XEbe Uubor jfacsimile Tleyts
Caesar anh pompeg
Attributed date of an unknown edition . . . [1606]
Date of original of this Facsimile ..... 1607
{B.M., C 34 ^7-)
Reproduced in Facsimile 1913
Under the Supervision and Editorship of
^mm and |0mj^g
Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of
®b^ ®rag^Irg of
Caesar attir ^nmp^j
This facsimile is from a copy dated 1607 «ow in the British
cAn undated copy (Hazlitt)^ presumed to be earlier (i6o6)y is in
private hands.
The original is not good from a photographic point of view. The
present facsimile is generally good. The blur on C2, v., is due to a mending.
Holes in the paper ^ with more or less discoloured edges, occur on li, recto and
>., and on I4, recto.
I: -,
Ct^far arid Pompey.
^^ OR
» ■■■ jf l S^ I H i
5:dy a^Tca^/tTic Swdemcs of Trinity
'^ 11 - !■ - n I I -■-■•*• I ' n il
Imfximcd for Nathanil Fof^rookc^ni hhn Tff^rij^ht^dXi'iiXt
tobcfpuld inPa jtciChurch-yardiCtthc
Jignc ot>the Hcimcr.
R9min I.
Rom Am*
B9ni4s Genius,
Thf Tra^etlic of Casfar
S^/f^pkfMm thenfUmts offite*
Enter Vlfc9rA,
HEarkehow the /?
For hb ftcrnc Mafter hewei a pafTaec out.
Through troupes & troonkes,6t flcde, & (landing Woods
He whofe proud Trophies whileom ^ta field.
And conquered P»/*/,finec his lafting praife.
Great P<»w^^7jGrear,whiIe Fortune did him raifc^
Nowe vailcs the glory of his vanting phimcs
And to the ground cafts of his high hang'd lookcft
You gentle Heauens* O execute your wrath
On vile mortility.that hath fcornd your powers.
You night borne Sifters to whofe haires arc ty'd
In Adaiiiantine Cbaines both Gods and Men
Windron your «vcbbc 6f raifchiefe and of plagues, ,
And if,0 ftarrcs you hauc an influence :
That may coirfoundc this high ere£^ed hcapc
A a Downc
Dow ne powrc if, Vomit out' your vtot({ df ills '
Let /fi'w^growncproud , withherVnconqucred ftrcngth,
Pcriili and con<]|Mcrcd Be with her owne ftrcngth:
And \A/ih\ all powers to difioync and brcake,
WhatLawcSjArmcs and Pride hath raifcdvp, -.'
Enter Titinittt
Tit, The day is loft our hope and honour* loft,
The glory of the ^w4/«? name is loft,
The 1 1 bcr^y ^nd^ommon wealc is loA,
The Godj that whilepm heard the Romaint ftatc,
"An3 2^/W«/,v^i9re ftrong puiiTant armc,.
Did Ihild the tops and turrets of pVoud T^ome,
Donowconfpireto wrackcthc^allant5hip,
i Eucnintheharborofher wirhcigreaineflTc.
( AndhefgayftreanierSi^dfairewaueringfayleSy
I With which th(?wantortwindw3$ wont to play,
To drowne with Billows of orcwhclrains: woes.
Enter 'Brntttt^
Bru. ThcFoepreuayIes,:^A"/(<,thouftriucftinvaine.
AlanyafoulctodayisfenttoHelI> , ^
And many a ^alanl haue I don to death.
In Pharfa/ias bleed ingHarth : the world can tell,
How Iirlc 5r«r«/prajzd ihi$puffe of breath,
li lofte of that my countries weale might gainc,
^ ButHeauensandtheimmortallGodrdecreed:
That Rome in higheft of her fortunes pich.
In top of fouerainty and imperiall A^'aye.
N By her ownc height /houldworkc her owne decay.
Enter T^ompey
Tom. Where may I fly into (omedcfcrt place,
t Some vncoath, vnfrequentcd craggy rockc,
I Where as my name and ftate was neuer heard.
I flie the Batlc bccaufehcre I fee,
My friends lye bleeding in Pharfalias earth.
j Which do remember me what earft I yv^as,
Who brought fuch troopcs of foldiars to thcfielde,.
And ofFo many thoufand had command:
efluUus CejAU
My flig^^«:^'Catyancmory doih renew,
Which tcls mc I was vvont to ftay and winnc.
But now a fou'.dictofmy fcatred traine:
Offered me fcruice and didcaU me Lord,
O then I thouglit v\ home rifing Sunnc faw high^
Dcfccnding he beheld my mjfcry;
Flic to the holow roqjc of foiue fteepe rocke,
And in that flinty habitation hide.
Thy wofull facc:Hrom faceand view ofnKn.
Yet that wdl tell mc this,irnaug^itbeiidc:
Vom^cf was Ticuer wont his head to hid c^
Flic wljcre thf^ ' .wilt,thcm bcarft about thee fmart, ^
Shame at thy heelesand greete lies at thy heart.
Tit. ButkcTitmius where two vvaniersftand,
Cafting their eyes dowjie to the chcarcles earthe.*
Alaffe to foone H«m5w chemfor to bee
T'ompeji and<5;«w/yw.la> Jike /iia:^ fiand,
When as forfooke.of.Fortone mong'lthvs foes,
. Greife ffopt his breath nor could he fpcake his woes,
'Po/n^, Accurfcd (*am^y,\oe thou art defcried.
But Ikyjthcy ace thy friends that thxsu bjchouldeff,
Oraiherhadiifd m that profperous warrc
tucn in mine Honors hcient,tnat happy d«y,
Wiicn Mithridates fall did rayfc my tame:
Then had I gonne with Honor to my gtauc^
But Pompey was by envious hcauens rcfcru'd,
I Captius to followc ^^yi»-/ Chariot whcclci
\ Riding in triumph to the Capko}:
And Rom: oft grac'd with Trophies of ray faiae,
Shall now tefoimd theblemiih of my name.
'BrM, Oh whar difgtacc can taunt dtii worthincffc,
Ofwhich cemaine fuch liuing monuraenti
Ingrauen in the eyes and hearts of men.
Although the opprcfliioaof diftrcfled J?»«w
And our owljeoutrthrowiraigl^t well drawc forth,
Diftilling tearet from faynting cowards eyes.
Yet fhould no weakc effeminate paflion feafc
VpDn that man,thc gfeitnefle ol whofc mindc
And not his Fort»ne made him tenn'd the Great.
P#w. Oh 1 did neuertiiftmHie Honours fwcctc
Nor ridw can iudge of this my ftiarpeft fo wrc.
Fifty eight yearef in Fortunes fwcete foftlap
Hiuc 1 bccne luld a nccpc with plcafant loyts.
Me hath (he dandled ia her foulding Armcs,
And fed my hopci with profperous cuentcs :
SheeCrownd my Cradle withfucccffe and Honour,
Atid fhall dif^racc a waitc my haplcs Hear fe /
Was 1 a youth with Palme and Lawrell girt^
And now an ould man fhall 1 watte my fal).'
Oh when I ihiixlccbut on ray triumphs paft,
The Cinful -fliips and Honours I hauc borne;
The fame and fcare where in great P^'w/^^jliud, .
Tl^?n doth my grieucd Soule informc mcChis,
My fall augmented by my former biflc.
TSrM. Whydowcvrcofvcrmeiftrengthtovant,
If eueiry creffe a NdblfiinirK! can dauntj
Wcc talkcofcouragc,then js courage knowfl^,
When with miihapourftateis oucrinrownc:
Neuer let him a SouMiers Title beare.
Whch in the chcefcft bnmt doth Qirinke and feare,
Thy former haps did Men thy veritic flicw,
Bus nowthatfaylci them which thy vertHc knew>
Nor tbinke this con queft fhalbe P&mpeyshWt
Or that PharfaHd fliall thine honour bury,
Egipt ilialbc vppcopled for thine ayde.
And Cole-bUclc LiHknsfl\:x\\ manure the grounde
In thy defence with blccditlg heat ts of men.
^om» OfccondhopeoffadopprclTed/f(?>wf,
In whome the ancient 'Brtttus vcrtue fhines,
That purchaft firft ihc Rentainf liberty,
Let me imbrace thee :liiie vi^orious youth,
When death and aiigry fates (hall cbll me hencf »
To free thy country from a Ty rants yoke^
My harder fbrtune.and more cruel! ftarrs.
Hnuicd to me fo great a happinei.
DanotpTolongmy fifcwith Vaine fatft h6p^.
To dccpc difpaire and forfow I am vow*d:
Do not remououemc from that feticd thoughf.
With hope of friends or ayde of Ptt/omej^
Egift and Libia at choyfe I haue.
Em oncly which of them Ik rtiake my gratie.
Tit, TirbiVtdifcomfort which mifgrecues thee this,
Grecfe by difpairic fecntcs greater then it is,
Bru. Tis womanniJn to wayle and moaeourgrcefe.
By Induftrie do wife men (eelcc releefe,^
if that 091 carting dofall out a millc, '
Our cunning play muft then eorn^thcdicc.
Pom, Well if It need smuO bee then ler me gee.
Flying for ayde- vnto my forrayne friends,
And fue and bow,whcre ear(t I did commands
He thatgocth fecking of aTirant aide,-
Though free he wtnt.a fcruant then is made.
Tike VIC our laft farwdl,then though w*ih pafne,
H ;crc t !irec do part fhai tit re (inll mict k^aiji:, . ,
Enter Cdftir •
C4;y: Follow your clufe,an(3 let four light-footc ftc«dc»
Flvingaj fwift ajdidthat vyjn^^dhorfe .
That With ftrong fethcrcd finiom douc thjs Ayf e,
Or'takc the CO cvard flight of vourbafefoff. ^ ;.
Brtt. D J not with-drawc thy mortall wouadnng bUdc,
But (heath it Cdfar in my wdundcd heart :
Let not that heart that did thy Country wound
Fearc to lay 'Brntus blecdinie on the ground.
Thy fatatlftrolcc ofdcath (luU mor^ roce gUd, .
Then all thy proud and Pompous viftoriw s
My funcrall CyprciTcthen thy Ltwrell Crowne,
My mDurnefuU Beew (hall winne more Praifc and Fame
Then thy triumphing Sun-bright Chariot.
Heere in thefe fatal Ifieldci let 'BrutHs die,
And bcare fo m jny Romiinei companr.
C^fa. T'was not 'gainft thee this fatallbUdciwat drawftf
Which can no more pierce Brmus lender fides
Then mine ownehcart,oro»»gbt then heart more dcerc^
For all the vvrongcs tbpu didlt,or,ftf©kes«housau'lt
^«/4r on thcc Will take n d worfc reucnze,
Then bid thee ftiUcqmmmdc himandhiiftatc:
True fctled louc can neere bcc turn'd to haie*
'Br fit. To what a pitch would this miM.TCrtuCi fore.
