THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE PRESENTED BY William E. Roberts THE TEETH OF SPUR WHEELS; THEIR CORRECT FORMATION IN THEORY A^D PRACTICE. BY PROF. C. W. MAcCORD. HARTFORD, CONN. : PUBLISHED BY THE PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY, RS ov MACHINISTS' TOOLS, GUN AND SBWING MACHINE MACHINERY, &c., &C. PREFACE. As a preliminary to the description of the machines for the accurate formation of cutters for spur wheels, given in the second part of this treatise, it seemed appropriate to explain the manner of laying out the teeth. And in the belief that it may be acceptable to many who are interested in the subject, we have endeavored to give, in as simple, clear and brief a manner as possible, the reasons and the proof of every step in the construction. The method of drawing rolled curves by means of tangent arcs, which we believe to be the most accurate and expeditious known, may be new to some; and this, as well as Prof. Rankine's elegant graphic processes relating to circular arcs, will be found applicable to many other purposes, and exceedingly useful. To which we may add, finally, the hint that the same is true of the principles and the methods made use of in the demonstrations. C. W. MAC-CORD. STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Hoboken, N. J., Jan. 28, 1881. \ VS (^5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA L^LLESE LIBRARY 73256 PART I. THE TEETH OF WHEELS. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. The proper action of many pieces of mechanism depends so largely upon that of spur wheels, that any means of effecting a radical improve- ment in the making of such wheels cannot but be of interest and im- portance. There was a time when the teeth of wheels were made in rude hap- hazard ways, of almost any shapes that would permit them to engage, with a mistaken idea that they would wear themselves into correct forms. The machine was expected not only to do its own proper work, but partly to finish itself; small wonder, then, that it failed to do either of these things well. Naturally, these crude methods gave place to better ones. The mechanician perceived the necessity of greater care in making the teeth of proper form ; the mathematician soon became interested in the problem of determining what forms were proper, and the results of their combined efforts, leave little to be desired in relation to the latter. And as little would seem to be left in regard to the former after the introduction of the gear-cutting engine, by which, if the milling cutter be of the correct outline, all the teeth of a wheel are made with the utmost regularity and precision. But on closer consideration, it will be seen that something is yet lacking in reference to the formation of the cutter itself. It is one thing to know what its outline should be, but quite another thing to make it so. The process most extensively employed involves, 1st, the laying out of the required curve ; 2nd, the filing of a template to that exact form, and, 3rd, the turning of the cutter to fit the template. In some cases a specially-contrived apparatus has been used for me- chanically tracing the curve by continuous motion, but, until recently, the two remaining steps have been executed by hand, which makes the per- fectly accurate formation of a cutter, especially if it be a small one, vexy difficult, and its exact duplication still more so. The time has now come when all this ought to be changed. No one who considers for a moment the vast numbers of accurate machines em- ployed in the various industrial arts, and of others equally accurate, em- ployed in making them, can fail to perceive the advantages over the system above described, of one in which the template is not merely lined out, but cut out to the true form, and the contour of the milling cutter, be it large or small, is made to correspond to that of the template, by mechan- ism nearly automatic. Of such a system, and of the means by which these results are effected, we propose to give a detailed description. Before entering upon this, however, we shall briefly explain the principles upon which the correct forms of the teeth depend, and the method of laying out epicycloidal teeth in outside gear. