UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ifc+ttt £m^C^ /C^U^-UC-C— /C^/-C^-**4-^/ CL«*-4UuLl*+ THE REVISED SCHOOL LAW OF WEST VIRGINIA BEING CHAPTER 45 OF THE CODE ""..jSKSt-" III THE SCHOOL LAW OF WEST VIRGINIA Being a complete revision of Chapter Forty- five of the Code as amended and re-enacted at the Sessions of the Legislature of 1 908, 1 909 and 1911, together with the provisions of the Constitution relating to education, blank forms, instructions, Etc. Published for the Use of School Officers, Teachers, and the Public Generally, in Compliance with Section 126 of this Chapter. COMPILED AND ISSUED BY M. P. SJIAWKEY, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF FREE SCHOOLS, CHARLESTON 1911 V* 4-5$ \9l| SCHOOL CALENDAR JULY. 1. School year begins. (On or before) Sheriff settles with Board of Education. (Before) Sheriff reports delinquent property. 1st Monday. — Board of Education meets to determine number of teachers to be employed in their district and to fix salaries, etc. 4. Independence day. Legal Holiday. 3rd Monday. — (or as soon thereafter as practicable) Trustees meet to employ teachers. AUGUST. 1. (On or before) County Superintendent makes report to State Superintendent. 2nd Tuesday. — Board of Education meets to ascertain the condi- tion of the fiscal affairs of the district and to make up an item- ized statement thereof. 2nd Tuesday. — (On or before) Assessor certifies value of property to Secretary of Board and County Superintendent. 4th Tuesday. — Board meets to consider objections to estimate and proposed levy and to lay levy. 4th Tuesday. — (Within Three Days after) Secretary reports rate of levy. SEPTEMBER. 1. (Before) Auditor reports condition of School Fund to the Governor and the State Superintendent. 1st Monday — Labor Day, Legal holiday. 15. First installment of General School Fund and High School Fund paid to Sheriff. OCTOBER. 12. Columbus Day — Legal holiday, but schools must assemble and hold appropriate exercises. NOVEMBER. Last Thursday. — Thanksgiving Day — Legal Holiday. J»4720 4 School Law of West Virginia. DECEMBER. 15. Second installment of General School Fund and High School Fund paid to Sheriff. 25. Christmas — Legal Holiday. JANUARY. 1. New Year's Day — Legal Holiday. (On or before) State Superintendent makes report to Gov- ernor. FEBRUARY. 12. Lincoln's Birthday — Legal Holiday, but schools must assem- ble and hold appropriate exercises. 22. Washington's Birthday — Legal Holiday. APRIL. 1. (On or before) Teachers take enumeration. 15. (On or before) Secretary transmits summary of enumeration to County Superintendent. MAY. 1. (On or before) County Superintendent forwards to State Su- perintendent report of enumeration. 30. Memorial Day — Legal Holiday. JUNE. 1. (On or before) State Superintendent appoints member of State Board of Education. 10. (On or before) Auditor notifies State Superintendent of amount of General or Distributable School Fund. 30. School year ends. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF WEST VIRGINIA ARTICLE IV. Oath of Office. 5. Every person elected or appointed to any office, before pro- ceeding to exercise the authority, or discharge the duties thereof, shall make oath or affirmation that he will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his said office to the best of his skill and judgment; and no other oath, declaration, or test shall be required as a qualification, unless herein otherwise pro- vided. Removal from Office. 6. All officers elected or appointed under this Constitution, may, unless in cases herein otherwise provided for, be removed from office for official misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or gross immorality, in such manner as may be prescribed by general laws, and unless so removed, they shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices, until their successors are elected, or appointed and qualified. Legislature to Prescribe Terms of Office. 8. The Legislature, in cases not provided for in this Constitu- tion, shall prescribe by general laws, the terms of office, powers, duties and compensation of all public officers and agents, and the manner in which they shall be elected, appointed and removed. ARTICLE VIII. Districts. 27. Each county shall be laid off into districts, not less than School Law of West Virginia. three nor more than ten in number, and as nearly equal as may be in territory and population. * * ARTICLE IX. ******** County Officers Subject to Indictment. 4. The Presidents of the County Courts, the Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Prosecuting Attorneys, Clerks of the Circuit and of the County Courts, and all other county officers, shall be sub- ject to indictment for malfeasance, misfeasance, or neglect of of- ficial duty, and on conviction thereof, their offices shall become vacant. I am inclined to the opinion that the words "all other county officers," as used in this section, include members of boards of education, although they are elected in dis- tricts. This is by no means clear, however. This section is in force ex proprio vigore and needs no additional legislation.— Alfred CaldweV, Attorney-General. ARTICLE X. ******** Capitation Tax. 2. The Legislature shall levy an annual capitation tax of one dollar upon each male inhabitant of the State who has attained the age of twenty-one years, which shall be annually appropriated to the support of Free Schools. Persons afflicted with bodily infirmi- ty may be exempted from this tax. ******** Power of Legislature to Levy. 5. The power of taxation of the Legislature shall extend to pro- visions for the payment of the State debt, and interest thereon, the support of free schools, and the payment of the annual esti- mated expenses of the State; but whenever any deficiency in the revenue shall exist in any year, it shall, at the regular session thereof held next after the deficiency occurs, levy a tax for the ensuing year, sufficient with the other sources of income, to meet such deficiency, as well as the estimated expenses of such year. ******** County Taxes Not to Exceed What — Debt. 7. County authorities shall never assess taxes, in any one year, School Law op West Virginia. 7 the aggregate of which shall exceed ninety-five cents per hundred dollars valuation, except for the support of free schools; payment of indebtedness existing at the time of the adoption of this Con- stitution ; and for the payment of any indebtedness with the interest thereon, created under the succeeding section, unless such assess- ment, with all questions involving the increase of such aggregate, shall have been submitted to the vote of the people of the county, and have received three-fifths of all the votes cast for and against it. See Brannon vs. County Court, 33 W. Va., p. 789, construing this section. Bonded Indebtedness. 8. No county, city, school district, or municipal corporation, except in cases where such corporations have already authorized their bonds to be issued, shall hereafter be allowed to become indebted, in any manner, or for any purpose, to an amount, in- cluding existing indebtedness in the aggregate, exceeding five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein to be ascer- tained by the last assessment for State and county taxes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness; nor without, at the same time providing for the collection of a direct annual tax, sufficient to pay, annually, the interest on such debt, and the principal there- of, within and not exceeding thirty-four years; Provided, That no debt shall be contracted under this section, unless all questions connected with the same, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the people, and received three-fifths of all the votes cast for and against the same. ARTICLE XII. Legislature to Provide System of Free Schools. 1. The Legislature shall provide by general law, for a thorough and efficient system of Free Schools. See 4 W. Va., p. 499. General Supervision. 2. The State Superintendent of Free Schools shall have a general supervision of free schools, and perform such other duties in relation thereto as may be prescribed by law. If in the per- 8 School Law op West Virginia. formance of any such duty imposed upon him by the Legislature, he shall incur any expenses, he shall be reimbursed therefor: Pro- vided, The amount does not exceed five hundred dollars in any one year. County Superintendents. 3. The Legislature may provide for county superintendents, and such other officers as may be necessary to carry out the objects of this Article, and define their duties, powers and compensation. School Fund — Board of. 4. The existing permanent and invested school fund, and all money accruing to this State from forfeited, delinquent, waste and unappropriated lands; and from lands heretofore sold for taxes and purchased by the State of Virginia, if hereafter redeemed or sold to others than this state; all grants, devises or bequests that may be made to this State for the purposes of education or where the purposes of such grants, devises, or bequests are not specified; this State's just share of the literary fund of Virginia, whether paid over or otherwise liquidated ; and any sums of money, stocks, or property, which this State shall have the right to claim from the State of Virginia for educational purposes; the proceeds of the estates of persons who may die without leaving a will or heir, and of all escheated lands; the proceeds of any taxes that may be levied on the revenues of any corporation ; all moneys that may be paid as an equivalent for exemption from military duty; and such sum as may, from time to time, be appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose, shall be set apart as a separate fund to be called the "School Fund," and invested under such regulation as may be prescribed by law, in the interest bearing securities of the United States, or of this State, or if such interest bearing securities cannot be obtained, then said "School Fund" shall be Invested in such other solvent interest bearing securities as shall be approved by the Governor, Superintendent of Free Schools, Auditor and Treasurer, who are hereby constituted the "Board of the School Fund," to manage the same under such regulations as may be prescribed by law ; and the interest thereof shall be annually ap- plied to the support of free schools throughout the State, and to no other purpose whatever. But any portion of said interest re- maining unexpended at the close of the fiscal year shall be added School Law of West Virginia. 9 to, and remain a part of, the capital of the "School Fund;" Provided, That all taxes which shall be received by the State upon delinquent lands, except the taxes due to the State thereon, shall be refunded to the county, or district by or for which the same were levied. School Fund Amendment. Ratified at the General Election in November, 1902. (See Joint Resolution No. 11, Acts 1901, p. 465.) The accumulation of the School Fund provided for in section four of article twelve, of the Constitution of this State, shall cease upon the adoption of this amendment, and all money to the credit of said fund over one million of dollars, together with the interest on said fund, shall be used for the support of the free schools of this State. All money and taxes heretofore payable into the treasury under the provision of the said section four, to the credit' of the School Fund, shall be hereafter paid into the treasury to the credit of the General School Fund for the support of the free schools of the State. Legislature to Provide for Free Schools. 5. The Legislature shall provide for the support of free schools, by appropriating thereto the interest of the invested "School Fund, ' ' the net proceeds of all forfeitures and fines accruing to this State under the laws thereof; the State capitation tax; and by general taxation of persons and property, or otherwise. It shall also provide for raising, in each county or district, by the authority of the people thereof, such a proportion of the amount required for the support of free schools therein as shall be prescribed by general laws. Districts. 6. The school districts into which any county is now divided shall continue until changed in pursuance of law. Levies to be Reported to Clerk of County Court. 7. All levies that may be laid by any county or district for the purpose of free schools shall be reported to the Clerk of the County Court, and shall, under such regulations as may be prescribed li> School Law of West Virginia. by law. be collected by the Sheriff, or other collector, who shall make annual settlement with the County Court; which settle- ments shall be made a matter of record by the Clerk thereof, in a book to be kept for that purpose. White and Colored Pupils. S. White and colored persons shall not be taught in the same school. School Officers not to be Interested in Sale of Books. 9. No person connected with the free school system of the State, or with any educational institution of any name or grade, under State control, shall be interested in the sale, proceeds or profits of any book or other thing used, or to be used therein, under such penalties as may be prescribed by law ; Provided, That noth- ing herein shall be construed to apply to any work written or thing invented by such person. Independent Districts. 10. No independent free school district, or organization shall hereafter be created, except with the consent of the school district or districts out of which the same is to be created, expressed by a majority of the voters voting on the question. Normal Schools. 11. No appropriation shall hereafter be made to any State Normal School, or branch thereof, except to those already estab- lished, and in operation, or now chartered. Legislature to Encourage Improvements. 12. The Legislature shall foster and encourage moral, intellect- ual, scientific and agricultural improvement; it shall, whenever it may be practicable, make suitable provision for the blind, mute and insane, and for the organization of such institutions of learn- ing as the best interests of general education in the State may demand. THE SCHOOL LAW CHAPTER XLV. OF THE CODE School Year. Sec. 1. The school year shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June, and all reports, accounts and settlements respecting the free schools shall be made with refer- ence to the school year. School Districts. Sec. 2. Every magisterial district in each of the counties of the State shall be a school district, which shall be divided into such number of sub-districts as may be necessary for the convenience of the free schools therein. The present districts and sub-districts shall remain until changed in the manner prescribed by law. BOARD OF EDUCATION. How Constituted — Election — Term. Sec. 3. In each district there shall be a board of education con- sisting of a president and two school commissioners elected by the voters thereof. One commissioner shall be elected at the general election held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, nineteen hundred and eight, and one commissioner every two years thereafter; and the president at the general election held in nine- teen hundred and ten, and every four years thereafter. Their term of office shall commence on the first day of July next after their election, and they shall each continue in office for four years, and until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified according to law. Tie in Vote. Sec. 4. In case of a tie in the vote for members of the board of education, the county superintendent of free schools shall give the casting vote. 12 School Law op West Virginia Vacancy. Sec. 5. Any member of any board of education who shall be employed to teach in his district shall vacate his office. Vacancies in the board of education shall be filled by the county superintendent of free schools, until the next general election. Oath of Members. Sec. 6. Every president and commissioner of the board of edu- cation elected within this State shall within ten days after his election has been duly declared, qualify as such by taking and subscribing before some one duly authorized to administer oaths within his county, the oath of office prescribed by section five of article four of the constitution, which oath shall be filed with the secretary of the board of education of his district. A Corporation. Sec. 7. The board of education of each district, and independ- ent school district shall be a corporation by the name of "The board of education of the district or independent district of in the county of , ' ' and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with; and shall succeed and be substituted to all the rights of the former district boards of education ; and may prosecute and maintain any and all suits and proceedings now pending or which might have been brought and prosecuted in the name of any such former board of education for the recovery of any money or property or damage to any property due to or vested in such former board, and shall also be liable in its corporate capacity for all claims legally existing against the board of education of which it is suc- cessor. Service of Process. Sec. 8. Process and notice may be served on said corporation by delivering a copy thereof to the secretary or any member of the board. Said board shall receive, hold and dispose of according to the rules of law, and the intent of the instrument conferring title, any gift, grant, devise or bequest made for the use of any free school or schools under their jurisdiction, and, without any School Law op West Virginia. 