UBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA State Library. • > ♦ <: • Accessions No. 1 1 tf 3 IS* Received Class ,jj/ ■asasa taeiBa s wTifff esi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofengliOOchicrich CATALOGUE OIF ENGLISH PROSE FICTION J^ISTJD JUVENILE BOOKS IDKT TX3IE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. THE^CHICAe%«3l?LlC LIBRA! Chicago, January ist, 1898. rr ~"~T~~ - l ^ift Z7S3 PREFACE. The plan of this catalogue is that of a single alphabet of authors and titles. It is a consolidation of all previously printed catalogues, supplements and bulletins of English Prose Fiction and Juvenile Books, and includes all accessions to January i, 1898. Authors are entered under their real names when known, and under the pseu- donym, or assumed name, when not known. Where only the initials of an author are given, the last initial is put first. A cross reference is made from the pseudonym to the real name, and the pseudonym is given in italics after the real name. Anonymous books are entered under the title only. Books especially suitable for young people are indicated by the case letter H. I nder the author's name are given the titles of his or her books in alphabetical order, except in the case of series, which are arranged as the books should be read. Contents of volumes of short stories are given under the author's name. Works having a historical basis, and descriptive novels, are so indicated by a note appended to the title under the author's name only. When this information forms no part of the title it is enclosed in brackets. Titles are entered under the first word not an article, and also under an important, or catch-word, when such occurs in a title, followed by the author's surname. For the benefit of those who wish to plan a systematic course of reading in fic- tion, the list of bibliographical aids which follows has been compiled. Many of the books mentioned in this list, especially the catalogues of fiction in various libraries, have been freely used in the preparation of this catalogue. The titles of all new accessions to the library, since January 1, 1898, will be found on the bulletin boards in the Delivery Room, in the quarterly bulletins, and in the public card catalogue. AIDS TO READING AND STUDYING FICTION. Adams. Dictionary of English Literature *R 13S 1 Besant. Art of Fiction J 1 597 Brewer. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable *R 1390 Reader's Handbook *R 1366 012 iv PREFACE. Catalogues: Acland. Guide to the choice of Books [1891] J 1435 Boston Public Library, Historical Fiction, America *0 1036,10-1 1 Austria, Hungary, Bohemia *0 1036,13 England *0 1036,11-12 France *0 1036,12-13 . Germany *0 1036,13 Ireland *0 1036,12 Scandinavia, Russia, Poland, Eastern Empire, Turkey, Servia *0 1036,14 Spain, Portugal *0 1036,14 Switzerland, Netherlands *0 1036,13 Another Set of the above in Public Card Catalogue Room. Catalogue of English Prose Fiction, 1877 *0 1043 Bowen. Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales [1882] *0 624 Brookline Public Library, Catalogue of Historical Fiction [1897] *0 1213 Burt. Literary Landmarks J 1803 Dixson. Subject Index to Prose Fiction [1897] *0 528 The same *Ref. Dept Evanston Public Library, Fiction, Books for Young People, 1897 *0 1508 Griswold. Descriptive Lists of Novels, etc *0 566 Books for the Young [1895]; Novels dealing with Ancient History and History of North America; American City and Country Life; Life in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Russia [1892]; List of Romantic, British and International Novels [1891]. Hardy. Five Hundred Books for the Young [1892] J 14 18 Hartford Public Library, Boys' and Girls' Books [1895] *0 1593 Hewins. Books for the Young [ 1884] J 1 450 Holbrook. Reading for Boys and Girls [1882] *J 1465,1 Indianapolis Public Library, Books for Young Readers [1888] . .*0 1663 La Fayette Public Library, Books for Young Readers [1891] *0 1689 Leypoldt and lies. Books for Girls and Women and their Clubs [1895] J 2790 The same *Q 582 Perkins. The Best Reading [1872-3]. 2 v.. *R 1380 and Jones. The same [1877-91]. 4v *R 1379 St. Louis Public Library, English Prose Fiction, 1897 •© Salem Public Library, Historical Fiction, pp. 123-141 [1895] *0 io^q.i San Francisco Public Library, Classified English Prose Fiction [1891] *0 1998 Sargant and Whishaw. Guide Book to Books [1891] *0 595 Sargent. Reading for the Young [1890-96]. 2 v J 1433 The same *0 581 Sonnenschein. Best Books [1891-95]. 2v *0 662 U. S. Bureau of Education, Catalogue of A. L. A. Library [1893] J 1712 The same *0 490 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de: Cervantes; by Oliphant J 2244 . Don Quixote, his Critics and Commentators; by Duffield J 2332 Sancho Panza's Proverbs; by Burke E 2244 Spanish Salt, Proverbs in Don Quixote; by Burke E 866 Century Cyclopedia of Names *R 30 Chapman's Magazine of Fiction, 1895-97. 7 v *Ser. Clouston. Popular Tales and Fictions; their Migrations and Transformations. 2 v L 2530 Crawford. The Novel: What is it? E Cross, M. A. {George Eliot): Ethics of George Eliot's Works; by Brown J 153° PREFACE. v Cross, M. A. {George Eliot)-. George Eliot and her Heroines; by Woolson C 2753 George Eliot and Judaism ; by Kauf mann E 3964 George Eliot in Derbyshire; by Roslyn I 6300 Scenes and Characters from Works of George Eliot; by Seguin *V 1580 Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings from George Eliot; by Main E 4527 Wit and Wisdom of George Eliot E 1336 Davenport. Best Fifty Books condensed J 1 507 Dickens, C: About England with Dickens; by Rimmer I 6269 Bibliography of the Writings of Dickens; by Cook *0 281 Bozland, Dickens' Places and People; by Fitzgerald I 6319 Charles Dickens' Readings; by Field J 1569 Cyclopaedia of the Best Thoughts of Dickens; by Fontaine *R 1307 Dialogues from Dickens; by Fette J 2508 Dickens Dictionary; by Pierce and Wheeler *R 1386 History of Pickwick; by Fitzgerald J 1721 In Kent with Dickens; by Frost I 685 Law and Lawyers of Pickwick; by Lockwood N 5128 London in the Works of Dickens; by lVmberton I 743 A Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land; by Hughes I 6297 Dodds. Stories from Early English Literature J 2221 Dunlop. History of Fiction [1855] J 1487 The same; new ed. revised [1888]. 2 v I 3093. Egan. Modern Novels and Novelists [1888] J 1806 Forsyth. Novels and Novelists of the 18th Century J 1805 Gordy and Twitchell. Pathfinder in American History B 1987 Hardy, T.; by MacDonell J 2228 Art of; by Johnson J 2227 Hawthorne, N., Analytical Index to Works of *R 1388 How to write Fiction, especially Short Story Writing J 2238 Howells. Criticism and Fiction E 3401 James. Romantic Professions, and other Papers J 1724 Jeaffreson. Novels and Novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria. 2v J 1578 Jusserand. The English Novel in the Time of Shakspere J 1628 Kite. Fiction in Public Libraries *J 1465,2 Lanier. The English Novel and its Development J 1529 Mangin. Essay on Light Reading J 1457 Masson. British Novelists and their Styles J 1574 Matthews. Aspects of Fiction J 1649 Morley. Library of English Literature *R 1 279,4-5 Morris (Tr.). Old French Romances J 2239 Moulton. Four Years of Novel Reading J 1725, On the Art of Writing Fiction; by Norris and others J 1723, Parsons. The World's Best Books J I43 2 " Philipson. The Jew in English Fiction J 1941 Rabelais, F.; by Besant J 2246 Readings in ; by Besant J 2256* Raleigh. The English Novel J 1722: Russell. Guide to British and American Novels [1894] J 175& Saintsbury. Essays on French Novelists [1891] E 5768 The Flourishing of Romance and Rise of Allegory J 1682 Salmon. Juvenile Literature [1888] J 1801. vi PREFACE. Scott, Sir W.: Account of the Scott Exhibition, 1871 ; by Maxwell *R 4438 The Bible in Waverley ; by Dickson E 2373 Biographical and Critical Notices of Eminent Novelists J 262,3-4 Philosophy of the Waveriey Novels; by Canning E 926 Lands of Scott ; by Hunnewell I 757 Portraits of the Principal Female Characters in the Waverley Novels *P 665 Scott and Scotland; by Ritchie I 6482 Scott and Scotland, Illustrations of Scottish Story; by Stevens *I 6487 Tales from Scott; ed. by Sullivan F 6909 The Waverley Dictionary; by Rogers *R 1392 The Waverley Manual; by Cornish *R 1393 Senior. Essays on Fiction J 22 16 Simonds. Study of English Fiction J 165 1 Spofford and Gibbon. Library of Choice Literature. 8v E 5772 Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature. 11 v J 1855 The same *R 1285 Stevens. How Men propose; Love Scenes from Works of Fiction F 6739 Stevenson, R. L.; by Raleigh J 1888 Swinton (Ed.). Treasury of Tales *V 714 Thackeray, W. M. Bibliography of Thackeray; by Shepherd *0 266 The same; revised and enlarged E 5971 Stray Moments with Thackeray; by Rideing E 5427 Thackeray, a Study; by Jack J 1889 Thackeray's London ; by Rideing I 6237 With Thackeray in America; by Crowe I 5215 Thompson. Philosophy of Fiction in Literature J 1629 Traill. The New Fiction, and other Essays J 1900 Tuckerman. History of English Prose Fiction J 1592 Turner. Modern Novelists of Russia [1890] J 2341 Van de Velde. French Fiction of To-day [1891]. 2v J 2230 Vogiie. Russian Novelists [1887] J 2334 Warner. Library of the World's Best Literature. 20 v *R 1286 Warren. History of the Novel previous to the 17th Century J 2235 Wheeler. Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction [1870] I 3323 The same [1889] *R 1408 Who wrote it? [1882] *R 1406 Wright (Ed.). Collection of Latin Stories, being a Contribution to History of Fiction dur- ing the Middle Ages *J 1 147,8 Yardley. The Supernatural in Romantic Fiction L 2506 Zola. The Experimental Novel, and other Essays J 2232 CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH PROSE FICTION AND JUVENILE BOOKS IN THK Chicago Public Library. OCTOBEB. 1897. A. L.O.B., pseud. See TUCKER, C. M. Abandoned Claim, The. Loughead. . .F 4870 Abandoning an Adopted Farm. San- born K 6830 Abbe" Constantine. Halevy F 3929 Abbe" Daniel, The. Theuriet F 6964 Abbe* Tigrane. Fabre F 564 ABBOT, W. J. Battle Fields and Camp Fires B 2559 Battle Fields and Victory B 2508 Battle Fields of '61 B 2543 Blue Jackets of 76 B 2367 - Blue Jackets of 181 2 B 348 Blue Jackets of '61 B 2633 Abbot, The. Scott F 2150 The same G 535 Abbot's Bridge, The. Peard F 6023 ABBOTT, A. E. The Gods give my Donkey Wings F 7770 ABBOTT, C. C. A Colonial Wooing.. F 7761 When the Century was New F 7762 ABBOTT, E. Long Look Books H 1 v. 1. Long Look House. 2. Out Doors at Long Look. 3. A Trip Eastward. ABBOTT, E. A. Flatland F 2430 Onesimus: Memoirs of a Disciple of St. Paul M 2021 ABBOTT, Jacob. American History. .H 15 v. 1. Aboriginal America. 2. Discovery of America. 3. The Southern Colonies. 4. The Northern Colonies. BOTT, Jacob. American History. .H v. 5. Wars of the Colonies. 6. Revolt of the Colonies. 7- War of the Revolution. 8. Washington . The August Stories H v. 1. August and Elvie. 2. Hunter and Tom. 3- Schooner Mary Ann. 4. Granville Valley. Florence Stories H v. 1. Florence and John. 2. Grimkie. 3. < )rkney Islands. 4. English Channel. 5- Isle of Wight. 6. Florence's Return. Franconia Stories H v. 1. Malleville. 2. Wallace. 3. Mary Erskine. 4. Mary Bell. 5- Beechnut. 6. Rodolphus. 7- Ellen Linn. 8. Stuveysant. 9- Caroline. 10. Agnes. Harper's Story Books H Contents: v. 1. Bruno; Willie and the Mortgage; Strait Gate. 2. Little Lou- vre ; Frank; Emma. 3. Virginia; Tim- boo and Joliba; Timboo and Fanny. 4. The Harper Establishment; Franklin, •5 16 17 57 18 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ABBOTT, J. Harp. : Hooks.. H iS the Apprentice Boy; The Studio. 5. Story of Ancient History; English His- tory; American History. 6. John True- Elfred ; The Museum. 7. Engineer; Rambles among the Alps; Three Gold Dollars. 8. Gibraltar Gallery; Alcove; Dialogues. 9. The. Great Elm; Aunt Margaret; Vernon. 10. Carl and Jocko; Lapstone; Orkney. 11. Judge Justin; j. a; Jasper. 12. Congo; Viola tie Paul. History of Alexander the Great. . . H 19 Alfred the Great H Charles I... H 23 Charles II... H Cleopatra H 2 \ Cyrus the Great .. . H 25 Darius the Great H 26 Elizabeth of England H Genghis Khan H Hannibal H 29 Julius Caesar . H 21 Margaret of Anjou H 35 Mary Queen of Scots H 36 Nero H 37 Peter the Gre H 38 Pyrrhus . H 39 Richard I H 40 Richard 1 1 . H 30 Richard III .11 31 Romulus H 32 William the Conquerer H 33 Xerxes H 34 The Jonas Series .11 51 v. 1. Jonas's Stories. 2. Jonas a Judge. 3. Jonas on a Farm in Winter. 4. Jonas on a Farm in Summer. 5. Caleb in Town. 6. Caleb in the Country. Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels. H v. I. Marco Paul in New York. :. Marco Paul on the Canal. 3. Marco Paul in Maine. 4. Marco Paul in Vermont. 5. Marco Paul in Boston. 6. Marco Paul at the Spring- field Armory. Rainbow and Lucky Stories H 53 v. 1. Handie. 2. Rainbow's Journey. 3. Three Pines. 4. Selling Lucky. 5. Up the River. ABBOTT, J. Rollo Series H v. 1. Rollo Learning to Talk. 2. Rollo Learning to Read. Kolloat \\ Rollo at Play. 5. Rollo at School. 6. Rollo's Vacation. 7. Rollo's Experiments. 8. Rollo's Museum. 9. Rollo's Travels. 10. Rollo's Correspondence. 11. Rollo's Philosophy: Water. 12. Rollo's Philosophy: Air. 13. Rollo's Philosophy: Fire. 14. Rollo's Philosophy Rollo's Tour in Europe H 55 v. 1. Rollo on the Atlantic. 2. Rollo in Paris. Rollo in Switzerland. 4. Rollo in London. 5. Rollo on the Rhine. 6. Rollo in Scotland. 7. Rollo in Geneva. 8. Rollo in Holland. 9. Rollo in Naples. 10. Rollo in Rome. Young Christian Series H v.i. Young Christian. I Orner-Stone. 3. Way to do Good. j. Hoaryhead and McDonner. ABBOTT, J. S. C. Child at Horn History of Joseph Bonaparte H Hernando Cortez H Henry IV. of France H Hortense H Josephine. . . H Louis XIV H Louis Philippe H Marie Antoinette H King Philip H Madame Roland H Mother at Home H ABBOTT, M. Alexia TheBeverleys; a Story of Calcutta. F Abby's Discoveries. Bramston H ABD EL ARDAVAN, pseud. See FRENCH, H. W. Abdallah. Laboulaye F The same 1 Abel Forefinger, Mystery of. Drysdale. H Abel Perry's Funeral. Holley F Abelard and Heloise. Newton F 56 66 H 6fc 69 70 67 73 76 7^ 71 75 60 2330 2331 1048 1021 3892 1129 4335 5970 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 8 Abigail Templeton. Marshall H 5020 Aboard the Mavis. Markham H 18 10 ABOUT, E. F. V. The Fellah F 11 The Man with the Broken Ear F 12. The Notary's Nose F 2327 Story of an Honest Man F 13 These Lots to be Sold F 4955 About English Children. Lippincott. . H 1760,2 About Money and other Things. Craik.E 2227 About Old Story-Tellers. Mitchell. . . . E 4610 About some Fellows. Banks F 2405 Above Board. Metcalfe H 1948 Absalom Billingsley, Mr., and other Georgia Folk. Johnston F 4444 Absentee, The. Edgeworth F 518,6 AbuTelfan. Raabe F 6242 Academy Boys in Camp. Spear H 2375 Accepted Addresses. Sala F 6587 Accidental Romance. Rossiter F 6458 Accomplished Gentleman. Sturgis....F 6859 According to St. John. Chanler F 6285 Account of Amyot Brough. Briton F 2603 Ace of Clubs. Lubomirski F 5041 ACHARD, E. History of my Friend Home Life with Animals H 94 Achsah. Round F 1399 ACKERMAN, A. W. Price of. Peace. [Time of Ahab, King of Israel). F 7740 Across an Ulster Bog. Hamilton F 9068 Across India. Adams H 891,9 Across Texas. Ellis H 1237,3 Across the Chasm. Magruder I" Across the Zodiac. Greg F 3685 Acte. Farrie G 1392 Actions Speak louder than Words. Neely H 574,5 ACTON BELL, pseud. See BRONTE, A. Actress' Daughter, The. Fleming F 3515 Adam Bede. Cross G 361 The same. 2v F 1079 Adam Blair. Lockhart F 1071 Adam Brown, the Merchant. Smith.. F 1539 Adam Grainger. Wood G 685 Adam Hepburn's Vow. Smith F 671 1 Adam Johnstone's Son. Crawford F 8328 Adam's Daughters. Wright F 7519 ADAMS, C. Boys at Home H 100 Edgar Clifton H 101 ADAMS, F. Australian Life F 7801 A Child of the Age F 7802 ADAMS, F. A. My Man and I F 2335 ADAMS, F. C. Manuel Pereira; or, Sovereign Rule of South Carolina.F 2406 ADAMS, F. C. Siege of Washington for Little People H 878 ADAMS, F. U. President John Smith, the Story of a Peaceful Revolution. F 7800 ADAMS, H. C. Charlie Lucken at School and College H 84 Mystery of Beechey Grange H 85 School-days at Kingscourt; Tale of 1803 H 103 Who did it? H 102 Who was Philip? Tale of Public School Life H 881 ADAMS, MRS. LEITH. See LAFFAN, MRS. B. A. ADAMS, M. An Honorable Surrender.F 2404 ADAMS, N. Sable Cloud; a Southern Tale F 18 ADAMS, W. Sacred Allegories. .. .G 1 ADAMS, W. H. D. Days of Chivalry; or, Page, Squire and Knight H 82 Forest, Jungle and Prairie H 117 Lives of Noble Women H 119 Same as Sunshine of Domestic Life. Threshold of Life H 1 18 Yoilllg Marmaduke; Story of the Reign of Terror H 83 ADAMS, W. T. {Oliver Ofitic). All- Over-the- World Series H 891 v. 1. A Missing Million. 2. A Millionaire at Sixteen. 3. A Young Knight Errant. 4. Strange Sights Abroad. 5. American Boys Afloat. 6. The Young Navigators. 7. Up and Down the Nile. 8. Asiatic Breezes. 9. Across India. 10. Half Round the World. It. Four Young Explorers. Army and Navy Stories H 105 v. 1. Soldier Boy. 2. Sailor Boy. 3. Young Lieutenant. 4 Yankee Middy. 5. Fighting Joe. 6. Brave Old Salt. Blue and the Gray (Navy) Series. . H 890 v. 1. Taken by the Enemy. 2. Within the Enemy's Lines. 3. On the Blockade. 4. Standby the Union. 5. Fighting for the Right. 6. A Victorious Union. CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ADAMS, W. T. Blue and the Gray (Army) Series H 890 v. 7. Brother against Brother. 8. In the Saddle. 9. A Lieutenant at Eighteen. 10. On the Staff. Boat Builder Series H 104 v. 1. All Adrift. 2. Snug Harbor. 3. Square and Compasses. 4. Stem to Stern. 5. All Taut. 6. Ready about. Boat Club Series H 106 v. 1. Boat Club. 2. All Aboard. 3. Now or Never. 4. Little by Little. 5. Try Again. 6. Poor and Proud. Great Western Series H 115 v. 1. Going West. 2. Out West. 3. Lake Breezes. 4. Going South. 5. Down South. 6. Up the River. In Doors and Out H 114 Just his Luck H 1613 Lake Shore Series H 107 v. 1. Through by Daylight. 2. Lightning Express. 3. On Time. 4. Switch Off. 5. Brake Up. 6. Bear and Forbear. Living too Fast F 16 Starry Flag Stories H 108 v. i. Starry Flag. 2. Freaks of Fortune. 3. Breaking Away. 4. Seek and Find. 5. Make or Break. 6. Down the River. Upward and Onward Series H 109 v. 1. Field and Forest. 2. Plane and Plank. 3. Desk and Debit. 4. Cringle and Cross-tree. 5. Bivouac and Battle. 6. Sea and Shore. Woodville Stories H no v. 1. Rich and Humble. ADAMS, W. T. Woodville Stories.. H no v. 2. In School and Out. 3. Watch and Wait. \. Work and Win. 5. Hope and Have. 6. Haste and Waste. Yacht Club Series H 113 v. 1. Little Bobtail. 2. Yacht Club. 3. Money-maker. 4. Coming Wave. 5. Dorcas Club. 6. Ocean-born. Young America abroad H in v. 1. Outward Bound. 2. Shamrock and Thistle. 3. Red Cross. 4. Dikes and Ditches. 5. Palace and Cottage. 6. Down the Rhine. Young America abroad, 2nd Series . H 112 v. 1. Up the Baltic. 2. Northern Lands. 3. Cross and Crescent. j. Sunny Shores. 5. Vine and Olive. 6. Isles of the Sea. Addie's H usband F 2428 ADDISON, J. Sir Roger de Coverley. [Time of Queen Anne] F 2300 The same 1 4000,22 ADE, O. Artie; a Story of the Streets and Town F 7775 Pink Marsh F 7776 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald F 1095 Adela's Ordeal. James F 7473 Adcle. Kavanagh G 288 ADELER, Max, pseud. See CLARK, C. H. Adirondack Cabin, An. Lothrop H 1763 Adirondack Idyl, An. Yanamee F 7298 Adirondack Stories. Deming F 448 Admiral's Caravan. Carryl H 1178 Admiral's Ward, The. Hector F 4091 Adopted Daughter. Fawcett F 3628 Adopting an Abandoned Farm. San- born K 6822 Adrift; a Story of Niagara. Young. . .F 7681 Adrift in a Boat. Kingston H 1691 Adrift in a Great City. Whatham F 7595 Adrift in the City. Alger H 869 Adrift in the Ice-fields. Hall H 1490 Adrift in the Pacific. Verne F 7323 Adventurer of the North. Parker F 6093 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. Adventures among the Early Settlers. Wildwood F 7581 Adventures in India. Kingston H 1692 Adventures in the Land of the Behe- moth. Verne F 1823 Adventures of a Brownie. Craik H 305 Adventures of a Casket. Roy F 5200 Adventures of a Country Boy. Kaler..H 2009 Adventures of a Dog. Elwes H 1259 Adventures of a Donkey. Segur H 671 Adventures of a Fair Rebel. Crim...F 3141 Adventures of a French Captain. Roy.F 3670 Adventures of a Marquis. Dumas F 480 Adventures of a Memsahib. Cotes F 8255 Adventures of a Phaeton. Black F 148 The same G 48 Adventures of a Virginian. Flanders. F 6085 Adventures of a Widow. Fawcett F 3474 Adv's of a Young Naturalist. Biart F 152 Adv's of a Younger Son. Trelawny...F 1741 Adv's of an Aide-de-Camp. Grant F 8801 Adventures of an Attorney. Stephen . F 1881 Adventures of Arthur O'Leary. Lever. F 1049 The same G 331 Adventures of Brian O'Linn. Maxwell. F 1172 Adventures of Captain Blake. Maxwell. F 1 1 ~ 4 Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton. F 6724 Adventures of Captain Mago. Cahun..F 2700 Adventures of Count George Albert of Erbach. Kraus F 4739 Adv's of David Simple. 2 v. Fielding.. F 3636 Adventures of David Vane and David Crane. Trowbridge H 2512 Adv'sof Early Discoverers. Humphrey.H 1533 Adventures of Ferdinand Tomasso. Lehmos F 5070 Adventures of Gil Bias. Le Sage I 31 13 The same. 3 V F 103 1 Adventures of Hajji Baba. 3 v. Morier .F 5309 Adventures of Halek. Nicholson F 5459 Adventures of Harry Marline. Porter. . F 5893 Adv's of Harry Richmond. Meredith. F 5219 Adventures of Hatim Tai; tr. from the Persian, by Forbes *V 1255 Adv's of Herr Baby. Molesworth H 1847 Adv's of Huckleberry Finn. Clemens. F 2797 Adventures of Jimmy Brown. Alden..H 93 Adventures of Jones. Carruth F 8131 Adv's of Joseph Andrews. Fielding... I 2983 The same J 60 The same *F 115,18 Adventuresof Lazarillo de Tormes. Men- doza F 5406, 1 Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. Smith . . . F 2 1 10 Adv's of Mr. Verdant Green. Bradley.. F 126 Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens.. F 309 The same G 167 Adventures of Philip. Thackeray G 581 Adventures of Phra, the Phoanician. Arnold F 2359 Adventures of Pioneer Children. Col- erick H 1 143 Adventures of Rob Roy. Grant F 8802 Adventures of Roderick Random. Smol- lett G 567 The same J 253,1 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle.F 3014 Adventures of Tad. Converse H 1106 Adventures of Telemachus. Fenelon..F 3479 Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alras- chid recounted. Rathbone F 1141 Adventuresof Three Fugitives in Siberia. Tissot and AmeYo F 7001 Adventures of Timias Terrystone. Bunce F 2683 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clemens.F 323 Adventures of Uncle Jeremiah and Fam- ily at the Great Fair. Stevens.. F 6752 Adventurous Voyage of the Polly. Sad- ler H 2293 Advice to Young Ladies. Arthur H 187 Advice to Young Men. Arthur H 172 /ESOP. Fables; illustrated by Griset.H 861 Fables; selected by Jacobs L 2919 Fables; tr. by Croxall L 2914 Fables; tr. by James L 291 1 Fables; tr. by Townsend L 2910 Afar in the Forest. Kingston H 1663 Affair of Honour. Weber H 2671 Affinities. Praed G 1 169 Afloat and Ashore. Cooper F 260 Afloat in a Great City. Munsey H i860 Afloat in the Forest. Reid H 612 Afloat with the Flag. Henderson H 4203 Afraja; or, Life in Norway. Miigge. . .F 5336 African Adventure and Adventurers. Day H 323 African Crusoes. Lee H 518 Same as African Wanderers. African History, Lights and Shadows of. Goodrich H 432,3 After Dark. Collins G 95 After-Dinner stories. Balzac F 2546 After his Kind. Palmer F 2835 After Life. Sewell G 555 After London. Jefferies F 4432 <5 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. After many Days. Tiernan F 3584 After the Freshet. Rand H he Storm. Arthur F 65 After Twenty Years. Sturgis F 6698 AFTER EM, George, pseud. See WIL- LIAMS, H. Afterglow. Lathrop F 2185 Aftermath. Allen F 7816 Against Fate. Rayne F 1381 Against Heavy Odds. Boyesen I : _ - ; Against Human Nature. Pool F 6000 Against Odds. Van Deventer F 5108 Against the Stream. Charles 1 ::: The same G 720 Agamenticus. Tenney F 6950 Agatha and the Shadow. Tenney F 2350 Agatha Page. Henderson F 4 100 Agatha's Husband. Craik G 107 Age of Chivalry. Bulfinch I Age of Fable. Bulfinch A g2 Agincourt. James G :;• Agitator, An. Black F 7980 Agnes. Abbott 11 Agnes. Oliphant G 468 Agnes and her neighbors. Pratt H Agnes Grey. Bronte Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe Agnes Surriage. Bynner F 2684 A Annals of a Sportsman. Turgenev F Annals of an Eventful Life. 3 v. Dasent. F Annals of Brookdale. Greenough F Annals of the Parish. Gait E Annals of the Round Table, and other Stories. Bingham H Annan Water. Buchanan F Anne. Woolson F Anne, and other Tales. Wood ( ) Anne Hereford. Wood Anne of Argyle. Todd F Anne of Geierstein. Scott F The same G Anne SeVerin. Craven F Anne Warwick. May G Annie Barton's Journal. Wilbur H Annie Kilburn. Howells F Annie Reilly. McElgun F Annouchka. Turgenev F ANNUNZIO, G. d\ Episcopo & Com- pany Another Brownie Book. Cox H Another Flock of Girls. Perry H 946 951 79 35" 2007 160 434,2 497 174 186 5620 1548 518,1 38i3 2245 1704 1224 7021 2932 7025 1096 407 7078 2920 44 1 121 1034 2455 7511 1210 684 7129 2151 536 331 906 2669 4075 5140 7077 7863 1 176 ft 164 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 13 Another Girl's Experience. Webster. H 2672 Another Story. Gaylord F 8496 ANSTEY, F., pseud. See GUTHRIE, T. A. Anteros. Lawrence F 1037 The same G 318 Anthe. Chandler H 1158 Anthony Meigrave. M'Caleb F 5084 Antinous. Hausrath F 6938 Antiquary, The. Scott F 2152 The same G 537 Antoine de Bonneval. Anderdon 1 58 Antoinette. Ohnet F 5614 Antonia. Dudevant F 45° Antonina; or, Fall of Rome. Collins. .G 97 Antony Brade. Lowell F 1083 Antony Grace, Story of. Fenn F 3590 Antony Waymouth. Kingston H 486 Anyhow Stories. Clifford H 1095 APAQUE, L. H. A Baker's Dozen . . . H 81 Aphrodite. Eckstein F 3217 Apostate, The. Daudet F 2953 Apotheosis of Mr. Tyrawley. Prescott.F 6159 Apple-Blossoms. Wiggs F 7569 Appledore Farm. Macquoid F 5535 APPLETON, G. W. Frozen Hearts. . . . F 2368 Apprentices to Destiny. Long F 4979 April Hopes. Howells F 4040 April's Lady. Hungerford F 2310 Arabella Stuart. James F 919 The same G 259 Arabesques. Greenough F 697 Arabian Days' Entertainments. Hauff.F 766 Arabian Nights' Entertainments H 165 The same; tr. by Kirby H 1659 The same; tr. by Lane H 164 The same; ed. by Scott. 4 v...* I 3401 The same; tr. by Weber. 2 v.. . F 6929 Six Stories from; ed. by Eliot. . .H 1260 ARBLAY, F. B. d\ Camilla. 3 v. . F 2961 Cecilia [Time of George III.] I 2963 The same *F 1 15,40-42 Evelina [Time of George III.] G 62 The same I 2964 The same *F 115.38-39 ARCHER, T. By Fire and Sword; a Story of the Huguenots F 242$ Archer with Columbus. Brimblecom.H 958 Archibald Malmaison. Hawthorne F 3975 Archie Lovell. Edwardes G 188 Archie's Shadow. Peebles H 610,3 Archipelago on Fire. Verne... F 7312 Arctic Crusoe. St. John H 663 Ardath. 2 v. Corelli G 1322 Ardis Claverden. Stockton F 6662 Are you my Wife? O'Meara F 63 ARGLES, M. See HUNGERFORD, MRS. M. Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte. . . F 3855 Ariadne. De la Rame" G 1036 ARIOSTO, L. Paladin and Saracen, Stories from Ariosto; by Calthrop. H 1082 Tales from Ariosto for Children . . . H 2490 Aristocracy F 2372 Arius, the Libyan. Kouus F 2416 Ark of Elm Island. Kellogg H 482,3 Arl£sienne, L' (Girl of Aries). Daudet. F 2978 Armadale. Collins F 256 The same G 96 Armais and others. Bates F 2301 Armande. Goncourt F 8890 Arminell. Gould F 3762 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant F 2639 The same G 1402 Armourer's Apprentices. Yonge F 2034 The same G 1227 ARMSTRONG, A. E. Very Odd Girl.F 2357 ARMSTRONG, J. Mark Marksens Secret H 953 ARMSTRONG, L. An Indiana Man. F 2358 Washington Brown, Farmer F 7835 ARMSTRONG, W. Thekla; Viennese Musical Life V 2448 Army and Navy Stories. See Adams, W. T. Army Boys and Girls. Bonesteel H 3241 Army Tales. Stannard F 6892 Army Wife, An. King F 4618 ARNASON, J. Icelandic Legends. . .F 2414 Arnaud's Masterpiece. Larned F 48 12 Arne. Bjcernson F 157 The same F 7901,1 ARNOLD, B. A New Aristocracy.... F 2360 Arnold, Benedict, Life of. Hill H 467 ARNOLD, Sir E. Story of Ulla....F 7865 Contents: The Story of Ulla; The Vengeance of Dungarvan; A Dreadful Night: Rutherford the Twice-born; A Stranger Woman; A Narrow Escape; That Babe of Meg's; A Fair Puritan; Meg of the Braids; Margaret Spens. Wonderful Adventures of Phra, the Phoenician F 2359 ARNOLD, E. M. Platonics; a Study. F 7829 Around a Spring. Droz F 435 Around the Camp-Fire. Roberts H 2241 Around the Ranch. Towne F 7049 Around the World in 80 Days. Verne. F 1828 Around the Yule Log. Markham H 546 Arrabiata, L', and other Tales. Heyse.G 252 u CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Arrah Neil. James G 260 Arranged Marriage, An. Gerard F 8895 ARRAS, MRS. L. A. L. d\ Two Friends H 163 Arrested. Stuart F 9868 ARROM de AYALA, C. F. J. B. de F. (J?. Caballero). Elia; Spain Fifty Years Ago [1 830] F 209 La Gaviota — the Sea-Gull F 2375 National Pictures . F 2415 Spanish Fairy Tales H 1 48 Art and Artlessness. Baker H 200,4 Art Maguire. Carleton F 240 Artemus Ward in London. Browne... F 193 Artful Anticks. Herford H 1578 ARTHUR, KING: Bulfinch. Age of Chivalry; Legends of King Arthur A 260 Cox. King Arthur and his Knights.F 333 Farrington. King Arthur and his Knights F 3444 Frith. Arthur and his Knights. . .H 1315 Hanson. Stories of the Days of King Arthur H 1555 Knowles. Story of King Arthur. . H 2428 Malory. Boy's King Arthur; ed. by Lanier F 5146 History of King Arthur. 3V..F 5241 Le Morte d'Arthur (Text of Caxton) F 1142 Morris. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 3 V F 5409 Wagner. Legends of King Arthur.F 7486 ARTHUR, T. S. Advice to Young Ladies H 187 Advice to Young Men H 172 After the Storm F 65 Allen House H 173 Angel and the Demon H 174 Angel of the Household H 186 Bar-Rooms at Brantly F 69 Good Time Coming H 175 Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures. H 176 Home Stories H 1 70 v. 1. Hidden Wings. 2. Sowing the Wind. 3. Sunshine at Home. 4. Peacemaker. 5. Not Anything for Peace. 6. After a Shadow. Household Library H 171 ▼. 1. Married Life. 2. Seed Time and Harvest. 3. Stories for Young Housekeepers. 4. Two Wives. ARTHUR, T. S. Household Library . H 1 - 1 Jinan's Trials. 6. Words for the Wise. Nothing but Money H 178 Orange' Blossoms F 71 Nights with the Washingtonians.F 67 Sparing to Spend H 179 Steps towards Heaven H 949 Strike at Tivoli Mills F 64 Ten Nights in a Bar-Room H 180 Three Eras in a Woman's Life H 181 Three Years in a Man-Trap F 68 True Riches, and other Tales H 182 Way to Prosper, and other Tales. . H 183 What can a Woman do? H 184 Withered Heart H 185 Woman to the Rescue F 70 Young Lady at Home H 188 Arthur Arundel. Smith F 1 550 Arthur Blane. Grant F 88og Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland F 828 Arthur Brown. Kellogg H 483,1 Arthur Merwyn. Brown F 2277 Arthur O'Leary. Lever F 1049 The same G 331 Artie. Ade F 7775 Artificial Mother, The. G. H. P F 6021 Artist in Crime, An. Ottolengui F 5855 -t's Honor, An. Feuillet F 3622 >ts' Wives. Daudet F 2955 Artiste. Grant F 681 The same . G 943 Arundel Motto, The. Hay F 3960 As Common Mortals. Coombs F 2452 1 1 e comes up the Stair. Reeves G 1 1 27 As in a Looking-Glass. Philips G 1274 As it may happen. Davis F 7060 As it was written. Harland F 4942 -ong as she lived. Robinson F 1435 As the Wind blows. Merron F 945 1 As 'tis in Life. Delpit F 3056 As we sweep through the Deep. Stables.H 2457 As we went Marching on. Hosmer...F 4049 Asaph. Cooley F 3150 Asbeln. Kirschner F 4702 ASBJORNSEN, P. C. Folk and Fairy Tales H 95 'Round the Yule-Log H 3060 Tales from the Fjeld F 292 r Asbury Twins. Clarke H 289,2 Ascanio. 2 v. Dumas F 8486 Ascent of Parnassus. St. Columb F 6524 Aschenbroedel. Carrington F 2203 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 15 Aschenbrodel; a Child Sketch. Paull.H 2024 Ascutney Street. Whitney F 7563 Asgard and the Gods. Wagner F 7491 Ashes of Roses. Wheatley F 7648 ASHMORE, A. Faithful Margaret.. .F 73 ASHTON, J. Romances of Chivalry . . F 2453 Asiatic Breezes. Adams H 891 ,8 Asiatic History, Lights and Shadow of. Goodrich H 432,4 Askaros Kassis, the Copt. De Leon.. .F 3072 Asmodeus. LeSage F 4973 Aspasia. Hamerling F 812 Aspendale. Preston F 1358 Aspern Papers, The. James F 4409 Asphodel. Fields F 7 Aspirations. Hays F 3906 ASTOR, J. J. A Journey in other Worlds F 7830 ASTOR, W. W. Sforza; a Story of Mi- Ian F 2454 Valentino; a Romance of the Six- teenth Century in Italy F 245 1 Astray. Yonge F 2040 At a great Cost. Rowlands F 642 1 At a high Price. Buerstenbinder F 2468 At Agincourt. Henty H 4221 At Anchor. Magruder F 5369 At Bay. Hector F 3987 At Capri. Bauer F 396 At Daybreak. Stirling F 6846 At Heart a Rake. Lean F 4831 At her Mercy. Payn G 699 At his Gates. Oliphant F 1259 At Home and Abroad. The Pansy H 2461 At Last. Kingsley F 985 The same G 305 At Last. Terhune F 1 760 At Love's Extremes. Thompson F 6981 At Market Value. Allen F 7822 At Odds. Tautphoeus G 575 At our Best. Ellis F 540 At School with an Old Dragoon. Mac- Kenna F 5129 At the Back of the North Wind. Mac- Donald F 1097 At the Councillor's. John F 937 At the Eleventh Hour. Edwards F 3224 At the First Corner. Watson F 7672 At the Gate of Samaria. Locke F 5065 At the Gate of the Fold. Fletcher F 8733 At the Ghost Hour. Heyse F 4258 At the Mercy of Tiberius. Wilson F 1959 At the Queen's Mercy. Blodgett F 8014 At the Red Glove. Macquoid F 2433 At the Relton Arms. Sharp F 6853 At the Rising of the Moon. Mathew. . F 5543 At the Sign of the Blue Boar. Dixon. H 1753 At the South Pole. Kingston H 1665 At the Threshold. Dearborn F 7239 At the World's Mercy. James I; 7462 AtTuxter's. Burgin F 81 16 At War with Pontiac. Munroe H 1961 At Wellesley. Senior Class, 1896 F 7413 Atalanta in the South. Elliott F 4057 Atelier du Lys. Roberts G 881 ATEY NINE, pseud. See PARKER, J. Atherstone Priory. Comyn F 182 ATHERTON, Q. Before the Gringo came; Stories of Old California . . F 7842 Contents: Pearls of Loreto: The Ears of Twenty Americans; The Washtub Mail; The Conquest of Donajacoba; A Ramble with Eulogia; Lukari's Story; La Perdida; Natalie IvanhoH; Venge- ance of Padre Arroyo; Bells of San Gabriel; When the Devil was well. The Doomswoman F 7841 His Fortunate Grace F 7844 Los Cerritos F 2362 A Question of Time F 2367 Atherton, and other Tales. Mitford. . . F 5376 Athletic Sports and Manly Exercises. Wood K 993 Athletic Sports for Boys K 1016 ATKINS, M. A. Earl Whiting H 189 ATKINSON, J. C. Last of the Giant Killers H 3081 Playhours and Half-Holidays. . . H 167 Sequel to Walks and Talks. Scenes in Fairyland H 948 Walks and Talks of Two School- Boys H 166 Atla; Story of the Lost Island. Smith.F 6618 Atlanteans; Adam Lore's Choice. Odell.H 1086 Atlantic Series. See Alger, H. Jr. Atman; Documents in a Strange Case. Williams F 7632 Atonement of Learn Dundas. Linton. F 1066 The same G 095 Attack on the Mill. Zola F 7704 Attila and his Conquerors. Charles F 3077 AUBER FORESTIER, pseud. See WOODWARD, A. A. Aubert Dubayet. Gayarre* F 3650 AUBREY, F. Devil-Tree of El Dorado.F 7833 Aubrey. Caldwell G 418 Aucassin and Nicolette F 2449 16 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. AUERBACH, B. Aloys F 81 Bngitta F 2420 The same G 848 Convicts and their Children F 79 Country House on the Rhine. 