ANNEX 06 i 1S8 Chaii-miui, Hocj Economi«» Dept,*' MENEELY& COMPANY 1 4 3 : 9 ; 3 \ Book on Bells WATERVLIET, WEST TROY NEW YORK, U.S.A. CHURCH BELLS, PEALS AND CHURCH BELL CHIMES ALSO BELLS FOR ALL KNOWN USES, WHICH ARE COMPOSED OF THE HIGHEST GRADE OF GENUINE COPPER AND TIN BELL-METAL. MEXEELY & COMPANY WATERVLIET WEST TROY, N.Y., U.S.A. Copyright by Menceiy & Company, i<;i THE FOUNDRY OF 1826 (From an old woodcut) In I82b my ftrandfatht'r, Andrew Meneely. began (he manufacture of mathematical and surveyors' instruments and bells in modest buildinj^s which were located on a portion of the site now occupied by our foundry. As the years paused, more and more attention was given to the founding of bells, and the manufacture of other articles was finally abandoned. Many of his instruments made more than three-quarters of a century ago ore still In use and. with the thousands of bells of his manufacture that are sounding out from church towers, bear witness to his earnest and successful efforts for quality in his products. My father, Edwin A. Meneely, became a partner in 1850. and the following year, after the death of my grandfather, formed a partnership with his brother. George R. Meneely, as Andrew Meneely's Sons. — in 1863 as E. A. & G. R. Meneely, and in 1874 as Meneely i*i <•*>- In 1874 I began my apprenticeship My instructors were the best in their respective lines. Mr. George R. Meneely retired in I87t». and my father admitted me to partnership in 1880. After his death in 1886 I assumed the oversight of the business in all its branches. In January. 1908, a corporation was formed and I now have a most efficient corps of officers and assistants, one :er BELL MOUNTINGS Weight Medium Tone Diameter Size of Frame Outside Diameter of Wheel Price of Mountings 400 lbs. E-7 27 in. 3 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. S30 4.50 " D 28 " 3 ft. 6 in. bv 3 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 30 500 " D? 29 •• 3 ft. 6 in. bv 3 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 32 5.50 " C 30 " 3 ft. 6 in. bv 3 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 35 600 " C 31 " 3 ft. 6 in. bv 3 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 35 6.50 " B 32 '• 3 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 35 700 " B 33 '■ 4 ft. 5 in. by 4 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 40 750 " By 33 " 4 ft. 5 in. by 4 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 40 SOO " B7 34 ■' 4 ft. 5 in. by 4 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 40 !I00 •■ A 36 " 4 ft. 5 in. by 4 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 45 11100 " A7 37 " 4 ft. 5 in. by 4 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 45 1100 ■' A? 38 •■ 4 ft. 5 in. bv 4 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 45 1200 ■■ G 39 " 4 ft. 10 in. bv 4 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. 55 1.300 •• G 40 " 4 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. 55 1400 " G> 41 ■■ 5 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. in. 6 ft. 3 in. 70 1.500 •• n 42 •■ 5 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. in. 6 ft. 3 in. 70 1600 " FS 43 " 5 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. in. 6 ft. 3 in. 70 1700 " Fi 44 ■• 5 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 80 ISOO " f' 45 " 5 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 80 2000 " F 46 " 5 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 90 2100 " E 47 " 5 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 90 2.300 " E 49 " 5 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 100 2500 '" Eb 50 " 5 ft. 8 in. bv 5 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 120 2800 " E> 52 " 6 ft. 6 in. bv 6 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 120 :iOOO " D 53 " 6 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 130 3200 " D 54 " 6 ft. 6 in. bv 6 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 130 .3500 " cs 56 " 6 ft. 6 in. bv 6 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 140 4000 " c? 59 " 6 ft. 6 in. bv 6 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 1.50 4501) " C 62 •• 6 ft. 9 in. bv 6 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 160 5000 '• C 64 " 7 ft. S in. by 7 ft. 4 in. 8 ft. 180 tiOOO " B 67 " 7 ft. 8 in. by 7 ft. 4 in. 9 ft. 200 OSOO " B^ 70 ■■ 8 ft. in. bv 7 ft. 8 in. 9 ft. 230 7.500 ■• .\ 72 s ft. in. by 7 ft. 8 in. 10 ft. ■Jtid M E N E E L Y & COMPANY If a Tower Clock is to be installed with bell or contemplated a liule later on, then this fact should be stated when ordering bell, that we may ]:)roperly arrange certain parts of the mountings to best accommodate the Clock Hammer, which we do without extra cost. The Clock Hammer is always a part of the Tower-Clock outfit. Every curve in the shape of a bell in connection with the proportions of thickness, height, etc., as to diameter has an influence on the tone-pitch and musical richness and is further influenced by the metallic composition; and we may say without fear of contradiction that much of the existing objection to church bells is due largely to the simple fact that many bell purchasers simply buy a "bell," regardless of REAL MUSICAL MERITS, at the lowest price named them, instead of buying one of the richest possible musical qualities, and which, of course, cannot be furnished at cut-rate price. The tones named on preceding page are termed "medium" because they are the mean between the highest and lowest which that weight is capable of producing, and hence a bell may have a slightly lower or higher tone than listed without detriment to its musical qualities or carrying power. Our " Rotary Yoke" is made of the best machinery cast iron, and adjusted to bell with greatest care to make the oscillation of the bell confomi properly to its weight. The smaller the bell the more raj^idly it moves and the oftener it strikes. The rotary feature of the yoke is that it so holds and sustains the bell as to permit turning the bell around vertically at any time it is desired so to do, to cause the clapper to strike in a new place, thus diminishing the liability of cracking the bell. The Frame, composed of the four base timbers, in the case of large bells, may be readily un- jointed if necessary to get them into tower and there easily readjusted, and upon this frame are bolted the cast-iron Stands. The Wooden Wheels are composed of hardwood frame, rims of white pine, of the best mechanical design, and will last from thirty to eighty years with reasonable care; the large ones are so made that they may be taken apart (halved) to get into tower and there again joined in perfect order. The Tolling Hammer is of iron and works in an adjustable clevis, as shown in the illustration. Steel springs are in all bells of lOO 11)S. and heavier, to prevent clapper rattling against bell. Bell purchasers should bear in mind that no bell will dd itself justice unless it is i)ro])erly mounted. The principal reason for going to the expense and trouble of obtaining the sound from a bell by swinging it against its clapper instead of the much easier method of swinging the clapper against it, is that the motion of the bell imparts a pleasing wave to the tone which does not exist when it is struck in a stationary position, and hence, while the ringing of a bell has a cheerful sound, its tolling is mournful and monotonous. It will be seen, therefore, that unless a bell be mounted so that it may be swung properly and effectively, the full advantage to be derived from ringing it will not be realized, while the sound produced may jirove even more undesirable than that of tolling. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. SCHOOL AND CHAPEL BELLS i^ELLS thus classified ranre in weight from 100 to 375 lbs., Vir) %^ though the above title does not ^'g^l indicate the many uses for which these sizes are purchased — Schools, Chapels, Colleges, Academies, Mills and Factories, Plantations, Steamboats and many others. They are all mounted with "Rotary Yoke," to facilitate turning around vertically, exactly the same as Church Bells. The Mountings consist of the Rotary Yoke, Iron Wheel, Iron Stands, Wood Frame and Rope Pulley (commonly called "Sheave") attached to side of Frame as here shown. Steel Clapper Springs are in all these size bells. FIG. 2 BELL MOUNTINGS Weight Diameter Size of Frame Outside Price of Mountings 100 lbs. 17 in. 29 .X 32 in. S14 125 " 181^ ■■ 30x32 " 14 loO " 1'JJ2 ■■ 30x32 *• 10 17o " 20} '2 " 32 X 37 " i IS 200 " 2IJ2 " 32x37 ■■ • 20 22,5 •• 22 .32x37 •• 22 2.50 " 23 36X.3S " 24 300 " 24 lo " .37 X 40 " 26 350 " 2ti 37 X 40 " , 2S Bells of lUU up to 375 lbs. are very penetrating in sound, and are heard to a distance apparently out of all proportion to their size or weight, ranging from one to four miles, according to atmospheric con- ditions. Absolutely the same high- grade metals are used, and same comjjosition as larger bells, and fully guaranteed to be made with the same care and fidclitv. IMPORTANT NOTICE In the foregoing tables of weights, tones, sizes, etc., the weight designates the pattern: the actual weight of the bell when cast is generally from one to two per cent more in the small to me- dium sizes. In the larger sizes the actual weight is from two to four per cent more than pattern weight. The note named for the respective sizes is the medium lictwccn the highest and lowest prac- ticable for that weight in SINGLE bells and by concert pitch. The diameter named is a part of an inch more than the pattern size; the bell, therefore, is actually somewhat less when cast. Please read carefully the directions for ringing bells and placing Ihem in lower anil the sug- gestions regarding arrangement of bell rooms, windows or openings to let soimd out, etc. M E N E E L Y & CO M P A N Y BELLS FOR FIRE-ALARM AND POWER CLOCKS Fire-alarm Bells of sinall to medium sizes are well operated by hand power as thus hung. The overhead timber A is provided in building the tower — not a part of our outfit. It should range from (j to 8 inches in thickness for bells from 200 and up to 1,500 lbs. It is a very efTecti\'e hand-power Fire Alarm Striker, permitting a rapid succession of strokes. FIG. 6 In this style of mounting a Fire-alarm or Clock Bell the regular Church Bell Mountings are used excepting the Wheel and Toller, the bell being held rigid by the iron brace. This is a most serviceable and reliable method where no overhead beam has been provided, as it ])rovides striking surface correctly for one or more different hammers. FIG. 12 In this style the bell is suspended from an o\-erhead beam in same manner as in Fig. G, but the hand-power rope is attached ' direct to bottom end of Clapper, for which the " eye-hole " is provided, the rope being led to and over a pulley at one side of belfry. Any of these styles of hanging bell allows the use of Electric System Striker or a Tower Clock Striker or both at any time and without further e.^iiense. FIG. 16 VVATERVLIET, WEST TROY, NY. HINTS ON FIRE-ALARM AND CLOCK BELLS ^lELLS used with electric fire-alann system are struck on the outside by hammer forming a part of the electric fire-alan-n striker machine, the bell being in most cases sus- pended as shown in our Fig. 16 illustration on preceding page. Due care should be exercised in setting such machines that the hammer shall strike the bell at its thickest part. A glance at Fig. 6 shows the section of a bell, the hammer indicating the thickest part; a higher or lower stroke on the bell is improper use and is outside the line of safety. Tower-clock Hammers are also a part of the clock outfit and should be set so as to strike the bell at its thickest part the same as fire-alann hammers. The timber to which bell is, sus- pended is part of the tower, and should be selected and placed when the tower is being built; it ought to be of such size and so set in place that it will safely carry the proposed bell and afford the best arrangement for the operation of the Fire-alarm or Tower-clock Hammer. The beam set DIAGONALLY, ends in opposite comers, is undoubtedly the best way to place it. For bells not exceeding 1,000 lbs., such timber need not be heavier than 6" x 8"; from 1,200 to 2,000 lbs. it should be about 8" x 8"; for bells of 2,200 up to 3,500 lbs. it should be about 10" x 10"; and for larger bells not exceeding 5,000 lbs. it should be about 10" x 12". We have specified the above timber sizes for the respective w-eight bells so there will be sufficient strength not only to support the bell but also withstand the strain of the striking hammer of the Fire-alann Striker which delivers a ver\' powerful blow. Where no overhead beam has been built in the tower we recommend our Fig. 1 mountings complete, especially if the bell is to be used for such purposes as calling meetings, ringing for spe- cial occasions and other signals. Or Fig. 12 can be used and a Toller added to call meetings, ring signals, etc., and this method provides the bell hung rigidly to allow the Striker being set at any suitable point in the belfry. In numerous places the best results are obtained by having SEVERAL bells, each a different size and located at such jjlaces as will provide the most effectively heard alarm. In others one large bell is used in the tower of the Town or City Hall, it doing both fire-alarm and clock duty Each community must decide as to which will likeh' serve their purpose best. It may be said frankly that in general MUCH MORE IS OFTEN EXPECTED from a fire-alann bell than an\^ bell can do, as many inquiries come to us asking price on a bell that will be heard in any kind of weather, at all hours and wake every sleeping fireman under the most adverse conditions, and if it fails to do that the bell is blamed and called a failure. No foundry- can honestly claim to supply a bell to do all that, since it is IMPOSSIBLE, as any kind or amount of metal, however manipulated, cannot be made to meet such requirements. Neither can two bells of the same size and of same weight be made to have different tones, for to secure different tones they must be different in size and weight. It is also tnie that a 1,000-lb. bell will be heard almost as far as one of 1,500 lbs., and a 2,000-lb. bell will sound almost if not quite as far as one of 4,000 lbs. The various noises of a locality as well as the acoustic conditions have something to do with these things, and so the selection of the best possible fire-alarm bell size for any lo- cality is to some extent guesswork until the bell is recei\-ed, put up and tried, and so the best pos- sible selection is, take the largest that can be reasonabl}^ afforded. M E N E E L Y & C O M P A N Y LIGHTHOrSE AND FO(,-SIGNAL BELLS BELLS FOR LKJIIISHIPS, WARSHIPS, CRUISERS, STEAMBOATS, BUOYS, ETC. Bells of this class \vc make to order and with or without embellishments, relief designs of historical or allegorical character. To enable us to make price intelligently a cor- rectly drawn and clearly specified design of the desired em- bellishments should be submitted to us. A carcfulh- drawn design is also required showing how the bell is to be hung in place and what kind of TOP the bell shall have to fit the Hanger. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. II SOME OF THE KINDS OF VESSELS WE HAVE SUPPLIED WITH BELLS The photogr.. i -.^..icd by G. N. Harden. Rockland. Mc. im photo, used by permission of Fore River Shipbuilding Co. 1$i6i€~'» M E N E E L Y & CO M P A N Y OUR IMPROVED STOP N niiiny localities dili'crenL churches arranj,'c for having; ihcir Ix'lls run^ lo souml two strokes in rotation after "setting the bell," i.e., bringing it full mouth up. To thus control it and prevent its being turned entirely over, we furnish with all our Church Bells of 700 lbs. and over a "Stop" attached to rim of wheel and a corresponding one to the frame below, which come in contact when the bell is about mouth up, and the man ringing it can thus easily hold it securely in position and on releasing his hold allow it to swing back, and his next pull brings it up again against the "Stop," thus producing two strokes of the bell without its turning completely over. A little careful practice of this will soon yield excellent proficiency. INSCRIPTIONS Any suitably worded inscription, of reasonable length, will be placed ui)on bells without extra charge, as a compliment; also a neat cross when desired, limblems or Relievo Designs are an extra charge according to the work of designing patterns of the same. TOLLING HAMMERS With bells of 400 lbs. and heavier for churches we include in the mountings a Toller, shown in Fig. 1 , page 5. This is very desirable to use for tolling at funerals and to strike the Angelus, or for other signals. The sound emitted is, of course, not so loud as when swinging the bell, nor can it be. This Toller is adjusted in a cast-iron clevis and any side blow may break it off; hence its rope should be carefully secured by hanging it on a hook on the wall, that it may NOT BE PULLED at any time while the bell is being swung, for swinging the bell against it will most likely break it oft', and this cannot happen by regular, proper usage. CLAPPER SPRINGS These springs are in all bells mounted in either Fig. 1 or Fig. 2 style and are held in ])Iace by a bolt or bolts passing up through the top of the bell. The spring arms are always held in the path in which the clapper swings, allowing it to strike one blow and then holding it away so that the tone vibration is uninterrupted and avoiding clattering of the clapper upon the bell. The spring ends arc sheathed with leather to obviate the noise of the contact of the clapper against the sjmng, and these leather pieces should be replaced by new ones when necessary. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 13 OUR NEW ROTARY YOKE I HIS Yoke is of entirely different construction from the old non-rotary fixture in use man\' years ago, while in respect to strength, efficiency of operation and adaptation to the end in view, it has advantages possessed by none other. By means of this yoke the bell may be readily turned around vertically, without unhanging it, to cause the clapper to strike in a new place, thus preventing its being broken by long- continued striking at one spot. The yoke has a hea\T,- flange fitting finnly to a corresponding shoulder on the crown of the bell. Inside the bell is a clapper clevis or head through which, and the steel springs, we pass two to four bolts up through the bell and yoke. As the yoke is always at right angles to the swing of the bell it is obvious that the clapper and springs, being held by the bolts in the yoke, can- not become displaced, but are always in proper position no matter how far one turns the bell. The bell thus supported CAXXOT work loose, neither is there an\- danger of its falling if a bolt should break. To rotate the bell it is only necessary to loosen the nuts on the several bolts enough to release the bell from contact with the yoke; then, taking hold of bell at the edge, it may be turned to any desired position; then screw the nuts up tight and the bell is ready for use, with the clapper striking in a new place. ' Here we may state that there have been many and various designs in the manner of hanging bells. From as early as 600 a.d. up to about fifty years ago these designs varied from '"Loops" and unwieldy lugs through the stages of "Canons" or "Horns" and some artistic, others hideous caricatures of dragons, etc. Between 1850 and 1860 English as well as (jcmian founders designed bells with FLAT CROWNS having from six to eight or more bolt holes through them. In our own foundry from 1826 to 1866 variously shaped "Loops" or "Horns" were used, but the bells could not be rotated. Then we introduced the round, tapering shank, a great improvement over the old wa}-, but after mature use of that style it was found faulty, presenting several diffi- culties, chief of which was that eventualh' the bell would be found loose in the yoke, and the same result obtains in all others' yokes copied after that design after ten to twenty years' service. We then determined to design a " ROTARY YOKE " that would safely hold a bell indefinitely without working loose, that would hold the springs in proper position when once inserted and would not be detrimental to the tone quality and resonance. Our PRESENT YOKE has effectually accomplished all these things and has been tested and tried in all sizes and not failed us. We there- fore claim that our yoke is the best mechanically designed "ROTARY YOKE" on the market. 14 M E N E E L Y & CO M P A N Y STEEL ROLLER BEARINGS Steel Roller Bearings are now used on all Bells from 1 200 pounds upward. Kindly see description below. In Fig. B is illustrated the inner l.ox holiiing the steel shaft rollers as used in the mountings of all our church bells from 1 ,800 lbs. up to the heaviest sizes made. This box with rollers is set within a close-fitting ease firmly l)olted to the top of the stand. The illustra- tions are so clear that further detailed explanation seems unnecessary. Their mechanical design and adjustment at once show their superior merits, among which we may allude to the fact that the number of rollers is such that they will each make a complete turn at every half-swing of the bell, which is not the case on any other make of bell roller bearings in use. The rollers thus constantly remain round, not worn off on one section to wedge the yoke journal ti.ghtly into place as in numerous others we have seen. If by any accident or long-continued use it may become necessary to take part or all of them out. or remove the entire box and bearings, they can readily be changed or new ones inserted at a trifling expense. From every point of view, therefore, it is self-evident that the BEST Roller Bearing Bell Mountings arc used and supplied by FIG. B THE OLD MENEELY FOUNDRY VVATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 15 HOISTING AND MOUNTING BELLS T is best to construct the tower so the bell can be hoisted up to belfry on the inside. If necessary to hoist outside then the illustration here given will be of service in doing the work. Project a stick of timber in the manner shown, fasten securely in place and attach suitable tackle on the outer end. The hoisting line may be drawn ujion inside or outside the tower, according to conditions, by any number of men, by means of a mechanical hoisting apparatus or a reliable horse or team. When raised to sufficient height it is drawn in by a direct line or a light tackle. The frame, wheel, etc., should be taken up first, the frame set in place, if practicable, on a finn, level bearing. While the bell with yoke attached is held suspended, the wheel should be attached and, if it has roller bearings, they should be properly placed on the yoke journals, then the whole let down carefully on the stands, the wheel on the side OPPOSITE to the toller. If hoisted in from outside, a second lift is necessary inside and then adjusted and let down as above described. The several parts of the outfit are carefully marked by us before shipment, so that, if the Card of Directions attached to the frame be carefully carried out, any intelligent me- chanic will be able to properly place and adjust every- thing com]3lete in the belfry. \Mien inserting the clapper, thoroughly oil the pin-bolt, that clapper may swing easih- and open the split key after insertion. After all is in place, the stands should be braced cither from sides of belfry or wall, not too tightly, but just enough to prevent them from spreading OUTWARD and breaking olT by any accidental side strain. The mountings should be examined occasionally and any of the nuts found loose should be screwed tight. The bearings should have just a few drops of oil at certain intervals, not so much as to gum things up, but purely for lubrication ; ten to fifteen drops every sixty days is sufficient . — The wheels, frames and stands of bells not exceeding 1,600 lbs. will almost invariably go through the openings admitting the bell; in larger sizes, if necessary, these parts are so made that they may be taken apart to pass them into belfry and are then easily reassembled. SPECIAL CAUTION We add this caution again, repeating that on page 12, viz.: To attach a hook to the wall facing the sexton when swinging the bell, and on this hook hang the Tolling Hammer ROPE and permit XO ONE to pull that rope while the bell is being swung. If this caution is neglected and a pull on the Toller Rope be made then the Toller Clevis will be broken ofT. Such breakages we cannot be expected to make good without charge. 16 M E N E E L Y & COMPANY BELFRY, ADJUSTMENT OF ROPE, ETC. ERHAPS the most iiiii>ortant items for suc- cess in using a bell are position of l)elfry, adjustment of ringing rope and "knack" of swinging it correctly. The best jiosition of belfry, except in large cities, is just above the top of churrli roof; a lower position is more or less detrimental. The windows should be sufficiently open to let the sound out freely, their base down to belfry floor or ncarl\- so, and a roof or boarded ceiling above the bell ; the floor covered with either tin or eo])per, with suitable ])itch to drain water rajiidlw For bells u\) to 650 lbs. the rope may be attached to wheel at top between the two upright spokes, passed down on EITHER side and through the block with two pulleys in it at point marked C, the rope being indicated by the letter E, as this arrangement will not dislocate the rope if the bell should be turned over during the ringing. For bells of heavier weight the rope .should be fastened at EITHER A or B, carried on over and down on the other side of wheel, thence straight down to the ringer, through the several floors, in which case no pulley block or sheaves are necessary, but a piece of board 1|" thick and about 6" wide by 8" long should ha\'e a liole Ij" diameter bored through it, the edge around the hole smoothed neatly and such a piece fastened on the several floors to pass the rope through to pre\'ent chafing. In this method the rope is carried down as shown in illustration, it being fa.stened to the wheel at A, just below the central crossbar. If fastened at B, the rope would go down on the other side from that shown here; either side may be used. Care should be exercised that the bell be not swung so hard as to cause an undue "bump" when the "Stops" marked D D come in contact, which would cause unnecessary jarring. The bell may be held MOUTH UP between strokes by easily holding firmly against the stops as shown in illustration. The proper ringing of a bell is more a matter of "knack" than strength and is readily acquired b\- some careful practice A few energetic pulls at the start bring the bell up in the position shown and it can then easily be held as long as desired; then allow it to swing back to its next highest point, when another firm pull quickly made sends it for- ward to and again engages the Stops. When that knack is acquired the ringing of the bell will be a pleasure and easily done. The ringing rope need not be heavier than necessary strength and flexibility require, as more than that will encumber the free swing of the bell. No man can pull down with greater force than his own weight permits; hence a rope sustaining double his weight is ample for any weight bell, but in ringing a bell of considerable weight a light rope would be difficult to grasp fimily in the hands. We therefore give size of rope suitalde for the various size bells, viz.: For bells of less than .500 lbs., §" diameter. For bells of 500 to 800 lbs., f" diameter. For bells of 900 to 1 .500 lbs., f " diameter. For bells of IJiOO tn :i.5()() lbs., |" diameter. For bells of larger size a rojje of 1" diameter. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 17 COPY OF OUR WARRANT Printed on and fonning a part of our In\-oice, properly dated and signed, as given with all our bells of 100 lbs. and over. We hereby WARRANT the above-named bell to be free from original defeets, perfect in quality and workmanship, composed exclusively of 77 ]:>arts purest ingot copj)er and 23 parts best imported block tin; of full, good, clear tone, and against fracture froin proper usage for FIFTEEN (15) years from date of shipment. Should it thus crack within that time and prompt notice be given us thereof, we hereby obligate ourselves to promptly furnish a new one of same weight, quality and workmanship in FREE exchange for cracked one — on cars at Troy or Watervliet, N.Y. OLD COPPER AND TIN BELLS Of memorial character or cherished for \^arious reasons, we accept at highest value on account of new ones, and when so ordered we will incorporate them in the composition of the new bells, subject to the addition of such new metals as will in our l;)est judgment produce a strictly first- class result. We constantly ha\-e use for a limited quantit\- of old bells in the manufacture of cer- tain parts of our bcU-mountings, chime fixtures and other appurtenances requiring a soft bronze composition, and will pay a fair price for such as may be offered to us, the qualitj' being suitable for our purposes. OUR SHIPPING FACILITIES Our city is on the west side of the Hudson Ri\-er, at the liead of na\'igation, connected with the city of Troy by two great bridges and two steam ferries. Troy is the converging point of several great railroad systems and of the Erie, Champlain and new barge canals, thus affording superior shipping facilities to ALL POINTS. The respective freight stations are well within a mile of our foundry, the shipping bills all bear the printed heading " TROY " and as a result, in so far as it affects us, our product has been termed " Meneely Bells " and " Troy Bells " by the Press and Public from 1826 to the present time. We invariably secure the closest freight rate on every ship- ment and send shipping bill promptly to our customer. To avoid errors in shipping, the purchaser shovdd state in the proper space in the order blank the correct name of the station and the trans- portation line on which located, to which we shall make shipment. IS M E N E E L Y & COMPANY VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Where is Watervliet? «*;V 6 miles XORTH OF Aibany. iE arc frequently asked "Where is Watervliet?" and to adequately answer the question we here present a ' ■ ' map, a little study of which will make its geofijraijh- ieal position clear. For many years it was known as "WEST TROY," but a few years ago the cor- porate name was changed to that of "WATERVLIET," thus making it conform to that of the great gim shops of the U. S Government, known as the "Watervliet Arsenal," hcrelocatcil We are approximately about six miles north of Alban\-. All B. & M. trains and some D. & H. and some X. \'. Central trains arrive at and depart from Troy Union Station. Several D. & H. trains also stop from the north and south, at their Watervliet station, but as it is in the outskirts of our city, some 14 blocks from us and without direct trolley cars to our place, it is more convenient to take D. & H. trains that arrive at Troy Union Station. From there walk three blocks westward to Third Street and there board any trolley car carrying sign reading "Albany, Troy, Watervliet," and in a few minutes arri\'e at our door, fare five cents. The N. Y. Central, Boston & Albany, D. & H., and West Shore Railroad trains all arrive at Union Station, Albany, 'i'hc same trolley cars above referred to pass directly in front of tJic station at Albany and come direct to our door, time alxmi 22 minutes, and the fare from Albany is ten cents. From the dock of the People's Line and Hudson River Day Line boats it is only half a block to the same trolley cars above named. The dock of the Citizens' Line boats at Troy is directly across the river from 10th St., Watervliet; between these two points plies the Troy-West Troy Ferry, indicated by the letter F, and from their landing to our office is one block. A large ]jortioii of our cit\-'s la\-out is shown in this map especially drawn for us, including a portion of Troy. Our plant is indicated by the arrow and letter M. D is the Troy Union Station, L is the D. & H. R.R. Station. The dotted line indicates the trolley cars route ; passing our door they go north and south. The ear bearing a BLUE sign goes north to 19th St. and crosses over to Troy via Congress St. Bridge, on to Third St., and then north to Bridge and River Sts., crossing westward to Watervliet and thence south. The car bearing RED sign goes north to 25th St., and there crosses to Troy to Bridge and River Sts., thence south via Third vSt., and crosses westward to Watervliet via Congress St. Bridge and then south, these cars thus making a LOOP between Watervliet and Troy. With these maps and explanations, visitors will ha\c no difficulty in readily finding our place, and we extend a cordial invitation to prospective bell i)ur- chasers to visit our foundry, and we shall be glad to show them through the Oldest Established yet the NEWEST and most PERFECTLY EOUIPPED Bell Foundrv in America. VVATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 19 THE DISTANCE BELLS CAN BE HEARD ^f^OW far can the bell be heard ' This question has been asked us thousands of times by purchasers respecting the bell under consideration, and similar question is asked by every purchaser regarding Peals and Chimes. Rcgretfulh- \vc must say that XO OXE can guarantee how far any gi\'en weight of bell or bells can be heard, as so many seem- ingly little things vitalh- affect the desired result. The position of the belfn,^ in its relation to the roof of the edifice, the surrounding buildings and condition of the country, the inside arrangement of the belfry, its windows, floor, etc., all and each affect the result. At times the atmospheric conditions are such as to prevent SOUXD-WAVES rapiflly spreading to any considerable distance. Bell-sounds are concussions disturbing air-waves and are more or less musical in accordance with the fonn, empirical proportions and composition of metals employed in the manufacture of the bell. A multitude of experiments ha\-e been made since bells have come into use, many of them under go\-emmcnt direction, the bells being made of many different shapes and proportions and many different metallic compositions, to secure a distinct superiority of RESO- NANT as well as MUSICAL qualities, but nothing has yet been discovered that will satisfactorily compare with bells made of Copjjer and Tin of such respective parts as will form the most thorough amalgam, and of shape and proportionate thickness as embodied in the bells we manufacture. It is essential, therefore, to secure, above all, the best bell that can be had, then to properly prepare the tower and belfry, ring the bell correctly, and the result will undoubtedly be all that can be desired. In general a bell will be heard farther lengthwise of a valley than over the hills. On level plains or nearly so. bell tones carry well, and still better out on or across water. In cities, the noises of steam and trolley cars, manufacturing establishments, carts and trucks rattling over paved streets, the hum of the busy throngs passing to and fro, are so great that it is quite impos- sible to hear bells to any great distance, nor is that essential, as the people in cities do not want NOISY BELLS. Rich, musical bells are pleasing and delightful everywhere, and the result ob- tained from them as compared with the harsh, clang%- quality tones of the noisy class, makes them well worth the difference in first cost. We therefore invite the most thorough investigation of the musical, smooth, velvet-like tone quality of our bells, confidently believing that they will be found the most satisf\-ing in everything that makes a bell or bells a lasting delight. Albany is six miles south of us and Cohoes three miles north, with Troy just across the Hud- son River on the east. There are bells in Albany and Cohoes that weigh over 4,000 lbs. each, some as heavy as 7,000 lbs., but they are NEVER HEARD HERE, because there are so many noises to overcome that no bell is equal to the emergency. These bells, if placed in a country church tower of moderate height, where there are no noisy conditions, would frequently be heard to a distance of EIGHT or even TEX miles. The large bell of 22,000 lbs. which hung for many years in the tower of the Xew York City Hall, was heard, before it became fractured, on numerous occasions up the Hudson River about thirteen miles, in the night when the city was compara- tively quiet, and we may add, when those who heard it were far enough away from the city noises. Water is a good conductor of sound and aided materialh" in making the bell heard that distance. Many persons suppose that a bell of say 2,000 lbs. will be heard twice the distance of the 1,000 lbs. bell, but this is a serious mistake, because the larger bell does not possess anything like twice the resonant .surface of the smaller one. What is gained and admired in the larger bell is its deep, majestic, dignified, mellow tone, impossible to secure in the smaller one, as the size of the bell ab- solutely governs the musical pitch, the shape, proportion of its x^arious thicknesses, etc., in com- bination with the metals used controlling the quality of sound. A bell of 100 or 200 lbs., in an open belfry on a schoolhouse or factory in the country, is fre- quently heard at a long distance, out of all proportion, apparenth", to one of 1,000 lbs. in a church tower near by; and instances of this kind frequenth- cause no little comment in the way of com- parison. The reason for this is that the small bell has a sharp, shrill, ])enetrating sound that must. 20 M E N E E L Y & (: O M P A N Y of necessity, be heard a great deal farther, in proportion to its weight, than the low, mellow, " churchgoing " sound of the church bell. The same principle applies to the whistle of a locomotive, and it is heard a long distance sim]3ly because its tone is shrill and j)enetrating. Wlien hung stationary and stnick as for Fire Alann or Tower Clock, or tolled as for funerals, or chimed as in playing tunes, bells will not and cannot be heard as far as when swung, as the swinging motion, throwing the mouth WELL UP, not only thru.sts the sound OUT as it were, but imparts to it a richness that is not obtained by striking, tolling or in chiming. FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAS F LONGEST |X view of the abo\-c trite .saying, let us advise that you do not let eagerness to hear the bell run away with good judgment, but see to it first that the bell chamber is I^ropcrly prepared. The belfr_\- windows should be as close to floor as possible, .say within 12 inches, and be well ojjcn to let the .sound out frcclw and aljove the lop of windows should be a .sort of ceiling. If there be an opening up into the spire, or two feet or more of room space below the base of the windows, either or both would be a "pocket" that would retain most of the sound of the Ix'll or bells. Give the bells fair play at the start. On rare occasions some one will write in effect that the bell seems to lack power, and in describing the tower inform us that the belfry floor is several feet below the base of the windows, lou\'ers in the windows very close together and so nearly vertical that they are practically closed. Sometimes nothing over the bell to prevent the sound being lost in the spire. Under such conditions it is not to be wondered at that the respective bells are not heard any farther away. After making the corrections we suggest in such cases, the Ijclls ]}rove entirely satisfactory. Edmund Beckett Denison, M.A., O.C., of London, England, who has made bells a study for forty years, and was entrusted by the government with the direction of the casting of the West- minster and other large bells, writes as follows in one of his works on bells and tower clocks: "Few persons appear to know how much the sovnid of bells is muffled and lost by boxing them up in small bell-chambers, jjutting them below the windows, making the windows them- selves too small, and filling them up with close louvers. "The bottom-edge of one louver-board need never be as low as the top of the one below it, as rain does not usually go horizontally, and no louvers will keep out snow, and it is of no quence if a little rain and snow do come in. as the wood and iron work are painted, and wet does the fjclls no hann. It is a good plan to cover the bell-chamber floor with zinc, laid so as to send off any water in a spout. " It is a remarkable fact, b\' no means yet explained, that a wind hardly strong enough to move a leaf, allows sound to be heard three or four times farther in the direction of the wind than against it, although the velocity of sound is enonnously greater than of wind in the most violent stonn." In another work on bells, towers, etc., Air. Denison says: "Nine out of ten modern towers are built as if it was the bell founder's bu.siness not only to cast the bells, but hang them, make the towers large enough to hold them, and to invent some way or other of making the sound find its way out of the windows, wherever they are and however small thc\- may be. " Mr. Ruskin also abuses close louvers on architectural grounds, and notices the grand effect of the large, wide ones in many foreign churches. Ours are generally made as if the builder .sup- posed that the bells would catch cold and their voices if they got wet; whereas bell metal is perfectly indifferent to it. A small bell in an open bell-gable will often be heard farther than one of ten times its weight shvit u]) in a tower, under the disadvantages of confined space, bad position, small windows, close louvers and the bell chamber not ceiled above the windows." WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 21 RING THE BELL CORRECTLY GREAT deal is to be gained by ringing a bell ]iroperly, throwing the mouth well up, and not lazil\- jingling it. Sextons will require several weeks' practice before being able to ring a bell jiropcrly and bring out its full tone. It is not physical strength that is required so much as getting "the knack" of catching the rope just right, particularly on the second "DOWN-PULL." Small bells are easily swung well up. Those of 700 to 2,000 lbs. can readily Ije l)rought AIOUTH UP l)y steadily pulling down on the rope until the "STOPS" engage, and held there as long as desired. For any larger bell several vigorous DOWN-PLILLS may be necessary, if the bell cannot be drawn up as above described, until tlic "STOPS" meet, this being done as follows: Begin b)- ])ulling down on the rope as far as possible, allow a back-swing and at the highest point of the rojje make a second \'igorous down-pull and repeat this operation until the "STOPS" meet, when the bell can be held in that position as long as desired. Wlien the Ijell swings BACK from contact oi the stops, allow the rope to easily GLIDE through the hands; do not follow it hand over hand, but let it slide without friction on the hands, keeping the anns extended diagonalh- upward at about 60 degrees angle, antl when the rojDC has been drawn up as far as the Ijcll carries it, at that instant quickly close the hands tightly, grip the rope firmly and make the next down-pull, but make it with no greater force than to just make the "STOPS" meet with a fair touch to avoid unneces- sary jarring or too great a BUMP. By carefully practising this method the "knack" of ringing a bell correctly will soon be acquired and the ringing of the bell be found a pleasurable exercise rather than a laborious task, and what is of greater importance, the rich, full, majestic tone will be a pleasure and satisfaction to all who hear it. How the bell shown in the right of the illustration below was rang we cannot say. for it is one made by this foundry in 1849, and somehow reached California, where a local craftsman fitted the peculiarly grown wooden Yoke to it, together with the journal irons. It was recei\-ed b\- us as shown to be recast into a larger bell. The other bell shown is a Paul Re\-erc make of 1812, and is peculiar in that it is some taller than the proportionate rule demands according to the diameter, hence aj^pears to be one of ex] )erimental nature. 