Did not ambition clog hisTnauntingfame,
C^iir thy fword hath all blilTe from mc tainc
And giucft mc life where bcft were to be flaiofl-
And fcek'ft to plcafc me with a babifn toye, £xH 'Bmm,
C^f. Ctfar Phar/AiU doth jthy cpnquieft.wund
An^ From fad VharptlU bla(hing al with bloud.
From deaths palttriumpheSiP^w^ouerthrovvne,
'Komaitu in forrainc foyies,brcthing their laft,
Reuenge,{^ange wat s and dreadful! (Iratagems ,
Wee come to ict the Lawrcll on thy head
And fill thy eares with triumphs and with ioyes.
*DoU* As when that Hefior from the Grecian caropc
With fpoilcs of flaughtcred cyfrgi4»s rcturn'd,
The TrojfAuyouthi widi crownes of conqueringpalme:
The PAr»>»4» Virgins with fairc flowry wrethcf
Welcom d the hopc,and pride of /AWw,
So for thy vi£toiy and conquering aftei
Wee bring fairc wrcths of Honor & rcnowae.
Which fhall cnternally thy head adorne.
Lord. Now hath thy fword made paflage for thy felfe.
To wade in bloud of them that fought thy death,
-The ambitious riuall ofihineHonor«high,
' Whofemightinc{Ieearftmadehimt9bc icix^i
Now flics and is enforc'd to giuc thee place.
B Whilft
Whil'dihou ririxiairidtheccncjueriiig fJertklei '
Triumphing in thy fpoylejiind Yi£>orics.
Qif» When fhahut leJt fairc Thetit w a rcry coHcb,
And peeping forth from out t'le gouldchg^cc
Ot hi| bright piilacc/aw our battle rankM:
Oft did /lecfectccto Dime his fiery fteedcs,'
Oft hid his facc,and fiiund fuch tragick fights.
What ftrangcr paflcft cucr by thif coft
Thee this accurfcd foyle diftaindc with blood
Not Chriftall riucr$,arc to <][ucnc!i thy thitft,
Forgojring ftreameSjtheirnuerf cleerenclTeftainei.'
Hecre are no hils wherewith tofeedc tliinecyes.
But heaped hil$ of mangled Carkafes,
Hcere are no birdes to pleafe thee with their notes:
Butrauenous Vu!ture$,and night Rauenj horfe.
hnto. Whit mctix\ti^rtixQt[Mr,Aiooi^io\xt^tBiiXilAt
Or melts in-womani/h compafTion:
To fee Vh^rfalias fieldcs tp change their hewe
And filuer ftreamc$ be turn'd to lakes of blood?
Why Qtfir oh hath facrific'd in France,
Millions of Soules, to TlMtoes gridy damesr
And made the chan;:icd'coIoured Rhene to blu(b^
To beare his bloody burthen to the fea.
And when as thou in mayden AJhion fhorc /
The Rom4inejb/£o^t brauely didft aduancc>
No hand payd greater tribute vnto dcatli.
No heart with more couragious Noble fire
And hope» did burne with glorious great intent*
And now (halt panidnbafethatMobleminde,
And weake euents that courragc oucrcome?
Let Pww/>^prdud,an«^ Ttf^wr/)*;/ Complices
J)\t on our Jwordsjthat didenHi'c our Hues,
l^ttVx\tTj/(tphone be cloyd with bloud:
Aoafnakyhiriest^uench their longing (hir(l> . *
And^*/#. O Rmf, and haue thepoweij of Hcauen decreed,
When as thy fame did reach vntof he Skie.
And the wide Onw^\%x\\y Empires boundes.
And thou enricht with fpoyles otall the world,
Was waxen protid with peace and foueraine raignc:
That Guill warrci fhould Joofe what Forraine won.
And peace his ioyeijbe turn'd to luckles broylei.
Lord OP.;wf<7,curfedcaMfcofciuill warrc,
Which of thofe hel- borne (kcmt EHmfmiden
Inflam 'd thy roinde with fuch ambitious fire,
Asnoughtxrould quench it but thy Countries bloud.
Doio, But this no while thy valour doth dcftaync.
Which found*ft vnfoM|rht forcaufc of eiuiU broyles.
And fatallfueil which this fire en flaaid,
Auto, Let then hit death fct period to thk ftrife,
Which was begun by hit ambitious life.
C*f* The flying V^mpef -to Ldrtj^ feaflw^ a • ^
Andbyr/(vjf4//^TerHt3le'fiiapeslRij'c6'jTre:^" ' wry
Wherefaire ^eneus tumbles vp his Waues, •' *'"" -""^
Him weelc purfucas faft ai he vs flies.
Nor he though gttded with iViw*i^>» borfc,
Nor^ydedwith ihcynrcfifle^fowrefr
• fi * The
The ^^^fifOttuaatn msutliV ^i^^ can yecldj
No not all y^r/ffiarm'd in liis defence
Shall feme. to /hrowd hii»?fromniy fatall (motdc, Bxi$^
ACT. I. SC. 4.
Cm, Qwherc is baniM liberty cxild^..
To Affricl^ deferts or toScjthia f oekes,
Or wncreasfiluer ftrcamine J^/wi/ii?
Happy is /wiwarfdy^Sr^^wllcft, .
And all the bordering regions vpon Nilt-
That neucr knew the name of Liberty,
But wc thatboaft of ^^i^/^fi- and Co/atifu,
And glory wc expeld proud Tareptins nanid^
Do g^rccue to loofcjthat wc fo long hauc held.
Why reckon we^juf-ycar^s by Confiils namesr
i^nd Co long ruldi in f ree<|on,nd\« taferuef
They lie thatfay itiHeauen there is a px)wre
That for to wracke the (innes of gjiiky mcn^
Holds in hii handa fierce threc-torl«iddarc>
Why would he throw thenidov»nconi?«4 mount
Or wound the vnder«Bging'?^V«/>*» / ^'
And not rayne (bowers of nisdead'doingdartes,
Furor in flame,:i nd Sulphures fmothering heate
Vpon the wicked and accurfdarmcs '
Tnat cruell Romsim gainO Ihciir Country beare.
7(£wr ware thy falhthofeprodigiet^foretould.
When angry hcauens did powre downeihowert of bl«od
And fatall ^
Did weepe the luH^ ok JtonMtne liberty .
Then if the Gods haue defined thine end;
Yet as a Mother hauii^ loft her Sonne ,
(ato (liall waite vpoathv trasick hearfci.
And neuer Icaiie tny cold and^loodlei corfe •
He tune a fad and dfolrfiiU fiiaertll foog , .
Still crying on loft liberties fwcetc name,
Thy facrcd afhcs will I wafli with tearcs,
And thus lament my Couniriesobfequics.
A CT. I. S C. 5.
£«/vr Pompey 4nd CorneUa,
Cor. O cruel Pow/^f^whethcrwiltthouflye,
And Icaiic thy poorc C<>^Helia thus forlornc,
Is't our bad foroine orihy cruell will
That rtill it fcu'crs in extremity;
O let me go with thee^aa^ die with thee,
Nothing /hall thy CormiU grieuout thinke
That fhcc endures for herfweetc/'owp^y/fake,
Vom. Tis for thy weale and fafty of thy life,
Whofe fafty 1 pr<;krre before the world ,
Becaufc I louc thee more then all the worldr
Thatthou(fwny laft requcft.
Not to indang^r thys beloued life, -
But in this Hiip remavae,and hcrcawaitey
How Fortune dealeih with our doubt^ull State,
Or. Notfopcrfwadedasconiurdrwcctclouc,
By thy commanding meeicc petition.
I cannot fay I yee!d,yet amconOraind, ' t
This ncuer meeting parringto pcrmiT,." •
Then go deerc louc, yet ftay a Jittle while.
Some what I am Qiure,tis more 1 hauc lolaV, *
Nay nothing now but Heauens guid^thy flfeps.
Yet let mc/pcak*,why Inould wcparf l<> foonc,
i. -
Why i$ my tallcc tedious ? may be tis the laft.
Dp women Icaue their husbands in fuch haf^,
Vom, MorcfaithFulI, then that fay re deflowrcd dame,
And far morclouing then the CharUn Queene,
That drankc her Hijsb mds ncu^r fundrtd heart.
If that 1 dye,vct will h glad my fotile,
Which then fhall fcedc on thofe EiiJUn ioycs.
That rn' the facred Temple of thy breaft,
My lining memory f}ial| fhriuedbcr,
Btitif thatcriiiioui fates (hould call thee hence,
And Death with pale and meager fjoke vfnrpc,
Vpon thofrrofiate lipj^and Ciirrall chcclces.
Then Ay re be iarnde,to po) fon rojnfe^ mc.
Earth gape and^fwallow him that Hcauens hate,
Confume me Fine With thy deuouiing flames,
Or Water drowric, who clfe would melt in tcarc^
But li»ie,liuc happy ftiH.in fafcty Hue,
Whofafety oneljr to my life can giue. Exit,
Cor, O he 1% g5.'n,go hie thee after him.
My vowfbrbidsjyet ftillmycarciswiihthee, ,.
My cryesfliall wakethc CluerMooncby night,
And with my tcires I will falutf the Morne.
No day iliall pailc with out my day ly pla'nts,
No hpurc withmitmy prayers for thy returnc.
My minde mffgiues mcc Pompey is betrayd.
O c^^^5/ do nit rob mc of my loue.
Why bcareth Vtolomy fo iU rne a lockcf
O ^o not ftainethy childifh yearcs with blood:
Whil'ft Vompty fiorifhed in his Fortunes pride,
M^jpt andP/^/(jw7 were faine to ferue
And flmcf Cofgr^ce to my dirtr^flcdLord<
But little bootes it, to record he waf.
To be is onely that which Men refpcft.
Go poore Cornelia wandcr by the more
And fee the waters raging Billowcs fwell.
And beaec with fijry gainft the craggy reckes,
To dial compare thy ftrong teinpcfiuous grief c.
mich fiercely ta^eithin thy fccbfc heart,
Sorrow /Tiuts rp thepafTagc ofthy bteath:
And dncs the tearcs r h.it pitty faine would fhcd,
Thisoncly therefore, this will I flill crie,
Let To^pej,\iMc although Comclm die. JExk,
Enter CsfAr^cUofMrA^V9lchelU^ri$nitthm
C.|heiiiarnuigbIowj .
Through Hcancn* great path-w^y :pa«'d with fliining
Thou art the fized pole oFmj^ Soulcs ioy^ ((Hirres}.
Bout which my re Ucirs thoughts arc ouer turn dr
My Cynthia, w hofc g^ory neuer way net ^
Guydiag the Tide of mine aflfc^lions:
Thai with the changf of shy imperious Jookci,^
D^d mike my doublfuli ioycs tocb and Rowe.
C/?^»*»Tenrolcs 3ind(,)fber4anh]is,
And facred ^nUju^onnct vaile to it,
A fayrcr faint then Z/ems there {hall dwelt
Antht, LedwiththekKie-OarreofherlookesJgO
As crazed Bark is tofl'd in (robled Seas«
V'^c^rtainc to ariuc in wished port.