2 v.F 75 Same as Villa on the Rhine. Edelweiss F 76 The Foresters F 2421 Landolin F 72 Lorley and Reinhard F 78 Master Bieland and his Workmen . F 2424 On the Heights. 3 v. in 2 G 29 Poet and Merchant; Time of Moses Mendelssohn F 80 Spinoza F 2423 Villa on the Rhine. 2v F 75 Waldfried [Franco-German War] . . F 77 and others. German Evenings F 2 122 Contents: Human Love; What is Hap- piness? The Wood-ranger's Son; The Tyrant of Padua; The Wolf's Spring near Heidelberg; Destiny. AUGUR, C. H. Half-True Tales F 2337 August and El vie. Abbott H 16,1 August Stories. See Abbott, J. Auld Lang Syne. Russell F 6464 Auld Licht Idylls. Barrie F 2229 Auld Licht Manse, and other Sketches. Barrie F 2293 Aulnay Tower. Teuffel F 4036 AULNOY, Comtesse a". Fairy Tales. . H 862 Aunt Anne. Clifford F 4821 Aunt Belindy's Points of View. Farmer.F 3376 Aunt Billy, and other Sketches. Keith.F 4604 Aunt Charlotte's Stories of American H istory. Yonge and Weld H 800 Aunt Diana. Carey F 2894 Aunt Dorothy. Preston F 5974 Aunt Hannah and Martha and John. Alden and Livingston F 2378 AUNT HATTIE, pseud. See BAKER, H. N. W. Aunt Hetty's Will. Pollard F 5050 Aunt Jane's Hero. Prentiss F 1348 Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag Series. See Alcott, L. M. Aunt Johnnie. Stannard F 6872 Aunt Kitty's Tales. Mcintosh F 1108 Aunt Madge's Story. Clarke H 288,3 Aunt Nabby, her Rambles, Adventures and Notions F 2338 Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag. Hentz F 786 Aunt Phillis's Cabin. Eastman F 512 Aunt Rachel. Murray F 5339 Aunt Serena. Teuffel F 4025 Aurelian; or, Rome in the Third Cen- tury. Ware F 1C55 Aureola. Mackenzie F 1541 Aurora. Tincker F 6992 Aurora Floyd. Maxwell G 34 Auroraphone, The. Cule F 3106 AUSTEN, J. Emma F 82 The same G 689 Mansfield Park G 30 Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.G 31 Pride and Prejudice G 32 Sense and Sensibility G 33 [Society of the Time of George III.] AUSTIN, C. Reuben Spencer, and other Stories H 191 AUSTIN, MRS. J. Q. Betty Alden the First-born Daughter of the Pil- grims F 2324 David Alden's Daughter and other Stories of Colonial Times F 2325 Contents: David Alden's Daughter; The Wife of John Carver; Barbara Standish; William Bradford's Love Life; Nazareth Pitcher; Witch Hazel; Freight of the Schooner Dolphin; Miss Betty's Pic- tures; Love of John Mascarene; Last of the Proud Pulsifers; First and Last- Wrecked and Rescued. Desmond Hundred F 294 1 Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters; a Story of the Old Colony F 2363 Sequel to Nameless Nobleman. Dora Darling [Am. Civil War] F 2432 M rs. Beauchamp Brown F 2 195 Moonfolk H 190 Nameless Nobleman; a Story of the Old Colony, 1643 F 5450 Outpost F 243 1 Shadow of Moloch Mountain F 83 Standish of Standish; a Story of the Pilgrims, 1620-21 F 2377 AUSTIN, M. M. 'Cension, a Sketch from Paso del Norte F 7796 AUSTIN, S. Ben Cramer H 194 Paul's Friend H 950 Austin Elliot. Kingsley G- 310 Australian Crusoes. Rowcroft H 2226 Australian Life. Adams F 7801 Author of Beltraffio. James F 4416 Autobiography of a Boy. Street F 6818 Autobiography of a ^5 Note. Webb. .F 7498 Autobiography of a New England Farm- House. Chamberlain F 2737 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 17 Autobiography of a Slander. Bayly. . . F 4936 Autobiography of a Truth. Bayly F 7963 Autobiography of Mark Rutherford, The. White F 6579 The same F 6643 Automaton Ear, and other Sketches. Mac- Landburgh E 1368 AUTON, C.i pseud. See HOPPIN, A. AUTONYM LIBRARY : Crawford. The Upper Berth F 7 1 88 Jacobi. Found and Lost F 7189 McManus. The Red Star F 7192 Rohlfs. The Doctor, his Wife and the Clock F 7190 Russell. Honour of the Flag F 7191 Vogiie\ Russian Portraits F 7193 Average Man, An. Grant F 3695 Averil. Carey F 3093 Avondale. Clarke F 214 Awakening of Mary Fenwick. Whitby. F 7578 Away in the Wilderness. Ballantyne.H 216 AWDRY. F.and others. The Miz Maze; or, The Wink worth Puzzle F 5288 Axel and Anna. Bremer I 3004,4 Axtl Ebersen. Grousset F 4872 Ayala's Angel. Trollope G 1182 Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer. Griffin F 709,3 A vrshire Legatees. Gait F 627 Azarian. Spofford F 1635 Aztec Treasure House. Janvier F 4390 B.,C.M.C. Topsy Turvy H 249! B., L. From Sunrise to Sunset F 3620 B., M. E., pseud. See dELLIE, M. E. '. W. C. Series. See DeMille, J. BABCOCK, J. M. L. The Dawning. . F 2933 BABCOCK, W. H. Brides of the Tiger [Colonial Times in VirginiaJ F 7881 Babes in the Woods. DeMille F 383 Baboe Dalima. Perelaer F 5939 Babolain. Droz Y 436 Baby John; by the Author of Miss Toosey's Mission F 7705 Baby Rue. Clark F 2200 Baby's Grandmother. Walford F 7488 Babylon. Allen F 2427 Babylon Electrified. Bleunard F 7990 Bach and Beethoven. Barnard K 309 BACHE, R. M. American Wonder- land H 192 Young Wrecker of the Florida Reef H 193 BACHELLER, I. The Master of Si- lence F 2217 Bachelor Maid. Harrison F 4215 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage F 1481 Bachelor Vicar of Newforth. Roe F 6314 Bachelor's Blunder. Norris G 1268 Bachelor's Bridal. Cameron F 8151 Bachelor's Christmas. Grant F 8864 Bachelors' Club, The. Zangwill F 7698 Bachelor's Talks. Aikman E 1814 Back from the Dead. Smith F 7231 BACON, E. Among the Cotton Thieves [American Civil War] B 2836 BACON, T. Tales, Legends and Histor- ical Romances of the Orient. .*! 8243,6-7 Bad Boy's Diary H 205 Bad Lot, A. Cameron F 8150 Bad Penny, A. Wheelwright F 9973 Bad Words; or, The Poor Man's Child.H 291,1 Baddington Peerage. Sala F 1478 BADEAU, A. Conspiracy; a Cuban Romance F 2534 Badgers of Belmont. Egan H 1 243 Baffled Conspirators, The. Norris F 5428 I taffling Quest, A. Dowling F 3074 Bag of Stories. Warner H 2655 BAQBY, A. M. Miss Triiumerei [Tale of Weimar and Liszt] F 7883 BAQE, R. Man as he is not *F 115,48 Bagpipers, The K Dudevant F 462 BAILEY, MRS. A. W. Mark Heffron. F 7959 BAILEY, O. {Oliver Oldboy). George Bailey; a Tale of New York . . . . F 5660 Bailiff of Tewkesbury. Phelps and North F 6070 Bailiff's Maid. John F 444* BAILY, T. L. An Entire Stranger.... H 965 BAIN, F. W. Dmitri; a Romance of Old Russia F 2255 BAIN, R. N. (Tr.). Cossack Fairy and Folk Tales H 3130 Baked Meats of the Funeral. Halpine . E 3323 B A KER, B. Mystery Evans F 2256 BAKER, E. M. Christmas Pie H 1024 Soldier and Servant H 1004 BAKER, Q. A., Jr. Mrs. Hephaestus and other Stories F 2484 Contents: The Child of the Regiment; Invasion of Kleindorf; Labor Troubles on an Island; The Merman; Mrs. Heph- aestus; Spirit of the Age; West Point, a Comedy. BAKER, G. M. Running to Waste.. H 208 BAKER, H. N. W. {Mrs. Madeline Leslie). Cora and the Doctor. . . F 90 Juliette; or, Now and Forever F 87 is CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BAKER, H. N. W. (Mrs. Madeline Leslie). Little Agnes Library.. H 200 v. 1. Little Agnes. 2. Trying to be Useful. 3- I'll Try. 4. Art and Artlessness. Play and Study Series H 201 v I. Howard and his Teacher. 2. Jack, the Chimney Sweeper. 3. Motherless Children. 4. Play and Study. Sequel to Tim the Scissors Grinder.H 204 Wheel of Fortune H 203 Woodbine Series H 202 v. 1. Live and Learn. 2. Governor's Pardon. 3. Paul Barton. 4. Walter and Frank. BAKER, J. By the Western Sea F 2462 BAKER, MRS. M. (Julie K. Wetherill). Wings F 1919 BAKER, SirS.W. Cast up by theSea.F 89 True Tales for my Grandsons H 1002 BAKER, MRS. W. Fireside Sketches from Swedish Life F 8078 Contents: Farfar Peter; Zacharias and the Baby; Lieutenant Long; Pover Ontoo; Suppose you take her! BAKER, W. E. S. The Widow Sey- mour F 96 BAKER, W. M. Blessed Saint Cer- tainty F 2482 Colonel Dunwoddie, Millionaire [American Civil War] F 2817 His Majesty Myself F 2194 Making of a Man F 2483 Mose Evans F 95 The Virginians in Texas F 7983 Year worth Living F 248 1 Baker's Dozen. Apaque H 81 Baker's Dozen. Foster H 1353 BALCH, E. (D.T.S.). Mustard Leaves; or, Glimpse of London Society. . F 5352 Zorah; a Tale of Modern Egypt. ..F 2576 BALCH, F. H. Bridge of the Gods; Ro- mance of Indian Oregon F 2253 BALCH, W. S. A Peculiar People [Syrians] F 2485 Balcony Stories. King F 4631 Baldine, and other Tales. Edler F 3229 BALDWIN, MRS. A. Shadow on the Blind, and other Ghost Stories.. . F 7995 Story of a Marriage F 7994 BALDWIN, J. The Horse Fair H Story of Roland H 1016 Story of Siegfried H loi$ Story of the Golden Age [Classical M ythology] F 2543 BALDWIN, MRS. M. R. Gurnet's Gar- den and New Boy at Southcott . . H 986 Baled Hay. Nye F 5495 BALESTIER, C. W. Benefits For- got F 7882 Victorious Defeat [Colonial Times in Pennsylvania] F 2528 BALFOUR, F. H. (/?. G. Dering). Cherryfield Hall F 7996 Giraldi; or, The Curse of Love F 3017 Ball of Snow. Dumas F 8487 Ball of the Vegetables. Ey tinge H 1275 Ballads in Prose. Hopper 1 4289 BALLANTYNE, R, M. Away in the Wilderness; Indians of N. A...H 216 The Battery and the Boiler; Laying of Sub-Marine Cables H 101 1 The Big Otter; Great Nor' West. . H 991 Black Ivory; Slaves of East AfricaH 215 Blown to Bits; or, Lonely Man of Rakata H 996 The Buffalo Runners; Tale of the Red River Plains H 998 Charlie to the Rescue H 997 Chasing the Sun [Norway] H 217 Coral Island; Tale of the Pacific Ocean H 232 The Coxswain's Bride, and other Tales H 999 Contents: The Coxswain's Bride; Jack Frost and Sons; A Double Rescue. Crew of the Water Wagtail; Story of Newfoundland H 995 Deep Down; Tale of the Cornish M ines H 220 Dog Crusoe; Tale of the Western Plains H 221 Dusty Diamonds cut and polished . H 1007 Eagle Cliff; Tales of the Western Isles H 994 Erling the Bold; Norse Sea-Kings.H 211 Fast in the Ice; Polar Regions H 218 Fighting the Flames; Tale of the London Fire Brigade H 212 Same as Fire Brigade. Fighting the Whales H 219 Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands H 222 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 19 BALLANTYNE, R. M. Freaks on the Fells and Why I did not become a Sailor H 243 The Fugitives; or, Tyrant Queen of Madagascar H 992 The Garret and the Garden, and Jeff Benson H 973 Gascoyne, Sandal-Wood Trader. ..H 223 Giant of the North; or, Pokings round the Pole H 1010 Golden Dream; or, Adventures in the Far West H 1014 Gorilla Hunters; Wilds of Africa.. H 224 The Hot Swamp; Romance of Old Albion H 974 Iron Horse; Life on the Line H 225 The Island Queen; Tale of the Southern Hemisphere H 990 Jarwin and Cuffy H 1012 Life in the Red Brigade (London Firemen) and Fort Desolation.. .H 972 Lifeboat; a tale of our Coast He- roes H 207 Lighthouse H 210 Lonely Island; Refuge of the Muti- neers H 195 The Madman and the Pirate H 1000 Man on the Ocean H 229 Martin Rattler in the Forests of Brazil H 234 The Middy and the Moors; an Alge- rine Story H 971 My Doggy and I H 1006 Norsemen in the West; America be- fore Columbus H 226 Philosopher Jack; a Tale of the Southern Seas H 247 Pirate City; an Algerine Tale H 246 Post Haste; a Tale of Her Majesty's Mails H 242 Prairie Chief H 993 The Red Eric; the Whaler's Last Cruise H . 230 The Red Man's Revenge H 206 Rivers of Ice; Alpine Adventure. . H 196 Rover of the Andes H 1009 Shifting Winds; Story of the Sea.. H 227 Silver Lake; or, Lost in the Snow.H 1013 Twice Bought; Oregon Gold Fields.H 989 Under the Waves; Diving in Deep Waters H 197 Ungava; Tale of Esquimaux Land.H 198 The Walrus Hunters H 1017 BALLANTYNE, R. M. Wild Man of the West ; Tale of the Rocky Moun- tains H 228 World of Ice; Whaling Cruise H 236 Young Fur-Traders in the Far North H 233 Young Trawler on the North Sea . . H 1008 Ballet Dancer's Husband. Feydeau...F 3486 Same as Barberine. BALLEYDIER, C. Tales of Naval and Military Life H 704 Ballroom Repentance. Edwards G 922 BALZAC f H.de. After-Dinner Stories.F 2546 Contents: The Red Inn; Madame Fir- miani; The Grande Breteche; Madame de Beauseant. Albert Savarus F 2239 The Alkahest; or, House of Claes. . F 2554 Beatrix F 7871 Brotherhood of Consolation F 7892 Bureaucracy; Civil Service Re- former F 2596 Catherine de'Medici [French His- tory] F 7895 C£sar Birotteau F 2549 The Chouans [Brittany in 1799] F 2245 The Country Doctor F 2552 Cousin Pons F 2551 Daughter of Eve F 7872 Contents: Daughter of Eve; A Com- mission in Lunacy: The Rural Ball. Deputy of Arcis F 7879 The Doctor s Story F 4955 Duchesse de Langeais F 2548 Contents: Duchesse de Langeais; An Episode under the Terror; The Illus- trious Gaudissart; A Passion in the Desert; The Hidden Masterpiece, Eugenie Grandet F 2550 Fame and Sorrow F 2242 Contents: Fame and Sorrow; Colonel Chabert; The Atheist's Mass; La Grande BTeteche; The Purse; La Gre- nadine. Ferragus, Chief of the Devorants; Last Incarnation of Vautrin F 7888 Gallery of Antiquities F 7874 Gobseck F 7876 Contents: Gobseck; The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan: Unconscious Comedians; Another Study of Woman; Comedies played Gratis. A Great Man of the Provinces in Paris : F 7891 An Historical Mystery [Plots against Napoleon] F 2240 80 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BALZAC.H.de. Juana F 7878 Contents: Juana; Adieu; A Drama on the Seashore; The Red Inn; The Re- cruit; El Verdugo; The Elixir of Life; The Hated Son; Maitre Cornelius. The Lesser Bourgeoisie F 7877 Lily of the Valley F 2243 Lost Illusions F 7800 Pt. 1. The Two Poets. 2 Eve and David. 3. Lucien de Rubempre. The Magic Skin F 2508 Same as The Wild Ass's Skin. The Marriage Contract F 7870 Memoirs of Two Young Married Women F 7894 Miniatures from Balzac's Master- pieces E 1968 Modeste Mignon F 2597 Mystery of the Rue Soly F 7873 Pere Goriot F 2547 Pierrette, and The Vicar of Tours.F 2238 The Purse; Gaudissart II.; or, The Selim Shawl; Albert Savarus J 1461 Seraphita F 2595 Sons of the Soil F 224 1 A Start in Life F 8052 Two Brothers {French Revolu- tion] F 2553 Unknown Masterpiece, and other Stories F 7875 I 'rsula F 2244 The Village Rector F 7893 The Wild Ass's Skin F 2598 BAMFORD, J. M. Elias Power of Ease-in-Zion H 084 Father Fervent H 983 Father Lambert's Family [Old Time France] H 981 Thoughts of my Dumb Neighbors [Natural History] H 982 BANDELIER, A. F. A. The Delight Makers [Pueblo Indians] F 2254 BANDELLO, M. Novels F 1453,3 Novels. 6 v *P 358 BANGS, J. K. The Bicyclers E 9048 Contents: The Bicyclers: A Dramatic Evening; The Fatal Message; A Pro- posal under Difficulties. Coffee and Repartee F 7897 Half-Hours with Jimmieboy H 068 A House-Boat on the Styx F 7914 The Idiot F 7902 In Camp with a Tin Soldier H 3150 BANGS, J. K. Mantel-Piece Minstrels and other Stories H Contents: The Mantel-Piece Minstrels; A Lesson in Bird-Talk: A Submarine Adventure; An Afternoon in a Hotel Room. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica F Pursuit of the House-Boat F Rebellious Heroine F Roger Camerden F Three Weeks in Politics F Tiddledewink Tales H Toppleton's Client F The Water-Ghost and others F Contents: The Water-Ghost of Harrowby Hall; The Spectre Cook of Bangletop; The Speck on the Lens; A Midnight Visitor; A Quicksilver Cassandra; The Ghost-Club, A Psychical Prank; The Literary Remains of Thomas Bragdon. and F. D. SHERMAN. New Wag- gings of Old Tales E BANIM, J. Boyne Water [Siege of Lim- erick] F Denounced; or, The Last Baron of Crana F Peep o' Day F Peter of the Castle and The Fetches.F BANIM, M. Bit o' Writin' F Croppy; Irish Rebellion, 1708 F Father Connell F Ghost Hunter and his Family F The Mayor of Wind-Gap F Town of the Cascades. 2 v F Banished Son. Hentz F Banishment of Jessop Blythe. Hatton.F Bank Tragedy, The. Hatch F Banker of Bankersville. Thompson... F BANKS, G. N. About some Fellows [Eton Experiences] F BANKS, M. B. Children's Summer. H BANKS, M. R. Bright Days in the Old Plantation Times [Slavery] F BANKS, N. H. Stairs of Sand F Banks of the Boro. Kennedy F Banned and Blessed. Buerstenbinder.F Baptized with a Curse. Drewry F Bar Harbor Days. Harrison F Bar-Rooms at Brantly. Arthur F Bar-Sinister, The. Walworth F Barabbas; a Tragedy. Corel li F Barbara Dering. Chanler F Barbara Heathcote's Trial. Carey F Barbara Leybourne. Hamer F Barbara Thayer. Miller F 3i5i 79U 7916 7915 6337 7899 967 7898 7896 1972 103 105 109 1 10 102 104 106 107 108 H7 787 3831 4117 6082 2405 1005 2486 2246 1005 7494 3022 3892 69 2516 8247 3359 2744 3820 5281 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION 21 Barbara's History. Edwards G 192 Barbara's Vagaries. Tidball F 6989 BARBAULD, MRS. A. L. A. (Ed.). See British Novelists. Barber of Bantry. Griffin F 709,3 Barber's Chair. Jerrold E 3775 Barberine. Feydeau F 3486 Same as Ballet Dancer's Husband. Barberry Bush, The. Woolsey H 2729 Barchester Towers. Trollope G 600 BARCLAY NORTH, pseud. See HUD- SON, W. C. Barclays of Boston. Otis F 1275 BARDEEN, C. W. Roderick Hume, the Story of a New York Teacher. F 7884 Bardic Stories of Ireland. Kennedy. . .F 1004 BARDSLEY, C. W. Brownie F 2502 BARING-GOULD, S. See GOULD, S. B. Bark Cabin on the Kearsarge. Rand.H 2210 BARKER, MRS. L. D. S. Uncle John's Adventures in Prairie Land H 1023 BARKER, Lady M. A. See BROOME. Barker's Luck, and other Stories. Harte.F 4147 BARLEY, C. M., pseud. Financial School at Farmerville F 8773 BARLOW, J. Irish Idylls F 7007 Kerrigan's Quality F 7906 M aureen's Fairing F 7924 Contents: Maureen's Fairing; A Cream Coloured Cactus; A Formidable Rival; A Year and a Day; Mac's Luncheon; Stopped by Signal; An Escape; The Murphys' Supper. Strangers at Lisconnel F 7966 Second Series of Irish Idylls. Barnaby Rudge. Dickens F 404 The same Gi62,2-3 Barnabys in America. Trollope F 7065 BARNARD, C. Knights of Today; or. Love and Science F 2492 Contents: A Sanitary Measure; Under High Pressure; Applied Science; Love and a Lantern; Put Yourself in her Place; The Wreck of the Pioneer. Money and Music F 118 Sequel to The Soprano. The Soprano F 981 The Tone Masters; a Musical Series for Young People, v. 1. Mozart and Mendelsohn.. K 307 2. Handel and Hayden K 308 3. Bach and Beethoven K 309 BARNARD, MRS. E. A. Maple Range [A Frontier Romance] F 2491 BARNARD, F. and C. H. ROSS. Be hind a Brass Knocker F 2489 Barncraig. Setoun F 6519 BARNES, J. For King or Country; Story of the Am. Revolution H 3180 Loyal Traitor; Story of the War of 1812 H 3182 Midshipman Farragut H 3181 Barney Brady's Goose. Carleton F 237 The same F 296 BARNUM, P. T. DickBroadhead...H 414 Funny Stories E 2017 Jack in the Jungle H 410 Sequel to Lion Jack. Lion Jack H 214 Baron Bruno. Morgan H 1823 Baron Montez of Panama and Paris. Gunter F 3713 Baron Munchausen. Raspe H 608 Baron of Belgard. O'Byrne F 2750 Baron of Hertz. Labadye F 1013 Barony. Porter F 1328 Barque Future, The. Lie F 1060 BARR, A. E. The Beads of Tasmer.F 2232 Bernicia [Time of George II]. ..F 8047 Between Two Loves; a Tale of the West Riding F 2545 Border Shepherdess F 2532 Bow of Orange Ribbon [Colonial Knickerbocker Life] F 2529 Christopher, and other Stories [Texas] H 970 Contents: Christopher; Crowther and Thirah; The Master of Rushen; Rex Macarthy; Our Joe; Jonathan Yea- don's Justification; Seed by the Way side; The Heart of Sam Naylor. Cluny MacPherson F 7912 Daughter of Fife [Scottish Low Life] F 2527 Feet of Clay F 2619 The Flower of Gala Water F 8045 Friend Olivia [Quakers in the Time of Cromwell] F 2231 Girls of a Feather F 8043 The Hallam Succession; Methodist Life in Two Countries F 2514 Household of McNeil F 2230 Jan Vedder's Wife F 2505 A Knight of the Nets F 8048 Last of the MacAllisters [Insurrec- tion of 1745] F 2618 The Lone House F 8044 Love for an Hour is Love forever. F 2237 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BARR, A. E. Master of his Fate F 2538 The Mate of the Easter Bell, and other Stories F 8041 Michael and Theodora; a Russian Story H 069 Paul and Christina F 2520 The Preacher's Daughter F 2218 Prisoners of Conscience F 8049 Remember the Alamo [Texas, i835].F 2617 A Rose of a Hundred Leaves F 2235 Scottish Sketches F 8046 Contents: Crawford's sair Strait; James Blackie's Revenge; Facing his Enemy; Andrew Cargill's Confession; One wrong Step; Lile Dave. She Loved a Sailor F 2233 Short Stories F 2236 A Singer from the Sea F 8042 A Sister to Esau F 2234 Squire of Sandel-Side F 1513 Young People of Shakespeare's I )rama E 9767 BARR, R. The Face and the Mask.. F 7918 In a Steamer Chair, and other Ship- board Stories F 2219 In the Midst of Alarms F 7917 The Mutable many F 7920 A Woman Intervenes F 7919 Barracks, Bivouacs, Battles. Forbes.. . . F 34 11 Barren Honour. Lawrence G 320 Barren Title, A. Speight F 66 yo BARRETT, F. Between Life and Death F 2262 John Ford, his Faults and Follies.. F 7904 The Justification of Andrew Lebrun.F 7903 Kit Wyndham F 2263 Olga's Crime F 2290 Out of the Jaws of Death F 2289 A Recoiling Vengeance F 2470 A Set of Rogues F 8053 The Smuggler's Secret G 1399 BARRETT, !A.,pseud. See NUTTING, M. (). BARRETT, W. The Sign of the Cross [Time of Nero] F 8054 BARR1E, J. M. Auld Licht Idylls. . .F 2229 An Auld Licht Manse and other Sketches F 2293 A Holiday in Bed, and other Sketches E 2018 The Little Minister [Scottish Vil- lage Life] F 2295 My Lady Nicotine L 4265 Sentimental Tommy F 8031 BARRIE, J. M. A Tillyloss Scandal.. F 2201 Two of them F 8030 When a Man's Single [Scottish Vil- lage Life] F 2296 A Window in Thrums [Scottish Village Life] F 2228 Barriers burned away. Roe F 1439 BARRILI, A. G. Devil's Portrait. ... F 2515 Eleventh Commandment F 2487 Barrington. Lever F 1048 The same G 332 Barrington's Fate. Hunt F 2206 BARRISTER, A., pseud. Five Hun- dred Pounds Reward F 574 BARROWS, W. The General; or, Twelve Nights in a Hunters' Camp H 254 BARRY, GRAY, pseud. See COFFIN, R. B. BARRY, J. D. The Intriguers F 7968 Mademoiselle Blanche F 7969 BARRY, W. The New Antigone F 5388 Barry Lyndon, Esq., Memoirs of. Thack- eray G 588,6 BARTLETT, G. B. Parlor Amuse- ments H 209 BARTLETT, G. H. Commercial Trip with an Uncommercial Ending. . F 2503 Water Tramps H 3161 BARTLETT, T. Heart Stories F 2471 Barton Experiment. Habberton F 757 BARTOW, A. K. The Holly and the Rose H 3166 Basil. Collins G 98 Basil and Annette. Farjeon F 3621 Basil Godfrey's Caprice. Parr G 484 Basil Lyndhurst, Search for. Carey... F 3343 Basil Woollcombe, Midshipman. Knight H 1707 BASSETT, G. Hippolyte, and Golden- Beak F 7905 BATEMAN, MRS. J. C. Ierne of Ar- morica [Time of Chlovis] F 113 BATES, A. Albrecht [Black Forest in the 9th Century] F 2477 In the Bundle of Time F 7910 A Lad's Love F 2533 The Pagans F 2488 Patty's Perversities F 5921 The Philistines F 2480 A Wheel of Fire F 2535 BATES, F. B. (Beulah). My Sister Kittv; a Story of Election Day.. . F 5357 Tatters F 2292 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 23 BATES, H. L. V. {Eleanor Putnam). A Woodland Wooing F 5084 and A. BATES. Prince Vance. .H 2101 BATES, MRS. J. W. Arma'is and others F 2301 A Blind Lead; Story of a Mine F 2615 Bunch-Grass Stories F 791 1 Contents : Resurrection on the Umpqua; The Substitute; The Great Concern ; In- spiration at the Cross-roads; The Black Shell; Taken in at Oare's; The Maver- icks of the Trail: A Transferred Town. A Nameless Wrestler F 2616 BATES, K. L. Hermit Island H 1071 BATTERSHALL, F. A Daughter of this World F 7908 Mists F 7909 Battery and the Boiler. Ballantyne. . .H ion Battle and a Boy. Howard H 1621 Battle and the Breeze. Stables H 2397 Battle of Connemara. O'Meara F 5688 Battle of Life. Dickens F 405 The same G 149 Battle of New York. Stoddard H 2436 Battle of the Moy; how Ireland Gained her Independence, 1892-4 F 2571 Battles at Home. Darling H 338 Battles lost and won. Merrill H 562 Battlement and Tower. Rhoscomyl. . .F 6406 BAUER, C. [Karl Dctlef). At Capri; Story of Italian Life F 396 Dead to the World F 119 A Russian Country House F 2224 Valentine the Countess F 395 Bay-Path. Holland F 829 BAYER, K. R. E. v. {Robert Byr). The Cipher Despatch F 8050 BAYLOR, F. C. Behind the Blue Ridge F 2539 Claudia Hyde F 8051 Juan and Juanita H 1025 On both Sides F 2536 A Shocking Example, and other Sketches F 2472 BAYLY, A. E. {Edna Lyalh. Autobi- ography of a Slander F 4936 The Autobiography of a Truth F 7963 Derrick Yaughan — Novelist F 4934 Donovan; a modern Englishman. .F 4939 Doreen, the Story of a Singer F 7962 A Hardy Norseman F 4935 In the Golden Days [Time of Charles nj f 4938 The same G 1350 BAYLY, A. E. Knight-Errant F 4932 The same G 1400 To Right the Wrong F 7961 We Two F 4937 Won by Waiting F 4933 The same G 1401 Bayou Folk. Chopin F 8237 BAZAN, E. P. A Christian Woman*. . F 2226 Morrina (Homesickness) F 2225 The Swan of Vilamorta F 2223 The Wedding Trip F 2227 BAZIN, R. A Blot of Ink F 8055 BEACH, D. N. and others. Wonder Stories of Science H 1029 BEACH, R. Q. Allie's Mistake F 2495 The Puritan and the Quaker; Story of Colonial Times F 5888 Beachcombers. Bishop H 961 BEACONSFIELD, Earl (B. Disraeli). Alroy [Tale of the 12th Century]. G 919 Coningsby [English Politics, 1840]. G 174 Contarini Fleming G 175 Endymion F 2493 The same G 916 Henrietta Temple G 176 Lothair F 416 The same G 177 The Runnymede Letters E 2430 Sybil; or, The Two Nations [Chart- ist Movement, 1848] G 178 Tancred; or, The New Crusade [De- fense of the Jews] G 920 Yenetia G 179 Yivian Grey F 417 Young Duke; Count Alarcos F 2494 Beads of Tasmer, The. Barr F 2232 BE ALE, A. Gladys the Reaper F 2497 The Heiress of Courtleroy F 7921 The Miller's Daughter H 1038 Simplicity and Fascination F 2499 BEALE, M. Jack o' Doon F 7922 BE ALE, T. W. {Walter Maynard). The Enterprising Impresario F 1 168 BEAN, F. Col. Judson of Alabama. .F 2304 Pudney and Walp F 2281 BEAN, H. M. The Widow Wyse F 7521 Bear and Forbear. Adams H 107,6 BEARD, D. Moonblight, and Six Feet of Romance F 2303 Beaton's Bargain. Hector F 3997 Beatrice. Haggard F 3879 The same G 1378 Beatrice. Kavanagh G 289 L>4 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Beatrice; or, The unknown Relatives. Sinclair F Beatrice Boville, and other Stories. De la Ram6 F Beatrice Cenci. Guerrazzi F Beatrice of Bayou Teche. Jones F Beatrice Tyldesley. Ainsworth G Beatrix. Balzac F Beatrix Randolph. Hawthorne F BEATTY, J. Bell o' Becket s Lane. . . F Beau Nash. Ainsworth G Beauchamp. James G Beaucharap's Career. Meredith F The same G Beauchampe. Simms F Beauniarchais. Brachvogel F BEAUMONT, A. pseud. See HUNT, MRS. M. R. BEAUMONT, M. A Ringby Lass, and other Stories F Contents: A Ringby Lass; Jack; The White Christ; Miss Penelope's Tale; The Revenge of her Race. BEAUREPAIRE, Q. de. See QUESNAY de BEUREPAIRE, J. Beautiful Joe. Saunders H Beautiful Miss Barrington. Farr G Beautiful Soul. Lean F Beautiful Spy. Burdett K Beautiful Wretch. Black F The same Beauty and the Beast. Keddie F Beauty and the Beast. Taylor F Beauty crowned; the Story of Esther. Fradenburgh H Beauty's Daughters. Hungerford F WWe; or, Two Little Wooden Shoes. De la Rame F The same G BECH-MEYER, N. See MEYER, N. B. BECHARD, F. Maurice F BECKE, L. By Reef and Palm F The Ebbing of the Tide; South Sea Stories F andW. JEFFERY. A First Fleet Family [New South Wales]. . . . F BECKER, A. Tempted of the Devil; Life of a Kabbalist F BECKER, W. A. Chariclcs [Greek Private Life] \ Gallus [Roman Scenes] A BECKETT, C. H. Who is John No- man? F 6762 1364 715 4519 693 7871 3974 2498 841 261 5275 787 2050 168 7944 2279 489 7255 2658 2563 1230 7161 1750 I3»4 2435 1363 795 121 7934 8019 7933 62 150 2589 BECKETT, S. {Cecil Griffith). Corinthia M arazion K 7926 Victor" Deane F 711 BECKFORD, W. History of the Caliph Yathek; an Arabian Tale F 123 The same * I 3402 The same 1 3884 The same I 5082 BECKMAN, E. Pax and Carlino H 957 Beckoning Hand and other Stories. Allen F 2443 Beckoning Series. See Cobden, P. Bed-time Stories. Moulton H 568 BEDE, CUTHBERT, pseud. See BRAD- LEY E. Bedford-Row Conspiracy. Thackeray.G 588.7 Bedouin Girl. Higginson F 4183 Beechcroft. Yonge F 2027 Beechcroft at Rockstone. Yonge F 2032 The same G 1348 BEECHER, H. W. Norwood; Village Life in New England F 2496 Beechnut. Abbott H 57,5 Beechwood. Springer F 1629 Beechwood Tragedy. The. Haw F 3862 BEERS, H. A. A Suburban Pastoral. and other Tales F 7928 Contents: A Suburban Pastoral; A Mid- winter Night's Dream; A Comedy of Errors; Declaration of Independence; Split Zephyr; A Graveyard Idyl; 1 the Wild and the Witch-wife; The V flower. Before the Dawn. Dulac F 3025 Before the Gringo came. Atherton F 7842 Before Tilsit, 1805-1807 Tolstoi.. . .F 7002, 1-2 Beggar Girl of the Pont des Arts, The. Hauff G 248 Beggars all. Dougall F 3042 Beginner, A. Broughton F 8070 Beginning, The; a Romance of Chicago.F 7885 BEQON, F. de 1 Mme. de Stolz). House on Wheels F 1631 Begum's Daughter, The. Bynner F 2270 Begum's Fortune. Verne F 7307 Begunibach. Fenn F 8691 Behemoth, Adventures in the Land of the. Verne F 1823 Behind a Brass Knocker. Barnard and Ross F 2489 Behind closed Doors. Rohlf s F 3680 Behind the Blue Ridge. Baylor F 2539 Behind the Counter. Hacklander G 246 Behind the Curtain; or, Leelinau H 1019 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. •J.) Behind the Veil Prior F 125 Behind Time. Lathrop H 1731 BEHN, A. Novels *P 625, 1-2 Beholding as in a Glass. Young F 7682 BEHRENS, B. (W. Heimburg). A Fatal Misunderstanding, and other Sto- ries F 7936 Contents: A Fatal Misunderstanding; United in Death; An Old Picture; The Romance of an Old House; My Cousin Ursula; Dangerous Ground. For another's Wrong F 7937 Gertrude's Marriage F 100 Her only Brother F 2612 Lora, the Major's Daughter F 261 1 Lottie of the Mill F 3080 Lucie's Mistake F 2248 Same as My Heart's Darling. Magdalen's Fortunes F 2476 Misjudged F 2249 Miss Mischief F 2247 My Heart's Darling F 2248 The Pastor's Daughter F 247s A Penniless Girl F 3981 Same as A Poor Girl. Two Daughters of One Race F 2613 BeingaB^y. Warner E 1597 Bel-Marjory. Smith F 5185 Bel of Prairie Eden. Lippard *F 4962 BELDEN, J. VAN Z. Fate at the Door.F 8096 Belforest. 2 v. Rathbone F 2091 Belfry of St. Jude. Stuart H 2410 Belgian Days. Martin F 5152 BELGRAVE, D. J. Luck at the Dia- mond Fields F 2622 Belhaven Tales. Harrison F 38 1 7 Belinda. Broughton F 2662 Belinda. Edgeworth *F 115,49-50 The same F 518,3 BELL, ACTON, pseud. See BRONTE, A. BELL, CURRER, pseud. See NICHOLLS. BELL, ELLIS, pseud. See BRONTE, E. J. BELL, MRS. H. Will o' the Wisp . . . H 1027 BELL, J. F. pseud. See ZANGWILL, I. BELL, L. A Little Sister to the Wilder- ness F 794 1 Love Affairs of an Old Maid F 7940 The under Side of Things F 7942 Bell of St. Paul's. Besant G 1351 Bell-Ringer of Angel's, and other Stories. Harte F 4143 Bella's Blue-Book. Calm F 3086 BELLAMY, C.J. Breton Mills F 2537 BELLAMY, E. Equality F 8000 Looking Backward, 2000-1887 F 2620 Miss Ludington's Sister F 2504 Six to One; Nantucket Idyl ... F 262 1 BELLAMY, MRS. E. W. Penny Lan- caster, Farmer F 2284 BELLAMY, MRS. E. W. C. {Kamba Thorpe). Little Joanna F 93 Belle and the Boys. Corbin H 314 Belle Nivernaise, La. Daudet F 2952 Belle o* Becket's Lane. Beatty F 240& Belles and Ringers. Smart F 6604 Bellona's Husband. Genone F 3652 BELT, H. P. Marjorie Huntingdon.. . F 247S Belt and Spur; Stories of the Knights of the Middle Ages; by E. L. S..F 2517 Belteshazzar. Roe F 6338 Belton Estate. Trollope G 601 Ben Burton, the Slate-Picker. Pren- tice H 2098 Ben Cramer. Austin H 194 Ben Franklin, Printer Boy. Thayer.. .H 700 Ben Gilbert's Victory. Bisbee H 1 03 1 Ben Hadden. Kingston H 506 Ben-Hur; Tale of the Christ. Wallace.F 7490 Ben Milner's Wooing. Parr F 1282 The same G 792 Ben, the Luggage- Boy. Alger H 154,5 Ben's Nugget. Alger H, 159,4 Bended Willow. Fuller F 625 Beneath the Dome.,. Clark F 8241 Beneath the Sea. Fenn H 1 369 BENEDICT, F. L. John Worthington's Name F 138 Madame F 128 Miss Dorothy's Charge F 137 Miss Van Kortland F 2530 Mr. Vaughan's Heir F 2531 My Daughter Elinor .^ 1 199 The Price she paid F 2501 St. Simon's Niece F 1 35 Benedicta. Phillips F 1322 Benefit of the Doubt. Spenser F 6843 Benefits forgot. Balestier F 7882 Bengal, Folk-Tales of. Day F 2927 Bengal Peasant Life. Day F 3195 BENHAM, G. C. A Year of Wreck [Reconstruction, 1865] F 7690 Benito Cereno. Melville F 1180 BENRIMO,A. Vic F 2500 BENSON, E. F. Dodo; a Detail of the Day F 7945 A Double Overture F 7947 2<> CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY BENSON, B.P. The Judgment Books. F 7948 Limitations F 7943 The Rubicon F 7046 BENTLEYS MISCELLANY. Old Mis cellany Days F 5650 BENTZON, T. H. pseud. See BLANC, T. Beuvenuta Marshall G 1121 Beppo. the Conscript. Trollope F 1792 Bera. D^Leon F 379 Beresford Prize. Smith H 1869 BERQER, E. See SHEPPARD, E. S. Bene, the Briton. Hehty H 1 571 Berkeley the Banker. Martineau F 1151,5 Berkeleys and their Neighbors. Sea well. F 6506 Berlin and Sans-Souci. Mundt F 1201 BERNHARD, M. For my own Sake. F 7886 The Household Idol F 2252 The Pearl F 7887 The Rector of St. Lukes F 2251 Bernicia. Barr F 8047 Bernies White Chicken. Alden H 007 Berris. Macquoid F 5530 BERRY, A. B. The Last Penacook [a Tale of Provincial Times] H 1026 BERRY, E. P. Leah of Jerusalem; ry of the Time of Paul F 2250 Bertha. Bischoff ? 