22 M E N E E L Y & (] () M P A N Y HOW BELLS ARE DESKiNED AND CAS F ITHOUT exception, cvcrv purchaser of a bell or bells is deeply interested in the process of manufacture, and, with few exceptions, the same is true of those who are not pro- specti\-e purchasers. We propose, therefore, at this part of this book, to take the juiblic into our confidence as far as the peculiarities and intricacies of the work pennit, by describing in general how a bell is designed and made, from the first step to the finished bell as it stands in the tower ready to ring. We may say first that no founder is pre- pared exactly to state HIS OWN PERSONAL method of designing a bell pattern, nor is it essential that he should, since any rule that viclds a definite result is sufficient for illustration. It is a curious fact, however, that NO TWO MAKES OF BELLS IN THIS COUNTRY ARE EXACTLY ALIKE in their shape, proportions, thicknesses, tone results, etc., and THEREIN is found the reason for the superior merits of THE REALLY Bli^ST BELLS. It is not our pur])ose at this point to discuss the merits of various makes, but to simply give an intelligent example of the process of the work. The method here described in this draft of the pattern is almost identically the same as first published l)y Sir Edmund Becket-Denison in England over half a century ago, when the more or less acrimonious controversy was raging concerning the now famous "Westminster" (or) Cambridge Clock Chimes. THE PATTERN DRAFT On the drafting table is screwed a suitable "Pat- tern Board." on which the design is then laid off in the following manner, reference being made to the illus- tration herewith as this description is followed. The \-ertical line C is first drawn and then the Mouth line at true right angle to C. Whatever the diameter of the bell shall be, it is divided into 24 equal parts, and thenceforth the entire layout is based on these "parts," except the thickness of metal at the "Sound Bow," "Waist," "Crown," and "Shoulder," which will he made clear as we proceed. Six parts are now marked off on the Mouth line from line C, and the line D is drawn. Six parts further and the line E is drawn, making the line E 12 parts from C. Next are marked ofiE 14 parts upward on line D, and there a PIN is set at Y. Then 14 parts are meas- ured ofT diagonally upward and downward to line E, intersecting it as shown, following the broken lines A A, and a Pin set at each intersection. A strong, fine string is secured to the upper pin on line E, passed over to Pin at Y, then down to the lower intersection on line E at P and fastened taut. A pencil is then set at Y, taking that pin out, and by keeping the line taut and moving the pencil DOWNWARD the inner shape of the bell section is drawn, indicated by the heavy line a a, to the point called LIP. Next a similar pin is set at X, which is half a part down and 3-5 part OUTWARD from Y, and from that point are measured ofT 11 parts over to E, intersecting that line as shown (see lines B B), the string fastened as before, the pencil inserted at X, withdrawing the pin there, and by following the taut string downward the OUTER shape of the bell is drawn from X down to the top of the Sound-Bow circle, the line b b ending at H. A pair of dividers is now used, and setting the points 4 parts apart, one point at the point of the LIP and the other 1-3 part below the MOUTH LINE, the portion of a circle is drawn as shown by SBC. This may leave a very small space at top of the Sound-Bow circle which can be filled in by hand or by any other convenient process. The circle marked "Sound Bow" is an imaginary one indicating merely the thickest part of the bell, which should be 1-14 of the entire diameter at the MOUTH LINE. That part marked "Waist" should be HALF the thickness of the Sound Bow, and the part at Y should be 1-3 the thickness of the Sound Bow. From the point marked I to the inner crown curve should be 17 parts; from I to J the same as the thickness at Y, and then 17 parts from J to the top or OUTER Crown WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. ("urvc. The inner crown curve is drawn over to meet the line D. Trie outer cruwn curve line should be carried well beyond the line D to intersect with a line drawn straight up from X. Where these crown curve lines intersect with the vertical lines at D and beyond there should be a very small circle drawn on the inner side to round off the intersections, which would otherwise meet very sharply. The draft is now complete except for the SHAXK, or anv other suitable design there for hanging the bell, or it mav have an OPENING THROUCxH THE TOP OF BELL for such a mechanical method of hang- ing the bell as the designer may see fit to use, as such an opening in no way affects the .sound or tone of the bell. Two suitable boards are now provided, one of them cut to conform to the draft of the INNER shape of the bell, the other to the OUTER shape, and when completed are called "Sweeps" or "Patterns," and when ready for use ajjpear as shown. The iron molding forms are then provided to confonn to these "Sweeps," one called the "Cojie," the other the ■ • Core. • ' The OUTER form of the bell is ' ' Swept up " IX the CojK-, and the INNER fonn is swept up ON the Core. These iron forms are liberally i>crforated to make the clay loam adhere more finnly and to provide vents to allow the gases to bum off which are generated during the "Pouring" of the molten metal into the molds. On the Core fonn is first wrapped a layer of straw rojje, which, during the pouring, is com- pletely charred to ashes, thus allow- ing the cooling mass to contract without an undue strain of the metal and in.suring a sound casting. All our molds are operated above ground except the Copes for bells of 3,000 lbs. or larger, these being set somewhat down in a shallow pit for the more convenient working of the Sweeps. When the mold for the outer shape is about finished and still soft, the lettering of the Inscri]jtion de- sired is impres.sed into its surface, reading from right to left, this work being shown in the illus- tration below as is done for all SINGLE bells. Such inscriptions should be condensed into as I'ew^ words as possible, much lettering is liable to interfere with the tone vibrations of the bell. In attuned work, such as PEALS and CHIMES, the lettering is INVARIABLY CHASED on the surface of the bell after it has been fully tuned, and so in this class of work the lettering does not appear in raised characters. The next view is a peep in the foundry, showing a number of molds "closed," set around in a circle ready for the casting; they are so placed to accommodate the swing of the .;reat crane as it carries the "Ladle" contain- ing the molten metal which is then "poured" into these molds. We sometimes have as M E N E E L Y & COMPANY metal to flow out and into the Ladle, several men standinj? b\- with fresh plugs on the end of suitable stieks, and whet: sufficient is drawn off the "Tap" is plugged up w-ith one of these fresh plugs. From this Ladle is "poured" a number of bells as the quantity of metal drawn pro\ddcs for, when the Ladle is returned, the furnace again is tapped, and this operation is relocated until all the molds have been filled. What metal remains after filling the last mold is i)oured into ingot molds and is used in the next lot of metal melted. The fumaee we use is that known tech- nically as a "HOT-AIR FURNACE," which means that the metal is incited by "HOT AHl." It is oblong in form, having many as TWENTY closed molds thus set, all to be "poured" from one "HEAT." which means ONE HEATING OF THI-: FURNACE, and which may thus contain from five to eight tons of metal, and always the self-same ]KTcentagc of composition. When the metal is melted it is drawn from the furnace into a " Ladle" at the "TAP." We have several such Ladles in use; the smallest, which is of the simjjle type, will con- tain 2, .500 lbs., while the large, latest-style ' ine will contain full 8,000 lbs. of molten metal. The "Tapping" of the metal from the furnace is done as shown in the view next given. The clay ])hig is driven in, allowing the two compartments and chimney. The Fire compartment is at farthest end froin the chimney or Stack; there is a wall between this section and the metal section, reaching almost to the interior top of the furnace, the top of the metal section being convex downward . Through the aperture above the wall the heat enters the metal section, strikes the con- vexed roof and is deflected upon the metal. This is the cleanest method of melting and assures the most perfect amalgam of the two metals used, cop- per being first melted and the block tin afterwards, the latter being put in at the last in a manner that is specially pro- vided for in the construction of our furnace. The view here given shows the manner of casting or "pouring" a bell. The molds remain closed for a day or more, according to sizes, to allow a gradual cooling of the bells. When the molds are opened, the top one, or "Cope," is lifted off, then the bell is lifted off the "CORE," the view here given showing the position of the Cope and Core, the bell having been re- WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y 25 moved, and leaving the broken, charred residue of the loam mold visible, which we thus show to make clear that no matter how many bells are to be made, every one must go through the same process and that no mold can be used for another bell of like size. A new loam mold is absolutely necessary for each and every bell. The bell is now cleared of all adhering mold and sent to the polishing table, where it is finished to its natural, gleaming, gold-like color, and is then fitted out with its MOUNTINGS, thoroughly tried out to meet the most exacting criticism, and then shipped to the purchaser; when placed in the belfry ready for use it appears as shown in Fig. 1 on page 5 of this book. THE EUROPEAN METHOD OF CASTING BELLS By aid of the cut given herewith we will briefly explain their process. After designing the draft, ONE SWEEP Board is made to confomi to the inner shape of the proposed bell. It is adjusted to a Spindle. A Pit is dug just so deep as to bring the top of the vSpindle abo\'e ground. A Brick core is built hollow, with several flues under it from circumference to center. At about two-thirds of its finished height a fiat, iron plate is set, resting on a suitable stake previously driven down, and the ends built into the brick core. The center of this plate is coimtersunk for the point of the Spindle to rest in and revolve. Above the Pit is a Beam hinged at one end to a suitable support, a countersunk plate on the under side to tally with that on the plate set inside the core and between which the Sweep revolves, the other end locked to a support to keep it rigid. The brick core is roughly finished outside to suitable form and on it is then "swept up" a loam mold to conform to the inner shape of the bell. The mold is allowed to dry-, by which time the sweep has been further cut to confonn to the outer shape of the bell and replaced, the mold is greased and on it is now swept up a CLAY BELL, on the outer surface of which is then placed in wax characters such inscrip- tion, lettering or ornamentation as desired. When all is hard and dry, the sweep is once more cut down to conform to the outer shape of the outer mold; the Sweep in the cut shown appears as cut for the outer shape of the bell. The Clay Bell is now given a coat of grease and the outer loam mold is then swept up over the bell and ha\ing several iron bands around it partially embedded in the mold. When dried, a fire is built under this completed mold, melting awav the grease and wax, the outer mold is lifted off, the clay hell broken out anJ removed, the mold replaced, all well jmcked down in the Pit. A Gate or Runway is then pro- vided from the top of the mold to the TAP of the furnace, the "pouring" being done by allowing the metal to flow direct into the mold. 2() M E N E E L Y & COMPANY A PEAL OF BELLS .Tstood in ihis countrv 'i^j('.. i.i^ ill tunc with each other. i fe22: i:^: ±22: a Peal of Bells consists of two or more bells hannonically Generally, three bells are used, occasionally four or live. When composed of three they are almost invariably the first, third and fifth of the octave of a given key, the largest or first always considered as the key-note. Such a set is called a "Major Triad." Occasionally a "Minor Triad" is desired, and in some places a combination of both. We here present the music score of a number of different Peals of Bells, here given in accordance with "Concert Pitch Standard"; due allowance must be made for other standards of musical pitch. The first here shown is a set of three bells in the kc}' of C. weight of bells about 7,800 lbs., and with mountings completi' close to 12,000 lbs. The second is a set of three bells in the key of D flat, weight of bells from 6,500 to 6,700 lbs., and with mountings complete about 10,000 lbs. The third is a set of three bells in the key of D, weight of bells 5,500 to 5,700 lbs., and with mountings complete about 8,500 lbs. The fourth is a set of three bells in the key of E flat, weight of bells about 4,600 to 4,700 lbs., and with mountings com- plete about 7,000 lbs. The fifth is a set of three bells in the key of E, weight of bells about 3,900 lbs., and with mountings complete about 5,800 lbs. The sixth is a set of three bells in the key of F, weight of hells' about 3,350 lbs., with mountings complete about 5,000 11 is i a "O" :M^ •gr I =^^ >o= m t^ $ JUSl These are all "■.Major Triads," and of this class of Peals we can supply several sets of lesser weight and higher key, as also heavier than first set named and of lower key, as may be desired, and for which sijecial proposition will be made upon request. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 27 i MINQK -^s I lyilMHK Two MINOR scores arc here submitted; the first is in the key of D, which in Concert Pitch weigh about 5,800 lbs., with complete mountings about 8,700 lbs. If desired in Inter- national Pitch the bells will weigh about (),7.")