£ffter Di/httL TUfhes «jffe,
Atttljt. Now ^icoH foretould:
Then triumph in thy glorious grcateft pride.
And boaft thou caft the lucky Die fo well,
Now let the Trit(m that did found alarmc,
In his rhrill trump.refound the viOory,
ThatHcauenand Earth may Ecco of thy fame:
Yet thinke in this thy Fortunes lollity.
Though Caf^r be as great a5 gteatmay be.
Yet Pompey once was euen as great as he,
And h o w he rode cl ad in Scfdrins fpoy 1 c s;
And the SiaTww Pirats ouerthrowe.
C 2 - KuHnS
Ruling like NefdHne in the mid-iaad Self,
Who bafcly now by Land and Sea doth flic.
The hwuenly T^SfJ^tfr/prafcniting wrath,
Yet Set no? Land can mroud him from thisiar,'
O how itioycs my di(cord thirt^ing thoughts.
To fee them waight,that whilom How'dln bliflc.
To fee Iikc'5-/«».-ry,vnlike quarrels haue.
And Ram^n weapons flicthd in 'R^mAn blood.
For this Heft the dcepclnfcmallrtiades
And part the fad Anernus vgly iawes.
And m the world cam; I, being Difcord hight,
Difcord the daughter of the greefly nighfr
To make the world a hell ofplauges and woes,
Twas I that did the fatal Aple fling.
Betwixt the three Fdean goddcffes,
That fo much blood of G^rtf-f-i^w and 7><»ft«w fpllt,
Twajl that caufed the deadly ThiUm warrc,
And made the brothers fwell with ehdleffc hate.
And now O i?cw<',woc,woc,to thee I cry
Which to the world do bring al mifery.
EnUr Achillas ^andS^ronms.
ft//cA. Here arc we placcdtfc')' P/^/fTWtfV/ command.
To miirthcr Tompej^jifKiih^ comes on rtiore,
Thcnbrauc SepH^mus^tcpAxc they fclfe.
To exccuse the charge tnou haft in hancf,
Se9K I am a 7^w/«.',and haue often ferucd,
Vnder his collour«,whcn in former ft ate,
T^am^ej hath bin the Gencrall of the field.
But caufe I fee chat now the world is changd:
And like wife feelc fome of King Ptolomeis "-ould.
lie kill him were he twenty Gencralls,
And fend him packing tohij longcft home.
1 marucll of whatmcttell wa? the French man made.
Who when he fliould haue ftabbcd JKiriat,
They fay be was afloniflicd with hislookcj^
C^fttr$us,hid I beencthcrc.thoa ncere hadftliuM,
To brag thee of thy fcaucn Confulftiips .
...^yfchiU Braucly refolu'd, Noble SrwJ'rtfwwj',
The darcncdft viUainc that ere 1 heard fpeake:
But great men ftill mud hauc fuch inflrumcBts,
To bring about their purpofc,which once donnc,
The deedc they loue,biit do the doer hate:
Thou (lialtno lcire('ftoutif
There lurk'd a hidden vajne of Sacred gould, Iv^''"^
This hand,thi$ fwordjOiould rape and rip it out.
^chi/. CoropafTion would that grecdineflTereftrainc. ^
S^m, I that's my fault,! am to compaffionate,
Why man,art thou a fouldier and doft talkc
Of womani(h pity and companion?
IVlens eyes muftmil-ftones drop, whenfooleiihcd teare5».
Butfoft hecrcs P^w^jjllc about my workc
Enter Vompey.
Pom. Tru fling vponKing V'tolomeys promifd fayth,
And hoping fuccor,! am come to ihorc ;
In f^»/>? heere a while to make aboade,.
Sfw. Faythlonges P(?«r/>ir; then thou doflexpeft.
Pow. Sec now worlds Monarch8,\vhoiB your ftatc makes
That thinkc your Honors to be permanent, (proud)
Of Fortunes change fee hecrc a prefidcnt,
Who whilom did command, now muft intreate
And fuc for that which to accept of laic,
Vntothcgiucrwas thought fortunate.
C 3; Scm^.
S^;«. f pray thee Pompey do not fpcnd thy breath.
In rcckning vp thcfc nifty tides now,
Which thy imbition grac'd thcc with before,
I nrtft conrclTcthouWrt my General),
But thHt cannot availe tofauethy life.
Talke of thy Fortune while thou lift.
There is thy fortune l^ompey in my fift.
Pom. O you that know what hight of hon9r mcancf,
What tis for ra;n that lulled in fortune? lap,
Hauc climd the hei >heft top of foueraignety.
Froraall that pomp to be cafl hcd-long downc.
You may conceauc wiiat Tompej doth fuftay nc,
But to be met with ti oopes of Horfc and Men.
With playcs and pageants to be entertaynd,
A courtly trayncin roy all rich aray,
With fpangledplumes.thatdaunccdin the ayre»
Mounted on ftecds,withbraueCipirifonsdeckf,
That in thdr gates did fceme to fcornethc Earth.
Was wont my intertaynmcnt bcauticfie.
But no A' thy comniing is in meaner fort,
They by thy fortune will thy welcom rate.
S«m. What doft thou for fuch entertayncmcnt lookc,
Pompey how ere thy coniming hcthcr bee,
I haue prouided for thy going hence*
^chi. 1 will draw Deere,and with fayrc f leafing ilicw,
Wellcome great P-»»»/»(7 ai the 5'/>tf« doth
The wandering Qiipmm with hcrcharmingfoiig.
Tom* O how it grceuesa noble hauty mind.
Framed vp in honors vncontrou'ed Ichoolc,
To fcruc and fuc,whoe crft dii irulc and fwayj
What fhall I goc and ftoope to Trolomey, .
Nought to a noble mind more greefe caii bnog
Then be a bcgger where thou wcrt a King,
fy^ch, Wellcome a Ibore moll great Mid gratiousprmft
Welcome to t^gipf and to Pu/omey.
The Kmg my Mailler is at hand my Lord,
Togratulate your fale ariuall heere.
ofTulius Ctjdr.
Sem, TVus K tfic Kinfr,and here is the Gentleman,
Pom. Thanks vyortiiy Lord vnto your King anc you,
Itioyesmcrairch that itiextrcmity,
I foi?nd fo furc a friend as Piclsmey^
Sem. Now is the date of tliy proud lifcexpird.
To which my poniard mun a full poyntput,
T^rwrf f T from 7'/'«»/c*»^ I come to thee,
From vvhorne a prcfantand a g,iiift 1 bring.
This is the g;ift and this my (nc fl ige is Suh him
Vom^ O Villainc thou haft flaync thy Gcnerall,
And with thy bafehand gor'4 my roy all heart.
Well I haiie liucd till to that height I came.
That all the world did tremUIc at my name,
My grcatnefie then by fortujie being cnuicd^
Srab'd by a murtherous wlla) nes hand^dicd.
^yich. What isTie dead, then ftraight cut of his head.
That whilom raoiuited with ^Unbitions wingsr
C4^^ no doubt with praife and noble thanks,
Rcsarding; well this well dcferucd dccde.
But they that yfc to kill men by the great.
And thoufandes flay through. their ambition,
They are brauc championSjand ftput warriors cald,.
Tfs like that he that Oeales a rotten fhcepc
That in a dich would elfc hauc cuilhis hide.
He for his labour haih the haltars hicr.
But Kings and mighiv Princes of the world.
By letter pattens rob beth Sea.and Land.
Do not then Tomfe;} ofthy iRUrther plainc.
Since thy ambition halfcuit world hath fiayne,
Entu CorneliA,
Orn^.O tratcroiii fili«n^,hoid j ottr murthcrJnghand j,
** Ox
Or it tTiat needfes they miift be waHit m blood,
Imbructhemhcerc.hccc ^nCpt^ltliash\!c\\,
Ay mcc as I ftood looking from the Ship
(Accurfcd niippcihaidid notfifiireanciclrownfr-
Aad fo hauc fau'd mefrom fo loa A*d a fight)
Thee to behold what did betide my Lord,
My Pompey dcere(nor VoTHoey now nor Lord)
I fawc thoPc villaincs that nut Jiow were hccrc:
Biichcrmy loucand then with \ao1cncc.
To drawe his deare bciloaed Body hence)
Wh^it doft thou ftand to play the Of atrix,
And tell a tile of thy dccrc nufbands death?
Doth Vtmpcy, doth thy louc mouc thee no more?
(Qo curfcd Cornelis rent th)^ wretched hairc,
brownc Wobrcd chcekes in Teas of falteft tearefc
And if,it be true that forrowM feeling po wrc.
Could tume poorc Niobe into a weeping ftonc
O let mee weepe a like^and like (lone oe.
And you poore lights,that fawc this tragick fight,
Be bhnd and punniili'd widi cternall night.
Vnhappy long to fpeake,bee neite fo bould
Since that thou this fo heauy talehaft tould,
Thefe are but womanifh exclaniationf
Light forrowc makes fuch lamentations,
'Pompey no words my true gricfe can declare.
This for thy loue flialbe my beft welfare. Stab berfelfe^
ACT. 2. SCE. 3.
Enter C^far,0eofatr4,tyi'nthony,
^ DolobelUyA Lordf • ^
C^tfar. There fternc AcbiiUs znd FortumMfMe,
Traytorous Sempronws and proud "^tolomey.
Go plead your caufe fore the 2n2,ry Rhadamaftt,
And tcl him why you bafcly Vjwpfjf Hew.
And let your guilty blood appcafc his Ghoft,
Thatnowfits wandrinsby thcSrygianbankcs, ,
Vnwortliy facrific^ b quite his wonh,'
For /* *
' Alackeweniourne,gfeeued is our mind alike
)^ Our|atciidifcontenrcd,heauyourlo6kes, '
Our forroWei all a like,but diflike caife. ,
?^^ ^^ J! their gfifes'can(€f which my fiieiL
it Js the lofle of one that makes them waylf,
ButLthatonethereisacruellone,^ -
Do wayle and grccue and ynregarded mone.
tayre beamcs caftforih from thcfc difmayfull eyes.
Chamc my poore hcarf,in loue and forrowei »ioef
Withdrawthymmdmclowdydifcomcnt, ^ ^
And with e^^>/M«pleafurc«feed ihinc eVeS.
Wilt thou be houW the SepulchcTS ofKingi,
'. . . An«lMonumcntsthaifpeakethcwoTkcmensprayfe?
' lie bnng thee to Great ^^;c4«r^/Tombe,
Where he,whome aUthc world could noj fuffice,
D I.
'The Tragedy
In bare fiKf^or^of Rarth.Jncombcd licf.
And ilicw thccaUtbccol} and curioasart.
Which cither CUcft or our Memphis boafl;
Would you command a banquil in the Court,
lie b ing you to a Royall gouldcn bowre,
Fay rcr then that wherein great ioue doth fit.
And hcaucs vp bol^s of NeSlano his Qtieeflei
A rtatcly Pallacc, whofc fay re doblc eates?
Arc wrought with garniOi'd Carutd luory,
And (lately pilUrc of pure bullion trssid.