13 transfer or conveyance, shall be deemed the owner of the real estate and personal property of their district, and the title of all such lands as have been in the actual possession of any board of education for the last five years, and are still in such possession and not otherwise claimed, is hereby vested in the board of edu- cation of the district in which such lands are situated, to be held and used for free school purposes, and none other. The board of education shall hereafter, whenever possible, obtain a general war- ranty deed for all school sites. Property Exempt from Execution. Sec. 9. All school houses, school house sites and other property belonging to any board of education and used for school purposes shall be exempt from execution or other process, and free from lien or distress for taxes or county levies. Property to be Inspected — May be Sold. Sec. 10. The president of the board of education of every dis- trict and independent district shall at least once a year, examine all the school houses now constructed or in process of construction and all school sites in the district and report the condition of the same to the board of education; and such as are in the judgment of the board, properly located and are suitable or can with reason- able expense be rendered so, shall be retained, and the remainder with the consent of the county superintendent, as to districts, shall be sold at public auction to the highest responsible bidder, by the board of education on proper legal notice and on such terms of sale as the board may order, and the proceeds shall be added to the building fund. Have General Control of Schools — May Change Sub-district Lines. Sec. 11. The board of education shall have general control and supervision of the schools and school interests of their districts, except as herein otherwise provided ; and they shall determine the number and location of the schools to be taught; establish graded schools, when necessary, and, as hereinafter provided, establish high schools, if necessary, change the boundaries of their sub- districts, and increase and diminish the number thereof, having 1 4 School Law op West Virginia. due regard to the school houses already built, or sites procured, iiing, it' practicable to each sub-district, not less than forty youth between the age of six and twenty-one years; and shall de- tine and enter of record in their minute book the boundaries of the several districts and sub-districts. But every village consisting of fifty inhabitants or more shall be included in one sub-district, and if such village is divided by district or county lines the said village shall be included in the sub-district under the supervision of the board of education of the district to which the larger division of its territory is attached. Appeal to County Superintendent. Sec. 12. Any person aggrieved by any action of the board of education, in changing the boundaries of a sub-district, or in increasing or diminishing the number of the sub-districts in his district under the preceding section, may appeal therefrom to the county superintendent of schools. Every such person shall present to the county superintendent his petition signed by himself and at least five others residents of the sub-district, stating the action of the board complained of and the grounds of appeal; and the county superintendent shall there- upon fix a time and place for the hearing of the appeal, and cause notice thereof to be served upon the secretary or any member of the board of education, at least five days before the hearing. If upon hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties the county superintendent be of the opinion that the action of the board complained of was improper he shall reverse or correct it; otherwise the said action shall be affirmed, but any person ag- grieved by any action of the county superintendent upon said ap- peal may appeal to the circuit court of the county. Must Provide Sites and Buildings. Sec. 13. The board of education of every district shall provide by purchase, condemnation, leasing, building or otherwise, suitable school houses, and grounds in their districts, in such locations as will best accommodate the pupils thereof, and improve such grounds and provide such furniture, fixtures, and apparatus for the said school houses, as the comfort, health, cleanliness and con- venience of the pupils may require, and keep such grounds, school School Law of West Virginia. 15 houses, furniture, fixtures, and apparatus in good order and re- pair, but no board of education may purchase school apparatus of any kind without the advice and consent of the county super- intendent first had in writing. Approval of Location and Plans. Sec. 14. In the construction of school houses the board of edu- cation of each district shall have regard to economy, convenience and durability of structure and the health and comfort of pupils, and no such school house shall be constructed until the location and plan thereof have first been approved by the county superintend- ent, and in the event the board of education cannot agree upon plans or location, the county superintendent shall select the plans and location for such house. May Condemn Land. Sec. 15. If the owner or owners refuse to sell any land selected by a board of education or a county superintendent, as a location for a school house and necessary buildings, or for enlarging a school house lot, or demand an unreasonable price therefor, or if the owner is non compos mentis, a femme couverte, a minor or a non- resident, the board of education may petition the circuit court to have such land condemned and such proceeding shall thereupon be had in the name of such board for the condemnation thereof, as provided for in chapter forty-two of the Code ; provided, that the land so taken shall not exceed in quantity two acres. Schools to be Taught. Sec. 16. The board of education shall cause to be taught iu every sub-district of their district by a teacher or teachers of tem- perate habits and good morals a sufficient number of free schools for the instruction of the persons entitled to attend the same, and should the trustees of any sub-district neglect or fail to employ a teacher, or teachers, as hereinafter authorized, for their sub-dis- trict, upon complaint thereof by any three patrons of said school it sball be the duty of the board of education to do so. May Discontinue. Sec. 17. If at the end of any month of school the average daily 16 School Law of West Virginia. attendance for that month has been less than thirty-five per cent, of the whole number of pupils enumerated in that sub-district, the board of education may dismiss the teacher and discontinue the school, and the teacher shall not be entitled to or receive any fur- ther salary. May Provide Buildings Jointly. Sec. 18. Boards of education in adjoining districts may jointly provide for the construction of school houses and the teaching of school therein for the accommodation of pupils in adjoining por- tions of districts whether in the same or different counties who may be better accommodated by such union of schools. The title of such houses shall be vested in the board of education of the district in which the houses are located, and the terms of the agreement shall be reduced to writing and entered of record in the minutes of the respective boards. Such school houses shall be provided with furniture, fixtures and such other apparatus as are supplied to school houses generally, and an equitable amount of the cost thereof shall be assessed to each district interested, by the respective boards of education. Bond Required. Seo. 19. Boards of education shall in all cases require persons entering into contracts for the building or repairing of school houses where the contract price exceeds fifty dollars, to execute bond, with approved security in double the amount of the contract price. Vote on Levy. Sec. 20. The ballots used at the election for county superintend- ent hereinafter provided for, shall have printed at the bottom of each ticket, in separate lines, "For school levy," and "Against school levy," and the voter in preparing his ballot shall, if he desires to vote for school levy, erase from the ticket which he intends to vote the words "Against school levy," or if he desires to vote against school levy, he shall erase therefrom the words "For school levy." Levy. Sec. 21. If a majority of the ballots cast upon the question of School Law of West Virginia. 17 laying a levy in the district or independent district have written or printed thereon "For school levy," it shall he the duty of the board of education of such district or independent district at a meeting to be held on the second Tuesday in August, to ascertain the condition of the fiscal affairs of the district, and make up an itemized statement thereof, which shall set forth in detail: (a) The separate amounts due the building fund and teachers' fund of the district, and the amounts that will become due thereto and collectible during the current fiscal year, from every source, including the amount to be received from the general school fund, but excepting the amount that will be produced by the levy of taxes to be made for the year; (&) The debts and demands owed by the district, and the debts and demands that will become due and payable during the current fiscal year, including interest on any indebtedness, funded or bonded or otherwise, distinguishing between those payable out of the building fund and those payable out of the teachers' fund; (c) All other expenditures, under the several heads of expendi- tures, to be made and payable out of the funds of the district for the current fiscal year, distinguishing between those payable out of the building fund and those payable out of the teachers' fund, and including the cost of collection of taxes and other claims, with proper allowances for delinquent taxes and contingencies. Said statement shall also set forth the separate amounts necessary to be raised for each of said funds by the levy of taxes for the current fiscal year, and the proposed rates of levy of taxes, in cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed value, on the taxable property of the district for each of said funds; and also the aggregate of the taxable property of the district, stating separately the assessed value of personal property, of real estate, and of the property as- sessed by the board of public works. A copy of such statement duly certified bj r the secretary of the board shall be posted in each post office in the district for at least eight days. The session shall then stand adjourned until the fourth Tuesday in August, at which time it shall convene; and it shall then be the duty of said board to hear and consider any objections made orally or in writing, by the prosecuting attorney, by the State tax commissioner or his representative, or by any taxpayer of the county, to said estimate and proposed levy, or any item thereof. It shall be the duty of the board to enter an order of record show- ing the objections so made, setting forth the reasons and grounds 1 8 School Law of West Virginia. for such objections. But the failure of any officer or taxpayer to offer objection as herein provided shall not preclude him from pur- suing any legal remedy necessary to correct any levy laid by said board. After said objections have been made and heard, the board shall thereupon re-consider the proposed original estimate and proposed rate of levy; and if the objections thereto or any part 1 hereof appear to be well taken, the board shall correct the same accordingly and it shall thereupon be approved, and when ap- proved shall, with the order approving it, be entered by the sac- re cary in the record book of proceedings, the board shall there- upon levy as many cents on each one hundred dollars of the as- sessed valuation of the property of the district, according to the last assessment thereof, as will produce the amount shown by the said statement necessary to be raised for the building fund, and levy in like manner the amount necessary, after deducting the sum receivable from the general school fund, for the teachers' fund to continue the schools in such district for the term of six months or for a longer term where such may be established by or according to law; provided, first, that the levy for the building fund shall not exceed fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars of said valuation for the year nineteen hundred and eight, and shall not exceed twelve and one-half cents after that year; ncr exceed twenty-five cents on each hundred dollars of said valuation for the teachers' fund; provided, however, that in any district which contains an incorporated city or town where a graded or high school is maintained, which is continued for a longer period than six months, the board of education shall have authority to lay a levy in addition to the levies above specified sufficient for all purposes to conduct the schools of said city or town for the term fixed ; provided, second, that if such board of education in a city or independent school district of less than ten thousand population maintains a high school in such district, or maintains a high school in connection with one or more other districts, the board may levy for the support of said high school in any one year not to exceed ten cents on each one hundred dol- lars of said valuation; provided, third, that school districts and independent districts having outstanding bonds may increase the levies aforesaid by any amount sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof in the time provided in the issue of such bonds, but the proceeds of such additional levy may be used for that purpose and no other; provided, fourth, that if School Law of West Virginia. 19 said maximum levy of twenty-five cents for the teachers' fund shall not produce sufficient money, with the other sources of rev- enue, including any balance to the credit thereof in the hands of the treasurer and the amount of the general school fund appor- tioned to the district, to pay the salaries of the necessary num- ber of teachers at the minimum rate of salary fixed by law, for the schools of the district for the term of six months, it shall be the duty of the State superintendent of free schools to deposit with the treasurer of the board of education, to the credit of the teachers' fund, a sufficient amount to make up such deficiency; and the said State superintendent is authorized to withhold from the distribution made on the per capita basis a sufficient amount of the general school fund, not exceeding in any one year seventy- five thousand dollars for this purpose. If it shall appear to said State superintendent that a sufficient number of teachers of the proper grade for the schools of such district cannot be procured at the minimum rate of salary, owing to the payment of larger salaries in neighboring districts or elsewhere in the State he may fix the salaries of such teachers above the minimum, but not above the salaries paid teachers of like grades in neighboring districts; pro- vided fifth, that if in any magisterial or independent district of the state a levy of twelve and one-half cents on the one hundred dollars for the building fund is not sufficient to meet all the outlay for necessary expenses for the school year, properly chargeable to the building fund, such as repairs, fuel, janitor service and insti- tute per diem, and not including the purchase of land or the erection of new buildings, then it shall be the duty of the state superintendent to make requisition upon the auditor for a suffi- cient sum out of the general school fund, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, for the purpose of supplement- ing the building fund of districts entitled to such assistance. The state superintendent before making requisition on the auditor for the supplementary aid herein provided for, for the teachers' and the building fund, shall inform himself of the conditions existing in such districts as seek aid and shall require a financial statement and affidavits concerning the same from all boards of education asking for help. Any balance of the general school fund withheld from the per capita distribution for such districts, as aforesaid, in any year, shall revert to said fund at the close of the year. 20 School Law of West Virginia. Additional Levy. Sec. 22. If any board of education be of the opinion that the maximum rate of levy of taxes hereinbefore named will not pro- duce sufficient funds for the current fiscal year to cover the ex- penditures for the year in its school district, it may enter an order on its record book of proceedings setting forth the purposes for which additional funds will be needed, the amount thereof for each purpose, and the total thereof, the aggregate amount of the taxable property on which it is authorized to levy taxes and the rate of levy in cents on each one hundred dollars of valuation of such property necessary to produce the additional amount esti- mated to be needed; and in the same order submit to the voters of the school district, at an election therefor, the question of such additional levy. If a majority of the votes cast on the question at such election be in favor of such additional levy, the board shall have authority to make such additional levy, but the same shall not exceed twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of valua- tion of the taxable property in the school districts, according to the last assessment thereof; provided, that if any school or inde- pendent school district create in the future a bonded indebtedness according to law, and the board of education be of opinion that the maximum rate of levy provided in section twenty-one will not produce sufficient funds to pay the interest on such bonded indebt- edness and provide a sinking fund for the discharge of the prin- cipal in the number of years authorized by the issue of the bonds, it may enter an order on its record book of proceedings setting forth the maximum rate of levy necessary in each year to pay the interest and to provide such sinking fund ; and in the same order submit to the voters of the district at the election held for the purpose of authorizing the bond issue, the question of such levy. At such election there shall be printed on the ticket a brief state- ment of the levy herein provided for, such as, "To authorize a maximum special bond levy of cents according to the order of entered on the day of to pay the interest and provide a sinking fund for the discharge of the bonds now being voted upon." And directly underneath in two separate lines shall be printed the words, "For the levy" and "Against the levy." In all respects the provisions of the laws concerning general elections, and elections under the provisions of this act, shall apply to such election as far as they are practica- School Law of West Virginia. 