() lbs., and witli complete moimtings about 10,000 ll)s. The .second is in key of E, which in Concert Pitch weigh about 4,200 lbs., and with complete mountings about \S'?A)(^ lbs. If desired in Interna- tional Pitch the}' will weigh about 5,000 lbs., and with mount- ings complete about 7,500 lbs. A combination of Major and « — Minor chords is represented in the two scores at the left, the J L g^ H first in the key of D, Concert Pitch, weight of bells about 7,400 'V3' CJ ''" ^^ lbs., and with mountings complete about 11, 500 lbs. In Inter- f) 1 national Pitch the weight would be about 8,000 lbs., and with (^ ^^ bo ^o t"^ ^ mountings complete about 13,000 lbs. ^ ^'^ The next is in key of E flat. Concert Pitch, and the weight of bells about 6,300 lbs., with mountings complete 9,500 lbs. In Internati(jnal Pitch they would be about 7,400 lbs., and with mountings complete about 11,500 llis. The church at the right is St. Joseph's Church, St. Joseph, Minn., in the tower of which is a set of four bells we supplied in 1903, weighing almost 8,300 lbs., with mountings complete about 12,500 lbs., and their tones arc thus: The church shown in the center is St. Nicholas Church, Evanston, 111., in the tower of which is a set of four bells which we suppHed in 1906, their total weight being 10,300 lbs., and with complete mountings about 16,000 lbs. Their tones arc these : i St. Alphonsus Church, at Southport St. and Wellington Ave, Chicago, 111., is shown in the lower left-hand corner, in the tower of which is as fine a set of four bells as we have ever supplied, the weight of the bells and with their mountings com- Thcir tones are as shown by tlie fol- 3f=2= iio: 2S M ENEELY & CO M P A N Y iii^^teDWoH ^' i^rcsenling these views of churches, cathedrals ^^ I ^^ s'lfl other edifices, we would state that it was im- j^ft I Jrafr possible to secure ])hotographs of ALL that have Si^^^^iSi Peals or Chimes of our bells in use, nor would Ihe space available permit the insertion of all if we could have secured them, and, for the same reason, we cannot list all Peals and Chimes furnished by this foundr\-. Our en- deavor is to supply such references as will alTord e\-ery pro- spective purchaser am])le ojiportunity to secure satisfactory in- fonnation regarding our work and the reliability of our dealings. We urge every one contemplating such a jjurchase to inves- tigate, and if possible to personally go to the nearest church having our bells and inspect them, especially such as we ha\e supplied within recent years, as these exemplify our latest style of fittings and special scientific TUNING WORK. Of the many single Bells, Peals and Chimes supplied by tliis foundry many years ago, it is but reasonable to expect that the growth of churches, the ravages of time, fire and accident have caused a number of them to be re])laced by new ones in recent years. The following list of churches have respecti^•ely Peals of two to four bells from our foundrw The total wci,ght of the bells alone is given, without mountings. (.1 K\i F.\ . i.rrii. cm Kcii Cunibcrhind. Md. Three Hells, i.MIO Ib.s. Br()wnsville. 'I"ex .Sr. Mary's Church New York (;ily .St. Mary's of .\ssuinptlon New York City t:hurch of <). L. of Sorrows New Y'ork ('ity , St. .\nn's Church St. Jacques le Mineur. P.O. Roman Catholic Church Prifice .Mbert. Sask .Sacred Heart Cathedral ... - Norwaik. Ohio St. Mary'.s ('hurch .St. Clement.s, Ont Catholic (Church Brooklyn, N.Y. Church of .Annunciation St. .Melanie, P.O Catholic Church Omaha. Neb St. Philomena Church Manitowoc, Wis (;erman Lutheran Church Hull. P.O Catholic Church .Sheboyjlan. Wis Fvanjielical Lutheran Church C:orpus Christ!, Tex .St. Patrick's Church Oetroit. Mich .St. Paul's Lutheran Church . . Marquette. Mich St. Peter's Cathedral .New- Y'ork City .Swedish Lutheran Church Sebastopol. Ont Trinity Lutheran Church Zanesville. Ohio (ierman Lutheran Church St. Marline. P.O Catholic Church Rloomshurfi. Pa. St. Paul's Church Little Chute. Wis. St. John's Church ... Hudson. N.Y' Christ Episcopal Church Edmunston. N.B Immaculate Conception Church Tomah. Wis. .St. Paul's Lutheran Church Detroit. .Mich St. James' Lutheran Church Escanaba, Mich .St. Patrick's Church Detroit. Mich Christ Lutheran Church , Laurium. Mich .St. Paulus Lutheran Church Philadelphia, Pa .St. John Cantius Church Camden. N.Y .St. John's K.C. Church .St. .\gatha, Ont St. Agatha's R.C Church . New Hamburg. Ont Catholic Church 2700 lb.s. 2400 .«I0() .ViOO 3100 3220 21.W 21.16 2.100 .<.i00 I6b0 2'l«0 2100 2900 2900 2900 2900 2758 29.S0 2327 2750 3320 2744 2300 2.S00 2300 3000 2400 2300 3250 2000 2400 2400 ST. ANN'S <:|HjRC11 Turners Falls. Mass. Three Hells. 3.3.S0 lbs. There are many more churches ha\-ing peals of our bells, the weight of the set of bells aggre- gating from 1,500 lbs. up to 2,300 lbs., respectively, these being the least weights that will yield good results when distributed properly into three bells. It is always best to tell us the total desired weight and let us apportion it in the best manner to secure the best results. We desire it particu- larly understood that we give to each and e\-ery order, whether great or small, our best care and most skilful services. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 29 All churches shown and listed on this page have Peals, the largest bell alone weighing between 2, 100 and 2.200 jjounds. Those shown on the right reading downward are: St. Louis R.C. Church. Buffalo. N.Y. St. Mar.v's R.C. Church. Columbus. O. St. Peters R.C. Church, .^llefthen) . Pa. Those shown on the left arc: St. Peter's Church. Jersey City, N.J. .St. Joseph's Church. Topeka. Kans. St. John's R.C. (Jhurch Amherstburg. Ont. Trinity Episcopal Church Washington. Pa. Sacred Heart Church St. Marys. Pa. Immaculate Conception ("hurch Formosa. Ont. (ierman Evangelical Luth. Church East Saginaw. Mich. St. John's Lutheran Church Hagerstown, Md. St. Joseph's R.C. Church Galion, Ohio. St. Mary s RX.. t:hurch Erie, Pa. St. Benedict s R.C. Church Blue Island. III. Friedens Evangelical Church Prairie du Sac. Wis. Immaculate Conception t^hurch Lansing. Iowa St. Pauls Ev. Luth. C:hurch Ft. .\tkinson. Wis. St. John's Kv, Luth. Church Jefferson, Wis. Holy Ghost Lutheran Church Milwaukee. Wis. 30 M E N E E L Y & COMPANY Up— '. — ' — \^ fft -: -r ^1 r: ~ a 1 .^^3^ 1. (irai'c LuthtTiin Church Milwaukee, Wis. Three Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor 2. St. Luke's Ohurch Rochester, N. V, Four Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor 3. St. John's R.C. Church Erie. Pa. Three Bells. 2.S00 lbs. I enor 4. St. Mary's R.C. Church Annapolis, Md. Three Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor 5. San Fernando Cathedral .San .\ntonio, 'Tex. Four Bells. 3.S74 lbs. Tenor 6. St. Marys R.t:. Church Memphis, 'Tenn, Three Bells, 2100 lbs. Tenor 7. Holy Cross R, C, Church Columbus. Ohio Three Bells. 2300 lbs. Tenor « WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 31 CHURCHES HAVING PEALS, LARGEST BELL 2,500 POUNDS Oswego, N.Y., St. Paul's Kpiscopal Ohurch Reading, Pa., St. Paul's Church Paincourtville. Ka., (^.hurch of Assumption Mentz. Texas, St. Roche's (Church Philadelphia. Pa., Holy Cross Lutheran Church Newark. N.J.. St Peter's Church Ft. Wayne. Ind.. (ierman Lutheran Church Dayiou, Ohio, Holy Rosary (;hurch llanovcr. N.II.. Dartmouth (Jhapel Chicopee, Mass.. St. Stanislaus Church Milwaukee. Wis., St. Lucas Lutheran Church THE FOLLOWING CHURCHES HAVE PEALS AS NOTED French Catholic Church, St. Rose du Lac, Man. Four Bells, largest 3,090 lbs., kev of D. St. Joseph's Church, Macon, (ja. Three Bells, largest 3,050 lbs., key of D. Sacred Heart Church, Polonia, Wis. Largest bell 3,057 lbs., key of D. St. Casi.mir Church, Amsterdam, N.Y. Largest bell 3,047 lbs., key of D. The church here shown is St. Joseph's Rochester, N.Y.; the largest bell weighs 2,824 lbs. Peal is in kev of E flat. Cathedral of Lmmaculate Conception, Kingston, Ontario; the largest bell is 3,100 lbs. Peal in kev of D. Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Phila- delphia. Pa. ; the largest bell is 3,012 lbs., key of D. Zabriskie Me.morial Church. Bristol, R.I. Has Peal of Three Bells, largest 3.000 lbs., in kev of E flat. St. Adalbert's Church, Detroit, Mich. Peal of Three Bells, largest 3,100 lbs., key of D. CiEThse.\l\ne Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Miini. Largest bell 3,128 lbs., kc\- of D. M E N E E L Y & (COMPANY We also have Peals of Bells in other churches as follows: Immaculate Heart (Church. Pitts- burgh, Pa., Four Bells, .V^OO lbs. Tenor; (Jerman Evangelical Prot- estant Church. Albany. N. V.. Three Bells. Tenor iim lbs.; and in St. Martin's Roman Clatholic <:hurch. Cleveland. Ohio. Four Bells. Tenor 3600 lbs. In the upper row. left (o ri^iht, are shown St. Josephs B.C. Church, San Antonio, Texas, which has a IVal of F-"our Bells. 3000 lbs. Tenor. St. Michael's B.C. Cathedral. Toronto. Ontario; Two Bells, Tenor 3047 lbs. Tiinity Kv. I.iith (ihurch, ( lolunibus, Ohio; a Peal of Four Bells. Tenur 3070 lbs. The churth shown at left centre is St. Pauls Kv. Luth. Church. Citlumbus. Ohio; Peal (if Four Bells.'Tenor 2HMI lbs. Those shown at bottom, left to right, are: Holy Name B.C. Church. Steuhen- ville. Ohio; Peal of Three Bells, .?000 lbs. Tenor. St. Stanislaus B.C. (ihurch. Bay City, Mich.; Peal of Four Bells. 'Tenor nearly (»S00 lbs. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 33 St. Louis' C'athedral, New Orleans. La., shown on the left, has a Peal of Four Bells. 4100 lbs. Tenor. On the right. St. Paul s R.C. Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Has Peal of Three Bells. Tenor 4MMI lbs. St. Mary's R.C. Church. Lancaster. Ohio, shown in centre, has Peal of Three Bells. 4100 lbs. Tenor. XjJ^^^r Church of M. H. Redeemer. New York City, has Peal of Two Bells. Tenor 5300 lbs. Flmanuel R.C. Church at Dayton. Ohio. Four Bells. Tenor 5300 lbs., and St- Stanislaus R.C. Church, Buffalo. N.Y., a Peal of Four Bells. Tenor 5333 lbs. At the left is shown St. John Kanty Church and School. Chicago, III., which has Peal of Four Bells. Tenor 5SD0 lbs. On the right is shown St. Patricks Cathedral. Rochester. N.Y., which has Two Bells, the largest of (>100 lbs. weight. We also have Peal of Three Bells, close to 4500 lbs. Tenor, in St. Francis Assis- sium (Church. Chi- cago. III.. Sacred Heart Church. Syra- cuse. N. Y., and St. Joseph's R.C. Church. at Burlington, Vt. a iHi :u M E N E E L Y & CO M P A N Y WES IMINSTER OR CAMBRIDCiE CHIMES i J < 1 <• >- \ > |H1"^ iirsl Westminster Chime was ci)m])oscd of FIV'E Bells. The four quarter bells represent the same lone intervals as those in ihe tower of St. Mary's Church. Camhridj^e, Enj^land, and known as the "Cambridj^e Chimes." When the Clock and Chimes were jjlaced in the tower of the Par- liament Buildin}^ at Westminster, London, those intervals were used for the Quarter Bells and a (ireat Bell added, it havinj:; the note of the oetave below the next larj^est Quarter bell, u]jon which the hours were struck. That great bell soon cracked and was recast, and this second great bell, known then as Big Ben, cracked after a few years' use. It has never been recast and its use was discontinued. The clock hammers were then readjusted so the hours would be struck on the largest QUARTER liell. That soon demonstrated that the extra great or HOUR bell is not a necessity, as few jKTsons have ever noticed that Big Ben is not in use, and since then "Westminster" or "Cambridge" Clock Chimes have been com- posed of only the four quarter bell intervals, shown in the following score, the key-note being the next largest bell. Quarter / Z<^ -^ — 3^ ~^ • d- J. — — — _ a- KJ J . _^/ =? 3 -J- F=^ ^ \ W=^ ^^^ =W^ -^— ^^^ _P^_ G— The first four notes shown are struck at a cjuarter past the hour; the eight notes marked "2d" at the half -hour; the next twelve notes at third quarter and the next sixteen notes a little before the hour, these ending on the KEY-NOTE, and after a due pause the hour is struck on the largest of the four bells. We here show five scales of Westminster Chimes and give the total weight of the four bells based on Standard International Pitch, as follows : Set in F for largest bell, about 4,200 lbs. Set in E for largest bell, about 5,100 lbs. Set in E flat for largest bell, about 6,000 lbs. Set in D for largest bell, about 7,000 lbs. Set in C for largest bell, about 10,200 lbs. These are EXAMPLES. We can furnish lighter weight sets in higher keys as also heavier sets in lower keys. For purely clock use the bells are generally suspended in a sub- stantial frame as above shown, but if desired they can be fur- nished with full mountings as in Fig. 1, page 5, so they may be rung as a Peal or any of the bells as a SINGLE bell, without adversely affecting the operation of the clock. We thoroughh- attune these bells in the same careful manner as Peal and Chime bells elsewhere refenTd to and described in this book. i bo ^ i I -i^ bo ,.y- :;,£Sff. .h-n-w^ Ikmbitfel Most towers are substantially built, but few ha\'c a prop- erly prepared bell-room FLOOR. The plan here shown indicates the BEST arrangement, and the dimensions given are based on a room that is 14 ft. square. For larger or smaller towers these measurements, etc., should be corre- spondingh- more or less. The plan is so clear that we do not tliink further explanation necessar\-. The floor should be strong enough to safely sustain THREE TIMES the com- plete weight of the bells and fittings, be so made that it will drain off water promptly, and covered with either tin well painted or copper. The size of the Trap shown in the plan will admit a bell as large as 3,000 lbs. ; for any larger bell the trap should be made to correspond. The surface of the bell- room floor should be close to the base of windows, certainly not over 15" below, and the overhead ceiling or roof should be close to top of windows or not more than about 24" above, and this is meant for ANY and EVERY belfry. If the bell- room be large in area and not over say 10 ft. high inside, then the openings around should be fulh' half the inside WIDTH of room and could be all of three-fourths and entirely open. Additional infomiation we will gladly supply based on expert examination of the tower and its needs wherever a chime of bells be under consideration with us. The illustration here given shows the general way of in- stalling our chimes and the proper location of Chiming Con- sole; its distance from the bells ma\- be whatever the tower conditions make necessary, but within 50 ft. of the bells is best if at all practicable to there locate it. If the belfr_\- win- dows are 12 ft. or more in height and of good width, they need not be entirely open; the arrangement of lou\-ers shown in illustration is generally sutRcient, especially if the bell-room be well above surrounding buildings and apex of church roof. 36 MENEELY & CO M P A N Y CHURCH-BELL CHIMES SKi^AC&ffS gencrall\- understood in this country, ~ "-^^ a CHIME consists of at least '^V EIGHT bells corresponding to the eight notes of a given octave, but as ^-_ _ • • . Jj such a set would be very limited in tune-playing capacity, one or more bells are added, which greatly multiplies the number of tunes that may then be correctly played. Many tunes are composed in what is called in bell parlance the "key of the fourth," because the 4th bell is the key-note, and such tunes require the insertion of a "diminished 7th," which we call the "flat 7th," to make the intervals in that key correct. Many tunes also have one note above the octave or "treble." The addition, therefore, of the " flat 7th " and the one above the " treble " to the eight bells of the octave makes the number of bells in the set amount to TEN, and this we consider as the least number of necessary bells to fomi a good chime. A niunber of tunes also have what is known in music as an "accidental," com- monly called the "augmented 4th"; we call it the "sharp 4th." and the insertion of such a bell makes the set comprise ELEVEN BELLS, and, if the bell-room space, strength of tower and purchaser's means permit it, wc strongly urge such a set of bells as the best chime within mod- erate limits. Wc exemplify such chimes in the two scores here shown, the first being in the key of C, as heavy a set as wc recommend for the best service and most satisfactory results. To have TWELVE or more bells in a set, the largest bell, commonly called the "Tenor," must of necessity be heavy enough to avoid having those above the octave so light in weight as to be without that tone-temper or musical timbre so necessary to make all the bells have a homo- geneous tone-quality. Chime of Eleven Bells, largest 2„S((0 lbs., as installed in 190.