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF MOTION. The motion of a point at any instant may be represented in magnitude and direction by a right line. It is true that the path of the point may be a curve of any kind ; but at any given instant it can occupy but one position, and its direction "Will be that of the tangent to the path at that point. The length of that tan- gent may, evidently, be made to indicate the velocity; therefore the motion is fully represented. COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF MOTION. The composition (or finding the resultant) of two motions, is effected as shown in Fig. 1. Suppose the point A, to receive simultaneously two Fig. 1. impulses, the motions due to which are represented in velocity and direc- tion by AB, AC. Draw BD parallel to AC, and CD parallel to AB : then AD, the diagonal of the parallelogram thus formed, will represent the re- sultant motion in both direction and velocity. That is to say, the point A will go to D, in the same time in which it would have reached either B or C, had it received but one of the impulses. Evidently, if one component and the resultant be known, the other component may be found in a similar manner. If, for instance, we know that AD is the resultant of two components, one of which is AC, draw CD; then the other component must have the direction AB parallel to CD, and its magnitude is found by drawing DB parallel to AC. The resolution of motion is the converse of composition : thus, it is evi- dent that the motion AD in Fig. 1 may be separated into the components from which it was derived, by drawing the parallels DC, AB, in one direc- tion, and DB, AC, in the other; by which the original parallelogram is reconstructed. But again, AD may be the diagonal of a great number of other parallelograms : from which we see that a given motion may be resolved into two components, having any directions we please to assign. ANGULAR VELOCITY AND VELOCITY RATIO. This term angular velocity is applied only to circular motion, like that of a wheel revolving on its axis. Every point in the revolving body turns through the same angle in the same time, whatever be its distance from the axis: thus in Fig. 2, the point A goes to D, in the same time that it Fig. 2. takes the point B to reach E. Clearly the arcs AD, BE, represent the linear velocities of the moving points; but AD is as many times greater than BE, as AC is greater than BC. If then we divide AD by BE by BC, either quotient may be taken as the measure of the angular motion represented by A CD; or, in general, we say that linear velocity angular velocity = -. radius If we consider the motion of a revolving point at a single instant only, its direction is that of the tangent to its circular path. In represent- ing it, then, we set off the linear velocity perpendicular to the radius through the point, as AM, BN. Drawing CM, it will be observed that the angle ACJIfis not the same as A CD. Nor should it be, since the former represents what is happening at a given instant, the latter a motion con- tinuing through a period of definite duration. The velocity ratio of two revolving bodies, at any instant, is simply the quotient obtained by dividing the angular velocity of one by that of the other, at the given instant. If this quotient be the same at every instant, the velocity ratio is said to be constant; as in the case of two pulleys driven by a belt which does not slip if one be half the size of the other, it will always turn twice as fast, whether the actual speed be uniform or not. DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY RATIO. In Fig. 3, C and D are fixed centers, about which turn the two curved levers, CH, DK, which touch each other at A. Through this point draw TV 1 the common tangent, and -, or at any distance from it, as at E. At the instant the rulers are in contact at P, the motion of D is in the direction DF, perpendicular to DP, the contact, radius. DF, then, is tangent to the path of D, traced as the ruler BB rolls: but it is also tangent to the circular arc whose center is D and radius PD, consequently the path of D is also tangent to that arc. Let the arcs PC, Po of BB, 12 be equal to the arcs Pd ', Po' of AA, then cD will be contact radius when c reaches d ' , and oD when o reaches o' . If, then, we describe, with these radii, circular arcs about c 1 and o' , the curve traced by D will be tangent to those arcs ; and that traced by E will be tangent to arcs about the same centers with cE and oE as radii. Curves thus described, by points carried by one line which rolls upon another, are called rolled curves or epitrochoids ; and the drawing of a series of tangent arcs as above explained is the readiest and most reliable method of laying them out. The line which carries the tracing point is called the describing line, and the one in contact with which it rolls is called the base liffe; either of these may be straight, or both may be curved. 