 The compiler begs leave to state the reasons that led him to select the 
 l)resent form of subject catalogue, first premising that his own predilectiou 
 was in favor of a strictly dictionary or alphal)etical index catalogue; but, 
 after an experience of over three years in the War Department Library, 
 he has found that nine out of every ten questions asked in reference to or 
 concerning the contents of the Library were put in tlie following manner: 
 "What have you on Fiction?" "What have you on Biography?" "What 
 is thei-e in the Liltrary on Military Science?" or, "I would like to see what 
 there is on Battles, Campaigns, Sieges, etc." 
 With this experience of the requirements of the i)atrons of the Library, 
 it was thought that their wants would be better subserved by arranging 
 each subject in such a manner tliat a few moments would suffice to show the 
 contents of the Library on any desired subject. This, in a strictly dictionary 
 catalogue, could not be so readily obtained without involving an amount of 
 work which was out of the compiler's power to perforin in connection with 
 other duties. 
 On account of the fewness in number of the books in the Library on 
 certain subjects, it was deemed advisable to combine several of these under 
 one general heading, as "Fine Arts," "Literature," "Eeference," etc.; but 
 these smaller subjects each having its own subheading, and a table of 
 contents having been added to the catalogue, it is thought that but little 
 or no inconvenience will result therefrom. 
 It was also the aim of the comjtiler to so arrange the title of each book 
 in the subject catalogue that it would really be a subheading of itself; but 
 this metliod is not adopted in the arrangement of such subjects as " Fiction." 
 Occasionally a book may seem misplaced in "Subjects," judging from its 
 title, but the text of the book has been consulted in all such instances 
 before final decision. 
 In the "Authors" portion of the catalogue, the title of each book is 
 given, with few exceptions, as fully as it appears on the title-page; but in 
 the "Subjects" portion the titles have been curtailed as much as possible, 
 except in instances where the author's name could not be ascertained, when 
 the title in "Subjects" is made to correspond to that given in "Authors." 
 Very fcM' cross-references are made, and the name of the publisher, size 
 of the book, and number of pages are omitted, their insertion not being 
 thought of sufficient importance in so unpretending a work as this. Where 
 the number of volumes is not stated, it will be understood that there is but 
 one, and where the (ate or i)lace of publication is not given in the cata- 
 logue none can be found in the book.
 Tho coiniiilcr ilisclaiiu.s any pietcu.siou.s to elaboration in this cata- 
 loguo, bis oltjcct being solely to furnish every facility for ascertaining the 
 contents of the Library in general, or n)ion any i)articnlar subject, in as 
 simple and easy a manner as possible, and lie trusts that he has been 
 Thanks are due to Mi: IT. T. CKOSin , lornierly Chief Clerk of the 
 War l)ei>artnient, for the advice and suggestions given by him to (he 
 e(Mni)iler; and similar thanks are due to the present Chief Clerk, Mr. 
 John Twkkdai.k, who has always freely given assislarice <luring the 
 compilation of the catalogue, and has taken great interest in its prepa- 
 The ajipciidix contains a list of additions made to the Library during 
 the preparation and iiul)lication of the catalogue. 
 War Department Library, July 4, 1882. 
 Almanacs 269 
 American State Reports and Statutes 301 
 Appendix 321 
 Aechitecture 167 
 Arctic Voyages 289 
 Art of War 252 
 Artillery, Ordnance and Gunnery 242 
 Artillery Tactics 250 
 Astronomy 277 
 Atlases and Maps 269 
 Attack and Defense 247 
 Authors 1 
 Battles, Campaigns, and Sieges 170 
 Biography 176 
 Botany 188 
 Catalogues 270 
 C.WALRY Tactics 250 
 Ceramics 168 
 Chemistry 277 
 Chess 199 
 Civil EngIneering 278 
 Classics 190 
 DlCT10N.\RIES 271 
 Digests of Federal Decisions 304 
 Directories 273 
 Dogs 188 
 Drama 261 
 Education 227 
 Electricity 285 
 Encyclopedias 273 
 English Literatire 227 
 Essays 227 
 Fiction 191 
 Fine Arts 167 
 Fortification 247 ' 
 Freemasonry 228 
 Games and Sports 199 
 Gazettkkrs 273 
 Gems 168 
 Geodesy 284 
 Geography 280 
 Geology" and Mineralogy' 280 
 Geometry '. ." 284 
 GR-iorD Military Operations 253 
 Gunpowder 246 
 Heraldry 168 
 Historical and Descriptive (Exclusive of the United States) 200 
 Historical and Descriptive (United States) 210 
 Horse (The) 188 
 Indians 223 
 iNKAMiiY Tactics S-''! 
 ixtkiinatiosai, law *'7 
 LaNGUACiK '-^^ 
 Law (Misckllankous) 311 
 Law LiHKAitY ^.O 
 LlllKAItlKS -29 
 LiTKKATi' liK (CitrncisMs, Essays, Humor, ktc. ) '-SO 
 LrriiuiiitAriiY' lt>8 
 Man 281 
 Manufactukes and thk UsEFiu- Arts 2«2 
 Medicink 232 
 Mktkoroloc.y 285 
 Mexican War 214 
 Military- Art and Scienck 235 
 Military Bridges 249 
 Military En(;inkering and Fortification 240 
 Military Law 305 
 Military Sdkveyixg 249 
 Mines 249 
 Minor Tactics 249 
 Mrsic 108 
 Natural History 188 
 Naval and Naval Gunnery 256 
 Numismatics 168 
 Ornithology 189 
 Periodicals 258 
 Physics 285 
 Physiology 282 
 Poetry and the Drama 201 
 Political Economy 204 
 Political Science 206 
 PltOVKRIIS 230 
 Psychology ,. 230 
 Pyroteciix Y 240 
 Keuellion, War of 214 
 Reference 269 
 Kegisters , 274 
 Remarkable Trials 309 
 Revolutionary' War 213 
 Riding 199 
 Science and the Useful Arts ' 276 
 Sociology 2:U 
 State and City Histories (United States) 219 
 Strategy and Grand Tactics 252 
 SuB.iECT Catalogue 105 
 Surgery 234 
 Theology 287 
 Travels and Adventures 291 
 I 'NiTEii States Circuit Court Reports 308 
 United States Statutes 308 
 United States Supreme Court Reports 307 
 Voyages, Travels, and Adventures .-. . 289 
 War of the Revolution 213 
 War of 1812 214 
 War with Mexico 214 
 War of the Rebellion 014
 Abbot, Henry L. Siege artillery in the 
 campaigns agaiust Rit'limond; with notes 
 on the 15-inch gun. (Professional papers, 
 Corps of Engineers, No. 14.) Washing- 
 ton, 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Abbott, Jacob. Light. Illus. (Science 
 for the yonng, vol. 2.) N. Y., 1871. 
 Abbott, John S. C. Empire of Rus.sia : 
 from the remotest periods to the present 
 time. N.Y.,1860. 
 History of the civil war in America. 
 2 V. Springfield, Mass., 1866. 
 Historyof Napoleon Bonaparte; with 
 maps and illustrations. 2 v. N. Y., 1855. 
 Lives of the Presidents of the United 
 States of America. Bost., 1868. 
 Abdy, Edward S. Journal of a residence 
 aiid tour in the United States, from April, 
 lKi3, to October, 1834. 3 v. Lond., 1835. 
 A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. Comic history 
 of England. Illustrated by John Leech. 
 Lond. (2 copies.) 
 Comic history of Eonie. Illustrated 
 liy John Leech. Lond. 
 Abercromby, Sir Ralph. Memoir, by his 
 son James, Lord Dunfermline, 1793-1801. 
 Edinburgh, 1861. 
 Abert, Lieut. J. W. Report and map of the 
 examination of New Mexico. (Senate ex. 
 doc. No. 33, 30th Cong., 1st sess.) Wash- 
 ington, 1848. 
 Abinal, M. Relation de I'attaque et de la 
 defense de Mostaganem et de Mazagran en 
 1840. Paris, 1843. 
 Abrantes, Laure Permon Junot, Duchess cC. 
 Memoirs of Napoleon ; his court aud 
 family. Illus. 2 v. N. Y., 1854-55. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1880. 
 Acts of the Apostles. Translated into the 
 Clioctaw language. Bost., 1839. 
 Adam, Alexander. Roman antiquities; or, 
 an account of the manners and customs of 
 the Romans. With notes and additions, 
 by P. Wilson. N. Y., 1826. 
 1 w 
 Adams, Abigail. Journal and correspon- 
 dence, written in France and England, in 
 1785. Edited by her daughter. N. Y. and 
 Lond., 1841. 
 Adams, A. Leith. Field and forest rambles : 
 notes and observations on the natural 
 history of eastern Canada. Lond., 1873. 
 Adams, Charles Francis. Memoirs of John 
 Quincy Adams ; comprising portions of 
 liis diary from 1795-1848. 12 v. Phila., 
 1874-77.* (2 copies.) 
 Adams, Charles Francis, jr., and Henry 
 Adams. Chapters of Erie ; and other es- 
 .says. Bost., 1871. 
 Adams, Charles Kendall. Democracy and 
 monarchy in France, from the inception 
 of the great revolution to the overthrow 
 of the second empire. N. Y., 1874. 
 Adams, F. Colburn. High old salts : stories 
 intended for the marines, but told before 
 an enlightened committee of Congress. 
 Washington, 1876. 
 Life and adventures of Maj. Roger 
 Sherman Potter. Illustrated by Huber. 
 N. Y., 18,58. 
 Siege of Washington, D. C. Written 
 expressly for little people. Illus. N. Y., 
 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Story of a trooper; with much of 
 interest concerning the campaign of the 
 peninsula not written before. N. Y., 1865. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Adams, John. Works. With a life of the 
 author, notes, and illustrations, by his 
 grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 10 v. 
 Bost., 1856. 
 Familiar letters of John Adams aud 
 his wife, Abigail Adams, during the revo- 
 lution. With a memoir of Mrs. Adams, by 
 Charles Francis Adams. N. Y., 1876. 
 History of the principal republics in 
 the world : a defense of the constitutions 
 of government of the United States of 
 America against the attack of M. Turgot, 
 ill liis letter t<> Dr. Prire. 3 v. Limil., 
 Adams, Jolin, and JonalhaTi Scwall. Nov- 
 aiinliii* and MassaoliiiSfttRnsis: ](olitieal 
 I'ssays, published in 1T74 and 17T.'>, (in 
 )i(iints (if controviTsy bctwern (ircat Hrit- 
 ain and licr ioloni<'8; also letters written 
 l>y President Adams tn Hon. Williain 
 Tudor. Boat., 18U). 
 Adams, 1/r/i. John. Lettere. With memoir, 
 liy Cliarlos Francis Adams. 3d ed. 2 v. 
 Best., 1«41. 
 Adams, John (^nincy. Duiilicato letters, 
 till' tishcriea, and the Mississippi: docu- 
 ments relatinj; to transactions at the nego- 
 tiation of Ghent. Washiii(iton, IH-w. 
 and Charles Francis Adams. Lite of 
 John Adams. 2 v. Phila., 1871. 
 Adams, William Bridges. Knglish pleasnio 
 carriages, tlu'ir origin, history, varieties, 
 &c. ; with an an.alysis of the coustrnction 
 of roads and the vehicles used on them, 
 together with new inventions. Illns. 
 Lond., 1(*:<7. 
 Adams, W. Davenport. Dictionary of Eng- 
 lish literature: lieing a coiiiprelien.sive 
 guide to English authors and theii works. 
 New :iud revised edition. Lond. 
 Adams, W. H. I>. Episodes of Anglo-In- 
 dian history: a series of chapters from the 
 annals of British India, showing the rise 
 and progress of our Indian emiiire. Lond. 
 Great civil war, from the accession 
 of Charles I. to the dissolution of the long 
 parliament. Lond., 1880. 
 Wellington's victories, from Roli^a to 
 Waterloo, A. D. 1808-15. Loud., 1H80. 
 Adams, William T. {Olirn- Optic). Fighting 
 Joo ; or, the fortunes of a stati' otlicer: a 
 story of the great rebellion. Bost., I8ti'.(. 
 Young lieutenant. Host., 18li.'i. 
 Addison, Joseph. Works. With notes, liy 
 Hiclnird Hurd. New edition, with large 
 additions, edited by H. (;. Bohn. (Bohu's 
 British classics. ) 6 y. Lond., 1873. 
 Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German 
 and English languages. N. Y., 1848. 
 .Sschines and Demosthenes. Orations. 
 With notes, by Alex. Negris. Bost., 
 The two orations on the crown. A 
 new translation, by George W. Biddh'. 
 Phila., 1881. 
 .Ssop. Fables; with a life of the author. 
 N. y., 1872. 
 Afghanistan, .lohnston's new war map of 
 Afghanistan. Lond., 187'.>. 
 Stanford's large scale ina]i, showing 
 the new British frontiers according to tho 
 treaty of Gandaniak. Lond.. 1879. 
 Agassiz, Elizabeth C, and Alexander Agas- 
 si/. Seaside studies in natural history: 
 marine animals of Massachusetts bay. 
 Radiates. Bost., 1871. 
 Agassiz, Louis. Geological sketchu.s. Bost., 
 Lake Superior; its physical character, 
 vegetation, and animals, compared with 
 those of other and similar regions. With 
 a narrative of the tour, by J. Elliot Cabot, 
 and contributions by other scientific gon- 
 tleinen. Host.. IH.'iO. 
 Methods of study in natural history. 
 Bost., 1873. 
 Structureof animal life: six lectures, 
 delivered at the Brooklyn Aiademy of 
 Music, in 18()2. 3ded. (Graham lectures, 
 vol. 4.) N. Y., 1874. 
 and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. Journey in 
 Brazil. Bost., 1871. 
 Agne^w, 1). Hayes. Principles and practice 
 of .surgery; being a treatise on surgical and injurii's. Illns. 2 v. Phila., 
 Ago, Felix. .S(( ll.\t.i>i:.M.\N, A. S. 
 Aide-Memoire a I'lisagi^ des othciers d'artil- 
 lerie. Paris, 1836. 
 The same. 2" 6d. Strasbourg et 
 Paris, 1844. 
 The same. 2' ed. Deuxieme tirage. 
 Paris, 1851. (2 copies. ) 
 ■ The same. 3" 6d. Strasbourg et 
 Paris, 1856. 
 Aide-Memoire jiortatif, a I'ns.age dcs nfifi. 
 ciers d'aitillerie. Siiasbonrg, 1831. (2 
 CO]iies. ) 
 Aide-Memoire to the military sciences; 
 fr.araeil from coutribut i<ius of o/licers of the 
 ditVcrent services, and edited by a com- 
 mittee of the Corps of Royal Enginc(;rs in 
 Dublin, 1845-46. Vols. 1 and 2, A-M, 
 with plates and wood-cuts. Lond., 1846. 
 The same. P.irts A, B, C. 
 Ains-worth, Robert. Thesaurus lingu;e 
 Latina' com]iendiarius. Latin dictionary, 
 reprinted from the folio edition of 1752, 
 with additions and improvements, by the 
 Rev. B. W. Beatson, A. M., n; vised and 
 corrected by W, ElUs, esq., A. M. Lond., 
 Aitken, William. Science and practice of 
 medicine. Fiom tbe 4tli Lonil. ed., witli 
 additions, by Meredith C'lymer. '2 v. 
 Phila., 1866. 
 Albach, James R. Annals of the West; 
 eiiiliracing a concise account of principal 
 events in the Western States aud Terri- 
 tories, from thediscovery of the Mississippi 
 valley to 1856. Pittsburg, 1858. 
 Alban, Dr. Ernst. High-pressnre steam- 
 engine investigated. Translated from the 
 German, with notes, by William Pole: 
 with plates. 2 v. Lond., 1847-48. 
 Albany city directory, 1870. 
 Albemarle, George Thoma.s, Earl of. Fifty 
 years of my life. N. Y., 1877. 
 Alcott, Louisa M. Eight cousins; or, the 
 aunt-hill. Illus. Bost., 1875. 
 .Jack and Jill : a village story. Bost., 
 Alexander, Sir James E. Cleopatra's 
 Needle ; the obelisk of Alexandria, its 
 acquisition and removal to England de- 
 scribed. Lond., 1879. 
 Alexander, J. H. Universal dictionary of 
 weights and measures, ancient and mod- 
 ern, reduced to the standards of the 
 United States of America. Baltimore, 
 Alger, Horatio, jr. From canal boy to 
 President, or the boyhood and manhood 
 of James A. Garfield. Illus. N. Y., 1881. 
 Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, 
 from the commencement of the French 
 revolution, in 1789, to the restoration of 
 the Bourbons, in 1815. 4 v. N. Y., 1844. 
 Military life of John, Duke of Marl- 
 borough. Edinburgh and Lond., 1848. 
 On army organization. Edinburgh 
 and Lond., 1869. (3 copies.) 
 Allen, Coh Ethan. Narrative of captivity, 
 written by himself. Burlington, 1846. 
 Allen, John. Primiples of modern riding 
 for gentlemen. Lond., 1825. 
 Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British navy. 
 New ed. 2 v. Loud., 1858. 
 Allen, J. A. History of North American 
 pinnipeds : a monograph of the walruses, 
 sea-lions, sea-bears, and seals of North 
 America. (Hayden's U. S. Geol. Survey.) 
 Washington, 1880. 
 Allen, Paul. History of the American revo- 
 lution. 2 v. Baltimore, 1822. 
 Allen, William B. History of Kentucky. 
 Louisville, 1872, 
 Allen, Zachariah. Solar light and heat, the 
 source and the supply; gravitation, with 
 explanations of planetary and molecular 
 forces. N. Y., 1879. 
 Allent, A. Histoire du corps imperial du 
 g^nie. Paris, (an XIII) 1805. 
 Allgemeines militiirisches Handbucli. 
 Wieu, 1854. 
 AUibone, S. Au.stin. Critical dictionary of 
 English literature and British and Ameri- 
 can authors, living and deceased, from the 
 earliest accounts to the middle of the nine- 
 teenth century. 3 v. Phila., 1858-71. 
 Great authors of all ages ; being se- 
 lections from the prose works of eminent 
 writers from the time of Pericles to the 
 liresentday. With indexes. Phila., 1880. 
 Prose quotations, from Socrates to 
 Macaulay. Phila., 1876. 
 Allix, J. A. F. Systfeme d'artillerie de cam- 
 jiagne du Lieut. -G6n. Allix compart avec 
 les systemes du comity d'artillerie de 
 France. Paris, 1827. 
 Almanach de Gotha, ia58-82. Illus. 25 v. 
 Gotha, 1858-82. 
 Almanach imperial pour les anuses 1859-69. 
 11 V. Paris, 1859-69. 
 Ambert, Joachim. Esquisses historiques, 
 psychologiques et critiques de I'arm^e 
 fraufaise. 2= ^d. 2 v. Saumur, 1837. 
 America and the Americans. By a citizen 
 of the world. Loud., 1833. 
 American almanac and repository of useful 
 knowledge. 28 v., 1830-61. 
 American almanac and treasury of facts. 
 Edited by A. R. SpoHbrd. 5 v. N. Y. and 
 Washington, 1878-82. 
 American register. 8 v. N. Y., 
 American archives ; consisting of a collec- 
 tion of authentick records, state papers, 
 debates, and letters, and other notices of 
 publick affairs, the whole forming a docu- 
 mentary history of the origiu aud progress 
 of the North American colonies, of the 
 causes and accomplishment of the Ameri- 
 can revolution, and of the constitution of 
 government for the United States, to the 
 linal ratification thereof. Published by 
 M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 4th 
 series, 6 v.; 5th series, vols. 1, 2, and 3. 
 Washington, 1837-.53. 
 American association for the advancement 
 of science. Proceedings. 9 v. Phila., 
 American cphemeris and nautical almanac 
 for 1870 and l-Cl. 2 v. Washington, 
 American etliiiolopical society. Transac. 
 tioiis. 2 V. N. Y., 1845-18. 
 American historical record, and repertory 
 of iKitcs and queries concerniiif; the liiti- 
 t*>ry and antii|uitie8 of America, and liio-;- 
 raphy of Americans. Edited by Benson 
 J. Lo.ssiii;;. 3 v. Phila., 187-2-74. 
 American institute of the city of New York. 
 Kifihth annual report. Alliany, 1850. 
 American i>liili)S()phicaI society for pro- 
 niiitiii;; useful kiiowledno. Transactions. 
 New series, vols. l-'J. IMiila., HIH-IC). 
 American pioneer. iJv. Cincinnati, 1842- 
 American political and military hioj^raphy. 
 American ([uarterly register and magazine. 
 ConductedbyJamesStrykcr. 6v. Phila., 
 American quarterly review. 22 v. Phila., 
 American register, or general repo.sitory of 
 history, polities, and science. 7 v. Phila., 
 American repertory of arts, sciences, and 
 maiiiil':ictnres. 3 v. N. Y., 1840-41. 
 American review of history and politics. 
 :f V. Phila., 1811. 
 American review: a whig journal of poli- 
 tics, etc. 10 V. N.Y., 1845-49. 
 American state papers: documents, legis- 
 lative and executive, of the Congress of 
 the United States, from 1789 to 1859, 
 selected and edited under the authority of 
 Congress. 1st .series, 21 v. ; 2d serie.s, 17 v. 
 Washington, l8:!2-t)l. 
 ClainiR, 1 v., 1789-1823. 
 Commerce and nnrigatioD, 2 v., 178&-1823. 
 Finance, 5 v., 1789-1828. 
 Fnrelirn relaliona. 6 v., 1789-1828. 
 Inilian atTairs, 2 v., 1789-1827. 
 Military aflairs, 7 v., 1789-1838. 
 Jtisccllancous. 2 v., 1789-1823. 
 Naval aflairs, 4 v., 1789-1836. 
 Post oifice, 1 v., 1789-1823. 
 Pablic lands, 8 v., 1789-1837. 
 American's guide ; comprising the decla- 
 ration of independence, articles of c<m- 
 federation, the Constitution of the United 
 States, and the con.stitutionsof the .several 
 States composing the Union. Phila., 1819. 
 The same. Phila., 1864. 
 Ames, MaryClemmer. Ten Yi'ars in Wash- 
 ington ; life and scenes in tlio national 
 capital as a woman sees them. Hartford, 
 1873. (2eo)iics.) 
 Amlcia, PMniondo de. Ilcdiand and its 
 l)eople. Traiislati'il from the Italian, by 
 Caroline Tilton. N. Y., 1881. 
 Spain. Translated from the Italian, 
 by Wilhelniina W. Cady. N. Y., 1881. 
 Ammen, Daniel. American inter-oceanic 
 ship-cainil question. Phila., 1880. 
 Among my books. (World essays.) N. Y., 
 Amoros, I'r.ancisco, M:niucl d'cdncation 
 ])hysi(|ne et morale. Illns. 2 v. Paris, 
 Amos, Sheldon. Science of law. Lond., 
 Analectic magazine. 14 v. Phila.. 18iri-19. 
 Analyse Module dos prix des dilVcrentes 
 natures d'ouvrages it ex<!cuter dans les 
 travanx dt'pcndant du service du g^nio. 
 Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the 
 interior part of America, in a series of let- 
 ters. 2 V. Loud., 1789. 
 Andersen, Hans Christian. Poet's bazasir: 
 pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, 
 Greece, and the Orient. Author's ed. 
 N.Y^, 1871. 
 Stories and tales. N. Y., 1872. 
 Story of my life. N. Y., 1872. 
 Anderson, John. Strength of materials 
 and structures. 2d ed. Loud., 1874. 
 Anderson, John P. Book of British topog- 
 raphy: a dassitied catalogue of the' to- 
 pographical works in tlie library of the 
 British Museum, relating to Great Britain 
 and Ireland. Lond., 1881. 
 Anderson, Robert. Instruction for field 
 artillery, horse and foot. Phila., 1839. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Anderson, Col. William. Sketch of the 
 mode of manufacturing gunpowder at the 
 Ishapore mills, in Bengal. With notes 
 and additions, by S. Parlby. Lond., 
 Andersson, Charles John. Lake Ngami ; 
 or, explorations and discoveries during 
 four years' wanderings in the wilds of 
 southwestern Africa. N. Y., 1850. 
 Lion and the elephant. Edited by 
 L. Lloy<l. Lond., 1873. 
 Andreossy, Comie Francois. Histoire du 
 Canal du Xliili, on Canal de Languedoc. 
 NouvoUo <Sd. 2 V. Paris, 1804.
 AndreTva, C. C. History of tte campaign 
 of Mobile; including the co-operative 
 operations of Gen. Wilson's cavalry in 
 Alabama. Illus. N. Y., 1867. 
 Angus, Joseph. Handliook of English lit- 
 erature. Loud. 
 Annales des ponts et clianssdes. JKmoires 
 et documens relatifs a I'art- des coustriic- 
 tious et an service de I'ing^nieur; lois, 
 ordounauces et autres aites coucemant 
 Tadmiuistration des ponts et chauss^es- 
 24 v. Paris, 1831-;!8. 
 Annals of the astronomical observatory of 
 Georgetown College, D. C. N. Y., 1852. 
 Annals of the war. Written by leading 
 participants, North and South ; originally 
 published iu the Philadelphia Weekly 
 Times. Phila., 1879. 
 Anuuaire des deux moudes : histoire g^n^- 
 rale des divers (5tats. Vols. 7, 9, 10, and 
 1-i. Paris, 1857-64. 
 Annuaire historiiiue militaire. 2 v. Paris, 
 1839-40. (2 copies of 1840.) 
 Anuuaire de la marine et des colonies. 10 v. 
 Paris, 1861-70. 
 Anuuaire militaire. 23 v. Paris, 1832-70. 
 Annuaire pour les aun^es 1830, 1833, 1834. 
 3 V. Paris, 1829-33. 
 Annual record of science and industry for 
 the years 1875, 1877, 1878. Edited by 
 Spencer F. Baird. 3 v. N. Y., 1876-79. 
 Annual register ; or, a view of the history, 
 politics, and literature for the years 17.58- 
 1873, with general index from 17.58-1819. 
 117 V. Lond. 
 Annual register: a review of pviblic events 
 at home and abroad for 1879. New series. 
 Loud., 1880. 
 Ann ual of scientific discovery; or, year 
 book of facts iu science and art. Edited 
 by David A. Wells and George Bliss, jr. 
 2 v. Bost., 1850-51. 
 The same. For 1852-65. Edited by 
 David A. Wells. 14 v. Bost., 1852-68. 
 The same. For 1866-69. Edited by 
 Samuel Kneeland. 3 v. Bost., 1867-69. 
 The same. For 1870-71. Edited bv 
 John Trowbridge and others. 2 v. Bost., 
 Annuario militare del regno d'ltalia. 
 Roma, 1878. 
 Anquetil, Louis Pierre. Pri'cis del'histoire 
 universelle, ou tableau liistorique. 4" 
 M. 12 v. Paris, iMll. 
 Anvers. Jourual des operations de I'artil- 
 lerie an si<5ge de la citadelle d'Auvers, 
 rendu, 1832, it l'arm^e,franf aise sous les 
 ordres de mar^chal Gerard. Paris, 1833. 
 Appia, P. L. Ambulance surgeon ; or, - 
 practical observations on gunshot wounds. 
 Edited by Nunn and Edwards. Edin- 
 burgh, 1862. 
 Appleton's American annual cyclop.edia 
 and register of important events, 1861-80. 
 20 v., and general index. N. Y., 1866-81. 
 Appleton's eyclop;edia of api)lied mechan- 
 ics: a dictionary of mechanical engineer- 
 ing and the mechanical arts. Illustrated 
 with nearly five thousand engravings. 
 Edited by Park Benjamin. 2 v. \. Y., 
 Appleton's dictionary of New York and 
 vicinity, with maps of New York and its 
 environs. Compiled by T. Percy. N. Y., 
 Appleton's journal of literature, science, 
 and art. Vols. 10, 11, 12. N. Y., 1873-74. 
 Appleton's new American encyclopjedia : 
 a popular dictionary of general knowledge. 
 Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. 
 Dana. 16 v. N. Y. and Loud., 1863. 
 Appleton's short trip guide to Europe 
 (1868). N. Y., 1868. 
 Applications du principe des vitesses vir- 
 tuelles a la pouss<Je des terres et des vofttes. 
 Metz, 1822. 
 Arabian nights' entertainments: the thou- 
 sand and one nights. Illus. New ed. 
 Arcana of science and art ; or, an annual 
 register of useful inventions and improve- 
 ments, discoveries, and new facts. Lond. , 
 ArchcBologia Americana. Transactions and 
 collections of the American antiquarian 
 society. 2 v. Worcester, 1820; Cam- 
 bridge, 1836. 
 Archer, Thomas. Decisive events iu his- 
 tory. Illus. Loud., Paris, aud N. Y. 
 Architecture. Glossary of terms used in 
 Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic archi- 
 tecture. 4th ed., eularged. Oxford and 
 Lond., 1845. 
 Architecture, Notes on. (Lithograph man- 
 Arentschildt, Lieut. -Colonel Von. Instruc- 
 tions for officers and non-commissioned 
 officers of cavalry on outpost duty ; with 
 an abridgment of them, by Lieut. -Colonel 
 the Hon. F. Pousonby. Lond., 1844.
 Arguments liefore the Committee on Pat- 
 euts i)t' the Seiiato ami House of Repre- 
 Beiitativesiu rrlatiuii to patents, &c. (Sen. 
 mis. iloo. .No. 50, 45th Coujj., 2<1 sess.) 
 Washington, 1870. (2 copies.) 
 Argyll, ])iikf of. Eastern question, from 
 the treaty of Paris, 1S5»;, to the treaty of 
 Berlin, 187H, ami to the necond Affjhan 
 war. 2 V. Loud., 1H7'.). 
 Kiit;n of law. ifd e<l. Loud., l^iiT. 
 Aristophanes. .Vcharnians, Knij;hl«, 
 Waslis, and Birds. Translated into Eng- 
 lish prose, by a graduate of the I'niversity 
 of Oxford. Oxford and Loud., 1830. 
 Comedies. Translated into English 
 prose, by W. J. Hickie. (Bohn's classi- library.) 2 v. Loml., 1859. 
 Aristotle. History of animals. Translated 
 by K. Crcsswell. Loud., 18()2. 
 Metai>hyHie8. Translated from the 
 Greek, with notes, by Rev. .1. H. M'Ma- 
 hon. (Bohn's classieal library.) Loud., 
 Nicomachean ethics. Translated, 
 with notes, by R. W. Browne. (Bohn's 
 classical library.) Lond., 1H71. 
 Organon; or, logical treatises, with 
 the introduction of Porphyry. Trans- 
 lated, with notes, by O. F. Owen. (Bohn's 
 classical library.) 2 v. Lond., 18511 
 Politics and economics. Translated 
 (with notes and analyses, an introductory 
 essay, and a life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gil- 
 lies) by E. Walford. (Bohn's classical 
 library.) Loud., 1^71. 
 Treatise on rhetoric; also, the Poetic 
 of Aristotle. Translated, with notes, an 
 aualysis, and (juestions, by T. Buckley. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Armees des puis.sances eng.-igi^e.s dans la 
 question d'Orient: statistiques uiilitaircs 
 par uu oflicier Allemand. Traduit par 
 Ed. de la Barre Duparcq. Paris et Leip- 
 zig, 18.'>5. 
 Armstrong, den. John. Notices of the war 
 ollHi-j. -i V. in 1. N. Y., 1840. 
 Armstrong, William. Practical ob.serva- 
 tioMM 1.11 the errors committed by generals 
 and tiebl ollicers, with various instances of 
 judicionsdisposition and gallant achieve- 
 ment, from the year 174:! to the present 
 time ; a new .system of fortiticatiou, and , 
 ail ap|>endix. Lond., 1808. j 
 Army(Au8triau). Allgemeinesmilititrisches 
 Handbuch. Wion, 1854. 
 Army (.\ustrian). Armed strength of Aus- 
 tria. Compiled by Captain W. S. Cooko. 
 3 V. Loiid., 1873. (2 copies.) 
 Evolutions of tho line, as practiced 
 by the Austrian infantry, and adopted in 
 1853. Translated by Lieul. C. M. Wilcox. 
 N. Y., 18G0. 
 .Militiir-.Scheuiatismiis des Osterrei- 
 chischen Kaiserthuiues. Wien, 18,">5. 
 Army (British). Army discipline ami regu- 
 lation (conunenceuient) act, 1879(42 and 
 43 Vict., ch. 32). Lond., 187!». 
 ."Vrniy list. Published by authority, 
 monthly. l(i v. Lond., 1842-78. 
 New annual army list and militia list, 
 1844-80. By Henry <i. Hart. 34 v. Lond., 
 Book of .aids; or, catechism in the 
 system of equitation jiractised at the cav- 
 alry riding establishiMciit. Loud., 1833. 
 (Bouiul with "Military pamphlets.") 
 Brigade major's assistant. By !i 
 brigade m.ajor to the forces. Lond., 180fi. 
 (2 copii's. ) 
 British miifiny acts for jninisliing 
 mutiny and desertion, and for the blotter 
 payment of the army and their quarters. 
 20th March, 1809, to April, 1851. 4 v. 
 Reifrn of George HI, v. 1 . 
 Kcipn of (Jeorge IV, v. 2. 
 Keign of William IV, v. 3 
 Reign of Queen Victoria, v. 4. 
 Tho same. With an index; also, 
 rules and articles for th<^ better govern- 
 ment of all His Majesty's forces. (.\nno 
 .septimo Oeorgii IV. Cap. .\.) Loud., 
 The same. (Anno tertio Gulielmi 
 IV. Cap. V.) Lond., 1833. 
 Colleciion of circulars, including the 
 royal warrants and the general orders, 
 from 1867 to 1877. (O'Byrne.) Lond., 
 1878. (3 copies.) 
 Collection of orders, regulations, and 
 instructions for the army on matters of 
 tinance and jioints of di.scipline immedi- 
 ately connected therewith. Vol. 2. Lond., 
 Collection of warrants and regula- 
 tions issued to tho army on matters of 
 finance. Loud., 1845. (2 copies.) 
 Elementiiryprinciplesof tactics; with 
 new oliservations on the milit.ary arts. 
 Translated by a British otlicer; with 
 plans. Loud., 1771.
 Army (British). General orders issued to 
 the army of the east, from April 30, 1854, 
 to December 31, 1855. Loml., 1656. 
 Instructions in the duties of cavalry 
 reconnoitring an enemy, marches, out- 
 posts, and reconnaissance of a. country ; 
 for the use of auxiliary cavalry. Lond. 
 Instructions for hussars, and light 
 cavalry acting as such in time of war. 
 Translatedby G. H. Rose. 2ded. Lond., 
 Instructions and regulations for the 
 exercise and movements of the royal horse 
 artillery. Woolwich, 1833. 
 The same. Woolwich, 1835. 
 Instructions and regulations for field 
 batter}' exercise, and movements for the 
 royal regiment of artillery. Woolwich, 
 Instructions and regulations for the 
 formations and movements of the cavalry. 
 4th ed. Lond., 1801. 
 Tlie same, (ith ed. Lond., 1807. 
 Instructions and regulations for the 
 service and management of heavy ord- 
 nance for the royal regiment of artillery. 
 Woolwich, 1835. 
 Manoeuvres of artillery. 3 v. Metz, 
 Manual of artillery exercises. Pocket 
 ed. Lond., 18B0. 
 Manual of field artillery exercises, 
 1875. Lond., 1875. 
 Manual of siege and garrison artil- 
 lery exercises. Lond., 1879. 
 Military law of Engl.and ; adapted 
 to the general use of the army in its vari- 
 ous duties and relations, and the practice 
 of courts-martial. Lond., 1810. 
 Parliamentary reports. Reportof the 
 Majesty's regulations for the formations 
 and movements of cavalry. 2ded. Lond., 
 The same. 4th ed. Lond., 1808. 
 The same. 5th ed. Lond., 1822. 
 General regulations and orders for 
 the British army. Lond., 1822. 
 The King's regulations and orders 
 for the army. Lond., 1837. 
 commissioners of military inquiry. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1806-12. 
 Priced vocabulary of stores used in 
 Her Majesty's service. Lond., 1879. 
 Elucidation of several parts of His 
 Army (British). Regulations for the dress 
 of general, staff, and regimental officers 
 of the British army. Loud., 1831. 
 Regulations for the exercise of rifle- 
 men and light infantry. Lond., 1801. 
 Regulations for the instruction, for- 
 mations, and movements of the cavalry. 
 Lond., 1833. 
 Regulations and instructions for the 
 infantry sword exercise. Lond., 1819. 
 Addenda to the general regulations 
 and orders for the army, from 1811 to 1817. 
 Lond., 1817. 
 The same. From 1836 to 1839. 
 Lond., 1840. 
 The same. From 1844 to 1847. 
 Lond., 1847. (2 copies.) 
 The same. From 1847 to 1849. 
 Lond., 1850. 
 Regulations for the training of troops 
 for service in the field, and for the con- 
 duct of peace manoeuvres. Translated by 
 Lieut. E. Baring. Lond., 1871. 
 Review of a battalion of infantry in- 
 cluding the eighteen mana"uvrcs. Illus- 
 trated by diagrams. Lond., 1799. 
 Rifle and carbine exercises and mus- 
 ketry instruction. (Ajipendix to the field 
 exercise.) Lond., 1879. 
 Royal engineers. Professional pa- 
 pers of the corps of royal engineers. Pa- 
 pers on subjects connected with the duties 
 of the royal engineers. Vols, v to x. 
 Lond., 1842-49. 
 The same. New series. Vols, iv and 
 xiii. Woolwich, 1855-64. 
 The same. (Royal engineer institute 
 occasional papers.) Vols, ii to v. Chat- 
 ham and Lond., 1878-81. 
 Royal military college at Sandhurst. 
 List. Lond., 1833. 
 Royal warrant for the pay and pro- 
 moti(m, non-eft'ective pay and allowances 
 of Her Majesty's forces serving elsewhere 
 than in India. Vol. 1. Lond., 1878. 
 Trumpet and bugle .sounds for mount- 
 ed services and garrison artillery ; with in- 
 structions for the training of trumpeters. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Warrant for the regulation of bar- 
 racks in Her Majesty's dominions. Lond., 
 Army (Danish). Armed strength of Den- 
 mark. Lond., 1874.
 Anny (French). Album militaire ou prtf- 
 ci» de« dispositions principales aetiielle- 
 ment en vi{;iiiMir sur hi plus urmi'l'" partio 
 dps branches do I'^tat niilitaire. H. H. 
 Grenoble, 18-i">. 
 Anniiaire historique militaire. '2 v. 
 Paris, 183'.»-40. 
 Annnaire militaire. 23 v. Paris, 
 Armed strenjith of Franco. Com- 
 piled by Major C. J. East. Lond., lt<77. 
 (2 copies. ) 
 Biblioth^qne complete dcs sous-offl- 
 ciers et brigadiers du cavalerie. Paris, 
 fitat militaire du corps royal de 
 I'artillerie de France. Paris, 1837. 
 Tlie same. Paris, 1845. 
 French arniv reform. Part 1 : The 
 law of recruiting, translated by Capt. 
 Home. Part 2 : General organization, 
 translated by Major Brackeubury. Lond., 
 Instruction de detail sur I'exercice 
 ct les nianiuuvres de la cavalerie. Paris, 
 (an XIII) 1805. 
 The same. 2 v. Paris, 1814-15. 
 Instruction destini^e anx tronpes 1<S- 
 gferes ct anx ofiiciers qui servent dans les 
 avant postcs. 8"' 6d. Paris, 1831. 
 Instruction pour les tirailleurs. 
 Instruction provi.soiro sur lee ma- 
 meuvres de liattcrie. Paris, 1832. 
 Instruction provisoire sur le tir ^ 
 I'usage des bataillons de chasseurs li pied. 
 Paris, 1848. 
 ■ Instruction sur le tir du fusil de gre- 
 nadier et du fusil de voltigeur adopt^s 
 pour rarmement des r<5giment8 d'infan- 
 terie do la garde imp(?riale. Paris, 
 Instrnction provisoire sur le service 
 des bouches ii fen. 2 v. Paris, 1833. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Instnictionsprovi.soires sur le ser\-ice 
 des bouches X feu, et sur les manoeuvres 
 de batterie. Mctz, 1832. (2 copies.) 
 Journal militaire ofiSciel. 140 v. 
 Paris, 1814-.59. 
 Lettres d'un otficier dn corps royal 
 de I'artillerie sur les changemens iutro- 
 duits dans I'artillerie franfoise. 1765 to 
 1770. 1774. 
 Livret de commandemens. Paris, 
 Army (French). Livret deconnuandemens 
 ou tableaux synoptiques de I'ordonuauce 
 de I'infanterie. Paris, 1831. 
 Manieuvres des batteries de eam- 
 l)agnc, pour I'artillerie de la garde im- 
 pc^riale. 2"' ^d. Paris, 1812. 
 The same. Pour la garde royale. 
 4" M. Paris, 1818. 
 Manuel portatif des pensions de I'ar- 
 m<-e de terre. Paris, 1833. 
 Manuel portatif du recrutement de 
 I'arm^e. Paris, 1832. 
 Memorial de I'ofticier d'infautcrio. 
 Paris, 1813. 
 Ordonnauce du roi sur le service deg 
 anuses eu campagne du 3 mai 1832. 
 Paris, 1832. (4 copies.) 
 The same. Paris, 1856. 
 Coninieutaires ([iii accouipagnaient le 
 projet d'ordonnauce sur le service des ar- 
 mies en campagne. Paris, 1832. 
 Ordonnance du roi pour ri^gler le ser- 
 vice dans les places, et dans les quartiers ; 
 suiviedu d(?cret imp<5rial, etc. Paris, 1855. 
 Ordonnance du roi du 4 mars 1831, 
 sur I'exercice et les manfEuvres do I'in- 
 fanterie. 1 V. texte, 1 V. planches. Paris, 
 Ordonnance sur I'exercice et les ma- 
 nieuvres de I'infanterie. 3v. Paris, 1832. 
 Ordonnance provisoire sur I'exercice 
 et les niano'uvres de la cavalerie. 2" <Sd. 
 2 v. Paris, (an XIII) 1804. 
 Ordonnance sur I'exercice et les Evo- 
 lutions de la cavalerie. 2 v. Paris, 1832. 
 The same. 3 v. Paris, 1857-60. 
 The same. Annot^e et augment^e 
 d'une instrnction pratique ponr donner la 
 lefon sur le terrain par A. Hui'. 3 v. 
 Paris, 1863. 
 Ordonnance sur I'exercice et les ma- 
 nceuvres des batailUuis de chasseurs i, 
 pitxl. Paris, 1845. 
 Ordonnance dn roi, portant r<"^gle- 
 ment sur le service iut^rieur, la police 
 et la discipline des troupes d'infanterie. 
 Paris, 1824. 
 Ordonnance du roi sur le service 
 intdrieur des troupes jl cheval. Nouvelle 
 M. Paris, 1837. 
 Ordonnance et rfeglemens concemant 
 I'Ecole d'application de I'artillerie et du 
 gdnie. Metz, 1831. 
 Petit nianuel du canonnier. 4* ^d. 
 Paris, 1810.
 Army (Frencli). Planches relatives au rfe- 
 •{lemeut concernant I'exerciee et les ma- 
 noeuvres de rinfanterie. Paris, 1791. 
 Precis historique et iiiilitaire des ope- 
 rations de la grande arm^e et de Tarm^e 
 d'ltalie on recueil des bulletins officiels. 
 Paris, 1806. 
 Provisional ordinance on the exercise 
 and manoeuvres of cavalry, by order of 
 the minister of war. 2d ed (manuscript 
 bouud). Paris, 1805. 
 Rfeglement portant instruction sur 
 I'exerciee et les manoeuvres de la lauce. 
 Paris, 1811. 
 Reglement sur les man<Euvres et les 
 Evolutions des batteries attel<>es. 2 v. 
 Paris, 18:!7. 
 Plates to the same. 2 v. Strasbourg, 
 Rfeglement provisoire sur I'instruc- 
 tion a, pied et ii cheval dans les regiments 
 d'artillerie. 2 v., avec planches. Metz, 
 The same. Strasbourg, 1841. 
 Reglement concernant le service in- 
 t^vieur, la police et la discipline de I'iu- 
 fanterie. Paris, 1808. 
 Reglement provisoire sui' le service 
 int(?rieur de I'infauterie. Paris, 1816. 
 ■ Reglement provisoire sur le service 
 int^rieur des troupes a cheval. Paris, 
 Reglement general sur le service des 
 hfipitaux militaires. Paris, 1831. 
 Rules and regulations for the field 
 exercise and manoeuvres of the French 
 infantry ; issued August 1, 1791. Trans- 
 lated, with notes, etc., by John Mac- 
 donald. 2 v. Loud., 1806. 
 Subsistances militaires. Instruction 
 sur la comptabilitp en deniers du service 
 des subsistances militaires et du chauf- 
 fage. Paris, 1855. 
 Notices diverses conceniant I'exdcu- 
 tlon du service des subsistances militaires 
 particulierement en campague. Paris, 
 Recueil des principales instructions 
 et circulaires qui regissent le service des 
 subsistances militaires et du chauSage. 
 Vivres, chauliage et fourrages. Paris, 
 Tableau de la sitnation des dtablisse- 
 ments franfais dans I'Alg^rie, 1843-44. 
 Paris, 1845. 
 2 W 
 Army (French). Troupes Mgferes, traits sur 
 la constitution et sur leur emploi a la 
 guerre. Paris, 1782. 
 Uniformes de I'arm^e franfaise en 
 1861. Par Armand Dnmaresti. (Troupes 
 de ligne. ) Paris, 1861. 
 ITniformes de la garde imp^riale en 
 1857. ParArmandDumaresq. Paris, 1858. 
 Army (Italian). Annuario militare del 
 regno d' Italia, 1878. Roma, 1878. 
 Armed strength of Italy. Translated 
 from the German, by Lieut. Hare. Lond., 
 Army (Prussian). Archiv fiir die Offiziere 
 der koniglich-preussischeu Artillerie- und 
 Ingenieur-Korps. 2 v. Berlin, Posen 
 und Bromberg, 183?-38. 
 Dienstvorschrift fiirdieUnteroffiziere 
 der koniglich-preussischen Artillerie, mit 
 6 Kupfem. Berlin, 1832. 
 Elementary tactics of the Prussian 
 infantry. Translated from the German, 
 by Lieut. E. Baring. Lond., 1872. 
 Kommando-Tabelle ans dem Exerzir 
 Reglement fiir die Kavallerie der konig- 
 lich-preussischen Armee. Berlin, 18.')5. 
 Preussische Militair-Gesetz-Samra- 
 lung, 1701-1845. Berlin und Elbing, 
 The same. 1831-46. Berlin, 1851. 
 R^glemens pour I'infanterie prus- 
 sienne. Translated by G. de Keralio. 
 Berlin, 17,57. 
 Reglement iiber die Bekleidung der 
 Truppen im Frieden. Berlin, 1855. 
 Regulations for the Prussian infan- 
 try ; to which is added the Prussian tactick. 
 Translated from the German. Lond., 1759. 
 Strafverfahren der preussischen Mili- 
 tairgerichte. Dargestellt von Eduard 
 Fleck. Berlin, 1845. 
 Army (Roumanian). Albumul armatel 
 Roniaine. Bucharest, 1873. 
 Army (Russian). Armed strength of Rus- 
 sia. Translated from the German. Lond., 
 Military laws for field and company 
 officers. 1853. 
 Army (Swedish). Esercer rfeglement for 
 kavaleriet. Christiania, 1869. 
 (Swedish and Norwegian). Armed 
 strength of Sweden and Norway. Loud. , 
 Army (Swiss). Ordonnance pour les tam- 
 bours des troupes f^d^ralcs. Zurich, 1845.
 Aimy (Swiss). Organisation niilitairo de la 
 coiifcdf'ration siiisse. Bcnie, IS'i. 
 Prescription conconiantrt^quipcnient 
 et l'or(j;aiiisation ilos oaissi's tie vi^toriuaircs 
 ponr les c-oinpaf^nii's d'artillciie et <le 
 cavalorio de I'anude ft^ddrale. Berne, 
 Army (United .States). Army and Navy 
 laws, lt*63-64. \Vasliinf,'ton, 1«<>4. 
 Artillery. Artillery tactics assimi- 
 lated to the tactics of infantry and cav- 
 alry. N. Y.,1874. (2 copies.) 
 Kxercise for garrison and field ord- 
 nance, together with manci-uvres of horse 
 artillery, as altered from the manual of 
 General Kosciusko, and adapted to the 
 service of the Unite«l States by an officer 
 of the U. S. artillerists. N. Y., 1812. 
 lustructiim for lield artillery, horse 
 and foot. Compiled hy a board of artil- 
 lery officers. Baltimore, lpi4r>. (2 copies.) 
 Instruction for field artillery. Pre- 
 pared by a board of artillery officers. 
 Phila., 1860. 
 The same. To which is added the 
 evolutions of batteries. Tran.slated from 
 the French, by Brig. Gen. K. Anderson, U. 
 S. Army. Washington, 1867. 
 Instruction for heavy artillery. Pre- 
 fiehl artillery, including mameuvres for 
 light or horse artillery. Bost., 1829. 
 Cavalry. Cavalry tactics. Printed 
 by order of the War Department. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1841. (2 copies vol. 2.) 
 The same. Assimilated to the tactics 
 of infantry and artillery. N. Y., 1874. (2 
 Cavalry, light infantry, and riflemen. 
 Syst<>m of tactics; or. rules for the exer- 
 cises and manamvres of. Washington, 
 Engineer Corps. Historical sketch 
 of the Corp.s of Engineers, and remarks 
 upon its organization and duties. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 Memorandaof orders and instructions 
 relating to the Corps of Engineers. April 
 10, 1861, to November 11, IHa"). (Manu- 
 script, bonnd.) 
 Professional papers. Corps of En- 
 gineers. Nos. 1 to 22. See "Profes- 
 Army (United States). Regulations for the 
 government of the U. S. Engineer Depart- 
 ment. Washington, 1840. 
 Regulations for the Cori)S of En- 
 gineers and Topographical Engineers. 
 Wa.shington, 1857. 
 Infantry. Infantry tactics; abstract 
 of, for the use of the militia of the United 
 States. Phila., 1846. 
 Infantry tactics: adopted by the 
 Secretary of War May 1, 1861. Vol. 1. 
 Phila., 1861. 
 Infantry tactics; or, rules for the ex- 
 ercises and mameuvres of the infantry. 2 
 v. Washington, 1825. (2 copies, and 2 
 extra copies of vol. 1.) 
 Medical Department. Hospital of 
 medical department at International E.x- 
 bibiliou of 1876. Washiugtcm, 1876. 
 Regulations for the medical depart- 
 ment of the army of the U. S. Washing- 
 ton, la'.O. 
 The same. Washington, 18.")6. 
 • Statistical report on the sickness and 
 pared by a board of officers for the use of 
 the army. Washington, 1851. 
 System and instruction of 
 mortality in the army of the U. S., from 
 1819 to 1839. Washington, 1840. 
 The same, from 1839 to 1855. Wash- 
 ington, 1856. 
 The same, from 1855 to 1860. AVash- 
 ington, 1860. (2 copies.) 
 Military geography. Notes illustrat- 
 ing the military geography of the U. S., 
 l''l;!-80. Comi.iled by Raphael P. Thian, 
 Adjutant-General's Office. Washington, 
 Military reservations. Digest of the 
 law of military reservations. Compiled 
 by Jasper W. Johnson. Washington, 
 Orders. General orders ; general 
 court-martial orders; transfers and circu- 
 lars of the .Vdjutant-tieneral's Office, U. S. 
 War Department. 1861-81. 43 v. Wash- 
 ington, 1802-82. 
 Analytical index, A. G. O. 1861-68. 
 General orders, army of the Potomac. 
 Volunteer force, 1861-64. 
 Special orders of the President, War 
 Department and headcpiarters of the army, 
 from April, 1866, to December, 1874. 12 
 V. Wa.shington, 1866-74. 
 Ordnance Department. Circulars 
 from the Ordnance OtiSce, from 1861 to 
 1870. 2 V. Washington, 1861-70.
 Army (United States). Collection of annual 
 reports, and other important papers relat- 
 ing to the Ordnance Department, 1812-60. 
 2 V. Washington, 1878-SO. 
 Commission on ordnance and ord- 
 nance stores. (^Sen. ex. doc. No. 72, 37th 
 Cong., 2d sess.) Washington , 1862. 
 Committee to investigate all sales of 
 ordnance stores, made by the Government 
 of the United States during the fiscal year 
 ending June 30, 1871. 
 Compilation of the l.i^vs of the United 
 States relating to and affecting the Ord- 
 nance Department, as enacted from April 
 2, 1794, to June 10, 1872, by W. A. De 
 Caindry. Washington, 1872. 
 Instructions for making quarterly 
 returns of ordnance and ordnance stores. 
 Washington, 18tJ3. 
 Experiments on heavy ordnance. 
 (Sen. rep. No. 266, 40th Cong., 3d sess.) 
 Washington, 18G9. 
 Ordnance manual for the use of the 
 officers of the U. S. Army. Wa.shington, 
 The same. Washington, 1850. 
 The same. Phila., 1861. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Phila., 1862. 
 Ordnance Dei)artment memoranda. 
 Nos. 1 to 23. See "Ordnance." 
 Purchase of arms. (H. R. ex. doc. 
 No. 67, 37th Cong., 2d sess. ) Washington, 
 Regulations for the govemmeirt of 
 the United States Ordnance Department. 
 Washington, 1834. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Washington, 1839. 
 Sales of arms by the Ordnance De- 
 partment. Report of the committee of 
 investigation. Washington, 1872. 
 Organization. Compilation of offi- 
 cial documents illustrative of the organiza- 
 tion of the Army of the U. S., from 1789 to 
 1876. Washington, 1876. 
 Reduction of the military establish- 
 ment, and in relation to the fortifications 
 and works of defense. Report of commit- 
 tee. Coburn's. Washington, 1874. 
 Relating to the reorganization of the 
 army. Reports of committees. 
 Garfield'8, 1869. 
 Coburn's, 1873. 
 Banning's, 1876. 
 Maish's, 187&. 
 Bomside's, 1878. 
 Anny (United States). Outpost and patrol 
 duty. Instructions for officers and non- 
 commissioned officers on outpost and pa- 
 trol duty, and troops in campaign. Wash- 
 ington, 1863. 
 Pay Department. Army paymaster's 
 manual and its supplement, 1863-65, with 
 a general index. Washington, 1864-66. 
 Army paymaster's manual ; or, col- 
 lection of official rules. Revised to in- 
 clude June 30, 1867, by J. H. Eaton. 
 Washington, 18(>7. 
 The same. Revised to include June 
 30, 1869. Washington, 18C9. 
 The same. Revised to include June 
 30, 1871. Washington, 1871. 
 Paymaster General's memoranda, cir- 
 culars, and circular letters, from July, 
 1862, to September, 1874. Washington, 
 Paymaster General's orders and circu- 
 lai-s and memoranda during the rebellion. 
 Washington, 1861-65. 
 Regulations for the Pay Department 
 of the army. Washington. 1836. 
 Pensions. Manual of the pension 
 laws of the United States. By an exam- 
 iner. Washington, 1862. 
 Pension laws and bounty lands of the 
 United States, including sundry resolu- 
 tions of Congress, from 1776 to 1852. Com- 
 piled by R. Mayo and F. Moulton. Wash- 
 ington, 1852. 
 The same. To 1861, by R. Mayo. 
 4th ed. Washington, 1861. 
 Pension roll of the United States. 
 5 V. Washington, 1835. 
 Regulations relating to armv and 
 navy pensions; with statutes. Washing- 
 ton, 1871. 
 Posts and stations. Military division 
 of the South. Descriptions. Louisville, 
 Outline description of United States 
 military posts and stations, 1871. Wash- 
 ington, 1872. 
 Provost Marshal General. Final re- 
 port made to the Secretary of War by the 
 Provost Marshal General of the operations 
 of the bureau, from March 17, 1863, to 
 March 17, 1866. Washington, 1866. 
 Revised regulations for the govern- 
 ment of the bureau of the Provost Mar- 
 shal General of the United States. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1863-64.
 Army (IJuiteil States). Qiiartcniinatcr'sDc- 
 liartnicnt. Animal ri'iiiirtsoftheQiiarttT- 
 imiBtrr (iiMii'iiil ol" the V. S. Army, Croiii 
 lekll to ItWJG. WiisliiiiKton, l*iU. 
 I.iHt ofdi.staiiii'M, ioiii|>ile(l foitlic iii- 
 loniiatioii ami giiiilanci' of olliciTH doing 
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 Circulars from the Surgeon-General's 
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 Target practice, System of. Pre- 
 pared principally from the French, l>y 
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 ton, 1862. 
 Uniform and dress. Phila., 1851. 
 The game. Washington, 1872. (3 
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 Report of the commission apjiointeil 
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 Lord Uerliort : Prince Eugene, v. 8. 
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 Lombard street: a description of the 
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 , T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. His- 
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 Ismailia: a narrative of the expedi- 
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 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia and the 
 sword-hunters of the Hamran Arabs. 4th 
 ed. Phila., 1868. | 
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 Banning, Henry B., chairman military vom- 
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 Bardin, E. A. Dictionnaire de I'arm^e de 
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 Treatise on the strength of timber, 
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 Barnard, (n-orge N. Photographic views. 
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 Barnard, Gen. J. G. The C. S. A. and the 
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 Report on the defenses of Washing- 
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 Barnum, S. W. and Dr. William Smith. 
 Comprehensive dictionary of the Bible. 
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 Barrere, Pierre. Nouvelle relation de la 
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 Barrett, .Solomon, jr. Principles of gram- 
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 Barriger, .John W. Legislative history of 
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 Barrow. .lohn. Life, voyages, and adven- 
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 Life and correspondence of Admiral 
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 Barruel, -M. O. Histoire naturelle inor- 
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 Bartholow, Roberts. Manual of instruc- 
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 Dictionary of Americanisms: a glos- 
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 1 The same. 2d ed. Bost., 1859. 
 Explorations an<l incidents in Texas, 
 I New Mexico, California, Sonora, and 
 Chihuahua connected with the United 
 States aud Mexican boundary commission, 
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 illustrations. 2 v. N. Y., 18'>4. 
 Memoirs of Rhode Island officers 
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 Bartlett, M. R. Concise system of physi- 
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 Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of natural 
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 Elements of analvtical mechanics. 
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 Barton, William P. C. Vegetable materia 
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 Bashfortb, Francis. Mathematical treatise 
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 Baasompierre, E. de. Riglement sur I'ad- 
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 Baatian, H. C. The brain as an organ of 
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 Bataille de Preussisch-Eylau; gagn^e par 
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 Bathgate, Alexander. Colonial experien- 
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 Battle-fields of the South, from Bull Run 
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 Battles of the war of the rebellion. Alpha- 
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 Batty, Captain. Campaign of the left wing 
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 Baucher, F. Dictionnaire raisonn^ d'^qni- 
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 3 W 
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 Bcizley, H. Willis. Spain ; art-remains 
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 Baxter, William. Pea Ridge and Prairie 
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 Bayard, .Samuel J. Life of George Dashiell 
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 Bayle, Peter. Historical and critical dic- 
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 Bayley, John. History and antiquities of 
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 royal and distinguished persons. 2d ed. 
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 Bazancourt, Baron de. L'exp^dition de 
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 Chroniques de la guerre d'Orient. 2 v. 
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 Beach, Lewis. Cornwall (New Y'ork). 
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 Beaconsfield, Lord. Political adventures 
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 Beatson, Robert. Naval and military me- 
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 6 V. Lond., 1804. 
 Beattie, James. Poetical works ; with a 
 memoir. Bost., 1871. 
 Beaudemoulin, L. A. Recherches th^o- 
 riques et pratiques, sur la fondation par 
 immersion des ouvrages hydrauliques et 
 pai'ticulierement desdcluses. Paris, 1829. 
 Beaumont, G. de, and A. de Toqueville. 
 Penitentiary system in the United States, 
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 Beautemps-Beaupre, C. F. M^thodes pour 
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 Bechler, Gustavus R. Map of the cam- 
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 Virginia, including the adjoining parts 
 of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Phila., 
 1864. (2 copies.) 
 Beckford, William. Descriptive account 
 of the island of Jamaica ; with remarks 
 upon the cultivation of the sugar-cane.
 iiikI ii'diH'tiiins uiioii tlio coiiscfiiifiices of 
 nil nliiilitioii of tlif slave-tradM, anil I'liiaii- 
 riliation. 2 v. Loud., 1790. 
 Bede, rrnerable. Ecclesiastical liistoiy of 
 Kiiglaiid; also, tlin Anglo-Saxon cbroiii- 
 clf. Edited by J. A. Giles. r>tli cd. 
 Lond., IWl. 
 Bedford, G. L. Clinical lectures on the of women and cbildren. Htli cd. 
 N. v., I-IIT. 
 Beechey, 1'. W. Voyage to tbe Pacific and 
 Beering's Strait, to co-operato witli the 
 (lolar expeditions, in the years lf'.J.">-2H. 
 2 V. Loud., l«n. 
 Beesly, A. H. Sir .John Franklin. .N. Y., 
 Behn, Mrs. Aphra. IMays, histories, and 
 novels; with life and memoirs. 6 v. 
 Lond., 187L 
 B^lidor, Bernard Forest de. Architecture 
 hydraiilique; on I'art de condiiire, d'61e- 
 vcr et de ratfnager les eaux |)our les dif- 
 ffSronts liesoius de la vie. Noiivelle dd., 
 avec notes et ailditioiis, par >L Navior. 
 Paris, 1819. 
 Le hombardier fraiifois, ou nouvelle 
 mf'thode de jetter les bombes avec i>rd- 
 cision. Paris, 1731. 
 La science dcsingrtnieursdansla con- 
 duito deg travanx de fortification et d'ar- 
 chitecture civile. Nouvelle <=d., avec des 
 iiote.s, par M. Navier. Paris, 1H30. 
 Belknap, Jeremy. History of New Hamp- 
 shire ; comprehending the events of one 
 complete century and seventy-five years 
 from the discovery of the river Pascal aqua 
 to tbe year 1790; also, a description of the 
 State. 2d cd. 3 v. Bost., 1813. 
 Bell, •Sir Charles. The baud, its mechanism 
 and vital endowments, as evincing design. 
 Pbila., 1*56. (Bridgewater treatise No. 
 4. Bound with " Kidd's physical con- 
 dition of man.") 
 Bell, Henry G. Life of Mary Queen of 
 Scots. Loud., 1840. 
 Bell, William A. New tracks in North 
 America; travel ami adventure whilst en- 
 gaged in the survey for a soiitheru rail- 
 road to the Pacific Ocean, during 18G7-8; 
 with contributions by Gen. W. J. Palmer 
 and others. 2d ed. N. Y., 1871. 
 Bellaire, J. P. Precis des operations g<^n6- 
 rales de la division franyais du Levant, 
 pendant les anndes V, VI et VII (1797- 
 8-9). Paris, (an XIII) 1805. 
 Bellaveiie, .1. N. Cours 61£mentaire de for- 
 tiliiation. Paris, 180U. 
 Bellew, Captain. Memoint of a gritlin ; or, 
 a c.'idet's first year in India. lUus. New^ 
 ed. Lond., 1880. 
 Belmas, J. .Tournaux des si6ges, faits ou 
 souteuus jiar les Fran^ais dans la p^^ninsule 
 de 1H07 ik 1814. 4 V. Paris, 183t)-37. 
 Belt, Thomas. Naturalist in Nicaragua: a 
 narrative of a residence at the gold miues 
 of Choiitales ; journeys in the savaiinalis 
 and forests. Illiis. Lond., 1874. 
 Beltrami, .1. ('. Pilgrimage in Europe and 
 America, leading to the discovery of tbe 
 .sources of the Mississippi and Bloody 
 River; with a descriptimi of the course 
 of the former and tbe Ohio. 2 v. Loud., 
 Benedettl, Comte V. Ma mission en Prusae. 
 Paris, 1871. 
 Ben^t, S. V. Electm-ballistic machines 
 and the Schiiltz cbronoscope. N. Y. and 
 Lond., isfiii. 
 Bengough, H. M. Military eatcehism for 
 non-commissioued officers and soldiers. 
 Lond., l^JO. 
 Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands as 
 resorts of health and pleasure. lUus. 
 N. W, 1878. 
 Bennett, James Henry. Practical treatise 
 on intlanimation of the uterus. Pbila., 
 Benoit, P. M. N. Topograpbie et de gdod^- 
 sie. 2 V. Paris, 1822-2.5. 
 Beutham, Jeremy. Hook of fallacies, by a 
 friend. Lond., 1824. 
 Introduction to the principles of 
 morals and legislation. 2 v. Lond.,lH23. 
 Principles of legislation, by M. Du- 
 nioiit. Tran.slated, with notes and a bio- 
 graphical notice, by John Neal. Boat., 
 Benton, J. G. Ordnance and gunnery ; 
 preiiared for the use of tbe cadets of flie 
 United .States Military Academy. 4th ed. 
 N. Y., 1875. 
 Benton, Thomas H. Abridgment of tbe 
 debat<-s of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, 
 from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Con- 
 gress, from their register of debates, and 
 from the official debates, by John C. Rives. 
 16 V. N. Y., 18,57-61. 
 Thirty years' view; or, a history of 
 the working of tbe American government 
 for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1854.
 B^ranger, Pierre Jean de. Two huiiflred 
 of liis lyrical poems ; doue into English 
 verse by William Yoimg. N. Y., 1850. 
 Berard, Claudins. Grammar of tlie French 
 language. N. Y., 182(). 
 Berigny, Charles. M^moire siir uu proccJd^ 
 d'injection propre it, pre'venir on arreter 
 les tiltrations sous les fondations dea ou- 
 vrages hydrauliques. Paris, 1832. 
 Bernard, Bayle. Life of Samuel Lover. 
 N. Y., 1874 
 Bernard, Mountague. Historical account of 
 till- neutrality of Great Britain during 
 the American nar. Lond., 1870. 
 Berthault-Decreux, C. J. B. A. Graudes 
 routes et des chemins vicinaux. Paris, 
 Suite a la notice sur les graudes 
 routes et les chemins vicinaux. Paris, 
 1829. (Bound with author's "Graudes 
 Art d'entretenir les routes, ou com- 
 paraison de trois systfemes d'entretien. 
 Paris, 1834. (Bound with author's 
 "Grandes routes.") 
 M^moire sur la n^cessitf^d'nne liberty 
 illimit^e dans les charges du ronlage. 
 Paris, 1833. (Bound with author's 
 "Grandes routes.") 
 Berthier, Louis Alexandre. Relation de la 
 bataille de Marengo, gagniSe i)ar Napoleon 
 Bonaparte, premier consul. Paris, 1806. 
 Berthier's cavalry tactics. Provisional 
 ordinance on the exercise and manceuvres 
 of cavalry. 2d ed. Bound manuscript. 
 Paris, (an XIII) 1805. 
 Bertram, James G. Harvest of the sea : a 
 contribution to the natural and economic 
 history of the British food fishes, with 
 sketches of fisheries and fisher folk. 2d 
 ed. Illus. Lon<l., 1869. 
 Bertrand, P. Mcmoire et discussion sur 
 les nioyens de reudre le Donbs navigable, 
 pour op<^rer la jonction du Rhone au Rhiu. 
 2'- M. Paris, (an XII) 1792. 
 Berwick, .Tames Fitz James, Due de. M<S- 
 nioires du marechal de Berwick, ecrits jjar 
 lui-meme. 2 v. Suis,se, 1778. 
 Berzelius, lijus Jacob. View of the i)rog- 
 ress and present state of animal chemistry. 
 Translated from the Swedish, l)y Gnstavus 
 Brnnumark. Lond., 1818. 
 Besan9on, Louis. War; with the tactics 
 of the three arms abridged. 3d ed. 1870. 
 Translated by Lt.-Col. S. H. S. Inglefield. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Besant, Walter. French humorists, from 
 the twelfth to the nineteenth century. 
 Bost., 1874. 
 Bescherelle, Louis Nicolas. Dictionnaire 
 national ou dictionnaire universel de la 
 langue fraufaise. 7"^ 6(1. 2 v. Paris, 1858. 
 Bessels, Emil. Scientific results of the 
 United States Arctic expedition, steamer 
 Polaris, Capt. C. F. Hall, commanding. 
 Vol. 1. Physical observations. Wash- 
 ington, 187(5. 
 Betham, Sir William. Etruscan literature 
 and antiquities investigated; or, the lan- 
 guage of that ancient and illustrious peo- 
 ple compared and identified with the 
 Iberno-C'eltic, and both shown to be Phoo- 
 nician. 2 v. Dublin, 1842. 
 Gael and Cymbri ; or, an inquiry into 
 the origin and history of the Irish, Scoti, 
 Britons, and Gauls, and of the Caledo- 
 nians, Picts, Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons- 
 Dublin, 1834. 
 Beuguot, Jean Claude, Count. Life and 
 adventures of. Edited from the French, 
 by Charlotte M. Y'onge. 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Be'wick, Thomas. General history of quad- 
 rupeds. 8th ed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 
 Lond., and York, 1824. 
 History of the British birds. lUus. 
 2 V. Newcastle, 1832. 
 Bezout, fitieune. Cours de math^matiques, 
 a I'usage du corps royal de I'artillerie. 4 
 V. Paris, 1788. 
 Bible. Holy Bible. Phila., 1847. 
 Revised new testament, and history 
 of revision. Anglo-AmericiuJ edition. 
 Phila., 1881. 
 Bibliotheca Americana ; or, a chronological 
 catalogue of the most curious and inter- 
 esting books, iiamphlets, state papers, 
 etc., upon the subject of North and South 
 America, from the earliest period to the 
 present, in print and manuscript; with a 
 discourse on the present state of literature 
 in those countries. Lond., 1789. 
 Bibliotheca Americana: catalogue of a val- 
 uable collection of books and pamphlets 
 relating to America ; with a descriptive 
 list of Robert Clarke &. Co.'s historical 
 publications. Cincinnati, 1876. 
 Bibliothfeque complete des sons-officiers et 
 brigadiers du cavalerie. Paris, 1859. 
 Bickham, W. D. Rosecrans' campaign with 
 the fourteenth army corps, or the army of 
 the Cumberland. Cincinnati, 1863.
 Blgelow, Andrew. Travuls in Malta ami 
 Sicily; with skoteliOMof Gibraltar, in If'-iT. 
 BoHt., 1-<:!1. 
 Bigelow, .laooli. TiM,'hiiolo;;y: a course of 
 lectures delivered at Cambridge, on the i 
 application of the sciences to the useful 
 arts. 24led., with additions. Bost., I*!!. 
 Useful arts considered in connection 
 with the applications of science. lUus. 
 2 V. Boat., 1H4(). 
 Blgelow, M. T. Punctuation and other 
 typographical matters. Boat, and N. Y., 
 Blgland, .John. Sketch of the history of 
 Eiiniiii-, from the peace of 1783 to the 
 pri'sent time. '2 v. Lond., 181."). 
 Bigot, M. Trait*^ d'arlilicc de guerre, tant 
 pour ratta<iue et la defense des places quo 
 pour le service do campagne. Paris, 1809. 
 BUllng, Archibald. Science of gems, jewels, 
 coins, and medals, ancient and modern. 
 Lond., 1867. 
 Billings, .1. S. Report on barracks and 
 liiis|ilials, with descriptions of military 
 posts. (Circular No. 4, S. G. O.) Wash- 
 ington, 1670. 
 Blot, Jean Baptiste. Essai do g<?om(5trio 
 aualytiquo appliqu^c aux courbes et aux 
 surfaces uu second ordre. 7" ^d. Paris, 
 et Fraufois Arago. Recueil d'obser- 
 vations gdod^siques, en Espagiie, en 
 France, en Angleterre et en ficosse. 
 Paris, 1821. 
 Birago, Carlo, liaron de. Recherches sur 
 les Equipages de pouts militaires en Europe. 
 Traduit rte Tallcmand par J. T. Avec 4 
 planches. Paris, 1845. 
 Birch, Samuel. History of ancient pottery, 
 Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and 
 Roman. lUus. Lond., 1873. 
 Bird, Isabella L. Lady's life in the Rocky 
 Mountains. lUus. N. Y., 1879-80. 
 Unbeaten tracks in .Japan : an ac- 
 count of travels in the interior, including 
 visits to the .aborigines of Vezo and the 
 shrines of Nikkfi and \s6. 2 v. lUus. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Birdwood, George C. M. Industrial arts of 
 India. 2 v. lUus. Lond., 1880. 
 Birkbeck, Morris. Journey in America, 
 from the coast of Virginia io the territory 
 of Illinois. 3ded. Loud., 1818. 
 Bismarck, Prince, Letters to his wife, his 
 sister, and others, from 1844-70. Trans- 
 lated by Fitzh. Maxse. N. \., 1878. 
 Bissett, Robert. History of the reign of 
 Geiuge Ihi^ Third. 2d ed., completed to 
 Ilic il.atli of the king. 6 v. L(Mul.,1820. 
 Bitainviev, Silvere de. L'art vnivcrsel des 
 fortifications, franjoiscs, hoUaudoises, 
 csp.aguoles, it.alieunes, et compos6es. 
 Paris, 1()(;5. 
 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Synnove Solbak- 
 ken. TrauslatedbyR. B. Anderson. Bost., 
 Black Hawk, orMa-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. 
 Life of. Dictated by himself. J. B.Patter- 
 son, editor. Bost., 1834. (2 copies.) 
 Black Prince. History of Edward, Prince 
 of Wales, commonly termed the Black 
 Prince: with a short view of the reigns 
 of Edward I., Edward H., and Edward III. 
 Loud., 1776. 
 Black, William. Works. 11 v. N. Y., 
 A (lauj;liter of Heth. N. T., 1877. 
 Green paatures and Piccjulilly. N. T. 
 In silk attire. N. V.,1877. 
 Kilmen.v. N. Y.. 1877. 
 MacleiMl of Dure. N. Y. 
 Martcup Violet. N.Y.,1877. 
 Strange adventures of a phaeton. N. Y. 
 Sunrise. N. Y., 1881. 
 That he.-iutiful wretch. N. Y., 1881. 
 Three feathers. N. Y., 1877. 
 White wings. N.Y.,1880. (2 copies.) 
 Goldsmith. (English men of letters. 
 Eilited by John Morlcy.) N. Y., 1879. 
 Blackburn, Henry, llarz Mountains: a 
 tour ill the toy country. Illns. Loud., 
 Niuinanily picturesque. Illns. Lond., 
 Blackmore, R. D. W<uks. C v. N. Y., 
 Alice Lorraine. N. Y. 
 Cradork Nowell. N. Y., 18«6. 
 Cripps, tliB carrier. N. Y., 1877. 
 Erenia: or my father's sin. N.Y.,1877. 
 Maid of Sker. N. Y. 
 Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire tale. N. Y., 1880. 
 BlackTWOod's Edinburgh Magazine. 125 v. 
 Eilinhnrgli, 1817-78. 
 Blades, William. Biography and typog- 
 raphy of William C'axtou, Englaud's first 
 printer. 2d ed. N. Y., 1882. 
 Blaikie, William. How to get strong and 
 how to stay so. N. Y., 1879. 
 Blake, Henry N. Three years in the army 
 of the Potomac. Bost., 1865.
 Blanc, Charles. Grammar of painting and 
 engraving. Translated by Kate N. Dog- 
 gctt. Illiis. N.Y.,1874. 
 Blanc, Louis. Hi.story of ten years, 1830- 
 1840; or, France nnder Louis Philippe. 
 Translated by \V. K. Kelly. 2 v. Phila., 
 Blauchard, Claude. Journal of, during the 
 American revolution, 1780-1783. W. 
 Duaue, translator; T. Balch, editor. Al- 
 bany, 1876. 
 Bland, Humphrey. of military 
 discipline; in which is laid down and ex- 
 plained the duty of the officer and soldier. 
 8th ed. Lond., 17r)9. 
 Blasiua, William. Storms; their nature, 
 classification, and laws. Phila., 1875. 
 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor. Essay on liberty 
 and slavery. Phila., 1856. 
 Block, Maurice. Dictionnaire de I'admi- 
 nistratiou franjaise. Paris et Stras- 
 bourg, 1856. 
 Blondel, Francois. L'Art de jetter les 
 bouibes. Paris, 1683. 
 The same. Paris et Amsterdam, 
 Blossom Rock. • Removal of Blossom Rock 
 in San Francisco harbor, California, by 
 Maj. R. S. Williamson, and Lieut. W. H. 
 Heuer. Washington, 1871. 
 Blozam, Charles L. Metals; their proper- 
 ties and treatment. 3d ed. Loud., 1873. 
 Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedonin tribes of the 
 Euphrates. Edited, with a preface, by < 
 W. S. B. N. y., 1879. j 
 Pilgrimage to Nejd, the cradle of the 
 Arab race. 2 v. Illus. Lond., 1881. 
 Blunt, Edmund M. American coast pilot ; 
 containing directions for the principal 
 harbors, cajies, and headlands on the 
 coasts of North and South America. 17th 
 ed. N. Y., 1854. 
 Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron; or, ten 
 days' entertainment. Translated by W. 
 K. Kelley. Lond. 
 Bohn, Henry G. Guide to pottery, porce- 
 lain, and other oljjeets of vertu. 2d ed. 
 Lond, 1869. 
 The same. 3d ed. Loud., 1872. 
 Hand-book of proverbs. Loud., 1872. 
 Pictorial hand-book of modern geog- 
 raphy on a popular plan. Illus. 3d ed. 
 Lond., 1865. 
 Polyglot of foreign proverbs; com- 
 prising French, Italian, German, Dutch, 
 Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, with 
 English translations. Lond., 1667. 
 Boiler bracing. Experiments in. Wash 
 ington, 1879. 
 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Lord. 
 Works ; with life by O. Goldsmith. 8 v. 
 Lond., 1809. 
 BoUaert, William. Wars of succession of 
 Portugal and Spain, from 1826 to 1840; 
 with r^8um6 of the political history of 
 Portugal and Spain to the present time ; 
 with maps and illustrations. 2 v. Lond., 
 BoUes, Albert S. Financial history of the 
 United States, from 1774 to 1789, em- 
 bracing the period of the American revo- 
 lution. N. Y., 1879. 
 Bonaparte, LonisNapoleon. See Napoleon 
 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. 
 Boniface, A. Dictionnaire Franf ais-Anglais 
 et AnglaisFranfais. 2 v. Paris, 1830. 
 Bonnefouz et Paris, MM. Dictionnaire 
 de marine h voiles et b, vapeur. Marine k 
 voiles. Paris. 
 Bonney, Mrs. Catharina V. R. Legacy of 
 historical gleanings. 2 v. Albany, 1875. 
 Book of dates; comprising the principal 
 events in all ages, from the earliest records 
 to the present time. Lond. 
 Boon, Daniel. See Fil.son's Kentucky. 
 Borgnis, J. A. Traite complet de m^cani- 
 qne appliqu^e aux arts. 10 v. Paris, 
 Bonuann, Charles. Considerations et ex- 
 p(Sriences sur le tir des obus i balles. 
 Paris, 1836. 
 BorroTW, George. Bible in Spain ; or, the 
 journeys, adventures, and imprisonments 
 of an Englishman, in an attempt to circu- 
 late the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Wild Wales ; its people, language, 
 and scenery. 3d ed. Lond., 1872. 
 The Zincali : an account of gypsies 
 of Spain. Lond., 1872. 
 Bossange, Hector. Catalogue d<^ livres 
 fran^ais, anghais, allemands, espagnols, 
 orientaux, etc. ; et premier suppl<Smeut. 
 2 V. Paris, 1845-47. (2 copies. ) 
 The same. Troisitme supplement. 
 Paris, 1850. 
 des livres, cartes 
 graphiques, etc., qui ont 6t6 publics en 
 Allemagne, en 1846. Paris.
 BoBsange, Hector. Catalogue do la juris- 
 pnuli'iiif ancienne ct modernc, droit 
 adiniiiistratif, otc. (Law catalogue.) 
 Paris, Ir'i'i. 
 Ma bibliotlii^qne franvaise. Paris, 
 Bossut, Charles. Trait/i thi5orique ct ex- 
 p<^riinciital d'hydrodyuamique. 2 v. 
 Paris, 17H6-Jfl'. 
 Boston city directory. Host., 1877. 
 Boston iiia.s8iicre : a short narrative of the 
 horrid ina,ssacre in Boston i)eri)etratod in 
 the eveninj; of the 5th day of March, 1770. 
 Lond., 1770. 
 Boston quarterly review. :i v. Host., 
 Bosvrell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson ; 
 ineludinK a journal of a tour to the Heb- 
 rides. Edited by John Wilson Croker. 
 2 V. Bost., 1832. 
 Bosworth, N'. Rille, musket, pistol, and 
 t'.iuliiiK-pieee. N. Y., 1846. 
 Botta, Charles. History of the war of the 
 indcpenilence of the Ignited .States of 
 America. Translated by G. A. Otis. 7tb 
 ed. 2 T. New Haven, 18:57. 
 Bottle et KirtauU, U.U. Trait(« de I'art 
 de fabriciuer la (xiudre :\ canon, pr<'c6d6 
 d'un expos*' historique snr l'<'tablis,senient 
 du service des pouilres et saltpetres en 
 France, accompagnd d'un reoieil de. qua- 
 rante planches. Paris, 1811. 
 Boturini Benaduci, Lorenzo. Idea de una 
 nneva historia jjeneral de la America 
 Sei)tentrional ; fundada sobre material 
 eopioso de liguras, .symbolos, caraetdres, 
 y geroglilieos, eantares, y maniiscritos de 
 antores Indios, ultimameutedescubiertos. 
 Madrid, VW. 
 Boucharlat, Jean Louis. Clemens de 
 calcul ditl'drentiel et de calcnl inti'gral. 
 4" <Sd. Paris et Brnxelles, IKW. 
 Th<*orie des eourbes et des surfaces 
 du seconde <udre, prf^eddf'e des principes 
 fondamentanx de la gf'iunf^trie aualyti(|Ue. 
 2-^^ 6(\. Paris, 1810. 
 Bouchette, Ji>seph. British dominions in 
 Nditli America : a topographical and sta- 
 tistical description of the provinces of 
 Lower and Upper Canada, New Bruns- 
 wick, Nova .Scotia, the islands of New 
 Foundland, Prince Edward, and Cape 
 Briton. 2 v. Loud., 18:i2. 
 Boudin, J. Ch. Traite de gdographie et de 
 statislique m^dicale.s, et des maladies en- 
 ddmiques. 2 v. Paris, 18.57. 
 Boudrye, ifcc. Louis N. Historic records 
 of the Kiftli New York Cavalry. Illus. 
 3d ed. Albany, 18(iH. 
 Bcuguer, Pierre. De la mauceuvre des 
 vaisseaux on traitd do m6chanique et de 
 dynannqne. Paris, 1757. 
 Bouquet, Henry. Expedition against the 
 Ohio Indians, in the year 1764, in<'luding 
 transactions with the Inilians and the jire- 
 liminaries of pea<'e, and an account of the 
 ])rece(linn campaij;n. Illus. I'liila. and 
 Lond., 1766. 
 The same. With .'i preface and a 
 translidiiin of Dumas' biographical sketch 
 oftieueral Bou<iuet. Cincinnati, 1868. 
 Bourdon, Louis Pierre Marie. Elements 
 of algebra. Translated by Edward C. N. Y., 1831. 
 The same. Revised and adapted to 
 the course of mathematical instruction in 
 the Uniteil States, by Charles Davies. 
 Revi.sed ed. Hartford, 1K58. 
 Bourgelat, Clauile. Siemens de I'art v<S- 
 ti'riuaire. Traite de la conforuiation ex- 
 tdrieure du clieval. 6' ^d., publi(;e 
 avec des notes, i)ar .1. B. Hnzard ; avec 
 ligiires. Paris, 1808. 
 Bourguet, J. B. E. du. Trait<? de uaviga- 
 ti(m. Pari.s, 1808. 
 Bourne, John. Catechism of the steam- 
 engine; with practical instructions for the 
 manufacture and management of engines 
 of every class. New and revised ed. N.Y., 
 Hand-book of the steam-engine; con- 
 stituting a key to the "Catechism of the 
 steam-engine.'' Illus. N. Y., 1874. 
 Bousmard, Henri Jean Baptiste. Es.sai 
 gi'MK^ral de fortification, et d'attaque et 
 d<'fen8e des places. 3 v. Berlin, 1797. 
 The same. 3 v. and a supplement. 
 Paris, 1H14. (2 copies and atla.s.) 
 The same. 3" (^d., revue par M. 
 Augoyat. 4 v. Paris, 1837. 
 Boutourlin, <!i?n. D. P. Histoire niilitairo 
 de la eampagne de Hnssie en If^li. 2 v. 
 et atlas. Paris, 1^24. 
 Tableau do la canipagiui d'automne, 
 de 1813, en Allemagne. Avec une carte 
 des environs de Leipzig. 2" ^d. Paris, 
 Bowen, Abel. Naval monument ; contain- 
 ing otticial and other documents of all the 
 battles fought between the navies of the 
 United States and Great Britain during
 the late war, and an account of the war 
 with Algiers. Best., 1816. 
 Bowen, EiUvard E. Campaigns of Napo- 
 liMin : Areola, Marengo, Jena, Waterloo. 
 4 v., with maps. Lond., 1H73-75. 
 Bovrer, G. S. David Hartley and James 
 Mill. (English philosophers.) N.Y.,1881. 
 Bo'v^les, Samuel. Ai'ross the continent : a 
 summer'.s Journey to the Rocky Moun- 
 tains, the Mormons, ami the Pacific States, 
 with Speaker Colfax. S|)ringfiel(l, Mass., 
 andN. Y., 1866. 
 Our New West: records of travel 
 between the Mississippi River and the 
 Pacific Ocean, over the great plains, over 
 the mountains, through the great interior 
 basin, over the Sierra Nevadas, &c. ; with 
 map, portraits, and illustrations. N. Y., 
 Bovffling, Tom. Book of knots; being a 
 ciunjiletc tieatiee on the art of cordage. 
 Lond.. 1870. 
 Bowman, John E. Practical hand-book of 
 medical chemistry. Edited by Charles L. 
 Uloxham. Sth Amer. ed. Phila., 1870. 
 Bovtrman, S. M., and R. B. Irwin. Sherman 
 and his campaigns: a military biography. 
 N. Y., 186.'-). 
 Bowring, L. Eastern experiences. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 187'2. 
 Box, Thomas. Heat, as applied to the use- 
 ful arts. Lond., 1868. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. Aiitunm holidays of a 
 country par.son. Bost., 1869. 
 Changed aspects of unchanged truths: 
 memorials of St. Andrew's Sundays. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 Counsel and comfort, spoken from a 
 city pulpit. Bost., 1871. 
 Critical essays of a country parson. 
 Lond., 1867. 
 Every -day philosopher in town and 
 country. Bost., 1869. 
 tf raver thoughts of a country parson. 
 2v. Bost., 1874. 
 Landscapes, churches, and morali- 
 ties. Lond., 1874. 
 — Leisure hours in town. Bost., 1874. 
 Lessons of middle age; with some 
 account of various cities and men. Lond., 
 Present-day thoughts: memorials of 
 St. Andrew's Sundays. Lond., 1874. 
 Recreations of a country jjarson. 2 v. 
 Host., 1874. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. Sea.side musings, on Sun- 
 days and week days. Lond., 1872. 
 Sunday afternoons at the parish 
 church of a university city. Lond., 1869. 
 Boyd, Mark. Social gleanings. Lond., 
 Boyd, R. NeKson. Coal mines inspection ; 
 its history and results. Loud., 1879. 
 Boydell, John. Gallery of illustrations for 
 Shakespeare's dramatic works. Edited by 
 J. Parker Norris. Phila., 1874. 
 Boyer, A., L. Chanibaud, and others. Dic- 
 tionnaire Anglois-Fran^ois. Nouvelle 6d. 
 Vol. 1. Paris, 1817. 
 Boyer, Paul. Veritable relation de tout 
 ce qui s'est fait et passd au voyage que 
 Monsieur de Bretiguy fit k I'Amdrique 
 Occidentale. Paris, 1654. 
 Boyle, Frederick. Through Fanteeland to 
 Coomassie : a diary of the Ashantee ex- 
 pedition. Lond., 1874. 
 Boyle, Robert. Philosophical works. With 
 notes, by Peter Shaw. 3 v. Lond., 1725. 
 Boynton, Charles B. History of the navy 
 during the rebellion. Illus. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Boynton, Edward C. History of West 
 Point, and the origin and progress of the 
 United States Military Academy. 2d ed. 
 N. Y., 1871. 
 Boynton, H. V. Sherman's historical raid : 
 the memoirs in the light of the record. 
 Cincinnati, 187.5. (2 copies.) 
 Brabazon, Captain. Soldiers and their 
 science. Lond., 1860. 
 Brace, Charles Loring. Home-life in Ger- 
 many. N. Y., 1853. 
 Brachvogel, A. E. Beanmarchais: an his- 
 torical novel. Translated from the Ger- 
 man, by Th^rese J. Radford. Illus. N. Y., 
 Brackenbury, Capt. C. B. European arma- 
 ments iu 1867. Lond., 1867. 
 Foreign armies and home reserves. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Brackenbury, Capt. Heury. Ashanti war : 
 a narrative prepared from the official docu- 
 ments, by permission of Maj.-Gen. Sir 
 Garnet Wolseley ; with maps .and plans. 
 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the late 
 wiir between the United States and Great 
 Britain. Phila., 1836. 
 Brackett, Albert G. History of the United 
 States cavalry, from the formation of the
 Federal flovoninieiit to the Ist of June, 
 1H(;:1. N. Y., lHt!5. 
 Braddock, John. Memoir on ;;iiii|pow<lcr ; 
 in wliicli are (li»cii8sc<l the iiriniiples both 
 of its nianiifactnre au«l proof. Loud., 
 Braddock'B expedition. History of an ex- 
 judition against Fort do Qnesne, in ITitr,, 
 under Maj. Gen. Edward Braddoik. Ed- 
 ited from the orif;inal raauiiseript, by 
 \Vintliroi> Sargent. I'liila., 1855. 
 Bradford, Alden. History of Massachn- 
 Hetl>, IVciui July, 1775, to the year 1789 
 iuchi.sive. Host., 1835. 
 History of the Federal Government 
 for tifty years, from March, 1789, to March, 
 18:i9. Bost., 1840. 
 Bradford, Alexander W. Auieriean an- 
 iii|Mitie» and re.searches into the origin 
 and liistory of the red race. N. Y., 184:t. 
 Bradford, Duncan. Wonders of the heav- 
 ens; lieing a popular view of astronomy. 
 Bost., 1837. 
 Brame, Eilouard. Etude sur les signaux 
 de cheinins de fer i double voie. Paris, 
 Brand, Jolin. Observations on the popular 
 aiitii|iiitie8 of Great Britain. Arranged, 
 revised, and greatly enlarged by Sir 
 Henry Ellis. 3 v. Loud., 1873. 
 Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 
 Editeil, with very large corrections and 
 additions, by W. C. Hazlitt ; with a new 
 and eo]iious index. 3 v. Loud., 1870. 
 Braiide, William Thomas. Dictionary of 
 Hcii'uce, literature, and art. N. Y., 1847. 
 Brannan, John. Ofliiial letters of the mil- 
 itary and naval otlleers of the United 
 States during the war with Great Britain, 
 in the years 1812-15. Washington, 1823. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Brard, C. P. fil<?mens pratiques d'exph)ita- 
 tion. Paris, 18i9. 
 Brassey, Mrs. Annie. Sunshine and storm 
 in the east ; or, cruises to Cyprus and 
 Constantinople. lUus. N. Y., 1880. 
 Brazil. Empire of Brazil at the Universal 
 Exhibition of 1876, in Philadelphia. Rio 
 de .Janeiro, 187r). 
 Bremer, Frederika. Diary ; The H 
 family; Axel and Anna; and other tales. 
 Translated by Mary Howitt. Loud., ia53. 
 Home; or, life in Sweden; and Strife 
 and peace. Translated by Mary Howitt. 
 Lend., 1853. 
 Bremer, Frederika. Neighbors: a story of 
 evi-ry-day life. Translated by Mary How- 
 itt. Loud., 1870. 
 President's daughters ; iiicludiDg 
 Nina. Translated by Mary Howitt. 
 Lond., 1852. 
 Brewrer, E. Cobham. Dictionary of phrase 
 and fable. Phila. 
 Breze, Comie Ac. Observations historiques 
 ot critiques sur les cummentaires de Fo- 
 lard, et sur la cavalerie. 2 v. Turin, 
 Brialmont, A. Hasty intrenchmeuts. Trans- 
 lated by Charles A. Empson. lUns. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Bric-^-brac series. 8 v. N. Y., 1874-76. 
 Pi'rsonal rominiaceiicos by Chorley, Planch^, and 
 Timug; R. H. Stoddard, editor, v. 1. 
 Aut-odntu bio>a^pliit'» of Ttiackeray and Dickens; 
 R. H. Stoddard, editor, v. 2. 
 Prosper Merim6e's letters to an incognita; with 
 roeuUections by Lamartiue and George S.ind ; R. H. 
 Stoddard, editor, v. 3. 
 ' Personal retuinisceuces by Barham, Hamess, and 
 Hodder; K. U. Stoddard, editor, v. 4. 
 Personal remiuiseeuees by Cornelia Knigbt and 
 Tliomaft Raikes; illus., V. 7. 
 Personal remiuiHceuces by O'Keeflfe, Kelly, and 
 Taylor; illua., v. 8. 
 Personal rerollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others; 
 R. n. Stoddard, editor; illii8.,v. 9. 
 Personal reminiscences by Constable and Gillies; 
 R. 11. Stoddard, editor, v. 10. 
 Bridge water treatises, on the power, wis- 
 dom, and goodness of God, as manifested 
 in tlie creation. 7 v. Phila., 1836-37. 
 Treatise 1. Adaptation of external nature to the moral 
 and intellectual constitution of man, by the Rev. 
 T. Chalmers. 
 Treatise 2. Adaptation of external nature to the 
 physical condition of man, by J. Kidd. 
 Treatise 3. Astronomy and general physics, by the 
 Rev. W. WheweU. 
 Treatise 4. The hand, ita mechanism and vital en' 
 dowments. by Sir C. Bell. 
 Treatise 5. Animal and vegetable physiology, by P 
 M. Rogct, 2 V. 
 Treatise 6. Geology and mineralogy, by the Rev, 
 W. liuckland, 2 v. 
 Treatise 7. Creation of animals and their history, 
 etc., by Rev. W. Kirby. 
 Treatise 8. Chemistry, meteorology, and the func- 
 tion of digestion, by W. Prout. 
 Briggs, John. History of the rise of the 
 Mahomedan power in India till the year 
 A. D. 1612; with copious notes. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1829.
 Biinton, Daniel G. Religious sentiment, 
 its source and aim. N. Y., 1876. 
 Brisbin, James S. Early life and public 
 career of James A. Garfield, including, 
 also, a sketch of the life of Chester A. 
 Arthur. Phila., 18H0. 
 Brissot de Warville, J. P. Travels in the 
 United .States of America, iierformed in 
 17«8. Kewed. Loud., 1797. 
 and fitienne Clavifere. Commerce of 
 America with Europe, particularly with 
 France and Great Britaiu ; showing the 
 importance of the American revolution 
 to the interests of France. Revised by 
 Brissot, and called the second volume of 
 his View of America ; with life of Brissot, 
 and an appendix. Loud., 1794. 
 Bristed, John. America and her resources; 
 or, a view of the agricultural, commercial, 
 manufacturing, tiuancial, political, liter- 
 ary, moral, and religious capacity and 
 character of the American people. Lond., 
 British almanac, and companion to the 
 almanac, for the years 1823-78. 27 v. 
 Loud., 1828-78. 
 British association for the advancement 
 of science : reports of the first to thirty- 
 first meetings, from 1631 to 1861. 29 v. 
 Lond., 1835-62. 
 The same. 38th, 39th, 40th meetings. 
 3 V. Lond., 1869-71. 
 British imperial calendar and civil service 
 list; or, general register of the United 
 Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 
 and its colonies, for 1831. Lond., 1881. 
 British quarterly review. 4 v. N. Y., 
 British subaltern. By an ex-subaltern. 
 Lond., 187.5. 
 BrittOD, John. Architectural antitiuities 
 of Great Britaiu. 2 v. Lond., 180r. 
 and Augustus Pugin. Illustrations 
 of the public buildings of London ; with 
 historical and descriptive accounts of each 
 edifice. 2 v. Lond., 1825-28. 
 Brockett, L. P. Camp, battle-field, and 
 hospital; or, lights and shadows of the 
 great rebellion. Illus. Phila., 1866. 
 Our great captains. Grant, Sherman, 
 Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut. N. Y., 
 Brodbead, J. Romeyu. Documents relative 
 to the colonial history of the State of New 
 4 W 
 York, procured in Holland, England, and 
 France. Albany, 1845. 
 History of the State of New York, 
 1609-1691. 2 v. N. Y., 18.53-71. 
 Brodie, George. History of the British 
 empire, from the accession of Charles the 
 First to the restoration. 4 v. Edinburgh, 
 BrogUe, Due de. King's secret ; being the 
 secret correspondence of Louis XV. with 
 his diplomatic agents, from 1752 to 1774. 
 2 V. Lond., Paris, and N. Y. ' 
 Bronte sisters. Life and works of Char- 
 lotte Bronte and her sisters. Illus. 7 v. 
 Lond., 1872-73. 
 Bronte, Charlotte {Currer Bell). Jane Eyre, an 
 autobiography. Vol. 1. 
 Shirley : a tale. Vol. 2. 
 Vi'.lette. Vol. 3. 
 Professor. Vol. 4. 
 Uronte, Anjie (Act'tii Bdl). AgnesGrey. Vol.5. 
 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Vol. 6. 
 Bronte, Emily {Ellis Sell). Wuthering Heights. 
 Vol. 5. 
 Bronte family. Poems. Vol. 4. 
 Gaskell, Mrs. E. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 
 Vol. 7. 
 Brooke-Ra'wle, William. Right flauk at 
 Gettysburg: an account of the operations 
 of General Gregg's cavalry command. 
 Phila., 1878. 
 Brookes, Richard. Universal gazetteer. 
 Edited by John Marshall. Phila., 1839. 
 The same. Phila., 1843. 
 Brooklyn city directory (Lain's). Brook- 
 lyn, 1875-76. 
 Brooks, Nathan C. Complete history of 
 the Mexican war ; its causes, conduct, and 
 consequences. Illus. Phila., 1849. 
 Broome, Capt. Arthur. History of the rise 
 and progress of the Bengal army. Vol. 1. 
 Calcutta and Lond., 1850. 
 Brougham, Henry, Lord. Life and times; 
 written by him.self. 3 v. N. Y., 1871. 
 Political philosophy. 3 v. Lond., 
 • Speeches. 2 v. Phila., 1841. 
 Brougham, John. Life, stories, and poems 
 of John Brougham, comprising his auto- 
 biography; a fragment; a supplementary 
 memoir; sketch of his club life ; selections 
 from his miscellaneous writings. Edited 
 by Wilham Winter. Boat., 1881.
 Brown, Ooidil. (Jranimar of EnjclUh jtraiii- 
 iiiuis; with ill! iiilriiiliietion, hislorioal hikI 
 critical. lOtli eil., rcviseil anil improved. 
 N. Y., 1873. 
 Brown, IIarvi\v E. MiMlieal ili-partiiu'iit of 
 till' riiili-il Stall's Army, from 177.'> to H73. 
 \Vastiiiii;lciii, H73. 
 Brown, lli>ury. History of Illinois, from its 
 first iliscovcry and si-ttlement to the pres- 
 ent tim... N. Y., H44. 
 Brown, Tliomas. Lectures on the philoso- 
 phy of tlio Unman mind, av. Hallowoll, 
 Browne, Charles F. {.Irlemitu fVarti). 
 Win lis. I.ond. 
 Browne, Irvin;;. . Short studies of great 
 lawyers. .\H)any, 1878. 
 Browne, .lames .\lex. England's artillery- 
 men : an historical narrative of the serv- 
 ires (if till' royal artillery. Lond., H6'>. 
 Bro^^ne, .Inhn Ross. Report on the min- 
 eral resonroes of the States and Territories 
 west of the Rocky Mountains. Washing- 
 ton, 18(38. 
 Ynsef ; or, the journey of the Krangi : 
 a crusade in the East. N. Y., 1871. 
 Browne, .lunins Henri. Four years in Se- 
 ressia: adventures within and beyond the 
 I'liion lines. Ilhis. Hartford, l-'Go. 
 Browne, .Sir Thomas. PseuloiUixia epi- 
 demica; or, eminirics into very many re- 
 ceived tenets and commonly presumed 
 truths. :{il ed. Loud., lt>.')8. 
 Reliijio medici: a letter to a friend — 
 Christian morals, urn-burial, and other 
 papers. Bost., 1868. 
 Browning, Eliz.abeth Barrett. Complete 
 liiietical works. N. Y., 1871. 
 Poems. From the last Lond. ed. 5 
 V. \. Y., 18t«. 
 Browning, G. Donu^stic and financial con- 
 dition of Great Britain; preccd-d by a 
 brief sketch of her foreign .policy, etc. 
 Lond., \-*:U. 
 Browning, Robert. Poetical works. 6 v. 
 Lond., I'^iH. 
 Dramatis persona?. Bost., 1864. 
 Filine at the fair, and other poems. 
 Bost., 1872. 
 The ring and the book. 2 v. 
 .Sordello, Strafford, Christmas-Eve, 
 and Easter-Uay. Bost., 1864. 
 Browning, W. S. History of the Hngno- 
 nots. New ed., continued to the present 
 time. Loud., 1840. 
 Browning, W. S. The same. Phila., 1845. 
 Browulow, W. G. Sketches of the rise, 
 progress, and decline of secession ; with a 
 narrative of personal adventures among 
 the rebels. Phila., 18(12. 
 Brownson's quarterly review. Last series, 
 vols. 1, 2, and 3. N. Y., 1873-75. 
 BruS^ Peter. Treatise on engineering field- 
 work ; comprising the practice of survey- 
 ing, levelling, laying out works, etc. 
 Lond., 1842. 
 Bnigsch-Bey, Dr. Henry. History of 
 Egypt under the Pharaohs; derived en- 
 tirely from the monuments; to which is 
 ailded a discourse on the exodus of the 
 Israelites. Translated by Philip Smith. 
 2d ed. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 1881. 
 Brunet, Capilaine J. Histoire g<$n^rale de 
 I'artillerie. 3 v. Paris, 1842. 
 Bruufaut, .Inles. La defense de la France 
 an moyen du r^seau militaire doe chemins 
 de fer. Paris, 1872. 
 Bryan, Maiy E. Manch. N. Y., 1880. 
 Wild work: the story of the Eed 
 River tragedy. N. Y., 1881. 
 Bryant, William Cullen. Letters of a trav- 
 eller; or, notes of things seen in Europe 
 and America. N. Y., 1850. 
 Bryant and Stratton. Business arithmetic. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Buchanan, .lames. Sketches of the history, 
 manners, and customs of the North Ameri- 
 can Indians; with a plan for their melio- 
 ration. 2 V. N. Y., 1824. 
 Buckingham, James Silk. America: his- 
 torical, statistic, and descriptive. 2 v. 
 X. Y., 1841. 
 Buckland, Rev. William. Geology and 
 mineralogy, considered with reference to 
 natural theology. (Bridge water treatise, 
 No. 6.) 2 V. Phila., 1«37. 
 Reliquiio dilnvian.-o; or, observations 
 on the organic remains contained in caves, 
 fissures, and diluvial gravel, and on other 
 geological phenomena attesting the action 
 of an universal deluge. 2d ed. Loud., 
 Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civili- 
 zation in England. From the 2d Lond. 
 ed. 2 v. N. Y., 1870. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Miscellaueousand posthumous works. 
 Edited, with a biographical notice, by 
 Helen Taylor. 3 v. Lond., 1872.
 Budge, Ernest A. History of Esailiaddou 
 (son of Sennacherib), King of Assyria, B. 
 C. 681-668. Translated from the cunei- 
 form inscriptions upon cylinders and tab- 
 lets in the British Museum collection. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Buffalo city directory, 1868. (Thomas'). 
 Buffalo, 1868. 
 Buffon, George Louis le Clerc, Comie de. 
 Histoire naturelle, gf^ndrale et particu- 
 lifere, avec la description du cabinet du 
 roy. 39 v. Paris, 1750-89. 
 Histoire naturelle, v. 1-15. 
 Oiseawx, v. 16-24. 
 Supplement, v. 2.3-31. 
 Minfiraux, v. 32-37. 
 Serpens, v. 38-39. 
 Buffon, Nadault de. Traits th^orique et 
 pratique des irrigations. 3 v. and atlas. 
 Paris, 1843-44. 
 Bugbee, James M. Russia and Turkey : 
 the Eastern question historically consid- 
 ered. Boat., 1877. 
 Bugeaud, T. R., Mank-hal. Aperfus sur 
 quelques details de la guerre; avec des 
 planches explicatives. 3° ^d. Paris, 1846. 
 Essai siir quelques mannjuvres d'iu- 
 fanterie que I'auteiir propose d'ajoiiter h 
 I'ordonnance. Lyon, 1815. (Bound with 
 Instrnctionspratiquespourles troupes 
 en campagne, avec planches explicatives. 
 Paris, 1854. (Bound with Bugeaud's 
 " Apcrtu.s.") 
 Bulger, George E. Leaves from the records 
 of St. Hubert's club ; or, reminiscences 
 of sporting expeditions in many lauds. 
 Lond., 1864. 
 Bullock, W. Six months' residence and 
 travels in Mexico; containing remarks on 
 the present state of New Spain ; with 
 plates and maps. Lond., 1824. 
 Bulow, Adam H. von. Histoire de la 
 campagne de 1800 en Alleniagne et en 
 Italie; suivie d'un priScis de la campagne 
 de 1800 dans la Souabe, la Baviere et 
 I'Autriche. TraduitparCh. L. Sevelinges. 
 Paris, 1801. 
 BulTwer, Sir Henry Lytton. Life of Henry 
 John Temple, Viscount Palmerstou; with 
 selections from his diaries and correspond- 
 ence. 2 V. Phila., 1871. 
 Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward. Novels. 
 Lond. and X. Y., 187:i-76. 
 Alice : or, the mysteries. 
 Coming race. 
 Devereux : a tale. 
 Ernest Maltravers ; or, the Eleusinia. 
 Eujiene Aram : a tale. 
 Falkland and Zicci. 
 Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. 
 Kenelm Chillingly ; his adventures and opinions 
 (2 copies.) 
 Last days of Pompeii. 
 Last of the barons. 
 Leila; or, the siege of Granada: Calderou, the 
 courtier ; and Pilgrims of the Rhine. 
 Lucretia; or, the children of night. 
 My novel; or, varieties in English life, by Pisia- 
 tratus Caxton, 2 v. 
 Night and morning: a novel. 
 Parisians, 2 v. (2 copies.) 
 Paul Clifford. 
 Pausanias, the Spartan: an unfinished historical 
 romance, by the late Lord Lytton, edited by his 
 Pelham ; or. adventures of a gentleman. 
 Kienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. 
 Strange story ; and The haunted and the haunters. 
 "What will he do witli it? by Pisistratus Caxton, 
 2 V. 
 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress. With 
 original notes, bj* Rev. Thomas Scott. 
 13th ed. Lond., 1859. 
 Burghersh, Maj. Gen. Lord. Memoir of 
 the operations of the allied armies under 
 Prince Sohwarzenberg and Marshal Blu- 
 cher, during the latter end of 1813 and the 
 year 1814. ad ed. Lond.. 1822. 
 Burgoyne, Sir John F. Military opinions. 
 Collected and edited by Captain G. Wrot- 
 tesley. Lond., 1859. 
 Burke, Edmund. Works; with a memoir. 
 3 V. N. Y., 1833. 
 Account of the European settlements 
 in America. 6th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1777. 
 Speeches in the House of Commons 
 and in Westminster Hall. 4 v. Loud., 
 Burke, John. General and heraldic dic- 
 tionary of the peerages of England, Ire- 
 land, and Scotland, extinct, dormant, and 
 in abeyance. Lond., 1831. 
 Gencr.ll and heraldic dictionary of 
 the peerage and baronetage of the British 
 empire. 4th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1832.
 Burke, Sir Jolm Bernard. Book of orders 
 of kiii^litliood and dciorations of honour 
 of all nations; historical account of each 
 order, military, naval, and civil ; with 
 illustrations of the insignia of the various 
 orders. Loud., 18i>8. 
 Oonealofjical and heraldic dictionary 
 of the landcil ({entry of Oroat Britain and 
 Irelanil, for \<i:\; eoniprisinf? particulars 
 of upwards of 100,000 individuals. 2 v. 
 Loud., i^.">:t. 
 Bum, Robert. Naval and military techni- 
 cal dictionary of the French language; 
 in two parts, French-English and English- 
 French, with explanations of the various 
 ti'rms. Bost., 185:{. 
 Burnes, .\lexandcr. Travels into Bokhara: 
 a ji>urney from India to Cabool, Tartary, 
 and I'ersia;, narrative of a voyage 
 on the Indus from the sea to Lahore. 2 v. 
 rhila., ISi-y. 
 Burnet, B'mhop Gilbert. History of his own 
 time. With notes, by the Earls of Dart- 
 mouth and Ilardwickc, and others. 2d 
 1(1., enlarged. t> v. Oxford, It^-VA. 
 Burnet, J.acob. Xotes on the early settle- 
 ment of the northwe.stern territory. N. 
 Y. and Cincinnati, 1847. 
 Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Louisiana. 
 N. Y., 1*30. 
 Burnett, Peter H. RecoUoclions and opin- 
 iiiMsof an old pioneer. N. X., 18d0. 
 Buruey, .lames. Chronological history of 
 the discoveries in the South Sea or I'acitic 
 Ocean, from its earliest discovery to 1764. 
 5 v. Loud., 18lt:{-17. 
 History of the buccaneers of America. 
 I.uimI.. I-^IO. 
 Burns, Robert. Complete works : contain- 
 ing his poems, songs, and correspondence. 
 With a new life of the poet and notices, 
 by Allen Cunningham. N. Y. and Bost., 
 Burns, William. Scottish war of independ- 
 ence; its antecedents and effects. 2 v. 
 Glasgow, 1874. 
 Burnside, Ambrose E., Chairman joint com- 
 millie on the reorganization of the army. 
 Report (Ml the reorganization of the army, 
 and to make rules for its government and 
 regulation. Washington, 1878. 
 Burr, .\aron. Private journal during his 
 residence in Europe. With selections 
 from his correspondence, edited by M. L. 
 Davis. 2 V. N. Y., 1858. 
 Burr, (ieorge D. Practical surveying, topo- 
 graphical plan drawing and sketching 
 ground without instruments. Illiis. 4th 
 ed. Loud., 18(;4. 
 Burritt, Eliliu: a memorial volume, con- 
 taining a sketch of his life and labors, 
 with selections from his writings and lec- 
 tures, and extracts from his private .jour- 
 nals in Euro))e and America. Edited by 
 Charles Xorthend. N.Y.,ia7'.>. 
 Burroughs, .lohn. Winter sunshine. N. Y^., 
 Burrow AVi'. E. J. Elements of ('Oilchol- 
 ogy, according to the Liuiuean system. 
 Ilhis. New cd. Loud., 1825. 
 Burton, Richard F. City of the saints, and the Rocky mountains to California. 
 Illns. N.Y.,18r)2. 
 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy; 
 what it is, with all the kinde.s, causes, 
 symptomes, ]>rognostickes. and several! 
 cures of it. By Uemoeritus, jr. 11th cd., 
 corrected; to which is prefixed an ac- 
 count of the author. 2 V. Lond., 1800. 
 Busch, Dr. Moritz. Bismarck in the 
 Franco-German war, 1870-71. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Bush, Rer. George. Life of Mohammed, 
 founder of the ndigion of Islam, and of 
 till' emi)iro of the Saracens. (Harpers' 
 family library.) N. Y., 18:il. 
 Busk, Hans. Haiid-liook for Hythe : the 
 laws of projectiles, and an introduction 
 to the system of nmsketry. Illns. Loud, 
 and N. Y., 1860. 
 Busk, J/i«< R. H. Valleys of Tirol, their 
 traditions and customs, and how to visit 
 them; with maps. Lond., 1874. 
 Butler, J. G. Bible readers' commentary. 
 The New Testament. lUus. 2 v. N. Y'., 
 Butler, .Joseph. Whole works. New ed. 
 Lond., 1852. 
 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras; with variorum 
 notes, si^lected principally from Grey and 
 Nash, edited by Henry G. Bohu. Lond., 
 Butler, Samuel. Atlas of ancient geogra- 
 phy. Phila., 18:i2. 
 Sketch of modern and antient geog- 
 raphy. 10th cd. Lond., 18:53. 
 Butler, Captain W. F. Great Lone Land : 
 narrative of travel and adventure in the 
 northwest of America; with illustrations 
 and map. 2d ed. Lond., 1872.
 Butler, Captain \V. F. Wild Xorth Land: 
 being tbe story of a winter journey with 
 dogs across nortliern North America ; with 
 illustrations and a map. 4th ed. Lond., 
 Butterfield, C. W. Expedition against 
 Saudnsky, under Col. William Crawford, 
 in 1782; with sketches, reminiscences, 
 and descriptions of localities; also, details 
 of the retreat, l)arl)arities, and the awful 
 death of Crawford by torture. Cincin- 
 nati, 1873. 
 Buttmarm, Philip. Greek grammar, for 
 the use of schools. 3d ed. Bost., 1831. 
 Buttura, A. I quattro poeti italiani. Pa- 
 rigi, 1856. 
 Buxton, H. J. Wilmot. German, Flemish, 
 and Dutch painting, lllus. N. Y. and 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Byrne, Bernard M. Essay to prove the 
 contagious character of cholera. Phila., 
 B3rme, .T. C. Twelve years' wanderings in 
 the British colonies, from 1835 to 1847. 
 2 V. Loud., 1848. 
 Byron, George Anson, Lord. Voyage of 
 H. SI. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, 
 in the years 1824-25. Lond., 182G. 
 Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord. Works. 
 With bis letters and journals, and his life, 
 by Thomas Moore. 14 v. Lond., 1832. 
 Cabot, Sebastian. Memoir of; with a re- 
 view of the history of maritime discovery. 
 Phila., 1831. 
 Cachin, J. M. F. MdmoLre sur la digue de 
 Cherbourg, comparee au breakwater ou 
 jet^e de Plymouth. Paris, 1820. 
 Cadet (The). Military treatise, by an offi- 
 cer. 2d ed. Lond., 1762. 
 Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries on the 
 G.illic and civil wars. Translated by 
 Wm. Duncan. 2 v. (Harpers' family li- 
 brary.) X.Y.,1833. 
 The same. With the supplementary 
 books attributed to Hirtius, iucludiiig the 
 Alexandrian, African, and .Spanish wars. 
 Tran.slated with notes and au index by 
 W. A. M'Devitte and W. S. Bohn. Lond., 
 Calhoun, John C. Works. Edited by 
 Richard K. C'ralle. 6 v. Columbia, S. C, 
 California. Report of adjutant general of 
 the State. Sacramento, 1879. 
 California. Transactions of California State 
 agricultural society during theycar 1858. 
 Sacramento, 18.59. 
 and New Mexico. (H. R. ex. does. 
 Nos. 17 and 18, 31st Cong., Ist sess.) 2 v. 
 AVashington, 1850. 
 Callet, I'^an^ois. Tables portatives de lo- 
 garithmes contenant les logarithmes des 
 nombres depuis 1 jusqu';\ 108,000; les 
 logarithmes des sinus et tangentes, etc. 
 Paris, 1795. (Tirage, 1829.) 
 Callimachus. See Hesiod. 
 Calls for troops made by the President dur- 
 ing the years 1861-2-3-4. Washington, 
 Camden, William. Britannia ; or, a cho- 
 rographical description of Great Britain 
 and Ireland, with the adjacent islands. 
 Translated into English, with additiiras. 
 3d ed., revised by Edmund Gibson. 2 v. 
 Lond.. 1753. 
 Camels and dromedaries. Purchase, im- 
 portation, and use of camels and drome- 
 daries to be employed for military pur- 
 poses. (Sen. ex. doc. No. 62, 34th Cong., 
 3d sess.) Washington, 18.57. 
 Cameron, A^erney Lovett. Across Africa. 
 X. Y., 1877. 
 Campaign of 1866 in Germany. Compiled 
 by the department of military history of 
 the Prussian staff. Translated into Eng- 
 lish, by Col. von Wright aud Captain H. 
 M. Hozier. Loud., 1872. 
 Campbell, Sir George. White and black; 
 the outcome of a visit to the United .States. 
 N. Y., 1879. 
 Campbell, John. Political survey of Brit- 
 ain; being a series of reflections on the 
 situation, lands, inhabitants, revenues, 
 colonies, aud commerceof this island. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1774. 
 Campbell, John, Lord. Lives of the lord 
 chancellors and keepers of the great seal 
 of England, from the earliest times till the 
 reign of King George IV. 7 v. Lond., 
 Lives of the chief justices of Eng- 
 land, from the Norman conquest till the 
 death of Lord Mansfield. 2 v. Bost., 
 Lives of the chief justices of Eng- 
 land, to the death of Lord Tenterden. 
 Vol. 3. Lond., 1857. 
 Lives of the chief justices of Eng- 
 land. 4 V. Bost., 1873.
 Campbell, Tbomns. Complete poetical 
 workH; with a iiiciuoir of his life, and an 
 essay on his goiiiiis and writings. N. Y., 
 Poetical works. With notes and a 
 lii(>;;ra|>hii'al .sketch, by the Rev. W. A. 
 Hill. Lond. andN. Y., 1867. 
 Campbell, William W. Border warfare of 
 New Viirk iluriii;; the revolution; or, the 
 annals of Tryon connty. N. Y., 1849. 
 ('i copies.) 
 Camper, Charles, and .1. W. Kirkley. His- 
 torical record of the lirst regiment Mary- 
 land infantry, warof therebellion, 1861-65. 
 Washington, 1871. 
 Canada. Tables of the trade and naviga- 
 tion of that province, for l^t.'iS. Toronto, 
 Canning, Ocorge. Speeches. With a pre- 
 liminary biographical sketch and an ap- 
 pendix, edited by Robert Walsh. Pliila., 
 Canova, Antonio. Works in sculiitnro and 
 niinlelling engraved in outline by Henry 
 Moses ; with ilescriptions by the Conntess 
 Albriz/.i, and a biographical memoir by 
 Count Cicognara. 3 v. Lond., 1849. 
 Capper, Samuel .1. Shores and cities of the 
 KdilenSee: rambles in 1879-80. Mapsaud 
 illus. Lond., 1881. 
 Captivity of two Russian princesses in the 
 Caucasus; including a seven months' res- 
 idence in Shamil's seraglio. Translated 
 by H. S. Ivhvards. Lond., 18.">7. 
 Caramau, Mniqii'm dc. Es.sai snr I'organi- 
 satiiui militainMle la Prusse. Paris, 1831. 
 Carel, .Vuguste. PriScis historique de la 
 guerre d'Espagne, et de Portugal, de 1808 
 a 1814. Paris, 181.'). 
 Carey, Henry C. The past, the present, 
 and the future. Phila., 1848. 
 Carleton, Janii;s Henry. Battle of Baena 
 Vista; with the operations of the "Army 
 of occupation." X. Y., 1848. 
 Carleton, Will. Farm festivals. Illus. N. 
 Y., ls-1. 
 Carlyle, /i<i'. Dr. Alexander. Autobiog- 
 rajiliy; containing memorials of the men 
 and events of his time. Bost., 1861. 
 Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaue- 
 ons essays. 3ded. 4 v. Lond., 1847. 
 The same. Collected and repub- 
 lished, first time, 1839; final, 1869. 7 v. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 • The same. Collected and published 
 by Thomas Carlyle. 2 v. Bost., 1881. 
 Carlyle, Thomas. Early kings of Norway ; 
 also, an essay on the portraits of John 
 Knox. Lond., 1875. 
 French revolution: a history. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Histofy of Friedrich II. of Prussia, 
 called Frederick the Great. 10 v. Lond., 
 The same. 6 v. N. Y., ia->8-65. 
 Latter-day pamphlets. Lond., 18.55. 
 Life of Friedrich Schiller; compre- 
 hending an examination of his works, 
 with supplement of 1872. Lond., 1873. 
 Life of John Sterling. Lond., 1871. 
 On heroes, hero-worship, and the 
 heroic in history. N. Y., 1872. 
 Past and present. N. Y., 1872. 
 Reminiscences. Ed. by J. A. Fronde. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Sartor Resartus: the life and opinions 
 of Herr Teufelsdrockh. From last Lond. 
 ed. N. Y. 
 Translations from the German. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Wilholm Meister's appronticeship ; translated 
 from Goethe, v. 1, 2. 
 MuBnMis, Ticck, RicUtor, v. 3. 
 Carmichael-Smyth, .Sir James. Chrono- 
 logical epitome of the wars in the low 
 countries, from the peace of the Pyrenees, 
 in 16.59, to that of Paris, 1815; with re- 
 flections, military and political. Lond., 
 Carnot, Lazare Nicolas M. De la d(5fense 
 des places fortes. 3" 6tl. Paris, 1812. 
 Defence of fortified places. Written 
 under the direction of Buonaparte ; trans- 
 lated by Lt.-Col. Baron de Montalembert. 
 Lond., 1814. 
 Expose de la conduite politique. 
 Paris, 1815. 
 Caron, N. L. Essai snr Ics subsistances 
 inilitaires on France. Paris et Nantes, 
 Carpenter, William. Scripture natural his- 
 tory. 1st American ed., witli improve- 
 ments by Rev. Gorham D. Abbott, illus- 
 trated; to which are added sketches of 
 Palestine, or the Holy Laud. Bost., 1833. 
 Carpenter, William B. Animal physiology. 
 New ed., revised and partly rewritten. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Mechanical philosophy, horology, 
 and astronomy. New ed. Loud., 1857.
 Carpenter, William B. Vegetable physiol 
 ogy and systematic botany. Edited by 
 Edwin Lankester. Loud., 1873. 
 Zoology: a systematic account of the 
 structure, habits, &c., of the animal king- 
 dom. New ed., revised by W. S. Dallas 
 2 V. Loud., 1866-71. 
 Carrick, John D. Life of Sir William Wal- 
 lace, of Elderslie. Lond., 1840. 
 Camithers, Robert. Life of Alexander 
 Pope; iucUiding extracts from his cor- 
 respondence. Illus. 2d ed. Lond., 1857. 
 Carter, Susan N. Art suggestions from the 
 masters; selected from the works of art- 
 ists and other writers on art. First series. 
 Reynolds, Bell, Hazlitt, Haydon. N. Y., 
 Carter, Thomas. Curiosities of war and 
 military studies; anecdotal, descriptive, 
 and statistical. Illus. 2ded. Lond., 1871. 
 Cams, Titus Lucretius. The nature of 
 things: a didactic poem. Translated 
 from the Latin, by John Mason Good. 
 2 V. Lond., 1805. 
 Carver, .Touathan. Travels through the 
 interior parts of North America, in the 
 years 1766-63 ; with an appendix. Phila., 
 Casey, Silas. Infantry tactics. 3 v. N. Y., 
 1863. (2 copies.) 
 Castelar, Emilio. Life of Lord Byron; 
 and other sketches. Translated by Mrs. 
 Arthur Arnold. N. Y., 1876. 
 Araericao antiquarian society library. Worces- 
 ter, Mass., 1837. 
 Army medical museum. "Washington, 1866-67. 
 Aster library. 5 v. N. T., 1857-66. 
 Catalogus der Bibliotbeek van het Koninklyk 
 zoolopisch genootschap Natura Artis Magis- 
 trate Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1881. 
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 The same. Authors. Washington, 1864. 
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 The same. Index of subjects. 2 v. Wash- 
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 The same. Books added from 1867 to 1875. 
 7 V. Washington, 1868-76. 
 The same. Works relating to political 
 economy and the science of goveruraeut. 
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 Washington, 1881. 
 Franklin Institute, Library of. Phila., 1846. 
 Harper and Brothers, X. T., 1880. 
 Harvard University, Library of. 3 v. Cam- 
 bridge, 1830. 
 Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cambridge, 1881. 
 Dlustrated catalogue of arms and military goods ; 
 containing regulations for the uniform of the 
 army, navy, marine and revenue corps of the 
 United States. Published by Schuyler, Hart- 
 ley & Graham. N. T., 1864. 
 Law catalogue of Messrs. Johnson & Co. Phila., 
 Law catalogue of Messrs. Little, Brown <t Co. 
 Best., 1870. 
 The same. Best., 1878. 
 Logauian library. Phila., 1837. 
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 Maps of the United States and Territories, Coast 
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 Patent Office (United States), Library of. Wash- 
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 Peabodylibrary association of Georgetown, D. C., 
 1880. Washington, 1880. 
 Philadelphia international exhibition, 1876: offi- 
 cial catalogue of the British section. Lond., 
 Philadelphia library company. 3 v. Phila., 
 Pickering's biblical, classical manuscripts, etc. 
 Lond., 1834. 
 Publishers' annual trade-list, 1880. N. T., 1880. 
 Putnam library: national asylum for disabled 
 volunteer soldiers. Dayton (Ohio), 1872. 
 Rebellion literature. Catalogue of. Bartlett, J. R. 
 Boat., 1866. 
 Reference catalogue of current literature: con- 
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 The same. Index catalogue, vols. 1, 2. 
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 nt8iipi)linnnt. 2v. Paiio, 1845-17. (2copic8.) ! 
 Till' same. 3- eupplCment. Paris, IS-W. i 
 Livn-e, cartos p^-o<crax>hiquea, etc.. qui 
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 liiography ; with a claiwilied anil chrono- 
 logical index of the principal names, with 
 sniiplcment. 2 v. Lond., 1867-75. 
 Cathcart, Col. George. Commentaries on 
 till' war in Russia and Gerniauy, in 1812- 
 l:t. Lond., 18.-)0. 
 Catholic ilr vol ions, Manual of. Baltimore, 
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 1870. (Sadlier's".) N. Y., 1870. 
 Catholic World ; a monthly magazine of 
 giniral literature and science. Vols. 16- 
 •-'.-.. II) V. N.Y., 1873-77. 
 CatUn, George. Manners, customs, and con- 
 dition of the North American Indians. 
 2v. N.Y.,1841. 
 Caunter, G. H. Hand-book of chemistry; 
 with a I'ompleli! index of reference. 
 Caunter, Ilcv. Hohart. Romance of history : 
 India. lUus. Lond. and N. Y. 
 Cavada, F. F. Lihby life: experiences o'f 
 a jirisoner of war in Richmond, Va., 
 iNui-fil. Phila., ls6.->. 
 Cavallero, Hon Manuel. Defense do Sara- 
 gosse on relation des deux gitfges soutenus 
 par cette ville en 1808 et 1809. Traduit 
 liar M. L. V. de la Beaumelle. Paris, 
 Cavallo, Tilierins. Elements of natural or 
 exiii'riinenfal philo.sophy. ;5d Amer. cd., 
 with additional notes, selected from va^ 
 rions authors, by F. X. Brosius. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1825. 
 Cayley, .\rlhur. Life of Sir Walter Ra- 
 legh, Knt. 2ded. 2v. Lond., 1806. 
 Cazaux, L. F. G. de. Nombreuses exp(=- 
 rieneis noiivelles confirmant la th^orie do 
 la iwudre. Toulon, 1837. 
 Cazauz, L.F. G. de. Thdorie et calcul des 
 efl'efs do la pouilre dans lea mines et dans 
 les laiioiis. Met/., 183.'>. 
 Cazeaux, I'aulin. Theoretical and practi- 
 cal treatise on midwifery. Translated by 
 William R. Bullock. Illus. 4th Amer. 
 I'd. I'liila., 186)i. 
 Census of the United States. The eighth. 
 Comjiiled from the original returns, under 
 the direction of the Secretary of tbe In- 
 terior, by Joseph C. G. Kennedy. 4 v. 
 Wa-shington, 1864. 
 The ninth. Compiled from the ori- 
 ginal returns (.June 1, 1870), under the 
 direction of the Secretary of the Interior, 
 by Francis A. Walker. 3 v. Wa.sbingtou, 
 Centennial congress of Liberals, and organ- 
 ization oftlie Nat iiihal Liberal League, at 
 I'hilailelpliia, mi tbe 4tli of July, 1876. 
 Bost., 1871!. 
 Centennial exhibition. iSee Interna- 
 Ceremonies at the dedication of the sol- 
 diers' numnment, at Manchester, N. H., 
 September 11, 1879. Manchester, N. H., 
 Ceruuschi, Henri. Bi-metallic money, and 
 its bearings on the monetary crises in 
 Germany, France, England, and the 
 United States. Lond., 1876. 
 Certain dangerous tendencies in American 
 lil'i'-,^ and iitlier iiaper-s. Bost., 1880. 
 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Galatea : 
 a pasiiiral roiiiauce. Translated by Gor- 
 don Willongliby James Gy 11. Loud., 1867. 
 Obra.s. Nueva edicion, eon la vida 
 del autor, por M. F. de Navarrete — Don 
 Quijote. Paris, 1850. (Coll. do autores 
 Cesuola, Louis Palini di. Cyprus, its an- 
 cient cities, tombs, and temples: a narra- 
 tive of researches and excavations during 
 ten years' residence in that Lsland. N. Y., 
 Chaffers, William. Collectors' hand-book 
 of marks and monograms on pottery and 
 porcelain of the renaissance and modern 
 periods; with nearly 3,000 marks. Loud., 
 Chalmers, George. Political annals of the 
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 Chalmers. .lames B. Graphical determina- 
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 Chambers, Robert. Biographical diction- 
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 History of rebellions in Scotland, 
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 edge for the people. Illus. 10 v. and 
 atlas. Phila., 1864-.68. 
 Journal of popular literature, sci- 
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 Philosophie de la guerre, suivie de 
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 Les deux demiers chapitres de ma 
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 Champollion lejenne, Jean Francois. Precis 
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 figyptiens. 2" ^d., augment^e de la lettre 
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 roglyphes phondtiqnes employes par les 
 figyptiens surleurs monumens de l'6poque 
 romaine. Paris, 1827-28. 
 Champollion-Figeac, J. J. Egypte an- 
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 Chappell, W. History of music, from the 
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 empire. 2 v. Lond., 1874. 
 Chaptal, Jean Antoine. Chemistry ap- 
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 Lond., 1807. 
 Chemistry applied to agriculture. 
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 Chaptiis, Colonel. Campagne de 1812 en 
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 servations sur la retraite du Prince Ba- 
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 mance of Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell of 
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 song of Roland." Lond., 1880. 
 Part 3. The lyf of the noble and crysten prynce, 
 Charles the Grete ; translated from the French 
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 "With introduction, notes, and glossary by S. J. 
 H. Herrtage. Part 1. Lond., 1880. 
 Charles, Archduke of Austria. Campagne 
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 Principes de la strategic dfivelopp^a 
 par la relation de la campagne de 1796 en 
 Allemagne. Ouvrage traduit de I'allemand 
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 avec cartes et plans. 3 v. Paris, 1818. 
 The same. Nonvelle Edition revue 
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 moires pour servir ^ I'histoire de la cam- 
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 Jourdan. Bruxelles, 1840. 
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 Charlevoix, Eev. P. F. X. de. History 
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 Chase, Lucien B. History of the Polk ad- 
 ministration. N. Y., 1850.
 Chastellux, Francois Jcaii, Marquis do. 
 Tnivi'ls ill NdiIIi Aiiifrica, iu tlio years 
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 with udtos. 2 V. Lond., 1787. 
 Chateaubriand, Rend Frunjois Auguste, 
 rincoMiif lie. Genins of Christianity; or, 
 the spirit and beauty of the Cluistian re- 
 ligion. With notes, by Charles I. White. 
 Baltimore and Pliila., 18t;8. 
 Travels iu Amoriea and Italy. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1828. 
 Chatelain, >I. A. Trait<S des reconuais- 
 Hanci's inilitaires. Vol.1. Paris, 1847. 
 Chauveau, A. Comparative anatomy of 
 the domesticated animals. Translated by 
 George Fleming. lUus. 2d ed., revised 
 and enlarged with the co-operation of 
 S. Arloing. N. Y.,1873. 
 Chennevieres, M. de. Details militaires. 
 fi V. (1 V. 17.50, 2 V. 1768.) Paris, 
 Cherbuliez, Victor. Samuel Brohl and 
 company. Translated from the French. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Chesney, Col. Charles C. Campaigns in 
 Virginia, Maryland, etc. 2 v. Lond., 
 Essays on military biography. Lond., 
 The same. N.Y.,1874. 
 Waterloo lectures: a study of the 
 campaign of 1315. 3d ed. Lond., 1874. 
 and lli'nry Reeve. Military resources 
 of Prussia and France, and recent changes 
 in the art of war. Loud., 1870. 
 Chesney, Francis R. The Rnsso-Turkish 
 campaigns of 1828 and 1829; with a view 
 of the present state of affairs in the East. 
 3d od. Lond., 1854. 
 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl 
 of. Letters written to his son. Edited, 
 with notes, translations of Latin, French, 
 and Italian quotations, .ind a biographi- 
 cal notice of the author, by Charles S. 
 Carey. 2 v. Lond., 1872. 
 The same. Phila., 1872. 
 Chevalier, Michel. Histoireet description 
 do8 voies do communication aux fitats- 
 Unis et des travaux d'art qui on depen- 
 dent. 2 V. Paris, 1840-41. 
 Society, manners, and politics in the 
 United States ; being a series of letters 
 on North America. Translated from 3d 
 Paris ed. Best., 1839. 
 Chicago city directory. Chicago, 1875-7(i. 
 Childe, Kdward Lee. Life and campaigns 
 of General Loe. Translated from the 
 French, by George Litting. Lond., 187.5. 
 Cholera epidemic of l'^73 in the United 
 States. Washington, 1875. 
 Choules, J. O., and Thomas Smith. Origin 
 ,aud history of missions. Illus. 4th ed. 
 2 V. Bost., 1837. 
 Choumara, T. Consid(''rations militaires 
 Hui- Its mc^moiros du mardclial Snchet, et 
 snr la liataille de Toulouse. 2° dd. 
 Paris, 1840. (2 copies. ) 
 -^-^ Mdmoires snr los fortifications do 
 Paris ; avec plans. Paris, 1833. 
 Christian examiner. Vols. 68-79. 12 v. 
 lioHt., 18r)0-fi5. 
 Christian painter of the nineteenth cen- 
 tury; being the life of Hippolyto Flan- 
 drin. Lond., 187.5. 
 Church, Kci: Alfred J. Stories from 
 Homer. lUns. N. Y. 
 Church, Thomas. History of Philip's war, 
 commonly called the great Indian war of 
 1(575 and l(i7G; also, of the Frrncli and 
 Indian wars at the eastward, iu 1089, 
 1G90, 1692, 1GU6, and 1704. With notes 
 and an appendix, by S.amuel 0. Drake. 
 2d ed., with plates. Bost., 1827. 
 Church (Episcopal) almanac. N. Y.,1869- 
 Cicero, Marcus TuUius. Academic ques- 
 tions, treatise de iinibus, and Tusculan 
 disputations. Trauslated by C. D. Yougo. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Orations. Translated by C. D. 
 Yonge. 4 v. Lond., 1871-72. 
 Or.atory aud orators ; with his lettew 
 to Qiiintus and Brutus. Translated by 
 J. S. Watson. (Bohu's classical library.) 
 Loud., 1871. 
 Three books of ottices; or, moral 
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 (Bobn's clas.sical library.) Loud., 1873. 
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 the laws, and on standing for the consul- 
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 (Bohu's classical libr.ary.) Lond., 1872. 
 Cima, Antonio. Ricerche intorno ,ad alcuui 
 pnnti di clettro-tisiologia. Bologna, 1858. 
 Cincinnati city directory (Williams'). Cin- 
 cinnati, 1872.
 Circulars Surgeon General's OflBce. Nos. 
 1 to 111. Washington, 1865-77. 
 No. 1. Epidemic cholera and yellow ferer in 
 the army of the United States, during 1867. 
 Woodward, J. J. Washington, 1868. 
 No. 2. Excisions of head of the femur for gun- 
 shot injury. Otis, G. A. Washington, 1869. 
 No. 2. Approved plans and specifications for 
 post hospitals. Washington, 1871. 
 No. 3. Surgical cases treated in the U. S. Army, 
 1865-71. Otis, G. A. Washington, 1871. 
 No. 4. Report on barracks and hospitals. Bil- 
 lings, J. S. Washington, 1870. 
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 No. 6. Materials for the preparation of a medical 
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 Woodward. Washington, 1865. 
 No. 7. Amputations at the hip-joint. Otis, G. 
 A. Washington, 1867. 
 No. 8. Hygiene of the U. S. Army. Billings, J. 
 S. Washington, 1875. 
 No. 9. Transport of sick and wounded by pack 
 animals. Otis, G. A. Washington, 1877. 
 No. 10. Approved plans and specifications for 
 post hospitals. Washington, 1877. 
 Civil engineer and architect's jotimal. 14 v. 
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 (British), 1881. Lond., 1881. 
 Claiborne, J. F. H. Life and correspond- 
 ence of John A. Quitman. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Clairac, Chevalier de. The field engineer. 
 Translated from the French, with obser- 
 vations and remarks, with additions and 
 corrections, by John Muller. 2ded. Lond., 
 Clapperton, Hugh. Journal of a second 
 expedition into the interior of Africa, from 
 the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo ; with the 
 journal of Richard Lander from Kano to 
 the sea- coast. Lond., 1829. 
 Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. History of 
 tlie rebellion and civil wars in England; 
 to which is added an historical view of the 
 aflfairs in Ireland. New ed., with the notes 
 of Bishop Warburton. 6 v. Oxford, 1827. 
 ■ The same. Illus. New ed. 2 v. 
 Oxford, 1843. 
 Clark, Edsou L. Races of European Tur- 
 key; their history, condition, and pros- 
 pects. N. Y., 1878. 
 Clark, Edwin. Britannia and Conway tu- 
 bnlar bridges ; with general inquiries on 
 beams and on the properties of materials 
 used in construction. 2 v. Loud., 1850. 
 Clark, Thomas. Naval history of the United 
 States, from the commencement of the 
 revolutionary war to the present time. 
 2d ed. 2 v. Phila., 1814. 
 Clarke, Edward Daniel. Travels in various 
 countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 
 Illus. 6 v. Cambridge and Loud., 
 Clarke, Francis L. Life of Arthur, Marquis 
 of Wellington, etc. 3 v. Lond., 1814. 
 Clarke, Col. George Rogers. Sketch of his 
 campaign in the Illinois, in 1778-79. With 
 an introduction, by Hon. Henry Pirtle, of 
 Louisville, and an appendix, containing 
 the public and private instructions to Col. 
 Clarke, and Major Bowman's journal. 
 Cincinnati, 1869. 
 Clarke, Mary Cowden. Girlhood of Shakes- 
 peare's heroines. N. Y., 1873. 
 Clarkson, Thomas. History of the rise, 
 progress, and accomplishment of the 
 abolition of the African slave-trade by 
 the British Parliament. 2 v. Lond., 1808. 
 Clausewitz, Carl von. On war. Trans- 
 lated by Col. J. J. Graham, from the third 
 German edition. 3 v. in 1. Lond., 1873. 
 Clavigero, Francesco Saverio. History of 
 Mexico ; collected from Spanish and Mex- 
 ican historians, from manuscripts and 
 ancient paintings of the Indians. Trans- 
 lated from the Italian, by Charles Cullen. 
 3 V. Phila., 1817. 
 Clay, Henry. Speeches delivered in the 
 Congress of the United States; to which 
 is prefixed a biographical memoir, with 
 an appendix containing his sjjeeches at 
 other places. 1827. 
 Clay, Jehu Curtis. Annals of the Swedes 
 on the Delaware, from their first settle- 
 ment, in 1636, to the present time. 2d ed. 
 Phila., 18.58. 
 Clayton, Cajit. Emilius. Military prize 
 essay, 1879. Field intrenching ; its appli- 
 cation on the battle-field and its bearing 
 on tacHcs. Lond., 1879. 
 Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Ticaiii). Cele- 
 brated jumping frog of Calaveras county, 
 and other sketches. Edited by John Paul. 
 N. Y., 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Innocents abroad; or, the new pil- 
 grim's progress. Illus. Hartford, 1873. 
 Roughing it. Illus. Hartford, 1880. 
 Tramp abroad. lUus. Hartford, 
 1880. (2 copies.) 
 and Charles Dudley Warner. Gilded 
 age : a tale of to-day. Illus. Hartford, 
 1874. (2 copies.)
 Clement Clara Erskine. Painters, sculp- 
 tors, Piinravors, and their works. lUus. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 llanil-book of legendary and mytho- 
 logical art. Illus. 9th ed. N. Y., 1875. 
 Clerc, P. A. Essai snr les 616ments de la 
 pratique de,s levers topographiques et do 
 son ensoignement. 2 v. Metz et Paris, 
 Clerk, .John. Essay on naval tactics, syste- 
 matical and historical ; with explanatory 
 plates. With notes by Lord Rodney, and 
 introduction by a naval officer. 3d ed. 
 Edinburjjli and Lond., 1627. (2 copies. ) 
 Clery, C. Minor tactics. Lond., 1875. 
 Cleveland city directory, 1872-73. Cleve- 
 land, 1872. 
 Clias, P. H. Elementary course of gym- 
 nastic exercises, and a new and complete 
 treatise on the art of swimming. Illus. 
 4th ed. Lond., 1825. 
 Clode, Charles M. Military forces of the 
 crown, their administration and govern- 
 ment. 2 V. Lond., 18t)9. 
 Cloquet, Jules. Private life of General La- 
 fayette. 2v. N. Y.,lri36. 
 Clot-Bey, Antoiue. Aper?u g^n^ral sur 
 I'Egypte. 2 V. Paris, 1840. 
 Cluskey, Michael W. Political text-book, 
 or cncyclopaidia; containing everything 
 necessary for the reference of the politi- 
 cians and statesmen of the United States. 
 Washington, 1857. 
 Coates, Henry T. Best authors, in prose 
 and poetry. Phila., 1876. 
 Cobbett, William. History of the Protest- 
 ant reformation in England .and Ireland. 
 2 V. Lond., 1829. 
 Cobum, John, Chairman military commit- 
 tee H. It., 42d Cong., 3d eess. Report on 
 army stafl' organization. Washington, 
 43<J Cong., 1st aess. Report on the re- 
 duction of the military establishment and 
 in relation to the fortifications and works 
 of defense. Washington, 1874. 
 Coehorn, Minno, Baron de. Nouvelle for- 
 titiiation tant ponr un terrain has et hu- 
 mide, que sec et e'leve', etc. La Haye, 
 Coffin, Chas. Carleton. Boys of '61: or four 
 years of fighting: a record of personal ob- 
 servation with the army and navy, from 
 the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of 
 Richmond. lUus. Bost., 1881. 
 Coffin, Charles Carleton. My days and 
 nights on the battle-field: a book for boys. 
 Bost., 1866. 
 Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences of Levi CofiSn, 
 the reputed president of the underground 
 railro:id; being a brief history of the 
 labors of a lifetime in behalf of the slave, 
 with the stories of numerous fugitives who 
 gained their freedom through his instru- 
 mentality, and many other incidents. 2d 
 ed., with appendix. Cincinnati, 1880. 
 Coggeshall, George. History of the Ameri- 
 (■:ui privateers and letters of marque, 
 duringour war with England, in the years 
 1812-14. N.Y.,1856. 
 Voyages to various parts of the 
 world, made between the years 1799 and 
 1844. N.Y.,1851. 
 Coina, medals, and seals, ancient and mod- 
 ern, illustrated and described ; with a 
 sketch of the history of coins and coinage, 
 instructions for young collectors, tables 
 of compiirati ve rarity, etc. Edited by W. 
 C. Prime. N. Y., 1861. 
 Colburn, Warren. Introduction to algebra, 
 upon the inductive method of instruction. 
 Bost., 1826. 
 Colden, Cadwallador. History of the five 
 Indian nations of Canada which are de- 
 pendent on the province of New York, in 
 America. 3d ed. Vol. 2. Lond., 1755. 
 Colenso, Frances E. History of the Zulu 
 war and its origin. Lond., 1880. 
 Coleridge, Samuel Taj'lor. Poetical works ; 
 with a memoir. (British poets.) 3 v. 
 Bost., 1871. 
 Coleridge, Sara. Memoirs and letters. 
 Editeil by her diiughter. N. Y'., 1874. 
 CollingTwood, G. L. N. Selection from the 
 public and private correspondence of 
 Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood ; inter- 
 sperseil with memoirs of kis life. Lond., 
 Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Ken- 
 tucky. Illus. Cincinnati, 1850. 
 The same. Revised, enlarged, and 
 brought down to the year 1874, by his 
 son, Richard H. Collins, 2 v. Coving- 
 ton, 1874. 
 Collins, Wilkie. Works. Illus. N. Y., 
 Antonina ; or, the fall of Rome. 
 Dead secret.
 Law and the lady. (2 copies.) 
 Man and wife. 
 New Magdalen. (2 copies.) 
 Poor Mi83 Finch. 
 Queen of hearts. *" 
 Two de.stinie3. 
 "Woman in white. 
 Collins, William. Poetical works ; with a 
 memoir. (British poets.) Best., 1865. 
 Collot, Victor. Journey in North America; 
 containing a survey of the countries 
 watered by the Mi.ssi8sippi,Ohio, Missouri, 
 and other affluing rivers, with the course 
 and soundings, etc., and an atlas. Ulus. 
 Paris, 1826. 
 Colomb, Capt. J. C. R. Defence of Great 
 and Greater Britain; sketches of its naval, 
 military, and political aspects, annotated 
 with extracts from the discussions they 
 have called forth in the press of Greater 
 Britain. Lend., 1880. 
 Colquhoun, Maj. J. A. S. With the Kurram 
 iicld force, 1878-79. lUus. Lond., 1881. 
 Colton, G. W. and C. B. Colton'a general 
 atlas. N.Y.,1878. 
 Colton, J. H. Map of the Southern States. 
 N. Y.,1861. 
 Colton, Rev. Walter. Vi^it to Constantino- 
 ple and Athens. N. Y. , 1836. 
 Combe, William. Doctor Syntax's three 
 tours; in search of the picturesque, con- 
 solation, and a wife. With the life and 
 adventures of the author, by John Cam- 
 den Hotteu. Orig. ed. Lond. 
 Comic almanack. Illustrated by George 
 Cruikshank and other artists. 2 v. Lond., 
 Comines, Philip de. Memoirs. Translated 
 from the French. New ed. 2 v. Lond., 
 Comite international de secours aux mili- 
 taires blesses. Actes. Geueve, 1871. 
 Comstock, John L. An introduction to 
 mineralogy. Illus. 2d ed. Hartford, 
 Comte, Charles, et C. B. P. Dunoyer. Le 
 ceuseur, on examen des actes et des ou- 
 vrages qui tendent k d^truire on k consoli- 
 der la constitution de I'etat. Vols. 3 and 
 4. Paris, 1815. 
 Condillac, fitienne B. de. CEuvres com- 
 pletes. 2 V. Paris, 1803. 
 Congress, Annals of. Debates and pro- 
 ceedings in the Congress of the L'nited 
 States, from March 3, 1789, to May 27, 
 1824. 42 V. Washington, 1834-56. 
 Congress. Register of debates in Congress, 
 from 1824 to 1837. 29 v. Washington, 
 History of Congress: exhibiting a 
 classification of the proceedings of the 
 Senate and House of Representatives, 
 from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793. 
 Journals of the American Congress 
 from 1774 to 1788. 4 v. Washington, 1823. 
 Secret journals of the acts and pro- 
 ceedings of Congress from the first meet- 
 ing thereof to tife dissolution of the con- 
 federation, 177.5-8.8. 4 V. Bost., 1820-21. 
 Congressional directories from seventeenth 
 to forty-sixth Congress. Washington, 
 Congressional documents. From the first 
 to the forty-sixth Congress. Not com- 
 Index from the commencement of 
 the present form of government until the 
 end of the twenty-fifth Congress. Wash- 
 ington, 1824-39. 
 Consolidated index of reports of com- 
 mittees of the House of Representatives 
 from the twenty-sixth to the fortieth Con- 
 gress. Washington, 1869. 
 The same for executive documents. 
 Washington, 1870. 
 Index to executive and miscellaneous 
 documents and reports of committees, 
 forty-third Congress. 2 v. Washington, 
 Congressional Globe with appendices and 
 indices from December 7, 1833, to March 
 4, 1873. (23d Congress, 1st session, to 
 42d Congress, 3d session.) 109 v. in 112. 
 Washington, 1834-73. 
 Congressional Record with appendices and 
 indices from March 4, 1873, to March 3, 
 1881. (43d Cong., special session to 46th 
 Cong., 3d session.) Washington, 1873-81. 
 Congreve, William. Dramatic works. Ed- 
 ited by Leigh Hunt. New ed. Lond., 
 Congreve, Sii- William. Description of the 
 sights or instruments for pointing guns. 
 Lond., 1819. 
 Short account of the improvements 
 in gunpowder. Lond., 1818. (Bound 
 with "Military pamphlets.") 
 Traitd des fusses de guerre compa- 
 r^es k I'artillerie dans leur application ^ 
 la guerre de campagne, aux sieges et aux 
 operations navales. Paris, 1841. 
 Congjeve, Sir William. Treatise on the 
 f;rMii;il piiBcipli'S, powern, and facility of 
 ajiplicalidiiof tlieCoiigrcvc rocket Hystcm, 
 as coiiipareil with artillery; showing the 
 variiiiis applications uf this weapon both 
 for sea and land serviee. Ilhis. L<uid., 
 Connaisaance dcs tcnis, on des niouvciucus 
 celestes. :! V. Paris. Iril2-14. 
 Connoisseur (The). By Bonnell Thornton, 
 anil others. 4 v. complete in 1. Lond., 
 l-iJi>. (lionnd with "The World.'') 
 Constautine. Keeneil de docnnients snr 
 I'exp^dition et la prise de Constantine, 
 par les Fran^ais, eu 18:!7. Paris, lii'iS. 
 (■J copii's. ) 
 Constantinople and its environs; in a se- 
 ries of letters exhibitiuj^ the state 
 of the manners, enstonis, and haViits of 
 the Tnrks, .Vrnienians, .Jews, and Greeks, 
 as nioditied by the policj- of Sultan Mah- 
 niond. Hy an American. 2 v. N. Y.,1835. 
 Constitution of the United States of Amer- 
 ica. By a citizen. Washington, 1846. 
 Constitution of the United States, Jeffer- 
 son's niannal, rnles, orders, etc., of the 
 House of Representatives, digest of rnles, 
 etc. Compiled by John M. Barclay. 
 ^^'a'.llir^liton, \^7',^. 
 Constitution of the United States, manual, 
 rules, digest of rules, etc. Compiled by 
 H. H. Smith. Washington, 1880. 
 Constitution of the United States, rules of 
 the Senate, joint rules, manual, general 
 laws, etc. Compiled by W. J. McDonald. 
 AVashington, 1871. 
 Continental monthly: devoted to literature 
 and national policy. 6 v. N. Y., 186-2-64. 
 Contingent expenses of the War Depart- 
 ment anil its .several bureaus, during the 
 year ending June 30, 1858. (II. R. ex. 
 doc. No. H7, ;ir)th Cong., 'id sess. ) 
 ConvTay, Moncnre D. Earthward pilgrim- 
 age. Lond., 1870. 
 The wandering Jew. N. Y., 1881. 
 Sacred anthology : a book of ethnical 
 scriptures. \. Y.,1874. 
 Conybeaxe, W. J., and J. S. Howson. Life 
 audepistlesof St. Paul. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 
 Cook, ('apt. James. Three voyages round 
 the world; with maps and plates. 7 v. 
 Loud.. 1821. 
 Cook, Joel. Siege of Richmond: a narra- 
 tive of the military operations of Maj. Qen. 
 Geo. B. McClellan, during the months of 
 May and June, 18<;2. Phila., 1862. 
 Cooke, John Esten. Life of Robert E. Lee. 
 N. Y.,1871. 
 Stourtwall Jackson : a military biog- 
 raphy. N. Y., 18(i6. 
 Surry of Eagle's-Ncst ; or, the me- 
 moirs of a staff officer serving in Virginia. 
 7th cd. N.Y.,18C9. 
 Cooke, Josiah P. New chemistry. lUns. 
 2d ed. Lond., 1874. 
 Cooke, M. C. Fungi; their nature and 
 uses. Edited by Rev. M. J. Berkeley. 
 N. Y., l'»7r>. 
 Cooke, Philip St. George. Cav.alry tactics; 
 or, regulations for the instruction, forma- 
 tions, and movements of the cavalry of 
 the army and volunteers of the United 
 States. Washington, 1802. (2 copies.) 
 Conquest of New Mexico and Cali- 
 fornia. N.Y.,1878. 
 Cooke, Rose Terry. Somebody's neiglibors. 
 Bost., 1881. 
 Cooley's cyclopiedia of practical receipts, 
 and collateral information in the .arts, 
 manufactures, professions, and trades, in- 
 cltnling medicine, pharmacy, and domes- 
 tic economy. (>th ed., revLsed and jiartly 
 re-written by R. V. Tuson. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Cooper, James Feninioro. Novels. Illns. 
 30 v. 
 Afloat and asbore: a sea tale. X. V., 1861. 
 Bravo. N. Y., 1869. 
 Chainbearer. N. Y., 1880. 
 Crater; or. Vnlcan'8 Ppak. N. Y., 1861. 
 Headsmau; or.tbeAbbayedt'sVigneroua. N. Y. 
 lleideumauer; or, tho Benedictines. N. Y., 1865. 
 Ilome aa found. N. Y., 1860. 
 Jack Tier; or, the Florida reef. N. Y., 1860. 
 La,st of the Mohicans : a narrative of 1757. N. Y., 
 Lionel Lincoln ; or, the leaguerof Boston. N. Y., 
 Mercedes of Castile; or, tbe voyage to Catbay. 
 N. Y., 1861. 
 Mill's Wallinsford. N. Y., 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Monikins. N. Y., 1867. 
 Oak openings ; or, the bee-hunter. N. Y., 1869. 
 Pathfinder; or, the inland sea. N. Y., 1860. 
 Pilot: a tale of the sea. X. Y., 1859. 
 Pioneers; or, the sources of tbe SosqaebannB. 
 X. Y., 1867. 
 Prairie: a tale. X. Y.,1859. 
 Precaution: a novel. X. Y., 1861. 
 Red Rover: a tale. X. Y., 1859. 
 Red-skins; or, Indian and I^jin. N. Y., 1868. 
 Satanstoe; or, the Liltlepage MSS. N. Y., 1860.
 Sea lions ; or, the lost sealers. N. T., 1860. 
 Spy: a tale of the neutral ground. N. Y., 1859. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Two admirals : a tale. N. T., 1861. 
 "Water- Witeh ; or, the skimmer of the seas. 
 N. T., 1860. 
 Ways of the hour: a tale. N. T., 1870. 
 Wept of the Wish-Ton-Wish. X. T., 1864. 
 Wing-and-wing; or, le Fen FoUet. JT. T., 1871. 
 Wyandotte; or, the hutted knoll. N. T., 1870. 
 History of the Navy of the United 
 States of America. 3(1 ed. 2 v. in 1. 
 Phila., 1847. 
 Notions of the Americans, picked up 
 by a travelling bachelor. 2 v. Lond., 
 Cooper, Capi. S. Concise system of instruc- 
 tions and regulations for the militia and 
 volunteers of the U. S. ; comprehending 
 the and movements of the in- 
 fantry, light infantry, and ritlemen, cav- 
 alry and artillery. Phila., 1836. (Scopies.) 
 Cooper, Samuel. Dictionary of practical 
 surgery; with notes aud additions. By 
 David M. Reese. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 1832. 
 Cooper, C'«j)f. T. H. Military cabinet. 2 v. 
 Lond., 180SI. 
 Practical guide for the light infantry 
 officer. lUus. Lond., 1806. 
 Practical guide to light infantry 
 movements. Illus. Newed. Lond., 1826. 
 Cooper, T. T. Travels of a pioneer of com- 
 merce in pigtail and petticoats; or, an 
 overland journey from China towards 
 India. Lond., 1871. 
 Cooper, Thomas. Some information re- 
 spectiugAmerica. Lond., 1794. (2copies, 
 1 copy bound with Filson's "History of 
 Coote, Charles. History of ancient Europe, 
 from the earliest times to the subversion 
 of the western empire. 3 v. Lond., 1815. 
 Coppee, Henry. Grant aud his campaigns : 
 a military biography. N. Y., 1866. 
 Corfield, W. H. Health. N. Y., 1880. 
 Cormontaingne, Louis de. Memorial pour 
 la fortitication permanente et passag&re. 
 ((Euvres posthumes de Cormontaingne, 
 tome premier.) 2« dd. Paris, 1824. 
 Memorial pour I'attaque des places. 
 (ffiuvres jiosthumes de Cormontaingne, 
 tome second. ) Paris, 1809. 
 The same. 2« 6d., pv4c4d(e d'une 
 notice snrCormontaingne, parM. Augoyat. 
 Paris, 1833. 
 Cormontaingne, Louis de. Memorial pour 
 la defense des places. (CEuvres po.stliumes 
 de Cormontaingne, tome troisifeme.) 2* 
 6d. Paris, 1822. 
 Corneille, Pierre. CEuvres. Edition illns- 
 tr<?e de 85 vignettes par Pauquet, augmen- 
 ts d'une vie de Corneille et de notices 
 sur chaque pi&ce, par fimile de la Bddol- 
 liere. Paris. 
 Comulier, Ernest de. Propositions et ex- 
 periences relatives au pointage des bouches 
 ^ feu en usage dans I'artillerie navale; 
 avec planches. Paris, 1844. 
 Correspondence between the Secretary of 
 War and Generals Scott and Taylor, and 
 between General Scott and Mr. Trist. 
 (H. R. ex. doc. No. 56, 30th Cong., Ist 
 sess.) Washington, 1848. 
 Cortes, Hernando. Despatches of Cortes, 
 the conqueror of Mexico, addressed to the 
 Emperor Charles V; written during the 
 conquest, and containing a narrative of 
 its events. From the Spanish, with notes, 
 by George Folsom. N.Y.,1843. (2 copies.) 
 Corvin, Colonel. Life of adventure: an 
 autobiography. 3 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Cossigny, J. F. Charpentier. Recherches 
 physiques et chimiques sur la fabrication 
 de la poudre il canon. 1 v. aud sup. Paris, 
 1807-08. (2 copies of the supplement.) 
 Coste, L. M. P. Recherches balistiques sur 
 les vitesses initiales, le recul et la resis- 
 tance de I'air. Paris, 1823. 
 Costello, Dudley. Tour through the valley 
 of the Meuse; with the legends of the 
 Walloon country and the Ardennes. Lond. 
 Cotty, H. Dictionnairede I'artillerie. (En- 
 cyclopddie m<5thodique.) Paris, 1822. 
 Supplement au dictionnaire de I'ar- 
 tillerie. Paris, 1832. 
 Mdmoire sur la fabrication des armes 
 portatives de guerre. Paris, 1806. 
 Cones, Elliott. Birds of the North West: 
 a hand-bonk of the ornithology of the 
 region drained by the Missouri river and 
 its tributaries. (Dept. of the Interior, 
 miscellaneous publications, No. 3. ) Wash- 
 ington, 1874. 
 Key to North American birds. lUns. 
 Salem, 1872. 
 Cours abrdgd d'artifices contenant la con- 
 fectiou, la rdception, la conservation et la 
 demolitioa des munitions et artifices de
 guerre; siiivi <1« notions sur Ics artifioes 
 dejoie. 2 v., with an atla«. Strasboiirt;, 
 ft Paris, lHr>0. 
 Cours il'art niilitaire— i)r(^cis <U-s It'vons stir 
 la castram^tation, la fortifu-ation jiassa- 
 gfere, et Ips communications niilitaiics. 
 Mctz, 183-J. 
 Cours <lt> cosniojirapliic, topographic, g<So- 
 graphic, applifpn^, etc. Metz, 1834. 
 Cours 61<;mcntairo il'artillerie, ;\ I'usage <les 
 jcunes offlcicrs, aspirans et sons-ofliciorB 
 du corps d'artillcrie beige. Par un offlcier 
 de I'arme. Bruxelles, 1833. 
 Cours de Wgislation militaire ; cour» d'ad- 
 ministration, art et d'histoire militaires. 
 (Lithographed manuscript.) 
 Cours d(> machines; de chiraie ; de geo- 
 metric-descriptive et de physique, etc. 
 Metz, 1841. 
 Cours, snr les trac6 et la construction des 
 batteries do toutc espcce. 3« 6i\. Metz, 
 Course of engineering. (Lithographed 
 Cousin, Victor. Elements of psychology; 
 • incluiled in a critical examination of 
 Locke's essay on the human understand- 
 ing. Translated from the French, with 
 introduction, note.s, and additions, by C. 
 S. Henry. Hartford, 1834. 
 Intniduetion to the history of philoso- 
 phy. Translated from the French, by 
 H. G. Linberg. Host., 183-2. 
 Youth of Madame de Longueville; 
 or, new revelations of court ami convent 
 in the 17th century. Translated by F. W. 
 Ricord. N. Y., 1874. 
 Cowell, Benjamin. Spirit of '76 in Rhode 
 Island; or, sketches of the efforts of the 
 government and people in the war of the 
 revolution. Host., 18.50. 
 Cowper, William. Works: his life, letters, 
 and poems, completed by the introduction 
 of his private correspondence. Edited by 
 Rev. T. S. Grimshawe. Boat., 1864. 
 Cox, Rev. George W. History of Greece. 
 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Talcs of Ancient Greece. 4th ed. 
 Chicago, 1879. 
 Coz, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia 
 river; including a residence of six years 
 on the western side of the Rocky moun- 
 tains. 2d ed. 2 v. Lond., 1832. 
 The same. In 1 v. N. Y., 1832. 
 Coze, Daniel. Description of the English 
 province of Carolana, by the Spaniards 
 called Florida, and by the French La 
 Louisiane. Lond., 1741. (Bound with 
 "James' Dangerous Voyages") 
 Coze, Tench. View of the United States of 
 America; in a scries of papers written at 
 various times between the years 1787 and 
 1794. Phila.,1794. 
 Coze, Kee. William. Memoirs of John, 
 Duke of Marlborough; with his corre- 
 spondence. 3 v. Lond., 1818-19. 
 Crabb, George. English synonynies; with 
 copious illustrations and ex))lanation8, 
 drawn from the best writers. Now ed., 
 enlarged. N. Y., 1832. 
 Universal historical dictionary. 
 Lond., 1825. 
 Crafts, W. A. Southern rebellion: being 
 a history of the United States from the 
 commencement of President Buchanan's 
 administration through the war for the 
 suppression of the rebellion. lUus. 2 v. 
 Boat., 1862-67. 
 Craig, B. F. Weights and measures, ac- 
 cording to the decimal system. N. Y., 
 Crantz, David. History of Greenland : de- 
 scription of the country and its inhabi- 
 tants. 2 v. Lond., 1767. 
 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of 
 the world, from Marathon to Waterloo. 
 N. Y., 1867. 
 Crepy, L. de. Cours d'instruction sp^ciale 
 !l I'usage des sous-oflSciers des r^'gimeuts 
 d'artillcrie. Metz, 1837. 
 Cresy, Edward. Encyclop.cdia of civil 
 engineering, historical, theoretical, and 
 practical. New impression. Lond., 1865. 
 Crittenden, .John J. Life; with selections 
 from his correspondence and speeches. 
 Edited by his daughter, Mrs. C. Coleman. 
 2v. Phila.,1871. 
 Croll, James. Climate and time in their 
 geological relations: a theory of secular 
 changes of the earth's climate. N. Y., 
 Crom-well, Oliver. Letters and speeches. 
 With elucidations, by Thomas Carlyle. 
 2 v. N. Y., 1845. 
 Crosby, Frank. Life of Abraham Lincoln, 
 sixteenth President of the United States. 
 Crov7e, Eyre Evans. History of France. 
 (Cabinet cyclopedia.) 3 v. Phila., 1831.
 Crowest, F. Great toue poets; being short 
 memoirs of tlie greater musical composers. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Cruikshank, George. Table-booli. Edited 
 by G. A. A'Beckett. Loud., 1869. 
 Omnibus. Edited by L. Blancliard. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Cruise of the Florence, or extracts from the 
 journal of the preliminary Arctic expedi- 
 tion of 1877-78. Edited by H. W. How- 
 gate. Washington, 1879. 
 CruttTwell, C. T. History of Romau litera- 
 ture, from the earliest period to the death 
 of Marcus Aurelius ; with chronological 
 tables. N. Y.,1877. 
 CudTworth, Ralph. True intellectual sys- 
 tem of the universe ; wherein all the rea- 
 son and philosophy of atheism is confuted, 
 and its impossibility demon-strated ; to 
 which are added notes of Dr. J. L. Mos- 
 heim. Translated by John Harrison. 3 v. 
 Lend., 1845. 
 Cullum, George W. Biographical register 
 of the officers and graduates of the United 
 States Military Academy at West Point, 
 N. Y., from its establishment, March 16, 
 1802, to the army reorganization of 1866- 
 67. 2 V. N. Y., 1868. 
 Description of a system of military 
 bridges with india-rubber pontons. (Pa- 
 pers on practical engineering, No. 4.) N. 
 Y. and Phila., 1849. 
 Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon. Five years 
 of a hunter's life in the far interior of 
 South Africa. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 1850. 
 Cunnmgham, Joseph Davey. History of 
 the Siklis, from the origin of the nation to 
 the battles of the Sutlej. Lond., 1849. 
 Cunynghame, Sir Arthur Thurlow. Mj' 
 command in South Africa, 1874-1878. 
 Loud., 1879. 
 Curiosites militaires. (Bibliothfeque de 
 poche, vol. 1.) Paris, 1855. 
 Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel 
 Webster. 2 v. 2d ed. N.Y.,1870. 
 Cusack, Sister M. F. Life of Daniel O'Con- 
 nell, the liberator; his times, political, 
 social, and religious. N. Y., 1872. 
 Cushman, Charlotte. Her letters, and mem- 
 ories of her life. Edited by E. Stebbins. 
 Bost., 1878. 
 Cust, Sir Edward. Aimals of the wars of 
 the eighteenth century. 5r. Lond., 1862. 
 (2 copies.) 
 6 w 
 Cust, Sir Edward. Annals of the wars of 
 the nineteenth century. 4 v. Lond., 
 Lives of the warriors of the seven- 
 teenth century. 6 V. Loud., 1865-69. 
 Custine, A., Marquis de. Russia. From 
 the French. N. Y.,1854. 
 Cutbush, James. Pyrotechny : compre- 
 hending the theory and practice, with the 
 application of chemistry, designed for ex- 
 hibition and for war. Phila., 1825. 
 Cutter, William. Life of Israel Putnam, 
 major general in the army of the Ameri- 
 can revolution. 5th ed. Bost., 1856. 
 Cuvier, Georges Leopold C. F. D., Baron. 
 Animal kingdom ; arranged in conformity 
 with its organization, the Crustacea, arach- 
 nides, and insecta, by P. A. Latreille. 
 Translated, with notes, by H. M'Murtrie, 
 M. D. 4 v., with plates. N. Y., 1831. 
 Theory of the earth. With mineral- 
 ogical illustrations, by Professor Jameson. 
 4th ed. Edingburgh and Lond., 1822. 
 Da Costa, J. M. Medical diagnosis; with 
 special reference to practical medicine. 
 Illus. 2d ed. Phila., 1866. 
 D'Aguilar, Colonel. The officer's manual. 
 Military maxims of Napoleon. Dublin, 
 Dahlgren, John A. Memoir of Ulric Dahl- 
 gren. Phila., 1872. 
 Dahlgren, J/cs. M. V. South sea sketches: 
 a narrative. Bost., 1881. 
 Daily News correspondence of the war be- 
 tween Germany and France, 1870-71. 
 Edited with notes and comments. Lond. 
 and N.Y., 1871. 
 D' Albertis, L. M. Now Guinea : what I did 
 and what I saw. 2 v. Illus. Lond., 1880. 
 Dall, William H. Alaska and its resources. 
 Bost., 1870. 
 Dallas, G. M. A series of letters from Lon- 
 don written during the years 1856, '57, '58, 
 '59, '60. Edited by his daughter Julia. 
 Phila., 1869. 
 Life and writings of Alexander J. 
