i ARABIC COINS AT CAIRO CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF ARABIC COINS PRESERVED IN THE Khedivial Library CAIRO BY STANLEY LANE-POOLE, M.A. AUTHOR OF THE CATALOGUES OF ORIENTAL AND INDIAN' COINS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND IN THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY; "THE ART OF THE SARACENS IN EGYPT;" "CAIRO : HISTORY, MONUMENTS AND SOCIAL LIFE;" " MOHAMMADAN DYNASTIES," "STUDIES IN A MOSQUE," ETC, LONDON BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY 1897 LONDON TKINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LTD. ST. John's iiousk, clekkenwell, e.c. PREFACE The collection of Arabic coins, numbering some three thousand pieces, preserved in the Khedivial Library at Cairo, was formed by the late Edwai'd Thomas Eogera during his long official residence in Egypt, and was purchased from his executors in November, 1884, by the Egyptian Government, on the recommendaffon of H.E. Yacoub Artin Pasha, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Public Instruction, himself a numismatist of distinction. A certain number of specimens found in Egypt have since been added, but these constitute an inconsiderable fraction of the whole collection. Edward Thomas Rogers began his official career in the British Consular service in Syria, and afterwards was appointed Consul at Cairo. He then entered the Egyptian service, and became the accredited Agent of H.H. the Khedive Isma'il in England. Returning to Cairo, he held posts first in the Ministry of Public Instruction, and later in that of the Interior. He will, however, be remembered especially for his labours and researches in the province of Saracenic or Mohammadan archaeology. An accomplished Arabic linguist, he took a keen interest in evej-ything relating to the history, art, and antiquities of the Mohammadan East, and especially of Cairo. He was one of the leading and most energetic members of the Commission for the Preservation of the Monuments of Arab Art, which owed its existence in a large degree to his efforts. The rf~vrT»*ns /t r^jT^ via PREFACE Egyptian Institute also received his warm support, and it was before this society that he developed his original and important researches in the then almost untouched subject of Saracenic heraldry. He was one of the first to investigate the history and uses of Arabic Glas3 Weights, of which he possessed a fine collection (now in the Khedivial Library), which he described and illus- trated in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. His constant exploration of the monuments of Cairo resulted in valuable discoveries, such as that of the tombs of the later 'Abbiisid Caliphs, and some of these he published in English periodicals. But Arabic numismatics was perhaps his most absorbing study, and his papers in the Numismatic Chronicle and the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society materially advanced our knowledge of this branch of science. It was an appreciable loss to the study of Saracenic archaeology when, in the midst of his varied labours, Eogers Bey was cut off at the age of 53 on the 10th of June, 1884. The following Catalogue was undertaken at the invi- tation of the Egyptian Government, and necessitated two visits to Cairo, in the summer of 1895 and the winter of 1896-7. The system adopted is practically the same as in my Cataloyue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, but the transliteration of Arabic names is that used m my tables of TJiC Muhammadan Dynasties. The only detail in this which requires explanation is the use of an italic I in al when the article precedes one of the shamsiya consonants, to which the I is of course assimilated. Thus Ai-Kashld is to be pronounced Ar-Rashld. The point (■) in such names as Al-Mu"ayyad indicates a medial hamza j but the initial and final hamza, and the final (iuflectional) //, 5 (or td marhuta) in such names as Al-B Mohammad iv. 291 King op Denia }} Xeiv Coinage 293 Ikbal-aZ-dawla }> Sulayman ii. . 293 Idrisids op Morocco J> Ahmad ii. . . . 294 Idiis I. and ii. JJ Mustafa II. , 294 Caliph of Sijilmasa J> Ahmad iii. 295 -Sliakir J> Mahmud i. . . . 296 MuRABiTS (Almoeavides) 5> 'Othman ii. 297 Yusuf b. Tabhf in )) Mustafa iii. 298 'All . 329 'Abd-al-Hamid l. 301 Anonymous j> Salim III. 304 MUWAHHIDS (AlMOHADES) >j Mustafa iv. 307 'Abd-al-Mu"min . )> Mahmud ii. . 308 Abu-Ya'kub Yusuf '> 'Abd-al-Majid . 316 Abu- Yusuf Ya'kub ?j 'Abd-al-'Aziz . 320 Abu-Hafs 'Omar . >j Mm ad v. 322 Anonymous . >> 'Abd-al-Hamid ii. . 323 Late Geanada . JJ Khalifa of Sudan : 'Abd-Allal 324 Hafsid of Tlnis JJ Various Dynasties . . 32^ )-352 Abu-Abdallah Moham mad Spain and North Africa 32' Omayyads of Cordova 'Abd-aZ-Rahmrin i. Hisham i. -Hikam i. *Abd-aZ-Rahman ii. r-330 327 MaeInid . Abii-Rabi' Sulayman Moorish Anonymous FiLALi Shaeifs Isma'il Sulaymfui 'Abd-aZ-Rahman . • j> JJ )j . 330 • JJ JJ JJ JJ Mohammad i. 'Ahd al-Kadir • JJ 'Abd-aZ-Rahmiiu in. Persia, etc. 331-5 -Hakam ii. . Dulafid . . 331 Hisham ii. . 'Omar b. 'Abd-al-'Aziz • JJ Sulayman . Samanids » Hammudids of Malaga Isma'il * JJ Mohammad al-Malidi Ah '11 ad JJ CONTENTS Ishfik . Mikfi-il Nasr II. Nuh I. Null II. Mansur GUAZNAWIDS Mabmud Mas'ud Am Ik al-Umara Bajkam BUWAYHIDS Mu'izz-aZ-dawla *Izz-aZ-dawla 'Adud-a/-dawla Sliaraf-aZ-dawla Balia-a/-dawla Hasnawayhid . Badr . Syria and Mesopotamia (ARAB period) Hamdaxids Nilsir- and Sayf-a/-dawla Abu-l-MaTili and Abu-1- Hasau Karmatid -Hasan b. Ahmad . MiKDASID Sal ill b. Mirdas . 'Okaymd Mohammad b. Safwaii Mauwanids -Hasan M umahhid-a/-dawla Na.sr-a/-da\\hi PAGE 331 332 333 334 335 336-9 . 336 337 >) 338 >> 330 Seljuk Dynasties Great SeljCks Tiighril-Beg Alp-Arslan . Mohammad . Seljl'k of Kirman Turin Shah Seljuks of 'Irak Mas'ud Sulayman Shjih Seljuks of Rum Sulayman i. Kay-Kubad I. Kay-Khusm ii. Kay-Kawus ii. Sons of K.-Kbu8i Kilij-Arslan iv. Kay-Khusru iii. Mas'ud II. . Atabegs, etc. OrTUKTDS of KaYFA AND Amid Sukman II. . Mali mud Ortukids of MakidIn Timurtash . Alpi . Il-Ghazi II, . Yuluk-Arslan Oitiik-Arsh'iQ -Sa'id Ghazi Zangids of -Mosil Kiitb-aZ-dli) Modud Sayf-a7-din Ghazl il. 'Izz-a/-din Mas'ud i. PAGE 340-2 340 341 342 3435 343 344 CONTENTS XV PAGE page Niir-aZ-diDArslan Shah i. 344 Shahs op Persia . 348 'Izz-a7-din Mas'ud ii, , )) Zand >j Nasir-aZ-din Mahmud !> Karim Khan 5> Badr-aZ-din Lu"lu }> Kajar J> Zangids of Syria 345 Nasir-aZ-din J> Niir-aZ-din Mahmud >> Transoxiana M Isina'il j> Man git . JJ Zangid op Sinjar . 5> Nasr-AUah . >J Kutb-aZ-din Mohai Zangid of -JazIra , Mu'izz-aZ-diu Main BegtegInid op Irbil Kukburi oomac uud 5> Khokand Khudayar . Sayyid Mohamma Kashghar Ya'kub Appendix . '1 • „ • • )> . 349-51 Mongols 346-7 !N"oRMANs OF Sicily . 349 Great Kaan . 34C Eoger II. )» Mangu )) William I. . . 350 Ilkhans op Persia >) William ii. . . 351 Hulagu >> Latin Kingdom of Jeru- Abfiga )) SALEM >> Ahmad . 347 Addenda Arghua )> 'Abbasid Caliphs . 352 Ghazfia >) -Mu'tamid . !> Uljaitii }j -Muktafi >> Abu Sa'id . )j -Muktadir >> Mohammad . j» Sulajman . jj Index of Persons . . 353 Ahu-Ishuk » Index op Mints . 365 OMAYYAD CALIPHS OMAYYAD CALIPHS A.H. 41—132 = GGl— 750 a.d. A.ll, A.D. 41 Mo'awiya I b. Abl-Sufyaii . . . 661 GO Yazld 1 b. Mo'awiya . . . . 680 64 Mo^avviya ii b. Yazid .... 683 G4 Marwan i 683 65 'Abd-al-malik b. Marwin . . .685 86 Al-Walid i b. 'Abd-al-malik . . . 705 96 Sulayman b. 'Abd-al-malik . . . 715 99 'Omar b. 'Abd-al-'Aziz . . . . 717 101 Yazld II b. 'Abd-al-malik . . .720 105 Hisbfun b. 'Abd-al-mabk . . . . 724 125 Al-Walid II b. Yazid . . . .743 126 Yazid III b. al-Walid . . . . 744 126 Ibrahim b. al-Walid . . . .744 127 Marwan ii 744 —132 —750 O M AYYAD CALIPHS Yeau gold* of the Hijra 77 1 Obv. ^)l aJI -N) Margin 0-i^3 l^J*-v'W a^^-j' <*"^J' J^'-'J ^^-o-**"* Rev. AJD) J.D.I aJLJI Margin >».-«w *Uw ^9 j"»:!«>^' '*>■* ^r!/-^ **^^' -«*-^ iV 4-27 grammes BM i, It * The Omayyad Caliphs did not put their names on their gold or silver coins, and it is therefore needless to divide the coinage under the heads of their several reigns; indeed, some of the coins might belong to either the last year of one Caliph or the first year of his sucoessor. In this section of the Catalogue, the gold coins (J.Tdar, plur. dandnlr) are arranged consecutively through the whole duration of the Omayyad dynasty. The inscriptions of the dinars are identical throughout, -with the exception of the date; and only such numerals (e.g. ,j~i, ^:-^, ii*) will be printed in Arabic as present unusual or ancient spellings (i.e. not ^^\, or j^UJ, or sJU), or are open to mistaken readings. Diacritical points occurring on the coins are noted, because in this early period they have a palaeographic importance. The only inscriptions which difl'er from the normal type printed in full for no. 1 are those of the half-diuars {na.sf) and quarter-dlnfirs (ruh^): these are deFcribed as they occur. The rest are understood to pre- cisely resemble 1. t The reference BM is to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British ihiseum, by S. Lane-Poole, 6 vols., and Additions thereto, 2 vols. ; P refers to the Catalorjae des Monnaies musithnanes de la Bihliothe'iuc Hutionale, at J'aris, by II. Lavoix, 2 vols. omayyad caliphs — gold 5 Year 2 78 Same as preceding, but date i>*a*«*'j ^;jW ^-^ ^s N' 4-27 BM i, 2 3 79 y^^»«»w3 &M^ Am/ j-S iV 4-27 " * C "^^ BM i, 3 4 80 O"!?**"* ^**«' 1 <' ^ 4-25 " BM i, 4 5 81 0<*«''3 L^*^*-' ^'^ (j-9 is henceforth omitted before a-w) iV 4-25 BM Add. i, 4» 6 82 io-i^) Points jk)^ iV 4-17 BM i, 5 BM i, 6 83 iV 4-30 Points J^J^J 8 84 J^ 4-30 Points jJ^J 9 85 iV 4-27 Point i,^s>-^ 10 86 jr 4'27 Point wJj»*£> 11 87 ^ 4-27 Points A**j — w^^-3 BM i, 7 BM Add. i, 7* BM i, 8 BM i, 9 12 88 0-<^3 O^ **-' Points j.*J»xil iV 4-27 ' DM i, 10 6 OilAYTAD CALll'lIS — GOLD Year 13 89 Points j-JJ^JI jr 1-28 ' BM i, 11 14 90 i^a^"^ ^'^'-' Point wJjkO iV 4-20 KM i, 12 15 Point above rev., and *-j^^ iV 4-27 16 BM Add. i, 12» 92 (o..:-5) iV 4-27 Point w'j--^ 17, 18 BM i, 14 92 Half-dinar («fts/) Obv. M: irgin JaJ' 0-i^3 lJ->'Y^^i 4.X«jjl aAJI ^^.-jj j^^.4 Rev. Aki\ ^—J Margin O'i****^,? O"-*"*^ ^"^ wA-aJI 'JA w.;j.--!; J^***^ Rev. aJDI ~~.j .11 Margin ^^a^jj «.jjl «1.;mi w«X*)i tjjk w»/-i i A^ 1-42 BM i, 17 22 BM i, 18 BM i, 19 95 iT 4-28 23 96 N 4-25 24 96 h N 2-10 Half-dinar, like 17 25 96 \^ 1-45 Third-dinfir, like 21 26 97 N 4-26 27 97 \N VtO Tliira-diiiAr, like 21 28 98 N 4-29 Point v!^-^ BM i, 20 BM i, 21 BM i, 22 OMATTAD CALIPHS — GOLD fEAR 29 99 N itX Point w'j.-d 30, 30a 99 5 A' l--i2 Third-dinar, like 21 31 100 N 42G Point wJj"^ 32 100 \ N 2-1-1 Half-dinar, like 17 33 100 i N- 1-45 Third-dinar, like 21 34 101 N 2-30 Point w»j-o 35 102 (O-t^) Point w|>-o J^ \"li, ineiTcd' 36 103 N 4 25 p. Point wJ^o 37 103 i A' 1-50 Third-dinar, like 21 BM i, 23 BM i, 24 BM i, 25 P i, 406 BM Add. i, 25* BM i, 20 BM i, 27 BM i, 28 BM i, 29 * rienccforward p. indicates that the coin is pierced with a small hole, for anspoiision as an ornament. OMITYAD CALIPHS — GOLD Year 38 104 ^r 4-12 p. Point -->j-^ 39 105 iV 4-24 Poiut ^j'O 40 106 N- 4-26 44 110 ^v 4-25 45 111 N 4-26 46 112 N 4-26 3 dj.Cl.C ^.aajI «L«M> 47 113 N 4-22 P- -^ N 4-25 ' BM Add. i, 31'' 43 109 iT 423 BM i, 32 BM Add. i, 32' BM Add. i, 32'' BM Add. i, 32"^ BM Add. i, 32'" B^[ i, 33 C 10 OMATTAT) CALIPHS — GOLD Year 49 115 A'' 4-20 50 BM Add. i, 33» 116 Jf -l^S 51 BM Add. i, 33" 117 N 4-26 52 BM i, 34 118 iV 4-26 63 BM i, 35 119 N 3-92 64 BM i, 86 120 d^« ^J^<^t ^M> N 4-25 BM Add. i, SCi 55 1 121 ^' 4-23 56 122 N 4-2G aa^^ 0'-J"^^3 O'***^ 123 57 K 4-26 124 58 A" 4-2.-. 69 125 A' 40.-) 11 BM i, 37 BM Add. i, 37a BM Add. i, 37'' BM i, 38 BM Add. i. 39a OMATYAD CALIPHS — 8ILVEB fEAE 60* 126 iV 4-26 128 N 61 4'45 (pierced and ringed for suspeusion) 129 N- 62 4-26 63 130 N- 4-27 64 131 N- 4-25 11 BM i, 39 BM i, 40 BM i, 41 BM 1, 42 BM Add, i, 42" 65 132 Aa.«5 O^* 3 O"-'*'*"' *^**>' N 4-25 P i, 539 SILVER 79 (No name of mintf) Obv. ^)l A-)l '^ a) ^>i '^) Margin %^ Ai*j ,^9 ^Aj^M t^ Vj"^ '^' vo-**:' * 127 is the only year wanting in the gold series of the Omayyads in this Collection. t This unique miutless dirham was probably a trial-piece before the insertion of oiint-names was determined. 12 OMAYl'AD CALIPHS — SILTEil Year Margin JiaJ! ^jJij ^J"->'vJ^' ^L;J{) M 2'8(5 94 M 2-80 95 M 2-78 96 ^ 2-88 98 JR 2-85 BM i, 49 BM Add. i, 4.9a BM i, 50 BM i, 51 BM i, 52 BM i, 53 P i, 468 BM i, 61 BM i, 64 BM i, 65 BM i, 66 * I.e. el-Kayrawitu, the cai^ital of the province of Africa. 72 73 74 75 76 77 112 Afrikiya* M 2-93 78 120 Al-Bab 79, 80 81 Al-Basra -ai 288 2-52 81 82 M 2-85 82 . 100 M 2-85 ^ iAmJ^ WS«J S^J^M) , ^S 15 BM i, 80 P i, 267 BM Add. i, 81'- 95 97 Dastawa* M 2-67 p. P i. 379 96 79 Damascus ^aAam;« %.««•.> A AW . -9 ^.j — w^^^ 109 93 M 2-b5 Pointi 5 4,^.«~^^J ^J*^ 110, IIOa 94 ;R 2-85 No points 111 95 M 275 No points BM i, 91 BM i, 92 BM i, 93 BM i, 94 BM i, So BM i, 9G BM i, 97 BM i, 98 BM i, 99 BM i, 100 OMAYYAD CALIPHS — SILTEE 17 Year 112 96 Points M 2-55 113 97 M 2-85 No points 114 98 M 2-91 Point Vj~^ 115 99 M 2-81 Point w»j.^ 116 100 M 2-86 Point wJjhO 117 101 ^•*^3 {S»y^ ^<^ M 2-78 Point wJj"^ 118 102 M 2-82 Point w>^-<9 119 103 Point w'j.^ BM i, 101 BM i, 102 BM i, 103 BM i, lOi BM i, 105 BM i, 106 BM i, 107 M 2'81 BM Add. i, 107" 120 104! Point ^^-tf M 2-61 ' BM 1. 108 D 18 OMAYYAl) CALIPHS SILVER fEAE 121 108 No point M 272 BM 1, 111 122 113 2^^ Sj.^ «^IJ A^Mi M 2-58 123 BM i, U2 117 ^M.«^ O^^t %^f-l ^AM> M 2-87 BM Add. i, 112^ 124 118 ^La^o^ Oji;*~"^J ci'J^a-t A.^M> 119 M 2-96 151 90 Merv 152 M 2-36 p. 153 91 M 2--17 C>iS^h L5-»'»-' ^-iw ^ 93 M 2-43 154 95 M 2-60 155 156 P i, 600 P i, 32G BM i, 157 BM i, 169 BM i, 160 M 2-80, thrice p. BM i, 161 157 110 M 2-90 BM Add. i, inik 94 158 Manadhir BM i, IGJ, 22 omayyab caltphs — stlveb Year 159 93 Nahr-Tira M 2-30 160 90 Herat 161 M 2-33 p. 86 M 2-79 163, 164 87 165 M 2-92 89 166— 169a M 2-92 90 M 2-89 170 171, 172 91 M 2-7 r, 173—6 92 M 2-86 Cm*~>53 v>***^' **•-' {^^ BM i, 167 91 i^j-^JuJi^ \^J>^^ ^^ ^9 M 2-75 BM i, 168 162 85 Wasit BM i, 171 BM i, 172 BM i, 173 BM i 175 BM i, 176 BM i, 177 BM i, 178 omayyad caliphs — silver 23 Yeab 177-81 93 M 2'86 BM i, 170 182—7 94 M 2-72 — 184 twice p. BM i, 180 188—90 95 jR 2"86 BM i, 181 191—3 96 M 2-87 p. BM i, 182 194 97 JH, 2-50 BM i, 183 195 M 2-55 BM i, 184 BM i, 186 BM i, 187 BM i, 188 BM i, 189 BM i, 190 196 103 M 2-92 2^^ w^JLj 2u^ 197 104 J& 2-55 198 105 M 2-87 199 106 M 2-93 200—201 107 M 2-85 i 2-80 24 OMAVYAD CALIPHS — SILVKU Year 205—207 108 M 2G1 208 109 M 2-92 209, 209a 110 •t' O ^r!/^ O '*••'>" O yo-^ O ^^^^ O O-ij'^^ 3 O u^ O ^w Kev. as on 1. ^ 2 00 'ABBASID CALIPHS ABBASID CALIPHS A.H. 132—656 = 75d— 12»S ajbl - : ^ • "^f"-t;»SMir l5^S .-_.■;:_ ii . 1*69 A:~M£dI 170 Ai-Ba^aid . im Al-./\Bmiiim ISS Alr-M2*iiaoM 21S AB-Mmts.?:"':!- 227 Al-WaiT,'-v 232 Al-Himttawalkkii 247 Al-JMJSQIlttsSIQr 24JS AH-Mm^taL^In . 251 M-mM\Kn. 2.>5 M-MmMsM . 2S(S M-Moa'taiBM 279 Al-Mta'^dM . 2g^ A1-3I-:M£55 ;::: j^ . ' ^ . ' 750 ":4 "7-5 ?^7 R.1 9m ( ao ) A.H. 329 333 334 3G3 381 422 467 487 512 529 530 555 666 575 622 623 640 Al-MuttakI Al-Mustakfl . Al-Muti' A?-T;V1' Al-Kfulir . Al-Ka'iin Al-Muktadi Al-Musta?hir . Al-Mustarshid AZ-Easliid Al-Muktafi Al-Mustanjid Al-MustadI . A/-Xasii" A/-Zahir . Al-Mustaii?ir . Al-Musta'siin —656 A.D. 94u 944 940 974 991 1031 1075 1094 1118 1135 1136 1160 1170 1180 1225 1226 1242 -1258 I. A^-SAFFAH A.H. 132—136 = 749—754 ,i.d. GOLD* Ykar 247 133 Obv. -s)! cuJt -N) Margin C>rt^3 l£^v^^^ AA.«.;t aX)! J^->^j J^«-a>-^ Key. ji<. a*.^ J3 ^J aA )t Margin w*-lj iiJw; j-oJ*JI tJJk V^-^ *^" ^**-^ N i-n BM Add. i, ('Al)b.) 1» P i, 56 BM i, 2 * The 'Abbasid gold coins do not bear the name of any Caliph before al-Am7n, nor the silver before al-Mahdi. The coins of the terminal years between two Caliphs may therefore as a rule be attributed to either of them. 248 134 N -i'lS, worn Like 247 249 135 iV 4-19 p. Like 247 'ABBASID caliphs — Ai-SAFFAH. S I L V E li Year 250 136* Al-Basra Obv.t ^j\ aJI ^ Margin a;.w Sj.«ftJlj ^^jjJI IJjk «-J;-c> aX)! ^.^—j Kev. jk^ -fc ^ J> -'J aJ n Margin C>i^3 i^^v^^ aA—jI aJI)1 J^j j^^s^^ ^l 2 96 BM i, 32 251 132 Al-Kufa aLo^ O Like 250 M 2-C8 252 135 Like 250 M 2-86 253 136* Like 250 ^ 280 BM i, 8 BM i, 9 * This coin may have been struck by the next Caliph, al-Mansur ; but as he came to the throne only in the last month of the year 136 it was more probably issued by aZ-Saflali. t All future 'Abbasid dirhams have the same obv. area as 250, unless otherwise stated. 1 1 . AL-MANSUR A.H. 136- -158 = 754- GOLD -775 A.D. Year 254 137 IT 4-15 *U,«5 Like 247 255 j-^ 257 lias /. on reverse N 4-23 ; 4-25 BM Add. i, lO' 258 140 Like 247 ^ 4-20 BM i, 11 259 Like 247 BM i, 12 260 Like 247 BM i, 13 261 Like 247 BM i, 14 143 ^ 4-20 144 A^ 4-2.5 145 A^ 1-26 34 'abbasid caliphs ^EAE 2G2 146 Like 247 A" 4'18 203 147 Like 247 A" 4-25 264, 265 148 Like 247 : 265, point on rev., . J>w; A'' 4-25 ; 4- 15 266 150 Like 247 A^ 4-20 267 161 aS-«j ^*«„^».^ ^Jk».l Aiw Like 247 : point beneath obv. area A^ 4-25 268 Like 247 : point , J^-wj AT' 4-05 154 Like 247 : point A' 4 22 •J^-J 270, 271 155 Like 247: point A^ 4-23 ; 270 ]). •J^J 272 156 Like 247 : point A' 110 . J>wj 273, 274 157 Like 247 : 274 point a*w A' 4 11 ^ L' AL-MANSUB 35 SILVER Year 275 146 Armenia fU-OO ^*ajjt^ y_^^»« Aaw Af>M,Ayj Like 250 M 2-21 276 149? (<;^) Like 250 M 278 277 162 a:^j i*j«k*»«^ji»5 ^^M^ Aa«^ Like 250 M 2-90 p. 278 137 Al-Basra A,i«c^ 0'!^'^^3 Z^'t"^ ^'^ Sj.,.