* in the Tower of CHRIST CHURCH, BINtJHAMTON, N.Y. Bell-Room I.? ft. Square by 14 ft. High. i ^ (?o ^ ^»- o <^ #g "ST -± — 1 / bo c ^G -M^ -f^ — ^ — n m^ h. fLL our chime belLs arc made from SPECIALLY' DESIGNED PAT- TERNS drafted in ac- cordance with most care- fully calculated formulse to produce the richest, fullest musical tone-quality; individually having cer- tain tones that are in tune or harmony and which we can positively discern and manipulate. Bells thus made have certain inherent tone-elements pre- viously counted on. which we smooth out by the mechanical tuning process employed ONLY in our foundry. Everv chime bell is thus a TONE- TEMPERED bell of a distinctively pure, smooth, velvet-like tone-quality, musically attuned within itself and as perfectly in tune with the others of the set as can possibly be made. Musical Doctors, Teachers of Music in Universities and Colleges, Organ Builders and Organists, many of them having NATIONAL reputa- tion of highest ability, have thoroughly tested our work ; some have been here in the foundry and tested our process, all of which they did in the most critical manner, and have marveled at the superior results and splendid accuracy of tone and tunc and have .said that thcv would consider any alteration as likely to sjjoil what they regard as the best possible chime work. We do not claim that chimes made many years a.go according to the then known methods were models of perfection, for they simjjly COULD NOT be, nor can any foundry on earth produce e\-en an approximately accurate set of bell chimes without SOME tuning after the bells are cast. What we claim is, that NO OTHER MAKE of chimes can fairly compare with such of our chimes as have been made in accordance with our present system of tuning. We earnestly advise every one con- sidering the purchase of chimes, if at all practicable, to personally visit different places and inspect this class of ovir work, or employ some competent, relialile person to do so, and compare it with that of any other; also to write to those whom we have thus serv'ed and learn from them what the\- can sa\' of the quality of our work and reliability of our dealings. We urge this direct method of investigation as the best way for each prospective chimes purchaser to subserve his own best interests. ALL tunes cannot be played ac- curately on ANY chime of bells, nor is it necessary, as there arc thou.sands of good well-known tunes that CAN be played accurately- on a chime of ten to twelve bells. The chiiner should provide 200 to 400 difTercnt tunes for his use with which he can so change his programs from time to time as to make every chimes concert a pleasurable event to the community. By hannoniously transposing one or two notes in a tune that cannot be played as composed. it will be found that such tunes can be played so well that no one will notice any change therein. Chime of Ten Bells, largest 2.500 lbs.. as installed 1901 in the Tower of ST. MATTHEWS (.KRiM. I.L III. Clll RCH. Charleston. S.C. Bell-Room 15 ft. Square by 12 ft. High. 3S MENEELY & COMPANY largest 4. .((Ill lbs.. Fourteen Bell.s. , LIS insliilK-d Itll.! in ihe Tower of ST. SIMKON'.S KP. CHURCH, I'hiLuk'lphia. Pa. Bell-Room 14 ft. .Stiuare by 17 ft. lUeh. HE tunes in the various church hymnals seldom exceed the limit of Kle\-en bells, and as .such tunes are used almost exelusi\-el\- on church chimes there is no pressin<^ need for more bells. A very small numlxT only of the sacred solos are suitable for being played on chimes, largely bccatise as they are composed many contain a number of "accidentals" and often a change of ke\-, which effect cannot be produced on a chime of bells. Hence it is better to adhere to the hundreds of tunes available in the church and gos])el h\-mnals, playing those best known to the community. The peculiar inherent tone-elements of bells of less than 24" diameter make it very essential to avoid their use in chimes. The purpose of the heavier chimes is to obtain a richer, mel- lower tone-quality which is due to the larger proportions of the bells and the use of more metal properly distributed. If the range of a heavy chime be extended to more than Twelve bells, those beyond that number, no matter how good they may be individually, are of little musical value in the chime, and these up])er notes will sound more or less out of balance with the large ones. For these reasons as well as others which we will frankly discuss with prospective chime purcha.scrs who desire it. it is impracticable to make a really good sounding chime the largest bell of which is appreciably less than 1,800 lbs. In such a set the smallest bell would be something like 200 to 230 lbs., and will do very well, but would, as above stated, be somewhat out of balance in a chime of which the largest bell weighs 2,500 lbs. or more. For Universities, Colleges and Public Memorial Towers there may be good rea.sons for having one or two more bells in the set to pemiit playing a limited variety of secular songs and ballads, but such a chime needs to be of such weight as to require not less than 250 to 'AOO lbs. in the bell for the highest note, and in such chimes the purchasers can afTord to make some allowance re- garding tone-balance that thox- may have the necessary bells for playing the rollicking tunes desired. There are not many such tunes, how- ever, that are desirable and, therefore, not much is lost in deciding on a chime of eleven or twelve bells of lesser weight. For each chime of bells we supply, the frame is particularly built to suit the bell-room in which it is installed, and is based on the inside size and character of the room and the style of the windows. For that reason we present illustrations of several chimes showing how they are installed, and give the size of the room. The same chiming action is in each and every set we supply, the most perfect Playing Action that has ever been devised for chimes. In numerous instances the pur- chasers do not desire the largest bell to be used as a swinging bell, and so „ „ , ^ . cc,. .u • . M . ,n„v ■ all the bells are mounted as shown in f.hime of Fourteen Bells, largest 4,S.SII lbs., as installed 110S in , . , . ^ , n y^ ■ the Tower of the Library Buiidinft, CORNELL iNivKKsiTV, the illustration ot Cornell L nivcrsity Ithaca. N.V. Bell-Room IK ft. Square by 12 ft. Ilifth ChimCS. WATERVLIET, WEST TROV, X.V m OUR CHIMES PLAYING CONSOLE [N this page we show two styles of our Chiming Console, one having turned posts, the other rich, plain posts, and purchasers of our chimes may have either style desired. We make them of Oak. highly polished, and will be furnished in either a dark antique, dark golden or green weathered finish as preferred; if no preference is expressed in ordering, we furnish the Console with turned posts and dark golden Oak finish. The music holder, the connecting ferrules, the adjusting bars and hinges are all of brass, highly finished, and with the remaining metal parts, bolts, etc., are heavily nickel-plated. If desired, the Console will be provided with four foot-pedals or levers, but our expe- rience is that with very few exceptions, where they have been included, they have fallen into disuse within a \'cry short time, and so they are only included if so requested at time of making contract for the chimes. The connec- tions from the Console up through the sc\-eral floors to the bell-room are straight-grain wooden rods, tested to stand 1,500 lbs. lift, and unless broken b}- side strain they will last anywhere from 50 to 100 years with proper care. Owing to the character of these connections, which must be of great strength and lasting quality, it becomes a necessity to have the Chiming Console located on some floor of the tower and as nearh- in the center of the room as the connecting adjustments of playing action require, all of which is based on the size and shape of the bell-room, and illustrated on page 35 of this book. The chiming action imme- diately under each bell in our chimes is unique in design, combining strength, reliability of tension with resilient stroke; in efTect a heavy Piano Action. Ko one can strike too hard a blow, and yet as light a stroke as desired can be given, nor can the ball of the clapper rest in contact with the bell- There is nothing gained by extra exertion of power in playing nor any back-pulling of the levers neces- .sary by the chimcr. Playing a chime is healthy exercise and the correct knack of it is soon acquired by one ambitious enough to properly qualify, and while this work docs NOT require a professional musician, he should be one well enough versed in music to read it readily and be able to play it cor- recth- on some musical instrument such as Piano. Organ, Violin. 'Cello. Trombone, Comet, etc. Such an one will, by aid of the instructions given by our chimer at time of installation of chimes, be able to properly I'lay them almost immediately. 40 M E N E E L Y & C () M P A N Y CHIMES FROM OUR FOUNDRY N these pages we present a large list of chimes supijlied by this foundry, compiled from the records, the first set having been manufactured for exhibition about 18.53. It is interesting that, so far as we know, all the chimes furnished, with but two or three exceptions, arc still in use to the edification of all who hear them. We give these illustrations as near as space y)ennits according to weights, beginning witJi the lightest weight chimes made. Siu-red lltMrl (.hurch, (ieiirjictown. B. (iuiana Ten Bells. 1X00 lbs. Tenor; bmiftht in 1905. Church of the (iootl Shepherd ml riftht), Hartford, Conn Nine Bells. ISOO lbs. Tenor; bought in 1859. SlKiwn below, left to riiiht: Christ Kpisropal Church Indianapolis. Ind. Nine Bells. hmiUht I860. Tenor bell 1700 lbs. St. Paul's Kp. Church Petersburg. V'a. Nine Bells, houftht 1850. Tenor bell. 1700 lbs. ..-^ali^ rinity Reformed Church York, I'a. Chime of Nine Bells. Tenor bell 1800 lbs. Bouaht in 1858 ^|b U^^H j!^ i ■ m Hiij fej, s^ I ; tl wa^ ^ WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. "tl" The church shown at the rijiht is First Presbyterian wiih DeWitt C Hay Memorial Tower, Sackcts Harbor, N.Y., in which is Chime of Ten Bells succeeding a set of nine originally placed in 1893. That lirst set was destroyed by fire, and the new set was placed in 1S')*». Tenor bell weifihs ISOO lbs. The church at left is St. Peters K. <;. (Ihurch, New Brunswick. N.J. Chime of Nine Bells, 2100 lbs. Tenor; bought in 1H70. The second church at left is \scension Cihiirch, Troy, N. Y., having Nine Bells, the Tenor nearly 1800 lbs.; placed in tower in 1870. The church at right is Main St. M. E. Church, South, Danville, Va. Chime of Eleven Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1909. In the lower left corner is St. Peter s Eng. C^hurch, (lobourg, Ont. Chime of Ten Bells, installed 1904; Tenor bell IHOO lbs. In lower right corner is Grace M. E. Church, Morningside, Sioux Caty, Iowa. Chime of Eleven Bells, Tenor 2100 lbs.; installed in 1908. 42 M E N E E L Y & (^ O M P A N Y The church at left is Wood side Presbytcrinn. Troy, N.Y.. havinji Nine Bells. IHOfl lbs. Tenor; in- stiilk'd in I8(.9. Next below is St. I*:ilrKk's Church, Utica. N.Y. 'Ihe beils were pur- cliased from time to time until ten in all had l>eeii procured by 18(iS. lenor weighs somewhat less than ISOO lbs. riie next below is I'ark < ionjlretiational Church. Norwich. Conn. Ten IWIIs installed 187«>; Tenor 2]m lbs. Churcli shown at rijiht above is St. Johns Angli- can, i.unenburj*. Nova .Scotia. Chime of Ten Bells. IHOO lbs. Tenor; in- stalled 1902. Next below is St. Paul's Anglican Church, Fort William, Ont. Chime of Ten Bells. Tenor ISOO lbs.; installed I909. Lower rifiht hand is First Presbyterian Church. Pasadena. <]al. Eleven Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed 1908. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. iZ The church shown at the left is St. John's Anglican. Truro. Nova Scotia. Chime of Ten Bells, Tenor 1800 lbs.; installed in 1906. The one at the riftht is M. E. Church. Plainfield. 111. Chime i>f Ten Bells. Tenor 1800 lbs.; installed l')0(i. The next shown below is First M. E. Church. .San Diego. Cal. Chime of Eleven Bells. Tenor 2100 lbs.; installed in 1>)08. That shown in lower right corner is St. James Anglican Church. Stratford. Ont. Chime of Eleven Bells, Tenor 2100 lbs.; installed l')09. We also have chimes as noted in the following named churches. St. Pauls Episcopal Church at Concord. Nil. Nine Bells. 1800 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1868. St. James' Episcopal Church at Derby. Conn. Nine Bells. 1800 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1867. St. John's R. C. Church. Newark. N.J. Nine Bells. 