 Dallas. Phila., 1871. 
 Dallas, Robert Charles. History of the 
 Maroons; including an expedition to 
 C uba, and history of the island of Jamaica. 
 2 V. Loud., 1803. 
 DaUaway, Harriet. Manual of heraldry, 
 for amateurs. Lond., 1828. 
 Dalla-way, Rev. James. Series of discourses 
 upon architectiire in England, from the
 Norman era to the close of tlio riMgii of 
 Eli/abrth; with notes and illustrations, 
 and an historical account of Master and 
 Froi' Masons. Lond., 18:53. 
 Dalrymple, William. Tacticks. Dublin, 
 Dalton, .loliu C. Treatise on human physi- 
 olo^iy. Tllus. 3d ed. Phila., 1H()4. 
 Damitz, .lAi/or <le. Histoiredelacampagne 
 de 181.5. Traduitc de rallemand par L<5on 
 Grift'on ; avec plans. 2 v. Paris, 18-10-41. 
 Damon, William E. Ocean wonders: a 
 companion for the sea-side. Illns. N. Y., 
 Dana, James D. Corals and coral islands. 
 Illus. N. Y.,1872. 
 Dandre-Bardon, M. K. Costume des an- 
 ciiiis |>eupl<'s; iV I'lisage dos artistes. 
 Nduv.-lle <Sd. 2 V. P.aris, 1784. 
 Daniel, fiabriel. Abr<5g<^ de I'histoiro de la 
 milice franfoise. 2 v. Paris, 1773. 
 Histoiro de la milice fraufoise et 
 des changeraens qui s'y sont faits dopuis 
 I'^tablissement do la monarchic fraufoiso 
 dans IcsGaulos, jusiprii la fin du r^gne de 
 Louis le Grand. 2 v. Amsterdam, 1724. 
 Dante, Alighieri. Divine comedy. Trans- 
 lated by Longfillow. Best., 1871. 
 D'Antoni, Alcssandro V. P. Treatise on 
 gunpowder, a treatise on fire-arms, and a 
 treatise on the service of artillery in time 
 of war. Translated by Captain Thomson. 
 Lond.. 1789. 
 D'Anvers, N. Elementary history of art. 
 With a preface by T. Roger Smith. Illus. 
 Rai)hacl. ((Jreat arti.sts' series.) 
 N. Y. and Lond., 1879. 
 Danzig. Flan of the defense of Danzig, in 
 1813. (2 copies.) 
 Schriften der Natnrforschenden Ge- 
 sellschaft in Danzig flir 1875. Danzig, 
 The: same. 1880. Danzig, 1881. 
 D'Arblay, Francos Biirney, Madame. Ca- 
 milla: or a picture of youth. 3 V. Dub- 
 lin, 179(>. 
 Diary and letters. Edited by her 
 niece, Charlotte Barrett. 2 v. Phila., 
 The same. New ed. revised, with 
 portraits. 4 v. Lond. 
 Darby, William. Geographical description 
 of the State of Louisiana; being an ac- 
 companiment to the map of Louisiana. 
 Pbila., 1816. 
 Map of the State of Louisiana with 
 part of the Mississippi territory. Phila., 
 Mnemonika; or, the tablet of mem- 
 ory; being a register of events from the 
 earliest period to the year 1829. Haiti- 
 more, 1829. (2 copies.) 
 Universal geographical dictionary. 
 3d ed. Washington, 1843. 
 and Theodore Dnight. New gazet- 
 teer of the United States of America. 
 Hartford, 1834. 
 D'Ar^on, Colonel. De la force niilitaire 
 consi<l<;r<;e dans ses rapports conserva- 
 teiirs. J^lrasboiirg, 1789. 
 Darlington, William M. Remarkable oc- 
 currences in the life and travels of Col. 
 James Smith, during his captivity with 
 the Indians, in 17.').'>-.'i9; with notes and 
 an appendix. Cincinnati, 1870. 
 Darnell, Elias. Journal: containing ac- 
 count of the liardshi]>s, sufferings, defeats, 
 etc., of Kentucky volunteers and regulars 
 connnanded by (Joiieral Winchester, in 
 the years 1812-13. Phila., 1854. 
 Dartein, Charles M. S. Traits (-le^mentaire 
 sur lea procf'dcjs en usage dans les fonderios 
 pour la fabrication des bouches i feu 
 d'artillerie; avec planches. Strasbourg, 
 D'Artois, P. H. Relation de la di^fense de 
 I )anzig, en 1813, par le 10'' corps de I'arm(5e 
 franyaise, contre rann(^e combiufSe russe 
 et prus.sienne. Paris, 1820. (2 copies.) 
 Darwin, Charles. Descent of man, and 
 selection in relation to sex. Illus. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 The same. New ed., revised and 
 augmented. N. Y., 1875. 
 Expression of the emotions in man 
 and animals. Illus. N. Y.,1873. 
 Insectivorous plants. Illus. N. Y., 
 Origin of species, by means of natural 
 selection, or the preservation of favoured 
 races in the struggle for life. 6th ed., 
 with additions and corrections. Lond., 
 Researches into the n.atural history 
 and geology of the countries visited during 
 the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the 
 world. New ed. N. Y., 1871.
 Darw^in, Charles. Structure and distribu- 
 tion of coral reefs. Illus. 2d ed. Lend., 
 ■ Various contrivances by which British 
 and foreign orchids are fertilized by in- 
 sects, and on the good effects of intercross- 
 ing. Ilhis. Loud., 1862. 
 and Francis Darwin. The power of 
 movement in plants. Illus. N. Y., 1881. 
 Daudet, Alphonse. Jack. Translated by 
 Mary Neal Sherwood. Ist Amer. ed. 
 Bost., 1877. 
 Davenport, John, and G. Comelati. New 
 dictionary of the Italian and English lan- 
 guages, based upon that of Baretti. 2 v. 
 Lond., 18.')4. 
 Davenport, R. A. Dictionary of biograjihy ; 
 comprising the most eminent characters 
 of all ages, nations, and professions. Bost., 
 Davies, Charles. Elements of analytical 
 geometry ; embracing the equations of 
 the point, the straight line, the conic sec- 
 tions, and surfaces of the tirst and second 
 order. 2d ed. Hartford, 1839. 
 Elenienl s of descriptive geometry ; 
 with their application to spherical tri- 
 gonometry, spherical projections, and 
 warped surfaces. 2d ed. N. Y.,1835. 
 Treatise on shades and shadows, and 
 linear perspective. 2d ed. Hartford and 
 N. Y., 1839. 
 Davis, C. H. Narrative of the north polar 
 expedition, U. S. Ship Polaris, Capt. C. F. 
 Hall, commanding. Washington, 1876. 
 See, also, Hall. 
 Davis, Emerson. Half century ; or, a his- 
 tory of changes that have taken place 
 aud events that have transpired, chiefly 
 in the United States, between 1800 and 
 1850. With an Introduction by Mark 
 Ho]ikins. Bost., 1851. 
 Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the con- 
 federate government. 2 V. N. Y.,1881. 
 Davis, Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron 
 Burr ; with selections from his corre- 
 spondence. 2 V. N. Y., 1837. 
 Davis, Nathaniel. Expedition of a body 
 of Englishmeu to the gold mines of Span- 
 ish America, in 1702, with the many 
 strange adventures that bofel them in 
 that bold undertaking. Lond., 1704. 
 (Bound with " Wafer's voyage.") 
 Davis, Paris M. Authentick history of the 
 late war between the United States and 
 Great Britain. Ithaca, N. Y., 1829. 
 Davy, Sir Humphry. Collected works. 
 Edited by his brother, John Davy. 9 v. 
 Loud., 1839-40. 
 Memoirs of the life of Sir Humphry Davy, v. 1. 
 Early miscellaneous papers : An introductory 
 lecture ; Outlines of lectures on cliemistry, v. 2. 
 Researches, chemical and philosophical, v. 3. 
 Elements of chemical philosophy, v. 4. 
 Bakerian lectures; Miscellaneous papers, v. 5. 
 Miscellaneous papers ; Researches, v. 6. 
 Discourses delivered before the Royal Society ; 
 Elements of agricultural chemistry, part Ist, 
 V. 7. 
 Elements of agricultural chemistry, part 2d ; and 
 Miscellaneous lectures, v. 8. 
 Salmonia, or days of fly-fishing; Consolations in 
 travel, v. 9. 
 Dawson, J. W. Story of the earth and 
 man. N. Y., 1873, 
 Day, Alfred. Summary and analysis of the 
 dialogues of Plato; with an analytical 
 index. Lond., 1670. 
 Day, George E. Practical treatise on the 
 domestic management and most import- 
 ant diseases of advanced Ufe. Phila., 
 Day, Sherman. Historical collections of 
 the State of Pennsylvania ; containing 
 topographical descriptions of every county 
 and the larger towns. Phila., 1843. 
 Debate in the House of Representatives of 
 the United States on the Seminole war, in 
 January and February, 1819. Washing- 
 ingtou, 1819. 
 Debates in the Congress of the United 
 States on the bill for repealing the law 
 "for the more convenient orgauization of 
 the courts of the United States," during 
 the first session of the seventh Congress. 
 Albany, 1802. 
 De Bovir, James D. B. Commercial review 
 of the South aud West. 28 v. New Or- 
 leans and Washington, 1846-60. 
 Debrett's comi)lete peerage of the united 
 kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 
 Edited by WUIiam Courthopo. Lond., 
 De Caindry, William A. Establishment 
 of the War Department as one of the civil 
 executive departments of the U. S. Gov- 
 ernment. Washington, 1878. 
 De Chantal, J. B. J. Manuel des dates. 
 Paris, 1839.
 Decisions of the commission of claims, un- 
 iliT tlio convi'iitioii of Fcljruaiy 8, l'^">:!, 
 between the I'uiti'd States and Great 
 Britain. Wiisliington, 1*')6. 
 Decker, Carl D. Bataillea et priucipaux 
 combats do la };norro de sept ans. 1 v. 
 and atlas. Pari.s, lrt3;V40. 
 Petite guerre, ou traitd des op(5ra- 
 tions secondaircs de la guerre ; tradait de 
 I'alleniand, avec des notes, par M. R. de 
 Peretadorf. Suivi de I'instnictioii secrete 
 do FrddiSric II. Bruxelles, 1838. 
 Petite guerre selon I'esprit de la 
 stratfSgie modeme. Traduit par L. A. 
 linger. Paris, 184.">. 
 Tacti(iuo des trois armes, infanterie, 
 cavalerio, artillerlo. Traduit de I'alle- 
 niand et augiiieut(5 d'an r6sum6 critique 
 de I'ouvrage, etc., par F. De Brack. 2 v. 
 Paris, 18:56-37. 
 Decker, E. Trait6 de I'art de combattro 
 de rartillerie :V cbeval, r^unie S>, la cava- 
 lerie. Traduit de I'allemand, avec notes, 
 par Ravichio de Peretsdorf. Paris, 1831. 
 Trait6 ^I^niontaire d'artillerie, ;\ 
 I'usage lies niilitaires de toutes les armes. 
 Triuluit de I'allemand, avec des notes et 
 des additions relatifs k I'artillerie fran- 
 taise, par J. Ravichio de Peretsdorf, et 
 A. P. F. Nancy. Paris, 182.5. 
 Defense dos frontiferes. ( Extrait du Specta- 
 teur militaire.) Paris, 1836. 
 De Foe, Daniel. Novels artd miscellaneous 
 works; with prefaces and notes, including 
 those attributed to Sir Walter Scott. 7 v. 
 Lond., 1871-72. 
 Life, advcntares, and piracies of Captain Single- 
 ton ; Life of Colonel Jack, v. 1. 
 Memoirs of a cavalier; Memoirs of Captain 
 Carleton ; Dickory Cronke, etc., v. 2. 
 Moll Flanders ; History of the devil, v. 3. 
 Rnxana, or, the fortunate mistress ; Mrs. Christ- 
 ian Davies, v. 4. 
 History of the plague in London; The storm, 
 etc., V. 5. 
 Life and adventures of Duncan Campbell ; New 
 voyage round the world ; Political tracts, v. 6. 
 Life and adventnres of Kobinsou Crusoe ; with a 
 nieninir of the author, v. 7. 
 De Fontaine, F. G. Cyclopfedia of the 
 beat thoughts of Charles Dickens. N. Y., 
 De Hass, Wills. History of the early set- 
 tlement and Indian wars of Western Vir- 
 ginia. Illus. Wheeling and Phila., 1851. 
 Delafield, .Vo/or Richard. Report on the 
 art i)f wiir in Eurojie, in 1854,'");"), and 
 18.")6. (Sen. ex. doc. i)i), 36th Cong., Ist 
 sess.) Wa.shington, I860. 
 Delaistre, .1. R. Encyclopi^die de l'ing<?- 
 iiieur, ou dictionnaire des pont.s et chaus- 
 8<^e8. 3 V. et planches. Paris, 181-i. 
 Delany, Mm. Mary. Autobiography and 
 correspondence of Mrs. Delany. Edited 
 by S;irah C. Woolsey. 2 v. Bost., 1879. 
 Delavoye, Alex. M. Records of the DOth 
 regiment (Perthshire light infantry); 
 with roll of officers, from 179.5 to 1880. 
 Loud., 1880. 
 Scout's guide and field book. Lond., 
 De Iiolme, Jean Louis, Constitution of 
 England ; or, an account of the English 
 government: in which it is compared both 
 with the republican form of government 
 and the other monarchies in Europe. Nej? 
 ed., with life and notes, by John Mac- 
 gregor. Lond. , 18.53. 
 Rise and progress of the English con- 
 stitution. With historical and legal in- 
 trodu<'tiou and notes, by A. J. Stephens. 
 2 V. Loud., 1838. 
 De Mille, James. American baron : a novel. 
 I11U.S. N. Y.,1872. 
 Dodge club; or, lt;ily in 18.59. Illus. 
 N. v., 1876. 
 Democratic review. 35 v. Washington 
 audN. Y.,1837-.58. 
 Demosthenes. Orations. Translated with 
 noti-8 by C. R. Kennedy. ( Holm's cla.ssical 
 library.) 5 v. Lond., 1863-73. 
 Demosthenes and iEschines. Orations on 
 the crown with modern Greek prolego- 
 mena and English notes by Alexander 
 Negris. Bost., 1839. 
 The same. A new tr.anslation by 
 George W. Riddle. Phila., 1881. 
 Dempsey, G, Drysdale. Brick bridges, sew- 
 ers, culverts, etc. Lond., 18.50. 
 Iron applied to railway structures ; 
 with practical notes. Illus. Lond., 1850. 
 Iron roofs: a series of examples illus- 
 trating various combinations of iron, both 
 malleable and cast, in the construction of 
 roofs. LiukI., 1850. 
 Denfert-Rochereau, Colonel. La d<!fense 
 de Belfort. Ecrite sons le contr61e de M. 
 le colonel Denfert-Rochereau par capi- 
 taine fidouard Thiers, et capitaiue S. De 
 la Laurencie; avec cartes et plans. Paris, 
 Deaham, Dixon, and Hngb Clapperton. 
 Narrative of travels and discoveries in 
 Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-24. 
 Denison, George T., jr. History of cav- 
 alry from the earliest times, with lessons 
 for the future. Lond.,1877. 
 Modem cavalry; its organization, 
 armament, and employment In war. 
 Lend., 1868. 
 Denmark, Armed strength of. Compiled 
 by Capt. W. S. Cooke. Lond., 1874. 
 De Peyster, John Watts. Personal and 
 military history of Philip Kearny, major 
 general U. S. vols. N. Y., 1869. 
 The same. 2d ed. N. Y.,1870. 
 De Plotho, CoJ. Charles. Bataille de Leip- 
 zig (16, 17, 18 et 19 octobre 1813) ; traduite 
 de I'allemand par M. Philippe Himly ; 
 suivie de la relation autrichienne de I'af- 
 faire de Lindenau, du combat de Hanau 
 et accompagn^e de notes d'un officier- 
 g^n^ral franf ais, t^moin oculaire. Paris, 
 Capitulation de Danzig ; traduite de 
 Tallemand par Philippe Himly avec ob- 
 servations critiques par le general baron 
 de Kichemont. Paris, 1841. 
 Deppe, A. Eeglement de manceuvres a 
 Fusage de I'infanterie autrichienne. Bru- 
 selles, 1856. 
 De Quincey, Thomas. Writings. 21 v. 
 Bust., 1866. 
 Autobiographic sketches, 1 v. 
 Avenger, and other papers, 1 v. 
 Biographical essays. 1 v. 
 Confessions of an English opiura-eater : Suspira 
 de profnndis, 1 v. 
 Essays on the philosophical writers, and other 
 men of letters. 2 v. 
 Essays on the poets, and other English writers, 
 1 V. 
 Historical and critical essays, 2 v. 
 Letters to a .young msin, and other papers, 1 v. 
 Literary reminiscences, 2 v. 
 Logic of political economy, 1 v. 
 Memorials, and other papers, 2 v. 
 Miscellaneous essays, 1 v. 
 N.irrative ; Miscelliineons papers, 2 v. 
 Note-book of an opiura-eater, 1 v. 
 Theological essays, and other papers, 2 v. 
 Derby, George Horatio (John Phoenix). 
 Phrenixiana ; or, sketches and burlesques. 
 lathed. N.Y.,1869. 
 De Ros, Lord. Young otiScer's companion; 
 or,cssayson military duties and qualities: 
 with illustrations from history. New ed. 
 Lond., 1868. 
 Descartes, Reu6. Disconrse on the method 
 of rightly conducting the reason and .seek- 
 ing truth in the sciences. 4th ed. Edin- 
 burgh and Lond., 1870. 
 Desilver, Charles. Military map of the 
 United States; showing the location of 
 the military posts, arsenals, barracks, 
 navy-yards, railroads, etc. Phila., 1860. 
 Despatches of Lord Gough, Viscount Har- 
 dinge, and Sir Harry Smith, and other 
 documents. Lond., 1846. 
 Detroit city directory, 1868-69 (Clarke's). 
 Detroit, 1868. 
 Deux-Ponts, Count William de. My cam- 
 paigns in America: a journal, kept in 
 1780-81. Translated by S. A. Green. 
 Bost., 1868. 
 Deiw, Thomas R. Lectures on the restrict- 
 ive system, delivered to the senior politi- 
 cal class of William and Mary College. 
 Richmond, 1829. 
 D'Hezecques, Felix, Count. RecoUectiona 
 of a page at the Court of Louis XVI. 
 Edited from the French, by Charlotte M. 
 Yonge. Lond., 1873. 
 Diaz, D. Jos^ Francisco. Historia del se- 
 nado romana. Con un pnilogo de D. Vic- 
 tor Gebhardt. Barcelona, 1867. 
 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Memoirs, writ- 
 ten by himself; containing a true and full 
 account of the discovery and conquest of 
 Mexico and New Spain. Translated from 
 the Spanish, by John J. Lockhart. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1844. 
 True history of the conquest of Mex- 
 ico. Translated from the original Span- 
 ish, by Maurice Keatinge. Lond., 1800. 
 Dibdin, Thomas F. Bibliomania; or, book 
 madness. Reprinted from the ed. of 1809. 
 Lond., 1876. 
 Diccionario de la lengua Castellana, por 
 la AcademiaEspaiiola. Undecimaedicion. 
 Madrid, ls69. 
 Dick, Thomas. Practical astronomer. lUus. 
 N. Y.,1S46. 
 Dickens, Charles. Works. Illus. Chap- 
 man & Hall ed. 30 v. Loud. 
 American notes ; Pictures from Italy. 
 Barnaby Eudge ; Hard times, 2 v. 
 Bleak house, 2 v. 
 Child's history of England. 
 Christmas books. 
 Christmas stories. 
 David Copper6eld, 2 v. 
 Dombey and son, 2 v.
 Eilwiu Drood; Master Humphrey's clock; 
 Iluiiti'd dowu, anil other stories. 
 (Jrrut expi'ctatioiis. 
 LittU^ Dnrrit. 2 v. 
 Mnrliii Uhiijzlcwit, 2 v. 
 Nk-hohiH Xirklehy, 2 v. 
 Old luiiiwity Hhop, aud reprinted pieces, 2 v. 
 Oliver Twist 
 Our mutual friend. 2 v. 
 rickwick papers, 2 v. 
 Sketi-lies by Boz. 
 Tale of two cities. 
 UiuMmnnercial traveller. 
 The .siiiuf. Illus. Globe ed. 15 v. 
 N. Y.,li-71-7a. 
 Bamaby Rndge ; Sketches. 
 Bleak house. 
 Christmas stories ; Pictures from Italy ; Ameri- 
 can notes. 
 David Copperfield. 
 Boniboy and son. 
 Edwin Drood. 
 Little Dorrit 
 Martin Chuzzlewit. 
 Kicholas Nickleby. 
 Old curiosity shop ; Sketches. 
 Oliver Twist ; (ireat expectations. 
 Our mutual frieud. 
 rickwick papers. 
 Tale of two cities ; Hard times. 
 Uucomuiercial traveller; Master Humphrey's 
 clock: New Christmas stories; General index. 
 The same. lUus. People's Auier. 
 eil. Iti V, Phila. 
 Nicholas Nickhbv. Illus. 2 v. N. 
 v., 1861. 
 Dickeos dictionary; a key to the 
 characters and principal incidents in the 
 talcs of Charles Dickens. Pierce, G. A. 
 With .additions by W. A. ^\nieeler. Ilhis. 
 IJost., 1879. 
 Letters of Charles Dickens. Edited 
 by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter 
 (Misses Hogarth and Dickens). 2 v. N. 
 Speeches, letters, aud sayings. To 
 which is added a sketch of the author, by 
 George Augustus .Sala, and Dean Stan- 
 ley's sermon. N. Y., 1870. 
 Story of his life. Lond.,1870. 
 Dickeson, Montroville Wilson. American 
 niniiisni;iti(;il niauual of the currency or 
 money of the aborigines, aud colonial, 
 State, and United States coins. Illus. 
 riiiiii.. i-.v.". 
 Dickinson, Joliu. Political writings. 2 v. 
 Wilmington, 1801. 
 Dictionary of select and popular quota- 
 tions; taken from the Latin, French, 
 Greek, Spanish, aud Italian languages. 
 6th Amer. ed. Phila., 1841!. 
 Dictionnaire g^ographicjue uuivcrsel. 10 v. 
 l.';iris, 182:i-:ia. 
 Dictionnaire historique des si<5gos ct ba- 
 tailles nu^morables, et des combats mari- 
 times h'S plus fameux, par F. M. M. 3 v. 
 P;iris, 1808. 
 Dictionnaire niilitaire on recueil aljihalxS- 
 tique de tons les termes propres iV I'art de 
 la guerre, '.i v. Paris, 17.')8. 
 Diderot, Denis. Encyclop(?die, on diction- 
 naire raisonn4 des sciences, des arts et des 
 m(5tiers, par une 80ci<!t<5 de gens de let- 
 tres; mis en ordre et publid par M. Di- 
 derot, M. d'Alembert, etc. ; avec le sup- 
 pl<^ment et les planches. 3.'> v. Paris, 
 Neufchastel, Amsterdam, 17.'')l-80. 
 Dieffenbach, Ernest. Tr:ivelsin New Zea- 
 land; its geography, geology, botany, and 
 natural history. 2 v. Lond., 187:i. 
 Dillon, Capt. Peter. Narrative and success- 
 ful result of a voyage in the South seas, 
 to ascertain the actual fate of La Pe- 
 rouse's expedition. 2 v. Loud., 1829. 
 Diplomatic concspondence of the Ameri- 
 i:iu nviitiitiou, 1776-83. Edited by Jared 
 Sparks. 12 v., 1829-30. 
 Diplomatic correspondence of the United 
 States of America, from the signing of the 
 definitive treaty of peace, Seiitember 10, 
 1783, to the adoption of the Constitution, 
 March 4, 1789. 7 v. Wa.shington, 1833-34. 
 Disraeli, Heiijamin (Earl of JSeaconsfield). 
 Alroy; Ixion in heaven; The infernal 
 marriage; Popauilhi. Lond., 1871. 
 Coningsby; or, the new generation. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 Contarini Fleming: a psychological 
 romance: the rise of Iskander. Lond., 
 Eudymiou. N.Y.,1880. (2 copies.) 
 Henrietta Temple: a love story. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Lothair. Loud., 1873. 
 Sybil; or, the two nations. Loud., 
 Veuetia. Lond., 1871. 
 Wit and vri.sdom of Benjamin Dis- 
 raeli, Earl of Beacouslield. Collected 
 from his writings and s|)eeches. N. Y., 
 Young duke; Count Alarcos: a 
 tragedy. Lond., 1871,
 DTsraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of literature. 
 .3 V. Lond., IS-ii. 
 The same. 1 v. Lond., 18fi7. 
 District of Columbia. Directory (Boyd's), 
 1882. Washington, 1882. 
 Investigation of affairs in the Dis- 
 trict of Columbia. (H. R. report No. 
 72, 42d Cong., 2d sess. ) Washington, 
 Report of the commissioners of the 
 District of Columbia, for the year 1876. 
 Washington, 187fi. 
 The same. For the year ending June 
 30th, 1880. Washington, 1880. 
 Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia. 
 IIlus. Lond., 1880. 
 Dixon, Captain George. Voyage round the 
 world, but more particularly to the north- 
 west coast of America, performed in 1785- 
 88, in the King George and Queen Char- 
 lotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. 2d 
 ed. Lond., 1789. 
 Dixon, William Hepworth. Free Ruasia. 
 N. Y., 1870. 
 Her Majesty's tower. Phila., 1869. 
 New America; with illustrations. 
 3d ed. Phila., 1869. 
 Doane, Gustavus C. Report upon the so- 
 called Yellowstone expedition of 1870. 
 (Sen. ex. doc. No. 51, 41st Cong., 3d sess.) 
 D'Obenheim, A. M. Balistique. Indica- 
 tion do quelques experiences propres k 
 compl<5ter la th^orie du mouvemeut des 
 projectiles de I'artillerie ; prec^d^e de 
 I'analyse n^cessaire. Strasbourg, 1814. 
 Dobrizhoffer, Martin. Account of the Abi- 
 pones, an equestrian people of Paraguay. 
 3 V. Lond., 1822. 
 Dobson, Susanna. Life of Petrarch ; col- 
 lected from "Memoires pour la vie de 
 Petrarch." Phila., 1817. 
 Dobson, Thomas. Encyclop.nedia ; or, a 
 dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscel- 
 laneous literature. Ist Amer. ed. 18 v. 
 Phila., 1798. 
 Dodd, Charles R. Manual of dignities, 
 Ijrivilege, and precedence; including lists 
 of the great public functionaries from 
 the revolution to the present time. 
 Lond., 1844. 
 Dodge, Charles Richards. Louise and I: 
 a sea-side story. N. Y., 1879. 
 Dodge, Mary Abigail {Gail Hamilton). 
 Twelve miles from a lemon. N. Y., 
 Dodge, Richard Irving. The Black Hills : 
 a description of the routes, scenery, soil, 
 climate, etc. ; with a map and illustra- 
 tions. N. Y., 1876. 
 Our wild Indians : thirty-three years' 
 personal experience among the red men of 
 the great West; ajiopular account of their 
 social life, religion, habits, traits, customs, 
 exploits, etc. With an introduction by 
 Gen. W. T. Sherman. Hartford, Conn., 
 Dodge, Theodore A. Campaign of Chan- 
 cel lorsville. Bost., 1881. (2 copies.) 
 Don .John. (No name series.) Bost., 1881. 
 Donaegan, James. New Greek and Eng- 
 lish lexicon. 1st Amer. from 2d Lond. ed. 
 Revised and enlarged by R. B. Patton. 
 Phila., 1847. 
 Doretnus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture 
 aud painting : a manual for young stu- 
 dents. N. Y., 1880. 
 Dostoyeffskoy, Fedor. Buried alive; or, 
 ten years of jjenal servitude in Siberia. 
 Translated from the Russian by Marie von 
 Thilo. N. Y., 1881. 
 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and 
 Gettysburg. (Campaignsof the civil war. 
 V. vi.) N. Y., 1882. 
 Douglas, Sir Howard. Essay on the prin- 
 ciples and construction of military bridges, 
 and the jiassage of rivers in military oper- 
 ational 2d ed. Lond., 1832. 
 Motives, errors, and tendency of M. 
 Camot's principles of defence. Lond., 
 Traits d'artillerie navale. Traduit, 
 avec des notes, par A. F. E. Charpentier. 
 Paris, 1826. 
 Treatise on naval gunnery. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1829. 
 The same. .3d ed., revised and en- 
 larged. Lond., 1851. 
 Douglas, John Christie. Telegraphic con- 
 struction: the mechanical elements of 
 electric telegraph engineering; with dia- 
 giams. Lond., 1875. 
 Douglas, William. Horse-shoeing, as it is 
 and as it should be. Lond., 1873. 
 Dover, G. W. A. Ellis, Lord. Life of Fred- 
 erick the Second, king of Prussia. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1832. 
 Downes, M. F. Primer for garrison artil- 
 lery. 2d ed. Lond., 1879. 
 Doyle, James E. Chronicle of England 
 B. C. 55-A. D. 1485. Written and illus-
 trntcil liy Jiimos E. Doylo; the designs 
 I'liKraviMl iiiid i>rinte<l in colours by Eil- 
 niiMKl Evans. Loud., 1^04. 
 Drake, Daniel. Pioneer life in Kentucky: 
 a series of reniiniseential letters to bis 
 cbildron. Edited, with notes and a bio- 
 graphieal Hkotch, by his son, Charles D. 
 Drake. Cineinnati, 1870. 
 Systematic treatise on the principal 
 diseases of the interior valley of North 
 America. Cincinnati, ls.')0. 
 Drake, I'rancis S. Dictionary of American 
 l)io);ia|iliy, iuclndiu'; men of the time; 
 coutainin;,' nearly ten tlionsand notices of 
 persons of both sexes, of native and foreign 
 birth, who have been remarkable, or prom- 
 inently connect(>d with the arts, sciences, 
 literature, politics, or history of the Ameri- 
 can continent ; giving also the pronuncia- 
 tion of many of the foreign and peculiar 
 American names, a key to the assumed 
 names of writers, and a supplement. 
 Bost., lS7i. 
 Life and correspondence of Henry 
 Knox, major general in the American rev- 
 olutionary army. Bost., 187:5. (2 copies.) 
 Memorials of the Society of the Cin- 
 einnati of .Massachusetts. Bost., 1873. 
 Drake, Samuel Adams. Nooks and corners 
 of the New England coast. N. Y., 187."). 
 Drake, Samuel G. Biography and history 
 of the Indians of North America; com- 
 prising details in the lives of the most dis- 
 tinguished; exploits and speeches; also, 
 a history of their wars, massacres, etc., 
 the wrongs and sutYerings done them, their 
 anti<iuities, etc. Illus. 7th cd. Bost., 
 Draper, John William. History of the 
 American civil war. 3 v. N. Y., 1867-70. 
 History of the conllict between re- 
 ligion and science. 5th ed. N. Y., 1875. 
 History of the intellectual develop- 
 ment of Europe. 5th cd. N. Y., 1874. 
 Human physiology, statistical and 
 dynamical; or, the conditions and course 
 of the life of man. Illus. 7th ed. N. Y., 
 Text-book of natural philosophy; for 
 the use of schools and colleges. Illus. 
 3d ed. N. Y., 1867. 
 Thoughts on the future civil policy 
 of America. 4th ed. N. Y., 1871. 
 Drev^ry, Charles Stewart. Memoir on sus- 
 peasion bridges; comprising the history 
 of their origin and progress. Illus. Loud., 
 Drinkwrater, .I<din. History of the late 
 siege of Cibraltar; with a de8crii)ti(m and 
 account of that garri.son, fidm the- earliest 
 periods. 4th ed. Loud., 171M). 
 I'he same. Lond., 1844. 
 Drydeu, .Iidin. I'oetical works. N. Y. and 
 Lond., 1864. 
 Duane, J. C. Manual for engineer troops. 
 N. Y., 1862. 
 Duane, William. Iland-boiik for cavalry. 
 I'hila., 1814. 
 Military dicti(uiary. I'liila., 1810. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Ducamp, .Jules. Ilistoiro de Farnn'M! d'Ori- 
 ent et do tous les regiments (jni ont pris 
 part aux camp.agnes de la mer Noire, et 
 de la mer Baltiiine. Illustrde par Lalaisse. 
 Paris, 18r,8. 
 Du Chaillu, I'anl B. Land of the nii<lnight 
 sun : summer and winter Journeys through 
 Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and Noil hern 
 Finland. Illus. 2 v. N. Y., 188-2. 
 Lost in the jungle: narrated f(U- 
 young people. Illus. N. Y., 1872. 
 My .Apingi kingdom ; with life in the 
 Great Sahara, and sketches of the chase 
 of the ostrich, hyena, etc. N. Y., 1872. 
 Duchateau, L. C. Considerations sur les 
 iiKiiiveincus strat6giques. Paris, 18-22. 
 Dudevaut, Madame (^George Sand). My 
 sister Jeannie: a novel. Translated by 
 S. R. Crocker. Bost., 1874. 
 Duer, William Alexander. Life of William 
 Alexander, Earl of Stirling, nuijor general 
 in the army of the United States during 
 the revolution. N. Y., 1847. 
 DuSy, .Sir Charles (iavau. Young Ireland ; 
 afragmentof Irish history, 1840-50. N. Y., 
 Dufour, G. H. Cours do tactique. Paris, 
 Dufrenoy, Pierre Armaud, et £lie de Beau- 
 mont. Exidication de la carte g^ologiquo 
 de la France. 2 v. Paris, 1841-48. 
 Coste et Perdonnet. Voyage nnStal- 
 lurgique en Angletcrro ou recucil de m<;- 
 moire« sur lo gisement, re.xi)loitatiou et 
 le traitement des mincrais de for, <^tain, 
 plomb, cuivre et zinc. -2"ed. 2 v. Paris, 
 Dufton, Henry. Journey through Abys- 
 sinia, in 186-2-63; with .an appendix on 
 " the Abyssinian captives question." 
 Lond., 1867.
 Dugat, Anguste. Giiprrpeii AtVii|in'. Paris, 
 Dugdale, .Sir William. History "t'St. raiil's 
 catlieilral, iu Liindiiii, from its t'oiimlatioii. 
 ■Jil I'd., with prints by Hollar. Loiiil., 17 Hi. 
 DuHalde, Jean Baptisti'. General history 
 of China. Ulna. 4 v. Loml., 1741. 
 Dulacq, Capilaine. Theorie uoiivelle snr 
 le m<?iauisnie de I'artillerie. Paris, 1741. 
 Dumas, Comtr Mathien. Precis des 6v6iif- 
 mi'ns militaires, on essals liistori(|nes, sur 
 les campagnes de 1799 a 1H14. 14 v. and 
 atlas. Paris, 1817--2-2. 
 Dumont, Jean, aud J. Rous.set. Military 
 history of the late Prince Engene of Savoy, 
 andofthelate John, Dnkeof Marlliorongh ; 
 inelndiug a particular ilcscrijition of thc^ 
 sevi^ral battles, sieges, etc., in which either 
 or both those generals commandeil. Illus- 
 trated by Claude du Bosc. 2 v. Loud., 
 17155-37. (3 copies.) 
 Dumouriez, Charles Francis. Life of Gen- 
 eral Dumonriez, written by himself 3 v. 
 Loud., 1796. 
 Duncan, Capt. Francis. History of the royal 
 regiment of artillery. C'ompile<l from the 
 original records. 2 v. Lond., 187'i-73. 
 The .same. 3ded. 2 v. Loud., 1879. 
 Dunglison, Robley. New dictionary of med- 
 ical science and literature, i v. Bost., 
 Dictionary of medical science. Re- 
 vised aud enlarged. Phila., 18()0. 
 Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portu- 
 gal. (Cabinet cyclopicdia.) 5 v. Phila., 
 Dunkiu, Edward. The midnight sky: fa- 
 miliar notes on the stars and planets. 
 Illus. N. Y. aud Loud., 187->. 
 Dunlop, John. History of Roman literature, 
 from its earliest period to the Augustan 
 age. 2d ed. 2 v. Lond., 1824. 
 History of Roman literature during 
 the Augustan age. Lond., 1828. 
 Dunraven, Eail of. Great divide: travels 
 in the I'pper Yellowstone, iu the summer 
 ofL-<74: with illustrations. Loud., 1876. 
 Duparcq, E<1. de la Barre. Elements of 
 military art and history. Trauslate<l by 
 George W. CuUum. N. Y., 1863. 
 Rtudes bistoriques et militaires snr 
 hi Prusse. Paris et Berliu, 1854. 
 Dupin, Charles, Baron. Force militaire, 
 uavale et commerciale, de la Grande-Bre- 
 tagne. 3"^d. 6 v. Hruxelles, 18or,-'>7. 
 7 w 
 Dupin, Charles, Baron. View of the histor.\' 
 and actual state of the military force of 
 Great Britain. Translated, with notes, by 
 an officer. 2 v. Loud., 18-22. 
 Du Ponceau, Peter 8. Dissertation on the 
 nature and character of the Chinese sys- 
 tem of writing. To which are subjoined 
 a vocabulary of the Cochin lan- 
 guage, by Father Joseph Morrone, with 
 references to plates, etc., l)y M. de la Pa- 
 lun, aud a Cochin Chinese and Latin dic- 
 tionary. Phila., 1838. 
 M^moire sur le systcMue grammatical 
 deslangnes de quehjnes nations iudiennes 
 de l'Ameri(iue dn Nonl. Paris, 1838. 
 Dupont, Lieut. Col. M<^moire sur les liar- 
 nais de I'artillerie beige; avec des obser- 
 vations par Vandecasteele. Lou vain, 1833. 
 (Bound with "Napoleon's nouveau sys- 
 tfeme d'artillerie.") 
 Duppa, Richard. Life and works of Michael 
 Angelo. Illus. Translated by William 
 Hazlitt. Loud., 1872. (Bound with " Qna- 
 tremere de Quincy's Ratt'aello.") 
 Duprat, Pascal. Essai historitiue sur les 
 races anciennes et raodernes de l'Afri(|ue 
 septentrionale,leursorigiues, lenrsmouve- 
 nients, et leurs transformations dei)uis 
 rantiquit(^ la plus reculee jnsqu'a uos 
 jours. Paris, 1845. 
 Durand, Sir Henry Marion. First Afghan 
 war, aud its causes. Loud., 1879. 
 Durat-Lasalle, Louis. Code de I'officier; 
 contenant les lois et ordonnances consti- 
 tutives des armdes de terre et de nier et 
 de la Legion-d'Houueur, les divers tarifs 
 de solde aetuellement en vigueur, les regle- 
 nients instructions niinisterielles et les mo- 
 dules des divers actes adoptds par I'admi- 
 nistration. 2« 66.. Paris, 1839. 
 Durfey, Thomas. Wit aud mirth ; or, pills 
 to purge melancholy: being a large col- 
 lection of ballads, sonnets, etc., with their 
 tunes. 6 V. Loud., 1719-20. (Reprint.) 
 Durtubie, Theodore. Manuel de rartilleur, 
 contenant tons les objets dont la counois- 
 sance est m?ces.saire anx oliiciers et .sous- 
 officiers de I'artillerie, suivaut raiq)roba- 
 tion de Gribeanval. Paris, (an III) 1795. 
 Duteil, Cheralier. Mauanivres d'infanterie 
 pour r^sister a la cavalerie et I'.attaciuer 
 avec succfes. Metz, 1772. (2 copies.) 
 Formations aud mantvuvrcs of infan- 
 try' for the resistance of cavalry, aud for
 attacking tliciii Hiiurcssl'iilly. Tiiiiislali'il, 
 witli a profaci', liy John MaiDoTialil. 
 Loii.l., ItilO. 
 Duvignau, V. J. Kxerciie iinnplrt »mi lo 
 tTiu-6, If relief, la coiiHtnictioii, rattaiiuo 
 et la (K-lViise dcs fortilicatiims. With an 
 atlas. Paris. l««l. 
 Duvivier, F. F. Kssai snr la dctViisf di-s 
 ilal> liar Ics fortilications. Paris. Iri-iti. 
 Duyckinck. KviTt A. lii.storv <>l' the war 
 tiir tin- iMiion — i-ivil, niilitavv. and naval. 
 Ulns. :t V. N. v., I'^k"). 
 National jiortrait ^^allerv of cniini-nt 
 Americans; with hinjjraphical and histor- 
 ical narratives. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Portrait j;allery of eminent men and 
 women of Enrope and America ; emhrac- 
 in;; history, statesman.ship, naval and mil- 
 itary life, philosophy, the drama, .science, 
 literatnre, and art; with liiosraphies. 
 Illns. a V. N. Y. 
 and Geor;;e L. Dnyckinck. Cyelo- 
 pa-diaof American literature. Illns. a v. 
 N. Y., l8.->(). 
 Dwight, Theodore. History of the }Iart- 
 ford convention; with a review of the 
 policy of the United States Government 
 which led to the war of 1812. N. Y. and 
 Bost., If*:!:!. (2 copies.) 
 Dwiaelle, .John \V. Colonial history of the 
 (it V of San Francisco. 3d cd. San Fran- 
 liscd. i-'Cit;. 
 Dymoud, .lonathan. Iminiry into the ac- 
 cordancy of war with the principles of 
 Christianity. I'hila. 
 Eads, James B. System of naval defences. 
 Reiiort to the Secretary of the N'avy, Feb- 
 ruary. If^ri.-. Illns. N. Y., 1868. 
 Bardley-'Wilmot, Lieut. S. Our journal in 
 the Pacific, hy the officers of H. M. S. 
 Zealous. Illns. Loud., 1873. 
 Earle, Thoma.s. Treatise on rail-roads and 
 internal communicatious. Phila., 1830. 
 Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock. Handbook of 
 painting. The Italian schools. 4th ed., 
 revised by Lady Eu.stlake. lUus. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 History of the gothic revival. Lend., 
 Matcrialsforahistory of oil painting. 
 2 V. Lond., 1847. 
 Eaton, Amos, and John Wright. North 
 American botany; comprising the native 
 and common cultivated jilants north of 
 Mexico. 8tb cd. Troy, 1840. 
 Eaton, Cliarlotle A. Home in the nine- 
 teenth ccMitury; account of the ruins of 
 the ancient city, the remains of the mid- 
 dle ages, aiul the monuments of modern 
 times. 5th ed. Illns., with index. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1860. 
 Eaton, Dorman B. Civil service in Great 
 Britain: a history of abuses and reforms, 
 and their bearing upon .\inerican politics. 
 N. Y., 1880. (2eoi)ies.) 
 Eaton, J. H. Partial niemoraiidMiii imlex, 
 for the information of officers of the Pay 
 Department of the United States Army, 
 to June 30, 1863. Washington, 1863. 
 Eaton, Gen. William. Life; principally 
 collected from his corresixunlence and 
 (illicr inannscripts. Brooklield, 1813. 
 Eckardt, /')•. .Inlius. Modern Hu.ssia; coiu- 
 jirisiug Kussia under Alexander II. ; Rn.s- 
 sian c-ominunisin; the (;reek orthodo.x 
 church and its sects; the Baltic provinces 
 of Russia. Lond., 1870. 
 Eckel, Mm. L. St. .lolin. Maria Monk's 
 dau;;hter: an autobiography. N. Y., 1874. 
 Eckfeldt, Jacoli ]{., and William E. I)u Bois. 
 Manual of gold and silver coins of all 
 nations, struck within the past century. 
 Phila., 1842. 
 Eclaireur(The). Vol.1. N. Y., 1853-r)4. 
 Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, 
 science, and art. 27 v. Phila., 1845-52. 
 Eclectic ninseuui of foreign literature, sci- 
 ence, and art. 4 v. X. Y. and Phila., 
 Ecole historique et morale du soldat et de 
 I'oUicier; !"l I'lisago des tronp<'s de France 
 et des (5coles niilitaires; avec des portraits. 
 3 V. Paris, 1788. 
 Ecole de I'officier, tradnit de rallcniand 
 ]iar Maurice, comte de Briihl. Paris, 1770. 
 Edge, Frederick M. Major General McCU'l- 
 laii and the campaign on the Yorktown 
 peninsula. Lond., ISG.'j. 
 Edinburgh gazetteer, or geographical dic- 
 tionary. (> V. Lond., 1827. 
 Edinburgh review, or critical journal ; 
 with general iudex, 2 v. 94 v. Lond., 
 The same. 17 v. N. Y., 18(51-77. 
 Edmonds, S. Emma E. Nurse and spy in 
 the Union Army; comprising the adven- 
 tures aud experiences of a woman in hos- 
 pitals, camps, and battle-ficlils. Illus. 
 Hartforil, 1867.
 Ed'ward, David B. History of Texas; or, 
 tlie ciiiigraut's, farmer's, and politician's 
 unidc. Cincinnati, 18:!(i. 
 Edwardes, Herbert B. Year i)n tlie Punjab 
 frontier, in 1848-49. id ed. a v. Lond., 
 Edvyards, Mrs. Amelia B. Archie Lovell : 
 a novel. N. Y., 1872. 
 Ought we to visit her if Anovel. N. Y. 
 Edvsrards, Bryan. Historical survey of the 
 French colony in the island of 8t. Do- 
 mingo ; a short account of i ts ancient gov- 
 ernment, etc. ; a narrative of the calami- 
 ties which have desolated the country 
 .since 1789, and a detail of the military 
 transactions of the British array. Lond., 
 History, civil and commercial, of the 
 British West Indies, .'jtli ed. f) v. and 
 atlas. Lond., 1819. 
 Ed-wards, John N. Shelby and his men ; 
 or, the war in the West. Cincinnati, 1867. 
 Edwards, Milne,etP. Vavasseur. Nonveau 
 formnlaire pratique deshopitaux, on choix 
 de fonnules, des hopitaux civiles et mili- 
 taires de France, d'Angleterre, d'Alle- 
 magne, etc. Paris, 1832. 
 Eggleston, George Cary. Rebel's recollec- 
 tions. N. Y., 1875. 
 Ehiwald, Col. Von. Duties of light troops. 
 Translated by A. Maimburg. Loud., 1803. 
 Electricity. L'emploi de I'^lectricit^ pour 
 mettre le feu aux foumeanx des mines et 
 h la demolition des navires sous I'eau ; 
 avec planches. Paris, 1841. 
 Elie de Beaumont, L. Lemons de geologic 
 pratiiiue, pendant i'annee scolaire 1843- 
 44. Paris et .Strasbourg, 1845. 
 Notice surlessystfemesde montagnes. 
 3 V. Paris, 1852. 
 EUot, George. See Evans, Marian. 
 Eliot, Samuel. Liberty of Rome: a history, 
 with an hist rical account of the liberty 
 of ancient nations. 2 v. N. Y.,1849. 
 EUesniere, Earl of. Military events iu 
 Italy, in 1848-49. Loud., 1851. 
 Ellet, Elizabeth F. Donrestichistory of the 
 American revolution. X. Y., 1850. 
 Women of the American revolution. 
 3 V. N. Y., 1849-.50. 
 Ellicott, Andrew. Journal of the late com- 
 missioner on behalf of the United .States, 
 in 1796-1 800, for determining the boundary 
 between the United States and the posses- 
 sions of His Catholic Majesty in America. 
 Phila., 1803. 
 Elliot, ilaj. George H. Report of a tour of 
 inspection of European light-house estab- 
 lishments, made in 1873. (.Senate ex. doc. 
 No. .54, 43d Cong., Ist sess. ) Washing- 
 ton, 1874. 
 Elliot, Jonathan. Debates in the several 
 State conventions on the adojttion of the 
 Federal Con.stitution, as recommended by 
 the general convention at Philadelphia, in 
 1787; journal of the Federal convention ; 
 Luther Martin's letter; Yates's minutes; 
 Congressional opinions; Virginia and Ken- 
 tucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other 
 illustrations of the Constitution. 2d cd. 
 4 V. Washington, 1836. 
 The same. 2d ed., with additions. 
 4 V. Phila., 18.54-61. (2 copies.) 
 Supplement to the debates. (V ol. 5, 
 containing Madison's debates in the Fed- 
 eral couvcntion, etc.) Phila., 1861. (2 
 Elliot, William. Washington guide. Wash- 
 ington, 1^37. (2 copies. ) 
 Ellis, George E. Memoir of Sir Benjamin 
 Thompson, Count Rumford; with notices 
 of his daughter. Phila. 
 Ellis, Sir Henry. Journal of the proceed- 
 ings of the late embassy to Chiua ; com- 
 prising a n.arrative of the public transac- 
 ti(ms of the embassy. Illus. Lond., 1817. 
 Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 
 by the Dobbs g.illey and California, in 
 1746-47, for discovering a northwest pas- 
 sage. Lond., 1748. 
 Ellis, Sir 8. B. Memoirs and services of 
 the late Lieut. Gen. Sir S. B. Ellis. Edited 
 by Lady Ellis. Lond., 1866. 
 Ellis, Thomas T. Leaves from the diary of 
 an army surgeon ; or, incidents of Held, 
 camp, and hospital life. N. Y., 1863. 
 Elmes, Webster. Executive departments 
 of the United States at Washington. 
 W.ashingtou, 1879. 
 Elphinstone, ('apt. H. C., and ilaj. <!eii. Sir 
 Harry 1». Jones. Journal of the opera- 
 tions conducted by the corps of royal eu- 
 giueers, from the invasion of the Crimea 
 to the fall of Sebastopol, 1854-55. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1859. 
 Case of maps and plans, to accom- 
 liany the s.ame. 
 Ely, Alfred. .Tournal. 
 Richmond. Edited 
 N. Y.,1862. 
 Prisoner of war in 
 l)V Charles Lanman.
 Emauuel, Ihiny. Diamoiiils ami itniioiis i 
 sIlllll•^<: lluir hisloiy, valiif. Jiiul <listiii- 
 ({iiisbiiig cbara«-tcriatic8. •2<l e<i. Loiul.. 
 Emersou, Uii\\t\\ Waldo. Essays. Ist and 
 •.'cl s.riis. -2 V. U<>st.,187:J. 
 Emma Mine invesfi-iation. 1876. (H. K. 
 report No. .'>7y, 44tli Coug.. Ist srss.) 
 Waslinii;toii. IKjCJ. 
 Emmery, II. C". Pont d'lvry, en liois, snr 
 pik's rii piorro, traversant la Seine pres 
 dn continent de la Marne. 1 v. texte, 1 v. 
 planclies. Paris, 1832. 
 Emmons, Lieitl. Oeorge V. Xavy of the 
 Tnited State.s, from the coninient'emeiit, 
 177.5,10 1So:J; with a hriof history of each 
 vesseVs service and fate, as appears npoii 
 record; to which is adiled a list of private 
 armed vessels titted out under the Ameri- 
 can tlag previous and subseciuent to the 
 Kevtdutionary war, with their services 
 and late ; also, a list of the revenue and 
 coast sur>-ey vessels and principal ocean 
 steamers belonging to citizens of the 
 United States in 1850. Washington, 1853. 
 Emmons, Richard. Fredoniad : or, inde- 
 )ieMdenie preserved. 2d ed. 4 v. Pliila., 
 Emmons, William. Battle of Bunker Hill ; 
 or, the temple of liberty : an historic 
 poem, in four cantos. 6th ed. Host., 1856. 
 The same. 12th ed. Best., 1872. 
 Emory, '«'. W. H. Notes of a military 
 reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in 
 Missouri, to San Diego, in Califoniia. 
 (Ex. Doc. No. 41, 30th Cong., 1st sess.) 
 Washington, 1848. (2 copies.) 
 Emy, A. R. Du mouvement des ondes 
 et des travaux hydraulinues niaritimes. 
 Paris, 1831. 
 Trait*' de Tart de la charpenterie. 
 2 V. Paris, 1837. 
 Encyclopaedia Britaunica ; or, dictionary 
 of arts, scienies, and general literature ; 
 •with preliminary dissertations on the his- 
 tory of the sciences, etc. 7th ed. 21 v. and 
 index. Edinhurgh, 1841-42. 
 The same. iMh ed. —v. Boat., 1875, 
 Encyclopedia Americana: a popular dic- 
 tionary of arts, sciences, literature, his- 
 tory, politics, and biography. Edited by 
 Francis Lieber, assisted by E. Wiggles- 
 worth: with the supplement, by lli'ury 
 Vethake. 14 v. I'hila., 1H2'.M7. 
 English gipsy songs in Kommaiiy. By ('. 
 >',. I.eland and othii's. Loud., l."-7."i. 
 English jioets. Chaucer to Dryden. Selec- 
 tions; with critical introductituis by va- 
 rious writi'rs, and a general introduction 
 by Matthew Arnold. Edited by T. H. 
 Ward. 2 v. Loml.,1880. 
 Equitation militaire. Cours dVi|uitation 
 mililaire a I'usage des corjis de troupes ;\ 
 cheval. 2 V. Saumur et Paris, 1830. 
 Abrtf'gd du cours d'diiuitation mili- 
 laire. Saumur et Paris, lf^31. 
 Erckmann, E., and A. C'liatriaii. Oiillmak 
 of the great I'reucli revolution; rclalcfl 
 by a peasant of Lorraine. Translaled by 
 Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 3 v. Loud., lf<71. 
 Erichsen, .John. Science and art of sur- 
 gery. IIlus. Phila., 1860. 
 Ericsson, .John. Contributions to the Cen- 
 tennial exhibition. N. Y., 1876. 
 Ermau, Adolj)!!. Travels in Siberia ; in- 
 cluding ex<-ursions northwards, down the 
 i Obi, to the Polar circle, and southwards 
 to the Chinese frontier. Translatiil from 
 thi' (ierman, by W. I>. Cooley. 2 v. 
 Phila., \fiM. 
 Erskine, Tliouias. Lord. Speeches. With 
 uicnioir of his life, by Edward Walfmd. 
 2 v. Lond.,1870. 
 I Escott, T. H. S. England ; her people, 
 1 polity, and pursuit.s. N. Y.,1880. 
 Esprit du .systi'^me de guerre nioderne, des- 
 tine aux jeunesiuilitaires; avee 58 tigures. 
 Par un ancien othcier prussien. Traduit 
 de rallemand. Paris, (an X) 1801. 
 ; Espy, .lames P. Philosophy of storms. 
 ] Bost.,184]. 
 I Essays: written for the Wellington prize, 
 an<l selected for iMiblication. Edinburgh 
 and I l.,1872. 
 I Essays and reviews. 8th ed. Lond., 18G1. 
 Essays on cathedrals. By various writers. 
 Edited by Rev. J. Howson. Loud., 1872. 
 Estimates and revised estimates of appro- 
 prialions, 1874-75; fines, penalties, ami 
 forfeitures, 18C9-73; customs, fines, pen- 
 alties, and forfeitures. New York and 
 Boston, November 30, 1873, to March 1, 
 1874. (Ist sess. 43d Cong.) W^ashington, 
 Estvan, B. War pictures from the South. 
 : V. Lond., 186:?. 
 The same. 1 v. N. Y.,1864.
 Etting, Frank M. Historical accouut of ' 
 the old State House of Pennsylvania, now 
 known as the Hall of Independence. 
 Illns. Bost., ie76. 
 Euler, Leonard. Letters to a German prin- 
 cess, on dift'erent subjects in physics and 
 philosophy. Translated from the French, ^ 
 by Henry Hunter, with ori;{inal notes, 
 and a f;lo8sarv of foreign atid scientific 
 terms. '2 v. Loud., 1795. 
 Euripides. Tran.slated by Rev. R. Potter. 
 (Classical library.) 3 v. Lond.,183'2. 
 Europe ; or, a general survey of the present 
 situation of the princi|)al powers, by a 
 citizen of the United States. Host., 1822. 
 Evans, John. Ancient bronze implements, 
 weapons, and ornaments of Great Brilain 
 and Ireland. N.Y.,1881. 
 Evans, Marian C^^coiy; £/i')/). Works, '.'v. 
 Edinburgh and Lond , 18(iO-fib. 
 Adam Btde. 2 v. 
 Felix Holt, the radical, 2 v. 
 Mill ou the floss, 2 v. 
 Scenes of clerical life, 2 v. 
 Silas Mamer, tbe weaver of Eaveloe. 
 Adam Bede. N. Y., 187:?. 
 Daniel Deronda. "2 v. in 1. N. V., 
 Felix Holt, the radical. X. Y., 1^71. 
 Mill on the floss. Ulus. N. Y., 
 Romola. Illns. N. Y., 1873. 
 Scenes of clerical life ; .Silas Marner, 
 the weaver of Raveloe. N. Y., 1873. 
 Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence; 
 witli iirivate correspondence between 
 King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicholas, 
 and between Sir Edward Hyde, after- 
 wards Earl of Cl.arendon, and .Sir Richard 
 Browne. Edited from the original MSS,, 
 by W. Bray. 4 v. Loud., 1854. 
 The same. New ed. 4 v. Loud., 
 Everett, Edward. Mount Vernon papers, 
 \. Y., 1860. 
 Orations and speeches on various 
 occasions. 2d ed. 2 v. Bost., 18,")0. 
 Ewart, Joseph. Digest of the vital statis- 
 tics of the European and native armies in 
 India. Loud. 1859. 
 E'wbank, Thomas. Descriptive and his- 
 torical account of hydraulic and other 
 machines for raising water, ancient and 
 modern. Illns. N. Y., 1842. 
 Ewing, Gen. Thoma«, and Stewart L. Woo<l- 
 I'ord. Joint discussions ou the finance 
 ijuestiou. Columbus, 1876. 
 Expedition of the Britisli ami provincial 
 army, under Maj. Gen. -Amherst, against 
 Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 17.59. 
 Commissary Wilson's orderly book. Al- 
 bany, 1857. 
 Experiences de Bapaunie. Kapjiort fait 
 jiar la conmiis.sion mixted'otticiers d'artil- 
 lerie et du g^nie, institu<?e le 12 juiu 1847 
 ])0ur ^tudier, snr les fortifications de Ba- 
 paunie, les principes de I'exdcution des 
 breches par la mine ; avec 28 planches. 
 Paris. 1852. 
 Experiences faites a Es(iuer(le.s en 18.34 et 
 |f<;'5 I'utre les poudres fabriiiuees paries 
 meules et les poudres fabri((ui^es par les 
 pilous, en cons^ijuence des ordres de M. 
 Ic lieutenaut-g<!n(5ral Tirlet. Paris, 1839. 
 Experiences faites ^ Metz en 18.54, par 
 ordre du ministre de la guerre, sur les 
 Viatteries de breche sur la penetration des 
 projectiles, etc. Paris, 1836. 
 Experiences sur differeutes especes de pro- 
 jectiles creux faites dans les ports en 1829, 
 1S31, et H33. Paris, 1837. 
 Experiments on the strength and otlier 
 jiroperties of metals for cannon ; with a 
 description of the ma^-hiues for testing 
 metals, and of the classification of can- 
 nons in service, by officers of the Ordnance 
 Department, U. S. Army. Phila., 1856. 
 (2 copies. ) 
 Exposition of the causes and character of 
 the late war betweeu the United States 
 and Great Britain. Middlebury, Vt.. 1815. 
 Fairbaim, .James. Crests of the families 
 of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. Loud. 
 Fairbaim, William. Accouut of the cou- 
 struetion of the Britannia and Conway 
 tubular bridges; with a complete history 
 of their progress. Loud., 1849. 
 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord. Fairfax corre- 
 spondence ; memoirs of the reign of 
 Charles I. Edited by George W. .John- 
 sou. 2 V. Loud., 1848. 
 Falkland, Amelia F., Viscountia^. Chow- 
 Chow : selections from a journal kept in 
 India, Egypt, and Syria. 2 v. Lond., 
 Fallois, Joseph de. L'ecole de la fortifica- 
 tion ou les elemens de la fortification per- 
 maneute, r^gulierc et irreguliere. Dresdc, 
 Falloox, F. A. P., Onint i\e. Life and 
 Irtl.Ts 111" Miiilami' Snetcliiiie. Traiis- 
 latod l.y H. W. Preston. Host., IHIW. 
 Family praym-book : or, the book of com- 
 mon i>rayor. Comi>iled by Thomas 
 Cliiinb Brownt-U. New ILivcn, l&£i. 
 Famous French anthors. Biojjraphical 
 jHirtraits of distinfjuished French writers. 
 By T. Giintier. Eugene de Mireconrt, etc. 
 IHus. N. Y., lfC9. 
 Fanning, Kdniiind. Voyaf;es round the 
 world; with sketches of voyages to the 
 South Seas, North and South Pacific 
 oceans, China, etc. N. Y.,1833. 
 Farey, .John. Treatise on the steam en- 
 {{ine. historical, practical, and descriptive. 
 lUiis. Lond., 1827. 
 Farquhar, (ieorge. Dramatic works. Ed- 
 ited by Leijjh Hunt. New ed. Lond., 
 1H4>). I 
 Farragut, Loyall. Life of David Gla.sgow 
 Fairagul, lii-st admiral of the Fnited 
 .States Navy; embodyins his journal and 
 letters. n'.Y.,1H79. 
 Faxrar, .Iidin. Elementary treatise on as- 
 tronomy; adaptedto the present improved , 
 state of the science. Cambridge, lrt>7. 
 Elementary treatise on mechanics; 
 ccimiirehcuding the doctrine of equilib- 
 rium and motion. Cambrid-fc, 1825. 
 Elements of electricity, magnetism, j 
 and electro-magnetism. Cambridge, 1826. 
 Experimental treatise on optics: c<mi- 
 prehending the leading principles of the 
 siienci'. Cambridge, 1826. 
 Fairer, J. A. Adam Smith (1723-90). N.Y., 
 Fausboll, V. Buddhist birth-stories; or 
 .liitaka tales; the oldest collection of folk- 
 lore extant, being the .Jatakatthavannana. 
 Translated by T. AV. Rhys Davids. 2 v. 
 Host., 1880. 
 Pav6, Ildephonse. Nouveau systeme d'ar- 
 tillerie <le rampagne de Louis Napoleon 
 BiMiaparte. Paris, 1850. 
 Tlie same. Avec r<?sultats des expe- 
 riences faites en 1850: <Siionc(> et examen 
 do toutes les objections. Paris, 1851. 
 (Bound with Dupont's "Haruais de I'ar- 
 tillerie Beige.") 
 Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political econ- 
 omy, '.iiled. Lond. and Cambridge, 1869. 
 Fay, Abbi^ du. Manierc de fortifier .selon 
 la m^thode ile Monsieur de Vauban avec 
 mi traitc preliminaire des principes de 
 gf^om^tric. Nmivelle et dernii-re edition. 
 With atlas. Paris, 1707. 
 Fay, H. .\. ("ollei'tion of the otlieial ac- 
 counts, in detail, of ;ill the battles fought 
 by sea ami land between the navy and 
 army of the United States and the navy 
 and army of Great Britain, during the 
 years l^'Vi-i:!-!! -1.5. N. Y., 1817. 
 Featheratonhaugh, George VVilliaiii. Canoe 
 voyage up tlii' Miunay .Sotor; with ac- 
 count of the lead and eoppi't deposits in 
 Wisconsin. 2 v. Lond., 1847. 
 Geological repent of an examination 
 made in 18;U of the elevated country be- 
 tween the Mis-souri and Red rivers. Wash- 
 ington, 1835. 
 Reconnaissance of the Miniiay Sotor, 
 Watapah, or St. Peters river to Itssources, 
 made in 1H:!5, :ind niapof Jiortion of Indian 
 Peburier, M. Traitt'^ eoiiiplet tli€^orii[Ue et 
 pratiijiie sur lis alieilles. Paris, IHIO. 
 Federalist on the now Constitution, written 
 in the year 178^, by Mr. Hamilton, Mi-. 
 Madison, and Mr. .lay: with an .iiipiiidix. 
 containing the lettci-sofl'acilicns and Ibd- 
 vidins on the proclamation of neutrality 
 of 1793, etc. Newed. Washington, I8l8. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Penton, E. Dyne. Milit,ary men I have met. 
 Illus. Loiid.,lH72. 
 Fenwick, l.irut. Horace. Field fortilica- 
 tion. Dublin ami Lond., 1833. 
 Ferguson, .Vdam. History of the progress 
 anil lirniinatioM of the Koman republic. 
 Lond., 1-29. 
 Pergusson, .James. History of tin' modioli 
 styles of architecture. Illus. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Fetridge, W. P. Harper's hanil-book for 
 travelers in Europe and the N. Y., 
 Rise and fall of the Paris commune, 
 in 1871; with a full .account of the bom- 
 bardment, capture, :uid burning of the 
 city. Illus. N. Y.,1H71. 
 Feuchtwanger, Dr. Lewis. Treatise on 
 gems, in rrlerence to their practical and 
 scienlilic value. N. Y.,lf3S. 
 Feuerbach, Ludwig. E.s.senee of Christian- 
 ity. Translated from the second German 
 edition, by Marian Evans. Lond. 
 Field, Kate. Pen photographs of Charles 
 Dickens' readings; taken from life. Bost., 
 Field, A[aunsell B. Memories of many men 
 anil of some women. N. Y., li?74. ("2 
 copies. ) 
 Field of Mars; lieing au alpliabetical diges- 
 tion of tlie priuci)>al naval and military 
 engagements in Europe, Asia, Africa, and 
 America. U v. Lond., 1801. 
 Fielding, Henry. Adventures of Joseph 
 Andrews. lUus. X. Y. and Loud. 
 History of Amelia. Illns. Lond. 
 and N. Y. 
 Fielding, Henry. History of Tom Jone.s, a 
 foundling; with memoir of the author. 
 Lond. and X. Y. 
 Fields, .J. T., and E. P. Whipple. Family 
 library of British poetry, from Chaucer 
 to the present time (l:!.">0-1878). Best., 
 Fife-Cookson, J. C. With the armies of 
 the Balkans and at Gallipoli, in 1877-78. 
 Illus. .5th ed. Lond., 1880. 
 Figuier, Louis. Ocean world; being a 
 description of the sea and some of its in- 
 habitants. Illns. New ed., revised by 
 E. Perceval Wright. N. Y., 1.872. 
 Reptiles and birds ; their various 
 orders, with a description of their habits 
 and economy. Illus. New ed., revised 
 by Parker Gilmore. ("Ubique.") N. Y., 
 . 1873. 
 Vegetable world ; being a history of 
 plants, etc. Illus. N. Y., 1867. 
 Filson, John. Discovery, .settlement, and 
 present st;ite of Kentucky; also, Colonel 
 Daniel Boon's narrative of the wars of 
 Kentucky. Illustrated with map and 
 plan. Lond., 1793. (Bound with a copy 
 of Cooper's "Information respecting Ame- 
 Findley, William. History of the insurrec- 
 tion in the four western counties of Penn- 
 sylvania in the year 1794. Phila., 1796. 
 Fisher, Lieut. Col. Personal narrative of 
 three years' service in China. Lend., 1863. 
 Fisher, Frances C. (f'Ari«/ian Eeid). Ques- 
 tion of honor: a novel. X. Y., 187.5. 
 Fiske, A. S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experi- 
 ences in the army. and X. Y., 
 Fitch, John. Annals of the Army of the 
 Cumberland. Illus. 6th ed. Phila., 18f>4. 
 Fitzgerald, Percy. Romance of the Eng- 
 lish stage. Phila., 1875. 
 Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New 
 Knuliuid. Illus. Bost., 1875. 
 Flagg, Wilson. Woods and by-ways of New 
 England. Illns. Bost., 1872. 
 Flagler, D. W. Historj- of the Rock Island 
 ar,senal. from its establishment, in 1863, 
 to December, 1876 ; and of the island of 
 Rock Lsland, the site of the arsenal, from 
 1804 to 1863. Washington, 1877. 
 Flags of maritime nations. 3d ed. Wash- 
 iugtiui, 1873. (2 copies.) 
 Flammarion, Camille. Atmosphere. Ed- 
 ited by James Glaisher. Illus. N. Y.,1873. 
 Stories of infinity : Lumen ; History 
 of a comet; In inlinity. Tran.slated by 
 S. R. Crocker. Bost., 1873. 
 Flaxman, .lohn. Lectures on sculpture. 
 Xiw ed. Lond., 1865. 
 Fleming, George. Manual of veterinary 
 sanitary science and police. Illus. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Fleming and Tibbins. Royal dictionary, 
 I^nglish and French and French and Eng- 
 lish. 2 V. Paris, 1844. 
 Fletcher, Lieut. Col. H. C. History of the 
 American war. 3 v. Lond., 1865-66. 
 Fletcher, .James. History of Poland, from 
 the earliest period to the present time. 
 2d ed. Loud., 1831. 
 Flint, Au.stin, jr. Physiology of man: de- 
 signed to represent the existing state of 
 physiological science as applied to the 
 functions of the human body. Introduc- 
 tion: the blood, circulation, respiration. 
 Vol. 1. N. Y., 1866. 
 Alimentation, digestion, absorption, 
 lymph, and chyle. Vol. 2. Phila.. l.-^>7. 
 Text-book of human physiology ; 
 designed for the use of practitioners and 
 students of medicine. Illus. X. Y., 1876. 
 Flint, Timothy. History and geography of 
 the Mississippi valley ; to which is ap- 
 pended a condensed physical geography 
 of the Atlantic United States and the 
 whole American continent. 2d ed. 2 v. 
 in one. Cincinnati, 1832. 
 Recollections of the last ten years, 
 passed in residences and journeyings in 
 the valley of the Mississippi, from Pitts- 
 burg and the Missouri to the Gulf of 
 Mexico, and from Florida to the Spanish 
 frontier. Bost., 1826. 
 Flipper, Henry O. Colored cadet at West 
 Point. N. Y., 1878. 
 Fliigel, J. G. Complete dictionary of the 
 English and German and German and 
 English languages. 2 v. Leipsic, 1847.
 Poetterle, Fninz. Miltlifiliiiigi-uilfrkiiiser- 
 lkli-krmij,'lifliiMi geonraiiliisclu-ii GescU- 
 sclial't. Wii'H, li^yT. 
 Polard, .I<'aii Cliarles ilo. Alir<<g<« des cmn- 
 iniMitaiiTs Kiir I'liistoire <le Pnlybe. 3 v. 
 I'aris, lTri4. 
 L"rs|irit (Ui SI'S coiimicntairos snr 
 riiistoiiT <li' Polyl)!'. Leipsi};, 1"<>1. 
 FoUen, Charli-s. Practical grammar of the 
 German language, llth ed. Boat., 1845. 
 Fonblanque, Edwanl B. <le. Treatise on 
 III.- ailmiiiistration and organization of 
 the Hritish army, with especial reference 
 to linanee and snpply. Lond., 1858. 
 Fouseca, /'"" .\ntonio Lopez. The theory 
 of the infantry movements. '^ v. anil 1 v. 
 plates. Lond., 1835. 
 Tlic same. New and corrected ed. 
 2 V. and 1 v. plates. Lond;, lH4r>. 
 Fonton, I'Ylix de. La Riis-sie dans I'Asie- 
 Miniureon campagnes dn mar^'ehal Pas- 
 kevitcli, en 18-^8 et 1821>. et taldeaii ilii 
 t'aucase. Paris, 1840. 
 Foote, Henry .Stuart. Texas ami the Tcx- 
 ans: or. advance of the Anglo-.Vmerieans 
 to the southwest. '2 v. Phila.. 1841. 
 Foreign ipiarterly review. 9 v. I.oml., 
 I -4-'-47. 
 Forney, .John W. Anecdotes of piililic men. 
 •i V. .\. v., 1881. 
 New nobility; a story of Kumpr and 
 America. N. V.. 1881. (2 copies.) 
 Forry, Samuel. Climate of the United 
 States, and its endemic intluences. N. Y., 
 Mi'lciirology : a description of the 
 atmosphere and its phenomena, the laws 
 of climate in gem-ral. and especially the 
 climatic features peculiar totlie region of 
 the I'nited .'States. Illns. N. Y., 1843. 
 Forster, .John. Life of Charles Dickens. 
 .5th ed. 3 v. Loud., IKT2. 
 Life of .Jonathan Swifl. Vol. I. 
 ' l(i77-1711. N. y., 1870. 
 Life and times of (Jlivcr (ioldsniitli. 
 I 4th ed. Lond., 1863. 
 Statesmen of the eomnioiiwcaltli of 
 ICngland; with a treatise on the pojuilar 
 progress in Knglish history. 5 v. Lond., 
 Forster, T. I'ercnnial cah-ndar; illustrat- 
 ing till' I'vents of every day in the year. 
 LoikI., ^f•^^. 
 War of the reliellion : or, Scylla and Forsyth, (dpi. J. lliglilands of Central 
 Cliarybdis: observations upon the India: notes on their forests and wild 
 course, and consciiaences of the late civil tribes, natural history and sports. 2d ed. 
 war in the United States. N. Y., 1866. , Lond., 1872. 
 Forbes, .\rcliibald. .My experiences of the | Forsyth, Lieut. .James. .Sporting rille and 
 «:u lid we.ii France and Germany. 2 v. iis piojcctilcs. 2d ed. Lond., 1867. 
 [.Olid., 1''71. Forsyth, .James W., and Fred. D. Grant. 
 Forbes, lliigli. .Manual for the patriotic 
 vidunleer on active service in regular and 
 irregular war. 2d ed. 2 v. in I. N. Y., 
 Forbes, Litton. Two years in Fiji, l.onil.. 
 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinlli. 
 N. Y., l*il. (Campaigns of the civil 
 war. V. 2.) 
 Force, Peter. National calendar, for the 
 years l82t»-24, 1828-36. 14 v. Washing- 
 ton, 1820-36. 
 Tracts and other paiiers relating 
 lirincipally to the origin, settlement, and 
 progres«<d" the colonies of North America, 
 from the discovery of the country t<i the 
 year UTli. I v. Wa.shingtou, 1836-46. 
 Ford, Richard. Hand-book for travellers Fortification pa.s.sagi^re, la d<^fense et I'at- 
 in Spain. 2 v. Loud., 1869. ta.iiie des postes retranclK'.s, preeed^e de 
 Fordyce, tif«(. Alex. D. Outlines of naval notions sur lebaraquenient. 3'cd. Paris, 
 routine. Lond., 1837. 1845. 
 l.'i p<M't of an ex|>i'dition up the Yellow- 
 stone river, m.idc in 1''75. Washington, 
 Forsyth, William. History of the cajitivity 
 of Napidcon at St. Helena: from the let- 
 ters and .journals of the late Lieut. Gen. 
 Sir Huds.Mi Lowe. 2 v. N. Y., 18.53. 
 Fort Sumter. Within Fort Sumter; or, 
 a view of Major .\udcr8on's garrison fam- 
 ily for one huuilred and ten days, by one 
 of the comiiany. N. Y., 1861. 
 Fortegiielse over .ski be heuhorende til 
 Noi-ske (ulogs- og handi'lstlaade nied de 
 dem givue kjendingssignaler i ilet uni- 
 verselle signal.system. Trykt i forening 
 med di'ii Norske iidgavc af signalsystemet. 
 Cliristiania, 186f(.
 Fortifications. Letter from the Secretary 
 of War, with documents ia reference to 
 fortifications, December 8, 1851. (H. K. 
 ex. doc. No. 5, 32(1 Cong., 1st scss. ) Wash- 
 higfoii, l-J.Tl. (:{ copies.) 
 Fortifications ile Paris. Considerations siir 
 la ili-fciisi' nationale. Paris, 1833. 
 Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley. British mona- 
 chism; or, manners and customs of the 
 monjss and nuns of England. 3d ed. 
 Loud., 1843. 
 Encyclopredia of antiquities and ele- 
 ments of arch;eology, cla.ssical and mediie- 
 val. New ed., with imiirovements. \> v. 
 Lond., 1843. 
 Foss, Edward. Judges of England ; with 
 sketches of their lives, and miscellaneous 
 notices connected with the courts at West- 
 minster, from the time of the conquest. 
 Vols. 1 and 2. Lond., 1848. 
 Fosae, M. Id^es d'uu militaire pour la dis- 
 position des troupes confines aux jeunes 
 officiers dans la defense et I'attaque des 
 petits postes. Paris, 1783. 
 Foster, John. Critical essays, contributed 
 to the Eclectic Review. Edited by J. E. 
 Kylaud. 2 v. Loml., 1871. 
 Essay on the evils of popular igno- 
 rance, and a discourse on the communica- 
 tion of Christianity to the people of Hin- 
 doostan. Lond., 1872. 
 Essays on decision of character, etc. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Fosteriana; consisting of thoughts, 
 reflections, and criticisms. Edited by H. 
 G. Bohn. Lond., 1858. 
 Lectures delivered at Broadmead 
 Chapel, Bristol. 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Life and correspondence. Edited by 
 J. E. Ryland ; with notices of Mr. Foster 
 as a pri'acher and a companion, by John 
 Shejipard. 2 v. Lond., 1866. 
 Foster, John G. Design for an Improved 
 submarine tunnel. Washington, 1868. (3 
 Foster, Joseph. Peerage, baronetage and 
 knightage of the British empire for 1881. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Poster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the 
 United States of America. Chicago, 1873. 
 and J. D. Whitney. Report on the 
 geology and topography of a portion of 
 the Lake Superior land district, in the 
 State of Michigan. (H. R. ex. doc. No. 69, 
 31st Cong., 1st sess.) Washington, 1850. 
 8 W 
 Foumier, Alfred. .Syphilis and marriage. 
 Lectures delivered at the St. Louis Ho.s- 
 pital, Paris. Translated by P. Albert Mor- 
 row, M. D. N. y., 1881. 
 Tovrler, Thomas. Bacon. (English Fhi- 
 Insopher-s.) N. Y.,1&J1. 
 Foy, Irtiieral Maximilien Sebastien. His- 
 tiuy of the war in the Peninsula, under 
 Napoleon ; to which is prefixed a view of 
 the political and military state of the four 
 belligerent powers. Translated from the 
 Fnuch. 2d ed. 2 v. Lond., 1829. 
 France, Armed strength of. Compiled by 
 Major C. J. East. Lond., 1877. (2copies.) 
 Geographic phj-sique, historique, sta- 
 tistique et topographique de I'erapire 
 franvais et de ses colonies. Paris, 1804. 
 Notice sur la nou velle carte de France 
 suivie de tables par ordre alphab^tique 
 des noms des principaux points trigonom^- 
 triqnes compris dans chacune des fenilles 
 de cctte carte. Paris, 1832. 
 Francis, G. H. Orators of the age; com- 
 prising portraits, critical, biographical, 
 and descrii)tive. Lond., 1847. 
 Francis, Joseph. Francis' metallic life-boat 
 cori)nrati(>u. N. Y., 1853. 
 Prancoeur, L. B. Astronomie pratique. 
 Usage et composition de la counaissance 
 des temps. 2"^. Paris, 1840. (2 copies.) 
 Traite de m^canique eiementaire. 
 5'" ed. Paris, 1825. 
 Franco-German war, 1870-71. Translated 
 from the German official account at the 
 topographical and statistical department 
 of the war office, by Captain F. C. H. 
 Clarke. 2parts, 2 vols. each. 4 v. With 
 4 cases of maps. Lond., 1874-82. 
 Frankland, Capl. W. A. Sappers' manual ; 
 compiled for the use of the engineer vol- 
 unteer corps. Lond., 1868. (2 copies.) 
 Franklin, Benjamin. Works. Containing 
 political and historical tracts, and many 
 letters not before published; with notes 
 and a life of the author, by .lared Sparks. 
 10 V. Best., 1840. 
 Works. Continued by his grandson, 
 William Temple Franklin. 6 v. Phila., 
 Historical review of Pennsylvania, 
 from its origin, founded on authentic doc- 
 uments. Phila., 1812. 
 Examination of Dr. Benjamin Frank- 
 lin relative to the repeal of the American 
 stamp act in 1765. Lond., 1767. (Bound 
 with "Boston massacre.")
 Franklin, »'ir .liilin. .iDiirney tu tlie shores 
 .<( tin- I'liliu- Si';i, in tile yi-iir.s Hl'.t-'i-J. 
 :i.l rd. ■> V. I.oikI., \&H. 
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 Tonr tliroiigli |iarf of the snowy rant;e 
 ol' the lliniala mountains, and to tlio 
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 Travels and adventnres in the Per- 
 sian provinees, on tlie southern l)aiilis of 
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 Praser, ^fajor T. Gohl medal essay, 1879. 
 Field intrenching; its application on the 
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 Praser, Tliomas Roderick, and Andrew De- 
 war. Origin of creation ; or, the science 
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 Frazar, Uonglas. Praotical boat-sailing: 
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 agement of small l)oats and yachts, snp- 
 ))leniented hy a short vocabulary of nau- 
 tical terms. Host, and N. Y., 1879. 
 Frederic II., A'in.'/ of I'niisia. (Envres. 
 Piiblieisdn vivant dc I'antenr. I v. Ber- 
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 CKuvrcs posthumes. 2'' <5d., origiuale. 
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 Instruction militaire pour ses g<5n6- 
 Preeman, Edward A. Comparative ]>olitics, 
 Willi till' unity of history. N. Y., 1874. 
 Historical geography of Europe. 
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 Fremont,. I c-ssie lii'nton. ,^tory of the guard : 
 a rhioiiicle of the war. Host., 1^6:!. 
 Fremont, .John Charh's. Exploring exjie- 
 dilion to the Rocky Mountains, in the year 
 1842, and to Oregon ami North California, 
 in the years 184:M4. Washington, 184.'i. 
 French, Ben.janiin Franklin. Historrcal col- 
 lections of Louisiana; embracing many 
 rare and valuable documents relating to 
 the natural, civil, and political liistmy of 
 I thatState. 2 v. N.V. and I'hila., 1846-50. 
 French, liir. I. W. Instruction on classiti- 
 callon and deliuitiou as subsidiary to the 
 course in logic and philosophy; together 
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 etc. West Point, N. Y. (.Maunsc^ript.) 
 French home life. Edinburgh and Lond., 
 Preshfield, Douglas W. Italian ,\lps: 
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 Freytag, (iustav. lugo. Translated from 
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 Frisi, Paul. Traiti^ des rivieres et des tor- 
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 Friswell, .1. TTaiu. .V man's thoughts. 
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 Military instruction from the late 
 King of Prussia to his generals, illustrated 
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 same author particular instructions to the 
 officers of the army and especially those 
 of the cavalry. Transl.ated by Lieut. Col. 
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 Secret strategical iustructions for his 
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 Frederick the Great, his court anil times. 
 Edited by Thom.'is Campbell. 2d ed. 2 v. 
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 Silent hour: essa.ys for Sunday read- 
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 tany, Flanders, and the adjoining coun- 
 tries. Translated from (he original French, 
 at the command of King llinry \'lll, by 
 .lohn Bonrchier (Lord lierners). 2 v. 
 Lond., 1812. 
 Chronicles of Enghind, France, Sjiain, 
 and the adjoining countries, from the lat- 
 ter part of the reign of Edward II. to the 
 coronation of Henry IV. Translated by 
 T. .Johnes. 2 v. Lond. and N. Y., 1874.
 Frome, Gen. E. C. Outline of the method 
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 vised and enlarged, by Captain Charles 
 Warren. Loud., 1873. 
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 Pictorial life of General Washington. 
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 Frost, Thomas. Old showmen and the old 
 London fairs. 2d ed. Lond., 187."i. 
 Frothingham, Richard. History of the 
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 ington, Concord, and Bunker Hill; also, 
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 Bost., 1849. 
 Froude, James .Vnthony. C;esar: askelch. 
 N. Y., 1879. 
 English in Ireland in the eighteenth 
 century. 3 v. Lond., 1872-74. 
 The same. 3 v. N. Y., 1873-74. 
 History of England, from the fall of 
 Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 v. 
 N. Y., 181)7-70. 
 Short studies on great subjects. 3d 
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 Fry, Col. James B. History and legal etfects 
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 in 1692, to the present time. N. Y., 1877. 
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 architi'cture. Translated by F. Arundale. 
 1st and 2d series. 2 v. Loud., 1844-4<i. 
 Monuments auciens et modernes ; 
 collection formaut une histoire de I'archi- 
 tecture des differents peuples h toutes les 
 (Spoques. 4 v. Paris, 1846-50. 
 Galaxy : an illustrated magazine of enter- 
 taining reading. Vols. 12, 17, IS, 19, 22, 
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 Gallenga, A. Pearlof the Antilles. Lond., 
 GalloTway, K. L. Steam engine and its in- 
 ventors: a historical sketch. Lond., 1881. 
 Gait, John. Life, studies, and works of 
 Benjamin West. Loud., 1820. 
 Galton, Francis. Art of travel ; or, shifts 
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 tries. lUus. 4th ed., re-cast and much 
 enlarged. Lond., 1867. 
 Galvani, Luigi. Opere: raccolte pubblicate 
 per cura dell' Accademia delli; scienze 
 deir Istitiito di Bologna. Bologna, 1841. 
 Gamgee, Jos(|)h. on horse-shoe- 
 ing and lameness. Illns. Loud., 1874. 
 Gannal, J. N. History of embalming, and 
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 of a new process for embalming ; Paris, 
 1838. Translated, with notes, etc., by U. 
 Harlan. Phila., 1840. (2 copies.) 
 Gannett, Henry. Lists of elevations priu- 
 cipiilly in that portion of the United .States 
 west of the Mississippi river. 4th ed. 
 (U. S. Geol. survey of the Territories. 
 Misc. publications No. 1.) Washington, 
 Ganot, A. Elementary treatise on physics. 
 Translated and edited from " Elements de 
 physique," by E. Atkinson. 3d ed. N. 
 Y.. 1868. 
 Gansevoort, Henry Sanford. Memorial. 
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 Gardner, Alexander. Photographic sketch- 
 book of the war. 2 v. Washington. 
 Rays of sunlight fiom South Amer- 
 ica. Washington, 1865. 
 Gardner, Charles K. Dictionary of all otK- 
 cers who have served in the army of the 
 United States, from 1789 to 1853. N. Y., 
 1853. (2 copies.) 
 The same. 2d ed. N. Y.,1860. 
 Gardner, John. Longevity : the means of 
 prolonging life after middle age. 3(1 ed. 
 Bost., 1-575. 
 Garfield, James A., diainnaii miUtarii ™m- 
 mitlec H. R., 40tli Coiiii.. 'M xess. Report 
 on army organization. Washington, 1869. 
 See, also. Army. 
 Garland, Hugh A. Lifeof John Randolph, 
 of Roanoke. 8th ed. 2 v. N. Y., 1854. 
 Garrard, Kenner. Nolan's system for train- 
 ing cavalry horses. N. Y., 1862. 
 Gas. Evidence and other matter presented 
 before a, joint committee of the city coun- 
 cil of Boston ui)Ou the subject of gas. 
 Bost., 1867. 
 Gaskell, J/)«. E. C. Life of Charlotte 
 Bronte. (Vol. 7, works of the Brimte 
 .si.sters. ) Loud., 1873. 
 Gasseudi, .lean Jac<incs Basilien. Aiile- 
 m6moire a I'usage des otticiers d'artillerie 
 de France attaches an service de terre.
 S' <5<1. Krviif <>t uiijjiiiriit<^f. 'i V. I'aris, 
 IHH). CJiopU-s.) 
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 ciere (I'int'aiitriii' pour tracer ft ciMislniin' 
 toiitcs Borte.s d'oiivragcs do caniiiasin' : 
 aiigmeiitoi', ftc, ])ar A. P. .1. Ui'lair. 
 Paris, ITM. 
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 Gaiirler, Cul. H. Essentials of -^ood skiriii- 
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 Tlio same. 2d ed, Loud., \r*'i2. (<J 
 Oayarr^, (iiurles. History of Loiiisiaua: 
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 History of Louisiana: the Spanish 
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 Geary, .lolin White. In memoriam. Phila., 
 Oeddes, .lames. History of the adminis- 
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 Oeer, Capl. .). .). Ileyond the lines; or, a 
 Yankee pri.soner loose in Dixie. WMth an 
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 journey the republic, from the Pa- 
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 Gell, Sir William. Narrative of a journey 
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 Genet, Edmond Charles. Memorial on the 
 upward forcesof tiuids ; theirapplicability 
 to several arts, sciences, and public im- 
 pi-ovemeiits. Albany, 182.'). 
 Geuieys, M. Essai sur les moyens de con- 
 diiire, d'elever et di- distribuer les eaux. 
 Paris, 1829. 
 Gentleman's magazine, 1731-1831; vfith 
 ginei:il index from 1731 to 1786. 152 v. 
 Selection of enrioiis ;irticles from the 
 Gentleman's magazine, liy .John Walkir. 
 3d ed. 4 v. Lond.. 1814. 
 Geological map of England and Wales. 
 George, Anita. Annals of the (|ueens of 
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 George, lli'iiry. Progress and povi'ity : an 
 iii(|niiy into the cause of industrial de- 
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 ini'rease of wi'alth: the renudy. N. Y., 
 Georgia historii'al soiiely. {'ollcil ions, 
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 Tayhu-. With introduction, by .lolin Ku.s- 
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 Gettysburg, l Inr lanipaign around (iettys- 
 burg; being a meiuorial of the 23d regi- 
 ment N. Y. S. N. (i. HrooUlyn, ]«M. 
 Revised re|>ort made to the legisla- 
 ture of I'euusylvania relative to the sol- 
 diers' national eeinetny at (ii'llysbiirg. 
 Harrisbnrg, lrtt!7. 
 Gibbes, R. W. Documentary history of the 
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 Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline 
 anil fall of the Roman empire. 3d Anier. 
 ed. 6 V. N. Y., 1822. 
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 Milman and M. Guizot. Edited, with 
 :i<lilitional notes, liy William Smith, f' v. 
 Loud., 1862. 
 The same. With varionun notes, in- 
 cluding those of Guizot, W'euik, Sehreiter, 
 and Hugo. 7 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Gibbon, .lolin. Artillerist's manual ; com- 
 l)ileil from various sources, and adapted 
 to the service of the United States. Illus. 
 2il ed. N. Y., 18G3. 
 Gibbon, Liiiit. Lardner. Ex)>liiratioii of the 
 valley of the Amazon; made under direc- 
 tion of the Navy Department. Part II. 
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 sess. ) Washington, 18.">4. 
 Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York, their 
 dealers, the clearing house and the panic 
 of 1857. Illus. N. Y., 185'.t. 
 Gibbs, George. Memoirs of the adiuinistra- 
 tious of Washington and .John A<lanis. 
 Edited from the papersof Oliver Wolcott, 
 Secretary of the Treasury. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Gibraltar. Histoiri' du sii^ge de Gibraltar, 
 ]>ar nil ofticierde I'armee fraiifaise. Cadiz, 
 Gicquel-des-Touches, I", (i. Tables com- 
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 Priuciples and practice of banking. 
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 Gillies, John. History of ancient Greece; 
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 Engineers, No. 16.) Illns. N. Y., 1868. 
 Official report to the U. S. Eugineer 
 Department of the siege and reduction of 
 Fort Pulaski, Georgia, 1862. (Papers on 
 practical engineering, No. 8.) N. Y., 1862. 
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 Practical treatise ou limes, hydraulic 
 cements, ami uuirtars. (I'apers on prac- 
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 meut, No. 9.) N.Y.,1863. 
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 Gillot, C. L. Traits de fortification sonter- 
 raine ou des mines offeusi ves et dt^fensi ves. 
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 Gilman, Caroline. Letters of Eliza Wilkin- 
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 war. N. Y.,1839. 
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 an inquiry into the time and place of 
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 Heroes of three wars : sketches of the 
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 for the Union. Phila., 1879. 
 Three years in the Federal cavalry. 
 Illns. N. Y., 1871. 
 Gleig, Ilev. George Robert. Life of Major 
 (Jen. Sir Thomas Munro. 3 v. Loud., 
 N;irrative of the campaigus of the 
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 Orleans, in 1814-15. Phila., 1821. 
 The .sauie. 4th ed. Loud., 1836. 
 Sketch of * the military historv of 
 Great Britain. Loud., 1845. 
 Goddard, Samuel A. Letters ou the Amer- 
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 Godman, John D. American natural liis- 
 tory. 3 V. Phila., 1831. 
 Goethe, Johauu Wolfgang von. Works. 
 5 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Autobiojsrapliy: also, Letter.s troin Switzfiland 
 and travels in Italy. Translated by .T. Oxen- 
 ford and A. J. "W. Morrison. 2 v. 
 Dramatic. Translated by Anna Hwanwick and 
 Goetz von Berlichinixen. 
 Xovels and tale.s. 
 ■Wilhelra Meister's apprenticeship. Translated 
 by K. D. Boylan. Complete in 1 v. 
 Faust : a tragedy. Translated by 
 Bayard Taylor. 2 v. Bost., 1872. 
 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and 
 travels. Translated by T. C:irlyle. New 
 ed. 2 V. Bost.. 1871. 
 Goetze, Adolph. Operations of the German 
 engineers and "technical troojis," during 
 theFranco-German war of 1870-71. Trans- 
 lated from the German, by Col. (J. Graham. 
 Loud., 1875. 
 Ooldoni, Carlo. MemoiresdeGoldoui, pour 
 servir k I'histoire de sa vie, et iV celle de
 son tlitfiUre, ocrits iiar lui-mi^mc. "J v. 
 I'iiiis. IHU. 
 Goldsborough, \V. \V. Marylaiul line in thr 
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 Goldsmid, Sir Kreiloric Joliii. James On- 
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 Tolejiiaiili anil travel : a narrative of 
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 ^jrapliie eomniiiniealioii between Kiij;lanil 
 anil Iiiilia. Uliis. Limil., 1H74. 
 Goldsmith, M. Report on hospital j^i'"" 
 ^renr, erysipelas, and pyemia. Lmiisville. 
 Goldsoiith, Oliver. Works. With his life, 
 liy Wiilhi-. I. nil. I. anil N. V. 
 History of the earth anil animated 
 nature; with an inlrodiielory view of the 
 animal kingdom, translated from the 
 French of Baron t'nvior, and eopioiia 
 notes, emhracini; aecounts of new discov- 
 eries; a life of the anthor, by Washing- 
 ton Irving, and an index. 2 v. Lond., 
 I'Minbnrjth and Dublin, IS.ili. 
 Goimeville, Col. de. Recollections. Pub- 
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 Study of iiu-illeiue. Eilitrd by Samuel 
 Cooper, tth eil. 4 v. Lond., 1840. 
 Goodeve, T. M. Elements of mochanism: 
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 Goodrich, .Varoii. History of tin' character 
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 Goodrich, Frank B. Tribute book ; a record 
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 Goodrich, S. G. History of all nations. 
 Illns. Keviseil cil. 2 v. Aiibiirn, N. Y., 
 Recollections of a lifetime, or lueu 
 anil things I havi^ seen; in a series of let- 
 ters lo a friend. 2 v. N. Y., 18.-);t. 
 Goodwin, Pliilo A. Biography of Andrew 
 .Jackson. N. Y.,18:i:?. 
 Gordon, Alexander. upon ele- 
 mental locomotion and interior communi- 
 cation. M ed., containiug a supplement. 
 Lond., 1836. 
 Gordon, .Mexaiider. Historical and practi- 
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 means ofsteam-carriages on com moil roads. 
 Illns., with an appendix. Lond., I8;i2. 
 Gordon, Charles (i. Colonel (Jorilon in 
 central Africa 1874-7'J. Edited by (i. B. 
 Hill from original letters and docniiienls. 
 lA)nd.,l881. (2 copies.) 
 Gordon, George A. History of I he caiii- 
 jiaign of the army of Virginia, under tieii- 
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 Alesaiidria. Iw(i2. 188(1. 
 Gordon, .1. E. If. Physical on elec- 
 tricity and iiiagnel ism. 2 v. N. Y., 1880. 
 Gordon, Thoinas I'. History of Pennsyl- 
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 the declaration of independence, in 1776. 
 Phila., 182y. 
 Gazetteer of the State of New York. 
 Phila., 1836. 
 Gordon, William. History of the rise, pro- 
 gress, anil cstablishiiient of the indepeinl- 
 enco of the United S tates of .\meriia. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1788. 
 Gordon, William A. Compilation of regis- 
 ters of the army, from 1815 to 18:57, in- 
 clusive. Washington, 1837. (2 copies.) 
 Gorlach, Wilhelm. Prince Bismarck: ii 
 biogra|ihical sketch. From the (ierniaii, 
 by .Miss M. E. vou Glehu. Leipzig 1875. 
 Goss, Warren Lee. Soldier's story of his 
 captivity al Anderson ville, Belle Isle, aiid 
 other ridiel pri.sons. Bost., 1870. 
 Gould, Majnr .John M. History of the 
 llist-tenth-tweiity-ninth Maine regiment. 
 With the history of the tenth Maine bat- 
 talion, by Rev. Leonard (i. .Jorilaii. I'orl- 
 laiiil (Me.), 1871. 
 Gourgaud, Uen. Gaspard. t'ainiiaign ot 
 1815; or, a narrative of the military oper- 
 ations which took place in France and 
 Belginmduriiigthe hundred days. Loiiil.. 
 Napoleon and the grand arm\ in 
 Russia; or, a critical (examination of the 
 work of Count Scgur. Lond., 1825. 
 Goury, tj. .Souvenirs polytcclini(|ncH, on 
 rccncil d'observation.s, mi^moires, ct [iro- 
 jets couceriiaut la navigation intdrieiire, 
 les bacs, les routes, les pouts, etc. 3 v. 
 Paris, 1827-28. 
 Graham, .1. I). Report on the commerce 
 and iuiprovement of western lake harbors. 
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 Washington, 1857.
 Graham, J. D. The sauie. (Senate doc. 
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 Grahain, i'dl. James .1. Klemciitaiy history 
 of the of the art of war. Loud., 
 Memoir of General Samuel Graham ; 
 with notices of the campaigns iu which 
 he was engaged, from 1779-1801. Edin- 
 l.nrgli, 1853. 
 Grahame, James. History of the rise and 
 progress of the United States of North 
 America till the Briti.sli revolution, in 
 1688. 2 V. Lond., 1827. 
 Grant, Sir Hope. Incidents iu tlie Sepoy 
 war, 1857-.58. With some explanatory 
 chapters, by Henry Knollys. 2d cd. 
 EdinUurgh and Lon<l., 1874. 
 Grant, f Vyjt. ,J. W. Flying regiment : jour- 
 nal of the campaign of th(^ 12th regiment 
 Rhode Island volunteers. Providence, 
 Grant, Jiimes. British battles on land ami 
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 Grant, Miss Maria M. Artiste. Lond. 
 Gratton, Thomas C. History of the Neth- 
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 Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and 
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 Gray, Thomas. Poetical works; with a 
 memoir. Host., 1871. 
 Gray, Thomas. Observations on a general 
 iron railway or land steam conveyance. 
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 Grayson, A. .1. History of the sixth In- 
 diana regiment in the three months' cam- 
 paign in Western Virginia. Madison, 
 Great Britain. Calendar of state papers. 
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 Great industries of Great Britain. 
 Illiis. 3 V. Lond., Paris and N. Y. 
 Map of the inland navigation, canals, 
 railroads. With the situation of the va- 
 rious productions throughout Great Bri- 
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 Great Britain. Ordnance surveys of Great 
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 Greeley, Horace. American conflict: a 
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 Green, David S. Government salary tables ; 
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 Greene, Francis V. Report on the Russian 
 army, and its campaigns in Turkey, in 
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 N. Y., 1880. (2 copies.) 
 Greene, George W. German element in 
 the war of independence. N. Y., 1876. 
 Lffe of Nathanael Greene, major- 
 general in the army of the revolution. 
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 Greener, W. W. Modern breech-loailers, 
 sporting and military. Illus. Lond. (2 
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 Greener, William. Science of gunnery, as 
 applied to the nse and construction of 
 fire-arms. Lond., 1841. 
 Greeahowr, Robert. History of Oregon and 
 California, and the other territories on 
 the northwest coast of North America. 
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 Gregg, liev. J. C. Life in the army, in the 
 departments of Virginia and the Gulf, in- 
 cluding observations iu New Orleans. 
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 Gregg, Josiali. Commerce of the prairies ; 
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 ing eight expeditions across the great 
 western prairies, and a residence of nearly 
 nine years in Northern Mexico. Illus. 
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 practical, and descriptive. 'M e<l. '2 v., 
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 liul of the rci({n« of Kiu;; (*eor};e IV. anil 
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 ■laliiiii i-t lie la taetii|ne ilc I'artillcric. et 
 liistoirc dc- cctti' arnic ilcpnis les temp.s 
 lo.s phis recule.s dii nio.vcn ;i};e, jiisi|n'a nos 
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 notes, par Kaviclio de l'cret.sdorf. Paris, 
 GriiSa, William N. Klernents of algebra 
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 tbe more ditlicuH i|m'stions. Loud., lf<7:i. 
 Griffis, \Villi;im Elliot. Mikado's empire : 
 liistcirv of .Japan; personal experiences, 
 observations, and studies in .lapan. N. V., 
 Griffith, Dennis. Map of the State of 
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 GrifBths, Major .\rthur. English army ; 
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 fiiture prospects. I.otnl., Paris, and X. V., 
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 tioii of 177r>: a di.sconrso delivered at 
 William and Mary College, .Inly a, IKiS. 
 Richmond, l".")."!. 
 Grimm, Kricilrich Melchoir von, ami Denis 
 Diderot. Historical and literary memoirs 
 and anecdotes; selected from the corre- 
 spondence of Raron de (Jrimm and Di- 
 diTot, lietween 17.">:? anil 1790. Trans- 
 lated from the French. 4 v. Lond., 1814. 
 Grimoard, Philippe Henri, Ciiinte de. 
 Traitc siir le service de IVtat-maJor g^- 
 nl!ral ilea armi^es, contenant son objet, 
 son organisation et ses fonetions, sons les 
 rapports administratifs et militaires; ac- 
 compagn*'' de tableaux et de planches. 
 Paris, 1809. 
 Grivet, Capt. .\idi'-nii'moire de I'ingiSnieiii- 
 niilitairc. Paris, I8:t4. 
 Grobert, J. F. h. Machiin' ponr mesnrer 
 la vitease initiate de.s mobiles de dill'i^rens 
 calibres, projetfi's sons tons les angles, 
 de|mis z(<ro jusqu'a la liuitii'^me partie dn 
 cercle. Paris, 1804. (2 copies.) 
 Maiuenvre des pieces de seize, 
 monti^es snr les alTftts fiirdiers. Paris, 
 Ml^moire snr le nioyen de trainer en 
 bat.aille les ]>ii'ces de gros calibre. Paris, 
 1795. (2 copies: 1 boniid with (Jroberl's 
 ■■ .Manicnvre.") 
 et i\bani|Mette. Paris, 1795. ( lioniid with 
 Ciobcrt's " .Mi^inoire.") 
 Gropius, Carl. Ornamente in verschiede- 
 iion Kanstylcn nach Modellen, welche in 
 der KabriU alter arteu Verzioriingeu in 
 Steinpappe von Carl Gropius in lierliu 
 ansgefiihrt sind. XC. HIatt. Diitle 
 wohlfeile Ansgabe. Herlin. 
 Grose, I*"rancis. Military anti(|nilies re- 
 specting a history of the Knglish army, 
 from the conipiest to the present time. 
 New ed. 2 v. Lond.. 1112. 
 Gross, Samuel D. System of surgery. Illus. 
 MX ed. 2 v. Phila., lHli4. 
 The same. iStli ed., enlargeil. 2 V. 
 Phila., 1872. 
 Grote, George. History of (Jreece. 8 v. 
 Lond., 1849-,50. 
 The aanu'. 11 v. Host, and N. V., 
 Grouchy, t;nim:inMel. Muniuh ile. Obser- 
 vations sur la n''ation de la canipagin' de 
 1815. Pnbliee |iar le general (Joiirgand. 
 I'hila., 181,-i. 
 The siime. Paris, 181!l. 
 Grove, William Robert, and others. Cor- 
 relation and coM.servation of forces: a 
 series of expositions. With an introduc- 
 tion and notices, by tidward L. Vounnins. 
 N. v., 1868. 
 Groves, /iVr. Edw:ird. Pasilogia: an essay 
 towards the formation of a system of uni- 
 versal langu.age, both written and vocal, 
 with suggestions for its dis.semination 
 fhrongliout the world; iiulnding a suc- 
 cinct review of the principal systems of 
 sindlar char.acter heretofore |)nblislied. 
 Dublin, 1846. 
 Groves, John. Grei'k and Knglish dic- 
 tiiiuary. Host., 1844. 
 Guardian (The). With uot«s and agener:il 
 index by Steele, .\ddison, etc. Loud. 
 Guerre d'Afrii|Ue. I.,ettri! d'nn lieutenant 
 lie I'armA' dWlrique i\ son omle. I'aris, 
 Gubl, E., and W. Koner. Life of the 
 Greeks ami Romans, ilescribed from an- 
 tique monuments. Translated from the 
 3d German ed., by F. Hueft'er. lUus. N. 
 Y., 1875. 
 Guibert, Alexia Benoit. Tarif de quadra- 
 ture pour le mesurago du sciage des bois, 
 > d'apres le systtme m^trique. Paris, 1881. 
 Guibert, J. A. H., Comte de. General essay 
 on tactics; with an introductory discourse 
 upon the present state of politics and the 
 military science in Europe, to which is 
 prefixed a i)lan of a work entitled "The 
 political and military system of France," 
 by an officer. Vol. 1. LonJ., 1761. 
 ffiuvres militaires: pnblides par sa 
 veuve, sur les manuscrits et d'apr&s les 
 corrections de I'auteur. 5 v. Paris, (an 
 XII) 1803. (2 copies.) 
 Guillemin, Am(5d(;e. Forces of nature : a 
 jiopular introduction to the study of phy- 
 sical phenomena. Translated from the 
 French, by Mrs. Norman Lockyor, and 
 edited, with additions and notes, by J. 
 Norman Lockyer. lUus. 2d ed. Lond., 
 Guischardt, Charles. M<5moires militaires 
 sur les Grecs et les Romains oil Ton a 
 fidfelement r^tabli sur le texte de Polybe 
 et des tacticiens Grecs et Latins. 2 v. in 
 1. La Haye, 1758. 
 Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. Gen- 
 eral history of civilization in Europe, from 
 the fall of the Roman empire to the 
 French revolution. Translated by Wil- 
 liam Hazlitt. 4 V. N. Y. and Phila., 
 The same. 3 v. Loud., 1873. 
 Historj" of the English revolution of 
 1640, commonly called the great rebel- 
 lion, from the accession of Charles I. to his 
 death. Translated by William Hazlitt. 
 Newed. N. Y., 1849. 
 Historv of France from the earliest 
 times to 1848. Translated by Robert 
 Black. (From 1789 to 1848, edited by 
 Madame De Witt, n6o Guizot.) Illus. 
 8 V. Lond., 1872-81. 
 • History of Oliver Cromwell and the 
 English common wealth from the execution 
 of Charles the First to the death of Crom- 
 well. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. 
 2 v. Phila., 1854. 
 Guntou, l>r. William. Sketch of his life. 
 Washington, 1878. (2 copies.) 
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 Guthrie, Mrs. Through Russia, from St. 
 Petersburg to Astrakhan and the Crimea. 
 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Guthrie, G. J. Commentaries on the sur- 
 gery of war in Portugal, Spain, etc. 6th 
 ed. Phila., 1862. 
 GutzlafC; Charles. Journal of two voyages 
 along the coast of China, in 1831-32 ; with 
 notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo 
 Islands. N. Y., 1833. 
 Guy, William A. Principles of forensic 
 medicine. Amer. ed., with notes and 
 additions, by C. A. Lee. N. Y., 1845. 
 Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man : compara- 
 tive physical geography in its relation to 
 the history of mankind. Translated by 
 C. C. Felton. 2d ed. Bost., 1850. 
 Gw^ilt, Joseph. Encyclopaidia of archi- 
 tecture, historical, theoretical, and jirac- 
 tical. Revised by Wyatt Papworth. New 
 ed. Lond., 1,872. 
 Habberton, John. Romance of California 
 life; illustrated by Pacific Slope stories. 
 N. Y., 1880. 
 Hackett, Adjulant. Esplanationof the re- 
 view mananivres of a regiment of cavalry. 
 New ed. Lond., 1819. 
 Hackley, Charles W. Treatise on algebra ; 
 containing the latest improvements. 3d 
 ed. N. Y., 1849. 
 Haeckel, Ernst. Evolution of man: a popu- 
 lar exposition of the principal points of 
 human ontogeny and phylogeny. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1879. 
 Freedom in science and teaching. 
 With a prefatory note, by T. H. Huxley. 
 N.Y., 1879. 
 Historv of creation; or, the develop- 
 ment of the earth and its inhabitants by 
 the action of natural causes. Translation, 
 revisedl>y E.Ray Lankester. 2 v. Lond., 
 Hageau, A. Description dn canal de jonc- 
 tion de la Meuse an Rhiu. Paris, 1819. 
 Haillot, C. A. Essai d'une instruction snr 
 le passage des rivieres et la construction 
 des pouts militaires a I'usage des troupes 
 de toutes armes. Paris, 1835. 
 Hakluyt, Richard. Collection of the early 
 voyages, travels, and discoveries of the 
 English nation. New ed., with additions. 
 5 v. Loud., 1809-12. 
 Haldeman, A. S. (Felix Ago). Rhymes of 
 the poets. Phila., 1868.
 Haliburton, Tlioiims C. Historical and sta- 
 tisliraliii-omnt ofXovaScdtia. '2v. Hali- 
 fax, l.-Jl). 
 Hall, Capl. Bawil. Jminial wriltoii oii tlio 
 coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the 
 yeara l*iO-22. 2 v. I'liila., 1824. 
 Travels in North America, in the 
 years l^•^7-2^. 3 v. EdinburKh, 1829. 
 Hall, Charles F. Narrative of the second 
 Arctic exjiedition made hy Charles F. 
 Hall; his voyage to Reinilse Bay, slcdgo 
 journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla, 
 and to King William's Land, and resi- 
 dence among the Eskimos, during the 
 years 1H64-6'J. Edited by Prof. J. E. 
 Nourse. Washington, If^'.l. 
 Narrative of the North Polar expedi- 
 tion, U. S. ship Polaris, Capt. C. F. Hall, 
 commanding, 1871-73. Edited by Rear 
 Admiral C. H. Davis. Washington, 1871!. 
 Hall, MiijorYi. Byng. Bric-fi-hrac hunter; 
 or, cli.iliters on chinamauia. Phila., 187.1. 
 Hall, Hiland. History of Vermont, from 
 its discovery to its admission into the 
 l.'nion, in 17i»l. Albany, 18t)8. 
 Hall, James. Memoir of the public services 
 of William Henry Harrison. Phila., 1836. 
 Hall, Robert. Works. With a brief me- 
 moir of his life, by Dr. Gregorj-; and ob- 
 servations on his character as a preacher, 
 by John Foster. Published under the 
 superintendeuce of Olinthus Gregory. 
 Otli cd. 6 V. Lond., 1845. 
 Miscellaneous works. With a me- 
 moir by Olinthns Gregory, and a critical 
 estimate of his character and writings, by 
 John Foster. Loud., 1870. 
 Hcill, Robert H. List of cadets admitted 
 into the United States Military Academy, 
 West Point, N. Y., from its establishment 
 till .September, 1876. Washington, 1876. 
 Hallam, Henry. Constitutional history of 
 England, from the accession of Henry 
 VII. to the death of George II. 3 v. 
 Bost., 1829. 
 View of the state of Europe during 
 the middle ages. N. Y., 1845. 
 The same. 3 v. N. Y. and Bost. , 1862. 
 Halleck, II. W. Papers on practical engi- 
 nrering; bitumen, its varieties, proper- 
 tics, and uses. Washington, 1841. 
 Halstead, E. P. Screw-fleet of the navy. 
 Loud., 1850. 
 Haly, Capl. Aylmer. Military observations. 
 Lond., 1801. 
 Hamersly, Lewis R. Records of living 
 iiOiciMs of the United States Navy ami 
 Marino Corps. Phila., 1870. 
 Hamersly, T. H. S. Completo regular 
 army register of the United States for 
 one hundred years (1779 to 1879). Wash- 
 ington, 1880. (2 copies.) 
 General regist<'r of the United States 
 Na\-y and Marine Coqis arranged in alpha- 
 betical order for one hundred years (17h2 
 to 18*2). Washington, 1882. 
 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Chapters on 
 .■miinals. Bost., 1874. 
 Etching and etchers. lUus. Bost., 
 Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Ilhis. 
 Bost., 1879. 
 -Thoughts about art. Newcd. Boat., 
 Hamilton, Alexander. Works : compris- 
 ing his most important oflicial reiiorts; an 
 improved edition of the Federalist and 
 Pacificus on the proclamation of neutral- 
 ity. 3 v. N.Y.,1810. 
 Works: comprising his correspond- 
 ence and political and ollicial writings, 
 civil and military, published from tho 
 original niaunscripts deposited in the 
 Department of State, by order of the 
 joint library committee of Congress. 
 Edited by John C.Hamilton. 3 v. N. Y., 
 Hamilton, Coun* Anthony. Memoirs of the 
 court of Charles the Second, by Count 
 Grammont; with numerous additions and 
 illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter 
 Scott ; also, the personal history of 
 Charles, the Boscobel tracts, etc. Lend., 
 Fairy tales and romances. Trans- 
 lated from the French, by M. Lewis, II. T. 
 Ryde, and C. Kenney. Lond., 1849. 
 Hamilton, Charles. Oriental zigzag; or, 
 waiidirings in Syria, Moab, Abyssinia, 
 and Egypt. Load., 1875. 
 Hamilton, Sir F. W. Origin and history 
 of the first or grenadier guards. Illus. 
 3 v. Lond., 1874. 
 Hamilton, Jcdin Church. History of the 
 republic of the United States of America, 
 as traced in the writings of Alexander 
 Hamilton and his contemporaries. 6 v. 
 N. Y., 1857-60. 
 Life of Alexander Hamilton. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1840.
 Hamley, Col. Edward Bruce. Chapter ou 
 imtposts. Loud., 1875. 
 Operations of war explained and 
 illustrated. EdinbargU and Loud., 18G6- 
 72. (2 copies) 
 Staff college exercises, 1874. Ediu- 
 l)urf;U and Loud., 1875. 
 Hammond, Jabez D. History of political 
 parties in tlie State of New York, from 
 the ratification of the Federal Constitu- 
 tion to December, 1840. 4th ed., witli 
 notes, Ijy Gen. Root. 2 v. Syracuse, 1852. 
 The same, from 1841 to 1847, includ- 
 ing life of Silas Wright. Vol. 3. Syra- 
 cuse, 18.52. 
 Hammond, William A. Military, medical, 
 and surgical essays. Phila., 1864. 
 Spiritualism, and allied causes and 
 conditions of nervous derangemeut. Ill us. 
 N. Y.,1876. 
 Treatise on the diseases of the ner- 
 vous system. Illus. 6th ed. N. Y.,187G. 
 Hamst, Olphar. Hand-hook of fictitious 
 names ; being a guide to authors, chiefly 
 in the lighter literature of the nineteenth 
 century, who have written under assumed 
 names, and to literary forgers, imposters, 
 plagiarists, and imitators. Loud., 1868. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Hanna, l\ei\ William. Memoirs of the life 
 and writings of Thomas Chalmers. 4 v. 
 N. Y., 1853. 
 Selection from the correspondence of 
 the late Thomas Chalmers. N. Y., 18.53. 
 Harcourt, A. F. P. Shakespeare argosy; 
 containing much of the wealth of Shakes- 
 peare's wisdom and wit. Lond., 1874. 
 Hardee, W. J. Rifle and light infantry 
 tactics. 2 V. Phila., 18.55. 
 Hardie, James Allen, Inspector General 
 I'liited States Armij. Memoir. Washing- 
 ton, 1877. 
 Hardman, Frederick. Spanish campaign 
 in Morocco. Edinburgh and Loud., 1860. 
 Hare, Augustus J. C. Days near Rome ; 
 with illustrations. 2v.ini. Phila., 1875. 
 Records of a quiet life. Bost., 1873. 
 Walks iu Rome. N. Y., 1871. 
 Harlot, Thomas. Admiranda narratio, fida 
 tamen, de commodis et incolarvm ritilivs, 
 Virginia-, nvper admodvra ah Anglis in- 
 venta'. Anglico scriiita sermone, a Thoma 
 Harlot nvuo avteni itrimvui Latio douata 
 :\ C. C. A. Fraucoforti ad Mocnvm, 15!)(l. 
 (Bry collectiones, series 1, pars 1.) 
 Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana; being 
 a description of mammiferous animals in- 
 habiting North America. Phila., 182.5. 
 Medical and physical researches. 
 Illus. Phila., 1835. 
 Harleian miscellauy. Selections from the 
 Harleian miscellauy of tracts, which 
 principally regard the English history. 
 Lond., 1793. 
 Harper's hund-book for travelers in Europe 
 and the East. N. Y., 18S8. 
 Harper's new monthly magazine. 56 v. 
 N. Y., 18.50-78. 
 Thesame. (Oldcopy.) 22 v. N. Y., 
 Index to Harper's new monthly maga- 
 zine, alphabetical, analytical, and classi- 
 fied. Vols. I to LX, inclusive, from .June, 
 1850, to June, 1880. Compiled by Charles 
 A. Durfee. N. Y., 1881. 
 Pictorial history of the great rebel- 
 lion. 2 v. N.Y., 1861-67. 
 Harris, George. Civilization, considered as 
 a science in relation to its essence, its ele- 
 ments, and its end. Newed. N. Y., 1873. 
 Harris, James. Hermes; or, a philosophi- 
 cal inquiry concerning universal gram- 
 mar. 7th ed. Loud., 1825. 
 Harris, John. Man primeval ; or, tlie con- 
 stitution and primitive condition of the 
 human being: a contribiitiou to theologi- 
 cal science. Bost., 1850. 
 Harris, Thomas. Life and services of Com- 
 modore William Bainbridge, United States 
 Navy. Phila., 1837. 
 Harris, William C. Prison-life iu the to- 
 bacco warehouse in Richmond, by a Ball's 
 Blurt' jirisoner. Phila., 1862. (2 copies.) 
 Harrison, Walter. Pickett's men: a frag- 
 ment of war history. N. Y., 1.-70. 
 Harrison, William Henry. Ofticial arrdJnge- 
 ments for the obsequies of the late Presi- 
 dent, W. H. Harrison. Washington, 1841. 
 Hart, Sir Henry George. New annual army 
 list and militia list, 1844-82. 36 v. Loud., 
 Harte, Bret. Poetical works. Illus. Bost., 
 Hartford city directory (Geer's), 1868-69. 
 Hartford, 1868. 
 Hartley, Cecil ]?. rrentlemeu's book of 
 etiquette and maunal of politeness. 
 Phila.. 1860. 
 Hartt, Ch. Fred. Geology and pliysical 
 geography of Brazil. Illus., 1870.
 Hart^ig, Pr. ihn^rgc Polar worltl : a tlo- 
 .siii|iliim of man ami nature in thii Arctic 
 uiul Antarctic regions of tko globe. Illiis. 
 N. Y., Intil). 
 Subterranean world. Illus. Loud., 
 Tropical world: aspects of man and 
 uaturo in the equatorial regions of the 
 globe. Illus. Lond., 187:i. 
 Harvard memorial biographies. 2 v. Cam- 
 liii(lj;i., lsi;7. 
 Haskel, Daniel, and. T. Calvin. Smith. Com- 
 plete descriptive and statistical i;a/,ettoor 
 of the United .States of America. N. Y., 
 18l.">. ('2 copii^s. ) 
 Haskoll, W. Davis. Assistant engineer's 
 railway guide. Lond., lH4(i. 
 Hassall, Arllinr Hill. Adulterations de- 
 tected; or, plain instructions for the dis- 
 covery of frauds in food and medicine. 
 2d cd. Lond., 18(51. 
 Microscopic anatomy of the human 
 body, in health and disease. Illus. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1H49. 
 Hasaard, .lohn R. G. Pickwickian pilgrim- 
 age. lk)st., 1881. 
 Hassler, F. R. Popular exposition of the 
 system of the nuivex-se; with plates and 
 tiibles. 2 V. N. Y., 1828. 
 Haswell, Charles If. Engineers' and me- 
 chanics' pocket-book. 11th ed-. N. Y., 
 The same. 21st ed. N. Y., 18(57. 
 Mensuration and practical geo netry ; 
 eontainiug tables of weights and meas- 
 ures, etc., and a treatise on the carpenter's 
 slide-rule and gauging. N. Y., 18.')8, 
 Hatch, Col. William S. . A chapter of the 
 history of the war of 1812 in the North- 
 west. Cincinnati, 1872. 
 Haun, Jauu!'i, and William Ilosking. 
 Theory, jjr.actice, and architecture of 
 bridges. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 18:?'.). 
 Haupt, Hermann. Military bridgi^s; with 
 snggestions and new expedients and con- 
 structions for crossing.streams and chasms, 
 etc. Illus. N. Y., 18fi». 
 Haven, Gilbert. Our next-door neighbor: 
 a winter in Mexico. Illus. N. Y., I-'?"). 
 Hawkesworth, .John. Account of the voy- 
 ages Mudertaken by the order of his pres- 
 ent Majesty for making discoveries in the 
 Southern Hemisphere. Illus. with cuts 
 and charts. Sd ed. 4 v. Lond., 178.'i. 
 Hawkins, .John Sidney. History of the 
 origin and I'stablislnnent of Gothic archi- 
 tect ore. Lond., 1H1:J. 
 Hawthorne, Nathaniid. lilithedale ro- 
 mance. Host., 18(58. , 
 Life of Franklin Pierce. Host., 1852. 
 Marble faun; or, the rom.ance of 
 Monte Beni. 2 v. in 1. Host., 18Gd. 
 Mosses from an old manse. 2 v. Bost., 
 Our old home: a series of English 
 sketches. Host., 1808. 
 Passages from the American note- 
 books. 2 V. Host., 18G8. 
 Passages from the English note-books. 
 2 V. Host., 187(1. 
 Scarlet letter: a romance. Host., 
 Snow-image, and other twice-told 
 talcs. Host., 18(58. 
 True stories from history and biogra- 
 phy. Bost., 18f)6. 
 Twice-told tales. 
 2 V. in 1. Host., 
 An.alytical index to the works of 
 Nath:iniel Hawthorne, with a sketch of 
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 Haxthauseu, Augiiste Huron de. I^tndes 
 sur la sit nation iutt'-rieure, la vie nationalo 
 et li'S institutions rnr.ili's de la Russie. 
 Rilitiou franfaise. :iv. Ilanovro, 1847-.'>)i. 
 Hay, .John. Castilian days. Host., 1871. 
 Pike county ballads and other pieces. 
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 Hayden, Ferdinand Vandever. Geological 
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 rection of t^apt. W. F. Rayn(dds, 18.VJ-(iO. 
 Washington, 1H69. 
 Geological and geograjdiical survey 
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 8. For 1874 : omttracing Colorjido and adjacent 
 territories. Wasliington, lH7fi.
 9. For 1875 : embracing Colorado and a part of 
 ad,jacont territories. Washington, 1877. 
 10. For 1876; embracing Colorado and parts of 
 ad.jacent territory. "Washington, 1878. ^ 
 11. For 1877 : embracing Idaho and Wisconsin, 
 Washington, 1879. 
 Preliminary field report of the geological survey 
 of Colorado and Kew Mexico. Washington, 
 Final report of the geological survey of Nebraska 
 and portions of the adjacent territories. Wash- 
 ington, 1872. 
 Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado 
 and portions of adjacent territory. Washing- 
 ton, 1877. 
 Birds of the Northwest : a hand-book of the 
 ornithology of the region drained hy the Mis- 
 souri River and its tributaries, b.y E. Cones 
 (Misc. publications. No. 3.) Washington, 
 Contributions to the fossil flora of the western 
 territories. Part 1. The cretaceous flora, bj" 
 Leo Lesqaereux. Washington, 1874. 
 Fresh- water rhizopods of North America, by J. 
 Leidy. Washington, 1879. 
 History of North American pinnipeds : a mono- 
 gi-aph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears, and 
 seals of North America, by J. A. Allen. Wash- 
 ington, 1880. 
 Lists of elevations principally in that portion of 
 the United States west of the Mississippi 
 River; collated and arranged by H. Gannett. 
 (Misc. publications, No. 1.) Washington, 
 Monographs of North American rodentia, by E. 
 Coues and J. A. Allen. Washington, 1877. 
 Hayden, Horace H. Geological es.says ; or, 
 an enquiry into some of the geoloi;ical 
 phenomena to be found in various parts of 
 America and elsewhere. Baltimore, 18^0. 
 Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates, re- 
 lating to all ages and nations, for universal 
 reference. B. Vincent, editor. N. Y., 1867. 
 Hayes, A. A., jr. New Coloratlo, and the 
 Santa F<= trail. Illus. N. Y.,1830. 
 Hayne, Arthur P. Life and military serv- 
 ices. Pliila., 1837. 
 HayTward, A. Sketches of eminent states- 
 men and writers, with other essays. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Hazard, Ebonezer. Historical collections ; 
 consisting of state papers and other au- 
 thentic documents, intended as materials 
 for an history of the United States of 
 America, d v. Phila., 1792. 
 Hazard, Samuel. Register of Pennsylva- 
 nia: devoted to the preservation of facts 
 and documents, and every kind of u.seful 
 infiu'iuation respecting the State of I'eun- 
 sylvania. IC, v. Phila., 18i'!^:!G. 
 Hazard, Samuel. United States commercial 
 and statistical register, July, 1836, to July , 
 1842. 6 V. Phila., 1840-42. 
 Hazen, Gen. W. B. The school and the army 
 in Germany and France, with a diary of 
 siege life at Versailles. N. Y., 1872. 
 Hazlitt, William. Works. Edited by Wil- 
 liam C. Hazlitt. 6 V. 
 Lectures on the English poets and the English 
 comic writers. Lond., 1870. 
 Lectures on the literature of the age of Eliza- 
 beth, and characters of Shakcspear'a plays. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 Plain speaker : opinions on books, men, and 
 things. Lond., 1870. 
 Round table : a collection of essays on literature, 
 men, and manners. Lond., 1871. 
 Sketches and essays: Winterslow; (essays writ- 
 ten there). Lond., 1872. 
 Table-talk: essays on men and manners. Lond., 
 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1828-30. 
 Head, Sir Francis B. Defenceless state of 
 Great Britain. Lond., 1850. 
 Eoyal engineer. Lond., 1869. (2 
 Head, George E. New system of fortifica- 
 tion. Illus. N. Y., 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Head, Percy Kendell.. Sir Antony Van 
 Dyck and Frans Hals. (Great artists' 
 series.) N. Y. and Lond., 1879. 
 Head, Richard, and Francis Kirkman. 
 English rogue ; described in the life of 
 Meriton Latroon. 4 v. Lond., 1665. 
 Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman ; their 
 campaigns and generals. N. Y., 1865. 
 Great rebellion : a history of the civil 
 war in the United States. Illus. 2 v. 
 Hartford, 1864-S6. 
 Napoleon and his marshals. 7th ed. 
 2v. N.Y., 1847. 
 Second war with England. 2 v. in 1. 
 Washington and his generals. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1847. 
 Heap, Gwinn Harris. Central route to the 
 Pacific, from the valley of the Mississippi 
 to California: journal of the expedition 
 of E. F. Beale, superintendent of Indian 
 affairs in California, and Gwinn H. Heap, 
 from Missouri to California, in 1853. 
 Phila. and Loud., 1854. 
 Heard, Isaac V. D. Sioux war and ma.ssa- 
 cres of 1862 and 1863; with portraits and 
 illustrations. N. Y., 1865.
 Hearne, Samuel. Joiiriioy from Priiico of 
 WiiU's's Tiirt, ill Iliulsoii'a Hay, to tlio 
 Nortluirn Ocean, for the disrovery of coj>- 
 l)pr mines, a northwest passajje, etc., in 
 the years 17G'.>-7:J. Lonil., 17'J5. 
 Heber, Hei-. Rcfjiiiahl. Journey through 
 tlie ii|>|)er provinces of India, from Cal- 
 cutta to ISomliay, lf'24-18i">; with notes 
 upon Ceylon; journey to Madras and the 
 southern provinces, 1826, and letters writ- 
 ten ill India. 2 v. Phila., I8i6. 
 Hebert, Luko. Engineers' and mechanics' 
 encylop;edia. 2 v. Loud., 1836-37. 
 Heckewelder, .John. An account of the 
 liisloiy. iiiaiiiuTs, and customs of the In- 
 dian natives who once iuhahited I'eunsyl- 
 vaiiiaand tUeuei;;hl)onnK States. (Amer. 
 Phil. Society Trans.) Phila., 1819. 
 Narrative of the mission of the United 
 Brethren among the Delaware and Moho- 
 gau Iiulians, from 1740 to 1803. Phila., 
 Heeren, A. 11. L. Historical researches into 
 the politics, intercourse, and trade of the 
 principal nationsof antiquity. Vols. 1,2, 
 and 3. Oxford, 1833. 
 History of the states of antiquity. 
 Xorthamptou (Mass.), 1828. 
 ■ Manual of the history of the political 
 system of Europe; and its colonies. 2 v. 
 O.Kfiud, 1834. 
 Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the philoso- 
 phy of liistory. Translated from the 3d 
 Oermaii cd., by J. Sibree. Loud., 1872. 
 Heine, Heiurich. Poems. With a sketch 
 of his life, by Edgar Alfred ISowring. 
 Now ed. Loud., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures on scieu- 
 tilii- sulijects. Translated by E. Atkinson ; 
 with an introduction, by Professor Tyn- 
 dall. N.Y.,1873. 
 Helps, .Sir Arthur. Companions of my soli- 
 tude. 8th ed. Loud., 1874. 
 Essays ; to which is added an essay 
 on organization in daily life. Lond., 1870. 
 priends in council: a .series of read- 
 ing.s, and discourse thereon. 1st series. 
 2v. Loud., 1872. 
 The same. 2d series. 2 v. Loud., 
 Ivan de Hiron; or, the Hnssinu court 
 in the middli^ of the last century. Bost., 
 • Lifi: and labors of Mr. Brasscy, 1805- 
 70. Bost., 1874. 
 Helps, .Sir Arthur. Social pressure. Bost., 
 HelvetiuB, Claude Adrien. (Envres com- 
 pletes. Nouvelle edition, corrigi'ie et au- 
 gument(5e snr les niannserits de I'auteur, 
 avec sa vie et son portrait. 5 v. Loiiil., 
 Hemp aud wire rope. Tables of experiments 
 on : made by order of the Bureau of equip- 
 ment and recruiting. Navy Department. 
 W.ashington, 1871. 
 Henderson, Alfred. Latin proverbs and 
 i|uot:ilious; with tran.slations and )iaral- 
 lel jiassages. Lond., 18()9. 
 Heuderson, Don C. Red book for the 
 thirtieth legislature of the State of Michi- 
 gan, 1^7!l-80. Lansing, 1879. 
 Henderson, K. Soldier of Ihne i|ueeiis: a 
 iiiinatise of personal adventure. 2 v. 
 Lond., I86(i. 
 Heiidersou, Thomas. Hints on the medi- 
 cal examination of recruits for tUo iinny. 
 Phila., l'^40. (2 copies.) 
 Henderson, William. Dictionary and coii- 
 cordanee of the naiui's of persons and 
 places and of some of the more remark- 
 able terms which occur in the .Scriptures 
 of the Old and New Testaments. Edin- 
 burgh. 1^69. 
 Henfrey, Arthur. Structural and physio- 
 logical botany. lUus. Lond., 1847. 
 Henin, F. Journal historique des op6ra- 
 tions railitaircs du siege de Peschiora. 
 Turin, (.an IX) 1801. 
 Heuiieu, John. Principles of military sur- 
 gery. 3d ed., with life of the aiitlior. 
 Loud., 18-29. 
 Henry, Alexander. Travels aud adventures 
 ill Canada and the Indian territories, be- 
 tween the years 176(1 and 1776. N. Y. , 1809. 
 Henry, Guy V. Military record of civilian 
 api>oiutments in the I'nited States Army. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1873. (2 copies of vol. 1, N. Y. 
 and Lond., 1869.) 
 Henry, John Joseph. Accurate aud inter- 
 esting account of the hardships and siili'er- 
 iugs of that band of heroes who traversed 
 the wilderness in the campaign against 
 Quebec, ill 1775. Lanc.a.ster (Pa.), 1812. 
 Henry, Joseph, A memorial of. Washing- 
 ton, 1880. 
 Henry, M. M<^moire sur la projection des 
 cartes gi^ographiqnes adoptde an df-pot 
 gdndral de la guerre. Topographic. Paris, 
 Henry, Paul. The life and times of John 
 Calvin, the great reformer. Translated 
 )iy Henry Stebbing. 2 v. N. Y.,1851. 
 Hensmau, Howard. Afghan war of 1879- 
 80. With maps. Lond., 1881. 
 Heraldry. Glossary of terms used in the 
 British heraldry; with a chronological 
 table illustrative of its rise and progress. 
 Oxford, 1847. 
 Herbert, ind^. Imprcssionsof Spain. Illus. 
 Herbert, Anberon. The Danes in camp : 
 letters from Siinderborg. 2d ed. Loiul., 
 Herbert, Rev. George. Works. With re- 
 marks on his writings and a sketch of his 
 life, by William Jerdau. Lond., 18.53. 
 Works, prose and verse. Edited by 
 the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. N. Y., 
 Herbert, Henry William. Frank Forester's 
 horse and horsemanship of the United 
 States and British Provinces. Revised, 
 corrected, enlarged, and continued to 
 1871, by S. D. and B. G. Bruce. Illns. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1871. 
 Heriot, George. Travels through the Cana- 
 das, and view of the manners and customs 
 of tlie Indian nations. Illus. Loud., 1807. 
 Herodotus. New and literal version, from 
 the text of Baehr; with a geographical 
 and general index, liy Henry Gary. (Har- 
 per's classical library. ) N. Y. , 1872. 
 The same. (Bohn's classical library. ) 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Herrera, Antonio de. General history of 
 tlie vast continent and islands of America, 
 commonly called the West Indies, from 
 the first discovery thereof. Translated by 
 John Stevens. 5 v. Loud., 1725-26. 
 Herries, Edward. Memoir of the public 
 life of John Charles Herries, in the reign 
 of George III., George IV., William IV., 
 anil Victoria. 2 v. Lond., 1880. 
 Herschel, Sir .John F. W. Outlines of as- 
 tronomy. Illus. Phila., 1849. 
 Treatise on astronomy. Phila., 1834. 
 Preliminary discourse on the subject 
 of natural philosophy. (Cabinet cyclo- 
 pa-dia.) Phila., 1831. 
 Herve, Chevalier. Documents sur la matiere 
 .\ canonset sur quelques uouveaux alliages 
 metalliiiues. Strasbourg et P.aris, 1827. 
 HesiodjCallimachus, audTheognis. Works. 
 Translated, with notes, by J. Banks; to 
 which are appended the metrical transla- 
 tions of Elton, Tytler, and Frere. (Bohn's 
 classical library.) Lond., 1873. 
 Hewrson, William. Principles and practice 
 of embanking lauds for river floods, as 
 applied to "levees" of the Jlississiinn. 
 N. Y., 1860. 
 Hickey, W. The Constitution of the United 
 States of America, etc. Phila., 1851. 
 Higgs, Paget. Electric light, in its i)racti- 
 cal application. Lond., 1879. 
 Hildreth, Richard. History of the United 
 States, from the discovery of the continent 
 to the organization of government under 
 the Federal Constitution. 3 v. N. Y., 
 History of the United States of 
 America, from the adoption of the Amer- 
 ican Constitution to the end of the six- 
 teenth Congress. 3 v. N. Y., 1851. 
 Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer history ; being an 
 account of the first examinations of the 
 Ohio valley and the early settlement of 
 the northwest territory. Cincinnati and 
 N. Y., 1848. 
 Hill, A. F. Onrboys: the personal experi- 
 ences of a soldier in the army of the Po- 
 tomac. Phila., 1866. 
 Hillard, G. S. Life and campaigns of George 
 B. JlcC'lellan, major-general, U. S. Army. 
 Phila., 1861. 
 Hillebrand, Karl. France and the French 
 in the second half of the nineteenth cen- 
 tury. Translated from the third German 
 edition. N. Y., 1831. 
 Hind, Henry Youle. Canadian Red River 
 exploriug expedition of 1857, and of the 
 Assinniboine and Saskatchewan exploring 
 expedition of 1858. 2 v. Lond., 1860. 
 Hindley, Charles. Tavern anecdotes and 
 sayings, including the origin of signs and 
 reminiscences connected with taverns, 
 coftee-honses, clubs, etc. Xewed. Lond., 
 Hinds, John. Veterinary surgeon ; or, far- 
 riery taught on a new and easy plan. 
 With additions and improvements, bj' 
 Thomas M. Smith. Phila., 1832. 
 Hingston, Edward P. Geoial showman ; 
 beiug reminiscences of the life of Artemus 
 Ward, and his career. Lond., 1870. 
 Hinman, Royal Ralph. Historical collec- 
 tion; from otHcial records, etc., of the 
 I>art sustained by Connecticut during the 
 war of the revolution. Hartford, 1842.
 Hiutou, Jamrs. ': IMiyHiolof;y lor practical 
 uw. Willi ail iiitrodmtioii liy E. L. Yoii- 
 inaiis. N. Y., l'<74. 
 HintOD, .Inliiri Inward. History aiul topo- 
 graphy of the Uiiitod States of North 
 AiiKMJra. lUiis. 2 v. Loud., lH30-:!-2. 
 Histoire niilitairc de Flandro, on los cam- 
 pannes ilu marf^chal Lnxemboiir).;, di-puis 
 TaiiiK'-o lf)"J0-9-l ; avcc plans. Nonvelle(<d. 
 •^ V. I'otsdani, 17Ki-A">. 
 Historical r(j;istori;of the United States, 
 1H12-14. liy Thomas H. Palmer. 4 v. 
 Phila., li^U-ir,. 
 Hodder, I'.ilwin. Iliroes of liritain, in 
 peace and wur. 111ns. 2 V. Lond. 
 Hodge.'lln^lijL. Principles and practice 
 of obstetrics. lUns. Phila., It^Cfi. 
 Hodson, \V. S.'^K. Twelve years of a sol- 
 dier's life in India; boiiif! extracts from 
 his letters. Edited by his brother, IJev. 
 (;. ir. Hodson. Host., 18G0. 
 Hoffman, Wickliain. Camp,"^conrt, and 
 sicRc: a narr.itive of personal adventure 
 and observation during two wars, IPGl- 
 65, 1870-71. N. Y., 1877. 
 Holland, Mvh. Africa described in its 
 aniient and present state; including ac- 
 counts from Ibncc, Ledyard, Lucas, and 
 others, down to the recent discoveries by 
 Major Denliam, Dr. Oudney, and Captain 
 Clapperlon. Loud., 1*2.-*. 
 Hogarth, William. Works. With life and 
 anecdotal descriiitions of his pictures, by 
 .John Ireland and .John Nichols. :i v. 
 Holland, Sir Henry. Fragmentary jiapers 
 on science and other subjects. Edited by 
 his son, Rev. Francis J. Holland. Lond., 
 Recollections of a past life. N. Y., 
 Holland, .T. Treatise on manufactures in 
 metal. (Cabinet cyclopaedia.) 3 v. Lond., 
 Holland, .1. G. Arthnr Bonnicastle: an 
 American novel. lUns. N. Y., 1873. 
 Holland, .1/fljoi- T. J., and Captain Henry 
 llozier. Record of the expedition to 
 JfAbyssinia. 2 v. and case of maps. Lond., 
 1870. (2 copies.) 
 Holmes, Abiel. Annals of America, from 
 1492-1820. 2d ed. 2 v. Cambridge, 
 Ma.s8., 1829. 
 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. John Lotbrop 
 Motley : a memoir. Bost., 1879. 
 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Poems. Bost., 
 Holms, John. British army in 187.">; with 
 suggestions on its administration and 
 org.iiiizution. Lond., 1875. 
 Holub, Dr. Eiiiil. Seven years in South 
 Africa: travels, researches, and hunting 
 adventures, between the diamond lields 
 anil the Zambesi, 1872-79. Translated by 
 Ellen E. Frewer. lUus. 2 v. Host., 1881. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Holyoake, George .Jacob. History of co- 
 openition in England; its literature and 
 its advocates. Vol.1. The pioneer period, 
 1H12 to 1844. Phila., 1875. 
 Homans, .T. Smith, and J. S. Homans, jr. 
 C'ycloiiiedi.'i of cominerco and commercial 
 navigation. N. Y., 18.58. 
 Home, Major Robert. Prdcis of modern 
 tactics. Lond., 1873. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Lond., 1878. 
 Homer. Iliad. Translated by Alexander 
 Pope. With notes, by J. S. Watson, 
 and illustrated with Flaxmaii's designs. 
 (Bohn's illustrated library.) Lond., 1873. 
 The same. Lond., 1878. 
 The same. Translated into English 
 blank verse, by William CuUen Bryant. 
 2 v. Bost., 1873. 
 Odyssey. Translated into English 
 blank verse, by William CuUon Bryant. 
 2 V. Bost., 1873. 
 The same. Translated by Alexander 
 Pope; to which are added the battle of 
 the frogs and mice, by Parnell, and the 
 hymns by Chapman and others. With ob- 
 servations and brief notes, by Rev. J. S. 
 Watson. lUus. Lond., 187(i. 
 Hone, William. Every-day book. 2 v. 
 Lond., 182.5-27. 
 Y'ear book of daily recreation and in- 
 formation. Lond., 1832. 
 Table book. Loud., 1827. 
 Hood,.I.B. Advance and retreat: personal 
 experiences in the United States and Con- 
 federate States armies. New Orleans, 
 Hood, Thomas. Poetical works ; with a 
 memoir. 3 v. N. Y., 1871. 
 Hood's own ; or, laughter from year 
 to year. 1st and 2d series. 2 v. Loud., 
 Memorials. Collected, arranged, and 
 edited by his daughter, with a preface and 
 notes by his son. lUus. 2 v. Bost., 1801.
 Hood, Thomas. Whims and oddities, in 
 prose and verse. Lond., 1869. 
 Hook, Theodore. Hiimorous works; ludi- 
 crous adventures, bon mots, puns, and 
 lioaxes. Lond. 
 Hopkins, 6. M. Atlas of lit'leen miles 
 around Washinjitou, iucludiui? Moutij;oui- 
 ery county, Md. I'hila., l-i7'J. 
 Hoppin, James Mason. Life of Andrew 
 Hull Foote, rear admiral U. .S. Navy. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Horace. Works. Translated by C. Smart. 
 Revised, with notes, by T. A. Buckley. 
 Loud., 187-2. 
 Hordynski, Joseph. History of the late 
 Polish revolution, and the events of the 
 campaign. '2d ed. Bost., 183li. 
 Horsmandeu, Daniel. New York con- 
 spiracy; or, a history of the uegro plot : 
 with the proceedings against the conspira- 
 tors at New York, in 1741-42, together 
 with interesting tables, etc. N. Y., 1810. 
 Hosmer, James K. Color-guard ; being a 
 corporal's notes of service in the 19th 
 army corps. Bost., 1864. 
 Hospital transports: a memoir of the em- 
 barkation of the sick and wounded from 
 the peninsula of Virginia, in the summer 
 of 1S(;2. Bost., 186:?. 
 Hotchkiss, Jed., and William Allen. Bat- 
 tle-fields of Virginia. CHiaucellorsville. 
 N. Y., 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Hough, Fraiiklin B. History of Dury(-e's 
 brigade. Albany, 1864. 
 H 'ighton, Edwiu B. Campaigns of the 
 ^. venteenth Maine. Portland, 1866. 
 Household words. Conducted by Charles 
 Dickens. 30 v. in 15. Leipzig, 18.')l-5.'). 
 Hovrard, Blanche Willis. Auut Serena. 
 Bost., 1881. 
 One summer., 1876. 
 Howard, (!eii. O. O. Nez Perc^ .Joseph : an 
 account of his ancestors, his lauds, his con- 
 federates, his enemies, his murders, his 
 war, his pursuit and capture. Bost., 1881. 
 HoTwe, Henry. Memoirs of the most emi- 
 nent American mechanics; also, lives of 
 distinguished European mechanics, with ' 
 anecdotes, etc. lUus. N. Y., 1841. 
 Howell, Dr. William. Medulla historiic < 
 .Xnglicaua-; the ancient and |U'i'sent state 
 of England: being a compendious history 
 of all its monarchs, from the time of Julius 
 Ciesar. Illustrated with sculjitures. 11th 
 e<l. Lond., 1750. ; 
 10 W 
 Howells, W. D. 
 Bost., 1873. 
 Italian journeys 
 -Their weddin 
 A chance acqnaintance. 
 New ed. Bost., 
 journey. Illns. Bost., 
 Venetian life. New ed. Bost., 1872. 
 Howitt, Mary. Pictorial calendar of the 
 seasons; exhibiting the pleasures, pur- 
 suits, and characteristics of country life 
 for every month in the year, and embody-" 
 ing Aikin's calendar of nature. Loud., 
 How^itt, William. Land, labor, and gold; 
 or, two years in Victoria: with visits to 
 Sydney and Van Diemeu's Land. 2 v. 
 Bost., 1855. 
 Country year-book ; or, the field, the 
 forest, and the fireside. N. Y., 1850. 
 and Mary Howitt. Stories of Eng- 
 lish and foreign life. Lond., 1853. 
 HoTwland, Edward. Grant as a soldier and 
 statesman; being a succinct history of 
 his military and civil career. Hartford, 
 Hoyt, E. Antiquarian re.searches: a history 
 of the Indian wars, and other interesting 
 events, with notices of Indian depreda- 
 tions, etc. Greenfield (Mass.), 1824. 
 Hozier, Cajtt. Henry M. British expedition 
 to Abyssinia; compiled from authentic 
 documents. Lend., 1869. 
 Seven weeks' war ; its antecedents 
 and its incidents. 2 v. Phila., 1867. 
 Hiibiier, Baron de. Ramble round the 
 world. Tran.slated by Lady Herbert. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 The same. 
 1 V. N. Y., 1874. 
 Hudson, E. M. Second war of independ- 
 ence in America. Translated by the 
 author; with introduction, by Boiling A. 
 Pope. Lond., 1863. (2 copies.) 
 Hudson, Frederick. Journalism in the 
 l"uited States from 1690 to 1872. N. Y., 
 Hughes, Johu T. Doniphan's expedition; 
 containing an accoujit of the of 
 New Mexico, etc. Cincinnati, 1850. 
 Hughes, Thomas. School days at Rugby. 
 Illns. Bost., 1874. 
 Tom Brown at Oxford : a sequel to 
 .School days at Rugby. 2 v. Bost., 1871. 
 Hughes, William. Treasury of geography. 
 Lond., 1872.
 Hugo, Victor. Los iiiisoraliU'.i: a novel. 
 'I'ranslatiMl Croiii the original Kn-ni'li, t>y 
 Charles K. Wilboiir. N. Y.. l.'<74. 
 Toili'rs of the sea: a novel. Illus- 
 trated by (iiistave l)or<^. \. Y., Iri'.i. 
 Huguenin, lUniral. Desrription <le la fabri- 
 cation (les bouches ;\ fen en fonte <le fer 
 ef lies projeetiles ;'l la fonderie ile Liege. 
 Tradiiit dn hollandais, par le eapitaine 
 d'arlillirii- Nenens. I'ari.s, lfi:«». 
 Hullmaudel, C. .\rt of drawing on sti 
 I.ond., If^-.M. 
 Lithography; elearly explaining tlu' 
 whole art. :!d ed., eorrected, to whieli is 
 added selections from the work of M. Bre- 
 geant. Lond.,18:i2. 
 Hulot, M. Instrnctiou snr le service d'artil- 
 lerie. Paris, 1813. 
 Hvimboldt, V. II. .\lexander von. I'osmos: 
 a sketch of the ]diy»ieal description of the Translated by E. C. Otte. •> v. 
 X. Y.,lti50. 
 Kssai politiipie snr le royannie de la 
 NonvcUc-Espagne; with an atlas. 'A v. 
 Paris, 181L 
 Personal narrative of travels to the 
 Humfrey, Lieut. -Col. 1. H. Modern system 
 ol fcMtiliiation for the Rhine frontier; 
 exemplifii'd in a copious nnnuiir on the 
 forlressof I'oblen/.. Illustrated by plans. 
 l.oMil.. 1^:!H. {•> copies.) 
 Humphreys, t'ltpt. A. A., ami I.ieut. H. L. 
 Abbot. Kcport upon the physics and hy- 
 dranlicsof the Mississippi Kiver; upon the 
 protection of the alluvial region against 
 overtiow, and upon the deepening of the 
 miiuths; based upon surveys and investi- 
 gations. Phila., 1H(U. 
 The same. Reprinted, with addi- 
 tions. Washington, 187t;. 
 Hunt, Leigh. Antdbiograjdiy. Lond., 187'2. 
 Heanniimt and rietcher; or, the 
 linest scenes, lyrics, and other beauties oi 
 1 those two poet.s. ".id ed. Lond.. l"*IV.i. 
 {•i copies.) 
 Imagination and fancy: selections 
 i^quinoctial regions of the new continent, 
 duriug the years 1799-1804. by .\. de 
 llumboldt and Aime Honpland; with 
 mails, plans, etc. Translated by Helen 
 -Maria Williams, "v.iuti. Lond., 1818-2;t. 
 The .same. 3d ed. 7 v. Loud., 
 Political on the kingcbun of 
 New Spain; with physical si'i'tious ami 
 mails. Translated by J(dni Black. '2(1 cd. 
 4 v. Loud., 1811-14. 
 Researches concerning the institu- 
 tionsand mouunu-utsof thi' ancient inhab- 
 itants of .\uierica: with descriptions ami 
 views of thi' Corililleras. Translated by 
 Helen Maria Williams, 'iw Lond., 1814. 
 Views of nature; or, contemplations 
 on the sublime phemnnena of creation; 
 with scientific illustrations. Translated 
 by E. C. Otte and Henry (J. Bohu; with a 
 comprehensive index. Lond., 18.50. 
 Hume, David. History of England. -^ v. 
 Oxford, Ir'-Jti. 
 Humfrey, Liiiil.-(ol. I. H. Kortiticatioiis 
 de C<ddenz; observations snr cette place 
 importante. Traduit de Tanglais par Na- 
 poleon F. ; avec des notes diverses par 
 •loacbim Madelaine. Paris, 1846. 
 from the English poets, and an essay in 
 answertothe(|nestion, '• What is poetry f" 
 4th ed. Lond., 1871. 
 Jarof honey froniMcmnt Hybla. Illu.s- 
 trated by Ricliard Doyle. Lond., 1870. 
 Men, women, and books: sketches, 
 I'ssays, and critical memoir.s. Lond., 1870. 
 Table-talk; to which are added im- 
 aginary conversations of Pope and Swift. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 The town ; its memorable characters 
 and event.s. Lond., 1872. 
 Wishing-cap papers. Bost.aiidN. Y., 
 Wit and humour: selected from the 
 English poets, with an illustrative easay 
 anil critical comnuMits. Lond., 1871. 
 Hunt, Roliirt. Poetry of si' ienee; or, studies 
 of the physical phenomena of nature. :l 1 
 ed. Lond., IH.Vl. 
 Huut, Robert. Popular romances of the 
 west of England : or the dndls, traditions, 
 and superstitions of old Cornwall. (1st 
 and 2d series.) Loud., 1871. 
 Hunt, T. F. .\rcliitettura campestre; dis- 
 )ilayed in lodges, gardeners' houses, and 
 other buildings. Louil., 1827. 
 Hunter, liir. John. Key to MerrifieM's 
 arlthmeric and mensuration. Lond., 1873. 
 Hurlbert, William Henry. OeneralMcClel- 
 lan and the conduct of the war. N. Y., 
 Hutchinson, Thomas. History of Massa- 
 chu.setts, from the first settlement thereof, 
 in 1628, until the year 1750. 3d ed., with 
 notes. 2 V. Host., 1795.
 Huth, Alfred Henry. Life and writings of 
 Henr>- Thomas Buckle. N. Y., 18«0. 
 Hutton, Charles. JIathematieal tables; 
 tontainiDg the conniion, hyperbolic and 
 logistic logarithms, also sines, tangents, 
 etc. To which are added .seven tables 
 of trigonometrical formula', by Oliiitlius 
 Gregory. 9th ed. Lond.,l&42. 
 Mathematics. C'outiuiied and amend- 
 ed by Oliuthus Gregory. l"2th ed., with 
 alterations and additions, by Thomas j 
 Stephens Davies. Lond.,li?41. i 
 Tracts on mathematical and jihilo- 
 sophical subjects. 3 v. Lond , 1"<1'2. 
 Hutton, William. Voyage to Africa: in- 
 cluding a narrative of an embassy to one 
 of the interior liingdoms, in the year 1820, 
 with remarks on the course and termina- 
 tion of the Xiger and other princi pal ri vers 
 in that country. Lond., 1821. 
 Hirxley, Thomas Henry. Criti([ues and ad- 
 dresses. N.Y., 187:5. 
 Hume. (English men of letters; ed- 
 ited by John Morley. ) X. Y. , 1879. 
 Hyde, John T. Elementary principles of 
 I'oitification. Lonil., 1860. 
 Hydraulics, Tracts on. Edited, with notes, 
 l)y Thomas Tredgold. Illus. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1836. 
 Iconographic encyclopaedia of science, lit- 
 irature, andart. Systematically arranged 
 by J. G. Heck. S. F.'Baird, editor and 
 translator. 4 v. text, 2 v. plate.s. N. Y., 
 Illinois. Kepurt of the adjutant general 
 of the State, 1861-62. Springfield (111.), 
 The same. For 1861-66. 7 v. Spring- 
 field (111.), 1867. 
 Illustrated London Xews. 7 v. Loud., 
 Imlay, George. Topographical description 
 of the western territory of North Amer- 
 ica ; with John Filsou's discovery, set- 
 tlemeut, and present state of Kentucky. 
 Lond., 1793. 
 Impeachment investigation. Testimony 
 taken in the investigation of the charges 
 against Andrew Johnson. (2d sess. 39th 
 Cong., and 1st .sess. -lOth Cong., 1867.) 
 Washington, 1867. 
 Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Rus- 
 sia, and Poland ; with a map and engrav- 
 ings. 7tli ed. 2 V. X. Y.,1845. 
 Index (analytical and topical) to the re- 
 ports of the Chief of Engineers and the 
 officers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. 
 Army, upon works and surveys for river 
 and harbor improvement. 1866-79. Wash- 
 ington, 1881. 
 India. Account of the operation of the 
 great trigonometrical survey of India. 
 Vol. .5. Details of the pendulum opera- 
 tions, by Captains J. P. Basevi, R. E., and 
 W. J. Heaviside, R. E., and of their re- 
 duction. Calcutta, 1879. 
 Tlie same. Vol. 6. The principal 
 triaugulation of the southeast quadri- 
 lateral, including the great arc, section 
 18^ to 24°, the east coast series, the Cal- 
 cutta and the Bider longitudinal series, 
 the .Jabalpnr and the Bilaspnr meridional 
 series and the details of their simultane- 
 ous reduction. Dehra Dun. 1880. 
 Inva.sions of India from Central 
 Asia. Lond.. 1879. 
 India list, civil and military, .July. 1879. 
 Loud., 1879. 
 Indian affairs. Reports of the Commis- 
 sioner for 1836-42 inclu.sive. AVashingtou, 
 1836-42. (Bound with '-Indian treaties.") 
 Indian treaties, from 1837 to 1842 inclusive. 
 Washington, 1843. 
 Indiana. First and second annual reports 
 of the department of statistics and geol- 
 ogy of the State of Indiana, 1879, 1880. 
 2 v. Indianapolis, 1880. 
 Report of the adjutant general of the 
 State, for 1861-62. Indianapolis, 1863. 
 The same. For 1861-6.5. 8 v. In- 
 dianapolis, 1866-69. 
 Indiana delineated ; geographical, histor- 
 ical, statistical, and commercial, etc. 
 Indiana soldier in the war for the I'nion. 
 2 v. Indianapolis, 1866-69. 
 Indiana in the war of the rebellion. Offi- 
 cial report of W. H. H. Terrell, adjutant 
 general. Indianapolis, 1869. 
 Industiiel. Journal principalement destine 
 a repandre les connai.s.sauces utiles a I'iu- 
 dustrieg^nerale. etc. Illus. 9 v. 1826-30. 
 Influence des divisions naturelles de la 
 surface du globe siir les divisions i>oli- 
 tiques. Paris, 1826. 
 Ingersoll, Charles J. Historical sketch of 
 the second war between the United 
 States of America and Great Britain. 
 2 V. Phila., 1845-49.
 IngeraoU, L. D. Iowa ami thf reholliiin. 
 :M p.l. Phila.. 1*57. 
 Hiitory »f thf War Liepiirtnient of 
 tUe ('niteil States; with l)i.)grai>hii.';il 
 iketches of the iseoretaries. W:whiu;;ton. 
 l-T'J. ( 'i copies. ) 
 Ingrabam, Eilward D. Sketch of the 
 events which precetleil the capture of 
 W'aahin;Iton by the British, on the "ilth 
 of August, l^H. Phila.. 1-W. 
 Ingram, J. S. Centennial exposition <le- 
 si-rib^ii and illiittrateil. Phila.. 1-T»i. 
 Institation of civil en^tineers. Transac- 
 tion-. :! V. Lon«l., l*!H-4-J. 
 InstTUCtioii snr les anues a fen et aniies 
 l)lani:hi-s portatives. Paris, liiOli. 
 InatructiOQ xur la balistii|ne ; a I'usage iles 
 eleves ilii corps royal il'etat-major. Paris, 
 l*i4. (2 copies: one l>onnil with Ponmefs 
 Instmctioii sur le defilement des ouvrages 
 lie lanipagne. 'Jr ed. Paris. l'*;W. 
 Instruction in fortification, military engi- 
 neering, and geometrical ilrawing at the 
 Koyal Military Aeaiiemy. Woolwich. 
 Inatmctiona for oflScers ami non-commi.*- 
 sioned officers on outpost and patrol duty, 
 antl troops iu campaign. Washington, 
 Inatnunent propre a faire connaltre I'ei- 
 centriiite dn forage des bonches ;\ fea. 
 International commercial convention. Pro- 
 ceedings held in the city of Portland, 
 Me., 4th and .'ith. Ir^; also offi- 
 cial record of the corporators of the Port- 
 land and Rutland Railroail. Portland, 
 International exhibition. l-'Tti. (United 
 States Centennial commission.) Reports, 
 etc. 9 V. Washington, liiSO. 
 Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe iloc- 
 trine. N. Y.,l-S(). 
 lo'vra. Report of the adjntant general of 
 the State, for l?6l-6H, l(?74-".=j, ID v. 
 Des Moines, l^l-T.^. (2 copies, lH6i) 
 Ireland. Calendar of documents relating 
 to Irelaml, preserved in the public record 
 otfice, London. Edited by H. .S. Sweet- 
 man. llTl-l-JO-J. :! V. Lond., l'*^o--i^. 
 Calendar of the state papers relating 
 to Ireland of the reign of James I. , H50:}-'25. 
 Edited by Rev. C. W. Russell and .J. P. 
 Prendergast. .i v. Lond., l-7-2-i^0. 
 Ireland, .Joseph \. Recorils of the N'ew 
 York stage, from IT.'>I> to liitW. i v. 
 y. v.. i-«H. 
 Irish eloquence. Speeches of the cele- 
 brated Irish orators, Phillips, Curran, and 
 lirattan: to which is inideil the powerful 
 appeal of Robert Emmett. at the close of 
 his trial for high treason. .Selected by a 
 member of the bar. Phila.. 1^:54. 
 Iron. Report on the fabrication of iron for 
 defen.sive purposes, ami its uses in modern 
 fortifications, i^ Professional papers. Corps 
 of Engineers L'. S. .Irmy. No. 21.) Wash- 
 ington, 1^71. 
 Irrigation of the San ,Joa<iuin, Tulare, and 
 Sacramento valleys, California. (H. R. 
 ex. doc. N'o. •£)!), fM Cong.. 1st sess.) 
 W:kshington, 1:^74. 
 Irving, Theodore. Comjuest of Florida by 
 Hernando ile Soto. X. Y., 1«)1. 
 Irving, W.iahington. Adventures of Cap- 
 tain Bonneville. U. S. A., in the Rocky 
 Mountains and the far west. (Irving's 
 works, vol. 10.) y. Y., l^tiO. 
 Astoria. (Irving's works, vol. S.) 
 N, Y..1t!60. 
 Bracebridge hall ; or, the humorist. 
 By (Jeort'rey Crayon. (Irving's works, 
 vol. 6. ) .v. Y. , I'^tiO. 
 Chronicle of the cominest of <ira- 
 na<la; &om the MSS. of Fray Antonio 
 .Vgapid.1. ( Irving's works, voL 14. ) X . Y., 
 Crayon miscellany. ( Irving's works, 
 vol.D.) y. Y.,l«60. 
 Dieilrich Knickerbocker: a history 
 of \ew York, from the beginning of the 
 worbl to the end of the Dutch dynasty. 
 N. Y., l-firt. 
 History of the life and voyages of 
 Christopher Columbus. N'ew eil. 2 v. 
 Phila., I.'i40. 
 Life and voyages of Christopher 
 Colnmbns: to which are added those oc 
 his companions. :i v. (Irving's works. 
 voLs.3,4.r>.) X.Y'.. 1*0. 
 Life of George Washington. 5 v. 
 N. Y..l!«l-6:{. 
 The same, a v. X. T., 1S55-5U. 
 The .same. .5 v. (Irving's works, 
 vols. 17, 1^, 19. 20, and 21,) N. Y.. If-fi. . 
 Mahomet and his succe884)rs. 2 v. 
 (Irving's works, vob. 12. 13. X. Y.. I'^tiO 
 ' Oliver Goldsmith: a biography 
 l^lrving's works, vol. 2.) N. V,, 1860,
 ( I 
 Irving, Washington. Tales of ii traveller. 
 (Irving'.s works, vol. 7.) X. Y.,l*60. 
 Voyages and discoveries of the com- 
 panions of C'olnmljns. Phila., l-'tJS. 
 Wolfert's roost. (Irviiig'.s works, vol. 
 It;.) X. Y.. i-^eo. 
 Italy, Anned strength of. Translated from 
 theCierman, by Lieut. Hare. Lond., Ij^.i. 
 Ives, Lieut. Joseph C. Report upon the 
 Colorado Eiver of the West, explored, in 
 ISiii-'iS, hy Lieut. Ives, under the direc- 
 tion of the Office of KiLplorations and Sur- 
 veys. Washington, 1861. (2 copies.) 
 Jackson, Ba.sil. on military sur- 
 veying: including sketching in the field, 
 plan-drawing, levelling, military recon- 
 nois-sance, etc. 3d ed. Lond.. {"AT. 
 The .same. 5th ed. Lond., li^HO. 
 Jackson, Catharine Charlotte. Ludi/. I'air 
 Lusitania. lllus. Lond., 1874. 
 Old regime ; conrt salons and thea- 
 ti-es. 2 v. Loud., 1880. 
 Jackson, Mm. Helen (M. H.) Century of 
 dishonor ; a sketch of the United States 
 Government's ilealings with some of the 
 Inilian trilies. X'. Y.,188l. 
 Jackson, J. K. What to observe ; or, the 
 traveller's reniembraucer. Revised and 
 edited by Dr. Xorton Shaw. Lonil., 18(jl. 
 Jackson, Robert. View of the formation, 
 disripliue, and economy of armies. 3<l 
 ed., with a memnirof his life and services. 
 Loud.. 184.->. 
 Jacobi, ti. .\. Etat actuel de Tartillerie de 
 campagne en Europe : ouvrage traduit de 
 I'allemaud, revu. corrig^, augmeiite, et 
 acco!npagn<^ d'observations. ])ar('apitaiue 
 Mazfi. 5 V. Paris, 18:58-4.i. 
 ArtUlerie de campagne anglaitw. Paris, 1838. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Artillerie de canipagne bavaroise. Paris, 1^5. 
 Artillerie de campagne francaise. Paris. 1845. 
 Artillerie de campagne neerlandaise. Paris. 
 Artillerie de campagne wurteralmrgeoise. Paris. 
 Jacobs, M. X"otes on the rebel invasion 
 "f Maryland and Pennsylvania, anil the 
 battle of fJettysburg. Phila.. 1864. (2 
 Jacotot, Pierre, filemeus ile chiuiie et de 
 luiii'ialogie; aver figures. 2'' <^d. Pari.s, 
 (an XIII) 1804. 
 fili^mens de iihysiijue exp^rimentale 
 snivis d'nn abr^ge d'astronomie. 2' <-i\. 
 Paris, (an XIII) 1804. 
 Jacotot, Pierre. Conrs de physique atlas. 
 Jacquemart, Albert. History of the cera- 
 mic art : a descriptive, philosophical study 
 of the pottery of all ages an 1 all nations. 
 Illns. Translated by Mrs. Bnry Palliser. 
 Lond.. 1873. 
 Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippine.s. 
 Lond., 187.5. 
 Jahn, F. L. Treatise on g}'iuna.stickH. 
 Xorthampton (Mass.), 1828. 
 Jahn, Johann. Biblical arch;pology. Tran.s- 
 lated from the Latin, by Thomas C. l"p- 
 haui. 3d ed. X". Y. and Andover, 1832. 
 James, Charles. X'ew and eularged mili- 
 tary dictionary ; or, alphabetical explana- 
 tion of technical terms. Loud., I8<^t2. 
 The same. 2 v. Lond., 1810. 
 Regimental companion ; containing 
 the pay, allowances, and relative duties 
 of every officer in the British service. 
 7th ed. 4 v. Lond.. 1811-13. 
 James, Edwin. Expedition from Pittsburgh 
 to the Rocky Mountains, in the years 
 1819-20. under the command of Stephen 
 H. Long, major, r. S. T. E. : with maps. 
 ■i V. Phila.. 1823. 
 James, ti. P. R. Memoirs of great command- 
 ers. 3 V. Lond.. 1832. 
 James, Henrj . Confidence. Host., 1880. 
 Portrait of a lady. Bost., 1882. 
 James, Hugo. Volunteer's scramble through 
 Scinde. the Punjab, Hindostan, and the 
 Himalayah mountains. 2 v. Lond.. 18.'>4. 
 James, Thoma.<. Dangerous voyage of Cap- 
 tain Thomas James, in his intended dis- 
 covery of a north-west passage into the 
 South Sea, 16:{l-;{2. 2d ed., revised and 
 corrected. Lond., 1740. (Bound with 
 the Sieur Pointis' "Account of the taking 
 of Carthagena by the French, in lt)97.") 
 James, William. Military occnrreuces of 
 the late war between the United States of 
 America and Great Britain. 2 v. in 1. 
 Lond., 1818. 
 X'aval occurrences of the late war 
 between Great Britain and the United 
 Stales of America. I.ond., 1817. 
 Jameson, Anna, .Vr". Legends of the ma- 
 donna. 5th ed. Lond.. 1872. 
 Legends of the monastic orders. 5th 
 ed. Lond., 1872. 
 Sacred and legendary art. tUli ed. 
 2 V. Lond., 187U. 
 and Lady Eastlake. History of our 
 Lord, as exemplified in works of art. 2 t. 
 Loud.. l"-72.
 Jameson, Robert, James Wilson, aiitl HurIi 
 Murray. Discovery anil ailvcntiirr in 
 AlVica, fron\ the earliest afjes to llu' pres- 
 ent time. (Harper's family library.) 
 N. Y., 1*!1. 
 ' Jamiesou, .Mrxandir. liiclioiiary of nie- 
 rhaniial science, arts, uiannfactnres, ami 
 Hiisccllaneons knowleiljie. "2 v. Louil., 
 Mechanics fur piactiial men. Illieil. 
 I.onil., 1?^4.">. 
 Jamiesou, .lohn. K.lymnlo^ical dictionary 
 of the lausua;;e. 'i v. Kdin- 
 bnri;Ii, HO". 
 Snpplement to the KtymoloKieal dic- 
 tionary of the .'icoltisli lan^najje. 2 v. 
 Edinbnr;;li, IH'2,'). 
 Japan. First annnal report of th<' niinisterof 
 war. showinj; the changes in the ollices and 
 r(^orf^anil'.ation of the army of that conn- 
 try, from the year 1868-7(>. (Japanese 
 .Second, third, fourth, and tiflh .MMni.i] 
 reports, 1877, 1878,1879, li^O. 4 v. (Japan- 
 ese text.) 
 Jaques, John W. Three years' canip.-iifjn 
 in the ninth N. Y. S. M., during tlu'.Simth- 
 ern rebellion. X. Y., 18i).">. 
 Jarry, (Iciimil. Treatise on the marches 
 ami movements ot armies. Translated by 
 Kicbard Kochfort. Lend.. 1807. 