With Orient Pcarles and Indian ftonci imboft^
Witk golden Roofes that glider like the Swu^t
Shalbe prcpard to entcrtainc my Louet
Or wilt ihou fee o jr o^c4^/^««cj(_Schoolcf,
Or hearc our Pricftsto reafon of the ftarrcf.
Hence Piati fechl his dcepePhilofophy;
A'ld heerc in Hcaucnly knowledg tncy exccll.
K*ttho, More theamofl faircanocher Hetuento mc,
The ftarrcs where on He gaze (halbc thy face.
Thy morall deedcs my fwcctePhilofopny,
Venus thcm'tfe whoGc aydc F muft implore*
Olcf me profit in this ftudy bcfl*,
For Beauties fchollcr I am now prefid.
Lord, See l:o;v this fairc EgiptiamSorcerett
Iinchanres thcfe Noble warriars man-^hkc Aindesy
And melt! their hearts in Ioue and wantoncs.
C^r, Mdft glorious Qascnelw hofc cheercfuU fmllfn g
Hxpellthefecloudesthacoucr caflmymindc, (words)
Qejar w ill i :>y i n C/eopatrat ioy ,
And thinke his fame no whit difparaged,
To change his armc?»and deadly founding drom J,
For loucs fwcctc Lai^s.and Lyd)an harmony,
A nd no fv hang vp thcfc Id Jc inflruniehts.
My warlike fpca.rc and vncontroulcd crcfl:
My mottall woundinz fvvbrd and tiluerftiicld.
And vjidcr thy fwcctc banners bcarc the brunt,
Of p-^ccf ull warrcs and amarous Alafmcs: .
Why '^Mars hunlclfc hi* bl.oudy rage alayd,
Dallying in Venus bcdliath ofti»
Tiie purple Hyacinth oiVh/thns Land:
FreOi hmartnthus that doth neucr die.
And fairc Narcif/tt deere refpendcnt fhoars.
And Violets of Daffadillesfo fwecte,
Shall Beautify the Temples of my Loue,
Whil'ft I wJI ftill eaze en thy beautious eyes.
And with Ambrokan kifles bath thy Cheekes.
0#«#Conie j>ow fajrc Pjfince,and feafl thee in our Courts
Where liberall C'^^^i^nd Li^Hf far,
Shail powre their plenty forth and fruirfuU (lore,
The iparkiing hquor fhall orcti^ow his bankes:
And cJW4/r4 hath prepard,
A-j/^a. Pardon me worthy C4r and you Lordi, ^
In not attending your moft gratious fpcech
Thoughts of my Country,and returne to Rome,
Som-what diftcmpcred my bufy head.
C4, Let no fuch thou^htf dirfcmpcr nowthy nrindc,
This day to 'Srf^-fW vvilT wee confccrate.
And indeepe goblets of thepureft wine,
Df inke healths vnto our fcuerall friends at faome«
A*ttho, If of my Country or oiRome I thought,
Twas that I neuer ment for to come there.
But fpcnd my life in this fwccte paradi(e. I^twtt^
ACT. 2. SCE. 4.
Enter QceroyUrutmjZ^uSZtmiherJrthnnm.
Cicei Moft prodcntheadijthat with yeur counccis wife,
j The pillars of the mighty /?»/ fuftainc,
j You lee bow ciuill broylei haue tornc our ftatei
Andjpriuatc ftrife hath wrought a publiaue w<^
Thejhi/nt bodSJts that ibe hach fccac our uU»
•^ And
— ^ — ^ ^-^ — ■' 9fjiniin i^xfir, " ]
And Roffff <\wl Mfhiiom wont to Tiranize, ^
And b the wc^^^of aU the worW hath rang (^
Looiin» her rule, to feme if nowconOtaynd, "
VVhofc rcrfucs promird /?<»•« fecuriiy
Now flies dil^cft.difconrolatc,ft>rlom<,
Rcproch of Fortune, and^thcviflori fcoftiW
Cdf, VYI»? now ii left for wretched Romf to hope»^
But in laments and .bittcriuturc woe,
:•. To wcy.thc ddwncfiall of her former pride:
AgaincTo?y«WMi)rings in 74r^«w names,
And ^ow* a^aine doth fmoke with furious flamet.
■ • ln/'tflw^J?^/^/r4if K'tt^g,
VVhofc Father of an Exildbamfli'd m^
Hce felted lvidiirtfcrpne<>f Maitfty^, ' v
Him chofejto^home he did conrnrntiSIire^ ^
. ^ButO, who doth retncmbefgodd-tiirnespafl)
A TheRifingStmi»d^otSetting,dothmenp!ea{e,
Tpillcommi^tediwairogreatatrufly ,
Vnto fo bafe a:Fo«5tti«! ftudrm^^ndc. ) .
For he the Concmerors fauor to obtains.
By Trcafon catiTdgrtat Vamfej to be ilaine:
CifcM, Odamned deede*
Crw, OTraytcfousPr«/(im*br(b^abcLVngrate(9Qfa^«
D3 Crt^
r«« What plages miy feme to expiate this aft,
1 he roulmj ftonc or cucrti.rniiig whccic.
The qucnchlcs flames ot firy T>hic(reton,
Or endlcs thi'ra of which the Poets talkc,
ArM'l to ^ :ntle for fo vildc a decde.
Cf. Vyai aidtheif*^//x,vnrcrpeacd vetfc.
Bitt tbce beware dtCrtcaiiliJh NtU,
^ 7Vr. And art thou in afewbarous foylc bctrayd.
Defrawded7>..«;,^ of tKy.funerail rites,
Tnerc none could wecpc vpon thy funerall hearfe.
None could thy Conful{hipes and tri-imphs tell.
And m thy death (et fourth thy liutngpraifc.
None would erc(ft to thee a fepulcher*
Or put thine alLeiin a pretious vrne,
KT ^*Z* ?^^^^ ^"°*'^* '*™^^ "°' "^^^« Pi^w;r. Then end all hope^of^tfw^iwi liberty,
Rife noble K^Aim.xiU from rotten Tombes,
Aod with yoiir fwordes recouer thatagaine:
Wirh your braue prowes won,our bafcncs loft,
<7'^. Reno,vncd Lords content your trobled minds*
Do B^tad Fuell to the conquerors fier-
Which once inflamed will borne botii T(^me and vs.
Cdfar although of high afpiring thoughtci,
And Yncontrpuld ajftbitijusMaicfty,
Yet is of nature fairc and courteous,
You fcehcc coramctl) conqueror oftheCafb
Clad in the fjjoylcs of the Vharfaliah fieldcs.
Then wee vnable to rcfift fuch povwe:
By o;endc peace and meeke fubini^ioii,'
MuA (cekc to paciiy the yiAori wrath. Bfeffrnf,
ACT. 2. SCE.5.
r C
Though Fortune fayles vs lets notikyle our fckic^,
K emcHjber hoy tliou an a T^owdiW borne,
And ^^.toes Sonne, c^n.e do vcrtuc learne;
Fortunepf others, abciicalthingsf. fee
Thou pii^Ec thy Couny-iCS'loue and liberty, *
All bleffiings JFathcrsto ilieir Sonncs can wi/h , |
Heauens powrc on^hec , tnd now my /onnc with-drawc ' j
Thy fclfc a Whde and leaue me to my booke. , -<
C/»/.Iv>f. What meancs ray Father by thii folemne Icauc/ i
Firftfie rcmciiibredmcofniv Fortunes change,
And then more carflcftIydj({iDe exhort > ^^
ToCounrriefloue,andconflancyofmind«, W^ |
Then he was wont.fom-whals ific caufc, *^
But w hat I knowc not, OJi.f eare I fcdr<, ';
His to'couragiousJieart tKait cannot be;i^c
The thr*H of iftf/w^ aitd triumpliof hts foe^
How crc it be at hand I wUi abidt^-r !»' - iw:.-: : • : >(
V Vayring tl^flctfdof thr» that;flial berirfc. Btit; "•
, ! ;L :> J ■ Cato Senior with 4 h9»ks MithlttUt,
C*foSffi, P/*/otliatproniifed impionalityi^ j.^^-W
D Jtli make my fo^k rtffolie it (clfo to toioimr; - •- '^.- ^>' ^
VmothcbowrcoftHofcOltfbaiUoycs, j ^J > v=i«{U:M
Where freed from lothcd Piifon of my foule,
In hcaucnly notes to Phoel;u/ which ftiall fing:
And pM«/(»,PM«loudcly ring. \ '
Then faylc not hand tb e^ecurc itis iteiie, •
Nor faint nor hca« for to command my Iw^d,
V Vaucr not mindc to counfcU'this refoluc.
Bat with a couraM and thy liucf laft a^
Now do I giuc thee Rome my laft farewelL
Who caufc thbii fearift ill do therefore diej
" O talkc not now o('Cttnn4J oiitfrthrowc.
And raze out of thy lading Katendcrs, .
Thofc bloudy fongcs of /2/m/ difmall fighH
And note with black, ^ that black and qme^ day,
When^rf/ir conqaercd'in^irf^/i^, ,";
Yet'willnotlhijconqaeflelorines ^
My ouerth ro .v fhall necrenif triumph grsTcej
For by my death to the world lie make that knoWne, ^
No hand could conquer (Utt but his •wne* fidbt bimfitf,
CaJun, O this it was jny mindc told me bcrbrc.
What meancs my F^thcr,why with naked blade,
Doll thou aflault, thatiaithfull princely hand.- '
Andmak'ftthebafb Earth to dr'mke thy Noble bloud.
Bee notm^re ftemc,and crucirgamft thy fclfc,
Then thy moft hateful enemies would be.
No Parthia>tfi4Mle^!^^/. Now haucl freed mee of that hurtfull Louc»
■ ^'WhicR interrupted my refolued willj
> , ,Wj|k:h all'the world can ncter ftay nor change:
-. Cf/^ivhofe rule commands both Sea and Land,
Is not of pbwrc toliinder this weake hand.
And time fucceeding fhall behold that I
Although not liue,yet died courragiou fly, fi^himfelfei
Enter Cato lunior,
C^Jun'uO haft thou thus to thine owne harmc deceiu'd mc
Well I perceiuc thy Noble dauntles heart:
Bccauk it would not bearc the Conquerors iofolcnce,
E Vfcd
Vfcd on It felfc this crucll violence,
I know not whether I ihoiild more lament,*
That by thine o'.vne hand thou thus flaughtrcd art,
Or loy that thou (o n obly didft drpart. £ri>,
F/iV/i'.ACTVS. 2.
T)if, Now Ce'^r rides triumphantly through 7?o«»r,
AnJ. dccJccs the C^pifoll with PfmpejsCpoyle:
tAn)b; tion now doth vcrtucs fear vfurp,
j Then thou Reutr.gfall great ^^dafirU Quccnc.
A- va'ce -/rkh horror of tliy dubbing Drumm,
And call the fnaky furies from below.
To dill the loy of their triumphing pride,
■Erinnu kindle n3W thy Sti^ian brands.