£u)Ij -51 2-85 Like 250 279 138 M 2-91 Like 250 280 139 M 2-90 Like 250 281 142 ^ 2-75 Like 250 282 143 M 2-86 Like 250 283 144 ^ 2-90 Like 250: ; but beneath rev. ^J-» BM i, 30 KM i, 33 BM i, 34 BM i, 35 BM i, 38 BM i, 39 BM i, 40 36 'abbasid caliphs Year 284 145 Like 250: beneath rev. ^^ M 2-90 285 146 Like 250 ; beneath rev. o M 2-81 286 147 Like 250: beneath rev. dd M 2-96 287 157 Like 250 : beneath rev. « « M 2-85 288 140 Junday-Sabur Like 250 M 3'01 289 146 A/.Rayy ■: t Kcv. 1 <1_J ^_«l L.0"« M 2-85 p. 29(1, 291 147 ;R 2-79 Like 289 292 148 JR 2-fi5 Like 289 BM i, 41 BM i, 43 BM i, U BM i, 46 BM i, 47 BM i, 48 (6V(? Al-Mohamni;uliya,) AL-MANSUR 37 Year 293 137 Al-Klifa '^3 lV)iaaAJ> J^"^ Aw di9^xly Like 250 lA 278 BM Add. i. 57^ 294 139 Like 250 : point beneath rev. M, 2 28 BM i, 58 295 140 Like 250 : two jioints beneath rev. M 290 BM i, 50 296 142 (Ch^-^l) Like 250: /. beneath rev. BM i, 62 BM i, 63 BM i, 64 BM i, 65 BM Add. i, 661 BM i, 66 M 2-85 297 143 M 2-93 Like 296 298 144 M 2-65 Like 296 299 145 M 2-90 Like 296 300 146 JR 2-88 Like 296 301 147 & 2-8S Like 296 38 'abbasid caliphs Yeae 302—304 148 Al-Mohammadiya* Like 289 M 2-91 ; 290 BM i, 49 305 149 Like 281) M 200 306—310' 149 Like 289 : but above rev. ^, beneath c JR 2-91 BM i, 50 BM i, 51 311—314 150 M 2'«5 Like 306 315 151 M 3 05 Like 306 316—318 152 M 2-91 Like 306 319, 320 153 JR 2-95 Like 306 BM i, 52 BM i, 53 BM i, 54 321 148 Madmat-a/-Salam (Baghdad) Like 25o : beneatli rev. -^j M 2-92 C' BM i, 68 322 149 Like 321 JR 2-90 BM i, 69 * The new suburb of a/-Kajy, built by al-Mahdi in the roigu of al-Mansfir. 39 BM i, 70 BM i, 71 BM i, 72 BM i, 73 BM i, 74 BM i, 75 BM i, 76 333 157 Like 329 : point above rev. M 2-81 BM i, 77 334 158t Like 329 : but ^j j ^ beneath rev. M 2-86 BM i, 80 * The form ^;;~::Sl has now definitely taken the place of ^^f^, and only exceptions will be noted, t This is the terminal year between al-Mansur and al-Mahdl ; but this coin is ascribed to the former becanse al-Mahdl placed his own name on his silver coinage. AL-MANSUR Year 323 150 M 2-92 Like 321 324 151 M 2-89 Like 821 325, 326 152 M 2'81 Like 321 327, 328 153 M 2-75 Like 321 329— 330c 154 M 2-89 Like 321, but ^j ^j 331 155 M 2-83 Like 329 332, 332a 156 M 2-90 Like 329 II I. AL- MAHDI A.H. 158—169 = 775—785 a.d. GOLD. Year 335 168* Ai.«5 ^A*»-o^3 C^^ ^*'*' Like 247 : but point . J^wj N 4-23 336 158 X 110 Like 247 337 159 iV 4-26 Like 247 : but point 338 . J>w; 160 A' 413 Like 247 339, 339a 161 A^ 3S2 Like 247 340 161 .V 412 Like 247 : l)ut beneath rev. ; 341 162 A' fl6 Like 247 : but point . J^wj BM i, 81 BM i, 83 BM Add. i, 82* BM i, 83 BM i, 84 • There is nothing to show whether this coin was issued by ul- Mansur or by al-MahdT. AL-MAHBT 41 Year 342 162 Like 247 ^ 4-15 343 163 N ■1-18 Like 247 : but point >mJ>y£> 344 165 K •i-22 Like 247 345 165 Like 247 : but point above rev. N 4-12 346 166 Like 247 N 1-10 347 166 N 4-26 Like 247 : but point w>j"^ 348 167 N 4-tO Like 247 BM i, 85 BM i, 86 BM i, 87 BM i, 88 349 167 Like 247 : but points ^■}— w — >r^j*o K 4-22 350 168 Like 247 : but points j-i^jJI ^J'J^v'W N 4-24 BM Add i, 88» 351 168 Like 247 : but points • J^^j — ^>jjJI N 410 42 'AB15ASID CALIPHS SILVER Year 352 161 Armenia ^ 2-92 BM i, 89 353 168 Like 352 : but beneath rev., instead of crescent, M 2-75 BM i, 92 354 168 Afrikiya llev. j^jk^^Jl AftJlaJI JR 270 BM i, 94 355 160 Al-Basra ^*^3 Ch;''**' ^•***' ^/'^•'J^ Kev. M 2tib 356 161 ill 290 Like 855 BM i, 9S BM i, 96 AL-MAHDI 43 Yeae 357 167 Eev. ^JJ^\ aiJLaJI ^ 2-90 358—360 162 Madina Jayy Like 352 : but beneath rev. t**^^ M 2-80 BM i, 101 361 159 Al-'Abbasiya Rev. ~>^ J 5 ' ; d_Ji ) I .ai 2 50 P i, 706 362 160 Like 361 M 3-05 BM i, 104 363 162 Like 361 : but a instead of ^ M 2-93 BM i, 105 364 164 Like 363 M 2-60 BM i, 108 • YazTd b. Ilatim, governor of Afrikiya, a.h. 154—170 (771— 780). 44 'abbasid caliphs 165 M 262 Like 363 366 166 M 2-62 Like 363 367 168 M 2-28 Like 363 BM i, 110 BM i, 111 368 169 Kasr-a^Salam* Like 352 : but beneath rev. j^^^l ; above, aJU JSL 2-30 369 160 Al-Mohammadiya Rev. AJ.JI J^-^j .Xfra^^ 3 M 2-85 370 161 Rev. J5— 'J J>...«^=>i~« aA)I ^Jl..^ A.UI ^ 2-76 * A castle at a'-Kaktca, on the Enphratos. BM i, 116 BM i, 117 372, 373 Like 371 M 2-81 p. AL-MAHDI 45 Yeab 371 166 Like 370: beneath rev., ^ ■^ 2-90 BM i, 118 BM i, 119 374 167 Like 370 : above rev. , , beneath 4^j M 2'9J p. BM i, 120 375 169 Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 352 : but no crescent beneath rev. M 2-85 BM i, 122 376—378 160 Like 352 M 278 ; 378 is gik BM i, 123, 124 BM i, 125 BM i, 126 BM i, 127 BM i, 130 379—382 161 M 2 93 Like 352 : point beneath rev. 383—5 162 163 M 2 93; M 2-87 384 p. Like 379 386 Like 379 387—392 164 M 2-88 Like 379 46 'abbasid caliphs Year 393 169 Harunabad Rev. 3uJ,^j\ u*<^ (or ^j,*..*.) * M 2-65 BM Add. i, 132" 394 168 Al-Yamama Eev. aJJI jk-c dWl J3-WJ J^-o*^ Two points beneath obv. * This word, if read o^> 'army,' might be connected with s~-rtjl above rev., to denote that the piece was Btrnck for the pay of the troops in Armenia. Stickel, however, takes the name to stand for al-IIasan b. Kahtaba, governor of Armenia: but the omission of al requires explanation. See Tiesenhausen, Monn. dcs Khalifes, nos. 844,845,1051. IV. AL- H AD 1 A.H. 169—170 = 785—786 a.d. GOLD Year 395 169 S^j 0-i»**>'3 /«■—■* **<»' Like 247 : but beneath rev. •:• /r 411 BM Add i , 13-l<» SILVER 396 169 Al-Haruniya Rev. ^i ^o-i}^* M 2-79 442 183 Afrikiya llev. »X«.a*..« J, -*-J A-A ! I ^*3I BM i, 164 * Appointed to Armenia a.h. 183 (I.A., vi. 111). + Perhaps Sa'Id b. halm, *,eii ^^ ^JC ^,; ^^m^, appointed governor of al-Jazira 180 a.h. {[.A., vi. 105), and of Marash 191 a.h. (Ibid, vi. 141). Tliero is a coin of Sa'Id b. Salm, Btrnck in Armenia in 181, preserved in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg. The name has hitherto been read ^^j' ^' J^ji*-' (Tiesenhausen, no. 1482), but the reading appears to mo untenable, nor is any such governor moiitionotl in the histories. Ai:-RASH1D Year 443 182 Madina Balkh 185 185 186 187 53 Kev. aX !l J^ — wj Jk^^a^^ -iR 2-88 ^ BM i, 170 444 3 M 2-83 ^ BM Add. i, 170« 445, 446 Rev. J L5^J C>6*'*>*^' ./t^^ C>- ^^^ ^^ o< ,.^.- .«.«] 1 ^_^_. ^S' ^^ -J3 M •fan p. ; 2 •68 447 Like 445 BM i , 171 M 2-75 448 BM i . 172 M 2-80 Like 445 BM i , 173 54 'ABBASID CALIPH8 Year 449 188 Like 445 M 2'94 BM i, 174 450 189 Like 445 ; but above and beneath rev. ^Xt and ^ ' ^ and p-j instead of ^ and 451 M 2-97 ^ BM i, 175 190 Kev. • M 2-55 P i, 787 193 Kev. 452 C A— X W M 453 190 A/-Rafika Like 250 : beneath rev. j M 2-43 BM Add. i, 1751' 454 179 Madina Zaranj A^-e^ j^*a*w )t,*~.) A^~; p^jj **^ Kev. >A3i». ^U.^ A Jit a).) I (' ^^)} *^i-'^•»:' Like 454: butjAJw^ beneath rev., nothing above. -SI 277 BM i, 176 456 184 Like 454 : but above rev. ^Xt ; beneath a&^j ^ M 2-90 C"' 457 185 Like 456 -51 2-75 BM i, 178 458 187 Like 454 : but above rev. ^JLc ; beneath, M 2-70 BM i, 179 459 192 Like 454 : but above rev. Sl^jA ; beneath, ^aJI M 2-88 460 193 Madina Samarkand Like 250 : but beneath rev. aj^-o-** .51 2-8.S BM i, 181 461 177 ? Al-'Abbasiya Like 250 : but above rev. l^j ; beneath, j>jJji M 2-95 ^ 462 Year obscure : above rev. j^ ^J ; beneath, Jj >jjj M 2-41 BM i, 185 56 'abbasib caltpHkS Yeah 463 174 Al-Mubaraka Like 250 : above rev. ^ ; beneatli, !==*.> M 2-7S 464 107 Al-Mohammadiya Rev, L»..« J^-r^O i{ev. Ojlft. ^3 — «jj .^-o- ^-^ JR 2-73 BM i, 191 AA-KASHlU 57 Year 408 172 Like 467 : but ^j.*^\ ', and above rov. Ojl». ; beneath, • Jmoa)! • -31 4-67 469 172 Rev. like 465, but above and beneath — M 2-95 BM i, 190 470 173 Like 469 : but above rev. ijia^ ; beneath, tj^yf M 2-96 p. BM i, 193 471 175 Like 464 : but ^X^jj transferred to third line of rev. ; notliing above ; beneath, J^ijji M 2-95 BM i, 195 472 180 Rev. « J 3 «< J »X — <■ s>.^ ,J^^*M|^A**j)t Aj> ja\ U-* aX)I M 2-cO p. " Pi, 816 473, 474 180 Rev. 3 BM i, 198 BM i, 197 1 M 2-8B: 2-55 475 Like 473 M i-6i 58 'ABBASIB CALIPHS Yeak 47G— 478 182 Like 473 : but above rev. .". ; beneath ^iax*. M 2-80 twice p. BM : i, 198 479, 479a 183 Like 476, without .*. M 2-90 BM Add. i, 198' 480 183 Like 473, but above rev. ^jt^ ; beneath :>j-o M 2-80 481 184 Rev. ^ -3a 2-85 BM i, 200 482 185 Like 481 : l)ut ^ instead of j^-j above rev. M 3-O0 BM i, 2(12 483, 484 186 Like 482 ;H 2-80 485, 480 188 llev. j^-o--.ai^.« Ji 'J a.\ 11 d M 2-9ts Bil i_ 204 BM i, 2U3 I AZ-EASHiD i^EAE 487 189 M 2-99 Like 485 488 190 M 2-84, Like 485 489 193 M 2-96 Like 485 59 BM I, m; BM :, 207 BM i, 210 490 171 Madinat-a?-Salani (Baghdad) Eev, jk<^_afc.< Ji — -^j AJL J I Stcond marginal inscr. on rev. <*JJI j^*c Ai j^\ \^< M 2-80 491—493 179 Eev. A_JUI J3 ,j j^«r*-o M 2-77 ' BM i, 212 BM i, 213 BM i, 214 494, 495 180 M 2-84 Like 491 496 181 M 2-75 Like 491 60 'abbasid caliphs Year 497 182 Like 491 M 2-97 ids Like 491 499 Like 491 SCO Like 491 501—503 183 ;h 3(X> 185 M 20j 186 M 2-l!0 187 Rev. J- "J 188 Like 501 : beneath M 2-H8 505 189 Like 504 M 2-95 506—508 190 Like 504 M 2-92 609, 510 191 Like 501 JR 2-90 BM i, 216 BM i, 219 -^ -'"S BM i, 220 504 BM i, 221 BM i, 2.2 BM i, 2231 BM 1, ::i az-uashId 01 BM i, 225 ilM i, 228 i'ear 511, 512 192 M 2-S6 Like 504 513, 514 193 M 2-88 Like 504 515 191 Ma'din Bajunays 1 1 ^j-;a—J3 (^ ->■»■' <*-i~' u-*5^V ^J^*^ Kev. >*«?- (^ ?) jll 2-65 r i, 846 516, 517 190 Ma'din-a?-Shash Rev. j^Xc O-s-fr — ^~— 0-5 1 *>• — ir ^ (,_5 — 'J iR 2-67 BM 5, 228 518, 519 190 Like 516 : but j-aj instead of ^^Jl M 2-85 VI. AL- AM I N A.ii. 193—198 = 809—813 a.d. GOLD Tkae 620 194 4X«3 ^*aw33 «jjt 4^ Rev. iV 1-13 J3 'J iV 4-2S " BM i, 232 521 195 Like 520 : but above rev. AiJLsiJt beneath rev. ^j-;-«*i)I N 4-15 BM i, 233 522 197 Like 520 : but above rev. aAJI ^,Jj beneath, O^*^' 523 198 Like 520 : omitting aa-JLsJI N 1-1 ti AL-AMiN 63 SILVER YiSAB 524 194 Madlna Bukhara Rev. aJL) ^A^«^^l ^A^t ^^J di^^\ JkAC Point beneath obv. M 2-77 BM Add. i, 235^ 525 194 Madlna Balkh Like 524 .51 2-98 BM Add. i, 237^ 526 194 Madina Samarkand Like 524 iB 2-50 527 195 Like 524 M 2-65 BM Add. i , 23S.^ J3 'J a 11 M 2-95 BM i, 240 64 'abbasiu CALipns Year 529 194 M 2-92 Like 528 530, 531 195 Rev. aJt ^jj t^ Ls)t BM i, 243 532 196 Kcv. aJU! ^^.j Jl 2S6 BM Acid, i, 2U» 194 Madina Naysabur Rev. aJU A_A 1 1 ^J^ — wj .V^ a,^ ^j^O-W^O-J' »> V ^ ^^ — '3 ^j^^i^^^l j^\ ^j aAJI j>** M 2-00 Ril i. 246 VII. AL-MA"MUN A.H. 198*— 218 = 813—833 a.d. GOLD NO NAME OF MINT Year 534 Beneath obv. ^Lc Eev. AijJLsiJI ^.«..a».^ J> 'J aX Jl AT 4-22 p. 535 197 Jf 4-25 Like 634 536- 198 AT 4-23 Like 534 BM i, 247 537 198 Like 534: but beneath obv. w»l.ia<>JI ; above rev. veU*^)! ; beneath ^J^{^\ N 4-33, ringed P i, 870 * Al-Amin died in Muharram 198, when al-Ma-miin's legal sncces- sion took place, bat the latter had claimed the caliphate several years before. Al-Ma-mun never put his brother's name on his coins, but acknowledged his caliphate by styling himself wallyri-'ahdi-l-muslimln or heir-designate. In 195, however, he dropped even this sign of homage, and styled himself Caliph on his coins. K G6 'abbasid caliphs Year 538, 539 198 Like A' 4-28 534: but beneath obv. ^Ua)l 540 BM i , 2-18 200 V>£*-' Lo A^ Nothing beneath obv. Eev. aX) J 5 'J .1 w N •1-22 541 BM i ., 250 201 Nothing beneath obv. Rev. aX )t A' 4-12 542 203 Like 541 N 425 543 203 Like 540: rev. margin begins ^*»-/31 O"*^*"^' aA.)1 ^— j iV 4*22 BM i, 253 544 204 Like 541: bnt above rev. aX), nothing beneath. N 4-07 p. 545 205 Like 544 A'' 3-45 BM i, 255 516 206 {^^.c) Like 534 : but beneatli obv. |^>-JI ^j aJJI jk**c AT 4-20 BM i, 257 547 207 Like 546 A^ 4-25 BM i, 258 AL-MA'MUN G7 Yeae 548 207 Like 544 : but obv. and rev. margins transposed, and additional outer obv. margin O-'^S c fl^w Like 548, with outer margin. iV 4-01 WITH MINT-NAMES. 552 199 Al-'Irak Beneath obv. ^tj.«3t Rev. like 540, adding > beneath ■^ 4-16 BM i, 249 553 198* Madinat-a/-Salam Beneath obv. jb%^\ axjj,^ Eev. aJIJ kX — .fr . .a^...^ A_A Jl Margin begins ^«;*'jJI O"**"/'' aAJI ^--j AT" 4-00 * The earliest occurrence of a mint-name on an 'Abbasid dinar ; but it does not occur in the marginal date inscription. 68 'abbastd caliphs Yeae 554) Like 548, with outer margin N 4-23 555 199 Misr (Egypt) Beneath obv. ^^Ja«J («»c) Rev. ^^*^«;L;j.)l ji A_Jl )l 200 iV 4-28 556 BM i , 264 i\^ 4-12 Like 555 557 200 Rev. Beneath obv. j^^*J< J J WJ A^ 4-22 O^-s-o-e^' ii BM i i, 265 558 201 Cy^'^3 v^«^^' ***»" ^'^tri Like 557 i7 426 P i, 888 AL-MA-MtJN 69 Year 559 202 s^i^'^^B CJ'^ aXm) j*AfiJ Like 557 iV 3-68 BM i, 266 (with al-maghbib) 560 203 L^i**^3 WaaJ ii.mt f^A^J Beneath obv. w>jAioJI Rev. j&\.i9 aJLJ J^ — a^^ J$ -y A.\ J I AT 4-20 p. BM i, 267 561 204 O'-'^J ?^^)^ ^^ j"^^^ Like 560 N' 4-30 BM i, 268 (without al-magheib) 562 209 Like 535 : but beneath obv. (^j.«Jl ^>J aX)) j^**c N 4-15 BM i, 269 563 202 Al-Maghrib \C*mJi\ ^yws^a ^aaaJI A "J A X 15 iV 4-05 p. 582 222 Madinat-a/-Salam Like 581* iV 4oa 583 226 Merv jJ_^*JJl,«^ ^Jj^^^ C^~i A*~i 3^.«-:' Like 581 A^ -i-ll * Heuceforwai'd almost all the coins have the additional outer obv. marg. inscr. Jl^^' ^ ; and the i-ev. consists of the nsual "prophetic mission," with «U above, and the name of the caliph beneath. Only deviations from this arrangement will in future be recoi-ded in the 'Ablj;i8id series. al-mu'tasim 75 SILVER "i^KAR 584, 585 222 Damascus Like 581 JJ 2-79 586 226 Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 581 ^ 2"^2 BM Add. i, 311'' IX. AL-WATHIK A.H. 227—232 = 842—847 a.d. GOLD Yeah 587 227 Misr Beneath rev. a^IW cP'V iV 4-21 588 232 Ch;*^^'*3 O"**^^ O****^' **^*' j^^^ AT 4-07 P '. 937 BM i, 313 SILVER 589 229 Ispahan Like 587 M 2'82 (formerh- ringed) 590 227 Madinat-a/-Salam Like 587 jR 2-8o BM Add. i. 315' al-tvathik 77 Year 591 M (twice pierced) BM Add. i, SIS'* 592 226 Misr Like 587 .21 250 X. AL-MUTAWAKKIL A.H. 232—247=847—861 a.d. GOLD 598 246 Merv Beneath obv. AX)b j;ji.<>J) Beneath rev. *":• Like 593 : but nothing beneath obv. j& 4 OO BM i, 324 601 244 Madinat-a'-Salam Like 593 * Surra-mau-raa, meaning " Who sees [it] rejoices," is tlie Arab variation of the Persian name Samarra. It stands on the Tigris about 30 leagues above Baghdad, and was the residence of the caliphs from al-Ma'tasim to al-Mu'tamid. XII. AL-MUSTA'IN A.n. 248—251=862—860 a.u. GOLD Year 602 251 A/-Shash * Beneath obv, ^-^ ,,^L*-*.)! Beneath rev. «*^^3 O"!?**'*'^^ L^-^*"' ^■^ cS'j O"* J^^ Like 605 BM i, 317 GOT No Mint or Date * Ohv. ^\ aJI ^) A-k ) t aJLJ! d\Jk.A Rev. ^J^-w^ ^.^.a»..« A_A ) I M 2'80, v€'i-y small size, p. * The absence of mint and date, the unusual benedictory formula, and the small size of this dirhem are noteworthy. U XV. AL-MU'TAMID A.H. 256—279 = 870—892 a.d. GOLD Year 608 265 Al-Ahwaz Beneath obv. aAJIj (Ji^^l Beneath rev. aX)) ^-JLt jk.«c**-o-" ^ 4-25 609 270 Beneath obv. dJJb j9^.o-ll Beneath rev. aX)I ^-X& jk^a-o^' iV 3-80 BM i, 362 610 274 A/-Rafika Beneath obv. aJJI ^M j^^a^II Beneath rev. aJlM ^.JLc jk.o^.oJl A' 3-76 p. P i, 99S I AL-MU^TAMID 83 Yeab 611 261 Surra-man-ra-a jj^ijLo^ 0'**~'_5 j^oXft-l AXmt ^Ij f^^ j,^j Beneath obv. >**»» Beneath rev. aAJI ^Xc jk^;»^)t iV -i-n p. 612 268 Samarkand Like 60s A^ ^-23 p. BM Add. i, 3541 613 270 Like 608 A^ 4-20 614 258 Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 611 : beneath caliph's name, -d A' 4-40 p. p i, I0i3 615 267 Like 608 A^ 3-71 BM i, 360 616 259 Misr Like 611 : beneath cahph's name, j N 4'2o P i, 1021 84 'aB BASIC CALIPHS Yeae 617 260 Like Gil : letter obliterated beneath rev. A^ 4- 15 BM i, 365 <;18 263 Like Cll : no letter. jr Pi, 1022 618a 273 No Mint indicated. Like 608 N 1-18 618b 275 Like 611 : but beneath caliph'.s naine^ A' -I-CX) 618c 281 C>s*^^'*3 C>**<-'3 i^J^^' ^^~' Like preceding: date postlnnnous N' 3-iKi J). ei9 261 Bahrayn ^*Ai>V»e^ 0'i***'3 ^"^^' ^~' (Mint in marg. obliterated) Like 611 : but beneath calijjh's name, ^j>a^j * A' 3 9 * Rogers read this word, erroneously, jj^'. Lavoix read ^Jl^ ? on a coin (P. 1020) struck in 258 at Misr ; but his plate shows a mint •^.fl*; apparently. AL-MUTAMID 85 SILVER Year 620 267 SiuTa-man-ra'a O'^^J i^-^j ^t— ' '^^ c5'j O"* /""t" Bentath obv. <:OJI ^!l ^^a^I Beneath rev. aJJI ,i£ j^>l3i<,)l c -S i-?-* P i, 1031 621 266 Madinat-a'-Salani Like 60S S. 2- 75 BM Add. 375* 62La 2|^4 Nasibin Like G20 Jl 305 XVI. AL-MU'TADID A.H. 279—289 = 892—902 a.d. GOLD Ykar 622 286 Aleppo Beneath rev., aXJIj jk-flu*o.)t A' 3'56 623 281 AZ-Hafika iJj-i-^^3 O-s^-o^J iS*^^^ ^***' ^*^'j>'W Like 622 N' 4-25 8 I L V E K 624 288 Al-Basra Like 622 M 3-40 I al-mu'tadid 87 Yeab 625 288 Surra-man-ra-a jJ^ajI^j ^s^-frj^ O^*-* **'^ c^b O"** >*"^ Like 622 M 3-00 626 286 Madmat-a/-Salam Like 622 jR 3-00 BM 1, 388 627 284 Wasit Like 622 M 2'00 BM i, 391 628 289 Like 622 M 2-65 P i, 1072 XVII. AL-MUKTAFI A.ii. 289—295 = 902—908 a.p. GOLD Yeak 629 294 Kumm j^iSLej ^j^x^^ 9.Jj\ ii*j ^^J Beneath rev,, dAJlj j,A;;:jC«Jt J^r 4-61 P i, 1076 630 292 Misr Like 629 N' i-2\ P i. 1077 631 293 N' 4-11 p. Like 621) 632 294 A^ 411 p. Like 629 633 293 Hamadhan Like 629 N S"75 p. P i, 1078 AL-MUKTAFi 89 Yeak silver 634 292 Al-Kufa Like G29 M ■^■l•^ (i3.-i 290 Madinat-al-Salam Like 029 M 153 BM i, 401 636, 637 291 Beneath obv. di^j.]\ ^\^ Beneath rev. aXJIj ^_ft;;C.o.n M •••(•I 7 BM i, 10:; 638 Like 629 M 2-92 p., formerly ringed BM i, -Wi 639 295 Al-Mosil Like 629 XVI I I. AL-MUKTADIR A.H. 295—320 = 908—932 a.u. GOLD Ye ATI 640 316 Ardabil Beneath obv. ^j ,.j«»L*JI ^jI Beneath rev. d JJb jj^-2 5.<.JI N' 3-18 641 3G0 Harran N^ ;Mn All jj. :Ij a^ ^tj,atoiJ Points above and beneath obv. Beneath rev., aJUIj jJua.^)! 642 301 Damascus Beneath obv. ^^j ,,^1*31) I ^^1 Beneath rev. aX)Ij jJ»,*a<^I * Al-Fath b. Mohammad al-Afshin was the fourth and last of the petty dynasty of the Sajids who governed Adharbijfin under the caliphs from 266 to about 318. AL-MUKTADIR 91 Year 643 312 iSl^iUj Sj.L£- ^wl iUw J^jw Like 642 A' ■l-ll 644 300 A/-Rafika Like 642 ^ i-G6 645 311 Suk-al-Ahwaz Like 642 A' 4-00 646 316 Like 642 A' ■f25 BM Add. i, ilO"^ 647 310 San'a Eeneath rev. BM Add. i. Hi)-? 65.S 306 Like 6:.2 iV .1 7f' li.