 Jay, William. Life of John .lay; with 
 .selections from his eorres|)ondcncc, and 
 miscellaneons papers. "2 v. N. V., \H'.V.i. 
 Review of the eanses and conse- 
 (jnences of the Mexican war. 'M ed. 
 Host., 1849. 
 Jeaffreson, .1. ('only. Book about doctors. 
 N. Y., 187->. 
 Book about lawyers. N. Y., 1875. 
 Jebb, .Joshua. Attack of military posts, 
 villages, intrenchments. etc. Chatham, 
 Practical treatise on strengthening 
 and defending outposts, villages, houses, 
 bridges, etc. 'id ed. Lonil., 18:!7. 
 Jefferson, Tlioinas. Manual of parliament- 
 ary practice. X. Y., 187:i. 
 .Memoir, eorrespon<leuc<', ami inis<el- 
 lanies. Kdited by Thomas .lett'erson Ran- 
 dolph. 4 V. Charlottesville, lH-2'.l. 
 Notes on the .St ate of Virginia. I'liila., 
 Writings; being his autobiography, 
 eorrespoudence, reports, messages, ad- 
 dresses, and other writings, ollicial and 
 private; with notes and an index by the 
 I'ditor. H. A. Washington. 9 v. Wash- 
 ington, 1H.">:!. 
 Jefferys, Thomas. Natural and civil history 
 of the l-'rcmh dominions in North and 
 South .VuM-rica. lUnstraled by maps and 
 plans. 2 pts. in 1 v. I.oml., 17(i(l. 
 Jeffrey, I'r.incis. Conlribntionstothe Edin- 
 burgh Review. 2iled. :!v. Loud., 1846. 
 Jeffries, H. .Joy. Color blindness; its d.m- 
 gers and its detection. Host., lf'79. 
 Jeukiu, Klecming. Electricity and nuignet- 
 ism. 2(1 cd. I.oud., 1874. 
 Jenkins, .lohn .*<. History of tlu' war be- 
 tween the I'uited States and Mexico, from 
 the commencement of hostilities to the 
 ralificationof the treaty of peace. Auburn 
 (N.Y.), 18,51. 
 Life of .loliu Caldwell Calhoun. 
 Auburn, 1H,-,(I. 
 Jenuey, William. Legislative manual of 
 the .State of Michigan tbr the year 1881. 
 Lansing, 1881. 
 Jennings, (Jeorge I lenry. Anecdotal history 
 of the British Parliament from the earliest 
 periods to the present time, with m)tices 
 of eminent parliamentary num .and ex- 
 amples of their oratory. X. Y., 1881. 
 Jepbson, R. M(nin(cney. With the colours, 
 lU' the (lipiug times of i)eace. lUns. Lond. 
 and N. Y., 1881. 
 Jerrold, Blanchard. Egypt under Ismail 
 I'.icha; being some chapters of contempo- 
 rary history. Lond., 1879. 
 Life of Napoleon 111. : derived from 
 state records, etc. Vol. 1. L(uid., 1874. 
 Jerrold, Douglas. Works. With life and 
 an introductory memoir, by W. Blanchard 
 .lirrold. ."> V. Lond. 
 Jersey City and Hobokcu directoiy, 1875. 
 .Icrsi'y City, 1874. 
 Jesse, Edward. Anecdotes of dogs, lllus. 
 New ed. Liuul.. 1873. 
 Jesse, Capt. William. Russia and the war. 
 Lond., 18.54. 
 Jevons, W. .Stanley. .Money and the mech- 
 auisui of exchange. Loud., 1H75. 
 Jobsou, 1>. Wemyss. History of the French 
 revolution. ;id ed. Lond., 18.5:i. 
 Johnes, .Vrthur Janu's. Philological proofs 
 of the original unity and recent origin of 
 the human race; derived from a compari- 
 son of the languages of Asia, Europe, 
 Africa, and .\merica. Lond., 184G.
 Johns, Major R. N':ival iiiid military he- 
 roes of Great Britain; or, caleiular of 
 victory: being a record of British valour 
 .and conquest. Continued by Lieut. 1'. W. 
 Nicolas. Ulus. Loud., IHliO. 
 The same. Loud., 1872. 
 Johnson, SatiLuel. Works. With an essay 
 ou his life and genius, by .\rlhur Murphy. 
 Newed. 6 V. IMiila. and X. V.,18-2."). 
 Johnson, William. Life and (correspond- 
 ence of Natliauacl Greene, major-general 
 of the armies of the United States. 2 v. I 
 Cliarlestou, 1822. ' 
 Johnson's new universal lyelopiedia : a 
 scientific and popular treasury of useful 
 knowledge. Illustrated with nuijis and 
 engravings. Edited by Barnard and 
 Guyot. 4 V. X. Y.,187r,-7S. 
 Johnston, Alex. Keith. Dictionary of ge- 
 ography ; general gazetteer of the world, j 
 Lond., 1850. 
 Royal atlas of uuidern geography. 
 Edinburgh, 181)1. 
 The same. New ed. Ediuburgli. 
 Johnston, Henry 1'. VorUtown campaign 
 anil the surrender of Cornwallis, 17H1. 
 lUus. X. Y..1881. 
 Johnston, James F. Chemistry of com- 
 mon life. lUus. 12th ed. N.Y., 18(59. 
 Johnston, Joseph E. Narrative of mili- 
 tary operations directed during the late 
 war between the States. Illus. X. Y., 
 1874. (2 copies.) 
 Johnston, R. M., and W. H. Browne. Life 
 of Alexander H. Stephens. Phila., 1878. 
 Johnston, W^ Preston. Life of Gen. Albert 
 .Sidney Johnston. N. Y"., 1878. 
 Johnston, William. England as it is, po- 
 litical, social, and industrial, in the XIX. 
 century. 2 v. Loud., Irt.'il. 
 Joinville, /'niiccde. Army of the Potomac; 
 its (uganization, its couuuander, and its 
 campaign. Translated from the French, 
 with notes, by William Henry Hurlbert. 
 N.Y., 181)2. 
 Campagni' <ln I'otomac, mars-juillet 
 1862. Paris, 18G:i. 
 Jomiui, Henri, Baron de. Hiatoirc critique 
 et militaire des guerres de Frederic II. 
 companies ,au systeme moderne. avec un 
 rccueil des principes les plus importants 
 de I'art de la guerre. 3' ^d. I! v. Paris, 
 Jomiui, Henri, Baron de. The same. 2 v. 
 et atlas. Bruxelles, 1840. 
 Histoire critique et nnlitairo des 
 campagnes de la revolution compar^es an 
 systi^me de I'empereur Najpoleou, faisaut 
 suite an Trait<? des graudes operations 
 militaires; avec atlas. 2"' ^d. Paris, 1811. 
 The satne. 2 v. Paris, 1811. 
 Histoire critique et militaire des 
 guerres de la r<5volntion. Nonv. cd. 15 
 v. et atlas. Paris, 1820. 
 Precis de I'art de la guerre; ou non- 
 veau tableau analytique des principales 
 combinaisons de la strat<=gie, de la grande 
 tactiqne, et de la jpoliticiue militaire. 2 v. 
 Paris, 18:!8. 
 Sur la formation des troupes pour le 
 combat. Deuxiiiue appendiee au Prdi-is 
 d<' I'ait de la guerre. Paris, 18.">(). 
 Precis politicjue et militaire de la 
 campagne de 1815. Paris, 1839. 
 Tableau analytique des principales 
 combinaisons de la guerre, pour servir 
 d'introduction au Traitd des graudes ope- 
 rations militaires. 3= 6d. Paris, 1830. 
 Traite des grandes operations mili- 
 taires, conteuant I'histoire critique des 
 campagnes des Frdd^ric II., compar^es a 
 celles de rempereur Xapoleon, avec un 
 recueil des principes generaux de I'art de 
 la guerre. 2'- ed. 2 v. et Paris, 
 The same. 4 v. (vols. 3 anil 1 du- 
 plicated). Paris. 1811. 
 Traile de grande tactiqne ou relation 
 de la guerre de sept ans, extraite de Tein- 
 pelhof, commeutee et couiparee aux prin- 
 cipales operations de la deniiere guerre ; 
 avec cartes et plans. 3 v. Paris, 180.5-06. 
 (2 copies. ) 
 The same. In English. 4 v. Paris. 
 180(). (Bound nuinuscript.) 
 Vie politique et militaire de Nai)o- 
 leon, racontee p,ar lui-nu^me, au tribunal 
 de Ca-sar, de Alexandre, et de Freileric. 
 4 V. Paris, 1827. 
 Exposition of the principles of 
 grand nnlitary combiuatious and move- 
 ments. With remarks ou the leading 
 principles of the ethciiMit constitution of 
 armies, by J. A. Gilbert. Loud., 1825. 
 Sumuuiry of the art of war; or, a 
 new analytical compend of the principal 
 combinations of strategy, of grand tactics, 
 and of military policy. Translated by
 O. 1'. Winsliip and K. E. Mil.i'aii. N. V., 
 Tic-atisr iHi j;r:iiiil iiiilitaiy ii|MTii- 
 tions; or, a ciitical ami military liisloiy 
 nf llif wars i>f Fn-ilfiiik tin- Gr<-ar, a.i 
 cdiitrastfil with the iiiiHlern systi'iii; tip- 
 gfthiT with a IVw of the most imiiortaiil 
 |)riiiei)ile.s ol" the art of war. Translated 
 liy S. U. Holal.iid. Illus. •> v. and atlas. 
 N. Y.,18»>r.. 
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 .Tonrnal of sieges carried on liy the 
 army under the Dnke of Wellington, in 
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 Jones, .Sarah L. Life in the .South, from 
 the commencement of the war, by a 
 blockaded subject, y v. Lond., 
 Joues, William .\. Heport upon the recon- 
 naissance of Northwestern Wyoming, in- 
 cluding Yellowstone National Park, nuule 
 in the snmmerof 1H73. Wasliingt(ni, l-^'o. 
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 Jones-Parry, ■•^. 11. My jonrney aroinul the 
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 Jordan, William Leighti>n. The ocean; its 
 tides aud currents, and their causes. 
 Lond.. 1873. 
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 Journal, aits, and proceedings of the con- 
 vention which formed the Cmistitntion of 
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 Journal des amies speciales. 23 v. Paris, 
 Journal of the Franklin Instilute of the 
 State of Pennsylvania. 113 v. Phila., 
 Journal d'ou oliieiir i\f I'arim'e (r.\fric|iie. 
 Palis. 1S31. 
 Journal des op<5rations de Tartillerie i)en- 
 daut Tcxpedition de Constantine, octo- 
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 ciety of New South Wales, 187G, 1878. 
 Edited by A. Liversidge. 2 v. Syducy, 
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 tution. Vols. 1-24. Loud., 18.58-81. 
 Journal des sciences militaires des arin<?es 
 de terre et de mer. 10."> v. Paris, 1825- 
 Journeys made in the years 18(58-73, iu 
 Syria, down the Tigris, India, Kashiriir, 
 Ceylon, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, the 
 I'nited .'States, the .Sandwich Islanrls, and 
 Australia. Lond., H75. 
 Joutel, M. Journal of the last voyage per- 
 formiil by Monsr. de la .Sale to the (iulpli 
 of Mexico, to tind out the mouth of the 
 Mi.ssissippi Hiver; with a map of the 
 country. Lond., 171 I. 
 Juan, Ooii George, ami I>uii .Vutonio de 
 I'lloa. Voyage to South America. Trans- 
 lated from the Spanish; with notes, and 
 an account of the Brazils, by John Adams. 
 Illus. 3d ed. 2 v. Loml., 1772. 
 The same. 4th ed. Vol.1. Loud., 
 Jube, Auguste, and Joseph .Servan. Ilistoire 
 des guerres (les Gaulois, et des Frau^ais 
 en Italic. 5 v. et atla.s. Paris, 1805.
 Judd, David W. Story of the 3.5d N. Y. S. 
 Vols.; or, two years' campaigning in Vir- 
 ginia and Maryland. Illns. Rochester, 
 Judd, J. W. Volcanoes: what they are, 
 and what tlu-y teach. IIIus. N. Y., 1S81. 
 Junius. Letters of .Junius : from the latest 
 London edition, with fac-similes of at- 
 tributed authors. (Woodfall's .Jiinins.) 
 •-' V. in 1. N. Y., 1848. 
 Junkin, D. X., and Frank H. Norton. Life 
 of Winfield Scott Hancock; personal, 
 inilitarj', and political. N. Y.,1880. 
 Juvenal, Persins, Sulpicia, and Lucilius. 
 Satires of. Translated into English prose, 
 with notes, by Rev. Lewis Evans ; to 
 which is added the metrical version of 
 Juvenal and Persins, by W. Giftord. 
 ( Harper's clas.sical IHjrary.) N. Y., 1860. 
 Kalkstein, R. von. Die preussische Arniee 
 nach iliren reglementarischen Formen und 
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 Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America; 
 its natural history, plantations, agricul- 
 ture, and civil, eccle.sia.stical, and com- ' 
 raercial state. Translated by ,1. R. Fors- 
 ter; containing a mai) and cuts. :i v. 
 Warrington, 1770-71. 
 Karnes, Henry Home, Lord. Elements of 
 criticism. ^ v. N. Y.,1819. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1823. 
 Kamtschatka and the Kurilski islands, 
 with the countries adjacent, History of. 
 Illustrated with maps and cuts. Trans- 
 lated from the Russian, by James Grieve. 
 Loud., 1764. 
 Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic explorations: | 
 the second Griunell expedition in search ' 
 of Sir John Franklin, 1853-0O. Illus. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1856. 
 Kansas. Report of the adjutant general of 
 the State, for the vear 1864. Leavenworth 
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 Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure reason. 
 Translated by J. M. 1). Meiklejohu. Loud., 
 Kapp, Friedrich. Life of Frederick William 
 von Steuben, major-general in the revo. 
 liiticiuary army. N. Y., 1859. 
 Karcher, Thdodore. ficrivains militaires 
 de la France. Loud., 1866. 
 Karsten, C. .1. B. Manuel de la m(?tallurgie ] 
 dufer. Traduit parF. J. Cnlmann. 2i'^d. 
 i V. Metz, 1830. 
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 Treatise on mechanics. (Cabinet cyclo- 
 piedia.) Phila., 1832. 
 Kay, Stephen. Travels and researches in 
 Caffraria. N. Y.,1834. 
 Kaye, John William. Essays of an opti- 
 mist. Phila., 1871. 
 History of the Sepoy war in India, 
 1857-58. 2 v. 9th ed. Loud., 1880. See, 
 aho, M.\LLEsox and Pincott. 
 Lives of Indian officers; illustrative 
 of the civil and military service of India. 
 3 V. Loud., 1880. 
 Keating, William H. Major Long's second 
 expedition: an expedition to the source 
 of St. Peter's river, Lake Winnepeek, 
 Lake of the Woods, etc., in 1823, under 
 the command of Stephen H. Long; with 
 i maps. 2 v. Phila., 1824. 
 Keats, John. Poetical works. With a 
 menmir, by Richard Monckton Milnes. 
 Phila., 1855. 
 Keim, De B. R. Guide to the Potomac River, 
 Chesapeake Bay, and James River and an 
 ocean voyage to northern ports. Wash- 
 ington, 1881. 
 Washiugton and its environs: an il- 
 lustrated, descriptive, and historical hand- 
 l)ook to the capital of the United States of 
 America. Washington, 1874. 
 Kelly, Fanny. Narrative of my captivity 
 among the Sioux Indians. Hartford, 1873. 
 Kelly's hand-book to the titled, landed, and 
 official classes. Lond., 1881. 
 Kemble, Frances Ann. Recollections of a 
 girlhood. N. Y.,1879. 
 Kemble, John Mitchell. Saxons in England : 
 a history of the Euglish commonwealth 
 till the period of the Norman conquest. 
 2 v. Lond., 1849. 
 Kemmis, Capt. W. Treatise on military 
 carriages, and other manufactures of the 
 royal carnage department. Lond., 1874. 
 Kendall, George Wilkius. Narrative of the 
 Texan Santa Fc expedition; description 
 of a tour through Texas and final capture 
 of the Texans, and their march as prison- 
 ers to the city of Mexico; with illustra- 
 tions and a map. 2 v. N. Y., 1844. 
 Kenly, John R. Memoirs of a Maryland 
 volunteer in the war with Mexico, 1846- 
 7-S. Phila., 1873. 
 Kennedy, John P. Horse-Shoe Robinson : 
 a tale of the Tory ascendency. N. Y., 1872.
 Kennedy. John P. Life of William Wirt, 
 Attoriu\v-(iencn»l of tin- lliiiU-d States. 
 2 V. Pliihi., la'jO. 
 Rob of the howl: ;i le;;i-iiil iif St. 
 Iiiifjoes. I'hila., 1861. 
 Swallow ham; or, a sojourn in the 
 out noiiiiiiion. lUiis. I'hila., 1861. 
 Kentucky. Report of the a<l.)iitant {jeiieral 
 of the State, 1861-66. "2 v. Frankfort 
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 Keppel, (ieiir^e. Narrative of a journej' 
 aiToss the lialean, by the two ]ia»He.s of 
 Selinuio anil Pravaili : alsii, a visit to 
 Azani and other newly-discovereil rnins 
 in Asia Minor, in the years Irf-Jt)-:!!!. ■> v. 
 Lond., 18:il. 
 Ker, Captain. Proposed system of ontpost 
 exercise for regiments of cavalry and in- 
 fantry. Lond.,1827. (-2 eopies: 1 bound 
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 Ker, David. On the roail to Khiva. J-ond., 
 Kerr, K. \V. History (if the ;;iivcrnnu'nt 
 printing otlice at Washin};toii, D.'C, with 
 a brief record of the public printing for a 
 century, 1780-1881. 2d ed. lUns. 
 ( asti'r. l*a., 1881. (2 copies.) 
 Ketchum, William. History of Bnlfalo; 
 withsiiiur account of its early inhabitants, 
 both savaf;e and civilizi'd; notices of the 
 Six Nations, or Iroquois Indians; a sketch 
 of the life of Sir William .lohiiscui, etc. 
 •J v. Ibiftalo, 1864. 
 Key to universal history illnstraled; or, the 
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 Kingsley, Charles. At hi-st: a Christmas 
 in the West Indies. Ilhis. N. Y., 1871. 
 Hermits. 2d ed. Loml., and N. Y., 
 Ilyjiatia ; or, new- foes with an old 
 face. 7th ed. Loud., 1874. 
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 Water babies: a fairy tale for a land 
 baby. New ed. Illns. Loud., 1879. 
 Westward hoi or, the voyages and 
 adventures of Sir .Vmyas Leigh, knight. 
 Uth ed. Lond., 1874. : a problem. Cthed. Lond.,ln7li. 
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 Edited by his wife. N. Y., 1877.
 Kinloch, Alexander A. A. Large game 
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 Illus. Lond., 18(59. 
 Kirby, I!ev. William. Creation of animals 
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 Kirgener, General. Precis du si^'ge de 
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 Kirk, Edward N. Lectures on the parables 
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 Klaczko, Julian. Two chancellors : Prince 
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 Knapp, Samuel L. Life and correspondence 
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 Knight, Charles. Cyclop;edia of the in- 
 dustry of all nations. 2 v. Lond., 1851. 
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 ■ Old England: a pictorial museum of 
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 Popular history of Euglaud: an 
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 ment, from the earliest period to our own 
 times, 8 V. Lond. 
 KnoUya, Capt. Henry. Incidents in the 
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 Knowles, James D. Memoir of Roger Wil- 
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 vrage contenant nne connoissam-e exactc 
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 Lagrange, .Joseph Louis de. Thdorie des 
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 Lahontaii, N., liaron de. New voyages to 
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 description of Canada; a dictionary of 
 the Algonkine language. Illus. 2d cd. 
 Vol. 1. Lond.. 17:l.'>. 
 Itaisn^, J. Aide-m6nioire portatif il I'nsage 
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 Lake, ''»/. ,\twell. Narrative of the de- 
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 Lallemand, llinri l)i>niinli|Me. Treatise on 
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 Lamare, (Unvral. Relation des sidges et de Had.ijoz, d'Oliven^a, et de 
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 Lamartiiie, Ali)honse de. Genevieve; or, 
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 History of the French revolution of 
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 History of the Girondists; or, jier- 
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 Ryder. 3 v. N. Y., 1849. 
 History of the restoration of the 
 monarchy in France. Translated by Caji- 
 taiu Rafter. 4 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Historv of Turkev. 3 v. N. Y., 
 Lamb, Charli-s. Essays of Klia and Eliana. 
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 Poetical works. 4th ed. Loud., 
 1841. works. 3 v. Lond., 1838. 
 Specinuuis of English dramatic poets 
 who lived about the time of Shakspeare. 
 New ed. Loud., 1854. 
 ■ and Mary Anne Lamb. Tales from 
 Shakspeare; designed for the use of 
 yiiung i)erson8. Lond., 1^4:). 
 Lamon, Ward H. Life of Abraham Lin- 
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 Lamphere, (leorge N. United States Gov- 
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 workings. Phila., 1880. 
 Lamy, .1. N. Traitd thdorique et pralic|iie 
 des batteries. Paris, 1827. 
 Lander, Richard. Records of Captain Clap- 
 ]ierti>n's last ex]>edition to Africa: with
 the subsequent adventures of the author. 
 2 V. Loud., lH.iO. 
 Landmanu, Isaac. Treatise on niini-s ; fi>r 
 the use of the Koyal Military Academy at 
 Woolwicli. lyond., 181."). 
 Lanfrey, P. History of Napoleon the First. 
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 demonstrating their ancient discovery and 
 progressive settlemeut of the continent of 
 America. Lond., 1834. 
 Langles, Louis ilathieu. Alphabet Mau- 
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 dictionuairo universel de eette langue. 
 3« ^d. Paris, 1807. 
 Lanier, Sidiiey. Science of English verse. 
 N. Y., 1880. 
 Lanman, Charles. Biographical annals of 
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 during its first century ; from original and 
 otficial sources. Washingtim, 1876. 
 Dictionary of the United States Con- 
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 of its members, from the foundation of 
 the government. Phila., 1859. 
 Dictionary of the United States Con- 
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 The same. Gth ed. Hartford, 1869. 
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 Octavius Perinchief : his life of trial 
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 Recollections of curious characters 
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 Red book of Michigan : a civil, mili- 
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 Paris, 1808. 
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 4 v. Bost., 1839-49. 
 Th(5orie du mouvement et de la fi- 
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 La Rame, Lmiisc ibi (Oiiida). Moths: a 
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 Lardner, Dionysius. Popular lectures on 
 scienieandart. 10th ed. 2 v. N. Y.,1849. 
 Lardner, Dionysins. Railway economy : a 
 • treatise on the new art of transport. 
 N. v., 1850. 
 Treatise on hydrostatics and pneu- 
 matics. With notes, by B. F. Joslin. 
 ((.labinct cyclopaedia.) Phila., 1832. 
 La Rochefoucault-Liancourt, Franyois A. 
 F., Due de. Travels through the United 
 States of North America, the country of 
 the Iroi|uois, and Upper Canada, in the 
 years 179.5-97; with maps an<l tables. 2d 
 ed. 4 V. Lond., 1800. 
 Larpent, Sir George. Private jourual of 
 Judge Advocate Larpent. 3d ed. Lond., 
 Larrey, Douiiuicjue Jean, Baron. Memoirs 
 of military surgery. Translated by John 
 Waller. Part 1. Lond., 1815. 
 Surgical memoirs of the campaigns 
 of Russia, Germany, and France. Trans- 
 lated by J. C. Mercer. Phila., 1832. 
 Laa Casas, Bartholomew. Narratio regio- 
 num indicarnm per Hispanos qvosdam 
 devastatarum veris,sima. Oppeuheimii, 
 Las Cases, Comte de. .lournal of the pri- 
 vate life and conversations of the Emperor 
 Napoleon at Saint Helena. New ed. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1824. 
 Lascine. By an Oxford man. N. Y., 1874. 
 Latham, Baldwin. Sanitary engineering: 
 a guide to the construction of works of 
 sewerage aud house -draiuage. Loud., 
 Latham, Richard Gordon. English lan- 
 guage. 3d ed., revised and greatly en- 
 larged. Loud., 1850. 
 Latimer, i/^iss E. Idyls of Gettysburg 2d 
 ed. Phila., 1872. 
 Latour, Ar.sene Lacarritee. Historical me- 
 moir of the war in West Fh)rida and Lou- 
 isiana, in 1814-15; with an atlas. H. P. 
 Nugent, translator. .Phila., 1816. 
 Laudonniere, Rene Goulaine de. Brevis 
 n.arratio eorvm qva; in Florida Auuirica* 
 provieia Gallis accideruut, seeunda in 
 illara nauigatione, dnee Renato de Laudo- 
 niere, anno M.D.LXIIIL Auctore lacobo 
 le Moyue, cui cognomen de Morgues: latio 
 vero douata b, C. C. A. Franeoforti ad 
 Moeuvm, 1.591. (Bry coUectiones, series 1, 
 pars 2.) 
 Laurence, John Z., and Robert Moon. 
 Handy book of ophthalmic surgery; for 
 the use of practitioners. Phila., 1866.
 Laurent, P. M. llistniii' <le Napoleon. 
 Paris. HJ7. 
 Laval, .ViitdiiK' .l<-aii tie. Voyage de In Loii- 
 isiaiu- fait par onlre dii roy, en 17'J0, daus 
 le<|iifl soiit traitiVs ilivi-rsus inatii'res de 
 pliysiipie, a.struiioniie, gfiograpliii-, rt ma- 
 rine. Paris, 172-I. 
 Lavall^e, Tlieopliile. .Military topography 
 of coutineiital Kiiropc. Fldited liy Col. 
 J. K. .laeksoii. Loud., 18.'')0. 
 Lavarenne, lioiijoiian ile. Mi^ de 
 I'ollicier d'cStat-major I'li eaiiipagiie, on re- 
 ciieil de docuiiicim utiles pour fairc la 
 guerre. P.-iris, IS'.Vi. 
 Laverack, Kdwanl. The setter; with il- 
 lii>tratiims. Loud., If^'i. 
 La^v, .Iiiliii. Colonial history of Vineennes, 
 Indiana, under the Kreueli, Hritisli, and 
 Anwriean governments. V'iucennes, 1858. 
 La^vrence, "Sir George. Keniinisceuees of 
 forty-three years in India; including the 
 Caliul disasters, captivities in Afghanistan 
 and the Punjaub, and a narrative of the 
 mutinies in Uajputana. Kditi-d by \V. 
 Kdwards. Lond., 1^74. 
 Lay, Amos. New and correct map of the 
 seat of war in Lower Canaila. Phila. 
 Layard, Austen Henry. Nineveh and its 
 ri'iiiains; with an .-u-eount of a visit to the 
 Chaldaan Cliiistians of Kurdistan, and 
 the Yezidis or Devil- worshippers; and au 
 iuipiiry info the manners and arts of the 
 ancient A.s8yrians. 2 v. N. Y.. 1849. 
 Lea, Isaac. Contributions to geology. 
 Phila., \S-iX 
 Lea, William. Tables of the strength and 
 di'th'ction of timber. Lond., 185l). 
 Leach, Col. .T. Recollections and rcHectious 
 relative to the duties of troojis comiiosing 
 the advanced corps of an army. Lond., 
 Lebas, Lucien. Aide-m6moireportatif d'art 
 militaire et de fortilication. Paris, 1834. 
 Thesime. 2' ed. Paris, 184H. 
 Le Blond, Ouillaume. La castram^tation 
 on sur la mesurc et la tract^ des camps. 
 Paris, 1748. 
 fil<?mens de fortification. Paris, 1764. 
 Traite de I'attanue des |)laces. 2'^ 6d. 
 Paris, 1742. (2 copies. ) 
 TraittS de la defense des places. 2"' 
 <'d. Paris, 1742. 
 Le Bourg, .1. II. Essai sur I'organisatiou 
 de rartillerie, et sou emploi dans la guerre 
 do cauipagne. 2'' (5d. Paris, 1845. 
 Le Breton, .\nna L. Correspondence of 
 William Klli-ry Channing and Lucy Aikin. 
 from 182IM2. Lcmil., 1^74. 
 LeBrun, -l/drfdHir Vigee. Souvenirs. N. Y., 
 Lecky, William K. H. History of England 
 in the- eiglit<'entli century. 2 V. N. Y., 
 Lecomte. Notice detaiilde sur la inaniere 
 adoptee en Afriqne ponr <Stahlir les 
 honnues et les ehevaux de la cavalerie .in 
 bivouac; avec :i planches. 2" (5d. Paris, 
 I-'.")."!. (Bound with liiigeaud's ".Xperf us.") 
 Le Conte, .Joseph, .sight; an exposition of 
 the principh's of monocular an<l binocular 
 vision. Illus. (International scientilic 
 .series.) N. Y., 1881. 
 Le Creulz, Ciloi/eii. Iii'cheiches sur la 
 formation et I'existence des rnisseaux, 
 rivii'^res, et torreus, qui circnlent snr le 
 globe teiTcstro. Paris, (an XU) 1804. 
 Lectures. Six familiar lectures, for the 
 of young military orticcrs. by a field olhcer. 
 I.ond., I'J.'.l. 
 Ledderhose, Charles F. Life of Philip 
 Melanchthon. Translated from the Oer- 
 nian, by the Rev. (J. K. Krotcl. Phila., 
 Lee, .Vrfluir T. Army ballails, and other 
 poems. 1871. 
 Lee, Charles. Memoirs of his life; with his 
 )iolitical and military essays and letters. 
 Dublin, 179,'. 
 Lee, Charles A. Hospital construction; 
 with notices of foreign milit.iry hospitals. 
 Albany, 18t!:{. 
 Lee, Major Henry. Campaign of 1781 in 
 the Carolinas; with rumark.s, historical 
 and critical, on Johnson's life of Greene. 
 Phila., 1824. 
 Lee, Gen. Henry. Memoirs of the war in 
 the southern department of the I'uited 
 States; with corrections anit additions. 
 Washington, 1627. 
 The same. Ncwed. With revisions 
 and a biography of the author, by Robert 
 E. Lee. N. Y. and Baltimore, 1872. 
 Lee, Richard Henry. Life of Arthur Lee; 
 with his correspondence. 2 v. Bost., 
 : Lee, r.ieut. S. P. Rejioils and charts of thi- of the U. S. brig Dolphin. (Sen. 
 ex. doc. No. 59, :?3d Cong., 1st sess.) 2 v. 
 Washington, 1854.
 Lee, Tlionias .1. Collection of tables ami 
 formiiUe iisi-fiil in jji'oilesy and [iraetical 
 astronomy. Wasliini;ton, 1841I. (•.ico])ie.H. ) 
 Tables and formula' nsefiil iu survey- 
 ing, geodesy, aii<l prai'tical astronomy; 
 including elements for tin; projection of 
 maps and insi ructions for field magnetic 
 observations. (Professional i>apers, (.'orps 
 of Engineers, No. 12. ) 3d ed. Washing- 
 ton, 1873. 
 Lee, William. Currency of the Confederate 
 states of America. Washington, 187.5. 
 Legendre, Adrien Marie. Element.s of ge- 
 ometry and trigiuiometry; with notes. 
 Trinslated from the French, by David 
 Brewster. X. Y., lS-2rf. 
 Legends of the operations of the Army of 
 the Cumberland. Washington, l-^fii*. 
 Legouve, Ernest. Art of reading. Tran.s- 
 lated, and illustrated with copious notes, 
 by Edward Roth. Phila.. 1879. 
 Legrand, Chivaliei: Relation de la surprise 
 de Herg-op-Zoom, le 8 et le 9 mars 1814. 
 I'aris, 1816. 
 Leidy, .Joseph. Kresh-water rhizopod.s of 
 North America. (Hayden's V. S. Geol. 
 Surv., V. 12.) Washington, 1879. 
 Leighton, .T(dni. Paris under the commune : 
 or, the seventy-three days of the seconil 
 siege. Illns. Lond., 1871. 
 Leland, Ch.irles G. Egyptian sketch book. 
 X. v.. 1874. 
 Fn.sang ; or, the discovery of .America 
 by Chinese Buddhist priests in the fifth 
 century. Loud., 187.5. 
 Lelouterel, I". 1'. Maunel encyclopediciue 
 et alphabetique de I'oRicier d'iufanterie. 
 Paris, l&iTi. (2 copies.) 
 Manuel des reconnaissances militaires 
 en ce qui concerne otHciers et sons-ot^ciers 
 d'iufanterie et decavalerie. 41^ <^d. Paris, 
 1850. (Bound with Eave's '■ Nonveau sys- 
 t&nie d'artilleric.") 
 Manmd d<'s sous-orticierset caporaux 
 d'inf.nitrrii-. .'>■ r-d. Paris, l.-i31. 
 Lemonnier-Delafosse, M. Seconde cam- 
 pagne de Saint-I>mningue, 1803-1809. 
 Pr<?c(5d^e de souvenirs historiqnes, etc., 
 de la premiere canipague du lH)l-03. 
 Havre. lH4fi. 
 Lempriere, .Tohn. Classical dictionary: a 
 cojiious account of all the proper names 
 mentioned in ancient authors. 5th Amer. 
 ed. N. v., If 2.5. 
 Universal biography: account of the 
 lives, characters, and labors of eminent 
 persons, in all ages and countries. With 
 original articles of American biograpliy, 
 by Eleazar Lord. 2 v. N. Y., 1825. 
 Lendy, .\. F. Principles of war: elementary on higher tactics and strategy. 
 2d ed. Lond., 1862. 
 Treati.seon fortification. Lond., 1862. 
 Lennox, Z,oi-(/ William Pitt. Sport at houu' 
 ami abroad. 2 v. Lond , l'<72. 
 Le Noble, M. Menioires snr les ojK'rations 
 militaires des Franfais, en Galice, en Por- 
 tugal, et dans la vallee du Tage, en 1809; 
 avec atlas. Pari.s. 1821. 
 Le Normaud, Marie Anne. Historical ami 
 secret menmirs of tlie Empress Jo.sephine. 
 Translated from the French, by Jacob M. 
 Howard. 2 v. Phila., 1848. 
 Lepsius, Di: Richard. Letters from Egypt, 
 E(hiopi;i, and the Peninsula of Sinai ; 
 with extracts from his chronology of the 
 Egyptians with reference to the exod\i8 of 
 the Israelites. Translated by L. aud .T. B. 
 Horner. Lond., 18.53. 
 Le Sage, .\laiu Rene. .\d ventures of Gil 
 Bias of Santillane. Translated by Tobias 
 Smollett; to which are prefixed memoirs 
 of the author. 2 v. Lond., 1818. 
 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 
 4 V. Senlis, 1826. 
 Le Sage, E. Cours d'attaqueet de defense 
 des places. Metz, 1825. 
 Lesage, P. C. Recueil de divers menioires, 
 extraits de la Bibliotheque imperiale des 
 j)onts et chaussees. 2'' ed. 2 v. Paris, 
 LesUe, Ch.arles. Application of light drill 
 to skirmishing in the Held. Dublin, 1831. 
 Treatise on the employment of light 
 troops on actual service; containing gen- 
 eral principles compiled from eminent 
 practical authors, British and foreign. 
 Lmnl., 1843. 
 Leslie, C. R. Hand-book for young paint- 
 ers. Illns. 2ded. Lond., 1870. 
 and Tom Taylor. . Life and times of 
 Sir Joshua Reynolds: with notices of some 
 <if his contemporaries. Illus. 2v. Loud., 
 Leslie, David. Among the Zulus and .\nia- 
 tougas: with sketches of the natives, their 
 language and customs, ainl the country, 
 products, climate, wild animals, etc. Ed- 
 ited by W. H. Drummond. 2d ed. Edin- 
 burgh and Glasgow, 1875.
 Leslie, Frank. Historical register of the 
 r. S. Ci'iitfiiiii:!! Kx posit ion, 187(5. Edited 
 by Fninl< 11. NorfoM. Illns. X. Y.,1877. 
 (•J I'oiiics. ) 
 Lespinasse, L. N. Traitr de pci-siH-ctivo 
 lini-iiiri-: iV I'lisage des artistes. I'liris, 
 (an IX) HOI. 
 Lesquereuz, l.i'o. Contributions to tli" 
 fossil tiora of tlie WestiTti Territories" 
 I'art I. The cretaceous flora. (U. S. Geo]- 
 Snrv. of tlie Territories.) Wa.shington' 
 Letheby, H. On food: its varieties, clu'nii- 
 cal composition, nntritivi- valiu'. compara- 
 tive digestibility, physiological functions, 
 etc. "id cd. Lond., 1872. 
 Letters from iieadc|Uarters; or, the realities 
 of the war in the Crimea, by an officer on 
 the staff, av. Lond., l'?.'>6. (2 copies.) 
 Lettre d'un lieutenant dc VaruK^c d'.\fri(|ue 
 a son oncle. Paris, H:!'*. 
 Lettres d'lin othii<T du corps royal de I'ar- 
 tillc-rie, siirles<liaiig<'mensintri>ilnitsdans 
 I'artillerie franfoisc, 17t>.") a 177(1. 1774. 
 Letts's ))opiilar being a complete 
 series of maps, delineating the whole sur- 
 face of the globe. Loud., lf<81. 
 Lever, Charles. Works. New ed. Loud., 
 Ailveuturea of Artliur O'Leary. 
 11,11X1 ngton. 
 Braiiili-itfltB of BiHiiop's Folly. 
 Charli'sOXIalley, the Irish <liai;ooli. 
 Conffssiims otM'oii Crcgan. the Irish (til Bias. 
 Paltons; or. thro*' roads in lift*. 
 Davfupitrt Diiiiii. a man of our day. 
 Diiilil family abroad. 
 Harry LttrrcinuT. 
 .Jatk llinton. thf suaidsnian. 
 Knis.'litofCiwynni': atalfof llntiiniof tlitiinion. 
 Lord Kil;;obbin : a talf of Ireland in our own time. 
 I.iitliiU of Arran. 
 Martins of Cro' Martin. 
 Out- of them. 
 Roland Cashil. 
 Sir Hrttitk Fossbrooke. 
 Sir .lasiier Carew ; his life and experiences. 
 Thai liity of Xorcott's. 
 LevesoD, Major H. A. England renderetl 
 impregnable. By H. A. L., the Old .'<lie- 
 karry. lUns. Loud., 1871. 
 Levi, Leone. History of Hritisli coMunerce, 
 and of tlie.economie progrcssof the Hritish 
 nation, I7r):i-187(l. Lond., l-<72. 
 Levy, W. Hanks. Blindne.sii and the blind; 
 or, a treatise on the science of typhlology. 
 Lond., 1672. 
 Le'wes, Georgo Henry. Life aiid-works of 
 IJoetlie; with sketches of his age and con- 
 temporaries. 2 V. Bost., 18;")(;. 
 On .actors and the art of acting. 
 Lond., 187."). 
 I'hysical basis of mind; being the 
 second series of problems of life and iniiid. 
 Illns., 1877. 
 Levrins, William. Her Majesty's mails: an 
 historical and descriptive .account of the 
 British post office; together with an ap- 
 pendi.x. Loml., 18(>4. 
 Lenris, Meriwether, and William Clarke. 
 Travels to I he .source of the Missouri Kiver, 
 ami the American continent to the 
 Pacific Ocean, by order id' the 1'. S. Gov- 
 ernment, in lsi()4-OI). From the re- 
 port ; witluiiaps. Neweil. :5v. Lond., 1815. 
 LeT^8, Richard. History of the life-boat, 
 and its work. Illns. Lond., 1874. (2 
 Libert, Lieut. -Col. Caroet de I'officicr do 
 cavalerie, on maniiel. 2'' ed. Paris, 181(2. 
 Lieber, Dr. Francis. Miscellaneous writ- 
 iiig.s. 2 V. Phila., 1881. 
 Keminiseeuees, addresseH, and eaaays, v. 1. 
 Contribiilitins to political science, including lec- 
 tures on the (.'onstitufion of the l"nit«d States 
 and titlier jtapers, v. 2. 
 Liechteustein, rrincem Marie. Holland 
 House. 2d ed. 2 v. Lond., 1874. 
 Lincoln, Abraham. Memorial record of the 
 nation's tribute. Coin|iilcd by I!. F. Mor- 
 ris. Washington, 18().'). 
 Tiibute of respect by the citizens of 
 Troy to the memory of .\braham Lincoln. 
 Albany, l-id."!. 
 Lindley, .loliii, and Thomas Moore. Treas- 
 ury of botany : a popular dictionary of the 
 vegetable kingdom; with which is ineor- 
 por.ated a glossary of botanical terms 
 Illns. 2 V. Loud., 1874. 
 Lindsay, W. Lander. Mind in the lower 
 animals, in health and 2 v. 
 X. Y.. l.-rfO. 
 Lingard, .loliii. Histtuy of England, from 
 tile first invasion by the Komans. 2d ed. 
 1(1 V. Lonil., 182:t. 
 Linsley, D. C. Morgan horses: essay on 
 origin, history, and characteristics of this 
 remarkable American breeil of horses, 
 lllu.s. N. Y., 18f)U. 
 Lippincott's complete pronouncing gazet- 
 teer; revised and enlarged. Edited by 
 ,J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. Phila.. 1876.
 Lippincott's gazetteer of the world. New 
 ed., revised, re-«Titten. and enlarged. 
 Phila., 1880. 
 Liskenne, F. C, and J. B. B. Sanvan. 
 Bibliotheqiiehistoriqueet militaire. 7 v., 
 avec 2 v. atlas et 1 v. legendes. Paris, 
 List of distances. Compiled for the informa- 
 tion and guidance of ofllcers doing duty 
 in the Quartermaster's Department in 
 making payments for mileage. Washing- 
 ton, 1868. 
 List of the merchant vessels of the United 
 States. Washington, 1875. 
 Literary World: a gazette for authors, 
 readers, and jiublishers. 9 v. N. Y., 
 Littell's Living Age. Conducted by E. 
 Littell. 136 v. Bost., 1844-78. 
 Little classics. Edited by Rossiter John- 
 sou. 16 V. Bost., 1875. 
 Enle, T. 1. 
 Intellect, v. 2. 
 Tragedy, v. 3. 
 Life. V. 4. 
 Laughter, v. 5. 
 Love, V. 6. 
 Romance, v. 7. 
 Mystery, v. 8. 
 Comedy, v. 9. 
 Childhood, v. 10. 
 Heroism, v. 11. 
 Fni-tune. V. 12. 
 NaiTative poems, v. 13. 
 Lyrical poems, v. 14. 
 Minor poems, v. 15. 
 .Viithurs; -with a general index, v. IG. 
 Liverpool literary and philosophical society 
 proceedings. 10 v. Loud, and Liverpool. 
 Livingstone, David. Last journals in cen- 
 tral .\frica, from 181)5 to his death ; con- 
 tinued by a narrative of his last moments 
 and sulferings, obtained from his faithful 
 servants, Chuma and Susi, by Horace 
 Waller. lUus. Lond.,1874. 
 Livius, Titus. History of Rome. Trans- 
 lated by George Baker. 1st Amer. eil. 
 6 V. Georgetown, 1823. 
 History of Rome. Translated, with 
 notes, by D. Spillau, E. Edmouds, and 
 W. A. McDevitte. 4 v. Loud., 1870-73. 
 Lloyd, F., and W. Newton. Prussia's repre- 
 sentative man — Kleist. Loud., 1875. 
 Lloyd, Gen. Henry. M^moires militaires 
 et politiques. Servant d'introduction i\ 
 12 W 
 I'histoire de la guerre en Allemagne en 
 1756. Paris, (an IX) 1801. 
 and G. F. Von Tempelhoff. History 
 of the seven years' war in Germany ; with 
 observations and maxims extracted from of great military operations of 
 General Jomini. Illustrated with maps 
 and plans. Translated from the German 
 and French, by Captain Charles H. Smith. 
 Vol. 1. Loud. 
 Lochde, Lewis. Elementsof field fortifica- 
 tion. Loud., 1783. 
 Essay on castrametation. Loud., 
 Locke, .lolin. Works. With a preliminary 
 e.ssay and notes, by J. A. St. John, a v. 
 Lonil., 1872. 
 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the life of Sir 
 Walter Scott. 2 v. Phila., 1837. 
 Lockyer, J. Norman. Star gazing: pa-st 
 and present. Loud., 1878. 
 Lodge, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious 
 persouages of Great Britain ; with bio- 
 graphical and historical memoirs of their 
 lives and actions. 8 v. Loud., 1849-50. 
 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Short history of the 
 English colonies in America. N. V., 1881. 
 Lodge, John. Peerage of Ireland ; or, a 
 genealogical history of the present nobil- 
 ity of that kingdom: with their paternal 
 coats of arms engraven on cojiper. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1754. 
 Loftus, Charles. My youth by sea and land, 
 fnim 1809-16. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1876. 
 Lombard, Jean-Louis. Traite du niouve- 
 ment des projectiles appliqu^ an tir des 
 bouches a feu. Dijon, (an V) 1797. 
 London Quarterly Review. 16 v. N. V.. 
 London stage (The): a collection of the 
 most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, 
 melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. 4 v. 
 Vol. 1. 
 All in the wrong, by Arthur Murphy. 
 Beaux' stratagem, b}' George Farquhar. 
 Belle's stratagem, by Mrs. Cowley. 
 Bold stroke for a husband, by Mrs. Cowley. 
 Bold stroke for a wife, by Mrs. Centlivre. 
 Brothers, by Kichard Cumberland. 
 Busybody, by Mrs. Centlivre. 
 Clandestine marriage, by G. Colmau and D. Gar- 
 Constant couple, or a trip to the jubilee, by 
 George Farquhar. 
 Every one has his fault, by Mrs. luchbald. 
 False impressions, by Kichard Cumberland.
 Faahiouablo lovor, by Richard Cnniberlaiid. 
 First love, by Kk-hnrd CiinibiTland. 
 luconHtaiit, by fleurge Kaniuhar. 
 JralniiH wU'i'. by Ui'«rK»- ('obiimn. 
 Jt'w. by Kiclianl ('umb*'iliuMl. 
 Knnw your own niiiHl, by Artbur Miirpby. 
 Ki'iruitiii;: (•nin-i-, by {leni;*. Fan|iiliai. 
 KivatH. by U. II. Sln'ri«ian. 
 Sthool tor scandal, by U. B. Sborbbin. 
 Sobiicr's (biu^ibtiT by A. Obtrry. 
 Sucb tbiuKH aro. by Mfh. Incbbabl. 
 Trip toSiarbonmyh. by H. It. Sb»*iitbin. 
 Way III ktM'p biin, by Arthur Murphy. IiHlian, by Kii-baril CumbtMlanil. 
 Wbfi'l ol' fortune, by KUbard Cuuibcrland. 
 Wbub irt t!»f man .' by Mr8. (^owb-y. 
 Wives at* thry wtTr. and nuiida «h thry arr, by 
 MrH. Incbbabl. 
 Wonder, a woman keeps a M»rrit by Mrs. Cent- 
 Vol. 2. 
 Better h»te than never, by Miles INtt-r .\ndnwrt. 
 Careless husband, by Colley C'ibber 
 Cliaiu-ps, altered from Hi'auiuont and Kb-tclier, 
 by David (Jarriek. 
 Chapter of areidcnta, by Miss Leo. 
 Cheats of Scapin, by Thomas Otway. 
 Cunfedrraey. by Sir John Vanbru;;h. 
 C'oQScioUH lovers, by Sir Kichard Steele. 
 Country girl, altered from Wycherly. by David 
 Deserted dau;;liter, by Thomas H<deroft. 
 Doubb* di aler. by William Coujin-ve. 
 Duidicity, by Thomas Ilolcrofl. 
 Every man iu his buuiour, alt*'red from lii-n 
 Jonaon. by David (larrick. 
 Fouudlin;:, by Kdwaril Moore. 
 Cood-nalured man. by Or. G<d<lHmtth. 
 He wouhl be a soldier, by Frederick Piloa. 
 IlriresH, by (Jeneral Uurgoyne. 
 He's nineh to blame, by Thomas lloleroft. 
 Honeymoon, by John Tobin. 
 Hyiioerite, by Isiuic liickerstatV. 
 Love for love, by William ("onijreve. 
 Love niaki'8 a man, or tin* fo]i's tbrtuiif. by Col 
 ley Cibber. 
 Man of the woild, by Cliarlrs Macklin 
 X»w way lo pay old debts, by Philip Massin^iT. 
 Provoked htisbaml, or a J4>urney to London, by 
 Vanbru^ih and <'ibber. 
 Provoked wiff. by Sir John Vaubru;:h. 
 Uoad to ruin, by Thomas Holeroft. 
 Uule a wife and have a wife, altered from Ucau 
 mont and Fleteher, by Daviil Garrick. 
 School fur arro;;anee, by Thomas Holcrofl. 
 School for wives, by Uut:h Kelly. 
 Seduction, by Thomas lloleroft. 
 She stoops to conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith. 
 She would and slie would not. or the kind im- 
 postor, by ("olb-y Cibber. 
 Suspicious husband, by Dr. Hoadly. 
 Tender husband, or tin- a<-coiuplished fools, by 
 Sir Kichard SU-ele. 
 Votary of wealth, by J. G. liolmau. 
 Way of the world, by William Conjrreve. 
 Vol. 3. 
 .Mcxnndcr the Great, by Xatbaniel Lit. 
 All for lovf, or the world well lost, by John l»ry 
 Arden of Fevershani, by Gwrge Lillo. 
 Harbaroftsa, by John Bi-own. 
 lirajianza. bv KnlMil Ji-plison. 
 Carnu'lite, by llichanl Cuiuberland. 
 CuAtle sjiectre, by M. G. Lewis. 
 Cato, by Joseph Addison. 
 Count of Narbonne, by Robert Jepbson. 
 Curfew, by John Tobin. 
 Deaf and dumb, or thi- orphan protected, by 
 Thoma.s lloleroft. motlier. by .\mbrosc Philips. 
 Douiilas. by John Home. 
 Duki- of Milan, by Philip Massinjier. 
 Earl of Essex, by Henry Jiuu's. 
 Earl of Warwick, by Dr. Thoma.s Franklin. 
 Edward, the black princi-, or tin* battle of Poic 
 tiers, by William Shirly. 
 Fair lu-nitent, bj' Nicbolaa liowe. 
 Fatal curiosity, by George Lillo. 
 (Jamester, by Edward Moitrc. 
 George Itannvi-ll, by George Lillo. 
 (irecian daughter, by Arthur Mun>hy. 
 Gustavus \'asa, or the deliverer of bis rounlrv 
 by Henry lirooke. 
 Hauntrd tower, by James Cobb. 
 Isabella, or the fatal marriage, by Thomas 
 Jane Shore, by Nicholas Rowe. 
 Lady Jane (Jrey. by Nicholas Kowe. 
 Law of Lombardy, by Robert Jephaon. 
 Lioni'l and Clarissa, by Isaac IJickerstatf. 
 Lord of till- manor, alt<'red from (leneral JSui- 
 goyne by (.'harles Dihdiu, .jr. 
 Love iu a village, by Isaac Hickerstiifl". 
 Lovers vows, altered from Hie German of Kot 
 zebue. by Mra. luchbald. 
 Mahomet, tin- imposter, by the Rev. Mr. Miller. 
 Maid of the mill, by Isaac ISickerstaff. 
 Merchant of Bruges, or beggar's bush, altered 
 from Beaumont iind Flctcln-r, by Douglas Kin 
 Mourning bride, by William Congrevc. 
 Mysti-rious bu.sband. by Kichard Cumberlanii. 
 Oroonoko. by Thomas Southern. 
 Orplian of China, by Arthur Murpliy. 
 Orphan, or the unhappy marriage, by Thomas 
 Pi/.arro, altered from the German of Kotzebue 
 by R. R. Sheridan. 
 Revenge, by Edward Young. 
 Roman fathi-r, by Williaiu WIilleln'ad. 
 Siege of Helgradc. by .lann-s Ctfbb. 
 Siegi' of Damascus, by John Hughes. 
 StrangiT, by Renjamin Thompson. 
 Tamerlane, by Nicholas Rowe. 
 Tancri'd and Sigismunda. by James Thomson- 
 Venice i»reservi-d. by Tliomas Otway. 
 Zara. by Aaron Hill. 
 Vol. 4. 
 Abroad and at home, by J. G. Holman. 
 Adopted child, by Samuel Kirch. 
 All the worlils a stage, by I.sanc Jacknuu).
 Animal magnetism, by Mra. InchbaUI. 
 Ap])earance is ajrainst thera. 
 Appn'ntict-, by A rtbnr Murphy, 
 liaahful man, by W. T. Moncrieft'. 
 Bi'gKar's opera, by John Cfay. 
 Bon ton, or high lift- abovo stairs, by David Gar- 
 Castle of Sonento, by Ht-nry Hartwcll. 
 Child of nature, by Mrs. Ini-hbald. '^ 
 Chrononhotonthologus, by H. Can-y. 
 Citizen, by Arthur Murphy. 
 Comiis, altf-red from Milton. 
 Contrivances, by Henry Carey, 
 Critic, or a tragedy rehearsed, by K. &. Sheridan. 
 Cross purposes, by Mr. O'Brien. 
 Cymon, by David Garrick. 
 Deaf lover, by Frederick Pilou. 
 Deserter, by Charles Dibdin. 
 Deuce is in him. by George Colman, the elder. 
 Devil to pay, or the wives metamorphosed, by 
 C. Coffey. 
 Doctor and the apothecary, by James Cobb. 
 Dragon of Wantley, by H. Carey. 
 Duenna, by R. B. Sheridan. 
 FaiTU house, by John Philip Kemble. 
 Farmer's wife, by Charles Dibdin, .jr. 
 First floor, by James C6bb. 
 Follies of a day, by Thomas Holcroft. 
 Fortune's frolic, by J. T. Allingliam. 
 Giovanni in London, or the libertine reclaimed, 
 by W. T. Moncrieft". 
 Guardian, by David Ganick. 
 Hero and Leander, by Isaac Jackmau. 
 High life bi-low stairs, by Rev. Jaine.s Townley. 
 Honest thieves, by T. Knight. 
 Irish widow, by David Garrick. 
 Liar, by Samuid Foote. 
 Lodoiska, by J. P. Kemble. 
 Love a la mode, by Charles Mackjin. 
 Lovers' quarrels, or like master like man. altered 
 from "The mistake" of Sir John Vanbrugb, 
 by T. King. 
 Lying valet, by D. Garrick. 
 Afaid of the oaks, by John Burgoyue. 
 Mayor of GaiTatt, by Samuel Foote. 
 Midas, by Kane O'Hara. 
 Midnight liour, by ]^Irs. Inchbald. 
 Miller of Manstield, by R. Dodsley. 
 Miser, by Henry Fielding. 
 Miss in her teens, or the medley of lovt-ia, by 
 David Garrick. 
 Mock doctoi', or the dumb lady cured, by Henry 
 Mo^iul tale, or the descent of the balloon. 
 Monsieur Tonson, by W. T. Moncrieft'. 
 My spouse and I, by Charles Dibdin, jr. 
 No song, no supper, by Prince Hoare. 
 Padlock, by Isaac Bickeratatt'. 
 Panel, altered from Bickerstaff*8 comedy of " 'Tis 
 well it's no worse," by J. P. Kemble. 
 Paul and Virginia, by James Cobb. 
 Polly Honeycombe, by George Colman, the elder. 
 Purse, or the benevolent tar, by J. (.'. Cross. 
 Quaker, by Charles Dibdin. 
 Recruiting sergeant, by Isaac Bickerstatt'. 
 Register oflice, by Joseph Reed. 
 Returned "killed," by J. R. Planche. 
 Richard Co'urde Lion, altered from the French 
 of M. Sedaine. by (}em*ral Burgoyne. 
 Romp, iiltered from " Lov<- in the city," by Isaac 
 Rosina, by Mrs. Brooke. 
 Scape goat, by John Poole. 
 Spoiled child. 
 Sultan, or a peep into the seraglio, by Isaac 
 Tailors, or a tragedy for warm weather. 
 Tale of mystery, by Thomas Holcroft. 
 Thomas and S.illy. or the sailor's return. 
 Three weeks after maniage, l»y Arthur Murphy. 
 Tobacconist, altered from Bun Jonson, by Fran- 
 cis Gentlenuin. 
 Tom Thumb, altered from Fielding, by Kane 
 Turnpike gate, by T. Knight. 
 Two miser.s, by Kane O'Hara. 
 Two strings to your bow, by Robert Jephson. 
 Village lawyer. 
 Virgin unmasked, by Henry Fielding. 
 Waterman, or the first of August, by Charles 
 Ways and means, by George Colman. the 
 Wedding day, by Mrs. luchbald. 
 What next? by Thomas Dibdin. 
 Who's the dupe? by Mrs. Cowley. 
 Woodman, by Bate Dudley. 
 Long, Francis C. Mystery of the (lome: a 
 poem, ia two cantos. Washinj^ton, lci75. 
 Long, Rev. J. Eastern proverhs and em- 
 Ijletns: illustratingold truths. Bost., 1881. 
 Long, John. Voyages and travels of an 
 Indian interpreter and trader; de.scrihiug 
 the manners and customs of the North 
 American Indians; with a vocabulary of 
 the C'hippeway language. Lond., 1791. 
 Longfellow, Henry W. Golden legend. 
 Bost., 1864. 
 Hyperion : a romanee. 18th ed. Bost., 
 Outre-mer: a pilgrimage beyond the 
 sea. 5th ed. Bost., 1852. 
 Poems. Xew ed. 2 v. Bost., 1850. 
 Poets and poetry of Europe. N. Y. 
 and Loud., 1857. 
 Song of Hiawatha. 
 Bost., 1856. 
 Longmore, T. Treatise on gunshot wounds. 
 Phila., 18tJ-2. 
 Lootnls, Elias. Treatise on meteorology ; 
 with a collection of meteorological tables. 
 Loskiel, George Henry. History of the 
 mission of the United Brethren among the 
 Indians in North America. Translated 
 hy Christian Ignatius La Trobe. Loud., 
 LoBsing, Benson J. Harper's i>opiiIarc.vclo- I 
 |);i(li;i of Uiiitpil Sliitcs liistory, from the 
 iilmri^iniil |Hrioil to 1H7(J. t-oiitainiiiK luief 
 ski'ti'lii's of iiii|Miitiiiit I'vnits :inil cou- 
 sjiiciious actors. Illiis. 2 v. N. Y.,1H81. 
 Life iintl tiiiics of I'liilil) SctiiiyUT 
 •.' V. N. Y., 1K7:1. 
 Pictorial tii'lil-I>ook of tlic revolution. 
 Ulns. 2 V. N. Y., isfiil. (a copies.) 
 Pictorial tield-hook of tlie war of 
 181'i. Illns. N. Y., IHtici. 
 Pictorial history of the civil war in 
 the United Statesof America, '.iv. Hart- 
 ford, lH7(t-74. 
 Loubat, J. F. Narrative of the luission to 
 Kns.sia, in Irtfifi, of the Hon. G. V. Vox, Secretary l'. S. Navy. Edited 
 l>.v .Iidiii 1). Chamidin, .jr. N. Y., 1^73. 
 Loudon, .). C. Kncyclop;edia of cottaj;e, 
 farm, and villa architectnrc and fiirnitnre. 
 Lond., 1^:55. 
 Louisiana, Acconnt of; liein^ an abstract 
 of dociinients in the oHices of the Dcpart- 
 inenta of State and of the Treasury. 1806. 
 Map of the State, with part of the 
 Missis-sippi territory, liy Win. Darliy. 
 Phila., 181(>. 
 Louisville city directory, for 18l)8-()U. Lon- 
 isville, 1108. 
 Lounger (Tin), a iiirlodical jiapcr pnblished 
 al E(linlmrf;li in the years 178,")-8li, by H. 
 Macki'nzie and others. Lond., l&i^y. 
 Lovering, .Joseph, and \V. Cranch Bond. 
 Acconnt of the mafjnetic observations 
 made at the observatory of Harvard Uni- 
 versity, Cambridge. 
 Loves of the harem. (Bonnd with Miilil- 
 bach's "Mohammed Ali.") 
 Lo^ Charles Rathbonc. Ati^ war, 
 l8:j8-42; from the journal and corresiicnid- 
 ence of the late Maj. Gen. Augustus .Vli- 
 bott. I.ond., l-'7".t. 
 Lowenthal, J. Mcn-|>liy's jjames of cliess; 
 being the best gaini's played by the dis- 
 tinguished champion in Europe and .Vmer- 
 ica: with notes. Lond., 1872. 
 Lowndes, William Thomas. Bibliographer's 
 manual of English literature. Kevised 
 and enlarged, by H. G. Bohn. li v. Lond., 
 Loyal spectre; Two conscripts; Vicksburg 
 spy: Spy of .\tlanta. In 1 v. X. \'., 
 Liibke, Dr. Wilhelm. Outlines of the his- 
 torv of art: a new translation from the 
 seventh German edition. Edited by Clar- 
 ence Cook. 2v. N. Y.,1H78. 
 Lucas, Samuel. Charters of the old Eng- 
 lish colonies in America; with introduc- 
 tion and notes. Lond., 18,')0. 
 Lucas, Thomas J. Tlie Zulus and the Biil- 
 ish frontiers. Louil., 1879. 
 Lucilius. .sVr JivKXAi.. 
 Ludlow I'itz Hugh. Heart of the conti- 
 nent : a record of travel .across the jdains 
 and in Dregon, with an examination of 
 the .Mormon principle. lUus. N. Y., 1870. 
 LudJo\7, Ciipt. William. IJeport of a recon- 
 naissance of the Black Hills of Dakota, 
 made in the summer of 1874. Washing- 
 ton, 187.^ 
 Keport of a reconnaissance from Car- 
 roll, Montana Territory, on the Upper Mis- 
 souri, to the Yillowstone National Park, 
 and ri'tnrn, madi' in the summer of 187.">. 
 Washington, 187.'). 
 Luut, (ieorge. Origin of the late war; 
 traced from the beginning of the Consli- 
 tution to the revolt of the Southern States. 
 N. Y.,18t5i;. 
 Lutfullah, Autobiography of, a Moham- 
 medan gentleman, and his tran8.aetions 
 with his fellow-creatures. Edited by Eil- 
 ward B. E.-Uitwick. 2d cd. Lond., 1857. 
 Lyell, .sir Charles, (ieological evidences of 
 the antiiinity of man: with remarks on 
 theories of the origin of species by varia- 
 tion. Illus. 2dAmer. ed. Phila., 18t>:i. 
 Principles of geology; being an iu- 
 qniry how far the former changes of the 
 earth's surface are referable to causes now 
 in operation. 4th ed. 4 v. Lond.,lB:{5. 
 Principles of geidogy; or, the moil- 
 ern changes of the earth and its inhabit- 
 ants considered as illustrative of geology. 
 Illus. nth revised cd. 2 v. N. Y.,187X 
 Second visit to the United States of 
 North America. 2 v. N. Y.,1849. 
 Lyman, Theodore, jr. Diplomacy of the 
 United States; being an account of the 
 foreign relations of the ccnintry from the treaty with France, in 1778, to the 
 present time. 2d ed. 2 v. Host., 1828. 
 Lyman, AVyllys. Collection of tactical 
 studies. N. Y., 1874. 
 Lynch, W. F. United States expedition to 
 the river .Jordan and the Dead Sea. Phila., 
 Lyndon, .John W. Ninety-three; or, the 
 story of the French revolution, from the
 lecolioctioiiK of my French tiitnr. Lonil., 
 M., Roger de. Eight months on duty: 
 iliary of a young otflier in C'hanzy's army. 
 With a preface, by C. J. Vaiiglian. 
 Lond.. 1872. 
 McAdam, ,Iohn liouihm. Ohservations on 
 tlie management of trnsts for the care of 
 turnpike roads. Lond., 1825. 
 Macaulay, J. S. Treatise on field-fortiti- 
 i-ition, and other suliject.s. Witli athis. 
 Loud., l.-i:i4. 
 Macaulay, Thomas Bahiiigtoii, Larit Com- 
 plete works. Indited liy his sister, Lady 
 Trevelyan. S v. Lond., 187;i. 
 History of England, v. 1-4. 
 Essays, v. 5-7. 
 Speeches: lays; poems, v. 8. 
 Critical aud historical essays. (>th 
 ed. :i V. Loud., 1849. 
 Critical aud miscellaneous essays. 
 (Modem British essayists.) .S v. I'liila., 
 History of England, from the acces- 
 sion of .Tames the Second. 4 v. N. Y. , 
 H-I'.I-.jG. (peoples.) 
 McBride, James. Pioneer liiography ; 
 sketches of the lives of some of the early 
 settlers of Butler county, Ohio. 2 v. 
 Cincinnati, 1869-71. 
 McCabe, James D. Centennial history of 
 the United States, from the discovery of 
 the American continent to the close of 
 the tirst century of American independ- 
 ence. Illns. Phila., 187.'). 
 Illustrated history of the great re- 
 public ; being a full and complete history 
 of the American Union, from its earliest 
 settlement down to the present time. 
 Illns. Phila., 187:!. 
 Illustrated history of the Centennial 
 Exhibition, held in commemoration of 
 the one hundredth anniversary of Ameri- 
 can Independence ; with a full description 
 of the great buildings and all the articles 
 of interest exhibited in them ; embracing, 
 also, a concise history of the origin and 
 success of the exhibition, and liiographies 
 of the leading members of the centennial 
 coni[ui.ssiou ; to which is added acomidete 
 description of the city of Philadelidiia. 
 Phila., 187G. (2 copies.) 
 McCarthy, Justin. Lady Ju<lilb: a tale 
 of two continents. N. Y. 
 Maclay, William. Sketches of debate iu 
 tlu' first Senate of the United States iu 
 1789, '90, '91. Edited by George W. Harris. 
 McClellan, (lemgc- B. .\ruiies of Europe; 
 comprising descriptions in detail of the 
 military .systems of England, France, 
 Russia, Prussi.i, .\ustria, ami Sardinia. 
 Phila., 18G1. 
 Manual of bayonet (By 
 order of the War Department.) Phila., 
 18.52. (2 copies.) 
 Pamphlets relating to. 1 v. N. Y., 
 McClellan and the Army of the Putoniao. (reii. 
 Juan Prim. N. Y., 1864. 
 Gen. McClellan, from August 1, 1861, to August 
 I, 1862. 
 McClellan's Peninsular campaign. Hiram 
 Ketchum. N. T., 1864. 
 Fremont and McClellan. their political and mili- 
 tary careers reviewed. Van Buren Denslow. 
 2d ed. Tonkers, N. T., 1862. 
 Campat<in in Virginia and Maryland iu 1862, 
 Military review if. F. A. Peterson. 3f. Y. 
 McClellan from Ball's BlnfftoAutietani. treorge 
 ■ Wilkes. N. Y., 1863. 
 Army of the Potomac aud its mismanagement. 
 Charles Ellet, jr. N. T., 1862. 
 Military incapacity and what it costs tin* coun- 
 try. C. EUet, N. Y., 1862. 
 Report upon the Crimean war and 
 E{iropeau armies. Washington, 18.")7. 
 Report on the organization aud cam- 
 paigns of the Army of the Potomac; to 
 which is added an account of the cam- 
 paign in Western Virginia, with ]>lans of 
 battle-fields. N. Y., 18ti4. 
 Report on the organization of the 
 Army of the Potomac, aud of its cam- 
 paigns iu Virginia and Maryland. (Ex. 
 doc. No. 15, 1st sess. 38th Cong.) 
 ington, 18ti4. 
 McCoaD, J. C. Egypt as it is. X. Y., 1877. 
 McCosh, James. Scottish philosophy, 
 biographical, expository, critical, from 
 lliitclicson to Hamilton. N. Y., 187.'>. 
 McCracken, S. B. Stateof Michigan ; em- 
 liracing sketches of its history, po.sition, 
 resources, and industries. Lansing. 187t). 
 M'Crie, Thomas. Life of John Knox; con- 
 taining illu.stratious of the history of the 
 reformation in .Scotland. Isl Amer. ed. 
 MacCulloch, John. Malaria: an essay (ui 
 the production aud propagation of this 
 poison. Loud., 1827.
 McCulloch, John Riiiiisa.v . 1 >i(li(iii;ir.v, 
 ;;i<i;;i:i|iliirjil, slatistical, ami liistnrical. 
 ol'tlic vaiioiiN coiinlrifs, placi's, ami i>riii- 
 liiial natural oIijitIs in tin- worlil. 'i v. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Dictionary, iirailical, tlirmvtical. 
 and liist<nical, of (•(ininieiTc and idnuiiri • 
 I'ial navigation. Lond.. IKi". 
 Statistical account of the liiitisli nn- 
 liirc. 3 V. I.oiid., H:{7. 
 McCiUloh, .1. II., ,//■. licsearolu-H. i)liilo- 
 .•.(ipliical ami antii|naiian, coiui-rnin^ tin- 
 :il>i>rif;>ii:il liistorv of .\nwiira. liallimorc. 
 I -J'.i. 
 MacDonald, ("oinc. Adi-laCallnMil. Host. 
 Annals of a qniut nei};liboi-liood. 
 Illns. N. v., If^S. 
 David Eljiinbiod. Host. 
 ■■ — Hi<ldi-n life, ami other poems. N. V.. 
 1 1*7-2. 
 Pliaiitaste.s: a faerie romnnee, for 
 men and women. Bost. 
 Sealioard parish: a sii|ml to the 
 ".\iinals of a ipiiet neifjliliorhood." Illns. 
 N. v., lH7:i. 
 Thomas WiM;;folil. curate. X. V., 
 Within and without. N. Y., Ifwd. 
 Macdouald, .lohn. .\ccountof e.viieriinents 
 on fnzes, etc. Lond., Irtlit. 
 Treatise on telef;ra|>lii<- ciimiunnica- 
 tion, naval, military, and jiolitieal. Illus- 
 trated with linear plates couneited with 
 the detail of the m'w li'le-jraphic system, 
 etc. I.ond.. If^OH. 
 McDonald, \V. .1. Constitution: Rules; 
 MiiMiial. Wa.'-hiuijton, lf^7I. {'i copies.) 
 MacDonell, A. Movements of large bodies 
 of troops; with marehinj; uiamiMivres, eti-. 
 Loud., l'^-,>. 
 MacDougciIl, 1'. 1-. .M'>ileiii w.irfare as in- 
 llueiiced liy niodi-rn artillery. Lond., ISiU. 
 Macfarlane, Charles. Romance of history : 
 Italy. Illustrated by T. Land.seer. Lcnnl. 
 and X. Y. 
 Turkey and its destiny: thi' result oi 
 Journeys made in 1H47 and 184H to examine 
 intothestateuf (hat eoiiutry. vJv. I.ond.. 
 Macfarlaiie, .lames. Coal ref;ionsof .\nur- 
 ica: their topography, K>?o'otI.v, :ind ile 
 velopment. With {;i-(doi;ical, r.iilroail. 
 and other inapsand illustrations. :!.! eil., 
 with suppleincut. N. Y., 1875. 
 MacGabaii, .1. \. Campaigning on the 
 (ixiis: and tli.- fall of Khiva. Illns. 
 I.oml., 1ST4. 
 Macgeorge, A. I'la^s: scum' account of 
 their history and uses. Liuid., 1H8I. 
 Macgregor, John. I'roj^rcss of .Vmerii'a, 
 fiiim the discovery by Columbus to the 
 year I -^411. 2 v. I.ond., If 47. 
 McGrigor, .Sir James. .\ntoliioi;raphy and 
 services; with m>tes and ori);inal corrc- 
 spondenee, Limd., Iflil. 
 Machiavelli, Xic< iilo. .Vrtofwar. In seven 
 books: to H hiih is ad<leil hints relative 
 to warfare, by a );entlennin of the State 
 of New York. Albany, Idl.'i. 
 History of I'loreuee, and of theati'airs 
 of Italy, IVoju the earliest times to the 
 ibatli of Lorenzo tin- MaKuilieent. Xew 
 translation. Lond.. 1H7'2. 
 Mclutosh, .lohn. Origin of the Xortli 
 .\mcrican Indians; with a descrii>lion of 
 Ihiir nninnei's and customs. X.Y.,lf4:!. 
 McKeiiney, Thomas L. Sketches of a tour 
 lo the laki's, of the character and customs 
 of the Chippeway In<lians, and incidents 
 of the treaty of Kon<l du Lac: also, a vo- 
 cabulary of the Alfjic or Chippeway lan- 
 j^naKc. Haltimore, l.'^27. 
 and James Hall. Hi.story of the In- 
 ilian tribes of North America, with bio- 
 j;raphical skelehi's and anecdotes of the 
 priuiipal chiefs: with l'2(l jiorlraits t'rom 
 the Indian ;;allery in the War Department 
 at WashiuKton. :! v. I'hila., l8:!(>-44. 
 The same. "2 v., and 1 v. of portraits. 
 Phila., 1^7-2. 
 Mackenzie, .Vlexandcr. Voyages .Mon- 
 tiial, ou the river St. Laurence, through 
 the continent of North Auu'riea, to the 
 Frozen and Paeilic Oceans, in the years 
 17.-J9 ami 17'.>:i; with an aceoiiul of the fur 
 trade. Illns. Loud., IHOl. 
 Mackenzie, Ale.\anilor S. Life of Coninio- 
 d.ire Oliver Hazaril Perry. '2 v. N. Y., 
 Lite of Paul. lones. "2 v. H.>st., IH41. 
 Mackenzie, <i. Muir, jind A. P. Irby. Tra- 
 vels ill the .Slavonic provinces of Turkey 
 in Knrope. Illns. Lond. and N. Y., 18tiH. 
 Mackenzie, Monll. of the throat 
 and nose. Vol. 1 : Diseases of the pha- 
 rynx, larynx, and trachea. Phila., 1880. 
 Mackenzie, K. Shelton. Sir Walter Scott : 
 the story of his life. Bost., 1871.
 Mackey, Albort C. Lexicon of Freenia- ] 
 sniiry; containing a detinitinn of all its 
 eonimnnicablc terms, notices of its his- 
 tory, traditions, and antiqnities. 14tlied. 
 Phila., liS72. of Freemasonry; illus- 
 trating and explaining its .science and 
 philosophy, its legends, myths, and sym- 
 bols. N. Y., 18(59. 
 Text-book of Masonic jurisprudence; 
 illustrating the written and unwritten 
 laws of Freemasonry. 7th ed. N. Y., 187;i. 
 Maokiruion, .1. P., and Sydney Sliadbolt. 
 South African campaign, I."'?!). Tlhis. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Macklunon, William Alex. Hi.story of civ- 
 ilization. 2 V. Lond., 1840. 
 Mackintosh, Sir James. General view of 
 the progress of ethical philosophy, chietiy 
 during the .seventeenth and eighteenth 
 centuries. 2d ed. Phila., 1834. 
 History of England. (Cabinet cyclo- 
 piedia.) 3 v. Phila., 1831-:i:i. 
 History of the revolution in Eng- 
 land in 1688 ; comprising a view of the 
 reign of James the Second, from his acces- 
 sion to the of tlie Prince of 
 Orange. Phila., 183.">. 
 McKnight, Charles. Old Fort l)u<ine.sne ; 
 or, Captain Jack, the scout : an historical 
 novel. Illns. Pittsburgh, 1874. 
 Maclaren, Archibald. Military system of 
 i;.\ nuiastic exerci-ses, and a system of fenc- 
 ing. Also, a series of exercises for the 
 regulation clubs, by Lieut. Anderson. 
 Lond., 1808. 
 Macleod, G. H. B. Xotes on the surgery 
 of the war in the Crimea; with remarks 
 on the treatment of gnusbot wounds. 
 Phila., 1862. 
 Macleod, .John. English battli's of tlic 
 Peninsula. Lond., 1.87il. 
 Maclure, William. Obsi-rvations on the 
 geology of the I'nited States of Aujerica. 
 Phila., 1817. 
 McPherson, Edward. Hand- book of poli- 
 tics, feu the years 18His-72-76-78-80. 5 v. 
 Washington, 1868-80. (2 copies, 1872 and 
 Political history of the I'niteil States 
 of America during the great reb<-llion, 
 from November 6, 1860, to July 4, 1864; 
 with appendix. 2d eil. Washington, 186.'). 
 Political history of the I'nited States 
 of America during the period of recon- 
 strnction, from .\pril 1.5, 186.5, to .Inly 1,"), 
 1870. Washington, 1871. 
 Political manual for 1866. Washing- 
 t(Mi. Hfii;. 
 MacphersOD, Majur .Samuel C. Memorials 
 of service in India. Edited by his brother, 
 William Macpherson. lUus. Lond., 186i>. 
 Macready, Edward X. Sketch of Suwarow, 
 and his last campaign. Loud., 1851. 
 Macready, W. C. Reminiscences and .se- 
 lections from his diaries and letters. 
 Edited by Sir Frederick P(dIock. N. Y., 
 McSherry, James. Historj' of Marylaml, 
 from its first settlement, in 1634, to the 
 year 1848. Baltimore, 1849. 
 The same. With a coi>ious appen- 
 dix, for the use of schools. Baltimore. 
 Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket : an 
 account of the first settlement of the island 
 by the English, with the rise and progress 
 of the whale fishery. Bust., 1835. 
 Madison, James. Papers, purchased by 
 ortler of Congress ; being his correspond- 
 ence and reports of debates during the 
 Congress of the Confederation, and his 
 reports of debates in the Federal Con- 
 vention. Published under the superin- 
 tendence of H. D. (Jilpin. 3 v. Wash- 
 ington, 1840. 
 Madsen, C. L. Projet d'uue niethode t&\6- 
 graphique ponr la mesure des distances k 
 I'usage de i'artillerie. Copenhague, 1863. 
 Magazine of American history ; with notes 
 and rpieries. Vol.1. Chicago .md N. Y., 
 Magoon, K. L. Orators of the .\merican 
 iiviilution. 2d ed. N. Y., 1848. 
 Magrath, Richard N. Historical sketch of 
 the i)rogress of the art of war. Dublin, 
 Maguin, M. Experiences snr les poudres 
 lie guerre, faites h Es(iuerdes, dans les an- 
 nees 18:i2, 1833-:M-35. I'aris, 1837. 
 MahaD, A. Critical history of the late 
 American war. With an introductory 
 letter l>y Lieut. Gen. M. W. Smith. N. Y., 
 Maban, Dennis H. Eleuu-utary course of 
 civilengineering; for the use of the cadets 
 at the U. S. Military .Vcademy. N. Y., 
 Mahan, Pciiiii«H. FioM fortificutinii ; with 
 •;riiiial cmtliiii's of tlio priiuiplis <it" tlic 
 iittaek ami <lefciu-f nf |h-iiii:mi<miI works. 
 X. Y., 1K«!. 
 Mahony, l!ri\ I'liimis. KrliiiiuH of Kallur 
 I'loiit. lair 1". 1'. of WaliTKrassliill, in llir 
 county of Cork, Ireland. Collt'cteil and 
 arranged by Olivi-rVorkf. Illu.stnited l)y 
 D. Maclisp. New ed. Lond., li^/O. 
 Maine. Rejiort of the adjutant p'neral of 
 ll.r .><tate, for ls(;i. An^nsta (Me.), INW. 
 Maine board of a};rieultnrc. Kigliteenlli 
 annual report of the secretary, for tlie 
 year l^T.i. Anfjnsla, 187:t. 
 Maiue, Henry Snniner. Ancient law: its 
 connection with the early history of so- 
 ciety, and its relation to modern ideas. 
 With an introduction, by Theodore W. 
 Dwight. :!d Anier. ed. N. Y., 1875. 
 Lectures on the early history of in- 
 stitutions. Lond., 187.">. 
 - Village communities in the East and 
 West: six lectures delivered at Oxford, 
 aud other lectures, addresses, and essays. 
 N. Y.,lH7fi. 
 Maisb, Levi, chiirmiin nulilarii Hub-commillee 
 Jl. U. i^ttli Cong., 'id se«s. Ueport on the 
 reorganization of the army. Washington, 
 Maizeroi, P. O. Joly de. C'ours de tacticine, 
 throriciue, pratii|UO et historiquc. 4 v. 
 Naniy et Paris, 1704-67. 
 Tableau geiK^ral <le la cavalerie 
 grcc(|Ue. Paris, 1780. 
 Traite sur I'art des sieges et les ma- 
 chines dea anciens. Paris, 1778. 
 Malan, C. H. Old comrades ; or, sketches 
 from life in the Hritish army. Lond., 1879. 
 Malcolm, Sir John. Political history of 
 India friun 1784 to IH-iJ. -2 v. Lond., 18-20. 
 Malet, Sir Alexander. Overthrow of the 
 (Jirinanic C'onfe<leratiou by PrMs,sia. in 
 l-i'ill. Loud., 187(1. (2 copies.) 
 Malleson, Col. G. B. Essays and lectures 
 on Indian historical subjects. I.onil. and 
 Calcutta, 1860. 
 History of Afghanistan, from the 
 earliest jieriod to the ontlireak of the war 
 of 1878. "id ed. Lond.. lr<7'J. 
 History of the Indian mutiny. I'<'i7- 
 Malleson, Col. G. B. Recreations of an 
 Indian otlicial. Loud., 1872. 
 Studies from Genoese history. Lond., 
 Mallet, Paul Henri. Xruthern anti<|uitits: 
 or. an historical account of the manners, 
 customs, religion, etc., of the ancient 
 Scandin;iyians; with incidental notices 
 respecting our Saxon ancestors. Trans- 
 lated from the French, by liishop Percy. 
 New ed., with a translation of the prose 
 edda and notes, by I. .\. Blackwell; to 
 which is added an abstract of the Eyr- 
 byggjaSaga. by .Sir Walter Scott. Lond., 
 Mallet, Robert. On the physical comli- 
 tions involved in the construction of ar- 
 tillery: with an investigation of the rela- 
 tive and absolute v:ilues of the nniterials 
 ]irin>'ipally employed. Loud., IS.'iO. 
 Mallock, William 11. Is life worth living f 
 N. Y., 187;i. 
 Roniance of the nineteeutli cenlnry. 
 N. Y.,H-I. 
 Malmesbury, .lames Harris, Earl nt'. I Va- 
 ries and iorres|ion(lince, containing an 
 account of his missions at the court of 
 Madrid, to Frederick the Great, Catha- 
 rine the Second, aud at the Hague; and 
 of his special missions to Berlin, lirnns- 
 ^vick, and the French rei)ublic. Edited 
 by his grandson, 'id ed. 4 v. Loml., 
 Maloiti de Martemont, C. Instructions 
 for officers on military plan drawing. vJd 
 ed. L.Mid., 1819. 
 Theory of field-fortiticatioii. 3d ed. 
 Lond., 18:i4. on the attack and deteiiseof 
 fortilied places. With atlas. Lond., 1824. 
 • Treatise on the general principles of 
 |iernianent fortitications. With atlas. 
 Lond., 1820. 
 Treatise (Ui topography, for both 
 58, commencing from the close of the sec- 
 ond volume of Sir John Kayc's history of 
 the Sepoy war. 2d ed. 3 v. Lond., 
 1878. See, aho, K.ave and Pixcorr. 
 civil and military purposes. 2 v. Lond., 
 Malte-Brun, Conrad, rniversal geogra- 
 ])liy; or, a descriptiiui of all parts of the 
 world, on a new plan, according to the 
 great natural divisions of the globe; ac- 
 companied with analytical, synoptical, 
 aud elementary tables. 8 v. Bost., 
 Malthus, litr. T. K. Principles of politi- 
 cal economy, considered with a view to 
 their practical application. Bost., 1821.
 Malton, William D. Movements of the 
 rank and file in company and battalion 
 drill, etc. Lond., 1879. 
 Manchester literary and philosophical so- 
 ciety. Memoirs. 4 v. Lond., 1868-79. 
 Proceedings. 11 v. Manchester, 
 Mann, Horace. Lectures and annual re- 
 ))orts on education. (Vols. 2 and 3 of 
 Life and works of Horace Mann.) Ed- 
 ited by Mrs. Mary Mann. 2 v. Bost., 
 Mann, James. Medical sketches of the 
 campaigns of 1812-13-14. Dcdham, 1816. 
 Manoeuvres de chfevre. Strasbourg, 1816. 
 Mansfield, Edward D. Life of General 
 Wiulield Scott; embracing his campaign 
 in Mexico. N. Y., 1848. 
 ManteU, Gideon Algernon. Medals of crea- 
 tion; or, first lessons in geology and in 
 the study of organic remains. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1844. 
 Wonders of geology; or, a familiar 
 exposition of geological phenomena. 8th 
 ed., revised and augmented by T. Rupert 
 Jones. 2 V. Lond. , 1864-66. 
 Manuel portatif des pensions de I'arm^e 
 do terre. Paris, 1833. 
 Manuel portatif du recrutement de I'arm^e. 
 Paris, 1832. 
 Many lands and many people. lUus. 
 Maps illustrating the isthmus of Teliuan- 
 tepec. N.Y.,1852. 
 Maps illustrative of events and operations 
 growing out of the wars of the French 
 Marbot, Col. Marcellin. Remarques cri- 
 tiques sur I'ouvrage de G^n^ral Rogniat, 
 intitule "Considerations sur I'art de la 
 guerre." Paris, 1820. 
 March, Charles W. Reminiscences of Con- 
 gress. Daniel Webster. 2d ed. N. Y., 
 March, Francis A. Comparative grammar 
 of the Anglo-Saxon language ; in which 
 its forms are illustrated by those of the 
 Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, old Saxon, 
 old Friesic, old Norse, and old high-Ger- 
 man. N. Y., 1870. 
 Marchmont papers. Selections from the 
 papers of the earls of Marchmont, illus- 
 trative of events from 1685-1750. 3 v. 
 Lend., 1831. 
 13 w 
 Marcoy, Paul. Travels in South America, 
 from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic 
 Ocean. Illus. with maps. 2 v. Lond., 
 Marcy, Gen. R. B. Border reminiscenoes. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Outline descrijjtions of the posts and 
 stations of troops in the geographical 
 divisions and departments of the United 
 States. Washington, 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Prairie traveller : a haud-book for 
 overland expeditious. N. Y., 18.59. 
 Thirty years of army life on the 
 border. Illus. N. Y., 1666. 
 and George B. McClellan. Explora- 
 tion of the Red River of Louisiana, in 
 the year 1852. (Senate ex. doc. No. 54, 
 32d Cong., 2d sess. ) Washington, 1853. 
 Mares, M. Quelques id^es sur I'art et les 
 devoirs de I'ing^nieur suivies de la de- 
 scription et usage d'une alidade b. trois 
 branches propre aux operations gra- 
 pliiques de la trigonometrie rectiligne. 
 Cologne, (an VI) 1797. 
 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism: a trea- 
 . tise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion, 
 nins. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. 
 The same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Margaret, Queen of Xararre. Heptameron. 
 Translated, with a memoir of the author, 
 byW.K.Kelley. Loud., 1864. (2 copies.) 
 Marginalia; or, gleanings firom an army 
 note-book. By "Persoune." Columbia, 
 S. C, 1864. 
 Markham, Clements R. General sketch of 
 the history of Persia. Lond., 1874. 
 Marlborough, John ChurchiU, Duke of. 
 Letters and dispatches from 1702 to 1712. 
 Edited by Sir George Murray. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1845. 
 Marlitt, E. At the councillor's; or, a 
 nameless history. Translated from the 
 German, by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. , 
 Mannont, A. F. L. V., Afarcchal. Esprit 
 des institutions militaires. Paris, 1845. 
 Marryat, Florence {ifrs. Ross Church). 
 Life and letters of Captain Marryat. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Marryat, Capi. Frederick. Works. Illus. 
 Routledge ed. 24 v. Loud, aud N. Y. 
 Children of the Xew Forest. 
 Fi-auk Mildmay ; or, the naval officer. 
 Jacob Faithful ; or, the adventures of a water- 
 Japliot in Huurch ofii fiithor. 
 Kin{;'8 own. 
 Littli' «ava};i'. 
 MaHti<riniin Ki-udy ; or, tlit^ wreck in the Pnriflc : 
 wrilt<-n fur ytiun^ people. (2 copied.) 
 Mr. MldnhipniHU Knfly. 
 Mission: or, acenrsiu Africa: written for young 
 people. (2 copies.) 
 Newton Forster; or, the merchant service. 
 OUa podrida. 
 Paclia of many tales. 
 Percival Keene. 
 Peter Sinii)lo. 
 Phantom ship. 
 Pirat«' and three cutters ; with a memoir of the 
 author. (2 copies.) 
 Poor Jack. 
 Privateersman. (2 copies.) 
 Rattliu the reefer. Edited hy Captain Marryat. 
 Settlers in Canada: written for young people. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Snarleyyow ; or the dog fiend. 
 Travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet. 
 Valerie ; an autohii>graphy. 
 Marsh, Jolin B. Stories of Venice and the 
 \'iiirtian,>*. IlliKS. Loml., 1874. 
 Marsliall, Hmii|)lirey. History of Ken- 
 tucky. "2 V. Frankfort, 1824. 
 Marshall, John. Life of George Washing- 
 ton. ('ciin|iilc(l, nnder tlio inspection of 
 the Hon. Bn.slnod Wasliington, from orig- 
 inal iiaper.i; with an intiiidiiction con- 
 taining a conijuMidions view of the Eiig- North Anicrican colonies, from their 
 settlement to the war of independence. 
 5 V. and atlas. Phila., 1804-07. 
 Marshall, W. G. Through America; or, 
 nine months in the United States. Illus. 
 2d ed. Loud., 1H81. 
 Marston, ,Iohn. Works. With notes and 
 some account of his life ami writings, by 
 J. O. Ilalliwell. 3 v. Loud., 18.'")6. 
 Martial Epigrams. Translated into Eng- 
 lish prose, each accompanied hy one or 
 more verse translations from the works of 
 English poets, and various other sources. 
 (Bohn's classical library.) Lond., 1871. 
 Martin, JMward Win.slow. Behind the 
 scenes in Washington. Washington, 1873. 
 Martin, Fran^oi.s-Xavier. History of North 
 Carolina, from the earliest period. 2 v. 
 Now Orleans, 1829. 
 Martin, Frederick. Commercial hand-book 
 of Franci". Lond., 1807. 
 Statesman's year book: statistical 
 and historical annual of the states of the 
 civilized world ; hand-book for politi- 
 cians and merchants. 18 v. Loud., 
 Martin, Henri. History of France; ago of 
 Louis XIV. Translated by Mary L. Booth. 
 2 V. Best., IHfw. 
 History of France; decline of the 
 French monarchy. Translated by Mary 
 L. Booth. 2 V. Bost., 186G. 
 Martin, R. M. Statistics of the colonics 
 of the British empire in the West Indies, 
 South America, etc. Loud,, 1839. 
 Martin, Theodore. Life of the prince con- 
 sort. '> V. N. Y., 1875-80. 
 Martin, Lieut. Tlioma.s. Guide to the mili- 
 tary examination; containing everything 
 relating to the interior economy of a com- 
 pany; the constitution, form, and power 
 of courts-martial, etc. Lond., 1851. 
 Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese : their edu- 
 cation, philosophy, and letters. N. Y., 
 Martineau, Harriet. Society iu .\merica. 
 •id ed. 2 V. N. Y., 1837. 
 Martray, Bonneau dti. Thdorie nouvelle 
 pour faire manoeuvrer et combattre les 
 troupes de toutes armes. 2" ^d. Paris, 
 Maryland. Message from the governor, 
 tr.uisuiittiug the reports of the joint coin- 
 mi.ssiouers and of Lt. Col. Graham, in re- 
 lation to the intersection of the boundary 
 lines of the States of M.arvland, Pennsyl- 
 vania, and Delaware. Washington, IdW. 
 Mason, James. Year-book of facts in sci- 
 ence and the arts, for 1876. Lond., 1877. 
 Mason, Capl. .lames L. Analytical investi- 
 gation of the rcsistauci' of piles to superin- 
 cumbent pressure; deduced from the force 
 of ilviviug with an application of the for- 
 mula to the foundations of Fort Montgom- 
 ery, Rouse's Point, N. Y. (Papers on prac- 
 tical engineering, No. 5.) Washington, 
 Mason, Richard O. Considerations of the 
 reasons that exist for reviving the use of 
 the long-bow aud the pike. Lond., 1798. 
 Massachusetts. Annual report of the ad- 
 jutant general of the State, for 1861-62- 
 63-64. 4 V. Bost., 1861-64. 
 Historical Society. Proceedings, 
 1355-73; selected from the records. 10 v. 
 Best., 1859-73.
 Massachusetts. Mt^iiiorials of the Society 
 of the Cincinnati of Massacliusetts. By 
 Francis S. Drake. Bost., 1873. 
 Record of the Massachusetts volun- 
 teers, 1861-6.^. 2 V. Bost., 1868-70. 
 Register of the governmeut and in. 
 stitutiou.s of the State, together with a 
 complete account of the Massachusetts 
 volunteers, 186'2. Bost., 18()2. 
 Massas, A. de. fitude sur les fusils percu- 
 tants d'infanterie, sur les amorces fuluii- 
 uantes, les approvisionuemeuts de niuui- 
 tious, et les distributions aux soldats en 
 canipagne. Paris, lf<40. 
 Mathe'vys, Margaret H. Dr. Gilbert's daugh- 
 ters; a story for girls. Phila., 1881. 
 Mathe'ws, William. Literary style and 
 other essays. Chicago, 1881. 
 Oratory and orators. Chicago, 1879. 
 Matter, M. Nouveau mauuel des ^coles 
 primaires, moyenueset norm ales; on guide 
 complet des iustituteurs et des institutri- 
 ces. Paris, 1834. 
 Mattox, A. H. Historj' of the Cincinnati 
 Society of ex-army aud navy ofticers ; with 
 name, army record, and rank of the mem- 
 bers. Cincinnati, 1880. 
 Maudsley, Heury. Responsibility in mental 
 disease. Sd ed. Loud., 1874. 
 Mauduit, Israel. Short view of the history 
 of the colouy of Massachusetts Bay with 
 respect to their charters and constitution. 
 2d ed., to which is added the original 
 charter granted to that province in the 
 4th of Charles I., aud never before printed 
 in England. Loud., 1774. (Bound with 
 "Boston massacre.") 
 Maunder, Samuel. Biographical treasury •' 
 a dictionary of universal biography. Re- 
 vised by W. L. R. Gates. New ed. Lond., 
 Scientific and literary treasury. Re- 
 vised by J. T. Joliiisou. Lond., 1872. 
 Treasury of history; comprising a 
 general introductory outline of universal 
 history, ancient and modern. New ed. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 , Treasury of knowledge and librarv of 
 reference. Revised throughout, by B. B. 
 Woodward, John Morris, and W. Hughes. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Treasury of natural history; or, a 
 popular dictionary of zoology. Revised 
 by E. W. H. Holdsworth. Illus. Lond., 
 Maurice, Lieut. F. System of field man- 
 (i-uvres b(^st adapted for enabling our 
 troops to meet a continental army. Ed- 
 inburgh and Lond., 1872. 
 Mauris, Maurice. Frencli men of letters. 
 N. Y., 1880. 
 Maury, M. F. Explanations and sailing 
 directions to accompany the wind and 
 current charts. Published by authority 
 of the Secretary of the Navy. 7th ed. 
 Phila., 1855. (2 copies.) 
 New theoretical and practical treatise 
 on navigation. Phila., 1830. 
 Mavor, William. Historical account of the 
 most celebrated voyages, travels, and dis- 
 coveries, from the time of Columbus to 
 the present period. lUua. 24 v. N. Y., 
 Maxims, advice, aud instructions on the 
 art of war; or, a practical military guide 
 for the use of soldiers of all arms and of 
 all countries. Translated from the French, 
 by Cajitain Lendy. Paris and Lond., 18.57. 
 Maxvrell, .J. Clerk. Theory of heat. 3ded. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 MaxweU, W. H. Life of the Duke of Wel- 
 lington. 3 V. Lond., 1839-41. 
 Victories of the British armies ; with 
 anecdotes illustrative of modern warfare. 
 New ed. Lond., 1847. 
 Mayer, Brantz. Captain Canot; or, twenty 
 years of an African slaver. N. Y., 1854. 
 Mexico, as it was and as it is. Hlus. 
 N. Y. aud Loud., 1844. 
 MayheTV, Edward. Illustrated horse man- 
 agement. Phila., 1864. 
 MayheTV, Experience. Indian converts ; 
 or, some account of the lives and dying 
 speeches of Indians of Martha's Vineyard. 
 Lond., 1727. 
 Mayo, Robert. United States Treasury De- 
 partment and its various fiscal bureaus; 
 their origin, organization, and practical 
 operations. Washington, 1847. 
 Mayo, William Starbuck. Kaloolah; or, 
 journeyings to the Djcbel Kumri: an .au- 
 tobiography of Jonathan Komer. N. Y., 
 Mazade, Charlesde. Lifeof Count Cavour. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Meade, Bishop William. Old churches, 
 ministers, aud families of Virginia. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1878. 
 MeadoTxrs, F. C. New Italian and English 
 dictionary. Lond., 1847.
 Meares, John. Voyajfos made in tlin years 
 17S-< ami 17-^9 from China to the N. W. 
 coast of America; with narrative of a 
 voyage in 178() from Bengal, in the ship 
 Nootka, etc. 2 v. Lond., 1791. 
 Mechain, P. F. A., and J. B. J. Drlambro. 
 Base dn systi^me nidtriqne d6cimal, on 
 mesnre do I'arc dn m(^ridien compris entre 
 le.s parallMes de Dnnkerqne et Barcelone; 
 exdentde <>n 179'.i et anndes suivanf es. 3 v. 
 Paris, 18tt6-10. 
 Mechanics' magazine. 41 v. Lond., 
 Machauics' magazine and register of inven- 
 tions and improvements. 2 V. N. Y.,1833. 
 Medical and anthropological statistics of 
 the Provost Marslial General's Bureau; 
 derived from records of the examination 
 for military service in the armies of the 
 United States, dnring the late war of the 
 rebellion, of over a million recruits, 
 drafted men, snhstitntes, and enrolled 
 men. Compiled by J. H. Baxter, M. D. 
 2 v. Wiishington, 1875. 
 Medical and snrgical history of the British 
 army which served in Turkej- and the 
 Crimea dnring the war against Kussia, in 
 the years 18.")4-55-5G. 2 v. Lond., 1858. 
 Medical and surgical history of the war of 
 the rebellion, 1861-65. Prepared nndcr 
 the direction of Joseph K. Barnes, Surgeon 
 General, U. S. A. 3 v. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Part 2, vol. 1. 
 Medico-chirurgical review and journal of 
 medical science. 27 v. in 21. N. Y., 
 Meigs, Charles D. Obstetrics : the science 
 anil the art. Illus. 3d ed. Phila., 1856. 
 Melbourne Universal Exhibition, 1880. 
 France. Notices on the designs, models, 
 and works pertaining to the services of 
 the "pouts et chaussdes," the mines and 
 the public edifices and national palaces, 
 collected by the ministry of public works. 
 Translated by David Coales. Paris, 1880. 
 Melfort, IJrummond, Comte de. Traits sur 
 la cavalerie. Paris, 1776. 
 Meline, James F. Mary, Queen of Scots, 
 and her latest English historian. N. Y., 
 Melisb, John. Military and topographical 
 atlas of the United States, inelmling the 
 British possessions and Florida; to which 
 is added a list of the military districts, a 
 register of the army, and a list of the navy 
 of the United States. Phila., 1813. 
 Mellen, Greuville. Book of the United 
 .States; exhibiting its geography, divis- 
 ions, constitution, and government. Hart- 
 ford, 1H38. 
 M^moire sur la defense et I'armement des 
 cdtes; avec plans et instructions. Paris, 
 M^moire snr la loi ipio sni vent Ics pressions 
 et snr I'application de cette loi il la pra- 
 tiiiiu- (lis constructions. 
 M^moires hijtoriiiues sur la campagne du 
 gdn<?ral en chef Brnne en Batavio, du 
 fructidor, an VII, an frimaire, an VIII. 
 R(Sdig<5s par nn olHcier de son (Stat-major. 
 Paris, (an IX) 1801. 
 Memoirs of the literary and philosoiihical 
 society of Manchester. 11 v. Manchester, 
 Memorial ceremonies at the graves of our 
 soldiers, Saturday, May 30, 1868. Col- 
 lected by Frank Moore. Washington, 
 Memorial du dep6t g<imSral de la guerre, 
 imprime par ordre du ministre. 6 v. 
 Paris, 182(>-32. 
 Memorial de I'oflicier du g6nio on recueil 
 de memoires, expfcrience.s, observations et 
 proc6d<!s g6n<Sranx propres i\ perfectionner 
 la fortification et les constructions mili- 
 taires. 13 v. Paris, 1803-40. 
 The same. No. 23 and 24. 2" sfirie. 
 2 v. Paris, 1874-75. 
 Memorial de I'officier d'infanterie. Paris, 
 Memorial toponraphinae t^t militaire. Kd- 
 dig6e an dep6t gendral de la guerre. 6 v. 
 Paris, (an XI-XIII) 1803-05. (Duplicates 
 of vols. 1 and 3.) 
 Memorials of tlu' English and French com- 
 missaries concerning the limits of Nova 
 Scotia or Acadia. Lond., 1755. 
 Memorials of the English antl French com- 
 missaries concerning St. Lucia. Loud., 
 Mendell, Miss, and Miss Hosraer. Notes of 
 travel and life. N. Y., 1854. 
 Mengin, Felix. Ilistoire sommaire do 
 J'figypte sous le gouvernement de Mo- 
 lianiiiieil-Aly, etc. Paris, 1839. 
 Menil-Durand, Frangois Jean, Baron de. 
 Fragments de tactique; on ueuf radmoires 
 prdcddds d'un discours prdliminaire sur la 
 tactique et sur ses syst&mes. Paris, 1774
 Mentelle, Edme. Cours complet de cos- 
 inofiraiihie, de g^ograpbie, de chrouologie 
 et d'histoire aucieiiQe et moderiu!. 2" 6i\. 
 3 V. Paris, (an XII) 1804. 
 Menzel, Wolfgang. History of Germany, 
 from the earliest period to the present 
 time. Translated from the 4th German 
 ed., by Mrs. George Horrocks. 3 v. Lond., 
 1871. (2 copies.) 
 Merchants' and bankers' almanac. N. Y., 
 Merchants' magazine and commercial re- 
 view. 43 V. N. Y., 1839-60. 
 Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans, 
 nnder the empire. Vols. 1,2, anil 3. Lond., 
 Merrifield, Charles W. Technical arith- 
 metic and mensuration. 2d ed. Lond., 
 Merrill, .'<elah. East of the Jordan : a rec- 
 ord of travel and observation in the conn- 
 tries of Moab, Gilead, and Basban, dnring 
 the years 1875-77. Ilhis. N. Y., 1881. 
 Merrill, William E. Iron bridges for 
 railroads: methods of calcnlating strains, 
 with a comparison of the most prominent 
 truss bridges, and new formulas for bridge 
 computations ; also, the economical angles 
 for struts and ties. lUus. 2d ed. N. Y., 
 Metcall^ Samuel L. New theory of terres- 
 trial magnetism. N. Y., 1833. 
 Meteorological register for the years 1826, 
 '27, '28, '29, and '30, prepared under the 
 direction of Thomas Lawson; to which 
 is appended the meteorological register 
 for the years 1822, '23, '24, and '25, com- 
 piled under the direction of Joseph Lovell. 
 Phila., 1840. 
 Mettemich, Prince. Memoirs of Prince 
 Metternich, 1773-1835. Edited by Prince 
 Richard Metternich. Translated by Mrs. 
 A. Napier. 5 v. N. Y., 1880-82. 
 Mexican war. Despatches and reports: 
 Buena Vista to the city of Mexico. Wash- 
 ington, 1847. 
 Mexican war, by an English soldier; com- 
 prising Incidents and adventures in the 
 United States and Mexico with the Amer- 
 ican army. N. Y.,1860. 
 Mexico in 1842: a description of the coun- 
 try, its features and history ; an account 
 of Texas and Yucatan, and of the Santa 
 F6 expedition ; with map. N. Y.,1842. 
 Meyer, Moritz. Manuel historique de la 
 teL-linologie des armes tt feu. Traduit par 
 M. Ricrtcl. 2 V. Paris, 1837. 
 Mezieres, Camus de. Le g6nie de I'archi- 
 tecture; on I'analogie de cet art avec nos 
 sensations. Paris, 1780. 
 Michaelis, Capt. O. E. Le Bonleng6 chro- 
 nograph. N. Y.,1872. 
 Michaud, Dar^on. Consid(5rations inili- 
 taires et politiques sur les fortifications. 
 Paris, (an III) 1795. 
 Michaux, F. Andrew. North American 
 sylva; or, a descripti on of the forest trees 
 of the United States, Canada, and Nova 
 Scotia: to which is added a description 
 of the most useful of the European forest 
 trees. Translated from the French, with 
 notes, by J. Jay Smith. Elus. 3 v. 
 Phila., 18.57. 
 Michel, Jules. Mdmorial de I'artilleur 
 niarin. Paris, 1828. 
 Michelet, .Jules. Historical view of the 
 French revolution, to the flight of the 
 king, in 1791. Translated by C. Cocks. 
 New ed. Loud., 1864. 
 History of France. Translated by 
 G. H. Smith. 2 v. N. Y., 1847. 
 History of the Roman republic. 
 Translated by William Hazlitt. Loud., 
 Michigan. Annual report of the adjutant 
 general of the State of Michigan, for 1863. 
 Lansing, 1864. 
 Eighteenth annual report of the sec- 
 retary of the State board of agriculture, 
 for the year ending August 31, 1879. 
 Lansing, 1880. 
 Michigan in the war. Compiled by John 
 Rol)ertson, adjutant general. Lansing, 
 Migout, J. C, and C. L. Bergery. Theorie 
 des affflts et des voitures d'artillerie. 2>= 
 6(\. Metz, 1840. 
 Miles, Manly. Stock-breeding: a iiractical 
 treatise on the applications of the laws of 
 development and heredity to the improve- 
 ment and breeding of domestic animals. 
 N. Y.,1879. 
 Miles, William. Horse's foot, and how to 
 keep it sound. lUus. 9th ed., with an 
 appendix. Lond., 1863. 
 Plain treatise on horse-shoeing. Illus. 
 6tb ed. Loud., 1868. 
 Militairschematismus des osterreichischeu 
 Kaiserthumes. Wieu, 1855,
 Military charactpr of the European armies 
 cn^'a^U'd ill tlie late war; witli a parallel 
 of the poliev, power, aii<l means of the 
 nneient Romans and modern Fiencli. 
 Translated from the Fremh. Lond., l-<llt;. 
 Military disciidiiie: a new system founded 
 upon priueiple, byageueralofhcer. Loud., 
 Military edueatiim coiuiiiission: accounts 
 of the systems of military education in 
 France, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, ami 
 the rnited States. Lond., 1870. 
 Military engineeriu}?. Instruction in. Vol. 
 1, jiarts I to .5, compiled at the school of 
 military eugineerin<;, Chatham. Loud., 
 The same. Vol. 1, part 3. Military 
 loiili;c>s. Lond., l.-i7.'i. (2 copies.) 
 Military heroes of Kngland, from the inva- 
 sion of .luliiis Ca'sar to the suppression 
 of the Indian mutiny. Lond. 
 Military instruction from the late king of 
 Prussia to his generals; to which is added, 
 by the same authin-, particular instruction 
 to the officers of his .army, and especially 
 those rif the cavalry. Translated by Lieut. 
 Cid. Foster. Illus. (ithed. Lond., 18-24. 
 Military and naval magazine of the United 
 States. Edited by Benjamin I loMians. 4 v. 
 Washington, IWi:!-:^.. 
 Military pamphlets. In I v. 
 Book of aidfi; or, catet'liiam in the system of 
 equitjition. IxiikI., 18:t3. 
 HiDt« on th(t (lutii'8 of ottieers roiinn;inilinK par- 
 tisan corps; with a plan for thu iinprnvt^mont 
 of the Britiah volunteer force. 'Jii id. Luml., 
 Information and in.structions for commandiDg 
 gcnurals and others. Lond., 1803. 
 Proposed system of oiit-post exercise for retli- 
 roeuts of cavalry and infantry, and of general 
 instruction for jironndin;; the soldier in a 
 knowIcdj;c of the principal duties of sentries 
 anil vedetti'fl, by ('apt. Iver. Loud., 1827. 
 Short account of the improvements in piin- 
 pow<ler, made hy Sir William Coujireve. 
 Loud., 1818. 
 Military telegraphy. Manual of For the 
 Signal Service, IT. S. Army ; embracing 
 permanent and field lines. Prepared 
 under the direction of the chief signal 
 ollicir of the army. Washington, \87-i. 
 Mill, .James. Analysis of the phenomena 
 of the human mind. '2 v. Lond., 18'2i). 
 Fragment of Mackintosh ; being 
 strictures on some passages in the disser- 
 tation by Sir James Mackintosh prefixed 
 to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Lond., 
 ' History of British Iiiilia. iided. C v. 
 Lond., 182G. 
 Mill, .lohu Stuart. Auguste Comte and 
 positivism. Pliila., 18()6. 
 .Viitobiography. N. Y., 1873. 
 Considerations on representative gov- 
 erniiu'ut. N. Y., 18li7. 
 The same. N. Y.,1873. 
 Dissertations and discussions, po- 
 litical, philo.sophical, ami historical. 4 v. 
 Best., 18()5-t)8. 
 Examination of .Sir William Hamil- 
 ton's philo.sophy. "2 v. Bost., 18G8. 
 Inaugural address; delivered to the 
 University of .St. Andrew's, Feljruary 1, 
 lH(i7. Lond., 18()7. 
 Nature ; the utility of religion and 
 theism. Lond., 1874. 
 Principles of poll Ileal economy; with 
 some of their applications to social jihilos- 
 ophy. 2 V. Bost., 1848. 
 The same. 2 v. 7th ed. Lond., 
 Subjection of women. N. Y., 1870. 
 System of logic, ratiocinative and 
 inductive. N. Y., 1870. 
 The same. 8th od. N. Y., 1874. 
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 Miller, (ieorge. History, philosophically 
 illustrated, from the fall of the Roman 
 empire to the French revcdution. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1832. 
 Miller, Hugh. My schools and scliool- 
 masters; or, the story of my education. 
 Bost., 18,-)4. 
 Old red sandstone ; or, new walks in 
 an old field. Illns. Froiii the 4tli Lond. 
 cd. Bost., 18.'')1. 
 Miller, Stephen B. Historical sketches of 
 Hudson, embracing the .settlement of the 
 city, city governnieiit, etc. Hudson, 18l32. 
 Miller, .Vllen. Introduction to the 
 study of inorganic chemistry. New ed., 
 with i|Uistioiis for examinaHons. Loud., 
 Millet, M. Coiirsd'liistoin^, conrs de belles- 
 lettres, et conrs d'allemand. (Litho- 
 gniphed manuscript.) 
 Millingen, .J. G. V! Army medical officer's 
 manual upon .active service. Lond., 1819. 
 Millot, J66(' C. F. X. Elements of general 
 history, ancient and modern. With the
 continuation from 1760 to 1815, by Prof. 
 Millou. New etl. 6 v. Eilinburgh, 1823. 
 M^Dioires politiques et militaires, 
 pour servir u I'histoiiie de Louis XIV. et 
 de Louis XV., coiujiosds sur les pieces 
 oiiginales, recueillie.s par Adrien-Maurice, 
 Due <le Noailles. 4 v. Paris, 1777. 
 Milton, John. Poetical works; with a 
 memoir. Load., 1852. 
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 (British poets.) 3 v. Bost., 1871. 
 Prose works. With a life of the 
 author, interspersed with translatious and 
 critical remarks, by Charles Symnions. 
 7 V. Lond., 1801). 
 MUw^aukee city directory. Milwaukee, 
 Miner, Charles. History of Wyoming, 
 Peiiua., in a series of letters to his son. 
 Phila., 184.5. 
 Minnesota. Annual report of the adjutant 
 general of the State for the year ending 
 December 1, 1866, and of the military 
 forces of the State from 1861 to 1866. St. 
 Paul, 1866. 
 Minot, George Richards. Coutiuuatiou of 
 the history (Hutchinson's) of the province 
 of Massachusetts Bay from the year 1748- 
 65. 2 V. Bost., 1798-1803. 
 History of the insurrections in Mas- 
 sachusetts, in the year 1786, and the re- 
 bellion consequent thereon. 2d ed., 
 Miot, J. Mdmoires pour servir a I'histoire 
 des expeditions en figypte, et en Syrie. 
 2- ed. Paris. 1814. 
 Miot deMelito, Cohh(. Memoirs. Edited 
 by General Fleischmauu. Translated by 
 Mrs. C'ashel Hoey and Mr. John Lillie. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Mirror (The). A periodical paper, puli- 
 lishedat Eilinburgh, in the years 177i)-80, 
 by George Home, Heury Mackenzie, and 
 others. Lond., 1825. 
 Miss Columbia's public school ; or, will it 
 blow over f By a cosmopolitan. With 72 
 illustrations, by Thomas Nast. N. Y., 1871. 
 Mitchell, Arthur. The past in the present. 
 What is civilization? Being ten of the 
 Khind lectures on archaeology, delivered 
 in 1876 and 1878. N. Y., 1881. 
 Mitchell, Col. John. Life of Wallenstein, 
 Duke of Friedland. Lond., 1837. 
 • Thoughts on tactics and military or- 
 the power and position of Russia. Lond., 
 Mitchell, Samuel A. Accompaniment to 
 Mitchell's map of the world, containing 
 an index to the various countries, cities, 
 towns, islands, etc., represented on the 
 map. Phila., 1840. 
 New general atlas; containing maps 
 of the various countries of the world, and 
 plans of cities. Phila., 1874. 
 The same. Phila., 1878. 
 ganization ; together with an enquiry into ' Lond., 1748. 
 MitcheU, Capt. T. H. System of forming 
 squares; proposed for small bodies. Lond., 
 18.52. (Pamphlet.) 
 Mitford, Mary Russell. Our village: 
 sketches of rural character and scenery. 
 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Mitford, Maj. R. C. W. To Caubul with the 
 cavalry b.igade: a narrative of experi- 
 ences with the troops under General 
 Roberts. lUus. Loud., 1881. 
 Mitford, William. History of Greece. 8 v. 
 Bost., 1823. 
 Principles of design in architectiire ; 
 traced in observations on buildings in a 
 series of letters to a friend. 2ded. Lond., 
 Mivart, St. George. Contemporary evolu- 
 tion: an essay ou some recent social 
 changes. N. Y., 1876. 
 Moberly, George. Sermons on the beati- 
 tudes. 3d ed. Oxford and Lond., 1870. 
 Modem minister. lUns. N. Y., 1878. 
 Modification k faire au profil desremparts. 
 Modoc war. (H. R. ex. doc. 122, 43d Cong., 
 1st sess.) Washington, 1874. 
 Mogg, Edward. Patersou's roads; being 
 an entirely original and accurate descrip- 
 tion of all the direct and principal crofts- 
 roads in England and Wales, with part of 
 the roads of Scotland. Lond. 
 Mobs, Frederick. Mineralogy ; or, the na- 
 tural history of the mineral kingdom. 
 Translated, with additions, by William 
 Haidinger. 3 v. Edinburgh, 1825. 
 Molesv^orth, William Nassau. History of 
 England, from the year 1830 to 1874. New 
 ed. 3 V. Lond., 1874. 
 MoU&re, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. CEuvres 
 compli'tes. Edition illustree de 140 vi- 
 gnettes par Janet-Lauge, augment ee d'une 
 vie de Moli&re et de notices sur chaque 
 piece, par fimile de la Bedolliere. Paris. 
 Works. In French and English. 10 v.
 Molina, Abh^ I(jnatius. History of Chili. 
 Tr.iiislatfd from the Itiiliuii. 'i v. Mid- 
 .llilown (Coiiii.). I'^OH. 
 MoILhausen, Halilwiu. Joiiniey from the 
 Missisaippi to the coasts of tlio Pacilic, 
 with a United States GovernmtMit expodi- 
 tioii. Witli an introduction, liy A. von 
 Hiiinliolilt, and illustrations. Translated 
 l).v .Mrs. Percy Siuuett. 2 v. Lond., 1858. 
 Moncrieff, A. R. Hope. Famous historical 
 .scenes from three centuries. Lond. and 
 Kdinl)ur);li. l'*5'5. 
 Monell, .1. J. Washington's headiiuarters, 
 Newliurgh, N. Y., and adjacent localities. 
 Newhurgh, 1872. 
 Monetary conferences. luternaticuial mon- 
 etary conference held iu Paris, Anf;ust, 
 1878. Proceedinj^s and appendix. Wash- 
 ington, 1879. (-2 copies.) 
 Proceedings of the iuteruafional mon- 
 etary conference held in Paris in April, 
 May, June, and .luly, 1881. Cincinnati, 
 Mouette, John W. History of the discovery 
 and settlement of the valley of the Mis,sis- 
 sippi by Spain, France, and Great Brifaiu, 
 and the suhseipient settlement and exten- 
 sion of civil government liy the United 
 States. 2 v. N. Y., 1846. 
 Monge, Gaspard. Description do I'art de 
 faliriquer les canons. Paris, (an II) 17'.)4. 
 G<Soin6trie descriptive. Quatrienie 
 Edition, augmentfSo d'nne th<Sorie des 
 oinbres et do la perspective, extraito des 
 jiapiors de I'anteur, par M. Brisson. Paris, 
 Monroe, .lames. View of the conduct of 
 the executive in the foreign affairs of the 
 United States connected witli tlie mission 
 to the Frencli repulilic, during the years 
 17!)4-95-0i). Phila., 17'.)7. 
 Monsanto, H. M. Manual of eonnnc'rcial 
 lespondence in French. N. Y., 1881. 
 Montagu, Edward Wortley. ReHoctionsou 
 the rise and fall of the antient republics; 
 adapted to the present state of Great Brit- 
 ain. Lond., 17,59. 
 Montagu, George. Ornithological dictioii- 
 aryof Britisli birds. With a plan of study,' 
 etc., by James Rennie. 2d ed. Lond., 
 Montaigne, Michael de. Essays; with notes 
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 author's life. Made English by Charles 
 Cotton. 3d ed. 2 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Montecuculi, Raimondo, Count. MiSmoires 
 des troupes de rompcrenr; on principes 
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 d'italien en franvois. Paris, 1712. 
 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron 
 de. (Kiivres i-ompletes; prdc(5d<5es de la 
 vie de cet auleur. v. Paris, IrtlH. 
 Spirit of laws. 2 v. Glasgow, 1793. 
 Montgery, M. de. Regies de pointage jl 
 bord des vais.seaux; on rcmarqucs sur ce 
 qui est prescrit i\ cot <^gard dans les exor- 
 cices de 1808 et 1811, suivics do notes, etc. 
 Paris, 1816. 
 Trait(? des fusiSes do guerre nommi^es 
 autrefois rochettes et niaintenant fustics i\ 
 la Congrove. Paris, 1826. 
 Thesame. Paris, 1841. (Bouiulwilli 
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 Montgomery, James. Poetical works; 
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 Host., 18G0. 
 Montgomery, .Tames E. Cruise of Admiral 
 D. G. I'arragnt, commanding the European 
 squadron in 1867-68, in the flag-ship 
 Franl<lin. N. Y., 1869. 
 Montholon, Charles T., Marqu'm de. His- 
 tory of the captivity of Napoleon at St. 
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 Moon, George Washington. The dean's 
 English: a critiiism on the Dean of Cau- 
 ti-rbury's essays on the queen's English. 
 Gtli ed. N. Y.,1871. 
 Moore, P>ank. American eloquence: a col- 
 lection of speeches and addresses by the 
 most eminent orators of America; with 
 biographical sketches and notes. 2 v. 
 N.Y., 18.57. 
 Diary of the American revidution ; 
 from newspapers and original documents. 
 2 V. X. Y. and Lond., 1860. 
 Rebellion record: a diarv of Ameri- 
 can events, with documents, narratives, 
 etc. lUus. 12 v. N. Y., 1861-68. (.Sev- 
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 Moore, George H. Treason of Charles Lee, 
 major-general, second in command in the 
 American army of the revolution. N. Y., 
 Moore, J.ames. Narrative of the campaign 
 of the British army iu Spain, commanded 
 I)y Sir .John Moore. 4th ed. Lond., Ir<(l9. 
 Moore, James. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. 
 Illus. N. Y., 186.5. 
 Moore, Thomas. Poetical works; with a 
 memoir. (British poets.) 6 v. Host., 1870.
 Moore, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of 
 Kicharil Biinslcy .Slieridan. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Morals and dojjiua of the ancient and ac- 
 cepted Scottish rite of Freemasonry. 
 Charleston (S. C), 1871. 
 Mordecai, Major Alfred. Military oom- 
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 Morel, A. M. Th. Traits praticjue des 
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 Morford, Henry. Appleton's short-trip 
 guide to Europe (1868). N. Y., 1868. 
 Morin, Artluir. Aide-memoire de m(5ca- 
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 tillerie, et des ingi^nieurs civils et uiili- 
 taires. 3' (5d. Paris, 1843. 
 Nouvelles experiences sur le frotte- 
 uieut, faites a Metz en 1831-32. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1832-34. 
 Morin, C. M. Essai sur la theorie de I'ad- 
 ministration militaire, ou des principes 
 de I'admiuistration militaire en temps de 
 paix et en temps de guerre. Paris, (an 
 VII) 1799. 
 Morley, .Joliii. Life of Richard Cobden. 
 Host., 1881. 
 Morris, William H. Field tactics for iu- 
 fantry. N. Y.,1864. 
 Infantry tactics. 2 v. in 1. N. Y., 
 Morris, William O'Connor. French revo- 
 lution and first empire : an historical 
 sketch, Lond., 1874. 
 Morse, Jedidia'i. Report to the Secretary 
 of War, on Indian affairs, in 1820. New 
 Haven, 1822. 
 Morse, Samuel F. B. Telegraphic appara- 
 tus, and the processes in telegraphy. 
 Washington, 1869. 
 Morselli, Henry. Suicide : au essay ou 
 comparative moral statistics. N. Y., 1882. 
 Mortier, Pierre. Forces de I'Europe, Asie, 
 Afri(iue et Amdrique. 2 v. Amsterdam. 
 Morton, Nathaniel. New England's me- 
 morial. With notes, by John Davis. 
 Bost., 1826. 
 Morton, WiUiam T. G. Statements, sup 
 ported by evidence, ou his claim to the 
 14 -W 
 discovery of the anaesthetic properties of 
 ether. (32d Cong., 2d sess.) Washing- 
 ton, 18.'>3. 
 Mosblech, Boniface. Vocabulaireoc^anien- 
 franfais et fraufais-oceauien. Paris, 
 Mossman, Samuel. New Japan, the laud 
 of the rising sun ; its annals during the 
 past twenty years. Loud., 1873. 
 Motley, John Lotlirop. History of the 
 United Netherlands, from the death of 
 William the Silent to the twelve years' 
 truce, 1609. 4 v. N. Y., 1861-70. 
 Life and death of .Inhn of Barneveld, 
 advocate of Holland; with a view of the 
 jiriinary causes and movements of the 
 thirty years' war. lUus. 2 v. Lond., 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1874. 
 Rise of the Dutch republi(': a his- 
 tory. 3 V. N. Y., 1856. 
 Mouze, M. Traite de fortification souter- 
 raine, suivi de quatre memoires sur les 
 mines. Paris, (an XII) 1804. (2 copies.) 
 Mudge, Ca]>t. William, and Isaac Dalby. 
 Account of the operations carried on for 
 accomplishing a trigonometrical survey of 
 England and Wales, 1784-99. 2 v. Lond., 
 Mufiling, Count de. History of the cam- 
 paign of the armies under Wellington 
 and Blucher, in the year 1815. Lond., 
 Miihlbach, Louisa. See Mundt, Clara M. 
 Mulford, Elisha. The republic of God; au 
 institute of theology. Bost., 1881. 
 Mulford, Isaac S. Civil and political his- 
 tory of New Jersey. Camden, 1848. 
 Mulhall, Michael G. Progress of the world 
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 tures, instruction, railways, and public 
 wealth since the beginning of the nine- 
 teenth century. Lond., 1880. 
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 Buenos Ayres and the provinces of the 
 Argentine republics, aud the republics of 
 Uruguay aud Paraguay. Loud, aiul Bue- 
 nos Ayres, 1875. 
 Mullan, Capt. Johu. Report ou the con- 
 struction of a military roail from Fort 
 Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. Washing- 
 ton, 1863. 
 Muller, Alexandre. Le maui<>iuout de la 
 bayonnette, appliqu6 il I'attaquo et i la
 d<!fengc <lo I'iufauterip iiKliviiliieUcmeut et 
 en masso. 2" 6i\., avec planches. Paris, 
 Thdorip do I'cscrinie i cheval pour 
 se ili'fendre avoc avantajje contre toutos 
 rspf'i'i'sd'aiincs Mauehrs. '2'' <5il., avec un 
 atlin do .')4 I'lHiires. Paris, 1828. 
 MiiUer, F. Max. Lectures on the science 
 of l.iujiuage. 7th ed. 2 v. Lond.,187:!. 
 Muller, J. Principh'S of physics and nic- 
 tcorohifjy. Ilhis. Ist Amer. ed. Phila., 
 Muller, .John. Attack and defence of forti- 
 fied places. 4th eil., corrected and cn- 
 lar{;ed by Isaac Landniann,F.A. S. Lond., 
 Treatise of artillery. 3il cd. l.oiid., 
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 Muller, William. Elements of the science 
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 Muudt, Clara Miiller (fjoiiisa Miihlbach). 
 Works. Illiis. 17 V. N. Y., 1807-74. 
 AndreaA Hofvr; ^oliammod Ali and Ids house, 
 2 V. in 1. 
 Berlin and Sans-Souci; or, P'rcderick the (Jroat 
 And his friends. 
 Daughter tif an cinprcsa. 
 Empress .Tosepliine; Queen Hortense, 2 v. in 1. 
 Frederick the Great and his court. 
 Frederick the Great and his family. 
 Goethe and Schiller. 
 Henry the Eijrhth and his court. 
 Joseph II. and his court. 
 Mario Antoinette and her son. 
 Merchant of Berlin. 
 Mohammed Ali and his house. 
 Napoleon and Blueher. 
 Napoleon and the queen of Prussia; Louisa of 
 Prussia and her times, 2 v. in 1. 
 Old Fritz and the new era. 
 Prince Eugene and his times. 
 Story of a millionaire. 
 Munsell, .Joel. Every -day book of history 
 anil cliroiioloi;y. N. Y., 18,58. 
 Murphy, .lames Cavanah. History of the 
 Mahometan empire in Spain. Lond., 
 Murphy, .John Mortimer. Sporting adven- 
 tures in the far West. lUus. N. Y., 1880. 
 Murray, Charles T. Sub rosA: a novel. 
 X. v., 1880. 
 Murray, E. C. Grenville. Side-lights on 
 English society ; or, sketches from life, 
 social and satirical. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 
 Young Hrown. Illus. Host., 187 4. 
 Murray, Mrs. Elizabeth. Sixteen years of 
 an artist's life in Morocco, Spain, and the 
 Canary Islands. 2 v. Lond., 1859. 
 Murray, Hugh. Encyclopa'dia of googra- 
 jihy. Loud., 18:14. 
 Historical account of discovcriea and 
 travels in North America; with a map. 
 2 V. Lond., 1829. 
 an d others. Historical and descrip- 
 tive account of British India. (Harper's 
 family library.) :? v. N.Y., 18:12. 
 Murray, .John. Hand-book for travelers in 
 .Spain. In two parts. By Richard Ford. 
 4tli ed. 
 V. Loud., 1869. 
 Murray, Capt. R. Hints on the duties of 
 oliicers commaiuling partisan <'orps; with 
 a plan for the improvement of the Briti.sli 
 volunteer force, and an illustrative plate. 
 2d ed., to which is added an expose? of the 
 present system of French tactics, with 
 strictures on the existing state of the 
 British army. Edinburgh, 1848. (Bound 
 with "Military jiamphlets.") 
 Murray, William H. II. The perfect horse. 
 With an introduction, by Rev. Henry 
 Ward Beecher, anil a treatise on agricult- 
 ure and the horse, by Hon. George B. 
 Loring. Illus. Bost., 1873. 
 Musee de I'artillerie, notice sur les collec- 
 tions. Paris, 18:i8. 
 Museum of foreign literature and scieucc. 
 48 V. Phila., 182.1-42. 
 Myer, Gen. Albert J. Maiiual of signals; 
 for the use of officers in the field, and 
 for military and naval students, military 
 schools, etc. N. Y.,1868. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Washington, 1879. 
 Myers, H. M., and P. V. N. Myers. Life 
 and nature under the tropics: sketches of 
 travels among the An<le8, and on the Ori- 
 noco, Rio Negro, Amazons, and in Central 
 America. Revised ed. N. Y.,1871. 
 Myers, .John C. Daily .)ouriial of the 192d 
 rcg't I'enn'a volunteers, commanded by 
 Col. William B. Thomas, iu the service of 
 the I'. S. for one hundred days. Phila., 
 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. 
 Illus. N.Y.,1875. 
 Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London social 
 life; with other papers. 2d ed. N. Y., 
 Napier, Admiral Sir Charles. War iu Syria. 
 2 v. Lond., 1842. 
 Napier, Col. Elers. Linesman; or, service 
 in the guards and the line, during Eng-
 Notes sur les amorces fulmiu antes; 
 land's long peace and little wars. 3 v. 
 Lend., 1856. 
 Napier, ilacvey. Selection from the cor- 
 respouilcnce of the late Macvey Nai)ier. 
 Edited by his sou, Macvey Napier. Loud., 
 Napier, Sir William F. P. History of the 
 war in the peninsnla and the south of 
 France, from the year 1807 to 1814. '2d ed. 
 4 V. Loud., 1832-34. 
 Napoleon I. Confidential correspondence 
 with his brother Joseph. 2 v. Lond..l855. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 18.56. 
 Maximes de guerre de Napoleon. 
 Paris, 1830. 
 The same. Translated from the 
 French, by Col. D'Agiiilar. Dublin, 1831. 
 Memoirs of the history of France 
 during the reign of Napoleon; dictated 
 by the Emperor, at Saint Helena, to the 
 generals who shared his captivity. 2d ed. 
 4 V. Lond., 1823-24. 
 Napoleon gallery; or, illustrations of the 
 lift- ami times of the emperor of France. 
 Li.nd., lf^.52. 
 Napoleon III. Campague de Tempereur 
 Napoleon III en Italie, 18.59. RMigee 
 au d<^p6t de la guerre, d'apr^s les docu- ; 
 ments officiels. Paris, 1863. 
 Etudes sur le pass6 et I'aveuir de 
 I'artillerie. 2 v. Paris, 1846-51. 
 History of Julius Cajsar. 2 v. N. Y., 
 et sur les attelages. Paris, lall. 
 Nouveau systeme d'artillerie de cam- 
 pague; r^sultats des experiences faites 
 en 1850, ^nonce et examen de toutes les 
 objections. Paris, 1851. (Bound with 
 Dupont's "Haruais," etc.) 
 National almanac, and annual record for 
 the years 1863-64. 2 v. Phila., 1863-64. 
 (2 copies.) 
 National defence and national founderies. 
 (H. R. doc. No. 206, 26th Cong., Ist sess.) 
 Washington, 1840. 
 National government journal, and register 
 of otiioial papers, from December, 1823, to 
 December, 1824. Vol. 1. Washington, 
 182:}-24. (2 copies.) 
 National home for disabled volunteer sol- 
 diers ; with a complete guide-book to the 
 central home at Dayton, Ohio; written 
 and compiled by a veteran of the home. 
 Dayton, 1875. 
 National memorial day : a record of cere- 
 monies over the graves of the Union sol- 
 diers, May 29 and 30, 1869. Washington, 
 National portrait gallery of distinguished 
 Americans. Conducted by J. B. Long- 
 acre and J. Herring. 4v. Phila., 1834-39. 
 The same. 4 v. Phila., 1854. 
 Naturalist's own book ; comprising de- 
 scriptions and authentic anecdotes of 
 quadrupeds. I'hila., 1835. 
 Nautical almanac and astronomical ephe- 
 meris for the years 1880, '81, '82, '83, '84, 
 '85. 6 V. Lond., 1876-81. 
 Naval encyclopiedia : comprising a dic- 
 tionary of nautical words and phrases; 
 biographical notices and records of naval 
 oflicers ; special articles on naval art and 
 .science, etc. Phila., 1881. 
 Naval magazine. Edited by the Rev. C. S. 
 Stewart. 2 v. N. Y., 1836-37, 
 Naval and military magazine. 4 v. Lond., 
 Navier, M. RajJXJort et m^moire sur les 
 pouts suspendus. 2= 6(1., augmentde d'une 
 notice sur le Pont des Invalides. Paris, 
 Navy (British). Navy list. Published 
 quarterly, by authority. 23 v. Lond., 
 Navy (United States). Navy registers for 
 the years 1833, 1639-81. Washington, 
 General register of the Navy and 
 Marine Corps of the United States, alpha- 
 betically arrauged ; names of all officers 
 since the establishment of the depart- 
 ment, in 1798. By Mechlin & Winder. 
 Washington, 1848. (2 copies.) 
 General register of the United States 
 Navy and Marine Corps, 1782 to 1882. 
 T. H. S. Hamersly. Washington, 1882. 
 Bureau of Ordnance circulars. Wash- 
 ington, 1863. (3 copies. ) 
 — ' — Investigation of Navy Department, 
 May, 1872. (H. R. reports Nos. 80 and 
 81, 42d Cong., 2d sess. ) Washington, 1872. 
 Ordnance instructions for the U. S. 
 Navy. Washington, 1864. 
 Regulations for the government of 
 the United States Navy, 1865, 1870, 1876. 
 3 V. Washington, 1865-76. 
 ■ Secretary of the Navy in relation to 
 armored vessels, Report of. Washington, 
 Weal, Daniel. History of Now England, 
 to till) year 1700. 2 v. iii 1. Loud., 17^1. I 
 Neele, Ili-nry. Riimuiui' nf lii.story: Eii;;- 
 l.uiil. Illustrated by T. Landsei'r. Loud. , 
 and N. Y. 
 Nefi^ .laiol) K. .\iiny and navy of Araer- j 
 ioa, etc., from the Fronrli and Indian war.s 
 to the close of tlio Florida war, etc. 
 riiila., 1^145. 
 Neill, Edward D. History of Minnesota; 
 from the earliest French explorations to 
 the present time. Phila., 1858. 
 Neilson, Charles. Original, compiled, and 
 corrected account of linrgoync's cam- 
 paign, and the battles of Uemis's Heights. 
 Albany, IH-ll. 
 Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the 
 Spanish and English languages. 2 v. 
 Bost., 1845. 
 Neville, Capt. L. Discipline of light cav- 
 alry; with plates. Loud., 1796. 
 New England historical and genealogical 
 register, for the years 1847-74. Vols. 
 1-28. Bost., 1847-74. 
 New Hampshire. Report of the adjutant 
 general of the State, for the year ending 
 June 1, 1866. 2 v. Concord, 1866. 
 New Hampshire Historical Society. Col- 
 lections for the year 1824. 2v. Concord, 
 New Haven city directory, 1868-69 (Ben- 
 ham's). New Haven, 1868. 
 New Jersey. Geological survey of the 
 State. Maps. 
 Geology. Report of State geologist. 
 Newark, 1868. 
 Minutes of the provincial congress, 
 and the council of safety of the State of 
 New Jersey. Trenton, 1879. 
 Record of officers and men of New 
 Jersey in the civil war, 1861-65. 2 v. 
 Trenton, 1876. 
 New Jersey archives. Documents relating 
 to the colonial historyof the State. Edited 
 by William A. Whitehead. First series. 
 Vols. 1 and 2, 1()31-170.X Newark," N. J., 
 New Orleans city directory (Edwards'). 
 New Orleans, 1872. 
 New York (State). Report of the adjutant 
 ginieral of the State, for 18,'>2-53 and 1854; 
 embracing the report of General de Peysler 
 on foreign military and tire organizations. 
 Albany, 1853-54. (2 copies.) 
 New York (State). Annual reports of the 
 adjutant general of the .State forthe years 
 1857, '63, '64, '65, '67, 't)9, '70, '73. 11 v. 
 Albany, 18i>8-74. 
 Annual report of the comptroller of 
 the Stale. Albany, 1847. 
 Manual for the use of the legislature 
 of the State of New York. 4 v. Albany, 
 18,54-64, 1869-76. 
 Muster rolls of the New York .State 
 volunteers. Vols. 1, 2, 3, (!, 7, and 8. Al- 
 bany, 1864-68. 
 Natural history of. 8 v. Albany, 
 Zoology, or tho Now York fauna, by J 
 Part 1. 
 K. DfKay. 3 v. 
 Part 9. Flora, liy J. Torroy. 2 v. 
 Part 3. Mini-rali)gy, l)y L. C. Bock. 
 Part 5. l*alii'ontol"(;y. 
 Part G. Agricultaro, oy E. EinmoiiH. 
 Public documents relating to tho New 
 York canals which are to connect the 
 western and northern lakes with tho At- 
 lantic ocean; with an introduction. 
 N. Y., 1821. 
 Report of the committee on substi- 
 tutes and relief of the board of supervis- 
 ors, county of New Y'ork. N, Y. , 1863. 
 Seconil annual rejiort of the metro- 
 politan board of health of the .State, for 
 1867. N. Y., ISHH. 
 New York State Agricultural Society 
 tran.sactions; with an account of the 
 county agricultural societies. Vols. 8 and 
 9. Albany, 1849-.50. 
 New York city. First annual report of 
 the bo.ird of commissioners of the di^ 
 ment of public parks, forthe year ending 
 May, 1871. N. Y., 1871. 
 Manual of the common council of 
 New York. N. Y., 1866. 
 Seventh annual report of the (com- 
 missioners of public charities and correc- 
 tion, for the year 1866. N. Y., 1867. 
 Sketch of the resources of the citv of 
 New York; with a view of its municipal 
 government, population, etc., from the 
 foundation of tho city to tin; latest date. 
 N. Y., 1827. 
 Ne'w York city directory (Trow's), 1881. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 New York Charaberof Commerce. Annual 
 reports for the years 1862-81. 10 v. N. Y., 
 Ne-w York Hevald, from January, 1861, to 
 Aiiril, 1866. 15 v. N. Y., 1861-66. 
 New York Historical Society. Collections. 
 5 V. N. Y., 1811-30. 
 Thesame. adseries. Vol.1. N. Y., 
 Neiw York Observer year book. N. Y., 
 New York Quarterly. Vol.3. N. Y.. 1855. 
 New York Review. 10 v. N. Y., 1837-42. 
 Newark city directory (Holbrook's). New- 
 ark, 1H74. 
 Newberry, J. S. Geological report of the 
 exploriug expedition from Santa F^, New 
 Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and 
 Green rivers of the Great Colorado of the 
 West, in 1859, under the command of 
 Cajit. J. N. Macomb. Washington, 1876. 
 Newcomb, Simon. Popular astronomy. 
 Illus. N. Y., 1878. 
 NewhaU, Col. F. A. With General Sheri- 
 dan in Lee's last campaign, by a staff 
 officer. Phila., 1866. 
 Newhall, Walter S. Memoir of. Pliila., 
 Newman, J. P. Thrones and palaces of 
 Babylon and Nineveh, from sea to sea; a 
 thousand miles on horseback. N. Y., 1876. 
 Ney, Michael. Memoirs of Marshal Ney. 
 Published by his family. Phila., 1834. 
 Nicaise, A. Batteries cuirciss^es. Notice 
 sur les experiences faites en Augleterre 
 en juiu 1868. Acconipagn<5 de 4 planches. 
 Bruxelles et Paris, 1868. 
 Belgian field artillery. Translated, 
 with an appendix and notes, by O. E. 
 Michaelis. N. Y., 1872. 
 Nichol, John. Byron. (English men of 
 letters; edited by John Morley.) N. Y., 
 Nicbol, .John Pringle. Planetary system ; 
 its order and physical structure. Lond., 
 Thoughts on some important points 
 relating to the .system of the world. 1st 
 Amer. ed. Bost. and Cambridge, 1848. 
 Nichols, George Ward. Story of the great 
 march; from the diary of a staff officer. 
 Illus. 26th ed. N. Y.', 1866. 
 Nicholson, John. Operative mechanic, and 
 British machinist. 2d Amer. ed. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1831. 
 Nicholson, Peter. Mechanical exercises ; 
 or, the elements and practice of carpentry, 
 joinery, bricklaying, masonry, slating, 
 etc. Lond., 1812. 
 New carpenter's guide. Illus. Loud., 
 Principles of architecture; contain- 
 ing the fundamental rules of the .art, etc. 
 3d ed. 3 v. Lond., 1827. 
 Nicolas, •S'lc Nicholas Harris. History of 
 the royal navy, from the earliest times 
 to the wars of the French revolution. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1847. (2 copies.) 
 Nicolay, John G. The outbreak of rebel- 
 lion. (Campaigns of the civil war, No. 1.) 
 N. Y., 1S81. 
 Nicollet, I. N. Rejiort intended to illus- 
 trate a map of the hydrographical basin 
 of the upper Mississippi ri,ver. Washing- 
 ton, 1843. 
 Niebuhr, B. 6. History of Rome. Trans- 
 lated by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall. 1st 
 Amer. ed. 2 v. Phila., 1835. 
 Lectures on the history of Rome, from 
 the earliest times to the fall of the west- 
 ern empire. Edited by LeouhardSchmitz. 
 2ded. 3 v. Lond., 1849. 
 Niel, Mar^-ch»l Adolphe. Si^ge de S^basto- 
 pol. Journal des op^riitious du g^nie. 
 Paris, 1858. 
 Niemann, A. French compaign, 1870-71: 
 a military description; with maps and 
 plans. Translated from the German, by 
 Col. Edward Newdigate. Lond., 1872. 
 NUes, Hezekiah. Principles and acts of the 
 revolution in America ; or, an attempt to 
 collect and preserve some of the speeches, 
 orations, and proceedings; with sketches 
 and remarks on men and things. Balti- 
 more, 1822. 
 Thesame. (Republication.) N. Y. 
 and Chicago, 1876. 
 Weekly Register, from .September 
 7, 1811, to July, 1849; with general index 
 to first 12 vols. 75 v. Baltimore, 1811-49. 
 Noble, Captain, and F. A. Abel. Researches 
 on explosives. Fired gunpowder. Lond., 
 Noizet-Saint-Paul. E lumens de fort.iflca- 
 tions. 2 V. Paris, 1811-12. 
 Traits complet de fortification. 2d 
 ed. 2 V. Paris, (an VIII) 1800. 
 Nolan, Capt. L. E. Cavalry; its history 
 and tactics. Lond., 1853. 
 Training of cavalry remount horses : 
 a new system. Lond., 1852.
 Nordhoff, Charles. California; for health, 
 lih'iisure, aiul residence. N. Y., 187U. 
 CiHiinimiistic; societies of tlio United 
 States; iiiiluilinH accounts of various so- 
 cieties, their creeds, i>riictices, numbers, 
 industries, and present condition. N. Y., 
 Northern California, Orcfjon, and 
 the Sandwii'h Islands. Lond., 1874. (2 
 Politics for young Americans. N. Y., 
 Norris, Thaddeus. American aiifjler's book ; 
 embracing the natural history of sportinj; 
 lish, and the art of taking tlieni. lUus. 
 New I'll., Willi a supiilcincnt. Phila., 18G5. 
 Norris-Newman, Charles L. In Zulnland 
 with the lintisli tlirougliont the war of 
 187U. Lond., 1S80. 
 North American Review. ia."> v. and index. 
 Bost., lHir>-77. 
 Essays from the North .Vmericau Ke- 
 view. Edited liy Allen Thorndik<' Kice. 
 N. v., l-7'.t. 
 North liritisli Review. l:i v. Edinburgh, 
 The same. 11 v. N. Y., 1860-70. 
 North Carolina. Report of the adjutant 
 general of the State, for 187y. Raleigh, 
 North (ierman Conledi'ration, Army of. By 
 a I'lussian general. Translatcjl by Col. 
 ]■:. Newiligate. Lond., 187-2. 
 Northern Monthly. 2 v. Newark, N. .1., 
 Norton, Charli'S B. American breerli-load- 
 ing small-.arms; a description of late in- 
 ventions, including the Gatliug gun, and 
 a chapter on cartridges. N. Y., 1872. 
 ■ American invi'iitions and improve- 
 ments in breech-loading small-arms, heavy 
 ordnance, machine guns, etc. Springtidd 
 (Mass.), 18S0. (2 copies.) 
 -and W. .1. Valentine. Rejiort on the 
 munitions of war exhibited at the Paris 
 Universal Exhibition, l^'liT. Illiis. N. Y. 
 and Lond., IftlK. 
 Norton, Charles Eliot. Historical studies 
 of chnreh-buildiug in the middle ages. 
 Venice, Siena, Elorence. N. Y., 1880. 
 Notes and (lueries; with general index. 
 .">:! V. Loinl., 1849-75. 
 Nott, Charles C. .Sketches of the war: a 
 scries of letters to the North Moore street 
 school of Now York. N. Y. , 1863. 
 Nott, Josiah C, and George R. Oliddon. 
 Types of mankind; or, ethnological re- 
 searches. Illustrated by selections from 
 the papers of S. O. Morton, ami by addi- 
 tions from L. Agassiz, \V. Usher, and H. 
 S. Patterson. Phila., 18r>4. 
 Nourse, J. E. Maritime canal of Suez; 
 brief memoir of the enterprise from its 
 earliest date. Washington, 186'.*. 
 Narrative of the second Arctic expe- 
 dition made by Charles F. Hall ; his 
 voyage to Repulse Bay; sledge journeys 
 to the straits of Fury and Hecia, and 
 to King William's Land, and residence 
 among the Eskimos during the years 
 18G4-IUI. Washington, 1879. 
 Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle 
 appliipK^e aux arts. 24 v. Paris, 18O;!-04. 
 Nouveau guide des sous-ofliciers d'infante- 
 rie, par un olHcier sup^rieur. 8' 6i\. 
 Paris, 18;U. (2 copies.) 
 Nouveau guide de sous-ofliciers des troupes 
 a eheval, par M. L**". 2" dd. Paris, 
 Nugent, G. N. T. G., Lord. Some memo- 
 rials of .John Hamjiden, his party and 
 his times. 2d ed. 2 v. Lond., l-^IVJ. 
 Nuttall, Thomas. North American .sylva; 
 or, a description of the forest trees of the 
 United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, 
 not described in the work of F. Andrew 
 Michanx. Ilhis. :? v. in 2. Pliila., 1857. 
 Travels into the Arkansa Territory, 
 during the year 1819; with observ.ations 
 on the aborigines. Illus. Phila., 1821. 
 O'Byrne's collection of the army circulars 
 and general orders, 1867-77. Lond., 1878. 
 (3 copies.) 
 O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary history 
 of the State of New York. Arranged 
 under direction of C. Morgan. 2 v. Al- 
 bany, 1849. 
 History of New Netherlaml ; or, New 
 York under the Dutch. 2d ed. 2 v. N. Y., 
 O'Connor, .lolin Michael. Treatise on the 
 science of war and fortilication; to which 
 is added a summary of the principles ami 
 maxims of grand tactics and operations. 
 2 v. and 1 v. plates and maps. N. Y., 
 O'Connor, T. History of the war between 
 the United States of America and Great 
 Britain. 4th ed. N. Y., 1817.
 O'Driscol, John. Views of Ireland, moral, 
 political, and religions. 2 v. Lond., 
 0£5cial arrangements for the oI)se([nies of 
 the late Secretary of State and the late 
 Secretary of the Navy. AVa.sliington, 1844. 
 Official register (Blue book), 1802-81. 
 ?,C> V. Washington, 1802-81. 
 OflBclal reports of battles. Published by 
 order of the Confederate Congress at 
 Richmond. N. Y., 1863. 
 O'Flanagan, J. Roderick. Lives of the 
 lord iliancellors and keepers of the great 
 seal of Ireland, from the earliest times to 
 the reign of Queen Victoria. 2 v. Lond., 
 Ogden, E. D. Tariff or rates of duties 
 payable on goods, wares, and merchandise 
 imported on and after January 1st, 1840, 
 until June ;50th, 1842; also, rates imposed 
 by the law of 1832, etc. N. Y., 1840. 
 Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary, Eng- 
 lish, technological, and .scientific, on the 
 basis of Webster; with the addition of 
 many thousand words and phrases. 2 v. 
 Glasgow, 1853. 
 Supplement to the Imperial diction- 
 ary. Glasgow, 18.5.5. 
 O'Halloran, Sylvester, and others. History 
 of Ireland, from the invasion by Henry 
 the Second to the jiresent times. lUns. 
 2 V. N. Y. 
 Ohio. Annual report of the adjutant gen- 
 eral, for the year 1834. Columbus, Ohio, 
 Fourth annual reijort of the com- 
 missioner of statistics to the governor of 
 the State, 1860. Columbus, 1861. 
 Ohio valley historical series. No. 7. Mis- 
 cellanies. Cincinnati, 1871. 
 Okounef, Col. N. Considerations sur les 
 grandes operations, les batailles et les 
 combats de la campagne de 1812 en Rus- 
 sie. Paris, 1829. 
 Examen raisonnc des proprif^tf^s des 
 trois armes. Paris, 1832. 
 Sl^moires sur les principes de la stra- 
 t<5gie, et sur ses rapports intimes avec le 
 terrain ; avec carte et plan. 2" ^d. Paris, 
 Old Franklin Almanac, for 1862-60. Phila., 
 "Old Jack" and his fcot cavalry: a story 
 of the war in the Old Dominion. N. Y., 
 Olden time. 2 v. Pittsburgh, 1846-48. 
 Olin, Stephen. Incidents of travel in Egypt, 
 Arabia Petnea, and the Holy Land. With 
 map and engravings. 10th ed., with ad- 
 ditions. 2 V. N.Y.,1848. 
 Oliphant, Laurence. Narrative of the Earl 
 of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, in 
 the years 18.57-59. N. Y. , 1860. 
 Piccadilly: a fragment of contempo- 
 rary biography. Illus. Lond., 1870. 
 Oliphant, T. L. K. The duke and the scholar, 
 and other essays. Lond., 1875. 
 Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, 
 write, and speak the German language. 
 To which is added a systematic outline of 
 English grammar, by G. ,T. Adler. N. Y., 
 Oilier, Edmund. Cassell's illustrated his- 
 tory of the Russo- Turkish war. 2 v. 
 O'Loghlen, Lieut. Terence. Marine volun- 
 teer; containing the exercise, firings, and 
 evolutions of a battalion of infantry; to 
 which is added sea-duty, and a supple- 
 ment. Lond., 1766. 
 O'Neill, Thomas. Treatise on the eighteen 
 mantpuvres; with observations on the in- 
 teriorregnlation of companies, etc. Lond., 
 Oppert, Ernest. Forbidden laud: voyages 
 to the Corea; with an account of its geog- 
 raphy, history, etc. Illus. N. Y.,1880. 
 Ordnance. Abridged treatise on the con- 
 struction and manufacture of ordnance in 
 the British service. Lond., 1877. 
 Instructions for making quarterly 
 returns of ordnance and ordnance stores. 
 Washington, 1863. 
 Treatise on the construction and 
 manufacture of ordnance in the British 
 service. Lond., 1879. 
 Ordnance Department as a portion of the 
 United States military establishment ; 
 being a historical statement of the rise 
 and progress of the Ordnance Depart- 
 ment. Washington, 1876. 
 Ordnance instructions for the United States 
 Navy. 3d ed. Washington, 1864. 
 Ordnance mannal, for the use of the officers 
 of the United States Army. Wa.shington, 
 The same. 2ded. Washington, 1850. 
 The same. 3d ed. Phila., 1861. (2 
 copies. ) 
 The same. Phila., 1862.
 Ordnance memoranda. 
 No. 1. IiiHtrtK-tions fur iiiitkinc quarterly rotiiniB 
 of onlniini't- and onliiaiice fltorCM. 
 No. 2. R:int;<*8 of ^iiiii.h. howit/.i'i-w. auil mortars 
 usfd in the Hervire of the I'niteii StateH. 
 No. 3. Adniinistnitiveiliitit-Hof OnlnanceBiireati. 
 No. 4. Laws of tlie riiit«(l States relating to the 
 Onlnance Departuiunt, from Apiil 2d, 17W. to 
 March 3d, 1803. 
 No. r>. ProeeedinRs of the ordnance hoard, Wa.sli- 
 inRton, 1). C, .Sept., 18(13. 
 No. d. Hills of iron for the wrooglit-irou barbett* 
 and casemalo sea-cuast carriages; models of 
 1881, 02, '63. 
 No. 7. Instructions explanatory of the laws aiul 
 repilattons relating to the disbursement of 
 public money ; for the use of the officers of the 
 Ordnance Depiirtliient. 
 No. 8. Metallic airiuuiuitiou for the Springfii>ld 
 breech-loadiny rifle musket. Washington. 1870. 
 No. 9. Proceedings of tlie ordnance board, con- 
 vened at Waahiiiglon, D. C, 1808. 
 No. 10. Summary of tlie proceedings of a board 
 of otlicers, convened to report upou ordnance 
 and ordnance stores, 1870. 
 No. 11. Proceedings of board of officers at St. 
 Louis, Mo., June 10, 1870. 
 No. 12. A description of the telemeter. 
 No. 13. Infantr.v and cavalry equipments, etc. 
 No. 14. Metallic cartridges (regulation and ex- 
 perimental), as manufactured and tested at the 
 Frankford arsenal, IMiiladelpIiia, Pa. AVash- 
 ington. 1873. 
 No. l.'>. Report of the board of officers for the 
 purpose of selecting a breech system for the | 
 muskets and carbines; and their report on 
 trowel baytmets; idso a report on the siiliject | 
 of the proi)er calib4-r for suiiill arms. Wash- : 
 ington, 1873. 
 No. 10. Report of the board of officers upiui plans 
 and models of liepressing ;»nd other carriages 
 for heavy ordnance. 
 No. 17. Reportof the board of officers on Galling 
 guns of large caliber for Hank defense. AY ash- 
 ington, 1874. 
 No. 18. Proceedings of the board of officers on 
 horse equipments, cavalry etiuipraents, and 
 accouterments. etc. Wa,shington. 1874. 
 No. 19. Proceedings of tile board of officers on 
 iufantry eiiuipments. etc. Washington, 1875. 
 No. 20. History of Rock Island arsenal. 
 No. 21. Ammunition, fuses, primers, military 
 pyrotcchny, etc. 
 No. 22. The fabrication of small amis for the 
 United Stat^js service. 
 No. 23. Machines for siege and garrison service, 
 mcchanit^al manoeuvres, paints, lackers, etc. 
 Ordnance notes. No8. I'JG to lliT imhisive, 
 frniii the Onlnance Office, War Ucpart. 
 mint. \V;i.sliingtoii, 1881. 
 Ordonnance iiour les tambours dea troupes 
 fed^rale.s. Zurich, 181."). 
 Original lists of persou.s of <iuaUty, emi- 
 grants, religious exiles, political rebels, 
 serving mcMi sold for a term of years, 
 apprentices, children stolen, maidens 
 pres.sed, and others who went from (!reat 
 Britain to the .\nierican phmlations, ItiOO- 
 17110, with llieir ages, the loc;tlitieH wliere 
 tliey formerly lived in the mother country, 
 the names of the ships in which they era- 
 barked, and other interesting particulars ; 
 from MSS. jireserved in the state paper 
 department of Her M.a jesty's public record 
 ofMci', Knghmil. J. t';iindeTi Hotten, editor. 
 X. Y.. 1^74. 
 Orleans, Diichemi of. Secret memoirs (d' tlie 
 court of Louis the XIV., and of the re- 
 gency. Loud., lHi4. 
 Orme, Robert. History of the military 
 transactions of the Hritish nation in Hin- 
 dostan, from the year 174.'). 4th eil. ;{ v. 
 Lond., 180:t. 
 O'Rourke, Matthew J. New system of 
 sword exercise; witli ai manual of tlie 
 sword for officers, mounted and dis- 
 mounted. N. Y., 1872. 
 Orton, James. Andes and the Amazon ; or, 
 across the coutiuent of Soiitli America; 
 with a new m:ip and illustrations. N. Y., 
 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. At home and 
 abroad; or, things ;iiid thoughts in Amer- 
 ica and Europe. Edited by her brother, 
 Arthur B. Eiiller. Bost., 1874. 
 Life without and life within; or, re- 
 view.s, narratives, essays, and poems. 
 Edited by her brother, Arthur B. Fuller. 
 Bost., l.'^74. 
 Memoirs. By W. H. Clianuing, R. \V. 
 Einer.son,and J. F.Clarke. 2 v. Bost., 1874. 
 Woman in the nineteenth century; 
 and kindled pajiers relating to the sphere, 
 condilion, and duties of woman. Edited 
 by lier brother, Arthur B. Fuller; with an 
 introduction, by Horace Greeley. Best., 
 Otis, (Icoige A. l{e]iort on amputations at 
 tlie hip-joint ill military surgery. (Circu- 
 lar No. 7, Surg. Gen. Office.) Washing- 
 ton, 1867. 
 Kepart on excisions of the head of the 
 femur for gunshot injury. (Circular No. 
 2, Surg. Gen. Office.) Washington. \>iG'J. 
 Report to the Surgeon (Jeneral on the 
 trans])ort of sick and wounded by jiack 
 animals. (Circular Xo. 9, Surg. Gen. 
 Office.) Washington, 1877. 
 • Report of surgical cases treated in 
 the army of the United States, from
 1865-71. (Circular No. :i, Surg. Gen. 
 Oftice.) Washington, 1871. 
 Ouida, See La Rami5, Louise tie. 
 Overman, Frederick. Manufacture of iron, 
 in all its various lirandirs; to whicli is 
 added an essay on the manufacture of 
 steel. Illus. Phila., 1850. 
 Ovid. Fasti, Tristia, Pontic eipl.^^tUs; Ibis 
 and Halieulicon. Tran.slated into Engll.sli 
 prose, with notes, by H. T. Riley. (liolin's 
 classical library.) Lond., 1870. 
 Heroides, Amours, Art of love, and 
 Remedy of love. Translated into English 
 prose, with notes, by H. T. Riley. (Bohn's 
 clas.sical library. ) Loud., 1869. 
 Metamorphoses. Translated into 
 English prose, with notes, by H. T. Riley. 
 (Bohn's cla.ssical library.) Loud., 1870. 
 Ovren, C. H. Principles and practice of 
 modern artillery; including artillery ma- 
 terial, gunnery, aud organization and use 
 of artillery in warfare. Illus. Lond., 
 Owen, David Dale. Ge<ilogical survey of 
 Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and in- 
 cidentally of a portion of Nebraska Terri- 
 tory, under instructions from the U. S. 
 Treas. Dept. 2 v. Phila., 18."v2. 
 Ow^en, Capt. J. F. Compound guns, many- 
 barrelled ritle Ijatteries, machine guns, or 
 mitraillenrs. Lond., 1874. 
 Oiven, Robert. Book of the new moral 
 world ; containing the rational system of 
 society, founded on demonstrable facts. 
 N. y., 1845. 
 Opening speech, aud his rej)ly to 
 Rev. Alex. Campbell. Also, his memorial 
 to the republic of Mexico, and a narrative 
 of the proceedings thereon. Cincinnati, 
 Pacific railroad. Explorations aud surveys 
 to ascertain a route for a railroad from the 
 Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 
 maile under the direction of the Secretary 
 of War, in 1853. Illus. 13 v. Washing- 
 ton, 1855. 
 Packard, A. S. Guide to the study of in- 
 sects. Illus. 5th ed. N. Y., 1876. 
 Packe, Edmund. Historical record of the 
 royal regiment of horse guards, or Oxford 
 Blues. Illus. Lond., 1834. 
 Page, C. E. Th^orie du pointage, a I'usage 
 des sous-officiers d'artillerie. Strasbourg 
 et Paris, 1848. 
 15 w 
 Paget, Gen. Lord George. The light cavalry 
 brigade in the Crimea. Lond., 1881. 
 Paget, John. Hungary and Transylvania; 
 with remarks on their condition, social, 
 political, and economical. From the new 
 Lond. ed. 2 v. Phila., 18.50. 
 Paine, Martyu. Letters on the cholera as- 
 phyxia. X. Y., 1832. 
 Paizhans, Henri J. Fortification de Paris. 
 Paris, 1834. 
 Nonvelle force maritime et apjdica- 
 tion de cette force a quehiues parties du 
 service de I'arm^e de terre. Paris, 1822. 
 Palfrey, Francis W. Antietam and Fred- 
 ericksburg. (Campaigns of the civil 
 war. Vol. 5.) N. Y. 1882. 
 Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. 
 Bost., 1878. 
 Palfrey, John G. History of New England, 
 from the iliscovery by Europeans to the 
 revolution of the 17th century. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Statistics of the condition and pro- 
 ducts of certain branches of industry in 
 Massachusetts, for the year ending April 
 1st, 1845. Bost., 1846. 
 Palgrave, Sir Francis. Rise and progress 
 of the English commonwealth. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1832. 
 Palgrave, William Gitl'ord. Essays on east- 
 em questions. Lond., 1872. 
 Personal narrative of a year's journey 
 through central and eastern Arabia, 
 1862-63. 6th ed. Lond. and N. Y., 1871. 
 Palladio, Andrea. Batimenset les desseins 
 de Andr6 Palladio; recueillis et illustr^s 
 par Octave Bertotti Scamozzi. 2" ^d. 
 5 V. Vicence, 1786. 
 Palmer, E. H. Desert of the exodus: .jour- 
 neys on foot in the wilderneas of the 
 forty years' wanderings. N. Y., 1872. 
 Palmer, Capt. Francis Ingram. Descriptive 
 account of an horizontal-acting and dis- 
 connecting spur-torpedo-ram ; fitted with 
 auxiliary needle-torpedo-thrusts; also, a 
 dome-shaped, double roller, one gun tur- 
 ret. Loud. 
 Pambour, F. M. Guyonneau de. Practical 
 treatise on locomotive engines upon rail- 
 ways; with tables and an appendix. N.Y., 
 Pamphlets: containing essays, 8i)eeche3, 
 lectures, and reports on Indians, canals.
 railroads, education, domestic industry, 
 I>olitics, history, foreign missions, etc., 
 etc. 4 V. 
 Vol. 1. Indians. 
 Brief exposition of tlie claims of the Now York 
 luiliiins to iirtaiii lands at Green Bay, in the 
 MieliiKiin Ti-rritmy. 
 Consiiliriitioiis on tlie present ulate of the In- 
 ilians and tlieir removal west of the Mississippi 
 Documents and proceedings relative to the for- 
 mation of a board in Xew Torlc litv for tlie 
 emigration, prrservation, and improvi-im'ut of 
 the aboriuiiK's of Anu-rii-a, .July 2J, IS'.'tl. N. Y., 
 1829. ("North American Kevirw," Jan., 1830.) 
 Correspondence betwe.-n C.cni'ral .laclison and 
 J. C. Callioun, ri'Iativc to the Seminole war. 
 WashinKtou, IWl. 
 Petition and appeal of the Six Natiiins, Onoida, 
 Stookbridge, etc., to the government of the 
 United Stales. Sangerlidd, 1829. 
 Kemarks on the condition, character, and lan- 
 guages of the North American Indians. Host., 
 1826! (" North American Kcvicw," .Jan., 1820.) 
 Keports and proceedings of a tour among the 
 Southern Indians. T. L. MoKcnney. Wash- 
 ington, 1828. 
 Schoolcraft's travels in the central portion of the 
 Mississippi Valley; and Kawle's vindication 
 of the Rev. Mr. Heckewclder's " History of 
 the Indian nation." ("North American Re- 
 view," April, 1828.) 
 Sketches of the ancient history of the Six Na- 
 tions. David Cusick. 2d ed. Tuscarora Vil- 
 lage, N. T., 1828. 
 Vol. 2. Canals and railroads. 
 Keport of the commissioners on a canal from Bal- 
 timore to the Potomac. Baltimore, 1823. 
 Keport of a committee on a caual from Seneca 
 Lake to the Erie Canal. Geneva, N. Y., 1822. 
 Report on a canal to unite the river Delaware 
 with the Passaic. Morristewn, N. J., 1823. 
 Morris Canal, Engineer report on. N. Y., 1823. 
 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company- 
 Fiftli general report. Phila., 1824. 
 Memorial to connect the Atlantic and western 
 waters by a canal. 1823. 
 Report of the board of canal commissioners to the 
 general assembly of Ohio. Columbus, 1824. 
 The same. Columbus, 1825. 
 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Acts of 
 the United States Congress, and of the States 
 of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania in 
 relation to, etc. Washington, 1828. 
 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. Sixth 
 annual report. Baltimore, 1832. 
 Sketch of the geographical route of a great rail- 
 way to connect the canals and navigable waters 
 of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, 
 Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and adjacent 
 States. 2d ed. N. Y., 1830. 
 Correspondence on the importance and practica- 
 bility of a railroad from New York to New 
 Orleans. With report by DeWitt Clinton. 
 N. Y., 1830. 
 Examioations and surveys of a route for a rail- 
 road from Cauajoharie to CatskiU. Hy Lieut. 
 J. Piekell. CatskiU, 1831. 
 Vol. 3. Miscellaneous. 
 Disconrse delivered on the anniversary of the 
 Historical Society of Michigan, June 4, 1830. 
 H. K. Schoolcraft. Detroit, 1830. 
 Address delivereil at Princeton by Mr. Berrien, 
 ITuited Slates Attorney General. Sept., 1829. 
 I'riuceton, 1829. 
 Hartford deaf aud dumb asylum, 14th rejiort 
 Hartford, 1830. 
 Oregon. Geographical sketch of tlial pari of 
 North America lalled Oregon. Willi map of 
 country. H.J. Kellcy. Best., 1830. 
 Address of the friends of domestic industry to 
 the people of the United States, Oct. 26, 1831. 
 Baltimore, 1831. 
 Catechism of education. Part 1. W. I.. Mac- 
 kenzie. York, 1830. 
 Letter to John C. Calhoun, K. Y. Hayne, G. Mc- 
 Dullie, and. I. Hamilton, jr., of South Carolina. 
 T. S. Grimke. 2d ed. Charleston, 1832. 
 Letter on "Discretionary power." R. K- Henry. 
 N. Y., 1830. 
 Letters on the Richmond party. By a Virginian. 
 Washington, 1823. 
 Address delivered at Nashville, Fob. 22, 1832, 
 centennial birtliday of George Washington. 
 By Philip Lindsley. Naslivillo, 1832. 
 Address delivered at Concord before the Now 
 Hampaliire Historical Society, June 8, 1831. 
 By C. U. Atlii-rton. Concord, 1831. 
 Letter of Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, to the 
 Secretary of the Treasury relative to the cult- 
 ure of the sugar cane. Waaliiugton, 1831. 
 Mariners' and surveyors' compass needles, Im- 
 portant improvement in. M. Smith. Wash- 
 ington, 1832. 
 Report of Mr. Teackle relative to the establish- 
 ment of a State bank in Maryland. Annapo- 
 lis, 1830. 
 Olive branch. No. 3. M. Carey. Phila., 1832. 
 Brief essay on the causes of dry-rot in public and 
 private ships, and its remedy. James Barron. 
 Norfolk, 1829. 
 Who is the legitimate king of Portugal. A Por- 
 tuguese question subiuilted to impartial men. 
 Lond., 1828. 
 Vol. 4. Miscellaneous. 
 Review of the speech of Harrison Gray Otis de- 
 livered at Boston, on the "protecting system." 
 Bost., 1831. 
 Foreign missions. Report of the American board 
 of commissioners, 19th, 21st, 22d annual meet- 
 ings. Bost., 1828-31. 
 Presbyterian church general assembly, 1832. 
 Minutes. PhUa., 1832. 
 Common schools. State of New York. Report of 
 the superintendent, 1831. Albany, 1831. 
 Report of a case decided in the district court of 
 the United States for the district of Masaacha-
 setts, March term, 1829, respecting the right 
 of the United States to property fonnd derelict 
 npon the high seas. Boat,, 1829. 
 Temperance : second annual report of the N. T. 
 society for its promotion. Alhany, 1831. 
 Tocsin (The): a solemn warning against the dan- 
 gerous doctrine of nulliiication, etc- 3d ed. 
 Plula., 1832. 
 Bank of the United States, Considerations upon. 
 S. Young. Albany, 1832. 
 Panorama of life and literature. 3 v. 
 Boat., 1855-56. 
 Pardoe, Julia. Louis the Fourteenth and 
 the court of France in the seventeenth 
 century. 2 v. N. Y., 1848. 
 Paris. Inside Paris during the siege. By 
 an Oxford graduate. Loud., 1871. 
