAMES HANN. Revised by CHARLES H. DOWLING, C.E. Is. ii^c-i - vio\a *** Or with the Elements of Plane Trigonometry, in one volume, 2s. MENSURATION AND MEASURING, for Students and Practical Use. With the Mensuration and Levelling of Land for the purposes of Modern Engineering. By T. BAKER, C.E. New Edition, with Corrections and Additions by E. NUGENT, C.E. Illustrated. Is. 6d. LOGARITHMS, a Treatise on; with Mathematical Tables for facilitating Astronomical, Nautical, Trigonometrical, and Logarithmic Calculations ; Tables of Natural Sines and Tan gents and Natural Cosines. By HENRY LAW, C.E. Illustrated 2s. 6d. LOCKWOOD & CO., 7, STATIONERS HALL COURT, E.G. ">-*J WK EXAMPLES AND SOLUTIONS OF THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. JAMES HADDON, M.A., Second Mathematical Master of King s College School. Author of " Rudimentary Algebra," " Rudimentary Arithmetic," " Rudimentary Book-keeping," &c &c. LONDON: VIETUE AND CO., 26, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. H3 5TAT INTRODUCTION. THE Doctrine of Limits is now very generally adopted as the basis of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Of the methods which were formerly in use it may be advantageous to the mathematical student to glance at some of the most prominent. By inscribing successively in a circle, regular polygons of four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, &c. sides, we may at length suppose a polygon to be inscribed whose area shall be less than that of the circle by a quantity so small as to be unas signable. In this manner the area of the circle may be said to be exhausted. Hence, the method which was based upon this mode of operation was termed the Method of Ex- Jtaustions. In the early part of the seventeenth century a work was published, in which all quantity was assumed to be composed of elements so small that it would be impossible to divide them. An infinite number of points in continued contact were supposed to form a line, an infinite number of lines to form a surface, and an infinite number of surfaces to form a solid. Now, since a line has magnitude, namely, lengthy and a point has no magnitude, it is obvious that a line cannot properly be considered to be made up of a series of 02848 IV INTRODUCTION. points. The method founded upon these suppositions is consequently objectionable. Cavalerius, the inventor of it, called his work " Geometria Indivisibilibus ;" and hence this method was styled the Method of Indivisibles. Sir Isaac Newton considered all quantity to be generated by motion j a point in motion producing a line, a line in motion producing a surface, and a surface in motion pro ducing a solid. This motion or flowing of a point, a line, and a surface, gave rise to the terms fluents and fluodons : the quantity generated by the motion being called influent or flowing quantity, and the velocity of the motion, at any instant, the fluodon of the quantity generated at that instant. The method founded upon these considerations has been long known as the Method of Fluxions. As applications of this method are continually met with in mathematical works, it may not be inappropriate to give a few instances of its notation, compared with that proposed by Leibnitz, and now generally adopted by writers on the Differential Calculus : n . n ii, it, if, u, u, suicT, {(x 2 l) m } . du, d 2 u, d s u, d*u, d n u, dsinz, d n (x 2 -l) m . The fluxional symbols in the first line are placed exactly over the corresponding differential symbols in the second. Leibnitz considered every magnitude to be made up of an infinite number of infinitely small magnitudes. His mode of reasoning was as follows. Any quantity u consists of an infi nite number of differentials, each equal to ph + qk 2 + rh 3 + &c., and h being infinitely small, each term in the series is infi nitely less than the next preceding term, and consequently the sum of the terms after the first is infinitely less than INTRODUCTION. V that first term. Hence ph is the only term necessary to be retained to represent the series. Lagrange, in his " Calcul des Fonctions," endeavoured to simplify the subject by rejecting the consideration of infi nitely small differences and limits, referring the Differen tial Calculus to a purely algebraic origin. He defined the differential of a quantity to be the first term of the series ph+qk 2 + r/t 3 + &c. This is the foundation of his theory. Each of these methods has found numerous advocates among mathematicians, a fact which excites no surprise when we consider the extraordinary genius of the great men whose names are associated with the origin of these various and most interesting theories. In our own day several highly talented men have directed their attention to this subject, and it seems now to be very generally admitted that the method best adapted to ele mentary instruction is that founded on the Doctrine of Limits. Among the valuable works which have recently enriched this subject may be mentioned those of Whewell, Hall, O Brien, De Morgan, Thomson, Young, Price, and Walton, in our own language, and Duhamel, Cauchy, Moigno, and Cournot, in the French. Let us suppose a certain magnitude u to be dependent for its value upon some variable magnitude x, so that the value of u may be represented by some expression into which x enters, then u is a function of x. "We will assume, for instance, that u=aP, and, in this simple example, supposing a- to undergo a change of value, we will trace the corres ponding effect produced upon the function u. Let x take the increment h, that is, let x change its value A 2 VI INTRODUCTION. and become x-\-h, then if we represent the corresponding value of u by u t , we shall have .*. u t u=3 x 2 h -f- 3 xh 2 + h 3 = corresponding increment of u, -1 = 3x 2 -\-3xk + k 3 = ratio of increment of function to increment of variable. Now the first term of this expression for the ratio being 3# 2 , it is obvious that h may undergo any change of value whatever, without affecting this first term. Let h then continually decrease in value until it is=0, then the expression for the ratio will be simply 3# 2 . Hence this first term is the limit towards which the ratio approaches as h is diminished, and which limit the ratio cannot reach until h = Q. Now if u=x 3 , du = 3x 2 dx, -=3x 2 , where du is dx the differential of u, dx the differential of x, and -- the dx differential coefficient derived from the function, that is the coefficient of dx. Thus the limit 3 x 2 is equal to the differen tial coefficient. These remarks are offered to the reader in this place, not only with a view to remind him of what the Method of Limits is, and to regard it in its connexion with the methods above alluded to, but also in the hope of inducing him con stantly to recollect that, when he is performing that very common operation in the Differential Calculus of ascertaining the differential coefficient, he is virtually seeking the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function to the increment of the variable. CONTENTS. Page Algebraic functions of one variable, differentiation of, examples . 1 Asymptotes to curves, to determine the, examples Bernoulli s formula for the expansion of functions . method of evaluation of indeterminate functions . 30 Binomial theorem, examples 21 Co-ordinates, polar Curvature of curved lines . . . .129 radius of described examples 130 Curves, asymptotes to, examples 82 normals to, examples 79 subnormals to, examples 79 subtangents to, examples 80 tangents to, examples ....... tracing of, examples 100 De Moivre s formula of the expansion of functions . . .27 Differentiation of functions of one variable of two or more variables . . .57 successive 15 elimination of functions by . . . .64 Elimination of constants and functions by differentiation, examples 64 Envelopes to surfaces and lines, examples of . . . .147 Euler s deductions of Taylor s theorem . . . . . 19 theorem for the integration of homogeneous functions, examples . . . ^ 62 Evaluation of indeterminate functions Bernoulli s theorem 30 Evolutes to curves, examples Exercises, miscellaneous Expansion of functions. Bernoulli s formula .... binomial theorem . . . .21 . De Moivre s formula ... 27 Euler s formula 19 , . exponential theorem .... 22 Maclaurin s theorem . . . 17, 20 Taylor s theorem . . . . 16 Exponential theorem formula 22 Functions, development of, Maclaurin s theory *. . . .20 Machin s formula .... 23 IV CONTENTS. Pago Functions, elimination by differentiation, examples . . .64 expansion of, Taylor s theorem 23 differentiation of 1, 57 maxima and minima of ..... 35, 68 successive differentiation of, examples . . .15 algebraic, differentiation of, examples ... 1 homogeneous, theorem for the integration of . . 62 indeterminate, evaluation of 30 transcendental, differentiation of, examples . . 8 Homogeneous functions, Euler s theorem for the integration of, examples 62 Implicit functions, expansion of 28 Indeterminate functions, evaluation of ..... 30 Bernoulli s system 30 Lagrange s notation of Taylor s theorem 17 Leibnitz s theorem of successive differentiation of functions enunciated 16 Lines and surfaces, envelopes to, examples . . . .147 Machin s formula for the development of functions, examples . 23 Maclaurin s theorem for the development of functions, formula and examples 20 theorem of the expansion of functions . . .17 Maxima and minima of functions of one variable . . . 35 of functions of two or more variables, examples . . 68 of implicit functions of two or more variables, examples 55 term defined 35 Miscellaneous exercises 158 Normals to curves, examples 79 Polar co-ordinates, examples 95 Kadi us of curvature 129 to find the . 130 Singular points 100 Spirals, equations to, examples 95 Subnormals to curves 79 Subtangents to curves 80 Successive differentiation of functions, examples of . . .15 Leibnitz s theorem 16 Surfaces and lines, envelopes to 147 Tangents to curves, to find the equations of . . . .78 Taylor s theorem of the expansion of functions described . . 16 examples and formula? 16 Euler s formula and deductions of . . . .19 Lagrange s notation of 17 Tracing of curves . . 100 Transcendental functions, differentiation of .... 8 Vanishing fraction defined 30 EXAMPLES ON THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. CHAPTER I. DIFFERENTIATION OF FUNCTIONS OF ONE VARIABLE. Ex. (1.) Let u=ax. Then =a. dx (2.) Let u =a + x. Then =4. (3.) Let y=3ax 2 + l 2 . Then -=2 x 3ax= (jLOC (4.) Let u= S&=&. Then = dx (5.) Letw=-^ - 5 . Then = a 2 x 2 dx (6.) M= 2 ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS (7.) =. (8.) W=: (9.) u=(a + bx ~= n(a + b (10.) = da . f m ~*=l m n (a 2 V^f 2 (11.) M = o <*" 2w = ?\/l + -. X Squaring, we have .= ! /IHH? i+- " + ^ 2 2 vl + ^ OF ONE VARIABLE. (12.) K Multiplying both numerator and va 2 + x 2 x denominator by ^a 2 + x 2 + x, we have dx (13.) =:(a + a? rfM - (14.) == m(l +x n ) m - nx n + (1 +x n } m . n (1 + m ) w " 1 . =mn(l +x m )*- 1 . (1 +a; n ) m - 1 . {(1 +ar in ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS (15>=V fa b 7 =+V(c 2 -x 2 ) 2 \ 3 =L ^+( c 2_ V V x i \ v x , I* x \2x\/x ~ 3 t/c 2 x 2 3b a V iC V CC "ccx/l-ic 2 du Tx (17.) u=/\/ a + x+\ &c. in inf. c. in inf. OF ONE VARIABLE. =, dx dx du 1 But v M 2 u=a-\-x, Tl 2 (18.) =1 + -^ 1 + i - t f 1 -f- &c. in im. --- -2= ~2- ,u 1 (19.) 2wC + w 2 &ic 2 =0. This is an implicit function. -r-= > T~ - ; dx dx au + x B 2 ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS But v bx 2 ux= a bxu_u " au + x x (20.) u= (21.) w= (22.) u=c-2x*. (23.) u=2x 2 -3x+G. (24.) ^=4^- (25.) u= (26.) w= m \ ? - ~\l ^28 \ 7 (29.) M= du dx f du u " dx~ x (30.) a? (31.) =(! + *) dx dx dx rfo; dw ^ du_ dx~ 1 3sc OF ONE VARIABLE. (33.) u= Vx 2 +l + du 2x 2 + 1 ..! dx (34) u= (35.) u=(a dx 2(1+ du du , (36.) w= a3v ax x*. = - 3a dx 3a 2 Vax-x 2 dx (38.) = (39.) = (40.) u= (xa)-* dx 2 V x a 2 Vs^+lx du 2% dx \/x 2 +l.(\/x 2 +l+x) 2 du 3a 2 +4:ax-x 2 v a x dx 6 (a 2 /,! x / o o\ / o ox 1 ^ - 1 (41.) u=x(a 2 + x 2 ) (a 2 x 2 )^. = dx V (42.) u =s\/2x-I\/2x-I ^2x 1 &c. in inf. (43 .) = 1 &c. in inf. TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS (44.) tt =- ~^_ r l + (l-4a;)*-2a: CHAPTER II. TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS OF ONE VARIABLE. du Ifu = SlTLX } = COSC. -= sin x. au u=ta,nx; ^^ u=cotx; = (l-j-cot 2 #) = cosec 2 o; = r j du u=secx: -=sec x. tana;. dx du u=cosecx =cosecx. cotx. dx du u=v. sin x : =sm x. dx du a du Ex. (I.) Lettt=sin 2 #. Then^=2smo^^^=2sina.cosa:. dx dx OF ONE VARIABLE. y (2.) tt=cosm#. i.e. the cosine of the product of m and x. du dcosmx dmx = = sm mx . j = m smmx. dx dx dx (3.) du dcosx f- cos x. dx dx dx -cos#. 3sin 2 #. cos x sin 4 ir = sin 2 a7 (3 cos 2 .r sin 2 ^) = sin 2 # (3.1 sin 2 a7 sin 2 ^) = sin 2 # (33 sin 2 a; sin 2 # ) = sin 2 ^ (34 sin 2 ir) . (4.) u=e x . cos x, e being the base of the Napierian system of logarithms. du r c?cos# de x -=e^. - -- j-co&r--^ ax dx dx =e x . (sin x) + cosx. e^=^(cosa; sin^r). (5.) u=x.e cosx . du >de cosx dx dcosx - . - dx dx dx dx (6.) = COS 7 * X ~ ] d?( siiuc) . _L. ^ ^ n 2w. _. " cos n ~ l x COS M+ 10 TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS 7. M=cos~ 1 .rvl a 2 . This is an inverse function. /y A/ "I /y*2 /v T^VlATt ?/ ^ /"*rG! 1 X * * r*ACl -?/ Ju v JL "~~ fct- ^^ ^w JL ilt?JJL W 1 OUS J5 ^ OC/> it rf__ .J^_ 1 1_ 1 dz dz sin ?i vl cos 2 ^ vl 1 But Y *=# v1 a; 2 , :. = 1 -f- \l 1-tf 2 du du dz Hence = dz dx (8.) u=a(s : mx du , \ o i = a (cos x + sm a?) . Squaring, we have 2 si (9.) =a 2 (l +2 = 2 l 2 si Put ^ for log x n , then M=^ TO , /. -= dz dz nx n ~ l n and v *=!<**, .-._ = _;-=... </M du dz n Hence -7- = -; --- =mz m - l --= dx dz dx x x OF ONE VARIABLE. 11 (10.) log= du dx u X* du dx x 1 ^/ \-\-x 1 (11.) ua^^\ ~ 1 ^. log e - 1 ^, v log 0=1, _ cos^r) - " a2 + l Since the denominator is constant, and since the differen tial coefficient of e ax is :.= 12 TKANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS /io\ i ^+ N/tf (13.) W =log -- - Va v x _ >v x dx (vaVx} 2 "/a v #+ V# + v^ 2 v a 2 v ^ ( v^a v 7 ^ (14.) M =a< i+ *. log w=c* s+<r . log a. log (log M) =(^ + ar) log c + log (log a). Put.?=logM. then = = , du u a * + * log z=(x 2 +x) log c + log (log a), -f =logc(2#+l). But^=c* a /.^=^. logc (2a?+l)=loga. logc. =~=loga. log*. a* >+ \ i / r du / \ / .) w=i^ma?lv 1 cos#. =^os#x l-j-sm#. n a \ f \ du / \ (io.) ?=cos(sm^). -= cos x sin (sin x). (17.) =sin-C (18.) =, du ~j dx _ -- V (t j OF ONE VARIABLE. 13 xl-* 2 du 2 o (19.) tt=sm 1 T 5- -=r - l+x 2 dx \-\-x- /x 2 a 2 du x .) w=siii- 1 A/ -- = 7= - =- V 2_ a 2 ^ v/(^_ a 2) ^2_^2) (20.) (21.) tt=cosa?+cos2#+cos3#+ &c. 2 sin 2# + 3 sin 3# 4- &c.) . o (22.) =cot-> /no \ f\x (23.) u=taiL~ l A/ -- V du i +af dx /-< \ i fbx + a du vba (24.) w^tan- 1 A/ - 1 = - V ^_^ ^ 2l^v/ /oer \ i (25.) =i_ ~~ 2 (27.) w= /og \ _ /i \ du_\ dx x /on \ i x du I \"v-) W = lOg ax x du 1 (30.) u= * This expression means the i th logarithm of x, not the w th power of the logarithm of x. Log (logic), which means the logarithm of the logarithm of x, might be written (log) 2 a;. C 14 TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. Jl.) u=\ogx log(rt Va 2 x 2 ). ~7~: 2 :, , du t r (32.) wr=logvsm#+logv cos#. =cot2^ (33.) = (34.) =log (35.) = . (36.) u=^"t (37.) u=^. (38.) u=x (39.) u= (40.) M=iT8 to (41.) =*: dx C?tfc e/^7 du a lo % x . log a c&6 /sna? , \ ._&/ -- |-cosa?. logir c^r \ a? c?w . N - = e a * (a cos rx r sin rx] dx c?w d^ : du (42.) f*s=* r (4BBr*), = (43.) u =ed& n *. (44.) ^=, c^tt 1 - te\ ~dx~~x* XX S W/ (d sin rx + mr cos rx] -!(** (log) *... (log)- 1 * being a function of ^. SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION. 15 (45.) u=z vV , z, v, and y being functions of x. du r, dy y. dv 1 dz - r =z vJ . MJtar*. logv -+ - log;? H r dx \ do? c <fe CHAPTER III. SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION. Ex. (1). Let ?/=^ n . Differentiating, we obtain the/rstf differential coefficient, du . =na?-\ dx Differentiating, we obtain the second differential coefficient, Differentiating as before, we have the third, __ -....--. It must be borne in mind that d^u, d^u, d 4 u, &c. c? r w are merely symbols ; and that dx 2 , dx*, dx 4 , &c. dx r are powers of dx. 16 LEIBNITZ S THEOREM. (2.) u=logx. du 1 d 2 u 1 d s u dx x* dx^ a? 2 dy? a d 4 u_ 2-3 ^ 5 ^_2-3-4 dx^ x^ dx^ x^ (3.) ua x . 3 .? ( 4 -) w = si 1 LI ( 5 -; u=e a *. o? vi 7.3...^ w - (6 - } w= w -i^- ^ = (i^^- Leibnitz s Theorem, whicli is useful in finding the diffe rential coefficient of the product of two or more simple functions, may be thus enunciated, u and v being both func tions of x y d r (uv] d r u dvd r - l u r(r -1} d*v d r ~*u CHAPTER IV. TAYLOR S THEOREM. This theorem may be thus enunciated. If u=f(x), and x take the increment //, du. d^u h 2 d*u // 3 d n u h n tt + _A + ^_ + ^- s . TT3T5 +..._ TT1 TAYLOR S THEOREM. 17 This theorem, written according to the notation of Lagrange, is In using it, if we take n terms of the series, the error we shall commit by leaving out the terms beyond the n i} \ will lie h n between the greatest and least values of f {n) (x+ 6/1) - - > which values will depend upon giving to 6 various values between (0) its least value, and (1) its greatest. Maclaurin s Theorem is easily deducible from this. Ex. (1.) Expand cos (x + ft) in a series of powers of h. du d 2 u d^u Let?^:=cos#, then = sm#, -^= cos x, Q =sm#, &c. dx da? doP Whence, substituting these values of u, -> &c. in Taylor s CLOO theorem, we have h? * :. ii cos^- Cor. By making #=0, we have A 2 A 4 (2.) Expand sin" 1 (x + h), according to ascending powers ofh. Let %=sin~ 1 #, then = - -- = (1 a 2 )"*, dx v 1 d 2 U 1 - 9x-^/ n \ /i 9\- X _=--(! -^ *(- 2 ,)=,(l-^) .=__ c 2 18 TAYLOR S THEOREM. Whence, by substitution in the theorem, h &c 2- 3(1 -a?)* (3.) Expand log (# + /*) by Taylor s theorem. _ du 1 d 2 u 1 d^u 2 Let u=.\ogx, then -=-, -j-^= -- ^, - rT =-, <fcc. dx x doc 2 x 1 dx* cc 3 Whence, by substitution, h h 2 A 3 log^ + - o-2 + o-3-&C. X AJf/ O3U .) Iiu=f(ai) t show that JM x 2 d 2 u x* r 4 7.2 ^ 13 TT , ~\9 =/(*), /(*+/*)= Substituting these values in Taylor s theorem, we have x \ du x 2 d 2 u x 4 \ _ ^ t I t d*U X* (5.) If/(^)=tan~ 1 a ; and we put -^=sin EULER S FORMULA. 