In difcon'^cntcd "Sriftf*/ boyling brcft.
Let C-tlar ^it a bleeding facnficc,
Vnto the Ss>ulc oFthy dead Country Rome,
Whv n jcpefhhou C^a^^^rr? wake thee from thy dreamer
An i yet thovtnaught don dream? buc bloDd and death.
For drcadrull vi(io.is do afrigh: thy flcepe.
And ho vling GhofiS with gJilly horrors cry.
By C '(Ji ts hind muft vvicked Otfar ^i:^
Now llo!n; cart ofthy %zvi\y painted robes
And cloit thy fclfc in fable colored weedei,
"\ Chun'^e thy vains rriuniplis into funcrall pomps^
And \Ufir ca^ thy Laurell crownc apart.
And bind thy temples with fad Cypres tree.
Of varr? th.ispcice inrues.ofpcaccmoreharmfj,
Tlicn crft was wrought by iragick wars alarmcs, Exi *•
ACT. ^ SC E.I.
Ertfer Cijfius,
CdC Ha-!cc hnn Cafaritrts w'vh re'bund'dg (HoutCSy
Tell luaucas of d'icic pompcs and victories,
efTttltus Cdfar,
("afar that long in plcafurcs id!c lap.
And daliancc vay nc of his Proud Curtczan,
Had luld his flernc and bloody thought! a flc cpe^
Now in Rcme (Irccts o/c R9mai*:es come to triumph.
And to the Romains flicws thofc Trephfjes f:id.
Which firom the T^mjiines}^ with blood did gtt:
The Tyrant mounted in hi< gould:n ciiayrc.
Rides drawne with milkc white palfencs in hkc prid^
As Phtbus from his Oricnrall gate.
Mounted vpon the firy ThUgctons baclces.
Comes prauncingforih,fhakin» his dew:c locks:
^»^ifr»>/ beare.
Yet fee mfnc inward n^jnd vndcr rliatface, \
W'lo^c collours to thefe Trium ohes is difgrace»
Ltr.i, Atwicnfrotnvanqui/h.!d/li:ti-^^^w<#,
Trimnphing ore King wjim oucrdurow.
, cfluliHS CaJat.
Conquering ^uteliusim great glory came.
Slicwing the worlds fpo) Ics which he had bereft*
Fjom the fucctflorsotgrcat AhxMtder^
Vi ith fuch high pomp,y en greater riflorics,
CAfeur triuirpfiing corns into f ayre "^wo
\,%om. In this one Champion allii comprehended,
Which ancient throes in feuerall men.connBended,-
«^ow fliee triuraphcs ore my conquered hcar^
In Cupids Chariot rydmg m her pride,
And reader me captiue bounde in Beauties bondcs;
C4r/lip-lou.f, that ncuer touch d his heart,
By prefcnt triumph and the abfent fir f, ,v
1$ now waxt could ; but nine that was more decpc,
Ingraueninthemarblcof mybreft,
Nor time nor Fortune ere can raze It out.
Enter A it homes honHsgenitiS,
Thou womans fouiaiar,fit for nights alTiuUs,
Haft thou fo foone forgot the difctphne,
And wilfomc taf kei thy youth waVtrayned to ,
Thy fof I downe Pillow, was a \ki\cnt of Ikcle:
The could damp ear(b,a bed to cafe thy toylc,
Afri'tcd numbers were thy golden fleepcs:
Srerne h m ror,gaaiy woundcs,pa1c erccfly death:
jiWf w w v m itn »
m j»*fi*» um
And now To foonc hath on enchanted face,
Thcfc manly labours luld in dro wfy flccpc:
The Gods( vvhofe racflcnger I hccrc do ftand)
Will not then drownc thy fame in Idlcneffc:
Yet muft ?ht/tppi fee thy hi^h exploytcs,
And all the world ring oi thy Viaorics.
Aitho^ Say "what then art, that in this dreadful fort
Forbicici*rt me of aiy CieepatraAoiK,
Ccn, I am thy hnuJ GemMS,hnthony^
VViiich to thy dul earcs this do prophecy:
That fatall face which now doth fo bewitch thee.
Like to that vaine vnconftant Greebfh dame,
YVhich made the (lately Hun towrcs to fmokc.
Shall thoufand bleeding Row^/^J lay one ground;
Hymen in fable not inlaferon robes,
InOcad of roundcs (hall dolctull dirges (Inge*
For nuptiall taperSjOiall the furies beare.
Blew burning torches to incrcafr your fcare:
The bride-grooms fcull ilial make the bridal bondes.*
And hcl-bornc hags fhall dancean Antick round,
VVhile Hecate Hjmen(hcv^cM)Hym.'n cries.
And now mcthinkes I fee the Teas blew face:
Hidden with Jli!ppes,and now the trumoets found.
And weakc Cancpuj with the v^2;ic flriucs,
Neptune amazcd at this dreadfull light-
Call blew Tea Gods tor to bcliold the fighf,
GhucHi and TantpeAy 'Troteus ould,
Who now for feate changeth his wonted fhapc,
Thus your vaine loue which with dcl\2;ht begunnei
In Idle fpcrt (hall end with bloud and ibame, Exit%
■ ^tjtthv. What wafl my Gtmus that mee thieatncd thu$;»
Tncy fay that from our tirth he dorh prefcrut :
And on race will he powrc thcfc mifcrJes?
What burning forcties, what alarums of warrc.
What fhames ^a^ he to my lones prophcficJ
O n o hcc come*, a s winged '. Mercuric ^
From his great Father JcHe^xhnchifes fonnc
Ts> waciic him Icauc tkc wanton dalliance.
And charmmg plcaftircs of the 75'rw« Court, -
Then wake the Atrbonf fron) this idle dreamer
Caftofthcfc bafccflFemfaatebaflTionjs ,
Which melt thccourrage of thy manlike minJci '
And with thy fvrord recctue thy ftccpmg praifc. Exit,,
ACT, 3. SC. j.
Enter *Brt$tm,
Brut How long in bafe ignoble patieocf^
Shall I behold my Countries wGffuU fdl,
you braue 7^««Mw/,and airibng'ft the reft
Mod Noble 5r«/«/,fairc befall yoarfoules?
Let Peace and Fame your Honored grauet awaite^
Who through fuch oerils^and fuch tediodii warrcJ*
Won yoiic gircat lib >. r prilc fwcc^e Jiberly,
But wee that with our life did freedoms take«
And did no fooncr Men.then fi'ee-men, breath t
To ]oo(e it now continuing fo lone,
And with fuch lawes/uch vowes.luch othes coiiEnQ"(l
Can nothing but difgrace and Qiamc expert*
But foft what fee I written on my feate^
What meaneth this,thv couragedead.
But ()ay,reade forwarcl , 'Brute m^rtuut er,
1 thou art dead indeed, tKy courrage dead
Thy care and loue thy deareft Country deadf '
Thy wented fpirit and Noblcilomack dead.
C*/i. Thetimcidrawcnctt-cbygratioujheauens
When T/»/>/ Sonne muft fall in "^rf^i/flff, (afllgnd)^
In his triumphing proud pcrfumption: rHte alwaics in this drcamc rcmainc,
And not bcc mooucd with his Countries monc.
"Bm^ O that I might in Letha cndles flecpc.
And nccrc awaking plcafant reft ofdcath
Clofe vp mine eyes, that \ no more might fee,
Poorc Rtfw^/diftrefle and Countries mifery,
Cc/J, NoBr»r*::i jmin^on pur fljgjiQj negligtnce. "^
Lcju::pUm.ntbrjiiei?«iM4;u.locIconi^ ^~
I ;'v .• ro the God qtbaifjdUi'ad with rage.
To clic iMcir riilcri vvi:h vermilion red r
] L* r» 1 1 /trmcHtJinj playnes and MUUms hiliy
*vV. . 1 1 c ai k 1 fc I of baft ard i'f ///>«• brcode;
Ar.vi ;h?rc proud Princci wilUbfingto 'Kf^/j-
Cii jiiic J in ^cifffi to ray ch^^rriot whcckt: ^
Delireoffanicandhopeoffweetewtenft - '
Wiiich in rav bred hath kiodlcdfiicbaflaiDC* ' -
As nor Ettphrai^s, uoi (Weer7)^MV0reaoir«
Can quench or flick t!)ii feruembojrHne hfott^' '
Thefe conqoering fouldieis thac baueibllowcd tne^
From vinquifhe France to iAti-hnrtktMkrtt^
Mate Sine the bcfl of if^/rjMM^/ croopes.
Shall with their tooketput7 ^^ y-'
Doth neuer eeaft from fiooort loilcCofae tesler^
Tdl ir bringetTonh Ecenuligloryes bfoodc
So you fay re braunch of vcrtuet gretc diTceat^
Ntw hauing ^iOi'd Ooill wancf f^ bcoykf»
Intend by PsrthiM Iriunpbtc tacnlarge^
Your contryet limits,and your ownt renown^
But cauG: in Sihil/es ciuiU writs we finder-
None but a King that conqued can atchiue»
Both for to crowne your deedei with due rewara*
And as aufpicicui ngnetof viftorye.
Wee here prefcnt you with thii*Z>u<^, * ,\t
Itir^.kskd cuen ai kings were baniflb'ditww/bigh thronji
Caufc dieirbafc vlce,>ic r honour did dcftaynei
So to your rule doth Hicc fubmit her fclfc.
That her rcnownc there by might brighicr fhine,
^ie/ir.Whv thinke you Lords that lis ambitions fpurJ
That prickcih C^tfar to thcfe hi^h attempts,
Or hopcof Crowoc$,or thouent oiDiddemt^
That made mc wade through honours perilous decpc^
Venue YDto it fclfe a Huire reward,
My labours all (hail haue a plcafingdoome*
If you but ludge I will dcferue oiRomr,
Did thoie old RtmaiHcs (uffer fo much ill?
Such tedious (eeges/uch enduring wap-s/
Taramnius hatcs.and great T'orfentuu thrcatf,
Tobtniili proude impcriocs tyrants rule?
And (hal 1 my eoerdaridg thoughts contend
To mar re what they haue brought to happy end:
Or thinke you caufe my Fortune hath expeld.
My hiends^come let yi march in loUty,
He triumph Monarke-likeore conqiicring R§mel •
Or end my conaucOs with my countryesfpoylcJ,
Dolo. O noble Princely refolution.
Thcfe or not viftoryci that we fo call,
That onely blood and murthcroui fpoyles can yauntr
But this (lialbe thy yirtorybraue Prince, ^ \
That thou haft conquered thy owne cUming thot^htsj f
And wiih|thy vertue Dcat ambitioa downc.
And this no lefleinblaron (hall thy fame. »
Then thofc great deeds and chiualrous aetcmptf^
That made tnce conqueror in T^f/Tif/M,
ft^w/". This noble mind and Pincely modcfty.
Which in contempt of honoun briehmei (hines.
Makes v$ to wifti the morcfor (iich a Prince,
V^hofe vertue not ambition won that praifc.