97 Bertha; or, Consequences of a Fault F 132 Bertha Laycourt. Blum F 2646 BERTHOUD, E. Shfe Loved him Madly F 166 Bertie Griffiths. Edwards G 1154 Bertram Family, The. Charles F 207 The same G 721 Bertram Noel. May H 547 Bertrams, The. Trollope G 602 BERTZ, E. The French Prisoners; a Story for Boys H 1028 BERWICK, J. Secret of Saint Flord.F 7925 BESANT, W. All Sorts and Conditions of Men [Social Reforms] F 2635 Armorel of Lyonesse F 2639 The same G 1402 Bell of St. Paul's G 1351 Beyond the Dreams of Avarice.. . . F 7951 Children of Gibeon [Working Classes] F 2638 The same G 1245 City of Refuge F 7954 The Demoniac F 2220 Dorothy Forster [Rebellion of 1715] G 847 Dorothy Wallis F 2308 BESANT, W. For Faith and Freedom [Monmouth's Rebellion, 1685]... F 2636 The same G 1352 Herr Paulus F 1404 The same G 1314 In Deacon's Orders, and other Stories F 7952 Contents : In Deacon's Orders; Peer and Heiress; The Equal Woman; The Shrinking Shoe; Quarantine Island; In Three Weeks; One and Two; A Night with Tantalus: The Solid Gold Reef Company, Limited; To the Third and Fourth Generation; King David's Friend. The Inner House G 131 5 The I vory Gate F 2307 Katharine Regina G 1283 Lament of Dives F 2640 The Master Craftsman F 7953 The Rebel Queen V 7950 Revolt of Man F 6265 The same G 852 St. Katherine's by the Tower [Eng- land in 1793] F 2221 Uncle Jack and other Stories F 2540 Contents: Uncle Jack; Sir Jocelyn's Cap; A Glorious Fortune. Yerbei.a Camellia Stephanotis and other Stories F 2222 The World went very well then [Time of George II] F 2633 The same G 1 244 and J. RICE. By Celia's Arbour [Crimean War] F 2604 Case of Mr. Lucraft and other Tales F 2608 Contents: The Case of Mr Lucraft; The Mystery of Joe Morgan; An Old, Old Story; Lady Kitty; The Old Four- Pos'ter; My Own Experience; Titania's Farewell; On the Goodwin; Edelweis; Love finds the way; The Death of Samuel Pickwick; When the Ship comes Home. Chaplain of the Fleet. 3 v. in 2 [Time of George II] F 2544 Golden Butterfly F 112 The same G 853 Monks of Thelema F 2605 My Little Girl F 122: Ready-Money Mortiboy F 1 40^ The Seamy Side F 2637 Ten Years' Tenant and other Stories.F 2634 Contents: The Ten Years' Tenant; Sweet Nelly, my Heart's Delight; Over the Sea with a Sailor. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 27 BESANT, W. and J. RICE. This Son of Vulcan F 2606 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, and other Stories [Smuggling] F 2607 Contents: 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay; Shepherds all and Maidens Fair; Such a good Man; I.e Chien d'or. With Harp and Crown F III Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. Wat- son F 5557 Beside the River. Macquoid G n 10 Bessie. Kavanagh F 4647 The same G 290 Bessie. Weld H 244 Bessie and Raymond. Weston F 1905 Bessie Bradford's Prize. Mathews H 1906 Bessie Costrell, Story of. Ward F 7599 Bessie Fairfax, Vicissitudes of. Parr. . F 1284 The same G 791 Bessie Harrington's Venture. Mathews.F 5173 Bessie Lang. Corkran F 309 Bessie Wilmerton. Westcott F 1918 Bessie's Fortune. Holmes F 4017 Bessy Conway. Sadlier F 1462 Bessy Rane. Wood G 632 Best of H usbands. Payne F 1 288 The same G 1029 BETH AM, G. K. The Story of .1 Dacoity and The Lolapur Week [Tales of India] F 7960 BETHELL, A. See PARKER, MRS. A. B. Bethesda. Halstead F 2572 Bethesda Pool. Richards F 6443 Bethia Wray's new Name. Douglas... F 3062 BETHUNE, J. O. The " F M Cipher.. F 7930 The Third Man F 7931 BETHUSY-HUC, V. (M. von Reichen- bach). The Eichhofs F 6263 Betrayal of John Fordham. Farjeon..F 8770 Betrothed, The. Manzoni F 1 160 The same I 2990 Betrothed, The. Scott F 2153 Better Days. Fitch F 3408 Better Part; Tale from real Life F 84 Better Times Stories. Kirk F 4692 Better Way, The. Lacy F 4842 Betty, a Butterfly. Plympton H 2054 Betty;aLastCenturyLoveStory Dorsey.F 3071 Betty; a Schoolgirl. Smith H 2269 Betty Alden. Austin F 2324 Betty Leicester. Jewett H 1590 Betty of Wye. Blanchard H 32 19 Between Life and Death. Barrett F 2262 Between the Lines. King F 4678 Between two Loves. Barr F 2545 Between two Opinions. Flagg F 3507 BEULAH, pseud. See BATES, f . D. Beulah. Wilson F 1963 Beverleys, The. Abbott F 2331 Beverly. Walworth F 1850 BEYLE, M. H. (De Stendhal). La Char- treuse de Parme. 3 v. [ Waterloo]. F 7992 Beyond Recall. Sergeant F 6578 Beyond the Bourn. Fiske F 3632 Beyond the Breakers. Owen F 1276 Beyond the Dreams of Ayance. Besant.F 7951 Beyond the Gates. Ward F 5896 Beyond the Himalayas. Geddie H 1410 Beyond the Snow. Reed F 1406 Beyond the Verge. Chipman F 822} BIARD, MME. L. d'A. The Notary's Daughter G 746 BIART, L. Adventures of a young Naturalist [Modern Mexico] F 152 Involuntary Voyage F 2507 Two Friends H iojo BICKERDYKE, J. Lady Val's Elop< merit F 7982 BICKFORD, L. H. Miss Marston . . . . F 2257 Bid for Fortune. Boothby F 8103 BIDA, A. (Tr.). The Lovers of Provence; Aucassin and Nicolette F 2449 Biddy Club, The. Worthington K 6408 Biding his Time. Trowbridge H 2511 BIDPAI. Fables of Pilpay H 1018 BIERBOWER, A. From Monkey to Man; Society in Tertiary Age..F 8002 BIERCE, A. Can such Things be? [Short Stories] F 8028 and G. A. DANZIGER. The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter. . . F 2297 Bietigheim F 25 19 Big Bow Mystery. Zangwill F 7693 Big Brother. Eggleston H 367 Big Brother. Johnston H 1599 Big Brother Series. See Eggleston, G. C. Big Cypress. Munroe H 1965 Big Otter, The. Ballantyne H 991 Big Stake, A. Jocelyn F 4507 BIGELOW, E. Diplomatic Disenchant- ments F 8012 BIGOT, Mme. M. H. (Jeanne Mairef). A Foreign Match F 2260 Lakeville F 775 A Mere Caprice F 3979 Storm-Driven F 777 M CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BIKELAS, D. Loukis Laras [Greek War of Independence, 1821.] F 2506 Tales from the /Egean 8029 CmimU: The Plain Sister: Why I am still a Lawyer; Philip Marthas; The Priest's Tale; Pappas Narkissos; A Memory; At the Oculist's; The Two Brothers. BUI and Brocky. Chappell H 1 165 Bill Drocks Investment. Chellis.... H 274 BILL NYE, pseud. See NYE, W. E. Bill Nye's Chestnuts. Nye F 5497 BILLINGS, E. E. Marking the Bound- ary F 7049 Billow Prairie. Cragin F 7810 BILLINGS, JOSH, pseud. See SHAW, H. W. Billtry. Dallas I 3029 Billy Bellew. Norris F 5446 Billy Grimes' Favorite. Nowell H 577,2 Bimbi Stories. De la Ram£ G 798 The same H 2201 BINDER, W. E. Madelon Hawley; or, The Jesuit and his Victim F 154 BINGHAM, J. M. All Glorious within.H 1033 Annals of the Round Table, and other Stories H 1034 Biographical Sketches. Foa H 392 Biography of a Locomotive Engine. Frith H 1325 BIRCHENOUGH, MRS. M. C. B. turbing Elements F 7981 Birch wood. Williams H 1605 BIRD, F. M. (K. Timsoi). An Alien from the Commonwealth F 6977 BIRD, R. Joseph, the Dreamer H 3201 BIRD, R. M. Calavar; a Romance of Mexico, 1520 F 2508 Hawks of Hawk-Hollow; a Tradi- tion of Pennsylvania. 2v F 2509 Nick of the Woods [Kentucky in Colonial Times] F 155 Birds of a Feather. Bradley H 574,1 Birds of Prey. Maxwell F 2274 Birds' Christmas Carol. Riggs H 767 B1RDSELL, E. S. Phil Preston H 060 Birth and Education. Schwartz F 1700 Birth of a Soul. Phillips F 6105 BI5BEE, MRS. S. A. Ben Gilberts Victory H 1031 BISCHOFF, J. E. (K. Bolanden). Bertha [Time of Henry IV. of GermanyJ.F 97 Progressionists and Angela F 09 Biscuits and Dried Beef F 5526 BISHOP, G. The Beachcombers; Slave Trading H 961 BISHOP, N. H. The Pampas and Andes; Walk across South America H 253 BISHOP, P. P. The Psychologist. 1 BISHOP, W. H. The Brown Stone Boy and other Queer People F 2647 Choy Susan and other Stories F 2512 Contents: Choy Susan; Battle of Bun- kerloo; Deodand; Brapton's New Art; One of the Thirty Pieces; Mclntyres False Face; Miss Calderon's German. Detmold [Italian Artistic Life] F 2510 The Garden of Eden, U. S. A F 8027 The Golden Justice F 2542 House of a Merchant Prince; a Novel of New York F 2511 A Pound of Cure; Story of Monte Carlo I 8025 Writing to Rosina F 8026 The Yellow Snake F 2479 Bishop's Bible. Murray -»nd Herman. F 9553 Bishop's Conversion, The. Maxwell. . F 5331 Bit of Human Nature. Murray F 9536 Bit o' Writin'. Banim F 102 Bits of Talk for Young Folks. Jackson.H 1604 Bitter Birthright. Russell F 6346 BITZIUS, A. (/. Gotthelf). Wealth and Welfare. 2v F 133 Bivouac and Battle. Adams H 109,5 BJORNSON, B. Arne; Norwegian Coun try Life I 157 Bridal March, and other Stories. . . F 2524 Captain Mansana F 2526 Contents: Captain Mansana; The Rail- road and the Churchyard; Dust. Fisher Maiden F 1 56 Happy Boy F 2522 The Heritage of the Kurts F 7967 Magnhild F 2525 Ovind F 158 Synn6veSolbakken(TrustandTrial)F 2521 Works. 3 v F 7901 v. 1. Biographical Sketch, by Anderson; Synnove Sol- bakken; Arne; The Rail- road and the Church- yard; Thrond; A Danger- ous Wooing ; The Bear Hunted; The Father; The Eagle's Nest. 2. A Happy Boy; The Fisher Maiden; Blakken; Fidel- ity; A Problem of Life. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 29 BJORNSON, B. Works F 7901 v. 3. Bridal March; Captain Man- sana; Magnhild; Dust. BJURSTEN, H. The Play of Fate. . . F 7900 BLACK, A. Miss Jerry F 7908 BLACK, C. An Agitator F 7980 The Princess D£siree F 7979 BLACK, W. Beautiful Wretch F 2563 The same G 1 230 Briseis . . . F 7974 Daughter of Heth G 49 Donald Ross of Heimra F 2474 The same G 1 403 The Four MacNicols [Scottish Fish- ing Life] H 1020 Green Pastures and Piccadilly F 85 The same G 866 The Handsome Humes F 7971 Highland Cousins F 7973 In Far Lochaber F 2560 The same G 1316 In Silk Attire F 140 The same G 50 Judith Shakespeare [Shakespeare's Daughter] I 2556 The same . G 1234 Kilmeny V 149 The same ... . G 701 Lady Silverdale's Sweetheart, and other Stories G 702 Contents: Lady Silverdale's Sweet- heart; Marriage of Moira Fergus; The Man who was like Shakespeare; High- lands of the City; The Strange Horse of Suainabhal. Macleod of Dare F 2466 The same G 865 Madcap Violet F 127 The same G 703 The Magic Ink, and other Stgries.F 2461 Contents: The Magic Ink; A Hallowe'en Wraith; Nanciebe). a Tale of Stratford- on-Avon. Maid of Killeena, and other Stories. G 704 Contents: Maid of Killeena; Queen Tita's Wager; A Fight for a Wife; True Legend of a Billiard Club; A Se- quel to that. Maid of Killeena and Marriage of Moira Fergus F 139 Marriage of Moira Fergus F 130 Mr. Pisistratus Brown F 5215 Mr. Pisistratus Brown; The Four MacNicols; The Pupil of Aure- liu s G 1231 BLACK, W. Monarch of Mincing- Lane F 2562 New Prince Fortunatus G 1353 Same as Prince Fortunatus. The Penance of John Logan, and two other Tales F 7972 Contents ', Penance of John Logan; Romeo and Juliet, a Tale of Two Young Fools; A Snow Idyll. Prince Fortunatus F 2463 Princess of Thule F 2561 The same G 700 Sabina Zembra F 2558 The same G 1284 Shandon Bells F 2565 The same G 1232 Stand Fast, Craig-Royston! F 2465 The same G 1404 Strange Adventures of a House- Boat F 2559 The same G 131 7 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton.. F 148 The same G 48 Sunrise F 2261 The same G 1233 Three Feathers G 867 White Heather F 2557 The same G 1228 White Wings; a Yachting Ro- mance G 864 Wise Women of Inverness, and . other Miscellanies G 1229 Contents: The Wise Women of Inver- ness; Rhymes by a Deer-Stalker; A Gossip about the West-Highlanders; A few Days' more Driving; Supernatural Experiences of Patsy Cong. Wolfenberg F 7970 Yolande F 2555 Black and White. Forde F 3535 Black Arrow, The. Stevenson F 6862 The same G 1 344 Black Baronet. Carleton F 213 Black Beauty. Sewell . H 2308 Black-Box Murder, The G 1354 Black but Comely. Melville G 11 14 Black Carnation. Hume F 4271 Black Diamonds. Jokai F 4499 Black Dwarf. Scott F 2154 The same G 538 Black Gauntlet. Schoolcraft F 6573 Black Ice. Tourg£e F 7046 Black Ivory. Ballantyne H 215 Black Lamb. Brown F 8095 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Black Poodle, and other Tales. Gutl. Black Robe. Collins ...G 882 Black Sheep. Yates G 652 Black Spirits and White. Cram F 8408 Black Spiritsand White. Trollope F 1720 Black, the Story of a Dog. Dumas . . . . F 8488 Black Tulip, The. Dumas F 8484 Black Watch, The. Grant F 3609 Black^own Papers. Gallenga F 3647 BLACKMORE, R. D. Alice Lorraine [Peninsular WarJ F 134 The same G 868 Christowell G 849 Clara Vaughan F 7986 Cradock Nowell; a Tale of the New Forest F 7084 Cripps, the Carrier F 114 Erema; or, My Father's Sin F 2473 Kit and Kitty F 2464 Lorna Doone [Monmouth's Re- bellion] F 159 The Maid of Sker [Naval Battles, '797-8J.'. F 7987 Mary Anerley; a Yorkshire Tale. ..F 2564 The same G 863 Perlycross F 7988 Remarkable History of Sir Thomas Upmore I 2577 Same as Tommy Upmore. Slain by the Doones, and other Stories F 7989 Contents: Slain by the Doones: Frida. or, the Lover's Leap; George Bowring; Crocker's Hole. Springhaven [Wars of Napoleon]..F 2578 Tommy Upmore G 1069 Blacksmith of Voe. Wood G 1413 Blackwood's Magazine, Tales from. See Tales from Blackwood. BLAGDEN, I. Nora and Archibald Lee.r The Woman I Loved; A Tuscan Wedding G 51 BLAIR, E. N. Lisbeth Wilson; Daugh- ter of New Hampshire Hills F 7985 BLAISDELL, A. F. Stories of the Civil War H 1044 BLAISDELL, E. W. Hidden Rec- ord; or, the Old Sea Mystery F 2567 BLAKE, E. V. Dalzells of Daisy- down H 102 1 BLAKE, Lady. Lady of Lyndon. .. .F 161 Ruth Maxwell F 160 BLAKE, L. D. Fettered for Life . . . . F 162 BLAKE, M. M. Courtship by Commar. Napoleon at Play F 8057 Siege of Norwich Castle; Last Strug- m gle against the Conqueror K 2306 Blakes and Flanagans, The. Sadlier..F 1472 BLANC, T. ( Th. Bentzon). Remorse. F 2566 A Conversion F 4955 BLANCHARD, A. E. Betty of Wyc.H 3219 Girls together H 3220 Two Girls H 1072 Blanche. Molesworth H 1916 Blanche; a Tale from the French H 237 Blanche Carey; Scenes in many Lands.F 86 Blanche Gilroy. Hosmer F 866 Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse.. F 6550 Blanche of Brandywine. Lippard *F 4963 Blanche of Montacute. Haly F 736 BLATCHFORD, R. A Son of the Forge F 7927 Tommy Atkins of the Ram- chunders F 801 1 BLATHERWICK, C. Uncle P.erce. 1 BLATHWAYT, MRS. M. S. The King's Command H 2431 Marion Scatterthwaite V 6882 BLAZE DE BURY, M. P. R. S. All for Greed : G 143 Love the Avenger ('» 144 Bleak House. Dickens F 408 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 150 Bledisloe; or, Aunt Pen's Nieces. Trotter F 7068 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker F 2482 BLESSINQTON, Countess of. Country Quarters F 64 1 Marmaduke Herbert G 222 Memoirs of a Femme-de-Chambre . G 223 Meredith G 1043 Strathern ( i 1044 BLEUNARD, A. Babylon electrified; Expedition to restore Babylon .F 7990 BLIND, M. Tarantella F 2579 Blind Brother, The. Greene H 1453 Blind Fate. Hector F 4126 The same G 1427 Blind Justice. Reeves G 1369 Blind Lead, A. Bates F 2615 Blind Love. Collins F 2847 The same G 1359 Blind Men and the Devil. Phineas. . . F 6001 Blind Mother, The. Caine F 812 1 Blind Musician, The. Korolenko F 4682 Blind Rosa. Conscience F 293, 10 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 31 Blindfold. Lean F 3122 The same G 1375 Blithedale Romance. Hawthorne F 764 The same J 83 Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann and Chatrian F 545 Blockade Runners. The. Verne F 1834 BLODGETT, M. F. At the Queen's Mercy F 8014 Fairy Tales H 3230 BLOEDE, G. {Stuart Sterne). Story of Two Lives F 2272 Blood Royal. Allen F 2352 Bloody Chasm. DeForest F 2930 BLOOMFIELD, W. Holdenhurst Hall.F 8003 BLOOMFIELD, W. J. Fay Banning. F 8001 BLOSS,C. A. Heroines of the Crusades.C 3327 BLOSSOM, H. M., Jr. Checkers; a Hard-Luck Story F 8082 Blossom-Bud. Smith F 6616 Blossoming of an Aloe. Hoey F 825 Blot of Ink. Bazin F 8055 Blown to Bits. Ballantyne H 996 Blue and Gray Series. See Adams, W. T. Blue Balloon. Horsley H 4338 Blue Banner. Cahun F 2701 Blue Bell. Bramstone F 2656 Blue Blood. Dande F 370 Blue Fairy Book. Lang H 17 19 Blue Jackets of '76. Abbot B 2367 Blue Jackets of 1812. Abbot B 348 Blue Jackets of *6i. Abbot B 2633 Blue Pavilions. Couch F 31 17 Blue Roses. Dempster G 917 Blue Stocking, A. Edwards G 736 Blue Veil. Montgomery G 11 33 Bluebeard's Keys, and other Stories. • Ritchie F 1744 The same G 823 Blues and Buffs. Mills F 5209 Bluff ton; a Story of To-Day. Savage. . F 1479 Bluff ton Stamp Society. Philo H 2085 BLUM, E. C. Bertha Laycourt F 2646 BLUM, G. and L. WAHL. Sea side and Fire-side Fairies H 235 BLUNDELL, MRS. M. E. (M. E. Fran- cis). Daughter of the Soil F 8081 In the North Country Village F 3388 The Story of Dan F 3387 BOARDMAN, MRS. M. M. Haps and Mishaps of the Brown Family. . . H 238 Sister's Triumph H 241 Sequel to Haps and Mishaps. Boat Builder Series. See Adams, W. T. Boat Club. Adams H 106,1 Boat Club Series. See Adams, W. T. Bob Burton. Alger H 936 Bob Martin's Little Girl. Murray F 9537 Bobbin Boy. Thayer H 2498 Bobby's Wolf, and other Stories H 1037 BOCCACCIO, G. Novels from the Decameron F 1453,1 BObELL, W. A. A Skilled Workman.F 8009 Bodley Grandchildren in Holland. Scudder H 2301 Bodley, Mr., abroad. Scudder H 670 Bodley 's afoot. Scudder ' H 662 Bodle/s on Wheels. Scifdder H 659 Bodley's Telling Stories. Scudder H 661 Body-Snatcher, The. Stevenson F 6869 Bog-Myrtle and Peat. Crockett F 8341 Bohemia Invaded, and other Stories. Ford F 8742 Bohemian Tragedy. Curry F 2912 BOISGILBERT, E., pseud. See DONNELLY,.!. BOIT, R. A. Eustis F 2581 BOLANDEN. Q. pseud. 5^BISCH0FF. Bolanyo. Read F6217 BOLDREWOOD, ROLF, pseud. See BROWNE, T. A. BOLTON, MRS. S. K. Girls who be- came Famous C 3306 Poor Boys who became Famous. . .C 1929 The Present Problem [Intemper- ance, and other Evils] F 2569 Stories from Life F 2584 Bona venture; a Prose Pastoral. Cable. F 2720 Bond of Honor. Brigham H 988 Bondman, The. Caine F 2714 The same G 1356 BONESTEEL, M. O. Army Boys and Girls H 3241 BONIFACE, J. X. (X. B. Saintine). Pic- ciola F 2570 BONNER, J. Child's History of France H 959 Child's History of Greece. 2V...H 250 Child's History of Rome. 2v H 251 Child's History of Spain H IC59 Child's History of the U. S. 3V..H 252 BONNER, S.* pseud. See McDOWELL. Bonnie Brier Bush. Watson F 5557 Bonnie Prince Charlie. Henty H 1467 Bonnie Scotland. Lippincott .H 1760,1 Bonny Kate. Tiernan F 3585 Bonnybel Vane. Cooke F 2832- 33 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bonnyborough. Whitney F 7561 Book of Fairy Tales. Gould H 1 438 Book of Folk Stories. Scudder H 2304 Book of Golden Deeds. Yonge C 1661 \ of Love Stories. Perry F 5882 Book of Martyrs. Pratt F 6142 Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes. Gould H 4010 Book of Pity and of Death. Viaud F 7370 Book of Sibyls. Ritchie G 1063 Book of Strange Sins. Kernahan F 4580 Book of the Operas. Pardon F 1291 Book of Wonder Voyages. Jacobs H 4450 Boone, Daniel, Life of. Hill H 461 Boone and Kenton Series. See Ellis, 1 BOOTH, MRS. E. M. J. v. {Rita). The Countess Pharamond F 6235 Sequel to Sheba. Daphne F 382 Faustme F 6282 •A Gender in Satin 1 . . . .F i.;i; A Husband of no Importance F 1313 Kitty the Rag F 6239 The Laird o' Cockpen F 6231 The Man in Possession I Master Wilberforce F 6236 Miss Kate F Sheba '. F The Vagabond Lover A Woman in it F 6238 BOOTHBY.G. A Bid for Fortune.... F 8103 Dr. Nikola I 8104 In Strange Company; Story of Chili. F 8100 A Lost Endeavour F 8102 The Marriage of Esther I 8101 Booties' Baby. Stannard F 6893 The same F 6892 Border and Bastille. Lawrence G Border Beagles. Simms F 2051 Border Lances; Reign of Edward III.. F 2518 B tfder Reminiscences. Marcy F 1146 Border Shepherdess. Barr F 2532 Borderland. Fothergill F 3542 The same G BORO and BROWN. Northern Lights; Stories from Swedish Authors. 1 \z\\ Boris, the Bear-Hunter. Whishaw H 2666 KORLASE, S. Stirring Tales of Colo- nial Adventure H 3250 Born Coquette. Hungerford F 2311 The same G 1 v»; Born of Flame. Peeke F 6047 Borodino, 1 8 1 2- 1 820. Tolstoi F 7002,5-6 BORROW, G. Lavengro: the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest F 2585 The Romany Rye F 2586 Sequel to Lavengro. The Zincali; or, Gypsies of Spain.. . I 6924 BORYS, Q.,f>seucl. See BERTHOUD, E. Boscobel. Ainsworth G 23 Boss Girl, and other Sketches. Riley. .F 6276 Boston Girl, A. Swazey F 6712 Boston Girl's Ambitions. Townsend..F 7054 Boston Tea Party, The. Watson H 2662 Bostonian, The. James I 4417 Bothwell; or, the Days of Mary, Queen of Scots. Grant F 8804 Boudoir Cabal. Murray G 1005 BOULGER, MRS. T. H. H. (T/ieo. Gift). I )ishonored F 2268 An Island Princess F 8106 Lil Lonmer F 3918 A Matter-of-Fact Girl F 3953 Pretty Miss Bellew F 666 Victims F 3919 BOULTON, H. M. Josephine Crewe. .F 8009 Bound by his Vows. Burstenbinder F 1912 Bound in Honor. Trowbridge H 709 Bound in Shallows. Broadhead F 8108 Bound to rise. Alger H 1 57,2 Bound to Succeed Series. See Stratemeyt t . Bound together. Fargus T ' 2827 The same G 107 1 BOURDON, MME. M. F. Real Life. F 2580 BOURGET, P. Pastels of Men. :v.F 2208 A Tragic Idyl F 8097 BOUSSENARD, L. Crusoes of Guiana; <>r, the White Tiger H 1035 Gold-Seekers H 1036 Sequel to Crusoes of Guiana. BOUTON, J. B. The Enchanted; Ori- gin of the Psychical Club F 2283 BOUVE, E. T. Centuries apart F 8007 BOUVET, M. A Child of Tuscany. . . H 3256 Little Marjorie's Love Story H 1037 My Lady; a Story of Long Ago. . . F 7744 Pierrette H Prince Tip-Top; a Fairy Tale H 1043 Sweet William H 1032 Bow of Orange Ribbon. Barr F 2529 BOWDLER, MRS. H. M. Pen Tamar; or, the History of an Old Maid. . F 2583 BOWER, M. Paynton Jacks, Gentle- man F 8058 BOWLES, J. The Stormy Petrel [Am- erican Civil War] F 8010 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION 33 BOWMAN, A. Kangaroo Hunters; or, Adventures in the Bush H 1041 Tom and the Crocodiles . . . H 1042 Young Yachtsmen; or, the Wreck of the Gypsy H 257 BOWRING, J. (Tr.). Hwa tsien ki; the Flowery Scroll (Chinese Novel).. F 2582 Bowsham Puzzle. Habberton F 3924 Boy Broker, The. Munsey H 1896 Boy Captain, The. Kaler H 4602 Boy Crusaders. Edgar H 1250 Boy Emigrants. Brooks H 1066 Boy Engineers. Lukin. K 563 Boy Explorers. Prentice H 2097 Boy Farmers of Elm Island. Kellogg. H 482,4 Boy Hunters. Reid H 613 Boy in Grey. Kingsley H "490 Boy -Knight. Henty H 1503 Same as Fighting the Saracens. Boy Life in the U. S. Navy. Clark H 1092 Boy Life of Napoleon. Foa H 391 Boy of the First Empire. Brooks H 3278 Boy Pioneer Series. See Ellis, E. S. Boy Settlers. Brooks H 1068 Boy Slaves. Reid H 614 Boy Soldiers of 1812. Tomlinson H 2537,2 Boy Tar. Reid H 615 Boy Traders. Fosdick H 268,3 Boy Trapper. Fosdick H 269,2 Boy Trapper Series. See Fosdick, C. H. Boy Travelers in Arabia. Wise H 2680 Boy Travellers in Australasia. Knox.. I 2022 Boy Travellers in Central Europe. Knox. I 6002 Boy Travellers in Great Britain and Ire- land. Knox I 6291 Boy Travellers in Mexico. Knox I 5619 Boy Travellers in Northern Europe. Knox I 6001 Boy Travellers in South America. Knox .1 501 Boy Travellers in Southern Europe. Knox I 6003 BoyTravellersintheFarEast. 5 v. Knox. I 1584 Boy Travellers in the Levant. Knox. . .1 5985 Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire. Knox I 7853 Boy Travellers on the Congo. Knox. . . I 8767 Boy Wanderer, The. Malot H 1 836 Boy with an Idea. Eiloart H 368 Boy's Adventures in Australia. Howitt.H 459 Boy's Adv. in the Baron's Wars. EdgarH 125 1 Boy's Book of Trades K 4263 Boy's Froissart. Lanier A 261 Boy's King Arthur. Malory F 5146 Boy's Mabinogion, The. Lanier F 4885 Boy's Modern Playmate. Wood K 6604 Boy's Own Book. Hutchison K 195 1 Boy's Own Guide to Fishing. Keene . . K 6553 Boy's Percy. Lanier E 7767 Boy's Play-book of Science. Pepper.. K 2808 Boy's Town, A. Howells H 1 579 Boy's Workshop, A K 6223 Boys and Girls in Biology. Stevenson. H 675 Boys and I, The. Molesworth H 1816 Boys and Masters. Gilkes H 424 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney H 765 Boys at Dr. Murray's. Bradley H 420 Boys at Home. Adams H 100 Boys Coastwise. Rideing H 2216 Boys in the Mountains. Rideing H 2213 Boys of Cary Farm. Smith H 2346 Boysof Grand Pre" School. De Millc.H 330,2 Boys of Greenway Court. Butterworth.H 978 Boys of other Countries. Taylor H 702 Boys of the Sierras. Montgomery. ... H 1850 Boys of Thirty-five. Elwell H 1262 Boysof 1745 at Capture of Louisbourg. Kaler H 2005 Boys of '76; Battles of the Revolution. Coffin B 2ii Boys of 1812. Soley B 346 Boysof '61. Coffin B 585 s' and Girls' Book of Story and Tale. Strahan H 2446 Boys' and Girls' Herodotus. White. . . L 2924 Boys' and Girls' Pliny. White L 2829 Boys' and Girls' Plutarch. White C 1526 Boys'and Girls' TemperanceText-book.L 4272 Boys' Book of Famous Rulers. Farmer.C 2067 Boys' Book of Sports. Thompson K 1872 Boys' Own Stories. Moncrieff H 1852 Boys' Own Treasury of Sports. Wood . K 994 Boys' Republic, The. Harris H 1524 Boys* Revolt. Kaler H 2022 Boyar of the Terrible, A. Whishaw...F 7421 BOYCE, J. (Paul Peppergrass). Mary Lee; or, the Yankee in Ireland.. F 1305 Shandy McGuire; or, Tricks upon Travellers F 1306 The Spae-Wife; Tale of the Days of Elizabeth... F 2587 BOYESEN, H. H. Against Heavy Odds; a Tale of Norse Heroism F 2275 Boyhood in Norway H 964 Daughter of the Philistines F 2207 Falconberg F 2590 The Golden Calf F 8016 .-.I CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BOYESEN, H. H. Gunnar; Tale of Norse Life F 167 Ilka on the Hill-Top, and other Stories . F 2591 Contents: Ilka on the Hill-Top; An- nunciata; Under the Glacier: A Knight of Dannebrog; Mabel and I (a Philosophical Fairy Tale); How Mr. Storm met his Destiny. Light of her Countenance F 2594 Same as Old Adam. Mammoth of Unrighteousness F 2276 Modern Vikings H 1040 Norseland Tales F 8017 Norseman's Pilgrimage F 165 The Old Adam \ 1319 Queen Titania F 2592 Contents: Queen Titania; The Moun- tain's Face; A Dangerous Virtue. Social Strugglers I 8015 Tales from two Hemispheres F 179 Vagabond Tales F 2593 Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen H 964 Boyhood of Great Men. Edgar C 38 Boyhood of Great Painters H 258,2 Boyhood of John Kent. Allen H 956 Boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth H 977 Boyhood of Living Authors. Rideing. X 2160 BOYLE, E.V.G. Child's Play H 1094 BOYLE, F. Legends of my Bungalow.F 2588 BOYLSTON, PETER, pseud. See CURTIS. Boyne Water. Banim F 103 BOZ, pseud. Su DICKENS, C. BRABOURNE, Baron. (K. II. K. Huges- sen). Crackers for Christmas H 495 Ferdinand's Adventure, and other Stories H 1522 Friends and Foes from Fairyland. H 1526 Higgledy-Piggledy; or, Stories for Everybody H Magic Oak Tree and Prince Filder- km H 3266 Moonshine; Fairy Stories H 496 Queer Folk; Seven Stories H 497 River Legends; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine H 1 523 Stories for my Children H 499 Tales at Tea Time; Fairy Stories. . H 500 Uncle Joe's Stories H 3265 Whispers from Fairyland H 514 Bracebridge Hall. Irving J 133 BRACHVOGEL, A. E. Beaumarchais [Time of Louis XV.] F 168 Friedemann Bach; Fortunes of an Idealist F 2660 BRACKEL, F., v. Nora I 1064 BRACKENRIDGE, H. H. Modern Chivalry. 2 v. [Whiskey Insur- rection, etc., 1794.] F 124 Bracton; Tale of 1812. Anderdon F 2408 Braddock. Musick F 5514 BRADDON, M. E. See MAXWELL, MRS. M. E. BRADLEY, E. (Cuthbert Bede). Ad- ventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman F 1 26 BRADLEY, MRS. M. E. Martha's Mistakes H 3270 BRADLEY, MRS. M. E. N. Proverb Series H 574 v. 1. Birds of a Feather. 3. Handsome is that Hand- some does. • 4. A Wrong Confessed. See a/so Neely, K. P. BRADLEY,W. I. (Glance Gaylord). Boys at Dr. Murray's H 420 Donald Deane and his Cross F 170 Patience Hathaway \ 169 BRADSHAW, A. A Crimson Stain. . F 2609 BRADSHAW, W. R. Goddess of At vatabar of the Interior World. . . F 2291 Braes of Yarrow. Gibbon F 374 1 Braganza Diamonds, The. Kaler H 2019 Braggadocio. Tuthill H 746 Brain and Brawn Series. See Drysdale, W. BRAINERD, A. E. Seola F 1477 BRAINERD, T. H., pseud. See JAR- BOE, MRS. J. R. Brake Up. Adams H 107,5 nbletye House. 3 v. Smith F 1579 Bramleighs of Bishops Folly. LeverF 105 1 The same G 333 BRAMSTON, M. Abby's DiscoveriesH 1048 Blue Bell F 2656 For Faith and Fatherland H 1050 Home and School H 1053 Sequel to Snowball Society. M issy and Master H 105 1 Snowball Society H 1052 Uncle Ivan H 1054 A Village Genius; a true Story of Oberammergau H 1049 BRANCH, M. L. B. The Kanter Girls.H 3274 Brave. Griffith H 1825 Brave and Bold. Alger H 158,1 Brave and Bold Series. See Alger, H., Jr. Brave and Honest Series. See Ellis, E. S. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 35 Brave Dame Mary. Hawtray H 1055 Brave Fight. Hoare F 4005 Brave Heart and True. Lean F 3125 Brave Hearts. Raymond F 683 Brave Lady. Craik F 3147 The same G 108 Brave Men in Action. MacKenna F 5127 Brave Men of Eyam. Hoare F 4007 Brave Old Salt. Adams H 105,6 Brave Tom. Ellis H 1232,1 Bravest of the Brave. Henty H 1472 Bravo. Cooper F 261 BRAY, MRS. A. E. De Foix; a Ro- mance of the 14th Century F 2657 Hartland Forest; Legend of North Devon F 2655 Novels and Romances F 2299 v. 1. The White Hoods; an His- torical Romance of Flan- ders. 2. De Foix. 3. The Protestant; Reign of Queen Mary. 4. Fitz of Fits-Ford. 5. The Talba; or, the Moor of Portugal [ Time of Al- fonso IV.). 6 Warleigh ; or, the Fatal Oak. 7. Trelawny of Trelawne. 8. Trials of the Heart. 9. Henry de Pomeroy, and The White Rose. 10. Courtenay of Walreddon [Charles Land Civil War]. BRAY, C. Ivanda; or, the Pilgrim's Quest F 8087 The King's Revenge [Time of King Edward, 1321] F 8086 Randall Davenant; a Tale of the Mahrattas H 987 BRAY, MRS. E. O. B. Silver Linings.H 1056 Brazen Android, The. O'Connor F 5641 Brazen Gates. Smith F 1576 Bread and Beer. Chellis H 1091 Bread and Butter Miss. Paston F 6087 Bread-and-Cheese and Kisses. Farjeon.F 561 Bread upon the Waters. Craik F 337 The same G 109 Bread-Winners, The F 2650 Break o' Day Tales. Rollins F 6414 Breaker-Boy of Lansford. McMinn..H 1805 Breakfast for Two. Mathews H 1 837 Breaking a Butterfly. Lawrence G 987 Breaking Away. Adams .H 108,3 BREARLEY, W. H„ pseud. Wanted, a Copyist F 7252 Breezie Langton. Smart F 6652 BREMER, F. Axel and Anna I 3004,4 A Diary I 3004,4 Father and Daughter F 1 72 Four Sisters; Life in Sweden F 1 73 The H Family I 3004,4 Hertha F 174 The Home; Life in Sweden F 175 The same , I 3004,3 The Neighbours F 1 77 The same I 3004, 1 Nina I 3004,2 The President's Daughters I 3004,2 The Solitary I 3004,4 Strife and Peace I 3004,3 Brenda Yorke. Hay F 805 BRENTANO, C. Fairy Tales H 1701 BRESCIANI, A. Edmondo; Roman Manners and Customs F 92 M.ithilda of Canossa and Yoland of Groningen [Time of Henry 1V]...F 94 Bressant. Hawthorne F 768 Brethren of Mount Atlas. Stutfield. . . F 6823 BRETON, F. God Forsaken F 8088 -n Mills. Bellamy F 2537 l.rrwery at Taylorville. Chellis H 275 BREWSTER, A. M. H. St. Martin's Summer E 872 BREWSTER, M. Under the Water- Oaks H 963 Brian O'Linn, Adventures of. Max- well F 1 172 Bric-a-Brac Stories. Harrison H 1513 Bricks without Straw. Tourg£e F 7042 Bridal March, The. Bjornson F 7001,3 Bride from the Bush. Hornung G 1379 Bride from the Desert. Allen F 7824 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott F 2155 The same G 539 Bride of the Nile. Ebers F 3216 Bride's Pass, The. Keddie F 7162 Brides of the Tiger. Babcock F 7881 Bridge of the Gods. Balch F 2253 BRIDGES, MRS. {Mrs. Forrester). Al- though he was a Lord, and other Tales G 1079 Corisande, and other Tales G 1 078 Dearest F 3608 Diana Carew F 607 Dolores F 3545 36 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BRIDGES, MRS. (Mrs. Forrester). Fair Women; a Tale of English Life. F 601 1 have Lived and Loved F 3525 The same G 967 June F 3526 The Light of Other Days F 3609 M ignon F 3605 My Hero F 602 My Lord and My Lady G 968 Of the World, Worldly F 3607 Omnia Vanitas; a Tale of Society. .G 1059 Once Again , F 3546 The same G 1256 Rhona G 933 Roy and Viola F 3524 Too Late repented F 7977 Viva F 3606 The same G 747 Brief Honors. Scudder F 101 Briery Creek. Martineau F 1151,8 Brig and the Lugger, The. Walmsley . 1 Brigadier Frederic. Erckmann and Chatrian F 547 Brigadier Gerard, Exploits of. Doyle. . F 8459 BRIG HAM, S. P. Bond of Honor. . . . H 988 Forged Letter, and other Stories. . H 1074 BRIGHT, MRS. M. A. (Lyndon). Ox- ley F 153 Bright Celestials; by John Chinaman. .F 8004 Bright Days in Old Plantation Times. Banks * F 2486 Bright Hope Series. S^r Trowbridge, J. T. BRIGHTWELL, C. L. Palissy, the Huguenot Potter F 5930 Brigitta. Auerbach F 2420 The same G 848 Brilliant Prospects. Johnson F 942 BRIMBLECOM, C. E. An Archer with Columbus H 958 BRINE, MRS. M.D. Hitherand Thither; or, Good Times H 1061 Little Lad Jamie H 3283 Margaret Arnold's Christmas, and other Stories H 3281 Stories for Children H 3282 Stories Grandma told H 1057 BRISCOE, M. S. Links in a Chain.. . F 8066 Perchance to Dream, and other Stories F 2288 Briseis. Black F 7974 BRITISH NOVELISTS; ed. by Mrs. A. L. A. Barbauld. 50 v. in 25 *F 115 v. 1-8. Richardson. Clarissa Harlowe. BRITISH NOVELISTS; el. by Mrs. A L. A. Barbauld. 50 v. in 25 *F 115 v. 9-15. Richardson. Sir Charles Grandison. 16-17. De Foe. Robinson Crusoe. 18. Fielding. Joseph Andrews. 19-21. Tom Jones. 22. Reeve. Old English Baron. Walpole. Castle of Otranto. 23. Coventry. Pompey the Little. Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield. 24 25. Lennox. Female Quixote. 26. Johnson. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Hawkesworth. Almoran and Hamet. . Brooke. Lady Julia Mandeville. Inchbald. Nature and Art. 28. Simple Story. 29. Mackenzie. Man of Feeling. Julia de Roubigne\ 30-31. Smollett. Humphry Clinker. 33. Graves. Spiritual Quixote. 34-35. Moore. Zeluco. 36-37. Smith. Old Manor House. 38-39. D'Arblay. Evelina. 40-42. Cecilia. 43-44. Radcliffe. Romance of the Forest. ■47, Mysteries of Udolpho. 48. Bage. Man as he is not. 49-50. Edgeworth. Belinda. Modem Griselda. BRITON, E. V. Some Account of Amyot Brough. 