19 k or tan-%=~y, then, tair^ + A^tair^ + siiiy siny - 2t h 2 & sin 2y sin 2 y + sin 3y sin 3 y y &c. Now, since h may have any value whatever, put h=x, y being an arc in the first quadrant ; then \MQT\X + /O = tan- 1 = 0, . . tan~ 1 iP= siny siny ^ + sin 2y sin 2 y + sin 3y sin 3 y + &c. TJ- cos ? But tan- 1 ar= -y, and ^=coty=- /. ^=y + siny cosy + - sin 2y . cos 2 y -f - sin 3y cos 3 y + &c. 2, m o Similarly, putting A=-(* +1) = - -^- , -e have TT siny 1 sin2.?/ 1 sinS.y - ~> -- T 77 - ^ - ^ > 2 cosy 2 cos-y And, putting h= \/l + # 2 , - sn y + - sn 2 Hence, by differentiation, + cosy + cos 2y + cos 3y + &c. = 0. 2i These formulae are deductions of Euler s. Taylor s theorem may be applied to find approximate roots of equations of the higher degrees. (6.) Show that Taylor s theorem comprehends the Bino mial theorem. (7.) Expand sin (x + h} by Taylor s theorem. h IP T sinar- i J 20 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. (8.) Show, by Taylor s theorem, that + &C. (9.) Show that tan (x + h) = tan# -f sec 2 ^ - h Jfi + 2sec 2 #tan#: i -^ + 2secXl + 3tanV) + &c. 1 J 1 A 6 (10.) If u=cot~ l x, show that h h 2 cot~ l (x -f- A) = u sin u sin u - -f sin 2 w sin2 ? &c. 1 2i h* (11.) If/(^) = , prove that l x CHAPTER V. MACLAURIN S THEOREM. This theorem, which is used for the development of a function according to the ascending powers of the variable, may be thus enunciated, 7" , U l} U z , U s , &c. representing du d 2 u d 3 u the values of z, - , - r, -=-T, &c. when a?=0, <te dr dtr This theorem was first given in Stirling s " Lineae Tertii MACLAURIN S THEOREM. 21 Ordinis ISTewtonianse." It is, however, generally attributed to Maclaurin, and is improperly styled " Maclaurin s Theorem." Ex. (1.) Expand (a + x) n , n being any number whatever, positive or negative, integral or fractional, rational or irrational. Let u(a-}-x) n , whence if#=0, U =a n . &c. AA irnlnpH nf 77... TT. . Ar.o. fnr 11.. } Substituting these values of V , U l} &c. for u, , &c. in Maclaurin s theorem, we have + &c., which is the Binomial Theorem. (2.) Develop a*. Let u = a*, whence if x = 0, U a = 1 =",!* ...... U = A - dx 2 * A is here put for the hyp. log. of base a, that is, for the expres sion (a- 1) - - (a- 1) 2 + i (a- 1) 3 - &c. 22 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. Whence, by substitution in Maclaurin s theorem, which is the Exponential Theorem. :A=loga, :.a*= When a?=l, a = l+loga + ~(\oga) 2 + an expression for any number #, in terms of its Napierian logarithm. If for a we write the Napierian base e } we have, since Iog0=l, a? a? _-_ And, when #=1, L &c.=2-71828 &c. (3.) Expand tan"" 1 ^ by the method of indeterminate coef ficients, u=tao.~ l x, whence if ^=0, C/y^tan^OrrO. - =- - -=1 op+ofi ^ 6 + &c., by actual division. dx 1 +a? But (Maclaurin s Theor. Cor.), Equating coefficients of like powers of #, we have *7 1= 1, U 2 =0, U 3 =-2, U 4 =0, *7 5 =:2.3.4, &c. ; MACLAURIN S THEOREM. 23 2^ 2.3.4^ whence by substitution, ux o + Q ,< g~"^ c - ^ G <U O 4: D * " 1 ;? =tf - +- =r + &C. O / 3 + 5 7 which is an expression for the arc, in terms of its tangent. By help of this and Machin s Formula, we may find an approximate expression for the length of the circumference of a circle. 1 1 .Let tan&=-, A = ka. then J.=4 tan^ 1 - : o o 4 4_ 4tana 4tan% 5 125 120 1- + ~ 119 120 , N tan.4-1 119 1 Now ^-46-) = __= ^-= 119 + .-.^-45 -tan" 1 239 or 239 =4 fi- J L _!_ \5 3(5)^5(5)5 7(7) 7 _ /_!_ 1 , ! _ A \ \239 3(239) 3 " t "5( r 239 N ) 5 J 3(239) 3 ""5(239) This is Machin s Formula. 24 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. a very convergent series, by which, taking seven terms in the first row, and three in the second, we obtain. 7r=3 -141592653589793, which is the approximate length of the semicircle, the radius being unity. By talcing three, terms in the first row, and one in the second, we obtain 7r=3 1416, an approximation sufficiently near for ordinary purposes. (4.) Expand sec#, in ascending powers of #. Put ?< = sec#, whence if &=(), sec#=l, U =l. - : (LOG = sec x tan x + 2 sec x . 2 tan x( 1 + tan V) + 2 taii 2 .r sec x tan x = 5 sec x ( 1 -|- tan 2 ?) + 5 tan x sec x tan x + 6 sec x . 3 tan 2 ^ ( 1 + tan 2 ^) + 6 tan 3 x sec x tan x Whence, by substitution, a? 1+ (5.) Expand cos 3 .r. Put u=cos*x, whence if #=0, cos 3 #=l, . U Q =\. - = 3cos 2 #( sin^r)=:3sin 3 ^ 3sin^, . . ^=0. ctoo U= 3. MACLAURIN S THEOREM. 25 d^u - 2 dor dor + 18cos 2 ^.cos^, 30* 21^ 3^2 (6.) Develop (1-f-e*) 71 according to ascending powers of x. Let M = (l+e*) n , whence if ^=0, . make ^= dx make ir=0, n-l)2 n - 2 .2 + w(w-l)(^-2). l)2 n - 1 + n(n l)(>-2)2 n "Whence, by substitution in the theorem, ! 2 1-2 2 3 D 26 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. y2 y2> yA (7.) Prove tliat log(l + a?) = x i-H-r ~+ &c - Let M = log ( 1 + a?), whence if x = 0, Z7 = log ( 1 ) = = - - = 1 x + x 1 ofi + o x 1 + x But (Maclauriii s Theorem. Cor.) = - - = 1 x + x 1 ofi + ofi <fec. by actual division. ax 1 + x And, equating coefficients of like powers of a?, rr , rr , #. ! ^4 ^ Z7 1= =l, U,= -l, = l, 273= -1, ^3: ..Z7 1= l, ZT 8 =-1, ^=2, Z7 4 =-2.3, Z7- "Whence, by substitution in the theorem, x* ^ x* log (1 +*)=*- - + ~ + &c " Cor. Writing # for a? we have o O <J log (l-aO = -a?- ~ ~ (8.) Show, by help of the last example, that - x 1 111 1 Put - -=!#, then log (1 +*)=*- 2 + 3 -&c. (Ex. 7.) x x x+\ 1 But z - 7 1 = - r~ x 1 # 1 a7 1 111 1. l ^1 " 2 ^1 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. 27 (9.) If a n and b n respectively represent the coefficients of x n in the expansions of u=f(x\ and log w; show that Assume u=a + a l x + a. 2 x * . . . . +a n x n , then =a 1 + 2 2 # ^ =t ^ _ _ _ +nb ^ . . . +a n x n ^ multiplying by the denominator, and equating coef ficients of like powers of x, we have na n =b l a n _ l + 2b. 2 a n _s + 3b. 3 a n _3+ . . . +nl n a . (10.) Develop siiio? and coso; in ascending powers of #. l- +I - (11.) Prove Euler s formulae, 2 (12.) Prove De Moivre s formula, cosm#+ \/ 1 sin mx = (cos x+ v / 1 (13.) Prove that (tan^) 4 =^ + |^ 6 + | o (14.) Ifw=sin~ 1 tf, show that sin 3 w 3 2 sin 5 ? 3 2 . __ + ___ 54 _ 28 MACLAURIN S THEOREM. (15.) Develop w=cot# by the method of indeterminate coefficients. 1 x a? 2^ cot *=^- 3-3^5-33^7 (16.) Prove, by Maclatirin s theorem, that (17.) Show that 008-^=^ x ^-^ ^^ T- &c. A A o A o 1 O (18.) Show that sin( 3 . (19.) Prove that -^- =*1 - ^ - ^ - &c. (20.) If cos^+ sino: -/ I =4*^, and ^ take the parti cular value 2* prove the two formulae of John Bernouilli, namely, 1), and Implicit Functions. Ex. (1.) Given u 3 3 u + x=Q, to expand w in a series of as cending powers of x. #=0, u*-3u=0, :.u=Q, . T =0. dx MACLAURIN S THEOREM. 29 du u -1 9 (u 2 - I) 3 (u 2_i 2 v 27(u*-rf U *~27 ( u 2-iy.2u 20 _4w 3 -2^ 48 2w 81 (w 2 -!) 7 " 81 (^2- d*u_ 40 22u*+\9u 2 +l _ 40 ~S?~~~243 (w 2 -!) 9 * 5 ~243 "Whence, by substitution in Maclaurin s theorem, (2.) 2w 3 ux 2=0; expand u in a series of ascending powers of x. x 3? + 2T3 ~ 2^ + &C (3.) i- ==6 ; show that z=2 + a?- +- .r 4 3^ 7 (4.) ifix 8u Sx=Q ; show that ux ^ -- ^ -- &c. 30 EVALUATION OF (6.) u 3 a 2 u + aux a?=Q ; show that a* a* a* u &c. & a 6 4 (7.) sin u =x sin (a + u}, show that /V /v2 /& u = TTT + sin a - + sin 2 a -^-^ + 2 sin a (3 4 sm 2 a) -r ^ + &c. J. 1 A L O CHAPTER VI. EVALUATION OF INDETERMINATE FUNCTIONS. f When the two terms of any fraction contain a common H/ factor, as x a, and the particular value a be given to x, then, since x a will be equal to 0, the fraction will assume the form > and be indeterminate. Such a fraction is improperly termed a vanishing fraction ; since its values may be finite, infinite, or nothing. When the common factor is obvious by inspection, it may of course be removed by division. The method of John Bernouilli is to differentiate the numerator and denominator, separately, until they do not vanish simultaneously by making x=a, and thus to deter mine the true value of the fraction in that case. P(ft Cl} m If the fraction be of the form -^-. (-* and in or n be a Q(x-a} n fraction, this method of successive differentiation will not apply, since, however often we differentiate, we shall never eliminate the common factor. INDETERMINATE FUNCTIONS. 31 In this case we may put a L h for x, expand both terms of the fraction in a series of ascending powers of k, and then put k = Q. The process of evaluation of indeterminate functions enables us to find the sum of a series for a particular value of the variable. Ex. (1.) Find the real value of the fraction ax 1 Here P=ax 2 -2acx+ac 2 , Q=bx 2 -2bcx+lc 2 , :. =2ax 2ac=Q if x=c dx dx d 2 P _ rr=2 i 2a a - = - (2.) Let u - -r = -- Find u, when xl. X"^ 1 Here P=a?+2x 2 -x-2, Qx^-l ; dP , . 1 = 6 if x=l "} dx \ 6 . JK ( "^=0=2. ^$09 0-^1 3 -=3x 2 =3 if x=\ J dx gX gSina; (3.) u : =1, when ^=0. ^ = ^r_ -x ( = 1 1 =0 . f dx ^ & C Sir l X * ^u -I -i -I r\ / s\ dx~ ~ 32 EVALUATION OF d 2 P .. =0 if #=0, d 2 O 2 d 3 P ~ dar -^=008^=1 if#=0, . . u==l. dap 1 (4.) M=(l ^r) tan -= - =- whena?=l. 2 . 7T^7 7T cot y 7T dP dQ 2 -7= ! -7= make#=l, then dx dx . 9 7r smy 7T 7T ( IQ 2 "2 7T 12 dx . 2 71 " 12 7T 7T o o ( Oj - / 7*^ j^ l // ^_ /^ (5.) e= p - Find M, when xa. Put x=ah, then INDETERMINATE FUNCTIONS. 33 k*(2a-h)* + k (2 g -. ~ Now, putting /?=0, we have u = (6.) u =- =^, whenar=0. dP dx sec 2 **? cos^ 1 1 cos 3 .r 1 cos 3 .*? ~dx since the factor ^-=1 when ^=0 ; 3cos 2 sin# ; = v ooAsBi. when #=0 : cos^r 1 tan x si =-^_=-, hence =-, when ^=0. (7.) Find the real value of - - when x = \. ^.4_6. c 2 + 8^ 3 Ans. oo . a (a 2 tf 2 )* 1 (8.) If%= 5 ^ "^> when #=0, u= 3 Ct^- T^ (9.) u= -j=. = > when #= a, w=3. a /1A\ * . .. (10.) ^= - - - - - , when x=a, u = Q. - * ! =^ cotar + coseca? 1 ?r (IJ.) ?= -> when ar=Tt U=a:l. cot x cosec# + l 2 7T a; sm a? - (13.) z= 3 when#=-> M= 1. cos x 2 34 EVALUATION OF ( a ._ fl )i + a .i_ fl * (14.) u=- - - when x=a, u= _ (15.) If in - x \, show that n ~ l lx ,-.m 1 _ ,>n x i *v \ S\3C & \v I V */ T n (17.) ? = T) - *" when =0, ?<=4. (18.) M = tan?r^ (19.) u=- sr -y 2 (20.) u= . log.a? (21.) u=* x a+ \2ax 2 2 (22.) z<= - L = = - = 1, when xa. va?a 2 x n (23.) u> when #=<x>, z = 0. v (25.) u=xe~ x =., when ^=co. 1 7T -- 2 (26.) w= - > when ^=0, ^=-x 7T^ (27.) If ye* xQ; show that when # approaches oo the limiting values of e~ x and y are identical; and that the limit ing value of y is zero. INDETERMINATE FUNCTIONS. 35 log (tan 2 x\ (28.) u=~^- / -- / whena?=0, u=l. log (tan x) (29 .) tt= x n a log(l+na;) (33.) ue x , when #=0, ^=e w . . v OiAA C^/ VyV^kJ^L/ 1 r\ C\ (34.) w= > when as=Q, u=2. 1 cos^7 (35.) If the fraction - -. 7- assume the form GO oc /W 0W when ^= ; show that this illusory form oo GO , and also x oo are each identical with the form - CHAPTER VII. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. ONE VARIABLE. If a quantity increases to a certain extent, and then decreases to a certain extent, its values at these limits respectively are a maximum and a minimum. If it repeatedly increases and decreases alternately, it has several maxima and minima. 36 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. If it increases continually or decreases continually, it has no maxima or minima. Let u=f(x) } then, to determine the values of x which du render u a maximum or minimum, put -^-0 or oo , and ax substitute the possible roots of the resulting equation in - > then, if =a negative quantity, the value of x which dx l ax* d 2 u is substituted renders u a maximum ; if -a positive it L&^ quantity, the value of x which is substituted renders u a minimum. A maximum or minimum can exist only when the first differential coefficient which does not vanish is of an even order. nt If u = a maximum or minimum, then a u and are a maxima or minima. Hence, before differentiating, we may reject any constant positive factor in the value of u. If ^=:a maximum or minimum, then u n is a maximum or minimum if n is positive ; but when w a maximum u~ n is a minimum, and when u = a minimum u~ n is a maximum. Hence, before differentiating, we may reject a constant exponent. If U=B, maximum or minimum, logu is a maximum or minimum. Hence, when the function consists of a product or quotient of powers or roots, we may use the logarithms. Ex. (1.) Find when a? 5 # 4 + 5 .r 3 + 1 is either a maxi mum or a minimum. Let u=a?> 5sc* + 5a? + l, then 15 a?, and putting this=0, MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 37 a 2 -4.r=-3, a; =3, x=\, =20 # 3 60^ 2 + 30^, and substituting successively c/^ 2 the values of #, (0, 1, 3) in this expression, 11^=0, from which we can infer nothing, daP _1 = 20 60 + 30= 10, which indicates a maximum, da? =540 540 + 90= + 90, which indicates a minimum. dx 2 Hence, when #=1, ^t=2, a maximum, and, when # = 3, w= 26, a minimum. 1 (2.) If u= \/a 2 x 2 2aa?, ascertain those values of x which make u a maximum or minimum. Rejecting the radical and the common factor 2 a, put o* =4aa?-r-3a? 8 =4a-3as a;=0, 4 d 2 u __!!=4;a_G#=-f 4a. Hence x=-^ makes u ^7 a maximum, 3v x 3 ic=0 makes M = 0, a minimum. 38 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. y (3.) Determine the maxima and minima values of the \o& < function n=-> - - - Y\* 2 /-f*?- 1 1 -(- x 2 Putting u=-> we shall have v = - * c x dv x2x-(l+x 2 } x 2 -! Tx= - ^ - = = *= + !> =-i. <l 2 va?.2xa?l 2x2x 2 :. - = +-> which indicates a minimum, dx 2 1 d 2 v 2 - ;= -> ...... maximum, dx 2 1 1 1 :.u=- r=-^ a maximum, -1 1 -= -- a minimum. 1 + 1 2 (4.) Divide a number a into two such parts that the pro duct of the m ih power of the one and the w th power of the other shall be the greatest possible. Let x, and a x be the parts, then u-=.x m (a x) n . = x m ~ l (ax) n ~ l {xn + (ax)m} ma x= m -f n Or thus, log u = m log x+n log (a x), die 1 in n du dxu x ax dx \ (a x) a u _ lammx n x\ dx \ (a x] x i MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 39 flu am (m + n] x :.=x"(a-x)* -- , V , ; =0, dx (ax)x am x=- HI -\- n the values and a may be rejected, since there can be no division of the line if =0 or a. Hence, differentiating again, and substituting - in the second differential coefficient, we have - = (m 4- n) . which indicates a maximum, dx 2 am an :.x= - and a x= - are the parts. m + n m -f n U (5.) If =sin 3 ccosic, show that u is a maximum when x=60. du = sin- 3 ;*; sin x + cos x 3 sin 2 a; cos x dx = 3 sin 2 x cos 2 # sin 4 * = 0, .*. 3 sin 2 # co$ 2 x = siu 4 x, 3 cos 2 o? = sin 2 ic = 1 cos 2 a?, . . 4coa 2 aj=l, cos,^=-> . .a?=60, ^SH -=3 sin 2 ic. 2 cosx ( sin a?) + 3 cos 2 a;. 2 sin a? cosx dx 4 sm 3 # cos x = 6 sm 3 # cos a; + 6 sin x cos^x 4 sin 3 a; cos x = 1 sin 3 o? cos x 4- G sin # co$?x. ^s ow sin x = > rf 2 w 30v/3 1 6^3 1 24 /- -,= -- _._ + __.__ -x/3, a negative residt, 3v/3 1 3 /- /. M = - -= v 6, a maximum. o U 10 40 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (6.) Divide a number n into two such factors that the sum of their squares shall be the smallest possible. fl Let x be one factor, the other ; then x 2 n 2 du_ Zn 2 _ x 2 dx x> ;.x= > x*=n 2 , x=\/n, x 3 d 2 a Qn 2 6n 2 - = 2 -\ =2-\ = 2 + 6 = + 6, a positive result, dx* x* n* :. u is a minimum. Hence the sum of the squares will be the smallest possible when the factors are equal, each being the square root of the given number. (7.) Into how many equal parts must a number n be divided that their continued product may be a maximum 1 Let there be x equal parts, then /%* - is the magnitude of each, and x =:( ] is their continued product, log u = x log f - ) = x (log n logo:), \00/ du 1 / 1\ =x> +losr/2 logx = 14- log n dx u \ xi =u{ l+logn logx} =0, du Tz =- ,7 a negative result in\* - :. M=|-| =.e", a maximum. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 41 (8.) Show that - -- : is a maximum when x=4=5. 1 + tana du ( 1 + tan x) cos a? sin x ( 1 -f t an 2 ;) <ta~~ (1+tana;) 2 cos x + sin a? sin x sin a? tan 2 & (1 + tanz;) 2 cos x tan 2 #=l, d*u 3 /- := - v z, a negative result, C/^T 2 4 sin^ 1 /- .*. u=- -- = v z, 1 tan# 4 a maximum. + tan (9.) If # be the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, find the length of the other sides when the area is a maxi mum. Let x be one of the other sides, then v a 2 x 1 is the remaining side. And area =-x\/a 2 x 1 . *2i Now, rejecting the constant > we may take - = 2a 2 l2x 2 = 2a 2 6a 2 =4:a 2 , a negative result, Cl JO :. u is a maximum, and the area is a maximum when the two sides are each = v/2 E 2 42 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (10.) What fraction exceeds its w th power by the greatest number possible ? Let x be the fraction, then u=x x n , lnx n ~ l =.Q, ax - = n (n 1 ) x n ~ 2 = n (n 1 ) which is negative, .*. u is a maximum. 1 Ans. v n (11.) Within an angle BAG a point P is given, through which it is required to draw a straight line so that the triangle cut off by it shall be the smallest A possible. Let PN=a, A N = b, A D = x, then ND = x-b, ND : PN :: A D : A E or ax # b \ a . . x \ AE, - - X O Now area A D AE=-A D-AE sin A=~x -- 7 sin -4, 2 2 x h i X ~ a positive result, . . the area is a minimum. Since AD = 2 AN, :.DE = ZDP, :. the line must be so drawn as to be bisected by the given point P. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 43 * (12.) From two points A, B, to draw two straight lines to a point P in a given line ON, so that AP + BP shall be a minimum. Let be the origin of co-ordinates, and the given line the axis of x, Let OPx, and let the co-ordinates of A be a, I, and those of B be ft,. Then BP= :.u=AP+I>P= V l 2 + (x af+ v l^-\-(a, #) 2 , a minimum, du x a a, x dx v 7 ^-)-^ a} 2 vb?+ (ax} 1 x a a, x (13.) If the length of an arc of a circle be 2 a, find the angle it must subtend at the centre so that the correspond ing segment may be a maximum or minimum. Draw CD bisecting the arc, and let x be the radius, then -= Z A CD. x Now area segment ADB= sector AGE A AGE =. rad x arc - x 2 sin A CB 1 . =# ^ ^ sm cos . . . tt = a# a, sin cos? 44 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. du au 9 . a , i , a\ i a\ a a i a =axl sin - sm : x* cos - cos dx x\ xl \ x 1 ! x x\ x 2 .a a 2.rsin- cos- a . a a -- .rzsin-cos- x x xx a a a =a a + 2acos^ -- ^2sm-cos- x xx at a . a\ = 2 cos- cos -- ^rsm- =0. x \ x xi a a TT 2 a 1 lake cos- = ; /.