21 ble. If a majority of the votes cast at such election be in favor of such levy, the board shall have authority to lay such maximum levy, and may continue to lay the same, or such portion thereof as is necessary, from year to year, without additional vote, until such bonded indebtedness is paid off and discharged; but the funds arising from such levy shall be used for the purpose herein desig- nated and no other. Hoiv Elections Herein Authorized Held. Sec. 23. The election authorized in section twenty-two may be held at any general election, or at any special election held for any other purpose, as well as held separately. Notice thereof, however, shall be given by the publication of the order of the board calling the same, in two newspapers of general circulation in the territory in which the election is held, and of opposite politics, at least once in each week for two successive weeks before the election, and printed copies of said order shall be posted at each place of voting at least ten days before the election. If there be only one such newspaper published in the county, the publication shall be made therein. All the provisions of the laws concerning general elec- tions shall apply to such election as far as they are practicable, except as follows: A^eparate ticket shall be used at such election held in connection with any other election. On such ticket shall be printed a brief statement of the question submitted, such as "Special election to authorize levy of cents, accord- ing to the order of the day of ;" and directly under- neath, in two separate lines, shall be printed the words "For the levy," and "Against the levy. " Those favoring the levy shall erase the words "Against the levy" and those opposed thereto shall erase the words "For the levy." If a majority of those voting on the question be in favor of the levy the said board shall be authorized to lay the same ; but if a majority of the votes cast on the question be not in favor of such levy, it shall not be laid. The secretary of the board shall procure and furnish to the elec- tion commissioners at each place of voting the tickets, poll books, tally sheets, and other things needed. Special Debt Levy — Provisions as to Certain Funds. Sec. 24. If any school district or any independent school district nave outstanding unpaid orders on tne treasury tnereoi, or owe other floating indebtedness, which orders were issued or which in- debtedness was incurred previous to the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred and eight the amount whereof is so con- siderable that it is impracticable to discharge the same out of the proceeds of the regular levy, and the board of education deem it inadvisable to submit to the voters of the district the question of an additional levy as provided in section twenty-two, the board may lay a levy in addition to said regular levy to be called ' ' Spec- ial debt levy," not exceeding ten cents on each hundred dollars of the valuation of the taxable property of the district according to the last assessment of such property, and continue such levy for as many years as may be necessary to pay off such debt, but not longer. The net amount produced by any such levy, or by any additional levy authorized by section twenty-two, shall not be used for any other purpose, as to such special debt levy than for the payment of such debt, or as to such additional levy for the purpose or purposes named in the order submitting the question to the voters. The treasurer of each of such funds shall keep an accurate account of the same separately from other funds. If after paying off such debts or effecting the object of said additional levy or of said special levy, any balance remains of any said funds the same shall, first revert to the sinking fund of the district or independent school district, or secondly, if there be no such sinking fund, it shall revert to the teachers' fund. Certain Acts Prohibited — Penalties. Sec. 25. It shall be unlawful for any board of education to expend any money or to incur any obligation or indebtedness which such tribunal is not expressly authorized by law to expend or to incur. Nor shall any such tribunal make any contract, ex- press or implied, the performance of which, in whole or in part, would involve the expenditure of money in excess of funds legally at the disposal of such tribunal, issue or authorize to be issued any certificate, order or other evidence of indebtedness which cannot be paid out of the levy for the current year or out of the fund against which it is issued. Nor shall any such tribunal attempt to lay any such levy the rate whereof shall exceed the rate specified by this act. Any member of any such tribunal, or any officer or person, who money or incur any debt or obligation, make or participate in the making of any such contract, or be a party thereto in any official capacity, or issue or cause to be issued any such certificate, order or other evidence of indebtedness, or lay or cause to be laid any levy or levies, shall be personally liable therefor, both jointly and severally, and an' action may be maintained therefor by the State, or by any county, municipal corporation, district, or person pre- judiced thereby, in any court of competent jurisdiction; and any such member, officer or person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than five hun- dred dollars or be confined in jail not more than one year, or both fined and imprisoned ; and in addition thereto shall forfeit his office. "Whenever any court of competent jurisdiction by manda- mus, injunction or other judicial proceeding shall determine that any officer or person has wilfully violated any of the provisions of this section, it shall enter an order declaring the office of such officer or person forfeited. Duty of State Tax Commissioner and Attorney General. Sec. 26. The State tax commissioner shall prepare forms and instructions for making up the statement named in section twenty- one of the condition of the fiscal affairs, which forms and instruc- tions shall be followed so far as they are consistent with law. The attorney general shall prepare forms and instructions for the hold- ing of any election provided by this act, which forms and instruc- tions shall be followed. Additional Term — Special Election. Sec. 27. The board of education of any district or independent district may at their first meeting held on the first Monday in July extend the term of six months school herein provided for, or they shall upon the petition of fifty taxpayers of their district, submit the question of having more than six months school to the voters of their district at any general election or at a special elec- tion to be held in such district at such time as said petitioners may designate. If such question is to be submitted at a general elec- tion the board of education shall notify the ballot commissioners who shall thereupon have printed on the ballots used at such gen- 24 School l>\w of West Virginia. era] election "For months school" and "Against months school.*' ;md if at a special election, the secretary of the hoard of education shall post notices of such special election al all the voting places in the district for at least twenty days be- fore the day on which said election is to be held. The ballots used a! said election shall have written or printed thereon the words "For — — months school," and "Against months school." If a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be in favor of more than six months school, or if the board of education shall determine, without such election, to have more than six months school they shall provide for such additional months of school for their district, for the ensuing two years. Teach, rs' Salaries. Sec. 27' L >. The boards of education of the several districts shall at their first meeting for each school year on the first Monday in July determine the number of teachers that may be employed in the several sub-districts, and fix the salaries that shall be paid to the teachers. In determining the salaries they shall have regard to the grade of teachers certificates fixing to each grade the salary that shall be paid to teachers of said grade in the several sub-districts as follows: Teachers having certificates of the grade of number one, shall be paid not less than forty dollars per month ; those holding certificates of the grade of number two, not less than thirty-five dol- lars per month ; and those holding certificates of the grade of num- ber three not less than thirty dollars per month. And the trustees of the several sub-districts shall in no case transcend or diminish the salaries so fixed in any contract they may make with teachers. Gra. If any sheriff fail to make the settlement required by ion one hundred and forty-two at the time required, without ui.dile cause therefor, he shall forfeit fifty dollars to the teachers' fund, and a like amount for each subsequent term of court that shall pass without such settlement. And the sheriff shall moreover be charged in said settlement with twelve per cent, interest on all school money in his hands for the time he is in default in making the said settlement. Action Against. Sec. 147. If the sheriff fail to make the said settlement at the time required it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to proceed by action against him and his sureties in the circuit court to recover the fine imposed upon him by section one hundred and forty-six. Failure of Board of Education to Settle. Sec. 148. If any board of education fail to make the settlement required by section one hundred and thirty-nine of this chapter, with the sheriff, when requested by him to do so, each member of such board so failing or refusing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be fined twenty dollars for the benefit of the building fund of the district. Turn Over Balance. See. 149. And the retiring sheriff shall within sixty days after he shall have made his final settlement in the manner herein pro- vided, pay and turn over to his successors in office such balance as may be shown due from him by said settlement, upon proper orders of the various boards of education. Mandamus. c. 150. If any order of the board of education upon the School Law of West Virginia. 65 sheriff of the county or judgment or decree for a sum of money against the said board be presented to such sheriff without ob- taining payment, payment thereof may be enforced by the circuit court by mandamus or an order for specific levy on the property taxable in the district. Auditor. Sec. 151. The auditor shall annually before the first day of September, deliver to the governor and the state superintendent of free schools each a report made up to the first day of July next preceding, of the condition of "the school fund," with an abstract of the accounts thereof in his office, which report the governor shall lay before the legislature at its regular session. The School Fund — Board of. Sec. 152. All such sums as have accrued to this state from the several sources enumerated in the fourth section of the twelfth article of the constitution, not in excess of one million dollars, shall be set apart as a separate fund to be called "the school fund" and the governor, state superintendent of free schools, auditor and treasurer shall be a corporation under the name of "The board of the school fund," and shall have the management, control and investment of said fund, as provided by the fourth section of the twelfth article of the constitution. The governor shall be president of the board, and in his absence the board shall choose one of their number to preside temporarily in his place. The auditor shall be the secretary of the board and all meetings of the board shaH be held in his office. A record shall be kept of all the proceedings and be signed by the president and secretary, and a copy thereof, certified by the secretary of the board shall be evidence in all cases in which the original would be. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Meeting of Board. Sec. 153. A meeting of the board of the school fund may be held at any time upon the call of any member thereof: provided, notice be given to all members who may be at the seat of govern- ment. School Law op West Virginia. Collection. All the money due and payable into the treasury to the credil "the school fund" shall be recovered with interest action or motion in the name of said board, before any court having jurisdiction, and the attorney general shall institute and ate such action or motion when so directed by the board. Agents to Collect. The board may appoint agents for the collection of debts or claims, and authorize them to secure payment thereof, and to protect the interest of the school fund, on such terms as it may approve. They shall take bond from said agents, if any money is to conic into their hands; and any agent selling lands, when direct- ed to do so by the board, shall execute a deed with the resolution giving such directions thereto annexed, conveying to the purchaser by special warranty. Said agent may be allowed by the board a mpensation not exceeding in any case five per cent, on the money paid into the treasury. No School Teacher or Officer to Act as Agent— Penalty. See. 156. No school officer or teacher of any free school shall as agent for any author, publisher, bookseller, or other person to introduce or recommend the use of any book, apparatus, furni- ture, or other articles whatever, in any free school of this state, or directly or indirectly contract for or receive any gifts or reward for so introducing or recommending the same, nor shall any such school officer or teacher be otherwise interested in the sale, pro- ceeds or profits of any book or other things used, or to be used in said schools: provided; that nothing herein shall be construed to apply to any book written, or thing invented by such person. Misdemeanor. Any person violating the provisions of section one ndred and fifty-six shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon Qviction thereof be fined not less than fifty nor more than on« hundred dollars. School Law of West Virginia. 67 No School Officer to be Interested in Contract. Sec. 158. No county superintendent, member of a board of education, or trustee of any sub-district, shall directly or indirectly be or become personally interested in any contract for building or repairing school houses in his district, or be or become directly or indirectly, pecuniarily interested in the proceeds of any con- tract in the award or letting of which, he may have any voice or control; any county superintendent, member of such board, or any trustee, violating this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty and not more than one hundred dollars. Penalty not Otherwise Provided. Sec. 159. If any officer or teacher, fail to perform any duty required of him by this chapter or violate any provision thereof and there is no other fine or punishment imposed therefor, by law, he shall be fined not less than three, nor more than ten dollars, for every such offence, to be recovered before a justice of the peace of the county ; and such fine shall not impair or effect his liability for damages to any person injured, nor the liability of himself and his sureties on his official bond. If the board of education of any district or independent school district, fail to perform any duty required, each member of such board shall be liable to the full penalty imposed by this section, unless he show that he was not guilty of any neglect or default in the premises. Special Elections. Sec. 160. "Whenever any special election is to be held under the provisions of this chapter, the time, place and manner of holding and conducting the same, and the manner of certifying the result thereof shall be first fixed and determined by the board ordering the same to be held, and shall conform as nearly as practicable under all the circumstances to the law now in force as to general elections. Definitions. Sec. 161. The words used in this chapter and in any proceedings pursuant thereto, shall, unless the context clearly indicates a differ- ent meaning, be construed as follows: (1) "School" shall mean School Law of West Virginia. pupils and teacher or teachers assembled in one room. (2) •• Primary school" shall mean a school graded according to the scheme formulated by the common course of study and devoted exclusn instruction in a part or all of the work prescribed for the primary grades. (3) "Grammar" or "Intermediate school" shall mean a school graded according to the scheme formu- lated by the committee on course of study and devoted exclusively to instruction in a part or ail of the work prescribed for the gram- mar grades. (4) "High school" shall mean a school or schools -railed according to the scheme formulated by the committee on course of study and devoted exclusively to instruction in all of the work prescribed for the high school grades. (5) "Graded school" shall mean a school of two or more rooms, graded according to the scheme formulated by the committee on course of study in which a part of the work is done in one room and more advanced work in the next room, there being a regular gradation in the work from one room through all the rooms from the lowest or most elementary to the highest. (6) "Holiday" shall mean the first day of Janu- ary, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, fourth day of July, the first Monday in September, the twenty- fifth day of December, a day on which an election is held through- out the state, and a day appointed by the governor of the state for a public fast or thanksgiving. (7) "Apparatus" shall mean maps, charts, globes, arithmetical blocks, rules, pointers, dictionaries and atlases. (8) "District" shall not mean independent district. Flags Displayed. !. 