13 RECTIFICATION OF CIRCULAR ARCS. For our present purpose we have to do only with the rolling of a circle, either upon its tangent or upon another circle, and shall have frequent occasion to set off upon a right line a length equal to that of a given arc, or upon a given circle an arc equal in length to a given right line. Since the circumference is 3.1416 times the diameter, these operations can be performed arithmetically ; but the following graphic process will be found equally accurate and much more expeditious. a F E Eig* ti I. In Fig. 6, let AE be tangent at A to the given arc AB. Draw BA, produce it, making AG=^AD=y 2 chord AB. With center G and radius GB, describe an arc cutting AE in F. Then AF=a.rc AB (very nearly). II. In Fig. 7, let the given line AB, be tangent at A, to the given circle. Make AD~}{ AB ; with center D, and radius JDB=i/ AB, describe an arc cutting the given circle in E. Then arc AE=AB (very nearly). NOTE. The arc thus rectified or found should not measure over 60. If the given arc or line exceed this limit, it should be bisected. 14 The particular rolled curves to be used are : I. The Cycloid, Fig. 8. Traced by a point in the circumference of a /i E circle rolling upon its tangent. Find Aa', the length of a convenient fraction Aa, of the circumference; step this off the required number of times, making ^^"^semi-circumference. Divide both into the -same 15 number of equal parts, draw chords from P to the points of division on the circle, with which, as radii, strike arcs about the corresponding points on AE; the cycloid is tangent to all these arcs. To find points on the curve. When aC becomes contact radius, it has the position of a'R, perpendicular to AE. The angle a CP remaining un- changed, make a'jRL equal to it: then RL is the generating radius, and L a point on the cycloid. Also a'L is the normal, and a perpendicular to it is tangent to the curve at L. Fig. 9 Conversely. Let O be any point on the curve ; about this as a center, 16 describe an arc with radius equal to CP, cutting CD, the path of the center, in S. Then OS is the generating radius; Stf, perpendicular to AE, is the contact radius, and b' O is normal to the cycloid. II. The Epicycloid, Fig. 9. The describing circle rolls on the outside of another, whose center is G. Draw the common tangent at A, set off on this the length of Aa (any convenient fraction of semi-circumference AP), and find the arc of the base circle equal to that length. Step this off as above, making ^.fi 1 semi-circumference AP. The curve is drawfTby tangent arcs in the same manner as the cycloid. The path of the center of the describing circle, is, in this case, another circle, whose center is G, and the contact radii a'JR, b'S, are prolongations of the radii Ga' , Gb' , of the base circle, which slightly modifies the processes of finding the point of the curve corresponding to a given point of contact and the converse. Fig. 10 A III. The Hypocycloid, Fig. 10. Traced by a point in the circum- ference of a circle rolling inside another. Construction in all respects the 17 same as in the case of the epicycloid, and the diagrams being lettered to correspond throughout, no further explanation is needed. In all three of these curves, if the rolling continue beyond , a new branch EF springs up, which is, of course, perfectly symmetrical with EL. It is to be particularly noted that these branches are tangent to ED, and to each other, at E. These parts near E are the ones which require the greatest care in their construction, as they only are employed in the forma- tion of teeth. 18 LAYING OUT THE TEETH THE PITCH CIRCLE AND CIRCULAR PITCH. If the line of centers of a pair of spur wheels be divided into two parts which are to each other in the same ratio as the numbers of thejjeeth, the circles of which these parts are the radii are called the pitch circles. And the first step in laying out a pair of wheels is to determine the fadii and draw these circles. Suppose, for example, that the distance CD, between centers, in Fig. 11, is given, and it is required to make two wheels 1 Fig. 11. whose angular velocities shall be as 2 : 1. Divide CD into three equal parts, of which AD is one, then AC will measure two, and the tangent circles shown are the pitch