Nor Qiall we ihinkc it loflc of liberty.
Or R^mdine liberty any way impeached,
For to fubic A vs to his Princely rule,
WhofethDughts fayre vcrtueandtruchonorgmde* .
Vouchfafe then to accept thkgouldencrowoe,
F » A
A %\h not cquall to thy dignity.
Cc/; Content you LordcsforlwilbcnoKing,
An odious name vnto the Komdine care,
OtJdT I am,and wilbc Oefar ftill , ^
No other title fhall my Fortunes grace:
Which I will make a name of higher ftatc
Then MonarchjKtng or worldcs great Potentate*
Oihue in Hcauen,fhall nilcd bee the fkic,
The Earth of Cfyir.with lilce Maicflv.
This is the Scepter that ray crovyncmall bcare.
And this the golden diadem lie weane,
A farre more rich and royall ornament »
Then all the Crownes that the proud TerJUm^veLti
Forward my Lordes let TrumpNcts found oUr march^
And drums (^rikevp Reuenges fad alarmf^
pArthi4 we come with like incenfed hcate^
As great A'nW^/ with the anzry Greeket,
Marching in fiiry to pale walli of Troy*
ACT. 3. SC. J. ,
Enter CAJfiusfirKtHi^rebmiufimnher dtfcd*
Tre. Braue Lords whofe forward resolution,
She wes you defcended from true Komdifie line*
See how old Komt in winter ofher aee,
Reioyfeth in fuch Princely budding iiopes.
No IcHe then once (he in Decimi Tertue did.
Or great Q^miliMs bringing back offooyles.
On then braue Lords ot this attenmt bcgim^
The facrcd Senate doth commend the decde :
Your Countries loue incites you to the deed, -
Vertue her fclfe makes warrant of the deed.
Then Noble 7^«mm»/ as you haue begun;
Ncaerdcfiftvntill this decde be done.
C«/». To thee Reueng doth Oi^ius kneelc him downe.
Thou thar brings quiet to perplexed foulei,
And borne ia i&^jct harbordl hcaueni ioycsi
Whofc fauor flaug!itcris,ancl dandling death,
Bloud-thirfty pleafurcs and mif boding blidc; •;
Brought forth ofFury^nurfc of cankered Hate,
Tp drownc in woe the pleafurcsof the world*
,Thou flialt no more in duf kiili Erebun
And darksome hell obfcure thy Deinr,
InHdedeof Itfiv^thoii Oialt myGodeUc bee,
Xo thee fairc Temples 0*j[$/4s will erc£h
And on thine aher built of Pdrian Hone
Whole HecatffmhyuWl I offer vp.
Laugh penile GodefTc on my bould attempt,
Yetintny laughter let pale meager death:
Bee wrapt in wrinkels of thy murthering fpoylci*
Bru, An other Tarath inark'd him out ta die:
IHtbctruc that furi« quench -Icsthirft,
I«p]eaf*d with quaffing of ambitious blond.
Then ail you dcuilli whet my Poniards poinr.
And I w^l broach y^u i bloud-focking heart:
Which full of bloud,raurt bloyd rtorc to you yceld.
Were it \ pccrce to flint or marble ftona
Why To it i$ for C*f*rs hea rt's a ftonc ,
Ell would beemooucd with my G^untriet mone.
They fay you furjci infti^ate meniraindcs
And pofh their trmes to fuinifh bloud v dcedeii
Prick then mine Elborgoade my bloudy hand,
Th It it may goare C^^t ambitious heart, ExtntH^
C^f. Why thlnkei my k>uc to fright me with her dreamet^
4S'hall bug-beares feare Cr/4r/ undaunted hear^
Whorac T^ompejs Fortune ncuer could aiiaze.
Nor the French hoTCc,nor^*»/wr.O flay thofc fleeps that leadc thee eo thy cka^»
The angry heauens with ihrceatftin^ dire afpc^ ,^
Boding niifchancc^and balfnll maftaceri,
M enace the oucrthtowc of Qefars powre.'
Sdturne fits firowning on the God of Warfe, .
VVhoin«hcirfadconiunftion doconfpirf,
Vniting both their bale hill influences.
To heope mirchaTKe,and daB«r to thy lifes
The Sacri6cin2;bcafl is heart -Te! found;
Sad ghaflly fightes,and rayfcd Ghoflei appeaff^
WK'ch fill ihe filent woods,wiih groning criet.-
The hoarfe Nigh r-rauen tunes the chearTes voycc,
And calls the bale-full Owle^iod bowlingDo^e ^
To make a confortln whofc fad fong is this, 1
NcercisthcoucrthrowofCrf/^rcbliflc. Bri>. |
_ C^ftr . The world is fct to fray mec from my wits, ,
Hccrshartelcs Sacrifice and vifioni, ■
Hovvlingc and cryes,and gaflly groncs ofGhofts, J
Soft C/^r do not make a raockcry.
Of thcfc Prodigious flgnes font from the HcaucflS, .
CaJphurnias Drc amc lumping which Augurs wordst •
Shew (if thou markcft it Cf/^r Jcaufc to fearc; i
This day the Senate there flialbe dilToIued/
A nd He retume to my Calphurnia hom% One giues him
What haft thou h care that thou pccfcntsys with, m paper,
'Pre, A thing my Lord that doth conceme your Ufc
Which louc to you and ha te of fuch a deed.
Makes me rcucale vnro your excellence, Q.tfiLr Uu^%
Smileft thou,or think'd thou it (ome ildetoy,
Thout frowne a non to read fo many names.
That hauc codfpird and fworne thy bloody death. Exit.
,- EnlerQaJfmt,
Qstjpus^ Now muft I comc,and with clofe fubtile gitdef,
Deceaiic the prey that lie dcuoure anon.
My Lord the Sacred Senate doth expe£l.
Your royallprcfence in /*<»»/»««/ court: , ,
0/4r. Cactus they tell nie that Tome daungeri nigh.
And death pretended in the Senate houfe*
Cijp, What dangeror what wrong caa be.
Where harmeles grauitie and vertue nts,
Tis paft all daunger prefent death it if.
Nor is it wrong to render due defert.
To feare the Senators without a caufc,
Will bee a caufe why theile be to be faared,
Cdfa, The Senate ftayes for me in P*mpejt fonrt.
And A/^r/ hcere,and dares not goe to them,
Packe hence all dread of danger and of deatb>
To plead thy caufc for them whofc aydc thou cf aucft, !
C^f, What 3mtf4s co?nay nay^thcn let me die.
Nothing wound* deeper theaingratitudc,
Bk\ l[f\oody Ci
Till that more lines might beeextinquimed.
Then hifambition,^»4«^/ Slaughtered,
Tre. How hcauens haue iul^ly on the authors head^
Returnd the guiltles blood which he hath flied.
And Pom^fjyht who caufed thy Tragedy,
Here breathles lies beforcthy Noble Statue,
Entir AnthiHj,
tArtth, What cryeiofdcathrcfound within my earcf,
Whome I doefee great Ctf/4r buchered thus/
What raid I great? I C^iar thou waft great,
B Ji O that greatnes was that brought thy deatk:
O vniuft Heaucns,f if Hcauens at all there bc,^
Since vertues wronges makes quefticmofyour powers^
How could your ftarry eyes this fhame behold.
Ho .V could the funae (ee this and noteclipze?
Fayrc bud of fain : iil cropt before thy lime:
What .'/y^-f^wtygarjOr wild fauagc bore, .
(For he more heard then Bore or Fyger was,) 9
Darft do {o vile and execrate adeede,.
Could not thofe eyes . ■
Let then ihcy foule diuifie. vouchfafc td bfe,
Thefc worthies obfequics our lone doth make.
C«//>, All thatl'am isbut defpaire and grcefe,
Thi? all I giucito Cclcbrarc thy death, ■. \
What funerail pomp of riches and of peJfc,
Do jX)iwxpcft.'Cy
untrics Fatbcr.flay of Commoii wealth. ,
And that wbich nciicr any bare before, '
I>oc fcethis friend of /?<»wtf,this Cbntrycs Father,
This SonneoWaftiHg fame an dendicsf\raif>
And in a mortall trunke,immortall Vvrtuc
Slaoghtefed,prbfan'd,and bucherd like ^ beaft.
By traytcrcus h3ndcs,and damned Paracidei:
llecounte thcfc dccdes and fee whathc hath don.
Subdued tfiofe nations which three hundred ycares •
Remaynd vncon'qucrec;flill af Aiding ^
Swcetc wounf ?fouiiiccs were yoBinade,
Thu«thaiike4et menhec didpre'crrepf nought
That bf their haadi Ws raurther might be wrought. ^
Omu,. Rcucngc.Reuengcvprdsthisworth^rerolot!onqiewe^
Your dcereftlou^and great aftcaion . :.,,-^ .
Which to this flaughtcred Pnnceyoualwaiei bate.
And may like bbu<^ chance beWl n^ litci
Iflbc flack for to reucngehrt death. .
OEla. NowoflrayLoTdi,thiibodyletsmtef:
And build 1 Temple tahi*nK!«?r- v^^^^^mi
HonoringdiereinhUracred Deity. E^^tmmmi.
^ ACT. 4- SC. a. ^
EHttrCdfmx,4ml 'Brmm with MHsrmj.
InhugteatefthightandchicfailolUiic. ,
fiienitf theCoofccratedOxe whichfoundc^
^thorny a!ters3nhi»dyingpndtt , •
V Vith flowry leaues and zarjUndl^b^hti
Standi^roudiywayting&theha^ -
TiUhccamazcdwithtbedifjnaUfound, ^^
Falls to the Earth and ftainfs the lioly^rotm4
The rpoylrs and riches of the conqut^rcd wprW
HitlaurcU <^ar-landcs do but Cro\fv nc his chaire,
His nirfohTs finlde^and f-ital! bloudy fparc, '
Now feme for nonght bvt nifty monumtnts.
t5r«. So T^mutM when proud awbition, ^
His fonncrveftoc and rcnowne had ftayncdr
Didby the Senators recciur his end.
But (oft what boadcs r*r/fc««i/ haCmgfpccde*
Titift, The frantikc people and impaticnf.