2 v F 2603 Britta. Temple F 6942 BROCK, MRS. F. E. G. B. Clear Shin ing after Rain H 1060 Brockley Moor. Lawson F 185 BRODHEAD, MRS. E. W. Bound in Shallows F 8108 Diana's Livery F 5 118 An Earthly Paragon I 5412 Ministers of Grace F 5801 One of the Visconti F 8109 BRODIE, E. Elsie Gordon H 249 Old Christie's Cabin H 1046 Uncle Fred's Shilling H 1064 BROFELDT, J. (Jukani A/to). Squire Hellman, and others Stories F 72 \\ Broken Blossom. Lean G 899 Broken Chords. McClellan F 5507 Broken Dreams. Gardner E 7312 Broken Links. Hector F 4130 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 37 Broken Looking-Glass. Charlesworth.H 279 Broken Mallet, The. Mathews H 1907 Broken Ring. Tomkins F 71 14 Broken Seel. Green F 693 Broken Shaft, The. Norman F 5464 Broken to Harness. Yates G 653 Broken Toys. Steele F 1715 BRONTE, A. (Acton Bell). Agnes Grey.G 57 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. F 2601 BRONTE, C. (Currer Bell). S^Xicholls. BRONTE, E. J. (Ellis Bell). Wuthering Heights G 57 BROOKE, E. A Superfluous Woman.. F 6759 Transition F 6757 BROOKE, F. M. Lady Julia Mande- ville *F 115,27 BROOKE, H. Fool of Quality; Henry, Earl of Moreland. 2v F 186 BROOKE, M., pseud. See CAPES, H. M. Brooke and Brooke Farm. Martineau..F 1151,1 Brooke's Daughter. Sergeant F 6545 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville F 1173 The same G 436 Brooklands; a Sporting Biography. Hall. F 3909 BROOKS, B. A. Earth revisited F 8059 PhilVernon and his School Masters.H 1058 Those Children and their Teachers. F 2659 BROOKS, C. W. S. Silver Cord. 3 v. in 2 G 61 Sooner or Later. 3 v. in 2 G 60 BROOKS, E. Story of the Iliad H 1067 BROOKS, E. S. A Boy of the First Empire [Time of Napoleon I.].. H 3278 Century Book for Young Americans [Government of the U. S.] H 966 Century Book of Famous Ameri- cans H 3279 Chivalric Days H 409 Heroic Happenings H 980 Historic Boys C 1931 Historic Girls C 2237 In Leisler's Times; a Story of Knick- erbocker New York F 265 1 In No-Man's Land H 1063 A Son of Issachar; Days of the Mes- sias F 2642 Storied Holidays H 1062 Contents: Christmas; New Year's Day; St. Valentine's Day; St. Patrick's Day; April Fool's Day; May Day; Midsum- mer Eve; Independence Day; A Great Olympiad; Michaelmas; Hallow E'en; Thanksgiving Day. True Story of Abraham Lincoln . . H 3275 BROOKS, E. S. True Story of George Washington H 3276 and J. ALDEN. The Long Walls; Digging and Discovery in Greece.H 3277 BROOKS, H. S. Catastrophe in Bohe- mia, and other Stories F 8060 Contents: A Catastrophe in Bohemia; Dona Paula's Treasure; The Don in Pauper Alley; The Crazy Professor; The Arrival of the Magpie; A Scrap of Frontier History; An Unprofessional Money-Lender; La Tiburona; A Visit from an Esquimaux; A Chapter of Ac- cidents: At Don Ignacio's; The Virgin of Pearls. BROOKS, M. {M. Carroll). How Mar- jory helped H 262 BROOKS, N. Abraham Lincoln; a Bi- ography for Young People C 411 The Boy Emigrants H 1066 The Boy Settlers; Early Life in Kansas H 1068 The Fairport Nine H 259 Our Base Ball Club H 1065 Tales of the Maine Coast F 8062 Contents: Pansy Pegg; The Apparition of Jo March; The Hereditary Barn; The Phantom Sailor; The Honor of a Family: The Waif of Nautilus Island; A Century ago. BROOKS, S. See BROOKS, C. W. S. Broom-Squire, The. Gould F 8923 BROOME, Lady. (M. A. Barker). Christ- mas Cake in Four Quarters H 231 Spring Comedies F 116 Stories About H 213 White Rat and some other Stories. H 199 Brother against Brother. Adams H 800,7 Brother Gabriel. Edwards G 738 Brother Jacob. Cross F 3302 The same G 991 Brother of the Third Degree. Garver . . .F 8852 Brother to Dragons. Chanler F 6286 Brothers and Sisters. Marshall F 1 148 Brothers and Strangers. Poor F 61 10 Brothers of Pity. Ewing H 1271 Brothers Rantzau, The. Erckmann and Chatrain F 3257 BROTHERHEAD, A. P. Himself his worst Enemy [Time of George I].F 188 Brotherhood. Cruger F 3155 Brotherhood of Consolation. Balzac... F 7892 BROUOH, R. B. Marston Lynch . . . . F 8080 Brought Home. Smith H 667 Brought to Bay. Roe F 6327 Brought to the Front. Kellogg H 481,3 &8 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BROUGHTON, R. Alas! I »£ The same G 1374 A Beginner F 8070 Belinda F 2662 Cometh up as a Flower G 53 Dear Faustina F 8072 Doctor Cupid F 264 1 The same G 1248 Good-bye, Sweetheart! F 100 Joan G 711 Nancy G 710 N.u Wisely, but Too Well G 54 Red as a Rose is She G 55 Scylla or Charybdis? F 8071 Second Thoughts F 2661 The same G 860 Tales for Christmas Eve G 56 and E. BISLAND. A Widower In- deed F 2302 Broughton House, The. Perry F 5068 BROWN, A. The Day of his Youth.. F 8094 Fools of Nature F 2643 Meadow-Grass; Tales of New Eng- land Life F 8093 Contents: Number Five; Farmer Eli's Vacation; After All; Told in the Poor- house: Heman's Ma; Heartsease; Mis' Wadleigh's Guest; A Righteous Bar- gain; Joint Owners in Spain: At Sud- leigh Fair: Bankrupt; Nancy Boyd's Last Sermon: Strollers in Tiverton. BROWN, A. R. The Black Lamb. . . . F 8095 Sir Mark; a Tale of the First Capital [Philadelphia] F 8069 BROWN, A. W. Can she Atone?.... F 2664 BROWN, C. B. Arthur Mervyn; Mem- oirs of 1 793 F 2277 Wieland; or, the Transformation. .F 2278 Novels. 6 v *P 629 BROWN, C. L. {Marie Oliver). But Haifa Heart F 5841 Old and New Friends H 1990 BROWN, E. E. Young Folks' Life of Washington C 2406 BROWN, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay H 3292 The Petrie Estate F 8067 Two College Girls [Vassar College].F 2652 BROWN, J. Rab and his Friends.... G 58 Thesame.and Marjorie Fleming.I 3921 BROWN, O. M. Dwale Bluth, and other Literary Remains. 2v F 2654 BROWN, W. H. A Southern Heritage.F 8068 Brown Ambassador, The. Fraser H 1364 Brown Family, Haps and Mishaps of. Boardman H 23* Brown Man. Griffin F 709,3 Brown Stone Boy. Bishop F 2647 Brown's Retreat. King F 4637 BROWNE, C. F. {Artemus IVard,. Works F 195 Artemus Ward in London F 193 BROWNE, M. Wanted-a Kmg....H 1047 BROWNE, M. E. Tales from the Old Dramatists E 9072 BROWNE, T. A. (Rolf Boldrewood). A Colonial Reformer F 2265 The Crooked Stick V 8038 The Miner's Right; Tale of Austra- lian Goldfields F 2267 A Modern Buccaneer F 8036 My Run Home F 8040 Nevermore F 2269 Robbery under Arms; Adventure in Bush and Goldfields of Australia.G 13 18 The Sealskin Cloak F 8039 The Sphinx of Eaglehawk F 8037 The Squatter's Dream; Story of Aus- tralian Life F 2266 A Svdney-Side Saxon F 2264 BROWNE, MRS. T. M. Dorothy... F 2653 BROWNE, W. 2894; or, the Fossil Man.F 8090 Brownie. Bardsley F 2502 Brownie Book, Another. Cox H 1 1 76 Brownie of Bodsbeck. Hogg F 819 Brownie Sandford. May H 553,2 Brownie's Triumph. Sheldon F 6590 Brownies, The; their Book. Cox H 300 Brownies around the World. Cox H 1182 Brownies at Home, The. Cox H 1 177 Brownies through the L'nion. Cox H 3535 BROWNINQ, R., Stories from; by Hol- land F 4191 Browns, The. Smith H 2345 Brownsmith's Boy. Fenn H 1288 BROWNSON, S. M. Marian Elwood.F 191 Brueton's Bayou. Habberton F 692 Bruin. Reid H 616 BRUNER, J. W. Free Prisoners; Story of California F 187 Brunhilde. Alarcon F 2342 BRUNOWE, M. J. Laughter and Tears [Short Stories] H 3214 BRUNTON, M. Self-Control F 2259 BRUSH, MRS. C. C. Colonel's Opera Cloak F 2iqf Inside our Gate F 2644 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 39 BRUSH, M. E. Q. Paul and Persis [American Revolution] H 1069 Sarah Dakota H 3290 Brushes and Chisels. Serrao F 6533 BRYAN,M.E. Manch F 2663 Wild Work [Carpet Baggers in the South] F 2665 Bryan and Katie. Lyster H 1792 BRYCE, L. Friends in Exile F 8063 Bryda. Field F 3563 BRYDGES, H. Fortnight in Heaven. F 2645 Bubble, A. Walford F 7443 Bubble Fortune. Keddie F 4643 Bubbling Teapot, The. Champney H 1 1 1 5 BUCHAN, J. Sir Quixote of the Moors.F 8006 BUCHANAN, R. Debutante in New York Society F 2626 BUCHANAN, R. W. Annan Water. .F 2455 Child of Nature F 2456 Come, Live with me F 2305 Diana's Hunting F 81 10 Foxglove Manor F 2457 God and the Man F 2682 Heir of Linne F 2688" Love me for ever F 2458 Martyrdom of Madeline F 2459 Master of the Mine F 2687 Matt; Tale of a Caravan F 2686 The New Abelard F 2460 Rachel Dene; Tale of the Deepdale Mills F 8111 Shadow of the Sword [Napoleon's Return from Elba] F 176 andH. MURRAY. The Charlatan.F 8112 Buchholz Family, The. Stinde F 6634 BUCK, F. T. A Man of Two Minds. F 8115 Bud of Promise. Plympton H 2124 BUER5TENBINDER, E. {£. Werner). The Alpine Fay F 2627 At a High Price F 2468 Banned and Blessed F 7494 Same as Enthralled and Released. Good Luck F 1913 Hero of the Pen F 1914 A Lover from across the Sea F 8076 Contents: A Lover from across the Sea; In the hands of the Enemy; The Fountain of Youth. Master of Ettersberg F 7401 The Northern Light F 2469 Saint Michael F 7495 Spell of Home F 1917 Vineta, the Phantom City F 2628 Buffalo Runners, The. Ballantyne H 998 Buffeting. Pemberton F 6055 Buffets. Doe F 421 Bug-Jargal. Hugo F 887 Building of the City Beautiful. Miller. F 5286 Building the Nation. Coffin B 331 BULFINCH, T. Age of Chivalry [Myth- ology of the Middle Ages] A 260 Age of Fable; Stories of Gods and Heroes A 92 Legends of Charlemagne A 263 Bulldog and Butterfly. Murray F 9544 BULWER, SIR E. L. See LYTTON, E. B. BUNCE, O. B. Adventures of Timias Terrystone F 2683 Story of Happinolande, and other Legends F 2694 Bundle of Life. Craigie K 7270 BUNGENER, L. L. F. France before the Revolution; Reign of Louis XV.2V.F 2666 Bunker Hill to Chicago. Richberg . . .F 6390 BUNNER, H. C. Love in Old Cloathes, and other Stories F 8075 Contents: Love in Old Cloathes; A Letter and a Paragraph; As one having Authority; Crazy Wife's Ship; French for a Fortnight; The Red Silk Handker- chief; Our Aromatic Uncle. Made in France; French Tales re- told F 8073 The Midge F 2679 More Short Sixes F 8074 Contents: The Cumbersome Huise; Mr. Vincint Egg and the Wage of Sin; The Ghoollah; Cutwater of Seneca; Mr. Wick's Aunt; What Mrs. Fo tescue did; The Man with the Pink Pants; The Third Figure in the Cotillion; Samantha Boom-de-ay; My dear Mrs. Billington. The Runaway Browns; a Story of Small Stories F 2287 Short Sixes; Stories to be read while the Candle burns F 2286 Story of a New York House F 2691 A Woman of Honor F 2677 Zadoc Pine, and other Stories F 2285 BUNYAN, J. The Holy War; ed. by Brown F 2630 Pilgrim's Progress F 196 The same G 69 The same M 1769 The same in Dialogue F 192 The same Fac-simile of 1st edi- tion *F 2681 Bunyip Land. Fenn F 3484 40 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Burden of Isabel, The. Cobban F 8291 BURDETT, C. The Beautiful Spy ; Am. Revolution and Aaron Burr F 2658 Same as Margaret Moncrieffe. Bureaucracy. Balzac I BURGIN, Q. B. AtTuxter's F 81 16 Gascoigne's Ghost F 81 14 Tomalyn's Quest F 81 13 Burglar who moved Paradise. Ward..F 7434 Burglars in Paradise. Ward F 5898 Burgo's Romance. Speight F 6807 Burgomaster's Wife. Ebers F 3213 BURQWYN, C. P. E. The Huguenot Lovers; TaleoftheOld Dominion.F 2614 Burial of the Guns. Page F 6010 varied alone. Wood G 71 Buried Diamonds. Keddie F 7163 Buried Treasure. Fosdick H 269,1 BURN *ND, F. C. New History of San- ford and Merton H 255 and others. Society Novelettes. 2 v. F 2693 Burne-Jones Head, A. Rollins F 6417 BURNETT, F. H. Earlier Stories. 2 v.F 2280 v. 1. Lindsay's Luck; Miss Cres- pigny; Theo. 2. Kathleen Mavourneen; Pretty Polly Pemberton. Editha's Burglar H 1077 Fair Barbarian F 2670 Giovanni and the other H 1073 Contents: Giovanni and the other; Illus- trissimo Signor Bebe; The Daughter of the Custodian; A Pretty Roman Beggar; Eight Little Princes; One who lived long, long ago; The Little Faun, What use is a Poet?; The Boy who became a Socialist; Birdie; The Tink- er's Tom; Quite true Story of an old Hawthorn Tree. Haworth's F 2669 Kathleen; a Love Story F 2279 A Lady of Quality F 7866 Little Lord Fauntleroy H 1075 Little Saint Elizabeth, and other Stories H 1078 Contents: Little Saint Elizabeth; Story of Prince Fairyfoot; The Proud Little Grainof Wheat; Behind the White Brick. Louisiana F 267 1 Miss Defarge F 692 Piccino and other Child Stories. . . H 3300 Contents: Two Days in the Life of Pic- cino: The Captain's Youngest; Little Betty's Kitten tells her Story: How Fauntleroy occurred. Pretty Polly Pemberton F 2648 BURNETT, F. H. The I JosS F 2649 Sara Crewe H 1070 Surly Tim, and other Stories F 122 Contents: Surly Tim, a Lancashire Story; Le Monsieur dela petite Dame; .iurstses:0ne Day at Arle. Esmer- alda; Mere Giraud's little Daughter; Lodusky;Scth. That Lasso' Lowrie's [Lancashire].F 184 Through one Administrati n [Wash- ington Life] F 2668 Two Little Pilgrim's Progress [Worlds Fair] H 3301 Vagabondia; a Love Story F 2674 BURNEY, F. See ARBLAY, F. B.d* BURNH AM, MRS. C. L. Dearly Bought. F 2676 Dr. Latimer; Story of CascoBay..F 8020 Miss Archer Archer F 8023 Miss Bagg's Secretary; a West Point Romance F 2282 II istress of Beech Knoll F 2689 Next Door F 2678 ( ientlemen F 5401 A Sane Lunatic F 2675 Sweet Clover; Romance of the White City F 8021 The Wise Woman F 8022 Young Maids and Old F 2680 Burnham Breaker. Greene H 1452 Burning of Rome. Church F 3079 Burnt Million. Payn F 5917 The same G 1387 Burr Junior. Fenn H 1370 Burrcliff. Trowbridge H 736,5 BURTON, J. B. Denounced F 81 19 The Desert Ship H 3316 The Hispaniola Plate, 1683- 1893 [West Indies] F 81 17 In the Day of Adversity [Time of Louis XIV.] F 8. 18 BURTON. R. F. Vikram and the Vam- pire; Tales of Hindoo Devilry... F 194 BURTON, W. E. The Yankee among the Mermaids F 2631 Burying the Hatchet. Kellogg H 481,6 Bush-Boys. Reid H 617 Bushrangers. Thomes H 712 BUSK, R. H. Folk-Lore of Rome.. F 2632 Roman Legends; Fables and Folk- Lore ...F 120 Sa^as from the Far East F 6567 But a Philistine. Townsend F 7053 But Half a Heart. Brown F 5841 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 41 But Men must Work. Carey F 3345 But yet a Woman. Hardy F 3928 BUTLER, W. A. Domesticus; a Tale of the Imperial City F 2690 Mrs. Limber's Raffle; a Church Fair and its \ ictims F 1223 BUTLER, W. F. Red Cloud, the Soli- tary Sioux H 1070 BUTSON, MRS. A. A. S. On the Leads; or, What the Planets saw F 2667 BUTT, B. M. Delicia F 2672 Eugenie F 2685 Geraldine Hawthorne [Am. Revolu- tion] F 2673 Keith Deramore F 8083 Miss Molly F 181 BUTTERWORTH, H. Boys of Green- way Court [Youth of George Wash- ington] H 978 In Old New England F 8085 Contents: Pardon Ponder, Pedagogue; The Haunted Oven; Wych Hazel, the Jew; Captain Tut-Tut-Tuttle and the Miracle Dock; The Inn of the Good Woman; The Bewitched Clambake; The Miraculous Basket; No room in the Inn; Nix's Mate; Old Bunker Hill; Milo Mill's Fourth of July Poem; Husking Stories, Songs and Fiddlers; King Philip's Last Hunt. In the Boyhood of Lincoln H 977 The Knight of Liberty; Fortunes of LaFayette H 3296 Little Arthur's History of Rome. .H 962 Log School House on the Columbia; Pioneers of the Northwest H 975 Over the Andes H 3298 The Parson's Miracle; Christmas in America H 952 The Patriot Schoolmaster [Ameri- can Revolution] H 979 The Wampum Belt; William Penn's Treaty with the Indians H 3297 Young Folks' History of America.. B 765 Zigzag Journeys around the World . I 9764 Zigzag Journeys in Acadia and New France; Early French Settlements. I 5024 Zigzag Journeys in Australia I 2037 Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands. . I 564 Zigzag Journeys in India I 8239 Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. I 562 Zigzag Journeys in the Antipodes. . I 8270 Zigzag Journeys in the British IslesI 6290 Zigzag Journeys in the Great North- west I 5497 BUTTERWORTH, H. Zigzag Journeys in the Levant with a Talmudist Story-Teller I 7927 Zigzag Journeys in the Occident. . .1 5129 Zigzag Journeys in the Orient I 563 Zigzag Journey in the Sunny South; Early American History I 5308 Zigzag Journeys in the White City.H 985 Zigzag Journeys on the Mississippi. I 4510 Button's Inn. Tourg£e F 7045 Buttons. Stannard F 6893 BUXTON, MRS. B. H. From the Wings.G 869 Great Grenfell Gardens G 878 Jennie of the " Prince's" .G 879 Nell— on and off the Stage G 877 Won! G 880 By a Hair's Breadth. Tupper F 7073 By a Himalayan Lake. Cuttim F 4260 By a way that they knew not. Wellington. F 7579 By Celia's Arbour. Besant and Rice. . F 2604 By Day and Night. Francillon F 3615 By England's Aid. Henty H 1565 B) Fire and Sword. Archer F 2425 By his own Might. Hillern F 815 By Land and Sea. King F 4672 I »y Love and Law. Alldridge G 845 By Order of the Czar. Hatton F 3867 By Pike and Dyke. Henty H 1486 By Proxy. Payn G 1025 By Reef and Palm. Becke F 7934 By Right of Conquest. Henty H 1 567 By Sheer Pluck. Henty H 1505 By Shore and Sedge. Harte F 3973 By still Waters. Mayo F 634 By subtle Fragrance held. Stevens. . . F 6902 By Telegraph. Cobban F 8292 By the Gate of the Sea. Murray F 9538 By the Tiber. Tincker F 6990 By the Waters of Paradise. Crawford. F 7188 By the Western Sea. Baker F 2462 By whose Hand? Tupper F 7073 By Woman's Wit. Hector F 3098 The same G 1 264 Bybury to Beacon Street. Diaz E 2379 Bye-words. Yonge F 2023 The same G 835, BYNNER, E. L. Agnes S^irriage [Plymouth Colony] F 2684^ The Begum's Daughter [New York City, 1689] F 2270 Chase of the Meteor, and other Stories.H 976 Damen's Ghost F 2925 Zachary Phips [War of *8i2] F 2309. 49 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. BYR. R., pseud. See BAYER, K. E. R. Byrnes of Glengoulah. Nolan F C. & C. Two Gentlemen of Gotham. . . F Cab and Caboose. Munroe H CABALLERO, F., pseud. See ARROM de AYALA. CABELL, I. C. Seen from the Saddle.E Cabin and Gondola. Wood F Cabin and Parlor. Randolph F Cabin Book. Postl F Cabin in the Clearing. Ellis H i Cabin on the Prairie. Pearson H CABLE, Q. W. Bonaventure; a Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana.. . F Dr. Sevier F The Grandissimes; Creole Life F John March, Southerner. . Madame Delphine F Old Creole Days F St range True Stones of Louisiana. F Contents: How I got them; The young Aunt with White Hair; The Adven- tures of Francoise and Suzanne; Alix de Morainville; Salome Mailer, the White Slave; The Haunted I louse in Royal Street; Attalie Brouillar : Diary of a Union Woman in the South. Cachet. Hamilton F CADDELL, C. M. Nellie Netterville [Tale of Cromwell in Ireland]... . F Wild Times; Days of Queen Eliza- beth F Cadet Days; Story of West Point. King.F Cadets of Flemming Hall. Ray \\ Caesar Cascabel. Verne F Caesar's Column. Donnelly 1 CAFFYN, MRS. M. (Iota). Children of Circumstance F A Comedy in Spasms F A Yellow Aster F Caged Lion. Yonge F The same G CAHAN, A. Yekl, a Tale of the New York Ghetto . . F CAHUN, D. L. Captain Mago; Phoe- nician Expedition B. C. iooo F Blue Banner; Time of the Crusades. F CAINE, H. The Bondman F The same G Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon; a Manx Yarn F The Christian F The Deemster; Romance of the Isle of Man F !-45 2695 1952 2178 3012 6258 13-4 ^54,3 2071 2720 2717 27>Q 2718 739 i^35 178 4626 2204 7321 3«70 8162 8163 8161 20I0 663 8132 27CO 2701 2714 »356 2918 8123 2705 CAINE, H. Last Confession, and I he- Blind Mother F 8121 The Manxman F 8122 The Scapegoat [Story of Morocco ]..F 31 14 The Shadow of a Crime F 2916 She's all the World to me F 2699 >n of Hagar F 2917 CAIRD, M. A Romance of the moors.F 3087 The Wing of Azrael F 31 43 Cakes and Ale. Jerrold F 4430,2 Cakes and Ale at Woodbine. Coffin.. . F 248 Calavar. Bird F 2508 Calbot's Rival. Hawthorne F 3852 CALCOTT, Lady. Little Arthur's His- tory of Englan-1 A 742 CALDER, A. See JOHNSTON, MRS. A. Calderon, the Courtier. Lytton F 5013 Calderwood Secret, The. Johnson F 945 CALDWELL, A. See MARSH, MRS. A. CALDWELL, J. H. The Thurstons of the Old Palmetto State F 2733 Caleb in the Country. Abbott H 51,6 Caleb in Town. Abbott H 51,5 Caleb Krinkle. Coffin F 206 Same as Dan of Millbrook. Caleb Stukely. Phillips F 5944 Caleb the Irrepressible. Paynter F 5927 Caleb Williams. Godwin F 672 Called Back. Fargus I The same G 1072 Called to Account. Cudlip G 137 Callias. Church F 3080 Callista. Newman G 456 CALLWELL, F. M. Dorothy Arden [Protestants under Louis XIV.]. .F 3085 CALM, M. Bella's Blue-Book F 3086 CALMETTES.F. Fisher Girl of FranceF 3327 Calmire F 3076 CALTHROP, H. C. H. (Tr.) Paladin and Saracen; Stories from Ariosto . . H 1082 CAMBRIDGE, A. See CROSS, MRS. A. Cameos. Corelli F 8249 CAMERON, MRS. E. S. (Mrs. H. L. Cameron). A Bachelor's Bridal . F 81 51 A Bad Lot F 8150 Deceivers ever F A Devout Lover F 2706 In a Grass Country F 2753 Jack's Secret F 31 16 A Life's Mistake F 2708 Pure Gold F, 2756 A Sister's Sin F 3331 This Wicked World F 2707 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 43 CAMERON, MRS. E. S. (Mrs. H. L. Cameron). Tragic Blunder F 3332 Vera Nevill F 2757 Worth Winning F 2710 CAMERON, G. P. Romance of Mili- tary Life; Thirty Years' Service.F 2726 CAMERON, V. L. Among the Turks..H 1138 Cruise of the Black Prince Privateer [Time of George II.] F 2755 Harry Raymond; among Pirates, Slavers and Cannibals H 1 1 1 2 Jack Hooper; his Adventures at Sea and in South Africa H 1 1 14 Cameron Pride. Holmes F 832 Cameronians, The. Grant F 8805 Camilla. Koch F 4775 Camille. Dumas F 470 Camiola. McCarthy F 5261 Camors. Feuillet F 3481 Camp and Tramp Series. See Allen, W. B. Camp at Surf Bluff. Rand H 2192,4 Camp-Fire and Wigwam. Ellis H 1263,2 Camp-Fires of the Red Man. Orton.. . F 5869 Camp-Fires of the Revolution. Watson. F -1893 Camp in the Foot-Hills. Fosdick H 1283 Camp in the Mountains. Ellis H 1257,2 Camp of Refuge. Macfarlane F 5208 Camps and Quarters. Forbes E 2980 Campaign In Kabylia. Erckmann and Chatrian F 325 1 Campaign Series. See Alger, H., Jr. CAMPBELL, A. Captain Macdonald's Daughter F 2697 CAMPBELL, F. M. Jack's afire F 2698 CAMPBELL, G. The Joneses and the Asterisks; a Story in Monologue.F 8166 CAMPBELL, MRS. H. S. W. Four, and what they did H 761 Miss Melinda's Opportunity F 2754 Mrs. Herndon's Income F 2743 Roger Berkeley's Probation F 2696 Some Passages in the Practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough F 8170 Under Green Apple Boughs F 2729 Unto the Third and Fourth Genera- tions F 81 7 1 What-to-do Club H 1083 White and Red; Life among the Northwest Indians F 1903 CAMPBELL, J. D. S. See LORNE, Marquis of. CAMPBELL, J. F. (Ed.). Popular Tales of the West Highlands. 4 v F 8146 CAMPBELL, S. Union Down; a Signal of Distress F 8169 Camping out. Stephens H 686,1 Camping out Series. See Stephens, C. A. CAMPION, J. T. Last Struggles of Irish Sea Smugglers F 2731 Michael Dwyer; a Tale of '98 F 2731 Campmates. Munroe H 1854 Can she atone? Brown F 2664 Can such things be? Bierce F 8028 Can this be Love? Parr F 6031 Can wrong be right? Hall G 247 Can you forgive her? Trollope F 1796 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 60 } Canadians of Old. Gaspe F 3736 Cancelled Will. Dupuy F 501 CANDEZE, E. Curious Adventures of a Field Cricket H 1081 CANNING, J. Kit Kelvin's Kernels. E 3980 Canoe and the Saddle. Winthrop H 770 Canoeing in Kanuckia. Norton and Hab- berton F 3932 Canoemates. Munroe H 1951 Canon's Ward. Payn G 1 167 Canongate, Chronicles of the. Scott.. F 2172 CANTACUZENE-ALTIERI, O.Princess. My Indian Summer F 7860 Sabine's Deception F 2712 Canterbury Chimes for Children. Storr and Turner H 2409 Canterbury Tales. 5 v. Lee F 1032 Canvassing. Banim F 108 Cape Cod and all along Shore. Nord- hoff F 1241 Cape Cod Folks. Greene F 5143 CAPES, H. M. (M. Brooks). Story of Eleanor Lambert F 7221 CapillaryCrime,and otherStories.Millet.F 5098 Capital for Working Boys.M'Conaughy.H 1835 Cap'n Thistletop. Swett H 2442 CAPRON, M. J. Little Learners* Ques- tion Book H 277 Captain. Nanteuil H 1901 Captain Antifer. Verne F 7333 Captain Bayley's Heir. Henty H 1463 Captain Blake. King F 4669 Captain Blake. Maxwell F 1 174 Captain Brand. Wise F 7593 Captain Chap. Stockton H 2365 Capt. Close. King F 4629 Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon. Caine F 2918 Captain Dreams. King F 4622 Captain Fracasse. Gautier F 645 44 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Captain-General, The Gordon H 1 436 Captain Hatteras.Adventuresof AYrne.F 1838 Captain Horn. Stockton F 6724 Captain Jack, the Scout. McKnight. ..F n 14 Captain Jacobus. Cornford F 8276 Captain January. Richards H 2233 Captain John Crane, 1800-181 5. Knox.H 1638 Captain John Smith, Life of. Hill H 465 Captain Kidd's Gold. Fitts H 1306 Capt Macdonald's Daughur. Camp- bell F 2697 Captain Mago, Adventures of. Cahun.F 2700 Captain Mansana. Bjornson F 2526 The same F 7901,3 Captain of Company K. Kirkland F 4601 Captain of the Guard. Grant F 8806 Captain of the Guidara. Verne F 7311,1 Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow F 4950 Captain of the Kittiewink Ward H 2621 Captain of the Polestar. Doyle F 3003 Captain of the Vulture. Maxwell F 9401 Captain of the Wight. Cowper H 1145 Captain Phil. Thomas H 2502 Captain Polly. Swett H 2440 Captain Rougemont; or, the Miraculous Conversion F 354 Captain Sam. Eggleston H 365 Captain Shannon. Kernahan F 4581 Captain Singleton. De Foe F 2943 Cap'n Thistletop. Swett H 2442 Captain Trafalgar. Laurie H 1734 Captain's Boat, The. Stoddard H 2448 Captain s Dog, The. Enault H 1244 Captive of Love, A. Greey F 3705 Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon. Caine F 2918 Capture of the Estrella. Harding F 4225 Captured by Cannibals. Hatton H 1550 Captured Cruiser, The. Hyne H Cara Roma. Grant G 1058 Caravan, The. Hauff F 766 The same F 4 108 Carbonels, The. Yonge F 2122 Carbuncle Clue, The. Hume F 4275 Card Drawing. Griffin F 709,9 Cardinal Pole. Ainsworth G 9 Cardinal Sin, A. Fargus F 3456 Cardinal's Daughter. Warfield. F 1899 Career of a Nihilist. Dragomanov. . .F 6657 Career of Candida. Paston F 6089 CAREW, F. W. Xo. 747; Autobiogra- phy of a Gipsy F 3347 CAREY, A. School-Girls; or, Life at Montagu Hall . F 2734 CAREY, A. V. Louisa Avondale; or, Two Southern Girls I CAREY, M. R. Isabels Difficulties. . F CAREY, R. N. Aunt Diana F Averil F Barbara Heathcote's Trial , . . F But Men must Work F Cousin Mona H Doctor Luttrell's First Patient F Esther; a Book for Girls F For Lilias F Little Miss Muffet F Lover or Friend ? F Mary St. John F Merle's Crusade F The Mistress of Brae Farm F Mrs. Romney F Nellie's Memories Not like other Girls F The same The Old, Old Story F Only the Governess F Our Bessie Queenie's Whim 1 Robert Ord's Atonement F The Search for Basil Lyndhurst.. . i Sir Godfrey's Grand-Daughters. . . F Uncle Max 1 Wee Wine Wooed and Married 1 Carine; a Story of Sweden. Enault F Carissima, The. Harrison F Carita. Oliphant G Carl Bartleit. Erickson H Carl Forrest's Faith. Linskill H Carl Krinken. Warner H CARLEN, E. S. F. Lavinia F C ARLETON, pseud. See COFFIN, C. C. CARLETON, W. Art Maguire; or, The Broken Pledge F Barney Brady's Goose; Hedge School and other Irish Tales F Black Baronet F The Emigrants of Ahadarra F The Evil Eye; or, the Black Spec- ter F Fardorougha, the Miser F Jane Sinclair F Poor Scholar, and other Tales F Redmond, Count O'Hanlon the Irish Rapparee F Traits and Stories of the I ish Peas- antry F 8178 2732 2894 3C93 -744 3345 3340 8183 2760 2742 8180 3091 3092 2909 8182 2735 2745 1407 8181 2895 3094 2703 2746 3313 3344 2758 2759 349 3244 4.II3 1020 373 1781 755.4 208 240 237 213 292 233 294 234 295 212 241 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 45 CARLETON, W. Tubber Derg, and other Tales F 296 Contents: Tubber Derg; Barney Brady's Goose; Tom Gressiey; The Castle of Aughentain; The White Horse of the Peppers; Mickey M'Rorey. Valentine M'Clutchy.the IrishAgentF 210 Willy Reilly and his dear Colleen Bawn F 211 Carlingford, Chronicles of. See Oliphant, M. Carlino. Ruffini G 526 Carlotta's Intended, and other Tales. Stuart F 6812 CARLTON, R., pseud. See HALL, B. R. CARLYLE, T. German Romance E 917 v. 1. Musaeusand La Motte Fouqu£. 2. Tieck and Hoffman. 3. Richter. 4. Goethe. Tales by Musaeus.Tieck, Richter 2 v.E 919 CARMARTHEN, K. A Lover of the Beautiful F 3084 Carmen. MeVimde F 5448 CARMEN S\L\A t pseud. See ELIZA- BETH, Queen of Roumania. Carmen's Inheritance. Tiernan F 583 Carola. Smith F 661 5 Caroline. Abbott H 57,9 Carolingian Legends. Waegner F 7486 CARPENTER, E. B. South -County Neighbors F 2709 CARPENTER, E. J. A Woman of Shawmut [Boston, 17th Century].F 3142 CARPENTER, F. D. Y. Round about Rio F 2727 Carpenter, The. O'Connor F 5641 Carpet Knight. McClellan F 3506 CARR, A. Treherne's Temptation. . .G 1075 CARR.MRS. A. V. S. Paul Crews Story F 2748 CARR, BERYL, pseud. See BYRD, L. E. CARR, F. Lois Leggatt; a Memoir. .F 2749 Carr of Carrlyon. Aide* G 6 Carried by Storm. Fleming F 3522 Carried off. Stuart H 24 1 7 CARRINGTON, G. Gregory Hawk- shaw F 3689 CARRINGTON, K. Aschenbroedel . . . F 2203 Carriston's Gift. Fargus F 2824 CARROLL, J. Leola F 2704 CARROLL, LEWIS, pseud. See DODG- SON, C. L. CARROLL, M., pseud. See BROOKS, M. CARROLL, M. T. A. Glimpses of Pleas- ant Homes; Tales for Youth H 412 Contents: Beech Cottage; Franklin, the Heir of Elm Grove; The Family at White Cliffs; Twelfth Night; A Washer- woman's Household. Carroll O'Donoghue. Faber F 3441 Carrots. Molesworth H 184 1 CARRUTH, H. Adventures of Jones. F 8131 Voyage of the Rattletrap H 3350 CARRYL,C. E. Admiral's Caravan.. H 1178 Davy and the Goblin H 1089 Cartouche. Peard G 1028 CARUS, P. Karma, a Story of Early Buddhism F 8129 Truth in Fiction; Twelve Tales with a Moral F 8 1 30 Carved Lions. Molesworth H 508 1 CARY, A. Pictures of Country Life.. E 9:3 Casa Braccio. 2 v. Crawford F 8327 CASE, W. S. Forward House F 8191 Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. Meredith F 5279 Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other Talcs. Besant and Rice F 2608 Case of Mohammed Benani F 5304 Casella. Finley F 563 Cash! or, Number Nineteen. Holding. H 1577 Casimir Maremma. Helps F 783 Casper and his Friends. Warner H 755,5 Cassilda, the Moorish Princess F 216 Cast away in the Cold. Hayes H 451 Cast for Fortune, A. Tiernan F 3589 Cast up by the Sea. Baker F 89 Castaway. Yates G 654 Castaways, The. Kaler H 2016 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton F 6692 CASTLE, E. Consequences F 3159 The same G 1408 La Bella and others F 3334 Contents: Clank of Steel; Silhouettes; Temptations; Rococo. Castle and Town. Peard F 5940 The same G 1158 Castle Avon. Marsh G 419 Castle Blair. Shaw H 665 Castle Daly. Keary F 961 The same G 980 Castle Dangerous. Scott F 2171 Castle Gregory. Riddle F 6274 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss F 6855 Castle in Spain. DeMille F 2942 46 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Castle in the Air, A. Ewing F 3260 Castle Meadow. Marshall F 5597 Castle Nowhere. Woolson F 1985 Castle of Ehrenstein. James G 262 Castle of Otranto. Walpole *F 11 5,22 The same F 1889 The same I 3407 Castle of Roussillon. LaRoche F 1024 Castle of the Carpathians. Verne F 7324 Castle Rackrent. Edgeworth F 518,4 Castle Richmond. Trollope G 605 Castle's Heir. Wood F 1990 Castles in the Air. Gore G 236 CASTLEMAN, V. C. A Child of the Covenant F 8136 CASTLEMON, HARRY, pseud. See FOSDICK, C. A. CASTLETON, D. R. Salem; a Tale of the 17th Century [Witchcraft]. ..F 299 Cat of Bubastes. Henty H 1464 Cat Stories. Jackson H 1607 Cat-Tails, and other Tales. Howliston. H Catastrophe in Bohemia. Brooks F 8060 Catharine. Sandeau F 6499 Catharine Furze. White F 7668 Cathedral Courtship, A. Riggs F 7560 Catherine. Peard F 6024 Catherine. Thackeray G 582 Catherine de'Medici. Balzac F 7895 Catherine de Medicis. Costello F 3099 Catherine Hamilton ; a Tale H 290 Catherine's Coquetries. Debans F 3055 CATHERWOOD.MRS. M. H. Chase of Saint-Castin [Stories of Canada]. F 3358 Contents: The Chase of Saint-Castin; The Beauport loup-garon; The Mill at Petit Cap; Wolf's Cove; The Windigo; The Kidnapped Bride; Fontiac's Look- out. Craque-o'-Doom F 2738 Dogberry Bunch H 312 Lady of Fort St. John [Acadia, 17th Century] F 31 19 Old Caravan Days H 1086 Old Kaskaskia F 3356 Rocky Fork [Ohio] H 1085 Romance of Dollard [Canada, i66o]F 2692 Secrets of Roseladies H 1084 Spirit of an Illinois Town and The Little Renault F 3348 Story of Tonty [Canada, 1678-1718^ 2702 White Islander[IndianMassacre, 1762^3357 A Woman in Armor F 748 Catholic Crusoe. Anderdon H 147 Catriona. Stevenson \ f>867 Sequel to Kidnapped. Catskill Fairies. Johnson H 477 CATTERMOLE, G. Evenings at II id- don Hall I 3106 Cause and Effect. Meirion F 5529 CAUSSE.C. (P.Mael). Land of Tawny Beasts [India] H 1968 CAUVAIN, H. A Village Priest F 8140 Cavalier. James F 911 Cavaliers, The. Keightley F 4765 Cavalry Life. Stannard F 7501 CAVAZZA, E. Don Finimondouc; Cala- brian Sketches F 3335 Cave in the Mountain, The. Jay ne -Hi 583,4 CAXTON, LAURA, pseud. 5^-COMINS, L. B. Caxtons, The. Lytton F 5002 The same G 373 Caxtoniana. Lytton G 372 Cecil Castlemaine's Gage. De la Rame.G 497 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop F 1970 Cecil's Knight. Hollis H 1541 Cecil's Tryst. Payn G 76 Cecilia. 2 v. D'Arblay I 2963 The same *F 115,40-42 Cecilia de Noel. Hawker F 3421 CEL1ERE, P. Startling Exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies F 271 1 Celtic Fairy Tales. Jacobs H 1 585 CELTIS, E.de, pseud. .SV^O'BYRNE, M. L. 'Cension. Austin F 7796 Cent per Cent. Jerrold 1 4431 Centuries apart. Bouve* F 8007 Century Book for Young Americans. Brooks H 966 Century Book of Famous Americans. Brooks H 3279 Century too Soon, A. Musick F 5505 Century World's Fair Book. Jenks. . . H 1589 Cerise. Melville G 437 Cerritos, Los. Atherton F 2362 CERVANTES SA AVEDRA, M. de. Don Quixote de la Mancha; illus. by Dore* *R 4508 The same; Bohn ed. 2 v I 2970 The same; tr. by Jervas F 219 The same; tr. by Motteux. 4 v. .*P 631 Exemplary Novels; tr. by Kelly. .*! 2961 CERVUS, G. I., pseud. See ROE, W. J. C£sar Birotteau. Balzac F 2549 Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant F 451 C6sette. Pouvillon F 5923 CHADWICK, J. H. The Whole Truth.F 2766 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION 47 Chain of Gold. O'Grady H 1987 Chainbearer. Cooper F 262 Chaldean Magician. Eckstein F 3206 Chamber over the Gate. Holmes F 4069 CHAMBERLAIN, H. R. 6000 Tons of Cold F 8205 CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. Autobiography of a New England Farm House. F 2737 Sphinx in Aubrey Parish F 2715 CHAMBERLAIN, P. B. Rob Claxton's Story H 1097 What about Fred? H 311 CHAMBERLAIN, W. M. Manuela Parades F 21C9 CHAMBERS, A. C. Amid the Green- wood H 1087 Shepherd of Ardmuir H 1088 CHAMBERS, C. H. Thumb-Nail Sketches of Australian Life F 8210 CHAMBERS, C. J. Lovers Four and Maidens Five [Allegheny Mts.].F 2852 On a Margin (Stock Speculation). . F 5700 CHAMBERS, R. W. A King and a Few Dukes F 8208 The King in Yellow F 8206 Contents: The Repairer of Reputations; The Mask; The Court of the Dragon; The Yellow Sign; The Demoiselle d' Y's; The Prophet's Paradise: The Street of the Four Winds; The Street of the First Shell; The Street of our Lady of the Fields; Rue Barree. Maker of Moons F 8209 Contents: Maker of Moons; The Silent Land; The Black Water; Tn the Name of the Most High; The Boy's Sister; The Crime; A Pleasant Evening; The Man at the Next Table. The Red Republic; a Romance of the Commune F 8207 CHAMBERS, W. and R. Miscellany. 