circles. Evidently they can move in perfect rolling contact about their fixed centers; the linear motion AB is the same, whether we regard the point A, as belonging to one circle or the other. But one will not drive the other without the possibility of slipping, which would cause the velocity ratio to vary ; hence the necessity of teth. 19 The next step is to divide each pitch circle into as many equal parts as its wheel is to have teeth. We may give the smaller wheel any number we please, but the larger one must have twice as many in this instance. The pitch of the teeth is the length of the circular arc obtained by this subdivision. Since the larger circumference is twice the smaller, but is divided into twice as many parts, the pitch arc is the same in both wheels. Each of these arcs must contain a tooth and a space ; hence we may say that the pitch is the distance between the centers or the corresponding edges of rwo adjacent teeth, measured on the pitch circle, not in a right line. This is sometimes Jcalled thejfC/>r///llars on the upper ends of the tubular studs. The action will be readily traced by comparing Fig. 6 with Fig. 7 ; as C goes to the left, the hook K' is left behind, but the other one, K, cannot escape from its engagement with the flange of J; which, accordingly, is carried along with H by the combined action of the hook and the steel ribbon. On the top of the upper flange of /, is secured a bracket, carrying the bearing of a vertical spindle Z, whose center line is a prolongatioivof that 43 of J itself. This spindle is driven by the spur wheel N, keyed on its upper end, through a flexible train of gearing seen in Fig. 2 : at its lower end it carries a small milling cutter M, which shapes the edge of the tem- plate T, Fig. 7, firmly clamped to the framing. When the machine is in operation, a heavy weight seen in Fig. 1, acts to move C about the pivot D, being attached to the carrier by a cord guided by suitably arranged pulleys ; this keeps the cutter Mup to its work, while the spindle L is independently driven, and the duty left for the worm G to perform, is merely that of controlling the motions of the cutter by the means above described, and regulating their speed. The center line of the cutter is thus automatically compelled to travel in the path RS, Fig. 7, composed of an epicycloid and a hypocycloid if A A be a segment of a circle as here shown ; or of two cycloids, if A A be a straight bar. The radius of the cutter being constant, the edge of the tem- plate Tis cut to an outline also composed of two curves ; since the radius M is small, this outline closely resembles RS, but particular attention is called to the fact that it is not identical with it, nor yet composed of truly epicycloidal curves of any generation whatever : the result of which will be subsequently explained. NUMBER AND SIZES OF TEMPLATES. With a given pitch, every additional tooth increases the diameter of the wheel, and changes the form of the epicycloid j so that it would ap- pear necessary to have as many different cutters, as there are wheels to be made, of any one pitch. But the proportional increment, and the actual change of form, due to the addition of one tooth, becomes less as the wheel becomes larger ; and the alteration in the outline soon becomes imperceptible. Going still far- 44 ther, we can presently add more teeth without producing a sensible varia- tion in the contour. That is to say, several wheels can be cut with the same cutter, without introducing a perceptible error. It is obvions that this variation in the form, is least near the pitch circle, which is the only part of the epicycloid made use of; and Prof. Willis many years ago deduced theoretically, what has since been abundantly proved by practice, that instead of an infinite number of cutters, 24 are sufficient of one pitch, for making all wheels, from one with 12 teeth up to a rack. Accordingly, in using the epicycloidal milling engine, for forming the template, segments of pitch circles are provided of the following diameters (in inches) : 12, 16, 20, 27, 43, 100, 13, 17, 21, 30, 50, 150, 14, 18, 23, 34, 60, 300, 15, 19, 25, 38, 75, oo. 45 The diameter of the discs which act as describing circles, is 7 inches, and that of the milling cutter which shapes the edge of the template, is I of an inch. Now if we make a set of 1 -pitch wheels with the diameters above given, the smallest will have twelve teeth, and the one with fifteen teeth will have radial flanks. The curves will