THE AMERICAN INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME li!l!n'!i;!' ill '^''i illi i-n(*i mm m.H'\yii- '1 PARKE H.DAVIS LIBRARY University of California. Class I' i FOOTBALL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • •",•• • • • '• • • << — \ FOOTBALL IHE AMERICAN INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME BY PARKE H. DAVIS ■TBMBBh OB THE INTERCOLLKQIATK RCIiES COMMnTSa ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1911 CoPTBiazrr, 1911, bt CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Published September. 1911 J)3 PREFACE The football historian who essays to reproduce the bat- tles of the gridiron is more than ordinarily handicapped by the insuflSciency of the records. Football, unlike baseball, has not yet evolved the oflBcial scorer or reporter. The data of the games consist simply of the contemporaneous ac- counts in the college and public press. The peculiarities of football, the swift and confusing intricacy of its plays, the substitutions and sudden shifting of players make the work of the reporter excessively difficult and at times more or less inaccurate. ' The line-ups and descriptions of games contained in Part II of this book have necessarily been based upon these accounts. The details of play, however, have been sub- mitted for correction to players who participated in the vari- ous games, and the lists of players likewise referred for verification to players and officials of the respective institu- tions, so that, notwithstanding the difficulties, they are sub- stantially accurate. More than this is impossible. To the many players an. i officials who have aided ii assembling the data of these games a grateful acknowledg- ment of assistance is made. P. H. D. 222679 ♦ CONTENTS PART I CHAPTER PAGE I. Football in Olden Time 3 II. The Beginning of the Modern Game . . . I III. Early Football in America 33 IV. The First Intercollegiate Game .... 44 V. Football in the 'Seventies 51 VI. Football in the 'Eighties 75 VII. Football in the 'Nineties 91 VIII. Football from 1900 to 1910 106 PART II IX. Army vs. Navy 121 X. Chicago vs. Wisconsin 150 XI. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania 173 XII. Dartmouth vs. Princeton 204 XIII. Harvard vs. Princeton 216 XIV. Harvard vs. Yale 249 XV. Michigan vs. Pennsylvania .... vii viii CONTENTS CHAPTER #AOK XVI. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin 328 XVII. Princeton vs. Yale 359 XVIII. Eight Famous Games 444 Amherst vs. Harvard, 1903 — Army vs. Yale, 1909 — Army vs. Yale, 1910 — Brown vs. Yale, 1910 — Lafayette vs. Pennsylvania, 1896 — Lafayette vs. Princeton, 1909 — Navy vs. Princeton, 1904 — Columbia vs. Princeton, 1900. Appendix , 459 ILLUSTRATIONS Harvard vs. McGill Frontisjnece Jar vis Field, Cambridge, May 15, 1874. America's first intercollegiate game of Rugby football. FACING PAQB The Wall Game at Eton. A Bully in Calx ... 23 It was from this game that the American game derived the principle of limiting the number of players to eleven. The Birth-place of Rugby Football 24 A scrummage on Old Bigside at Rugby. Memorial to William Webb Elus 27 The originator of the Rugby game of football, Rugby School, England. The V 83 Princeton, Nov. 14, 1891. Princeton's celebrated formation opening the game against Ck>rnell. Perfecting the Interference 91 Yale Field, 1890. Yale at practice, showing W. W. Hefifelfinger, the figure to left of centre, with right arm outstretched, reaching back to carry the half-back through the line. The Place Kick Supplants the Wedge 99 Harvard vs. Pennsylvania, Nov. 29, 1894. Fairchild kicking out for Harvard following a touchback. Guards-back. The Final Plunge 101 Franklin Field, Nov. 20, 1897. Pennsylvania's famous formation carrying Minds across Harvard's goal- line for a touchdown. The Coaching Parade to the Game 104 Princeton vs. Yale, New York, Nov. 30, 1893. Drags of Princeton and Yale leaving the old Fifth Avenue Hotel for the drive up Fifth Avenue to Manhattan Field. X ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Recovering an On-side Kick 114 Harvard Stadium, Nov. 14, 1908. Kennedy, of Dartmouth, recovers an on-side kick against Harvard. "The Minnesota Shift" 117 Nov. 19, 1910. Yale executing the formation against Harvard. Punting Out of Danger 132 Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1901. Navy, driven to its goal-line, momentarily stays the Army's attack. A Timely Goal from the Field 148 Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1910. Dalton, of the Navy, breaks a scoreless contest with the Army by kicking a goal from the field just as the game is closing. A Long End Run 170 Chicago vs. Wisconsin, Nov. 19, 1910. Gillette, of Wisconsin, getting off for a run of 75 yards and a touchdown. Adding a Point to the Score 186 Franklin Field, Nov. 28, 1901. Coffin, of Cornell, kicking the goal following a touchdown against Penn- sylvania. A Powerful Attack and a Sharp Defence . . . 198 Franklin Field, Nov. 26, 1908. MacArthur, of Cornell, having pierced Pennsylvania's heavy interference, tackles Hollenback. 100 Yards for a Touchdown and the Game . . . 214 Polo Grounds, New York, Oct. 29, 1910. Pendleton, of Princeton, catching a punt on his 10-yard line, runs through Dartmouth's eleven for the only touchdown of the game. A Line Plunge . 246 Cambridge, Nov. 7, 1896. Kelly, of Princeton, breaking through Harvard's line, Is tackled by Beale and Dunlop. The Original Flying Wedge 278 Springfield, Nov. 19, 1892. Harvard's famous formation about to attack Yale. The Tackle-back in Action 292 Yale Field, Nov. 24, 1900. Yaie'a famous formation defeats Harvard. ILLUSTRATIONS xi rAaNO PAGK A Memorable Victory in Two Plays 306 Yale Field, Nov. 24, 1906. Veeder, of Yale, sends a forward pass 30 yards to Forbes, placing the bail 3 yards from Harvard's goal-line. Roome then plunges through Har- vard's line for a touchdown, which wins the game. Football in Harvard Stadium 308 Harvard vs. Yale, Nov. 23, 1907. A Famous Goal from the Field 311 Yale Field, Nov. 21, 1908. With the ball in Harvard's possession on Yale's 15-yard line and the Crim- son unable to advance, Kennard, of Harvard, is called into the game at full-back. On the first play he kiclis a goal from the field, winning the game. A Stubborn Defence 320 Franklin Field, Nov. 17, 1906. Michigan holds Pennsylvania on the 1-yard line. The Original Tandem-tackle Play 397 Manhattan Field, New York, Nov. 30, 1893. Princeton driving Yale to defeat with the new formation. The Revolving Tandem 407 Yale Field, Nov. 20, 1897. Princeton whirling Reiter through Yale's line, carrying the ball momentarily out of danger. A Dash Through the Line 419 Princeton, Nov. 15, 1902. Yale splits Princeton's line in two and sends Chadwick through the opening 53 yards for a touchdown, winning the game. The Blocked Kick 423 Nov. 14, 1903. Princeton blocks Yale's kick. De Witt picks up the ball on the bound and runs 50 yards for a touchdown, tieing the score. Later he kicks a goal from the field, winning the game. A Victory Wrested from Defeat 442 Nov. 12, 1910. Kilpatrick, of Yale, catching a forward pass, leaps across Princeton's goal- line, winning the game, 6 to 3. An End Run from a Fake Kick 448 West Point, Oct. 15, 1910. Dean, of the Army, circling Yale's end. xii ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGB A Crucial Play That Won a Game 452 Franklin Field, Oct. 23, 1896. Lafayette, on the defensive, with the score 4 to in favor of Pennsylvania and only six minutes to play, blocks the latter's kick. In two plays Barclay carries the ball 35 yards for a touchdown, from which he kicks a goal, winning the game, 6 to 4. Hurdling the Line 457 New York, Nov. 6, 1900. Weeks, of Columbia, executing this powerful play against Princeton. I i^,'**'^ i; CHAPTER I FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME Football, or, as it was called in olden time, camp-ball, camping, or hurling, may be traced from the present back- ward through century after century until the trail is lost in the remoteness of antiquity. Indeed, abundant evidence may be marshalled to prove that this is the oldest outdoor game in existence. In the 22d chapter of Isaiah is found the verse, " He will turn and toss thee like a ball." This allusion, slight as it may be, is sufficient unto the antiquary to indicate that some form of a game with a ball existed as early as 750 years before the Christian era, the epoch customarily assigned to the Book of Isaiah. A more specific allusion of the same period, however, is the passage in the Sixth Book of the Odyssey of Homer, familiar to all schoolboys : " Then hav- ing bathed and anointed well with oil they took their mid- day meal upon the river's banks and anon when satisfied with food they played a game of ball." This game of Nausicaa and her companions, we are told, was not football, but a dance in which the ball was tossed from hand to hand to the accompaniment of choral singing. This con- tention may be correct. Another step, however, will bring us to football. In all Greek lexicons may be found the word " harpaston," usually defined as a game with a ball. Antiquaries have supplemented this meagre definition by asserting that it was a game strikingly similar to modern Rugby football and 1 FOOTBALL tVaffe*ri;.'W£is.l)liee?&jl''ty.^hree earlier games, traces of which are preserved in the Greek words phenindra, episkyros, and epikoinos. Harpaston was a favorite game at Sparta. It was played upon a rectangular field marked with side lines, goal-lines, and centre line. There was no limitation upon the number of players, but these were equally divided between the two sides. The ball was passed forward by a man standing at midfield and the game was in action, the object being to drive the ball by passing, kicking, or carry- ing across the opposite goal-line. Its progress was impeded by blocking, holding, and tackling, but here the similarity to Rugby ends, as this ancient game was a prolonged scrim- mage without order or method. When the Romans came in contact with the Greeks and seized their novel and admirable institutions they also adopted this game, slightly Latinizing the name to "harpas- tum." The Romans, it is true, had at the time a football game of their own which was called "foUis," but which was not so ingeniously organized as its Spartan counterpart. These two games existed at Rome for many years, each having its partisans and each party of partisans clamoring for the suppression of the other. It would seem that human nature was not different in 28 B.C. from what it is to-day, for among the first acts of Augustus after settling his right to succeed his great uncle, Julius Caesar, was to demand a revision of the football rules. Augustus's grievance against the existing games, however, was their gentleness, which he considered too childish for Roman youths destined to be centurions and commanders of legions, thus antedating by eighteen hundred years a similar thought of the Duke of Wellington, who said that "England's soldiers are trained upon England's football fields." The Emperor Augustus therefore selected a philosopher to effect the revision. This unknown philosopher, the original member of the Rules FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 5 Committee, at last submitted his code of rules and they were approved by Augustus. Their introduction immedi- ately divided the young athletes of Rome into two camps, each raging with debate and discussion, one for the new rules and the other for the old. Thus in the modern light of the controversy over the comparative merits of Rugby and Association football we may appreciate the significance of the familiar verse of Martial, alluding to this controversy over the Roman philosopher's game: " Folle decet pueros ludere, f olle senes." Julius Pollux, an Egyptian sophist of the second century, who taught at Rome under Commodus, has left among his writings a brief description of this game: "The players divide themselves into two bands. The ball is thrown upon the line in the middle. At the two ends of the field, behind the line where the players are stationed, are two other lines, beyond which these two bands endeavor to carry the ball, a feat that can not be accomplished without pushing one another backward and forward." This description by Pollux does not add much to our detailed knowledge of the Augustan game, but this has escaped oblivion in an- other way, for it was played throughout Italy after the fall of Rome continuously until the Middle Ages, and, surprising to assert, was revived at Florence as recently as 1898. With the passing of the Latin language the name har- pastum, by which the Augustan game was known, also dis- appeared, but the game continued under the Italian denomi- nation of "calcio." From the full description extant of this Italian game, even from earliest times, the Augustan game accurately has been reconstructed. It was played upon a square field marked by side lines, goal-lines, and centre line, the goals being marked by posts. The players con- 6 FOOTBALL sisted of twenty-seven on each side, organized in the man- ner of Roman miHtary tactics, the game being planned as a mimic battle. The tactical arrangement of the players divided each side into fifteen forwards, five defensive backs, four half-backs, and three full-backs. Scoring was ac- complished by kicking or carrying the ball across the goal- line between the posts, and two fouls, such as kicking the ball out of bounds, were equivalent to a goal. To equalize any advantage in the ground or wind, sides were changed after each goal. The game was called at sunset and awarded by the six judges, three for each team, to the side having scored the most goals. The partisans of each team, provided with horns and banners, occupied seats behind the goal-posts and paraded at the conclusion of the game, when custom required the vanquished to deliver their ban- ners to the victors. Thus was it truly said that nothing is new under the sun. In the game of calcio, as played by the mediaeval Italians, the artistic feature of colored costumes was introduced, and the ofiicials, as indicative of their honorable and im- partial office, were clothed in a garment composed of one half of the costume of each of the rival teams. A cele- brated game of this period was played at Florence in 1554, one side being under the captaincy of the Prince of Mantua and the membership of the two forces including the leading members of the great families of Bardolfi, Medici, Ridolfi, Ruccellai, and Strozzi. Antonio Scainio, a Venetian histo- rian writing in 1555, describes a game similar to the Augus- tan sport, but calls it pallone. This is the same word further immortalized in a book by that name written by Edmondo de Amicis, the eminent Italian writer, who is endeared to all school-boys as the author of "Cuore." This game of pallone also contains the distinctive feature of the old English game of ballown, the batting from one player FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 7 to another of a ball in the air. Indeed, the similarity of the names and of this feature would indicate that these two games originally were identical. To many nations may be assigned a share in the honor of founding and fostering this noble sport. The Celts claim that football was once a rite among their ancestors in the worship of the sun-god. The old Teutonic tribes which Caesar found in Gaul not only used the skulls of their enemies for drinking-cups, but they contemptuously kicked their severed heads about as footballs in a crude and savage game. The earliest explorers of the North found the young Esquimaux playing upon the floes with a cleverly made football sewn with a welt and filled with moss. Travellers in the islands of the South Seas found the natives playing a simple game with a ball made of bamboo fibre, and even stout Cortez has recorded such a game as existing among the Aztecs. Such a primitive diversity throughout the earth of football is not difficult to explain. Child nature is uni- form the world over, and children who are forced to find and make their own toys naturally will turn to the same objects. Which of us who was born upon a farm has not awaited eagerly the arrival of "butchering day" in the fall to get the bladder to knead and roll it until pliable, then to inflate it with a quill, for rare sport across the close-cropped fields in the crackling, crisp October air ? Yet, Alexander Barclay, an English poet, in his " Ecloges," celebrated this custom of childhood four hundred years ago: " And now in winter when men kill the fat swine, They get the bladder and blow it great and thine, With many beans and peasen put therein It rattleth, soundeth and slimeth, clere and fayre, While it is thrown and cast up in the ayre, Each one contendeth and hath a great delight With foote and with hande the bladder for to smite; If it fall to the ground they lift it up again, And this way to labour they count it no payne." 8 FOOTBALL The bard of Avon, unless he should be indulging in the license of anachronism, would give the game a place even among the Ephesians, for does not Dromio in Scene I of Act II of the "Comedy of Errors" ask Adriana: "Am I so round with you as you with me, That like a football you do spurn me thus? " With more accuracy, however, Shakespeare locates the game during the reign of King Lear, for football unques- tionably was brought into England by the Romans. In Scene IV of Act I of the latter play the king says to Os- wald, " Do you bandy looks with me, you rascal ? " Oswald replies, "I'll not be struck, my lord." Thereupon the Earl of Kent interposes, "Nor tripped, you base football player," and instantly upsets the poor steward by tripping him. The earliest specific mention of football in the literature of England, and this also is the first mention of any game, is to be found in the "History of London," written by William Fitzstephen in 1175. This genial old chronicler, recording the customs of his day, thus pleasantly pictures our comrades of the game, almost eight hundred years ago: "After dinner all the youth of the city go into the fields of the suburbs and address themselves to the famous game of football. The scholars of each particular school have their peculiar ball, and the particular trades have, most of them, theirs. The elders of the city, the fathers of the parties, and the rich and wealthy, come to the fields on horseback in order to behold the exercises of the youth, and in appear- ance are themselves as youthful as the youngest, their natural heat seeming to revive at the sight of so much agility and in a participation in the diversion of their respective sons." Some of our law students, whose profound incursions into the history of legal institutions have taken them as far FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 9 back as the "statutes of nisi prius** enacted in the reign of Edward II, have returned with the startling information that the pathway of EngHsh legislation is marked by many a signboard relative to football. The first of these football laws is denominated in the books as 16 Edward II, en- acted April 13, 1314, and runs as follows: " Forasmuch as there is great noise in the city, caused by hustling over large footballs from which many evils arise, which God forbid, we command and forbid on behalf of the king on pain of imprisonment such game to be played in the future." The especial grievance that provoked this repressive proclamation was the persistent custom of the boys of London of playing their games in the city's streets, a practice evidently of complete incorrigibility, for Samuel Pepys in his diary under date of January 2, 1665, three centuries later, noted " The streets full of footballs, it being a great frost." Indeed, King Edward's prohibition must have failed of observance even in his own time, for thirty- five years later the game became so popular throughout England that it threatened to submerge the practice of archery, then the mainstay of a warring nation. Accord- ingly, Edward III issued an edict which is still extant in the Close Rolls, 12 Edward III, prohibiting many sports, among which were "Manualem, pedinam, baculoream et ad cambucam." Devotees of modern sports afield will recognize with pain beneath these names in law Latin their beloved handball, football, hockey, and golf. To the outlawry of these games must have been credited in no small portion the marvellous success of the English bow- men of the period, for in 1389 Richard II forbade "all play- ing at tennise, football and other such importune games." During the reign of Henry IV, in the Parliamentary Rolls for 1410, the proscription against football again appears, this time being enunciated in Norman French, and four- 10 FOOTBALL teen years later the baby King Henry VI proclaimed in quaint English, The "King forbiddes that na man play at the futball." But the game was too strong even for England's kings, although Henry VII and Elizabeth also launched against it their royal disfavor. A recent historian has stated, "James Stuart, the first King James of England but the sixth of Scotland, was one of the most foolish and mischievous kings we ever had in England." Football men throughout the world will be in- clined to concur in this characterization notwithstanding its harshness, for James is the man who wrote the "Basilikon Koron," a ponderous tome on deportment, composed for the education of his son, Henry, Prince of Wales, in which James wrote, " From this court I debar all rough and violent exer- cises, likewise football, meeter for lameing than making able the users thereof." Even in the period of rough sport in England, the day of the quarterstaff of Robin Hood and the justing lance of the Black Prince, football did not escape the eye of the gentle moralist. One of these was Sir Thomas Elyote, author of the "Boke" called the"Gouvernour." Sir John thus impales three wicked games, of which, of course, our football is one: "Some men wolde saye that in the mediocritie, which I have soo much praysed in shootynge, why should not boul- ing, claishe pins and koyting be as much commended? Veryly as for the two last they be utterly objected of all men, in lyke wyse foote balle, wherein is nothynge but beastie furie and extreme violence, whereof procedeth hurte and consequently rancour and malice do remayn with them that be wounded, wherefore it is to be put in perpetual sylence." The two great anatomists of English literature, Robert Burton and Philip Stubbs, did not overlook football. The FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 13 "Yesterday was brave Hallowday, And above all days in the year, The school boys all got leave to play And little Sir Hugh was there. He kicked the ball with his foote And kepped it with his knee And even in at the window He gart the bonnie ba* flee." Alexander Barclay, author of the " Shyp of Folys/* written in 1508, thus draws a pleasant picture of the game as one of common country recreation: "The sturdie ploughman, lusty, strong and bold, Overcometh the winter driving the football, Forgetting labour and many a grevious fall." Thomas Tusser, writing a few years later and calling the game by its archaic name of camping, even enthusiastically advocates the game of football as an incidental auxiliary to agriculture: "In meadow or pasture to grow the more fine Let campers be camping in any of thine; Which if ye do suffer when low is the spring, You gain to yourselves a commodious thing." In an old comedy, " The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green," by Thomas Day, an heroic character informs us, "I am Tom Stroud of Hurling. I'll play a gole at camp-ball or wrassel a fall a the hip or the hin turn with ere a Courtroll of ye an match me height for height." As early as 1609 is to be found a reference to football in America in the " Relation of Virginia," by Henry Spellman. Describing the sports and pastimes of the colony he says: " They vse beside football play wch women and young boys doe much play at. They make their gooles like ours only they never fight nor pull another doone. The men play with a littel ball lettinge it falle out of ther hands and striketh 14 FOOTBALL with the tope of his foote and he that can strike the ball farthest winnes that they play for/' Later in his work Spell- man, probably inspired by sentimental memories of boy- hood, lapses into poetry on the subject: " Football with us may be with them ballown. As they at tilt, so we at quintain run." The refining influence of outdoor sports, of course in- cluding football, began to be recognized about this time, for in 1611 Rowlands, in his "Letting of Humors Blood," repre- sents a swain challenging his rival, not to a murderous duel with the sword but to a manly and decisive contest in sports afield: "Man, I dare challenge thee to throw the sledge To iumpe a leap ouer ditch and hedge, To wrassel, play at stoole ball or to runne, To pitch the bar or to shoote off a gun, To play at loggets, nine holes or pinnes, To try it out at football by the shinnes." Misson, a French writer who visited England during this period, was much impressed with the game. He says: "In winter football is a useful and charming exercise. It is played with a leather ball about as big as one's head, filled with wind. This is kicked about from one to another in the streets by him that can get at it and this is all the art of it." Even the classic John Gay did not overlook the humor of the game, for in "Trivia" he facetiously writes: "When lo, from afar, I spy the furies of the football war." Another poetic allusion, from the pen of Sir Thomas Wotton, and which is quoted approvingly by Isaak Walton in the "Compleat Angler," presents a characteristic of the football man which has survived to the present day: FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 15 " Joan takes her neat rubb'd pail and now She trips to milk the sand red cow, Where for some sturdy football swain Joan stirs a syllabub or twain." But it is to the elegant Edmund Waller, of the writers of olden time, that the best picture of the sport must be credited: "As when a set of lusty shepherds try Their force at football, care of victory Makes them salute so rudely breast to breast That their encounter seems too rough for jest; They ply their feet and still the restless ball Tost to and fro is urged by all." From the pleasant picture conjured by these pastoral verses it is indeed a lugubrious change to the vision of one of our fellow-players depicted in an old indictment found in the Court of the King's Bench at Westminster during the reign of Henry VIII: "And the Grand Inquest inquiring upon their oaths for the county of Middlesex do present that William Wilton, yeoman, at day and place aforesaid did misbehave himself playing football." In the days in which the kings of England were assailing this noble sport, the sport was flouting the kings of England by passing into proverbs in their English. "All fellows at football" runs a saying that has come down from the days of Edward III, and to the period of 1672 is attributed the origin of another adage, a portion of which survives to this very day: "We are hale fellows well met, not only at foot- ball but at everything else." Not only during the period of the royal proclamations against football did the game un- restrainedly thrive, but it was played in full view of the very placards upon which these proclamations were printed. In London the apprentices assembled in great numbers to play on Fins bury Fields. At Teddington and Twickenham each 16 FOOTBALL Shrove Tuesday prudent householders covered their win- dows with boards and bushes until the mighty game that roared through the streets for hours was ended. In fact, in all market towns throughout England on this holiday, busi- ness was suspended and the afternoon given over to a great game of football, in which his Honor the Mayor invariably kicked off and every able-bodied citizen followed the ball. Of the ancient game of hurling, which was a form of foot- ball, we are indebted for a faithful picture to Richard Carew, who describes this sport in a book entitled "Survey of Cornwall," published in 1602, and dedicated to Cornwall's Lieu tenant-General, Sir Walter Raleigh. Sir Richard's pen thus quaintly sets forth the impressive features of hurling: " Fifteen, twenty, thirty, or more or less players chosen on each side, strip themselves to their slightest apparel and then joyne hands in rank against one another. Out of these rankes they match themselves by payres, one embracing another and so pass away." Is not this a description of a rush-line? Sir Richard then states that two bushes set ten feet apart were used for goals and that the distance be- tween the rival goals was two hundred and fifty feet. Two goal-keepers having taken their stations, one in each goal, " some indifferent person throweth up a ball the which who- soever can catch and carry through his adversaries goale hath won the game. Herein consisteth one of Hercules his labors. As soon as the opponents of the man with the ball essaye to lay hold of him" the runner might ward off with his fist. " Butting" also was a fine point of this play. When the runner was thrown to the ground or his opponents held him and cried "Held," the runner "dealed," that is, passed the ball to an associate of his side for a further ad- vance. It is impressive to observe that this precise play of holding and crying "Held" was a part of intercollegiate football in America as late as 1890. When the runner in FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 17 the game of hurling passed the "counterwayters" he was tackled by the goal-keepers. Few goals were scored in this game, so that the -contest frequently was decided by giving the victory to the side "which keepeth the ball longest, giveth most falls in the hurling and presseth their contrary nearest to their own goale." Carew, however, had stronger liquor than water flowing through his veins, for in summing up the virtues of the game he says: " When hurling is ended you shall see them returning home as from a pitched battle with bloody pates, broken bones and out of joynt, yet all is good playe and never attoumey nor crowner troubled for the matter." This was the game which elicited from a French spectator the witticism still frequently quoted in England, " Well, if this is play, then me for France when they begin to fight." In the year of 1650 football was regarded as a national institution throughout Great Britain. The seventh article of the "Regulations of the Freemen Marblers of Purbeck" provides " That any man in our companie the Shrovetews- daie after his marriage shall paie unto the wardings twelve pence, and the last married man shall bring a football according to the custom of our companie." The annual game thus scheduled was played near Corfe Castle. But the classic game of these times was the contest waged each Shrove Tuesday at Chester, a fixture which antiquaries even of that period claimed had come down the centuries in commemoration of that great day in the year 217 when their ancestors formed a mighty wedge and rushed the Roman garrison out of Chester. Symbolic of that struggle, the goals were the Town Hall and a cross that stood outside of the city in an open space called the Rood Eye, and now known as the Rodehee, thus leaving between a vast space featured with fences, walls, trees, houses, city blocks, and streets, but furnishing nevertheless a playground none too 18 FOOTBALL large for the several hundred players who participated. Occasionally in this period one town challenged another or the game would be waged between parish and parish. Upon such occasions the ball would be kicked off midway between the two places and then the game would wax furious by hill and dale until darkness closed down or until one side had kicked the ball into the other's town. In 1681 the game had so ingratiated itself into the English character that Charles II organized a team and challenged the Duke of Albemarle, the latter winning the ensuing con- test. The most momentous circumstance, however, of this time was the adoption of the game by the great schools of England, for it was in the secondary institutions and not in the universities that field-sports originally were cradled. Among the school-boy leaders of the sport was Joseph Ad- dison, of Charterhouse. Years after, when a great man of letters, he wrote an article for the Spectator entitled "Rustic Amusements," in which he spoke with pride of the many matches in which he had played. The poet William Cow- per, who was a student at Westminster, never ceased to recount his " excellence at football while at school.*' The history of the game in Scotland is not dissimilar from that in England. James II prohibited it in 1457 and James IV in 1481 ordered that " football and goff be cried down utterly." But these sports increased in popularity instead. Throughout all Caledonia on Candlemas Day football was the special observance of the occasion. No other festivity could compare with the expectancy and ex- citement aroused by the approach of the Candlemas Ba'. Sometimes on this day the east end of a town played the west. More often the bachelors were arrayed against the married men. At Jedburg on one occasion the ball acci- dentally was kicked into the river, but every contestant fear- lessly followed the ball and waged the game up and down FOOTBALL IN OLDEN TIME 19 the river's bed, "amid splashes and bedabblements," to the strident applause of the female inhabitants who lined the river's banks. The most celebrated game in olden times in Scotland was that held each year at Scone between the married and the unmarried men. The ball would be tossed in the air promptly at two o'clock on Candlemas afternoon. Fred- erick Eden, in his "Statistical Account of Scotland," thus de- scribes this old game: " He who got the ball in his hands ran with it until over- taken by an adversary and then if he could shake himself loose he ran on again; if not he passed the ball to another of his side unless it was wrested from him. The object of the married men was to *hang' the ball, that is to put it three times in a small hole on the moor which was their *door or goal. The bachelors tried to 'drown' it, that is, dip it three times in the river, which was their *dool.' If neither side won by sun-down the ball was cut in two and half given to each side." From this annual game arose the Scottish proverb: "A' is fair at the ba' o' Scone." As might be expected, some great games were played along the Scottish border in olden times. One of the most famous of these contests occurred at Kildear Castle between twenty Liddesdale Scots and twenty Englishmen, the latter winning by three goals to two. It was to the general merry- making that accompanied these international struggles that Sir Walter Scott tuned his muse: "Some drive the jolly bowl about, With dice and draughts some chase the day, And some with many a merry shout, In riot, revelry and rout Pursue the football play." And now the mention of Sir Walter Scott brings us to one of the most celebrated games in olden or modern times, 20 FOOTBALL the game played by the men of Ettrick, under the leadership of their sheriff, against the men of Yarrow, led by the Earl of Horn, at Carterhaugh, December 15, 1815, and won by the sheriff and his men. No detailed account of this game is now extant, but the tales of its individual prowess, its en- counters, haps and mishaps, for many years had equal place in Scotia with the legends of Robert Bruce, William Wal- lace, and Prince Charlie. This game, however, never will pass wholly into oblivion, for its victorious sheriff, who was none other than Sir Walter Scott, has preserved it in im- mortal verse whose sweet cadence now links football of olden times with football of modern days: "From the brown crest of Newark its summons extending, Our signal is waving in smoke and in flame, And each forester blithe from his mountain descending Bounds light o'er the heather to join in the game. Then strip lads and to it though sharp be the weather, And if by mischance you should happen to fall, There are worse things in life than a tumble on heather, And life is itself but a game of football." J CHAPTER II THE BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME The honor of the invention of modern football belongs to the great secondary schools of England, to Charterhouse, Eton, Forest, Harrow, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Westminster, \^ Winchester, and others. At Oxford and Cambridge tha±/^ mysterious but powerful influence which among students the world over produces and enforces a conformation to type maintained from the Middle Ages for several centuries a contempt for field sports and games as incompatible with the life of a scholar and an approbation of the pale, thin, and stoop-shouldered youth as a physical ideal for a student. Thus these great universities throbbing to-day with athletic life partake of none of the honors of originating the modern game, even falling in line behind the institutions of America which preceded them fully three years as participants in intercollegiate rivalry. The development by these schools of football, from a mere sport without rules or organization, into a highly specialized game was wholly inartificial. At no time during its formative period was an interscholastic convention or even a conference held between two schools. The idea of an interscholastic contest did not occur until years after the perfection of the game. This unexpected circumstance is due to the fact that each school originated a style of game peculiar to itself and found sufficient entertainment in the struggles of teams organized within its own walls. A prime factor in the formation of each game was the facilities or difficulties presented in the place of play, for the modern 21 \. 22 FOOTBALL playground, ample and uniform, was not a fixture of foot- ball in primitive times. Although the number of these dif- ferent games is equal to the number of the schools, they easily may be divided into three general classes, best typified at Westminster, Eton, and Rugby. It is a circumstance of more than incidental interest that each one of these schools has contributed its best and most characteristic feature to the evolution of intercollegiate football in America. At Westminster the crowded conditions of life in the heart of London evolved long prior to 1700 an indoor game of football, played in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. A stone pavement lay underfoot, pillars, walls, and gates stood at either hand, and a low arched ceiling extended overhead, yet this was the veritable cradle of the modern game of foot- ball. Here John Dryden in 1646, Matthew Pryor in 1680, and Joseph Addison in 1684 led the school-boy forces. Indeed, the records of the Abbey disclose that either they or their comrades led so boisterously that the Dean of West- minster was forced to appoint a beadle to keep them quiet during divine service. The Game in Cloister, as it was called, was not intricate. Two goals, known as bases, and a prohibition against the use of the hands either upon opponents or upon the ball comprised the traditional code of their period. About 1800 some old buildings near the Abbey were removed and the space thus obtained became the " Dean's Yard," but the boys promptly pre-empted it for a playground and named it the Green. With this ac- quisition two games came into being at Westminster, the Game in Cloister and the Game in Green. In the latter game the goals were base-lines equal to the entire width of the Green. In addition to the prohibition against the u§e of the hands a new restriction was invented which was called " outsiding." This restriction was identical with what to- day is known as "off-side play." BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME 23 The history of the game at Charterhouse, another London school, is similar to that at Westminster, the game evolv- ing first in Cloisters and with the advent of a playground being transferred to the Green. Consequently the games at each school were almost identical. This circumstance suggested in the fall of 1863 an interscholastic game. This game, the first contest between schools, colleges, or univer- sities in the history of football, was played at Vincent Square and was won by Westminster by two goals to none. To Eton the American game is indebted for its principle of eleven men. Visitors to Windsor are familiar with the road running from that place to Slough and passing Eton, being separated from the school grounds by a brick wall eight feet in height. Along this wall on the school side origi- nated and still is played the famous Wall Game of Eton. The ground for the game was laid off by drawing a furrow in the turf parallel to the wall and six yards distant. Eigh- teen yards from either end of the wall was painted perpen- dicularly upon it a white line, the space thus cut off being called calx. Beyond one calx formerly stood an elm; be- yond the other a door in a transverse wall. These two objects, the elm and the door, constituted the goals. In this long, narrow space between the wall and the furrow the two great teams of Eton, the Collegers and Oppidans, annually have met upon St. Andrew's day since 1845. The players, numbering eleven upon a side, put the ball in play by a scrimmage against the wall, by them called a bully. Out of the bully the ball was forced by kicks until it was driven into calx, where the offensive eleven, by a most peculiar play too intricate for description here, endeavored to obtain a "fair shy," which was a free kick at goal. By reason of the great difficulty in hitting the goals these contests usually were decided by the number of shies obtained. When Eton finally obtained an extensive playing field another game called the Field Game was devised, although 24 FOOTBALL the Wall Game has never been abandoned. As one might expect, the Field Game was no less ingeniously organized than the Wall. The ground was 150 yards long and 100 yards broad, the goals being marked with posts connected with a cross-bar. Here again the number of players upon a side was limited to eleven. Off-side play, by the Etonians called "sneaking," was prohibited, as also was the use of hands. The ball was advanced by short kicks, known as "dribbles," and if the defensive side directly or indirectly drove the ball behind their own goal where it was touched by an opponent a "rouge" was scored. A rouge entitled a team to a free kick at goal and three rouges equalled a goal. On the 17th of November, 1873, a team of Etonians, under the captaincy of G. C. Allen, came to New Haven and played a game with Yale. Those indeed were primitive times, since it was Yale's second season at the game. The contest was waged under mixed rules, one of which called for eleven players, and was won by Yale. Four years later, when Harvard, Princeton, and Yale adopted the Rugby Union game, Yale insisted that the Eton number of eleven should modify the Rugby rule of fifteen. This proposition was de- feated, but was renewed each year thereafter with great vigor by Yale, until finally, in 1880, Walter Camp, Yale's delegate, succeeded in persuading the convention to adopt the Eton rule. There are many places in England so endeared to Ameri- cans by the ties of sentiment that we feel an ownership therein by the title of fancy if not by the title of actual fact. Where is the lover of letters that does not claim an interest in the town of Avon? Where is the lawyer that does not believe that he possesses an inalienable right in the Inns of Court ? Where is the football man from field, side line, or stand who does not feel that he is an heritor in the glories of Old Bigside at Rugby? It is seventy years since Pater Brooke led out the forces in School-House versus School h3 § ^ g 1 O o BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME 25 and Tom Brown saved the goal in the second half at Rugby. The game long ago outgrew the Close and is now played wherever the English tongue is spoken. In America many of its methods have changed and its name partially has been obliterated, but the time never will come when its first home will be forgotten nor honorable deference not paid to the sweeping sward of Old Bigside at Rugby. This famous school was founded in 1567. The origin of organized football among its boys is in the eighteenth century, but the precise period has passed into oblivion with those who participated. One of the farthest and most authentic reaches into the past is contained in the recollections of Matthew Bloxam, published in the Rugby Meteor for December, 1880. Matthew Bloxam was at Rugby in 1813. Writing of football in his time he says: "The procedure at Bigside of football was as follows. When all had assembled in the Close, two of the best players in the School commenced choosing in, one for each side. After choosing in about a score on each side, a some- what rude division was made of the remaining fags, half of whom were sent to keep goal on one side, the other half to the opposite goal for the same purpose. Few and sim- ple were the rules of the game. Touch on the sides of the ground was marked out and no one was allowed to run with the ball in his grasp towards the opposite goal. It was foot- ball and not handball, with plenty of hacking but little struggling." From this description it appears that football up to Mat- thew Bloxam's time had been developing along lines similar to those at Westminster and elsewhere, particularly as to the rule against carrying the ball. But there came a crisp November day in 1823. Over a hundred boys had gath- ered for Bigside. The game soon was in action and back- ward and forward surged the ball, but without a score. The time wore on until at last the school-bell trembled on 26 FOOTBALL the first stroke of five, the hour which terminated the game. A long saiHng punt was sent down the field, the last effort of one side to effect a score. Suddenly out from the mass of players upon the other side sprang a young Rugbeian by the name of William Webb Ellis. With arms outstretched and eyes keenly on the spinning ball he swiftly ranged into posi- tion to catch the punt. If he made and heeled it, under the rules he might fall back, behind his mark, and try for goal by a free kick. By a violent effort he stoops and catches the ball just as it is about to strike the ground. The opponents check their speed in order not to interfere with the catch and heel, but Ellis, with the inspiration of desperation, contrary to rule and custom, with increased speed leaps onward. Five o'clock is now pealing on the air. With the ball tightly held beneath his arm he dashes into the ranks of his opponents, who, angered by this flagrant violation of the rules, roughly seize him and endeavor to throw him to the ground. Ellis with his free arm wards them off and zigzagging in and out clears the pack and crosses the line just as the last stroke of five comes rever- berating over the Close. In those days contested points, disputed games, and changes in the rules were referred to a school judicatory known as a levee of Bigside, which was held by the football leaders under the elms between Littleside and Bigside, or at times on another part of the grounds called the Island. The sensational performance of Ellis was severely cen- sured generally throughout the school, but as days came and went there arose a few who saw in his exploit an oppor- tunity for a great innovation in the game. After a time the idea was supported by a majority of the school and at last received the sanction of a Bigside levee. At first the privilege of carrying the ball was limited to balls obtained from fair catches in the manner performed by Ellis. Later the privilege was extended to a ball caught on the bound. 1 ' : > , '; < s 03 BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME 27 and finally the right to run with the ball without restriction was incorporated as a basic rule in the Rugby game. The performance of William Webb Ellis, like the exploits of all other heroes, as time passed was questioned by the scoffer and iconoclast and by some was denied altogether, but the Old Rugbeian Society in 1897 collected the personal recollections of the event from the surviving Rugbeians of Ellis's time, which has fairly proved that this tradition is founded upon actual fact. William Webb Ellis, a town boy of Rugby, entered the school in December, 1816, at the age of eleven years. The school records show that he was a scholar of pronounced ability. Upon leaving the school in 1825, being the second Rugby Exhibitioner of that year, he entered Brasenose College, Oxford. Later he was ordained in the ministry and for several years acted as incumbent of the Church of Saint Clement Danes, Strand, and subsequently served as rector of Laver Magdalen, Essex. He died January 24, 1872. In an ivy-grown wall at Rugby has been placed a tablet preserving to world-wide football posterity the name and exploit of this school-boy genius. It runs as follows: THIS STONE COMMEMORATES THE EXPLOIT OF WILLIAM WEBB ELLIS WHO WITH A FINE DISREGARD FOR THE RULES OP FOOTBALL AS PLAYED IN HIS TIME FIRST TOOK THE BALL IN HIS ARMS AND RAN WITH IT THUS ORIGINATING THE DISTINCTIVE FEATURE OP THE RUGBY GAME A.D. 1823 From 1823, the year of the exploit of William Webb Ellis, to the time of the great game of School-House versus School, described in " Tom Brown's School Days," is a space of 28 FOOTBALL twenty years, but in this period the Bigside levies at Rugby built about the run of Ellis a finished, finely tech- nical game. Its perfection may best be appreciated and certainly most pleasantly ascertained by now reverting to boyhood and reading once more in Judge Thomas Hughes's great book, the description of this game which here is abridged : " Old Brooke won the toss with his lucky half-penny and got the choice of goals and kick-off. But now look, there is a slight move forward of the School-House wings, a shout * Are you ready ? ' and a loud affirmative reply. Old Brooke takes half a dozen steps and away goes the ball spinning towards the goal, seventy yards before it touches the ground, a model kick-off. The School-House cheer and rush on. The ball is returned. They meet it and drive it back among the masses in motion. Then follows rush upon rush and scrummage upon scrummage, and a scrummage, gentlemen, in a School-House match was no joke in the consulship of Plancus. Three quarters of an hour are gone, first winds are failing and weight begins to tell. The School-House are being pressed now and the ball is behind their goal. There is a minute's breathing time before Old Brooke kicks out and he gives the word to play strongly for touch. Away goes the ball and in another minute there is a shout of *In touch' and *Our ball.* Old Brooke stands with the ball in his hands while the two sides form in deep lines opposite one another. He must strike it straight out between them. Old Brooke strikes it strong. Hurrah! That rush has taken it right through the School line, far into their quarters. The School leaders rush back shout- ing *Look out in goal.' They strain every nerve to catch Young Brooke who has the ball, but they are after the fleetest foot in Rugby. There they go straight for the goal posts. Young Brooke is down I No! A long stagger but the dan- BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME 29 ger is past. There is a hurried rush and Young Brooke has touched it right under the School goal posts. The School leaders are furious. They may well be for it is Lombard Street to a china orange that the School-House kick a goal with the ball touched in such a good place. Old Brooke of course will kick it but who shall catch and place it. Call Crab Jones. Here he comes, the coolest fish in Rugby. Old Brooke stands with the ball under his arms motioning the School back. He will not kick it until they are all in goal behind the posts. They are all edging forward inch by inch for the rush at Crab Jones who stands in front of Old Brooke to catch the ball. If they can reach him before he catches the ball the danger is over and with one and the same rush they will carry it right away to the School-House goal. Fond hope I It is kicked out and caught beautifully. Crab strikes his heel in the ground to mark the spot where the ball is caught beyond which the School line may not advance, but there they stand ready to rush forward the mo- ment the ball touches the ground. Take plenty of room. Place it true and steady. Trust Crab Jones for that. He is resting on one knee with his eye on Old Brooke. *NowI' Crab places the ball at the word. The School rush forward, Old Brooke kicks. A moment*s pause and both sides look at the spinning ball. It flies straight between the posts, five feet above the cross-bar. A shout of joy rings out from the School-House players-up and a faint echo of it comes over the Close from the goal keepers. A goal in the first hour I Such a thing hasn't been done in the School-House match these five years!" After all, is not the author of this famous game of fancy likewise entitled to a place in the hearts of football men with William Webb Ellis? The one performed a deed which gave a great game to Rugby. The other wrote a book which popularized that game and gave it to the world. ^*'*S^ an 30 FOOTBALL In the great wave of popularity that overtook football with the publication of "Tom Brown's School Days," the young Rugbeians were prompted to improve their famous game. Accordingly they introduced the principle of fixed numbers upon a side, twenty in the beginning and eventually fifteen. It was also at this time that the oval ball took the place of the sphere, thus returning to the shape of primitive days when the only ball was an inflated bladder, to which early period we also must go to find the origin of the ball's fgjniliar name of "pigskin." It was not until 1846 that football made its first appear- ance in the English universities. In this year two old estminster boys, H. de Winton and J. C. Thring, were at Cambridge. In company with some boys from other schools they formed a club and played for a time on Parker's Piece. The game did not become popular, however, and so the boys after a few contests under mixed rules disbanded. Two years later the attempt was renewed. At the invitation of H. C. Maiden two representatives from each of the schools, fourteen men in all, including Mr. Maiden and George Salt, as representatives of the university, met in a conference which lasted six hours, but which resulted in a new code of rules based upon the best points at Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, and Shrewsbury. The Rugby principle of carrying the ball was rejected in these rules. No copy of this code is in existence, as few games were played thereunder and the movement again failed. The conference was not without influence, however, since its action brought into being a number of outside clubs which were inspired to organize and play, chief among which were Sheffield, in 1855, Hallam, in 1857, and Forest, in 1859, each playing under a variation of the Cambridge code. In 1863 a third conference was held at Cambridge to draft an improved code of rules. As this conference was sue- BEGINNING OF THE MODERN GAME 31 cessful in launching that style of football now known as "association," it is fitting that the men composing it should have their names here preserved: R. Burn (Shrewsbury), R. H. Blake-Humphrey (Eton), W. P. Crawley (Marlborough), M. T. Martin (Rugby), W. R. Collyer (Rugby), J. T. Prior (Harrow), W. T. Trench Eton), H. L. Williams (Harrow), W. S. Wright (Westminster). A few weeks after the date of this conference a convention was held by the different clubs of London at the Freemason's Tavern in Great Queen Street, at which it was decided to form an association and adopt a uniform code of rules. After a number of meetings, made necessary by a controversy over the adoption or rejection of the Rugby principle of carrying the ball, a code, which was substantially the Cam- bridge rules, was adopted December 1, 1863, under the title " Football Rules of the London Football Association." In this code players were forbidden to carry the ball. Hence the style of game provided by these rules has since been known as the " association " game. The name of soccer, or socker, as it is sometimes spelled, by which it also is desig- nated, is merely a humorous derivative from the word Association. The Rugby game now had a great rival competing with it for public favor, but the old school game still held its own. It invaded the universities November 2, 1869. Upon this date a number of old Rugbeians assembled in a room in Balliol College at Oxford and formed a club. During the ensuing three years occasional games were played by teams selected from the membership of this club. It was not until the beginning of 1872 that a proposition was broached to play a match game with Cambridge. This suggestion was enthusiastically approved, and after several conferences \ 32 FOOTBALL between the representatives of the two universities the game was scheduled for February 10, 1872, at Oxford, where it was duly played, Oxford winning by a goal from a try. The success of the London Football Association in main- taining an orderly, healthy control over its style of game moved the Rugby players also to organize. Accordingly, January 26, 1871, thirty-six representatives from as many clubs in London and vicinity assembled in the Pall Mall Restaurant in Regent Street and organized the Rugby Football Union. Taking the rules of Rugby School as a basis, a number of modifications were introduced which greatly improved the game. These alterations subse- quently were accepted at Rugby School. Thus, England in the early 70s presented two great, standard styles of football play, thoroughly organized and perfected and gov- erned by separate but supreme bodies of recognized author- ity and control, each of which has maintained its sovereignty over its particular game in England unto this day. CHAPTER III EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA Football, as a simple campus sport, without rules, with- out organization, and of course without regular contests, existed at the older American colleges of the East as early as 1800. The ball, it is true, was merely an inflated bladder, the teams were made up of all the fellows at hand, and the game was won merely by driving the ball to a given line, sometimes marked by a campus walk, sometimes indicated by a college wall. Two captains extemporaneously selected tossed up for first choice of men and then alternately chose players for their sides until every man present desirous of playing had been given a place. Frequently the division would be automatic. All men with final initials from A to M would go to the right, all others to the left. Later arrivals at the place of play invariably were given a position on one side or the other. When all were ready the ball was tossed in the air and this ancient game was in motion. Later the round rubber ball made its appearance. By reason of its symmetrical shape and greater resilience an opportunity was afforded some men by aptitude and prac- tice to excel the others in kicking the ball great distances and v/ith surprising accuracy. It was quickly learned, however, that this individual skill could be offset by driv- ing the ball only short distances with the toe, so that when intercepted by an opponent the ball might be passed deftly to one side to a comrade for a further advance without los- ing the ball. These features comprised all of the skill and tactics of that early period; but the game was strictly 34 FOOTBALL football — always kicked and never carried. Let no one think that these campus struggles, although lacking in highly specialized skill and intricacy of play, also were lack- ing in zest and enjoyment. Shins were barked, noses were tapped, breath and temper frequently lost. The players raced for the ball and blocked their opponents with fearless- ness and force. No multitudinous throng cheered the tide of battle and no newspapers chronicled the achievements of the day, but these games are still affectionately recalled by a few hale old survivors who with many a smack of reminis- cent relish never miss an opportunity to tell the present gen- eration that " football is not as good a game as it used to be." Antiquaries at Harvard claim that a football was kicked promiscuously about the Yard in a simple game as early as 1800. A few years later some genius devised a contest be- tween the Freshmen and Sophomores. To-day it would be called a rush instead of a game, but since it possessed a few crude rules of order and was played with a football it must be accredited as the lineal progenitor of the fully perfected organism that to-day is presented upon Soldiers Field. The older football generation of the present time well remembers the glories of Jarvis and Holmes Fields, but there are a few whose recollection can run back to an arena known as the Delta, now the site of Memorial Hall. Here seventy years ago were held Harvard^s first football games, the Freshmen-Sophomore contests aforesaid. Upon the even- ing of the match, half-past six being the established hour, the upper classmen assembled and took seats upon a near-by fence. The two lower classes to the last man present were marshalled in two opposing lines, the sturdiest representa- tive of the Freshmen being in the center of his line with the ball. At the signal both lines advanced on the run to the centre of the Delta, where the Freshmen endeavored to force their champion with the ball through the Sophomores' ranks EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA 35 and onward to the line which the Sophomores defended. A copious amount of fisticuffs in this encounter not only was natural but also was permissible. These ebullient young football men, however, eventually became so boisterous and, as confidentially hinted, at times so pugnacious that this sport came under the faculty's displeasure. Periodic were the official prohibitions launched at it, but periodic was its reappearance. About 1845 some improvements were made in the game and regular class contests organized which con- tinued for fifteen years. The pugnacious traditions of the past, however, still were present to keep alive its virile practices. In 1860, bellicose year that it was, these class encounters were waged with unusual vim, prodigious noise, and petty violence, for in the ranks of the combatants were some destined soon for glorious service upon the country's battlefields. In fact, the leading collegian in these games, Henry Ropes, '62, unconsciously was preparing for a greater leadership to terminate in a valiant death at the head of his regiment at Gettysburg. But the faculty were not seers, so they determined to place upon these contests a quietus from which they never should awake. This was done by a resolution vigorous in its English and dire in its provisions for punishment. The student body at Harvard bowed to the decree, but determined that the event should not pass without being signalized in some extraordinary way. A great funeral celebration, therefore, was organized, the funeral of Foot- ball Fightum. A grave was dug in the Delta, a memorial tablet prepared, and a great pageant marshalled. As a capital feature the loudest-voiced if not the best orator at Harvard was chosen to deliver a eulogy. This heroic effort, fortunately for posterity, was rescued from oblivion long years after and preserved in the columns of the Crimson, October 14, 1881. Its impressive periods still 36 FOOTBALL stir the soul although half a century has elapsed since they were spoken: " Dearly beloved, we have met together upon this mourn- ful occasion to perform the sad office over one whose long and honored life was put to an end in a sudden and violent manner. Last year, at this very time, in this very place, our poor friend's round, genial appearance and the elasticity of his movements gave promise of many years more to be added to a long life, which even then eclipsed that of the oldest graduate. When he rose exulting in the air propelled by the foot of the valiant Ropes we little thought then that to-day he would lie so low. Exult, ye Freshmen! The wise men who make big laws around a little table have stretched out their arms to protect your eyes and noses. For us there is naught but sorrow, the sweet association and tender memories of eyes bunged up, of noses wonderfully distended and of battered shins, and the many chance blows anteriorly and posteriorly received and delivered, — the rush, the struggle, the victory., — they call forth our deep regret and unaffected tears. The enthusiastic cheers, the singing of *Auld Lang Syne,' as each stands grasping a brother's hand, all, all have passed away, and will soon be buried with the football beneath the sod, to live hereafter only as a dream in our memories and in the college annals. "Brothers, pardon my emotion. If I have kept you already too long, pardon me this also. On such an occasion as this few words can be spoken; but they must be spoken, because they are the outcry of grieved spirits and sad hearts. What remains for me to sa.y is short and in the words of a well known poem: " * 'TIS time our heavy task were done, And I would advise our retiring, Or we'll hear the voice of some savage one For the ringleader gravely inquiring.* " EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA 37 An ode specially composed for the occasion then was sung: "Ah! woe betide the luckless time When manly sports decay, And football stigmatized as crime Must sadly pass away I ** Beneath this sod we lay you down, This sign of glorious fight; With dismal groans and yells we'll drown Your mournful burial ritel "For 'sixty-three will never see Such cruel murder done And not proclaim the deed of shame. No! Let's unite as one I " The grave then was closed and a tablet erected bearing the following inscription: HIC JACET FOOTBALL FIGHTUM Obiit July 2, 1860, Aet. LX Years. RESURGAT. Twelve long years were destined to elapse before this epitaph was to be realized, but arise at last Football Fightum did, April 21, 1872, when the Class of 1874 played the Class of 1875 upon Boston Common. From that day to this Football Fightum has been a hale and defiant figure at Harvard. From earliest times young Yale has kicked an inflated bladder about the Green. About 1840 an organized rivalry arose between the two lower classes which seized football as a medium of conclusions. The contest in reality was a rush, but as a football figured in it the struggle must be chronicled as football. To New Haven's Green on the af- 38 FOOTBALL ternoon of the fray came the Sophomores in fantastic garb and painted faces. The Freshmen under the guidance of the upper classmen were withdrawn to one side and formed into a great, soHd, V-shaped mass, with the most gigantic Freshman of the class carrying the ball and buried within the wedge. At the signal this mass started heavily to plough its way across the Green. A corps of picked Sopho- mores threw themselves upon its apex and their comrades fell upon its flanks in a fierce endeavor to reach and capture the ball. About 1841 an exciting struggle of this character was in progress when a firemen's parade was passing. In the absence of records and at a distance of seventy years it is impossible to state whether the warlike recreation of the collegians aroused the primitive fighting lust in the firemen or whether the ornate costumes of the firemen evoked a sarcastic vein in the collegians, but in either event a clash took place between firemen and collegians, that terminated the game and disrupted the parade. Students will claim that the fault lay with the firemen, but candor compels an historian to state that a magistrate in New Haven at that time thought differently, for he haled into his court Thomas H. Moody, '43, who like a little John Hampden had stood in defence of his right to play upon the Green, and fined him twenty dollars with the imposition of eighty dollars additional for costs. From the size of the bill of costs it would seem that the firemen resumed their parade, di- recting its route to the court-house, where its members individually filed bills against Moody for witness fees and mileage. Eventually an orderliness approaching punctiliousness crept into these contests. Thus the Freshmen in the fall of 1857 posted upon the door of the Lyceum the following challenge: EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA 39 *' Sophomores : The Class of '61 hereby challenges the Class of '60 to a game of football, best two in three. "In behalf of the Class, "R. L. Chamberlain, "James W. McLane, "A. Sheridan Burt." Before the day was done upon the door of the Athenaeum appeared '60's reply: "•Cornel And like sacrifices in their trim, To the fire eyed naiads of smoky war All hot and bleeding will we offer you.* " To Our Youthful Friends of the Class of '6L "We hereby accept your challenge to play the noble and time honored game of football and appoint 2^ o'clock ?. m., on Saturday, October 10, 1857, the football grounds as the time and place. "In behalf of the Class of '60, "I. J. Post, "E. G. Masset, "A. C. Palfrey, " Committee." The quotation in the caption of the answer to this chal- lenge, fearful as it is, nevertheless was more gentle than some of its predecessors, to wit: "Let them come on, the base bom crew, Each soiled stained churl, alack. What gain they but a splitten skull, A sod for their base back I " As nowadays upper classmen acted as umpires for these under class contests, but the townspeople sometimes consti- tuted themselves a superior judicatory. Thus the struggle of October 19, 1853, was declared a tie by the oflScials, but ) 40 FOOTBALL ladies of New Haven who had watched the conflict from the balconies of the New Haven House, and the steps of the old State House, reversed the verdict by presenting their flowers to the Freshmen. These rushes at last went the way of all good things. They waxed too rough, and in 1860 were abolished both by resolution of the faculty and by ordinance of the city of ■New Haven. And now football at Yale slept for twelve years. At length in 1872 a young Rugbeian who had en- tered Yale in the Class of 1873, David Schley Schaff, aroused the slumbering football spirit and arranged a game between '73 and 74 upon the Green. The authorities of the city, however, had not forgotten their ordinance and descended upon the game, almost provoking a riot. The faculty championed the right of the students to use the Green. Out of the warmth of the altercation was born, October 31, 1872, the Yale Football Association, with Schaff as president and captain. Municipal war was averted by the association leasing a lot on Elm Street. Here beginneth modern football at Yale, the university's first game being waged and won with Columbia, under a modification of Association rules, at Hamilton Park, November 16, 1872. Traces of play with a football are to be found at Princeton prior to the Revolution. Fancy pictures as predecessors of Old Nassau's gridiron stars of to-day, Benjamin Rush, James Madison, Aaron Burr, and Philip Freneau. Indeed, the cause of Princeton's great prestige in games afield, not- withstanding its comparatively small numbers, is due to the fact that upon its campus outdoor sports from the very beginning vigorouslv have thrived. The collegians at this ancient seat of learning, on account of its isolated position in the country, were deprived of the amusements afforded to a college in a city and were forced to manufacture their own means of diversion. EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA 41 A search of the records discloses this significant minute in the archives of the faculty of the date of November 26, 1787: " It appearing that a play at present much practised by the small boys among the students and by the grammar scholars with balls and sticks, is low and unbecoming gentlemen, and inasmuch as it is attended by alternate heats and colds, and as we are accountable to their parents and liable to be severely blamed by them, therefore the faculty think it incumbent upon them to prohibit the students from playing this game." What was this wicked game? The year of 1787, surprising to state, is not too early for " town ball " or " rounders," the predecessors of baseball. Perhaps it was "tip-cat" and perhaps it was "shinny." Whatever it was it had to go. During the ensuing twenty years it appears the collegians assuaged their rampant spirits by walking, running, jump- ing with weights, and other exercises of an individual char- acter. The establishment of organized contests in skill and brawn further was stimulated by the presence in the student body of a preponderance of youths from the South whose racial insistence upon all political subjects of the day called either for acquiescence or a fight. Thus Potter's Woods in the early part of the last century was the ground of many a bloody but fortunately deathless duel. In 1819 the fac- ulty passed a resolution threatening with expulsion every student connected with a duel either as principal or auxiliary. Forced to further invention the young Princetonians of 1820 adopted the English game of ballown, the batting of a bladder with the fists. The transition to the feet soon ensued and an ingenious set of rules immediately followed, thus placing at Princeton a definitely organized game of football twenty-five years in advance of any other college. The field of play was the entire quadrangle between East and West Colleges, with the walls of these buildings the rival 1 42 FOOTBALL goals. The ball was put in play or "bucked" from an old revolutionary cannon, a relic of the battle of Princeton, that lay midway between. By 1860 the rules although still traditional called for twenty-five players upon a side, goal-posts twenty-five feet apart, six goals necessary to constitute a game, the ball not to be carried, a ball caught on the fly or first bound to entitle the catcher to a free kick from a clear space of ten feet. No tripping or hacking was allowed, and a ball out of bounds was kicked in at right angles to the side line. An influential circumstance in the evolution of football from the intracoUegiate to the intercollegiate stage was the juxtaposition of Princeton and Rutgers, twenty-five miles apart. Naturally the game had developed at each college along similar lines, and the rules almost were identical. Another highly stimulating element in the birth of intercol- legiate football was the spirit of intense rivalry between the two student bodies for the possession of a revolutionary cannon which was captured and recaptured by one college from the other and carried back and forth between Prince- ton and New Brunswick in a series of sorties which equalled in vigor if not in violence the original fight foi- this same cannon between General Howe and George Washington. Years afterward Princeton terminated the struggle by craftily sinking the gun up to its trunnions in several hundred pounds of cement. On May 25, 1866, Princeton also had defeated Rutgers 40 to 2 in their first contest in baseball. In the early fall of 1869, therefore, student sentiment at New Brunswick was rife for a further tilt with Princeton and foot- ball was selected as the medium of conclusions. Rutgers was fortunate at this time in having a football leader by the name of " Bill'* Leggett, 72. Princeton like- wise had a " Bill " for leader, " Bill " Gummere, 70. These men are still leaders, but few people nowadays dare address EARLY FOOTBALL IN AMERICA 43 them as " Bill," for the former is the Reverend William J. Leggett, high in the councils of the Reformed Church, and the other is the Hon. William S. Gummere, Chief Justice of the State of New Jersey. At Rutgers a challenge was framed in the punctilious language of the day inviting the men of Nassau Hall — for the name Princeton had not become in those days an es- tablished university title — to play a series of three games. The receipt of this document aroused great enthusiasm at Princeton. Gummere immediately was selected as captain and empowered to settle the preliminaries. It was agreed that the first game should be played at New Brunswick, November 6, the second at Princeton, November 13, and the third at New Brunswick, November 20; the game at Princeton to be played under Princeton rules allowing a free kick from a catch on fly or first bound, the games at New Brunswick to be played according to the Rutgers code, which did not recognize the free kick or fair catch. With great expectancy these two institutions now awaited the coming of these games. CHAPTER IV THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME In these days of prodigious publicity for the great battles of the gridiron it is startling to realize that up to the present time no account, either by contemporary or historian, has been published of this initial struggle, which by its very priority is entitled to historical precedence over all other celebrated football games. The heroes of the lime-line field to-day may see their faces and read of their exploits in the public prints within one hour after their achievement. The football heroes of 1869 have grown gray with the lapse of years before their deeds have obtained a place in the public chronicles of the game. Football history, like all other history, must suffer from the uncertainty which invariably cloaks an original occur- rence. Thus of this first game it is impossible to-day to compose a complete list of the players participating or to present all of the interesting incidents which were features of this quaint contest. Much, however, has escaped ob- livion in the lack of records and the lapse of memory that is worthy of preservation as a most important part in the his- tory of America's major intercollegiate sport. The facts here presented of this first intercollegiate football game have been obtained from the surviving players; for it was the first intercollegiate football game, not only in America, but in the world. In this connection it is interesting to glance at the chronology of the historic "first games." 44 THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME 45 Princeton, 4; Rugters, 6; New Brunswick, Nov. 6, 1869. Columbia, 3; Rutgers, 6; New Brunswick, Nov. 12, 1870. Oxford, 1; Cambridge, 0; Oxford, Feb. 10, 1872. Yale, 3; Columbia, 0; New Haven, Nov. 16, 1872. Harvard, 3; McGill, 0; Cambridge, May 14, 1874. Pennsylvania, 0; Princeton, 6; Germantown, Nov. 11, 1876. Cornell, 10; Union, 24; Ithaca, Nov. 12, 1887. Those who are familiar with the history of college base- ball will be surprised, not at the earliness of the date of this game, but at its lateness, for the diamond preceded thpl gridiron by a full decade, the first intercollegiate baseball game being the contest between Amherst and Williams] July 1, 1859. Baseball, however, had in its infancy the stim- ulus of the sound and uniform set of rules adopted at Coopei Institute, in New York, March 9, 1859, in the convention at which came into existence the National Association of Base ball Players. Football lacked such a guiding influence,! and therefore developed slowly through different rules at the several colleges of the East. Notwithstanding the primitiveness of the occasion, the jerky little "dummy" engine that steamed out of Princeton on that memorable morning of November 6, 1869, was crowded to aisles and platforms with a freight of eager students. In 1869 and for many years later an unaffected, old-fashioned hospitality was observed among the colleges toward one another to a degree that is almost unbelievable in the rude lack of amenities that characterizes the present period. A baseball game was far from the formal fixture it is to-day. It was a social event without superior in the life of a college. Rutgers accordingly in a mass met their visitors at the station and devoted the day exclusively to their hearty entertainment. The game was called in the afternoon at three o'clock, the 46 FOOTBALL field being laid out on the commons between College Avenue and Sicard Street. The events immediately preceding the game were as primitive as the game itself. The spectators who had arrived early appropriated seats upon the top board of a fence which partly surrounded the field, while the |others found places upon the ground. There was no ad- Ijmission fee, no waving of flags. The famous orange and jjblack still was in the forming. But there were college I/songs, and, strange to say, a college cheer, Princeton's |; booming rocket call, hissing and bursting just as it does to-day. The players arrived a few minutes before three, and simply laying aside their hats, coats, and vests, stood accoutred for the game, the only touch of costume being red turbans, which were worn by the Rutgers men, a fashion long copied thereafter by other college teams. The Prince- ton 25 appeared to be much larger and heavier than their opponents. While the spectators were giving the players some preliminary advice the officials and captains were ad- justing an objection to the very small size of the ball provided. With these preliminaries out of the way, time was called. Of the players who lined up only the following can now be recalled: PRINCETON RUTGERS W. S. Gummere, 70. D. D. Williamson, 70. W. H. Buck, 70. E. D. De La Mater, 71. L. H. Nissley, 70. S. G. Gano, 7L H. Oliphant, 70. W. J. Hill, 7L C. J. Parker, 70. W. S. Lasher, 7L H. D. Boughner, 7L G. E. Pace, 7L G. S. BiUmeyer, 7L C. L. Pruyn, 7L C. W. Darst, 7L J. H. Wyckoff, 7L W. C. Chambers, 7L W. J. Leggett, 72. W. W. Flagler, 7L T. W. Clemens, 72. THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME 47 PRINCETON C. M. Field, 71. C. S. Barrett, 71. F. C. Burt, 71. J. E. Michael, 71. A. Van Rensselaer, 71. T. S. Young, 71. David Mixsell, 71. C. S. Lane, 72. W. P. Lane, 72. J. W. Hageman, 72. J. G. Weir, 71. RUTGERS E. D. Gillmore, 72. J. W. Herbert, 72. G. H. Large, 72. G. H. Stevens, 72. J. A. Van Neste, 72. F. E. Allen, 73. M. M. Ball, 73. G. R. Dixon, 73. D. T. Hawxhurst, 73. P. V. Huysoon, 73. A. I. Martine, 73. C. Rockefeller, 73. J. O. Van Fleet, 73. G. S. Willits, 73. C. S. Wright, 73. W. H. McKee, 73. The tactical organization of this large number of players was the same on both sides. Two men were selected by each team to play immediately in front of the opponents' goal and were known as "captains of the enemy's goal." These positions for Princeton were filled by H. D. Boughner and G. S. Billmeyer and for Rutgers by G. R. Dixon and S. G. Gano. The remainder of each team was divided into two sections. The players of one section were assigned to certain tracts of the field, which they were to cover and not to leave. These players were known as "fielders." The other section was detailed to follow the ball up and down the field. These latter players were called "bulldogs." They are easily recognizable in the evolution of the game as the forerunners of the modern rush line. The toss of the coins for advantage gave Princeton the ball and Rutgers the wind. Amid a hush of expectancy 48 FOOTBALL among the spectators Princeton "bucked" or kicked the ball, precisely as it is done to-day, from a tee of earth, but the kick was bad and the ball glanced to one side. The light, agile Rutgers men pounced upon it like hounds, and, by driving it by short kicks, or " dribbles," the other players surrounding the ball and not permitting a Princeton man to get near it, quickly and craftily forced it down to Old Nassau's goal, where Dixon and Gano, Rutgers's captains of the enemy's goal, were waiting, and these two latter sent the ball between the posts amid great applause from the fence-top and vicinity. The first goal had been scored in five minutes of play. During the slight intermission Captain Gummere instructed Michael, a young giant of the Princeton twenty-five, to break up Rutgers's massing around the ball. Sides were changed and Rutgers "bucked." In this period the game was more fiercely contested. Time and time again Michael, or "Big Mike," as he was known, charged into Rutgers's primitive mass play and scattered the players like a burst bundle of sticks. On one of these plays Princeton obtained the ball and by a long, accurate kick scored the second goal. The third goal, or " game," as it was then called, went to Rutgers. Madison Ball, who had been nonplussing the Princeton men throughout the game by running in the same direction with the ball and upon overtaking it stepping over and kicking the ball behind him, on one of these plays, by a lucky kick, delivered the ball to Dixon, who was stand- ing directly in front of Princeton's goal, and in an instant the ball was through and Rutgers once more was in the lead. The fourth goal was kicked by Princeton, "Big Mike" again bursting up a mass out of which Gummere gained possession of the ball, and with Princeton massed about him easily dribbled the ball down and through the Rutgers goal- posts, making the score once more a tie. THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME 49 The fifth goal was kicked by Gano for Rutgers. The sixth goal also went to Rutgers, but the feature of this period of play in the memory of the players after the lapse of forty years is awarded to "Big Mike" and Large. Some one by a random kick had driven the ball to one side, where it rolled against the fence and stopped. Large, of Rutgers, led the pursuit for the ball, closely followed by Michael. Just as to-day a play near the side lines sends an unusual thrill among the spectators, so in this ancient game the crowd of students near the ball started to rise to their feet, but at this instant Large and Michael reached the ball and, unable to check their momentum, in a tremendous impact struck the fence, which gave way with a crash and over went its load of yelling students to the ground. Every college probably has the humorous tradition of some player who, becoming confused in the excitement of play, has scored against his own team. This tradition at Rutgers almost dated from this first game, for one of her players in the sixth period started to kick the ball between his own goal-posts. The kick was blocked, but Princeton took advantage of the opportunity and soon made the goal. This turn of the game apparently disorganized Rutgers, for Princeton also scored the next goal after a few minutes of play, thus bringing the total up to four all. As custom, both at Princeton and Rutgers, made a total score of six goals the winning mark, both spectators and players were now aroused to great excitement as the close of the match drew near. At this stage Rutgers resorted to that use of craft which has never failed in the history of forty years to turn the tide of every close battle. Captain Leggett, of Rutgers, had noticed that Princeton obtained a great advantage from the taller stature of their men, which enabled them to reach above the others and bat the ball in the air in some advantageous direction. This was particu- 50 FOOTBALL larly true of Princeton's leader, Captain Gummere. On the resumption of play Rutgers was ordered to keep the ball close to the ground. Following this stratagem, and stimu- lated by the encouraging shouts of their supporters, the Rutgers men determinedly kicked the ninth and tenth goals, chus winning the match by six goals to four and with it the historic distinction of a victory in the first game of intercol- legiate football played in the world. The memorable day closed with a supper, in which both teams participated together, interspersing songs and speeches with the deliciously roasted game birds from the Jersey marshes and meadows. The second game of the series was played at Princeton the following Saturday, November 13, 1869, the arena being a field across the street from the famous Slidell mansion, later the home of Grover Cleveland. This second contest, however, was played according to Princeton's custom of free kicks from catch on fly or bound. As Princeton had evolved a high form of strategy in kicking the ball from one to another of their side at close distances, thus creating a series of fair catches and free kicks, Rutgers was wholly outclassed and defeated by eight goals to none. The third game, owing to the objection of the faculties at Princeton and Rutgers on account of the great and dis- tracting interest aroused, was never played. CHAPTER V FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES The pleasant aftermath which followed the Princeton- Rutgers games of 1869 led to the playing of another series in 1870 and also brought forth a new intercollegiate com- petitor in Columbia. The rules, however, still remained traditionary at each college and of course were without uni- formity. The data of the games waged in this primitive period are: Princeton, 6; Rutgers, 0; at Princeton, Nov. 10, 1870. Columbia, 1; Rutgers, 6; at New Brunswick, Nov. 12, 1870. Princeton, 6; Rutgers, 2; at Princeton, Nov. 23, 1870. The following year, 1871, no intercollegiate games were played, but evolution, notwithstanding, was strongly in progress. At Princeton, October 15, 1871, a college mass meeting was held, at which formally came into being the Princeton Football Association. Since this is the pioneer organization of its kind in the intercollegiate world the official personnel selected on that occasion is worthy of record: Captain, Arthur Johnson, '72; Committee, Ar- thur Johnson, 72; D. T. Marvel, 73; T. G. Ricketts, 74; H. Moffat, 75. Another great advance made by this mass meeting was the transference of the ancient rules of play at Princeton from tradition to an authoritative, written code. This code was as follows: 1. The grounds shall be 500 feet in length by 300 feet in breadth. 