=-> x=. > and the segment is a -Q # ^ 2 TT 2 = maximum. sm- m , a . a x a a lake acos- = .sin-> .". - = tan-=-> x x a x x cos x a . . :. - = 0, /.#=oo and z = minimum. x (14.) Within a given circle to inscribe the greatest isos celes triangle. Let radius OA=a, AB = AC=x, C=2y, AB-AC.BC o*y BD=y. Then A = =_ BC.AD - , Also A = - - - = -- - -- y Vx 2 y 2 , =2 a v/^V, =4: cftx- 4 a 2 y 2 , 4 a 2 ^ 2 = 4 d-x 1 x 4 , %ay=.x v&a- u -, ;. y = _^ V / 4^-^ MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 45 Now A = - x 2 u = - x 1 - x v/4^ 2 x 2 . a maximum. 2 a 2 a 2 a Put M=a^(4a 2 --tf 2 ):=4aV 5 a 8 , ^=24aV-8tf 7 =:0, . . 8^=24 A 5 , ax x 2 =3a 2 , :.x=a^3, 2y=a\/3v4:a 2 3a 2 =av3, and A is equilateral. (15.) Of all equiangular and isoperimetrical parallelo grams, show that the equilateral has the greatest area. The perimeters of the figures being all equal, the perimeter of each may be considered as one line, and the proposition then resolves itself into the following. " To divide a given straight line into two such parts that the rectangle contained by those parts shall be the greatest possible." Let a be the line, x one part, then a x is the other, x(o, x) is the rectangle, and # 2 , a maximum. du a =a-2x=0, :.a7= ? . ax 2 .*. the line must be divided into two equal parts, and the parallelogram will be equilateral. -* (16.) Of all triangles on the same base and having equal vertical angles the isosceles has the greatest perimeter. Let a be the base, a the vertical angle, x and y the two sides, then u =.a-\-x-\-y=-& maximum. , ., ax dx y- + 2y cos a=2.r + 2^-7-; O 00 Ci\C :. (xy) cosa=:r y, :. xy :. x=y, and the A is isosceles. 46 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (17.) The segment of a circle being given, it is required to inscribe the greatest possible rectangle in it. Let BAD be the segment, radius = a, r ^^J^. AM=.x, draw A C through the centre per- ,/J "| j\ pendicular to PM or BD. Let A C= b. Then PM 2 =(2a-x}x, Euc. B. iii. p. 35. /. PM- */2aaT^, MG- b -x, Area rectangle = M C - 2 P M = 2(bx) \/Zax x 2 . ?v,iu=(b-x} 2 -(2ax-x 2 \ . . (b x) (a x) = 2 axx 2 , abaxbx + x 2 = 2 axx 2 , 4 > (18.) To cut the greatest parabola from a given right cone. Let BD=a, AD=b, BC=x, CD=a-x, A Then -:BNDMia a circle, and MC=NC, :. MC 2 =BC- CD, MG- Jx(a-x\ 9 B" Also BD : AD :: EG : PC, :.PC=-~=> a 2 lx Area parabola -=-PC-MN=- ^vaxx 2 , a maximum. o 3 a Put u = x 2 (ax x 2 ) = as? x 4 , - ,= -a 2 , which indicates a maximum. dx 2 4 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 47 (19.) Within a given parabola to inscribe the greatest ? parabola, the vertex of the latter being at the bisection of the base of the former. Let BA C be the given parabola, L its latus rectum. AD a, JBD=b, DN=x, PN=y. 2 2 Area parabola =-.2PN-ND=-.2yx. if o o Now Y the square of any ordinate to the axis = the rect angle under the latus rectum and abscissa, vi 4 l / - :. area parabola = -- -=xv a x. 3 -s/a Put M=^ 2 (a x)=-ax 2 a?, =2ax-3x 2 =Q, :.3^=2^r, *=fa. dx 3 > (20.) Inscribe the greatest cylinder within a given right cone. Let ABC be the cone, AD=a, BD=b, DN=x, PN=y, AN-a-x. Volume of cylinder =-.(2PN) 2 . ND=Trfx. AD : BD :: AN : PN, :.PN=~AN, or B ^ u =-(a x). :. cylinder = ?r -r (a x] 2 x . a a 2 Put u = (a a?) 2 .r = 2 ^ 2 a # 2 -f ir 3 , vl t* 04 . r o rw .noj o -" *= OT 3- 48 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. > (21.) If the volume of a cylinder be a, find its form when its surface is the least possible. LetA = x, C=y. A " Surface = convex surface -f- 2 area of base Volume =a=BC^^-AB=~xf, :.x= 4 4 Tr 2 TT * W . W 9 * * i ^ 9 Hence ?< = TT- -y + -^ = + -?/ J , </? 4 4 or altitude = diameter of base. d 2 u Say 8 a = ~ -\-7r= 5+7r=+o7r, a positive result, dy y y :. the surface is a minimum. > (22.) The latitude of a place and two circles parallel to the horizon being given ; to determine the declination of a heavenly body, whose apparent time of passage from one circle to the other shall be a minimum. Let P be the pole, Z the zenith, S, S t the positions of the heavenly body on the parallel circles, the polar distances PS, PS, being equal, / ZPS=P, ZPS,=P t , polar distance PS or PS t =x, arc ZS=a, ZS t = a t , latitude =/, declination = 3 ; then Y the passage along the arc SS, is the shortest possible, /. the angle SPS t = a minimum, MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 49 dx dx dx dx dP cotS But -7-= : </# sin ^ cot/S cot$, dx sn # Again cos S= sin x sin x sin/ cos a cos# sin a sin # sin/ cos cos # sin/ cosS,= sin/ cos a i cos # sm, sina? , cosx sin a eos#= I cos- sin/. cos -(a, a) And v the declination is the complement of the polar 1 cos (,-f a) distance, .*. sin^= sin/. oo* 5 (,) Cor. If a=.> and ,= +2J, this expression becomes sin = tan d sin/; and if the heavenly body be the sun, and 2d=l& nearly = his depression below the horizon when twilight begins in the morning or ends in the evening, we are enabled to determine the time of shortest twilight by means of the analogy rad : sin lat :: tan 9 : sin 3, where the negative sign indicates that, if the latitude be north, the declination will be south, and vice versa. ^ (23.) The centres of two spheres (radii r 19 r a ) are at the ex tremities of a straight line 2 a, on which a circle is described. 50 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. Find a point in the circumference from which the greatest portion of spherical surface is visible. Let x and y be the distances of ^E the point from the centres of the ^ two spheres ; draw tangents JSA, EB, ED, EF; join AJB, DF. Then, of the sphere C the portion visible is the convex surface of the segment A HB S f whose area = height HS x circumference of the sphere. r 2 Now x : t\ :: r l : C/S, :.CS=> . .height of segment x r 2 = r 1 -=fftS, circumference of sphere = 2 7rr 15 CO I T\ :. 27rr 1 (r 1 Invisible portion of sphere C; and similarly (V \ r a )=visible portion of sphere c. t7 Hence 2ir! r-\r\ ) +rJ r a ) i=whole visible surface. (V xl \ y 1 \ r 3 r 3 Put u=rf + r? -> then x y /y 7 * r f~r * du _r{> "X_ m rf_ r ~, ^" \ o *J } ~n dx x 2 ?r x- y Hence MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 51 * (24.) Of all ellipses that can be inscribed in a rhombus whose diagonals are 2m and 2n, show that the greatest is . m n that whose major and minor semi-axes are = and j=. v2 /2 respectively. ABCD the rhombus, OCm, OB=n, a and b the semi-axes of the ellipse. Let ON=x, NP=.y. Then by the properties of the ellipse 00 -ON a 2 , OB-NP=b 2 , on 99 997919 M " V v ..m~x 2 =a 2 .a 2 , n 2 y 2 =b 2 .b 2 , = ? 70= -5 a 2 m 2 b 2 n 2 ;.-}- = --] ==1: . . . (1), where a and b alone a 2 b 2 m 2 n 2 must be considered as variables. But, area ellipse =7rab= a maximum. Rejecting the constant TT, and differentiating this and equation (1), we have m db n i == 0, dct a b db m 2 n 2 da 1 l n 2 a a 2 b 2 m 2 n 2 2 a 2 2b 2 b 1 m n (25.) If w=tf 4 -ar 3 + 22# 2 -24#+12 ) find the values of x which render u a maximum or a minimum. Ans. When #=3, M is a minimum, #=2, u is a maximum, a?=l, u is a minimum. (26.) Find when x 3 6^ 2 -f 9a;+10 is a maximum, and when it is a minimum. , TT1 _ VViien $=6, u is a minimum, #=1, u is a maximum. 52 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (27.) Find the maxima and minima values of the function . I 2 When # = u is a minimum. oa I 2 # == -> u is a maximum. (28.) ^ = 7 - 5 ascertain when u is a maximum and (a - a) 2 when a minimum. a When x=- a, u=j> a minimum, =+, u = cc , a maximum./ (29.) ?^= < r r j find when % is a maximum. #=6=2 -71828 &c. (30.) w=^ - r^J determine when w is a maximum and when a minimum. \^jr== 2, ti = o^a^maximuni, #=0, M=6|, a minimum. (31.) M=ar+ v^ 2 26^ + or 2 ; when is ^ a maximum 1 ? a 2 a 2 When x=> w = ---f b a maximum. 26 26* (32.) u= - - ? show that ^^ is a minimum when #= ; show that u is a minimum when (34.) In a given triangle to inscribe the greatest paral lelogram. Ans. Side of parallelogram = ^ side of triangle. (35.) A column a feet high has a statue on the top of it, the height froifci the ground to the top of the statue is I feet ; l^ (k~ *)(* --) - - U) ".A.- ^ MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 53 find a point in the horizontal plane at which the statue sub tends the greatest an^le. /Tf i f ,1 i Ans. v ab feet from the base. > (36.) Show that the difference between the sine and versed sine is a maximum when the arc is 45. (37.) Let AC and BD be parallel, and join A AD] it is required to draw from C a straight line so that the triangles EOD, A 00 together shall be a minimum. Let AC a, ADl>, A0=cc ; then x= A/T. (38.) The base and vertical angle of a triangle being given, show that when it is isosceles its area is a maximum. (39.) A farmer has a field of triangular form, which he wishes to divide into two equal parts by a fence ; find the points in the sides of the field from which he must draw the line, for his fence to be the least possible expense to him. Ans. If a, b, c be the sides, the distance of each point from the angle is A / -~-> and the length c ^ f of the fence /( is A/ 5 (40.) If the greatest rectangle be inscribed in an ellipse, the greatest ellipse in that rectangle, again the greatest rect angle in that ellipse, and so on continually ; show that the sum of all the inscribed rectangles is equal to the area of any parallelogram circumscribing the given ellipse. (41.) Prove that the greatest area that can be contained by four straight lines is that of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. (42.) Inscribe the greatest ellipse in a given isosceles triangle. (^ ^ >/ f* *>^ . * ^- ^^ -^ ^ -/*>- Ans. Major axis = altitude of triangle. fct , 54 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (43.) A tree, in the form of a frustram of a cone, is n feet long, and its greater and less diameters are a and b feet respectively ; show that the greatest square beam that 7? CL can be cut out of it is ; 7^ feet long. 6(a b) (44.) Describe the least isosceles triangle about a given circle. The triangle is equilateral. (45.) To inscribe the greatest right cone in a given sphere, whose radius is r. Distance of base of cone from centre of sphere = o (46.) If the polar diameter of the earth be to the equato rial diameter as 229 : 230 ; show that the greatest angle made by a body falling to the earth, with a perpendicular to the surface, is 14 58", and that the latitude is 45 7 29". See fig. ex. 9. page 84. (47.) In a parabolic curve, whose vertex is A, and focus S, find a point P, such that the ratio A P : SP shall be a maximum. AP : SP \: 2 : \/3. (48.) Inscribe the greatest parabola in a given isosceles Altitude of parabola = altitude of triangle. (49.) If in a circle, whose radius is r, a right-angled tri angle be inscribed ; show that, when a maximum circle is inscribed in the triangle, the area of the triangle is r 2 . (50.) Inscribe the greatest cylinder in a given prolate spheroid. (51.) Required the maximum and minimum values of u in the equation u s a?x + x 3 =Q. e coax (52.) u== ) find the maximum and minimum values cos n # of u. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 55 (53.) Show that the greatest paraboloid that can be in- 2 scribed in a given right cone is -- of the height of that cone. o (54.) u=x l "~ losx j show that when u is a maximum, (55.) Find that sphere which, being put into a conical vessel of given dimensions, will displace the greatest possible quantity of fluid. (56.) Two circles of given radii intersect each other ; find the longest straight line which can be drawn through either point of intersection, and terminated by the circumferences. (57.) If a tangent to a great circle of a sphere measure 5 J, and a perpendicular to a tangent meeting the great circle measure 4 feet ; show that the volume of the sphere is to the volume of its greatest inscribed semispheroid as 27 : 16. (58.) Find what values of x make (x 2) (# + 3) (5^-) a maximum or minimum, and distinguish the one from the other. (59.) Inscribe the greatest cone in a given hemisphere ABC, the vertex of the cone being at A. For other examples and solutions see chap. xi. IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS OF TWO VARIABLES. If u-=.^(xj y), u being an implicit function of the two variables x and y, by putting - = 0, we shall find the values of x which render y a maximum or minimum. By substituting the particular value of x in [-7-3 -r--r-f i \dx* dyi 56 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. if the result be positive, y will be a maximum ; if negative, a minimum. Ex. (1.) Let u=x? 3 a 2 x+ifi=Q ; determine the maxi mum and minimum values of y. Differentiate with respect to x, considering y constant. U Q 9 O 9 rv 9 9 -=<> d<jr==U, .".# - =a-% #=-(-#, x=a. d 2 it ~i~2 = 6 # Differentiate the given function with respect to y, considering x constant. = 3?/ 2 . Substitute the values of x in M. -- ; -- = - = - ^=H -- a positive re- dx* dx 3y 2 3 a 2 . 2f a suit, *.y==av2 is a maximum. rfy 6^r 6 a VI - = - = - - = -- ? a negative re- dx 3 2 3 suit, y = v 2 is a minimum. (2.) u=aP 3a^-y4-y 3 =0 ; show that when o^=0, y=0, a minimum ; and when xa V 2, y=a v4, a maximum. (3.) 4#y y* ^*= 2 ; show that when x=- +1 or 1, y=-fl or 1, neither being a maximum or minimum. (4.) f 3= 2x(xy + 2); show that when x=l,y= \, neither a maximum nor a minimum j but when x > & = a maxmum. 57 CHAPTER VIII. FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. If uf(x^ y\ x and y being two variables independent of each other, then d 2 u _ d 2 u d 3 u d 3 u d 3 u d A u dydx dxdy dy 2 dx dxdy 1 dy dx 2 da? dy d n+r u d n+r u and generally = dy r dx n dx n dy r In a function of any number of variables, the order of differentiation is indifferent. The total differential of two variables is equal to the sum of the partial differentials ; or if u=f(x, y), d n u = - dx n 4- n - - r^~ dx n ~ dx n dx n ~ l dy w+ a d 2 u Ex. (1.) Lefjttsstf 8 ^ 2 : find du. and 7 dxdy To find the partial differential coefficient ( ), consider \dx/ y constant, and differentiate with respect to x ; and to find ( ), consider x constant, and differentiate with respect \<y/ to y. 58 FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR m i d^u cl 2 u (du\ . To find - - or - - > differentiate I - considering j dydx dxdy \dxi constant, or differentiate (-) considering y constant. \dyl du= ~ dx+ dy dydx dxdy dydx i<hi\_(a?-f}. s > l x- \dJ~ ^ 2 - . 2 a^- 2 -2 ^ (3.) w=sin~ 1 -; find y MORE VARIABLES. 59 sinz=-> consider x constant. y du x COSW- = 5 > dy y 2 /du\_ x x _ x "\dyl~~ y 2 cos u ^2 \/l sin 2 ^ y V -y 2 rdu\ 7 (du Hence Jw = }dx + - ? - 1 a? _ , _ ydxxdy x 2 yJylx 2 " y^y^x 1 dydx ytx 1 (y 2 x dxdy yZjj (4.) M= , j find rfw, and show that a 1 * a dxdz (a 2 z 2 ) 2 dzdx d 2 u _ Zx 2 z _ d 2 u (a 2 z 2 ) 2 dzdx 4a^y^ _ d 2 u = -^-r 2^ = -r ) and dxdydz (a 2 z 2 ) 2 dzdydx dydxdz First differentiate considering y, z constant ; then consi dering x, z constant ; and lastly considering x, y constant. du %x du x 2 du x 2 9 9 a 2 z 2 60 FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR -r- = -^ L - s Consider x. z constant, and differentiate. dx a 2 z 2 dxdy a 2 z 2 = -^ r, Consider z constant, and differentiate. dy a 2 ,? 2 d 2 u 2x TT d 2 u 2x d 2 u -, r-=) - Hence 5-= -5 r,= - 7 r" dydx a^z- dxdf/ a 2 z 2 dydx Again = 2 __ ^ 2 - Consider x } y constant, and differentiate. dxdz~ (a 2 z 2 ) 2 ~(a 2 -z 2 ) 2 = 7-J5 ^ Consider y, z constant, and differentiate. dz a 2 z^ d 2 u _ ?e ~ 7 9 Again = - - - Consider x constant, and differentiate. dy a 2 z 2 (a 2 -* 2 ) 2 (a 2 z 2 } 2 (d 2 z 2 } 2 \ / \ / Consider x, z constant, and differentiate. d 2 u 2 3?z d 2 u $ \-r-n srs- Hence = - dydz (a 2 -z 2 ) 2 dzdy Now r-=~5 - r,- Consider x, y constant, and differentiate. dxdy a"z* dxdydz~ (a 2 -z 2 ) 2 "(a 2 -^ 2 ) 2 =T-S ^jTo Consider ?/, z constant, and differentiate. dzdy (a*z*y dzdydf (a 2 -z 2 ) MORE VARIABLES. 61 l = f__ . Consider x constant, and differentiate. dydx a 2 z 2 Hence dxdydz~ (a 2 -z 2 ) 2 (a 2 -z 2 ) 2 d s u dxdydz (a 2 z 2 ) 2 dzdydx dijdxdz (6.) ux 2 y^ > nnd du, and show that d 2 u dydx dxdy (7.) u~> du=- l (8.) uxy-, du=xv (-dx+logxdy, and d 2 u ,/!,;/! \ xy \ | logff = \x x i x \ . dydx \x x i dxdy , x . d 3 u 2 . x x x - y , x . u . (9.) u=$m-> , , 9 =-5Sin -cos-= -r^-j dydx 2 y 6 y y 4 y dx*dy (10.) u =y sin ^r + x sin^/ ; show that d 2 u d 2 u -r - = UU v* -J- UU U - -= - J~ dydx dxdy (11.) n = sin (x 2 y) j show that d 2 u , , 9 x 9 / o \ i ^ 2 ^ =2^ (cos (ofy) -Jfljf sm (o; 2 y) } = C12 ) u^L. , show that dydz 2 ~dzdydz dzdxdz 62 EULER S THEOREM. (13.) u = - > find du. and show that x+y d 2 u _ . xy d 2 u ~ dy dx~ (oc + yf ~ dx dy (14.) u={(a-x) 2 + (b-y) 2 + (c-z) 2 }~ *- } show that 1? - 77 (15.) ^=sin"" 1 - > find du, and show that x dydx y (^xy)^ dxdy x 2 y 2 (16.) ?=sin~ 1 } -$> show that * 2 2 CHAPTER IX. EULER S THEOREM FOR THE INTEGRATION OF HOMOGENEOUS FUNCTIONS OF ANY NUMBER OF VARIABLES. If u be a homogeneous algebraic function of n dimensions of any number of variables x, y, z, &c., then du du du Ex. (1.) tt = T + ;/T ; here n= - 2 dx EULERS THEOREM. 63 du du (2.) ysain- 1 -j here w=0. x y o- -i i Similarly = dy \/2y (x+y) Jxy du du _ xyxy dx dy : = 0. y (3.) w= v# 2 -{-y 2 ; here w = du . du n d 2 u d 2 u (4.) w= ^=- here n=2. du du du - r +y- r + z- r dx dy dz (5.) u= ^ .1 here n=3. x+y du du -r+y-r dx * dy 64 ELIMINATION CHAPTER X. ELIMINATION OF CONSTANTS AND FUNCTIONS BY DIFFERENTIATION. Ex. ( 1 . ) Let y ax? + & = ; eliminate the constants a and I. , dx dx 2# Substituting this value of in the given equation, y -- -~+b=Q, an equation from which a is eliminated. To eliminate b, take the equation -~= 2 #, and proceed to the second differential coefficient. 1 , , 9 an equation from which a and 6 are both eliminated. (2.) y 2 axbx 2 =Q ; eliminate a and 5. :.a=2y-2bx ..... (1) Differentiating again, we have d*y dy dy Substituting from (1), (2), the values of a and b in the given equation, there results y 2 =%xy~ -- x 2 */ x 2 \-r-\ , an equation from ^ dx * dx 2 \dxl which a and b are eliminated. BY DIFFERENTIATION. 65 (3.) + 5 + 4 y= - ** dx* (4. ) y = otf 1 + ae*"^ ; eliminate e Substituting this value of in the given equation, y=x n + (4- no?