 Paris Exposition, 1867. Reports 
 of the United States coinniissioners. 6 v. 
 Washington, 1870. 
 Paris Univer.sal Expositiou, 1878. Official 
 catalogue of the United States exhib- 
 itors. Lond., 1878. 
 Reijorts of the United .States com- 
 missioners. 5 V. Washington, 1880. 
 Paris, Comte de. History of the civil war 
 in America. Translated by Louis F. Ta- 
 sistro. Edited by Henry L. Copji^e. Vols, 
 land 2. Phila., 1876. 
 Cartes et planches de I'histoire de la 
 guerre civile en Amdrique. Paris, 1874-75. 
 Paris, John Ayrton. Life of Sir Humphry 
 Davy. 2 v. Lond., 1831. 
 Park, Mungo. Travels in the interior dis- 
 tricts of Africa, in the years 1795-97. 
 With an appendix, containing geographi- 
 cal illustrations of Africa, by Major Ren- 
 neU. N. Y., 1813. 
 Park, Roswell. Pantology ; or, a syste- 
 matic survey of human knowledge; pro- 
 posing a classification of all its branches. 
 Phila., 1841. 
 Parker, Edward G. Reminiscences of 
 Rufiis Choate. N. Y., 1800. 
 Parker, Richard Green. Aids to English 
 composition; prepared for students of all 
 grades. 20th ed. N. Y., 1868. 
 Parker, Capt. Robert. Memoirs of the 
 most remarkable military transactions, 
 from the year 1683 to 1718 ; containing an 
 account of the battles, sieges, etc., in 
 Ireland and Flanders, during the reigns 
 of K. William and Q. Anne. Loud., 1747. 
 Parkes, E. A. Manual of practical hygi- 
 ene. Prepared expressly for use In the 
 medical service of the army. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1866. 
 Parkes, E. A. The same. Phila., 1868. 
 Parkman, Francis. Bouquet's expedition 
 against the Ohio Indians, in 1764; with a 
 preface, and a translation of Dumas' bio- 
 graphical sketch of General Bouquet. 
 Cincinnati, 1868. 
 Conspiracy of Pontlac, and the In- 
 dian war after the conquest of Canada. 
 6th ed. 2 v., 1870. 
 The same. 7th ed. 2 v. Bost.,1874. 
 Couut Fronteuac and New France 
 under Louis XIV. Bost., 1877. (2 copies. ) 
 Discovery of the great west. 3d ed. 
 Bost., 1870. 
 The same. 8th ed. Bost., 1875. 
 Jesuits in North America in the sev- 
 enteenth century. 4th ed. Bost., 1870. 
 The same. 9th ed. Bost., 1875. 
 Old regime in Canada. Bost., 1874. 
 The same. Bost., 1875. 
 Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and 
 Rocky Mountain life. 6th ed., revised. 
 Bost., 1875. (2 copies.) 
 Pioneers of France in the new world. 
 9th ed. Bost., 1871. 
 The same. 12th ed. Bost., 1875. 
 Parkyns, Mansiield. Life in Abyssinia ; 
 being notes collected during a three years' 
 residence and travels in that country. 
 2v.ini. N. Y., 1854. 
 Parliamentary history and review; con- 
 taiuiug reports of the two houses of Par- 
 liament during the sessions of 1825-26. 
 2 V. Loud., 1826. 
 Parliamentary reports. 8 v. Lond., 1804- 
 Koads, hridges, etc., v. 1-3. 
 Highland roads and hridges, v. 4. 
 Navigation, v. 5 and 6. 
 Miscellaneous, v. 7. 
 Bank of England charter, v. 8. 
 Report from the committee on the 
 .stateof the Hudson's Bay Co. Loud., 1749. 
 Report of the commissioners of mili- 
 tary inquiry. 4 V. Lond., 1806-12. 
 Barrack Master General's Office, v. 1. 
 Army. Medical Department, Secretary of War. 
 V. 2. 
 \ Indies. Military college, Ad,jutant and 
 Quartermaster General, Ordnance, v. 3. 
 Ordnance, Commissariat, Chelsea Hospital, Com- 
 missary General of Musters, Koyal Military 
 Asylum, v. 4. 
 Report of the select committee on 
 the affairs of the East India Company. 
 4 V. Lond., 1833.
 Parliamentary ropoi-ts. Report of tho 
 sik'it ciiiiiiiiittci' on llif> army before Sebas- 
 topol. Vols. 'J, :!, 4, and imlex. Loud., 
 Hi'porla of the eoniniissioii ofiniiuiry 
 into the purchase of supplies in the Cri- 
 mea. 2 V. Loud., 185."). 
 Report relative to military aftaire in 
 .\siatic Turkey, and the defence and i^a- 
 pitulation of Kars. Loud., IrtSfi. 
 British colonial reports. Loud.. 
 Parliamentary review. I v. Lond., H'J'^. 
 Parriah, Robert A., jr. Details of an uu|)aid 
 claim on France for 24.000,000 francs, 
 fiuaranteed by the parole of Xapoleou III. 
 Phila., 18t;9. 
 Parry, William Kdward. Journal of a voy- 
 age for the discovery of a north-west pas- 
 sage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, iu 
 1819-20; with an appendix. Lond., 1821. 
 Supplement to the appendix to first 
 voyage for the discovery of a north-west 
 passage, in 1819-20. Loud., 1824. 
 Journal of a .second vovage for the 
 discovery of a north-west passage from 
 tho Atlantic to the Pacific, in 1821-23. 
 Illus. Lond.,1824. 
 Appendix to second voyage for the 
 discovery of a north-west passage, in 
 1821-23. Loud., 182,5. 
 An attempt to reach the north pole 
 in boats attached to His Majesty's ship 
 Hecla, iu 1827. Illu.s. Lond.,182S. 
 ParsouB, Usher. Life of Sir William Pep- 
 perrell, Bart., the only native of New 
 England who was created a Baronet dur- 
 ing our connection with the mother 
 country. 3d od. Bost. and Loud., l.-^iiG. 
 Parton, Jami'.s. General Butler in New Or- 
 leans. Itjth ed.,18GG. (2 copies. ) 
 Life and times of Aaron Burr. 14th 
 ed. N. Y., 18t>l. 
 Lifeof Andrew Jackson. 3 v. Bost., 
 Life of Thomas Jeft'erson. Bost., 
 Lifeof Voltaire. 2 v. Bost., 1881. 
 Pasley, Sir Charles W. Elementary forti- 
 fication. Originally published as [(art of 
 a course of military instruction. 2d ed. 
 2v. Loud., 1822. 
 E.ssay on the military policy and in- 
 stitutions of the British empire. 4th ed. 
 Lend., 1813. 
 Pasley, Sir Charles W. Military instruction. 
 Composed for the oftlie royal engineer 
 department. Vols. 2 and 3. Lond.,1817. 
 Obsi'rvations on the expediency and 
 practicability of simidifying and improv- 
 ing measures, weights, anil niouey used in 
 this conutry. Loml.. H34. 
 Paterson, Major William. Notes on mili- 
 tary surveying and reconnaissance. 2d 
 ed. Loud., 1873. 
 The same. 5th ed. Loud., 1881. 
 Patterson, Ciii. Robert. Narrative of the 
 cam)iaign in the valley of the .Shenandoah, 
 in Hid. I'hila., 1HC>.J. 
 Pattou, .1. Harris. History of the United 
 Stall's of America, from the discovery of 
 till- continent to the cIo.hc of the Thirty- 
 sixth Congress. 4tli ed. N. Y., 1863. 
 The .same. (1th ed. N. Y., 1868. 
 Paulin-Desormeauz, M. A. Manuel de 
 I'armuricr, du fourbisseur, et dc I'arque- 
 busier, on traite complet et simplitid de 
 ces arts. Paris, 1832. 
 Pauthier, Georges. Chine ; on description 
 historiiine, gdographique et litt^raire de 
 ! ce vaste empire. Paris, 1837. 
 Pau^, Cornelius de. (Euvres jdiiloso- 
 ]iliiiliies. 7 v. (Paris, an III) 1795. 
 Pavy, F. W. on food and dietetics, 
 physiologically and tlieiapeutically con- 
 sidered. Lond., 1874. 
 Payer, Julius. New lands within the arctic 
 , circle: narrative of the discoveries of the 
 I Austrian ship "Tegetthotf," in the years 
 1872-74; with maps and illustrations. 
 Translated from the German. N. Y., 
 Paymaster General's memoranda, circu- 
 lars, and circular letters, from July, 18C2, 
 to .September, 18T4. Washington, 1875. 
 Payton, Andrew A. Henry Beyle (other- 
 wise De Steudahl) : a critical and bio- 
 graphical study. Lond., 1874. 
 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Remini.s- 
 cences of Rev. Wm. Ellery Channiug, 
 D. D. Host., 1880. 
 P^clet, E. Traitd de la chaleur: cousi- 
 d^r^e dans ses applications. 2' 6(1. 2 v. 
 Paris. Irt43. 
 Pegot-Ogier, E. Fortunate isles; or, the 
 archipelago of the Canaries. Translated 
 from the French, by Francis Locock. 
 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Pelet, Jean J. 6., iJaron. McSmoires sur la 
 guerre de 1809, en Allemagne, avec les
 operations particuliferes des corps d'ltalie, 
 de Pologue, de Saxe, do Naples et de 
 Walclieren. 4 v. Paris, 18-J4-'2C. 
 Pembroke, Henry, Earl of. Military equi- 
 tation ; or, a method of breaking horses 
 and teaching soldiers to ride. 3d ed., with 
 plates. Lond., 1778. (2 copies. ) 
 Peninsular campaign of General McClellan 
 in Isd-J. Papers read before the Military 
 Historical Society of Massachusetts, in 
 187(), '77, '78, '80. Vol. 1. Bost., 1881. 
 (2 co})ies.) 
 Pennsylvania. Annual report of the adju- 
 tant general of the State, for the years 
 1864, '65, '66, '78, '79. Harrisburg, 186.'->-80. 
 Message of Governor J. F. Hartranft 
 to the general assembly of the State, Janu- 
 ary, 1876. Harrisburg, 1876. 
 Penny cyclopaedia of the Society for the Dif- 
 fusion of Useful Knowledge. 29 v. in 16. 
 Loud., 1833-58. 
 Pension-roll of the United States. 5 v. 
 Washington, WX>. 
 Pensions. Regulations relating to army 
 and navy pensions; with statutes. Issued 
 by the Commissioner of Pensions. Wash- 
 ington, 1871. 
 Pentateuch and Book of Jcshua, in face of 
 the science and moral sense of our age. 
 By a physician. Lond., 1875. 
 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopicdic science simpli- 
 fied; with six hundred illustrations. 
 Lond. andN. Y., 1869. 
 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence 
 in the reigns of Charles II. and Jaines II. 
 With life and notes, by Richard, Lord 
 Braybrooke. 4th ed. 4 v. Lond., 1854. 
 Perforation des cuirasses en fer jiar les pro- 
 jectiles massifs ou creux, en acier on en 
 fonte dure, ^preuves de divers systfemes 
 de blindage pour les uavires et les case- 
 mates. Traduit par A. F. Aloncle. Paris. 
 Perkins, Samuel. Historical sketches of 
 the United States, from the peace of 1815 
 to 1830. N. Y., 1830. 
 Pernetty, Antoine ,1. Voyage aux Isles 
 Malouines, fait en 1763 et 1764 ; avec des 
 observations sur le detroit de Magellan et 
 sur les Patagous. Nouv. ^d. 2 v. Paris, 
 Perrot, A. M. Livre de guerre, ou instruc- 
 tion ei^mentatresur les difterentes parties 
 de I'art de la guerre. Paris. 
 Modeles de topographic. 3= <;d., 
 revue et augment<Se. Paris, 1831. 
 Persius. Su- Juvenai-. 
 Persy, \. Cours de stabilit(1 des construc- 
 tions et cours de balistique. 4" M. 
 Metz, 1834. 
 The same. 2 v. Metz, 1834. (Litho- 
 graphed manuscript.) 
 Peschel, C. F. Elements of physics. Trans- 
 lated from the German, with notes, by 
 E. West. nius. 3 V. Lond., 1845-46. 
 Peters, De Witt C. Life and adventures 
 of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky 
 Miiinitains. Illus. N. Y., 18.'>8. 
 Petot, M. Recherches sur la chaufournerie 
 faiti's an port de Brest. Paris, 1833. 
 Pettengill, S. M. Newspaper directory and 
 advertisers' hand-book, for 1877. N. Y., 
 Pettigre^ .1. Bell. Animal locomotion ; or, 
 walking, swimming, and flying. lUns. 
 2d ed. Lond., 1874. 
 Pettigrew, Thomas J. Chronicles of the 
 tombs: a select collection of epitaphs. 
 Loud., 1873. 
 Pharmacopoeia of tlie United States of 
 America. By authority of the national 
 medical convention, held at Washington, 
 1S'>0. Phila., 1851. 
 Philadelphia city directory (Gopsill's). 
 Pliila., 1880. 
 Philadelphia International Exhibition, 
 1876. Official catalogue of the 
 section. Lond., 1876. 
 Philips, Major G. Elementary course of 
 field and xiermaneut fortification, and of 
 the attack of fortresses. 2d ed. Lond., 
 Phillips, Mrs. .•Vlfred. Benedicta. Lond., 
 Phillips, William. Elementary introduc- 
 tion to the knowledge of mineralogy. 3d 
 ed. Lond., 1823. 
 Philo Judieus. Works. Translated from 
 the (ireek, by C. D. Yonge. 4 v. Lond., 
 1854. (2 copies. ) 
 Phipps, J. System of military discipline 
 for His JIajesty's army. Loud., 1787. 
 Photographs: showing landscapes, geolog- 
 ical, and other features of portions of the 
 western territory of the United States, 
 obtained in connection with the geograph- 
 ical and geological surveys west of the 
 100th meridian, seasons of 1871-72-73. 
 Pickering, 0., and Charles W. Upham. 
 Life of Timothy Pickering. 4 v. Bost., 
 Pickett, .\ll>i"rt .Tamos. History of Ala- 
 liaiiia. and iiuidfiitally of Goorgia and 
 Mississippi, from llic earliest period. 2d 
 ed. a V. Charleston, 1H.')1. 
 Picturesque Ameriea; or, the land we live 
 in: a delineation, by pen and pencil, of the 
 mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, water- 
 falls, shores, eafions, valleys, cities, and 
 other pieturescpie features of onr eoiuitry. 
 W. C. IJryant, editor. Illus. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Pi^Iago, Celestino ilel. Introdnecion al es- 
 tndiodela .aniiiitectura, hi<lr:iiiliea, para 
 el uso de la Aeademia especial de inijeni- 
 eros. Jladrid, \r<i\. 
 Pierce, Edward L. Memoir and letters of 
 Charles .Sumner, 'i v. Host., 1877. 
 Pierce, Gilbert A. The Dickens dictionary : 
 a key to the characters and i>rincipal in- 
 cidents in the tales of Charles Dickens; 
 with additions by W. A. Wheeler. lUns. 
 Host., 1870. 
 Pierrotti, Ermete. Customs and traditions 
 of Palestine; illustrating the manners of 
 the ancieut Hebrews. Translated by T. 
 (;. Honney. Cambrid<;e .and Lond., 18(i4. 
 Piggot, ,Iohn. Persia, ancient and modern. 
 I.oud., l.'<74. 
 Pike, Nicolas. Sub-tropical rambles in the 
 land of the Aphanapteryx: personal ex- 
 jieriences, adventures, and wanderings in 
 and around the island lit Manriliiis. N. Y., 
 Pike, ZehulouM. Expeditions to the sources 
 of the Missi.ssippi, the Arkansaw, Kans, 
 La Platte, and Pierre .laun Rivers, during 
 1805-1807, and a tour through the interior 
 parts of New .Spain. Illus., with maps 
 and charts. 2 v. Phila., 1810. 
 Pincott, Frederick. Analytical index to 
 •Sir John W. Kayc's history of thi' .Sepoy 
 war and Col. G. H. Mallesou's history of 
 the Indian mutiny. Lond., 1880. 
 Pinto, Alexandre de Serpa. Sec Skupa- 
 Piobert, '^■flj)'. G. Coursd'arlillerie. P.artie 
 tli(-iiriciue. IWdigce d'aprcs les cahiers et 
 les li'vons du pr<d'esseur en l^<:i5, i)ar MM. 
 Didiouet de.Saulcy. 1841. (Lithograph.) 
 Trait(^ d'artillerie, theorique et pra- 
 tique. Precis de la i)artie clomintaire et 
 pratiipie. Met?., LHoti. 
 Pitkin, Timothy. Political and civil history 
 of the United States of America, from 
 176:5 to 1797. 2 V. New Haven, 1828. 
 (2 copies.) 
 .Statistical view of the commerce of 
 the United States of Anu-riea; its connec- 
 tion with agricnltnr4< and nmnnfactures, 
 and an account of the luiblic debt, rev- 
 enues, and expeudilnrcs of lln' United 
 States. Hartford, I^Ki. 
 The same. 2d «hI. 2 v. N. Y. ami 
 Hartford, 1817. 
 Pitt, William. Speeches in the House of 
 CoMiMions. :5d ed. :i v. Limd., I'ln. 
 Pittenger, William. Daring and snlfering: 
 a history of the great railroad adventure. 
 Phila., 18(i:?. 
 Pittsburgh and Allegheny city directory, 
 1S7(I-71. I'ittsl>nigli, 1870. 
 Plan of discipline; com)>oscd for the use of 
 the militia of the county of Norfolk. 
 Load., 1759. 
 Planches relatives au ri^glement conccruant 
 I'exorcice et les manceuvres de I'infauterie. 
 Paris, 1791. 
 Plans of the attacks ui)ou Antwerp, lier- 
 geu-op-Zoom, Cambray, Pi^roniu', etc., by 
 the British and Prussian armies, in the 
 campaigns of 1814 and 1815. With ex- 
 planatory remarks, by Col. Cariniehael 
 Smyth. 1817. 
 Plato. Works. Literally translated, by 
 H. Cary, H. Davis, and C. Bulges. 
 (Holm's classical library.) ti v. Loud., 
 Plazanet, M. C. Memoirc sur les etl'ets de 
 la force expansive de la poudre dans les 
 mines en usage dans la guerre siuiter- 
 raine. Douai, 1845. 
 Pleasauton, flcn, A. J. Influence of the 
 bine ray of the sunlight, and of the blue 
 color of the sky, in developing animal and 
 vegetable life, etc. I'liila., 1870. 
 Plon, Eugene. Thorvaldsen; his life and 
 works. Translated by Mrs. Casliel Hoey. 
 Illus. Lond., 1874. 
 The same. Translated by 1. M. 
 Luyster. 2d Amer. ed. Host., 1874. 
 Ploughed under. The story of an Indian 
 chief, told by himself. N. Y., 1881. 
 Plutarch. Lives. From the original Greek. 
 Translated by John and William Lang- 
 horne. 3 v. Loud., 1813. 
 Lives. The translation called Dry- 
 den's. Corrected and revised by A. H. 
 Clongh. 5 V. Host., 1872. 
 The same. 5 v. Bost., 1875.
 Plutarch. Morals. Corrected and revised 
 by William VV. Goodwin; with an intro- 
 duction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. .5 v., 1871. 
 The same. 5 v. Bost., 1874. 
 CEuvres. 25 v. Paris, (.-in IX-XIV) 
 Vies des bomnies illastres, v. 1-1'J. 
 OEuvi-es morales, v, 13-17. 
 CKuvres mel^ea, v. 18-23. 
 T.ible des roati^res, v. 24-25. 
 Poe, Edgar Allen. Works. 4 v. N. Y., 
 Poinsett, .Joel R. Notes on Mexico, made 
 in the autumn of 1822; with a sketch of 
 the revolution and present state of that 
 country. With a map. Phila., 1824. 
 Pointis, .Jean B. L. D. de. Authentick and 
 particular account of the taking of Car- 
 thageua by the French, in the year 1697. 
 2d ed. Lond., 1740. (Bomid with .Tames' 
 " Dangerous voyage.") 
 Poisson, S. D. Formules relatives aux 
 eftVts du tir sur les ditt'drentes parties de 
 I'attftt. 2" M. Paris, 1838. 
 Recherches sur le mouvement des 
 projectiles dans I'air. Paris, 1839. 
 Polack, J. S. Manners and customs of the 
 New Zealanders ; their habits, usages, 
 etc., and remKrks to intending emigrants. 
 IIlus. 2 V. Lond., 1840. 
 Polar expedition (United States). Narra- 
 tive of the north polar expedition, U. S. 
 ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis 
 Hall, commanding. Edited liy Rear- 
 Admiral C. H. Davis, U. S. N. AVash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 The same. Scieutitic results. Vol. 
 1. Physical observations, by Emil Bes- 
 sels. Washington, 1876. 
 Pollard, Edward A. Life of Jertcrson 
 Davis; with a secret history of the 
 Southern Confederacy. Atlanta, Ga., 1869. 
 The lost cause. A new southern his- 
 tory of the war of the confederates. 
 Illus. N. Y., 1866. 
 Southern history of the war. 2 v. 
 in 1. N. Y.,1806. 
 Pollen, (Jeorge. Writings. N. Y., 1868. 
 Polybius. General history. Translated 
 from the Greek, by James Hampton. 4th 
 ed. 3 v. Lond., 1809. 
 Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement 
 traduit du grec par Dom Vincent Thuil- 
 lier, avec un commentaire ou un corps de 
 science tuilitaire, enriehi de notes cri- 
 tiques et historiques, ou toutes les grandcs 
 parties de la guerre, par M. de Folard. 
 6 v. et 1 V. de planches, etc. Amsterdam, 
 Pommies, Ml. Manuel de I'iug^juieur du 
 cadastre, pr<5cdd6 d'un traitd de trigono- 
 metric rectiligne, par A. A. L. Reynand. 
 Paris, 1808. 
 Poncelet, J. V. Introduction it, la mdca- 
 uique industrielle, physique ou expdri- 
 mentale. 2" 6d. Metz, 1841. 
 Lemons prdparatoires au lever d'usine. 
 Metz, 1844. (Lithograph manuscript.) 
 Mdnioire sur les roues hydi-auliiiues 
 a aubes courbes mues par-dessous suivi 
 d'expdriences sur les efl'ets mecaniques de 
 ces roues. Nouv. ed., augment^e d'nn 
 second m^moire. Metz, 1827. 
 Poncelet, J. V., and M. Lesbros. Experi- 
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 lement de I'eau. Paris, 1832. 
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 Ponts suspendus. Paris, 1825-30. 
 Poor, Henry V. JIanual of the railroads 
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 Congressional directory, 1776-1878. Bost.. 
 Pope, Alexander. Poetical works. Edited 
 by Robert Carruthers. Illus. New ed. 
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 Pope, Frank L. Modern practice of the 
 electric telegraph : a hand-book for elec- 
 tricians and operators. 10th ed., revi.sed 
 and enlarged. N. Y., 1877. 
 Pope, Gen. John. Report concerning the 
 operations of the Army of Virginia, while 
 under his command. (H. R. ex. doc. 
 No. 81, 37th Cong., 3d sess.) Washing- 
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 Pope, Thomas. Treatise on bridge archi- 
 tecture; with historical account and de- 
 scription of dirt'erent bridges erected in 
 various parts of the world, from au early 
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 Popular .Science Monthly. Conducted by 
 E. L. and W. J. Youmans. 12 v. and 2 
 supplements. 14 v. N. Y., la72-78. 
 Porter, Capt. David. Journal of a cruise 
 made to the Pacific Ocean, in the United 
 States frigate Essex, in the years 1612-14. 
 nias. 2d ed. 2 v. N. Y., 1822.
 Porter, .irfmii-n? David D. Memoir of Com- 
 luoiloiv Daviil I'oitcrof the United States 
 N'avy, with portraits ami heliiityix's. Al- 
 bany, 187>"). 
 Porter, G. R. on the niannfar- 
 tnre of jiorcelain and fj;laas. (Cabinet 
 c.vilo))ii-dia.) I'hila., l-i:W. 
 Treatise on .silk niannfactnre. (Cabi- 
 net cyclopiedia.) Phila., 1832. 
 Porter, Noali. Hnnian intellect; with an 
 intnxlnition npon psychology and llic 
 8onl. 4th ed. N. Y., 1870. 
 Porter, Sir Robert Kcr. Narrative of the 
 eani]iaij;n in Knssi.i, dnrinf; the year 1812. 
 Portlock, Cupt. Nathaniel. Voyage ronnd 
 tin- world, bnt more ]>arti(iilarly to thi^ 
 northwest of .\merica. performed in 
 178r>-88, in the King (ieorge and Qneen 
 Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. 
 Illus. Lond., 1789. 
 Post, Lydia Mintnrn. Soldiers' letters from 
 camp, battle-field, and prison. N. Y., 18(),5. 
 Post hospitals. Approved plans and speci- 
 fications for jiost ho.s])itals. (Circnlar No. 
 2. Snrg. Gen. Gfiice.) Wa.sliingfon, 1871. 
 Post nfflees. List of post offices in the 
 United States, with the names of the post- 
 ma.sters. Wa.shington, 18(')2. 
 The same. Washington, 1870. 
 Post-Karte von Miltel-Knropa. Wien, 18,")!). 
 Posts and stations, military division of the 
 Sonth. Descriptions. Lonisville, 1870. 
 Ontline descri]itiou of U. S. military 
 posts and stations, 1871. Washington, 
 Potter, .lohn. .\rclneologia Grieca ; or, 
 the antiiinities of (Jreece. Isf Amer. I'll. 
 N. Y., 182.^.. 
 Potter's .\merican Monthly: an illustrated 
 magazine of history, literafnre, science, 
 ami art. Vols. 4-10. I'hila., 187.-)-78. 
 Poudres. Experiences sur lea pomlres de 
 gnerre, faites h Esqnerdes, 1832-35. Paris, 
 Poumet, B. Analyse et dissertation rela- 
 tives il la noiivcUo .artillerie ; mdmoiro snr 
 la pondre et snr seseft'ctsdans les arnn^s i\ 
 feu; instruction sur I'artillerio dc cani- 
 pagne; instruction snr la balistiqne; in- 
 stmction snr les effets des bouchcs i\ feu. 
 Paris, 1827. 
 Es.sai snr I'art de pointer tonte espece 
 d'arme a feu, et parficulierement les pieces 
 de campagne. Paris, 1816. 
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 campagne il I'usage des i^li~*vcs du corps 
 royal d'etat-major. I'aris, lH-i4. (2copie8: 
 oni' bound with roumet's "Analyse.") 
 Instniction snr les effets des bouches 
 il feu, et sur les motif's d'apres lesquels on 
 a alVectf^ iirartillerie de laiupagne. Paris, 
 l'^28. (2copies: one bouml with Poumet's 
 M6nioire sur la poudreet sur.sesetl'et8 
 dans les armcs li fen. Paris, 1827. (2 
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 Poussin, Guillauuu' Tidl. Puissance amd- 
 ricaine. 2 v. P;iris, 1843. 
 Travaux d'am^'liorations interieures 
 judjetes on e.xeeutce par le gouvernemeut 
 g<5u<^ral des fltats-Unis d'Anji^rii|ue, de 
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 United States; its power and pro- 
 gress. Translated by E. L. Du Barry. 1st 
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 Powell, .T. W. Exploration of till' C(d()rado 
 River of the West and its tributaries; 
 explored in ISIi'.f, '70, '71, '72, under tho 
 direction of the Smithsonian Institution. 
 Wasliington, 187."i. 
 Introduction to the studv i>l Indian 
 languages, with words,, and sen- 
 tences to be collected. 2d ed. With charts. 
 Washington, 1880. 
 Geographical ami geological survey 
 of the Territories. .J. W. Powell, geologist 
 in charge. 
 Keport on the geology of the oastiTn portions of 
 the Uinta Mountains and a r(-<;ion of country 
 a(ViacfcUt tlioretrt. WaHliington. 1876. 
 Keport on the Keolo{:y of the lii'ury Mountaina. 
 liy (!. K. Gilbert. Washington, 1877. 
 lleport on the lands of tiu- arid region of the 
 United States, witli a nxue detailed account of 
 the landsof Utah. With maps. 2ded. Wash- 
 ington, 1879. 
 Houses and house-life of the American aborig- 
 ines. By Lewis II. ^lorgan. ■ Wa.shington, 
 Practical luechanii' ami engineer's inaga- 
 ziiu". 4 V. Glasgow, 1842-45. 
 The same. 2d series. 2 v. Glasgow, 
 Practical mechanic's journal. :! v. (Jlas- 
 gow, 1-148-51. 
 Practical use of meteorological reports and 
 weather mai>s. Washington, 1871. 
 Practical military surveyor; or, catechism 
 for officers attending a course of garrison
 iiistiuctiiiii. By " liinpirv." Lnuil., l-^i-. 
 Pradt, M. de. Les trois ftjjes Jes colonies, 
 on (le leur ('tilt pass6, present et ii veuir. 
 3 V. Paris, 1801. 
 Prang, L. (& Co.) Alphabets, plain, orna- 
 mental, and ilhirainateil. Bost. and N. Y. 
 Preaux, Uent.-CoL Instruction sur le ca- 
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 Preble, (ieorffe Henry. Onr flag; origin 
 and progress of tlie flag of the United 
 States of America; with an introductory 
 account of the symbols, standards, ban- 
 ners, and flags of ancient and modern na- 
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 Thesame. 2drevi8eded. Host., 1880. 
 Precis liistori(ine do I'infanterie legiTe, de 
 ses fonctions et de son influence dans l.a 
 . tactii|iU' des dilferens siiicles. Lyon, 1806. 
 Precis histori(|ue et niilitaire des operations 
 de la grande arm^e, et de I'armee d'ltalie, 
 ou recueil des bulletins officiels. Paris, 
 Prescott, George B. Electricity and the 
 electric telegraph. lUus. N. Y., 1877. 
 Prescott, William H. Biographical and 
 {■ritiuul misi-cUanies. X. Y.. 184."). 
 History of the conquest of Mexico ; 
 with a jireliminary view of the ancient 
 Mexican civilization, and the life of the 
 cour|ueror, Hernando Cortes. 8th ed. 3 v. 
 History of the conquest of Peru; with 
 a preliuiinary view of the civilization of 
 the Inca.s. 2 v. N. Y., 1847. 
 History of the reign of Fenlinand 
 and Isabella, the catholic. 2d ed. 3 v. 
 Bost., 1838. , 
 Histcuy of the reign of Philip the 
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 Prescriptiou concernaut rcquipement et 
 l'organi.satiou des eai.sses de veterinaires, 
 pour les compagnies d'artillerie et de 
 cavalerie tie Tarinoe fdddrale. Berne, 
 Presidential counts: a complete official 
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 Washington to Tyler. X. Y., 1843. 
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 ond Congress. Washington, 18.")1. 
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 Pr6val, General C. A. H. Memoires sur 
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 Ri-glement provisoire sur le service 
 iut^rieur des troupes a cheval. Paris, 
 R^glempnt jirovisoire sur le service 
 iuterieur de I'infanterie. Paris, 1816. 
 Price, Major David. Chronological retro- 
 spect, or memoirs of the principal events 
 of Malionnnedan history, from the death 
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 of the Emperor Akbar and the establish- 
 ment of the Moghnl empire in Hiudus- 
 tann. From original Persian authorities. 
 3 V. in 4. Lond., 1821. 
 Priced vocabulary of stores used in Her 
 Majesty's service. Lond., 1879. 
 Prichard, .James Cowles. Eastern origin 
 of the Celtic nations proved by a compari- 
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 Greek, Latin, and Teutonic languages. 
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 Natural history of man; comprising 
 in(iuiries into the modifying influence of 
 physical and moral agencies ou the dili'er- 
 ent tribes of the human family. 2d ed.. 
 enlarged, with illustrations. Loud., 1845. 
 Researches into the physical history 
 ofnuuikind. 4th ed. 5 v. Lond., 1841-47. 
 Prichard, William B. Treatise ou har- 
 bours ; with the general theory of bars 
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 harbours on the south-eastern coast of 
 England. Vol. 1. Lond., 1844. 
 Priest, William. Travels in the United 
 States of America, 1793-97 ; with the au- 
 thor's journals of his t wo voyages across 
 the Atlantic. Lond., 1802. 
 Prime, Samuel I. Life of Samuel F. B. 
 Morse; inventor of the electro-magnetic 
 recording telegraph. X. Y., 1875. (2 
 copies. ) 
 Prince, Thomas. Chronological history of 
 New England, in Ilie fmni of annals.
 Original odition, published in 1*36. Host., | 
 Prince consort (Tli<>). Kiirl.v yi-ars. Coni-, unil.r flio dircillon of the i\we\\, 
 liv till- lion. C. (irey. N. Y., 18(i7. 
 Principles of war in the prai-tici- of the 
 lanip, anil a« devclopnl in };eneral orders 
 of the Dnke of W.llini;ton. etc. ; with 
 parallel orders of (JeorK.' tin- Second, the 
 Dnke of C'nniUerland, the Dnke of Marl- 
 horongh, Earl of Albemarle, Lord Stair, 
 General Wcdfc, etc , Lond., ICilS. 
 Priiigle, Sir John. Observations on the 
 ilisiMses of the army. New ed. Lond., 
 Prior, Saiiiiu-I. The universal traveller; 
 contaiiiinjj the popnlar featnres and con- 
 tents of the best standard modern travels 
 ill the four quarters of the world. lUiis. 
 Lond.. ls->-.>. 
 Probyn, .1. W. Essays on Italy, Ireland, 
 and the United Statesof America. Lond., 
 Precedes de fabrication dans lea forges ; 
 avcc ;• phmche.s. Paris, l-i:!!). (-Jiopies.) 
 Proceedings of the national republican 
 ( oiiveiition held at Cincinnati, Ohio, .Iiiiie, 
 l^C). Concord, 187li. 
 Proces-verbavix de la couference saiiitaire 
 iiilcrnationale, onverle a Vienne, 1874 
 Viciine, lt:C4. 
 Proctor, Richard Anthony. Essays on as- 
 tronomy; a series of (lapers on i)lanets 
 and meteors, the sun and suu-surroiinding 
 space, stars and star cloudlets, and a dis- 
 sertation on the appiiiachiiiK transits of 
 Venus; preceded by a sketch of the life 
 and work of Sir John Hi'i.schel. Illns. 
 Lond., 187-2. 
 Expanse of heaven : a series of es- 
 says on the wonders of the liriu.iiiieiit. 
 N.Y., lf-'74. 
 Half-hours with the stars; a plain 
 and easy guide to the knowledge of the 
 constellations. 5th cd. Loud., li^74. 
 Half-hourswith the telescope ; being 
 a popular guide to the use of the telescojie, 
 as a means of aiiin.semeiit and iustrnctioii. 
 Illns. Lond., \>HV. 
 HaiuUiookol the stars. Illns. Lond., 
 The moon ; her motions, a.speet, 
 scenery, and i)hysieal condition. Illns. 
 Lond., l-'73. 
 -New star alias, lor the liljiai.N, the 
 cireiihir maps, with two iiide.\ plates. 3d 
 ed. Lond., 11^73. 
 The orbs around lis: a .series of fa- 
 miliar essays on the moon and planets, 
 meteors and comets, the sun and coloured 
 pairs of suns. Lond., l''7"J. 
 Saturn and its system. Illns. Louil.. 
 The sun: ruler, lire, light, and life 
 of the planetary system. lUus. -M <'d. 
 Lond., 187-2. 
 Sun views of the earth, or the sea- 
 sons. Illns. Lond., 1867. 
 Transits of Venus: a popular ae- 
 achool, and Ibc iili>crv;ilory : in twelve 
 count of past and coming transits, from 
 the tirst, observed by Horrocks, A. D. 
 1639, to the transit of A. D. •MVi. lUus. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 The universe and the coining trans 
 its; presenting researches into and new 
 views respecting the constitution of the 
 heavens; together with an investigation 
 of the conditions of the coming transits of 
 Venus, recently conlirmed by a nnaiiinions 
 vote of the chief astronomers of Oreat 
 Hritain. Illns. Lond., 1874. 
 Professional papers of the Corps of Eii- 
 gincci-s of the United States Army. 
 Xo. I. Bitaineii; its viirietics, ]>iopertii's. ami 
 u.'ifs. Ciinipiliil I'ruiii vniiou.s sources, by II. 
 W. Hulleck. Wimliiii),'l(>n, 1841. 
 No. 2. Spiiiiil leimit on tlic acawall Imilt in llic 
 year 1S43 for I lie ])resirvation of Kam lliail at 
 tlie northwest end of Lovell's Island. By S. 
 Thayer. \Vashin;;ton. 1W4. 
 No. 3. Sustainin;; walls; geometrical construe 
 tion to detenuine their thickness under various 
 eireuni8tjin<e». by D. I*. Woodbury. Wash, 
 ington, 1854. 
 •No. 4. Descriiitionofasystomof military bridges 
 with India rubber jiontons. Prepared for the 
 use of tlie Inited States Army, by George W. 
 CuUum. N. Y., 1843. 
 No. 5. Aualvtiial investigation of the resistance 
 of piles to suiieiiueunibent pressure, by James 
 I.. Mason. Washington. 1850. 
 No. 6. Report on the efl'ect of tiling with heavy 
 ordnance from casemate emiirasurea. and also 
 the effects id' liring against the same embras- 
 ures with various kind.i of missiles, by Joseph 
 G. Totten. Washington. 1857. 
 No. 7. Treatise on the various elements of sta- 
 bility in the well ]>roporlioned arch, with 
 numerous taldes id' the ultimate and actual 
 ihiust, by D. r. Woodbury. N. Y., 1858. 
 No. 8. Ottii ial report to the t'. S. Engineer De- 
 p.irtmcnt of the siege and niluelion of Fort 
 I'ulaski, Georgia, February, March, and April. 
 I8G-.!. by (). .\ liillmiire. X. V.. 1864.
 No. 9. Practical treatise on- limes, liydraulic ce- 
 ments, and mortars, by Q. A. Gillmore. 4th 
 i-il. N. T., 1R72. 
 Xo. 10. LongitiKli' by lunar culminations, by 
 Prof. W. H. C. Bartlctt. Washint'ton, 1845. 
 Xii. H. On tbe nsf* of tbe zenitb and t-qual alti- 
 tude t<fl««i;ope in the determination of the lati- 
 tudes by T. .J. Lee. "Wasbinston. 
 Xo. 12. Tables and fornmlie useful in surveying^ 
 {ieodesy, and ])ractical astronomy, incduding 
 elements for the projection nf maps, and in. 
 structions for field ma^rnetic observations. By 
 Thos. J. Lee. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. 
 Washington, 1873. 
 Xo. 13. Report uptm the physics and hydraulics 
 of the Mississippi River: upon the protection 
 of the alluvial region against overflow; and 
 upon the deepening of the mouths. A. A. 
 Humphreys and H. L. Abbot, Phila,, 1861. 
 Xo. 14, Siege artillerv in the campaigns against 
 Richmond, with notes on the 15-inch gun. H. 
 L. Abbot. Washington, 1867. 
 Xo. 15. On the use of the barometer on surveys 
 and reconnaissances. With an appendix. R. 
 S.Williamson. N. T, 1868, 
 X^o. 16. Engineerandartillery operations against 
 the defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863; with 
 asupplement. By Q. A. (lillmore. X. Y.,1868. 
 Xo. 17, Report on certain experimental and theo- 
 retical investigations relative to the quality, 
 form, and combination of materials for defensive 
 armor. W. R. King. Washington, 1870. 
 X'o. 18, Report of the geological exploration of 
 the fortieth parallel. Clarence King 7 v. 
 Washington, 1870. 
 X'o. 19. Report on b^ton agglomere or Coignet 
 beton and the materials of which it is made. 
 (J. A. Gillmore. Washington, 1871. 
 Xo, 20, Report on the defenses of Washington 
 to the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Arm,v. .T. G. 
 Barnard. Washington, 1871, 
 Xo, 21. Rei)ort on the fabrication of iron for de- 
 fensive purposes and its uses in modern forti- 
 fi(^ations. especially in works of coast defense, 
 J, G. Barnard, H. G. Wright, and Peter S. 
 Michie. With a supplement. Washington, 
 1871. . 
 Xo. 22. Report on the North Sea Canal of Hoi. 
 land and on the improvement of navigation 
 from Rotterdam to the sea. By J. G. Barnard. 
 Washington, 1872, 
 X'o. 2:1, Report upon experiments and investiga- 
 tions to develop a sj'stem of submarine mines 
 for defending the harbors of the I'nited States. 
 H, L. Abbot, Washington, 1881, 
 Professional jjapers of tlii^ corps of royal 
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 with the duties of the royal engineers. 
 Vols. .5 to 10. Lond., 1842-49. 
 The same. New series. Vols. 4 and 
 Ki. Wo.vhvieli. 18.5r)-<i4. 
 Tile sanir. (Royal Engineer Insti- 
 tiitepapers.) Xdls. ".i to .'). Cliathamand 
 Lond., 187rt-«l. 
 Prony, M. de. Description hydrographique 
 et historique de inarais pontins. Paris, 
 Protestant Episcopal Church. Debates 
 and proceedings of the general triennial 
 convention, held in Philadelphia, Pa., 
 from October 4 to 24, 180.5. (Vol. I of 
 "The Reporter.") Phila., 18(;5. 
 Proud, Robert. History of Pennsylvania, 
 from 1081 till after the year 1742. Phila., 
 Prout, William. Chemistry, meteorology, 
 and the function of digestion conaideretl 
 with refereuce to natural theology. Phila., 
 1836. ( Bridgewater treatise, No. 8. 
 Bound with Chalmers' "Adaptation.") 
 Provisional ordinance on the exercise ;ind 
 manieuvres of cavalry, by order of the 
 minister of war. 2d ed. Manu.script. 
 Paris, 18(1."). 
 Prudhomme, .1/. Xonveaiitrait<^ des mines 
 et des I'lintie-mines. Paris, 1770. 
 Public buildings. Specifications for. 2 v. 
 Wa.shington, 1855-56. 
 Public libraries in the United States of 
 America; their history, condition, and 
 management. Washington, 1876. 
 Puissant, L. Traite de giSodesie; on exjio- 
 sitioii des m^thodes trigotiometriiiues et 
 astronomiques applicaliles a la niesure de 
 la terre, et a la construction du canevas 
 des cartes to]Migraiihi(iues. Paris, (an 
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 Pullan, Richard I!. Tlieoiy of money and 
 currency. W.ashington, 1878. 
 Punch; or, the London Charivari. Vols. 1 
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 Purchase of arms. (H. R. ex. doc. No. 67, 
 :i7tli Cong., 2d -sess.) Wa.shington, 1802. 
 Purves, David Laing. English circumnav- 
 igators: most remarkable voyages round 
 the world by English sailors; with notes, 
 etc. Lond. and Edinburgh, 1874. 
 Putnam's monthly magazine of American 
 literature, science, and art. 10 v. N. Y., 
 Puysegur, ,J. 1'., Mionnix de. Art d<t la 
 guerre, par pinncipes et par rfegles. Paris, 
 The same, 2 v. Paris, 1749. 
 Quaiu, Jones, and W. J. E. Wilson. Series 
 of anatomical plates, illustrating the 
 structure of the diftereiit parts of the 
 human body. 2d ed., revi.sed by Joseph 
 Pancoast. Phila., 1843.
 Qualtrougb, E. F. Sailor's handy book and 
 vai-litsiiiairH inaiinal, adapted for llu' use 
 <>r tliii navy, iiiiicliant scrvico, ruviMimi 
 mariiip, ami yaililNiiuii. Illns. N. Y., 
 Quarterly Hrvimv ; with index. 89 v. 
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 Quartermaster (;rii«ral l'. S. Army. An- 
 nual r(>pnrt,s from l«r>l to IHtJC. \Va»li- 
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 Quatrefages, lluraau species. N.Y., 
 Quatremfere de Quincy, A. C. Dicliou- 
 naiie historicjiic d'arcliitecture. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1H32. 
 History of the life and works of Raf- 
 faello. Translate<l from M Paris edition 
 hy William Ila/.litt. Illns. Lond., 187-2. 
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 Quelques ri^tlexions sur I'inutiliti? de la de- 
 fense lies capitales, par uu aucieu militaire. 
 Paris 1832. 
 Quillet, P. N. fltat actuel de la Ic^gislation 
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 :i V. Paris, 1811. 
 Quincy, Charles Si^vin, Miirqiii» de. His- 
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 roy de France. 7 v. Paris, 1726. 
 Quint, Alonzo H. Potomac and the Rapi- 
 dan: army notes, from the failure at Win- 
 chester to the re-enforeenieiit of Ko.secrans, 
 lH(il-(;:!. Host., 18<)4. 
 Kecord of the .Second Massachiisotts 
 Infantry. Host., 18G7. 
 Rabelais, Francis. Works. Translated 
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 and Mottcux; with notes, hy Duehat, 
 Ozell, and others. 2 v. Lond., 186). 
 Works. Illustrated hyG. Dor(5. Lond. 
 Raciae, Jean. (Euvres. Edition illustrde 
 de 85 vignettes i»ar Pauquet, augoientde 
 d'unc vie de Racine ct de notices sur 
 chaquo i)icce, par £mile de la HddoUii^re. 
 Rae, Edward. Land of the north wind ; or, 
 travels among the Laplanders and the 
 Samoyedes. Lond., 187.5. 
 Rae, W. Fraser. Ni-wfoMinllaiiil to Mani- 
 toba, through Canada's maritime, mining, 
 and prairie provinces. Illns. N. V., 1881. 
 Raikea, G. A. History of the honorable 
 artillery company. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 
 Ramatuelle, Audihert. Cours dldmeutaire 
 de tacti<iue uavale. Paris, (an X) 1802. 
 Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia, and Monte- 
 negro. By R. H. R. Loud.. 187.'.. 
 Ramsay, Andrew Michael, (hmilur. His- 
 tory of Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vis- 
 count Tnrennc, marshal general of France. 
 2 V. Lend., 1735. 
 The same. In French. 4 v. Ani- 
 stenlam and Leipzig, 1771. 
 Ramsay, David. History of .'louth Caroli- 
 na, t'nini its settlement, in l(i7ll. to the year 
 1808. 2 v. Charleston, 180'.i. 
 Life of George Washington. Halti- 
 niun-, l>'n7. 
 Ramsbotham, Francis H. Principles and 
 practice of obstetric medicine and surgery. 
 Illus. 2d Amer. ed. Phila., 1843. 
 Ramsey, Albert C. The other side ; or, 
 notes for the history of the war between 
 Mexico and the United States. Trans- 
 lated from the Spanish, and edited with 
 notes. X. Y., 18.')0. 
 Ramsey, .1. G. M. Annals of Tenucgscc, 
 to the end of the 18th century. Charles- 
 tcui, 1853. 
 Raud, MeXally & Co. Hnsiness atlas. 
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 Randall, Henry S. Life of Thomas Jeffer- 
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 the State of New York. Troy, 1851. 
 Ranke, Leopold. Ecclesiastical and politi- 
 cal history of the popes of Rome, during 
 the XVI. and XVII. centuries. Translated 
 by Sarah Austin. 2 v. Phila., 1841. 
 The same. Translated l)y E. Foster. 
 3 V. Lond., 1873. 
 Memoirs of the house of Hrandinburg, 
 and history of Prussia, during XVII. and 
 XVIII. centuries. Translated from the 
 German, by Sir Alex, and Lady Duff Gor- 
 don. 3 V. Lond., 1849. 
 Rankine, W. J. M. Manuel of civil engi- 
 neering. 5th ed. Loud., 1867. 
 Ranyard, Mr/i. L. N. The book and its 
 story. With a preface, by the Rev. T. 
 Phillips. 1st Amer. ed. Phila., 18.")4. 
 Raphall, Morris J. Post-biblical history 
 of the Jews; from the close of the old 
 testament, about the year 42ii H. C. E., 
 till the destruction of the second temple, 
 in the year 70 C. E. 2 v. Loud., 18.5t;. 
 Rapp, Jean. Memoirs of General Count 
 Rapj), first aide-de-c.imp to Napoleon. 
 Written by himself, and published by his 
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 Rapport k I'empereiir par le mari^cbal 
 iiiiiiistie (le la giicrro, snr ronscnilile (Ics 
 (lispoHitioiis adiTiiiiistnitives anxipK^llcs a 
 (loiiiio IIlmi la giieiTo il'Oriunt. Paris, 
 Rapport ct mtfmoire siir le tir convergent. 
 Paris. 18.54. 
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 Illns. N. Y., 1876. 
 Raumer, Frederick von. America and the 
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 Turner. N. Y., 1846. 
 Political history oi' Kngland, diuing 
 the XVI., XVII., and XVIII. ccntnries. 
 '2 V. Lond., 1m;?7. 
 Ravichio de Peretsdorf, J. Notice snr 
 I'organisation de I'armee antrichiennc. 
 Paris, lrt:W. 
 Pyroteclmie militaire, comprenant 
 tons les artifices de guerre en usage en 
 Antriche. Paris, 18-24. 
 and A. P. F. Nancy. Traitd theo- 
 riipie et pratique de la construction des 
 batteries. Paris, 1826. 
 RaTwliiison, (icorge. Five great monarch- 
 ies of the ancient eastern world ; or, the 
 history, geography, and antiipiities of 
 Chahhea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and 
 Persia. 3 v. N. Y., 1881. 
 History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. \ 
 Lond., 1881. " I 
 Rayer, P. Theoretical and practical trea- 
 tise on diseases of the skin. With notes, 
 etc., by Bell. Illus. Phila., 1845. 
 Raymond, Charles W. Report of a recon- 
 naissance of the Yukon River, Alaska 
 Territory, in 1869. Washington, 1871. i 
 Raymoud, Rossiter W. .Statistics of mines 
 and mining in the States and Territories \ 
 west of the Rocky Mountains. (H. R. 
 ex. doc. 207, 4l8t Coug., 2d seas.) AVash- I 
 ington, 1870. 
 The .same. (H. K. ex. doc. No. 10, 
 42d Cong., 1st sess.) Wasliington, 1872. ! 
 The same. (Fourth annual report.) 
 Washington, 1873. 
 Tlie same. (Seventh annual repent.) 
 Washingtcui, 1875. 
 Raynal, Abbe G. T. F. History of the Brit- 
 ish settlements and trade in North Amer- 
 ica; to which is annexed an impartial 
 history of the present war in America. 
 Kdinburgh, 177!l. 
 PhiliiS()i)hieal and ]iolitie;il liistruy 
 of tlie .settlements and trade of the Euro- 
 peans in the Fast and West Indi<'K; to 
 which is added the revolution of .\nierica. 
 6 v. Edinburgh, 1792. 
 Rayner, B. L. Life of Thomas .Jefferson ; 
 with .selections from his private coiTe- 
 spondence. N. Y., 1832. 
 Raynolds, Gen. W. F. Report on the ex- 
 ploration of the Yellowstone River, in 
 compliance with a resolution of Senate, 
 February, 13, 1866. . (Senate ex doc. No. 
 77, 40th Cong., 1st sess.) Wasliington, 
 1868. (2 copies.) 
 Reade, Charles. Works. 6 v. Bost., 
 It is never too late to mend. 
 Pes "Woffington : Christie Jolin-stoiir : and ntiier 
 Put vour.self in his place. 
 Sinipletctu ; The wandering heir. 
 Terrible temptation. 
 White lies. 
 and Dion Boucieault. Foul play. 
 Bo,st., 1872. 
 Receipts and expenditures of the United 
 States, for the years 1829-51. 22 v. Wash- 
 ington, 18:10-52. 
 Reconnaissances mililaires. Kriucil sur 
 les reconnaissances militaires d'ajues kvs 
 auteurs les plus estimcsli)rmant iin trait<? 
 complet sur la matiere. Avcc atlas. Paris, 
 Redding, Cyrus. History and description 
 of modern wines. 3d ed. Loud., 1860. 
 Reed, Sir Edward .J. Japan: its history, 
 traditions, and religions. With narrative 
 of a visit in 1879. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 
 Our iron-clad ships, their (inalities, 
 performances, and cost ; with chapters on 
 turret ships, iron-clad rams, etc. Illus. 
 Lond., 1869. 
 Reed, William B. Life and correspondence 
 of Jo.sephReed. 2 v. Phila., 1847. 
 Rees, Abraham. Cyclopu'dia; or, univer- 
 sal dictionary of arts, sciences, and litera- 
 ture. 1st Amer. ed. 6 v. ])lati'S, 41 v. 
 text. Phila. 
 Register of the Department of the Interior, 
 for the year 1877. Washington, 1877. 
 Register of the Department of Justice and 
 the judicial officers of the United States,
 lor tho jfuiH 1H71, '72, 74, 70. 4 v. 
 Wiisliiiijjton, IfTl-Tt). 
 Register "I" tlic Dfpartiiioiit i>r Sljitc, for 
 thr yiars laiU, 7(1, 71. :! v. Wasliiii};- 
 ton, l-ii".l-71. 
 Register of the Treasury Lleiiartiiuiit, t\n 
 tlie.veai>il>7'i, 74,75, 77, 79. .'> v. Wasli- 
 iiijlton, 187'2-79. 
 Rfeglement portaiit instruction sur I'l-xer- 
 cice et Us inaniiiivris de la lanee. I'aris. 
 Reg\ilations for the jfoveriuneiit of coui- 
 uiaiKlcMs and iinrsers of the vessels of 
 the United .States, and recrniliug officers. 
 ■Washinjitcni. 1^38. 
 Regulations prescribed for the use of the 
 consular service of the I'uited .States. 
 Washiu;;ton, 1870. 
 Tlie same. Wasliinf^tou, 1874. 
 Regulations for the training of troops for 
 service in tho tield, and for the conduct of 
 peace niana'uvres. Translated by Lieut. 
 E. narlng. Loud., 1871. 
 Regulations of the United States marine 
 hospital service, for the collection of hos- 
 pital dues, and the application of the 
 fund. Washington, 187:{. 
 Reid, Christian. See Fi.sher, Frances C. 
 Reid, Thomas. Essays on the powers of 
 the human mind; to which are added an 
 essa.v on <iuautity and an analysis of 
 Aristotle's logic. Lond., 18'J7. 
 Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in tin' war; her 
 statesmen, her generals and soldiers. *2 v. 
 Cincinnati an<l N. Y., 1868. 
 Reid, William. Law of storms and of tlu> 
 variable winds; with the practical appli- 
 caticm of the subject to navij;atii)n. Illus. 
 Loud., l.-'49. 
 Reilly, W. Edniunil M. Account of the ar- 
 tillery o])crations, conducted bv the royal 
 artillery and royal naval brigade, before 
 .Seb.astopol, in 18,')4-55. Lond., 1859. 
 Relations des priucipaus sieges faits <>u 
 soiitenus eu Euro])e par les arui<;es fran- 
 vaises dei)uis 1792; redigees par les otli- 
 ciers dn genie qui en imt conduit rattaque 
 im l.i <l^fense, prf^ci^des d'un i)recis his- 
 toriqiie rt chronidogiqiu- des gnerres de 
 la France depnis 1792 )usi|u'au trait(^ do 
 Tresbonrg en ISIM), par ^^ D. Musset-Pa- 
 thay. 1 V. teste et 1 v. plam-hes. 
 Paris, 1800. 
 R^mond, Baron. Tactiquo appropri^e an 
 perfect ionnemont des armes il fen porta- 
 lives. I'aris, 1H.">:!. 
 R^musat, Claire E. .1., Miuhunt de. Me- 
 moirs, lsi)2-0H. With a preface ami notes, 
 by Paul il(! RemiLsat. Translateil from 
 the French, by Mrs. Casliel Hoey and 
 .John Lillie. 3 v. N. Y., 18«t). 
 Renaud, L. Instruction sur la fabricatiiui 
 de la pondre. Paris. 1811. 
 Reugger and Longcliamps. MeDim. Heign 
 of Dr. .Joseph Oa.spard Roderick de Fran- 
 eia in Paraguay. Translated from the 
 French. Lond., 1827. 
 ReuTwick, .James. Treatise im the .steam 
 engine. Revised and enlarged ; to which 
 is added an appendix, by G. de Pambonr. 
 N. Y., 1848. 
 Repouse aux ob.servations criti(iucs snr 
 Torganisation nonvelle de I'artillcric, du 
 g<'u^ral Duchaud, par nn officier d'artil- 
 lerie. Paris, 18:S:i. 
 Reports. Commissiomis ajipoiuled to con- 
 sider the best moile of reorganizing the 
 system for training officers for the scien- 
 tific corps; together with an account of 
 foreign and other militarv education. 
 Lond.. 18.57. 
 Rejiort of the jiiiut committee on the 
 conduct of the war. Parts 1, 2, and '.i. 
 (H. R. rep., :i7rh Cong., M sess.) 3 v. 
 Washington, 1863. 
 The same. F<ut Pillow massacre. 
 Ketunied prisoners. (Sen. rep. No. 65, 
 38th Cong., 1st sess.) Washington, 1864. 
 The same. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. (38th 
 Cong.. 2d sess.) Washington, 1^65. 
 .Su)iidenuiital report of the .joint 
 connnittoe on the conduct of the war. 
 2 V. Washington, 1866. 
 Secretary of the Treasiu'y, the Secre- 
 tary at War, the Secretary of State, the 
 Attorney General, and the Postmaster 
 General, 1790-91. N. Y., 1790. 
 Secretary of War, 1859-80. Wash- 
 ington, 18.59-80. 
 Secretary of War; with reconnais- 
 sances of routes from San Antonio to El 
 Paso, b.v J. E. Johnston and other offi- 
 cers; also, report of R. B. Marcy's route 
 from Fort Smith to Santa Fe, and the re- 
 jiort of J. H. Simpson of an expeilition 
 into the Navajo country; ami the report 
 of W. H. C. Whiting's reconnaissances of
 the western frontier of Texas. (Senate 
 ex. (loo. No. fi4, 31st Cong., 1st sess. ) 
 Wasliiiijiton, ]8.")0. (2 cojiies.) 
 Republic (Tlie): a niontlily magazine, de- 
 voted to the dissemination of political in- 
 formation, fi V. Washington, 187:i-7C. 
 Retrospective review. 14 v. Lond., 
 The same. 2d series. Vol.2. Lond., 
 Retz, Jean Frani,ois Paul de Goudi, Cardi- 
 nal de. Memoirs; with the most secret 
 trans.actions at the French conrt during 
 the administration of Cardinal Mazarin, 
 anil the civil wars occasioned by it : with 
 some other pieces. 4 v. Loud., 172^!. 
 Revievr of a battalion of infantry, includ- 
 ing the eighteen mauceuvres. Illustrated 
 l>y diagrams. Lond., 1799. 
 Revoil, Henedict Henry. Shooting and tish- 
 ing in the rivers, prairies, and backwoods 
 of North America. Translated and re- 
 vised by the Chronicler. 2v. Loud., 1865. 
 Revolat, E. B. Nouvelle hygiene militaire, 
 ou jireceptes. Lyon, (an XII) 1803. 
 Revue des deux m- ndes. Vols. 7-101. 95 v. 
 Paris, 1857-72. 
 Reynaud, Leonce. Memoir upon the illu- 
 mination and beaconage of the coasts of 
 France. Translated by Major P. C. Hains. 
 Washington, 1876. 
 Reynolds, .J. N. Voyage of the U. S. frigate 
 Potomac, under the command of Commo- 
 dore John Dowues, during the circumnavi- 
 gation of the glolie, in the years 1831-34. 
 IUhs. N. v., 183.->. 
 Reynolds, .J. Russell. System of medicine^ 
 3 V. (Vol. 1, General diseases: vols. 2 and 
 3, Local diseases.) Lond., 1866-71. 
 Reynolds, Gen. John F. Memorial. Ad- 
 dresses delivered before the Historical So- 
 ciety of Pennsylvania, upon the occasion 
 of the presentation of his portrait, March 
 8, 1880. Phila., 1880. 
 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works. 
 With a memoir of the author, by Henry 
 William Beeehy. New ed. 2 v. Lond., 
 Rhees, William J. James Smithsonaud his 
 beiiuest. (Smithsonian uuscellaneimgcol- 
 lectious, 330.) Washington, 1880. 
 Manual of public libraries, institu- 
 tions, and societies in the United States 
 and British Provinces of North America. 
 I'hila., 185;). (2 copies.) 
 Rhine (The). On the Rhine, and other 
 sketches of European travel. By several 
 authnrs. lllus. Phila., 1881. 
 Rhode Island. Records of the colony of 
 Phode Island and Providence Plantations, 
 in New England, 1636 to 1792. Printed 
 by order of the legislature. Edited by J. 
 K. Bartlett. 10 v. Providence, 18.56-65. 
 Rhodes, Capt G. Personal narrative of a 
 tour of military inspection in various parts 
 of European Turkey, in 1853. Lond.. 18.54. 
 Ribot, Th. Engli-sh psychology. Trans- 
 lated from the Freuch. N. Y., 1874. 
 Heredity: a pyscliological stuily of 
 its phenomena, laws,, and couse- 
 cjuences. N. Y., 1875. 
 Ricardo, David. Principles of political 
 economy and taxation. 1st Amer. ed. 
 Washington, 1819. 
 Ricardo, F. C. Method of instructing a 
 company practically on parade in com- 
 pany drill, on the system laid dowu in the 
 "Field exercise, 1677." 2d ed. Loud., 
 Ricci, Col. de. Essai sur I'instruction dans 
 les ecoles d'artillerie, et sur I'organisation 
 de ces etablissemens. Paris, 182:?. 
 Rice. Sectional map of Dakota Territory. 
 St. Paul, Minn., 1872. 
 Rich, Anthony. Dictionary of Roman and 
 Greek antiquities; with nearly 2, 000 en- 
 giavings on wood. 3ded. Lond., 1873. 
 Rich, Claudius James. Narrative of a 
 journey to the site of Babylon in 1811, now 
 li;st published; memoir and second me- 
 moir ou the ruins; remarks ou the topog- 
 raphy of ancient Babylon, by Maj. Reu- 
 nell, with narrative of a journey to Per- 
 sepolis, now first printed, with hitherto 
 unpublished cuneiform iuscriptionsiopied 
 at Persepolis. Edited by his widow. 
 L<xid., 1839. 
 Richard, T. Etudes sur I'art d'extraire 
 iunuediatement le ferdeses minerals sans 
 convertir le metal en fonte. Pari.s, 18;i8. 
 Richards, Major W. H. Military survey- 
 ing and field sketching. Loud., 187.3. 
 Richardson, Albert D. Secret .service : the 
 liild. the dungeon, and the escape. Hart- 
 ford, 1865. 
 Richardson, Charles. New dictionary of 
 the English language. 2 v. Lond., 1839. 
 Richardson, John M. Infantry tactics in 
 rati'chelical form. Macon, Ga., 1864.
 Richemont, I.niiis A. C. Sio^io de la cita- 
 (li'llf il'Arivcrs par r»nuoo fraiifaise, sous 
 Ifs orilrcH iln Mar(<clial Coiiite G<inii(l. 
 Paris, lH3:f. 
 Richmond anil Maiuhonter city directory, 
 also, a liiisinrss dirnctorv <if tlio citios of 
 PetcrHliiirn, N'orfolk, Uaiiville, etc., 1873- 
 74 HiiUiMond, H7:!. 
 Ridden, Robert. Tlu«artizaii. Illus. IMiila., 
 Riddle, .\. (!. Alicp Brand; a roiii.ince of 
 tbc capital. N. Y., 1875. 
 House of Ros.s, and otlier talc<s. ISosl., 
 1881. (2 copies.) 
 Life, character, and public services 
 of .las. A. (Jarfield. Wasliiu^'ton, 1680. 
 Ridelug, William H. Stray uionients with 
 Tbaikci'ay ; his huuior, satire, and char- 
 acters. N. Y.,1880. 
 Ridgely, David. Aiiuals of Annapolis, 
 liiiltiniore, 1-141. ('.J copies.) 
 Ridpath, John Clark. Popular history of 
 the United States of America, from the 
 aboriginal times to the present day; em- 
 bracing an account of the aborigines; the 
 Norsemen in the new world ; the discov- 
 eries by the Spaniards, English, and 
 French ; the planting of settlements ; the 
 growth of the colonies; the struggle for 
 liberty in the revolution ; the establish- 
 ment of the Union ; the development of 
 the tuition, and the civil war. lUus. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Rifle and carbine e.\ercises, and musketry 
 instruction. ( Appenili.'C to tin- l-'ield exer- 
 cise.) Loud., 1871). 
 Riley, Harvey. The mule : a 'treatise on 
 the breeding, training, and uses to which 
 he may be put. N. Y., 1807. 
 Rimmer, .\lfred. Our old country towns, 
 lllus. Lond., 1881. 
 Ring, Max. .John Milton and his times: 
 an historical novel. Translated from the 
 German, by F.Jordan. Ulus. X. V., 18G8. 
 Ripley, K. S. War with Mexico. 2 v. 
 X. Y., 184;i. 
 Ritchie, Leiteh. Uomauce of history : 
 I'rance. Illustrated by T. Landseer. Lond. 
 and X. Y. 
 Ritchie, T. E. Memoircspolitinneset mili- 
 taires. Traduit de I'anglais, par P. F. 
 Henry. 2 v. Paris, 1804. 
 Ritter, Frederic Louis. History of music, 
 from the Christian er.t to thi' present time. 
 Loiul., I87t). 
 Rives, William C Life and times of .lames 
 M:idis(.u. ;i V. Host., 18:V.)-()-', 
 Roberta, Eilmund. Embassy to the eastern 
 courts of Cochin-Cliina, .Siam, an<l Mus- 
 cat, during the years 18:!2-:!4. X. Y., 
 Roberts, .Iose))h. Hand-book of artillery, 
 for the service of tlie United States, army 
 and militia. 9th ed. N. Y., 18li.''>. 
 The same. Including the manual 
 and mechanical manfeuvres of heavy ar- 
 tillery. 10th ed. X. Y., 1K7.5. 
 Roberts, Thomas. Report of a reconnais- 
 sance of the Missouri River, in 1872. 
 Washington, 187ri. 
 Roberta, W. H. Hints and helps lor na- 
 tion;il guardsmen: a li:ind-bi>ok fiU' the 
 militia. X. Y., 1H,-U. 
 Robertson, William. Works. 10 v. Lond., 
 History of Scntland, v. 1, 2, nnil 3. 
 History of tlie rei^jii of Chiirles tlu! I-'iftli, v. 4, o, 
 aii.l b. 
 History of America, v. 7, 8, and 9. 
 Historical disquisition couccruiuji Ancient 
 India, v. 10, 
 History of the riMgii of the Emperor 
 Charles the Fifth. With an account of 
 the emperor's life after his abdication, by 
 W. II. Prescott. New ed. :! v. Phila.. 
 Robertson, Wyndham. Oregon, our right 
 and title; with an account of the Terri- 
 tory. Washington, 184f;. 
 Robins, lienjamiu. New principles of 
 gunnery. X'ew ed., with an account of 
 his life by J. Wilson, ami notes by Charles 
 Huttou. Loud., 1805. 
 Robinson, C. W. Lectures upon the Brit- 
 ish campaigns in the Peninsula, 1808-14 : 
 introductory to the study of military his- 
 tory. Lond., 1871. 
 Robinson, Conway. Account of discov- 
 eries in the west, until 151!), and of voy- 
 ages to and along the Atlantic coast of 
 Xorth America, from 1520 to 1.571!. Rich- 
 mond, 1848. 
 Robinson, 11. B. Memoirs of Lieut, (ien. 
 Sir Tliomas Picton. 2d ed., revised. 2 v. 
 Robinson, SaTunel. Course of lifteen lec- 
 tures on medical botany. Columbus, 1820. 
 Robinson, William Davis. Memoirs of the 
 Mexican revolution ; including a narrative 
 of theexpeditiou of (ieneral XnvierMina. 
 IMiila., 1820.
 Roche, A. TraitiS de balistiqiu' apiiliiini^e 
 a I'arfillerie navale. Paris, 1H41. 
 Roche- Aymoii, fowl /edi' la. Cavalcrie; on 
 dc'S I'liaii^i'iMcnts ndccssairos dans la coiii- 
 liosition, rorf^aiiisation ct riiistnictioii 
 di's troupes a clieval. 'i v. I'aiis, 1628. 
 Rockwell, Itev. Cliarles. Foreign travel 
 and life at .sea; inclnding a crnise on 
 board a man-of-war. 2 v. Bost., 184"2. 
 Rocquancourt, J. Conrs<Slenientaired'art 
 ct d'liistorie militaires ."i I'nsage des elfeves 
 de I'l^cole royal H|i(^(iale mililaire. 2' (A. 
 2 V. Paris, 1831. 
 Rodenbough, Theo, F. From e\ erglade to 
 canon, witli the Second Dngoous (Second 
 r. S. Cavalry). IIUis. N. Y., 187.">. 
 Rodman, Ctipt. T. J. Reports of experi- 
 ments on the properties of raetals for can- 
 non, and the qualities of cannon powder; 
 with au account of the fabrication and 
 trial of a l.Vinch gun. Bost., 1861. 
 Roemer, .T. Cavalry; its history, manage- 
 ment, and uses in war. IIIus. N. Y., 
 Rogers, JIay. Waverley dictionary : an al- 
 pliahetiral arrangement of all the charac- 
 ters in Sir WalterScott's Waverley novels. 
 Chicago, 1879. 
 Rogers, Robert. Concise account of North 
 America: a description of the British 
 colonies on that continent. Loud., 17fi."). 
 Journals; containing an account of 
 the several excursions he made under the 
 generals who commanded upon the conti- 
 nent of North America during the late 
 war, 17r,.5 to 17ti0. Lond., 176.5. 
 Roget, Peter Mark. Animal anl vegetable 
 physiology. 2 v. (Bridgewater treatise, 
 No. .5.) Phila., 18:j{). 
 Thesaurus of English words and 
 phrases: so classified and arranged as to 
 f.icilitate the expression of ideas and as- 
 sist in literary composition. Bost., 1870. 
 Rogniat, Joseph, Biiinn. Colonisation en 
 Algi^rie et dos fortifications. Paris, 1840. 
 Considerations sur I'art de la guerre. 
 Paris, 181f.. 
 The same. 'A 6i\. Paris, 1820. 
 Relation des si(5ges de Saragosse et 
 de Tortose, i>ar les Fran^ais dans la der- 
 niere guem^ d'Espagne. Paris, 1814. 
 Roguet, Lieut. -Col. Exp(!riences .sur le 
 petard, faites i\ Met/, ; avec planche. 
 Paris, 1838. 
 17 W 
 Rohlfs, Dr. Gerhard. Adventures in Mo- 
 rocco, and journeys through the oases of 
 Draa and Tafilet. With an introduction. 
 l(y Winwood Reade. Loud., lr<7-i. 
 Rollin, Charles. CEuvres comidetes. (iO 
 V. ct atlas. Pari.s, 1807. 
 Hisloirt; .incicnne des I^ijypticns, (Ics L'artliasi- 
 iioi.s, (Ifis As.syricii.s, d<'S italiyloiiiens, des 
 Sli-des, di'8 Pei-Hef*. des Macodoiiiens, deft 
 Grec8, V. 1-17. 
 Hiatoire roraaine, depiiis la fondation de Itoiuo 
 jusiiu'A la batailli! d'Actitim, v. 18-51. 
 Talilc drs matiercs couteuiies danm leH .51 vnl- 
 uiues des hi.stoire« ancieune et rouiaine, v. 52. 
 Traite des etudes on de la maniere d'ensei^niT 
 et d>tndier lea belles-let tre.s, par rapport h 
 I'esprit ct au cu-ur, v. 53-58. 
 Opa8culeB:>ont«nant ses lettres, discours. poe- 
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 Rome. Si(5ge de Rome en 1849, par TarnK^e 
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 Roscoe, Henry E. Spectrum analysis: six 
 lectures, delivered in 1868, before the .So- 
 ciety of Apothecaries of London ; with 
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 ed. Loud., 1870. 
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 moir of the author, edited by William 
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 Life and pontificate of Leo the 
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 lioiis ill aiialysiN. Tiaiislatcd hy A. Nor- 
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 Rosecraus, W. S. Report of tlir battle of 
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 Fur himters of the far West: adven- 
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 residence in the arctic regions, during 
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 northern magnetic pole. Pliila., 1835. 
 Treatise on navigation by steam; 
 comprising a liistory of the steam engine, 
 etc. Ulus. Lond., 1828. 
 Rotbsrg, Baron de. L'ing^nieiir moderno, 
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 Routh, Sir h'andiilph I. Observations on 
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 guene et des bouches ii feu. Pari.s, l.-^I-.i. 
 Pyrotechnic; le traitd des iiiatieres; 
 les feux de terre, d'air et d'eaii ; les feux 
 d'ac^rostation ; les feux de theatre; et les 
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 an<l manffiuvres of infantry; for the use 
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 voice; embracing its physiological his- 
 tory, with a system of principles, by 
 which criticism in the art of elocution 
 may be rendered intelligible. 7th ed. 
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 Rush, Richard. Momor.inda of a residence 
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 .\rntra Peniilici: six leuttircson the elomentsor 
 ■wnlptare. N. Y., 187H. 
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 Eagle's nest: ten lectures on the lelatiou ol 
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 wives on the ck'menfs ol' (Tystallizatioii. 2il 
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 Sheepfolds, Notes on the construction of X. Y., 
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 Two paths : being lectures on art, and its appli- 
 cation to decoration and manufacture, de- 
 livered in.1858-59. N. Y., 1870. 
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 lection of criticisms, ana, mots,, per.soual 
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 tall of the Roman empire, and a view of 
 the progress of society to 1763. New ed. 
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 Klin. (Letter to the Lonilon Times, July 
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 British e.xpedition to the Crimea. 
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 Prince of Wales' tour: a diary in 
 India; with some account of the visits of 
 His Royal Highness to the courts of Greece, 
 Egypt, Spain, and Portugal. N. Y., 1877. 
 Review of General Todleben's history 
 of the defence of Sebastopol, 18.54-55. 
 Loud., 186.5. 
 Russia, Armed strength of. Trau.slated 
 from the German. Lond., 1873. 
 Russia 1 u'fore and after the war. Translated 
 liom the German (with later additions by 
 the author), by E. F. Taylor. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Riistow, W. War for the Rhine frontier, 
 1870; its political and military history. 
 Translated from the German, by J. L. 
 Ncedham. 3 v. Ediubnigli and Lond., 
 Ruxton, George Frederic. Life in the far 
 West. X. Y., 1849. 
 Ryan, Abram J. Father Ryan's ]ioems. 
 Mobile, 1879. 
 Sabine, Lorenzo. American loyalists; or, 
 biographical sketches of adiierents to the 
 British crown in the warof the revolution. 
 Bost., 1847. 
 Sabre, G. E. Nineteen months a prisoner of 
 war. N. Y., 1865. 
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 Hotten. History of signlioards, from the 
 earliest times to the present day. Illns. 
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 Sadler, Michael Thomas. Law of popula- 
 tion: a treatise in di.sproorof the super- 
 fecundity of human beings, and develop- 
 ing the real principle of their 
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 Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the revolu- 
 tionary war; containing the military and 
 financial coire.spoudeuci' of distinguished 
 officers ; names of the officers and jirivates 
 of regiments, companies, and corps, with 
 the dates of their conimi.ssions and enlist- 
 ments; general orders ,of Washington, 
 Lee, and Greene at (ieriiiautowu and Val-
 ley Forge; with a list of (listiii;;ui«lK-d 
 lirisoners of war, tlio time of tlmir caiiture, 
 rxcliaii';!-. etc.; to wliirli is aildcil the 
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 the ri'voliitioiiarv iieiisioii laws, anil ali«t 
 of the oHicirs of the Coiiliiieiital Army 
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 187!>. Washington, 1873. ('2 copies. ) 
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 ence for the people. No. 1.) Host., IST.i. 
 Saint-Ange, Walter de. Metallurgie pra- 
 tiiiiie du fer, on description lut^thodiciue 
 des proc<^des dc fahricatiou de la foiite et 
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 Hisloire de la guerre de Eussie et 
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 Historical dramas : Dou Carlos. Marv Stuart, 
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 Karly dramas and romances: Robbers, Fiesco, 
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 Histoire de la guerre de trente-ans, 
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 Higher geometry and trigonometry. 
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 Myth of lliawalli.i; and other oral 
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 Narrative of an exiiedition Ihriuigh 
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 N. Y,, 1.S34. 
 Narrative of travels, from Detroit, 
 northwest, through the great chain of 
 Amciicaii lakes to the sources of the Mis- 
 sissippi River, in the year 18'.JI); with a 
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 View of the lead mines of Missouri ; 
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 Arkansaw. and other sections of the w est- 
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 Schouler, .Tamils. History of the United 
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 of Wa.shington. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Schuckers, .1. W. Life and public .services 
 of Salmon Portland N. Y., 1874. 
 Schumann, F. Formulas and tables for 
 :ircliitccts and engineers. Washington, 
 Schutzenberger, I". On fermentation. 
 Illus. N. Y., 187(>. 
 Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan: notes of a 
 journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand. 
 linkhara, .and Kuldja. 2 v. N. Y., 187(i. 
 Schwarz, /?aW)i .loseph. Descriptive geog- 
 raphy and lirief historical .sketch of Pales- 
 tine. Translated by Isaac Lee.ser. Illus. 
 Phila., .MHO (la'jO). 
 Schweiiifurth, Georg. Heart of Africa: 
 three years' travels and adventuros in the 
 unexplored regions of central Africa, from 
 18G8 to 1871. Translated by Ellen E. 
 Frevver; with an introduction by Win- 
 wood Reade. 2 v. Lond., 1873. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1874. 
 Scofferii, .1. Projectile weapons of war, 
 and explosive compounds; including some
 new resources of warfare, with especial 
 reference to rifled ordnance. Illns. 4tli 
 rd. Loud., lHr>9. 
 Scoresby, Rrr. William. Account of the 
 arctic regions; with a history and descrip- 
 I ion of the northern whale-tishery. IIIus. 
 •> V. Edinburgh, 1820. 
 Franklin expedition: or, considera- 
 tions on inea.snres for the discovery and 
 I'clief of our absent adventurers in the 
 arctic regiou.s. Loud., 1850. 
 Scotish lialladsaud songs. Edited by James 
 Maidment. 2 v. Edinburgh, 18H8. 
 Scott, Clement W. Round about the islands ; 
 or, sunny spots near home. Loud., 1874. 
 Scott, (ienio C. Fishing in .\nierican 
 waters. Illus. X. Y., 1873. 
 Scott, Cot. H. L. Military dictionary ; com- 
 l)nsing technical definitions, information 
 on raising and keeping troops, actual 
 service, etc. X. Y., 1859. 
 Scott, Michael. Occasional papers. Vol.1: 
 Civil engineering. Vol.2: Guunery and 
 naval architecture. Lond., 1874. 
 Scott, Sir Sibbald David. British army; 
 its origin, progress, and equipment. Vids. 
 1 and 2. Loud., 1868. (2 copies. ) 
 The same. From the restoration to 
 the revolution. Vol. 3. Loud., 1880. 
 Scott, .'*ir Walter. Waverley novels. (The 
 Adam an<l Charles Black edition.) 25 v. 
 Edinburgh, 1871. 
 Waverley; or. "tis sixty years since, v. 1. 
 Guy Mannerins: or, the astrologer, v. 2. 
 .\ntiquary, v. 3. 
 Rob Koy, V. 4. 
 OKI Mortality, v. 5. 
 Black dwarf: Legem! of Montrose, v. 6. 
 Heart of Mid-l.otbian, v. 7. 
 Kride of Lamniernioor, v. 8. 
 Ivanhoe; a romance, v. £1. 
 Monastery, v. 10. 
 Abbot: a sequel to the Monastery, v. 11. 
 Kenilwortb, v. 12. 
 The pirate, v. 13. 
 Fortunes of Xigel. v. 14. 
 Peveril of the Peak, v. 1.5. 
 Quentiu Durward. v. 16. 
 St." Kenan's well, v. 17. 
 lied Gauntlet : a tale of the 18tb century, v. 18. 
 The betrothed : The Highland widow, v. 19. 
 The talisman ; Two drovers: My Aunt Marga- 
 ret's mirror: Tapestried chamber: Laird's 
 .lock, V. 20. 
 Woodstock; or, the cavalier, v. 21. 
 St. 'Valentine's day; or, the fair maid of Perth, 
 V. 22. 
 Anne ofGeierstein, v. 23. 
 Count Robert of Paris, v. 24. 
 The surgeon's daughter; Castle Dangerous: 
 Index and glossary, v. 2;'>. 
 Waverley novels. 48 v. Edinburgh, 
 1848-49. (Old edition.) 
 Ivanhoe: a romance. Bost., lf'72. 
 Fair maid of Perth ; Auiu' of (ieicr- 
 stein. Phila., 18.56. 
 Critical and miscellaneous essavs. 
 (Modem British essayists. ) 3 v. Phila., 
 History of Scotland. (Cabinet cyclo- 
 piedia.) 2 v. Phila., 1830. 
 Lady of the lake. Edinburgh, 18.53. 
 Life of Napoleon Buon:i])nrte, em- 
 peror of the French ; with a preliminary 
 view of the French revolution. 3 v. 
 Phila., 1827. 
 Poetical works; with a memoir. 
 (British poets.) 9 v. Bost., 186.5. 
 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Infantry tactics. 
 Kewed. 3 v. X. Y., 1842. 
 Memoir. Written by himself. 2 v. 
 X. v., 1-^64. 
 Scottish songs, heroic ballads, etc.. ancient 
 and modern. 2d ed. 2 v. Edinburgh, 
 Scribner's monthly: an illustrated niaga- 
 zine for the people. 8 v. N. Y., 1872-78. 
 Scudder, Horace E. Noah Webster. (Amer- 
 ican men of letters.) Bost., 1882. 
 Seaman, Ezra C. Essays on the ]) 
 of nations in productive industry, civili- 
 zation, population, and wealth. N. Y., 
 The same. X. Y., 1852. 
 Seaton, William Winston. Biographical 
 sketch; with passing notices of his 
 ciates and friends. Bost., 1871. 
 Secret journals of the acts ami i)roc<'edings 
 of Congress, from the first meeting tliereof 
 to the dis.solution of the Confederation, 
 by the adoption of the Constitution of the 
 United States, 1775-1788. 4 .v. Bost., 
 Sedgwick, Theodore, jr. Memoir of tlic 
 life of William Livingston ; with extracts 
 from his correspondence. X. Y.. 1833. 
 Seguln, L. G. The country of the p.i.ssioii- 
 l>lay. Loud., 1880. 
 Segur, Louis Philippe, Comtcilo. Mf^moires: 
 on souvenirs et anecdotes. 3 v. Paris. 
 Segur, Pliiliupe Paul, Conite tie. ITistory of 
 llio I'xpeditiou (o Russia, undorlakcn liy 
 tlir Kiii|)eror Xiipolcon, in tin' year HTJ. 
 I'liila., 18-.'.->. 
 Selfridge, Thos. Oliver. Weixn-ts of cxplo- 
 laliims anil surveys to aseertaiu the prac- 
 ticaliility of a ship-canal between the At- 
 hmtie ami Paeitie Oceans, by the way of | 
 t he Isthiuiis of Darien. Washington, 1874. 
 a copies.) ' 
 Senunes, Raphael. of tin- Alahania 
 anil till' Sumter, -.iileil. 2 v. Lonil., 1864. i 
 The same. 1 v. N. Y.,lrt64. ' 
 8erviee, atloat and ashore, during the 
 Mexiean war. Cineinnati, Irt.'il. 
 Seneca Indians. Case of the Seneca In- 
 dians, in the State of New York, illustrated 
 l.y fails. Phila.. lr'4(). 
 Senefelder, Alois. Complete course of lith- 
 ography; with a history of lithograiihy. 
 Translated from the (icrraau. I.ond., 1819. 
 Serpa Piiito, Alexandre de. How I crossed 
 Africa: from the Atlantic to the Indian 
 Ocean. Translated by Alfred Ehve.s. [ 
 Illiis. -Zv. Lond., 1881. 
 SeruUas, (1. S. Moyen d'eullainmiT la 
 poudre sous I'eau, a toutes les profoudeurs 
 saus feu, jiar le seul contact de I'ean. j 
 Paris. li';44. 
 Seton, .1. L. Notes on the oiierations of 
 the North German troops in Lorraine and 
 I'iiardy. Loud., 1W72. 
 Seton, William. Pride of Lexington : a tale 
 of the American revolution. N. Y., 1S74. 
 Sewrard, (Jeorge F. Chinese immigration 
 in its social anderonoiuiial aspects. N. Y., 
 1H81. j 
 Seward, William II. Aiitohiograiihy, from 
 lsill-:!4. With a memoir of his life, and 
 selections frjm his letters from l.-i:U-4(;, 
 by Krederick W. Seward. N. Y., 1877. 
 Life and public services of John 
 Quincy Adams. Auburn, 1849. ; 
 Travels rouud the world. Edited by 
 Olive Kisley Seward. Illus. N.Y.,187X 
 Seybert, Adam. Statistical annals: views j 
 of the po|)ulation. commerce, navigation, 
 tisherics, public lands, post office establish- 
 ment, revenues, mint, etc. Phila., IHIK. 
 Seymour, H. U. Russia on the ISlaek Sea 
 and .Sea of .\zof; being a urinative of 
 travels in the Crimea and liordcring prov- 
 inces, with notices of the naval, military, 
 and commercial resources of those coun- 
 tries; with maji, etc. Lond., 1H,").">. j 
 Sganzin, M. .J. Elementary course of civil 
 eiigineiriug. Translated from the Erenidi. 
 •-'lied. «ost.,182H. 
 Programmes mi lesumrs des lemons 
 d'un coins de construction, ii'ed. Paris, 
 Shadwrell, Lawrence. Mountain warfare; 
 illustrated by the campaign of 179'.l in 
 Switzerland. Lond.. l''7.">. 
 Shah of I'ersia. Diary of H. M. the Sh.ili 
 of Persia, during his tour through Europe, 
 inA. D. 1873. By .1. W. Rcdhouse. Lond., 
 Shakespeare, William. Tlic works of Wil- 
 liam Shakespeare in reduced I'ac-similc 
 froiii the faniims liist folio edition of l(i".i:t 
 (the tirsi edition of Shakespeare). With 
 an introduction by J. O. Halliwell-Pliil- 
 lipps. Loud., 187(). 
 Dramatic works; with a life of the 
 poet, and notes. 7 v. Bost., 1839. 
 Works. With notes, by Charles 
 Knight. Royal folio. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Pictorial edition of the works of. 
 Edited by Charles Knight. 2d ed., revised. 
 8 V. Lond. and N. Y., 1867. 
 Complete concordance to, by Mrs. 
 M. Cowden Clarke. N. Y., 1846. 
 Concordance to Shakespeare's poems, 
 by Mrs. Howard Kurness. Phila., 1^74. 
 Shea, John Gilmary. American nation, il- 
 lustrated in the lives of her fallen brave 
 and living heroes. N. Y., 1862. 
 Fallen brave: a biographical memo- 
 rial of the American officers who have 
 given their lives for the preservation of 
 the Union. N. Y.,1861. 
 Shea, .John II. Book-keeping, by single 
 anil double entry. Baltimore, 18;!9. 
 Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop apidianees: 
 iiicliiiling descriptions of the ganging and 
 measuring instruments, the hand cutting- 
 tools, lathes, drilling, planing, .and other 
 machine-tools u.sed by engineers. Lond., 
 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works. 
 With notes and a memoir, by W. M.- l{os- 
 selti. 2 v. Loud., 1870. 
 Shelton, William V. Mechanic's guide: a 
 practical hand-book, for the use of en- 
 gineers, mechanics, artizans, etc. Loud., 
 Sheppaid, Nathan. Shut up in Paris. 
 Lond., 1871.
 Sherer, Cajil. Moylo. Military iiieinoir.s of 
 the Duke of Wellington. 2 v. Lend., 
 Sheridan, Gen. Pbili]! H. Report of arecon- 
 uaissaiiee of the liifjliorii Mouiitaius and 
 the valleys of the lii';liorn and Yellow- 
 stone, July, 1877. WaHliiMjitoii, L-'T'-'. 
 (Bound with report of tour by (len. 
 Sherman, same year.) 
 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Works. With 
 memoir, by James P. Browne ; contain- 
 ing extracts from his life, by Thomas 
 Jloore. 2 V. Lond., 1873. 
 Speeches. With a sketch of his life, 
 edited by a constitutional friend. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1842. 
 Sherman, Henry. Centennial year of the 
 Confederacy ; the United States of Amer- 
 ica; the situation — its eomi)licitie9, their 
 origin and solution. Washington, 1875. 
 Governmental history of the United 
 States of America, Itom the earliest set- 
 tlement to the adoption of the present 
 Federal Constitution. Hartford, 1860. 
 Sherman, .John. Selected speeches and re- 
 ports on finance and taxation, from 18,">y 
 to 1878. N. y., 1879. 
 Sherman, Gen. William T. Address deliv- 
 ered in New York City, May 30tli, 1878. 
 Phlla., 1878. 
 Memoirs. Written by himself. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1875. (2 copies.) 
 ■ Military orders of General WilUam 
 T. Sherman, 1861-65. 
 Report of toirr of inspection across 
 the continent along the liiie of the North 
 Pacific Railroad, in the summer of 1877. 
 Washington, 1878. (Bound with report 
 of Gen. P. H. Sheridan, for same year.) 
 Sherring, M. A. Sacred city of the Hindus: 
 an account of Benares in am-ient and 
 modern times. With .an introducti(Ui, by 
 Fitzedward Hall. Lond., 1868. 
 Sher'wood, Adiel. Gazetteerof the State of 
 Georgia. 2d ed. Phila., 1829. 
 Sherwrood, John D. Comic bistoi-y of the 
 United States. Illus. Bost., 1870. 
 Shillinglaw^, John J. Antic discovery, from 
 the earliest period to the present time; 
 with the details of the measures for the 
 relief of Sir John Franklin. Loiul., 1850. 
 Ship-caaal. Explorations and surveys for 
 the location of a .ship-canal between 
 the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, through 
 Nicaragua, 1872-73, under the direction of 
 IS W 
 the .Secretary of the Navy. Washington, 
 Shufeldt, ('apt. Robert W. Report of ex- 
 l)lorations .and surveys to ascertain the 
 liracticability of a ship-canal between 
 the Atlantic .and Pacific oceans, by the 
 w.ay of the Isthmus of Tehu.antepee, made 
 underthe direction of the Secretary of the 
 Navy. Wa.shington, 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Sibome, Cnpt. William. History of the 
 war in France and Belgium, in 1815 ; con- 
 taining minute details of the battles of 
 Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre,and Waterloo. 
 3ded. Lond., 1848. 
 Siege de Bomar.sund en 1854. Journal des 
 operations I'artillerie et du genie. Paris, 
 Silberschlag, .Jean Isaye. Th^orie des 
 tleuves, avecl'art de batirdansleurs eaux, 
 et de pr€venir leurs ravages. Paris, 1760. 
 Silliman, Benjamin. Elements of chem- 
 istry ; in the order of the lectures given in 
 Yale College. 3 v. New Haven, 1830-31. 
 and others. American Journal of 
 .Science and Art. 115 v. N. Y. and New 
 Haven, 1819-76. 
 Silva, Marqiiin de. Pensdes sur la tacticpie 
 et sur (pielques autres jiarlies de la guerre. 
 I'aris, 1768. 
 Simcoe, John Graves. Military journal : a 
 historyof the operations of a partisan corps 
 called the Queen's Rangers, during the war 
 of the American revolution. N. Y., 1844. 
 Simes, Thomas. Military guide for young 
 officers : a military, historical, and ex- 
 planatory dictionary. Vol. 2. Phila., 
 Simmons, Cajit. T. F. Ideas as to the ef- 
 fect of heavy ordnance directed 
 and applied by .ships of war, particularly 
 with reference to the use of hollow shot 
 and lo.aded shells. Lond., 1837. 
 Simms, Frederick W. Practical tunnelling ; 
 explaining in detail the setting out of the 
 works, shaft sinking, heading driving, etc. 
 Loud., 1844. 
 — Treatise on the principal mathem.ati- 
 cal instruments employed in surveying, 
 levelling, and astronomy : with an aji- 
 pendix and tables. Lond.. 1834. 
 Simms, Jeptha K. History of Schoharie 
 County and border wars of New York ; 
 also, a sketch of the which led to 
 the American revolution, etc. Illus. Al- 
 liauy, 1845.
 Simins, William Gilmore. History of South 
 Carnlina, from its first Eiiropoan discovery 
 to its erection into a republic ; with a 
 chronicle of events to the jiresent time. 
 Charleston, 1840. 
 Simon, .1. Franz. Animal chemistry, with 
 reference to the physiolojty and pathology 
 of man. Translated by George E. D.ay. 
 riiila., 1840. 
 Simon, Jules. Government of M. Thiers, 
 from 8tli February, 1871, to 24th May, 
 1873. 2v. N.Y.,1879. 
 Simonet, K. Traitd ^Mmentairc de fortifi- 
 cation de c.ampagne; avec planches. 2" 
 fd. Lorient. 
 Simpson, Alexander. Life and travels of 
 Thomas Simpson, the arctic discoverer. 
 Loiid., l-'4.j. 
 Simpson, dipt. E. Rejiort on a naval mis- 
 sion to Europe; especially devoted to the 
 material and construction of artillery. 
 'J V. Wa.sliington, 1873. 
 Simpson, .Tames H. Report of exjilorations 
 across the great basin of the Territory of 
 Utah, for a direct wagon-route from Camp 
 Floyd to Genoa, in Carscm Viilley, in 18.S9. 
 Washington, 1876. 
 Shortest route to California : history 
 of explorations of the ba.sin of Utah, 
 with its topographical and geological 
 cluir.acter, and some account of tlu' Indian 
 tribes. Phila., 18(i<l. 
 Simpson, Joseph Cairn. Horse portraiture : 
 embracing breeding, rearing, and training 
 trotters, histories of the horse and horse- 
 men, etc. N. Y., 18f>8. 
 Simpson, William. Meeting the sun : a 
 journey all round the world. lUns. Lond., 
 Sinclair, Sir John. General report of the 
 .agricultural st.ite and political circum- 
 stances of .Scotland. 5 v. Edinburgh, 
 Sinclair, John. Sketclies of old times and 
 distant places. Lond., 187.5. 
 Sinnott, Lieut. John. of light in- 
 fantry and other duties. 2d ed. Loud., 
 Sismondi, ,T. C. L. Simonde de. Historiial 
 view of the literatnre of the south of 
 Europe. TranslatcMl, with notes and a 
 life of the author, by T. Roscoe. 2d ed. 
 2 V. Loud., 1846. 
 Skeene, Capt. Robert. Progressive military 
 instructions for forming men and horses in 
 the rudiments of cavalry service, l^ond., 
 Skelton, J<din. Poetical works. Princi- 
 IKilly according to the edition of the Rev. 
 Alexander Dyco. 3 v. Bost., 1864. 
 Sketches of the war between the United 
 States and the British Isles. Rutland 
 (Vt.), 1815. 
 Skinner, Cajit. Thomas. Excursions in 
 India: a walk over the Himalaya Mount- 
 ains to the .sources of the Jumna and the 
 Ganges. 2 v. Lond., 1832. 
 Small, W. F. Guadaloupe: a tale of love 
 and war. Phila., 18(i0. 
 Small-arms. Committee on small -arms; 
 together with the proceedings of the com- 
 mittee, minutes of evidence, and appen- 
 dix. Lond., 1854. 
 Experiments with small-arms for the 
 military service, by officers of tlie Ord- 
 nance Di'partment U. S. Army. Wash- 
 ington, If^.'jti. 
 Smeaton, John. Experimental enquiry 
 concerning the natural power of wind .and 
 water, etc., and historical report on Rams- 
 gate Harbor. Lond., 1791-94. 
 Reports made on various occasions 
 in tlie course of his employment as civil 
 engineer. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1837. 
 Smet, Peter J. de. Oregon missions and 
 travels over the Rocky Mountains, in 
 1845-4(;. N. Y., 1847. 
 Smiles, Samuel. Duty: with illustriitions 
 of courage, patience, and endurance. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 The Huguenots; their settlements, 
 churches, and industries in England and 
 Ireland ; with an appendix relating to the 
 Huguenots in -Vmerica. N. Y., 1872. 
 ■ The Huguenots in France, after the 
 revocation of the edict of Nantes; with a 
 visit to the country of tlie Vandois. N. Y., 
 Life of a Scotch naturalist (Thomas 
 Edward). Hlus. N.Y.,1877. 
 Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geol- 
 ogist and botanist. Hlus. N. Y., 1879. 
 Smith, Adam. Imiuiry into the nature and 
 causes of the wi'altli of nations. 2d ed. 
 2 v. Lond., 1778. 
 Smith, Edw.ard. Foods. 3d ed. Lond., 
 Smith, Capt. V. M. Hand-book of the man- 
 jifacture and proof of gun]iow<ler, as car- 
 ried on .at the royal gunpowder factory, 
 Waltham Abbey. Lond., 1870.
 Smith, George. Assyrian discoveries: an 
 account of exjiloratious ami discoveries 
 on tlie site of Nineveh, (lining 1873-74. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Smith, George B. Life and speeches of 
 ■John Bright. N. Y.,l«81. 
 Smith, Henry H. Constitution: m.anual 
 and rules of the House of Reiirescntati ves. 
 4th ed. Washington, 1880. 
 Smith, Herbert H. Brazil : the Amazons 
 and the coast. II Ins. N. Y., 1879. 
 Smith, Hubert. Tent life with English 
 gipsies in Nonvay ; with illustrations and 
 a map. Lond., 1873. 
 Smith, Capl. John. Description of New 
 England; or, observations and discoveries 
 in the north of America, in the year of our 
 Lord l(il4, witli a fac-simile of the original 
 map. Bost.,1865. 
 True travels, adventures, and obser- 
 vations in Europe, Asia, Africke, and 
 America, beginning about the yeere 1593, 
 and continued to this present 16<i9. 2 v. 
 Richmond, 1819. 
 Smith, Joshua Toulmin. Discovery of 
 America, by Northmen, in the tenth cen- 
 tury ; with maps and plates. Lond., 1839. 
 Smith, (len. Michael W. Cavalry outpost 
 drill ; with a chapter on cavalry skirmish- 
 ing. Lond., 1867. 
 Drill and mameu vres of cavalry, com- 
 bined with horse artillery. Loud., 1865. 
 Modern tactics of the three arms, 
 with reference to the recent improvements 
 in the arms of precision. Illustrated by 
 the author. Lond., 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Smith, R. Baird. The Cauvery, Kistnah, 
 and Godavery; being a report on the 
 works constructed on these rivers, for the 
 purposes of irrigation, in the presidency 
 of Madras. Loud., 1856. 
 Italian irrigation : report on the ag- 
 ricultural canals of Piedmont and Lom- 
 bardy. 2 v. Loud., 1852. 
 Smith, Samuel. History of the colony of 
 Nova-Ca'saria, or New Jersey; contain- 
 ing an account of its settlement, improve- 
 ments, constitution, and other events, to 
 the year 1721, with particulars since. 
 Burlington, 1765. 
 Smith, Sol. Theatrical management in the 
 West and South, for thirty years. Illus. 
 N. v., 1868. 
 Smith, liev. Sydney. Worlcs. (Modern 
 British essayists.) 3 v. Phila., 1844. 
 Smith, Sev. Sydney. AVit and wisdom. 
 New ed. Loud. 
 Smith, JIoii. William. History of the prov- 
 ince of New York, from the first discovery 
 to the year 1732. Loud., 1757. 
 History of the l.ate province of New 
 York, from its discovery to the appoint- 
 ment of Governor Coldeu, in 1762. 2 v. 
 Smith, William, LL.D. Dictionary of Greek 
 and Roman antiquities. 2ded. Best, and 
 Lond., 1849. 
 Dietioniiry of Greek and Roman 
 biography and mythology. 3 v. Bost. 
 and Lond., 1849. 
 New classical dictionary of biogra 
 phy, mythology, and geography. Lond., 
 Smaller classical dictionary of biog- 
 raphy, mythology, and geography. Illus. 
 Smith, W. Tyler. Parturition, and the 
 principles and practice of obstetrics. 
 Phila., 1849. 
 Smithsonian Institution. Annual reiiorts 
 of the board of regents of the Smithsonian 
 Institution, for the years 1875-80. 6 v. 
 Washington, 1876-81. 
 Documents relative to the origin and 
 history of the Smithsonian Institution. 
 Edited by William J. Rhees. Washing- 
 ton, 1879. 
 Journals of the board of regents, re- 
 ports of committees, statistics, etc., of the 
 Smithsonian Institution. Edited by Wil- 
 liam J. Rhees. Washington, 1879. 
 Scientific writings of James Smith- 
 son. Edited by William J. Rhees. 
 Washington, 1879. (Pamphlet.) 
 Smithsonian contributions to knowl- 
 edge. 23 V. Washington, 1848-81. 
 Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- 
 tions. 21 V. Washington, 1862-81. 
 Smollett, Tobias. Works. Roderick Ran- 
 dom ; Peregrine Pickle; Humphry Clink- 
 er ; Plays and poems. Carefully selected 
 and edited, with a life of the author, by 
 David Herbert. 1 v. Edinburgh, 1870. 
 History of England. 5 v. Oxford, 
 N. Y. 
 ■ Peregrine Pickle. Illus. Loud, and 
 Roderick Random. Illus. Loud. 
 and N. Y.
 Smjrth, William. Lectures on the history 
 of the French revohition. New od. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1860. 
 Lectures on iiioilern history ~ v. 
 Lond., 1840. 
 Society g6olo';i(iuo di^ Fniuce. Hulletiu. 
 •i'' sorir. 4 v. I'aiis, 1>*44— »7. 
 Society of Kuginei-rs. Transactions, for 
 18ti7, 79, '80. ;i V. Lond., 1808-81. 
 Solar ecliiise. Ol)si'rvations of the total 
 ecli)ise of the sun, .Vugust 7, 1869. 
 ington, 18(;9. ('i copies.) 
 ^^^— Observations of the total solar 
 eclipse, Dcceiulicr 2i, 1870. Washing- 
 ton, 1871. 
 Reports on the total solar eclipses of 
 .Tilly -29, 1878, and January 11, 1880. Is- 
 sued hy the fnlted States Naval Ob.serva- 
 tory. Washington, lA-^O. 
 Soldiers' letters from camp, hattle-liidd, 
 and prison. Edited by Lyilia Miiiturn 
 Post. N. Y., 1865. 
 Soley, James Russell. Historical sketch of 
 the ruited States Naval .\cademy, pre- 
 pared for the department of education at 
 the International Exhibition, 1876. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. ('2 copies.) 
 Solimau-Pacha. Kelation de la bataille 
 dc Ni/ib. Paris, 1840. 
 Soils, .\ntonio dc. History of the conipiest 
 of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated 
 by T. Towu.send. Revised by X. Hooke. 
 :!d ed. 2 v. Lond., 17.^:!. 
 Solly, Samuel. Thi^ human lirain; its 
 structure, jdiysiology, and lUus. 
 Phila., 1849." 
 Somerville, Marlba. Personal recollec- 
 tions, from early life to old age, of Mary 
 Somerville ; with selections from her cor- 
 rcspoiiilriiec. Host., 1874. 
 Somerville, Jl//s. Mary. Coniierlion of the 
 physical sciences. Phila., 18:i4. 
 Sonueuschein and Allen. Relief atlas of 
 all parts of the world. Loud., 18sO. 
 Sophocles. Tiaiislated by T. Francklin. 
 (Classiial library.) Lond., l8:!-2. 
 Sophocles, E. A. Greek grammar ; fin- the 
 use of schools and colleges. New ed. 
 Hartford, 1847. 
 Soult, Nicolas Jean, Murevhul. Mcmoircs: 
 imlilii-s par son tils. ;i v. Paris, 18.">4. 
 South America and Mexico, View of. 
 Comprising tlnir history, etc. By a citi- 
 zen of the United States. 2v.ini. N. Y., 
 South Sea bubbles. By the Earl and the 
 I Doctor. Lond., 1872. 
 Southall, .James C. Recent origin of man, 
 as illustrated by geology and tlie modern 
 ■ .seience <d'pre-hi8toric archicology. lllus. 
 Phila., 1875. 
 Southern Hi.sturical .Sicii'ty papers. 9 v. 
 Riilinioud(Va.), 1876-81. 
 Southern Literary Messenger. 21 v. Rich- 
 mond, 18:i4-<'.0. 
 Southern Quarterly Review, 'i' v. Charles- 
 ton, l'^4'2-5.5. 
 Southesk, Kail of. Saskatchewan and the 
 I Rocky Mountains : narrative of travel, 
 sjiort, and adventure, in 18,59-60; with 
 maps and illustrations. Edinburgh, 1875. 
 Southey, Robert. Common-idace book. 
 E<lited by his son-in-law, ,Iohn Wood 
 Warter, Lond., 1849. 
 The Doctor, etc. Edited by ,Iohii 
 Wood Warter. New ed. Lond., 18C5. 
 History of Brazil. 2d ed. 3 v. 
 I Lond,, 1817-22. 
 , History of the Peninsular war. New- 
 id. 4 V. Lond., 1828. 
 Life and corresi>oudcncc of. Edited 
 by his son. Rev. Charles C. .Southey. 
 1 N. Y. 
 Southey, lujil. Tbninas. Cliroiiological 
 history of the West Indies. ',i v. Lond., 
 Southgate, Henry. Many thoughtsof many 
 minds. 2 v. Lond., 1874. 
 Noble thoughts in noble language: a 
 colleition of wise and virtuous utterances, 
 in and Lond. 
 Southworth, Alvan .>». FourthoiLsand miles 
 of African travel : a personal record of a 
 journey up the Nile and through the Sou- 
 dan to the conlines of central Africa, em- 
 bracing a discu.ssion of the sources of the 
 Nile, and an examination of the slave 
 trade. lUus. N. Y. and Lond., 1875. 
 Soyer, Alexis. .Soyer's culinary campaign ; 
 bcing.historical reminiscences of the late 
 war, with the ])lain art of cookery for 
 military and civil institutions, the army, 
 navy, etc. Lond., 18.57. 
 Spalding, J. L. Life of Rev. M. J. Spald- 
 ing, .inhbisbop of Baltimore. N. Y., 187;{. 
 Spanish imiuisition. Records. Translated 
 from the original manuscripts. Bost., 
 Sparks, Jared. Library of Amcriau cbiog- 
 rapby. 21 v. N. Y., 1834-48. 
 John Stark, Charles Brockden lirown, Kiihard 
 Montgomery, and Ethan Allen, v. 1. 
 Alexander Wilson and Cai)t. John Smith, v. 2. 
 Life and treason of Benedict Arnold, v. 3. 
 Anthony Wayne and Sir Henry Vane, v. 4. 
 Life of John Eliut. the apostle to the Indians, by 
 Convers Francis, v. 5. 
 William Pinkney, William EUery, and Cotton 
 Slather, v. 6. 
 Sir William Phips, Israel Putnam. Lueretia 
 Maria Davidson, and David Eittenhouse, v. 7. 
 Jonathan Edwards and David Braiuerd, v. 8. 
 liarou Steuben, Sebastian Cabot, and William 
 Eaton, V. 9. 
 Robert Fulton, Joseph Warren, Heury Hudson, 
 and Father Marquette, v. 10. 
 Robert Cavelier de la Salle and Patrick Henry, 
 T. 11. 
 James Otis and James Oglethoi-pe, v. 12. 
 John Sullivan, Jacob Leisler, Nathaniel Bacon, 
 and .John Mason, v. 13. 
 Koger Williams, Timothy Dwight. and Count 
 Pnlaski, v. 14. 
 Count Kumford, Zebulon Montgomery Pike, and 
 Samuel Gorton, v. 15. 
 Ezra Stiles, John Fitch, and Annie Hutchinson, 
 John Eibault, Sebastian Kale, and William Pal- 
 frey, V. 17. 
 Charles Lee and Joseph Eeed, v. IS. 
 Leonard Calvert, Samuel Ward, and Thomas 
 Posey, V. 19. 
 Life of Kathanael Greene, by his grandson. 
 George W. Greene, v. 20. 
 Life of Goiivenieur Morris ; with 
 selectious from his uorrespontlence, and 
 uiiscellaneons pai)ers. 3 v. Best., 1832. 
 Spaulding, M. C. Admiinstration.s of the 
 I'liitfd States; with a brief suinmary of 
 eveuts and other valuable infoiiiiation. 
 Dubuque, 1871. 
 Hanil bookof .statistics of the I'nited 
 States. N. Y., 1874. 
 Spearman, Ctqit. J. Morton. British gun- 
 ner. 2(1 ed. Loud., 182.'^. 
 The same. 3d ed. Lond., 1844. 
 Spectateur militaire. Recueil de sciciue, 
 d'art,et d"histoire niilitaires. 43 v. Paris, 
 Spectator (The). New editinn. ranfiilly 
 revised, with prefaces, historical and bio- 
 graphical, by Alexander Chalmers. G v. 
 X. v., l^T'.l. 
 Speeches, ad<lrcs.scs, and messages of the 
 several Presidents of tlie I'nited State.s; 
 also, the Declaration i>f Independence, 
 the Constitution of the I'nifed States, and 
 Wa.shington's farewell address; embrac- 
 ing an official summary of the national 
 events of the first half century of the 
 Union. Pbila., 182o. 
 Speeches on the pa.ssage of the bill for the 
 removal of the Indians, delivered iu Con- 
 gress, April and Slay, 1830. Bost., 1830. 
 Speir, Mrs. C. Life in ancient India. 
 Illns. Lond., 1856. 
 Spencer, Herbert. Ceremonial institutions. 
 (Synthetic philosophy.) N. Y., 1880. 
 Data of ethics. (Synthetic philoso- 
 phy.) N. Y.,1880. 
 Essays : moral, political, and n,-»- 
 thetic. N. Y., 1880. 
 Illustrations of universal progress. 
 N. Y., 1880. 
 Principles of biology. 
 philosophy, vols. 2, 3.) 2 v. N. Y.. 1880. 
 Principles of psychology. ( Synthetic 
 philosophy, vols. 4, .5.) 2 v. X. Y., 1880. 
 Principles of sociology. (Synthetic 
 philo.sophy, v. 6.) N. ¥., 1880. 
 Social statics. N. Y., 1880. 
 Study of sociology. 3d ed. Lond., 
 The same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Spencer, J. A. History of the United 
 States, from the earliest period to the 
 administration of James Buchanan. Illus. 
 3 V. N. Y., 1858. 
 Spenser, Edmund. Poetical works. (Al- 
 dine edition of the British poets.) 5 v. 
 Spielhagen, Friedrich. Hammer and anvil : 
 a novel. From the German of William 
 Hand Brown. N. Y., 1873. 
 What the swallow sang; a novel. 
 Translated from the German, by M. S. 
 N. Y., 1873. 
 Spiers' and Surenne's French and English 
 pronouncing dictionary. X. Y., 18ti7. 
 Spix, J. B. von, and Carl F. P. von Martins. 
 Travels iu Brazil, iu the years 1817-20. 
 Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 2^-. Loud.,- 
 Sprague, Homer H. Masterpieces in Eng- 
 lish literature, and les.sous in the English 
 language. \. Y., 1874. (2 copies.) 
 Sprague, Isaac. Genera Hone Anieric;e 
 Boraeli-Orientalis illustrata : gener.i of 
 the plants of the United States. With 
 descriptions, etc., by Asa Gray, M. D. 
 Illns. 2 V. Bost. and N. Y., 1848-49.
 Sprague, John T. Origin, progress, and 
 conclusion of the Florida war. N. Y. and 
 I'hila., 1848. 
 Spretson, N. K. Practical treatise on cast- 
 ing and fouudin-j: including descriptions 
 of the modern niacliiiu'ry employed in the 
 art. I.oud. and N. Y., i>i78. 
 Squier, E. (;., and E. H. Davis. Ancient 
 monuments of the Mississippi valley. 
 (Vol. I, .Smithsonian contributions to 
 knovNJ.d-e.) X. v., 1848. 
 Stael-Holstein, Ilatoness do. (Jermany. 
 With notes and appendices, by O. W. 
 Wight. -2 V. N. Y., 1864. 
 Stallo, .J. B. General principles of the 
 pliilos(>|diy of nature; with an outline of 
 some of its recent developments among 
 the Germans. lioit.. 1848. 
 Stanhope, Philip Henry, EnH {Lord Ma- 
 hon). History of England, from the peace 
 of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles, 1713- 
 1783. 2d ed. 7 v. Lond., 1853-r)4. 
 History of the war of the succession 
 in Spain. Lond., 1832. 
 Stanley, Edward. Treatise on diseases of 
 the bones. Phila., 1849. 
 Stanley, Henry M. Coomassie and Mag- 
 dala: the story of two IJritish campaigns 
 in Africa. Illus. Lond., 1874. 
 How I found Livingstone : travels, 
 adventures, and discoveries in central 
 Afri<;i; including an accoinit of four 
 months' residence with Dr. Livingstone. 
 Illus. N. v., 1872. 
 Through the dark continent; or, the 
 sources of the Nile, around the great lakes 
 of eijuatorial -Xfrica, and down the Living- 
 stone River to the Atlantic Oceiin. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1878. 
 Stansbury, Howard. E.\ploration and sur- 
 vey of the valley of the Groat Salt Lake 
 of Utah ; including a reconnoissance of a 
 new route through the Rocky Mountains; 
 with an atlas. Phila., 1S52. 
 The same. (Senate e->c. doc. No. 3, 
 special sess., March, 18.-)1.) Phila., 1852. 
 Stapleton, A. G. I'olitical life of George 
 Canning, from his acceptance of the seals 
 of the foreign de](artnient, in September, 
 1822, to the period of his death, August, 
 1827. 2d cd. 3 v. Lond., 1831. 
 Stars anil stripes in rebcldoiu: a series of 
 jiapcrs written by Fi'deral prisoners (pri- 
 vates) in Richmond, Tuscaloosa, New I 
 Orleans, and Salisbury, N. C. ; with an 
 a|)pendix. Bost., 18fi2. 
 State tr.icts. (English.) Collection of, pub- 
 lished on occasion of the great revolution 
 in 1688, and during the reign of King 
 William III.; to which is prelixed a his- 
 tory of the Dutch war, in 1(J72. 3 v. 
 Lond., 170.5-(t7. 
 Statistics. Quarterly reports of the chief 
 of the liureau of .Statistics; showing the 
 imports and exports of the United States, 
 and other statistics, 1877. Washington, 
 Statistics of the Anu-rican and foreign iron 
 trades. Annual report of the secretary of 
 the American Iron and Steel Association 
 (James M. Swank, secretary). Phila. ,1877. 
 Staunton, Sir (ieorge Leiuiard. Authentic 
 account of an emba.ssy from the king of 
 (Jreat Britain to the emperor of China; in- 
 cluding observations in travelling through 
 that empire and a part of Chinese Tartary. 
 2 v., with engravings, besides a folio vol. 
 of plates. Lond., 1797. 
 Staunton, Howard. Chess-player's com- 
 panion; comprising a new treatise on odds, 
 and a collection of games, including the 
 great French match with Mons. St. Amant. 
 Lond., 1861. 
 Chess-player's band-book: an intro- 
 duction to the game of chess, excmplitiod 
 in games actually played by the greatest 
 masters. Illus. New ed. Lond., 1873. 
 Chess tournament at Loudon, 18.')1: 
 a collection of the games played at this 
 celebrated assemblage. Illus., with notes. 
 Lond., 1852. 
 Stedman, C. History of the origin, pro- 
 gress, and termination of the American 
 war. 2 V. Lond., 1794. 
 The same. 2 v. Dublin, 1794. (2 
 Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Victorian 
 ))oets. Bost., 1876. 
 I Stedman, Ca})!. John Gabriel. Narrative 
 I of a live years' expedition against the re- 
 I volted negroes of Surinam, in (iniana, on 
 I the wild coast of South America, from 
 I 1772 to 1777. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 1806-13. 
 I Steedman, Andrew. Wanderings and ad- 
 I ventures in the interior of southern 
 Africa. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1835. 
 Steele, Her. Ashbel. Chief of the pil- 
 grims; or, the life and time of William 
 Brewster. Phila., 1857.
 Steinmetz, Andrew. Histoi-y of the Jesuits, i 
 from the foimdatiou of their society to its 
 suppression hy Pope Clement XIV. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1848. 
 Stein'wehr, A. von. Centennial gazetteer 
 of the United States. Phila., 1S73. 
 Stell-wag, Carl von Caripn. Treatise on | 
 the diseases of the eye ; including the 
 anatomy of the organ. Translated hy C. 
 E. Haekley and D. B. St. .John Koosa. 
 Illus. N. v., 1868. 
 Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. Lady's life , 
 among the Mormons. •2d ed. N. Y.,1872. 
 Stenhouse, T. H. H. Rocky Mountain 
 saints: a full and complete history of (he 
 Mormons. N. Y., 1873. 
 Stephen, James. Critical and miscella- 
 neous essays. (Modern British essayists.) 
 Phila., 1843. 
 Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a library. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Stephen, William. History of the Queen's 
 City of Edinburgh RifleVolunteer Brigade, 
 with accounts of the City of Edinburgh 
 and Mid-Lothian Eifie Association, etc. 
 Edinburgh and Lond., 1881. 
 Stephens, John L. Incidents of travel in 
 Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 
 Illus. 2 V. N. Y., 1841. 
 Incidents of travel in Y''ucatan. 
 Illus. 2 V. N. Y., 1847. 
 Steppe campaigns. Translated from the 
 Russian, by Capt. F. C. H. Clark. Loud., 
 Steme, Laurence. Works : with a life of 
 the author, written by himself. New ed., 
 with an appendix, containing several un- 
 published letters, etc. Edited by James 
 P. Browne. 4 v. Loud., 1>73. 
 Tristram Shandy, v. 1. 
 Tristram Shandy, and the Sentimental journey, 
 V. 2. 
 Sermons, v. 3. 
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 Steuart-Tompson, Major 11. Militia offi- 
 cer's examiner. Lond., 1878. (Pamphlet.) 
 Stevens, Abel. Madame de Staiil : a study 
 of her life and times. The first revolu- 
 tion and the first empire. 2v. N. Y.,1881. 
 Stevens, Henry. Account of the proceed- 
 ings at the dinner given by George Pea- 
 body to the Americans connected with 
 the great exhibition of 1851. Loud., 1851. 
 Stevenson, William G. Thirteen months 
 in the rebel army. By an imjiressed New 
 Yorker. Lond., 1862. 
 Ste'wart, Her. A. M. Camp, march, and 
 battlefield ; or, three years and a half 
 with the Army of the Potomac. Phila., 
 Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy ; 
 being an elementary treatise on energy 
 and its laws. Illus. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. 
 Stevrart, Gen. David. Sketches of the 
 character, manners, and present state of 
 the Highlanders of Scotland; with de- 
 tails of the military services of the High- 
 laud regiments. 3d ed. 2 v. Edinburgh, 
 Ste-wart, Dugald. Works. 7 v. Cam- 
 bridge, 1829. 
 Stevyart, Henry. Our red-coats and blue- 
 jackets; war pictures on laud and sea. 
 2d ed. Lond., 1880. 
 Stieler, Karl, Haus Wachenbusen, and F. 
 W. Hackliinder. The Rhine, from its 
 source to the sea. Translated by G. C. 
 T. Bartley ; with 425 illustrations. Phila., 
 Stille, Alfred. Therapeutics and materia 
 medica. 2 v. Phila., 1860. 
 Stirling, Edward. Old Dniry Lane: forty 
 years' recollections of author, actor, and 
 manager. 2 v. Lond., 1881. 
 Stith, William. History of the first dis- 
 covery and settlement of Virginia. Wil- 
 liamsburg, 1747. 
 Stockbrldge, V. D. Digest of patents re- 
 lating to breech-loading and maga^tine 
 small-arms (except revolvers), granted in 
 the United States from 1836 to 1873, in- 
 clusive. Washington, 1875. 
 Stockmar, Baron. Memoirs. By his .son, 
 Baron E. von Stockmar. Translated from 
 the Genuan, by G. A. M. Edited by F. 
 MaxMiiller. 2 v. Loud., 1872. 
 The same. 2 v. Loud., 1.873. 
 Stockton, Frank R. A .jolly fellowship. 
 Illus. N. Y., 1880. 
 Stocqueler, J. H. Military encyclop;i(lia : 
 a technical, biographical, and historical 
 dictionary. Lond., 18.")3. 
 Personal history of the Horse 
 Guards, from 1750 to 1872. Loud., 1873. 
 Stoffel, Baron. Military reports, addressed 
 to the French war minister, 1866-70. 
 Translated by Captain Home. Loud., 
 Stone, Kdwurd Murtiu. Invasion of ('aii- 
 ada, in ITT'i; iiivliuliiig tlie jdiirnal of 
 C'apt. Simoon Tlia.vcr, (IfsiTiliin^ tin' 
 ]ioril» anil snrtVrinf;s ol' tlii- army nnder 
 ('ill. Henoilict Ariiolil. in its niarcli tliiimjiii 
 till- wililcriHss In (^lU'.liiT. I'liiviilenro, 
 Stoue, Will. L. Lifi- iif|ili biaiit 
 (Tliayenilain'j;oa); incliiilinj; tlif Imnlrr 
 wars of the Anii'rican n-volution anil In- 
 dian caniiiaii;n.'^. 2 V. N. Y.,1838. 
 Life anil times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, 
 or Red Jacket ; with a memoir of the au- 
 thor, by hi.i .sou. Albany, HGI>. 
 Reniini.feeuce.sof Saratoj;.! ami Halls- 
 ti.n. Illns. N. Y., 1H80. 
 Stouey, I apt. F. S., and t'apl. Cliarlrs 
 .liinis. Text-book of the eonstrurtion and 
 niannfactnre of the rifled ordnanie in the service, "id ed. Lonil. 
 Story, W.W. Valhimbrosa. Edinburgh, 1881. 
 Stoves and ranges for army use. Specifi- 
 calion.s, snpply table, etc. (Q. M. G. O., 
 May 25, 187ti.) Wasliington, 1876. 
 Stowe, 3/r.i. Harriet lieecher. Uncle Tom's 
 (abiii: or, life among the lowly. New 
 ,d. lUiLS. Host., 18S1. 
 Strabo. (;eograi>hy. Literally translated, 
 by It. C. Hamilton and W. Taleoner. 
 (IJiihu's classical library.) :i v. Lond., 
 Strahlenberg, I'hilip .lolin von. \n his- 
 tori-geograidiicai description of the north 
 and eastern ])art of Europe and Asia, but 
 more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Tartary ; with a new polyglot table of 
 the dialects of :?2 Tartarian nations, and 
 a vocabulary of the Kalniuck-Muiigalian 
 tongue. Loud.. 17;ir). 
 Straith. Hector. Treatise on fortification. 
 I.ond., l.-Xi. 
 Treatise on fortification and artillery. 
 4tli eil. Lond., 184(;. 
 Strangford, Vincounl. Selection from the 
 writings of, on political, geographical, and 
 social snbjects. Edited by the Vi.sconnt- 
 ess Strangford. 2 v. Lond., ISt'ii). 
 Stratagfemes niilitaires, et ruses de gueiTe. 
 ■,' V. Paris. 182r.. 
 Streckfuss, Adolpli. Castle Hohenwald, a 
 romance; translated from the German, by 
 Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila., 187S). 
 Strickland, .\gnes. Lives of the qneeus of 
 England, from the Norman roiniuest. 
 12 V. Phila., 1847-48. 
 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of 
 Scotland and English princesses. 8 v. 
 X. Y., l&"il-.->9. 
 Strong, W. E. Trip to the Yellowstone 
 Nalioiial Park, in .Inly, .Xiigust, and Sep- 
 tember, l.-^7.'p. Washington, If^Ci. 
 Struensee, Charles .\iignstiis. First prin- 
 ciplis of field fortifications. Translated 
 by William Nicolay. Lond., 18(H). 
 Stuart, A. A. Iowa colonels and regiments 
 in the war of the rebellion. Des Moines, 
 Stuart, Charles li. Xaval dry -docks of the 
 I'nited St.itcs. Illiis. N. Y., 18r>2. 
 Stuart, H. Villiers. Nile gleanings concern- 
 ing the ethnology, history, and art of an- 
 cient Egypt, as revealed by Egyjitian 
 paintings and bas-reliefs; with descrip- 
 tions of Xnbia,and its great rock temples 
 to the second cataract. Illiis. Lond., 
 Stuart, Jamis. Three years in .Vmeric;i. 
 2 v. Edinburgh, 18:!:i. 
 Stuart, Robert. Dictionary of archit^-e- 
 ture, historical, descriptive, topographi- 
 cal, decorative, theoretical, and mechani- 
 cal. ;! v. Lond. 
 Stuart, Cul. \V. K. Reininiscences of a sol- 
 dier. 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Studer, .laeob H. Columbus, Ohio; its 
 history, resources, and progress. Illns. 
 Subsistances niilitaires. Notices diveraes 
 ciinceinant I'exi^eution du service des sub- 
 sistances niilitaires, particnlii^rement en 
 campagne. Paris, 18.57. 
 Reeueil des prineipales instnictions 
 et circnlaircs qui regissent le .service des 
 subsistances niilitaires et du chanll'agc. 
 Vivres, chaiiffage, et fonrrages. Paris, 
 Suchet, Louis Galiriel, .1/<((<r^n7. Mi^nioires 
 sur SIS camiiagiies en Espagne, l.-!0.8-1814, 
 (Merits par lui-meme. 2'' 6(\. 2 v. Paris, 
 Suez canal traffic. Return of traffic, from 
 the inauguration, in November, 1869, to 
 the end of 1870. Lond., 1871. 
 Sugar and hydrometere. Reports from the 
 Secretary of the Trea.sury of scientific in- 
 vestigations in relation to sugar and hy- 
 drometers, by Professor R. S. McCulloli. 
 (Sen. ex. doe. Xo. :>i>, :iOtli Cong., 1st 
 Washington, It^S. 
 Sullivan, A. M. Xew Ireland. Phila., 1878.
 Sullivan, Sir Edward. Princes of India : 
 an historical narrative of the principal 
 events, from tlie invasion of Mahniond of 
 Ghizni to that of Nadir Sliah. 2d ed. 
 Sullivan, William. Puhlic men of the 
 revolution: including events from the 
 peace of 1783 to the peace of 1815. With 
 a .sketch of the author, by his son, J. T. S. 
 Sullivan. Phila., 1847. 
 Sully, .Jame.s. Illusions: a psychological 
 study. N. Y., 1881. 
 Sulpicia. .SVf Juvenal. 
 Sumner, William G. History of American 
 currency; with chapters on the English 
 bank restriction and Austrian paper- 
 money and "the bullion report." N. Y., 
 Survey of the lioundary between the ter- 
 ritory of the United States and the pos- 
 sessions of Great Britain, from the Lake 
 of the Woods to the summit of the Kocky 
 Mountains. Archibald Campbell, esq., 
 commissioner, and Capt. W. J. Twining, 
 U. S. Engineers : with majis, Washing- 
 ton, 1878. 
 Susane, Louis. Histoire de I'aueieune in- 
 fanteric francaise. ti v. te.\te et 2 v. 
 planches. Paris, 1849-.3:i 
 SutcUffe, John. Treatise on canals and 
 reservoirs, and the best mode of designing 
 and executing them ; likewise observa. 
 tions on the best mode of carding and 
 spinning all kinds of cotton twist : also, 
 in.structions for designing and building a 
 corn-mill, etc. Rochdale, Eng., 181ti. 
 Sutro, Adolph. Mineral resources of the 
 United States, and the importance and 
 necessity of inaugurating a rational sys- 
 tem of mining, with special reference to 
 the Comstock lode and the .Sutro tunnel, 
 in Nevada. Baltimore, 1868. 
 Sweden and Norway, Armed strength of. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Sw^edenborg, Emanuel. Angelic wisdom 
 concerning the diviue love and the divine 
 wisdom. N. Y., 1872. 
 Angelic wisdom concerning the di- 
 vine |>rovidcnce. N. Y., 167;i. 
 Apocalypse revealed. 2 v. N. Y., 1873. 
 Arcana codestia (Heavenly .mana). 
 10 V. N. Y., 1870-7:{. 
 Conjugial love and its chaste de- 
 S'wedenborg, Em;inuel. Fonr leading doc- 
 trines of the new church. N. Y., 1873. 
 Heaven and its wonders: the world 
 of spirits and hell. Translated by Sanniel 
 Noble. N. Y.,1872. 
 Mi.scellaneons theological works. 
 N. Y., 1871. 
 True Christian religion. 
 N. Y., 
 Swrift, Jonatlum. Poetical works. With a 
 life, by Rev. .John Mitford. (Britisli 
 lioets.) 3 V. Bost., 1864. 
 Swinburne, A. C. Essays and sttulies. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Swinton, Williaiu. Campaigngof the Army 
 of the Potomac. N. Y., 1866. 
 Masterpieces of English literature ; 
 being typical selections of and 
 American authorship, from .Shakespeare 
 to the present time. N. Y., 1880. 
 Twelve decisive battles of the war: 
 lights ; also, adulterous love and its sin- 
 ful pleasures. N. Y., 1871. 
 19 W 
 a history of the eastern and western cam- 
 paigns, in reliition to the actions tliat d<'- 
 cided their issue. N. Y., 1867. 
 Switzerland. Organization militaire dc la 
 Confed(-ration .Suisse. Berne, 1874. 
 Syme, James. Principles of surgery. lUus. 
 3d cd. Lond., 1842. 
 Sypher, J. R. History of the Pennsylva- 
 nia reserve corps. Lancaster (Pa.), 1865. 
 Tableau des guerres de la revolution de 
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 I'ficole polytechnifine. lllnstrd avec des 
 cartes et des jiortraits. Paris, 1838. 
 Tableau historiciue de la guerre de la r(Svo- 
 Intiou de France, 1792-94. 3 v. Avec 
 uu atlas militaire. Paris, 1808. 
 Tableau de la situation des (Jtablissements 
 franfais dans TiVlgerie, 1843-44. Paris, 
 Tables of distances for the regulation and 
 adjustment of telegraphic rates for gov- 
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 topograjdier of the Post-Office Depart- 
 ment. Washington, 1873. 
 Tables of the moon. Arranged by Pro- 
 fessor I'eircc. \\'ashiugton, 18.53. 
 Tables dn tir des bouches .a feu de I'arlil- 
 Icric uavale, deduites des expf'rience.s de 
 Havre. Paris, 18H. 
 Tacitus, Cornelius. Works. With an es- 
 say on his life and genius, notes, etc., by 
 Arthur Murphy. 2d Amer. ed. 6 v. 
 Georgetown, 1822.
 Tacitus, Conioliiis. Works. ( ).\rorrl trnns- 
 latidii, ii'visrd, with notos. (UiiliirscliiHsi- 
 <:il lilirar.v.) •-> v. Loml.. lr<71-7-,'. 
 Tactics. Elementary priiiciplos of tactics! 
 with new observations on the military 
 arts. Translated l>y a liritish army nOi- 
 cor; with plans. Loinl., 1771. 
 System of taetii's; or, rnles for I he 
 exercises and inan(envres of the cavalry 
 and light infantry and riflemen of the 
 I'nited States. Washinfjtou, 18;!4. 
 Taffe, A. Apiilication de la mdcanique aiix 
 machines le j)l\is en nsage, mues par I'ean, 
 la vai>enr, le vent et les animans, et a 
 diverses constrnctions. 3'' eil. I'aris, 
 Taiue, llippolytc .Vihilplic Amicnt re- 
 gime. Translati'd liy .loJMi Diuaiid. N. V., 
 Art in Greece. Tran.slated liy .lolin 
 Uiirand. N. V.,1871. 
 History of English literatnre. Tran.s- 
 latcd by 11. Van Laiin. 2 v. N. V.,1^7I. 
 Ideal inart. Translated 1)V.J. DiiruMil, 
 N. Y., I87:i. 
 Italv: Florence and \'ciiicc. Krom 
 the French, by .1. Diirand. Ith.'d. N. Y., 
 Italy : Home and Naples. From the 
 French, by J. Diirand. 4th ed. N. Y., 
 Notes on Kiigiand. TraHsl.ilcd. with 
 an introdn<'tory chapter, by W. 1\ I{ai'. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Notes on I'aris. Translated, with 
 notes, by .John Austin Stevens. N. Y. , 
 On intelligenci'. Translated bv T. 
 D. Haye. N. Y., 187-i. 
 Tour through the Pyrenees. Trans- 
 lated by J. SalVord Fiske. N. Y., 1874. 
 Talbot, Gerald F. Analysis of the organ- 
 ization of the Prussian army. I,ond., 
 Tales from I!la<UwoiHl. I'i v. F.ilinburgh 
 and Eond. 
 Tales of the rev(dutii>ii ; being rare and re- 
 markable passages of the history of the 
 war of 177."). (Boys' and girls' library. ) 
 N. Y., 183G. 
 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Critical and 
 miscellaneous writings. (Modern liritish 
 essayists.) I'hila., 184-2. 
 Talmudic miscellany: or a thousand and 
 one extracts from the Taluuid, the Midra- 
 sliim, and the Kabbalah. Compiled and 
 translated by Paul Isaac Hershon; within- 
 trodnctory i)refaee by Canon Farrar. With 
 notes and <-opiiMis inilc.xes. Bost., 1880. 
 Tauuer, 11. S. Description nl' the canals 
 anil rail roads of the I'nited .'^tati'S. N. Y., 
 Memoir of the recent surveys, obser- 
 vations, and internal improvcnnuits in the 
 Cnited States. Pliila., 1820. 
 The same. 2(1 o(l. I'hila., 1830. 
 Alphabetical index to the four sheet 
 nnip of the United States. Phila. 
 Target |)raetiee. System of. Prepared prin- 
 ci|ially from the French, by order of the 
 War IJcpartmcut. Washington,. 18, i2. 
 Tarleton, /.(. Col. Hanastre. History id' the 
 campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the south- 
 ern |)rovinces of North America. Eond., 
 Tarver, .1. Charles. Royal phraseological 
 English-French, French-English diction- 
 ary. 3il od. 2 V. Eond., 18.")4. 
 Tasso, Toripiato. .Jerusalem delivered. 
 Translated into lOuglish Spenserian verse, 
 with a life of the author, by .J. H. Wifi'iui, 
 New ed. Loiui., In72. 
 Taswell-Laiigmead, Thomas P. English 
 constitutional history from the Teutonic 
 coni|nest to the present time. 2d cil. re- 
 vised. Eond., 1881. 
 Tate, Thomas. Strength of materials; con- 
 taining formuhe specially applied to tubu- 
 lar bridges, wrought iron and cast iron 
 beams, etc. Eond., 1850. 
 Tatler (The). By Steele, Swift, and Addi- 
 son. Complete in 1 v. Lend. 
 Taubert, Caplaiii. On the use of licld ar- 
 tillery on service, with especial reference 
 to t hat of an army corps. Translated from 
 the (iermau, by Henry IE Maxwell. 
 Eond., 185G. 
 Taylor, Bayard. Cyclopiedia of modern 
 travel : a record of adventure, exploration, 
 and discovery for the past fifty years. 
 Illn.s. Cincinnati, 1856. 
 Eldorado ; or, adventures in the path 
 of empire; comprising a voyage to Cali- 
 fornia, via Panama, life in San Francisco 
 and Monterey, lllns. 2d cd. 2 v. in 1. 
 N. Y., 1850. 
 Lands of the Saracen ; or, iiictures 
 of Palestine, Asia Miuor, Sicily, and 
 Spain. N.Y., 18.55.
 Taylor, Jobn. An inquiry into the princi- 
 l)les and imlicy of the government of the 
 United States. Fredericksbiirg, 1814. 
 Taylor, Richard. Scienlitie nienioir.s; se- 
 lected from the transactlon.s of foreign 
 acadeuiies of science and learned societies, 
 and from foreign journals. Vol.1. Lond., 
 Taylor, Gen. Richard. Destruction and re- 
 construction : personal experiences of the 
 late war. N. Y., 1879. 
 Taylor, Richard C. Statistics of coal : the 
 geographical and geological distribution 
 of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, min- 
 eral bituininous substances, etc. Phila., 
 Two reports on the coal lauds, mines, 
 and improvements of the Daupliin and 
 Su.squehanna Coal Company, etc. Phila., 
 Taylor, Tom. Life of Benjamin Robert 
 Haydon, liistorical painter. "2 v. N. Y., 
 Taylor, W. Cooke. Manual of ancient his- 
 tory. Revised by C. S. Henry. 8th ed. 
 N. Y.,1859. 
 Manual of modern history. With a 
 chaiiter on the history of the United 
 States, by C. S. Henry. N. Y., 1857. 
 Historv of Ireland, from the Anglo- 
 Norman invasion till the union with Great 
 Hritain. With additions, by William 
 Sampson. (Harper'sfaiuily library.) 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1h;?3. 
 Memoirs of the house of Orleans. 2 v. 
 Taylor, Walter II. I'our years with Ceiieral 
 Lee. N. Y.,1877. 
 Teale, T. Pridgin. Dangers to health. A 
 pictorial guide to domestic sanitary de- 
 fects. 2ded. Illus. Lond. aiidLeeds,1879. 
 Technology, Massachusetts Institute of. 
 President's report for the year(uiding Sep- 
 tember 30, 1875. Bust., 187(i. 
 Teeling, dipt. Bartle. Military maxims aiul 
 apophthegms of commamU-rs, ancient and 
 modern. The soldier's diary. Loud., 
 Tegoborski, Louis de. fitudessurles forces 
 prnductives de la Riissie. 3 v. Paris, 
 Telford, Thomas. Life. Written l)y him- 
 self; containing a de.scriptive narrative 
 of his professional labours. Edited by 
 John Rickman : with atlas. Loiul.,1838. 
 Temple, Sir Richard. India in 1880. 2d ed. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Tennent, ■Sir J. Emerson. Story of the 
 guns. Loud., 1864. 
 Tenny, W. .J. Military and naval history 
 of the rebellion in the L'liited States. 
 N. Y., 186G. 
 Tennyson, Alfred. Works, fi v. Loud., 
 Queen Mary : a drama. Bost., 1870. 
 Tenot, Eugene. Paris in December, 1851 ; 
 or, the coup d'etat of Xapoleon III. 
 Translated from the 13th French ed., with 
 many original notes, by .S. W. Adams and 
 A. H. Brandon. Lond., 1870. 
 Ternay, Marquis. De la dfSfense des dtats 
 par les positions fortitides ; revu et corrig4 
 sur les mauuscrits de I'auteur, par M. Maz<5. 
 Paris, 1836. 
 TeiTy, Edward. Voyage to India. 
 Reprinted from the edition of 1655. 
 Lond., 1777. 
 Text-book of fortification and military en- 
 gineering, for use at the Royal Military 
 Academy, Woolwich. 2 v. Lond., 1877. 
 Text-book for officers at schools of musket- 
 ry. Lond., 1877. 
 Text-book on the theory of the motion of 
 projectiles: the history, manufacture, and 
 explosive force of gunpowder ; the history 
 of small-arms, for the use of officers sent 
 to the school of musketry. Lond., 1868. 
 Thacher, James. American medical biog- 
 raphy ; or, memoirs of eminent physicians 
 who have flourished in America. 2 v. in 
 1 . Bost., 1828. 
 Military journal during the .\merican 
 revolutionary war, from 1775 to 1783. 2d 
 ed. Boat., 1827. 
 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Works. 
 Illus. 21 V. Phila., 1871-73. 
 Adventures of Pbilip ou his way tlirough the 
 worlil; to wliich 13 prefixed A shabby -genteel 
 stor.v, 2 V. 
 Ballads and tales. 
 Book of snobs; Sketches and travels in London. 
 Catherine: a story; Little travels ; Fitz- Hoodie 
 Christmas books of ilr. M. A. Titmarsh. Ilhis. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Denis Duval; Level, the widower; and other 
 Four Georges: English humorists of the eiglit- 
 eenth century.
 Uixtory of Henry EHiuond, 08i|., a colonel in the | 
 service of Hor M^jcBty (Jucen Aune; written 
 liy liiraBt'lf. 
 lliMt^ry of Pendrnnia ; Ihh fortiiucs snul his mis, 
 tVirtiineA, his frii'nds uiiil his ;;reiiti'Ht rnt'iuy. 
 Irish sketch-book ; Notes of a jonnioy from ('oin- 
 hill to Gniiiil Cairo. 
 Mriiiuir.i of Barry Lynilon, esq., writti'U by him- 
 self; History of Siiiiinel Titinarsli. anil the 
 >;reat llogarty iliaiimnd. 
 Neweoines: or, the memoirs uf a inoat respecta- 
 hie family. Eilit«il by Arthur Pcudennis, esi|., 
 2 V. iu 1. 
 Paris sketch-book of Mr. II. A. Titmarsh : Me- 
 moirs of Mr. 4'harles Yel!o\vplush. 
 Koiindabout iiajiers (from the Conihill Ma-;a- 
 /.iiie) : Second funeral of Napoleon. 
 Vanity Fair: a novel without a hero, 2 v. 
 Vir;;inians: a tale of the last century, 2 v. 
 Tharin, R. .S. Arliitrary arrests in tlic 
 Soiiili ; or, scenes IViiin the e.xperiiMice of 
 :iii .Vlabaina nnionist. N. Y., IHli:!. 
 Thebaud, Anf{. ,1. Gcntilism: religion pre- 
 vions to Christianity. N. Y., 1876. 
 TheUer, E. A. Canada in l.-<:!7-:!8. 2 v. 
 I'liila., 1''41. 
 Theoguis. .See Hi-,.>iii)i>. 
 Tlieuriet, .VuiUc. Gerard's mariiagc. Kroiii 
 the French. N. Y., 1877. 
 Thiebault, Uienilonn<5. Fr<^d<5ric le(Jran(l: 
 on nies .souvenirs de viii^l ans de si^Jonr a 
 Herlin. .'> V. I'ari.s, lrt-2i;. 
 Thiebault, P. C. V., liaiini. .lonrnal des 
 op<^ratioiis iiiilitaiies et adiniiiislratives 
 des si^ge et lilociis de Gi-nes. Nouv. 
 ^d. 2 V. Paris, 1840-47. 
 Manuel divs ait.indans.i;<?n<?raiix et 
 des adjoiuts employes dans Ics <^lats- 
 inajors-divisionniiires des arnii'es. Paris, 
 (an VIII) 180(1. 
 Tliesame. In i:n;;lish. Loud., 1801. 
 Manuel general du service des ('tat.s- 
 majors g<^n(?ranx et divisitninairi'sd.ans les 
 armies. Pari.s, 181:!. (2 cojiies.) 
 Thieblin, N. L. (A:<(iiiiil-riatiil). .Sii.iiii niid 
 the Spaniards. 2 v. Loud., 1874. 
 Thierry, .\iigustin. ITistoryof thecomiitest 
 of England hy the Normans. Translated 
 from the latest Paris edition. Lond., 
 Thiers, Louis ,\dolplie. Ilisioire dn (;ou- 
 suhit et de Tempire. 20 v. Paris, 
 Atlas de I'liistoirc du cousnlat et de 
 rempire. Par .MM. A. Dnfonr et Duvo- 
 tenay. Paris, 1859. 
 Thiers, Louis Ailolplic. The same. Paris. 
 History of the consulate and the em- 
 pire of Prance under Najmleon. Trans- 
 lated from the French, by D. Forbes Camp- 
 bell and H. W. Herbert, with notes and 
 additions. 2 v. Phila., 1847. (iJn)ilicate 
 of vol. 1.) 
 History of tin- Frencli revolntiou. 
 Translated, with notes, by 1". SlioUirl. 
 :i V. Phila., 1840. 
 The same. ;id Ainer. ed. 4 v. in 2. 
 Phila., 1849. 
 Histoire de la revolution fraiivaise. 
 7'' dd. 10 V. Paris, IKW. 
 Thiery, ('apt. A. Applications dn fer anx 
 constructions de rartillerie. Paris, 18:14. 
 Description des divers .systemes i\ 
 percussion, et iles etoupilles a friction. 
 Paris, 18:19. 
 Thiroux, ('(ipilaiin: Instruction theoriiine 
 et prati(iue d'artillerie. 2'' ft\. Paris, 
 Thomas, J. I'niversal pronouncing dic- 
 tionary of biogi'aphy and mythoh)gy. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1.-170. 
 Thomas, K. Glory of America: lives ami 
 exploits of some of the distinguished olli- 
 eers iu the late w;ir with Cheat Itritaiu. 
 H.irtionl, l.-<4?, 
 Thompson, (i. A. <ieograi>liical an<l lii.s- 
 torical dictionary of America anil the 
 West Indies; containing an entire traii.s- 
 lation of the Spanish work of Antonio de 
 Alcedo, with large aililit ions, r> v. Loml., 
 Thompson, George. War in Paraguay ; 
 with a historical .sketch of the eoniifry 
 anil its people, and notes upon the mili- 
 tary enginci'ring of the war. Loml.. 
 Thompson, K. W. Papacy .-lud the civil 
 l,ow.r. X. v., 1^7(1. 
 Thompson, Waddy. Recollections of Mex- 
 ico. N. y. and L(uid., 1840. (2 coi>ies. ) 
 Thompson, William. An imiuiry into the 
 •priiK^iples of the distribution of wealth 
 most coitducive to human happiness, ap- 
 plied to the newly pro])08etl system of 
 voluntary eipiality of wealth. Loud., 
 Thomson, H. ISyerley. Military forces and 
 iustitiitions of Great Uritain and Ireland: 
 their con,stitution, administration, and 
 government, military and civil. Loud., 
 Thomson, J. Straits of Malacca, Indo- 
 L'liiiiii, auil China; or, tun years' travels^ 
 adveutiiie.s, and icKidcnci' aliinad. Lnnd., 
 Thomson, .Jame.s. I'oetical works. 2 v. 
 liust., IHO.-). 
 Thomson, .Jolm Lewis. Ilistoiical slci'tclics 
 of tliu late war Ijotwcen the United States 
 and Great Britain. 4th ed. Phila.,lrtl7. 
 History of the wars of tlie United 
 States, from the earliest colonial time.s to 
 the close of the Mexican war. Illns. •■> v. 
 in 1. Phila., IS-'iG. 
 Thomson, Tlionias. Heat and (electricity. 
 Lonil. and Kdinbnrjih, l«;iU. 
 Thorn, J/iyVo- William. Memoir of the war 
 in India, condncted by General Lord 
 Lake and Maj. (ien. Sir Arthnr Wellesley, 
 from 1803 to 18ll(i. Illiistrate<l by maps 
 and plans. Lond., 1818. 
 Thornbury, Walter. Life of J. JI. W. 
 Turner. R. A. Illns. N. Y., 1877. 
 Thornton, William Thomas. Ou labonr; 
 its wrongfnl claims and rijjlitfnl dues ; its 
 actual, present, and )possible future. 2d 
 ed. Loud , 1870. 
 Thorpe, T. E. Quantitative chemical 
 analysis. Lond., 1873. (2 copies.) 
 and M. M. Pattisou Muir. Qualita- 
 tive chemical analysis, and l.iboratory 
 practice. Loud., 1874. 
 Thousand Hashes of French wit, wisdom, 
 and wickedness. Collected and trans- 
 lated by .J. De Finod. N. Y., 1880. 
 Three courses and a dessert ; comprising 
 three sets of tales and a ni('lan}ie. Loud., 
 Three years iu the PaciMc; iu<duding no- 
 tices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and I'ern. 
 By an oHicer of the United States Navy. 
 Phila., 1834. 
 Through the ranks to a eouuiussiou. Lond., 
 Thucydides. History of the Peloponne- 
 sian war: a new and literal version from 
 the text of Arnold, collated w ith Bekker, 
 GiJller, and Poppo. By H. Hali-. U v. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Thudichum, .T. L. W., au<l August Dupre. 
 Treatise on the origin, nature, and varie- 
 ties of wine: being a complete manual of 
 viticulture and (enology. Lond. and 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Thurston, Robert H. History of the growth 
 of the steam engine. N. Y., 1878. 
 Ticknor, George. Life, letters, and jnur- 
 uals. 2 V. Bost., 1870. 
 Tidball, J. C. Manual of heavy artillery 
 .service ; prepared for the use of the army 
 and militia of the United States. Wash- 
 ington, 1880. 
 Tiedemann, Col. R. vou. Siege operations 
 in the campaign against France, 1870-71. 
 Translated by Major Tyler. Lond., 1877. 
 Tielke, J. G. Account of some of the most 
 reiuarkable events of the war between the 
 Prussians, Anstriaus, and Rn.ssians, from 
 1756 to 1763, and a treatise on several 
 branches of the military art. Translated 
 by Captains C. aud R. Craufurd: with 
 maps and plans. 2 v. Lond., 1787-8S. 
 Field engineer; or, iustrnctions upon 
 every branch of tield fortification. Trans- 
 lated from the fourth German edition, by 
 Edwin Hewgill. 2 v. Loud., 178'.t. 
 Timbs, .John. Abbeys, castles, and ancient 
 halls of England aud Wales ; their legenil- 
 ary lore aud popular bistoiy. 2 v. Lond. 
 Club life of London; with anecdotes 
 of the clubs, cotfee-houses, and taverns of 
 the metropolis during the 17th, 18th, and 
 19th centuries. 2 v. Lond., 3866. 
 Historic ninepins: a book of curiosi- 
 ties, where old and young may read 
 strange matters. Lond., 186'.). 
 Loudon and Westminster, city and 
 suburb: strange events, characteristics, 
 and changes of metro|)olitan life. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1808. 
 Romance of London : strange stories, 
 scenes, and remarkable jiersons of the 
 great town. 2 v. Lond. 
 Year-book of facts in seienco aud 
 art. 28 v. Lond., 1847-74. 
 Timmerhans, C. Experiences faites ;\ 
 Li^ge en 1839, snr les carabines a doul)le 
 raynre. Paris, 1840. 
 Timour (improperly called Tamerlane). In- 
 stitutes, political and nulitary. Written 
 originally in the Mogul language; tirst 
 translated into Persian by Abu Taulib 
 Alhusseiui, thence into English Iiy .Major 
 Davy ; with a preface, indexes, geograph- 
 ical notes, etc., by .Joseiili White, B. I). 
 Oxford, 1783. 
 Tocqueville, Alexis de. Denn>craey in 
 America. Translated by Henry Reeve. 
 Edited, with notes, by Francis Boweu. 
 2d ed. 2 V. Cambridge, 1863.
 Todd, Robert Bentley, and William Bow- ' 
 mau. I'li.vsioUijtical auatoiiiy ami physi- 
 oloi^y of man. Vol. 1. Loud., l'^4."). 
 Tokio rnivorsity. Caloiularof tlio depart- 
 lueuts of Ian-, science, and litcraluiv. 
 ISSO-dl. 2 V. Tokio, 18H0-^I. 
 Tomes, Uobcrt, and Hcnjaiuin (!. Smith, 
 (iirat civil war: a history of the late re- 
 l>.-llic>n. :i V. X. v., l.SUl, 
 Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Lite. Hy liiiuself, 
 continued by his .son. 2 v. Washiiifitun. 
 Tone, William Theobalil Wolfe. Esaai sur 
 la composition de la force arni(5e anx dif- 
 fercntes cpociues de I'histoirc. Paris, 
 Toner, J. M. Dictioiuiry of elevations and 
 clinuitie register of the I'nited States. 
 N. Y., 1S74. 
 Tooke. .lohn Home. Diversions of Purley. 
 1st .Vmer. cd. I'hila., 1807. 
 Torreua, Sir Henry. Field and 
 cvcilutions of the army. Lond., 18:!4. 
 Tortel, Lieut. Col. V. Manuel dii service 
 rcgiuuMitaire de I'artillerie en ^;arui3on. 
 Strasbourg; et I'aris, lrt:i:!. 
 .Mi'uiiiires divers sur les olius a balles 
 on shrapnels. I'ari.s, If'.VJ. 
 Totten, Joseph (I. Keport on the elfccts 
 of tiring with heavy ordnance from c.'ise- 
 uuite I'mbrasures ; ami also thi' etfect.s of 
 tiring against the same embrasures with 
 various kinds of missiles, in the years 
 185-2, T>3, '54, and Ty',, at West Point, 
 N. Y. (Papers on pr.actical engineering, 
 Xo. (i.) Washington, 1857. 
 Tourgee, .\ll)ion W. Hricks witlnmt straw: 
 a novel. N. Y., 18rt0. 
 .John Eax; Mamelou, or the South 
 without the shadow. N. Y., 1882. 
 Touruefort, Joseph I'itton de. Voyage into 
 the Levant ; eontaiuiug the ancient and 
 modern state of the islands of the .Vrchi- 
 ptdago ; also, of C'iu)stautino]ple, the coasts 
 of the IJlaek Sea, etc. ; the author's life, 
 in a letter to M. Bcgon. 2 v. Lond., 
 Tousard, Lcmis de. American artillerist's 
 companion ; treating of all kinds of fire- 
 arms in detail, and of the formation, ob- 
 ject, and service of the Hying or horse ar- 
 tillery. 2 V. and atlas. Phila., 1809. 
 Townsend, George .\lfred {Gath). Wash- 
 ington, outside and inside. Chicago, 
 Townshend, F. Trench. Cruise in Greek 
 waters, with a huntingexcursion iuTunis. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Wild life in Florida: with a visit to 
 Cuba. Lond., 1875. 
 Toyubee, .Joseph. Diseases of the ear; 
 their natnie, diagnosis, and treatment. 
 Illns. 2d Auuir. ed. I'hila., 18()5. 
 Trautv7ine. .loliu C. Civil engineer's pock- 
 et book. Phila., 1872. 
 Treadvffell, Daniel. Short account of nii 
 improved cannon, and of the machinery 
 ami processes emjiloyed in its manufact- 
 ure. Cambridge, l^GS. 
 Treasury of knowledge and library of ref- 
 erence. Pts. 1, 2, :!. :id ed. In 1 v. 
 N. v., 18:!;i. 
 Treaty of Wiishington, Papers rc^lative to. 
 5 V, Washington, 1S72. 
 Tredgold, Thomas. Elementary principli's 
 of carpentry. 1st Anier. cd. Phila., 
 Essay on tht^ strength of <ast iron and 
 other metals; with a table of the propc-r- 
 ties of materials. 4tli ed., with notes, by 
 Eaton Hodgkinson ; to which are added 
 experimental researches on the strength 
 and other properties of cast iron, etc., by 
 the editor. 2 v. Lond., l'^42-4ti. 
 Practical treatise on and 
 carriages. Illns. Loud., 1825. 
 Steam engine; its invention ami 
 jirogrcssive improvement, an investiga- 
 tion of its principles and its ai>|)lication. 
 New ed., enl.arged by the contributions of 
 eminent scientilic men; revi.sed and edited 
 by W. S. B. Wocdhonse. Lond., 1838. 
 Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, and 
 G, to the new edition of Tredgold (m the 
 steam engine and .steam navigation. 
 Lond., 1844. 
 Warming and ventilating public 
 buildings,, etc. ; with 
 illustrations and remarks on the nature 
 of and light. 2d I'd. Lond., 1824. 
 Trees and shrubs of Ma.ssachu.sett9. Pub- 
 lished agreeably to an order of the legis- 
 lature. Bost., 1850. 
 Trench, Capt. F. Russo-Indian iiuestion, 
 historically, .strategically, and jiolitically 
 considered ; with a sketch of Central Asia 
 ])olitics. Loud., 1869. 
 Trescot, William H. Diplomatic history of 
 the administrations of Washington and 
 Adams, 1789-1801. Bost., 1857.
 Trevelyaii, George Otto. Early history of 
 t'li:ii-Ii-s .James Fox. N. Y., ISSO. (2 
 Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 
 •2 V. X. Y., I87G. 
 Tribune Almanac for tlie years 18;J8-81. 
 .') V. N. Y., lefiT-Hl. 
 Trimen, Rioliard. Regiraent.s of the British 
 army, chronologically arranged. Lond., 
 Trincano, J/, filcmens de fortification, de 
 r.ittaiiue et de la des places. 2 v. 
 Paris, 17HI>. 
 Tripler, Charles S., and George (J. Black- 
 man. Hand-book for the military sur- 
 ge on. Cincinnati, W61. (2 copies.) 
 Tristram, H. B. Land of Moab : travels 
 and discoveries on the east side of the 
 Dead Sea and the Jordan. With a chap- 
 ter on the Persian palace of Mashita, by 
 James Fergnson. X. Y., 187.3. 
 Trollope, .\nlliony. Works. 17 v. Loud., 
 Beltnn et^tatr. 
 Ben rams. 
 Can you forgive iier .' 
 Doctor Thorae. 
 Editor's talcs; Mary Grt-sley, and other (alfs. 
 Eustace diamonds. (2 copies.) 
 He knew lie was riglit. 
 Kellys and tlie O'Kellys. 
 La Vendue: an liistorical romance. 
 Lady Anna. 
 Lf)tta Sclmiidt: and other tales. 
 ilacdermotts of Ballycloran. 
 Miss Jlaclienzie. 
 Pliinoas Finn, the Irish memher. 
 Kalph tlie In-ir. 
 Tales of all countries. 
 Way we live now. 
 Australia and New Zealand. 2 v. 
 Loud., 187^!. 
 Life of Cicero. 2 v. N. Y., 1881. 
 Trollope, Frances. Domestic manners of 
 the Americans. 4thed. Lond. andN. Y., 
 Trollope, T. Ailolphns. Diamond cut dia- , 
 iii"M(l: a story of Tuscan life. N. Y., 1874. 
 Trotter, L. ,J. History of India, from the 
 larlifst times to the present day. Loud. 
 Troupes U'geres; traite sur la constitution, 
 c't siir leureiuploi ;1 la guerre. Paris, 1782. 
 Trowrbridge, .lolin Townsend. Drummer 
 boy: a story of Bnrnside's expedition. 
 Bost., 1807. " 
 Trueba, Don T. de. Romance of history : 
 8paiu. Illustrated by J. K. Meadows. 
 Lond. and N. Y. " 
 Trumbull, IJenjamin. History ol Coinieeti- 
 eut, from the emigration of its first plant- 
 ers from England, in the year l(i:!0, to the 
 year 1704, and to the close of the Indian 
 wars. 2 v., with an appendix. New 
 Haven, 1818. 
 Trumbull, Henry. History of the discovery 
 of .Vmeriea. Bost., 18:!0. 
 Trumbull, John. Autobiography, reminis- 
 cences, and letters, from 17.56-1841. N. Y. 
 and Lond., 1841. 
 Trumpet and bugle sounds for mounted 
 services and garrison artillery; with in- 
 strnctions for the training of trumpeters. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Tucker, George. Lifeof Thomas Jeffersou. 
 2 v. Phila., 18:57. 
 Tucker, John .M. Life of the Duke of Wel- 
 lington. Compiled from dispatches aiul 
 other authentic sources and original docu- 
 ments. lUus. Lond. 
 Tuckerman, Henry T. Life of John Pen- 
 dleton Kennedy. N. Y., 1871. 
 Turkish wars. History of the Turkish wars 
 in Hungary, Transylvania, Austria, Sile- 
 .sia, and other provinces of the German 
 empire, from the first invasion of Amu- 
 rath the second, anno 1432, to this pres- 
 ent year. lt>64. Lond., 161)4. 
 Turnbull, David. Travels in the west : 
 Cuba; with notices of Porto Rico, and 
 the slave trade. Lond., 1840. 
 Turnbull, William. An essay on the con- 
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 girders, bressnmmers, and other supports 
 for building, etc. Lond., 1833. 
 Turner, J. M. W. Turner gallery : a .series 
 of one hundred and twenty engravings 
 from the works of the late J. M. W. 
 Turner, K. A. Descriptive text, by W. 
 Cosmo Monkhonse. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Turpin, Count. Essay on the art of war. 
 Translated from the French, by Captain 
 Joseph Otway. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1761. 
 Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel L. 
 Tyler, Katherine E. Story of a Scandina- 
 vian summer. N. Y., 1881. 
 Tyler, Moses Coit. History of .Vm-ricau 
 literature, 1(>U7-1765. 2 v. X. Y., 1870. 
 Tyler, Samuel. Memoir of Roger Brooke 
 Taney, Chief Jiisticeof the Supreme Court 
 of the United States. Baltimore, 1872. 
 Tylor, Edward B. Primitive culture: re- 
 searches into the development of mythol-
 ogy. |>liiliisoiiliy, reli;;ioii, limgnage, art. 
 :iii<l ciistorii. 1st Amor. cd. 2 v. N. V., 
 Tyudale, W. iMstniclioiis t'cir ycunii; ilia- 
 };<i<m ollieers. Loiul., 179ti. on iiiilitiiry ii|iiitatiiiii. 
 I.ciikI., IT'JT. 
 Tyudall, .loliii. Farailuy as a ilisciivrivr. 
 N.Y., l(-7:!. 
 The I'oniis i)f water, in cloiiils aud 
 rivurs, ice ami ■glaciers. N. Y., 1872. 
 The same. Illils. Illi ed. I.iiiid., 
 Heat eouisideied as a mode' of iiii>tiiiii. 
 From the "id Loud, ed., with addilioiis. 
 N. v., 18(17, 
 M;;lil; with an aii|ieiidi\. N. V., 
 Soiiml; eight lectures ilelivered at 
 the Koyal lu.stitnlion of (ireat r.rilaiii. 
 N. Y.. I8li7. 
 Tyrwhitt, AVr. St. .Inliii. llaiidl k ot 
 ]>ietorial art. With aehapter on perspee 
 live, by A.M. McDonald. 'Jded. ().\tVird, 
 Uiir sketcliiiif; ehili: letters and 
 studies on landscape art. Host., 1875. 
 Tyson, C«;)(. (ieorfje E. Arctic experiences: 
 woinlerfnl drift on the ice-Hoe; history of 
 the I'olaris e.\pedition; the crnise of the 
 Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris survi- 
 v<n-s. Edited hy E. Vale Blake. N. Y., 
 Tytler, Alex, Eraser. Universal history, 
 IVoMi the creation of the world to the be- 
 ginnin;^ of tlie eighteenth lentnry. 2 v. 
 Host., 1850. 
 Tytler, l'atriel< Eraser. Historical view of 
 till- progress of discovery on the more 
 noil hern coasts of America. N. Y., 18:!3. 
 Tytler, Sarah. Musical composers and their 
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 Underwood, .\iliii 15. The three years' .serv- 
 ile of the thirty-third Massachusetts in- 
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 Uniform and dress of the army of the United 
 States. I'hila., 1851. ■ 
 The same. Washington, 1872, (It ' 
 Uniformes ih- I'armre franvaise en 18lil. 
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 Uniformes de la garde iinpiMiale eu 1857. 
 Par Arinand Diimaresn. Paris, 1838. 
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 United States. Connected view of the 
 whole internal navigation of the United 
 States, natural anil artiticial, present and 
 pro.spective, I'hila., 1S2(). 
 Statistiiwil view of the population of 
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 clusive, Washington, ls:!5. 
 United States Imsiness directory (Zcll's), 
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 United States oliiiial register (blue liook), 
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 United States Service Magazine. 5 v, 
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 Universal historical atlas, genealogical, 
 elininological, and geographical; being 
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 Universal history, Iroin the earliest ac- 
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 authors of the ancient part. 42 v, Lond,, 
 Upton, Emory. Armii^sof Asia and Europe. 
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 Infantry tactics. N. Y., 1807. (2 
 The same. Revised ed. N. Y., Is74. 
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 Infantry tactics, double and single 
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 Urquhart, David. Pillars of Hcreiiles; nar- 
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 Vallancey, Charles. Grammar of the 
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 Vandam, Albert D. Amonrs of great men. 
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 Vane, Charles William, ^^an|ness of Lon- 
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 Van Laun, Henri. French revolntionary 
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 the heginning of the tirst French revolu- 
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 Van Rensselaer, Solomon. Narrative of 
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 Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the eminent 
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 Histoire de la guerre sontoune par 
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 Mcmoires pour servir a I'histoire do 
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 Relation impartiale dn passage de la 
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 Venegae. MiniuO. Natural ami civil history 
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 Venetian history, Skctilirs of. (Harper's 
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 Vermont. Report of the adjutant and in- , 
 spector !j;cneral of the State, for the years | 
 18G5-('iti. 2 V. .Montpelier, 1HG5-66. I 
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 Vernon, (Jay de. Trait<5 <^lem(>nlaire dart 
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 Vial du ClairboiB, Ilonore S. Essai geo- 
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 Traiti^ elementaire do la construction I 
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 Victoires, coniiuete.s, desastre.s, revers, et 
 guorres civiles dm Kranvais de 1792 i\ 181'). 
 Par nne societie de militairi's, et de gens 
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 Victor, Orville ,1. History, civil, political, 
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 2 V. Loud., 1875-7f). 
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 .Siain, Camljodi.a, and Cochin - Chin.i, 
 1871-72. N. Y., 1874. 
 Norsk, Lapp, and Finn; or, Iravi'l 
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 Violette, ,1. II. .M , and P. ,1. Arehambanlt. 
 Dictionnaire des analyses chimiiiues, on 
 repertoire alphabi^tique des analyses do 
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 Paris, \><:a. 
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 of a fortress. Lond., 187;'). 
 The same. Bost., 1876. 
 Discourses on architecture. Trans- 
 lated, with an introductory essay, by 
 Henry Van Brunt. Illus. Bost., 1875. 
 Habitations of man in all ages. 
 Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. Illus. 
 Bost., 1876. 
 Learning to draw; or, the story of a 
 young designee-. Translated from the 
 French, by Virginia Champlain. Illus. 
 by theautiior. N. Y., 1881. 
 M<>moire sur la dr' de Paris, sept- 
 eml)re 1870-janvier 1871. Paris, 1871. 
 Story of a house. Translated by- 
 George .M. Towle. Illus. Bost., 1874. 
 Virgil. Works. Translated into English 
 prose, with notes, by Davidson. New ed.,
 with additional notts by T. A. Buckley. 
 TBohn's classical lilirary.) Loud., 1873. 
 Vizetelly, Henry. Berlin nndcr the new 
 cniiure. Illus. 2 v. Lond.,lri79. 
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 in detail for the first time hy the aid of 
 contemporary memoirs, orif^inal letters, 
 and official and other docnnients. :jd ed., 
 revised. X. Y., I'^Cl. 
 Vogel, Dr. Hermann. Chemistry of light 
 and pliotography, in its apidication to 
 art, science, and indnstrv. lUiis. Lond., 
 The same. N. Y., 18/5. 
 Vogely de Lyon, F^lix. Cours theoriqne 
 ct pratique hippiatrique, is, I'nsage de 
 MSI. les officiers des corps de troupes h 
 cheval. 3 v. Paris, l*n-34. 
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 climate of the United States of America ; 
 with supplementary nnnarks upon Flor- 
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 de Charles XII. roi de Suede. Paris, 
 Voyages of the Elizaliethau seamen to 
 America. Thirteen original narratives, 
 from the collection of Hakluyt, .selected 
 and edited with historical notices, by E. 
 .J. Payne. Lond., 1880. 
 Voyle, G. E. Military dictionary; com- 
 jirising terms, scientific and otherwise, 
 connected with the science i>f war. :id ed. 
 Ldiid., 1870. 
 Waageu, Gnstav Fricdrich. Handbook 
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 Dutch schools. 2 v. Lond., 1860. 
 Wade, John. British hi.story, chronolog- 
 ically aiTanged, from the first invasion 
 by the Romans to the accession of Queeu 
 Victoria. Lond., 1839. 
 ■Wafer, Lionel. Xew voyage and descrip- 
 tion of the isthmus of America: giving 
 an account of the author's abode there. 
 With remarkable occurences in the South 
 Sea and elsewhere. Illus. 2d ed. Loud , 
 Wagner, Richard. Art life and theories. 
 Translated by Edward L. liurlingame. 
 X. v., 187.-). 
 Wahl, O. W. Land of the czar. Lond., 
 Waite, Charles B. History of the Chris- 
 tian religion to the yi'ar 200. 2d ed. 
 Chicago, 1881. 
 Waite, .J. M. Lessons in sabre, singlestick, 
 sabre and bayonet, and sword feats; or 
 how to nse a cut-and-thrust sword : with 
 34 illustrations representing the different 
 positions. Lond., 1881. 
 Waite, Major Otis F. R. Xew Hampshire 
 in the great rebellion : containing histo- 
 ries of the several Xew Hampshire regi- 
 ments, and biographical notices of many 
 of the prominent actors in the civil war 
 of 1861-65. Claremont (X. H.), 1870. 
 Waldo, S. Putnam. Biographical sketchesor 
 distinguished American naval heroes in the 
 war of the revolution. Hartford, 182.^. 
 Life and character of Stephen Deca- 
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 the United States Xavy. Hartford, 1821. 