162. The hoard of education may out of the building fund purchase United States flags four by six feet, of regulation bunt- ing, U>v school houses in their district, and require the same to be displayed over such school houses during the time the school is in session. District Supervision. 163. The board of education of any district may, and upon application in writing of a majority of the taxpayers of the ill provide for district supervision of all the county, llage and town schools in the district and establish rules and as necessary thereto. To this end they shall, if so re- :. employ a competent teacher, holding a first grade certifi- hall devote his time during the school term to the thor- School Law of West Virginia. 69 ough, careful and profitable supervision of such schools and as such district superintendent shall have and exercise all the powers, duties, and privileges usually conferred upon city superintendents. But nothing contained herein shall prevent such boards of educa- tion from employing and authorizing the principal of any graded school in the district to perform the duties of a district superin- tendent in addition to his duties as such principal: provided that he shall devote at least half of the time to such superintendence. The district superintendent shall receive such salary as the board of education may determine, to be paid out of the teachers' fund of the district as provided in the case of teachers. District superintendents shall make such reports as may be required by the state superintendent of free schools. Board may Take Charge. Sec. 164. The board of education may take charge of schools so supervised and appoint the teachers therefor and may provide that all the schools in the district shall begin on the same date. Text Books. Sec. 165. All the provisions of law now in force and effect for the adoption of text-books shall continue operative until changed by law. THE WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. Location. * Sec. 166. The West Virginia University shall hereafter remain where now located and shall continue to be known as the West Virginia University. Regents. Sec. 167. The government and control of the said university shall continue, as now, to be vested in a board of regents, con- sisting of nine persons to be called "The regents of the West Virginia University," not more than six of whom may belong to the same political party. The regents now in office shall serve for the term for which they were appointed, and on or before the fifteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and nine, or as soon 70 School Law of West Virginia. thereaft convenient, the governor shall appoint five of said nts whose term shall begin on the first day of May following: and likewise, on or before the fifteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and eleven, he shall appoint four regents whose term shall begin on the first of May following. The two classes of nts thus appointed shall serve for four years and until their • •ssors are appointed and qualified, and thereafter the term shall be t*«»r a like period of four years. A vacancy occurring in the hoard shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired term. A law passed 1909 created a State Board of Control consisting of three members and a State Board of Regents consisting of five members to have charge of all state institu- tions. See Appendix A. Corporation — Title to Property. Sec. 168. The regents shall be a corporation by the name of "The Regents of the West Virginia University," and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and shall succeed and be substituted to all the rights heretofore held by the regents of the West Virginia Univer- sity, and be vested with the title to all the real estate now owned by the said institution, and shall receive, hold, and dispose of, according to law and the intent of the instrument conveying title, any gift, grant, devise, or bequest, made for the use of the said institution. Quorum. *Sec. 169. A majority of said regents shall constitute a quorum, but no contract for the construction or the permanent alteration of buildings shall be made, no professors, instructors, or officers employed or removed from office or their salaries changed, and no rule or regulation adopted by a majority of the regents shall be amended or repealed, except by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of said regents. Rules and Regulations. *Sec. 170. The regents shall adopt rules and regulations for the ■nization and government of the university and elect a presi- dent and the requisite number of professors, instructors, officers and employees and fix the salary and term of office of each. *See App< ndix A. School Law of West Virginia. 71 Officers. *Sec. 171. They shall appoint a superintendent of buildings and grounds for the university and a secretary and treasurer for the said regents, taking from the said treasurer a bond with ample security in double the amount of money that will probably come into his hands at any time. Departments. *Sec. 172. The regents shall establish and maintain in the univer- sity, in addition to the preparatory department, such colleges, schools, departments, divisions, chairs, and courses of study as may be expedient and possible, and shall prescribe the conditions for graduation therein and confer the proper degrees, and the diploma issued upon graduation to any student who has taken at least six courses in the department of education in said institu- tion shall be equivalent in all respects to and shall entitle the holder thereof^upon application in due form to the state superin- tendent to a first grade certificate in duplicate. Cadets. Sec. 173. Besides prescribing the general terms upon which students may be admitted to the university, the regents may admit, as regular students therein, not more than two hundred and twenty- five cadets in the military department. Each member of the senate shall be entitled to appoint one cadet from his district, on or before the first day of June in the second year of his term, and one cadet on or before the -first day of June in the fourth year of his term. Each member of the house of delegates shall be entitled to appoint one cadet from his county on or before the first day of June next preceding the end of his term. In case a cadetship filled by appointment by any member of the legislature shall become vacant, the member making the appointment, or his successor, shall fill the same by a neAv appointment within the limits of time aforesaid. But no senator or delegate shall appoint any cadet until he receives a certificate from the president of the uni- versity, or the commandant of cadets, giving him notice of his right to do so ; and ho shall not have the right to exercise such power of appointment so long as two cadets are accredited to *See Appondix A. 72 School Law of West Virginia. him and his predi cessor, either by original appointment or by re- enlistment. All other cadets necessary to make up the full com- plemenl of the corps, shall be appointed by the regents, including 3, if any, caused by the failure of any member of the legislature to make his appointment. Cadets shall not be under 'i years of age and shall not be over twenty-two years of age. Their appointment shall be made upon undoubted evidence of d moral character and sound physical condition. Their term of si rvice shall be two years, but any cadet, at the expiration of his term shall he entitled to re-enlist for the further term of two years, upon giving notice of his intention to the commandant of dets at least thirty days before the expiration of such term. But not more than fifteen cadets shall be appointed from any senatorial district, and not more than eight from one county. Free Tuition. Sec. 174. The cadets admitted under the provisions of the pre- ceding section shall be entitled to all the privileges, immunities, educational advantages and benefits of the university, free of charge for admission, tuition, books and stationery, and shall con- stitute the public guard of the university, and of the public property belonging thereto, and of the ordnance and ordnance stores, and camps and garrison equipage, of which a sufficient supply shall be kept in the arsenal belonging to the institution, and shall be individually and collectively responsible for the preservation and safe-keeping of all arms and camp equipage be- longing to said institution. Endowment. *Sec. 175. The regents shall invest the funds derived from the of United States land warrants, donated to the state for endowing an agricultural college, in such securities as may be prescribed by act of congress. State Treasurer to Receive Grant. *Sec. 176. For the use and. purposes of the West Virginia Uni- ty there is hereby set apart the sum of twenty thousand dol- out of the annual appropriation made by the act of congress, School Law of West Virginia. 73 approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and the treasurer of this state is hereby designated as the proper officer to receive from the secretary of the treasury of the United States the said sum of money to be paid this state under said act of congress. He shall keep an exact account of the money so received and shall place it to the credit of the West Virginia University to be paid on the order of the board of regents. And said treasurer shall include in his biennial report to the governor the statement of his receipts and disbursements under this provision. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Marshall College. Sec. 177. The "West Virginia State Normal School," estab- lished under and by virtue of an act passed February twenty- seventh, one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act for the establishment of a state normal school," shall be and remain at Marshall College, in the county of Cabell, as provided in said act, and all the provisions of said act, and all other acts in relation thereto, shall be and remain in full force, except so far as the same may be altered by this chapter. Regents. *Sec. 178. For the government and control of said school and its branches, there shall be a board of regents, consisting of the state superintendent of free schools, together with six other persons, to be appointed, by the governor, as hereinafter provided, who shall be called the "Regents of the State Normal School," and as such may have a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and take, hold and possess real and personal estate for the use of said school. The transfer and conveyance by the board of supervisors of Cabell county, of lands and building of Marshall College and of the real estate heretofore conveyed by the Central Land Company of West Virginia to the regents of said school heretofore appointed, is hereby accepted, confirmed and legalized. But in case the said school should at any time hereafter be removed from the said Marshall College, the said property so conveyed shall revert to and be vested in the county court for the use of the said county of Cabell. The regents now in office shall serve for the term for which thev 'See Appendix A. 7 1 School Law of West Virginia. inted and between the fifteenth day of March and the b day of April, nineteen hundred and nine, the governor shall appoint three regents whose term shall begin on the first day Mowing; likewise, there shall be appointed between the enth day of March and the fifteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and eleven, three regents whose term shall begin on the first day of June following. Not more than two regents of each aid two classes shall belong to the same political party and all the regents so appointed shall serve for four years and until their ssors are appointed and qualified. A vacancy occurring in the board shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired term. A law passed 1909 created a State Board of Control consisting of three members and :o Board of Regents consisting of five members to have charge of all of the state /institutions. See Appendix A. Government Control — Diploma. Sec. 179. The said school shall be under the general supervision and control of the said regents. They shall have full power and authority to adopt and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations for its government as they may deem necessary and proper, to effect the object of its establishment, not inconsistent with the laws of this state. They shall fix the number and compensation of the teachers, and others to be employed therein, and appoint and remove the same; prescribe the preliminary examination of pupils, and the terms and conditions on which they shall be re- ceived and instructed in said school: provided, that all pupils admitted free of tuition to any one school, shall not exceed in num- ber the whole number apportioned to such county for admission to all normal schools of this state ; the branches of learning to be taught in each department thereof, and shall determine the num- ber of pupils to be received in the normal department of said school from each county or judicial circuit of this state, conform- ing' as nearly as possible to the ratio of population therein, and the mode of selecting them. The pupils admitted into the normal department of said school shall be admitted to all the privileges thereof, free from all charges of tuition, or for use of books or apparatus; that every such pupil shall pay for all books lost by him or damage done by him to such books or apparatus; and any in said school may be dismissed therefrom by said regents or by the executive committee, subject to the approval of the Qts, for immoral or disorderly conduct, or for neglect or School Law of West Virginia. 75 inability to perform his duty. The state superintendent of free schools shall prepare suitable diplomas to be granted to the stu- dents of the normal department of said school who have com- pleted the course of study and discipline prescribed by said regents, which diploma hereafter issued shall be equivalent in all respects to a first grade certificate for a period of five years. The said regents may establish a pay department in said school whenever the accommodations thereof will admit of the same, and may admit into such department so many paying students as can be accommo- dated therein from this or any other state, whether they desire to become teachers of schools or not. They may cause to be taught in the said department of said school, all or any of the branches of learning usually taught in colleges and seminaries, and for that purpose may establish therein the necessary professorships. They may also make all necessary rules and regulations for the government of said department and prescribe the tuition and the terms of admission therein. The said school shall continue to be called and known by the name of "Marshall College." Executive Committee. *Sec. 180. The said regents shall appoint three intelligent and discreet persons, residents of the county of Cabell, who shall con- stitute an executive committee for the care and immediate manage- ment and control of said school, subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the regents. Said committee shall (subject to the control of the said regents), designate the person to take charge of the boarding department of said school, and fix the price to be paid for board therein. They shall from time to time make fall and detailed reports to said regents of the conditions, working and prospects of said school, and shall perform such other duties in relation thereto as the said regents may from time to time pre- scribe. Fairmont Branch. Sec. 181. The branch of the state normal school established at Fairmont, under and in pursuance of the act passed March fourth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, entitled, "An act providing for the purchase of the West Virginia Normal School at Fairmont," shall be and remain at that place, and all provisions *See Appendix A. School Law op West Virginia. lid act shall remain in full force, except so far as the same be altered by this chapter. Said school shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the regents of the state normal school, iu the same manner and to the same extent as the state normal school at .Marshall College. West Liberty Branch. Sec 182. The branch of the State Normal School established at Wes1 Liberty, under and in pursuance of the act passed March first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, entitled, "An act to establish a branch normal school at "West Liberty, in Ohio county," shall be and remain at that place, and all provisions of said act shall remain in full force, except so far as the same may be altered by this chapter. Said school shall be under the juris- diction and control of the regents of the state normal school, in the same manner and to the same extent as the state normal school at Marshall College. Glenville Branch. .