\l Add. i, -ill)'' 654 296 Misr Like 647 .iV 4-00 BM Add. i, llO" * This mint was read »J, Farah, by fiogers ; but this is certainly a mistake. On the other hand, it may not be ICumm, as the name is written difiereutly from that on the undoabted Ktimm coin of 294. AL-MUKTADIE Yeah 655 301 Like U2 ^ i-ll6 p. 656 302 Like 642 93 BM i, 420 A' 4*00 p i, 1137 657 304 Like 642 ^ -i-^i T>. B.M Add. i, 120= 658 306 Like 642 N' 4 05 659 307 Like 642 ■^ 4-10 r i, 113,1 660 308 Like 642 ^ 405 P i, 114(1 661 309 Like 642 AT 3-75 r i, 1141 662 310 Like 642 AT" 4-04 663 311 Like 642 AT" 3-66 p. BM i, 423 94 'abbasid caliphs Year 312 ^ 115 P i, 1143 320 661 Like 642 665, 665a Like 642 &m, 666a Like 642 667 Like 042 668, 668a Like 642 669 Like 642 : 313 N 3-79 317 ^ I'Oo p. BM Add. i, ■124'' 318 N 3-35 319 ^ *00 P i. 1U5 beneath caliph's name, AfjjkJI jk*^c* ^ 3-95 BM Add. i, 424S S 1 L V E K 67(1 31 g Ras-al-'Ayn Like 642 M 3-87 double-struck * 'AmId-aZ-dawla was the lakab or honori6c surname of the wazir al-Husayn b. al-Kasim. AL-MFKTADIR 95 Year 671 302 Surra-man-ra*a ^l^XL)^ O'S**"'' ^'^ L^'l) c>* J'^'^ Like 642 M 2-78 P i, 1IB2 672 304 Like 64i> M 3-05 673 p i i, 1164 313 Like 642 M 3'12 674 p i i, 1171 317 Like 642 M 3-32 BM Add. i, , 433«c 675 298 Paris JR 3-50 badlj' struck 676 297 Madinat-a/-Salam Like 642 51 3-27 P i. 118^ 677 302 (a5UiJLj3 o*^-^') Like 642 ^ 2-91 p. BM Add. i, «9' 96 'ABBASID CALIPHS Year 678 303 Like 612 : two points beneath rev. M 3-16 679, 680 304 Like 642 M 2-83, broken ; 680 p. 306 312 315 681 Like 6-t2 M 3-50 682 Like 642 M 3-52 683 Like 642 M 398 p. BM i, «2 P i, 1198 BM i, 445 319 684, 685 Like 642 : point beneath rev. 320 M 2'92 4-68, formerly ringed L 686 ike 642 M 2 78 BM i, 447 P i, 120« 687 318 Nasibin Like 642 JR 2-C2 flotiVile-struck XIX. AL-KAHIR A.H. 320—322 = 932—934 a.d. SILVER Year 688 321 Madlnat-aZ-Salaiu Beneath obv. ^j ^^^wUJI ^jI Beneath rev. aX)L» jaUJI ^ 2-58 BM i, -154 689 322 Obv. as 688 Rev. aJL) edit J^^j aJL_JLv jaI aJI aLJ\ ^j.J aJUI P i, 1228 690 322 Al-M6sil AjI^Xj^ O-ij-^^ (O-s*"^^' °'') L^«**'^ ^*' J-^^fr'W Like 689 .ai 3-50 double-struck 691 322 Nasibin Like 089 XX. AA-RADI A.H. 322—329 = 934— 940 a.d. GOLD Year 692 325 Suk-al-Ahwaz Beneath rev., aXUj ,<-fi'ljJI iV i-lb 693 322 Misr Beneath rev., aAJU (^-<»'j.)l A^ 3-90 694—699 323 Like 693 A' 3-80, six duplicates, one p. BM Add. i, 457* 700, 701 325 Like (")98 : but beneath obv., «- A^ 3'7.5 BM i, 458 702 326 Like G93 N 4-25 Ai-RADi 99 Year 703 327 Like 693 : but beneath obv., • ; beneath rev., ^ ^ 3-30 BM i, -400 7u4, 7U5 328 Like 703 iV 3-70 p. BM i , 461 706 329 Like 693 : beneath obv., • jr 3-80 BM i , 462 SILVER 707 3[2]4 Al-Basra ojl^kj^ ftjjl A.W 5j.«aJlj Like 693 M 3-93 708 323 Ras-al-'Ayn Like 693 M 3-36 100 'abbasid calipus Yeah 709 323 Surra-man-ra-a Like 693 M 3-66 BM Add. i, 464t 710 327 Beneath obv. ^ J-ai)! ^jt Beneath rev. aJJL ^yoSjiS M 2-54 P i, 1242 711 322 Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 693 M 3-39 p. BM Add. i, 464i 712, 713 323 Like 693 M 3-93 BM i, 465 2-70 714 324 Like 693 : but beneath caliph's name, ^ M 3-65 BM i, 466 715, 716 326 Like 714 Al BM i, 467 717 Same year : but obv. like 710 Ai 2-81 AL-UAm 101 Year 718, 719 326 Like 693 : beneath rev., i M 3-63 720 BM i, 468 327 Like 710 M 2-28 721 BM Add. i, 468a 328 Like 710 M 3-62 BM i, 469 722 323 Al-Mosil Like 693 : but beneath caliph's name, i M 2-59 723 327 Like 710 724 323 Naslbln Like 693 M 4-68 XXI. AL-MUTTAKI A.H. 329—333 = 940—944 a^. GOLD Year 725 329 Misr Beneath rev,, t«»»5 A/i»j O'-'f***^^ Like 726 iR 3-35 XXXIV. AZ.-NASIR A.H. 575—622 = 1180—1225 a.d. GOLD Year 729 608 Madinat-a/-Salam aJI_JI •s)I aJI n) Outer Mar g. ^1 j^'N)! aJLJ Rev. dX) jL^^a,.)! . A-L)l J^—^oj A*)Lc aX3I j^'l.-tf' J7 11-20 730 609 A" 7-20 p. Like 729 731 611 J^ 7-21 Like 729 P i, 1287 BM i, 486 BM i, 187 104 'abbasid caliphs Yeae 732 612 asi .«Iw3 oj^c ^^1 Like 729 : ornament beneath rev. iV 4-00 733 BM : i, 488 613 Like 732 AT 9-03 734, 735 BM Add. i, , 488b 614 Like 732 ^ 10-10 5-4S p. 736, 737 BM Add. i, 488c 616 Like 729 Jf 3-11 2-93 738 BM i i. 490 617 Like 729 AT 6-53 739 BM i , 491 621 AT 3-09 Like 729 BM i , 494 J XXXV. A^-ZAHIR A.n. 622—623 = 1225—1226 a.d. GOLD Yeab 740 622 Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 729 : but last lines of obv., iV 7'44 BM Add. i, 495" XXXVI. AL-MUSTANSIR A.H. 623—640 = 1226—1242 a.d. SILVER Year 741 638 Madinat-a^-Salam Obv. N)l dJI *^j J^a.^ dJLM aWI J^j Margin »^>..JI A^jj^^frj^jjk)! IJJk w>-a aJJI^^ d-)V«ri>w^ O-ii^^J O^"* **'**' N"o outer margin Rev. ^UN)! J.^.''JLm^\ ji<\ AXlb ^A.^»«3'«^' Margin ^A^o^^oJ' /■^i vi/^ ;*"**^ *^' 0-* j"^^ M 296 BM i, 500 742 639 Like 741 M 2-80 BM Add. i, 500'' 743 6 XX Like 741, date nearly obliterated M 2-97 XXXVII. AL-MUSTA'SIM A.H. 640— 656 = 1242—1258 a.d. GOLD Yeae 744 640 Madinat-aZ-Salam Obv. ^U-N)! aJUI J.< A a J Rev. like 729 : but at bottom ^->^, and at sides jj3,£»^«i.^)l | o^^y^ N G-60 BM i, 0O3 715, 746 642 N 13-80 8-99 Like 744 747 643 N 4-9-1. p. Like 744 BM i, 505 BM i, 50G 108 'abbasid caliphs Year 748 649 iV 7 61 Like 744 749 64 a: ^ 7-80 Like 744 : unit obliterated 750 650 AT 7-86 Like 744 751 654 iV 8-97 Like 744 752 65^ AT Ti-2, Like 744 753 6xx Like 744 iV 7-00 SILVER BM Add. i, 50fl» P j, 1327 754, 755 Madlnat-aZ-Salam Year obliterated : like 741, but ^^nl^^S JB 2-05 BM i, 512 2-80 EARLY COPPER COINAGE I. BYZANTINE TYPE 756 Emesa Obv. Heraclius facing, throned, holding sceptre and orb At left aJLH yy^J At right A C O Eev. M surmounted by cross At left € M I At right CH[C] Beneath ^t*^ M BM Add. i, 16 757 Similar to 756 : but 111 ; inscription obliterated M 758 Obv. Emperor and son, standing, facing, each holding sceptre Between them aJUI Jj.wj Margin a) ^^i; ^) <»».j wj J^>.a»^ dj^&.^ aJIJI ^\ a)I '^ J& BM Add. i, m 762 Mint obliterated Obv. Caliph as 760 Around aJL)! J^-y j^trst,^ ^^—^^ 4jl)t JUC JE BM i, c. 22 805, 806 Obv. -^I «iJI '^J Margin ^^^\ i^ii^ j^J^v^W <*^'^j^ <*-^" cJ>*0 Rev, t^-o^om^ A_JLJI Margin (^a^)! O-^a^ {JJ^^ aX^j\ 807 Obv. aXJI ^~.j Rev. J'-o =«~« A-JL )l Traces of marerin EARLY COPPER COINAGE 113 808, 809 Like 807 : but beneath obv., ornament between stars 810—822 Obv. aJU! ^.ff-u Rev. Around star, aJLJI yj^) J^«a»>« ■ffi BM i, c. 1 823—825 Like 763 : but star in middle of obv. ; rev. margin, \J\^ ^^\ji\ \jJt> wJj-o aJUI ^^^^ 826 Obv. A^j.) Margin oj^o,^ [aJJI '^)I] a) I *s) Rev. obliterated M III. WITH MINT, 827 Al-TTrdunn (Jordan district) Within a circle aJI *^ Rev. area J^.©.*^* A.Jl_)l Margin O^j'^W Vj^ '^'^ ^"^i M P 138» 114 OMAYYAU CALTPnS 828— 834 Ba'labakk Rev. ]\l :e827 ; no margin BM i, c. 40 835— 8;:)8 Dimashk (Damascus) Obv. like 827 Rev. ^j^ Margin, traces o£ «UJI a)L)I^<,w iE BM i, c. 4C; cf. P 11-17 839—841 Tabariya (Tiberias) Like 827 : but rev. margin IJ^A Vj"^ *^'^' >»***^ ^ - • • BM i, c. 52 Kinnasrin 842 Like 827 : bvit rev. margin IJiA ^j-^ <*"^J' >o-*V 843, 844 Misr : al-Fustat : governor, ' Abd-rd-malilc b. Mar- wan [a. II. i;}2] 01 )V. VJa--iJI Margin 03^ O^ <.tXX.Jt j^aC ^-^"^I i^J^ 15^^ Margin ^a-.«^<,.M ^a^I ^jij-o aA.JI jk.AC j,.«! yli " ' P 1-194 EARLY COPPER COINAGE 115 845 Misr : al-Iskandarlya ? Governor, 'Abd-al-malih b. Mar a- (In [lo2] Obv. area -^Vl Margin (J-»^^l j^\ 05j^ *''^" -^^ j"*' liev. area j.>cla and three obscui-o characters (oAI) Margin 05J^ CH *^«J' <>*^ j'**'!^' \S^i 15^ M Double-struck 846 Mint obliterated Obv. and rev. areas like 827 ; obv. margin obliterated Eev. margin 1 Ijjk Vj-*^ '*'^" yo-^i IV. WITH MINT AND DATE. 847 Wasit, 116 Obv. -N)! A)l -s) Eev. area jk.<>.3^..« J3 J Margin Ai»»i iawl^j j__;-.XfiJI 1>A -^^--i <*"^' ^o—:" ^A, j.;.«'i!l ['Ij] >-»' ^ P 1G30 118 'ABBASID' caliphs — COPPER 853 ^Othnnn h. Ishdk, under Ja'far h. al-Mansur, al- Mosil [c. 150] Obv. aJI -n) aJLII n)I Margin jJ,*,3^^!L) o ,_^JLa!l o \JA o wJ/-« Kev. 5^_J *^ Margin j,JLfr v>j*'«5-o-)' j^\ O-i >»«)^j ^_;«J.A)t !>* "--'j-'-s a-^" ^,«-~J Kev. • J>— 'J d„Jl_U • ^Margin j*^\ ^j J>^a^< ^^^^.o-" <*-i j^^ U-« ^ 2-15 AL-MANSUR 119 855 No governor's name, Madinat-aZ-Salam Like 854 : but no obv. margin : above and beneath rev. ^i ; mint and date in rev. margin M 3-53 856— 857a Caliph's name, Madmat-a^Salam, 157 Like 854; above rev. area .'. ; beneath Jj^c ; Obv. margin ji^^)\ a^jj^^ ^_^AJI IJJk vj"^ ^-U' >o— :• Rev. margin ^^*,i^^^\ j*a\ a^)\ ji^ dM\ ^*c <*-ij»«\ W^ ^ BM i, c. 95 858 Al-Basra, Ixx Like 854 : no obv. margin Rev. mai'gin .... Sj.-<» 120 'abbasid caliphs — coppee (AL- M AH Dl) 860, 861 Caliph's name, al-Kufa, 163 Like 854 : no obv. margin ; beneath rev. JjkP ; Kev. margin ^^j.fj^^\ j.^a\ jL«.a»^ j^jk^,^! 4j j^\ l«-« m. BM i, C. 113 862 Like 860 : but beneath rev. a%j (?) M 863 [Ihrdh'm'] b. Sdlih, Misr, 167 Obv. hke 854 : but after date in margin, 01.0 ^j ; Rev. J>-^J a-o-s^"* No rev. margin 864 No governor's name, Madinat Amul, 168 Like 854 : no rev. margin ? A£-RASHiD 121. (A^-RASHl D) 865 'All h. al-Uajjdjf Kumis, no date Like 854 : but Obv. margin j^\ (Jjj.fti aJD) *x*c C>s*'*^<^'' Rev. margin ^JLc ,_^^^5,j j_;*.Jlftll IJk,* w>J"^ '*-^" >ff***^ 866 Caliph's name, a^Rafika, 189 Like 854 : but above rev. .-. , below J^fr ; Obv. margin iw diilj.3Li ^_^XiJI !,>& Vj"^ *'^^' vff**"^ Rev. mai'gin j-;.«l OA?* '*"^'' **"*^ ^^ >*' ^"^'^ aDI^^j ^ BM i, c. 128 867, 868 Damascus, 192 Like 854 : uo obv. margin ; beneath rev. 3 ; Rev. margin Aw ^^^j^^ ,^jJ^\ '-x* ^j'^ "^^^^ yt-^i ^ P 1580 li 122 'abbasid caliphs — coppee 869 Caliph's name ; mint and date obliterated Obv. like 854 ; no margin Rev. aj ji««I [^)~^ Margin obliterated JE 870 Mohammad [El-Amin], mint and date obliterated Obv. like 854 liev. •X^.c j-)^ aj j.^\ \^^ ^Nlarsjins obliterated (AL-M AM UN) 871 Hamadhan, 200 Like 854 : mint and date in obv. margin 872 ^linl obliterated, year 2,i;i' lieuealli rev. j.^\i AL-MUSTAT^SIB 123 873 'Isd b. Ma7isnr* Obv. obliterated Rev. j^^ai^ ^J■J\ ^^-^t^ L^J*d ^^ AL-MUSTANSIR 874 — 878 Madinat-aZ-Salam, year obliterated Like 741 ; obv. margin nearly obliterated J& BM i, c. 148 * This may be the 'Isa b. Mansur who was goveruor of Egypt in A.H. 216—217. See Tiesenhausen, Monn. des Khalifes Or., no. 2646. AGHLABIDS OF AFRlKlYA (TUNIS) AGHLABIDS A.M. 184—296 = 800-908 a.d. A.n. A.D. 184 Ibnihim I h. al-Aghlab . . . .800 lOG 'Abdallah i 811 201 Ziyadat- Allah i 816 223 Abu-Akfi! al-Aghlab . . . . 837 226 Mohammad i 840 242 Ahmad 856 249 Ziyadat-Allah ii 863 250 :\Iuhammad ir 864 201 Ibrahim II 874 289 'Abdallah ir 902 290 Ziyadat-Allfih ii . , . . . 903 —296 —908 II. 'ABDALLAH I. A.u. 190—201 = 811— 81G A.D. GOLD iTear 879 199 No mint Obv. Margin Prophetic mission to dX^ Eev. w-»A^ J 5 'J A_JL )l dJUt jk^c Margin »«[-.!> a^w j.^jk]JI 1J».A *->><« A.UI ^-~J iV 4-24 B>1 Add. ii, 190' 111. ZIYADAT-ALLAH I. A.u. 201—223 = 816—837 a.d. GOLD Year 880 202 Like 879 : but beneath rev. aJUI S^bj instead of aJLII jk*c N 4-19 BM ii, 193 881, 882 204 Like 880 N 4-10 BM Add. ii. 192e 4-20 883 207 Like 880 : but beneath obv. jjj.*— « ; (^**«' pointed) A'' 3-36 p. BM Add. ii, 193J 884 210 iV 3-81 Like 883 885 220 A' 4-16 Like 8S3 V. MOHAMMAD I. A.H. 226—242 = 840—856 a.d. GOLD Ykar 886 226 L'ke 879 : but beneath obv. »^Xa.* ; beneath rev. jk«a».« N -I-IO P ij, 8-13 887, 888 227 Like 886 N 4-19 889 232 Like 886 : omitting .^Xi. N' 4-11 890 Yeai' illegible Like 886 : but beneath obv. i :=> => instead of «^e N 4-09 * Eesearch has so far failed to identify this and similar names on the Aghlabid coinage, representing, no doubt, local governors. (129) VI. AHMAD A.H. 242—241) = 856-803 a.d. GOLD fEAR 891 247 Like 879 : but beneath obv. rev. ^o-sfc AT 4-25 892 248 N i-22 Like 891 893 249 Like 891 ; and beneath A^ 420 P ii, 850 P ii, 851 BM A(1<1. ii, 19SS VIM. MOHAMMAD II. A.n. 250—201 = 804—874 a.d. GOLD 894 251 Like 879 : but beneath rev. jk»a>^ N 4-21 257 A^ 4-18 895 Like 894 (130) BM ii, 199 IX. IBRAHIM II. A.Ti. 2G1— 289 = 874-902 a.d. GOLD Year 896 261 Like 879 : but beneath obv. yCi ; beneath rev. ^^jAj.j| K 4-20 897 265 Like 879 : but beneath obv. ^r^%i ; beneath rev. y,*tbjj\ ^ 4 22 898 267 Like 897 : but small size i jV 1-0 clipped P ii, 862 899 277 Like 897 ; but nothing beneath obv. iV 4-05 P ii, 870 000 288 Like 899 N 410 BM ii, 205 901 2.1- X Like 899 : but small size \ N 1"0 clipped and p. SILVER i)02 Al-'Abbasiya, year obliterated Like 89G : but beneath obv., star I 1-3 (131) P ii, 830 DYNASTIES OF EGYPT AND SYRIA TtJLtJNlDS TULUNIDS A.n. 254—292 = 808—905 a.d. A.H. A.D. 254 Ahmad b. Trdfin 868 270 Khumaiawayh b. Ahmad . • . . . 883 282 Abu-1-Asakir Jaysh b. Khumarawajh . 895 283 Harun b. Khumarawaj'h . . . . 896 — 292 — 905 I. AHMAD IBN TULUN A.H. 254— 270 = 868— 883 a.u. GOLD Year i>03 266* Misr ^j\ A_)l 's) 6^ ».j aJIJ i Margin 1 o--^ ••f| 2 ^^^^ jkSj 0-'*3 c)'^^ O"* i"*'^'' ^^ Rev. aJL) J > ' J A I ) I Margin ^1 aXwjI aA,)I Jj.-'j ^o.a^< N 4'15 p. BM ii, 218 904 267 Misr Like 903 Jf i-lo BM ii, 2]£ * The gold coins issued iu Egypt between Ahmad b. Tfilun's api^ointment as governor in a.h. 254, and this coin of 266, do not bear his name, an i are iu no respect distinguished from the ordinary provincial issues of the Caliphate. (See above, uos. 616—618.) (135) 136 tulunius Year 905 238 A/-Rafika, aiit^L. Like 003 : but beneath Ahmad's uame, p^l* ^ 3-82 p. 269 Misr 906 Like 903 y 4-24 ringed 907 270 Misr Like 903 jV i-lo ringerl BM Add. ii, 220*' * Lu'lu', at first a slave, became Ibn-Tulun's chief general, who reduced Barka in a.h. 260-1, and was made governor of Northern Syria and Diyar Mudar a few years later. In 269 Lu'lu* deserted Ibu-Tulun and joined a?-Muwafi'ak, the brother of the Caliph, in his campaigns against the Zanj ; but was imprisoned in 273 and mulcted of 400,000 dinars. Set free in 282, he eventually returned to Egypt in the latter days of Harun, the grandson of his old master. II. KHUMARAWAYH A.n. 270—282 = 883—895 a.d. GOLD iTkar 908 271 Misr Like 90o ; ; but J^^A-S ^j.J Aj^jl^a. beneath rev. N 4-18 909 272 Misr Like 908 N 413 p. BM Add. ii, 220t 910, 911 273* A'.Rafika Like 908 (unit of date Ail.j) iV 3-55 p., 3-43 badly engi •aved 274 Misr iV 3-99 4-iO p. 912, 913 Like 908 914 276 Harran ^ 4-15 . O'j- a^J Like 908 BM ii, 222 BJl Add. ii, * Cp. the dinar of al-Eaf.ka, E?! (above, no. 610), struck by the 'Abbasid Caliph, without the name of Khumarawayh, during the war then waging between Egypt and Mesopotamia. T 136 TULUJSIDS Yeab 915 277 Misr Like 908 916 P iii, 29 278 Misr ^ 4-12 Like 908 KM Add ii, 22i' 278 AZ-Rafika 917 Like 908 J/ 3-eo 279 Misr 918 Like 90S : but no name beneath obv. and beneath rev., > N 4-02 1). V iii, 31 919 280 Misr Like 918 : adding beneath obv. point, and beneath rev. ». N -flO ^ BM Add. ii, 22ii' 920 281 Misr Like l»r.» AT vid Bil Add. ii, TM^ 921 281 Aleppo. ^^Xsw-j Like i)18 : addiii<^' beneath rev, is N ■1-22 JAYSH 139 SILVER Year 922 276 Damascus, J~.«jwj Like 908 M 2-50 p. 923 Damascus, date obliterated Like 908 M 2-83 cracked III. JAYSH A.H. 282—3 = 895—6 a.d. GOLD 924 283 Misr Like 903 : but no name, only point, beneath obv. ; beneath rev. Ja-.JUj (Palestine, i.e. A/-Ramla) Like 931 : omitting the two wJ 934 290 Misr Like 931, with w* N 3-85 BM Add. ii, 229* 935 291* Misr Like 931 : but no w^ ; beneath obv., V 3-78 BM Add. ii, T,W rU3/ II. ABU-L-KASIM A.H. 334—349 = 946— 960 A.D. GOLD Year 938 [3|j6 Filas[tin] Like 93G : but beneath obv., and beneath rev. a^kc aWI ^^-o iV 3-60 939, 940 337 Filastin Like 938 : ornament beneath caliph's name jr 3-61 BM ii, 233 3-36 941 341 Filastin Like 938 : omitting ^^ja ^ 3-35 942 3xx Filastin Like 938 : unit and decade of date obliterated ^ 3-68 (lU) lil. 'ALT A.H. 349—355 = 900—9^)6 a.d. GOLD Year 943 350 Palestine (Filastin) Like 938 : but beneath obv., lieiieath rev. ».^ <)kAJ 1 dd JLjj.^ "N) Margin obscure Eev. aJL) Jl-iO- ^»"« J> — ~'J ^l II (^^-V-O-J 1 Margin %.aaaJ «U^ j^j,Si\ t«x.A w>^^ «^3 O^ju-jj N l-OO 951, 952 305 Al-Kayrawan ()bv. A_JLJI jk_*„c a) Jljj.i ^) ^Margin C>i>5 L^^v'W AA.-»jt A.Ul J^-wj j^«.a».4 AL-MAHDI 149 Year Rev. ^U-n)! J>- 'J 4 l_ It Margin i;^ OSJ-t''^^^^ >*M" IJ^* w>^-i aXJI ^<,w A' 1-00 p. BM Add. iv, 3'< 953 ^06 Al-Kayrawan Like 951 iV 4 10 \>. P iii, CG I I. AL-KAI M A. II. 822—334 = 934—945 a.d. GOLD 954 Mint and date obliterated Obv. J,^a^^ ^ i_Jt ^-.1 A_1JI ^\ aJI *^ Margin, traces of ^1 dXwjl aXJI J^.^^ ^^a^^ Rev. ^oU'i)! aJJI J3_wj Margin, date obliterated J A' l-Ou «M iv, 21 (150^ ill. AL-MANSUR A.H. 334—341=945—952 a.u. GOLD Year 955 341 Al-Mahdiya Obv. A.JLJI -N)! -)1 ^) Margin «-Jl aL^jI <*,.UI J^-jj ji«.a>-« Rev, aXJI jk*c Margin iUw ajJ*k^.<.)Ij j.-j>>>)I 'i-* V^-^ aXJI _^.-.j 1 A^ 1-00 P "'. 92 (151) IV. A L-M U'l ZZ A.U. 341—365 = 952—975 a.d. GOLD Year 956 341* Misr Gov., in three circles :t 3 aJLJI J^^j j.*.*.^ aJlJI ^)\ A3 1 -n) Rev. 1 j^Jk^l '«=' *'"^" vO~^ A7 4-40 957 342 Al-Mansuriya+ Obv,, in three circles : J^-aaJI 3 jk<.cw.^ a) Jlj;w '^ o>a-3 a)JI -n)! tfUt ^) In centre <4A Z 1 * The niiut and date are perfectly clear ; yet Misr (which stauds both for Egypt and for its capital, then al-Fustat) was not conquered by al-Mu'izz until 358 A.n. t Numbered from the outside inwards. J A duplicate of this remarkable coin is preserved in the Hermitage at St. Pettrsburg. Baron von Tiesenhansen reads the second obv. margin, ^y^\ \j>'j>\ ^j)J Jj^' i'i)&-h dj-J^ t^J ^^1" ij^ &■ J^i, and ^^^ second rev. margin, dL ^jjj ^:)'.^r■»!' •*;.- J*** i^- (or j-s' or^-»)^i« ^jjfjl i»i^l. — Al-Mansfiriya was founded by al-Mansur near al- Kayrawau in 337 A.n., aud fell into ruin in ■112. AL-MU'lZZ 153 Year Rev., in three circles : 3 ^>Jjk) >a<-M voU^Jt ^sso.^:) jlp ^eU-N)! [U^] i A^ -95 1009 369 or 367 Al-Mansuriya Like 998, unit obscure N 1010 370 Misr Like 998 ^ BM Add. iv, 5i'- * I.e. tho capital, Palermo (Balarui). 160 fatimids Year 1011 371 Misr Like 998 if BM iv, 5G 1012 3[7J1 Al-MansUriya Like 998 (decade of date (j.**-i by error) 1013 372 Misr Like 998 (unit ,^^^1 sic) ■^ BM iv, 58 1014, 1015 373 Misr J^, one p. Like 998 1016 374 Misr jf Like 998 1017 374 Al-Mahdiya Like 998 jr 1018, 1019 375 Misr Like 908 BM iv 59 P iii, 147 AL- AZiZ Yeaii 1020 376 Misr iV 40 Like 998 1021 377 Misr Like 998 IGl If 1022 377 Sicily Like 1008 : omitting 3^a^ j.*i. ^-Xc I N 1-0 BM iv, 61 1023 378 Al-Mahdiya Like 998 if P iii, 153 1024 379 Misr Like 998 if P iii, i;8 380 Misr iV 1025 Like 998 1026 380 No mint Oljv. In centre > Margin ^i^^t j.