 Wales, Philip S. Practical treatise on sur- 
 gical apparatus, appliances, and element- 
 ary operations. Illus. Phila., 1867. 
 Walker, Aldace F. Vermont briga<le in 
 the Shenandoah valley, 1864. Burlington 
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 Walker, Arthur. The rifle; its theory 
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 Walker, Charles M. History of Athens 
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 ment of the State, at Marietta; with map 
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 Walker, Francis A. The world's fair at 
 Philadelphia, 1876; a critical account. 
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 Wallace, Alfred R. Island life; or, tlie 
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 logical climates. X. Y., 1881. 
 Tropical nature, and other essays. 
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 Wallace, D. Mackenzie. Russia. N. Y., 
 Wallace, Francis B. ilemorial of the pa- 
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 Wallen, Henry D. Service manual for the 
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 Walpole, Horace, '2d Earl of Orford. Let- 
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 the court of Tiiscaiiy. Edited l)y Lord 
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 Letters; iiicliidiiif; nuineroiis letters 
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 The same. Edited 1)V Peter Cun- 
 ningham ; now first chronologically ar- 
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 ■Walsh, J. II. Dogs of the British islands. 
 Reprinted from "The Field" newspaper. 
 Med. Lond., 18*1-. 
 ■Walsh, Thomas. .loiinial of the late cam- 
 puign in Egypt ; including descri|itions 
 of that country, and of Giiiraltar, Minorca, 
 Malta, etc. Illus. Loud., 180:i. 
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 book on regimental standing orders. 
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 ■Walshe, Walter H. I'hysical diagnosis of 
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 ■Walter, .lames. England's naval and mili- 
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 volunteer force, etc. Lond., 1882. 
 Volunteer force history and manual, 
 with incentives to permanence: and a 
 complete list of ollicers. Lond., 1881. 
 ■Walter, Richard. Voyage round the world, 
 in the years 1740-44, by George An.son, 
 esq., now Lord Anson. 7th ed. Loud., 
 ■Walton, Izaak, and Charles Cotton. Com- 
 plete .angler; or, tln^ contemplative man's 
 recreation. With lives of the authors, 
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 which are adde<l papers on lishing-tackle, 
 by Ileiny (i. liolin. Lond., 187(1. 
 War. Spirit of the modc^rn system of war. 
 By a Prussian general otiicir; with a 
 commentarv, by C. Mahuti di^ Marte- 
 niont. Lond., 180(i. 
 ■War (The); being a faithful record of the 
 transactions of the war between the 
 United States and their Territories, and 
 the United Kingdom of Crcat Britain and 
 Ireland, declared on the 18th day of . June, 
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 her colonics. History of. 2 v. Dublin, 
 ■War of the rebellion. Chronological sum- 
 mary of engagements and battles. Wash- 
 ington, 1880. (2 copies. ) 
 Compilation of the official records of 
 the Union and Confederate .armies. Pre- 
 pared under the direction of the .Secretary 
 of War by Col. Robert N. Scott, and pub- 
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 Treatment of prisoners of war by the 
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 Pamphlets relating to the war of the 
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 Address (if the Hou. Kdward Everett, at 
 the consecration of the national cemetery at 
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 tory speeclj of President Lincoln, and other 
 cxerci8(?8. With map of the battle tield, and 
 plan of the cemetery. Bost., 1804. 
 Shiloh. or the Tennessee campaign of 1P62. 
 T. WoithiusOm. Wasliinston, 1872. 
 Fail- Oalis, liattle of. A reply to Gen. Joseph 
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 Halleck's ((icn. U. \Y.) report reviewed in the 
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 Porter, FitzJolui. Reply to Z. Cliandler's speech 
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 Five Forks, Battle of. Account of the operations 
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 G. K. \Yarren, April 1st, 180ri. Gen. G. K. 
 Warren. N. Y., iSOO. 
 Grant, Lieut. Oen. U. S. Report of the armies 
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 Ohio bo3's in Dixie: the adventures of twenty- 
 two scouts sent to destroy a railroad, etc., and 
 .Judge Uolfs report. X. V., 1803. 
 Barbarities of the rebels, as shown in their cruelty 
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 Col. Percy Howard. I*rovidonce, 1863. 
 ■Warburton, Major George. Conquest of 
 Canada. 2 v. N. Y. , 18.'')0. 
 Memoir of Charles Mordaunt, earl of 
 Peterborough and Monmouth. 2 v. Lond., 
 ■Ward, Artenius. See Browne, Charles F. 
 ■Ward, H. G. Mexico in 1827. 2 v. Lond., 
 Warden, Robert B. Private life aud pub- 
 lic services of Salmon Portland Chase. 
 Cincinnati, 1874. 
 Warder, T. B., and J. M. Catlctt. Battle 
 of Yonng'.s Branch, or Manassas Plain, 
 July iJlst, 181)1, with maps, etc. Rich- 
 mond, 1862. 
 Waring, Edward John. Practical thera- 
 peutics; considered chiedy with reference 
 to articles of tli<' materia medica. Pliila , 
 Waring, George E.,_/r. Earth-closets and 
 earth sewage. Illus. N. Y.,1870. 
 Sanitary drainage of houses aiul 
 towns. N. Y., 187t;. 
 Warming and ventilating, Theory andi>rac- 
 tice of, and a descriiition of all the known 
 varieties of stoves, grates, and furnaces. 
 By an eugineer. Lond., 1825. 
 Warnery, General de. Remaniues sur la 
 cavalerie. Xouvelle ^d., accoiupagu^e de 
 notes par un officier g^n6ral. Paris, 1828. 
 Warrant for the regulation of barracks in 
 Her Majesty's iloininicms. Lond., 18;i8. 
 Warren, (!in. Gouvernenr K. Report on 
 bridging the Mississippi, between Saint 
 Paul, Miun., and St. L')uis, Mo. (.Sen. 
 ex. doc. No. 69, 4.jth Cong., 2d sess. ) 
 Washington, 1878. 
 Warren, Henry White. Recreations in 
 astronomy; with directions for practical 
 experiments and telescopic work. Hlus. 
 N. Y.,1879. 
 Warren, Mercy. History of the American 
 revolution. ;{ v. Bost., 1805. 
 Warren, Samuel. Ten thousand a year. 
 lUns. New ed. 2 v. Edinburgh. 
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 ations of the South army, in January and 
 February, 1871. Translated by Col. C. 
 H. Von Wright. Loud., 1872. 
 Warton, Thomas. History of English po- 
 etry, from the twelfth to the close of the 
 sixteenth century. With a preface, by 
 Richard Price. Edited by W. Carew Haz- 
 litt. 4 V. Lend., 1871. 
 Washburn, Charles A. History of Para- 
 guay ; with notes of i)erson;il observal ions, 
 and remini.sceuces of diplomaey under 
 difficulties. 2 v. Bost. aud N. Y., 1871. 
 Washington, George. Fac-simile of ac- 
 counts, from .June, 1775, to June, 178;i. 
 Washington, 183f{. 
 Official letters to the honorable 
 American Ciuigress; written during the 
 war between the United Colonies and 
 Great Britain. 2 v. N. Y.,1796. 
 Original portraits of Washington; 
 iiiclu<ling statues, monunu'nts, and med- 
 als. Elizabeth B. Jidinston. Bost., 1882. 
 Writings; being his correspondence, 
 addresses, mes.sages, and other pa|)ers, 
 official and private; selected and published 
 from the original uiauuscripts. With a 
 life of the author, notes, and illustrations, 
 by Jared Sparks. 12 v. Best., 18:i7. 
 Washington city real estate directory. 3 v. 
 and atlas. Washington, 1874. 
 Washington sketch-book, by Viator. X. Y., 
 Waterton, Charles. Essays ou natural lii.s- 
 tory. Edited, with a life of the author, 
 by Norman Moore. Hlus. Lond. aud 
 N. Y., 1870. 
 Watkins, John, rniveisal biographical 
 dictionary; or, an historical account of 
 the lives, characters, and works of the 
 most eminent ])er.sons in every age aud 
 nation, from the earliest times to the 
 present. Lond. 
 Watson, H. W. Elements of plane and 
 solid geometry. 2d ed. Lond., 1872. 
 Watsou, Henry C. Camp-fires of the revo- 
 lution ; or, the war of independence. 
 IIIus. Phila., 1854. 
 Watterson, George, aud N. B. Van Zandt. 
 Tabular statistical view of the popula- 
 tion, commerce, navigation, etc., of the 
 United States. Washington, 1828. 
 Wayne, Henry C. Sword exercise; ar- 
 ranged for military instruction. Wash- 
 ington, 1850. (3 copies.) 
 W^eale, John. Quarterly papers on archi- 
 tecture. 4 v. Lond., 1844-45. 
 Quarterly papers' on engiueeriug. 
 V. Loud., 1844-49. 
 Webb, Alexander S. The peninsula ; Mc- 
 Clellau's campaign of 18G2. (Campaigns 
 of the civil war, v. 3.) N. Y., 1881. 
 Webb, Ezra. Army pay digest anil ready 
 calculator. N. Y.,1863. 
 Webb, Ref. John. Memorials of the civil 
 war bct«eiu KiugC'harh's \. and the par- 
 liament of England, as it att'ected llere- 
 ford.shire aud the a<ljacent counties. Edi- 
 ted and coutpleted b.v the Rev. T. W. 
 Webb. 2 v. Loud., 1879. 
 Webber, Charles W. Old Hicks, the guide ; 
 or, adventures in the Camauche country 
 in search of a gidd mine. N. Y., 1868.
 Webster, llaniel. Works. With a liio- 
 jfiaphioal iiicinoir, l)y Edward Everett, 
 fi V. Host., 18.^)1. 
 Specclips and torcMisic ur^iuiR-iils. 
 8tli ed. i V. RiLst., 184y-»(!. 
 Great spceclios ami orations. With 
 au essay on Daniel Webster as a master 
 of English style, l.y Edwin P. Whipple. 
 Host., 18T;». 
 Webster, John. Dianialic works. Edited 
 liy William Hazlitt. 4 v. Loud., 1857. 
 Webster, Noah. American dictionary of 
 I' the Knulish langii.a{;e ; with a dis.sertation 
 on the langnafjes of western Asia and of 
 Europe, and a concise fjranimar of the 
 English lauKuaKe. 2 v. \. Y.,18'28. 
 .Vmeriean dictionary of the English 
 language. Thila., l-^(>4. 
 The same. .Spiinglield (Mass.), 1879. 
 Webster's royal red hook; or court fash- 
 ionalile register for May, 18ril. Lond.,1881. 
 ■Weights and measures. Report of Secre- 
 tary i>f .State upon weights and measures, 
 in obedience to a resolution of the House 
 of Rei)re.sentatives of ])ec<'ml>cr 14, 18U». 
 Washington, 18-il. 
 Weinhold, Adolf V. Introduction to ex- 
 periuiintal physics, theoretical and prac- 
 tical. Translated by Benjamin Loewy; 
 with preface by ('. C. Eo.ster. lUus. 
 Loud., 187r>. 
 Weisbach, Julius. Manual of tlje niechan- 
 ies of engineering, and of the construction 
 of machines; with an introdnctiou to the 
 calculus. Translatcil from the 4th (iirman 
 ed., by Eckley B. C'oxe. Illus. Vol. 1. 
 Theoretical mechanics. N. Y.,1870. 
 Welles, (iidcon. Lincoln atul Seward : 
 views as to the relative positions of the 
 late Pri-.sidi-nt and Secretary of State. 
 X. Y.. 1874. 
 WeUington, .\rtliur, Diile of. Disjiatches 
 during his various canip.aigns in India, 
 Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low 
 Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818. 
 Compiled by Lieut. Col. (Jurwood. 12 v. 
 and index. Loud., I837-:iy. 
 Life, military and civil. Illus. 
 I.nnil., 1870. 
 Welsh, .lane Kilby. Familiar lessons In 
 mlueralogy and geology. 2 v. Bost., 
 Weppner, Marg.aretha. North star and the 
 southern cross; being the personal expe- 
 riences, impre.ssiona, and observations of 
 the authoress in a two yeare' jonrney 
 round the world. Amer. ed. 2 v. Al- 
 bany, 187(i. 
 West, Charles. Lectures on the diseases of 
 Infimcy and childhood. 4th Amer. cd. 
 Phihi., 18(;(;. 
 West, .lolin. ."Substance of a journey during 
 a resideme at the Hi'd River colony, Brit- 
 ish North America, and excursions among 
 the North West Indians, in the years 
 1820-23; witli journal of a mission to the 
 Indians of New Brunswick, etc., in 18-J.">- 
 2(!. 2d ed. Lond., 1827. 
 West Point Military .\cailemy. Regula- 
 tions, for the years IKii, '.".:!, '72. 3 v. 
 N.Y., 1832-73. 
 Tin' same. Washington. Is77. 
 Report of the commission api)ointed 
 by Congress to examine into the organi- 
 zation, system of (lisei|>line, and course of 
 instruction of the United States Military 
 Academy at West Point. (Misc. doc. No. 
 3. 3C>th Cong., 2d scss.) Washington, 18i;(l. 
 Westminster drolleries, both parts of KiTl 
 and U172: a choice collection of songs and 
 poems sung at court and theatres, with 
 .addltiimsmade by "a per.sim of quality "; 
 now lirst rei)rinted from the original edi- 
 tions. Edited, with au introdnctiou on 
 the literature of the drolleries, a copious 
 appendix of note.s, etc., by J. Woodfall 
 KbsHoith. Ho.ston (Eng.), 1875. 
 Westminster Review. 55 v. Louil., 
 The same. 17 v. N. Y.. 1861-77. 
 Weston, A. H. Rllle club ami range. 
 Illus. N. Y., 1879. 
 Weyrother, Maximllien de. De I'embou- 
 cliiin- du chcval, traduite par nn olficier 
 fr.uivais. 2'' ed. Pai'is, 1828. 
 ■Whalley, W. The human eye; with re- 
 marks on the eyes of inferior animals. 
 Illus. Lond., 1874. 
 Wheaton, Henry. Life, writings, and 
 speeches of William Piukney. Baltimore, 
 Wheeler, Ciipt. George M. Geograjjhical 
 aud geological explorations and surveys 
 westof tlie lOlith meridian. Capt. (!eorge 
 M. Wheeler in charge. Illus. 7 v., with 
 oni' topographical and one geological 
 atlas. Washiugtou, 1875-81. 
 OeographicAl report, v. 1. 
 Astronomy ami barometric Iiypsoraotry, v. 2. 
 Geology, v. 3.
 Paleontology, v. 4. 
 Zoiilogy, V. 5. 
 Botany, v. 6. 
 Aichseology, v. 7. 
 rroliminary report, priniiiially in Xevaila and 
 Arizona. Washinf^on, 1872. 
 Prfliuiinary report upon a reconnaissance 
 throngh southern and southeastern Nevada, 
 made in 1869. Wa.shington, 1875. 
 Appendix LL of the annual report of the Chief 
 of Engineers, for 1875, upon the geographiea 
 explorations and surveys west of the one 
 hundredth meridian; with illustrations and 
 maps. Washington. 1875. 
 Report upon ornithological specimens collected 
 in the years 1871, 1872, and 187.1. Washington, 
 Catalogue of plants collected in the years 1871, 
 1872. and 1873 : with descriptions of new- 
 species. Washington, 1874. 
 Instructions for taking, recording, and reducing 
 meteorological observation!*, and for preserv- 
 ing and repairing the instruments prepared 
 for the use of the United States geographical 
 surveys west of the lUOth meridian. Wasli- 
 ington. 1876. 
 Keport upon tlie determination of the astronom- 
 ical co-ordinates of the primary stations at 
 Cheyenne, Wyoming TeiTilory. and Colorado 
 Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the 
 years 187d-73. Washington, 1874. 
 ■Wheeler, Henry G. History of, 
 biograiihical and jiolitical. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Wheeler, J. Talboys. Analysis anil sum- 
 mary of Herodotus. (Bohn's i)Uiloloj;ieal 
 library.) 2d ed., revised. Lond., 18.52. 
 .\nalysis and snniinarv of Tluioydi- 
 drs. Lond., 1855. 
 Wheeler, William A. E.Kjilanatory and 
 pronouncing dictionary of the noted 
 names of fiction. Bost., 1870. 
 Whewell, liev. William, .\stronomy and 
 jii'Hiral physics con.sidered with reference 
 to natural theology. ( Bridge water trea- 
 tise, Xo. 3.) Phil.a., 1836. (Bound with 
 Kidd's •• Phy.sical conditioti of man.") 
 Whitaker's almanac for the years 1872 and 
 1878. 2 V. Lond., 1872-78. 
 White, George. Statistics of tlie .State of 
 Georgia; including an account of its 
 natural, civil, and ecclesiastical history, 
 together with a particular description of 
 iMch county, etc. Savatmah, 184'.>. 
 White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholo- 
 mew. Preceded J>y a history of the relig- 
 ious wars of the roign of Charles IX. 
 lUus. N. y., 1868. 
 ■White, John. Voyage to Cochin-China. 
 Lond., 1824. 
 The same. 2d ed. Bost., 1826. 
 ■White, Richard Grant. England without 
 and within. Bost., 1881. 
 Xational hymns; how tlii'y are 
 written and how they are not written. 
 X. Y.. 1801. 
 Poetry, lyrical, narrative, and satir- 
 ical, of the civil war. X. Y., 1866. 
 AVords and their uses, i)ast and pres- 
 ent : a .stmly of the English language. 
 X. Y., Ie70. 
 The same. Xew ed., revised and 
 corrected. N. Y., 1872. 
 ■Whitehead, James. On the and 
 treatment of abortion and sterility. 
 Phila., 1848. 
 ■Whitelock, Colonel. Map of Scandinavia 
 in 1837. 
 ■Whitney, AIns. A. D. T. Odd or even T 
 Bost., 1880. 
 ■Whitney, J. D. Metallic- wealth of the 
 United .States, described and compared 
 with that of other countries. Phila., 
 ■Whittaker, Frederick. Volunteer cavalry. 
 The lessons of the decade, by a volunteer 
 cavalryman. N. Y., 1871. 
 ■Whittier, J. G. Poetical works. 2 t. 
 Bost., 1865. 
 Whittingham, Samford. System of cav- 
 alry inanceuvres in line. Lond., 1815. 
 ■Whittingham, Sir Sanmel. Memoir of the 
 services of. Edited by Maj. Gen. K. Whit- 
 tingham. Lond., 1868. 
 ■Who's who in 1874. Lond., 1874. 
 ■Whymper, Frederick. Travel and adven- 
 ture in the Territory of Alaska, and in 
 various other parts of the North Pacific. 
 X. v., 1-^71. 
 ■Whyte-Melville, G.J. Katcrfelto: a story 
 of Exmoor. Phila. 
 ■Wikofli Henry. Reminiscences of an idler. 
 X. Y., 1880. 
 ■Wilhelm, Captain Thomas. Military dic- 
 tionary and gazetteer: compri.siug ancient 
 anil modern military technical t<Tms, his- 
 torical accounts of all Xorth .Vmerican 
 Indians, as well as ancient warlike tribes; 
 also, notices of battles from the earliest 
 period to the present time; with expla- 
 nations of terms used in heraldry, etc. 
 Revised ed. Phila., 18dl.
 Wilkes, Charles. United States exploring 
 fxpcdilioii, dnriiiR the years 1638-42. 
 "i V. anil .ttlas. I'hila., 1845. 
 Wilkius, H. St. Clair. Reconmiitring in 
 .\l)_v.ssinia: a narnitivo of the profcedinge 
 ot'llu' ri'connoitrinj; party jirior to tlic ar- 
 rival of tlio main Ixxly of the expidition- 
 ary field fori'o. Loud., lf*70. (2 copies.) 
 ■Wilkinson, Kli/.a. Letters, dnrinj; the in- 
 \aMi()ii and ]>osse.s.sion of Charlestown 
 S. C, l)y the British, in llie revolutionary 
 war. .\rran^cd from the original inanu. 
 scripts, l<y Caroline tiilmau. N. Y., 
 Wilkinaon, Henry. Engines of war; or, 
 liistiuical and exporiniontal observation" 
 on ancient and modern warlike machine' 
 and implements, inclnding the niannfact 
 nre of gnns, gunpowder, and swords 
 with remarks on bronze, iron, steel, etc 
 Lond., 1841. 
 Wilkinson, Gen. James. Memoirs of my 
 ow 11 times. 3 V. riiila., If^Kl. 
 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Manners 
 and customs of the ancient Egyptians. 
 lUns. New ed., revised and corrected by 
 Samncl Birch. :! v. N. Y., 187y. 
 Popular account of the ancient 
 E;;vptiaiis. Illus. 2 V. Lond., ia')4. 
 Willard, Samuel. Synopsis of history, 
 from r.. C. HOO to A. D. 1876. N. Y., 1878. 
 Williams, f.ieulenant - Colonel. England's 
 bailies, by sea and land. Vol. 1. Loud. 
 Williams, Edwin. Statesman's manual: 
 a<idre.sses and messages of the Presidents, 
 inaugural, annual, and special, froml7-<l)- 
 1846; with a memoir of each of the Pres- 
 idents and a history of their administra- 
 tions; also, Constitntion of the United 
 States, and other imiiortaiit docntnents. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1846. 
 The same. Covering the i)eriod from 
 1783-IS.51. Reference ed.. enlarged. 3 v. 
 N. Y.. 1 -:>:!. 
 Williams, J. liuller. Practical geodesj* ; 
 comprising chain surveying, with trigo- 
 nometrical, colonial, mining, and mari- 
 time surveying, etc. 2d ed. Lond., 1846. 
 Williams, J. J. Isthnnis of Tehnantepec : 
 result.sof a survey for a railroad to con- 
 nect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; 
 with a r<;sum6 of the geology, climate, 
 etc.: with maps. N. Y., 18.52. 
 WiUiams, John Lee. Territory of Florida; 
 or, sketches of its topography, civil and 
 natural history, etc., from the first dis- 
 covery. N. Y., 1H37. 
 View of West Florida; embracing 
 its geography, topography, etc., with 
 the antiquities, laud titles, and canals. 
 Phi I a.. 1827. 
 Williams, .John S. History of the invasion 
 and capture of Washington, and of the 
 events which preceded and followed. 
 N. Y., 18.57. (3 copies.) 
 Williams, Koger. Key into the language 
 of .Vmerie.i; or, an help to the language 
 of the natives in that part of America 
 called New England. (Collections of the 
 Khode Island Historical Society. Vol. 1.) 
 Providence, 1827. 
 ■Williams, S. WelKs. Miildle kingdom: a 
 survey of the Chinese eiupiri' and its in- 
 habitants. 2 v. N. Y., 184f-. 
 ■Williams, Samuel. Natural and civil liis- 
 toi y of \'erni(>Ml. 2d ed. 2 v. Hnrling- 
 toTl, isiiit. 
 ■Williamson, K. S. On the use of the ba- 
 rometer on surveys and r>'<'onuaissances. 
 X. Y., lHti8. 
 ■Williamson, William D. History of the 
 State of Maine, from its first discovery, 
 A. D. 1602, to the separation, A. D. 1820, 
 inclusive. 2 v. Hallowell, 1832. 
 Willis, N. Parker. Peoph^ I have met; or, 
 pictures of .society and people of mark. 
 N. Y., 1850. 
 ■Williston, E. H. Elorinenec of the United 
 States. 5 v. Middletown (Conn.), 1827. 
 ■Wilmer, Lamb<>rt A. Life, travels, and 
 adventures of Kenliiiand IJe Soto, discov- 
 erer of the Mississippi . Phila., 1858. 
 ■Wilmot, A. History of the Zulu war. 
 Loud., 1880. 
 ■Wilson, .\lexand<:r. .American ornithology ; 
 or, the initiiral hi-story of the Idrds of 
 the United States. Illus. 9 v. Phila., 
 ■Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow : obser- 
 vations on a tour from Chlm^se Thibet to 
 the Indian Caucasus, through the upper 
 valleys of the Himalaya. N. Y., 1875. 
 The "ever victorious army": a his- 
 tory of the Chinese campaign under Lt.- 
 Col. Gordon, ami of the suppression of 
 the Tai-Ping rebellion. Edinburgh and 
 Lond., 1868. 
 ■WUson, Erasmus. Cleopatra's needle ; with 
 brief notes on Egypt and Egyptian obe- 
 lisks. Lond.
 Wilson, Erasmus. On diseases of the skin. 
 Illus. .5th Amer. ed. Phila.. 1S63. 
 Wilson, F. A., and Alfred B. Richards. 
 Britain redeemed and Canada preserved. 
 Loud., 1650. 
 Wilson, Henry. History of the rise and 
 fall of the slave power in America. 2d 
 ed. 2 V. Bost., 1874. 
 ■Wilson, Horace H. Introduction to the 
 f^rauimar of the .Sanscrit language; for 
 the use of early students. Lond., 1841. 
 Narrative of the Burmese war, in 
 1824-26; with map. Lond., 1852. 
 Wilson, Jcilin. History of Switzerland, from 
 i;. C 110 to X. D. 1830. (Cahiiiet cyclo- 
 p;.dia.) Phila., 1832. 
 Wilson, John, and others. Noct«8 Amhro- 
 sianfe. (Modern British essayists.) 4 v. 
 Phila., 1843. 
 Wilson, John Leigh ton. Western Africa; 
 it.s hi.story, condition, and prospects. 
 N. Y., 185(!. 
 ■Wilson, Jo.seph. Xaval hygiene. With an 
 appendix — moving wounded men on ship- 
 board — by Albert C. Gorgas. Washing- 
 ton, 1870. 
 ■Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas. Brief remarks 
 nil the character and comj)Osition of the 
 Russian army, and a sketch of the cam- 
 jiaigns in Poland, in the years 1806-07. 
 Loud., 1810. 
 History of the British expedition to 
 Egypt ; to which is subjoined a sketch of j 
 the pre.sent state of that couutry, and its 
 means of defence. Illustrated with maps. 
 Pliila., 1803. 
 ■Wilson, Thouia.H. Biography of the prin- 
 ciple military and naval hemes. 2 v. 
 N. v., 1817. 
 ■Wilson, William Duaue. Description of 
 lo\v:i, and it.s resimrces. Des Moines 
 (Iowa). 181"). 
 ■Wimpffen, I'raiicis. Experienced officer; 
 or, iustructicnis of General Wimptl'en to 
 his sons, and to all young men intended 
 for the military i)rofes.sion. With an in- 
 troduction, by Lieut. Col. Macdonald. 
 Lond., 18(14. 
 ■Winchell, Alexander. Sketches of crea- 
 tiiiu: a view of some of the grand conclu- 
 sions of the sciences in reference to the 
 history of mattiT and of life, etc. Illus. 
 N. Y., 1>7II. 
 ■Winn, C. AUanson. What I saw of the 
 war at the battles of Speicheru, Gorze, 
 21 W 
 and Gravelotte : a narrative of two months' 
 campaigning with the Prussian army of 
 the Moselle. Edinburgh and Lond., 1870. 
 ■Winter, J. S. Cavalry life; or, sketches 
 and stories in barracks and out. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 ■Winterbotham, William. Historical, geo- 
 graphical, commercial, and philosophical 
 vicAV of the American United States, and 
 of the European settlements in America 
 and the West Indies. 4 v. Lond., 1795. 
 ■Winthrop, John. History of Xew England, 
 from 1630-1649. With notes, by James 
 Savage. 2 v. Bost., 182.5-26. 
 ■Winthrop, Theodore. Life in the open air, 
 and other papers. Bost., 1863. 
 ■Wirt, William. Sketches of the life and 
 character of Patrick Henry. 3d ed. 
 Phila., 1818. 
 The same. 25th ed. Phila., 1873. 
 ■Wise, Lieut. Henry. Los Gringos; or, an 
 inside view of Mexico and California; 
 with wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polj'- 
 nesia. N. Y., 1850. 
 Witzleben, A. von. Heerwesen and Infau- 
 teriedienst der kciiiiglich-preussisehen Ar- 
 mee. Berlin, 1869. 
 ■Wolff, Ferd., Baron von. Organisation 
 nud Dienst der Kriegsmacht des nord- 
 dentscheu Buudes. Berlin, 1869. 
 ■Wolseley, Sir Garnet J. Soldier's pocket- 
 book for field service. Illus. 2d ed., re- 
 vised and enlarged. Lond. and N. Y., 
 ■Wood, George B. Treatise on the practice 
 of medicine, .'ith ed. 2 v. Phila., 18.58. 
 and Franklin Bache. Dispensatory 
 of the United States of America. 12th 
 ed. Phila., 1865. 
 ■Wood, Rer. J. G. Insects abroad ; being a 
 popular account of foreign insects, their 
 structure, habits, and transformations. 
 Illus. Lond., 1874. 
 Out of doors: a selection of original 
 articles on practical natural history. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Uncivilized races of men in all coun- 
 tries of the world. Illus. 2 v. in 1. 
 Hartford. 1871. 
 ■Wood, Nicholas. Practical treatise" on rail- and interior communication in 
 general. Illus. Ist Amer. ed. Phila., 
 The same. 3d ed., with additions. 
 Lond., 1838.
 Wood, Oliver E. West Point scrap book : 
 a collection of stories, songs, and legemls 
 of the United States Military Academy. 
 N. Y., 1871. 
 Wood, William B. Personal recollections 
 of the stage; embracing notices of actors, 
 .iiithors, an<l auditors. I'liila., I8.'>r>. 
 Woodbury, Cajit. I>. I'. Sustaining walls: 
 geometrical constructiinis to d<^termine 
 their thickness undi'r various circum- 
 stances, derived chiellv from a memoir of 
 M. Poncclet, chef de l)ataillon liu geuie, 
 with modifications and extensions. (Pa- 
 pers on practical engineering, No. :!.) 2d 
 ed. Washington, 1854. 
 Treatise on the various elements of 
 stability in the well-proportioned arch; 
 with numerous tables of the nltinuite and 
 actual thrust. (Papers on practical en- 
 giiii'iTiug, No. 7.) N. Y., 18r>8. 
 Woods, X. A. The past campaign : a sketch 
 of the war in the Kast, from the departure 
 of Lord Raglau to the capture of Sevas- 
 lo|iol. 2 V. Loud., l!^.'!."). 
 Woodwrard, Aslibel. Life of General Na- 
 thaniel Lyiui. Hartford, 18(32. 
 Woodward, B. 15., auil William L. U. Catos. 
 Eucyclopa'dia of chroin)logy, historical 
 and liiographical. Loud., 187'2. 
 Woodward, K. M. Ourcauipaigns; or. the 
 marches, bivouac's, battles, etc., of the "id 
 Kegt. Penua. Reserves. Phila., 18l>r). 
 Woodward, Joseph ,J. Hospital st(^\vard's 
 manual. Phila., 18()2. 
 Outlines of the chief camp di.seas(^s 
 of the United States armies, as observed 
 during the presiuit war. Phila., 1863. 
 Report on epidemic cholera in the 
 .army of the United States, during the 
 year 1866. Washington, 1867. 
 Report on epidemic cholera and yel- 
 low fever iu the army of the Uu itcil States. 
 (Circular No. 1, Surg. Oeu. Otiice.) Wash- 
 ington, 1808. 
 Woolson, Constance F. Rodman tlu^ 
 keeper; and other Southern sketches. 
 N. v., 1880. 
 Worcester, Joseph E. Dictionary of the 
 English language. Host., 1860. 
 Geographical dictionary; or, univer- 
 sal gazetteer, .ancient and modern. 2 v. 
 Andover, 1817. 
 World (The). By Lord Chesterfield, .and 
 others. 4 v. complete iu 1. Loud., 182.5. 
 (bound with "The connois.senr.") 
 World almanac, 1869, '76. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W. Posthumous 
 memoirs of his own time. Phila., 1836. 
 Wright, Ming Prances. Voyage aux fitats- 
 lluis <r.\ni6ri(iue, ou observations sur la 
 soci6t(^, les nueurs, les usages et le gon- 
 vernementde ee pays, recueilliesen 1818- 
 20. Tiaduit de I'anglais surla secomle (edi- 
 tion i)ar J. T. Parisot. 2 v. Paris, 18-22. 
 Wright, Robert. Life of Major-General 
 James Wolfe. Loud., 1864. 
 Wright, Thomas. Caricature history of the 
 four (ieorges. Illus. Lond. 
 Dictionary of obsolete and provincial 
 English. 2 v. Loud., 1869. (2 copies.) 
 History of caricature and grotesque 
 in liti'rature and art. Illustrated by F. 
 W. Fairholt. Lond., 187.5. 
 The Ci'lt, the Ronuin, and the Saxon: 
 a histiu'v of the early inhal)itants of Brit- 
 ain. Illus. ;kl ed. Phila., 187.5. 
 W^rottesley, //oh. (ieorgi'. Life and cor- 
 respondence of Sir .Icdin Hurgoyue. 2 v. 
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 Amcrii'an numismatical manual of the 
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 Expedition de Crim^e. Bazancourt, 
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 Danes in camp. Herbert, A. Lond., 18()4. 
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 Mdmoires pour servir ii I'histoire des 
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 Guerre <le 1809, etc. Pelet, Baron. 4 v.- 
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 Guerre d'Espagne ot do Portugal, 1808-14, 
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 Guerre soutenuc par les Francjais en AUe- 
 magne en 1815. Vaudoncourt, F. G. de. 
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 Guerrea de la r<5volation, Histoire critique 
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 Histoire railitairc de Flandre ; ou les cam- 
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 India. Invasions of India from central 
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 War in India, 1803-06. Thorn, W. 
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 Indian mutiny. History of, 1857-58. Malle- 
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 Analytical index to above. Pincott, 
 F. Lond., 1880. 
 My diary in India in the year 1858- 
 59. Russell, W. H. 2 v. Lond., 1860. 
 See, also, Sepoy wak. 
 Ismailla: a narrative of the expedition to 
 central Africa for the suppression of the 
 slave trade. Baker, Sir S. W. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 The same. N. Y., 1875. 
 Kandahar campaign. Ashe, W. Lond., 
 Kara. Defense of Kars, historical and mili- 
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 Siege of Kars. Sandwith, H. Lond., 
 Kurram field force. With the, 1878-79. 
 Cohiuhoun, Maj. J. A. S. Lond., 1H81. 
 Leipzig. Kelation de la bataillo de Leip- 
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 Light cavalary brigade in the Crimea. 
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 Maps illustrative of events and operations 
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 Marengo, Bataille de. Berthier, A. Paris, 
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 Memoirea niilitaires ot politiqiies. Lloyd, 
 (;<Mi. H. Paris, 1801 
 Memoires politiques et niilitaires. Ritchie , 
 T. E. 2 V. Paris, 1804. 
 Military antiquities. Grose, F. 2 v. Lond., 
 Military cabinet. Cooper, T. H. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1809. 
 Military events in Italy, in 1848-49. EUes- 
 nicre, Earl of. Lond., 1851. 
 Military transactions of the British nation 
 in Hindostan, from the year 1745. Orme, 
 R. 3 V. Lond., 1803. 
 Military transactions: 1683 to 1718. Par- 
 ker, Capt. R. Lond., 1747. 
 Mostaganem et de Mazagran en 1840, Rela- 
 tion de i'attaque et de la defense de. 
 Aliinal, M. Paris, 1843. 
 Mountain warfare: illustrated by the cam- 
 paign of 1799 in Switzerland. Shadwell, 
 L. Loud., 1875. 
 My command in South Africa. Cunyng- 
 hauw, Sir A. T. Lond., 1879. 
 Napoleon, Campaigns of. Areola, Maren- 
 go, .Jena, Waterloo. Bowen, E. E. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1873-75. 
 Napoleon and the grand army in Russia. 
 Gourgaud, G. Lond., 182.5. 
 Naval and military history of Great Britain. 
 Johns, R. Lond., 1860. 
 The same. Lond., 1872.
 Naval ami militiiry menioirs of Groat Brit-j 
 aiii, from 1727 to 178:i. Beatson, R. G v. 
 Loncl., 1804. 
 Ninetieth Regiment (Perthshire Light In- 
 fantry), Records of Delavoye, A. M. 
 Lend., 1880. 
 Nizib, Bataillf de. Solinian-Pacli s 
 Operations of the allied armies under 
 Schwarzenberg and Bluelier, 1813-14. 
 Burghersh, Lord. Lond., 18-22. 
 Operations giSn^rales de hx division fran- 
 Vaise du Levant, 1797, '8, '9. Bcllaire, J. 
 P. Paris, 1805. 
 Operations niilitaires des Fran^ais en Ga- 
 lice, en Portugal, et dans la vailed dii 
 Tage en 1809. Avec atlas. Le Noble, M. 
 Paris, 18-21. 
 Paraguay, War in. Thompson, G. Lond., 
 Paris. Defense de Paris. sej)tembre 1870- 
 janvierl871. Viollet-le-Dnc, E. E. Paris, 
 Inside Paris during the siege. By 
 an Oxford graduate. Loud., 1871. 
 Shut np in Paris. Sheppard, N. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Peninsular war. History. Napier, W. F. P. 
 4 V. Lond., 1832-34. 
 History. Southey, R. 4 v. Lond., 
 English battles of the Peninsula. 
 Macleod, J. Lond., 1879. 
 • Lectures upon the British campaigns 
 in the Peninsula, 1808-14. Robinson, C. 
 W. Loud., 1871. 
 Narrative of the Peninsular war. 
 Vane, C. W. Lond., 1828. 
 The same. N. Y., 1848. 
 War in the Peninsula under Napo- 
 leon. Foy, Gen. M. S. 2 v. Loud., 1829. 
 Peschiera. Journal historique des opera- 
 tions militaires du si^ge de Peschiera. 
 Heuin, F. Turin, 1801. 
 Plans of the attacks upon Ant werp, Bergen- 
 op-Zoom, Cambray, etc., 1814-15. With 
 explanatory remarks by Col. Carmichael- 
 PoUah revolution and the events of the 
 campaign. Hordyuski, J. Bost.,1833. 
 Precis des ^v^nemens militaires, on essais 
 historiques sur les campagnes de 1799 i\ 
 1814. Dnnias, M. 14 v. et atlas. Paris, 
 Precis historique et niilitaire des op(5rations 
 de la grande armiSe, et de I'armiSe d'ltalie, 
 on recueil des bulletins oflSciels. Paris, 
 Preuasisoh-Eylau, Bataille de. Paris, 1807. 
 Punjab frontier. A year on the Punjab 
 frontier, in 1848^9. Edwardes, H. B. 
 2 V. Lond., 1831. 
 Random shots from a rifleman. Kincaid, J. 
 Lond., 1847. 
 Redcoats and Bluejackets. Stewart, H. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Rhine froutier. War for. Riistow, W. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Rome. Si^ge de Rome en 1849, par I'armde 
 franjaise: journal des 0)>6rations do I'ar- 
 tillerie et du g^nie. Paris, 1851. 
 Royal Engineer (The). Head, Sir F. B. 
 Loud., 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Royal Regiment of Artillery, History of. 
 Duncan, F. 2 v. Lend., 1872-73. 
 The same. 2 v. Lond., 1879. 
 Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, or Oxford 
 Blues, Historical record of. Packe, E. 
 Lond., 1834. 
 Russia. Campaign in Russia during the 
 year 1812. Porter, R. K. Lond. 
 Campagne de 1812 en Russie. Okon- 
 nef, Co-l. N. Paris, 1829. 
 Campagne de 1812 en Russie. Re- 
 traite du prince Bagration. Chapnis, Col. 
 Paris, 1856. 
 The same. B6r6zina. Paris, 1857. 
 Expedition to Russia by the Emperor 
 . Naxioleon, in the year 1812. S(!gur, Comte 
 de. Phi la., 1825. 
 Guerre entre la France et la Russie, 
 en 1812. Vaudonconrt, F. G. de. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1815-17. 
 Histoire de I'exp^dition de Russie. 
 Chambray, Marquis de. 4 v. Paris, 1838. 
 Histoire niilitaire de la campagne de 
 Russie en 1812. Boutourlin, D. P. 2 v. 
 et atlas. Paris, 1824. 
 ■ Relation impartiale du passage de la 
 B^r^zina par I'armde franf aise en 1812. 
 Vaudonconrt, F. G. de. Paris, 1815. 
 Russian army. Brief remarks on the char- 
 .acter and composition of the Russian 
 army, and a sketch of the campaigns iu 
 Poland, in the years 1806-07. Wilson, 
 SirR. T. Lond., 1810. 
 Report on the Russian army and its 
 campaigns in Turkey, in 1877-78. Greene, 
 F. V. 2 V. N. Y., 1879. (2 copies.) 
 Sketches of army life in Russia. 
 Greeue, F. V. N. Y., 1880. (2 copies.)
 Russie dans I'A.sio-Mincnre, on caiiipagncs 
 (111 iiiar^'ihal raskovitcli, cii 18-2H et 1H-J9, et 
 tal)I«aiulu Caucaso. Fontoii, F. do. I'aiis, 
 Russo-Turkish cainpainiis of 1828 and 1821). 
 (.'lii-HiH'V, K. U. Loud. ,-1854. 
 Russo-Turkish war, t'assell's illustrated 
 luslciry (if. --i V. OlliiT, E. Loud. 
 Saiut-Domingue. Si'i-ondo oanipagne dc 
 Saiiil-DiiiniMgue, 18U:{-09. LeninKiiiier- 
 D.-lalossc, M. Havre, 184fi. 
 Saragosse, Defense dc<, en 1808-09. Caval- 
 Icni, M. Paris, 1615. 
 Sebastopol, .'^iege (if. Artillery operations 
 c iiiiliiitfd by tlio Royal ArtilU^ry and 
 Naval HriRadc, 18.-)4-r,.5. Keilly, W. E. M. 
 Operations conducted liy the Corps of 
 Royal Engineers, fnini the invasion of the 
 Crimea to the fall of Scliastopol. Elphin- 
 stone, H. C, and II. D. Jones. With case 
 of maps and plans. :{ v. Loud., 18.")9. 
 Review of General Todleben's history 
 of the defence of Sebastopol, 1854-55. 
 Russell, W. H. Loud., 18(ir>. 
 Journal des op(5rations du g<5uie. 
 Niel,<!chal. Paris, 1858. 
 Sepoy war. History of the S »poy war in In- 
 dia, 18.57-58. Kaye, J.W. '2 v. Lond.,1880. 
 Analytical index to above. Pincott, 
 F. Lond., 1880. 
 Incidents in the Sepoy war, 1857-58. 
 Grant, Sir H. Lond., 1874. 
 See, also, Indian mitiny. 
 Seven weeks' war. Ilozier, H. M. 2 v. 
 Phila., 18(J7. 
 Seven years' war. History of. Lloyd and 
 TempelholT. Lond. 
 Remarkable events of the war be- 
 tween the Prussians, Austrians, and Rus- 
 sians, from 175(i to 1763. Tielke, J. G- 
 2 T. Lond., 1787-88. 
 Batailles et priiicipanx combats de la 
 guerre de sept ans. Decker, C. D. Paris. 
 Siege operations in the campaign against 
 France, 1870-71. Tiedemann, H. von. 
 Loud., 1877. 
 Sieges. Relations (his principaux 8i<5ges 
 faits ou soutenus en Europe, par les 
 armies franfaisiis depuis 1792. Par les 
 offieiers du g(5nie. 2 v. Paris, 1806. 
 Sieges carried on by the army under the 
 Duke of Wellington in Spain, 1811-14. 
 Jones, J. T. 2 v. Lond., 1827. 
 The same. 3 v. Loud., 1846. 
 Sieges faits on soutenus par les Franjais 
 dans la lYninsule, de 1807-14, Joiirnaiix 
 des. Helnias, J. 4 v. Paris, 18;{G-37. 
 Sieges et d(^feiises de Badajoz, d'Oliveufa, 
 et de Campo Mayor, en 1811 et 1812. La- 
 mare, (i6n. Paris, 1825. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Paris, 1837. 
 Sieges de Saragosse et di^ Tortose, par les 
 Fraufais dans la derniere guerre d'Es- 
 pagiie. Rogniat, Baron. Paris, 1814. 
 South African campaign, 1879. Mackinnon, 
 J. P., and S. Shadbolt. Loud., 1880. 
 Soyer's culinary campaign. Soyer, A. 
 Lond., 18r)7. 
 Spanish campaign in Morocco, llarilinan, 
 F. Kdinlinigli, 18ti(l. 
 Steppe camiiaigns. Lond., 1874. 
 Suchet, Mart'chal. Coiisid(M;itions niili- 
 tairessnr les im'^moires, et siir la bataille de Choiimara, T. Paris, 1840. 
 Tableau des gnerres de la r('volution de 
 1792-1>'15. Paris, 1838. 
 Tableau lii8tori(iue de la gnerre de la r(?vo- 
 lnti(Ui de France, 1792-94. 3 v. Pari.s, 
 Thirty years' war. Schiller, F. von. (Schil- 
 lei^'s works, v. 1.) Lond , l.-*72. (2 copies.) 
 Histoire de la guerre de trente aus. 
 Schiller, F. von. 2 v. Pari.s, 1820. 
 Through Fanteeland to Coomassie. Boyle, 
 F. Lond., 1874. 
 To Caubiil with the cavalry brigade. Mit- 
 ford, R. C. W. Lond., 1881. 
 Turkish wars in Hungary, Transylvania, 
 Austria, Silesia, and other provinces of 
 the German empire, from 1432 to 1664. 
 Loud., 1664. 
 Victoires, coiniiif'tes, d^isastres, revers, et 
 giiirres civiles des Franvais, de 1792 .\ 
 lsi.->. 27 v. Paris, 1817-21. 
 Victoria An ollicial chroiiieleof deeds 
 of personal valour, 18.56-80. Lond., 1880. 
 Victories of the British armies. Maxwell, 
 W. H. Loud., 1847. 
 War in France and Belgium, in 1815. Si- 
 borue. Captain W. Loud., 1848. 
 War in Ru.ssia and Germany in 1812-13, 
 Commentaries on. Cathcart, (i. Lond., 
 War in Spain, Portugal, and the south of 
 France, 1808-14. 2 v. and atlas. Joues, 
 Gen. J. T. Lond., 1821. 
 War of the succession in Spain. Mahon, 
 Lord. Lond., 1832. 
 War in Syria. Napier, C. 2 v. Lond., 1842.
 Wars of the French revolution, from 1792 to 
 1815. Baiues, E. 4 v. Phila., lrid3-24. 
 Wars in the Low Countries. Chronological 
 epitome from 1659 to 1815. Carmichael- 
 Suiytli, Sir J. Lond., 1825. 
 Wars of .succession of Portugal and Spain, 
 1820-4(1. Bolluert, W. 2 v. Lond., 1870. 
 Waterloo lectures. Che,sncy, C. C. Lond., 
 Wellington's dispatches, from 1799 to 1818- 
 12 V. and iudcx. Loud., 1837-;i9. 
 Wellington's victories, from Rolifa to 
 Waterloo. Adams, W. H. D. Lond., 1880. 
 Young orticer's companion. De Eos, Lord. 
 Loud., 1868. 
 Zulu war. History of. Wilmot, A. Lond., 
 History of the Zulu war. Colenso, 
 Miss F. E. Lond., 1880. 
 In Zululaud throughout the war of 
 1879. Norris-Newman, C. L. Lond., 1880.
 Abercromby, Sir Ualpli. Memoir, 1793- 
 1801. I)iiiit'ermliuo,Lor(l. Edinburgh, 1861. 
 Adams, .Uiss Abigail. Journal and CM>rrc- 
 siioudi-nce, written in France and England 
 in 17«-). N. Y.,1H41. 
 Adams, John. Familiar letters of John 
 Adams and his wife during the revolution, 
 with a memoir of Mr«. Adam.s by C. F. 
 Adams. N.Y.,1H7G. 
 Life of John Adams. Adams, J. Q., 
 and C. F. Adams. 2 v. Phila.,lH71. 
 Adams, Mrs. John. Letters. With memoir 
 by C. F. Adams. 2 v. Bost., 1341. 
 Adams, John Quincy. Life and public serv- 
 ices. Seward, W. H. Auburn, 1849. 
 Memoirs; comprising portions of his 
 diary, from 179."> to 1848. Adams, C. F. 12 
 V. Phila., 1874-77. (2 copies.) 
 Albemarle, George Thomas, Jiarl of. Fifty 
 years of my life. N. Y., 1877. 
 Allen, Ethan. Life. (Library of American 
 biography, v. 1.) 
 Narrative of his captivity. Written 
 by himself. Burlington, (Vt.), 184G. 
 American generals from the founding of 
 the republic to the present time. Frost, 
 J. Hartford, 18,->0. 
 American government : biographies of the 
 President, Vice-President, beads of de- 
 partments, and Senators of tlie 43d Con- 
 gress. Barnes, W. H. Washington, 187;!. 
 American loyalists; or, biographical 
 sketches of adherents to the 
 crown in the war of the revolution. 
 Sabine, L. Bost., 1847. 
 American medical biography. Thaehcr, J. 
 Bost., 1828. 
 American nation, illustrated in the lives of 
 her fallen brave and living heroes. Shea, 
 J. G. N. Y.,18f)2. 
 American political and military biography. 
 Andersen, Hans Christian. Story of my 
 life. N. Y., 1872. 
 Anecdotes of j)ublic men. Forney, J. W. 
 2 v. N. Y., 1881. 
 Arnold, Benedict, Life and treason of. (Li- 
 brary of American biography, v. 3.) 
 Arthur, Chester A., Sketch of the life of. 
 Brlsl)in,J. S. Phila., 1880. (Bound with 
 "Life of Garfield.") 
 Bacon, Francis. Fowler, T. N. Y., 1881. 
 Bacon, Nathaniel. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 13.) 
 Bainbridge, Ciimmoiddc William. Life .and 
 services. Harris, T. Phila., 1837. 
 Barham, Kicbard Harris. Personal remi- 
 niseeuees. (Brie-;Vbrac scries, v. 4.) 
 Bartlett, Wm. Francis. Memoir of. Pal- 
 frey, F. W. Bost., 1878. 
 Bayard, Captain G. D. Life. Bayard, 
 S. J. N. Y., 1874. 
 Beaconsfield, Lord, Political adventures 
 of. N. Y. 
 Berwick, Mar&hal, Due do. Mdmoiros; 
 dcrits par Ini-mf mo. 2 v. Suisse, 1778. 
 Beugnot, Cohh(. Life and adventures. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Beyle, Henry (otherwise De Stendahl). A 
 critical and biogr.aphical study. Payton, 
 A. A. Lond., 1874. 
 Biographical annals of the civil govern- 
 ment of the United States, during its first 
 century, from original and oliicial sources. 
 Lanman, C. Washington, 1876. 
 Biographical dictionary of eminent Scots- 
 men. Chambers, K. 4 v. Loud., 1855. 
 Biographical register of the officers and 
 graduates of the United States military 
 academy at West Point, N. Y., from its 
 establishment, March IG, 1802, to the army 
 reorganization of 18G()-G7. Cullum, (i. W. 
 2 V. N. Y., 18(38. 
 Biographical sketches of distinguished 
 American naval heroes in the war of the 
 revolution. WaUlo, S. P. Hartford, 1823. 
 Biographical treasury : a dictionary of uni- 
 versal biography. Maunder,S. Loud., 1873. 
 Biography of the principal military and 
 naval heroes. Wilson, T. 2 v. N.y!,1817. 
 Biography of the signers to the Declara- 
 tii>u of Independence. Sanderson, John, 
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 Bismaick, Prince. I5iograi)hical sketch. 
 GiirhiL'li, \V. Lei|izi<;, 1875. 
 Bismarck in the Fraiico-Gcriii.'iii war, 
 1-70-71 Biisdi, Dr. M. •> v. N. Y. 
 Bismarck, I'rhice. Letters to his wife, his 
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 Black Hawk Life of; dictated Ijy liim- 
 self. Bost., 18:54. (-.J copies.) 
 Black Priuce, History of the; with a .short 
 view of the reigus of Edward I., II., III. 
 Loud., 177<;. 
 Blanchard, Claude. .Iimni.jl liming the 
 Americau revolution, 178U-8:i. Alliany, 
 Book about doctors. .Teatt'rcson, J. C. 
 N. Y., 187.5. 
 Book ahont lawyers. JeatVrcsou, .1. C. 
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 Border reminiscences. Marcy, K. B. N. Y., 
 Braiuerd, David. Life. (Library of Ameri- 
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 Braiit, Joseph. Life. Stone, AV. L. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 18:!8. 
 Brassey, Thomas. Life and labors. Helps, 
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 Bre^rster, William, chief of the pilgrims. 
 Life and times of. Steele, Rev. A. Phila., 
 Bright, .Toliu, Life and speeches of. Smith, 
 a. n. N. Y., 1881. 
 Bronte, Charlotte. Life. Gaskell, Mrs. 
 E. C. Loud., 187:5. 
 Brougham, Henry, Lord. Life and times; 
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 Brow^n, Charles Brockdim. l^ife. (Library 
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 Buckle, Henry Thomas. Life and writings. 
 Huth, A. H." N. Y., 1880. 
 Burgoyne, 5ir John. Life and correspond- 
 ence. Wrottesley, Hon. G. 2 v. Lond., 
 Burnett's recollections and opinions of an 
 old pioneer. Burnett, P. H. X.Y.,1880. 
 Burr, Aaron. Life and times. Parton, J. 
 N. Y., 1861. 
 Memoirs of. Davis, M. L. 2 v. 
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 Private journal during his residence 
 in Europe. 2 v. N. Y., 1858. 
 Burritt, Elihu. A memorial volume. N. Y., 
 23 w 
 Butler, General. Gen. Bntler in New Or- 
 leans. Parton, .James. Bost., 18G6. 
 Byrou. Nichol, J. N. Y., 1880. 
 Letters, journal, and his life. Moore, 
 T. (Byron's works, V. 1-.5.) Lond., 18:52. 
 Life of Lord Byron, and other 
 sketches. Castelar, E. N. Y., 1876. 
 Cabot, Sebastian. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 9.) 
 Memoir of. Phila., 18:51. 
 Ceesar, Julius, History of Xapoleon III. 
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 Caesar: a sketch. Fronde, J. .\. N.Y.,1879. 
 Calhoun, John Caldwell, Life of Jenkins, 
 J. 8. Auburn, 1850. 
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 Calvin, John, Life and times of. Henrv, P. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1851. 
 Canning, George, Political life of, from 
 1822 to 1827. Stapleton, A. G. 3 v. 
 Lond., 18:^1. 
 Canot, Captain ; or, twenty years of an Afri- 
 can slaver. Mayer, B. N. Y., 1854. 
 Captivity of two Russian princesses, in- 
 cluding a seven months' residence in Sha- 
 mil's seraglio. Lond., 1857. 
 Carlyle, Her. Dr. Alexaiulor. .Autobio- 
 graphy : containing memorials of the men 
 and events of his time. Bost., 18*)1. 
 Carlyle, Thomas. Reminiscences. Edited 
 by J. A. Fronde. N. Y., 1881. 
 Carnot, L. N. M. Comte. ExposfS de la con- 
 duite politiijue. Paris, 1815. 
 Carson, Kit. Life and adventures. Peters, 
 D. W. C. N. Y., 18.58. 
 Cass, Gm. Lewis. Life and public services. 
 Young, \V. T. Detroit, 1852. 
 Cavour, Count. Life. Mazade. C. de. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Caxton, William, Biography and typogra- 
 phy of. Blades, W. N. Y., 1882. 
 Chalmers, Thomas. Memoirs of his life 
 and writings. Hanna, Rev. W. 4 v. 
 N. Y., 18.5:5. 
 Selection from the correspondence of 
 the late Thomas Chalmers. Hanna, Rev. 
 \V. N. Y., 185:5. 
 Channing, Eer. W. Ellery, Reminiscences 
 of. Peabody, E. P. Bost., 1880. 
 Corre.soudence of W. E. Channing, 
 and Lucy Aikin, from 182(5 to 1842. Lo 
 Breton, A. L. Lond., 1874. 
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 lection of autobiography, v. 7.) Loud., 
 Charles the Fiftli. RolxTtscni, Wm. 3 v. 
 L.iiid., H-'l. 
 The same. Witli an a<-coiint of the 
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 Will. H. rnsiott. 3 V. Pliila., If75. 
 Charles XII, roi <le Siirde, llistoire de. 
 Voltaire, F. M. A. Paris, lH2fi. 
 Chase, S. P., Life and public services of. 
 Schuckers, J. W. N. Y., 1874. 
 Private life and public services. 
 Warden, K. B. Cim-innati, 1874. 
 Chief jiisticcsof En-tland, Lives of. Camp- 
 bell, Lord. 3v. Host, and Lond., 1850-')". 
 The same. 4 v. Bost., 187:!. 
 Chief justices of the Supreme Court of the 
 United States, sketches of their lives and 
 judicial services. Van Santvoord, G. 
 N. Y., 18.>l. 
 Choate, Kufus, Keniiiiiseeuees id". Parker, 
 E.G. N.Y.,18r)0. 
 Chorley, Henry P. Personal reminiscences. 
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 Cibber, CoUey. Autobioirraphy. (Collec- 
 tion of autobiography, v. 1.) liond., 18:i(). 
 Cicero. Life. Tndlojie.A. 2 v. N. Y.,1881. 
 Cincinnati Society of ex-Army and Navy 
 Officers; with name, army record, and 
 rank of the members. Mattox, A. H. 
 Cincinnati, 1880. 
 Cobden, Kieharil. Life. Morley, J. Bost., 
 Coffin, Levi, Remiiiiscencesof. Cincinnati, 
 Coleridge, Sara. Memoii-s and letters. 
 N. v.. 1-74. 
 Collingwrood, .liliniral, Lord. Selection 
 from pulilic and private correspondence: 
 interspersed with memoirs of his life. 
 Ciilliiifiwood, G. L. N. Loud., 1828. 
 Colored eadet at West Point. Flipper, 
 11. I). X. Y., 187-'. 
 Columbus, ClirLstojiher. History of the 
 character and achievements ot the so- 
 called Christoirher Columbus. Goodrich, 
 A. N.Y.,1874. 
 Life and voyaj^es of Christopher Co- 
 lumbus. Irving, W. 2 v. Pliila., 1840. 
 The same. To which are added^ 
 of hiseompanions. 3 v. (Irviiif;'s work.s, 
 vols. 3, 4, .5.) N. Y.,18C0. 
 Comines, Philijide. Memoirs. 2 v. Loud., 
 Constable, Archibald. Personal reminis- 
 cences. (Bric-il-brac series, v. 10.) 
 Corvin, Colonel. Life of adventure: an 
 aiifobii>};ra]iliy. 3 v. Loud., 1871. 
 Cor\win, Thomas: a sketch. Uiissell, .\. 
 P. Ciiiciiiuati, 18M>. 
 Creighton, Capt. John, Antobioj;raphy of. 
 (Ci)lleition of autobioi;rapliy, v. 11.) 
 Loud., 1830. 
 Crittenden, .John .1. Life. 2 v. Pliila., 1871. 
 Cromwell, Oliver, History of. Guizot, F. 
 P. U. Phila., 18.54. 
 Letters and speeches, with elmiila- 
 tious. Carlyle, T. 2 v. N. Y., 1H4.5. 
 Cushman, Charlotte. Her letters and mem- 
 ories of her life. Bost., 1878. 
 Dahlgreu, I'lrie. Memoir. Dahlgreii, .J. A. 
 Phila., 1872. 
 Dallas, Alexander ,). Life ami writiii^^s. 
 Dallas, G. M. Phila., 1871. 
 Dallas, G. M. Series of letters from Lon- 
 don, written during the years 1856-60. 
 Phila., 18(;>J. 
 D'Arblay, J/arfamc. Diary and hitters. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1842. 
 The same. 4 v. Lond. 
 Davidson, Luerelia IL Life. (Library of 
 .Viiuricaii bioy;raph}', v. 7.) 
 Davis, .Jett'er.soii. Life, with a secret his- 
 tory of the .Southern Confederacy. Pol- 
 lard, E. A. Atlanta, (Ga.). 
 Davy, Sir Huniidiry. Life. Paris, J. A. 
 2 V. Lond., 1831. 
 Decatur, Commodoce Stephen, Life and char- 
 acter of. Waldo, S. P. Hartford, 1821. 
 Delany, Mm. Mary. Autobiography and 
 correspondcne(^ 2 v. Bost., 187',t. 
 De Soto, Ferdinand. Life, travels, and 
 advennins. Wilmer, L. A. Phila., 1858. 
 De Stael, .l/((da»ie. Life and times. Stevens, 
 A. 2 V. N. Y.,1881. 
 Dick, Robert. (Baker of Thurso.) Smiles, 
 S. N. Y.,187i>. 
 Dickens, Charles. Anecdote biography. 
 (Bric-a-brac series, v. 2.) 
 Letters. 2 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Life. Forster, J. 3 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Speeches, letters, and sayings. N. Y., 
 Story of his life. Lond., 1870. 
 Dictionary of Ameriian biography, includ- 
 ing men of the time. Drake, F. S. Bost., 
 Dictionary of biography: <'om]irising the 
 most eminent characters of all ages, na- 
 tions, and professions. Davenport, R. A. 
 1 Bost., 1832.
 Dictionary of general biogiiipliy : with a 
 classilied and clironoloKi'al inilex of the 
 principal names, \vitli8iii>i>Ienient. CatcH, 
 W. L. K. 2 V. Loud., lS(;7-75. 
 Dictionary of all ofticeis who have served 
 in the army of the United States, from 
 1789 to 185:!. Gardner, C. K. N. Y., 18.53. 
 ('2 copies.) 
 The same. N. Y., 18(jt). 
 Dictionary of the United States Congress. 
 Lanman, C. Phila., 18.59. 
 The same. 3d ed. Washington, 
 1866. (2 copies.) 
 The same. 6tli ed. Hart-ford, 1869. 
 Dodington, Cieorge Bnbb. Antohiography. 
 (Collection of antohiography, v. 22.) 
 Loud., 1829. 
 Drake, Admiral Sir Francis. Life, voyages 
 anil adventures. Barrow, J. Loud., 
 Dumouriez, (ien. Charles Francis. Life. 
 By himself. 3 v. Loud., 1796. 
 Dv^ight, Timothy. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 14.) 
 Barlykiugs of Norway. Carlyle, T. Ldul., 
 Eaton, f.'t'H. William. Life. Brooktield, 
 The sauu^ (Lilirary of American 
 biography, v. 9.) 
 Ecrivains uiilitaires do la France. Kare.her, 
 Thoo. Loud., 18J(). 
 Eddy, Thomas. Life aud correspondence. 
 Knaiip, S. L. N. Y., 1834. 
 Edwards, Jonathan. Lif<!. (Library of 
 .'Vmericau biography, v. 8.) 
 Eliot, Iter. John. Life. (Library of Anur- 
 icaii liiography, v. 5.) 
 EUery, William. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican l)iography, v. (i.) 
 Ellis, Sir S. B. Memoirs and services. 
 Loud., isiil). 
 EUwood, Thomas. Autoliiography. (Col- 
 lection i>l aul(iliiogra|iby, V. 11.) Loud., 
 Eminent statesmen aud writers. Hay ward, 
 A. 2 v. Lond.,188(). 
 English humorists of thi' eighteenth ceu- 
 tiuy. Thackeray, W. M. Loud., 1872. 
 English portraits. Sainte-Benve, C. A. 
 N. Y., 1875. 
 Evelyn, .John. Diary and ciinispiiiuh'uce. 
 4 V. Loiul., 1854. 
 The same. New ed. 4 v. Loud., 
 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord. Correspondence ; 
 memoirs of the reign of Char!(?s I. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1848. 
 Fallen brave : a biographical memorial of 
 theAmeriean otlicers who have given their 
 lives for the preservalion of the Union. 
 She.a, .7. G. N. Y., 18(51. 
 Famous French authors. Gantier. T., and 
 others. N. Y., 1879 
 Faraday as a discoverer. Tynilal],J. X.Y., 
 Farragut, Jrimico/ Daviil G. Lif('. Farra- 
 gut, L. N. Y.,1879. 
 Ferdinand aud Isabella, History of the reign 
 of. Prescott, W. H. 3 v. Bost., 1838. 
 Ferguson, Jauu'S. Autobiography. (Col- 
 lection of autobiography, v. (!.) Loud., 
 Fitch, .John. Life. (Lilirary of American 
 biography, v. 16.) 
 Flandrin, Hippolyte. Christian painter of 
 the nineteenth century. Loud., 1875. 
 Foote, Andrew Hull. Life. Hoppin,.I.M. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Foster, John. Life and correspondence. 
 2 V. Lond., 1866. 
 Four Georges. Thackeray, W. M. liOud., 
 Fox, Charles Jaiues. Early history. Trevel- 
 jan, G. O. N. Y., 1880. (2 copies.) 
 Franklin, Sir John. Beesly, A. H. N. Y., 
 Frederick the Secoud, king of Prussia 
 (called Frederick the Great). 
 FrM^ric le Grand, on ines .souvenira 
 de viugt ans de sdjonr a Berlin. Thi(^- 
 bault, D. 5 v. Paris, 1826. 
 Frederick the Great, his court and 
 times. Edited by Thomas Campbell. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1844. 
 Frederick the Secoud, king of Prus- 
 sia. Life. Dover, Lord. 2 v. Loud., 
 Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Fred- 
 erick the Great. History. Carlyb', T. 
 6 v. N. Y., 1858-66. 
 The same. 10 v. Lund., lf<7n-7l. 
 French humorists, from thi' XII. to llie 
 XIX. century. Besaut, W. Bost., 1874. 
 French men of letters. Mauris, M. N. Y., 
 Fulton, Robert. Life. (Library of Ameri- 
 can biography, v. 10.) 
 Galerie militairc. Babie, F., et L. Bean- 
 mont. G V. Paris, 1805.
 Oansevoort, Henry S. Memorial. Bust., 
 Garfield, ,Taiiu'8 A. Early life aiul piiUlic 
 .areer. Hri.sbin, .1. S. Phila., 18S0. 
 From l)()v to I're.sident, or the 
 boyLooil and manhood of ,Jami's A. Gar- 
 field. Aljrer, H., .jr. N. Y.,1H81 
 Life, eliaraeter, and Jiuldic services. 
 Kiddle, A. G. Wasliinston, 1H80. 
 Geary, .Icdin White. In memoriaui. Phila., 
 Genial showman : being reniini.scences of 
 the life of Artemn.s Ward, and his career, 
 Hing.ston, K. I'. Lond. 
 Gerry, Elbridge. Life. Austin, J. T. 2 v. 
 Bost., lS-.'s--.>9. 
 Gifford, William. Autobioniapliy. (Col- 
 lection of autobiojjraiihy, v. U.) Lond., 
 Gillies, Robert Pearse. (Personal reminis- 
 cence.s.) (Bric-a-brac series, v. 10.) 
 Gladstone, William Ewart, Short life of. 
 Jones, C. H. X. Y., I88U. 
 Glory of America. Thomas, IJ. Hartford, 
 Goethe, ,1. W. vmi. .\iil(il)i(ijfraidiy. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Life and works. Lewes, G. H. 2 v. 
 Bost., lH.-,(i. 
 Goldoni, Carlo. Autohi(ij5rai)hy. (Collec- 
 tion of autobiography, v. 2:i, 24.) Lond., 
 MfSraoires; dcrits par lui-meme. 2 v. 
 Piiris, l-iM. 
 Goldsmith, Oliver. Biography. Irving, 
 W. (Works, v. 2.) N. V., 18(i0. 
 Goldsmith. Black, W. N. Y., 18711. 
 Life and times. Koreter, J. Lond., 
 Gomieville, CoZoHt/ di'. BeeoUectious. 2 v. 
 Lond., ls7r>. 
 Goodrich, S. G. Keeollei'lious of a life 
 time. 2 v. N. Y., 1-<.V.). 
 Gorton, Samuel. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 1.").) 
 Graham, Ceneral Sanuiel. Jlemoir. Gra- 
 ham, .L J. Edinburgh, 181)2. 
 Grant, Ulysses S. Military history. Ba- 
 deau, A. 3 v. N. Y., 18(58-81. (2 cop- 
 — Grant and his eamjiaigns: u mili- 
 tary biography. Coppee, H. N. Y.,1866. 
 Grant as a soldier and a statesman. 
 Rowland, E. H.artford, 1868. 
 Grant and ; their cam))aigus and 
 their generals. Headley, J. T. N. Y., 
 Great tojie ])oets: being short memoii's of 
 the greater musical composers. C'rowest, 
 F. Lond., 1874. 
 Greene, (leii. Nathanael. Life of. (ireene, 
 G. W. :! V. N. Y., 187L 
 Life. (Library of American biog- 
 raphy, V. 20.) 
 Life and correspondence, .lohnson, 
 W. 2 V, Ch.arle.ston, 1822. 
 Greville memoir.s; .journal of the reigns of 
 George I\'. and William IV. Greville, C. 
 C. F. 3 V. Loud., 1H74. 
 Grimes, fStnalnr James W. Life. Salter, 
 W. N. Y., lS7(i. 
 Grimm, F. M. von, and Denis DidiTot. His- 
 torical au<l literary niemoiis and anec- 
 dotes, selected from their correspondence. 
 4 V. Lond., 1814. 
 Gunton, Dr. William. Sketch of his life 
 Washington, 187f. 
 Hals, Frans. Head, P. I{. ('• Great .artists " 
 series.) N. V., 1879. 
 Hamilton, Alexander. Life. Hamilton, 
 J.C. 2 V. X. Y., 1840. 
 Hampden, .lohu. Some nu-morials of his 
 part.v and liis times. Xugent, Lord. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1832. 
 Hancock, Windeld Scott. Life. Jnnkin, 
 1). .\., anil F. H. X<uton. N. Y., 1880. 
 Hardie, James A., Inapector General U. S. 
 Armij. Memoir. Wa.shiugton, 1877. 
 Harness, William. Personal reminisceuces. 
 (Bric-a-brac series, v. 4.) 
 Harrison, William Henrv. Memoir of pub- 
 lic servici's. Hall, J. Phila., 1836. 
 Othcial arrangements for the ohse- 
 quies of the late President, W. H. Harri- 
 son. Washington, ]S4I. 
 Hartley, David. Bower, G. S. N. Y., 
 Harvard, memorial biographies. 2 v. Cam- 
 bridge, l-<(i7. 
 Haydon, Benjannn Robert. Life. Taylor, 
 T. 2 v. N. Y., 1853. 
 Hayne, Arthur P. Life and military ser- 
 vices. Phila., 1837. 
 Hazlitt, William. Personal recollections. 
 (Brac-a-brac .series, v. 9.) 
 Henry, Jo.scidi, A memorial ol. W.ashing- 
 ton, 18,80. 
 Henry, Patrick. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, V. 11.)
 Henr7, Patrick, Sketches of tbe life and 
 character of. Wirt, W. Phila., 1818. 
 Tlie same. Phila., 187:5. 
 Herbert of Clierbnry, Eilwaril, Lord. Auto- 
 biography. (Collection of aiitobiog-., V. H.) Loiul., 18-27. 
 Heroes of Britain in peace and war. Hod- 
 dir, E. 2 V. Lond. 
 Heroes of three wars. Glazier, W. Phila., 
 Herries, John Charles, Memoir of tbe puli- 
 lic life of Herries, E. 2 v. Lond., 1880. 
 History of Congress: biographical and po- 
 litical. Wheeler, H.G. 2 v. N.Y., 1848. 
 Hodder, George. Personal reminiscences. 
 (Bric-a-brac .series, v. 4.) 
 Holberg, Lewis. Autobiography. (Collec- 
 tion of autobiography, v. 12.) Lond., 
 Hood, Thomas. Memorials. 2 v. Bost., 
 Hudson, Henry. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biograjihy, v. 10.) 
 Humboldt brothers (Alexander and Wil- 
 liam). Lives. Bauer, J. Lond., 1852. 
 Hume. Huxley, Profes.sor. (English men 
 of letters.) N. Y., 1879. 
 Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography. Lond., 1872. 
 Hutchinson, Anne. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 16.) 
 Indian historical subjects, Essayson. Malle- 
 son, G. B. Loud., 1806. 
 Indian ofiScers, Lives of. Kaye, Sir .J. W. 
 ;!v. Lond., 1880. 
 Jackson, Andrew. Biography. Goodwin, 
 P. A. N. Y., 18;«. 
 Life. Parton, .1. :i v. Bost., 1870. 
 Jackson, T. J. (Sloncwall). Military biog- 
 raphy. Cooke, J. E. N. Y., 1866. 
 Jay, .lohn. Life. Jay, W. 2 v. N.Y., 183:!. 
 Jefferson, Thomas. Life. Rayner, B. L. 
 N. Y., 1832. 
 Life. Tucker, G. 2 v. 
 Life. Randall, H. S. 
 Phila., 1837. 
 3 v. N. Y.,^ 
 Life. Parton, J. Bost., 1874. 
 Memoir, correspondence, and miscel- 
 lanies. 4 V. Charlottesville, 1^29. 
 Writings: being his autobiography, 
 correspondence, reports, messages, ad- 
 dresses, and other writings, official and 
 private. 9 v. Wa.sbington, 1853. 
 John of Barnevehl. Life and death. Mot- 
 ley, J. L. 2 v. Lond., 1874. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y.,1874. 
 Bcswell, J. 2 V. 
 Life. Johnston, 
 Mackenzie, A. S. 
 Johnson, Samuel. Life. 
 Bost., 1832. 
 Johnston, Gen. Albert S. 
 W. P. X. Y., 1878. 
 Jones, John Paul. Life. 
 2v. Bost., 1841. 
 Life and correspondence of John Paul 
 Jones, including his narrative of the cam- 
 paign of the Liman. N. Y., 1830. 
 Josephine, Empress. Historical and secret 
 memoirs. LeNorniand.M. A. 2 v. Phila., 
 Judges of England. Foss. E. Vols. 1-2. 
 Lond., 1848. 
 Kearney, Gn. Philip. Personal and mili- 
 tary history. De Peyster, .1. W. N. Y., 
 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Kelly, Fanny. Xarrativeofcaptivity among 
 the Sioux Indians. Hartford, 1873. 
 Kelly, Michael. Personal reminiscences. 
 (Bric-a-brac series, v. 8.) 
 Kennedy, .Johu Pendleton. Life. Tucker- 
 man, H. T. N.Y.,1871. 
 Kingsley, Charles. Letters and memories 
 of his life. N. Y., 1877. 
 Kleist — Prussia's representative man. 
 Lloyd, F., and W. Xewton. Limd., 1875. 
 Knight, Cornelia. Personal remiui.seences. 
 (Bric-a-brac series, v. 7.) 
 Knox, Gen. Henry. Life and correspond- 
 ence. Drake, F.S. Bost., 1873. (2 copies.) 
 Knox, John. Life. McCrie, Thos. Phila. 
 Kossuth, Louis. Memories of exile. N. Y., 
 Lady's life among the Mormons. Stenhonse, 
 Mrs. T. B. N. Y., 1872. 
 Lafayette, Marquis de. Memoirs, corre- 
 spondence, and manuscripts. N. Y., 1837. 
 Private life. Clo.|uet,J. 2 v. N.Y., 
 Lamartine, .\lplionse de. Twenty-live 
 years of my life. ( Bric-a-brac series, v. 3. ) 
 Lamb, Charles. Personal recollections. 
 (Bric-a-brac series, v. 9.) 
 Larpent, Sir George. Private journal of 
 Judge Advocate Larpent. Lond., 1854. 
 La Salle, Robert, Carelicr de. Life. (Li- 
 brary of American biography, v. 11.) 
 Le Brun, -V(((fa»ic Vig6e. Souvenirs. X.Y., 
 Lee, Arthur. Life. Lee, R. H. 2 v. Bost., 
 Lee, Charles. Life. (Library of .\merican 
 biography, v. 18.) 
 Memoirs of his life. Dublin, 1792.
 Lee, Robert E. Life. Cooke, J. E. N.Y., 
 Life and caiiiiLiigiis. Cliildi', E. L. 
 Loml., 187,''>. reniiiiisccuci's, anecdotos, 
 anil letters. Jomw, .1. W. N. V., 1>74. 
 Legacy iif liistorical i;leaiiinyM. Honuey, 
 Mis. C. V. R. 2 V. Albany, 187.".. 
 Leisler, Jacob. Life. (Libiaiy "f Anieii- 
 ean bio^^rapliy, v. K?. ) 
 Leo tlie Tenth. Life and iiontiticiite. Ros- 
 (oe, Wni. 2 v. Lond., 184ti. 
 Lincoln, I'lesident Abraham. Life. Bar- 
 rett, J. H. Cincinnati, 166.5. 
 Life. Crosby, V. Phila., 18t!.5. 
 Life. Lamon, W. H., 1872. 
 MeniDrial record of the nation.s' trib- 
 ute. Compiled liy li. F. Morris. Wash- 
 ington, 18(!'>. 
 Tribute of respect by the citizens of 
 Troy, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln 
 Albany, 18()5. 
 Lincoln and Seward. Welles, G. N. Y., 
 Linesman; or, service in the Guiirds and 
 the line, during England's long peace and 
 little wars. Napier, Col. E. I! v. Lond., 
 Lives of celebrated travellers. St. John, 
 .1. A. :? V. N. Y., 1K52. 
 Lives of the most eminent painters, sculp- 
 tors, .and architects. Vasaii, G. 5 v. 
 Lond., 18.5.".-64. 
 Livesof the Presidents of the I'nilcd States 
 of America. Abbott, J. S. C. Host., 18(i8. 
 Lives of the warriors of the seventeenth 
 ceutnry. Cnst, Sir K. iI v. Loud., 
 Livingston, William. Memoirs of his life. 
 Seilgwiek, Theo., Jr., N. Y., 18:i:i. 
 Locke, John. Life. King, Lord. 2 v. 
 Loud., 18:!0. 
 The same. 1 v. Loud., 18G4. 
 Lohgueville, .UiK/iuHcde, Youtli of. Cousin, 
 V. N. Y., 1874. 
 Lord chancellors of England. Lives. Camji- 
 bell, Lord. 7 v. Lond., 184(i-48. 
 Lord chancellors and keepers of the great 
 seal of Ireland. Lives. OTlanagau, .T. 
 R. 2 V. Loud., 1870. 
 Lorenzo de Medici. Life. Roscoe, W. 
 Lond., 18411. 
 Lover, Samuel. Life, liernaiil, I!. N. Y., 
 LutfuUah, Autobiography of. Loud., 18.'>7. 
 Lyon, Oen. Natlianiel. Life. Woodward, 
 A. Hartford, 18r)2. 
 Ma mission en Prnsse. lienedctti, Comto. 
 Paris, 1871. 
 Macaulay, /.ord. Life and letters. Trovel- 
 yan, (1. O. 2 v. N. Y., 187(;. 
 McClellau, '.'«■«. George B. Life and cam- 
 paigns, llillard, (!. S. Phila., 1864. 
 (ieneral McClellan and the coudnct 
 of the war. Hurlbert, W. H, N. Y., 
 Pamphlets relating to General Mc- 
 Clellau, 1861-64. 
 McGrigor, .Sir Janu's, Autobiogra]>hy and 
 services: with notes and original corre- 
 s]iondciice. Lond., 1861. 
 Macpherson, Mnjur Sannud C. Memorials 
 of service iu India. Lond., 186."). 
 Macready, W. C, Reminiscences and se- 
 lections from his diaries .and letters. 
 N. Y., 1875. 
 Madison, James. Life and times. Rives, 
 W. C. :i V., 1859-68. 
 Mahomet and his successors. Irving, W. 
 2 V. X. Y., 18til). 
 Malmesbury, Earl of, Diariis and corre- 
 si)oudeuci", 4 V. Lond,, 1845, 
 Marchmout papers. Selection from the 
 papers of the Earls of Marchi t, 1685- 
 17.''.(l. ;i V. Lond., 18:il, 
 Maria Monk's daughter: an autobiogra- 
 pliy, Eckel, Mrs, L, S, N, Y,, 1874. 
 Marlborough, John, T)uke of. Memoirs 
 .and correspondence. Coxe, Rev, W, '.\ v. 
 Lond., 1818-19. 
 Military life of Alison, A, Loml,, 
 Military history of the late Prince 
 Eugene, ami the late John, Duke of Marl- 
 borough, Dnmont, .J,, and .1. Kousset. 
 2 V, Loud., 17:!5-:{7. 
 Marmoutel, J, F, Autobiography. 2 v, 
 (Collection of .autoliiogiapliy, v. :i, 4.) 
 Loud,, 1829-30, 
 Marquette, Father J, Life, (Lilir:iry of 
 American biography, v, 10,) 
 Marryat, Captain. Life and letters. Miir- 
 ryat, Floreuce, 2 v. N. Y'., 1872. 
 Mary, Queen of Scots. Lifi-. Bell, H, G, 
 Loud,, l»W. 
 Mary, Queen of Scots, and her latest 
 English historian, Meline, J, F, N. Y., 
 Mason, John. Life. (Library of American 
 biograi>hy, v. L!,)
 Mather, Cotton. Life. (Library of Aiiier- 
 icau binjjrapliy, v. 6.) 
 Melanchthon, Philip. LilV., 
 C. F. Phila., 1S55. 
 Memoirs of the court of (Miailes the Sec- 
 ond, by Count Graniniont. Haniilton, 
 Count A. Loud., 1801. 
 Memoirs of the most eminent Aniericau 
 UHMlianics; also lives of distinguished 
 European mechanics. Howe, II. N. Y., 
 Memoirs of the generals, coiuuioilores, and 
 (itlier commaudcrs during the wars of the 
 revolution and 1812. Wyatt. T. Phila., 
 Memoirs of great coinuiauders. Jauics, G. 
 P. K. 3 V. Loud., 18:i-J. 
 Memoranda of a residence at the coiut of 
 Loudon. Rush, R. Phila., 18:53. 
 Memories of many men and of some women. 
 Field, M. B. N. Y., 1874. (2 copies.) 
 Merimee, Prosper. Letters to an incognito. 
 (IJric-a-brac series, v. 3.) 
 Metternich, Prince. Memoirs, 1773-183,'). 
 -> V. N. Y., 1880-82. 
 Michael Angelo, Life and works of. 
 Duppa, R. Loud., 1872. 
 Military biography. Chesuey, C. C. Loud., 
 The same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Military heroes of England. Loud. 
 Military men I have met. Feuton, E. D. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Military recoid of civilian appointments in 
 the United States Armj-. Henry, G. V. 
 2v. N. Y., 1873. 
 MiU, James. Bower, G. S. N. Y., 1881. 
 (Bound with "David Hartley.") 
 MiU, John Stuart. Autobiography. N. Y., 
 Ministres ile la guerre, pendant la r(5voln- 
 tiou franc^aise. Saiute-Chapelle, M. Paris, 
 Miot de Melito, CoHHf. Memoirs. Edited 
 by Gen. Fleischmauu. N. Y., 1881. 
 Mohammed. Life. Bush, Rev. G. (Har- 
 per's family library.) N. Y., 1831. 
 Montgomery, Richard. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 1.) 
 Morris, Gouverueur. Life. Sparks, .J. 3 v. 
 Best., 1832. 
 Morse, S. F. B. Life. Prime, S. I. N. Y., 
 187.'). (2 copies. ) 
 Motley, John Lothrop. Memoir. Holmes, 
 O. W. Bost., 1879. 
 Munro, Sir Thoma.s. Life. Gleig, G. R. 
 3 V. Lond., 1830. 
 My chief and L Wyldc, A. Lond., 1880. 
 My schools and schoolmasters. Miller, 
 Hugh. Bost., 18.54. 
 My youth by sea and land, from 1809-11). 
 Loftus, C. Lond., 1876. 
 Napier, Macvey. Selection from corre- 
 spondence. Lond., 1879. 
 Napoleon I. Confidential correspondenco 
 with his brother Joseph. 2 v. Lond., 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 185t). 
 Histoire de Nai)ol<?on. Launtnt, P. 
 M. Paris, 1827. 
 History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Ab- 
 bott, J. S. C. 2 V. N. Y., 18.>5. 
 History of. Laufrey, P. 4 v. Lond., 
 History of the captivity of Napoleon 
 at St. Helena. Moutholon, Marquis de. 
 N. Y. aud Phila., 1846. 
 History of the captivity of Napoleon 
 at St. Helena; from the letters and jour- 
 nals of the late Sir Hudson Lowe. For- 
 syth, W. 2 V. N. Y., 18.53. 
 Journal of the private life and con- 
 versations of the Emperor Napoleon at 
 Saint Helena. Las Cases, Comte de. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1824. 
 Life of Napoleon Buonajiarte. Haz- 
 litt, W. 4 V. Loud., 1828-30. 
 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Empe- 
 .ror of the French: with a preliminary 
 view of the French revolution. Scott, Sir 
 W. 3 V. Phila., 1827. 
 Memoirs of the history of France 
 during the reign of Napoleon ; dictated by 
 the emperor at St. Helena, to the gen- 
 erals who shared his captivity. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1823-24. 
 Memoirs of Napoleon, his court aud 
 family. Abrautes, Duchess d'. 2 v. N. Y., 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1880. 
 Second funeral of Napoleon. Thack- 
 eray, W. M. (Bound with "Roundabout 
 papers.") Loud., 1872. 
 Vie politique et militairc de Napo- 
 leon, r.aeoutee par lui-m(iuu', an tribunal 
 de Cipsar, de Alexandre et de FriSddric. 
 Jomini, Baron de. 4 v. Paris, 1827. 
 Napoleon gallery; or, illustrations of the 
 life aud times of the emperor of Franco. 
 Lend., 1852.
 Napoleon and his iMarshalH. lloadlry, J. 
 T. •.' V. N. v., 1817 
 Napoleon III. LitV. Jcnol.l, H. Vol. 1. 
 Loud., 1-74. 
 rosthuuKiu.s works, uml unpulilislicil 
 aiito;;iai>Iis. La Cliapolle, Count de. 
 Loud., IS7:i. 
 National portrait gallery of distingiiisliod 
 Americans. 4 v. Pliila., IKM-:!'.). 
 The same. 4 v. Phila., 18o4. 
 National jiortrait gallery of eminent Amer- 
 icans. Dnyckinok, E. A. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Newhall, Walter S. Memoir. Phila., 18G4. 
 Ney, Michael. Mi-nioirs of Marshal Ney. 
 I'hihi., I<i4. 
 Nez I'crce .Joseph: an account of his an- 
 cestors, his lands, his confederates, etc. 
 Howard, Gen. O. O. Host., 18H1. 
 Nicholas, Empcreur. llistoire (U^ trente 
 annees de regno. Balleydier, A. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1857. 
 Notes of travel and life. Misses Mendell 
 and Hosiner. N. Y., 1854. 
 O'Counell, Daniel. Life. Cnsaek, Sister 
 M. 1'. N. v., 187-2. 
 Oglethorpe, Janus. Life. (Lihrary of 
 American liiography, v. \'i.) 
 O'Keeffe, .lohn. Personal reminiscences. 
 (liric-a-brac series, v. 8.) 
 Old comrades; or sketches from life in the 
 British army. M.ilan, C. II. Lond., 1879. 
 Orators of the age. Francis, G. IL Loud., 
 Orators of the American revolution. Ma- 
 gni.n, E. L. N. Y., 1848. 
 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Memoirs. 2 v. 
 Host.. 1874. 
 Otis, .lames. Life. (Library of American 
 biography, v. 12.) 
 Our great captains. Hrockett, L. P. >f. Y., 
 Outram, James: a biography. (Joldsmid, 
 F. J. 2 V. Loud., 1880. 
 Palfrey, William. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican liiography, v. 17.) 
 Palmerston, Henry John Temi)le, ViKconnt. 
 Life. Hulwer, Sir H. L. 2 v. Phila., 
 Pepperrell, .Sir William. Life. Parsons, U. 
 Host., l-^Ot). 
 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence. 
 4 v. Lond., 1854. 
 Perinchief, Octavius. Laumau, C. Wash- 
 ington, 1879. 
 Perry, Commodore O. H. Life. Slackcnzie, 
 A. S. 2 V. N. Y., 1840. 
 Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of. 
 Memoir. Warbnrton, G. 2 v. Lond., 
 Petrarch, Lifi' of. Dobs(m, Mrs. S. Phila., 
 Philip the Second, History of the reign of. 
 Prescott, W. II. :i v. Host., 185.'i-5H. 
 Phips, Sir William. Life. (Lil)rary of 
 American biogra|)liy, v. 7.) 
 Pickering, Timothy. Life. Pickering, ()., 
 and C. W. Upham. 4 v., 1867-7X 
 Picton, Sir Thomas. Memoirs. Robinson, 
 1 1. B. 2 V. Lond., ISIifi. 
 Pierce, Franklin. Life HawtlKune, N. 
 Bost., 18.52. 
 Pike, Zebulon M. Life. (Library of 
 American biograi)hy, v. 15.) 
 Pilgrim fathers. Chronicles of the pilgrim 
 fatlicrs of till' colony of Plymouth, from 
 l(;02-25. Young, A. Host., 1841. 
 Pinkney, William. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 6.) 
 Life, writings, and speeches. Whea- 
 tou, H. Baltimore, 1820. 
 Pioneer biography of Butler county, Ohio. 
 McBride, J. 2 v. Cincinnati, 1869-71. 
 Planche, J. Kobinson. Personal remiuis- 
 ccnces. (Hric-a-brac .series, v. 1.) 
 Plutarch. Lives. Langhorne'stranslation. 
 3 V. Lond., 1813. 
 The same. Dryden's translation. 
 5 V. Host., 1872. 
 The same. 5 v. Bost., 1875. 
 Vies des honnnes illustre.s. 12 v. 
 Paris, 1801-05. 
 Pope, Alexamlcr. Life. Carruthers, R. 
 Lond., 1857. 
 Porter, Commodore \)a,v\i\, .MiMioirof. Por- 
 ter, D. D. Albany, 1875. 
 Portraitgallery of eminent men and women 
 of Europe and America. Dnyckinck, 
 E. A. 2 V. N. Y. 
 Portraits of illustrious pcr.son<ages of Great 
 Britain; with biographical and historical 
 memoirs of their lives and actions. Lodge, 
 E. 8 V. Lond., 1849-50. 
 Posey, Thomas. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 19.) 
 Prince Consort. Early years. Compiled 
 by C. Grey. N. Y., 1807. 
 Life of the Prince Consort. Martin, 
 T. 5 V. N. Y., 1875-80.
 Prince Eugene. Antoliiograpliy. (Collec- 
 tion of aiitol)iogra|iliy, r. 8.) Lond,, 
 Prince Eugene of Savoy, and Jolin, 
 Dnke of Marlborough. Military history. 
 Duuiont, J.. anilJ. Rousset. Uv. Lond., 
 1735-37. (3coj)ies.) 
 Public men of tlif revolution. Sullivan, W. 
 Phila., 1«4T. 
 Pulaski, Count. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, V. 14.) 
 Putnam, Israel. Life. Cutter, W., 
 Life. (Library of American biogra- 
 phy, v. 7.) 
 Queens of England. Lives. Strickland, 
 A. 12 v. Phila., 1847-48. 
 Queens of Prussia. Memoirs. Atkinson, 
 E. W. Lond., 18.5S. 
 Queens of Scodaml. Lives. Strickland, 
 A. 8 V. N. Y., 18.->l-.59. 
 Queens of Spain, Annals of. George, A. 
 X. Y , 18.-)0. 
 Quitman, John A. Life and correspond- 
 ence. Claiborne, J. F. H. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Raikes, Thomas. Personal reminiscences. 
 (Bric-.a-brac series, v. 7.) 
 Rale, Sebastian. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 17.) 
 Ralegh, Sir Walter. Life. Cayley, A. 2 v. 
 Lond., 180(;. 
 Randolph, of Roanoke, John. Life. Gar- 
 land. H. A. 2 V. N. Y., 1851. 
 Raphael. D'Anvers, N. N. .Y. and Lond., 
 Life and works. Quatremere De 
 Qnincy, A. C. Lond., 1872. (Bound with 
 Duppa's " Michael Angelo.") 
 Rapp, Jean, Gen. Count. Memoirs. > Writ- 
 ten by himself. Xond., 1823. 
 Recollections of a girlhood. Kemble, 
 F. A. X. v., 187U. 
 Recollections of a page at the court of 
 Louis XVI. D'Hezecqnes, F. Lond., 
 Recollections of a past life. Holland, Sir 
 H. X. v., 1872. 
 Recollections and .suggestions, 1813-73. 
 Russell, John, Earl. Lond., 1875. 
 Records of living officers of the United 
 States navy and mariTie corps. I lanier.sly, 
 L. K. Phila., 1870. 
 Records of a fjuiet life. Hare, A. J. C. 
 Bost., 1S73 
 2i W 
 Recreations of an Indian official. Malle- 
 .son, G. B. Lond., 1872. 
 Red Jacket, Life and times of. Stone, 
 W. L. Albany, 1866. 
 Life. (Library of American biogra- 
 phy, v. 18.) 
 Reed, Josejih. Life and correspondence. 
 Reed, AV. B. 2 V. Phila., 1847. 
 Remiuiscences of Congress : Daniil Web- 
 ster. March, C. W. N. Y., 18.-)0. 
 Reminiscences of an idler. WikofiF, H. 
 X. v., issil. 
 Reminiscences of a soldier. Stuart, W. K. 
 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Remusat, Madame de. Memoirs. 3 v. 
 N. Y.,1880. 
 Retz, Cardinal de. Memoirs. 4 v. Lond., 
 Reynolds, Otn. J. F. Memorial. Phila., 
 Reynolds, .Sir Joshua. Life and times. 
 Leslie, C.R.,audToni Taylor. 2v. Loud., 
 Ribault, John. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 17.) 
 Rittenhouse, David. Life. (Library of 
 American biography, v. 7.) 
 -^ Memoirs of the life of David Ritten- 
 house. Barton, W. Phila., 1813. 
 Robinson, Mary. Autobiography. (Col- 
 lection of autobiograjihy, v. 7.) Lond., 
 Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Confessions. 
 Rovigo, Duke of (.1/. Sararij). Meuioirs. 
 Written by himself; illustrative of the 
 history of the Emperor Na|)ideon. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1828. 
 Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count. 
 Life. (Library of American biography, 
 V. 15.) 
 Memoir; with notices of his daughter. 
 Ellis, G. E. Phila. 
 Russell, W. H. My diary in India, in the 
 year K)8-59. 2 v. Loud., 1860. 
 Saint-Cyr, Mart'chal G. Mi^moires pour 
 servir a I'histoire militaire. 4 v. Paris. 
 Salm-Salm, Prince. My diary in Mexico 
 in 1-67. 2 v. Lond., 1868. 
 Sampson, William. Autobiography. (Col- 
 lection of autibiogiaphy, v. 33.) Lond., 
 Sand, George. R-scoUectious. (Bric-a-brae 
 series, V. 3.)
 Saumarez, Admiral i\e. Memoirs and cor- 
 iis])oiiili>iici'. Koss, Sir J. 2 v. Loud., 
 l^ii-'. ("J copies.) 
 Schiller, Fiiodriili. Life. Carlylo, T. 
 Lond., lR7:i. 
 Schuyler, Philip. Lil'o and times. Loss- 
 Wfi, B. J. 2 V. N. Y., 187:5. 
 Scotch natnralist (Thomas Edward). Life. 
 Smiles, .'<. N. Y., 1877. 
 Scott, .Sic Waltei-. Memoirs of his life. 
 Loekhart, .1. G. 2 v. Phila., Iri:i7. 
 Story of his life. Mackenzie, R. S. 
 Bost., 1n71. 
 Scott, den. Winlield. Life. Mansfield, E. 
 1). N. Y., 1-18. 
 Memoir. Written by himself. 2 v. 
 N. Y., IHIU. 
 Seaton, W. W. Iiiof;raiihieal sketch. 
 Host., 1871. 
 S^gur, L. P. Comtede. M^moires; on son^ 
 venirs et anecdote.s. 3 v. Paris, 1824-26. 
 Seward, W. H. Antohiography from 1801 j 
 to 18;!4. N. Y., 1877. 
 Shah of Persia. Diary dnring hi.s tonr 
 tliriin^'li Europe, in 187:i. Lond., 1874. 
 Sheridan, Kichard Brinsley. Memoirs. 
 Moore, Thomas. 2 v. N. Y.. 186(!. 
 Sbeimau, Gen. Wm. T. Memoira; written ■ 
 hy himself. 2 v. N. Y., 1875. (2 copies.) 
 Sherman and his campaigns. Bow- 
 man. S. M., and R. B. Irwin. N. Y., 18fi5. 
 Short studies of great lawyers. Browne, 
 I. All>any, 1878. 
 Sidney, Sir Philip. Memoirs of his life 
 and writings. Zoucli, T. York, 1808. 
 Simpson, Thoma.^. Life and travels. 
 Simpson, \. Loud., 184.'). 
 Smith, Adam. (172;i-17;"0.) Farrer, .1. A. 
 N. v., 1881. 
 Smith, Captain .John. Life. (Library of 
 ■Vmerican biography, v. 2.) 
 Smith, Admiral Sir William Sidney. Life 
 and correspondence. Barrow, .T. 2 v. 
 Lond., 184."). 
 Smith, To/onf/ James. Remarkable ocenr- 
 reiiees in his life and travels. Darlington, 
 W. M. Cincinnati, 1870. 
 Smithsou, .fames, and his becjuest. Rhees, 
 W. ,J. Washington, 1880. 
 Soldier of three (lueens. Henderson, K. 
 2 V. Lond., 18G6. 
 Somerville, Mrs. Mary. Personal recol- 
 lections. Somerville, M. Boat., 1874. 
 Soult, N. J., Murechal. Mdmoires: j)ubli^8 
 par son tils. 3 v. Paris, 1854. 
 Southey, Robert. Life and correspondence. 
 SouMuy, C. C. N. Y. 
 Spalding, /ire. M. .L Life. Spaliling, J. 
 L. N. Y., 1873. 
 Stark, .lolni. Life. (Library of .Vmerican 
 biograjjliy, v. 1.) 
 Statesmen of the ConimonweaUli of Eng- 
 land. I'orster, .1. 5 v. Lond., 1840. 
 Stephens, Alexander II. Life. Johnston, 
 R. M., and W. H. Browne. Phila., 1878. 
 Sterling, John. Life. Carlyle, T. Lond., 
 Steuben, Frederick William, Huron von. 
 Life. Kapp, F. N. Y., 18,-)!). 
 Life. (Library of American biog- 
 r.apliy, v. 9.) 
 Stiles, Ezra. Life. (Library of American 
 bi.)grapby, v. IG. ) 
 Stirling, William Alexander, Earl uf. Life. 
 Dner. W. A. N. Y., 1847. 
 Stockmar, Ilarnn. Memoirs. Stockmar, 
 E. voii. 2 v. Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Sullivan, .lohu. Life. (Library of Ameri- 
 can biography, v. 13.) 
 Sumner, Charles. Memoir and letters. 
 Pierce, E. L. 2 v. Bost., Ie77. 
 Suwarcw and Iiis last campaign. Mac- 
 ready, E.N. Lond., 1851. 
 Swretchine, Madame. Life and letters. 
 Fallonx, Count de. Bost., 181J8. 
 Swift, .Jonathan. Life. Vol.1. 1G77-1711. 
 Forster, J. N. Y., I87C. 
 Taney, Roger B. Memoir. Tyler, S. Bal- 
 timore, 1872. 
 Taylor, .John. Personal reminiscences. 
 (Brie-;\-brac series, v. 8.) 
 Telford, Thomas. Life. Written by him- 
 self. Lond., 1838. 
 Thackeray, William M. Anecdote biog- 
 raphy. (Bric-;\-brac series, v. 2.) 
 Thirty years of army life on the border. 
 Marey, R. B. N. Y., 1800. 
 Thoreau, the poet-naturalist. (Jhanning, 
 W. E. liost., 1873. 
 Thorvaldseu; his life and works. Plon, E. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 The .same. Bost., 1874. 
 Through the ranks to a commission. Lond., 
 Ticknor, George. Life.letter.s, and journals. 
 2 V. Bost., 1876. 
 Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Antohiography. 
 (Collection of autobiography, v. 19.) 
 Lond., 1831. 
 Life. By himself; continued by bis 
 sou. 2 V. Washington, 182U.
 Tnimbiill, Jolin. Aiitobioiiraphy, miiinis- 
 conces, and Irttors froiu 17r)ti-1841. N. Y. 
 :iiiil Loud., 1-'41. 
 Turerme, Visiniiiit. History of. Ramsay, A. 
 11., Chevalier. 2 v. Lond., 1735. 
 The same. (In French.) 4 v. Am- 
 sterdam, 1771. 
 Turner, J. M. W. Life. Thorulmry, W. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Life. Hamerton, P. G. Boat., 1879. 
 Twrelve years of a soldier's life in India. 
 Ilodson.W. 8. R. Host., 1860. 
 Two chancellors: Prince Gortchakof and 
 Prince Bismarck. Klaczko, J. N.Y.,1876. 
 Universal liio^raphical dictionary. Wat- 
 kins, J. Lond. 
 Universal biography. Leniprierc, ,J. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 182.5. 
 Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. Head, P. R. 
 (" Great artists" series.) N. Y., Ib79. 
 Vane, .Sir Henry. Life. (Library of Ameri- 
 can biography, v. 4.) 
 Victorian poets. Steduian, E. C. Bost., 
 Voltaire. Life. Parton, J. 2 v. Bost., 1881. 
 ■Wallace, .Si/ William. Life. Carrick, J. D. 
 Lond., lf*40. 
 Wallenstein, Dale of Friedland. Life. 
 Mitibdl, J. Lond., 18:57. 
 Walpole, Horace. Letters. Edited by 
 Lord Dover. 2 v. N. Y., 1833. 
 Letters. 6 v. Lond., 1840. 
 The same. Edited by Peter Cunning- 
 ham. 9 V. Lond., 1857-59. 
 Ward, SaniMi'l. Life. (Library of Ameri- 
 can bio;;raphy, v. 19.) 
 Warren, .Joseph. Life. (Library of Ameri- biography, v. 10.) 
 Washington, George. Life. Marshall, J. 
 5 V. and atlas. Phila., 1S04-07. 
 Life. Ramsey, D. Baltimore, 1807. 
 Life. Irving, W. 5 v. N. Y., 1855-59. 
 The same. 5 v. (Irviug's works, 
 v. 17-21.) N. Y.,1860. 
 The same. 5 v. N. Y., 1861-63. 
 Life and times. Schroeder, J. F. 
 2 v. N. Y. 
 Pictorial life. Frost, J. Phila., 1847. 
 Facsimile of accounts fnun .June, 
 1775, to June, 1783. Washington, 1833. 
 Official letters to Congress. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1796. 
 ■Washington, George. Original portraits of 
 Washington; including .statues, monu- 
 ments, and medals. Johnston, Elizabeth 
 B. Bost., 18.82. 
 Writings: being his correspondence, 
 addresses, etc. 12 v. Bost., 1837. 
 ■Washington and his generals. Headley, J. 
 T. 2 v. N. Y., 1847. 
 ■Wayne, Anthony. Life. ( Library of Amer- 
 ican biography, v. 4.) 
 Webster, Daniel. Life. Curtis, G.T. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1870. 
 ■Webster, Noah. Scudder, H. E. Boat., 
 ■Wellington, Arthur, /VhAc of. Life. Clarke, 
 F. L. 3 V. Lond., H14. 
 Life. Maxwell, W. H. 3 v. Lond., 
 Life, military and civil. Lond., 1870. 
 . Life. Tucker, J. M. Lond. 
 Military memoirs. Sherer, Capt. M. 
 2 V. Lond., 1833. 
 West, Benjamin. Life, studies, and works. 
 Gait, J. Lond.. 1820. 
 ■WTutefield, George. Autobiography. (Col- 
 lection of autobiography, v. 6.) Lond., 
 ■Whittingham, 5ir Samuel. Memoir of ser- 
 vices. Lond., 1868. 
 ■Wilkinson, Eliza. Letters. X. Y., 1839. 
 ■Wilkinson, Gen, James. Memoirs of my 
 own times. 3 v. Phila., 1816. 
 ■Williams, Roger. Life. (Library of Amer- 
 icau biography, v. 14.) 
 Memoir. Knowles, J. D. Bost., 1834. 
 ■Wilson, Alexander. Life. (Lil)rary of 
 American biography, v. 2.) 
 "Wirt, William. Life. Kennedy, J. P. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1850. 
 ■Wolfe, dciiiral James. Life. Wright, R. 
 Lond., 1864. 
 ■Women of the American revolution. Ellet, 
 E. F. 3 v. N. Y., 1849-50. 
 ■Wraxall, X. W. Posthumous memoirs of 
 his own times. Phila., 1836. 
 ■Wright, Silas. Life. Hammond, J. D. 
 CVol. 3. ''Political parties in the State 
 of New York.") Syracuse, 18.52. 
 Life and times. Gillet, R. H. 2 v. 
 Albany, 1874. 
 ■young, Julian Charles. Personal reminis- 
 cences. (Brie-i-brac series, v. 1.)
 Catalogue of jilaiits collcctod in the years 
 1871, '72, '73; with (Icsiviiitions of new 
 species. Wheeler,^. M. \Vashin;;ton,1871. 
 Fungi: their uatnre nnil u.>*es. Cooke, M. 
 C. N. Y., 1875. 
 Geuera Ihira' America) horeali-orientalis il- 
 histrata. Spragne, I. 2 v. Bost., 1648-49. 
 Insectivorous plants. Darwin, C. N. Y., 
 North American botany. Eaton, A., and 
 .1. Wiifjht. Troy, 1840. 
 North American sylva. Michanx, F. A. 
 :i V. Phila., 1857. 
 North American sylva; or, a description of 
 the forest trees of the United States, 
 Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in 
 the work of F. Andrew Michanx. Nnttall, 
 T. :!v. in2. Phila., 1857. 
 Orchids. Varions contrivances bj which 
 Britisli and foreign orchids are fertilised 
 by insects, etc. Darwin, C. Lond.,1862. 
 Structural and physiological botany. Hen- 
 frey, A. Lond., 1847. 
 Treasury of botany. Lindley, .1., and T. 
 Moore. 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Trees and sluulis of Massachusetts. Bost., 
 Vegetable j)hysioglogy, and systematic 
 botany. Carpenter, VV. B. Lond., 187.3. 
 Vegetable world. Fignier, L. N. Y.,1807. 
 "Woods and by-ways of New England. 
 Flagg, W. Bost., 1872. 
 Abeilles. Traiti- comiilcl tlieorii]ne et pra" 
 ticpiesiirlesabeilles. Febiirier, M. Paris 
 American natmal lii-slory. Godman, J. D. 
 :i V. I'liila., ISIU. 
 Anatomy of domesticated animals. Clian- 
 veaii, A. N. Y., 187:!. 
 Animal chemistry, Progress and present 
 state of. Berzolins, I. J. Lond., 1818. 
 Animal kingdom. Cnvier, Baron. 4 v. 
 N. Y., 1831. 
 Animallocomotiou. Pettigrow, J. B. Loud., 
 Animal ))arasitea and messmates. Van 
 Bencden, P. J. N. Y., 187(1. 
 Animal (iliysiology. Carpenter, W. B. 
 Lund., 1872. 
 Animal and vegetable i)liysiology. Koget, 
 P. AL 2 V. (Briilgewater treatises.) 
 Phila., 183G. 
 Birds.. See OuMTiiot.ouY. 
 Book of nature. (Jood, J.M. 3 v. Lond., 1826. 
 Chapters on animals. Hamorton, P. G. 
 Bost., 1874. 
 Conchology, Elements of. Burrow, E. J. 
 Lond., 1825. 
 Coral reefs, Structure of. Darwin, C. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Corals and coral islands. Dana, .).D. N. Y., 
 Creation of aiUTuals, and their history, 
 b.-ibits, and instincts. Kirby, Rev. W. 
 (Briilgewater treatises.) Phila., 183(i. 
 Dictionnaire d'histoire uatnrelle appliqu^o 
 aux arts. 24 v. I'aris, 1603-04. 
 Anecdotes of dogs. Jesse, E. Lond., 1873. 
 Dogs of the British Islands. Walsh, .1. II. 
 Lond., 1878. 
 Setter (The). Laverack, E. Lcmd., 1872. 
 Earth and animated nature. History of. 
 (Joldsiiiith, O. 2 v. Lond., 1853. 
 Essays on natural history. Waterton, C. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Fauna Americana. Harlan, R. Phila., 1825. 
 Fresh water rhizopods of North America. 
 Leiily, J. Washington, 1879. 
 Hai-vest of the sea: a contribution to the nat- 
 ural and ecoiuuuic history of the British 
 food iisheSjOtc. Bertram,. I. G. L(md.,l8t;9. 
 Histoire natnreUe. Buft'ou, G. L., Coiute 
 de. 39 v. Paris, 1750-89. 
 Horse (The). 
 I5li^nums de I'art v<5t<?rinaire. Bourgelat, 
 C. Paris, 1808. 
 Embouchure du cheval. Wcyrother, M. 
 de. Paris, 1828.
 Horse (The)— Continued. 
 Guide du mar^chal. La Fosse, P. E. 
 Paris, 1818. 
 Horse and horsemausliii). Herbert, H. W. 
 •2 V. N. Y., 1871. 
 Horse portraiture. Simi)son, J. C. N.Y., 
 Horse's foot, and how to keep it souud. 
 Miles, W. Lond., 18(!3. 
 Horse-.shoeing. Douglas, W. Loud.,l':'73. 
 Horse-shoeiug. Miles, W. Lond., 1668. 
 Horse-shoeing, Hints on. Kieruau, J. 
 Washington, 1871. 
 Horse-shoeing and lameness. Gamgee, J. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Illustrated horse management. Mayhew, 
 E. Phila., 18(54. 
 Morgan horses. Linsley, D. C. N. Y., 
 Perfect horse. Muriay, W. H. H. Bost., 
 Veterinary sanitary science and police. 
 Fleming, G. 2 v. Lond., 1875. 
 Veterinary surgeon. Hinds, J. Phila., 
 Insects. Insects abroad. Wood, J. G. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Study of insects. Packard, A. S. 
 N. Y.,1876. 
 Island life, or the phenomena and causes of 
 iusular faunas and floras. Wallace, A. R. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Lion and elephant. Andersson, C. J. Loud., 
 Methods of study in natural history. Agas- 
 .siz, L. Best., 1873. 
 Mind in the lower animals. Lindsay, W. L. 
 2v. N. Y.,1880. 
 Mule (The). Riley, H. N. Y., 1867. 
 Naturalist's own book. Phila., 183;">. 
 Ocean. .Jordan, W. L. Loud., 1873. 
 Ocean wonders. Damon, W. E. 
 N. Y., 1879. 
 Ocean world. Figuier, L. . N. Y., 
 American ornithology. Wilson, A. 'J v. 
 Phila., 1810-14. 
 Birds of America. From original draw- 
 ings. Auduljon, .1. .1. 4 v. Great 
 folio. Lond., 1827-28. 
 The same. From drawings made in 
 the United States and their territories. 
 7v. N. Y., 1840-44. 
 Ornithology— Continued. 
 Birdsof the northwest. Coues, E. Wash- 
 ington, 1874. 
 Birds and seasons of New England. 
 Flagg, W. Boat., 187."). 
 British birds. Bewick. T. 2 v. New- 
 castle, 1832. birds, Oruitludogical dictionary 
 of. Montagu, G. Lond.. 1831. 
 Key to North American birds. Cones, 
 E. Salem, 1872. 
 North American birds. Land birds. 
 Baird, S. F., and others. 3 v. Best., 
 Ornithological biography. Audubon,.!. .1. 
 4 V. Phila., 1832-38. 
 Report opon ornithological specimens col- 
 lected in the years 1871, '72, and '73. 
 Wheeler, G. M. W.-ishington, 1874. 
 (See. aim, Reptiles and Birds.) 
 Out of doors. Wood, Rev. J. G. Loud., In74. 
 Pinnipeds. History of Xorrh American i)in- 
 nipeds. Allen, J. A. Washington, 1880. 
 Power of movement in plants. Darwin, C, 
 and F. Darwin. N. Y., 1881. 
 Quadrupeds, History of. Bewick, T. New- 
 castle. 1824. 
 Quadrupeds of North America. Audnbou, 
 J. J., and Rev. J. Bachmau. 3 v. N. Y., 
 Reptiles and birds. Figuier, L. N. Y., 1873. 
 Researches into the natural history and 
 geology of the countries visited during the 
 voyage of the Beagle round the world. 
 Darwin, C. N.Y.,1871. 
 Scripture natural history. Carpenter, W, 
 Bost., 18.53. 
 Sea fisheries. Condition of the sea fisheries 
 of the south coast of New England in 
 1871-'72. Baird, S.F. Washiugton, 1873. 
 Seaside studies in natural history: marine 
 animals of Ma.ssachusetts Bay. Radiates. 
 Agassiz. E. C, and A. Agassiz. Bost., 1871. 
 Stock-breeding. Miles, W. N. Y.,1879. 
 Structure of animal life. Agassiz, L. N. Y., 
 Treasury of natiir.i) history. Maunder, S. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Tropical world: aspects of man and nature 
 in the equatorial regions of the globe. 
 Hartwig, Dr. G. Loud., 1873. 
 Zoology. Carpenter, W. B. 2 v. Lond., 
 iEschines and Demosthenes. Orations; 
 with notes by Alex. Negris. Bost., 1839. 
 The same. Two orations on the 
 erown. New translation li.v G. W. Biddle. 
 Phila.. It^l. 
 Aristophanes. Comedies. Lond., 1830. 
 The .same. 2 v. Loud., 1859. 
 Aristotle. Works. 7 v. Lond., ia53-72. 
 Csesar. Commentaries. 2 v. N. Y.,18:$3. 
 The same. Lond., 1873. 
 Callimachus. Works. Lond., 1873. (Bound 
 with Hesiod.) 
 Cicero. Works. 8 v. Lond., 1871-73. 
 Classical dictionary. 'Lcmpriere, J. N. Y., 
 Classical dietiniiary of biograiihy, mythol- 
 ogy, and geography. Smith. W. Loud., 
 The same. (Smaller classical dic- 
 tionary.) N. v., 1877. 
 Demosthenes. Orations. 5 v. Loud., 
 Demosthenes and ^Eschines. Orations. 
 Host., 1839. 
 The same. 
 Phila.. 18^1. 
 Dictionary of Greek and Roman ant icjn it ies. 
 Smith, W. Bost., 1849. 
 Dictionary of Greek and Rouian biography 
 and mythology. Smith, W. 3 v. Bost., 
 Euripides. 3 v. Lond.,le32. 
 Herodotus. Lond., 1872. 
 The same. N. Y.,1872. 
 Analysis and summary of Heroilotns. 
 Wheel.r, J. T. Lond., 1852. 
 Hesiod. Works. Lond., 1873. 
 Homer. Stories from Homer. Church, A. J. 
 Horace. Works. Loud., 1872. 
 Hiad of Homer. (Pope'strauslation.) Lond., 
 The same. Lend., 1878. 
 Hiad of Homer. 
 2 V. Bost., 1873. 
 Juvenal. .Satires. 
 Lucilius. Satires. 
 wiih .luveual.) 
 Martial. Epigrams 
 Odyssey of Homer. 
 2 V. Bost., 1873. 
 The sainc. 
 Lond., 1876. 
 Ovid. Works. 3 v 
 Persius. Satires. 
 (Bryant's translation.) 
 X. Y., 
 Loud., 1871. 
 Translated by Bryant. 
 Translated by Pope. 
 Lond., 1809-70. 
 N. Y., 1860. (Bound 
 with .Juvenal.) 
 Philo, .ludaMis. Works. 4 v. Lund., 1854. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Plato. Works. 6 v. Loud., 1854-65. 
 Summary and analysis of the dia- 
 logiu's of Plato. Day, A. Loud., 1870. 
 Sallustii, Cains C. Opera omuia qua) ex- 
 t.-int. Phila.. 1832. 
 Sophocles. Lond., 1832. 
 Strabo. Geography. 3 v. Lond., 18.^4-.^7. 
 Sulpicia. Satires. N. Y., 1800. (Bound 
 with .Juvenal.) 
 Tacitus. Works. 6 v. Georgetown, D. C, 
 Works. (Oxford translatiou.) 2 v. 
 Loud., 1871-72. 
 Tales of ancient Greece. Cox, Rev. Geo. W. 
 Chicago, 1879. 
 Theognis. Works. Lond., 1873. (Bound 
 with Hesiod.) 
 Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian 
 war. 2 V. Loud., 1872. 
 Analysis and summary of Tlnuydides. 
 Wheeler,'.!. T. Loud., 1855. 
 Virgil. Works. L(md.,1873. 
 Xeuopbon. Whole works. Lond., 1831. 
 Works. 3v. Lond.,l«61-69. 
 Minor works. Lond., 1857. 
 Cyropadia and Hellenics. Lond., 
 Abbott : a sphucI to tlie Monastery. Scott, 
 .SiiW. (Novuls, V. 11.) 
 Adam Beile. Evans, M. 2 v. Lend., litiO. 
 The some. N. Y., 1873. 
 Adela Catheait. MacDonaltl, G. Bost. 
 Adventures of Arthur O'Lcary. Lever, C. 
 Loud., L-T-2. 
 Adventures of Philiii. Thackeray, W. M. 
 •Jv. Phila.,1871. 
 Slaop. Fables. N. Y., 1872. 
 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 
 Agnes Grey. Bronte, A. Loud., 1872. 
 Alice. Bulwer-Lytton, SirE. Loud., 1873. 
 Alice Brand. Riddle, A. G. N. Y., 1875. 
 Alice Lorraine. Bhukmore, K. D. N. Y. 
 Alroy. Disraeli, B. Loud., 1871. 
 Amelia. Fielding, H. Loud. 
 American Imron. De Mille, J, X. Y., 1872. 
 Andreas Hofer. Miihlbach, L. N. Y.,1872. 
 Anuals of a <iniet neighborhood. MacDon- 
 ald, G. N. Y., 1»73. 
 Annp of Geiei-stein. Scott, Sir W. (Xovels, 
 V. 23.) 
 The same. Phila., 18oG. (Bound 
 with the "Fair maid of Perth.") 
 Antiquary, Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 3.) 
 Antonina ; or, the fall of Rome. Collins, W. 
 X. Y., l>~i. 
 Arabian nights' entertainments. Phila. 
 Archie Lovell. Edwards, Mrs. A. B. X. V., 
 Armadale. Collins, W. X. Y., 1874. 
 Arthur Bonuicastle : an American novel. 
 HcUand, J. G. N. Y., 1873. 
 Artiste. Grant, Miss Maria M. Lond. 
 At the couniillor's. Marlitt, E. Phila., 
 Aunt Serena, llowanl, B. W. Bost., 18-^1. 
 Axel and Anna; and other tales. Bremer, F. 
 Lond., 1853. ( Bound with the •' Diary.") 
 Ballads and tales. Thackeray, W. M. 
 Phila., 1872. 
 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Banington. Lever, C. Lond., 1873. 
 Barry Lyndon, Memoirs of. Thackeray, W. 
 M. Phila., 1872. 
 BasU. Collins, W. X. Y., 1874. 
 Beaumaxchais : an historical novel. Brach- 
 vogel, A. E. X. Y., 1868. 
 Bebn, Mrs. Aphra. Novels. 2 v. Lond., 
 Belton estate. Trollope, A. Lond., 1873. 
 Benedicta. Phillips, Mrs. A. Loud., 1880. 
 Berlin and Sans-Souci; or, Frederick the 
 Great and his friends. Miihlbach, L. 
 X. Y., 1871. 
 Bertrams. Trollope, A. Lond., 1873. 
 Betrothed. Scott, Sir \V. (Xovels, v. 19.) 
 Black Dwarf. Scott, Sir \V. (Novels, v. 0.) 
 Bleak House. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne, X. Boat., 
 Book of snobs. Thackeray, \V. M. Phila., 
 Bracebridge Hall. Irving, W. N. Y., 1860. 
 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever, C. 
 Loud., 1873. 
 Bravo. Cooper, J. F. X. Y., 1809. 
 Bricks without straw : a novel. Tourgee, 
 A. W. N. Y., 1880. 
 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W. (Nov- 
 els, v. 8.) 
 Biitish subaltern. By an ex-subaltem. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Buried alive; or, ten years of penal servi- 
 tude in Siberia. Dostoyoffskoy, F. N. Y., 
 Burlesques. Thackeray, W. M. Phila., 
 Calderon, the courtier. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir 
 E. Lond., 1875. (Bound with '• Leila."') 
 California life, Romance of. Habbertou, J. 
 X. Y., 1880. 
 Camilla. D'Arblay, Madame. 3 v. Dublin, 
 Can you forgive her ? Trollope, .V. Lond., 
 Captain ITiitteras, Voyaj,'(!a and advcndiroH 
 of. Vtnic, .1. IJost., 1875. 
 Captain Siii^ilctoii. Di' Foe, D. (Works, 
 V. 1.) I.oiiil., 1H71. 
 Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, 
 V. •-'.-,.) 
 Castle llobenwald. Strockfnss, A. Tliila., 
 Catherine: a story. Thackeray, W. M. 
 I'hila., I.-!72.' 
 Caxtons. Hiilwer-Lytton, Sir K. Lond.. 
 Chainbearer. C'c).>|)cr, .1. I\ N. Y., \>^a>. 
 Chance a<-fiiiaintance. HowiUs, \V. I). 
 li..,st., l-<7:!. 
 Charles O'Mallcy, tlic Irisli dragoon. Lever, 
 C. Lond., 1H72. 
 Children of the New Forest, Marryat, F. 
 Christmas l>ooks. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titniarsh. 
 Tluickeray, W. M. Phila., 1672. 
 Christmas stories. Dickens, C. (lieoides.) 
 Colonel .lack. De Foe. D. (Works, v. 1.) 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Coming race (The). Bnlwer Lytton, Sir K. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Con Crcjjan ; the Irish Oil Bias. Lever, C. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Confidence. James, II. Bost., 1880. 
 Couingsby. Disraeli, B. Lond., 1870. 
 Conquest of Granada. Irving, W. X. V., 
 Contarini Flcioin};. Disraeli, 1!. Lond., 
 Count Alarcos. Disraeli, B. Loiul., 1871. 
 (Bound with the ''Young duke.") 
 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sir AV. 
 (Novels, V. 24.) 
 Court of Anini Carafa; an historical ro- 
 mance. St..I(din,Mrs. H. R. Loud., 1872. 
 Cradock Nowidl. Blackmorc, U. I). N. Y., 
 Crater, or Vulcan's Peak. Cooi)er, .J. F. 
 N. Y., INil. 
 Crayon inisccllaMy. Irving, W. N. Y., IrtOO. 
 Cripps, tlic earner. Blackmorc, R. D. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Daltons; or, three roads in life. Lever, C. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Daniel Dironda. Fvans, M. N. Y.,1876. 
 Daughter of an cni|ircss. Miililliach, L. 
 N. v., 1-72. 
 Daughter of Ueth. Black, W. N.Y.,1877. 
 Davenport Dunn : a man of our day. Lever, 
 C. Lond., 1872. 
 David Coi)]»erfield. Dickens, C. (li copies.) 
 David Klginbrod. MacDonald, C. Bost. 
 Dead secret. Collins, W. N.Y.,1874. 
 Decameron. Boccaccio, G. Lond. 
 Denis Duval. Thackeray, W. M. Phila., 
 Devereux. Hnlwer-LyttoD,SirE. Loud., 
 Diamond cut diamond. Tndlope, T. A. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Diary. Bremer, F. Lond., 18.",.'?. 
 Dickory C'ronke, etc. Del'oe, I). (Works, 
 V. 2.) Lond., 1871. 
 Diedricb Knickerbocker: a history of New 
 York, from the beginning of the world to 
 the end of the Dutch dynasty. Irving, 
 W. N. Y., 1868. 
 Disowned. Bnlwer-Lytton, .SirE. Lcuid., 
 Dr. Gilbert's daughters: a story for girls. 
 .Mathews, M. H. Phila.. IkhL 
 Doctor Thorne. Trollope, A. Lond., 187:?. 
 Dodd family abroad. Lever, C. Lond., 
 Dodge club ; or, Italy in 1859. De Mille, .). 
 N. Y., 1876. 
 Dombey and son. Dickens, C. (3coi)ie8.) 
 Don John. (No name series.) Bost., 1881. 
 Don Quijoto. Cervantes, M. de. Paris, 1850. 
 Droll stories. Balzac, Loud., 1874. 
 Duncan Campbell, Life and adventures of. 
 De Foe, D. (Works, V. 6.) Lond., 1872. 
 Editor's tales. Trollope, A. Lond., 1871. 
 Edwin 1 Hood. Dickens, C. (:{ copies.) 
 Eight cou.sins; or, the aunt-hill. Alcott, 
 L. M. Bost., 1875. 
 Emma: a novel. Austen, J. Lond., 1870. 
 Empress Josephine. Miihlbaeh, L. N. Y., 
 Endymion. Disraeli, B. X. Y., 1880. (2 
 coi)ies. ) 
 English rogue, described in the life of .Mi-ri- 
 ton Latroon. Head, R., and F. Kirkm:in. 
 4 v. Lond., 1665. 
 Erema; or, my father's sin. Blackmorc, 
 i;. 1). N. Y., 1877. 
 Ernest Maltravers. Bulvver-Lytlon, Sir F, 
 Lond,, 187;i. 
 Eugene Aram. Bnlwer-Lytton, Sir K. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Eustace diamonds. Trollope, A. Lond., 
 I^'74. (2 copies.) 
 Fair God; orthe lastof the 'Tzins. Wallace, 
 L. Boat., 1873.
 FICTION. 193 
 Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, Harold. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. Lond., 
 V. 22.) 1874. 
 The same. Phila., 1856. (Bound 
 Harry Lorrenuer. Lever, C. Lond., 1872. 
 He knew he was right. Trollope, A. Lond., 
 with "Anne of Geierstein.") 
 Fairy tales and romances. Hamiltog, Count: 
 A. Lond., 1849. ! Headsman: or the Abbaye dcs Vignerons. 
 Falkland and Zicci. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir C<")per, .1. F. N. Y.,1859. 
 E. Lond., 1875. Heart of Mid- Lothian. Scott, Sir W. 
 Felix Holt. Evans, M. 2 v. Lond., 1866. , (Novels, v. 7.) 
 The same. N. Y., 1871. i Heidenmauer. Cooper, J. F. N. Y.,1865. 
 Fitz-Boodle papers. Thackeray, W. M. Henrietta Temple. Disraeli, B. Lond., 
 I'liila., 1-72. (Bound with "Catheriue.") 1t71. 
 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, | Henry the Eighth and his court. Miihlbach, 
 V. 14.) ' L. N. Y.,1871. 
 Foul play. Rcade, C, and D. Boucicault. Henry Esmond. Thackeray, AV. M. Loud., 
 Host., 1872. 1-71. 
 Frank Mildmay; or. the naval officer. Heptameron. Margaret, queen of Navarre. 
 ryat, F. Loud. Lond., 1864. (2 copies.) 
 Frederick the Great and his court. Miihl- Highland widow. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, 
 bach, L. N. Y.,1871. v, ly.) 
 Frederick the Great aud his family. Miihl- History of the devil. De Foe. D. (Works, 
 liach, L. N. Y.,1871. v. :i.) Loud., 1-72. 
 French revolution. Outbreak of Erck- History of the plague in London. De Foe, 
 nianu, E., and A. Chatrian. :'. v. Loud., ]>. (Works, v. 5.) Lond., 1872. 
 1871. Home; or, life in Sweden. Bremer, F. 
 Galatea: a jiastoral romance. Cervantes, I Lond., 1853. 
 ,M. (le. Loud., 1867. ' Home as found. Cooper, J. F. N. Y.,1860. 
 Genevieve; or, the history of a servant Horse-shoe Robinson. Kennedy, J. P. 
 girl. Lamartine, A. de. Loud., 1864. X. V., 1872. 
 Gerard's marriage. Thenriet, A. N. Y.. House of Ross, and other tales. Riddle, 
 l-'7. I A. G. Bost., 1881. (2 copies.) 
 German popular stories. Loud. I Humphry Clinker. (Smollett's works.) 
 Gil Bias. LeSage, A. R. 2 v. Lond., 181s. ' Edinburgh, 187U. 
 The sauu>. (In French.) 4 v. Sen- Hunted down. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 lis, 1820. Hypatia. Kiugsley, C. Lond., 1874. 
 Gilded age: a tale of to-day. Clemens, S. In silk attire. Black, W. N. Y.,1877. 
 L., and CD. Warner. Hartford, 1874. (2 Infernal maniage. Disraeli, B. Lond., 
 copies.) ! 1871. (Bound with "Alroy."') 
 Godolphin. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. Lond., lingo. Freytag, G. N. Y.,1873. 
 1-75. 1 Ingraban. Freytag, G. N. Y.,1873. 
 Goethe and Siliiller. Miihlbauh. L. X. Y., It is never too late to mend. Reade, C. 
 1-73. I Bost., 1872. 
 Great expectations. Dickens, C. (4 copies.) 1 Ivan de Birou. Helps, Sir A. Bost., 1874. 
 Great Hiiggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. Ivanhoe. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 9.) 
 M. I'hila., 1872. (Bound with "Barry j The same. Bost., 1872. 
 LyudoM.") ' Ixion in Heaven. Disraeli, B. Loud.. 1871. 
 Green pastures aud Piccadilly. Black, W. (Bouiul with "Alroy.") 
 N. Y. Jack. Daudet, A. Bost., 1877. 
 Guy Maauering. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, , Jack lliutcui, the guardsuum. Lever, C. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Jack and Jill : a village story. Alcott, L. M. 
 V. 2.) 
 H— family. Bremer, F. Loud., 18.53. 
 (Bounil with the "Diary.") Bost., 1880. 
 Hammer and anvil: a novel. Spielhagen, ' Jack Tier. Cooper, . I. F. N. Y., 1860. 
 F. N. Y.,1873. Jacob Faithful. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Hard times. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) i Jane Eyre. Bronte, C. Lond., 1872. 
 25 W . .
 Japhet in s(>ar(li (if a father. Marryat, F. 
 John Eax. T<.iiij;.>p, A. W. N. Y., 1882. 
 John Miltiin ami his times: an liistorical 
 novel. Rinj;, M. N. Y.,1H68. 
 JoUy fellowship. Stockton, F. R. N. Y., 
 Joseph Andrews. Fiehlinj;. H. Lond. 
 Joseph II. anil his ctnii't. Miihlliaih, L. 
 N. V..1.-57:!. 
 Jumping frog and other sketches. Clemens, 
 S. T.. X. Y., 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Kaloolah. Mayo, W. S. N. Y.,1854. 
 Katerfelto. Whyte-Melvillc, G. J. Phila. 
 Kellys and the U'Kellys. Trollope, A. 
 Kenelm Chillingly. IJnlwcr-Lytton, SirE. 
 Lcmil., l-'":!. (2 copies.) 
 Kenllworth. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 12.) 
 KUmeny. Black, W. N. Y., 1877. 
 King of the golden river. Knskin, J. N. Y., 
 King's own. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Kissing the rod. Yates, E. N. Y., 18G9. 
 Knight of CJwynne. Lever, C. Lond., 
 L'assommoir. Zola, E. Paris, 1879. 
 La \ind(-o. Tndlope, A. Lond., 1874. 
 Lady .\nna. Trollope. A. Loud., 1874. 
 Lady.liidith. McCarthy, J. N. Y. 
 Laird's .lock. Scott, Sir VV. (Novels, v. 20.) 
 Laud at last. Yate.s, E. Lend., 1871. 
 (Bound with "Kissing the rod.") 
 Lascine. By au Oxford man. N. Y., 1874. 
 Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Last days of Pompeii. Bnlwer-Lytton, Sir 
 E. Lond., 1876. 
 Last of till' Mohicans. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 
 Law and the lady. Collins, W. N. Y., 
 1875. (2 copies.) 
 Legend of Montroae. Scott, Sir \\'. (Nov- 
 els, V. 6.) 
 Leila; or, the siege of Granada. I5nlwer- 
 Lytton, Sir E. Lond., 187.">. 
 Life and adventnres of Maj. Roger .Sherman 
 Potter. Van Trnsedale, P. X. Y., 18.'>8. 
 Lionel Lincoln. C'oo|)er, J. F. N. Y.,1859. 
 Little l>orritt. Dickens, C. (;! cojiies.) 
 Little savage. MaiT>-at, F. Lond. 
 Lord Kilgoliliin. Lever, C. Lond., 1873. 
 Lothair. Disraeli, B. Lond., 1873. 
 Lotta Schmidt, and other talcs. Trollope, 
 A. Lond., 1873. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Tndlope, A. 
 N. Y. 
 N. Y., 1877. 
 Louisa of Prussia and her times. Miihl- 
 bach, L. N.Y.,18ti8. (Bound with "Na- 
 poleon and the queen of Prn.s.sia.") 
 Louise and I. Dodge, C. R. N. Y., 1879. 
 Louisiana. Burnett, F. H. N. Y., 1880. 
 Lovel, the widower; and other stories. 
 Thackeray, W. M. Pliila., 1872. (Bound 
 with "Denis Duval.") 
 Lovesof theh.inni. (Bound with "Mnliani- 
 nicd Ali.") 
 Luoretia. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. I^ond., 
 Luttrell of Arran. Lever, C. 
 Macdermots of Ballyelorau. 
 Lond., l'*':i. 
 Macleod of Dare. Black, \V. 
 Madcap Violet. Black, W. 
 Maid id Sker. Blackniore, R. D. N. Y. 
 Mamelon, or the South without the .shadow. 
 Tonrgee, A. W. N. Y., 1882. 
 Man anil wife. Collins, W. N. Y., 1874. 
 Manch. Bryan, M. E. N. Y., 1880. 
 Mansfield Park. Austen, .1. Lond., 1870. 
 Marble I'aun. Hawthorne, N. Bost., 1868. 
 Marie Antoinette aud her son. Miihlbach. 
 L. N. Y., 1872. 
 Martin Cliuzzlewit. Dickens, C. (3copies.) 
 Martins of Cro'nuirtin. Lever, C. Lond., 
 Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire talc. Black- 
 more, R. D. N. Y., 188(1. 
 Mary Gresley ; and other tales. Trollope, 
 A. Lond., 1874. (Bound with "Editor's 
 Masterman Ready. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 ri epics.) 
 Memoirs of Captain Carleton. De Foe, D. 
 (Works, v. 2.) Lond., 1871. 
 Memoirs of a cavalier. DeFoe,D. (Works, 
 V. 2.) Lond., 1871. 
 Memoirs of Mr. Charles Yellowplnsh. 
 Thackeray, W. M. Phila., 1872. (Bound 
 with "Paris sketch-book.") 
 Memoirs of a griffin ; or, a cadet's first year 
 in India. Bellew, Capt. Lond., 1880. 
 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper. J. F. N. Y., 
 Merchant of Berlin. Miihlbach, L. N. Y., 
 Midshipman Easy. 
 Miles Wallingford. 
 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Mill on the floss. Evans, M. 
 The same. N. Y., 1873. 
 Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 
 2 v. Lond.
 Miserables (Les). Hugo, V. N. Y., 1874. 
 Miss Mackenzie. Trollope, A. Lond., 1874. 
 Mission ; or. scenes in Africa. Marryat, F. 
 Liind. ('i co])ies. ) 
 Modem minister. N. Y., 1878. 
 Mohanimed Ali, and Miihlbach, 
 L. N. Y., 1872. (Bound witli "Andn-as 
 The same. (Bound with '"Loves of 
 the harem.") 
 Moll Flanders. De Foe, D. (Works, v. :S.) 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Monastery. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 10.) 
 Mouikins. Coojier, J. F. N. Y., 1867. 
 Moonstone. Collini*, W. X. Y., 1874. 
 Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne, X. 
 Best., 18(i8. 
 Moths. La Eame, L. de. Phjla., 18.80. 
 Mrs. C' Davles. De Foe, D. (Works, 
 V. 4.) Lond., 1872. 
 My aunt Margaret's mirror. Scott, Sir W. 
 (Novels, V. 20.) 
 My novel; or varieties in English life. 
 Bulwer-Lyttou, Sir E. Lond., 1876. 
 My sister Jeannie. Sand, George. Host., 
 Myth of Hiawatha : and otlieroral legends 
 of the Xorth American Indians. Scliool- 
 craft, H. R. Phila., 18.-j6. 
 Napoleon and Bluclier. MUhlbach, L. 
 X. Y., 1867. 
 Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Miilh- 
 I)ach, L. N. Y., 1868. 
 Neighbors (The). Bremer, F. Loud., 
 New Magdalen. Collins, W. N. Y., 1873. 
 (2 coi)ies.) 
 New nobility. Forney, J. W. N. Y., 1881. 
 New voyage around the world. De Foe, D. 
 (Works, v. 6.) Loud., 1872. 
 Newrcomes. Thackeray, W. M. Phila.. 
 Newton Forster. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Nicholas Xickleby. Dickens, C. Loud. 
 The same. Phila. 
 The same. 2 v. X. Y., 1861. 
 The same. X. Y., 1873. 
 Night and morning. Bulwer-Ly tton, Sir. E. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Nihilist iirincess. Gagneur, M. L. Chi- 
 cago. 1S81. 
 Northanger .Vlilny. Austen, J. Lond., 
 Novels and tales. Goethe, J. W. von. 
 Lend., 1872. 
 Oak-openings: or, the bee-hunter. Cooper, 
 J. F. N. Y., 1869. 
 Odd or even ? Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. 
 Bost., 1880. 
 Old curiosity .shop. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Old Fort Dufiuesne. McKnight, C. Pitts- 
 burgh, 1874. 
 Old Fritz ami the new era. Mlihlbacli, L. 
 X. Y., 1868. 
 Old Hicks, the guide. Webber, C. W. 
 X. Y., 1868. 
 Old mortality. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. a. ) 
 Oliver Twist. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Olla podrida. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 One of them. Lever, C. Lond., 1873. 
 One summer. Howard, B. W. Bost., 1876. 
 Ought we to visit her? Edwards, Mr.s. A. B. 
 X. Y. 
 Our mutual friend. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Our village. Mitford, M. R. 2 v. Lond., 
 Pacha of many tales. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Parisians. Bulwer-Lyttou, Sir E. Loud., 
 1875. (2 copies.) 
 Pathfinder. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 1860. 
 Paul Clitford. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Pausanias, the Spartan. Bulwer-Lytton, 
 Sir E. Loud., 1876. 
 Peg Woffiugton, and other stories. Reade, 
 C. Bost., Irt72. 
 Pelham. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. Lond., 
 Pendennis. Thackeray, W. M. 2 v. Phila., 
 Percival Keene. Marryat, F. Loud. 
 Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, T. Lond. 
 The same. (Smollett's works.) Edin- 
 burgh, 1870. 
 Persuasion. Austen, J. Lend., 1870. 
 (BoMiid with " Xorthauger Abbey.") 
 Peter Simple. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Peverilof the peak. Scott, Sir W. (Xovels, 
 v. 15; ) 
 Phantastes. MauDonald, G. Bost. 
 Phantom ship. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Phineas Finn. Trollope, A. Loud., 1874. 
 Phcenixiana; or, sketches and burlescjues. 
 Derby. (J. H. N. Y., 1869. 
 Piccadilly i )liphant, L. Loud., 1870. 
 Picliwick pai)ers. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer-Lyttou. Sir 
 K. Loml., 1875. (Bound with "Leila.") 
 Pilot. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 18.59. 
 Pioneers. Cooper, J. F. X. Y., 1867.
 Pirate. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 13.) 
 Pirate am) three cutters. Marryat, F. 
 I. mill. (2 cojiics. ) 
 Ploughed under. The story of an Inilian 
 (■liict; told l.y himself. N. Y., \fSl: 
 Poacher. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Poor.Iaik. Marryat, F. Lond. 
 Poor Miss Finih. Collins, W. N. Y., 1874. 
 Popauilla. Ui.sraeli, H. Loml., 1871. 
 1^ Hound with "Alroy.") 
 Popular romances of the west of England. 
 Hunt, K. Lond., 1871. 
 Portrait of a lady. .James, H. Bost., 1882. 
 Prairie. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 18.59. 
 Precaution. Cooper, J. F. N. Y.,1861. 
 Presideut's danfihtirs. liremer, F. Lond., 
 Pride of Lexington. Seton, W. N. Y., 
 Pride and ]>rejndice. Austen, ,1. Lond., 
 Prince Engene and his times. Miilillmch, 
 L. X. Y.. 1874. 
 Privateersman. Manyat, P. Lond. (2 
 Professor. Bronte, C. (BrontiJ's works, 
 V. 4.) Lond., 1873. 
 Putyourself in his place. Reade, C. Bost., 
 Queen of hearts. Collins, W. N. Y., 1873. 
 Queen llortensc. MiililUacb, L. N. Y., 
 1867. (Bonnd with the "Empress Jose- 
 Quentin Dnrw.-ird. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, 
 V. 16.) 
 Question of honor. Fisher, F. C. N. Y., 
 Rabelais, Franeis. Works. 2 v. Lond., 
 The same. Illnstrated by I)ori5. 
 Ralph the heir. TroUope, A. Lond., 1874. 
 Rattliu the reefer. Edited by Marryat. 
 Red Rover. Coojier, J. F. N. Y., 1859. 
 Redgauutlet. Scott, Sir. W. (Novels, 
 V, IS.) 
 Redskins. Coopiq-, .1. F. N. Y., 1860. 
 Rienzi. r.nlwi i-Lytton, Sir E. Lond., 
 Rise of l.skandcr. Disraeli, B. Loud., 
 1871. (Bound with ''Contarini Flem- 
 Rob of the bowl. Kennedy, J. I*. I'liila., 
 Rob Roy. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, v. 4.) 
 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, D. (Works, 
 V. 7.) Lond., 1872. 
 Roderick Random. Smollet, T. L(nid. 
 The same. (Smollett's works. ) I'.din- 
 hurgh, 1870. 
 Rodman the keeper; and othin- sontlnrn 
 ski'tebes. Woolson, C. F. N. Y., issn. 
 Roland Cashel. Lever, C. Lond., 1873. 
 Romance of the nineteenth century. Jlal- 
 lock, W. H. N. Y., 1881. 
 Romola. Evans, M. N. Y., 1873. 
 Roughing it. Clcmen.s, S. Hartford, 1880. 
 Roundabout papers. Thackeray, W. M. 
 Roxaua : or, the fortunate mistress. Dc Foo, 
 1). (Works, v. 4.) Lond., 1872. 
 St. Ronan's well. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, 
 v. 17.) 
 Samuel Brohl and Company. Cherbuliez, 
 V. X. Y., 1877. 
 Sataustoe; or, theLittlepagcMSS. Cooper, 
 .J. F. X. Y., 1860. 
 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne, N. Bost., 1868. 
 Scenes of clerical life. Evans, M. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1860. 
 The same. N. Y., 1873. 
 School days at Rugby. Hughes, T. Boat,, 
 Sea lions. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 18(i0. 
 Seaboard parish. MacDonald, G. N. Y., 
 Sense and sensibility, Austen, J. Lond., 
 Sentimental journey. Sterne, L. (Works, 
 V. 2.) Loud., 1873. 
 Settlers in Canada. Marryat, F. Loud. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Shabby genteel story. Thackeray. W. M. 
 Phila.,1871. (Bound with "Adventures 
 of Philip.") 
 Shirley: a tale. Bronte. C. Lond., 1872. 
 Side-lights on English .society ; or, sketches 
 from life social and satirical. Murray, 
 E. C. G. 2 V. Lond., 1881. 
 Silas Marner. Evans, M. ijond., I8t)l. 
 The same. N. Y., 1873. (Bonnd 
 with "Clerical life.") 
 Simpleton. Reade, C. Bost., 1873. 
 Sir Brook Fossbrooke. Lever, C. Loud., 
 Sir Jasper Carew. Lever, C. Loud., 1873. 
 Sketches by Boz. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Snarleyyow ; or, the dog fiend. Marryat, 
 F, Lond,
 Snow image, and other twice-told tales. 
 liawthonie, N. Bnst , 18fiS. 
 Somebody's neigiiln)i"s, Cooke, K. T. 
 Host., issl. 
 Spy : a tale of the neutral ground. Cooper, 
 .1. F. N. Y., 1859. (2col>i(^s.) 
 Stories of English and foreign life, liowitt, 
 W'.. and M. Howitt. Lond., 1853. 
 Stories and tales. Andersen, H. C. N. Y., 
 Storm (The). De Foe, D. (Works, v. 5.) 
 l.ond., 1872. 
 Story of a millionaire. Miihlbach, L. N. Y., 
 Strange a<lventnn'.s <i( a i)haeton. Black, 
 W. N. Y., 1877. 
 Strange story. Buhvcr-Lyttou, Sir E. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Strife and peace. Bremer, F. Lond., 1853. 
 (Bound with "Home.") 
 Sub rosa. Murray, C. T. N. Y., 1880. 
 Sunrise. Black, W. N.Y.,1881. 
 Surgeon's daughter. Scott, Sir W. (Novels, 
 V. i-,.) 
 STwallow barn. Kennedy, J. P. Phila., 
 Sybil; or, the two natious. Disraeli, B. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Syunove Solbakken. Bjornson, Bjoru- 
 st.jcrne. Bost., 1881. 
 Tale of two cities. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 Tales from Blackwood. 12 v. Edinburgh. 
 Tales of all countries. Trollope, A. Lond., 
 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb, C, and M. 
 A. Lamb. Lond., 1843. 
 Tales of a traveller. Irving, W. N. Y.,1860. 
 Talisman. Stott, SirW. (Novels, v. 20.) 
 Tapestried chamber. Scott, Sir W. (Nov- 
 els, V. 20.) 
 Ten thousand a year. Warren, S. 2 v. 
 Tenantof WildfellHall. Brontii,A. Lond., 
 Terrible temptation. Reade, C. Bost., 1871. 
 That beautiful wretch. Black, W. N.Y'., 
 That boy of Norcott's. Lever, C. Lond., 
 Their wedding journey. Howells, W. D. 
 Bost., 1874. 
 Thomas Wiugfold, curate. MacDonald.G. 
 N. Y., 1876. 
 Thousand and one nights. See Arabian 
 Three courses and a dessert. Lond., 1871. 
 Three feathers. Black, W. N. Y.,1877. 
 Toilers i>f the sea. Hugo, V. N. Y.. 1373. 
 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes, T. 2 v. 
 Bost., 1871. 
 Tom Jones. Fielding, H. Lond. 
 Tramp abroad. Clemens, S. L. Hartford, 
 Travels ami adventures of Monsieur Violet. 
 ilarryat, F. Lond. 
 Tristram Shandy. Sterne, L. 2 v. Lond., 
 Twelve miles from a lemon. Dodge, M. A. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Twice-told tales. Hawtlioine, N. Boat., 
 Two admirals: a tale. Cooiier, J. F. N. Y., 
 Two destinies. Collins, W. N. Y., 1874. 
 Two drovers. Scott, SirW. (Novels, v. 20.) 
 Tw^o years ago. Kingsley, C. Loud., 1873. 
 Uncle Tom's cabin; or, life among the 
 lowly. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Bost., 1881. 
 ■Uncommercial traveller. Dickens, C. (3 
 copies. ) 
 Valerie: an autobiography. Marryat, F. 
 Vanity fair. Thackeray, W. M. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Venetia. Disraeli, H. Lond., 1871. 
 Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach, B. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Villette. Bronti;, C. Lond., 1872. 
 Virginians. Thackeray, W. M. 2 v. Lond., 
 Wandering heir. Reade, C. Bost., 1873. 
 Water babies ; a fairy tale for a land baby. 
 Kingsley, C. Lond., 1879. 
 Water- witch. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., 1860. 
 ■Waverley; or, 'tis sixty years since. Scott, 
 Sir W. (Novels, v. 1.) 
 ■Waverley novels. Scott, Sir W. 48 v. Ed- 
 inburgh, 1848-49. 
 The same. With glossary and index. 
 25 V. Edinburgh, 1871. 
 ■Way wo live now. Trollope, A. N. Y., 1875. 
 ■Ways of the hour. Cooper, J. F. N. Y.,1870. 
 ■Wept of the Cooper, J. F. 
 X. v.. I8i;4, 
 ■Westward ho I Kingsley, C. Lond., 1874. 
 What the swallow sang. Spielhagen, F.- 
 N. Y., 1873. 
 ■What will he do with it? Bulwer-Lytton, 
 SirE. 2v. Lond., 1875. 
 ■White lies. Reade, C. Host., 1872.
 ■White Willis. HIiU'k, W. N. Y., 18H0. (2 
 Wild work. Bryan, M. E. N. Y., IrtSl. 
 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. Goethe, 
 J. W. von. Translated liy T. Carlylo. 
 •i V. Host., 1871. 
 The same. 2 v. Lon(l.,1871. 
 The same. Translated l)y K. D. Boy- 
 Ian. Lond., 1872. 
 Wing ;uid wing. Cooper, J. F. N. Y.,1871. 
 ■With the colonrs; or, the i)iping times of 
 peace. Jephsou, R. M. Lond., 1881. 
 WoUert'8 roosl. Irving, W. N. Y., 18G0. 
 Womau ill white. Collin.s.W. N. Y.,1860. 
 Woodstock. Scott, Sir \V. (Works, v. 21.) 
 Wrecked in port. Yato.s, K. N. Y.,187a. 
 (Bound with "Kissing the rod.") 
 Wutheriiig Heights. Broutij, E. Loud., 
 Wyandotte. Cooper, J. I'\ N. Y.,1870. 
 Year of wreck: a true story. By a victim. 
 N. Y.,1880. (2 copies.) 
 Yeast: a prohlcm. Kingsley, C. Lond., 
 Youug Brown. Minray.O.,lrt74. 
 Young duke. Disraeli, B. Lond., 1871. 
 Zauoiii. Bnhvor-Lytton, Sir E. Lond., 
 American angler's book. Norris, T. Phila., 
 Chess-player's eoraiianion. Staunton, H. 
 Loud., 1801. 
 Chess-player's hand-book. Staunton, H. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Chess tournament. Staunton, H. Loud., 
 Morphy's games of chess. Liiwenthal, .1. 
 Lond., 187-2. 
 Complete angler. Walton, I., and C. Cot- 
 ton. Lond., 1870. 
 Fishing in American waters. Scott, G. C. 
 N. Y.,187:i. 
 Game shooting : large game shooting in Thi- 
 bet and the northwest. Kiuloch, A. A. A. 
 Loud., 1869. 
 Gymnastic exercises and the art of swim- 
 ming. Clia.s, P. H. Lond., l&2'>. 
 Gymnastic exercises and fencing. Macla- 
 ren, A. Loud., 1868. 
 Gymnaaticks, Treatise on. Jahn, F. L. 
 Xorthaniptou (Mass.), 18"28. 
 Howr to get strong, and how to stay so. 
 Blaikie.W. N. Y.,1879. 
 Practical boat-sailing. Frazar, D. Boat., 
 Dictionnaire raisonn^ d'<!quitation. Bau- 
 cher, F. Rouen, 1833. 
 Princijiles of modern riding for gentle- 
 men. Allen, J. Lond., 1825. 
 Riile club and range. Weston, A. H. N. Y., 
 Shooting and fishing in the rivers, prairies, 
 and backwoods of North America. R^- 
 voil, B. H. 2v. Lond., 1865. 
 Sport at home and abroad. Lennox, W. P. 
 2 V. Loud., 1872. 
 Sporting expeditions: leaves from the rec- 
 ords of St. Hubert's Cluli. Bulger, G. E. 
 Loud. .If^ 64. 
 Sporting ritle and its projectiles. Forsyth, 
 J. Loud., 1867. 
 Ancient history. Rollin,C. Hv. Loud. ,1823. 
 Civilization, History of. Mat kiiiiion, W. A. 
 •.' V. Loud., 18-10. 
 Cosmographie, Kf^Ofjrapliie, chroiioloKie, 
 liistoin-, ancieniio et inoderue, couis com- 
 jilet <lf. Mentfllc, E. :i v. Paris, 1804. 
 Cours d'histoire, cours de IjeUcs-lultri'S I't 
 coure <ralleinaii(l. Millet, M. (Litho- 
 ^rajdicd inanii.script. ) 
 Decisive evouts in history. Archer, T. 
 Elements of'generalliistory. Millot, C. F.X. 
 (j V. Kdiuhiir^h, 18-.J;!. 
 Every-day hook of history and chronology. 
 Mnnsell, .L N. Y.,18.-,8. 
 Famous historical scenes t'roni three centn- 
 . vies. Moncrieff, A. K. H. L()n<l., 18".^). 
 First steps in gen<'ral history, .(lilnian, A. 
 N. Y.,1874. 
 Five great monarchies of I he ancient eastern 
 world ; or, the history, geogriipliy, and an- 
 tiiiuities of C'hahhea, Assyria, Babylon, 
 Media, and Persia. Eavvliiisou, G. 3 v. 
 N. Y.,188L 
 General history of the world. Rotteck, C. 
 von. I V. Phila.,1840. 
 Historical researches. Heeren, A. H. L. 
 :! V. Oxforil, IK!:'.. 
 Histori- geographical description of the 
 north and eastern part of Enropo and 
 Asia, etc. Strahlenberg, P. .1. von. Lond., 
 History of all nations. Goodrich, S. G. 2 v. 
 Anbnrn, N. Y. , W.'')!). 
 History philosophically illiistruted. Miller, 
 G. 4 V. Lond., 18:W. 
 Josephus. Works, lialtimore, 1831). 
 Key to universal history illustrated. N. Y., 
 Lectures on modern history. Smyth, W. 
 a V. Loud., 1840. 
 Lectures on modern history. Schlegel, F. 
 von. Loud., 18G2. 
 Lectures on the philosujihy of history. 
 Hegel, G.W.F. Lond., 1872. 
 Manual of ancient history. Taylor, W. C. 
 I N. Y.,1859. 
 ! Manual of modern history. Taylor, W. C. 
 I N. Y.,18r>7. 
 Northern antii|iiifies. Mallet. P.II. Loud., 
 CEuvres idiiloNoidiiiiues. l';inw, ('. de. 7 v. 
 Philosophical and iiolitical history of tlie 
 setthMiicuta and trade of the Europeans in 
 the East and West ludies; to which is 
 I added the revolution of America. Raynal, 
 Abl)<: G. T. F. 6 v. Ediuburgh, 1792. 
 Polybius. General history. 3 v. Loud., 
 Post-biblical history of the .Jews from 420 
 H. C. E. to7(l t'. E. Raphall. M. ,J. 2 v. 
 j Loud., 1856. 
 Precis de Thistoire nnivcrsidlc, on tableau 
 historique. Amiuctil, L. P. 12 v. Paris, 
 Remains of lost empires. Myers, P. V. N. 
 I N. Y.,187r). 
 I Rolliu, Cliarles. CEuvres coraplfetes. 00 v. 
 et atlas. Paris, 1807. 
 States of antii(uity, Hi.story of. Heeren, 
 A. H. L. Northampton (, 1828. 
 Synopsis of history, from H. (!. 800 to A. I). 
 1870. Willard, S. N. Y.,1878. 
 j Treasury of history. Maunder, S. Loud., 
 I 1872. 
 Universal historical atlas. N. Y., 1873. 
 Universal history. Tytler, A. F. 2 v. 
 Bost., 18.'-,0. 
 Universal history. Ancient part. 18 v. 
 I Loud., 1779-81. 
 I The same. Modern part. 42 v. 
 I Loud., 1780-84.
 ■World in the middle ages. Koeppen, A. L. 
 N. Y., 1854. 
 Afghanistan, History of. MallesoD, G. 1>. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Africa described iu it.s uiK'iciit and jircs- 
 ent state. Holland. Mrs. Lond.,182rt. 
 Afrique septeutrionale. Essai Uistorique 
 sur les races ancienues et modernes. 
 Duprat, P. Paris, 1845. 
 Western Africa ; its hi.story, condition, 
 and prospects. Wilson, J. I.. N. V., 
 Algeria. Tableau de la situation des eta- 
 blissements fran? ais dans I'Algf'rie, 1843- 
 44. Paris, 1845. 
 America septentrional, idea de una nucva 
 historia general. Boturini Benaduci, 
 L. Madrid, 1746. 
 British dominions in North .\merica. 
 Bouchette, J. 2 v. Lond., 18;!2. 
 Discovery of America. Trumbull, H. 
 Bost., 1830. 
 Discovery of America by Northmen, iu 
 the tenth century. Smith, J. T. Lend., 
 French- dominions iu North and South 
 America, Natural and civil history of. 
 .Jeftreys, T. Lond.,17G0. 
 Fnsang ; or, the discovery of America by 
 Chinese Buddhist priests iu the fifth 
 century. Leland. C. G. Loud., 1875. 
 Historical view of the progress of dis- 
 covery on the more northern coasts of 
 America. Tytler, P. F. N. Y.,1833. 
 History of America. Robertson, W. 3 v. 
 Loiid., 1821. 
 History of the vast continent and islands 
 of America. Herrera, X. de. 5 v. 
 Lond., 1725-26. 
 North .\merica. Concise account of. Rog- 
 ers, R. Lond., 1765. 
 I'opular history of the discovery of .Viucr- 
 ica from Columbus to Fraukliu. Kohl. 
 J. G. Lond., 18f)5. 
 Progress of America. Maigregor, .1. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1847. 
 South .America. View of South Anieriia 
 and Mexico, by a citizen of the United 
 States. N. Y.,182(i. 
 View of the origin and migrations of the 
 Polynesian nations, demonstrating their 
 26 w 
 America— Continued. 
 ancient discovery and progressive set- 
 tlement of the continent of America. 
 Lang, J. D. Lond., 1834. 
 Asiatick researches ; transactions for in- 
 quiring into the history, antiquities, etc., 
 of .Vsia. 12 V. Lond., 1806-18. 
 Assyrian di.scoveries. Smith, G. Lond., 
 Athens. See C'l jxst.^xtixopi.e and Cdi.tox. 
 Babylon and Nineveh. Newman, Rev. J. 1'. 
 N. Y., 1876. 
 Babylon and Persepolis. Rich, C. 7. Loud., 
 Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. Blunt, 
 Lady A. N. Y., 1879. 
 Berlin under the new empire. Vizetelly, H. 
 2 V. Lond., 1879. 
 Empire of Brazil at the Universal E.>c- 
 hibition of 1876, iu Philadelphia. Rio 
 de Janeiro, 1876. 
 Geology and physical geography of Brazil. 
 Hartt, Ch. F. Bost., 1870. 
 History of Brazil. Southey, R. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1817-22. 
 Bulgaria. St. Clair, S. G. B., and ('. A. 
 Brophy. Lond., 1869. 
 Canada in 1837-38. Tbeller, E. A. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1841. 
 Conquest of Canada. Warburton, G. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1850. 
 Invasion of Canada iu 1775. Stone, E.M. 
 Providence (R. I.), 1867. 
 Old r(Sgime iu Canada. Parkman, F., 1874. (2 copies.) 
 Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian frontier 
 question. Vambery, A. Lond., 1874. 
 Chili, History of. Molina, I. 2 v. Middle- 
 town, 1808. 
 Chine. Pauthier, G. Paris, 18ST. 
 Chinese (The). Martin, W. A. P. N. V., 
 Embassy from the king of Great Britain 
 to the emperor of China. Staunton, 
 Sir G. L. 3 v. Lond., 1797. 
 (icneral history of China. IJu liable, .1. 
 I'.. 4 V. Lond., 1741. 
 .loiirual of the proceedings of the late em- 
 bassy to China. Ellis, Sir H. Lond., 
 Middle Kiugiloin. Williams, S.W. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1848.
 China and Japan, Earl of Elgin's mission 
 to, in 1857-59. Olipliant, L. N. Y.,18G0. 
 Constantinople. Oaiiticr, T. N. Y., 1875. I 
 Constantinople and its environs. 2 v. I 
 N. v., I8;r.. 
 Constantinople ami .\tluMis. Colton, l\cv. 
 W. X. Y., 18:i(i. 
 CoBBacksdttlierkni'-iie. Ivrasinski, Count 
 H. Lond., 1848. 
 Country of the passion-play. fciej;iiin, T,. (!. 
 l.ontl.. 1880. . j 
 Cyprus. Cesniila. Gen. L. P. di. N. Y., 
 Desert of the exodus. Palmer, E.H. N.Y., 
 Ancient Egypt, History of. Eawlinson, 
 G. 2 V. Loiul., 1881. 
 Apertu gi^n6ral sur I'figypte. Clot-Bey, 
 A. B. 2 V. Paris, 1840. 
 Cleopatra's needle. Alexander, Sir J. E. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Cleopatra's needle ; with brief notes on 
 Egypt and Egyptian obelisks. Wilson, 
 E. Lond. 1 
 Egypt as it is. McCoan, J. C. N. Y., 
 1877. 1 
 Egypt nnder Ismail Pacha. .Terrold, B. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Egypt nnder the Pharr.ohs; also, a dis- 
 course on the e.xodus of the Israelites. 
 Brug.sch-Bey, H. 2 v. Loud., 1881. 
 figypte ancienne. Charapollion-Figeac, 
 J. J. Paris, 1839. 
 Egyptian sketch book. Lelaud, C. G. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Histoire sommaire de I'figypte sous le 
 gouvernement de Mohammed-Aly, etc. 
 Mengin, F. Paris, 1839. 
 Manners and customs of the ancient 
 Egyptians. Wilkinson, J. 6. "3 v. 
 N. v., 1879. 
 Nile gleanings. Stnart, H. V. Lond., 
 Popular account of the ancient Egyp- 
 tians. Wilkinson, J. G. 2 v. Lond., 
 Egypt and Nubia. St. John, .1. A. Lond. 
 Egypt, Ethiopia, and the peninsula of 
 Sinai, Letters from. Lepsius, Dr. R. 
 Lond., 1853. 
 Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochiu- 
 China, Siam, and Muscat. Roberts, E. 
 N. Y., 1837. 
 .Xucient Europe, History of. Coote, C 
 3 V. Lond., 1815. 
 Civilizatiou in Europe, History of. 
 zot, r. P. G. 4 V. N. Y., 184(i. 
 The same. 3 v. Lond., 1873. 
 Europe; or, a general survey of the situa- 
 tion of the principal jiowers. Host., 
 Historical geography of Europe. Vol. 1 
 (te.xt). Freeman, E. A. Lond., 1881. 
 History of Europe. Alison, Sir A. 4 v. 
 N. Y., 1844. 
 Modern Europe, History of. Russell, W. 
 'i 7 V. Lond., 1818. 
 Political system of Enrojie and its colo- 
 nies. Heeren,A. H. L. 2 v. Oxford, 1834. 
 Sketch of the history of Europe. Bigland, 
 J. 2 V. Lond., 1815. 
 View of the state of Europe during the 
 middle ages. Hallaui, H. N. Y., 1845. 
 The same. 3 v. N. Y., 1862. 
 Florence and the affairs of Italy, Hi.story 
 of. Machiavelli, N. Loud., 1872. 
 Fortunate Isles. Pegot-Ogier, E. 2 v. 
 ! Lend., 1^'71. 
 Ancient r<>gime. Taine, H. A. X. V., 
 Commercial hand-bnoli of France. Mar- 
 tin, F. Loud., 1867. 
 Consulate and empire of France under 
 Napoleon. Thier.s, L. A. 2 v. Phila., 
 Histoire du consulat et de I'em- 
 pire. Thiers, L. A. 20 v. et atlas. 
 Paris, 1845-62. 
 Democracy and monarchy in France. 
 Adams, C. K. N. Y., 1874. 
 Diamond necklace. Story of. Vizetelly, H. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 France and the French in the second half 
 of the nineteenth century. Hillebrand, 
 K. N. Y., 1881. 
 French home life. Edinburgh, 1873. 
 French revolution, (^arlyle, T. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 French revolution and tirst enii)ire. 
 Morris, W. O'C. Lond., 1874. 
 French revolutionary epoch. A'an 
 Laun, H. 2 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Historical view of the French revo- 
 lution to the flight of the king in 1791. 
 Michelet, J. Lond., 1864.
 France — Continued. 
 Hi.stoire de la revolution fran^aise. 
 Thiers, L. A. 10 v. Paris, 18:{8. 
 History of the French revolution. 
 Thiers, L. A. '.i v. Phila., 1840. 
 The same. 4 v. in 2. Phila., 184i*. 
 History of the French revolution. 
 JoUson, D. W. Lond., 18.^3. 
 Lectures on the history of the 
 French revolution. Smyth, W. 2 v. 
 Loud., 18(i0. 
 Ninety-three ; or, the story of the 
 French revolution. Lyudou, J. W. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Outbreak of the great Frenclj revo- 
 lution. Erckmann-Chatrian, MM. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 French revolution of 1848, History of. 
 Lamartine, A. de. 2 v. Bost., 1849. 
 Geographic pliysifjue, historique, etc., de 
 I'enipire fraufais, et de ses colonies. 
 Paris, 1804. 
 Girondists, History of. Lamartine, A. 
 de. :5 V. N. v.. 1649. 
 Government of M Thiers, 1871-73. Simon, 
 J. 2 V. N. Y., 1879. 
 Histoire militaire du r-gne de Louis le 
 Grand, roy de France. Quiucy, C. S., 
 Marquis de. 7 v. Pari.s, 1726. 
 History of France. Crow, E. E. 3 v. 
 Phila., 1831. 
 History of France, from the earli- 
 est times to 1848. Guizot, F. P. G. 
 (From 1789, by Madame DeWitt.) 8 v. 
 Lond., 1872-81. 
 History of France. Michelet, J. 
 2 V. N. Y.,' 1847. 
 History of France. 
 Louis XIV. Martin, H. 
 The age of 
 2 v. Host., 
 The .same. The decline of the 
 French monarchy. Martin, H. 2 v. 
 Host., 186G. 
 History of ten years, 1830-40. Blanc, L. 
 2v. Phila., 1818. 
 Huguenots. History of the Huguenots. 
 Browning, W. 8. Lond., 1840. 
 The same. Phila., 1845. 
 History of the rise of the Hugue- 
 nots of France. Baird, H. M. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1879. 
 Huguenots in France. Smiles, S. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Huguenots; their settlements, 
 eh 11 relies, etc. Smiles, S. N. Y., 1872. 
 France— Continued. 
 Illumination and beaconage of the coasts 
 of France. Reyuaud, M. L. Washing- 
 ton, 1876. 
 King's secret (The). Broglie, Due de. 
 2 V. Lond. 
 Louis the Fourteenth, and the court of 
 France in the seventeenth century. 
 Pardee, J. 2 v. N. Y., 1848. 
 Massacre of St. Bartholomew. White, H. 
 N. Y., 1868. 
 M^moires politiques et militaires, pour 
 servir a I'histoire de Louis XIV et de 
 Louis XV. Millot, .\bbe de. 4 v. 
 Paris, 1777. 
 Memoirs of the House of Orleans. Taylor, 
 W. C. 2 V. Lond., 1850. 
 Normandy picturesciue. Blackburn, H. 
 Lond., 1869. 
 Old rdgime. Jackson, C. C, Lady. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Restoration of the monarchy in France. 
 Lamartine. A. de. 4 v. Loud., 1872. 
 Romance of history — France. Ritchie, L. 
 Secret memoirs of the court of Louis 
 XIV. and of the regency. Orleans, 
 Duchess of. Loud., 1824. 
 Trois ages des colonies, ou de leur ctat 
 passe, present, et a venir. Pradt, M. de. 
 3 V. Paris, 1801. 
 France equinoxiale. Barrere, P. Paris, 1743. 
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 Germany. Stael, Madame de. 2 v. N. Y., 
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 Britannia; or, a chorographical descrip- 
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 Mrillsh coiiiiiHii T, iind economic luof^iess 
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 Celt, Ivonian, and Saxon : a history of the 
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 D<miestic and financial <'ondil ion of (ircat 
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 Korcp niilitaire, navale, et ((unnierciale 
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 Her Majesty's mails : an histori(-al and 
 descriptive account of the post 
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 Military history of Great Britain, Sketch : 
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 Ordnance surveys of Great Britain. Five I 
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 rarliamentary history and review : con- 
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 rarliamentary reports. 8 v. Loud.. 
 Brit ish colonial reports. Lond.,lH5'.>. 
 Commission of ini|uiry into the 
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 Commissioni^rs of military iii(|niry. 
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 Committee on the state of the Hnd- 
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 Military atl'airs in Asiatic Turkey, 
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 Select com m i t tee on t lie affai rs off he 
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 Select connnittee on the army be- 
 fore .Seli.istopol. LomL, IS.'j.VoG. 
 rarliamentary review. 1 v. Lcnid., 1828. 
 ftrostt Britain— Conlinneil. 
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 I'olitie.-il survey of Great Britain. Camp- 
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 I'opnlar antiquities of (ireat Bril.iin. 
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 The same. :i v. Loud., 187:!. 
 Statistical account of the British empire. 
 .McCnlloch.J. R. 2 v. Lond., 18:i7. 