1800 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1S.S9. St. John the Baptist R. C. Church at Patersion. N.J. Nine Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1860. St. .Moysius R. C. Church. Newark. N.J. Nine Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1888. St. .\nn's R. C. Church. Brooklyn. N.Y. Nine Bells. Tenor 2100 lbs.; installed in 1869. St. Peter's Presbyterian Church. Rochester. N.Y. Pro- cured nine bells in 1860 and added three in 1869. Tenor 2100 lbs. St. James' Episcopal Church. Oskaloosa. Iowa. Ten Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1901. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Chester. Pa. Eleven Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1909. MM- 44 M E N E E L Y & COMPANY 4 f irr- ^T v»»'""i;%j^ %fe 'f! A^^ji ^ ^'' f^ ^*^^- "' iMl ^.n Mil.:: fl -/I ; nil' 1. Memorial M.K. Church. South, Durham. N.O. len Bells, lenur ISOd Ihs.; installed l'>l)7. 2. First Preshylerian (Ihurth, Marion. Inil. Kleven Bells. ilOO lbs. Tenor; installed in I'MO. i. First Ev. Lutheran Church, Leechbur>i, I*a. Ten Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1910. 4. Court St. M. F,. Church. South. I.ynihburji. Va. Ten Bells, ISftO lbs. Tenor; installed in I'>O.S. 5. Trinity Episcopal Church at \'ineland. N.J. Ten Bells. 2100 lbs. lenor; installed in 1002. Also have chime of Ten Bells in tower of St. Patrick's Church. San Francisco. Cal.. Tenor 250(t lbs. ; installed in IK74. r^ ^afe-^^ WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 45 ■"■"^j^Su? Christ Episcopal Church, Little Rock, Ark., at the left. Eleven Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1903. .St. Pauls Presby. Church. Ilaitiillon. Ont.. at right. Eleven Bells, 2100 lbs. Tenor; in.stalled 1906. At left centre is shown Unita- rian Church at Hopedale. -Mass. Eleven Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1910. ■Vt ritiht centre is shown .St. Timothys Ep. Church, Rox- boroujih, Philadelphia. Pa. Ten Bells. 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed 1897. «?.;'' .\t right here shown is David Dudley Field .Memo- rial Tower at .Stockbridge. Mass.. in which is Chime of Ten Bells, 2100 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1878. At left is St. John's Ep. Church. Savannah. Ga. Procured Eight Bells in 18,^4 and were used until I91(t. They were then sent to us to be recast and have three bells added, all tuned by our new process, and with all new frame, fittings and playing console were placed in Tower In 1911. Tenor bell is 2500 lbs. 40 M E N E E L Y & CO M P A N Y The churches shown on this pai^e. beftinninfi at the left down- ward and then the ritiht d<>v\n- ward, are: St. Mark's Ep. Church ;»t Hoosick Falls. N.Y. Ten Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in IH7I . St. Pauls Ep. Church. Buffalo. N.V. Ten Bells, 2.SIH) lbs Tenor; installed in 185b. Central M. E. Church at Winona, Minn. Eleven Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in IWh. First Baptist tlhurch. Newton (lentre. Mass. Ten Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1S">S. St. Peter's Ep. <:hurch. Auburn. N.Y. Ten Bells, 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1875. St. Matthew's C;erm. Ev. Luth. Church. Charleston, S.C. Ten Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; nstalled in 1901. Trinity Ep. Church at Cleve- land, Ohio, had a like Chime of Nine Bells, procured in 1X54. The palish outgrew the church and erected a new edifice abotJt fifty years later which became the Cathedral of the Diocese; the old church was dismantled and with the bells and other thinjls disposed of. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 17 The church shown at right is St. Peters R. C. Church. Haver- straw. N.V. Ten Bells, 25(MI lbs Tenor; installed in IH'ih. At the left is St. John s Kp. Church. VVaterbury, C:onn. Ten Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in IS7I. At right centre is shown Christ Church. Anglican, at Petrolia, Ont. Eleven Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; in- stalled in 1909. Below at left is shown All Saints' Ep. Church. Cireat Neck. N.Y. Eleven Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1904. The church shown below at right is Christ Ep. Church, Binghamton. N.V. Eleven Bells. 2500 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1903. We have duplicates of this chime in the towers of Christ Ep. Cihurch. Winnetka. III., and Memorial M. E. (Ihurch. Mishawaka. Ind.. both sets installed in 1912. 4S M E N E E L Y & COMPANY Above is shown Grace Episcopul Church, New Bedford. Mass. Ten Bells. iOOO lbs. Tenor; installed in 1S82. Below is shown li. M. C. Durfee High .School. Fall River, Mass., with a like chime installed 1886. .\bove at right is St. James' Ep. Church. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Chime of Eleven Bells, 3000 lbs. Tenor; installed in IW-S. That next below is (;hrist Ep. Cathedral. Salina. Kans. Chime of Eleven Bells. 2.S00 lbs. Tenor; installed in IIOI.. Next below is shown Grace Ep. Church, Utica. N.Y. 251)0 lbs. Tenor; installed in 1870. Fen Bells, We also have Chime of Ten Bells in tower of Elm Park M. E. Church, Scranton, Pa., MOO lbs. Tenor; installed in 18')2. W ATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 49 At the right is Holy Trinity C:hurch. Yar- mouth. Nova Scotia. Eleven Bells, Tenor 25(10 lbs.; installed in lltl. n At the right above is shown St. Patricks c;athedral, Newark, N.J.. which has a Ohime of Ten Bells. MOO lbs. Tenor. Four of the bells were procured in 1862 and others added from time to time until the set of ten was completed in 1875. From left to right below are shown in the order named, the Thomas W. Lawson Observatory Tower at Dreamwold, Egypt. Mass., in which is a Chime of Ten Bells, ,im lbs. Tenor. Two bells were bought in 1879 and others added from time to time until the set was completed by 1900. 54 M i: N R E L Y & C O M P A N Y AI the left above is shown SI. I'eler s Cathedral. Erie. I'a . which has a Chime of Twelve Bells, «00 lbs. Tenor, installed in IQO.?. At the richt we show Christ Kpisiiipal Church. New Haven. Conn., having a Chime of Fourteen Bells, 410(1 lbs. Tenor, in- stalled in IW.S. X .\t the left is shown the C:ity Hall and County lluildinii, Albany, N.Y.. which has a hell of 710(1 lbs., installed in ISKi. .\t the riftht is shown .St. Patrick's Church, Watcrvliet, N.Y.. bavins a bell of 72.S0 lbs., which was installed in 190(). .So far as we know, these are the largest bells in this State outside of the city of New \'ork. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. THE ORIGIN OF BELLS E include herein a few of the many interesting Old Missions of Southern California and some of the great chiu^ches and cathedrals of Mexico. The cathe- drals of Mexico City and Monterey are said to have some of the largest bells in the West- em Hemisphere, doubtless procured from Spanish founders during the past two or three centuries. We also give a description of the forms of some of the earliest known bells used to summon people to worship. The origin of bells is probabh- to be dated from the time when the sonorous property of metals was first no- ticed. In the writings of Moses (Exodus xxviii. 33-35 >. "bells of gold" are mentioned as being attached to Aaron's robe, that "his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the hoh" place before the Lord." Bells are also mentioned in Zech. xiv. 20: "In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD;" and it has been suggested that even Tubal Cain, the sixth in descent from Adam, "an instructor of every- artificer in brass and iron," might have known something of the art of making them. /Eschylus and Euripides inform us that the Greek warriors had small bells concealed within the hollows of their shields, and when the captains went their rounds of the camp at night each soldier was required to ring his bell in order to show that he was awake and watchful at his post. The caldrons of Dodona, which were a rude kind of brazen kettle or bell, are mentioned in history as having existed at a very early period ; they having been hung upon the temple of Jupiter, at Dodona, and through the sound which they ga\"e forth when the winds caused them to strike against each other, the most Iho Bflls of The Old Mission iit .Sun Diefto. (lal. iielK of ^;in i ..ipistr.ino, ancient of the Grecian oracles promulgated their responses. Plutarch mentions that when the city of Xanthus was besieged, some of the inhabitants tried to escape by swimming and di\-ing through the river, but nets with small 1m41s attached were spread across the stream under the water, by the ringing of which each capture was announced. The period when large bells were first in- troduced in churches is uncertain, but by the se^■enth century the\- were in pretty general use, since the venerable Bedc at that time mentions them as being in English churches. Their use for this purpose gradually 5(i MENEELY & COMPANY extended throughout Christian coun- tries, giving rise to that feature of ecclesiastical architecture, the bell tower. Authorities are divided as to who was the first to thus intro- duce them ; some claiming it to have been Paulinus. BishoiJ of Nola, in Campania, Italy, A.D. 400; others. Pope Sabinianus, A.D. (iOl. Dr. Heinrich Olte described about 185G, in "Glockenkunde," several bells made man\- centuries before, undated, having the form of • f,r*i >««• ^ an inverted goblet, the bottom more or less curved, and the two here shown, also without date upon them, the first having its loops broken off. The second begins to show the evolution of fonn to- ward the more modern, and these he called "sugarhatform." The next bell shown below is that of the Great Bell of Japan and said to rival the King of Bells at Moscow. The one beside it is an English bell of 1759. The bell shown Ijelow this is \"er\- ancient, without date upon it, and .so far as we know is still in use at Manningford-Abbots, Wilts, England. The next two at bottom of this page are of English manufacture of the date cast upon them. The first peal of which there is any i-eliable account was one of five bells which was pre- sented to King's College, Cambridge, England, by Pope Calixt III, in 1456. From that period the placing of several bells in one tower became more frecjuent; but it was not until the middle of the sixteenth century that peal ringing became reduced to an art. In the history of the church of the middle ages the bell has much to do. In the liturgies of the Roman Catholic Church is given a fonn for its consecration, directing the priest to wash the bell with water, anoint it with oil, and mark it with the sign of the cross in the name of the Trinity. It was often christened with great jjomp WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. and ceremony; ]KTsons of hi^h rank bein;:; its spon- sors, and a bishop or archbishop officiating; one instance of which was the naming, in the 3'ear 968, of the great bell of the Lateran church by Pope John XIII, for himself, John. The Sanctus bell, which, as now used in Catholic churches, is a small bell rung by one of the attendants upon the priest just before the elevation of the Host in order to fix the attention of the people, was fomicrly a large bell, hung in an outer turret of the church and nmg at the words "Sanetc, sancte, sancte Deus Sabaoth," at the sound of which all who heard, whether within or without the church, were enjoined to bow in adoration. The Angelus, or Ave Maria bell, was rung at fixed hours, at the sound of which all were reminded to offer a supplication to the Virgin, and which, doubtless, also served to publicly mark the hours of beginning and cessation from labor. The Vesper bell was the call to evening prayer, while the Complin bell summoned the people to the last religious service of the day. The Passing bell was so named as being tolled when any one was ])assing from life, and it was ordered that all within hearing should pray for the soul of the dying. From this custom is doubtless derived that of tolling the church bells at funerals, the number of blows struck indicating the age of the deceased. Excommunication from the church by "bell, book and candle" was long practiced, the bell being rung to summon an audience, the service read from the book by a priest, and, when the anathema was pro- nounced, the candles were put out, as emblematical of the extinction of hope in the sinner's soul. The ringing of the Curfew bell was of civic rather than ecclesiastic appointment, the custom having been introduced into lingland bv William the Conqueror, from France. It was rung at eight or nine o'clock in the evening when every one was expected to extinguish fire and lights in his house; hence it was called the coircre feu (cover firej At the left, reading down, we show the Old Mission at .San Luis Rey. (-al. Then the Mission (_:hurch at Ventura, (]al. Then Santa Vnez, Cal. That at hottoni of page is the i*ala, a part of San Luis Rey. That at the right is the Bell Gable and Bells of Santa Ynez as seen from the grave- yard. oS M E N E P: L Y & CO M P A \ Y Santo Domingo Church, (Juadalajarj, Mex. Cathedral and Satldle Mt., Monterey, Mex. bell, from wliicli conu's its present name; there beiiiK loealities in England where the "curfew tolls the knell of parting day." The ringing of bells during eclipses — which were supposed to be occasioned by evil spirits — was common, and is referred to by Pliny and Juvenal. So, too, it was supposed that their ringing would avert tempests, drive away infections and abate the lightnings, since the evil spirits of the air, being alanned thereby, would abandon their maHgnant and flee in afTright. This belief is evidenced bv one of the most The Cathedral at Mexiio. Mi\. common of the old Latin l)ell inscrijjtions: "Pestcnt ftiiio," I drive away infections; "Ftdgura Jrango" I abate the lightnings; "Dissipo ventos," I dissipate the winds. Bells were used at a very early period to strike the divisions of lime. Lucian, who died A.D. 180, refers in his writings to an instrument so constructed that the of water within it would cause a bell to strike at certain intervals. By the eleventh century lock bells wer(! in general use in the monasteries of Europe. The use of bells to sound alamis also dates from an early period, they being thus used when danger from fire, flood, or the common enemy threatened; and it is men- tioned that they were sometimes rung to frighten oR the enemy as well as to warn of his approach. Churt-h and Steps, (^holula. Mex. WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. .v.i Macbeth, when he had shut himscU' in the fortress of Dunsinane, and it was announced to him that Bimam Wood was moving on the castle, cried out, in his desperation, " Ring the alarum belli" The