*^! aJJIj >:J>*JI liev. In centre J-ft Margin a5U ^Xj^ Cx:'-<'^ ^~' "^J"^ <*.)JI^. I N 1-05 G2 FATIMIDS EAll 381 Misr 1027 Like 998 1028, 1029 381 Al-Mansliriya Like 998 N 383 Misr 1030 Like 998 384 Misr J7 1031 Like. 998 385 Misr N p. 1032 Like 998 1033—1035 :Miut and date obliterated P iii, 110 i^ VI. AL-H AK I M A.H. 386—411 = 996—1020 a.d. GOLD Year 1036 3S8 Misr Obv. Margin 1 pjl aJU>j1 aJUI iJ^) «>*»»-« 2 aJ ^^P -n) djia>3 aJJI -n)! a)I ^) Centre aA.JI ^J^-^y J-^.s^-'O Rev. Margin 1 ^jWj iL«j ^-a«j jJo jJ I IJkA w»;-« aJJI^-«> Centre aJDI Jy^j j^^^A aJJ< 'i)l Alt 's) Rtv., in two circles : i A^ 1-0 16i FATIMIDS Yeab 1038 389 Misr Like 1036 ^ p. P iij, 176 1039 P iii, 177 390 Misr ^ 4-0 Like 1036 390 [Al-Mahdi]ya 1040 Like 1037 i N 10 392 Misr 1041 if Like 1036 393 Misr 1042 if Like 1036 395 Misr 1043 N Like 1036 1041 395 Damascus (Dimashk) N Like 1036 1045 399 Palestine (Filastin) jf Like 1036 400 Misr 1046 N Like 1036 BM iv, 75 P iii, 181 BM iv, 83 AL-llAKIM 165 Year 1017 403 Misr Obv. ^ Margin ^1 aL^jI aA,)I ^Ja-^j kX^a>.^ Eev. A^JI jk*c ^Xc ^'t j^-aA<^Jl AJ33 Margin j--A j'-J-^^' 'j^ V^-^ "^^^ >«***.■' a5U ?«.jj'3 w.^ iV p. BM iv, 85 404 Misr 1048 Like 1047 : but Kev. aJ^^ «iXM Jut ^ 4-05 P i". 186 1049 408 Misr As 1 048 : but obv. arranged differently : aXJI n)I Alt -s) a) «ib;i "^ dJkSfc^ A.A_)I JjS ^U 16C FATIMIDS Yeah 1050 409 Misr Like 1049 ^ BM iv, 93 1051 410 Al-Mansuriya "^■^^ L5'i L5^^ Margin ^U aXwjI 1058 Mint and date obliterated. Inscr. as BM iv, 97 1059 Sicily Date obliterated. Inscr. as BM iv, 83 1060. 1061 Sicily No date. Like 1049 : but Rev. j^«o— i_.<^JI ^L^^y] XfXa.iA^ oU^)l ^>-«s^)I ^jt ,^Xft aJ^3 aAJI ^*c In centre 0-:!^ jli^*^ >*^' AT .1-2 w - ^ •• gj^j .^^ jjjy 1074 414 Misr Like 1073 (j.* ^Alk)l O--*-" ^r*' X'v) C>-i-*-*>«-^ ' ^-*-*' Margin v..)! aX^jI aX)1 ^^wj Jk^a».^ iV 1093 KM Add. iv, 121'' 427 Misr Like 1092 1U94 427 Al-Mansiiriya Like I07.J : hut above rov. j, beneath A' 1095 428 \ Al-Mansiiriya Like 1073 : but above rev. j, beneath ». N • The first occurrences in this series of the formula associated chiefly with the Slii'a. t A^Zfihir died in Sha'ban, 427 ; this coin is therefore post- humous by at least four months. AZ-ZAHIE 173 Year 1096, 1097 42.C Al-Mansuriya Like 1083 1098 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1078 : beneath obv. D 1U99 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1073 : point above and beneath each side i A" -8 1100 Sicily Date obliterated. Like 1083 i N' -95 VIM. AL-MUSTANSIR A.n. 427—487 = 1035—1094 a.d. GOLD Yeab 1101 428 Palestine (Filastin) Obv. A.XJI -N)! A_JI N) aJu)I ^Jj 15^^^ Margin j-o-vM I«XA Vj"^ >«*•>'' v>**V^' '*^" ^-^^ Rev. >6U*n)! ^,^*^ ^j1 Jl5L« 429 430 Margin c" aX^jI aUI J^wj A^ fl ^^ 1102 Misr Like 1101 A' 4-2 1103 Misr Obv. Area like 1101 Margin ^\ aX-^jI aXJI J^wj jk^os Rev. y\ jk-x~« voU'N)! M:irgin, mint and date UM iv, 127 AL-MtrSTANSIR Year 1104 431 Misr N p. Like 1103 1105 432 Misr N p. Like 1103 1106 433 Misr Like 1103 1107 435 Misr IT Like 1103 1108 — 1110 435 Misr Obv. J^ aJUI -n)! a_JI ^J Margin -;JI AA-^jt aX)! ^J>~'J ^-0^^-^ Eev. fcX*^ Margin, mint and date A'' 2 p. 175 BM iv, 128 P iii, 353 BM iv, 132 176 fatimids Year HH 435 Tripoli (Tarabulus) Like 1103 436 Tripoli 1112 L^ke 1108 1113 436 Misr Like 1108 IIU 436 Tiberias (Tabariya) Like 1108 BM iv, 134 BM iv, 135 1115, 1116 437 Misr Like 1108 A' one p. BM Add. iv, Vib^ 1117, Ills 437 Damascus (Dimashk) Like 11 OS fi r iii, 270 111!), 1120 438 Misr Like 1108 A' p. BM iv, 137 AL-MUSTANSIB fEAR 1121 438 Tripoli if Like 1108 1122 438 Palestine iV Like 1108 1123, 112i 439 Misr Like 1108, but Kev. 177 BM Add. iv, 139» iV, one p. BM iv, 140 1125 439 Tyre (Sur) Like 1123 N 1126 439 Tripoli N' p. Like 1123 BM Add. iv, 140"^ 43^- Damascus 1127 Like 1108 : unit of date obscure. 1128 440 Misr A' p. Like 1108 BM iv, 141 A A 178 fatimids Yeah 1129, 1130 441 Misr Obv., in tliree circles,* Eev., in three circles, iV, one p. BM iv, 144 P iii, 302 BM iv, 145 1131 442 Misr Like 1129 1132 442 Tyre Like 1129 1133 442 Tripoli Like 1129 1134 443 Misr Like 1129 1135, 1136 443 Tripoli Like 1129 BM iv, 147 * ThiB is a reversion to the first type of al-Mn'izz (no. 950), and the inscriptions arc idontioal, except the name al-Mustansir bi-llah, and tlio iriitit niid date. AL-MUSTANSIR 179 fEAB 1137 443 Tyre Like 1129 y 1138 P iii, 331 444 Misr Like 1129 A^ 1139, 1140 BM iv, 118 444 Tripoli Like 1129 N' chipped lUl BM Add, iv, 140" 444 Palestine Like 1129 1U2 444 Aleppo (Halab) Like 1129 N' twice p. 1U3, 1U4 P iii, 269 445 Misr Like 1129 ^ 1145 BM iv, 150 446 Misr Like 1129 ^ 1146 BM iv, 151 446 Aleppo ^ 4-1 Like 1129 1147 446 Tyre N' 3-3 Like 1129 1148 446 [Sicily] Like BM iv,153, but rev. doublestruck, so that inscrip- tions are repeated and confused, and mint obliterated. ;_ AT 1-0 180 FATIMIDS Year 1U9— 1151 447 Misr Like 1129 AT BM iv, 15-1 1152 447 Damascus Like 1129 A^ 3-9 1153 447 Palestine Like 1129 1154 448 Misr Like 1129 Jf V in, 368 1155 449 Tripoli Like 1129 jr p. .BM iv, 159 1156 450 Misr Like 1129 N 1157 451 Misr Like 1129 iV p. P iii, SC9 1158 •452 Misr Like 1129 iV P iii, 370 1159 452 Tyre Like 1129 {o-i^) iV BM iv, IGO 11 GO, iiena 453 Misr Like 1129 N, one p. BM iv, 162 llGl, 1162 454 Misr Like 1129 N, ono p. . BM Adil. iv, 104' AL-MUSTANSIR 181 Year 1163 455 Misr Like 1129 N 1164 BM iv, 105 456 Tyre N- p. Like 1129 1165 457 Misr ^ p. Like 1129 1166 459 Misr Like 1129 1167 460 Misr Like 1129 A^ 1168 BM iv, 169 461 Misr Like 1129 A^ p. 1169 P iii, 371 465 Alexandi'ia (Al-Iskandariya) N Like 1129 1170 BM iv, 174 465 Tripoli Like 1129 N 1171 BM iv, 175 470 Misr Like 1129 ^ BM Add. iv, 177f 1172 470 Alexandria Like 1129 AT .82 FATIMIDS l'kab 1173 471 Tripoli Like 1123 117J< 472 Alexandria Like 1129 1175, 1176 473 Alexandria Like 1129 1177 473 Misr N Like 1129 1178 474 Acre ('Akka Like 1123 BM Add. iv, 177^ BM Add. iv, 177P N 3-75 1179 474 Alexandria Like 1123 : beneath rev. JU if BM iv, 178 1180 475 Alexandria Like 1179 ^ p. BM iv, 179 1181 476 ■? Alexandria Liki' 1179: unit obscure 1182, 1183 478 Alexandi-ia Like 1179 A'' \>. P iii, 262 AL-MUSTANSIll 183 Year 1184 479 Alexandria Like 1179 ^ 3-65 1185 480 Alexandria Like 1179 - iV BM iv, 181 1186 482 Alexandria Like 1179 ^ P lii, 263 1187 483 Alexandria Like 1179 1188, 1189 484 ? Acre Like 1179 (ISCa^ ; unit obscure) iV p. 1190 485 Misr ^ p. Like 1179 1191 486 Misr AT Like 1179 1192 486 Alexandria N p Like 1179 BM iv, 185 1193 Palestine Date obliterated. Like 1108 1194 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1108 184 FATIMIDS 1195 Mint obliterated, year 48a;, ■ Margin «JI -«.« >el_«^)l Margin (sic) JjIj O-s^'^ *^' >o*~^ ^ ^ Cp. BM iv, 183 1196 Mint and date obscure. Like 1195 1197 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1101 : but Rev. 3_.l j>\^c^)\ aXUj ^«CUMMioJt Margins obliterated. 1198 Sicily, date obliterated. Crossed insci-. like BM iv, 186. AL-MUSTANSIR 185 Year 1199 [4]jr5 Sicily Obv. AjUt A_JU» ^)\ A_JI N) aAJ! J^-jj J^«a>.4 1^3 L5^ Margin aJI£» to <».X«>j1 aJLII J^j jk^-a*^ Rev. aJUL ^1 JkRrfvoU'i)! 0-^3«Ji ^^jj^i Margin ... .J (,;*.«i^ ^J^M IJ^A i^ SILVER 1200 432 ? Al-Mansiiriya Like 1129: but^jj.!! 1201 459 Palestine Like 1200 M 2-85 Small size. 1202 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1200 M clipped 1203—1207 Mint and date obliterated. Like BM Add. iv, 193^, but all much worn and clipped and obscure. B B IX. AL- M USTA'LT A.H. 487—495 = 1094— llul a.d. Year 488? 492 GOLD 1208 Mint obliterated Obv. aJJ\ ^)l A.!l -n) aX)I tJ^*^J ^«.a»-^ aJJ! ^J^ ^Xt Margin -i:.)! aXJI J>.wj j^^^sir-* Kev. Ji.<^0.| >)L^*N)t aJLHj j,JL»a-~^)I ^^AA.4 a^-l 1 *s>* ' Margin, mii it obliterated, unit of" date obscure i ^, chipjied BM iv, 195 Misr 1209 Obv., Centre J^^ 2lj\£. Margin 1 ^Jlc aJi)I J^wj j.«a^< aJJI -n)! All -N) 2 KfV., Centre ^U-Nll J^».l A^ Margin I ^^*^^^^l j.*^l aXJU ^-Xal^^^Jt ^^-jU3! ^j1 al-musta'li Year 1210 493 Misr N 4-05 Like 1209 1211 494 Misr A' 4-3 Like 1209 187 X. AL-AMIR A.H. 495—524 = 1101—1130 a.d. GOLD Year 1212 496 Tyre Obv. like 1209 Rev., Centre ^dU'n)! Margin 1 ,j-j^^<^l j.a.\j j.^*^\ ^t ^jI A^ 4-1 1213 497 Misr iV^ 4-2 Like 1212 1214 600 Misr Like 1212 : but styled >,AjJ>^Jl in error forj,*jjk)i, although of gold ^' 42 501 Misr Like 1212 1216 502 Misr Like 1212 1217 502 Tyre Like 1212 BM W, 201 P iii, 120 A' p. f AL-AMIR 189 Yeae 1218 503 Ascalon ('Askalan ,j'^)li~.a^) Like 1212 if BM iv, 203 1219 504 Misr Like 1212 if 1220 BM iv, 204 504 Alexandria Like 1212 N- p. 1221, 1222 P iii, 412 505 Misr Like 1212 A^ 1223 BM Iv, 205 505 Alexandria N p. Like 1212 1224, 1225 606 Misr Like 1212 N 1226 BM iv. 206 506 Alexandria Like 1212 1227 506 Ascalon J7 Like 1212 1228 607 Misr Like 1212 ^' BM Add, iv, 20G'' 190 fatimids Ykak 1229, 1230 507 Alexandi'ia Like 1212 1231, 1232 508 Misr Like 1212 BM iv, 207 1233 508 Alexandria Like 1212: but Kev. Margin 2 begins ^cl^Jl * l>->j*o aXJI ^~.j L N 1-0 1234—1236 509 Misr Like 1212 1237 509 Alexandria Like 1212 N P iii, 413 1238 509 Alexandria Like 1233 (^cLJI) i A^ -7 1239 509 Tyre Like 1212 1240 510 Misr Like 1212 A' \<- BM iv. 208 12il 510 Alexandria Like 1212 ^ BM Adil. iv, 20S'* * This word, which occurs also on no. 1238, seems indeciplierable. It may possihhj be read .'cljy , which Dozy explains as the fourth part of the property of a conqueied people, and which may have acquired u more general meaning. AL-AMIR 191 Year 1242 511 Misr Like 1212 N' p. BM iv, 200 12i3 511 Alexandria Like 1212 A' p. BM iv, 210 1244 512 Misr Like 1212 (, 5^51) 1245 512 Alexandria Like 1212 N BM iv, 2U 1246 513 Misr Like 1212 ^ P iii, 426 513 Alexandi'ia 1247 Like 1212 1248 514 Misr Like 1212 ^ p_ BM iv, 213 51 4< Alexandria A^ 1249 Like 1212 1250 514 Tyre Like 1212 ^ 192 FATIMIDS Yeab 1251 515 Misr Like 1212 1252 516 Tyre Like 1212 1253—1255 516 Misr N' p. Like 1212 1256 516 Tyre Like 1212 1257 517 Misr Like 1212 P iii, ^129 BM iv, 216 BM iv, 217 BM iv, 221 1258 518 Cairo (Al-Mu'izziya al-Kahira SjaUII Ajj.ajl^) Like 1212 iV 4-2 1259 519 Misr Like 1212 1260 520 Cairo (Al-Mu' izziya al-Kahira) Like 1212 BM iv, 223 1261 521 Cairo (Al-Mu'izziya al-Kahira) Like 1212 AL-AMIE fEAB 1262 523 Misr i J^ 1-3 Like 1212 1263 524 Misr Like 1212 524 Alexandria 1264 Like 1212 193 1265—1267 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1212 : margins obsciH-e i N' •», '6, -7; one p. C C AL-MUNTAZAR* [Abu-'AlI Al-Afdal, Wazir, a.ii. 524—6 = 1030—2.] GOLD Yeah 1268 525 Alexandi'ia Obv. like 12o9 Rev., Centre ^U-N)! Margiu 1 j^\ aWI j.-«Ljt ^jyt**«Jt ^^wl-iJt ^— >l A' i-S * On the historical events which accompanied the issue, by the wazir al-Afdal, of coins bearing the name of the ' Expected Imam,* al-Muntazar, of the Imami sect, see De Sacy in Me.n. de I' Acad, des in cr. et helles-lettres, ix, 284-316 (1831) ; Defremery, Mem. d'hist. orient., ii, 237-246; Sauvaire, in Journ. R. Asiat. Soc, N.S., vii, 140-151. + Other coine show the form jJJI ^^ _,liiijl ; but here ^«U is quite clear. (l'J4) XI. AL-HAFIZ A.H. 526—544=1132—1149 a.d. GOLD Year 1260, 1270 526 Alexandria Obv. like 1209 Rev.^ Centre aAJI j^aC «i— ^ )^^ Margin 1 j^-^-c ^J^ J^;a^-oJ' •^-*-^ O^-o^*" ^' 2 ^jjJI IJ^ w*/-^ vff**-j'" CX"*"/^' AAJt^«.j (sic) ^-.c-ci-^ 1271, 1272 528 Misr Obv. like 1209 Rev., Centre ^l^*^! Margin 1 j^,^\ aJi)I ^>-J^' la-sLa..)! (J><.**ll ^-j' 2 j.^Jk)l IJkA w);.-tf ^*»-jJI O"**"^^' AXJt^-~J A'', one p. (195) 196 fatimids Yeae 1273 529 Misr Margin j-ojJI IJJb w)><^ v«s*t>^' O-o^v" *'-^' vo-^ Eev. OfcX'j Margin J>--; Jm^s^ a) «^^ "^ dj^^j aXU 'n)I aJI *<) aJUI ^J^ |_Xc aXII 1274 533 Misr A^ 3-9 Like 1271 1275 536 Misr N p. Like 1271 1276 541 Misr Like 1271 1277 543 Alexandria A' Like 1271 1278 544 Alexandria Like 1271 ^ BM iv, 235 XII. A^ZAFIR A.H. 544— 549=1149— 1154 A.D. GOLD Year 1279 545 Alexandria Obv. JU 4_X_)I -N)! 4_JI •^J JL-j^_^ -i) «js— < •-3 aX)I J^j >«a>.^ a) *^_JI ^J3 ^_X_c Margin pj\ aX-^jI 4JUI J^wj Kev. AJ33 aJL!I jk*c Margin >j>)' ^J^a «--»>-<3 ^js-jJ' O-fr*-^^' '*^" >«***^ A^ 4-7 (197) XIII. AL-FAIZ A.H. 549—555 = 1 154—1 1 GO a .d. GOLD Year 1280 549 Misr Obv. like 1209 Rev., Centre ^U'n)I Margin 1 ^a-^^J*)' j-*-*' *i''" J"«a*J JjUM ^wlaJt ^j\ 2 J.AJjk)l t»>.A *--><^ yO-c^-jJ' 0"«-'*'>" aX)!^,^*^ 1281, 1282 552 Alexandria Liko 1280 (^*oL.-«*j)l Margin 1 j.-*^l aAJ! ^>jjJ jk^Lail ^K^sk.* ^i^ 1284 565 Caii'o (Al-Mu'izz[iy]a* al-Kahira) Like 1283 : but Rev., Centre aX)I N 4-35 * This form »;«JI of the name occurs several times, aud may perhaps be an alternative form, and not merely an error of the engraver. (199) IMITATIONS OF FATIMID DINARS ISSUED BY THE CKUSADERS * GOLD 1285, 1286 Imitations of dinars of al-Mustansir, illegible N 3"6j one p. 1287, 1288 Imitations of dinar of al-Amir ostensibly struck at Misr, 506 (see above nos. 1224, 1225) N 3-6 1289, 1290 Imitations of dinar of al-Amir, ostensibly struck at al-Mu'izziya al-Kahira, 508 1291— 1300e Imitations of dinai's of al-Amir, blundered and illegible A- * See below, Appendix, Kingdom of Jerusalem. (200) AYYUBIDS A.H. 564 589 595 596 615 635 637 6i7 648 I. Egyptian Line A?-Nasir Salah-aZ-din Yusuf Al-'Aziz 'Imad-aZ-din ^Othmaii Al-Mansur Mohammad Al-'Adil Sajf-aZ-din Abii-Bakr t Al-Kamil Nasir-aZ-din Mohammad Al-'Adil Sayf-aZ-din Abii-Bakr ii AZ-Salih Najm-a/-din Ayyub Al-Mu'azzam Turan-Sbah A.D. 1169 1193 1198 1199 1218 1238 1240 1249 Al-As.hiaf Miisa (under Mamliik Aybak) 1250 —650 —1252 (201) I. SALAH-AA-DIN* A.H. 564—589 = 1169—1193 a,d, GOLD Yeae 1301 570 Cairo (al-Kahira) Obv., in three circles: Centre ^1_<'n)I Kev. 1 i^a^ll v>iii L^^V^^i* aX«;..jI 4JJI J>-»; J^-fra^-o 3 AjU JU ^^^UJI ,^^1 (read crosswise) Centre wA_^5 — j yv 4-7 1302 570 ? Alexandria Like 1301 : decade obscure A^ 4-0 1303, 1304 571 Cairo Like 1301 (a«-l) AT BM iv, 243 * The earliest coin issued by Salah-aZ-din (Saladin) was struck at Cairo in 567 in the uame of his overlord Nfir-a? din Mahmud : sea below, under Zakgids of SiRiA. (203) 204- attubids Ykar 1305 572 Cairo Like 1301 : Jlc and AjU transposed jr BM iv, 2-14 BM iv, 215 1306 573 Cairo Like 1305 1307 576 Alexandria Like 1305 1308 576 Cairo 01) v., in two cii'cles : 2 aJLM v>J-^' j-oUI ^LaJI ^^t dJUl -n)! aJI -n) Centre >6L«^)I Rev., in two circles : 2 )l (read crosswise) Centre ^Ju^^ j 1 309 577 Cairo Like 1308 A' SALAH-AI-DiN Year 1310 578 Cairo Like 1308 578 Alexandria 1311 Like 1308 1312 579 Cairo Like 1308 1313, 13U 579 Alexandria A^ Like 1308 1315 580 Cairo Like 1308 1316—1318 580 Alexandria Like 1308 1319 581 Cairo Like 1308 1320 582 Cairo Like 1308 1321 582 Alexandi'ia iV Like 1308 205 BM iv, 248 BJr iv, 249 BM iv, 250 BM iv, 251 BM iv, 252 206 atyubius Ykar 13-22 583 Cairo Like 1308 If 583 Alexandria jf p. 1323 Like 1308 1324 584 Cairo Like 1308 A^ 585 Alexandria 1325 Like 1308 ^" BM iv, 253 BM iv, 254 1326, 1327 586 Cairo Like 1308 ^ BM iv, 256 1328 587 Cairo Like 1308 ^T BM iv, 2o8 1329 588 Cairo Like 1308 ^ ;,-i BM iv, 259 1330, 1331 589 Cairo Like 1308 N 3 5, f.-O SALAn-A/.-l)IN 207 SILVER 1332 Damascus, no date * Ob v., in square ^eU*;;^! Margin (in segments) j>.:l i .a BM ir, 261 1333 Hamah, no date * Ob v., in square ^«a.;L«.^t Margin dj^o- | 3 aJUI | 'n)I | a)I ^J Rev., in square ^-X^JI Margin dWs*-J | ■^j-^ \ V^:!' O"- I *-*~'>:J * The name of the Caliph al-MustadI, however, fixes the date of isdue between 566 and 575 a.h. 208 ayyubids Ykar 1334 578 ■? Damascus Obv. in square L-;_)l >6l_*'^t Rev. in square l-i-)l ^_JL^I Margin 4.w | ^.C^> «r!/^ I ^>:!' O-:* ^**'^ M p. 1335 582 Damascus Like 1334 M. BM Add. iv, 203* 1336 583 Damascus Like 1384 1337 586 Damascus Like 1334 ■St ^ BM iv, 26fi 1388 68x Mint obliterated Like 1334 1339 Mint anil date clipped away. Like 1334 : but small size M p. SALAH-AZ:-T)I]S" 209 C PPE E Yeab 1340, 1341 [5]87 ? Damascus Obv. ^Ull Margin ^^X-«^l ^lla.X»j O-i'^h ^S"'"'^' ?-"^*^ Rev. "3- Margin ^^a-^^^Jj (S) /*■•»-«' '^ t>^J^ .... .a: Cp. BM iv, 279-283 E B II. AL-'AZIZ 'OTHMAN A.H. 589—595 = 1193—1198 a.d. GOLD Yeai{ 1342 589 Cairo Obv., ill two circles 2 ^*^^<^!l j.*^l aX)! ^jjjJ j..oU)l (.^l^aJI ^jI Centre joU^J] liev., in two circles aX^s v>i«X'I i^Xfr o^v-^' (>»*■" C>:;>j 2 AjU Jlc >J>aJ' ^1<^)I (read crosswise) Centre (jl_^l (sic) for Jjjjii\ A" 3!i • BM iv, 28y 1345 590 Cairo Like 1342 ^ itM iv, 290 Year 1346 590 Alexandi'ia Like 1342 N 1347 591 Cairo Like 1342 N AL-'AZIZ 'OTIIMAN 211 BM iv, 291 1318 591 Alexandria Like 1342 A^ 1349 592 Cairo Like 1342 1350 592 Alexandria A' double-struck Like 1342 BM iv, 291 1351 593 Alexandria Like 1342 : omitting ^^».^ I ^^ft-j.)! N Cp. BM Add. iv, 291'- 1352 594 Caii'o Like 1342 N 0-8 •1353 595 Alexandria Like 1842: partly obliterated 1354 5.'V' Alexandria Like 1342: date nearly obliterated III. AL-MANSUR MOHAMMAD A.H. 595—596 =3 1198—1199 a.d. GOLD Year 1355 595 Cairo Like 1342 : but Rev. margin 2 a.Ae. Jlc j^^^ll »i\,X^I (read crosswise) ^ 3-2 1356 595 Alexandria Like 1355 : rev. margin 2 reads consecutively AT BM iv, 299 (212) IV. AL-'ADIL I A.H. 596—615 = 1199—1218 a.d. GOLD YEA.R 1357 596 Alexandria Obv. Ji_«.^l ^l_^ ^^».jJ I ^J.<^o»J.)! Js al-'adil I 215 Year Jvcv., in hexagram Margin illegible Si. 1366 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1365 ^ BM iv, 364 1367 612 Damascus Obv., in sixfoil ^^1 Margin dJDI | J^j | jk.«sw^ | aJJI | ^)\ j a)! -n) Rev., ill sixfoil ^J^LsUI siLX_ ^ II. BM iv, 3G6 1371 Damascus, date obliterated Like 1369 al-'adil I 217 1372—1380 Damascus, date obliterated Like 1367 : but beneath rev. wa*-*' ; above, (^«x)l Margins nearly obliterated ; some show ^^^ | ju , and one appears to read ^Uj | Aw M Cf. BM iv, 358jf 1381, 1382 Mint and date obliterated Like 1372 : but J.^1 and i^j^-e transposed on obv. ; and \Ju*j and ^J>;J^)I transposed on rev. M ringed BM iv. 302 1383, 1384 Mint and date obliterated Obv. aJLJI Rev. O-:!-'^' i M Margins obliterated COPPER 1385 Mint and date obliterated Obv. Ji'.aJI ^^t Rev. wJ^jl O^ jl^i 5^' Margins obliterated BM iv, ;<72 218 ayyubids Yeae 1386 Mint and date obliterated Obv., Centre ^Un)I Margin ^j.a^^<.)I j^<\ a,U1 ^jJ^J j.-tfUJI Rev., Centre .OJUJl Margin O^J^'t '-»;*«' ^^J >j' J>^' -«: 1387 61.r- Mint obliterated Obv. J^«.e».l Margin like 1367 Rev. ^JCj >^' Margin aSI.^-**' | cjJut | . . . | . . . | . . . | JE 1388 Damascus, date obliterated Obv. ' ^jjJI w>-^ Rev. w-'^' u-i" ^^c" >:*' Traces of margin ^^L^j^j . , . js: V. AL-KAMIL A.H. G15— 635 = 1218—1238 a.d, GOLD Year 1389 617 Alexandria Like 1357: but Rev. J-„«l_e_!l ,^i^t Marj J^- eS''' '^^ ••^■o-Sto-.o 1390 622 Cairo Like 1389 : obv, area differently divided A" 1391* 623 Alexandria Obv. J^-^a^A >sL«'i)! j.d>UsJt j.