2. The goal-posts shall be 25 feet apart. 51 52 FOOTBALL 3. The number for match gan>es shall be 25 to the side. 4. To a game 4 of 7 goals are necessary. 5. The winner of the toss shall have the choice of goals. 6. No player shall throw or carry the ball. 7. Any player catching the ball after it has been kicked or knocked and before it touches the ground shall be entitled to a free kick. 8.^ ^nj ball passing the boundary lines shall be kicked or knocked in with full force. If passing the side limits, by the player first touching the ball; if passing the goal limits, by a player of the side defending the goal. 9. No holding shall be allowed except when a player has the ball in his possession not caught on the fly. 10. No tripping shall be allowed, nor shall any player use his hands to push an adversary. The year of 1872 brought a great outburst of football activity. In England, Cambridge and Oxford began a preliminary correspondence which quickly terminated in the arrangement of an inter-university game, which was played at Oxford, February 10, 1872, Cambridge being defeated by a goal from a try, thus establishing this classic series of contests. Resurgat, it will be remembered, was the prayer of the epitaph of Football Fightum when that personage was buried ceremoniously at Harvard in 1860. ' The early spring of 1872 gave indications that the happy event was soon to occur. Scarcely had the snow melted from the Yard at Cambridge when an agitation arose among the Sophomores and Freshmen for a class contest at football, not such an encounter as those which in bygone days har- rowed the sod of the Delta and furrowed the feelings of the faculty, but an orderly game under a set of rational rules. The latter soon were formulated by adopting a modification of the Association code. Thus, April 21, 1872, Football FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 53 Fightum arose and afforded a day of rare sport on Boston Common between the classes of 1874 and 1875, in which the former achieved the honors of the day. Following this con- test a wave of popularity swept over Harvard. The Advo- cate genially expressed the sentiment of the university by saying: "We are glad to see that football is being revived once more. It is hoped that all who feel interested in it will take an active part and make football what it should be, one of the most popular of college games." This appeal evoked a warm response, as the game thrived amazingly throughout the remainder of the spring and again raged in the ensuing autumn. With the coming of winter the foot- ball genius of the university turned to the subject of organi- zation and thus, December 6, 1872, the Harvard Football Club was born, the original officers being: President, Robert Grant, '73; Secretary, Augustus Hemenway, '75; Treasurer, William C. Sanger, 74; and Captain, Heniy R. Grant, '74; conjuring names, indeed. At this meeting a playing code was drafted which fol- lowed the Association rules excepting three important vari- ations. Rule 1 of the Harvard code provided for not less than ten nor more than fifteen players upon a side. Rule 8 permitted "any player to catch or pick up the ball but not to run with it unless pursued by an opponent and then only so long as pursued." Rule 9 prohibited "any player from passing or throwing the ball unless pursued by an opponent." Many games were played under these rules at Harvard, but, strange to say, the idea of an intercollegiate contest was not broached, although intercollegiate relation- ships in baseball at that time were highly developed and the rivalry was keen. , It was also in this memorable year of 1872 that footballl reappeared at Yale, where, as at Harvard, it had slept under/j the faculty's quietus since 1860. The cause of this resur*/ 54 FOOTBALL rection was the presence in the Class of 1873 of a young Rugbeian by the name of David Schley Schaff. This genius zealously advocated the re-establishment of football and spiritedly promoted a class game between 1873 and 1874. This latter contest eventually took place upon New Haven's Green, but scarcely had the ball been kicked off when the city's municipal authorities recalled their ordinance of 1860 prohibiting the game and the police immediately descended upon the collegians. The attempt to stop the game almost resulted in a riot. Yale's faculty championed the ancient prerogative of the collegians to play upon the the Green and questioned the legality of the city's ordinance. Debate and discussion raged for several days, and only ter- minated when the players leased a lot on Elm Street and abandoned all further claim to the use of the Green. Upon this lot a game was played in October between the classes of 1874 and 1875— Sheffield. The effect upon the univer- sity of an orderly game was profound. The editor of "Memorabilia Yalensia," in the Yale Literary Magazine, with the unconscious inspiration of prophecy said of this contest: "The time is not far distant when the memorabilist shall be compelled to devote as much space to football as he now reserves for the two kindred sports." Eight days later, or, to be precise, as such a notable event deserves, Octo- ber 31, 1872, a great mass meeting was held at Yale, in which was organized the Yale Football Association with the following staff of officers: President, David. S. Schaff, '73; Secretary, Henry D. Bristol, '74; Captain, David S. Schaff, '73. Equally important, this meeting also formulated the following set of rules to govern football at Yale: 1. The grounds shall be 400 feet long by 250 feet broad. 2. The goal-posts shall be 8 paces apart. 3. The number of players in match games shall be 20 to a side. FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 55 4. To a game 5 of 9 goals are necessary. To secure a goal the ball must pass between the posts. 5. No player shall pick up, throw, or carry the ball on any part of the field. Any violation of this regulation shall constitute a foul and the player so offending shall throw the ball perpendicularly into the air from the place where the foul occurred and the ball shall not be in play until it touches the ground. 6. When the ball is caught in the air an adversary may strike it from the hands of the player so catching it. 7. When the ball passes the limits, the person touching it first shall throw it from a spot 6 paces from, and at right angles to, the boundary-line at the place where it went over, and the ball shall not be in play until it has touched the ground. Further, the player throwing the ball shall not play upon it until it has been played upon. When thrown, the players shall be between the ball and their goal. 8. When the ball passes the limits within 6 paces from the goal-posts it shall be carried out by the player first touching it 15 paces in front of the boundary-line and thrown by him into the air under the same conditions as a foul ball (Rule 5). 9. No tripping shall be allowed, nor shall any player use his hands to push or hold an adversary. 10. The winner of the toss shall have first kick-off and choice of goals. The ball shall be placed fifteen paces from the centre of the field toward the starter's goal. In canting the ball must be kicked and not " babied." No player on the canting side shall be in advance of a line passing through the ball and parallel to the base-line, nor shall any player on the opposite side come within 10 paces of the line. 11. No player shall wear projecting nails, iron plates, or gutta-percha on the soles of his shoes. 12. There shall be two judges for each goal, and a referee to whom all disputes shall be referred. / 66 FOOTBALL Thus the autumn of 1872 presented football organized and codified at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. An exami- nation of these three codes discloses that many features at each institution were original, but that Princeton and Yale followed generally the Association rules, while Harvard endeavored to effect a combination of features from the Rugby as well as the Association games. It was now only a step to intercollegiate strife. Princeton challenged Colum- bia, Rutgers, and Yale. Columbia declined, Rutgers ac- cepted, and while Princeton and Yale were conferring in an attempt to harmonize their respective codes as a basis for a game the faculties at both institutions arose in high indig- nation at the proposition to take fifteen men away from their studies for an afternoon and peremptorily forbade the contest to take place. To-day when Princeton meets Yale thou- sands leave their books, business halts, legislatures lack a quorum, courts adjourn, and faculties occupy the front seats. Although a contest between Princeton and Yale was forbidden, peace was made with the powers to such an extent that Princeton was permitted to play Rutgers and Yale was allowed to play Columbia. As this latter game marks the Blue's first appearance in intercollegiate football it presents a contest so historic that it is entitled to repro- duction as fully as records and recollections will permit. Columbia vs. Yale New Haven, November 16, 1872 COLUMBIA YALE G. M. Speir, 73. C. S. Hemingway, 73. C. W. R. Moore, 73. W. F. McCook, 73. D. Thompson, 73. E. S. Miller, 73. P. H. McMahon, 73. J. P. Peters, 73. B. M. Whitlock, 73. J. P. Piatt, 73. A. B. Simons, 73. H. A. Strong, 73. B. J. Aymar, 73. R. D. A. Parrot, 74. FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 57 COLUMBIA YALE H. M. Webb, 73. H. D. Bristol, 74. W. Fales, 73. R. W. Kelley, 74. E. I. Frost, 74. P. A. Porter, 74. R. C. Cornell, 74. J. L. Scudder, 74. E. S. Rapallo, 74. C. H. Avery, 75. G. C. Koble, 74. A. Hotchkist,, 75. F. Lacey, 74. J. A. R. Dunning, 74. T. C. Van Buren, 75. T. T. Sherman, 74. T. C. Bach, 75. H. R. Elliott, 71. O. D. Smith, 75. S. L. Boyce, 73. H. K. Blake, 75. L. W. Irwin, 73. C. King, 75. W. S. Halsted, 74. F. S. Williams, 75. H. A. Oaks, 75. H. R. Marshall, 73. H. Scudder, 72. Referees, the Captains: H. R. Marshall, 73, Columbia; H. R. Elliott, 71, Yale. Judges: F. S. Weeks, 73; S. C. Bushnell, 74, Yale. Score: Columbia 0, Yale 3. The game was played at Hamilton Park. The throng of collegians who began to assemble about half-past two o'clock found a playing space of 400 by 200 feet enclosed with a rope. In a few minutes both teams appeared. It was announced that D. S. Schaff, Yale's .captain, would be unable to play because of an injury. The teams were com- posed of fifteen players upon each side. The captains call the players together and agree that the match shall be determined by the side first winning five goals out of nine. Thereupon the coin is tossed and H. R. Elliott, the acting Yale captain, sets an illustrious precedent for Yale to follow in years to come by win- ning the toss. He chooses the south goal. The teams then deploy upon the field. It is at once noticed that each 58 FOOTBALL team presents an entirely different tactical arrangement. Columbia details four men to guard their goal and masses the rest of the players in the middle of the field. Yale sta- tions two men in goal, known as " goal-tends." Five paces from them four more are stationed to support the goal- tends, and some distance farther five other players are arranged in the shape of a crescent as a further protection to the goal. Far down in Columbia's goal also stand two Yale men to check Columbia's goal-tends when the ball comes within striking distance. These two men Yale calls " peanutters." The rest of her players, called ''rushers," are scattered over the field. Piatt for Yale makes a long kick-off, or "cant." The rushers immediately follow up the ball, but Columbia's mass of players surround and force it close to Yale's goal. A Yale goal-tend gets it and kicks it to the side of one of the five supporters, who in the same way passes it to a fielder and in an instant it is in Co- lumbia's goal, thereby demonstrating the superiority of the Yale system of team play. The fielder delivers it to the "rushers," who drive it down to the "peanutters." Here Sherman for Yale lifts the ball straight as a bullet over the heads of the Columbia men squarely between the goal-posts. The details of play that ensued throughout the afternoon have not been recorded, but fancy pictures the sharp cants, the reckless and random dashes for the ball, the personal collisions of the players, the long sailing kicks, and the press of Yale men before Columbia's goal as one and two more goals are forced through. The chroniclers in the Yale Courant and the Record tell us that Columbia's men were stronger and more athletic, but that Yale's team played with better craft and precision. Consequently Yale won. At the close of the game the crowd enthusiastically cheered both teams and the oflScials and left the field strong in their advocacy of football as an additional college sport. Two FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 59 hours later both teams sat down together to a savory supper at Lockwood's. The spring of 1873 found football at Harvard sharing equally in interest with intra-university baseball. A series of class and club games had been organized under Harvard's peculiar code. These contests were waged upon Boston Common. The keenness of the contests and the enjoyment of the spectators are perhaps best indicated by the fact that the citizens of Boston who resided around the Common presented a petition to the municipal authorities of Boston calling upon them to suppress the "intolerable noises" and " to put down the games." Strange to say, the city fathers of Boston gravely answered this petition by passing a ponder- ous ordinance that closed the Common to Harvard. There- upon the collegians transferred their arena to famous old Jarvis Field at Cambridge, where it was to remain for many a long and happy year. With the arrival of autumn a movement was started at Princeton to form an intercollegiate football league and adopt a uniform code of rules. Accordingly invitations were sent to Columbia, Harvard, Rutgers, and Yale to meet for that purpose at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, Octo- ber 19, 1873. All of the colleges accepted except Harvard, which courteously answered that its game was so at variance with that played at the other institutions that no advantage could come from their attendance. This convention was held upon the day appointed and the following delegates were present: Princeton, T. G. Ricketts, 74, 1. H. Lion- berger, 75; Rutgers, Howard N. Fuller, 74, John W. Sear- ing, 74; Yale, William S. Halsted, 74, Peter A. Porter, 74. Columbia had chosen representatives, but the gentlemen did not appear. The convention after a thorough discussion decided not to form a league, but resolved to draft a common code of rules, leaving the scheduling of games thereunder 60 FOOTBALL to the independent action of each college represented. This code, consisting of twelve rules, rather a compact body of football law in comparison with the voluminous rule books of modern times, was adopted as follows: 1. The ground shall be 400 feet long by 250 feet broad. 2. The distance between the posts of each goal shall be 25 feet. 3. The number for match games shall be 20 to a side. 4. To win a game 6 goals are necessary, but that side shall be considered the victors which, when the game is called, shall have scored the greatest number of goals, provided that number be 2 or more. To secure a goal the ball must pass between the posts. 5. No player shall throw or carry the ball. Any viola- tion of this regulation shall constitute a foul, and the player so offending shall throw the ball perpendicularly into the air to a height of at least 12 feet and the ball shall not be in play until it has touched the ground. 6. When a ball passes out of bounds it is a foul, and the player causing it shall advance at right angles to the boun- dary-line, 15 paces from the point where the ball went, and shall proceed as in rule V. 7. No tripping shall be allowed, nor shall any player use his hands to hold or push an adversary. 8. The winners of the toss shall have the choice of first goal, and the sides shall change goals after every succes- sive inning. In starting the ball it shall be fairly kicked, not "babied," from a point 150 feet in front of the starter's goal. 9. Until the ball is kicked no player on either side shall be in advance of a line parallel to the line of his goal and distant from it 150 feet. 10. There shall be two judges, one from each of the con- FOOTBALL IN THE ^SEVENTIES 61 testing colleges, and one referee; all to be chosen by the captains. IL No player shall wear spikes or iron plates upon his shoes. 12. In all match games a No. 6 ball shall be used, fur- nished by the challenging side and to become the property of the victors. A comparison of these rules with the former codes in- dicates a substantial advance in the scientific arrangement of the game. Only three games, however, were played under these rules in 1873. Their data are: Yale, 3; Columbia, 1; at New Haven, Oct. 25, 1873. Princeton, 3; Yale, 0; at New Haven, Nov. 15, 1873. Rutgers, 5; Columbia, 4; at New Brunswick, Nov. 15, 1873. The game in this list which most impressively attracts the eye is Princeton vs. Yale, the first of America's great football classics.* But Yale waged another game in this year which also was destined to exercise a profound influence in the develop- ment of the intercollegiate game in after years. This was a game with Eton. The latter was a team composed of old Etonians under the captaincy of G. C. Allen, which visited New Haven, November 17, 1873. A special set of rules was devised for the contest, which included portions of Yale's code and portions of the Eton code. Among the latter was a provision that eleven men should constitute a side, that having been the established number at Eton in both the Wall and Field Games from earliest times. An interesting game resulted, which Yale won, two goals to none, but the historical importance of this contest lies in the fact that to * See Part II, Princeton vs. Yale. m FOOTBALL i\ t definitely may be traced the origin seven years later of the V famous feature of American football, the eleven. Although the rules of 1873 had been auspiciously launched the experience of a single season doomed them to failure. No intercollegiate games, therefore, were played thereunder in 1874, but another event occurred in this year to make it one of the most memorable in the annals of American football. The captain of McGill University's team at Montreal in the spring of 1874 was David Rodger. This energetic young Canadian conceived the idea of invading the United States with his team and accordingly sent a courteous challenge to Harvard, inviting the football men thereof to play McGill two games, the first at Cambridge in the following May under the All-Canada code, a modifica- tion of Rugby, and the second at Montreal in the fall un- der the Harvard rules. The receipt of this challenge aroused great enthusiasm at Harvard, but it was ascertained that the faculty would not permit the players to leave Cam- bridge, during term time. It was suggested to McGill that the two games proposed should be played at Cambridge, and the hope was expressed that in some way an oppor- tunity to return the games might be obtained thereafter. This suggestion Captain Rodger promptly accepted, and both sides commenced preparations for the struggle. The McGill Gazette for May, 1874, contains an account of the spirited practice conducted by McGill with the "Banks" of Montreal, in preparation for Harvard, and as a basis upon which to select the players for the team. At Cambridge Henry R. Grant, 74, Harvard's original 'varsity captain, likewise was drilling his men nightly upon Jarvis Field. The Advocate published in full the Canadian rules, but said, " These rules apparently are wholly unscientific and unsuited to colleges." Nevertheless interest in the contest grew day by day. The Magenta, an obsolete publication at Harvard, FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 63 thus heralds the coming of McGill: "The McGill Uni- versity Football Club will meet the Harvard Club on Jarvis Field, Wednesday and Thursday, May 14th and 15th, in- stant. The game probably will be called at three o'clock. Admittance 50 cents. The proceeds will be devoted to the entertainment of our visitors from Montreal." Captain Rodger and his players arrived the evening before the game. In the preliminaries it was agreed that the first game should be played under Harvard's rules and that the second, upon the following day, should be played according to the All-Canada code. It is unfortunate for the present generation that the college journalists of that time did not appreciate the importance of these international matches. An examination of the periodicals at Cambridge and Montreal reveals little indeed to reward the antiquary, but the recollections of surviving players have made it possible partially to reconstruct these two famous games. The first contest was played under Harvard's rules. The game was called at four o'clock on Jarvis Field, in the presence of a large throng of collegians. May 14, 1874. Captain Grant, of Harvard, won the toss and chose the north goal, which was backed by a slight wind. The "warnings" were kicked off promptly and Harvard began to work the ball toward McGill's goal. In five minutes Harvard scored. McGill then kicked off, and in this interval improved greatly in its use of the Harvard rules, but their opponents eventually began to increase in strength, and the Canadians once more were beaten into their goal, where Harvard scored. The third clash brought out the best play- ing of the day, the interval lasting twelve minutes and ter- minating with a third goal by Harvard. The game then was called. The following day the second game was played, but ac- cording to the All-Canada code, thus presenting the first 64 FOOTBALL intercollegiate game of Rugby football in the United States. This historic struggle, so far as it now may be constructed, was played as follows: HARVARD H. C. Leeds, 77. F. E. Randall, 74. F. Lyman, 74. H. L. Morse, 74. W. C. Sanger, 74. A. L. Goodrich, 74. A. L. Rives, 74. A. T. Cabot, 72. A. B. Ellis, 75. M. L. Gate, 77. F. H. Lombard, 74. H. R. Grant, 74. W. A. Whiting, 77. R. Gray, 75. W. R. Tyler, 74. Harvard vs. McGill Cambridge, May 15, 1874. McGILL Forward O'H. Baynes, Law. " G. E. Jenkins, Law. R. W. Huntington, Law. D. E. Bowie, Law. " H. Joseph, Arts. R. P. Pattee, Med. " R. A. MacDonald, Med. E. G. Henderson, Med. C. R. Jones, Med. P. J. Goodhue, Med. Half-back H. W. Thomas, Arts. " " St. G. Boswell, Science. Back David Roger, Science. J. B. Abbott, Law. C. J. Fleet, Law. Judges: H. G. Hubbard, 73, Harvard; Mr. Henshaw, McGill. Score: Harvard 0, McGill 0. McGill wins the toss and selects the upper goal. The Canadians also win the second toss and take the ball. Owing to this being spherical instead of the usual Rugby oval, the latter not being obtainable in Boston, the visitors experience much difficulty in accustoming themselves to it. The ball is kicked off. Harvard gets it and rushes pell- mell up the field, but the McGill men tackle the runner and bring him quickly to earth. A scrummage forms. Har- vard, being unacquainted with the rules, is thrown upon the defensive, the Canadians getting the ball each time out of FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 65 scrummage, but Harvard's players tackle boldly and well, thus holding the Canadians to little gains. The play is very exciting to the spectators, who frequently rise and cheer the good plays of the day. Harvard's embarrassment wears away, and closely imitating the tactics of McGill, Harvard soon is taking the offensive. The tide of battle surges up and down the field, but the defence on both sides is stubborn, and so the game comes to an end without a score. The spectators cheer both teams and the officials, and the first intercollegiate game under Rugby rules is over. This game, crude as it was, still was sufficient to demon- strate to all the surpassing superiority of the Rugby rules. In fact the merits of the Canadian's play was the chief topic of discussion at Harvard for many a day. The depth of the impression may be realized from a comment which appeared at that time in the Advocate, which reviewed the McGill game: "Football will be a popular game here in the future. The Rugby game is in much better favor than the somewhat sleepy game now played by our men." Dur- ing the year the Rugby rules thoroughly were tried, and in the fall of 1875 Harvard abandoned its old game and plunged wholly into the Rugby counterpart. So enthusi- astic were the players that they eagerly discussed the sub* ject of a game with Yale. Finally this suggestion assumed a definite shape, and a challenge was forwarded to New Haven, inviting the Blue to meet the Crimson under the-sV Rugby Union Rules. Yale promptly accepted the challenge, but demanded certain modifications in that code. As a re- sult conferrees from the two universities met at Springfield, October 16, 1875, and fixed November 13, 1875, as the date of the game and New Haven as the place. The confer- rees then proceeded to draft a special set of rules for this game, based upon the Rugby code. From the concessions granted to Yale by Harvard in making these modifications / 66 FOOTBALL the rules when finally framed were designated as the " Con- cessionary Rules." This game was played as scheduled and created great inter- est at New Haven, Harvard winning by four goals to none.* The year of 1876, memorable as the centennial of Ameri- can independence, also marks for the collegian the formal establishment of the present game of intercollegiate football. The "Concessionary Rules" devised by Harvard and Yale in the preceding year appear grotesque now, but they were profoundly impressive to the collegians of that period. Among those who witnessed that original Harvard- Yale game were two Princeton players, W. Earle Dodge, '79, and Jotham Potter, 77. These men perceived beneath the curi- osities of the" Concessionary Rules" the meritorious features of the Rugby Union code, upon which the former were founded, and decided that the latter afforded the only set of rules upon which it would be possible for the colleges to unite. It was a difficult labor for these two pioneers to break down the prejudice and sentiment at Princeton in favor of the old rules of 1873, under which Princeton regu- larly had been victorious. "We stand to lose much and gain little by a change," said the Nassau Literary Magazine, -voicing the college opinion. Nevertheless, the agitation vigorously was maintained until it culminated in a turbulent mass meeting November 2, 1876, at which Princeton voted by a close majority to adopt the Rugby game and to issue an invitation to Columbia, Harvard, and Yale to meet in convention at Springfield for the purpose of forming an intercollegiate association and adopting a uniform modi- fication of the Rugby Union code. Messrs. Dodge and Potter were selected to execute the will of this meeting. These gentlemen immediately sent out the following invita- tion to the institutions named: * See Part II, Harvard vs. Yale. FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 67 " To the Football Associations of Harvard, Yale, and Co- lumbia: "The Football Association of Princeton College hereby issues a call, requesting the appointment of delegates to meet at the Massasoit House, Springfield, Massachusetts, at 3.00 p. M., upon Thursday, the twenty-third of November, for the purpose of adopting a uniform system of rules, and con- sidering the advisability of forming an Intercollegiate Foot- ball Association. Such Association, if deemed advisable, to consist of the colleges above named and any others which they may elect to admit. "It is generally understood that all the colleges have adopted the Rugby Union Rules, but that each is playing them with some slight variations. The specific object of this call is to establish a system of rules by means of which the colleges shall be enabled to compete with one another at football upon a uniform and satisfactory basis. An early response to this letter of call is especially requested. " Respectfully, "JoTHAM Potter, "W. Earle Dodge, "Princeton, N. J., Nov. 7, 1876." ''Delegates. Favorable replies were received from the colleges and in the meantime attention turned to three great games. The first of these was the contest between Pennsylvania and Princeton at German town, November 11, 1876. For sev- eral years a simple game along Association lines had been played at Philadelphia by the Red and Blue as an unor- ganized campus sport. The game with Princeton, how- ever, was the university's first struggle with a rival. It was played under the rules of 1873 and was won by Princeton, six goals to none. It was in this game that football costumes first were worn, the Pennsylvanians appearing in cricket suits 68 FOOTBALL of white flannel and the Princetonians exhibiting an elaborate costume consisting of a black shirt with orange trimming around the neck and wrists and with a large orange P upon the chest. Black knee pants, black stockings, and baseball shoes completed this primitive but handsome costume. n.The Harvard- Yale game was played at New Haven under full Rugby rules, excepting a modification obtained by Yale that the number of players should be limited to eleven upon each side and that touchdowns should not count in the scoring, but that the result should be determined by goals alone. An incidental feature of interest in this con- test was the appearance of a young Yale Freshman at half- back by the name of Walter Camp, '80. The tactical forma- tion of these eleven men is important, as it was a forerunner of the succeeding evolutions that determined a distinctively American game. Six of the players formed a line of for- wards, or rushers. Behind them were stationed two players known as half-backs, whose duties resembled those of the modern quarter-back, and behind the half-backs stood three other players designated as backs. The ball was put in play at the beginning of the game by a kick which might be a punt, place kick, or drop kick. Thereafter the ball was put in play by a " scrummage," as in English Rugby. This was done by putting the ball on the ground between the two rush lines, no player thereof being permitted to handle the ball. Each line endeavored to work the ball back to the half-backs with the feet. The half-back, as soon as he ob- tained the ball, either ran forward with it or passed it to one of his backs. In such a game where chance governed the possession of the ball in every scrummage there were no signals, and as there was no advantage in retaining the ball, when the runner was checked the ball invariably was passed to another player for a further advance if possible. This game was won by Yale, to the great surprise of Harvard, who FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 69 had previously defeated the leading Rugby teams of Canada. The Yale Courant in a column of exultation thus closed its impressions of the Rugby game: "The gay suits of the players, the wrestling, tumbling, and running, the equestrian feat of the Harvard captain and the leap over his shoulders by a hard-pressed Yale man lent a pleasing variety to the scene suggestive of a Roman circus or hippodrome." An addition to the humor of the occasion also is to be found in one of Harvard's periodicals which gravely informs us that Yale's adherents prevented Harvard from converting Her- rick's touchdown into a goal by swarming upon the field just as the game was closing and carrying away the goal- posts, a statement albeit that is gravely denied by Yale. The intercollegiate convention called by Princeton as- sembled Saturday, November 26, 1876, in the Massasoit House at Springfield. The colleges were represented as follows: Harvard, H. C. Leeds, 77, C. S. Eaton, 78; Columbia, E. W. Price, C. D. H. Brower; Princeton, Jotham Potter, 77, W. Earle Dodge, 79; Yale, E. V. Baker, 77, J. B. At water, 77. Mr. Dodge was chosen as chairman and Mr. Baker as secretary. A resolution was then offered that the institutions present form an intercollegiate associa- tion for the government of football. Yale stoutly opposed this resolution, urging the individual independence of each college. In the vote that followed Yale alone voted nega- tively. It was thereupon decided to consider the association as formed subject to the ratification of the action of the dele- gates by their respective institutions. The great object of the assemblage was then taken up — the adoption of a modifi- cation of the Rugby Union code of rules. Section by section the convention patiently and laboriously went through the code. The longest and most vigorous debate perhaps was that over Rule 7, which read: "A match shall be decided by a majority of goals only." Columbia and Yale contended for the adoption of this rtile verbatim. Harvard and Prince- 70 FOOTBALL ton advocated making three touchdowns equal to one goal. The issue finally resulted in a compromise as follows: "A match shall be decided by a majority of touchdowns; a goal shall be equal to four touchdowns, but in case of a tie a goal kicked from a touchdown shall take precedence over four touchdowns." Rule 59, making the captains the sole arbiters of disputes, was changed so as to provide for a referee and two judges as the officials, one judge to rep- resent each team and the referee to decide the claims of the rival judges. Two other important subjects of debate in this convention were the size of the field of play, which finally was fixed at 140 yards by 70 yards, and the number of players to constitute a side. Yale, recalling its game with Eton, suggested and vigorously advocated the limit as eleven, but the convention voted to retain the Rugby rule, which provided for fifteen. The convention thereupon adjourned. A few days later a mass meeting was held at Yale, at which the Blue decided not to become a member of the Inter- collegiate Football Association. Yale, however, having de- feated Harvard, was eager to meet Princeton. This lat- ter battle occurred at St. George's Cricket Grounds in Hoboken, November 30, 1876, and Yale emerged the vic- tor, thus independently winning the championship in this initial year of the intercollegiate game. Many years later a tablet was placed in the trophy-room at Yale commem- orating the prowess of Eugene V. Baker, '77, the captain under whom these victories were achieved. This tablet reads as follows: m RECOGNITION OF THE SERVICES OF Eugene V. Baker, 77 THE ORGANIZER AND CAPTAIN OF YALE'S FIRST VICTORIOUS FOOTBALL TEAM THIS ROOM HAS BEEN FURNISHED AND THIS TABLET PLACED HERE BY HIS CLASSMATES 1893. FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 71 The following year, 1877, brought no changes in the rules. Yale still remained outside the Association although playing with its members. Pennsylvania did not put a team in the field, but the new game appeared at Amherst and Brown. Two incidental innovations occurred in this year, however, that are worthy of notice. In the Princeton- Harvard game, played at Cambridge, April 28, the Prince- ton players appeared in tightly laced canvas jackets, called "smocks" after their inventor, Ledru P. Smock, 79, of the Princeton team. Of greater interest, the Princetonians wore jerseys of orange and black stripes, thus calling forth from the jungles of fancy the famous tiger which these orange and black stripes suggested. -^ Although the rules remained stationary in 1877, and also in 1878, the game itself underwent numerous profound changes. The native genius of the young American for invention was experimenting in many ways. The most ad- vantageous disposition of the fifteen players received much attention. The more common formation was a line of rushers, or forwards, of nine men, with one quarter-back, two half-backs, one three-quarter-back, and two full-backs. These names, however, were not used wholly at the time. At Harvard the full-backs were known as tends and goal- tends and the half-back as a half-tend. At Princeton the word backs was in use and at Yale both terms, backs and tends, are to be found. The greatest change in the game came in the transition of the English scrummage to the American scrimmage, both in name and in fact. In the scrummage the ball was put in play by placing it upon the ground between the two rush-lines, to be worked out with the foot to a back for a run, pass, or kick. Under this style of play the liability of the ball to bound unexpectedly out of scrummage to either set of backs prevented a prede- termined plan of play. The collegians, however, quickly 72 FOOTBALL discovered that it was possible to bound or snap back the ball with a deft movement of the foot so as to send it ac- curately into the hands of a waiting back, or, by craftily making an opening in their line, to draw their opponents into kicking it through for them. This step was a crude one, it is true, but it was the transitional play that preceded the formal snapping back of the ball by a player designated therefor and now known as the snapper-back. It was in 1878 that football began to attract great crowds of spectators. The Princeton- Yale contest in this year was witnessed by 4,000 persons, an unprecedented assem- blage. The cost of the field was $300. Its payment pro- voked severe criticism in the public and college press as a gross extravagance and a feature of football not to be repeated if the game was to live. Fifteen years later the rental of Manhattan Field in New York for $10,000 for this game did not evoke the incidental notice of a line. " Football is the grand rage," wrote an enthusiast in the Princetonian in September, 1879. The young journalists at New Haven thought no differently, for with the opening of Yale the News called for a mass meeting to accomplish certain changes in the rules. This meeting was held Octo- ber 3. Resolutions were passed advocating the reduction of the players from fifteen to eleven, the counting of safeties in the scoring against the side making them, and the enlarge- ment of the playing field to a rectangle 400 feet by 200 feet. Yale's delegate was instructed to attend the ensuing con- vention of the Association and vigorously press for these reforms. This convention was held at Springfield the following day. The colleges were represented as follows : Harvard, Robert Bacon, '80; Princeton, Bland Ballard, '80; and Yale by Walter Camp, '80. Mr. Camp immediately moved the adoption of the changes advocated by Yale, but Harvard FOOTBALL IN THE 'SEVENTIES 73 and Princeton voted to make no alterations. Yale then formally applied for admission to the Association and im- mediately was made a member. In the playing season of 1879 the feature of kicking reached a perfection that has neve* been surpassed. The ball was kicked at every opportunity not only by the backs but also by the forwards. Not only could every player punt, but he could drop and place-kick with equal facility, and, strange to assert, many were the brilliant kicks m?de of a ball that was bounding along the ground. Many of the backs were proficient kickers with either foot. It was in this year that appeared the method of employing the rushers to carry the ball and the feature of backing one another up so as to receive the ball on a pass. The practice of previous years of blindly throwing the ball backward over one's head was discarded and each player carefully located his associate before making the pass. But the passing was beautiful and most clever. The ball traversed the field from side to side and was delivered with the speed and accuracy of a base- ball. Perhaps the most important innovation of the season, although unrealized at the time, was a method introduced at Princeton and Yale of protecting the runner, called " guard- ing," by sending a player at each side of him, although never in advance, in order to increase the difficulty of tackling, a play easily recognizable as the forerunner of modern interference. In the midst of the popularity of the kicking game, how- ever, a call sounded for a new style of game. An unknown tactician writing in the Princetonian voiced the new idea as follows: "Keeping the ball and working it by by passing, running, and rushing is superior to the kicking game now in vogue. Kicking must be resorted to at times, but to gain by a long punt depends upon the opposite side's failure to make a fair catch, which rarely happens, especially under 74 FOOTBALL the non-interference rule. One thing is certain: as long as one side has the ball, the other cannot score, and when one team kicks the ball the other team is extremely sure to get it." Another feature signalizing the passing of the 70's was the arrival of the germ of the modern training regime, crudely of course, but nevertheless effec!iveras"^idenced by an editorial in the Yale News calling upon Yale's players "to reduce their consumption of tobacco and not to stay up late nights lest they be not hardy enough to win." CHAPTER VI FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES The autumn convention of the Intercollegiate Football Association, held at the Massasoit House, Springfield, Oc tober 12, 1880 , was thrown into consternation by the a ppearance of Columbia, asking for admission to the leagu e. . That such a simple, in fact inevitable, proceeding on the part of a college outside of the circle of membership should cause dismay rather than rejoicing was due to the element of politics which in the late '70s had been introduced into the Association. In those days the great fetich of athletics was the abstract honor of a "championship," and so highly prized was this title and the gilded silk banner which ac- companied it that it never was permitted to go to waste even in those years in which a championship was not mathe- matically apparent. Thus in 1879 Princeton defeated Harvard by one touchdown, but in all the other games be- tween the members of the Association nothing was accom- plished but a number of safeties, which, under the rules in that year, did not affect the score. No actual champion, therefore, was in existence. The Association, however, ingeniously devised a championship for that season by select- ing the winner of the championship in the preceding year — Princeton — and awarding to that college the championship of ,1879 upon the basis of its scores in 18 78, thus establish- in^ a precedent that w as destined to plague the Associa - tion in numerous ways for many years to come. As for Columbia, this institution, it will be remembered, had bee/i one of the original founders of the Association, but sub^- 75 76 FOOTBALL quently had suffered its membership to lapse. Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, therefore,~apprehensively viewed the return of this member to disturb with its vote the poHtical considerations of the league. After a prolonged discussion Columbia finally was admitted, but its power poUtically was nullified by attaching a condition to its membership that Columbia's vote upon any question should not be counted unless that question could be decided without it, and that the other members might remove Columbia at any time from the Association. With this peculiar feat in intercollegiate statesmanship accomplished, the convention proceeded to introduce into football two great changes so radically at variance with the rules and traditions of Rugby, and so profoundly mo- mentous in their effects upon its American offspring, that these two changes fairly may be said to mark the establish- ment of a new style of football, the American intercollegiate game. The first of these was the adoption of the principle so long and stoutly advocated by Yale, that eleven men and not fifteen should constitute a side, and the second was the abplition of the scrummage of the English game and the substitution of the far more mgemous method of putting the ball in play familiar to all to-day as the AmQrican. scrimma ge. This is the device which introduced into our game the principle of an orderly retention of the ball by one side, thereby making possible the use of prearranged strategy, the most distinctive and fascinating characteristic of the American game. It is true that in defining the scrimmage the convention did not invent it, but merely extended to it the recognition of the rules. The play itself had been evolving gradually through the genius of the collegians in actual play. The immediate result of this legislation was a mighty impetus to the development of tactics. While the rules of FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 77 1880 provided for the retention of the ball they did not provide for its surrender. Unless the ball was kicked or fumbled it might be retained indefinitely by the side in possession of it. This precisely was what occurred in the Princeton- Yale game of that year. In the second half Princeton was being hard pressed near its goal. Captain Loney suddenly directed his players not to kick or to pass the ball, but to hold it. Thus, unable to gain a yard of ground, the Orange and Black retained the ball throughout the remainder of the game, thereby forcing the contest to terminate in a draw at to 0. In the struggle Princeton made eleven safeties and Yale six, but safeties were not counted as scoring plays until 188L As soon as the game had terminated, Princeton disclosed the object of its peculiar tactics, which came to be designated as the " block game," by claiming the championship for 1880 in accordance with the precedent established in 1879. Yale, equally skilful in the casuistry of fine football logic, admitted that the princi- ple of a continuing right by which Princeton claimed the championship was correct, but that Princeton was misap- plying it. Since the game of 1880 was played with only eleven men, this right of a championship should revert to the last preceding year in which it had been won with eleven men upon a side, which was the year of 1876. There- fore it was Yale and not Princeton which was entitled to the championship of 1880. The public press took the con- troversy seriously and joined in the battle of debate. In January, 1881, Princeton issued a ponderous argument in support of its contention, but closed with a curt challenge to Yale to play off the tie in the ensuing month of April. This challenge was not accepted, and so the controversy continued to rage until finally buried beneath the accumu- lation of time, although among the older generation of foot- ball men it occasionally breaks out even to this day. 78 FOOTBALL These were the times in which the names of the positions were originating. As early as 1877 the players at the extrem- ities of the line had been called the " end men," and slightly later the adjacent players as "next to end." The English game had brought with it the names of half-backs and backs, and the rules of 1880 designated formally two players to be known as the snapper-back and the quarter-back, the former of which naturally became located in the center of the line — originally known as forwards and later as rushers — and thus also became known as the centre rush. It was quickly noticed that the two players adjacent to the centre rush guarded him when he snapped the ball, and so these two players were called the guards. Similarly the collegians of the period were not long in observing that the "next to ends" more frequently made tackles than the other players because of the opportunities of their positions, and so these players were designated as tackles. Although these names were in standard use for many years, it was not until 1909 that they were recognized formally by the rules. In 1881 football might be said to have become a well-estab- lished college game, although still confined to the larger institutions. This year particularly is memorable because of the invasion of the east by an eleven from the University of Michigan, which played formidable games with Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. But there were three other incidents to make memorable this season of 1881. The first was the appearance of the professional trainer, a character who caused an avalanche of adverse criticism until he finally passed into the commonplace personages of the sport. The second was the invention by Princeton of the " touch -in-goal " to thwart the new rule which made the safety touchdown count adversely in the scoring, and the third incident was the playing by Princeton and Yale of the famous "block FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 79 game/* The safety originally was merely an incidental play in defensive tactics. When made it in nowise affected the score, but permitted a team to put the ball in play at the 25-yard line. Hence a team which had the ball nearer to its own goal-line deliberately made a safety and then moved out to the 25-yard line. With the passage of the rule making an excess over four safeties a factor in deciding an otherwise tie game, Princeton discovered that this rule could be evaded by touching down in the corners enclosed by a projection of the side line and the goal-line, the touch-in- goal. But it is the "block game" that chiefly made history in 188L Princeton and Yale had been struggling only four and a half minutes when the former obtained the ball, and the "block game" was in action. The orange-striped runners hit the line and tried the ends, but not a yard could they gain. Not once did the runner pass the ball to an associate or kick it to an opponent, the Tigers thus retaining the ball until the end of the half and without making a total gain of 10 yards in forty minutes of play. Yale started with the ball in the second half, and that period ended as it began, not one Princeton player getting his hands on the ball throughout the half, Yale declining to kick and not having the misfortune to fumble, and not being able to drive the ball forward more than 20 yards throughout the afternoon. This game of course ended in a tie at to 0. Princeton at once claimed the championship on the basis of the last de- cisive year, 1878. Yale demanded the honor because its record against Harvard was better than that of Princeton, the scores having been : Princeton 1 safety. Harvard 1 safety, Yale 0, Harvard 4 safeties. Yale's theory of the situation prevailed and the Blue was awarded the championship. But the public desired something more than a political championship. It demanded action, and a great clamor broke out against the "block game." A notable sugges- 80 FOOTBALL tion appeared in a metropolitan newspaper which was widely reprinted in the college press. It was entitled " Letter of an Englishman," and said : " The block-game is an unmitigated evil. It can be remedied by allowing a team only four scrimmages, the ball then to change oppo- nents, who may put it down or punt. A touch-in-goal should count the same as a safety." Another suggestion which furnished the complement to this proposition appeared in the Princetonian under the title "Suggestions." Here an unknown football inventor said: "The block game is not football. Further, running and dodging on the part of the backs has become impossible because opponents bring up four backs into the line. The players should be assigned places and made to keep them. It might be agreed that when one side has had the ball twice in succession the half- back on the third down should be compelled either to kick or to forfeit the ball. A game decided by safeties is merely a negative victory." The pressure became so great that a special convention of the association was called early in 1882, but the representa- tives failed to agree upon a remedy. However, incidentally they established the famous fixture of a Thanksgiving Day game in New York by ruling that the two leading teams each season should play their championship game in the following year at that time and place. The fall convention of the association met at Springfield, October 14, 1882. Vigorously grappling with the "block game" the collegians quickly put it out of existence by the adoption of a rule which gave the final cleavage to the basic principles of the old Rugby game and established another fundamental un- derneath the American intercollegiate game. This rule ran as follows: "If on three consecutive fairs and downs a team shall not have advanced the ball five yards or lost ten, they must give up the ball to the other side at the spot FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 81 where the fourth down was made." Not only did this rule save the game, but it increased its circle of supporters, being adopted at this time by Dartmouth and Lafayette. Sentimentally this great rule also is notable, for it was its operation that brought on the lime-line stripes that have earned for our battle-field the name of gridiron. Necessity, the mother of football invention, driven by the five-yard rule and invited by opportunity in an undisturbed possession of the ball during the downs, now made a great advance in tactics and strategy. The first improvement to appear was signals. In the beginning these consisted of sentences. Thus.YaIe*s first signals were two sentences, "Play up sharp, Charlie," and "Look out, quick, Deac." Each one of the sentences indicated a play. The signal was disguised by making any portion of the sentence call for the same play. The captain confused his opponents by omitting first one word and then another. At Princeton in this same period letters were used. Thus a sentence beginning with W, as "What's the matter?" indicated that the ball would be passed to the full-back. At Harvard and Pennsylvania both sentences and letters were employed. In fact it was several years before this style of signalling was superseded by the numerical systems which, appearing about 1885, passed from simplicity to complexity until in recent years an accurate application of the prevailing complicated systems has presented a first-class performance in mathe- matics. The year of 1882 marked the final settlement of the posi- tions of the players into seven forwards, a quarter-back, two half-backs, and a full-back. Prior to the month of November of this season formations varied not only on different teams but also upon the same team. A frequent arrangement was that of six men on the line, three half- backs and two full-backs; another disposition of the players 82 FOOTBALL was that of six forwards, a quarter-back, two half-backs, a three-quarter-back, and a full-back. The Princeton- Yale contest in this year, however, presented the final solution of the problem in the arrangement that has come down to the present time. A prolific source of disputes was the complicated system of scoring, which in several important games left to thfe referee the decision as to the proportion in which touch- downs, goals, and safeties should be valued against one another. This grievance the convention of October 17, 1883, removed by assigning a numerical value to the scoring plays as follows: Safety 1 Touchdown 2 Goal following touchdown 4 Goal from field 5 These values lasted only one season, when they were amended by increasing the safety to 2, the touchdown to 4, and by decreasing the goal following touchdown to 2, an arrangement that existed without change until 1897. The playing season of 1884 was opened gayly by the Harvard Lampoon, which introduced its team as follows: " Harvard will be represented by a team this fall that is light and portable. It can be packed in a bandbox and shipped to any point at trifling expense. After a good deal of hard training it may be possible to send them even by mail pro- vided permission can be obtained to send live bait through the mail." It was this levity at Cambridge, perhaps, which especially stimulated football that autumn at Pennsylvania and inspired the Red and Blue to make unusual prepara- tions to meet Harvard. Although Pennsylvania had adopted football as early as 1876, and frequently had had the ad- vantage of the presence upon its teams of famous Princeton FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 83 and Yale players who after graduation at their alma mater had taken professional courses at Pennsylvania, the game held only a minor position. This was due to the extraor- dinary interest at the university in rowing and cricket. The special campaign of 1884 was not without its reward, for in a great battle with the Crimson at Cambridge, October 22, 1884, Pennsylvania defeated Harvard 4 to and tasted its first great victory upon the gridiron. While these signal events were transpiring another nota- ble stride in football was taking place at Lehigh, where Richard Harding Davis, '86, and Wm. Bradford, '87, were organizing that university's first team and preparing to meet Lafayette in the first struggle of these now classic rivals. Tactically, this was the year that produced the famous " V Trick," the original wedge and forerunner of the mass play. Strange to say, this highly ingenious and compli- cated formation was not the result of long and laborious study, but was conceived suddenly in the crisis of a close game and put into immediate execution. This game was the contest between Pennsylvania and Princeton, October 25, 1884, and the inventor of the play was R. M. Hodge, '86, of Princeton. The latter has given this account of the origin of this great formation : " In the middle of the game Captain Bird, of Princeton, had called upon Baker, '85, a half-back, to run behind the rush-line, which charged seven abreast down the field. It was an old play and gained little ground against Pennsylvania the second time it was used. It suddenly struck me that if the rush-line would jump into the shape of a V with the apex forward and with Baker inside, the formation ought to gain ground. A con- sultation immediately was held, and upon the next play the formation tried. Baker ploughing forward within the V from midfield to the five-yard line. We then reserved this formation for the Yale game, Lamar making within it a I 84 FOOTBALL long gain on the opening play. The next year the V was not used, but was revived in 1886. By 1888 it had come into general use throughout the country and in 1889 was the standard opening play with every eleven." The V as finally perfected was formed by the eleven players taking positions in a solid V-shaped mass, apex forward, the arms of the players encircling the bodies of one another. The play formed ten yards back from the opponents' rush-line. The player with the ball stood at the apex of the V. When all were ready the ball was techni- cally kicked off by being touched to the toe and ground simultaneously, but without being released. The mass then started heavily forward, the player with the ball disappeared within it, and the opponents charged. Breaking one of these ponderous machines was not gentle play, since this could be accomplished only by throwing oneself directly in front of the mass and upsetting its apex while other players crushed in its flanks. Such a play was in direct dis- regard of the old rule of off-side play which forbade a player of the offensive side to block an opponent while in advance of the ball, but custom gradually had been nullifying this rule with the evolution of "guarding" and "warding" into "interference." The interferers originally were restrained at the side of the runner, but as officials relaxed in enforc- ing the rule against off-side play the interferers gradually moved more and more forward until finally they preceded the runner and the rule against such a formation was con- sidered dead. With the opening of the new year of 1885 football received a great shock at the hands of Harvard's faculty, which abol- ished the sport. The effect, however, was only momentary, for at the convention of the Association in February both Pennsylvania and Wesleyan applied for admission to the league and both unanimously were accepted. Notwith- FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 85 standing the loss of Harvard a substantial increase in public \; interest was accorded football in this autumn. Previously the attendance had been confined to collegians and to a small portion of the general public. In this year the Princeton- Yale game for the first time since the inception of the series was played upon college grounds, the contest being scheduled in New Haven and not in New York. As a re- sult the game for the first time in its history assumed a de- cided social feature and attracted many ladies. The good fortune of the occasion further was augmented by a mar- vellous game terminating in the celebrated run of Henry C. Lamar, of Princeton, which converted defeat into victory at the last moment, thereby affording the spectators a pleasant and picturesque memory of a meritorious sport from which to speak its praises through the ensuing winter. The first effect of this good impression happily was upon Harvard's faculty, for that august body, January 5, 1886, removed its ban upon the game and football again was flourishing at Cambridge. A picturesque feature of football to pass in 1885 was the institution of the judges . When the Rugby game was "Srdopted in l576,^!re English rule making the captains the judges of the play was superseded by an arrangement by which each team was to be represented by an official of its A)wn selection to be known as a judge, both teams to select third official to be designated as the referee, whose duties should be to decide the claims and disputes of the judges. fAs was natural, the judges soon developed into a pair of football lawyers, selected as much for their argumentative ability as for their knowledge of the game. The clamorous claims of these gentlemen and their continuous counsels to their clients as to the manner best to circumvent the op- position are recalled with humor by those who remember this primitive feature of the game. The zeal of the judges 86 FOOTBALL eventually worked their extinction. Thus we find in 1885 and 1886 only one official, the referee, conducting the entire judicial duties of the game. The system of an umpire and a referee dates from 1888. The linesman was added in the great revolution of the game that occurred in 1894. Twice during the history of the game experiments have been made with two umpires. The first was abandoned as a failure years ago and the second, instituted in 1906, also was abolished the following year, but the extra offi- cial was preserved in the present field judge. Another spectacular heritage from the old Rugby game that was leg- islated out of existence in 1885 was the " maul-in-goal." This classical device of old English football is too intricate for description, but suffice it to say that it was as rough as it sounds. Only one event occurred in 1887 to signalize that year in the annals of football, but that event was naught else than the appearance of Cornell in its first gridiron battle, a game waged with Union, at Ithaca, November 12, 1887, upon the site now occupied by Stimson Hall. The final momentous session of football's legislature in the decade of the '80s was the convention of March 3, 1888. Although this body introduced only four changes in the rules, two of these were of such a character that they radically changed the course of development of the game. These radical amendments was the rule prohibiting the defensive rush-line from clasping hands and stretching out across the field like a chain, and the rule which e:|- tended tackling from the waist to the knees. Up to this time rush-lines on offence had stretched across the field so widely that the players could touch one another only with outstretched arms. Occasionally the distance would be greater. The backs played far back and as far out as their ends, taking the ball on long side passes. Defensively the rush-line spread so as to cover opponents. The low len ;he\ FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 87 tackle had introduced a defensive weapon into the game so powerful that the day of individual rushing and easy dodg- ing was gone. To restore the balance between the offence and defence the rush-line was now contracted until the mej stood shoulder to shoulder and the backs were brought within four yards of the line for the quick plunges into the line that the new game required. And thus passed the beautiful, open style of game recalled so fondly by the older generation of collegians, and in its place came the mass play, ugly and uncouth in construction, but which, designed to be useful rather than handsome, overcame the iuw tackle and won its long list of victories. Ingenious indeed were the inventions that immediately appeared along this new line of tactical development. Princeton devised the play now familiarly known as "box- ing the tackle," although originally called the "split-the- line-open" play, simple now but surprisingly formidable and effective when first used against Yale in 1888, sending Cowan on the first trial of it to the Blue's five-yard line from midfield, only to be brought back because the oflScials could not reconcile its strangeness to the rules. Yale, equally constructive, conceived the idea of sending a player in advance of the runner through the line, commonplace now but revolutionary and irresistible when first disclosed, also notable because it abandoned the last vestige of regard for the old Rugby principle forbidding a player to block opponents while in advance of the ball. On defence a great advance was made by placing a half-back immediately behind each tackle, thus presenting a new invention in the game, a secondary defence. But if the '80s were to come to a close in a brilliant dis- play of achievements in strategy, this decade was destined to pass out in a still more impressive exhibition of the game's spectacular side features. The playing season of rfcou/)oiU)yji^^ 88 FOOTBALL 1889 found Harvard and Princeton facing the campaign with unusually limited material because of the graduation of many old players. Within the first few days of the autumn, however, two of Princeton^s veterans returned for post- graduate work and two famous football players matricu- lated as special students. The outlook at Harvard improved with the accretion of two veterans from the professional departments and another veteran, a special, who extended his course of study. At New Haven football also was stimulated by the recruitment of four veterans who were pursuing courses in the professional departments. Up to this time no serious objection had been made to the play- ing of post-graduates and specials although the subject of hoary and aged veterans upon rival teams long had been a prolific source of humorous comment by the college wits. The presence of such a galaxy of graduates in 1889 created wide criticism and a stern demand for reform. To sur- charge the atmosphere rumors of professionalism were rife. As a result Wesleyan and Yale early in November united in a call for a special convention of the Association to de- termine "certain questions of amateur standing." This meeting was held at the old Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, November 4, 1889. In behalf of Yale, Walter Camp introduced an elaborate set of resolutions on eligibility pro- hibiting any student from playing upon a team of the As- sociation unless he was attending a certain number of reci- tations each week, and any student who had participated in athletics for pay. Duncan Edwards, of Princeton, promptly moved to amend these resolutions by including all students in professional departments and all post-graduates. This amendment if adopted would have disqualified four players at Harvard, four at Pennsylvania, and four at Yale. H. C. Leeds, of Harvard, claimed that such an amendment was out of order because the meeting was called to consider only FOOTBALL IN THE 'EIGHTIES 89 questions of amateur standing. This point was sustained. John C. Bell, of Pennsylvania, moved the adoption of that portion of Mr. Camp's resolutions which required a player's attendance upon a certain number of recitations a week. Harvard objected to this because it was not germane to the call of the convention, but the point was not sustained. Princeton then attempted to widen the scope of the resolu- tions by prohibiting a student at one college from subse- quently playing upon the team of another, but a point of order by Harvard was sustained and the amendment was rejected. Thereupon the resolutions were passed. Slowly and impressively Mr. Leeds now arose and pre- sented protests against fifteen of Princeton's players. The latter's representatives immediately retaliated by filing charges against four of Harvard's men. At this juncture the convention adjourned for ten days in order to afford the protested players opportunity to answer the charges. The sensation throughout the intercollegiate world pro- duced by this convention was the dominant topic in the in- terim. In fact the aspects of the controversy, humorously and bitterly treated, occupied more space in the public press than was accorded a complication in international politics that occurred at the same time. As a result the re- assembling of this convention upon the date appointed attracted a great crowd of collegians and newspaper men to the corridors of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The conven- tion was called to order behind closed doors. The protested Harvard players were in attendance for oral examination. No sooner had the convention been called to order than Edwards, of Princeton, jumped to his feet and moved to lay the protests upon the table. F. G. Beattys, who repre- sented Wesleyan, announced that before he voted upon this motion he desired an opportunity to examine the evidence which Harvard would produce against Princeton's players. 90 FOOTBALL Mr. Leeds thereupon invited him to withdraw for that pur- pose and the convention took a recess. A few minutes later these gentlemen returned and the session was called to order. The motion to table was put and Wesleyan voted to table the protests. Since Pennsylvania and Princeton voted aJBSrmatively and Harvard and Yale negatively, this famous episode ended and the convention adjourned. Two days later Harvard and Princeton met in a great battle on Jarvis Field at Cambridge, the excitement surrounding which had been heightened enormously by these events. From this battle Princeton emerged the victor. Four days later a great mass meeting was held at Harvard, at which it was voted that the university should sever its connection with the Intercollegiate Football Association. The Crim- son's resignation immediately was forwarded, thus begin- ning the disintegration of the association. CHAPTER VII FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES The stirring events which brought to a close the decade of the '80s continued their course unabated in January, 1890. The intercollegiate world was disturbed by persist- ent rumors that Yale also would withdraw from the Inter- collegiate Football Association and with Harvard form a "dual league" in all branches of sport. Color was given to these reports by a number of conferences held at Spring- field by these two institutions, but the atmosphere was event- ually cleared by the announcement that they had completed an arrangement only for their mutual contests, and this soon was supplemented by a further statement from Yale that the latter had no intention of withdrawing from the league. Notwithstanding this rupture in the political department of football the season of 1890 brought a remarkable develop- "K ment in the tactics of play. The plan of sending a man through the line in advance of the runner became general. Most memorable of all, however, was the invention by Yale of the most perfect system of interference in end running the game ever has known. The ingeniousness of the Blue's method lay in the employment of a heavy lineman to lead the interference, who sprang from his position in the line at the snap of the ball, but the effectiveness of the play unquestionably lay in the extraordinary skill of the line- man selected, who was none other than W. W. Heffelfinger. This swarthy giant still looms vividly through the lapse of years, his ears protected by a broad white bandage and his great frame ranging swiftly up and down the field, pushing, 91 } 92 FOOTBALL pulling, and blocking, continually exhorting his comrades to action and repeatedly performing the astounding feat of ripping apart his adversary's rush-line, reaching back for his runner and carrying him through his own opening and pell-mell down the field, a veritable Theseus of mental and physical action. Equally brilliant in the execution of this play and of a feint for end which terminated in a dash be- tween tackle and end was Lee McClung, the two compos- ing a pair of players whose skill and interaction were the chief factors in administering to Princeton the heaviest de- feat ever suffered by the Tiger team. And yet this great strategic eleven of Yale was beaten by Harvard, the first defeat of the Blue by the Crimson excepting their first game in 1875. This was the year in which appeared that famous curiosity of the sport, the affectation of long hair by the players. This custom was defended at the time by the assertion that it was done for protection. Protection, of course, hair from four to eight inches long did afford, nevertheless it was only a fashion. It originated in the humorous proclivities of a player at Princeton who in 1889 raised an enormous crop of hair merely as an act of horse-play. Playing a spectacular game against Harvard, his flaunting, flopping locks were taken seriously by the spectators, and thus this comedian unconsciously set a fashion that the next year swept the country and raged for four years. To such gro- tesqueness did the chrysanthemum crown of the football man grow that to-day it is still the comic type of that per- sonage. In 1895 Yale's eleven startled the spectators who assembled to see the contest with Princeton, by appearing with locks neatly and closely shorn, and instantly long hair went out of fashion in imitation of the latest style. Not only did 1890 bring an advance in the scientific knowledge of the game, but it brought an extensio»4H-4ts I FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 93 circle of competitors. In the East the Army and Navy, or, as they are popularly known. West Point and Annapolis, played their first contest, thus estabhshing that great classic series of games. In the Northwest, Minnesota and Wiscon- sin likewise made their initial appearance in a fixture that never has been broken. Football also invaded the West, re- sulting in a convention, December 28, 1890, at Kansas City, promoted by Hector W. Cowan, of Princeton, at which Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska formed the Western Inter- collegiate Football Association. The advent of so many participants and the keenness of their competition brought forth a brilliant army of football coaches from the older in- stitutions who began to spread far and wide the long-guarded secrets of expert play. At one time in this period there might have been counted no less than 45 former players of Yale, 35 of Princeton, and 24 of Harvard actively engaged in teaching the science of the game. During the early years of this decade a condition of rest and stability characterized the rules, but the genius of gen- eralship incessantly and brilliantly was active. Of this fa- mous strategic period the month of November, 1892, was by far the most memorable. To begin with, Pennsylvania signalized its advent as a football power by defeating Prince- ton. With this sensation still in the air Harvard and Yale came together one week later at Springfield. For many years the standard opening play at the beginning of each half had been the old Princeton V, commonly known as the V Trick. With this formation Yale opened the first half against Harvard. At the commencement of the second period Yale's forwards deployed along the 55-yard line to attack a similar formation by Harvard. To the surprise of players and spectators, however, the Crimson did not form a V. Instead, B. W. Trafford, holding the ball, took a position at the centre of Harvard's 45-yard line. The re- 94 FOOTBALL maining 10 men divided into two sections and fell back to the 25-yard line, each section grouping near the side line, but at opposite sides of the field. Without putting the ball in play Trafford waved his hand and the two sections came swiftly forward in lock step, converging toward Trafford and gathering tremendous momentum as they ran. Just as they reached Trafford the latter put the ball in play and disappeared within the mass of men, thus launching against the Yale men standing still in their tracks the famous fly- ing wedge, the invention of Lorin F. DeLand. Fearlessly Yale's rush-line leaped against the mass, finally pulling it to pieces and bringing down the runner on their 25-yard line. No play ever has been devised so spectacular and sensational as this one. It not only was the feature of the game, although the contest eventually was won by Yale, but it was the most discussed topic by the country at large for many days and the central subject of football for sev- eral years. To-day the episode is preserved by the pas- sage of the words, "the flying wedge," from a technical term of football to a standard phrase in the English lan- guage. Less spectacular but equally consequential was an in- novation introduced by Yale in this game, the abolition of sparring in the rush-line. For many years the opposing forwards had been accustomed to push one another with the flat of their hands in order to distract their attention from the ball and to have their opponents off their feet when the ball was snapped. The effect of this sparring and counter-sparring was that of seven pairs of windmills. Yale was the first to observe that a player who stood quietly in his place, ignoring his opponent and with his eyes fixed upon the ball, was the man who invariably charged his op- ponent back. Instantly sparring ceased, thereby inciden- tally so improving the game as a whole that its rule-makers FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 95 prevented a return of the practice by a specific legislation against it. The condition of peacefulness which had characterized the politics of the game for two years was roughly jarred in January, 1893, by the launching of a movement by Yale^ to limit the eligibility of all players upon intercollegiate teams to undergraduates who were actually candidates for a degree. This proposition soon became famous far and wide as the " undergraduate rule." For its consideration a special session of the Association was held late in January, at which the rule was adopted by the votes of Princeton, Wesleyan, and Yale, although vigorously opposed by Penn- sylvania. A few weeks later the intercollegiate association of track athletes assembled at New York, and Yale again introduced the resolution, thereby producing a great up- roar. Pennsylvania led the attack upon the rule and ac- complished its defeat. With the arrival of autumn, Penn- sylvania renewed its opposition to this rule and began a campaign to bring about either its repeal or a suspension of its action for players in college at the time of its adoption. Public sentiment veered in favor of Pennsylvania when it was learned that Yale had waived this rule in its agreement with Harvard, it being stipulated that in these contests each university should be the judge of its own eligibility qualifications. With the coming of October, Pennsylvania aggressively again attacked the rule and called for a con- vention to consider its repeal. Princeton and Yale would not recede and the rule remained. Thereupon Pennsylvania! filed its resignation from the Association and soon was fol- lowed by Wesleyan, thus substantially disintegrating the old Association, although Princeton and Yale still main- tained its organization. Turning from intercollegiate politics to the game itself we find the year of 1893 most brilliant for its great pro- 96 FOOTBALL ductions in strategic play. George W. Woodruff, of Yale, who had been engaged as coach at Pennsylvania, was sig- nalizing his advent by revolutionizing many long-accepted basic theories of the game. Defensively his rush-lines were contracted instead of expanded and his forwards were taught to drive the runner to the side line rather than into the traditional pocket at centre which occasionally proved to be a pocket with a hole. His players also were instructed to disregard the ancient maxim which required a player to fall upon a fumbled ball, Woodruff's idea being to pick it up and take the chance of a fumble against the chance of miss- ing an opportunity for a long run. To his genius also must be credited the origin at this time of the quarter-back kick, the forerunner of the on-side kicking game. Most momen- tous of all, he introduced the flying principle into all inter- ference, causing the interferers to start before the ball was put in play and the latter to be snapped just as the inter- ference struck the opposing line. Around this feature a great number of variations were evolved which came to be known as momentum mass plays. At Harvard Lorin F. DeLand was producing one bewil- dering invention after another. Harvard's opponents lightly called these formations " checker-board plays," but although they did not win for Harvard against Yale, they furnished the basis of nearly all standard formations for ten years. It was in this season that the Harvard eleven startled Yale in their contest, November 25, 1S93, by appearing in suits of smooth leather made into a single piece in order to increase the difficulty of tackling. The stratagem was a projection of a similar idea out of which had originated many years before the laced canvas jacket, and it was a saner device than that of the known — but here nameless — genius who once essayed to play half-back in a championship game greased from shoulder to knee, thereby forcing into the rule book that FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 97 curious section which for many years added interest in its pages, " No sticky or greasy substance shall be used on the persons or clothing of the players." In this game first was seen the " turtle-back," a play executed by forming the eleven men in the shape of a solid oval against a selected point in the rush-line, usually the tackle, and at the snap of the ball into the interior of the oval rolling the mass out around the end, thus unwinding the runner into a clear field. Here also first was seen the " push play," a formation similar to the turtle-back, but in which the runner was lifted on top of the mass and pushed over the opposing rush-line. Yale with customary genius devised a powerful variation of the momentum mass play. All of the linemen except the centre and guards were withdrawn and with the backs formed into a wedge fifteen yards behind the line. As this wedge started before the ball was put in play, and as the latter was not snapped until the wedge was about to strike its objective point, it is needless to say that the impact was such that the objective point usually remembered it for years. But the most effective formation viewed from the standpoint of results and its influence upon the subsequent development of the game was a play devised at Princeton by Philip King. This famous player conceived the idea of placing the ends with the backs in a straight line behind the tackles, thus originating the tandem-tackle principle of offensive play. Two weeks later Harvard modified this formation by playing the tackles back. From that day to this the tandem-tackle principle has been the chief feature in the invention of offensive tactics. Unfortunately, this season of exceptional tactical bril- liancy was fraught with many mishaps. Perhaps these were due to that peculiar operation of chance which ever seems to accumulate an excess of misfortunes at one time. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the generals of the game 98 FOOTBALL had devised plays too powerful for their sturdy soldiers to execute and withstand. Perhaps these accidents were not so numerous or so serious as alleged, but rather were the product of exaggeration. As usual there was much of the latter. The sensational accounts of the season's contests eventually made their way into Europe, and the Munchener N achrichten purveyed the news of battle to its readers thus : " The football tournament between the teams of Harvard and Yale, recently held in America, had terrible results. It turned into an awful butchery. Of twenty- two participants seven were so severely injured that they had to be carried from the field in a dying condition. One player had his back broken, another lost an eye, and a third lost a leg. Both teams appeared upon the field with a crowd of ambulances, surgeons, and nurses. Many ladies fainted at the awful cries of the injured players. The indignation of the spectators was powerful, but they were so terrorized that they were afraid to leave the field." The sport now faced a serious outcry. The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War abolished the promising Army-Navy series of games by restricting each Academy to its own grounds. Unfortunately for football the game in this crisis had no authoritative governmental head. The old intercollegiate association had dwindled to two members, Princeton and Yale, and the uniformity of the game was threatened by the proposed organization of sev- eral "dual leagues'' throughout the country. Out of the turmoil eventually came a call from the University Athletic Club of New York requesting Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale to form a rules committtee and as- sume the government of the game. These institutions immediately responded by selecting as their representatives, respectively, W. A. Brooks, J. C. Bell, Alexander Moffat, and Walter Camp. These gentlemen extended their numbers I FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 99 by inviting P. J. Dashiell to join them, the latter being the game's foremost official at the time. Through Mr. Camp a letter of inquiry was sent to every former football player in the United States requesting answers to a number of specific questions upon the subject of injuries. These answers when compiled and published proved that the charges against the accidents of the sport had been exag- gerated so grossly that these accusations subsided and al- most ceased. But the committee had gone a step farther. It had invited also from all of the old players suggestions for the improvement of the game. It required many sessions to consider the many meritorious ideas adduced, but at last the committee issued its new rules giving to the sport the most radical revision it had encountered since 1882. The V and the flying wedge were abolished and the old-fashioned kick-off re-established. The momentum plays which de- pended upon a start in advance of the snap of the ball were prohibited and mass plays were greatly modified by forbid- ding players to group more than five yards behind the line. Notwithstanding, the opposition to the game did not cease. The rules committee had only modified the mass plays, whereas the public demanded their complete eradica- tion and the restoration of the open game. To add to the keenness of the situation Harvard and Yale became engaged in an altercation over the unusual vim with which the con- test of 1894 had been played, which terminated in a sever- ance of relations between the Blue and the Crimson. Cor- nell's faculty added a new subject to the rampant debate by adopting a resolution "limiting all contests of Cornell to college grounds." The rules committee organized in 1894 failed to perpetuate itself, and so Alexander Moffat, of Prince- ton, and Walter Camp, of Yale, as representatives of the old Intercollegiate Association, theoretically still in existence, in- vited W. A. Brooks, of Harvard, and J. C. Bell, of Penn- 100 FOOTBALL sylvania, to join in a conference to save the game by revis- ing its rules to meet the public and college demand. This joint conference assembled March 31, 1895. It immediately became apparent that a radical division existed among the members upon the subject of revision. Princeton and Yale stoutly stood for the complete abolition of the momen- tum mass play. Harvard and Pennsylvania, equally obsti- nate, insisted upon the retention of this feature. Adjourn- ments from time to time were taken by this committee in an effort to harmonize, but the college year came to an end with no harmony in sight. When the collegians reassembled in the autumn they found an unusual condition. The com- mittee had separated into two factions. Harvard and Pennsylvania had invited Cornell to join them and produce an independent set of rules, which was done, Princeton and Yale likewise drafting a different code. The rules of the last two prohibited more than one man from starting before the ball was in play and forbade more than three men to group behind the line of scrimmage. The other set of rules placed no restrictions upon formations behind the line. Pennsylvania's uncompromising insistence upon un- restricted formations behind the line was due to the great perfection to which George W. Woodruff had brought a marvellous mass play known as guards-back, a formation executed by withdrawing both guards from the line and playing them in tandem style against the objective point, further supported by a powerful arrangement of the backs, one of the most ingenious and effective offensive formations devised in the entire history of the game. These two fac- tions also differed in regard to the manner of continuing play from a fair catch. Princeton and Yale required a heel mark, but the code of their rivals provided that " the player who catches a punt may not run with the ball, but may pass it to another player, who may run with it." < E I ^ FOOTBALL IN TH^^^'is^NETlES^ iOi The result of these contending codes of course was chaos. Each institution insisted that its competitors play under its particular code, thus requiring many colleges to be pro- ficient in both. Notwithstanding this the lowest plane to which football has fallen in its long history in this country, the year of 1895 produced one great innovation. From earliest times the ball had been passed from centre to the full-back for a punt by the quarter-back. Yale in this season de- vised the long pass direct from centre to the full-back, ap- parently a simple and sound method, yet it invited a storm of hostile criticism as an impracticable manoeuvre. Two years later it was used by every team in the United States, and the long, underhand pass of the quarter-back had gone into the lumber-room of discarded plays. The close of this season found the colleges of the country in rebellion against the further supervision of the game by the major institutions. Disgusted with the quarrels of the East, the Middle West demanded a sectional rules com- mittee of its own and the minor colleges of the seaboard like- wise raised a demand for a representative committee to draft a satisfactory and uniform set of rules. The two committees thereupon were forced to coalesce and to stem opposition by inviting all of the colleges to submit their suggestions for reform. The response was immediate. Again the committee was forced to continue in session until midsummer in order to consider the mass of proposed amendments, but at last all were thoroughly debated and the best beaten into a new code. The flying principle was met by legislating that no player of the offensive side might take more than one step towards his opponents' goal before the ball was in play, and the mass feature was modified by prohibiting more than six men from grouping behind the line of scrimmage and further by providing that two of these players should be at least five yards back, or ;i(?5 /'; :;; /';/:; ; ; ;/. football outside of the end men on the line. These changes were supplemented by a number of minor alterations and the game at a bound came back into popular approval. The playing season that ensued was marred by the continu- ance of the estrangement between Harvard and Yale, but the year was memorable notwithstanding. In October Lafayette surprised the intercollegiate world by playing a draw with Princeton and later defeating Pennsylvania, there- by achieving the honor of being the first minor college to rupture the impregnability of the "big four." Two great plays appeared to add further distinction to this year. The place kick which had lain forgotten for many a long year came back and began to supplant the historic drop kick for goal. At Princeton the old tandem play of 1893 was revived and altered into an irresistible engine of attack that became popularly known as the "revolving tandem." It was executed by swinging one tackle from position at the snap of the ball against the opposite tackle, thereby forming a wedge with the half-backs, one of the latter carry- ing the ball, and this mass then being whirled by the strong arms of Garret Cochran through the line and over the defensive backs, who vainly fell in front of the play to block it. Following this season football entered upon four years of stability for the rules, of relief from intercollegiate politics, and of attention to the perfection of play. Great contests were waged, no untoward incidents marred the sport, and a great wave of popular approval was the reward. In this era of good feeling Harvard and Yale resumed their annual game and the interdiction was removed from the Army-Navy struggle, thus permitting the latter with its peculiarly pict- uresque and social features to leap at a bound into equal importance with the time-honored football classics. Tac- tically, line and wing shifts made their appearance to delight FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 103 the strategists and the spectacular hurdle play came into use as one of the game's sensational features. There is another circumstance which clings in the memory of the older generation making memorable the period whose closing occurred at this time, and that is the Thanksgiving Day game between Princeton and Yale in New York. The advance cohorts of the collegians usually arrived Wednes- day afternoon and by evening the rival armies were in the city. From Madison Square to Thirty-third Street the sidewalks of Broadway flashed with blue and orange rib- bons and the buildings along the way resounded with the impact of many and diverse college cheers, for the occasion was a convocation of all. Yale's eleven annually was quar- tered at the Fifth Avenue Hotel and Princeton's was secluded at the Murray Hill. But the forum for all comers were the lobbies of the Hoffman House. The presiding per- sonage here was "Billy" Edwards, a former prize-fighter, raised to the position of guardian genius of the hostelry. Genial, tactful, and popular, Edwards moved among the collegians good-naturedly confining the debates within proper limits of noisiness, acting as stakeholder for that portion of the sporting public which insisted upon a wager and with an eye ever single and alert to the integrity of the glassware. Owing to the great distance to the field the collegians arose betimes Thanksgiving morning. By ten o'clock the coaching parade was in motion, and the coaching parade was a feature that was second only to the game itself. A full year in advance every drag in the city was engaged, and by the day of the game almost every omnibus, coach, and other vehicle capable of transporting half a dozen or more men upon its roof, for no one rode inside. Flaunting from the tops hung great blankets of blue or orange bunting. Style required the attachment of at least four horses and as 104 FOOTBALL many more as the taste and finances of the passengers per- mitted, the horses being no less ornately and abundantly caparisoned than the coach. Another invariable feature of every equipage was its coaching-horn and hornsman. The latter, it is true, frequently was lacking in skill, but he was most extraordinarily prolific in wind. Starting from Madison Square the route lay up Fifth Avenue to Harlem and thence to the field — the Polo Grounds in the '80s and Manhattan Field in the '90s. The gayety of the drive was augmented by the lavish decorations that were flung from many residences and hotels along the way, each eliciting appreciative salvos of cheers from the collegians whose colors were displayed. At the field a space was reserved for the coaches directly overlooking the field of play, and here, still upon their coach- tops, these coaching-parties lunched. The great encircling stands did not arrive until the games were transferred to university fields. Indeed even as late as 1891 it was a common sight to find spectators viewing the struggle from boxes and barrels placed against the fence. Those were the days of the overhead sweater, before the blanket made its advent, when teams endeavored, and often succeeded, in playing an entire game without the use of one substitute. It also was the time of the inexpert news reporter who wrote his introduction weeks and months ahead, but who obtained his data of the progress of the battle from the substitutes and later described an important play as " Homans snatched the ball going southbound." Fashionably, it was the pe- riod of the ulster and the newmarket, and the neckerchief of colored silk, upon this occasion invariably blue or orange and black. At the conclusion of the game the great crowd by coach and elevated train made its return downtown, and soon every restaurant and hotel was crowded with happy parties FOOTBALL IN THE 'NINETIES 105 partaking of their deferred but now more enjoyable Thanks- giving Day dinner, while the heroes of the day, winners and losers alike, enjoyed themselves in " breaking training." During the evening the theatres became the scene of the day's closing diversions. The play may have been good or it may have been bad. It mattered not to the audience, for the best show was given in front of the footlights. The entrance and the exit of the actors were punctuated with remarks from the audience and their dialogue with frequent suddenness was submerged by a tidal wave of noise. No orchestral leader ever was so witless as to strike up a tune that the crowd could sing. The theatres over, the crowds sought their trains for New Haven and for Princeton, giv- ing a parting cheer that almost unroofed the train-sheds, while New York, which had enjoyed the day immensely, went home to bed, to resume the following morning its customary amusements. CHAPTER VIII FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 Experience has proved that the reputation borne by a period of calmness for preceding some signal event is am- ply justified. With the profound revision of the rules in 1896, and with the invention by Princeton of the revolving wedge, football entered upon four years in which the activi- ties of the collegians seemed to be devoted to the perfection of existing plays rather than to the search for new mechan- isms. Thus the decade of the '90s came to a close and the year of 1900 arrived apparently to continue the condition. There was, however, in January, 1900, a little council of football men quietly assembling now and then at Yale to study a novel offensive theory proposed by Walter Camp. From the earliest days of football the defensive rush-line had been taught to play low and to charge their opponents back at the snap of the ball. Camp's theory was that a play could be devised which would take advantage of this forward plunge of the opposing rush-line by getting a play into the opening made by a charging forward and accom- plishing a satisfactory gain before that forward could re- cover his balance and fill up the opening that he himself had made. This theory eventually shaped itself into Yale's famous tackle-back play, thus utilizing an old formation, but executing the play in a wholly new manner. With many misgivings the younger strategists of Yale watched the progress of this play in the early games of the succeeding autumn. As mid-season approached they were demanding its abandonment as a failure, but suddenly the perfection 106 FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 107 of the play was attained and Yale began to run up large scores and to nonplus their opponents as to the manner in which their attack was made so easily. November came to a close with Princeton and Harvard defeated by the largest scores ever made against them by Yale, and the country awoke to the realization that another great device of of- fensive football had arrived. While this remarkable engine was laying low Yale's ad- versaries in the East, another highly effective formation was at work in the West. The latter was the "Northwestern tandem," an invention by C. M. Hollister, of Pennsylvania, at that time the coach of Northwestern University. This play employed three men, one of whom was a heavy forward, arranged in a straight line at a right angle to the rush-line and stationed directly behind the quarter-back. The effec- tiveness of the formation lay in its tandem principle, which was accomplished without forming to right or left of centre, thereby obviating a strong and a weak side and making it possible to attack any point in the opponents* line with equal strength. The shifts in the rush-line produced in this year a great variety of plays, the most unusual of which was the complete separation of the rush-line into two sections, known as a divide, thus permitting the head of tandem plays to come fully into the rush-line. Few changes in the rules were found necessary in the spring of 1901. One of these, the abolition of throwing the ball into play from the side line when out of bounds, the "fair" of the early game, brought no change in the play since it had gone out of use actually years before, but the dropping from the code of the obsolete legislation on the subject marked the final passing of one of the great features that existed and still exists in the English game. One re- calls this great play as it occurs in the game of School-House vs. School, described in "Tom Brown's School Days." 108 FOOTBALL Time was when it was a centre of strategy in the intercolle- giate game. As soon as the ball went out of bounds the opposing side surrounded the point where the ball had crossed the side line and warily watched to see that the ball was not craftily touched into play before the defensive team was ready. " What will you do — take it out or touch it in?" cried the defensive captain. If the answer was "Touch it in," the players took positions in two lines at a right angle to the side line, and one of the players of the side in possession of the ball thereupon touched it in play by touching the ball to the side line and passing it to one of his backs. Many were the stratagems that were devised and executed around the old "fair." Still enjoying its era of peace the rule-makers found little to command their attention in 1902, and tactics continued as in the two preceding years. This was the season in which occurred G. B. Chad wick's two famous runs in the Princeton- Yale game, each fifty yards and more for a touch- down, by which a victory was achieved by the Blue. The method by which Yale twice divided Princeton's line in this game so widely that Chadwick raced through without being touched by a player has remained one of the secrets of the game. The strategists of Princeton, however, attributed the success of these wonderful and mysterious runs to a change made by Yale from boxing the tackle to boxing the guard. If this is true, then it was an operation of retribu- tion, for it was Princeton which, in 1888, invented this strata- gem known as boxing the tackle and tried it first on Yale, sending Cowan in the opening play from midfield to the five- yard line. But in 1888 the officials were overcautious, and not being able to reconcile the method to the rules. Cowan's run went for naught and the play temporarily was outlawed. Although the season of 1902 had been fraught with no excessive number of accidents nor with any personal mis- FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 109 hap of a severe or sensational character, the long-dormant football reformer awoke. He found ready support in that portion of the football public which had been exasperated by the closeness of play and which saw in the agitation an opportunity to use roughness as a weapon with which to force the return of open play. The sport thereupon was clam- orously charged with being intolerably dangerous. At this juncture came forth Professor Edwin G. Dexter, of the University of Illinois, who for several years had quietly been keeping a precise and accurate record of the injuries of the game and its kindred sports, and who also had compiled a table of statistics covering the scholarship of the country's football men. The deductions from these figures were so strongly in favor of the game and its players that the agita- tion subsided as quickly as it had arisen. The Rules Committee, notwithstanding, sensitive to the situation, decided to revise the game so as to force a more open style of play. After much discussion it was believed that this could be accomplished by permitting the player who received the ball directly from the snapper-back, usually the quarter-back, to run forward with the ball. Cautious, however, in their radicalness, the legislators of the game imposed a condition that such a run must cross the line five yards distant from the point where the ball was put in play. But this was a novelty that was not new. The right of the second man to advance the ball had come in with the English Rugby game in 1876 and had remained until 1880, when the evolution of the English scrummage into the American scrimmage prompted the rule-makers of that day to establish and name the position of quarter-back and to prohibit him or the second man from "advancing forward with the ball under penalty of foul." The imposition of this five-yard restriction brought in the autumn of 1903 the lengthwise stripes of the playing-field, thereby changing its 110 FOOTBALL countenance from the classic gridiron to a checker-board. As a further part of their revision and in order to abolish a rough feature of the game the committee made the player who kicks the ball forward ineligible either to recover it or to run forward and put his associates on-side. From ear- liest times it had been one of the familiar sights of the game after a punt to see the full-back running down the field violently blocked and jostled by his opponents, and to hear him cry when he had passed the ball, "On-side! On-side!" Although this blocking and jostling was rough, it had never been injurious; but it was an incident that frequently had drawn criticism upon the game, and so it had to pass. As a final concession to the public critics of the game the com- mittee at the session of 1903 reduced the value of a goal from the field from five to four points. For many years there had been a contention that the value of a goal from the field which was accomplished by the skill of one man was inade- quately high in comparison with the value of a touchdown which was the result of team play and occasionally resulted in a superior eleven being defeated by a superior individual. Strange to say the satisfaction of the football public over these reforms was short-lived. At the close of the season of 1903 the complaints of 1902 were renewed, and soon in in- creased volume were sweeping the country. The Middle West began to organize to obtain representation upon the Rules Committee or, failing, to establish a sectional com- mittee. This demand promptly was met by the Rules Committee, which extended its membership to include the University of Chicago, which sent as its representative its professor of physical culture, A. A. Stagg, well remem- bered as one of Yale's greatest players on diamond and grid- iron in the '80s. Still the opposition to the game would not subside. It smouldered throughout the playing season of 1904 and 1905. So acute did the criticism become in the FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 111 latter season that Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, in the month of October, called to Washing- ton the representatives in football of Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, and impressed upon them the necessity of re- moving every objectionable feature of play, at the same time giving the sport, if rightly played, the prestige of his endorsement. This dramatic episode quelled for a time the attacks upon football, but at the close of the season they again burst forth in the most violent storm the game ever had encountered. Again the hazards of the game had accumulated at one time an unusual number of injuries. The adherents of the open game whom the quarter-back run had failed to satisfy charged the cause of the accidents to the f closeness of play. In the midst of the attacks upon the game the Middle West became rent with dissensions relative to the eligibility of players. The first blow at the sport was dealt by Columbia. At this institution George Foster Sanford, of Yale, acting as coach, had brought football from obscurity to such a state of perfection that Columbia had become a football power equal with the leaders. Notwithstanding, its authorities peremptorily abolished the game. *At the West- ern institutions similar movements were forming. Sud- denly the attack upon the game was directed against the Rules Committee. A number of college heads asked by what authority this body assumed to legislate for the sport. The members of the committee promptly replied that they were acting only for the institutions which they represented, and that it was optional with other colleges and universities / to accept their rules. At this juncture, Henry M. MacCracken, chancellor of New York University, issued an invitation to the colleges of the country to send representatives to a conference on football to be held in New York. Here, December 24, 1905, delegates from twenty-eight institutions assembled, / 1 112 FOOTBALL Harvard being the only member of the Rules Committee to participate in this conference. Out of the mass of sugges- tions advanced finally issued a plan proposed by Captain Palmer E. Pierce, of the Army, that the conference should appoint a rules committee of seven members, that being the number of the intercollegiate committee, and that this conference committee should sit jointly if possible with the intercollegiate committee and thoroughly revise the game, othewise that it should proceed independently to perform the same service. The intercollegiate committee promptly accepted the proposition of the conference committee, and the two committees thereupon coalesced, January 12, 1906, sitting jointly under the title of the American Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee, although each committee re- served its separate organization. Many were the sessions held by this new tribunal, digesting and testing the multi- tudinous suggestions presented. At last from its patient deliberations issued a code so thoroughly revised that it presented almost a new game. At the suggestion of John C. Bell, of Pennsylvania, and Paul J. Dashiell, of the Naval Academy, the forward pass was introduced, a play so novel and so at variance with the very traditions of the intercolle- giate and Rugby games that for years it has been forced to fight for its existence. And yet nothing is new under the sun, for this forward pass was a feature in the old Spartan game of football, called harpaston, played 2,500 years ago, and which was described in Chapter I. In fact, the name, harpaston, was derived from this very play, the long for- ward pass with which every contest began. But many other changes marked this revision. The requirement that the o ffensive ^leven must gain five yards on four do wns or lose the ball was altered so to require a ^ ain of ten,^t Eu"s forcing a team if possible to use end runs and other long-distance gaining plays, the open game so long desired. Hurdling, the FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 113 spectacular but dangerous play which time and again in the early years of this decade had brought the stands to their feet as some daring player by its use turned defeat into victory, was forbidden. The odious mass play again was suppressed b y comn^ ji.r^Hinp siy mpn of fhp. offensive side to^y upon the line of scrimmage and by forbidding the seventh forward, if playing behmd the Ime, to stand inside the position taken by the man at the end of the line. Further, linemen were for- bidden to interchange with the backs unless the change was permanent. Even the playing time of the game was re- duced ten minutes. Reform, still on the rampage, continued its course at nu- merous colleges, which seized the occasion to put their ath- letic establishments in order. Northwestern University and Union College abolished the game for one year. Leland Stanford and California abolished the intercollegiate game altogether and adopted the Rugby Union game, and then with the true genius of American invention immediately started to modify their English rules. Throughout the Mid- dle West training-tables were abandoned, schedules reduced, and limitations placed upon the retention of professional coaches. The final blow in this section came in a pro- hibition of intercollegiate contests between Chicago, Michi- gan, and Wisconsin for a period of one year. The East was slightly less turbulent. Harvard, Princeton, and Yale held a conference at which an agreement was made to prohibit Freshmen from membership upon university teams, to im- pose a residence qualification of one year upon a player coming from another college, and to adopt independently various high scholastic qualifications for all students desir- ing to participate in competitive athletics. Among the new devices created by the Rules Commit- tee, interest of course centred chiefly on the forward pass. The players treated the play lightly, however, and so the 114 FOOTBALL season disclosed little of its possibilities. It was not until the Harvard- Yale game that a great forward-pass play appeared, but with this play Yale won the contest by send- ing the ball thirty yards to Harvard ^s three-yard mark, from which the touchdown was quickly made. This spectacular victory served to make the public keenly alert for its fur- ther development in 1907, but, strange to say, this season also came and went with no great exposition of the play until the Princeton- Yale game, in which Yale, starting in the second half with a score of ten points against them, won a brilliant victory in which two long forward passes largely contributed to the result. The tacticians now awoke to the possibilities of this play. With the arrival of 1908 every team began the season with a large number of vari- ations of the forward pass. The chief value of the play, however, soon appeared to be in the fear of its use by the defensive team, which thereby was compelled to spread and weaken its defence. The two defensive half-backs which for many years had constituted the secondary defence, sup- porting the tackles, were sent back to cover the dangerous forward-pass zone. This weakening of the tackle position and the necessity of gaining ten yards then invited a de- velopment of the very strategic system that the rule-makers had sought to avoid by the introduction of the forward pass, a continuous massed attack on the tackles. The tackle of middle weight instantly disappeared and in his place came an active giant, the most powerful player in the rush-line. In the succeeding year, 1909, this style of game, in which the tackles were heavily and continuously battered, began with the season's first game. Ingenuity had multiplied the strength of the attack by reintroducing the revolving princi- ple of play by which the runner was pushed and pulled, whirled and rammed in the centre of an interlocked mass of interferers against the tackles. As a result injury followed I ^ ^ .5 o r, 5 T > - O 5 w z; FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 115 injury, and by the middle of the season some of these, unfor- tunately, were fatal. For the first time in the history of the game these serious injuries had occurred to players upon intercollegiate teams. While there had been fatal injuries in the sport, as there is in every sport, these injuries previously 1 had been confined to unorganized, untrained elevens ran- 1 domly selected, playing irregular schedules and using im- I proper grounds. As a result the old cry against the game I again was heard and once more football was haled before the bar. Some demanded its utter abolition, others pro- posed to substitute for it the Rugby Union game. Each day in the public press appeared specific suggestions for its reform. The mass play, interlocked and ofF-side interfer- ence were designated as the chief causes of danger in the in- tercollegiate game. In the midst of the uproar the associa- tion of colleges formed by Chancellor MacCracken in 1906, now known as the National Collegiate Athletic Association of the United States, assembled in New York. The game was bitterly assailed, but the association referred the prob- lem of its remedy to the Rules Committee for solution. This body soon assembled and began a series of sessions the most strenuous in its history. During the month of May it brought its deliberations to a close and produced a new code. The five-yard restriction was removed from the quarter-back run and the forward pass, thereby affording the medium of a more open game and incidentally removing the necessity for the lengthwise marking of the field, a change that obliterated the checker-board and brought back the famous gridiron as of yore. The periods of the game, the halves, which had come down the years since Tom Brown saved the game in the second half at Rugby, were replaced by quarters in imitation of the custom of our Canadian com- rades and the playing time was shortened by ten minutes. The privilege of returning a withdrawn player to the game. e 116 FOOTBALL a custom that came in with the Rugby Union game in 1876 and remained for a few years, was restored. But the most radical and effective alteration made in the rules was that relative to interference. For twenty years the most opposed feature of the intercollegiate game had been the mass play. Those great creations, the V, the flying wedge, the turtle- back, guards-back, the tandem, and the tackle-back, period- ically had arisen to win victories for their creators, to be charged with rendering the sport uninteresting and uncouth and with being the cause of its injuries, and eventually to be outlawed, only to be replaced by another great device of coaching genius still constructed along the lines of the mass idea. This time the rule-makers decided to remove the mass play wholly from the game. This was accomplished by prescribing that when the ball was put in play seven men should be on the line of scrimmage and, most revolutionary of all, that no player of the side in possession of the ball should use his hands or arms to assist the player carrying the ball, but that the latter should run unassisted and alone and that the players of the attacking side should not interlock arms or bodies. This final removal of the very core of the mass play prodigiously weakened the offence, necessitating a restoration in some way of the equilibrium of the game, for theoretically the defence and offence must balance in order to present a fair game for the players to play. This was accomplished by forbidding the flying tackle, a spec- tacular feat, but one frequently provocative of injury, and by permitting the player who received the ball directly from the snapper-back to run forward, a privilege that had been forbidden for thirty years. The problem of providing for an adequate defence of the back field, the attack of which had been so enormously increased by the establishment of the on-side kick and forward pass, was solved by the crea- tion of a zone of twenty yards within which no on-side > > > J > ' s I ^ c ^ .2 FOOTBALL FROM 1900 TO 1910 117 kick might be recovered and beyond which no forward pass might be thrown. With the exception of this last feature this great change in the game was accomphshed without the introduction of one untried or unknown condition, since all of these alterations are recognizable as tactics and methods of former days. These rules were criticised as all of their predecessors have been criticised, and predictions were made that they would fail to lessen the injuries of the game and to provide an interesting contest for the spectators. Nevertheless the season of 1910 was awaited eagerly by all to ascertain how the coaching genius was to solve the tactical problems of the new game. With the single exception of the "Minnesota shift," no new formation or play was presented. The gener- als of the gridiron, proceeding cautiously as usual, clung as closely as possible to their old formations, leaving the pro- found possibilities of the new rules for gradual development* as was done in 1906 and 1907 with the novel forward pass. The "Minnesota shift," the invention of H. L. Williams, of Yale, coach for the University of Minnesota, was new only in its feature of the men forming out of position and leap- ing into position just before the ball was snapped, thereby masking the attack in order to prevent the defence Hkewise from shifting to meet the formation. But the new code surprised its opponents by providing a game that not only was safe but that was still deeply interesting and spectacular. As a result the spring of 1911 produced only one substantial change, and that was in a detail of the forward pass. Recoy^ ering the ball when passedTorwafd and fumbled had been a source of roughness. This was obviated simply by declar- ing such a fumbled ball an incompleted forward pass. Such has been the history of intercollegiate football. It has been only a sport, but its gridirons have been the training-grounds upon which men have been made. Where y 1/ 118 FOOTBALL are the players whose names appear in the stories of the^ games ? They are at the head of great business enterprises. They are occupying posts of distinction and honor in our government. They are presiding as judges in our courts, as presidents and professors in our institutions of learning. Transferred from the mimic battles of the lines of lime, they are leading our armies and commanding our war- ships. Clergymen, merchants, lawyers, authors, doctors, inventors, manufacturers, whatever and wherever they are, they are pursuing their vocations with courage, solving their problems with wisdom, and treating their competitors with honor, worthy soldiers from a worthy school. / '^ PART n CHAPTER IX ARMY VS. NAVY Army vs. Navy West Point, Nov. 29, 1890 ARMY NAVY T. O. Murphy, '91, J. T. Crabbs, '91, J. T. Moore, '92, S. P. Adams, '92, J. W. Heavey, '91, F. H. Schoeffel, '91, L. M. Prince, '92, K. Walker, '92, D. M. Michie, '92, Capt., E. J. Timberlake, '93, B. Ames. '94, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, R. H. Lane, '91. H. A. Pearson, '93. J. D. Beuret, '92. N. E. Irwin, '91. M. E. Trench, '93. C. F. Macklin, '92. G. W. Laws, '91. H. E. Smith, '91. C. R. Emrich, '91, Capt R. J. Hartung, '91. A. Althouse. '91. Substitutions: J. W. Lyon, '91, T. W. Horn, '91, E. W. Clark, '93, Army; H. E. Smith, '91, A. G. Kavanagh, '94, M. K. Johnson, '94, Navy. Referee: R. R. Belknap, '91, Navy. Umpire: W. H. Hyndman, '84, Yale. Score: Army 0, Navy 24. First Half: Touchdown by C. R. Emrich; touchdown by C. R. Emrich; touchdown by M. K. Johnson. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by C. R. Emrich; touch- down and goal by C. R. Emrich. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the south goaL The Navy forms a V and gains 15 yards. Prince bringing down the runner. Sharp tackling by Murphy, and Timber- lake forces Navy to punt and Althouse sends the ball down to Ames on Army's 10-yard line. Hard rushing by Michie, and Timberlake works the ball back to midfield, where the 121 122 FOOTBALL Navy takes it on downs. Emrich and Hartung now alter- nate in plunges against Army's line and the ball travels steadily to the last line, Emrich crossing the stripe for a touchdown. The goal fails. Army makes 5 yards in the V, but is soon forced to punt. Navy's line attack starts into action and in 10 plunges the ball is placed on the Army's 5-yard line. Emrich bucks the centre and makes a touch- down. The goal is missed. Army puts the ball in play with a wedge, but Navy quickly takes it on downs. The Army line is ripped apart for long gains and Johnson finally skirts the end for 15 yards and a touchdown. No goal. Second Half: The Army opens with the V, and Michie and Timberlake force the Navy's line for steady gains until the 15-yard line is reached. Laws and Lane tackle sharply and get the ball. Althouse punts out of danger. A brilliant exchange of kicks ensues. Navy renews scrimmage play and again batters the Army line for good gains. In the last space Emrich takes the ball and bucks the Army's centre for a touchdown. He kicks the goal. Play is re- sumed, but fierce tackling by the Army holds Navy in check. The ball travels back and forth between the 25-yard lines. At last Emrich circles the end and runs 25 yards for a touchdown. Goal. No further scoring. Army vs. Navy Annapolis, Nov. 28, 1891 ARMY NAVY J. T. Moore, '92, Left End, P. Symington, '92. G. E. Houle, '93, Left Tackle, J. D. Beuret, '92. W. E. Gleason, '92, Left Guard, H. A. Pearson, '93. S. P. Adams, '92, Centre, G. L. Holsinger, '93. (( C. L. Hussey, '92. E. W. Clark, '93, Right Guard, M. E. Trench, '93. F. W. Smith, '95, K tf D. E. Aultman, '94, Right Tackle, C. F. Macklin,'92, Capt. (( n W. C. Davidson, '95. ARMY VS. NAVY 123 ARMY NAVY L. M. Prince, '92, Right End, H. L. Ferguson, '92. F. A. Wilcox, '92, (< it K. Walker, '92, Quarter-back, W. Bagley, '95. P. W. Davison, '92, Left Half, R.D.Hasbrouck,'92. H il E. H. Campbell, '93. E. J. Timberlake, '93, Right Half, M. K. Johnson, '94. D. M. Michie, '92, Capt., Full-back, C. Webster. '94. Referee: G. W. Woodruff, '89, Yale. Umpire: J. N. Thomas, '90, Princeton. Score: Army 32, Navy 16. First Half: Touchdown by E. W. Clark, goal by D. M. Michie; touchdown by C. F. Macklin, goal by P. Symington; touchdown by D. M. Michie. Second Half: Touchdown by D. M. Michie; touchdown by E. W. Clark, goal by D. M. Michie; touchdown by E. J. Timberlake, goal by D. M. Michie; touchdown by R. D. Hasbrouck, goal by P. Symington; touch- down by M. K. Johnson, goal by P. Symington; touchdown by E. J. Timberlake, goal by D. M. Michie. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the ball. The game opens with a V, gaining 8 yards. Clark, Michie, and Davidson take the ball to Navy's 20-yard line. Tim- berlake makes 10 more. Clark goes through for a touch- down. Michie kicks the goal. Navy resumes play with the V, making 15 yards. Johnson skirts the end for 15. The ball goes to the Army on a foul. Timberlake bucks the centre for 10 yards. Navy holds for downs and gets the ball. Althouse punts and Timberlake catches. Timber- lake hits the centre for 10. Gleason and Moore make 6. Navy holds for downs. Beuret goes through centre for 15. Webster repeats the play for 15 more. Macklin gets around the end for 20. Army holds and Bagley punts to Michie. Davidson makes 5, but Navy holds for downs. Beuret gets through the line for 5. Johnson circles the end for 20. Hasbrouck pierces the line for 10. Navy fumbles and Army gets the ball. Timberlake gets away for 40 yards. Navy holds and Michie punts. Bagley returns. Army fumbles and Navy gets the ball. Macklin goes through tackle for 20 124 FOOTBALL yards and a touchdown. Symington kicks the goal. Army opens with the V, making 12 yards. The ball goes to Navy on a foul. Bagley, Webster, Hasbrouck, and Johnson force the ball to Army's 20-yard line, where the latter holds for downs. Davidson goes around the end for 20. Michie and Timberlake add 20 more. Davidson again circles the end for 20 and on the next play Michie crosses the line for a touchdown. Time is called for the half. Second Half: The play is rapid and fierce throughout the second half, each team ripping apart their opponents' line for continual gains. In this period Michie, Clark, and Timberlake score four touchdowns for the Army, from three of which Michie kicks goals. Hasbrouck and John- son make touchdowns for the Navy, from one of which Symington kicks a goal. Army vs. Navy West Point, Nov. 30, 1892 ARMY NAVY B. Ames, '94, Left ^nd, G. E. Houle, '93, Left Tackle, A. Laws, '93, Left Guard, T. L. Ames, '95, Centre E. W. Clark, '93, Capt., Right Guard, F. W. Smith, '95, Right Tackle, L. Stacy, '96, Right End, H. H. Stout, '95, Quarter-back, E. J. Timberlake, '93, Left Half, E. L. King, '96, Right Half, C. W. Kutz, '93, H. H. Pattison, '93, Full-back, T. G. Carson, '94, Referee: L. T. Bliss, '93, Yale. Umpire: S. V. Coffin, '89, Wes- feyan. Score: Army 4, Navy 12. Second Half: Touchdown by W. B. Izard, goal by W. Bagley; touchdown by E. J. Timberlake; touchdown by M. K. Johnson, goal by W. Bagley. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the ball. Bookwalter in the flying wedge gains 5 yards. Izard bucks E. McCauley, '96. C. J. Lang, '93. C. Wells, '93. A. G. Kavanagh, '94. M. E. Trench, '93, Capt. J. M. Reeves, '94. M. J. McCormack, '95. C. S. Bookwalter, '94. W. B. Izard, '95. M. K. Johnson, '94. W. Bagley, '95. ARMY VS. NAVY 125 the centre for 3. Reeves circles the end for 5. Unable to make further gains Bagley punts 35 yards, but the ball is brought back and given to the Army for holding. King hits the centre for 2. Johnson stops a criss-cross and on a fumble gets the ball. Izard makes a yard. The Army gets the ball for holding. Timberlake makes 2 yards, McCauley tackling. Navy holds for downs. Navy draws behind the line and forms a flying wedge, in which Bagley makes 5 yards. Izard and Bagley gain 10. Johnson gets through the line for 5. Army holds and Bagley punts to the 10-yard line. The Army cannot gain and Navy takes the ball on downs. Izard circles the end for 15. The ball is brought back and given to the Army for holding. Timberlake, Pattison, and King net 10 yards. Navy holds for downs. Johnson rounds the end for 20 yards. Army takes the ball on downs. Pattison makes 30 yards around the end. Navy holds and takes the ball, but at once is forced to kick. Smith makes 5 yards around the end. Timberlake adds 1. Kutz circles the end for 10. Timber- lake makes 45 yards, but the ball goes to the Navy on a fumble. Unable to make first down Bagley punts to Kutz, who returns. Lang, Reeves, and Johnson fail to gain first down and Bagley punts. Timberlake goes through the centre for 2 and time is called for the half. Second Half: Army in the flying wedge makes 10 yards. Timberlake and King add 15 more. Smith, Pattison, King, and Laws advance the ball to the 10-yard line. Navy stops Clark behind the line. McCauley stops an end run for no gain. King makes first down. Pattison, in the flying wedge, adds 4. On the 1-yard line Navy holds 4 downs for no gain. Bagley punts to Army's 50. Navy holds for downs and gets the ball. Bagley punts to Army's 25. Army fumbles and it is the Navy's ball. Johnson goes through centre for 18 yards. Izard goes through tackle 126 FOOTBALL for a touchdown. Bagley kicks the goal. Army starts play with the flying wedge followed by line plunges which quickly place the ball on Navy's 10-yard Hne. Stout, Kutz, and Timberlake in 3 downs cross the line for a touchdown. Clark punts out to Timberlake, who heels the catch, but on the try the goal is missed. Navy likewise starts off with a rush and in 10 plays reaches the Army's 5-yard line. Army holds for downs. Kicks are exchanged. Johnson gets away for 35 yards. Bagley and Izard reach the 10-yard line. Johnson is sent over for a touchdown. Bagley kicks the goal. Time soon after is called. Army vs. Navy Annapolis, Dec. 2, 1893 D. E. Nolan, '96, A. G. Lott, '96, J. S. Battle, '94, T. L. Ames, '95, F. W. Smith, '95, D. E. Aultman, '94, J. P. Harbeson, '94, S. G. Creden, '95, G. H. Shelton, '96, L. Stacy, '96, T. G. Carson, '94, Capt., ARMY NAVY Left End, E. McCauley, '96. Left Tackle, K. G. Castleman, '96. Left Guard, B. Morris, '97. Centre, A. G. Kavanagh, '94, Capt. Right Guard, F. D. Karns, '95. Right Tackle, J. M. Reeves, '94. Right End, M. J. McCormack, '95. Quarter-back, C. S. Bookwalter, '94. Left Half, H. S. Kimball, '96. Right Half, W. C. Davidson, '95. Full-back, W. Bagley, '95. Referee: W. M. Irvine, '88, Princeton. Umpire: V. C. McCor- mick, '93, Yale. Score: Army 4, Navy 6. Second Half: Touch- down and goal by H. S. Kimball; touchdown by T. G. Carson. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the ball. The flying wedge nets 15 yards, but Navy holds for downs. Bagley punts 50 yards to Shelton, who runs back 20 before being tackled. Army tries the "Woodruff flying interfer- ence," but, after shooting Stacy through the centre for 5, Navy gets the ball on downs. The Army immediately recovers on a fumble. Stacy rounds the end for 5, but an attempt to repeat the play results in a loss. Navy gets the ARMY VS. NAVY 127 ball on downs and Bagley punts 50 yards. Army fumbles and McCauley falls on the ball. Davidson circles the end for 20. Army holds for downs and Carson punts 40. Kimball hits centre for 2, but two more plunges fail to gain. Army gets the ball. Stacy On a triple pass rounds the end for 25 yards. Ames and Smith pierce the centre for 15. A penalty sets the Army back 5. Navy holds for downs and gets the ball. Bookwalter punts 40 yards. Both teams surge back and forth between the 35-yard lines, but cannot get in striking distance of one another's goal. Struggling thus the half closes. Second Half: The Navy opens with the flying wedge and gains 15 yards. Davidson, Reeves, Kimball, and Bag- ley now alternate with the ball in rapid succession, making gain after gain, all short but consecutive, until the last yard line is reached, from which Kimball is shot across for the touchdown. A moment later he kicks the goal. Army re- sumes play with the flying wedge and gains 20 yards. A long struggle now ensues on the 40-yard line. Army plunges and punts, and Navy, unable to gain, sends the ball back. At last Stacy gets around the end for 20 yards. Reeves tackling. On the second play Stacy repeats the play around the opposite end for 20 yards more. Carson makes the last 5 yards through the line for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Play is resumed, but neither goal again is threatened. Time is called. 1894-1898, games not permitted by Army and Navy Departments. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Dec. 3, 1899 ARMY NAVY W. D. Smith, *01, Capt., Left End, B. A. Long, '01. " " S. Read, '02. E. E. Farnsworth, '04, Left Tackle, W. K. Wortman, '00, Capt C. Enos, '01, 128 FOOTBALL ARMY J. P. Hopkins, '00, W. R. Bettison, '01, R. E. Boyers, '03, P. D. Bunker, '03, H. M. Nelly, '02, C. Burnett, '01, E. M. Zell, '03, C. M. Wesson, '00, A. F. Casad, '02, F. W. Clark, '01, V. La S. Rockwell, '00, R. F. Jackson, '00, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, (( (( Right Tackle, Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, (( (( Right Half, (( (( Full-back. NAVY J. Halligan, '98. R. R. Adams, '02. C. Belknap, '03. J. C. Fremont, '01. N. E. Nichols, '02. R. Williams, '01. F. D. Berrien, '00. D. A. Weaver, '02. H. W. Osterhaus, '00. O. W. Fowler, '01. F. B. Freyer, '02. S. Gannon, '00. E. S. Land, '02. C. T. Wade. '00. Referee: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Umpire: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Linesmen: J. C. Bell, '84, Pennsylvania; J. W. Hallo- well, '01, Harvard. Score: Army 17, Navy 5. First Half: Touch- down by R. F. Jackson, goal by W. R. Bettison. Second Half: Touch- down by V. La S. Rockwell, goal by W. R. Bettison; touchdown by V. La S. Rockwell; touchdown by C. T. Wade. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the goal. Navy kicks to Army's 20-yard line. The latter by line bucking carries the ball to midfield, where the ball goes to Navy on a fumble. Navy tries three plays into the line without gain, ending in a fumble which the Army secures. Army opens a heavy attack on the Navy line. Jackson and Bunker break through for repeated gains and Clark and Casad circle the ends, bringing the ball to Navy's 5-yard line, from which Jackson goes across for the touchdown. Bettison kicks the goal. Belknap kicks off to Jackson at Army's 15. A sharp exchange of kicks ensues, resulting in Navy obtaining the ball at midfield. Wade skirts the end for 20 yards. Gannon and Fowler pierce the line for 20 more. Navy fumbles and it is the Army's ball. Jackson and Clark by hard line work force the ball back to midfield, where Navy holds for downs and gets the ball. Brilliant ARMY VS. NAVY 129 plunging by the Navy backs advances the ball to Army's 20, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Bettison kicks to Halligan at 15. Wade punts to Army's 50. Clark and Casad hit the line for 10. Jackson punts. On the line-up Wade kicks back to Army's 50. Another sharp series of punts follows, ending by Army putting the ball down for a scrimmage at midfield. The Army sends into the line in rapid succession Bunker, Rock- well, Jackson, and Casad, thus forcing the ball, line after line, to Navy's 5-yard line, where Rockwell takes it across and touches it down. Jackson punts out to Smith and Bettison kicks the goal. Wade kicks off to Army's 25 and Casad runs back the kick 20 yards. The Army now rips open Navy's line for big gains, terminating in Rockwell crossing the line for a touchdown. The ball is brought out at a sharp angle and the goal is missed. Wade kicks off to Army's 10. Jackson punts back to 50. A penalty of 15 yards is im- posed upon the Navy. Army cannot gain. The ball goes to Navy and Osterhaus tries a drop kick at goal, but misses. A penalty gives the Navy the ball on Army's 20-yard line. Line plunges take the ball t6 the 10-yard line, where the Army stubbornly stops the advance and gets the ball. Jackson punts and Wade returns. Once more a penalty gives Navy the ball on the 10-yard line. The time is almost up. Navy lines up quickly and the ball is put in play. Wade is shot into the line. Army masses and the two teams pile into a pyramid. Suddenly Wade emerges with the ball and leaps across the line for a touchdown. The try for goal fails. The game ends. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1900 ARMY NAVY W. D. Smith, '01, Capt, Left End, S. Read, '02. E. E. Farnsworth, '04, Left Tackle, R. Williams, 'OL Left Guard, J. C. Fremont, '01. 130 FOOTBALL NAVY G. Whitlock, '01. C. Belknap, '03. R. R. Adams, '02. N. E. Nichols, '02. B. A. Long, '01. O.W. Fowler, '01, Capt. E. S. Land, '02. C. E. Smith. '03. ARMY W. R. Bettison, '01, Centre, N. A. Goodspeed, '02, Right Guard, P. D. Bunker, '03, Right Tackle, C. Burnett, '01, Right End, E. M. Zell, '03, " " F. P. Lahm, '01, Quarter-back, F. Williams, '03, A. F. Casad, '02, Left Half, H. B. Hackett, '04, " " F. W. Clark, '01, Right Half, F. H. Phipps, '04, B. W. Phillips, '03, Full-back, W. M. Nichols, '03, Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Linesmen: N. Z. Graves, '04, Pennsylvania; W. A. Potter, '02, Pennsylvania. Timekeepers: J. P. Gardiner, '01, Pennsylvania; T. T. Hare, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 7, Navy 11. First Half: Goal from field by F. W. Clark. Second Half: Goal from field by B. A. Long; touchdown by E. S. Land, goal by O. W. Fowler; safety by B. A. Long. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the west goal. Farnsworth kicks to Smith at Navy's 12-yard mark, the ball being run back 15 yards. On the line-up Navy fumbles and Goodspeed gets the ball. Casad makes 5 through the line. Navy stands firm and gets the ball on downs. Belknap punts. Army cannot gain at midfield and Navy gets the ball on downs. Nichols plunges through centre for 15 yards. Navy cannot gain farther and Belknap punts over the goal- line. An exchange of kicks interspersed with rushes lands the ball in the Army's possession on their 25-yard line. On the line-up Army fumbles and Navy recovers the ball at the 19-yard mark. The Navy cannot make an inch and Long tries and misses a drop kick for goal. The Army kicks out and the Navy by short gains rushes the ball back to the 30- yard line, where another drop kick is tried, but fails. The Army kicks out and the Navy again by line plunges forces the ball to the 30-yard line. Long falls back for another drop kick, but Farnsworth is through and blocks the kick. ARMY VS. NAVY 131 The ball bounds back to the 45-yard line, where Farnsworth picks it up and with a clear field starts for the goal-line, but is tackled. On the line-up Clark goes around the end for 23 yards. Unable to gain further, Clark tries for a field goal and kicks it from placement. Navy kicks off and Army runs back the kick to the 20-yard line. Unable to gain, the ball is kicked to Navy's 40. By hard plunging the Navy carries the ball to the Army's 20-yard line, where the Navy is forced to try for a field goal. The kick is short and partially blocked, but Navy recovers it. A line plunge carries the ball to the 3-yard mark. Army throws the Navy back and a fumble gives them the ball. Time is then called for the half. Second Half: Belknap kicks to Goodspeed at 20. The Army adopts a kicking game which lasts for fifteen minutes. At last the Army fumbles a punt and the Navy gets the ball on the former's 10-yard line. Long tries the line, but it is a stone wall. He falls back for a try at goal, but the kick is blocked. Navy recovering the ball. Two line plunges fail to advance the ball and again Long falls back for a try at goal, which he kicks. The Army kicks off and another long kick- ing duel follows. At last the Army fumbles and Navy gets the ball on the 10-yard line. Land on a delayed pass goes through for a touchdown. Fowler kicks the goal. Army kicks off and Belknap catches. On the line-up Belknap falls back to punt. The kick is blocked and rolls behind the goal-line. A mix-up ensues. Long falling on the ball for a safety. Time soon after is called. Army vs. Navy ARMY E. E. Farnsworth, T. B. Doe, '05, N. W. Riley, '04, Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1901 NAVY '04, Left End, K. Whiting, '05. Left Tackle, S. Read, '02. Left Guard, R. T. Carpenter, '04. 132 FOOTBALL ARMY NAVY R. E. Boyers, '03, N. A. Goodspeed, '02, Centre, Right Guard, << (( P. H. Fretz, '03. C. Belknap, '03. R. P. Schlabach, 'Oa P. D. Bunker, '03, J. A. McAndrew, '04, C. D. Daly, '05, A. F. Casad, '02, Capt., H. B. Hackett, '04, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, ti tt R. R. Adams, '02. C. C. Soule, '04. F. V. McNair, '03, F. B. Freyer, '02. H. M. Nelly, '02, F. H. Phipps, '04, E. Graves, '05, Right Half, Full-back, E. S. Land, '02, Capt. N. E. Nichols, '02. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Linesmen: J. P. Gardiner, '01; S. M. Goodman, '97, Pennsylvania. Timekeeper: T. T. Hare, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 11, Navy 5. First Half: Goal from field by C. D. Daly; touchdown by N. E. Nichols. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by C. D. Daly. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the goal. Graves kicks off to Freyer at 15. Nichols goes through for 15 yards. For twenty minutes the ball travels back and forth between the 25-yard lines, punts following ineffectual plunges by both teams. Graves catches and puts the ball down for a scrimmage on Army's 50-yard line. Army forms in tackle-back formation and by short gains drives the ball to Navy's 25-yard line, where the latter stops the advance. On the last down Daly falls back for a try at goal and drops the ball squarely between the posts. Army kicks off to Navy's 20-yard line. The Navy now opens a brilliant at- tack, mixing end runs with line plunges, delayed and double passes in rapid succession, thus carrying the ball to Army's 40, where the latter gets the ball on downs. Graves punts. McNair catches on his 15-yard hne and by a dodging dash runs 75 yards through the entire Army team, reaching the 10-yard line before he is thrown. Freyer goes around the end to the 5-yard line. Nichols takes the ball over for the touchdown. The punt-out fails. Time is called for the half. ARMY VS.. NAVY 133 Second Half: Belknap kicks off to Daly on the 10-yard line. The latter starts straight up the field, but as he meets the Navy tacklers he turns sharply to the right. The Army blocks off the mass of the Navy players, and Daly, sprinting at great speed, runs around them and covers the 95 yards for a touchdown. The goal is kicked. Navy kicks off. The Army by tackle-back plays hammers its way for 60 yards in short plunges. Navy gets the ball on downs and starts a similar attack upon the Army line. The Army now adopts a kicking game. The Navy again and again slowly works its way for half the length of the field, only to be held at last for downs and the ball punted back by Daly. Thus struggling to overcome the lead time is called. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 29, ARMY E. E. Famsworth, '04, Left End, T. W. Hammond, '05, N. W. Riley, '04, 1902 NAVY Left Tackle, Left Guard, K. Whiting, '05. J. Rodgers, '03. R. C. Grady, '06. H. H. Michael, '04. Centre, E. C. Oak, '04. P. H. Fretz, '03. Right Guard, C. Belknap, '03, Capt. Right Tackle, A. S. Rees, '06. L. C. Farley, '05. Right End, C. C. Soule, '04. Quarter-back, F. V. McNair, '03. R. F. Smith, '06. Left Half, R. B. Strassburger, '05. Right Half, S. Doherty, '06. E. S. Root, '05. Full-back, V. N. Metcalf, '06. W. F. Halsey, '04. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: J. H. Minds, '98, Pennsylvania. Linesmen: N. Z. Graves, '04; W. A. Potter, '02, Pennsylvania. Timekeepers: Carl Williams, '97; T. T. Hare, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 22, Navy 8. First Half: Touchdown by P. D. Bunker; touchdown by H. B. Hackett; safety by C. D. Daly; R. E. Boyers, '03, Capt., C. F. Thompson, '04, E. Graves, '05, J. A. McAndrew, '04, C. D. Daly, '05, H. B. Hackett, '04, P. D. Bunker, '03, H. W. Tomey, '06, 134 FOOTBALL touchdown by R. B. Strassburger, goal by C. Belknap. Second Half: Touchdown by H. B. Hackett, goal by H. W. Torney; touchdown by P. D. Bunker, goal by H. W. Torney. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the ball. Bel- knap kicks off to Daly at Army's 15-yard line. Army tries three plunges into the line, but cannot gain, and Daly punts to Smith, who runs to Army's 4Q. The Army holds and Navy punts. Army fumbles and Whiting falls on the ball. Two hard plunges into the line fail to yield a yard and Strass- burger falls back to try a drop kick. The Army line comes through and the kick is blocked. Army punts and Navy makes a fierce assault on the line without gain. The ball is passed to Belknap for a punt, but the kick is partially blocked, Army securing the ball on their 47-yard mark. The Army now sets its tackle-back in rapid play, Torney, Bunker, and Hackett ploughing through for continual gains and taking the ball to the 5-yard line. Torney makes 3, and on the next play Bunker goes over for the touchdown. The punt-out fails. Belknap kicks off to Daly, who runs back 20 yards. Bunker goes around the end for 18 yards. The tackle-back again drives the Navy down to their 5-yard line, where the Army fumbles and Navy gets the ball. Belknap punts. Hackett catches the ball on the 45-yard line and runs through the Navy team, 65 yards, for a touch- down. Torney misses the goal. Navy kicks off to Bunker at Arniy's 10. The latter runs back the kick 25 yards. On an exchange of kicks the Army fumbles on their 30-yard line. Navy hits the line hard, but cannot get through, and Strassburger tries a drop. The ball is low and Daly catches it under the bar. Soule throws him across the line for a safety. Daly kicks out and a long struggle ensues at centre. At last Strassburger gets away for an end run of 65 yards for a touchdown. Belknap kicks the goal. Time is then called for the half. ARMY VS. NAVY 135 Second Half: Daly kicks off to McNair at 20. The Navy on the line-up returns the ball. The Army sets its tackle- back again in motion, and Bunker, Daly, Torney, and Hackett by short gains reach the 5-yard line, from which Hackett goes over for the touchdown. Torney kicks the goal. Navy kicks off and Army returns. A long series of kicks ensues. Army puts the ball down for a scrimmage at midfield and rushes the ball to Navy's 30-yard line, where it goes to the Navy on a fumble. On the line-up the Navy fumbles and Bunker gets the ball. The Army now directs a fierce assault upon the Navy line, sending Bunker over the last line for a touchdown, from which Torney kicks the goal. The Navy kicks off to Daly at 10, who runs back the kick to 20. Army puts the ball down for a scrimmage and sets the tackle-back in motion, thus hammering the ball by short plunges 80 yards when time is called. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 29, A.RMY T. W. Hammond, '05, T. B. Doe, '05, M. H. Shute. '06, C. G. Mettler, '06, N. W. Riley, '04, A. C. Tipton, '05, C. F. Thompson, '04, E. Graves, '05, C. K. Rockwell, '06, A. G. Gillespie, '06, H. B. Hackett, '04, F. A. Prince, '08. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, (( (( Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, E. E. Famsworth, '04, Capt., Right Half, V. W. Cooper, '04, R. C. Hill, '07, Full-back, R. H. Davis, '08, 1903 NAVY D. L. Howard, '06. R. C. Grady, '06. W. B. Piersol, '08. C. F. Chambers, '07. R. F. Smith, '06. A. S. Rees, '06. E. C. Oak, '04. R. F. McConnell, *07. S. Doherty, '06. C. C. Soule, '04, Capt. K. Whiting, '05. R. B. Strassburger, '05. J. W. Wilcox, '05. E. S. Root, '05. J. S. Dowell, '05. W. B. Decker, '06. W. F. Halsey, '04. 136 FOOTBALL Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: J. H. Minds, '98, Pennsylvania. Linesmen: Carl Williams, '97, Pennsylvania; C. B. Marshall, '04, Harvard. Timekeepers: T. T. Hare, '01; C. S. Metzgar, '03, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 40, Navy 5. First Half: Goal from field by C. F. Chambers; touchdown by V. W. Cooper, goal by R. H. Davis; touchdown by R. H. Davis, goal by T. B. Doe; touchdown by F. A. Prince, goal by T. B. Doe. Second Half: Touch- down by F. A. Prince; touchdown by F. A. Prince, goal by T. B. Doe; touchdown by F. A. Prinjce, goal by H. B. Hackett; goal from field by R. H. Davis. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the goal. Doe kicks off to Navy's 27. A sharp punting exchange ensues marked by many fumbles. After several minutes of such play Army fumbles on their 16-yard mark and Howard falls on the ball. Navy cannot pierce the line. Chambers falls back and drops a goal from the field. Army kicks off to Strassburger at 20. Another kicking duel follows. Army puts down the ball for a scrimmage on their 30-yard line. The ball is rushed 20 yards, when, the Navy line holding for 3 downs, the ball is punted to Navy's 20, where a fumble occurs and Army gets the ball. Cooper in two plunges crosses the line and Davis kicks the goal. Navy kicks off and Army returns. Both teams now adopt a kicking game which wages monotonously until the Navy fumbles a high punt on the 10-yard line and Hammond falls on the ball for the Army. In three plays the Army sends Davis across for the touchdown. Doe kicks the goal. Navy kicks off and the Army returns. Again a kicking exchange opens up and lasts for several minutes. The Navy fumbles on the 10- yard line and Army gets the ball. Prince goes around the end for a touchdown and Doe kicks the goal. On the line- up time is called for the half. Second Half: Chambers kicks off to Prince at 15. Prince falls back to punt, but Navy blocks the kick and Soule gets the ball. The Navy backs cannot pierce the Army line and Chambers drops back for a try at goal, but Army ARMY VS. NAVY 137 blocks the kick. A series of kicks ensues, resulting in a fumble by the Navy on their 20-yard Hne. Army gets the ball. In three plunges Cooper, Davis, and Prince take the ball across for a touchdown. The Navy blocks Doe's try for goal. Navy kicks off and Army returns. The usual punting duel ensues, resulting in a fumble by Navy on the 25-yard line and the recovery of the ball by the Army. Three plunges take the ball to the 5-yard line, from which Prince goes through tackle for the touchdown. Doe kicks the goal. Navy kicks off to Wilcox, who runs the kick back 35 yards. The Army kicks and recovers the ball on a fumble by Navy at the latter's 40. The Army by short gains through the line carries the ball to the last line, where Prince goes over for the touchdown and Hackett kicks the goal. Navy kicks off to Wilcox, who runs back 30 yards. A punt and a fumble gives Army the ball on Navy's 40. Davis kicl^s a goal from placement. Prince kicks off for Navy, but time is called. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1904 ARMY T. W. Hammond, '05, T. B. Doe, '05, Capt., W. W. Erwin, '08, H. J. Weeks, '08, A. C. Tipton, '05, D. C. Seagrave, '05, C. G. Mettler, '06, A. G. Gillespie, '06, E. B. Garey, '08, R. C. Hill, '07, F. A. Prince, '08, H. W. Torney, '06, L. H. Watkins, '07. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, i( (I Centre Right Guard, Right Tackle, (( (( Right End, Quarter-back, (( Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, NAVY D. L. Howard, '06. L. C. Farley, '05, Capt. N. H. Goss, '05. W. S. McClintic, '05. W. B. Piersol, '08. R. C. Grady, '06. E. B. Woodworth, '06. K. Whiting, '05. W. H. Dague, '08. H. H. Norton, '07. J. W. Wilcox. '05. H. L. Spencer, '07. R. F. Bernard, '07. S. Doherty, '06. R. F. Smith, '06. R. L. Ghormley, '06. 138 FOOTBALL Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard, Umpire: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Linesman: T. T. Hare, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 11, Navy 0. First Half: Touchdown by H. W. Torney; touchdown by H. W. Torney, goal by T. B. Doe. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the west goal. Torney kicks off to Smith, who runs back to the 25-yard Hne. Smith goes through the Hne for 9 and repeats the play for 3 more. Doherty makes 2, and a penalty sets the Navy back 10. Howard punts to Prince at Army's 25. Torney hits the line for 3 and Doe adds 3 more. A penalty loses 15 and Army punts to Smith. Smith makes 5 around the end. Grady doubles the other end for 5 more. Spencer goes through the line for 6. The Army holds and Navy tries a quarter-back kick, but Tipton gets it. The ball is now on Army's 40. On the line-up Army fumbles and Navy recovers the ball at centre. Navy cannot make first down and a quarter-back kick is captured by Army. The Army tries two plunges into the line without gain and then punts to Navy. The ball is fumbled on the 20-yard Une. Torney picks it up and runs across the line for a touch- down. The try at goal fails. Navy kicks off and Prince runs the ball back 15 yards. A long punting exchange en- sues, ending by the Army putting the ball down for a scrim- mage at midfield. Doe make 4, Prince 1, Hill 2, a penalty yields 5, Prince makes 1, Torney 2, and Doe 11, bringing the ball to the 10-yard line. The ball is given to Torney three times in succession and on the third plunge he takes it over for a touchdown. Doe kicks the goal. Navy kicks off to Army at 15. The Army in six plays brings the ball back to midfield, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Navy kicks to Torney on the 10-yard line and the latter runs back 20 yards. By hard plunging, Torney, Hill, and Doe carrying the ball, the Army reaches Navy's 30-yard line, where the ball is fumbled. Navy can- ARMY VS. NAVY 139 not gain and punts. Army returns. Doherty circles the end and runs to Army's 30-yard line. The Army line does not yield a yard and Wilcox tries a quarter-back kick, but the ball goes out of bounds. Army lines up to punt, but Torney goes through the line for 15 yards. Prince lifts a long punt to Navy's 23-yard mark. Both teams now play desperately, each plunging into the other's line without substantial gain and then punting. The play for the re- mainder of the game is between the 35-yard lines. Time is called, with the ball in Army's possession at midfield. Army vs. Navy Princeton, Dec. 2, 1905 ARMY navy C. K. Rockwell, '06, Left End, D.L.Howard,'06,Capt. W. W. Erwin, '08, Left Tackle, W. B. Piersol, '08. ft « P. W. Northcroft, '09. H. J. Weeks, '08, Left Guard, J. M. O'Brien, '07. W. H. Moss, '09, (( « C. R. Abraham, '06, Centre, L. D. Causey, '06. A. S. Rees, '06. W. C. Christy, '07, Right Guard, J. F. Shafroth, '08. C. G. Mettler, '06, Right Tackle, R. C. Grady, '06. A. G.Gillespie, '06, Capt., Right End, E. B. Woodworth, '06. R. D. Johnson, '09, Quarter-back, W. B. Decker, '06. " H. H. Norton, '07. G. W. Beavers, '08, Left Half, H. L. Spencer, '07. R. H. Smith, '08, « (( A. H. Douglas, '08. R. C. Hill, '07, Right Half, S. Doherty, '06. H. W. Torney, '06, Full-back, R. L. Ghormley, '06. L. H. Watkins, '07, (t R. F. Smith, '06. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Linesman: W. W. Roper, '02, Princeton. Score: Army 6, Navy 6. First Half: Touchdown by H. J. Weeks, goal by C. G. Mettler. Second Half: Touchdown by A. H. Douglas, goal by H. H. Norton. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the goal. Howard kicks off to Torney at 25. Beavers punts to Navy's 50. Several series of kicks are exchanged, resulting in Army 140 FOOTBALL obtaining the ball on Navy's 30-yard line. The Navy line throws the Army runners back. Torney tries a place kick, but misses. Navy kicks out and a run and a penalty put the Army back on the 30-yard line, where a second try from placement fails. Navy kicks out to midfield. The Army now, by short gains of Weeks, Hill, and Torney, reaches the 25-yard line, where Navy holds for downs. Doherty punts to 48. The Army by short gains forces its way to the 1-yard mark, from which Weeks is sent over for a touchdown. Mettler kicks the goal. Navy kicks off and the Army after a small gain punts. Navy returns. Met- tler gets away for a 35-yard run. Torney adds 13. The ball reaches Navy's 20-yard line. Beavers tries for a goal from placement, but fails. Navy kicks out and time ex- pires for the half. Second Half: Army kicks off to Ghormley, who returns. On a second exchange of kicks Navy recovers a fumble on Army's 30-yard line. The Navy makes first down, but Army holds on the 25-yard line and gets the ball. Beavers punts to Norton, who heels the catch at 40. Navy makes 5 through the line; a penalty adds 15 more. The Army holds for downs. For several minutes play continues be- tween centre and Army's 20-yard line. The Navy rushes fiercely, loses the ball on downs, and the Army punts back. It is getting dark. The Army muffs a punt on their 25-yard line and Navy gets the ball. Decker makes 2, Doherty 10, then 2, Spencer 6, Doherty 2, Douglas goes over for a touch- down, and Norton kicks the goal. It is now too dark to proceed and time is called. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1906 ARMY ^ NAVY A. J. Hanlon, *08, Left End, R. F. Bernard, '07. " " W. N. Richardson, '09. H. J. Weeks, '08. Left Tackle, P. W. Northcroft, '09. ARMY VS. NAVY 141 ARMY W. W. Erwin, '08, D. I. Sultan, '07, W. C. Christy, '07, R. F. Fowler, '10, C. P. Stearns, '09, H. M. Hickam, '08, R. D. Johnson, '09, F. A. Mountford, '09, R. H. Smith, '08, E. St. J. Greble, '09, R. C. Hill, '07, Capt., G. W. Beavers, '08, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, <( <( Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, it Left Half, (( (( Right Half, Full-back, NAVY G. R. Meyer, '10. F. Slingluff, '09. P. T. Wright, '09. W. B. Piersol, '08. G. W. Simpson, '07. W. H. Dague, '08. H. H. Norton, '07. A. H. Douglas, '08. H. L. Spencer, '07, Capt. J. H. Ingram, '07. Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Linesman: R. G. Torrey, '06, Pennsylvania. Score: Army, 0, Navy 10. Second Half: Goal from field by P. W. Northcroft; touchdown by J. H. Ingram, goal by H. H. Norton. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the west goal backed by a strong wind. Norton kicks to Steams at Army's 15 and the latter runs back 15 yards. A series of kicks terminate by Piersol recovering the ball for Navy on their opponent's 45-yard line. Another exchange of kicks and a forward pass give Army the ball at their opponent's 40. Here Beavers tries for a field goal, but the kick is blocked. Army gets the ball and starts a fierce attack on the Navy line which carrieii the ball to the 2-yard line, where a forward pass results in a touchback. Navy kicks out and Norton on an on-side kick returns the ball to Navy's 20. Beavers tries for another field goal, but the ball goes beneath the bar. The ball is kicked out, and for several minutes both teams scrimmage and punt without advan- tage until a long punt by Beavers is fumbled on the Navy's 25-yard line. Smith hits the line for no gain. Hanlon makes 8. Beavers misses a field goal. Douglas kicks out. Beavers runs back 8 yards and then makes 5 more around the end. On a quarter-back kick Stearns gets the ball at 142 FOOTBALL Navy's 20. Dague throws him at the 10-yard line. Before the teams can Hne up time is called for the half. Second Half: Beavers kicks to Douglas at Navy's 10. For several minutes the play on both sides becomes a rush, a forward pass, and a punt without successful results. Army at last gets the ball out of bounds at their 25-yard line. On a fake kick Hill makes 10 yards through the centre. Beavers punts and Spencer heels the catch at Army's 45. The angle is wide, but Northcroft kicks a beautiful goal from placement. Beavers kicks off to Navy's 20. Douglas on a fake kick makes 25 yards. Douglas punts to Army's 40 and Dague gets the ball on a fumble. A penalty ad- vances the Navy 5. Smith plunges for 5. Mountford makes the 30-yard line. Norton falls back for a drop kick, but instead shoots a forward pass to Ingram, who goes over for a touchdown. Norton kicks the goal. Beavers kicks off to Navy's 10. Spencer goes around the end for 15. On an exchange of kicks and a block the Navy gets the ball on the Army's 30. Mountford gets an on-side kick at 10. Beavers punts. Both teams, now resort to a kicking game, and time is called, with the ball in the Army's possession at midfield. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1907 ARMY F. S. Besson, '09, A. R. Underwood, '09, E. A. Stockton, '08, H. J. Weeks, '08, W. W. Erwin, '08, W. C. Philoon, '09, W. H. Moss, '09, D. D. Pullen, '10, R. F. Fowler, '10, C. P. Stearns, '09, H. F. Ayres, '08, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, (( (( Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, (( (f Right End, M. B. De Mott, '09. P. W. Northcroft, *09. G. R. Meyer, '10. F. G. Reinicke, '10. F. Slingluff, '09. P. T. Wright, '09. F. T. Leighton, '09. C. W. Magruder, '08. W. H. Dague, '08. ARMY VS. NAVY 143 ARMY NAVY F. A. Mountford, '09, Quarter-back, E. C. Lange, '09. K. E. Kern, '11, <( E. W. Strother, '08. A. D. Surles, 11, Left Half, A. H. Douglas, '08, Capt. E. St. J. Greble, '09, (( (( G. W. Beavers, '08, Right Half, L. F. Reifsnider, '10. R. D. Johnson, '09, <( « R. H.Smith, '08, Capt., Full-back, R. E. Jones, '09. A. J. Hanlon, '08, « H. W. Boynton, '08. Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Field Judge: F. D. Godcharles, '93, Lafayette. Linesman: R. G. Torrey, '06, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 0, Navy 6. First Half: Touchdown by A. H. Douglas, goal by P. W. Northcroft. First Half: Army wins the toss and takes the ball. Beavers kicks off, sending the ball across the goal-line. Navy kicks out to midfield. Army cannot gain and Beavers punts. Navy returns. A kicking duel now lasts for five minutes, the advantage being neutral. Army finally tries a forward pass, but Navy gets it. Douglas kicks to Mount- ford, who runs back 45 yards. Army is penalized 15 yards. Navy shows amazing defensive strength and throws Army back for a loss of 20 yards. Beavers kicks to Douglas, who returns. Army fumbles and Navy gets the ball. Douglas makes 10 on a delayed pass. Reifsnider cannot gain, but Lange gets around the end and plants the ball 3 yards from Army's goal. Navy fumbles, but recovers the ball. Doug- las goes over for a touchdown. Northcroft kicks the goaL Beavers kicks off to Douglas on the 5-yard line. After a double exchange of kicks Douglas circles the end for 10 yards and then kicks to Mountford, who regains 15. The Navy tries two plunges into the line without gain and attempts an on-side kick, which Weeks blocks and then advances the ball 25 yards. Greble goes through tackle for 4 and Smith adds 2 more. Beavers tries a drop kick, but misses the bar. A kicking exchange follows, terminating in a plunge through tackle by Douglas for 5 yards and a for- 144 FOOTBALL ward pass for 10 more. Smith on the next play intercepts another forward pass and the Navy in turn regains the ball by intercepting the Army^s forward pass. An exchange of kicks and a fumble puts the Navy on the Army's 15-yard line. Unable to gain, Lange drops back for a drop kick, but Weeks blocks it. On the line-up time is called. Second Half: Douglas kicks off to Beavers, who returns to Lange, the latter running back 15 yards. Navy makes 15 yards and then loses the ball on a fumble, but on the next play regains it by intercepting a forward pass. Neither team can pierce the other's line and kicks are frequent. Navy kicks to Kern, who makes a brilliant run of 25 yards. Beavers shoots a long forward pass, 25 yards, to Greble. The ball is now on Navy's 30-yard line. Army makes 10 yards and Beavers tries for a field goal, but misses. Navy kicks out to centre and immediately regains the ball on a for- ward pass. After several minutes of kicking Lange heels a fair catch. Northcroft tries for a goal from placement, but fails. Kern kicks out and Navy returns to the 30-yard line. Greble punts out of bounds at 50 and Navy is penal- ized for holding. Douglas then punts to Kern at 40, the latter running back 20 yards. On the line-up time is called. Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1908 ARMY NAVY R. D. Johnson, '09, Left End, R. E. Jones, '09. " " C. H. Cobb, '11. A. E. Byrne, '10, Left Tackle, P. W. Northcroft, '09, Capt. F. S. Besson, '09, J. L. Wier, '11, Left Guard, G. R. Meyer, '10. F. G. Reinicke, '10. W. C. Philoon, '09, Capt., Centre, F. Slingluff, '09. C. L. Brand, '10. W. H. Moss, '09, Right Guard, P. T. Wright, '09. R. R. Nix, '09, ARMY VS. NAVY 145 ARBfY D. D. Pullen, '10, C. P. Steams, '09, J. E. Carberry, '10, R. F. Hyatt, '12, W. Dean, '12, E. St. J. Greble, '09, H. D. Chamberlin, '10, S. M. Walmsley, '12, Right Tackle, (( (< Right End, <( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, H (I Right Half, Full-back, NAVY F. T. Leighton, '09. D. H. Stuart, '09. L. F. Reifsnider, '10. L. C. Carey, '11. E. C. Lange, '09. J. P. Dalton, '12. I. C. Sowell, '12. H. S. McK. Clay, '11. W. A. Richardson, '10. Referee: J. A. Evans, '93, Williams. Umpire: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Field Judge: C. B. Marshall, '04, Harvard. Linesman: R. G. Torrey, '06, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 6, Navy 4. First Half: Touchdown and goal by W. Dean; goal from field by E. C. Lange. First Half: Navy wins the toss and takes the west goal. Dean kicks off to Richardson at 17. The latter runs back to 30. Dalton punts to Dean. Greble makes 3 on a fake kick and then punts. The ball strikes the ground. Cham- berlin, on-side, takes the ball on the run and reaches the 4-yard mark. Dean makes 2 and on the next play crosses the line for a touchdown. Dean also kicks the goal. North- croft kicks to Hyatt, who runs back 15 yards. Greble punts to Reifsnider at 50. A bad pass loses a down and Dalton punts. Greble starts to run, but the Army is set back 15 on a penalty. Greble punts to Lange, who is downed without gain. Dalton fails to gain on a trick play and then punts. Greble returns to Lange. Clay gets around the end for 5, but fumbles and Greble gets the ball. Hyatt makes 8 and Greble punts to Lange, who heels a fair catch at 30. Dalton is thrown for a loss and then punts to Dean, who runs back 20 yards. Greble fails to gain on a fake kick and punts to Northcroft. Northcroft returns. Dalton makes 8 and then is thrown for a loss of 4. A long punting series opens up, finally resulting in Greble kicking to Lange at midfield, who 146 FOOTBALL runs out of bounds at Army's 35. Clay gets around the end for 3. Leighton goes through the line for 7. Dalton, Clay, and Leighton make 15 yards. On a double pass Lange circles the end for 6. Army holds and Navy tries a goal from place- ment, which Lange makes. Dean kicks off to Dalton at 25. Both teams try a plunge into the line, followed by a punt, as neither can gain against the other consistently, and thus the half closes. Second Half: Northcroft kicks off to Hyatt, who returns to the 25-yard line. Chamberlin makes 2 yards. Dean punts to Lange and Dalton returns on the line-up to Hyatt. Stearns stops Clay on a double pass. Hyatt makes 10 around the end and Chamberlin adds 2 more. Dean lifts a punt 75 yards. Lange gets it behind the goal and runs it out to the 7-yard line. Dalton punts to 35. Dean makes 3 and Chamberlin 4. Navy recovers a forward pass on their 12-yard line. Dalton punts to Dean. Greble punts to Richardson. Dalton runs across the field on a fake kick, but there is no gain. Hyatt heels a fair catch at 45. Greble tries the end for no gain. Lange gets an on-side kick, and on the line-up goes around the end for 20 yards. Clay tries the other end without gain and Dalton punts. Navy now begins to send in substitutions. For several minutes the game becomes merely a punting con- test between Dalton and Greble. Dalton makes 1 yard around the end and then Lange shoots a forward pass to Clay, which nets 12 yards. Dalton again gets round the end for 1, but Lange punts to Dean. Hyatt goes around the Navy's end for 15 yards. Greble makes 8 more. Chamber- lin on a fake kick gets through the line for 2. Dalton re- covers a fumble and with a clear field starts for the goal, but Chamberlin throws him out of bounds. Lange punts and time is called. There was no game in 1909. ARMY VS. NAVY 147 ARMY a Wood, '12, Army vs. Navy Philadelphia, Nov. 26, Left End, 1910 NAVY D. W. Hamilton, '12. R. E. P. Elmer, '12. H. L. Merring, '11. C.Q.Wright, '11, Capt. P. Van H. Weems, '12. J. H. Brown, '14. F. Loftin, '11. K. P. Gilchrist, '14. I. C. Sowell, '12. H. S. McK. Clay, '11. J. P. Dalton, '12. P. P. Rodes, '13. L. S. Devore, '12, Left Tackle, H. D. Douglas, '11, H. Huston, '14, Left Guard A. V. Arnold, '12, Centre, J. L. Wier, '11, Capt., Right Guard, R. McG. Littlejohn, '12, Right Tackle, J. B. Gillespie, '13, Right End, R. F. Hyatt, '12, Quarter-back, W. Dean, '12, Left Half, C. J. Browne, '12, Right Half, A. D. Surles, '11, Full-back, J. E. McDonald, '12, Referee: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Umpire: M. J. Thompson, '01, Georgetown. Field Judge: D. L. Fultz, '98, Brown. Linesman: A. L. Smith, '05, Pennsylvania. Score: Army 0, Navy 3. Fourth Quarter: Goal from field by J. P. Dalton. First Quarter: Army wins the toss and selects the west goal. Dalton kicks off. Many exchanges of kicks ensue, the Navy steadily gaining, notwithstanding the wind. Army is eventually forced to punt from behind their goal-line. Rodes catches on Army's 40-yard line and runs to 25. Army holds and Dalton tries for a goal from the field, but the kick is blocked. Navy recovers the ball, but is held after a short gain. Dalton again tries for a goal, but misses. The ball is put in play on the 25-yard line and Army unable to gain punts. Many punts follow, the Navy slowly gaining by the exchanges. Dalton at last catches on his 40 and runs to the Army's 40. A bad pass sets the Navy back to mid- field. Dalton punts to Army's 20. Dean makes 6 on a fake kick. Dean punts to Clay, who runs the ball back 15 yards. Dalton punts to Surles and the quarter ends. Second Quarter: Army starts play at midfield. Dean makes 1 and then puuts. Navy returns. The Army by a 148 FOOTBALL few short gains reaches Navy's 45-yard line. Nine more are made and Dean tries for a goal from placement, which fails. Dalton kicks to Navy's 45. On an exchange of kicks Army fumbles and Navy gets the ball on their opponents' 35-yard line. Unable to gain, Dalton tries for a goal, but misses. Scrimmage begins on the 25-yard line and Dean gets around the end for 5 yards. Several kicks are ex- changed. Clay finally heels a fair catch on Army's 40-yard line. Dalton tries for a goal from placement, but the kick is short. Hyatt circles the Navy's end for 9 yards. K^icks are exchanged and a penalty gives Army the ball on their 40. Several sharp exchanges of kicks follow, the Army fumbling and Gilchrist getting the ball on Army's 10-yard line. Here time is called for the half. Third Quarter: Dalton kicks to Hyatt. Browne goes around the end for 10. A long punting duel follows, which terminates by Browne heeling a fair catch at Navy's 44. Dean tries for a goal from placement, but misses. Navy punts to midfield. Army fumbles, and Navy gets the ball. Rodes makes 5, Dalton 5, Dalton 4, Sowell 6, Clay 2. Army holds. Navy forms for a place kick, but shoots a forward pass to Army's 20-yard line. Dalton goes through for 5. Army holds and Dalton tries for a goal, but misses. Army puts the ball in play at 25. Navy blocks the kick and gets the ball. Unable to gain, a place kick is tried, which fails. Dean punts on the line-up. Clay runs the kick back 10 yards and the quarter ends. Fourth Quarter: For five minutes the game is limited to ex- changes of punts, Dalton from a fake-kick formation finally circling Army's end for 11 yards and putting the ball down on the latter's 30-yard line. Rodes makes 2, Dalton adds 3. Navy forms for a place kick and Dalton drives the ball squarely between the posts for a field goal. Dean kicks to Clay and the latter runs back 20 yards. Navy is ^ 5 o c -— *s: ARMY VS. NAVY 149 penalized and Dalton punts. The ball now surges back and forth between the 30-yard lines in a succession of punts. Army is penalized 5 yards. Clay goes through centre for 4 and the ball is on the Army's SO-yard line. Navy forms for a place kick, but Sowell shoots a forward pass which the Army gets. Dean kicks on the line-up and Clay returns the punt. Browne fails to gain and Dean kicks out of bounds at midfield. Time now is called. CHAPTER X CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN CHICAGO E. R. Yundt, G. N. Knapp, N. D. Flint, R. L. Parker, W. RuUkoetter, C. W. Allen, Capt., C. F. Roby, W. E. Garrey, R. N. Tooker, F. E. Hering, H. I. Coy, W. E. Garrey, F. D. Nichols, H. G. Gale, Chicago vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Oct. 20, 1894 Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, (( <( Quarter-back, Left Half, (( (( Right Half, Full-back, WISCONSIN W. H. Sheldon, '96. T. P. Silverwood, '96. F. W. Bolzendahl, '95. W. Alexander, '97. N. A. Comstock, '97. H. H. Jacobs, '93. G. W. Bunge, '95. J. C. Major, '96. T.U.Lyman, '94, Capt. F. W. Nelson, '97. J. C. Karel, '95. J. R. Richards, '96. Referee: Herbert Alward, '92, Harvard. Umpire: N. N. Young, Northwestern. Score: Chicago 0, Wisconsin 30. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the wind. Wisconsin kicks off. Allen gets around the end for a run of 35 yards. Wisconsin holds and Gale punts. Wisconsin fumbles and Allen carries the ball to Wisconsin's 15-yard line. Here the latter takes the ball on downs and by steady line plunges carries the ball the length of the field for a touch- down. Lyman kicks the goal. Allen kicks off to Karel and the latter runs 50 yards. On the line-up Karel goes through tackle for 40 yards, but the ball is given to Chicago for a foul. Nichols makes 20 yards around the end. Gale bucks the line for 5 and Nichols for 7, but failing to gain farther 150 CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 151 Gale kicks across Wisconsin's goal-line. Richards kicks out. Nichols circles the end for 10, and then repeats the play for 20. Chicago by short gains now advances the ball to Wis- consin's 3-yard line, where the latter holds for downs. Time is soon called for the first half. Second Half: Wisconsin becomes very aggressive and Chicago weakens. In this half Wisconsin makes 4 touch- downs and Lyman kicks the goals. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 2, 1895 CHICAGO H. G. Leighton, E. V. Williamson, W. Rullkoetter, P. S. Allen, T. L. Ketman, C. W. Allen, Capt. C. F. Roby, A. A. Ewing, H. G. Gale, F. D. Nichols, C. B. Neel, WISCONSIN Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. W. H. Sheldon, '96. W. Alexander, '97. J. P. Riordan, '98. F. Kull, '94. N. A. Comstock, '97. J. F. A. Pyre, '92. E. S. Anderson, '99. G. H. Trautman, '96. G. Thompson, '99. J. C. Karel, '95. J. R. Richards, '96, Capt. Referee: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Umpire: F. M. Gould, '93, Amherst. Linesman: H. L. Pike. Score: Chicago 22, Wisconsin 12. First Half: Touchdown by J. F. A. Pyre, goal by J. R. Richards; touch- down and goal by J. R. Richards; touchdown by H. G. Gale, goal by C. B. Neel; touchdown by F. D. Nichols, goal by C. B. Neel; touch- down by E. V. Williamson, goal by C. B. Neel. Second Half: Touch- down by C. W. Allen, goal by C. B. Neel. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Chicago kicks off. Wisconsin starts in with a rush and scores two touchdowns in fifteen minutes, Pyre and Rich' ards taking the ball across, from both of which Richards kicks the goals. Chicago braces and Nichols, Neel, Gale, and Allen rush the ball by long gains and score three touch- downs, the latter being made by Gale, Nichols, and William- 152 FOOTBALL son. Neel kicks the goals. Karel on a fake kick runs 65 yards, but is stopped on Chicago's 15-yard line. Second Half: In this half both teams play stubbornly, the ball surging back and forth across the centre line, punts following rushes in rapid succession. At last Chicago rushes the ball into Wisconsin's goal, where C. W. All^ scores a touchdown. The try for goal fails. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 7, 1896 CHICAGO E. D. K. Leffingwell, W. S. Kennedy, J. E. Webb, W. J. Cavanagh, R. N. Tooker, C. F. Roby, Capt., R. C. Hamill, M. G. Clarke, J. S. Johnson, H. I. Coy, W. T. Gardner, WISCONSIN Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. W. H. Sheldon, '96. W. A. Atkinson,'97, Capt. J. P. Riordan, '98. N. A. Comstock, '97. J. E. Ryan, '95. J. F. A. Pyre, '92. C. L. Brewer, '99. E. S. Anderson, '99. J. P. Gregg, '99. J. C Karel, '95. F. W. Nelson, '97. J. R. Richards, '96. Referee: C. M. Hollister, '95, Pennsylvania. Umpire: F. M. Gould, '93, Amherst. Linesmen: Messrs. Jones and Anson. Score: Chicago 0, Wisconsin 24. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by J. R. Richards; touchdown by J. C. Karel, goal by J. R. Richards; touchdown by J. C. Karel, goal by J. R. Richards; touchdown by F. W. Nelson, goal by J. R. Richards. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and selects the goal. Richards kicks to Hamill. Gardner at once punts to Karel, who runs back 5 yards. Wisconsin by line plunges ad- vances the ball to Chicago's 40-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Chicago immediately punts to Karel, who runs back 10 yards. Wisconsin fumbles. Roby makes 20 yards. Chicago punts to Karel on the 10-yard line. Karel hits centre for 5 and then rounds the end for 25. Nelson makes •I CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 153 5, Atkinson 17. Karel takes ball to 5-yard line. The ball is given to Chicago on a foul. Gardner punts to Wis- consin's 40. Karel runs back 10. The ball for the re- mainder of the half travels back and forth across the centre without substantial advantage to either team. Second Half: Chicago kicks to Riordan. Wisconsin fumbles and regains the ball. Richards kicks to 20-yard line. Chicago returns. Wisconsin by short line plunges takes the ball to Chicago's goal-line for a touchdown and goal by Richards. Gardner kicks off and Wisconsin re- turns. After a few short gains Gardner punts. Wisconsin catches at 35 and again by short line plays reaches the 5-yard line, from which Karel is sent across for the touch- down. Richards kicks the goal. Gardner kicks to Rich- ards, who returns. Chicago makes 10 yards, but is forced to kick. Wisconsin starts in motion its line-plunging plays and reaches the 10-yard line. Karel goes through centre for a touchdown. Richards kicks the goal. Gardner kicks to Gregg, who runs back 10 yards. Richards punts to Chi- cago's 30-yard line. The latter returns the kick to centre. Karel makes 10, Pyre 12, Gregg 5. Six more plunges take the ball to the 5-yard line. Nelson goes through tackle for a touchdown. Richards kicks the goal. Gard- ner kicks to Pyre, who runs back 15 yards. Richards punts to Chicago's 15-yard line. Chicago rushes for 20 yards and then kicks to Wisconsin's 10. Karel makes 5 through cen- tre. Gregg adds 5 more. Richards on a fake kick runs to Chicago's 20-yard line. Time is called. CmcAGO vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 13, 1897 CHICAGO WISCONSIN H. Fox, Left End, J. Dean, '01. T. W. Mortimer, Left Tackle, H. R. Holmes, '99. K. Speed, Left Guard, J. P. Riordan, '98, Capt. 154 FOOTBALL CHICAGO WISCONSIN N. K. Anderson, Left Guard, W. J. Cavanagh, Centre, W. C. Hazzard, '97. A. C. Bowdish, Right Guard, N. A. Comstock, '97. J. E. Webb, Right Tackle, H. G. Forrest, '98. R. C. Hamill, Capt., Right End, W. Fugitt, '01. G. H. Garrey, Quarter-back, J. P. Gregg, '99. W. S. Kennedy, Left Half, H. J. Peele, '99. (( « W. M. Joliffe, P. G. M. G. Clarke, Right Half, H. F. Cochems, '97. W. T. Gardner, Full-back, P. J. O'Dea, '00. Referee: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Umpire: R. T. Hoagland, '95, Princeton. Score: Chicago 8, Wisconsin 23. First Half: Touch- down by H. R. Holmes; goal from field by P. J. O'Dea; touchdown by H. J. Peele. Second Half: Touchdown by M. G. Clarke, goal by W. T. Gardner; touchdown by J. P. Gregg; safety by Wisconsin; touchdown by W. M. Joliffe, goal by P. J. O'Dea. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the ball. Wisconsin rushes the ball well back and, unable to advance farther, O'Dea tries a long drop kick, which fails. Gardner gets the ball and is tackled on the 17-yard mark. Chicago rushes to Wisconsin's 35, where a penalty gives the ball to the latter. Wisconsin cannot gain and O'Dea tries a long drop kick, which falls short, but rolls over the line for a touchback. Gardner punts out. Wisconsin returns, and Chicago by line plunges carries the ball to their opponent's 35-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Kicks are ex- changed. Holmes breaks through and, blocking a kick, picks up the ball and runs 50 yards for a touchdown. O'Dea misses the goal. Gardner kicks off to O'Dea and the latter runs back to midfield. O'Dea punts. After sev- eral exchanges, Wisconsin is held for third down on Chi- cago's 50-yard line. O'Dea drops a goal from the field. Chicago kicks off, and following an exchange of kicks, Wis- consin works the ball to Chicago's 5-yard line, from which Peele is sent across for a touchdown. CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 155 Second Half: O'Dea kicks off and Gardner is tackled on the 25-yard line. Wisconsin recovers the ball at centre. Unable to gain, O'Dea tries a drop kick, but the try is blocked. A kicking duel ensues, resulting in a fumble by Wisconsin. Clarke gets the ball and runs 55 yards for a touchdown. Gardner kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off, and after several plays, Gregg, on a trick play, circles the end and runs 35 yards for a touchdown. O'Dea misses the goal. Gardner kicks off, and after several unimportant plays Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble on Chicago's 40-yard line. Chicago tackles sharply and O'Dea punts. A suc- cession of fumbles ensues, one of which results in a safety by Wisconsin. Wisconsin punts out and soon gets the ball on the return, O'Dea running it back 50 yards. Joliffe and Cochems by line plunges reach Chicago's 10-yard line. Joliffe goes across for a touchdown. O'Dea kicks the goal. CmcAGO vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 12, 1898 CmCAGO WISCONSIN B. J. Cassells, Left End, E. B. Cochems, '00. T. W. Mortimer, Left Tackle, H. R. Holmes, '99. M. A. Cleveland, <( (( O. S. Burnett, Left Guard, H. R. Chamberlain, '99. W. J. Cavanagh, Centre, A. A. Chamberlain, '99. C. J. Rogers, Right Guard, M. M. Beddall, '97. J. E. Webb, Right Tackle, A. H. Curtis, '02. R. C. Hamill, Right End, E. S. Anderson, '99. W. S. Kennedy, Capt., Quarter-back, P. H. Tratt, '01. J. R. Henry, Left Half, W. M. Joliffe, P. G. C. B. Herschberger, Right Half, A. F. Larson, '02. F. L. Slaker, Full-back, P. J. O'Dea, '00, Capt. Referee: J. F. Darby, '95, Grinnell. Umpire: W. O. Hickok, '95, Yale. Score: Chicago 6, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Touchdown by W. S. Kennedy, goal by C. B. Herschberger. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the ball. O'Dea kicks to the 10-yard line and Slaker runs back to 156 FOOTBALL the 25. Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble and a penalty sets them 10 yards forward. Chicago holds for downs and Herschberger punts to Wisconsin's 20-yard line. Slaker makes 3, and on the next play reaches midfield on an end run. Kennedy hits centre for 3, and then, by 2- and 3-yard gains, Slaker, Kennedy, and Herschberger reach the 3-yard line, from which Kennedy is shot through centre for a touch- down. Herschberger kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Chicago by short gains rushes the ball to Wisconsin's 40. Kicks are exchanged and Chicago gets the ball at 35 on a fumble. Unable to gain, Herschberger tries a drop kick, but misses the goal. Similar plays soon put Wiscon- sin on Chicago's 40-yard line and O'Dea tries and misses a field goal. Just before the half closes Herschberger tries at 45 yards to drop a goal, but fails. Second Half: Herschberger kicks off and O'Dea punts to centre. After two plunges into the line without gain Herschberger punts to Wisconsin's 20, where the latter fum- bles and Slaker falls on the ball. In five plunges Chicago reaches the 2-yard line, where Wisconsin holds for downs. O'Dea punts. Herschberger returns. Another fumble gives Chicago the ball and Herschberger tries for a goal, but Wisconsin blocks the kick. O'Dea punts. A brisk kick- ing duel ensues, Chicago continually threatening Wis- consin's goal. O'Dea runs a kick to 35 and punts to Chicago's 40. Wisconsin holds for downs and O'Dea punts to Chicago's 20. The remainder of the game becomes a contest between O'Dea and Herschberger, and time is called with the ball in Wisconsin's possession on their 10-yard line. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Dec. 9, 1899 CmCAGO WISCONSIN J. M. Sheldon, Left End, E. B. Cochems, '00. F. Feil, Left Tackle, E. R. Blair, '03. H. F. Ahlswede, Left Guard, A. C. Lemm, '03. CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 157 CHICAGO WISCONSIN K. Speed, Centre, A. A. Chamberlain, '99. C. G. Flannagan, J. E. Webb, Right Guard, Right Tackle, C. W. Rodgers, P. G. A. H. Curtis, '02. B. J. Cassells, W. S. Kennedy, Capt., Right End, Quarter-back, F. S. Hyman, '02. P. H. Tratt, '01. G. H. Wilmarth, P. G. J. R. Henry, C. B. Herschberger, F. L. Slaker, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, H. J. Peele, '99. A. F. Larson, '02. P. J. O'Dea, '00, Capt. Referee: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Umpire: R.D.Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Score: Chicago 17, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Touchdown by F. L. Slaker, goal by C. B. Herschberger; touchdown by F. Feil, goal by C. B. Herschberger. Second Half: Touchdown by F. L. Slaker. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and selects the goaL O'Dea kicks to Slaker, who runs back to the 20-yard line. By short plunges Chicago rushes the ball to Wisconsin's 8-yard line, where the latter takes it on downs and O'Dea punts, but a series of short gains by Chicago brings it back to the 10-yard line, where in two plunges Slaker goes over for a touchdown and Herschberger kicks the goal. On the kick-off Chicago runs the ball out to the 7-yard line. Feil makes 20 yards, Kennedy kicks to Tratt. O'Dea returns. Chicago now starts a steady advance which reaches their opponent's 5-yard line. Feil is sent across for a touchdown. Herschberger makes the goal. Wisconsin kicks off, Chicago returns and recovers the ball on a fumble. Line plunges reach Wisconsin's 35-yard line, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Kennedy kicks off to Larson, who runs back 5 yards. Wisconsin by short plunges rushes 40 yards. Chicago holds for downs and punts. Wisconsin fumbles and Chicago takes the ball on their opponent's 30-yard line. Wisconsin holds for downs and O'Dea punts. A long run by Slaker and a series of short gains bring the ball to Wisconsin's 10-yard line. Slaker breaks through the 158 FOOTBALL line for ten yards and touches down. The try at goal fails. O'Dea kicks off and Herschberger returns. O'Dea heels the catch and tries a place kick at 50 yards, but fails. Chica- go by short plunges carries the ball 65 yards, but is about to be held for downs and takes a 20-yard loss to hold the ball. Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble. Larson makes 3, Blair 2. Chicago takes the ball on downs. Six plunges net 20 yards and time is called. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 17, 1900 CHICAGO F. Feil, O. E. Atwood, C. W. Ervin, K. Speed, Capt., C. G. Flannagan, J. G. MacNab, Z. R. Pettet, J. M. Sheldon, J. R. Henry, F. O. Horton, A. B. Snider, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, WISCONSIN A. C. Abbott, '04. A. A. Chamberlain, '99, Capt. J. P. Riordan, '98. E. Scow, '01. A. C. Lerum, '03. A. H. Curtis, '02. W. J. Juneau, '03. P. H. Tratt, '01. E. B. Cochems, '00. A. F. Larson, '02. S. E. Driver, '03. Referee: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Score: Chicago 5, Wisconsin 39. First Half: Touchdown by E. B. Cochems, goal by P. H. Tratt; goal from field by F. Feil. Second Half: Touchdown by A. F. Larson, goal by P. H. Tratt; touch- down by A. H. Curtis; touchdown by A. H. Curtis, goal by P. H. Tratt; touchdown by J. P. Riordan; touchdown by A. F. Larson; touchdown by E. B. Cochems, goal by P. H. Tratt. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the goal. Cochems kicks to Chicago's 18-yard line. Unable to make first down Chicago punts. Larson, Cochems, and Driver by short, steady gains reach the 3-yard line, from which Cochems goes over for the touchdown and Tratt kicks the goal. Following the kick-off neither team develops plunging power sufficient to gain consecutively. Wisconsin fumbles one of the punts on the 30-yard line. Feil tries a place kick, but misses. In five plays Feil gets another oppor- CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 159 tunity from the same distance and kicks the goal. Follow- ing the kick-ojff and a return Wisconsin starts a steady ad- vance, and by short gains reaches Chicago's 10-yard Hne, where time is called. Second Half: Feil kicks to Tratt, who runs back to the 20-yard line. The ball changes hands several times on punts and downs. Starting from centre, Wisconsin gains steadily, and on the 5-yard line sends Larson across for a touchdown, from which Tratt kicks the goal. Chicago kicks off, and after many exchanges a punt puts the ball in Chicago's pos- session on their 20-yard line. Curtis blocks Feil's kick and falls on the ball for a touchdown. No goal. Chicago kicks off. After many exchanges of the ball without sub- stantial advantage to either, Wisconsin puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 55-yard line. Driver, Curtis, Cochems, Larson, and Chamberlain by short gains advance the ball to Chicago's 5-yard line. On the next play Curtis is sent across for a touchdown and Tratt kicks the goal. Chicago kicks off. Wisconsin puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 10-yard line. Without once being held for downs the ball reaches Chicago's goal-line, which Rior- dan crosses for a touchdown. No goal. Chicago kicks off, and Wisconsin by rapid gains quickly reaches the 5-yard line from which Larson is sent through the center for a touchdown. The goal fails. Once more Chicago kicks off and again Wisconsin plunges steadily down to the goal-line. Cochems takes the ball over in the last minute of play and Tratt kicks the goal. CfflCAGO vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 28, 1901 CmCAGO WISCONSIN p. A. Speik, Left End, A. C. Abbott, '04. C. G. Flanagan, Left Tackle, E. J. Haumerson, '03. R. L. Knapp, Left Guard, A. C. Lenim, '03. 160 FOOTBALL CHICAGO WISCONSIN A. C. Ellsworth, Capt., Centre, E. Scow, '01. M. M. Beddall, Right Guard, W. C. Holstein, '04. E. B. Cooke, <( (t R. B. Kennedy, Right Tackle, A. H. Curtis, '02, Capt. J. G. MacNab, Right End, W. J. Juneau, '03. G. H. Garrey, Quarter-back, A. L. Marshall, '04. L. W. Maxwell, " J. G. Fogg, '04. E. E. Perkins, Left Half, E. B. Cochems, '00. M. S. Dondanville, *{ « F. O. Horton, Right Half, A. F. Larson, '02. G. H. Garrey, (( (( B. Strauss, Full-back, S. E. Driver, '03. Referee: Mr. McLean, Michigan. Umpire: G. W. Walbridge, '98, Lafayette. Score: Chicago 0, Wisconsin 35. First Half: Touchdown by E. B. Cochems, goal by W. Juneau; touchdown by E. B. Cochems, goal by W. Juneau. Second Half: Goal from field by W. Juneau; touch- down by S. E. Driver, goal by W. Juneau; touchdown by A. F. Larson, goal by W. Juneau; touchdown and goal by W. Juneau. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and selects the goaL Driver kicks off, sending the ball over the goal-line. Chicago kicks out to Wisconsin's 50-yard line. Larson, Cochems, and Driver, alternating rapidly with the ball in line plunges, cany the ball to the 3-yard line, where Cochems rounds the end for a touchdown. Juneau kicks the goal. Ellsworth kicks to Larson, who makes a run of 85 yards. Chicago holds for downs. Two downs fail to gain and Strauss punts. Catching the return of the punt Chicago opens an attack on the Wisconsin line mingled with quarter-back kicks and carries the ball to Wisconsin's 30-yard line, where a place kick for goal fails. Cochems runs the ball out to the 2-yard line, where it is put down for a scrimmage. By short gains and without a check Wisconsin now advances down the field to the 1-yard mark, where Chicago gets the ball on downs, but immediately loses it on a foul. Cochems then makes a touchdown and Juneau kicks a goal. Ells- worth kicks off. Play crosses and recrosses the centre with- CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 161 out threatening the goal of either team. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Strauss kicks off and Driver returns. Chicago, unable to advance, punts and Wisconsin starts its line attack, which takes the ball steadily down the field to the 30-yard line, from which Juneau drops a goal. Play for some time becomes a series of rushes and punts near the centre until Wisconsin is given the ball on a foul on Chicago's 20-yard line. Larson makes 5, Driver 2, Driver 4, and on the next play Driver breaks through for a touchdown. Juneau kicks the goal. Fogg returns Ellsworth's kick to the 35-yard line. On an exchange of kicks Juneau makes a run of 35 yards. Unable to advance farther he tries but misses a drop kick. Chicago kicks out, and Wisconsin, catching at centre, by short plunges brings the ball to Chica- go's 20-yard line. Larson circles the end for a touchdown. Juneau kicks the goal. Ellsworth kicks off to Juneau, who runs 100 yards for a touchdown and then kicks the goal. During the remainder of the half Wisconsin rushes the ball well into Chicago's territory, but cannot score, being held for downs near the 25-yard line. CmcAGO vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 27, 1902 CmCAGO WISCONSIN F. A. Speik, Left End, A. C. Abbott, '04. « (t A. R. Findlay, '05. J. P. Koehler, Left Tackle, F. A. Long, '05. R. C. Tripp, « (( H. F. Ahlswede, Left Guard, W. A. Berthke, '06. A. C. Ellsworth, Centre, E. Scow, 'OL L. W. Maxwell, Right Guard, A. C. Lerum, '03. E. W. Fair, Right Tackle, E. J. Haumerson, '03. M. S. Catlin, Right End, J. I. Bush, '06. R. W. Maxwell, Quarter-back, J. G. Fogg, '04. G. E. Schnur, " J. M. Sheldon, Capt., Left Half, W. F. Moffat, '02. 162 FOOTBALL CHICAGO WISCONSIN G. E. Ivison, Left Half, W. J. Juneau, '03, Capt. E. E. Perkins, « « E. J. Vanderboom, '06. H. F. Bezdeck Right Half, a (( C. D. Marsh, '06. S. H. Wightman, Full-back, « S. E. Driver, '03. W. F. Moffat, '02. Referee: G. A. Huff, *96, Dartmouth. Umpire: J. W. Beacham, '97, Cornell. Score: Chicago 11, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Goal from field by S. H. Wightman. Second Half: Touchdown by G. E. Schnur, goal by A. C. Ellsworth. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the goal. Abbott kicks to Catlin, who runs back 15 yards. Unable to advance farther, Ellsworth punts to Wisconsin's 15-yard line. Wisconsin by Hne plunges gains 8 yards and then punts. Sheldon, Schnur, and Wightman bring the ball to the 30- yard line, from which Ellsworth makes a place kick, scoring a goal. During the remainder of this half the ball changes hands frequently on downs and punts, but neither team can pass the other's 25-yard line. Second Half: Chicago kicks off and Wisconsin returns. A poor punt on the next exchange gives Chicago the ball on Wisconsin's 15-yard line. Schnur breaks through for a touchdown. Ellsworth kicks the goal. During the re- mainder of the half the ball crosses and recrosses the centre line, the play being marked by many penalties. Neither goal again is threatened. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Oct. 31, 1903 CHICAGO F. A. Speik, H. F. Ahlswede, S. H. Wightman, F. G. Burrows, A. C. Ellsworth, Capt., J. F. Tobin, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, WISCONSIN A. C. Abbott, '04, Capt. A. R. Findlay, '06. W. A. Berthke, '06. R. W. Remp, '05. H. R. Chamberlain, 06. CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 163 CHICAGO B. p. Gale, Right Guard, L. W. Maxwell, Right Tackle, R. B. Kennedy, Right End, W. H. Eckersall, Quarter-back, G. E. Schnur, Left Half, G. E. Ivison, Right Half, C. H. Hitchcock, M. S. Catlin, Full-back, H. F. Bezdeck, G. E. Ivison, Harvey, " Referee: T. L. Burkland, '99, Illinois. Umpire: C. R. Rinehart, '98, Lafayette. Score: Chicago 15, Wisconsin 6. First Half: Goal from field by W. H. Eckersall. Second Half: Goal from field by W. H. Eckersall; touchdown by E. J. Vanderboom, goal by C. Washer; goal from field by W. H. Eckersall. WISCONSIN J. Price, '06. C. Washer, '05. J. I. Bush, '06. J. G. Fogg, '04. E. J. Vanderboom, '06. W. M. Baine, '07. V. Wrabetz, '03. E. S. Perry, '07. A. S. Peterson, '07. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the goaL Abbott kicks to Eckersall, who runs back to the 20-yard line. Throughout the first twenty minutes the play is char- acterized by the ability of each team to advance the ball about 20 yards by short plunges, and then the inability to make the succeeding first down, thus forcing a kick. In this manner the ball travels back and forth between the 25-yard lines several times. Finally Eckersall tries but misses a drop kick from the 45-yard line. Wisconsin kicks out. Schnur makes 2, Catlin 1, Catlin 5, Ivison 9, Schnur 1, Catlin 4, and Wisconsin holds for two downs. Eckersall falls back and drops a field goal from the 25-yard line. Wisconsin kicks off, but time is soon called for the half. Second Half: Play in the second half returns to the tactics of the first period — substantial gains by both teams between the 25-yard lines, but inability to advance farther. On one of these advances Eckersall tries for a field goal at 50, but misses. Abbott punts to midfield. Schnur makes 6, Cadin 2, Bezdeck goes in at full-back for Chicago. Wiscon- 164 FOOTBALL sin holds and Eckersall punts to the 15-yard line. Wiscon- sin fumbles and Chicago gets the ball. Bezdeck cannot gain. Eckersall kicks a field goal from the 25-yard line. Peterson returns the kick-off. Wisconsin, on an exchange of kicks, gets the ball and puts it down for a scrimmage on the 50-yard line. Sperry, Peterson, Vanderboom, and Wrabetz make yard after yard until the 3-yard line is reached, where Chicago stiffens and takes the ball on downs. Eckersall punts and Vanderboom returns. Wisconsin again rushes the ball into Chicago's goal, but fumbles. Eckersall punts out. Wrabetz, Vanderboom, and Perry tenaciously force back the ball to the 15-yard line. Wrabetz reaches the 3-yard line. Vanderboom goes over for the touchdown. Washer kicks the goal. Chicago kicks off and Wisconsin returns. Chicago rushes ball to 35-yard line, from which Eckersall kicks a goal from the field. Time soon after is called. CmCAGO F. A. Speik, Capt., M. A. Hill, J. F. Tobin, B. P. Gale, A. H. Badenoch, W. J. Boone, R. B. Kennedy, W. H. Eckersall, L. C. De Tray, W. C. Speidel, M. S. Cadin, H. F. Bezdeck. CmcAGo vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 26, 1904 WISCONSIN Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, (( <( Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, (( « Full-back, A. R. Findlay, '06. W. A. Berthke, '06. L. P. Donovan, '06. R. W. Remp, '05. J. E. O'Brien, '05. T. L. St. Germaine, '05. F. E. Hunt, '08. J. I. Bush, '06, Capt. A. B. Melzner, '06. E. J. Vanderboom, '06. W. H. Schneider, '08. L. Stromquist, P. G. Referee: G. W. Walbridge, '98, Lafayette. Umpire: N. W. Snow, *02, Michigan. Score: Chicago 18, Wisconsin 11. First Half : Touch- down by L. Stromquist; touchdown by H. F. Bezdeck, goal by R. B. CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 165 Kennedy. Second Half: Touchdown by L. C. De Tray, goal by R. B. Kennedy; touchdown by W. H. Eckersall, goal by R. B. Kennedy; touchdown by E. J. Vanderboom, goal by J. I. Bush. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Tobin kicks to Findlay, who runs back 10 yards. Strom- quist makes 3 and then Wisconsin punts. Chicago fumbles and Vanderboom gets the ball. Two penalties set the latter back and Stromquist punts. Eckersall returns. Vander- boom makes 25 yards. Small gains bring the ball to Chi- cago's 30-yard line, where Melzner tries for a field goal, but fails. Chicago punts out and Wisconsin sends Stromquist, Vanderboom, and Schneider into the line, for steady gains. Stromquist bursts through centre for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Chicago kicks off. Wisconsin makes a few gains but is forced to punt. Chicago's rushing game now grows stronger. The ball is taken to Wisconsin's 35-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Catching the punt, Chicago sends Bezdeck, Catlin, and Spidell into the line for small but steady gains. On the 5-yard line Wisconsin holds for three downs without gain, but on the last attempt Bezdeck goes over for a touchdown. Kennedy kicks the goal. Time is called for the half immediately after the kick-off. Second Half: Eckersall returns the kick-off to the 20-yard line. After a gain of 12 yards in two plunges, Eckersall falls back to punt. The kick is blocked and Wisconsin gets the ball. Unable to pierce the line, Melzner tries a drop kick for goal, but fails. Chicago kicks out and Schneider sends the ball back. Catlin goes through tackle for 30 yards. Chicago punts to Wisconsin's 30-yard line. Wisconsin makes a first down. On the line-up the ball is fumbled. De Tray picks up the ball and runs the length of the field for a touchdown. Kennedy kicks the goal. Melzner kicks off to Eckersall on the 4-yard line and the latter runs 106 yards for a touchdown. Kennedy kicks the goal. Chicago kicks off and Wisconsin shows amazing 166 FOOTBALL strength. The Chicago line is pierced repeatedly for steady- gains. On the 20-yard line Vanderboom circles the end for a touchdown. Bush kicks the goal. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Oct. 21, 1905 CHICAGO WISCONSIN E. E. Parry, Left End, M. A. Hill, Left Tackle, J. B. Meigs, Left Guard, B. P. Gale, Centre, L. D. Scherer, Right Guard, A. H. Badenoch, Right Tackle, M. S. Catlin, Capt., W. H. Eckersall, L. C. De Tray, F. M. Walker, H. F. Bezdeck, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, T. H. Brindley, '03. W. A. Berthke, '06. L. P. Donovan, '06. R. W. Remp, '05. W. A. Gelbach, '07. A. A. Johnson, '07. C. N. Dering, '06. J. I. Bush, '06. A. B. Melzner, '06. E. J. Vanderboom, '06, Capt. A. R. Findlay, '06. F. M. Clark, '07. L. E. Roseth, '08. Full-back, Referee: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Umpire: C. R. Rinehart, '98, Lafayette. Score: Chicago 4, Wisconsin 0. Second Half: Goal from field by W. H. Eckersall. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and selects the goal. Melzner kicks to the 20-yard line, Eckersall running back 10 yards. An exchange of kicks follows, Wisconsin fumbling and Chicago taking the ball. Line plunges net 20 yards and then Wisconsin holds for downs, punting to Chicago's 15-yard line. Chicago returns and blocks Wisconsin's kick on the latter's 35-yard line. Eckersall takes the ball to the 8-yard line. Wisconsin throws the next two runners for a loss and Eckersall tries a drop kick, but fails. Wis- consin kicks out and Eckersall tries another drop kick, but misses. Wisconsin kicks out. Chicago begins a hard attack on Wisconsin's line, sending the ball along by small gains to the 25-yard line. Here Wisconsin holds for downs and punts. During the remainder of the half the ball is near midfield, neither team getting within striking distance of their opponent's goal. CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 167 Second Half: Findlay runs back the kick-off to the 33- yard line. By kicks and rushes Wisconsin transfers the play into Chicago's territory. Melzner falls back for a drop kick at goal, but Chicago blocks the kick. Wisconsin gets the ball and rushes to the 27-yard line, where Chicago holds for downs. On a quarter-back kick Bezdeck makes 13 yards. Eckersall goes around the end for 30 more. Line plunges, each netting 10 yards, quickly take the ball to Wisconsin's 10-yard line. Unable to advance farther Eckersall drops a field goal. Bezdeck runs back the kick- off to the 35-yard line. Catlin and Eckersall make 20 yards, but a fumble gives the ball to Wisconsin. Bush punts to Chicago's 28-yard line. Eckersall returns to Wis- consin's 45. The game becomes wholly a kicking contest, each side catching cleanly. Time is called with the ball in Wisconsin's possession on their 25-yard line. 1906, 1907, no games. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 21, 1908 CmCAGO WISCONSIN J. J. Schommer, Left End, H. B. Rogers, '09, Capt. A. C. Hoffman, Left Tackle, F. E. Boyle, '10. H. J. Ehrhorn, Left Guard, J. Messmer, '09. B. H. Badenoch, Centre, E. O. Steihm, '09. M. A. Hirschl, Right Guard, C. E. Dreutzer, '09. T. Kelley, ft II T. Kelley, Right Tackle, O. P. Osthoff, '10. L. T. Falk, (( « H. O. Page, Right End, J. P. Dean, '11. W. P. Steffen, Capt., Quarter-back, J. Moll, '11. W. L. Crawley, " H. G. Iddings, Left Half, H. Culver, '10. W. L. Crawley, Right Half, C. J. Cunningham, '09. O. W. Worthwine, Full-back, J. W. Wilce, '10. Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00. Princeton. Field Judge: E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth. Linesman: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Score: Chicago 18, Wisconsin 12. First Half: Touchdown by W. P. Steffen, goal by J. J. Schommer; touchdown 168 FOOTBALL by J. W. Wilce, goal by J. Moll; touchdown by H. G. Iddings, goal by J. J. Schommer; touchdown and goal by J. J. Schommer. Second Half: Touchdown by J. W. Wilce, goal by J. Moll. First Half: Chicago wins the toss and takes the goal. Stiehm kicks to Steffen, who runs 100 yards for a touch- down. Schommer kicks the goal. Stiehm kicks off. Chicago, by a series of line plays for short gains, takes the ball to Wisconsin's 20-yard line, where the latter holds for downs. Wisconsin punts to midfield and Chicago rushes back to the 25-yard line, where Wisconsin again secures the ball on downs and putting it down for a scrimmage by short-line plunges, advances to Chicago's 30-yard line. Wilce, on a forward pass, reaches the 1-yard mark. On the next play he is sent over for a touchdown. Moll kicks the goal. A sharp exchange of punts succeeds the kick-off. Wisconsin takes the ball on the 30-yard line and by line- plunging reaches Chicago's 40. Culver, on a forward pass, reaches the 15-yard line. Moll tries a drop kick for goal, but misses. Chicago punts out and Wisconsin returns. Page dashes around the end to the 45-yard line. Steffen reaches Wisconsin's 30. An on-side kick places the ball on the 5-yard line. Iddings, in three plunges, goes over for a touchdown, and Schommer kicks the goal. Stiehm kicks to Chicago's 5-yard line. A run reaches the 30-yard line and Chicago punts. Wisconsin returns. Worthwine, Iddings, and Crawley carry the ball to midfield. Two for- ward passes, Crawley to Page, reach the 20-yard line. Schommer goes over for a touchdown and kicks the goal. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Wisconsin runs back the kick-off to the 30-yard line. By penalties and plunges Chicago takes the ball to Wisconsin's 1-yard line. Chicago is set back 5 yards on a penalty. Wisconsin intercepts a forward pass. An exchange of kicks gives Wisconsin the ball on the 20-yard line. By a brilliant series of forward passes the ball is car- CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 169 ried to Chicago's 25-yard line. An on-side kick fails and Chicago gets the ball, but loses it on a fumble. Wisconsin, in two end runs, reaches the 20-yard line. Moll sends a short kick over the goal-line. Chicago punts out to the 40- yard line. A penalty yields 15 yards. Wilce makes 10 yards and then goes over for a touchdown. Moll kicks the goal. Schommer kicks off. By line plunges and forward passes Wisconsin reaches Chicago's 15-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. An exchange of kicks and a fumble give Chicago the ball on Wisconsin's 30-yard line. Schom- mer misses a place kick. For several minutes play remains at midfield, the ball changing hands several times on punts and downs. Short rushes then take it to Wisconsin's 30, where it is lost on downs. Neither goal is again threatened. CmcAGO vs. Wisconsin Chicago, Nov. 20, 1909 CHICAGO WISCONSIN C. G. Sauer, Left End, J. p. Dean, '11. W. J. Sunderland, <( « A. C. Hoffman, Left Tackle, O. P. Osthoff, '10. St (( A. G. Zander, '12. D. E. Smith, Left Guard A. L. Buser, '12. A. H. Badenoch, Centre, H. A. Arpin, '11. M. A. Hirschl, Right Guard, W. F. Mackmiller, '12. T. Kelley, Right Tackle, F. E. Boyle, '10. M. S. Gerend, *( (( H. J. Ehrhorn, Right End, E. F. Bunker, '11. t( tt H. Rau, '11. H. O. Page, Capt., Quarter-back, R. A. Fucik, '10. R. B. Rogers, Left Half, C. J. Jacobson, '11. (( (( F. R. Petersen, '10. W. L. Crawley, Right Half, E. Jacob, '10. J. A. Menaul, (( <( C. G. Sauer, (( « O. W. Worthwine, Full-back, J. W. WUce, '10, Capt. Referee: A. W. Kelly, '98, Princeton. Umpire: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Field Judge: A. B. Fleager, '94, Northwestern. Lines- 170 FOOTBALL man: A. P. Jamison, '95, Purdue. Score: Chicago 6, Wisconsin 6. First Half: Touchdown by H. A. Arpin, goal by J. W. Wilce; touchdown by O. W. Worthwine, goal by H. O. Page. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Page kicks to Dean at 20. Several fumbles transfer the ball from team to team, giving Andersen a chance at a drop kick from 35 yards, which fails. A long kicking duel now ensues, resulting in a fumble by Chicago on the 20-yard line. Arpin picks up the ball and dashes across the line for a touchdown. Wilce kicks the goal. Andersen runs back Page's kick-off 25 yards. Unable to gain, Wisconsin punts to midfield. Crawley makes 8, Worthwine 10, Crawley 5. Kelley, on a forward pass, reaches Wisconsin's 10-yard line. Worthwine makes 5 and on the next play crosses the line for a touchdown. Page kicks the goal. The remaining time is used in futile rushing by each team. Wisconsin tries several forward passes, but neither team again threatens the other's goal. Second Half: Worthwine runs back the kick-off to the 30-yard line. During this half play is confined to the space between the 30-yard lines. Each team tries a few line plunges, but unable to gain consecutively soon punts. The play occasionally is varied by a forward pass and marred by several fumbles. Thus playing monotonously the time expires. Chicago vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 19, 1910 CHICAGO WISCONSIN W. S. Kassulker, Left End, F. G. Carter, '11. C. M. Rademacher, Left Tackle, W. F. Mackmiller, '12. « u P. J. Murphy, '11. C. P. Sawyer, Left Guard, S. Neprud, '12. L. H. Whiting, Centre, H. A. Arpin, '11. R. E. Branstad, '12. H. E. Whiteside, Right Guard, M. C. Pierce, '12. 1 ri: g ^^Q^B' 1 •- E- : "^^ s ■■■■..■ .-r4 ■ ^^H - . " h ;^^^B' ^H'^' '''''-' ^-^^^^rxjiiB ^m^^^ '■• ■ '",v3B ^^^^^^Bl ' ' ^^w%> e: k :aflHi CHICAGO VS. WISCONSIN 171 CHICAGO H. M. Carpenter, N. C. Paine, J. A. Menaul, E. I. Wilson, R. B. Rogers, W. L. Crawley, Capt. R. H. Young, Right Tackle, (< (( Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, K (I Right Half, Full-back. WISCONSIN A. L. Buser, '12. E. J. Samp, '13. E. F. Bunker, '11. J. P. Dean, '11, Capt E. S. Gillette, '12. A. Birch, '11. R. R. Newman, '13. E. J. Samp, '13. C F. G. Wernicke, '12. Referee: A. W. Kelly, '98, Princeton. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Field Judge: W. T. Fishleigh, '02, Michigan. Linesman: L. E. Endsley, '01, Purdue. Score: Chicago 0, Wisconsin 10. Second Quarter: Touchdown by A. L. Buser. Fourth Quarter: Touchdown by E. S. Gillette. First Quarter: Chicago wins the toss and selects the west goal. Pierce kicks to Crawley and the latter is forced out of bounds at 28. Wilson makes 8 on a fake kick. Wilson rounds the end for 10 more. Rogers breaks through the line for 40. Wisconsin holds for downs. Two plays net 25 yards, but a penalty sets Wisconsin back 15. Line plays take the ball to Chicago's 35 and Gillette tries a drop for goal, but misses. Chicago kicks out and several sharp scrimmages ensue, netting 15 yards for Wisconsin. Time is called. Second Quarter: Young makes 2 and Whiting takes a for- ward pass. Wilson tries a drop kick, but the kick is short. Wisconsin rushes 20 yards and Chicago holds for downs at midfield. Chicago cannot gain and Wilson punts. Gil- lette returns. Chicago's next attempt at a punt is blocked and it is Wisconsin's ball at centre. Buser and Newman in two plunges carry the ball to Chicago's 10-yard line. Gillette makes 8 and Buser goes over for the touchdown. Pierce misses the goal. Kicks are exchanged and Wilson tries a drop from 50, but misses. Wisconsin kicks out 172 FOOTBALL and then intercepts a forward pass. Time is called for the half. Third Quarter: Wilson kicks off to Newman. Wisconsin fumbles and Chicago gets the ball. Newman intercepts a forward pass. Neither team can make substantial gains. Line plays are ineffectual and both sides resort to punting. The ball travels back and forth between the 35-yard lines without advantage to either side. Fourth Quarter: Gillette opens the last quarter with a drop kick, but it fails. Chicago now makes some brilliant gains through the dashes of Crawley, but are finally held for downs. Wisconsin lines up on its 40-yard line. Gillette skirts the end and runs the length of the field for a touch- down. The try at goal fails. Pierce kicks off to R. H. Young, who runs back 15. Wilson's punt is blocked, but Chicago recovers the ball. Kicks are exchanged and time is called. CHAPTER XI CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA Cornell vs. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Nov. 28, CORNELL E. P. Young, *94, Left End, P. Deeming, '94, " " A. C. Freeborn, '95, Left Tackle, G. S. Warner, '94, Left Guard, 1893 PENNSYLVANIA A. H. Barnhisel, '94, E. U. Henry, '95, C. J. Barr, '93, Capt., J. H. Taussig, '97, O. L. Hunter, '97, J. W. Beacham, '97, P. A. Robbins, '94, G. P. Dyer, '95, W. F. Ohl, '97, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, R. H. Simmons, '93. C. L. Upton, '96. H. A. Mackie, '93, Capt. H. D. Oliver, '96. W. G. Woodruff, '97. H. W. Thornton, '94. F. Ellsler, '94. O. F. Wagenhurst, '96. S. B. Newton, '94. M. G. Rosengarten, '95. Carl Williams, '97. A. A. Knipe, '94. W. D. Osgood, '95. G. H. Brooke, '95. Referee: H. L. Williams, '91, Yale. Umpire: W. A. Brooks, '87, Harvard. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 50. First Half: Touch- down by S. B, Newton, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by W. D. Osgood; touchdown by A. A. Knipe, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown and goal by G. H. Brooke. Second Half: Touchdown by A. A. Knipe, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by A. A. Knipe, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by A. A. Knipe, goal by G. H. Brooke; touch- down by W. D. Osgood, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by A. A. Knipe. • First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the ball. Knipe makes 20 yards in the flying wedge. Osgood goes through centre for 5. Knipe follows for 5 more. Newton gets around the end for a long run, ending in a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell opens with 173 174 FOOTBALL the flying wedge. After several minutes of ineffective play Pennsylvania secures the ball on a fumble at midfield. Knipe makes 5, Newton 8, Knipe 20, Brooke 8, and Osgood goes around the end for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Cornell resumes with the flying wedge, making 20 yards. Kicks are exchanged. Brooke catches on the 45-yard line. Knipe hits the line for 10 and then rounds the end for 20. Three plunges into the line by Osgood net a first down. Knipe circles the end for a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. After several minutes of fluctuating play Penn- sylvania holds for downs on the 55-yard line. Rosengarten doubles the end for 10. Knipe hits the line for 4 and then Osgood dashes through tackle for 40 yards. Brooke takes the ball over and kicks the goal. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Cornell opens play with the flying wedge, gaining 15 yards. The Red and Blue line is punctured for a few small gains by Robbins, Dyer, and Ohl. The latter gets away for a long run, taking the ball to the 25-yard line. On the next play Rosengarten gets the ball away from the runner. Osgood makes 8 through the line. On the line-up Knipe goes around the end for a 70-yard run and touch- down. Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell starts with the flying wedge and makes 20. Dyer hits centre for 5 and Robbins adds 10 more. Pennsylvania tightens and Ohl is forced to punt. Short rushes by Pennsylvania bring the ball to centre. Knipe rounds the end for 20 yards and on the next play circles the opposite side for a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell's wedge nets 10 yards. Ohl adds 5, Robbins 10, Dyer 5, and other short plunges take the ball to the 3-yard mark. Here Pennsylvania holds for downs. After a few line plays Osgood is sent around the end for 30 yards. Knipe duplicates the play at the other end for a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. In the remaining CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 175 period of play touchdowns are made by Osgood and Knipe, from the former of which Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 17, CORNELL J. W. Beacham, '97, F. C. Hall, '98, G. S. Warner, '94, Capt., T. F. Fennell, '97, A. J. Colnon, '93, C. E. Rogers, '96, E. P. Van Mater, '96, J. H. Taussig, '97, A. S. Downey, '96, C. R. Wyckoff, '96, C. B. Mason, '95, G. P. Dyer, '95, W. F. Ohl, '97, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, 1894 PENNSYLVANIA. C. L. Upton, '96. W. M. Farrar, '96. W. G. Woodruff, '97. A. E. Bull, '96. C. M. Wharton, '97. J. H. Minds, '98. Right End, M. G. Rosengarten, '95. Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, Carl Williams, '97. W. D. Osgood, '95. C. S. Gelbert, '97. G. H. Brooke, '95, Capt. Referee: Alex. Moffat, '84, Princeton. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesman: M. Newell, '94, Harvard. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 6. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by G. H. Brooke. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. Ohl kicks to Brooke on Pennsylvania's 6-yard Hne and Brooke returns the kick to midfield. Mason, Dyer, Ohl, Taussig, and Beacham rush the ball quickly to Pennsyl- vania's 8-yard mark. Pennsylvania tightens and holds for downs. Osgood hits the line for 15 and then Brooke punts to Cornell's 45. Mason and Ohl by hard plunges work the ball back to Pennsylvania's 20-yard Hne. Pennsylvania again holds for downs. The remainder of the half is char- acterized by large gains by each team between the 25-yard lines and the inability of each one to advance farther. The half closes with the ball in Cornell's possession on Pennsyl- vania's 20-yard line. Second Half: Brooke kicks to Cornell's 10-yard line. Ohl on the line-up punts back to centre. Wharton goes 176 FOOTBALL through tackle for 8. Cornell holds for downs. Ohl punts out of bounds. Upton, Wharton, and Osgood by line plunges gain 10 yards. A penalty gives the ball to Cornell but a fumble returns it again to Pennsylvania. Gelbert, Woodruff, and Osgood by plays against tackle reach the 8-yard line. Woodruff and Brooke gain 6 through centre. Wharton reaches the 6-inch mark. Gelbert goes over, but is brought back for holding and the ball given to Cornell on the 8-yard mark. Ohl makes 10 around the end and then punts to 50. Brooke gets through for 15. Gelbert adds 15 more. Osgood and Wharton make 9. Pennsylvania fumbles and the ball is recovered by Cornell. A penalty transfers the ball to Pennsylvania on Cornell's 25-yard line. Osgood rounds the end for 15. Brooke hits the line for 2 and on the next play dashes across for a touchdown. A moment later he kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off and Penn- sylvania returns. Time is called. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1895 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA Left End, C. S. Gelbert, '97. Left Tackle, O. F. Wagenhurst, '96. Left Guard, W. G. Woodruff, '97. Centre, A. E. Bull, '96. Right Guard, C. M. Wharton, '97. Right Tackle, W. M. Farrar, '96. Right End, B. W. Dickson, '97. Quarter-back, Carl Williams, '97, Capt. Left Half, J. E. Blair, '95. Right Half, J. H. Minds, '98. Full-back, G. H. Brooke, '95. Referee: L. T. Bliss, '93, Yale. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: M. Newell, '94, Harvard; C. H. SchofF, '93, Pennsylvania. Score: Cornell 2, Pennsylvania 46. First Half: Touchdown by J. H. Minds, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by J. H. Minds, goal by G. H. Brooke, goal from field by G. H. Brooke. Second Half: Touchdown by B. W. Dickson; safety by G. H. Brooke; safety by D. R. H. H. Lyle, '98, E. H. Fitch, '97, F. W. Freeborn, '97, L. M. Schoch, '97, C. E. Rogers, '96, E. R. Sweetland, '99, J. H. Taussig, '97, C.R.Wyckoff,'96,Capt., J. W. Beacham, '97, F. W. Cool, '95, D. R. Richie, '97, CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 177 Richie; touchdown by J. H. Minds, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by B. W. Dickson, goal by G. H. Brooke; touchdown by J. H. Minds, goal by G. H. Brooke; goal from field by G. H. Brooke. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. After an exchange of kicks following ineffective rushing, Pennsylvania obtains the ball on a fumble on Cornell's 25- yard line. Pennsylvania on the first play also fumbles, but Williams recovers the ball 15 yards nearer CornelFs goal. Wharton makes 3, Brooke 2. Williams tries a quarter-back kick across the line, which Minds recovers for a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off and the ball fluctuates back and forth across the centre line for some time. At last Gelbert gets away for a run of 25 yards. Minds and Brooke add 20 more and Minds, on the next play, makes a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. After a succession of plays Pennsylvania punts into Cornell's goal. The latter rushes it out to the 25-yard line, but upon a third down Wyckoff punts to Brooke, who heels a fair catch at 45, from which he kicks a goal from placement. Second Half: An exchange of punts follows the kick-off, Pennsylvania finally catching on their 40-yard line. Minds makes 20 through tackle, Brooke 20 more on the opposite side, Blair 5, and Wharton 3. On the line-up Dickson gets around the end for a long run, ending in a touchdown. Cor- nell kicks off and Pennsylvania, in several minutes, by rushes and punts places the ball well into Cornell's goal. Cornell by hard rushing transfers the play into Pennsylvania's goal and forces Brooke to kick out from behind his goal. Cor- nell blocks the kick, but Brooke recovers the ball for a safety. Brooke kicks off and Richie returns after an ex- change of kicks. Richie is forced to make a safety. Penn- sylvania starts a series of line plays on their 40-yard line, which reaches Cornell's goal-line, where the ball is fumbled on the final play. Sweetland falls on it for a touchback. 178 FOOTBALL Schoch kicks off for Cornell. Brooke circles the end for 25 and Minds rounds the opposite side for 40 more and a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off to Pennsylvania's 25, and the Red and Blue, by short line plunges, slowly returns to Cornell's goal-line, where Dickson is sent across for a touchdown. Brooke kicks the goal. Freeborn kicks off. Brooke, Minds, Wharton, Gelbert, and Williams, by steady gains, force the ball to Cornell's goal- line, where Minds makes a touchdown. Goal. Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania resumes its line battering tactics, but is stopped by a fumble. Recovering the ball by a blocked kick, Brooke drops a goal from the field and the game ends. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 26, CORNELL L. S. Tracy, '98, H. Lee, '97, H. E. White, '98, E. H. Fitch, '97, D. A. Reed, '98, T. F. Fennell, '97, J. W. Clark, '97, E. R. Sweetland, '99, J. H. Taussig, '97, K. K. Bossfed, '97, J. W. Beacham, '97, Capt. W. McKeever, '98, D. R. Richie, '97, Left End. 1896 PENNSYLVANLi. S. A. Boyle, '98. Left Tackle, L. J. Uffenheimer, '99. Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, W. G. Woodruff, '97. P. D. Overfield, 'OL C. M. Wharton, '97, Capt. W. M. Farrar, '96. B. W. Dickson, '97. D. F. Weeks, '98. C. S. Gelbert, '97. W. N. Morice, '99. J. H. Minds, '98. Referee: P. D. Mills, '97, Yale. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesman: F. D. Conden. Score: Cornell 10, Pennsylvania 32. First Half: Safety by J. H. Taussig; touchdown by C. S. Gelbert, goal by J. H. Minds; touchdown by J. W. Beacham; touchdown and goal by J. H. Minds. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by D. R. Richie; touchdown by S. A. Boyle, goal by J. H. Minds; touchdown by W. N. Morice, goal by J. H. Minds; touchdown by W. G. Woodruff, goal by J. H. Minds. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. The play soon forces Cornell into goal, where Taussig is forced CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 179 to punt from behind the line. Gelbert is through and tackles him with the ball, scoring a safety. After the kick- off an exchange of kicks gives Pennsylvania the ball at 50. Wharton makes 5, Minds 5, Boyle 10, Uffenheimer 8, Gel- bert 8. On the next play Gelbert crosses the line for a touchdown. Goal by Minds. Cornell kicks oif. After several minutes of rushing Pennsylvania fumbles on the 45- yard line. White gets it. Beacham circles the end for 20 yards. A penalty yields ten more. McKeever and Richie in two plunges make the 20-yard line. McKeever goes through centre for 4. Beacham circles the end for a touch- down. The goal fails. Play for some time remains at midfield. Richie punts to Pennsylvania's 45. Minds rounds the end for 15. Woodruff hits the line for 2, Uffen- heimer 25, Boyle 2. A penalty sets Pennsylvania forward 10 yards. Minds doubles the end for a touchdown and kicks the goal. Second Half: Pennsylvania kicks off. An exchange of kicks gives Pennsylvania the ball on the 10-yard line. Rushes reach the 25-yard line. Three downs fail by six inches and Pennsylvania takes the chance. Cornell holds and gets the ball. Beacham makes 4, Richie 5, McKeever 10, Beacham 2. Richie across for a touchdown. Richie also kicks the goal. Play is resumed at centre. After several rushes and punts Pennsylvania gets the ball at mid- field. Minds circles the end for 10. Gelbert makes 8 through tackle. Woodruff hits the line for 3, Morice 4. Cornell stops the advance and Minds punts. Cornell fum- bles and Boyle, picking up the ball, dashes across the line for a touchdown. Goal. Pennsylvania, again taking the ball from kick-off by line plays, reaches the 15-yard line, from which Morice circles the end for a touchdown. Minds kicks the goal. Cornell has the ball on Pennsylvania's 45-yard line, where it is given to the latter for holding. Gel- 180 FOOTBALL bert makes 8, Uffenheimer 5. Cornell holds for two downs. On the next play Woodruff gets free and with compact in- terference races for the line and touches down. Goal. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1897 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA L. S. Tracy, '98, A. B. Lueder, '99, C. H. Tangeman, '01, D. A. Reed, '98, L. M. Schoch, '97, M. R. Faville, '01, D. M. McLaughlin, '98, W. McKeever, '98, Capt., C. V. P. Young, '99, A. E. Whiting, '98, P. B. Windsor, '00, C. W. Wilson, '00, Left End, Left Tackle, (( (( Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, S. A. Boyle, '98. S. M. Goodman, '97. T. T. Hare, '01. P. D. Overfield, '01, J.C.McCracken,'01. J. H. Outland, '00. J. Hedges, '01. D. F. Weeks, '98. M. R. Jackson, '98. W. N. Morice, '99. J. H. Minds, '98, Capt. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: E Hill, '99, Cornell; G. R. Fortesque, '99, Pennsylvania. Timekeeper: W. L. McCauley, '94, Princeton. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 4. Second Half: Touchdown by J. C. McCracken. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the wind. Morice kicks off to Corneirs 20-yard line, Young catching and running the kick back 20 yards. Pennsylvania holds for downs and Cornell punts to Pennsylvania's 10-yard line. Pennsylvania by short gains rushes the ball to mid- field, where Cornell stops the advance and Minds kicks. Cornell now opens a rapid attack on the Pennsylvania line, Whiting, Windsor, and Wilson crossing stripe after stripe. Pennsylvania stands firm on the 10-yard line and takes the ball on downs. Minds at once punts to centre. Again the Cornell attack starts in motion and reaches the 6-yard mark. Pennsylvania's line will not yield and Cornell loses the ball on downs. Minds punts to centre. For the third time Cornell hammers its way to Pennsylvania's 10 line. CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 181 On the third down, and 3 yards to go, Young tries a drop kick, but misses by an inch. Play for the remainder of the half fluctuates between the 25-yard lines. The half closes with the ball in Corneirs possession at centre. Second Half: Cornell kicks off and Pennsylvania runs the kick back to the 25-yard line. Pennsylvania in 8 plunges gains 15 yards, but is then forced to punt. Cornell by hard rushes, using 4 downs for every 5 yards, works the ball to Pennsylvania's 40-yard line, where Pennsylvania holds for downs. Thus the play continues until the half lacks ten minutes of expiration. Pennsylvania, by plunges of Jackson, Weeks, Morice, and Minds, carries the ball to Corneirs 1-yard line, where Cornell throws the Red and Blue runners back for a loss and takes the ball. Young kicks to 40. Kicks are exchanged. Pennsylvania catches at mid- field. Goodman goes through tackle for 4. Outland gets around the end for 27. Goodman again pierces tackle and reaches Corneirs 10-yard line. Outland bursts centre for 3. McCracken goes through for a touchdown. The punt out is missed. Neither team again gets within striking distance of their opponent's goal and the game ends. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1898 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA H. J. Davall, '01, Left End, P. J. McMahon, '00. C. W. Wilson, '00, ft (I M. M. Wyvill, '01, D. A. Reed, '98, Left Tackle, Left Guard, J. M. Reugenberg, '99. T. T. Hare, '01. W. F. Domer, '01, Centre, P. D. Overfield, '01. A. B. Lueder, '99, E. R. Sweetland, '99, C. W. Cross, '01, F. G. Grimshaw, '00, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, <( ft J. F. McCloskey, '01. J. C. McCracken, '01. J. B. Carnett, '99. J. Hedges, '01. G. H. Young, '00, J. C. Short, '00, Quarter-back, J. P. Gardiner, '01. J. H. Outland, '00, Capt. 182 FOOTBALL CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA A. E. Whiting, *98, Capt., Left Half, W. J. Coombs, '00. P. Will, '00, Capt, " " C. V. P. Young, '99, Right Half, J. H. Outland, '00. P. B. Windsor, '00, " " J. P. Gardiner, '01. R. D. Starbuck, '00, Full-back, N. T. Folwell, '00. F. C. Perkins, '00, Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Timekeeper: W. H. Lewis, '95, Harvard. Score: Coraell 6, Pennsylvania 12. First Half: Touchdown by E. R. Sweetland, goal by G. H. Young. Second Half: Touchdown by J. H. Outland, goal by T. T. Hare; touchdown by J. Hedges, goal by T. T. Hare. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the west goal. Pennsylvania kicks off. Cornell tries the line, but, unable to gain consecutively, punts to midfield. Coombs and Outland circle Corneirs ends in succession for 20 yards. A fumble gives the ball to Corneil. The entire half is now consumed by the struggles of each team to get within strik- ing distance of the other's goal, each eleven advancing a few yards into the other's territory only to be held for downs. Just as the half closes a long punt places Pennsylvania in possession of the ball on its 15-yard line. Hare falls back to punt. Sweetland breaks through and blocks the kick, falling on the ball across the line for a touchdown. G. H. Young kicks the goal. Time soon after is called for the half. Second Half: Cornell kicks off. The elevens again play ineffectively for several minutes, the defence of each being too strong to be overcome. Pennsylvania at last by short gains reaches the 25-yard line. Cornell stops the advance for 2 downs, but on the third attempt Outland goes around the end and dashes 25 yards across the line for a touchdown. Hare kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. The play for some time surges back and forth across the centre line. Towards the close Hare's punting drives Cornell into goal. Young CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 183 stands on the 25-yard line to return the kick. Hedges breaks through and blocks the ball. Picking it up he runs 25 yards for a touchdown. Hare again kicks the goal and the game soon closes. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1899 CORNELL H. J. Davall, '01, F. S. Porter, '00, W. J. Warner, '03, J. C. Pierson, '02, W. A. Caldwell, '01, W. F. Dorner, '01, E. R. Alexander, '01, C. A. Taussig, '02, G. H. Young, '00, G. B. Walbridge, '00, P. B. Windsor, '00, A. B. Morrison, '01, R. D. Starbuck, '01, PENNSYLVANIA Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, « «t Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, (( « Right Half, Full-back, W. J. Coombs, '00. J. B. Snover, '00. T. T. Hare, '01, Capt. P D. Overfield, '01. J. C. Teas, '02. C. E. Wallace, '01. J. H. Outland, '00. A. R. Kennedy, '01. W. A. Potter, '01. J. P. Gardiner, '01. J. C. McCracken, '01. Referee: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: C. W. Wilson, '00, Cornell; F. E. Woodley, '01, Pennsylvania. Timekeepers: H. H. Tuller, '00, Cornell; J. Hedges,' 01, Pennsylvania. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 29. First Half: Touchdown by W. A. Potter; touchdown by J. C. McCracken, goal by J. H. Outland. Second Half: Touchdown by T. T. Hare, goal by J. H. Outland; touchdown by J. C. McCracken, goal by J. H. Outland; touohdown and goal by J. H. Outland. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the west goal. Kicks are exchanged, Pennsylvania catching at 40. Mc- Cracken, Hare, and Gardiner drive the ball to the 30-yard line. On the next play Potter circles the end for a touch- down. No goal. Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania with guards-back steadily drives the ball, yard after yard, 85 yards. Within 5 yards from the goal-line the ball is given to McCracken, who in guards-back formation bursts through for a touchdown. Outland kicks the goal. During the re- 184 FOOTBALL mainder of the half Pennsylvania's guards-back makes great gains, but CornelFs stubborn defence checks the advance each time when driven to the 25-yard line. Second Half: Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania, forming guards-back in rapid succession right and left, forces the ball 80 yards, Hare taking it over for a touchdown and Outland kicking the goal. Cornell kicks off and after a succession of unimportant plays Pennsylvania secures the ball on a fumble on Cornell's 15-yard line. Cornell puts up an impregnable defence and takes the ball on downs. The ball is punted to midfield. Potter and Gardiner by long end runs work it back to Cornell's 5-yard line. Guards- back is formed on the right and McCracken is sent over for a touchdown. Outland kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off and after a long series of kicks Pennsylvania catches the ball on the 5-yard line. Coombs circles the end for 25 yards. Gardiner and Potter by short gains through the line advance 20 more. Outland goes around the end for 15. Potter takes the ball to the 10-yard line. Guards- back in four attempts sends Outland across for the touchdown. A moment later he kicks the goal and the game ends. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 29, 1900 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA C. A. Taussig, '02, Left End, H. B. Hodge, '01. C. A. Lueder, '02, Left Tackle, J. M. Horner, '01. W. J. Warner, '03, Left Guard, T. T. Hare, '01, Capt W. H. Namack, '01. Centre, J. F. McCloskey, '01. W. F. Dorner, '01, Right Guard, J. C. Teas, '02. S. H. Hunt, '04, it << E. R. Alexander, '01, Right Tackle, C. E. Wallace, '01. C. W. Cross, '01, Right End, W. G. Gardiner, '03. A. A. Brewster, '04, Quarter-back, J. P. Gardiner, '01. T. R. Finucane, '03, « H. Purcell, '03, Left Half, W. A. Potter, '01. CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 185 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA A. B. Morrison, '01, Right Half, W. S. Davidson, '01. W. G. Baird, '03. R. D. Starbuck, '00, Capt., Full-back, J. C. McCracken, '01. H. Schoellkopf, '02, Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: H. J. Davall, '01, Cornell; F. E. Woodley, '01, Pennsylvania. Timekeeper: P. D. Mills, '97, Yale. Score: Cor- nell 0, Pennsylvania 27. First Half: Touchdown by T. T. Hare; touchdown and goal by T. T. Hare. Second Half: Touchdown by C. E. Wallace, goal by T. T. Hare ; touchdown by T. T. Hare; touch- down by W. S. Davidson. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and selects the east goal. Pennsylvania kicks off. The ball is rushed a few yards by each team and then punted, neither being able to gain consistently. At last Cornell punts to Potter at 20, the latter runs the kick back to midfield. Pennsylvania sets in motion a mass play against the tackle, alternating right and left, which rapidly forces the ball down to the 5-yard line, where Hare is sent across for a touchdown. No goal. Cornell kicks off and Pennsylvania at once calls into play its mass play of guards-back. Slowly but steadily the ball creeps 72 yards. Hare being again sent over for the touch- down and later kicking the goal. Cornell kicks off and Pennsylvania, unable to gain, punts. Cornell hits the line hard and works the ball to Pennsylvania's 30-yard line, where it goes to opponents on a fumble. Pennsylvania is slowly but surely forcing the ball toward Cornell's goal when time is called for the half. Second Half: Cornell kicks off. After a series of ineffec- tive rushes by each team and a series of punts Pennsyl- vania secures the ball on its 50-yard line. Guards-back sends runner after runner into the line for small but sufficient gains until the 5-yard line is reached, from which Wallace is sent across for a touchdown. Hare kicks the goal. A few 186 FOOTBALL moments after the succeeding kick-off Hare gets around the end and runs 65 yards for a touchdown. No goal. Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania, after several advances, the ball being lost on downs, finally sends Potter around the end twice in succession for gains of 20 yards, bringing the ball to the midfield, where Davidson goes around the end 55 yards for a touchdown. No goal. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1901 CORNELL C. A. Taussig, '02, R. A. Turnbull, '04, C. A. Lueder, '02, W. J. Warner, '03, R. S. Kent, '02, S. H. Hunt, '04. M. Smith, '04, W. A. Tydeman, '03, A. A. Brewster, '04, H. Purcell,'03, T. R. Finueane, '03, A. R. Coffin, '04, W.J. Warner, '03, Capt H. Schoellkopf, '02, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half. Right Half, PENNSYLVANIA C. A. Nelson, '03. F. A. Piekarski, '03. R. Brenton, '02. C. S. Mitchell, '04. M. S. Bennett, '03. J. McCabe, '05. J. C. Teas, '02. W. G. Baird, '03. W. G. Gardiner, '03. T. Howard, '03. M. S. Reynolds, '05. C. S. Townsend, '04. J. C. Ludes, '03. D. Dale, '04. T. Snook, '02. H. A. Davidson, '02, Capt. Full-back, Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: P. J. Da- shiell. Navy. Linesmen: E. J. Snow, '04, Cornell; C. S. Metzger, '03, Pennsylvania. Timekeepers: E. Metcalf, Cornell; L. de P. Vail, *94, Pennsylvania. Score: Cornell 23, Pennsylvania 6. First Half: Touchdown by A. R. Coffin; touchdown and goal by H. A. Davidson; touchdown by R. A. Turnbull, goal by A. R. Coffin. Second Half: Touchdown and goal by A. R. Coffin; touchdown by A. A. Brewster, goal by A. R. Coffin. First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the west goal. Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania cannot gain and is forced to punt. Cornell opens up the Pennsylvania line for several gains. Kicks are exchanged. Pennsylvania w > o I C =3 CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 187 gets the ball at midfield and by short gains forces the ball to Cornell's 5-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. Purcell goes through the line on a fake kick for 20 yards. Coffin, on another trick play, clears the line and runs 84 yards for a touchdown. Pennsylvania kicks off, and after several unimportant plays Cornell punts, Pennsylvania catching at 50. Dale circles the end for 30 yards. Short plunges net five more. Davidson goes over for a touch- down and kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off, and after a series of kicks Turnbull catches the ball on the 40 -yard line. He starts straight up the field, dodging brilliantly among the Pennsylvania forwards, in and out, until he clears the backs and thus covers 84 yards for a touchdown. Coffin kicks the goal. Soon after time is called for the half. Second Half: Pennsylvania kicks off to Cornell on the 15-yard line. The latter by straight line plunges, short gains at a time without losing the ball, drives the play to Pennsylvania's 15-yard line. Cornell masses to attack centre, but Coffin dashes around the end for a touchdown. Goal. Pennsylvania kicks off to Cornell on the 5-yard line and the latter again forces its way by short gains to Pennsylvania's 10-yard line, where the ball is lost on a penalty. Davidson, Reynolds, and Teas by line plays ad- vance the ball 50 yards, but are finally held for downs at centre. Kicks are exchanged which with a fumble places Pennsylvania in its own goal to punt. Brewster catches on the 35-yard line and runs through the Pennsylvania team for a touchdown. The goal is again made. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1902 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA P. E. Larkin, '06, Left End, D. L. Richardson, '04. B. A. Thomas, '03. C. A. Lueder, '02, Left Tackle, R. G. Torrey, '06. J. H. Costello, '06, 188 FOOTBALL CORNELL W.J. Warner, '03, Capt., J. A. Davitt, '03, S. H. Hunt, '04, E. O. P. Waud, '04, M. Smith, '04, W A. Tydeman, '03, A. A. Brewster, '04, H. Purcell, '03, J. H. Sheble, W. G. Snider, '04, A. R. Coffin, '04, E. Burns, '03, S. B. Hunt. '04. Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, «i <( Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, (( i( Right Half, Full-back, PENNSYLVANIA H. C. Hoffman, '05. J. F. McCabe, '05. F. A. Piekarski, '03. C. S. Mitchell, '04. W. G. Baird, '03. V. S. Metzger, '03. D. Dale, '04. H. L. Fortiner, '05. W. G. Gardiner, '03, Capt. M. S. Bennett, '04. G. W. ^eschler, '05. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: P. J. Da- shiell, Navy. Linesmen: H. G. Webb, '03, Cornell; T. T. Hare, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Cornell 11, Pennsylvania 12. First Half: Touchdown by H. Purcell, goal by A. R. Coffin; goal from field by A. R. Coffin. Second Half: Touchdown by R. G. Torrey, goal by W. G. Gardiner; touchdown by M. S. Bennett, goal by W. G. Gardiner. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. Kicks are exchanged. Cornell at once forces Pennsylvania back, making repeated gains through the Red and Blue line. After several exchanges of kicks interspersed with numerous hard line plunges Pennsylvania is forced to punt from be- hind the goal-line. The kick is high and Cornell recovers it on Pennsylvania's 33-yard line. The ball is worked to the 10-yard line. Here Pennsylvania plays spiritedly and takes the ball on downs. Bennett punts to the 30-yard line, where Brewster heels a fair catch. Coffin kicks a goal from place- ment. Gardiner kicks off to Warner. For several minutes play moves back and forth across the centre line without ad- vantage to either side. Two long punts by CoflSn send the ball well into Pennsylvania's territory. Bennett returns and Cornell catches the ball on Pennsylvania's 40-yard line. By trick plays Cornell reaches the 15-yard line. Purcell now circles the end for a touchdown. CoflSn kicks the goal. There is no further scoring in this half. CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 189 Second Half: Gardiner kicks oflf. Cornell makes a small gain and punts. Pennsylvania with difficulty makes a first down and is soon forced to punt. Play of this character ensues for several minutes. Cornell catches a punt at 35 and by short rushes makes 35 yards. Penn- sylvania holds for downs. On the first plunge Pennsylvania gains 10 yards. The Red and Blue shows great improve- ment and rapidly rushes Cornell down the field. At the 30-yard line Cornell stops the advance for 3 downs, but on the last trial Gardiner gets off a quarter-back kick which Pennsylvania captures on the 10-yard line. Two line plunges reach the 5-yard line, from which Torrey is sent over for a touchdown. Gardiner kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. The game becomes almost wholly kicks, Cornell being driven steadily back. Gardiner catches at 55 and runs back 30 yards. Dale rounds the end for 15, Mitchell dupli- cates the play on the opposite side for 10. Bennett goes through the line for a touchdown. The score now is a tie at 11 to 11. Gardiner carefully points the ball for the try. As he kicks the great crowd rises to its feet. The goal is made and Pennsylvania leads by 1 point. Pennsylvania kicks off and Cornell fumbles. The Red and Blue forces the ball to the 10-yard line, where time is called. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1903 CORNKLT. PENNSYLVANIA F. W. Hackstaff, '05, Left End, G. W. Weede, '05. J. H. Costello, '06, Left Tackle, T. A. Buthiewicz, '05. << « A. B. Ziegler, '07. W. S. Voris, '04, Left Guard, F. A. Piekarski, '05. J. A. Davitt, '03, Centre, H. B. Taylor, '05. W. S. Newman, '07, (( S. H. Hunt, '04, Capt., Right Guard, H. C. Hoffman, '05. D. B. Kase, '06. M. S. Halliday, '06, Right Tackle, R. G. Torrey, '06. J. E. Forgy, '06, Right End, C.S.Metzger,'03,Capt. 190 FOOTBALL CORNELL PENNSYLVANLi A. A. Brewster, '04, Quarter-back, A. L. Mulford, '04. J. Lynah, '05, " C. S. Corson, '07. L. J. Rice, '07, Left Half, M. S. Reynolds, '05. W. G. Snider, '06, Right Half, G. R. Drake, '05. A. R. Coffin, '04, Full-back, M. S. Bennett, '04. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: W. H. Ed- wards, '00, Princeton. Linesman: R. P. Kernan, '03, Harvard. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 42. First Half: Touchdown by G. R. Drake, goal by M. S. Bennett; touchdown and goal by M. S. Bennett. Second Half: Touchdown by F. A. Piekarski, goal by M. S. Bennett; touchdown by M. S. Reynolds, goal by M. S. Bennett; touchdown by M. S. Reynolds, goal by M. S. Bennett; touchdown by F. A. Piekarski, goal by M. S. Bennett; touchdown and goal by M. S. Bennett. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the west goal. An exchange of kicks with some rushing gives Pennsylvania the ball at 40. Bennett and Piekarski pierce the Cornell line for great gains. Mulford skirts the end for 10. Tor- rey goes through tackle for 8, Piekarski makes 7, then 9, and Drake crosses the line for the touchdown. Bennet, kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. For several minutes play is near centre without advantage. Long punts drive Cornell back and Brewster punts out of bounds at 30. Bennett hits the line for 5. Piekarski goes through tackle for 15 and Bennet through centre for a touchdown, also kick- ing the goal. The half soon after closes. Second Half: Pennsylvania kicks off. Rushes and a punt by Cornell give Pennsylvania the ball at 40. Bennett rounds the end for 20 yards. Torrey duplicates the play for 20 more. Mulford gets off a quarter-back kick on the third down, with 2 yards to gain, which Pennsylvania re- covers on the 1-yard line. Piekarski goes through the line for the touchdown and Bennett kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. After a few small gains through the line Pennsyl- vania sends Metzger around the end for 40 yards. Rey- nolds in a line plunge reaches the 2-yard line. Bennett takes the ball over and kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off and CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 191 holds Pennsylvania for downs. Play for some time surges back and forth between the 25-yard lines. At last Cornell fumbles on the 25-yard line and Pennsylvania gets the ball. In two plays Reynolds crosses the line for a touchdown. Bennett kicks the goal. Upon resumption of play a punting exchange ensues. Cornell again fumbles on the 15-yard line and Pennsylvania gets the ball. Piekarski is forced through the line for a touchdown. Bennett kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. Pennsylvania is unable to gain and punts. Cornell fumbles at centre and Pennsylvania secures the ball. Mulford gets around the end for a run of 35 yards. Bennett goes through the line for a touchdown and kicks the goal. Times is then called. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1904 CORNELL P. W. Hackstaff, '05, Left End, C. B. Goodspeed, '08, R. A. Smith, '05, H. H. Downes, '08, C. C. Oderkirk, '08, G. M. Chapman, '05, L. A. Wilder, '06, F. J. Furman, '06, J. H. Costello, '06, Capt., M. S. Halliday, '06, R. Van Onnan, '08, E. J. Bird, '07, L. J. Rice, '07, E. T. Gibson, '07, M. S. Halliday, '06, H. E. Davis, '07. Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, (( Right Guard, Right Tackle, (( « Right End, (( <( Quarter-back, (< Left Half, it n it (( Right Half, « Full-back, PENNSYLVANIA G. R. Drake, '05. J. Hollenback, '06. T. A. Buthiewicz, '05. F. A. Piekarski, '05. D. B. Case, '06. R.G.Torrey,'06,Capt. H. B. Taylor, '05. A. B. Ziegler, '07. O. F. Lamson, '07. W. Sinkler, '06. G. W. Weede, '05. V. M. Stevenson, '08. C. S. Corson, '07. M. S. Reynolds, '04. J. H. Sheble, '08. W.M. Hollenback, '06. E. L. Greene, '08. E. M. Bennis, '08. A. L. Smith, '05. R. C. Folwell, '08. Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Linesman: J. J. Hogan, '05, Yale. Score: Cornell 0, 192 FOOTBALL Pennsylvania 34. First Half: Touchdown by F. A. Piekarski, goal by M. S. Reynolds; touchdown by F. A. Piekarski, goal by M. S. Reynolds; touchdown by F. A. Piekarski, goal by M. S. Reynolds; touchdown by V. M. Stevenson; goal by M. S. Reynolds. Second Half: Touchdown by C. S. Corson; touchdown by C. S. Corson. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and selects the west goal. Reynolds kicks off to Rice. Cornell advances the ball to the 35-yard line. Here, on the third down, with 6 inches to go, a line plunge is made, but the runner is thrown for a loss and Pennsylvania takes the ball. Smith, Ziegler, and Lamson in three plunges reach the 10-yard line. Smith makes 4 and Piekarski goes over for a touchdown. Rey- nolds kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. After a succession of unimportant plays Cornell has the ball for third down on the 20-yard line, with 1 foot to go. Again a line plunge is made, but once more Pennsylvania throws the runner for a loss and takes the ball. Smith, Ziegler, and Lamson, by a long series of short gains, reach the 5-yard line. Piekarski goes over for a touchdown. Reynolds again kicks the goal. Following the kick-off both teams resort to punting. Finally Furman punts to Reynolds on Pennsylvania's 10- yard line. Pennsylvania puts the ball down for a scrim- mage. Folwell, Piekarski, Reynolds, Ziegler, and Lamson, by hard but short line plunges, carry the ball 90 yards. Piekarski then takes it over for a touchdown and Rey- nolds kicks the goal. Pennsylvania scores another touch- down just before the close of the half. Obtaining the ball on a fumble on Corneirs 20-yard line, Stevenson dashes around the end for a touchdown. Reynolds makes the goal. Second Half: After the kick-off by Cornell and an ex- change of punts, Pennsylvania catches the ball on Cornell's 40-yard line. In three plays Pennsylvania reaches the 8- yard mark, from which Corson is sent across for a touch- down. Reynolds kicks the goal. Cornell stops Pennsyl- CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 193 vania's rushes until the close of the half, although unable to get near the latter's goal. Cornell punts to Folwell at the lat- ter's 30. Sheble gets away for a long run to Cornell's 30- yard line. Weede makes 15, Folwell 3, Piekarski 1. On the next play a quarter-back kick is placed across the line and Corson falls on the ball for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Time soon after is called. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1905 CORNELL C. L. Roadhouse, *06, G. T. Cook, '08, E. I. Thompson, '09, C. L. Downes, '06, W. S. Newman, '07, B. J. O'Rourke, '09, J. H. Costello, '06, Capt., C. A. Lyon, '05, R. Van Orman, '08, J. A. Pollak, '07, J. Newhall, '06, G. H. Walder, '09, E. T. Gibson, '07, M. S. Halliday, '06, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, << (< Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, PENNSYLVANIA I. G. Levene, '07. W. J. Rooke, '07. J. L. Junk, '07. F. H. Hobson, '08. R. G. Torrey, '06, Capt. J. L. Robinson, '09. O. F. Lamson, '07. Right End, H. W. Scarlett, '07. Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, V. M. Stevenson, '08. J. H. Sheble, '08. E. L. Greene, '08. R. C. Folwell, '08. Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Linesman: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Score: Cornell 5, Pennsylvania 6. Second Half: Touchdown by G. H. Walder; touch- down by O. F. Lamson, goal by J. H. Sheble. First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the west goal. Walder kicks off to Greene. Pennsylvania cannot gain consecutively and Sheble punts. Cornell fumbles at 35 and Pennsylvania secures the ball. Rooke, Robinson, and Folwell take the ball to the 15-yard line. Rooke makes 5 more, but Pennsylvania is penalized 10. Stevenson regains 15 yards. Pennsylvania fumbles and the ball goes to Cor- 194 , FOOTBALL nell. Thompson, Gibson, and Halliday, by hard plunges and short gains, take the ball to Pennsylvania's 35-yard line. Here Pennsylvania holds for downs and takes the ball. A long punting duel ensues. Pennsylvania again puts the ball down on its 35-yard line and by sharp line plays rushes to Corneirs 35, where time stops the half. Second Half: Sheble kicks off to Walder. An exchange of kicks ensues, terminating in Pennsylvania starting a scrimmage on its 20-yard line. Lamson, Rooke, and Rob- inson plough through the Cornell line to the latter's 45- yard line. Cornell captures a short kick. Another punting duel follows which terminates in a fumble by Pennsylvania on its 15-yard line, Cornell getting the ball. Twice Penn- sylvania stops the Cornell backs without gain, but on the third attempt Walder breaks through and crosses the line for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Sheble kicks across the goal-line on the kick-off. Cornell kicks out. Sheble, Lamson, and Folwell rush the ball to the 28-yard line, where it goes to Cornell on a fumble. Walder punts to Greene. Pennsylvania now sets in motion a hard and rapid line attack which takes the ball without a check to Cornell's 5-yard line. Lamson in two plays makes the goal- line for a touchdown. Amid great excitement Sheble kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off, but time soon expires. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 29, 1906 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA C. H. Watson, '09, Left End, I. G. Levene, '07. L. Babcock, '09, G. T. Cook, '08, Capt., Left Tackle, D. W. Draper, '09. E. I. Thompson, '09, Left Guard, P. J. Gallagher, '09. W. S. Newman, '07, Centre, J. K. Dwyer, '08. B. J. O'Rourke, '09, Right Guard, A. B. Ziegler, '07. C. C. Brinton, '08, Right Tackle, F. H. Gaston, '07. CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 195 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA R. Van Orman, '08, Right End, H. W. Scarlett, '07. J. H. Jamieson, '09, Quarter-back, G. J. Lawrence, '07. F. E. Gardner, '09, << E. Earle, '08, Left Half, R. C. Folwell, '08. E. T. Gibson, '07, Right Half, E. L. Greene, '08, Capt. G. H. Walder, '09, Full-back, W. M. Hollenback, '08. Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Linesman: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Score: Cornell 0, Pennsylvania 0. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. Walder kicks off to Pennsylvania's 10-yard line, but the ball goes out of bounds. A second kick results similarly and the kick-off goes to Pennsylvania. Hollenback kicks to Wal- der. The play of the first half is characterized by an ab- sence on both sides of line-plunging and end runs. Each team resorts to forward passes and punts. Many of the passes are successful, but the inability to gain by the play consecutively forces each team to kick. Several punts are blocked on each side, but neither team comes within scoring distance of the other's goal. Second Half: Pennsylvania kicks off. Cornell tries the line, but, unable to advance the ball consistently, punts. Hollenback gets away for a 30-yard run. Folwell and Greene hit the line for 12 yards and then Cornell holds for downs. Hollenback punts. Walder cannot make first down and Cornell kicks. In this half the two teams resort to line-bucking, but neither side is able to gain consecutively or to come within striking distance of the other's goal. Out- side of a few long runs by Hollenback the play is with- out individual brilliance. Much kicking is done and the punts well caught, thus keeping the play between the 25-yard lines without a score. The game thus comes to an end. 196 FOOTBALL ( Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1907 CORNELL PENNSYLVANIA C. H. Watson, '10, Left End, S. H. Pauxtis, '10. A. C. Miller, '10. J. A. Lynch, '08, Left Tackle, D. W. Draper, '09. E. I. Thompson, '09, Left Guard, P. J. Gallagher, '09. « « J. F. Macklin, '10. C. C. May, '10, Centre, J. K. Dwyer, '08. J. J. Cosgrove, '09, Right Guard, A. B. Ziegler, '07. C. C. Brinton, '08, (( <( B. J. O'Rourke, '09, Right Tackle, F. H. Gaston, '07. R. Van Orman, '08, Right End, H.W.Scarlett, '07. A. F. Tydeman, '10, <( « W. Harris, '09, 11 (( F. E. Gardner, '09, Quarter-back, C. Keinath, '09. R. K. Caldwell, '09, (( C. W. Reagan, '08. E. Earle, '08, Left Half, E. L. Greene, '08. C. D. Dwyer, '07. E. L. McCallie, '09, Right Half, R. C. Folwell, '08, Capt. G. H. Walder, '09, Full-back, W. M. Hollenback, '08. F. O. Ebeling, '09, (( Referee: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Linesman: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Score: Cornell 4, Pennsylvania 12. First Half: Touchdown by R. C. Folwell, goal by H. W. Scarlett. Second Half: Touchdown by D. W. Draper, goal by H. W. Scarlett; goal from field by R. K. Caldwell. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the west goal. Hollenback kicks off to Walder. Cornell tries the line, but unable to gain punts on the third down. Pennsylvania returns the kick and a sharp kicking duel ensues. Finally Pennsylvania catches the ball on Corneirs 40-yard line. Pauxtis throws a forward pass to Draper, netting 40 yards. Hollenback gets around the end for 12 more. Cornell holds for 2 downs and then Keinath shoots a forward pass to Pauxtis, placing the ball 3 yards from Corneirs goal-line. A penalty sets Pennsylvania back 15 yards. Keinath sends a forward pass to Draper on the 8-yard mark. Hollenback CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 197 makes 3 yards around the end. Greene goes through the line for 4, and on the next play Folwell dashes through tackle for the touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. The play remains at centre for several minutes. At last Cornell recovers a fumble in Pennsylvania's terri- tory and reaches the 30-yard line by hard rushes. Penn- sylvania holds for downs and time is called. Second Half: Cornell kicks off and Pennsylvania returns. A sharp kicking exchange commences, in which Cornell has the advantage. The latter fumbles on the 40-yard line. Draper picks up the ball and races 75 yards for a touchdown. The goal is made by Scarlett. Cornell kicks off. Pennsyl- vania tries rushing, but Cornell's defence stiffens and Hollenback punts. Cornell now tries two plays into the line without gain. On the next play Caldwell throws a long forward pass to Ebeling, which puts the ball down on the 30-yard line. Pennsylvania does not yield an inch. Cald- well falls back in drop-kick formation and sends the ball between the posts for a field goal. Pennsylvania kicks off, but there is no further scoring. CoRXELL VS. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1908 CORNELL R. B. Hurlburt, '10, E. I. Bayer, '09, C. A. Franke, '11, R. L. Leventry, '11, J. J. Cosgrove, '09, H. C. Wight, '09, J. G. McCoUum, '09, B. J. O'Rourke, '09, F. W. Bell, '11, E. G. McArthur, '11, E. S. Crosby, '10, Left End, (( (( <( « Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, (( Right Guard, (( << Right Tackle, (( (( Right End, PENNSYLVANIA. H. p. Braddock, '10. T. Crooks, '10. S. Townsend, '09. D. W. Draper, '09. G. A. Dietrich, '10. W. Le R. Marks, '11. E. B. Cozens, '11. R. E. Lamberton, *10. C. H. Pike, '11. F. H. Gaston, '08. H. W. Scarlett, '07. 198 FOOTBALL PENNSYLVANIA Quarter-back, C. Keinath, '09. A. C. Miller, '10. Left Half, J. O. Manier, '09. Right Half, J. W. Means, '10. CORNELL B. B. Wood, '11, F. E. Gardner, '09, R. K. Caldwell, '09, A. F. Tydeman, '10, H. G. Mowe, '10, A. H. Hutchinson, '10, G. K. Shearer, '09, S. G. Hoffman, '10, G. H. Walder, '09, Capt., Full-back, W. M. Hollenback, '08, Capt. Referee: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, *00, Princeton. Field Judge: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Linesman: W. R. Okeson, '96, Lehigh. Score: Cornell 4, Pennsylvania 17. First Half: Goal from field by H. G. Mowe; touchdown by W. M. Hollenback, goal by H. W. Scarlett. Second Half: Touchdown by J. O. Manier; touchdown by A. C. Miller, goal by H. W. Scarlett. First Half: Cornell wins the toss and takes the ball. Pennsylvania kicks off. Cornell at once resorts to a kick- ing game and after a few exchanges forces Pennsylvania to kick out behind the line. The ball goes out of bounds at 25. A penalty sets Cornell forward upon the 15-yard line. Unable to break the Red and Blue line, Mowe kicks a goal from the jfield. Pennsylvania kicks off. Cornell cannot gain consistently and punts. Pennsylvania now plays a kicking game and recovers a fumble on Corneirs 35-yard line. Cornell stands firm and Pennsylvania tries a forward pass. Miller to Draper, which places the ball on the 7-yard mark. On the second play Hollenback breaks through for a touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. There is no further scoring in this half. Second Half: Cornell kicks off. Play for some time is confined between the 25-yard lines, owing to the inability of both teams to force it beyond except by kicking. Penn- sylvania picks up a fumble on Corneirs 40-yard line. By straight line plays Manier, Means, and Hollenback rush the ball to the 5-yard line, from which Manier goes over for a CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 199 touchdown. The goal fails. Cornell kicks off. Pennsyl- vania returns and Cornell, by rushing, forces the ball into Pennsylvania's territory. A forward pass is tried which Pennsylvania intercepts on the 40-yard line. Miller taking it and then running the distance for a touchdown. Scar- lett kicks the goal. Cornell kicks off. Play deadlocks and a punting exchange ensues. Thus the game ends. Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1909 CORNKTJ, PENNSYLVANIA H. K. Seeley, '10, Left End, H. P. Braddock, '10. E. H. Teagle, '12, It « R. B. Hurlburt, '10, (( « P. S. Munk, '12, Left Tackle. J. L. Fretz, '12. T. H. Farrington, '10, U (( R. B. Bums, '10. G. S. Donnan, '-12, Left Guard, G. A. Dietrich, '10. It it R. E. Lamberton, '10. €t tt G. Burdick, '11. C. H. Seagrave, '11, Centre, E. B. Cozens, '11. K. E. Pfeiffer, '12, tt J. J. O'Connor, '12, Right Guard, C. H. Pike, '11. C. P. Weekes, '12, Right Tackle, P. A. Ferrier, '11. E. S. Crosby, '10, Right End, P. B. Kauffman, '11. S. H. Sutton, '11, « « W. Le. R. Marks, '11. C. C. Owen, '10, Quarter-back, D. L. Hutchinson, '12. B. B. Wood, '11, « S. E. Robb, '11, Left Half, F. Sommer, '11. A. F. Tydeman, '10, Capt., (( tt W. J. Young, '11. S. G. Hoffman, '10, Right Half, P. C. Irwin, '11. A. Kmtzsch, '11, tt It A. G. HeUman, '12. L. D. Simson, '11, Full-back, F. L. Ramsdell, '11. tt A. C.Miller, 10, Capt. tt J. H. Scott, '11. Referee: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Linesman: W. R. Okeson, '96, Lehigh. Score: Cornell 6, Pennsylvania 17. First Half: Touchdown by S. E. Robb, goal by J. J. O'Connor; touch- down by F. L. Ramsdell, goal by H. P. Braddock. Second Half: Touchdown by P. C. Irwin, goal by H. P. Braddock; touchdown by A. G. Heilman. 200 FOOTBALL First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the west goal. O'Connor kicks to Hutchinson at 15. Fol- lowing a fake kick Hutchinson punts. Tydeman catches and runs the ball to the 42-yard mark. Cornell cannot gain and Simson kicks. Pennsylvania fumbles and the ball goes to Cornell. Simson goes through the line to the 15-yard line. A penalty takes the ball 10 yards farther. Robb goes through the right wing for a touchdown and O'Connor kicks the goal. The ball now changes hands several times on punts following ineffectual rushes. Som- mer catches at midfield. Ramsdell hits centre for 15. A delayed pass sends Sommer for an additional yard. Hutch- inson sends an on-side kick to Cozens at 14. Irwin in two plunges through centre advances 9 yards. Ramsdell goes over for the touchdown and Braddock kicks the goal. During the remainder of this half Pennsylvania twice, by hard line plunges, works the ball to Cornell's 5-yard line, but each time is held for downs. Time is called without further scoring. Second Half: Both teams appear in fresh uniforms, as the game is being played in rain and sleet. Hutchinson kicks to Wood. Simson returns the punt and Hutchinson runs to Cornell's 45-yard line. Irwin makes 9, but Cornell holds and Hutchinson punts to 15, where Cozens recovers a fumble. Pike rounds the end for 9. Fretz gains 2 more. Irwin makes a touchdown and Braddock kicks the goal. Play surges back and forth at Cornell's 40-yard line. Finally Simson is forced to punt from his 5-yard line. Heil- man blocks the kick and the ball bounds across the line. Heilman makes the touchdown. The try at goal fails. During the remainder of the game play does not pass either 25-yard line, being for the most time in Cornell's territory. The latter, however, holds for downs when their goal is threatened and punts the ball back to centre. CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 201 CORNELL H. R. Eyrick, 13, E. H. Teagle, 12, P. S. Munk, 12, D. K. Champaign, Cornell vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1910 PENNSYLVANIA W. Le R. Marks, 11. Left End, 13. Left Tackle, H. E. Rodgers, 12. Left Guard, C. C. Wolferth, 12. H. B. Patterson, 12. Centre, E. B. Cozens, 11, Capt Right Guard, J. M. Cramer, 13. Right Tackle, H. H. Morris, 12. T. F. Dillon, 13. Right End, L. W. Jourdet, 13. P. B. Kaufifman, 11. Quarter-back, J. H. Scott, 11. W. J. H. Hough, 11. E. Thayer, 12. J. J. Keough, 12. Left Half, F. L. Ramsdell, 11. J. P. Harrington, 13. « (( Right Half, F. Sommer, 11. L. M. Kennedy, 13. Full-back, E. L. Mercer, 13. W. J. Young, 13. Referee: J. B. Pendleton, '90, Bowdoin. Umpire: A. H. Sharpe, '02, Yale. Field Judge: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Linesman: C. J. McCarthy, German town Acad. Score: Cornell 6, Pennsylvania 12. First Quarter: Touchdown by E. L. Mercer, goal by F. L. Ramsdell. Second Quarter: Goal from field by E. W. Butler; touch- down by F. Sommer, goal by F. L. Ramsdell; goal from placement by E. W. Butler. First Quarter: Pennsylvania wins the toss and selects the east goal. Mercer kicks across the goal-line and Cor- nell puts the ball in play on its 25-yard line. A quarter-back run is stopped and Butler punts to 32. Mercer makes 7 yards, Ramsdell 5. Eyrick stops Mercer, but Sommer nets 5 through the line. A forward pass, Scott to Marks, places the ball on the 8-yard line. Another forward pass is tried. E. H. O'Rourke, '12, J. S. Whyte, '13, C. Delano, '12, C. P. Weekes, 12, C. H. Seagrave, '11, L. B. Pitcher, '13, E. W. Butler, '13, K W. Gass, '12, S.E.Robb,'ll,Capt., R. B. Whyte, '13, B. O'Connor, '13, J. S. Nichols, '12, E. S. Bates, '13, E. P. Wilson, '13, 202 FOOTBALL but Whyte gets the ball for Cornell. Butler kicks from behind the goal-posts to Scott, who races forward 15 yards. Mercer goes around the end for 30 yards and a touchdown. Ramsdell kicks the goal. Butler kicks across the goal-line and Pennsylvania starts a scrimmage on the 25-yard line. Mercer skirts the end for 20 yards. Scott punts to midfield. Butler punts, Whyte gets the ball and runs 35 yards across the goal-line, but a touchdown is not allowed. Kicks are exchanged and Cornell gets the ball on Pennsylvania's 30- yard line. Butler tries for a field goal, but the ball strikes the post. An exchange of kicks again gives the ball to Cornell on their opponent's 40-yard line, where another field goal is attempted but missed. Kicks ensue. Munk recovers the ball and runs to Pennsylvania's 21-yard line. O'Connor makes 4 and time is called. Second Quarter: Cornell resumes play 19 yards from Pennsylvania's goal-line. O'Connor makes 3. Pennsyl- vania holds and Butler tries a place kick which scores. Mercer kicks off and O'Connor runs the ball back 10 yards. Neither team can gain consecutively and punting frequently follows short gains. Pennsylvania gets the ball out of bounds at her 25-yard line. Hough goes in at quarter. He gets off for 20 yards and repeats the play for 9 more. Mer- cer adds a first down. The ball is on Cornell's 6-yard mark. Pennsylvania tries a fake end run, terminating in a forward pass to Sommer, who plunges through the centre for a touchdown. Goal. Third Quarter: Patterson kicks to Robb. A long series of kicks intermingled with penalties finally gives Cornell the ball on her 45-yard line. Nichols circles Pennsylvania's end and reaches the 35-yard line. Butler drops back to the 45-yard line and kicks a difficult goal from placement. A brilliant series of kicks and passes ensues, closing by Cornell intercepting a pass on her 35-yard line. Butler shoots an- CORNELL VS. PENNSYLVANIA 203 other forward pass for 25 yards. Butler gets off a long kick, which strikes the ground and Eyrick gets it on Penn- sylvania's 15-yard line. Butler tries a field goal, but fails. Pennsylvania kicks and recovers the ball. Plunges carry it to Corneirs 18-yard line, where time is called. Fourth Quarter: A line plunge fails and Cornell gets a forward pass on the 15-yard line. Butler kicks and Sea- grave recovers the ball. Kicks and penalties terminate in giving Pennsylvania the ball on Cornell's 45-yard line. Kauffman makes 9, Sommer 2, Young 7, and a forward pass takes the ball to Cornell's 7-yard mark. Cornell stands firm and Ramsdell tries for a field goal, but fails. Butler kicks to midfield. Pennsylvania cannot gain and punts. Nichols makes 14 around the end. Pennsylvania stops the next plunge for a 10-yard loss. Pitcher reaches Pennsyl- vania's 45-yard line and the quarter closes. CHAPTER XII DARTMOUTH VS. PRINCETON DARTMOUTH C. J. Boyle, '00, J. H. Putnam, *01. F. W. Lowe, '01, R. Jackson, '00, C. C. Walker, '98, J. H. Edwards, '99, F. W. Cavanaugh, *99, Dartmouth vs. Princeton Princeton, Oct. 30, 1897 PRINCETON Left End, W. B. Schwartz, 'i Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, t( (( Right End, J. Wentworth, *00, Quarter-back, J. B. C. Eckstorm, '98, Capt., Left Half, F. J. Crolius, '99 Right Half, S. G. Craig, '95. E. G. Holt, '00. L R. Dickey, '98. W. C. Booth, '00. W. H. Edwards, '00. A. R. T. Hillebrand, '00. H. Potter, '98. G. Cochran, '98, Capt. H. R. Lathrope, '00. J. Baird, '99. H. R. Reiter, '98. J. L. Crane, '99. A. W. Kelly, '98. H. R. Reiter, '98. G. H. Lathrope, '00. H. Wheeler, '00. D. C. McAndrew, '98, Full-back, W. Stickney, '00, Referee: W. H. Andrus, '97, Princeton. Umpire: J. Parker, '89, Cornell. Linesmen: F. E. Jennings, '00, Dartmouth; S. P. Hayward, '98, Princeton. Score: Dartmouth 0, Princeton 30. First Half: Touchdown by A. W. Kelly, goal by H. Wheeler; touchdown by A. W. Kelly, goal by H. Wheeler; touchdown by A. R. T. Hillebrand, goal by H. Wheeler. Second Half: Touchdown by H. R. Reiter, goal by H. Wheeler; touchdown and goal by H. Wheeler. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the north goal. Dartmouth kicks to Cochran. Princeton kicks and soon recovers the ball on downs on the 40-yard line. From here Princeton by straight football rushes the ball to Dart- mouth's 5-yard line, from which Kelly goes over for a 204 DARTMOUTH VS. PRINCETON 205 touchdown. Wheeler kicks the goal. Dartmouth kicks off and after an exchange of kicks Princeton gets the ball on a fumble on Dartmouth's 30-yard line. Reiter, Wheeler, and Kelly take the ball across for a touchdown. Goal by Wheeler. After the kick-off and several minutes of rush- ing, Booth blocks Dartmouth's kick on the latter's 30-yard line. Hillebrand gets the ball and runs 75 yards for a touch- down. Goal. Second Half: Princeton kicks off and Dartmouth, unable to gain, punts to Princeton's 40. Reiter rounds the end for 30 yards. He skirts the other end for 30 more. On the next play he goes over for a touchdown. Goal. Dart- mouth kicks off. Holt, Reiter, Lathrope, and Wheeler alternating with the ball, carry the ball 70 yards for a touchdown. Wheeler kicks the goal. No further scoring. 1898-1902, no games. DARTMOUTH M. W. Bullock, '04, W. H. Lillard, '05, F. H. Brown, '05, J. T. Oilman, '05, H. J. Hooper, '07. J. W. Gage, '06, L. C. Turner, '04, R. Glaze, '06, E. A. Herr, '06, M. E. Witham, '04, Capt., W. S. Dillon, '05, D. J. Main, '06, J. A. Vaughan, '05, H. W. Colburn, '06, J. W. Knibbs, '05, W. A. Conley, '05, Dartmouth vs. Princeton Princeton, Oct. 24, 1903 PRINCETON R. T. Davis, '04. Left End, (( (( Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, (( {( Quarter-back, <( Left Half, (( (( Right Half, (( <( Full-back, J. L. Cooney, '07. H. L. Dillon, '07. H. H. Short, '05, J. R. De Witt, '04, Capt. H. R. Reed, '04. H. H. Henry, '04. J. R. Vetterlein, '07. T. J. Burke, '05. R. R. Hart, '04. J. D. Kafer, '05. C. G. Stevens, '04. S. Rulon-Miller, '07. S. W. McClave, '03. Referee: N. W. Snow, '02, Michigan. Umpire: S. A. Boyle, '98, Pennsylvania. Linesmen: I. J. French, '01, Dartmouth; W. Pell, 206 FOOTBALL '02, Princeton. Score: Dartmouth 0, Princeton 17. First Half: Touchdown by J. D. Kafer, goal by J. R. Vetterlein. Second Half: Touchdown by J. L. Cooney, goal by J. R. Vetterlein; touchdown by S. W. McClave. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the north goal. Dartmouth kicks to Princeton's 20. Princeton fum- bles and Dartmouth gets the ball. Dartmouth tries a wing shift and makes 5 yards. Princeton holds for downs and De Witt punts 60 yards. A long series of kicks ensues. Dartmouth puts the ball down for a scrimmage on their 20-yard line. Dillon breaks through and gets the ball. Four tackle-back plays reach the goal-line, Kafer touch- ing down. Vetterlein kicks the goal. Dartmouth kicks off and Princeton returns. Glaze on a double pass goes around the end and runs past the Princeton team. Rulon- Miller catches him after a sprint of 60 yards and brings him down on the 20-yard line. Dartmouth, by a wing- shift, ploughs through for 13 yards. Princeton holds for downs and De Witt punts to Dartmouth's 45. Play re- mains near centre for some time, and time is called for the half. Second Half: Dartmouth kicks to De Witt at Princeton's 10-yard line. De Witt runs 80 yards. Short plunges into the line by Cooney and Hart take the ball to the 5-yard line, from which Cooney goes over for a touchdown. Vetter- lein kicks the goal. Princeton kicks off and Dartmouth, by the wing-shift, rushes the ball back to midfield. Here the ball surges back and forth for several minutes without ad- vantage. Princeton holds for downs at Dartmouth's 40. Kafer circles the end for 25 yards. De Witt makes 5 more. McClave ge^ts around the end for a touchdown. De Witt misses the goal. Princeton kicks off and Dart- mouth by short rushes makes 35 yards. Time is called. 1904, no game. DARTMOUTH VS. PRINCETON 207 DARTMOUTH G. F. Kennedy, '09, D. J. Church, '08, G. N. Bankart, '06, A. H. Thayer, '09, J. T. Griffin, '06, J. W. Gage, '06, J. T. Smith, '06, R. Glaze, '06, J. B. Glaze, '08, D. J. Main, '06, Capt., E. A. Herr, '06, E. D. Rich, '08, Dartmouth vs. Princeton Princeton, Nov. 7, 1905 PRINCETON N. B. Tooker, '06. Left End, (( « Left Tackle, Left Guard, « (( Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, << Left Half, (( II Right Half, <( <( Full-back. W. J. Phillips, '08. J. L.Cooney,'07,Capt. E. L. Rafferty, '06. H. L. Dillon, '07. J. C. Waller, '06. P. E. Waller. '10. D. G. Herring, '07. G. H. Fryer, '09. E. A. Dillon, '09. H. S. Tenney, '07. R. A. Bard, '06. J. R. Munn, '06. W. H. Daub, '07. L. H. Simons, '06. J. B. McCormick, '08. Referee: E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard. Umpire: J. H. Minds, '98, Pennsylvania. Linesmen: W. P. White, '00, Lehigh, S. S. Feagles, '00, Princeton. Score: Dartmouth 6, Princeton 0. First Half: Touchdown by G. N. Bankart, goal by D. J. Main. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the north goal. Dartmouth kicks off to E. A. Dillon at 10, who runs back to 25. Bard punts to midfield. Dartmouth opens up a steady attack of line plunges, which takes the ball to Princeton's 10-yard line. Princeton holds for downs and gets the ball. McCormick punts to 40. Dartmouth again hammers the ball to the 30-yard line, where Princeton holds for downs. Bard goes around the end for 8. Daub rounds the opposite end for 25. Princeton fumbles and Dartmouth gets the ball. Upon several rushes and an exchange of kicks Dartmouth gets the ball on their 40-yard line. From here, by a steady attack of line plunges aided by a total of 25 yards in penalties Dartmouth reaches the 8-yard line, where Princeton holds for downs. McCormick falls behind 208 FOOTBALL the line to punt, but Dartmouth blocks the kick. Bankart falls on the ball for a touchdown and Main kicks the goal. Time soon after is called. Second Half: Tooker kicks off to Dartmouth's 10, and the latter, unable to gain on the last down, punts back. Prince- ton fumbles and Dartmouth gets the ball. Princeton stands firm and Dartmouth again punts to Princeton's 20- yard line. Princeton cannot pierce the Green line and Bard kicks, the ball going out of bounds at 35. Dartmouth hits the line for 5 and then Main tries for a goal from place- ment, but misses. Princeton kicks out and Dartmouth returns. Dillon gets away on a quarter-back run for 30 yards. Line plunges take the ball to midfield, where Dart- mouth holds for downs. Simons skirts the end for 20 yards. Munn in three plunges gains 17 yards, but Dart- mouth takes the ball on downs. The remainder of the game becomes a deadlock between the two teams, neither able to get within striking distance of the other's goal, but punting after a few short gains. Dartmouth vs. Princeton Princeton, Nov. 3, 1906 DARTMOUTH PRINCETON W. Jennings, '07, Left End, L. C. Wister, '08. G. F. Kennedy, '09, ft (( H. N. Shaw, '07. C. L. De Angelis, '08, « (( C. K. Pevear, '10, Left Tackle, W. J. Phillips, '08. H. H. Hobbs, '10, (( (( S. Rheinstein, '07. J. A. McDonald, '07, Left Guard, H. L. Dillon, '07, Capt J. T. Smith, '06, « (( J. C. Brusse, '09, Centre, D. G. Herring, '07. « M. K. Cameron, '08. M. K. Smith, '07, Right Guard, E. Stannard, '08. C. K. Pevear, '10, (( « C. W. Tobin, '10, « (( J. Martin, '07. B. Lang, '10, Right Tackle, J. L. Cooney, '07. R. P. Pritchard, '07, Right End, A. N. Hoagland, '06. M. Stearns, '08, (( (( K. B. Warden, '08. DARTMOUTH VS. PRINCETON 209 DARTMOUTH PRINCETON R. Glaze, '06, Capt., Quarter-back, E. A. Dillon, '09. H. L. Dowd, '09. E. G. Stuart, '10, Left Half, S. Rulon-Miller, '07. H. H. Driver, '10, " " N. R. Cass, '09. H. R. Heneage, '07, Right Half, E. H. W. Harlan, '08. F. M. Tibbott, '09. I. A. Greenwood, '07, Full-back, J. B. McCoimick, '08. H. C. Storrs, '07, " A. A. Little, '09. Referee: J. H. Minds, *98, Pennsylvania. Umpire: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Head Linesman: O. F. Lamson, '07, Pennsylvania. Assistant Linesmen: F. E. Jennnigs, '00, Dartmouth; A. De C. O'Brien, '07, Princeton. Score: Dartmouth 0, Princeton 42. First Half: Touch- down by L. C. Wister, goal by J. B. McCormick; touchdown by D. G. Herring, goal by J. B. McCormick. Second Half: Touchdown by L. C. Wister; touchdown and goal by J. B. McCormick; touchdown by S. Rulon-Miller, goal by J. B. McCormick; touchdown by F. M. Tibbott, goal by J. B. McCormick. First Half: After several minutes of play with even advantage, Dillon catches a punt and runs 55 yards for a touchdown. McCormick kicks the goaL A few moments later Wister takes a forward pass and runs 42 yards for a touchdown. Goal by McCormick. Dartmouth kicks off. Princeton works the ball gradually into Dartmouth's goal, but being held for two downs without gain, Harlan drops a short kick over the line, which is fumbled. Herring gets it and makes a touchdown. Goal. Second Half: For several minutes play remains at centre, the ball changing hands on punts and downs. Harlan sends a long punt to Dartmouth on the 10-yard line which the latter fumbles. Wister gets it and runs across the line for a touchdown. McCormick kicks the goal. Dartmouth kicks off to Princeton's 5-yard line. Princeton opens up a series of straight line plays, which takes the ball by short gains steadily down the field to the 5-yard line, from which McCormick is sent through centre for a touchdown. Goal. Dartmouth kicks off and Princeton repeats the long gain, 210 FOOTBALL this time sending Rulon-Miller across for the touch- down. Goal. Dartmouth kicks off and a series of punts are exchanged. Tibbott catches on his 15-yard Hne and brilliantly runs through the entire Dartmouth team for a touchdown. McCormick kicks the seventh and last goal. 1907, no game. Dartmouth vs. Princeton New York, Nov. 7, 1908 DARTMOUTH PRINCETON G. F. Kennedy, '09, Capt., Left End, H. L. Dowd, '09. E. J. Daly, '12, (< t O o * HARVARD VS. YALE 279 tive. Gradually Harvard is being beaten back and weak- ening. The ball is on the 2-yard line. The lines contract at centre. C. D. Bliss takes the ball and, lifted upon a wave of blue jerseys, is carried over the centre and across the line for a touchdown. Butterworth kicks the goal. In the remaining minutes of play Harvard blocks Butterworth's punt and gets the ball on the 15-yard line. Three downs are tried for no gain. Winter stops Trafford's try for a goal from the field and time is called. Harvard vs. Yale Springfield, Nov. 25, 1893 HARVARD YALE R. W. Emmons, '95, T. J. Mannahan, '96, R. Acton, '94, W. H. Lewis, '95, W. C. Mackie, '94, M. Newell, '94, R. H. Stevenson, '97, A. M. Beale, '97, E. N. Wrightington, '97, B. G. Waters, '94, Capt., J. W, Dunlop, '97, C. Brewer, '96, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, F. A. Hinkey, '95, Capt. F. T. Murphy, '97. J. A. McCrea, '95. P. T. Stillman, '95. W. O. Hickok, '95. A. McC. Beard, '95. J. C. Greenway, '95. G. T. Adee, '95. S. B. Thome, '96. R. Armstrong, '95. Full-back, F. S. Butterworth, '95. Referee: C. H. Schoff, '93, Pennsylvania. Umpire: Alex. Moffat, '84, Princeton. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 6. Second Half: Touch- down by F. S. Butterworth, goal by W. O. Hickok. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the north goal. Harvard makes 25 yards with the flying wedge. Waters and Wrightington in two plays through the line make 5 yards. Greenway and Hinkey hold the Harvard backs for downs and Yale gets the ball. Butterworth punts. Harvard now discloses a series of intricate formations and plays evolved by Lorin F. Deland, the inventor of the flying wedge. The Yale ends are alert, however, and nip the Harvard backs for no gain. Brewer punts. Butterworth 280 FOOTBALL returns to Harvard^s 10-yard line. Brewer sends it back on the second down. Thome rounds the end for 10. On the next play the ball is fumbled and Emmons gets it. Brewer punts. Yale fumbles and Stevenson falls on the ball. Newell strikes the opposite tackle for 3. Waters, Dunlop, and Brewer in the new Deland mass play, an oval forniation called a " turtle-back," work the ball to Yale^s 35-yard line. Murphy, McCrea, and Hickok hold for downs and Yale gets the ball. Butterworth lifts the leather 70 yards down the field. On the line-up Brewer punts, but the kick is high and Yale gets the ball on Harvard^s 25-yard line. Three plunges into the line do not yield a first down and it is Harvard's ball. Harvard uses a flying interference play for consecutive gains of 40 yards, which Hinkey and Murphy finally check by sharp tackling. Yale uses a revolving wedge that gains 5 yards and then loses 3. Butterworth tries for a long field goal, but cannot make it. Harvard punts out and time is called for the half. Second Half: Yale opens with the flying wedge, making 10 yards. Hinkey nets 6 around the end and Thorne dupli- cates the run around the other end. By a series of mass plays Thorne, Armstrong, and Butterworth, alternating with the ball, advance by gains of 6, 6, 3, 15, and 7 yards to the 2-line mark, where Butterworth is rammed across the line for a touchdown. Hickok kicks the goal. Harvard resumes play with the flying wedge and makes 15 yards. Waters, Newell, and Brewer are sent into the line on flying plays for steady gains to the 35-yard line, where Hinkey and Greenway break them up and get the ball. Yale punts and Brewer returns. Thorne catches and runs back the kick 35 yards. Unable to gain farther, Butterworth punts. Harvard resumes its flying plays, in which the interference starts before the ball is in play. Wrightington skirts the end for 15, Brewer doubles the other for 15. Yale stops the HARVARD VS. YALE 281 advance on their 35-yard line and Thome and Butterworth in four rushes take the ball back to centre. Waters goes off and Dunlop takes his place. Harvard attempts a double pass, but McCrea gets it. Kicks are exchanged. Thome and Butterworth by great work hammer the ball to Harvard's 5-yard line, Lewis, Mackie, and Newell hold for downs. Brewer from behind the line punts to Butter- worth at 40. Armstrong and Thome rush it back to Har- vard's 15-yard line, where it goes to Harvard on fourth down. Brewer punts to Yale's 45-yard line and time is called. Harvard vs. Yale Springfield, Nov. 24, 1894 HARVARD YALE N. W. Cabot, '98, Left End, F. A. Hinkey, '95, Capt. « (I L. M. Bass, '97. R. H. Hallowell, '96, Left Tackle, A. McC. Beard, '95. S. W. Wheeler, '98, (€ H W. C. Mackie, '94, Left Guard, J. A. McCrea, '95. F. G. Shaw, '97, Centre, P. T. Stillman, '95. J. E. N. Shaw, '98, Right Guard, W. O. Hickok, '95. B. G. Waters, '94, Right Tackle, F. T. Murphy, '97. « « C. Chadwick, '97. A. H. Brewer, '96, Right End, L. Hinkey, '97. R. D. Wrenn, '95, Capt., Quarter-back, G. T. Adee, '95. E. N. Wrightington, '97, Left Half, S. B. Thorne, '96. P. W. Whittemore, '95, " " C. Brewer, '96, Right Half, A. N. Jerrems, '96. J. J. Hayes, '96, (( it R. Armstrong, '95. M. G. Gonterman, '96, i( (t J. C. Fairchild, '96, Full-back, F. S. Butterworth, '95. (( « H. W. Letton, '97. Referee: D. Bovaird, '89, Princeton. Umpire: Alex. Moffat, '84, Princeton. Linesman: H. L. Pratt, '95, Amherst. Score: Harvard 4, Yale 12. First Half: Touchdown by P. T. Stillman, goal by W. O. Hickok; touchdown by J. J. Hayes; touchdown by S. B. Thorne, goal by W. O. Hickok. First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the south goal. Hickok kicks off to Brewer and the latter runs the 282 FOOTBALL ball back 20 yards, being tackled by Beard. Stillman blocks Wrightington's kick. The ball rolls across Har- vard's goal-line. Stillman falls on it for a touchdown. Hickok kicks the goal. On the kick-off Harvard dribbles the ball to the right and Brewer falls on it. Wrightington and Brewer hit the centre for 6 yards. Wrightington rounds the end for 10 yards, but Yale gets the ball for off-side play. Harvard regains it immediately for hold- ing. The ball changes sides several times for downs. Fairchild tries for a field goal, but the ball hits the cross- bar. Thorne punts. C. Brewer is hurt and Hayes takes his place. Harvard starts a lively attack on Yale's line, Wrightington, Hayes, and Fairchild breaking through for consecutive gains. Hayes gets around the end for 17 yards and a touchdown. The punt-out is fumbled. The ball is kicked off and Wrightington is injured. Whittemore takes his place. Thorne misses a field goal. Hayes catches the ball on the 5-yard line. Yale blocks the kick and gets the ball. On the first play Thorne is pushed over for the touch- down. Hickok kicks the goal. Second Half: Chadwick takes the place of Murphy. Armstrong is substituted for Jerrems and Letton for Butter- worth. Fairchild kicks off. The playing during this half is fierce and vigorous. Smash after smash is made against the opposing lines, but neither side can score. Thorne tries for a field goal, but misses. Hallowell is injured and Wheeler takes his place. Harvard drives the ball down to the 27-yard line. The signal is given for a punt. The whistle sounds, the ball is passed back to Fairchild, who drops a goal from the field. Harvard claims the goal, but Bovaird rules that time was called. The game closes. 1895. No game. 1896. No game. HARVARD VS. YALE 283 Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, HARVARD N. W. Cabot, '98, Capt. C. O. Swain, '00, S. W. Wheeler, '98, G. W. Bouv6, '98, A. E. Doucette, '95, H. B. Haskell, '99, J. E. N. Shaw, '98, M. Donald, '99, S. F. Mills, '99, J. E. Moulton, '98, W. L. Garrison, '97, B. H. Dibblee, '99, L. Warren, '00, G. S. Parker, '00, P. D. Haughton, '99, Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh Score: Harvard 0, Yale 0. Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 13, 1897 YALE J. J. Hazen, '98. J. O. Rodgers, '98, Capt. C. Chadwick, '97. G. L. Cadwalader, '01. F. G. Brown, '01. Right Tackle, B. C. Chamberlin, '97. Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, J. A. Hall, '97. C. A. H. De SauUes, '99. A. F. Corwin, '99. H. F. Benjamin, '99. Full-back, M. L. McBride, '00. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Note. — See amended rule of scoring, session Feb. 19, 1897, Appendix. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the west goal. Haughton kicks off to Hazen on the 25-yard line. Corwin makes 5. Cabot and Moulton tackle behind the line and Chamberlin punts to Harvard's 20-yard line. Dibblee rounds the end for 17. Harvard sends a guards-back for- mation into the line twice, and not making first down Haughton punts. Corwin makes 1, Benjamin adds another, and Chamberlin lifts a kick into Harvard's goal. Haugh- ton punts out from the 25-yard line. Yale fumbles and Haskell gets the ball. Warren splits the line for 5 and immediately repeats the play for 5 more. Cabot gets through for 4, and then Rodgers and Brown throw Harvard for a loss and Yale gets the ball on downs. McBride im- mediately punts. Harvard lines up and Warren rounds the end for 12. Cabot plunges through centre for 7, but Yale 284 FOOTBALL gets the ball on a penalty. McBride drops back to punt, but Haskell blocks the kick. Harvard hits the line hard, but Hall, Chamberlin, and Chadwick stop the Crimson backs for no gain and Yale gets the ball. McBride falls back to kick on the first down. The kick again is blocked. Warren gets around the end for 12, Cabot doubles the other end for 7, but the ball goes to Yale on a foul. McBride punts and Haughton returns. Yale cannot gain. For the third time Harvard blocks the kick and gets the ball. Two plunges into the line fail to gain and Haughton kicks to De Saulles. Several scrimmages ensue without gain. McBride kicks to Haughton, who returns. Yale starts a series of hard rushes. Corwin makes 4 through tackle. Benjamin breaks the centre for 4. Corwin rounds the end for 4. Chamberlin plunges into the line for 6. McBride adds 5 and Corwin 5. The ball is now on Harvard's 15-yard line. Cadwalader snaps the ball, but there is a mistake in the signals and Swain falls on the ball for Har- vard. Harvard puts it down for a scrimmage. Dibblee, Haughton, and Parker buck the line for good gains and the ball advances back to centre. Here kicks are exchanged and time is called, with the ball in Harvard's possession on the 45-yard line. Second Half: Yale kicks off and Haughton returns. Yale kicks out of bounds at Harvard's 50-yard mark. Dibblee and Parker plunge into the line for 4 yards. Parker tries the end and in a magnificent dash takes the ball to Yale's 5-yard line, where he is stopped by Chamber- lin. Rodgers and Brown throw Dibblee and Cabot for a loss of 5 yards. Haughton tries to make it up, but is tackled by Hazen and Yale gets the ball on fourth down. McBride from behind the line punts out to the 30-yard line. Harvard makes a desperate effort to score, but cannot make the first down. Yale prepares to punt, but the kick is HARVARD VS. YALE 285 partly blocked. Yale recovers it. A long series of kicks are exchanged in which Yale gains. De Saulles finally catches on his 30-yard line and runs back to centre. Yale cannot gain and punts. Haughton runs back the kick and punts. McBride, on the line-up, tries to punt, but the kick is blocked, De Saulles recovering. Yale cannot gain and drops back to kick, but time is called. Harvard vs. ' ^ALE New Haven, Nov. 19, 1898 HARVARD YALE F. D. Cochrane, '99, Left End, G. W. Hubbell, '01. J. W. Farley, '99, « (( M. Donald, '99, Left Tackle, G. S. Stillman, '01. W. D. Eaton, '02, (< *( W. A. Boal, '00, Left Guard, F. G. Brown, '01. P. M. Jaffray, '99, « (( F. L. Burnett, '02, Centre, G. B. Cutten, '99. W. A. M. Burden, '00, Right Guard, E. E. Marshall, '99. P. D. Houghton, '99, Right Tackle, B. C. Chamberlin, '97, Capt. J. W. Hallowell, '01, Right End, E. M. Eddy, '99. U (( L. M. Thomas, '01. C. D. Daly, '01, Quarter-back, M. U. Ely, '98. B.H.Dibblee,'99,Capt. , Left Half, C. T. Dudley, '00. (( (( E. M. Eddy, '99. L. Warren, '00, Right Half, A. H. Durston, '99. W. T. Reid, '01, Full-hack, R. Townshend, '00. « « M. L. McBride, '00. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: F. B. Talbot, '00, Harvard; D. R. Francis, '00, Yale. Score: Harvard 17, Yale 0. First Half: Touchdown by W. T. Reid; touchdown by B. H. Dibblee, goal by P. D. Haughton. Second Half: Touchdown by W. T. Reid, goal by P. D. Haughton. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the ball. Cham- berlin kicks off and Reid returns to midfield. Yale tries a buck at the line, but cannot gain. The backs drop back for a punt, but a line play is sent instead, gaining 3 yards. Harvard stops the next play and gets the ball. On the first 286 FOOTBALL down a Crimson player is oflf side and the ball goes back to Yale. Two cracks against the line fail to yield an inch and Townshend punts to Daly, who instantly sends the ball back to Yale's 45-yard line. Two trials at the line by Yale net 3 yards and Townshend again lifts the leather to Harvard's 35-yard line. Haughton drops back for a punt and sends the ball over Yale's goal-line. It is brought out to the 25-yard line. Townshend kicks it to Harvard's 45-yard line, but Daly catches and runs it to midfield. Dibblee and Reid hit the line right and left for 10 yards. Dibblee gets through tackle for 5 more. Reid and Warren pierce the centre for 7. Harvard now has the ball on Yale's 45-yard line. Dibblee advances it through centre 20 yards. He takes it around the end for 10 more. Reid splits the tackle for 5. The Crimson team masses toward centre and shoves Yale back for 5 yards. Reid tries for the last 5, but is stopped. He again hits the line and goes over at the extreme corner of the field for a touchdown. The ball is punted out and kicked from placement, but it strikes the goal-post. Cham- berlin kicks off for Yale and Haughton returns the ball to midfield. Durston makes a yard, but Yale is forced to kick. Dibblee runs the ball back 10 yards. Haughton punts to Ely, who brings the ball back to centre. Yale cannot gain and Chamberlin punts. Off-side play is given and Har- vard gets the ball. The ball changes sides without sub- stantial gains. Harvard gets the ball on a foul on Yale's 20-yard line. Reid plunges through centre and plants the ball on the 12-yard line. Townshend is hurt and McBride goes to full-back. Reid adds 3 more through the line, and Dibblee, dashing between guard and tackle, covers the re- maining distance and touches down. Haughton kicks the goal. Yale kicks off and Harvard returns. The ball is fumbled and Harvard gets it. On the first down Dibblee gets around Yale's end for 40 yards, placing the ball on the HARVARD VS. YALE 287 10-yard line. Yale stops the Crimson for downs without a gain and gets the ball. McBride punts to the 40-yard line, where Daly heels for a fair catch. Haughton tries a place kick, but misses. McBride kicks out to midfield and Daly returns to Yale's 5-yard line, where the ball is fumbled and rolls over the line, being touched down by Ely. Har- vard claims a safety, but it is not allowed. The ball is kicked out and Dibblee runs it back 10 yards. Harvard cannot gain and Yale gets the ball, punting on the first down to Harvard's 20-yard line. Dibblee returns the punt to midfield and time is called for the half. Second Half: Haughton kicks off to McBride. On the first line-up Yale returns. Harvard puts the ball down for a scrimmage at midfield. Dibblee rounds the end for 5 and Reid duplicates the play on the opposite side for 5 more. An attempt to go through centre results in a fumble and Yale takes the ball on the 40-yard line. By a mass play on tackle the Blue sends Durston, Stillman, and McBride for short but steady gains for a total of 60 yards. Harvard now holds for downs and Reid punts back to midfield. An exchange of kicks follows, resulting in Yale punting out of bounds through a high punt being blown back by the wind, sending the ball out at the 10-yard line. Dibblee circles the end for 4 yards. Daly tries to round the opposite side, but Chamberlin throws him for a loss. Yale takes the ball on downs and Chamberlin punts. Haughton returns the kick and Yale fumbles on the 15-yard line. Warren goes through centre for 4. Dibblee makes 3 and Warren gains 8 more. Reid hits the line and bursts through for a touchdown. Haughton kicks the goal. Yale kicks off and Harvard returns. For a long time neither team is able to make a substantial advance, the play becoming a series of unsuccessful line plunges followed by punts. Yale sends a long pass to the side, Durston to Ely, and the latter 288 FOOTBALL carries the ball to Harvard's 25-yard line. Two line plunges fail to gain and Chamberlin falls back to try a goal from placement. The Harvard forwards hurry the kick and the try fails. Time soon after is called. Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 18, 1899 HARVARD YALE Left End, G. W. Hubbell, '01. Left Tackle, D. R. Francis, '00. Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, (( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, ti (( Right Half, (( (( Full-back, F. G. Brown, '01. P. T. W. Hale, '00. H. P. Olcott, '01. G. S. Stillman, '01. E. N. Snitjer, '00. P. J. Gibson, '01. W. M. Fincke, '01. A. H. Sharpe, '02, G. B. Chadwick, '03. R. B. Keane, '02. H. Richards, '00. M. L. McBride, '00, Capt. D. C. Campbell, '02, A. W. Ristine, '02, M. Donald, '99, W. D. Eaton, '02, A. R. Sargent, '00, F. L. Burnett, '02, W. A. M. Burden, '00, Capt. J. Lawrence, '01, J. W. Hallowell, '01, C. D. Daly, '01, E. H. Kendall, '02, G. A. Sawin, '01, G. S. Parker, '00, S. G. Ellis, '01, W. T. Reid, '01, Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: G. M. Thompson, '99, Harvard; R. J. Schweppe, '00, Yale. Timekeeper: F. A. Wood, B. A. C. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 0. First Half: Francis kicks off for Yale. Harvard brings the ball out, and a try at the line failing, Hallowell punts to Yale's 45-yard line, Sharpe making the catch and running the ball back 3 yards. Yale cannot gain and McBride sends the ball down to Harvard's 10-yard line. Daly skirts the end for 10. A centre play fails and Hallowell punts to Yale's 40-yard line. Fincke catches and attempts to run, but Campbell tackles him. Two plunges into the line are tried without a gain and McBride punts. Harvard cannot make a foot in three attempts and punts. Yale gains HARVARD VS. YALE 289 3 yards, but McBride punts on the third down. The ball is out of bounds. It is brought in and Kendall gets away on a double pass for 20 yards, placing the ball on Yale's 45- yard line, Francis making the tackle. Daly gets around the opposite end and is not stopped until he reaches the 17- yard mark. By short gains of Daly and Kendall the ball is advanced to the 7-yard line, where it is third down, with 1 yard to gain. Ellis by a great effort makes it. Again the Harvard backs strike the line and the Yale men tackle desperately. Three downs are required to get the 4 yards, and on the last attempt Yale stops the advance and gets the ball. Sharpe from behind the line punts out to the 35- yard line. Daly signals for a fair catch, but is thrown. Burnett drops back and sights the ball for a place kick from the 25-yard line. The ball misses by inches. Play starts at the 25-yard line and Francis punts. Sawin runs back the kick 5 yards, landing the ball on the 40-yard line. Hallo- well kicks out of bounds. The ball is brought in and Yale punts. Harvard cannot gain and again kicks the ball down into Yale's goal. Fincke runs it back 10 yards. McBride punts to Harvard's 45-yard line and Sawin runs it back 20 yards. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Burnett kicks for Harvard to Sharpe on the 10-yard line. Yale lines up and McBride returns to midfield. Sawin goes through centre for 1, Kendall follows for 1. Hallowell punts. McBride returns. On a double pass Sawin goes round the end for 20 yards. The ball is brought back and given to Yale. Chad wick takes the place of Sharpe and the ball is put in play. Keane makes 1, Chadwick 1. Yale sends McBride 20 yards back and touches down for the full loss of 20 yards, thereby holding the ball under the rule for first down. Yale commences a hard attack. Keane, Chadwick, and McBride, alternating with Francis and Stillman, by short gains advance the ball to 290 FOOTBALL Yale's 25-yard line. Here Campbell and Lawrence stop the Yale backs for a loss and once more McBride deliber- ately marks off a loss of 20 yards in order to hold first down. On the next play Yale fumbles and Harvard gets the ball. Reid replaces Ellis. Hubbell and Snitjer stop a run at the ends and Reid punts. Eaton replaces Donald. Keane and Chadwick by short gains place the ball on the 30-yard line. Lawrence and Sargent stop the attacks and Harvard gets the ball. Harvard now commences a fierce assault on Yale's line. The ball moves forward line by line until it is down on Yale's 30-yard line. A fumble occurs and Chadwick gets the ball. McBride immediately kicks to Daly, who runs the ball back 20 yards. Reid lifts a prodig- ious punt to Yale's 15-yard line, where it is fumbled and Ristine gets the ball. Two plunges into Yale's line do not gain and Hallowell drops back for a try for goal, but misses. The ball is punted out and time is called. Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 24, 1900 HARVARD YALE D. C. Campbell, '02, Left End, C. Gould, '02. E. Bowditch, '03, « (( J. D. Clark, '03, " W. D. Eaton, '02, Left Tackle, J. R. Bloomer, '05. T. H. Graydon, '03, (( (( W. C. Lee, '01, Left Guard, F. G. Brown,'01, Capt. F. L. Burnett, '02, (C (( C. S. Sargent, '02, Centre, H. P. Olcott, '01. C. A. Barnard, '02, tt H. C. Holt, '03. H. K. Roberts, '00, Right Guard, R. Sheldon, '02. J. S. Lawrence, '01, Right Tackle, G. S. Stillman, '01. J. W. Hallowell, '01, Right End, S. L. Coy, '01. A. W. Ristine, '02, it « C. D. Daly, '01, Capt., Quarter-back, W. M. Fincke, '01. R. Fincke, '01, u HARVARD VS. YALE 291 HARVARD YALE G. A. Sawin, '01, Left Half, A. H. Sharpe, '02. W. S. Gierasch, '01, <( It E. H. Kendall, '02, Right Half, G. B. Chadwick, '03. S. G. Ellis, '01, « « A. Stillman, '03, Full-back, P. T. W. Hale, '00. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: B. G. Waters, '94, Harvard; T. B. Hull. Score: Har- vard 0, Yale 28. First Half: Touchdown by J. R. Bloomer, goal by P. T. W. Hale; touchdown by W. M. Fincke, goal by P. T. W. Hale. Second Half: Touchdown by G. B. Chadwick, goal by P. T. W. Hale; touchdown by S. L. Coy; goal from field by A. H. Sharpe. First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the north goal, with a slight wind. Hale kicks to Sawin on Harvard's 10-yard line. The ball is returned to Sharpe at Yale's 50-yard line, Hallowell tackling. Hale hits the centre for 3 yards and then the tackle for 3 yards more. Chadwick gets through centre for 2. A delayed pass sends Sharpe around the end and down to Harvard's 30-yard line, where Sawin brings him down. Yale forms a tackle-back against Hallo- well. Chadwick takes the ball and rounds the end for 5 yards. Yale hits the line right and left in rapid succession, making short gains and planting the ball 3 yards from the line. Yale masses for the final thrust, but the ball is fumbled and Campbell gets it. The pass to Ellis is high and the kick goes out of bounds at the 23-yard mark. Hale makes 2 through the centre and Sharpe adds three more through tackle. Chadwick and Bloomer take the ball to the 6-yard line. Harvard stops Chadwick on the next rush. Sharpe makes the 3-yard line, third down, and 1 to gain. Hale makes first down. On the next play Bloomer gets across for a touchdown. Hale kicks the goal. Kendall kicks off to Fincke at the 10-yard mark. The ball is run back 15 yards. Sawin stops Sharpe with a gain of 2 yards around the end. 292 FOOTBALL Kendall does the same for Chadwick, with 1 yard gain around the other extremity. Hale punts to Daly on the 52-yard mark. Ellis makes 3 yards through the centre. Sawin adds 3 more and Ellis duplicates the gain. Sawin punts out of bounds at the 6-yard mark. Stillman and Chadwick make 2 each through tackle. Sharpe gets around the end for 10 yards and then on a double pass gets 2 more. Bloomer, Chadwick, and Hale on tackle plays gain 20 yards. Hale gets through the centre for 20 more. Harvard gets the ball for holding. Sawin punts. Fincke picks up the ball from the ground and, with great interference, runs through the Crimson players for a touchdown. Hale kicks the goal. During the remainder of this half Yale steadily punctures Harvard's line for steady gains, being checked only once by failure to make the distance. Sawin immediately lifts a long punt to Yale's 20-yard line and the Blue again starts to hammer its way steadily down the field until stopped by the call of time. Second Half: Burnett kicks off, sending the ball across the goal-line. Hale punts out, kicking down to Daly on Harvard's 35-yard line. The latter runs back 20 yards. Sawin goes through centre for 1. Yale is penalized 10. Line plunges bring the ball to Yale's 40-yard line, where Gould throws Stillman foi; a loss. Sawin tries for a field goal, but misses. Fincke rounds the end for 13, Hale adds 3, Stillman 3, and Sharpe 1. Sharpe gets off a quick kick. Sawin catches it on the 20-yard line. On the line-up Har- vard fumbles and Yale gets the ball. Hale and Bloomer, alternating with Stillman, Sharpe, and Chadwick, drive the ball by short but consecutive gains to Harvard's 16-yard line. Yale feints to strike the centre, but sends Chadwick outside of tackle for the touchdown. Goal. Bowditch replaces Campbell and Fincke takes the place of Daly. Roberts also is sent on in place of Barnard. Harvard kicks oiff and O ;r n s ^ .2 w I HARVARD VS. YALE 293 Sharpe runs the ball back to the 25-yard line. Chadwick makes 6 and on the next play adds 6 more. Harvard holds and Sharpe punts to Harvard's 40. Sawin rounds the end for 15. On the line-up there is a mistake in the Harvard signals, which leaves a pass uncovered in the air. Coy gets it and runs 50 yards for a touchdown. Hale misses the goal. Gierasch takes the place of Sawin. Harvard kicks off and Yale returns. Harvard punts and again Yale returns, the ball being fumbled by Harvard on their 32-yard mark and recovered by Brown. Two line plunges fail to gain and Sharpe tries for a goal, but misses. Harvard kicks out to Hale at centre. Yale by short rushes returns it to the 20- yard line. Unable to advance farther Sharpe drops back and kicks a goal from the field. Hallowell and Bowditch are hurt, and Ristine and Clark take their places. The game now develops into an exchange of punts mixed with a few short runs. Olcott goes off and Holt takes his place. On a double pass R. Fincke gets away for 20 yards, but Harvard can go no farther. Stillman punts and the game ends with the ball at midfield. HARVARD D.C.Campbell, '02, C. Blagden, '02, W. C. Lee, '01, E. H. Greene, '02, C. A. Barnard, '02, O. F. Cutts, '03, E. Bowditch, '03, C. B. Marshall, '04, R. P. Keman, '03, Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 23, 1901 YALE Capt., Left End, C. Gould, '02, Capt. Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, <( (I Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half. C. D. Rafferty, '04. G. A. Goss, '03. H. P. Olcott, '01. H. C. Holt, '03. C. J. Hamlin, '03. T. R. Johnson, '04. J. J. Hogan, '05. J. R. Swan, '02. J. L. De SauUes, '04. H. G. Metcalf, '04. J. B. Hart, '02. 294 FOOTBALL HARVARD YALE A. W. Ristine, '02, Right Half, G. B. Chadwick, '03. J. E. Owsley, '05. T. H. Graydon, '03, Full-back, C. A. Weymouth, '03. S. O. Van der Poel, '03. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: J. S. Lawrence, '01, Harvard; T. B. Hull. Timekeeper: F. A. Wood, B. A. C. Score: Harvard 22, Yale 0. First Half: Touch- down by C. Blagden, goal by O. F. Cutts; touchdown by A. W. Ristine, goal by O. F. Cutts; goal from field by C. B. Marshall. Second Half: Touchdown by T. H. Graydon. First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the east goal, with the wind. Olcott kicks to the 15-yard line to Campbell. Harvard opens with a tackle-back and gains 5 yards. The ball is fumbled and Yale gets it. De Saulles drops back for a try for goal, but misses. Harvard punts to the 50-yard line. Yale loses ground on three plays and punts. Harvard gains 35 yards, but Yale gets the ball on the fourth down at midfield. Harvard twice stops Yale without a gain, but a quarter-back kick takes the ball to the 22-yard line. De Saulles tries for a goal, but the kick is blocked. Harvard works the tackle-back for 19 yards, but finally is forced to kick. De Saulles returns and Ker- nan in turn lifts the ball over Yale's goal-line. De Saulles kicks out to midfield, but Kernan runs it down to Yale's 22- yard line, but the plays are for naught, as Kernan is caught out of bounds. De Saulles again kicks out. Cutts and Ristine in successive plays bring the ball to Yale's 10-yard line, where De Saulles by a great tackle saves a touchdown. Blagden hits the line for a gain of 6. Ristine makes 3 and Blagden takes the ball over for a touchdown. Cutts kicks the goal. Yale kicks off and Harvard returns. A series of scrimmages and kicks ensue, the play being at Harvard's 40- yard line. On a line play Cutts reaches Yale's 33-yard mark. Graydon advances 10 more. Ristine hits one tackle HARVARD VS. YALE 295 for 3 and Cutts the opposite tackle for 2. Cutts reaches the 13-yard mark and Graydon goes to the 10 and then to the 6. Yale makes a desperate stand. One down and no gain; second down 4 yards to gain. On the third down a re- volving play on the tackle is sprung which whirls Ristine just over the line. Touchdown. Cutts kicks the goal. Olcott kicks to Harvard's 20-yard line, where Marshall, aided by great interference, catches and runs back to Yale's 45-yard line. Harvard's play is very quick now — Kernan 2, Blagden 4, Graydon 6, Kernan 5, Blagden 1, Graydon 1. Yale holds. Marshall drops back to the 45-yard line for a try at goal, and sends the ball squarely between the posts for a goal. Yale kicks off. Harvard returns, and time is called for the half. Second Half: Marshall kicks off for Harvard, sending the ball down to Weymouth at 25. Yale lines up and De Saulles punts. Graydon is downed in his tracks. On the line-up the ball goes to Yale for a foul. Campbell and Bowditch stop Yale's attacks and De Saulles punts. Gray- don makes 5, Cutts adds 4 more. Rafferty and Hogan tackle for losses and Kernan punts to Yale's 50. Weymouth rounds the end for 11 yards. Hart and Chadwick hit the line, but cannot g^et through. De Saulles tries a quarter- back kick, but Marshall makes the catch and runs to Yale's 45. De Saulles makes the tackle, but is hurt. Metcalf takes his place. Ristine goes through tackle for 5, Cutts splits the opposite position for 6, Graydon gets around end for 15, and Cutts adds 7 more. Ristine plunges into the line for 7. Graydon and Cutts in three plunges plant the ball on the 6-yard line. Cutts gets 4 more. The lines mass toward centre, the ball is snapped, and Graydon is rammed through centre for the touchdown. The goal fails. Van der Poel takes the place of Weymouth. Yale kicks down to Graydon, who runs back 5. On the line-up he skirts the end for 8. 296 FOOTBALL He tries the end again, but is thrown for an 8-yard loss. Kernan punts and Van der Poel returns. Cutts and Gray- don hit the line in rapid succession for good gains, but Yale finally holds on the 43-yard mark. The Blue immediately punts down into Harvard's goal. Harvard fumbles and Hogan gets the ball. Hart hits the line for 3, and on the next plunge takes the ball to the 10-yard line. Harvard tackles sharply and holds for downs. Kernan punts out of danger. Owsley is substituted for Chadwick. Harvard gets the ball on the line-up for a foul. The Harvard backs commence a terrific assault on Yale's line, breaking it in two for consecu- tive gains until 60 yards have been covered. Yale stops the advance on the 35-yard line. Marshall drops back to try for a field goal, but misses. Yale punts out. Harvard now adopts a kicking game and Yale does likewise. Thus the game comes to a close. Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 24, 1902 YALE Left End, C. D. Rafferty, '04. Left Tackle, R. P. Kinney, '05. Left Guard, E. T. Glass, '04. Centre, H. C. Holt, '03. Right Guard, G. A. Goss, '03. C. J. Hamlin, '03. Right Tackle, J. J. Hogan, '05. Right End, T. L. Shevlin, '06. <( « Quarter-back, F. H. Rockwell, '06. Left Half, G. B. Chadwick, '03, Capt. Right Half, H. G. Metcalf, '04. Full-back, M. H. Bowman, '05. S.O. Van der Poel, '03. M. Farmer, '04. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesmen: N. W. Cabot, '98, Harvard, T. B. Hull. Time-keeper: J. C. McCracken, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 23. First Half: Touchdown by J. J. Hogan, goal by M. H. Bowman; HARVARD p. O. Mills, '05, C. A. Shea, '04, C. A. Barnard, '02, W. S. Sugden, '03, A. Marshall, '04, D. W. Knowlton, '03, E. Bowditch, '03, W. J. Clothier, '04, C. B. Marshall, '04, R. P. Kernan, '03, Capt., E. T. Putnam, '01, T. H. Graydon, '03, D. J. Hurley, '05, HARVARD VS. YALE 297 touchdown by H. G. Metcalf, goal by M. H. Bowman. Second Half: Touchdown by R. P. Kinney, goal by H. G. Metcalf; touchdown by J. J. Hogan. First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the south goal. Bowman kicks off to Putnam on the 10-yard line. Harvard makes 3 yards in 2 downs and Kernan kicks to the 50-yard line. Two downs for Yale result in no gain, but on the third attempt a tackle-back sends the ball to the 20- yard line. Three downs with the same play nets another 5 yards. Metcalf gets through the line for 3 yards. Bow- man and Chad wick make the 10-yard line and first down. Four plays take the ball to the 5-yard line, from which Hogan on the next play makes a touchdown and Bowman kicks the goal. Marshall kicks to Yale's 5-yard line, Shev- lin runs it back 20 yards. Bowman kicks to Marshall and the ball is down at midfield. By steady mass plays and short gains Harvard advances the ball to Yale's 40-yard line, where a fumble gives the ball to Yale. Bowman punts. Harvard sends five plays into the line, taking the ball to Yale's 35- yard line, where a fumble again gives the leather to the Blue. On the line-up the Harvard line is split in two and Metcalf runs 73 yards for a touchdown. Bowman kicks the goal. Harvard kicks off and a series of scrimmages and exchanges of kicks puts the ball in Harvard's hands at midfield. Kernan and Graydon advance the ball 20 yards. Putnam adds 5 more. Graydon and Putnam through centre take the ball to the 28-yard line. Kernan adds 2 through tackle. Graydon gets to the 15-yard line. Putnam on a mass play makes the 9-yard mark. Harvard fumbles, but Sugden recovers the ball. Two plunges at the line fail and it is Yale's ball. A trick play by the Blue loses 3 yards. Bow- man punts high and Harvard g^is the ball on the 35-yard line. Putnam and Kernan bring it down to the 20-yard line, where Yale gets it on a fumble. Yale makes 10 yards by 298 FOOTBALL rushes of Chadwick and Kinney, and Bowman punts to the 50-yard line. Harvard loses 5 on a trick play. Kernan punts and Bowman runs it out to the 25-yard line, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Van der Poel replaces Bowman. Harvard kicks to Yale's 10-yard line. Metcalf runs the kick back 15 yards. Glass makes 8 through tackle. An off-side play yields 5 more. Glass again hits the line for 8. Kinney rounds the end for 30 and Chadwick does the same for 10. Kinney goes through tackle for 5. Yale now has the ball on Harvard's 15-yard line. Hogan splits the tackle for 3, Metcalf plunges for 12. On the line-up Kinney breaks through for a touchdown. Metcalf kicks the goal. Har- vard kicks off to Yale's 12-yard line. By line-plunging Harvard works the ball back to Yale's 45, where the Blue holds for downs. Marshall tries for a field goal, but misses. Yale punts out and again Harvard tries in vain to break the Blue line. Goss is hurt and Hamlin takes his place. Har- vard punts. Yale gets the ball on the 20. Chadwick goes through tackle for 4. Kinney adds 4 more. Van der Poel makes 4. Metcalf rounds the end for 18. Chadwick hits the line for 7 and Hogan repeats the play for 3 more. Hogan again takes the ball and gains 4 yards. Van der Poel adds 7. Harvard makes a determined stand on their 25-yard line and Bowditch and Mills throw the Yale backs for no gain and get the ball. Graydon punts to Yale's 45 and Metcalf runs back the kick 20 yards. Yale now opens a rapid attack on the Harvard line. Van der Poel, Hogan, and Chadwick taking the ball to the 4-yard mark, from which Hogan is shot across for a touchdown. The goal fails. Harvard kicks off and both teams resort to a punting game without further scoring until the close of the game. HARVARD VS. YALE E [arvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 21, 1903 HARVARD YALE W. J. Clothier, '04, Left End, C.D.Rafferty,'04,Capt. R. A. Derby, '05, Left Tackle, R. P. Kinney, '05. B. H. Squiers. '06, <• (( L. F. Bissell, '04. ti « S. B. Morton, '00. H. LeMoyne, '07, Left Guard, H. S. Batchelder, '05. J. Parkinson, '06, Centre, J. C. Roraback, '03. A. Marshall, '04, Right Guard, J. E. Miller, '04. R. P. Kinney, '05. D. W. Knowlton, '03, Right Tackle, J. J. Hogan, '05. E. Bowditch, '03, Right End, T. L. Shevlin, '06. J. M. Montgomery, '06, << (( C. B. Marshall, '04, i Capt., Quarter-back, F. H. Rockwell, '06. W. B. Soper, '04. J. D. Nichols, '06, Left Half, W. L. Mitchell, '04. F. A. Goodhue, '06, (( <« D. J. Hurley, '05, Right Half, H. G. Metcalf, '04. H. Schoellkopf, '01, Full-back, M. Farmer, '04. P. O. Mills, '05, it J. E. Owsley, '05. t( M. H. Bowman, '05. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpu-e: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesman: A. E. Whiting, '98, Cornell. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 16. First Half: Touchdown by R. P. Kinney. Second Half: Touchdown by J. J. Hogan; touchdown by J. J. Hogan, goal by W. L. Mitchell. First Half: Schoellkopf kicks off for Harvard to Shevlin on the 5-yard line and the ball is run back 10 yards. Yale tries the Harvard line, but cannot gain, and Mitchell kicks. Har- vard has the ball on Yale's 45-yard line. Marshall goes around the end for 25 yards. A tackle behind the line and a penalty give Yale the ball on their 30-yard line. Mitchell punts dovrn to Marshall on the latter's 25-yard stripe, but the ball is run back 20 yards. Harvard rushes vigor- ously, but a penalty forces Marshall to kick. A bad pass forces him to run across the field v^ithout gain and it is Yale's ball. Hogan drops back and ploughs through to the 28- yard line. Three plunges take the ball to the 3-yard mark. 300 FOOTBALL A tackle-back is formed. Kinney takes the ball and splits the Harvard line in two, crossing the line for a touchdown. Mitchell misses a difficult goal. Harvard kicks off. An exchange of kicks and a fumble gives Harvard the ball on Yale's 25-yard line. Three mass plays take the ball to the 15-yard line and two more reach the 5. Harvard tries a fake end run and loses 3 yards. It is third down and 2 yards to gain. Marshall drops back for a kick. The pass is bad and the kick is blocked, but Harvard gets the ball on the 30-yard line. A tandem on the left nets 3 yards. A de- layed pass gains 1 more. Nichols gets around the end for 6. Two more plunges plant the ball on the 10-yard line. Yale is penalized 5 yards. Nichols makes the 5-yard line. On the next play the ball is fumbled and Yale gets it. The kick is weak and it is again Harvard's ball on the 20-yard line. Marshall tries a delayed pass, but is thrown for a loss. He drops back for a goal, but misses. Yale punts out to the 50-yard line. Here rush follows rush by Harvard, end- ing on each third down with a kick and a return by Yale, and playing thus the half closes. Second Half: Mitchell kicks down to Bowditch at 25. Le Moyne on the line-up punts to Farmer at Yale's 25. An exchange of kicks between Le Moyne and Marshall places the ball in Harvard's possession on the latter 's 15. Har- vard forms to punt. Rafferty breaks through and blocks the kick. Hogan falls on the ball behind the line for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Le Moyne kicks off for Harvard, sending the ball across the goal-line. Mitchell punts out to Marshall on Harvard's 50. A brisk kicking exchange ensues. Harvard on a fumble gets the ball on Yale's 40. Mills gets away for a run to Yale's 20-yard line. Mills and Nichols in two plunges gain 6 yards. Nichols adds 3 more. Mills and Nichols then advance the ball to the 2-yard mark. Rafferty, Kinney, and Shevlin throw HARVARD VS. YALE 301 Harvard back and get the ball on downs. Farmer in three plunges makes 15 yards. Mitchell kicks to Nichols at Yale's 50. Harvard tries the line in vain and forms to punt. Mitchell blocks Le Moyne's kick and Bissel, diving for the ball, gets it on Harvard's 30-yard line. Mitchell skirts the end for 15. Metcalf goes through the line for 5. Hogan makes 5 yards twice in succession and then crosses the line for a touchdown. Mitchell kicks the goal. Harvard kicks off. Each team now tries scrimmage after scrimmage, but cannot make a substanial gain and so resorts to kicking. Harvard at last puts the ball down for a try at the line, but on the plunge the ball is fumbled and Shevlin races down the field and across the goal-line. The touchdown is not al- lowed. The teams resort to kicking and thus the game ends. HARVARD C. W. Kendall, '05, W. C. Matthews, '05, F. Pruyn, '04, K. F. Brill, '08, F. H. White, '06, B. Parker, '08, J. Parkinson, '06, B. H. Squires, '06, F. H. White, '06, R. A. Derby, '05, J. M. Montgomery, '06, D. P. Starr, '08, S. H. Noyes, '05, R. E. Sperry, '06, J. D. Nichols, '06, D. J. Hurley, '05, Capt., P. O. Mills, '05, Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 19, 1904 YALE Left End, T. L. Shevlin, '06. Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, J. R. Bloomer, '05. R. P. Kinney, '05. J. C. Roraback, '03. Right Guard, R. C. Tripp, '06. Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, (( (( Right Half, Full-back, J. J. Hogan, '05, Capt. C. T. Neal, '05. F. H. Rockwell, '06. L. Hoyt, *06. S. F. B. Morse, '07. A. R. Flinn, '06. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesman: J. C. McCracken, '01, Pennsylvania. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 12. First Half: Touchdown by S. F. B. Morse, goal by L. Hoyt. Second Half: Touchdown by A. R. Flinn, goal by L. Hoyt. 302 FOOTBALL First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the south goal. Roraback kicks to Harvard's 15-yard line, Kendall running the kick back to the 30-yard line. A double pass is shot to Sperry for an end run, but the play fails. A line plunge into centre results similarly and Sperry punts to Rockwell. Yale now starts in motion its tackle-back play, alternating rapidly from right to left, in which Rockwell gains 3, Flinn 6, Morse 3, Hogan 5, Flinn 10, Hogan 10, and with other gains taking the ball to Harvard's 20-yard line. Here the Crimson holds for downs. On a tandem Harvard makes 4 through tackle, but the next play fails and a long punt takes the ball to Hoyt at Yale's 45, the latter running 10 yards before being tackled. Morse, Flinn, Bloomer, and Hogan by short, quick plunges return the ball to Harvard's 25, where it goes to Harvard on a fumble. Mills picking it up and running 30 yards before being stopped by Hogan. Two line plays fail to yield a first down and Sperry punts. Yale returns on the first line-up and Har- vard fumbles. Hogan recovers the ball at 32. Flinn, Morse, Bloomer, and Hogan advance the ball to the 15-yard line. Flinn makes 2 through centre, but a penalty sets the Blue back 15 yards. Hoyt falls back for a drop kick, but Harvard blocks it and gets the ball. Sperry punts to mid- field. Yale, by tackle-back formations, in ten plays returns the ball to the Crimson's 25-yard line. Flinn makes 1. A penalty gives Yale half the distance to the goal-line. Hogan hits the line for 5, and on the next play Morse goes the remaining distance for a touchdown. Hoyt kicks the goal. Sperry kicks to Shevlin on the 15-yard line and the latter runs 32 yards before being stopped. Yale cannot pierce the Crimson line and Hoyt punts to Sperry at 25. Time is now called for the half. Second Half: Sperry kicks off to Shevlin at 10, the latter running the kick out to 33. Two line plunges fail to gain HARVARD VS. YALE 303 and Hoyt punts 40 yards and Harvard fumbles, Shevlin getting the ball. Again Yale fails to gain consecutively and Hoyt punts to Harvard's 20. For a long time the two teams play without substantial advantage to either, line plays failing to gain consistently and being followed by punts, the play being confined between the 25-yard lines. At last Tripp blocks a kick on Harvard's 25. Bloomer picks up the ball and runs to the 3-yard mark, where Mills brings him down. Flinn in a tackle-back formation crosses the line for the touchdown. Hoyt kicks the goal. Play is resumed, but no further scoring occurs. Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 25, , 1905 HARVARD YALE L. H. Leary, '05, Left End, J. M. Gates, '06. H. H. Jones, '08. K. F. Brill, '08, Left Tackle, R. W. Forbes, '07. J. M. Montgomery, '06, F. H. Burr, '09, Left Guard, A. G. Erwin, '07. (( « C. W. Hockenberger, '07. B. Parker, '08, Centre, C. S. Flanders, '06. H. B. Barney, '08, « P. C. Smith, '06. H. E. Kersburg, '06, Right Guard, R. C. Tripp, '06. B. H. Squires, '06, Right Tackle, L. H. Biglow, '08. D. W. Knowlton, '03, Capt., Right End, T. L. Shevlin, '06, Capt. D. P. Starr, '08, Quarter-back, T. A. D. Jones, '08. M. L. Newhall, '08, « G. Hutchinson, '06. H. Foster, '07, Left Half, H. L. Roome, '07. J. D: Nichols, '06, • " " W. F. Knox, '07. J. W. Wendell, '08, Right Half, S. F. B. Morse, '07. (< « L. Hoyt, '06. W. Z. Carr, '06, Full-back, J. J. Quill, '06. (( J. N. Levine, '07. It A. R. Flinn, '06. Referee: M. McClung, '94, Lehigh. Umpire: P. J. Dashiell, Navy. Linesman: A. E. Whiting, '98, Cornell. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 6. Second Half: Touchdown by R. W. Forbes, goal by L. Hoyt. 304 FOOTBALL First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the goal. Biglow kicks to Starr at Harvard's 7 and the latter runs the kick back 10 yards. Harvard tries the tandem on the tackles, but cannot gain, and Burr punts to Roome at Yale's 49. The Blue sets in motion its tackle-back play, but cannot gain consecutively, and Roome punts to Harvard's 35. The Crimson again calls for the tandem and by short plunges takes the ball to Yale's 43-yard mark, where the latter holds for downs and takes the ball. Quill circles the end for 20 yards and on the next play doubles the other end for 10 more. Roome and Biglow by line plunges reach the 16-yard mark. Here Harvard holds for downs. The Crimson tries a trick play, but Yale nips the runner behind the line. For several minutes play becomes a series of punts between the 25-yard lines, neither eleven being able to pierce the other's line consecutively. The half closes with the ball at midfield, the advantages of the half being neutral. Second Half: Burr kicks to Shevlin on Yale's 5-yard line. Shevlin runs back the kick 10 yards. A line plunge fails to gain and a long punt reaches Harvard's 50-yard line. The Crimson attempts to run the Yale end, but loses ground and a line plunge fares no better. Burr then punts. Jones catches on the 15-yard line and by a brilliant dodging run carries the ball out to 40. The Harvard line does not yield to the following attack by Yale and Roome sends the ball to Harvard's 10-yard line. The Criijjson now uncovers a rapid, brilliant attack, taking the ball by tandem plays to Yale's 25-yard line. Here Yale, stiffens and holds for 3 downs without gain. Burr tries a short kick over the line, but Yale gets it. Hoyt punts and Burr returns. Another exchange of kicks follows and Harvard fumbles. Shevlin gets the ball and reaches Harvard's 31-yard mark before being stopped. Five plunges put the ball on the Crim- HARVARD VS. YALE 305 son's 5-yard line, from which Forbes takes it over for a touchdown. Hoyt kicks the goal. Harvard kicks off and after several exchanges of kicks time is called for the game. Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 24, 1906 HARVARD YALE J. F. Macdonald, '08, Left End, R. W. Forbes, '07. V. P. Kennard, '09, (( « C. B. Stuart, '07. C. G. Osborne, '07, Left Tackle, H. R. Paige, '08. F. H. Burr, '09, Left Guard, A. E. Brides, '09. B. Parker, '08, Centre, C. W. Hockenberger, '07. S. Fraser, '07, <( H. E. Kersburg, '07, Right Guard, A. G. Erwin, '07. W. Pierce, '07, Right Tackle, L. H. Biglow, '08. D. P. Starr, '08, Right End, H. H. Jones, '08. G. M. Orr, '08, (( (( C. F. Alcott, '08. (( « S. F. B. Morse, '07. M. L. Newhall, '08, Quarter-back, T. A. D. Jones, '08. « T. M. Dines, '08. H. Foster, '07, Capt., Left Half, P. L. Veeder, '07. C. E. Lincoln, '08, Right Half, W. F. Knox, '07. ti <( H. L. Roome, '07. tt (( W. P. Bomar, '08. It u H. Linn, '07. J. W. Wendell, '08, Full-hark, S. F. B. Morse, '07, Capt (( F. E. Wemeken, '07. Referee: E. K.Hall, '92, Dartmouth. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Linesmen: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army; E. A. Everett, Groton. Timekeeper: F. A, Wood, B. A. C. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 6. First Half: Touchdown by H. L. Roome, goal by P. L. Veeder. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the north goal. Burr kicks off to Veeder, who runs the ball back 20 yards. On the line-up Veeder drops back to punt, but Macdonald gets through and blocks the kick, recovering the ball. Har- vard feints into the line, but sends a forward pass to Starr, who makes 20 yards. Lincoln goes through tackle for 5. Newhall adds 3 more. Yale stops the next play and New- 306 FOOTBALL hall falls back for a drop at goal. Yale blocks the kick and Forbes gets the ball. The Blue cannot gain and a pen- alty sets them back 15. Veeder punts to Harvard's 48. Lincoln on a triple pass makes 10 yards. He gains 5 more through the line, but a penalty sets Harvard back 5. Burr punts to Yale's 35. The Blue fumbles and Harvard gets the ball. The ball is taken back and Harvard is penalized 15 yards. Several exchanges of kicks ensue. Biglow gets the ball at Yale's 50. Knox tries an on-side kick, which Forbes recovers on Harvard's 30-yard line. Roome replaces Knox. Roome fails to gain. Yale is penalized 5 yards. Veeder sends a forward pass 30 yards to Forbes on Harvard's 4-yard mark. Yale tries a mass play into the line, but Harvard stops it. Roome is sent against tackle and rammed through for a touchdown. Veeder kicks the goal. Harvard kicks off. T. Jones runs the ball back 30 yards. Yale punts. Harvard tries a scrimmage without substantial gain and punts. The half closes with the ball on Yale's 35-yard line. Second Half: Yale kicks off to Macdonald at 20. Burr punts to Yale's 35. Veeder catches and runs the ball back to midfield. By a series of fast and smashing line plays Yale forces the ball down to Harvard's 25-yard line. Fraser takes the place of Parker. Harvard stops the advance and Veeder tries a drop kick, but misses. Harvard punts. On the line-up Veeder returns. Starr tries a forward pass from the 48-yard mark, but Yale gets it. The Blue makes 10 around the right end and then 20 around the left. Roome gets through the line for 10 more. Yale is penalized 15. Veeder tries for a goal from the field, but fails. Orr takes the place of Starr. Harvard gets the ball at 45 and Burr punts to Yale's 15. Bomar replaces Roome. Sharp tack- ling sets the Blue back 15 yards. A penalty causes the loss of 5 more. Veeder kicks from behind his goal-line to HARVARD VS. YALE 307 Newhall at 45. Harvard cannot gain and Burr punts. The kick is low and Jones gets it, running it out to 45. Jones punts. On the line-up Burr punts to Yale's 18. The Blue is penalized 15. Kennard replaces Macdonald. Veeder punts from the line out to 40. Harvard tries a for- ward pass, Newhall to Orr, and the latter gains 8 yards. On the next play Yale throws the Crimson for a loss. Har- vard tries a double pass. The ball is fumbled and Forbes gets it. Linn replaces Bomar. Yale opens a fierce attack on the Harvard line, the ball being carried by line plunges from line to line until the 10-yard line is reached, where time is called. Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 23, 1907 HARVARD D. P. Starr, '08, G. G. Browne, '10, F. H. Burr, '09, B. Parker, '08, Capt., S. Hoar, '08, P. Grant, '08, W. Pierce, '08, H. Fish, '10, J. F. Macdonald, '08, M. L. Newhall, '08, J.W.Wendell, '08, J. H. Rand, '08, P. C. Lockwood, '08, C. Appollonio, '08, TALE Left End, ft (( Left Tackle, (( (( Left Guard, (( (( Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, (( (( Right Half, (( (( (( « Full-back. H. H. Jones, '08. R. B. Burch, '09. H. R. Paige, '08. G. Foster, '07. C. T. Cooney, '10. H. M. S. Dunbar, '08. E. Congdon, 08. W. A. Goebel, '10. L. H. Biglow, '08, Capt C. F. Alcott, '08. T. A. D. Jones, '08. T. M. Dines, '08. A. E. Brides, '10. R. Beebe, '08. W. P. Bomar, '08. S. H. Philbin, '10. H. M. Wheaton, '09. E. H. Coy, '10. E. A. Wylie, '08. Referee: M. J. Thompson, '01, Georgetown. Umpire: W. H. Ed- wards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Head Linesman: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Assistant Linesmen: D. J. 308 FOOTBALL Hurley, *05, Harvard; J. J. Hogan, '05, Yale. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 12. First Half: Touchdown by E. H. Coy, goal by L. H. Big- low. Second Half: Touchdown by E. H. Coy, goal by L. H. Biglow. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the south goal. Burr kicks to Coy on the 10-yard line and the latter runs back the kick 15 yards. On the line-up Yale punts and Harvard returns the kick. Another exchange of punts fol- lows, resulting in a fumble by Yale and the recovery of the ball by Harvard on the former's 25-yard line. The Blue line stops two plunges without gain and Parker tries for a goal from placement, but misses. Yale kicks out and Harvard again returns. Brides catches the kick and runs 30 yards. A sharp attack on the Harvard tackles nets 20 yards. Har- vard holds for three downs and Yale gets off a short on- side kick which is recovered at Harvard's 23-yard mark. The Crimson line will not yield a foot and Coy tries for a goal from placement, but is hurried in his kick and misses. Harvard kicks out. Coy on fake kick formations tries to run the Harvard ends, but is stopped for no gains. Fol- lowing a series of kicks Coy catches at 45. Bomar and Coy make 20 yards through the line. Philbin adds 10 more. Coy gains 2, and on the next play Philbin reaches Harvard's 2-yard mark. On the line-up Coy bursts through centre for a touchdown and Biglow kicks the goal. Harvard kicks off and Yale returns. Harvard tries a number of line plays for short gains and then Wendell shoots a forward pass to Starr, which places the ball on Yale's 30-yard line. Unable to advance farther by rushing, Newhall tries for a goal from placement, but misses. Yale punts out and Harvard in several line plunges again places the ball on Yale's 25-yard line, from which a second try by placement is made and lost. Time soon after is called. Second Half: Yale kicks off and Harvard, after an in- effectual attack on the line, punts. Coy catches at 40. HARVARD VS. YALE 309 On the line-up he makes 10 through centre. Philbin adds 9 more. Coy makes 5, and a forward pass to Alcott places the ball on Harvard's 35-yard line. Brides goes through tackle for 10. Philbin and Brides in two plunges reach the 4-yard mark, from which Coy goes over for a touch- down. Goal. Harvard kicks off and Yale returns. Fol- lowing another sharp exchange of kicks Harvard gets the ball at 30. A fierce attack now opens on the Yale line, Appollonio and Wendell making most of the gains, which takes the ball to Yale's 30-yard line. On an end run Wendell makes 25 yards. Harvard in 4 downs comes within 6 inches of Yale's goal-line and the Blue gets the ball. Yale punts and Harvard returns. Jones catches on the 5-yard line. Notwithstanding the nearness of the goal-line Yale tries a line play and Brides gains 10 yards. On the next play Yale punts and Harvard fumbles. Brides gets the ball. Bomar goes through the line for 5. A forward pass yields 10 more. Harvard stops the next two plays and Coy lifts a long punt to Harvard's 10-yard line. The Crimson fails to pierce the Blue line and Harvard punts to Jones at 28. Time soon after is called. HARVARD C. F. Crowley, '11, R. G. McKay, '11, C. E. Dunlap, '11, P. Withington, '09, G. S. West, '10, C. J. Nourse, '09, S. Hoar, '09, H. Fish, '10, Capt, G. G. Browne, '10, Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 21, 1908 TALE Left End, W. S. Logan, '10. Left Tackle, H. H. Hobbs, '10. T. Lilley, '10. H. F. Andrus, '10. Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, A. A. Biddle, '09. C. T. Cooney, '10. W. A. Goebel, '10. A. E. Brides, '09. R. B. Burch, '09, Capt. A. Haines, '10. 310 FOOTBALL Quarter-back, Left Half. Right Half, Full-back. TALE A. L. Corey, '11. J. F. Johnson, '10. H. M. Wheaton, '09. F. J. Daly, '11. S. H. Philbin, '10. E. H. Coy, '10. HARVARD J. W. Cutler, '09, H. F. Corbett, '11, H. B. Sprague, '11, H. C. Leslie, '11, R. V. White, '09, E. F. Ver Wiebe, '09, V. P. Kennard, '10, P. D. Smith, '11, Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth. Linesman: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Score: Harvard 4, Yale 0. First Half: Goal from field by V. P. Kennard. First Half: Harvard wins the toss and takes the south goal. Hobbs kicks to Cutler at the 2-yard mark. On the line-up Cutler punts. Coy heels a fair catch at 42. Phil- bin and Coy by line plunges reach Harvard's 26-yard mark. Wheaton makes 10 around the end. A penalty sets Yale back 10 yards. From a fake kick formation Coy tries to double the end, but is thrown for a loss of 10 yards. Wheaton now tries a place kick for goal, but Harvard blocks it. Corbett circles the end for 10 and Cutler kicks. Coy heels a fair catch at 50. Wheaton, Coy, and Philbin in a series of hard line plunges take the ball to Harvard's 15- yard line. Here Harvard holds for downs and takes the ball. Ver Wiebe and White make 10. Unable to gain fur- ther through the line an on-side kick is tried, but Coy gets it. Harvard stands firm and Yale is forced to punt, Cutler making a fair catch at 20. White rounds the end for 16 yards. Corbett, Ver Wiebe, and White advance the ball 40 yards. Unable to make the first down a forward pass is tried, but Yale gets the ball. Coy punts to Harvard's 40. Ver Wiebe makes 14, Corbett and White reach Yale's 42- yard line. Corbett adds 6 and White places the ball on the 20-yard line. Here Yale holds for 2 downs. Ver Wiebe • •• • » > HARVARD VS. YALE 311 suddenly is withdrawn and Kennard called from the bench and placed at full-back. Harvard forms for a try at goal. The ball immediately is passed to Kennard, and the latter, standing on the 30-yard line, drops a goal from the field. Time soon after is called. Second Half: McKay kicks off and Daly runs the kick back 42 yards. Harvard holds and Coy punts. Harvard tries the line without gain and Kennard kicks to Coy at midfield. Daly and Coy in two plunges advance 17 yards. From a kicking formation Coy runs the end for 20 yards. A forward pass to Coy places the ball on Harvard's 8-yard line, but the play is not allowed, Harvard getting the ball. Cutler punts, and Yale from midfield by hard line-plunging works the ball to the 35-yard line. Here Harvard holds for 2 downs and an on-side kick is tried, which Harvard captures on the 15-yard line. The game now becomes largely one of kicks and play is confined thereafter between the 25-yard lines. . Harvard vs. Yale Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1909 HARVARD L. D. Smith, '12, F. de H. Houston, '10, R. G. McKay, '11, L. Withington, '11, P. Withington, '09, R. T. Fisher, '12, H. Fish, '10, Capt., G. G. Browne, '10, H. A. Rogers, '11, Left End, << (( Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, D. V. O'Flaherty, '11, Quarter-back, R. B. Wigglesworth, '12, H. F. Corbett, '11, Left Half. TALE J. R. Kilpatrick, 11. H. H. Hobbs, '10. H. F. Andrus, '10. C. T. Cooney, '10. W. A. Goebel, '10. T. Lilley, '10. C. H. Paul, '12. J. B. Spencer, '10. E. Savage, '11. J. W. Field, '11. H. J. Holt, '10. H. Vaughn, '11. A. Howe, '12. F. J. Daly, '11. 312 FOOTBALL HARVARD YALE T. Frothingham, '12, Left Half, F. J. Murphy, '10. H. C. Leslie, '11, Right Half, S. H. Philbin, '10. P. D. Smith, '11, W. M. Minot, '11, Full-back, E. H. Coy, '10, Capt. Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth. Linesman: J. B. Pendleton, '90, Bowdoin. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 8. First Half: Safety by W. M. Minot; goal from field by E. H. Coy. Second Half: Goal from field by E. H. Coy. Note. — See amended rule of scoring, session March 27, 1909, Appendix. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the south goal. Withington kicks off for Harvard. A penalty and Philbin's run of 5 yards returns the ball to midfield. Coy punts. Harvard fumbles, and Yale gets the ball. Two plunges at tackle fail to gain and Coy tries for a field goal, but misses. Harvard puts the ball in play at 25, but, unable to rush, punts. Yale fumbles and Browne gets it. The Crimson makes 20 yards in four plunges, but loses the ball on an in- tercepted forward pass. Coy, failing to gain, punts to Harvard's 25. Harvard, in four plays, gains 55 yards, two of which are end runs by Leslie and Corbett, 25 and 18 yards. A penalty sets Harvard back 15. Minot is stopped in the centre and the latter punts to Philbin, who returns to Harvard's 40. Yale can make no impression on the Harvard line and Coy sends a long punt down the field. An exchange of kicks terminates in Cooney recovering a short one, on side, for Yale on Harvard's 35-yard line. Coy plunges through centre for 8. He repeats the play for 1. Philbin makes 5, 2, and Coy 3. The latter tries a drop kick, but misses. Harvard puts the ball down at 25 and gains 5 yards, Minot then punting to Daly at centre. A forward pass hits the ground and Yale is set back to 40. HARVARD VS. YALE 313 Coy punts to Minot at Harvard's 42. Howe gets Harvard's short kick and reaches his 45-yard line. Philbin on a wide end run fails to gain and Coy punts. Minot falls back to punt, but Cooney blocks the kick. The ball rolls behind the goal line. Minot falls on it for a safety. Harvard tries a forward pass on the 25-yard line, which fails, and on the next play Minot punts from behind his goal-posts. Daly makes a fair catch at 40 and Hobbs tries for a goal from placement, but misses. An exchange of kicks gives Yale the ball on Harvard's 46-yard line. Philbin and Coy gain 6 yards, and then Coy tries a drop kick, which misses. Minot punts and Philbin runs back the kick to Harvard's 15-yard line. On the line-up Coy kicks a goal from the field. Yale kicks off. Harvard catches and returns. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Cooney kicks off to McKay at 20. Minot cannot gain and punts to Philbin at Yale's 38. Murphy makes 3 yards, and a forward pass, Howe to Savage, advances the ball to 42, where Coy punts to O'Flaherty at Harvard's 24. Leslie makes 5 yards through tackle, Minot 10, and Frothingham 6. Harvard tries an on-side kick, but Howe gets the ball and runs the length of the field. The touch- down is not allowed, as the ball was dead. Yale puts the ball down for scrimmage. Coy makes 9 and then 7, Philbin 3, Murphy 3, and Coy 5. Coy now punts to O'Flaherty at 14. Harvard makes a few short gains, reach- ing the 25-yard line. From here Frothingham makes 5, Minot 12, Houston 7, and Minot 2. A penalty sets the Crim- son back 15 yards. Minot punts to Coy at centre and the latter returns to him at 10. Brown tries the line, but a penalty sets Harvard within 1 foot of the goal-line. Minot punts to Philbin at 38. Murphy makes 8, and then Coy tries an on-side kick, which Frothingham gets. Minot plunges into the line for 5. Wigglesworth skirts the end 314 FOOTBALL for 13. Frothingham and Houston fail to gain and Minot punts out of bounds at 50. A run from a fake kick by Coy fails and the latter gets off an on-side kick to Hobbs, which the latter gets at Harvard's 41. Coy now resorts to short punts to keep the ball continually in front of Harvard's goal. After two exchanges of punts Minot tries an on-side kick from the 15-yard line, which Howe secures at 30. Murphy makes 5. Coy falls back and drops a goal from the field. Time soon after is called. Harvard vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 19, 1910 harvard YALE R. p. Lewis, '13, Left End, J. R. Kilpatrick, '11. R. G. McKay, '11, Left Tackle, J. W. Scully, '12. W. M. Minot, '11, Left Guard, M. E. Fuller, '12. (t (( C. C. Childs, '11. J. G. B. Perkins, '11, Centre, E. B. Morris, '12. P. D. Smith, '11, It R. T. Fisher, '12, Right Guard, E. W. McDevitt, '12. L. Withington, '11, Capt., Right Tackle, C. H. Paul, '12. L. D. Smith, '12, Right End, S. H. Brooks, '11. (( K H. Vaughn, '11. R. B. Wigglesworth, '12, Quarter-back, A. Howe, '12. R. S. Potter, '12, (( H. B. Gardner, '13, *( S. M. Felton, '13, Left Half, J. W. Field, '11. P. L. Wendell, '13, (( (( A. L. Corey, '11. H. F. Corbett, '11, Right Half, F. J. Daly, '11, Capt. T. J. Campbell, '12, i( ft H. C. Leslie, '11, Full-back, E. O. Kistler, '11. G. E. Morrison, '12, (( Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: D. L. Fultz, '98, Brown. Field Judge: J. B. Pendleton, '90, Bowdoin. Linesman: W. N. Morice, '99, Pennsylvania. Score: Harvard 0, Yale 0. First Quarter: Harvard wins the toss and takes the north goal. Paul kicks to Felton on the 10-yard line and the latter runs out 12 yards. Leslie makes 2 and Felton punts to HARVARD VS. YALE 316 Howe on the latter's 45. Field fails to gain and Howe punts. Corbett catches on his 30 and runs back 25 yards. Corbett adds 15 more through the line, but Harvard is forced to punt, the ball going over the line. Yale starts a scrimmage on the 25. Howe is thrown for a loss and punts to Wiggles worth at centre. Corbett makes 15 on a line plunge. Wiggles- worth makes 2 more, but Harvard is forced to kick. Howe punts from the 25 yard line. Brooks getting the ball at 45. Following a few unimportant plays ending in a kick and a penalty, Yale gets the ball on their 35-yard line. Failing to gain, Howe punts to Wigglesworth at Harvard's 40. Cor- bett makes 6, Leslie 7, Corbett 3. Yale holds and Felton punts. Howe returns and the quarter closes. Second Quarter: Harvard resumes play with the ball on their 45-yard line. Punts are exchanged, Yale gaining 10 yards. Corbett goes through centre for 8. Field recovers a fumble at centre. Howe skirts the end for 15 yards. Yale is penalized 15 yards. Daly repeats the formation and circles the end for 25 yards. Harvard holds for downs. Wendell replaces Felton. Wendell makes 8, 3, 5, and 8. Corbett hits the line for 4. Wendell dodges for 15 yards. A penalty sets the Crimson back 15. Wigglesworth punts to Howe. A long punting duel ensues. Wendell gets through tackle for 10. Corbett adds 15 more. Potter re- places Wigglesworth. Harvard lines up and Potter sends a forward pass to Corbett for 4 yards. Kicks follow and the half closes. Third Quarter: Wigglesworth returns to the game, re- lieving Potter. Morrison goes in for Leslie at full-back. Paul kicks to Wendell and the latter runs out 30 yards Wendell makes 4 more and Corbett punts to Howe. Yale tries the line shift and Kistler makes 10, Daly 8, Kistler 10, Field 6. Howe punts to Wigglesworth, who heels a fair catch. The play is recalled. A penalty puts Yale with the 316 FOOTBALL ball on Harvard's 40-yard line. Yale fumbles and Corbett gets the ball. Punts are exchanged and Howe intercepts Wigglesworth's forward pass. Kistler and Howe fail to gain and the latter punts. Campbell replaces Corbett. Wendell makes 5. Harvard tries a drop kick from the 45- yard line, but the ball falls short. Howe gets the ball on Yale's 12-yard line. Kistler and Daly make 9 yards and Howe punts. Wendell gets the ball on Harvard's 45-yard line and the quarter closes. Fourth Quarter: Corbett replaces Campbell and makes 4 yards. Wendell adds 6 more. Corbett nets 2 on a delayed pass. Wendell hits tackle for 6. Wigglesworth punts to Howe on his 3-yard line. Howe punts out of bounds at 23. Wendell makes 5 and then 8. Harvard fumbles and Howe gets the ball on the 13-yard mark. Howe punts to Corbett at 40, Harvard is penalized. Corey replaces Field. Wigglesworth punts and Howe quickly returns. Wendell makes 2 and a forward pass adds 20 more. Howe recovers a punt on his 30-yard line. Kicks and short gains terminate in giving the ball to Yale on Har- vard's 34-yard line, Minot having punted out of bounds. Daly misses a drop kick from the 45-yard line. Harvard puts the ball in play on the 25-yard line and the game closes. CHAPTER XV MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1899 MICHIGAN PENNSYLVANIA F. Stehle, '01. J. B. Snover, '00. T. T. Hare, '01, Capt. P. D. Overfield, '01. J. C. Teas, '01. C. E. Wallace, '01. J. H. Outland, '00. W. J. Coombs, '00. F. E. Woodley, '01. A. R. Kennedy, '01. J. P. Gardiner, '01. J. C. McCracken, '01. C. F. Juttner, '00, Left End, H. White, '02, " " C. G. McDonald, '00, Left Tackle, R. J. Siegmund, '02, Left Guard, C. L. Bliss, '02, W. R. Cunningham, '99, Centre, R. R. France, '02, Right Guard, W. C. Steckle, '01, Right Tackle, N. W. Snow, '02, Right End, C. E. Street, '02, Quarter-back, J. F. McLean, '00, Capt., Left Half, C. M. Leiblee, '03, Right Half, H. S. Weeks, '02, H. White, '02, Full-back, E. M. Sweeley, '03, Referee: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Umpire: W. A. Brooks, '77, Harvard. Linesmen: Mr. Bliss, Michigan; J. de Silver, '00, Penn- sylvania. Timekeeper: L. T. Bliss, '93, Yale. Score: Michigan 10, Pennsylvania 11. First Half: Touchdown by J. F. McLean. Second Half: Touchdown by T. T. Hare; touchdown by G. C. McDonald; touchdown by T. T. Hare, goal by P. D. Overfield. First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the ball. Hare kicks off to Leiblee at 20, Leiblee running back the kick 12 yards. McLean skirts the end for 15 yards. Pennsylvania holds for downs and gets the balL From this point by short gains through the line Pennsylvania works the ball to Michigan's 35-yard line. Here Michigan se- 317 318 FOOTBALL cures the ball. Leiblee, Steckle, McDonald, and McLean by plunges take the ball back to midfield, where it is fumbled. Pennsylvania tries two plunges at the line for a 4-yard gain, but the ball goes to Michigan on a foul. Steckle and McLean by end runs advance the ball to the 20-yard line. McLean again rounds the end and makes a touchdown. The tiy at goal fails. Hare kicks off to Michigan's 20, McLean running the ball back to the 45-yard line. Penn- sylvania holds for downs and gets the ball, but immediately loses to Michigan, also on downs. Michigan now rushes the ball to Pennsylvania's 15-yard line, where it is lost on a foul. Pennsylvania develops sudden strength and by short plunges takes the ball to Michigan's 35-yard line, where it is lost on downs. McLean goes around the end for 40 yards. Michigan reaches the 30-yard line, where the ball goes to Pennsylvania on a quarter-back kick. The ball travels back and forth for some time until McCracken heels a fair catch on Michigan's 40-yard line. The try for goal is missed. Michigan rushes the ball out to the 45-yard line, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Sweeley kicks off to Outland on Pennsyl- vania's 15-yard line, Outland running back the kick 10 yards. Pennsylvania carries ball to midfield and fumbles. Coombs gets ball on a fumble and on the first play goes around the end for 25 yards. The ball by short gains now travels to Michigan's 25-yard line, where Michigan recov- ers it on a fumble. Michigan gets off a bad punt, and Woodley, catching at 30, runs 25 yards. McCracken, Teas, and Hare by yard plunges take the ball over for a touch- down. No goal. Michigan punts to Pennsylvania at 37. Pennsylvania works the ball out to 40, where Michigan takes it on downs. McLean goes around the end for 20 yards. Steckle, McLean, and McDonald reach the 10-yard line. McDonald goes over for a touchdown. No goal. MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA 319 Hare kicks off to McDonald at 30, the latter running back 25 yards. Overfield gets the ball at 45. Coombs punts down to 23. Sweeley kicks to Gardiner at centre. Mc- Cracken, Hare, and Teas by short gains reach Michigan's 20-yard line. Hare makes 8 around the end and then plunges through centre for a touchdown. The ball is punted out to Overfield, who kicks the goal. Michigan kicks off, but time soon after is called. 1900 to 1906 no games. Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1906 I. G. Levene, '06. D. W. Draper, '09. P. J. Gallagher, '09. J. K. Dwyer, '08. A. B. Ziegler, '07. F. H. Gaston, '08. U. V. Lavery, '07. H. W. Scarlett, '07. G. J. Lawrence, '07. R. C. Folwell, '08. E. L. Greene, '08, Capt MICHIGAN PENNSYLVANIA J. L. Loel, '09, Left End, W. L. Eycke, '07, Left Tackle, S. J. Davidson, '08, Left Guard, C. H. Clement, '07, Centre, W. D. Graham, '08, Right Guard, F. B. Newton, '08, Right Tackle, H. S. Hammond, '08, Right End, H. A. Workman, '07, Quarter-back, P. P. Magoffin, '08, Left Half, H. S. Bishop, '09, Right Half, M. P. Rumney, '08, J. C. Garrels, '07, Capt., Full-back, W. M. Hollenback, '08. Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: A. W. Kelly, '98, Princeton. Linesman: D. L. Fultz, '98, Brown. Score: Michigan 0, Pennsylvania 17. First Half: Touchdown by R. C. Folwell, goal by W. M. Hollenback. Second Half: Touchdown by E. L. Greene, goal by W. M. Hollenback; touchdown by E. L. Greene. First Half: Michigan wins the toss and takes the goal. Pennsylvania kicks off and Michigan fumbles, but Garrels recovers the ball. On the line-up Garrels punts. Greene makes 2, but Michigan stops the next play and Pennsylvania punts to Magoffin at 35. The latter runs the kick back to midfield. Here Pennsylvania holds and Garrels punts. An exchange of kicks, a fumble, and a penalty sets Michi- 320 FOOTBALL gan with the ball on Pennsylvania's 35-yard line. Garrels tries to round Levene, but is thrown for a loss. Bishop tries to gain on a trick play, but is stopped, and Pennsylvania takes the ball. Greene punts to midfield. Michigan cannot pierce the Red and Blue line and Garrels kicks. Another fumble and a penalty brings Michigan back to Pennsylva- nia's 35-yard line, from which Garrels misses a goal from placement. A kick-out and a run back gives Michigan again a place on Pennsylvania's 35-yard line. Magoffin makes 5. Michigan fumbles and Pennsylvania punts to Michigan's 45, where another fumble gives Pennsylvania the ball. Lawrence, on a quarter-back run terminating in a forward pass to Levene, sends the ball to Michigan's 3-yard line. Hollenback makes 2, and on the next play Folwell goes over for the touchdown. Hollenback kicks the goal. Second Half: Garrels kicks off, sending the ball to Law- rence at 35. Hollenback hits centre for 5. Michigan takes the ball on downs. Garrels falls back to punt, but Gas- ton blocks the kick and Gallagher gets the ball. An ex- change of punts gives Pennsylvania the ball on Michigan's 35-yard line. Greene makes 6 and then 10, Folwell gets through for 5. Michigan holds for downs and punts. Ziegler catches and runs back to the 35-yard line. Hollen- back from a kicking formation runs to the 15-yard line. Folwell makes 8 and follows it for 6. Greene goes over for the touchdown and Hollenback kicks the goal. Michigan kicks off. A long kicking exchange ensues. At last Hollen- back gets away for a 55-yard run, putting the ball on Mich- igan's 25-yard line. Ziegler makes 7, but Michigan takes the ball on downs. Garrels punts. Lawrence and Hollen- back by a double pass bring the ball to Michigan's 40-yard line. Lavery recovers a short kick at 20. Folwell, Hol- lenback, and Greene in three plunges make a touchdown. The goal is missed. < ■= MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA 321 Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Ann Arbor, Nov. 16, 1907 MICHIGAN PENNSYLVANIA M. P. Rumney, '08, W. M. Casey, '09, W. J. Embs, '09, A. W. Schuiz, '09, W. D. Graham, '08, W. Rheinschild, '08, H. S. Hammond, '08, W. S. Wasmund, '09, P. P. Magoffin, '08, Capt., D. W. Allerdice, '10, J. J. Miller, '10, J. K. Watkins, '09, J. L. Loell, '09, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, (( (( Full-back, S. H. Pauxtis, '10. D. W. Draper, '09. P. J. Gallagher, '09. J. K. Dwyer, '08. A. B. Ziegler, '07. F. H. Gaston, '08. H. W. Scarlett, '07. C. Keinath, '09. R. C. Folwell, '08, Capt. E. L. Greene, '08. W. M. Hollenback, '08. Referee: F. W. Murphy, *99, Brown. Umpire: H. M. Nelly, '02, Army. Field Judge: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Linesman: W. E. McCormack, '97, Dartmouth. Score: Michigan 0, Pennsylvania 6. First Half: Touchdown by P. J. Gallagher, goal by H. W. Scarlett. First Half: Michigan wins the toss and takes the west goaL Hollenback kicks off to Allerdice at 15. Michigan sends Watkins into the line for a gain of 10 yards in two plunges, but Pennsylvania holds and Hammond punts. Michigan holds Pennsylvania for no gain and Hollenback returns the kick. Magoffin catches on the 1-yard line and is thrown by Pauxtis 1 inch from the goal-line. Hammond punts to Keinath at 55. Hollenback circles the end for 10 and follows it up with another run for 8. A forward pass is tried, but Magoffin gets it. Michigan tries the Red and Blue line in vain and punts. The Pennsylvania forwards g^i through and the kick is high, Pennsylvania getting it on the 30-yard line. Hollenback and Greene make first down. Keinath falls back for a drop kick. Instead a short kick is sent over the rush line, which Gallagher gets and plants behind the line for a touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. 322 FOOTBALL Second Half: Michigan kicks off and both teams settle down to a hard game, neither eleven being able to make consecutive gains, but punting after each second or third down. A punt from Pennsylvania goes out of bounds. Michigan on the run takes the ball quickly in, the rush line forming out of customary positions with one end back. The ball is put in play and a double pass occurs behind the line followed by a long pass forward down the field to the tackle, who carries it across the line and touches down. The touchdown is not allowed. Neither goal thereafter is threatened, although the ball several times reaches the 35- yard lines. Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Ann Arbor, Nov. 14, 1908 MICHIGAN W. J. Embs, '09, W. M. Casey, '09, A. Benbrooke, '11, A.W.Schulz,'09,Capt., H. A. Brennan, '09, J. Riley, '09, M. E. Crumpacker, *09, F. H. Linthicum, '10, W. S. Wasmund, '09, P. P. Douglas, '09, D. W. Allerdice, '10,Capt. S. J. Davison. '09. PENNSYLVANIA Left End, H. P. Braddock, '10. T. Crooks, '10. Left Tackle, D. W. Draper, '09. Left Guard, G. A. Dietrich, '10. Centre, W. Le R. Marks, '11. E. B. Cozens, '11. Right Guard, R. E. Lamberton, '10. C. H. Pike, '11. Right Tackle, F. H. Gaston, '08. Right End, H. W. Scarlett, '07. Quarter-back, C. Keinath, '09. A. C. Miller, '10. Left Half, J. W. Means, '10. Right Half, J. O. Manier, '09. Full-back, W. M. Hollenback, '08, Capt Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: W. H. Edwards, '00, Princeton. Field Judge: G. Stahl, '03, Illinois. Linesman: A. C. Lerum, '03, Wisconsin. Score: Michigan 0, Pennsylvania 29. First Half: Touchdown by D. W. Draper, goal by H. W. Scarlett. Second Half: Touchdown by W. M. Hollenback, goal by H. W. Scarlett; touchdown by W. M. Hollenback, goal by H. W. Scarlett; touchdown by J. W. Means; touchdown by W. M. Hollenback, goal by H. W. Scarlett. MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA 323 First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and selects the north goal. Allerdice kicks off to Hollenback. Pennsyl- vania makes a short gain and then punts. Michigan tries the Pennsylvania line for a first down, but, unable to ad- vance consecutively, kicks. The play is now confined be- tween the 25-yard lines, neither eleven being able to advance against the other. Toward the close of the half Pennsyl- vania springs a triple pass — Keinath, Means, and Draper — the latter running 45 yards for a touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. There is no further scoring in this half. Second Half: Pennsylvania kicks off. After a series of kicks interspersed with a number of unimportant scrim- mages Means gets off a short on-side kick to Braddock on Michigan's 40-yard line. On the next play Means shoots a forward pass to Braddock, which places the ball on the 10-yard line. Hollenback goes over for a touchdown and Scarlett kicks the goal. After kick-off play surges back and forth across the centre line for several minutes. At last Allerdice punts to Hollenback at Pennsylvania's 45- yard line. The latter runs brilliantly through the Michigan team 65 yards for a touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. A few minutes later Miller catches Allerdice's punt at mid- field. Hollenback circles the end for 20. Means makes 10 through tackle. Hollenback gains 8, Means 5, and on the next play Hollenback reaches the 5-yard line. Means makes a touchdown. The goal is missed. Pennsylvania secures its last touchdown just before the close of the game by recovering a fumble on Michigan's 30-yard line. Hollen- back makes 5, Manier 20, and Hollenback crosses the line for a touchdown. Scarlett kicks the goal. 324 FOOTBALL Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1909 MICHIGAN PENNSYLVANIA F. J. Conklin, ^12, Left End, H. P. Braddock, '10. R. W. Ranney, '11, tt t( H. K. Cornell, '10. W. M. Casey, '09, Left Tackle, J. L. Fretz, '12. « (( R. B. Burns, '10. A. Benbrooke, '11, Left Guard, G. A. Dietrich, '10. A. W. Smith, '12, Centre, E. B. Cozens, '11. tt W. W. Philler, '11. W. P. Edmunds, ^2, Right Guard, R. E. Lamberton, '10. « <( C. H. Pike, '11. S. M. Wells, '11, Right Tackle, P. A. Ferrier, 11. J. J. Miller, '11, Right End, S. S. Large, '11. << (( P. B. Kauffman, '11. <( (( A. C. Miller, '10, Capt. W. Wasmund, '09, Quarter-back, A. D. Thayer, '10. J. Magidsohn, '11, Left Half, W. J. Young, '11. tt ft F. Sommer, '11. D.W.Allerdice,'10,:Capt., Right Half, A. G. Heilman, *12. « « P. C. Irwin, '10. F. G. Clark, '12, Full-back, D. L. Hutchinson, '12. ft J. H. Scott, '11. Referee: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Umpire: J. W. Beacham, '97, Cornell. Field Judge: D. L. Fultz, '98, Brown. Linesman: F. A. Hinkey, '95, Yale. Score: Michigan 12, Pennsylvania 6. First Half: Touchdown by J. Magidsohn, goal by D. W. Allerdice; touch- down by J. Magidsohn, goal by D. W. Allerdice; touchdown by D. L. Hutchinson, goal by H. P. Braddock. First Half: Michigan wins the toss and takes the ball. Allerdice kicks to Braddock, who runs back 20 yards. Pennsylvania fumbles and Michigan gets the ball. Two attempts at end fail, but the ball is placed directly in front of the goal-posts. Allerdice falls back to try a drop kick, but the play is a feint, as the ball is passed forward to Conk- lin, who reaches the 8-yard line. On the second down Magidsohn is sent across for a touchdown and Allerdice MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA 325 kicks the goal. Hutchinson kicks off for Pennsylvania an sends the ball to the 25-yard line. Allerdice kicks to Penn- sylvania's 45-yard line and Miller runs the ball back to Michigan's 50 before being downed. Hutchinson makes 3 yards through the line and then 12 around the end. Heil- man makes 5 more, but a fumble gives the ball to Michi- gan. Wasmund ploughs forward for 12 yards. Magidsohn reaches Pennsylvania's 33-yard line and on a delayed tripple pass gets away for a touchdown. Allerdice kicks the goal. Hutchinson kicks over the goal-line. Clark attempts to run it out, but is thrown on the 1-yard line. Michigan punts from behind the goal-line, sending the ball out of bounds at 30. Pennsylvania fails to make first down and Allerdice punts to 35. Young and Heilman make first down. A forward pass strikes the ground and Michigan takes the ball at 15. Allerdice punts. After several exchanges of kicks and rushes Pennsylvania shoots a forward pass from 50 to 35, Hutchinson to Cozens. A second forward pass fails and Pennsylvania is penalized. An on-side kick is recovered by Cozens at 20. Heilman and Young make a first down. Hutchinson crosses the remaining 13 yards for a touchdown. Braddock kicks the goal. Second Half: Hutchinson kicks over the goal-line. Michi- gan puts the ball in play at 25. Allerdice punts to Hutch- inson at 43. Pennsylvania rushes the ball to the 20-yard line, where Michigan holds for downs. After the ball changes hands several times on kicks and downs Was- mund runs around the end for 45 yards, placing the ball at midfield. Michigan cannot gain farther and punts. Neither team in the remainder of this half seriously threatens the other's goal, the play consisting of ineffective gains followed by punts. 326 FOOTBALL MICHIGAN W. P. Edmunds. '12 Michigan vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Nov. 12, 1910 PENNSYLVANIA W. Le R. Marks. '11. F. J. Conklin, '12, A. Benbrooke, '11, Capt., A. B. Cornwell, '13, C. P. Quinn, '13, W. D. Cole, '12, S. M. Wells, '11, N. McMillan, '13, J. Magidsohn, '11, V. C. Pattingill, '11, G. C. Thompson, '12, Left End, tt (( Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, <( <( Right End, Quarter-back, <( Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. E. Thayer, '12. L. L. Rodgers, '12. C. C. Wolferth, '12. E. B. Cozens, '11, Capt J. M. Cramer, '13. H. H. Morris, '12. T. F. Dillon, '13. L. W. Jourdet, '13. J. H. Scott, '11. W. J. H. Hough, '11. F. L. Ramsdell, '11. J. P. Harrington, '13. W. J. Young, '11. F. Sommer, '11. L. M. Kennedy, '13. E. L. Mercer, '13. Referee: W. H. Eckersall, '07, Chicago. Umpire: C. B. Marshall, '04, Harvard. Field Judge: W. G. Crowell, '06, Swarthmore. Lines- man: J.W. Beacham,'97, Cornell. Score: Michigan 0, Pennsylvania 0. First Quarter: Michigan wins the toss and elects to receive the kick-off. Mercer kicks to Pattingill. Magid- sohn makes 5, Thompson 5, Cozens throws the next runner for a loss, and Thompson punts. Mercer makes 5, but Scott is forced to kick. Several plays on each side are lim- ited to a short line plunge and a necessary kick. Thompson tries a place kick on the 40-yard line, but Marks blocks the ball. Michigan recovers the ball at 50. Magidsohn hits the line for 10. McMillan adds 12 more. Magidsohn reaches the 35-yard line. Pennsylvania holds for downs. Unable to gain, Scott punts. By hard plunges Magidsohn and Pattingill advance the ball 25 yards, when Pennsylvania again holds for downs. A bounding kick crosses the line. Pennsylvania brings the ball out to the 25-yard line and the quarter closes. MICHIGAN VS. PENNSYLVANIA 327 Second Quarter: Scott sends a long punt to McMillan. Magidsohn hits centre for 5. Michigan is penalized and fumbles, but recovers the ball. Thompson punts to Scott. Mercer circles the end for 15 yards. Kennedy breaks through into a clear field, but slips and falls. Scott punts to McMillan on Michigan's 40. Several exchanges of punts, with a long run by Mercer, brings the ball to Michigan's 30-yard line. Mercer plunges to the 15-yard mark. He adds 5 more. Michigan throws the next runner for a 20-yard loss. Thayer is sent back to try for a field goal, but the kick is blocked. Cozens getting the ball. A forward pass is stopped and the half closes. Third Quarter: Mercer kicks to Edmunds, who runs back 15 yards. Thompson punts out of bounds. Michigan fumbles the return and Cozens gets the ball on Michigan's 15-yard line. Michigan holds for downs and takes the ball. An exchange of punts places the ball on Michigan's 12-yard line, in the latter's possession. Several kicks now are ex- changed and Wells gets away on a forward pass and races to Pennsylvania's goal-line, but is put back to the 12-yard mark, having stepped out of bounds. Pennsylvania holds for downs. Mercer makes 5 on a double pass. Scott punts. Further kicks are exchanged and the quarter closes. Fourth Quarter: Marks throws Magidsohn for a loss of 2 yards on Michigan's 45-yard line. An exchange of punts and a fumble by Pennsylvania gives Michigan the ball on the former's' 40-yard line. Magidsohn gets around the end for 15 yards. McMillan's forward pass hits the ground and Pennsylvania takes the ball on the 20-yard line. Scott punts. Kicks are exchanged. Edmunds shoots a forward pass 20 yards to Wells. A long punting duel follows, termi- nating in a run back of 35 yards by Mercer placing the ball on Pennsylvania's 40-yard line. Mercer punts. Michigan fum- bles, but Cornwell recovers the ball. The game now ends. CHAPTER XVI MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 15, 1890 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN J. A. Harris, Left End, T. P. Loope,'91. W. C. Muir, Left Tackle, W. C. McNaught, '93. C. J. Flannagan, Left Guard, J. D. Freeman, '94. J. E. Maddigan, Centre, H. Oppenheim, '91. S. S. Start, Right Guard, M. R. Wiener, '91. G. C. Sikes, Right Tackle, E. H. Ahara, '92. C. E. Guthrie, Right End, R. J. Logeman, *92. A. F. Pillsbury, Quarter-back, J. B. Kerr, '89, Capt. W. J. Leary, Left Half, L. D. Sumner, '93. E. L. Patterson, Right Half, F. W. Prael, '91. G. K. Belden, Full-back, J. H. McNaught, '91. Substitutions by Minnesota: G. B. Rossman, H. E. White, D. R. Burbank. Referee: L. K. Hull, '83, Yale. Umpire: G. P. Kletsch. Score: Minnesota 63, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Touchdown by Patterson. Touchdown by- Harding and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Patterson. Touchdown by Patterson and goal by Belden. Second Half: Touchdown by Patterson and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Leary and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Leary and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Leary. Touchdown by Patterson and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Patterson and goal by Belden. Touchdown by Patterson. Goal from the field by Belden. 328 MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 329 Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Oct. 24, 1891 WISCONSIN Left End, D. H. Walker, '92. J. D. Freeman, '94. G. N. Knapp, '95. F. KuU, '94. L. B. Flower, '92. J. F. A. Pyre, '92. J. B. Kerr, '89. E. H. Ahara, '92, Capt H. M. Coleman, '95. R. C. Thiele, '93. L. D. Sumner, '93. MINNESOTA L. C. Edson, E. C. Bisbee, " " R. C. Dewey, Left Tackle, C. J. Flannagan, Left Guard, J. E. Madigan, Centre, E. P. Harding, Right Guard, G. C. Sikes, Right Tackle, D. R. Burbank, Right End, A. F. Pillsbury, Quarter-back, W. J. Leary, Left Half, E. L. Patterson, Right Half, G. K. Belden, Full-back, C. S. Hale, Score: Minnesota 26, Wisconsin 12. No record of oflBcials. First Half: Touchdown byH. M. Coleman, goal by J. F. A. Pyre; touch- down by W. J. Leary, goal by G. K. Belden; touchdown by L. D. Sumner, goal by J. F. A. Pyre. Second Half: Touchdown by E. L. Patterson, goal by G. K. Belden; touchdown by A. F. Pillsbury, goal by G. K. Belden; touchdown by W. J. Leary; touchdown by A. F. Pillsbury. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the ball. Starting with the V, Minnesota makes 15 yards. A run by Leary and a line plunge by Harding takes the ball to Wis- consin's 5-yard line, where Minnesota fumbles. Coleman gets the ball and runs 105 yards for a touchdown. Pyre kicks the goal. Minnesota starts off with the wedge and by rapid line plays carries the ball to Wisconsin's 5-yard line, from which Leary is sent over for a touchdown. Bel- den kicks the goal. Wisconsin makes 15 yards in the V. The ball changes sides frequently on punts and downs without substantial advantage to either eleven. Just as the half is closing Sumner catches a punt on his 25-yard line and runs through the entire Minnesota team for a touchdown. Pyre kicks the goal. 330 FOOTBALL Second Half: Wisconsin opens play with the V and makes 2 yards. Minnesota holds for downs and Wisconsin punts. Minnesota opens a fierce line attack and rapidly carries the ball by plunges of Harding and Pillsbury to their op- ponent's 5-yard line, from which Patterson is sent across for a touchdown. Belden kicks the goal. Wisconsin makes 10 yards in the V, but is soon forced to punt. Min- nesota again carries the ball the length of the field by line plays and sends Pillsbury across the last line for the touch- down. Goal. Wisconsin gains 15 yards in the V and by line plays reaches Minnesota's 10-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. Minnesota starts an attack on the tackles and reaches the 10-yard line. Leary gets across for a touch- down. A sixth touchdown is scored for Minnesota by Pillsbury. No goal. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Oct. 29, 1892 MINNESOTA W. F. Dalrymple, G. C. Sikes, A. T, Larson, J. E. Madigan, E. P. Harding, C. Larson, E. C. Bisbee, A. F. Pillsbury, E. L. Patterson, D. R. Burbank, R. H. Folewell, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, WISCONSIN C. C. Case, '93. J. H. Francis, '94. T. P. Krenshaw, '95. F. Kull, '94. H. H. Jacobs, '93. T. P. Silverwood, '96. J. R. Richards, '96. T. U.Lyman, '94, Capt. J. C. Karel, '95. R. C. Thiele, '93. F. H. Dillon. '95. Score: Wisconsin 4, Minnesota 32. No record of officials and maikers of scores. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the ball. The V gains 20 yards. Line plays by Larson and Patter- son carry the ball to Wisconsin's 20-yard line, from which a criss-cross sends Patterson around the end for a touchdown. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 331 Wisconsin gains 15 yards in the V. By end runs Karel and Thiele reach the 10-yard Hne. Thiele again circles the end for a touchdown. Minnesota gains 5 in the V. Both teams now play hard, but cannot come within striking distance of each other's goal. Second Half: Wisconsin opens with the V for 15 yards. Thiele, Karel, and Dillon by line plunges reach the 4-yard line. Here Minnesota holds for downs. Minnesota now opens up a game largely of trick plays, double passes, criss- crosses, fake runs, line and position shifts, which com- pletely bewilders their opponents, by which 6 touchdowns are scored. Folewell also kicks a goal from the field. MINNESOTA W. F. Dalrymple, C. Larson, A. T. Larson, J. E. Madigan, E. P. Harding, W. C. Muir, E. C. Bisbee, C. H. Van Campen, C. Adams, A. F. Pillsbury, H. C. Cutler, Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 11, 1893 WISCONSIN W. H. Sheldon. '96. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, J. D. Freeman, '94. C. W. Bunge, '95. F. KuU, '94. H. H. Jacobs, '93. P. H. Davis, '94. H. F. Dickinson, '96. T. U. Lyman, '94, Capt. F. W. Nelson, '97. J. C. Karel, '95. J. R. Richards, '96. Score: Wisconsin 0, Minnesota 40. No record of officials. First Half: Touchdown by C. Adams; touchdown by A. F. Pillsbury, goal by H. C. Cutler. Second Half: Touchdown by E. P. Harding, goal by H. C. Cutler; touchdown by A. F. Pillsbury, goal by H. C. Cutler; touchdown by C. Adams, goal by H. C. Cutler; touchdown by A. F. Pillsbury, goal by H. C. Cutler; touchdown by C. Adams, goal by H. C. Cutler. First Half: Minneapolis wins the toss and takes the ball. The game starts with a flying wedge, Davis stopping Pills- 332 FOOTBALL bury for no gain. Wisconsin takes the ball on downs. The latter sends several plays in succession against Minnesota's tackles and the ball reaches the 3-yard mark, where it is fumbled. Cutler punts. Wisconsin cannot gain consecu- tively and Richards punts. Minnesota by line plays reaches their opponent*s 25-yard line. Adams circles the end for a touchdown. Wisconsin gains 10 yards in the flying wedge and Karel and Nelson force the ball to Minnesota's 5- yard line. Minnesota takes the ball on downs and by line plays takes the ball the length of the field, where Pillsbury makes a touchdown. Cutler kicks the goal. Wisconsin, starting with the flying wedge, advances the ball to Minne- sota's 10-yard line, where the ball is lost on a fumble. Minnesota drives it to Wisconsin's 12-yard line and time is called for the half. Second Half: Wisconsin gains 10 yards in the wedge, but is then held for downs. Pillsbury makes two long end runs terminating in a touchdown. Obtaining the ball on downs on the 40-yard line Minnesota hammers Wisconsin's line until the ball rests on the 25-yard line. Harding goes around the end for a touchdown. Pillsbury makes the next touchdown by securing the ball on a fumble and running 40 yards. Goal. Wisconsin is held for downs at the 35-yard line and Pillsbury and Adams on trick plays double the ends for the distance and a touchdown. Goal. Wisconsin carries the ball to Minnesota's 10-yard line, where the latter takes the ball on downs. Line plays reach Wis- consin's 10-yard line and Pillsbury gets across for a touch- down. Goal. Just as time is expiring Adams gets away for a 45-yard run and touchdown. Goal. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 333 Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 17, 1894 MINNESOTA O. K. Harrison, J. S. Dalrymple, A. T. Larson, G. A. Finlayson, E. P. Harding, W. J. Walker, W. F. Dalrymple, C. H. Van Campen C. Adams, W. N. Southworth, H. C. Cutler, H. A. Parkyn, Left End, (( (( Left Tackle, Left Guard. Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. WISCONSIN W. H. Sheldon, '96. J. C. Major, '96. W. Alexander, '97. G. W. Bunge, '95. F. Kull, '94. J. E. Ryan, '95. J. F. A. Pyre, '92. H. F. Dickinson, '96. T. U. Lyman, '94, Capt. F. W. Nelson, '97. J. C. Karel, '95. J. R. Richards, '96. Referee: H. H. Stepp, '96, Grinnell. Umpire: F. M. Gould, '93, Amherst. Score: Wisconsin 6, Minnesota 0. Second Half: Touch- down by J. C. Karel, goal by T. U. Lyman. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goaL Minnestoa kicks off and Wisconsin rushes the ball by line plays to their opponent's 30-yard line, where the latter holds for downs. Minnesota drives the ball to Wisconsin's 30- yard line and there loses on downs. Karel and Nelson by end runs reach Minnesota's 2-yard mark, where the ball is fumbled. Cutler punts to centre. Wisconsin fumbles and Minnestoa gets the ball. Cutler again punts. Sev- eral exchanges of kicks follow and time for the half is called. Second Half: Richards kicks to Minnesota's 25-yard line. Minnesota reaches midfield on line plunges, but there is held for downs. Karel gets around the end for 50 yards and a touchdown. Lyman kicks the goal. Min- nesota kicks off and Karel returns. Larson makes 15 yards and line plays carry the ball to Wisconsin's 35-yard 334 FOOTBALL line. Parkyn tries a drop kick, but misses. Karel gets around the end for 40 yards. Minnesota takes the ball on downs and Parkyn punts. The play remains near cen- tre during the remainder of the half. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 16, 1895 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN J. M. Harrison, Left End, W. H. Sheldon, '96. J. S. Dalrymple, Left Tackle, W. Alexander, '97. A. T. Larson, Left Guard, J. P. Riordan, '98. J. C. Fulton, Centre, F. Kull, '94. G. A. Finlayson, Right Guard, N. A. Comstock, '97. W. J. Walker, Right Tackle, J. F. A. Pyre, '92. T. M. Kehoe, Right End, H. F. Dickinson, '96. C. Adams, Quarter-back, G. H. Trautman, '96. H. C. Lcomis, Left Half, J. P. Gregg, '99. G. Thompson, '99. " " F. W. Nelson, '97. H. B. Gilbert, Right Half, J. C. Karel, '95. H. A. Parkyn, Full-back, J. R. Richards, '96, Capt Referee: H. H. Stepp, '96, Grinnell. Umpire: H. Cornish, C. A. A. Linesmen: E. P. Harding, Minnesota; A. R. Smith, Wisconsin. Score: Wisconsin 10, Minnesota 14. First Half: Touchdown by J. F. A. Pyre, goal by J. R. Richards; touchdown byT. M. Kehoe; touch- down by J. R. Richards. Second Half: Touchdown by H. B. Gilbert; touchdown and goal by H. B. Gilbert. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Wisconsin kicks to Minnesota's 10-yard line and Parkyn runs back the kick 10 yards. Wisconsin takes the ball on downs and Minnesota immediately recovers it likewise. Parkyn punts. Wisconsin opens a rapid attack on the line and carries the ball to Minnesota's 2-yard mark, where the latter holds for downs. Parkyn kicks to Karel. Wis- consin now attacks the centre and creeps forward line after line until Pyre is sent through for the last 5 yards MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 335 and a touchdown. Richards kicks the goal. Parkyn kicks off and Richards returns. Minnesota advances 20 yards, but the ball goes to Wisconsin on downs. A fumble occurs and Kehoe gets the ball and runs for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Wisconsin kicks off and Adams runs back the kick 10 yards. Wisconsin gets the ball on a punt. Alexander makes 5, Karel 30, Karel 5, bringing the ball to the 10-yard line. Richards goes through centre for the touchdown. The goal is missed. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Karel runs the kick back 10 yards. Karel circles the end for 40 yards. Minnesota takes the ball on downs. Parkyn, Larson, Gil- bert, and Loomis now hit the line in rapid succession, send- ing the ball forward line after line until a touchdown is made. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota again hammers the ball the length of the field, but is held for downs on Wisconsin's 10-yard line. Minnesota recovers the ball and Gilbert makes a touchdown. Goal. Wisconsin kicks off. Min- nesota returns. Karel and Nelson in end runs take the ball to centre and a fierce attack on the line advances the ball to Minnesota's 20-yard line, where time is called. MINNESOTA J. M. Harrison, A. N. Smith, G. A. Finlayson, J. C. Fulton, E. P. Harding, I. A. Parry, H. A. Scandrett, G. E. Cole, Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 21, 1896. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, WISCONSIN W. H. Sheldon, '96. W. A. Atkinson, '97, Capt. J. P. Riordan, '98. N. A. Comstock, '97. J. E. Ryan, '95. J. F. A. Pyre, '92. C. L. Brewer, '99. J. P. Gregg, '99. C. W. McPherson, '99. 336 FOOTBALL MINNESOTA WISCONSIN S. W. Bagley, Left Half, F. W. Nelson, '97. " " H. J. Peele, 99. M. Teigen, Right Half, J. C. Karel, 95. H. C. Loomis, Full-back, J. R. Richards, '96. Referee: C. F. Roby, '99, Chicago. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 6. Second Half: Touch- down and goal by J. R. Richards. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Richards kicks to Bagley, who runs back 5 yards. Minne- sota tries two line plays with a small gain and then punts to Wisconsin's 25. A penalty advances the latter 10 yards. Karel makes 5, Nelson 2, and Richards 5. Other line plays net 20 yards, but the ball is lost on downs. Minnesota rushes 20 yards and fumbles. Wisconsin in brilliant line plays reaches their opponent's 8-yard line, where it goes to Minnesota on a fumble. Harding goes through centre for 5 yards. Loomis circles the end for 25 more. Minne- sota now steadily advances the ball to Wisconsin's 25-yard line, where they are held for downs. Wisconsin punts to Minnesota's 45. The latter returns to Wisconsin's 40. Wisconsin fumbles and the ball goes to Minnesota. The ball by short gains reaches Wisconsin's 25-yard line, where it is fumbled. Richards punts to centre and time is called. Second Half: Loomis kicks off and Pyre runs the kick back 15 yards. Wisconsin fumbles and it is Minnesota's ball on their opponent's 30-yard line. Wisconsin holds for downs and takes the ball. Richards punts to centre. On the first play Minnesota fumbles and Richards on lining up punts across the goal-line. Minnesota kicks out. A series of kicks are exchanged which with a fumble gives Minnesota the ball on Wisconsin's 35-yard line. The latter holds for downs. A punt and a fumble give Wisconsin the ball at centre. Minnesota does not yield and Richards MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 337 punts across the goal-line. Loomis kicks out and Karel runs the ball back 15 yards. A centre play yields 5 and then the ball goes to Minnesota on a fumble. Minnesota by line plunges reaches the centre of the field, where Wisconsin takes the ball and rushes to the 25-yard line to lose on downs. Minnesota makes 10, but Wisconsin holds for fourth down. Brewer circles the end for 25. Karel reaches Minnesota's 10-yard line. Atkinson makes 3, Peele 1, Rich- ards to the 1-foot mark. Minnesota holds for downs. The ball is recovered on a fumble. Atkinson makes 1 yard, Karel 3, Richards over for a touchdown and goal. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Oct. 30, 1897. MINNESOTA J. M. Harrison, G. A. Finlayson, A. N. Smith, J. G. Winkjer, A. K. Ingalls, C. Nicoulin, G. R. Shepley, G. E. Cole, G. W. Evans, S. W. Bagley, H. C. Loomis, WISCONSIN Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, J. Dean, '01. H. R. Holmes, '99. J.P.Riordan,'98,Capt W. C. Hazzard, '98. N. A. Comstock, '97. H. G. Forrest, '98. E. S. Anderson, '99. J. P. Gregg, '99. H. F. Cochems, '97. H. J. Peele, '99. W. M. Joliffe, P. G. P. J. O'Dea, '00. Referee: L. Stacey, '96, Army. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 39. First Half: Touchdown by H. J. Peele, goal by P. J. O'Dea; touchdown by H. J. Peele, goal by J. P. Gregg; touchdown by J. P. Riordan, goal by J. P. Gregg; goal from field by P. J. O'Dea. Second Half: Touchdown by J. P. Riordan; touchdown by H. J. Peele, goal by J. P. Gregg; touchdown by W. M. Jolifife, goal by P. J. O'Dea. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Cochems runs back the kick-off 15 yards. 0*Dea punts to Minnesota's 20-yard line, where Wisconsin takes the ball on 338 FOOTBALL a fumble. Minnesota regains the ball on downs and punts. Wisconsin returns. Further kicks are exchanged and Wis- consin finally gets the ball at midfield. Wisconsin now opens up a sharp attack on their opponent's rush-line and the ball creeps forward line by line until it reaches the 10- yard line. Riordan makes 5 and Peele goes across for the touchdown. O'Dea kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin soon is forced to punt. Wisconsin does not yield a yard and Minnesota punts. Riordan, Forrest, and Cochems make steady gains until the ball rests on the 3-yard line. Peele goes around the end for a touchdown. Gregg kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and O'Dea returns. Wisconsin holds for downs at centre. Line plays again send the ball steadily down the field and Riordan is shot across the last line for a touchdown. Gregg kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin rushes the ball to Minne- sota's 30-yard line, where the ball is lost on a fumble. Min- nesota cannot gain and punts to O'Dea at 45. A line plunge reaches the 35-yard line, where Minnesota holds for two downs. O'Dea falls back and kicks a goal from the field. Second Half: Wisconsin kicks off, and Minnesota, failing to pierce the line, punts to 40. Wisconsin cannot get in motion and O'Dea punts to opponent's 5-yard line. Wis- consin holds for two downs and Loomis falls behind his goal-line to kick, sending the ball out to the 35-yard line. Cochems, Holmes, and Gregg by line plays carry the ball to the 10-yard line. Peele gets through for 6 and Riordan covers the remaining distance for a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Minnesota kicks off and O'Dea re- turns. Minnesota fumbles and Wisconsin gets the ball on their opponent's 35-yard line. Minnesota puts up a stub- born defence and O'Dea tries a drop kick, but misses. Loomis kicks out to O'Dea and the latter runs back 30 MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 339 yards. Forrest, Peele, and Gregg reach the 4-yard line. Peele is sent through centre for a touchdown. Gregg kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin rushes the ball to Minnesota's 40-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Minnesota is soon forced to punt. Wisconsin starts a fierce attack on their opponent's line and steadily forces the ball to the last line, which Joliffe crosses for a touchdown. O'Dea kicks the goal. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Oct. 29, 1898 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN V. Von Schlegel, Left End, E. B. Cochems, '00. R. Gray, THt Tackle, A. H. Curtis, '02. (f (1 I. Mather, 'OL A. N. Smith, Left Guard, H. R. Chamberlain, '99. L. A. Page, Centre, A. A. Chamberlain, '99, Cpt. C. Nicoulin, Right Guard, C. Yeager, 'OL G. Anderson, Right Tackle, f. T. S. Lyle, '00. H. A. Scandrett, Right End, W. Fugitt, 'OL H. C. Adams, Quarter-back, P. H. Tratt, 'OL (( H. E. Bradley, 'OL G. Otte, Left Half, W. M. Joliffe, P. G. G. B. Coleman, Right Half, A. F. Larson, '02. G. R. Shepley, Full-back, E. S. Anderson, '99. Referee: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Umpire: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 28. First Half: Touch- down by A. F. Larson, goal by E. S. Anderson; touchdown by A. F. Larson, goal by E. S. Anderson; touchdown by H. R. Chamberlain; touchdown and goal by E. S. Anderson. Second Half: Touchdown by E. B. Cochems. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Anderson kicks off, Minnesota fumbles, Larson gets the ball and crosses the line for a touchdown. Anderson kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and then holds Wisconsin for no gain. Anderson punts. For a long time play swings back and forth between the 35-yard lines. At last Larson 340 FOOTBALL gets around Minnesota's end and runs 35 yards for a touch- down. Anderson makes the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 20- yard line. End runs, line plunges, and trick plays follow one another in rapid succession and the ball is carried to Minnesota's 3-yard line, where the latter takes the ball on downs. The ball is kicked out to the 20-yard line. Lar- son makes 5, Joliffe 5, Larson 3, and Joliffe reaches the 2- yard mark. H. R. Chamberlain breaks through centre for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Minnesota kicks off and Anderson runs the ball back 20 yards. Tratt circles the end for 20 more. Joliffe and Anderson hit the line for continual gains until the 5-yard line is reached. Anderson is shot through centre for a touchdown. A moment later he kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin, putting the ball down for scrimmage at 20, forces the way by short line plunges until Minnesota's 3-yard mark is reached, where time is called for the half. Second Half: Wisconsin kicks off and Shepley runs the kick back 10 yards and then punts. The ball for some time changes sides frequently on punts and downs and play does not pass either 35-yard line. Minnesota forms to punt on the 45-yard line. The Wisconsin forwards come through and the kick is blocked. Anderson gets the ball and runs 20 yards. Another end run and a penalty place the ball on Minnesota's 10-yard line. Cochems skirts the end for a touchdown. Anderson kicks the goal. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin ^ Minneapolis, Nov. 18, 1899 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN G. Dobie, Left End, E. B. Cochems, '00. « K W. Juneau, '04. G. Otte, Left Tackle, E. R. Blair, '03. B. Aune, Left Guard, A. C. Lerum, '03. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 341 WISCONSIN A. A. Chamberlain, '99. C. W. Rodgers, P. G. A. H. Curtis, '02. F. S. Hyman, '02. G. H. Wilmarth, P. G. H. J. Peele, '99. G. Senn, '01. S. E. Driver, '03. W. M. Joliffe, P. G. P. J. O'Dea, '00, Capt. MINNESOTA L. A. Page, Centre, F. Tift, Right Guard, R. Gray, Right Tackle, H. A. Scandrett, Right End, G. E. Cole, Quarter-back, G. W. Evans, Left Half, W. Keinboltz, Right Half, F. Cameron, " " W. C. Knowlton, Full-back, Referee: W. W. Heffelfinger, '91, Yale. Umpire: W. B. Burtt, '99, Army. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 19. Second Half: Goal from field by P. J. O'Dea; touchdown by E. B. Cochems, goal by P. J. O'Dea; touchdown by F. S. Hyman, goal by P. J. O'Dea; safety by W. C. Knowlton. First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Knowlton kicks off and Wilmarth runs the ball back 10 yards. 0*Dea punts and Wisconsin recovers the kick on Minnesota's 40-yard line. Unable to gain by rushing, O'Dea tries a drop kick, but misses the post. Knowlton kicks out to centre and O'Dea runs the ball back 20 yards. O'Dea tries another drop, but again misses. Minnesota gets the ball on the 15-yard line. Aune gets through for a run of 30 yards. Wisconsin stands firm and Minnesota punts. Several kicks are exchanged and a fumble gives Minnesota the ball on Wisconsin's 30-yard line. The latter takes the ball on downs. Play during the rest of this half is confined between the 35-yard lines. Second Half: O'Dea kicks off and Knowlton returns the kick to centre. Driver, Peele, and Curtis advance the ball to Minnesota's 20-yard line. O'Dea on a fake kick makes 10 yards more. Two plunges into the line net 5. Minne- sota holds for downs and takes the ball on the 2-yard mark. Knowlton punts and O'Dea heels a fair catch on the 35-yard line. The try at goal is missed. Minnesota 342 FOOTBALL kicks out and Wisconsin recovers the ball on the 25-yard line. Unable to gain by rushing, O'Dea falls back and drops a goal from the field. Minnesota kicks off and O'Dea returns the kick to centre. Punts are exchanged. Minnesota puts the ball down for scrimmage on their 5-yard line. Knowlton falls behind the line to punt. Coch- ems is through and blocks the kick, falling on the ball for a touchdown. O'Dea kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and O'Dea returns. Minnesota tries the line, but is forced to punt. Hyman blocks the kick and picking up the ball runs 40 yards for a touchdown. O'Dea kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin by several rushes and kicks transfers the ball into Minnesota's terri- tory. 0*Dea tries a drop kick from the 45-yard line, but misses. Knowlton catches on his 5-yard line. Minnesota fumbles and the ball rolls behind the goal-line. Knowlton recovers it for a safety. Time is then called. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin 3, 1900 WISCONSIN E. B. Cochems, '00. A. C. Abbott, '04. A. A. Chamberlain, '99, Cpt. J. P. Riordan, '98. E. Scow, '01. A. C. Lenim, '03. A. H. Curtis, '02. W. Juneau, '04. P. H. Tratt, '01. A. L. Marshall, '04. A. F. Larson, '02. W. E. Schreiber, '04. S. E. Driver '03. Referee: R. D. Wrenn, '95, Harvard. Umpire: Evarts Wrenn, '92, Harvard. Score: Minnesota 6, Wisconsin 5. First Half: Touchdown by E. B. Cochems; touchdown by B. Aune, goal by W. C. Knowlton. MINNESOTA B. Aune, '01, C. S. Fee, P. S. Smith, J. G. Flynn, L. A. Page, G. F. Mueller, H. C. Tweet, C. Hoyt, G. Dobie, W. S. Lafans, H. Van Valkenburg, W. C. Knowlton, Minneapolis, Nov. Left End, « « Left Tackle, « (( Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 343 First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the wind. Wisconsin kicks off and Knowlton runs the kick back 10 yards. By mass plays Minnesota sends Lafans and Van Valkenburg forward 15 yards, where they are held for downs. Wisconsin cannot gain and Minnesota takes the ball on downs. A fumble at once transfers it back to Wis- consin. Marshall and Larson hit the line for 15 yards. Several penalties take the ball to Minnesota's 5-yard line. Minnesota holds until the last down, when Wisconsin gets off a quarter-back kick, which Cochems recovers and secures a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Minnesota kicks off, sending the ball across the goal-line. Wisconsin kicks out. Minnesota puts the ball down for a scrimmage at midfield. Van Valkenburg, Lafans, and Knowlton hit the centre for repeated gains, taking the ball to Wiscon- sin's 5-yard line. Aune goes through for a touchdown. Knowlton kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Minne- sota returns the kick. Wisconsin hits their opponent's line for a total of 25 yards and then are held for downs. Van Valkenburg circles the end for 30 yards. Wiscon- sin takes the ball on downs on its 10-yard line. Driver punts. Second Half: Knowlton kicks off. Wisconsin starts upon the 20-yard line, and hitting the line for continual gains of 5 yards, carries the ball to Minnesota's 18-yard mark, Larson and Marshall being used repeatedly. Minnesota stands firm and takes the ball on fourth down. Knowlton punts. Wisconsin fumbles, and Minnesota, regaining the ball, again punts. Wisconsin returns the kick to Minne- sota's 40. Knowlton punts to Wisconsin's 25. Again Wis- consin starts a heavy attack on the Minnesota line and carries the ball to their opponent's 15-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. Minnesota tries three plunges into the line, netting 30 yards, and then punts to Wisconsin's 35. Punts 344 FOOTBALL are exchanged and Tratt tries a drop kick for goal, but misses. Wisconsin rushes the ball to Minnesota's 35-yard line, where time is called. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 16, 1901 MINNESOTA E. L. Rogers, C. S. Fee, J. G. Flynn, L. A. Page, M. L. Strathem, F. Schacht, B. Aune, G. Dobie, W. W. Thorpe, W. S. Lafans, W. C. Knowlton, WISCONSIN Left End. Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, A. C. Abbott, '04. E. J. Haumerson, '03. A. C. Lerum, '03. E. Scow, '01. W. A. Wescott, '03. A. H.Curtis, '02, Capt. W. Juneau, '03. A. L. Marshall, '04. E. B. Cochems, '00. A. F. Larson, '02. S. E. Driver, '03. Referee: R. T. Hoagland, '95, Princeton. Umpire: W. S. Kennedy, '00, Chicago. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 18. First Half: Safety by G. Dobie; touchdown by A. H. Curtis, goal by W. Juneau; touch- down by A. F. Larson; touchdown by A. H. Curtis. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Driver kicks off and Knowlton runs the ball back 20 yards. Knowlton punts to centre. Wisconsin hits the line twice without gain and Driver returns the ball. Minnesota is forced to punt from behind the line. Haumerson blocks the kick, but Dobie falls on it for a safety. Minnesota kicks out to centre and recovers ball on a fumble. Flynn runs to the 15-yard line. Wisconsin takes ball on downs at 8-yard mark. Driver punts to centre. Minnesota by mass plays forces the ball to the 10-yard line, where Knowlton is forced to try for a field goal, but misses. Wisconsin kicks out and recovers ball on the 45-yard line. Driver kicks to Minnesota's 25-yard line and again recovers the ball on a fumble. Minnesota holds for downs and punts to centre. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 345 Larson skirts the end for 25 yards. Larson plunges through the line and reaches the 5-yard line. Minnesota holds for downs and takes the ball 1 yard from the line. Knowlton punts to the 55-yard line and Larson runs the kick back to the 2-yard line. Curtis goes over for a touchdown. Juneau kicks the goal. Knowlton kicks off and Wisconsin runs the kick out to the 40-yard line. Larson circles the end for 30 yards. Kicks are exchanged, and Cochems, catching the return, runs to the 10-yard line. Juneau tries for a field goal, but misses. Minnesota kicks out, Wis- consin returns and recovers a fumble on their opponent's 20-yard line. Larson breaks through for a touchdown. Juneau misses the goal. Knowlton kicks off and Driver runs the kick off to Minnesota's 35-yard line. Minnesota takes the ball on downs, but fumbles on the first line-up. Curtis gets the ball and dashes across the line for a touch- down. No goal. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Marshall runs the ball out to the 35-yard line. Driver punts to Minnesota's 35. The latter by line plays reaches Wisconsin's 40-yard line, where the ball is lost on a fumble. Larson skirts the end for 35 yards. Wisconsin punts. Minnesota forces it back by line plays to Wisconsin's 35, where the latter takes the ball on downs and Driver punts. A long punting duel now ensues. Wisconsin begins a scrimmage on the 45- yard line. Larson makes 25. Kicks again are exchanged and time is called. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 15, 1902 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN E. L. Rogers, Left End, A. C. Abbott, '04, Capt " " A. R. Findlay, '06. J. B. Warren, Left, F. A. Long, '05. J. G. Flynn, Left Guard, W. A. Berthke, '06. 346 FOOTBALL MINNESOTA M. L. Strathern, P. S. Smith, F. Schacht, R. Gray, S. Harris, O. N. Davies, H. Van Valkenburg, J. B. Irsfield, W. W. Thorpe, W. C. Knowlton, WISCONSIN Centre, E. Scow, '04. Right Guard, A. C. Lerum, '03. Right Tackle, E. J. Haumerson, '03. Right End, J. I. Bush, '06. Quarter-back, J. G. Fogg, '04. Left Half, E. J. Vanderboom, '06. <( « Right Half, C. D. Marsh, '06. W. F. Moffatt, '02. Full-back, W. F. Moffatt, '02. W. E. Driver, '03. Referee: T. L. Burkland, '99, Illinois. Umpire: B. P. Gale, '06, Chicago. Score: Minnesota 11, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota by mass plays rushes the ball to centre, where Wisconsin holds and Knowlton punts. Kicks are exchanged and the ball goes to Wiscon- sin on a fumble. Minnesota at once takes the ball on downs. Van Valkenburg hits Wisconsin's line for re- peated gains and reaches their 45-yard line, where the latter holds. A punting duel now ensues which lasts throughout the remainder of the half. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Fogg runs the ball back 15 yards. Minnesota holds and Wisconsin punts. Harris circles the end for 15 yards. Van Valkenburg gains three yards in two plunges. Schacht skirts the end for 15. Van Valkenburg goes through centre for 8. The ball is now on Wisconsin's 2-yard mark. Van Valkenburg goes through tackle for a touchdown. Knowlton kicks the goal. Wis- consin kicks off and Harris runs the ball out 10 yards. Van Valkenburg makes 5 through the line. Wisconsin takes the ball on a fumble. Vanderboom circles the end for 30 yards. Moffat and Vanderboom alternate rapidly on each side of the line and take the ball to Minnesota's 5-yard line, where the latter holds for downs. Knowlton punts. Minnesota MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 347 recovers the ball and Thorpe and Schacht make 15 yards. Van Valkenburg makes 8, Warren 3, Van Valkenburg 12. The ball reaches Wisconsin's 35-yard line, where the latter holds for 2 downs and Knowlton tries a place kick, but misses. Minnesota gets the ball and on a fumble Strathern picks up the ball and runs 10 yards for a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 26, 1903 MINNESOTA E. L. Rogers, G. B. Webster, J. B. Warren, M. L. Strathern, W. W. Thorpe, F. Schacht, U. L. Burdick, S. Harris, O. N. Davies, J. B. Irsfield, E. H. Current. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. WISCONSIN A. C. Abbott, '04, Capt. A. R. Findlay, '06. W. A. Berthke, '06. R. W. Remp, '05. H. R. Chamberlain, '06. C. Washer, '05. J. I. Bush, '06. J. G. Fogg, '04. E. J. Vanderboom, '06. W. M. Baine, '07. H. A. Schofield, '04. F. M. Clark, '07. Referee: T. L. Burkland, '99, Illinois. Umpire: B. P. Gale, '06, Chicago. Score: Minnesota 17, Wisconsin 0. Second Half: Touch- down by F. Schacht, goal by E. L. Rogers; touchdown by F. Schacht, goal by W. W. Thorpe; touchdown by U. L. Burdick. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goaL Wisconsin kicks off and Harris runs the kick back 20 yards. Line plays take the ball to Wisconsin's 45-yard line, where the ball goes to the latter on a fumble. Bush punts to mid- field. Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble and Bush punts to Minnesota's 10. Minnesota rushes the ball back to mid- field and again fumbles. Bush punts and again Minnesota by line plunges brings the ball back to centre, where this time Wisconsin holds for downs. The latter cannot gain and Bush punts. Several series of kicks are exchanged and 348 FOOTBALL Wisconsin secures the ball on a fumble on Minnesota's 35. Baine misses a place kick. Following the kick-out and a return Wisconsin takes the ball on downs on Minnesota's 35-yard line. Two rushes fail to gain and Baine tries but misses a drop kick for goal. Time is called for the half. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Vanderboom runs the ball back 18 yards. Bush punts to centre. Schacht makes 8, Irsfield 4, Davies 3, Schacht 10, and by short gains the ball travels rapidly to Wisconsin's 10-yard line. Davies makes 1, Irsfield 4, and Schacht covers the remain- ing distance for a touchdown. Rogers kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota punts to midfield. Kicks are exchanged. Minnesota gets ball at centre. Schacht circles the end and reaches the 8-yard line. He again gets away and crosses the line for a touchdown. Thorpe kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Burdick runs the kick back 20 yards. Kicks are exchanged. Haines and Schacht in 4 long runs carry the ball 65 yards, planting it on Wisconsin's 20-yard line. Davies makes 3, Schacht 4, Burdick 6, Davies 4, Burdick over for a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Following the kick-off the ball is rushed into Wisconsin's territory, where Harris and Davies each try a place kick for goal, but fail. Time is called with the ball at centre. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 12, 1904 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN R. Marshall, Left End, A. R. Findlay, '06. " " C. S. Perry, '07. T. Vita, Left Tackle, W. A. Berthke, '06. G. L. Case, " " F. E. Hunt, '08. W. W. Thorpe, Left Guard, L. P. Donovan, '06. M. L. Strathem, Centre, R. W. Remp, '05. M. W. Ricker, Right Guard, H. Fleischer, '07. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 349 MINNESOTA P. P. Brush, F. P. Burgan, S. Harris, F. Hunter, O. N. Davies, G. E. Kremer, E. H. Current, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, « « Right Half, « « Full-back, WISCONSIN J. E. O'Brien, '05. T. H. Brindley, '03. J. I. Bush, '06, Capt. G. W. Jones, '07. E. J. Vanderboom, *06. V. Wrabetz, '03. D. Stromquist, P. G. F. M. Clark, '07. Referee: R. C. Hamill, '99, Chicago. Umpire: S. C. Williams, '01, Iowa. Score: Minnesota 28, Wisconsin 0. First Half: Touchdown by G. E. Kremer, goal by E. H. Current; touchdown by O. N. Davies, goal by S. Harris. Second Half: Touchdown by E. H. Current; touchdown by G. E. Kremer; touchdown by G. E. Kremer, goal by E. H. Current. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Current runs the kick back 10 yards. Davies makes 20 around the end. Six plunges take the ball to the 5-yard line, from which Kremer goes over for a touchdown and Current kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and recovers the ball on a fumble. Jones tries a drop kick for goal, but misses. Minnesota g'^is the ball before it crosses the line and starts a scrimmage. By line plays the ball is carried to Wisconsin's 20-yard line, where the latter takes the ball on downs. Line plays yield 35- yards and an on-side kick is recovered by Wisconsin on Minnesota's 35-yard line. Minnesota holds and Jones tries a place kick, but misses. Minnesota rushes the ball to Wisconsin's 15-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Several kicks are now exchanged. Minnesota gets ball at centre and Davies circles the end for 50 yards. On the next play he breaks through the centre for a touchdown. Harris kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota carries the ball to Wisconsin's 30-yard line, where, being held for 2 downs, Harris tries a drop kick for goal, but misses. Jones 350 FOOTBALL punts out and Minnesota puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 45-yard line as time is called. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and recovers the ball on a fumble on their opponent's 30-yard line. Davies makes 15 yards around the end. Three plunges reach the 5-yard line. Current goes over for the touchdown. The try at goal fails. Wisconsin kicks off and Davies runs the ball back 20 yards. Minnesota now begins a steady advance down the field yard by yard until Kremer crosses the last line for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Wisconsin kicks off and Bush returns the kick. Minnesota gets the ball at centre and again starts a steady advance down the field, Kremer finally being pushed through centre for a touch- down. Current kicks the Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 4, 1905. MINNESOTA R. Marshall, W. Ittner, T. Vita, J. A. Kjelland, D. D. Smith, P. P. Brush, F. P. Burgan, G. F. Weisel, A. Larkin, J. P. Cutting, G. E. Kremer, E. H. Current, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, WISCONSIN T. H. Brindley, '03. W. A. Berthke, '06. L. P. Donovan, '06. R. W. Remp, '05. W. A. Gelbach, '07. C. N. Dering, '06. J. I. Bush, '06. A. B. Melzner, '06. E. J. Vanderboom, '06, Capt. A. R. Findlay, '06. L. E. Roseth, '08. Referee: H. B. Hackett, '04, Army. Umpire: T. L. Burkland, '99, Illinois. Score: Minnesota 12, Wisconsin 16. First Half: Touchdown by W. Ittner, goal by J. P. Cutting; touchdown by A. R. Findlay, goal by J. I. Bush; touchdown by A. R. Findlay, goal by J. I. Bush. Second Half: Goal from field by A. B. Melzner; touchdown and goal by J. P. Cutting. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 351 First Half: Wisconsin wins the toss and takes the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Findlay runs the ball back 10 yards. After a few short gains Bush punts 40 yards. Kicks are exchanged and Minnesota puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 50-yard line. Short line plunges by Cut- ting, Current, and Kremer carry the ball to the 7-yard mark, from which Ittner breaks through for a touchdown. Cutting kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Vander- boom runs the kick back 3 yards. Wisconsin by line plays advances the ball to midfield, where Minnesota takes it on downs and punts to Wisconsin's 20-yard line. Findlay gets around the end on the second down and runs 85 yards for a touchdown. Bush kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota runs the ball out 10 yards. Unable to pierce the line Current punts to midfield. Bush punts back to the 10-yard line. Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble. Min- nesota holds and Melzner misses a drop kick. Minnesota punts out. Kicks are exchanged. Wisconsin puts the ball down for a scrimmage on the 25-yard line. Findlay circles the end and runs 80 yards for a touchdown. Bush kicks the goal. Second Half: Wisconsin kicks off and Kremer runs the kick back 20 yards. Larkin punts to midfield. Wisconsin runs the ball back 20 yards and Melzner tries but misses a drop kick for goal. Larkin punts to centre. Bush re- turns the kick and Wisconsin gets the ball on a fumble on Minnesota's 5-yard line. Minnesota holds for downs and takes the ball. Kremer kicks to midfield. Wisconsin runs the ball back 15 yards. Melzner drops a field goal from the 40-yard line. Wisconsin kicks off and Larkin runs the kick back 30 yards. Minnesota punts and Wisconsin by line plays carries the ball to their opponents' 20-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. Minnesota punts to the 45-yard line. Bush returns the kick. Cutting gets through 352 FOOTBALL the line and runs 80 yards for a touchdown. He also kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off, and getting the ball on the return, Melzner tries a drop kick for goal, but misses. Time is soon called. 1906, no game. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 23, 1907 WISCONSIN Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, <( (( Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back. H. B. Rogers, '09. F. E. Boyle, '10. L. H. Huntley, '08. E. O. Stiehm, '09. T. R. Davidson, '08. P. J. Murphy, '10. F. A. Dittman, '08. J. Messmer, '09, Capt. C. J. Cunningham, '09. R. A. Fucik, '10. R. W. Mucklestone, '09. J. W. Wilce, '10. MINNESOTA E. T. Chestnut, J. P. Young, A. G. Molstad, J. A. Kjelland, W. J. Bandelin, * G. L. Case, W. H. Radermacher, E. D. Coughlan, G. Capron, J. R. Schuknecht, N. Dunn, Referee: A. W. Kelly, '98, Princeton. Umpire: N. W. Snow, '02, Michigan. Score: Minnesota 17, Wisconsin 17. First Half: Touch- down by J. W. Wilce, goal by R. W. Mucklestone; touchdown by N. Dunn; touchdown and goal by R. W. Mucklestone; goal from field by G. Capron; goal from field by G. Capron; touchdown by R. W. Mucklestone. Second Half: Goal from field by G. Capron. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Capron runs the ball back to the 20-yard line. Capron punts to centre. Wisconsin returns. Minnesota fumbles and the ball goes to opponents. Muck- lestone recovers a forward pass and gains 25 yards. Fucik and Wilce plunge forward to the 10-yard line. Wilce makes 5 and on the next play crosses the line for a touch- down. Mucklestone kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin punts and recovers the ball on the 45-yard line. Minnesota immediately recovers on a fumble. A long forward pass takes the ball to Wisconsin's 15-yard line. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 353 Schuknecht is sent twice into the line, netting 5 yards on each plunge. Dunn goes over for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Wisconsin kicks off and Schuknecht runs back 15 yards. Unable to gain Dunn punts. Mucklestone re- covers a long forward pass and reaches Minnesota's 10-yard line. Wilce makes 5 and Mucklestone takes the ball across and also kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and recovers the ball on a fumble on their opponent's 30-yard line. Schuknecht makes 10. Capron drops a fieM goal. Wis- consin kicks off and Schuknecht runs the ball back 20 vards. On the line-up he circles the end for 30 more. Capron drops another field goal from the 45-yard line. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota returns the kick. Mucklestone in two attempts at end gains 35 yards and on a third trial makes a touchdown. The goal is missed. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Mucklestone runs the ball back 20 yards and then punts to Minnesota's 45. Capron goes through the line for 5. Schuknecht makes 5 more. Capron adds 15 and then drops a field goal from the 45-yard line. Wisconsin kicks off and Minnesota by kicks and runs transfers the play into their opponent's ter- ritory. Capron three times tries for further field goals. Two of his tries are blocked and the third misses the post. Both teams punt continually, but neither goal is again threatened. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 7, 1908 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN L. Pettijohn, '10, Left End, F. E. Rogers, '09, Capt. J. P. Young, Left Tackle, F. E. Boyle, '10. P. M. Ostrand, '10, Left Guard, J. Mesmer, '09. O. E. Safford, '10, Centre, E. O. Stiehm, '09. R. M. Rosenwald, '13, Right Guard, C. E. Dreutzer, '09. H. E. Farnam, '10, Right Tackle, O. P. Osthoff, '10. W. H. Radermacher, '10, Right End, J. P. Dean, '11. 354 FOOTBALL MINNESOTA WISCONSIN J. F. McGovern, Quarter-back, J. Moll, '11. L. Johnson, Left Half, C. J. Cunningham, '09. R. W. Mucklestone, '09. F. Hubbard, Right Half, H. Culver, '10. A. F. Flankers, Full-back, J. W. Wilce, '10. Referee: H. Haddon, Michigan. Umpire: N. W. Snow, '02, Michigan. Score: Minnesota 0, Wisconsin 5. First Half: Touchdown by J. Moll. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the ball. Wilce kicks off and Pettijohn runs the ball back 15 yards. On the line-up he punts to centre. Moll returns. Minne- sota makes 10 yards on a forward pass. Johnson adds 10, Hubbard 5, and then the ball is worked to Wisconsin's 5-yard line, where the latter takes it on downs. Wilce punts and Wisconsin recovers the ball. Minnesota secures a forward pass and punts. Moll returns. Pettijohn punts. Osthoff rounds the end for 15 yards. Culver takes a for- ward pass for 20 yards. Cunningham makes 5 and then Culver takes another long forward pass for a touchdown. No goal. Minnesota kicks off and Cunningham runs the ball out to the 40-yard line. Punts are exchanged. Moll heels a fair catch at centre and tries for a place kick, but misses. Punts are exchanged and Moll again heels a fair catch at 50 and tries for a field goal, but misses. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Moll runs back the kick 20 yards. Unable to gain Wisconsin punts. Petti- john returns. Wisconsin now opens a hard line attack and carries the ball by short gains 40 yards, but is finally held. Punts are exchanged. Johnson, for Minnesota, three times circles the end and plants the ball on Wisconsin's 25-yard line, but each time the latter holds for downs and Moll by a long punt returns the ball to midfield. The game is called with the ball in Wisconsin's possession on Minnesota's 8- yard mark. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 355 Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Madison, Nov. 13, 1909 MINNESOTA J. H. Vidal, '10, G. A. Schain, '11, J. C. Walker, '12, A. Molstad, '10, H. E. Farnam, '10, H. Powers, '12, J. A. McCree, W. H. Radermacher, '10, L. Pettijohn, '10, R. M. Rosenwald, '13, L. Erdahl, '11, L. C. Stevens, '12, E. Pickering, '11, Left End, (t (( Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, « « Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, « « Full-back, WISCONSIN R. Fucik, '10. F. E. Boyle, '10. A. L. Buser, '12. H. A. Arpin, '11. W. F. Mackmiller,'12. R. lakisch, '10. J. P. Dean, '11. O. P. Osthoff, '10, J. Moll, '11. H. Culver, '10. S. W. Andersen, '12. J. W. Wilce, '10, Capt. Referee: G. W. Beavers, '08, Army. Umpire: N. W. Snow, '02, Michigan. Field Judge: A. B. Fleager, '94, Northwestern. Lines- man: J. W. Esterline, '97, Purdue. Score: Minnesota 34, Wiscon- sin, 6. First Half: Touchdown by L. C. Stevens; touchdown by R. Fucik, goal by J. Moll; touchdown by L. Erdahl, goal by E. E. Far- nam. Second Half: Touchdown by E. Pickering, ^oal by H. E. Far- nam; touchdown by L. C. Stevens, goal by H. E. Farnam; touchdown by J. P. Rosenwald, goal by H. E. Farnam; touchdown by E. Picker- ing. First Half: Minnesota wins the toss and takes the goal. Wisconsin kicks off and Pettijohn runs the ball back 15 yards. Minnesota opens a series of wing shifts and forward passes, by which the ball is carried to Wisconsin's 15-yard line. Stevens circles the end for a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin returns the kick, recovering the ball on the 45-yard line. Moll and Fucik work 2 forward passes for 18 yards each, and an on-side kick following gives Wisconsin the ball on their opponent's 6-yard mark. Another forward pass, Moll to Fucik, scores a touchdown and Moll kicks the goal. Wiscon- sin kicks off. Minnesota, by a brilliant series of line plays, 356 FOOTBALL forward passes, and on-side kicks, carries the ball to Wiscon- sin's 5-yard line, where it is lost on downs. Culver doubles the end for 30 yards. Minnesota recovers the ball on downs at midfield and Pettijohn punts. Wisconsin returns and gets the ball on a fumble. Culver again punts. Starting from the 40-yard line Minnesota takes the ball by steady gains the length of the field for a touchdown. Second Half: Minnesota kicks off and Anderson runs the ball back 15 yards. Kicks are exchanged. Minnesota starts a line attack at midfield. Rosenwald, Stevens, and Rademacher make repeated gains and at last plant the ball 4 yards from Wisconsin's goal. Pickering goes through the centre for a touchdown and Farnam kicks the goal. Minnesota kicks off and Wisconsin returns the kick. Min- nesota again starts a line attack, by which Pickering, Stevens, and Rosenwald reach the 3-yard mark, from which Stevens goes across for the touchdown and Farnam kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off. Minnesota works the ball out to the 30-yard line. Rosenwald gets around the end and runs 70 yards for a touchdown. Farnam kicks the goal. Wisconsin kicks off. On the line-up Pickering breaks through and runs 80 yards for a touchdown. No goal. Time soon after is called. Minnesota vs. Wisconsin Minneapolis, Nov. 12, 1910 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN L. A. Smith, '12. Left End, C. C. Chambers, '13. E. Pickering, '11. (( « F. G. Carter, '11. J. C. Walker, '12. Left Tackle, W. F. Mackmiller, '12. G. F. Bromley, '12. Left Guard, M. C. Pierce, '12. C. Morrell, '14. Centre, H. A. Arpin, '11. «( R. E. Branstad, '12. C. J. Robinson, '13. Right Guard, S. Neprud, '12. <( (( P. J. Murphy, '12. J. P. Young, '14. Right Tackle, A. L. Buser, '12. MINNESOTA VS. WISCONSIN 357 MINNESOTA L. Frank, '12. J. F. McGovern, '11. R. Johnson, R. M. Rosenwald, 13. S. A. Hill, G. Vanstrum, L. C. Stevens, '12. A. C. Erdahl, L. Johnson, '12. L. T. Erdahl, 11. Right End, Quarter-back, (( Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, WISCONSIN E. F. Bunker, '11. J. P. Dean, '11, Capt. E. S. Gillette, '12. R. R. Newman, '13. A. Birch, '11. C. S. Gilbert, '13. E. J. Samp, '13. Referee; L. E. Endsley, '01, Purdue. Umpire: N. M. Snow, '02, Michigan. Linesman: F. S. Porter, '00, Cornell. Field Judge: A. B. Fleager, '94, Northwestern. Score: Minnesota 28, Wisconsin 0. First Quarter: Touchdown by L. C. Stevens, goal by J. F. McGovern; touchdown by R. Johnson; touchdown by R. Johnson, goal by J. F. McGovern. Second Quarter: Touchdown and goal by J. F. McGovern. Third Quarter: Touchdown by R. M. Rosenwald. First Quarter: Wisconsin fumbles at outset of game, giving Minnesota the ball on the 15-yard line. In three plays the latter sends Stevens over for a touchdown. McGovern kicks the goal. Pierce kicks to McGovern at 15. By short gains Minnesota reaches midfield, where a penalty sets the ball back 5 yards. On the next play Rosenwald breaks through the line and reaches Wisconsin's 37-yard mark. Plays and penalties place the ball on Wis- consin's 30-yard line. Rosenwald skirts the end to the 2-yard mark. Johnson is sent across for a touchdown. The goal is missed. Pierce kicks off and Johnson returns. Minnesota takes the ball by short plunges to Wisconsin's 20-yard line, where the latter takes the ball on downs. Gillette kicks and McGovern runs the kick back to the 25- yard line. Rosenwald pierces centre for 5. McGovern makes 5 more and Johnson rounds the end for a touchdown. McGovern kicks the goal. Pierce kicks off, but time is called soon after. 358 FOOTBALL Second Quarter: Gillette loses 5 yards and kicks to Min- nesota's 35. McGovern runs the kick back to midfield. Short plunges take the ball to Wisconsin's 8-yard mark. McGovern from kick formation goes through centre for a touchdown. Goal. Third Quarter: Wisconsin's defence strengthens, but Minnesota slowly forces the line, carrying the ball by short gains to the 5-yard line, from which Rosenwald is sent across for a touchdown. The try for goal fails. Fourth Quarter: Pierce kicks off. Minnesota puts ball down for scrimmage on the 25-yard line. Rosenwald kicks. Gillette makes 25 yards. Other gains take the ball to Min- nesota's 15-yard line, where the ball is lost on downs. Kicks are exchanged. During the remainder of this half play is confined between the 25-yard lines. CHAPTER XVII PRINCETON VS. YALE Princeton vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 15. 1873 PRINCETON C. O. Dershimer, 74, Capt., H. C. Beach, 74, H. C. Bittenbender, 74, S. P. Cook, 74, H. Huston, 74, J. H. Vandeventer, 74, C. F. Whittlesey, 74, R. Boyd, 74, F. Biddle, 75, G. R. Elder. 75, S. B. Hutchinson, 75, I. H. Lionberger, 75, H. Moffat, 75, R. C. Rodgers, 75, C. Denny, 76, T. R. Sheets, 76, J. M. Woods, 76, S. C. Cowart, 76, J. Chambers, 72, Wm. Martin, Sem., YALE W. S. Halsted, 74, Capt H. C. Deming, 72. J. P. Peters, 73. W. E. D. Stokes, 74. J. L. Scudder, 74. C. D. Waterman, 74. C. E. Humphrey, 74. G. V. Bushnell, 74. E. D. Robbins, 74. T. T. Sherman, 74. H. D. Bristol, 74. L. Mellick, 74. W. O. Henderson, 74. G. M. Munn, 74. J. A. R. Dunning, 74. P. A. Porter, 74. H. J. McBirney, 75. E. V. Baker, 77. F. L. Grinnell, 75. W. H. Hotchkiss, 75. Referee: J. M. Harvey, 75, Princeton. Judges: J. W. Peckett, 74, Princeton; W. Kelley, 74, Yale. Score: Princeton 3 goals, Yale 0.* Goals by H. C. Beach, H. C. Beach, G. R. Elder. The game was played at Hamilton Park. At precisely two o'clock the officials called together the contesting cap- tains and tossed the coin. Princeton won the first toss and chose the south goal. Yale correctly called the second toss * This game was played under the " Rules of 1873," a modification of the " Association Code." 359 360 FOOTBALL and elected to give Princeton the kick-off, or "cant," as it was called at Yale and "buck" at Princeton. Moffat carefully adjusted the ball, drew back a few steps, and then at full speed lifted the ball a prodigious cant, far down the field. Dershimer, the Princeton captain, ranged up and down the field and from side to side, getting into every play. In fact the whole Princeton team excelled in following the ball. Not only did they kick the ball, but they batted it as well. For the first few minutes the ball hovered in front of Yale's goal, but to no avail, as the Yale men stood firm and drove it repeatedly back. Suddenly a heavier press of Princeton players rallied before the posts. From the mass suddenly issued a sharp report and the football lay a flat- tened piece of rubber upon the ground. Two stout toes had struck it squarely at the same time and the ball had ex- ploded. A half hour was required to obtain another ball. During the interim Dershimer took his men to one side and coached them in a new style of tactics. Some men were detailed to follow the ball and others were directed to ward off the Yale players. The new ball having arrived, play was resumed at ten minutes past three. Princeton's new tac- tics worked well, but Yale fought gamely. After an hour and twenty minutes of stiff play Princeton forced Yale's goal, the ball being kicked through by Beach. A second goal was made twenty minutes later. Beach again making the final play. Princeton's machine was running well now, and in twenty-three minutes Elder shot another ball between the posts. But Yale was growing stronger as the game pro- gressed and now transferred the play to Princeton's goal. The latter stoutly fought it back until time was called. Al- though suffering their first defeat at football, Yale's followers lustily cheered the victors as well as the vanquished, and then dispersed jubilant in the zest of a good game, well played by two great teams. PRINCETON VS. YALE 361 Princeton vs. Yale Hoboken, Nov. 30, PRINCETON B. Nicoll, 77, Forward, E. H. Nicoll, '80, H. Stevenson, 78, J. Potter, 78, E. S. McCalmont, 77, S. B. Johnston, 77, D. Stewart, 78, Half-back, J. O'H. Denny, 77, A. J. McCosh, 77, Capt, Back, H. B. Thompson, 77, W. E. Dodge, 79, 1876 YALE W. V. Downer, 78. C. C. Camp, 77. W. L. R. Wurts, 78. W. H. Taylor, 78. F. W. Davis, 77. N. U. Walker, 77. Walter Camp, '80. W. D. Hatch, '79. E. V. Baker, '77, Capt. O. D. Thompson, '79. W. I. Bigelow, '77. Referee: G. V. Bushnell, '74, Yale. Judges: E. W. Price, Columbia; G. T. Elliott, '77, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 2 goals. First Half: Goal by W. I. Bigelow. Second Half: Goal from field by O. D. Thompson. Note. — At the request of Yale this game was played with 11 men on a side instead of 15; and also at the request of Yale an agreement was made preliminary to the game that touchdowns should not count in computing the score, but that the latter should be based upon goals alone. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and chooses the goal with the wind, thus forcing Yale to play with their backs to the club-house, facing a keen, biting wind. Captain Baker kicks off for Yale, but Stewart and Denny, for Princeton, quickly run the ball back to midfield. Dodge punts and Downer catches, Johnston tackling. Camp gets the ball out of scrimmage and makes a long run. On being tackled he passes the ball to Thompson, who runs in for a touchdown. Princeton claims that the pass was a forward one. The referee is requested to end the dispute, by tossing a coin. Yale correctly calls the turn and the touch- down is allowed. Bigelow kicks the goal. McCosh kicks off for Princeton and sends the ball over Yale's goal-line. 362 FOOTBALL Yale brings it out to the 25-yard line and punts. Baker is down on the ball, but Nicoll gets him. Hatch gets the ball on a play from the side line, but is stopped by McCal- mont. The ball is fumbled. McCalmont picks it up and with a clear field starts for the goal-line, but is stopped by the expiration of time. Second Half: Bigelow opens the second half by a long kick-off for Yale, which Dodge returns. Thompson catches, but C. Camp throws him. As Thompson is falling he passes the ball to Camp, who carries it within 20 paces of Prince- ton's goal. Here Stewart gets the ball and makes a brilliant dash for Yale's goal, but Hatch, coming up from behind, gets the ball away from him and races almost to Princeton's line. In the next scrimmage Bigelow passes the ball to Thompson, who kicks a beautiful goal from the field. Sides are re- versed and Princeton shows an improvement in play. The ball changes rapidly from side to side without advantage. Time at last is called with the ball in midfield. Soon spectators and players are off for a Thanksgiving dinner in New York, enthusiastic in their praise of the new game and keen in the relish of the afternoon's sport. Princeton vs. Yale Hoboken, Dec. 8, 1877 PRINCETON T. B. Bradford, '81, Forward, B. Lee, '80, A. T. Enos, '78, A. Wylly, '79, C. C. Clarke, '78, B. Ballard, '80, F. Loney, '81, H. K. Devereux, '80, H. Stevenson, '78, W. E. Dodge, 79, Capt., Half-back, T. M. McNair, '79, D. O. Irving, '78, TALE B. B. Lamb, '81. W. L. R. Wurts, '78. J. S. Harding, '80. W. V. Downer, '78. W. A. Peters, '80. F. J. Brown, '78. W. H. Smith, '79. H. Ives, '81. O. W. Brown, '78. O. D. Thompson, 79. G. H. Clark, '80. PRINCETON VS. YALE 363 PRINCETON YALE Half-back, Walter Camp, '80. H. M. Cutts, '80, Back, D. T. Trumbull. '76. H. L. Minor, 79, tt W. J. Wakeman, '76. L. P. Funkhouser, 78, it E. V. Baker, '77, Capt. Referee: W. N. Elbert, '79, Trinity. Judges: E. O. Roessle, '79, Princeton; W. I. Bigelow, '77, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. At the suggestion of Yale, as in 1876, this game was played under a special agreement that touchdowns should not be counted in com- puting the score, but that this should be based upon goals alone. The safety did not affect the score in the Princeton-Yale series until 1881. See college press of the period. " At the suggestion of Yale an agreement was entered into by the two captains before the game that the game should be decided by goals and that no touchdowns should count." — Princetonian, Dec. 8, 1877. " Although, according to the rules, we did not win, we at least were not vanquished. Unfortunately the preliminaries of the game were so arranged that after a valiantly fought contest neither party was left victor."— FaZe Record, Dec. 15, 1877. "The game lasted about two hours and nominally was a draw." — YdLe Literary Magazine, Dec, 1877. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and selects the south goal. Baker kicks off, sending the ball to Princeton's goal- line. Dodge recovers the ball and passes it to McNair, who kicks. Yale drives the ball by short rushes and a kick into Princeton's territory, where Dodge touches down for safety. Princeton reverses the situation and works the ball into Yale's goal. Baker by a long kick returns it. Camp receives the ball and by a long, brilliant run makes a touchdown. The try at goal fails. Dodge kicks. Yale works the ball well into Princeton's goal. Princeton be- comes aggressive and forces the ball into Yale's goal, where the Blue is compelled to touch down twice for safety. The half ends with the ball near Yale's goal-line. Second Half: Cutts kicks off for Princeton. Thompson gets the ball and makes a great run for Yale, bringing the ball dangerously near Princeton's line. Camp takes the 364 FOOTBALL ball, but as he is about to cross the goal-line is tackled by McNair, Minor, and Clarke. He rises to his feet, however, shakes off his tacklers and crosses over for a touchdown. The try for goal fails. Princeton forces the ball into Yale's quarters, but Trumbull extricates his team by long kicks, thereby forcing Princeton to touch down for safety. Prince- ton works the ball back to midfield, where the two teams play one another to a deadlock. Time is called and the game declared a draw at to 0. Princeton vs. Yale Hoboken, Nov. 28, 1878 PRINCETON YALE T. B. Bradford, '81, Forward, J. V. Farwell, 79. H. McDermott, '81, " P. C. Fuller, '81. H. H. Brotherlin, '80, " L. K. Hull, '83. B. Ballard, '80, Capt., " J. S. Harding, '80. H. K. Devereux, '80, " B. B. Lamb, '81. H. McAlpin, '81, " P. King, '80. F. Loney, '81, " F. M. Eaton, '82. F. T. Bryan, '80, J. B. Waller, '79, Half-back, F. J. Brown, '78. H. L. Minor, '79, " W. A. Peters, '80. T. M. McNair, '79, " O. D. Thompson, '79. I. P. Withington, '80, " R. W. Watson, '81. F. Larkin, '79, Back, Walter Camp, '80, Capt. H. M. Cutts, '80, " W. J. Wakeman, '77. W. Miller, '80, " W. W. K. Nixon, '81. W. I. Badger, '82. Referee: L. N. Littauer, '78, Harvard. Judges: W. E. Dodge, '79, Princeton; G. H. Clark, '80, Yale. Score: Princeton 1 touchdown, 1 goal, Yale 0. Second Half: Touchdown by I. P. Withington, goal by T. M. McNair. Note. — For system of scoring see Rule 7, convention Nov. 26, 1876, Appendix. Safeties did not affect the score in the Prince ton- Yale series until 1881. PRINCETON VS. YALE 365 First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the wind. Camp kicks off for Yale. Princeton returns the kick. Camp obtains a free kick. Waller tries to return Camp's kick, but Yale blocks the ball and forces Princeton to touch down for safety. The ball is brought out and kicked off. Yale returns the kick, forcing Princeton to make another safety. McNair tries a long drop kick at Yale's goal. Camp catches, but is immediately thrown. Minor gets the ball on a fumble and makes a long run, being tackled by Badger. The ball is now in midfield. Yale attempts long passes. Camp races through the Princeton players, but is stopped by Waller. Some sharp scrimmages ensue in which Yale gains ground. Camp tries a drop kick, but the ball is blocked by Loney. Thompson recovers the ball and makes a run, Bryan tackling sharply. Princeton gets the ball behind the line from a kick and touches down for safety. On the kick-out a punting duel ensues, the ball changing fields several times, finally going behind Princeton's goal-line where Larkin touches down for safety, and a moment later touches down again as time is called for the half. Second Half: McNair kicks off by a drop kick. Camp catches, but is thrown in his tracks. Camp now kicks, Mc- Nair catches and makes a brilliant run, taking the ball close to Yale's goal. Camp gets the ball from a scrimmage and tries to g^t around the forwards, but is thrown by Bradford. Withington gets ball out of a scrimmage and carries it close to Yale's goal-line, where he makes a long pass to McNair, who tries for a drop kick, but fails. Loney falls on the ball for a touchdown. Yale protests and the touchdown is not allowed. Play is resumed a few feet from the goal-line. The ball is passed to McNair, who kicks across the line, forcing Yale to make a safety. Camp kicks out, Princeton forces the ball back again by a clever pass. The scrimmage is formed 20 feet from Yale's goal-line. Withington breaks 366 FOOTBALL through for a touchdown. McNair kicks the goal. Camp kicks off for Yale, Princeton returns the kick. Yale starts from midfield. Camp, Thompson, and Farwell carrying the ball, and forces the fighting well down into Princeton's ter- ritory, where the latter makes a safety. Princeton kicks out, the ball is returned, McNair catches it and gets away for a long run, being downed by Hull at midfield, when the game ends. Princeton vs. Yale Hoboken. Nov. 27, 1879 TALE PRINCETON F. T. Bryan, '80, E. C. Peace, '83, F. Loney, '81, B. Ballard, '80, Capt., H. K. Devereux, '80, H. H. Brotherlin, '80, T. B. Bradford, '81, I. P. Withington, '80, B. Lee, '80, T. M. McNair, '79, T. H. P. Farr, '81, M. R. Ely, '82, W. S. Horton, '80, H. M. Cults, '80, A. B. Duncan, '80, Referee: Robert Bacon, '80, Harvard. Judges: A. McLaren, '80, Princeton; W. C. McHenry, '80, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. Note. — For system of scoring see Rule 7, convention Nov. 26, 1876, Appendix. Safeties did not affect the score in the Princeton- Yale series until 1881. First Half: Yale wins the toss and gets both the wind and the sun. Ballard kicks off for Princeton and Yale rushes the ball back to Princeton*s 40-yard mark. Camp tries two drop kicks in succession. Neither makes a goal, but they force the play near Princeton's goal-line. McNair, Forward, C. B. Storrs, '82. J. Moorehead, '80. B. B. Lamb, '81. L. K. Hull, '83. J. S. Harding, '80. " F. Remington, '81. H. H. Knapp, '82. F. R. Vemon, '81. Half-back, C. S. Beck, '83. W. A. Peters, '80. Walter Camp, '80, Capt. ♦ " R. W. Watson, '81. W. L Badger, '82. Back, W. W. K. Nixon, '81. C. W. Lyman, '82. PRINCETON VS. YALE 367 Loney, and Cutts tackle sharply and save the goal-line, but are forced to touch down three times for safety during the half. Second Half: Camp opens the second half by a dribble to Harding. Again the ball is rushed well into Princeton's territory. Cutts makes a prodigious kick and lands the ball in front of the Yale posts. The scrimmages are very severe and neither side seems able to advance the ball more than a few feet against the clean, hard tackling of the other. The ball goes frequently into touch in Yale's territory. Princeton invariably puts it in play by taking it out 15 paces and putting it down for a scrimmage. Yale, how- ever, in her own territory throws the ball out or makes a quick pass. After twenty minutes of monotonous play of this character Princeton begins to force Yale back, Lee, Withington, and Farr making good gains. The ball is now within kicking distance of the goal. A quick pass is made to McNair, who drops a goal from the 45-yard line, but it crosses the goal above the posts (a "poster"), and does not count. Yale touches down for safety. Camp now proposes to make some substitutions for Yale, but Ballard will not permit it, claiming that the Yale players are not injured. A long dispute ensues and the substitutions are not made. Beck, Peters, and Camp now start a series of rushes which takes the ball well down to Princeton's line. Camp tries another drop kick, but misses. Princeton, how- ever, is forced to touch down for safety. Soon after time is called. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 25, 1880 PRINCETON YALE T. B. Bradford, '81, Forward, P. C. Fuller, '81. H. McDermott, '81, " C. S. Beck, '83. C. McKee, '81, " F. R. Vernon, '81. E. C. Peace, '83, " J. S. Harding, '80. F. Loney, '81. Capt., " B. B. Lamb, '81. 368 FOOTBALL PRINCETON J. P. Flint, '83, D. P. Morgan, '83, B. G. Winton, '82, J. Chetwood, '82, T. W. Cauldwell, '81, J. S. Harlan, '83, Forward, <( Quarter-back, Half-back, Back, YALE C. B. Storrs, '82. W. L. Adams, '82. W. I. Badger, '82. R.W.Watson, '81, Capt. Walter Camp, '80. B. W. Bacon. '81. Referee: W. H. Manning, '82, Harvard. Judges: H. McAlpin, '81, Princeton; G. H. Clark, '80, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. Note. — For system of scoring see Rule 7, convention Nov. 26, 1876, Appendix. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the wind. Camp kicks off for Yale and Harlan returns. Rushes are followed by kicks and the ball is forced down into Yale's goal, where it is touched down for safety. The ball is brought out and punted down the field. Harlan sends it back. Camp makes a long, brilliant run, carrying the ball almost to Princeton's line, but is stopped by Harlan. Prince- ton is in straits and makes several safeties. Snow is falling heavily, but play follows play in rapid succession. Storrs is tackling sharply, thus checking Peace and Flint, who are hammering hard for Princeton. The half ends with the ball in midfield. Second Half: Winton opens the second half by a long kick for Princeton. Camp returns the kick and Cauldwell sends it back. Camp attempts to kick, but Peace blocks, and Morgan gets the ball. With a clear field he starts for the Yale line, but slips and falls five yards away. Before he can rise Camp is on him. Yale gets the ball out of scrimmage and touches down for safety. Camp kicks out. Great running, passing, and tackling now break forth on each team and the ball traverses up and down the field PRINCETON VS. YALE 369 with brilliant rapidity. Again it is down in Yale's goal and the Blue makes another safety. The ground has now be- come heavy and slippery and the ball is covered with sleet. Yale drives the ball back and for fifteen minutes maintains a fierce attack on Princeton's line, the Orange making six safeties in succession to hold their adversaries back. Cap- tain Loney, for Princeton, shrewdly directs his half-back, Chetwood, to rush instead of kicking or passing.* Fortune also is with Princeton in getting the ball out" of the mauls. Princeton works out to the 25-yard line, where Yale holds the Orange for scrimmage after scrimmage, Princeton still hold- ing the ball without passing or kicking. Yale is chagrined at these novel tactics of blocking their attack by withholding the ball, but the stratagem succeeds and the game ends in a draw. In the attacks of the game Princeton has touched down for safety eleven times and Yale six, but safeties do not count in the scoring. PRINCETON J. P. Flint, '83, S. H. Benton, '82, J. H. Bryan, '82, L. Riggs, '83, J. T. Haxall, '83, P. T. Bryan, '82, Capt T. A. C. Baker, '83, E. C. Peace, '83, A. F, Burt, '82, J. S. Harlan, '83, W. McD. Shaw, '82, A. S. Bickman, '82. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 24, 1881 YALE Forward, B. B. Lamb, '81. Quarter-back, Half-back, Back, Substitute, C. S. Beck, '83. R. Tompkins, '84. L. K. Hull, '83. C. B. Storrs, '82. A. L. Farwell, '84. H. H. Knapp, '82. W. I. Badger, '82. Walter Camp, '80, Capt. E. L. Richards, '85. B. W. Bacon, '81. C. S. Hebard. '82. * This style of play became known as the " block game.' 370 FOOTBALL PRINCETON YALE G. R. Fleming, '83, Substitute, H. B. Twombly, '84. A. W. McMillan, '84, " F. E. Beach, '83. J. L. Woolston, '84, " F. A. Benedict, '84. O. Rafferty, '82, Referee: W. H. Manning, '82, Harvard. Judges: B. G. Winton, '82, Princeton; R. W. Watson, '81, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the goal with a fair wind. Harlan surprises Yale by dribbling instead of kicking, then quickly picking up the ball and running with it. Tompkins stops him for a small gain. Riggs tries to pierce the line, but is thrown by Storrs. On the next play the ball is fumbled. Richards kicks it while bound- ing on the ground. Camp overtakes it and lifts a high sailing punt from the ground which the wind takes to Princeton's goal-line. Lamb and Farwell are down with the ball and Harlan is forced to throw the ball to Burt for a touch-in-goal to avoid a safety. The ball is taken to the 25-yard line, where Princeton elects to put it in play by a scrimmage. The play indicates that Princeton is about to launch the "block game" *. The indications are cor- rect. Peace hits the Yale line, but Storrs throws him back. Baker repeats the attempt and Tompkins stops him. Harlan dashes for the end, but Lamb gets him. The plays are repeated, but without gain. Princeton now directs play after play against the line, but Yale does not give an inch. For nearly twenty minutes the ball hits the Yale line without an impression, the 25-yard line gleaming continually beneath the feet of the players. The crowd *The " block game " designated the persistent retention of the ball by one side. This was possible under the rules of the period, which did not require a team to surrender the ball upon failure to gain a certain number of yards. Thus if a team did not kick or fumble it might retain the ball indefinitely. For explanation of extra periods see Rule 5, convention Oct. 8, 1881, Appendix. PRINCETON VS. YALE 371 yells in derision at Princeton's tactics in holding the ball and not kicking, but the attack on the line monotonously keeps up. Out on the end Flint and Lamb are engaged in a personal encounter that greatly amuses the crowd. At every move of the Yale man Flint endeavors to block him. Frequently their arms are intertwined or wrapped around one another's body. Suddenly Peace gets past the Yale line with the ball. Lamb gets loose from Flint and makes the tackle. Harlan takes the ball, but cannot gain, as Camp throws him heavily. The ball is dropped and Camp picks it up and starts for Princeton's goal. The entire Princeton team pile upon him and bury him beneath a struggling mass, beneath which Flint steals the ball away. On the next play Baker gets by the line, but Storrs brings him down with a wonderful tackle with one hand. Time is now called for the half. Princeton has had the ball throughout the entire half with the exception of four and a half minutes. There have been only four kicks. Second Half: Yale opens the second half with the ball. Camp dribbles and runs, indicating that Yale is now to play the " block game," and play it Yale did, not once losing or surrendering the ball throughout the entire second half of forty-five minutes. Stoirs and Hull are given the ball re- peatedly, but Princeton's line is the same stone wall on de- fence that Yale's was in the first half. Bryan, Flint, Riggs, and Peace balk every attack. The assault monoto- nously keeps up and the defence meets it at every point. Forty minutes have thus been expended and the ball has not been twelve yards from the centre of the field. Time is about to expire as Storrs at last gets free. He starts on a wide run across the field, circles the end and clears for the goal-line. Riggs catches him on the 25-yard line and brings him down. Before play can be resumed the time is up. The referee notifies the two captains to be ready for the extra periods at five o'clock. On the hour the 372 FOOTBALL teams take the field. Camp kicks over Princeton's goal-line. Harlan runs the ball out and Princeton starts in play on the 25-yard line, resuming the tactics of the "block game." At the expiration of the half it is too dark to continue and time is called. The game ends in a draw at to 0. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 30, 1882 PRINCETON TALE F. R. Wadleigh, '83, P. T. Kimball, '84, J. T. Haxall, '83, G. F. Fleming, '83, C. W. Bird, '85, E. C. Peace, '83, Capt., L. Riggs, '83, D. P. Morgan, '83, T. A. C. Baker, '83, S. J. Poe, '84, Alex. Moffat, '84, End, Next to End, Next to Centre, Centre, Next to Centre, Next to End, End, Quarter-back, Half-back, (( Full-back, H. H. Knapp, '82. W. H. Hyndman, '84. R.Tompkins, '84, Capt. L. K. Hull, '83. F. G. Peters, '86. C. S. Beck, '83. A. L. Farwell, '84. H. B. Twombly, '84. E. L. Richards, '85. W. Terry, '85. B. W. Bacon. '81. Referee: E. T. Cabot, '83, Harvard. Judges: D. M. Look, '84, Princeton; W. I. Badger, '82, Yale. Score: Princeton 1 goal, 1 safety; Yale 2 touchdowns, 2 goals, 1 safety. First Half: Touchdown by C. S. Beck, goal by E. L. Richards, goal from field by J. T. Haxall. Sec- ond Half: Safety by A. Moffat; touchdown by R. Tompkms, goal by B. W. Bacon; safety by Yale. Note. — For system of scoring see Amended Rule 5, con- vention Oct. 8, 1881, and Amended Rule 7, convention Oct. 14, 1882, Appendix. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the goal backed by a strong breeze. Yale dribbles and rushes the ball by gains of Twombly, Richards, and Terry down to Princeton's quarters. Princeton is in straits, but fights gamely. Poe, Bird, and Riggs tackle fiercely and Moffat lifts tremendous kicks. Gradually the ball comes closer and closer to the line. At last Richards drops a field goal, but his men were off side and the ball is brought out. Moffat lifts it far down the field, but the Yale men rush it PRINCETON VS. YALE 373 back, Twombly making the distance in two attempts. Beck now bursts through for a touchdown. Richards kicks the goal. Time, thirty-two minutes. Princeton kicks off, Yale returns, and Princeton makes a fair catch. Haxall lifts the ball down to Yale's 30-yard line. Richards takes the ball on the run and, with increased speed, kicks it while running far down into Princeton's territory, where Moffat cleanly catches it and heels for a free kick. The ball is then returned into Yale's quarters. Bacon immediately returns it to midfield. The duel is continued. Baker makes a fair catch on his 45-yard line. On the next play Haxall, standing 65 yards distant from Yale's goal and 15 yards to the side of centre, lifts a mighty place kick squarely between the posts, thus scoring the longest place kick on record. The half now ends. Second Half: The second half opens and Princeton im- mediately takes the aggressive, Yale being willing to hold its lead. Princeton dribbles and Bird, picking up the ball, punts. Richards returns the ball and Moffat heels a fair catch. The kick is fumbled, but Richards soon gets the ball and punts almost to Princeton's goal-line. Moffat sends it back to centre. Poe gets the ball and runs 40 yards. On the next play the ball is lost and Hull brings it back to midfield. Farwell now sends a long kick behind Princeton's line and Moffat touches down for safety. A great kicking duel breaks out, which lasts for five minutes, the ball being continually in the air and the forwards run- ning back and forth from end to end. The ball goes out of bounds, and Princeton, to avoid making safeties, is forced to touch three times in goal. Tompkins gets the ball and rolls across the line. The crowd, in great excitement, breaks out upon the field. Princeton claims a foul. An attempt is made to clear the field. The referee allows the touch- down and Bacon kicks the goal. Princeton renews the con- test with increased vigor, rushing the ball down to Yale's 374 FOOTBALL goal, where it is pushed over. The referee decides that Yale was holding the ball at the time for a down and the play goes as a touch in goal by Yale. Princeton at once forces Yale to make a safety. The ball is kicked to mid- field. Poe, by a great run, makes 20 yards and repeats the performance on the next play, landing the ball on Yale's 5-yard line. Farwell gets it and punts back to midfield. Poe, Baker, and Moffat again take the ball up to the Yale line, but the latter holds in the last ditch and Bacon gets the ball, and sends it out of danger. The time is getting short now, and the Orange jerseys are steaming with the final efforts to beat the Blue. Again the ball is driven to Yale's goal, but Terry sends it back. Once more Poe, Fleming, and Moffat reel off long runs. The ball is fumbled. Rich- ards gets it, but before it can be kicked time is called, the game ends, and victory is awarded to Yale. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 24, 1883 PRINCETON YALE J. M. T. Finney, '84, End, H. H. Knapp, '82. M. C. Kennedy, '84, Next to End, W. H. Hyndman, '84. T. H. Harris, '86, Guard, F. G. Peters, '86. J. M. Harlan, '84, Centre, L. K. Hull, '83. C. W. Bird, '85, Guard, R. Tompkins, '84, Capt. L. R. Wanamaker, '86, Next to End, S. R. Bertron, '85. R. J. Travers, '84, End, A. L. Farwell, '84. P. T. Kimball, '84, Quarter-back, H. B. Twombly, '84. Alex. Moffat, '84, Capt. Half-back, W. Terry, '85. H. C. Lamar, '86, " E. L. Richards, '85. A. T. Baker, '85, Back, B. W. Bacon, '81. Referee: R. M. Appleton, '84, Harvard. Judges: D. M. Look, '84, Princeton; F. Kellogg, '83, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 6. First Half: Touchdown by F. G. Peters, goal by E. L. Richards. Note. — For system of scoring see convention Oct. 17, 1883, Appendix. PRINCETON VS. YALE 375 First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the wind. Terry kicks off by a dribble to Twombly, who picks up the ball and runs. Succeeding rushes by Yale carry the ball within 10 yards of Princeton's goal. Princeton gets the ball and Moffat punts. Peters catches and by hard rushing and brilliant dodging takes the ball through the entire Princeton eleven and over the line for a touchdown, which is followed by a goal by Richards. Princeton kicks off. Lamar gets the ball and makes 35 yards. The ball is lost on a fumble and Knapp and Farwell by short rushes work it back to midfield. Here Princeton stops the advance and gets the ball. Moffat lifts the leather to Yale's goal-line. Rich- ards runs it back 10 yards and punts and Hull recovers the ball. Terry by a long run carries the ball to the 35-yard line. Hull follows with a rush to the 10-yard mark, where Bird stops him from a touchdown. Sharp rushing and tackling ensue here, but the ball is lost, and Moffat sends it back to midfield, where time soon after is called. Second Half: In the second half Travers takes Wana- maker's place. Moffat opens the game with a long kick, which Richards returns. Moffat again sends the ball down the field. Twombly makes the catch and on the en- suing kick lifts the ball well into Princeton's quarters. Moffat gets it and runs it out, kicking magnificently while at full speed. Yale fumbles and Harris gets the ball. Un- able to gain by scrimmaging, Moffat tries for a field goal, but misses the post by an inch. Yale punts out and Lamar, catching, runs 20 yards. Here Yale stops the advance and gets the ball. On the line-up the ball is dribbled and passed to Richards, who is far out to the side. He reaches the 15-yard line before being thrown. On the next play Rich- ards, standing near the side line, prepares for a difficult try at goal. Princeton's ends rush, run at him and, by clever body-checking, block the kick and get the ball. 376 FOOTBALL Moffat at once punts out of danger. Richards and Knapp quickly rush it back. Richards again tries for a goal, and the Princeton ends, by their beautiful body-checking, again block the kick, Moffat getting the ball. On the next play, to avoid a safety, Moffat touches down the ball in goal. The ball is then brought out to the 25-yard line and Moffat punts to midfield, where the game ends. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 27, 1884 PRINCETON YALE C. M. De Camp, '86, End, W. N. Goodwin, '85. L. R. Wanamaker, '86, Tackle, L. F. Robinson, '85. T. H. Harris, '86, Guard, A. B. Coxe, '87. J. C. Adams, '86, Centre, F. G. Peters, '86. C. W. Bird, '85, Capt., Guard, H. R. Flanders, '85. W. M. Irvine, '88, Tackle, S. R. Bertron, '85. H. L. Hodge, '86, End, F. W. Wallace, '89. D. Edwards, '85, (( R. Ronalds, '86. R. M. Hodge, '86, Quarter-back, T. L. Bayne, '87. H. P. Toler, '86, Half-back, E. L. Richards, '85, Capt. H. C. Lamar, '86, " O. G. Jennings, '87. (( W. Terry, '85. Alex. Moffat, '84, Back. M. H. Marlin, '86. Referee: R. M. Appleton, '84, Harvard. Judges: W. W. Connor, '85, Princeton; L. K. Hull, '83, Yale. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. First Half: Yale wins the toss and takes the ball. Coxe gets the ball and runs 10 yards, passing to Bayne as he is about to be tackled. Princeton intercepts the pass and gets the ball. Hodge, on the line-up, sends a long pass out to the end rush, but Yale in turn intercepts and gets the ball. Coxe makes 2 yards through the centre. Bayne runs 10, and as he is about to be tackled, passes to Richards, who con- tinues for 40 more. Yale's heavy centre now forces the ball to the 5-yard line. Bertron takes it over for a touchdown PRINCETON VS. YALE 377 and Terry kicks the goal. Princeton kicks off by a dribble and quick passes to Lamar, who dodges and dashes to Yale's 25-yard line. Moffat tries for a field goal at a difficult angle, but misses. De Camp gets the ball behind the line and makes a touchdown. Hodge makes the kick for goal, but the ball glances to the side. Yale brings the ball out to the 25-yard line and Richards makes a long punt down the field. Moffat sends it back to the 30-yard line. Yale starts a series of hard rushes. Peters makes 20, Terry adds 20 more, and Bayne another 20. Princeton intercepts a side pass and Moffat gets away for a 45-yard run. Yale stops the attack and gets the ball. Richards gets away on the first down for a long run, but is injured. Jennings takes his place. Kicks are now exchanged, Terry and Moffat doing the kicking. The punting duel terminates by a 20- yard run by Moffat. Lamar duplicates the feat by carry- ing the ball to Yale's 25-yard line. Moffat tries for a goal from the field, but fails. De Camp is hurt and goes off. Moffat gets another chance at a field goal, but the ball falls short. Wallace catches it and runs out 20 yards. Terry carries it to Princeton's 40-yard line, where the half ends. Second Half: Princeton opens the second half with a dribble, pass to Lamar, and a run by the latter of 25 yards. Moffat then kicks. Wallace and Terry by short rushes work the ball back to Princeton's 25-yard line. Here Princeton recovers the ball and Harris and Bird get away for long gains. Moffat from the 45-yard line drops a field goal. A prolonged dispute ensues between the rival judges. Finally the referee refuses to allow it. Yale punts out from the 25-yard line. A few plays later Terry gets the ball and dashes for 35 yards. The ball is fumbled and Princeton carries it back to Yale's 40-yard line. Moffat tries for an- other goal, but misses. A few minutes later he drops back 378 FOOTBALL for another try, but Ronalds blocks the kick. Wallace and Terry by two magnificent runs carry the ball to Princeton's 25-yard line. Here sharp tackling by Princeton gets the ball and Moffat lifts it 65 yards down the field. Terry catches on the run, and eluding the entire Princeton team except Moffat, brings it back to the 25-yard line, Moffat tackling. On the next play Edwards leaps through the line and takes the ball from Yale's quarter-back, advan- cing 25 yards. Yale's judge claims that Edwards was off- side. A long wrangle ensues terminating in a decision by the referee that Edwards was off-side and that the ball shall go to Yale at midfield. The game has been so pro- longed by the various altercations of the contending teams that it has now become dark. Eighteen minutes still re- main to play. The referee calls the game on account of darkness. Yale claims the victory upon the points scored, 6 to 4.* Princeton contends that the game must be de- clared a tie at to under Rule 22 of the intercollegiate code requiring a championship game to consist of two halves of forty-five minutes each. The referee reserves his decision until he can examine the rules. The teams and crowds thereupon leave the field. Subsequently the referee declares the contest no game and the score as to 0. Note. — Late in the evening following this game the Intercollegiate Convention assembled at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, in New York. Yale appealed from the decision of Mr. Appleton, the referee, in declaring this contest "no game and the score as to 0." The convention voted, however, to sustain the decision of the referee. See con- vention of Nov. 27, 1884, Appendix. * See amended rule of scoring, No. 6, convention of Dec. 5, 1883, Appendix. PRINCETON VS. YALE 379 Princeton vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 21, 1885 PRINCETON YALE C. M. De Camp, '86, Capt., Right End, W. J. Cook, '89, Right Tackle, T. H. Harris, '86, J. C. Adams, '86, H. W. Cowan, '88, W. M. Irvine, '88, H. L. Hodge, '86, R. M. Hodge, '86, H. C. Lamar, '86, H. P. Toler, '86, H. S. Savage, '87, Right Guard, Centre, Left Guard, Left Tackle, Left End, Quarter-back, Right Half-back, Left Half-back, Full-back, R. N. Corwin, '87. H. L. Hamlin, '87. C. O. Gill, '89. G. W. Woodruff, '89. F. G. Peters, '86, Capt. A. C. Lux, '88. G. R. Carter, '88. F. W. Wallace, '89. H. Beecher, '88. W. T. Bull, '88. G. A. Watkinson, '89. E. L. Burke, '87. Referee: Walter Camp, '80, Yale. Score: Princeton 6, Yale 5. First Half: Goal from field by G. A. Watkinson. Second Half: Touch- down by H. C. Lamar, goal by R. M. Hodge. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the ball. The game opens by a dribble and pass to Cowan, who makes a slight gain. The ball is passed out to De Camp, who makes 5 yards. Beecher stops Lamar by a sharp tackle. Two more rushes without gain give the ball to Yale. Watkinson lifts a tremendous kick over Prince- ton's goal-line. R. M. Hodge punts out from the 25-yard line, and Wallace, catching, runs it back 5 yards before De Camp brings him down. Watkinson gets away for a run of 20 yards and kicks on the run. Savage catching. A dribble to Lamar results in no gain. The play is repeated and Peters stops him by a hard tackle. Princeton abandons rushing and turns to a kicking game. Watkinson catches the ball. Beecher in two runs gains 10 yards. Bull adds 20 more. Wallace plants the ball on the 35-yard line, but De Camp and Hodge stop the advance. Yale forms for a try at goal. Cowan breaks through and blocks the kick. A great punting duel ensues. Scrimmaging is resumed. Watkinson tries for another goal from the field, but misses. 380 FOOTBALL Princeton punts out. Corwin dashes for 25 yards, being at last stopped by Harris. Watkinson and Beecher take the ball to the 5-yard line. Watkinson tries for another goal, but misses it by a foot. Savage punts out. Beecher, stand- ing on the side at the 45-yard line, catches the ball. He starts diagonally across the field and by a series of beautiful dodges crosses the line. The touchdown is not allowed, however, as he has run out of bounds. Princeton stops the attack and gets the ball. Savage punts. Watkinson catches and runs the ball back to the 25-yard line, from which he cleverly kicks a field goal. Princeton punts out, Beecher runs the ball back 20 yards, and time is called. Second Half: Yale opens the second half by a dribble and pass to Watkinson for a kick. Toler catches and re- turns. Yale fumbles and Harris gets the ball. On the snap, Peters, at centre, seizes the ball from Adams. Beecher on the first play takes it to the 25-yard line. Princeton's line will not yield an inch and Yale loses the ball. Lamar kicks and Watkinson returns. Princeton, by a series of sharp rushes, now works the ball well into Yale's territory, Harris and Lamar making good gains. The ball then changes sides frequently. Harris g^ts out of a scrimmage and runs to the 15-yard line. Lamar reaches the 5-yard line. Three hard rushes fail to gain and Yale gets the ball. Peters, Watkinson, and Beecher work the ball back to the centre. Hamlin is hurt and Gill takes his place. The ball remains here for a long time, oscillating back and forth from side to side, interrupted only by a kick and a return. Only ten minutes are left to play. Yale starts a steady but slow advance toward Princeton's goal. Peters calls for a kick. The ball is passed to Watkinson, who sends a long, high punt down the field. The ball strikes the ground and bounds toward the side line. Lamar seizes it on the bound and, with a peculiar loping but swift motion. PRINCETON VS. YALE 381 darts between Corwin and Wallace. Turning sharply he runs along the southern side line. Bull and Beeeher mass to tackle or to force him out of bounds. With incredible swiftness he turns suddenly to the right, and as Beeeher leaps to tackle, dodges beneath him and thus dives into a clear field. Peters, coming up swiftly from behind, is over- taking him. As they reach the last line Peters dives, but Lamar springs away and crosses the line for a touchdown. R. M. Hodge kicks the goal. Yale kicks off and Princeton at once commences an attack that steadily forces the Blue back, but time is nearly up, and as the ball comes to mid- field the game is called. Princeton vs. Yale Princeton, Nov. 25, 1886 PRINCETON YALE H. L. Hodge, '86, F. Moore, '89, H. W. Cowan, '88, W. J. George, '89, W. M. Irvine, '88, W. J. Cook, '89, E. O. Wagenhurst, '88, R. M. Hodge, '86, K. L. Ames, '90, L. E. Price, '88, T. H. Savage, '87, Capt. Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Half-back, (( Full-back, F. W. Wallace, '89. C. O. Gill, '89. J. J. Buchanan, '89. W. H. Corbin, '89. G. W. Woodruff, '89. G. R. Carter, '88. R. N. Corwin, '87, Capt. H. Beeeher, '88. G. A. Watkinson, '89. S. B. Morison, '91. W. T. Bull. '88. Referee: T. H. Harris, '86, Princeton. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 0. First Half: The game is called nearly two hours late through inability to obtain a referee, Mr. Harris, of Prince- ton, finally consenting to act. A heavy rain is falling. Yale wins the toss and takes the ball. Corbin dribbles to Beeeher, who gains 10 yards. Yale fumbles and Princeton gets the ball. Hodge sends a pass to Ames, who starts for the end, but is downed by Wallace. On the third down Savage touches down for a loss of 10 yards, to make first 382 FOOTBALL down under the rules. On the next play he attempts to punt, but is thrown in his tracks by Gill. Savage then lifts a punt down to Yale's 30-yard line. A sharp exchange of kicks follows. Princeton begins rushing tactics, send- ing Ames and Price into the line in rapid succession for repeated gains, carrying the ball to Yale's 10-yard line. Here Yale holds. On the fourth down Savage again touches down 10 yards back to gain a first down. On the line-up Savage drops back for a try at goal, but Woodruff is through and prevents the kick. Hodge makes 20 yards, but Ames on the next play is thrown by Wallace for a loss of ten. Savage again kicks. Yale gets the ball and punts. Several scrimmages ensue, resulting in Yale getting the ball. Gill, Watkinson, and Morison are sent against the line. Twice Yale is compelled to touch down for a 10-yard loss in order to hold the ball. The play suddenly shifts by a long kick to Princeton's goal, Hodge being thrown by Beecher on the 4-yard line. On the next play Princeton fumbles and Cor- win gets the ball and crosses the line. The play is not al- lowed, as the Yale centre has kicked the ball in play instead of its being snapped by Princeton. Princeton punts to midfield and time is called. Second Half: The second half opens as darkness is closing down and the rain is falling in increased torrents. Prince- ton opens with the V and makes 10 yards. Yale punts and gets the ball near Princeton's goal. Watkinson tries for a field goal, but fails. The ball goes over the line, having been touched by Savage. Wallace falls on it for a touchdown. The goal is missed. The crowd breaks upon the field in great excitement and fifteen minutes elapse before play can be resumed. Play is resumed for five minutes without further result. Owing to the delay in starting this game it has now become dark. Twenty minutes still remain to play. The referee calls the game and declares it "no PRINCETON VS. YALE 383 game and the score as to 0." Captain Corwin demands that the game shall be awarded to Yale by a score of 4 to 0. Princeton claims that the decision shall stand in accordance with the precedent of 1884. The referee maintains his decision of no game. Note. — At the ensuing intercollegiate convention Yale claimed the championship, but the convention declined to award it. See convention of Nov. 28, 1886, Appendix. Also see report of Committee on Championships, convention of Oct. 4, 1890, Appendix. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 19. 1887 PRINCETON S. C. Hodge, '88, J. R. Church, '88, H. W. Cowan, '88, W. J. George, '89, W. M. Irvine, '88, R. E. Speer, '89, E. O. Wagenhurst, '8 J. Hancock, '88, L. E. Price, '88, W. C. Price, '88, R. H. Channing, '91, K. L. Ames, '90, YALE Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, (( « Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, <( (( Right Half, Full-back, F. W. Wallace, '89. C. O. Gill, '89. G. R. Carter, '88. C. T. Brooks, '89. W. H. Corbin, '89. G. W. Woodruff, '89. W. C. Rhodes, '91. S. M. Cross, '88. F. C Pratt, '88. H. Beecher, '88, Capt. W. P. Graves, '91. W. C Wurtenberg, '89. W. T. Bull, '88. Referee: W. A. Brooks, '87, Harvard. Umpire: R. F. Fiske, '87, Harvard. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 12. First Half: Touchdown by W. P. Graves, goal by W. T. Bull. Second Half: Touchdown by W. H. Corbin, goal by W. T. Bull. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the ball. The ball is dribbled to Hancock, who runs, but passes to Ames for 15 yards. Three rushes more take the ball to Yale's 25-yard line. Yale gets it on downs and Graves punts. Price and Ames advance it 10 yards, but Princeton 384 FOOTBALL is forced to punt. Both sides are fumbling frequently. Channing, Ames, and Cowan force it well down into Yale's territory, but Ames is forced to kick. Yale returns, Prince- ton fumbles, and Gill gets the ball. Yale cannot gain and Bull punts. Ames catches on Princeton's 25-yard line. Princeton prepares to kick, but Wurtenberg gets the ball and crosses the line. The ball is brought back for holding. Princeton punts. Gill rushes it back. Yale is held for downs and Princeton again punts. Yale by short gains forces it back to the 5-yard line, but cannot get it across. Ames once more lifts the ball far down the field. Graves, Gill, and Bull start the advance again and reach the 10-yard line. Graves this time gets it over for a touchdown and Bull kicks the goal. Princeton kicks off and several minutes of fierce scrimmaging ensues on the 40-yard line, which ends by the call of time for the first half. Second Half: W. C. Price takes the place of L. E. Price for Princeton and Yale opens with a rush by Woodruff, fol- lowed by Gill, Graves, and Wurtenberg, taking the ball to the 20-yard line, where the advance is checked. Bull punts. Princeton makes a short gain, but Ames is com- pelled to kick. Gill and Woodruff alternate with Wurten- berg and Graves, and the ball is steadily pushed down the field toward Princeton's goal. Corbin finally takes it over for a touchdown. Bull kicks the goal. Brooks takes Carter's place for Yale. Princeton dribbles to Price, who makes a run of 25 yards. No further gain can be made and Ames punts. Bull returns. Cowan gets the ball and ploughs solidly through the Yale team, Beecher saving Yale from the touchdown. Yale gets the ball and Wood- ruff on the line-up gets away for the longest run of the game, 60 yards, being tackled by Price. Woodruff is hurt and Rhodes takes his place. Wallace and Graves make 25 yards, the latter interfering finely. Wurtenberg and PRINCETON VS. YALE 385 Graves carry the ball within 2 yards of Princeton's goal. Princeton holds for downs and Ames punts to midfield, where time is called. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 24, 1888 PRINCETON R. E. Speer, '89, W. J. Cook, '89, W. M. Irvine, '88, W. J. George, '89, H. H. Janeway, '90, H. W. Cowan, '88, Capt., J. B. Riggs, '92, D. Bovaird, '89, R. M. Hodge, '86, J. S. Black, '91, R. H. Channing, '91, K. L. Ames, '90, Left End, Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre Right Guard, Right Tackle, « tt Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, YALE F. W. Wallace, '89. C. O. Gill, '89. W. W. Heffelfinger, '91. W. H. Corbin, '89, Capt. G. W. Woodruff, '89. W. C. Rhodes, '91. A. A. Stagg, '88. W. C. Wurtenberg, 89. W. P. Graves, '91. Lee McClung, '92. P. W. Harvey, '91. W. T. Bull, '88. Referee: W. A. Brooks, '87, Harvard. Umpire: R. F. Fiske, '87, Harvard. Score: Princeton 0, Yale 10. First Half: Goal from field by W. T. Bull. Second Half: Goal from field by W. T. Bull. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the ball. The game opens with the "V- trick," Black running therein with the ball and gaining 15 yards. On the line-up Prince- ton springs a new play. The end rush runs in and blocks the opposing tackle; the half and full run out and carry the opposing end out, thus splitting the line in two. Cowan goes through the opening and reaches the 10-yard line.* The play is not allowed and the ball is given to Yale. Prince- ton soon regains it. Stagg and Gill stop the Princeton backs for a loss and Ames drops back for a try for goal. The ball goes wide. Yale puts the ball in play at the 25- yard line. Graves and Gill make short gains, but Speer * The origin of " boxing the tackle.'* 386 FOOTBALL and Bovaird stop the advance and Bull punts. The play continues in this manner for several minutes. Gill at last gets away for a run of 30 yards, but Cowan throws McClung for a loss on the next play and Bull is forced to punt. Ames makes a fair catch at the 25-yard line. Princeton draws back 10 yards and forms the V, coming forward on the play 20 yards. But Heffelfinger makes a tackle behind their line and Ames drops back to punt. Heffelfinger is through and blocks the kick. Gill and McClung rush the ball to the 20-yard line, but here sharp tackling by Irvine and Cowan throws Yale for a loss. Bull tries a drop kick, but misses the goal. Princeton starts from the 25-yard line with the V, but soon punts. Yale again brings the ball down to the 25-yard line and Bull tries unsuccessfully for another goal. Again the V makes 10 yards, and Black and Cowan follow it up by consecutive gains, carrying the ball to Yale's 40-yard line. Yale holds and gets the ball. Gill and Rhodes work it back, but Bull at last has to punt. Princeton begins an attack on the ends, but loses the ball for foul interference. Punts are exchanged and the two teams are played to a deadlock, with the half nearly over, when Princeton fumbles on the 10-yard line and Stagg gets the ball. Bull falls back and kicks an easy goal from the field. Princeton opens play with the wedge and then punts. Yale, by long runs of McClung, Bull, and Gill, carries the ball to the 5-yard line, where time is called. Second Half: During the second half play is even for nearly twenty-five minutes, being merely scrimmages with- out substantial gain, followed by punts. Wurtenberg goes off McClung taking his place. Black and Cowan make good gains and the ball is carried to Yale's 35-yard line. Yale holds for downs and Bull punts. Ames returns the kick and Harvey runs it back 30 yards. Heffelfinger adds 20 more. Cowan goes off and Riggs takes his place. Yale PRINCETON VS. YALE 387 bucks the line hard, but Cook and Janeway throw the run- ners back. Bull tries for a goal, but fails. Yale gets the ball and kicks and Stagg gets it on a fumble. Three rushes take the ball to Princeton's 25-yard line, where Yale is held and Bull tries for a field goal, but the ball goes wide. Princeton opens with a V on the 25-yard line, making 10 yards. Princeton now begins a brilliant running game. Hodge makes 10, Channing 25, and Ames 40, but Yale gets the ball on a foul. Heffelfinger, Gill, and McClung, by a series of rapid line plays, take the ball back to the 30-yard line. Only a minute is left to play. Bull, standing 37 yards from the line and far to the side, then drops a beautiful goal from the field and time is called. Princeton vs. Yale New York, Nov. 28, 1889 PRINCETON YALE B. Donnelly, '90, Left End, A. A. Stagg, '88. H. W. Cowan, '88, Left Tackle, C. O. Gill, '89, Capt. H. H. Janeway, '90, Left Guard, W. W. Heffelfinger, '91, W. J. George, '89, Centre, B. Hanson, '90. P. C. Jones, '91, ; ^ s EIGHT FAMOUS GAMES 449 change of punts nets 15 yards for Yale. Both teams resort to kicking. Dean at last tries an end run for 15 yards, starting from a kicking formation. Punting is resumed. The quarter closes with the ball at midfield. Fourth Quarter: Army kicks off and a kicking duel en- sues. Devore recovers a fumble on Yale's 20-yard line. Daly intercepts a forward pass and runs 30 yards and then adds 5 through the line. Yale fumbles and Army gets the ball. Punts are exchanged, the Army gaining 20 yards thereon. Surles heels a fair catch at 44. Dean tries and misses a goal from placement. Yale kicks from the 25-yard line and Kilpatrick recovers the ball on-side and runs 30 yards. Yale cannot gain and Daly drops a goal from the field at 35 yards. Dean kicks off. Both elevens resort to punts and time is called. Brown vs. Yale New Haven, Nov. 5, 1910 BROWN E. A. Adams, '12, O. M. Kratz, '13, D. H. Kulp, '13, C. P. Sisson, '11, J. S. Goldberg, '11, A. E. Corp, '11, B. G. Smith, '11, R. G. Ashbaugh, '12, W. E. Sprackling, '12, W. H. Marble, F. V. Young, '11, G. N. Crowther, '13, J. R. McKay, '11, J. F. High, '11, S. S. Bean, '14, Left End, <( i( Left Tackle, Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard, (< <( Right Tackle, Right End, Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, YALE J. A. Reilly, '12. S. F. Freeman, '11. J. W. Scully, '12. M. E. Fuller, '11. E. B. Morris, '11. C. H. Paul, '12. E. Savage, '11. S. H. Brooks, '11. E. A. Strout, '12. A. L. Corey, *11. J. W. Field, '11. R. C. Deming, '11. E. W. Freeman, '13. R. W. Baker, '13. F. J. Daly, '11. A. Howe, '12. J. H. Potter. '11. Referee: M. J. Thompson, *01, Georgetown. Umpire: R. G. Torrey, '06, Pennsylvania. Field Judge: A. E. Whiting, '98, Cornell. Lines- 450 FOOTBALL man: J. H. Costello, '06, Cornell. Score: Brown 21, Yale 0. Second Quarter: Goal from field by W. E. Sprackling. Third Quarter: Goal from field by W. E. Sprackling; touchdown by F. V. Young, goal by B. G. Smith; goal from field by W. E. Sprackling. Fourth Quarter: Touchdown by J. R. McKay, goal by B. G. Smith. First Quarter : Brown receives the kick-off, and after a first down McKay punts, Yale recovering the ball on the 1-yard line. Howe punts from behind the line and Sprack- ling heels the catch on Yale's 30-yard line. Sprackling tries for a goal, but the ball hits the cross-bar. Kicks are ex- changed and Adams recovers a fumble on Yale's 25-yard line. Sprackling kicks a goal from the field, but it is not al- lowed on account of holding. Kicks are exchanged and the quarter ends with the ball at midfield. Second Quarter: Yale starts play vigorously and forces the ball to Brown's 20-yard line. Unable to gain farther, Daly tries for a field goal, but misses. Kicks are exchanged. Brown gaining. Brown puts the ball down for a scrimmage and reaches Yale's 15-yard line aided by a long run by Marble. The Blue holds and Sprackling drops a goal from the field. Brown receives the kick-off and immediately forces Yale's line for substantial gains, being at midfield when time is called. Third Quarter: Sprackling receives the kick-off. Punts are exchanged. Brown puts the ball down for a scrimmage and drives Yale rapidly down the field. A long run by Sprackling and a forward pass to Smith put the ball on Yale's 20-yard line. Unable to advance farther, Sprackling drops a goal from the field. Yale takes the kick-off, but is forced to punt. McKay returns and the ball rolls out of bounds to Yale's 4-yard mark. Yale's punt is blocked and Brown gets the ball on the 2-yard mark. Young bursts through the line for a touchdown. Smith kicks the goal. Brown takes the kick-off and punts are exchanged. Yale has a kick blocked at midfield. Sprackling sends a pretty EIGHT FAMOUS GAMES 451 forward pass to McKay and the ball is down on Yale's 25- yard line. Yale tightens and Sprackling, dropping back, kicks another goal from the field. Fourth Quarter : The ball hovers around the middle line for several minutes without advantage to either team. Many punts are exchanged. Thus the quarter is expended until in the closing minute Sprackling sends a forward pass to McKay and the latter runs 65 yards for a touchdown. Smith kicks the goal. Lafayette vs. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Oct. 23, 1896 LAFAYETTE PENNSYLVANIA W. R. Worthington, '99, F. H. Yost, '00, H. C. Gates, '00, O. F. Rowland, '95, M. F. Jones, '98, C. R. Rinehart, '98, G. A. Wiedenmayer, '98, T. B. Speer, '99, W. R. Hill, '98, C. M. Best, '99, G. O. Barclay, '98, H. Zeiser, '97, E. G. Bray, '00, Left End, Left Tackle, « <( Left Guard, Centre, Right Guard Right Tackle, Right End, <( (( Quarter-back, Left Half, Right Half, Full-back, S. A. Boyle, '98. L. J. Uffenheimer, '99. J. Stannard, '98. P. D. Overfield, 'OL C. M. Wharton, '96. W. M. Farrar, '96. B. W. Dickson, '97. A. K. Dickson, '97. C. S. Gelbert, '97. J. H. Minds, '98. W. G. Woodruff. '97. Referee: L. T. Bliss, '93, Yale. Umpire: W. H. Corbin, '89, Yale. Linesman: R. D. Paine, '94, Yale. Score: Lafayette 6, Pennsylvania 4. First Half: Touchdown by L. J. Uffenheimer. Second Half: Touch- down and goal by G. O. Barclay. First Half: Pennsylvania wins the toss and takes the west goal. Rinehart kicks off to Wharton on the 5-yard line. Pennsylvania gains 20 yards in several plunges into the line, but fumbles the ball and Lafayette secures it. Lafayette cannot make first down and Bray punts out of bounds. Minds circles the end for 15. By short gains Pennsylvania with great difficulty finally works the ball to 452 FOOTBALL Lafayette*s 5-yard. Minds is thrown for a loss of 5 yards. On the next play Pennsylvania fumbles and Worthington gets the ball. Pennsylvania is set back 10 yards on a penalty. The Red and Blue holds for downs and gets the ball. Minds goes through the line for 2 and Gelbert follows for 2 more. A penalty also advances Pennsylvania 10 yards. Lafayette holds for downs. Two plunges into center net Lafay- ette 5 yards. On the next play the ball is lost on a fum- ble. Pennsylvania by swift, hard rushing forces the ball to the 3-yard mark. On the next play Uffenheimer goes through for a touchdown. The play is near the side line and the punt-out fails. Rinehart kicks off for Lafayette and Pennsyvlania returns the ball. Lafayette punts, Pennsyl- vania fumbles, and Wiedenmeyer gets the ball. The ball oscillates back and forth between the 20-yard lines, and time is called with the ball in Pennsyvlania's possession on La- fayette's 20-yard line. Second Half: Woodruff kicks off to Lafayette's 5-yard line. Overfield stops Zeiser on a centre plunge and Bray punts to Minds at midfield. Pennsylvania by short gains reaches Lafayette's 10-yard line, where the latter holds for downs and gets the ball. Bray punts 25 yards, and Penn- sylvania fumbling, Speer falls on the ball. For several minutes each team rushes for small gains and then is forced to punt. Pennsylvania tries a quarter-back kick, which Bray captures. Two plunges into the line net 12 yards. Lafayette fumbles and Boyle gets the ball. An exchange of kicks places the ball in Pennsylvania's possession on the 40- yard line. Minds falls back to punt, but Rowland breaks through and blocks the kick, catching the ball and retaining it. Lafayette tries a plunge at centre without gain. The ball is near the left side line 30 yards from the goal. Bray falls back and Lafayette forms for a drop kick. The for- mation is a feint. The ball is passed to Barclay, who on a EIGHT FAMOUS GAMES 453 quick opening dashes along the left side line for 20 yards, being forced out of bounds at the 10-yard line. The ball is brought in and Bray is sent against the centre without gain. On the next play Barclay goes around the right end for a touchdown. A moment later he kicks the goal. Only six minutes are left to play. Pennsylvania kicks off and La- fayette in nine plays takes the ball 60 yards. Time is called with the ball in the latter's possession on the 15-yard line. LAFAYETTE A. A. Blaicher, 10, A. R. Hayes, '10, A. R. Crane, '13, L. R. Jones, '13, E. C. Foresman, '11, T. S. Fillmore, '11, F. C. McCutcheon, '10, E. J. Roche, '12, W. W. Probst, '12, R. Woodcock, '11, L. M. Schwenk, '11, J. F. Moore, '10, W. F. Dannehauer, '12, W. E. Norris, '11, ^ M. J. Conover, '11, S. M. Alexander, *13, F. H. Irmschler, '10, G. S. McCaa, '10, Lafayette vs. Princeton Princeton, Oct. 23, 1909 PRINCETON C. Ballin, '10. Left End, « « Left Tackle, (( (t Left Guard, « tt Centre, Right Guard, Right Tackle, H. E. Gill, '10. R. C. Siegling, '10. J. C. Musser, '11. I. M. Woehr, '10. H. E. Buckingham, *10. F. C. Bamman, '10. P. E. Waller, '10. J. M. McCrohan, '11. Right End, T. H. Welch, '10. Quarter-back, Left Half, (t (I Right Half, Full-back, F. Bergin, '10. F. B. Read, '10. W. R. Sparks, '11. F. Dawson, '10. E. N. Matthews, '10. L. Cunningham, *11. E. J. Hart, '12. Referee: D. L. Fultz, '98, Brown. Umpire: H. M. Nelly, '02, Army. Field Judge: C. J. McCarthy, Germantown Academy. Linesman: S. S. Feagles, '00, Princeton. Score: Lafayette 6, Princeton 0. Second Half: Touchdown by F. H. Irmschler, goal by G. S. McCaa. First Half: Lafayette wins the toss and takes the north goal. McCaa kicks to Read at Princeton's 10. Read imme- 454 FOOTBALL diately punts to McCaa, who returns to midfield. Blaicher on a double pass goes around the end for 25 yards. McCaa adds 2 more through the line, but a forward pass fails and Princeton gets the ball. Hart makes first down around the end. Dawson nets two through tackle. Lafayette holds and Read punts to Dannehauer at 15. McCaa punts to Bergin and the latter runs back the kick to midfield. Hart hits the tackle for 7 and repeats the play for 7 more. La- fayette holds and takes the ball on downs. McCaa sends a long high one to Bergin, who runs back the ball to the 45- yard line. Hart pierces the centre for 3, then McCaa capt- ures an on-side kick. McCaa punts to midfield. Siegling makes 5 through the line. Blaicher stops Hart, but Dawson gets 6 yards. Read is thrown for a loss and it is Lafayette's ball. McCaa punts to Princeton's 50-yard line, the ball is fumbled and Conover gets it. On a fake kick Conover makes 3 yards. McCaa cannot pierce the line and punts to Princeton's 30. Hart is thrown for a 15-yard loss by Norris and Read punts to centre, where McCaa heels a fair catch. McCaa makes 5 yards through the line. Conover adds 3 more. McCaa punts to Bergin at Princeton's 30. Hart hits tackle for 2 and Read circles the end for 25. Dawson is stopped without gain, and on the next play Norris inter- cepts a forward pass. McCaa punts to Princeton's 15. Read rounds the end for 20. Dawson makes 1 through the centre. A short forward pass nets 4 and an on-side kick makes 15 more. Hart hits the centre for 3. Dawson makes first down. McCrohan and Hart cannot gain and La- fayette gets a forward pass. McCaa punts 68 yards. Read returns, and a fumble gives Princeton the ball on Lafayette's 25-yard line. Dawson makes 7, but a penalty sets Princeton back 15. McCaa gets an on-side kick and punts. Time is called with the ball at midfield. Second Half: Hart kicks off to Dannehauer, who runs EIGHT FAMOUS GAMES 455 back 25 yards. McCaa punts to Princeton's 20. Bucking- ham returns the punt to midfield. Conover fails to gain and McCaa punts to Princeton's 10, Bergin running back the ball 40 yards. Three times the Orange and Black now ham- mers the ball down the field, only to be stopped each time by Lafayette's fierce defence, which at times is so aggres- sive that the runner is shot between the crashing lines into the air. The game is almost over when a penalty of half the distance to the goal-line gives Princeton the ball on La- fayette's 15-yard line. Less than a minute is left to play. Cunningham drops back for a try at goal. Irmschler breaks through on the right side and blocks the kick, retaining the ball against his body. With a clear field he dashes 85 yards for a touchdown. McCaa kicks the goal. Time is then called. Navy vs. Princeton Annapolis, Oct. 15, 1904. NAVY PRINCETON K. Whiting, '05, Left End, K. B. Crawford, '05. R. F. Bernard, '07, <( (( L. C. Farley, '05, Left Tackle, J. L. Cooney, '07. R. C. Grady, '06, « (( N. H. Goss, '05, Left Guard, J. C. Waller, '06. W. B. McClintic, '05, Centre, O. Dutcher, '07. E. S. Woodworth, '06, <( E. L. Rafferty, '06. R. F. Smith, '06, Right Guard, H. H. Short, '05. J. M. O'Brien, '07, (( (( C. F. Chambers, '07, Right Tackle, E. Stannard, '08. (< « S. Carothers, '06. D. L. Howard, '06, Right End, N. B. Tooker, '06. J. W. Wilcox, '05, Quarter-back, T. J. Burke, '05. H. H. Norton, '07, " F. W. Ritter, '08. A. H. Douglas, '08, Left Half, A. F. King, '05. W. B. Decker, '06, « « L. H. Simons, '08. S. Doherty, '06, Right Half, W. L. Foulke, '05. (( « C. M. Hamill, '08. It (( S. Rulon-Miller, '07. H. L. Spencer, '07, Full-back, J. B. McCormick, '08. Referee: M. V. Bergen, '92, Princeton. Umpire: W. R. Okeson, '96, Lehigh. Linesman: R. B. Strasburger, '05, Navy. Score: Navy 10, 456 FOOTBALL Princeton 9. First Half: Goal from field by N. B. Tooker; touchdown by K. Whiting, goal by J. W. Wilcox; touchdown by W. L. Foulke. Second Half: Goal from field by H. H. Norton. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the goal. Navy kicks off. Princeton cannot gain and McCormick punts. Navy makes 10 yards and fumbles. Foulke and King in succession round both ends for a gain of 45 yards. Navy holds for 2 downs on the 20-yard line. Tooker falls back and kicks a goal from the field. Navy kicks off and the play for some time remains at centre. Douglas punts to Princeton's 10-yard line and the ball rolls across the line. A Princeton back fumbles and Whiting falls on the ball for a touchdown, which Wilcox converts into a goal. Princeton kicks off and Navy returns. After the kick-off King and Foulke again circle the ends for 40 yards, the latter's run ending in a touchdown at the extreme corner of the field. The try at goal is low and Navy blocks the ball. There is no further scoring in this half. Second Half: Navy kicks off and for some time the ball surges back and forth between the 35-yard lines. Navy blocks McCormick's kick. Navy gets the ball and runs to the 25-yard line. Navy hits the line twice without gain. Norton is substituted for Wilcox and at once falls back for a drop kick. The ball goes squarely between the posts. Princeton kicks off and soon regains the ball on a kick. Princeton now advances 3 to 5 yards at a plunge, carrying the ball to the 1-foot mark from the Navy's line. The ball is fumbled on the snap-back and both teams pile up on the ball. When the mass is extricated, Ritter and Short are found to be one foot across the line and holding the ball. The official rules that the ball has been advanced without touch- ing the second man and inflicts a penalty. Tooker tries for a field goal, but Navy blocks. Play continues in Navy's territory, Tooker once more trying for a field goal, but not succeeding. Toward the close Navy gets the ball in t— I 00 *s3 EIGHT FAMOUS GAMES 457 Princeton's territory, and Norton tries for a field goal, but misses. Columbia vs. Princeton New York. Nov. 6. 1900 PRINCETON Left End, W. W. Roper. '02. Left Tackle H. W. Pell, '02. R. R. Coffin, '03. Left Guard, R. G. Wright, '02. Centre, J. W. Losey, '03. Right Guard, J. S. Dana, '03. M. F. Mills, '03. M. F. Fisher. '03. Right Tackle, H. M. McCord, '02. R. R. Sheffield, '02. Right End, H. Little, '01. R. P. McClave, '03. Quarter-back, A. E. Meier, '02. Left Half, S. W. McClave, '03. H. R. Levick, '03. Right Half, H. R. Hart, '04. B. B. Hodgman, '03. Full-back, C. M. Mattis, '01. W.H. Underbill, '04. H.H.Henry, '04. Referee: A. E. Whiting, '98, Cornell. Umpire: W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity. Linesman: H. H. Janeway, '90, Princeton. Timekeeper: George Goldie. Score: Columbia 6, Princeton 5. First Half: Touch- down by W. R. Morley, goal by E. B. Bruce. Second Half: Touchdown by W. W. Roper. First Half: Princeton wins the toss and takes the upper goal. Berrien kicks off to McCord. Several punts follow, interspersed with small gains by each team. Columbia catches the ball on her 20-yard line and puts it down for a scrimmage. Wright is drawn behind the line in a formation that works havoc with the Princeton forwards. Weekes commences a spectacular but effective feat of hurdling over the Tiger line and backs. The Tigers fight desperately, but COLUMBIA J. B. Wolff, '01, D. W. Smythe, '02, C. A. Wright, '02, E. B. Bruce, '01, E. D. Freeman, '03, W. S. Beardsley, '03, A. S. Austin, '03, H. Van Hoevenburg, '02, E. H. Sykes, '02, B. H. Boyeson, '04, H, H. Weekes, '03, W. R. Morley, '01, C. L. Berrien, '03, 458 FOOTBALL the ball creeps by short gains down the field and in twenty minutes of play reaches the 5-yard line. Princeton crouches and waits the attack. Again Wright is drawn behind the line. The ball is passed to Morley, who smashes squarely into Princeton's centre and is rammed through and over the line for a touchdown. Bruce kicks the goal. Mattis gives way to Underbill. The teams resume play. The rushing is hard and fierce, both teams playing with great vim, but neither team comes near scoring. Second Half: Hodgman relieves Hart. Columbia kicks off. Princeton opens up a series of end runs, tackle-back plunges, and straight attacks on the line that carries the ball irresistibly to Columbia's 5-yard mark. Columbia stands firm and takes the ball on downs. Berrien lifts it far down the field. Princeton rushes it back to the 25-yard line, from which Underbill tries for a goal from the field, but fails. Columbia gets the ball and commences a scrimmage. Weekes and Morley hit the Tiger line for good gains. The ball reaches the 45-yard line. Here Columbia attempts a mass on the centre. Suddenly Roper emerges with the ball. Shaking off two tacklers he sprints at great speed for the line and makes a touchdown. Roper brings the ball out to the 13-yard mark and holds it for Mills to kick. Three of the Columbia players suddenly rush forward, crying that the ball is down. One of the Columbia players falls on the ball in Roper's hands. A dispute ensues, Princeton claiming that the ball was not down and that the referee had not signalled. After a long discussion the referee rules that the ball was down and that Princeton has forfeited its try for goal. Play is resumed. Princeton forces the ball into Columbia's territory, from which three attempts at field goals are made by Hodgman^ which fail. Time then is called. APPENDIX APPENDIX PROCEEDINGS OF INTERCOLLEGIATE CONVENTIONS, CONFER- ENCES, AND SESSIONS OF RULES COM- MITTEES, 1876 TO 1911* Convention of Nov. 23, 1876, at the Massasoit House f Spring- field, Mass. — Pursuant to a call issued by the Princeton Football Association there assembled at this time and place, for the purpose of adopting a uniform code of football rules based upon the Rugby Union code, the following representatives: Columbia, E. W. Price, C. D. H. Brower; Harvard, H. C. Leeds, 77, C. S. Eaton, 78; Princeton, Jotham Potter, 77, W. E. Dodge, 79; Yale, E. V. Baker, 77, J. B. Atwater, 77. Mr. Dodge was elected chairman and Mr. Baker secretary. It was voted to form an association to be known as the Intercollegiate Football Asso- ciation. Yale declined to become a member, but expressed a desire to participate in the convention to the extent of adopting a code of playing rules. It was voted that the representatives of Yale should act as though members of the association, subject to the further action of the Yale Football Association. It was voted that no other institution should be admitted to membership in the association except by unanimous consent. Voted that each college of the association must play one game annually with each member of the association, and in the event of a tie, to play other games until the tie should be decided. The convention thereupon began consideration of the Rugby Union football rules, section by section, a modification thereof as an intercollegiate code being adopted as follows: 1. A drop kick, or drop, is made by letting the ball fall from the hands and kicking it the very instant it rises. 2. A place kick, or place, is made by kicking the ball after it has been placed in a nick made in the ground for the purpose of keeping it at rest. ♦Copyrighted rules reprinted by permission of American Sports Pub- lishing Company. 461 462 APPENDIX 3. A punt is made by letting the ball fall from the hands and kicking it before it touches the ground. 4. Each goal shall be composed of two upright posts exceeding 11 feet in height from the ground and placed 18 feet 6 inches apart, with a cross-bar 10 feet from the ground. 5. A goal can only be obtained by kicking the ball from the field of play direct (i. e., without touching the ground or the dress or person of any player of either side) over the cross-bar of the opponents' goal. Whether it touch such cross-bar or the posts it is called a poster and is not a goal. 6. A goal may be obtained by any kind of kick except a punt. 7. A match shall be decided by a majority of touchdowns; a goal shall be equal to four touchdowns ; but in case of a tie a goal kicked from a touchdown shall take precedence over four touch- downs.* 8. The ball is dead when it rests absolutely motionless on the ground. 9. A touchdown is when a player, putting his hand upon the ball on the ground in touch or in goal, stops it so that it remains dead or fairly so. 10. A tackle is when the holder of the ball is held by one or more players of the opposite side. 11. A scrummage takes place when the holder of the ball, being in the field of play, puts it down on the ground in front of him, and all who have closed around on their respective sides endeavor to push their opponents back, and, by kicking the ball, to drive it in the direction of the opposite goal-line. 12. A player may take up the ball wherever it is rolling or bounding except in a scrummage. 13. It is not lawful to take up the ball when dead (except in order to bring it out after it has been touched down in touch or in goal) for any purpose whatever. Whenever the ball shall have been so unlawfully taken up it shall at once be brought back to where it was so taken up and there put down. 14. In a scrummage it is not lawful for the man who has the ball to pick out the ball with the hand under any circumstances whatever. 15. It is lawful for any player who has the ball to run with it, and if he does so it is called a run. If a player runs with the ball and gets behind his opponents' goal-line and there touches it down, it is called a run in. 16. It is lawful to run in anywhere across the goal-line. * Entirely new. The Rugby Union code computed the score by goals. APPENDIX 463 17. The goal-line is in goal and the touch-line in touch. 18. In the event of any player holding or running with the ball being tackled, and the ball fairly held, he must at once cry down, and there put it down. 19. A maul-in-goal is when the holder of the ball is tackled in- side the goal-line, or, being tackled immediately outside, is carried or pushed across it, and he, or the opposite side, or both, endeavor to touch the ball down. In all cases when so touched down, the ball shall belong to the players of the side who first had possession of it before the maul commenced, unless the opposite side have gained complete possession of it. 20. In case of a maul-in-goal, those players only who are touching the ball with their hands when it crosses the goal-line may continue the maul-in-goal, and when a player has once re- leased his hold of the ball after it is inside the goal-line, he may not again join the maul, and if he attempts to do so, may be dragged out by the opposite side ; but if a player when running in is tackled inside the goal-line, then only the player who first tackled him, or if two or more tackle simultaneously, they only may join in the maul. 21. Touch-in-goal. Immediately the ball, whether in the hands of a player (except for the purpose of a punt-out^see Rule 29) or not, goes into touch in goal, it is at once dead and out of the game, and must be brought out as provided by Rules 41 and 42. 22. Every player is on side, but is put off side if he enters a scrummage from his opponents' side; or, being in a scrummage, gets in front of the ball, or when the ball has been kicked, touched, or is being run witn by any of his own side behind him (i. e., be- tween himself and his goal-line) . No player can be off side in his own goal. 23. Every player when off side is out of the game and shall not touch the ball in any case whatever, either in or out of touch or goal, or in any way interrupt or obstruct any player, until he is again on side. 24. A player being ofi^ side is put on side when the ball has been kicked by, or has touched the dress or person of, any player of the opposite side, or when one of his own side has run in front of him, either with the ball or having kicked it when behind him. 25. When a player has the ball none of his opponents who at the time are off side may commence or attempt to tackle or otherwise interrupt such player. 26. Throwing back. It is lawful for any player who has the ball to throw it backward toward his own goal, or to pass it back 464 APPENDIX to any player of his side who is at the time behind him, in accord- ance with the rules of on side. 27. Knocking on, i. e,, deliberately hitting the ball with the hand, and throwing forward, i. e., throwing the ball in the direc- tion of the opponents' goal-line, are not lawful. If the ball be either knocked on or thrown forward, the captain of the opposite side may (unless a fair catch has been made as provided by the next rule) require to have it brought back to the spot where it was knocked on or thrown forward and there put down. 28. A fair catch is a catch made direct from a kick or a throw forward, or a knock on by one of the opposite side, or from a punt- out or punt-on (see Rules 29 and 30), provided the catcher makes a mark with his heel at the spot where he made the catch and no other of his side touch the ball. (See Rules 43 and 44.) 29. A punt-out is a punt made after a touchdown by a player from behind his opponents' goal, and from touch in goal if neces- sary, toward his own side, who must stand outside the goal-line and endeavor to make a fair catch or to get the ball and run in or drop a goal. (See Rules 49 and 51.) 30. A punt-on is a punt made in a manner similar to a punt- out, and from touch, if necessary, by a player who has made a fair catch from a punt-out or another punt-on. 31. Touch. If a ball goes into touch, the first player on his side who touches it down must bring it to the spot where it crossed the touch-line; or if a player when running with the ball cross or put any part of either foot across the touch-line, he must return with the ball to the spot where the line was so crossed and thence return into the field of play in one of the modes provided by the following rule. 32. He must then himself, or by one of his own side, either bound the ball into the field of play and then run with it, kick it, or throw it back to his own side; or throw it out at right angles to the touch-line; or walk out with it at right angles to the touch- line any distance not less than five nor more than fifteen yards, and there put it down, first declaring how far he intends to walk out. 33. If two or more players holding the ball are pushed into touch, the ball shall belong in touch to the player who first had hold of it in the field of play and has not released his hold of it. 34. If the ball, when thrown out of touch, be not thrown out at right angles to the touch-line, the captain of either side may at once claim to have it thrown out again. 35. A catch made when the ball is thrown out of touch is not a fair catch. APPENDIX 465 36. Kick-off is a place kick from the centre of the field of play, and cannot count as a goal. The opposite side must stand at least ten yards in front of the ball until it has been kicked. 37. The ball shall be kicked off (i) at the commencement of the game (ii) after a goal has been obtained. 38. The sides shall change goals as often as and whenever a goal is obtained, unless it has otherwise been agreed by the cap- tains before the commencement of the match. 39. The captains of the respective sides shall toss up before the commencement of the match; the winner of the toss shall have the option of the choice of goals or of kick-off. 40. Whenever a goal has been obtained the side which lost the goal shall then kick off. 41. Kick-out is a drop kick by one of the players of the side which has had to touch the ball down in their own goal, or into whose touch in goal the ball has gone (Rule 21), and is the mode of bringing the ball again into play, and cannot count as goal. 42. Kick-out must be a drop kick and from not more than twenty-five yards outside the kicker's goal; if the ball when kicked out pitch in touch, it must be taken back and kicked out again. The kicker's side must be behind the ball when it is kicked. 