- Sec. 183. The branch of the State Normal School established at Glenville under and in pursuance of the act passed the nine- teenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two, entitled, "An act to establish a branch normal school at Glen- ville, Gilmer county," shall be and remain at that place, and all the provisions of said act shall remain in full force except so far as the same may be altered by this chapter. Said school shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the regents of the state normal school in the same manner and to the same extent as the state normal school at Marshall College. Shepherdstown Branch. Sec. 184. The branch of the State Normal School established at Shepherdstown, under and in pursuance of the act passed and approved February fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, entitled, "An act to establish a branch normal school at Shepherdstown, in the county of Jefferson," shall be and remain at that place and all the provisions of said act shall remain in full force except so far as the same may be altered by this chapter. Said school shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the nts of the State Normal School, in the same manner and to the same extent as the State Normal School at Marshall College. School Law op West Virginia. 77 Athens Branch. See. 185. The branch of the State Normal School at Athens in Mercer county, established by the act passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to locate a branch state normal school at Concord in the county of Mercer," shall be and remain at that place and all the provisions of said act shall remain in full force, except so far as the same may be altered by this chapter. Said school shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the regents of the state normal school in the same manner and to the same extent as the State Normal School at Marshall College. Monthly Report. Sec. 186. The principals of the State Normal School and i'a branches shall make, at the close of each month thereof, to the president of the board of regents, in addition to the annual reports required of them, a report, under oath of the number of nou- paying normal school pupils and the number of paying pupils in the several departments of the school in actual monthly attend- ance during said term. Payment of Salaries. *Sec. 187. The president and the board of regents of the State Normal School and its branches upon receipt of the reports re- quired under the provisions of this chapter, shall issue his requisi- tion upon the auditor of the state for the total amount of salary due the teachers in each normal school for the month covered by the report, which sum shall be remitted to the treasurer of the executive committee of each normal school, but in no instance shall the amount paid out to all normal schools for any one month exceed one-tenth of the amount appropriated for the support of the normal school and its branches for that year. Normal Training for Colored Teachers. Sec. 188. The state superintendent of free schools shall if pos- sible, in every year, make arrangements with some suitable institu- tion of learning in this state for the education and normal school training of a number of colored teachers in proportion to the "See Appendix A. 78 School Law of West Virginia. colored population oi' the state which (he non-paying white students in the normal schools bear to the white population of the state; but the amount to be paid for such education and normal school training shall be in the same proportion to the amount expended tor the pay of teachers in the normal school and its branches as the said colored teachers are in proportion to the number of students in the normal school and branches. And the said amount shall be paid by the state superintendent of free schools at the end of each school month as provided in the case of the normal school and branches. PREPARATORY BRANCH OF THE WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY AT MONTGOMERY, FAYETTE COUNTY. Location. Sec. 189. The Preparatory Branch of the State University heretofore established at Montgomery, shall remain where now located and shall be known as the Montgomery Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University, by which name it shall have and hold all property, funds, investments, rights, powers and privi- leges granted by this act, by bequest, private subscriptions, dona- tion or otherwise. Regents. *Sec. 190. For the government and control of said school there shall be a board of regents consisting of the state superintendent of free schools and the members of the board of regents of the West, Virginia University. As such they may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with and have a common seal. A law passed 1909 created a State Board of Control consisting of three members and a State Board of Regents consisting of five members to have charge of all state in- stitutions. See Appendix A. Powers. L91. Said board shall have all the powers to act and shall act and be controlled according to and under the laws of chapter ;\--h've of the Code of West Virginia governing the board of regents of the West Virginia University, except as herein limited by this act. *See Appendix A. School Law op West Virginia. 79 Title. *Sec. 192. That the title to all grounds, buildings and improve- ments shall be vested in the board of regents of said school, to be used and controlled, as, in like manner, is the property of the West Virginia University used and controlled by its said board of regents. Branches Taught. Sec. 193. There shall be taught in said school such branches of learning as are taught in the preparatory department of the West Virginia University and in the normal schools of this state ; but no student shall receive instruction free of tuition in any of the branches herein designated, except as to such as are taught free in the preparatory department of the University of West Virginia. Teachers. Sec. 194. It shall be the duty of said board of regents to emploj' and fix the salaries of a sufficient and competent corps of teachers and other necessary officers. Such teachers and officers to be paid as is provided by law for the payment of teachers and officers of the West Virginia University. Tuition. *Sec. 195. All students of this or other states desiring to take other branches of study than those designated in said preparatory courses or take other courses of study in said school, shall pay such tuition as shall be hereinafter fixed by the faculty of said school. KEYSER PREPARATORY BRANCH OF THE WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. Location. Sec. 196. The Preparatory Branch of the State University here- tofore established at Keyser shall remain where now located and shall bo known as the Keyser Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University, by which name it shall hold all the property, funds, investments, rights, powers granted, and may receive and *See Appendix A. School Law of West Virginia. hold by bequest, private subscriptions, donations or otherwise, money and other property. Regents. Sec. 197. For the government and control of said school, there shall be a board of regents consisting of six members, who shall be appointed by the governor; not more than four of whom shall be of the same political party, and who, with the state superintendent of five schools, who shall l>e ex-officio member shall constitute said board ; the regents now in office shall serve until the expiration of the term for which they were appointed, and prior to the first day of May, nineteen hundred and nine, the governor shall by and with the advice and consent of the senate appoint three regents for the term of four years, beginning June first; likewise, on or before the first day of May, nineteen hundred and eleven, he shall appoint three regents whose term shall begin on the first day of June following. Vacancies occurring in the board shall be filled by the governor as they occur. The members of said board shall be appointed from the citizens of Mineral, Grant, Hardy, Morgan, Pendleton, Tucker, Preston and Hampshire counties, and before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the members of the board shall take an oath to faithfully discharge their duties. The said board shall be known as : 'The Board of Regents of the Keyser Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University," by which name said board shall sue and be sued, make contracts, receive and hold real and per- sonal property as aforesaid. A law passed 1909 created a State Board of Control consisting of three members and a State Board of Regents consisting of five members to have charge of all state in- stitutions. See Appendix A. Title. *Sec. 198. Title to the property, buildings and improvements ipt under the provisions of this act, shall be vested in the ■d of regents of said school, to be used and controlled for thncil comes to be free from infectious or contagious disease. Signed M. D. Approved : M. D. Medical Inspector School. 124 School Law of West Virginia. Ilol.l! Sec. 1. That the following days be regarded, treated and ob- served as legal holidays, viz: The first day of January, commonly called New Year's Day; the twenty-second day of February, coni- dy called George Washington's Birthday; the fourth day of July, commonly called Independence Day; the thirtieth day of May. commonly called Memorial Day; the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas Day; the first Monday in September, commonly called Labor Day; the twelfth day of February, commonly called Lincoln's Birthday; the twelfth day of October, commonly called Columbus Day; provided, however, that the common and graded schools of this state, the terms of which shall have begun and not having expired upon the two last named days shall remain in session and hold appropriate ceremo- nies in honor of Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Columbus, respectively, unless the said days shall fall upon Saturday or Sunday; any national or state election day, and all days that may be appointed or recommended by the governor of this state or the president of the United States as days of thanksgiving, or for the general cessation of business ; and when either of said days or dates falls on Sunday, then it shall be lawful to observe the succeeding Monday as such holiday; provided, that when the re- turn day of any summons or other court proceedings or any notice or time fixed for holding any Court or doing any official act shall fall on either of said holidays, the ensuing secular day shall be taken as meant and intended. THE CHILD LABOR LAW. (Regular Session Legislature 1911.) Sec. 1. No child under the age of 14 years shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work in, about or in connection with any factory, mill, workshop, or manufacturing establishment. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, without written permission from the State Commissioner of Labor or County Superintendent of Free Schools to employ any child under 14 years of age in any business or service whatever during the hours when the public schools of the district in which the said child re- sides are actually in session. Sec. 2. No child under the age of 16 shall be employed, per- mitted or suffered to work in, about or in connection with any of School Law op West Virginia. 125 the establishments or occupations named in Section 1 of this Act, unless the person, firm or corporation employing such child pro- cures and keeps on file, accessible to any truant officer, inspector of factories or authorized agent of the Humane Society, an em- ployment certificate as hereinafter prescribed. On termination of employment of a child whose employment certificate is on file, such certificate shall be forthwith returned by the employers to the person who issued the same. The employment certificate shall be issued only by the Superintendent of Schools, or by persons authorized by him in writing, or where there is no Superintendent of Schools, then by a person authorized by the local school board : provided, that no member of a school board or other person au- thorized, as aforesaid, shall have authority to issue such certifi- cates to any child then in or about to enter such person's own em- ployment or the employment of a firm or corporation of which he is a member, officer or employe. The person authorized to issue an employment certificate shall not issue such certificate until he has received, examined and approved and filed the following papers duly executed : 1. The school record of such child shall be properly filled out and signed. 2. A passport or duly attested transcript of the school cen- sus record, showing the date and place of birth of such child. 3. The affidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of such child, (which shall be required, however, only in case no one of the above mentioned proofs of age is obtainable), showing the date and place of birth of such child. Such affidavit must be taken before the officer issuing the employment certificate, who is here- by authorized and required to administer such oath without de- manding or receiving any fee therefor. No employment certificate shall be issued until the child in question has personally appeared before the officer issuing the certificate, nor until such officer has satisfied himself that the child can read and write legibly simple sentences in the English lan- guage, and that the child is 14 years of age or upwards and has reached the normal development of a child of its age, and is in snfficently sound health and physically able to perform the work which it intends to do, which shall be stated. In all cases of doubt, such development, health and physical fitness shall be de- termined by a medical officer of tbe board or department of health or by a physician appointed by the school board. Every such em- 126 School Law of West Virginia. ployment certificate shall state the race, residence, sex and the date ami place of birth of the child, and that the papers required by the preceding sections have been duly examined, approved and filed. Every such certificate shall be signed in the presence of the officer issuing the same, by the child in whose name it is issued, and it shall show the date of its issue, the school record required by the act shall be signed by the principal or chief executive officer of the school which such child has attended and shall be furnished on demand to a child entitled thereto. It shall contain a statement certifying that the child is able to read and legibly write simple sentences in the English language, and has received instruction equivalent to that given in the first four grades of the common schools. Such school record shall also give the date of birth and residence of the child as shown on the records of the school. The employment certificate provided for must be formulated by the State Superintendent of Free Schools and furnished in blank by the clerk of the local school board. Sec. 3. "Whoever, whether he be the employer, parent, guardian or custodian of any child, employs, permits or suffers such child to be employed or to work in violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50 for each and every offense. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to en- force the provisions of this act and to prosecute any person, firm or corporation charged with violation of the same, before any magistrate or court of competent jurisdiction in this state; and it shall be the duty of the truant officers, inspectors of factories and authorized agents of the Humane Society to expose all vio- lations of this act to the prosecuting attorney. All fines collected for violations of this act shall be paid into the building fund of the school district or independent district in which the offence is committed. APPENDIX B. Forms and Instructions. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS AT THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD ANNUM- MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. FIRST MEETING FIRST MONDAY IN JULY. [See Sections 11, 35 and 45.] 1. Appoint a secretary. 2. Appoint trustees for each sub-district. 3. Determine the number of months the schools shall be taught in the district during the school year. 4. Determine the number of teachers that may be employed in the sub-districts, allowing at least one for each school house. 5. Fix the salaries of teachers according to the grade of certifi- cate. 6. Estimate the number of teachers of each grade that will be em- ployed. 7. Ascertain the whole number of months to be taught in the district by teachers of each grade. 8. May establish graded and high schools, change boundaries of their sub-districts and provide for the erection of new buildings. SECOND MEETING SECOND TUESDAY IN AUGUST. [See Section 21.] At this meeting the Board shall ascertain the condition of the fiscal affairs of the district and make up an itemized statement thereof setting forth : 1. The separate amounts due the building fund and the teach- ers' fund from all sources or to become due these funds within the current fiscal year. 2. All debts and demands upon both funds owed by the district or to become due and payable within the current year. 3. All other expenditures to be made and payable out of each fund within the current fiscal year. 4. The separate amounts necessary to be raised for each fund and the proposed rates of levy. School Law of West Virginia. The aggregate value of all taxable property in the district, stating separately the assessed value of real estate, personal prop- erly and property assessed by the Board of Public Works. A I lie above statement shall be prepared and certified for publication as required by Section 21. The Board shall then stand adjourned until the fourth Tuesday in August. THIRD MEETING FOURTH TUESDAY IN AUGUST. [See Section 21.] The Board shall at this meeting transact the following business: 1. Hear and consider any objections made as provided for in Section 21, to their estimate and proposed levy. 2. Enter an order of record showing the objections made and the reasons for the same. 3. Keconsider the original estimate and proposed rate of levy and correct the same if the objections appear to be well taken. 