 Statistics of the colonies of the British 
 empire. Martin, R. M. Lond., 183it. 
 Trigiinometrical survey of England and 
 Wales: account of ojjerations in 1784- 
 '.)<), Mudge, W., and I. Dalliy. 2 v. 
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 \'ie\v of the history of Great Britain 
 during the administration of Lord 
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 Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of Eng- 
 l.inil an<l Wales. Timbs, ,J. 2 v. Lond. 
 Burnet's history of his own time. Bur- 
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 Child's hi.story of England. Diikens, C. 
 Chronicle of England, B. C. .'').5-A. 1). 
 1485. Doyle, J. E. Lond., 1864. 
 Civil war between .Charles I. and Parlia- 
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 Memorials of the. Webb, Rev. . I. 2 v. 
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 Civilizatiou in England, History of 
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 Collection of state tracts. 3 v. Lond., 
 Comic history of England. A'Beckett, 
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 Conquest of England by the Normans. 
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 Constitution of England. De Lolme, J. L. 
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 Constitutional history of England. Hal- 
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 CoiLstitntional history of England, fr 
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 ICf elesiastical history of England. Bedo, 
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 England as it is. .Johnston, W. 2 v. 
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 England; her people, polity, and pursuits. 
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 England without and within. White, 
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 Great Britain— Continued. commonwealtli, Rise and progi'e8.s 
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 English constitution. Bagoliot, W. Host., 
 Rise and progress of the Kiiglisli 
 constitution. I)e Loliue, J. I.. 2 v. 
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 English constitutional history, from the 
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 English note hooks, Passages from. Haw- 
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 English people, Short history of Green, 
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 History of the English peojile. 
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 English revolution of 1()40, Guizot, F. P. 
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 Great civil war. Adams, W. H. P. Lond., 
 Harleian miscellany. Selection from. 
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 History of England. Frou(l<,J. A. 12 v. 
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 History of England. Hume, D. 8 v. Ox- 
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 History of England. Knight, C. 8 v. 
 History of England. Lecky, W. E. H. 
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 History of England. Liugard, .1. 10 v. 
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 History of England. Macaulay, T. B., 
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 History of England. Mackintosh, Sir J. 
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 History of Enghind. Mahon, P. H., Lord 
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 History of England. Molesworth, W. N. 
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 History of England. Smollett, T. 5 v. 
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 History of Edward, prince of Wales, com- 
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 Edward II., and Edward III. Lond., 
 History of Oliver Cromwell and the Eng- 
 lish commonwealth, from the execution 
 Crreat Britain— Continued. 
 of Charles I. to the death of Cromwell. 
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 Marchmont papers. Selection from the 
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 Medulla historiie Anglii'au;i': the ancient 
 and present state of England. Howell, 
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 Notes on England. Taine, H. A. N. Y., 
 Old England. Knight, C. 2 v. Lond.,1845. 
 Our old country towns. Rinnner, A. 
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 Our old home : a series of English sketches. 
 Hawthorne, N. Bost., 1868. 
 Political history of Englaud during the 
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 Rebellion and civil wars in England, etc.. 
 History of. Clarendon, Earl of 6 v. 
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 The same. 2 v. Oxford. 1843. 
 Revolution in England in 1688. Mackin- 
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 Romance of history : England. Xeele, H. 
 ' St. Paul's Cathedral, History of. Dug- 
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 Saxons in England. Kemble, ,1. JI. 2 v. 
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 Tower of London, History and anti(iuities 
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 Her Majesty's tower. Dixiui, W. H. 
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 Calcudar of the state papers relating to 
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 English in Ireland in the eighteenth cen- 
 tirry. Fronde, J. A. 3 v. ]>ond.. 
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 History of Ireland. Taylor, W. C. 2 v. 
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 History of Ireland. O'Halloran, S., and 
 others. 2 v. N. Y. 
 Irish sketch-hook. Thackeray, W. M. 
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 New Ireland. .Sullivan, \. M. Phila., 
 Views of Ireland. o'Driscol. .1. 2 v. 
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 Young Ireland. Dully. V. G. X. Y., 1881.
 Great Britain— Continncd. 
 Agricultural stuli^ auil political cireum- 
 stauces of Sootlaml. Sinclair, Sir J. 
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 Hi";lilanders of Scotlaml, aul Hijjlilaiul 
 rcni incuts. Stewart, Geu. 1). 2 v. 
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 lli.storv of Scotlaml. Uobcrtsou, W. 3 v. 
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 History of Scotland. Scott, Sir W. 2 v. 
 Ucl.cUiou in Scotland, l(i;!.8-4.-). Cham- 
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 Scottish war of indciicndiiice. Burns, 
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 Wild Wales. Horrow, G. Loud., 1872. 
 Great Lone Land. Bntlcr, W. F. Lond., 
 Archajologia Gnuca : <u-, the antiquities 
 of Greece. I'otter, J. X. Y-, 1825. 
 Expedition of Alexander the Great, and 
 conquest of Persia. Arrianus. Lond., 
 History of Greece. (irote,G. 8 v. Lond., 
 The same. 11 v. Bost., 1851-54. 
 History of Greece. Cox, G. AV. 2 v. 
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 History of Greece. Mitford; AV. 8 v. 
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 History of ancient Greece; its colonics and | 
 conquests. Gillies, J. 4 v. Phila., 
 Greeks and Romans, Life of the, described 
 from antique monuments. Guhl, E., and 
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 Greenland, History of. Crantz, V. 2 v. 
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 Administration of John de Witt, 1623- 
 1654. Geddes.J. Vol.1. N.Y.,1880. 
 Holland and its people. Aniicis, E. de. 
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 Rise of the Dutch republic Motley, J. L. 
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 Hungary and Transylvania. Paget, J. 2v. 
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 Ilios: the city and country of the Trojans. 
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 Ancient India, Historical disiiuisitiou con- 
 cerning. Robertson, W. Loud., 1821. 
 India — Coatiuued. 
 Life in ancient India. 
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 Anglo-Indian history, Episodes of. 
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 British India, History of. Mill, J. 6 v. 
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 account of. Murray, 11., and others. 
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 Central India, Highlauils of. Forsj-th, J. 
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 Eastern experiences. Bowring, L. Lond., 
 History of ludia, from the earliest times 
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 Lulex gi'ographicus ludicns: being a list, 
 alphabetically arranged, of the princi- 
 pal places in the Indian empire, etc. 
 Banes.s, J. F. Lond., 1881. 
 India in 1880. Temple, K. Lond., 1881. 
 l-olitical history of India, from 1784 to 
 1823. Malcolm, Sir J. 2 v. Loud., 1826. 
 Princes of India. Sullivan, E. Lond., 
 Reminiscences of forty-three years in 
 India. Lawrence, Sir G. Lond., 1874. 
 Romance of history : India. Cannter, H. 
 Sacred city of the Hindus. Sherring, 
 M. A. Lond., 1868. 
 Sepoy war in India, 1857-58, History of. 
 Kaye, ,J. W. 2 v. Lond., 1880. 
 L History of the Indian mutiny 18.57- 
 58. Malleson, G. B. 3 v. Loud., 1878. 
 Analytical index to Sepoy war and 
 Indian mutiny. Piucott,F. Lond., 1880. 
 Florence and Venice. Taine, H. A. N. \., 
 Pictures from Italy. Dickens, C. (3 cop- 
 Romance of history : Italy. Macfarlane, 
 C. Lond. 
 Rome and Naples. Taine, H. A. N. Y., 
 Jamaica : descriptive account of the island. 
 Bceklord, W. 2 v. Lond., 1790. 
 Japan : its history, etc. Reed, E. J. 2 v. 
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 Mikado's empire. Griffis, W. E. N. Y., 
 New Japau. Mossman, S. Lond., 1873.
 Kamtschatka and the Knrilski Islands, 
 History of. Lond., 1764. 
 Land of Moab. Tristram, TI. B. N. Y., 
 Lapland, History of. Schefter, .1. Oxford, 
 Club life of London. Tiiiibs, .1. 'i v. 
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 Impressions of London .social life. Nadal, 
 E. S. N. Y., 1875. 
 London and Westminster. Tinibs, .1. 2 v. 
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 Romance of London. Timbs, .J. 2 v. 
 Sketclies and travels in London. Thack- 
 eray, W.M. Phila.,1872. (Bound with 
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 The town, its memorable characters and 
 events. Hunt, L. Lond., 1872. 
 Mahomedan power in India, History of the 
 rise of, till 1612. Briggs, J. 4 v. Lond., 
 Mahometan empire in Spain. Murphy, .l.C. 
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 Mahommedan history : memoirs of the 
 principal events to the accession of the 
 Emperor Akbar in Hindustaun. Price, D. 
 4v. Lond., 1821. 
 Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. 
 Solis, A. de. 2 v. Lond., 17.");!. 
 Conquest of Mexico. Prescott. W. H. 
 3 V. N. Y., 1849. 
 Despatches of Cortes, the conqueror of 
 Mexico. N. Y., 1843. (2 copies.) 
 History of Mexico. Clavigero, F. S. 3 v. 
 Phila., 1817. 
 Life in Mexico. La B — , Madam C. 2 v. 
 Host., 1843. 
 Memoirs of the discovery and conquest of 
 Mexico and New Spain. Diaz del Cas- 
 tillo, B. 2 V. Loud., 1844. 
 Memoirs of the Mexican revolution. Rob- 
 inson, W. D. Phila., 1820. 
 Mexico as it was and as it is. Mayer, B. 
 N. Y., 1844. 
 Mexico in 1827. Ward, H. G. 2 v. Lond., 
 Mexico in 1842. N. Y., 1842. 
 Notes on Mexico. Poinsett, J. U. Phila., 
 Our next-door neighbor. Haven, G. N. Y., 
 Mexico — Continued. 
 Recollections of Mexico. Thompson, W. 
 N. Y., 1846. (2 copies.) 
 True history of the conquest of Mexico. 
 Diaz del Castillo, B. Loud., 1800. 
 Viewof .South America and Mexico. N. Y., 
 Mycenae and Tiryns. Schlieinann, H. 
 N. Y.,1878. 
 History of the Netherlands. Gratton, T. 
 C. Phila., 1831. 
 History of the United Netherlands. Mot- 
 ley, J. L. 4 V. N. Y. , 1861-70. 
 Revolt of the L"nited Netherlands. Schil- 
 ler, F. von. (Schiller's works, vols. 1 
 and 2.) Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 New France. 
 Count Frontenac and New France. Park- 
 man, F. Bost., 1877. (2 copies.) 
 History and general description of New 
 France. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. 6 v. 
 N. Y., 1866-72. 
 New Spain. 
 Political essay on the kingdom of New 
 Spain. Humboldt, A. von. 4 v. Loud., 
 The same. (In French.) 3 v. Paris, 
 Nineveh and its remains. Layard, .\. H. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1849. 
 Nova Scotia, Historical and statistical ac- 
 count of. Haliburton, T. C. 2 v. Hali- 
 fax, 1829. 
 Nova Scotia or Acadia, Memorials of the 
 English and French commissioners con- 
 ceruing the limits of. Lond., 17.")."). 
 Customs and traditions of Palestine. 
 Pierrotti, E. Lond., 1864. 
 Palestine. Schwarz, Rabbi J. Phila., 18.50. 
 Account of the Abipones, an equestrian 
 people of Paraguay. Dobrizlioller, M. 
 3 V. Lond., 1822. 
 Hi.story of Paraguay. Washliurni'. ('. A. 
 2 V. Bost., 1S71. 
 Keign of Dr. de Fraucia in Paraguay. 
 Messrs. Rengger an<l Longchamps. 
 Lend., 1827. 
 Notes on Paris. Tainc, H. A. N. Y., 187."). 
 Paris commune. History of the. Vesinier, 
 P. Lond., 1872.
 Paris— Continucfl. 
 I':iii.sli,rs.iraj;ain,iii 1878-79. Sala.G.A. 
 •2 V. Loml., 1H80. 
 Paris in December, 1851. T(5not, E. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Paris miller the commuui'. LeiKlitou, .J. 
 Loiul., 1871. 
 Kisi' ami fall cif tlie Paris <'oiiiinuiii'. Fet- 
 ridge, W. P. N. Y., 1871. 
 Amii'iit and inndfrn PiTsia. Piggot, .J. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 General sketch of tlie history of Persia. 
 Markhani, C. K. Loud., 1874. 
 Peru, Comini'st of. Preseott, W. H. 'i v. 
 N. v., 1^47. 
 Pioneers of Prance in the new world. Park- 
 mau, F. Boat., 1871. 
 The same. Host., IS?."). 
 Poland, History of. Fletcher, J. Loud., 
 Fair Lusitania. Jackson, C. C, Lady. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 History of Spain andPortUfjal. Dnuhani, 
 S. A. 5 V. Phila., 1832-33. 
 Prussia : memoirB of the House of Brandeu- 
 l)urg, and history of Prussia. Rauke, 
 L. 3 V. Lond., 1840. 
 Red River settlement. Koss, A. Lond., 
 Kiiiiio (The'). 
 Uu the Rhine, auil other sketches of Eu- 
 ropean travel. Phila., 1881. 
 The Rhine, from its source to the sea. 
 Stielor, and others. Phila., 1878. 
 River Plate republics, Hand hook of. Mul- 
 hall, M. G., and E. T. Mulliall. Loud., 
 187'). i 
 Comic history of Rome. A'Beckett, G. A. 
 D.ays near Rome. Hare, A.J. C. Phila., 
 Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 
 Gibbon, K. (! V. N. Y., 1822. 
 The same. 8 v. Lend., 1862. 
 The .same. 7 v. Loud., 1872. 
 Historia del .seu.ado romano. Diaz, 
 D. J. F. P.areeloua, 1^07. 
 History of the Roman repuldie. Miihe- 
 let, .L Loud., 18G3. 
 History of the Romans under the empire. 
 Merivale, C. 3 v. Loud., 1850-51. i 
 Rome — Coutiiuied. 
 History of Rome. Livius, T. G v. 
 Georgetiiwu (D. C), 1823. 
 The sauu'. 4 v. Loud., 1870-73. 
 Hi.story of Rome. Niebulir, I!. (;. 2 v. 
 Phila.. 1835. 
 Lectures on the history of Rome. Nie- 
 bnhr, B. G. 3 v. Lond., 1849. 
 Liberty of K'ome. Eliot, S. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Progress and termination of the Roman 
 republic. Ferguson, A. Lond., 1829. 
 Roman antiquities. Adam, A. N. Y., 
 Rome in the nineteenth century. Katou, 
 C. A. 2 V. Loud., 18()0. 
 Walks in Rome. Hare, A. J.C. N. Y., 
 Empire of Russia. Abbott, J. S. C. N. Y., 
 Etudes sur la Russie. Haxthau.seu, Ba- 
 ron de. 3 V. Hanovre, 1847-53. 
 Etudes sur les forces iiroductives de la 
 Russie. Tegoborski, L. de. 3 v. Paris, 
 Free Russia. Dixon, W. H. N. Y., 1870. 
 Kuont and the Russians. Laguy, G. de. 
 N. Y., 1854. 
 Land of the Czar. Wabl, O. W. Loud., 
 Mission of ('•. V. Fox to Russia, in 18(l(!. 
 Loubat, .1. F. N. Y., 1873, 
 Modern Russia. Eckardt. Dr. .(. Loud., 
 Russia. C'ustine, Manjuis de. N. Y., 
 Ru.ssia. Wallace, D.M. N. Y., 1877. 
 Russia and Turkey: the eastern question 
 historically considered. Bugbee, .1. M. 
 Bost., 1877. 
 Rus.sia and the war., W. Lond., 
 Russia before and after the war. Loud., 
 Russia on the Black Sea and sea of Azof. 
 Seymour, II. 1). Lond., 18,55. 
 Secret history of the court and govern- 
 ment of ivu.ssia under the eiuperors 
 Alexander and Nicholas. Schuitzler, 
 .1. II. 2 V. Loud., 1847. 
 Through Russia. Guthrie, Mrs. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Winter in Russia. Gautier, T. N. Y., 
 St. Domingo : historical survey of the 
 French colony in the island of St. Do- 
 iriingo. Edwarils, B. Lonrl., 1797. 
 St. Lucia, Memorials of the English and 
 lYench commissioners concerning. Lend., 
 Sikhs, History of, from the origin of the 
 nation to the battles of the Sutlej. Cun- 
 ningham, J. D. Loud., 1849. 
 Art-remains and art-realities. Baxley, 
 H. W. Sv. Lond., 1875. 
 Castilian days. Hay, J. Bost., 1-^71. 
 Hand book for travellers in i^jiain. Ford, 
 R. 2 V. Loud., 1869. 
 History of the reigu of Charles the Fifth. 
 Robertson, W. 3 v. (Vols. 4, 5, 6, 
 Robertson's works.) Loud., L-^il. 
 The same. With au account of 
 the emperor's life after his abdication, 
 by W. H. Prescott. 3 v. Phila., 1«75. 
 History of the reign of Ferdiuaud and 
 Isabella, the catholic. Prescott, W. H. 
 3 V. Bost., 1838. 
 History of the reign of Philii> the Second, 
 king of Spain. 3 v. Bost., 18.5.5-58. 
 History of Spain and Portugal. Dun- 
 ham, S. A. 5 V. Phila., 1832-33. 
 Impressions of Spain. Herbert, Lady. 
 N. Y., 1869. 
 Romance of history : Spain. Trueba, Don 
 T. de. Lond. 
 Spain and the Spaniards. Thieblin, N. L. 
 2 V. Loud., 1874. 
 Zincali : an account of the gypsies of 
 Spain. Borrow, G. Loud., 1872. 
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 Surinam: five years' exi)cditioii against 
 revolted negroes, 1772-77. Stednian, J. G. 
 2 V. Loud., 1806-12. 
 Switzerland, History of, from B. C. 110 to 
 A. D. 1880. Wilson, J. Phila., 1832. 
 Troy and its remains. Schliemanu, Dr. H. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Historj- of Turkey. Lamartine, A. de. 
 3v. N.Y., 1855. 
 Races of European Turkey. Clark, E. L. 
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 Turkey. Baker. J. N. Y., 1877. 
 Turkey and Its destiny. Macfarlane, C. 
 2 V. Lond., 1850. 
 Turkey in Europe. Mackenzie, G. M., 
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 Turkistan. Schuyler, E. 2 v. X. Y.,1876. 
 Sketches of Venetian history. N. Y., 1832. 
 Venetian life. Howells,W.D. Bost., 1872. 
 Venice and the Venetians, Stories of. 
 Marsh, J. B. Loud., 1874. 
 VTest Indies. 
 Chronological history of the West Indies. 
 Southey, T. 3 v. Lond., 1827. 
 History of the British West Indies. Ed- 
 wards, B. 5 V. and atlas. Lond., 1819. 
 History of the Jlaroons. Dallas, R. C. 
 2 V. Loud., 1803. 
 "Wild North Laud. Butler, W. F. Lond., 
 Zulus and Amatongas. Leslie, D. Edin- 
 burgh, 1875. 
 Zulus and the British frontiers. Lucas, 
 T. J. Lond., 1879.
 History of the I'liitiscl Stalos. Biiiicroff , ('•. 
 10 V. l{().st., 18;!7-74. 
 Hildrctli, K. f> V. N. Y., 184i>-.".l. 
 Hiiitoii, J. H. •■> V. Loud., 18.'!0-3-2. 
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 The same. N. Y., 18G8. 
 Spencer, J. A. 3 v. N. Y., 13.-.8. 
 Centeiiniiil lii.story. McCabo, J. D. 
 I'liila., l"^/."). 
 Comic hi.storv. Sherwood, J. 1). 
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 Great rejmblic, History of. McCahe, 
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 Harper's jiopular cyehiiia;dia of 
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 period to 187G. Lo.ssing, H. .1. i! v. N. Y'., 
 History of the United States of 
 Amcriia under tlio Constitution. Vol.1. 
 S<diouIer, .1. Washington, 1880. 
 Political history of the United States 
 during the great rebellion. Mcl'herson, 
 E. Washington, 18G5. 
 Political history : during the period 
 of recou.struction. McPher.sou. E. Wash- 
 ington, 1871. 
 Political and civil history. Pitkin, 
 T. -2 V. Ne«- Haven, 1828. (2 copies.) 
 I'opnlar history. Kid[)atli, J. C. 
 X. v., 1S77. 
 Kepublic of the Uuited States, His- 
 tory of. Hamilton, .J. C. 6 v. N. Y., 
 Admiiiistratious of the Uuited States. 
 SpanUliug, M. (,'. Diilimine, l.-<71. 
 Administrations ol Washingtou and John 
 .Vilanis, Meiiioirs of. Gibl)s. G. i v. X^. Y'., 
 America: its realities and resonn'cs. 
 Wyse, F. 3 v. Loud., 1841!. 
 America : some information respecting it. 
 Cooper, T. Loud., 1794. (2 copies.) 
 America, historical, statistic, and descrip- 
 tive. l!uckingliaui,.I.S. 2 v. N. Y.,1841. 
 America and the American peopb'. Kan- 
 niir, F. vou. X. Y., 184G. 
 America and the Americans. liy a citizen 
 of I he world. Lond.,1833. 
 America and her resources, liristed, .1. 
 Loud., 1818. 
 Americau archivi^s. S) v. Wasliiugton, 
 American historical record and n^pertory 
 of uoles aud queries. 3 v. Phila., 1872-74. 
 American notes. Dickens, C. (3 copies.) 
 American i)rivateers and letters of luarijue. 
 History of, during 1812-14. C'ogge.shall, 
 li. X.' Y., 1856. 
 American state papers. 38 v. Washing- 
 ton, 1832-61. 
 Aimals of America, from 1492-182G. 
 Hohnes, A. 2v. Cambridge (Mass.), 1829. 
 Annals of the West. Albach, J. R. Pitts- 
 burgli, 18.")8. 
 Antiquarian researches. Hoyt, E. Grcen- 
 fu-ld (Mass.), 1824. 
 ArchcBologia Americana. 2 v. Worcester, 
 Army and navy of America. Xeft", J. K. 
 Phila., 1815. 
 Book of the Uuited States. Mellen, (J. 
 liartford, 1838. 
 Braddock's expedition agaiust Fort I)n- 
 i|Ui-sue, in H.'io. Phila., 18.5.5. 
 British settlements ami tradi^ in Xorth. Amer- 
 ica. Kaynal, .Vbb^. Edinburgh, 1779. 
 Census of the United States. The eighth. 
 4 v. Washington, 18()4. 
 The ninlli. 3 v. Washington, 1872. 
 Centennial exhibition. Illustrated history 
 of. MeCabo,.T.D. Phila., 187G. (2copies.") 
 Charters of the old Euglish colonies in 
 America, i-ucas, S. Loud., 1850.
 Clarke's campaign in the Illinois, in 1778- 
 79. Clarke, G. R. Cincinnati, 1869. 
 CUmate of the United States, and its en- 
 ilcinic influences. Forry, S. N. Y., 1842. 
 Coramerce of America with Europe. Bris- 
 siit (Ic- Warville, J. P., and E. Claviere. 
 Loud.. 1794. 
 Commerce between the United States and 
 Rio de Janeiro. Baker, J. M. Washing- 
 ton, 1838. 
 Commerce of the United States and the 
 Mediterranean seaports. Baker, J. M. 
 Phila., 1847. 
 Commerce of the United States, Statistical 
 view of. Pitkin, T. Hartford, 1816. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y. , 1817. 
 Communistic societies of the UnitedStates. 
 XonHiott; C. N. Y., 187.5. 
 Congress, History of, 1789-9:i. Phila., 
 Conquest of Xew Mexico and California. 
 Cooke. P. St. G. N'. Y., 1878. 
 Diplomatic history of the administrations 
 of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. 
 Trescot, W. H. Bost., 1857. 
 Discovery of the great West. Parkman, 
 F. Bost,, 1870. 
 The same. Bost., 1875. 
 Discovery and settlement of the valley of 
 the Mississippi by Spain, France, and 
 Great Britain. Mouette, .T. W. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Domestic manners of the Americans. Trol- 
 lojie, Mrs. F. Lond., 1832. 
 Eldorado. Taylor, B. N. Y., 1850. 
 Elevations. List of elevations, principally 
 in that portion of the United States west 
 of the Mississippi River. Gannett, H. 
 Washington, 1877. 
 Elevations and climatic register of the 
 Uuiti-d States. Toner, J. M. X. Y., 1874. 
 European settlements in America. Bnrke, 
 E. 2 V. Loud., 1777. 
 Executive departments of the United States 
 at Washington. Elraes, W. Washington, 
 Expedition of the British and Provincial 
 army under Maj. Gen. Amherst against 
 Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 17.59. Com- 
 missary Wilson's orderly book, .\lbany, 
 Financial history of the United States from 
 1774 to 1789. Bolles, A. S. N. Y., 1879. 
 Germau element in the war of independ- 
 ence. Greene, G. W. N. Y., 1876. 
 Governmental history of the United States. 
 Sherman, H. Hartford, 1860. 
 Guide to the Potomac River, Chesapeake 
 Bay, and James River, and an ocean voy- 
 age to Northern ports. Keim, De B. R. 
 Washington, 1881. 
 Half century (The). Davis, E. Bost., 18.51. 
 Hand liook of statistics of the I'nited States. 
 Spaulding, M. C. N. Y., l.-'74. 
 Historical collections. Hazard, E. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1792. 
 Historical, geographical, commercial and 
 philosojihical viewof the American Uniteil 
 States, etc. Winterbotham, W. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1795. 
 Historical register of the United States, 
 1812-14. 4 V. Phila., 1814-16. 
 Historical sketches of the United States 
 from the peace of 1815 to 1830. Perkins, 
 S. X. Y., 1830. 
 History of the Federal government for fifty 
 years, 1789-1839. Bradford, A. Bost., 
 Internal navigation of the United States, 
 Connected view of. Phila., 1826. 
 International commercial convention. 
 Portland (Me.), 1868. 
 Japanese in America. Lanman, C. X. Y.. 
 Journal of the late commissioner on behalf 
 of the United .States, in 1796-1800, for 
 determining the boundary between the 
 United States and the possessions of his 
 catholic majesty in Auu'rica. Ellicott, .\. 
 Phila., 1803. 
 Lands of the arid region of the Ignited 
 States, with a more detailed account of 
 the lands of Utah. Powell, .1. W. Wash- 
 ington, 1879. 
 Lead mines of Missouri, etc. Schoolcraft, 
 H. R. N.Y.,1819. 
 Magazine of American history, with notes 
 and queries. Vol. 1. Chicago, 1877. 
 Memoir of the recent surveys, observations, 
 and internal improvements in the United 
 States. Tanner, H. S. Phila., 1829. 
 Tlie same. Phila,, 1830. 
 Metallic wealthof the UnitedStates. Whit- 
 ney, J. D. Phila., 1854. 
 Mineral resources of the States and Terri- 
 tories west of the Rocky Mountains, 
 liromie, J. R. Washington, 1868. 
 Mineral resources of the United States. 
 Sutro, A. Baltimore, 1868.
 Mines anil miniii'; in the States and Terri- 
 toii.s west of the Rocky Mountains. Ray- 
 mond, K.W. 4 V. Washington, lt^70-75. 
 Mississippi Valley, History and geography 
 of. I'liut, T. Cincinnati, l-'iK. 
 Naval Academy of the llnite.l States, His- 
 torical sketch of. Soloy, J. R. Washing- 
 ton, I r^TO. (2 copies.) 
 Naval history of tlie United States. Clark, 
 T. a V. Phila.,nS14. 
 Naval nionnment. Bo\ven,A. Host., 1816. 
 Naval occurrences of the late war between 
 Great Britain and the United States. 
 .Tanii's, W. Loud., l.-?17. 
 Navy of the United States, History of. 
 Cooper, J. F. Phila.,1'^47. 
 New America. Dixon, W.H. Phila, 18(iy. 
 New Eiijiflaiicl. 
 Chronological history of New England : 
 in the form of annals. Prince, T. Host., 
 Deseriptiou of New England. Smith, 
 Capt. .T. Best., 1865. 
 History of New England. Neal.D. Loud., 
 History of New England. Palfrey, J. G. 
 2v. N.Y.,1866. j 
 History of New Engl.and,1630-16-j;t. Wiii- 
 throp,.T. 2 V. Bost., 1825-26. 
 Now England historical aud genealogical 
 register. 28 v. Bost., 1847-74. 
 New England's memorial. . Morton, N. 
 Bost., 1826. 
 Nooks aud corners of the New England 
 eo.ast. Drake, S. A. N.Y.,1875. 
 Northwestern territory, Notes on the early 
 .settlement of. Burnet, J. N.Y.,1847. 
 Notions of the Americans. Cooper, J. F. 
 2 V. Lond.,1828. 
 Ohio Valley historical series. No. 7. Mis- 
 cellanies. Cincinnati, 1S71. 
 Our flag: origin and progress of the Hag of the 
 United States. Prehle, G. II. Albany, 1872. 
 The same. Bost., 1880. 
 Our new West. Bowles, S. N. Y., 18G9. 
 Pamphlets: containing essays, speeches, 
 lectures, and reports on Indians, canals, 
 railroads, education, domestic industry, 
 politics, history, foreign missions, etc., etc. 
 4 V. (For contents, .«e Authors.) 
 Passages from American note-books. Haw- 
 thorne, X. 2v. Bost., 181)8. 
 Penitentiary system in the United States. 
 Beaumont, G. dc, and A. dc Tocqueville. 
 Philip's war, 1675-76, and French and In- 
 dian wars, 1689-1704, History of. Chnrch, 
 T. Bost., 1827. 
 Picturesque America. 2 v. N. Y., 1872. 
 Pioneer history. Hildreth, S. P. Ciueiu- 
 nali, 1848. 
 Political annals of the United Ccdonics. 
 Chalmers, G. Lond., 1780. 
 Polk administration, Hi.story of. Chase, 
 L. B. N.Y., 18.50. 
 Popular resorts. Bachelder, ,T. B. Bost., 
 Population of the United States: statistical 
 view from 1790 to 1830. Washington, 1835. 
 Population, commerce, navigation, etc., of 
 the United States, Tabular, statistical 
 view of. Watterson, G., aud N. B. Van 
 Zandt. Washingtmi, 1828. 
 Prairie larms and prairie folk, (iillmore, 
 P. 2 v. Loud., 1872. 
 Puissance americaine. Pous.siu, G. T. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1843. 
 Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 
 Wilson, H. 2 V. Bost., 1874. 
 Rise and progress of the United States, till 
 the British revolution in 1688. Grahame, 
 J. 2 v. Loud., 1827. 
 Rise, progress, and establishment of the 
 independence of the United States. Gor- 
 don, W. 4 v. Lond., 1788. 
 Rock Island : her jiresent aud future. 
 Babcoek, O. M. Rock Island, 1872. 
 Rock Island arsenal ami island. History 
 of. Flagler, D. W. Washington, 1877. 
 Rogers' journals in America, 1755-60. 
 Rogers, R. Lond., 176.5. 
 St. Clair's narrative. St. Clair, A. Phila., 
 Short history of the English colonies in 
 America. Lodge, H. C. N. Y., 1881. 
 Sketches of debate in the first Senate of 
 the United State in 1789, '90, '91. Mac- 
 lay, W. HaiTisbnrg. 
 Society in America. Martineau, H. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1837. 
 Society, manners, and politics in the 
 United States. Chevalier, M. Bost., 
 Soil and climate of the United States. Vol- 
 ni^y, C. F. C. de. Lond., 1804. 
 Stamp act. Examination of Dr. Benjamin 
 Franklin relative to the repeal of the 
 American stamp act, in 1765-67. 
 Statistical annals. Seybert, A. Phila., 
 Swedes on the Delaware, Annals of. Clay, 
 J. C. Phila., 1858. 
 Tezan Santa F(S expedition. Kcudall, G. 
 W. 2 V. N. y., 1844. 
 Thirty years' view. Benton, T. H. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 18.54. 
 Tracts relating to the colonies of Xorth 
 America. Force, P. 4 v. Washington, 
 Travaux d'amfliorations int^rienrcs, fitats- 
 Inis, 1824-31. Poiissiu, G.T. Paris, 1834. 
 Treason of Charles Lee. Moore, G. H. 
 N. Y., 1860. 
 Treasury department and bureaus; their 
 origin, etc. Mayo, R. Wa.shington. Ia47. 
 United States: its power and progress. 
 Pon.ssin, G. T. Phila., 18.51. 
 United States commercial and statistical 
 register, 1836-4'2. Hazard, S. 6 v. Phila., 
 United States Government ; its organiza- 
 tion and practical workings. Lamphere, 
 G. N. Phila., 1880. 
 Vie'w of the United States. Coxe, T. 
 Phila., 1794. 
 War Department of the United States, 
 History of. Ingersoll, L. D. Washing- 
 ton, 1879. (2 copies.) 
 Wars of the United States, from the earliest 
 colonial times to the close of the Mexican 
 war. Thomson, J. L. Phila., 1856. 
 Washington's headquarters. Monell, J. J. 
 Xewburgh (N. Y.), 1872. 
 West Point and the origin and progress of 
 the United States Military Academy. 
 Boynton, E. C. N. Y., 1871. 
 Western territory of North America, To- 
 pographical description of. Imlay, G. 
 Lend., 1793. 
 White and black. Campbell, Sir G. N. Y., 
 Burgoyne's campaign. Neilson, C. Al- 
 bany, 1844. 
 Campaign of 1781, in the Carolinas. Lee, 
 Major Henrj-. Phila., 1824. 
 Campaigns in America. Deux - Ponts, 
 Count W. de. Boat., 1868. 
 Campaigns of 1780-81, in the southern 
 provinces of North America. Tarleton, 
 Col. H. Lond., 1787. 
 Camp-fires of the revolution. Watson, H. 
 C. Phila., 18.54. 
 Diary of the American revolution. Moore, 
 F. 2 v. N. Y., 1860. 
 Documentary history of the American 
 revolution, 1764-76. Gibbes, R. W. N. Y., 
 Domestic history of the American revolu- 
 tion. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. N. Y., 1850. 
 Hardships and sutt'erings iu the campaign 
 against Quebec, in 1775. Henry, .). J. 
 Lancaster (Pa.), 1812. 
 History of the American revolution. AVar- 
 reu, M. 3 v. Bost , 1805. 
 The same. Allen, P. 2 v. Balti- 
 more, 1822. 
 The same. Kaynal, Xhh6. (Vol. 6 
 of •' Raynal's Indies.") Edinburgh, 1792. 
 History of the campaign for the conquest 
 of Canada in 1776. Jones, C. H. Phila., 
 History of the origin, progress, and termi- 
 nation of the American war. Stedman, 
 C. 2 V. Lond., 1794. 
 The same. 2 v. Dublin, 1794. (2 
 History of the war iu America between 
 Great Britain and her colonies. 2 v. 
 Dublin, 1779. 
 History of the war of independence of the 
 United States of America. Botta, 'C. 
 2 V. New Haven, 1837. 
 Letters of Eliza Wilkinson, during the in- 
 vasion of Charlestown, S. C, by the 
 British in the revolutionary war. N. Y., 
 Memoirs of the war iu the southern ile- 
 partnicnt of the llnited States. Lee, 
 Gen. Henry. Washington, 1827. 
 The same. N. Y., 1872. 
 Pictorial field-book of the revolution. Los- 
 sing, B. J. 2v. N. Y., 1860. (2 copies.) 
 Principles and acts of the revolution in 
 America. Niles, H. Baltimore, 1822. 
 The same. N. Y., 1876. 
 Records of the revolutionary war. .Satt'ell, 
 W. T. R. N. Y., 1858. 
 Siege of Boston, etc. Frothingham, R. 
 Bost., 1849. 
 Simcoe's military journal. .Siuicoe, J. G. 
 N. Y., 1844. 
 Tales of the revolution. N. Y., 1836. 
 Thacher's military journal during the revo- 
 lutionary war. Thachcr, J. Bost., 1827. 
 Yorktovrn campaign and tlie .surrender of 
 Coinwallis, 17tfl. John.ston, H. P. N. Y., 
 I 1881.
 WAR OF 1812. 
 Authentic bistoiy of the late war between 
 the United States ami Great Britain. 
 Davis, r. M. Itliaca (N. Y.), l«~>'->. 
 Chapter of the history of the war of 181'2 
 ill the Xortli west. Hatch, W. S. Ciiieiu- 
 iiati, 1H72. 
 Collection of ollieial aecouiits of battles 
 fought between the United States and 
 ( iieat IJritain during Isid-lS. Fay, H. A. 
 X. Y., 1817. 
 Darnell's .joiirual. Darnell, K. Phila., 
 Exposition of the causes and character of 
 the late war. Middlebury (Vt.), 1815. 
 Historical slietch of the second war be- 
 tween the United States of America and 
 (ireat liritain. lne;ersoll, C. .J. 2 v. 
 Phila., 18l5-4i». 
 Historical sketches of the late war between 
 the United States and Great Britain. 
 Thomson, J. L. Phila., 1817. 
 History of the lato war between the United 
 States and Great liritain. liraekenbridge, 
 II. M. Phila., 18;{t). 
 History of the war between the United 
 States and Great Britain. O'Connor, T. 
 N. Y., 1817. 
 Military occurrenci'S of the late war be- 
 tween the TTuittd States and Great Brit- 
 ain. James, W. Lend., 1818. 
 Narrative of the affair at Quoenstown in 
 the war of 1812. Van Kensselaer, S. 
 \. Y., 18:S6. (dcoines.) 
 Narrative of the campaigns of the British 
 army at \Vashington ami New Orleans, 
 18U-ir.. Gleig, Rev. G. R. Phila., 1821. 
 The same. Loud.. 1830. 
 Narrative of the sulfering and defeat of 
 the Northwestern army under General 
 Winchester. Athertoii. W. Frankfort 
 (Ky.), 1842. 
 Notices of tlie war of 1812. Armstrong, 
 (Jen. .1. N. Y., 1840. 
 Official letters of the military and naval 
 othci'is of the United States during the 
 war with (Jreat Britain, 1812-1.5. Bran- 
 nan,,!. Washington, 1823. (2 copies.) 
 Pictorial tield-book of the war of 1812. 
 I.ossing, B. .1. N. Y., 1808. 
 Second war with Eiiglan<l. Headley, .J.T. 
 N. Y., ls.-)3. 
 Sketches of the war between the United 
 .^tatis and the British i.sle.s. Rutland 
 (Vt.), 181.5. 
 War (The). Being a record of the war be- 
 tween the United States and Great Britain. 
 3v(ds. iul. N. Y., 1812-17. 
 Washington, History of the invasion and 
 cajiture of. Williams, .1. S. N. Y., 18.57. 
 (3 copies.) 
 Sketch of the events which pre- 
 ceded the capture of Washington by the 
 British, 1814. Iiigraham, E. 1). Phila., 
 Battle of Buena \'ista. Carleton. .J. II. 
 N. Y., 1848. 
 Complete history of the Mexican war. 
 Brooks, N. C. i'hila., 1849. 
 Despatches and reports; Bnena Vista to 
 the City of Mexico. AVashington, 1847. 
 Doniphan's expediliou. Hughes, .1. T. 
 Ciiiciuuati. 1850. 
 History of the war between the United 
 States and Mexico. Jenkins, J. S. Au- 
 burn (X. Y.), 1851. 
 land volunteer in the 
 Kcniy, J. R. Phila., 
 au Knglish soldier. 
 Memoirs of a Maryl 
 war with Mexico. 
 Mexican war. By 
 N. Y., 1860. 
 RevicTV of the causes and conscciuences of 
 the Mexican war. Bost., 1849. 
 Service afloat and ashore during the Mexi- 
 can war. Semmes, R. Cincinnati, 1851. 
 The other side; or, notes for the history of 
 the war between Mexico and the United 
 States. Ramsey, A. C. N. Y., 1850. 
 War with Mexico. Ripley, R. S. 2 v. 
 X. Y., 1849. 
 Advance and retreat: personal ixperiences 
 in the United States and Confederate 
 States armies. Hood, J. B. New Orleans, 
 American civil war, History of. Drajier, 
 .1. W. 3 v. N. Y., 18G7-70. 
 American conllict: 18G0-t)5. (Jreeley, II. 
 2 v. Hartford, 1860-69. 
 American rebellion. Letters on the, 1860-65. 
 (ioddard, S. A. Lmid., 1870. 
 American war, History of. Flelcher, II. C. 
 3 V. Lond., 186.5-66. 
 Annals of the war: originally published iu 
 the Philadelphia Wci'kly Times. Phila., 
 Autietam and I'redericksliurg. Palfrey, 
 F. W. N. Y., 1882.
 Arbitrary arrests in (lie Sontli. Tliariii, 
 R. a N. Y., 1863. 
 Army of the Ciimberland. Annals of. 
 Fitch, J. Phila., 1864. 
 Legends of the Army of the Cuni- 
 herland. AVashington, 1869. 
 ■ Reports of meetings, from tlie first to 
 the eleventh. 11 v. Cincinnati, 1868-80. 
 Army of Northern Virginia. Memorial 
 volnine. Riobniond (Va.), 1880. 
 Army under Pope. Ropes, J. C. N. V., 1881. 
 Army of the Potomae, its organization, its 
 commander, and its campaign. .Joinvillc. 
 Prince de. N. Y., 1862. 
 Camp, march, and battlc-ficlil. .Stew- 
 art, A. M. PhiUi., 1865. 
 • Campagne du Potomac, mars-Jnillet, 
 1862. Joinville, Prince de. Paris, 1863. 
 • Campaigns of the Army of the Poto- 
 mac. SwiutOn, W. N. Y., 1866. 
 Engineer and artillery operations of 
 the Army of the Potomac. Barnard, J. G. , 
 and W. F. Barry. N. Y., 1863. 
 Four years in the Army of the Po- 
 tomac. .Jones, E. R. I-ond. 
 Map of the campaigns of the Army 
 of the Potomac. Bechler, G. R. Pliila. 
 1864. (2 copies.) 
 Organization and campaigns of the 
 Army of the Potomac, and the campaign 
 in Western Virginia. McClellan, G. B. 
 Orgaiiizatiou of the Army of the 
 Potomac, and its campaigns in Virginia 
 and Maryland. McClellan, 0. B. Wash- 
 ington, 1864. 
 Army reunion at Chicago, 1868. Chicago, 
 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Army of the Tennessee, Proceedings of so- 
 ciety of. First to seventh annual reports, 
 1866-73. Cincinnati, 1867-74. 
 Army of Virginia, Campaign of. Gordon, 
 G. A. Bost., 1880. 
 Army and Navy official gazette. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1864-65. (2 copies.) 
 At anchor. A story of our civil war. N. Y., 
 Battle of Bull Run. Kus.sell, W. II. N. Y., 
 Battle of Young's Branch, or Manassas 
 Plain, July 21st, 1861. Warder, T. B., 
 and J. M. Catlett. Richmond, 1862. 
 Battle-fields of the South, from Bull Run 
 to rredericksburgh. By an com- 
 batant. N. Y.,18ii4. 
 Battle-fields of Virginia: Chancellorsville. 
 Hotehkis.s, .T.. and W. Allen. N. Y., 1-67. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Battles for the Union. (Jlazier, W. Hart- 
 ford, 1878. 
 Battles of the war of the rebellion, Alpha- 
 betical list of, with dates, 1861-65. Wasli- 
 ingtou, 1875. 
 mcnts and battles. Washington, 1880. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Beyond the lines; or, a Yankee prisoner 
 loose in Di.xie. Gecr, J. .1. Phila., 1863. 
 Boys of '61; oi-, four years of lighting. Cof- 
 fin, C. C. Bost., 1881. 
 Bugle blast; or, the spirit of the conflict. 
 Rouse, E. S. S. Phila., 1864. 
 Butler in New Orleans. Parton, J. Bost., 
 1866. (2 copies.) 
 Calls for troops made by the President dur- 
 ing the years 1861, '()2, '63, '64. Washing- 
 ton, 1864. 
 Camp, battb -fichl, and lio.spital. Brockett, 
 L. P. Phila., 1866. 
 Camp, court, and siege. Hoft'man, W. N. Y., 
 Camp-fire an<l cotton-liild. Knox, T. W. 
 N. v., 1865. . 
 Campaign of Chancellorsville Dodge, T. A. 
 Bost., 1881. (2 copies.) 
 Campaign of Mobile; including operations 
 of Gen. Wilson's cavalry in Alabama. 
 Andre n-s, C. C. N.Y.,1867. 
 Campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah 
 in 1861. Patterson, R. Phila., 186.5. 
 Campaign in Virginia. Report of Gen. 
 John Pope. Washington, 1863. 
 Campaigns of the civil war. 7 v. N. Y., 
 1. Outbreak of rebellion. Xicolay, J. G. 
 2. From Fort Heury to Coriuth. Force, M. F. 
 3. The Peninsula. Webb, A. S. 
 4. The army under Pope, liopes, J. C. 
 5. Autietam and Fredericksburg. Palfrey, F.W. 
 0. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Double- 
 day. A. 
 7. Army of the Cumberland. Ciat, n. M. 
 Campaigns of the Seventeenth Maine. 
 Houghton, E. B. Portland, 1866. 
 Campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, cti-. 
 Chesncy, C. C. 2 v. Loud., 1863-65. 
 Capture, prison-pen, ami escape. Glazier, 
 W. Hartford, 18{)8. 
 Cartes et planches de I'hi.stoire de higuerro 
 civile en AmiMi(|Uo. I'arls, Comte de. 
 Paris, 1874-75.
 Chancellorsville and GettyBburg. Ponblc- 
 .h.v, A. \. Y., IS.*'. 
 Civil war in AiiiPiica, History "f. Abbott, 
 J. S. C. a V. Sitiinglicia (Mass.), IHOG. 
 Civil war in America, History of. Paris, 
 C'oiutoile. 2 V. Pliila., 187G. 
 Civil in tlic United States, History of. 
 .SihniiU'kcr. S. M, I'liibi., It*!!'). 
 Civil war in the United States of America, 
 Pictorial history of. Lossing, B. J. 3 v. 
 Hartford, 1870-74. 
 Color-guard : a corporal's notes of service 
 ill tlir Nineteenth .Vrmy Corps. Hosmer, 
 .1. K. l!ost., IHGI. 
 Conduct of the war: report of the joint 
 niiittce. 9 V. Washington, l«i;:5-6fi. 
 Critical history of the late American war. 
 .Malum, A. N. Y.,l-'77. 
 Cruise of the Alabama and the .Snmlcr. 
 Si'mmes, R. 2 v. Lend., 1864. 
 The same. N. Y. , 18G4. 
 C. S. A. and the battle of Bull b'lin. Bar- 
 nanl, .1. G. X. Y., 1862. 
 Daring and suli'ering; a history of the great 
 railroad adventnre. Piftenger, W. Phila., 
 Destruction and reconstrnction. Taylor, 
 K. N.V.,1S79. 
 Drummer boy : a story of Burnside's expe- 
 ilitlnti. Trowbriilge, .1. T. Bost.,1867. 
 Dunn Browne's experiences in the army. 
 Fisk.', A. S. Bost., 1866. 
 Duryee'B Brigade, llongli, 1". B. .Vlbany, 
 Engineer and artillery ojierations against 
 the defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863. 
 Gillunne, Q. A. N. Y.,1868. 
 Fighting Joe; or, the fortunes of a staff 
 orticcr. Adams, W.T. Bost., 1869. 
 Flying regiment: the Twelfth Rhode Island 
 \olMnteers. Grant, J. W. Providence, 
 Fort, Official reportof the siege and 
 reduction of. Gillmore, Q. A. N.Y.,186i. 
 Fort Sumter. Within Fort Sumter. N. \., 
 Four years with General Lcc. Taylor, W. H. 
 N. Y.,1877. 
 Four years in Secessia. Browne, J. H. 
 Hartford, 186."). 
 From Fort Henry to Corinth. Force, M. F. 
 Gettysburg. Our campaign around Gctty.s- 
 biirg: being a memorial of the 23rd Regi- 
 ment N. Y. S. N. G. Brooklyn, 1864. 
 Great civil war: a history of the late rebel- 
 lion. Tomes. R., and B. G. Smith. 3 v. 
 N. Y.,1861. 
 Great rebellion: a history of the livil war 
 iu the United States. Hcadley, J. T. 2 v. 
 Hartford, 1864-66. 
 Indiana. History of the Sixth Regiment in 
 the three months' campaign. Grayson, 
 A. .1. Madison (lud.). 
 Indiau:i in the war of thi' rebellion. 
 Ad.jt. Gen.'s report. Indiaiiajiolis, 18t)9. 
 Indiana soldier in the war for the Union. 
 2 V. Indianapolis, 186(>-69. 
 Iowa and the rebellion. Ingersoll, L. 1). 
 Phila., 1867. 
 Iowa colonels ami regiments in the war of 
 the rebellion. Stuart, A. .\. l)es Moines, 
 Journal of a prisoner of war in Uiehuioml. 
 Ely, A. \. Y.,1862. 
 Ejlpatrick and our cavalry. Moore, ,1. 
 N. Y.,186S. 
 Leaves from the diary of au army surgeon. 
 Ellis. T.T. N.Y..1863. 
 Libby life: experiences of a prisoner of war 
 iu Richnumd, Va., 186:5-64. Cavada, F. F. 
 Phila.. 1865. 
 Life iu the army. Gregg, J. C. Phila., 18G8. 
 Life in the open air, and otherpapers. Wi ii- 
 throp, T. Bost., 1863. 
 Life in the South, from the eomuK'neemenl 
 of the war. .Jones, S. L. 2 v. Lond., 
 Lost cause (The) : a new southeru history of 
 the war of the Confederates. Pollard, E. 
 . A. N. Y., 186G. 
 Loyal spectre. Two conscripts, Vicksbnrg 
 spy, and Spy of Atlanta. N. Y., 1865-66. 
 McClellan, (leu., Pamphlets relating to. 
 McClellan and the campaign on the York- 
 town peuinsula. Edge, F. M. Lond., 
 Maine. History of t he First-Tenth-T wenty- 
 ninth Maine Regiment. Gould, .J. M. With 
 the history of the Tenth Maine Battalion, 
 by Rev. L. G. Jordan. Portland (Me.), 
 Marginalia ; or, gleanings from an army 
 note-book, by " Personne." Columbia, 
 (S. C), 1864. 
 Maryland. Historical record of the First 
 Maryland Infantry. Camper, C, and J. 
 W. Kirkley. Washington, 1871.
 Maryland liue in the Confederate States 
 army. Goldsborough, W. W. Baltimore, 
 Massachusetts regiments. Record of the 
 Second Massaclinsetts Infantry. Quint. 
 A. H. Bost., 18G7. 
 Three years' service of tlie Thirty- 
 third Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 
 186-2-C.^. Inderwood, A. 15. Bost., 1881. 
 Massachusetts in the ei\il war. Scbonler 
 W. Bost., 186S. 
 Memorial ceremonies at the graves of our 
 soldiers, Saturday, May 30, 1868. Wash- 
 ington, 1869. 
 Michigan in the war. Lansing, 1880. 
 Murfreesboro'. Report of the battle of 
 MurfrecslHirn', or Stone River, Tenncssi'c. 
 Kosecrans, W. S. Washington. 1863. 
 My days and nights on the battle-field. 
 Coftin, C. C. Bost., 1866. 
 My diary in America in the midst of war. 
 Sala, G. A. a v. Lond., 1865.- 
 My diary North and South. Rnssell, W. H. 
 •2 V. Loud., 1863. 
 The same. Bost., 1863. 
 Narrative of military oi>erations directed 
 during the late war between the States. 
 Johnston, J. E. N. Y., 1874. (2 copies.) 
 National home for disabled volunteer sol- 
 diers. History of. Dayton, 187.'). 
 National memorial day : a record of ceremo- 
 nies over the graves of the l"nion soldiers. 
 May -29 and 30, 1869. Washington, lfJ70. 
 Navy during the rebellion, History of. 
 Boyuton, C. B. 2 v. N. Y., 1867-68. 
 Neutrality of Great Britain during the 
 American war. Bernard, M. Lond., 1870. 
 New Hampshire in the great rebellion. 
 Waite, O. F. R. Claremont (N. H.), 1870. 
 New Jersey. Record of officers and men 
 of Xew Jersey in the civil war, l''01-65. 
 •2v. Trenton, 1876. 
 New York. Historic records of the I'iltli 
 New York Cavalry. Boudrye. L. X. Al- 
 bany, 1868. 
 Nineteen months a prisoner of war. .Sabre, 
 G. E. X. Y., 1865. 
 Nurse and spy in the Union army. Ed- 
 monds, S. E. E. Hartford, 1867. 
 0£5cial reports of battles. Published by 
 order of the Confederate congress at Rich- 
 mond. N. Y., 1863. 
 Ohioiu the war: her statesmen, her generals 
 and soldiers, Reid, W. 2 v. Cincinnati, 
 28 w 
 "Old Jack," and his foot cavalrv. N. Y., 
 Origin of the late war. Lunt, G. X. Y., 
 Our boys: the i>er.sonal e.vperiences of a 
 soldier in the Array of the Potomac. Hill, 
 A. F. Phila., 1866. 
 Our campaigns; or, the marches, bivouacs, 
 battles, etc., of the 2d Regiment Pennsyl- 
 vania Reserves. Woodward, E. M. Phila., 
 Outbreak of rebellion. Xicolay, J. G. N. Y., 
 Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove. Baxter, W. 
 Cincinnati, 1864. 
 Peninsula (The). Webb, A. 8. X. Y., 1881. 
 Peninsular campaign of (ieneral McClellan 
 in 186-2. (Mass. Mil. Hist. Soc. Papers, 
 v. 1.) Bost., 18-il. (2 copies.) 
 Pennsylvania. Daily of the 192d 
 Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. My- 
 ers, J. C. Phila., 1864. 
 Martial deeds of Bates, S. P. Phila., 
 Patriotism of Schuylkill county. 
 Wallace, F. B. Pottsville (Pa. ), 1865. 
 Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, History of. 
 Syi)lier, J. K. Lancaster (Pa ), 1865. 
 Photographic sketch book of the war. 
 (Jarduer. A. 2 v. Washington. 
 Photographic views of Sherman's cam- 
 paign. Barnard, G. X. N. V. 
 Pickett's men: a fragment of war history. 
 Harris<ni, W. X'. Y., 1870. 
 Potomac and the Rapidan, 1861-63. Quint, 
 A. H. Bost., 1864. 
 Prison life in the tobacco warehouse in 
 Richmond. Harris. W. C. Phila., 1862. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Prisoners of war. Treatment of, by the 
 rebel authorities, during the war of the 
 reliellion. Washington, 1809. 
 Provost Marshal General. Final report of 
 the operations of the bureau, from March 
 17, 1863, to March 17, 1866. Washington, 
 Purchase of arms. Report on. Washing- 
 ton, 1862. 
 Rebel invasion of Maryland and Pennsyl- 
 vania, and the battle of Gettysburg, 
 Xotes on. Jacobs. M. Phila., 18i>4. (2 
 Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate 
 States capital. Jones, J. B. 2 v. Phila., 
 Rebellion record. Moore, F. 1"2 v. N. Y., 
 Rebellion iu the United States, Military 
 and naval history of. Tenney, W. J. 
 N. v., IHGO. 
 Rebel's recollections. E^^leston, G. C. 
 N. v., l(^7.j. 
 Rhode Island. Memoirs of Rhode Ishind 
 ortieers in service during the great rebel- 
 lion. Hartlett, J. K. Providence, 1867. 
 Right Hank at Gettyshnrg. UrookeRawle, 
 W. Phila., 167H. 
 Rise and fall of the Confederate govern- 
 ment. Davis, J. 2 V. N. V., 1881. 
 Rosecrans' campaign with the Fourteenth 
 Army Corp.s, or the Army of the Cumber- 
 land. Bickham, W. D. Cincinnati, 18(53. 
 Second war of imlependence iu America. 
 Hudson, E. M. Loud., 181)3. (2 copies.) 
 Secret service. History of the United 
 States secret service. Baker, L. C. Phila., 
 Secret service, the field, the dungeon, and 
 the escape. Richardson, A. D. Hartford, 
 Shelby and his men. Edwards, J. N. Cin- 
 cinnati, 1867. 
 Sherman, Geii. W. T. Address delivered 
 in New Yoik, May 30, 1878. Phila., 1878. 
 Sherman's historical raid. Boynton, H. V. 
 Cincinnati, 1875. (2 copies.) 
 Siege artillery in the camixiigns against 
 Richmond ; with notes on the lij-inch gun. 
 Abbott, H. L. Washington, 1867. (2 
 Siege of Richmond : operations of (ten. 
 MeClellan during May and June, 1862. 
 Cook, .1. I'hila., 1862. 
 Siege of Washington. Adams, F. C. N. Y., 
 1867. (2 copies.) 
 Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of 
 secession. Browulow, W. G. Phila. ,1862. 
 Sketches of the war. Nott, C. C. N. Y., 
 Soldiers' letters from camp, bat tie-field, and 
 prison. N. Y., 1865. 
 Soldiers' monument at Manchester, N. H. 
 Ceremonies at the dedication, Sept. 11, 
 18711. Manchester, 1880. 
 Soldier's story of his captivity. Goss, W. 
 L. Bost., 1870. 
 Southern Historical Society papers. 9 v. 
 Richmond (Va.), 1876-81. 
 Southern history of the war. Pollard, E. 
 A. N. Y., 1866. 
 Southern rebellion. Crafts, W. A. Bost., 
 History, civil, political, and military. 
 Victor, O. .7. 4 v. N. Y. 
 Stars and stripes in r(0)eldom. Bost., 1862. 
 Story of the great march. Xichols, G. W. 
 N. v., 1866. 
 Story of the guard. Fr(5uiout, J. li. Host., 
 Story of the 33d New York State Volun- 
 teers. Judd.D. W. Rochester, 1864. 
 Story of a trooper. Adams, F. C. N. Y., 
 1865. (2 copies. ) 
 Surry of Eagle's nest. Cooke, J. E. N. Y., 
 Thirteen mouths in the rebel army. Ste- 
 venson, W. G. Lond., 1862. 
 Three years iu tlu^ Army of the Potomac. 
 Blake, H. N. Bost., 1865. 
 Three year's campaign in the Ninth New 
 York State Militia. Jaques, J. W. N. Y., 
 Three years in the Federal cavalry. Gla- 
 zier, W. N. Y., 1871. 
 Thrilling stories of the great rebellion. 
 Greene, C. S. Phila., 1864-65. 
 Tribute book; a record of the mnnifieence, 
 self-sacritice, and patriotism of the Amer- 
 ican people during the war for the Union. 
 Goodrich, F. B. N. Y., 1865. 
 Twelve decisive battles of the war. Swiu- 
 tou, W. N. Y., 1867. 
 Vermont lirigade in the Shenandoah Val- 
 ley, 1864. Walker, A. F. Burlington 
 (Vt.), 1869. 
 Visit to the cities and camps of the Con- 
 federate States. Ross, F. Lond., 1865. 
 War pictures from the South. Estvau, B. 
 2 V. Loud., 1863. 
 The same. N. Y., 1864. 
 ■War of the rebellion: a compihatiou of the 
 otiiclal records of the Union and Confed- 
 erate armies. Series 1. Vols. 1-4. Wash- 
 ington, 1880-82. 
 War of the rebellion ; or, Scylla and 
 Charybdis. Foote, H. S. N.Y.,1866. 
 War of the rebellion. Pamphlets relating to 
 the. [Various dates and places.] 
 War for the Union. Civil, military, and 
 naval history. Duyckiuck, E. A. 3 v. 
 N. Y., 1865. 
 Wild Southern .scenes. .Jones, J. B. Phila. 
 With Gen. Sheridan in Lee's last campaign. 
 Newhall, F. A. Phila., 1866. 
 1 Tounglieutenant. Adams, W.T. Host., 1865.
 Alabama. History of Alabama, and iu- 
 eidentall.y of Georgia and Mis.sis.sii)pi. 
 Pickett, A. J. 2 V. Charleston, 1851. 
 Alaska and its resources. Dall, W. H. 
 Bost., 1S70. 
 Annapolis, Annals of. Eidgely, D. Balti- 
 more, 1841. 
 Buffalo, Hi.story of. Kctcliani, W. -^ v. 
 Buffalo, 18G4. 
 California and New Mexico. (H. R. Ex. 
 Docs., Nos. 17 and 18, 31st Cong., 1st 
 seas.) 2 v. Washington, IS.'iO. 
 California for health, pleasure, and resi- 
 dence. Nordhoff, C. N.Y.,1873. 
 History of Oregon and California, etc. 
 Greenhow, R. Bost., 184.5. 
 Natural and civil history of California. 
 Venegas, M. 2 v. Loud., 1759. 
 Northern California, Oregon, and the Sand- 
 wich Islands. Nordhoff, C. Loud., 1874. 
 (2 copies. ) 
 Report of adjutant general of the State. 
 Sacramento, 1879. 
 San Francisco, Colonial history of. Dwi- 
 nelle, J. W. San Francisco, 18()6. 
 Transactions of State agricultural society, 
 1858. .Sacramento, 1859. 
 Carolana, Description of. Coxe, D. Lond., 
 Colorado. New Colorado and the Santa 
 F^ trail. Hayes, A. A., jr. N. Y., 1880. 
 Columbus (Ohio). Its history, resources, 
 and progress. Studer, J. H. Columbus 
 (Ohio), 1873. 
 Connecticut during the revolution. Hin- 
 man, E. R. Hartford, 1842. 
 History of Connecticut. Trumbull, B. 
 2 V. New Haven, 1818. 
 District of Columbia. 
 Investigation of affairs in the District of 
 Columbia. (H. E. Rep., No. 72, 42d 
 Cong., 2d sess.) Washington, 1872. 
 Report of the commissioners, 1876. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 The same. 1880. Wa.shington, 
 Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. 
 Irving, T. N.Y.,1851. 
 Florida — Ccmtinned. 
 Florida, America; provincia Gallis. Brevis 
 narratio. Landouniere, R. de. Frank- 
 fort, 1591. 
 Territory of Florida. Williams, J. L. 
 N. Y., 1837. 
 View of West Florida. Williams, J. L. 
 Phila., 1827. 
 Gazetteer of the State of Georgia. Sher- 
 wood, A. Phila., 1829. 
 Georgia Hi.storicaI Society. Collections. 
 Savannah, 1840. 
 Statistics of the State of Georgia. White, 
 G. Savannah, 1849. 
 History of Illinois. Brown, H. N. Y.,1844. 
 Report of the adjutant general of the 
 State, for 1861-6i. Springfield (111.), 
 The same. For 1861-66. 7 v. 
 Springfield (111.). 1867. 
 Indiana delineated: geographical, histor- 
 ical, statistical, and commercial, etc. 
 N. Y., 1838. 
 Report of the adjutant general of the State, 
 for 1861-62. Indianapolis, 1863. 
 The same. For 1861-65. 8 v. 
 Indianapolis, 1866-69. 
 Reports (first aud second annual) of the 
 department of statistics and geology of 
 the State, 1879, 1880. 2 v. Indianapo- 
 lis, 1880. 
 Vincennes, Colonial history of. Law, J. 
 Vincennes, 1858. 
 Description of Iowa and its resources. 
 Wilson, W. D. Des Moines(Iowa), 1865. 
 Reports of the adjutant general of the 
 State. 10 V. Des Moiues, 1861-75. 
 Kansas. Report of the adjutant general of 
 the State, for the year 18o4. Leavenworth, 
 Discovery, settlement, aud present state 
 of Kentucky. Filson,J. Lond., 1793. 
 Historical sketches of Kentucky. Collins, 
 L. Cincinnati, 1850. 
 The same. Brought down to the 
 year 1874. 2 v. Covington. 1874. 
 History of Kentucky. Marshall, II. 2 v. 
 Frankfort (Ky.), 1824.
 Kent in- ky— Clint iniicd. 
 ilisldn of Konliu'ky. Allen. W. 15. Loiiis- 
 villi', 1H72. 
 Narrative of the \v:irsof Keiitiieky. linon, 
 Col. Daniel. Lend., 170:!. 
 Pioneer life in Kentucky. Drake. D. Cin- 
 einnati, 1870. 
 Report of tlic ailjiitanl mineral of the 
 State, 1861-6(). •■> v. I'rankfort (Ky.). 
 Aeeount of Loui.iiana: alistraet of doen- 
 mcnts in the (lepartnients of 8tate and 
 of the Trea.sury, 1H06. 
 Historical collections of Lonisiaiia. 
 French, H. F. 2 v. N. V.. 184(i-.'j0. 
 History of Louisiana. Barli<?-Marliois, F. 
 de. Phila., 18;i0. 
 History of Louisiana. The French domi- 
 nation. Gayarr*;, C. 'iv. N. Y.,1854. 
 The same. The Spanish domina- 
 tion. Gayarri^, C. N.Y., 18f>4. ('icopii'S ) 
 Map of the State. Darliy, \V. Phila., 1811). 
 (ico};rai)hicaI description of the State, 
 being an accompaniment to the above. 
 Darby, W. Phila., 181(1. 
 Board of aj;riciiltnre. Kiy;htecnth annual 
 report of the secretary for 1873. .Vn- 
 gnsta (Me.), 1873. 
 History of the State from its first discov- 
 ery, 1602, to the separation, 1820, in- 
 clusive. Williamson, W. D. 2 v. Hallo- 
 well, 1832. 
 Ke])ort of the adjutant general of the State, 
 for isiil. Augusta (Me.), 1802. 
 Annals of Annapolis. Kidgely. 1>. Bal- 
 timore, 1841. (2 copies.) 
 History of Maryland. McSherry, J. Bal- 
 timore, 1849. 
 The same. Baltimore, 18.52. 
 History of Maryland. Scliarf, J. T. 3 v. 
 Baltimore, 1879. 
 Message from tlie governor in relation to 
 boundary lines. Washington, 18.">l). 
 History of tlii^ colony of Massachusetts 
 Bay with respect to their charters and 
 constitution. Mauduit, I. l,ond.,1774. 
 History of the colony of Massachusetts 
 Bay from 1G28 to 1750. Hutchinson. T. 
 2v. Host., 1795. 
 Continuation of the history of the prov- 
 ince of Massachusetts Bay from 1748 to 
 MsiJisaclniM't Is— Continued. 
 17i;.'). Minol. (i. K. 2 V. Bost., 1708- 
 History of Massachn.setts from 177."> to 
 17S9. Bradford, A. Bost., 182.'>. 
 Insurrections in Massachusetts, 1780. 
 Minot,(;. 1{., 1810. 
 Record of the volunteers, 18til-<)5. 2 v. 
 Bost., 1868-70. 
 Kegister of the government and institu- 
 tions of the State, for 1862. Bost., 18()2. 
 Reports (annual) of the adjutant general 
 of the Slate, for 1801, 'i\-2. "03, XiA. 4 v., 1801-04. 
 ."society of the Cincinnati of Massachu- 
 setts, Memorials of. Drake, F. S. Bost., 
 Statistics of industry in Massachusetts for 
 tlie year ending April 1, 1k45. Palfrey, 
 J. G. Bost., 1846. 
 Boston m.nssacre, March, 1770. Lond.,1770. 
 Massachusetts Historical Society. Pro- 
 ceedings, li-."i-73. 10 V. Bost., 18.'>9-73. 
 History of Michigan. Lanmau, .1. H. 
 N. Y., 1841. 
 I.egi.slalivc manual of the State of .Michi- 
 gan for the year 18-1 . .leuney, William. 
 Lansing, 1881. 
 Red book of Michigan. I.anman, C. De- 
 troit, 1871. 
 Red book of Michigan. Henderson, D. ('. 
 Lansing, 1870. 
 K'eiiort (annual) of the adjutant general 
 of the State, for 1803. Lansing, 1804. 
 Report (eighteenth annual) of the secre- 
 tary of lioard of agriculture for year 
 ending .\ugust 31. 1^70. Lansing, 1880. 
 State of Michigan: its history, etc. 
 McCrackcn, S. B. Lansing. l>7(i. 
 History of Minne.sota. Ncill. F. D. I'liila.. 
 Report (annual) of tlic adjutant general 
 r)f the State for 1800, and of the mili- 
 tary forces of the State from IHOl to 
 1-J|i0. SI. Paul, 1800. 
 Nantucket. History of. Macy, (). Host., 
 New llaiiii>Kliu-e. 
 History of New Hamp.shire. Belkunp, .1. 
 3 V. Bost., 1813. 
 Report of the adjutant general of the 
 State, for year ending .June, 1806. 2 v. 
 Concord, 1860.
 Nevr Hampshire Historical Society. Col- 
 lections for the year 1824. 2 v. Concord, 
 New Jersey, 
 Civil ami iioliticiil history of New Jersey. 
 ilulforil, I. S. Caimleu, 1848. 
 History of the colony of Nova C:i'saria or 
 New Jersey. Smith, S. IJnrlingtiin, 
 Minutes of the provincial Couij;ress and 
 the council of safety of tlie State. 
 Trenton, 1879. 
 New Jersey archives. Documents relat- 
 ing to the colonial history of the State. 
 First series, vol. 1-2, 1G31-If587. Newark 
 (N. J.), 1880-81. 
 New Mexico. Sec California. 
 New York. City. 
 American Institute of New York City. 
 Eighth annual report. Albany, 18.50. 
 Api)letou's dictionary of New York and 
 vicinity. N. Y., 1881. 
 Chamber of Commerce. Annual reports 
 for the years 18ry2-81. 10 v. N. Y.. 
 Manual of the common council. N. Y., 
 Public charities and correction. Seventh 
 annual report of the commissioners for 
 the year 1866. N. Y., 1867. 
 Public parks. First annual rejiort of (he 
 board of commissioners for the year 
 ending May, 1871 . N. Y., 1871. 
 Sketch of the resources. N. Y., 1827. 
 rVew York State. 
 Adjutant general's annual reports for 
 1852, '53, '54, '57, '63, '64, '65, '67, '(», '70, 
 '73. 12 v. Albany, 1853-74. 
 Border warfare ; or, the annals of Tryon 
 County. Campbell, W. W. N. Y., 1849. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Uuft'alo, History of. Ketchnni. \V. 2 v. 
 Huffalo, 1864. 
 Colonial history of New Y'ork. lirodhead, 
 J. R. Albany, 1845. 
 Common school system of the State. Ran- 
 dall, S. S. Troy, 1851. 
 Comptroller of the State. Annual report. 
 Albany, 1847. 
 Cornwall. Heach, L. Newburgh, 1873. 
 Uocnmeutary history of New York. 
 O'Callaghan, E. B. 2 v. Albany, 1849. 
 History of the province of New York to 
 the year 1732. Smith, ^V. Lond., 17.57. 
 New York State— Continued. 
 History of the late province of New Y'ork 
 to the year 1762. Smith, W. 2 v. N. Y., 
 History of New York, 1609-1691. Broad- 
 head, J. R. 2v. N. Y., 1853-71. 
 History of New Netherland. O'Calla- 
 ghan, E. B. 2 V. N. Y., 1855. 
 Hudson, Historical sketches of. Miller, 
 S. B. Huilson, 18f)2. 
 Manual of the legislature. 4 v. Albany, 
 Metropolitan board of health. Second 
 annual report (1867). N. Y., 1868. 
 Military and fire organizations, Report on 
 foreign. I)e Pcyster, .1. \V. Albany, 
 Muster rolls of the volunteers. 6 v. Al- 
 bany, 1864-68. 
 Natural history of New Y'ork. 8 v. Al- 
 bany, 1842-47. 
 Part 1. Zoology, or the Now York faiiDii. by 
 J. E. DcKay. 3 v. 
 Part 2. Flora, by -J. Toney. 2 v. 
 Part 3. Mineralogy, by L. C. licck. 
 Part r,. Pateontolojxy, by J. Hall. 
 Part 6. Agriculture, by K. KnimouH. 
 New York County. Re])ort of the com- 
 mittee on sub.stitutes and relief of the 
 board of supervisors. N. Y., 1863. 
 Public docnmeuts relating to New Y'ork 
 canals. N. Y., 1821. 
 Saratoga and Ballston, Reminiscences of. 
 Stone, W. L. N. Y., 1880. 
 Schoharie County. History of Schoharie 
 County and border wars of New York. 
 Simms, J. R. Albany, 1845. 
 Nevr York conspir.acy in 1741-42. Hoi^s- 
 nianden, D. N. Y., 1810. 
 New York Historical Society. Ccdlections. 
 5 v. N. Y., 1811-30. 
 The same. 2d series, vol. 1. N. Y.. 
 New^ York State -Vgriiiiltnral Society 
 transactions. 2 v. Albany, 1849-50. 
 North Carolina. 
 History of North Carolina, from the earli- 
 est period. Martin, F. X. 2 v. New 
 Orleans, 1829. 
 Report of ad,int:int general, 1879. Raleigh. 
 Adjutant general's report for 1864. Co- 
 lumbus (Ohio), 1865.
 Ohio — Coutiniipd. 
 At liens County. History of Athens County, 
 tlie Oliio land eonipany, and the liist 
 settlement of the !<tate at Marietta. 
 Walker, C. M. Cincinnati, 18()9. 
 Colnnibiis: its history, resoiu-ces, and pro- 
 iires.s. Studer, J. H. Columbus (Ohio), 
 Statistics. Fourth annual report of the 
 commissioner. LSfiO. Colnmbns (Ohio), 
 Ohio valley historical series. No. 7. Mis- 
 eellaiiies. Cincinnati, 1H7I. 
 History of Oregon and California, and the 
 other Territories on the northwest coast 
 of North America. Grcenliow, R. Host., 
 1845. (3 copies.) 
 Our right and title; with an account of 
 the territory. Robertson, W. Wash- 
 ington, l!:"4(i. 
 Adjutant gi'ueral's rei)orts for 1864, 'G5, 
 '66, '78, '79. Harrisbnrg, 1865-80. 
 Gettysburg. Report relative to Soldiers' 
 National Cemetery. Harrisburg, 1867. 
 Historical collections. Day, S. Phila., 
 Historical review of Pennsylvania, from 
 its origin. Franklin, B. Phila., 1812. 
 History of Pennsylvania, from its discov- 
 ery to 177G. Gordon, T. F. Phila., 
 History of Pennsylvania, from 1681 to 
 174-.>." Proud, R.' Phila., 1797-98. 
 Insurrection. History of the insurrection 
 in the four western counties in 1794. 
 Findley, W. Phila., 1796. 
 Message of Gov. J. F. Hartranft to the 
 general assembly, 1876. Harrisburg, 
 Register of Pennsylvania. Hazard, S. 
 16 V. Phila., 18-28-36. 
 State House. Historical account of the 
 old State House. Etting, F. M. Bost., 
 Wyoming, History of. Miner, ('. Phila.. 
 Kliodo Island. 
 Records of the colony of Rhode Island and 
 Providence Plantations, 1636 to 1792. 
 10 V. Providence, 1856-65. 
 Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island. Cowell, B. 
 Boat., 1850. 
 San Francisco, Colonial history of. Dwi- 
 nelh', .). W. ."^an Francisco, 1866. 
 Saratoga and B.iUston, Reminiscences of. 
 ShM.r.W. L. N. v., 1880. 
 Soiilli Carolina. 
 History of .South Carolina, from its first 
 European di.scovery. Simms, W. G. 
 Ch.arleston, 1840. 
 History of South Carolina, from 1670 to 
 180M. Ramsay, D. 2 v. Charleston, 
 Tennessee. Annals of Tennessee to the end 
 of the 18th century. Ramsey, J. G. M. 
 Charleston, 1853. 
 History of Texas, from 1635 to ^846. Yoa- 
 kum, H. 2 V. N. y., 18.56. 
 History of Texas. Edward, D. B. Cin- 
 cinnati, 1836. 
 Texas and the Texans. Foote, II. S. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1-41. 
 Adjutant and inspector general's report 
 for 1865 and 1866. 2 v. Moutpclier, 
 History of Vermont, from its discovery to 
 1791. Hall, H. Albany, 181)8. 
 Natural and civil history of \'erinont. 
 Williams, S. Burlington, 1809. 
 Vincenues (Ind.), Colonial history of. 
 Law, J. Vincenues, 1858. 
 Admirando narratio, etc. Hariot, T. 
 Francoforti ad .Moenum, 1.590. 
 History of the first discovery and settle- 
 ment of Virginia. Stitli, W. Williams- 
 hurg, 1747. 
 Notes on the State. .letlerson, T. Phila., 
 Old churches, ministers, and families of 
 Virginia. Meade, W. 2 v. Phila., 
 Western Virginia. Early settlements 
 and Indian wars. De Hass, W. Wheel- 
 ing, 1851. 
 Behind the scenes in Washington. Mar- 
 tin, E. W. Washington, 1873. 
 Ten years in Washington. Ames. M. C. 
 H.irlford, 1873. (2 copies. ) 
 Washington and its environs. Keim. D. 
 R. Washington, 1874. 
 Washington guide. Elliot, W. Wash- 
 ington, 1837. (2 copies.)
 Washington— Continued. 
 Washington outside and inside. Town- 
 send, G. A. Chicago, 167,3. 
 Washington sketch book. I?y Viator. 
 N. Y., 1864. 
 American antiquities and researches into 
 the origin and history of the red race. 
 Bradford, A. W. N. Y., 1843. 
 Antiquities of the southern Indians, par- 
 ticularly of the Georgia tribes. Joues, C. 
 C.jr. N. Y., 1873. 
 Biography and history of the Indians of 
 Xortb America. Drake, S. G. Bost.,1837. 
 Century of dishonor. .Taekson. Mrs. Helen. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian war 
 after the conquest of Canada. Parkman, 
 F. 2 V. Host., 1870. 
 The same. 2 v. Bost.,1874. 
 Expedition against the Ohio Indians, 1764. 
 Bou(iuet, H. Phila. and Lond.. 1766. 
 The same. With a translation of 
 Dumas' liiographical sketch of (Jen. Bou- 
 quet. Ciucinnati, 1868. 
 Expedition against Sandusky, under Col. 
 William Crawford, In 1782. Bufterfield, 
 C. W. Cincinnati, 1873. 
 Florida war: its origin, progress, and con- 
 clusion. Sprague, J. T. N. Y., 1848. 
 History of the five Indian nations of Can- 
 ada, Ti hich are dependent on the province 
 ofNewY'ork. Coldeu, C. Vol.2. Lond., 
 History, manners, and customs of the In- 
 dian natives who once inhabited Penn- 
 sylvania and the neighboring States, 
 lieckewelder, Rev. J. Phila., 1819. 
 History of the Indian tribes of North 
 America, with biographical sketches and 
 120 portraits. lIcKenney, T. L., and J. 
 Hall. 3 V. Phila., 1836-44. 
 The same. 2 v. text and 1 v. of por- 
 traits. Phila., 1872. 
 Indian affairs, Pamphlets relating to. 
 (Pamphlets, v. 1.) 
 Indian atfairs. Reports of the Commis- 
 sioner from 1836 to 1842, inclusive. 
 Washington, 1836-42. (Bound with "In- 
 dian treaties.'') 
 Indian treaties, from 1837 to 1842, inclu- 
 sive. WasliingtOQ, 1843. 
 Information respecting the history, condi- 
 tion, and prospects of the Indian tribes 
 of the United States. Schoolcraft, H. R. 
 6 V. Phila., 1851-57. 
 Iroquois; or, contributions to American 
 history, etc. Schoolcraft, H. R. Albany, 
 Manners, customs, and condition of the 
 Xorth American Indians. Catlin, G. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1841. 
 Modoc war. OH. R. Ex. Doe.) Washing- 
 ton, 1874. 
 Mceurs des sauvagcs .araeriqnains eoni- 
 parecs aux mceurs des premiers temps. 
 Latitau, J. F. 2 v. Paris, 1724. 
 Narrative of the mission of the United 
 Bretheru among the Delaware and Mohe- 
 gan Indians, from 1740 to 1808. Hecke- 
 welder, Rev. J. Phila., 1820. 
 Native races of the Pacific States of Xortli 
 America. Bancroft, H. H. 5 v. N. Y., 
 Nez Perce Joseph: an account of his an- 
 cestors, his lands, his confederates, etc. 
 Howard. Gen. 0. O. Bost., 1881. 
 Origin of the North American Indians. 
 Mcintosh, .J. N. Y., 1843. 
 Our wild Indians: thirty-three years' expe- 
 rience among the red men of the great 
 West: a popular account of their social 
 life, religion, habits, traits, customs, ex- 
 ploits, etc. Dodge, R.I. Hartford (Conn.), 
 Report to the Secretary of War on Indian 
 artairs. Morse. .J. New Haven, 1828. 
 Researches, jihilosophical and antiqua- 
 rian, concerning the aboriginal history 
 of America. McCulloh, .7. H., jr. Balti- 
 more, 1829. 
 Seneca Indians, Case of the, in the State 
 of New York. Phila., 1840. 
 Sioux war and massacres of 1862-63. 
 Heard, J. V. D. N. Y., I860. 
 Sketches of the history, manners, and cus- 
 toms of the North American Indians. 
 Buchanan, J. 2 v. N. Y., 1824. 
 Sketches of a tonr to the lakes. Character 
 and customs of the Chippeway Indians, 
 etc. McKenney. T. L. Baltimore, l-'27. 
 ■War in West Florida and Louisiana, in 
 1814-15, Historical memoir of; with atlas. 
 Latour, A. L. Phila., 1816.
 Aids to ICnglish coiniiositiou. r,-ii'ker, 1{. G. 
 X, Y..l-r.>. 
 Alphabet Mantchoii. Laiigles, I/. M. I'aiis, 
 Charlemagne loinauces. (Early English 
 Text .So<'iety.) 
 Part 1. Sir Fci'tmiltrns. Lond., 1879. 
 P;irt 2. "The Si-^e olV ^[i*l:iyiie" and "Tlie ro' 
 liianrF of Dulce Rowland and Sir OtucU of 
 Spayno," toiirtliiT with a fragment of "Tlio 
 song of Kolaud." Lond., ]88tt. 
 I'art :{. Tin- lyf of the noble and irrysten i)rynce, 
 Charle.s tlie Grete ; translated from the Frencli 
 by William Caxton, and printed by him 1485. 
 AVith introdnetion, notes, and glossary by 
 S. .7. H. Herrtage. Part 1. Lond., 1880. 
 Commercial corresiKiiulence iu Freiuli, 
 Maiitial of. Monsanto, H. M. N. Y., 1881. 
 Curiosities of Puritan nonienclatiue. 
 lianlsloy, C. W. N. Y., 1880. 
 Dean's English (The): a criticism on the 
 (loan of Cauterlinry's essays on the queen's Moon, G. W. N. Y. , 1871. 
 Dissertation on the nature and character 
 of the Chinese .system of yvriting; to which 
 are suhjoineil a vocabulary of tlie Cochin 
 Chinese language, by Father Joseph Mor- 
 roiK!, with references to i)lates, etc., by 
 M. <le la Palnn, ami a Cochin Chinese 
 and Latin dictionary. Dii Ponceau, P. S. 
 I'hila., 18;!S, 
 Diversions of Purley. Tooke, .1. H. Pliila., 
 Eastern oi-iginof the Celtic nations, proved 
 by a comparison of their dialects with the 
 ^janscrit, Greek, Latin, .and Teutonic lan- 
 guages. Prichard, J. C. Loud., 1831. 
 English languagi'. L.athani, K. G. Lond., 
 English synonynies. Crabb, G. N. Y.,1832. 
 Etruscan literature and antiiiuities inves- 
 tigated. Het]iaiu,\V. 2 v. Dublin, 1842. 
 Gael and Cynibri. liethani, W. Dublin, 
 Grerman Language : Ollendortl's new method 
 of learning to read, write, and sjjcak the 
 German language; to which is added a 
 .systematic outline of grammar, 
 by G. J. Adlcr. N. Y., 1854. 
 Practical grammar of the German 
 language. Pollen, C. Boat., 1845. 
 Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. 
 March, F. A. N. Y.,l870. 
 Grammar of English grammars. Hrown, (i. 
 N. Y.,1873. 
 Grammar of the French language, licrard, 
 C. N. Y.,182(;. 
 Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic, or Irish lan- 
 guage. Vallancey, C. Dublin, 1783. 
 Greek grammar. Buttmann, P. Bost.,1831. 
 Greek grammar. Sophocles, E. A. Hart- 
 ford, 1^<47. 
 Hermes; or, a philosophical iiuiuiry con- 
 cerning universal grammar. Harris, ,1. 
 Loud., 182.5. 
 History of Esarhaddon (son of Senna- 
 cherib), king of Assyria, B. C. G81-668. 
 Translated from the cuneiform inscrip- 
 tions upon cylinders and tablets iu the 
 liritisli Museum collection. Budge, E. A. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Instruction on da-ssitication and definition, 
 as subsidiary to the course iu logic and 
 philosophy, etc. French, I. W. West 
 Point, N. y. 
 Introduction to the grammar of the San- 
 scrit language. Wilson, H. H. Lond., 
 Introduction to the science of language. 
 Sayce, A. H. 2 v. Lond., 1880. 
 Key into the language of America. Wil- 
 liami, R. Providence, 1827. 
 Lectures on the science of language. Miil- 
 ler, F. M. 2 v. Loud., 1873. 
 Memoire sur le systeine graunnatieal des 
 laugucs de quelques nations indieunes 
 de rAin<^ri<i\ie du Nord. Du Ponceau, P. S. 
 Paris, 1838. 
 Pasilogia. Groves, E. Dublin, 1846. 
 Precis du systeme hieroglyphiqne des an- 
 cieus figyjitiens. Champollion le jeune, 
 J. F. Paris, 1827-28. 
 Principles of grammar. Barrett, S., jr. 
 Phila., 18.ll. 
 Punctuation, and otlier typograi)hical mat- 
 ters. Bigelow, M. T. Boat., 1881. 
 Thesaurus of Eiiglisli words and i)hrase8. 
 Rogft, P. M. I5ost., 1870. 
 Vocabulaire oc(5anien-fran{ai8 et franvais- 
 oeeanien. MohIjIccIi, B. Paris, 184:}. 
 Words and tlieir uses, past and present. 
 Wiiite, E. G. X. Y.,1870. 
 Tlie same. N. Y., 1872. 
 {See. also, Dictionaries.) 
 29 w
 Addison, .Joseph. AVorks. li v. Loud., 
 Adtrertising, History of. Sampson, H. 
 LoiicL, 1ST4. 
 Americau liti-raturo, Cyclopedia of. Diiy- 
 ckinck, K. A., and G. L. Diiytkinck. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 185(;. 
 History of Americau liti;rature, IfiUT- 
 176.5. Tyler, M.C. 2 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Among my liooks. (World essays.) N. Y., 
 Amours of great men. Vaudam, A. D. "2 v. 
 Loud., 1878. 
 Analysis of the pheuomeua of the human 
 mind. Mill, .1. -2 v. Loud., 18-29. 
 Anatomy id" melancludy. liurton. R. 2 v. 
 Lond., 180i;. 
 Ancient law. Maine, H. S. N. Y., 1875. 
 At home and abroad; or, things and 
 thoughts in Europe and Ainerica. Osscili, 
 M. Fuller. Host., 1874. 
 Authors, 15oi)k of. Russell, W. C. Lond. 
 Authors; with ageueraliudex. (Lit- 
 tle classics, V. Ifi.) Bost., 1875. 
 Autumn holidays of a couutrv parson. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. Bost., 1839. 
 Bacon, Francis, Lord. Works. 14 v. Lond., 
 Best authors iu prose and poetry. Coates, 
 H. T. Phila., I87(). 
 Bibliographer's manual of English litera- 
 tun. Lowndes, W.T. (! v. Lond., 186.5. 
 Bibliomania; or, hook niailness. Dibdiu, 
 T. F. Loud., 1876. 
 Biographical aud critical miscellanies. 
 Prescott, \V. H. N. Y., 1845. 
 Biology, Principles of. SpcTicer, H. 2 v. 
 X. v., l-Hi. 
 Bolingbroke, Lunl. Worlds. With life by 
 Oliver (Joldsmith. 8 v. Lond., 1809. 
 Book of fallacies. Beutliaiu, J. Lond., 
 British parliament, Anecdotal history of. 
 .leuniugs, G. H. X. Y., 1881. 
 Browne, Charles F. {Jrli'iiiiin ll'ani). 
 Works. Lond. 
 Buckle, H. T. Miscellaneous and posthu- 
 mous works. 3 V. Loud., 1872. 
 Burke, Edmund. Works. With a niemoir. 
 :?v. N.Y.,18:«. 
 Caricature. Caricature history of tlu' four 
 Georges. Wright, T. Lond. 
 History of caricature and grotesipie 
 iu literature aiul art. Wright, T. Loud., 
 Cavalry life ; or, .sketc lies aud stories in 
 barracks and out. Winter, ,T. S. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Censeur(Le). Comtc et Duuoyer, MM. 
 2 V. P,aris, 1815. 
 Ceremonial institutions. Spencer, H. N. Y., 
 Certain dangerous tendencies in Americau 
 life; and other papers. Bost., 1880. 
 Chamfort, S. U. N. (Euvres. 4 v. Paris, 
 Changed aspects of unchanged truths. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. Loud., 18/0. 
 Chaptersof Erie; aud other essays. Adams, 
 C. F., jr., and H. Adams. Bost., 1871. 
 Charlemagne romances. (Early English 
 Text Society.) 
 Parti. Sir Feriimbras. Lonil., 1879. 
 Part 2. *'Thc sego ofl" Mela,\nie" and "'The ro- 
 UKince of I)(ike Kowlaiiil aud Sir Otiiell of 
 Spayne," tof^ether with a fragment nf "Tins 
 song of Roland." Loud., 1880. 
 Part 3. The lyf of the aolile and iiysti'u Pryncc, 
 Charles Ih(! Grete; trauslatnl from tlu- French 
 by William Caxtou, aud printed by him, 148.'». 
 With introduction, notes, and glossary by S. 
 J. U. Uerrtage. Part-i. Loud., 18S0. 
 Chesterfield's letters, written to his sou. 
 2 V. Lond., 1872. 
 The same. Phila., 1872.
 Childhood. (Little classics, v. 10.) Boat., 
 ChroDicles of the tombs : a select collection 
 of epitaphs. Pettigrew, T. J. Lond., 
 Civilization considered as a science. Har- 
 ris, G. X. Y., 1873. 
 Comedy. (Little classics, v. 9.) Bost., 
 Common-place book. .Southey, K. Lond., 
 Companions of my solitude. Helps, A. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Condillac, E. B. de. CEuvres completes. 
 ■> V. Paris, 1803. 
 Connoisseur (The). Loud., 1826. (Bound 
 with -'The world.") 
 Contemporary evolution. Mivart, St. G. 
 X. Y.. 187(3. 
 Country year book : or, the held, the forest, 
 and tlie fireside. Howitt, W. X. Y., 
 Critical dictionary of English literature, 
 and British and American authors. Alli- 
 bone, S. A. 3 v. Phila., 1858-71. 
 Critique of pure reason. Kant, I. Loud., 
 Critiques and addresses. Huxley, T. H. 
 N. Y., 1873. 
 CrOTwn of wild olive: three lectures on 
 work, traffic, and war. Ruskin, J. N. Y., 
 Cruikshank's omnibus. Edited by L. 
 Blaurbard. Loud., 1870. 
 Cruikshank's table-book. Edited by G. A. 
 A'Beckett. Lond., 1869. 
 Curiosities of literature. D'lsracli,!. :! v. 
 Lond., 1824. 
 The same. Lond., 1867. 
 Data of ethics. Spencer, H. N. Y., 1880. 
 De Quincey, Thomas. Writings. (Chiefly 
 essays and criticisms.) 21 v. Bost., 
 Dickens. Cyclopedia of the best thoughts 
 of Charles Dickens. De rontaine, F. G. 
 X. Y.. 1873. 
 Dictionary of English literature. Adams. 
 ^V. Davenport. Lond. 
 Discourse on the method of rightly con- 
 ducting the rea.sou, and seeking truth in 
 the sciences. Descartes, R. Edinburgh, 
 Discourses and on subjiets of 
 American history, arts, and literature. 
 Verplanck, 6. C. X. Y. , 1833. 
 Dissertations and discussions. Mill, J. S. 
 4 v. Bost., 1865-68. 
 Doctor (The), etc. Southey, R. Lond., 1865. 
 Duty. Smiles, S. N. Y.,"l861. 
 Eastern proverbs and emblems. Long, 
 Rev. J. Bost., 1881. 
 Edinburgh Review, Contributions to. 
 .Jeffrey, F. 3 v. Loud., 1846. 
 Education as a science. Bain, .\. X. Y.. 
 Lectures and annual reports on education. 
 Maun, H. 2 v. Bost., 1867-68. 
 Manuel des ^coles primaires, moyennes et 
 uormales. Matter, M. Paris, 1834. 
 Manuel d'education, physique et morale 
 Amoros, F. 2 v. Paris, 1830. 
 Year book of education for 1878. Kiddle, 
 n.. and A. J. Schem. X. Y., 1^78. 
 Elements of criticism. Karnes, H. Home, 
 Lord. ^v. X. Y.,1819. 
 The same. 2 v. X. Y., 1823. 
 Eng:lisli Liiterature. 
 Development of English literature. Aza- 
 • rias, Bro. X. Y., 1879. 
 Hand book of English literature. Angus, 
 .1. Lond, 
 History of English literature, Taine,H,A. 
 2 V. X. Y., 1871. 
 Masterpieces of English literature. 
 Sprague, H. B. X, Y., 1874. 
 Ma.sterpieces of English literature. Swiu- 
 ton, W. X. Y., 1880. 
 Esarhaddon (son of Seniiaclierib), king of 
 Assyria, B. C, 681-668, History of. Trans- 
 lated from the cuneiform inscriptions up- 
 on cylinders and tablets in the British 
 Museiun collection. Budge, E. A, Loud., 
 Bacon's essays. Bacon, Lord. Bost., 1874. 
 Critical es.says of a "country parson. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. Lond., 1867. 
 Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic 
 Review. Foster, ,1. 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Critical and historical essays. Macaulay, 
 T. B. 3 V. Lond.. 1849. 
 Critical and mi.scelIaueous essays. Car- 
 lyle, T. 4 v. Lond., 1847. 
 The same. 7 v. N. Y., 1872. 
 Tlu> same. 2 v. Bost., 1881. 
 Critical and misceUaneous essays. Ma- 
 caulay, T. B. (.Modern British essay- 
 ists.) 5 V. Phila., 1842-14,
 Essays— Continued. 
 Critical anil miscellaneous essays. Scott, 
 Sir W. (Modern liritisb essayists.) :i v. [ 
 Phila., 1841. 
 Critical and miscellaneous essays. Ste- 
 phen, J. (Jlodern ISritisli essayists.) 
 Phila., 1843. 
 Critical and miscellaneous writings. Tal- 
 fonrd, T. N. (Modern British essay- 
 ists.) Phila., 184-2. 
 Duke and the scholar, and other essays. 
 Oliphant, T. L. K. Lond., 1^75. 
 Essay on the evils of popular ifjuorance, 
 etc. Foster, J. Loud., 1872. 
 Essays. Emerson, 1{. W. 2 v. Bost., 
 Essays. Helps, A. Loud., 187(1. 
 Essays. Macaulay, T. B. (Vols. 5, 6, 7, 
 "Macaulay's complete works.") 3 v. 
 Essays. Montaigne, M. de. 2 v. Lond., 
 Essays on cathedrals. By various writers. 
 Edited hy Kev. .J. S. Howson. Lond., 
 Essays on decisiou of character, etc. Fos- 
 ter. .T. Lond., 1>73. 
 Essays on easteru iiuestions. I'algrave, 
 W. G. Loud., 1872. 
 Essays of Elia aud Eliana. Lamh, C. 
 Lend., 1871. 
 Essaysou English writers. Friswell, J. H. 
 Loud.. 1869. 
 Essays on Italy, Ireland, aud the United 
 States. Probyn, J.W. Loud., 1868. 
 Essays from the North American Keview. 
 N. y., 1879. 
 Essays of an oi)timi8t. Kaye, J. W. 
 Phila., 1871. 
 Essayson the powers of the human mind. 
 Rcid, T. Lond., 1827. 
 Essays and reviews. Lond., IStJl. 
 Essays and studies. Swinburne, A. C. 
 Lond., 187r>. 
 Gentle life: essays in aid of the forma- 
 tiou of character. Friswell. J. H. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Literary style ; aud other essays. Ma- 
 thews, W. Chicago, 1381. 
 Moral, political, and aesthetic essays. 
 Spencer, H. N. Y., 1880. 
 Sketches and essays. Hazlitt, W. Loud., 
 Tropical natnre and other essays. Wal- 
 lace, A. R. Lond., 1878. 
 ^Jlthical philosophy. Mackintosh, Sir J. 
 Phila.. 1^34. 
 Ethics of the dust: ten lectures to little 
 housewives. Kuskin,J. N. Y., 1879. 
 Everett's orations aud speeches. Everett, 
 E. 2 V. Host., 18r>0. 
 E very-day book. Hone, W. 2 v. Loud., 
 Every-day philosopher in town aud coun- 
 try. Hoyd, A. K. H. Host., 1809. 
 Ezamiuatiou of .Sir William Hamilton's 
 philosphy. Mill, J. S. 2 v. Host., 
 Exile. (Little classics, v. 1.) Bost., 1875. 
 Familiar nuotations. Bartlett, J. Bost., 
 Fortune. (Little classics, v. 12.) Bost., 
 Fosteriaua. Foster, .1. Lond., 18.">8. 
 Fragment of Mackintosh. Mill, J. Lond., 
 Frederic II., hiii'i of Prussia. (Envrcs 
 posthumes. 16 v. Berlin, 1788. 
 (Euvres. Publi<!es du vivant de 
 I'auteur. 4 v. Berlin, 1789. 
 Freedom in science and teaching. Haeckel, 
 E. N. Y., 1-^79. 
 Lexicon of freemasonry. Maekey, A. G. 
 Phila., 1872. 
 ] Morals and dogma of the ancient and 
 I accepted Scottish rite of freemasonry. 
 Charleston (S. C), 1871. 
 1 Symbolism of Freemasonry. Maekey, 
 A. G. N. y., lJ^69. 
 Text -book of masonic .jurisprudence. 
 Maekey, A. G. N. Y., 1873. 
 Friends in council. Helps, A. (IstandSd 
 .series.) 4 v. Lond., 1872-73. 
 Gentleman's Magazine, Selection of curi- 
 ous articles from. Walker, .J. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1814. 
 Gentlemen's book of etifjuette and manual 
 of politeness. Hartley, C. B. Phila., 
 Goldsmith, Oliver. Works. With life, 
 by Waller. Lonil. 
 Graver thoughts of a country parson. 
 Boyd, A. K. H. 2 v. Bost.. 1874. 
 Great authors of all ages. Allibone, S. A. 
 Phila., 1880. 
 Guardian (The). By Steele, Addison, etc. 
 Half-hours with the liest autlmrs. Knight, 
 C. 4 v. Lond.
 Half-hours with the best letter-writers and 
 autobiographers. Knight, C. Lond., 
 Hall, Robert. Works. 6 v. Loud., 1845. 
 Miscellaneous work.s. Lend., 1870. 
 Helvetius, C. A. ffiuvres compR-tes. 5 v. 
 Loud., 1781. 
 Heroes, hero-worship, aud the heroic in 
 liistoiy. Carlyle, T. tS. Y., l.'^72. 
 Heroism. (Little classics, v. 11.) Bost., 
 Historic uinepins. Timbs, .1. Loud., 1869. 
 Historical and critical dictionary ; 
 abridged, with a life of Bayle. Bayle, P. 
 4 V. Lond., 1826. 
 Holland House. Liechtenstein , Princess M. 
 2 V. Lond., 1874. 
 Homeric synchronism: an enquiry into the 
 time aud place of Homer. Gladstone, W. 
 E. N. Y., 1876. 
 Hood's own; or, laughter from year to 
 year. Hood,T. (1st aud Sd series.) 2 v. 
 Loud., 1873. 
 Hook, Theodore. Humorous works. Lond. 
 Hours ih a library. Stephen, L. Lond., 
 Illustrations of universal jirogress. Spen- 
 cer, H. X. Y., 1880. 
 Imagination aud fancy. Hunt, L. Lond., 
 Inaugural address. Mill, J. S. Loud., 
 Inquiry into the accordauoy of war with 
 the principles of Christianity. Dymond, 
 J. Pbila. 
 Intellect. (Little classics, v. 2.) Bost., 
 Intellectual development of Europe. Dra- 
 per, J. W. X. Y., 1874. 
 Intelligence. Taiue, H. A. N. Y., 1872. 
 Introduction to the history of philosophy. 
 Cousin, V. Bost., 1832. 
 Irish eloquence. Speeches of Phillips, Cnr- 
 rau, Grattau, Emuictt, etc. Pliila., 1834. 
 Is life worth living .' Mallock,W. H. N.Y., 
 Jar of honey from Mount Hybla. Hunt, L. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 Jerrold, Douglas. Works. .^ v. Lond. 
 Johnson, Samuel. Works, (i v. Phila., 
 Journalism in the United States, History 
 of. Hudson, F. N. Y., 1^'73. 
 Junius. LettiTs. (Woodfall's .Juuius.) 
 N. Y., 1848. 
 Lamb, Charles. Prose works. 3 v. Lond., 
 Landscapes, churches, and moralities. 
 Boyd. A. K. H. Lond., 1874. 
 Latter-day pamphlets. Carlyle, T. Lond., 
 Laughter. (Little classics, v. 5.) Host. ,1875. 
 Lectures delivered at Broadraead chapel, 
 Bristol. Foster, J. 2 v. Lond., 1871. 
 Lectures on the early history of institu- 
 tions. Maine, H. .S. Loud., 1875. 
 Lectures on the English poets aud Eng- 
 lish comic writers. Hazlitt, W. Lond., 
 Lectures on the hi.story of literature, an- 
 cient and modern. Schlegel, F. von. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Lectures on the literature of the age of 
 Elizabeth, and characters of Shaki'- 
 spear's play.s. Hazlitt, W. Lond., 1870. 
 Lectures on the philosoi)hy of history. 
 Hegel, G.W.F. Lond., 1872. 
 Leisure hours in town. Boyd, A. K. H.,1874. 
 Lessons of middle age. Boyd, A. K. H. 
 Lond., 1869. 
 Liberty and slavery, Essay on. Bledsoe, 
 A.T. Phila., 1856. 
 JIauual of public libraries, institutions, 
 and societies in the United States and 
 British provinces of North America. 
 Rhees, W. J. Phila., 18.59. (2 copies.) 
 Public libraries in the United States; 
 their history, condition, and manage- 
 ment. Washington, 1876. 
 Library notes. Russell, A. P. N. Y., 1875. 
 Lieber, Dr. Francis. Miscellaneous writ- 
 ings. 2 V. Phila., IS-il. 
 Life. (Little classics, V. 4.) Bost., 1875. 
 Life without and life within. O-ssoli, M. 
 Fuller. Bost., 1874. 
 Literature of the south of Europe, Histor- 
 ical view of. Sismondi, S. de. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1846. 
 Little travels. Thackeray, W. JI. Phila., 
 1872. (Bound with "Catherine.") 
 Locke, John. Works. 2 v. Lond., 1872. 
 Lounger (The). By H. Mackenzie aud 
 others. Lond., 1825. 
 Love. (Little classics, v. 6.) Host., 1875. 
 Macaulay, T. B., /^oi-rf. Works. 8 v. Lond., 
 Speeches, lays, aud [loems. (Works, 
 v. 8.) Loud., 1873.
 Man's tlumglits. Eriswell, J. H. Louil., , Physics aud politics. Bageliot, W. Loud., 
 Many thoufjlits of many minds. South- 
 Sate, H. 2 V. Loml.,1874. 
 Men, woiiion. and l>()ol<s. Hmit.L. l.ond., 
 The same. N. Y., 1873. 
 Pictorial calendar of the, seasons. Howitt, 
 M. Lond., istii. 
 Plain speaker. Hazlitt. \V. Lond., 1"^70. 
 Millbank prison, Memorials of, and chap- Plutarch. Morals. .5 v. Bost., 1871. 
 The same. 5 v. Best., 1874. 
 CEuvres mlldes. 6 v. (CEavres, v. 
 ters iu prison history. Griffith, A. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1875. - 
 Milton, .John. Prose works. 7 v. Lond., 18-23.) 
 Mind and hody. Bain, A. Lond., 1874. 
 ■ (Eiivres morales. .'> v. (CEuvres, v. 
 Monday chats. .'^ainte-Beuve, C. A. Chi- PoUen, Oeorjje, Writings of. N. Y.,1868. 
 ca-o, 1^ 
 Present dav thouglits : memorials of i^t. 
 Montesquieu, C. de S. CEuvres completes. Andrew's Sundays. Boyd, A. K. H. 
 () V. Paris. 181(i. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Mount Vernon papers. Everett. E. N.Y., Primitive culture. Tylor, E. B. 2 v. N.Y'.. 
 Musaeus, Ticck, Kichtcr. Carlyle, T. principles and portraits. Bartol, C. A. 
 (Translations from the German, v. 3.) 
 Lond., l.-<71. 
 Mystery. (Littleclassics, v. 8.) Best., 1875. 
 Myth and science: an essay. Viguoli, T. 
 N. Y.,18h2. 
 Noble thoughts in noble language. South- 
 satc. H. Lond. 
 Noctesanihrosiaua'. Wilson, J., and others. 
 (Modern British essayists. ) 4 v. Phila., 
 Old times and distant places. Sketches of. 
 Sinclair, J. Loud., 1875. 
 Oratory and orators. Mathews. W. Chi 
 caj;o, 187'.". 
 Pantology; or, a systematic survey of hu- 
 man knowledge. Park, R. Phila.. 1841. 
 Paris sketch-book. Thackeray, W. M. 
 I'hila., 1872. 
 Past and present. Carlyle, T. X. Y., 1872. 
 Past in the present: ten lectures ou ar- 
 clKcoIogy. Mitchell, A. N. Y., 18.8L 
 PauTW, CEuvres philosopliiques. 7 v. 
 Pen photograi)hs of Charles Dickens' read- 
 ings, taken from life. Field, K. Boat., 
 People I have met. Willis, X. P. N. Y., 
 Philosophy of history. -Schlegel, F. von. 
 Lond., 1>71. 
 Bost., 188(1. 
 Prose quotations from .Socrates to Macau- 
 liiy. Allibone, S. A. Phila., 1876. 
 Hand-book of proverbs. Bohu, IL G. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Latin proverbs and cmotatious. Hender- 
 son, A. Lond., 18()9. 
 Polyglotof foreign proverbs. Bohu, II. G. 
 Lond., 181)7. 
 Pseudodoxia opidemica. Browne, .Sir T. 
 Lond., 1(158. 
 Elements of psychology. Consin, V. 
 Hartford, 1834. • 
 Illusions: a psychological study. Sully, 
 .T. N. Y., 1881. 
 Principles of psychology. Spencer, H. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1880. 
 Psychology. Ribot, T. N. Y., 1874. 
 Rabelais, F. Works. 2 v. Lond., 1864. 
 The same. Illustrated Ijy Dor(S. 
 Reading, Art of. Legouv^, i;. I'hila., 
 Recollections of curious characters and 
 pleasant places. Lanman, C. Edin- 
 burgh, issl. 
 PhUosophy of the human mind. Brown, Recreations of a couutry parson. Boyd, 
 llallowell, 1831. 
 A. K. H. 2 v. Bost., 1874. 
 Philosophy >>f life, and jihilosophy of lau- Reign of law. Argyll, Duke of. Loud., 
 ^nage. ."schlegel, F. von. Lond., 1866. 
 Physical basis of the mind. Lewe.s, G. H. I Reynolds, Sir .Joshua. Literary winks. 
 Bost., 1877. 
 2 v. Lond., 1855.
 Roman literature, History of. Diiiilop, .T. 
 2v. Lond.,1824. 
 The same. During tlie Augostau 
 age. Lond., 1828. 
 History of Eoniau literature. C'rntt- 
 well, C. T. X. Y.,1877. 
 Romance. (Little classics, v. 7.) Best.. 
 Round table. Hazlitt, W. Lond., 1871. 
 Sartor resartus. Carlyle, T. N. Y. 
 Schlegel, F. von. ^Esthetic and miscella- 
 iiious works. Lend., 1860. 
 Science <>f law. Ainos, S. Lond., 1874. 
 Scottish philosophy. JlcC'osh, J. N. Y., 
 Seaside mnsiugs on Sundays and week 
 (lays. Boyd, A. K. H. Lond., 1872. 
 Sermons, letters, etc. Sterne, L. 2 v. 
 t Vols. 3, 4, "Sterne's works.") Lend., 
 Sesame and lilies. Ruskin, J. X. Y., 1879. 
 Short studies. Froude. J. A. 2 v. Lond., 
 Side-lights on English society; or, sketches 
 from life, social and satirical. Murray, 
 E. C. G. 2v. Lond., 1881. 
 Signboards, History of. Sadler, L. R., and 
 .1. C. Hotten. Lond., 1866. 
 Silent hour. Friswell, J. H. Lond., 18(58. 
 Smith, l!ev. Sydney. Works. (Modern 
 British essayists.) 3 v. Phila., 1844. 
 Social gleanings. Boyd, M. Lond., 1875. 
 Social pressure. Helps, A. Bost., 1875. 
 Social statics. Spencer, H. N. Y., 1880. 
 I'liuciples of sociology. Spencer, H. X. Y., 
 Study of sociology. Spencer, H. Lond., 
 Tlie same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Spectator (The). 6 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Spirit of the laws. Montesquieu, Chas. de 
 S. 2 V. filasgow, 1793. 
 Spiritualism. Hammond, AV. A. X. Y., 
 Stewart, Dugakl. Works. 7 v. Cam- 
 briiVue, 1829. 
 Straugford, Viscount. Selection from his 
 writings. 2 v. Lond., 1869. 
 Studies of nature. Sainte-Fierrc, B. de. 
 5 V. Lond., 179fi. 
 Subjectionof women. Mill,.I.S. N.Y.,1870. 
 Sunday afternoons at the parish churcli of 
 a university city. Boyd, A. K. H. Loud.. 
 System of logic. Mill, J. S. N. Y., Ih70. 
 The same. X. Y., 1874. 
 Table book. Hone, W. Loud., 1827. 
 Table-talk. Hazlitt. W. Loud., 1871. 
 Table-talk. Hunt, L. Lond., 1870. 
 Tatler (The). Lond. 
 Tavern anecdotes and sayings. Hindley, 
 C. Lend., 1881. 
 Thackeray, Straymomeuts with. Rideing, 
 W. H. X. Y.,1880. 
 Thousand flashes of French wit, wisdom, 
 and wickedness. X. Y., 1880. 
 Time and tide, by Weare and Tync. Rus- 
 kin, J. X. Y., 1876-78. 
 Tragedy. (Little classics, v. 3.) Bost., 
 True stories from history and biography. 
 Hawthorne, X. Bost., 1866. 
 Value of Life (The). A reply to Mr. Mal- 
 lock's essay, "Is life worth living f" 
 X. Y., 1879. 
 Village communities. Maine, H. S. X. Y., 
 Vocabulary of the philosophical sciences. 
 Krauth, C. P., and W. Fleming. X. Y.. 
 WestPoint scrap bonk. Wood,0. E. X. Y., 
 What to observe, .lackson, .J. R. Lond., 
 Whims and oddities, in prose and verse. 
 Hood, T. Lond., 1869. 
 Winter simshine. Burroughs, J. X. Y.. 
 Wishing-cap papers. Hunt, L. Loud., 
 Witandhumor. Hunt, L. Lond.. 1871. 
 Wit and wisdom of Benjamin Disraeli. 
 X. Y., 1881. 
 Wit aud wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith. 
 Woman in the nineteenth century. Ossoli, 
 M. Fuller. Bost., 1874. 
 World (The). Lond., 1825. (Bound with 
 the "Connoisseur.'') 
 Year book of daily recreation and informa- 
 tion. Hone, W. Lend., 1832.
 Abortion and sti'iility, C'anst's and treat- 
 ment ..f. Whitiliead, J. Phila., 1648. 
 AguerrisBcmeut des arni<!es, pale8trif|ue, 
 cnlraincnuMit, liy-jie^titiui-, 8omasc<^ti<iue. 
 Vanroal. Vifomti' dc. Paris, Ir'G'J. 
 Ambulauce snrgeon (The). Appia, P. L. 
 F,(linl.mj;li, 1862. 
 American medical biography. TlnuluT, J. 
 Host., 1828. 
 Amputations at tlie hip-joint. Otis, G. A. 
 Washington, 1867. 
 Aneesthetio properties of ether, Claim to 
 the discovery of. Morton , W. T. G. AVasli- 
 ington, 18."j:5. 
 Anatomical plates. Qnain, .1., and W. .J. K. 
 Wilson. Phila., l.-i4;i. 
 Anatomy, Uescriptive audsurgical. Gray, 
 II. rinla.,18G2. 
 Animal cliemistry. Sinu)n, .1. F. Phila., 
 Army medical officer's manual. Jlillingen, 
 .1. a. V. Lond., 1819. 
 Autumnal catarrh (hay fever). Wyman, 
 M. X. Y., 18-(). 
 Blindness and the blind: or, a treatise on 
 the science of typhlology. Levy, W. H. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Bones, Diseases of the. Stanley, E. Phila., 
 Brain as an organ of mind. Pastian. II. C, 
 X. Y., 1880. 
 Camp diseases. Woodward, J. .J. Phila., 
 Cause de la rage, et mo3-eu d'en prt^server 
 l'hnnianit<5. Bachelet, V. J., etC Frons- 
 sart. Valenciennes, 18.''>7. 
 Cholera. Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the 
 I niti'd States. Washington, 187.">. 
 Ess.iy to prove the contagious charac- 
 ter of cholera. liyrue, P. 51. Phila., 
 Letters on the cholera asphyxia. 
 Paine, M. N. Y., 1832. 
 Circulars, Snrgeon General's Oflicc. Nos. 
 1 to 10. Washington, 18f).")-77. 
 No. 1. Epidemic cliolera and yellow fever in 
 tlio army of the Cniteil States dining 1807. 
 AVoodward. J. J. 
 Xo. 2. Kxcisiona of head of the femur for gun- 
 shot iiyury. Otis, G. A. 
 No. :{. Surgieiilcaaestreated in the Tjiiited States 
 Army, 1805-71. Otis, G. A. 
 No. 4. Keport on barracks and hospitals. Bil- 
 lings, J. S. 
 No. 5. Kpidemic cholera in the United States 
 Army in ISCO. Woodward, .1. J. 
 No. 0. Materials for the preparation of a medical 
 and surgical history of the rebellion. Otis and 
 No. 7. Amputations at the hi]i, joint. Otis, G. A. 
 No. 8. Hygiene of the United States Army. Hil- 
 lings, J. S. 
 No. 0. Transport of sick and wounded by pack 
 uninuds. Otis, G. A. 
 No. in. .'Vpproved jdans and specifications for 
 post liospitals. 
 Color-blindness. .left'ries, B. .L Post., 
 Comite international de secours au.\ mili- 
 taires blcsstSs. Actes. Geniive, 1871. 
 Commentaries on the snrgery of war in 
 Portngal, .Sjiain, etc. Phila., I>'fi2. 
 Dangers to health. Teale, T. P., Lond., 
 Dictionary of medical science .and litera- 
 ture. Dnnglisou, K. 2 v. Post., 18; J3. 
 The same. Phila., 18G0. 
 Digest of the vital statistics of the European 
 and native armies in India. Ewart, J. 
 Lond., 18.59. 
 Diseases of the army, Observations on. 
 Pringle, J. Lond., 1810. 
 Dispensatory of the United .States. Wood, 
 G. P., and F. liache. Phila., 1865. 
 Ear, Diseases of. Toyubee, .J. Phila., 18fi.5. 
 Embalming, History of. Gannal, J. X. 
 Phila., H40. (2 copies.) 
 Epidemic cholera in the United .States 
 Army. Woodward, .T. .1. Washington, 
 Epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the 
 United States Army. Woodward, .1. J. 
 Washington, 1868. 
 Excisions of the head of the femur. Otis, 
 G. A. Washington, 1869. 
 Eye (The). Diseases of the eye. Stellwag, 
 C. vouC. N.Y., 1868. 
 Hunjan eye. AXlialley, W. Lond., 
 Forensic medicine. Guy, W. A. N. Y., 
 G-erman-English dictionary of words and 
 terms used in medicine and its cognate 
 sciences. Barnes, F. Lond., 1881. 
 Gunshot wounds. Longmore, T. Phila., 
 Hand (The); its mechanism and vital en- 
 dowments. Bell, Sir C. (Bridgewater 
 treatises.) Phila., 1836. 
 Health. Corfield, W. H. N.Y.,1880. 
 Hospital construction. Lee, C. A. Albany, 
 Hospital gangrene, erysipelas, and py;emia. 
 Goldsmith, M. Louisville, 1863. 
 Hospital of the medical department, U. S. 
 Army, at the International Exhibition of 
 1876. Washington, l'*76. 
 Hospital steward's manual. Woodward, 
 J. J. Phila., 1862. 
 Hospital transports. Bo8t.,1863. 
 Human brain. Solly, S. Phila., 1849. 
 Human physiology. Draper, J. W. N. Y., 
 Text - book of human i)hysiology. 
 Flint, A., jr. N. Y.,1876. 
 Treatise on human physiology. Dal- 
 tou.J. C. Phila., 1864. 
 Hygiene militaire. Revolat, E. B. Lyon, 
 Infancy and childhood. Diseases of. West, 
 C. Phila., 1866. 
 Inflammation of the uterus. Bennett, J. H. 
 Phila., 1850. 
 Longevity. Gardner, J. Bost.,1875. 
 Lungs, Diseases of the. Walshe, W. H. 
 Maladies endemiques. Boudiu, J. Ch. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1857. 
 Malaria. MacCulloch, J. Loud., 1827. 
 Medical botany, Lectures, on. Robinson, 
 S. Columbus, 1829. 
 Medical chemistry. Hand-book of. Bow- 
 man, J. E. Phila., 1870. 
 Medical diagnosis. Da Costa, .J. M. Phila, 
 30 w 
 Medical and anthropological statistics of 
 the provost-marshal general's bureau. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1875. 
 Medical and physical researches. Harlan, 
 E. Phila., 1835. 
 Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812, 
 '13, '14. Mann, J. Dedham, 1816. 
 Medical and surgical history of the British 
 army which served in Turkey and the 
 Crimea diu-ing the war against Russia, 
 in the years 1854, '55, '.50. 2 v. Lond., 1858. 
 Medical and surgical history of the war of 
 the rebellion, 1861-65. 3 v. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Pt. 2. Vol.1. 
 Medicine, Study of. Good, J. M. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1840. 
 System of medicine. Reynolds, J. R. 
 3v. Lond., 1866-71. 
 Medico-Chirurgical Review and Journal 
 of Medical Science. 27 v. in 21. X. Y., 
 Microscopic anatomy of the human body. 
 Hassall,A. H. 2 v. Lond., lf:<4y. 
 Midwrifery, Treatise on. Cazeaux, P. 
 Phila.. 1866. 
 Military, medical, and surgical essays. 
 Hammond, W. A. Phila., 1864. 
 Military surgeon, Hand book for. Tripler, 
 C. S., and G. C. Blackman. Cincinnati, 
 1861. (2 copies.) 
 Military surgery. Larrey, D. J. Pt. 1. 
 Loud., 1815. 
 Military surgery, Princiiiles of. Hennen, 
 J. Lond., 1829. 
 Naval hygiene. Wilson, J. Washington, 
 Nervous system, Diseases of. Hammond, 
 W. A. X. Y.,1876. 
 Obstetric medicine and surgery. Rams- 
 botham, F. H. Phila., 1843. 
 Obstetrics. Hodge, H. L. Phila., 1866. 
 Obstetrics. Meigs, C. D. Phila., 1856. 
 Ophthalmic surgery. Handy book of. Lau- 
 rence, J. Z., and E. Moon. Phila., 1866. 
 Ophthalmoscope (The). Zander, A. Loud., 
 Parturition and the principles and practice 
 of obstetrics. Smyth, W.T. Phila., 1849. 
 Pharmacopceia of the United States. 
 Phila., 1851. 
 Physiological anatomy, and i)hysiology of 
 man. Todd, R.B., and W. Bowman. Vol.1. 
 Lond., 1845. 
 Physiology of man. Flint, A., jr. 2 v. 
 N.Y., 1866-67.
 Practical liygiene, Manual of. Parkes, E. A. 
 Loud., 18t>'i. 
 The sami". Pliila., 1«W. 
 Practical thcrapi'iitics. Waring, E. J. 
 riiila.. 18()f). 
 Practical treatise ou the domeBtic nian- 
 agenieiit and most important diseases 
 of advanced life. Day, (i. E. Pliila., 
 Practice of luedieine. Wood, G. H. 'i v. 
 Phlla., 1858. 
 Principal diseases of the interior valley of 
 North America. Drake, D. Cincinnati, 
 Procfes-verbaux de la conference sanitaire 
 internatiiinalc. Oiivcrtc :\ Vicniie, 1874. 
 Vienne, 1874. 
 R^glemeut general sur le .service des hopi- 
 tanx niilitaires. Paris, 18:51. 
 Responsibility in mental di-sease. Mauds- 
 Ic y. II. Lond., 1874. 
 Sanitary commission (U. S.). Bnlletin. 
 No.s. 1 to 40. :{ V. N. Y., 186i>. 
 Docnmeuts. No.s. 1 to 9.") 
 N. Y.,18;)6. 
 Science and practice of medicine. Aitken, 
 W. 2 v. Phila., 1866. 
 Skin, Diseases of the. Payer,!'. I'liila.. 
 Diseases of the skin. Wil.son, E. 
 I'hila.. 18n;t. 
 Statistical report on the sickness and mor- 
 tality in the army of the IJuiteil .States, 
 from 1819 to 181)0. :i v. Washington, 
 Dictionary of practical snrgiry. ('ooper, 
 S. N. Y., 1832. 
 Principles and practice of snrgory. .\g- 
 new, D. H. 2 v. Phila., 1878-81. 
 Principles of surgery. Syme, .1. Lond., 
 Science and art of surgery. Erichsen, .1. 
 Phila., 1860. 
 Sy.stem of snrgery. Gross, S. 1). 2 v. 
 Phila., 1864. 
 The same. 2 v. Phila., 1872. 
 Surgery of war; commentaries on the snr- 
 gery of war in Portugal, Spain, etc. 
 Gnthrie, G. J. Phila.. 18fi2. 
 Surgery of the war in the Crimea. Mac- 
 leod. (i. H. B. Phila., 1862. 
 Surgical apparatus, appliances, and elemen- 
 tary opeiat ions. Wales, P.. S. Phila., 1H67. 
 Surgical cases treated in the army of the 
 1 iiited .States. Otis, G. A. Washington, 
 Surgical memoirs of the campaigns of K'us- 
 sia, Germany, and France. Larrey, I)., I. 
 Phila.. 1832. 
 Syphilis and marriage. Fournier, A. N. Y., 
 Tlierapeutics and materia mediea. .Stlll6, 
 A. 2 v. Phila., 1860. 
 Throat and nose. Diseases of the. 
 kenzie, M. Vol. 1. Phila., I8H(I. 
 Vegetable materia mediea. Barton, W. P.C. 
 2 v. Phila., 1817-18. 
 ■Women and children, Diseases of. Bed- 
 ford, G. L. N. Y.,1867.
 Aide-memoire to the military sciences. 
 Vols. 1 and 2. Loud., 1846. 
 The same. Pts. A, B, C. 
 Dictiounaire tie I'arin^e de terre. Baidiu, 
 E. A. Gv. Paris, 1841. 
 Dictionnaire de I'artillerie; avec supple- 
 ment. Cutty, H. 2 V. Paris, iaa2-:i2. 
 Dictionuaire militaire, ou recueil alpha- 
 b<$tique de tons les termes jiropres k I'art 
 de la guerre. 3 v. Paris, 17.58. 
 Military dictionary. Duane, W. I'liila., 
 1810. (Atopies.) 
 Military dictionary ; or, alphetical explana- 
 tion ottci'linical terms. James, C. Lond., 
 Tliesame. 2 v. Lond., 1810. 
 MUitary dictionary. Scott, H. L. N. Y., 
 Military dictionary. Voyle, G. E. Loud., 
 Military dictionary and gazetteer. Wil- 
 lieliii, T. Phihi., 1881. 
 Military encyclopa-dia. Stocqiieh^r, ,T. H. 
 Naval and military technical dictionary of 
 the Freuch language. Burn, R. Bost., 
 Nouveau dictionnaire militaire. Gaigne, 
 A. T. Paris, 1801. 
 Bibliotheque historique et militaire. Lis- 
 kenne et Sauvan, MM. 10 v. Pari.s, 
 Camels and dromedaries: their purchase, 
 importation, and use for military pur- 
 poses. AVasliington, 1857. 
 Curiosites militaires. Paris, 1855. 
 Ecole historique et mora'e du soldat et de 
 I'omcier. A v. Paris, 1788. 
 Elementary history of the progress of the 
 art ot (iraham. J. J. Loud., 18.">8. 
 Elements of the .science of war. Miiller, W. 
 :! V. Lond., iMll. 
 Experienced officer: or, iustructlons of 
 (Jeneral Wimiid'en to his .sons. Wimptten, 
 I", l.imd., 1804. 
 Historical sketch of the progress of the art 
 of war. Magrath, R. X. Dublin, 1838. 
 Journal des armes sjjc^ciales. 23 v. Paris, 
 Journal militaire oBlciel. 140 v. Pari.s, 
 Journal of the Rojal United Service lusti- 
 tutiou. 24 V. Loud., 1858-81. 
 Journal des sciences militaires d> s arm<?es 
 de terre et de mer. 105 v. Paris, 182.5-51. 
 Manuel encyelopiSdique et alphahetique de 
 I'otticier dMnfauterie. Lelouterel, F. P. 
 Paris, 182.5. (2 co])ies. ) 
 Memorial du depot general de la guerre, 
 imprime par ordre du niiuistre. 5 v. 
 Paris, 1826-32. 
 Military catechism. lieugough, II. M. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Military guide for young officers. Simcs, T. 
 Vol. 2. Phila., 1776. 
 Military maxims and apophthegms. Teel- 
 ing, B. Loud., 1881. 
 Military observations. Haly, .\. I.onil., 
 Military opinions. Burgoyne, J. F. Lond., 
 Military jiamphlets. In 1 v. 
 IJook of aids; or, catechism in tlio system of 
 equitation. Lontl., is:{:}. 
 Duties of olticers commanding partisan corps; 
 will) plan for improvement of the volunteer 
 force. I.on<l.. 1808. 
 Information ami instructions for commanding 
 generals and otin vs. Lond., 1803. 
 System of out-post exercise antl of general in- 
 struction for grounding the soldier in a knowl- 
 edge of the duties of sentries and vedt'ttes, hy 
 Capt. Ker. Loud., 1H:*7. 
 Short account of improvenu-nls in gunpowder 
 madohy Sir W. Congreve. Lond., 1818. 
 On war. Clausewitz, C. von. Loud., 1873. 
 Philosophic <le la guerre, suivie de m&- 
 luiiges. Chambray.G., Marquis de. Paris 
 Lea deux deiiiiors chapitres de "Ma 
 liUilosdiihic lie la guerre." Paris, 18;i5. | 
 Reconnaissances iiiilitaires, Trait*? des. 
 Chatel.ain, M. A. Vol. 1. Paris, 1847. I 
 Soldier's pocket-book for field service. \ 
 Wolseley, SirG. J. Lond., 1871. ; 
 Spectateur militaire. 43 v. Paris, 1826-47. I 
 TraiteiUouieut.aire d'art militaire et de forti- 
 fication. Veruou, G. de. 2 v. Paris, 
 1805. (2 copies. ) 
 War aud fortification. O'Connor, J. M. 3v. 
 N. Y., 1817. 
 Young officer's companion ; or, essays on mil- 
 itary duties aud (lualities. De Ros, Lord. 
 Lond., 18G8. 
 For militart/ law, ace Law catalogue. For 
 . aniii/ lists and registers, see Referenck, 
 article Registers. See, also. Periodi- 
 cals /or military magazines. 
 Aide-memoire de I'ingf^nieur militaire. 
 Grivet, f^apt. Paris, 1834. 
 Aide-memoire de I'officier d'6tat-major en 
 campague. Rouvre, M. de. Paris, 18.55. 
 Aide-memoireportatifd',art militaire et de 
 fortification. Lebas, L. Paris, 1834. 
 The same. Paris, 1843.- 
 Album militaire, ou precis des dispositions 
 prineipales actuellemeut eu viguenr sur 
 la plus grandc partie des branches de I'^tat 
 militaire. H. B. Grenoble, 182.5. 
 Armees des puissancesengag^s dans la ques- 
 tion d'Orieut: statistiques militaires. 
 Paris, 1855. 
 Armies of Asia and Europe. Upton, E. 
 N. Y., 1878. (2 copies.) 
 Armies of Europe. McClellan, G. B. Pbila., 
 Armies, View of the formation, discipline, 
 and economy of. Jackson, R. Loud., 
 Army (Austrian). 
 Armed .strength of Austria. 3 v. Loud., 
 1873. (2 copies.) 
 Organisation de I'arm^e autrichienue. 
 Ravichio de Peretsdorf, .1. Paris, 1838. 
 Army (Belgian). 
 Rfeglement sur radmiuistration des corps 
 de troupe. Bassompierre, E. de. Bru- 
 xelles, 1861. 
 Army (British). 
 Admiiiistratiiiu and organization of the 
 British army. Fonl)lani|ue, E. B. do. 
 Lond., 1858. 
 Army discipline and regulation (com- 
 mencenu'ut) act, 1879. (42 and 43 Vict., 
 eh. 32.) Lond., 1879. 
 Army organization. Alison, .V. Edin- 
 burgh, 1869. (3 copies. ) 
 Bengal army, History of the rise and pro- 
 gress of the. Broome, A. Vol.1. Cal- 
 cntta, 18.50. 
 Brigade-m.ijor's assistant. Lond., 1806. 
 (2 copies.) 
 British army: its origin, progress, and 
 equipment. Scott, S. D. 2 v. Lond., 
 1868. (2 copies.) 
 The same. From the restoration 
 to the revolution. Vol.. 3. Lond., 1880. 
 British array in 1875; with stiggestious 
 on its administration and organization. 
 Holms, J. Lond., 1875. 
 British mutiny acts, 1809-1851. 4 v. 
 The same. With an index. (Anno 
 Septimo Georgii IV. Cap. X.) Loud., 
 ■ The same. (Anno Tertio Gulielmi 
 Cap. V.) Lond., 1833. 
 Catechism and hand-book ou regimental 
 standingorder.s. Walshe,A. Loud., 1852. 
 Collection of orders, regulations, and in- 
 structions for the army on matters of 
 finance aud points of discipline con- 
 nected therewith. Vol.2. Loud., 1815. 
 Collection of warrants and regulations is- 
 sued to the army on matters of finance. 
 Loud., 1845. (2 copies.) 
 English army: its past history, present 
 condition, and future prospects. Grif- 
 fiths, A. Loud., 1878. 
 Foreign armies and home reserves. Brack- 
 eubury, C. B. Lond., 1871. 
 General orders issued to the army of the 
 east from April 30, 1854, to December 
 31, 1855. Lond., 1856. 
 Grenadier Guards, Origin and history of 
 the. Hamilton, F.W. 3 v. Lond., 1874. 
 Honourable Artillery Compauy, History 
 of the. Raikes, G. A. 2 v. Loud., 
 Horse Guards, Personal history of the, 
 from 1750 to 1872. Stoci|Ueler, J. II. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Inquiry into the state of the Indian army. 
 Badcuach, W. Lond., 1826.
 Army (British)— Continned. 
 List of the Royal Military College at Sand- 
 hurst. Lond., 1833. 
 Madras engineers and pioneers, History of 
 the, from 1743 up to the present time. 
 Vibart, H. M. Vol. 1. Lond., 1881. 
 Military antiquities of the British army. 
 Grose, F. 2 v. Lend., 1812. 
 Military forces of the crown. Clode, C. M. 
 2 V. Lond., 1869. 
 Military forces and institutions of Great 
 Britain and Ireland. Thomson, H. B. 
 Lond., 1855. 
 Military law of England. Lond., 1810. 
 Ninetieth Regiment (Perthshire Light In- 
 fantry) Records of. With rolls of officers 
 from 1795 to 1880. Delavoye, A. M. 
 Lond., 1880. 
 Ob.servations on commissariat field sf-rv- 
 ice. Routh, R. I. Lond., 1845. 
 O'Byrne's collection of the army circulars 
 and general orders, 1837-77. Lond., 
 1878. (3 copies.) 
 Priced vocabulary of stores used in her 
 majesty's service. Lond., 1879. 
 Q\icen's City of Edinlmrgh Rifle Volun- 
 teer Brigade, History of the. Stephen, 
 W. Lond., Ie81. 
 Rellections on the formation of armies 
 with a view to the reorganization of the 
 English army. Wyatt, ^Y. J. Lond., 
 Regimental companion: containing the 
 pay, allowances, and relative duties of 
 every officer in the British service. 
 James, C. 4 v. Lond., 1811-13. 
 Regiments of the British army, chrono- 
 liigically arranged. Trimen, R. Lond., 
 Regulations. General regulations and or- 
 ders for the British army. Lond., 182'2. 
 Regulations for the dress of gen- 
 eral, staft', and regimental officers of the 
 British army. Lond., 1831. 
 King's regulations and orders for 
 the army. Loud., 1837. 
 Addenda to the general regula- 
 tions and orders for the army, from 
 1811 to 1817. Loud., 1817. 
 The same. 1836-39. Lond., 1840. 
 The same. 1844-47. Lond., 1847. 
 The same. 1847-49. Lond., 1850. 
 Report on reorganizing the system for 
 training officers for the scientific corps. 
 Lond., 1857. 
 Army (British)— Continued. 
 Royal engineer. Head,F. B. Lend., 1869. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Royal Regiment of Artillery, History of 
 the. Duncan, F. 2 v. Lond., 1872-73. 
 The same. 2 v. Lond., 1879. 
 Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, or Ox- 
 ford Blues, Historical records of the. 
 Packe, E. Lond., 1834. 
 Royal warrant for the pay and promotion, 
 non-effective pay and allowances of her 
 majesty's forces serving elsewhere than 
 in India. Vol. 1. Lond., 1878. . 
 System of military discipline for his maj- 
 esty's army. Phipps, J. Lond., 1787. 
 View of the history and actual state of 
 the military force of Great Britain. 
 Dupin, C. 2 V. Lond., 1822. 
 Volunteer force history and manual, and 
 list of officers. Walter, J. Lond., H-'l. 
 Warrant for the regulation of barracks in 
 her majesty's dominions. Lond., 1838. 
 Army (Danish). 
 Armed strength of Denmark. Loud., 1874. 
 Army (French). 
 Armed strength of France. Lond., 1877. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Conrs d'admiuistration militaire. Vau- 
 • chelle, M. 3 v. Paris, 1854. 
 Conrs de legislation milit.aire; cours d'ad- 
 miuistration; artet d'histoiremilitaires. 
 •(Lithographed manuscript.) 
 Esquisses historiques, psycliologicjui^s et 
 criti<iues de I'armee frauf aise. Ambert , 
 J. 2 V. Sanmur, 1837. 
 Essai sur la composition de la force arm^e 
 aux diff^rentes epoques de I'histoire. 
 Tone,W. T.W. Paris, 1814. 
 Essai sur la th^orie, on des principes de 
 I'administratiou militaire en temps de 
 paix et en temps de guerre. Slorin, 
 C. M. Paris, 1799. 
 Etat actuel de la legislation sur I'admiui- 
 stratiou des troupes. Quillet, P. N. 
 3 V. Paris, 1811. 
 Expos6 des motifs d'uu projet de regle- 
 ment sur le service du genie. Vcne, A. 
 Paris, 1834. 
 Force militaire considerce dans .ses rap- 
 ports conservatenrs. D'Ar^-on, Col. 
 Strasbourg, 1789. 
 French army reform. Part 1. The law of 
 recruiting. Part 2. General organiza- 
 tion. Loud., 1872-73.
 Army (Freiicli)— Continued. 
 Guides dcs .sous-ottii;icrs d'infanterie, par 
 nn ortuuiT supo'ricur. I'uris, 1831. (2 
 ManiK'l des ailjudans-gi^n^'raux et des 
 adjoints cmplnyos ilans Ics ptats-inajors- 
 divisionnaiie.s des armees. Tlii61iault. 
 P. C. F. Paris, 1800. 
 The same. In English. Loud., 1801. 
 Manuel gi^neral du service des dtats-nia.jors 
 geiieraiix et divisionnaires daus les ar- 
 mies. Thiel.aiiU, P. C. 1'. Paris, 1813. 
 (2 copies. ) 
 Manuel do I'ollicier d'<5tat- major. La- 
 baume, E. Paris, 1827. 
 Manuel portalif des pensions de I'arnKSe 
 do terre. Paris, 183:{. 
 Manuel port at it"durecrutementderann6e. 
 Paris, 18;{2. 
 Manuel du service r^gimentaire de I'artil- 
 lerie en garnison. Tortel, P. Stras- 
 bourg, 1833. 
 M6moires sur ravaucement militaire et 
 sur les matieres ijui s'y rapjiortent. 
 Preval, C. A. H., (ien. de. Paris, 1842. 
 Memorial de I'otlicier d'etat-major en eam- 
 pagne. Lavarenue, B. de. Paris, 1833. 
 M<'morial dt: Follieier d'inl'auterie. Vol. 1. 
 Paris, 1813. 
 Milieo tVanfoiso, Histoire de la. Daniel, 
 (i. 2 V. Amsterdam, 1724. 
 Abr^gd de I'histoire de la milice 
 franvoise. Daniel, G. 2 v. Paris, 1773. 
 Military institutions of France. Aumale, 
 Due d'. Lond., 18119. 
 Military resources of Prussia and France. 
 Chesney, C. C, and H. Reeve. Lond., 
 Nombre ile places fortes en France. Va- 
 laze, Lieut.-Gen. Paris, 1832. 
 Ordonuance et rfcglemens couceruant 
 r^cole d'application de rarfillerie et du 
 gdnie. Motz, 1831. 
 Ordonuance du roi portant rftglemcnt sur 
 Ic service Intdrieur la police et la dis- 
 cipline des troupes d'infanterie. Paris, 
 Ordonuance sur le service des armdes on 
 cauipague du 3 mai 1832. Paris, 1832. 
 (4 copies. ) 
 The same. Auuotee de toutes les 
 dispositions (jui Tout nuxlitiee ju.siiu'au 
 1" avril 185t;. Garrel, A. Paris, 1856. 
 Commeutaires qui accompagnaiont 
 le projot d'ordonnance sur lo service des 
 Army (French)— Continued. 
 amuses en campagne du 3 mai 1832. 
 Paris, 1832. 
 Ordonnauce pour r^gler le service dans les 
 places, et dans les quartiers; suivie du 
 decret imperial, etc. Paris, 185.'S. 
 Organisation des principales parties du 
 service de rartillerie, par uu ollicier tie 
 cette armo. Paris, 1842. 
 Ri'^gloment concernant le service intdrieur, 
 la police ot la discipline de I'infanterie. 
 Paris, 1808. 
 Reglcnient provisoire sur lo service iii- 
 tdrieurde I'infauterie. Preval, C A. IL, 
 G<5u. de. Paris, 18l(i. 
 Subsi^tances luilitaires. Essai surlessub- 
 sistances militaires en Fram:o. Carou, 
 N. L. Paris. 1854. 
 Service des subsistances militaires 
 etduchauffage. Paris, 1855. (2 copies. ) 
 Notices diverses concernant l'ex6- 
 cution du service des subsistances mili- 
 taires, particuli^reraent on campagne. 
 Paris, 18.57. 
 Tableau de la situation destf-tablissements 
 fianvais dans I'Algerie, 1843-44. Paris, 
 Trait(5 sur le .S(U'vi(!e de I't^tat-niajor g<5n<i- 
 ral des armoes, contenant son objet, son 
 oi-gauisation et ses fonctions, sous les 
 rapports adtniuistratifs et militaires. 
 (irimoard, P. H., Comtc do. Paris, 1809. 
 Uuiformes de I'armOB fraufaise en 1861. 
 Par Armand Dum.aresq. (Troupes de 
 ligue.) Paris, 18(!1. 
 Uuiformes de la garde iuip6riale en 18.57. 
 Par Arniaud Dumaiesii. Paris, 18.58. 
 Army (Italian). 
 Annuarici uiilitaro del regno d' Italia. 
 Roma, 1878. 
 Armed strength of Italy. Lond., 1><75. 
 Army (Japanese). aninial ri'piirt of the minister of 
 war, .showing the changes in the otlices 
 and reorganization of the army of that 
 country from the year 1s6m to 1876. 
 (.Tapauese text.) 
 Second, third, fourth, and fifth annual re- 
 ports for tlu^ years 1877, '78, '7S) and '80. 
 4 V. (.Japanese text.) 
 Army (Korlh Oermaii). 
 Army of thi^ North German coufi'deration. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Organisation uudDieiist der Kriegsmaeht 
 dc^8 norddeutschen Buudes. Woltf, 
 Baron F. von. Berlin, 1869.
 Army (IVortli Oernian) — Continiied. 
 Regulations for the tiaiuiiig of troops for 
 service iu the fieUl, and for the eomluct 
 of peace niantenvres. Loud., 1871. 
 Army (Prussian). 
 sischeu Artillerie und Ingenieur-Korps. 
 2 V. Berlin, 1837-38. 
 Die Disciplinar-Bestrafung der Dienst- 
 vergehen in der kouigl. preuss. Armee, 
 der Kriegs-Marine, der Militair-Jiistiz, 
 und Administrations-Beamten, sowie 
 der evangelisclieu Militair-Geistlichen, 
 nebst den desfalsigeu Eriuuterungen. 
 Kletke, G. M. Berlin, 1855. 
 Dieustvorschrift fUr die Unteroffiziereder 
 kiinigl. preussischen Artillerie, mit 6 
 Kupfern. Berlin, 1832. 
 Erliiuterungen zu deu KriegsArtikeln flir 
 das jireussisehe Heer. Kletke, G. M. 
 Berlin, 1855. 
 Essai sur I'organisatiou niilitaire de la 
 Prusse. Caraman, G^n. Paris, 1831. 
 Etudes historiques et militaires sur la 
 Prusse. Dnpanq, E. dela Barre. Paris, 
 Heerwesen und lufanteriedienst der kii- 
 niglichpreu-ssischen Armee. Witzleben, 
 A. von. Berlin, 1869. 
 Military laws for iield and company ofli- 
 cers, 1853. 
 Military reports : addressed to the French 
 war minister, 1866-70. Stotlcl, Baron. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Military resources of Prussia and France. 
 Chesney, C. C, and H. Reeve. Loud., 
 Organization of the Prussian army. Tal- 
 bot, G. F. Lond.,1871. 
 Preussischc Armee naeh ihren reglemen- 
 tarischen Formen und Einrichtungeu 
 zusammengefa.sst in form eiuer " Dienst- 
 Instructiou.'' Kalkstein, R. von. Ber- 
 lin, 1855. 
 Preussische Militair - Gesetz - Sammlung, 
 1701-1845. Berlin, 1836-46. 
 Thesame. 1831-1846. Berlin, 1851. 
 Reglement iiber die Bekleidung der Trnp- 
 pen iui Frieden. Berlin, 18.55. 
 Strafverfohrcn der preussischen Militair- 
 Gerichte. Dargestellt von E. Fleck. 
 Berlin, 1845. 
 Army (Koiimanian). 
 Albumul Armatei Romaine. Bucharest, 
 Army (Russian). 
 Armed strength of Russia. Lund., 1873. 
 Army (Su'cdisii). 
 Armed strength of Sweileu and Norway. 
 Loud., 1875. 
 Army (S\viss). 
 Organisalion niilitaire de la conf6d<!ration 
 Suisse. Berne, 1874. 
 Prescription conceruant I'^quipement et 
 I'organisation des caisses de v<^t<!rinaire8 
 pour les compagnies d'artillerie et de 
 cavalerie de I'arra^e f^derale. Berne, 
 Aruiy (Turkish). 
 Military inspection iu various parts of 
 European Turkey in 1853. Rhodes, G. 
 Loud., 1854. 
 Army (United States). 
 Army register (official) for 1848, '.52, 1853- 
 '82. Washington, 1848-82. 
 Anuy register (otiicial) of the volunteer 
 force of the United States Army for the 
 years 1861-65. 8 v. Washington, 1865- 
 67. (2 copies.) 
 Biographical register of the othcers and 
 graduates of the U. S. Military Acad- 
 emy at West Point, 1802-67. Culluni, 
 G. W. 2 v. N. Y.,1868. 
 Compilation of registers of the army from 
 1815 to 1837, inclusive. Gordon, W. A. 
 Washington, 18.37. 
 Complete regular army register of the 
 United States for one hundred years, 
 1779 to 1879. Hamersly, T. H. S. Wash- 
 ington, 1880. 
 Dictionary of all officers who have served 
 in the army of the United States from 
 1789 to 1853. Gardner, C.K. N. Y, 1853. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Thesame. N. Y.,1860. 
 Engineers. Historical sketch of the Corps 
 of Engineers, and remarks upon its or- 
 ganization and duties. AVashiugton, 
 Memoranda and iustrnctious relat- 
 ing to the Corps of Engineers, April 
 10th, 1861, to November 11th, 18t>5. 
 Regulations for the Corps of En- 
 gineers and Topographical Engineers. 
 Washington, 18.57. 
 Regulations for the goverumeut of 
 the Engineer Department. Washing- 
 ton, 1840.
 Army (lIiiito«l States)— Continued. 
 Fur tin- ptoftKKiomd pupem, Curps of En/ji- 
 neers, nee " Authors' " Catalogue, under 
 Manual of instructions for enliHting and 
 discharging soldiers. Bartholow, R. 
 I'hila., !«;:!. 
 Medical department. Circulars from Sur- 
 geon General's Otlice, l^G-J-G.'i. 
 Circulars from Surgeon General's 
 Office. Nos. 1 to 10. {See CliiCi;i.A.RS, 
 " Authors' " Catalogue.) 
 Hints on the medical examination 
 <)f recruits for the army. Henderson, T. 
 Phila., 1810. 
 ■ History of the medical deiiartment 
 from 1775 to 1783. Brown, H. E. Wash- 
 ington, 1873. 
 - Outlines of the chief camp diseases 
 of the U. S. armies during the present 
 war. Woodward, J. J. Phila., 18()3. 
 - Regulations for the medical deiiart- 
 ment. Washington, 1«50, 
 The same. Washington, 1856. 
 .Sickness and mortality in the army 
 of the United States from 1819 to 1839. 
 Washington, 1840. 
 The same. From 1839 to 1855. 
 Washington, 1856. 
 The same. From 1855 to 1860. 
 Washington, 1800. 
 Military geography of the United States, 
 1813-80, Notes illustrating the. Com- 
 ])iled by R. P. Thian. Washington, 
 Military record of civilian appointments 
 in the United States Army. Henry, 
 G.V. 2v. N.Y.,1873. 
 Orders. General orders, general court- 
 martial orders, transfers, and circulars, 
 1861-81. 43 V. Washington, 1862-82. 
 Analytical index to the above, 
 General orders. Army of the Poto- 
 mac, 1861-(i2. 
 Military orders of General W. T. 
 Sherman, 1861-65 
 Volunteer force, 1861-64. 
 Special orders of the President, 
 War Department, and headquarters of 
 the army, from April, 1866, to Decem- 
 ber, 1874. 12 V. Washington, 1866-74. 
 Ordnance. Circulars from the Ordnance 
 Office, 1861-70. 2 v. Washington, 
 Army (United States)— Continued. 
 Commission on (udnancc and ord- 
 nance stores. Washington, 1862. 
 Compilation of laws relating to Ord- 
 nance Department, 1794-1872. By W. A. 
 Do Caindry. Washington, 1872. 
 Heavy ordnance, Senate report on. 
 Washington, 1869. 
 Instructions for making quarterly 
 returns of onlnance and ordnance stores. 
 Washington, 1863. 
 Ordnance Department as a portion 
 of the United States military <!stablish- 
 ment. Washington, 1876. 
 Ordnance Department, annual re- 
 ports, etc., 1812-60. 2v. Washington, 
 Ordnance manual for the use of tho 
 officers of the U. S. Army. Washington, 
 The same. Washington, 1850. 
 Thesame. Phila., 1861. (2eopies.) 
 The same. Phila., 1862. 
 Ordnance memoranda. Nos. 1 to 
 23. Washington, 1857-79. {See Oki>- 
 NANCE in "Authors.") 
 Ordnance notes. Nos. 126 to 167, inclusive, 
 from the Ordnance Office, War Dejiart- 
 raent. Washington, 1881. 
 Purchase of arms, 1861-62. State- 
 ments and corre8i)ondence. Washing- 
 ton, 1862. 
 Regulations for the government of 
 the Ordnance Department. Washing- 
 ton, 1834. (2 copies. ) 
 The same. Washington, 1839. 
 Sales of ordnance stores. Report 
 of committee of investigation, 1871. 
 Washington, 1872. 
 Organization. Compilation of ofhcial doc- 
 uments illustrative of the organization 
 of the army from 1789 to 1876. 
 ington, 1876. 
 Reduction of tlii^ military establish- 
 ment, iind in relation to the fortilica- 
 tious and works of defense. (Coburn's 
 report.) Washington, 1874. 
 Reports relating to the reorganiza- 
 tion of the army. 5 v. Washington. 
 Garfield's, 1869. 
 Coburu'8, 1873. 
 Baiming's, 1876. 
 Pay Department. Partial memorandum 
 index for the information of officers of 
 Maish's, 1878. 
 Bum.side's, 1878.
 Army (United States)— Contiiiuecl. 
 the Pay DepartiiK'nt. Eatou, J. H. 
 Washington, 18i;;i. 
 Pay digest and ready calcnhitor. 
 Webb, E. N. Y., 180:?. 
 Paymaster General's memoranda, 
 circnlars, and circnlar letters, 18()d-74. 
 Washington, 1875. 
 ■ Paymaster General's orders, circu- 
 lars, and memoranda dnriug the rebel- 
 lion. Washington, 1861-65. 
 ■ Paymaster's manual and its sup- 
 plement, 186l5-<55 ; with a general index. 
 Washington, 1864-66. 
 Paymaster's manual: revised to 
 include June 30, 1867. Eatou, J. H. 
 Washington, 1867. 
 The same. Revised to include 
 June 30, 1869. Washington, 1869. 
 The same. Revised to include 
 June 30, 1871. Washington, 1871. 
 Regulations for the Pay Depart- 
 ment. Washington, 1836. 
 Pensions. Regulations relating to army 
 and navy pensions, with statutes. 
 Washington, 1871. 
 Posts and Stations. Descriptions of the 
 posts and stations, military division of 
 the South. Louisville, 1870. 
 Outline description of military 
 posts and stations, 1871. Wasbiugtou, 
 Outline descriptiims of the posts 
 and stations of troops. Marcy, R. B. 
 Washington. 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Provost Marshal General. Revised regu- 
 lations for the government of the 
 bnrean of the Provost Marshal General. 
 2 V. Washington, 1863-64. 
 Quartermaster's Department. Organiza- 
 tion of the Quartermaster's Department, 
 from 1774 to 1868. Washington, 1869. 
 Regulations concerning barracks 
 and ((uarters, 1860. Washington, 1861. 
 Regulations of the Quartermaster's 
 Department. Washington, 1855. 
 The same. Phila., 1861. 
 The same. 1871-72, and part of 
 1873. Washington, 1873. 
 Reports (annual) of the (Quarter- 
 master General, for the years 1861-06. 
 Washington, 1880. 
 Regulations for the army of the United 
 Slates, and for the Quartermaster's De- 
 partment. Washington, 1855. 
 31 w 
 Army (United States)— Continued. 
 Regulatious of the United States Army 
 for the years 1813, '20, '21, '25, '35, '41, '.57, 
 '01, '63, '81. Washington, 1813-81. 
 Second United States Cavalry (Second 
 Dragoons), History of. Rodenbougli, 
 T. F. N.Y., 187.5. 
 Service manual for the instruction of 
 newly appointed commissioned officers, 
 and the rauk and file of the army. 
 Wallen.H. D. N.Y.,1869. 
 Signal Service. Instructions for acting 
 signal officers. Washington, 1869. 
 Manual of military telegraphy for 
 the signal service; embracing perma- 
 nent and field lines. W^ashington, 1872. 
 Manual of signaLs. Myer, A. J. 
 N.Y'.,1868. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Washington, 1869. 
 Stoves and ranges for army use : specifi- 
 cations, supply-table, etc. Washing- 
 ton, 1876. 
 Subsistence Department, History of, from 
 1775 to 1876. Barriger. J. W. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 The same. Washington, 1877. 
 Uniform and dress of the army of the 
 United States. Phila., 1851. 
 The same. Washington, 1872. (3 
 Standard helmets and trimmings, 
 War Department. Establishment of the 
 War Department as one of the civil 
 executive departments of the United 
 States Government. De Caiudry, W. A. 
 Washington, 1878. 
 West Point Military Academy. List of 
 cadets admitted into the U. S. Military 
 Academy, from its establishment till 
 September, 1876. Hall, R. H. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 Regulations of the academy, for 
 the years 1832, '.53, '73, '77. N. Y. and 
 Washington, 1832-77. 
 Report of the commission ap- 
 jjoiuted by Congress to examiuo into 
 the organization, system of discipline, 
 and course of instruction of the United 
 States Military Academy at West Point. 
 (Misc. Doc. No. 3, 30th Cong., 2d sess.) 
 Washington, 1860. 
 Art et histoire uiilitaircs. Cours ^l(;meu- 
 taire. Rocqnaucourt, J. 2 v. Paris, 
 Art of war in Europe, in 1854, 1855, and 
 18oC. Report. Dclafield, R. Wasbiiig- 
 t(in. mw. 
 Brevets. History and legal effects of bre- 
 vets in the arniirs of Great Hritain and 
 the United States, U;9-2-lt!77. Kry.J. B. 
 N. Y., 1-T7. 
 British enipiiv, Mililarj jiolicy and institn- 
 tionsof. Pasley, C. W. Lond.,le!13. 
 Cadet (The). Military treatise. Lond., 
 Castrametatiou, Es,say on. Loch^e, L. 
 I.cnil., 177S. 
 Castrametation, on siir la niesnre et la trac<; 
 des camps. I-t- iilimd, G. Paris, 1748. 
 Code de I'ofticier. Durat-Lasalle, L. Paris, 
 Crimean war and Enropean armies. Re- 
 pent. MoC'lellan.G. H. Washington, 1857. 
 Details niilitaires. Cheunevieres, M. de. 
 6 V. Paris, 17.50-C8. 
 Etude d'hygifeue. Do I'agnerrisscnieut des 
 arniees. Vanr^al, Vte. de. Paris, 1869. 
 European armaments in 1867. Brackeii- 
 liMiy, C. B. Loud., 1867. 
 Forces de I'Enrope, Asie, Afriqne et Am^- 
 ricHie. Mortier, P. 2 v. Amsterdam. 
 Formulaire pratique des bflpilanx. Ed- 
 wards. M., and P. Vavasseur. Pari.s,18'.52. 
 Habitudes dans I'armee ; conseils aiix mili- 
 taires et an.K jeiines gens. Vincent, Dr. 
 Paris, 18-"j7. 
 Hints and helps for national guardsmen. 
 Rol.erts, W. H. N. Y., 1880. 
 Memorial des camp.s. Urbain, T. T. H. 
 Arnheim, 1827. 
 Military ebaracti-r of the Enropean armies 
 engaged in the late war, etc. Lond., 1806. 
 Military commission to Euroi)e, in 1855-56. 
 Mordicai, A. Washington, 1860. 
 Military discipline, Treatise of. Bland, H. 
 Military education <(uuuiis.sion: systems in 
 France, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, and 
 the United States. Loud., 1870. 
 Military schools and courses of instruction 
 in the science and art of war. Barnard, 
 H. N. Y., 1872. 
 Militia ofticer's examiner. Steuart-Tomp- 
 son, ir. Lond., 1878. (Pamphlet.) 
 Modem cavalry : its organization, etc. 
 Denison, G. T., jr. Lond., 1868. 
 Notes illnstrating the military geography 
 of the United States, 1613-^0. Washing- 
 ton, 1881. 
 Practical instructions to young officers. 
 Cbaniberlin, T. Lond., 1810. 
 School and the army in Germany and 
 France. llazen.W. B. N. Y., 1872. 
 Six familiar lectures, for the use of young 
 military otlicers. Lond., 1851. 
 Staff college exercises, 1874. Hamley, E. B. 
 Edinburgh, 1875. 
 Tactics and mil itary<irgani/,ation,Thought8 
 nn. .Mitchell, .1." Lond., 18:18. 
 AffQts de rarlillerie de terre. Collection 
 de dessins repidsentaut les principaux. 
 Paris, 18.i0. 
 Affuts et de.s voitures d'artiUerie, Th<?orie 
 des. Migout, J.C.etC.L. Bcrgery. Metz, 
 Aide-memoire i I'usage des officiers d'ar- 
 tiUerie de France. Gassendi, J. J. B. 
 2 V. Paris, 1819. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Paris, 1836. 
 The same. Paris, 1844. 
 The same. Paris, 1851. (2 copies.) 
 The same. I'aris, 1856. 
 Aide-memoire i)ortatif, it I'usage des offi- 
 ciers ilartiUerie. Strasbourg, 1831. (2 
 American artillerist's companion. Tousard, 
 L. de. 3 V. Phila., 1809. 
 American breech-loading small arms; a 
 description of late inventions, including 
 the Gatliug gun, and a chapter on car- 
 tridges. Norton, C. B. N. Y., 1872. 
 American inventious in breech loading 
 suuill anus, heavy ordnance, etc. Norton, 
 C. B. Springfield, Mass., 1880. (2eopies.) 
 Amorces fuliuiuantes. Notes sur les. Bona- 
 parte, L. N. Paris, 1841. 
 Analyse et dis.sertatiou relatives h la uou- 
 velle artillirie. Poumet, B. Paris, 1827. 
 Applications du fer aux constructions de 
 I'artillerie. Thi^ry, A. Paris, 1834. 
 Art de jettcr les bombes. Blondel, F. 
 Paris, 1683. 
 The same. Paris, 1699. 
 Artillerie de campagne. Instruction sur 1'. 
 Poumet, B. Paris, 1824. (2 copies.) 
 Artillerie de campagne en Europe, £tat 
 actnel de 1'. Jacobi, G. A. 5 v. Paris, 
 Artillerie nouvelle; exaraen des change- 
 inents faites dans I'artillerie franfaise de- 
 puis 1765. Amsterdam, 1772.
 Artillerist's manual. Gibbon, J. N. Y.,1863. 
 Artillery for the United States land serv- 
 ice. Washington, 1849. 
 Balistique. D'Obenheim, A. M. Stras- 
 bourg, 1814. 
 Instruction sur la balistique. Pari.'j, 
 Eecherches balistiqnes sur les vitesses 
 initiales, le recul et la resistance de Pair. 
 Coste, L. M. P. Paris, 1823. 
 Batteries cuirass^es. Nicaise, A. Bru- 
 xelles et Paris, 1868. 
 Belgian field artillery. Nicaise, M. N. Y., 
 Bombardier franfois (Le), on nouvelle m^- 
 thode de jetter les bombes avec jirecision. 
 B61idor, B. F. de. Paris, 17:U. 
 Bouches a feu, lustructiou sur les effets 
 <Us. Poumet, B. Paris, 182H. 
 Traite du raouvement des projectiles 
 appliqu^ au tir des bouches i feu. Lom- 
 bard, J. L. Dijon, 1797. 
 Breech-loading and magazine small-arms. 
 Digest of patents relating to, granted in 
 the United States from 1836 to 1873. 
 Stockbridge, V. D. Washington, 1875. 
 British gunner. Spearman, J. M. Lond., 
 The same. Loud., 1844. 
 Chronograph, The -'le Bouleugc"'. Michae- 
 lis, O. E. N. Y., 1872. 
 Compovuid guns, many - barrelled rifle 
 batteries, machine guns, or mitraillenrs. 
 Owen. J. F. Lond., 1874. 
 Congreve rocket system. Treatise on. Con- 
 greve, W. Lond., 1827. 
 Considerations et experiences sur le tir 
 desobusuballes. Bornuinn,C. Paris, 1830. 
 Construction and manufacture of ordnance 
 in the British service. Abridged treatise 
 on. Lond., 1877. 
 Treatise on the construction and man- 
 ufacture of ordnance in the British serv- 
 ice. Lond., 1879. 
 Counterpoise gun-carriages and platforms. 
 King, W. R. Washington, 1869. 
 Cours d'artillerie : partie thdorique. Pio- 
 bert, G. 1841. 
 Cours eiemeutaire d'artillerie. Bruxelles, 
 Cours eiementaire sur les amies portatives. 
 Gilli(Ui, F. Li^ge, 18.')6. 
 Corns d'instructiou sp(?ciale, a I'usage des 
 sous-otSciers des regiments d'artillerie. 
 Crepy, L. de. Metz, 1837. 
 Cours sur le service des officicrs d'artillerie 
 dans les fonderies. 2 v. Paris, i841. 
 Cours de stability des constructions, et cours 
 de balistiijne. Persy, N. ilctz, 1834. 
 The same. 2 v. Metz, 1834. (Litho- 
 graphed manuscript.) 
 Description des divers systL-ines i\ percus- 
 sion et des etonpilles iV friction. Thi^ry, 
 A. Paris, 1839. 
 Description de I'art de fabriquer les canons. 
 Monge, G. Paris, 1794. 
 Description de la fabrication des benches 
 a feu en fonte de fer et des projectiles :\ la 
 fonderiede Liege. Hugueuin, Gi^n. Paris, 
 Description of the sights or instruments 
 for pointing guns. Congreve, W. Lond., 
 Documents sur la matiere h. canons et snr 
 quelques alliages metalliqucs. Herve, 
 Chevalier. .Strasb.iurg, 1827. 
 Bffects of firing with heavy ordnance from 
 casemate embrasures. Rejiort. Totten, 
 J. G. Washington, 1857. 
 Electro-ballistic machines and the Schultz 
 chrono.scope. Ben^t, S. V. N. Y., 1866. 
 Engines of war. Wilkinson, H. Lond., 
 Essai snr I'art de iioiuter tonte espi"^ce d'arme 
 k fen, et i)arliculierenient les pieces de 
 campagne. Poumet, B. Paris, 1816. 
 Essai sur I'instruction dans les denies 
 d'artillerie, et sur I'orgauisation de ces 
 et.ablissemens. Ricci, Col. de. Paris, 
 Essai sur I'usage de I'artillerie dans la 
 guerre de campagne et dans celle de 
 sieges. Amsterdam, 1771. 
 Etude sur les fusils percutantsd'iufanterie, 
 sur les amorces fulminantes, les approvi- 
 sionnements de munitions, et les distribu- 
 tions, aux soldats en campagne. Massas, 
 A. de. Paris, 1840. 
 Etudes sur le p.issd et I'avenir de I'artille- 
 rie. Bonaparte, L. N. 2 v. Paris, 
 Examen critique des dirt'drences cssenti- 
 elles qui existent entre les amies li feu 
 franfaises et anglaises. Schlinibach, 
 C. P. Bruxelles, 1839. 
 Experiences d'artillerie exdcuteesi Gavre. 
 Paris, 18-11. 
 Experiences faites ii Lidge en 1839, sur les 
 carabines ii double rayure. Timnierhaus, 
 C. Paris, 1840.
 Experiences faitcs Jk Mctz en 1854, snr ]es 
 liatti-ries ile liii'dic siir la pcSudtratiou ili-s 
 pnijc'itilcs. Paris, 1836. 
 EzperieuceB siir dirtV^rentcs espfeces do pro- 
 jectiles croiix faitoH dauales ports en 1829, 
 '31 ot ':);!. Paris, 1837. 
 Experiences .snr lo petard, faites h Metz. 
 H(if;iiot, Lieut. -Col. Paris, 1838. 
 Experiments on the properties of metals 
 for cannon, and the qnalities of cannon 
 jiowder; with an account of the fabrica- 
 tion and trial of a l!i-incli {;nn. Rodman, 
 T. J. Boat., 1661. 
 Experiments on fuzes, etc., Account of. 
 Macdonald, J. Lond., 1819. 
 Experiments on the strength and other 
 I>roiniticsofmetalsfor cannon ; willi ade- 
 Bcription of the machines for testing 
 metals, and of the classification of can- 
 nons in service. Pliila., 1856. (2 copies.) 
 Experiments with small arms for the mili- 
 tary service. United States Army. Re- 
 ports. Washington, 1856. 
 Fabrication dcs arnics portatives de guerre. 
 Cotty.H. Paris, 1806. 
 Field artillery on service. Taubert, Capt. 
 Lond., 1S">6. 
 Formules relatives aux effets du tir sur 
 les dillcrentcs parties de raii'ilt. Poissou, 
 S. D. Paris, 1838. 
 Fusees de guerre. Traits des. Congreve, W. 
 Paris, 1841. 
 Fusees de guerre noramcSes autrefois ro- 
 chet tesetmaintenantfu.s6esi la Congreve, 
 Trait6 des. Montg^ry, M. de. Paris, 1826. 
 The same. Paris, 1841. (Bound with 
 Congrevc's "Traitd des fus<5es.") 
 Garrison artillery, Primer for. Downes, 
 M. F. Lond., 1879. 
 Hand-book of artillery for the service of 
 the United States. Roberts, J. N. Y.,1865. 
 The same. N. Y., 1875. 
 Hand-book for Hythe : the laws of projec- 
 tiles and an introduction to the system of 
 musketry. Busk, H. Lond., 1860. 
 Hamais de I'artilleric beige, MiJmoire sur 
 les. Dupont, Lieut.-Col. Louvain, 1833. 
 Histoire gdndrale de I'artillerie. Crunet, J. 
 3 v. Paris, 1842. 
 Hotchkiss revolving cannon, Description 
 of the. Koerner, A. Paris, 1874. 
 Instruction sur les armes !i feu et armes 
 blanches portatives. Paris, 1806. 
 Instruction th^orique et pratique d'artil- 
 lerie. Thiroux, Capt. Paris, 1842. 
 Instiuctions and regulations for the service 
 and management of heavy ordnance for 
 the Koyal Regiment of Artillery. Wool- 
 wich, 1835. 
 Instrument propre iV faire connaitre I'excen- 
 tricitf^ dn forage des houches ii feu. 
 Journal des op(5rations de rartillerie pen- 
 dant I'expddition de Constantine, octobre 
 1837. Paris, 1838. (2 copies.) 
 Lettres d'un officier du corps royal de I'ar- 
 tillerie, snrleschangemens introdnitsdans 
 I'arlillerie fran^oise, 17()5 h, 1770. 1774. 
 Machine pour niesurer la vltesse initiale 
 des mobiles de difterens calibres, projettds 
 sons tons les angles, depuis zdro jusqu'il, 
 la hnitienie partie du cerclo. Grobert, 
 J. F. L. Paris, 1804. (2 copies.) 
 Manceuvre des pieces de seize, monti^es sur 
 les alfflts fardiers. Grobert, .1. F. L. 
 Paris, 1795. 
 Manuel de I'annurier, dvi fourbisseur et do 
 I'aniuebusier. Paulin-Uesormeaux, M. A. 
 Paris, 1832. 
 Manuel del'arfilleur. Durtubie, T. Paris, 
 Manuel historique do la technologic dcs 
 armes a feu. Meyer, M. 2 v. Paris, 1"<37. 
 Memoir on artillery : iield carriages. Motz, 
 1828. (Lithographed manuscript.) 
 Memoire sur les aftiits sans avant-train et b, 
 banquette. Grobert, J. F. L. Pari.s, 1795. 
 Memoire sur le materiel d'artfUerie des 
 places dans ses rapports avec la fortifica- 
 tion et les priucipes g(3n<5raux de la de- 
 fense. Paris, 1838. 
 Memoire sur le moyen de trainer en bataille 
 les pifeces de gros calibre. Grobert, J. F. L. _ 
 Paris, 1795. (2 copi'ts.) 
 Memoires d'art i llerie. Saint-Remy, P. S. do. 
 2 V. La llaye,1741. 
 The same. 3 v. Paris, 1745. (2 
 Memoires d'artillerie. Scheel, Capt. H. O. 
 de. Paris, 1795. 
 The same. Translated from the 
 French. Phila., 1800. 
 Memoires ilivers sur les obus b. balles du 
 shrapnels. Tortel, Lieut.-Col. P. Paris, 
 Memorial de I'artilleric. 7 v. Paris, 1826- 
 52. (2 copies of the first 6 v.) 