10 V.E048 CH AMIER, F. Life of a Sailor [Time of George III.] F 2763 CHAMISSO de BONCOURT, L. C. A. Peter Schlemihl F 2762 Champion of Odin. Hodgetts H 15 19 CHAMPLIN, J. D. Young Folks' As- tronomy K 2101 Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common Things *R 1357 Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Persons and Places *R 1358 Young Folks' War for the Union.. .B 586 and A. E. BOSTWICK. Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Games and Sports.K 6582 CHAMPNEY, MRS. E. W. The Bub bling Teapot ; a Wonder Story . . H 1 1 1 5 Great-Grandmother's Girls in New Mexico H 1 1 20 Howling Wolf and his Trick Pony.H 1 1 19 Paddy O'Learey and his Learned Pig.H 3457 Rosemary and Rue F 6328 Six Boys H 1 175 Witch Winnie; the Story of a King's Daughter H 1 162 Witch Winnie at Shinnecock in a Summer Art School H 1 191 Witch Winnie at Versailles H 3458 Witch Winnie in Holland H 3459 Witch Winnie in Paris H 1164 Witch Winnie's Mystery H 1 166 Witch Winnie's Studio H 1163 Chance Acquaintance. Howells F 870 Chance Child. Mayo F 636 Chance Child, and other Tales. Ryan.F 6377 Chance for Himself. Trowbridge H 708 Chances of War. Whitelock F 192 1 Chancellor of the Tyrol. 2 v. Schmid.F 6523 CHANDLER, B. Woman who Failed.F 8218 Contents : A Woman who Failed; A Silent Soul; Esther Godwin's Geese; Marga- ret's Romance; A Victim of Prejudice; The Middle Miss Tallman; A Thanks- giving Wedding; Miss Polly Atherton's Bell; Uncle Nathan's Ear-Trumpet; The Turning of the Worm. CHANDLER, MRS. Q. W. Anthe.H 1158 CHANDLER, MRS. 1. C. Three of us, Barney, Cossack, Rex [Dogs]. . . H 3450 CHANDLER, LOUISE. StvMOULTON, L. C. Chandos. De la Rame* F 1368 The same G 408 CHANDRA CHATTERJEE, B. B. The Poison Tree; Hindu Life F 3337 CHANEY, G. L. F. Grant & Co H 11 16 Tom; a Home Story H 273 Change of Air, A. Hawkins F 4232 Changed Heart. Fleming F 3519 Changing Base. Everett H 378 CHANLER, MRS. A. (A. Rives). Ac- cording to St. John F 6285 Barbara Dering F 3359 Sequel to The Quick or the Dead? Brother to Dragons, and other Tales.F 6286 Contents: A Brother to Dragons; The Farrier Lass o'. Piping Pebw.orth; Nurse Crumpet tells the Story. The Quick or the Dead? F 6287 Tanis, the Sang-Digger F 3360 Virginia of Virginia F 6288 is CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. CHAINLER, MRS. A. (A. Rives). Wit- ness of the Sun F 6289 CHAWING, Q. E. Sister of a Saint, and other Stories F 8213 Contents: The Sister of a Saint; The House on the Hill-Top; The Lucky Number; Couleur de Rose; A Strange Dinner Party; The Basket of Anita. Channings, The. Wood G 634 CHANTER, G. The Witch of Withyford; a Story of Exmoor F 8222 Chantry House. Yonge F 2037 Chantry Priest of Barnet. Church F 2772 Chaperoned. Ulmann F 725 1 Chaplain of the Fleet. 2 v. Besaat and Rice F 2544 Chaplet of Pearls. Yonge F 2012 'i lie same G 664 CHAPLIN, H.W. {C.H. White). Five Hun- dred Dollars and other Stories.. . F 7610 Contents: Five Hundred Dollars; The Village Convict; Saint Patrick; Eli; By the Sea; In Madeira Place; The New Minister's Great Opportunity. CHAPLIN, MRS. J. D. Out of the Wil- derness H 1 1 59 CHAPPELL, F. A. Bill and Brocky; Boy Life in Chicago H 1 165 Chapter of Adventures. Henty H 1 566 Chapters on Churchyards. S >uthey. . .F 6619 Character Sketches. Thackeray G 588,5 Characteristics. Mitchell F 5283 Charity Chance. Raymond F 6186 Charlatan, The. Buchanan and Murray. F 81 12 Charlemagne, Legends of. Bulfinch...A 263 Charlemont. Simms F 2052 Charles I. Abbott H 22 Charles II. Abbott II 23 Charles IV., Court of. Galdos F 3640 Charles XII., Times of. Topelius F 7023,3 CHARLES, MRS. E. R. Against the Stream [Time of Clarkson and Wilberforce] F 221 The same G 720 Attila and his Conquerers; St. Pat- rick and St. Leo the Great F 3077 The Bertram Family F 207 The same G 721 Sequel to Winifred Bertram. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family [The Reformation] F 3160 The same G 81 Conquering and to Conquer; Rome in the Days of St. Jerome F 220 The same G 722 CHARLES, MRS. E R. Cottage by the Cathedral, and other Parables . . . G Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan; Time of Whitefield and the Wesleys. . F 222 The same ( i The Draytons and the Davenants; Civil Wars in England G 78 Joan, the Maid, Deliverer of France and England F 2741 Lapsed, but not lost [Carthage! . . . F 2740 The same G 724 On both Sides of the Sea; Common- wealth and Restoration G 80 Sequel to Draytons and Davenants. Sketches of Christian Life in Eng- land F 22 \ The same F 22} Two Vocations; or, the Sisters of Mercy at Home H 283 Victory of the Vanquished; a Tale of the First Century G 82 Winifred Bertram and the World she lived in G 83 Charles Auchester. Sheppard F 1543 Charles O'Malley. 3 v. in 2. Lever.. G 334 Charles Tyrrell. James I CHARLESWORTH, M. L. Broken Looking Glass H 279 Ministering Children; Tale of New York H 281 equel to Ministering Children. H 282 Ministry of Life F Oliver of the Mill G Charley Roberts Series. See Thurston, L. If, Charlie Asgarde. Saint Johnston H 2296 Charlie Bell. Kellogg H 482,2 Charlie Codman's Cruise. Alger H 153,3 Charlie Lucken at School. Adams H 84 Charlie to the Rescue. Ballantyne H 997 Charlotte and Lucy Temple. Rowson.F 6340 CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, pseud. See TONNA, C. E. Charlotte's Inheritance. Maxwell F 199 Charmed Sea. Martineau F 115 1,5 Charmsand Counter-Charms. Mcintosh. F 1 109 CHARR1NGTON, C. A Sturdy Beggar.F 8192 Charter Oak, Romance of. Seton F 1518 Chartreuse de Parme. 3 v. Beyle F 7992 Chase of Saint-Castin. Catherwood . . . F 335S Chase of the Leviathan. Reid H 220S Chase of the Meteor. Bynner H 976 Chasing a Yacht. Kaler H 2023 Chasing the Sun. Ballantyne H 217 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 49 Chasseur d'Afrique, The. Walmsley..F 7453 Chata and Chinita. Heaven F 4102 Chateau d'Or. Holmes F 4014 Chateau Frissac. Sikes F 6608 CHATEAUBRIAND, F. A. R. de. The Martyrs[Greece,RomeandGaul].M 491 The Natchez; an Indian Tale. 3 v..F 2765 Chatelaine of La Trinitd. Fuller F 3578 CH ATRIAN, A. See Erckmann, E. and A. Chatrian. Chattanooga. Mitchel F 5349 CHATTERJEE, B. C. See Chandra Chatterjee, B. B. CHAUCER, G. Canterbury Chimes for Children. Storr and Turner H 2409 Canterbury Tales G 204 Canterbnry Tales. 5 v. Lee F 1032 Chaucer's Stories simply told. Seymour. H 2310 Chauncey Judd, the Stolen Boy.Warren.H 795 Chauntry's Boy. Robbins H 530 Chautauqua Girls at Home. Alden F 45 Chautauquans, The. Habberton F 3802 CH AVETTE, E., pseud. See VACHETTE, E. Cheap Jack Zita. Gould F 3759 Check and Counter-Check. Matthews and Jessop F 5227 Checkers, a Hard-Luck Story. Blossom.F 8082 Checkmate. Le Fanu F 1040 CHEEVER, MRS. H. A. Jacky Lee, his Lessons out of School H 3441 Little Jolliby's Christmas H 3442 CHELL1S, M. D. Bill Drock's Invest- ment H 274 Bread and Beer H 1 091 Brewery at Taylorvillc H 275 Deacon Sims' Prayers H 276 Good Work F 2771 Old Doctor's Son H 278 Our Homes H 1090 Chelsea Hospital, Stories of. Gleig. . .F 695 Chelsea Householder. Lawless F 2736 CHENEY, MRS. C. E. Q. Number 49 Tinkham Street H 3470 VoungFolks'HistoryoftheCivilWar.B 650 CHENEY, MRS. E. D. L. Sally Wil liams, the Mountain Girl H 280 CHENEY, J. V. The Old Doctor; Ro- mance of a Queer Village F 2764 CHENOWETH, MRS. C. V. Stories of ' the Saints H 1139 CHERBULIEZ, C. V. Count Kostia. . F 229 Joseph Noirel's Revenge F 228 Meta Holdenis F 3089 CHERBULIEZ, C. V. Prosper F 230 Saints and Sinners F 2770 Trials of Jetta Malaubret F 2776 Same as Saints and Sinners. The Tutor's Secret F 8225 With Fortune made F 8226 Cherry & Violet. Rathbone F 2094 Cherry Ripe! Reeves .G 1003 Cherryfield Hall. Balfour ........ F 7996 CHESEBRO', C. Foe in the Household.F 231 CHESNEY, Q. T. The Dilemma [In- dian Mutiny, 1857] F 318 The German Conquest of England, 1875 [Imaginary] E 1124 CHESSON, W. H. Name this Child: a Story of Two F 8201 Chestnuts, Old and New. Nye F 5497 Chetwynd Calverley. Ainsworth G 698 Chevalier d'Auriac. Yeats F 7678 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas.. F 483 Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller F 5992 Chevalier's Daughter. Guernsey F 703 Chezzles, The. Morse H 1878 Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition: Burnett. Two Little Pilgrims' Prog- ress H 3301 Burnham. Sweet Clover F 8021 Butterworth. Zigzag Journeys in the White City H 985 Finley. Elsie at the World's Fair. H 1383 Flinn. The Mysterious Disappear- ance of Helen St. Vincent F 3362 Holley. Samantha at the World's Fair F 4098 Jenks. Century World's Fair Book for Boys and Girls r. . . H 1 589 Stevans. Egyptian Harp Girl F 675 1 Uncle Jeremiah and Family at the Great Fair F 6752 Chickamauga. Mitchel F 5348 Chicken Market. Morley H 1822 Chicot, the Jester. Dumas F 487 Chief Factor. Parker F 6095 Chief Justice, The. Franzos F 3633 Chien d'Or, The. Kirby F 1010 CHILD, L. M. The Rebels; or, Boston before the Revolution F 2768 Child Amy, The. Magruder H 1959 Child at Home. Abbott H 66 Child-Life in Europe. Watson H 768 Child-Life in Italy. Watson H 769 Child Life in Prose. Whittier H 766 Child of Nature, A. Buchanan F 2456 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Child Dt the Age, A. Adams F 7802 Child of the Ball, The. Alarcon 1 2339 Child of the Century. Wheelwright. .. F 7568 Child of the Covenant, A. Castleman.F 8136 Child of the Island Glen. Kellogg.. . .H 483,4 Child of the Precinct. Doudney H 1207 Child of the Revolution. Roberts F 6303 Child of Tuscany. Bouvet H 3256 Child Stories from the Masters.Menefee.H 1949 Child Wife. Reid H 618 Child's Book of Nature. Hooker K 3068 Child's History of England. Dickens. H 321 Child's History of France. Bonner... H 959 Child's History of Greece. 2 v. Bonner.H 250 Child's History of Rome. 2 v. Bonner.H 251 Child's History of Rome. Sewell A no Child's History of Spain. Bonner H 1059 Child's History of the U. S. 3 v. Bonner.H 252 Child's Paper, The. v. 2 * V 326 Child's Play. Boyle H 1094 Child's Romance, A. Viaud F 7326 Childhood, Boyhood, Youth. Tolstoi.. F 7003 Children of Amity Court. Thurston.. H 722,4 Children of Circumstance. Caffyn F 8162 Children of Gibeon. Besant F 2638 The same G 1215 Children of Issachar,IChroniclesXII:32.F 2769 ChildrenofOldPark'sTavern.HumphreyH 1517 Children of the Abbey. Roche F 1425 Children of the Castle. Molesworth. . . H 1895 Children of the Cold. Schwatka I 2083 Children of the Earth. Macfarlane F 5 181 Children of the Ghetto. 2 v. Zangwill. . F 7697 Children of the King. Crawford F 8321 Children of the New Forest. Marryat. .G 424 Children of the Soil. Sienkiewicz F 6742 Children of the World. Heysc F 4256 Children of To-Morrow. Sharp I' 6725 Children of Wilton Chase. Smith . . . . H 2262 Children's Crusade: Gray, G. Z. The Children's Crusade.A 274 Merrill, G. E. Crusaders and Cap- tives H 1881 Peattie.E.W. With Scrip and Staff.F 6033 Children's Fairy Geography. Winslow.I 5970 Children's History Book, The H 3483 Children's Nonsense Book; Tales and Rhymes H 3481 Children's Stories in American History. Wright H 2688 Children's Stories in American Litera- ture, 1660- 1860. Wright H 2699 The same, 1861-96. Wright H 2700 Children's Stories in English Literatur Taliesinto Shakespere. Wright. H The same, Shakespere to Tenny- son. Wright H 2698 Children's Stories of American Progress. Wright B 837 Children's Summer. Banks H 1005 Children's Tabernacle. Tucker H 2529 Children's Wonder-Book; by Popular Story-Tellers II 3482 Chilhowee Boys. Morrison II i960 Chilhowce Boys inWarTimes.Morrison.il 19^8 Chim.hisWashingtonWinter. Dahlgren.F 3069 Chimes, The. Dickens F 405 The same G 151 Chimmie Fadden. Townsend Y 7084 Chimmie Fadden explains. Townsend. F 7085 China, Stones of Everyday Life in; tr. by Watters 1 7429 CHINAMAN, JOHN COMING, pseud. Bright Celestials I 8004 Chinese Nights'Entertainments. Fielde.F 3389 Chinese Stories. Douglas F 8503 ChineseStories forBoysandGirls.Moule.H 1966 CHIPMAN, DeW. C. Beyond the Verge; Home ofTenLostTribes of Israel. F 8223 CHISHOLM, MRS. A. L. Perils in the Polar Seas; Arctic Adventure.. . H 293 CHISHOLM, B. V. Consecrated Anew; Christian Endeavor Work H 1 157 CHISWELL, A. The Slave Prince :.F 3088 Chita; a Mrmory of Last Island. I learn. F 4086 CHITTENDEN, L. E. An Unknown Heroine; War between theStates.F 8230 Chiushingura. Monzayeraon 1 5570 valric Days. Brooks H 409 Chloc, The Tale of. Meredith I 5279 CHOATE, L. Romance of a Letter . . F 2767 CHODZKO, A. B. Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants H 3477 Choir Invisible. Allen F 7817 Choisy. Story F 1668 CHOLMONDELEY,M. DianaTempest.F 8231 CHOPIN, MRS. K. Bayou Folk [Creoles and Acadians of Louisiana] F 8237 Chosen Valley. Foote F 361 1 Chouans, The. Balzac F 2245 Choy Susan, and other Stories. Bishop. F 2512 Chrrs and Otho. Smith F 1565 Chris and theWonderful Lamp.Stearns.H 2382 Chris, the Model Maker. Stoddard. . . H 2449 Chrissy's Endeavor. Alden F 2379 Christ'sFolk in theApennine.Alexander.F 2365 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 51 CHRISTIANS. PersisYorke F 8229 Sarah; a Survival F 8228 Christian, The. Caine F 8123 Christian ^Esop. Anderdon M 875 Christian and Leah. Kompert F 4608 Christian Englehart, Craze of. Darnell. F 3050 Christian Life in England. Charles... F 224. The same F 223 Christian Physiologist. Griffin F 709,5 CHRISTIAN REID, pseud. See TIERNAN. Christian Woman, A. Bazan F 2226 Christian's Mistake. Craik F 343 The same G no Christie Johnstone. Reade F 1394 The same F 6376 The same G 800 Christie's Christmas. Alden H 922 Christina Chard. Praed F 5964 Christine. Enault F 3245 Christine of the Hills. Pemberton F 6063 Christine Rochefort, Story of. Prince. F 6150 Christine's Career. King H 1633 Christmas Angel. Farjeon F 3463 Christmas at Sea. Shippen F 6805 Christmas Books. Dickens F 405 The same G 151 Christmas Cake. Broome H 231 Christmas Carol. Dickens F 405 The same G 151 The same I 3924 Christmas Child. Molesworth H 1842 Christmas Country, The. Safford H 2297 Christmas Eve and Day. Hale F 725 Christmas every Day, and other Stories. Howells H 1580 Christmas Festivities. Poole E 5094 Christmas Hirelings. Maxwell F 5517 Christmas in Narragansett. Hale F 3900 Christmas in Song, Sketch, and Story. McCaskey *V 1738 Christmas in the Olden Time. Mills.. F 5237 Christmas Morning. Diaz H 346 Christmas Papers. Upton *B 393 Christmas Pie. Baker H 1024 Christmas Poems. Morris F54o8,3-4 Christmas Posy, A. Molesworth H 1849 Christmas Stories from Household Words and All the Year Round F 407 The same G 152 Christmas Stories from French and Span- ish Authors; tr. by Ogden H 1993 Christmas Tales. Laurie H 512 Christmas Tales. Morris F54o8,i-2 Christmas-Tree Land. Molesworth. . .H 1909 Christmas with Grandma Elsie. Finley.H 1330 Christopher. Barr H 970 Christopher. Shipton F 6589 Christopher Crooked. Hathaway F 760 Christopher Kenrick. Hatton F 763 Christowell. Blackmore G 849 Chronicle of Conquest. Sparhawk F 6638 Chronicle of Ethelflcd. Rathbone F 1 136 Chronicle of Small Beer, A. Reid F 6218 Chronicle of the Cid. Markham.. H 18 12 Chronicle of the Drum. Thackeray.. G 588,2 Chronicles of a Kentucky Settlement. Watts F 7428 Chronicles of Carlingford. See 01iphant,M.O.W. Chronicles of Clovernook. Jerrold F 4430,4 Chronicles of Count Antonio. Hawkins.F 4240 Chronicles of Martin Hewitt. Morrison.F 5580 Chronicles of tfce Canongate. Scott . . . F 2 1 72 Chronicles of Schonberg-Cotta Family. Charles F 3160 The same G 81 Chronicles of the Stimpcett Family. DiazH 350 Chryssie's Hero. Lyster H 1791 Chrystal, Jack, & Co. Munroe H 1858 CHUBBUCK, E. See JUDSON, E. C. Chuck Purdy. Stoddard H 2419 Chums. Severne H 2306 Chumley's Post. Stoddard H 2452 Same as Red Beauty. CHURCH, A. J. The Burning of Rome; Days of Nero F 3079 Callias; Fall of Athens F 3080 Chantry Priest of Barnct; a Tale of the Two- Roses F 2772 The Count of a Saxon Shore [Depar- ture of the Romans from BritainJ.F 2774 Stories from English History H 3480 v. 1. FromJuliusCaesar to the Black Prince. 2. From Richard II. to Charles I. 3. From the Lord Protector to Victoria. Stories from Herodotus L 2931 Stories from Homer L 2958 Stories from Livy L 2926 Stories from the Bible H 1 132 Stories from the Greek Tragedians.L 2930 Stories from Virgil L 2830 Stories of the Magicians [Asia] H 1 126 Three Greek Children [Ancient Greece] H 1127 To the Lions; a Tale of the Early Christians F 2788 Traveller's True Tale; by Lucian.L 2933 52 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY CHURCH, A. J. Two Thousand Years Ago; Adventures of a Roman Boy . H 1 1 1 1 With the King at Oxford; Tale of the Great Rebellion F 2773 A Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great H 1 131 and R. SEELEY. The Hammer; a Story of the Maccabean Times. . F 3000 CHURCH, Mrs. F.M. See LEAN, Mrs. F. M. CHURCHILL, L. A. My Girls F 2775 CHURCHILL, W. A Princess of Fiji . F 3326 CHURTON, H„ pseud. See TOURQEE, A. W. CID, THE. Chronicle of; ed. by Dennis.F 2939 The same; ed. by Markham H 1812 The same; tr. by Gill F 7158 The same; tr. by Southey F 6738 The same * V 304 See also Poetry, p. 21 1. Cigarette-Maker's Romance. Crawford. F 3103 Cinderella, and other Stories. Davis. . F 3065 Cinnamon and Pearls. Martineau F 1 1 5 1 ,7 Cinq-Mars. 2 v. Yigny F 7332 Cipher Despatch. Bayer F 8050 Ciphers. Kirk F 4695 Circuit Rider. Eggleston F 534 Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815. Erckmann and Chatnan F 3374 Citoyenne Jacqueline. 3 V. Keddic.F 2120 City Boys in the Woods. Wells K 1947 City Cousins. Hays H 1532 City of Fin F 1326 City of Nocross. Tucker F 1801 City of Refuge. Besant F 7954 City of Sarras. Taylor F 1723 CLAIRMONTE, Mrs. M. C. D. {George Egertori). Discords F 3288 Symphonies F 3289 Clandestine Marriage. Dupuy F 468 Clara Hopgood. White F 7669 Clara Vaughan. Blackmore F 7986 CLARE, A. The Crooked S; Square Peg in a Round Hole H 1173 Pandora's Portion F 3083 The Royal Banner; Life before and after Confirmation H 1096 Clare and Beb£. Kirk F 2853 Clarence. Harte F 4145 Clarissa Furiosa. Norris F 5732 Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson *F 115,1-8 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 517 CLARK, A. Beneath the Dome F 824 1 CLARK, C. H. (Max Adeler). Elbow Room E 752 CLARK, C. H. [Max Adeler). The For- tunate Island, and other Stories. F 2802 Out of the Hurly-Burly E 751 CLARK, CM. (Charles M. Clay). Baby Rue F 2200 How she came into her Kingdom. .F 2805 The Modern Hagar. 2 v F 2807 CLARK, F. B. Katharine's Experi- ment H 3495 CLARK, F. T. (F. Thickstun). In the Valley of Havilah F 31 12 Mexican Girl F 6963 The M istress of the Ranch F 8240 On Cloud Mountain F 8243 CLARK, H. H. Boy Life in the United States Navy H 1092 Joe Bent!y, Naval Cadet H 1080 CLARK, K. E. The Dominant Seventh, a Musical Story F 3081 CLARK, S. C. Pilate's Query F 8244 CLARK, Mrs. S. R. O. Go's Goings. .H 1151 The Triple E H 1093 CLARKE, C. S. The Poet's Audience, and Delilah F 3338 CLARKE, J. F. Thomas Didymus, the Jewish Sceptic [Time of Christ] . . F 2761 CLARKE, M. Heavy Odds F 8242 His Natural Life. [Convict Life]. . F 320 Same as For the Term of his Nat- ural Life. CLARKE, Mrs. M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. 3V....E 670 Iron Cousin F 239 A Rambling Story F 2716 Uncle, Peep, and I H 1 101 Yarns of an Old Mariner H 313 CLARKE, P. Three Diggers, Tale of the Australian Fifties H 1 168 CLARKE, R. S. (Sophie May). The Doctor's Daughter F 238 Dotty Dimple Stories H 286 v. 1. Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother's. 2. Dotty Dimple at Home. 3. Dotty Dimple out West. 4. Dotty Dimple at Play. 5. Dotty Dimple at School. 6. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. Drone's Honey F 2804 Flaxie Frizzle Stories H 1079 v. 1. Flaxie Frizzle. 2. Doctor Papa. 3. Little Pitchers. 4. Twin Cousins. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 53 CLARKE, R. S. {Sophie May). Flaxie Frizzle Stories H 1079 v. 5. Kittyleen. 6. Flaxie growing up. In Old Quinnebasset H 1174 Janet, a Poor Heiress H 295 Little Prudy Series H 287 v. 1. Little Prudy. 2. Sister Susie. 3. Captain Horace. 4. Cousin Grace. 5. Fairy Book. 6. Dotty Dimple. Little Prudy's Children H 3490 v. 1. Wee Lucy, Little Prudy's " Wee Croodlin * Doo." 2. Jimmy Boy. 3. Kyzie Dunlee. Little Prudy's Flyaway Series H 288 v. I. Little Folks Astray. 2. Prudy Keeping House. 3. Aunt Madge's Story. 4. Little Grandmother. 5. Little Grandfather. 6. Miss Thistledown. Maidenhood Series H 289 v. 1. Our Helen. 2. Asbury Twins. Quinnebasset Girls H 284 CLARKE, S. J. {Penn Shirley). Little M iss Weezy H 2335 Little Miss Weezy's Brother H 2336 Little Miss Weezy's Sister H 2337 Silver Gate Series H 2334 v. 1. Young Master Kirk. CLARKE T. Avondale; English Lifc.F 214 CLARKE, W. Three Courses and a Dessert I 3109 CLARKSON, L. Shadow of John Wal- lace F 2790 Classic Tales I 2958 Contents: Rasselas; Vicar of Wakefield; Exiles of Siberia ; Paul and Virginia ; In- dian Cottage; Gulliver's Travels; Sterne's Sentimental Journey; Sorrows of Werter; Castle of Otranto. Claude Gueux. Hugo F 884 Claude, the Colporteur. Rathbone F 1 137 Claudia. Douglas F 433 Claudia Hyde. Baylor F 8051 Claverings, The. Trollope F 1717 The same G 606 CLAVERS, Mrs. M., pseud. See KIRK- LAND, Mrs. C. M. S. CLAY, C. M., pseud. See CLARK, C. M. CLAY, Mrs. J. M. Some little of the Angel still left F 8234 Clayton's Rangers; or, Quaker Partisans. Williamson F 311 CLAYTOR, G. Pleasant Waters; South- ern Life and Character F 2794 Wheat and Tares F 2798 Clear Shining after the Rain. Brock.. H 1060 Cleg Kelly. Crockett F 8333 CLEGG, J. T. David's Loom; Rochdale Life in early Years F 8236 CLEMENS, S. L. {Mark Twain). Ad- ventures of Huckleberry Finn.. . F 2797 Adventures of Tom Sawyer F 323 The American Claimant F 71 51 Autobiography [Burlesque] and First Romance C 233 Choice Humorous Works E 2200 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court F 2799 Innocents Abroad I 1 570 Library of Humor E 2199 Life on the Mississippi I 64 Merry Tales F 7 1 50 ;£i, 000,000 Bank-Note,and other New Stories F 71 52 Prince and the Pauper F 2800 Roughing it I 1 571 Sketches, New and Old F 2795 Stolen White Elephant, etc F 2796 Tom Sawyer Abroad, by HuckFinn.F 7153 Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Those Extraordinary Twins F 7154 The Tramp Abroad I 567 and C. D. WARNER. Gilded Age.F 244 CLEMENT,C.E. See WATERS, Mrs. C. E. C. Clement Ker, Truth about. Fletcher.. F 3509 Clement Waynflete, Curse of. Mitford.F 5625 CLEMMER, M. See HUDSON, Mrs. M. C. A. Cleopatra. Abbott H 24 Cleopatra. Durand F 3135 Cleopatra. 2 v. Ebers F 3306 Cleopatra. Haggard „ . . F 3877 The same G 1327 Clergyman's Wife and other Sketches. Ritchie F 1418 Clerical Life in Ireland. Craig F 2885 CLERK, Mrs. A. M. F. (Tr.). Histor- ical Tales from the Arabic F 2789 Clerk of Portwick. Fenn G 948 Cleve Hall. Sewel'l F 1526 CLEVELAND, R. E. The Long Run.F 2791 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Clever Boys of our Time. Johnson H 1608 Clever Girls of our Time. Johnson H 1609 Clever Wife. Ridge F 6387 Clever Woman of the Family. Yonge. F 2013 The same G 665 Cleverdale Mystery. Wilkins F 7503 Cliff Climbers. Reid H 619 Cliff-Dwellers, The. Fuller F 3400 CLIFFORD, Mrs. L. Anyhow Stories.. H 1095 Aunt Anne F 4821 Dingy House at Kensington F 2967 A Flash of Summer F 4824 The Last Touches, and other Stories. F 4822 Contents: The Last Touches; An Inter- lude; On the Way to the Sea; A Sorry Love Affair; A Ridiculous Tragedy; A Sad Comedy; Thomas (told by May's Mother); Last Scene of the Play; Wooden Tony. Love-Letters of a Worldly Woman. F 4820 Mrs. Keith's Crime F 5213 A Wild Proxy F 4823 Clifton Tales and Narratives. 2 v H 291 Contents: ▼. i. Joe Baker; Lucy Ward; Legend of Blessed Imelda; Rich and Poor; Flowers for the Altar; Bad Words; v. 2. Winifride Jones; Robert May; James Chapman. Climbing the Rope. Nowell H 577,1 CLINE, A. J. Henry Courtland; or, What a Farmer can do F 242 Clinton. Simonds H 677,2 Clipper of the Clouds. Verne F 7318 Clique of Gold. Gaboriau F 623 CLIVE, Mrs. C. W. Paul Ferroll. . . G 92 Why Paul Ferroll killed his W T ife. .G 93 Year after Year G 94 Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton H 2363 Clockmaker. Haliburton E 1 165 Cloister and the Hearth. Reade F 6203 The same G 509 Close of St. Christopher's. Marshall . . H 1904 Close Shave, A. Knox F 4736 Clotilde. Pontmartin F 1325 Cloud and Cliff. Allen H 940,5 CLOUSTON, W. A. Eastern Romances and Stories from the Persian F 3353 The Book of Sindibad *F 281 1 Clcven Foot. 3 v. in 2. Maxwell G 875 Clover. Woolsey H 2725 CLOWES, W. L. Double Emperor; Story of a Vagabond Cunarder . . F 825 1 Cluny MacPherson. Barr F 7912 Clytia. Hausrath F 6939 Coaina. Dorsey F 427 Coals of Fire. Murray F 9539 Coast of Bohemia. Howells F 4073 COBB, J. F. Martin the Skipper H 1098 Watches on the Longships; Corn- wall in the Last Century H 1099 COBB, S., Jr. A Love Match F 3146 The Shadow of the Guillotine [Reign of Terror] F 8281 COBBAN, J. M. The Burden of Isabel.F 8291 By Telegraph F 8292 The Horned Cat F 31 15 The King of Andaman F 8294 The Red Sultan F 8293 A Soldier and a Gentleman F 8290 COBBLE1GH, TOM, pseud. See RAY- MOND, W. Cobwebs and Cables. Smith F 6850 COCHRAN, Mrs. M. A. Posie; or, From Reveille to Retreat F 8285 Cockaynes in Paris. Jerrold F 926 COCKTON, H. George St.GeorgeJulian.F 2898 Percy Effingham. 2 v F 304 Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. F 303 Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. ,F 246 Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. More — J 195,2 Cosur d'Alene. Foote F 3612 Coffee and Repartee. Bangs F 7897 COFFIN, C. C. {Carleton). Boys of '76; Battles of the Revolution B 211 Boys of '6i ; Four Years of FightingB 585 Building the Nation .. B 331 Dan of Millbrook F 206 Same as Caleb Krinkle. Daughters of the Revolution F 8286 Days and Nights on the Battlefield [Am. Civil War] H 296 Following the Flag [ Am. Civil War] H 297 Old Times in the Colonies B 761 Story of Liberty A 299 Winning his Way [Am. Civil War].H 298 COFFIN, R. B. (Harry Gray). Cakes and Ale at Woodbine F 248 M v Married Life at Hillside F 245 Out of Town F 247 COFFIN, R. F. An old Sailor's Yarns.F 2814 COGSWELL, F. H. The Regicides; a Tale of Early Colonial Times. . . F 8301 Coign of Vantage. Wood F 7589 COLBY, F. M. Daughter of Pharaoh; Tale of the Exodus F 3105 Cold Heart, The. Hauff G 248 COLE, C. The Auroraphone F 3106 COLEMAN, J. Curly; an Actor's Story. F 2840 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 55 COLERICK, E. F. Adventures of Pio- neer Children H 1 143 COLERIDGE, C. R. Amethyst, the Story of a Beauty F 3350 An English Squire G 1074 Fifty Pounds H 1 148 Sequel to Green Girls of Greythorpe. Reuben Everett H 1 135 COLERIDGE, Mrs. S. Phantasmion; a Fairy Tale H 302 COLE, M. See HARRIS, Mrs. M. C. Collaboration. James F 4400 College Days. Wood H 2702 College Girls. Goodloe H 1424 Collegians. Griffin F 709,2 COLLIER, M. See GALLETTI di CA- DILHAC, M. I. COLLINGWOOD, HARRY, pseud. See LANCASTER, W. J. C. COLLINGWOOD, H. W. Andersonville Violets; Northern and Southern Life F 2872 COLLINGWOOD, W. G. Thorstein of the Mere; Saga of Northmen F 8305 COLLINS, C. B. Tom and Joe in War and Peace; a Louisiana Memory. F 3152 COLLINS, E. L. Hadasseh; From Cap- tivity to the Persian Throne F 3151 COLLINS, MABEL. See COOK, M. C. COLLINS, MORTIMER. Fight with Fortune G 92 1 Sweet and Twenty G 719 The Vivian Romance F 321 COLLINS, S. M. A. The Homestretch. F '2820 COLLINS, W. M. Memoirs of a PictureF 830, COLLINS, WILKIE. After Dark . . . . G 95 Contents: Leaves from Leah's Diary; A Terribly Strange Bed; A Stolen Letter; Sister Rose; The Lady of Glenwith Grange; Gabriel's Marriage; The Yel- low Mask. Antonina; or, the Fall of Rome — G 97 Armadale F 256 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 96 Basil G 98 The Black Robe G 882 Blind Love F 2847 The same G 1359 Dead Secret G 713 The same G 166,4-5 Evil Genius F 2837 The same G 125 1 Fallen Leaves G 929 Haunted Hotel [Modern Venice]. .G 927 COLLINS, WILKIE. The Frozen Deep, and other Tales F 297 Contents: The Frozen Deep; The Dream Woman; John Togo's Ghost. The same G 715 Ghost's Touch, and other Stories. . F 2819 Contents: The Ghost's Touch; My Lady's Money; Percy and the Prophet. The Guilty River F 2838 The same, and Ghost's Touch. . .G 1252 Heart and Science G 883 Hide and Seek [Artist Life in Eng- land] G 99 I say No F 2818 The same G 1076 Jezebel's Daughter G 930 The Law and the Lady [Woman's Rights] F 307 The same G 716 The Legacy of Cain G 1321 Little Novels F 2839 Contents: v. I. Mrs. Zant and the Ghost; Miss Morris and the Stranger; Mr. Cos- way and the Landlady; Mr. Medhurst and the Princess; Mr. Lismore and the Widow. ▼. 2. Miss Jeromette and the Clergyman; Miss Mina and the Groom; Mr. Lepel and the House-keeper. Man and Wife [Scotch Marriage Law] F 298 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 100 Miss or Mrs ? G 102 Moonstone G ior My Lady's Money, and Percy and the Prophet G 928 New Magdalen [Franco-Prussian War] F 257 The same G 103 No Name. 3 v. in 2 G 714 Plot in Private Life and other Tales.G 105 Contents: A Plot in Private Life; Mad Monkton; The Black Cottage; The Family Secret; The Biter bit. Poor Miss Finch F 258 The same G 104 Two Destinies G 717 Woman in White [Italian Refugees in England] F 259 The same ,..G 106 Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Rath- bone F 1 138 COLMORE, G. A Daughter of Music.F 8245 COLOMB, J. B. B. Hermine'sTriumphs.F 8300 Colomba. M£rim£e F 1177 COLOMBI, La Marchesa, pseud. See TORELLI VIOLLIER, M. T. CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith.. F 6770 Colonel Cheswick's Campaign. Shaw..F 6584 Colonel Dacre. Jolly F 301 The same G 750. Colonel Dunwoddie, Millionaire. Baker.F 2817 Colonel Enderby's Wife. Harrison... F 5172 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1098 Col. Judson of Alabama. Bean F 2304 Colonel Norton. Montgomery F 5635 Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard F 3876 The same G 1328 Colonel Starbottle's Client. Harte F 4140 Colonel Thorndike's Adventures. French.H3625 Colonel's Christmas Dinner. King F 4673 Colonel's Daughter. King F 1001 Colonel's Money, The. Lillie H 1744 Colonel's Opera Cloak. Brush F 2103 Colonial Boy, A. Eyster H 1278 Colonial Days. Markham H 546 Colonial Free-Lance. Hotchkiss F 4298 Colonial Reformer, A. Browne F 2265 Colonial Wooing, A. Abbott F 7761 Colony of Girls, A. Willard F 7665 Color Studies. Janvier F 4404 Colossus, The. Read F 6229 COLQUHOUN, M. J. Primus in Indis [Lord Clivein India] F 2812 COLSON, E. M. Story of a Dream . . . F 8374 COLUMBUS, C.J Brimblecom. An Archer with Colum- bus H 958 Cooper. Mercedes of Castile. .. . F 272 Coryell. Diccon the Bold F 3352 Diego Pmzon and his Voyage.. I Du Bois. Columbus and Beatriz. . F 3018 Falkenhorst. With Columbus in America F 3394 MacKie. With the Admiral F 5370 Musick. Columbia; Discovery of America F 5303 Stables. Westward with Colum- bus H 2389 Colville of the Guards. Grant F 8807 COMBE, T., pseud. See HUQUENIN, A. Come Forth. Ward F 5905 Come, Live with Me. Buchanan F 2305 Comedies of Courtship. Hawkins F 4228 Comedy in Spasms. Caffyn F 8163 Comedy of a Country House. Sturgis.F 6824 Comedy of Cecilia, The. Fothergill . . . F 8778 Comedy of Elopement. Tiernan F 34 1 7 Comedy of Masks. Dowson and Moore.F 3192 Comedy of Sentiment. Nordau F 5473 Comet of a Season, The. McCarthy.. . 1 Cometh up as a Flower. Broughton.. .G 53 Comic Dramas. Edgeworth F 518,8 Comic Miscellany. Hood J 115,3 Comic Sketches. 2 v. Poole E 1450 Comic Yarns. Cox E Comin' thro' the Rye. Reeves F 325 Coming of Chloe. Hungerford F 9084 Coming of Theodora. White F 7667 Coming Race. Lytton F 5003 The same G 374 Coming Wave. Adams H 1 1 3,4 COMINS, L. B. {Laura Caxton). Hart- well Farm F 215 Marion Berkley F 218 Commercial Trip, A. Barilett F 2503 Commodore Junk. Fenn H 1372 Commodore's Daughters. Lie F 4859 Common Chord, The. Elliot F 3231 Common Sense. Newby G 455 Company Doctor. Rood F 6408 Company of Jehu. 2 v. Dumas F 8481 Compensation. Gardner E 731 1 Complaining Millions of Men. Fuller.. F 3619 Complication in Hearts. Pendleton.. . F 6035 COMPTON, F. S. Esther F 2821 COMPTON, H. Free Lance in a Far Land; Adventurer in Hindostan.F «Sjo7 COMPTON, M. Snow Bird, and other American Indian Tales H 3521 Comrades True. Ellis H 3721 COMYN, L. N. Atherstone Priory... F 182 Elena; an Italian Tale F 302 Con Cregan, Confessions of. Lever... G 335 Con ( J'Regan. Sadlier 1470 1 Condemned as a Nihilist. Henty H 1572 Condensed Novels. Harte F 750 The same J 75,5 CONDER, E. R. Drops and Rocks, and other Talks H 1103 Confederate Chieftains. Sadlier F 1407 Confederate Spy, The. Crozier F 2908 Confession; or, the Blind Heart. Simms.F 2053 Confessions of a Clarionet Player. Erck- mann and Chatrian F 3252 Confessions of a Frivolous Girl. Grant. F 3698 Confessions of a Publisher. Stannard.F 6896 Confessions of a Society Man. Cooper. F 2855 Confessions of a Thug. Taylor F 6940 Confessions of a Working Man. Souves- tre I 4000.21 Confessions of Claud. Fawcett F 3467 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever... G 335 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 57 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Lean.F 3124 The same G 84 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Lever.G 341 Confessions of Two. Spratley and Wil- lisson F 6656 Confidence. James F 4410 Confidential Agent, A. Payn G 1 160 Conflict of Evidence. Ottolengui F 5856 Congo Rovers, The. Lancaster H 11 13 Coningsby. Beaconsfield G 174 Conjurer Dick. Lewis H 1737 CONKLIN, Mrs. J. M. Fourfold H 1129 Dorothy's Islands H 1 1 56 Fifteen; or, Lydia's Happenings. . H 1105 From Flax to Linen H 1 124 Growing Up H 1227 Keenie's To-morrow .". . . H 1 104 Marigold H 1 152 Miss Prudence F 2823 My Lady H 1 155 Other Folk H 1 153 Second Best H 1 154 Three and Twenty H 1225 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Clemens F 2799 CONNELL, S. Q. The Little Ladies of Ellenwood H 3506 CONNELLY, E. M. Tilting at Wind- mills; Blue Grass Country F 2792 CONNELLY, J, H. Neila Sen, and My Casual Death F 3095 CONNEY, Mrs. A Ruthless Avenger.F 8272 Conquering and to Conquer. Charles.. F 220 The same G 722 Conquest of the Moon. Grousset F 4960 CONRAD, J. Almayer's Folly; Story of an Eastern River F 8313 CONSCIENCE, BLANCHE, pseud. See COOPER, S. W. CONSCIENCE, H. The Lion of Flan- ders F 2856 Merchant of Antwerp F 2822 Tales F 293 v. I. Village Innkeeper. 