By A»^i!'^^/ exhorting to reucn«:
Rimnc tnaddiag thrx>w theM6ttdy ffrcctcs di^9^»
Crying Reiien5e,aiKFniun5*ring they goejr
G«^. The waucring people py ti)^g O/^r/ dcatn,
Do rage at v5,who fore to wmnc their weaie:
Spa»enotthc danger of our dcarcft lines, •
But fince no fafety Kome for v» affordis:
!Br#r/*/weelthaft Vs to;out Proninct*i
I into Sjf'-^'jthou into Mactedort^ ,
Where wee will nauftet Vp fuch?ftardal»aftd/■
Br«/thTto;weclcinectethtthcmy^ -j^^ ^^^
Andimhatground diftayndwit1iP«w^^^/Woud^ > ^
Andfruitefull made with R«w4«r inaOakcr,
VVe^le eithcrfacrificeour euilty f6c»'_^
To appease tHe fiiries ©f diefc howling Qhottes,^
thatwandcrreftlei through the flittny grouswl
.Ore!fethali7jZ^bj^?c^iJ,non^ ,A,,
Tobury thSfethatli-ht tp mfrancW^ T^T^^ , } ,
r#>i«. Brauely ref5u'd^feeypngiJ^*/jritniii^r.; , '
Strei»gthned wahferceoJfYeltueifacrcdrijIer -
p(^4K»ernowiep««iitbeing«m*, '
No m ore I FoTtun*cl,likc the "^^w^w Lord,
Wh3re ^aith brought xl each yet with immortaH farari
I Icille thf 5 hand for doing fuch a decdc:
Amithankc my heart for thjsfo Noble thought, '
Andbleflc the Hcawcns for fauoring my attempt!*
tor Noble /?oJw^and if thoiibecft not free, - ■
Ycrthauc done what euer lay in m.cc: ' \
And worthy friend as. bothpu( thoughts confpired,
And ioyned in vnion to pcrfoimc this dcede, j
This acceptable decde to Hcaucns and ?(tf»tf, \
So lets contin-'e in our high rcfoluc: j
And 2$ wee haue with honor thus begunnc,
So leti perfiftjVntill our liuei bee done.
Ct/yi. Then let vs go and with our warlike troopci, J
Collefted from our leueraHProuinces,
Make A/4 fubicO to our Conquering arincs,
*BrHtHs rho\.\ haft commanded the lllirianbandcs:
The feared Cdts^nA Lufitama» horfc,
Parthenians p:oud,and ThraCuins borne in warre:
And Macedon yet proujiwitn our old aftes, ,
With all the flowre of Loucly Theffa/y,
Vndcr my . warlike collours there fli all march:
New come from Syria and from iBahibft,
The warlike /l/tf»^
ACT. 3. SCE. I.
Enter Cafars Ghoji,
ghi. Out of the horror of thofe iKady yaiilteJ,
Where Ccntaur5,Harpies,payne$ and furies fell r
And Gods and Ghofts and vgly Gorgons dwell.
My rcftlcs loule comes hcerc to tcU his wronger.
Hay le to thy waUes,thou pride of all the world,
Tiiou art the place where vvhilbmc in my hfc.
My feat of mounting honour was crc^lcd^
And my proud throanc that (ccm'd to check the heauenif
Eut now my pompc and I arc layd more lowe.
With thclc afoliatcs of my ouerthrow, .
Hercancicnt A^ur and proud 'Belnt lyes,
Ninus the tirO that fought a M inarches name*
Atrides fierce with the v^acides^
The Grecke Ileros^zn^ the Troian flower,
Blood-thirfling ^rw and the conqjering youth:
That fought to tcrch his pedcgrcc from Hcaucn*
Sterne Komulns and proud Tsrijaivius^ •
The mightv Sirinns and i he Pontic kc Kings,
A Icides and the {iowt^CartkagiAn Lord,
Thcfatall cneniie totSc Konuin name*
Ambitious SjlU and fierce Marms,
And both the Pompeyet by me don to death,
I am the lafl not leaQ of the fame cniCj
Lookc on my deeds and fay what Qtfar VTai,
Thc^aliay*y£^ift,PoutHSy Africa,
Spayne Trittttine, ^IrHuny and France,
Somany abloodytijallofmy worth.
But why doc I my glory thus re^lrainc.
When allthc world wasbutaCharyof,
Wherein I rode Triumphioz in my pride?
Bat what auaylesthis tale of what I was?
Smce in my chcfefl hight "Bruttts bafe ^W0
With three and twenty woui>ds ray heart did goirc,
Giuc me my fword and ftiild Tie be Retieng*d,
My mortall wounding fpeare and gouldcn Cre(l*
I will difhorfemy foan en in the field,
AlalTc poofe C4r thou a fiiado w art,
An ayery fubllance wanting force and might.
Then will I goe and crie Vj>on the world,
Ejcclamc on //w/^ow^and 06lauian,
Which fecke through difccrd and difcentions broy!'^,
T'lmbruc their weapons in each others blood.
And Icaue to execute my iuft rcuengc,
Enter Anthony, at on dore, oaauian at
another with Soutdiers^
_ Anth. Now ffiartiallfricnds eompctiiors in arnicf.
Gracd w,ti,ctcrnal trophcsofrcnowne.
With Ubtanxxmm^\,t, iadhhcrian fpoyl«.
Of credit blcmi/ht by a Boyes dif^racc.
Prepare yi>ur daunclcs ftomakci tS the fi-hf,
Vndergreat C<^rmy difccafcd ficr ■
Ciadm hcSpoylciofaythcOficni;^
Shoudmiurc mighty /;.A«.^^/^;.,ronnc,
Recall your wonccd rallour and thefc hcartt,
Andmakcmy firft warrc-raircaud/onunace: • .
^^^";^>"^«^vpoathccneiny. .^j,
Nor call vnwi ling c^^. vnta thcffiddr. .^. '.a: v
The bleeding monuments of C^firswxbn^* v r.
Haucyouforooncrorgotmylifc anddeaS?
My hfc wherein I rcarfyouc fortune! vp.
% Weatord andvvondrcdatofi5Q
AH Gods and powers you do adore and ferue:
For to rcturoc my murther on their cruell head,
^4/ho^e traytcroui hands my guilries bloud hauc flicd.
K'ifh, Then by the Go^i ifcjt through the raging waucf ,
Broijght thee brauc 7>^w« to old Zrf/*»»>,
And great J^fstrinus placed now in Heauen:
By the Gradttius that with Hiield of Bralfc,
Dcfendeft '^me , by the oucrborning flames
OWefta and Otrpejan Towers oiloue^
Vowes Kithony to quite thy worthy ^«/,of{addrerynig;ht,
Thou S'.inac that climeft vp to the eaOcrnc hill:
And in thy Chariot rides with fwift llccdes drawnc.
In thy proud lollity and radiant glory:
Go back a^ainc and hide th:c in the fea,
Darkcnefle to day fhall coucr all the woild;
Let no light Hiincjbut what your fwords can ftrike,
From out their flccly helmcs, and fiery fhildcs;
Furie$,and Ghofts,with your blue-bu/ning lampes,
In mnzing terror ride through T^w^wrankes:
With dread affrighting (hofc ftout Champions hearts.
All ftygian ficndcs now leaue whereas you dwell :
And come into the world and make it hell.
Enter Qajftus^BrutufyTitinmus^Qato luniof^
with an army marching
Q \
Subduing aU that dvd our powres with-fland:
Laodicia yvhofc high reared wallcs,
Faire Lyeas waflieth with her filuer waue:
And that braue monument of ^irr/i-Aw fame.
With Turfos vaild to v$ her vanting pride,
Faire Rhode/, I wccpc to thinke vpon thy falL*
H 3 Thou
Thou wcrt to ftubbcrnc,cUc thou ftill hadft (lood.
Inviolate of 0]/lf«/ hurtles hand^
Tnat was my nur/e,whcf c in my youthi drew
The flowing milkc of Grcckiih eloquence:
Proud C^fadocia fa we ber King captiu'd,
(And DoUbelU vanting in the fpoylcs.
Of flayncTr^^.'«/«/, • •
Ti//. A Scoat brought word but now^hat he defcryd^
Warlikce^^ Wa«^/ »nd young C'^f^-^ troopes ,
Marching in fwyiotwrTj^(fj^//»><^ pUynes,
As great Gr^dtfiHi' wJ)cft iin;4»Pgi'y moodeir .
He druies.his,oh»r«>tdoWftc from hcjiaetts top.
And in his wheels whirlcth reucng and death;
Hecrc by Thil/tppi they will pifh theirtents,
Andinth€fcfic)des{fataUtD^/?tfw.'r«li?i(CiJ v
Hazard the fortvincofthedoiiblfuU fight, .^
Cat,0 wjdkomc*h©u this lungexp&cd day,'
On which dcpendeth 'Z^tfWMw libel ty , .
Now Rcm^ thy freedom h angi^ head, " '^
Stren^hcin our armesthax fight 6brJi^w4;fwelth:
AndtlvM^Oerne A^'^t'fySityARfm^smyjSiBlluiCy
Defend th^^.Cit^y whi^h youcfc^febcgua* ,
AU'b^uenly pQweriadiftoOT ri^tfuU atmes.
And fend di^wne filUer vrirtged rwory, ; i :. .
Tocrowncwith Lawrell^our^riumphanfGrefts.
Bru,My minde thats trobled in^ny rexed foule>.
f Oppreft^with forrow and with fad difmiiy,)
Mi^gii^ ixjc this wilbe a heauy daf .
C^///. Why faynt not now in thcfe our laft extremes.
This time cranes courage not difpay ring fearc ,
Tr^w-FictwiU diftayne thy former valiant a^s.
To fay thou fainteftnow in this laft a^i
\^ 'Bm, Mymindishcauy,andIkaownotwhyi
But crucll fate cioth fonimon rtic to c{Ir,
Ccitc,'^\fiz^\.'BrHte^ti not thy words be oininous figncJ,
Of fo mir-fortunnatc and fad cucnt,
Heanen andoiir Vallo'ur niallvsconqucroursmakc.
C ^Jp. What Baftai d fcarc hath taunted our dead hearts^
Or whatVngloriousvnwounted thought,
Hath changed the vallonr ofout daunted mindes.
What arc ourarmes grownc weaker thenthev were?
Cmnnt this hand that was proud C€fArs deatn.
Send all djariarts hcadlon* that fame path?
Loolcc how our troups in Sun-bright armes do £hiae.
With vaunting plumes and drcadfull brauerv.
The wrathfull (tccdes do check their iron bits,
And with a well gracM terror ftrikc chc ground.
And keeping times in warrcs fad harmony.
And then hath "SrHtuf any caufe to fearc,
Mv feUc like valiant Pe/fUf worthy Sonne^
The Noblcft wight tha^ eur Troj beheld,
Shall of the adueife troopes fuch hauock make.
As fad -Thilttpi (hall in blood bewayle*
The cruell maffacre of CaJJius fwordj
And then hath "Brutus any caufc to feare?
Brn, No outward flie wei of puiflancc or of flr cngth.
Can hclpe a mindc difmaycd inwardly,
Leaue me fweete Lordci a while vnto my felfc,
Cajp, In ^Hilpeane time take order for the fight.
Drums let your fcarcfuU mazing thunder playe.
And with their found peircc Hcauens brazen Towers*
And all the earth fill with like fcarefull noyfe,
Af when that Boreas fronf his Iron caue .
With boy fterous fury esStriuing inthcwaties .
Comes fwclling forth to meet his bluftering toe.
They both doe ninnc with fierce tempeftuoMS ragCj
And hcaiies vp mountaynes of the watry waues.
The God Occam MS trembles at the ftrokc,
3rn, What haicfull futyes vex my tortured mind?
What hideous fi);htes appallcmy grceued foule.