 Military carriages and other manufactures 
 of the royal eaiTiage department. Treatise 
 on. Kemmia, W. Loud., 1874.
 Modem breech-loaders, sporting and mili- 
 tary. Greener, W.W. Lend. (2 copies.) 
 Munitions of war at Paris exhibition, 1867, 
 Kiport on. Norton, C. B., and W. J. Val- 
 entine. N.Y.,1868. 
 Musee de I'artillerie, Notice sur les collec- 
 tions dont se compose le. Paris, 1836. 
 The same. Saulcy, F. de. Paris, 1854. 
 Nouveau syst&me d'artillerie de campagne 
 de Louis-Napol(5on Bonaparte. Fav^, I. 
 Paris, 1850. 
 The same. Avec rdsultats des expe- 
 riences faites en 1850 ; ^nonc^ et examen 
 de toutes les objections. Paris, 1851. 
 (Bound with Dupont's "Harnais," etc.) 
 Nouvelles exp(?riences sur le frottemeut, 
 faites h Metz en 1831. Morin, A. Paris, 
 The same. En 1832. Paris, 1834. 
 Observations on the mode of attack and 
 employment of the heavy artillery at Ciu- 
 dad Rodrigo and Badajoz, in 1812, and St. 
 Sebastian in 1813. Lond , 1819. 
 Ordnance instructions for the United States 
 Navy. Washington, 1864. 
 Ordnance and gunnery. Benton, J. G. 
 N. v., 1875. 
 Organisation de I'artillerie, Essai snr 1'. 
 Le Bourg, J.-H. Paris, 1845. 
 Physical conditions involved in the con- 
 struction of artillery. Mallet, R. Lond., 
 Principles of gunnery. Robbins, B. Loud., 
 Principles and practice of modern artillery. 
 Oweu.C. H. Loud., 1871. 
 Precedes de fabrication dans les forges, 
 r.aris, 1839. (2 copies.) 
 Projectile weapons of war and explosive 
 compounds. Scoffern, J. Lond., 1859. 
 Projectiles, Mathematical treatise on the 
 motion of. Bashforth, F. Loud., 1873. 
 Projet d'une mr'thode ti51(5grai>hi(iue pour 
 la mesure des distances, a I'usage de I'ar- 
 tillerie. Madsen, C.L. Copenhague, 1863. 
 Recherches sur le mouvement des iirojec- 
 tilesdansrair. Poi.ssou, S. D. Paris, 1839. 
 Reponse aux observations critiques sur 
 I'organisation nouvelle de rartiU'erie du 
 g<5n. Duchand. Saintemarie, F. Paris,. 
 Rifle ( The ) : its theory and practice. 
 Walker, A. Loud., 1865. 
 Rifle and carbine exercises and musketry 
 instruction. Lond., 1879. 
 Rifle, musket, pistol, and fowling-|piece. 
 Bosworth, N. N.Y.,1846. 
 Science of gunnery as api)lied tojthe use 
 and construction of fire-arms. Greener, 
 W. Lond., 1841. 
 Service de I'artillerie dans I'armement et 
 la defense des places et des cOtes. Sainte- 
 marie, F. Metz, 1844. 
 Short account of an improved cannon, and 
 of the machinery and processes employed 
 in its manufacture. Treadwell, D. Cam- 
 bridge, 1865. 
 Siege artillery in the campaigns against 
 Richmond; with notes on the 15-inch 
 gun. Abbott, H. L. Washington, 1867. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Siege and garrison artillery exercises, Man- 
 ual of. Lond., 1879. 
 Small arms. Report from the committee on. 
 Lond., 1854. 
 Sporting rifle and its projectiles. Forsyth, 
 J. Loud., 1867. 
 Story of the guns. Tennent, J. E. Lond., 
 Syst^me d'artillerie de campagne du lieut.- 
 g^u. AUix compart avec les systfemcs 
 du comity d'artillerie de France. AUix, 
 J. A. F. Paris, 1827. 
 Text-book of the construction and manu- 
 facture of the rifled ordnance in the Brit- 
 ish service. Stoney, F. S., and C. Jones. 
 Text-book for officers at schools of mus- 
 ketry. Loud., 1-77. 
 Text-book on the theory of the motion of 
 projectiles; the history, etc., of gunpowder 
 and small arms. Lond., 1868. 
 Theorie nouvelle sur le m^canisme de I'ar- 
 tillerie. Dnlacq, Capt. Paris, 1741. 
 Theorie du pointage, b, I'usage des sous- 
 officiers d'artillerie. Page, C. E. Stras- 
 bourg, 1848. 
 Thirty-three years' practice and observa- 
 tions with rifle guns. Baker, E. Loud., 
 Tir convergent. Rapport et mdmoire sur le. 
 Paris, 1854. 
 Traite d'artillerie, thi^orique et pratique. 
 Piobert, G. Metz, 1856. 
 Traite sur I'artillerie. Scharuhorst, G. D. 
 von. 2 v. Paris, 1840. 
 Traite dl<?mentaire d'artillerie. Decker, E. 
 Paris, 1825. 
 Traite eleinentaire sur les proc<!des en usage 
 dans les fonderies pour la fabrication des
 Tiouchesfl ffii fl'artillcrie. Dartien, C. M. S. 
 Straslionrfi, 1810. 
 Traite <lo rorgaiiisatiou et ilc la tactiqiie <lo 
 rartilU'iic. Orewenitz, Major do. Paris, 
 Treatise on aiimmnition. Harlow, W. R. 
 Lond.,1874. (2 copies.) 
 Treatise of artillery. Miillcr, J. Loud., 
 178i>. (•-' copii's.) 
 Treatise on artillery. Lalleniand, H. D. 
 2 V. N.Y.,1820. 
 Treatise on gunpowder, a treatise ou fire- 
 arms, and a treatise on the service of ar- 
 tillery in time of war. D'Antoni, A. V. P. 
 Lond., 178'.t. 
 Cours al>reg<^ d'artilices, contenant la con- 
 fection, la reception, la conservation et 
 la demolition des ninnitions et artilices 
 dc guerre ; suivi dc notions snr les artifices 
 de joio. 3 v. Strasbourg, 1850. 
 Experiences faites h Esquerdes en 1834 et 
 18:i."> ciitrc les poudres fal)ri(in(<es par les 
 menles et les pondrcs fabricimSes par les 
 pilona. Paris, 1839. 
 Experiences snr les poudres de guerre, 
 faites ;\ Ksquerdes dans les ann(5es 1832, 
 '33, '31, '3.-.. Magnin, M. Paris, 1837. 
 Experiments on guniiowder, made at Wash- 
 ington arsenal in 1813-41. Mordeeai, A. 
 Washington, 1845. 
 Hand-book of tlie manufaetnre and proof 
 of gunpowder as carried on at the 
 royal gunpowder factory, Walthani Ab- 
 bey. Smith, F.M. Lond., 1870. 
 Instruction sur la fabrication de la poiidre. 
 Ki-naud, L. Pari,s, 1811. 
 Memoir on gunpowder: princiides of its 
 manufaetnre and proof. Braddock, J. 
 Memoire .sur la pondre et sur ses eifets 
 dans les amies k feu. Poumet, B. Paris, 
 1827-28. (2 copies.) 
 Memoire sur les eftets de la force expan- 
 sive de la pondre dans les mines en usage 
 dans la guerre souterraine. Plazanet, M. 
 C. Douai,1845. 
 Moyen d'enllammer la pondre sons I'ean, b, 
 tontes les profonileurs sans feu par le seul 
 contact de I'eau. Serullas, G. S. Paris, 
 Nombreuses experiences nouvelles cou- 
 firuuiut la tlicorie de la poudre. Cazaux, 
 L. F. G. de. Toulon, 1837. 
 Poudres fnlminantcs, snr leur cmploi dans 
 les fusils de chasse et dans les amies por- 
 tativesde guerre, Essai snr. Vorgnaud, 
 A. D. Paris, 1824. (2 copies.) 
 Pyroteehnie; le trait(? des mati^re8; les 
 feux de terre, d'air et d'ean; les fonx 
 d'ac^rostations les feux de thdatre; et 
 les feux de guerre. Rnggieri, C. F. 
 Paris, 1H21. 
 Pyroteehnie niilitaire, comprenant tons 
 les artifices de guerre en usngo en 
 Autriche. Ravicliio de Peretsdorf, J. 
 Paris, 1824. 
 Pyrotechnic niilitaire, ou trait6 complet 
 des feux de guerre et des bouehes h feti. 
 Rnggieri, C. F. Paris, 1812. 
 Pyroteeliny : coniprehending the theory 
 and practice, with the application of 
 chenii.stry, designed for exhibition and 
 for war. Phila., 1825. 
 Trait<i pratique des feux d'artiflce pour le 
 spectacle et pour la guerre. Morel, A. 
 M. T. Paris, 1800. 
 Recherches physiques et chimiques sur la 
 fabrication do la poudre il canon. Cos- 
 signy, J. F. C. 2 v. Paris, 1807-03. (2 
 copies of the supplement.) 
 Researches on explosives: fired gunpow- 
 der. Noble, Capt., and F. A. Abel. Lond., 
 Sketch of the mode of manufacturing gun- 
 powder at the Ishapore mills, in Bengal. 
 Anderson, Col. W. Lond., 1862. 
 Theorie et ealcul des eftets de la poudro 
 dans les mines et dans les cauous. Ca- 
 zaux, L. I''. G. de. Metz, 1835. 
 Traits de I'art de fabriquer la poudre it, 
 canon, pr6c<Sd6 d'un expose historique 
 sur l'<5tablissement du service des pou- 
 dres et saltpetres en Fiance. Bott(5e et 
 Riffault, MM. Paris, If 11. 
 Aide-memoire portatif il I'usage des offi- 
 ciers du genie. Laisu^, J. Paris, 1840. 
 Analyse-modMe des prix des ditfiSrentes 
 natures d'ouvrages il exfSenter dans les 
 travanx dependant du service du g^nie. 
 Annals of a fortress. Vi(dlet-le-Duc, E. E. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 The same. Best., 1876.
 Attack and Defense. 
 Attack anil (Icfencf of Cortifietl places. 
 Miiller.J. Loud., 1791. 
 Attack of military posts, villages, iutretich- 
 meuts, etc. Jcbb, J. C'liathani, 1837. 
 Coast defence. Sclieliha, Lieut. -Col. von. 
 Loud., 1868. 
 Conrs d'attaque et de defense des places. 
 Le Sage, E. Metz, 182.5. 
 Defence of fortified places. Caniot, L. N. 
 M. Loud., 1814. 
 Defence of Great and Greater Britain. 
 Coloiiib, J. C. R. Loud. , 1880. 
 Defenceless state of Great Britain. Head, 
 F. B. Lond.,1850. 
 Defense et I'armement des c6tes, M^moire 
 sur la. Paris, 1837. 
 Defense des cOtes niaritimes de France. 
 Laboria, Capitaiue. Paris, 1841. 
 Defense des <5tat8 par les fortifications. 
 Duvivier, F. F. Paris, 1826. 
 Defense des 6tats par les positions forti- 
 fi^es. Ternay, Marijuis. Paris, 1836. 
 Defense de la France an luoyeu du r^seau 
 militaire des cliemius de fer. Brunfant, 
 J. Paris, 1872. 
 Defense des froutieres. 1836. 
 Defense des places. Vauban, Le Mar^chal 
 de. Paris, 1829. 
 Defense des places fortes. Caniot, L. N. 
 M. Paris, 1812. 
 Defenses of Washiugton. Barnard, J. G. 
 Wasliingtou, 1871. 
 Memorial pour I'attaque des places. Cor- 
 moutaingne, L. de. Paris, 1809. 
 Tlie same. Paris, 1833. 
 Memorial pour la d<?feuse des places. Cor- 
 montaiugue, L. de. Paris, 1822. 
 Motives, errors, and tendcucy of M. Car- 
 not's principles of defence. Douglas, H. 
 Lond., 1819. 
 National defence and national founderies. 
 Washington, 1840. 
 Retiexions sur I'inutilitiS de la d<^fense des 
 capitales, paruuaucien militaire. Paris, 
 Si6ges et de I'attaque des places. Vauban, 
 Le Mar^chal de. Paris, 1829. 
 Strengthening and defending outposts, 
 villages, houses, bridges, etc. Jebb, J. 
 Loud., 1837. 
 Traits de I'attaciue des places. Le Blond, 
 G. Paris, 1742. (2 copies.) 
 Traits de la ddfense des places. Le Blond, 
 G. Paris, 1742. 
 Attack and Defense— Continued. 
 Treatise on tlii> attack and defense of for- 
 tified places. Malorti de Martemont, C. 
 2 V. Loud., 1824. 
 Vauban, S. L. de. ffiuvres miiitaires. 
 2 v. Paris, 1795. 
 Conrs sur le trac(5 et la construction des 
 batteries de toute espfece. Metz, 1845. 
 Traiti^ thc-orique et pratique des batteries. 
 Lamy, J. N. Paris, 1827. 
 Trait*? tlii^orique et pratique de la construc- 
 tion des batteries. Kavichio de Perets- 
 dorf, J., and A. P. F. Nancy. Paris, 
 Colonisation en AIg<=rie et des fortifications. 
 Rogniat, J. Paris, 1810. 
 Defensive armor. Report of experiments 
 on. King, W. R. Washington, 1870. 
 Defilement des ouvrages de campagne, In- 
 struction sur le. Paris, 1830. 
 England rendered impregnable. Leveson, 
 II. A. Lond., 1871. 
 England's naval and military weakness, 
 national dangers, etc. Walter,,!. Lond., 
 Experiences de Ba|)auuie. Les principes 
 de IVxdcution des breches par le canon et 
 par la mine. Paris, 1852. 
 Field engineer (The). Clairac, CIi. de. 
 Lond., 1783. 
 Field engineer. Tieike, J. G. 2 v. Lond., 
 Field intrenching: its application on the 
 battle-field and its bearing on tactics. 
 Fraser, T. (Gold medal essay.) Lond., 
 The same. Clayton, E. (Military 
 prize essay.) Lond., 1879. 
 Art vniversel des fortifications franfoiscs, 
 hollaudoises, espagnoles, italiennes, et 
 composdes. Bitainviev, S. dc. Paris, 
 Considi^rations militaires et politiques sur 
 les fortifications. Michaud, D. Paris, 
 Conrs d'art militaire — pr6cis des lemons 
 sur la ca8tram<5tation, la fortification 
 passag^re, etc. Metz, 1832. 
 Conrs 616mentaire de fortification. Bella- 
 vene, J. N. Paris, 1809. 
 ficole de la fortification. Fallois, J. de. 
 Dresde, 1768.
 Fortification— Continned. 
 filcinens i\v fortilication. Le Blond, G. 
 I'aris, 17(!4. 
 £l<5iuens <le fortilication de I'attaquo et 
 de la ddfeuse des places. Trincauo, M. 
 2 V. Paris, 1786. 
 fil6meus de fortifications. Noizet-Saint- 
 Paul. 2 V. Paris, 1811-12. 
 Elementary conrse of Held and permanent 
 fortification and of the attack of fort- 
 resses. Pliilijis, G. Lond., 1874. 
 Elementary fortification. I'asley, C. W. 
 2 V. Loud., 1882. 
 Elementary principles of fortification. 
 Hyde, J. T. Loud., 1860. 
 Elemeuta of field fortification. LocMe, 
 L. Lond., 1783. 
 Essai giSudral de fortificatiou. Bousmard, 
 H. J. B. 3 V. Berliu, 17^7. 
 The same. 4 v. Paris, 1814. (2 
 copies and atlas.) 
 The same. 4 v. 
 Paris, 1837. 
 Exercice couiplet sur le trac<5, le relief, la 
 construction, rattafjue et la defeuse des 
 fortifications; avec atlas. Duviguau, 
 V. J. Paris, 1830. (2 copies.) 
 Field fortification. Feuwick, H. Dublin, 
 Field fortification. Maban, D. H. N. Y., 
 First principles of field fortifications. 
 Strueusee, C. A. Lond., 1800. 
 Fortification de Paris. Paixhaus, H. J. 
 Paris, 1834. 
 Fortificatiou passagfere, la defense et I'at- 
 taque des postes retrauch<5s, pr^c^d^e de 
 notions sur le baraquemeut. Paris, 1845. 
 Fortifications de Coblentz. Observations 
 sur cette place importante. Humfrey, 
 J. H. Paris, 1846. 
 Fortifications de Paris. Considerations 
 sur la defense natiouale. Paris, 1833. 
 Hand-book of field fortifications. Knol- 
 lys, W. W. Phila., 1873. 
 Histoire de la fortificatiou permaueute. 
 Zastrow, A. V. Lidgo, 1846. 
 Ingf^nieur nioderne, ou essai de fortifica- 
 tion. Rotberg, Baron de. LaHaye,1756. 
 Instruction in fortificatiou, military en- 
 gineering, and geometrical drawing, at 
 the Royal Military Academy, AVool- 
 Tvich. Lond. 
 Letter from the Secretary of War, with 
 documents, iu refereuce to fortilications. 
 Washington, 1851. (3 copies.) 
 Fort iflcatioii— Continued. 
 Mauiire ile fortifier selon l.i nidtbode de 
 Monsieur de Vauban ; avec un traits' pr^- 
 liuiinaire des principes de g<5oni<5trie. 
 Fay, Abbd du. Paris, 1707. 
 M6moires sur les fortificatious de Paris. 
 Choumara, T. Paris, 1833. 
 Mt^moires sur la fortificatiou tenaillde et 
 polygonale, et sur la fortification bas- 
 tionnde. Zastrow, A. V. 1 v. et atlas. 
 Paris, 1850. 
 Mdumrial pour la fortifiiation permanente 
 et pa.s.sagere. Cornioutaingne, L. de. 
 Paris, 1824. 
 Modern system of fortification for the 
 Rhine frontier. Humfrey, J. H. Lond., 
 1838. (2 copies.) 
 New system of fortification. Head, G. E. 
 N. Y., 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Nouvelle fortificatiou taut pour un terrain 
 bas et hnuiide, que sec et (;iev<S, etc. 
 Coehoru-MiuMo, Baron de. La Haye, 
 Text-book of fortification and military en- 
 giueeriug, for use at the Royal Military 
 Academy, Woolwich. 2 v. Loud., 
 Theory of field-fortification. Malorti de 
 Martemont, C. Lond., 1834. 
 Traits complet de fortification. Noizet- 
 Saint-Paul. 2 v. Paris, 1800. 
 Traitd (Sldmentaire de fortification de 
 canipague. Simonet, K. Lorient. 
 Trait<S de fortification souterraiue, siiivi 
 de quatre memoires sur les mines. 
 Mouzd, M. Paris, 1804. (2 copies.) 
 Traitd de fortification souterraiue, ou des 
 mines oti'eusives et defensives. Gillot, 
 C. L. Paris, 1805. 
 Treatise on field-fortification, and other 
 subjects. Macaulay, J. S. 2 v. Lond., 
 Treatise ou fortification. Lendy, A. F. 
 Lond., 1862. 
 Treatise ou fortification. Straitb, H. 
 Loud., 1833. 
 Treatise on fortification and .irtillery. 
 Straith, H. Loud., 1846. 
 Treatise on the general principles of per- 
 manent fortification. Malorti de Marte- 
 raout, C. 2 V. Loud., 1820. 
 Hasty intrenchments. Brialmout, A. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Histoire du corps imperial du genie. Al- 
 leut, A. Paris, 1805.
 InstructionB for officers on military plan 
 drawing. Malorti de Martemont, C. 
 Manual for engineer troops. Duane, J. C. 
 N. Y., 1862. 
 Manuel pratique du mineiir, a I'lisage des 
 troupes du g^nie. Villeneuve, Capt. 
 Paris, 1826. 
 Manuel pratique du sapeur, pour les tra- 
 vaux de si^ge, i I'usage des troupes du 
 g^nie. Villeneuve, Capt. Paris, 1828. 
 Memorial de I'officier du s'^nie, on recneil 
 de memoires, experiences, observations et 
 proc^d^s g<5ueraux propres ii, perfectiou- 
 ner la fortification et les constructions 
 militaires. 13 v. Paris, 1803-40. 
 The same. No. 23 and 24. 2' s<5rie. 
 2 V. Paris, 1874-7.5. 
 Memorial topographiqueet luilitaire. 6 v. 
 Paris, 1803-05. (Vols. 1 and 3 duplicated.) 
 military Bridges. 
 Essai d'une iustrnctiou sur !>■ passage des 
 rivieres et la construction des ponts 
 militaires, a I'usage des troupes de 
 toutes armes. HaiUot, C. A. Paris, 
 Essay on the principles and construction 
 of military bridges, and the passage of 
 rivers in military operations. Douglas, 
 H. Lond., 1832. 
 (Instruction in military engineering. 
 Vol. l,pt. III.) Lond., 1875. (2copies.) 
 Military bridges. Haupt, H. N. Y., I8r)4. 
 Military bridges with India-ruljber pon- 
 tons. Cnllum, G.W. N. Y.,1849. 
 Military engineering. Instruction in mil- 
 itary engineering. Vol. 1, pts. I to V. 
 Lond., 1870. 
 Military instruction ; for use of the royal 
 engineer department. Pasley, C. W. 
 Vols. 2 and 3. Lond., 1817. 
 Ponts militaires, Notices historique sur 
 les. Paris, 1>^:38. 
 Recherches sur les ^iiuipages de ponts 
 militaires en Europe. Birago, C, Baron 
 de. Paris, 1845. 
 Iflilitarj- Surveying:. 
 Military surveying and field sketching. 
 Richards, W.H. Lond., 1873. 
 Military topography of continental 
 Europe. Lavalli^o, T. Lond., IBi'iO. 
 Notes on military surveying and recon. 
 naissance. Paterson,W. Loud., 1873. 
 The same. Lond., 1861. 
 32 w 
 military Surveying— Continued. 
 Outline of the method of conducting a 
 trigonometrical survey for the forma- 
 tion of geographical and topographical 
 maps and plans. Frome, E. C. Lond., 
 Practical military surveyor; or, catechism 
 for officers. By "Umpire." Loud., 1878. 
 Treatise on military surveying. Jackson, 
 B. Lond., 1847. 
 The same. Lond., 1860. 
 Nouveau traits des mines et des contre- 
 mines. Prndhomme, M. Paris, 1770. 
 Traits des mines. Vauban, S. L. de. 
 Paris, 1795. (2 copies. ) 
 Treatise on mines. Landmanu, I. Lond., 
 Modification a faire au profil des remparts. 
 Professional papers, Corps of Engineers, 
 United States Army. Nos. 1 to 22. (For 
 contents, see Author'.s Catalogue. 
 Professional papers of the Corps of Royal 
 Engineers, British army. Papers on sub- 
 jects connected with the duties of the 
 royal engineer-s. Vols. 5 to 10. L<md., 
 The same. New series. Vols. 4 and 
 13. Woolwich, 18.5.5-64. 
 Thesame. (Royal Engineer Institute 
 occasional papers. ) Vols. 2 to 5. Chatham 
 and Lond., 1878-81. 
 Sieges et les machines des anciens. Traits 
 sur les. Maizeroi, P. G. Joly de. Paris, 
 General ^fVorks. 
 Concise system of instrnctions and regula- 
 tions forthe militia and volunteers of the 
 I'. S. Cooper, S. Phila., 1836. (2 copies.) 
 Drill and manceuvres of cavalry combined 
 with horse artillery. Smith, M. W. 
 Lond., 1865. 
 Lance. Reglement portant instruction 
 sur I'exercise et les mamenvres de la 
 lance. Paris, 1811. 
 Manual for the patriotic vohmteer on ac- 
 tive service in regular and irregular war. 
 Forbes, H. N.Y., 1855. 
 Military discipline: anew system founded 
 upon principle. Lond., 1773. 
 Minor tactics. Clery, C. Loinl., 1875. 
 Ordonnance pour les tambours de troupes 
 fcddrales. Zurich, 1845.
 General "Works— Continued. 
 S;il>rc, singli'stiik, sabve and bayonet, and 
 sword feats, Lessons in. Waitc. J. M. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Sword exercise. Wayne, II. C. Wash- 
 ington, ll?50. (3 copies.) 
 System of sword exercise. 
 O'Ronrke, M.J. N.Y.,1872. 
 Tli(5orie de I'escrime i\cheval. Mnl- 
 Icr, A. Paris, 1828. 
 System of tactics; or, rules for the exer- 
 cises and uianoMivrcsof cavalry, light in- 
 fantry, and litlenien of the U. S. Wash- 
 ington, 1834. 
 Traits des armes. Girard, P. .J. F. La 
 Haye, 1740. 
 Trnmpct and bugle sounds for mounted 
 services and garrison artillery. Lond., 
 Artillery Tactics. 
 Artillery tactics C S. Army. N. V., 1874. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Batterie. Instruction provisoire sur les 
 man<TUvre.s de batterie. Paris, 1832. 
 Batteries attelees, Rfeglement sur les ma- 
 ntcuNTes et les Evolutions des. 4 v. 
 Pari.s, 1837. 
 Bouches a feu. Instruction provisoire sur 
 le service dfpbonchesiiffu. 2 v. Paris, 
 1833. (2 copies.) 
 Instructions provisoires sur Ic ser- 
 vice des Ijouches it feu et sur les nianiru 
 vres batterie. Metz. 1832. (2coiiies.) 
 Exercse for garrison and lielil ordnance. 
 Field artillery. Exercise and instruction 
 of field artillery, iucludiug manoeuvres 
 for light or horse artillery. Bost., 1829. 
 Instruction for lield artillery, by a 
 board of U. S. artillery ofticers. Phila., 
 The same. Wa.shiugton, 1867. 
 Instruction for fiid<l artillery, horse 
 and foot. Anderson, R. Phila., 1839. (2 
 Instruction for tield artillery, horse 
 audfoot. Baltimore, 184.'>. (2 copies.) 
 Instructions and regulations for 
 tield battery exercise and movements. 
 Woolwich, 1831. 
 Mamruvres des batteries de cam- 
 pagne, pour Vartillerie de la garde impE- 
 riale. Paris, 1812. 
 Mannpuvres des batteries de cam- 
 pagne, pour I'artillerie de la garde royal. 
 Paris, 1818. 
 Artillery Tactics— Continued. 
 Field artillery. Manual of tield artillery 
 exercises. Lond., 187,">. 
 Heavy artillery. Instruction for heavy ar- 
 tillery. Washington, 18.")1. 
 Manual of heavy artillery service. 
 Tidball, J. C. Washington, 1880. 
 Horse artillery. Instructions and regula- 
 tions for the exercise and movements of 
 the royal horse artillery. Woolwich, 
 The same. Woolwich, 1835. 
 Mauo'uvres of horse artillery. Kos- 
 ciusko, T. N. Y., 1808. 
 Instruction sur le service d'artillerie. Hu- 
 lot, M. Paris, 1813. 
 Man<euvres of art ilh-ry . 3 v. Metz, 1828. 
 Manual of artillery exercises. Lond., 18ti0. 
 Petit mauuel du canonnii'r. Paris, 1810. 
 Kr^gleraent provisoire sur rinstruction ii 
 pied et tl cheval dans les r(^giments d'ar- 
 tillerie. 2 V. teste et 1 v. planches. 
 Metz, 1836. 
 The same. Strasbourg, 1841. 
 Cavalry Tactics. 
 Bibliothi-iiuc compli'te des sous-ofHciers et 
 brigadiers du cavalerie. Paris, 1859. 
 Garnet de I'officierde cavalerie, on mauuel. 
 Libert, Lieut.-Col. Paris, 1832. 
 Cavalerie, on des changements nt^cessaires 
 dans la composition, I'organisation, et 
 I'iustruction des troupes k cheval. Ko- 
 che-Aymon, Comte de la. 2 v. Paris, 
 Cavalerie grecque, Tableau general do la. 
 Maizeroi, P. G. Joly de. Paris, 1780. 
 Cavalry: Its history, management, aud 
 uses in war. Roeiner, .1. N. Y., 1863. 
 Cavalry: its history and tactics. Nolan, 
 L. E. Lond.,18,-)3. 
 Cavalry manceuvres, System of. Wliit- 
 tingham, S. Lond., 1815. 
 Cavalry out-post drill, with a chapter on 
 cavalry skirmishing. Smith, M. W. 
 Lond., 1867. 
 Cavalry tactics. 2 v. Washington, 1841. 
 (2 copies of Vol. 2.) 
 Cavalry tactics, (U. S.) Cooke, P. St. (i. 
 W'ashington, 1862. (2 copies.) 
 Cavalry tactics, (U. S.) Assimilated to 
 the tactics of infantry and artillciy. 
 N. Y.,1874. (2 copies.) 
 Cours th^orique et pratique hippiatrique. 
 Vogely de Lyon, F. 3 v. Paris, 1831-34. 
 Dutiesof cavalry reconnoitring an enemy. 
 Cavalry Tactics — Continued. 
 Eluciilatioii of several parts of liis ma- 
 jesty's regulations for the furmation and 
 movements of cavalry. Lond., ITiU*. 
 The same. Lond., 1808. 
 The same. Lond., 1822. 
 Emjiloi de la cavalerle a la guerre. Scliau- 
 enburg. Baron de. 1 v. et atlas. Paris, 
 fiijuitationmilitaire, Coursd'. 2 v. San- 
 mur, 1830. 
 Abr<5ge du cours d'equitation mili- 
 taire. Saumur, 1831. 
 Military equitation. Pembroke, 
 Earl. Lond., 1778. (2copie.s.) 
 Treatise on military equitation. 
 Tyndale, W. Lond., 1797. 
 Exercer-reglement for Kavaleriet. Chris- 
 tiania, 1869. 
 Formations and movements of the cav- 
 alry. Instructions and regulations for. 
 Lond., 1801-07. ( 
 (Juide de sous-ofticiers des troupes Jl che- 
 val, par M. L. Paris, 1832. 
 Hand-book for cavalry. Duaue, W. 
 Phila., 1814. 
 History of cavalry from the earliest tiini's. 
 Denison, G. T. Lond., 1877. 
 History of the United States cavalry from 
 the formation of the government. 
 Brackett, A. G. N. Y., 1865. 
 Hussars and light cavalry, Instructions 
 for. Lond., 1799. 
 In.struetion de detail sur I'exercice et les 
 manreuvres de la cavalerie. Paris, 1805. 
 The same. 2 v. Paris, 1814-15. 
 Instructions for young dragoon officers. 
 Tyndale, ^V. Lond., 1796. 
 Kounnando-Tabelle aus dem Exerzir- 
 Reglement fiir die Kavallerie der konig- 
 licli preussischeu Armee. Berlin, 1855. 
 Light cavalry. Discipline of. Xeville, L. 
 Loud., 1796. 
 Livret de commaudemeus. Paris, 1830. 
 Ordonuancedu roi sur le service iut<^rieur 
 des troupes a cheval. Paris, 1837. 
 Ordonuance provisoire sur I'exercice et les 
 nianuMivresde la cavalerie. 2 v. Paris, 
 Ordonuance sur I'exercice et les (Evolutions 
 de la cavalerie. 2 v. Paris, 1832. 
 The same. 3 v. Paris, 18.")7-60. 
 The same. Anuotce et augmentee. 
 3 V. Paris, 1863. 
 Outpost duty. Instructions on. Arcnt- i 
 schildt, Col. von. Lond., 1844. 1 
 Cavalry Tactics— Continued. 
 Provisii>nal uriliuance on the e.xercise and 
 manievrcs of cavalry. Paris, 1805. 
 Riglement provisoire sur le service int^- 
 rieur des troupes a cheval. Preval, 
 C. A. H. Paris, 1816. 
 Regulations for the instruction, forma- 
 tions, and movements of the cavalry. 
 Lond., 1833. 
 Remarques sur la cavalerie. Wamery, 
 G^u. de. Paris, 1828. 
 Review mantenvres of a regiment of cav- 
 alry, Explanation of. Hackett, Adju- 
 tant. Lond., 1819. 
 Rudiments of cavalry service, Progressive 
 instructions forforniing men and horses 
 in the. Skeene, R. Lond., 1807. 
 Training cavalry horses, Nolan's system 
 for. Garrard, K. N. Y., 1862. 
 Training of cavalry remount horses. No- 
 lan. L. E. Lond., 18.52. 
 Trait<5 sur la cavalerie. Melfort, le Comte 
 Drummond de. Paris, 1776. 
 Volunteer cavalry. Lessonsof the decade. 
 Whittaker, F. N. Y.,lKn. 
 Infantry Tactics. 
 Aucienue infanterie franyaise, Histoire 
 de '1. Susane, L. 8 v. Paris, lb49-.53. 
 Application of light drill to skirmishing 
 in the field. Leslie, C. Dublin, lf-31. 
 Austrian infantry. Evolutions of the line 
 as practiced by the Austrian infantry, 
 and adopted in 1853. N. Y., 1860. 
 Reglement de manoeuvres, a I'nsage 
 de I'infanterie autrichieune. Deppe, A. 
 Bruxelles, 1856. 
 Bayonet exercise. Manual of. McClellan, 
 G. B. Phila, 1852. (2 copies*. ) 
 Bayonnette, Maniement de la. Muller, \. 
 Paris, 1835. 
 Chasseurs h pied. Instruction provisoire 
 sur le tir, ;Y I'usage des bataillous de 
 ch.isseurs il pied. Paris. 1848. 
 (Irdounance sur I'exercice et les 
 maua'uvres des bataillons de chasseiu-s 
 a pied. Paris, 1845. 
 Company drill, Method of instructing a 
 company in. Ricardo, F. C. Lond., 
 Eighteen mameuvres. Instructions for 
 the drill and the mrthiid of iicrforming 
 the eighteen mauiiMivres. Russell, J. 
 Lond., 1812. 
 Treatise on the eighteen mameu- 
 vres. O'Neill, T. Lond., 1805.
 Infantry Ta«'li«'s— Continiioil. 
 Kxercici' it li'Miiaiiiriivn'8 tie riiifaiiterio. 
 Ordoiiiiance dii roi, ilii l mars IM'.U. 
 2 V. Paris, IHiil. 
 Fii'Iil cxiTcise and inaniiMivrcsdt' infantry 
 for the use of the militia of Pennsylva- 
 nia. Phila., 18-24. 
 Field tactics for infantry. Morris, W. H. 
 N. Y., 1864. 
 Forming s<iuare8, System of. Mitchell, 
 T. H. Lond., 18ud. 
 French infantry. Field I'xercise and man 
 (eiivres of, issued Aug. 1, 171*1. 2 v. 
 Lond., l.-do. 
 Infanterie, Maniruvres d'. Bugeaud,T. R. 
 Lyon, 181,5. 
 Infantry movements, Theory of the. Fou- 
 seca, A. L. 4 v. Lond., 1825. 
 The same. 3 v. Loud., 1816. 
 Infantry sword exercise, Regulations and 
 instructions for. Load., H19. 
 Infantry tactics ( U. S. Army ). 2 v. 
 Washington, 1825. 
 Infantry tactics. Scolt,W. ;iv. N. Y.,1842. 
 Infantry tactics for the use of the militia 
 of the United States. Phila., lH4(i. 
 Infantry tactics (U. S. ), adopted by the 
 Secretary of War, May, 1861. Vo\ 1. 
 Phila., 1801. 
 Infantry tactics. Casey, S. 3 v. N. Y., 
 1863. (2 copies.) 
 Infantry tactics in catechetical form. 
 Richardson, J. M. Macon (Ga.), 1864. 
 Infantry tai^tics. Morris, W. H. N. Y., 
 Infantry tactics. Upton, K. N. Y., 1867.' 
 (2 copies.) 
 The same. N. Y. , 1874. (2 copies. ) 
 The same. N. Y.,1877. 
 Instiuction siir le tir du fusil de grenadier 
 et de voltigeur. Paris, 18,55. 
 Light infantry, Manual of. Siuuott, ,1. 
 Lond., 1851. 
 Light troops, Treatise ou the employment 
 of. Leslie, C. Loud., 1843. 
 Livret de commandemeus, ou tableaux 
 rie. Paris, 1831. 
 Mauu;uvres d'iufauterie pour r<!sister i\ la 
 cavalerieet l'attai|ueravecsuecfes. Du- 
 teil, Ch. Metz, 1772. (2 copies. ) 
 The same. In English. Lond., 
 Manuel des sous officiers et caporaux d'in- 
 anterie. Lelouterel, F. P. Paris, 1831. | 
 Inriintry Ta«'ti«'S— Continued. 
 Marine volunteer. <'ontaiuiiig the exercise, 
 etc., of a battalion of infantry. ( )'Logh- 
 len, T. Loiul., 1766. 
 Movements of the rank and tile in coni- 
 jiauv and battalion ilrill, etc. Maltou, 
 W. D. Lond., 1879. 
 Ordounanco sur Vexercico et les mana'u- 
 vres de rinfauterie. 3 v. Paris, 1832. 
 Plan of discipline, for the use of the militia 
 of Norfolk. Loud., 17.5<». 
 Planches relatives an reglement coneer- 
 nant I'exercice et les maiueuvres de 
 rinfauterie. Paris, IT'JI. 
 Practical guide for the light infantry olli- 
 cer. Cooper, T.H. Loud., 181)0. 
 Practical guide to light infantry move- 
 ments. Cooper, T.H. Loud., 1826. 
 Pru.ssian infantry. Elementary tactics of. 
 Lond., 1872. 
 Rfegloniens pourl'infanterieprussi- 
 enne. 2 v. Berlin, 17.57. 
 Regulations for Prussian infantry ; 
 to which is iiildcd the Prussian tactick. 
 Lond., 17,59, 
 Review of a battalion of infant ly, includ- 
 ing the eightei'U nuiuceuvres. Loud., 
 Ritle and light infantry tactics. Hardee, 
 W. ,T. 2 v. Phila., 1855. 
 Ritlemeu and light infantry. Regulations 
 for the of. Loud., 1801. 
 Tacticks. Dalrymple, \V. Dublin, 1782. 
 Tactics and introduction to military evo- 
 lutions for the infantry. Saldern, F. C. 
 von. Loud., 1787. 
 Target practice. System of; prepared prin- 
 cipally from the French. Washington, 
 Tirailleurs, Instruction pour les. 
 Aper9us sur (juehjues details de la guerre. 
 Bugeaiid, T. R. Paris, 1846. 
 Art de combattre de I'artillerie h cheval, 
 r(?unie il la ca Valerie. Decker, E. Paris, 
 Art of l¥ar. 
 Art de la giu'rre. Pnysegur, J. F., Marquis 
 de. Paris, 1748. 
 The same. 2 v. Paris, 1749. 
 Art of war. Turpin, ('onnt. Loud., 1761. 
 Art of war. Machiavelli, N. Albany, 1815. 
 (U)nsid(?rations sur I'art de la guerre. 
 Rogniat, J., Baron. Paris, 1816-20. 
 (2 copies.)
 Art of War — Continued. 
 Formation des tron|)es pour le combat: 
 (leiixieme appendice au Precis de I'art 
 de la guerre. Joniini, Baron de. Paris, 
 Les rcTcries. on nidmoires sur I'art de la 
 guerre. Saxe, C'onitc de. La Haye.lT.'rf). 
 Livre de guerre, ou instruction (Sldnien- 
 taire sur les dift^rentes parties de I'art 
 de la guerre. Perrot.A. M. Paris. 
 Maxims, advice, and instructions on the 
 art of war. Paris, 1857. 
 M^moires sur I'art de la guerre. Saxe, 
 C'ouite de. Dresde, 1757. 
 Mes reveries: augments d'une histoire 
 abr^gee de sa Tie, etc. Saxe, Couite de. 
 Amsterdam, 17.57. 
 Precis de I'art de la guerre. Jomiui, 
 Baron de. 2 v. Paris, 1838. 
 Remarques critiques sur I'ouvrage de M. 
 lelieut-g^n. Rogniatintituld: "Consid<^- 
 rations sur I'art de la guerre." Marbot, 
 M. Paris, 1820. 
 Reveries; or, memoirs upon the art of 
 war. Saxe, Comte de. Lond.,1757. 
 Summary of the art of war. Jomini, 
 Baron de. N. Y., 1854. 
 Summary of the art of war. Sclialk, E. 
 Phila., 1862. 
 Autumn inautpuvres. Retrospect of the. 
 Considerations of the reasons that exist 
 for reviving the use of the long-bow and 
 the pike. Mason, R.O. Loud., 1798. 
 Duties of light troops. Ehwald, Col. von. 
 Duty of officers commanding detachtflents 
 in the field. Vaudeleur, J. O. Loud., 1801. 
 Ecole de I'officier. Paris, 1770. 
 Essays: written for the Wellington prize. 
 Edinburgh, 1872. 
 Essentials of good skirmishing. Gawler, 
 G. Lond., 1837. 
 The same. 2d ed. Loud., 1852. (2 
 Ezamen raisonud des propri<;tds des trois 
 amies. Okounef, X. Paris, 1832. 
 Exposition cf the first principles of grand 
 military combinations and movements. 
 Jomini, Baron de. Lond., 1825. 
 Field exercise and evolutions of the army. 
 Torrens, H. Lond., 1834. 
 Field mauoeu\Tes best adapted for enabling 
 our troops to meet a continental army. 
 Maurice, F. Edinburgh, 1872. | 
 Orand Iflilitary Operations. 
 Tableau analytique des principalcs com- 
 binaisons de la guerre, pour servir d'in- 
 troduction au "Traitd des grandes opd- 
 rations militaires." Jomini, Baron de. 
 Paris, 1830. 
 Histoire crititiue ct niilitaire des guerres 
 de Frdddric II, compari?es au systfeme 
 moderne ; avec un recueil des principes 
 Jes plus importants de I'art de la guerre. 
 Jomini, Baron de. 3 v. Paris, 1818. 
 The same. 3 v. Bruxelles, 1840. 
 Treatise on grand military operations; or, 
 a critical and military history of the 
 wars of Frederick the Great, as con- 
 trasted with the modern system. .Tomini, 
 Baron de. Holabird's translation. 3 v. 
 N. Y.J 1865. 
 Traits des grandes operations militaires, 
 contenant I'histoire critique des cam- 
 pagnes de Frdddric II, compardes h 
 celles de I'emperenr Napoldon, etc. 
 Jomini, Baron de. 3 v. Paris, 1811. 
 The same. 4 v. Paris, 1811. 
 (Vols. 3 and 4 duplicated.) 
 Histoire critique et niilitaire des cam- 
 pagnes de la revolution compar<5es au 
 systeme de I'emperenr Xapolcon, faisant 
 suite au "Traits des grandes opiSra- 
 tions." Jomini, Baron <le. 2 v. Paris, 
 The .same. 2 v. Paris, 1811. 
 Grandes manceuvres. Recueil des grandes 
 manceuvres d'armde. Vandermeere, 
 Comte. Bruxelles, 1837. 
 Guibert, J. A. H. de. (Euvres militaires. 
 5 V. Paris, 1803. (2 copies.) 
 Guide de I'oSicier particulier en campagne. 
 Laeu(5e, G. J. 2 v. Paris, 1805. 
 The same. 2 v. Paris, 1816. 
 Idees d'un militaire pour la disposition des 
 troupes dans la defense et I'attaque des 
 petits postes. Fossd, M. Paris, 1783. 
 Infanterie Wgere, Precis historique del'. 
 Lyon, 1806. 
 Institutes, political and military. Timour. 
 Oxford, 1783. 
 Institutions militaires. Esprit des. Mar- 
 mout, A. F. L. V. Paris, 1845. 
 Instruction addressee aux ofliciers d'infan- 
 terie pour tracer et construire toutcs sortes 
 d'ouvragesde campagne. Gaudi, F. Paris, 
 The same. Paris, 1821. 
 Instruction niilitaire de Fr^ddric II, roi 
 de Prosse, pour ses gdn^raux. Paris, 1804.
 The same. 'I'o wbicli ia aildcd par- 
 ticular iiistriu'tions to the Dtliecrs of his 
 aruiy, ami I'specially those of the cavalry. 
 Secret stral epical iiistnietioiis of 
 Frederick II. for his insiiectors general. 
 Coventry, 1811. 
 Instructions ijraticjiies pour les troupes en 
 ("iniiiasne. Hugeautl, T. R. Paris, 1854. 
 Marches and niovcuK'nts of armies. Jarry, 
 (HM. I,ond.,18U7. 
 Maximes do j^uerre de Napoh'^on. Napoli'on 
 I. I'aris, 1H:!0. 
 The same. Tran.slated from the 
 French hy Col. D'Agnilar. Duhlin, 18:U. 
 Memoires des troupes de I'enipereur; on 
 priuciixs de I'art niilitairo eu gdudral. 
 Montecnenli, R., Count. I'aris, 1712. 
 Memoires militaires sur les Grecs et les 
 K'oniaius. Guischardt, C. LaHaye, 1758. 
 Military art and history, Elements of. 
 l>n|i;iro(i. E. de la Bane. N. Y., ISGX 
 Cours d'art et d'histoire militaires. 
 Presle, C. J. de. Sanmnr, 1829. 
 Military examination, Unide to. Martin, 
 T. Lond., 18.->1. 
 Military experiments of attack and defence 
 ma<le in Hyde I'ark in 1802, and in the 
 island of Jersey in 1805. Russell, J. 
 I-ond., 1806. 
 Military tiidd pocket book. Scharnhorst, 
 (J. 1). von. Lond., 1811. 
 Modern tactics, l'r(^cis of. Home, R. Loml., 
 187;i. (2 copies. ) 
 The sanu',. Lond., 1878. 
 Modern tactics of the three arms. Smith, 
 M.W. Loud., 1860. (2 copies.) 
 Modern war. Esjirit du systiMne de guerre 
 mcMlerue. Paris, 1801. 
 Spirit of the modern system of war. 
 Lond., 180i;. 
 Modem warfare as intiuenced by modern 
 artillery. MacDongall, P. L. Lond., 1864. 
 Movements of large bodies of troops. 
 Macllonell. A. Loiul., 1872. 
 Notice detaillde sur la manifere adoptive en 
 Afri(|Ue pour etahlir les homnies et les 
 ihevaux de la cavalerie an bivouac. Le- 
 comte. M. I'aris, 1855. 
 Observations historicinesct critiques sur les 
 commentaires de Folard, ct sur la cavalerie. 
 Hrezc^, Comte de. 2 v. Turin, 1772. 
 Operations of warexplained and illustrated. 
 Hauiley, E. B. Edinhurgh, 1866-72. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Out-Post exercise, Proposed system of, for 
 regiments of cavalry and iufautry. Ker, 
 ('ai>t. Lond., 1827. 
 Outpost and patrol .ilnty, and troops in 
 campaign. Instructions for. Washington, 
 Outposts, Chapter on. llamley, E. IJ. 
 Lond., 1875. 
 Petite guerre, on trait<5 des opdrations se- 
 condaires de la guerre. Decker, C. D. 
 IJruxcUes, 1h:$h. 
 Petite guerre, selon Vesprit de la strat<5gie 
 nioilerne. Decker, C. D. Paris, 1845. 
 Polybius. .Muegi; des commentaires de .1. 
 C. de Folard siir I'histoire de I'olybe. :{ v. 
 Paris, 1754. 
 Histoire de Polybe, avec un comnien- 
 tairepar J. C. de Folard. 7 v. Amsterdam, 
 L'e8i)rit du Chevalier Folard, tir^ do 
 ses commentaires sur I'histoire de Polybe. 
 Leipsig, 1761. 
 Practical observations on the errors com- 
 mitted liy generals and field otlicers. Arm- 
 strong, \V. Lond,, 1808. 
 Principles of war. Lendy, A. F. Loud., 
 Principles of war in the practice of the 
 cam]), and as developeil in general orders 
 of the Duke of Wellington, with parallel 
 orders of George II., tlie duke of Marl- 
 borough, etc. Lond., 1815. 
 Recollections and reHcctious relative to 
 the duties of troops composing the ad- 
 vanced corps of an army. Leach, J. 
 Lond., IK!,-), 
 Reconnaissances. Reconnaissances mili- 
 taires, Manuel des. Lelouterel, F. P. 
 Pari.s, 1850. 
 Recueil sur les reconnaissances mili- 
 taires d'apri's les auteurs les plusestini<>s, 
 formautun traits complet sur la matifere; 
 avec atlas. Paris, 1845. 
 Scout's guide and iield book. Delavoye, 
 A. M. Lond., 1880. 
 Soldiers and their science. Brabazon, 
 C-qpt. Loud.. 1860. 
 Stratag^mes militaires et de guerre. 
 2 V. Paris, 1826. 
 Strategie. Considerations sur les mouvcv 
 mens strat^giiiucs. Duchateau, L. C. 
 Paris, 1822. 
 Mdmoires sur les principes de la 
 strategic et sur ses rapports intimes avec 
 le terrain. Okounef, N. Paris, 1831.
 Strategie. Principes de la strategic d^ve- 
 lopjids par la relation de la campagne de 
 1796 en Allemagne ; attribiK^ raicliiduc 
 Charles. 3 v. Paris, 1«18. 
 The same. Et siiivie des mdinoires 
 pour servir k I'histoire de la canipague de 
 1796 par le mareclual Comte Jimrdan. 
 Bruxelles, 1840. 
 Tactical studies, Collection of. Lyman, W. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Tactics. Elementary principles of tactics. 
 B — , Sieur. Lond., 1771. 
 Essay on tactics. Guibert, J. A. H. 
 de. Vol. 1. Lond., 1781. 
 Tactique. Cours de tactique. Dufour, 
 G. H. Paris, 1840. 
 Cours de tactique thdorique, pratique 
 et bistorique. Maizeroi, P. G. Joly de. 4 v. 
 Nancy, 1764-67. 
 Fragments de tactique, ou neuf m^- 
 moires, pr^c^dcSs d'un diseours prclimi- 
 naire sur la tactique et sur ses systemes. 
 Menil-Durand, F. J., Baron de. Paris, 
 Pens^es sur la tactique et sur quel- 
 ques autres parties de la guerre. Silva, 
 Marquis de. Paris, 1768. 
 • Traite de graude tactique, ou relation 
 de la guerre de sept aus, extraite de Tem- 
 pelhof, comment^e et compar^e aux prin- 
 cipales op(5rations de la deniifre guerre. 
 .Jomini, Baron de. 3 v. Paris, 1805-06. 
 (2 copies.) 
 The same. In English. 4 v. Paris, 
 1806. (Bound manuscript.) 
 Tactique approprl('(t an perfectiouiiement 
 lies armes 4 feu portatives. R^mond, 
 Baron. Paris, 18.5:i. 
 Tactique des trois armes. Decker; C. D. 
 2 V. Paris, 1836-37. 
 Th^orie nouvelle pour faire mauccuvrer et 
 combattre les troupes de tontes armes. 
 Martray, Bonneau du. Paris, 1856. 
 Traite d'artifice de gncrre tant pour I'atta- 
 que et la defense des places que pourle ser^ 
 vice de campagne. Bigot, M. Paris, 1809. 
 Traite th^orique et pratiqm- des operations 
 secondaires ; de la guerre ; accompagne 
 d'un atlas. Lallemand, A. 2 v. Paris, 
 Troupes Mgeres. lustruction destinee aux 
 troupes legeres et aux otliciers qui servent 
 dans les avant postes. Paris, 1831. 
 Traite sur la constitution des troupes 
 l^geres, et sur leur emx)loi k la guerre. 
 Paris, 1782. 
 War, with the tactics of the three »rms 
 abridged. Besaufon, L. Lond., 1871.
 American coast jiilot. Blunt, E. M. N. Y., 
 Armored vi'ssels, Report of tlu^ SeiTetary 
 of the Navy iu relation to. \Va.shiiif;ton, 
 ■ 1864. 
 Battles of the British uavy. Allen, J. 
 '^ V. Loiul., imSH. 
 Book of knots. Bowlini;, Totn. Lond., 
 Cours e'l<5nientaire de tactitiue iiavale. Ra- 
 matiiell.', A. Paris, 1802. 
 Descriptive account of an horizontal-act- 
 ing an<l disconnecting spur-torpedo ram, 
 etc. Palmer, Capt. F. I. Lond. 
 Dictionnaire de marine il voiles. Bonne- 
 foiix et Paris, JIM. Paris. 
 Encyclopccdia. Naval eneyelopa'dia : com- 
 j)risiMg a dictionary of nautical words 
 and phrases; biographical notices, and 
 records of naval officers, etc. Phila., 
 Bssai gdora^trique et prati(|UO sur I'arclii- 
 tecture navale. Vial du Clairhois, H. S. 
 Brest, 1776. 
 Essay on naval tactics. Systematical and 
 historical. Clerk, J. Edinburgh, 1827. 
 (2 copies.) 
 European ships of war, their armament 
 naval admiuistratiou, etc.. Report on. 
 King, .1. W. Washington, 1877, 
 Explanations and sailing directions. Mau- 
 ry, M. F. Phila., 1855. (2 copies.) 
 Flags of maritime nations. Washington, 
 Fortegnelse over skibe til Norske orlogs- 
 <ig liandelstlaade, etc. Christiania, 1868. 
 Harbours, Treatise on. Prichard, W. B. 
 Vol. 1. Loud., 1844. 
 High old salts. Adams, F. C. Washing- 
 ton, 1876. 
 Iron-clad ships. With chapters on turret 
 ships, iron-clad rams, etc. Reed, E. J. 
 Lond., 1869. 
 Lighthouses. Tour of inspection of Euro- 
 pean light-house establishments, nuide in 
 187:?. Elliot, G. H. Washington, 1874. 
 List of the merchant vessels of the United 
 States. Washington, 1875. 
 Manoeuvre des vaisseaux, ou traitd de m6- 
 chaniquo et de dynamiciue. Bouguer, P. 
 Paris, 17.57. 
 Mauoeuvrier ; ou essai sur la tlu'^orie et la 
 prati<iue des mouvemeiis du navire et des 
 evolutions navales. Villcliuet, B. de. 
 Paris, 1832. 
 Naval dry docks of the United States. 
 Stuart, C. B. N. Y., 18,52. 
 Naval mission to Europe. Simpson, (J;ipt. 
 E. 2 V. Washington, 1873. 
 Navigation. New theoretical and praeti- 
 Ciil treatise on navigation. Maury, M. F. 
 Phila., 1836. 
 Traite de navigation. Bourguet, ,J. 
 B. E. dn. Paris, 1808. 
 Treatise on navigation by steam. 
 Ross, J. Loud., 1828. 
 Navy Department (United States), Inves- 
 tigation of, 1872. Washington, 1872. 
 Nouvelle force maritime. Paixhans, H. J. 
 Paris, 1822. 
 Outlines of naval routine. Fordyce, A. D. 
 Lond., 1837. 
 Regulations for the government of com- 
 manders and pursers of the vessels of the 
 United States, and recruiting officers. 
 Washington, 1838. 
 Regulations of the United States marine 
 hosi)ital service, etc. W.ashiugton, 1873. 
 Regulations for the government of the 
 United States Navy, 1865, '70, '76. 3 v. 
 Washington, 1865-76. 
 Royal navy. History of the. Nicolas, N. H. 
 2 V. Lond., 1847. (2 copies.) 
 Royal navy, 1872-80. Portsmouth (Eng.), 
 Sailor's haudy Ijook and yachtsman's man- 
 ual. Qualtrough, E. F. N. Y., 1881.
 Naval anIj naval gunneey. 
 Screw fleet of the navy. Halstead, E. P. 
 Loud., 1850. 
 System of naval defences. Eads, .J. B. 
 X. Y., 18f;8. 
 Tables comparatives des priucipalcs dimen- 
 siiiiis dc liatimens de guerre frauyais et 
 anglais, de tons rangs, etc. Gic(iiiel-des- 
 Touches, P. G. Paris, 1817. 
 Traite olomentaire de la construction des 
 b;itiiiii'iis lie mer. Vial du Clairbois, H. S. 
 2 V. Paris, 1805. 
 War ships and navies of the world. King, 
 J. W. Bost., 1880. 
 Ammunition instinct ion. Questions and 
 answers on: for the otMcers and seamen 
 of H. M. naval gunnery establishments. 
 Kite, J. Portsmouth, 1880. 
 Gunnery and naval architecture. Scott, M. 
 (Occasional papers, vol. -i.) Lond., 1874. 
 Ideas as to the eft'ect of heavy ordnance, 
 dirccti'd against and ajiplied by ships of 
 war. .'^iuimous, T. F. Lond.,18:!7. 
 Instruction sur le cauuonage a bord. 
 Pr^aux, Lt.-Col. Paris, 18:57. 
 Memorial de Tartilleur marin. Michel, .T. 
 Paris, 1828. 
 Ordnance circulars, United States Navy. 
 Washington, 1811.3. 
 Ordnance instructions, Tnited StatesNavy. 
 Washington, Xr'CA. 
 Perforation des cuira.ssesen fer par les pro- 
 jectiles ma.ssifs ou creux, eu acicr, on en 
 fonti' ihire. Paris. 
 Propositions et exp(?rience8 relatives an 
 poiutage des bouches a fen, en usage dans 
 I'artillerie navale. Cornulier, E. de. 
 Pans, 1844. 
 Ragles de poiutage a bord des vaisseanx. 
 Moutgdry, M. de Paris, 1816. 
 Renseignements sur le niatdricl de I'artil- 
 lerie navale dc la Graiule-Bietagne. Avec 
 atlas. Zeni et D,-shays, MM. Paris, 
 Tables ilu tir des bouches i fen de I'artille- 
 rie navale, deduites des exp<?riences de 
 Gavre. Paris, 1841. 
 Traite d'artillerie navale. Douglas, H. 
 Paris, IS-io. 
 Traite de balistii|ue, applii|ueea rartillerie 
 navale. Roche, .V. Paris, 1841. 
 Treatise ou naval gunnery. Douglas. II. 
 Lonil., 1829. 
 Tlie same. Loud., 1851. 
 33 w
 American Annual Register. 8 v. N. Y., 
 American Pioneer. '2 v. Cincinnati, 
 American Qnarteriy Register and Maga- 
 zine. Cqndiiitecl liy James Stryker. fi v. 
 Phila., 1848-51. 
 American Quarterly Review. 22 v. Phila., 
 American Register; or, general repository 
 of liistory, politics, and science. 7 v. 
 Phila., 180(5-1(1. 
 American repertory of arts, sciences, and 
 niannfaitMres. 3 v. N. Y., 1840-41. 
 American ri'view of liistory anil ])olitics. 
 :! V. rhil.T., 1811. 
 American Review: a whig journal of poli- 
 ti( s, etc. 10 V. N. Y., 1845-49. 
 Analectic Magazine. 14 v. Phila., 1816-19. 
 Armuaire des deux mondes; histoire g^ud- 
 rale des divers (Stats. Vols. 7, 9, 10, and 
 12. Paris, l)-o7-64. 
 Annual Register ; or, a view of the hi.story, 
 politics, and literature for the years 1758- 
 187:! (with general index from 1758-1819). 
 117 V. Lond. 
 Tiie same. For 1879. Lond., 1880. 
 Appleton's Journal of Literature, Science, 
 and Ai-t. Vols. 10, 11, 12. N. V., 1873-74. 
 Army and Navy Chronicle. 7 v. Wash- 
 ington, 183J-38. 
 Army and Navy Journal. 19 v. N. Y., 
 1 si;3-82. 
 Athenaeum (London): a jonrn;il of litera- 
 ture, science, and art. 11 v. Li>nd., 
 Atlantic Monthly: a magazine of litera- 
 ture, art, and politics. 41 v. and index 
 to 1876. Bost., 18.J7-78. 
 Biblioth^que historique et niilitaire. Li- 
 skenne, F. C, et J. B. B. Sauvan. 10 v. 
 Paris, 1851-53. 
 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. 125 v. 
 Edinburgh, 1817-78. 
 Boston Quarterly Review. 3 v. Boat., 
 British Quarterly Review. 4 v. N. V., 
 Brownson's Quarterly Review. (Last se- 
 ries.) Vols. 1, 2, and 3. N. Y., 1873-75. 
 Catholic World: a monthly magazine of 
 general literature and science. Vols. 
 l(>-25. 10 v. N. Y., 1873-77. 
 Centeimial Exposition. Historical regictcr 
 of the U. S. Centennial Exiio,sition, 1876. 
 Leslie, F. N. Y., 1877. (2 copies.) 
 Chambers' .Journal, 18.-<0. Lonil., 1880. 
 Chambers' miscellany of useful and enter- 
 taining tracts. 9 v. Phila., 1854. 
 Charleston Courier (tri-weekly), from Nov. 
 10th, 1860, to Feb. 7th, 1865. 3 v. Charles- 
 ton, 1860-65. 
 Charleston Mercury (tri-weekly), from Jan. 
 1st, 1864, to Feb. 11th, 1865. Charleston, 
 Christian Examiner. Vols. 63-79. 12 v. 
 Post., 1860-65. 
 Comic Almanack, 1835-.53. 2 v. Lond., 
 Continental Monthly: devoted to litera- 
 ture and national policy. 6 v. N. Y., 
 De Bow's Commercial Review of the South 
 and West. 28 v. New Orleans and W^ash- 
 ington, 1846-60. 
 Democratic Review. 35 v. Washington 
 and X. Y., 1837-58. 
 Eclaireur (The). Vol.1. N. Y., 1853-.54. 
 Bclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, 
 Science, and Art. 27 v. Phila., 1845-.52. 
 Eclectic Museum of Foreign Literature, 
 Science, and Art. 4 v. N. Y. and I'hila., 
 Edinburgh Review, or critical journal. 
 94 V. and 2 v. index. Lond., 1804-51. 
 The same. 17 v. N. Y., 1861-77. 
 Foreign Quarterly Review. 9 v. Lond., 
 Franklin Journal and American Mechanics' 
 Magazine. 4 v. Phila., 1826-27. 
 Fraser's Magazine. 12 v. Lond., 1861-66. 
 Galaxy: an illustrated magazine of enter- 
 taining reading. Vols. 12, 17, 18, li), 22, 
 23. N. Y., 1871-77. 
 Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1831 (with 
 general index from 1731-86). 1.52 v. 
 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, "jli v. 
 N. Y., 18.-)0-78. 
 The same. (Old copy.) 22 v. N. Y., 
 The same. Index. Vols. 1 to 60. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Harper's Pictorial History of the great 
 rebellion. 2 v. N. Y., 1861-67. 
 Household Words. Conducted by Charles 
 Dickens. 30 v. in 15. Leipzig, 1851-55. 
 Illustrated London News. 7 v. Lond., 
 Industriel. Journal principalement destine 
 a repaudre les connaissances utiles a I'in- 
 dnstrie g^n^rale, etc. 9 v. 1826-30. 
 Jovunal des armes sp^ciales. 23 v. Paris, 
 Journal of the Franklin Institute of the 
 State of Pennsylvania. 93 v. Phila., 
 Journal militaire otiiciel. 140 v. Paris, 
 Journal of the Royal United Service Insti- 
 tution. 24 V. Lond., 18.58-81. 
 Journal des sciences militaires des armees 
 de terre et de mer. 105 v. Paris, 1825-51. 
 Knickerbocker ; or, the New York Monthly 
 Magazine. 12 v. N. Y., 1851-64. 
 Literary World: a gazette for authors, 
 readers, and publishers. 9 v. N. Y., 
 Littell's Living Age. Conducted by E. 
 Littell. 136 V. Bost., 1844-78. 
 London Quarterly Review. 16 v. N. Y., 
 Mechanic and Engineers Magazine. 4 v. 
 Glasgow, 1842-45. 
 The same. 2d series. 2 v. Glas- 
 gow, 1846-47. 
 Mechanics' Journal. 3 v. Glasgow, 
 Mechanics' Magazine. 41 v. Loud., 
 Mechanics' Magazine and Register of in- 
 vention and improvements. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Re- 
 view. 43 V. N. Y., 1839-60. 
 Military and Naval Magazine of the United 
 States. 4 v. Wasliington, 1833-35. 
 Mirror (The): :i ])eriodi<al paper, pub- 
 lished at Edinburgh, in tlie years 1779-80. 
 Lond., 1825. 
 Museum of foreign literature and science. 
 48 V. Phila., 182:'.-42. 
 National Govennnent Journal ;ind Register 
 of official papers, from December, 1823, to 
 December, 1824. Vol. 1. Washington, 
 1823-24. (2 copies.) 
 Naval Magazine. Edited by the Rev. C. S. 
 Stewart. 2 v. N. Y., 1836-37. 
 Naval and Military Magazine. 4 v. Loud., 
 New York Herald, from January, ls6l, to 
 April, 1866. 15 v. N. Y., 1861-66. 
 New York Quarterly. VoL 3. N.Y., 185.5. 
 New York Review. 10 v. N. Y., 1837-42. 
 Niles' Weekly Register, from September, 
 1811, to July, 1849. 75 v. Baltimore, 
 North American Review. 12.5 v. and index. 
 Bost., 1815-77. 
 North British Review. 13 v. Edinburgh, 
 The same. 11 v. N. Y., 1860-70. 
 Northern Monthly. 2 v. Newark (N. J.), 
 Notes and Queries (with general index). 
 53 V. Lond., 1849-7.5. 
 Olden time. 2 v. Pittsburgh, 1846-48. 
 Panorama of life and literature. 3 v. 
 Bost., 1S55-56. 
 Popvilar Science Monthly. Conducted by 
 E. L., and W. J. Youmans. 12 v. and 2 
 supplements. 14 v. N. Y., 1872-78. 
 Potter's American Monthly : an illustrated 
 magazine of history, literature, science, 
 and art. Vols. 4-10. Phila., 1875-78. 
 Punch; or, the London Charivari. Vols. 1 
 to 80. Lond., 1841-81. 
 Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American 
 literature, science, and art. 10 v. N. Y., 
 Quarterly Review (with index). 89 v. 
 Lonil., 1809-51. 
 Republic (The): a monthly magazine de- 
 voted to the dissemination of political 
 information. 6 v. Washington. 1873-76. 
 Retrospective Review. 14 v. Lond., 
 The same. 2(1 series. 2 v. Loud., 
 Revue (les (liMix iiioiulcs. Vols. 7-101. 95 v. 
 I'nris, 1S57-72. 
 Saturday review of i>oliticM, literature, 
 s.iiiue, ami art. Vols. 10, 11, 12, 2.'), 29. 
 l.orul.. 18(50-70. 
 Scribner's Moutlily : au illustrated maga- 
 zine tor the people. 8 v. N. Y., 1872-78. 
 Silliman's American Journal of Science and 
 Art. 1 1.-. V. N. V. an I New Haven, 1819-78. 
 Southern Historical Society papers. 9 v. 
 Kicliiiioud (Va.), 1^7(5-1-1. . 
 Southeru Literary Messenger. 21 v. Rieh- 
 nion.I, 18:!4-60. 
 Southern Quarterly Review. 27 v. Charles- 
 ton, 1842-55. 
 Spectateur militaire, recueil de science, 
 d'art, et d'histoiri' militaires. 43 v. 
 Paris, lS2f.-47. 
 Statesman's year book. Martin, F. 18 v. 
 l.ond., lH(j;->-82. 
 United Service: a monthly review of mili- 
 tary and u.aval att'airs. VoKs. 1-6. Pliila., 
 United Service Journal and Naval and 
 Military Magazine. 14t)V. Lond., 1829-78. 
 United States .Service Magazine. 5 v. 
 N. Y., lsf,4-(;(;. 
 Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering 
 Magazine. 18 v. N. Y., 1869-78. 
 Westminster Review. 55 a-. Lond., 
 The same. 17 v. N. Y., 1861-77.
 Actors and the art of acting. Lewes, 6. 
 H. Lond., 1875. 
 Beaumont and Fletcher. Hunt, L. Lond., 
 18t5'2. (2 copies.) 
 Behn, J/r«. Aphra. Plays. 4 v. Lond., l^Tl. 
 Bride of Messina. (Schiller's works, v. 'J.) 
 Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Congreve, William. Dramatic works. 
 Lond., 1840. 
 Comeille, P. ffinvres. Paris. 
 DonCarlos. (.Schiller's works, v. 3.) Loud., 
 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Dramatic art and literatnre. Lectures on. 
 Schlegel, A. W. Lond., 1871. 
 English actors, from Shakespeare to Mac- 
 ready. Baker, H.B. 2 v. N. Y., 1879. 
 Farquhar, George. Dramatic works. Lond., 
 Fiasco, and other dramas. (.Schiller's 
 works, V. 4.) Loud., 1872. (2 copies. ) 
 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. Clarke, 
 Mrs. M. C. N. Y., 1873. 
 Goethe, J. \V. von. Dramatic works. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 London stage (The). 4 v. Lond. For 
 contents, see Authors' Catalogue, "Lon- 
 don Stage." 
 Maid of Orleans. (Schiller's works, v. 3.) 
 Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Marston, John. Works. 3 v. Lond., 18,56. 
 Mary .Stuart. (Schiller's works, v. 3.) 
 Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Molifere, Jean B. P. ffiuvres completes. 
 W^orks. In French and English. 10 
 V. Loud., 1748. 
 Old Drury Lane. Stirling, E. 2 v. Lond., 
 Old showmen and the old London fairs. 
 Frost, T. Lond., 1875. 
 Personal recollections of the stage, embrac- 
 ing notes of actors, authors, and auditors. 
 Wood, W. B. Phila., 1855. 
 Queen Mary: a drama. Tennyson, A. 
 Bo'it., 1875. 
 Racine, J. ffiuvres. Paris. 
 Records of the New York stage, from 
 1750 to 1860. Ireland, J.N. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Robbers. (Schiller's works, v. 4.) Lond., 
 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Romance of the English stage. Fitzgerald, 
 P. Phila., 1875. 
 Schiller. Theatre de Schiller, contenant 
 les Brigands, Fiesque, Don Carlos, etc. 
 Paris, 1-41. 
 Shakespeare, Willi.ini. Works. . In re- 
 duced facsimile from the famous first folio 
 edition of 1623. Loud., 1876. 
 Works; with notesby Charles Knight. 
 2 v. N. Y. 
 Dramatic works. 7 v. Bost., 1839. 
 Pictorial edition of works. 8 v. 
 Lond., 1867. 
 Complete concordance to Shakes- 
 peare's works. Clarke, Mrs. M. C. N. Y., 
 Gallery of illustrations for Shakes- 
 peare's dramatic works. Boydell, J. 
 Phila., 1874. 
 Shiikespeare Argosy. Harcourt, A. 
 F. P. Loud.. 1874. 
 Sheridan, R. B. Works. 2 v. Lond., 1873. 
 Smollett, Tobias. Plays and ))oenis. (Smol- 
 lett's works.) Edinburgh, l-TO. 
 Specimens of dramatic poets who 
 lived about the time of Shakespeare. 
 Lamb, C. Loud.. 18.')4. 
 Theatrical mau.agement in the West and 
 South, for thirty years. Smith, S. N. Y., 
 Vanbrugh, Sir John. Dramatic works. 
 Lond., 1849. 
 Wallenstein. (Schiller's works, v. 2.) 
 Loud., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 ■Webster, John. Dramatic works. 4 v. 
 Loud., 1857. 
 Wilhelm Tell. (Schiller's -nrorks, v. 2.) 
 Ldiid., l-^Ta. (2 copies.) 
 Wycherly, William. Dr.imatic worlds. 
 I.oii,!,, isi;i. 
 Army liallails, aiul dIIut (hx'Iiis. Lee, A. T. 
 BalladB of Scotland. Aytoiin, W. E. 2 v. 
 F.ilinlniruli, ISTO. 
 Balladsand lyrics, selected and arranged I>y 
 H. ('. Lodge. Bost., 18S(). 
 Battle "f Blinker Hill; or, the tcinide of 
 llliirty. Kniinoiis. W. Host., 18.jli. 
 The same. Bost., Is72. 
 Seattle, .J. Toetical works. Host., It'Tl. 
 Berauger's lyrical poems; two hundred 
 d'liie into F.iiglish verse by William Young. 
 N. Y., ISM. 
 Bronte family. Poems. (Works of the 
 Hnmti; sisters, v. 4.) Lend., 1873. 
 Browmng, Mrs. E. B. Complete poetical 
 works. N. Y., 1871. 
 Poems. 5 v. N. Y., 186tj. 
 Brovirning, Robert. Poetical works. 6 v. 
 I.ond., 18t;.-l. 
 Burns, Kobert. Complete works. X. Y., 
 Byrou, Lorii. Works. 14 v. Lond., 1832. 
 Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works. N. Y., 
 The same. N. Y., 1869. 
 Coleridge, .?. T. Poetical works. 3 v. 
 liost., 1871. 
 Collins, W. Poetical works. Host., 18)).5. 
 Columbiad: a poem. Barlow, J. Phila., 
 Cowrper, William. Works. Bost., 1864. 
 Divine comedy. Dante Alighieri. Bost., 
 Doctor Syntax's three tours. Combo, W. 
 Dramatis persouie. Browning, R. Bost, 
 Dryden, .John. Poetical works. N. Y., 
 English-Gipsy songs in Rommany. ByC. 
 (J. Lclanil, and others. Loud., 187.'). 
 English ])o(^fry, from the twelfth to the 
 close of the sixteenth ceulury. Wartou, 
 T. 4 V. Lond., 1871. 
 English poets: Chancer to Dryden. Ward, 
 T. H. 2 V. Lond., 1880. 
 Family library of British poetry (13.')0-1878). 
 Fields, J. T., and E. P. Whipple. Bost., 
 Farm festivals. Carlton, W. Illus. N. Y., 
 1 1881. 
 Faiist: a tragedy. Goethe, . I. W. von. 2 v. 
 Host.. 1,-72. 
 Festus: apoem. Bailey, P.,I. Lond., 1872. 
 Fifine at the fair, and other poems. Brown- 
 ing, 1{. Host.,lS72. 
 Fredouiad; or, iuilependeuee preserved. 
 Emmons, R. 4 v. Pliil.-i., lH:i(l. 
 Golden legend. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., 
 Gray, Thomas. Poetical works. Bost., 1871. 
 Guadaloupe: a taleof loveand war. Small, 
 W. F. Phila., 1860. 
 i Harte, Bret. Poetical works. Bost., 1881. 
 Heine, H. Poems. Lond., 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Herbert, Her. George. Works. Lond., 1853. 
 The same. N. Y.,lH.-,8. 
 Hiawatha. Longfellow, H. W. Bost.,18!i6. 
 Hidden life, and other poems. MacDonald, 
 ; G. N.Y.,1872. 
 Holmes. O.W. Poems. Bost., 1872. 
 Hood, Thomas. Poetical works. 3 v. 
 N. Y., 1871. 
 ; Hudibras. Butler, S. Lond., 1873. 
 Hyperion. Longfellow, H.W. Bost., 1866. 
 Idyls of Gettysburg. I^atimer, Miss E. 
 Phila., 1872." 
 Ingoldsby legends. Barham, R. H. D. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Jerusalem deliverfed. Tasso, T. Lond., 
 Keats, J. Poetical works. Phila., 1855. 
 Lady of the lake. .Scott, Sir W. Edin- 
 burgh, 1853. 
 Lamb, Charles. Poetical works. Lond., 
 Light of Asia. Arnold, E. Bost., 1880. 
 Longfellow, H.W. Poems. 2 v.,1856. 
 Lyrical poi'uis. (Little classics, v. 14.) 
 Bost., 1875. 
 Macaulay's lays and poems. (Works, v. 8.) 
 Loud., 1873. 
 MUton, John. Poetical works. Lond., 1852. 
 The same. 3 v. Bost., 1871. 
 Minor poems. (Little classics, v. 15.) 
 Bost., 1>J75. 
 Montgomery, .1. Poetical works. 5 v., 1860. 
 Moore, Thomas. Poetical works. 6 v. 
 Bost.. 1870. 
 Mystery of the dome. Long, F. C. Wash- 
 ington, 1875. 
 Narrative poems. (Little classics, v. 13.) 
 Bost., 1875.
 National hymns: how they are written, and | Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works. 9 v 
 how they are not written. White, K. G . Boat., 18fi5. 
 ^. Y., ItiGl. Scottishsougs, heroic balhids, etc., Ancient 
 Nature of things. Cams, T.L. -2 V. Lond. and modern. 2 v. Edinbnrgh, 1776. 
 ^'^"''- Shaliespeare's poems, Concordance to. 
 Pike coimty ballads and other pieces. Hay, Furuess, Mrs. H. Phila., Ifi74. 
 John. Bost., 1881. SheUey, Percy B. Poetical works. 2 v. 
 Poe, EdgarA. Works. 4 v. X. Y., 1871. Lond., 1,870. 
 Poetry, lyrical, narrative, and satirical, of Skelton,J. Poetical works. 3 v. Boat., 18G4. 
 till- civil war. White, R. G. N.Y., 186(3. Sordello, Strafford, etc. Browning, R. 
 Poets and poetry of Enrope. Longfellow, Bost., 1864. 
 H. \\ . N. Y., 1857. Spenser, Edmund. Poetical works. .'> v. 
 Pope, Alexander. Poetical works. 2 v. Lond. 
 Lond., 1858. Swift, Jonathan. Poetical works. 3 v. 
 Quattropoeti italiani. Buttnra,A. Parigi, Bost., 1864. 
 ^~^''- Tennyson, Alfred. Works. 6 v. Lend., 
 Reliques of Father Prout. Mahoney, F. 1-74. 
 Lrmd., 18711. Thomson, J. Poetical works. 2 v. Bost., 
 Rhymes of the poets. Haldeman, A. S. 18i;.'i. 
 I'hila., 1868. Westminster drolleries. Bost. (England), 
 Ring and the book. Browning, R. 2 v. 1-75. 
 Bost., 186'J. Whittier, J. G. Poetical works. 2 v. 
 Ryan, /•nMe-i- A. J. Poems. Mobile, 1879. Bost., 186.5. 
 Science of English verse. Lanier, S. N. Y., Wit and mirth; or, pills to purge melan- 
 l"""^"- chnly. Durfey, T. 6 V. Lond., 1719-20. 
 Scotish ballads and soiig.s. 2 v. Edin- Within and without. MacDonald, G. 
 burgh, 1868. ^ N. Y., 1872.
 American currency, History of. Siiiniier, 
 \V. C. N.Y., 1874. 
 American nuiiii.siiiiiticiil luanual of the cur- 
 rency or mouey of tlio aborigines, and 
 colonial. State, anil United States coius. 
 Di.keson. M. W. Pbila., IS.')'). 
 Banking, Trail ieal treatise on. Gilbart. 
 J. W. 2 V. Lond.,1840. 
 Principles and practice of bankinj;. 
 (;ill>art, J. W. Lond., 187:!. 
 Banks of New York, and panic of 18,57. 
 (iilibons, J. S. X. Y., 1859. 
 Bi-metallic money. Cernnschi, H. Loud., 
 Commerce and Iniprovement of wisteni 
 lake liarbors, 18,">5-57. Graham, J. 1). 
 Wasliinnton, 1857-58. (2 copies.) 
 Co-operation in England. Holyoake. G. J. 
 Vol. 1. I'bila., 1875. 
 Currency of tlio Confederate States of 
 America. Lee.W. Washington, 1875. 
 Details of an unpaid claim on France for 
 24,000,000 of francs, guaranteed by the 
 parole of Napoleon III. I'arrish, R. A., jr. 
 I'hila., 1869. 
 Duties payable on goods, wares, etc., tarift 
 of 1840-42. Ogdeu, E. D. N. Y., 1840. 
 Elemens pratiijues d'exploitatiou. Brard, 
 f. P. Paris, 1829. 
 Essays on the progress of nations in pro- 
 ductive industry, civilization, population, 
 and wealth. Seaniau, E. C. N. Y., 1846. 
 The same. N. Y., 1852. 
 Estimates and revised estimates of appro- 
 priations, 1874-75; fines, penalties, and 
 forfeitures, 1869-73: customs, fines, pen- 
 alties, and forfeitures, New York and Bos- 
 ton, November 30, 1873, to March 1, 1874. 
 (1st sess. 43d Cong.) Washington, 1873. 
 Finance <iuestiou. Joint discussions on, by 
 T. Ewing and S. L. Woodford. Colum- 
 bus, 1876. 
 Finance and taxation, Selected speeches 
 and reports on, from 1859 to 1878. Sher- 
 man, J. N.Y.,187y. 
 Fors cluvigera: letters to the workmen and 
 labourers of Great Britain. Kuskin, J. 
 N. Y., 1878. 
 Franklin fire insurance company; senu- 
 centenuial celebration, Philadelphia, June 
 2.-., 1879. Pbila., 1879. 
 Immigration, Special report on. Young, E. 
 Washington, 1871. 
 Inquiry into the principles of the distribu- 
 tion of wealth. Thompson, W. Loud., 
 Labor in Europe and Ann-rica. Young, E. 
 Washington, 1875. 
 Labour: its wrongful claims and rightful 
 (Inis. Thornton, W. T. Loud., 1870. 
 Lombard street: adescrijitionof the money 
 niaiket. Hagebot, W'. Lond., 1873. 
 Monetary conferences. International mon- 
 etary conference held in Paris, August, 
 1878. Washington, 1879. (2 copies.) 
 Proceedings of the International 
 monetary conference held in Paris, April- 
 July, 1881. Cincinnati, 1881. 
 Money and currency, Theory of. Pullan, 
 R. B. Washington, 1878. 
 Money and the mechanism of exchange. 
 Jevons, W. S. Lend., 1875. 
 Mimera pulveris: six essays on the ele- 
 ments of political economy. Rnskin, J. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Political economy. Chalmers, T. Glas- 
 gow, 1832. 
 Political economy. Mill, J. S. 2 v. Boat., 
 The same. 2 v. Loud., 1871. 
 Political economy, Manual of. Kawcett, 
 H. Lond., 1869. 
 Political economy. Principles of. Malthus, 
 Rev. T. R. Bost., 1821. 
 Political economy and taxation, Principles 
 of. Ricardo, D. Washington, 1819. 
 Population, The law of. Sadler, M. T. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1830. 
 Progress and poverty. George, H. N. Y., 
 Political economy. 
 Progress of tlic wmld iti the iiiiipteeiith 
 Trade and navigation of the province of 
 century. Mulliall, M. fi. Lonil., lK-<0. 
 Canail.i: tables for If o.'i. Toronto, 18.50. 
 Receipts and expenditures of the I'nited 
 Unto this last: four essays on thl^ lirst jirin- 
 States for the years 1829-51. 2-2 v. Wash- 
 i-iples of political economy. Hnskin, .J. 
 ington, 1830-.52. 
 \. Y.. 1S70. 
 Suez canal traffic, Return of, from Novem- 
 Wealth of nations. Smith, .\. 2 v. Lond., 
 ber, 1869, to end of 1870. Lond., 1871. 
 34 w
 Adams, Juliii. Wrnks. It) v., 18r>(>. 
 American I'loqueiu-e. Moore, K. '2 v. N. Y., 
 American iiiti'r-oci'aiiii- .sliij) cauiil iiiics- 
 liiiii. Aiiiiiifii, I). I'liil;!., Irtr-U. 
 American's f;iiiilc-. I'liila., 1H4'.I. 
 Till' sain.-. I'hila., 18(14. 
 Arguments beforo the ooiiiinittee on pat- 
 ents of the Senate anil of Uepre- 
 .senlalives. Washington, IH/f*. 
 Barbary i>o\v(^rs. Papers relative to tlie 
 transai'tionsof the I'nited Stat<w with the 
 liailiary powers. Wa.sliington, 180'J. 
 Calhoun, John C Work.s. (i v. C'olninl)ia, 
 S. ('., 1H.->1-.W. 
 Centennial year of the confederacy: the 
 I'nited States of America. Sherman, H. 
 ■ Wasliiofiton, 187.-.. 
 Chinese ininiifiralion. Sewanl, (i. K. N. V., 
 Clay, Henry. Speeches. Phila., 18i7. 
 Congress. Ahridj^enurnt of the detiates of 
 Cou^, from 178'J to ISSti. Uenton, T. 
 11. l(i V. N. Y., lri.">7-fil. 
 Annals of Congress. Debates and 
 liroeeedings in the Congress of the United 
 States, from March :!. 17rt<», to May 27, 
 1821. 42 V. Washington, 18:i4-5(l. 
 Jonrnals of the American Congress 
 li.iMi 1774 to 1788. 4 V. Washington, 1 82:i. 
 — Register of debates in Congress, from 
 1824 to l-':!7. 29 V. Washington, 182.")-y7. 
 Congressional directories from .seventeenth 
 to Ibrty-sixth Congress. Wa.sliington, 
 Congressional docinmnts. from tlie 1st 
 to tlie 4l)th Congress. 
 Index from the ronnneneement of (he 
 present form of governm<'nt nntil the end 
 of the 2r)th Congress. Washington, 
 Consolidated iinlex of reports of eom- 
 mittei'S of the House of Representatives 
 from the2(;tli to the40tli Congress. Wash- 
 ington, 181)9. 
 The sann'. For executive doenments. 
 Washington, 1870. 
 Index to the executive doeuraents 
 for the Ist and 2d sessions of the 4:id Con- 
 gress. 2 v. Washington, 1874-7.'). 
 Congressional filobir; with appi^ndiees and 
 indices from December 7, 18:S:i, to March 
 4, 187:i. 1119 V. ill 112. Washington, 
 Congressional Record; withappendicesand 
 indices, fnim .March 4, 1^'7:!, to Marcli :!, 
 1881 (4:id Omgress, special session, to 4t)tli 
 Congress, lid session.) llv. in49. Wash- 
 ington, ]H7:?-81. 
 Constitution of the United States of Amer- 
 ica. Washington, 1846. 
 Constitution of the United States of Amer- 
 ica, etc. Hickey, W. Phila., 18.-.1. 
 Constitution of the United States, Jeffer- 
 .son's inaimal, rules, orders, etc., of the 
 House of, digest of rnles, 
 etc. Compiled by .John W. Barclay. 
 Washington, 1873. 
 Constitution of the United States, mannal, 
 riihs, digest of rules, etc. Compiled by 
 11. II. Smith. Washington, 1880. 
 Constitution of the United States, rules of 
 the .Senate, joint rnles, iuannal, general 
 laws, etc. Compiled by W. J. McDonald. 
 Wa,shingtou, 1871. 
 Consular service regulations of the United 
 .States. Washington, 1874. 
 Correspondence between the Si'cri'tary of 
 War and (iencrals Scott and Taylor, and 
 between ( Scott and Mr. Trist. 
 (H. R. Ex. Doc. No. .V), ;!(ith Cong., 1st 
 sess. ) 
 Debate in the House of Rei)re.sentatives on 
 the .Seminole war in 1819. W.ashington, 
 Debates on the adoption of the Fidcral 
 Constitution, etc. Elliot,.!. 4 v. and siij)- 
 plement. Wa'shingtoii, I83ti-(>1. (2 copies 
 ol supiili'iiient.)
 The same. 2d etl. 4 v. Phila., 
 18.54-61. (2 copies.) 
 Debates in Congress on the bill for n^peal- 
 ing the law "for the more convenient or- 
 ganization of the conrts of the I'nited 
 States." Albany, 1802. 
 Decisions of the commission of claims under 
 the convention of February 8, 18."):!, be- 
 tween the I'nited States and Great 15rit- 
 ain. W.a.shington, IS.'jti. 
 Democracy in America. Tociiuevillc, A. <le. 
 2 V. Cambridge, 186:i. 
 Dickinson, John. Political writings. 2 v. 
 Wilmington (Del.), 1801. 
 Diplomacy of the United States. Lyman, 
 T., jr. 2 V. Host., 18i8. 
 Diplomatic correspondence of the American 
 revolution, 1776-8;i. 12 v. ISost., 1829-30. 
 Diplomatic correspondence of the United 
 States of America from the signing of the 
 detiuitive treaty of peace, 10th of Septem- 
 ber, 1783, to the adoption of the Constitu- 
 tion, March 4, 1789. 7 v. Washington, 
 District of Columbia. Investigation of af- 
 fairs in the District of Columbia. (II. K. 
 report No. 72, 42d Cong., 2d sess. ) Wash- 
 ington, 1H72. 
 Duplicate letti'rs, the lisheries, and the 
 Mississi[ipi : documents relating to trans- 
 actions at the negotiation of (ihent. 
 Adams, J. Q. Washington, 1822. 
 Eloquence of the United States. Williston, 
 E. B. .'j V. Middletowu (Conn.), 1827. 
 Emma mine investigation. Washington, 
 Federalist on the new Constitution and the 
 letters of Pacificus and Helvidius. Wash- 
 ington, 1818. (2 copies. ) 
 Franklin, Benjamin. Works. 10 v. Bost., 
 The same. Continued by his grand- 
 son. () V. Phila., 1809-18. 
 Hamilton, .\lexander. Works. 3 v. N. V., 
 The same. 3 v. N. Y., IS.'SO. 
 Hand book of politics, for 18158, '72, '7(1, '78, 
 and '80. McPherson, E. 5 v. W^ishiug- 
 ton, 1868-80. (2 copies of 1872 and 1880. ) 
 Hartford convention, History of the. 
 Dwight, T. X. Y., 1833. (2 copies.) 
 Impeachment of the President. Testi- 
 mony taken in the investigation of the 
 charges against Andrew .lohnsiui. Wash- 
 ington, 1867. 
 Inquiry into the principles and policy of 
 the Government of the United .States. 
 Taylor, .1. FrediM-ieksburg, 1814. 
 Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doc- 
 trine. N. Y., 1880. 
 Journal, acts, and proceedings of the con- 
 vention which formed the Constitution of 
 the United States. Host., 1819. 
 Lectures on the restrictive system, deliv- 
 ered to the senior political class of Wil- 
 liam and Marv College. Dew, T. K. 
 Kichmond, 1829. 
 Madison, .lames. Papers. 3 v. Wash- 
 ington, 1840. 
 Manual of parliamentary pr.iclice. .Jctfer- 
 son, T. N. v., 1873. 
 Miss Columbia's public school. N. Y'., 1871 . 
 Mission of the North .\mericau peo]de, 
 geographical, social, and political. Oil- 
 pin. W. Phila., 1873. 
 National Ifepublican Convention. Pro- 
 ceedings at Cincinnati, .June, 1876. Con- 
 cord, N. H., 1876. 
 Novanglus and Massachusettensis: politi- 
 cal essays, published in 1774 and 177.'). 
 Adams, J., and J. Sewall. Bost., 1819. 
 Past, present, and futnri-. Carey. H. C. 
 Phila., 1848. 
 Political manual for 1866. McPherson, 
 E. Washington, 1866. 
 Political parties in the State of New York. 
 History of, from the ratiHcation of the 
 Federal Constitution, to December, Ir'JO. 
 Hammond, J. D. 2 v. Syr.acnse, 18,52. 
 The same. From 1841 to 1847, in- 
 cluding life of Silas Wright. Vol. 3. 
 Syracuse, 18.52. 
 Political text book, or encyclopa'dia. C'lns- 
 key, M. W. Washington, 1857. 
 Politics for yonng .\niericans. Nordhotf, 
 C. N. Y.. 1-^7.5. 
 Presidential counts. N. Y., 1877. 
 Presidents' ad<lresses and messages, from 
 Washington to Tyler. N. Y., 1843. 
 President's message to 2d sess., 31st Cong. 
 Wasliiugton, ia50. 
 The .sane. 1st sess.. 32d Cong. 
 Washington, 18r)l. 
 Principal re|)ubli(s in the world: a 
 of the constitutions of government of the 
 United Stales of .\merica. Adams, J. 
 3 v. Lond., 1794. 
 Secret .journals of the ai-ls and proceed- 
 ings of Congress, from the lirst meeting 
 thereof, to tlio dissolution of the confed- 
 eration. 177.5-88. 4 v. Bost., 1820-21.
 'Secret inocoedings and (lel>atoti of the con- 
 vention asscniUli'd at riiilailcl]iliia, in 
 n**/, for tlio pniiiosi' of foiiiiinji thi' Con- 
 stitution of tlio Tniti'd States of America. 
 Yates, R. Wasliinjjton, ISSC. 
 Secretary of tlie Treasury, Secretary at 
 War, Secretary of State, Attorney Gen- 
 eral, and Postmaster Cencral. IJcports. 
 N. Y., 1700. 
 Secretary of War. Annua] rcport.s, IH59-80. 
 Wasliin;,'ton, IH.VJ-HO. 
 Sketches of debate in tlic first Senate of 
 the Inited States in 17><9, "JO, "Jl. Mac- 
 lay, W. Harrisburg. 
 Speeches, addresses, and messages of the 
 several Presidents of the United States; 
 the Declaration of Independence, Con.sti- 
 tiition of the United States, and Wash- 
 injtton's farewell address: embracing an 
 otVicial summary of national events of the 
 first half century of the Union. Phila., 
 Speeches on the passage of the bill for the 
 removal of the Indians, delivered in Con- 
 gress, April and May, 1830. 
 Statesman's manual, from 1789 to 184(). 
 Williams, K. 2 v. N. Y., 184(i. 
 The same. To 18.51. :{ v. N.Y., 18.53. 
 Thoughts on the future civil policy of 
 America. Draper, ,J. W. N. Y., 1871. 
 Treaty of Washington, Papcr-s- relating to. 
 5 V, Washington, 1872. 
 Vie'vr of the conduct of the Executive in 
 forciun affairs, 17it4, 'i»5, '96. Monroe, J. 
 Phila., 1797. 
 Virginia convention i>f 1776. 
 B. Richmond, Va., 1855. 
 Webster, Daniel. Works. 
 Speeches and forensic arguments. 
 3 V., lfJ4:!-l6. 
 Great speeches and orations. Host., 
 Grigsby, H. 
 6 V. Bost., 
 African slave trade. Abolition of, by tlu' 
 l!riti.sli parliament. Clarksim, T. 2 v. 
 I.ond., ISdH. 
 Antieutrepublics, Retlect ions on the rise and 
 fall of the. Montagu, E.W. L(md., 17.59. 
 Britain redeemed and Canada preserved. 
 Wilson, 1'". A., and A. U. Richards. Lund., 
 Brougham, Henry, Speeches. 2 v. 
 Phila., l'^41. 
 Burke, Kdmuud. Si)eeche8 in tlie House 
 of Commons and in Westminster Hall. 
 4 V. Lond., 1616. 
 Canning, (ieorge. Si)eeclies. Phila... 1S35. 
 Civil service in Great liritain: a history of 
 abuses and reforms ami their bearing upon 
 American politics. Katon,D. B. N.Y.,1880. 
 Comparative politics with the unity of his- 
 tory. Freeman, E. A. N. Y., 1874. 
 Considerations on representative goveni- 
 meiit. Mill, .1. S. N. Y., 1867. 
 The same. N. Y.. 1873. 
 Eastern i|nestion: from the treaty of Paris, 
 I 1856, to the treaty of Berlin, 1H78, and to 
 the second Afghan war. .\rgyll, Duke of. 
 •-' \ . Lond., 1879. 
 Erskiue, Thomas, Lord. Speeches. Willi 
 memoir of his life, by E. W.alford. 2 v. 
 Lond., IH7II. 
 Legislation, Principles ot. IJeulliani, .1. 
 P.ost., 1S30. 
 Morals and legislation. Introduction to the 
 ]irinci](I(w of. Bentliam, .T. 2 v. Lond., 
 Pitt, William. Speeches in the House of 
 Commons. 3 v. Lond., 1817. 
 Political iihilo.sophy. lirougliam, Henry, 
 Lord. 3 v. Lond., 1846. 
 Russo-Indian i|uestion; with a sketch of 
 central ,\sia politics. Trench, F. Lond., 
 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Speeches. 
 I 3 v. Loud., 1842.
 Almaiiach (le Gotha, 1858-82. 25 v. (Jotlin, 
 Almanach imperial, pour Ins iiiindes 1859- 
 ()!l. U V. Paris, 1859-69. 
 American almanac and reponiti)iy of use- 
 ful knowledge. 28 v. Bost.. 18:!0-G1. 
 American almanac and treasury of facts. 
 Edited byA. K. Spottord. 5 v. N. Y. and 
 Washington, 1878-H2. 
 American ephemeris and nautical almauac, 
 1870-71. 2 V. Washington, 18tJ8-()&. 
 Annuaire pour les ann^es 1830, ':i3, ''■54. 
 3 V. Paris, 1829-33. 
 Book of dates: comprising the priu<-ipal 
 events in all ages. Loud. 
 British almanac and companion to the alma- 
 nac for the years 1828-78. 27 v. J.oiid., 
 Catholic directory, almanac, and (U'do lor 
 1870. N. Y., 1870. 
 Church (Episcopal) almanac, IS(i9-1870. 
 N. Y., 1869-70. 
 Connaissance des teins, on des niouvcmeus 
 celestes. 3 V. Paris, 1812-14. 
 Manuel des dates. De Chant al, J. B. J. 
 Paris, 1839. 
 Merchants' and hankers' N. Y., 
 National ahuanac and annual record for 
 the years 1863-64. 2 v. Phila., 1863-64. 
 (2 copies.) 
 National calendar for the years 1820-24, 
 1828-36. Force, P. 14 v. Washingtou, 
 Nautical almauac and astronomical epliem- 
 eris for 1880-85. 6 v. Lend., 1876-81. 
 Ne'w York Observer year hook. N. Y., 
 Old Franklin almanac. l862-6(;. I'liila., 
 Perennial calendar: illustrating the events 
 of every day in the year. Forster, T. 
 Loud., 1824. 
 Royal kalendar; or, aniuial register for 
 England, Scotlaiul, Iieland, and the c )lo- 
 nies, 1836, 1842-78. 38 v. Loud., 1836-78. 
 Statesman's year hook. .Martin. F. 18 v. 
 Loud., 18{i.')-82. 
 Tribune almanac for the years 1838-81. 5 v. 
 N. Y., 1867-81. 
 Whitaker's aluianac, 1--72, 1878. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1872-7-'. 
 World almanac, 1869-76. 2 v. X. Y., 
 Afghanistan, Stauford'.s map of. Loml., 
 Johnston's lU'W map of Afghanis- 
 tan. Loud . l'^79. 
 Ancient geography. Atlas of. Buthr, S. 
 Phila., 1832. 
 Business atlas. Kaud, .McXally A Co. 
 Chicago. 1877. 
 Canada: new and correct uuip of liu' seat 
 of war m Lower Canada. Lay, A. Phila. 
 Dakota Territory, Sectional map of. Kice. 
 St. Paul, 1872. 
 ■ General atlas. Coltou. N. Y., 1878. 
 Geological map of England and Wales. 
 Great Britain, Map of the iulaiul naviga- 
 tion of. Loud., 1830. 
 Grosser Hand-Atlas, Kiepert's. Weimar, 
 ; Isthmus of Tehuante|icc, Maps illustrating 
 ' the. N. Y.,ls.-.2. 
 Lett's i>oiiular atlas, l^ond., 1881. 
 Maryland and the Federal territory. Map 
 of. GritHth, D. Phila., 1795. 
 New general atlas, Mitchell's. Phila., 1874. 
 The same. Phila., 1873. 
 Poland. Map of the theatre of war in 
 Poland. Wyld, ,1. Lond., 1831. 
 Post-KartevonMiltel-Enro])a. Wien,1855. 
 Relief atlas of all parts of thi> world. Son- 
 nenscliein A Allen. Loud., 18-'0. 
 Royal atlas of uuidern geography. .Jcdin- 
 I ston, A. K. Edinburgh, 1861. 
 • Tlir .same. Ediubiirgh, 1874. 
 Scandinavia, Maj) <if, in 1H:!7. AVliitelock, 
 Southern Stiitr.s: map. ((illnii. .1. 11. X.V., 
 United States: mili(ary and tii)iii;fraiilii- 
 liil atlas. Mclisli, ,1. Phila., IHIX 
 Military map. Divsilver, C. Phila., 
 Washington, D. C. Atla.s of tit'ti'cn miles 
 aniiiml Washington, iuclndinfj; Mnnt<j;om- 
 crv County. Mil. Hoi)l<ins. G. .M. I'liila.. 
 American .Vnliijtiarian .Socirty lilnary. 
 Worcester (Mass.), IfiiT. 
 Army Medical Museum. Wasliin^tun, 
 Astor Library. 5 v. N. Y., 1(^57-6(5. 
 Bibliotheca .Americana; or, a chronological 
 catalogue ot'the must curious and interest- 
 ing liooks, iiampliU'ts, stale pajicrs, etc., 
 upon thesnliject ot'X<u'th and South Amer- 
 ica, from the earliest period to the present, 
 in print and mann.script; with a discourse 
 (Ml the pres<Mit state of literature in those 
 cinnitiii's. I.ond., 1789. 
 Bibliotheca .\mcricana: catalogue of Amer- 
 ican publications, including rejirints and 
 original works, from 1820 to ISifi. Roor- 
 bach, O. A. N. Y., 1849. 
 Bibliotheca .\mericana: cataloging of a val- 
 uable collection of books and pam]dilets 
 relating to America: with a descriptive 
 list of IJobert Chirke & C'o.'s liistorical 
 publications. Cincinnati. 187*). 
 Bossange, II. Catalogni' de livres fran- 
 vais, anglais, allemands, espaguols, orien- 
 taux, etc. ; et supplement. 2 v. Paris, 
 184.5-47. ('i copies.) 
 Tlie same. :i"' supplement. Paris, 
 Catalogue der Bibliotheek van Iiet Ko- 
 ninklijk h Genootschap Natura 
 Artis Magi.stra Amsterdam, .\mstcrdam. 
 Chief .'Signal Officer, Library of. Washing- 
 ton. 187a. 
 Colburn ami C'o.'s Hritish and foreign pub- 
 lic library. LouiL, 1824. 
 Congress, Library of, l8;!t)-:il. Washing- 
 ton, 1831. 
 The sam<'. .\uthors. Washington, 
 1864. (2 copies.) 
 The same. ln<le.x of subji'cts. 2 v. 
 Washington, 18()'.l. 
 Tile .same. Hooks added from 18(;7 
 to l.-i^o. 7 v. Wa.sliington. 1.8(i8-7(!. 
 The same. Works relating to politi- 
 Livres, cartes geographi(|iic.s, etc., 
 i|ui ontetiS pnblidsen Allemagne, en 184(5. 
 Jurisprudemi' aiicicnne ct moderue, 
 droit administiatif,'ete. (Law catalogue.) 
 Paris, 1812. 
 Ma bibliotlici|ni' fi:ii)i,'aise. Paris, 
 British topography: liook of: aclassilicd 
 cntalogne of tlie topographical works in 
 the binary of the Ibitisli Mnsenin relating 
 to Great liritaiu and Ireland. Aiider.soii, 
 J. P. Loud., 1881. 
 cal economy and tlie seieuce of govern- 
 ment. Washington, 181)9. 
 Department of tlie Interior, Library of. 
 Washington, 1877. 
 Department of Justice, Library of. Wasli- 
 I ingtou, 187:!. 
 j Engineer Dciiaitmcnt, I'nitcd .States 
 Army, Library of. Wnsliington, 1881. 
 Franklin Institute. Library of. Phila., 
 ! iH-lti. 
 Harper and Brothers, 1880. N. V., 1880. 
 Havard ruiver.sity. Library of. ;{ v. Cam- 
 bridge, i8:fn. 
 Houghton, MitHiii & Co. Cambridge. 
 Illustrated catalogue of arms and mili- 
 tary goods. Sclinxler. Hartley ami (ira- 
 ] ham. N. Y., 181)4. 
 j'Index to the reports of the Chief of Kugi- 
 [ iieers and the officers of the Corps of 
 j Kugiueers, 18t>()-7y. Washington, 1881. 
 j Ijei'w catalogue of Mi'.ssrs. .loliuson and Co. 
 Phila., 18(i(!. 
 Law catalogue of Messrs. Littb', IJrowii 
 and Co. Host., 1870. 
 The same. Bost., 1878. 
 Logauian Library. Phila., 1837. 
 Manchester Literary and Philosophical 
 Society, Library of. Manchester (Eng.), 
 Map.s of the ruited Slates and Territories, 
 coast survey, and northern and uortli- 
 wcstern lakes, 18iia. Washington, 1802. 
 Mercantile Library. Phila., 1870. 
 Musee de rartillcrii', notice siir Ics eollcc- 
 lions. Pari.s, tsl-^. 
 I The same. Suiilcy, P. de. I'ari.s, 
 Paiis Universal Expoaition, 1878: official 
 catalogue of the United States exhibi- 
 tors. Lond., 1878. 
 Patent Office (United States), Librar.v of. 
 Washiugtoii. 1878. 
 Peabody Lilirary Association ol' (icorgi- 
 towii. I). C, 188(1. Washington, 1880. 
 Philadelphia International Exbihition, 
 1876: official catalogue of the British sec- 
 tion. Lond., 1870. 
 Philadelphia Lii)r:irv Comiiany. :{ v. 
 Pliila., l-;i.5-.JG. 
 Pickering's biblical, classical manuscripts, 
 rtc. Loud., 18:i4. 
 Publishers' annual trade-list, 188(1. N. Y., 
 Putnam Lil>rarv : National Asylum for Disa- 
 bled Volunteer Soldiers. Dayton (Ohio), 
 Rebellion literature, Catalogue of. Bart- 
 l.-tt, J. R. Bost., 186fi. 
 Reference catalogue of cuneut literature; 
 containing the full title of books now in 
 print and on sale. X. Y., 1874. 
 Royal United Service Institution, Library 
 of. Lond., 1865. 
 Supreme Council 33° for the southern 
 jurisdiction of the United States, Library 
 of. \Vashington, 1880. 
 Surgeon General's Office, Library of 
 Washington, 1872. 
 The same. Index catalogue. Vols. 
 1,9. Washington, 1880-81. 
 War Department Library. Authors. Wash- 
 ington, 1880. 
 The same. Authors and subjects. 
 Washington, 1882. 
 West Point Military Academy, Library of. 
 X. Y., 1853-60. 
 The same. 1873. Newburgh, 1876. 
 Works relative to law of nations, and 
 iliplomacy in State Depai'tment Library. 
 Washington, 1881. 
 Administration frauvaise, Dictionnaire 
 (le 1'. Block, M. Paris, 1856. 
 Americanisms, Dictionary of B.artlett, 
 J. R. N. Y., 1848. 
 The same. Bost., 1859. 
 Analyses chimiiines, Dictionnaire di's. 
 Vi.iDctte, J. H. M., et P. J. Archam- 
 bault. -3 V. Paris, 18->1. 
 Architecture, Diitionary of. Stuart, R. 
 3 V. Lond. 
 Architecture. Dictionn;iirehistoriiiued'ar- 
 chitectuic. Quatrcmirc dc Quincy, A. C. 
 2 V. Palis, 1832. 
 Glossary of terms used in Grecian, 
 Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 
 Oxford. 184.5. 
 Arts, manufactures, and mines, Dictionarj- 
 of. Ure, A. 3 v. N. Y., 1873. 
 Arts and sciences. Dictionary of. Greg- 
 ory, G. 3 T. X. Y., 1822. 
 Biography and mythology, Universal pro- 
 nouncing dictionary of. Thomas, J. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1870. 
 Classical dictionary. Lempriere, .1. X. Y., 
 Classical dictionary of biography, my- 
 thology, and geography. Smith, W. 
 Lond., 1850. 
 The same. (Smaller classical dic- 
 tionary.) X'. Y., 1877. 
 Commerce aiul commercial navigation, Dic- 
 tionary of. JlcCulloch, J. K. Loud., 1837. 
 Dates. Haydn's dictionary of dates. B. 
 Vincent, editor. N. Y., 1867. 
 Dickens dictionary: a key to the charac 
 ters and principal incidents in the tales 
 i>f Charles Dickens; with additions by 
 W.A.Wheeler. Pierce, G. A. Boat., 1879. 
 English language. American dictionar.v 
 of the English language. Webster, N. 
 2 v. N. Y.,1828. 
 The same. Phila., 1864. 
 The same. Springfield, Mass., 1879. 
 New dictionary. Richardson, C. 
 ■>v. Lond., 1839. 
 Worcester, J. E. Bost., 1860. 
 English litcraturi;. Critical dictionary of 
 English liferatnie, and British and 
 American authors. AUibonc, S. A. 3 v. 
 Phila., 1858-71. 
 Dictionary of English literature: 
 a guide to English autlnus and their 
 W(uks, Adams, W. D. Lond. 
 Equitation, Dictionnaire rai.sonne d'. IJau- 
 cher, F. Roncn, 1833. 
 French language, Fleming and Tibbins' 
 dictionary of the. 2 v. Paris, 1844. 
 Spiers' and Surrenne's French and 
 English pronouncing dictionary. N. Y., 
 Tarver'sUictiouary. 2 v. Lonil., 1854. 
 Dictionnaire anglois-fran^ois. A. 
 Boyer, and others. Paris, 1817. 
 Dictionnaire franvais-aiiglais et au- 
 glais-frauv:iis. Bniiiface, A. 2 v. Paris, 
 French liiii};u!J);c. Dirtionnairo national, 
 nil ilictioniiain' iiiiiveisrl ilr la limfjiir 
 t'ranvaisc. Hischcnllc, L. N. 'J v. I'aris, 
 German and English lanfjnage.s, Diction- 
 ary of the. AiUcr, G. J. N. V., 184H. 
 Coniplcto dictionary of tin- Eii{;lisli 
 and German and German and Enf;li.sli lan- 
 jinages. I'liigel,.!. (i. 2 v. Leipsic, 1847. 
 German-Enslish dictionary of lued- 
 I Military dictionaries. Military dictionary. 
 I Dnane, W. I'liila., 1810. 
 Mililars diilionarv. 
 .lanu's, C. 
 ical terms. Harnes, F. Lond., 1881. 
 Greek and Enj^IiHli dictionary. (Jrovcs, 
 J. Bost., 1844. 
 Greek and EnKli«li lexicon. Donncgan, 
 .1. Phila., 1847. 
 Greek and Koman anti(initics, Dictionary 
 of. Smith, \V. Host., H4'.t. 
 Greek and Koman hiojjraphy and mythol- 
 ogy, Dictionary of. .Smith, W. :i v. 
 Host., L-Ut. 
 Hav7tliorae, Analytical index to the works 
 of. Bost., 1882. 
 Heraldry: glossary of terms used in Brit- 
 ish heraldry. Oxford, 1847. 
 Histoire natnrelle aiiidi<inee anx arts; nou- 
 vean dictionnaire. •.'4 v. Paris, 18U:i-l)4. 
 Historical dictionary (universal). Crahh, 
 (i. l.ond., 18-^-,. 
 Imperial dictionary, Engli-sh, technolojj- 
 ical, and sciiiitilic. Ogilvie, J. U v. anil 
 supplement, (ilasgow, 185:5-')"). 
 Italian and English dictionary. Mead- 
 ows,!". C. Lond., 1847. 
 Italian and English languages, New dic- 
 tionary of the. Davenport, J., and (i. Co- 
 nnlati. 2 v. Lond., 1854. 
 Latin ilictionary. Ainsworth, K. Lond., 
 Marine il voiles ot a va|>enr, Dictionnaire 
 de. Bonnefonx et Paris. Marine a 
 voiles. Paris. 
 Mathematical and iihilosojihical diction- 
 ary. Barlow, P. Lond., 1814. 
 Mechanical science, arts, manufactures, 
 and miscellaueons knowledge, Dictionary 
 of. Jamie.son, A. 2 v. Loud., 1830. 
 Medical science, Dictionary of. Dungli- 
 son, R. 2 V. Bost., 18:3:5. 
 The same. Phila., 18li0. 
 Military dictionaries. Dictiounairi' de 
 I'armee de terre. liardin, E. A. (i v. 
 Paris, 1841. 
 Dictionnaire militaire, on recucil 
 alphabetiiim- ile tons les terines propres 
 a I'art de la guerri'. :! v. Paris, 1758. 
 Lond., 180-'. 
 The same. 2 v. Lond., 1810. 
 Military <lictionary. Yoyle, G. K. 
 Loud., 1871). 
 Military dictionary and gazetteer. 
 Wilhelm, T. Phila., 1881. 
 Nonvean dictionnaire militaire. 
 Gaigue, A. T. Paris, 1801. 
 Naval and military technical dictionary of 
 the French language. Burn, R. Bost., 
 Noted names of lictiou. Explanatory and 
 pronouncing dictionary of. Wheeler, \V. 
 A. Bost., 1870. 
 Ornithological dictionary of hirds. 
 Montagu, (i. Lond., 18:il. 
 Phrase and fahle, Dictionary ot". ISrewer, 
 E. C. Phila. 
 Provincial and obsolete English, Diction- 
 ary of. Wright, T. 2 v. Loud., 1869. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Quotations: dictionary of select and pop- 
 ular quotations. Phila., 184C. 
 Familiar ([uolatious. Barllelt, .1. 
 Bost., I8t)8. 
 Roman ami (ireek antiiiuities, Dictionary 
 of. Rich, A. Load., 1873. 
 Science, literature, and art. Dictionary ol". 
 Hrande, W. T. N. Y., 1847. 
 Scottish language, Etymological diction- 
 ary of the. Jamiesou, J. 2 v. Edin- 
 burgh, 1808. 
 Supplement to the same. 2 v. Edin- 
 burgh, 1825. 
 Sieges et batailles mdnmrables, et dea 
 combats inaritimes les plus ianieux, 
 Dictionnaire historiijue des. :5 v. Paris, 
 Spanish language. Diccionario de la 
 leugua Castellana. Madrid, 180;). 
 Dictionary of the Spanish and Eng- 
 lish languages. Neuman and Barretti. 
 5 V. Bost., 1845. 
 Spani-sh ami English pronouncing 
 dictionary. Velazquez, M. N. Y., 185:5. 
 Surgery. Dictionary of practical surgery. 
 Cooper, S. N. Y., 18:52. 
 "Waverley <lictiouary. Rogers, M. Chi- 
 cago, 1871). 
 Weights and measures, ancienf and mod- 
 ern, I'nivcrsal dictionary of. Alexander, 
 J. K. l!allimi)r.^l8.-.0.
 Albany, 187(1. 
 Baltimore, l'*/". 
 Boston, l-**". 
 Brooklyn, IHTri-zfi. 
 Buffalo, 1868. 
 Chicago, 187.5-7(;. 
 Cincinnati, 187-2. 
 Cleveland, 187:i. 
 Detroit, 18(i8. 
 District of Columbia, 1882. 
 Hartford, 18(i8. 
 Jersey City and Holiokcn, 187."). 
 Louisville, 1868-69. 
 Milwaukee, 1878. 
 New Haven, 1868. 
 New Orleans, 1872. 
 New York, 1881. 
 Newark, 1874. 
 Philadelphia, l-'80. 
 Pittsburgh and Allpgliciiy Cily, lrt7(l-71. 
 Richmond and Manchester, 1873-74. 
 St. Louis, 1870. 
 San Francisco. I87il. 
 Newrspaper directory and advertiser's hand- 
 book, for 1877, Pettengill's. N. Y., 1877. 
 United States bnsiuess directory, Zell's. 
 I'liila., 187.->. 
 ■Washington City real estate directory. 
 :i V. and atlas. Washintjton, 1874. 
 Antiquities and elements of archaeology, 
 classical and medi:eval, Encyclopa'dia of. 
 Fosliroke,T. D. 2 v. Lond.,184:i. 
 Appleton's American annual cyclopa'dia, 
 18i'l-80. 20 V. and general index. N. Y., 
 Appleton's American encycloiiadia. Ki v. 
 N. Y., 1863. 
 Appleton's cyclopjedia of applied nicclian- 
 ics. 2 V. N. Y.,1880. 
 Architecture, Encyclopadia of. Gwilt,,!. 
 Lond.. 1872. 
 Arts, sciences, and niiscellaneons litera- 
 ture, Encyclopiedia of. DoUson, 'I". 18 V. 
 Phila., 179H. 
 Chambers' encyclopa'dia. 10 v. and atlas. 
 Pliila., 1864-68. 
 Chronology, historical and liiograpliical, 
 Encyclopa'dia of. Woodward and Cates. 
 Lend., 1872. 
 Civil iMigineering. Ilisloiical,, 
 and practical encyclopa'dia of. Cresy, E. 
 Lond., 1865. 
 35 w 
 Commerce and commercial navigation, 
 Cyclopa'dia of. Homang, .1. >?., and J. 
 S. HoMi.ans, jr. N. Y., 1858. 
 Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical receipt,s, 
 etc. 2 V." N.Y., 1879-80. 
 Cottage, farm, villa architectnre, ami fni- 
 nitnre, Encyclopa'dia of. London, .J. C. 
 Lond., 18:i.">. 
 Encyclopaedia Americana. 13 v. and sup- 
 plement. Pliila., lM-.nM7. 
 Encyclopaedia Britannica. 7tli ed. 21 v. 
 and index. Kdinbiirgli, 1841-24. 
 The same. 9th ed. —v. Host., 187r>— . 
 Encyclopedle, on dictionuaire raisonnc 
 des scieuces, des arts et des metiers. 
 Diderot, D., et M. d'Alembert, etc. 
 35 V. Paris, etc., 1751-80. 
 Encyclopedie de I'ingenieur, ou diction- 
 uaire cles ponts et chauss^es. Delaistrc, 
 J. R. 4 V. Paris, 1812. 
 Geography, Encyclopaedia of. Murray, H. 
 Lond., 1834. 
 Harper's popular cyclopjedia of I'nited 
 States history, from the aboriginal period 
 to 1876. Lossing, B. .1. 2 v. N. Y..1881. 
 Iconographic encyclopa-dia of s"ience, 
 literature, and art. Heck, J. O. 4 v. 
 text, 2 V. plates. N. Y., 1841. 
 Industry of all nation.", Cycloi>a'dia of. 
 Knight, C. 2 V. Lond., 1851. 
 Johnson's new universal cyclopa'dia. 4 v. 
 N. Y., 187:V78. 
 Naval encyclopa'dia: comprising a diction- 
 ary of nautical words anil phrases; bio- 
 graphical notices, etc. Phila., 1-81. 
 Penny cyclopa'dia of the Society for the Dif- 
 fusion of I'sefnl Knowledge. 16 v. Loud., 
 Rees' cvclopiedia of arts, sciences, and 
 literature. Rees, A. 47 v. Phila. 
 Scientific and literary treasury. Maun- 
 der, S. Lond., 1872. 
 Treasury of knowledge, and library of 
 reference. X. Y.. 1833. 
 The same. Maunder, S. Lond., 
 Dictionary of geography: general gazet- 
 teer of the world. Jidmston, .V. K. 
 I.oud.. 18.50. 
 Dictionuaire gi'ograpliii|Ui- universi'l. 10 
 V. I'aris, ls,>3-3 !. 
 Edinburgh gazetteer, or geographical dic- 
 tionary. 6 v. Lond., 1827.
 Geographical (lictionary, or universal gaz- 
 rttiiM'. wnciriit ami modern. Wori'os- 
 Ifv, .1. K. ■■> V. Anilover, I-'IT. 
 Geographical au<l histmical (liitimiaiy i>f 
 America aii<l the West Indies. Thoiiip- 
 s r.. A. ,-> V. Lond., lHl-.i-15. 
 Geographical, .stati.stical, aiul historical 
 dictionary of the varions countries, 
 l>lacc8, and principal natnral olijects in 
 tlw world. McCnlUxli, J. 1{. 2 v. 
 N. v., 1>71. 
 Lippiiicott's complete ])roMoiineiiii; jjazct- 
 li-rr. riiila., 187(;. 
 Lippiiicott's gazetteer of the world. 
 rhila.. 1H80. 
 Mitchell's maj) of the world, Accompani- 
 iiiciil to. I'hila., 1*411. 
 New York. Gazetteer of the State of New 
 Voili. Gordon, T. K. I'hila., 18:«;. 
 Uuited States. Centennial gazetteer of 
 the United States. Steinwehr, A. von. 
 Phila., 1873. 
 Complete descriptive and statistical 
 gazetteer. Ha.skel, 1)., and J. C. Smith. 
 N. Y., 184.-.. (2 copies.) 
 Xew gazetteer. Parby, W., and T. 
 Army (fnited .\rmy): ComJ^ilation of reg- 
 isti'i'sof the army from IHl.") to 18H7, in- 
 cln.'iivc. (iordon, W . A. Washington, 
 1H:!7. (-2 copies. ) 
 Complete regular army register of 
 the I'nited States for one hundred years 
 (1771» to 1879). iramersly, T. H. S. 
 Wa.shiiigton, 1880. ("J copies.) 
 OOicial army register of the vohlii- 
 Dwight. Hartford, 1.8:54. 
 Xew and complete gazetteer. Ualil- 
 wiii, T., and .1. Thomas. Phila., lK'i4. 
 Alphabetical index to the four-sheet 
 map of the United States. Tanner, H. S. 
 Universal gazetteer. Brookes, i;. I'hila., 
 The same. I'hila., 1843. 
 Universal geographical dictionary. Dar- 
 l>y, W. Washington, 184:!. 
 Allgemeines militiirisches Handbuch. 
 Wien, 1-04. 
 Aunuaire historiiiue niilitaire. 2 v. Paris, 
 Aiiuuaire militaire. 23 v. Paris, 1832-70. 
 Auiiuaire de la marine et des colonies. 
 10 v. Paris, 1861-70. 
 Armuario militaire del regno d' Italia. 
 Roma, l-^TM. 
 Army list (British). 10 v. Lond., 1^42-78. 
 New annual army list and militia 
 list, 1844-82. Hart, H. G. 3(i v. Lond., 
 Army (United States): oflicial army regis- 
 ter for the years 1848-82. Washington, 
 teer force of the United States Army for 
 the years 18Gl-(i5. 8 v. Washington, 
 HCio-Cw. (2 copies. ) 
 Book of orders of knighthodd and ili-eora- 
 t ions of honor of all nations. Burke, Sir 
 .1. B. Lond., 1858. 
 British imperial calendar and civil service 
 list for 1881. Lond., 1881. 
 Civil service year book (British), 1881. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Congressional ilirectories, from the 17th 
 to the 4Gth Congress. Washington, 
 Crests of the families of Great Britain and 
 Ireland. Pairbairn, J. 2 v. Lond. 
 Department of the Interior, Register of, 
 for the year 1877. Washington, 18/7. 
 Department of .lustice. and jndiiial otli- 
 i-crs of the United States, Kegister of, for 
 the years 1871, '72, '74, '76. 4 v. Wash- 
 ington, 1871-7(!. 
 Department of State, Register of, for the 
 years 186!l-71. 3 v. Washington, 
 Distances, List of, eonii>iled for the infor- 
 mation of officers of the Quartermaster's 
 Department. Washington, 18(;8. 
 Tables of distances for the regula- 
 tion and adjustment of telegraphic rates 
 for government messages. Washington, 
 Etat militaire <lu corps royal ile rartillerie 
 de France. Paris, 1837. 
 The same. Paris, 1845. 
 Fictitious names. Handbook of. Hamst, 
 O. Lond., 18(i8. (2 copies.) 
 Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of 
 the landed gentry of Great Britain and 
 Ireland for 18.-.3. Bnrke, J. B. 2 v. 
 Loud.. H53. 
 Government salary tables. Green, V. S. 
 Washington, 1872. 
 India list, civil and military. .Inly, 1879. 
 Loml., 1879. 
 Kelly's handboid< to the titled, landed, 
 and oflicial classes. Lond., 1881.
 Manual of dignities, privilege, and prece- 
 dence. Dodd, C. R. Loud., 1844. 
 Militairschematismus des ostorreiclii- 
 sclicn Kaiseitliuines. Wieu, 185.5. 
 Muemouika; or, tlie tablet of memory. 
 A register of events from the earliest 
 period to 1829. Diuby, W. Baltimore, 
 1829. (2 copies. ) 
 Navy list (Hritish). 2a v. Lond, 1839-78. 
 Navy (United States). General register of 
 the navy and Marine Corps. Mechlin and 
 Winder. Washington, 1848. (2 copies.) 
 General register of the United States 
 Navy and Marine Corps, for one hundred 
 years (1782-1882). Haniersly, T. H. S. 
 Washington, 1882. 
 Navy registers for the years 1833, '39, 
 '81. Washington, 1833-81. 
 Navy of the United States, from 1775 
 to 1853. Emmons, G. F. Washington, 
 Original lists of persons of quality and 
 others who went from Great Britain to 
 the American plantations, l(i(lU-1700. 
 Hotten, J. C, editor. N. Y., 1874. 
 Peerage and baronetage of the British em- 
 pire. Bnike, J. 2 v. Loud., 1832. 
 Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, 
 llebrett. Loud., 1834. 
 Peerage, baronetage, and knightage of 
 the British empire for 1881. Foster, J. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Peerage of Ireland. Lodge, J. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1754. 
 Peerages of England, Ireland, and Scot- 
 land. Burke, ,1. Lond., 1831. 
 Pension roll of the United States. 5 v. 
 Wasliington, 183.">. 
 Political regi.ster and Congressional direc- 
 tory, 177(>-1878. Poore, B.P. Bost., 1H78. 
 Post offices. List of post offices in the 
 United States, with the names of the 
 postmasters. Washington, 18G2. 
 The same. Washington, 1870. 
 Railroads of the United States, 1871-72, 
 and 1)?81, Manual of. Poor, H. V. 2 v. 
 N. Y., 1871-81. 
 Royal bine book, fashionable directory, 
 and jiarliaiuentary guide, for 1881. Lond., 
 Tokio University. Calendar of (he depart- 
 ments of law, science, and literatnre. 
 1880-81. 2 V. Tokio, 18«0-81. 
 Treasury Department, Kegister of, for the 
 years 1872, '74, '75, '77, '79. 5 v. 
 ington, 1872-79. 
 United States official register (blue book), 
 1802-81. 36 V. Washington, l.-'02-81. 
 United States register or blue book for the 
 years 1^72, '73, '76, '77. 4 v. Phila., 
 ■Webster's royal red book ; or, court fash- 
 ioualile register I'orMay, 1881. Loud., 1881. 
 ■West Point Military Academy. List of 
 cadets admitted, from its establishment 
 till September, 1876. Hall, R. H. 
 Washington, 1876. 
 "WTio's who in 1874. Lond., 1874.
 American Assooialioii linllic AilvaMi<'iiu'iit 
 of ScieiK-f. I'locerdin'jt.s. i) v. I'liila., 
 American I'liilnsopliical Society foi- I'liuiio- 
 tiiij; I'sft'iil KiiowliMl-tc. 'I'laiisactions. 
 9 V. Phila., 1818-4(;. 
 Arcana of science ami art. I.hmiI., l-^:ii. 
 Book of nature. Good, J. M. :! v. Noiul., 
 British Assiicial inn Inr the Advaiicrinent of 
 Science. Keiii>rls. :W v. I.ond., 18:i.">- 
 (i2; lH()y-71. 
 Cosmographie, topofiraiiliie. i;4onra|iliie 
 a|i)iliiiiiee, etc, ('ours de. Met/., Iti'M. 
 ( l.illiof;ra|ilied MiaiiiiSL'ri|it. ) 
 Cosmos: a jiliysieal description of the nni- 
 verse. Iliiiiilioldt. A. von. '.i v. \. Y.. 
 Cyclopaedic science siinplilied. I'epper, 
 .J. II. Loud., IHll'.l. 
 Davy, Sir H. Collected works. Davy, J. 
 9 V. Lond., lS{9-4n. 
 Fragmentary papers on science an<l otlier 
 snlijeets. Holland, H. Lond., 1875. 
 Freedom in science and teacliinj^. Ilaeekcl, 
 E. X. Y., 1879. 
 Galvani, L. Operc. Bolof;na, 1841. 
 Liverpool Literary an<l Philosojiliical .So- 
 ciety. I'loeeedings. Ill v. Lond., 1871-80. 
 Manchester Literary and Philosophical 
 Society. Memoirs. Lond., 1878-79. 
 Thesanie. Proceedings. 11 v. Man- 
 chester, 18t)9-79. 
 Mechanical philosophy, horology, and as- 
 tron y. Caipenler, \V. B. Lond., 1857. 
 Naturforschendeu Gesell.scliaft in Danzig, 
 .Schriften der. 1875. Danzig, l.S7i;. 
 Till- same. Fiir 1881). Danzig, 1880. 
 I'oetry of science. limit, K. Loud., 1854. 
 Polar expedition. United .Statics steamer 
 I'olaris. ScicntTlic results. Vol.1. Physi- 
 cal ob.servatious hy E. Be.s.sells. Wa.sli- 
 iugton, 187i>. 
 Popular lectures on scieutific .subjects. 
 Ilclmholtz, H. N. Y., 1873. 
 Recherches sur la form.ation et I'existeuce 
 des rnisseaux, riviiies, et torrens, qui lir- 
 culeut sur le glolii' terre.stre. Le Crenlx. 
 Paris, 18,14. 
 Royal Society of New South Wales. .lonr- 
 nal and lu'occediugs, 187(i, '78. 2 v. 
 Sydney, 1877-79. 
 Science and art, Popular lectures on. 
 Lardner, D. 2 v. N. Y., 1849. 
 Science and industry. Annual record, 187.^, 
 •77, '78. :t V. N. Y., 187H-79. 
 Scieutific discovery: or, year-book of facts 
 in .sciiiice and art. 'Zl v. Lost., 1850-71. 
 Scieutific menmirs. Taylor. K. \'ol. 1. 
 Lond.. 18:i7. 
 Smithsouiau Institution. Anniuil reports 
 of the board of regents, 1875-79. 5 v. 
 \Va.shington, 187(1-80. 
 Documents relative to the luigin and 
 history of the Smithsonian Institution. 
 Washington, 1879. 
 .loiirnals of the board of regeuts, 
 reports of committees, statistics, etc. 
 Washington, 1879. 
 Scientilic writings of James .Smith- 
 son. Washington, 1879. 
 Smith.souian c(nitributions to know 1- 
 'edge. 2'i v. Washington, 1848-81. 
 Smithsonian miscellaueons collec- 
 tions. '21 V. Washington, 1802-81. 
 Souvenirs pidytechnifiues. Gonry, G. :i v. 
 I'aris, 1827-28. 
 Stories of iulinity. Flammarion, (J. Host., 
 Technology. Bigelow , .). Host., 18:il. 
 Massa(duisetts Institute of Techin)lo- 
 gy. Presi<leut"s report, 1875. Bost.,187(p. 
 Useful arts considered in conni'ction with 
 the applications of science, liigelow, .1. 
 2 V. Host.. 1840. 
 Viewaof nature, lluinboldl, .V. von. Lond., 
 Year-book of facts in science and ai"t. 
 Tiiiibs, J. 28 V. Lond., 1847-74. 
 The same. For l'<74, '7.'>. Vincent, 
 C. \V. ■> V. Lond., 1675-7ti. 
 Tlie same. For Itfi'fi. Mason. J. 
 Lond., 1877. 
 Aiiuals of the Astronomical Observatory of 
 Georgetown College, D. C. N. Y., 185"^. 
 Astronomical observations made at the 
 I'liiteil States Naval Observatory during 
 the years 1845-47, 18.51-(iil. ."> v. Wash- 
 ington, 184t>-7<!. 
 Astronomical and meteorological observa- 
 tions made at the I'nited .States Naval 
 Observatory during the years 1867-7-J, 
 1S75-76. 9 v. Washington, 1.870-80. 
 Astronomie pratique. Usage et composi- 
 tion de la connaissance des temps. Fran- 
 cceur, L. B. Paris, 1840. {2 copies.) 
 Astronomy and general physics. Whe- 
 wiU. W. (Bridgewater treatise.) Phila., 
 1 >:!!■). 
 Catalogue of the mean declinations of 981 
 stars, for .January 1, 1875. Safford, T. H. 
 Washington, 187!!. (2 copies.) 
 Concise system of physical, practical, and 
 descriptive astronomy. Bartlett, M. R. 
 rtica. 1825. 
 Determination of the astronomical co-ordi- 
 nates of the primary stations at Cheyenne 
 and Colorado .'Springs, 1872-7^. Wheeler, 
 O. M. Washington, 1874. 
 Elementary treatise on astronomy. Farrar, 
 .1. Cambridge, 1827. 
 Essays on astronomy. Proctor, R. A. 
 Expanse of heaven. Proctor, R. A. N. Y., 
 Exposition du systeme du monde. Laplace, 
 P. 8. Paris, 1808. 
 Half-hours with the stars. Proctor, R. A. 
 Lond., l-'74. 
 Half-hours with the telescope. Proctor, 
 R. A. London, 1868. 
 Hand-book of the stars. Proctor, R. A. 
 Loud.. 1866. 
 Mecanique c<51este. Laplace, P. S. 4 v. 
 Host., 1-39-49. 
 Midnight sky (The). Familiar notes ou 
 the stars and iilauefs. liiiiikin, E. N. Y., 
 Moon (The). Proctor, R. A. Lond., 187:!. 
 Tables of the moon, arranged by 
 Professor Pierce. Washington, 1853. 
 New star atlas. Proctor, R. A. Lond., 
 Orbs around us. Proctor. R. A. Loud., 
 OutUnes of astronomy. Herschel, .1. F. W. 
 Phila.. 1849. 
 Planetary system : its order and physical 
 structure. Nichol, J. P. Lond., 1851. 
 Popular astroiu)my. Newcomh, S. N. Y., 
 Popular exposition of the system of the 
 nnivei-se. Hassler, F. R. 2 v. N. Y.. 
 Practical astronomer. Dick, T. N. Y., 
 Recreations in astromimy. Warren. H.W. 
 N. Y,. 1S79. 
 Saturn and its system. Proctor. R. A. 
 Loud., 1865. 
 Solar eclipse. Observations of the total 
 eclipse of the .sun, 7th, 1869. 
 Washington, 1869. (2 copies.) 
 Observations of the total .solar 
 eclipse, December 22, 1870. 
 Solar eclipses. Reports on the total s<dar 
 eclipses of July 29, 1878. and January II. 
 l.-^.-*0. Washington, 1880. 
 Star gazing: past and present. Loikyer, 
 J. N- Lond.. 1.S78. 
 Sun (The). Proctor, R. A. Loud., 1872. 
 Sun (The). Young, C. A. X. Y., 1881. 
 Sun views of the earth, or the seasons. 
 Proctor, R. A. Lond., 1.S67. 
 System of the world. Nichol, J. P. Host., 
 Theoriedumonvement et de la ligure ellip- 
 tique des plane tes. Laplace, P. S. Paris, 
 Transits of Venus. Proctor, R. A. Loud., 
 Treatise on astronomy. Herschel. J. F. W. 
 Phila., 1834. 
 Universe (The) and the conung transits. 
 Proctor, R. A. Lond., 1874. 
 Wonders of the heavens. Bradford, D. 
 Bost., 1837. 
 Adulterations detected. Has.sall, A. H. 
 Load., 1861. 
 Chemical philosophy. Introduction to. 
 Wurtz. A. C. Lond., 1867. 
 Chemistry, Hand-book of. Cauntcr. G. II. 
 Loud.. l-'39. 
 Chemistry applied to agriculture. Chap- 
 tal, J. A. Bost., 1838.
 Chemistry applii'd to arts anil niannfact- ' 
 iiros. Chaiilal, .1. A. -1 v. Loud., 1807. 
 Chemistry iirioiiiiMiiii lil'i'. .Inliiistun. .T. I'. 
 X. v., \rn;i). 
 Chemistry i>l' lis'it ami |iliiilo;;iai>liy. 
 \'i)K<'l, H. Load., IftT."). 
 The saiiR'. N. Y., 1^7."). 
 Chemistry, nu'teorolof^y, and tlu' fiiiictiuM 
 of di^i-stioii. I'rout, W. (Brid^ewati r 
 treatises.) I'liila., 18:!(i. 
 Dictionnmre des analyses chiiiiii|ius. N'iii- 
 letle, J. H. M., et I'. .T. Arehaiiiliaiilt. •-' v. 
 Paris, 1851. 
 Elemeusde cliiniieet <le iniiieialnfiie. .Iae<i- 
 (dt, r. Talis, 1H(I4. 
 Elements i)f clieiiiistiy. SiUiniaM, 11. :i v. 
 X.-w Haven, lrf3(l-:il. 
 Fermentation. Scliiitzeiiberger, 1'. N. Y., 
 Fooa Letlieby, H. Lond., 1872. 
 Foods. Smith, E. Lond., 1874. 
 Inorganic chemistry. Introduction to the 
 study of. Mi Her, W. A. Lond., H/:!. 
 Ne'W chemistry. Cooke, J. P. Lond., 
 Practical treatise of chemical analysis. 
 Ifose, IL 2 V. Lond., 184!t. 
 Qualitative (diemical analysis and laliora- 
 tory iPiaetii-e. Thoipe, '1'. E., .ind M. M. 
 P. Mnir. Lond., 1874. 
 Quantitative chemical analysis. Thorpe, 
 T. K. Lond., 187:!. ('2 copies.) 
 Treatise on food and dietetics, physiologi- 
 cally and therapeulically considered. 
 Pavy, F. W. Loud., 1874. 
 Treatises on chemistry. Roseoe, H. E., and 
 C. Schorlcnimcr. :i v. N. Y., 1878-82. 
 Analytical investigation of the resistance 
 of piles to sni)erincuml)ent pressure. 
 Mason, .1. L. Washington, 18r>(l. 
 Annales iles ponts et chaiissccs. M^moires 
 et documents, lois, onh>nnances, etc. 24 v. 
 I'aris, 18:!l-:i8. 
 Applications du principe des vitesses vir- 
 t uelles a la pou8s6e des terres et des vofttes. 
 Metz, 1822. 
 Assistant engineer's railway guide. Has- 
 koll.W. I). Lond., iHKi. 
 Brick bridges, sewers, ciUverts, etc. Deuip- 
 sey, <;. 1). Lond., 18.')(l. 
 Bridging llw Mississippi between Saint 
 I'anl. .Minn., and S.-iint Louis, Mo. War- 
 ren, lien. ('■. K. Washington, 1878. 
 Britannia and Conway tubular bridges. 
 Clark, E. 2 v. Lond., 1850. 
 Construct iiui of Britannia and Con- 
 way tubular bridges. Fairbairn, \V. 
 Lond., |s4i). 
 Canals and railroads of the liiiled States. 
 Tanner, 11. S. N. Y., 1840. 
 Canals and reservoirs. Sutcliffe, J. Koch 
 dale (Eng.), 1810. 
 Cauvery, Kistuah, and Goilavcry: report 
 on works constructed for the purposes of 
 irrigaticui. Smith, K. B. Lond., If^ofl. 
 Civilengineer and architect's journal. 14 v. 
 Lond., 18.{7-51. 
 Civil engineer's pocket book. Trautwine, 
 .1. C. Phila., 1872. 
 Civil engineering. Scott, M. (Occasional 
 l)apers, vol. 1.) Lond., 1874. 
 Course of engineering. (Lithographed 
 manuscript. ) 
 Description du canal de jonctioii de la 
 Meuseau i;hin. Ilageau.A. Paris, 18111. 
 Description hydrographique et historiiiue 
 de uiarais pontius. Prony, M. de. Paris, 
 Descriptive and historical account of hy- 
 ! draulic aiul other machines for raising 
 water, ancient and modern. Ewbank,T. 
 N. v., 1842. 
 Design for an inii)roved snl)niarine tunnel. 
 Foster, J. G. Washington, 18G8. (:! cop- 
 Earth-closets and earth sewage. Waring, 
 (I. E.,.jr. X. Y., 1870. 
 Elemental locomotion and interior cominn- 
 niealion. Gordon, A. Loud., 183(3. 
 Elementary course of civil engineering. 
 Sganzin, M. J. Bost., 1828. 
 Elementary course of civil eugineeriug. 
 Malian, D. IL X.Y'.,1637. 
 Encyclopedic de I'ingeuieur, on diction- 
 naire des ponts et chauss^es. Delaistre, 
 J. K. 4 V. Paris, 1812. 
 Essai sur les elements de la praticjue des 
 levers topographiques, et de son enseigne- 
 nieut. Clerc, P. A. 2 v. Metz, 1839. 
 Essay ou the construction of the five archi- 
 tecturalsectionsof cast-irou beams. Turn- 
 bull, W. Lond., 1833. 
 Experimental enquiry concerning the nat- 
 ural power of wind and water, etc., and 
 historical report ou Pamsgate Harbor. 
 Smeaton, J. Lond., 1791-94. 
 Formulas ami tables for architects and en- 
 gineers. Scliuniauu, F. Washington, 1873.
 Graphical determination of forces in en- 
 gineering structures. Clialniers, J. B. 
 r.ond., 1881. 
 Histoire tlu canal da Midi, <m lanal de 
 Languedoc. An<lreossy, C'omte !•'. SJ v. 
 Paris. 1804. 
 Histoire et descriplinu des voies de coni- 
 niuuication anx Etats-Unis et des travanx 
 d'art qui en df'pendent. Cliev.Uirr. >[. 
 •2 V. Paris, 1840-41. 
 Historical, tlieoretieal, and jiractical eney- 
 ilojiedia iif civil engineering. Cresy. E. 
 Lond., l^6o. 
 Institution of Civil Engineers. Transac- 
 tions. 3 V. Lond., 183t)-42. 
 Iron roofs. Derapsey, G. D. Lond., 18.50. 
 Iron truss bridges for Merrill, 
 W. E. X. Y., 1870. 
 Irrigation of the San .Joaquin, Tulare, and 
 .Sacramento Valleys, California. Wash- 
 ington, 1874. 
 Italian irrigation. Smitli, R. B. 2 v. 
 Lond., 18.52. 
 Kansas City bridge. Chanute, O.. and G. 
 Morrison. X. Y.,1870. 
 Manual of civil engineering. Rankine, 
 \V. J. M. Lond., 1867. 
 Maritime canal of Suez. Xoni-se, J. E. 
 Washington. 1869. 
 Memoir on suspension bridges. Drewry, 
 (_'. S. Lond., 18.32. 
 Memoire snr la digue de Cherbourg com- 
 jiaree an breakwater on jetee de Plymouth. 
 Cachiu, J. M. F. Paris, 1820. 
 Memoire sur la loi que suivent les pressions 
 et sur Fapplication de cette loi a la pra- 
 tii[ue des constructions. 
 Memoire sur les roues hydrauli([ues a 
 aubes courbes mues par-de.ssous, suivi 
 d'exp^riences sur les ett'ets mecani(iues de 
 ces roues. Poneelet, .J. V. Metz, 1827. 
 Memoire sur un proccdd d'iujection propre 
 a preveuir on arreter les tiltrations sous 
 les fondations des onvrages hydrauliiiues. 
 Berigny, C. Paris, 1832. 
 Memoire et discussion sur les moyens de 
 rendre le Donbs navigable, pour operer 
 la jonction ilu Rhone an Rhin. Bertrand, 
 P. Paris, 179i. 
 Memoires sur ditfereutes qucsUons de la 
 science des constructions publii|ues et 
 ccononiiqucs. Aubry, M. Lyon, 17'JO. 
 Memoires sur Ic canal di- rOurci|, et la dis- 
 tribution de ses eaux : surle desscchcment 
 et rassaiuis-sement de Paris. (Jirard, P. 8. 
 2 V. Paris, 1831. 
 M€thodes pour la levde et la construction 
 des cartes et plans liydrographiques, pu- 
 blieesen 1808. Beautenips-Beaupr^, C. F. 
 Mouvement des ondes et des travanx hy- 
 drauli(|uis maritimes. Emv, A. R. Pari.s, 
 Observations on a general iron railway or 
 land .steam conveyance. Gray, T. Lond., 
 Observations on the uianugeuient of trusts 
 for the care of turnpike roads. .McAdam 
 .J. L. Lond., 1825. 
 Pacific railroad explorations and surveys. 
 13 V. Wa.shington, 1855. 
 Papers on practical engineering. Halleck, 
 H. W. Washington, 1841. 
 Pont d'I\Ty. Enunery, H. C. 2 v. Paris, 
 Fonts et chaussees: designs, models, and 
 works .at the Melbourne Exhibition, 1880. 
 Paris, 1880. 
 Ponts suspendns. Paris, 1825-30. 
 Ponts suspendns en til de fer, sur le Rh6ue. 
 Vicat.M. Pari.s, 1831. 
 Practical treatise on railroads and interior 
 ciiMiniunication. Wood.X. Phila., 1832. 
 The same. Lond.,183-*. 
 Practical tunuelling. .Sinnns, 1". W. Loud., 
 Principles and piacticc of embanking lands 
 for river floods, as applied to "levees" of 
 the Mississippi. Hewsou, W. N. Y.,1860. 
 Professional papers of the Corps of Royal 
 Engineers. ( Royal Engineer Institute 
 occasional papers.) Vol.s. 2 to .5. Lond., 
 Programmes on r^snui^s des lefons d'un 
 cours de construction. Sganzln. M. .J. 
 Paris, 1821. 
 Quarterly papers on engineering. Weale, 
 J. 6 V. Lond., 1844-49. 
 Quelques idees sur I'art et les devoirs de 
 I'ingenieur, etc. Mares, M. Cologne, 1797. 
 Rapport et memoire sur les i)onts suspendns. 
 Xavier, M. Paris, 1830. 
 Recherches theoriques et pratiques sur la 
 fondation par immersion des onvrages hy- 
 diauli([ueset particulicrcment desdcluses. 
 Btaudemouliu, L. A. Paris, 1829. 
 Recueil do divers menmires; extraits de la 
 BibliotUe<|ue imp^rialedes pontset eli.ius- 
 secs., P. C. 2 v. Paris. 1810. 
 Report upon the removal of Blossom Rock. 
 Williamson, K. S., and W. II. Heuer. 
 Washington, 1871.
 Roulage ct log routes, Mdmoire sur le. Ber- 
 tliiiult-Ducieux, C. J. B. A. Paris, 1833. 
 ( Bimiiil with Bcrtliault - nm-reiix's 
 ''( Jraiiilcs roiitt's.") 
 Routes, (iranilfs routes i-t ilrs rliciiiiiiN 
 viiinaiix. licrtliaiilt-Oiicn'UX, C. J. M. A. 
 I'iuis, 1H21). 
 ignite a la imtico sur li's graiidi's 
 routes. Bcrfliault-Duoreux, ('. .J. B. A. 
 I'aris, 1829. (Bomid witli Bcrthault-Du- 
 ercux's "Grandos routes.") 
 M^innire sur IVntretieu des routes. 
 Bertlianlt-Duereux, C. J. B. A. Paris, 
 18:!4. (Hound witli Bcrtliault Ducreux's 
 "Grandes routes.") 
 Royal eufiiricers. Papers ou subjects cou- 
 iiected with the duties of the royal eufji- 
 neers. Vols. ,5, G, 7, », 9, and 10. Lond., 
 Thesanic. (New series.) Vols. 4 and 
 in. Woolwich, 18.">.''>-()4. 
 Sanitary drainage of houses anil towns, 
 Warin;;, G. K., jr. N. Y., 187ti. 
 Sanitary cuf^ineerin;;. Latham, li, Lond,, 
 Science des ingenieurs dans la condnile 
 des travaux de fortification et d'arehi- 
 tectnre civile, lidlidor, B. F. de. Paris, 
 Signaux de cheniins ile fer a double vole, 
 r^tiide sur les. Branie, E. Paris, 18ti7, 
 Smeaton's reports. Sineaton, .1. liond,, 
 Society of Enfjineers. Transactions for 
 1837, 79, '80. 3 V. Loud,, 1HG8-«I. 
 Strength of materials. Tate. T, Lond,, 
 Strength of materials and strnctures, -Vn- 
 deisnn, .1. Loud,. 1874, 
 Strength of timber, caj^t-iron, malleable 
 iron, .and other materials. Barlow, P, 
 l.ond,. l-:!7. 
 Sustaining walls. W IIhmv, 1). P. W'asii- 
 ington, 1854. 
 Tables of the strenj^lh and deliecti(ui of 
 timber. Lea, W. Lond., 18.">0. 
 Th^orie des tleuves, avec I'art de biltir dans 
 leurs eanx, et de prf'venir leurs ravages. 
 .'^illiiTschlaK, .1. I. Paris, 17f)9. 
 Theory, i>ractice, and architeetni-e of 
 bridges. Hann. ■!.. and \V. H.)>liin^. 
 2 V. Lond., 18:{9. 
 Traite iles rivieres et des torri'us; :ingmen- 
 ti-e ihi traite des I'anaiix Mavif;ab!es. 
 I'risi, P. Paris, 1774. 
 Traits thdori((iic etpraticjue des irrigations. 
 Burton, N. de. 4 v. Paris, 184:1-44. 
 Treatise on engineering lielil-worl<. Brntf, 
 P. Lond,, 1842. 
 Treatise on railroads and inlernal comniii- 
 iiii ations, Karle, T, Pliila,, 18:{(l. 
 Treatise on the various I'lements of st.abilitv 
 in the well-|)roportioned arch, Woodlmry, 
 1), P, N. V. , 18158, 
 Trigonometrical survey of India, \'ols. it 
 and (i, Calcutta, 1879-80. 
 Atlas of ancient geoj^raidiy, Biitli'r, .S. 
 Phila,. 183-.'. 
 Influence des divisions uatnrellesde la sur- 
 face du globe sur les divisions politic) ties. 
 I'aris, 18t2f), 
 Mittheilungen dcr kai.scrlich-kiiniglicheu 
 geographischen Gesellschaft, Foetterle, 
 V. Wi.Mi, 18.''>7. 
 Pictorial haixl-book of modern geography. 
 liohn, H. O. Lond,, 18(;.'-). 
 Sketch of modern and an I lent geography. 
 Butler, S. Lond., 18:!:!. 
 Treasury of geography. llnglies.W. Loml., 
 Universal geograjihy. Malte-Brun.C. 8 v. 
 Bi>st.. ls-24-:31, 
 Climate and time in their geological rela- 
 tions. Croll, J. N. Y., 1875. 
 Coal mines of America: their topograjihy, 
 geology, and develoi)nient, Macfarlane. 
 .1, N. Y.,1875. 
 Coal mines inspection, Boyd, H, X. Loud., 
 Contributions to geology. Lea, I, Phila,, 
 Corals and coral islaiuls, Dana, ,1, It. 
 X, V,, 1872, 
 Cosmos: a |>hysical description of the nni- 
 versi'. Humboldt. A, von, 2 v, N.V., 18,50. 
 Cretaceous Hora of the western Territories. 
 Lesc|Mcienx, L, Washington, 1874. 
 Elementary introducti(ui to the knowledge 
 of mineralogy, Phillips, W. Loud., 1823. 
 Essay on the strength of cast iron and other 
 metals, Tredgold,T. 2 v, Lond,, 1842-4(;. 
 Etudes sur I'art d'extraire immediatenieiit 
 le fer <le SI'S milu^rais sans convertir le 
 metal en tbnie. l{icharil,T. P.aris, 18:?8. 
 Explication de la carte geologicpie de la 
 I'r.imr, Dufrenoy, P. A., and P.lie ilo 
 Beaumont, 2 v. Paris, 1841-48.
 Science and ^he useful arts. 
 Familiar lessons in mineralogy and geology. 
 Welsh, J. K. 2 V. Best., 1832-33. 
 Geological essays. Haydeii, H. H. Balti- 
 iiKire, 1820. 
 Geological evidences of the autiiiiiity of 
 man. Lvell, C. Phila., 18G3. 
 Geological manual. La Beche, H. T. de. 
 riiila., 1*32. 
 Geological report of the elevated country 
 betweeu the Missouri and Red Rivers, 
 1634. Featherstonhangh, G. W. Wash- 
 ington, 1835. 
 Geological sketches. Agassiz, L. Bost., 
 Geological survey of the State of New Jer- 
 sey. Maps. 
 Geological survey of Wiscousin, Iowa, and 
 Winuesota, and a portion of Nebraska. 
 Owen, D. D. 2 v. Phila., 18.52. 
 Geology of the Heury Mountains. Gilbert, 
 i;. K. Washingtou, 1877. 
 Geology of New Jersey. Report of State 
 geologist. Newark, 1868. 
 Geology and mineralogy. Bucklaud, Rev. 
 W. 2v. (Bridgewater treatises.) Phila., 
 Histoire naturelle iuorganique. Barruel, 
 M. G. Paris, 1839. 
 Introduction to geology. Bakcwell, R. 
 New Haven, 1833. 
 Introduction to mineralogy. Comstoek, 
 J. L. Hartford, 1832. 
 Legons de geologic pratique, pendant I'an- 
 n(5e scolaire 1843-44. £lie de Beaumont, 
 L. Paris, 1845. 
 Manuel de la mdtallurgie du fer. Karsten, 
 C. J. B. 3 V. Metz, 1830. 
 Manufactures in metal. Holland, J. 3 v. 
 Loud., 1831-34. 
 Medals of creation. Mantell, G. A. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1844. 
 Metallurgie prati<iue du fer. Saiut-Ange, 
 W. de. Bruxelles, 1835- .38. 
 Metals : their properties and treatment. 
 liloxam, C. L. Lond., 1873. 
 Mineralogy; or, the natural history of the 
 uiiueral kingdom. Mohs, F. 3 v. Edin- 
 burgh, 1825. 
 Notice sur les systemes de moutagnes. filie 
 de Beaumont, L. 3 v. Paris, 1852. 
 Observations on the geology of the United 
 States. Maclure,W. Phila., 1617. 
 Old nd sandstone. Miller, H. Bost., 1851. 
 Pre-historic Europe. Gcikie, J. Loud., 
 36 w 
 Principles of geology. Lyell, C. 4 v. 
 Lond., 1835. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y., 1873. 
 Reliquiae diluviame. Buckland, W. Loud., 
 Reports on the coal lauds, mines, and im- 
 provements of the Dauphin and .'Susque- 
 hanna Coal Company, etc. Taylor, K. C. 
 Phila., 1840. 
 Sketches of creation. Winchell, A. N. Y., 
 Societe g(;ologique de France. Bulletin. 
 4 V. Paris, 1-44-47. 
 Statistics of the iron trades. re- 
 port of the American Iron and Steel 
 ciatiou. Phila., 1877. 
 Statistics of coal, etc. Taylor,R.C. Phila., 
 Subterranean world. Hartwig, G. Lond., 
 Theory of the earth. Cuvier, Baron. Edin- 
 burgh, 1822. 
 Vestiges of the molten globe. Green, W. L. 
 Lond., 187.5. 
 Volcanoes: what they are and what they 
 teach. Judd,J. W. N.Y'.,1881. 
 Voyage mctallurgiqne en Angleterre. Du- 
 freuoy, and others. 2 v. Paris, 1837-39. 
 Wonders of geology. Mantell, G. A. 2 v. 
 Adaptation of external nature to the moral 
 and intellectual constitution of man. 
 Chalmers, Rev. T. (Bridgewater trea- 
 tises.) Phila., 1836. 
 Adaptation of external nature to the phys- 
 ical condition of man. Kidd,J. (Bridge- 
 water treatises.) Phila., 1830. 
 American Ethnological Society. Transac- 
 tions. 2v. N.Y., 1845-48. 
 Ancient monuments of the ilississippi Val- 
 ley. Squier, E.G., and E.n. Davis. N.Y., 
 Animal mechanism. Marey, E. J. Loud., 
 The .same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Descent of mun. Darwin, C. 2 v. Lond., 
 The same. N. Y.,1875. 
 Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 
 Schmidt, O. Lond., 1873. 
 Early man in Europe. Ran, C. X. Y.,1876. 
 Earth and man. Gnyot, A. Bost., 18.50. 
 Evolution of man. Haeckcl.E. 2 v. N.Y'., 
 Expression of the emotions in man and 
 animals. Darwin, C. N. Y.,1873. 
 Heredity. Kibof , T. N. Y., 1875. 
 History of creation. Haeckel, E. 2 v. 
 l,(ind., lH7(i. 
 Human int.-llcct. Porter, N. N. Y.,H7n. 
 Human specii-.s. (Juatrefages, A. do. N. Y., 
 Man iirimtval. Harris,.!. Host., 185(1. 
 Natural history of man. I'riihard, J. C. 
 Lonil., 1845. 
 Origin of species. Darwin, C. Loml.,lH7:?. 
 Philological proofs of tlio original nnity 
 ami recent origin of the human race. 
 Jolnies, A. J. Lond., 1846. 
 Philosophy of the Iniman voice. IJiisli. .1. 
 Animal and vcgelalile physiology. Roget, 
 P.M. 2 V. (Bridgewater treatise. No. 
 5.) Phila., IWiC). 
 Unman physiology. Drai>er, J. W. N.Y., 
 Mannal of physiology. Kirkes, "'. S., and 
 J. Paget. Phila., 1849. 
 Physiological anatomy and physiology of 
 num. Todd, 1{. 15.. an<l W. Bownnin. 
 Vol. 1. Lond., lH4.->. 
 Physiology of man. Klint, A., jr. 2 v. 
 N. Y., lfJ(iCi-C.7. 
 Physi<dogy for practical nse. llinton, J. 
 N. Y., 1874. 
 Text-book of human physiology. Flint, 
 A., jr. N.Y., 187(5. 
 Treatise of human physiology. Dalton, 
 ■I.e. Phila., 1864. 
 Pre-historic races of the United States of 
 America. Foster, J. W. Chicago, 187:i. 
 Races of men. Knox, R. Loud., 1862. 
 Recent origin of man. Southall, J. C. 
 Phila., 1875. 
 Researches concerning the institutions and 
 monuments of the ancient inhabitants of 
 America, etc. Humboldt, A. vou. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1814. 
 Researches into the physical history of 
 mankind. Prichard, J. C. 5 v. Lond., 
 Ricerche intoruo ad alcuni punti di clettro- 
 lisicilogia. C'ima.A. Ilologna, 18.58. 
 Story of the earth and man. Dawson, . J. W. 
 N. Y.,187:i. 
 Tropical world: aspects of man ami nature 
 in the eciuatorial regions of the globe. 
 Hartwig, Dr. G. Loud.. 1873. 
 Types of mankind. Nott, J. C, and G. R. 
 (iliililou. Phila., 18.54. 
 TJucivilized races of men in all ciunitricB 
 of the world. Wood, Rev. J. G. Hart- 
 ford, 1871. 
 Aide-memoire ib- niecauiiiue pratiiiue. 
 Morin, A. Paris, ]84:i. 
 American and foreign iron trades. Stati.s- 
 tii-8. Anuual report of the secretary of 
 the Annnican Iron and .Steel Association. 
 Phila., 1877. 
 Application dc la mtf^cauique anx machines 
 Ic plus 111 usage, nines par I'eau, la vapenr, 
 Ic vent et Ics !iniinanx, et a diverses con- 
 stnictious. Tall'e, A. Paris, 1843. 
 Artisan. Ridilell, R. Phila., 1879. 
 Artizan (The). A monthly joiirual of the 
 ojierative arts, '-i v. Loud., 1844-45. 
 Atlas iiittoresijne du eliemiu de fer dii Si'Ui- 
 Baltimore dry dock. Views of. Tialtimoie, 
 Beton aggloin<^r(i, or Coignet-Beton, Report 
 I oil. (iillmore, Q. A. Washington, 1871. 
 Boiler bracing, ExpiTiments in. Washiug- 
 t.ui, 1879. 
 Carpenter's guide. Nicholson, P. Lond., 
 Carpentry, Elementary principles of. Trcd- 
 giild, T. Phila., 18;!7. 
 Casting and founding. Practical treatise on. 
 .8pretson,N. E. Lond., 1878. 
 Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 
 I C'enteuuial Expo.sition described and il- 
 lustrated. Ingram, .T. S. Phila., 1876. 
 Contributions to the Centennial Ex- 
 hibition. Ericsson,.!. N. Y.,1876. 
 Great Centennial I'.xhibition criti- 
 cally described, ami illustrated. Sand- 
 hurst, P. T., and others. Phila., 1876. 
 Historical register of the United 
 States Centennial Exposition of 1876. 
 Leslie, F. N. Y., 1877. (2 copies.) 
 Illustrated history of the Centennial 
 Exhibition. MeCabe, J. D. Phila., 1876. 
 (2 collies.) 
 Ofheial catalogue of the British sec- 
 tion. Loud., 1876. 
 Ifnited States Centennial commis- 
 sion. Reports, etc. 9 v. Washington, 
 World's Fair at Philadelphia, 1876. 
 Walker, F. A. N. Y., 1878.
 Charpenterie, Traitd de I'art Ue la. Eiiiy, 
 A. i;. 2 v. Paris, 1837. 
 Cours (Ic machiue.s, g(5omi?trie-(lescriptive, 
 Iiliy.sique, etc. Metz, 1841. 
 Dictionaiy of mechanical science, arts, 
 manufactures, and miscellaneous knowl- 
 edge. Jamie8on,A. 2 v. Lond.,18:i0. 
 Economy of machinery and manufactures. 
 lialiliage, C. Phila., 1832. 
 Elementary treatise on mechanics. Fanar, 
 J. Camhridge, 1825. 
 Elements of analytical mechanics. Bart- 
 lett, W. H. C. N. Y., 18.53. 
 Elements of mechanics. Young, J. R. 
 Phihi., 1834. 
 Elements of mechanism. Goodeve, T. M. 
 Loud., 1872. 
 Engineers' and mechanics' eucyclopa'dia. 
 Hehert, L. 2 v. Lond , 183(j-37. 
 Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book. 
 Haswell, C. H. N. Y., 18(iO. 
 The same. N. Y., 18G7. 
 English pleasure carriages. Ailanis, W. 13. 
 Lond., 1837. 
 Fabrication of iron for defensive purposes, 
 Report on. AVashington, 1871. 
 Francis' metallic life-boat corporation. 
 Francis, .7. N. Y., 1853. 
 Gieat industries of Great Britain. 3 v. 
 Government Printing Office at Washington, 
 D. C, History of; with a brief record of 
 the public printing for a century, 1789- 
 1881. Kerr, R. W. Lancaster (Pa.), 1881. 
 Historical and practical treatise upon ele- 
 mental locomotion by means of steam 
 carriages on common roads. GdUdon, A. 
 Lond., 1832. 
 History of the cotton manufacture in Great 
 Britain. Baiues, E., jr. Lond., 1833. 
 History of the life-boat and its work. 
 Lewis, R. Loud., 1874. (2 copies.) 
 Industrial arts of India. Birdwood, G. C. 
 M. 2v. Lond., 1880. 
 Introduction ii. la m^caniijue iudustrielle. 
 Poncelet, J. V. Metz, 1841. 
 Iron applied to railway structures, l^emp- 
 sey, G. D. Lond., 18.50. 
 Iron roofs. Dempsey, G. D. Lond., 18.50. 
 Le90us i)rc)>aratoires an lever d'nsine. Pon- 
 celet, .1. V. Metz, 1844. 
 Locomotive engines, Practical treatise on. 
 Pambour, F. M. G. de. N. Y., 1836. 
 Manoeuvres do ch&vre. Strasbourg, 1816. 
 Manual of the mechanics of engineering 
 and of the construction of uiachiucs. 
 Weisbach, J. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1870. 
 Manufacture of iron and steel. Overman, 
 F. Phila., 1H.50. 
 Manufacture of porcelain and Por- 
 ter. G. R. Phila., 1832. 
 Mechanical exercises. Nicholson, P. 
 Lond., 1812. 
 Mechanic's guide. Shclton, AV. V. L(md., 
 Mechanics for practical men. Jamieson, 
 A. Loud., 1845. 
 Operative mechanic and British machinist. 
 Nicholson, J. 2 v. Phila., 1831. 
 Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Reports 
 of the United States commissioners. 6 v. 
 Washington, 1870. 
 Paris Universal Expo.sition, 1878. Official 
 catalogue of the United States exhibitors. 
 Lond., 1878. 
 Re]iorts of the United States com- 
 missioners. 5 V. Washington, 1880. 
 Practical treatise on railroads and car- 
 riages. Trcdgold, T. Lond., 1825. 
 Proceedings at the dinner given by George 
 Peabody to the Americans connected with 
 the great exhibition of 1851. Stevens, H. 
 Lond., 1851. 
 Pyrotechnic; le trait(5 des matifrres; les 
 Icux d'aerostation; les feux de theatre; 
 et les feux de guerre. Kuggieri, C. F. 
 Paris, 1821. 
 Pyrotechny. Cutbush, J. Phila., 1825. 
 Railroads of the United States. Manual 
 for 1871-72, and 1881. P(ku-, H. V. N. Y., 
 Railviray appliances. Barry, . I. W. \. Y., 
 Railway iionouiy. Lardner, D. N.Y.,1850. 
 Recherches sur la <haufournerie faites an 
 Port de Brest. I'etot, M. Pari.s, 1833. 
 Report presented before a committee of the 
 city council of Boston upon the subject of 
 gas. Bost., 18t>7. 
 Reports and fabli's of experiments on 
 hciMii and wire rope. Washington, 1871. 
 Steam-engine. Catechism of the steam 
 engine. Bourne,.!. N. Y., 1876. 
 Hand-book of the steam engine. 
 Bourne, J. N. Y., 1874. 
 High-iiressnre steam-engine investi- 
 gated. Albau, E. 2 v. Lond., 1847-48. 
 History of the growth of the steam- 
 engine. Thurston, R. H. N. Y., 1878.
 Steani-oiigiiio : its invention and pro- 
 gressive iniproveinent, etc. Treilgold, T. 
 Lond., 1KS8. 
 Appendices to same. A to G. Lond., 
 Steam-engine, and its inventors. 
 (iallowav, I\'. L. Lond., 1>?>^L 
 Treatise on the steam-engine. Farey, 
 .1. I.imd., It'-.'-. 
 Treatise on tlie steam-eugine. Reu- 
 wiek, J. N. Y., 1848. 
 Sugar and Iiydronieters, Seientilie investi- 
 gatiiin.s in relation to. McCnllob, R. S. 
 Wasliington, 1848. 
 Traite eomplet de mceaniiiue. Borguis, 
 J. A. 10 V. Paris, 1818-2;!. 
 Traite de meoaniipie ol<5mentaire. Fran- 
 eieiir. L. H. Paris, 18-2.->. 
 Treatise on limes, liyilraiilie eenient.s, and 
 miirlars. (iillmori'. Q. A. N. Y., 1861!. 
 Treatise on mcelianies. Kaler, II., and D. 
 l.ardner. Pliila., ISW. 
 Treatise of mechanics, theoretical, practi- 
 cal, aud descriptive. Gregory, O. 3 v. 
 Lond., 1815. 
 Treatise on silk mannfacture. Porter, G. R. 
 I'hila., 18:i-,>. 
 Vienna Exhibition, Reports of United 
 Stalls commissioners to, 1873. 4 v. Wash- 
 ington, i87r). 
 Warming and ventilating, Theory and 
 imKtieu of. Lond., IS'J"). 
 Warming aud ventilating pnhlic linild- 
 ings, dwelling-honses, etc. Tredgold, T. 
 Lond., 1824. 
 V^ines. History aud description of moderu 
 wines. Redding, C. Loud., 1860. 
 Treatise on the origin, nature, and 
 varieties of wine. Tlnulichuni, .1. L. W.. 
 and A. Dnpn'-. Loud., 1872. 
 ■Workshop appliances. Shelley, C. P. B. 
 Loii.l., l-'7:!. 
 Algebra, Elements of. Bourdon, L. 1*. M. 
 N. Y.. 1831. 
 The .same. Hartford, 1838. 
 Introduction to algebra. Colhurn, \V. 
 Bost., 1826. 
 Treatise on algebra. Hackley, C. W. 
 N. Y., 1849. 
 Algebra and trigonometry, Elements of. 
 GrilHn, \V. X. Lond., 1873. 
 The .same. Notes, with solutions. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 Base dn 8y8t<"^mc indtriqne d<?eiiual. M<S- 
 chain, P. F. A., et J. B. .L Delambre. 
 3 V. Paris, 1806-10. 
 Book-keeping by single and double ontry. 
 Shea, .1. II. Baltimore, 1839. 
 Business arithmetic. Bryant and Stratton. 
 N. Y., l^7->. 
 Calcul difVerentiel et de calcul integral, 
 filf'mens de. Boncharlat, J. L. Paris, 
 Trait(? dldmentaire de calcul ditleren- 
 tiel et de calcul int<?gral. Lacroix, S. F. 
 Paris, 1828. 
 Geodesy. Williams. .1. B. Lond., 184C. 
 Recueil d'observations g(5od<'siques, en 
 Espagne, en France, en Angleterre et 
 en Biot, J. B., et F. Arago. 
 Paris, 1821. 
 Traite de g<5od<?sie. Puissant, L. Paris, 
 Elemintsof analytical geometry. Davics, 
 C. Hartford, 1839. 
 Elements of descriptive geometry. Da- 
 vies, C. N. Y., 183.-,. 
 Elements of piano and .solid geometry. 
 Watson. H. W. Lond., l-<72. 
 Elements of plane geometry, and mensu- 
 ration. Scholfield, N. N. Y., 1845. 
 Elements of geometry and trigonometry. 
 Legendre, A. M. N. Y., 182S. 
 G<'ometrie analyti(|ue appliqude aux 
 courbes et aux surfaces du second ordre. 
 Biot, J. B. Pari.s, 182(>. 
 Goomi'trio descriptive. Mongc, G. Paris, 
 Higher geometry and trigonometry. 
 ScholHeld, N. N. Y., 1845. 