immensely large bells in the world have always been objects of interest and wonder. Their existence is probably due to the display of magnifi- cence and a religious enthusiasm prevailing at the time among semi-eivilized nations who regarded the provision of these immense bells for churches, mon- asteries, etc., as being meritorious in proportion to their size. Both of these considerations tended to the production of the Great Bell of Moscow, at the casting of which it is recorded that the nobles from all parts of the Empire were present, vying with each other in the value of the votive offerings, such as gold and silver plate, jewelry, etc., which they cast into the furnace. This "King of Bells" stands at the foot of the tower of Ivan Veliki within the Kremlin at Moscow, not far, probably, from the spot upon which it was cast from furnaces erected specially for the purpose. It is placed upon a circular wall or base of granite of about five feet in height by four feet in thickness, in the front of which, looking toward the Moskva river, is placed a marble slab bearing the following inscription in Russ: Ohurch at .Sun Luis Potosi, Mex. Santa Guadalupe (Ihurch, San Lui.s Potosi, Mex. This Bell was cast in 1733 by order of the Imperial Empress Anne, D.a.ughter of John. It was in the earth 103 years and by the will of the Imperial Emperor Nicholas was raised upon this pedestal in 183t). August 4th. In the inscription which the bell itself bears it is stated that the first great bell was cast in 1553 and weighed 36,000 lt)s. ; that during the reign of the Tsar Alexis it was ruined by fire, and in 1654. with additional metal, was recast into the second great bell, the weight of which was 288,000 lbs.; that in 1706 this bell was also ruined by fire, and in 1733, with still further additional metal, was recast by order of the Empress Anne into the present great bell. It measures 22 feet S inches across the mouth, 19 feet 3 inches in height, and its thickness at the point where the clapper would strike is 23 inches. Its estimated weight is from 400,000 to 440,000 lbs. A nearly triangn^lar-shaped piece of about 6 feet in height by 7 feet at the base, the estimated weight of which is 11 tons, is broken out of its side at the rim and stands upon the ground just below the opening thus fomied. Be- sides this fracture there are eight cracks, distributed around the remaining portion of the rim at about equal distances. tiO M E N E R L Y & COMPANY Thai the boll never was rung — a question which has caused some discus- sion — is evident from the inscription upon its base; in addition to which it ina\' be stated that our Mr. (j. R. Mencely. who examined it in 1871, observed that although the ponderous elapi)er by which it was intended to have been stiiick lay beneath it, yet it bore no clapper marks. There are several religious figures cast u]Jon its outer surface, among which is that of the Saviour, the Holy \'ii-gin, and the Evangelists, surrounded 1 )\- eherul)iins. It also bears a representa- lion of the Tsar Alexis and the Empress Anne. As a casting, the great bell is a s])ecimen of excellent workmanship, the numerous bas-relief figures ujion its outer surface, together with its ornamentation and inserii)lions, being brought out clear and distinct, while the section shown by the fracture exhibits homogeneousncss of composition and solidity of structure. Judging fr(Mn the mode of manufacture now employed in the extensi\'c and celebrated Moscow Bell Foundry, it is probable that no improvements in the art of bell- making have been introduced in Russia since the casting of the great bell — a remark that will apply, too, for a period of two centuries past, to any country in Europe. In addition to the "King of Bells" just described, Russia contains others of greater immensity than can be found elsewhere in the world, among which may be mentioned that upon the Troitsa Monastery, cele- brated both for the depth and richness of its tone, and also the "Assumption" bell, in Moscow, the diameter of which is eighteen feet, and its estimated weight 220,000 lbs. It is suspended above the chapel of St. Xicholas, in the Kremlin, but as it is reached by a passage leading from the tower of Ivan (at the foot of which is the "great bell") it is usually spoken of by travelers as being one of the thirty or forty bells suspended in the tower. It was cast in 1817 from the metal of a previous bell destroyed in the conflagration of 1812. At Novgorod there is a bell of about 70,000 lbs. weight, while there are a number of others in different parts of the country weighing from 30,000 to 50,000 lbs. Among other bells noticeable for their size might be mentioned that of Erfurt, in Gcnnany, weighing 30,000 lbs., which was cast in 1497 and was long distinguished as being not only the largest but the best in Europe. In Vienna and Olmutz are bells of 40,000 lbs. each, cast in the last century; while that of Notre Dame Cathedral at Paris, cast in 1G80, weighs 30,000 lbs. The bell of St. Peter's at Rome weighs 17,000 lbs.; that of St. Paul's, London. ll.liOO lbs.; I he (iiilhedral [iells. Si. Aujjustine, Fl WATERVLIET, WEST TROY, N.Y. 01 that in York Minster — called Great Peter of York — 27,000 lbs. ; that of Notre Dame, Montreal — the heaviest in America — 29,400 lbs. ; the Parliament House Bell, in London, 34,490 lbs. Great Tom, of Lincoln, weighing 10,000 lbs., cast in 1680, was long celebrated as the finest bell in England, but becoming cracked was recast in 1834. The celebrated Great Tom, of Oxford, which hangs in the tower of Christ Church, and strikes one hundred and one times every evening at nine o'clock, weighs 17,000 lbs., and was cast in 1680. The Chinese are celebrated for their bells and gongs, the latter article being made among no other people. Their bells are fine specimens of casting, but, being nearly cylindrical in shape and of equal thickness throughout, their tone is panny and discordant like that of their gongs. They do not swing their bells nor provide them with a clapper, but strike them upon the outside with a wooden mallet. They, as well as the Russians, have produced some bells of colossal size, among which might be mentioned one at Pekin weighing 120,000 lbs., being 12}/^ feet high by 14^2 feet in diameter. Nearly half a century ago we received a Chinese bell (see illustration) weighing about 1,000 lbs., which was cast, according to one of the inscriptions upon it (interpreted by Rev. Dr. Wentworth), in the reign of the Emperor Chunchi, in the year 1651, the 5th month and the 16th day. It is a very fine casting, the inscriptions and ornamentation with which it is covered being brought out sharp and distinct, while a double dragon which is cast upon its top and by which it was suspended, is no less excellent in point of workmanship than it is hideous in design. The metal of which it is composed appears to be a mixture of copper, tin and zinc, while its sound is no better than that of an iron kettle. The superior character of their castings would justify the inference that the tone of Chinese bells is not the result of accident, nor would it be inconsistent with the character of this strange people to suppose that they make their bells as discordant as possible in order to inspire awe and terror. The old "Liberty Bell," which, on the 4th of July. 1776, announced that the Declaration of Independence was made, de- serves every patriotic American's notice. It weighs somewhat over 1.500 jjounds and was imported from England in 1752, Imt broke upon its first trial. It was soon after recast ill Philadelphia by Pass & Stow, and was placed upon the hall in which the memorable Congress of 1776 assembled. During the occupation of Philadelphia by the British, in 1777, it was removed to Lancaster, after which it was returned again to its place and was used as a State House bell until 1828. After being remo\-ed it was rang onh' upon extraordinary occasions, the last time of its ringing being in honor of the visit of Henry Clav to Philadelphia. It was next tolled ^ ^^, . . , . , , .. , This old .Spanish bell is preserved as a relic and we shall be in memory of Chief Justice John Marshall. pleased to have an.vone wndina its location teii us. >f n. (;-2 MENEEI. Y & COMPANY of \'irj,'inia, wln-n it broke. It was then placed u])on exliihiuoii in the old Independ- ence Hall with other relics of Revolutionary times, where it now remains. The foUowin".; inscription, taken from Leviticus xxv. ](). surrounds it near the top: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhab- itants thereof." Independence Hall, Philadelphia, where the Old Liberty Bell is preserved. INSCRIPTIONS UPON BELLS E could fill a volume with copies of inscriptions as cast ui)on ancient European bells, but for lack of space we must be content with those here presented. They afford a subject of curious interest and are, alternately, beautiful, quaint, whimsical and non- sensical. Many bells were cast as memorials of the events which are recounted in their inscriptions and so serve as historic records of undoubted authenticity. Prior to the 17th century the inscriptions upon Enj^lish bells were almost exclusively religious epigraphs in Latin; the two most frequently used were; •GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO" and this is still much used. 'AVE MARL\ (;RATIA PLENA OOMINUS TECLM" Another, hundreds of years old, and fragments of which are still frequently used, was; * "Laudo Deum veruni, plebuin voco. conjufto cleruni, Defunctus ploro. pesteni fugo. festa decoro. Funera planfto. fuljiura franco, Sabata pango, Excito lentos. dissipo ventos. paco cruentos." Another, used from earliest time of bell-foundiniii lo the present day: **l to the church the living call And to the grave do summon all." *I praise the true God; I call the people; I assemble the clergy; I lament the dead; I drive away infections; I grace the festival. I mourn at the burial; 1 abate the lightning; I announce the Sabbath ; I arouse the indolent; I dissipate the winds; I appease the re- vengeful. Upon a bell at Staffordshire. England, cast 1604: "Be it known to all that doth me see That N'ewcombe of Leicester made me." Upon one of later date at Northamptonshire: '*! to the church the living call And to the grave do summonds all. Russell of Warten made me In seventeen hundred and foriy-three." Another at Hampshire, cast lh**r>: "Samuel Knight made this ring In Binstead steeple for to ding." The above was a favorite advertising couplet for several founders of about that period, each one putting in his own name. WATER\ LIET, WEST TROY, N. Y. (V.i The following inscriptions, selected at larfte. are upon bells at the various places named. \ bell at Derbyshire, cast 1622: "I sweetly tolling men do call To taste on meats that feeds the soul." .\n old bell in (Cornwall, recast in 1829: "Jesus fulfill with thy ftood j*race .\II that we beckon to this place." One in Wiltshire, cast 1628: "Call a soleme assemblie — gather the people." .\nother, cast 1582: "Be mec and loly to heare the word of <;od." One in Hampshire, cast 1600: "God be our guyd." One in Nottinghamshire, cast 1603: "Jesus be our spede." .\nother in V\'iltshire, cast 1585: "O man be meeke and lyve in rest." One in Yorkshire, cast 1656: "When I do ring Gods prayses sing. When I do toule pray heart and soule." One a fire bell) in Dorsetshire, cast 1652: "Lord quench this furious flame. .\rise, run. help, put out the same." Another in W^iltshire. cast 1619: "Be strong in faythe. prayes God well Frances Countes Hertford's bell." One in Warwickshire, cast 1675: "1 ring at six to let men know When to and from their worke to go." One in Somersetshire, cast 1700: "All you of Bathe that heare mee sound Thank Lady Hopton's hundred pound." One in Northamptonshire, cast 1601: "Thomas Morgan Esquier gave me To the church of Heford frank and free." The FORMS of Inscriptions are many and vary in accord- ance with local conditions and preference of purchasers. We present a few of the most common forms, using fictitious names and places. "SANCTA MARIA. ORA PRO NOBIS" "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise." January. HI 1. "THIS BELL WAS ERECTED IN ST. DANIEL'S CHURCH. IN DECEMBER. A.D. 1910. TO THE GRE.\TER GLORY OF (;OI>. "O COME LET IS WORSHIP." HOLY' TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. ORGANIZED FEB. 190,!. THIS BELL PLACED FEB. 1911. "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST." MRS. JANE MARTIN HAS ERECTED THIS BELL IN MEMORY OF IIF.K 1)1 CI. \S1;D HUSBAND JOHN IIENKV MARTIN, HORN JAN. 10. 184.?. DIED NO\ . 21. 1904. CLEARY NORW. LUTHERAN C;HURC11. H. O. HEFFNER. PA.STOR. \ I) run PRESENTED TO THE FIR.ST PRESBYT. CHURCH, IN LOVING .MEMORY OF JOHN O. AND MARY E. HOWARD. BY THEIR CHILDREN. A.D. 1910. MARGARET KENNEDY DONAVIT A.D. 1863. JULIA. ALBERTUS. ROBERTUS BROWNE. LUDOVI<:a, HELENA. ADRI.\NUS DALTON RE.STAUVERUNT A.D. 1910. IN MEMORY OF THOMAS McDonald AND JACOB <;. SILBERMANN. IMM.\CULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH. OLYMPIA, OKLA. A.D. 1909. TO THE HOLY ANGELS CHURCH, BY THE FENNIMORE FAMILY. A.D. 1910. SANCTA TRINITAS, UNUS DEUS, MISERERE NOBIS. SPES NO.STRA. SALUS NOSTRA, HONOR NO.STER. 1906. FORTITUDE DEI. AVE, GR.\TIA PLENA: DOMINI S TECUM, BENEDICTA TU IN MUI.IKRIBl S. Lit:. I. 29. S.\NCTE GABRIEL. ORA PRO NOBIS. 1906. 04 M E N E E L Y & C O M P A N Y When .1 (]hinie of Bells is the ftift of si>nie one person or family, it is cusioniiiry to confine the inscription to the I'onor Hell. If anything is inscribed on the reinainin)^ hells, it is generally a continuation of that on the larjlest bell, heiiinninrt with :i passage of Scripture, or a series of virtues, or a list t»f names, as indicated in these few evamples. On tile hells t>f the Chime placed in St. James' Kpiscopal Ohurch. Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., on one side **(;l()RY to coi> in iiik iiic;hest" and on the other sitle the donor's name and date. On the lenor Itell of the Chime in .Ml Saints' Church. (ireat Neck. N.Y.: "I hanii in u lofty place and I call you to love and praise llim whells. The late PhilipCorbin presented aChimeof Fourteen Bells to the South Congregational Church. New Britain. Conn., and on the Tenor Bell was inscribeil tlie presentation to the church "In Recognition and Praise of the (ioodness of (iod" elaborated under the (General Theme "'The C^oodness of (A>d," and the General Mood: "Proclamation and Praise." Each bell is inscribed with a slutrt verse of .Scripture carry- ing out the idea of the 'Theme and Mood stated on the large bell. On the original chime of nine hells furnished by this foundry in IH(»S t