- 1 } > my=mx n +-/- - \dx I m dx First, consider y constant, and differentiate with respect to x. o 2 66 ELIMINATION Again, #/*-j +$(xy)> Considers constant, and differen tiate with respect to y. TT ^2 2 Hence ar - y 2 :=0. da? dy 1 (6.) Let y=mx s ; eliminate the constant m, and show that _ (7.) Let y = v miP + n ; eliminate m and n, and show that (dy\ 2 ._ d 2 i/ \Tx) ~~ ~ y ^ (8.) Let a-\-c(cx y) = ; eliminate c ; and show that (9.) Let ^ 2 + -- t y 2 = ; eliminate the constants a and >, TO , <y 7 and show that coy ~ +x (} y~=Q. dx 1 \dxi dx (10.) Let (a 1) (x+y) xy + # = ; eliminate a, and show that BY DIFFERENTIATION. 67 (11.) Let ctanm# ysecm#-f #=0 ; eliminate a and c, and show that 7^z = m V* (12.) Let y e x cosx ; eliminate the circular and exponen- dy 1 d*y tial functions, and show that # = ~7 t> 175* <z# JB ar (13.) Let y=w cos(r# + a) ; eliminate a and n, and show that ^= ^ 2 y- (14.) Let y = sin(log#) ; eliminate the functions, and 2 <% , dy , n show that ^2 ^^7 ry 111 ^ (15.) Let y = a<? 2 *sin(3#+&) \ eliminate a and b, and show that 2 ~^~j h!3y = 0. (16.) Let (x a) 2 + (y /3) 2 =r 2 ; eliminate a and ft and show that \d2! (17.) Let y= e x _ x ; eliminate the exponentials, and & a show that / 2 =l (18.) Let - = 0(^ y 2 ); eliminate the arbitrary o:+y w function 0, and show that y~ + x-j-=mz. 1 y C19.") Let -xzfa- ; eliminate the function <i>. and show n r x that ir-^4-v^ + ^=0. 68 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. (20.) Let -=6- ; eliminate the function d>, and x a r x a show that (yV)-! h (z y) -7-== tf a . dy ^ dx CHAPTER XI. MAXIMA AND MINIMA. FUNCTIONS OF TWO OK MORE VARIABLES. If u be a function of two variables x and y } then putting du du . n d 2 u d 2 u / d 2 u \ 2 d 2 u . d 2 u T-= T-=; rf -7-5- TT > i r 3^ and T^ rf^ y i/^ J dy* \dydxl dx* dy* having both the same algebraic sign, u will be a maximum when that sign is negative, and a minimum when it is positive. If, on substituting the particular values of x and y, de termined bv putting =0. =0. in the second differen- dx dy tial coefficients, these should vanish, then the third diffe rential coefficients must also vanish, or the function will not be a maximum or minimum. If u =f (oc, y, z), then we must put = 0, - = 0, dx dy = 0, and we must have the condition fulfilled that dz d 2 u d 2 u / d*u \ 2 ) "J-5 T~S "" \-J~r) f exceeds ifo 1 6/y \dxdz) ) d 2 u tu u __ u_ u \ \dydz dx 1 dxdy dxdzi TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. 69 I Ex. (1.) Let uxt + y* kaxy 2 , find x and y when u is a maximum or minimum. Differentiate, first considering y constant, and then x constant. _ = 4#3_ 4dw 2 =0, __ == 4 ? y3 das ay . .=av / 8. 7O = dxdy d 2 u d 2 u d 2 u " TT, T-TT > -; ?-> and since the algebraic sign of dx* dy 2 - dxdy d 2 u ,d 2 u . - 4r - and is positive, sc=_a v 2, and y=a: v8, give u= a minimum. 7ft If we take the values #=0, v=0, then =0, and dx 2 d 2 u j=0, and also the third differential coefficients dy 2 Hence also ^=0, 2/=0, give u= a minimum. (2.) To determine the greatest right cone that can be cut out of a given oblate spheroid. Let AEDE be the ellipse which generates the spheroid, 0, I its semi-axes, CN=x, NP=y= radius of base of cone. 70 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. Then y* =. (<$ #2) equation to a* ellipse j and V altitude of cone =AN=< and try 2 = area of base, . . its volume v = J Try 2 , (a + #), a maximum, . . ?/ 2 . ( + ^r) = a maximum, fa I 2 (a + x) a But, differentiating the equation to the ellipse, y=va 2 x 2 , we have a .-.,=-, ^ a; J = Hence v=-7r?/ 2 . , /^ (3.) Let M=^ 4 + 2/ 4 ~~2(^ 2/) 2 ; find the values of x and y which render u a maximum or minimum. du_ ,_ </Z7 * <^y TWO OE MORE VARIABLES. 71 d 2 u d 2 u d 2 u d 2 u , . =4, :. - -T^>I T- and smce tne 2 2 , , . . . d 2 u . <Z 2 M . algebraic sign 01 and is positive. ax 2 " dyj* :. x= + A/2, and y=+ v2, give M= a minimum. JT (4.) Let w=a{sin^4-sin?/+sin(^4-2/)}; show that u is a maximum when ^=r?/=60 . =:[ cos o; + cos (# + 2/)} := 0, = a [ cos ?/+ cos (^ +?/)] =0, . . X = y, COS #+ COS ( + ?/):=: COS #+ COS 2 # = cos^? + 2 cos 2 ;r 1 = 0, d 2 u j,=a{ sin^? sin(^4~2/)} = a {sin 60 + sin 120} = sin!20= a r 2 . t? 2 ?^ rf 2 M d^U d 2 U "~rr> ~r~o>~; T- 9, nc * V the algebraic sign of and dx 2 dy* dxdy dx 2 d 2 u . 3 a /- is negative, .*. u = - \/3= a maximum. (o.) A cistern, which is to contain a certain quantity of water, is to be constructed in the form of a rectangular parallelopipedon ; determine its form, so that the smallest possible expense shall be incurred in lining its internal surface. 72 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. Let a s = its content, x = length, y = breadth, then = depth. y ^ / a 3 a 3 :. surface =uxy+Z h 2 a minimum. * y / du 2 a* du 2 a* ~ry -- 2-=> -r= x -- ^ dx x 2 dy y 2 a s a* 2*a =-5 = -- Hence the base must be a square. xy 2%a 2 2 and the depth equal to half the length or breadth. d 2 U d 2 U I d 2 U \ 2 ~r~r> * ~7~r> > ? r~ ) * Hence u is a minimum. das* dy* \dxdyl (6.) In a given circle to inscribe a triangle whose peri meter shall be the greatest possible. Let r be the radius, and 6 and <p two of the angles of the triangle ; draw ED J_ A C the base : then, Euc. B. 6. prop. C, 7? T) 2r, :.a=2r -- = c c sin0 - i a sm0 sinfl Hence u = a -f c + b = 2r { sin + sin -f- sin (0 + TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. 73 -^= 2 r { cos <i> + cos (0 + </>)}= 0, dty ;.cos0=cos0, 6=<f>, + 0=20, /.cos0 + cos20=0, cos0 + 2cos 2 0-l = 0, v , WIJVy _ . . 0=60=0. 22 2 Hence the Z s are all equal, and the A is equilateral. d 2 u \/3 / =-2r. =-rv / 3, .-."LJl.^-lZr 2 , and ^j~ do 2 dtp* dO^ d$* Hence the perimeter is a maximum. (7.) To determine the least polygon that can be described about a given circle. Let 0j, 2 , 3 , . . . n , be the successive angles contained between the lines from the centre to the angular points of the polygon and the radii of the circle ; then if the radius be r, and the first of those lines be I, the area of the right- angled triangle whose angle at the centre is d l will be 11 r 2 -r^sin0 1 =-r.r s,ecd 1 . sm6 l = tan 0! ; 22 2 and similarly of all the n triangles successively, into which the polygon may be supposed to be divided ; so that the entire area of the polygon will be r 2 - ... +tan0 n ). 74 MAXIMA AND MINIMA. But tan0 n = tan{2ir(0 1 + 6 a + . . + 0^)} = where 1 =0 1 + a + + 0-i. /. tt=tan0 1 + ta]i0 a +tan03 + . . tan(27r 0J, a min. Now, differentiating with respect to 1? considering the others constant, and remembering that 0j is contained in 1? the assumed sum of the series, we have And similarly, any one of the angles is equal to the angle immediately preceding ; hence all the angles are equal, and the polygon is consequently equilateral. (8.) Of all triangular pyramids of a given base and alti tude, to find that which has the least surface. Let a, I, c be the sides of the base, h the altitude of the pyramid, 0, 0, ^/, the inclina tion of the faces to the base. Then, if p be a perpendicular from the ver tex on the side a. sin0=-j .*. = =Acosec0, p sm0 area of face =-ap=-ah cosec0, . . area of the three faces = -^ah cosec0 -f -bh cosec^ -f-dicoseci//, u=-~ h(a cosec0-f b cosec^ + c coseci//) (1). Also, the base of the pyramid may be divided into three triangles whose altitudes are readily determined ; Y f\ = tan 0, . . -7- = cot 0, . . altitude aO=k tan 0, au h, area TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. 75 .*. area base = ^ ah cot -f ^ bh cot </> + *> ^ cot ^ and putting this area =m 2 , we have m 2 = -h(acot6 + bcot(j) + ccotty ..... (2). J From (1), -= cosec0 cot0 ccosec^/ cot J/ ^ = 0, -^=-1 5cosec0cot</> c cosec i cot t// 1=0, :. a cosec 6 cot 0=c cosec v// cot \L > du d^ I cosec (f> cot $= c cosec ^ cot ^/ > d^ . d^ di> a cosec 6 cot - = c cosec u/ cot u/ -r- > \ . I cosec cot fyc cosec if cot ^ > /. cosec cot - = ^ cosec rf> cot 0-7- . d) W(7 From (2), =a cot d + b cot <p + c cot \^>, 2m 2 ccotv/;= r -- acotS bcot<j>, -c (1 + cot 2 ;/,) ^=a (1 + cot 2 0), a -c (1 + cot 2 ^) ft= b (1 + cot 2 0), dty_ cosec 2 </0 c cosec 2 ;// _ [ Substitute these values in (3). dy_ b cosec^ d<f> c cosec 2 ^/ 76 MAXIMA AXD MINIMA. , n b cosec 2 6 a cosec 2 a cosecfl cot --- 5-7= ^ cosecri cot 6 --- 5-* c cosec-d c cosec 2 -^ . . cot 6 cosec ^ = cot <p cosec 0, cosfl 1 cos 6 1 sin/9 sin< smp sinfl Similarly, by finding the partial differential coefficients ) -t considering first \f/ and then constant, it may be ad ay/ shown that 0=4/. Hence 0=^=il/, or the faces are equally inclined to the base. Jr 6 (9.) Required the dimensions of an open cylindrical vessel of given capacity, so that the smallest possible quantity of metal shall be used in its construction, the thickness of the side and base being already determined upon. Let a be the given thickness, c the given capacity, x = radius of base inside, y= altitude inside. Then Whole volume v = ?r (x + a) 2 - (y -f a) , Interior volume c=7r# 2 y, hence the quantity of metal v c=7r(x+a) 2 (y + a) c=a, minimum, .". (x -\- of (y -}- o}=-& minimum, C c 1 dy c 2 TTX* c But y= :.-=. -- > .*. - = s> * TT y? dx TT x? x + a ITS? \\Tience x = y= \~j- Therefore the altitude must be made equal to the radius of the base. TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. 77 (10.) u=a? t 2>axy+y i find the values of x and y which render u a maximum or minimum. x=a ) yCL, u=& minimum when a is positive, and a maximum when a is negative. (11.) u = aa? Ijx^y -f y 1 , find the values of x and y which make u a maximum or minimum. (12.) u=aa?y 2 x^y 1 x^y^ ; find the values of x and y which make u a maximum or minimum. a a maximum. 2 (13.) u=(l- ^ - -) (l- ^) ; find the values of x * y> and y which render u a maximum or minimum. 7T (14.) u=a cos 2 #-f-& cos 2 y, where y=--r -\-x\ find the values 4 of cos# and cosy which make u a maximum or minimum. ! + - rf =1 * 2 ~~ 2 \/ 2 4- 6 2 2 2 ), a maximum with the upper, and a minimum with the lower sign. (15.) Divide a given number a into three such parts #, y, and #, that -^--\ -\ shall be a maximum or minimum, J o 4 and determine which it is. (16.) Inscribe the greatest triangle within a given circle. The triangle is equilateral. (17.) A given sphere is to be formed into a solid composed of two equal cones on opposite sides of a common base, in such a manner that its surface may be the least possible : find the dimensions of the solid, and compare its surface with that of the sphere. H 2 78 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND (18.) Show that the greatest polygon that can be inscribed in a given circle is a regular polygon. a? ?/2 Z 2 (19.) In a given ellipsoid, whose equation is -f -75 + -5 = 1 , a* o^ c^ to inscribe the greatest parallelopipedon. If ne, y, z be the half-edges of the parallelopipedon, a b c 8abc x= > y= -=.> z -=.1 u= - v/3 v/3 %/3 3 (20.) To find a point P within a given triangle, from which, if lines be drawn to the angular points, the sum of their squares shall be a minimum. If A, , C be the angles, a, b, c the sides of the triangle ; then CP=l(2a 2 + 2b 2 -c 2 )* o The point is the centre of gravity of the triangle. (21.) Divide the quadrant of a circle into three parts, such that the sum of the products of the sines of every two shall be a maximum or minimum, and determine which it is. CHAPTER XII. TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. If y=f (x) be the equation to a curve, y y=-j-(x x) is the equation to a tangent. If M=0 (#, y)=c be the equation to the curve, (x x ) + -^ (/ y)=0 is the equation to the tangent. ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 79 The equations to the normal are dx , du , t ^ du , , , . y- y = - T y (x - x ^ and TX (/ - y) ~ T y (*j-*>=<>- The tangent=y A/ 1 + (y) Normally A/ 1 + (^) > Subtangent = y > Subnormal = y -7- The portion of the axis of y intercepted between the origin and the tangent is yx=.y^. dx The portion of the axis of x so intercepted is x y =x . Ex. (1.) Draw a tangent and normal to a given point P in the common or conical parabola. y 2 =ax is the equation to the curve, , dy . dy 2a Subtangent NT=y=-=2x. y dy 2a Hence to draw the tangent, let fall the perpendicular PN, take NT=2AN, and join PT PT will be the tangent. Subnormal NG =y~=2a. y dx Hence to draw the normal, take NGf=2 AS, and join PG ; PG will be the normal. (2.) Let y n =a n ~ l x be the equation to a curve ; find the subnormal and subtangent. , dy dy a n ~ l ^.^ -_ dy ya n ~ l a n ~ l Subnormal NG=y -f=- - T = - 9 = ^ >V/>1 /Vl/3//l~~l /M/1*W - jj x y* . ny n 1 wy n 2 ny n 2 nx 80 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND Subtangent NT= y = ^ =. - = nx . dy a n ~ l y n x If n=2, y 2 =ax, NG=~, NT=2x, and the curve is a 2 parabola. (3.) Let u=x 3 3axi/+y 3 =0 be the equation to a curve; determine the subtangent. , dx . / o \ dy o dyay x 2 " (y ax )-r= a y x 2 , -/=-? - dx dx y 2 ax :. Subtangent NT^y= * dy ayx 2 (4.) If y 2 =a(x+a) be the equation to a parabola, the origin in the focus ; show that the points of intersection of the tangents with perpendiculars from the focus are deter mined by the equations #,= a, y, = -- 2i S the focus, AS=a, SA T =x, AN=x+a, NP=y, . . . (1), eq n . to curve, (2), eq n . to tan., T/ dx A ,= -r-x l ..... (3), eq n . to ppdr. from origin, .-. by subtraction, y=_ gx,- ^x.+^x, ...... (4). ,., dy 2a dx y ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 81 2 a 05,= a, (5.) The equation x m y n =.a, which includes the common hyperbola, is said to belong to hyperbolas of all orders. Find the subtangent at a given point in the curve. __.. t7 J an dx an dy y 2n y n+l dij inx m ~ 1 /// / ( dx n a _ n n mx m ~ l n n ~ mx m ~ l -^ 17-/TT M/t * / W ** * .*. Subtan. NT=y~-= - - = .05?"= x. (6.) Given two points A and E, find the locus of P when the angle PEA is double of the angle PAJB, and draw an asymptote to the curve traced by P. A the origin, AJB=a, AN=x, NP=y, A = d, =26. , AN x BN ax y = _ a x :. y 2 =3x 2 2ax, the equation to the curve. Whence, if y=0, x= curve will pass through 0. 2 2 Whence, if y=0, 0;= a, and taking A0=. Afi, the o o 82 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND The origin may be changed to by putting x^ = ON, and substituting the resulting value of x in the equation to the curve ; whence y=. x (3 4- ] , \ OG / ." y=dz^v3: is the equation to the asymptote. Ifa;=0, y= -j ify=0, =: F^> ^^ / .". -y-= v 3= tan 60, and the asymptote cuts the axis of x at an Z of 60, and at a distance = from the point 0. o (7.) If j/ 2 = - be the equation to a curve ; find the equation to the asymptote. .*. y= (x+a) is the equation to two asymptotes, and v if x=Q, ya, .*. an asymptote cuts the axis of y at the distance a from the origin; and v ify=0, x= a, .*. an asymptote cuts the axis of x at the distance a from the origin. dy Again v -^-=1.= tan 45 or tan 135, . . these asymp- ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 83 totes cut the axes at an angle of 45, and are consequently at right-angles to each other. Putting x=a in the equation to the curve, we have ) .*. there is another asymptote parallel to the axis of y. (8.) If y 2 = (x 1) Vx 2 be the equation to a curve ; find the point and angle at which the curve cuts the axis of x, and the values of x and y when the tangent is perpen- cular to that axis. Ifx=0, y _2 Ify=0, (a?- |=(*-i) 2 Hence, if x = 3, = tan 9 = = = 2, and the curve cuts the axis of a? at a distance 3 from the origin, and at an angle whose tangent is 2. Again, ifa?=2, </^2=0, :. y-2 = 0, y=2, dy 3x5 65 1 -= =00 when x=2. dx 2Vx2 Hence the tangent cuts the axis of x at an angle of 90, or it is perpendicular to that axis when x=2 and y=2. (9.) If from any point P in an ellipse a straight line be drawn to the centre making an angle with the normal, and if I be the inclination of the normal to the axis major ., show that tan d = 84 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND Let CA=a, CB=b, CN=x, NP=y, L CPG=d, CGP=l. 8 C G (O O\ 7 O ^ 11* a z x z ) = o z ^- 5 eq n . to ellipse. a- a 2 =~2 C A r = 7p by a property of the ellipse, 12> t^ a - = tan ?, also = x a* x =t&n(PGN-PCN)= I 2 tan? -- rtan? 1+ tan?--- tan? (10.) From the centre C of a circle a radius CR is drawn cutting the chord BD in Jtf, ifP is drawn at right-angles to BD and equal to MR ; determine the locus of P, and draw the asymptotes. Let BD, CO be the co-ordinate axes, A the origin, CR=a, CA =c, AM=x, MP=y. Then , or y=a Vc 2 + x 2 , the equation required. ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 85 If x=0, y=a-c=CR-CA = CO-CA=AO. =0, x= \= *CF 2 - CA 2 :. xAD or AB. If #=00, 2/= oo. Hence the curve passes from through B and D to infinity. To determine the direction of the tangents at these three points; -^ = tan = ip -7=^= = if x = 0, :. at the dx Vc 2 + x 2 tangent is parallel to the axis of x. dy x AD -g.=tfl,nfl:=:f -- = - : dx Vc 2 + x 2 VGA 2 +AD 2 determines the direction of the tangents at D and B. Again, putting x, = ON= CO CJ^= a (c + y), we have y a c x, j and putting yi = NP = x } and substituting these values of x and y in the equation to the curve, the origin will be transferred to 0. Thus :. 2/ l 2 =2c^, + ^, 2 , which is the equation to the rectangular hyperbola. To find the equation to its asymptotes, 8G TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND .*. 2/= (#-f-c) is the equation to the two asymptotes; and Y putting y=Q, we have x=c, and putting x=Q, we have y=+c ; also {/ty Y -^-=tanO=l ; .". the asymptotes cut the axis OF at / s=45 and 315, at the distance c from the origin 0. Take OT=CA, and draw the lines TS, TS t at Zs=4o and 315 respectively, these will be the asymptotes. (11.) The normal to the curve whose equation is y *=kax, 4 is a tangent to the curve denned by y 2 = (x 2a) 3 . dy 2a y y z =zkax, -j-= ) :. y, ?/= (#, #), eq n . to normal, 9/., . /, = 0, then ^=^4-2=:part cut off from axis of x. *~27a , Jx y x 2a dj 3 ^/x 2 , _ x-j-4^ /. x y - = x - (x 2) = - = part cut off from wy o o axis of x. Hence, that the normal and tangent may cut the axis of x at the same point, we must have the equation G % But, the angles they make with the axis of x ought to be the same, and since dx y dy 3 y -r-=^> and = dy 2a dx. 2 x 2a ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 87 . y_ 3 y y2 4# _9y*_ _4_ _ " 2a 2\-2a a 2 a (x-2a) 2 3a ( *~~ :. 