^ ^^) ^^\ aJLJI j^^ Rev. like 1389 A^ p. * Nos. 1389—91 are in the Kufic character; no. 1392 and all sue- ceeding coins of al-Kamil are in Naskhi. 220 atytbius Ykak 1392 624 Misr OL)v. j^-.fl_;-«>-)l >6l_^*N)l Margin jUjjJI IJk& wJ;.-o ^*»->3I 0'*'*'>" *^' -«~*^ Kev. J.^L_CJI JL_X,^_n Margin ^ aX^jI aJUI J^wj j^«.sw.^ aJIJ! -n)! aJI ^) A' Cf. BM iv, 375 1393. 1394 624 Cairo Like 1392 : but wJ^-jI transferred to top of rev. A^ ; D. 1305 625 Cairo Like 1393 1396, 1397 626 Cairo .V p. Like 1393 1 398 628 Cairo Like 1393 BM iv, 376 629 Alexandria Like 1393 BM iv, 384 BM iv, 3»2 AL-KAMIL Yeah 1400 630 Cairo Like 1393 1401 631 Cairo A' Like 1393 1402 632 Cairo N 6-0 Like 1393 221 1403 63.^ Mint obliterated Like 1393 BM iv, 394 BM iv, 396 S I L V E li 1404 Mint and date obliterated* Ubv., in sixfoil Ji«Jt Margin "ZjT AJt *s) Kev. JiX^M »_J^jt VJ.J j.^:" ^t"' Margin obliterated * This coin appears, by its inscriptions, to have been issued by al- Kaniil as underlord under his father al-'Adil, 222 ay yu bids Yeab 1105 615 Mint obliterated [Damascus ?] Obv., ill square >6Le*^)l Margin | ..j J.^^< | aJJI -n)! | aJI 'n) liev., in square ^X — )l j-^\ ') J^i l^t"' vj':' •^■0-s^'O CH>>'' Margin a,^„^ a.i.^ \ J^^j.^ wJj.-i> | AJllI ^-.j 1407 615 Damascus Like 1400 : l)ut j.^«.». ; and omitting jk^».l and J^i o^' O-:* at AL-KAillL 223 Year 1408—1412 616 Damascus Like 1406 BM iv, -106 1413, 1414 617 Damascus Like 1406 M BM iv, 4U7 1415 617 Damascus Like 1405 1416 618 Damascus Like 1406 1417 618 Damascus Like 1405 1418 622 Damascus Like 1406 Rev. margin . . . . | ^^j"^^ \ O-;;'*^' ****' I iS^"^"^^ Vj-^ 141!) [622-3]* Damascus Like 14o6 : but date obliterated, and * The date is approximately determined by the occurrence of the name of the Caliph a^Zahir, who reigned from 622 to 623. 224 attubids Year 1420 [622-3] Damascus Like 1405 : but date obliterated (except century), and Obv. ^lc*^\ 1421 623 Harran Like 1406 : but Obv. ^^aLi2m^\ ji[A'^\ ^^\ ^ aJLJU Eev. margin | ^ «^uXj Ai*j | ol/**-:* ^ I **-'^' ^-^ 1422 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1406 : but Obv. ^.-a.:_:_^_.„JI »L«'s)l jJljl.:^ ^A j' Rev. jj.j j^«.a^4 ^ BM iv, 416 a VI. AL-'ADI L II. A.H. C35— 637 = 123H— 1240 a.d. GOLD Ykar 1428 [63] 5 Cairo Obv. ^ftU^jl 5_ji j^ — -A — ^ — o-)l j. wa ,.>— Z.> u» JI ji&_&_^ Margin jU:;-xJl l-xA v/-*^ ^s^jJ' O"0**v" j^)l ^-»--' Margin ^urAX-.,jt aJl3I J^wj j^«o-« 1 1 ^--Xa»J ! Oj-i BM iv. 305 1437 604 Aleppo Obv. Margin ^1 All ♦^) Rev. ^AUiJl Margin (trac( 4 51 — « 1 i M p. BM iv, 300 1438 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1437 M AZ-ZAHIE GHAZi 231 Year 1439 62 « Mint obliterated. Like 1436 : but date (posthumous) M BM Add. iv, 310'' 1440, 1441 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1436 M 1442 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1436 i M 1443 [6].<'8 Aleppo Obv. »^.o-«»"' Margin -J] «x)) "^ Hev. »-**^>d t5i^ en**'' *^^ Margin a5U | ... (3 O^-o^ I **■-' I --r^^^^^ \ -—Lr-^ .a. BM iv, 317 232 AYTUBIPS COPPER Yeak U14— 1446 Mint and date obliterated O'ov., in square I >ol -6^)1 Rev., in square >UX.oJI >kUsJt Margins obliterated 1447 Mint and date obliterated Obv., in square >el.„«*^)l Rev., in square ^iXXi^iJI Margins obliterated JE 1448 ISIint and date obliterated Like 1447 : but octogram instead of square Obv. margin *l)I a)1 *^ Rev. margin obliterated v?: p. BM iv, 313 1449 [6].''- 6 Mint obliterated Like 1448 : •.z^^ legible in rev. marsrin BM iv, 320 II. AL-'AZIZ MOHAMMAD A.H. 613—634 = 1216—1236 a.d. SILVER Year 1450 614 Aleppo Obv. J*.«.».t Margin ~^U a) I n) Rev. jti^a*.^ Margin AjI^^w | SjJUs- | ajjl | Aiw | s-^Xa^-j | wJ/^i M BM iv, 328 1451 616 Aleppo Obv. Jk.o,&.l Margin «L)I a) I ^) Rev. ^.«.a».« Margin a51,o-*-» | Sj.^c | c«*«' | a-w ] w»Xa»o | w)^-^ BM iv, 326 234 attCbids COPPER Yeah 1452 6xx Mint obliterated Obv. jilo^)\ Margia a5U v^w Eev. .iUj! Margin -L)\ a^\ '^ 1453 [622-3] Mint and date obliterated Like 1452 : but Obv. j>\a^\ m 1454 Mint and date obliterated Like U52 : but Obv. >eU'i)l M BM iv, 331 BM iv, 330 I I I. AA-NASI R YUSUF A.n. 634—658 = 1236—1260 a.d. SILVER Year 1455, 1456 Mint and date obliterated Obv., in square voU^)l ^-«a_a_j: — ^^\ Margin obliterated Rev., in square Margin obliterated ^ p. 1457 6 a J- Aleppo Obv. ^j1 Margin ^)t a)I ^) Rev. iwA-J^ ^^^UJI JIJI^JI >.>*)t ^X^I ^j ,>»0.=fc.^ Margin AjLo.*w I 1 . . .11 p. Aaw I w^Aa^;.' I w^/-^ 286 ATYfBTDS COPPER 1458 Mint and date obliterated Obv. JUL J I Kev. ^_>5> Margins obliterated M BM iv, 335 A^-SALIH ISMA'TL OF DAMASCUS A.ir. 635, 637—648 = 1237, 1240—1245 a.d. SILVER 1459 Mint and date obliterated Obv. , in square j>, \ ^ ^) I Margin (traces) -i.)l »U*i)l Margin ^^^,.(f^ | 3 siJj ax^ | | 3 Rev., in square* V^ri' (J^*^'l >o»"'* Margin obliterated 1466 654 Cairo Like 1465 : but obv. margin 1467 Mint and date obliterated Like 1465 & * Aybak has retained the name of hie late master, aZ-Salih. t The weights of the Mamluk coins are extremely irregular, and no obj«ot is served by recording them. (243) III. AL-MANSUR 'ALI A.H. 655—657 = 1257—1259 a.d. SILVER 1468 Cairo, date obliterated Obv., in square jalc*^\ Margin S^aIaIIj w^j-o aJJ' ^•-J Rev,, in square Margin (traces) -lM aJL~/jI aJJI J^-jj J^a~ BM iv, 471 1469 Mint and date obliterated Like 1468 I243i V. A/:-ZAHIR BAYBARS A.H. 658-676 = 1260—1277 a.d. GOLD Ykar 1470 [6f]l Alexandria Obv. Ajjjk;iLr*^L» vj-*^' Margin 3 «x».l «Uw AjjJixC . . . Kev. ^aJl^l (jjjjl^ Lij^JI o^J j-aUsJI Lion passant to left Margin obliterated 1471 Alexandria, date obliterated Like 1470 BM iv, 476 * Eogers Bey read this word ^.5 " establisher " of, or (passive) "established'' by, the Prince of the Faithful, bnt «-~» (the ~ being represented by the long line) is the usual reading. (■-'41) AZ-ZAHIK BATBAR3 245 SILVER Year 1472 [6]57* Mint obliterated Obv. a_JLll ^)l A_)t -N) Margin ^^^^j | «>*w a^ | . . . . | . . . . Rev. aJUI ^*-j Lion passant to left M p. 1473 Mint and date obliterated Obv. area like 1472 : margin obliterated Rev. Jl_Jl_.^_JI o^^— J^-~" Lion passant to left M 1474 Mint and date obliterated Obv. j.^_L.Z«^JI >ol__««'^)l Margin ] aJJI J_^«.j J^^a^ | aX)I 'n)I aJI "i) Rev. like 1472 M * Possibly an error for 659 — ^-. for ^. The absence of any name of Caliph seems to indicate that the coin was issued before Baybars revived the 'Abbasid caliphate at Cairo in 659. 246 mamluk sultans Year 1475 Damascus, date obliterated Obv. [Ot^]^^[^^ )l ja\ o'ill Rev. like 1473 147G— 8 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1475 M 1479 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1475 : but obv. margin like 1474 M 1480 [6] 61 Cairo Obv. like 1472: but margin (j>-I-»j j^a-t iUw S;,aUJL» . . Rev. like 1473 : but above j,3^)l^l M 1481 Cairo, date obliterated. Similar to 1480 M 1482 [66]7* Cairo Like 1480 1483, 1484 670* Cairo Like 1480 * These dates do not agree with those of the Caliph al-Mustanjir. Year 66 X Damascus Obv. A/.-ZAHIR BAYBARS 1485 ? 247 J^H»-t ^v Rev. like 1473 s. 1486 671 Damascus Like 1485 1487—1491 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1485 B. p. COPPER 1492, 1493 No mint or date Obv. Traces of Kalima Rev. ^jK^aL^S Lion passant to left BM iv., 48(5 VI. A^-SA'ID BARAKA KHAN A.H. 676—678 = 1277—1279 a.d. SILVER Year 1494 678 Damascus Obv. a—XJI '^l dJI ^) Margin ajL©^^ O-s*'?**'^ O^**-^ *^*^ (^«*««^j ^j^ Kev. O-s*^^*^' .^^*' ^.-©l_j j*--.»- II ^_L«JI ^. 5 j^fel h II Jl_L«_ll Liou passant to left JB 1495 Damascus, date obliterated Like 1494 f248j VIM. AL-MANSUR KALA"UN A.H. 678—689 = 1279—1290 a.d. GOLD Year 1496 Cairo, date obliterated Obv. like 1470 : but above jaUJU ^j^ Margin Lwj jk^»^^ 1497 688 Cairo Like 1496 : but Obv. margin [aj]1.o-*~'J O-ii^^*^^ O^L-o^ • • • • ^ p. 1498 Cairo, date obliterated Like 1496 : but obv. margin !H^<^ 5 l^*^*-' **-»' Rev. ^a^n-a)l JR 1502 687 Damascus Like 1501 1503 689 Damascus M Like 1501 1504—7 Damascus, date obliterated JR Like 1501 1508 Damascus, date obliterated Like 1501 : but Rev. * The mint is not legible on every one of the following eight coins, bnt is almost certainly identical. IX. AL-ASHRAF KHALIL A.H, 689—693 = 1290—1293 a..d. GOLD 1509 Cairo, date obliterated Obv. like 1470 : above 5;,AlA)b ^j.^ Margin, traces of . . . iJjL^J) jUjjJI Eev. ^Jljl o^iaJ^-" O"!?"^— ^^'^^ J-i**' >of— ^ t/~** Margin, traces of ... . aJLJI "n)! a)I "i) 1510 Cairo, date obliterated Obv. like 1470, adding (J>jJ^)I ^J^ oj^^Ji*) beneath, and aX^ above in place of mint Margin iw^jA^.©.)! SjA'a)!.) iJjL.oJt jLo Rev. Oi"^ BM iv, 485 '2b'2 MAMLCK SULTAN8 SILVER Year 1511 690 Damascus Obv. like 1501 Mai gin aj[.^^^ ^^fuJj ax^ ^.I^>j ^j-'^ Rev. JLX^n o^^J^-" Margin j^-^i^l ^JL«.)I (jllaA~.)l X. AA-NASIR MOHAMMAD A.H. 6;»3-4, 698—708, 709—741 =1293-4, 1299—1309, 1310—1341 A.D. GOLD 1512 Mint and date obliterated Obv. aJUI A_Jl wjl A_X_JI J 3 wj Margin Traces of date Rev. aJUI Margin obliterated Sf Bil Iv, 4»» 1518 Cairo, date obliterated Like 1512 : but above rev, SjaUHjI N 254 viamluk: sultan3 Year 1514 [7]38 Damascus Obv. aJUI 'ill aJI ^) w^xS* L^a^' O^i^ i^-^V^W Rev. like 1512 : but top lines, SILVER 1515 781 Damascus Obv. Hev. JUl«.)I o^^J^" (j_>jjJl3 IJjkJI j.^0 j.«^U)l Cp. BM iv, ei3 AZ,-NAS1R MOHAMMAD 255 Year 1516 Mint and date obliterated Obv. Kalima, etc., like 1512 Kev. 03*^^ _5 LjjkJI j,.oU ^..oUl O-JJ^-" -» Cp. BM iv, 604 COPPER 1517, 1518 [7]35 Damascus Obv. Kalima, etc., like 1512 Kev. ^^Ji^J,J BM iv, 621 XVII. AZ-SALIH ISMA'TL A.H. 743—746=1342—1845 a.d. GOLD Year 1519 745 Cairo Obv. Kali ma, etc., to iJ>jjJI ^Xc d^v^*^ Rev. A**j jj-;a<.«i! O-JJ^"^ L*JjkJI >l.«-c ^_^~o.^ Jk«.a».4 j.oU)t >i^.oJ' O-^ 45lo-a*-j3 0^*0 ['3] Cp. BM iv, 829 SILVER ■ 1520 Damascus, date obliterated Obv. Kalima, etc. ; above, mint A Cp. JiM iv, 63.1 AX-SALIH isma'Il 257 Year 1521 744 Mint obliterated Like 1520 : but last two lines of obv., and last two lines of rev., M 1522, 1523 Damascus^ date obliterated Like 1521 : but ^J^-frW-il instead of J.*ji«*jI M C P P E K 1524—1526 743 Damascus Obv. ^j.jja.o-'^ Kev. j_J.iwo>j <»->-<^ On both sides the centre line of inscription is separated from the words above and below by a row of dots M BM iv, 539 1527 744 Damascus Like 1524 XIX. A^-MUZAFFAR HAJJI A.H. 747—748 = 1346—1347 a.d. GOLD Yeab 1528 748 (Jumada i) Damascus Obv. aJLJI j^=w-c ail -N)! All 's) A- p. 1529 Mint and date obliterated Like 1528 : obv. ends at ^^«W l26S) XX. AZ-NASIR HASAN A.H. 748—752, 755—62 = 1347—51, 1354—61 A.n. COPPEE Year 1530 [7j49 Damascus ^^a. j^U\ .iU^I Rev., ill geometrical border BM iv, M 1531 No mint or date Obv. >-«Ul JIX^I XXI. AZ-SALIH SALIH A.H. 752—755 = 1351—1354 GOLD 1532 752 Cairo Obv. Kcdima, etc., to aA^ O-:!"*^' Rev. S^aIaJIj w'j.'i' -,JU)! JLU-ll u^^*J^' -Jl-tf Ljj*)l^ Ui>)l ^*iV-£> ^::;5l iUw jk««^.« j.*9UJl .iU-oJl »># (259) XXII. AL-MANSUR MOHAMMAD A.H. 7fi2— 764 = 1361—1363 a.d. GOLD Year 1533 [76]4 Cairo Obv. Knllma, etc., to ._JI_5 I * ijk !t ^'^ o ^^^l». j.a]a^)\ >ilX.«f)l j^^ J^«.a^^ HM iv, 573 (230J XXIII. AL-ASHRAF SHA'BAN A.n. 764—778 = 1363—1377 a.d. GOLD Year 1536 777 Aleppo Obv. Kalima, etc., to aX^ O-l^^^ Rev. *Lw woA^^^ v^j-^ 05*^ O-V jktet ^ ^-^ S^ %l ft )V Vj"^ ^ftUaJI JL_JI_«J1 J^^lsl^M 4 Jl )aX *j . S I L V E K 1545—48 Aleppo, date obliterated Obv. Kalima, etc. ; above (on 1547 only) w-^s^j w^^-i Rev. JlJl.^1 O^^-^-^' ^ 264 mamluk sultans Year 1549 Mint and date obliterated Obv. like 1545 Rev. Centre ^3> — ^Jf Around JULoJl J(iaXJ^\ m, COPPER 1550 79 .r Mint obliterated Obv. 3 0^***^5 ^ • • Rev. [jLja^] ^\ M ^^^^i 1551 Damascus, date wanting In hexagram w> Rev. ^aUsJI II. AA-NASIR FARAJ A.H. 801—815 = 1399—1412 a.d. GOLD Ykar 1553 807 Cairo Ob v. like 1544 Rev. 1553 [8]1.'- Cairo Like 1552: but o£ date only jZs^ legible beneath rev. 1554 Aleppo, date obliterated Obv. like 1544 Eev. «_^Xa>^j ^j^ M M 26g mamluk sultans Year 1555 804 (814)* Cairo Obv. [j^^=w^ AJl)]t N)! [aJI 's)] [a X]^jl > •■' [o— ^] A^ BM iv, 647 1556, 1557 810 Cairo Like 1555: varied A'' " BM iv, Gio 1558 812 Cairo Like 1555 : varied A^ * The 'ij^ is not seen on the coin, but has probably been cut off. The type of coin with the fess on rev. did not, apparently, come into use before Barkuk. V. AL-MUAYYAD SHAYKH A.n. 815—824 = 1412—1421 a.d. GOLD Year 1 559 8[1]5 Cairo Obv. aXJI J3-JJ «x«A»^ ^^^tfO- Ai.^ S^aUIIj w'j>-i a5UjI«.j_5 [^^^J Rev. ^Aw ^Ma,Xi\ yA ^jj^JI JUL<,JI o^^-i^-LJ'] N BM iv, 650 1560 [8]21 Cairo Obv. like 1544 Rev. centre* ^JUt« Margin «L*w ^-aJI ^A J^j^-o-JI >il.X.*ajjl N 1566—68 Cairo, date obliterated Like 1563 N X. AL-'AZTZ YUSUF A.H. 842 = 1438 A.D. GOLD Ykar 1569 84[2] Miut obliterated Obv. like 1563 llev. [>j]>a_JI Jl_Jl.^)l o^^^—k^\ [a^_jI.^_j]1 Kf-^j yij't^i Cable border between lines ^ BM IV, fiB2 XI. AZ-ZAHIR JAKMAK A.Ti. 842—857 = 1438—1453 a.d. ' GOLD 1570 [8]43 [Cairo] Obv. like 1563 liev. [S>*1^W] Cable border between lines AL-ZAHin JAKMAK 271 1571—1577 Like 1570: date obliterated, but Sj.aU)Ij clear on several specimens 8 I L V' E R 1578, 1579 Damascus, date obliterated Obv. J>-i;,_^jk_> w*^— o Rev. Centre J^-o^*- Margin j^.sl^ ^\ jaUslII ^X«.)I o^^-" M 1580 [8Ja;4 Mint obliterated Like 1578: but 5tJj< beneath obv. XIII. AL-ASHRAF INAL ^.„. 857—805 = 1453—1461 a.u. GOLD Yeak 1581 [8]67 Mint obliterated Obv. like 1563 : but lowest line «>»-j Rev. [A] a V ... Cable border jr N 1582 Mint and date obliterated. Like 1581 SILVER 1583—87 Mint and date obliterated Obv. (in quasi-Kufio) Rev. Centre J^-^:' Margin ^jw'i)t ^XJI ^jUaJL-~)l BM iv, 668 1588 Cairo, date obliterated obv. within ornamented border ojaIa)Ij ; around, Kalima Rev. like 1583 ; ^J^i^ '" ornamented border Si (272) XV. AZ-ZAHIR KHOSHKADAM A.H. 865—872 = 1461—1467 a.d. GOLD 1589, 1590 Mint and date obliterated Obv. like 1563 Rev. Cable border ^ Cf. BM iv, 670 S [LVER 1591—3 Mint and date obliterated Obv. like 1583, in similar quasi-kufic. Rev. Centre, in circle jki^ii. Margin .... jAlliJI ,£UJI J^kJi\ M BM iv, 67-1 1594, 1595 Like 1591 : circle varied 1596 Like 1591 : but Rev. ja^L^ M (273) XVIII. AL-ASHRAF KAIT-BAY A.H. 873—901 = 14G8— U95 a.d. GOLD Year 1597—1606 Mint and date obliterated Obv. Rev. ^jJ.^J\ ^X-oJI O^^J^" Cable border on both sides. ^ BM ir, G78 SILVER 1607 [8].r4 Mint obliterated 01 )V. Centre oj-ai j.c Margin aJDI J^j jk.o^>^ aJL)I 's)I ^^\9 Margin [d^-«aj^c ^*aJI ^1] wi>w*i)l >iJLUJI ,jUaJLJI AT if 1625 Like 1624 : oj-aj ja clear SILVE R 1626 Damascus, date obliterated Obv. Centre ^^-L«jo Margin Kalima liev. like 1624, varied M Ai 1627, 1628 Liki' 1626 : but oval 'OTHMANLI SULTANS OF TURKEY OTHMANLI SULTANS A.H. 699 'Othiiiaii I . 726 Orkhau 7J I o Rev. j^j o\^ v«S'^**' O^^*^ iV 3-4 A <1a»^ j.5 * A date enclosed in parenthesea signifies the year of the Sultan's accession. It does not follow that the coin was necessarily struck in that year : it was merely an epoch. X. SULAYMAN I. A.H. 926-974 = 1520— 1566 a.d. GOLD Year 1630—1632 (926) Constantinople Obv. Formula A Kev. N 3-5 • mi viii, 172 1633 (926) Belgrade Like 1630 : but i [fit^Lj Aw ,^9 1 n iV 3-5 1634, 1635 (926) Sidra-Kaysi Like 1630: but ^ j^^j.5 Sjj^ ;i-^^" A' 3-1, one p. BM viii, 186 Year Kev. SULAYMAN I. 1686 Like 1634: but L5 -— ti— 5 285 A' 3-5 1637—1639 (926) Serez (Siruz) iV 3-4 Like 1630: but 15' J^Jw (vowel thus) Kev. 1640 Same : but L5 5 J 3^ j; w VV (Two dots under *. of j^j.*^) 1641 (926) Damascus Like 1640 : but O^*" v**-^*^ l>^ ^ ^'^^ A^ 3-5 ^ n BM viii, 196 286 ' ^OTllMANLi SULTANS Year 1642 (926) Misr (Cairo) Like 1G80 : but A».») yAA ^ p. BM viii, 202 1U43— 1645 Similar : but titles on rev. varied N 3-1, two p. BM viii, 204 COPPER 164G 929 Misr Ubv. aj.^J> j-G. jtA^ w)^.0 Rev. Ornament M 1647 952 Misr Obv. WJ/.0 ^tr Rev. Ornament XI. SALIM I I. A.H. 974—982 = 1566 — 1574 a.d. GOLD Year 1648 (974) Serez 01)v. Formula A Rev. iy^ yC ^Jl«fc. j^l**Xw C5— ^ Ji^-s-*' ^i—^ -.^vF^ (Points )^j.t.S) iV 3-4 1649 (974) Damascus Obv. Formula A ^^j'a 6jtA) Jit > J — i — «i A' p. 1650—1652 (974) Misr Obv. Formula A Kev. dUj yot^-^ ^UaA«j iV BM viii, 231 XII. MURAD III. A.n. 982—1003 = 157-4—1595 ad. GOLD Yeau 1653, 1654 (982) Constantinople Obv. Formula A Rev. O^ >!/~^ ^Lklw • • ^_5 ^ J. ^ Vat AT 3-1 BM viii, 23-1 1655 (982) Sidra-Kaysi Like 1G53: but TAT AT 1656, 1657 (982) Damascus Like 1653: but lAr A^ murau iii. 289 Year 1658, 1659 Like 1656: adding dli after ilj-e N one p. BM viii, 2tl 1660 (982) Aleppo Like 1653 : but ^UaX~f before ^#*Xw and s»-d». 1-9 iV (982) Misr N 1661, 1662 Like 1653 : but rev. differently arranged, and last lines, 1663—1676 Like 1661 : but Obv. Formula B : — OUaJUJt iV three p. l^^I ^''''. 25^ XIII. MOHAMMAD III. A.H. 1003—1012 — 1595—1603 a.b. GOLD Year 1677 (1003) Constantinople Obv. Formula B A^ 3-4 BM viii, 257 1678 Damascus, year obliterated Like 1677 : but .... 4^w tJJi.*^ ^i /V 3-4 BM viii, 2C2 1679—1690 (1003) Misr Like 1677: but I . .T o ^s N iwo p. BM viii, 271 (290) XVIM. IBRAHIM I. A.H. 1049—1058 = 1640— 1G48 a.d. GOLD Year . 1691 (1049) Misr Obv. Formula B Rev. i^f ^e*>;'l (^UoA*^ N' 3-3 BM viji, .158 XIX. MOHAMMAD IV. A.H. 1058—1099 = 1648—1687 a.d. GOLD 1692 Constantinople, year obliterated Obv. Formula B Rev. Jk.«A>.4 ^ UaA«r 0^v<«:*J':'' iJ-^ ^s -->-^ o^-a^ >« A'^ 8-3 p. BM viii, 36G (291) 292 'OTIIMANU SULTAXS COPPER Yeak 169P. [1J078 Tripoli (Tarabulus Gharb) Obv. o^^-J^ -• Rev. ,^j\jia ^9 ^j * - . ♦ VA Ai B:M viii, 3d2 1694 1080 Tunis Obv. ^\. Jft_Jl~w 111 et'utre O Rev. ^j -a I .A. NEW COINAGE XX. SULAYMAN II. A.n. 1099—1102 = 1687—1691 a.d. GOLD Year 1695 1100 Tunis Obv. Formnla A Rev. Jf 3-2 Spqidn Finidnkn* * On the sequin funduhli and the sequin zar mahhuh (henceforward abbreviated as Seq. F. and 8eq. Z.M.) see the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, toI. viii., Introdaction. XXI. AHMAD II. A.H. 1102—1106 = 1091—1695 a.d. GOLD Year 1696 1103 Misr Obv. Formula B Rev. 1 1 .r AT 3-3 Seq. F. BM viii, 412 XXII. M USTAFA II. A.H. 1106—1115=1095-1703 a.d. GOLD 1697 (1106?) Armenia Obv. Formula B Rev. Tughra of Sultan I I .[1?] (a**a.«jI thus pointed) if 3-3 )). Soq. p. Cf. n.