4. Enter of record the corrections made. 5. Lay the levy. The following calculations will be convenient for reference in making levies for school purposes: Number of teachers to be employed in the district 20 Number of months to be taught during the year 6 Amount of money to pay all teachers (estimated) $4,380 This estimate is made as follows: 10 No. 1 grade teachers at $40 per mo 400 6 No. 2 grade teachers at $35 per mo 210 4 No. 3 grade teachers at $30 per mo 120 Monthly pay $ 730 Number of months 6 Total for term $4,380 Deduct amount on hand including amount of general school hm & 1 ; 880 Amount to be raised for teachers' fund $2,500 To ascertain the number of cents to be levied on every one hun- dred dollars' valuation of property in the district to raise $2,500 by taxation, suppose the whole valuation in the district to be $600,- 000. School Law op West Virginia. 129 Rule — Drop the cents, if any, and add four ciphers to the amount in dollars to be raised by the levy, and divide by the amount in dollars taxable property. Example : 600,000 ) 25,000,000 ( 41 2-3 cents 24,000,000 1,000,000 600,000 400,000 equals 2-3 600,000 Similar calculations should be made in relation to the Building Fund. FOEM NO. I. FORM OF ORDERS TO BE ENTERED OF RECORD BY THE BOARD OF EDU- CATION. Office of the Board of Education ) District, in the County of ) West Virginia. At a meeting of the Board of Education held on the .... day of , 19 . . , there were present, president, and and , members of the board. On motion of , it is ordered that be, and he is hereby appointed Secretary of this Board. On motion it is ordered that the following named persons be ap- pointed trustees in the following named sub-districts, for a term of three years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified : Trustee for Sub-District No. 1. Trustee for Sub-District No. 2. On motion of , it is ordered that the salaries of teachers per month for the school year, shall be as follows, according to the grade of their certificate: For grade No. 1, $. . . . ; for grade No. 2, $. .. . ; for grade No. 3 $ 130 School Law of West Virginia. It is found by the board that in addition to the available funds now on hand, $. . . . will be necessary for the payment of teachers' .salaries for the current year, and on motion of , it is ordered ilia i a tax of .... cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of the real estate and personal property of the district be levied for that purpose. A .similar order should be entered in relation to the levy for Building Fund.) On motion of , it is ordered that the president and sec- retary of this board be authorized to sign, in vacation, all proper orders for the payment of money out of the teachers' fund or the building fund, for the salaries of teachers employed and claims allowed by the board, and that they report the orders drawn on each fund, at the next meeting of this board. The secretary of this board made a report this day for the several orders drawn by him and the president, on the teachers' fund and the building fund, respectively, since the last meeting of the board, as follows : An order on the teachers' fund, in favor of , a teacher, for $....; an order in favor of , a teacher, for $....; also an order on the building fund, in favor of , for work done on school house, for $....; and an order, in favor of for furnishing wood for school house, for $ On motion of , it is ordered that when in the opinion of the president or of the two commissioners it is deemed necessary, the president or secretary may call a special meeting of this board. On motion the board does now adjourn. Secretary. President. FORM NO. II. order of appointment to fill a vacancy in the board of trustees. [To be entered in records of the board.] There being a vacancy in the board of trustees in sub-district No. , in the district of , on motion of , it is ordered that be, and he is hereby appointed to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term, and till his successor shall be ap- pointed and qualified. Note : — This order of appointment should be entered in the record book of the board of education at a regular meeting and a copy of it signed by the secretary of the board *erved upon the appointee. School Law op West Virginia. 131 FORM NO. III. APPOINTMENT OP A MEMBER OP THE BOARD OP EDUCATION TO FILL A VACANCY. Office of County Superintendent, ) op the County op ) , West Virginia, ,19 ... . It having been made known to me that there is a vacancy in the board of education in district in my said county, I , county superintendent of said county, in pursuance of the authority vested in me by law, hereby appoint to fill the vacancy in said board for the unexpired term. , County Superintendent. FORM NO. IV. OATH OF OFFICE. State of West Virginia, County of , to-wit: I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of this State, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office of to the best of my skill and judgment. So help me God. A B . Sworn to and subscribed before me, , a justice of the peace, this .... day of , 19 . . . C D , J. P. FORM NO. V. FORM TO BE USED IN THE SETTLEMENT BY THE SHERIFF WITH THE SEVERAL BOARDS OF EDUCATION, ON OR BEFORE THE 30tH DAY OF JUNE IN EACH YEAR. , Sheriff of county, in account with 132 School Law of West Virginia. the Teachers ' Fund of district for the year ending June 30, 19... CTS. CTS. lance due District on settlement for year ending June 30, 19. .. To amount due from State School Fund for the year ending June 30, 19... .mount levied on a valuation of $. .. for the year ending June 30, 19. .. at cents on each hundred dollars valuation To amount received from other sources for the year ending June 30, 19... mize each sum received from "other sources," giving date, amount from whom received.] Total debits By balance due sheriff on settlement for the year ending June 30, 19... By sundry school orders paid to date [The No., date and name of person to whom each order was drawn, with the actual amount paid thereon by the officer presenting it, should be given in detail.] By commission at 5 per cent, on net district levies By 2 per cent, commission on railroad levy By exonerations — (Name each person exonerated, the name and for what year the exoneration is made) By delinquent list for the year ending June 30, 19... Total credits Balance due district, (or sheriff, as the case may be) .... FORM NO. VI. call. for special meeting. Office of ) District, ) County, W. Va. ) , 19.. It appearing to that a special meeting of the board of education of said district is necessary to transact business relat- ing to and other matters, a meeting is hereby called at at o 'clock M., 19 . . You are requested to be present. Secretary. To FORM NO. VII. FOR TRANSFER. District, ) County, W. Va. ) Sub-District, No. It appearing to the undersigned, trustees of sub-district that , children of of School Law of West Vieginia. 133 sub-district are situated as to be better accommodated in sub-district No , district, County, W. Va., this is to certify that said trustees have this day, as required by law, transferred them to that district. This transfer is to com- mence on the day of , 19 . . , and continue in force months. To the Trustees of Sub- ) ) Dist. No... of .. Dist., ) ) Trustees. County, W. Va. ) ) On the reverse of the transfer (Form VII) the following endorse- ment may be made : Transfer of .... scholars from sub-district No , Dis- trict, County, to sub-district No , District, County, W. Va. We the trustees of the last named sub-district, this day *accept the Within transfer in accordance with sec. 66 school law, ) ) Trustees. ) *0r refuse to accept. Note : — Trustees accepting transfers from other districts should transmit them to their board of education, there to be kept on file for the information of the board in making settlements for the amount due for the transferred pupils. Trustees making transfers should furnish their board with information of all transfers made by them, to enable the board to provide for the payment of the pro- rata expenses of the transferred pupils. The following form may be used by the trustees : To the President of the Board of Education of District: This is to certify that the undersigned, trustees of sub-district No District have transferred as required by law pupils, the children of , from this sub-district to No , District, County, to begin on the .... day of , 19 . . , and continue .... months. ) ) Trustees. ) FORM NO VII. CONTRACT BETWEEN TRUSTEES AND TEACHERS. This Contract Witnesseth, That , and , trustees of sub-district No in the 134 ScnooL Law of West Virginia. district of , and county of , West Vir- ginia, of the first part, having met together as required by section 56 of the School Law, and , a teacher holding a No teacher's certificate, of the second part, have this day agreed that said shall teach the free school in said sub-district, for the term of .... months, commencing on the ... . day of , 19 . . , for the sum of dollars per month, and that for said services, properly rendered, the trustees afore- said will pay, as prescribed by law, the amount of salary due said according to the terms of this contract, provided said teacher complies with the law relative to institute attendance and the following conditions of this contract : It is further agreed that if the relationship exists between the parties to this contract prohibited by Section 58 of the School Law, that this contract shall be void and the second party shall not be entitled to receive from the Board of Education any compensation for the teaching of the school, or any part thereof, under this con- tract. The second party represents that he is not at this time under an agreement to teach any other school which will interfere with the teaching of this school under this agreement, and agrees that he will not hereafter make an agreement to teach another school which will interfere with his teaching the term of school provided for in this contract. And he agrees to forfeit to the first party an amount equal to one month's salary under this contract, in the event he without legal excuse fails or refuses to complete the term of school by this con- tract agreed to be taught ; which amount, if already paid to the sec- ond party by the Board of Education of said district at the time the second party quits said school before the expiration of the term, may be recovered by and in the name of the Board of Education in any proper action therefor. It is further agreed that, if for any legitimate cause the school is not begun on the date mentioned, or if for any cause it is by the first party discontinued or suspended, neither party shall have re- course on the other for damages. Witness our hands, this .... day of 19 . . ) ) Trustees. ) Teacher. School Law op West Virginia. 135 *I represent myself to be worth 'more than Four Hundred Dol- lars over and above my debts and liabilities ; and I hereby agree to pay to the Board of Education of District an amount equal to one month's salary of the teacher of the above contract, if the above named teacher, without legal ex- cuse therefor, fails or refuses to teach the full term of school pro- vided for in the above contract Date FORM NO. IX. secretary's notice to county superintendent, assessor and county clerk, op rate of levies. Office of Secretary Board of Education. , 19 . . *To of county. At a meeting of the board of education of district of said county, held on the .... day of , 19 . . , it was ordered that levies for the support of the free schools of the district for the year beginning the first day of July, 19. ., be made for the respective funds at the following rates: For Teachers' Fund, cents on the $100 valuation. For Building Fund, cents on the $100 valuation. Respectfully, , Secretary FORM X. county superintendent's certificate to secretaries of the . amount op railroad tax. Office County Superintendent Free Schools. To the Sec'y Board of Education of District, County, West Virginia. You are hereby notified that the amount due your district for *Where the party of the second part is a minor or unknown to the trustees, the above bond may be required. *Write Assessor, Clerk of County Court, or County Superintendent as the case may be. Each must be notified promptly. 136 School Law of West Virginia. school purposes and chargeable -to the Sheriff on the respective ac- counts of Teachers' and Building Funds in proportion to the rate of levy for each, for the school year ending June 30, 19. ., from the Railroad Company is Dollars. ( liven under my hand this .... day of , 19 . . . Dated , 19 County Sup 't County. AY hen the County Superintendent is notified by the Auditor of the amount paid into the treasury by the Railroad Company to the credit of any district for school purposes; or, is notified of the amount of Railroad tax certified by the Auditor to the Sheriff of the County for collection for school purposes, he should, without delay, notify (on this blank) the Secretaries of the respective Boards of Education of the amount due them from the different Railroad companies that have property in their respective districts. The secretaries of the Boards, when they are notified as above di- rected, should divide the amounts so reported, between the Teach- ers' and Building Funds in proportion to the rate of levy made for each. The amounts should then be charged up to the Sheriff on ac- count of the respective Funds. FORM NO. XI. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S CERTIFICATE TO THE AUDITOR OF DISTRI- bution of state fund for his county. Office County Superintendent Free Schools ) , County, W. Va., 19 ... . ) To the Auditor of the State of West Virginia. Sm: — The following shows the apportionment made by me, to the several school districts of the county of , for the school year commencing July 1st, 19. . "Whole amount certified by State Superintendent, $ Amount deducted for salary of County Superintendent, School Law of West Virginia. 137 Whole amount distributed to the several school districts, Amount distributed to each school district respectively : DISTRICTS. Pavment of Payment of Sept. 15th. Dec. 15th. Total. 1 $ '$. . Total $ INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS. $. . S Total $ ,, County Superintendent of County. Section 42 of the School Law requires county superintendents to apportion the State Fund among the several districts of their re- spective counties and to report the same on this form to the Auditor. School Law of West Virginia. FORM NO. XII. county superintendent's certificate to secretaries of the amount of state fund. Office of County Superintendent Free Schools. County, West Virginia. 19.. To the Secretary of the Board of Education of District. I hereby certify that the amount of State School Fund appor- tioned to your district for the school year beginning on the 1st day of July, 19 . . , is dollars. Enumeration for 19 . . , (corrected) County Superintendent. The amount will be paid to the sheriff of the county in two equal installments, on September 15th, and on December 15th, next, provided your board levy for a sum, which, together with the bal- ance on hand, funds from other sources, and this State fund, will be sufficient to pay for having the schools of your district taught for at least six months of the year. You will charge the sheriff with the above amount on account of the teachers' fund. As soon as the county superintendent receives notice from the State Superintendent of the amount apportioned to his county, he should apportion the amount among the respective districts and independent districts, according to the number of youths between 6 and 21 in each, ascertained by the last enumeration, and should thereupon notify the respective secretaries on this blank (Form 18) without delay. FORM NO. XIII. assessor's notice to secretaries of valuation of personal property. Office of Assessor. of County, West Vhiginia. To the Secretary of the Board of Education of District: The assessed valuation of the personal property in your district School Law of "West Vieginia. 139 on the first day of January, 19. ., aggregates $ Given under my hand the day of , 19 . . . Assessor, P. 0. Address, A copy of this notice should be sent to the secretary of each dis- trict at the very earliest moment possible, as he must have it on the second Tuesday in August, at the second annual meeting of the board of education. The assessor shall make out and deliver to the secretary of the board of education of each district and independent district in his county on or before the second Tuesday in August in each year, a certificate showing the aggregate value of all personal property and real estate in such district or independent district, and to the county superintendent of free schools a certificate of the aggregate value of such property in the county, which certificates shall serve as the basis for the school levies for the ensuing year. (Sec. 48 of the School Law.) Any assessor, clerk of the county court, secretary of a board of education, or county superintendent who fails to perform the duties required of him in sections forty-eight and forty-nine of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon con- viction thereof be fined twenty dollars. (Sec. 50 of the School Law.) FORM NO. XIV. county clerk's notice to secretaries op assessed valuation op real estate. Office Clerk County Court. County, West Virginia. To the Secretary Board of Education of District: The assessed valuation of the real estate in your district on the first day of January, 19. ., aggregates $ Given under my hand the day of , 19 . . Clerk of County Court. A copy of this notice should be sent to the secretary of each dis- 140 School Law of West Virginia. trict at the very earliest moment possible, as he must have it at the annual meeting of the board of education on the second Tuesday in August. (See Sec. 48 of the School law.) FORM XV. county clerk's notice to secretaries of delinquent lists. Office Clerk County Court. County, West Virginia. To the Secretary Board of Education District ■. The sheriff of county is entitled to credits for the delinquent list (including property erroneously and improperly charged) for the year ending June 30, 19. . : On Real Estate for Teachers' Fund, $ On Personal Property for Teachers ' Fund, $ Total for Teachers' Fund, $ On Real Estate for Building Fund, $ On Personal Property for Building Fund, $ Total for Building Fund, $ You will charge the sheriff with the following amounts, certified by the Auditor as paid to the sheriff on account of redemption of delinquent lands paid into the treasury before sale: For Teachers' Fund, $ For Building Fund, $ Given under my hand this day of 19 . . Clerk County Court. (See Sec. 44 of the School law.) FORM NO. XVI. TRUANT OFFICER'S NOTICE. , W. Va., , 19.. M. Dear You are hereby notified that the attendance of , and School Law op West Virginia. 