3=x 2a, x=3#-f2a, the same as before. Hence, the normal and tangent, cutting the axis of x in the same point and at the same angle, must be coincident. (12.) In the curve defined by j^ax^ + aP prove that the portion of the axis of -y intercepted between the origin and the tangent =|.(--^-) dy 3 ( y^ X s ) 2a% 2 ax 2 a x 2 ~ " a x 2 a x 2 a / x \ : ~~2 \/. _!_*./ 3 {(a + x)x 2 }* 3 (a + x)%x% 3 (13.) If y%=ctfx% ; draw a tangent to the curve, and show that the part of the tangent intercepted between the axes = a, and that perpendicular on tangent = Vaxy. 2. 2 222 V P # =d 3 #3", X% =.CC% 7/3" ?. -* ^- - ,-i ^_ ^^ 3 cb a dx~ x* x -~- = x s x = 7 ^ 88 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND Now DT 2 = :. DT=a= part of tan. intercepted between the axes. FD AD AD* af , iax?i/3= length of perpendicular on tangent. (14.) Suppose a rigid rod BP slides along the line Ax in such a manner that its extremity P shall f be constantly in a given curve whose equa tion is y=f(x\ and let BQ be an n th part of BP- } determine the equation to the locus J; of ft Let BP=a, AN=x, NP=y, AM=x t) MQy,. Then :NP::BQ:BP, or y, : :. y , = - / \x, v a 2 n 2 f/ 2 > , the equation required. n (_ n ) (15.) Determine the subtangent to the curve of which the normal = 2 a 2 (abscissa) 3 . Let x be its abscissa, y its ordinate. Then dy dy_ ( Normal PG=y -j-t .". y-y-=2, an equation dx dLx ently derivable by differentiation from * = -> 2> 2i :. y=ax 2 is the equation to the curve. ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 89 dy 2a 2 x* 2aW dx 1 , .. ax y ax 2 dy 2 ax dx ax 1 x Now The equation to, the curve may be put into the form x 2 =-y, therefore the curve is a parabola, whose parameter is > and whose line of abscissae is perpendicular to the hori zontal axis. / - -*\ (16.) The equation to the catenary is 2y=c \e c +e c ) ; find the length of the normal. dy c ( 2 dj? 4 rdy^ 1 + - ;= ,.*/: /. normal P= (17.) If y n -(a + lx)y n -i + (c + ex+fx 2 )y n - 2 -&ie. = Q be the equation to a curve of w dimensions, prove that, if each ordinate be divided by the corresponding subtangent, the sum of the quotients will be a constant quantity. Let rj, r a , r a , .... r n be the values of / which satisfy the given equation, and s i) s -2> S z> s n the subtangents corresponding to these values of y ; then, by the theory of equations, i 2 90 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND . d^ dr a dr 3 dr *_i . ~7 I 7" i 7~ n ; } ax dx ax ax and, taking the differential expression for the subtangents, r n dx s. 2 = . . . n ar. 2 dr 8 1 dx s.j dx s n dx Hence -\ --\ - . . . + =b. (18.) If y* x 4 +2bx 2 y=Q be the equation to a curve; find the equation to the asymptote. Assume y=.xz, then x=- - -) y = ^\ - 1 which both become infinite 1 z 1 z when z 4 = 1 or z= 1 . AT) ~~ X ~ =. - 3 - -> which, when z=l, and consequently , An lx b b # = oo. becomes -4 Z>= 7= 7= 2*-ffi 2 2 # Hence y=x ) y=x are the equations to A J two asymptotes. ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 91 (19.) Investigate an expression for the subtangent : and in the parabola of the n th order, whose equation is y=ax n , find the subtangent and subnormal. Subtangent = x, subnormals na 2 a 2n ~^. b 2 (20.) The equation to the ellipse being y 2 = 2 (2axx 2 ) j find the subtangent and subnormal. 2 ax x 2 I 2 . . bubtangent = > subnormal^ - (a x). ax a 2 (21.) Prove that equals the tangent of the angle at CtOG which a curve, referred to rectangular co-ordinates, is inclined to the axis. (22.) y 2 =a 2 x 2 being the equation to the circle, the origin at the centre, show that the curve cuts the axis of x O at an angle of 90. (23.) y 2 =%axx 2 being the equation to the circle, the origin in the circumference, find the subtangent and normal. Subtangent= > normal=. a x (24.) If an ordinate NP in an ellipse be produced until it meets the tangent, drawn from the extremity of the latus rectum, in T ; prove that the distance of P from the focus is equal to the distance of T from the axis of abscissae. (25.) In the ellipse, if it be assumed that o? = #cos; prove that the equation to the tangent will be Ice cos 1 4- ay sin t= db. (26.) Find the locus of the intersection of pairs of tangents to an ellipse, the tangents always intersecting each other at right angles. x 2 + y 2 = a 2 -f I 2 . 93 TANGENTS, NORMALS, AND 4$ (27.) y 2 =-^ being the equation to the cissoid of Diocles, find the equation to the tangent, and show that there is an asymptote which cuts the diameter at its extre mity at right-angles. Equation to tan. y t =. -j ^ r {(3a <c) x { ax] (28.) Prove that half the minor axis of an ellipse is a mean proportional between the normal and the perpendicular from the centre upon the tangent. (29.) In the logarithmic curve, whose equation is y=a x , show that the subtangent is equal to the modulus of the system whose base is a. (30.) Prove that the curve whose subnormal is constant is a parabola. I 2 (31.) In the hyperbola, whose equation is y 2 = ^ (2ax + tf 2 ), show that ?/=+ (# + #) is the equation to two asymptotes passing through the centre and equally inclined to the axis of x. (32.) Draw the rectilinear asymptotes of the curve defined ^7 y 4 + x 3 y= A 2 , and determine the form of the curve at the origin. (33.) Let or 3 y 3 + ^ 2 =0 be the equation to a curve; show that the equation to the asymptote is y=#-f-. o (34.) If ay*=la?c 2 xy be the equation to a curve ; show 7 i 2 at y= (-) ( x -- 1 j) i s ^ ne equation to the asymptote. \dl \ 3 as //k/ (35.) In the common parabola, whose equation is y^^ ASYMPTOTES TO CURVES. 93 find that point at which the angle, made by a straight line from the vertex with the curve, is a maximum. x=a. (36.) A rectangular hyperbola, and a circle whose radius is 2 a, have the same centre ; find the angle of intersection of the two curves. v / 15 Angle = tan" 1 j (37.) Find that point in an ellipse at which the angle contained between the normal and the line drawn to the centre is a maximum. (38.) Determine the angle at which the curve, called the lemniscata of Bernouilli, whose equation is (y 2 + tf 2 ) 2 = 2 a 2 (3? y 2 ), cuts the axis of x. (39.) If A be the vertex, P and Q corresponding points in the cycloid and its generating circle, prove that the tangent at P is parallel to the chord AQ. (40.) The centre of an ellipse is the vertex of a parabola, the axis of the parabola intersects the axis of the ellipse at an angle of 90, and the curves also intersect each other at right angles ; show that major axis : minor axis :: v2 : 1. (41.) If y 1 + nx 2 , show that an asymptote cuts the axes at points indicated by x= -- and y = f 2n 2n^ (42.) Show that the locus of the intersection of tangents to the rectangular hyperbola and perpendiculars upon them from the centre is the lemniscata. (x + a} 5 j - TO determine the distance of its minimum ordinate from the (43.) Draw the asymptotes of the curve y 2= j - TO (44.) Find that tangent to a given curve which cuts off from the co-ordinate axes the greatest area. 94 TANGENTS, NORMALS, ETC. (45.) Draw a tangent to the curve, whose equation is m-l y = ax m , and show that the tangent always cuts from the axis of y a portion equal to an m th part of the ordinate at the point of contact. (46.) If y*+3? 3# 2 =0, show that y= x+\ is the equation to the asymptote, and that the maximum ordinate is at the point indicated by #=2. (47.) If C be the centre of an ellipse, and NP any ordinate, and if in NP a point Q be so taken that its distance from shall be equal to NP ; show that the locus of Q is an ellipse whose major axis is the minor axis of the given ellipse. (48.) Draw a tangent to the curve whose equation is a? y=, - 7,5 and determine whether the curve has an asymp- a 2 -f x 1 tote. (49.) ABD is a semicircle, centre C and diameter A D ; EF is a chord parallel to AD, CQR a radius cutting EF in Q; QR is bisected in P. Find the locus of P. (50.) Show that the curve, whose equation is axy=Q, has a rectilinear asymptote at the distance b from the origin, and also a parabolic asymptote, whose equation Q ~\ 2 is ay b 2 = (a; -- b\ , the latus rectum of the parabola 4 \ 2i I being a, and its axis parallel to the axis of y. (51.) BAG is a triangle, right-angled at A a straight rod moves through the fixed point C, while one end slides down the line BA : show that the curve described by the other end is a conchoid whose equation is oc 2 t/ 2 =^(x b) 2 (a 2 # 2 ), and determine its subtangent. POLAR CO-ORDINATES. 95 CHAPTER XIII. POLAR CO-ORDINATES. SPIRALS. Ifr=/(6)), or/?=/(r), smdu=-> then Tangent of angle (0) contained by radius vector (r) and a tangent to the curve, is tan SPY=r = u dr du Perpendicular on tangent, SY= P = Subtangent ST=r 2 I du* IA= area ANP, -j-= Ex. (1.) Find the polar equation to the common parabola. SP=r, :.r + rco$d=2a, 2a 1-fcosO (2.) The equation to the spiral of Archimedes is r=a9 ; find the angle between the radius vector and tangent, and the subtangent. =a, dt) dr Subtangent ST=r 2 =- dr a 96 POLAR CO-ORDINATES. (3.) If r=a (1 + cos0), find the equation between p and r. 1 1 du * u~ a + aco*6 dt> \ 2 ft 2 sin 2 a 2 l--cos 1 1 2a But cos0= -- #, rt 2 cos 2 0= --- \-a 2 , u u* u 2 U U A U (4.) The tangents at the vertex and extremity of the latus rectum of a conic section intersect ; prove that the distance of the point of intersection from the vertex is equal to the distance of the focus from the vertex. Let A be the vertex, S the focus, and T the point of in tersection. The equation y= ^2 ax~+. 3? will, by using (i the negative sign, comprehend all the conic sections excepting the hyperbola ; and, by using the positive sign, it is the equation to that curve. Alsoy, y=i~-(x { x) is the equation to the tangent. Differentiating the assumed equation, = dx a SPIRALS. 97 and substituting the values of y and ~ in the equation to the tangent, we have b (x l x). a But at the origin #, = (), and x=AS=m suppose. Then /- - 5 \ v 2am-\-m* a a bin a+ _ bm Now a 2 = 2 -J- (a+m) 2 , by a property of the curve, /. 2am+m 2 =b 2 , :. TA=y>=m=SA. (5.) In the ellipse, if p be the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent, and r be the distance of the point in the curve from the centre, prove that p 2 = Perp r CP=r, L PGN= Q, then x = r cos d, y = r sin ; equation to the ellipse. ~ _ 2 H To - ^*" I o H o o V a 2 b 2 a 2 b 2 b 2 cos 2 H- a 2 sin 2 a 2 (1 e 2 ) cos 2 d + a 2 sin 2 6 b 2 where 1 e 2 =-z a 2 a 2 b 2 b 2 (! du 1 .11 ^ 2 cos0sin0 dO b 2 u b Vl-e*Go$ 2 i) K 98 POLAR CO-ORDINATES, 2 / du \ 2 1 ~~ ^ 2cos2 ^ C f = ~~ 2 du \ 2 1 ~~ ^ 2cos2 ^ Cos2 # ( 1 cos 2 ,9) ~~ l-2e 2 cos 2 0-M 4 cos 2 But = ?- i 4 i 2 >2_ (6.) In the ellipse, if A t be the origin, the equation is j/2 = _l(2a# tf 2 ) : let S be the pole, A l SP=d, and SP=r ; show that the equation referred to polar co-ordi- a (1 -e 2 ) nates is r= - (7.) The equation to a curve being y= determine the polar equation, and show that an asymptote cuts the axis of abscissae at an angle of 45, and at a dis tance = from the origin of co-ordinates. ui (8.) In the hyperbola, if $ be the pole, the polar equa- SPIRALS. 99 / O "I \ tion will be r= - > if the centre be the pole, the polar equation will be r= - - (9.) Show that the polar equation to the lemniscata of g8 Bernouilli is r 2 =2a 2 cos%0, and that p = 7^r 2 a* (10.) Show that the polar equation to the conchoid of Nicomedes is r=#H -- the equation between rectangular cosfl co-ordinates being x 2 y 2 =(a + x) 2 (b 2 x 2 ). (11.) Show that the equation r = - represents two zfcir polar curves, one having an exterior and the other an interior asymptotic circle, and exhibit the general form of the two spirals. (12.) The polar equation to the cissoid of Diocles is r=2a tan 6 sin 6 . Prove this. a 2 (13.) The equation to the lituus is r 2 = ; show that the subtangent =2av / 0. (14.) In the cardioid r=a (1 cos9), and if r, be a radius in the direction of r produced backwards, r,=a(l-Hx>B0) : show that 20 = 0. (15.) If the polar equation to a hyperbola, referred to its focus, be r=^ -- - j show that there are two asymptotes 1+0COS0 intersecting the axis of x at a distance ae from the origin, at angles whose tangents areH and -- respectively. (i ci (16.) If 0= -- be the equation to a spiral; show 100 SINGULAR POINTS, that a circle whose radius is 2 a is an asymptote to the spiral. a n (17.) If 0= and na n =-l n ; show that the equation between the radius vector and perpendicular on tangent is l n r P= CHAPTER XIV. SINGULAR POINTS. TRACING OF CURVES. A curve is convex or concave to the axis according as d 2 y y and have the same or opposite signs. To determine whether there be a point of contrary flexure, d 2 y we put - = or oo ; and if a be one of the values of x so dx found, we substitute successively a + h and a h for x in ^ > then if - have opposite signs, there will be a point of contrary flexure denoted by x=a. At a point of contrary flexure in polar curves -~z=0. If any values of x and y make = > this circumstance generally indicates a multiple point. / d 2 u \ 2 /d 2 u\ /d 2 u\ For a true double point - TT, -7-7, I > . \dxdyi \dx 2 ) \dy 1 ) i d 2 u \ 2 /d 2 u\ f d 2 u\ For a point of osculation I - 7- ) I -7-,, -7-7; }=(). \dxdyi \dx 1 l \di/ 2 / i d 2 u \ 2 /d 2 u\ ,d 2 u\ For a coniugate point - j- -;, -7-7, < 0. J ^ \dxdyl \dx 2 ) \dy 2 ) TRACING OF CURVES. 101 At a cusp, if x=a, ~ has but one value; and, substituting ctoc d*y successively a-\-h and a h for x, - has two values. ctx For the ceratoid or cusp of the first species, the values of <* 2 yi have opposite signs. clx For the ramphoid or cusp of the second species, the values d 2 y of - have the same sign. dor Ex. (1.) If the equation to a curve be y= v zP + cx 4 ; ci show that the origin is a point of osculation, ascertain if there be any maximum ordinate, and determine the general form of the curve. It is obvious that, by giving x successive positive values from to oo , y will have successive positive and negative values from to oo , consequently there are two similar branches extending from the origin to infinity, one branch on each side of the axis of x to the right of the axis of y. dy 1 5.r 4 + 4ttr s x 5x + c Now = - - -- = -- =0 when #=0, dx a SvxP+cx 4 2a Vx + c and Y when #=(), y also =0, and ~- has dx two values, one positive and the other ne gative, each =0, therefore the axis of x is a common tangent to the two infinite branches at the origin j hence the origin is a point of osculation. Again Y y= vx + c; when# = c, y = 0, and while x takes successive negative values from to c, y will take successive positive and negative values from to again, K 2 102 SINGULAR POINTS, and therefore to the left of the axis of y there is a loop or nodus. dy x 5# + 4c 4 And v = --- . = 0, ..r-f4<?==0, and#= -- c dx 2a V x + c 5 determines the position of the maximum double ordinate ; and v -p= tan 0=oo when#= c, the tangent at this point dx intersects the axis of x at right-angles. Take AE c, and draw the tangent TBtLAB, take AN c, and draw the double ordinate PNp = (- 4 which is the value of 2y corresponding to #= -c; the o loop will pass through A, P, J3 } p. V^J (2.) Trace the curve, whose equation is y =/=( #) ; va and show that there is an oval between #=0 and x=a ; de termine the position of the maximum double ordinate, and exhibit the form of the exterior branch. v^ Firstly, y=-(a-x) = V a Let a?=0, /. y=0, 1 Take yl.g^a. "A #<#, yis:, Then, v while x=a, y=0, > ^ increases x > a, y is impossible. from to a, y has positive Putting # for#, y is impossible. J and negative values from to again, . . there is a maximum ordinate somewhere between A and J5, and AE is the axis of an oval. 3 ^ //y /- 1 2* S^ 3 /- Now = Va -- 7= -- 7== - -- 7= v#=0, dx x<a, ys, x=a, y=2a, y is db, TRACING OF CURVES. 103 . . 7== T=-> 3x=a, .". #= denotes the point where v# v# 3 the maximum double ordinate cuts the axis of x. Secondly, y= (a + x). va = 0, .*. y=0, "] Draw EP^a. Then, Y while # increases from to infinity, y has posi- tive and negative values from to infinity ; there Putting x for #, y is impossible. J is a branch above and below the axis of x exte rior to the oval. "No curve exists to the left of the origin. (3.) y 2 (a 2 + x 2 )=x 2 (a 2 x 2 ) is the equation to a curve; trace it, determine the angles at which it cuts the axis of x, and find its maximum ordinate. y=x - v feS- If x=0 } theny=0 Put x for x, then x<a, y is possible if x=Q, y=0 x=a, y=0 x<a, y is possible ip #>#, y is impossible. x=-a y y=0 xXi-j y is impossible. Take AJB=a, Ab=a, in the axis of a?, and the curve will pass through the points A, B, b. And Y when x > a, y is impossible, the curve cannot extend beyond , I. 104 SINGULAR POINTS, dx and putting # = and db in this expression, we have dx (a 2 )* (a 2 )* a 3 -a -=oo =tan 90. = = 1 = tan 45 or tan 135. .". the two tangents at the point A are inclined to the axis of x at / s=45 and 135 respectively, and the tangents at B and b are J_ to the axis of x : . . the point A is a double point. VcP3? ~2 - 5* a max. Hence the greatest ordinate cuts the axis of x at points denoted by # = #v v/2 1 and a\/ V^2 1, and the length of this ordinate may be ascertained by substituting these values of x in the equation to the curve. Thus ; - v / 2 -a 1. A/ V TRACING OF CURVES. 105 (4.) If y= .f X , show that there are points of contrary flexure when #=0 and \/3, that the curve cuts the axis of x at an angle of 45, that the axis of x is an asymptote to the two infinite branches, and that there are maximum or- dinates when x=+a and a. a?x Let #=0, . . y=0 Put x for x, then y= 5- x<a, y is + Let #=0, . . y=0 a x=a, y~^ x<a, y is a x>a, y is + x=a, y=- ^=00, y=0. x>a, y is Take AB=a, Ab=a, and draw the ordinates .Z?