be the same whatever the pitch ; but as shown in Fig. 9, the blank should be adjusted in the epicycloidal engine, so that its lower edge shall be iVh of an inch (the radius of the cutter Af) above the bottom of the space ; also its relation to the side of the proposed tooth should be as here shown. As previously explained, the depth of the space depends upon the pitch. In the system adopted by The Pratt & Whitney Company, the whole height of the tooth is 2^ times the diametral pitch, the projection outside the pitch circle being just equal to the pitch, so that diameter of blank = diameter of pitch circle + 2 X diametral pitch. We have now to show how, from a single set of what may be called 1-pitch templates, complete sets of cutters of the true epicycloidal contour may be made of the same or any less pitch. THE PANTAGRAPHIC ENGINE FOR FORMING CUTTERS. In Fig. 9, the edge TT, is shaped by the cutter M, whose center travels in the path J?S, therefore these two lines are at a constant normal distance from each other. Let a roller P, of any reasonable diameter, be run along TT, its center will trace the line UV, which is at a constant normal distance from TT, and therefore from RS. Let the normal distance between 7Fand fiSbe the radius of another milling cutter N, having the same axis as the roller P, and carried by it, but in a different plane, as shown in the side view ; then whatever ^Vcuts will have RS for its contour, if it lie upon the same side of the cutter as the template. 46 Now if TT be a 1-pitch template as above mentioned, it is clear that ^Vwill correctly shape a cutting edge of a gear cutter for a 1-pitch wheel. The same figure, reduced to half size, would correctly represent the for- mation of a cutter for a 2-pitch wheel of the same number of teeth; if to quarter size, that of a cutter for a 4-pitch wheel, and so on. But since the actual size and curvature of the contour thus determined, depend upon the dimensions and motion of the cutter N, it will be seen that the same result will practically be accomplished, if these, onlyj-be re- duced ; the size of the template, the diameter and the path of the roller remaining unchanged. Fig 10 The nature of the means by which this is effected in the Pantagraphic Engine, is illustrated in Fig. 10. The milling cutter N, is driven by a flexible train acting upon the wheel O; its spindle is carried -by the bracket JB, which can slide from right to. left upon the piece A, and this, 47 again, is free to slide in the framed. These two motions are in horizontal planes, and perpendicular to each other. The upper end of the long lever PC, is formed into a ball, working in a socket which is fixed to B. Over the cylindrical upper part of this lever slides an accurately fitted sleeve D, partly spherical externally, and working in a socket which can be clamped at any height on the frame f. The lower end P, of this lever being accurately turned, corresponds to the roller P in Fig. 9, and is moved along the edge of the template T, which is fastened in the frame in an invariable position. By clamping D at various heights, the ratio of the lever arms PD, DC, may be varied at will, and the axis of N made to travel in a path similar to that of the axis of P, but as many times smaller as we choose ; and the diameter of TV is made less than that of P in the same proportion. The template being on the left of the roller, the cutter to be shaped is placed on the right of N, as shown in the plan view at Z, because the lever reverses the movement. This arrangement is not mathematically perfect, by reason of the angular vibration of the lever. This is, however, very small, owing to the length of the lever; it might have been compensated for by the intro- duction of another universal joint, which would practically have introduced an error greater than the one to be obviated, and it has, with good judg- ment, been omitted. The gear cutter is turned nearly to the required form, the notches are cut in it, and the duty of the pantagraphic engine is merely to give the finishing touch to each cutting edge, and give it the correct outline. It is obvious that this machine is in no way connected with, or dependent upon, the epicycloidal engine; but by the use of proper templates it will make cutters for any desired form of tooth; and by its aid exact duplicates may be made in any numbers with the greatest facility. Its general appearance is shown in Fig. 11. It will be noted that the universal joints are not Fig. 11. Pantagraphic Engine for forming Cutters. 