\I viii, 42!» (201) XXIII. AH MAD III. A.n. 1115—1143 = 1703—1730 a.d. GOLD Year 1698 (1115) Constantinople Obv. Formula B Rev, Tughra I I U N' 3-1 p. Seq. F. BM viii, 437 1699 (1115) Tabriz Obv. Tughra liev. ^9 w>/. m9 M Ic above, ornament iV 3-3 p. Seq. P. BM viii, 4&4 1700—1746 (1115) Misr Obv. Formula B Eev. Tughra NIC (9 coins have ^ over yj^\ on obv. ; 4 have A> ; the rest have various arabesque or floral ornaments.) N- 3-4 Seq. F. BM viii, 487 (295) XXIV. MAHMUD I. A.H. 1143—1168 = 1730—1754 a.d. GOLD Year 1747 (1143) Tripoli (Tarabulus Gharb) Obv. Formula A Rev. A^ 3-8 p- Seq. ¥. 1 ii^r 1166 Tunis 1748 Obv. O^Mw O^*" .S>^■^ 1 m 2k w A' r? twice )). 2 fc>C(i. V. MAHMCJD I. 297 Year 1749 1165 Algiers (Jazair) Obv. C)^L^ Rev. «->-« IPC N' -8 i Seq. F. XXV. 'OTHMAN III. A.H. 116-« I I v| Date enclosed in an escutcbeon A^ 3-1 p. Seq. F. 1752—1754 (1171) Misr Obv. Formula B : j^^m over ^^jI Itev. Tuglua I |v I Jf 2-5 two p. Seri. Z.M. 1755 Same as 1752 : but e over ,^^1 J^ 2-5 p. Seq. Z.M. MUSTAFA III. Year 1756* [11]83 Misr Obv. F ormula A : A** after j^-J» Rev. -aJa,d^ ^^llaX*j L5^ w'j'.O ij^> J.C (j\.i. »X«^.I ,J>J Ai«j ^^..o 1 1 v| above Ifr A"- 1-2 twice p. h Seq. Z.il. 1186 Tunis 1757 Obv. Kev. 1 |Al iV 1-2 p. h u^ — '5—5 Seq. Z.M. C P P E 11 209 BM viii, 6-io 1758 1173 Tunis Obv. ^UaX*j ^aJ£i.cu« Rev. (^9 w^ji-i I I vr ^ BM viii, 657 * This sequiu was struck during the government of 'All Bey, who made himself independent in Egypt, a.h. 1182 — 1186. 300 'othmanli sultans Yeab 1759 1186 Tunis Same as preceding : but | | A 1 M Tunis 1760 Same as preceding : year obliterated BM viii, 665 1173 Tunis Ubv. 1761 WJ.-^ Rev. cy I l^i" M BM viii, 673 GOLD 1762 1174 Algiers (Jazair) Obv. jjllaJLj Rev. 1^9 -r^*^ I ive A'' 1-6 p. i Seq. F. 1763 (1171) Algiers Obv. ^jUaAw Rev. as 1762 : but date I | v | A^ -8 p. 4 Scq. F. XXVII. 'ABD-AL-HAMI D I. A.H. 1187—1203 = 1773-1789 a.d. GOLD Ykar 1764 (1187) + 16th year of reign.* Islambol (Constantinople) Obv. Tughra Kev. • I 1 I I AV iT 3-0 Seq. F. 1765 (1187) + ly.r. Misr Obv. Formula 1> : | ovei' ^A Rev. Tughra I |AV N 2-5. Se(i. Z.M. 1766 (1187) + 2. Misr Like 1765 : but T over ^j.jI A^ p. * From this reigu onwards the year of reign is stated on the coinage. To obtain the date, add the y.r. to the accession year and subtract 1 for the accession year itself. 302 'OTHMANLl SULTAN8 Year 1767 (1187) + 2. Misr Obv. Like preceding Eev. o^iALJ\ I I AV t7 BM viii, 731 1768—1770 (1187) +2, 7, 8. Misr Like 1767 : but over ,^j1, T, V, A respeatively ^ 1-2 \ Seq. Z.M. 1771 (1187) + 7. Tripoli Obv. Formula B : beneath, v Kev. Tughra I I AV fr 2-5 Seq. Z.M. DM viii, 735 1772 1188 Tunis ( )bv. i^\)aX^ Rev. j^ «->-« I I AA N 1-2 p. i ,Sc(i. Z.M. BM viii, 739 *abt)-al-hamId t. 303 COPPER Yeak 1773, 1774 1188 Tunis Obv. ^j\JaL, Rev, I I A A u^ — j^—^ (Date obliterated on second) ^ BM viii, 7J2 XXVIII. SALIM ill. A.H. lL'03— 122-2 = 17S9— 1807 a.d. Islambol (Constantinople; GOLD Year 1775—1777 (1203) +6, 8, 9 Obv. Formula B : 1 , A and ^ respectively over ^^i\ Rev. Tughra N 2-4 two p. Seq. Z.M. • BM viii, 755, 756 1778 (1203) + 15 Like 1775 : but | t over ^jI N 1-2 p. i Seq. Z.M. 1779 (1203) + 18 Obv. Tughra Rev. I A Tn border, beneath, | T N 3-3. Seq. F. salim iii. 305 Year 1780 (1203) +3 Like 1779 : but above rev. T, beneath | T • T (not in border) A^ -8 p. i Seq. F. BM viii, 764 1781 (1203) +6 Like 1780 : but "1 A?" -8 p. i Seq. F. BM viii, 767 1782 (1203-) + 13 Like 1780 : but | Tj above d^-aj J.c N o twice p. i Seq. F. BM viii, 774 1783 (1203) + 15 Like 1780: but | Ci, above oj.^ jA A^ -5 p. i Seq. F. SILVER 1784—1787 (1203)+2, 4, 5, 8. Like 1779 M 24-5 Altmishlik* BM viii, 790 1788—1794 (1203) + 3, 4, 11, 13 (2 examples), 14 (2 ex.) Like 1779 (all but 1788 and 1792 are pierced ; 1793 — 4 are concave) M 9-8— 11-7 Piastre (17&9) BM viii, 793 * On the denominations of 'Othmanll silver coins, see the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, vol. viii., Introduction. K li 306 'OTHMANLi SULTASS Misr GOLD Yeae 1795 (1203) + 1. Obv. Formula B : ^1 over ^j.j\ Rev. TughrJl ^9 ^J'O 6^*A> j£- AX^ j,AA 1 r ^r N' 2-5 Seq. Z.M. BM viii, 81 SILVER 1796—1823 (4203) + 13 (3 ex ■), 16 (24 ex.), and one y-f. obliterated. Obv. Tughra Rev. \r (etc.) 1 r,r AX U-n, 12--i, etc. riastro BM viii, 812 XXIX. MUSTAFA IV. A.H. 1222—3 = 1807—8 a.d. GOLD Year 1824 (1222) + 1. Constantinople Obv. Tughra Eev. 1 17 3-0 Seq. F. 1 r r r 1825 Like 1824, save size iJ- -7 p, i Seq .p. SILVER (1222) +1. Misr 1826 Obv. Tughra Rev. I I r r r M 100 Piastre BM viii, 827 XXX. M AH M U D I I. A.H. 1223—1255 = 1808—1839 a.d. Constantinople GOLD (I)* Yeae 1827—1833 •(1223)+5(2t), 6(2), 8 (2), 11 Obv. Tuglu-a Kev. C (1, A, or I I) I rrr N -8 2 p. ; 1 rinsred \ Seq. F. BM viii, 847, 848, 850, 853 1834, 1835 (1223) + 13, U Same : but above rev. d^oJ }^ ^ N BM viii, 855, 856 (11) 1836, 1887 (1223) + 10, 11 Like 1827 : but wavy borders tf 4-7 Double Seq. Z.M. BM viii, 861, 862 * The Roman numerals refer to the order of Types in the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, vol. viii., where the various denominations of the coins are also distinguished. t The number in ( ) parentheses shows how many coins there are of each regual year. MAHMUD II. 309 (HI) Year 1838—1841 (1223) +14 (2), 15 (2) Obv. centre Tughra Margin Formula B : at end Is Rev. centre (§(10) I rrr Margin jk*c ^UaJLJI ^^A ^jlj*. ^^^a^^ ,jUa.Jl~JI 4XX4 >et^ ^la» JiA^aJt N 2-1 three p. Seq. Z.M. BM viii, 873, 874 (III, Transition:) (Ddr-al-kJiildfa-l-'aliya) 1842—1844 (1223) + 15, 1G(2) Obv. Tughra, at right iJ«Xc Eev. I C ( M ) AT' rs three p. Sequin BM viii, 875, 876 (III A) 1845 (1223) + 19 Obv. centre Tughra, at right |«Jjkft Margin ^l^ i^^«« (^«^^ O^**; (J>e^'i^*»' O^^^** 310 'OTHMANLi SULT Yeae Rev. centre n L5^ ^y^ ^A<^Ja^iaM»9 1 rrr «Lw^j.a»>«)t A^ 1-5 Seq. • (IV) 1846—1873 BM viii, 883 (1223) + 21 (10), 22 (2), 23 (5), 24 (8), 25 (3) Obv. centre Tughra, at right jJj^c Margin in cartouches (jUj \i)-t^^%^ ^jlJaJL^w Rev. centre X I (etc.) , AAAj>JftAja»»S I rrr N V7 all p. taut two ; four ringed Seq. BM viii, 898—902 1874 (1223) +22 Like 1846 Ai" -8 p. i Seq. BM viii, 905 1875, 1876 (1223) + 25, 27 Like 184G : but zigzag border N^ -3 one p. i Seq. BM viii, 910, 912 MAHMUD II. 311 (V) Year 1877—1888 (1223) + 26, 27 (4), 28 (2), 29 (4), 32 Like 1846 : but xio obv. marginal inscr. ; wreath borders N 1-5 all p. ; one ringed Seq. BM viii, 913—919 1889—1894 (1223) + 28 (2), 29 (2), 30, eSl Like 1877 N -7 foiir p. i Seq. BM viii, 922—5 SILVER (II) 1895—1899 (1223) + 17 (2), 18,20, 21. Obv. Formula B : I V, I A, r . , r I over yj^\, respectively Rev. O^J^' ^_j_? wJj n9 4 — iLJ^> — >>!i I ^r^ M 5-6 all p. Piastre Cf. BM. viii, 947 1900—1904 (1223) + 18, 19, 20(2), 21 Like 1895: |A, |^,r»,ri over ^j.A resiiectively M, 2-7 all p. Yigirmi-paralik BM viii, 948 312 'OTHMANLl SULTANS (IV) Ybae 1905 (1223) + 23 Like 1846 : but no obv. marginal inscr. M 2'8 Piastre BM viii, 953 1906—1913 (1223) + 24, 25 (2), 27, 28 (2), 30 (2) Like 1905 M 1"6 one p. Yigirmi-paralik BM viii, 957-962 1914 (1223) + 30 Like 1905 M "8 On-paralik Baghdad Governor, Sa'-ld PCd^Iiu C 1' P E K 1915 1231 Obv., within octogram j>-t-» — -' I M _j Kev. ^-9 «->« iU a—:" JE BM viii, 969 MAHMUB II. 313 Misr (Cairo) GOL D OLD ISSUE (1) Year 1916 (1223) + 13 Obv. Formula B : | T over ^jI -Uev. ^9 V^-^ J. -a A I rrr iV 2-1 p. Seq. Z.M. 1917—1926 (1223)+ 13 (5 ); 14 (3), 19, one obliterated Like 1827 : but mint j(.-£».« N' -6 all p. J Seq. Z.M. Cf. BM viii, 977 (IV) 1927—1999 (1223) + 21 (16),22 (16), 23 (14), 24 (8), 25 (11),26 (6), 27, 28. Like 1846 : but mint j^'Ao Ji -8 62 of the 73 are pierced 4 Seq. Z.M. BM viii. 978, £79 (V) 2000—2002 (1223) + 21, 22, 24 Like 1827 : but j..o^ ; wreath borders A' -i, -7 one p i Seq. Z.M. BM viii, 980, 981 S S 314 'OTlIMANLi SULTAKS Year 2003—2009 (1223) + 28, 29 (6) Like 2000: adding fjjs- on obv. ; wreath varied iV -7 four p. i Seq. Z.M. BM viii, 932 NEW ISSUE 2010 (1223) + 30 Obv. Tiighra, with i,'j^ ; beneath i'",w . r. Eev. ^ 8-3 100 Piastres I r rr 2011, 2012 (1223) + 31, 32 Like 2010 : but %Jj,J,; and y.r. r I , T T iV 1-6 20 Piastres BM viii, 083, ilSt SILVER OLD ISSUE (I) 2013 (1223) + 19 Like L'^27 : but mint j-o^ JR -S p. Para Cf. liU viii, »86« MAHMUD II. 315 • (11) Yeau 2014—2078 (1223) + 21 (12), 22 (25), 23 (16), 24 (4), 25 (3), 27, and obliterated (4) Like 2013 M 3-1 31 of the 65 p. Yigirmi-paralik BM viii, 987 2079—2082 (1223) + 21, 23, 26, and one obliterated Like 2013 M -5 all p. Para BM viii, 988 Tunis SILVER 2083 1250 Obv. U-i^t" (jl-JsuX—w Rev. • ^ >->y^ M, H'O Double piastre ? 2084 1251 Like 2083 M 11-6 XXXI. 'abd-al-majTd A, IT. 1255—1277=1839—1861 Constantinople OLD ISSUE GOLD Yeab 2085, 208G (1255) +1, 2 Obv. Tusfhra Kev. 1 rcc Jf 1-4 both p. Soriuirv 2087, 2088 (1255) + 1 Like 2085 iV -8 both p. 2 Seq. SILVER 2089 DM viii, lOMi BM viii, ll)48 (1255) + 4 Like 2085 : but t M .i-S jt. Altmishlik 2090—2090 (1255j+2(2), 3(2), 4(3) Like 2085j save years of reign Al r2 Yi^nrmi-parulik BM viii, 1052'', 1053 'abd-al-majId 317 new issue GOLD Yeab 2097 (1255) + 9 Obv. Tughva, above 7 stars : beneath iw, quivers, and laurel brandies Rev. 6j,^i js. I roc N 3-6 50 piastres 2098 (1255) + 22 rr Like 2097 : but Aw N 17 25 piastres Misr (Cairo) NEW ISSUE GOLD 2099—2115 (1255) + 1, 3 (3), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Obv. Tughra : beneath \} " j i Ketc.) Rev. (^9 w^j.-i' ■c\ ■■,-* I rcc ^ 8-5 100 piastres BM vili 1106 2116 (1255) + 12 Like 2099 : but \^J:> K 2'1 25 piastres 318 'OTHMANLl SULTANS Yeae 2117—2134 (1255) + 2, 3 (2), 4 (3), 7, 8 (2), 12 (3), 13, U, 16, 18, and obliterated (2) Obv. Tughrfi : beneath ^ Eev. like 2099, save years of reign iV -4 5 piastres BM viii. 1108—1111 SILVER 2135 (1255) + 18 Like 2099 : but beneath Tughra, O ; | A above rev. ^•3 5 paras COPPER 2136 (1265) + 7 Like 2099: but beneath Tuglii-fi, »-_; ; v al)Ove rev. Ai 5 parai? Tunis (Mohammad BEr) NEW ISSUE GOLD 2137 1272 Obv. within wreath 'abd-al-majId 319 Year Rev. within wreath N 9-5 50 kharrubas BM viii, 1133 2138 1276 Like 2137 : but beneath rev. vI±:j N 4-9 25 kharrubas SILVER 2139 1267 Obv. witliin wreath Jk j_C Rev. within wreath c^ — '$—* ^ 15'9 Double piastre ? XXXII. 'ABD-AL-'AZIZ A.n. 1277—1293 = 18G1— 1876 a.d. Misr (Cairo) GOLD Year 2U0— 2154 (1277) + 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (2), 12, 13, U, 15, 16 Like 2099 : bub Tughra of *Abd-al-'Aziz, and bene;ith rev. | Tvv ; years of reign from f to | T ^ 8-4 100 piastres Tunis (Mohammad Bey az-Sauik) GOLD 2155 1281 Obv. within wreath Rev. j^s^^ 5jk I.. V — ^ I rM iV 19 5 100 kbarrubas 'abd-a.l-'azIz 321 Year 2156 1281 Like 2155 : but beneath rev. N 1-9 10 kharrubas BM viii, U83 2157 1281 Like 2155 : but beneath rev. v.-£i) I TAl N '^ h kharrubas BKONZE 2158 1281 ' Like 2155 : but above rev. f, beneath | Ta | M 2 akchas Bil viii, 1187 T T XXXIII. MURAD V. A.u. 1293 = 1876 A.u. Misr (Cairo) GOLD Year 2159,2160 (1293)4-1 Like 2099 : but Tughnl of Miirad V., cand bcucath vcv. | f ^ T iV 8-6 100 i)ia.stro8 (322) XXXIV. 'ABD-AL-HAM ID II. A.H. 1291^ = 187fi A.D. — regnant Misr (Cairo) (J O L 1) Year 2161, 2162 (1293)+ 12 Obv. Tnghra : beneath \.^" i t Rev. I r I \\r Floral borders N 8'5 100 piastres (323) THE KHALIFA OF THE SUDAN, 'ABD-ALLAH SILVER Year 2163— 2106 1310 Omdurman Obv. J^f*^ ill Tughra form Beneath, ^ Wreath beneath, and sprig and cinquefoils above Key. ^c* ^j"^ in . Enclosed in wreath ; above, cinquefoils M (base; 20-4 20 piastres 21G7— 2170 1311 Omdurman Obv. SjujkBf. aX^e. in Tughra form Beneath, J' Borders of stars, waves, roses, etc. Rev. 6j,^ JA I r I I Borders as obv. M (base) 20'5 20 piastres 2171 1311 Omdurman ir Same as 21G7 : but Mahdiya year Aw M (base) (324,) VAEIOUS DYNASTIES SPAIN AND NOKTH AFKICA OMAYYADS OF CORDOVA [I. 'Abd-az,-11ahman I.]* M Mint, Al-Andalus. A.n. 152, 153, 161, 166 (two examples)! [II. HiSHAM I.] JR Al-Andalus, 173 [III. Al-Hakam I.] M Al-Andalus, 185, 196, 197, 201 [IV. 'Abd-al-Rahman II.] M Al-Andalus, 207, 220, 221, 231 (2 ex.), 235 [V. Mohammad I.] M Al-Andalus, 2^1 (2 ex.), 244 or 247, 246, 263 VIII. 'ABD-Ai^-RAHMAN III. M Al-Andalu3, 333, 335 ; Madinat-aZ-Zahra, 33x, 339, 345, 849 IX. Al-Hakam II. M Madlnat-aZ-Zahra, 354 (ji^lj) X. HisHAM II. M Al-Audalus, 381, 388, 393 XII. SuLATMAN. M Al-Andalus, 405. Like BM ii, 132, but beneath obv. ».j.o»»« (?) HAMMUDIDS OF MALAGA VIII. Mohammad al-MahdI. Al Al-Andalus, [4]40, [4] 43. BM ii, 153, and Add. 1471 * As in the case of the Eastern Omayyad Caliphs, the names of the Omayyad Amii-s of Spain do not appear upon their coinage, until the reign of 'Abd-aZ-Rahnian III., who was the first to style himself "Khalifa." t All these and the following coins of the Omayyads are also in the British Museum Catalogue, except those of a.h. 152, 207, 221, 246, and 405, distinguished by thicker type ; and these, except the last, are published in Vives, Monedat de los Dinastiaa Arahigo- e$panolas, nos. 50, 123, 159, and 254. (327 J 328 VAEIOUS DYNASTIES HUDIDS OF ZARAGOZA II. Ah.aiad I. JR Zaragoza (Sarakusta), year oblite- rated. BM ii, 161 KING OF DENIA II. Ikbal.a/,-Dawla 'AlI. M Denia, year obliterated (Cp. ViVES, 1312) idrTsids of morocco I. Idris I. M Tudgba, 174. BM ii, 183 II. IdeIs II. ^ Walila, l.r.r. BM ii, 186 AGHLABIDS AND FATIMIDS See above, pp. 125— 131 and 147—199 CALIPH OF SIJILMASA Ai^-SHAKiE Li-LLAii N No mint, 345 Obv. aJUI juc ojk.».^ a.JUt Margin obscure Rev. aJU Margin t^-o-*" **~' ^'^^^ '-J^* 'r-!/'^ '^^^^ jo-^i MURABITS (ALMORAVIDES) II. YOsuF B. TasufTn. N Sijilmasa, 471. Like BM V, 4, save mint and date.* * Tjie earliest known coin of Yusuf. Tho scries in ViVKS begins at A.n. 480, tlio BM at Sijilmasa, 484, the St. Petersburg Hermitage at Sijilmasa, 481. Yusuf must have struck this coin as governor under Abfi-Uakr (of. BM v, p. 3, note *). SPAIN AND NORTH AFUICA 329 III. 'AiA A^ Seville, 519. BM v, 24 Granada, 620. YiVES, 1620 Alnieria, 522, 523. BM v, 31, 34 M Without mint or date. VivES, 1700 Anonymous. Af No mint, 640. Like VivES, 2001, except date. MUWAHHIDS (ALMOHADES) I. 'Abd-al-Mu-min. N Fez (Fas), no date. BM Add. V, S-t'* II. Abu-Ya'^ub Yusuf I. N No mint or date. Three coins. BM v, 89, 90, 97 III. Abu-Y'dsuf Y'a'kub. A^ No mint or date. Like BM V, 100 XII. Abl-Hafs 'Omar. Af Ceuta (Madina Sabta), no date. BM v, 108 Anonymous. JR No mint or date. Twelve coins. BM V. 121 (without mint), varied; oue with mint, Tilimsau, BM v, 122 LATE GRANADA Anonymous. Ai Granada (Gharnata), no date. Two coins. BM ii, 181. — Madina Gharnati, no date. BM Add. ii, I82f HAFSID OF TUNIS II. Abu-'Abdallah Mohammad. N No mint or date. Like BM v, 158, but rev. margin, ^A Je».^)l j^-o^^ marTnid V^III. ABU-RAsr Sulayman. A'' Tilimsan, no date. P'ii, 987 u u ,330 VARIOUS DTNASTIE3 MOORISH ANONYMOUS N No mint or date. BM v, 224 ^ Mint and date obliterated. Like BM v, 205 ; but obv. area different, margins obliterated N No mint or date. P ii, 1036 N No mint or date ; worn and illegible FILALI SHARIFS II. IsMA'iL. N Fez, 1115. Like BM v, 265, save date, N Fez, date obliterated. Two coins. Like BM V, 265 VIIL SuLATMAN. N' Flz, 1218. BMv, 319 IX. 'Abd-a^-Rahman. N Fez, 1248. BM v, 328 'Abd-al-Kadih. JE Takdamt, 1255. BM Add. v, 352« M Takdamt, 1256. BM Add. v, 352 1 PERSIA, ETC. DULAFID V. 'Omar b. 'Abd-al-'Aziz. A^ Hamadhan, 281, BM Add. ii, 429PP SAMANIDS* ir. Isma'il b. Ahmad. JR Andaraba, 290 (omitting Aw and J 0? ^i>jjki\) Samarkand, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289 (Caliph Al-Mu'tadid), 291 AZ-Shasb, 280,t 282 (beneath obv. stS:.j), 28^,| 283, 284, 285, 286 (two coins), 287, 288 (two), 289 (two§), 290 (two), 291 (beneath obv. ^j\ jjj^\ aj^juJl ^)_5 ^.«.a^)l), 292, 293, 294 (two) Naysabur, 293, 294 III. Ahmad b. Isma'il. JR Andaraba, 300 (beneath obv. j-tfij ^.jI) Al-Biyar, 298 Samarkand, 29-5, 296,|| 297, 300 AZ-Shash, 295, 296, 297, 299, 301 Naysabiir, 298 (Usurper) Ishak b. Ahmad. JR Samarkand, 301. Be- neath rev. jk<.5i.l ^J j_^siir.«(! (instead of ^j.J jto^-t ^^Aa«-wl) * Those coins which are not in the BM Catalogue are distinguished by thicker type ; only remarkable varieties are fully described here. t Without name of Isma'il, only that of Caliph ; but clearly a Samilnid issue. t With >.! jj beneath obv., and J-«— ■' beneath rev. § One with Caliph al-Mu'tadid, the other with al-Muktafl. i Caliph al-Muktadir. 332 TAHIOUS DYNASTIES (Usurper) MTka-il b. Ja'fae. M A7-Shasb, 306. Be- neath rev. jASket. ^jj (J«J^iC.^ (instead of j».«.».l yjj j.^) IV. Nasr II. B. Ahmad. N Al-Moliammadija, 315. BM Add. ii, 2931' JR Andaraba, 302, 305 (two coins : beneath obv. J'v-' O^ »*«■»■' ; and on rev., ^_^ beneath j-oj Balkh, 312 Samarkand, 302 (two), 303, 304, 305 (two), 306, ■ 307, 308, 309, 310 (two), 311, 312, 318, 325 (beneath obv. ^), 326, 328, 331 ( c c), dx2 A7-Sbash, [30]1, 303, 306, 311, 314, 315 (two), 316,317,321,324,32.'-)? Xaysabur, 314 (beneath obv. _ij.A_a V), 324 Mint and date illegible V. NuH I. B. Nasr. M Samarkand, 333 (Caliph, ul- Mutlakl), 334 (above obv. i, beneath cc ; Caliph, al-Mustakfi) VIII. NOh II. B. Mansub. A" Naysabiir, 384. Beneath obv. ^^^^} "^-^ BM ii, 418 IX. Maksur B. NuH. A" JS'aysabur, 387.* Above obv. ^Jjk,c ; beneath, ,,^jl^!l ^A Oj 3 — '--'^i Beneath rev. aX) ajUaJI * A similar dinar is at Copenhagen. The name of the Ilfijib Begtfizun occurs also on a copper coin of Bukhrirfi, 385, in the Mueee Asiatique at St. Petersburg, and on a gold coin of Nayeabur, 389, in the collection of M. de rEcluac. t This is the only known instance on a coin of this title, " The King fortified [by GodJ." PERSIA, ETC. 333 GHAZNAWIDS VII. MahmCd. N" Mint and date obliterated. BM Add. ii, 458'' N Najsabur, 400 JR Naysabui", 397 (Calipli, al-Kadir beneath obv. ; beneath rev. ^-»a.^) JR Mint obliterated, 39x (above obv. }t ; beneath aJUIj jilSJl ; at right «u^ j^Vi amTr al-umara Ba-jkam. M Madinat-aZ-SalSm, 329. BM Add. ii, 61(5* BUWAYHIDS Mu'izz-az-Dawla. N Madinat-a/-SaIam, 349. Two coins (Wt. 4-54, 4-17). Like BM ii, 638, save date 'Izz-a/,-Dawi>a. A" Madinat-aZ-Salam, 358 (Wt. 4-25), 360 (Wt. 4-32), both like BM ii, 653, save date, and above obv. .Ac; 363 (Wt. 4-05), BM Add. ii, 653*^, but above obv. 