$, 5y, equal to -and respectively, the curve will pass through the points A, Q, <?,, its right- hand branch being above the axis of #, and its left-hand branch below it, the two branches meeting that axis again only at an infinite distance from the origin A . . . the axis of x is an asymptote to the two infinite branches. _ " W ~ dx~ (a2 + x?) 2 " (a 2 a*x (x 2 -3 a 2 ) /on = / o ; 2 \s => tf*=as/3 or 0. (a 2 -|- or 2 ) 3 Substituting aSSJi, a \/~3 + h respectively for x, we have 106 SINGULAR POINTS, which is negative, since k< a \/3 ; which is positive. Hence #=& v3 indicates a point of contrary flexure ; and, substituting this value of x in the given equation, we have V=^- Take AN=a*/3, and draw NP=^ -, when 4 4 P will be a point of contrary flexure; Also substituting k, 0-f A respectively for #, d 2 y _2 a 2 h (k 2 - 3 a 2 ) one positive, the other negative. :. the origin .4 is also a point of contrary flexure. d*y Hence also, y being positive and ^ to the left of NP Ct(JC negative, the curve from A to P is concave to the axis of #, and consequently beyond P it is convex. Again / as x increases y at first increases and afterwards decreases, having various finite values between its primary value and its ultimate value 0, there will be a maximum ordinate somewhere on each side of the origin. . dy a-* 2 But when #=0, y=-^- Draw BQ=~, it will be a 2i Ji maximum ordinate. TRACING OF CURVES. 107 By substituting for x in ~- we have 4 = =1= tan 45. .*. the curve cuts the axis of x at a 4 the origin A at an Z of 45. / d 2 I ffiZ (5.) \iy=x* A / 2 - r, ; show that the branches of the curve pass through the origin, and are contained between two asymptotes perpendicular to the axis of x. Let #=0, .". ?/=0 Put x for x, then y is possible if #=0, y=0 y^ 00 #<#, y is if y is impossible. x=a, y= GO a? >a, y is impossible. Take ^j3=a, ^6= a; then, since at the origin J. the ordinate is 0, and then as x in creases the ordinates increase until x=.a, when an infinite ordinate passes through and, since the values of y are both positive and ne gative, a branch extends on each side of the axis of x. Also, since when x is negative, the ordinates take values exactly corresponding to those when x is positive, the curve has similar branches to the left of the origin. , , dy Again SB -- - - j- : and, putting x(j and dx (a 2 x 2 )? (a 2 -f- x 2 ) 1 * a in this expression, we have tan0=-^-=;l and GO. . . tan = 1 = tan 45, tan = 1 = tan 135, tan = oo =taii90. Hence a tangent to the curve cuts the axis of x in the origin A at an angle of 45, another through the same point 108 SINGULAR POINTS, at an angle of 135 : and at B a tangent to the curve is J_ the axis of #, and is coincident with the infinite ordinate. This tangent is consequently an asymptote, the branches of the curve do not extend beyond it, and they are convex to the axis of x. (6.) If (y Vf=(xaf] show that there is a ceratoid cusp when x=a, and that the tangent at that point is pa rallel to the axis of x. If x=a, y = l. Take AB=a, P=l, then P is the point. Now y i= (# )$, /. -/-=-(x a)? = dx A when xa ; . . tan 0=0, and the tangent to the curve at the point denoted by x=a is || to the axis of x. Again - = +: (a a)^=Q when x=a ; and, putting a + h, ak successively for x, =:t-v which has two values, one +, another . ax* 4 d*y 15 / 7 . . . -- = +--V h, which is imaginary : dx 2 4 dn d u and since if x= a, -j-=0, ~T~2 = > an( * ^ x^=a h, they are both impossible . . the curve cannot extend y d 2 )/ to the left of P : also v if x=a + h, - has two values, one positive and the other negative ; /, at the point P there is a cusp of the first species. aS 2 . (7.) Show that the curve, whose equation is r=- 2 _ , > has a point of inflection when r= > and rectilinear and circular asymptotes. TRACING OF CURVES. 109 r0 2 -r=ad 2 , (r-a)6 2 =r, :.6= A /_!L- . V r a r a r de_ (r-o) 2 a_ ^" 2 A /~ " ~2r*(7-a)f \ / V ~a x / - ^ - r - r 7 v4 (r 6) 3 + a 2 r Hence there is a point of contrary flexure, when r=^- a. 2 1 O 2 1 Again -= - j- -^ e ^ r become infinitely great, then != =0, .-. e 2 -i=o, e=i. r GO and, when r becomes infinitely great, rill r a a a 10 /. Subtangent ST=r 2 =+ : UT L. L 110 SINGULAK POINTS, and, since ST remains finite while SP is infinite, a tangent may be drawn which will touch the curve at a point infi nitely distant from the origin ; this tangent is therefore a rectilinear asymptote : and Y and ST have each two values, /. there are two rectilinear asymptotes. 1 2 -l 6) 2 -l 1 Again, let r=a, :. -= r , l^-^!--, /. 0=oo when r=a. Also 6= A / which is impossible when r<a. V r a Hence / r=a makes 6 infinite, and r<a makes 6 im possible, there is an asymptotic Q> radius =a, within the curve. In the logarithmic and many other spirals the curve makes an infinite number of revolutions about the pole before reaching it ; hence the pole may, in such instances, be con sidered as an indefinitely small asymptotic circle, that is, an asymptotic circle whose radius =0. The equation to the logarithmic spiral is r=a e , or r=ae m6 , e or r=ce u ; r increasing in a geometric ratio, while 6 increases in an arithmetic ratio ; the radii including equal angles are proportional. Its evolute and involute are similar to the original spiral. (8.) Trace the curve whose equation is r=a (2 cos + 1). Let 0=0, .-. r-a (2 + 1)=3, 0=30, r=a 0=60, r=a 0=90, r=a(0 + l)=a, TRACING OF CURVES. Ill Let 0=120, ..cos0=-cos60=--, r=a( 1 + 1)=0, J /o 0=150, cos0=-cos30=- > r=( which is < a, = 180, cos0=-l, 30= -- jp> r=a which is < a, 0=210, cos0=-cos30= -- j> r=a( v/3-fl), 0=240, cos0=-eos60=--> r=0, 2 0=270, cos0=0, r 0=300, cos0=cos60, *=(! + l)=2a, 0=330, cos0=cos30, r=a(\/3 + l), which is 0=360, cos0=l, r=a(2 + I)=3a. Divide the Q ce of a O into 12 equal parts, and draw radii through the points of division. Take AB =3 a, AP, Ap each =a(S3 + 1), ^t<7, ^1A" each =2a, ^Z>, ^^ each Take^.E", ^16 ?/ each=6c( \3 + l), and^^^-a. These three, being negative values of r, must be measured in an exactly opposite direction, as AE, AF, AG. The curve, which is the trisectrix, will pass through the points B, P, C, D,A,H,K,p } and the interior oval will pass through A, E, F, G. Taking r=a(2cos0 1), a precisely similar curve is pro duced, but turned the contrary way. Taking for 0, the same curve is produced, v 2cos(-0)=2cos0. 112 SINGULAR POINTS, (9.) Show that the curve, whose equation is (j/ 2 4-^r 2 ) 3 = 4a 2 .r 2 y 2 , has a quadruple point at the origin, and that there are four loops or ovals j namely, one in each quadrant. Let the equation be transformed into one under polar co ordinates, putting #=r cos 0, y=rsin0. (r 2 sin 2 + r 2 cos 2 0) 3 = 4 a Vsin 2 r 2 cos 2 0, r 6 = 4 2 r 4 sin 2 cos 2 0, r 2 =4a 2 sin 2 0cos 2 0, r=2asin0cos0, :. 1st quad. If 0=0, r=0, By put- 2 for the v3 curve is 0=30, r=asm6Q=-^-a, . _ 2 reproduced. 0=45, r = a sin 9 = a, Take the several -v/3 values of r at the 0=60, r=asin!20= a, ,. 2 corresponding 0=75, r=asin!50=-> 2 In the second = 90, r = a sin 1 8 = 0, and fourth quad- . rants, the values 2nd quad. = 105, r=asm210= -> 2 of r, being nega- a tive, must be 3rd quad. 0=195, r=sm390=^ measured in op- **A a posite directions. 4th quad. 0=285, r=sm570= - * * Hence, there will be an oval whose axis =a in each quadrant : and the origin is a quadruple point. (10.) Ifr=atan0, show that the asymptotic subtangent is a, and that the curve is included between vertical asymp totes. TRACING OF CURVES. 113 Let 0=0, :.rQ, Let 0=- 3;r 0=45, r=a, 0=-^-, r=co r=-a, 0=135, r=-a, 6=2*, r=0. 6=*, r=0. Take therefore SJ3=a at an angle of 45 with the axis of x, the curve will pass from the origin $ through B to infinity. And Y those lines are said to be || which coincide only at an infinite distance, and Y the asymptote will ultimately coincide with the curve and consequently with SP when both are infinite, .*. the asymptote must be drawn || SP. There are similar branches in all the four quadrants. dr dd 1 Now -=#(l-ftan 2 0), = > d dT n dd a 2 tan 2 tan 2 _ ^__ oo J /. ST=r 2 =a, the asymptotic subtangent. Take OT=, and draw ^T, \\SPj TP, produced is the asymptote. Hence, this curve is included between vertical asymptotes. (11.) #=a(l cos0), y=aO are equations to the curve called the companion to the cycloid ; find the points of contrary flexure. Let BDQ be the generating circle, centre 0, vertex D, radius -a, DM=x, MP=y, L DOQ=Q. L 2 114 SINGULAR POINTS, Let 0=0, /.#=0, y=0, A -> a - 7T 0=- + a, . . cos0= sma. ^_ #=a(l + sina),"! . I which increase y = a (- -f a V f as a increases. Let a=-j 0=?r, .*.cos0= 1, cos0=l, Putting for 0, a similar curve is produced on the other side of the axis of x. Now -^=- Jd7 = 0. if x=a. Substituting a + h, ah respectively for x in this expres sion, we have . which is positive, -a{a-(g-h)} - . = -- j which is negative : .*. there is a point of contrary flexure when x=-a, y=a. DO a. Take OJK = ~ a, Or=-?-a, each = arc Dn, JBA=7ra=&rc DQB ; the curve will pass through D, JK, A, and JK, r will be the points of contrary flexure. TRACING OF CURVES. 115 (12.) Show that the curve y 4 + 2 axy 2 aa? = has a triple point at the origin, and determine the position of the tangents. dy x 2yp-\-f)-^a^=Q, where ^=; (4 yS _|_ 4 a #y)j9 = 3 ax 2 2 ay 2 , Sax 2 2 ay 2 =__- =^ ^ ^=0 and y= .*. there may be a multiple point. Differentiating numerator and denominator, .. 7: if ^r= Differentiating as before, Qa . _ ~ if ^0 and y=0. Sap 4p ..-----, , .*. the origin is a triple point; and / tanfi^r- 1 -^:-! -- . dx V2 and = -- j=. and also =00, .". the tangents cut the axis v2 at / s=tan -1 ( -~\ and tan" 1 ( -- =L\, and at right-angles. * These repeated differentiations are sometimes tedious : they may, however, in such cases as this, be simplified by considering p constant, as no error will arise from that assumption. Thus, instead of this equation, we should have had, by considering p in the previous one ,, constant, p=^-, ; -. - ; : > whence = -^ as above. >r * 116 SINGULAR POINTS, (13.) In the diameter AB of a circle take a point C t - draw a chord AP and an ordinate PN, and CQ parallel to AP, meeting PN in Q : trace the curve which is the locus of Q. AB=a, AC=b, NP= vax x 2 , equation to Q, CN : AN :: NQ : NP, or x b : x \\ y \ the equation to the curve which is the locus of Q, Let y:=rO, .". x=l> and =a , let#>a, y is impossible. y has finite values positive and negative when x > b and < a. Hence the curve will pass through C, Q, B, and form an oval. By the question no part of the curve can be to the left of C. (14.) A rod PQ passes through a fixed point A ; find the equation to the curve described by P when Q moves in the circumference of a circle of given radius, and trace the curve. PQ=E= length of rod, diameter of Q BQ=.a, AB=b, qp position of rod when Q has moved along the Euc. iii. 35. Let A q= r, in 2 r 2 (b + c) cosO-r=bc, And Y Ap = qp Aq=J% r, by giving successive values to 0, and taking the corresponding values of r, the curve, TRACING OF CURVES. 117 which is the locus of P, will be traced. If ED be the posi tion of the rod when Q has described a ^O> PJ)=Q. Hence the curve is an oval, whose axis PD=a. (15.) The equation to the spiral of Archimedes is r=ad j trace the curve, and show that the origin is a point of con trary flexure. Let 0=0, /. r=0, 3-1416_ /.^ 8 ^v ( ^ " } =a (1-5708), \ r=a- 4 3-1416 r=a(3-UlQ), Take the angles, and draw the corresponding lines for the values of r, and the curve may be traced. Put for 0, and the values of r, being negative, must be measured in a directly contrary direction. ^-1 dr a 118 SINGULAR POINTS, and ~ changes sign immediately before and after the origin. .". the origin is a point of contrary flexure. In the figure, if r commences its revolution above the axis of x in the first quadrant, the branch of the spiral ABCDEF will be generated. If negative values be given to 6, and r be measured in a directly opposite direction, the branch represented by the dotted line will be traced ; and we shall have the double spiral. If r commences its revolu tion upwards in the second quadrant, two branches will be generated, similar to the others, but turned in a contrary direction, and intersecting them in the horizontal and ver tical axes. This spiral was invented by Conon : but Archimedes dis covered its principal properties. If a fly were to move uniformly from the nave of a wheel along one of the spokes whilst the wheel revolved uniformly about a fixed axis, the fly would describe this spiral. Teeth of this form are applied in the construction of engines in which uniform motion in a given direction is required. (16.) Two points start from the opposite extremities of the diameter of a circle, and move with uniform velocity in the same direction round the circumference, their velocities are in the ratio of 2 : 1. Determine the locus of the bisec tion of the chords which join the positions of the two points, and find the polar subtangent of the curve. Let the diameter AB = 2 #, and A be the position of the point which moves with a velocity equal to double that of the point at B. Now when this latter point has made TRACING OF CURVES. 119 half a revolution, the former will have made a complete revolution, and consequently the two points will coincide at A. Again, the motions continuing, if we take any arc A C, and bisect it in D, C will be a position of the point which started from A, and D the corresponding position of the point which started from B. Draw the chord CD, bisect it in P, and join OP, 00, OD. Let be the pole, OP the radius vector =r, ^AOP=6, then POD=-> 777; cos POD, or = cos-0, the equation o O-tJ a o to the locus of P. To find the polar subtangent, 1 r cos-0= ) o a . 1 dd 1 sm-0 =-> 6 dr a dr . 1 asm-0 o a A/l-cos 2 - -0 flf - ; To trace the curve, Put = 0, then cos = 1, = 45, 0=90, 0=135, 0=180, ==the polar subtangent. 00830= r=aco$ 6. o r=a, ^r-j r=a AX l a COS 40 = -7= J r = 7- ^2 J\ 120 SINGULAR POINTS, */3_1 Let 0=225, then 2 \/2 2 A/2 0=270, cos90 = 0, r=0, \/3-l \/3- 2 A/2 0=360, cos!20= 1 0=405, cos!35 = 7= 0=450, cos 150 = A/3 ~~2" ._ 2v/2 00,165=- ^ + 1 2v/2 2v/2 0=540, cos!80 = 1, r= a. The negative values of r, which are measured in an opposite direction, are distinguished in the figure by dotted lines. By giving negative values to the same curve would be produced, but turned in a contrary direction. (17.) If a 2 y=3lx 2 of 1 ; show that there is a point of 2b 3 contrary flexure when x=. b, and j/= - (18.) If i/=2a A/ 5 show that there are two points of inflexion when # = > y=. + (19.) If ax% (x a)y%= be the equation to a curve; show that there is a point of contrary flexure when #= 2a. TRACING OF CURVES. -121 (20.) If y=ax + bx 2 ca? ; show that there is a point of inflexion when #= > and y=7^ n (9< oc 27c 2 (21.) If y = c + (x a) 2 (x I)?; show that there is a double point when x=a, and y=-c. x 2 (22.) If y=-g (a 2 x 2 } ; show that there are points of . - . , a 5a inflexion when x = db 7= > y = be three equations having no mutual relation, and x becomes infinitely great in each ; prove that in (1) y = oo , and -y-= oo , dx in (2) y=oo , and =1, and in (3) y=0, and =0. (24.) If y 2 (^ a 2 )=^ 4 ; show that the equations to the asymptotes are y=+x, y=x } and that the curve lies above the asymptote : also show that the curve has two branches touching the axis of x at the origin, both being in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the paper, between two asymptotes which cut the axis of x at right- angles when x=+a, x=a; show that beyond these asymptotes the curve is in the plane of reference, and approaches nearest to the axis of x when ^=^^2, again receding towards the asymptotes whose equations are y=db# } and intersecting them at oo in a point of inflexion. (25.) If y^ + tf 3 2a.r 2 =0 ; show that the equation to the asymptote is y=- &-{-) that at the origin there is a cusp o of the first species, the two branches being above the axis of x and concave to it, that the curve cuts the axis of x at M 122 SINGULAR POINTS, right-angles at a point denoted by x=2a, where there is a point of inflexion, beyond which it approaches the asymp- 2a tote whose equation is y= x + ^ ; show also that there is a o maximum ordinate whose length is - v^J, when #= o o (26.) If r = =. ) show that p = and that VO v / ! there is a point of inflection when r=-av 2, the curve being concave towards the pole when r is less than a v/2, and con vex towards it when r is greater than a \/2. (27.) y=a + a*(xa)%; determine the nature and posi tion of the cusp. yA (28.) 3/ 2 =-o - 3 being the equation to a curve referred o/ x to rectangular co-ordinates ; show that the equation between polar co-ordinates is r=:&tan0, and that the equation be tween the radius vector and the perpendicular from the pole ar* upon the tangent is = / . n ^^^ > show also how the 1 4 branches of the curve are situated with regard to the plane of reference. (29.) If 0= - ) show that a line drawn parallel to the r a prime radius or axis, at the distance a above it, is an asymptote to the curve, that, when is +, the curve has an interior asymptotic circle, and when 6 is , it has an exterior asymptotic circle. Trace the curve, and show that the rectilinear asymptote is a tangent to the asymptotic circle. (30.) The equation to the Cardioid is r=a (1 -fcosO) ; trace the curve. TRACING OF CURVES. 123 (31.) If r=a > trace the curve, and show that 6 smfc) there is an asymptotic circle, radius =a, and that the curve, coming from infinity, continually approaches the convex circumference of the asymptotic circle on one side of the diameter, and the concave circumference on the other side of the diameter. ?/ / X" -\- n (32.) The equation to a curve being = A/ -, 3 x V x 2 a 2 show that it has asymptotes, at right-angles to the axis of x, at points denoted by x= + a, x= a, and other asymptotes cutting the axis of x at 45, and 135, respectively; that there are minimum ordinates when x= a\f v/2 + 1. De termine the value of these ordinates, and show the position and direction of the branches of this curve. (33.) y=a: (ax a 2 )? ; determine the nature and posi tion of the singular point. (34.) aPy 2 + a 2 y 2 a 4 =0 is the equation to a curve j show that its asymptote coincides with the axis of x, and that there are points of inflexion above that axis at distances /2 /2 equal to + a \J > and a A/ from it, and at dis tances equal -\ -/= and -=. from the origin of co-ordi- v 2 v 2 nates. (35.) If x 3 ?/ 3 =a 3 ; show that the curve cuts the axis of x at right-angles, at the distance a from the origin, that at each of these points there is an inflexion, the part of the curve between them being concave to the axis, the part to the left of the origin being convex, and the part to the right of the point denoted by x=a, concave. 