49 actually of the ball and socket kind, which suggests the explanation, that in Figs. 3-10 inclusive, we have made no attempt to give precise details or proportions, but only to make as clear as we are able to, the principles and mode of action of these remarkably ingenious machines, as well as of the system adopted in using them. THEORETICAL DEFECTS OF THE SYSTEM. It forms no part of our plan to represent as perfect that which is not so, and there are one or two facts, which at first thought might seem serious objections to the adoption of the epicycloidal system. These are; 1. It is physically impossible to mill out a concave cycloid,*by any means whatever, because at the pitch line its radius of curvature is zero, and a milling cutter must have a sensible diameter. 50 2. It is impossible to mill out even a convex cycloid or epicycloid, by the means and in the manner above described. This is on account of a hitherto unnoticed peculiarity of the curve at a constant normal distance from the cycloid. In order to show this clearly, we have, in Fig. 12, enormously exaggerated the radius CD, of the milling cutter (M of Figs. 7 and 8). The outer curve HL, evidently, could be milled out by the cutter, whose center travels in the cycloid CA; it re- sembles the cycloid somewhat in form, and presents no remarkable Teatures. But the inner one is quite different ; it starts at D, and at first goes down, inside the circle whose radius is CD, forms a cusp at E, then begins to rise, crossing this circle at G, and the base line at f. It will be seen, then, that if the center of the cutter travel in the cycloid A C, its edge will cut away the part GED, leaving the template of the form OGI. Now if a roller of the same radius CD, be rolled along this edge, its center will travel in the cycloid from A, to the point P, where a normal from G, cuts it ; then the roller will turn upon G as a fulcrum, and its center will travel from P to C, in a circular arc whose radius to GP= CD. That is to say, even a roller of the same size as the original milling cutter, will not retrace completely the cycloidal path in which the cutter traveled. Now in making a rack template, the cutter, after reaching C, travels in the reversed cycloid CR, its left-hand edge, therefore, milling out a curve DK, similar to HL. This curve lies wholly outside the circle DI, and therefore cuts OG at a point between ^and G, but very near to G. This point of intersection is marked S in Fig. 13, where the actual form of the template OSK is shown. The roller which is run along this template, is larger, as has been explained, than the milling cutter. When the point of contact reaches S (which is so near to G that they practically coincide), this roller cannot now swing about S through an angle so great as PGC of Fig. 12 ; because at the root D, the radius of curvature of DK is only 51 equal to that of the cutter, and G and 6" are so near the root that the curva- ture of SK, near the latter point, is greater than that of the roller. Con- sequently there must be some point U in the path of the center of the roller, such, that when the center reaches it, the circumference will pass through S, and be also tangent to SK. Let T be the point of tangency ; draw SC7 and TU, cutting the cycloidal path AR in JSf and K Then, UY being the radius of the new milling cutter (corresponding to N oi Fig. 9), it is clear that in the outline of the gear cutter shaped by it, the circular arc .ATKwill be substituted for the true cycloid. THE SYSTEM PRACTICALLY PERFECT. The above defects undeniably exist ; now, what do they amount to ? The diagrams, Figs. 12 and 13, are drawn purposely with these sources of error greatly exaggerated, in order to make their nature apparent and their FIG. 14. SET OF WHEELS AND RACK. existence sensible. The diameters used in practice, as previously stated, are: describing circle, 7 inches; cutter for shaping template, \ of an inch; roller used against edge of template, H inches; cutter for shaping a I -pitch gear cutter, 1 inch. l7NivERSt*r? OP CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE L 52 With these data the writer has found that the total length of the arc XY of Fig. 13, which appears instead of the cycloid in the outline of a cutter for a 1-pitch rack, is less than 0.0175 inch; the real deviation from the true form, obviously, must be much less than that. It need hardly be stated that the effect upon the velocity ratio of an error so