141 being under your control are required to attend school and accord- ing to the provisions of section 73 Chapter 45 of the Code as re- vised by the Legislature of 1908, (Extra Session) such attendance must commence at once on receipt of this notice unless due cause be shown why such child or children should not attend. Should you fail to comply with the requirements of this law, you will be subject to a fine of two dollars for the first offence and five dollars for each subsequent offence. Respectfully, Truant Officer, District County, West Virginia. Note: — This notice should he mailed where practicable, otherwise it must be deliTered by the truant officer in person or sent by a reliable carrier. FORM NO. XVII. TRUANT OFFICER'S REPORT TO BOARD. Members Board of Education, District, County, West Virginia. Gentlemen: I hereby certify that I have investigated cases under the truancy law during the month of , 19. ., of which number were prosecuted and con- victed. I have mailed .... notices, delivered in person .... noti- ces or sent by other means .... notices. In all I have spent hours* or days and . . . .hours in the discharge of my duties as truant officer. Respectfully, , Truant Officer, * District, County, W. Va. Personally appeared before me of County, the said and, on oath, says that the above report is true and correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this day of , 19. . ♦Note: — Nine hours should be reckoned as constituting • day. 142 School Law op West Virginia. FORM NO. XVIII. TRUANT OFFICER'S STATEMENT TO SHERIFF. ., W. Va., 19.. M. Sheriff of County, W. Va. Dear Sir: Under the provisions of Sec. 73, Chap. 45 of the Code, as revised by the Legislature of 1908 (Extra Session,) the following fines were imposed in District, County, under my jurisdiction during the month of 19..: NAME. Address. Date. Amount of Fine Child for Which Fined. Age of Child. 1 $ ( 1 ( | ( ] 1 Total | 1 School Law op "West Virginia. 143 FORM NO. XIX. STATEMENT OF APPORTIONMENT OF THE GENERAL SCHOOL FUND. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, Department of Free Schools. Charleston, June, 19 To , County Superintendent, , W. Va. Dear Sir: The following is the amount of the General School Fund appor- tioned to your county for the year beginning July 1, 19 . . , and ending June 30, 19 . . : Net amount apportioned $ County Superintendent's salary $ Gross amount apportioned $ Total enumeration of your county, You will please make the apportionment of the above NET amount among the several districts of your county at once that the boards of education may have the same in their hands at their sec- ond meeting on the second Tuesday in August. Respectfully, State Superintendent of Free Schools. INDEX 24 109 25 147 25 Page. Sec. Abstract of proceedings of board to be posted, where, when 32 46 Accounts and settlements to be made with reference tc school year 11 1 Accounts, sheriff to keep with boards 61 Account of special debt levy to be kept separate 21 Account of institute expenses to be read 51 Action against school officers, when 22 Action of trustees may be revised 37 65 Action against sheriff 64 Acts prohibited 22 Additional levy : for districts with towns and cities having more than six months' term 18 21c for current expenses 20 22 when and how made 20 22 to pay interest on '. >n5 Forms and blanks ; state superintendent to prescribe 57 126 Forms and Instructions (See Appendix B.) Forms of Instructions: to be prepared by tax commissioner 23 26 to be prepared by attorney general 23 26 to be prepared by state superintendent 57 126 (See also Appendix B.) Fraud in Examinations: on part of county superintendent; penalty for 45 88 on part of other persons ; penalty for 45 88 Free instruction, to whom granted 38 69 Free Schools; (See Schools.) Free Text-Books: board may purchase 28 35 shall enter of record order to purchase 28 35 secretary to have charge of 28 35 teachers to distribute and have control of 28 36 secretary to take receipt for from teachers 28 36 teachers to collect and deliver to secretary 28 36 pupils to be held responsible for injury or destruction of 28 36 to be purchased directly from publishers, contract with 29 36 Fund, the Building (See Building Fund.) Fund, the General School (See General School Fund.) Fund; (See School Fund.) Fund, the Teachers' (See Teachers' Fund.) Fund, Supplementary (see Supplementary Fund.) Fund, Sub-District (See Sub-District Teachers' Fund.) Funds, to be divided with colored schools 39 71 Furniture: to be provided 14 13 42 43 Index. 157 Furniture.— Continued. Page - Sec> to be kept in repair 14 for joint schools (See Joint Schools.) General School Fund: sum due from to be deducted ; when 17 to be made up from what 30 shall be apportioned and distributed according to what 30 40 to be used for what 30 40 auditor to deduct what 30 not to be less than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.... 30 40 transfer to from state fund may be made; when and by whom 30 40 may be made one million dollars; when 30 40 auditor to ascertain amount of to be distributed and report same to state superintendent 30 41 state superintendent to ascertain proper share of due to each county 31 can not be drawn by board until when 31 requisition for to be made, when 31 payable to counties in two installments 31 43 expenses of uniform examinations paid from 42 81 General supervision of schools; constitutional provision 7 Gifts to institutions accepted by board of control Appendix A 112 15 Girl's Industrial Home 10 ° Governor : state superintendent to make report to 57 127 to lay before legislature auditor's report of condition of school fund 65 151 to appoint various boards (See under each State institution.) Grade of certain certificates 48 95 Grades of uniform certificates 43 84 Graded Schools : may be established by board 13 11 definition of * 68 161 board may establish in certain towns and villages under what con- ditions 24 28 extension of term in ; manner of 25 28 cost of extension of term in not to exceed what 25 28 proceeds of levy for to be known as "sub-district teachers fund." 25 28 subjects taught in 41 78 course of study for 58 131 Grading of manuscripts 43 84 Grades of certificates 44 84 Graduates of Certain Schools: to receive certificates of first grade on graduation, without examina- tion 46 92 to receive state professional certificates, when 59 132 Graduation of pupils 42 79 Grammar school, definition of 68 161 Grounds to be improved 14 13 Harboring children unlawfully 40 74 High School: definition of 68 161 may be established by board 13 11 levy for 18 21c may be established in villages with four or more schools 24 28 extension of term in 24 28 levy for not to exceed what 24 28 board of education to have charge of 24 28 classification of 26 30 state aid for 26 30d to be open to whom 24 28 district (See District High School.) 158 Index. High Schools. — Continued. Page. Sec. subjects taught in 42 78 course of study for : 58 1.31 High School Teachers' Certificate: ited when and under what regulations 43 & 47 82 & 94 examination for 47 94 renewal of 47 94 grade of determined 48 95 Holidays: list of Appendix A 124 1 schools not to be kept open on 36 59 counted as days taught, when 36 59 definition of 68 161 Home for Girls, West Virginia Industrial 100 Houses, school (See School Houses.) Houses and Sites: to be examined by president of board 13 10 to be retained, when 13 iq to be sold, when 13 ^q Immoral Character: persons debarred from examination because of 43 83 certificates may be revoked because of 44 35 Immorality or neglect of duty; county superintendent to report 45 89 Imprisonment; employer may be punished by, for what 40 74 Improvement of school grounds 14 13 Improvements; legislature to encourage ; constitutional provision 10 Improvements and repairs, estimate of to be furnished by trustees 37 63 Incompetence on part of teachers to be reported 56 122 Increase or decrease in number of sub-districts 13 n Indebtedness, Bonded: constitutional provision for 7 additional levy to pay interest on 20 22 Indebtedness, floating; how provided for 21 24 Indebtedness unlawfully incurred by board; penalty 22 25 Independent districts; constitutional provision 10 Indictment; county officers subject to; constitutional provision 6 Industrial Home for Girls 100 Infectious diseases 4 g q- Injunction ; school officers may be removed by 22 °5 Inspection, medical (See Medical Inspection) Inspection of secretary's record may be made 31 45 Inspection of school houses by trustees; when made 36 60 Institutes, County: president and members of board to attend; to be held, when, where 50 105 teachers required to attend 51 ■■ Q6 county superintendent may excuse teachers from attending when 0nl y 51 106 compensation for attending; from what fund paid 51 i 6 failure to attend to debar from teaching 51 i 06 instructors for; qualification of 51 10 ^ pay of instructors for R1 , „ „ . , *>-!■ ±Uo enrollment fee ; how used 51 , og account of expenses to be approved by institute 52 109 tified list of persons enrolled to be sent to state superintendent 52 110 Institute, District : number of to be held = „ credit for attendance *-„ ^ 111 Institute, the Bluefield Colored g6 Institute, the West Virginia Colored g2 Index. 159 * Instruction : Page. Sec. free, to whom granted 38 69 in what branches required 41 78 Instructions : of tax commissioner to be followed in what 23 26 of attorney general as to elections 23 26 Instructors for county institutes (See Institute, County.) Insurance of sta:e institutions Appendix A 112 16 Interest : charged against sheriff, when 64 146 on bonded indebtedness, provision for 20 22 levy for may be continued without additional vote until when 21 22 on bonds must be provided for 29 39 Intermediate School ; definition of 68 161 Interpretation of school law 57 128 Investment of the School Fund 65 152 Joint Schools : how provided 16 18 title to buildings for 16 18 terms of agreement to be reduced to writing 16 18 shall be provided with furniture, etc 16 18 Judgment against board of education 64 150 Judgment against sheriff, when 63 145 July, first Monday in, board to hold first meeting 24 27% Jury, teachers exempt from serving on, when 48 97% Justices to remit fines to sheriff 41 76 Keyser Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University 79 Kindergartens: board may establish in what schools 28 34 who admitted to 28 34 teachers of, qualifications for 28 34 Land, condemnation of for school purposes 15 15 Law, the school (See School Law.) Laws governing general elections to apply in special elections 20 22 Legislature: to prescribe terms of office; constitutional provision 5 to provide free schools; constitutional provision 7&9 to encourage improvements; constitutional provision 10 power of to levy; constitutional provision 6 Levy: vote on 16 20 ballot for vote on 16 20 rate of to be set forth in statement 17 21c may be corrected; how 17 21c to be laid after corrections made 18 21c for building fund ; maximum rate of 18 21c for teachers' fund; maximum rate of 18 21c for support of high schools 18 21c increase in to pay interest on outstanding bonds 18 21c additional (See Additional Levy.) for interest on bonds and for sinking fund 20 22 for bonded indebtedness; continuance of; use of 21 22 elections on ; how held 21 23 special debt (See Special Debt Levy.) iiKiximum rate of may not be exceeded 22 25 special for extension of term; fund to be known as what 25 28 delinquent lists for 31 44 assessor's certificate of valuations to serve as basis for 32 48 rate of to be reported by secretary; when, to whom 33 49 specific, may be ordered, when 64 150 160 Indkx. Page. Sec. stitutional provision concerning 9 power of legislature to lay; constitutional provision 6 Liability of school officers to action by state, when 22 25 Libraries, School : number and value of volumes in to be reported by trustees 37 63 (See also Books for School Libraries.) Librarian : may be appointed by trustees, when 29 38 compensation of 29 38 to open library, when 29 38 who may draw books from 29 38 Limit of special debt levy 22 24 Limitation on bond issue 29 39 Location of Schools : to be determined by board 13 11 to be determined with reference to convenience of pupils 14 13 Location and Plans : to be approved by county superintendent 15 14 to be selected by county superintendent, when 15 14 Magisterial districts to be school districts 11 2 Mandamus : school officers may be removed by 23 25 to compel division of funds 39 71 payment by sheriff may be enforced by 64 150 Manual of course of study 42 79 Manuscript, examination ; transmission of 43 83 Maximum Rate of Levy : for building fund 18 21c for teachers' fund 18 21c Medical Inspection: provision for Appendix A 121 appointment of physicians as inspectors " " 121 duty of inspectors " " 121 record of inspection, form of " " 122 notice of symptoms to parents " " 123 Meeting of presidents to appoint county superintendent, when 53 116 Meetings of Board of Education : first; when held; business to be transacted 24 27% second; when held; business to be transacted 17 21 third; when held; business to be transacted 17 21c monthly and special 2 7 32 Meetings of board of school fund; when, where 65 1 2&153 Meetings, literary and religious may be held in school houses; conditions 37 62 Meetings of trustees 34 53 % Member of Board: must vacate office, when 12 5 oath of ; when to be taken 12 6 compensation of 27 33 Method of making settlement, sheriff's 62 141 Mileage of state board of examiners 60 135 Minimum amount of general school fund 30 40 Minimum Salaries : for different grades of certificates 24 27% may be exceeded, when 25 29 Minimum school term 18 21c Misdemeanor : school officers guilty of, when 22 25 assessor, clerk of county court, secretary, or county superintendent, guilty of, when 33 50 Index. 161 Misdemeanor. — Continued. Page. Sec. 74 72 parent or guardian guilty of, when 40 employers guilty of, when 39 countv superintendent guilty of, when 45 88 148 157 159 89 132 board of education guilty of, when 64 to act as agent, penalty 66 Money for school purposes collected and distributed by sheriff 61 137 Montgomery Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University 78 Name and address of county superintendent to be certified 53 115 Narcotics and alcoholic drinks; special instruction concerning 42 Neglect of duty on part of school officers, fine for 67 Neglect of duty ; county superintendent to report 45 Non-attendance (See Compulsory Attendance.) Normal Schools: graduates of to receive uniform certificates without examination, when 46 92 graduates to receive state certificates, when 59 constitutional provision 10 (See also State Normal Schools.) Normal training for colored teachers 77 188 Notice : of elections for special bond levy 21 23 of election on question of district high school 30 30 of violation of compulsory attendance law; wh«n required; when not required 40 73 of meeting of presidents to appoint county superintendent 53 114 Notification of trustees of appointment 34 53 Number and location of schools to be determined by board 13 11 Number of sub-districts may be increased or decreased 13 11 Number of teachers; board to determine, when 24 27% Oath: of members of board 12 6 of secretary of board 31 45 may be administered by secretary; for what purpose 32 47 of trustees 34 53 of county superintendent 53 115 of members of board of regents Appendix A 115 24 of office ; constitutional provision 5 Objections to estimate and proposed levy 17 21c Objections to sheriff's settlement (See Sheriff.) Obligation unlawfully incurred by board; penalty for 22 25 Offense against compulsory attendance law 39 72 Officers of board of school fund 65 152 Officers, county, subject to indictment; constitutional provision 6 Officers, school (See School Officers.) Order of proceedings at annual meetings of board; Appendix B. Order for purchase of free text-books to be entered of record 28 35 Orders : outstanding, may be paid by special levy 21 24 for teachers' salary; drawn by whom; signed by whom 49 99 paid by sheriff, when 61 138 failure of sheriff to pay 63 145 Outstanding bonds; increase in levy for 18 21c Overseers for examination may be appointed 46 90 Parent or Guardian: to be notfied, when 40 73 complaint against 40 73 Payment : of teachers 49 99 of salary of county superintendent 55 120 162 Index. Payment,— Continued. Page. Sec. of school orders 61&63 138&145 in excess by sheriff 62 140 of order; by sheriff may be enforced by mandamus 64 150 Of bonds 29 39 of tuition required of whom 39 69 Penalty : ii-i employer, when (See also Child Labor Law) 40 74 for violation of compulsory attendance law 40 72 upon county superintendent for committing fraud in examinations 45 88 upon county superintendent for failure to make report 55 120 for tampering with examination questions and manuscripts 45 88 upon sheriff ; for what 63 145 for acting as agent 60 157 for being interested in contracts 67 158 not otherwise provided 67 159 upon board of education for unlawful expenditures, etc 22 25 upon board of education for exceeding maximum rate of levy 22 25 vpou assessor, clerk of county court, secretary, or county superinten- dent, for what 33 50 Personal property; taxes levied on to be extended on proper book 33 49 Petition : for longer term 23 27 for longer term in graded schools 25 28 for consolidation of schools 38 68 for discontinuance of district high school 27 31 for district supervision 68 163 for librarian for school library 29 3S Place aud time of holding examinations 42 80 Plans and Location for School Building: to be approved by county superintendent 15 14 to be selected by county superintendent, when 15 14 Poll books and tally sheets for special election to be furnished by whom 21 23 Power of legislature to levy ; constitutional provision 6 Powers of board as a corporation 12 7 Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University at Montgomery. ... 