2. Poor Gentleman. 3. Ricketicketac ; Wooden Clara. 4. Amulet. 5. fisherman's Daughter. 6. Count Hugo of Craenhove; Curse of the Village. 7. The Miser. 8. Happiness of being Rich. • 9. Count Hugo of Craenhove. CONSCIENCE, H. Tales F 293 v. 10. Conscript; Blind Rosa. 11. Ludovic and Gertrude. 12. Young Doctor. Conscript. Conscience F 293,10 Conscript. Dumas F 473 Conscript. Erckmann and Chatrian. .F 3370 Consecrated Anew. Chisholm H 11 57 Consequences. Castle . ...F 3159 The same G 1 408 Conspiracy. Badeau F 2534 Conspirators, The. Dumas F 475 Constable de Bourbon. Ainsworth G 10 Constable of the Tower. Ainsworth.. .G 11 Constable's Tower, The. Yonge F 2045 Constance. Hawthorne F 3852 Constant Aylmer. Parker F 300 Constance Herbert. Jewsbury F 4482 Constance Sherwood. Fullerton F 603 The same G 213 Constant Woman, A. Glaister F 3692 Constantine. Horton F 9136 Consuelo. Dudevant F 465 Contarini Fleming. Beaconsfield G 175 Contraband. Melville G 438 Contradictions. Peard G 1089 Contrast, The. Edgeworth F 518,2 Contrasts. Grendel F 3690 Conventional Bohemian, A. Pendleton . F 5936 CONVERSE, F. A. Adventures of Tad.H 1 106 In Southern Seas H 1 170 The Mystery of a Diamond H 1 167 Voyage to the Gold Coast H 1 169 Conversion, A. Blanc F 4955 Convict. James G 263 Convicts and their Children. Auerbach.F 79 CONWAY, HUOH, pseud. See FARGUS, F. J. CONWAY, M. D. Necklace of Stories.H 1 102 Pine and Palm F 3458 Prisons of Air F 31 18 Conways. The. Merriman H 1920 CONYNQHAM, D. Eunice Quince; a New England Romance F 8371 COOK, E. D. Doubleday's Children.. F 2830 Leo F 2828 Paul Foster's Daughter F 2829 COOK, Mrs. M. C. Idyll of the White Lotus [Theosophy] F 3108 Morial the Mahatma F 3330 The Star Sapphire F 8267 Cook and the Captive, The. Yonge . . . H 791 COOKE, F. E. History of England for Young Readers H 436 1 58 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. COOKE, J. E. Bonnybcl Vane; Tale of 1774-5 F 28 32 Same as Henry St. John, Gentleman. Doctor Vandyke [Virginia, 1750].. F 308 Fairfax ; Chronicle of the Shenandoah Valley, 1748 F 313 Fanchette F 345 1 Hammer and Rapier F 312 Her Majesty the Queen [Henrietta Maria and Charles I] F 317 Hilt to Hilt; the Shenandoah in 1864 F 314 The Last of the Foresters; the Old Virginia Frontier F 2843 The Maurice Mystery F 2845 Mohun; or, the Last Days of Lee and his Paladins F 2844 My Lady Pokahontas [Virginia, 1607- 16J F 2842 Out of the Foam [Am. Civil War]..F 315 Pretty Mrs.Gaston.and other StoriesF 316 Stories of the Old Dominion [1607- 1783] F 2846 Virginia Comedians; Old Days in the Old Dominion [1763-5] F 2831 Youth of Jefferson; Chronicle of Col- lege Scrapes, 1764 F 2841 COOKE, M. V. Zig-zag Paths of Life.F 8266 COOKE, Mrs. R. T. Happy Dodd. . F 2848 Huckleberries from New England. F 3075 No H 1 1 14 Somebody's Neighbors F 2833 The Sphinx's Children and other People's F 2836 Steadfast; Story of a Saint and Sinner . [Connecticut, 1748] F 2849 COOLEY, Mrs. A. K. Asaph [Ancient Jerusalem] F 3150 COOLIDOE, H. L. In the Story Land; Short Stories H 3513 COOLIDGE, SUSAN, />**« >lution, The. Dandelyon F 3073 Disturbing Element. Yonge F 2025 Disturbing Elements. Birchenough. . . F 7081 Dita. Majendie F 5150 Divers, The. Nisbet H 1925 Divers Women. Alden and LivingstonF 1055 Divided Duty, A. Lemon F 4852 Divided Heart, A. Heyse F 4257 Divided Lives. Fawcett F 3469 Divorced. Dahlgren F 2048 DIX, Q. The Girl from the Farm . . . . F 8470 DIXIE, Lady F. Aniwee; Tale of the Araucanian Indians H 1224 Gloriana; or, the Revolution of 1900F 3024 Redeemed in Blood. 3V F 3026 The Young Castaways; Child Hunt- ers of Patagonia H 1214 DIXON, E. H. Scenes in the Practice of a New York Surgeon F 3187 Story of a Modern Woman F 3169 DIXON, Mrs. E. L.' At the Sign of the Blue Boar; Reign of Charles II . H 1753 Dearer than Life; Time of Wiclif.H 1752 Percy Raydon F 1046 DIXON, W. H. Diana. Lady Lylc.G 729 Djambek, the Georgian. Suttner F 6910 Dmitri. Bain F 2255 Do and Dare. Alger H 931 Docia's Journal. Alden H 008 Doctor, The, his Wife, and the Clock. Rohlfs F 7100 Doctor Antonio. Ruffini G 527 Doctor Austin's Guests. 2 v. Gilbert. F 658 Dr. Barringford's School. Ogden H 1980 Doctor Ben. Witherspoon F 2988 Doctor Breen's Practice. Howells F 4023 Doctor Claudius. Crawford F 2889 Doctor Congalton's Legacy. Johnston.F 4556 Doctor Cupid. Broughton F 264 1 The same G 1248 Doctor Deane's Way. Foster and Alden H 135 1 Doctor Dick and other Tales. Hocking.F 4264 Doctor Dodd's School. Ford H 1349 Dr. Endicott's Experiment. Sergeant.. F 7257 Dr. Gilberts Daughters. Mathews F 5174 Doctor Grattan. Hammond F 3972 Doctor Gray's Quest. Underwood F 7218 Doctor Grimshawe's Secret. HawthorneF 3952 Doctor Hathern's Daughters. HolmesF 4253 Doctor Hildretb. White F 1940 Doctor Huguet. Donnelly F 3171 Doctor Izard. Rohlfs F 645! Dr. J. B. Quies, Exploits of. Celieres. . F 271 1 Doctor Jacob. Edwards G 1 053 Dr. Janet of Harley Street. Kenealy . . F 461 1 Dr. Jekyll and M r. H yde. Stevenson . . F 6683 The same G 1 193 Doctor Johns. 2 v. M itchell F 1 190 Doctor Lamar. Train F 3161 Dr. Latimer. Burnham F 8020 Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters. Austin.F 2363 Doctor Luttrell's First Patient. Carey.. F 8183 Doctor Marigold's Prescriptions. Dick- ens G 154 Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell.. F 8170 Dr. Nikola. Boothby F 8104 Doctor of Deane. Palmer F 5956 Doctor of the Old School. Watson F 5559 The same F 5557 Dr. Ox's Experiment. Verne F 1835 Doctor Papa. Clarke H 1079,2 Dr. Paull's Theory. Diehl F 3031 Dr. Rameau. Ohnet F 5613 Dr. Sevier. Cable F 2724 Doctor Thome. Trollope G 607 Doctor Vandyke. Cooke F 308 Dr. Wainwright's Patient. Yates G 659 Doctor Warrick's Daughters. Davis. . F 8530 Dr. Wortle's School. Trollope G 1181 Doctor Zay. Ward F 5895 Dr. Zell and the Princess Charlotte. Rich- ardson F 6378 Doctor's Daughter, The. Clarke I Doctor's Dilemma, The. Smith F 6703 Doctor's Family, The. Oliphant G 469 Doctor's Story, The. Balzac F 4955 Doctor's Wife, The. Maxwell G 36 DOD, S. B. A Highland Chronicle [Re- bellion of 1745] F 3196 A Hillside Parish F 3193 DODD, Mrs. A. B. B. Glorinda I Dodd Family Abioad. 3 V. in 2. Lever. G 339 DODGE, L. A Question of Identity. . F 2214 DODGE, M. A. {Gail Hamilton). Coun- try Living E 1053 Gala-Days E 1054 Nursery Noonings E 1061 Red Letter Days in Applethorpe. . E 1056 Skirmishes and Sketches E 1057 Summer Rest E 1059 Wool-Gathering E 1060 DODGE, Mrs. M. E. M. Donald and Dorothy H 1 2 1 5 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 75 DODGE, Mrs. M. E. M. A Few Friends and how they amused themselves.H 348 Hans Brinker, or, The Silver Skates. [Life in Holland] F 420 The Land of Pluck; Stories and Sketches for Young Folk H 1 192 Theophilus and others F 426 When Life is Young; Verse for Boys and Girls H 1 193 Dodge Club. De Mille F 389 DODOSON.C.L. {Lewis Carroll). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland H 260 Alice's Adventures under Ground. H 1218 Sylvie and Bruno H 1219 Sylvie and Bruno concluded H 1217 Through the Looking-Glass, and what Alice found H 261 Dodo; a Detail of the Day. Benson. . . F 7945 DOE, C. H. Buffets F 421 DOESTICKS, Q. K. PHILANDER, pseud. See THOMSON, M. Dog Crusoe. Ballantyne H 221 Dog Fiend. Marryat F 1 164 Dog Stories and Dog Lore. Knox H 1708 Dog's Mission, and other Stories. Stowe.H 692 Dogberry Bunch. Catherwood H 312 Doing his Best. Trowbridge H 737 Doings of Raffles Haw. Doyle F 3015 Doings of the Bodley Family. Scudder.H 664 DOLE, E. P. The Stand-by F 8563 DOLE, N. H. Not Angels quite F 3028 On the Point; a Summer Idyl F 8492 Young Folks' History of Russia . .A 1902 Doll World. O'Reilly H 588 Dollars and Cents. Warner F 1863 Dollikins and the Miser. Eaton H 1231 Dolliver Romance. Hawthorne J 77,2 Dolly Dialogues, The. Hawkins F 4234 Dolly Dillenbeck. Ford F 8743 Dolores. Bridges F 3545 Dombey and Son. Dickens F 406 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 155 Domestic Stories. Craik G in Domesticus. Butler F 2690 Dominant Seventh. Clark F 3081 Don; by the Author of Miss Toosey's Mission F 7725 Don Braulio. Valera F 7282 Don Finimondone. Cavazza F 3335 Don Garcia in England. Sandys F 6562 Don Gesualdo. De la Rame" F 6253 The same G 709 Don Gordon's Shooting-Box. Fosdick . . H 263, 1 Don John. Ingelow F 2197 The same G 965 Don Orsino. Crawford F 3333 Don Quixote de la Mancha. Cervantes- Saavedra; illus. by Dore" *R 4508 The same; tr. by Jervas F 219 The same; tr. by Motteux. 4 v..*P 631 The same [Bohn ed.] 2.v I 2970 Wit and Wisdom of E 1070 Don Sebastian. 3 v. Porter F 1329 Dona Luz. Valera F 7281 Dona Perf ecta. Perez Gald6s F 8867 Donal Dun O'Byrne. Holland F 891 Donal Grant. MacDonald F 5157 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge H 1215 Donald Deane and his Cross. Bradley.F 170 Donald Marcy. Ward F 7436 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black F 2474 The same G 1403 DONALDSON, A. L. Millbrook Ro- mance, and other Tales F 3064 DONELSON, K. Rodger Latimer's Mis- take F 3179 Donna Quixote. McCarthy G 11 13 DONNELLY, I. (E. Boisgilberf). Cae- sar's Column; the 20th Century.. F 3170 Doctor Huguet F 3171 The Golden Bottle [American Pol- itics] F 3172 Donovan;a Modern Englishman. Bayly. F 4939 Doom; an Atlantic Episode. McCarthy. F 5187 Doom of the Holy City. Farmer F 8761 Doomswoman, The. Atherton F 7841 Dooryard Folks. Harris H 15 10 Dora. Kavanagh G 292 Dora Darling. Austin F 2432 Dora Deane. Holmes F 835 Dora's Dolls' House. Greene H 1444 Dorcas. May G 911 Dorcas Club. Adams H 1 13,5 Dorcas, Daughter of Faustina. Kouns.F 4656 Dorcas Hobday. Rokeby F 6430 Doreen, the Story of a Singer. Bayly. . F 7962 Dorian Gray, Picture of. Wilde F 7475 Doris. Hungerford F 2417 The same G 1 135 Doris and Theodora. Janvier F 7291 Doris's Fortune. James F 7537 Dorothea. Patchin F 2989 Dorothy. Browne F 2653 Dorothy. Paul G 186 Dorothy and Anton. Plympton H* 2125 Sequel to Dear Daughter Dorothy. :.; CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dorothy,and other Italian Stories. Wool- son F 7407 Dorothy Arden. Call well F 3085 Dorothy Darling. Paull H 2026 Dorothy Delafield. Norris H 1942 Dorothy Forster. Besant G 847 Dorothy Fox. Parr F 1285 The same G 490 Dorothy the Puritan. Watson F 7673 Dorothy Wallis. Besant F 2308 Dorothy's Daughters. Marshall F 5163 Dorothy's Double. Henty F 4 1 36 Dorothy's Experience. Trafton H 2525 Dorothy's Islands. Conklin H 1156 DORR, Mrs. J. C. R. Expiation. ... F 423 Sibyl Huntington F 422 Dome's Day. Alden H 918 DORSEY, Mrs. A. H. Coaina; the Rose of the Algonquins F 427 Mona, the Vestal [Druids and St. Patrick] F 424 Nora Brady's Vow [Irish Rebellion of 1848] F 424 The Oriental Pearl; or, the Catholic Emigrants F 429 Student of Blenheim Forest F 428 DORSEY, A. V. Betty; a Last Century Love Story F 3071 Dorymates. M unroe H 1859 Dosia's Daughter. Durand F 3134 DOSTOJEWSKY, F. M. Crime and Punishment [Nihilism in Russia.]F 2970 Friend of the Family, and The Gam- bler F 2972 The Idiot F 2974 Injury and Insult F 2973 Poor Folk F 3032 Uncle's Dream, and The Permanent Husband F 2977 Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother's. Clarke H 286,1 Dotty Dimple at Home. Clarke H 286,2 Dotty Dimple at Play. Clarke H 286,4 Dotty Dimple at School. Clarke H 286,5 Dotty Dimple out West. Clarke H 286,3 Dotty Dimple Stories. See Clarke, R. S. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. Clarke H 286,6 Doty Dontcare. Foster F 8706 Double Cherry, A. Whatham H 2664 Double Cunning. Fenn F 3400 Double Emperor, The. Clowes F 825 1 Double Knot. Fenn F 3595 Double Masquerade. Talbot F 6921 Double Overture, A. Benson F 7947 Double-Runner Club. Shillaber H 2330.3 Double Story. Mac Donald H 533 Double Wedding. Warfield F 1858 DOUBLEDAY, E. S. Just Plain Folks.F 3066 DOUBLEDAY, T. Eve of St. Mark; a Romance of Venice F Doubleday's Children. Cook F 2830 Doubts and Fears. Hook F 857,5 DOUDNEY, S. A Child of the PrecinctH 1207 Nothing but Leaves F 2987 Prudence Winterburn F 2986 Stepping Stones F 2085 Stories of Girlhood H 1209 When we two Parted F 2980 DOUG ALL, L. Beggars all F 3042 The Mermaid F 3040 A Question of Faith F 85 1 7 What Necessity knows F 3043 The Zeit-Geist F 3039 DOUGLAS, Alice M. Gems without polish F 3063 DOUOLAS, Amanda M. Bethia Wray's ■ Name F 3062 Claudia F 433 Floyd Grandon's Honor F 2094 Foes of her Household F 2998 Fortunes of the Faradays F 2999 From Hand to Mouth F 444 Heirs of Bradley House F 3005 Home Nook I 43 « Hope Mills F 2996 Hope Vennard F 445 •>ne as Stephen Dane. In the King's Country (A Christian Endeavor Story) F 3061 In Trust; or, Dr. Bertrand's House- hold 1 432 In Wild Rose Time H 1188 Kathie Stories H 1205 v. 1. Kathie's Three Wishes. 2. Kathie's Aunt Ruth. 3. Kathie's Summer at Cedarwood. 4. Kathie's Soldiers. 5. In the Ranks. 6. Kathie's Harvest Days. Kept his Trust F 432 Same as In Trust. Larry H 1186 A Little Girl in Old New York . . . . H 3631 Lost in a Great City .* F 446 Lyndell Sherburne H 1 184 Sequel to Sherburne House. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 77 DOUGLAS, Amanda M. The Mistress of Sherburne H 3630 A Modern Adam and Eve in a Gar- den F 3000 Nelly Kinnard's Kingdom F 434 Old Woman who lived in a Shoe. . F 2092 Osborne of Arrochar [Maryland].. F 2082 Out of 'he Wreck F 2995 Seven Daughters H 319 Sherburne Cousins H 1 187 Sherburne House H 1 185 A Sherburne Romance H 1 198 Stephen Dane [Pennsylvania Min- ing Districts.] F 445 Sydnie Adriance F 2993 Whom Kathie married I 2991 With Fate against him F 2983 A Woman's Inheritance F 2997 DOUGLAS, E. We, Von Arldens . . . . F 2090 DOUGLAS, Lady G. Linked Lives. . F 440 DOUGLAS, Malcolm. My Odd Little ■!k; Rhymes and Verses H 1200 DOUGLAS, Marion, pseud. See ROB- INSON, Mrs. A. D. DOUGLAS, R. K. Chinese Stories. . . F 8503 • Contents: A Matrimonial Fraud: With- in his Danger; The Twins; A Twice- Married Couple; How a Chinese B. A. was Won; Le Ming's Marriage; A Bud- dhist Story; A Chinese Girl Graduate; Love and Alchemy; The Love -Sick Maiden, a Chinese Poem. DOUGLAS, T. Iras, a Mystery F 8501 Douglas Duane. Fawcett F 3848 DOUGLASS, Mrs. R. D. A Romance at the Antipodes F 3004 Dournof. Durand F 698 Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Yonge F 2016 The same G 668 Dowdenham. Ancketill F 2410 Dower House. Cudlip Y 1785 DOWIE, M. M. See NORMAN, Mrs. M. M. DOWLING, G. T. The Wreckers; a So- cial Study F 3002 DOWLING, R. A Baffling Quest F 3074 Down East Master's First School. Rand F 6180 Down in Tennessee. Gilmore F 661 Down on the West Branch. Farrar. . . H 1281,3 Down South. Adams H 115,5 Down the Mississippi. Ellis H 1258,1 Down the Ravine. Murfee F 2862 Down the Rhine. Adams H 111,6 Down the River. Adams H 108,6 DOWNEY, E. (F. M. Allen). Anchor- Watch Yarns. 2 v F 3001 Through Green Glasses F 2371 Contents: Andy Merrigan's Great Discov- ery; From Portlaw to Paradise; King John and the Mayor; Wonderful Escape of James the Second; Last of the Drag- ons; Siege of Don Isle; Raleigh in Munster. Downfall, The. Zola F 7701 DOWNING, M. The Young Cascaril- lero H 3625 DOWSON, E. Dilemmas F 8494 Contents: The Diary of a Successful Man; A Case of Conscience; An Orchestral Violin; Souvenirs of an Egoist; The Stat- ute of Limitations. and A. MOORE. Comedy of Masks.F 3192 DOYLE, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [Detective Stories] F 3014 Captain of the Polestar, and other Tales F 3003 Doings of Raffles Haw F 3015 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard [Time of Napoleon I.] F 8459 The Firm of Girdlestone F 3016 The Great Shadow [Waterloo] F 3183 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes [De- tective Stories] F 3177 Micah Clarke, his Statement [Mon- mouth's Rebellion, 1685] F 3180 The same G 1415 My Friend the Murderer, and other Mysteries and Adventures F 3186 The Mystery of Cloomber F 8457 The Parasite . F 8456 The Refugees; a Tale of Two Conti- nents [Huguenots] F 3185 Rodney Stone F 8460 Round the Red Lamp F 3021 Contents: Behind the Times; His First Operation; A Straggler of '15; The Third Generation; A False Start; The Curse of Eve; Sweethearts; A Physiologist's Wife; The Case of Lady Sannox; A Question of Diplomacy; A Medical Document; Lot No. 249; The Los Amigos Fiasco; The Doctors of Hoyland; The Surgeon talks. The Sign of Four [Detective Sto- ries] F 3181 The same G 1416 Stark Munro Letters F 8455 Study in Scarlet F 3184 pt. 1. Reminiscences of John Watson. 2. The Country of the Saints [Mormonism]. 78 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. DOYLE, A. C. Uncle Bernac; a Memory of the Empire [Time of Napoleon I] F 8461 The White Company [14th Century]F 3182 and others. Strange Secrets F 8458 Contents: Secret of Swalecliffe Castle, by F. Milford: Secret of the Mine, by F. Talbot; Secret of Calverley Court, by G. Parsons; Secret of Cousin Geoffrey's Chamber, by Mrs. H. Clifford; Secret of Goresthorpe Grange, by A. C. Doyle; The Box with the Iron Clamps, by F. Marryat; The Veiled Portrait, by J. Grant; The Ghost of Lawford Hall, by W. Thornbury; The Spectre Hand, by J. Grant; A Coach- ful of Ghosts, by E. C. Rice; George Venn and the Ghost, by D. Cook; Mystery of Daffodil Terrace, by P. Fitzgerald; Why New Houses are Haunted, by E. Keith; A very Queer Inn. by M. B. Archer. DRACHMAN, H. Paul and Virginia of a Northern Zone F 3175 DRAGOMANOV, M. P. {Stepniak). The Career of a Nihilist F 6657 Dragon and the Raven. Henty H 1473 Dragon of the North. Oswald F 5863 Dragon of Wantley. W ister F 7591 Dragon's Teeth. Queiros F 6162 Drake, F., Sea King of Devon. Towle.C 1610,6 DRAKE, J. The Metropolitans F 8539 In Old St. Stephens [South Carolina]F 3174 DRAKE, Mrs. M. E. Fanny's Autobi- ography ; Home Missionary LifeH 3041 DRAKE, S. A. New England Legends and Folk Lore B 3725 Watch Fires of '76 [ Am.RevolutionJ.H 3649 Drama in Dutch, A.; by Z. Z F 7691 Dramas of Life. Sims F 6731 Dramatists, Tales from the. 4 v. MornsF 5405 Draught of Lethe. Tellet F 7130 The same G 1450 Drawn Blank. Jocelyn F 4506 DRAYSON, A. W. From Keeper to Captain H 1333 White Chief of the Caffres H [21 ] Draytons,The,andDavenants. CharlesG 78 Dream, The. Zola y 7703 Dream and a Forgetting. Hawthorne. F 3847 Dream-Charlotte, The. Edwards F 3267 Dream Life. Mitchell E 1380 Dream Life and Real Life. SchreinerF 4382 Dream of a Modest Prophet. Leggett . F 4969 Dream of John Ball. Morris F 531 1 Dreams. Schreiner F 4381 Dreams of the Dead. Stanton F 6808 Dreamer, A. Wilde F 1999 Dreamer of Dreams. Nicholson F 3008 Dreamland and Ghostland; an Original Collection of Tales F 3009 v.i. Mab; Fore-Armed; Only Ten Minutes; Ghost of Lawford Hall; Strange Fact; Double Event; A Warning Bell; Cousin Geoffrey's Chamber; Three Strange Sto- ries; Brand of Cain; Unmasked by a Bul- let; Twelve o'clock Noon; Seen in the Mirror. 2. Three Overheard Whispers; J. H.Jephson's Statement; Madame Valeria; Blind Man's Notions about Ghosts; Conchful of Ghosts; Argument in Favor of Ghosts; My Adventure; Mystery ot the Mess- Koom; Half a Minute Late: How I came to Believe in a Ghost. 3. Ghosts of Cottenal Court; Debt of Hon- our; Great Keinplatz Experiment; Ghosts; Weird Story of Bruges; Select- ing a Ghost; Mystery of Sasassa Valley; How Brown awoke at the right Mo- ment; Captain of the Pole-Star; Why New Houses are Haunted; An Extra Passen- ger; John Barrington Cowles. Dred. Stowe F 1726 DREW, Mrs. C. The Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's F 3010 DREWRY.E.S. Baptized with a CurseF 3022 DREY.'S. Lights and Shadows of the Soul F 3197 Drift from Redwood Camp. Hartc.F 3887 Drift from two Shores. Harte F 3945 Drifting and Steering. Peebles H 610,1 Drifting round the World. Hall H 1491 DRINKWATER, J. M. >£« CONKLIN, Mrs. Driven Back to Eden. Roe F 6316 Driven to Bay. Lean G 1 288 Driven to Sea. Cupples H 1134 Drones' Honey. Clarke F 2804 Drops and Rocks. Conder H 1103 DROSINES,Q.,^«^. Amaryllis.... F 7226 Herb of Love F 7266 Drossy Gold. Hurd H 1574 DROZ, A. G. Around a Spring F 435 Babolain F 436 I )rummer Boy. Rousselet H 2222 Drumsticks. Meredith F 5500 DRURY, A. H. Deep Waters F 394 In the Enemy's Country; Story of 1813 [Germany and Napoleon]... F 3059 DRYSDALE, W. Brain and Brawn Series H 3655 v. 1. The Young Reporter. 2. The Fast Mail. The Mystery of Abel Forefinger.. H 1229 Princess of Montserrat F 3060 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 79 DUBOIS, C. Madame Agnes F 439 DU BOIS, C. G. Columbus and Beatriz . F 3018 Martha Corey; a Tale of the Salem Witchcraft F 3019 A Modern Pagan F 8505 Shield of the Fleur-de-lis [Joan of Arc] F 8506 DU BOISGOBEY, F. Golden Tress. F 2568 DU BOIS-MELLY, C. Nicolas Muss; Massacre of St. Bartholomew F 3020 DU BOYS, J. Countess of Monte Cristo F 486 DU CHAILLU, P. B. Country of the Dwarfs [Africa] H 352 Ivar the Viking [A. D. 270-320]. . . H 357 Lost in the Jungle H 353 My Apingi Kingdom; Life in the Great Sahara H 354 Stories of the Gorilla Country H 355 Wild Life under the Equator H 356 DUCHESS, THE, pseud. See HUNGER- FORD, Mrs. M. H. Duchess, The. Hungerford F 2439 The same G 1396 Duchess Emilia. Wendell F 7525 Duchess Lass, The. Masters F 9420 Duchess of Powysland. Allen F 2349 Duchess of Rosemary Lane. Farjeon F 569 Duchess of Trajetto. Rathbone F 2082 Duchesse de Langeais. Balzac F 2548 DUDEVANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. {George Sand). Antonia F 450 The Bagpipers F 462 Cesarine Dietrich F 45 1 Consuelo [Venice and Germany, 18th Century] F 465 Countess of Rudolstadt [Berlin, Fred- erick the Great and Cagliostro]. . F 464 Sequel to Consuelo. The Devil's Pool F 3128 Fadette F 8543 Fanchon, the Cricket F 452 Francis, the Waif F 8545 Gallant Lords of Bois-Dore\ 2 v. [Time of Richelieu] F 443 Indiana F 453 Jealousy F 454 Marquis de Villemer F 461 The Master Mosaic- Workers F 8544 Mauprat F 455 Miller of Angibault F 457 Monsieur Sylvestre F 463 My Sister Jeannie F 466 DUDEVANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. (George Sand). Nanon F 3126 Rolling Stone F 459 Snow Man [Sweden, 19th Century].F 460 Tower of Percemont F 3127 DUFF, C, pseud. See GAYLORD, L. Duffels; Short Stories. Eggleston F 328^ Dugdale Millions, The. Hudson F 4262 DUGANNE, A. J. H. The Fighting Quakers [Am. Civil War.] B 2493 Duke Christian of Luneburg. 3V. Porter F 1350 Duke of Albany's Highlanders. Grant.F 8812 Duke of Monmouth. Griffin F 709,6 Duke's Children, The. Trollope G 1 180 Duke's Daughter, The. Oliphant G 1385 Dukesborough Tales. Johnston F 447 l DULAC, G. Before the Dawn; Story of Paris and the Jacquerie F 302^ Dulcie Carlyon. Grant F 8813 DUMAS, A. Adventures of a Marquis.^ 480 Ascanio. 2 v. [Francis I., 1515-1547]^ 8486 Black, the Story of a Dog F 8488 The Black Tulip [Holland, 1672].. F 8484 The Conscript [Napoleon, i8io-i4].F 473 The Conspirators; or, the Chevalier d'Harmental [Louis XV.] F 475 Corsican Brothers F 8483,2 Count of Monte Cristo [One Hun- dred Days, Marseilles, 18 15] F 484 For Sequel See Edmond Dantes. Countess of Monte Cristo. See Du Boys, J. D'Artagnan Romances: Three Guardsmen [Louis XIII., 1626-28] F 494 Same as Three Musketeers. Twenty Years after. 2 v. [Louis XIV., 1648-50] F 495 Vicomte de Bragelonne. 2v. [Louis XIV.,1660-71] F 482 The Iron Mask [Louis XIV.]. . . . F 400 Louise de la Valliere F 492 Isabel of Bavaria, Queen of France [Court of Charles VI.] F 478 Last Vendee. 2v F 8483 Same as She- Wolves of Machecoul. Love and Liberty [French Revolu- tion] F 47 1 Marie Antoinette Romances: Joseph Balsamo; or, Memoirs of a Physician [Louis XV.] F 493 Queen's Necklace [Marie Antoin- ette] F 496 go CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. DUMAS, A. Marie Antoinette Romances: Taking the Bastile; or Six Years later [Louis XVI.] I >te as Ange Pitou. Countess de Charny (French Revo- lution) F 485 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge ( Reign of Terror) F 483 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots F 8480 Memoirs of a Maitre d'Armes F 499 The same I 4000, 22 Napoleon Romances: Company of Jehu tpoleon, 1790-1800) F 8481 The First Republic; or, theWhites and the Blues. 2 v. ( 1 793-1 799). F 8482 Olympe de Cleves. 2v F 8485 The Page of the Duke of Savoy ( Henry II.) F 449 Regent's Daughter. 2 v. (Louis XV. )F Sequel to The Conspirators. Tales of the Caucasus: The Ball of Snow; Sultanetta F 8487 Valois Romances: Marguerite de Valois. 2v. (Charles IX.) F 476 Chicot the Jester (Henry III. . F 477 .iiia of Meridor F 487 Same as Chicot the Jester. Forty -Five Guardsmen (Henry III.) ..F 489 War of Women. : . . F 8489 DUMAS, K.fils. Camille; or, Fate of a Coquette 470 DU M AURIER, G. The Martian F 8497 Peter Ibbetson F 3194 Trilby F 8498 Dumps. Parr 6030 Dun, The. Edgeworth F 5 18,4 Dunallan. Kennedy F 4615 DUNCAN, Mrs. F. I. My Intimate Friend.F 474 DUNCAN, S. J. See COTES, Mrs. S. J. D. DUNLAP, W. Thirty Years Ago; Mem- oirs of a Water Drinker. 2 v F 3030 DUNN, O. Red Cap and Blue Jacket; French Revolution F 8500 DUNNING, Mrs. A. K. Letting Down the Bars H 1 220 DUNNING, C, pseud. See WOOD, C. D. Dunraven Ranch. King F 4676 DUPREE, F. Married by Proxy F 3027 DUPUY, E. A. All for Love; or, the Outlaw's Bride F 500 DUPUY, E. A. Cancelled Will.. Clandestine Marriage F Dethroned Heiress F Discarded Wife Gipsy's Warning Hidden Sin F Sequel to The Dethroned Heiress. How he did it F Huguenot Exiles; Tune of Louis XIV F Michael Rudolph Mysterious Guest F New Way to Win a Fortune F Planter's Daughter F Who shall be Victor? F Why did he marry her? F DURAND, A. M. C. F. {Henrj Gre- ville). Aline F Cleopatra . . F Count Xavii r F Dosia's Daughter F Dournof . . . V Guy's Marriage; or, the Shadow of a Sin The Heiress F 3129 Mam'zelle Eugenie; a Russian Love Story 1 Markof, the Russian Violinist I Mystery. F Nikanor F Philomene's Marriages F Princess Ogh£rof . . F Tania's Peril; or, the Edge of an . ss F Trials of Ralssa; a Russian Love Story F Durnton Abbey. Trollope F Dusantes, The. Stockton F 50 1 468 502 5" 503 510 504 4106 505 506 469 507 508 509 3U8 3'35 3«3* 3i3i 698 3133 705 3139 3137 699 3130 3131 701 1778 6668 Dust. Bjornson F 7001,3 Dust. Hawthorne F 395 1 Dust and Laurels. Pendered F 6051 Dusty Diamonds. Ballantyne H 1007 Dutchman's Fireside. Paulding F 1 294 DUVAL, G. Romance of the Sword; a Napoleonic Novel F 8490 Dwale Bluth. 2 v. Brown F 2654 Dwellers in Five-Sisters Court. Scudder.F 17 10 Dynamiters, The. Stevenson F 6682 Dynevor Terrace. Yonge F 2015 The same G 669 E., O. A. See ERICSSON, O. A. EADGYTH, pseud. Snow Fort H 1 24 I Eagle and Dove. Fleuriot F 573 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 81 Eagle Cliff. Ballantyne H 994 Eagle's Plume. Heald F 4175 Eaglehurst Towers. Marshall H 1903 Earl of Mayfield. May F 5372 Earl Whiting. Atkins H 189 Earl's Daughter. Sewell F 1527 Earl's Promise. Riddell G 805 Earls of the Village. Giberne F 3726 EARLE, A. R. Her Great Ambition.F 3246 Earlscourt. Allardyce F 2333 Early Dawn. Charles F 223 Early English Romances; ed. by Thorns. 3 V F °970 Early Start in Life. Norris H 1930 Earnest Trifler, An. Sprague F 3201 Earth Revisited. Brooks F 8059 Earth Trembled, The. Roe F 63 1 8 Earth's Enigmas. Roberts F 6457 Earthly Paragon, An. Brodhead F 5412 East, Romances of the. Gobineau F 667 East, Tales of the; tr. by Weber. 3 v . . F 6929 East and West. Hale F 3834 East Angels. Woolson F 7548 East Lynne. 3 v. in 2. Wood G 636 Easter Vacation, An. O'Neill F 5721 Eastern Fairy Legends. Frere H 380 Eastern Romances and Stories.Clouston F 3353 Eastern Sketches. Harte J 75,3 Eastern Tales; comp. by Valentine. . . 1 EASTMAN, J. A. Romneys of Ridge- mont H 363 School Days of Beulah Romney.. .H 362 EASTMAN, M. H. Aunt Phillis's Cabin [Reply to Uncle Tom's Cabin].. . F 512 Eastward, Ho ! Farrar H 1281,1 EATON, A.W.H.andC.L.BETTS. Tales of a Garrison Town F 3248 EATON, F. {Sargent Flint). Queer Little Princess and her Friends. H 1230 Dollikens and the M iser H 1 23 1 Ebb Tide. Stevenson and Osbourne. . F 6868 Ebb-Tide and other Stories. Tiernan. . F 577 Ebbing of the Tide. Becke F 8019 EBERS, Q. M. Barbara Blomberg. 2 v. [Netherlands Time of Charles V.].F 3309 The Bride of the Nile. 2 v. [Ancient Egypt] F 3216 Burgomaster's Wife [Siege of Ley- den, 1574] F 3213 Cleopatra. 2 v. [Ancient Egypt].. F 3306 Egyptian Princess G 187 The same. 2 v F 3202 The Elixir, and other Tales F 3109 EBERS, Q. M. The Emperor. 2 v. [Ancient Egypt] F 32 1 2 Homo sum [Christians in Egypt 4th Century] F 321c The same G 923 In the Blue Pike [Germany, 16th Century] F 3308 In the Fire of the Forge. 2 v. [Nu- remberg, 1821] F 3307 Joshua; a Story of Biblical Times. [Egypt, B. C. 1425] F 3200 Margery (Gred); a Tale of Old Nu- remberg. 2 v. [15th Century]. . .F 3203 Serapis [Ancient Egypt] F 3215 The Sisters [Ancient Egypt] F 321 1 The same G 925 A Thorny Path. 2v. [Ancient Egypt].F 3198 Uarda [ Rameses II.] G 926 A Word, only a Word [The Nether- lands, 1574. Time of Philip II.]. .F 3214 EBLANA, pseud. Last Monarch of Tara; Ireland in the Sixth Century F 3220 EBNER-ESCHENBACH, M. D. v. The Two Countesses F 7246 Ebon and Gold. Mcllvain F 513 Echo of Passion. Lathrop F 4891 Echoes from Mistland. Moore F 3529 Echoing and Re-Echoing. Foster F 3508 ECILAW, A. Romance of a German Court. 2 v F 3218 ECKSTEIN, E. Aphrodite; Romance of Ancient Hellas F 3217 Chaldean Magician [Rome, A. D. 300] F 3206 Hertha F 3290 A Monk of the Aventine F 3291 Nero 2 v. [Ancient Rome] F 3225 Prusias 2 v. [Ancient Rome] F 3207 Quintus Claudius. 2v. [Rome A. D. 95J F 3209 TheWill. 2v F 3208 Edda: Goddard. Wonderful Stories from Northern Lands H 430 Hambro. Edda; or, Tales of a Grand- mother A 1844 Edda's Birthright. Lewis F 4949 EDDY, D. C. The Percy Family . . . . H 1245 v. 3. Paris to Amsterdam. Walter's Tour in the East H 364 v. 1. Walter in Jerusalem. 2. Walter in the North Country. 3. Walter in Damascus. CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. EDDY, D. C. Walter's Tour in the East H v. 4. Walter in Constantinople. 5. Walter in Athens. 6. Walter in Egypt. Edelweiss. Auerbach F Edelweiss of the Sierras. Harrison F EDEN, C. H. Fortunes of the Fletch- ers; Life in Canada and Austra- lia H Jungle Jack; or, to the East after Elephants H Philip Vandeleur's Victory [East Indies] H Ula; a Tale of the Zulus F EDEN, E. Semi-Attached Couple. 2 vF Semi-Detached House F Eden ; an Episode. Saltus F EDGAR, J. Q. The Boy Crusaders; Age of Louis IX H Boyhood of Great Men C Cressy and Poictiers; or, the Black Prince*s Page H Footprints of Famous Men C History for Boys; Nations of Mod- ern Europe A How I won my Spurs; a Boy's Ad- ventures in the Barons' War H Sea Kings and Naval Heroes H Edgar Clifton. Adams H EDGEWORTH, M. Belinda *Fi 15,49-50 Harry and Lucy, with other Tales. 2 v H 1246 Modern Griselda *Fi 15,50 Parent's Assistant; or, Stories for Children H Tales and Novels F ▼. 1. Moral Tales: Forester; Prussian Vase; Good Aunt Angelina, or, 1'Amie inconnue; Good French Governess; Mademoiselle Panache; The Knap- sack. 2. Popular Tales : Lame Jervas; The Will; The Limerick Gloves; Out of Debt, Out of Danger; The Lottery; Rosanna; Murad the Unlucky; The Manufacturers; The Contrast; The Grateful Negro; To-morrow. 3. Belinda. 4. Castle Rackrent; Essay on Irish Bulls; The Science of Self Justification; Ennui; The Dun. 5. Manoeuvring; Almeria; Vivian. 6. The Absentee; Madame de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges; The Modern Griselda. 7. Patronage. 364 76 3816 1247 1226 1248 3219 5U 516 6530 1250 3« 1252 6 329 1251 366 101 1240 518 EDGEWORTH, M. Tales and Novels.F 518 v. 8. Patronage(concluded);Comic Dramas; Dramas; Leonora; Letters. 9. Harrington; Thoughts on Bores; Or- mond. 10. Helen. Edina. Wood G 686 Edith. Herbert F 4002 Edith Lyle. Holmes F 848 Edith Percival. Fleming F 3513 Editha's Burglar. Burnett H 1077 Editor's Tales. Trollope F 6996 Edleen Vaughan. Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania F 3234 EDLER, K.E. Baldine and other TalesF 3229 Edmond Dantes [Revolution of 1848, France] F 488 Sequel to Count of Monte Cristo. Edmondo. Bresciani F 92 EDMONDS, Mrs. Amygdala; Tale of the Greek Revolution F 3275 Edna Browning. Holmes F 836 Edward Burton. Wood F 7635 Edward Conway, Vocation of. Egan.. .F 8580 Edward Osborne. Rathbone F 1 1 38 Edward Wortley Montagu; an Auto- biography. Kenealy F 4613 EDWARDS, Mrs. A. Archie Lovell.G 188 At the Eleventh Hour F Same as Ballroom Repentance. A Ballroom Repentance G 922 A Blue-Stocking G 736 A Girton Girl G 1 196 Jet; her Face or her Fortune? G 735 Leah ; a Woman of Fashion F 527 The same G 733 Ordeal for Wives F 522 Ought we to visit her? F 523 The same G 189 Pearl-Powder F 3226 The same G 1376 Philip Earnscliffe;or, Morals of May Fair F 524 A Playwright's Daughter, and Bertie Griffiths G 1254 Point of Honor F 529 Steven Lawrence, Yeoman G 190 Vagabond Heroine G 191 Vivian the Beauty G 743 Woman of Fashion F 527 Same as Leah. EDWARDS, A. B. Barbara's History.G 192 Debenham's Vow G 193 Half a Million of Money G 104 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 83 EDWARDS, A. B. Hand and Glove. G 195 In the Days of my Youth F 521 The same G 196 Lord Brackenbury G 924 Miss Carew G 197 Monsieur Maurice G 198 Night on the Borders of the Black Forest G 734 Contents: A Night on the Borders of the Black Forest; Story of Salome; In the Confessional; Tragedy in the Palazzo Bordello; The Four-Fifteen Express; Sister Johanna's Story; All Saint's Eve. EDWARDS, G. W. P'tit Matinic* and other Monotones F 3261 Rivalries of long and short Codiac.F 8570 Thumb-nail Sketches F 3262 EDWARDS, H. S. Sons and Fathers. F 3317 Two Runaways, and other Stories. F 3316 Contents: Two Runaways; Elder Brown's Backslide; An Idyl of Sinkin' Mount'in; Ole Miss and Sweetheart; Sister Tod- hunter's Heart; De Valley an' de Shadder; Mine; A Born Inventor; Tom's Strategy. EDWARDS, M. B. B. Brother Gabriel.G 738 Disarmed G 1052 Doctor Jacob G 1053 The Dream-Charlotte F 3267 Exchange no Robbery, and other Novelettes G 966 Felicia G 737 The Flower of Doom, and other Stories F 3227 Contents: The Flower of Doom; Love and Manuscript; A Group of Immortals; The Rebuke amid Roses. For One and the World F 3228 Forestalled; or, the Life Quest F 3263 The same G 932 Next of Kin wanted G 1291 A North Country Comedy F 3264 The Parting of the Ways G 1325 Pearla F 3265 The same G 1054 A Romance of Dijon F 3266 The Sylvestres F 3221 The same G 200 EDWARDS, R. Twice Defeated [Molly McGuires] F 528 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop H 771 Edwin Drood, Mystery of. Dickens... F 441 The same G 163 Edwin, the Boy Outlaw. Hodgetts.. . . H 1626 Effie and her Strange Acquaintances. Crofts H 1 1 10 Effie Ogil vie. Oliphant F 5658 EQAN, M. F. The Flower of the Flock, and The Badgers of Bel mont . . . . H 1 243 Jack Chumleigh; or, Friends and Foes H 3745 Jasper Thorn; Story of New York Life H 3744 Vocation of Edward Conway F 8580 EGERTON, Q„ pseud. See CLAIRMONTE. EGQLESTON, E. Circuit Rider F 534 Duffels; Short Stories F 3285 Contents: Sister Tabea; The Redemp- tioner; A Basement Story; The Gun- Powder Plot; Story of a Valentine; Huldah, the Help; The New Cashier; Priscilla; Talking for Life; Periwinkle; The Christmas Club. End of the World F 530 The Faith Doctor, Story of New York F 3236 The Graysons [Illinois, 1836] F 3235 Hoosier School-Boy H 1255 Hoosier School-Master F 531 Mystery of Metropolisville [Min- nesota] F 533 Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. .H 1256 Roxy ; Indiana Life F 535 EGGLESTON, G. C. The Big Brother Series: v. 1. The Big Brother [Story of the Indian War, 181 3]. H 367 2. Captain Sam ; or, Boy Scouts of 1814 H 365 3. The Signal Boys [Battle of New Orleans] H 358 Man of Honor F 532 Strange Stories from History H 1242 The Wreck of the Red Bird ; Story of the Carolina Coast H 371 and D. MORBOURG. Juggernaut.F 3281 Eglantine. Stephenson F 1718 Ego. French F 3570 Egoist, The. Meredith F 5199 EGOMET, E. G., pseud. Only a Curate.F 3204 Egyptian Harp Girl, The. Stevans F 6751 Egyptian Princess, An. Ebers G 187 The same. 2 v F 3202 Egyptian Tales; ed. by Petrie. 2v F 6086 Eichhofs, The. Bethusy-Huc F 6263 Eight Cousins. Alcott , H 133 Eight Days. Forrest F 3624 The same G 14 19 Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon. Verne F 7306,1 M CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. \d ventures of Mr and Mrs. Sand- boys. Mayhew ,F 5177 Eighty-Seven. Alden F 2392 EILOART, Mrs. E. Hoy with an Idea.H 368 nan's Wrong % F 538 Ekkehard. Sheffel G 534 The same. 2 v F 6556 El Fureidis. Cummins F 348 Elam Storm, the Wolfer. Fosdick H 1286,2 ELBON, B., pseud. See HALSTEAD, L. B. Elbow-room. Clark E 752 Elder Conklin, and other Stories. HarrisF 4206 Eldrauir; an Art-Story. Thompson... F 6980 Eleanor Lambert, Story of. Capes F 7221 Eleanor Maitland. Waters 2810 Eleanor's Victory. Braddon < \ 679 Elect Lady, The. McDonald Elective Affinities. Goethe F 673 The same I 3025,4 Electrical Boy. Trowbridge H 2533 Elena. Comyn F 302 Elephant Club. Thomson 1572 Eleven Possible Cases . . F 3416 Contents: The Only Girl at Overlook, by Fyles; A Thing that Glistened, by Stockton: A Lion and a Lioness, by Miller; A Head of Death, by Harland; The Mystic Krewe, by Thompson; Strange Adventures of a Million Dol- lars, by Lock wood; A Lost Day by Fawcett; A Tragedy of High Explo- sives, by Smith; The Bushwhacker's Gratitude, by Munroe; The End of All, by Nym Crinkle; Shall he Marry her ? by Rohlfs. Eleventh Commandment. Barrili F 2487 Elf-Errant. O'Neill H 1988 Eli's Children. Fenn F 3424 Elia; Spain Fifty Years Ago. Arrom de Ayala F 209 Eliane. Craven G 854 Elias Power of Ease-in-Zion. BamfordH 084 Eline Vere. Couperus F 3340 Elinor Belden. Lillie H 1 77 1 Elinor Fenton. Foster F 3618 ELIOT, A. White Birches F 3295 ELIOT, George, pseud. See CROSS, Mrs. M. A. ELIOT, S. (Ed.). Six Stories from the Arabian Nights H 1260 Elixir, The, and other Tales. Ebers. . .F 3109 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Abbott . H 27 ELIZABETH, Queen of Roumania {Car- men Sylva). Edleen Vaughan . . F 3234 A Heart Regained F 3233 ELIZABETH, Queen of Roumania (Car- men Sylva). Pilgrim Sorrow... F 3223 Elizabeth. Nathusius 1 ELIZABETH, Charlotte, pseud. See TONNA, C. E. Elizabeth: Christian Scientist. Crim..F 3329 Elizabeth, Story of. Ritchie G 595 Elizabeth of England. Abbott H 27 Elizabeth; or, Exiles of Siberia. Cottin.H 478 Elizabeth Morley. Macquoid F Elizabeth's Pretenders. Aid£ F 7780 ELLA, pseud. Philippa ; or, Under a Cloud F 7224 Ella. Simonds H 677,3 Ella of Garveloch. Martineau F 1151,2 Ellen Linn. Abbott H 57,7 Ellen Middleton. Fullerton G 214 Ellen Montgomery's Bookshelf. See War- ner, S. and A. B. ELLIOT, F. D. The Italians ........ F 536 The same G 742 Old Court Life in France F 539 The same G 741 Old Court Life in Spain. IT F 3247 The Red Cardinal . .G 1 147 The Story of Sophia G 1417 ELLIOT, H. R. The Common Chord . . F 3231 ELLIOTT, Mrs. M. H. Atalanta in the South . . F 4057 Mammon F 4058 A Newport Aquarelle F 5455 Phillida. F 4054 San Rosario Ranch F 4056 ELLIOTT, S. B. The Felmeres F Jen John Paget F 3239 ELLIS, Mrs. A. R. Sylvestra ; Man- ners in England in 1770- 1800 F 3237 ELLIS, E. 5. Among the Esquimaux. H 1276 Boone and Kenton Series H 1235 v. 1. Shod with Silence. 2. The Phantom of the River. 3. In the Days of the Pioneers. Boy Pioneer Series [Early Days in the West] H 1 261 v. 1. Ned in the Block House. 2. Ned in the Woods. 3. Ned on the River. Brave and Honest Series H 1232 v. 1. Brave Tom. 2. Honest Ned. 3. Righting the Wrong. Comrades True H 3721 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 85 ELLIS, E. S. Deerfoot Series H 1257 v. 1. Hunters of the Ozark. 2. Camp in the Mountains. 3. Last War Trail. Forest and Prairie Series H 1233 v. 1. The Great Cattle Trail. 2. The Path in the Ravine. 3. The Young Ranchers. From Throttle to President's Chair; American Railway Life H 1236 Great River Series H 1258 v. 1. Down the Mississippi. 2. Up the Tapajos ; Advent- ures in Brazil. 3. Lost in the Wilds [South America.] Jaunt through Java H 1249 Log Cabin Series H 1263 v. 1. Lost Trail. 2. Camp-Fire and Wigwam. 3. Footprints in the Forest. Lost in Samoa H 1238 River and Wilderness Series H 1234 v. 1. The River Fugitives. 2. The Wilderness Fugitives. 3. Lena Wingo, the Mohawk. Tad; or, Getting Even with Him..H 1239 Through on Time Series H 3722 v. 1. Jack Midwood. 2. The Young Conductor. Uncrowning a King ; King Philip's War H 3724 Wild- Woods Series H 1237 v. 1. Through Forest and Fire. 2. On the Trail of the Moose. 3. Across Texas. Wyoming Valley Series [Am. Rev- olution.] H 1254 v. 1. Wyoming. 2. Storm Mountain. 3. Cabin in the Clearing. The Young Scout ; Story of West Point H 3723 ELLIS, S. At our Best F 540 ELLIS, S. S. Family Secrets. 3V...F 541 Contents: v. 1. Dangers of Dining Out; Confessions of a Maniac; Somerville Hall: The Rising Tide : The Favourite Child. 2. First Impressions ; The Minister's Family. 3. The Young Sculptor; The Two Friends ; Fireside Recollections. ELLIS, S. S. Pictures of Private Life. 3v F 543 Contents: v. 1. An Apology for Fiction: The Hall and the Cottage ; Ellen Esk- dale ; The Curate's Widow ; Marriage as it may be. 2. Misanthropy; The Pains of Pleasing. 3. Pretensions. Pique; Tale of English Aristocracy. F 1321 Temper and Temperament F 3238 ELLSWORTH, Mrs. L. C. Furono Amati F 3243 ELLW ANGER, Q. H. In Gold and Silver F 3304 Contents: The Golden Rug of Kerman- shah; Warders of the Woods; A Shadow upon the Pool; Tne Silver Fox of Hunt's Hollow. Elm Island Stories. See Kellogg, E. ELMSLIE.T. C. (Baynton Foster). The Little Lady of Lavender H 1274 Elsie. Synge , H 2450 Elsie; a Christmas Story. Kielland...F 4770 Elsie and the Raymonds. Finley H 1333 Elsie at Home. Finley H 1385 Elsie at Ion. Finley H 1328 Elsie at Nantucket. Finley H 1 298 Elsie at the World's Fair. Finley. . . . H 1383 Elsie at Viamede. Finley H 1 329 Elsie Dinsmore. Finley .- H 403 Elsie Gordon. Brodie H 249 Elsie Venner. Holmes F 853 Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds. Finley H 1331 Elsie's Children. Finley H 385 Elsie's Friends at Woodburn. Finley. H 1294 Elsie's Girlhood. Finley H 404 Elsie's Holidays at Roseland. Finley. H 383 Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters. Fin- ley H 1384 Elsie's Kith and Kin. Finley H 1293 Elsie's Motherhood. Finley H 406 Elsie's New Relations. Finley H 1296 Elsie's Vacation. Finley H 1 332 Elsie's Widowhood. Finley H 384 Elsie's Womanhood. Finley : . H 405 Elsket, and other Stories. Page F 5912 Elster's Folly. Wood.„ G 1208 Elton Hazlewood. Scott F 6501 ELWELL, E. H. Boys of '35; Story of a Seaport Town H 1 262 ELWES, A. Adventures of a Cat, Dog and Bear H 1259 Giulio Branchi; Story of a Tuscan. F 3222 Perils Afloat and Brigands Ashore . H 1 253 M CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Emancipated. The. Gissing F 8942 Emanuel. Pontoppidan F 61 12 Embarrassments. James F 4395 EMERSIE, S., pseud. Allisto F 3240 EMERSON, N. 5. Little Folks' Let- ters H 369 EMERSON, W. G. Winning Winds.. F 3242 EMERY, E. Myself; a Romance of New England Life F 1225 EMERY, E. B. Queens H 370 EMERY, S. A. Three Generations.. .F 542 Emigrant Ship, The. Russell F 6369 Emigrants of Ahadarra. Carleton F 292 Emilia Wyndham. Marsh G 728 E m i 1 i e d e Coulanges. Edgeworth F 5 1 8,6 Emma. Austen F 82 The same G 689 Emma Foster. Hoyne H 1516 Emma Lou, her Book. Mears H 5050 Emmett Bonlore. Read F 6230 Emperor, The. 2 v. Ebers F 3212 Emperor's Picture, The. Hauff G 248 Empress Josephine. Mundt F 1204 Empty Heart; or, Husks. Terhunc.F 1762 Ena; or, the Ancient Maori. Wilson.. F 7540 ENAULT, L. The Captain's Dog . . . . H 1 244 Carine; a Story of Sweden F 3244 Christine F 3245 Enchanted, The. Bouton F 2283 Enchanted Moccasins. Matthews H 552 Enchanted Princess. Nauman H 572 Enchanting and Enchanted. Hacklan- der H 444 End Crowns All, The. Marshall G 1 383 End of a Coil. Warner F 7481 End of a Rainbow. Johnson H 161 1 End of the World. Eggleston F 530 Endeavor Doin's down to the Corners. Cowan F 8316 Endless Chain. Alden F 2402 Endymion. Beaconsfield F 2493 The same G 916 Enemies in the Rear. Hoover F 4247 Engagement, An. Peel F 6127 ENGLEBACH, A. H. Dick Darling- ton at Home and Abroad H 1 264 The King's Warrant; Story of Old and New France H 1265 Rudolf's Dilemma; the Rising in Tyrol F 3241 England, Child's History of. DickensH 321 England, Little Arthur's History of. Cal- cott A 742 England, Young People's History of. Towle A 757 ENQLE, A. B. Story of Four Acorns.H 1266 ENGLISH, T. D. Jacob Schuyler's Mil- lions F 4403 English-American, The. Thayer F 6987 English Bodley Family. Scudder H 2302 English Channel. Abbott H 17,4 English Daisy Miller. Johnson F 4451 English Envoy at Court of Nicholas I. Corner F 8250 English Episodes. Wedmore F 7597 English Fairy Tales. Jacobs H 1 587 English Girl in America. Powell F 6106 English History. Laurie A 372 English History for Girls. Roe A 591 English History, Stories from. 3 v. Church H 3480 English Orphans. Holmes F 837 English Squire, An. Coleridge G 1074 English Tales and Sketches. Crosland.F 3157 Englishman's Haven. Gordon H 143$ E.NMS GRAHAM, pseud. See MOLES- WORTH, M. L. Ennui. Edgeworth F 518,4 Entailed Hat. Townsend F 7015 Enterprise of Man. Goodrich H 434,6 Enterprising Impresario. Beale F 1168 Entertaining Story of King Bronde\ his Lily and his Rosebud. Diaz H 1221 Enthralled and Released. BiirstenbinderF 7404 Same as Banned and Blessed. Entire Stranger, An. Baily H 965 Eoline. Hentz F 789 Ephraim and Helah. Hodder F 4028 Epic of Kings. Firdausi F 3498 Epics of the Middle Ages. Wagner. . .T 7486 Epicurean, The. Moore F 1198 Episcopo & Company. Annunzio F 7863 Episodes. Street F 6819 Episodes in an Obscure Life. 3 v. Rowe F 633 Episodes in the Lives of Men, Women and Lovers. Simcox F 6595 Equal to the Occasion. Mayo F 643 Equality. Bellamy F 8000 ERCKMANN, E. and P. A. CHATRIAN. Alsacian Schoolmaster F 3250 Blockade of Phalsburg [181 4] F 545 Brigadier Frederic [Franco-Prussian War] F 547 The Brothers Rantzau; Story of the Vosges F 3257 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 87 ERCKMANN, E. and P. A. CH ATRI AN. A Campaign in Kabylia and other Tales F 3251 Citizen Bonaparte [1794-1815] F 3374 Confessions of a Clarionet Player, and other Tales F 3252 The Conscript [French War of i8i3]F 3370 The Count of Nideck F 33*3 Country in Danger [1792] F 3258 Daniel Rock F 3372 Forest House and Catherine's Lov- ers F 548 Friend Fritz F 55 1 Great Invasion of 1813-14 F 3259 Illustrious Dr. Matheus F 3253 Invasion of France in 1814 F 3254 Madame Therese; or, the Volunteers of '92 [France] F 552 Man-Wolf, and other Tales F 337 1 Outbreak of French Revolution. 3V.F 537 The Plebiscite; a Miller's Storyof the War[Franco-Prusian War] F 546 Polish Jew '. F 3373 The States-General, 1 789 F 3249 Stories of the Rhine F 3255 Waterloo F 520 Sequel to The Conscript. The Wild Huntsman, and other Tales F 3256 Year One of the Republic, 1793.. . .F 3314 Erema. Blackmore F 2473 Eric. Farrar H 388 Eric Brighteyes. Haggard F 4185 Eric, Prince of Lorlonia. Countess of Jersey H 4456 Eric, the Archer. Hervey H 4260 ERICKSON, D. S. Carl Bartlett ; or, What can I do? H 373 Good Measure; Story for Boys H 372 Ericsson, J., the Miner Boy and his Monitor. Headley H 455 ERICSSON, O. A. Cruise under SixFlagsF 3205 Erin-go-Bragh. Maxwell V 1185 Erl Queen. Knobelsdorff Brenkenhoff F 3383 Erlach Court. Kirschner. . F 4700 Erling; or, Days of St. Olaf. Potter.. H 2092 Erling the Bold. Ballantyne H 211 Ernest Bracebridge. Kingston H 491 Ernest Fairfield. Malan H 1967 Ernest Linwood. Hentz F 790 Ernest Maltravers. Lytton F 5006 The same G 377 Errant Wooing. Harrison F 4216 ERROLL, H. An Ugly Duckling G 1292 Ersilia. Poynter G 1030 ERSKINE, Mrs. T. Wyncote. F 544 Esau Hardery. Stoddard...-. F 6690 Esau Runswick. Macquoid F 5258 Escape from Philistia. Jacobus F 4384 Escaped from Siberia. Frith H 1318 ESCHENBACH, M. D. v. E. See EB- NER-ESCHENBACH, M. D. v. ESCHENBACH, O., pseud. See SAL- KOWSKY, E. ESCHSTRUTH, N. v. See KNOBELS- DORFF BRENKENHOFF, N. v. E. ESCRICH, E. P. See PEREZ ESRICH, E. ESLER, E. R. 'Mid Green Pastures. F 3279 The Way they loved at Grimpat. ..F 3278 Contents: Kitty; Eunice; Linnet's Lov- er; Naomi; Good for Nothing; Betty's Luck; Alice; Daisy Wynn; Bessie. Essays in Romance. Skelton F 6598 Estelle Russell G 202 Ester Ried. Alden F 554 Ester Ried yet Speaking. Alden F 2401 Estevan. Musick F 5512 Esther. Compton F 282 1 Esther; a Book for Girls. Carey F 2760 Esther Denison. Sergeant F 6543 Esther Hill's Secret. May G 129 Esther Pennefather. Perry F 13 15 Esther, Story of. Fradenburgh H 1314 Esther Vanhomrigh. Woods F 7649 Esther's Fortune. Lillie H 1746 ESTVAN, M. Harry Delaware; or, an American in Germany F 549 Etelka's Vow. Gerard F 3718 Ethel Mildmay's Follies. King F 553 Ethelyn's Mistake. Holmes F 838 ETHERIDGE, M. L. Mrs. Muff and her Friends H 1277 Ethne. Field F 3582 Etidorpha. Lloyd F 5053 ETTRICK SHEPHERD, The, pseud. See HOQG, J. Eugene Aram. Lytton F 5007 The same *.G 378 Eugeme. Butt F 2685 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac F 2550 Eulenspiegel: Howleglass, the Merry Jester F 1451,1 Marvellous Adventures of Master Tyll Owlglass F 5156 Eunice Quince Conyngham F 8371 European History, Lights and Shadows of. Goodrich H 43 2 . 2 NS CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. European Relations. Dalin 1 7228 Europeans, The. James F 931 Eustace Diamonds. Trollope F 1789 Eustace Marchant. Green F 8912 Eustis. Boit F 2581 Eutaw. Simms F 2054 Euthanasia; or, Turf, Tent and Tomb. F 3280 E va.and other Tales and Poems. LyttonG 379 Evan Harrington. Meredith F 5218 Evangeline, Stories of the Land of. Mc- Leod F 5367 EVANS, A. E. Professor's Daughter. F 3431 Reclaimed F 3430 Second Sight F 3432 The Stepmother's Will; or, the Two ■ Brothers H 1 280 EVANS, A. J. See WILSON, A. J. EVANS, Mrs. F. Some Legendary Landmarks of Africa I 3269 Eve. Gould I 3676 Eve of St. Mark. Doubleday I Eve's Ransom. Gissing F 8940 Evelina. D'Arblay *Fi 15,38-39 The same G 62 The same I 2964 EVELYN, C. Alison Walsh F 3361 Evelyn Marston. Marsh Evening Tales. Ortoli H 1997 Evenings at Haddon Hall. C "attermole I 3fo6 Evenings atHome. Aiken and BarbauldH 120 Evenings at Wychwood Rectory H 375 Evenings in the Duffrey. Kennedy. . . F 1006 Eventide Light. Marshall ( i 1 433 EVERETT.H.L. ThePeople'sProgramF EVERETT, W. Changing Base; What Edward Rice learnt at School. ..H 378 Every Day. Pike I 1317 Every Day's News I Every Inch a Soldier. Stannard F 6874 Evil Eye. Carleton Evil Genius, The. Collins F 2837 The same ( \ 1 25 1 Evolution of Dodd. Smith F 6851 EWALD, H. F. Waldemar Krone's Youth. 2 v F 550 EWINQ, H.B. A Castle in the Air... F 3260 EWINQ, Mrs. J. H. Brothers of Pity, and other Tales of Beasts and Men. . .H 1271 Contents: Brothers of Pity; Father Hedgehog; Toots and Boots; Hens of Hencastle; Flaps. Flat Iron for a Farthing H 1267 The same G 1418 EWINO, Mrs. J. H. Jackanapes; Dad- dy Darwin's Dovecot; Story of a Short Life H 1 272 The same G 952 Jan of the Windmill; a Story of the Plains H 377 Lob-Lie-by-the Fire; the Brownies, and other Tales H 1268 Melchior's Dream; Brothers of Pity, and other Tales H 1 269 Mrs. Overtheway's RemembrancesH 1270 Six to Sixteen; a Story for Girls. . . H 376 Story of a Short Life H 1273 We and the World; a Book for Hoys H 374 Excellent Knave. Molloy F 5371 Exceptional Case, An. R6no F 6207 Exchange no Robbery and other Novel- ettes. Edwards G 966 Executor, The. Hector F 3985 t^xiles.The, and other Stories. Davis. F 3049 Exiles at St. Germains F 3436 Exiles in Babylon. Tucker F 213; Exiles of Fortune. Stables H 245S Exile's Romance, An. Louis F 4927 Expatriation; a Novel F 3270 Expedition of Humphry Clinker. Smol- lett G 565 Experience of Life. Sewell G 1041 Experiences of a Lady Help. StannardF 6895 Experiences of Tom and Sarah Neal. Lamb F 1028 Experiment in Altruism. Sherwood. . F 4299 Expiated. Prior F 525 The same G 203 Expiation. Dorr F 423 Expiation. French F 3567 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. Doyle... F 8459 Extenuating Circumstances. Philips.. G 1443 Eye for an Eye. Trollope G 1093 Eye of Istar. Le Queux F 4867 .ike the Sea. Jokai F 4505 Eyebright. Woolsey H 794 Eyre's Acquittal. Reeves G 1 1 29 EYSTER, Mrs. N. B. A Colonial Boy [Maryland] .* H 1278 EYTINQE, M. W. Ball of the Vegeta- bles, and other Stories H 1 275 EYTINQE, R. and S. A. FISHER. It happened this way F 327 1 Ezra Jordan's Escape. Kaler H 1994 F Cipher, The. Bethune F 7930 F. Grant and Co. Chaney H 1 1 16 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 89 FABER, C. Carroll O'Donoghue; Irish Struggles of 1866 F 3441 Ugly Heroine , F 3442 Fabiola. Wiseman F 1974 FABLES: JEsop. Fables: illus. by Griset . . . . H 861 Fables; selected by Jacobs L 2919 Fables; tr. by Croxall L 2914 Fables; tr. by James L 291 1 Fables; tr. by Townsend L §2910 Anderdon. The Christian /Esop. .M 875 Babrius. Fables; tr. by Davies . . . . L 2913 Bidpai. See Pilpay. Bleek. Reynard the Fox in South Africa L 2594 Florian. Fables E 7267 Laboulaye. Old* Wives' Fables . . . F 4882 La Fontaine. Fables. 2v E 256 Lee. Sea Fables explained K 7395 Lytton. Fables in Song G 993 Northcote. Fables E 1402 Pilpay. Fables... H 1018 Prosser. Original Fables H 2108 Ralston. Knlof and his Fables.. E 1464 Saxe. Fables and ^egends E 459 Stevenson. Fables E 5834 Wesselhoeft. Flipwing, the Spy. . . H 778 Frowzle the Runaway H 2761 The Winds, the Woods and the Wanderer H 790 Yriarte. Literary Fables E 8993 Fables of Field and Staff. Fry e F 872 1 FABRE, F. Abb6 Tigrane, Candidate for the Papal Chair F 564 Face and the Mask, The. Barr F 7918 Face Illumined, A. Roe F 6335 Face to Face, Grant F 3443 Facing Death. Henty H 1502 Facing Fearful Odds. Stables H 2456 Facing the Foot-Lights. Lean G 975 Facing the World. Alger H 927 FADBTTE,pseud. See RODNEY, Mrs. M. C. L. Fadette Dudevant F 8543 Fagots for the Fireside. Hale K 1950 Faience Violin. Fleury F 3386 Fainalls cf Tipton. Johnson F 4452 Fair Barbarian. Burnett F 2670 Fair Emigrant, A. Mulholland F 5321 Fair God. Wallace F 1846 Fair-Haired Alcia. Lean G 887 Fair Half- Dozen, A. Dickinson H 12 13 Fair Harvard. Washburn F 1 887 Fair Jewess. Farjeon F 3435 Fair Maid of Perth. Scott F The same G Fair Philosopher. Hammond F Fair Plebeian. Stone F Fair Puritan. Herbert F Fair Rebel, A, Adventures of. Crim.F Fair Saxon, A. McCarthy F Fair Women. Bridges F Fairchild Family, The. Sherwood . . . . F Faire Gospeller, The. Rathbone F Fairer than a Fairy. Grant F Fairfax. Cooke F Fairhaven Fourteen. Tallman H Fairpoint Nine. Brooks H Fairy Book. Craik H Fairy Book. MacS H Fairy Book, Blue. Lang H Fairy Book, Green. Lang H Fairy Book, Red. Lang H Fairy Book, Yellow. Lang H FAIRY TALES: Alcott. Lulu's Library. 3 v.. Andersen. Danish Fairy Legends and Tales I The Sandhills of Jutland F Stories and Tales F Wonder Stories told for Children F Arrom. Spanish Fairy Tales H Asbjornsen. Folk and Fairy Tales.H Atkinson. Last of the Giant KillersH Scenes in Fairy Land H Aulnoy, Comtesse a". Fairy Tales.H Austin. Moonfolk H Bain. CossackFairyandFolkTales.H Blodgett. Fairy Tales H Brabourne. Friends and Foes from Fairy Land H Higgledy-Piggledy H The Magic Oak-Tree, and Prince Filderkin ,„ H Moonshine; Fairy Stories H Queer Folk; Seven Stories H Tales at Tea-Time H Whispers from Fairyland H Brentano. Fairy Tales H Broome, Lady. The White Rat, and other Stories H Champney. The Bubbling TeapotH Chodsko. Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen H Coleridge. Phantasmion H Comptbn. Snowbird, and other Amer- ican Indian Tales H 2157 540 2924 6624 801 3141 5263 601 1545.2 2097 8814 313 2478 259- 310 538 1719- 1718 1720 1714 H 139 3101 51 52 54 148 95 3081 948 862 100 3130 3230 1526 5i5 3266 496 497 500 514 1701 199 1115 3477 302 3521 90 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY- FAIRY TALES: Cr.uk. Fairy Book H 310 Is it True? H 308 The little Lame Prince G qoi Croker. Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland F 2000 The same I 3601 Curtin. Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World (Munster) F 8431 Dasent. Tales from the Norse F 2Q2I De la Rame\ Bimbi G 708 The same H 2201 De Morgan. Fairy Tales H 1957 Fairy Legends of the French Prov- inces H 1309 Field. Little Book of Profitable Tales H 1339 Frere. Eastern Fairy Legends. . .H 380 Fuller. In Poppy Land H 1341 GallettidiCadilhac. PrincePeerlessH 1107 Gilbert. Foggerty's Fairy and other Tales F 3733 Goddard. Fairy Tales in Other Lands H 1 426 Gould. Book of Fairy Tales H 1 438 Old English Fairy Tales H 401 1 Grant. The Knave of Hearts F 3694 Griffis. Japanese Fairy World. . .H 1448 Grimm. Fairy Tales F 718 The same I 31 14 Household Stories. 2 v I 2965 Hacklander. Enchanting and En- chanted H 444 Hamilton. Fairy Tales and Ro- mances I 3099 Harris. Little Mr. Thimble-fingerH 4175 Mr. Rabbit at Home H 4 1 76 Harrison. In Story- Land H 4193 Harte. Queen of the Pirate Isle.. H 4170 Hauff. Arabian Days' Entertain- ments F 766 Tales of the Caravan, Inn and Palace H 1495 Hawthorne. Tanglewood Tales. . J 88 Wonderbook for Boys and Girls J 87 Horwitz. Swanhilde, and other Fairy Tales H 1542 Jacobs. Celtic Fairy Tales H 1585 English Fairy Tales H 1 587 Indian Fairy Tales H 1 586 More Celtic Fairy Tales H 1 584 More English Fairy Tales H 1715 Jerdon. Keyhole Country H 1620 FAIRY TALES: Jersey, Countess of. Eric, Prince of Lorlonia H 4456 Jokai, Sand and others. Golden Fairy Book H 1427 Keightley. Fairy Mythology I 3354 Kingsley/C. The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales F 988 The Water-Babies H 489 Ki gsley, H. The Boy in Grey. .. H 400 Knox. Cornertown Chronicles . . .H 1703 Kremnitz. Roumanian Fairy TalesH 1705 Laboulaye. Abdallah I 3892 Fairy Tales of all Nations F 102 1 The same H 1 726 Last Fairy Tales H 1725 Old Wives' Fables F 4882 Lang. Blue Fairy Book H 1719 The Gold of Fairnilee H 1 728 Green Fairy Book H 1718 My own Fairy Book H 171 2 Red Fairy Book H 1 720 Yellow Fairy Book H 1 - 1 4 Leland. Johnnykin and the Gob- lins H 1736 Lemon. Fairy Tales H 1717 Legends of Number Nip F 4896 Lockwood. Little Giant Boab H 1 755 Lothrop. Two Modern Little Princes, and other Stories H 2344 McCook. Old Farm Fairies H 1946 MacDonald. Princess and Curdie.G 1103 The Princess and the Goblins.. . H 535 Mace\ Fairy Book H 538 Maclaren. The Fairy Family H 1804 Maguire. Young Prince Marigold.H 1807 Matthews. Indian Fairy Tales. . .H 552 Mitchell. Prince Little Boy H 1870 Molesworth. The Cuckoo Clock.. H 1843 Morgan. Baron Bruno, and other Stories H 1823 Mother Goose's Fairy Tales H 1945,2 New Arabian Nights H 1659 Nichols. Princess Girlikin H 1957 Pemberton. Fairy Tales of Every Day H 2055 Petersen. The Will-o'-the Wisps. F 5006 Polevoi. Russian Fairy Stories. ..H 212; Pyle. Otto of the Silver Hand . . . . H 2 103 Twilight Land H 2 102 The Wonder Clock F 5088 Raju. The Tales of the Sixty Man- darins H 2228 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 91 FAIRY TALES: Richards. Joyous Story of Toto. .H 2227 Ritson. Fairy Tales L 2531 Ruskin. The King of the Golden River K 9 Salsbury. The Purple Hyacinth.. H 2312 Scudder. Book of Folk Stories... H 2304 Seven Little People H 2300 Squance. Miss Mackerell Skye. . H 2362 Stockton. Ting-a-Ling Tales H 2405 The Floating Prince and other Fairy Tales H 2404 The Watchmaker's Wife, and other Stories F 6722 Stoker. Under the Sunset E 5757 Thorpe (Ed.). Yule-Tide Stories. . I 3367 Tucker. Fairy Know-a-Bit H 752 Valentine. Old, Old Fairy Tales. H 261 1 Wesselhoeft. Fairy Folk of Blue Hill H 2760 Wilde. Happy Prince, and other Tales H 2675 Young King; Star-Child H 2676 Wordsworth. Snow Garden, and other Fairy Tales H 2773 Fairy Family, The. Maclaren H 1804 Fairy Fingers. Ritchie F 1419 Fairy-Folk of Blue Hill. Wesselhoeft.H 2760 Fairy Gold. Kirk F 4691 Fairy Know-a-Bit. Tucker H 752 Fairy Legends, Danish. Andersen I 3101 Fairy Legends, Eastern. Frere H 380 Fairy Legends of the French Provinces.H 1309 Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. Croker F 2900 The same I 3601 Fairy Mythology. Keightley I 3354 Fairy Tales. Aulnoy H 862 Fairy Tales. Blodgett H 3230 Fairy Tales. Brentano H 1701 Fairy Tales. De Morgan H 1957 Fairy Tales. Grimm I 31 14 Fairy Tales. Laboulaye H 1726 Fairy Tales. Lemon H 1717 Fairy Tales; ed. by Ritson L 2531 Fairy Tales and Romances. Hamilton. . I 3099 Fairy Tales in other Lands. Goddard. . H 1426 Fairy Tales of All Nations. Laboulaye. F 102 1 Fairy Tales of Every Day. Pemberton.H 2055 Faith. Palacio Vald£s F 7284 Faith and Unfaith. Hungerford F 55 The same G 856 Faith Doctor, The. Eggleston F 3236 Faith Gartney's Girlhood. Whitney... F 1930 Faith, Hope and Charity. Lisle F 4908 Faith Unwin's Ordeal. May G 130 Faithful Lover. Macquoid G II II Faithful Margaret. Ashmore F 73 Faithful Traitor. Rowlands F 6423 Falcon Family. Savage F 1484 Falcon of Langeac. Whitely F 9967 Falconberg. Boyesen F 2590 FALCONER, L., pseud. See HAWKER, M. FALKENHORST, C. With Columbus in America F 3394 Falkland. Lytton F 5003 The same G 380 FALKNER.W.C. Little Brick ChurchF 3449 White Rose of Memphis F 3448 Falkner Lyle. Lemon G 325 Fall of Asgard. 2 v. Corbett. F 2859 Fall of Damascus. Russell F 1457 Fall of Somerset. Ainsworth G 694 Fall of the Crimea. Spencer A 2012 Fallen Fortunes. Payn F 1299 The same G 781 Fallen Idol. Guthrie F 2380 The same G 1260 Fallen Leaves. Collins G 929 Fallen Race, The. Granville F 3798 False Coin or True? Montrgsor F 5636 False Colors. Cudlip F 1783 False Heir. James G 265 False Start, A. Smart F 6650 False Witness. Lillie H 1747 Fame and Fortune. Alger H 154,2 Fame and Sorrow. Balzac F 2242 Familiar Letters of Peppermint Perkins.F 3447 Familiar Talk to Boys. Hall H 450 Family Affair, A. Fargus F 3454 The same G 1073 Family Dilemma, The. Lillie H 1767 Family Feud. Harder F 3962 Family Flight around Home. Halc.H 1484 Family Flight over Egypt and Syria. Hale I 1668 Family Flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. Hale.. I 663 Family Flight through Mexico. Hale.. I 5583 Family Flight through Spain. Hale... I 6944 Family Fortunes. Mayo F 639 Family Happiness. Tolstoi F 7009 Same as Katia. Family of the Black Forest F 3453 Family Secret. Andrew F 61 Family Secrets. 3 V. Ellis F 541 '.♦•_> CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Family Tree. Fonblanque F 609 Family Tree, and other Stories. Mat- thews F 5249 Family without a name. Verne F 7320 Famous, or Infamous. Cudlip F 7035 Famous Men of Ancient Times. Good- rich H 433,2 Famous Men of Modern Times. Good- rich H 433.1 Famous Victory [Am. Politics] F 3452 Fanchette. Cooke F 3451 Fanchon, the Cricket. Dudevant F 452 Fanciful Tales. Stockton H 2364 FANE.Vlolet,/^*,/. See SINGLETON. Fannie St. John. Delesdernier F 3188 FANNY PERU, pseud. See PARTON, S. P. Fanny Mansfield ; or, the Adopted Sister.H 381 Fanny's Autobiography. Drake H 3641 Fanshawe. Hawthorne J 77 Fantasy. Scarfoglio F 6553 Far above Rubies. Riddell G 519 Far Away and Long Ago. Kemble....F 998 Far from Home. Kiihne F 2966 Far from the Madding Crowd. Hardy. G 955 Far from To- Day. Hall F 4174 Far in the Forest. Mitchell F 5282 Fardorougha, the Miser. Carleton F 204 FAROUS, F. J. {Hugh Conway). Bound Together; Tales F 2827 The same G 1071 Called Back F 2825 The same G 1072 A Cardinal Sin F 3456 Carriston's Gift, and other Tales. ..F 2824 Contents: Carriston's Gift; Ch'wton. Abbot; Paul Vargas; A Dead's Man's Face: Julianvanneck; The Bichwa. Dark Days F 2826 The same G 1077 A Family Affair F 3454 The same G 1073 Living or Dead? F 3457 The same G 1255 Slings' and Arrows, and other Tales. F 3455 Contents: Slings and Arrows; The Story of a Sculptor; At what a Cost; Capital Wine. FARINA,S. Signorl F 3569 Farina. Meredith F 5220 FARJEON, B. L. Basil and Annette. F 3621 Betrayal of John Fordham F 8770 Bread-and-Cheese and Kisses F 561 Christmas Angel F 3463 Duchess of Rosemary Lane F 569 FARJEON, B. L. A Fair Jewess F 3435 For the Defence F 3439 Grif; Story of Australian Life F 559 Island Pearl F 568 Joshua Marvel V 556 London's Heart F -557 Mrs. Isaacs; a Christmas Story F 3461 Same as Solomon Isaacs. The Sacred Nugget F 3462 The Shield of Love F 3623 Solomon Isaacs F 3460 Something Occurred F 3440 Ties — Human and Divine F 3438 and others. Three Times Tried, and other Stories F 3459 Farleyes of Farleye. Potter F 1347 Farm in the Karoo. Hobson H 1512 Farm of Muiceron. Rheil F 439 Farm-House Cobweb. Haynes F 4222 FARMER, L. H. Aunt Belindy's Points of View; Modern Mrs. MalapropF 3376 Boys' Book of Famous Rulers C 2067 Girls' Book of Famous Queens C 3326 Doom of the Holy City; Christ and Caesar F 8761 A Knight of Faith F 3445 Farmer- Boy,Lifeof\Vashington.Heady.H 453 Farmer's Boy, The. Johnson H 1 591 Farming. Munkittrick K 6823 Farnell's Folly. Trowbridge F 7071 FARQUHAR, A. A Singer's Heart.. .F 8685 FARQUHARSON, M. See FINLEY, M. FARR, F. The Dancing Faun F 3315 Farragut, D. G., Midshipman Farragut. Barnes H 3181 FARRAR, C.A.J. From Lake to Lake; [The Wilds of Maine] H 1282 Lake and Forest Series H 1281 v. 1. Eastward, Ho! 2. Wild Woods Life. 3. Down the West Branch. 4. Up the North Branch. FARRAR, Mrs. E. W. R. Young Folks' Robinson Crusoe H 2685 FARRAR, F. W. Darkness and Dawn; or, the Days of Nero F 3413 Eric; or, Little by Little H 388 Gathering Clouds; Days of St. Chrys- ostom F 3418 Julian Home; a Tale of College LifeH 389 St. Winifred's; or, the World of School H 300 Farrars of Budge Row. Martineau F 1 1 5 1 ,8 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 93 FARRIt, H. C. {Hugh lVestdury).ActeG 1392 Frederick Hazzleden F 7553 FARRINGTON, M. V. Fra Lippo LippiF 3583 King Arthur and his Knights F 3444 Fashion of the World. Reeves G 1267 Fashionable Sufferer. Hoppin F 4029 Fast Friends. Trowbridge H 735 Fast in the Ice. Ballantyne H 218 Fast Mail, The. Drysdale H 3655,2 Fatal Boots, The. Thackeray G 588,3 Fatal Misunderstanding.and otherStories. Behrens F 7936 Fatal Past. Russell F 6347 Fatal Phryne. Philips and Wills F 5914 The same G 1342 Fatal Three, The. Maxwell G 1285 Fate at the Door. Be v den F 8096 Fate of Father Sheehy. Sadlier F 1469 Fate of Fenella. Reeves and others. .F 6209 Fate of Madame La Tour. Paddock.. F 5924 Fate of Manafield Hamphreys. WhiteF 7522 Fate of Marcel. Harlan E 7443 The same F 3969 Fated to be Free* Ingelow F 899 The same G 755 Father and Daughter. Bremer F 172 Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge H 736,2 Father Connell. Banim F 106 Father Fervent. Bamford H 983 Father Gander's Melodies. Samuels.. H 2273 Father Lambert's Family. Bamford.. H 981 Father of Six. Potapeiko F 7245 Father Oswald ; a Catholic Story ...... F 575 Father Rowland. Pise F 586 Father Sheehy, Fate of. Sadlier F 1469 Father Stafford. Hawkins F 4236 Fathers and Sons. Turgenev h 1812 Fault of One, The. Rowlands F 6413 FAUST, J. Doctor Faustus F 1451,1 The same F 6970,3 Faustine. Booth F 6282 Favourite Stories for the Nursery H 1343 Contents: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; Tom Thumb; Sleeping Beau- ty; Little Red Riding-Hood; Hop o' my Thumb; The Children in the Wood; Simple Hans in Luck and out of it; Sin- bad the Sailor; Blue Beard; The Yel- low Dwarf. Favourite Tales for the Nursery H 1342 Contents: Puss in Boots; Cinderella; Whittington and his Cat; Jack and the Bean-Stalk; The Three Bears: Alad- din and the Wonderful Lamp; Jack, the Giant Killer; Beauty and the Beast. Faustus. Klinger F 4710 FAWCETT, E. The Adopted Daugh- ter F 3628 The Adventures of a Widow F 3474 An Ambitious Woman F 3472 Confessions of Claud F 3467 A Demoralizing Marriage F 3464 Divided Lives F 3469 Douglas Duane F 3848 Gentleman of Leisure F 3471 An Heir to Millions F 3600 Her Fair Fame F 3367 Hopeless Case F 3470 The House at High Bridge F 3466 How a Husband forgave F 3599 A Mild Barbarian F 3368 A New York Family F 3597 Olivia Delaplaine F 3468 Outrageous Fortune F 3366 Purple and Fine Linen F 560 Romance of Old New York F 3369 Rutherford. , F 3473 Social Silhouettes F 3465 Tinkling Cymbals F 3475 Women must Weep F 3598 FAWCETT, E. D. Secret of the Des- ert; or, How we crossed Arabia. H 1394 FAWCETT, M. Q. Tales in Political Economy L 414 Fay Banning. Bloomfield F 8001 Fearful Responsibility. Howells F 4022 Fearsome Island. Kinross F 47 1 1 Feasts of Camelot. Hervey : . . . . H 1 500 Feats on the Fiord. Martineau F 5298 Feet of Clay. Barr F 2619 Feet of Love. Aldrich F 2355 Felicia. Edwards G 737 Felicia. Murfree F 5323 Felicitas. Dahn F 2928 Felix Holt, the Radical. Cross F 1058 The same G 363 Felix Lanzberg's Expiation. Kirschner.F 4704 Fellah, The. About F n Fellow Travellers. Fuller F 3576 Fellow Travellers. Travers F 7148 Fellowe and his Wife, A. Teuffel and Sharpe F 4192 Felmeres, The. Elliott F 3230 Female Nihilist. Lavigne F 4916 Female Quixote. Lennox *F 115,24-25 Fencing with Shadows. Griswold F 3783 FENELON, F. de S. de La M. Adven- tures of Telemachus F 3479 '.