minute, and in that part of the contour, is so extremely small as to defy detection. And the best proof of the practical perfection of this system of making epicy- cloidal teeth is found in the smoothness and precision with which the-wheels run ; a set of them is shown in gear in Fig. 14, the rack gearing as accurately with the largest as with the smallest. To which is to be added, finally, that objection taken, on whatever grounds, to the epicycloidal form of tooth, has no bearing upon the method above described of producing duplicate cutters for teeth of any form, which the pantagraphic engine will make with the same facility and exactness, if furnished with the proper templates. Table of Cutters for Teeth of Gear Wheels, MADE BY THE PRATT & WHITNEY CO., HARTFORD, CONN., U. S. A All Gears of the same pitch cut with our Cutters are perfectly interchangeable. Diameter of Cutters. Diametral Pitch. Price of Cutters. Size of Hole in Cutters. SET OF 24 CUTTERS. For each pitch coarser than 10. inches. 11 $25 00 1} inches. No. 1 cuts 12 T 9 20 00 a u No. 2 " 13 " 2J 18 00 " " No. 3 " 14 3 15 00 " " No. 4 " 15 3 12 00 1 No. 5 " 16 4 9 00 u No. 6 ' " 17 5 7 00 it No. 7 " 18 6 6 00 (( U No. 8 " 19 " 7 5 00 (I U No. 9 " 20 8 4 50 I ;; No. 10 " 21 to 22 " 9 4 00 No. 11 " 23 " 24 " 10 3 50 " No. 12 " 25 " 26 " 12 3 50 ( No. 13 " ' 27 " 29 r " 14 3 50 No. 14 " 30 " 33 r ;; . 16 3 00 ti No. 15 " 34 " 37 18 3 00 u No. 16 " 38 " 42 i 20 3 00 " " No. 17 " 43 " 49 1 ;; 22 3 00 u No. 18 " 50 " 59 24 3 00 " " No. 19 " 60 " 75 " 26 3 00 No. 20 " 76 " 99 " 28 3 00 " " No. 21 " 100 " 149 tt 30 3 00 " " No. 22 " 150 " 299 32 3 00 " " No. 23 " 300 Rack. No. 24 " Rack. The Cutters are made for diametrical pitches. By diametrical pitch is meant, the number of teeth per inch in the diameter of the gear at pitch line. Two pitches should always be added to this diameter in preparing a gear for cutting. For example : a gear of 80 teeth, 8 to the inch, diametrical pitch, would be 10 inches on pitch circle, but the gear should be turned 10 2-8 (or J). The teeth should always be cut two pitches deep beside clearance. The Cutters are made for a clearance of 1-16 of the depth of the tooth : example : 8 to the inch has a clearance of 1-64; therefore the tooth should be cut two pitches (1-4) and 1-64 deep. The gears must be set to run with this clearance to give the best results. In ordering bevel gear cutters, give the diameter of gear at outside pitch line, and number of teeth, also the width of face. For the present all cutters are made to order. THE PRATT -& WHITNEY COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN., MANUFACTURERS OF js/n^oHiisrisTS' TOOLS for general use, comprising a large variety of Lathes, Planers, Drilling, Milling, Boring, Screw making, Bolt cutting, Die sinking, Grinding, Polishing, Shaping, Tapping and Marking Machines, Planer and Milling Machine Vises, Planer, Milling Machine and Bench Centers, Cam cutting Machines for various purposes, Power Shears, a variety of Power and Foot Presses, Iron Cranes for shops and other purposes, Lathe Chucks, etc. MACHINES FOR GUN AND SEWING MACHINE MAKERS AND FOR ALL USES IN METAL WORKING. Having furnished several plants complete for the manufacture of Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, etc., we particularly solicit such business, and where only drawings or models are furnished, are prepared to complete such tools and machines as may be required, and to send competent men to superintend their erection, and to run them if required. A^ND DIES Special attention given to this branch, and in form of thread, mathematical exactness and workmanship, are unsurpassed, and have become the " standard " in many leading workshops. Forging Machinery, Consisting of DROP HAMMERS (a specialty) in six sizes, of best and most modern con- struction; TRIP HAMMERS, TRIMMING PRESSES, SHEARS, etc., FORGES and DROP HAMMER DIES. CUTTERS FOR GEAR WHEELS, made by new process and entirely by machinery, which secures absolute correctness as to form and interchangeability of any given pitch. SPECIAL MACHINERY (to order). Are prepared to perfect plans and models for same. Our facilities for the above, and for the different branches of Forging, Finishing, Casting, etc., are unsurpassed. IVIany of the above Tools and Machines are kept in stock. Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lists furnished on application. THE PRATT & WHITNEY CO., Hartford, Conn. 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