124 SINGULAR POINTS, (36.) If (a? a) 5 = (y #) 2 ; show that the common tangent to the two branches of the curve is inclined to the axis of x at an angle of 45, that the curve cannot extend to the left of the point denoted by x-=a, and that, at the distance a above that point, there is a cusp of the first species. 3 / C 4_ aa a (37.) If y= A / r- be the equation to a curve ; c$ show that there is a point of inflexion at the distance - b* above the origin, and another in the axis of x, at the dis tance - from the origin. a* (38.) 3/=csin- is the equation to the curve of sines; show that, at all the intersections of this curve with the axis of x, there are points of contrary flexure. (39.) ^ 2 =a 2 + a? \/2a 2 a?* being the equation to a curve ; show that its branches intersect the axis of x at angles =tasi- l . 7= and tan-^v/2, that there are four double points in the axes of co-ordinates, at the distance a from the origin, and that the branches form two intersecting ovals. (40.) If r 2 =a 2 sin20 ; show that there is an oval in each of the first and third quadrants, and that no curve exists in either the second or fourth quadrants. (41.) If the equation to a curve be a?+f 2 A/<M?y=0 ; show that the axes are tangents, that /? = and oo , and that the origin is a double point. (42.) If tan3e= - and tan0= define a curve; v x ax TRACING OF CURVES. 125 show that it has a maximum ordinate at the point denoted rs by x=a ( 1 ) , and trace the curve. \ 2i I (43.) Trace the curve, whose equation is Zay^ + Sa 2 ?/ 2 + 2a 2 x 2 =a 4 + x 4 , and determine the different angles at which it cuts the axis of x. (44.) Transform the equation (ax)y 2 =x* from rectan gular to polar co-ordinates, and trace the curve. (45.) Trace the curve, whose equation is f/ 3 by 2 ax 2 =0, and determine whether it has a point of contrary flexure. (46.) Prove that, in the logarithmic spiral, the equation to which is r=ae m6 , the tangent constantly makes the same angle with the radius vector. *2 O (47.) Trace the curve, whose equation is = ? and x 1 a x ascertain the angles at which it cuts the axis of x. (48.) If the hour and minute hands of a watch were of equal length, and an elastic thread, so extensible as not to impede their motions, were attached to the extremity of each index, the thread representing a straight line of va riable length, from to the diameter of the dial-plate ; determine the polar equation to the curve which would be described by the middle point of the thread, and trace that curve. (49.) If perpendiculars be drawn to the diameter of a circle, and from each of them a part be taken, measured from the diameter, equal to half the sine of twice the arc which it cuts off, the arc being measured from the same ex tremity of the diameter; show that the equation to the curve M 2 126 SINGULAR POINTS, passing through the points thus determined is a lemniscata, whose equation is y= */a 2 x 2 , and trace the curve. a x ( x c \s (50.) If y= + l } there is an isolated point, de- a? termine its position, and exhibit the form of the curve. (51.) Ino^loga? 3,- 2 y-f ^^O, show that the origin is a point d arret ; and in y-\-yer x #=0 a point saillant, the branch corresponding to the negative values of x starting at an angle whose tangent is 225. (52.) Transform (x 2 +y 2 ) 3 =a 2 y 4 to an equation between polar co-ordinates, show that the pole is a quadruple point, and exhibit the form of the curve. (53.) Show that the curve, the equation to which is ay 2 =(xa) 2 (xb), has a singular point when x=a, a con jugate point if I is greater than a, and a double point if a is greater than b. (54.) ACB is a semicircle whose diameter is AB; draw an ordinate NO and a chord A G, then NP being taken in the ordinate, always equal to the difference between the chord and the corresponding abscissa, show that the locus of P is a parabola, and that there is a maximum ordinate when the abscissa and corresponding ordinate are equal. (55.) Show that the curve, whose equation is y= has three points of inflexion ; and that, when x=- vab, the tangent is parallel to the axis of x. (56.) If r=a6 n ; show that there are points of contrary n flexure when r=0, and r=a ( w 2 n) 2 ; and that this equa tion comprehends those of the spiral of Archimedes, the TRACING OF CURVES. 127 lituus, the hyperbolic or reciprocal spiral, and an infinite number of spirals. (57.) Show how the trisectrix, the equation to which is r=a (2cosO 1), may be used to trisect an arc or angle; and explain the difference between the generation of this curve and that of the cardioid. (58.) Prove that the angle at which the logarithmic or equiangular spiral, whose equation is r=a e , cuts the radius, is constant, and that the radii which include equal angles are proportional. (59.) If x = a (d esind), and y=.a(\ ecosQ) define the trochoid ; show that, at a point of contrary flexure, (60.) A circle, which continues constantly in the same plane, rolls, like a carriage wheel, along a fixed horizontal line ; the curve described by a point in the circumference is the cycloid. Find the equations -^ = ( - - ) 2 , and ay \2a-yl dy _i^ax\\ dx \ x I (61.) Ascertain the loci of the transcendental equations (1) / #2_|_ cos , rv /_ ^ (2) y = 3? vfl a sec 2 #. (62.) Show that, in curves referred to polar co-ordinates, ds r 2 s being the length of the spiral, = Investigate the do p r n+2 equation between r and 6 when 2 = - > and between n n p and r when r= (63.) If a, and b, be two conjugate diameters of an ellipse, 128 SINGULAR POINTS. y the angle they make with each other, and ^ h ,^ =^ * a u** IT the polar equation to the ellipse referred to the centre ; prove that a, 2 -\-b l 2 =a 2 -{-b 2 , and a t b, = ab cosec^. (64.) Trace the curve, whose equation is ay 2 =x? bx?, and determine the number and nature of its singular points. (65.) Let JBACbe a parabola, A the vertex, and EG the latus rectum ; in BC take M and N equidistant from B and C, draw MD and NE perpendicular to 0, to meet the curve in D and E, draw CD cutting NE in P. Determine the equation to the locus of P, and trace the curve. (66.) A straight line DAE, at right-angles to the dia meter ACE of a circle, moves, parallel to DAE, along the diameter, whilst a line which at first lies on the radius CA, revolves with a uniform angular motion about C, intersecting the other moving line in P } show that the equation to the T^tXj curve traced out by P is y=.(a tf)tan ; that the curve, Zci which is the quadratrix of Dinostratus, has an infinite number of infinite branches intersecting the axis of #, and that the moving parallel is an asymptote to two infinite branches. Show also that, if this curve could be geometri cally described, the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference would be determined. (67.) A globe, whose radius is a b, vibrates in a hollow hemisphere, whose radius is a, in such a manner that a great circle of the globe coincides with a great circle of the hemi sphere ; determine the curve traced out by the highest point on the globe in one revolution, and exhibit the polar equa tion. 129 CHAPTEE XY. CURVATURE OF CURVED LINES. RADIUS OF CURVATURE. EVOLUTES. Rectangular Co-ordinates. If the equation to the osculating circle, or circle of curva ture, be R 2 =(x a) 2 + (y /3) 2 , and if p be put for -j-> and q for -> R being considered positive when the curve is concave to the axis of x, and negative when the curve is convex j then a and /3, being the co-ordinates of the centre of the radius of curvature, are the co-ordinates of the evolute of the curve. If u=0 be the equation to the curve, \ 2 d 2 u du du ~ dxdy d^dy\dx df dy The middle term of the numerator in this expression vanishes when the value of u is the sum of two parts, one involving x and the other y. The distance from a point in the curve to the intersection of two consecutive normals is the radius of curvature at that point. The normal to the curve is the tangent to the evolute. 130 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, Polar Co-ordinates. If R be the radius of curvature as before, r the radius vector, 6 the angle traced out by r, and p the perpendicular upon the tangent, dr (fjM" \ r 2 + fM dr 2 d 2 r dr The semi-chord =p - = dr* d*r - * _ dO 2 dti 2 To find the equation to the evolute to a spiral ; r and p being taken as co-ordinates of the involute, r, and p, as cor responding co-ordinates of the evolute, we must eliminate R, r and p from the four equations p=f(r), P ,=(*-rf, R=r^, r?=*+lP-2Sp. Ex. (1.) To determine the radius of curvature at any point in the common parabola. y 2 =4m^, the equation to the curve, dy dy 2m 2y -=4m, .. p=-= > y dx dx y _d^/_ 2m dy_ _ 2m 2m_ 4m 2 dx 2 y 2 dx y 2 y i/ 3 4m 2 <7 f 4m 2 w * Since this expression for the radius of curvature diminishes as x diminishes, R is least when #=0, and then R=2m EVOLUTES. 131 = half the latus rectum ; hence in the parabola the point of greatest curvature is the vertex. (2.) The equation to the rectangular hyperbola, referred to its asymptotes is %?/=m 2 \ find the radius of curvature. dy dy m 2 in 2 v^+y=v> x ^r -- :.p -- 2 dx dx x x* . _ q z* 2m 2 ~ 2m 2 (3.) If the equation to a circle be x 2 a(x find the radius of curvature. 2 2 2* (4.) Find the radius of curvature to the hyperbola, and determine the equation to its evolute. 132 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, I 2 2/ 2= 2 (a 2 a 2 ), the equation to the curve, a dy a 2 * 2 -a 4 _72 ~ X Hence 7?=_ C 1 +P 2 )% = (a 2 x 2 + b 2 z 2 -a*)% (x 2 -a 2 )% a 3 ^ 2 a 2 % ab _(a^ 2 .T 2 -a^_ {a 2 ( e 2 x 2 -a 2 ) }f _ a 4 b a 4 b ( e 2^2 _ ^2\f = ^ - ; = radius of curvature. ab To find the equation to the evolute, _ _ . 22 _ y (e 2 x 2 a 2 ) EVOLUTES. 133 2 * 2 a 2 I 2 } ____ a? =^ -- sr ." a=-^ a 2 a 2 y* - 2 _ ~~ \ / \ / the equation to the evolute. (5.) Show that, in the catenary, the radius is equal but opposite to the normal. y=-(e a + e a ) } the equation to the curve, X _X_ X _X_ dy _a ie a e a \_e a e dx 2i \ a a 1 a 2x 2x 2x %x x x -+2 + i"^ = y 3 / fl 2 \ y 2 a 3 \ 2/ N , 134 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, 7 9 l+-^ r =y dke 2 O Hence the radius of curvature is equal but opposite to the normal. (6.) Determine the radius of curvature and the evolute of the cycloid. , CD=2a. y x-\- v 2 ay ?/ 2 =:versm -- = - ., the equation to the curve. a a q Now CF*= :. CF= v/2y, .*. 7?=2C^=radius of curvature. To find the equation to the evolute, Substituting these values of a and ft for the co-ordinates in the equation to the curve, we have ft ~ -=versm -- - -- ..... (1) a a EVOLUTES. 135 Taking CA t =CD, and A { B>, parallel to AB, as the axis of the abscissae, and substituting /3, 2 a for /j, and TT a, for a, TTO, being equal to AC; the origin will be transferred to A , and equation (1) will become A / a, + v/2a/3,-A 2 \ 2 =versin (TT \ =versm z And v A,N^ t =(x,,, and N l P l =i3 l , this equation to the evo- lute is the equation to another cycloid originating at A tt and whose generating circle is equal to that of the given cycloid, but moves in an opposite direction. (7.) Show that, in the common parabola, the chord of curvature through the focus is equal to four times the focal distance ; and find the length of the evolute in terms of the focal distance and the distance between the focus and vertex. Let the focal distance SP=r, the per pendicular from the focus upon the tangent, SY=p, and J)JS=2SA=2a=c. Then, by a property of the parabola, SY 2 =SP-SA, ,y_cr f dp _c dr 4/> 2 dr 2 dp c Chord =2#- = = = 4r=4/S7 > . dp c c 2 Again, y 2 =4aa?, the equation to the curve, dy 2a 4a 2 . . = > /. p z =, ax y y 136 KADIUS OF CURVATURE, _(Py__ _2a dy__ 2a 2a_ a 2 dx 2 y 2 dx y* y~ y 3 q a? f\ (V T>2. Hence, length of evolute s=Rc= -- 2SA 4* The form of the evolute,* which is a semi-cubical parabola, is represented in the figure, by the lines ev, ev t . (8.) Find the value of the radius vector in the spiral of Archimedes, when the radius of curvature equals the chord of curvature. r=a9, the equation to the curve, dr , dr rV r 2 p 2 -=a. But-=- E. But Hence EVOLUTES. 137 -u , o Now, chord = 2 P - = r 4 And, comparing this value of the chord with the value of the radius of curvature, already determined, it appears that radius = chord if (r 2 + a 2 )* = 2 r (r 2 + a 2 ), or 2 , = a (9.) To find the radius of curvature in the semi-cubical parabola. 2^ 3/ 2 = > the equation to the curve, Od dv 2^ 2 dy a? 2y~= , :,p-j-, dd a dx ay I /yj I _ _ _ _ -^ . ._ __ A I r - A I 9 O - 9 9 """ O 9 9 2 y 2 a 2 y 2 3 a 2 y 2 x 1 ^axy ax 1 -- _ a ~y _ 2 axy lap p _ ay == 3 ^v^ : JNOW Jft= q 138 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, (10.) Find the radius of curvature and chord of curvature in the cardioid. r=a (I + cos0), the equation to the curve, 1 - dd p - ~ dr . . dti = asind, = dti dr -p , .But = 1 1 But v cos0=r a, =r 2 2ar + a 2 , .dr Jp . _ Hence =T = =.=- Vzar. dp 3V2ar 3 (11.) If R and R, respectively represent the radii of cur vature of an ellipse at the extremities of two conjugate dia- q / / 22 / 4 /0* meters : show that R* -f R?= A / TT+ A / -* V b 2 V a 2 Let -P^, Qq be two diameters, then if the tangent at Q be parallel to Pp, or if the tan gent at P be parallel to Qq, they will be con jugate diameters. = 0, W=r,, 1 r//> ~ (1) 2 Iog^= 2 dp_ pdr~d 2 + I 2 i 3 r EVOLUTES. 139 p ab dr ( (aft)* (aft)* Hence But since, in an ellipse, the sum of the squares of any two conjugate diameters is equal to the sum of the squares of the major and minor axes, therefore (2a) 2 + (2b) 2 =(2r) 2 or a 2 -+- ft 2 = r 2 + r 2 , The form of the evolute of an ellipse is represented in the figure. (12.) Find the equation to the evolute of the logarithmic curve. X y=ae a , the equation to the curve, dy - 1 - y d^y 1 dy 1 y y p=-f-=ae u -=e a =-> q=-^=~ -f-=-.?-=*-, ax a a . dx* a dx a a a* Now f - 3= - y l q a 2 y 16 140 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, __ da dn y da, But = -^= L, y=<*> ; dj3 dx a dfi . . a = - - ~~ 7 is the equation to the evolute. ap 4 (13.) If D be the point of intersection of the directrix and axis of the common parabola, and PN, QM ^- be ordinates of corresponding points in the pa- /T\ rabola and its evolute; show that DM=3DN. " I The evolute of the common parabola is the l semicubical parabola. The normal to the curve is the tangent to the evolute. the equation to the common parabola, 4 /3 2 = -(a 2 a) 3 , ..... semicubical parabola, , y=- -T- (x, x), equation to the normal, Let y=0, then x t =x-\- ( 2,a, the part cut off from the axis of x by the normal to the curve. Again 21og / 3=log^+31og( a -2a), 2 =3>~JL_, .-. a _^3 = ___, the part cut off from the axis of x by the tangent to the evolute. Hence x + 2a= - 3# + 6a=a-j-4a, o ;. 3^=a 2 a. EVOLUTES. x=DN-a, 141 But DN=a + x, DM=a + a, a=Ma, a-2a=J)M3a. :. DM- 3a= 3DN- 3a, :. DM= 3DN. (14.) In an ellipse, e being the eccentricity, determine the radius of curvature in terms of the angle made by the normal with the major axis. Normal PG =y\/ ] dx 2 Now y=- "/a 2 x 2 , the equation to the ellipse, _dy b x .". p -j-= -, > dx a \f a 2 x 2 _a 4 - (a 2 -b 2 ) x 2 _ a 2 - e 2 x +P +a 2 a 2 ^~ d 2 a 2 -x 2 ~ a 2 -x 2 and q= ba Hence -R= Now sin 2 ri>= q la a 2 x 2 1 -f p 2 a 2 e 2 x 2 a 2 (l-e 2 ) x __ L. - . 1 e^sin n I and, substituting this value of a 2 e 2 x 2 in equation (1), 142 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, 7?= = (1-<? 2 )*.(1 (15.) An inextensible cord AB is attached to a stone at B, and a person holding the other extremity of the cord, moves with it at right-angles to AB uniformly along the straight line AC ; it is required to determine the equation to the curve described by the stone, and to find its evolute. Let the person be supposed to move in the direction AC until he arrives at any point T, while the stone moves along the curve BP ; the cord will then be in the position PT, and since up to this moment the stone has never been so near to the line AC as it now is, the line PT produced would not cut the curve JSP hence PT, or the cord in any position, is a tangent to the curve. Let AN=x, NPy, AB=a ; then =y> and NT*=PT*-NP*, ?/ 2 I } = a 2 y 2 , . . y = db v/a 2 y 2 , the equation required. Hence the curve is the tractory, and AC is its directrix. The equation may be readily reduced to y a form in which it is frequently given. /dx\ 2 1 a 2 To determine the evolute ; (-)==: 1 \dyl p 2 y 1 EVOLUTES. 143 dy y Agajn = = OLX v a 2 y 2 , dfi d8 dx a 2 Hence = = da dx da da dx d 2 y 2 a* J the equation to the evolute. Hence the evolute to the tractrix is the catenary. (16.) The equation to a circle being y^=(a 2 x 2 )^ ; prove that the radius of curvature equals a . /yi2 aj2 (17.) g +^2 = 1 being the equation to the ellipse; show that the radius of curvature is - - ; > where the eccen- ab tricity e= -- x 3 (18.) In the cubical parabola, whose equation is y= (a 4 -f x 4 )? show that the radius of curvature is a , (19.) Prove that in the circle, parabola, ellipse, and hy perbola, or in any plane curve whose equation is of the second degree, the radius of curvature varies as the cube of the normal. 144 RADIUS OP CURVATURE, (20.) The equation to the rectangular hyperbola is y 1 x 2 + a 2 = ; show that the radius of curvature is and that the equation to its evolute is (21.) Determine the radius of curvature to the curve * called the tractrix, the equation being y=\/c 2 y 2 . / y (22.) The polar equation to the lemniscata of Bernouilli a 2 is r 2 =o 2 cos20 ; show that the radius of curvature is O T (23.) Prove that the length of the arc of the evolute in tercepted between two radii of curvature is equal to the difference between the lengths of those radii. (24.) Show that in the common parabola, whose equation is y 2 =4#x, the radius ot curvature is greatest at the vertex, that the radius of curvature at that point is half the latus rectum, and determine the equation to the evolute. (25.) If N be the normal and R the radius of curvature to a point in the ellipse ; prove that (26.) r=f=. being the equation to the lituus ; show that the radius of curvature is (27.) If r=f(d), find an expression for the radius of cur vature, that is, prove that EVOLUTES. 