'Adud-az-Dawla. A" Sak-al-Ahwaz, 368 (Wt. 426), 369 (Wt. 4-65), 370 (VVt. 3-70). Like BM ii. 655 .41 Bardasir, 362* Obv. like BM ii, 663 ; but above :s, beneath o ; and no outer marciiu * Compare a coin of Mr. Leggett's described in Lank-Poole, Essays in Oriental Numismatics, 3rd Series, Private Collections, 26. Shir Zayd •was the name of Sharaf-aZ-Dawla, who acted as his father's viceroy. 334 VARIOUS DYNASTIES Kev. aJJ Margin : Prophetic Mission Shauaf-aa-Dawla M A1- Basra, 376 Obv. d J>c A)l_)l ^j\ AJI -^^ Margin : Mint and date ; no outer margin visible Key. dJD k> «■ Ar^ aJ.J I j^A-.9 Margin : Proi)lictic IMission Baiia-aa-D.wvla. N" Maduiat a/.Salam, 403 (Wt. 2-81), ■101 (two coins, Wts. 3-32, 2-80 p.). BM ii, 679, 680 PERSIA, ETC. 335 HASNAWAYHID Bade ^ Sabfu-Klmwast, 397* Obv. =. _, aJI_H.j j^UJI Margin (sic) jj\^ jUjji,JI IJ^a v>-^ '^^'^^ ^""i Kev. aJU aX)I ^^^''J k>'0>^»-^ A_JjJt,Jt Jk.:^^ Margin : Prophetic Mission * See E. T. Rogers ia Numismatic Chronicle, II., xi., 258-G3. SYEIA AND MESOPOTAMIA (ARAB PERIOD) HAMDANIDS Nasir- and Sayf-a^^-Dawla. N MaJiii;it-a/-Salam, 3;^>1. BM Add. iii, 2^ M Nasibin, 330. BM iii, 4 M M.-aZ-Salam, 331 (2 ex.)- Similar. BM iii, 5 M Al-M6sil, 332; and 349. BM iii, 11 AbC-l-Ma'ali and AbC-l-Hasax.* M Probably Madlnat- a/-Salam, year obliterated Obv. AjL)t ^)\ aJI 's) Margin ►>■«•? ^*jJ^5' '->^ Rev. ]\Iargin obliterated * Tliis remarkable cuiu shows the allegiance oi' the last llanidiiiiids to the Fatimid Caliph. STRIA AND MESOPOTAMIA 337 KARMATID* (Carmathian) Al-Hasan b. Ahmad N' Filastin, 361, 362 (both pierced) Obv. aJI)! -n)! Alt 's) > ^^ A.) JOj-i '^ 6 i I ^J t Margin 1 a*»j ,j^Ja~.A.Aj jUj-xM IJ^A w>/*i aAJI ^^j AJ\0C wvXj^ O'S^'^J Li'J^^' Eev. aJlJ A Ac aX)I j«1-0 A.XJ *_^.JsuJI Margin : Prophetic Mission (The dinar of 362 has "^"^ instead of "* , and j.*jjJt instead of jUjj^ll, and ^>A*Jt) MIRDASIDt I. Salih b. Miedas. AF Aleppo (Madinat Halab), 417 Obv., in three circles : 1 (sic) ^ ^U aX)[I] J^^j j^^->^^ aJDI '^)I a)I -n) 3 a;^^ «_.aXi^ A^ji^j j,Ujjk)t tjub w)/-«^ aX)! ^.^^ Ajl,« ^0'^ j..^^ /^**«' * See Lane-Poole in Numismatic Chronicle, II., .\ix., 74-6. t See Sauvaibe, i6(''i., II., xiii., 335-'ll. X X 338 TAEIOUS DYNASTIES Rev., in tliree circles, 1 (sic) ^♦ll ^t^\ Akn ^J-ii j|>t'^ ^AUi)l >6UN)I Centre aXX 'OKAYLID Mohammad b. Safwan N Karkisiya, 275 * Ubv. ^)t A_!l -N) Margin 1 (ajc) oL*--J;.aj j.-j>M ' JJb w^j-^ *^" >o~*:' llev. aX) J > ' J A \ J I aWI ^-Xc jk_^JLx«,)l Margin : Prophetic Mission * For Moliammad b. Safwan, Bee Kat, Okaylls, 13; At-TABARi, iii. 2028; Ibn-al-Athir, vi. 396, vii. 276. Tlie Mohammad on the obverse is Ibu-Abl-Z-Saj, llie overlord : see above, p. 90, no. 640. STRIA AND MESOPOTAMIA 339 MARWANIDS I. Al-Hasan. M Mayyafarikin? (,^....V), 385. Like BM iii, 48 II. Mumahhid-az-Dawla. JR Mayyafarikin, 394, with name of Baha-aZ-Dawla (Buwayhid) ou rev. III. Nasr-az-Dawla. M Mayyafaiiklu, 407 Obv. Kali ma ; beneath Rev. aXM ^J^-y J>..frSi»-« <*_Jl ) Lj j i La_) I M. Al-Kafr (j.*i=OU), 410. As preceding, but omitting j^a»..« beneath obv., and adding ^ beneath rev. SELJUK DYNASTIES GREAT SELJUKS I. TuGHRiL Beg. N Al-Ahwaz, 448. BM iii, 58 N Madinat-aZ-Salam, 448 II. Alp-Auslan. N Naysfibur, 457. Nearly similar to BM iii, 60 Yll. Mohammad. N M.-a7-Salam, 601,* 605, 613 (Caliph al-Mu3tarshid) SELJUKS OF KIRMANt V. TCuan-Shah. N Bardasir, 474, obliterated Obv. ajl N)l d!l -N) a) ^^ ^) dj*.».3 JlJIj LjjkJI j..ax) O-i Margin 1 Mint and date llev. "p" A-JL.C aJLJI ^«l.-o 480. 481. and one Margin -i.)l aX^jI aAJI J^*jj j^o-sw.^ * A similar coin is preserved in Mr. Calvcit's collection. See Lane-Poolk, Essays in Or. Numismatics, 3rd Series, Private Collec- tions, 11. f See the same. SELJUK DYNASTIES 341 SELJUKS OF AL-'IRAK IV. Mas'ijd. N Damascus, 536. Like BM iii, 88, but mint and date in outer obv. margin; and rev. area ^j.U*|.^)t | j.*^\ \ ^eU*^! Outer rev. margin, the Prophetic Mission N Mint and date obliterated (2 ex.) Obv. Kalima in three lines ; beneath, Rev. •^-^ Margins obliterated A'' Mint and date obliterated (3 ex.) Obv. as preceding Rev. i^Jt^o Margins obliterated jV (2 ex.) Similar to preceding, but last lines of rev., Above obv, Jj^o Above rev. i^^^^^ A'' Mint and date obliterated ; names and titles of Slnjar and Mas'iid. 342 VAltlOUS DYNASTIES VII. SuLATMAN Shah. N [554-5]* Obv, as preceding, same Caliph ; above ,Jj>c Rev. ^U< Margins nearly obliterated J^ Similar : but rev. arranged as on second type of Mas'ud, but ^l.o->J^w at left, ' 6lw at right seljOks of rOm VIII. Sdlatman II. ^ Rasht, 598 (2 ex.) BM iii, 108 XL Kay-Kubad I, /R Kaysar!ya,G17. CMiii, 127 M Koniya, 619. BM iii, 131: M Slwas, 623. BM iii, 142 M Koniya, 625. BM iii, 155 XII. Kay Khusrlt II. N Koniya, 635 M Slwas, 634, 635. BM Add. iii, 185, 186 XIII. Kay-Kaavus II. M K6niya, 644? BM iii, 234 Sons OP K.-KhusuC II. M Siwas, 647 or 9. BM Add. iii, 260' XIV. Kilij-Ahslan IV. Ai Koniya, 660 yll 661 XV. KAY-KiiusKr HI. ^l Siwas, 667 ; Lulun. 666 ? XVI. Mas'ud II. A\ 687 =•• Tlio Calipli al-Muktal'I died in 5.55, and Sulaymfiu Sluih began to reign iu 554. II. TiMUUTASH. M III. Alpi. ^ IV. Il-GhazI II. M V. Yuluk-Arslan. M M M ATABEGS, ETC. ORTUKIDS OF KAYFA AND AMID VI. SuKMAN II. M 594. BM iii, 343 VII. Mahmud. M Al-Hisn (Kayfa), 615. BM iii, 349 ORTUKIDS OF MARIDIN X BM iii, 364 x BM iii, 373, 380, 384 579, 580 (2 ex.), x. BM iii, 388, 389, 392 58.i-. BM iii, 399 X (3 ex.). BM iii, 405 589. BM iii, 410 M 589 (2 ex.) BM iii, 412 JE 596. BM iii, 417 M 596 (2 ex.) BM iii, 419 VI. (3iiTUK-AusLAK. M X BM iii, 427 ^ Maridin, 59 [9]. BM iii, 429 JE Maridin, 599. BM iii, 434 M Maridin, 606 (2 ex.) BM iii, 438 M X, 611. BM iii, 442 M X, 620. BM iii, 453 M [62]3 (2 ex.) BM iii, 455 M Dunaysir, 625 (2 ex.) BM iii, 458 M Kayfa? [6]28 (2 ex.) BM iii, 465 JR Dunaysir, 634 M 628 BM, iii, 469 M 628 (2 ex.) BM iii, 471 344 VARIOUS DYNASTIES VII. Az-Sa'Id GhazI. M Maridin, x BM iii, 488 JR Maridin, 646? with name of AZ-NfisirYiisuf. BMiii,489 JR 653 or 6, G.r5, similar to pre- ceding ZANGIDS OF AL-MOSIL III. KUTB-AZ:-DlN MoDUD. M 556 (2 ex.) BM iii, 502 M 667, 5G9. BM iii, 512 IV. Sayf-az-DIn GnAzI II. JE Al-Jazlra, 575. BM iii, 521 JE Al-Jazira? 575. BM iii, 524 V. 'Izz-A^-DiN Mas'ud I. ^ Al-Mosil, 585. BM iii, 529 ^ Al-Mosil, 58G. BM iii, 532 VI. NuR-AX-DiN Arslan Shah I. M Naslbin, 59[4]. BM iii, 536 VII. 'Izz-Ax-DiN Mas'ub II. M Al-Mosil, G07 (7 ex., slightly varied). BM iii, 544 and 538 ^ Al-M6sil, 608. BM iii, 558 IX. Nasir-az-DIn Mahmud ^ Al-Mosil, 620 (3 ex.) BM iii, 564 M Al-Mosil, 627 (4 ex.) BM iii, 567 Badr-ax-DIn Lu'lu N Al-M5sil, 645, 64a;, 650, 656 (the last with the Mongol Mangfi's name, Cp. BM iii, 573, 574, 575) A\ 65.r, mint obliterated JE Al-Mosil, G31(3 ex.) BMiii,576 ^ Al-Mosil, X, [6.r]2 ATABEGS, ETC. 345 ZANGIDS OF SYRIA I. NuR-Az:-DiN Mahmud. M Al-Kahira (Cairo), 567 (struck bj Salah-aZ-L>in. Cp. BM iii, 596, 597) M Damascus, 558 (6 ex.) Like BM iii, 601 IT. Isma'Il M Aleppo, date obliterated. BM iii, 604 JE X. Different type ZANGID OF SINJAR II. KuTB-Az:-DiN Mohammad. M Sinjar, 596 (2 ex.) BM iii, 621 M Sinjar, 696 (2 ex.) BM iii, 624 ^ Sinjar, 600. BM iii, 629 ZANGID OF AL-JAZTRA II. Mu'izz-Az:-DiN Mahmud ^ Al-Jazira, 606 (2 ex.) BM iii, 646 begtigFnid of irbil III. KuKBUEi. M Al-Jabal (1*JW), 587 JEl Irbil, 597. BM iii, 659 ^ Irbil, 5%x. BM iii, 655 JE Irbil, X, BM iii, 661 MONGOLS GREAT KAAN IV. MangQ. M Astarabad. Obv. ^j\ aJI n) Marsrin obliterated ]iev. >L)lj,*wl ^ Tiflis, 651 or 2, Jumfula II. Obv. Kalima Rev. 15 IjCJCJ^.* J i l-a-Jt Date ill margin. Of. BM vi, 3 ILKHANS OF PERSIA . HuLAGU. N Baghdad, 656 (a doubtful coin) M Irbil, 660, Al-Mosil, 663, 669, BM vi, 21 ; and 12 ex. obscure Ml Al-Mosil, 664 ? with names of Mangfi and Hulfigu JEi Ir])il, 6j;1, and two obscure, with llulagfi only J I, Ahaoa yll 66.'', mint obliterated (9 ex.) M Al-M(')sil, X. BM vi, h-2 M Mint and date obUterated. BM vi. 58 MONGOLS 347 III. Ahmad. ^ Mint and date obliterated: usual type M Obv.* wJ^)! ^«— J t L.g Margin obliterated Rev. The Khan's name and title in Mongol IV. AiiGHUN. M Tabriz, 683, 686, 68x (3 ex.) Kalima on obv. VII. GnAz.lN. M Khilat, 698 (3 ex.) VIII. Uljaitu. N Baghdad, 709: usual type. ^H 707, 714, etc., mints obscure(7 ex.); and 3 M IX. Auu-SA'ii). N Damighan, 722 N Baghdad, 723 N Khoi, 727 JR Sultaniya, Baghdad, Isfahan, Kaz- win, Kashan, Erzeriim, Baran, Yazd, Sinjar, Nakhchuwan, Sawa, Hamadhiln, Hasr Kaghi ; years ranging from 717 to 733, but often illegible (42 ex.) XII. Mohammad. M Hamadhan, 738 ; Kashan, 738 XVI. SuLAiMAN. N Yazd, 741. BM Add. vi, 324p M Firim, 746 Abu-Ishak. M. Hamadhan, 744 ; Kazwin, x; and 2 with mint and date obliterated I * This inscription, in the name of the Trinity, is explained by Ahmad Khau's profession of the Christian religion. SHAHS OF PERSIA ZAND KA.EiM Khan. ^ Tabriz, 1186, 1187. BM, Persia, 333 KAJAR Nisiu-Ai-DlN, N Mashhad Mukaddas, 1268. BM, Persia, 581 N Mint obliterated, 1274 N Dar-al-mulk Tabaristan, 1279 (2 ex.) M Tiliran, 1297 (milled edge) TBANSOXIANA MANGIT Nasu-Allah. N Bukhara, 1257, 1275. BM vii, 207, 210 KHOKAND Khudayab. N Khotand, 1272, 1273, 1274. Like BM vii, 232 Satyid Mohammad. N Ivhokand, 1276. Obv. like BM vii, 239 ; Rev. I o r N Khokaiul, 1276 : inscription differently arranged KASHGHAR [Ya'kCb, Atalik GuAZi] N Kashghar, 1291. BM vii, 2U am APPENDIX NOEMAN KINGS OF SICILY II. A.D. A.H. 1072 Roger i (Count) conquers Palermo . 464 1101 Roger II (King from 1130) . 494 1154 William I (" the Bad ") . 548 1166 William ii (" the Good ") . 561 1189 Tancred . 585 —1194 —590 ROGER II. V Mint and date obliterated Obv. aXJI 's)I ^ibj-i *^) oJc».j aJI -Nj Rt'v. j^^j aJLJ|Tj-«W Margin obliterated N Mint and date obliterated Obv. _ IC HI xc KA Margin illegible Rev., in two circles : Inner aAJb J.Ix.O"" j^^-j «^-oJ' Outer obliterated (3i9) 350 NORMAN KINGS III. ^r Madinat Sikiliya (i.e. Palermo), 536=a.d. 1141. Same as preceding, but rev. outer margin, w>j-«s IV. A^ Same as preceding, but mint obliterated; date [5]49 = A.D. 1154 V. JE Palermo, no date Obv., Centre R€X Margin ROG€RIVS Kev. .^U WILLIAM I VI. M Mint and date obliterated Obv. R€X w Margin illegible Rev. obliterated VII. ^ Mint and date obliterated Obv. ^.Jl_«)l Margin illegible Kev. dJJL. LATTX KINGDOM 351 WILLIAM II. VIIL— X. JE No mint or date ^ Obv. Lion's head Kev. ^X^\ , JUJt LATIN KINGDOM OF JEKUSALEM XL— XIII. ^ Acre, 1245 A.D. = 642 A.n. Obv. «^)l Margin obscure, divided by crosses Rev. In centre, cross ; Around, ^j«-»^3 C>i^^3 ^' ^~' ^^^ ^J^ XIY. — XVII. A" Similar, but margins illegible ADDENDA* 'ABBASID CALIPHS XV. Al-Mu'tamib. N Misr, 264. Like 620, omit- ting ^ XVII. Al-MfktafI. A^ Misr, 295. Like 629 XVIII. Al-Muetadir. N Misr, 297. Like 647 AT Misr, 298. Like 642. P. i, 1136 * The following coins were accjnired after the greater part of the Catalogue was printed. (362) ( 353 ) I.— INDEX OF PERSONS* Abaga, 346. 'Abbdd, 65. -'Abbds, 64, 66. -'Abbas, Abu-l-, b. Amir-al-mu'manln [-Radi], 90-96. -'Abbas (b. -Musta'in), 80. 'Abbasid Caliphs, 27-108, 117-23, 352. •Abd-al-'Aziz (^Otlimanli), 320, 321. *Abd-al-'Aziz ['Omai']. 'Abd-al-Hamid (i., 'Othmaali), 301-3. *Abd-al-Hamid (ii., 'Othmanli), 323. *Abd-al-Kadir, 330. 'Abd-Allah (i., Aghlabid), 127. 'Abd-Allak (b. -Mu'tazz), 81. 'Abd-Allah b. Sa'id, 46. 'Abd- Allah, Abil, [-Mu'tazz, 78]. ^Abd-al-MajId ('Othmanli), 316-19. 'Abd-al-Malik (Omayyad), 110. 'Abd-alMalik b. Marwan, 114, H^. 'Abd-al-Malik b. Yaz'id, 117. 'Abd-al-Mu-miu (Almohades), 329. ^'\.bd-aZ-Rahman (ill., Omayyad of Cordova), 327. *Abd-aZ-Rahman (Sharif), 330. * Only names which occur on the coins are given in this index ; names of Caliphs which are inferred from the dates must be sought in the Table of Contents. The name or title most commonly employed is selected, but cross-references [in square brackets] are given from other names likely to be looked for. Names and numbers of heirs, wazTrs, governors, overlords, etc., are printed in italic type. The figures refer to the pages of this volume, not to the numbers of the coins, h. signifies ihn, A hyphen before a name represents the article al. z z . 354 INDEX OF PERSONS Abu-1-Hasan (Hamdanid), 336. Abu-1-Ma'ali (Hamdanid), 336. Abu -Sa'id, 347. .'Adid (Fatimid), 199. -•Adil (i., Ayyubid), 213-218, 221. -'Adil (it., Ayyubid), 226. -'Adil Tumaa-Bay (Mamluk), 277. 'Adud-a?-dawla (Buwaybid), 333. Aghlabids, 124-131. Ahmad (Agblabid), 130. Ahmad (Hudid), 328. Ahmad (llkban), 347. Ahmad (ii., 'Othmanli), 294. Ahmad (in., 'Otbmanli), 295. Ahmad h. Sahl, 332 Ahmad (Samanid), 331. Ahmad b. Tulun, 135, 136. Ahmad [-Muzaffar]. -Afshln, b. [^Fat]i\. 'AH, 48,55. •All (Mnrabit), 329. 'All b. Aybak [-Mansur]. 'All h. Baraka, 55. 'Anb.-llajjuj, 121. 'All [lkbal-a/-dawla]. 'All b. -IkbsliM, 14.5. 'All h. 'Jad ('Alid), 54. 'All Bey (Kgypt), 299, note. 'All misr i-Nasir), 61. 'All, Abu-, SS2. • Al.MOIIADKS, 329. Al.MOKAVIDES, 328-9. Alp Arslan (Seljuk), 340. Alpi (Ortnkid), 343. 'Aiiufl-nUdawla (-Hiisayn b. -Kasim), 94- .Annn Mohammad ('Abbasid), 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, til, 62, 64, 122. INDEX OF PEKSUNS 355 -Amir (Fatlmid), 188-192. AmIr al-Umara, 333. '^Amr, b. [UishCan]. Arghiin, 347. Arslan Shah (i., Zangid), 344. -Ash raf Bars-Bay (Mamluk), 269. -Ashraf Inal (Mamluk), 272. -Ashraf Kait-Bay (Mamluk), 274-5. -Ashraf Kansuh al-Ghuri (Mamluk), 277 -Ashraf Khalil (Mamluk), 251-2. -Ashraf Sha'ban (Mamluk), 261-2. 'Asim, h., 116. Aybak [-Mu'izz]. -'Aziz (Fatimid), 158-162. -'Aziz Mohammad (Ayyubid), 233-4. -'Aziz 'Othman (Ayyfibid), 210, 211. -'Aziz Yusuf (Mamluk), 270. Badr b. Hasnawayh, 335. Baha-aZ-dawla (Buwayhid), 334, 339. BahlQl [Yahyu]. Bajkam (Amir al-Umara), 333. Baraka [-Sa'id]. Baikuk [-Zahir]. Bars-Bay [-Ashraf]. Baybars [-Zahir], Begtuzun, 332. BUWATHIDS, 333-4. Diiwud, 4.9, 57, 68, 61. Denia. 328. DJiu-X-Riydsatayn, 66-73. Dhu-l-Wizaratayn, 82. Dhu-l-Yaminayn \Tdhir'\. DULAFID, 331. -Fadl, 57, 68, 69, 71, 73. 356 IXDEX OP PERSONS -Fadl, Abu-l-, b. Amh'-al-mu'manm, 100, 101. -Fa-iz (Fatimid), 198. Faraj [-Nasir]. Fath b. -Afshm (Sajid), 90. Fawaris, Abt't-l-, Begtiizun, S32. FiLALIS, 330. Ghazatt, 347. Ghazi (ii., Zangid), 344. Ghaznawids, 333. -Ghuii [-Ashraf Kansuh]. -HadI ('Abbasid) MHsd,43, 47 j -Mardi, 47. -Hafiz (Fatimid), 195-6. Hafsid, 329. -Hajjitj, b. ['All]. -Hfyjl [MuzafFar]. -HaJcam, 55. -Hakam (ii., Omayyad Cordova), 327. -Hakim (Fatimid), 163-8, 336. -Hakim {Egypt. 'Abbusid), 2Jf7. Hamdanids, 336. Hammudid, 327. Hamuya, 55. Hurith, 56, 57. Harthama, 55, 70. Harun b. Khumarawayh (Tuliiuid), 140, 141. Harun [-Rashld]. Hasan (or Jaysh), Jf6, Hasan [-Nasir]. -Hasan b. Ahmad (Karmatid), 337. -Hasan (Marwanid), 339. -Hasan, AVm-l-, (Hamdauid), 336. Hasnawathid, 335. Hishdm b. 'Amr, 117. Hisbam (ii., Omayyad Cordova), 327. HCDin, 328. INDEX OP PERSONS 357 Hulagu, 346. -Husayn, Abu-1-, 331. Huzaym, Ihn, 42. Ibrahim, ^9. Ibrahim (ii., Aghlabid), 131. Ibrahim (i., 'Othmanli), 291. IdrIsids, 328. Ikbal-a?-dawla 'Ali (Denta), 328. IkhshIdids, 142-6. -Ikhsbid, 143. Il-Ghazi (ii., Ortukid), 343. Tlkhans of Persia, 346-7. Inal [-Ashraf]. Isa, b. ['All]. 'Isa b. Mans 10', 123. Ishak b. Ahmad (Samauid), 331. Ishak, b. ['Otkma7i]. Ishak, Abu-, 347. Isma'il [-Salih]. Isma'il (Samanid), 331. Isma'il (Sharif), 330. Isma'il (Zangid), 345. 'Izz-a?-dawla (Buwaj'bid), 333. Ja'far, 49, 50, 54,55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. Ja'far h. {-Mansur), 118. Ja'far [Mika'il]. Jakmak [-Zahir]. Jaysh (or Hasan), 4^- Jaysh b. Khumarawayh (Tiilunid), 139. Jerusalem, Kingdom of, 351. Jibrail, 64- Kaan, 346. -Kadir ('Abbasid), 333, 335, 339. -Kahir ('Abbasid), 97. 358 INDEX OF PERSONS -Ku-ini ('Abbasid), 55-i. -Ka-im (Fatimid), 150. KtVit-Bfiy [-Ashraf]. Kajar, 348. Kala-ua [-Mansur]. -Kamil (Ayyubid), 213, 2U, 219. Kaiisuh [-Ashraf, -Zahir]. Karim Khan, 348. k.armatid, 337. Kashghar Atalik, 348. -Kasim, Abu-1-, b. -Ikhshid, 144. Kay-Kawus (ii., Seljuk), 342. Kay-Khusru (ii., Seljuk)^ 342. Sods of, 342. Kay-Khusrii (in., Seljuk), 342. Kay-Kubad i., 342. Khalaf, 129. Khulid, 51. Khalil [-Ashraf]. Khokand Khans, 348. Khoshkadam [-Zahir]. Khudayar (Khokand), 348. Khumarawayh b. Ahmad (Tulunid), 137-9. Khuzayma h. Kliddm, 4.7, 52. Kilij-Arslan (iv., Seljuk), 342. Kukburi (Bcgtigiiiid), 345. Lu'hi, 136. Lulu, Badr-aZ-dlu, 344. Ma'ai-T, Abu-l- (Hamdanid), 336. -Mahdi Mohammad ('Abbasid), 36, 38, 42-46, 118-120. -Mahdi (Hammudid), 327. -Mahdi (Fatimid), 148-9. -Mahmud (Ortukid), 343. Mahmud (i., 'Othmanli), 296-7. Mahmud (ii., 'Othmauii), 308-15 INDEX OP PERSONS ' 359 Mahmud, Niir-aZ-dia (Zangid), 345. Mahmud (Zangid), 344. Mahmud (Ghaznawid), 333. Majd-a\-daida (Buwayhid), 335. Mak'm (?) h. 'Asim, 116. Mamluk Sultans, 239-278. -Mamun ('Abbasid), 53, 61, 63, 64, 65, 71. Mangit, 348. Maugu Kaaii, 346. -Mansur Mohammad (Ayyiibid), 212. -Mansur (Fatimid), 151. -Mansur 'Ali (Mamluk), 243. -Mansur Kala-un (Mamluk), 249-50. -Mansur Mohammad (Mamluk), 260. Mansur (Samanid), 332. Mansur, Abu, b. Amlr-al-viu'ynanin, 102, lJf.3. Mansur, h. ['/««]. -Mardi [-Hadi]. MarInid, 329. Marwan (Omayyad), 114, 115. Marwanids, 339. Mas'ud (GhaznaAvid), 333. Mas'ud (Seljuk), 341. Mas'ud (ii., Seljuk), 342. Mas'ud (i. aud ir., Zangid), 344. Mika-il b. Ja'far (Samanid), 332. MiRBASiD, 337-8. Modud (Zangid), 344. Mohammad , Jf.2. Mohammad (i., Aghlabid), 129. Mohammad (ii., Aghlabid), 130. Mohammad -'Akka, 52. Mohammad (Hafsid), 329. Mohammad (Hammiidid), 327. Mohammad (Ilkhan), 347. Mohammad [-Nasir, -Mansiii]. Mohammad (in., 'Othmauli), 290. 360 INDEX OF PERSONS Mohammad (iv., 'Othmanli), 291-2. Mohammad b. Safwau ('Okaylid), 338. Mohammad (Sdji'd), 338. Mohammad b. -Sari, 70. Mohammad, Sayyid (Khokand), 348. Mohammad (Seljuk), 340. Mohammad Bey (Tunis), 318, 319. Mohammad Bey a/-Sadik (Tunis), 320, 321. Mohammad b. Yahya, 57. Mohammad (Zangid), 345. Mongols, 346-7. -Mu-ayyad Shaykb (Mamluk), 267-8. -Mufawiz Ja'far, 82, 83, 84, 85, 135, 338. -Mu'izz (Fatimid), 152-7. -Mu'izz Aybak (Mamluk), 242. Mu'izz-aZ-dawla (Buwaybid), 333. -Muktadl ('Abbasid), 340. -Muktadir ('Abbasid), 90-96, 331. -Miikta/i ('Abbasid), 341-2. -Muktafi ('Abbasid), 88, 89, Ip, 331. Mumahhid-aZ-dawla (Marwanid), 339. -Muutakam [-Kahir], 97. -Muntazar (Imam), 194. MuRABiTS, 328-9. Murad (ar., 'Othmanli), 288-9. Murad (v., 'Othmanli), 322. Muscl, Jf8, 49. Musa [-Hadi]. -Mushaddad, 332. -Mustadi ('Abbasid), 203-4, 207. Mustafa (ii., 'Othmanli), 294. Mu.stafa (ill., 'Othmanli), 298-300. Mustafa (iv., 'Othmanli), 307. -Musta'in ('Abbasid), 80. -Mndakfl ('Abbasid), 332. -Musta'li (Fatimid), 186-7. -Mustan.sir ('Abbasid), 106, 123, 220, 224-7, 237. INDEX OP PERSONS 361 -Mustausir (Egypt. 