43. A player who has made and claimed a fair catch shall therefore either take a drop kick or a punt or place the ball for a place kick. 44. After a fair catch has been made the opposite side may come up to the catcher's mark, and except in cases under Rule 50, the catcher's side retiring, the ball shall be kicked from such mark, or from a spot any distance behind it. 45. A player may touch the ball down in his own goal at any time, 46. A side having touched the ball down in their opponents' goal shall try at goal either by a place kick or a punt-out. 47. If a try at goal be by a place kick, a player of the side which has touched the ball down shall bring it up to the goal-line (sub- ject to Rule 48) in a straight line from, and opposite to, the spot where the ball was touched down, and there make a mark on the goal-line and thence walk straight out with it at right angles to the goal-line, to such distance as he thinks proper, and there place it for another of his side to kick. The kicker's side must be behind the ball when it is kicked and the opposite side must remain behind their goal-line until the ball has been placed on the ground. (See Rules 54 and 55.) 48. If the ball has been touched down between the goal-posts 466 APPENDIX it may be brought out in a straight Hne from either of such posts; but if brought out from between them the opposite side may charge at once. (See Rule 54.) 49. If the try at goal be by a punt-out (see Rule 29) a player of the side which has touched the ball down shall bring it straight up to the goal-line opposite to the spot where it was touched down, and there make a mark on the goal-line, and then punt out from touch-in-goal if necessary, or from any part behind the goal-line not nearer to the goal-post than such mark, beyond which it is not lawful for the opposite side (who must keep behind their goal-line) to pass until the ball has been kicked. (See Rules 54 and 55.) 50. If a fair catch be made from a punt-out or a punt-on, the catcher may proceed either as provided by Rules 43 and 44, or himself take a punt-on, in which case the mark made in making the fair catch shall be regarded (for the purpose of determining as well the position of the player who makes the punt-on as of the other players of both sides) as the mark made on the goal-line in the case of a punt-out. 51. A catch made in touch from a punt-out or a punt-on is not a fair catch; the ball must then be taken or thrown out of touch as provided by Rule 32. But if the catch be made in touch in goal the ball is at once dead and must be kicked out as provided by Rules 41 and 42. 52. When the ball has been touched down in the opponents' goal, none of the side in whose goal it has been so touched down shall touch it or in any way displace it or interfere with the player of the other side who may be taking it up or not. 53. The ball is dead whenever a goal has been obtained; but if a try at goal be not successful, the kick shall be considered as only an ordinary kick in the course of the game. 54. Charging, i. e., rushing forward to kick the ball or tackle a player, is lawful for the opposite side in all cases of a place kick after a fair catch, or upon a try at goal immediately the ball touches the ground or is placed on the ground; and in cases of drop kick or punt after a fair catch, as soon as the player having the ball commences to run or offers to kick, or the ball has touched the ground; but he may always draw back, and unless he has dropped the ball or actually touched it with his foot, they must again retire to his mark (see Rule 56). The opposite side in case of a punt-out or a punt-on, and the kicker's side in all cases, may not charge until the ball has been kicked. 55. If a player having the ball, when about to punt it out goes outside of the goal-line, or when about to punt-on advances nearer to his own goal-line than his mark, made on making the fair APPENDIX 467 catch, or if after the ball has been touched down in the opponents' goal, or a fair catch has been made, more than one player of the side which has so touched it down, or made the fair catch, touch the ball before it is again kicked, the opposite side may charge at once. 56. In case of a fair catch the opposite side may come up to and charge from anywhere on or behind a line drawn through the mark made by the player who has made the catch and parallel to their own goal -line; but in the case of a fair catch from punt- out or punt-on, they may not advance further in the direction of the touch-line nearest to such mark than a line drawn through such mark to their goal-line and parallel to such touch-line. In all cases, except a punt-out and a punt-on, the kicker's side must be behind the ball when it is kicked, but may not charge until it has been kicked. 57. No hacking or hacking over or tripping up shall be al- lowed under any circumstances. 58. No one wearing projecting nails, iron plates, or gutta percha on any parts of his boots or shoes shall be allowed to play in a match. 59. There shall be two judges, one for each side, and also a referee, to whom disputed points shall be referred, and whose decision shall be final.* 60. The grounds shall be 140 yards long and 70 yards wide. 61. The number of players shall be limited to fifteen upon a side. 1877. Columbia having defaulted in its interest in the affairs of the association, and Yale having refused to become a member thereof or to accept its rules other than provisionally, on account of an opposition to playing with fifteen men upon a side, Yale contending for eleven, and also on account of touchdowns being counted in the scoring, Yale contending for a score by goals alone, no intercollegiate convention in this year was held. An independent schedule of games, however, was played by Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. Convention of Oct. 9, 1878, at Springfield. — Representatives: Harvard, F. W. Thayer, '78, L. Gushing, '79; Princeton, Bland Ballard, '80, G. W. Miller, '81. Yale, although not a member of the association, was represented by T. E. Rochfort, '79, and Walter Gamp, '80. Yale proposed a reduction of the number of players upon a side from fifteen to eleven. Thepro position was rejected. ♦Entirely new. Under the Rugby Union Code the captains acted as officials. 468 APPENDIX Convention of Oct. 4, 1879, at Springfield. — Representatives: Harvard, Robert Bacon, '80; Princeton, Bland Ballard, '80. Yale, although not a member of the association, was represented by Walter Camp, '80. Mr. Camp submitted three amendments to the playing rules of the association : (1) That eleven players in stead of fifteen shall constitute a side; (2) that safeties shall be counted in scoring against the side making them ; (3) that the playing field shall be enlarged to a rectangle 200 feet by 400 feet. These amendments were rejected. Yale then formally applied for membership in the association. Granted unanimously. Convention of Oct. 12, 1880, at Springfield, Mass. — Repre- sentatives: Harvard, W. H. Manning, '82, T. C. Thacher, '82; Princeton, F. Loney, '81, E. C. Peace, '83; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, R. W. Watson, '81, W. B. Hill, '81. J. H. Stearns and W. N. Eldredge appeared in behalf of Colum- bia and asked for admission to the association. On motion of Yale, Columbia was admitted, but to have no vote in the con- ventions of the association in case of a tie, and to be subject to removal by the convention at any time upon a majority vote. Yale moved the reduction of the players from fifteen upon a side to eleven. Passed unanimously. Alterations in the rules were adopted as follows: 1. A scrimmage takes place when the holder of the ball, being in the field of play, puts it down on the ground in front of him and puts it in play while on side, first, by kicking the ball ; second, by snapping it back with his foot. The man who first receives the ball from the snap-back shall be called the quarter-back, and shall not then rush forward with the ball under penalty of foul. 2. If the ball either fly, bound, or roll in touch from a kick-out, it must be brought back; but if it touch any player, it need not be brought back. 3. In case of a punt-out, the players of the side to which the ball is punted out must be at least 15 feet from the goal-line. The opposing side may line up anywhere in goal provided the punter has 5 feet clear extending from his scratch in the direction of touch. The punter out must not be interfered with in any way. A punt-out must be a kick from the toe. 4. If any player purposely foul an opponent when such op- ponent is about to try for a fair catch, the opponent's side may either have the ball down where the foul was made or take a free kick, which kick cannot score a goal. 5. The penalty for fouls when judged to be intentional by a referee, except as before provided, shall be a down for the oppos- ing side. APPENDIX 469 6. The game shall be played by eleven men on each side. Convention of Oct. 8, 1881, at Springfield, Mass. — Representa- tives: Harvard, W. H. Manning, '82, chairman; Princeton, P. T. Bryan, '82, M. Edgar, '82, E. C. Peace, '83; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, secretary; F. M. Eaton, '82, W. H. Hyndman, '84. Rules amended as follows: 1. Disregard of rule as to on side when the ball is kicked ofiF, or in case of a free kick, shall constitute a foul. 2. If a player be off side in the act of snapping the ball, the ball shall be snapped over again. If he be off side three times on the same down the ball shall go to the opposite side. 3. If a ball from kick-out pitch in touch three times in succes- sion it shall be given to the opposite side as in touch at the 25- yard line. 4. The referee shall disqualify a player whom he has warned three times for intentional off-side playing. 5. In case of a tie two innings of fifteen minutes shall be played, with an interval of five minutes, the game to be decided on even innings. In case of a tie a goal kicked from a touchdown shall take precedence over a goal otherwise kicked. If the game still remains a tie the side which makes four or more safeties less than their opponents shall win the game. 6. A ball that strikes the post or cross-bar and goes inside or over the bar shall be scored as a goal. Convention of April 12, 1882, at Springfield, Mass. — Repre- sentatives: Columbia, W. N. Eldredge, '83, B. P. Clark, '82, W. F. Morgan, '84; Harvard, W. H. Manning, '82, H. G. Leavitt, '82, E. T. Cabot, '83; Princeton, E. C. Peace, '83, D. F. Morgan, '83, C. J. Winton, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, F. M. Eaton, '82, W. H. Hyndman, '84. The session was largely devoted to discussing remedies for abolishing the " block game," but no decisive action was taken. A resolution was adopted providing that the first and second teams in a season's championship series should be entitled to play their game the following year in New York on Thanksgiving Day. An executive committee was established as follows: President, F. M. Eaton, '82, Yale; Secretary, W. F. Morgan, '84, Columbia; Committeemen, D. P. Morgan, '83, Princeton, E. T. Cabot, '83, Harvard. Convention of Oct. 14, 1882, at Springfield, Mass. — Representa- tives: Columbia, W. F. Morgan, '84; Harvard, E. T. Cabot, '83; Princeton, E. C. Peace, '83, D. P. Morgan, '83; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, R. Tompkins, '84, Stanley Shaffer, '83. Rules amended as follows: 470 APPENDIX 1. If on three consecutive fairs and downs a team shall not have advanced the ball five yards or lost ten, they must give up the ball to the other side at the spot where the fourth down was made. Consecutive means without leaving the hands of the side holding it.* 2. No man shall be allowed to play in championship games for a longer period that five years. 3. The referee shall be empowered to call a game when he con- siders it too dark to play. 4. The decision of whether a side has made five yards or lost ten shall be left to the decision of the referee. 5. The referee shall disqualify a player whom he has twice warned for violation of the rule relating to tripping and foul tackling. 6. In punting out after a touchdown the players on defence shall not approach within six feet of the punter. 7. In scoring four touchdowns shall take precedence over a goal kicked from the field; two safeties shall be equal to a touch- down. Convention of Oct. 17, 1883, Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Columbia, Messrs. Darling and Griffith; Har- vard, F. L. Clark, '83; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84, D. M. Look, '84, secretary; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, Ray Tompkins, '84, chairman. Amendments adopted: Section I of Rule 5: "A side having touched the ball down in their opponents' goal, may try at a goal either by a place kick or punt-out" altered so as to read "shall try at goal," the object being to prevent teams from deliberately missing goals in order to make another touchdown, which was possible under prior rules. Rule 7, providing that "If the try be by a punt-out the oppo- nents shall line up on the goal-line anywhere, except within the space of six feet from the punter's mark," changed to read " within the space of ten feet." Section II of Rule 18, reading "There shall be two judges and a referee," amended by adding "each of whom shall be an alumnus." Rule 19, providing for the disqualification of a player for two infractions of the rule prohibiting deliberate off-side play was altered so as to allow three infractions. * A " fair " was the technical name of putting the ball in play from the side line when out of bounds. APPENDIX 471 A new rule added providing for numerical scoring, the values as follows: Safety 1 Touchdown 2 Goal following touchdown 4 Goal from field 5 Convention of Dec. 5, 1883, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, R. M. Appleton, '84, J. Simpkins, '85; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84, E. C. Peace, '83, D. M. Look, '84, C. W. Bird, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, Ray Tompkins, '84. Messrs. Griffith and Stevens, of Columbia, applied for read- mission of Columbia, which was granted. The following amendments to the rules were adopted • 1. Upon a punt-out following a touchdown, no one of the de- fensive side shall approach within a space of ten feet from the punter. 2. The referee in all championship games of the association shall be an alumnus. 3. A player warned the third time for intentionally delaying the game shall be disqualified. 4. The referee shall take out time for all unnecessary delays. 5. The referee shall disqualify a player having been warned three times for intentionally tackling in touch. 6. The value of a touchdown shall be four points, and the value of a safety shall be two points, to be added to the score of the op- posing team. 7. A player may be off side only twice during a game. Walter Camp, '80, Yale, was directed to copyright and print the rules in behalf of the association. Convention of Oct. 15, 1884, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, G. M. Kimball, '84, A. D. French, '85; Princeton, C. W. Bird, '85, J. B. Harriman, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, E. L. Richards, '85. A communication was received from Columbia, withdrawing from the association. Rules amended as follows: Section I, Rule 10, a new section was added as follows: "A fair catch can be made behind one's goal." Section I, Rule 17. "A player shall be off side but twice dur- ing a game," altered so as to read: "A player at the second warn- ing for intentional off-side play shall be disqualified." Section III, Rule 37, relative to interference with a fair catch, was changed so as to read: "The opponents may have, at the 472 APPENDIX option of the captain, a free kick or a down where the interfer- ence occurred." Convention of Nov. 27, 1884, at Fifth Avenue Hotels New York. — Representatives: Harvard, G. M. Kimball, '84; Princeton, C. W. Bird, '85, J. B. Harriman, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, E. L. Richards, '85. Yale appealed from the decision of Mr. R. M. Appleton, '84, of Harvard, the referee of the Princeton- Yale game, in declaring the contest no game and the score as to 0. After a prolonged debate the convention voted to sustain the de- cision of Mr. Appleton. See page 378. Convention of Feb. 7, 1885, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Princeton, C. W. Bird, '85, J. B. Harriman, '85, secretary, C. M. De Camp, '86; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, E. L. Richards, '85, chairman, F. G. Peters, '86. Owing to the abolition of football at Harvard by its faculty, Jan. 6, 1885, Harvard was not represented. Mr. Ellis Ward ap- peared and asked for the admission of the University of Penn- sylvania to the association. F. D. Beattys, '85, of Wesleyan, filed a similar application in behalf of Wesleyan. On motion of Mr. Camp both were admitted. The rules were amended as follows: Rule 4 altered to read: "A touchdown shall be made when the holder of the ball shall carry it across the opponents' goal-line and either touch it down behind the line or in touch in goal or be there fairly held by an opponent. If the touchdown is made in touch in goal the ball shall be punted out at the intersection of the side line and the goal-line." Rule 2, defining when a ball is down, was extended by adding the words "or when the referee has said down." Rule 18 amended so as to read: "The contesting parties in a championship game are to decide on the referee for their game and he shall be absolute in all decisions and shall be paid." Rule 19 altered so as to read: "The referee shall take out time for unnecessary delay. He shall decide disputed points, and shall for intentionally delaying the game or off-side play give, for the first offence, one point to the opponents, and, for the second of- fence, one point more to the opponents and dismissal of the offen- der from the field. For violation of Rules 17 or 28, relative to in- tentional off-side play, and slugging, the referee shall award two points to the offended side." Rule 22 extended by adding: "If either side refuses to play within five minutes after ordered so to do by the referee the said side shall forfeit the game." Rule 31 altered to read: "The man who first receives the ball APPENDIX 473 when snapped back from a down or thrown from a fair, shall not carry the ball forward under any circumstances whatsoever." A new rule was added as follows : " No delay arising from any cause whatsoever, shall last longer than five minutes." Mr. Camp moved the separation of the rush-lines by a neutral zone of five yards. After a prolonged debate the motion was lost. Convention of Oct 10, 1885, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, — Representatives: Pennsylvania, J. J. Hovey, '87; Princeton, C. M. De Camp, '86, J. P. Shaw, '86, secretary, D. Greene, '87; Wesleyan, S. V. Cofiin, '89; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, F. G. Peters, '86, chairman. A communication was received from Harvard withdrawing from the association. Rules amended as follows : Rules 17 and 28, requiring two warnings to precede disqualifica- tion for intentional off-side play or delay of the game, were amended so as to require only one warning and also to include unnecessary roughness. Rule 18 was extended to supplement the penalty of disquali- fication as follows: "For intentional delay of the game or off- side play the penalty shall be five yards." A resolution was adopted providing for an equal division of the net receipts in all matches. Convention of May 5, 1886, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, J. B. Keyes, '77, C. S. Hamlin, '83, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, W. C. Posey, '86, N. W. Young, '87, F. W. W. Graham, '87; Princeton, C. M. De Camp, '86, H. S. Savage, '87; Wesleyan, J. D. Wells, '88; Yale, F. G. Peters, '86, R. N. Corwin, '87. Harvard applied for reinstatement and same was granted unanimously. Princeton moved that the centre rush should be permitted to snap the ball without any interference from op- ponents. Passed. Moved to amend Rule 31 So as to require a kick-out after a kick across the goal-line, to be made either by a place kick or by a drop. Passed. Convention of Oct. 9, 1886, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, C. S. Hamlin, '83, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, N. W. Young, '87, F. W. W. Graham, 87; Princeton, H. S. Savage, '87, R. P. Bradford, '87; Wesleyan, J. M. Stevens, '87, J. D. Wells, '88; Yale, C. L. Hare, '87, R. N. Corwin, '87. A long debate occurred as to place of the Princeton-Yale game, finally terminating by the selection of Princeton, Thanksgiving Day. 474 APPENDIX An amendment was made to the rule permitting a team to charge as soon as the ball was in motion by changing the words "in motion" to "in play." The Lillywhite No. J ball was adopted as the oflBcial ball for all match games. Convention of Nov. 28, 1886, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, — Representatives: Harvard, E. G. Kent, '82, R. M. Appleton, '84, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, W. C. Posey, '86, N. W. Young, '87, F. W. W. Graham, '87; Princeton, C. W. Bird, '85, H. S. Savage, '87; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys, '85, J. M. Stevens, '87, J. D. Wells, '88; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, F. G. Peters, '86, R. N. Corwin, '87. Mr. Corwin moved to award to Yale the championship for 1886. Mr. Bird objected on the ground that the Princeton- Yale game had resulted in a tie at to because called before com- pletion, according to the precedent established by the convention of Nov. 27, 1884. Mr. Corwin amended his motion that the championship be awarded to Yale on the basis of points scored. Mr. Bird renewed his objection that the championship could be awarded only upon results and not upon the points scored in an unfinished game. After two hours of debate the representatives of Princeton and Yale were requested to withdraw from the room in order that the motion might be decided by the non-interested representatives. The latter thereupon further debated the mo- tion for an additional hour, at the conclusion of which the follow- ing resolutions were passed: Resolved, That this convention cannot, as a convention, award the championship for 1886. Resolved, That Yale, according to points scored, should have won the championship. Convention of March 26, 1887, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, A. F. Holden, '88, B. W. Palmer, '88; Pennsylvania, W. C. Posey, '86, L. H. Alexander, 88; Princeton, H. S. Savage, '87, T. B. Hamilton, '88, W. J. Cook, '89; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattvs, '85, J. M. Stevens, '87, H. H. Beattys, '88; Yale, F. G. Peters, '86, R. N. Corwin, '87, H. Beecher, '88. The convention passed a resolution that the rules should be enforced rigidly by referees, and that captains should instruct their men against holding, roughing, and all other objectionable features. The 'varsity captains present supplemented this reso- lution by the following agreement: We, the undersigned, captains of teams of the Intercollegiate Football Association, do hereby pledge ourselves to use all means in our power to coach our teams to stop holding in APPENDIX 475 the rush Hne, slugging, and all other objectionable features of the game. H. Beecher, Jr., Yale. H. H. Beattys, Wesleyan. W. J. Cook, Princeton. L. H. Alexander, Pennsylvania. A. F. Holden, Harvard. Amendments to the rules as follows: Rule 5 altered so as to compel a team to try for a goal after a touchdown, by changing the words "shall try for goal" to "must try for goal," the object being to prevent a team deliberately missing the goal in order to obtain another touchdown, the ball not being dead following the try under the prevailing rules. Rule 7 altered so as to prohibit a team from lining up within 10 yards of the punter's mark after a fair catch. Rule 12 altered so as to prohibit interference with the snapper- back until the ball is in motion. Rule 29 altered so as to make a loss of 20 yards equal to a first down instead of a loss of 10 yards, as formerly. A new rule was added, to wit: " In case a kick is blocked and bounds across the goal-line the impetus shall be deemed to have come from the kicking side." Convention of May 14, 1887, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representation the same as at previous session. A new rule adopted providing for two referees, one to have juris- diction over the men and the other to have jurisdiction over the ball. Messrs. Beecher, Holden, and Cook were appointed to draft a constitution for the association. Convention of June 5, 1887, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representation the same as at previous session, and Walter Camp, '80, Yale. Mr. Camp introduced the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, 1. There shall be an advisory graduate committee on rules and appeals, consisting of two Harvard graduates, two Princeton graduates, one Wesleyan graduate, one graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, and the several acting captains of the football teams of each year, and one graduate of any college in the association, to be elected by the said captains as their special advocate and advisor, elected for the term of one year only. The other graduate members shall be elected during the com- mencement week by the members and ex-members of the respec- 476 APPENDIX tive university teams, absentees being allowed to vote by proxy. These graduates shall serve for the period of two years from election, except that the graduates w^ho are to act from date until June, 1888, shall be immediately chosen by the football delegates of this year. 2. This advisory committee shall meet and propose the rules or changes in the same on the first Saturday in March in each year, and shall submit the proposed rules or changes to the secretary of the Intercollegiate Association on or before the first Saturday in April, to be forthwith transmitted by him. A new rule was adopted providing that the referee having jurisdiction over the ball should be selected, in championship games, by the captains of the teams, but that the referee having jurisdiction over the men should be selected by the advisory com- mittee, and that this latter official should be called umpire instead of referee. Session of Graduate Advisory Committee, March 3, 1888, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives : Harvard, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania. W, S. Harvey, '85; Princeton, R. M. Hodge, '86; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys,'85; Yale, Walter Camp,'80. The committee decided to advise the following changes in the rules: Rule 12 to be altered so as to prevent the snapper-back from running with the ball before it had touched a third man. Rule 14 to be altered so as to prohibit players in the rush-line from blocking with extended arms. Rule 26 to be altered so as to permit tackling between the waist and the knee. Rule 35 to be altered so as to prevent any player while off side from using his hands or arms upon an opposing player. Convention of May 5, 1888, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, A. F. Holden, '88, R. W. Palmer, '89; Pennsylvania, G. Q. Horwitz, '86, G. H. Frazier, '87, F. Ashurst, '89; Princeton, E. O. Wagenhurst, '88, J. R. Barr, '89, Hector Cowan, '88; Yale, Walter Camp, '80, H. Beecher, '88, W. H. Corbin, '89. The convention vetoed the amendment advised by the Gradu- ate Advisory Committee to Rule 12. The remaining amend- ments were accepted excepting the amendment to Rule 14, which was reframed and adopted as follows : " No player shall lay his hands upon or interfere by the use of his hands or arms with an opponent unless he has the ball." Session of Graduate Advisory Committee, March 2, 1889, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, APPENDIX 477 W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, W. S. Harvey, *85; Princeton, R. M. Hodge, '86; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The committee decided to advise the following changes in the rules : A. That time should be taken out while bringing the ball out after a safety or touchback. B. That the penalty of disqualification for foul tackling or unnecessary roughness as provided for in one rule should be divided into two rules, of which the penalty for unnecessary rough- ness should continue to be disqualification, but that the penalty for foul tackling should be the loss of 25 yards only. Messrs. Camp and Hodge were appointed a committee to com- pile an official list of the championships awarded by the associa- tion. Session of Graduate Advisory Committee^ March 30, 1889,. at same place. — Representatives: Harvard, H. C. Leeds, '77; Penn- sylvania, John C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Duncan Edwards, '85; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The committee decided to advise the following changes in the rules : Rule 4 to read : " A touchdown is made when the ball is carried, kicked, or passed across the goal-line, and there held either in goal or in touch in goal." Rule 15 to read : " Both umpire and referee shall use a whistle to indicate cessation of play on fouls and downs. The referee shall use a stop-watch to keep the time. Time shall not be called for the end of the three-quarters until the ball is dead, and in the case of a try at goal from touchdown the try shall be allowed. Time shall be taken out while the ball is being brought out either for a try or a kick-out." Rule 26 to read : " The side which has the ball can interfere with the body only; the side which has not the ball can use hands and arms as heretofore." Rule 27 to read: *'(A) A player shall be disqualified for unnecessary roughness, hacking or striking with the closed fist. (B) For the offence of throttling, butting, tripping up, or tackling below the knees the opponents shall receive 25 yards or a free kick, at their option. In case they choose 25 yards, and this would carry the ball across the goal-line, they can have only one-half the distance from the spot of the offence to the goal-line." Rule 33 to read : " The player in a try at goal may be off side or in touch without vitiating the kick." 478 APPENDIX Session of Gradiiate Advisory Committee, Nov. 4, 1889, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, H. C. Leeds, '77; Pennsylvania, John C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Duncan Edwards, '85, E. A. Pee, '91; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution: Resolved, That no one shall be eligible to take part as a player in any championship games of this association who is not a bona- fide student of the college on whose team he plays, matriculated for the then current year, and regularly pursuing a course which requires his attendance upon at least five lectures or recitations a week, and in case a player's qualifications are questioned, he shall furnish to the advisory committee a certificate, signed by three members of the faculty, stating that he is a bona-fide student, matriculated for the then college year, and regularly pursuing a course which requires his attendance upon at least five lectures or recitations a week. And the player shall further furnish to the advisory committee an affidavit stating that he is a bona- fide student, matriculated for the then current year, and regularly pursuing a course which requires his attendance on at least five lectures or recitations a week, and that it is his intention to con- tinue in said course until the expiration of the present college year. No professional athlete shall take part in any contest of this association, nor shall any player of any university or college be paid or receive, directly or indirectly, any money or financial con- cession or emolument as present or past compensation for, or as a prior consideration or inducement to, playing, whether the same be received from or paid by, or at the instance of, the football association, athletic committee, or faculty of such college or university, or any individual whatsoever. And any player who is specifically challenged under this section by any member of the association in writing, shall, within five days after the filing of such challenge, file with the secretary of the committee an affidavit duly verified under oath, showing that he in no way violates the provisions of this section; and upon his failure to make and file such affidavit, he shall be barred from participating in any contest of the members of this association. And in case the suflSciency of such affidavit be questioned by the challenging party, and the committee of appeals be notified thereof, the player challenged shall submit on two days' notice to oral examination by said challenging party before said com- mittee, who shall then and thereafter decide regarding the eligibility of such challenged player to take part in contests of members of this association. APPENDIX 47d The date of such examination shall not be set on the day of, nor within forty-eight hours of, a championship match. No challenge or protest shall in any way affect a game which has been played previous to the filing or deciding of such challenge or protest. Mr. Edwards moved as a substitute resolution *the following, to be treated as an amendment to Article 19 of the constitution: Article 19. Sec. 1. No man shall be allowed to play more than four years upon a team representing any of the colleges in this association, or on the team of more than one college. Sec. 2. No man shall be allowed to play on a team represent- ing any of the colleges in this association unless he be an under- graduate of the said college. Sec. 3. No student in the department of law, medicine, or theology of any of the colleges in this association who has previ- ous to his membership therein played upon a team representing any other college in this association shall be allowed to play on the team of said college in which he is a student. Sec. 4. No man shall be allowed to play in a team represent- ing any of the colleges in this association if he in any way, directly or indirectly, receive any pay for so doing. Any inducement of pecuniary value shall be held as included in the meaning of the word "pay" as used in this section. Sec. 5. All questions of eligibility arising under this section must be investigated and decided by the advisory committee on application of any college. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Bell argued strongly against the adoption of the first clause of Mr. Camp's resolution, contending that it was ex 'post facto legislation offered to take effect in the middle of a season, and that it could not constitutionally do so under Section 3 of the association's constitution. Upon the vote the resolution was adopted, Pennsylvania and Princeton voting in the negative on clause one. Mr. Edwards, for Princeton, then offered his reso- lution as a further amendment to Article 19 of the constitution. Mr. Leeds raised the point of order that the amendment was not germane to the call for the special session. The point of order was not sustained, but the amendment was defeated. Mr. Edwards then moved that no student should be permitted to play upon any team in the association who had previously played upon the team of any other college either in or out of the association. Mr. Leeds renewed his point of order against this motion and the point was sustained. Mr. Leeds thereupon filed protests against 480 APPENDIX fifteen of Princeton's players. Mr. Edwards filed protests against four of Harvard's players. The committee thereupon adjourned until November 14, ensuing. Session of Graduate Advisory Committee of Nov. 14, 1889, at same place. — Representatives the same as in previous session. Answers to all protests were received, read, and filed. Mr. Leeds, moved that the committee proceed to dispose of the protests. Mr. Edwards raised the point of order that such a procedure was unconstitutional until two days had elapsed after the filing of the answers. The point was not sustained. Mr. Edwards then moved to table the protests of Harvard. Mr. Beattys asked leave to withdraw and inspect Harvard's evidence supporting their pro- tests before voting on the motion. Messrs. Leeds and Beattys withdrew to examine the evidence. Upon their return the mo- tion to table was carried, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Wesleyan voting affirmatively and Harvard and Yale negatively. Mr. Edwards thereupon withdrew his protests against the four players of Harvard and the committee adjourned. Convention of May 10, 1890, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, John C. Bell, '84, T. W. Hulme, '89; Princeton, E. A. Poe, '91, A. D. Wilson, '91, Max Farrand '92; Wesleyan, F. G. Beattys, '85, S. V. Coffin, '89; Yale, G. D. Yeomans, '90, J. B. Sears, '91, W. C. Rhodes, '91. A communication was received from Harvard withdrawing from the association. Messrs. Yeomans and Farrand were appointed a committee to compile the official record of championships of the association. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: To Rule 3 the following section was added: " If a catcher after making his mark be deliberately thrown to the ground by an opponent he shall be given 5 yards unless this would carry the ball across the goal-line, in which case one-half of the remaining distance shall be given." To Rule 13 was added: "Nor shall the disqualified or injured player removed from the game be permitted to return again to play." Also the new rule: "If a player off side touch the ball inside the 5-yard line the ball shall go as a touchback to the opponents." Convention of Oct. 4, 1890, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, E. O. Wagenhurst, '91, H. Mel- lor, '92; Princeton, E. A. Poe, '91, A. D. Wilson, '91, Max Far- rand, '92; Wesleyan, F. G. Beattys, '85, S. V. Coffin, '89, H. B. Slayback, '91, F. H. Tackaberry, '92; Yale, G. D. Yeomans, '90, J. B. Sears, '91, W. C. Rhodes, '91. APPENDIX 481 Messrs. Farrand and Yeomans filed their report upon the record of the official championships awarded by the association: " Princeton won the championship in 1877, 1878, 1879, 1885, and 1889, Yale won the championship in 1881, 1882, 1883, 1887, and 1888. There was no championship in 1880, 1884, and 1886." Convention of May 2, 1891, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, H. Mellor, '92; Princeton, Max Farrand, '92, R. H. Warren, '93, G. C. Fraser, '93; Wes- leyan, F. H. Tackaberry, '92; Yale, J. B. Sears, '91, W. C. Rhodes, '91. The following officers of the association for the ensuing year were elected: President, Lee McClung, '92, Yale; Secretary, R. H. Warren, '93, Princeton ; Treasurer, F. H. Tack- aberry, '92, Wesleyan. Richard Harding Davis, '86, Lehigh, appeared before the con- vention and asked for the admission of Lehigh to the association. The application was refused. Convention of Oct. 5, 1891, a^ Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, John C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Max Farrand, '92, R. H. Warren, '93; Wesleyan, F. G. Beattys, '85, F. H. Tackaberry, '92; Yale, W. B. Wright, '92, Lo*» McClung, '92. Meeting called for the purpose of arranging schedule of cham- pionship games. Mr. Bell moved that the Princeton and Yale games with Pennsylvania should be played in Philadelphia. Motion defeated, these contests upon a succeeding motion be- ing assigned to New York. Messrs. Farrand and Bell later transferred the Pennsylvania-Princeton game to Manheim, near Philadelphia. Convention of Harvard and Yale at Springfield, Oct. 9, 1891. — Representatives: Harvard, George A. Stewart, '84, B. W. Traf- ford, '93; Yale, W. B. Wright, '92, Lee McClung, '92. The following agreement was adopted: " We, the undersigned, representing the football associations of Harvard and Yale, respectively, do hereby agree to play a game of football annually, in the years from 1891 to 1894, inclusive. The game in each year shall be played at Hampden Park, Springfield, Mass. The date of the game in each year shall be the Saturday immediately preceding Thanksgiving Day. The games shall be played under the playing rules of the American Intercollegiate Football Association. In the years from 1892 to 1894, inclusive, a meeting shall be held, between the captains of the two elevens on or before October 17, at which a referee and umpire shall be elected and all other matters not covered by this agreement 482 APPENDIX be decided. For the year 1891 the referee and umpire shall be selected, as soon as may be, by mutual consent of the two elevens. B. W. Trafford, Captain H. U, F. B. A. George A. Stewart, For Graduate Advisory Committee on Football, Lee McClung, Captain, William B. Wright, President Yale University Football Association." Session of Graduate Advisory Committee, March 21, 1892, at New York. — Representatives: J. C. Bell, '84, Pennsylvania; Alex. Moffat, '84, Princeton; F. G. Beattys, '85, Wesleyan; Walter Camp, '80, Yale. The committee decided to recommend three changes in the rules : (1) If the ball is fumbled on a punt-out it shall be punted out again, and if again fumbled it shall go to the opponents at the centre of the field. (2) If a bona-fide attempt at goal is made and missed, the ball shall be put in play at the centre of the field. (3) Any person not playing attempt- ing to coach shall be warned, and upon the second offence shall be ordered outside the enclosure. Convention of May 12, 1892, at New York. — Representatives: S. B. Newton, '94, C. H. Schoff, '93, Pennsylvania; G. C. Fraser, '93, Philip King, '93, and J. McN. Thompson, '94, Princeton; Messrs. Gordon and Thorndike, Wesleyan; Lee McClung, *92, W. B. Wright, '92, Yale. ^ The following changes in the rules were adopted: To Rule 32 was added: " If the try for goal following a touch- down be missed the ball shall be brought to the centre of the field and given to the defenders of that goal." To Rule 34 was added: "If a punt-out from a touchdown is missed or is not fairly caught, the ball shall be taken to the centre of the field and given to the defenders of that goal." A new rule was added: "The umpire shall warn any person coaching from the side lines. Upon second offence the offender shall be ordered behind the ropes or fence." The application from Lehigh University for membership in the association was declined. APPENDIX 483 Convention of Jan. 21, 1893, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, H. A. Mackey, '93, S. B. Newton, '94; Princeton, J. McN. Thompson, '94, T. G. Trenchard, '95; Wesleyan, C. H. Judd, '94; Yale, V. C. McCormick, '93. Mr. McCormick offered the following resolution: Resolved, That no member of a graduate department or special student or any undergraduate who has registered or attended lectures or recitations at any other university or college, or any undergraduate who is not pursuing a course for a degree re- quiring his attendance for at least three years, shall be eligible to play upon the football teams of the colleges of this association. Adopted, ayes, Princeton, Wesleyan, Yale; nay, Pennsylvania. An application was received from Cornell to be admitted as a member of the association. Tabled. Session of Graduate Advisory Committee, March 4, 1893, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, John C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '85; Wesleyan, F. D. Beattys, '85; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The committee decided upon the following changes in the rules : A. The snapper-back to have full and undisturbed possession of the ball. B. The ball shall be brought out after a touchdown from the place where the player holding the ball is held, or where he touches down, and not where he has crossed the line. The play- ers of the side not having the ball shall not be allowed to touch the ball until it has been put in play. Convention of Oct. 6, 1893, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Pennsylvania, H. A. Mackey, '94, S. B. Newton, '94; Princeton, J. McN. Thompson, '94, T. G. Tren- chard, '95; Wesleyan, C. H. Judd, '94; Yale, F. A. Hinkey, '93, E. O. Holter, '94. Mr. Mackey moved the repeal of the "undergraduate rule." The motion, after a long debate, was lost. Mr. Mackey then moved to substitute for the "undergraduate rule" the Harvard- Pennsylvania eligibility rule as follows : "No student who is not a regular student in the college or scientific school, and no student in each of these departments who has ever played in an intercollegiate contest upon a university or class team of any other college, shall be permitted to play until he has resided one academic year at the institution he represents and passes an examination upon one year's full work; but nothing herein shall, during the year of 1893, disqualify any one who would be eligible under pre-existing rules. No student, whether he has 484 APPENDIX represented one or more colleges, shall take part in intercollegiate contests for more than four years, but this rule shall not, during the year of 1893, disqualify any one who would be eligible under pre-existing rules." This motion to substitute also was defeated Convention of Harvard and Yale at Springfield, Oct. 11, 1893. — ^Agreed that the intercollegiate undergraduate rule should not apply, but that each institution should be the judge of its own eligibility qualifications. Convention of Oct. 28, 1893, at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. — Representatives : Pennsylvania, John C. Bell, '84, H. A. Mackey, '93, S. B. Newton, '94; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84, T. G. Tren- chard, '95, J. McN. Thompson, '94; Wesleyan, F. G. Beattys, '85, E. O. Smith, '93, C. H. Judd, '94; Yale, F. A. Hinkey, '95, E. O. Holter, '94. Princeton, Wesleyan, and Yale voting affirmatively, Pennsyl- vania negatively, the " undergraduate rule " was amended by the substitution of the following: " 1. No man shall be eligible for the team of any college in this association who is not pursuing a bona-fide course requiring attendance on recitations or lectures of at least six hours a week. If a graduate, he shall be pursuing a course for a degree requiring at least one year's study; if an undergraduate and not pursuing a course for a degree, he shall not be allowed to play during his first year at college. " 2. Any man who has attended recitations or lectures in any other college shall not be eligible for the team in any college of this association, unless he be a regular member of the Freshman academic or scientific class, or until he has spent one year of resident study in that college and has passed satisfactory ex- aminations upon a full year's work. " 3. No man shall play more than four years upon any team in this association. " 4. Two weeks before each game of this association the two captains shall submit to one another a list of forty players from whom his team shall be chosen. If either captain has any objec- tion to make to any player upon the list submitted to him he shall submit the protest within four days to the Graduate Advisory Committee and to the other captain. The Graduate Advisory Committee shall have power to decide upon the eligibility of players and shall consider the protest submitted to them within forty-eight hours of its receipt. Either captain may submit a further list of six players not later than five days before the game. Protests to any of these men may be submitted in the APPENDIX 485 same manner and the Graduate Advisory Committee shall pass upon them not later than forty-eight hours before the game. " 5. The referee of any game in this association at the request of either captain shall debar from that game any man not in- cluded in the lists submitted, or who has been declared ineligible by the Graduate Advisory Committee." Mr. Mackey offered the following amendment : " Provided that this rule shall not disqualify, during the season of 1893, any player who is eligible under the rules and constitution of this association in force in 1892 and previous thereto." This amendment was defeated. Convention of Nov. 7, 1893, at Hotel Windsor, New York, — S. B. Newton, '94, Pennsylvania, filed with the secretary the resignation of the University of Pennsylvania from membership in the association, as follows: " To the Secretary of the Intercollegiate Football Association: At the time of the passage of the undergraduate rule and the sub- stitute adopted therefor on the 27th ult., as amendments to play- ing Rule 13 and Article 10 of the constitution, we, in behalf of Pennsylvania, entered a protest against the constitutionality of the same upon the minutes of the association. Pennsylvania has since uniformly maintained the position that the legislation referred to was unconstitutional and its immediate enforcement against Pennsylvania unjust; and the board of directors of its athletic association, by resolution passed on the 28th ult., re- affirmed Pennsylvania's position in this respect, and the captain of the team was instructed to act accordingly. " In a number of interviews and by correspondence Manager E. O. Holter, representing Yale, has insisted as a condition pre- cedent to the playing of the Yale-Pennsylvania game, scheduled for the 11th inst., that Pennsylvania shall submit to Yale a list of her players, whose eligibility shall be decided on by the pro- visions of the said mentioned rule, and that Pennsylvania shall further sign a written agreement to play the game under a strict interpretation of the rules of the Intercollegiate Football Associa- tion as they now stand. " This submission and agreement, for the reasons above'given, Pennsylvania is unable to make and is therefore impelled to re- sign from the Intercollegiate Football Association, and accord- ingly hereby tenders her resignation therefrom. "H. A. Mackey, " Captain U. of P. Football Eleven, "S. B. Newton, " Manager U. of P, Football Eleven.** 486 APPENDIX A communication also was received from Wesleyan, dated Nov. 5, 1893, likewise resigning from membership in the as- sociation. Conference of Feb. 3, 1894, at University Athletic Club. New York. — Owing to the absence of an authoritative body gov- erning football, due to the dissolution of the Intercollegiate Football Association, the University Athletic Club of New York City appointed, for the purpose of protecting the game, a com- mittee of its members consisting of George Adee, '67, Yale; Lloyd McK. Garrison, '88, Harvard; Guy Richards, '87, Co- lumbia; C. F. Matthewson, '82, Dartmouth, and C. C. Cuyler, '79, Princeton. This committee invited to the conference Alex. Moffat, '84, Princeton, J. H. Sears, '89, Harvard, and F. A. Hinkey, '95, Yale. The conference decided to request Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale, to select one representative each to form a rules committee to govern the game, this com- mittee to assemble February 23, 1894. Meeting of Rules Committee, Feb. 23, 1894, at University Athletic Club, New York. — Representatives: Harvard, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84, Princeton; Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp '80. Mr. Moffat was chosen as chairman and Mr. Camp as secretary. The committee voted to increase its membership to include Paul J. Dashiell, '84, Johns Hopkins, on account of his expert knowledge of the game, and as its leading official. A public request was issued for suggestions for the reform of the game. Meeting of Rules Committee, May 8, 1894, at University Athletic Club, New York. — ^The following amendments to the rules were adopted: Rule 8 altered so as to read : " A fair catch is a catch made direct from a kick by one of the opponents, or a punt-out by one of the same side, provided the man intending to make the catch indicates that intention by holding up his hand when running for the ball, and also makes a mark with his heel upon catching it, and no other of his side touches the ball. If he be interfered with by an opponent who is off side, or if he be thrown after catching the ball, he shall be given fifteen yards, unless this should carry the ball across the goal-line. In that case he shall be given but half of the intervening distance. After having raised his hand he cannot run with the ball, but must take his fair catch if he succeed in making one." Rule 14 altered so as to read: " The officials shall consist of an umpire, a referee, and a linesman." Rule 15 altered so as to read: " The umpire is the judge of the APPENDIX 487 conduct of the players and his decision is final regarding fouls and unfair tactics. The umpire may appeal to both the lines- man and the referee for testimony regarding cases of unnecessary roughness, off-side play, or holding, but they shall not volunteer their opinion, nor can they be appealed to on these points by the captains or players. The referee is judge of the position and progress of the ball. The linesman shall use a stop-watch in tim- ing the game. The linesman shall, under the advice of the referee, mark the distance gained or lost in the progress of the play. He shall also keep the time." Rule 16 altered so as to read: " The length of the game shall be 70 minutes, divided into two halves of 35 minutes each, exclusive of time taken out. No delay for any cause whatever shall exceed three minutes. The captains shall toss up before the commence- ment of the match and the winner of the toss shall have the choice of goal or kick-off. The same side shall not kick off in two suc- cessive halves. In all cases where the rules provide for a kick the ball must be actually kicked the distance of at least ten yards into the opponents* territory unless stopped by the opponents." Rule 24 altered so as to read: " If a player when off side touch the ball inside the opponents' ten-yard line, the ball shall go as a touchback to the opponents." Rule 25 altered so as to read: " No player shall lay his hands upon an opponent unless he has the ball. Players of the side in possession of the ball may obstruct with the body only." Rule 30 extended so as to read: " There shall be no piling up upon a runner after he has cried down or the referee has blown his whistle. Infractions of this rule shall be penalized by ad- vancing the ball ten yards for the offended side." A new rule was adopted as follows : " No momentum mass play shall be allowed. A momentum mass play is one in which more than three men start before the ball is put in play. Nor shall more than three men group for that purpose more than five yards back of the point where the ball is put in play." Convention of Oct. 5, 1894, at Murray Hill Hotel, New York. — Representatives: Princeton, E. S. Munn, '95, A. G. Milbank, '96; Yale, F. A. Hinkey, '95, B. S. Cable, '95. These gentlemen assembled as members of the old Intercollegiate Football Associa- tion. The following addition to the rules was made for the Princeton-Yale game : " There shall be an umpire, a referee, and a linesman. The referee shall judge for the ball, the umpire for the players, and the linesman's duties shall be as defined in Rule 15. No man shall act as an umpire who is an alumnus of either college." 488 APPENDIX Convention of March 16, 1895, at University Athletic Club, New York. — Representatives: Princeton, Alex. Moffat, 84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. It was decided in behalf of the Intercollegiate Football Associa- tion to request the University Athletic Club to invite Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale to a joint conference on the rules. During the arrangements for this conference correspondence was passing between S. B. Thome, '96, Yale, and A. H. Brewer, '96, Harvard, terminating athletic relationships between these two universities, a severance which existed until 1897. Meeting of Joint Conference^ March 31, 1895, at University Athletic Cluby New York, — Representatives: Harvard, W. A. Brooks, '87; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The committee was divided upon the subject of mass plays and flying interference. Princeton and Yale advocated their abolition. Harvard and Pennsylvania their retention. The com- mittee adjourned from time to time during the spring and event- ually continued its sessions into the summer, but the subjects of contention could not be adjusted. Finally the committee sep- arated. Harvard and Pennsylvania invited Cornell to join them in the formation of an independent rules committee. This in- vitation was accepted, and Cornell selected as its representative L. M. Dennis, '85, Michigan, a member of Cornell's faculty. These two rule-making bodies drew separate rules upon the points of dispute, but in other respects followed the common code. The Rule Book published the latter, and then appended the rules at variance as follows: Princeton and Yale: 1. The player making a fair catch need not signal with his •hand, but must make a mark with his heel. If he makes no mark he may run with the ball. 2. The officials shall consist of an umpire, referee, linesman, and assistant linesman, any of whom may disqualify a player for violation of the rules subject to the approval of the umpire. 3. Not more than one man shall start forward before the ball is put in play and not more than three men shall group behind the line of scrimmage. Seven men must be on the line of scrim- mage until the ball is snapped, except that the end rush may drop back, but must stand outside of the adjacent tackle. Cornell-Harvard-Pennsylvania : 1. The player catching a punt may not run with the ball, but may pass it to another player, who may run with it. APPENDIX 480 2. The officials shall consist of two umpires, a referee, and a linesman. Joint Session of Rules Committees, March 13, 1896, New York. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, J. H. Sears, '89; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The commit- tees voted to form a single committee and thereupon adjourned from time to time. During these sessions the deliberations of the committee were participated in by E. N. Wrightington, '97, Harvard, B. G. Waters, '94, Harvard, and F. T. Murphy, '97, Yale. The committee finally agreed upon the following amendments to the rules: A. A player trying for a fair catch shall make a mark with his heel. B. If the forward movement of the ball is stopped, or if the runner shall cry down, the ball shall be deemed to be down. Pil- ing up thereafter shall be penalized by the distance of 15 yards. C. No player of the side not in possession of the ball shall touch the same until it is in play. D. The snapper-back and man opposite may not touch the ball until it has touched a third man. E. No player of the side in possession of the ball shall take more than one step toward his opponents' goal before the ball is in play without coming to a full stop. At least five players shall be on the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. If six players be behind the line of scrimmage, then two of the said six players must be at least five yards behind the line or shall be outside of the players on the end of the line. Meeting of Rules Committee, Feb, 19, 1897, at New York. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The sessions of the committee were continued from time to time until June 7, when the following changes in the rules were adopted : A. The following shall be the values of plays in scoring: I Goal obtained by touchdown, 6 points ; goal from field kick, 5 \ points; touchdown failing goal, 5 points; safety by opponents, 2 ^ points. B. If the snapper-back feint to put the ball in play for the purpose of drawing opponents off side, the ball shall be considered to be in play and the scrimmage begun. C. The referee shall arbitrarily shorten the halves when in his opinion the lateness of the game will not allow it to be fully completed. 490 APPENDIX D. A player may be substituted for another at any time at the discretion of the captain of his team. E. The provisions in the rules relative to touch-in-goal were stricken out. F. The man who first receives the ball from the snapper-back shall not carry the ball forward beyond the line of scrimmage, unless he has regained it after it has been passed to and touched another player. Meeting of Rules Committee, March 7, 1898. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The following changes in the rules were adopted: A. If the ball, after being kicked, strikes an opponent and then passes over the cross-bar, it still counts a goal. B. Whenever a side has tried a drop kick at the goal upon a first down inside the twenty-five yard line, and the result has been a touchback, the ten-yard instead of the twenty-five-yard line shall determine the position of the opponents, and the kicker's side must be behind the ball when it is kicked. C. In case of piling up on a player after the referee has de- clared the ball dead, the penalty shall be fifteen yards. D. For holding, unlawful use of hands and arms, off-side play, tripping, and foul tackling the penalty shall be the loss of ten yards if the side not in possession of the ball is the offender, or if the offending side had the ball, its immediate surrender to the opponents. E. In the case of interference of any kind with the putting of the ball in play, or unnecessary delay of the game, the offended side shall be advanced five yards. F. If a player trying for a fair catch is unlawfully obstructed the offended side shall receive fifteen yards and the choice of putting the ball in play by a free kick or by a scrimmage. G. If a player who has heeled a fair catch is thrown to the ground, unless he has advanced beyond his mark, his side shall receive fifteen yards and be obliged to take a free kick. Meeting of Rules Committee, March 17, 1899, at New York. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The following changes in the rules were adopted: A. If the ball should strike an official it is not to be regarded as dead, but play shall continue exactly as if the ball had not touched him. APPENDIX 491 B. If the player about to kick after a fair catch advances be- yond his mark the opposing side shall be permitted to line up five yards nearer the player. Meeting of Rules Committee, April 28, 1900, at Philadelphia. — Representatives : Cornell, L. M. Dennis ; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The following changes in the rules were adopted: Rule I, section d, note. A touchdown is made when any part of the ball is on, above, or across the goal-line. Rule 4, section d. A safety is made when a player of the side in possession of the ball commits a foul which would give the ball to opponents behind the offender's goal-line. Rule 29 (new). There shall be no coaching either by sub- stitutes or by any other person not participating in the game. In case of accident to a player only one official representative shall be allowed upon the field of play. Rule 21, section a, exception. A team may not retain posses- sion of the ball by taking it back twenty yards a second time, un- less the ball in the meantime had been in the possession of the opponents. Rule 28, exception. An off-side play by the side in possession of the ball shall not be penalized by the loss of the ball, but by the loss of ten yards, the number of the down and the point to which the ball must be advanced for first down to remain the same. Meeting of Rules Committee, March, 1901, at New York. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Amendments to the rules adopted as follows: Rule 4, add: A safety is made when the ball kicked by a man behind his goal-line crosses the side line extended behind the goal-line. Rule 10, note: Ahead of the ball means between the oppo- nents' goal-line and a line parallel to the goal-line and passing through the point of the ball nearest the goal-line of the side not in possession of the ball. Rule 17, section a extended: Before the ball is put in play no player shall lay his hands upon, or by the use of his hands or arms interfere with, an opponent in such a way as to delay putting the ball in play. Rule 22, section a, relative to putting the ball in play by a kick when out of bounds, add: "Touch it in with both hands 492 APPENDIX at right angles to the side Hne and then kick it at least ten yards." Rule 25, section a, relative to a try at goal by a place kick, add: *' The referee shall signal with his hand when the ball is placed upon the ground." Rule 28, section d, relative to making a fair catch, the clause prohibiting interference with a player " attempting to make a fair catch" was changed to "who has an opportunity to make a fair catch." Meeting of Rules Committee^ March, 1902, at New York. — Rep- resentatives : Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, Alex. Moffat, '84; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Amendments to rules as follows: Rule 13, section a, add: "The teams shall change goals after every try at goal following a touchdown, and after every goal from the field, and also at the beginning of the second half." Rule 13, section c, relative to ball having been kicked across the goal- line at the kick-off, add : " If the ball has not been de- clared dead the side defending the goal may run with it." Rule 16, section b, relative to being off side while snapping the ball, add: " If this occurs once more on the same down, the opponents shall receive five yards, the number of the down and the point to be gained to remain unchanged." Rule 22, section a, relative to touching the ball in play from the side line when out of bounds, add : " Neither side need be on side when the ball is thus put in play." Rule 27, add: " Only five men shall be permitted to walk up and down on each side of the field. The rest, including sub- stitutes, water-carriers, and all who are admitted to the enclosure, must be seated throughout the game. None of these shall come upon the field of play without permission from the umpire. Breach of any part of this rule shall constitute a foul and be pun- ished by a loss of five yards to the side whose man infringes, the number of the down and the point to be gained remaining the same." Rule 28, section a, reducing the penalty for holding from ten yards: "The penalty for holding shall be the loss of five yards." Rule 28, section k, note, relative to declination of a penalty by the offended side, add: "In case of a run from this play being made not more than twenty-five yards from the spot where the foul was committed shall be allowed." (The previous limit was fifteen yards.) APPENDIX 493 Meeting of Rules Committee, March, 1903, at New York. — Representatives: Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Prince- ton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Amendments to rules were made as follows: Rule 10, section c, add: "The man who, standing back of his own line of scrimmage, receives the ball from one of his side and then kicks it beyond the line of scrimmage may not put other men on side by running ahead of them nor may he himself recover the ball until it has touched a player of the opposing side." Rule 13, section a, add: " The teams shall change goals after every try at goal following a touchdown and after every goal from the field, and the side just scored upon shall have the op- tion of kicking off or having their opponents kick off. At the beginning of the second half the teams shall take opposite goals from those assumed at the beginning of the first half." Rule 18, section a, add : " When the ball is put in play in a scrim- mage at any point of the central portion of the field, that is, the portion bounded by the two twenty-five-yard lines and the two side lines, the player who first receives the ball when the scrim- mage is within the above-mentioned territory may carry it for- ward beyond the line of scrimmage, provided in so doing he crosses such line at least five yards from the point where the snapper-back put the ball in play." Rule 27, add : " If head protectors are worn, no sole-leather, papier-mach6, or other hard or unyielding material shall be used in their construction, and all other devices for protectors must be so arranged and padded as in the judgment of the umpire to be without danger to other players." Rule 29, section 111, add : " The linesman must penalize a side for tripping, unnecessary roughness to a back after a kick, and for off-side play in the line." Meeting of Rules Committee, March, 1904, at New York. — Representatives: Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The membership of the committee was extended by inviting the University of Chicago to participate. A. A. Stagg, '88, Yale, professor and director of Department of Physical Culture at Chicago was chosen as the university's representative. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: Rule 18, section b, to read as follows: ** At least six men of the side holding the ball must be on the line of scrimmage. If not 494 APPENDIX more than six men are on the Hne of scrimmage, one man of those not on the scrimmage Hne must be outside the position occupied by the man on the end of the Hne. In this rule outside means both feet outside the foot of the player at the end of the line." Rule 18, section c, altered to read: "The first man receiving the ball from the snapper-back may carry the ball forward, pro- vided he crosses the line of scrimmage at least five yards outside of the snapper-back." Rule 22, relative to putting ball in play when out of bounds, strike out section a, reading: "Touch it in with both hands at right angles to the side line and then kick it at least ten yards toward the opponents' goal." Rule 26 altered so as to read: " Goal from a field kick, either a drop kick or place kick, four points." Rule 28, section E, insert: " The offended side may decline to accept the penalty, in which case play is resumed as if no foul occurred." Rule 28, section G, paragraph 1, relative to interference with a fair catch, insert : " They may receive fifteen yards, in which case they may put the ball in play by a scrimmage; or (2) They may receive five yards, in which case they shall put the ball in play by a punt, drop kick, or place kick." Meeting of Rules Committee, March, 1905, at New York. — Representatives: Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, R. D. Wrenn, '95; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: Rule 6, add new section d, as follows : " If any player of the side in possession of the ball other than the snapper-back makes any deliberate attempt, by a false start or otherwise, to draw the op- ponents off side, the ball, if snapped, shall not be regarded as in play, nor the scrimmage as begun." Rule 20, add (note) : " In order to prevent the prevalent stealing of the ball, the referee shall blow his whistle immediately when the forward progress of the ball has been stopped." Rule 27, section b, add (note) : " When a substitute is sent in he must go directly to the referee and report himself before taking his place." Rule 27, section /, relative to side-line coaching, altered so as to read : " Breach of any part of this rule shall constitute a foul and be punished by a loss of ten yards to the side whose man in- fringes, the number of the down and the distance for first down to remain unchanged. APPENDIX 495 Meeting of Rules Committee, Dec. 9, 1905, at Philadelphia. — Representatives: Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Coraell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, W. T. Reid, '01 ; Navy, P. J. Dashiell ; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. The following suggestions were filed for consideration: Mr. Camp: A. Increase the yardage to ten yards; B. In- crease the penalties for rough playing; C. Appoint a central board to control officials; D. Prohibit tackling below the knees and also hurdling; E. Limit the use of the arms by linesmen. Mr. Bell: A. Prohibit a disqualified player from being re- placed until the end of the half; B. Limit the positions of players on defence; C. Increase the yardage to ten yards; D. Estab- lish a central board to control officials. Mr. Fine: A. Increase yardage to ten yards; B. Weaken the defence; C. Modify the method of tackling; D. Appoint two umpires. Mr. Dashiell: A. Increase yardage to eight yards; B. Re- quire seven men on offensive line of scrimmage; C. Introduce forward passes; D. Prohibit substitution for disquahfied player until lapse of ten minutes. Mr. Stagg: A. Increase yardage to ten yards; B. Establish a modified code of rules for schools. Mr. Dennis: Limit positions of players on defence. The committee adjourned without action until January 12, 1906. Conference of Colleges, December 24, 1905, at New York. — At the invitation of Chancellor Henry M. MacCracken, twenty- eight colleges assembled to discuss reform for football, Harvard, of the institutions represented upon the Rules Committee, being the only one to participate. It was decided to form an independ- ent Rules Committee, under the name of Conference Committee, of seven members, to sit jointly, if possible, with the " old com- mittee." The following were selected as representatives : Charles D. Daly, '01, Harvard, and '05, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth; James A. Babbitt, '93, Yale, and member of faculty at Haverford; H. L. Williams, *91, Yale, and director of athletics at Minne- sota; James T. Lees, Nebraska; C. W. Savage, Oberlin, and F. H. Curtiss, Texas. This conference of colleges assumed the name of National Intercollegiate Football Conference, but later changed the name to Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States. Joint Session of Intercollegiate and Conference Committees, Jan. 12, 1906, at New York. — Representatives: Intercollegiate 496 APPENDIX Committee — Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Har- vard, W. T. Reid, '01; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Conference Committee— C. D. Daly, '05, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth; J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; H. L. Williams, Minne- sota; J. T. Lees, Nebraska; C. W. Savage, '93, Oberlin; F. H. Curtiss, Texas. It was decided that the two committees should sit jointly, under the title of American Intercollegiate Football Rules Com- mittee, that eight members thereof should constitute a quorum, and that eight votes should be necessary to pass a motion. The rules were then taken up, and the committee adjourned from time to time. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: Rule 1, section /. The officials of the game shall be a referee, two umpires, and a linesman. Note. — The second umpire may be dispensed with by mutual agreement of the two institutions involved. Rule 2, section a. The length of the game shall be sixty min- utes, divided into two halves of thirty minutes each, exclusive of time taken out. There shall be ten minutes intermission between the halves. Rule 5, section b. A scrimmage takes place when the holder of the ball places it flat upon the ground with its long axis at right angles to the line of scrimmage and puts it in play by kicking it forward or snapping it back. Rule 5, section c. The line of scrimmage for each side is an imaginary line parallel to the goal-line and passing through that point of the ball nearest the side's own goal-line. Rule 5, section d. A fair catch consists in catching the ball, etc., provided the player, while advancing toward the ball, signals his intention of making a fair catch by raising his hand clearly above his head and takes not more than two steps after making the catch. Rule 5, section e. A down occurs (2) when any portion of the player, with the ball except his hands or feet, touches the ground while he is in the grasp of an opponent. Rule 5, section m. A player trips another when he obstructs him below the knee with that part of his leg which is below the knee. Rule 5, section n. Hurdling in the open is jumping over, or attempting to jump over, an opponent who is still on his feet. Hurdling in the line is jumping over, or attempting to jump over, a player on the line of scrimmage, with the feet or knees fore- APPENDIX 497 most, within the distance of five yards on either side of the point where the ball is put in play. Rule 8, section b. Either captain may ask that time be called three times during each half without penalty. If thereafter, however, time be taken out at the request of a captain, his side shall be penalized by a loss of two yards for each time, unless a player be removed from the game, the down and distance to be gained to remain the same as they were before the request was made. Rule 9, section a. The opponents must not interfere in any way with the snapper-back, nor touch him or the ball until it is actually in play. Rule 11, section c, 1. No player of those ordinarily occupying the position of centre, guard, and tackle — that is, the five middle players of the line — may drop back from the line of scrimmage on the offence, unless he is at least five yards behind the line of scrimmage when the ball is put in play and another player of those ordinarily behind the line of scrimmage takes his place on the line of scrimmage. Note. — There shall be no shifting of men to evade this rule. Rule 12, section a. Note. — Holding or unlawful obstruction by the hands or arms; side in possession of the ball includes: 1. Grasping an opponent with the hands or arms. 2. Placing the hands or arms upon an opponent to push him away from the play. 3. Circling in any degree any part of the opponent with the arm. Session of Intercollegiate Conference Committees^ March, 1907, at New York. — Representatives: Intercollegiate Committee — Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, W. T. Reid, '01; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Confer- ence Committee— C. D. Daly, '05, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dart- mouth; J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; H. L.Williams, Minnesota; J. T. Lees, Nebraska; C. W. Savage, '93, Oberiin; W. L. Dud- ley, Vanderbilt. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: Rule 6, add: " Opportunity to make a fair catch is where the player is in such position that it would be possible for him to reach the ball before it touches the ground." Rule 17, section 7, insert: " In case a signal is made for a fair catch by any player who has an opportunity for a fair catch, and another player of his side who had not signalled for a fair catch catches the ball, no run shall be made nor shall the fair catch be 498 APPENDIX allowed, but the ball shall be given to the catcher's side for a scrimmage at the point where the catch was made." The referee was given jurisdiction over hurdling. Session of Intercollegiate and Conference Committees, March, 1908, at New York. — Representatives : Intercollegiate Committee — Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, Joshua Crane, '90; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84; Princeton, J. B. Fine, '82; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Conference Committee— H. B. Hackett, '04, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dart- mouth; J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; H. L. Williams, Minne- sota; J. T. Lees, Nebraska; C. W. Savage, '93, Oberlin; W. L. Dudley, Vanderbilt. Amendments to the rules were made as follows: Rule IV, section 2. There shall be fifteen minutes intermission between the two halves. The referee shall cause both teams to be notified three minutes before the intermission has expired. Fifteen minutes after the close of the first half the referee shall blow his whistle in the middle of the field, and in case either team fails to appear within two minutes thereafter, the ball shall be put in play as first down by the offended side on the offending side's thirty-yard line. Rule V. The score of a forfeited game shall be 1 to in favor of the offended side. Rule VI, section 16, i. The ball is dead when it accidentally strikes an official. In such case the play must be played over. Rule XIX, section 5, c. Of the players of the side making a forward pass only the player who first legally touched the ball shall be entitled to touch or recover the ball until it has been touched by an opponent. Rule XIX, section 7. If the ball after having been legally passed forward crosses the goal-line on the fly or strikes the up- rights or cross-bar before it has been touched by a player on either side it becomes dead and shall count as a touchback to the de- fenders of that goal. Session of Intercollegiate and Conference Committees, March 27, 1909, at New York. — Representatives: Intercollegiate Com- mittee — Chicago, A. A. Stagg; Cornell, L. M. Dennis; Harvard, C. Blagden, '02; Navy, P. J. Dashiell; Pennsylvania, J. C. Bell, '84, alternate, Carl Williams, '97; Princeton, P. H. Davis, '93; Yale, Walter Camp, '80. Conference Committee — H. B. Hackett, '04, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth; J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; H. L. Williams, Minnesota; W. A. Lambeth, '92, Virginia; W. S. Langford, '96, Trinity; W. L. Dudley, Van- derbilt. APPENDIX 503 Rule XX, section 4. Make penalty same as Rule XXVI, section 5. Rule XVII, section 6. Official to blow whistle when forward progress stops. Side in possession may push opponents with bodies. Rule XVIII, section 2. Strike out last clause of penalty: "Side in possession." Rule XVIII, section 2. If player after catching ball stops with only one step or less, the ball is declared dead. Page 205. Strike out Note 24, referring to Rule XIX, sec- tion 5. Rule XVIII, section 2. Man ineligible to catch ball may not run into opponents. Any forward pass, whether crossing scrimmage line or not, must be played from at least five yards back of scrimmage line. Rule VIII, section 4. Add: "Line or line extended." Rule III, section 2. A player disqualified for cause may not be returned to the game. Rule IV, section 2. Penalty for player leaving field at the three- minute intermission, same as coaching from side lines. Rule VI. If snapper-back does not hold long axis of ball as specified, ball must be put in play over again. Rule VI, section 17 (I). If ball hits official, whether in hands of player or not, it must be played over again. Rule VI, section 16. If player extends arms advancing ball after declared dead, it is crawling. Rule VIII. Snapper-back may assume any position, so long as he is not off side, in putting ball in play. Rule VIII, section 4. If end is man in motion, another must take his place on line of scrimmage, as seven men must be on this line when ball is put in play. Rule XVII, section 6. Comrade may not lift fallen man to his feet to enable him to continue his run. Joint Session of Rules Committees held in New York, Feb. 3, 1911. — Representatives, Intercollegiate Rules Committee: A. A. Stagg, Chicago; J. W. Beacham, '97, Cornell; P. D. Haughton, '99, Harvard; F. D. Berrien, '00, Navy; Carl Williams, '97, Pennsylvania; P. H. Davis, '93, Princeton; Walter Camp, '80, Yale. National Conference Committee: V. W. Cooper, '04, Army; E. K. Hall, '92, Dartmouth; J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; S. C. Williams, '01, Iowa; H. L. Williams, Minnesota; C. W. Savage, '93, OberHn; W. L. Dudley, Vanderbilt. Mr. Hall is elected chairman, and Mr. Camp secretary. The rules were amended as follows : 504 APPENDIX Rule 4, section 2. There shall be two minutes intermission between the iBrst and second periods, and between the third and fourth periods. Rule 6, section 17. If the ball strikes an official it shall not become dead, but play shall continue. Rule 18. All penalties under the rules relating to forward passes heretofore applied on the spot from which the pass was made, shall hereafter be applied on the spot of the preceding down. Rule 18, section 2. Strike out the words "and taken more than one step in any direction." (Alteration of rule which forbade tackling or roughing the player receiving a forward pass until he had taken more than one step.) Rule 19, section 4. If the ball having been legally passed for- ward and legally touched, shall then strike the ground unless hav- ing been actually caught, the play shall be considered an incom- pleted forward pass. Rule 25, section c. Only three men shall be permitted to walk up and down the side lines on each side of the field. Rule 30, section 4. The time shall be kept hereafter by the umpire. Add a new rule: " If a foul following a first or second down is committed by the offensive side while the ball is behind its goal-line, or in flight from a kick or pass delivered from behind that line, the play shall count as a down and the ball shall be put in play upon the 1-yard line; if such foul follows a third down the referee shall declare a safety. If the defensive side commits a foul while the offensive side is running, kicking, or passing out from behind its goal-line, the referee shall declare a touchback." The following notes were adopted: Throwing to the ground the player carrying the ball after the referee has declared the ball dead, may be considered as un- necessary roughness. Concealing the ball beneath the clothing of a player or sub- stituting any article for the ball shall be considered as unsports- manlike conduct. Voted to incorporate in the rules the interpretations made Sept. 17, 1910. A codification committee, composed of Walter Camp, E. K. Hall, and Carl Williams, was appointed to recodify the rules, with power to alter the verbiage thereof to accomplish simplification and clarification. r; 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ^j- j) LOAN DEPT. U,h<. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO^*^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUTO. DISC. DEC 11986 1 f^R'Qili 1 "i^^^il l£ tUOAJ. IC>0I/ mm: NOV 14 1987 JUL 21 1383 AUTO DISCJUL 20 "88 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, BERKELEY, CA 94720 {g)$ .H re 19746' GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. 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