As when OrWF^/afterinothcr flame. '
•fluUus Csfir,
Not being yet at Scitkians Altcn purged^
Bchould the grccfly rifagcs of fiends.
And gaftly furies which did haunt his ftcp5,
Cafar vpbraucs my fad ingratitude.
He faucd my life in fad Th^rfaltan fieldcs.
That I in S^n/ite houfc might workc his death.
O this remembrance now doth wound my foulc.
More then my poniard did his bleeding heart,
Enter ^hofl,
Gha. »r*r«/,ingMt€full Brutfm/ come.
I.death the guerdon that my deeds defcrue:
The drums do thunder forth difmay and feare.
And difmali triumphcs foundmy fatall knell,
Furyes I come to mcctcyou all in Hell,
Braer dtto TMunded^
C^to, Bloodies and faynt; C-Ato ycelde vp thy breathj
While ftrength and vigour in thcfe armcs remaynda
And made mc able for to wield my fword,
So long I fought : and fweet '^^me for thy fake
Fcar'd notiHfc^n of my blood to make»
But now my itiWgth and \\h doth fay Ic at once, .
My vigorlcaues my could andfeeble loynts,
And I my fad foule,muft power forth in blood.
O vcrtuc whome Phyhfofhj extols.
Thou art no efi*eRCe but a naked name,
Bond-flauc to Fortune, weake,and of no power.
To fuccor them which alwaies honourd thee:
Wimeffc my Fathers and mine o wnc fad death, .
Who for our country fpent our lateft breath:
But oh the chaines ofdea:h do hold my towng,
Minceyei wax dim I faynt.l fayntjl die.
O Hcauens help 'R^me in this extremity.
eflulitis C^/ar,
C4' Where Oiall 1 goc to tell the faddcft talej
That ere the Roman: toung was fore d to (pcakc,
/?^;/»^isoucrthrownc,and all that for her tou^hf
This Sunnc that now hath fecn Co many deaths.
When from the Sea he heaued his cloudy head,
Then both the armcs full of hope and fcare.
Didwaitcthedreadiulltrumpetsfatallfound, .
And arai^ht Rci.engc from StygUn bands let lool«r
PoffcffcdhadaUhearts and banilhcd thence,
Fcare of their children,wife and litdc home.
Country « rf fncmbrance,and had ^uite cxpeld,
With laO departed care of life it fcUe:
Anger did fparkell from our beauttous ey c«.
Out trembling feare did make our hdmcs to IhaKe,
The horfc had now put on the riders wrath,
And with his hoofcs did ftnke the trembling earth,
Wiien £rW^rw» foundes then both g n mcete:
Both likeenraged,and now the dui^ gms iile.
And Earth doth emul ite the Heaucns c oudes,
Then yet beutyous was the face of ciuell war:
Aod^oodly terror it might fecme to be, ,.,/,•_
Faireai;cldc»,gay fword$,and gouldcn crcfts didOiinC.
Their fpanglcd plumes did dance for lolity,
As nothing; priuy to their Matters ff^rf > ,
But quickly ragcandcruellc^^r; had Q^,
This Hiining glory with a faddcr hew,
A cloud of dartcs that darkened Flcaucns light,
Horror infteed of beau y did f"ccede.
And her bright armes with dul> and blood were foyld.
Now Z^a«i^fals,hearc Dr«/«nakeshis end,
Here lics.H*;r/^«y?«/,wehring m l^^^^.^^r^.
Hcre,there,ind eucry whcremen Falland die,
Y^ Wo^ew nonhat thy heart doth faynt:
But to the laft gafp for l^.m^'^'/ frce'lom fight,
And whcnfad death Ihall be thy labors end,
• SaathylifethoudidftforCountryfp^nj^^^^^^^^^^
e./«^Q:iecne6fReucngeimpcriousiSr.«.#, ^^^^
?iitin the wrinkels oFthine angry browes,
Wrapft dreadfullrcnganccand pale fright-fuli death:
Rainc downc the bloudy U^o^vcriofthy^eiJenge,
And make our f-vordes the fatall inftrumcnts.
To exccntc thy furious bale fiill Ire,
Let grim death fcate iieron my Lance&poinr^ #
Which pcrcing ihe^veake armour ofmy foes,
Shill lodge her there witliin thare coward brcftes,
Dread,horror,vcngance, death.and bloudy hate:
Inthiffadfightmy murtHeringfwordcawaite. Exit
■. Eater Ti'u^niHS,
Titin, Where may 1 Ee from this accurfed foy Ic,
Or/h'innc tke horror ofthis difmill da) :
The Heauens are colour'din mourning fable weedes^
The Suane doth hide his face.and feares to fee,
This bloudy confli^; -ad Qataftrophey
Nothing but grones of dying men are heard:
Nothing but bloud and flaughter may bee fecnc
And death/he fame in fundry Hiapcsaraied.
Enter Qi^iits,
Caft^ In vain e,in vaine, O Caffms all in vaine,
Tis Hcaucn and dcflmy thou ftriaeft againft.
Titifi. VVhat better hope or more accepted tydiitjes,
Ifl Noble C tjfiuj from the Battell bringe:?
Cap. This hajj^ethopcthat fates decreed hauc,
fhihppi field muH bee oar haples graue.
Ttttn. And then muft this accurf d and fata" 1 day.
End both our liucs and Romarte liberty:
M jft now the name offrcedomcbee ^orgot,
And all T<^?nei glory m Thejfaha end ?
Oy?. As thofe that loft in boy Qcrous troublous fca?^
Beaten with ra»eof Ptllowes ftormy ftrife:
And without Itarrcs dofayle gdinftlUrresand windc.
In drery darlccnefle and in cherelcs night.
Without orhopc or comforrendles arc:
So are my thoughts deleted with difmay.
Which can nought lookefor but poorc Rsmcs dtz:iy,~
But yet did ^r«f*/liae,did hec but breath?
cfliilius CaJat.
Or lay nor flumbcring in ctcrnall nighr.
His welfare might inhifc Tonic hope, or Ijfe:
Or at the Icaft brin^ death with more content:
Wcried I am through labour of the fighf:
Then fweete7'm««///j,rangc tiiou through the ficMe,
And cither glad me withmy friends fucccdc.
Or quickly tell mec what my care doth fcarc:
How breathlcs hcc vpon the ground Joth lie.
That at:thy words,! may fall downe and die.
Titin. Caffiti$,\ goe to fcckc thy Noblcfriend,
Heaucn grant my goings haue a profperous end.
Cajft. O go Titim.ius, and till thy rcturne,
Heere will 1 fit difconfoiatc alone,
R(7wis dced^
How flow thy loue that made no grelter (peed,
Care winged i.«,and burning loue can tlye,
My care was feareles,loue but flattery,
But fithence in my life ray loue was neucrihcwnc.
Now in my death lie make it to be knownc,
Accurfed weapon that fuch blood could fpil,
Nay curfcd then the author of this deed.
Yet both ofFendcd.both (hall punilhcd be,
lie take rcucng of the knife,the knife of me.
It fiiall make a pafl'age for my life to paflc,
Caufe through my life hismafler murthercd wa$«
And I on it a^ain^ will ycngd bee. ^ ^
^ Caufe
\ »flMUusCJtfaf,
Caufchdidworkcmy CaJJiusuz'^tAy,
Y Then this rcucngflialbc to encfinfylitc*
I Mine to diftayn€ with bafcr blood the knife .
Enter 'Brut MS t he CJho(i foltotvirtg him,
y Bnt, What docH thou Hill pe: flic mcvgly fend,
li this it that thou lhirft«d for fo much ?
G)me with thy tearing clawcs and rend it out,
' Would thy appeafclcs rage be flacked with blood,
Thisifword to day hath crimfcn channels made.
But hcare *s the blood that thou woulds drinke fo faync,
Then takethispcrccr,broch this tray tcrous heart.
Or if thou thinkcft death to fmali a payne.
Drag downe thii body to proud ^rehus,
* Through black Cocjiat and in^ernxill Styxy
LethenH waues.and fieri oiThUgetor,^
Boyle ineori>urn«,teare my hatcfull fle/h,
Dcuoure,conrumr,pul),pinch,plag,ue,paine this hart,
Hell craues her right,and heere the furycs Hand,
And all the hell-hounds compafTe me a round
Each feckingfor a parte of this fame prey,
Alaflc this body is leanf,thin, pale and wan.
Nor can it all your hungery mouthes fuflPicc,
O tis the foule that they ftand gaping for,
« And cndlefle matter for to prey vpon.
Renewed ft J! as Tuius pricked heart.
Then clap your hand$,let Hell with loy refound?
Here it comes flyingTirough this aery round.
Gho, Hell take mcirhrarts,that this ill deed hauc done
And vengeance follow till they be ouercomc:
Norliuet applaud the iuQice of this deed.
Morther by her owne guilty hand doth bleed.
f> Efiter Difcord
\ Vif, J, now my4onging hopes haue their defire.
The world is nothing but a malTie heape:
Of bodys flayne.Tht Sea a lake ot blood.
The Furies that for fl a tighter only tSirft,
Are with thefeMaflakers and (laughters cloydc,
Tjifiphofies pale, and Megeras thin face, ■.
The jyagedy
^Jno vv pijft vjJ.and fwoln^wiih quaffijig blood,
Oi^'on that V fed but an Wrottcn b'oatc
Mart no.vc a nauic rigg for to trahfporr,
Tfie Iiowlin^ fouIes»vnto the Stigian^ivondc*
Hellandf/z/AJ/wmuftbedigdinonc, ^
Numberlcs ntmibcrt ofaffliftcd ghortcs.
That I my fclfe hauc tumbling ih'ithct fcnf,
gh.Novf nights pale daughter fincc thy bloody ioyei.
And my rcucngftjll thirll fulfilled arc,
Doc thou applaud wliat iufUy heaucns hauc wrought.
While mtirthcr on the murthcrcrs head ii brought.
O//. ^4rySrr I pitied not thy Tragick end:
Nor tyrants daggers flicking in thy heart, .
Nor doe I that thy deaths with like rcpayd, •
But that thy death fo many deaths hath made;
No w cloydc with blood,lIe hye me downc below.
And laugh to thinkc I caufed fuch cndieflc woe,
Gho. Sifh myreucngisfallaccomplil"hed,.
And my deaths caufers by them feluci arc llain^,
I vvili dcfccnd to mine cternall home.
Where eucrlaflingly my quiet foulc,
The fweete Elyfium pleafure /hall inioy,
An4 walkc thofc fragrant flowry fields at refti
To which nor fayrc Adonit bower fo rare,
Nor old AlcinoHs gardens may compare.
There that fame gentle father of the ipring.
Mild Zefhirui doth Odours breath diuinc:
Clothing the earth in painted braucry.
The which nor winters rage,nor Scorching hcatf.
Or Summers funnc can make it fall or fade.
There with thcmighty champions of old time.
And ^t^ Heroes Q^^t Goulden age,
My ditclcs hourcs lie fpend in lafting ioy.
^ >m
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