'Abbasid), 245-6. -Mustansir (Fatimid), 174-185. -Mustarshid ('Abbasid), 340. -Musta'sim (^Abbasid), 107, 108, 228, 2S5, 237. -Mu'tadid Ahmad ('Abbasid), 82, 86, 87, 138, 139, IJfi, 331. -Mutallib, 65, 68. -Mu'tamid ('Abbasid), 82-5, 135-8, 338. -Mu'tasim ('Abbasid), 74, 75. -Mutawakkil ('Abbasid), 78, 79. -Mu'tazz ('Abbasid), 78, 79, 81. -Mnti' ('Abbasid), lU, 1^5, U6, 334, 337. -Muttaki ('Abbasid), 102, 332. -Muwaffah, 82-84. MuwAHHiDS, 829. -Miizaffar Ahmad (Mamluk), 268. -Muzaffar Hajjl (Mamluk), 258. -Nasir ('Abbasid), 103, 104, 204-6, 208, 210-19, 221-3, 229 34. -Nasiv Yusuf (Ayyiibid), 235-6. -Nasir Faraj (Mamluk), 265-6. -Nasir Hasan (Mamluk), 259. -Nasir Mohammad (Mamluk), 253-5. -Nasir Mohammad (Mamluk, 2), 276. Nasir-aZ-din (Shah), 348. Nasii--dini-llah Abu-Sa'id, 333. Nasir-aZ-dawla (Hamdanid), 336. Nasr (ii., Samanid), 332. Nasr, Abu-, 331. Nasr-Allah (Mangit), 348. Nasr-a^dawla (Marwanid), 339. NoKMAN Kings of Sicily, 349. Nuh (i. and ii., Samanids), 332. Nur-aZ-din (Zangid), 345. Nusayr, 43. 'Ohayd-Alldh h. -Sari, 60, 69. 'Okavlid, 338. 3 A 362 INDEX OF PERSONS 'Omar b. 'Abd-al-'Aziz, 331. 'Omar, Abii-Hafs (Almohades), 329. Omayyad Caliphs, 1-26, 109-16. Omatyads of Cordova, 827. Ortuk-Arslan (Ortukid), 343. Ortukids, 343-4. 'Othmaa (in., 'Othmanli), 297. 'Othmdn b. Ishak, 118. 'Othmanli Sultans, 279-3. Persia, Shahs of, 318. -Kabi', Abu, 329. -Rildi, Abu-1- 'Abbas ('Abbasid), 90-06, 98-101. -Rashid, Harun ('Abbasid), ^2, J^G, 121-2. Koger II., of Sicily, 349. Sadat aZ-Ru'SA, 337. Safwan [Mohammad]. Sahl l^Akmad^ SaHd 1). Salm ? 52. Sa'ld Pasha (Baghdad), 312. Sa'id, Abu- (Ghaznawid), 333. Sa'id, Abu (Ilkhan), 317. Sa'ld, b. I'Abd Allah']. -Sa'id Baraka Khan (Mamliik), 248. -Sa'id Ghazi (Oi'tukid), 34:4. Sajid, 90. Salah-aZ-diu (Ayyubld), 203-9. Salih b. Hildas, As:id-aZ-dawla, 337-8. -Salih Ayyub (Ayyubid), 227-8. -Salih Isma'il (Ayyubid), 237-8. -Salih Isma'il (Mamluk), 256-7 -Salih Salih (Mamluk), 259. Salira (I., 'Othmauli), 283. Saiiiii (II., 'Othmauli), ii87. IND£X OF PERSONS 363 Salim (in., 'Otbmanli), 804-6. Samanids, 331-2. Sard, 58. -Sari, 69. „ h. \_^Ohayd- Allah, 3Iohammad']. Sayfh. 'Tabaruni, 65. Sayf-aZ-dawla (Hamdanid), 336. Sayyid aZ-Ra"is, 337. Sayyid al-Umard Abie-' All, 332. Seljuks, 340-2. Sha'baii [-Ashraf]. Shahs of Persia, 348. -Shakir (Sijilmasa), 328. Sharaf-a?-dawla (Buwayhid), 333, 334. Sharifs, 330. Shir Zayd, 333. Sicily, Norman Kings of, 349. Sinjar (Seljuk), 341-2. Sukmau (ii., Ortukid), 313. Sulaymaa (Ilkhan), 347. Sulaymaa (Marinid), 329. Sulayman (Omayyad), 327. Sulaymaa (i., 'Othmanli), 284-6. Sulaymaa (ii., 'Othmanli), 293. Sulaymaa Shah (Seljuk), 342. Sulayman (ii., Seljuk), 342. Sulaymaa (Sharif), 330. Tdhir Dliu-l-Yamlnayn, 68-70. -Td-'i' {'Abbdsid), 332, 334. Thamal Abu-'Ulicdn, 338. Timurtash (Ortukid), 343. Tughril Beg (Seljuk), 340. TuLUNiDs, 133-141. Turan-Shah (Seljuk), 340. Uljaitu (Ilkhan), 347. 364 INDEX OF PEKSONS WaliaUhivIa, 89, 381. -Wathik ('Abbasid), 76, 77. William i. of Sicily, 350. II. 351. Yahya, 43. Yahyd BaTilol, 57. Ya'kub (Almoliades), 329. Yazld, JfSy 44^ 55, 57. Yuluk-Ai-elan (Ortukitl), 343. Yusufb. TashfiD, 328. Yiisiif (i., Almobades), 329. Yusuf [-'Aziz]. -Zafir (Fatimid), 197. -Zabir ('Abbasid), 105, 219, 223-4, ^34. -Zabii- Gbazi (Ayyubid), 229-232. -Zabii- (Fatimid), 169-173, 338. -Zahir Bay bars (Mamluk), 2-t4-7. -Zabir Barkuk (Mamluk), 263-4. -Zabir Jakraak (Mamliik), 270-1. -Zabir Kansuh (Mamliik), 276. -Zabir Kbosbkadam (Mauiluk), 273. Zand, 348. Zangids, 344-5 Ziyadat-Allab (i., Aghlabid), 128. ^^%> 131. ^=. a a 12i), 130. _i_L^ 332. ( 365 ) . II.— INDEX OF MINTS [Cross -references in square brackets.] MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. -'AbbasIya 159 43 Aleppo (Halab) 281 138 160 >> 286 86 162 >> 417 337 164 >) 444 179 165 44 446 J) 166 )J X 345 168 M I 5dx 229 177? 55 604 230 X 131 62a; 6.v8 614 231 233 Acre (^Akka) 474 182 616 >> 484? 183 6xx 235 A.D. 1245 = 642 351 111 X 261 263,265, 275 Adharbayjaa 105 12 (982) 289 Afriklya (Tunisia) 112 13 168 42 Alexanclria(-Iskau- X 115 183 52 dariya Misr) (See Tunis] (-Iskandariya) 465 470 472 181 )> 182 -Ahwaz 265 82 473 >> 270 »j 474 >> 448 340 475 >> [See Siik-al- 476? » Ahwaz] 478 it 479 480 183 'Akka [Aero] 482 » 366 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A. 11. Pago. Alexandria(-Iskan- Alexandria(-Iskan- Uarlya) 483 183 daiiya) 629 220 486 ^ >) X 244 504 189 764 260 505 M Ixx 261 506 M 507 190 508 >> Algiers (Jaza'ir) 1165 297 509 >> (1171) 300 510 >> 1174 M 511 191 512 513 .) >> Almeria 522 5-^3 329 514 M \J ^XJ >> 524 193 525 194 Amul 168 120 526 195 543 196 544 )> -Andalus (i.e. Cor- 545 197 dova) 152 3: 27 552 198 153 570? 203 161 575 204 166 577 II 173 578 205 185 579 >> 196 580 >) 197 581 >> 201 582 >> 207 583 206 220 585 >> 221 589 210 231 590 211 235 591 >> 241 592 >> 24i 593 >> -246 595 211,212 263 5 Tie 211 333 596 213 335 598 M 381 600 214 388 606 >) 393 609 >> 405 617 219 440 623 >> 443 INDEX OF MINTS. 367 MINT. A.n. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Aiidarfiba 290 300 302 331 )> 332 Bahrayu 261 84 305 )> Bajunays [Ma'din Bajuuays] Aidabil 316 90 Ba'labakk X 114 Arclaslur Khuiia 90 12 97 12 Balkh 182 185 186 53 >> Armenia 103 12 187 )> 145 35 188 54 149? >5 189 >> 152 !> 190 )> 161 42 193 >> 168 5> 194 M 191 52 312 332 (1106) 294 Baraa 717-33 347 Ascalou('Askalan) 503 506 189 Bardasir 362 474 333 340 Astaiabfid X 346 480 481 J) Atrabulus [Tri- poli] -Basra 81 82 100 101 13 3) )) 14 -Bab 120 13 136 137 138 32 35 Baghdad 656 346 139 >> 707 347 142 5> 723 >> 143 )> 717-33 }> 144 )> 1231 312 145 36 [See Madinat- 146 j> aZ-SalaQ]] 147 >> 3GS INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. -Basra 157 36 Cairo (-Kahira) 573 204 I XX 119 576 >> 160 42 577 )> 161 >> 578 205 167 43 579 >> 198 71 - 580 )j 247 79 581 >> 288 '. 86 582 !5 324 99 583 206 376 334 584 586 587 Belgrade (926) 284 588 589 590 206, 210 210 Bihkubadh al- 1 591 211 Asfal 90 14 592 094 595 212 -Biyar 298 331 597 213 426 333 599 607 615 214 Bukhara 194 63 622 219 1257 348 624 220 1258 >> 625 626 628 >> Caesarea [Kayea- 630 221 riya] 631 632 635 226 Cairo (-Mu'izziya- 636 )5 Kaliira) [508] 200 638 227 518 192 639 yy 520 )) 640 ?> 521 }> 654 242 555 199 [655-7] 243 565 t) 661 667 670 246 >> >5 „ (-Kahira) 567 344 688 249 570 203 X 251, 253 571 >> 745 256 572 204 752 259 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H, Page. Cairo (-Krihira) 763 260 Constantinople 764 )5 (Kustantluiya) tl241 309 765 261 1243 310 766 262 1244 5 J 768? >> 1245 310,312 770 )> 1246 >> >> 801 263 1247 !) U 807 265 1248 311 810 266 1249 310-12 813 jj 1250 311-12 814 )) 1251 311 81* 265 1252 311-12 815 267 1253 311 821 >j 1254 j> 829 269 1255 316 840 >) 1256 n • 843 270 1257 )i X 272, 275 1258 )> [See Misr] 1263 1276 317 Ceuta (Sabta) X 329 [See Islambol] Constantinople (Kustautiuiya) (918) (926) 283 284 Cordova [See -Andalus] (982) 288 Damascus (Di- (1003) 290 mashk) 79 15 X 291 80 yy (1115) 295 81 M 1222 307 82 yj 1227 308 83 JJ 1228 )> 84 JJ 1230 )> 86 16 1232 >> 87 >> 1233 j> 88 5> 1235 J) 89 }) 1236 308-9 90 j> *1237 309 91 JJ *1238 »> 92 * Two coins of 1237 and 1238 Lave Ddr-aUKhildfat al-'allyi, an epithet of Constantinople. 1 Adding epithet al-Mahrusa. 3 B INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Damascus 93 16 Damascus 622 223 94 >> 622-3 223,224 95 >> 625 224 96 17 X 224,227, 97 >> 1 237, 246 98 j> 66a; 247 99 " 671 >> 100 >) 678 248 101 )> 681 250 102 )j 687 >> 103 )) 689 >> 104 " 1 690 252 108 18 731 254 113 j> 735 255 117 }i 738 254 118 >> X 256-7 123 >) 743 257 127 >> 744 )> 128 j> 748 258 X 114 749 259 192 121 X 264 222 75 819 268 276 139 X 271,278 301 90 (926) 285 312 91 (974) 287 395 1G4 (982) 288 437 176 (1003) 290 43.7; 177 447 180 X 207 536 341 Djimighan 722 347 558 344 578? 208 582 >> 583 j> Data bj a id 91 14 586 >> 92 15 587? 209 95 >) 610 214 96 >> 612 215 613 216 X 615 216-8 222 Dastawa 97 15 616 223 617 >j 618 >) Denia X 328 IXDEX OF MINTS 371 MINT. a.h. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Dimasbk [Damas- cus] Hamadhan 738 744 347 >> Dunaysir 625 634 343 Ham ah X 207 Emesa (Hims) X 109,110 HaiTan 276 300 623 137 90 224 Erzerum 717-33 347 Haiuoabad 169 46 Faris 298 95 Fez (Fas) 1115 1218 330 - Haruniya 169 170 47 1248 >j Hasi- Kaghi 717-33 347 FilastiD[PalestineJ Herat 90 22 Fiiim 746 347 91 196 199 73 -Furat 95 20 Hims [Emesa] -Fustat Misr ISee Misr] Granada (Ghar- nata) X 520 114 329 -Hisn (=Kayfa, q.v.) 615 343 X >) IcoNiDM [Koniya] Halab [Aleppo] Hamadhan 200 281 293 717ff 122 331 88 347 Iliya Filastin [Je- rusalem] 199 67 372 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A. II. Page. Ilbil 597 5xx X 345 i >> -Jabal 587 345 660 346 Jayy 92 14 6x1 >> 94 128 26 Ishbiliya [Seville] 162. 43 -Tskanilarlya Misr [See Alexandria] X 115 Jazfrir [Algiers] Islambol (Stambol, -Jazira 128 575 606 14 344 345 Coustautiuople) (1171) 1202 298 301 1204 305 1205 }} Jerusalem (Iliya 1206 >> Filastin) X 110 1207 >> 1208 304-5 1210 7) >J -Jisr 80 14 1211 304 1213 305 1215 )> Joiclan district 1216 )> (-U id linn) X 113 1217 304-5 1220 304 [Se<' Constanti- Juiiday-Sabiir 140 36 nople] [See Sabiir] Is pall an 197 70 ^7' - r /u • ~i • L 198 9} -Kahira [Cairo] 200 }} 201 229 71 76 Kaikisiya 275 338 7171f 347 Kaslian 717-33 347 Istakhr 91 92 13 738 M 94 Kjii^hghar 1291 348 95 96 98 K!i8i--a/-Salam 169 44 INDEX OP MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Kayfa [-Hi§u] .Kafa 101 132 20 32 Kay fa ? 628 343 135 136 137 37 -Kayrawan 305 148 139 140 142 tt 306 149 143 >} Kay^ariya 144 >> (Caesarea) 617 342 145 146 147 M Kazwlu 717-33 347 163 120 X t> 206 292 72 89 Khilat 698 347 Kumis X 121 Khoi 727 347 Kumm 294 88 301 92 Khokand 1272 1273 348 1274 >) Kustantluiya 1275 >) [Constautinople] 1276 >) Lu-LU-A 666? 342 Kinnasriu X 110,114 Ma'din Bajunats 191 61 Kirmaa 90 91 20 >> 93 }} Ma'din a?-Shash 190 61 94 >j [See Shash] 100 >) Madinat-aZ-Salam Kouiya (Icouium) 619 342 (Baghdad) 148 38 625 >> 149 )> 635 M 150 39 644 P >J 151 »> 660 )) 152 » 574 INDEX OP MINTS MINT. A.H. rage. MINT. A.H. Page. Madinat-aZ-SaU'im Madinat-aZ- Salfira (Baghdad) 153 39 (Baghdad) 286 87 154 >j 290 89 155 >J 291 )) 156 ;j 294 ;> 157 39,119 297 95 158 39 302 >> 159 45 303 96 160 » 304 >j 161 j> 305 92 162 >> 306 92,96 163 yy 312 96 164 )J 315 >> 171 59 319 >> 179 >) 320 3> 180 jj 321 97 181 }> 322 97,100 182 60 323 100 183 J) 324 j> 185 )) 325 yy 186 ?j 326 101 187 )) 327 >J 188 >5 328 yy 189 J) 329 102 190 >> yy 333 191 >J 330 102 192 61 331 336 193 J J 349 333 » 63 358 >> 194 >> 360 >» 195 )> 363 >> 196 3> 403 334 198 67 404 99 ) J 72 448 340 199 }) 501 )) 200 >) 505 >> 215 68 513 >> 222 74 608 103 226 75 609 }} 227 76 611 J J 230 77 612 104 244 79 613 >j 258 83 614 7} 266 85 616 yy 267 83 617 ;j INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Madiuat-aZ-Salam -Mansuriya 342 152 (Baghdad) 621 104 344 153 622 105 • 351 J> 638 106 352 154 639 >> 353 >> X 123 360 155 640 107 361 156 642 >> 362 )) 643 >> 363 >> 649 108 365 157 650 j> 367 158 654 j> 369? 159 ISee Baghdad] 371 374 381 160 162 -Maghrib 202 69 410 166 203 )) 412 167 205 70 427 428 42a; 172 173 -Mahdiya 341 Six 353 151 153 154 432? 185 360 155 Maridin 599 343 362 156 606 j> 363 j> 646? 344. 364 157 X )} 365 J3 374 160 Mashhad Mukad- 378 161 das 1268 348 388 163 390 164 411 166-7 Mayyafarikla 385 338 412 167 394 ji X 168 407 339 420 170 422 171 Merv 90 91 21 Mabi 97 98 20 93 95 99 110 226 }) >■> 74 jVIauadhir 94 21 246 78 37(5 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A. 11. Page. M i Si- al-Fiistiit X 114 Mi sr a al-Iskanda- riya X 115 Misr (Egypt, i.e. its capital) 167 120 199 6S 200 }} 201 )) 202 G9 203 >) 204 }) 209 >> 226 77 227 7G 232 }) 238 78 240 >^ 242 >) 243 }> 245 79 249 80 250 >} 259 83 260 84 263 }) 264 352 266 135 2G7 j» 2G9 136 270 >> 271 137 272 }} 274 >> 277 138 27S ]) 279 )> 280 >> 281 >) 283 139, 140 284 140 285 >) Mi§r A.n. Page. 287 140 288 141 289 >> 290 >> 291 >> 292 88 293 }> 294 >) 295 352 296 92 297 352 298 >) 301 93 302 >) 304 )) 306 )) 307 }) 308 >} 309 >) 310 )) 311 }> 312 94 313 >) 317 )) 318 )} 319 )) 320 yi 322 98 323 }) 325 )} 326 )) 327 99 328 }y 329 99, 102 331 143 341 152 351 145 355 146 358 155 359 >> 360 >) 361 15G 362 jy 363 157 364 35 INDEX OP MINTS 37- MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Misr 365 157 Misr 435 175 366 158 436 176 367 3> 437 >» 368 jj 438 )> 369 159 439 177 370 5J 440 >j 371 160 441 178 372 1 442 n 373 99 443 J) 374 9f 444 179 375 JJ 445 >j 376 161 446 >> 377 J J 447 180 379 JJ 448 i> 380 JJ 450 >) 381 162 451 M 383 }} 452 5> 384 >) 453 >> 385 j> 454 ») 388 163 455 181 389 164 457 >) 390 )) 459 >> 392 >? 460 >> 393 f> 461 )> 395 164 470 )) 400 J J 473 182 403 165 485 183 404 J) 486 )) 406 168 492 186 408 165 493 187 409 166 494 )? 411 j> 497 188 412 169 500 >» 414 >> 501 )) 416 >5 502 )j 417 170 504 189 418 >) 505 !) 423 171 506 189, 200 426 172 507 189 427 )J 508 190 429 174 509 >» 430 JJ 510 it 431 175 511 191 432 )> il • 512 >> 433 „ 1 513 )> 3 c INDEX OF MINTS MINT. Misr 514 515 516 517 519 523 528 529 533 536 541 549 624 (926) 929 952 (974) (982) (1003) (1049) 1103 (1115) (1168) (1171) 1183 1187 1188 1193 1194 1203 1215 1218 1222 1235 1236 1241 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 Page 191 192 193 195 196 198 220 286 287 289 290 291 294 295 297 298 299 301 301-2 302 MINT. Misr 306 >> 307 313 313-1 313-5 313,315 " " i ») )) >> )> >) j> 313-4 314 A.H. [See Cairo^ Fustat] -Mohammad iya (= -Kayy) 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1278 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1304 148 149 150 151 152 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. -Mohammadiya 153 38 -Mosil 663 346 160 44 664? JJ 161 >j 669 }} 165 45 X J J 166 )) 167 )5 170 56 -Mubaraka 108 21 171 „ 1 117 99 172 j> 119 JJ 173 57 174 56 175 >5 180 „ 181 >> -Mu'izziya and Mu- 182 58 'jzza [Cairo] 183 )) 184 ») 185 ;> 186 )> Nahr-Tira 93 22 188 >) 189 )> 190 >) 193 5> Naklichnwan 717-33 347 197 72 225 74 312 92 Naslbin 2?4 85 [See -Rayv] 318 322 96 97 -Mosil [c. 50] 295 32^ 323 327 585 118 89 97 101 344 323 329 330 59[4] 101 102 336 344 586 » Naysabur 194 64 607 )) 293 331 608 ,) 294 >> 620 „ 298 j> 627 „ 314 332 631 >> 324 j> 645 )> 384 JJ 64;r )> 387 JJ 650 „ 397 333 656 1 " 400 .r ! „ 457 340 380 INDEX OF MINTS MINT. Omdurman Palermo [See Sicily] Palestine (Filastin) A.H. [See Jerusalem, IlijaJ -RaI'IKA 1310 1311 Page. Ramhurmuz 290 301 307 3^6 337 341 350 351 353 355 361 362 369 399 428 438 444 447 X 189 190 268 273 274 278 281 300 80 324 350 141 91 92 144 145 146 337 159" 1(34 174 177 179 180 1S3 121 54 136 137 82 138 86 91 IS Ra"s-aI-*^Ajn Rasht -Rayy [See -Mohamma- diya] Sabta [Ceuta] Sabiir [See Junday- Sabiir] Sabur-Khuwast Samarkand A.H. 31J 323 598 96 130 145 146 147 148 91 92 93 98 397 193 194 195 197 198 199 200 201 253 268 270 283 284 286 indj:x of mints 381 MINT. A,H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Samarkand 287 288 289 291 331 I ! i) Seville 519 329 295 5) -Shash 251 80 296 )1 280 331 297 5) 282 5 300 ?> 283 , 301 5? 284 5 302 332 285 5 303 M 286 5 304 )) 287 5 305 )) 288 5 306 H 289 , 307 )5 290 5 308 5? 291 5 309 )) 292 5 310 51 293 5 311 )) 294 5 312 M 295 5 318 )) 296 , 325 n 297 5 326 15 299 5 328 55 301 331-2 331 55 303 332 3;c2 55 306 , 333 55 311 , 334 55 314 315 316 5 5 -Samiya 131 19 317 321 324 5 5 5 San'a 310 91 325? 5 [See Ma'din a?- Shilsh] Sarakusta [Zara- goza] Sicily (Sikiliya = - Palermo) 369 159 Sawa 717-33 347 377 X 421 161 167 170 Serez (Siruz) (926) 285 422 171 (974) 287 425 5 382 INUKX OF MINTS MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Sicily X 173, 184 Siik-al-Ahwaz 368 333 4x5 185 369 ■>■> 459 ?5 370 »> 536 350 [See -Ahwaz] [See Palermo] Sidra-Kaysi (926) (982) 284-5 288 Sultaniya S&r [Tyre] 717-33 347 Sijilmasa 471 328 Surrak 98 19 Sijistan 90 19 97 )> Surra-man-ra-a 235 251 261 79 81 83 Sikiliya [Sicily] 288 302 304 87 95 Sinjar 596 600 717-33 345 347 313 317 323 327 lob >> Siruz [Serez] TabaristIn (Dar- al-mulk) 1279 348 Slwjis 623 342 634 635 J? 15 Tabariya [Tibe- rias] 647 or 9 )? 667 >J Tabriz 683 686 347 Stamb6l[l8lambol] 68a; (1115) 1186 1187 295 3i8 Siik-al-Alnvaz 90 98 311 19 91 316 ^, Takdamt 1255 330 325 98 1256 )) INDEX OF MINTS 383 MINT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Tarabulus [Tri- TuDia 1080 292 poli] 1100 1166 1173 293 296 299, 300 Tarabulus Gharb 1186 [Tripoli, Africa] 1188 1250 1251 1267 302-3 315 319 -Taymara 96 14 1272 318 97 ») [See Afrikiya] 1276 1281 319 320-1 Tiberias [Taba- rija] X 114 486 176 Tyre (Siir) 423 439 442 171 177 178 Tiflis 651 346 443 446 452 179 180 Tihrau 1297 348 456 496 181 188 . 502 Tilimeaa X 329 509 514 515 190 191 192 Tripoli (Tarabulus, 516 Atrabulus) 365 435 157 176 436 ?i -Urdunn (Jordan) X 113 438 177 , 439 !! 449 180 WalIla Ixx 328 465 181 471 182 Wasit 85 86 22 Tripoli, Africa (Ta- 87 rabulus Gharb) 1078 292 89 (1143) 296 90 i? 1193 302 91 92 93 23 Tudgba 174 328 94 )? IN'DEX OF MINTS MI XT. A.H. Page. MINT. A.H. Page. Was it 95 23 Wasit ■ 129 26 96 5? 130 }) w 97 ?? 131 }) 99 ?5 284 87 103 ?» 289 )> 104 >' 105 5) 106 »? -Yamama 168 46 107 )i 108 24 109 )5 Yazd 717-33 347 110 )) 738 )> 111 }J 112 M 113 J) -Zahra, Madinat 33a; 327 114 „ 339 51 115 >) 345 )1 116 24, 115 349 >> 117 24 354 >> 118 25 119 >> 120 5» Zaragoza X 328 121 >> ■ 122 >> * 123 25,116 Zaranj (M.) 179 54 124 25 180 55 125 >) 184 >) 126 3> 185 >> 127 )) 187 )) 128 )) 192 >> THE END. VER^/A ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ETTlv/ FV ^^^^■K IP rvj 58 00021 3685 •JiiJlli-JBSLV ::i lllfii i?>'^r"l'?^!?.'°^^L. LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 266 665