78 Preparatory Branch of the West Virginia University at Keyser ... 79 President of Board of Education: election of 11 3 to examine houses and sites 13 10 compensation of 27 33 to attend county teachers institutes 27 33 to sign teachers' orders 49 99 to sign sheriff's settlement 62 141 to appoint county superintendent, when 53 & 54 114&116 Primary Teachers' Certificate : subjects of examination for to be prescribed by whom 43,47&58 82.93&130 valid in what grades and schools 47 93 requirements for 47 93 grade of determined 48 95 Primary school, definition of 68 161 Principals to report cases of truancy 41 75 Proceedings of board, abstract of 32 46 Proceeds of special debt levy not to be used for other purposes 22 24 Proceeds of sale of property to be added to building fund 13 10 Process: may be served on board 12 8 copy of to be delivered to whom 12 8 Professional certificates (See State Professional Certificates.) Prohibition concerning appointment of teachers 35 58 Prohibition of certain acts, applying to board 22 25 Index. 163 Property: PAQE - Sec - exempt from execution 13 to be inspected; may be sold 13 10 aggregate of to be set forth in statement 17 21c taxable to be classified in statement 17 21c personal, to be listed separately 17 21c assessed by B. of P. W. to be listed separately 17 21c Prosecuting Attorney : may require correction in sheriff's settlement 63 143 to proceed against sheriff, when 64 147 Provisions as to certain funds -1 24 Provisions must be made for interest on bonds 29 39 Publication of order calling special election 21 23 Pupils : to be held responsible for injury or destruction of text-books 28 36 transferred ; where enumerated 38 66 transportation of 38 68 examination and graduation of 42 79 colored (See Colored Youth.) under control of teacher, when, where 48 97 may be excluded, when 48 97 may be suspended, when, by whom 48 97 may be expelled, when, by whom 48 97 Purchase of certain supplies by trustees 36 61 Qualifications : of kindergarten teachers 28 34 of trustees 34 53 of institute instructors 51 107 of county superintendent 54 117 of state superintendent 56 124 Questions for Examinations: preparation and transmission of 43 S3 state board of education to assist in preparation of, when 58 131 tampering with; unlawful possession of; penalty 45 88 Quorum: of board of education 27 32 of trustees 34 53 Rates of Levy : maximum for teachers' and building funds 18 21c to be set forth in statement 17 21c to be reported by secretary, when, to whom 33 49 Reading Circles: state superintendent to prescribe course for; in what subjects 52 112 examination in course of 52 112 certificates of proficiency in 52 112 Real Esta to be listed separately 17 21c taxes levied on to be extended on proper book 33 49 Receipts for amounts expended in examination 46 91 Recognition of certificates issued in other states 59 133 Reconsideration and correction of estimate and levies 17 21c Record : of objections to estimate and levies 17 21c trustees, of proceedings 34 53 1£ of enumeration 50 104 of state board of examiners 60 133 of sheriff's settlements with county 1 court 62 142 of proceedings of board of school fund 65 152 Record, Secretary's: to be signed by whom ;: 1 45 to be open to inspection 32 45 164 Index. Record, Secretary's.— Continued. Page. Sec. to be delivered to sor 32 45 Recovery of fine against sheriff 64 147 mi School, the West Virginia 93 Regents, State Board of (See State Board of Regents.) Reg( ats: of Wesl Virginia University 69 167 of State Normal schools 73 178 of West Virginia Colored Institute 84 206 of Bluefield Colored Institute 86 212 of Preparatory Branch at Montgomery 78 190 of Preparatory Branch at Keyser 80 197 of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind .... 88 220 of the West Virginia Reform School 93 237 of the Industrial Home for Girls 100 254 Register of Certificates: state superintendent's 45 87 county superintendent's 45 87 Registers and reports, teachers' 48 98 Regulations: concerning school libraries 29 38 concerning use of school houses 37 62 concerning the uniform system of examinations 42 80 Relationship exclusion 35 58 Removal: of school officers 23 25 of trustees from office 34 54 of teachers 35 58 of members of state board of control Appendix A 105 1 of members of state board of regents " 113 17 from office ; constitutional provision 5 Renewal: of first grade certificates ; fee for 44 87 of high school certificates 47 94 of state professional certificates 48 96 Repair : of furniture, apparatus, etc 14 13 of sclioul building; bond for 16 19 Repairs and improvements, estimate of, trustees 37 63 Report : auditor's concerning the general school fund 30 41 concerning rate of levy; secretary's; county superintendent's 33 49 of trustees to board ; to show what 37 63 of expenses trustees 37 64 teacher's, principal's and superintendent's to truant officer 41 75 of immorality or neglect of duty on part of teachers 45 89 of collections and disbursements on account of uniform examinations 46 91 cretary must be made before salary is paid 34 52 of teacher 47 98 of enumeration 49 100 of schools visited, county superintendent's 54 119 of state superintendent, to include what 57 127 of state hoard of education 60 133&136 of auditor concerning condition of the school fund 65 151 of district superintendent 69 163 of levies ; constitutional provision 9 of board of regents Appendix A 114 20 Report, County Superintendent's: delay in making; penalty for 55 120 made up from what 56 123 Index. 165 Report, Secretary's: Page. Sec. to whom made 33 51 when made 33 51 compiled from what 33 51 Reports to be made with reference to school year 11 1 Requirements for primary teacher's certificate 47 93 Requirements for high school teacher's certificate 47 94 Requisition for general school fund made by board 31 43 Requisitions, state superintendent to sign 57 125 Residence of state superintendent 56 125 Restrictions concerning purchase of books for school libraries 29 37 Return of delinquent lists 31 44 Review of teacher's action, when, by whom - 48 97 Revision of action of trustees 37 65 Revocation of certificates 44 86 Rules and regulations for district supervision 68 163 Salary : of state superintendent 30&56 40&124 of district superintendent 69 163 of members state board of control Appendix A 105 1 of members state board of regents " " 113 17 of employes state board of control " 107 7 Salary of County Superintendent: how determined 54 118 deductions from 55 119&120 payment of 55 120 for fourth quarter not payable until when 55 120 Salary of secretary of board : to be paid from what 33 52 to be paid how and when 33 52 Salary of teachers: to be discontinued, when 15 17 may be fixed above minimum, when 19 21c board to fix at first meeting 24 27 % regulated by grade of certificate 24 27 % minimum for each grade of certificate 24 27% may not be transcended or diminished by trustees 24 27% paid how 49 99 balance of not paid until when 49 100 additional (See Additional Salary.) Sale of school property 13 10 Saturday not a school day 36 59 School : definition of 67 161 attendance at permitted to whom 38 69 Schools : to be provided for by legislature; constitutional provision 7 to be taught 15 16 may be discontinued, when 15 17 joint (See Joint Schools.) graded (See Graded Schools.) not to be kept open on Saturdays or holidays 36 59 to be visited by trustees 36 60 consolidation of 38 68 graded and high ; subjects taught in 41 78 money for collected and disbursed by sheriff 61 137 for deaf and blind (See West Virginia School for Deaf and Blind.) State Normal (See State Normal Schools.) School calendar 3 1 66 Index. Schools for Colored Youth: Page. Seo. must be established 39 7° shall have share of fund 39 71 board may be compelled by mandamus to divide funds with 39 71 School Board (See Board of Education.) School Books (See T' \t-Books, Appendix A.) School Districts (See Districts.) ol Fund, the General (See General School Fund.) School Fund, tin: constitutional provisions concerning 8 v constitutional amendment concerning 9 income from to go to what 30 40 auditor to report condition of 65 151 the board of; duties of; officers of 65 152 meetings of board of, to be held where 65 152 record of proceedings of board to be kept 65 152 meetings may be held when 65 153 collection of money due 66 154 hoard of may appoint agents to collect claims 66 155 board to require bond of agents 66 155 agents to execute deed, when 66 155 compensation of agents 66 155 School grounds to be improved 14 13 School Houses : to be retained, when ; to be sold, when 13 10 number and location of 13 11 to be located with reference to what 14 13 for joint schools (See Joint Schools.) exempt from execution 13 9 may be provided jointly 16 18 to be kept in order by trustees 36 61 may be used for what 37 62 regulations for use of 37 62 to be examined 55 122 School Law: to be published by state superintendent 57 126 interpretation of 57 128 School Libraries (See Libraries and Books for Libraries.) School Librarian (See Librarian.) School Officers: not to be interested in sale of books; constitutional provision 10 oath of; constitutional provision 5 removal of; constitutional provision 5 terms of; constitutional provision 5 guilty of misdemeanor 22 25 personally liable, when 22 25 not to act as agents 66 156 not be interested in contracts 67 158 penalties against 66 & 67 157, 158 & 159 School Property (See Property.) School Term (See Term.) School Year: us and ends when 11 1 Mints and settlements made with reference to 11 1 Seal, State Superintendent's 56 125 Secretary of Board : oath of members of board filed with 12 6 to make record of corrections and levy 18 21c to furnish poll books, etc., for special election 21 23 Index. 167 Secretary of Boards. — Continued. Page. Sec. to post notices of election for extension of term 24 27 to have charge of free text-books 28 35 to take receipt from teachers for free text-books 28 36 board shall appoint, when 31 45 shall not be a member of board 31 45 shall take oath 31 45 shall attend all meetings and keep record 31 45 record of attested by his own and president's signatures 31 45 records of shall be open to inspection 32 45 to have charge of all records and papers 32 45 records of and documents to be delivered to successor 32 45 shall post abstracts of proceedings of each meeting, where, when.. 32 46 shall post itemized statement of settlement with sheriff, where, when 32 46 may administer oath to whom 32 47 assessor shall deliver certificate of valuation to, when 32 48 to report rate of levy when, to whom 33 49 penalty upon ; for what 33 50 to make statistical report ; when ; to whom 33 51 salary of 33 52 compensation for report 34 52 teacher's contract shall be filed with 35 56 teacher's certificate shall be filed with 35 57 original of teacher's certificate to be endorsed by 35 57 shall return expense account of trustees for correction, when 37 64 truant officers to make statement to 41 76 to issue orders for teachers' salary '. 49 99 teacher's term report returned to 49 100 report of enumeration to be filed with 50 102 to deduct from teacher's salary, when 50 102 to have enumeration taken, when 50 103 to keep record of enumeration 50 104 to transmit record of enumeration to county superintendent 50 104 to endorse vouchers or orders of sheriff 62 141 to sign statements of sheriff 62 141 Service of Process 12 8 Security; contractors to give 16 19 Settlement: to be made with reference to school year 11 1 with sheriff, statement of to be posted by secretary 32 46 of sheriff with boards 61 139 of sheriff with county court 62 142 Sheriff: general school fund paid to order of 31 43 to collect and account for taxes 33 49 to receive tuition fees and credit to teachers' fund 39 69 truant officer to make statement to 41 76 fines to be paid to 41 7G to collect and disburse all school money 61 137 to give additional bond 61 137 to keep accounts with boards of education 61 138 to pay orders, when 61 138 to make settlements with boards, when 61 139 to be cHarged with what 61 139 to be credited with what 62 139 not to receive credit for payments in excess 62 140 settlement of with board ; method of making 62 141 vouchers and orders of to serve as basis for settlement 62 141 to make settlement by districts with county court 62 142 corrections in settlement of may be made at the instance of whom. . 63 143 168 Index. Sheriff.— Continued. Page - Sec - settlement of with boards may be accepted by county court, when. . 63 143 commissions of 63 144 failure of to pay orders; judgment and penalty 63 145 shall not be required to endorse orders before, when 63 145 failure of to settle; forfeiture for 64 146 ml ion against 64 147 to turn over balance to successor 64 149 may be compelled to pay orders by mandamus 64 150 Sinking fund, may be provided for; when : how 20 22 Sites and buildings to be provided by board 14 13 Special Debt Levy: board may submit question of to voters 21 24 limit of 22 24 board may continue without additional vote until debt is paid 22 24 . proceeds of not to be used for any other purpose 22 24 treasurer of, to keep account of separately 22 24 balance from to revert to what 22 24 Special Election: order for to be published 21 23 for extension of term 23 27 manner of holding, etc 67 160 State may maintain action against school officers 23 25 State Board of Control : creation of Appendix A 105 1 a corporation " 105 1 how constituted "' 105 1 appointment of " 105 1 how and for what removed ' 105 1 salary of members ' 105 1 expenses of members ' 105 & 106 1 & 2 offices and fixtures " 105 1 to give entire time to duties " 105 1 not eligible to other positions " 105 1 to manage and control certain institutions " 106 3 & 4 titles vested in " 106 5 money due institutions reported to " " 106 6 to appoint a secretary and clerks " 107 7 salaries of employes of " 107 7 to keep a set of books " 107 7 to examine conditions and records of institutions. . . . 107 7 to visit institutions " 107 8 to summon witnesses 108 8 to fix number and compensation of assistants and employes of institutions " 108 9 to investigate charges against employes " 109 9 to recommend removal of certain officers " 109 9 to fix salaries of officers and employes " 109 9 to pay salaries when " 109 9 to make rules for its conduct " 109 10 to purchase supplies " 109 11 to publish and award contracts " 109 11 to determine kind of animals to be slaughtered 110 11 to inspect meats, poultry, etc 110 11 to have no interest in contracts or gifts " 110 11 to forfeit office when " " 110 11 to employ architects " 111 12 to construct, remodel and repair buildings " 111 12 to prescribe records to be kept " 111 13 to make report to governor " 111 14 Index. 169 State Board of Control. — Continued. governor may direct to make investigation to accept gifts for institutions to have charge of insurance of institutions to report list of employes to auditor State Board of Education: of whom composed ; appointment of to perform duties of state board of examiners to constitute committee on course of study to prescribe and publish branches for examination for certain cer- tificates to assist in preparation of examination questions, when compensation of to hold examinations and grant State professional certificates to issue two classes of certificates; classes defined to issue State professional certificates without examination; to whom to issue certificates to teachers coming from other states, when.... to keep a record showing what to make report to state superintendent : compensation for conducting examinations as state board of examiners shall make a report setting forth what fees from examination ; how disposed of State Board of Examiners (See State Board of Education.) State Board of Regents : creation of Appendix A a corporation how constituted appointment of " removal of members of salary of members to control educational departments to employ officers and teachers to fix salaries to prescribe courses of study and text books to publish rules and regulations to meet with board of control to make report to governor " to furnish data to state superintendent of schools.... to report list of employes to auditor to take oath of office " State Normal Schools constitutional provision Marshall College Fairmont Branch West Liberty Branch Glenville Branch Shepherdstown Branch Athens Branch State Professional Certificates: examinations for classes of ; to whom issued issued after three years experience to graduates of what schools . . . first class issued on expiration of second class validity of renewal of State School Book Commission (See Text Books.) State Superintendent: to withhold money from general school fund, how much and for what purpose Page. Sec. 112 14 112 15 112 16 115 21 58 130 58 131 58 131 58 131 58 131 58 131 59 131 V 2 59 131 1/2 59 132 59 133 60 133 60 133 60 135 60 136 60 136 112 17 113 17 113 17 113 17 113 17 113 17 113 18 113 18 113 18 114 19 114 19 114 19 114 20 115 20 115 20 115 24 73 10 73 177 75 181 76 182 76 183 76 184 77 185 59 131% 59 131% 59 132 59 132 48 96 48 96 19 lie 170 Im»i \. State Superintendent. — Continued. Page. Sec. to deposit money with treasurer of board, when and for what pur- pose 19 21