145 (28.) The equation to the logarithmic or equiangular spiral, referred to p and r, is p=mr j show that the radius of cur vature is ~> and that to this spiral the evolute is a similar m* spiral. at2 yi& (29.) -f ^~2 = l being the equation to the ellipse ; show that the equation to its evolute is (aa)%+(l>l3)%=(a 2 1 2 )%, and exhibit its form and position with respect to the centre of the ellipse. (30.) In the hyperbola, the focus being considered as the pole, the length of the perpendicular on the tangent is \ - j show that the chord of curvature through the . focus is a (31.) The equation between p and r in the epicycloid is (c 2 a 2 )p 2 =c 2 (r 2 a 2 ); prove that the radius of curvature isv^ 2 a 2 )(r2 a 2 )- (32.) The equation to the involute of the circle is ad -\-asec~ 1 l~\=(r 2 a 2 )^ ; prove that its radius of curva- \o// ture is p, and that its evolute is a circle whose centre is the origin, and radius a. (33.) The equation to the hypocycloid is $t-f yt=a$ ; show that the equation to its evolute is (34.) Referring to example 22, and letting 7? and R t re spectively represent the radii of curvature at the extremities* 146 RADIUS OF CURVATURE, of the major and minor axes of an ellipse, prove that the length of the evolute is 4 ( --- \ - (35.) R being the radius of curvature, and s the length of ds 3 an arc of a plane curve : show that jR= ^- dxd 2 y (36.) Considering the earth to be an oblate spheroid, or ellipsoid, 2 a its equatorial and 2 1 its polar diameter, m and m t respectively the lengths of an arc of 1 of a meridian in two given latitudes X and X,, and considering these lengths to coincide with the osculating circles through their middle points show, by reference to Ex. 14, that the equatorial diameter : polar diameter (37.) Show how the result of the last example would be modified if one of the arcs of the meridian were measured at the equator. (38.) Let AP be a parabola, P any point in the curve, draw the tangent PT, and the normal PG ; through T, the point in which the tangent intersects the axis of abscissae, draw TQ at right-angles to that axis, produce PG to meet TQ in Q j prove that the radius of curvature at P is equal to GQ, and show the centre of the osculating circle. (39.) The equation to a curve being x sec2y=0 ; show that - = 2x(x 2 1)^, and that the radius of curvature . 2 is 4:X (40.) If, in the common parabola, a point, determined by x=3a, be taken ; show that the part of the radius of curvature below the axis of x is 12 a. EVOLUTES. 147 (41.) If ds represent the small arc between two points (x, y\ (x+dx, y + dy\ in a curve, and R the radius of cur vature, investigate a general expression for that radius, whatever be the independent variable ; that is, prove that ds 3 j?= ;: 5 and thence deduce expressions for JK d*xdy d^ydx when- x, y and s be severally taken as the independent variable. (42.) Show that, if an inextensible thread were applied to the evolute of a curve, and were to be gradually unwound, a fixed point in the thread would describe the involute or original curve. (43.) Prove that the tangent to the evolute is the normal to the involute. (44.) Prove that, when the radius of curvature is either a maximum or a minimum, the contact is of the third order. CHAPTER XVI. ENVELOPES TO LINES AND SURFACES. Considering the evolute to a curve to be generated by the ultimate intersections of consecutive normals, the evolute is their envelope. If f(x, y, a)=0 be the equation to a system of known curves, intersecting each other in points determined by x and y remaining constant whilst the variable parameter a undergoes an infinitely small variation so as to become da, the problem of finding the equation to the envelope resolves 148 ENVELOPES TO itself into that of finding an equation involving x, y and constant quantities only, a being eliminated between the equations f(x, y, a)=0, and/(#, y, a + da) = Q. If there are several equations of condition involving the parameter, it is expedient to have recourse to the method of indeterminate multipliers, as in example 2. This method of finding envelopes may be applied to the determining of the equation to the evolute of a curve. Ex. (1.) A series of equal ellipses are so placed that their axes are in the same straight lines, the ellipticities alone being variable ; find the equation to the curve which will touch all the ellipses. Let the constant rectangle ab=m 2 , . - - aj2 - + -=.]. the eouation to the ellipse. a 2 b 2 Here, a and b being variable, we must consider x, y and m constant, and differentiate with respect to a and b. Hence dl_ . db_ b da da a b a? :. 2xy=:ab=.m 2 , the equation to a rectangular hyperbola referred to its asymptotes. (2.) A straight line, whose length is /, slides down be tween two rectangular axes x and y ; find the equation to LINES AND SURFACES. 149 the envelope of the line in all its positions, that is to the curve to which the line is always a tangent. Let a and b be the variable intercepts of the line on the axes, then [- =1. the equation to the line, a o a? + b 2 =l 2 . Euc. b. i. p. 47. Now, a and b being variable, we must differentiate consi dering x, y and I constant. 2a~ + 2b=0, ada + bdb-0. ... (2) do Multiply (2) by the indeterminate multiplier X . \ada -f \b db = 0. Add equation (1). ~+Xa da+ Assume ^ + \a=:0, and -|^-+\5=0, then or Hence j+ytaa^f, the equation to the locus of the ulti mate intersections of the line. (3.) To determine the curve whose tangent cuts off from the axes a constant area. o 2 150 ENVELOPES TO First, if the axes be rectangular, let a and I be the vari able parts cut off, and m 2 =the constant area. x y -fy=l, the equation to the line, . . (1) =m 2 , the area. . . . . (2) Now, differentiating with respect to the variables a and I, considering x, y and m constant, we have from (1) x y db a 2 I 2 da " 2m 2 a b 2 x 2m 2 " da a 2 y . db : Ta~ 2m 2 y aiiu. iruin ^ 2m 2 v 2 m vy a z y ^ 2m 2 x b X \ y x ^ V \ \/2 m A/^ V^C Vy ^y ! v/ ^ - a b vzm vx \/2w/y m v/2 m v/2 o / /o / m m .. 2i v xy=m v 2, V xy j=.> sc y = > v 2 2 the equation to a rectangular hyperbola, whose asymptotes are the axes of x and y. Secondly, if the axes be oblique, let them be inclined at any angle a, a and b being the parts cut off, and m 2 the area j then 2m 2 1 db 2m 2 1 =m 2 , b= -> = : 2> 2 sina a da sina dr db b 2 x Also - = ^ as in the first case. da a 2 y LIXES AND SURFACES. 151 tfx 2m 2 Hence -=- 2m 2 ?/ b 2 = : > ic sin a 7 _ /- v x V si sn a a=- 2m 2 b sin a v 2m vy v sin a vy v sin a ic y xvyv sina yvxv sina 2v ic^sina .. .-. (__ = _ ____j _ _ = -__ _l, x v 2m v y m v 2 .*. xy=-rr 5 the equation to a hyperbola whose asymp- 2 sm a totes are the oblique axes Ax, Ay. (4.) Determine the equation to the curve which touches all the curves included under the equation a? ?/=#tan0 -- - s > the variable being 6. 4 h cos 2 Differentiating with respect to 0, considering a?, y and 7* constant, sinfl 1 8^# 2 cos0sin0 ~^ cos0 X* Hence y=2h -7-7 h=k -7^? the equation required. 4A 4A 152 ENVELOPES TO If, in this problem, we consider h to vary as well as 6, and if some constant area m 2 =A 2 sin 3 cos0 ; then we have ! and h= 4m cos 2 6 4m cos 4 m Differentiating with respect to 0, considering x, y and m constant, ""2 8 S P 0=#sec 2 -tan~*0.sec 2 0, - tan*0 = l, 4m 2 om 8m 64m 2 . 512m 3 f\ o X/^WA^.- ^ r*rT o Q^ 2 27^ Whence by substitution in (1) we have _64m 2 x 2 512m 3 64m 2 128m 2 9# 4m 192m 2 -128m 2 64m 2 (5.) Two diameters of a circle intersect at right-angles ; find the locus of the intersections of the chords joining the extremities of the diameters, while the diameters perform a complete revolution. Let AB, Ab be two semi-diameters at right- angles, 2 the diameter of the circle, A the origin of co-ordinates, r=AP the line joining the origin and point of intersection of the chords. Then AB a B111 ^ lJl 111 ^ ^2 ^2 I LINES AND SURFACES. 153 Now, this problem is the same as that of determining the curve to which the chord at its middle point shall be con stantly a tangent; and y = mx + rV m 2 -f-l is the equation to a straight line, r being the perpendicular upon it from the origin. Differentiating this equation with respect to m, consider ing x, y, and r constant, in <m*+l r m 2 +l r 2 0=# + r - ---- > -- = -- > - -=-, x 1 r 2 I r 2 r 2 -a? a? Hence = a?-\-?/ 2 =r 2 => the equation to a circle, whose radius is ^j and whoSe centre coincides with that of the original circle. (6.) If(tf-a) 2 + (y-6) 2 + * 2 =r 2 , and <* 2 + J 2 =c 2 ; deter mine the equation to the envelope of the system of spheres denned by these two equations. Differentiating with regard to a and I, considering x, y, # and c constant, we have, 154 ENVELOPES TO Multiplying the last equation by the indeterminate multi plier X, and adding, we have a=Q, ...(1) \b+y 6 = 0, ...(2) ; whence by eliminating X we have -=T Again (1) \a 2 + ax-a 2 =0, (2) \b 2 + by-b 2 =0, ax+by . .. X=l -- ^- -> ...(3) c 2 (fix I 2 x , . a: But aa?-|-iv= -- -- =(# 2 -f-& 2 ) - a a a Also ^ 2= Hence X=l + ^ +y Substituting in (1), (2), a- (a?+ffi=-(x- a }, b- (x 2 +y 2 )* = -(y - b), c c C or =r 2 -c 2 is the equation to the envelope of the system of spheres. (7.) Two straight lines /z and v, of variable length, are drawn at right-angles to the axis of x, one of them v passing LINES AND SURFACES. 155 through the origin of co-ordinates : now if they vary in such a manner that the rectangle contained by them is a constant quantity equal to I 2 ; determine the curve to which the straight line passing through their upper extremities is always a tangent. Let^Z>=^, C=p, A=2a, AN=x, NP=y. Then PN_BC _AD ~~~ :. y>AT=vAT+vx, and y.AT+2ay=p-AT+ px, (y-v)AT= v x, (y-p)AT=px-2ay, y-v y-p vx ux%ay Hence - =C - -> . J0 y-v y-p b-_ yp 2 i or where p alone is to be considered variable. Differentiating with respect to p, we have a?v 2 2a 2 v 2 Hence, by substitution, J - 2- + 1 2 (x - 2 a), a 2 y 2 = b 2 (2 ax x 2 ), or b 2 y 2 = (2axx 2 ), the equation to an ellipse, referred to the vertex. 156 ENVELOPES TO (8.) If a series of parabolas be included under the equa tion y 2 =a(xa), a being the variable parameter; show that they will all be touched by the two straight lines de termined by the equations y =-}--#, i/=-x, and draw 2i 2i these lines. (9.) Show how the method of determining envelopes may be applied to finding the evolute of a curve, and apply it to determine the evolute of the ellipse, whose equation, re- a? y 2 ferred to the centre, is +-^-=1. a 2 b 2 Equation to evolute (aa)*+(fy3)*=(tf 2 2 ). (10.) Prove that the curve which touches all the straight lines determined by the equation y=ax-\ > where a is variable, is the common parabola. (11.) A system of ellipses, with coincident but variable axes, is subject to the condition that a 2 4-& 2 =ra 2 , a and I being the major and minor axes; determine the curve which shall be the envelope of the system. (12.) If shot be discharged from a cannon with a con stant velocity, but at various angles of elevation, they will describe the parabolas included under the equation x 2 y = ax (\-\-a 2 )) a being the variable parameter. Show T C that the curve which will touch all these parabolas is itself x 2 a parabola whose equation is y=c TtC (13.) Considering the envelope to be formed by the inter sections of straight lines ; show that the problem " to deter mine the equation to the envelope " is the inverse of the LINES AND SURFACES. 157 problem " to determine the equation to a tangent to a curve." (14.) If /?, be a perpendicular of constant length from the origin upon the straight lines defined by y=:ax-\-p, ( 2 + 1) 2 ; show that the envelope of all these lines is a circle whose radius is/?,. (15.) If a surface be produced by the continued intersec tion of planes represented by the equation \- -f-=l, where abc = m 3 j a, b, c being variable, and m 3 constant ; / Tft \ prove that the equation to the surface is xyz\-^-\ \ o / (16.) A straight line, cutting from two straight lines which meet in any angle, two segments whose sum is a, is a tangent to a curve ; prove that that curve is a parabola, and trace it. (17.) If on one side of a horizontal straight line AR an in definite number of parabolas of equal area be described from a common point A, with their axes perpendicular to AM, the equation to this system of parabolas is ai/ = 2oL5a%x tf 2 , where a is variable ; prove that the curve which will touch them all is an equilateral hyperbola whose equation is 2 5 xy=. a 2 , AR and a perpendicular to it from A being its asymptotic axes. 158 4 CHAPTER XVII. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. (1.) Prove the ordinary rules for differentiation. (2.) Explain the difference between explicit and implicit functions. (3.) Define and illustrate the terms " limit," " differen tial," " differential coefficient." (4.) Explain the difference between algebraic and trans cendental functions. (5.) Investigate the differentials of u=sinx, ?j = (6.) Prove Taylor s Theorem, and from it deduce Stirling s or Maclaurin s Theorem, and the Binomial Theorem of Newton. (7.) If y = e*smx , show, by means of the theorem of Leibnitz, that -=2^ sin (x + n~}- ax \ 4/ (8.) In what manner may the value of a fraction be determined when its numerator and denominator vanish simultaneously ? (9.) If u=.f(x] ; show that u is a maximum or minimum when an odd number of differential coefficients becoming =0, the differential coefficient of the next succeeding order is negative or positive. (10.) Deduce the equation to a straight line, ymx-\-l>, and show that the equation to a perpendicular to it is MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 159 (11.) Show that the equation to a straight line, which intersects the axis of x at a distance a from the origin of co-ordinates, and the axis of y at a distance b from that . y x origin. iSyH si. o a (12.) Show that the equation to a tangent to a curve, re- ^/?/ ferred to rectangular co-ordinates, is (y ) y)= (x,x). ClX (13.) If AT and AD be the intercepts of the tangent on dx the axes of x and y respectively ; prove that AT=y x, and AD = y x--i and determine the equation to the dx normal. (14.) Determine the differential expression for the sub- tangent, subnormal, tangent, normal, perpendicular on tan gent, and the tangent of the angle which the tangent makes with a line from the origin. (15.) If =/(#, y) ; prove that du=( j dx+(- \ dy, \CLdO/ \(jL f U t . , d*u d 2 u and that - = -- dydx dxdy (16.) Ifu=f(y, z), where y, z, and consequently u, are functions of x : show that du=l J dy 4- ( ) dz. \dyt \dzl (17.) Determine the conditions upon which a function of two independent variables is a maximum or minimum. (18.) Determine the differential expression for the area of a plane curve, and if s be the length, and -j-=p j prove 160 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCFSES. (19.) If S be the surface and V the volume of a solid generated by the revolution of a curve round its axis ; show dV d/S that = Try 2 , and = 2 7r$/ 2 ( 1 + p 2 )* dx dx (20.) If r and r, be the radii of the greater and smaller ends of the frustrum of a right cone, and a the slant height \ prove that the area of the frustrum is TTO, (r + r t ). (21.) If r be the radius vector, p the perpendicular on the tangent, and the angle swept out by the revolution of r 1 ^7 2 1 round the pole Si show that =u 2 + ( ) , where z<=-: p 2 \a&l r and that = dr (22.) If in polar curves p be the length of the perpendi cular upon the tangent ; find the value of p in the circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. (23.) Define the rectilinear asymptote and the asymptotic circle. (24.) Define conjugate points, double points, cusps, and points of contrary flexure, and show that a curve is concave or convex to the axis according as y and -=-^ have the same or different signs. (25.) Prove that, in spirals, the curve is concave or convex towards the pole, according as is positive or negative. (26.) If A be the area, and 5 the length of a plane curve ; dA dA 1 . ds prove that y and =. T dx dt) 2 dti . ds and = dr /V2 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 161 (27.) Prove that, in spirals, the subtangent =r 2 = f- -- -> and show how to draw the asymptote to a spiral. (28.) Explain what is meant by the osculating circle; and show that the evolutes of all algebraic curves are recti- iicable. (29.) Explain the theory of the different orders of contact of plane curves ; point out the exceptions to the rule that every curve is cut by its circle of curvature, and show how these exceptions apply to the ellipse. (30.) Explain the difference between Taylor s and Mac- laurin s Theorems, and point out the circumstances under which the former sometimes fails. (31.) Investigate Lagrange s* Theorem, and apply it to determine a general law for the inversion of series by means of the equation x = ay -f by 2 -}- c?/ 3 -f- dy^ + &c. (32.) Apply Lagrange s Theorem to the determination of the four first terms of the devolopment of y m , when y/ a-\- xy n \ and find the general term in the expansion of A >m in a series of powers of cos ft, when x-\- =2 cosO. tJC (33.) If u=^J2 - (*gr -y) Y~^ x bein S the inde " * Ify=z + x$(y), and if u=f(y), /and ^ being any functions what ever, then d? r X* p 2 162 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. pendent variable ; show that, when x becomes cos 9, and 6 is 79 made the independent variable, u=l-^+y\ cosec 2 (9. (34.) Explain exactly the mode in which the following curves are generated, construct them, and thence derive their equations : namely, the circle, parabola, ellipse, hyper bola, cissoid of Diocles, conchoid of Nicomedes (superior and inferior), cycloid, epicycloid, lemniscata of Bernouilli, quadra - trix of Dinostratus, involute of the circle, catenary, tractory, elastic curve, witch of Agnesi, curve of sines, cardioid, tri- sectrix, logarithmic or equiangular spiral, spiral of Archi medes, hyperbolic or reciprocal spiral, lituus, parabolic spiral. (35.) Show what kind of curves are included under the equations ?/ 2 = mx + nx*, r = a sin n 6, r=a cos 6 + 1, r =a6 r> , r=asmnd + b sin nfi + c sin n ,,0 -f &c. respectively. :v STREET PRIZE MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 1862 was awarded to the Publishers of " Weale s Series." 7, Stationers Hall Court, March, 1872. 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