 Manuel de I'ingdnieur du cadastre. I'oiu- 
 niies. Ml., et A. A. L. Reynaud. Paris, 
 Mathematical instruments employed in 
 surveying, etc., Treatise on. Simms, 
 F. W. Lond., 1834. 
 Mathematical tables. Hutton, C. Lond., 
 Mathematical and philosophical subjects. 
 Hutton, C. 3 v. Lonrl., 1812. 
 Mathematics. Hutton, C. Lond., 1841. 
 Cours de mathdmatiques. Bezont, 
 fi. 4 v. Paris, 1788. 
 Mathematics for practical men. Gregory, 
 O. Lond., 1825.
 Geometry — Continuptl. 
 Mi-moiii' sur la ino.jtction <lcs cartes g^o- 
 •j;raplii<iiies. Topographie. Henry, M. 
 Paris, 1810. 
 Mensuration and practical geometry. 
 Haswell, C. H. N. Y., 18.58. 
 Modfeles lie topographie. Perrot, A. M. 
 Paris, 18:?1. 
 Notice sur la nouvelle carte ile Krance, et 
 tallies lies nonis ilcs primipaux points 
 trigonom^tiiques. Paris, 18'.5'i. 
 Practical snrveying: topograpliieal plan. 
 Burr, G. D. Lonil., 1864. 
 Principios ile geonietri'a analitica elemen- 
 tal. San Peilro, F. G. Madrid, 1840. 
 Tables of discount or interest. Kowlett, 
 J. Phila., 1826. 
 The same. Phila., 1842. 
 Tables and formul.-e useful in geodesy and 
 practical astronomy. Lee, T.J. Wash- 
 ington, 1849. (2 copies.) 
 The same. Washiugton, 1873. 
 Tables portatives de logarithmes. Callet, 
 F. Paris, 1795. 
 Tarif de quadrature, pour le mesurage du 
 sciage des bois. Guibert, A. B. Paris. 
 Technical arithmetic and mensuration. 
 Merrificld, C. W. Loud., 1873. 
 Key to Merrifield's arithmetic and 
 mensur.atiou. Hunter, J. Loud., 1873. 
 Thi^orie des conrbes et des surfaces du 
 spcondc ordre, pri^c<5d(Se des principes 
 foudaiuentaux de la gdoni^trie ana- 
 lytique. Boncharlat,.!. L. Paris, 1810. 
 Thdorie des fonctious aualytiques; conte- 
 nant les principes du cab iil ditferentiel, 
 etc. Lagrange, J. L. Paris, 1797. 
 Topographie et de geoddsie. Benoit, 
 P. M. N. 2 V. Paris, 1822-25. 
 Traits ^l^mentalre de tvigouometrie rec- 
 tiligue et sph^riqne et d'applicatiou de 
 I'algebre. Lacroix, S. F. Paris, 1813. 
 Treatise ou topography. Malorti de Mar- 
 temont, C. 2 v. Lond., 1815. 
 Weights and measures. Report of the Sec- 
 retary of State upon. Washington, 
 Weights and measvires, according to the 
 decimal .system. Craig, B. F. N. Y., 
 Weights, measures, and money, Simpli- 
 fying and Improring. Pasley, C. W. 
 Loud., 1834. 
 Army iretcurnlogical register, from l'^4:'. to 
 l-.")4. Washington, 18.55. (2 copies.) 
 Atmosphere. Flammarion, C. N. Y., 1873. 
 Barometer, f )n the use of the. Williamson, 
 *R. S. X. Y., 1808. 
 Instructions for taking and reducing mete- 
 orological observatious. Wheeler, G. M. 
 Wa.shington, 1876. 
 La^ws of storms and v.iriable winds. Heid, 
 W. Lond., 1849. 
 Magnetic observations made at Harvard 
 Inivirsity. Lovering, J., and W. C. 
 Meteorological regi.ster, 1822-30. Phila., 
 Meteorology. Forry, .S. N. Y.,1843. 
 NeMir theory of terrestrial magnetism. Met- 
 calf, S. L. N. Y., 1833. 
 Observations at the magnetic and meteor- 
 ological observatory at the Girard College, 
 Phila., 1840 to 1845. Bache, A. D. 3 v. 
 Wasliingtou, 1847. 
 Philosophy of storms. Esjiy, J. P. Best., 
 Practical use of meteorological reports and 
 wiatlier niajis. Washington, 18il. 
 Storms. Blasius, W. Phila., 1875. 
 Treatise on meteorology. Loomis, E. 
 X. Y.. 1^'W. 
 Connection of the physical sciences. 
 .Somcrville, M. Phila., 1834. 
 Conservation of energy. Stewart, B. 
 Loud.. 1^74. 
 Correlation and conservation of forces. 
 (iiovc-. W. R., and others. N. Y., 1868. 
 Cours di- physi<iue. Atlas. .lacotot, P. 
 Electric light in its practical application. 
 Higgs, P. Lond., 1879. 
 Electricity and the electric telegraph. 
 Prcscott, jG. B. N. Y., 1877. 
 I Electricity and magnetism. Gordon, 
 J. E. H. 2 V. N. Y., 1880. 
 Electricity and magnetism. Jenkins F., 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Electricity, magnetism, and electro-mag- 
 netism. Farrar, J. Cambridge, 1826. 
 Emploi de rdlectricite pour mettre le fen 
 aux fourueaux des mines, et il la d<5mo- 
 litiou des navires sous Veau. Paris, 
 Modern practice of the electric telegraph. 
 Pope, F. L. N. \'., 1877.
 Elemens tic physuiuc cxpi^riineiitale. Jiico- 
 tcit. 1'. Paris, 1S(M. 
 Elementary treatise on physits. (iaiiot, 
 A. \. Y.. IfilW. 
 Elements of iiatnral or cxpcriiiiental jilii- 
 li>snpliy. ('avallo,T. a V. I'liila., Ifdn. 
 Elements of natinal pliilosopliy. Sec. 1. 
 Jlicliaiiics. a. Acoustics. :i. Optics, liart- 
 lett, W. H. C. 2 V. \. Y., 18o0-o2. 
 Elements of physics. IVscliel, C. F. 3 v. 
 LoiMl., lH-15-46. 
 Elements of pliysics, or natural 
 |iliy, ;;inH'r,'il and nie<lical. Aniott, N. 
 a V. Phila., 1-<:!1. 
 Essai siir les nioyens do cnmliiirt', il'i'lcvcr 
 ot <le (listribiicr It's eaiix. Genicys, M. 
 Paris, 1&>'.). 
 Experiences liydraiilicnics .sur los lois do 
 I'l'cdiilLinriit i\v I'l'au. Poncelet, J. V., ot 
 M. Lesliros. Paris, 18:!a. 
 Experimental physics, Introduction to. 
 Wi'inliold, A. F. Lond., 1875. 
 Experimental treatise on oi)tics. Farrar, 
 J. Canil.rid^re, 182(). 
 Forces of nature. Guilleniin, A. Loud., 
 Forms of water. Tyudall, J. N. Y., 1H72. 
 The same. Lond., 1S74. 
 Heat as applied to the useful arts. I!ox, 
 T. Lond., IHIJH. 
 Heat ((Uisidered as a mode of motion. Tyu- 
 dall, J. N. V.,187(i. 
 Heat anil electricity. Thouisou, T. Loud., 
 Influence of t\u- blue ray of the suulij;lit, 
 and of the blue color of the sky, in de 
 veloping animal and vegetable life, etc. 
 Pleasanton, A. .1. Phila., 187(5. 
 Letters to a German luineess on ditfereut 
 subjects in physics and |diilosophy. Euler, 
 L. 2 V. Loud.,171l.'>. 
 Light. Abbott,.!. N. Y., 1871. 
 Light. Tyndall, .(. N. Y., 187:!. 
 Origin of creation. Eraser, T. R., and .\. 
 Dewar. Loud., 18/4. 
 Philosophical works. Royle, R. 3 v. 
 I.oiid.. 17-r.. 
 Philosophy of nature. Stallo, .1. H. Host., 
 is IS. 
 Physics and hyilraulics of the Mi.ssissippi 
 h'iver. Humphreys, A. A., and II. 1.. 
 Abbott. Phila., ISfil. 
 The same. Reprinted with addi- 
 tions. Washington, 18711. 
 Preliminary discourse on natural philoso- 
 phy. Merschel, J. F. W. Phila., 1831. 
 Principles of ]>hysies and meteorology. 
 Muller,.!. I'hila., 184'*. 
 Sight. Le Coute, J. N. Y., 1H81. 
 Solar light an<l heat, etc. Allen, Z. N. Y., 
 1ST '.I. 
 Sound. Tyndall. .1. \. Y., 1867. 
 Spectrum analysis. Koscoe, H. E. Loud., 
 Telegraph and travel, (ioldsmid, F. J. 
 Loud.. 1S74. 
 Telegraphic apparatus and the i)roce8ses 
 in ti'legraphy., S. I'. IS. Wash- 
 ington, 18t)t). 
 Telegraphic eouMuunicilicui, naval, uiili- 
 lary, and political. Macdonahl, J. Loud., 
 Telegraphic construct icui. Douglas, .1. C 
 Lcmd., 18(;.'>. 
 Text-book of natural philiiso|diy. Urai)er, 
 .1. W. N. Y., 181)7. 
 Theory of heat. Maxwell, , I. C. Loml., 
 Tracts on hydraulics. Lond., ls3(). 
 Traite de la ehaleur. Pedet, E. 2 v. Pari.s, 
 Traite theoriiiue et cxp<^riuu-ntal d'hydro- 
 dynamiijue. lio.ssut, C 2 v. Paris, 
 Treatise cm hydrostatics and piu'umatics. 
 Lardu.T, I). Phila., is:!^. 
 Unity of natural iiheuouuna. Saigey, E. 
 Host., 1873. 
 Upward forces of fluids, (ienet, K. C. 
 Albany, 1825.
 Acts of the apostles. Trauslated into the 
 Choctan- language. Host., 1839. 
 Angelic wisilom concerning the divine love 
 and the divine wisdom. Swedenhoig. E. 
 N. Y., 187-2. 
 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine 
 providence. Swedenborg, E. X. Y., 1873. 
 Apocalypse revealed. Swedenborg, E. 
 2 V. X. Y., 1873. 
 Arcana cadestia (The heavenly arcana). 
 Swedenborg, E. 10 v. N. Y., 1870-73. 
 Auguste Comte and positivism. Mill, J. S. 
 Pliila., 1866. 
 Bible. Holy bible. Pliila., 1847. 
 Comprehensive dictionary of the 
 bible. Barnum, S. W., and W. Smith. 
 X. Y., 1871. 
 Dictionary and concordance to the 
 old and new testaments. Henderson, AV. 
 Edinburgh, 1869. 
 Revised new testament and history 
 of revision. (Anglo-American edition.) 
 Phila., 1881. 
 Bible readers' commentary. The new tes- 
 tament. Butler, J. G. 2 v. N. Y., 
 Biblical archiEology. Jahn,J. N. Y.,1832. 
 Book (The), and its story. Ranyard, Mrs. 
 L. X. Phila., 1854. 
 Book of the new moral world. Owen, R. 
 X. Y., 184.5. 
 British monachism. Fosbroke, T. D. Loud., 
 Buddhist birth-.stories. Fausbiill, V. 2 v. 
 Rost.. 1880. 
 Butler, Joseph. AVorks. Loud., 1852. 
 Catholic devotions. Manual of. Baltimore, 
 Centennial congress of Liberals and organ- 
 ization of the Xational Liberal League, at 
 Philadelphia, on tlie 4tb of .July, 1876. 
 Bost., 1876. 
 Chalmers, Thomas. Works. Phila., 1833. 
 Conflict between religion and science. 
 Draper, J. W. X. Y., 1875. 
 Conjugial love and its chaste delights; also, 
 adulterous love and its sinful pleasures. 
 Swedenborg, E. X. Y., 1871. 
 Council and comfort spoken from a city 
 pulpit. Boyd, A. K. H. Bost., 1871. 
 Earthward ])ilgrimage. Conway, M. D. 
 Loud., 1-70. 
 Essays and reviews. Loud., 1861. 
 Essence of Christianity. Feuerbach, L. 
 Family prayer book ; or, the book of com- 
 mon prayer. Xew Haven, 1823. 
 Four leading doctrines of the new church. 
 Swedenborg, E. X. Y., 1873. 
 Genesis of the Xew England churches. 
 Bacou, L. X'. Y., 1874. 
 Genius of Christianity. Chateaubriaud, 
 R. F. A. de. Baltimore, 1868. 
 GentUism : religion previous to Christi- 
 anity. Th(5baiul, A. J. N. Y., 1876. 
 Heaven and its wonders; the world of 
 spirits, and hell. Swedenborg, E. Loud., 
 Hermits. Kingsley, C. Lond., 1871. 
 History of the Christian religion, to the 
 year two hundred. Waite, C. B. Chi- 
 cago, 1881. 
 Indian converts. May hew, Ex. Lond., 
 Jesuits. History of the Jesuits. Stein- 
 nictz, A. 2 V. Phila., 1848. 
 Jesuits in Xorth America in the sev- 
 enteenth centurv. Parkman, F. Bost., 
 The same. Bost., 1875. 
 Lectures on the parables of our Saviour. 
 Kirk, E. X. X. Y., 1857. 
 Living words. Chapin, E. H. Bost., 1860. 
 Miscellaneous theological works. Swe- 
 denborg, E. X. Y.. 1871. 
 Mission of the United Brethren among the 
 Indians in X'ortb America. Loskiel, G. H. 
 Loud.. 1794. 
 Missions, Origin and history of. Choules. 
 J. O., and T. Smith. 2 v. Bost., 1837. 
 Narratio ivsi"'""" inrtitanini jut Ilispaiios, 
 (|V<isilaiii (Icvastatanim verissiina. Las 
 Casas, IS. Opiicnliiiiiiii, l(il4. 
 Nature: llio utility ot'iiligiun ami theism. 
 Mill. J. S. Lomi., 1H74. 
 Notes on the const riiotion of shei-ji folds. 
 Kuskin, J. N. V., \r*77. 
 Owen, Kobeit. Openin;; spiiili, and his 
 reply to Rev. Alex Camjibell ; also his 
 nieniorial to the republic of Mexico, and a 
 narrative of the iiroceedings thereon. 
 Cincinnati, 18-J'J. 
 Papacy and tin' civil jiowcr. Tlionip.son, 
 li. \V. X. v., 1870. 
 Pentateuch and book of Joslma, in lace of 
 the science and moral sense of our age. 
 liy a jdiysician. Lond., li^T'i. 
 Pilgrim's progress, liunyan, .1. I.oud , 
 Popes of Kome, History of the. Kanke, L. 
 •2 V. Phila., 1841. 
 The sanu!. :i v. Lond., If^TIi. 
 Post-biblical history of tlu^ .lews, from 420 
 I!. C. to 70 C. E. Kaphall, M. .1. 2 v. 
 Lond,, ISoO. 
 Protestant Episcopal cIiukIi. Debates 
 and proceedings of the geni'ral triennial 
 convention Indd in Philadelphia, I'a., 
 from October 4 to 24, 1805. (Vol. 1 of 
 "The Reporter.") Phila., 1805. 
 Protestant reformation in England and 
 Ireland, History of. Cobbett, \V. 2 v. 
 Lonil., is-.'lt. 
 Religio medici, etc. lirowuc, Sir T. Host., 
 Religious sentiment: its source and aim. 
 lUinton, D. G. N. Y.,187e. 
 Republic of God: an institute of thecdogy. 
 Mulford, E., 1881. 
 Hooky Mountain saints. Stenhouse, T. 
 B. H. N. Y., 187:!. 
 Sacred anthology : a book of ethnical 
 scriptures. Conway, M. D. N. Y., 1874. 
 St. Paul, Life and epistles of. Conybeare, 
 W. J., and .J. S. Howson. N. Y., 1877. 
 Sermons. Sterne, L. (Works, vols. :i, 4.) 
 Loud., 1873. 
 Sermons on the beatitudes. Moberly, G. 
 Oxford and Lond., 1S70. 
 Spanish imiuisition. Records of the. Trans- 
 lated from the original manuscripts. 
 host., 1828. 
 Talmudic miscellany. Host., 1880. 
 Treasury of bible knowledge. Ayre, Rev. 
 J. Lond., 1872. 
 True Christian religion. Swedenborg, E. 
 N. Y., 187:{. 
 True intellectual system of tin', universe. 
 Cudwoith, R. 3 V. Loud., 1845. 
 ■Wandering.Jew. Con\vay,M.D. N.Y.,1881.
 Arctic circle, New lauds within tbe. Dis- 
 coveries of the Au.'itrian ship "Tegett- 
 hoff," 1872-74. Payer, J. N. Y., 1877. 
 Arctic discovery, from the earliest period. 
 Shillinglaw, J. J. Loud., 1850. 
 Arctic expedition of 1877-78. Cruise of the 
 Florence. Washington, 1879. 
 Arctic experiences. Tyson, G. E. N. Y., 
 Arctic explorations. The second Grinnell 
 expedition in search of Sir John Frank- 
 lin, 18.^3-55. Kane, E. K. 2 v. Phila., 
 Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the 
 Great Fish River, and along the shores of 
 the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833-35. 
 Back, Capt. G. Phila., 1836. 
 Arctic regions. Account of the. Scoresby, 
 W. 2 V. Edinburgh, 1820. 
 Franklin expedition. Scoresby, W. Lond., 
 Narrative of the second Arctic expedition 
 made by Capt. C. F. Hall, during the 
 years 1864-69. Nonrse, J. E. Washing- 
 ton, 1879. 
 North pole, Attempt to reach the. Parry, 
 W. E. Lond., 1828. 
 North-east passage, Voyage for the dis- 
 covery of, 1815-18. Kotzebue, 0. von. 
 3 v. Lond., 1821. 
 North-'west pa.ssage. Dangerous voyage of 
 Captain Thomas .James in his intended 
 discovery of a north-west passage into the 
 South Sea, 1631-32. James, T. Lond., 
 Journals of voyages for the discovery 
 of a north-west passage from the Atlantic 
 to the Pacific, 1819-23. With appendixes. 
 Parry, W.E. 4 y. Lond., 1821-2.5. 
 Second voyage in search of a north- 
 west passage, 1829-33. Koss, Sir J. 
 Phila., 1835. 
 37 W 
 North-weat passage. Voyage to Hudson's 
 Bay by the Dobbs galley and California, 
 in 1746-47, for the discovery of a north- 
 west passage. Ellis, H. Lond., 1748. 
 Pacific and Beering's strait. Voyage to the, 
 1825-28. Beechey, F. W. 2 v. Lond., 
 Polar Sea, Journey to the shores of the, iu 
 the years 1819-22. Franklin, Capt. J. 
 2 V. Lond., 1824. 
 Polar world. Hartwig, Dr. 6. N. Y.,1869. 
 Polaris expedition. Narrative of the north 
 polar expedition, U. S. ship Polaris, Capt. 
 C. F. Hall, 1871-73. Davis, C. H. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 Scientific results of the U. S. Arctic 
 expedition, steamer Polaris, Ca])t. C. F. 
 Hall. Vol. 1. Physical ob.servations. 
 Bessels, E. Washington, 1876. 
 Schvsratka's search: sledging in the Arctic 
 in (piest of the Franklin records. Gilder, 
 W. H. N.Y., 1881. 
 Account of discoveries in the west until 
 1519, and of voyages to aiul along the 
 Atlantic coast of North America, from 
 1520 to 1573. Robinson, C. Richmond, 
 Around the world; by an officer of the 
 United States Navy. '2 v. N. Y.,1840. 
 Around the world with General Grant. 
 Young, J. R. 2 V. N. Y., 1879-80. 
 Art of travel ; or, shifts and contrivances 
 available in wild countries. Gallon, F. 
 Loud., 1867. 
 Buccaneers of America. Burney, J. Loud., 
 Celebrated voyages, travels, and discover- 
 ies. JIavor, W. 24 v. N. Y., 1802-03. 
 Collection of the early voyages, travels, 
 and (liscovorios of the English nation. 
 Hakluyt, R. 5 v. Loud., 1809-12. 
 Columbus, History of (he life and voyages 
 of. Irving, W. 2 V. Pliila., IH-IO. 
 Cruise inado to the Pacific Ocean in the 
 United Stales frigate Essex, in the years 
 li^V2-14. I'orter. D. 2v. N. Y., 1H22. 
 Cruise of Admiral D. G. I'arragut, com- 
 manding the European 8(iuadron in If'GT- 
 fi8, in the tlag-ship Franklin. Mont- 
 gomery, J. E. N. Y., 1869. 
 Cruise of the U. S. brig Dolphin. Reports 
 and charts. Lee, S. P. 2 v. Washing- 
 ton, 1^T>I. 
 Cyclopeedia of modern travel. Taylor, IJ. 
 C'incinn;iti, H.")!). 
 Discoveries in the Sonth Sea, or Pacilic 
 Ocean, liiiriiey, J. 5 v. I^ond., 1803 17. 
 Huglish (in iinmavigators. Purves, D. L. 
 Lond., 1ST4. 
 Expedition of a bo<ly of Knglishnicu to the 
 gold mines of Spanish America in 1702. 
 Davis, N. Lond., 1704. (Houud with 
 Wafer's "Voyage.") 
 Foreign travel and life at sea. Rockwell, 
 Rev. C. 2 V., 1842. 
 Journeys made in the years 18t;S-73 in 
 Syria, down the Tigris, India, Kashmir, 
 Ceylon, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, the 
 United States, the Sandwicli Islands, and 
 Anstralia. Lond., l-i""). 
 Letters of a traveller. IJryant, \V. t'. N. Y., 
 Los Gringos. Wise, H. A. N. Y., 1850. 
 Many lands and many people. Phila., 
 Meeting the snn. Simpson, AV. Lond., 
 My journey aronnd the world. Jones Parry, 
 S.H. 2 v. Lond., 1881. 
 North Star and Southern Cross. Weppner, 
 M. 2 v. All)any, 187(1. 
 Our journal in the Pacilic ; by the otliceis of 
 H. M. S. Zealous. Eardley-Wilmot, S. 
 Loud., 1873. 
 Prairie traveler: a hand-book for overland 
 expeditions. Marcy, R. B. N. Y.,1859. 
 Prince of Wales' tour in India. Russell, 
 W. H. N. Y,, 1872. 
 Ramble round the world. Hiibiier, Baron 
 de. 2 v. Lond., 1874. 
 The same. N. Y., 1874. 
 Travels in various countries of Europe, 
 Asia, and Africa. Clarke, E. D. C v. 
 Cambridge (Eng.), 1»10-16. 
 Travels round the world. Soward, W. II. 
 N. Y., 1873. 
 True travels, adventures, and observations 
 in Enrojie, .\sia, Africke, and America, 
 beginning about the yeere l.'jn3 and con- 
 tinue(l to this present 11)20. Smith, Cap- 
 tain .Iiilm. 2 V. Kiclimond, If^lO. 
 United States exploring expedition dnring 
 the years 1838-42. Wilkes, C. fj v. and 
 an atlas. Phila., 1845. 
 Universal traveller. Prior, S. Lond., 1822. 
 Voyage <iue Monsieur de Brotigny fit ^ 
 l'Am<!riiineoceidentale. Boyer, P. Paris, 
 Voyage and description of the isthnuis of 
 America. With rcniarkal)le occnrrencea 
 in the Sonth Sea and elsewhere. Wafer, 
 L. Lond., 17(14. 
 Voyage into the Levant. Tournefort. J. P. 
 de. 2 V. Lond., 1718. 
 Voyage de la Louisiane en 1720. Laval, 
 A. J. de. I'aris, 1728. 
 Voyage round the world in the years 1740- 
 44, by (ieorge Anson, esq., now Lord An- 
 son. Walter, R. Loiul.,1753. 
 Voyage anx isles Malouines fait eu 17C3 
 et 17C4. Pernetty, A. J. 2 v. Paris, 
 Voyage to East India. Terry, E. Loud., 
 Voyage ronnd the world, but more partic- 
 ularly to the N. W. coast of America, in 
 1785-88. Portlock, Capt. N. Lond., 1789. 
 Voyage round the world, but more i)artic- 
 ularly to the N. W. coast of America, 1785- 
 8-^. Pixon,Capt.G. Lond., 1789. 
 Voyage d<- dr'convertes a I'ociSan Pacifique 
 (In nord, et antonr dn monde, ex<;cut<;e 
 en 1790-0.'). Vancouver, G. 3 v. Paris, 
 Voyage in search of I.a I'eroiisc diiilMg the 
 years 1791-93. Labillardifere, J. .1. II. de. 
 2v. Loud., 1802. 
 Voyage in the Sonth Seas, to ascertain the 
 actual fate of La Peronse's expedition. 
 Dillon, Capt. P. 2 v. Lond., 1829. 
 Voyage of the United States frigate Poto- 
 mac, dnring the circnniuavigation of the 
 gl()b(>. Reyn(dds, J. N. N. Y.,1835. 
 Voyage of discovery and research in the 
 Bonthern and Antarctic regions dnring the 
 years 1839-43. Ross, Sir J. C. 2 v. Loud., 
 Voyages and discoveries of the companions 
 ofColnmbns. Irving, W. Phila., 1835. 
 Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to 
 America. Loud., 1880.
 Voyages, ou journals des (l(!couvertes de 
 la Nouvelle France. Clianiplain, S. de. 
 2 V. Paris, 1830. 
 Voyages undertukon for making discoveries 
 in the southern hemisphere. Hawkes- 
 worth, J. 4 V. Loud., 178.'j. 
 Voyages round the world. Cook, Capt. J. 
 7 V. Loud., 1821. 
 Voyages made in I he years 1788 and 1789 
 from China to the N. W. coast of America, 
 etc. Meares, J. 2 v. Loud., 1791. 
 Voyages from Montreal through North 
 America to the Frozen and Pacifie Oceans, 
 1789-93. Mackenzie, A. Lond.,1801. 
 Voyages round the world. Fanning, E. 
 N. Y.,1S33. 
 Voyages to various parts of the world, 
 made between the years 1799 and 1844. 
 Coggeshall, G. N.Y., 18.51. 
 Abode of snow : observations ou a tour 
 from Chinese Thibet to the Indian Cau- 
 casus. Wilson, A. N. Y.,1875. 
 Journey through Abyssinia in 1862-63; 
 with an appendix on "The Aliyssinian 
 captives (juestiou." Dufton, H. Loud., 
 Life in Abyssinia. Parkyus, M. N. Y., 
 Africa: the history of exploration and ad- 
 venture, as given in the leading authori- 
 ties Ironi Herodotus to Livingstone. 
 Jones, C.H. N. Y.,1875. 
 Across Africa. Cameron, V. L. N. Y.,1877. 
 Clapperton's last expedition to Africa. 
 Lander, R. 2 v. Loud., 1830. 
 Colonel Gordon in central Africa, 1874-79. 
 Edited by G. B. Hill from original let- 
 ters and documents. Lond., 1881. (2 
 copies. ) 
 Discovery and adventure in Africa, from 
 the earliest ages to the present time. 
 Jameson, Wilson, and Murray. N. Y., 
 Five years of a hunter's life in the far in- 
 terior of south Africa. Cumniing, E. G. 
 N.Y., 18.50. 
 Four thousand miles of African travel. 
 Southworth, A. S. N. Y.,1875. 
 Heart of Africa. Schweinfurth, G. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1873. 
 The same. 2 v. N. Y. ,1874. 
 Africa — Continued. 
 How I crossed Africa; from the Atlantic 
 Ocean to the Indian Ocean. Serpa Pinto, 
 A. de. 2 V. Loud., 1881. 
 Journal of a second expedition into the 
 interior of Africa, from the bight of 
 Benin to .Soccatoo ; with the journal of 
 Richard Lander from Kauo to the sea- 
 co.ast. Clappertou, H. Loud., 1829. 
 Narrative of travels and discoveries in 
 uorthern and central Africa in 1822-24. 
 Denham, D., and H. Clappertou. Lond., 
 Seven years in south Africa. Holub, E. 
 2 v. Bost., 1881. (2copie.s.) 
 Travels in the interior districts of Africa 
 in the years 1795-97. Park, M., with 
 an appendix by Major Rennell. N. Y., 
 Voyage toAfrica. Hutton,W. Loud., 1821. 
 Wanderings and adventur(%s in the inte- 
 rior of southern Africa. Steedman, A. 
 Lond., 1835. 
 Alaska and its resources. Dall, W. II. 
 Bost., 1870. 
 Travel and adventure in the territory of 
 Alaska, and in various other parts of 
 the north Pacific. Whympcr, F. N. Y., 
 Ynkon River, Alaska, Reconnaissance of 
 the, in 1869. Raymond, C. W. Wash- 
 ington, 1871. 
 Albert N'Yanza great basin of the Nile, and 
 explorations of the Nile sources. Baker, 
 S.W. Phila.,1868. 
 Amazon. Exploration of the valley of the 
 Amazon. Gibbon, Lieut. L. \Vashing- 
 ton, 1854. 
 Audes and the Amazon; or, across the cou- 
 tiueutof South.Vmcrica. Orton,J. N.Y., 
 Appleton's short-trip guide to Europe 
 (1868). Morford, H. N. Y., 1868. 
 Arabia. Narrative of a year's journey 
 through central and eastern Arabia, 1862- 
 63. Palgrave, W. G. Lond., 1871. 
 At last: a Christmas in the West Indies. 
 King.sle}-, C. N. Y.,1871. 
 Atlantic islands as resorts of health and 
 pleasure. Benjamin, S. G. W. N.Y.,1878. 
 Australia and New Zealand. Trollope, A. 
 2 V. Loud., 187!!. 
 Barbary. A trip to Barbary by a round- 
 about route. Sala, G. A. Loud., 1866.
 Bible in Spain. Borrow, G. Lona.,lK72. 
 Bokhara. Travfls into Uokbara. Kunies, 
 A. -J V. l'hila.,lH:!r). 
 Journey in Krazil. Aj;aHsiz, I'rof. Ii.,aud 
 Mrs. Agassi/.. Host., l""/!. 
 Till' Aiiia/.ons anil tlir co.i.'it. Siiiilli, H. H. 
 N. Y.,I-79. 
 Travels in Brazil in the years 1817-'20. 
 Spix, J. B. von, and U. F. P. von Martins. 
 2 V. Lond., 1824. 
 Caffraria. Travels and researches in Caf- 
 fraria. Kay, S. N. Y.,18:i4. 
 Canadian Red Kiver explorini; expedition 
 of IS,')7, and of the .Vssinnilioine and Sas- 
 katehewauexplorinj; expedition of 1^58. 
 ITiiiil,!!. Y. 2 v. Lond.,lSli(). 
 Field and forest rambles; natural history 
 of Eastern Canada. Adams, A. L. 
 Lond., 187:5. 
 Travels and adventures in Canada and 
 the Indian territories, 1760-7(!. Henry, 
 A. N. Y.,1S09. 
 Travels tliri)uj;h the Canadas, and view of 
 the manners and enstoms of the Indian 
 naliiins. Ilerint, (!. Lond., 1807. 
 Central America. Ineidents of travel in 
 Central America, Chiapa.s, and Yucatan. 
 Stephens, J. L. 2 v. X. Y., 18.|1. 
 Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pig- 
 tail and petticoats. Cooper, T. T. 
 Lond., 1871. 
 Two voyages along the coast of China in 
 18:!l-:w. Gntzlafl; C. N.Y.,1833. 
 Chow-Cho^v: selections from a journal 
 keiit in India, F.jjypt, and Syria. Falk- 
 land, Viscountess. 2 v. Loud., 1857. 
 Cochin-China. Voyage to Cochiu-China. 
 White,,!. Loud.,lrf24. 
 The same. Bost.,lS2ti. 
 Colonial experiences; or, sketches of peo- 
 ple and places in the province of Otago, 
 New Zealand. Bathgate, A. Glasgow, 
 Corea. Forbidden laud : voyages to the 
 Corea. ' Oppert, E. N. Y., 1880. 
 Cruise in Greek waters, with a hnntiug ex- 
 cursion in Tunis. Towu.shiud, F. T. 
 Loud., 1870. 
 Bast of the .Jordan: a record of travel and 
 observation in the countries of Moab, 
 Gilead, and Basban. Merrill, S. N.Y., 
 Egypt, Arabia Petriea, and the Holy Land. 
 (Miu, S. 2 V. N. Y., 1848. 
 Equinoctial regions. Personal narrative 
 of travels to the ei|iiiuoetial regions of the 
 new eoiitineiit, 1709-1804. llumbnldt, A. 
 de, and A. Bonpland. 7 v. in (i. Lond., 
 The same. 7 v. Loud., 1822-29. 
 Explorations and surveys to ascertain the 
 liracticability of a ship-canal between the 
 Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way 
 of the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Shufeldt, 
 R.W. Washington, 1872. (2 copies.) 
 Explorations and surveys to ascertain the 
 liracticability of a shii>-canal between the 
 Atlantic and I'acitic Oceans by the way 
 of the isthmus of Darien. Selfridge, T. O. 
 Washington, 1874. (2 cojiies.) 
 Explorations and surveys for the location 
 of a ship-canal between the Atlantic and 
 Pacific Oceans through Nicaragu.-i, 1872- 
 73. AVashington, 1874. 
 Fur-hunters of the far West. Koss, A. 2 v. 
 Loud., !>!.'•>.'■>. 
 Greece, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Incidents 
 of travel in. 2 v. N. Y.,184.''>. 
 Harper's hand book for travelers in Europe 
 anillbcKast. Fetridge, W. P. N.Y.,1868. 
 Harz Mountains: a tour in the toy country. 
 Blackburn, H. Loud., 1873. 
 Holland and its people. Amicis, E. do. 
 N. Y.,18^1. 
 HoTW I found Livingstone. Stanley, H. M. 
 N. Y.,1872. 
 Excursions in Indi.i. Skinner, T. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1832. 
 Journey through the upper ])roviuces of 
 India from Calcutta to Bombay, 18- .- 
 2,'). Hebcr, Bishop R. 2 v. Pbila.,1828. 
 Tour through jiart of the snowy range of 
 t he Himala Mountains and to the sources 
 of the rivers Jumna and (Janges. Eraser, 
 J.B. Lond., 1820. 
 Volunteer's scramble through Scinde, the 
 Punjab, llindostau, and the Himalayah 
 Mountains. James, H. 2 v. Lond., 
 Innocents abroad. Clemens, S. L. Hart- 
 lord, 1873. 
 Isthmus of Tehuantepec. W'illianis, J. J. 
 N. Y.,1852. 
 Istria, Dalmatia, Montenegro, Rambles in. 
 R. H. R. Lond., 1875. 
 Italian Alps. Freshfield, D.W. Loud., 1875.
 Italian journeys. Howells, AV. D. Bost., 
 Japan, Unbeaten tracks in. Hinl, I. U. 
 •i V. Lond., 1880. 
 Jordan and the Dead Sea, United .States 
 expedition to. Lynch, AV. F. Pliila., 
 Journal of the last voyage perl'ornieil l)y hi 
 Sale to the ^ulph of llexieo. Joiitel, M. 
 Lond., 1714. 
 Journal written on the coasts of Chili, Pern, 
 and Mexico, 1820-'2-2. Hall, Capt. B. 2 v. 
 Journal during a residence at the Red River 
 colony, 18"20-23; also, mission to the In- 
 dians of New Brunswick, etc., 1825-26. 
 West. J. Lond., 1827. 
 Jovnney across the Balcau ; also a visit to 
 Asia Minor, 1829-30. Keppel, G. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1831. 
 Journey from tlie Mississippi to the coasts 
 of the Pacific. Mollhanscn, B. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1858. 
 Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort, in 
 Hudson's Bay, to tlie Northern Ocean for 
 the discovery of copper mines, a north- 
 west passiige, etc., 17G9-72. Heame, S. 
 Lond., 1795. 
 Khorasan, .Journey into, 1821-22. Fraser, 
 .J. ]!. Lond., 182.-». 
 Lake Ngami. Andcrsson, C. J. N. Y., 
 Land, labor, and gold ; or, two years In 
 Victoria; with visits to Sydney and Van 
 Diemen's Land. Howitt, W. 2 v. Bost., 
 Land of the midnight sun : sunnner and 
 winter journeys through Sweden, Norway, 
 Lapland, and northern Finland. Du 
 Chaillu. P. B. 2 v. N. Y., 1882. 
 Land of the north wind. Rae, E. Lond., 
 Land of the white elephant. Vincent, F., jr. 
 Lands of the Saracen. Taylor, B. N. Y., 
 Last journals of David Livingstone in cen- 
 tral Africa. Lond.. 1874. 
 Life and nature under the tropics. Myers, 
 H. M., and P. V. \. Myers. N. Y., 1871. 
 Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu, P. B. 
 N. Y., 1872. 
 Manners and customs of the New Zea- 
 lauders. Polack, J. S. 2 v. Lond. 
 A peep at Mexico. Geiger, J. L. Lond., 
 Onr next-door neighbor: a winter iu 
 Mexico. Haven, (i. N. Y., 1875. 
 Six months' residence and travels in Mex- 
 ico. Bullock, W. L(md., 1824. 
 Travels over the table lands and Cordil- 
 leras of Mexico in 1843-44. Gilliam, 
 A. M. Pbila., 1846. 
 Morea, Narrative of a journey in. Gell, 
 Sir W. Loud., 1823. 
 Morocco, Adventures in. Rohlfs, Dr. G. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 My Apingi kingdom. Du Chailln, P. B. 
 N.Y., 1872. 
 Naturalist in Nicaragua. Belt, T. Loud., 
 Naturalist on the river .Amazons. Bates, 
 H. W. Loud., 1873. 
 Ne-w Guinea. D'.Xlbertis, L.M. 2 v. Lond., 
 NeTV South Wales, Climate of. Russell, 
 H. C. Sydney, 1877. 
 New Zealand, Travels in. DitTenbach, E. 
 2 V. Lond., 1843. 
 Ne^vfoundland lo Manitoba. Rae, \V. F. 
 N. Y., 1881. 
 Nile tributaries of Aby.ssinia, and sword- 
 hunters of the Hauuan Arabs. Baker, 
 Sir S. W. Phila., 1868. 
 Norsk, Lapii, and Finn; or, travel tr.acings 
 from the far north of Europe. Vincent, 
 F.,jr. N. Y.,1881. 
 IVorth America. 
 Historical account of discoveries and 
 travels in North America. Murray, H. 
 2 v. Lond., 1829. 
 Travels into North America. Kalm, P. 
 3 v. AVanington, 1770-71. 
 Travels through the interior parts of 
 North America, 1766-68. Carver, J. 
 Phila., 1796. 
 Travels iu North America, 1827-2^. Hall, 
 B. 3 v. Edinburgh, 1829. 
 A''oyages to North America. Lahontau, 
 N., Baron de. A'ol. 1. Lond., 17.35. 
 Notes of a journey from Corubill to Grand 
 Cairo. Thackeray, W. M. (Bound with 
 " sketch book.") Phila., 1-72. 
 On the road to Khiva. Ker, D. Lond., 
 Oriental zigzag. Hamilton, C. Lond., 1875. 
 Outre-mer: a pilgrimage beyond the sea. 
 Longfellow, H. AV. Bost., 1852.
 Patagonia. Across Patagonia. Dixie, Lady 
 V. I. (.11(1., lri.-!0. 
 Pearl nf the Antilles. fJallenga, .\. I. mid., 
 Persia. Travels and adveiitureH in the Per- 
 sian provinees on the .soutliern banks of 
 the Caspian Sea. Pniser, .1. li. I.ond., 
 Philippines, Travels in the. .lagor, F. 
 I.on.l.. I-'7.'>. 
 Pickwickian ]iil;rriiiiai;e. Ha.ssard, J. R. 
 (i. Host.. IHsi. 
 Pilgrimage in r.nroi>c and Anierira. liel- 
 tranii, J. ('. 2 v. Lond., 18-2H. 
 Pilgrimage to Nejd, the cradle of tlu' Aral) 
 race. Hlnnt, Lady Anne. 2 v. Loud., 
 Pillars of Hercules: narrative of travels in 
 Spain and Morocco in 1845?. Unpihart, 
 D. 2v. N.Y.,1850. 
 Poet's liazaar: pictures of travel in Ger- 
 many, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. An- 
 dersen, H.C. N.Y.,187L 
 Pyrenees, A tour tlirongh the. Taine, H. 
 A. N. Y.,1874. 
 Round about the islands. Scott, C. W. 
 Lond., 1.S74. 
 Russia in Asia. Travels in the reiiions of 
 the Upper and Lower Anioor, and the Rus- 
 sian acquisitions on the coutines of India 
 and China. Atkinson, T. W. N. Y., 1860. 
 San Juan, Island of, in Pugct Sound. 
 Washington, 18(58. 
 Sandwich Islands, Voyage of H. M. S. 
 •• Blonde" to (he, 1824-2.5. Byron, G. A., 
 Lord. Lond., 182(;. 
 Santo Domingo, Keport of the commission 
 of imiuiry to. Washington, 1871. 
 Shores and cities of the Boden Sei'; rambles 
 in 1879-80. Capper, S. J. Lond., 1881. 
 Siberia, Travels in. Erraan, A. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1850. 
 Sixteen years of an artist's life in Morocco, 
 Spain, and the Canary Islands. Murray, 
 Mrs. E. 2 V. Lond., 1859. 
 South America, Voyage to. .Jnan, O., and 
 A. de UUoa. 2 v. Lond., 1772. 
 The same. Vol. 1. Lond., 1806. 
 Travels in Soutli America, from the 
 Pacilic Ocean to tlie Atlantic Ocean. 
 Marcoy, P. 2 v. Lond., 187r>. 
 South Sea bubbles. By the Earl and the 
 Doctor. Loud., 1872. 
 South Sea sketches : a narrative. Dahl- 
 gren, Mrs. M. V. Host., 1881. 
 Spain. Amicis. E. de. N. Y.,t881. 
 Story of a Scandinavian summer. Tyler, K. 
 K. N. Y.,18M|. 
 Straits of Malacc;i, Indo-China, and Cliiiia. 
 Tlnmison, .1. Loud.. 187.'*. 
 Sub- tropical rambles: jiersonal experi- 
 ences, adventures, etc., in and around tlie 
 islanil of .Mauritius. Pike, N. N. Y., 187:{. 
 Sunshine and storm in the east, or cruises 
 to Cyprus and Constantinople. Brassey, 
 Mrs. Annie. N.Y.,1880. 
 Swiss .\llmends, and a walk to see tliem. 
 Zincke, V. B. Lond., 1874. 
 Tent life with English gipsies in Norway. 
 Smith, H. Lond., 187:!. 
 Three years in the Pacilic; including no- 
 tices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. 
 By an oflicer of tlie United States Navy. 
 Phila., 18;i4. 
 Through the dark continent. Stanley, II. 
 M. 2 V. N.Y.,1878. 
 Tirol, Valleys of the. Busk, Miss R. H. 
 Lond., 1874. 
 Tramp abroad. Clemens, S. L. Hartford, 
 Travels in .\meiica and Italy. Chateau- 
 briand, R. F. A. de. 2 v. Loud., 1828. 
 Travels in Malta and Sicily ; with sketches 
 of Gibraltar, ill H27. Bigclow, A. Host., 
 Travels in the west: Cuba, with notices of 
 Porto Rico, and the slave trade. Turn- 
 bull, D. Lond., 1840. 
 TTvelve years' wanderings in tlie British 
 colonies, l8:?,")-47. Byrne, .T. C. 2 v. 
 Loud., 1848. 
 Two years in Fiji. Forbes, L. Lond., 1875. 
 Valley of tlie Mense, Tour through the. 
 Costello, D. Lond. 
 Vallombrosa. Stcpiy, W. W. Edinburgh, 
 18.-^ 1. 
 Yucatan, Incidents of travil in. Stephens, 
 .1. L. 2 V. N. Y., 1847. 
 Yusef; or, the journey of the Frangi. 
 Browne, .J. R. N. Y., 1871. 
 Across the continent. Bowles, S. Spring- 
 Meld, l^tir,. 
 Adventuresmi the Columbia River. Cox, 
 R. 2 V. Loud., 1832. 
 The same. N. Y., 1832. 
 Adventures of the lirst settlers on th» Ore- 
 gon or Columbia River. Ross, A. Loud., 
 Astoria. Irving, TV. N. Y.,1860. 
 Black Hills. Dodge, R. I. N. Y.,1876. 
 KfLOiiiiais.saQce of the Black Hills of 
 Dakota, 1874. Ludlow, W. AVasliiiig- I 
 ton, liJT"). 
 Bonneville's adventures in the Rocky 
 Mountains and the far West. Irving, W. 
 Boundary between the territory of the 
 United States and the iiossessions of Great 
 Britain from the Lake of the Woods to the 
 summit of the Rocky Mountains, Reports 
 upon the survey of. With maps. Wash- 
 ington, 1878. 
 Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. Feath- 
 erstonhangh, G. W. 2 v. Lond., 1847. 
 Central route to the Pacific from the valley 
 of the Mississii)pi to California: journal 
 of the expedition of E. F. Beale, and 
 (;. H. Heap from Missouri to California, in 
 18.=)3. Heap, G. H. Phila., 18.54. 
 City of the saints, and across the Rocky 
 Mountains to California. Burton, R. F. 
 N. Y.,l«62. 
 Colorado River of the West. Exi)lored in 
 18.57-58, by Lieut. J. C. Ives. Washing- 
 ton, 1861. (2 copies.) 
 Colorado River of the West and its tribu- 
 taries. Explored in 1869-72. Powell, 
 J. AV. Washington, 187.5. 
 Commerce of the prairies. Gregg, J. 
 2 V. N. Y., 1844. 
 Expedition through the upper Mississippi 
 to Itasca Lake. Schoolcraft, H. R. N. Y., 
 Expeditions to the sources of the Missis- 
 sippi, the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, 
 and Pierre Jaun rivers, during 1802-1807, 
 and a tour through the interior parts of 
 New Spaiu. Pike, Z. M. 2 v. Phila., 
 Exploration and survey of the valley of 
 the (heat Salt Lake of Utah. Stansbury, 
 H. I'liila., 18,52. (2 copies.) 
 Explorations and incidents iu Texas, New 
 Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihua- 
 hua. Bartlett, J. R. 2 v. N. Y., 1854. 
 Exploring expedition to the Rocky Moun- 
 tains in 1842, and to Oregon and North 
 California in 1843-44. Fremont, J. C. 
 Washington, 184,5. 
 Geographical and geological explorations 
 and surveys west of the one hundredth 
 meridian. Wheeler, G. M. 7 v., and two 
 atlases. Washington, 1875-81. 
 Geographical and geological explorations 
 anil surveys west of the one hundredth 
 meridian. Api)endix LL of the annual 
 report of the Chief of Engineers for 1875. 
 Wheeler, G. M. Washington, 1875. 
 Photographs of portions of the terri- 
 tory of the United States, west of the 
 100th meridian, 1871-73. Washington. 
 Geological exploration of the fortieth 
 parallel, Clarence King, geologist in 
 charge. 7 v. Washington, 1871-80. 
 Geological report of the exploring expedi- 
 tion from Santa F6, New Mexico, to the 
 junction of the Grand and Green rivers of 
 the Great Colorado of the West, in 18.59. 
 Newberry, J. S. Washington, 1876. 
 Geological survey of the Territories of the 
 United States, llaydeu, F. V. 8 v. 
 Washington, 186y-7(). 
 Contributions to the fossil flora of 
 the western Territories. The cretaceous 
 flora, by Leo Le.squereux. Washington, 
 Geology of the eastern portions of the 
 Uinta Mountains, and a region of country 
 adjacent thereto. Powell, J. W. Wash- 
 ington, 1876. 
 Great Divide: travels in the upper Yellow- 
 stone in the summer of 1874. Dunraven, 
 Earl of. Lond., 1876. 
 Heart of the continent: a record of travel 
 across the plains and in Oregon, with an 
 examination of the Mormon principle. 
 Ludlow, F. H. N. Y., 1870. 
 Hydrographical basin of the upper Jlissis- 
 sippi River, Report intended to illustrate 
 a map of the. Nicollet, I. N. Washing- 
 ton, 1843. 
 Journal of a residence and tour in the I'ni- 
 ted States in 1833-34. Abdy, E. S. 3 v. 
 Loud., 1835. 
 Journey in America, from the coast of Vir- 
 ginia to the Territory of Illinois. Birk- 
 bcck, M. L(md., 1818. 
 Journey iu North Auu-rica. CoUot, V. 2 v. 
 Paris, 1826. 
 Lady's life in the Rocky Mountains. Bird, 
 I. L. N. Y., 1879-80. 
 Lake Superior. Agassiz, L. Bost., 18.50. 
 Lake Superior laud district. Geology and 
 topography of a jiortion of. Foster, 
 J. W., and J. D. Whitney. Washington, 
 Life in the far West. Rnxton, G. F. N. Y., 
 Long's oxiiedition from Pittsburg to the 
 Rmky Mountains in the years 1819-20. 
 Jam.s, K. 2 v. I'hila., 1823. 
 Long's second expedition. Keating, W. H. 
 I'hila.. 1M24. 
 Military reconnoissanco I'roiii I'ort Leaven- 
 worth to .San Diego. Emory, W. H. 
 Washington, 1H48. (2 copies.) 
 Military road from Fort Walla Walla to 
 Fort Henton, Construction of. Mullan. 
 J. Washington, 181)3. 
 Nevada. Reconnaissance through south- 
 ern aud southeastern Nevada, 1869. 
 Whcler, G. M. Washington, 1875. 
 Nevada aud Arizona, Preliminary report 
 on. Wli.iler, G. M. Washington, 1872. 
 Ne^w Mexico, Report and map of the ex- 
 amination of. Abcrt, ,). W. Washing- 
 ton, 1848. 
 New tracks in North America. Bell, W. A. 
 N. Y., 1871. 
 North-western Wyoming. Reconnais- 
 sance of north-western Wyoming, iuchul- 
 ing Yellowstone National Park, in 1873. 
 Jones, W. A. Washington, 1875. ( 2 
 copies. ) 
 Oregon mi.ssions aud travels over the Rocky 
 .Mountains in 1845-4f>. Smet, P. J. de. 
 N. Y., 1847. 
 Oregon trail. Parkman, F. Bost., 1875. 
 (2 collies.) 
 Reconnaissance of the iliuuay Sotor, 
 Watapah or St. Peters River to its sources, 
 made in 1835, and map of portion of In- 
 dian Territory. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. 
 Reconnaissance of the Missouri River in 
 1872. Rolierts, T. Washington, 1875. 
 Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana 
 Tenitiiiy, ou the upper Missouri, to the 
 Yellowstone National Park and return, 
 made in the summer of 1875. Ludlow, 
 W. Washington, 1875. 
 Reconnaissance of the Bighorn Moun- 
 tains aud the valleys of the Bighorn and 
 Yellowstone, 1877. Sheridan, Gen. P. H. 
 Washington, 1878. 
 Reconnaissances of routes from San An- 
 tonio to El Paso by J. E. Johnston and 
 other otticers; report of R. B. Marcy's 
 route from Fort Smith to Santa F^, and 
 the report of J. II. Simpson of an expedi- 
 tion into the Nav.ijo country; and the re- 
 port of W. II. C. Whiting's reconnais- 
 sances of the western frontier of Texas. 
 Washington, 1850. (2 copies.) 
 I Red River of Louisiana, Exploration of the, 
 in 1852, by R. B. Marey and G. B. McClel- 
 lan. Washington, 1853. 
 Residences and journeyings in the valley 
 of the .Mississippi. Flint, T. Bost., 1826. 
 Saskatcbew^an and the liocky Mountains. 
 .Soutlusk, F.arl of. Edinburgh, 1875. 
 Second visit to the I'niteil States. Lyell, 
 ('. 2 v. N. Y., Is4'.). 
 Shortest route to California : history of ex- 
 plorations of the great basin of Utah. 
 .Simpson, J. H. Phila., 1869. 
 Sporting adventures in the far West. Mnr- 
 l.hy, .1. M. N. Y., 1880. 
 Teresiua in America. Yelverton, T. 2 v. 
 Loud., l-i75. 
 Three years in .\merica. Stuart, J. 2 v. 
 Kdinhurgh, 1833. 
 Through .Vnu'iica ; or, nine months in the 
 i United States. Marshall, W. (i. Loud., 
 ' 1881. 
 Tour of inspection across the continent 
 along the line of the North Pacific Rail- 
 road in the summer of 1877. Sherman, 
 Gen. W. T. Washington, 1878. 
 Travels in the Arkansa Territory during 
 the year 1819. Nut tall, T. Phila., 1821. 
 Travels from Detroit luuthwest through 
 the great chain of .Vuu'rican lakes to the 
 sourcesof the Mississippi Rivcrin the year 
 1820. Schoolcraft, H. R. Albany, 1821. 
 Travels in North Ann;rica in the years 
 1780-82. Chastellux, F. J., Marijuis de. 
 2 v. Lond., 1787. 
 Travels to the source of the Missouri River 
 aud across the American continent to the 
 Pacific Ocean in 1804-06. Lewis, M., and 
 W. Clarke. 3 v. L<md., 1815. 
 Travels through the United States, the 
 country of the Iroipiois, and upper Cana- 
 da, in the years 179.5-97. La Kochcfou- 
 cault-Liaucourt, F. A. F., Due de. 4 v. 
 Loud., ISOO. 
 Travels through the interior part of Amer- 
 ica. Anburey, T. 2 v. Loud., 1789. 
 Travels iu the United States of America, 
 1793-97. Priest, W. Lond., 1802. 
 Travels in the United States of America, 
 performed in 1788. Brissot lie Warville, 
 J. P. Lond., 1797. 
 Trip to the Y'cllowstone National Park in 
 1875. Strong, W. E. Washington, 1876. 
 Upper Yellowstone, Reconnaissance of the 
 basin of the, in 1871. Barlow, J. W., and 
 I D. P. Heap. Washington, 1872.
 Utah. Exploration and survey of the 
 Great Salt Lake of Utah ; iucluding a re- 
 connoissance of a new route through the 
 Rocky Mountains. Stan.sburv, H. Phila., 
 ExploratioiKs across the great basin 
 of the Territory of Utah for a wagon 
 route from Cainj) Kloyd to (ienoa, in Car- 
 son Valley, iu lHo9. Siiiiiisou, J. H. 
 Washington, ItiTG. 
 Voyage aux fitats - Unis d'Amdrique. 
 Wrij;Ijt, Miss F. Paris, 1822. 
 Voyages and travels of an Indian in- 
 terpreter and trader. Long, J. Loud., 
 ■West Indies and North America, Impres- 
 sions and experiences of Baird, R. 
 Phila., 1850. 
 Wild life in Florida, with a visit to Cuba. 
 Towiislieiirl, l". T. Loud., 1875. 
 Yellowstone expedition of lK7n. Doane 
 G. C. 
 Yellowstone River; expedition made in 
 1875. Forsyth, J. W., and F. D. Grant. 
 Washington, 1875. 
 Exploration of Yellowstone River. 
 Raynolds, W. F. Wa.shington, 1868. 
 Yellow^stone and Mis.sonri rivers. Geolog- 
 ical report of the exploration of the, 18.59- 
 60. Hayden, F. V. Washington, 1869. 
 38 w
 Abbott, Austin. New supplement to Ab- 
 bott's forms. Enlarged and completed. 
 X. v., i88r. 
 Abbott, Benjamin \'. Treatise upon the 
 United States Courts and their practice. 
 3d. ed. 2 V. N. Y., 1877. 
 United States digest. First series, 
 15V. Second series, II V. Bost., 1879-81. 
 {See, also, United States.) 
 Abbott, Austin, and Benjamin V. Abbott. 
 Collection of forms of practice and plead- 
 in-. 2 V. N. Y., 1881. 
 Addison, C. G. Treatise on the law of 
 contracts. 3rd American from 7th Lon- 
 don edition of L. W. Cave. By John A. 
 Morgan. 3 V. N. Y., 1878-81. 
 Angell, Joseph K. Treatise on the law of 
 carriers of goods and passengers, by land 
 and by water. 5th ed., revised, etc. 
 By John Lathrop. Bost., 1877. 
 Treatise on the limitations of ac- 
 tions at law, and suits in equity and 
 admiralty ; with an appendi.\ containing 
 the American and English statutes of 
 limitations. 6th ed., revised and greatly 
 enlarged, by John \V. May. Bost., 1876. 
 Treatise on the law of watercourses. 
 With an appendix containing statutes of 
 flowing, and forms of declarations. 7th 
 ed., revised and enlarged, by J. C. 
 Perkins. Bost., 1877. 
 Archbold, J. F. Complete practical trea- 
 tise on criminal procedure, pleading and 
 evidence, in indictable cases. Contain- 
 ing all the American and English deci- 
 sions to the date of publication, by J. N. 
 Pomeroy. 8th ed. 2 v. N. Y., 18S0. 
 Baylies, Edwin. Treatise on the rights, 
 remedies, and liabilities of sureties and 
 guarantors, and the application of the 
 principles of suretyship to persons other 
 than sureties, and to property liable as 
 surety for the payment of money. N. Y., 
 Bennett, E. H., and F. F. Heard. Select- 
 ion of leading cases in criminal law. 
 With notes. 2 v. Bost., 1869. 
 Bigelow, Melville M. Index of the cases 
 overruled, reversed, denied, doubted, 
 modified, limited, explained, and dis- 
 tinguished, by the courts of America, 
 England, and Ireland. From the earliest 
 period to the present time. Bost., 1873. 
 Treatise on the law of estoppel and 
 its application in practice. 3ded. Bost., 
 Bingham, Anson. Law of executory con- 
 tracts for the sale of real property. Al- 
 bany, 1872. 
 Blaekwell, Robt. S. Practical treatise on 
 the power to sell land for the non-pay- 
 ment of taxes, embracing the decisions 
 of the Federal courts, and of the supreme 
 judicial tribunals of the several states 
 and territories. 4th ed., revised and 
 enlarged. Bost., 1875. 
 Bouvier, John. Institutes of American 
 law. New edition, by D. \. Gleason. 
 2 v. Boston, 1880. 
 Brandt, George W. Law of suretyship 
 and guaranty, as administered by courts 
 of countries where the common law pre- 
 vails. Chicago, 1878. 
 Broom, Herbert. Selection of legal max- 
 ims, classified and illustrated. 7th Amer- 
 ican from 5th London ed., with references 
 to American cases. Phila., 1874. 
 Burrill, Alexander M. Treatise on the 
 nature, principles, and rules of circum- 
 stantial evidence, especially that of the 
 presumptive kind in criminal cases. 
 N. Y., 1868.
 Ai'ri:Ni)i.\ To i,.\\v i,ii;k.\rv cataloguk. 
 Chitty, Tompson, and Leofric Temple. 
 Practical treatise on the law of carriers 
 of goods and passengers by land, inland 
 navigation, and in ships. With an ap- 
 pendix of statutes and forms of plead- 
 ings. With notes and references to the 
 American decisions, by David W. Sel- 
 lers. I'hila., 1857. 
 Collyer, John. Law of partnership: with 
 an appendix of forms. With additions 
 from Lindley and other English authors, 
 and full American notes and references 
 to American cases, by H. G. Wood. 2 
 V. Albany, 1878. 
 Copp, Henry N. United States mineral 
 lands : laws governing their occupancy 
 and disposal ; decisions of Federal and 
 State courts in cases arising thereunder, 
 and regulations and rulings of the Land 
 Department in connection therewith, 
 with forms, glossary, and rules of prac- 
 tice. Washington, 1881. 
 CuTWen, M. E. Manual upon the search- 
 ing of records and the preparation of 
 abstracts of title to real property. Illus- 
 trated by references to the statutes of 
 Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, 
 Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas. Cincinnati, 
 De Colyar, Henry A. Treatise' on the 
 law of guaranties, and of principal and 
 surety. With notes to .Vmerican cases, 
 and an appendix containing the English 
 and American statutes of frauds and per- 
 juries, by J. A. Morgan. N. Y., 1875. 
 Deane, Henry C. Epitome of the law of 
 corporeal hereditaments and convey- 
 ancing. Bost., 1875. 
 Dillon, John F. Commentaries on the law 
 of municipal corporations. 3d ed., re- 
 vised and enlarged. 2 V. Bost., 1881. 
 Dos Passos, John R. Treatise on the law 
 of stock-brokers and stock-exchanges. 
 N. Y., 1882. 
 Evans, William. Treatise upon the-law 
 of principal and agent in contract and 
 tort. Edited and annotated by j\l. D. 
 Ewell. Chicago, 1S79. 
 Fell, W. W. Treatise on the law of mer- 
 cantile guaranties, and of principal and 
 surety in general. 3d American edition, 
 with notes and references to the latest 
 American decisions ; by W. M. Scott. 
 Albany, 1872. 
 Fisher, William R. Law of mortgage, as 
 applied to the redemption, foreclosure, 
 and sale in equity of incumbered prop- 
 erty ; with the law of the jiriority of 
 incumbrancers. Phila., 1857. 
 Fry, Edward. Treatise on the specific 
 performanceof contracts, including those 
 of public companies. 2d American edi- 
 tion, with notes, and references to recent 
 l'".nglish and American cases ; by W. S. 
 Schuyler. Albany, 1871. 
 Heard, Franklin Fiske. Treatise adapted 
 to the law and practice of the superior 
 courts, and of trial justices, district, po- 
 lice, and municipal courts, in criminal 
 cases. With forms in criminal proceed- 
 ings, and precedents of complaints, in- 
 dictments, and special pleas. Bost., 
 Hilliard, Francis. American law : a com- 
 prehensive summary of the law in its 
 various departments. 2 v. N. Y.,i88i. 
 Law of contracts. 2 v. Phila., 
 Law of new trials, and other re- 
 hearings ; including writs of error, ap- 
 peals, etc. 2d ed., revised and greatly 
 enlarged. Phila., 1872. 
 Law of torts or private wrongs. 4th 
 ed., greatly enlarged. 2 v. Bost., 1874. 
 Law of remedies for torts, including 
 replevin, real action, pleading, evidence, 
 damages. 2d ed., greatly enlarged. 
 Bost., 1873. 
 Houck, Louis. Treatise on the law of 
 navigable rivers. Bost., 1868. 
 Houston, John. Principles of the law of 
 stoppage in transitu, retention, and de- 
 livery. Lond., 1866. 
 Hutchinson, Robert. Treatise on the 
 law of carriers as administered, in the 
 courts of the United States and England. 
 Chicago, 1880. 
 Kerr, William W. Treatise on the law of 
 fraud and mistake. With notes to Amer- 
 ican cases, by O. F. Bump. N. Y., 1877. 
 Lawrence, William B. Visitation and 
 search ; or, an historical sketch of the
 •REPORT FUR 1879. 
 British claim to exercise a maritime po- 
 ■ lice over the vessels of all nations, in 
 peace as well as in war, with an inquiry 
 into the expediency of terminating the 
 eighth article of the Ashburton treaty. 
 Bost.. 185S. 
 McAdam, David. Rights, remedies, and 
 liabilities of landlord and tenant, includ- 
 ing the law and practice of summary 
 proceedings, under the statute peculiar 
 to that relation. With numerous forms. 
 N. Y.. 1876. 
 Massachusetts. Public statutes of the 
 commonwealth of Massachusetts, enact- 
 ed November in, 1881 ; to take effect 
 February i, 1882. Bost., 1882. 
 Metcalf, Theron. Principles of the law 
 of contracts, as applied by courts of law. 
 Bost., 1880. 
 Mills, Henry E. Treatise upon the law 
 of eininent domain. St. Louis, 1879. 
 Morse, A. P. Treatise on citizenship, by 
 hmh and by naturalization. Bost., i88l. 
 Moses, Halsey H. Law of mandamus 
 and the practice connected with it ; with 
 an appendi.x of forms. Albany, 1878. 
 Odgers, \V. Blake. Digest of the law of 
 libel and slander; with the evidence, 
 procedure, and practice, both in civil and 
 criminal cases, and precedents of plead- 
 ings. 1st American edition, by Melville 
 M. Bigelow. Bost., 1881. 
 Paley, William. Treatise on the law of 
 principal and agent, chiefly with refer- 
 ence to mercantile transactions. With 
 extensive additions by Messrs. J. H. 
 Lloyd and J. A. Dunlap. 4th American 
 edition, with further extensive additions, 
 by Thomas W. Waterman. N. Y., 1856. 
 Perry, J. W. Treatise on the law of trusts 
 and trustees. 3d ed., with notes and 
 references to recent cases, by G. F. 
 Choate. 2 v. Bost., 1882. 
 Phillips, S. ^l. Famous cases of circum- 
 stantial evidence. With an introduction 
 on the theory of presumptive proof. 4th 
 cd. Jersey City, (N. J.), 1879. 
 Pierce, Edward L. Treatise on the law 
 of railroads. Bost., 188 1. 
 PoweU, Thomas W. Law of appellate 
 proceedings, in relation to review, error. 
 appeal, and other reliefs upon final judg- 
 ments. Phila., 1872. 
 Eedfield, Isaac F. Law of railways : em- 
 bracing corporations, eminent domain, 
 contracts, common carrieis of goods and 
 passengers, telegraph companies, equity 
 jurisdiction, taxation, constitutional law, 
 investments, etc. 5th ed., carefully re- 
 vised and enlarged. 2 v. Bost., 1873. 
 Sehouler, James. Treatise on the law of 
 bailments, including carriers, inn-keep- 
 ers, and pledge. Bost., 1880. 
 Treatise on the law of personal 
 property. 2 v. Bost., 1873-76. 
 Shearman, Thomas G., and A. A. Red- 
 tield. Treatise on the law of negligence. 
 3d ed., with addenda, including decisions 
 to the end of 1879. N- Y., 1880. 
 Smith, John W. Law of contracts. 6th 
 American from the 6th London ed., by 
 V. T. Thompson, with notes and refer- 
 ences to both English and American de- 
 cisions, by W. H. Rawle, and with addi- 
 tional notes and references to recent 
 American cases, by George Sharswood. 
 Phila., 1878. 
 Selection of leading cases on vari- 
 ous branches of the law. American ed- 
 itors, J. L C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 
 7th American edition, from the last Eng- 
 lish edition, by Willes, Keating, Maude, 
 and Chitty. With additional notes, and 
 references to American decisions, by J. 
 L C. Hare and J. W. Wallace. 2 vols, 
 in 3. Phila., 1872. 
 Spear, Samuel T. Law of extradition, in- 
 ternational and inter-state. With an 
 appendix containing the extradition 
 treaties and laws of the United States, 
 several sections of the English extradi- 
 tion act of 1870, and extradition regula- 
 tions and forms. Albany, 1879. 
 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the law 
 of bailments, with illustrations from the 
 civil and the foreign law. 9th ed., re- 
 vised, corrected, and enlarged, by Jas. 
 Sehouler. Bost., 1878. 
 Thompson, Seymour D. Law of negli- 
 gence in relations not resting in contract. 
 Illustrated by leading cases and notes. 
 2 V. St. Louis, 1880.
 Townshend, John. Treatise on the 
 wrongs called slander and libel, and on 
 the remedy by civil action for those 
 wrongs, to which is added in this edition 
 a chapter on malicious prosecution. 3d 
 ed. N. Y., 1S77. 
 Tyler, Ransom H. Treatise on the law 
 of fixtures, embracing the leading de- 
 cisions upon the subject, both American 
 and English, bringing the law down to 
 the present time. Albany, 1877. 
 United States digest; a digest of decisions 
 of the various courts within the United 
 States. From the earliest period to the 
 year 1870; comprising all the American 
 decisions digested in thirty-one volumes 
 of the United States digest, with careful 
 revision and important additions. By 
 Benjamin V. Abbott. First series, 15 v. 
 Bost., 1879. 
 The same. New scries. 1870-80. 
 II V. Bost., 1872-81. 
 Waterman, Thomas W. Practical treatise 
 on the law relating to the specific per- 
 formance of contracts. N. Y., 1881. 
 Wharton, Francis A. Treatise on crim- 
 inal pleading and practice. 8th ed. 
 Phila., 18S0. 
 Commentary on the law of evidence 
 in civil issues. 2 v. 2d ed. Phila., 1879. 
 Treatise on the law of homicide in 
 the United States : to which is appended 
 a series of leading cases. Phila., 1875. 
 Precedents of indictments and 
 pleas, adapted to the use both of the 
 courts of the United States and those of 
 all the several states; together with notes 
 on criminal pleading and practice, em- 
 bracing the English and American au- 
 thorities generally. 4th and revised 
 edition. 2 v. Phila., 1881. 
 Wells, J. C. Treatise on the Jurisdiction 
 of courts. St. Paul, 1880. 
 Treatise on the doctrines of res 
 adjudicata, and stare decisis. Des 
 Moines, (Iowa), 1879. 
 Wills, William. Essay on the principles 
 of circumstantial evidence ; illustrated 
 by numerous cases. 6th American from 
 4th London edition. Phila., 1881.
 Alabama. Code, 1876. Montgomery. 1877. 
 Arkansas. Act.s of the general assembly of 
 the State. Little Rock, 1807. (2 copies.) 
 California. Statutes of California, 1854, 
 '57, '58, '59, '64. 5 v. 
 Digest of the laws of California ; 
 containing all laws of a general character 
 which will be in force on the 1st day of 
 January, 1858. By Wm. H. R. Wood. 
 San Francisco, 18.57. 
 Report of debates in convention on 
 the formation of the State constitution in 
 1849. By J. Ross Browne. Washiugton. 
 Report on the subject of land titles 
 in California. (Senate ex. doc, No. 18, 
 31st Cong., 1st sess.) Wa.shington, 1851. 
 Cherokee nation. Laws adopted by the 
 council at various periods. Knoxville, 
 Compiled laws of the Cherokee na- 
 tion. Published by authority of national 
 council. Tahlequah, 1881. 
 ChickasaTJT'S. Constitution, laws, and trea- 
 ties of the Chickasa ws. Tishomingo City, 
 Colorado. Laws, 1881. Denver, 1881. 
 Connecticut. General statutes, 1835, '38. 
 2 V. 
 The same. Revision of 1866. 
 The same. Revision of 187.5. 
 Special laws, from 1866 to 1870. 
 Public acts, 1853, '66, '67, '69, '71, '72, 
 '73, '74, '80, '81. 10 v. 
 Special acts, 1871-75. 5 v. 
 Private acts, 1865, '68, '69, '70. 4 v. 
 Dakota. Laws of the Territory of Dakota, 
 1^64, 'TO, '72. 3 V. 
 Delaiware. Laws of the State of Delaware, 
 from 1700 to 1813. 4 v. New Castle and 
 Wilmington, 1797-1816. 
 The same. 1871, '75, '79. 3 v. 
 Delaware. Revised statutes of the State 
 of Delaware, 1874. Wilmington, 1874. 
 ■ District of Columbia. Rcvi.sed code, 1857. 
 By Robt. Oiild and W. B. B. Cross. 
 Compilatiou of laws in force April, 
 Laws of the corporation of the city of 
 Washington. ByWm. B.Webb. W:ish- 
 ington, 1868. 
 Rules of practice in the supreme court 
 of the District of Columbia. Washington, 
 Florida. Acts and resolutions, 1847-48. 
 Reports of cases in the supreme court 
 of Florida, 18.57. M. D. Papy. 
 Georgia. Watkins' digest of the laws of 
 the State of Georgi.a, from its first estab- 
 lishment as a British province down to the 
 year 1799; also, the constitution of 1798. 
 Phila., 1800. 
 Idaho. Laws of the Territory of Idaho, 1863, 
 '64, '65; also, territorial organic act. 3 v. 
 Laws and resolutions passed at the 
 6th session of the legislative assembly of 
 the Territory of Idaho. Boise City, 1-;71. 
 Compiled and revised laws of the 
 Territory of Idaho. Boise City, 1875. 
 House journal of the 6th se.<.sion of 
 the legislative a.ssembly of the Territory 
 of Idaho. Boise City, 1871. 
 Council journal of the 6th session of 
 the legislative assembly of the Territory 
 of Idaho. Boise City. 1.871. 
 niinois. Laws of the State of Illinois, 1849, 
 ■81. 2 V. Springfield, 1849-81. 
 Indian Territory. Journal of the 5th an- 
 nual session of the general council of the 
 Indian Territory, composed of delegates 
 elected from the Indian tribes legally res- 
 ident therein, assembled at Okmulgee, 
 from the 4th to the 14th of May, 1874. 
 Lawrence, 1874. (Pamphlet.) 
 Indiana. Roports of cases argued and de- 
 tiriiiiiifd in tlie siipremp courtof the State. 
 Blackford's reports, 1843-47, v. 7, 8. 
 Porti-rs reports, 1852-53, v. 4. 
 Kerr's reports, 18G2-63. 4 v. 
 Local laws of the State of ludiaiia, 
 General laws of the State of Indiana, 
 1849, '50, '.M, '5:?, '."j;-), 'C:{, "fi". 7 v. 
 Revised statutes of the State of In- 
 diana. :! V. Indiauai)oli8, 1843-52. 
 Indians and In<lian affairs. Laws of the 
 (•(donial and State governments, from 1633 
 to 1831; with an appendix, containing the 
 proceedings of the C' of the Con- 
 federation and the laws of Congress, from 
 1800 to ISiO. Washington, 1832. 
 lo'wa. General statutes. Revision of 1860. 
 Des Moines, 1860. 
 Code, 1873. Des Moines, 1873. (2 
 Massachusetts. Reports of cases in the 
 siiI>reMif judicial conrt of Slassachnsetts. 
 87 V. 
 Massachnsetta reports, 1804-22, 17 v. 
 Pickering's reports, 1822-40, 24 v. 
 Metcalf 8 reports, 1840-47, 13 v. 
 Cushing's reports, 1848-60, 12 v. 
 Gray's reports, 1824-60, 14 v. 
 Allen's reports, 1861-63, 7 v. 
 Digest of the decisions of the supremo 
 court of the State of Massachusetts, 1804- 
 ')-. By E. H. liennet and F. F. Heard. 
 2 V. liost., 1862-<')3. 
 Revised statutes of the Common- 
 copies. ) 
 From 1861 to 1880. 7 v. 
 Des Moines, 1861-80. 
 Kansas. General laws of the Territory of 
 Kansas, 18.")9. 
 General laws of the State of Kansas ; 
 also, organic act, constitution, etc., 1861. 
 Kentucky. Report of debates and proceed- 
 ings of the convention for the revision of 
 the constitution of the State of Kentucky. 
 Frankfort, 1849. 
 Public acts, 1872. 
 General statutes, 1873. Frankfort, 
 Louisiana. Acts. 1874, '80. 
 Maine. Revised statutes. Bangor, 1857. 
 Laws, 1881. Augusta, 1881. 
 Maryland. General statutory law and pub- 
 lic local law of the State of Maryland, 
 from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive. By 
 Clement Dorsey. 3 v. Baltimore, 1840. 
 Laws of the State, made and passed 
 at a special session of the general assem- 
 bly, 1861. Annapolis, 1861. 
 Digest of the decisions construing 
 the statutes of Maryland of which the 
 code of general laws is composed. By 
 Lewis Mayer. Baltimore, 1866. 
 Latrobe's justices' practice underthe 
 the laws of Maryland. 3ded. Baltimore. 
 Proceedings of the convention of the 
 province of Maryland, held at the city of 
 Annapolis, in 1774, 1775, and 1776. 
 timore, 1836. 
 Rcvi.sed code, 1878. Vol. 1. Balti- 
 more, 1879. 
 wealth of JIassachusetts. Bost., 18;J6. 
 General statutes, 1873. Bost., 1873. 
 ■ Supplement to the general statutes 
 of the Commonwealtli of Massachusetts, 
 1860-72. Vol. 1. 2d ed. Bost., 1873. 
 Decisions of Hon. Peleg Spragne in 
 admiralty and maritime causes in the dis- 
 trict i-ourt. 1841-61. Phila., 1861. 
 Michigan. Compiled laws. 2 v. Lan- 
 sing, 1872. 
 Laws of Michigan, 1872-81. Lan- 
 sing, f-7:!-81. 
 Minnesota. General statutes, 1878. St. 
 Paul, 1879. 
 General laws, 1879-81. 
 Missouri. Revised statutes, 1879. 2 v. 
 .IctTerson, 1879. 
 Laws. 1852. 
 Nebraska. Laws of the Territory of Ne- 
 ljr;isUa, 1858, '.59, '65. 3 v. 
 Revised statutes of Nebraska Terri- 
 tory, 1866. Revised by E. Estabrook. 
 Omaha, 1866. 
 Compiled statutes, 1881. Omaha, 
 Nevada. Reports of cases determined iu 
 the .supreme court of the State, 1866-74. 
 Reported by Alfred Helm. 9 v. San 
 Francisco, 1866-74. 
 Bickncll's report, 1874-76, 1879-80. 
 4 v. San Francisco, 1876-81. 
 Statutes of the State, 1864-81. 9 v. 
 Carson City, 1865-81 . 
 Laws of the Territory of Nevada, 
 1861, '64. 2 v. San Francisco, 1862; Vir- 
 ginia City, 1864. 
 ■ Official report of the debates and 
 proceedings in the constitutional conven- 
 tion of the State of Nevada. By A. J. 
 Marsh. San Francisco, 1866. 
 Neiv Hampshire. General laws, 1878. 
 Manchester, 1878.
 New Hampshire. Laws. 181.5, '78, '79. 3 v. 
 NewT Jersey. Digest of the laws of Now 
 Jersey. By L. Q. C. Elmer. 2(1 «(!., con- 
 taining all the laws of general ai>j)lica- 
 tion now in force, from 1709 to 1H.'),5 inclu- 
 sive, with the rules and decisions of the 
 courts, by .John T. Nixon. Phila., 18.5.5. 
 Revision of the statutes of New 
 Jersey, 17<W-1877. Trenton, 1877. 
 Ne'w Mexico. Revised statutes and laws 
 of the Territor3^ of New Mexico in force 
 at the close of the session of the legisla- 
 tive assembly ending February, 1865. St. 
 Louis, 1865. 
 Acts of the legislative assembly of 
 the Territory of New Mexico, 2"2d session, 
 ending January 14th, 1876. Santa V6 
 (N. M.), 1876. 
 New York. Reports of cases of practice 
 determined in the supremo court of the 
 State of New York. 61 v. N. Y.,1808. 
 Coleman and Caine's cases, 1795-1805, 1 v. 
 Caine's eases, 1804-05, 2 v. in 1. 
 Cowen's reports, 1823-28, 9 v. 
 Johnson's reports, 1806-23, 20 v. 
 ■Wendell's reports, 1828-41, 26 v. 
 Hill's reports, 1841-43, 4 v. 
 Chancery reports. 16 v. N. Y., 
 Johnson's chancery reports, 1814-22, 6 v. 
 Hopkins' chancery reports, 1823-26, 1 v. 
 Paige's chancery reports, 1828-42, 9 v. 
 ■ Abbott's digest of N. Y. statutes, 
 and reports from the earliest period to 
 1860. 5 V. 
 Cornwall's court of appeals digest. 
 Revised statutes of the State of 
 Now York. 3 v. Albany, 1829. 
 Laws of the State of New York. 3 v. 
 Albany, 1813-15. 
 The same. 2 v. Albany, 1876. 
 North Carolina. Public laws, 1856-57, and 
 1871-72. 2 V. 
 Ohio. Reports: cases decided in the su- 
 preme court of the State. 20 v. ('incin- 
 nati, 1872. ' 
 Hammond's reports, 1821-39, 9 v. 
 ■Wilcox's reports, 1840-41, 1 t. 
 Stanton's reports, 1841-54, 3 v. 
 Griswohi's reports, 1845-50, 6 v. 
 Lawrence's reports, 1851, 1 v. 
 State reports. 25 v. Columbus, 
 McCook'a reports, 1852, 1 v. 
 ■Warden's reports, 1853-55, 3 v. 
 Critchfield's reports, 1855-71, 17 v. 
 Granger's reports, 1871-73, 2 v. 
 Da 'Witt's teportsi 1873-74, 2 v. 
 Ohio. Digest; containing all reported cases 
 to the year 1875. By J. B. Walker and 
 C. Bates. 2 v. Cincinnati, 1875. 
 — Revised statutes, and other acts of a 
 general nature of the State of Ohii> in 
 force January 1, 1880. Edited and anno- 
 tated by M. A. Daugherty, John S. Bras- 
 see, and George B. f)key. 2 v. Colum- 
 bus, 1879. 
 Laws of the State, 1880. Vol. 77. 
 Columbus, 1880. 
 Oregon. Statutes, 1855. 
 General laws, 184:J-72. San Fran- 
 cisco, 1874. 
 Pennsylvania. Reports of cases deter- 
 mined in the supreme court of tlie State 
 of Pennsylvania. 58 v. 
 Dallas's reports, 1754-]80ti, 4 v. 
 Addison's reports, 1791-99, 1 v. 
 Teates' reports, 1791-1808, 4 v. 
 Binney's reports, 1799-1813, 5 v. 
 Sergeant and Eawle's reports, 1814-28, 17 v. 
 Eawle's reports, 1828-35, 5 v. 
 Penrose and 'Watts' reports, 1829-32, 3 v. 
 ■Watts' reports, 1832-40, 9 v. 
 Wharton's reports, 1835-41, 6 v. 
 "Watts and Sergeant's reports, 1841-42, 4 v. 
 Laws of the commonwealth, from 
 1700 to 1825. 8 V. I'hila., 1810-42. 
 Laws, 1843, '56, '73. 3 v. 
 Proceedings and debates of the con- 
 vention of the commonwealth to propose 
 amendments to the constitution, 1837-38. 
 14 v. Harrisburg, 1837-38. 
 Digest of reported cases adjudged in 
 the several courts held in Pennsylvania ; 
 with some manuscript cases. 4th ed. 2 v. 
 Phila., 1843. 
 Rhode Island. Public laws of the State, 
 1855-57, 1873-81. 
 Revised statutes of the State of 
 Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 
 with the State constitution. Providence, 
 General statutes, 1872. Cambridge, 
 Public statutes of the l^tate of Rhode 
 Island and Providence Plantations, to 
 which are prefixed the Constitutiou of the 
 United States, and of the State. Provi- 
 dence, 1882. 
 South Carolina. Statutes at large. 10 v. 
 ('olumbia, 1836— U. 
 Revised statutes, 1873i
 South Carolina. Bee's reports of cases ad- 
 jiidsfil ill the district court of South Caro- 
 liiia. To wliich is added an a]ij>i'iidix, con- 
 iiiiii}; decisions in thi- admiralty oiiiil 
 of IViiiisylvaiiia, hy tlie late I'rainis IIop- 
 kiiisoii, and cases dctenniiicd in other dis- 
 tricts of the United States. I'hila., 1«10. 
 Hichardson's iei)orls. 1:! 
 law and Vi i(iiiity, in 1 v. 
 Kichardson's law reports, 186(5-68. 
 Vols. 14, 15. 2 V. 
 Richardson's eiiiiity rejiorts, 1866-()8. 
 Vols. 13, 14. 2 V. 
 Richardson's n'i)orts, lrt(;8-71. New 
 series. 2 v. 
 Acts, repoits, and resolutions of tin' 
 general assembly of the State of South 
 Carolina, 1H47-5.5, 1869-80. 23 v. 
 Ri'port of the Joint invcstigatiii'; 
 coinmittee on public frauds, and election 
 of Patterson to the U. S. Senate, 1877-78. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Journal of the senate of South Caio- 
 lina, 1678, '80. 2 v. 
 Journal of the house of representa- 
 tives of the State of South Carolina, 
 Tennessee. Reports of cases in the su- 
 preme court of the State. 
 Head's reports, 18.58-.')1). Vid. 2. 
 Heiskell's reports, 1871. Vol. 4. 
 Meigs and Cooper's code of Tennes- 
 see, 1857-08. 
 Laws of the State of Tennessee, 
 1857-60. 2 V. 
 Acts of the State, 1861, '72, '73. 4 v. 
 Digest of the charters and ordinances 
 of the city of Memphis, from 1802 to 18G7. 
 Compiled by W. H. Briilges. Memphis, 
 Texas. Paschal's annotated digest of laws 
 ofTexa.s. Galveston, 1866. 
 (ieneral laws of the State of Texas, 
 passed at the session of the 14th legisla- 
 ture, 1874. Houston, 1874. 
 Revised statutes, 1879. Galveston, 
 Vermont. .State ))apers : a collection of 
 records and documents connccti'd with 
 the assumption and establishment of gov- 
 eiMiiient by the people of A'ermont. Mid- 
 dl.d.iiiy, 1823. 
 Virginia. Reports of cases argued and de- 
 termined in the sujireme court of appeals 
 of the State of Virginia. 
 Helming and Munford's reports, 
 H0(;-09. l V. 
 Munford's reports, 1^10-15. 4 v. 
 Revised code of Virginia. 2d ed. 
 2 v. Richnioml, 1814. 
 Code of Virginia, 1849. 
 Code of Virginia, 1873. 3d ed. 
 Acts of assembly, 18.')5-.")6, 1874-77. 
 4 V. 
 Washington Territory. Laws enacted in 
 1877, '79, '81. 3 v. Olyrapia, 1877-81. 
 West Virginia. Acts of the legislature of 
 i West Virginia at its 14th session, com- 
 mencing January 8, 1879. ^Vheeling, 
 Code, 1868. Wheeling, 1868. 
 Wisconsin. Reports of cases in the su- 
 preme court of the State. 
 Smith's reports, 1859-61. Vols. 8 and 
 10. 2 V. 
 Revised statutes of the State of Wis- 
 consin, from the revision of 1858 to tho 
 close of 1871. By David Taylor. 2 v. 
 Revised -statutes, 1878. 
 Laws, 1879, '80, '81. 3 v. 
 Abbott, Benjamin V., and Austin Abbott. 
 Digest of the reports of the United States 
 ccnirts, and of the acts of Congress from 
 the organization of the government to 
 November, 1674. 6 v. N. Y., 1867-74. 
 Andreiws, C. C. Digest of the opinions of 
 the .\ttomeys General of the United 1 
 States; with references to leading decis- 
 ions of the Supreme Court. Washing- 
 ton, 1857. ' 
 Brightly, F. C. Analytical digest of the laws 
 of the United States, from the adoption of 
 the Constitution to the end of the 38th Con- 
 gress, 1789-1865. 2 V. Washington, 1806. 
 The same. From the commencement 
 of the 35tih to the end of the 37 th Con- 
 gress, 1857-63. Phila.,1863. 
 Digest of the decisions of the Federal 
 courts, from the organization of the gov- 
 ernment to the present time. Phila., 1868
 Curtis, B. R. DigeBt of the decisions of 
 the .Sunrcme Court of the United States, 
 from the origin of the court to tlie close 
 of the December term, 18.54. Bust.. 
 Curtis, George Ticknor. Digest of cases in 
 the courts of admiralty of the United 
 States, and in the high court of admiralty 
 in England; with .some topics from the 
 works of Sir Leoline Jenkins. Bost., 
 Digest of the decisions in the office of the 
 Second Comiitroller of the Treasury. By 
 G. Chipman. Washington, 1865. 
 The same. By .J. W. Buttertield. 
 :i(l ed. Washington, 1869. 
 Digest of the published opinions of the 
 Attorneys General and of the leading de- 
 cisions of the Federal courts, with refer- 
 ence to international law treaties and 
 kindred subjects. Washington, 1867. 
 Gordon, Thomas F. Digest of the treaties 
 and statutes of the United States relating 
 to navigation and revenue. I'hila., ISIiO. 
 Holcombe, James P. Digest of the decis- 
 ions of the Supreme Court of the United 
 States, from its organization. N. Y., 1848. 
 Peters, Richard. Full and arranged digest 
 of cases decided in the Supreme, circuit, 
 and district courts of the United States, 
 from the organization of the government. , 
 3v. Phila., 1838-39. 
 Peters, Richard. Full and arranged digest 
 of cases decided in the Supreme, circuit, 
 district, and admiralty courts of the United 
 States, 1789-47. 2 v. Phila., 1848. 
 Putuam, John P. Digest of the decisions 
 in IIk! courts of equity in the United 
 States. 2 V. Host., 1859. 
 Rapalje, Stewart. Digest of the Federal 
 decisions and statutes, from the earliest 
 period to the year 1800. Jersey City, 1880. 
 United States digest. Digest of the de- 
 cisions of the courts of common law and 
 admiralty in the Uuite<l Slates. By T. 
 Metcalf, J. C. I'irkins, and G. T. Curtis. 
 With a Nupplenu-nt, by J. P. Putnam, 
 1785 to 1840. 5 v. Bost., 184fM7. 
 The same. Table of cases. 0. P. 
 Sanger. Vol. 0. 
 United States digest. Annual digest; 
 being a digest of deci-sious of tlie courts 
 of common law, e(|uity, and admiralty in 
 the United States, 1847 to 1850. By J. P. 
 Putnam. Vols. 7_ to 10. Bost., 1848-.'j6. 
 — -■ The same. Including decisions in 
 England, 1851 to 1855. By J. P. Putnam. 
 Vols. 11 to 15. Bost.,1856-.57. 
 The same. 1850 to 1858. By G. S. 
 Hale. Vols. 16 to 18. Bost., 18.57-.'i9. 
 The same. 1859. ]?y G. S. Hale and 
 H.F.Smith. V(d. 19. Bost., 1860. 
 The same. 1860-62. By H. F. Smith. 
 Vols. 20, 21, 22. Boat., 1861-65. 
 AUa, P. Manuel pratique des tribunaux 
 milifaires. Paris, 1860. 
 Benet, S. V. Treatise on military law an<l 
 the practice of courts-martial. 2d ed. 
 Byukershoeck. Cornelius Van. Treatise on 
 the law of war. With notes, by P. S. Du 
 Ponceau. Phila., 1810. 
 Callan, John F. Military laws of the United 
 States; relating to the army, volunteers, 
 militia, and to bounty laiuls and pen- 
 sions, from the foundation of the goveru- 
 I. lent to 1803. Phila., 18(5;!. 
 Cheuier, L. J. G. de. Guide des tribunaux 
 militaires, on Ic'gislation crindnelle de 
 I'arm^e. 2 v. Paris, 1838. (2 copies.) 
 Mauuel des consinls de guerre, ou 
 recueil alphab^tique de questions de droit 
 militaire. Paris, 1831. (2 copies.) 
 39 w 
 Clode, Charles M. Administration of jus- 
 tice under military and martial law. 
 De Hart, William C. Observations on mil- 
 itary law, and the constitution and prac- 
 tice of courts martial ; with a summary 
 of the law of evidence as applicable to 
 military trials, adapted to the laws, regu- 
 lations, and customs of the army and 
 navy of the United States. N. Y., 1862. 
 Digest of opinions of the Jndge .\dvocate 
 General of the Army; including opinions 
 given since the issue of 1865. Washing- 
 ton, 1866. 
 Durat-Lasalle, Louis. Droit et legislation 
 des armce.s de terre et de mer; recueil md- 
 thodiqne complet des lois, decrets, ordon- 
 nances, r^glements, instruction.*, etc., aetn- 
 ellement en vigueur. 9 v. Piiris, 1842-50.
 Finlason, W. F. Coiiiiuentniies upon niar- 
 lial I:i\v, witli special irlVreiKC to its 
 regnliition and iistraint; with an intio- 
 (liictioii, coutainin;; connncnts npoii the 
 eliaij;c of the lord chief .jnstice in the 
 Jamaica case. Lond., 18()7. {'i copies.) 
 Keview of the authorities as to the 
 repression of riot or rehelliou; with 
 sjjecial reference to criminal or civil lia- 
 liilit.v. Lond., IHIiH. 
 Fraiiklyu, Henrv li. Outlines id niilitarv 
 law and the laws of evidence. Lond., 
 Gonvot, C. N. Manuel de li'^fiislation niili- 
 laire eu cc qui eonceriie les droits di^s olli- 
 cicra et sous-otlieiers lU' rarniee. Paris, 
 Gorham, Mnjnr. Text-book of military law, 
 as api>licalde to persons subject to (he 
 army discipline act; to which is added 
 military law as applicable to persons sub- 
 ject to the Indian articles of war. 4th ed. 
 Giiillot, Ldon. Lt^gislaticm el administra- 
 tion niilitaires. Paris, 18.").'i. 
 Hough, William. Military law authorities. 
 Calcutta and Lond., 18:111. 
 Practice of courts-nuirtial and other 
 military courts. Lond., I8:i4. 
 Precedents in military law ; iucliul- 
 iug the practice of courts-martial, the 
 mode of conducting trials, etc. Lond., 
 Hughes, K. -M. Duties of jndne ailvoeates. 
 Ives, Kollin A. on military law 
 and the jurisdiction, constitution, and 
 procedure of military courts; with a sum- 
 maiy of the rules of evidence as applica- 
 ble to such courts. N. Y., 1879. 
 Jones, Douglas. Notes on military law. 
 Lond., 1K-!1. 
 Kautz, August \ . Customs of service for 
 non-eommi.ssioned officers and soldiers; 
 as derived from law and regulations, an<l 
 practised in the army of the United 
 States. 2ded. Phila.,18fw. 
 Customs of service for officers of the 
 army; as derived from law and regula- 
 tions, and practised in the United States 
 Army. Phila., 18G(i. 
 Langlais, M. J. Happort au nom ile la 
 commission idiargee d'examiner le proj(^t 
 de code de justice militaire pour I'arm^e 
 de terre. Paris, 1857. 
 M'Naghten, K". A. .Vunotations on the 
 nmtiiiy net; witli some observations on 
 the practice of <'oints-martial. Lond., 
 Macomb, .Mi'xander. Practice of eonrts- 
 njartial. N. V.,I841. 
 The same. N. Y., 1S41. 
 Treatise on martial law and courts- 
 martial, as practised in the United States 
 of .\merica. Charleston (S. C), 1809. 
 Mesguil, .1/. du. I)iiti(Minaire de la jus- 
 tice militaire. Paris, 1847. 
 Military law of Kngland ; adapted to the 
 general useof tln^ army in its various du- 
 ties and relations, and the practice of 
 lonrts-marlial. Loud., 1810. 
 Military laws for field and (■ompany olli- 
 ci'is. (Hnssiau text.) 185X 
 Mordecai, Alfred. Digest of the laws re- 
 lating to the military establishment of 
 the United States. Washington, 1833. 
 O'Brien, John. Treatise on Aniericau mili- 
 tary laws and the practice of courts-mar- 
 tial ; with suggestions for their improve- 
 ment. Phila., 1840. 
 Perrier, J. U. Guide di's jnges niilitaires, 
 on reeueil et analyse <Ies lois eu vigncur 
 siir la justice des tribiinanx militaii'es. 4' 
 I'd. Paris, 18:iL (2 copies.) 
 Poland, J. S. iJigest of the military laws 
 of the United States, from 1860 to 18G7, 
 relating to the army, volunteers, militia, 
 and the rebellion and reconstrnctiou of 
 the Southern States. Host., I8t)8. (2 
 Preussische Militair-tieset/- Sammliing, ■ 
 17(11-184.'). lierlin iiiid Klbing, IMStMCi. 
 The same. lH;U-4t). IVrlin, I8.-1I. 
 Strafverfahren der i)reussisch<n Mili- 
 tairegerichte. Dargestellt von Kdiiard 
 Fleck. Uerlin, 184.'). 
 Regan, James. Judge advocate and re- 
 corder's guide. Washington, 1877. 
 Samuel, E. Historical account of the Brit- 
 ish army, and of the law military; with 
 a commentary on the mutiny act, and the 
 rules and articles of war, etc. Lond., 
 Scott, Robert N. Analytical digi'st of 
 the military laws of the United States. 
 I'liila., 187:!. 
 Sherman, (ieti. W. T. Military law. Ko- 
 printed from the journal of the military 
 .service institution of the United States. 
 N. Y., 1880. (-2 copies.)
 Simmons, Thomas F. The constitution 
 and practice of courts-martial; with a 
 summary of the law of evidence, as con- 
 nected with such courts; also, some no- 
 tice of the criminal law of England. 3d 
 ed. Lond., 1843. 
 The same, fith cd. Lond., 1«73. 
 Sullivan, K. J. Th()n{;lits on martial law ; 
 with a mode reconimendi'd for oonductiui; 
 the proceedings of general courts-martial. 
 •Jd ed. Lend., 1784. 
 TuUoch, Captain. Elementary lectures on 
 nulitary law. 2d ed. Lond., 1873. 
 Tytler, Alexander F. Essay on military 
 law and the practice of courts-martial. 
 Lend., 1800. 
 Whiting, William. War powers of the 
 President, and the legislative powers of 
 Congress in relation to rebellion, treason, 
 and slavery. 7th ed. Bost., 1863. 
 War powers under the Constitution 
 of the United States; military arrest.s, 
 reconstruction, and military government; 
 also, war claims of aliens, with notes and 
 a collection of cases decided in the na- 
 tional courts. 43d ed. Host, and N. Y., 
 ■Winthrop, Major W. Digest of opiuious of 
 the Judge Advocate General of the Army. 
 3d ed. Washington, 1868. (2 copies.) 
 The same. With notes. Washing- 
 ton, 1880. (2 copies.) 
 Chitty, Joseph. Practical treatise on the 
 law of nations, relative to the legal ef- 
 fects of war on the commerce of belliger- 
 ents and neutrals, and on orders in coun- 
 cil and licenses. Bost., 1812. 
 Gardner, Daniel. International law; a 
 short explanation of the jurisdiction and 
 duty of the Government of the United 
 States. Troy (N. Y.), 1844. 
 Hall, William Edward. Rights and duties 
 of neutrals. Loud., 1874. 
 Halleck, H. W. International law; or, 
 rules regulating the intercourse" of states 
 iu peace and war. N. Y., 1861. 
 Martens, Georg Friedrich von. Law of 
 nations, founded on the treaties aud cus- 
 toms of the modern nntions of Europe; 
 with a list of the principal treaties since 
 the year 1748 down to the present time. 
 Translated from the French, by William 
 Cobliett. Pliila., 1795. 
 Phillimore, Robert. Connnentaries upon in- 
 tiTTKitionnl law. 3v. iu2. Phila., 1854-57. 
 Upton, Francis H. Law of nations alieet- 
 ing ciinnneree during war; with a review 
 of the jurisdiction, practice and proceed- 
 ings of prize courts. N. Y., 1863. 
 Vattel, Emmeric de. Law of nations; or, 
 principles of the law of nature applied to 
 the conduct and affairs of nations and 
 sovereigns. 7th Anier. ed.. by Joseph 
 Chitty. Phila., 184!(. 
 Ward, Robert. An en(iuiry into the foun- 
 dation and history of the law of nations 
 in Europe, from the time of the Greeks 
 and Romans to the age of Grotius. 2 v. 
 Dublin, 1796. 
 Wheaton, Henry. Elements of interna- 
 tional law; with a sketch of the history 
 of the science. 2 v. Lond., 1836. 
 The same. With the last corrections 
 of the author, adilitional notes, and in- 
 troductory reniiirks containing a notice 
 of Mr. Wheatou's life and diphunatic 
 ciireer, by William Beach Lawrence. 6th 
 ed. Bost., 18.55. 
 The same. 2d annotated ed., by 
 W. B. Lawrence.. Bost., 1863. 
 The same. 8th ed., with notes, by 
 R. H. Dana. Bost., 1866. 
 The same. English ed., with notes, 
 etc., by A. C. Boyd. Loud., 1878. 
 Wildman, Richard. Institutes of interna- 
 tional law. 2 V. Lond., 1849-50. 
 Dallas, Alex. James. Reports of cases in 
 the courts of Pennsylvania, before and 
 since the revolution to 1789; also, cases 
 adjudged in the several courts of the 
 United States and of Pennsylvania, from 
 1781 to 1806. 4 V. Phila., 1806-07. 
 Cranch, W. Reports of cases in the Su- 
 preme Court of the I'nited States, 1801 
 to 181.5. 9 V. 
 Wheaton, Henry. Reports of cases de- 
 cided in the Supreme Court of the 
 United States, 1816-27. 12 v.
 Peters, Richard. CoiKlniscd irimrls of 
 ciisos in till' Sii|>reiiio Coiii't of tlir I'liili'd 
 States, 17UU-1.S-27. (i v. 
 Reports of cases in tlio Supreme 
 Court of the Uiiitea States, 1H27-4-2. 1(> v. 
 Howard, It. C. Reports of cases in thr 
 Supreme Conrt of the Uniteil States, 
 lf<4:$-6t>. 24 V. 
 Black, J. S. Reports Snprenie Court of thi- 
 fiiited States, HtU-IW. -J v. 
 Wallace, J. W. Supreme Court reports, 
 ma to IH-4. t':i V. 
 Otto, W. T. Sn]>reinc ('(Mirt reports, li*75- 
 Hl. 1:5 V. 
 Myer, W. fJ. Index to tlie reports of the 
 Supreme Ccuirt of thel'nited States; em- 
 bracing all the reported decisions of the 
 court from its organization to the present 
 date. St. Lonis, 1878. 
 Baldwin, llriuy. Keports of eases in tlie 
 circuit courts of tlu' I'liiti'd States for the 
 tliird circuit, cmuprisiuj; tlic eastern dis- 
 trict of I'enusylvauia and the State of 
 New .lersey, l&->^-;i;i. I'hihi., li^M. 
 Brockenbrough, J. W. Reports of cases 
 ilcciilcd by tlic late Chief Justice Joliu 
 Mar.shall in the circuit court of the Uniteil 
 States for the district of Virj^iuia and 
 North Carolina, 1802-:!:!. •-' v. I'liihi., 
 Campbell, .1. .M. Reports of eases at law 
 and equity and in the admiralty deter- 
 mined in the circuit court of the United 
 States for the district of Maryland by 
 Chief .lusticc Roger B. Taney, 18:!G-(;i. 
 riiila.. l.-i71. (2 copies.) 
 Craucb, William. Reports of cases, civil 
 and criminal, in the United States circuit 
 court of the Ui.strict of Columbia, from 
 1801 to 1841. () V. Best, iind Washing- 
 t 18.'52-.'i:!. 
 Gilpiu, Henry I). K'eports of cases adjudged 
 in the distri<-t court of the Cnited States 
 for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, 
 Novcuilicr .sessions, 18'i-"', to lMl)ruary ses- 
 sions, 18:i6. Phila., ltt;!7. 
 Law^ Times. U. S. courts reports. 5 v. 
 AVashiugton, 18()8-7:!. 
 McAllister, C. Reports of cases in the 
 circuit court of the United .States for the 
 district of California, 18.>-i-.-)9. N.Y., 18.')9. 
 MacArthur, Arthur. Reports of ca.-ses in 
 the supreme court of the District of Co- 
 lumbia. l87:!-7!). :! V. Washington, 
 McLean, Jidiu. Reports of cases in the 
 circuit courts of the United States for the 
 seventh circuit, 1829-55. 6 v. Ciuciu- 
 uali, 1840-.'')G. 
 Peters, Richard. Reports of cases in the 
 circuit courts of the United States for the 
 third circuit; cimtaining cases deter- 
 mined in the district of New .T<^rsey, 180:! 
 to 1818, and the district of Peuusylvania, 
 isl.-, t„isls. Phila., 1819. 
 United States Court of Chiims. Nott and 
 Huntington's rei)ort, 186:i-72. Vols. 1-7. 
 Nott and Hopkins' reports, 1872-80. 
 Vols. 8-15. 
 ■Washington, liushrod. Reports of cases 
 iu the circuit courts of the United States 
 for the third circuit, 1803 to 18:!7. 4 v. 
 I'hila., 182t)-29. 
 Woods, William B. Cases argued and di-- 
 tirmiuiil in the circuit courts of the 
 United States for the lifth judicial circuit, 
 1870-79. :? v. Chicago, 187.'). 
 Public statutes at large, 1789-1845. Vols. 
 Private statutes, 1789-1845. Vol. (!. 
 Treaties with the Iiulian tribes, 1778-1842. 
 Vol. 7. 
 Treaties with foreign powers, 1778-1845; 
 with general index to vols. 1-8. Vol. 8. 
 Private laws of the United States, from 
 the 29th to the 31st Congress; treaties 
 with foreign nations and Indian tril)es. 
 Edited by George Minot. 1 v. Bust., 
 Public statutes at large, 1845-81. Vols 
 Synoptical index to vols. 1-10, 1789-1P51. 
 Revised statutes, passed at the Ist se.s.sion 
 43d C'onj;ress, 1873-74; with :iii a|>]ieii(lix. 
 2d ed. Washington, 1878. 
 Supplement to the revised statutes of the 
 riiif.d State.s. Vol. 1, 1874-81. W.asli- 
 injtton, 1'~'81. 
 Revised st.atntes. Kefereuee index. liy 
 Dai'ins Lyman. 15ost., 187.5. 
 Laws of the United States of America, from 
 the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of 
 March, 1815, ineludin;; the Constitution, 
 etc. 5 V. I'hila. and Washinj^ton, 1815. 
 Laws relating to tlie Treasury Departinent. 
 Coiniiilcd under the direction of tlie Sec- 
 retary of the Treasury from the revised' 
 statutes of tlie United States. Washing- 
 ton, 1874. 
 Gordon, Thomas 1'. lligcst ol tlie laws of 
 till- Iiiited Slates, ineliidiiij;; treaties with 
 foreign )n wers, etc. 4th ed. I'hila., 
 Military reservatiiuis. Digest of tlie law of. 
 Comiiiled liy Jasper W. Johnson. Wash- 
 ington, 1879. 
 Rivers and harbors. Uaws of tlie United 
 States relating to public works for the 
 improvement of rivers and harbons, from 
 August 11th, 1790, to August 14tli, 1876. 
 Compiled under tlie direction of General 
 John G. Parke. Washington, 1877. (2 
 Arnold, Benedict. Proceedings of a gen- 
 eral conrt-martial for the trial of M,^j(>r- 
 General Arnold; with an introduction, 
 notes, and index. N. Y., Ir(i5. 
 Bache, Louis. Proceedings of a general 
 conrt-martial for the trial of Lieut. Col. 
 Lonis Bache, comuiaiidiug a detachment 
 of volunteers and militia of Pennsylvania, 
 upon charges of luntiuy, etc., at the Camp 
 Marcus Hook, in October, 1814. I'hila., 
 Beall, John Y. Trial of John Y. Beall, as 
 a spy and guerrillero, by military com- 
 mission. N. Y., 1864. 
 Belknap, William W. Proceedings of the 
 Senate sitting for the trial of William W. 
 Belknap, late Secretary of War, on the 
 articles of impeachment exhibited by the 
 Honse of Representatives. Washington, 
 Bro^wu, David Paul. Speeches in the cases 
 of ■•The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Thomas Washington Smith," and 
 " Hinchman against Kichieet al." I'hila., 
 1849 and 1858. 
 Buchanan, William. Keports of certain 
 remarkable cases in the court of session 
 and trials in the high court of justiciary. 
 Edinburgh, 1S13. 
 Burke, Peter. Celebrated trials connected 
 with the upper classes of society in the 
 relations of private life. Lond., 1851. 
 Burr, Aaron. Trial for high treason in the 
 circuit court of the United States for the 
 district of Virginia, summer term, 1807. 
 By J. J. Coombs. Washington. 
 Burr, Aaron. Trials for treason andforamis- 
 deiucanor,iu the circuit court of the United 
 States, in the summer term, 1807 ; con- 
 taiuing the argnmenls and evidence to 
 commit A. Burr, H. IJleiinerhassett, and I. 
 Smith to be sent to Kentucky for trial. 
 By David Robertson. 2 v. Phila.,1808. 
 Byng, John. Trial of the Honorable Ad- 
 miral Byng, at a courtiii.artial hold on 
 board His Majesty's ship the .St. George, 
 December 28, 17.56, for an eiuiuiry into 
 his conduct while ho commanded in the 
 Mcditerrani'.'in, anil his defence. Lond., 
 The same. With a candid i^xamina- 
 tion of the resolutions and sentence of the 
 court-martial. liy an old sea otlicer. 3 v. 
 Loud., 1757. 
 Chase, Samuel. Trial of Samuel Chase, an 
 associate justice of the Supreme Court of 
 the Uuiti d States, impeached by the 
 House of Representatives for liigli crimes 
 and misdemeanors, before the Senate of 
 the United States. Taken in short-hand, 
 by S. H. Smith and T. Lloyd. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1805. 
 Collection of remarkable and interesting 
 criiuiual trials, actions at law, etc. To 
 which is prefixed ,in essay on reprieve and 
 pardon, and biographical .sketches of John 
 I<ord Eldou and Mr. Mingay, by W. >I. 
 Mcdland and Charles Weobly. 2 v. 
 Lond., 1803-04. 
 Court-maitial tryals. Minutes and pro- 
 ceedings taken at and upon the several 
 tryals of Captain George Burrish, Cap-
 tain Edmund Williams, Captain John 
 Anibroso, I/u-ntcnant Henry Pa^P. Lieu- 
 tenant Charles Davids, I,ieuteuant Wil- 
 liam (irillitlis, anil Lieutenant Corin-lins 
 Smelt, respeetively, at Cliatliain. in IT !.'>. 
 I'lintcd in 1746. 
 Dyer, A. 13. Proecedin-is of a court of in- 
 quiry, convened at Wasliinijton, D. C, 
 Novemlier '.', l-'tir!, to examine into the 
 accusations against Brig, and Bvt. Maj. 
 Gen. A. B. Dyer, chief of ordnance. 2 v. 
 Washington, IHfiO. 
 Herbert, David. (Jreat hi.-;torical mutinii's. 
 1.1. ml. and Edinhurgh. ISTti. 
 History of the most remarkahle Iryals in 
 Great Britain and Ireland ; in capital 
 tales, faithfully extracted from records 
 and other authentick authorities, as well 
 mauMscript as printed, 'i v. Lond.,171!j. 
 Howard, Urig. Geii. Oliver O. Proceed- 
 ings, findings, and opinion of the court of 
 inquiry, convened under the act of Con- 
 gress of Fehruary 13, 1874, in the case of 
 Gen. O. O. Howard, IT. S. A. Washing- 
 ton, 1*71. 
 Howell, T. H. Complete collection of State 
 trials and proceedings for high treason 
 and other crimes and misdemeanors, from 
 the earliest period to the year 170:!. With 
 notes, etc., and continued from 17H:i to 
 1820, liy T. .J. Howell. With a digested 
 index to the whole, hy D. .Jardine. :{4 v. 
 Hull, William. R<'port of the trial of Brig. 
 (Jen. Hull, liy a court-martial held at .\l- 
 bany, January 3, H14, and .succeeding 
 days. N. Y.,1814. 
 Hurtt, Ciipl. V. W. l'ro<-e<Hlings of a gen- 
 I'lal court niarti;il which convened at Cin- 
 cinnati. Ohio, January 29, 1S(>4, in the 
 case of Capt. Hurtt, asst. qmr. vols. (H. 
 K. ex. doc. No. 2.">.'>, 4Hd Cong., 1st 
 Johusou, Andrew. Proceedings in the trial 
 of Andrew Johnson, President of the 
 I'nited States, before the U. S. Senate, 
 on articles of impoachnient. Washing- 
 ton, istw. 
 Keppel, Augustus. Trial of the Honorable 
 Augustus Keppel, admiral of the Blue 
 S(|uadr(m, at a court-martial upon a 
 charge exhibiteil against him by Vice 
 Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, for miscon- 
 duct ami neglect of duty. Taki'u down 
 by Thomas Blandemor. Portsmouth and 
 Lend., 177'.t. 
 Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. Proceed- 
 ings of the naval court-martial in the 
 ease of (.'omniauder Mackenzie. To which 
 is annexed an elabiuate review, by Janus 
 reuimore Cooper. N. Y., 1844. 
 Marteus, Charh-s, /laroii de. Causes vMt^- 
 bres du droit iles gens. 2 v. Leipzig 
 et Paris, 1827. 
 The same. 2 v. 1843. 
 Modem state trials. Revised and illus- 
 trated. With essays and notes, by Wil- 
 liam C. Town.send. ."i v. Loud., 1850. 
 Murray, James. Sentence of the ccnirt- 
 martial for the trial of the Hon. Lieut. 
 Gen. James Murray, late governor of 
 Minorca, on the twenty-nine articles ex- 
 hibited against him by Sir William Dra- 
 lier. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph 
 Gurney. Loud.. 1783. 
 O'Comiell, Daniel. Report of the proceed- 
 ings in the case of the (^ueen against 
 Daniel O'Conuell, M. P., John O'Connell, 
 M. P., Thomas Steele, Charles Gavan 
 Dutfy, Rev. Thomas Tieruey, Rev. Peter 
 J. Tyrrell. Richard Barrett, J(din Gray, 
 and Thimias M. Ray, in the court of i|neen's 
 beiu'h, Ireland, 1843-41, on an indictment 
 for a conspiracy. By ,1. S. Armstnmg and 
 E.S.Trevor. Dublin, 1844. 
 Palliser, Sir Hugh, I'icr Jdiniral. Trial of 
 Sir Hugh Palliser, at a ccmrt-martial held 
 on board His M.ijesty's ship Sandwich, 
 Monday, April 12, 1771), on a charge of 
 negl(!ct and disobedience of orders. 
 Portsnuuith, 1779. (found with " Ke)i- 
 pel's trial.") 
 Parker, Theodore. Trial of Theodore 
 Parker for the "misdeme.iuor " of ,i 
 speech in Fanueil Hall .against kidnap- 
 ping, before the circuit court of the 
 rnited States, at Boston, April 3d, 18.''>.''), 
 with the defence. Host., lw.5,'). 
 Peck, Janu's H. Report of the trial of 
 Judge Peck, before the Senate of the 
 United States, on an impeachment pre- 
 ferred by the House of Representatives 
 against him for high misdemeanors in 
 office. By Arthur ,1. Stansljury. Bust., 
 Phillips, Samuel March. State trials; or, 
 a collection of the most interesting trials 
 priortothe revolution of lt)8S. Reviewed 
 and illustrated. 2 v. Lond., 1826. 
 Porter, Commodore David. Re])ort of the 
 trial of Commodori' Porter, of the navy of
 tlie United States, liefore a general court- 
 martial held at Wasliington, in July, 18'ij. 
 By Robert Beale. Washington, 1825. 
 Porter, Fitz-Jolui. Procce. lings of the 
 court-martial convened November 27, 
 1802, for the trial of Major General Porter. 
 (H. R. ex. doc. 71, 37tli Cong., 3d sess.) 
 Proceedings and report of the board 
 of army ofiBcers in the case of Fitz-John 
 Porter. 4 pts. (Sen. ex. doc. 37, 46th 
 Cong., 1st sess.) Washington, 1879. (2 
 Remarkable trials and notorious charac- 
 ters, from ■' Half- hanged Smith,'' 1700. 
 to Oxford, who shot at the Queen, 1840. 
 E<lited by Captain L. Benson. Illus. 
 Sackville, George. Trial of the Right Hon- 
 orable Lord George .Sackville, at a court- 
 martial lield at the Horse-Guards, Febra- 
 ary 29, 17(30, charged with disobedience of 
 orders. Lond. 
 Smith, .John. Report of the committee 
 a|i]i(iiuted to inqnire into the conduct of 
 John Smitli, a senator of the U. S. from 
 the State of Oliio, as an alleged associate 
 of Aaron Burr. Washington, 1808. 
 Surratt, John H. Trial in tlie supreme 
 court of the District of Columbia. (Vol. 
 4 of "The Reporter," continued from vol. 
 3.) Washington, 1867. 
 ■Wharton, Francis. State trials of the 
 United Stat<;s during the administrations 
 of Washington and Adams; with refer- 
 ences, etc. Phila., 1849. 
 Whitelocke, John. Proceedings of a gen- 
 eral court -martial for the trial of Lieut. 
 Gen. Whitelocke, late connuauder-inchief 
 of the forces in South America. Taken 
 by Mr. Guruey. 2 v. Lond., 1808. 
 ■Wirz, Henry. Trial of Henry Wirz, for the 
 murder of prisoners of war. (H. R. ex. 
 doc, 40th Cong., 2d 8e.s.s.) Wa.shiugton, 
 Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan. Dictionary 
 of terms and phrases used in American or 
 Knglish jurisprudence. 2 v. Bost., 1879. 
 Treatise upon the United States 
 courts and their practice. 3d ed. 2 v. 
 X. Y., 1877. 
 American Law Review, 1866-77. 11 v. 
 Bost., 1867-77. 
 Amos, Sheldon. The science of law. (lu- 
 teriuitional scientific series, Vol. 10.) 
 Loud., 1874. 
 Andrew^s, C. C. Practical treatise on the 
 reveuue laws of the United States. Boat., 
 Angell, Joseph K. Treatise on the right of 
 property in tide-waters, and in the soil 
 and shores thereof. 2d ed. Bost., 1847. 
 Arguments in tlie United .States Supreme 
 Court and Court of Claims; important 
 subjects of congressional actiou, reports 
 of political conventions, etc., which enter 
 into the history of the year 1866. (Vol. 2 
 of "The Reporter.") Washington, 1867. 
 Army and navy laws, 1363-64. Washing- 
 ton, 1864. 
 Azuni, Donienico .Mberto. Maritime law 
 of Europe. Translated from the French. . 
 2v. N. v., 1806. 
 Bacon, Matthew. New abridgment of the 
 law. With large additions and corrections, 
 by Sir Henry Gwyllim and C. E. Dodd; 
 with notes and references made to the 
 edition of 1809, by Bird Wikson; to which 
 are added notes and references to Ameri- 
 can law and decisions, by .lohn Bonvier. 
 10 v. Phila., 1850. 
 Bates, George C, is. Illinois Central Rail- 
 road Company. Report of the evidence 
 in the case. R. R. Hitt, reporter. Chi- 
 cago, 18.')9. 
 Beccaria, Cesare Bone Sana, Marchesa de. 
 Essay on crimes and punishments. Trans- 
 lated from the Italian; with a commen- 
 tary, .attributed to Mous. de Voltaire, 
 translated from the French. 3ded. Lond., 
 Benedict, Erastus C. American admiralty ; 
 its jurisdiction and practice, with practi- 
 cal forms and directions. N. Y. and Al- 
 bany, ia50. 
 Benjamin, J. P. Treatise on the law of 
 sab' of personal property ; with references 
 lo the American deci.sious and to the 
 French code and civil law. Lond. and 
 Washington, 1868.
 Blackstone, Sir Williaiii. rdiniiiriitaiii's 
 nil till- laws of Kiijilaiiil. Willi tlic last 
 r<>rr<Htioii8 ol' the aiilhor, and notes, l)y 
 John K. llaijiiave and others. 21st ed. 
 I V. I.oiiil.. 1^44. 
 Coninientarieson the laws of England. 
 With notes anil lelereiices to Aineriean 
 decisions, by Geofgo Chase. N. Y. and 
 Albany, 1877. 
 The .same. With notes selected-tVoin 
 the editions of Arehbold, Christian, Cole- 
 ridge, C'hilty, Stewart, Kerr, and others! 
 Harron Field's analysis and additional 
 notes; and a life of the anthor, by George 
 Sharswood. 2 v. I'hila., ISM. 
 I'lie same. 2 v. Phila., 1H7-2. 
 Blackwell, Kidicrt S. Practieal treatise on 
 the power to sell land for the nou-pay- 
 meiit of taxes. 3d ed. Host., 1809. 
 Boutwrell, (icorgo S. Manual of the direct 
 anil ixciso tax system of the United 
 States; inclndiug the forms and regula- 
 tions established by the Commissioner of 
 Internal Kevenae,etc. Washington, 1S()3. 
 Bouvier, John. Law dictionary, adajited 
 111 the Constitiitiiiii and laws of the United 
 Slates of America; to which is added 
 Kelham's dictionary of the Norman and 
 (dd French language, lllli ed. 2 v. 
 rhila., 1H()4. 
 British mutiny acts for punishing mutiny 
 and desertion, and for the better payment 
 of the army and their quarters. 20th 
 March, 1809, to April, 1851. 4 v. 
 IleiKu of (loorge III., v. 1. 
 Kcig^n of (Jeor^e IV., v. 2. 
 llwign of William IV., v. .■). 
 Ri'igii of (^uei-ii Vietoriii, v. 4. 
 The same. With an index ; also, 
 rules and articles for the better govern- 
 ment of all His Majesty's forces. (Anuo 
 se])timo Oeorgii IV. Cap. X.) Lond., 
 The same. (Anno tertio Gulielmi 
 IV. Cap. V.) Loud., 1833. 
 Browne, Causten. Treatise on the con- 
 stnirtion of the statute of frauds. 3d ed., 
 ri'\ ised, with additions. Host., 1870. 
 Bump, Orlando F. I'ractice in bankruptcy ; 
 with the bankrupt law of the United 
 States, as amended, and the rules and 
 forms, together with notes referring to 
 decisions. Gth ed. 2 v. Phila., 18->3. 
 Burlamaqui, .1. .1. rriuciplcs of natural 
 and politic law. Translated V)y Mr. Nu- 
 gent. 6th ed. 2 v. N. Y., 1823. 
 I Canada. Statutes of the province of Can- 
 ada, iiassed in the twentieth year of the 
 reign of Her Majesty (^iieen Victoria, and 
 in the 3d session of the .">tli p.'irliamcnt of 
 Canada, begun Fibniaiy 2(i, l-.'i7. To- 
 ronto, 18.''>7. 
 The same. Passed in llir twenty- 
 eighth year of the reign of Ikr Majesty 
 t^neen Victoria, being flie 3d session of 
 the 8th parliament td' Canada, begun Jan- 
 nary 19, 186.''>. Quebec, 18G5. 
 Charters and constitiitions. The Federal 
 and State constitutions, colonial charters, 
 aiul other organic laws of the United 
 Stall's. 2 V. Washington, 1877. (2 
 Chitty, Edward. Index to all the reported 
 cases, statutes, and general orders in or 
 relating to the principles, pleadings, and 
 practice of equity and bankruptcy in the 
 several courts of equity in England and 
 Ireland, the privy council, and the house 
 of lords, from the earliest period. 3d ed., 
 brought down to the year 1853, by .lames 
 Macaulay. 4 v. Boat., 1853. 
 Chitty, Joseph. Treatise on pleading and 
 ])arties to actions; with second and third 
 volumes, containing modern precedents 
 of pleading and jiraetical notes. 14tli 
 Am. ed., with new matter, by H. Green- 
 ing; also, notes and additions, by J. A. 
 Dunlap and E. D. Ingraham; and notes 
 and references, by J. C. Perkius. 3 v. 
 Springfield, 1872. 
 Claims. Summary reports of the Counuis- 
 sioners of Claims in all cases reported to 
 Congress as disallowed under the act of 
 March 3r<l, 1871 ; reported to Congress as 
 follows: 9th general report, Decemlier 
 16th, 1879; lOtli general reiiort, March 
 IDth, 1880. Prepared under the direction 
 of the Committee on War Claim.s, H. K. 
 46tli Congress. Washingtou, 1881. 
 Cobb, Thomas 11. R. Iniiuiry into the law 
 of negro slavery in the United States of 
 America; to which is prefixed an histori- 
 cal sketch of slavery. Phila. and Savan- 
 nah, 18.^.8. 
 Code Napolciin. fidilion originale et seule 
 ofticielle. Paris, 1807. 
 The same. Literally translated from 
 the original and ofticial edition, published 
 at Paris, m 1804, by a biirrister of the 
 I Inner Temple. Lond., 1824.
 Coke, Sir Etlwanl. .Systematic arraiige- 
 iiifiit of his first institute, on the plan of 
 Lord Hale's analysis. With the annota- 
 tions of Jlr. Hargiave, Lords Hale and 
 Nottingham, and new notes and refer- 
 ences, by J. H. Thomas. 3 v. Phila., 1836. 
 Commercial regulations of the foreign 
 countries with which the United States 
 have commercial intercourse. Washing- 
 ton, 1?10. 
 Compilation of the laws of the United 
 States relating to and aft'ecting the Ord- 
 nance Department, as enacted from April 
 2, 1794, to June 111, 1-72. By W. A. De- 
 Caindry. Wa.shiugtou, 1^72. 
 Congress. Acts ami resolutions of the 39tli 
 and 4Mth Congress relating to military 
 atl'airs, pulilished in general orders, Janu- 
 ary to April, 1HG7. Washington, l^.til. (2 
 Conkling, Alfred. Admiralty jurisdiction, 
 law and practice of the courts of the 
 United States ; with an appendix and 
 numerous practical forms of process, 
 pleadings, etc. 2d ed. 2 v. Albany, 18.57. 
 Treatise on the organization, juris- 
 diction, and practice of the courts of the 
 United States. 3d ed. Albany, 18.56. 
 Cooley, Thomas JI. Treaties on the con- 
 stitutional limitations which rest upon 
 the legislative power of the States of the 
 American Union. 4th ed. Bost., 1878. 
 Cruise, William. Digest of the law of real 
 l)roperty. Revised and enlarged by H. 
 H. White. Further revised, with addi- 
 tions and notes for American students, by 
 Sinion Greeuleaf. 7 v. in 3. Bost. and 
 Loud., 1849-.57. 
 Curtis, George Ticknor. Commentaries on 
 the jurisdiction, practice, aud peculiar 
 jurisprudence of the courts of the United 
 States. Vol. 1. Phila., IS.54. 
 History of the origin, formation, and 
 adoption of the Constitution of the United 
 States, etc. 2 v. N. Y., 1854-58. 
 Treatise on the law of patents for 
 useful inventions. 3d ed. Best., 1867. 
 Desty, Robert. Manual of practice in the 
 courts of the United States; with notes 
 referring to decisions of the federal courts. 
 4tli issue. San Francisco, 1879. 
 Digest of laws in relation to bounty. Pre- 
 pared under the direction of the Second 
 Auditor, by S. A. Rapp. Washington, 
 40 W 
 Dunlap, Andrew. Treatise on the practice 
 of courts of admiralty in civil causes of 
 maritime jurisdiction, with rules in the 
 ailuiiralty courts of the Uniteil States, an<l 
 a collection of practical forms. 2d ed., 
 with notes aud additions, by Samuel F. 
 Dunlap. N. Y., 1850. 
 Dw^arris, Sir Fortnnatus. General treatise 
 on statutes; their rules of construction 
 and the proper boundaries of legislation 
 and of judicijil interpretation. With 
 American notes and additions, etc.. by 
 Piatt Potter. Albany, 1871. 
 East, Edward Hyde. Reports of cases ar- 
 gued aud determined in the court of 
 king's bench ; with tables of the names 
 of cases and principal matters, 1800-12. 
 16 V. Lond., 1805-14. 
 Edwards, Charles. Practical treatise on 
 the stamp-act of July 1, 1862, and ameucU 
 atory statutes. N. Y., 1863. 
 Edwards, Isaac. Treatise on bills of ex- 
 change and ])romissory notes. 2d ed. 
 N. Y.,1863. 
 EUiot, Jonathan. Diplomatic code: a col- 
 lictiou of treaties and conventions be- 
 tween the United States aud foreign 
 IJOwers, from the year 1778 to 1827. Wash- 
 ington, 1827. 
 American diplomatic code : a collec- 
 tion of treaties and conventions between 
 the United States aud foreign powers, 
 from 1778 to 1834 ; with an abstract of de- 
 cisions connected with our foreign rela- 
 tions, and a diplomatic manual. 2 v. 
 Washington, 1834. (2 copies.) 
 Extracts from the treaties between Great 
 liritaiu and other kingdoms aud states of 
 such articles as relate to the duty aud con- 
 duct of the commanders of His Majesty's 
 ships of war. Lond., 1792. 
 Fiulason, W. Leading cases on pleading 
 aud parties to actions; with practical 
 notes. Loud., 1847. 
 Foreign enlistuu>nt acts of England and 
 America. The "Alexandra" aud the 
 rams. By Vigilans. Lond., 1864. 
 Greeuleaf, Simon. Treatise on the law of 
 evidence. 12th ed., carefully revised, 
 with Large additions by Isaac F. Redfield. 
 3 V. Bost.. 184r>-48. 
 The same. 13th ed., carefully re- 
 vised, with large additions, by .John 
 Wilder May. 3 v. Bost., 1876.
 Hall, Joliii K. I'raitii'c iiml jiivisiliction of 
 tlic cimrt of ailiiiiially. lf:illiiiic>ii% l?^U<t. 
 Harrison, S. I!. Aiiiil.vlir:il (lifji'sl of nil 
 I 111' ii|)i>itfil casrs ill tln' Hmise of Liilils, 
 the si-veral roiiits of coiiiiiioii law, ill liaiic 
 and at nisi piiiiH, ami in tlio cinirts of 
 liankrii|itcy, 1751) to 184;?; inoludini;, also, 
 tile crown cases reservi'd, and a full sidrc- 
 tion of equity decisions. To wliieli is ad- 
 ded a sn|)]>leinont, continiiinjj: the work 
 to the year 1851, liy H. Tarrant Harrison. 
 7 V. Phila., 18-l()-.'>:!. 
 Hilliard, Francis. Kliim nis of law: a 
 eoinpreliensive siiniinary of .\iiieriian jii- 
 ris|irii(Un(e. "id ed. X. Y., 1848. 
 Law of contracts. "2 v. Phila., I87d. 
 Holmes, John. Tli<^ statesman ; or, jiriii- 
 eiples of legislation and law. ,\iij5iista, 
 Hurd, John Codnian. Law of freedom and 
 bondage iu the I'uited State.s. 2 v. Bost. 
 and X.Y., 1858-62. 
 Hurd, Kollin C. on the right of 
 peisonal liberty, and on the writ of habeas 
 corpns and the practice connected with 
 it ; with a view of the law of extradition 
 of fugitives. Albany, 1858. 
 Justiuian. Institutes. With notes, by 
 Thos. Cooper, i'hila., 1812. 
 Keut, Jaines. Coiniiieiitaries on the .\iiirr- 
 icau law. 8th cd. 4 v. N. V., 1854. 
 The same. 11th ed. 4 v., 
 Kiuue, Asa. (Questions and answers on 
 law ; aliihabetically arranged, with refei- 
 cnces. 2 v. X. Y., 1840-41. 
 Lav7 almanac, for the year 1-70. X. V., 
 La^vs of the I'nitcd Slates in rclati<m to 
 the navy and Marine Corps, and the Xavy 
 lJc|iaitment, from the formation of the 
 goveriinient to 18.')9. Compiled l>y J. ¥. 
 Callan and A. \V. Knssell. Baltimore, 
 The same. To the close of the 2d 
 session of the 2l>ih Congress. Compileil 
 by H. Homans. Washington, 1841. 
 Lavffsof the United .States in relation to the 
 navy, etc., to .Inly 1, l-'(i5. rnblished by 
 Xavy Department. Washington, I-^K. 
 Legislatioti, relative to the Supreme Court 
 of the United Slates. Arguments in the 
 Lrnited States Supreme Court. Trial of 
 John H. Surratt. (Vol. :i of "The Re- 
 porter.") Washington, 18t)7. 
 Livermore, Samuel. Treatise on the law 
 of principal and agent, and of sales by 
 am tion. 2 v. Baltimore, 181s. 
 Livingston, .lohn. United .states law reg- 
 ister and odicial directory. N. Y., 185!l. 
 The same. Uor the year 18(i(I. N. Y., 
 McCrary, fii'orge W'. Treatise on the 
 .\iiicricaii law of elections. Keokiil; and 
 Chicago, IS75. 
 Maine, Henry .Siimncr. Ancient law; it.s 
 connection with the early history of so- 
 <icty, anil its relation to modern ideas. 
 Willi ail introduction by Theodore W. 
 Uwight. :!d Anier. ed. N. Y.. 1875. 
 Lectures on the ^^arly history of in- 
 stitutions. Lond., 1875. 
 Village communities in the ICast and 
 West: six lectures delivered at Oxford, 
 and other lectures, addresses, and essays. 
 X. v., I87(i. 
 Manual of the pension laws of the United 
 States of America. By an exaininer. 
 WMsliiiigton, 18(;2. 
 Marshall, .lolin. Writings iiimn tin- I'ld- 
 I ral I'oiistitiition. Bost., 1839. 
 Martindale, .James B. United Stat»w law 
 directory for 1874. Indianapolis, 1874. 
 Marvin, William. Treatise on the law of 
 wreck and salvage. Bost., IS.'iS. 
 Military reservations. Digest of the law of. 
 (' piled by Jasper W. .Johnson. Wash- 
 ington, 18711. 
 Minor, John B. Institutes of common ami 
 statute law. 2d ed. 2 v. Kichniond, 
 Morse, Alexander P. Treatise on citizen- 
 .sliip, by birth and by naturalization with 
 reference to the law of nations, Roman 
 civil law, law of the Unitei^ States of 
 America, and the law of France; includ- 
 ing provisious in the Federal Constitution, 
 etc. Bost., 1881. 
 OGBcial opinions of the Attorneys-General 
 of the United States, advising the Presi- 
 dent and heads of the deii.artiiieiits in re- 
 lation to their official duties. Hi v. 
 Washingtou, 18.52-81. 
 Opinions of the Attorneys-tieiieral of the 
 I iiitiil Stales, from the comiiiencement of 
 the government to the 1st of March, 1841. 
 ( E.-ceciitivo documents. ) Washington, 
 Opinions of the piiiiciiial ofliccis of tin' ex- 
 ecutive (lepartmeiits, amlnlhii- |.:i|ii-is re- 
 JatiriK to expatriation, iialuializatioii, 
 and change of alli gianee. \Vasliiiif;toii, 
 Pamphlets. .XriaiiKcii and jiiililislird in 
 one volume, l>y John ('aniplieli, Ipook- 
 seller, of Philadelphia; eontainlii),' the 
 writ of liabea.s corpu.s, martial law, eniaii- 
 eipation, etc. Phila., \H&2. 
 Parsons, Theoiphiliis. Elenient.s of mercan- 
 tile law. ^(1 cd. Bost., lSf)'.>. 
 Law of contracts. .">tli cd. :! v. 
 HoNt., lH(i(i. 
 Laws (d' business, for business men. 
 Kost., IKCII. and (iropcrty rights of a 
 citizen of llie I'liited States, t'incinnati. 
 Treali.scon maritime law; inchidini^ 
 the law of .shi])ping. the law of marine in- 
 surance, and the law and practice of ad- 
 ndralty. 2 v., 1859. 
 Paschal, George W. Constitutfon of the 
 United States detined and carefully an- 
 notated. Washington, 1h68. 
 Pendergast, Harris. Law relatinu; to offi- 
 cers in the British army. Revised ed. 
 Lorid.. 18.V). 
 Pension laws and bonntyland laws of Ihe 
 United States; inclnduif; sundry re.solu- 
 tions of Congress, from ITTti to \Siy2. 
 C'()m])iled by R. Mayo and 1''. Moulton. 
 Washington, 1852. 
 The same. To 1861. By R. .Mayo. 
 1th ed. Washington, ISIil. 
 Phillips, P. Statutory Jurisdiction and 
 practice of the Snprenu! Court of the 
 United States; with forms of jirocess and 
 rules for the Supreme Court, Court of 
 Claims, etc. Revised ed. Wa.shington, 
 Phillips, Willard. Treatise on the l.iw of 
 insurance, lib ed. 2 v. Host., 1854. 
 Ponieroy, .John X. Inlroilnctiou to the j 
 cou.stitntional law of the I'niteil Sl.ates. ! 
 4th ed. Bost., 18711. 
 Poor laws. Extraitsfrom the inforni;ition 
 received by Mis Majesty's commissioners 
 as to the administration and opeiation of 
 the poor laws. Loud., ISXi. 
 Two reports adilressed to His Ma- 
 jesty's commissioners agipointeil to imiuire 
 into the administration and oiieration of 
 the poor laws, by C. II. Cann'ron, .T. 
 Wrottesley, and J. W. Cowles: and a let- 
 ter from Count .Arrivabene on the man- 
 agemint (dtlie |)oor in Belgium. I,(niil., 
 Poore, Ben. Perley. Federal and State 
 lonslitntions, colonial charters, and other 
 organic laws of the United States. Parts 1 
 and 2. 2 v. Washington, 1877. (2 copies.) 
 Postal laws and regulations, issued by au- 
 thoiily (if (he Postmaster General. By 
 W. M. Irelaml and .J. M. McGrew. Wash- 
 ington, 187:!. 
 Pothier, M. Treatisi- on the law of obliga- 
 tions or contra<:ts. Tran.slated, with an 
 introduction, appendix, and notes, by W. 
 D. Evans. :id .\mcr. ed. 2 v. Phila 
 Proclamations by the President of the 
 United States, acts, resolutions, etc., from 
 April 15, lsi;i, to October 14, 1^05. (Un- 
 Public lands. (Jeneral jiuldic acts of Con- 
 gress res]iecting the sale ami disposition 
 ofthei>ublic lands; with instructions is- 
 sued frorti time to time by the Secretary 
 of the Treasury and Connni.ssioner of the 
 General Lanil Office, and ofticial oi)inions 
 of the Attorney (Jeneral on (|uestious aris- 
 ing under the himl laws. 2 v. Wash- 
 ington, is:t8. 
 Rawle, William Hi'ury. Practical treatise 
 on the law of coveinuits for title. 2d ed. 
 Phila., 1854. 
 Reports of cases argued and delerinined in 
 the English courts of common law, IS];! 
 to 1841. Edited by T. Sergeant. J. C. 
 Lowber, and others. With a general in- 
 dex, in two volniues, by G. W. Biddieand 
 K. C. McMurtrie. 43 v. Phil.i., ls:!4-57. 
 Rivers and harbors. Laws of the United 
 States relating to public works for the 
 improvement of rivers and harbor.s, 17!)ll- 
 187fi. Compiled under the direction of 
 Gen. .John G. Parke. Washington. 1s77. 
 (2 copies.) 
 Saunders, .l(din Simcne. Law (d'pleailing 
 .•lud <'vidence in civil actions; arranged 
 alphabetically. 4th Anier. ed., with ad- 
 ditions by a mi'UilM'r of Ihe Philadelphia 
 bar. 2 v. Phila.. 1844. 
 Schouler, .lames. United States .jurist, 
 ls71-7:{. :i V. Wa.shington, 1.-171-73. 
 Sedgwrick, Henry Dwight. Selection of 
 Amern:in .mil English cases on the meas- 
 ure of damages. \. Y.,lft78.
 Sedgwick, Tlieodore. Trcatisf mi llir 
 iiir.i-.nrr nl' ilaiiiu^i's ; or, an iininir.v into 
 till- iiriiHiph's wliiili •lovnii tlir aiiiomil 
 of iiriiiniaiy foiiipcnsatioii a«:iiiU'<l liy 
 courts of justici'. :>il I'll. N. Y. anil 
 Loud., lrtr>rt. 
 Treatise on tlie rules wliicli ;;overii tlie 
 iiiteriiretation and a|ii>liealii)ii of «lalu- 
 tory anil coustitntional law. N. Y., l-T.". 
 Shearman, Tliomas (i., ami Aniasa A. Red- 
 lielil. Treatise on the law of negligence- 
 -Mid. X. Y.,1870. 
 Smith, Clianneey. Digest of llie iliiisiinis 
 of the eonrts of England contained in the 
 English law and equity rejinrts, t'loin the 
 tirst volume tu the thirty-lirst, imlnsive. 
 BoHt., l'*.'')!!. 
 Smith, .lohn Williai.i. Ciini)iemliiim of 
 nieieantile law. I!y (i. .M. Dowdcswell. 
 sth id. l.ond., \K7\. 
 Law of landlord and tenant: lieiiig 
 a course of lectures delivered at the Law 
 Institution. With notes and additions, 
 by F. P. Maude ; with notes and references 
 to the American cases, by P; I'. Morris. 
 Phila., 18.-)(). 
 Smith, .losiah W. Manual of coninioii law ; 
 rom|)rising the fnndamenlal prineiiiles 
 and the ])oints most usually occurring in 
 daily life and jiractice. 1st Amcr. eil., 
 with notes and references, by E.C. Inger- 
 soll. Washington, 187.5. 
 Manual of ci|uity jnrisiirudence; 
 comprising the fundameutal principles 
 and the poiuts of equity usually occur- 
 ring in gi^uerai practice. 1st Amer. ed. 
 Washington, lH7i. 
 Smith, William L. Coiu])arativc view of 
 the constilutious of the several States 
 with each other and with that of the 
 United States. Revised and extended by 
 E. S. Havis. Washingtou, lH:i'2. 
 Statutes relating to the army and navy of 
 the United States, as revised, simplitied, 
 arranged, and cousolidated by the com- 
 mission appointed for that ]>urpo8e from 
 the various .acts of Congress now in force, 
 in whole or in ))art. Washingtou, 18(iri-6U. 
 Stephen, Henry John. Treatise on the 
 prjnriples of ])leading in civil aetioiis. 
 Uy Erancis J. Tronlmt. ."itli .\iner. ed. 
 Phila., 184.5. 
 The same. 8th Amer. ed., with ad- 
 ditional notes, by a member of the Phila- 
 delphia bar. I'hiia., 1H5'J. 
 Stephen, Sir .Tames Eltz .I.Tnies. Digest of 
 the law of eviileiiie. I'roiii the :id Eng. 
 ed., with notes and illustrations, by .John 
 Wilder May. Host., 1877. 
 Stephen, Thomas. Hook of the constitu- 
 tion ol Cleat Uritaiii. Glasgow, IHH."). 
 Story, .loseph. Commeularies on the t'on- 
 stitntion of the United States; with a 
 preliminary review of the constitutional 
 history of the colonies and States before 
 the adoption of the Con.stitiilion. ;i v. 
 Host, and Phila., 1833. 
 The same. 3d ed. "J v. Host. l.-^.^H. 
 The same. Abridged by the author. 
 Host, and Cambridge, IS'.V.\. 
 Commentaries on the law of agency 
 as a branch of commercial aiul maritime 
 jurisprudence; witli occasional illnstra- 
 tioiis from the civil and foreign law. .-'tli 
 ed., with additions, by X. ."^t. .Inlin (ireeii. 
 Host., 1874. 
 Comiueutaries on the law of promis- 
 sory notes and guarantees of notes and 
 checks ^n banks and bankers. 5th ed. 
 Best., 1859. 
 Mi.scellaueous writings, literary, crit- 
 ical, juridical, and political. Host., 1835. 
 Story, William W. on the law of 
 contracts. "2 v. Host., 18.51). 
 Treatise on the law of sales of |)ei- 
 sonal property; with illustrations from 
 the foreign law. 3d ed., with additions 
 and notes, by ,1. C. Perkins. Host., 1862. 
 Siigden, Edward. Treatise of th<^ law of 
 vendors and purchasers of est.ates. 14tli 
 id., by J. C. Perkins. 2 v. Phila, 1873. 
 Syed Ameer Ali. Personal law of the Ma- 
 hommedans; together with a comparative 
 sketch of the law of inheritance among 
 the Sunnis and Shias. Lond., 1880. 
 Taylor, Alfred .Swaine. Manual of medical 
 jurisprudence, fith Amer. ed., with notes 
 and references, by Clement H. Penrose. 
 Phila., 18t)t). 
 Taylor, ,Iohu N. Treatise on the American 
 law of landlord and tenant. 4th ed. 
 Host., 186(). 
 Tudor, Owen Davies. Selection of leading 
 cases on mercantile and maritime law; 
 with notes, -id ed. Lond., 1868. 
 Selection of leading cases on real 
 jiroperty, conveyancing, and the construc- 
 tion of wills and deeds; with notes. 2d 
 ed. Lond., 1863.
 Walker, Timothy. Introduction to Anier- 
 iiMii law. (Uh ei\., revised by J. Hryant 
 WmIU.'i-. Bust., 1874. 
 Washburn, Emory. Treatist- on tlie Aiiier- 
 icau law of easement.s aii<l servitudes. 
 Pliila., IHKi. on the Aineiieaii law of real 
 properly. M ed. :i v. Host., I-^tiH. 
 Waslliiigton Law Rejiorler. Vols. H;imi1 'J. 
 W:lsliiTi;iti)I), IHHI. 
 Wedgwood, Professor William 15., and 1. 
 Smith Hoiiians. Law manual for no aries 
 ])iililie and baukers. N. Y., 1H6T. 
 Wells, .John G. Eveiy man his own law- 
 yer, ,ind business form book. N. Y., Ir^l. 
 Wharton, EranMs. Treatise (in the erimi- 
 nal law of the United States; eomprisin;; 
 a general view of the criminal Jurispru- 
 deuce of the common and civil law, and a 
 digest of the penal statutes, otli ed. 2 v. 
 Phila., I'^Cil. 
 ■V^Tharton, Francis, and Morcton Stilld. 
 Treatise on nu'dical jurisprudence. The 
 medical jiart revised, with additions, by 
 .\lfred Stills. 2d erl. Phila., 1S60. 
 Wheeler, .(. D. American common law 
 cases, argued and diterriiiiied in the courts 
 of the several .Slates and the United States 
 courts, from the earliest period to the pres- 
 ent time, "v. N. Y., Iti3:i-:it;. 
 White, Frederick Thomas, ami Owen Davieg 
 Tndiir. .Selection of leading eases in 
 er|nity; with notes. 4tli ed. 2 v. Lond., 
 White, .Iosei>h JI. New collection of laws, 
 charters, and local ordinances of the gov- 
 eiiimeuts iif fireat Britain, France, and 
 S[i:iiii. relating to the concessions of land 
 in their respect i\ e colonies: together with 
 the laws (it' Mexico .ind Texas im the same 
 subject. With .J(dinson'K translation of 
 Azo and .Manners lustilutes of th(^ civil 
 l.-iw (.f Spain. -2 V. Phila., ISXt.
 Abbot, Lieiit.-Col. Henry L. Report upon 
 experiments and investigations fo develop 
 a system of submarine mines for defending 
 the Iiarbors of the United States. (Pro- 
 fessional papers, Corps of Engineers, 
 U. S. A., No. 23.) Washington, 1881. (2 
 Abbott, Rev. Edwin A. How to parse: an 
 attempt to apply the principles of scholar- 
 ship to English grammar. With appen- 
 dixes on analysis, spelling, and punctua- 
 tion. Bost., 1878. 
 Alleii, Joel Asaph. See CouES. 
 Ailyn, Charles. Battle of Groton Heights: 
 a collection of narratives, official reports, 
 records, etc., of the storming of Fort Gris- 
 wold ; the massacre of its garrison and the 
 burning of New London by British troops 
 under the command of Brig.-Gen. Bene- 
 dict Arnold on the sixth of September, 
 1781. With an introduction and notes by 
 W. W. Harris. Illustrated with engrav- 
 ings and maps; revised and enlarged with 
 additional notes. New London (Ct.), 1882. 
 Army (United States). Ordnance notes, 
 Nos. 1'26 to 167 inclusive, from the Ord- 
 nance Office, War Department. Wash- 
 ington, 1881. 
 Ordnance regulations for the care, 
 preservation, and accountability of ord- 
 nance and ordnance stores; with iustnic- 
 tions for making the returns, reports, etc. 
 Washington, 1877. 
 Arnold, H. P. The great exhibition ; with 
 continental sketches, practical and hu- 
 morous. N. Y.,18fi8. 
 AschenbroedeL Bost., 1882. (No-name 
 Asbton, .John. Chap-books of the eight- 
 eenth century. Lond., 1882. 
 Ayers, Alfred. The orthoi-pist: a pro- 
 nouncing manual, containing about three 
 thousand five hundred words, including 
 a considerable number of the names of 
 41 W 
 foreign authors, artists, etc., that are 
 often misi>ronouuceil. N. Y., IS'^l. 
 The A manual devoted 
 to brief discussions of the right and 
 the wrong use of words and to some 
 other matters of interest to those who' 
 would speak and write with propriety. 
 N. Y., 1862. 
 Babbage, Charles. Exposition of 1851 ; or, 
 views of tlic industry, the science, and the 
 government of England. 2<1 ed. Lond., 
 Ballantdne, William. Some experiences of 
 a barrister's life. N. Y., 1882. 
 Ballou, Maturin M. Notable thoughts 
 about women : a literary mosaic. Loud., 
 Bancroft, George. History of the forma- 
 tion of the Constitution of the United 
 States of America. 2 v. N. Y., 1882. 
 Bingham, Eon. V>. A. Marriages of the 
 Bonapartes. 2 v. 2d ed. Lond., 1882. 
 Black, John R. Young Japan: Yokohama 
 and Yedo. A narrative of the settlement 
 and the city, from the signing of the 
 treaties in 1858, to the close of the year 
 187U; with a glance at the i)rogress of 
 Japan during a period of twenty-one 
 years. 2 t. Lond. and Yokohama, 1880- 
 Black'wood, Lad;/ Alicia. Narrative of 
 personal experiences and impressions dur- 
 ing a residence on the Bosphorus through- 
 out the Crimean war. Lond., 1881. 
 Bock, Carl. Head-hunters of Borneo: a, 
 narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and 
 down the Barito; also, journeyings in 
 Sumatra. With thirty coloured (dates, 
 maps, and other illustrations. Lond., 
 Boyle, Esmeralda. Tliistle-Dowu. Phila., 
 Songs of the land and sea. N. Y., 
 Bruce, Edward C. Thecentnry: its fruite 
 and its festival; being a history and do- 
 srription of tlie Centennial Exhibitiou, 
 with a, preliminary outline of modern 
 |p|(i;;reKM. IIIiis. I'liila., 1H77. 
 Butterfield, V. W. History of the discov- 
 ery of tlie Northwest by .Tidin Nicolct 
 inl(>34; with a sketeli of his life. C'inein- 
 nati, If^ril. 
 Cape Mounted Kitles. With the Cape 
 Mounted Ritles. Four years' service in 
 South Africa. By an ex-C. M. R. Lond., 
 Cist, Henry M. The Army of the Cumber- 
 land. (Campaigns of the Civil War. Vol. 
 7.) N.Y.,18H-i. 
 Clark, D. Kinnear. Tramways; their con- 
 slrnctiou and working, embracing a eoni- 
 I)rehensive history of the system, with an 
 exhaustive analysis of the various modes 
 of traction, including horse power, steam, 
 heated water, and comi)ressed air ; a de- 
 scription of the varieties of rolling stock, 
 etc., etc. Illus. 2 v. Lond., 1878-82. 
 Clarke, James Freeman. Events and 
 epochs in religious history; being the 
 substance of a course of twelve lectures 
 delivered in the Lowell Institute, Boston, 
 in IS-JO., 18)^1. 
 Clemens, .Sand. L. Prince and the pauper: 
 a tale for young people of all ages. Illus. 
 Bost., 1882. 
 Clinton, H. R. From Crt-cy to Assye; 
 being five centuries of the military hi.s- 
 tory of England. With original plans 
 :in<l maps. Loiul. 
 Colyer, Frederick. Hydraulic, steam, and 
 hand power lifting and i)res8ing machi- 
 nery. Lond. and N. V., 1881. 
 Coues, Elliott, and J. A. Allen. Mono- 
 graphs of North American rodentia. 
 (United States (ieological Survey of the 
 Territories. Vol. 11.) Wa.shington, 1877. 
 Cox, .Jacob D. .\tlanta. (Campaigns of tlie 
 Civil War, Vol. !t.) N. V., 1882. 
 .Second battle of Bull Run, as con- 
 nected with the Fitz-.Iohu Porter ease. 
 Cincinnati, 1882. 
 Coz, Samuel S. Arctic sunbeams ; or, from 
 Broadway to the Bosphorus by way of the 
 North Cape. N. Y., 1882. 
 Orient sunbeams; or, from the Porte 
 to the Pyramids, by way of Palestine. 
 Crofton, Morgan \V. Lectures on the ele- 
 ments of applied mechanics, comprising: 
 I. Stability of structure; II. Strength of 
 materials. Lond., 1877. 
 and Edgar Kensington. Tracts on 
 mechanics, comi>rising: I. Theory of 
 work; II. firajdiical solntion of statical 
 jircddenis: III. Artillery m;ichines. 2ded. 
 Lond., 1881. 
 Disraeli, Benjamin. Novels and talcs of 
 the fiarl of Beaconsficld. "Hughcudcn" 
 edition. 11 v. Lond., 1881. 
 Vivian Oroy, v. 1. 
 Younj; Duke; Count Alnrcoa: a trngody, v. 2. 
 Contarini Fleming;: a psychological romance; Rise 
 of IskamliT, v. 3. 
 Alroy; Ixion in Heaven ; Infirrnal marriage ; Po- 
 imuiUa. v. 4. 
 Henrietta Temple ; a love atorj'. v. 5. 
 Venetia, v. 6. 
 Couingsby ; or, the new generation, v. 7. 
 Sybil : or, the two nations, v. 8. 
 Taucred ; or, the new cru«adr, v. U. 
 Lothair, v. 10. 
 EndymioD, v. 11. 
 Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain ami 
 its heroes: history of the battle of King's 
 Mountain, October 7th, 1780, and the 
 events which led to it. Illus. Cincinnati, 
 Eastman, Aim. >Iary H. Dabcotah; or, life 
 and legends of the Sioux around Fort 
 Snelling; with preface by Mrs. C. M. Kirk- 
 laud. Illus. N. Y.,1849. 
 Fashionable life. Phila., 18."jG. 
 Jenny Wade of (iettysburg. Phila., 
 Romance of Indian life, with other 
 tales. Selections from the Iris, an illu- 
 nnnated souvenir. Phila., 1853. 
 Ellis, George E. Red man and the white 
 man in North America from its discovery 
 to the present time. Bost., 1882. 
 Entomological comnnssion. Second re- 
 purl of the I'nited .States entomological 
 c(unmi.ssion for the years 1878 and 1879, re- 
 lating to the Rocky Mountain and 
 the Western cricket, and treating of the 
 best means of subduing the locust in 
 its penuanent breeding grounds, etc. ; 
 with maps and illustrations. Washing- 
 ton, 1880. 
 Centennial Exhibition of the United 
 States, Philadelphia, 1876. Centen-
 Exhibitions — coutinued. 
 nial Exposition described and illus- 
 trated. Ingram, J. S. Phila., IrtTfi. 
 Century (The): its fruits and its 
 festival : bemi; a history anil descriiition 
 of the Centennial Exhibition, with a 
 preliminary outline of modern progress. 
 Bruce, Edward C. Illus. Phila., 1877. 
 Reports of the English commis- 
 sioners to the Centennial Exposition. 
 Vol. 1. Lond., 1877. 
 Great Centennial Exhibition criti- 
 cally de.scribed and illustrated. .Sand- 
 hurst, PhilipT., andothers. Phila., 1876. 
 Historical register of the United 
 States Centennial Exposition, 1876. 
 (Leslie's.) Edited by P. H. Norton. 
 N. Y., 1877. (2 copies.) 
 Illustrated history of the Centeu- 
 nial Exhibition. McCabe, J. D. Phila., 
 1876. (2 copies. ) 
 Official catalogue. Second and re- 
 vised edition. 4 v. Phila., 187G. 
 United States Centennial Commis- 
 sion. Reports, etc. 9 v. Washington, 
 Report of the commissioners for 
 Victoria. Melbourne, 1877. 
 World's Fair: Philadelphia, 1876. 
 A critical account. Walker, Francis A. 
 London Exhibition, 18.'>1. Art Journal 
 illustrated catalogue of the industry of 
 all nations. Loud., 1851. 
 Dinner given by George Pcabody 
 to the Americans connected with the 
 great exhibition of 1851, Account of 
 proceedings. Stevens, II. Lond., 1851. 
 Exposition of 1851; or, views of 
 the inihistry, the science, and the gov- 
 ernment of England. Babbago, Charles. 
 2ded. Lond., 1851. 
 Illustrated exhibitor; a tribute to 
 the world's industrial jubilee; compris- 
 ing sketches by jien and pencil of the 
 principal object.s in the great exhibition 
 of the industry of all nations, 1''51. 
 Lond., 1851. 
 Reports by the juries on the sub 
 jects in the thirty classes into which 
 the exhibition was divided. 2 v. 
 Lond., 18.52. 
 London International Exhibition, H62. 
 Art Journal illustrated catalogue of the 
 exhibition. Loud, and N. y. 
 Exhibitions — continued. 
 Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. 
 Official catalogu(f of the exhibits, with 
 introductory notices of the countries 
 exhibiting. 2d cd. Melbourne, 1880. 
 New York Exhibition, 185:j-.54. The 
 world of science, art, and industry, illus- 
 trated from examples in the New York 
 Exhibition, 18o3-.54. Edited by B. Sil- 
 liman, jr., and C. R. Goodrich. N. Y., 
 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. Illus- 
 trated catalogue of the Universal Exhi- 
 bition, published with the Art Journal. 
 Lond. and N. Y., 1868. 
 Reports of the English commis- 
 sioners. 5 vols, in :!. Lond., 1868-69. 
 Paris Exposition, 1878. L'exposition de 
 Paris. Rddigde par A. Bitard, avec la 
 collaboration d'dcrivains spdciaux. 
 Edition enrichie do vues, de scenes, de 
 reproiluctions d'objets d'art, de ma- 
 chines, etc. Paris, 1878. 
 Official catalogue of the United 
 States exhibitors. Loud., 1878. 
 Report of the connnissioners for 
 Victoria. Melbourne, lf'79. 
 Rejiortof the English commission- 
 ers. 2 V. Lond., 1880. 
 Society of Arts artisans' reports. 
 Lond., 1879. 
 Sydney International Exhibition, 1879. 
 Official catalogue of the British section. 
 Loud., 1879. 
 United States court. Official cat- 
 alogue of exhibits. Sydney, 1879. 
 Victoria, Australia. Official record of the 
 inter-colonial exhibition, Melbourne, 
 1875, and Victorian department of the 
 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 
 1876. Melbourne, 1875-76. 
 Vienna Exhibition, 187^!. Amtliches Ver- 
 zeichniss der Aussteller welchen von 
 der internationalen .Jury Ehrenpreise 
 zuerkannt worden sind. Wien, 1673. 
 Reports of the English commission- 
 ers. 4 V. and atlas of maps. L(uul., 1874. 
 Reports of the United States com- 
 missioners. 4 V. Wa-shington, 1876. 
 French revolutiiui. The great French 
 revolution, 1785-9;!, narrated in the let- 
 ters of Madame J , of the Jacobin 
 party. Edited by her grandson. M. Ed- 
 ward Lockroy. From the French. Lond., 
 Oardiner, Samuel Rawson. The fall of the 
 iiioiiarchy of Charles I., 1637-4'J. 2 v. 
 LdikI., 1«8-^. 
 Gardner, Dorsey. Qiiatre Bras, Ligny,an(l 
 Waterloo : a narrative uf the campaign in 
 Belgium, 1815. BoKt,, Irtba. 
 Gautier, ThiSophile. One of Cleopatra's 
 night-s, and other fantastic romances. 
 Translate.l by L. Hearn. N. Y., 1882. 
 Gordon, (leorge H. War iliary of events, 
 in the war of the great rebellion, IHbl-GTi. 
 Host., leS-i. 
 Gortinge, Henry H. Kgyptiau obelisks. 
 Illus. N. Y.,1882. 
 Hamersly, Thomas IT. S. General register 
 of Navy and Marine Corps arranged in 
 alphabetical order for one hundred years, 
 {V&i to IHrtU). Washington, 1882. 
 Hanson, I!rr. John W. Historieal sketch 
 of the old .Sixth Kegiment of Massachu- 
 setts volunteers, during its three cam- 
 paigns in 1861, '6'2, '63, '64. Containing a 
 history of the several companies previous 
 to 1861, and the name and military record 
 of each man connected with the regiment 
 during the war. Illus. Bost., 1866. 
 HaTwley, Frederick li. Capital and popu- 
 lation : a study of the economic elfects of 
 their relations to each other. N. Y., 1882. 
 Hoyt, .1. K., aud Anna L. Ward. Cyclo- 
 pedia of practical <iuotations,. English 
 and Latin; with an apix'udix, containing 
 proverbs from the Latin and nnxlern for- 
 eign languages ; law and ecclesia-stical 
 terms and signilicaticms, names, dates, 
 and nationality of <iUoted authors, etc. 
 N. Y., 1882. 
 Hughes, .1/1-8. Thomas F. Among the sons 
 of Han : notes of a six years' residence in 
 various parts of China and Formosa. 
 With map. Lond., 1«81. 
 Hunt, W. 1'. A plea for the thorough and 
 crucial test of American cast-iron, by the 
 construction and proof of ritied guns of 
 large calibre. Submitted to the board on 
 heavy ordnance appointed March '.irt\, 
 1881. Bost., 1861. 
 India list, civil and military, 1879, '80, '81, < 
 ■82. 6 v. Lond., 1879-82. \ 
 Ingram, J. .'<. Centennial Exposition de- j 
 scribed aud illustrated. Phila., 1876. 
 Jackson, Catharine Charlotte, Lady. 
 French court and society, reign of Louis 
 XVI. and first empire. 2v. Lond., 1881. i 
 Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. Original por- 
 traits of Washington, including statues, 
 nionnnii'Uts, and medals. Bost., 1882. 
 Jones, Charles Henry. History of the cam- 
 l^aign for the coni|uest of Canada in 1776, 
 from th(^ diath of .Montgomery to the re- 
 treat of the British army under Sir Guy 
 Carleton. Phila., 1882. 
 Lamed, Charles T. OOiciul table of dis- 
 tances for the guidance of disbursing otli- 
 cers of the army charged with payment of 
 money allowances fortravel. By authority 
 of the Secretary of War. Washington, 
 If^l. (2 copies.) 
 Lo'w, Charles R. Maritime discovery : a 
 history of nautical exploration from the 
 earliest times. 2 v. Lond., 1881. 
 Montesquieu, C. de S., Baron de. Consid- 
 erat ions of the causes of the grandeur aud 
 diM-adence of the Romans. A new trans- 
 lation, together with an introduction, 
 critical and illustrative notes, and an 
 analytical inilex by Jehu Baker; being 
 incidentally a rational discussion of the 
 ))lienomena and tendencies of history in 
 general. X. Y.,1882. 
 Morgan, Appletou. The Shakespearean 
 myth: William Shakespeare and circum- 
 stantial evidence. Cincinnati, 1881. 
 Morgan, Lewis H. Houses and house-life 
 of the .\meriian aborigines. Washington, 
 National lutelligencer. From January, 
 1809, to December, I860, both inclusive. 
 95 V. Washington, 1809-60. 
 New Jersey. Official register of the offi- 
 cers and men of New .Jersey in the Revo- 
 tiouary War. Compiled by William S. 
 .Stryker. Trenton (N. J.), H72. 
 Reed, Sam. Rockwell. Vicksburg cam- 
 paign, and the battles about Chattanooga 
 under the conunund of (leneral U. S. 
 Grant, in 1862-6:1: au historical review. 
 Cincinnati, 1882. 
 Reemelin, Charles. Critical review of 
 American politics. Cincinnati, 1881. 
 Ribot, Th. Diseases of memory: an essay 
 in the positive psychology. Translated 
 from the French, by Wni. H. Smith. 
 N. v., 1882. 
 Roosevelt, Theodore. Naval war of 1812; 
 or, the history of the United States Navy 
 during the last war with Great Britain. 
 Semaine litt^raire, du Courrier des Etats- 
 Unis. 9 V. N. Y. 
 t'osTEsrs.— Fol. 1. 
 Lcs di'iix 6foiles, par TliCiojiliile G:mtii!r. 
 Les 6iiiif;r6s en Suede, pur X. Maniiier. 
 Le dernier rui de la basot:he. 
 Le gar^on de caft, par Itniile Marco de Saint- 
 Ell Chine, par Thtophile Gaufler. 
 Heleue, par Mme. Charles Reyband. 
 La croix d'argeut, par Maurice Saint-Agui;t. 
 Le corps et Tame, par Paul Feniey. 
 Frfere et sceur, ])ar Alfred des Essarts 
 La pSche aux filets, par Alexandre Duiuas. 
 Uneactrice d'un jour, par Eugtine de Mireeourt. 
 Les pfch6» de jeunesse, par fimile Souvestre. 
 La comedienne, par Paul de Molenes. 
 Le licencie Don TadCo Cristobal, par Gabriel 
 Une Tisite 4 la reine Hortense, par Cl^mence 
 Le testament de M. do Chauvelin, i>ar Alexan- 
 dre Dumas. 
 Les trois visites, par Augusto Titu. 
 La femme an collier de velours, par Alexandre 
 Vn cartel chevaleresque, par George Bisse. 
 Vol. 2. 
 Lea confidences, par M. A. de Lamartiue. 
 Les sept peches capitaux, par Eugene Sue. 
 La colere. Troisieme peche. 
 La luxure. Quatrieme p6ch6. 
 La paresse. Cinquieme peche. 
 Kaphacl, par M. de Lamartine. 
 Clementine, par Mme. Charles Reyband. 
 Vol. 3. 
 Violette, par Old Nick. 
 Sacs et parchcmins, par .Jules Sandeau. 
 La cbasse aux tresors, par I^mile Souvestre. 
 La bavolette, par Paul de Musset. 
 fichec et mat, par Eugene de Mireeourt. 
 Josephine Grassiui, par P. F. Fiorentiuo. 
 Antonia, par filie Berthet. 
 Angelica Catalini. 
 Un baron comme il yen a peu, par L. E. Fouz^s 
 Helene, par Mme. Charles Reybaud. 
 La croix d'argent, par Maurice Saint-Aguet. 
 Vol. 4. 
 Les enfans de I'amour, par Eugene Sue. 
 Le jeu de barres, par Jules Rostaing. 
 Les chasseurs du Riff. 
 Genevieve, par Lamartiue. 
 Fragments de Jocelyn. 
 Jean et Jeanuette. 
 Palestriua, par P. .Scudo. 
 Bellah, par Octave Feuillet. 
 Une histoire de nos jours, par Victor Canet. 
 Grangette, par Alexandre Dumas fils. 
 Tne histoire hoUaudaise. par Mme. d"Arbouville. 
 La bonne aventure, par Eugene Sue. 
 La duchcsse de Chevreuse, par EugSne de Mire- 
 Vol. 5. 
 L'espion du grande nionde, par IT. de Saint- 
 G rges. 
 Une fete sur la Newa, par Aug. Kaufmauu. 
 La tulipe noire, par Alexandre Dumaa. 
 Idylle modenie, par A. D. 
 Pan Twardowski, par Louis Viardot. 
 Don Quichotte, une comidie, par P. Merim6e. 
 Une missi<m au Paraguay, par filio Berthet. 
 La ctiasse au romau, par Jules Sandeau. 
 Nelly, par Ani6dce Achard. 
 La famille Alain, par Alphonso Karr. 
 Le perruquier I'amour. 
 Vol. 6. 
 Le collier de la reiue. par Alexandre Dumas. 
 Laeolombe, par Alaxendre Dumas. 
 Les contidences de Nicolas, par Gerard de 
 Appeuilice aux Trois mousquetaires. par £mile 
 Marco de Saint Hilaire. 
 Napoleon musicieu, par Ad. Adam. 
 La part du feu, par Alberic Second. 
 Carmosine, par Alfred de Muaset. 
 Diane de lys, par Alexandie Dumas fila. 
 Les tieurs i Paris, par la marquise DO. 
 Le uid de loriots, jiar A. de Vaucelles. 
 La juive au Vatican, par Mery. 
 Pascal et Charlotte, par Andnj Thomas. 
 Vol. 7. 
 La chevre jaune, par Paul de Musset. 
 Lucienue, jmr Maurice Saint-Aguet. 
 Cataliua de Erauso, par Alexis de Valon. 
 Un mystSre, par H. de Saint-Georges. 
 Puylaurens, par Paul de Musset. 
 La femme barometre, par Xavier B. Saintine. 
 Un mandarin, par Auguste Vitti. 
 Cleopatre, par Mme. finiile de (iirardin. 
 Un caprice, par Alfred de Mua.set. 
 Le putr, par Eugene Scribe. 
 Vol. 8. 
 Les sipt peches irapitaux, par Eugene Sue. 
 L'orgueil. Premier peche. 
 L'envie. Deuxit^me peche. 
 Vol. 9. 
 Les trois mousquetjiires, i>ar Alexandre Dumas. 
 Vol. 10. 
 Les memoires dun medeciu, par Alexandre 
 Vol. 11. 
 La dame ib- Monsoreau, par .\lixandre Dumas. 
 Vernon-Harcoiirt, Levcson K. Treatise 
 ou rivers and canals; relating to the con- 
 trol and improvement of rivers, and the 
 design, construction, and development of 
 canals. 1 vol. text, 1 vol. plates. Ox- 
 ford (Eng.), 18.-2. 
 ■Weylland, .loliu M. Our veterans; or, life 
 stories of the London City Mission. In- 
 trodnctioii by the Earl of Shafteshury. 
 Loud., 1-181. 
 ■Woman sutfragc. History of woman suf- 
 frage. Edited by Elizabeth C. .Stanton, 
 Susan B. Anthony, aud Matilda .1. Gage. 
 Illus. A'ol. 1. 1848-61. N. Y., 1881. 
 Woolson, Constance V. Anno: a novel. 
 N. Y., 1882. 
 Yesterday. N. Y., 1882.
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