•1 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. FENN, Q. M. Begumbach; A Tale of the Indian Mutiny F 8691 Contents: Begumbach; The Golden Incu- bus; In a Gout; A Fight with a Storm. Beneath the Sea; a Story of the Cor- nish Coast H 1369 Brownsmith's Boy H 1288 Bunyip Land; Among the Black Fel- lows in New Guinea F 3484 Burr Junior H 1370 Clerk of Portwick G 948 Commodore Junk H 1372 Cormorant Crag; a Tale of Smug- gling Days H 1367 Crown and Sceptre H 1371 Cutlass an-1 Cudgel H 1307 The Dark House F 3488 Devon Boys H 1289 Diamond Dyke; Story of South Afri- can Adventure H 1379 Double Cunning F 3490 A Double Knot F . 3595 Eli's Children F First in the Field; a Story of New South Wales H 1378 A Fluttered Dovecote F 3593 Gil the Gunner H 1374 The Golden Magnet; the Land of the Incas F 3483 The Grand Chaco H 1552 The Haute Noblesse F 3426 In Honour's Cause; Tale of the Days of George I H 1366 In Marine Armor H 1376 In the King's Name [Rebellion of 1745] H 1290 Lady Maude's Mania F 3427 A Life's Eclipse F 8692 Lord John; or, a Search for Gold.. F 8690 Mass* George ; Adventures in the Old Savannahs H 1308 Master of the Ceremonies F 3491 Menhardoc;CornishNetsand MinesH 1304 Middy and Ensign; Tale of the Ma- lay Peninsula H 1291 A Mint of Money F 3592 Morgan's Horror F 3489 The Mynn's Mystery F 3425 Nat the Naturalist; Adventures in the Eastern Seas H 1 305 The N ew Mistress F 3594 Nurse Elisia F 3428 One Maid's Mischief F 3591 FENN, O. M. Parson o'Dumford F 3487 The same G 93 1 Patience Wins H 1368 Poverty Corner F The Queen's Scarlet F 8694 Quicksilver; Boy with no Skid to his Wheel H 1303 The Rajah of Dah H 1 375 Sawn off; Tale of a Family Tree..F 3423 Silver Canon; Tale of the Western Plains H 1292 Story of Antony Grace F 3500 Sweet Mace; a Sussex Legend. 3V.F 3482 Syd Belton H 1373 The Tiger Lily F 8693 The Vast Abyss H 1377 Vicar's People F 3477 Witness to the Deed F 3429 The Young Castellan; Tale of the English Civil War H 1363 Yussuf, the Guide; Travels in Asia Minor H 1 302 and others. Seven Frozen Sailors..F 8689 FENN, W. W. 'Twixt the Lights; Odd Tales for Odd Times. 2v.F 3422 Fenton's Quest. Maxwell G 37 Ferdinand's Adventures. Brabournc.H 1522 Ferdinand Tomasso, Adventures of. Lehmos F 5070 Ferguson, J., the Peasant Boy Philoso- pher. Mayhew H 556 FEROUSON, S. Hibernian Nights' En- tertainments F 600 FERGUSON, V. N. (" V."). Music bath Charms F 3363 FERN, Fanny, pseud. See PARTON, S. P. Fernando de Lemos. Gayarr£ F 650 Feme Fleming. Warfield F 1900 Ferragus, Chief of the D£vorants. Bal- zac F 7888 FERRER, M. Robert Mornay F 3485 FERRES, A. His First Kangaroo; an Australian Story H 1389 FERRIER, S. E. Destiny; or, the Chief's Daughter [Time of George IV.]. F 1487 The Inheritance [Time of George IV.] F 1488 Marriage. 3 v. [Time of George I V.].F 565 FESTETITS, K. N. Leslie Rossiter.. .H 134s Fettered for Life. Blake F 162 Fettered, yet Free. Swan F 6836 Feud of Oakfield Creek. Royce F 6345 FEUILLET, O. Aliette (La Morte). . .F 3492 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 95 FEUILLET, O. An Artist's Honor. . . F 3622 Camors F 3481 Same as Count de Camors. Led Astray F 567 Contents: Led Astray, or, La Petite Comtesse; The Sphinx, or. Julia de Trecoeur; Bellah. Marriage in High Life F 592 Romance of a Poor Young Man ... F 598 Story of Sibylle F 599 FEVAL.P. H. C. Lagardere, the Hunch- back of Paris F 3596 Fever of Life. Hume F 4272 Few Friends, A. Dodge H 348 FEYDEAU, E. A. Ballet Dancer's Hus- band F 3486 Same as Barberine. Fiammetta. Story F 6697 Fiddling Freddy. Floyd H 393 Fidelis. Cross F 8376 FIELD, C. L. High-Lights F 3094 FIELD, E. Culture's Garland E 2884 The Holy Cross, and other Tales. . F 3392 Contents: The Holy Cross; The Rose and the Thrush; The Pagan Seal-wife; Flail, Trask and Bisland, The Touch in the Heart; Daniel and the Devil; Me- thuselah; Felice and Petit-Poulain;The River; Franz Abt; Mistress Merciless. The House F 8774 Little Book of Profitable Tales H 1339 Second Book of Tales F 8775 FIELD, Mrs. E. M. S. Bryda; Story of the Indian Mutiny F 3563 Ethne; Settlement of Ireland by Cromwell F 3582 FIELD, M. Leaves from the Ash F 3494 Secret of Fontaine-La-Croix F 3564 FIELD, R. M. In Sunflower Land; Stories F 3391 Field and Forest. Adams H 109,1 Field Cricket. Candeze H 1081 Field of Ice. Verne F 1840 FIELDE, A. M. (Tr.). Chinese Nights' Entertainment; Forty Stories F 3389 FIELDING, H. History of Amelia. . . . F 570 The same I 2982 The same J 60 Joseph Andrews *F 115,18 The same I 2983 The same J 60 Tom Jones *F 1 15,19-21 The same G 745 The same J 60 The same. 2v I 2971 FIELDING, S. Adventures of David Simple. 2 v F 3636 FIELDS, Mrs. A. A. Asphodel F 7 FIELDS, Mrs. C. C. Two Gentlemen of Boston F 7030 Fiend Incarnate. Malcolm F 5623 Fiery Cross. Hutton H 1531 Fifteen. Conklin H 1105 1572; Chronicles of Charles IX. Meri- m£e F 5 194 Fifty Pounds. Coleridge H 1 148 Fifty Pounds for a Wife. Glyn F 3771 Fifty Years, Three Months, Two Days. Wolff F 7616 Figaro Fiction. Pollard F 6022 Fight it out on this Line. Headley...H 456 Fight of Faith. 2 v. Hall F 720 Fight with Fate, A. Hector F 4131 Fight with Fortune. Collins G 921 Fighting for the Flag Series. See Norton, C. L. Fighting for the Right. Adams H 890,5 Fighting Joe. Adams H 105,5 Fighting Phil Sheridan. Headley H 457 Fighting the Air. Lean G 891 Fighting the Flames. Ballantyne H 212 Same as Fire Brigade. Fighting the Saracens. Henty H 1503 Same as Boy Knight, and Win- ning his Spurs. Fighting the Whales. Ballantyne H 219 Figs and Thistles. Tourgge F 7041 File No. 1 13. Gaboriau . F 637 FILON, P. M. A. Garrick's Pupil... F 3393 Final Reckoning. Henty H 1474 Final War, The. Tracy F 7132 Financial School at Farmerville. Bar- ley F 8773 Finding Blodgett. Hamilton H 1554 Fine Feathers do not make Fine Birds. Neely H 574,2 FINLEY, M. (Af. Farquharson). Cas- ella [The Waldenses, 1655] F 563 The Elsie Books: Elsie Dinsmore H 403 Holidays at Roselands H 383 Elsie's Girlhood H 404 Elsie's Womanhood H 405 Elsie's Motherhood H 406 Elsie's Children H 385 Elsie's Widowhood H 384 Grandmother Elsie H 407 Elsie's New Relations H 1296 Elsie at Nantucket H 1298 •.♦.; CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. FINLEY, M. {M. Farquharson). The Two Elsie's H 1299 Elsie's Kith and Kin H 1293 Elsie's Friends at Woodburn H 1294 Christmas with Grandma Elsie.. H 1330 Elsie and the Raymonds H 1 333 Elsie Yachting with the Ray- monds H 1331 Elsie's Vacation and after E vents H 1 332 Elsie at Viamede H 1329 Elsie at Ion H 1328 Elsie at the World's Fair H 1383 Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters. H 1384 Elsie at Home H 1385 Lilian F 571 Mildred Stories H 1297 v. I. Mildred Keith. 2. Mildred at Roselands. 3. Mildred and Elsie. 4. Mildred's Married Life. 5. Mildred at Home. 6. Mildred's Boys and Girls. 7. Mildred's New Daughter... H 1382 Old Fashioned Boy H 386 Our Fred; or, Seminary Life H 1295 Signing the Contract and what it cost F 3500 Thorn in the Nest F 3493 Tragedy of Wild River Valley . . . . F 3395 Wanted— a Pedigree F 558 FINN, Mrs. E. A. M. Home in the Holy Land ; Modern Jerusalem F 3409 A Third Year in Jerusalem Y 3414 Sequel to Home in the Holy Land. FINN, F. J. Mostly Boys ; Short Stories. H 1 380 FIRDAUSI. Epic of Kings; Stories retold from Firdusi F 3498 Fire and Flame. Schuecking F 1694 Fire Brigade. Ballantyne H 212 Fire-Flies and Mosquitoes. Moore H 1875 Fire in the Woods. De Mille H 330,4 Fire of London. Fullerton F 604 Firelight Stories. Moulton H 1831 Fireside Chronicles .of the Family Story Teller. Diaz H 350 Fireside Sketches from Swedish Life. Baker F 8078 Firm of Girdlestone. Doyle F 30)6 FirstArlair.andotherSketches. Mitchell. F 9467 First Family of Tasajara. Harte F 3864 First Fam'lies of the Sierras. Miller.. .F 5289 Same as Danites in the Sierras. First Fleet Family. Beckeand Jeffery.F 7933 First Harvests. Stimson F 6527 First History of Greece. Sewell A 50 First in the Field. Fenn H 1378 First Love and Last Love. Grant F 8815 First of the English. Gunter F 8970 First of the Knickerbockers. Myers.. F 3390 First Person Singular. Murray F 9541 First Republic. 2 v. Dumas F 8482 First Supper, The. Sturges F 6854 First Violin, The. Fothergill F 3536 The same G 935 FIRTH, E. M. Stories of Old Greece.H 1344 FIRTH, Mrs. E. T. Kind Hearts. ... H 1300 FISHER, F. C. S^TIERNAN, Mrs. F. C. FISHER, Q. P., Jr. Out of the Woods. F 8704 Fisher Boy. Kingston H 1660 Fisher Boy. Tripp F 1777 Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove. KelloggH 483,6 Fisher Girl of France. Calmettes F 3327 Fisher Maiden. Bjornson F 156 The same F 7901,2 Fisherman's Daughter. Conscience. . .F 293,5 Fisherman's Daughter. Montgomery.. G 1335 Fisherman's Daughter. Vattier F 7300 Fishin' Jimmy. Slosson H 2360 FISKE, A. K. Beyond the Bourn; Re- portsfrom Undiscovered Country.F 3632 FITCH, C. Knighting of the Twins, and Ten other Tales H 1361 Some Correspondence and Six Con- versations F 8701 A Wave of Life F 3407 FITCH, T. and A. M. Better Days; or, a Millionaire of To-morrow F 3408 Fitch Club, The. Williams H 1614 FITTS, J. F. Captain Kidd's Gold...H 1306 Fitz-Boodle Papers. Thackeray G 588,7 Fitz of Fitz-Ford. Bray F 2209,4 FITZ-GERALD, P. H. Three Weeks at Mopetown F 3419 Young Ccclebs. 3V F 3501 FITZGERALD, S. J. A. The Zanki wank and the Bletherwitch ,H 1391 Five Days' Entertainments. Palgrave.H 592 Five Friends. Alden H 917 Five Hundred Dollar £heck. Alger. H 929 Five Hundred Dollars, and other Stories. Chaplin F 7610 Five Hundred Majority. Hume F 1238 Five Hundred Pounds Reward F 574 Five Little Peppers and how they grew. Lothrop H 2340 Five Little Peppers grown up. Lothrop.H 2353 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 97 Five Little Peppers Midway. Lothrop.H 2338 Five Little Southerners. Porter F 5889 Five Old Friends. Ritchie G 824 Five Weeks in a Balloon. Verne F 1824 Fixed Period. Trollope G 1183 Flag-Lieutenant, The. Sadler H 2291 Flag of Truce. Warner H 757 Flag on the Mill. Sleight F 6606 FLAGG, E. E. Between two Opinions.F 3507 FLAGG, W. J. Good Investment [Up- per Ohio; Am. Civil War] F 591 Wall Street and the Woods F 3502 Flamingo Feather, The. Munroe H 1856 Flaminia, and other Stories F 584 FLAMMAR10N,N.C. Omega; the Last Days of the World F 3631 Uranie F 3581 Flash of Summer, A. Clifford F 4824 FLANDERS, H. {Oliver Thurston). Ad- ventures of a Virginian F 6985 Flat Iron for a Farthing. Ewing G 1418 The same H 1267 Flatland. Abbott F 2430 FLAUBERT, G. Salammbd F 3504 Flaws; by a Lawyer F 3503 Flaxie Frizzle. Clarke H 1079,1 Flaxie Frizzle Stories. See Clarke, R. S. Flaxie growing up. Clarke H 1079,6 Fleetwood; or, the Man of Feeling. God- win F 671 FLEMING, Mrs. A. M. K. A Pinch- beck Goddess F 8722 FLEMING, Q.,pseud. See FLETCHER, J. C. FLEMING, M. A. Actress' Daughter.F 3515 Carried by Storm F 3522 Changed Heart F 35 19 Edith Percival F 3513 Guy Earlscourt's Wife F 594 Heir of Charlton F 352 1 Kate Danton; or, Captain Danton s Daughters F 588 Lost for a Woman F 3523 Mad Marriage F 597 Norine's Revenge; Sir Noel's Heir.F 593 One Night's Mystery F 589 Pride and Passion F 35 18 Queen of the Isle F 3514 Sharing her Crime F 35 16 Silent and True; or, a Little Queen. F 590 Terrible Secret F 596 Wife's Tragedy F 3520 Wonderful Woman F 595 Wronged Wife. F 3517 FLEMMING, Harford, pseud. See Mc- CLELLAN, Mrs. H. H. FLETCHER, J.C. {George Fleming). An- dromeda F 35 1 1 Head of Medusa F 3512 Kismet [Life on the Nile] F 2183 Mirage [Syria] F 2189 Truth about Clement Ker F 3509 Vestigia [Italy] F 5313 FLETCHER, J. S. At the Gate of the Fold F 8733 In the Days of Drake F 8734 Mistress Spitfire [English Revolu- tion of 1642-44] F 8732 When Charles the First was King, 1632-49 F 8730 Where Highways cross F 8731 The Wonderful City H 1346 FLETCHER, R. H. The Johnstown Stage, and other Stories F 3385 Contents: The Johnstown Stage; Corner Lots; Gentleman Jack; Moses Cohen, the Jew; Castaway; Between the Acts; Dick; The Old Spanish Bedstead, a Ghost Story; The Mystery of a Studio. Fleurange. Craven F 345 FLEURIOT, Z. M. A. Eagle and DoveF 573 FLEURY, J. The Faience Violin F 3386 Flight of a Pigeon, and other Stories. Henry H 4201 Flight of the Shadow. Mac Donald.. . . F 5254 Flight of the " Swallow." Morgan F 5585 Flights inside and outside Paradise. Pear- son F 5937 FLINN, J. J. Mysterious Disappear- ance of Helen St. Vincent F 3362 FLINT, Sargent, pseud. See EATON F. Flip; a California Romance. Hartc.F 3948 The same J 75,6 Flipwing, the Spy. Wesselhoeff H 778 Flirtations in Fashionable Life. Sinclair F 1 558 Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. Hartley G 1 100 Floating City. Verne F 1834 Floating Light of Goodwin Sands. Bal- lantyne H 222 Floating Prince, and other Fairy Tales. Stockton H 2404 Flock of Girls and Boys. Perry H 2068 Flock of Girls and their Friends. PerryH 2062 Florabel's Lover. Libbey F 5055 FLORENCE, W. J. Florence Fables.F 3562 Florence and John. Abbott H 17,1 Florence Stories. See Abbott, J. 98 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Florence's Return. Abbott H 17,6 Florentine Nights. Heine F 4241 Florida Enchantment, A. Gunter and Redmond F 3720 Flotsam. Scott F 5518 Flower and Weed. Maxwell G 1 239 Flower de Hundred. Harrison F 3814 Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces. RichterG 518 The same I 2906 Flower of Doom, The, and other Stories. Edwards F 3227 Flower of Forgiveness, The. Steel F 6715 Flower of France, A. Ryan F 6372 Flower of Gala Water. Barr F 8045 Flower of the Family. Prentiss H 600 Flower of the Flock. Egan H 1243 Flower of the Forest. Gibbon F 3742 Flowers for the Altar; or, Play and Ear- nest H 291,1 Flowery Scroll; tr. by Bowring F 2582 FLOYD, C. (Neil Forest). Fiddling Fred- dy H 393 Jack and Rose H 394 Mice at Play H 395 FLOYD, I. H. Stolen America F 3579 Floyd Grandon's Honor. Douglas F 2994 Flute and Violin. Allen F 2321 Fluttered Dovecote. Fenn F 3593 Flying Hill Farm. Swett H 2441 FLYNN, D. Destiny; or, the Priest's Blessing F 612 FOA, E. Biographical Sketches H 392 The Boy Life of Napoleon H 391 Foam of the Sea. Hall F 4173 Foe in the Household. Chesebro" F 231 Foes in Ambush. King F 4624 Foes of her Household. Douglas F 2998 Fog Princes. James F 7467 FOGAZZARO, A. Daniele Cortis. . ..F 3553 FOQERTY, J. Countess Irene [Austria, 19th Century] F 3630 Foggerty's Fairy, and other Tales. Gil- bert F 3733 Foggy Night at Oflford. Wood G 637 Foiled by a Lawyer; a Story of Chicago.F 3534 Folk and Fairy Tales. Asbjornsen. . . H 95 Folk-Lore of Rome. Busk F 2632 FOLK TALES AND LEGENDS: Allen. Korean Tales F 2373 Asbjornsen. Folk and Fairy Tales.H 95 Round the Yule Log; Norwegian Folk and Fairy Tales H 3060 Tales from the Fjeld F 2921 FOLK TALES AND LEGENDS: Bain. Cossack Fairy and r'olk TalesH 3 1 30 Bassett. Legends of the Sea and Sailors K 5915: Brabourne. River Legends H 1523 Bulfinch. Legends of Charlemagne.A 263 Busk. Folk-Lore of Rome F 2632 Folk-Songs of Italy E 6879 Roman Legends F 120 Sagas from the Far East; Kalmouk and Mongolian Tales F 6567 Campbell. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. 4v F 8146 Chatelain. Folk-Tales of Angola.L 5409,1 Clarke. Legend of Thomas Didy- mus F 2761 Clouston. Popular Tales and Fic- tions. 2v L 2530 Crane. Italian Popular Tales F 2871 Curtin. Hero-Tales of Ireland F 8430 Myths and Folk-Tales of the Rus- sians L 2532 Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland. L 2527 Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World F 8431 Day. Folk-Tales of Bengal F 2927 Douglas, Sir G. Scottish Fairy and Folk-Tales L 5402 Douglas, R. K. Chinese Stories. .F 8503 Drake. New England Legends and Folk Lore B 3725 Edwards. Bahama Songs and Stories L 5409,3 Evans. Legendary Landmarks of Africa F 3269 Fairy Legends of the French Prov- inces H 1309 Fausbdll. Buddhist Birth Stories. .J 231 1 Fielde. Chinese Nights' Entertain- ment F 3389 Fortier. Louisiana Folk-Tales. .L 5409,2 Francis. Legends of the Land of Lakes I 5409 Goddard. Wonderful Stories from Northern Lands H 430 Gould. Nursery Songs and Rhymes. H 4010 Greenwood. Legends of Savage Life E 1 132 Greey. Golden Lotus, and other Legends of Japan F 3684 Grinnell. Blackfoot Lodge Tales.B 2034 Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk- Tales B 2017 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 99 FOLK TALES AND LEGENDS: Guerber. Legends of the Rhine. .L 541 1 Legends of the Virgin and Child. M 3031 Legends of the Wagner Drama. E 9888 Myths of Northern Lands L 5381 Hahn. Folk-Lore of Modern Greece; Tales of its people L 2558 Hall. Legends of the West B 1278 The same B 1279 Harland and Wilkinson. Lancashire Legends L 5414 Harris. Uncle Remus F 3955 Uncle Remus and his Friends.. F 3808 Nights with Uncle Remus F 3958 Harrison. Bric-a-brac Stories H 15 13 Hazlitt. Tales and Legends cur- rent in England L 2555 Hearn. Some Chinese Ghosts F 4063 Hyde. Beside the Fire; Irish Gaelic Folk Stories L 5407 Irving. Van Gelder Papers (Long Island ) E 6202 Jones. Negro Myths from the Geor- gia Coast F 4445 Kalakaua, King. Legends and Myths of Hawai i L 2526 Kennedy. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts F 1009 Kirby. Chien d'Or; Legend of QuebecF 1010 Knox. Traditions of Western Ger- many. 3V F 4755 Larminie. West Irish Folk-Tales.L 5401 Lauder. Legends and Tales of the Harz Mountains F 4810 Leland. Algonquin Legends of New England B 725 Legends of Florence. 2 v L 5410 Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition *V 1885 Lover. Legends and Stories of Ire- land F 1076 Lummis. Man who married the Moon [Pueblo Indian Tales] F 5047 MacAnally. Irish Wonders; Popu- lar Tales F 5244 Matthews. Enchanted Moccasins [Legends of American Indians]. H 552 Menzies. Legendary Tales of Ancient Britons F 5287 Middlemore. Spanish Legendary Tales F 5301 Monteiro. Legends and Tales of the Basque People L 2529 FOLK TALES AND LEGENDS: Owen. Voodoo Tales F 5867 Parkinson. Yorkshire Legends. .L 2587 Ralston. Russian Folk Tales. . ..E 1465 Rand. Legends of the Micmacs. .L 2585 Rinder. Old-World Japan F 6396 Russell. Shadowland in EllanVannin; Folk Tales of the Isle of Man . . . F 6389 Segerstedt. My Lady Legend and other Folk Tales from the North.H 2280 Sellers. Tales from the Land of Nuts and Grapes L 2593 Skinner. Myths and Legends of our own Land [U. S.] 2 v L 5423 Steel. Tales of the Punjab F 6904 Thorpe. Yule-Tide Stories I 3367 Vernaleken. Folk-Tales from Austria and Bohemia L 2592 Wardrop. Georgian Folk Tales. .F 7609 Wilde. Ancient Legends of Ire- land. 2v A 1340 Wratislaw. Sixty Folk Tales from Slavonic Sources L 2528 Folle-Farine. De la Rame* G 499 Following the Flag. Coffin H 297 Folly of Eustace, and other Stories. Hichens F 4308 Folly of Pen Harrington. Sturgis F 6826 FONBLANQUE, A. Jr. See De FONBLANQUE. Fool of Nature, A. Hawthorne F 421 1 Fool of Quality. Brooke F 186 Fool's Errand. Tourg£e F 3527 Fools of Nature. Brown F 2643 FOOT, K. B. The Rovings of a Rest- less Boy H 1390 Football and Love. Mcintosh F 5325 FOOTE, Mrs. M. H. The Chosen Val- ley F 3611 Cceur d'Alene [Western Mining Life] F 3612 The Cup of Trembling, and other Stories F 3375 Contents: The Cup of Trembling; Mav- erick; On a Side Track; The Trumpeter. In Exile, and other Stories F 3377 Contents: In Exile; Friend Barton's Concern; Story of the Alcazar; Cloud of the Mountain; The Rapture of Hetty; The Watchman. John Bodewin's Testimony F 3543 The Last Assembly Ball [Leadville] and The Fate of a Voice F 3610 Led-Horse Claim; Romance of a Mining Camp F 3532 LOO CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Footprints in the Forest. Ellis Hi 263,3 Footprints of Famous Men. Edgar... C 6 Footsteps of Fate. Couperus F 3341 For a Dream's Sake. Martin F 9391 For a Mess of Pottage. Lyon F 5050 For a Song's Sake. Marston F 5233 For a Woman. Perry F 5877 For another's Wrong. Behrens F 7937 For Cash only. Payn G 1 161 For Conscience Sake. Yonge H 789 For Dick's Sake. Riddell F 6383 For Each and for All. Martineau F 1151,4 For Ever and Ever. Lean G 87 For Faith and Fatherland. Bramston.H 1050 For Faith and Freedom. Besant F 2636 The same G 1352 For Fifteen Years. Ulbach F 7208 Sequel to The Steel Hammer. For God and Gold. Corbett F 2858 For Grown-up Children. Walford H 2631 For her Daily Bread. Sommers F 6900 For Honor and Life. Westall F 7712 For Honor's Sake. Lillie H 1749 Sequel to Squire's Daughter. For King and Country. Nutt F 5740 For King and Home. Debenham F 3168 For King or Country. Barnes H 3180 For Life and Liberty. Stables H 2454 For Lilias. Carey F 2742 For Love and Life. Oliphant F 1269 The same G 1014 For Mamie's Sake. Allen F i\i<> For my own Sake. Berahard F 7886 For Name and Fame. Henty H 1469 For One and the World. Edwards F 3228 For Queen and King. Frith H 1321 For Richer, for Poorer. Parr G 486 For so Little. Davis F 3173 For Summer Afternoons. Woolsey...H 793 For the Cause. Weyman F 7404 For the Defense. Farjeon F 3439 For the Fourth Time of Asking; by the Author of "Miss Toosey's Mission" F 7709 For the Honour of the Flag. Robinson andLeyland H 2172 For the King. Gibbon F 656 For the Major. Woolson F 7512 For the Right. Franzos F 3558 For the Temple. Henty H 1470 For the Term of his Natural Life. Clarke F 320 Fo^ the White Rose of Arno. Rhos- comyl F 6407 Forayers, The. Simms F 2055 FORBES, 4. Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles F 34 1 1 Camps and Quarters E 2980 Czar and Sultan; Adventures in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78 H 1347 Soldiering and Scribbling G 209 Forbes of Harvard. Hubbard F 4312 Forbidden Fruit. Hacklaender F 719 Forced Acquaintances. Robinson F 6306 FORD, J. L. Bohemia Invaded, and other Stories F 8742 Dr. Dodd's School H 1349 Dolly Dillenbeck F 8743 Hypnotic Tales, and other Tales. . . F 3409 FORD, M. H. Otto's Inspiration H 1348 Which wins? Social Conditions. . F 3410 FORD, P. L. The Great K. & A. Rob- bery F 3404 The Honorable Peter Stirling F 3405 Story of an untold Love F 8757 FORD, S. R. Morgan and his Men [Am. Civil War] F 585 FORDE, H. A. Black and White; Mis- sion Stories F 3535 Foregone Conclusion. Howells F 872 Foreign Marriage. Johnson F 3528 Foreign Match, A. Bigot F 2260 Foreign Novelists, Halt-hours with. 2 v. Zimmern F 2031 FOREST, Neil, fismd. See FLOYD, Mrs. C. Forest and Prairie Series. See Ellis, E. S. Forest and Shore. Ilsley F4367 Forest and Stream Series. See Fosdick, C. A. Forest Days. James G 266 Forest Exiles. Reid H 621 Forest Glen. Kellogg H 481,5 Forest Glen Series. See Kellogg, E. Forest House. Erckmann and ChatrianF 548 Forest, Jungle and Prairie. Adams. H 117 Forest Outlaws. Gilliat F 3667 Forestalled; or, the Life Quest. Ed- wards F 3263 The same G 932 FORESTER, Frank, pseud. See HERBERT. Forester. Edgeworth F 5 18, 1 Foresters, The. Auerbach F 2421 FORESTIER,Auber,/^W. .S,vMOORE,A. A. Forever and a Day. Fuller F 3575 Forge and Furnace. James F 4544 Forge in the Forest, The. Roberts. . . F 6456 Forged Letter, and other Stories. Brig- ham H 1074 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 101 Forget-me-Nots. Kavanagh G 970 Forging the Fetters. Hector F 3999 Forgotten by the World. Macquoid.. . F 587 Forgotten Debt, A. Tinseau F 7144 Forlorn Hope. Yates G 655 FORNEY, J. W. New Nobility; Story of Europe and America F 3531 FORREST, R. E. Eight Days [Indian Mutiny, 1857] F 3624 The same G 1419 Forrest House. Holmes F 85 1 F0RRESTER,Mrs.,^«^.5^BRIDGES,Mrs. Forsaken Inn, The. Rohlfs F 3677 FORSTER, F. Major Joshua F 3364 FORSYTH, J. The Making of Mary. F 7258 Fort Desolation. Ballantyne H 972 Fort Frayne, Story of King F 4623 Fort Lafayette. Wood F 7513 Fortnight in Heaven. Brydges F 2645 Fortunate Failure Le Row F 4900 Fortunate Island, The. Clark F 2802 Fortune's Fool. Hawthorne F 3954 Fortune's Footballs. Burgin F 8064 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever G 340 Fortunes of Hassan; Story of a Turkish Refugee H 399 Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. Max- well F 1171 Fortunes of Margaret Weld. Gardner . F 8887 Fortunes of Miss Follen. Talcott F 678 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott F 2158 The same G 541 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale F 3901 FortunesoftheCol villeFamily. Smedley . F 6612 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas. . . F 2999 Fortunes of the Fletchers. Eden H 1247 Fortunes of the Ranger and Crusader. Kingston H 1684 Fortunes of Toby Trafford. Trowbridge. H 2504 Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas F 489 Forty Liars and other Lies. Nye F 5498 '49; Gold Seekers of the Sierras. Miller.F 5201 Forty Vezirs .History of the ShaikhzadahF 6734 Forty Years with the Damned. Aikin.F 7787 Forward House. Case F 8191 FOSDICK, C. A. {Harry Castlemon). Boy Trapper Series H 269 v. 1. Buried Treasure. 2. Boy Trapper. 3. Mail Carrier. The Camp in the Foot-Hills H 1283 Forest and Stream Series H 1285 v. 1. Joe Way ring at Home. FOSDICK, C. A. {Harry Castlemon). Forest and Stream Series H 1285 v. 2. Snagged and Sunk; Adven- tures of a Canvas Canoe. 3. Steel Horse; or, Rambles of a Bicyle. Frank Nelson Series H 268 v. 1. Snowed up. 2. Frank Nelson in the Forecastle. 3. Boy Traders. Go-ahead Series H 267 v. 1. Tom Newcombe. 2. Go-ahead. 3. No Moss. Gun-boat Series H 265 v. 1. Frank, the young Naturalist. 2. Frank in the Woods. 3. Frank on the Prairie. 4. Frank on a Gunboat. 5. Frank before Vicksburg. 6. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Guy Harris, the Runaway H 306 House-boat Boys H 1360 Julian Mortimer H 1359 Lucky Tom Series H 1286 v. 1. Our Fellows. 2. Elam Storm, the Wolfer. 3. The Missing Pocket book. Mystery of Lost River Canyon H 1358 Oscar in Africa H 1279 Our Fellows H 1286 Rebellion in Dixie H 3860 Rocky Mountain Series H 266 v. 1. Frank among the Rancheros. 2. Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho. 3. Frank in the Mountains. Rod and Gun Series H 263 v. 1. Don Gordon's Shooting-Box. 2. Rod and Gun Club. 3. Young Wild-Fowlers. Roughing it Series H 264 v. 1 . George in Camp ; Life on the Plains. 2. George at the Wheel. 3. George at the Fort. Sportsman's Club Series: Sportsman's Club Afloat H 271 Sportsman's Club among the Trap- pers H 272 Sportsman's Club in the Saddle. H 270 Two Ways of becoming a Hunter. H 1284 WarSeries H 1287 v. 1. True to his Colors. 2. Rodney, the Partisan. loa CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. FOSDICK, C. A. {Harry Castiemon). War Series H 1287 v. 3. Marcy, the Blockade-Runner. 4. Marcy, the Refugee. 5. Rodney, the Overseer. 6. Sailor Jack, the Trader. The Young Game-Warden H 1357 FOSDICK, G. C. Out of Bohemia; a Story of Paris Student-life F 3398 FOSTER, Baynton, pseud. See ELMSLIE. FOSTER.C. J. White Horse of Wootton.F 3530 FOSTER, D. S. Elinor Fenton; an Ad- irondack Story F 3618 FOSTER, F., pseud. See PUSELEY, D. FOSTER, H. The Coquette; or, History of Eliza Wharton [ Hartford, 1 788]. F 3533 FOSTER, Mrs. I. H. (Faye Huntington). A Baker's Dozen H 1353 Couldn'tbeBought.andotherStoriesH 1354 Echoing and Re-Echoing F 3508 His First Charge H 1392 Mrs. Deane's Way H 1350 A Modern Exodus F 3614 Those Boys H 1356 and I. M. ALDEN. Dr. Deane's Way, and other Stories H 1351 That Boy Bob, and other Stories.. H 1352 FOSTER, M. F. Doty Dontcare [Negro Insurrection in Santa Cruz, 1878]. F 8706 FOTHERGILL, C. The Comedy of Cecilia F 8778 FOTHERGILL, J. Borderland F 3542 The same G 1257 The First Violin F 3536 The same G 935 From Moor Isles F 3544 Healey F 779 Kith and Kin F 3540 The same G 962 The Lasses of Leverhouse F 3601 Made or Marred, and One of Three.F 3539 The same G 963 A March in the Ranks F 3602 Oriole's Daughter F 3604 Peril F 3541 The same G 1080 Probation [Lancashire, 1861-63]... F 3537 The same G 964 The Welltields F 3538 Foul Play. Reade and Boucicault F 1385 Found and Lost. Jacobi F 7189 Found at Blazing Star. Harte F 3948 The same J 75,6 Found Dead. Payn G 206 Found out. Reeves G 1130 Found, yet Lost. Roe F 6319 Foundling Mick. Verne H 2615 Fountain of Youth. Paludan-Mueller.. ..F 1295 FOUQUE, F. H. K. See LA MOTTE FOUQUE. Four and Five. Hale H 1556 Four, and what they did. Campbell . . . H 761 Four Destinies. Gautier F 3734 Four Feet, Wings, and Fins. MaskelL.K 7952 Four Ghost Stories. Molesworth F 5240 Four Girls at Chautauqua. Alden F 46 Four Macnicols. Black H 1020 The same G 1231 Four on an Island. Smith H 2265 Four Sisters. Bremer F 173 Four Winds Farm. Molesworth H 1910 Four Young Explorers. Adams H 891,11 Fourfold. Conklin H 11 29 Fourteen to One. Ward F 6002 FOWLER, E. H. Young Pretenders. H 1393 FOWLER, S. B. Irene; or, the Road to Freedom F 3547 FOWLER, W. W. Tales of the Birds.K 8492 Fowls of the Air. Warner H 753,1 FOX, Mrs. E. {To/er King). Gemini.F 2100 Off the Rocks F 982 FOX, J., Jr. A Cumberland Vendetta, and other Stories F 8714 Contents: A Mountain Europa; A Cum- berland Vendetta; The Last Stetson; Hell fer sartin. FOX, M. A. Discontented Robins, and other Stories H 398 Fox-Hunting. Stevens H 686,5 Foxglove Manor. Buchanan F 2457 Fra Lippo Lippi. Farrington F 3583 FRADENBURGH, J. N. Beauty Crown- ed: or, Esther, the Jewish MaidenH 1314 Framley Parsonage. Trollope G 608 FRANCE, A. Crime of Sylvestre Bon- nard F 3613 FRANCE, L. B. Pine Valley F 8726 * Contents: One Winter in the Gray Ea- gle Mine ; A Prayer for Baltimore Hatch; His Harvest; On his Honor; Finally Recognized; And a Little Child shall Lead them. France before the Revolution. 2 v. Bun- gener F 2666 France, History of, for Children. Mar- shall A 1620 France, Little Arthur's History of A 1569 FRANCES, M. Daddy Dave F 3557 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 103 Frances Waldeaux. Davis F 8531 FRANCESCA, pseud. See ALEXANDER, F. FRANCILLON, R. E. Jack Doyle's Daughter F 8785 One by One F 3615 Contents: One by One; By Day and Night; Old Father Time. Queen Cophetua F 3616 A Real Queen F 3617 Romances of the Law F 3568 Contents: Touch-and-go with a great Estate; A most Remarkable Will; A Circumstantial Puzzle; Only Ten Min- utes ; Half a Minute Late ; A Cool Hand; How I became a Murderer; Three Shots with a Revolver ; Buried in Gold; Stronger than Death; The Demon Sixpence; At the Twelfth Hour. Under Slieve-Ban [Ireland, 1798]. .F 3549 FRANCIS, F. Wild Rose; A Tale of the Mexican Frontier F 8783 FRANCIS, L. H. (Ed.). School Boys of Rokesbury H 1335 Through Thick and Thin; or, School Days at St. Egberts H 1334 FRANCIS, M. E., pseud. See BLUN- DELL, Mrs. M. E. S. FRANCIS, S. W. Inside Out F 611 Francis Cludde, Story of. Weyman...F 7624 Francis, the Waif. Dudevant F 8545 FRANCOIS, M. L. von. The last von Reckenburg F 3556 Franconia Stories. See Abbott, J. Frank among the Rancheros. Fos- dick H 266,1 Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho. Fos- dick H 266,2 Frank before Vicksburg. Fosdick H 265,5 Frank Fairleigh. Smedley F 1556 The same G 564 Frank Fowler, the Cash Boy. Alger. . H 868 Frank Hilton. Grant F 8816 Frank Hunter's Peril. Alger H 870 Frank in the Mountains. Fosdick H 266,3 Frank in the Woods. Fosdick H 265,2 Frank Manly, the Drummer Boy. Trow- bridge H 730 Frank Mildmay. Marrayat F 5238 Frank Nelson in the Forecastle. Fos- dick H 268,2 Frank Nelson Series. See Fosdick, C. A. Frank Oldfield. Wilson F 1066 Frank O'Meara; or, the Artist of Colling- wood F 3550 Frank on a Gunboat. Fosdick H 265,4 Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Fos- dick H 265,6 Frank on the Prairie. Fosdick H 265,3 Frank Redcliffe. Daunt H 1202 Frank, the Young Naturalist. Fosdick. H 265,1 Frank Warrington. Harris F 255 Frank's Campaign. Alger H 153,1 Frankenstein. Shelley F 1542 Franklin, B., Printer Boy. Thayer H 700 YoungBenjamin Franklin. MayhewH 557 FRANZOS, K. E. The Chief Justice. F 3633 For the Right F 3558 Jews of Barnow; Stories F 3555 Judith Trachtenberg F 3634 FRAPAN, I. God's Will and other Stories F 7247 Contents: God's Will; Our Jenny; The Old Bookkeeper; A Christmas Story; The First; The Scorcher. Heavy Laden, and Old-Fashioned Folk F 7267 FRASER, Q. S. In three Cities and a State or Two, and other Tales.. F 3559 FRASER, Mrs. M. C. The Brown Am- bassador H 1364 Palladia F 8718 FRASER-TYTLER, C. C. See LIDDELL. Frau Frohmann, and other Stories. Trol- lope G 1 184 Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde F 6636 FRAZAR, D. Log of the Maryland . . H 1365 Perseverance Island; Robinson Cru- soe of the 19th Century H 1301 Freaks of Fortune. Adams H 108,2 Freaks of Lady Fortune. Crommelin.F 3113 Freaks on the Fells. Ballantyne H 243 Fred, Maria, and Me. Prentiss H 602 Fred Markham in Russia. Kingston.. .H 1687 FREDERIC, H. The Copperhead.. . .F 3627 The Damnation of Theron Ware. .F 8748 In the Valley [Mohawk Valley, i7S7-8o] F 3626 The Lawton Girl F 3625 March Hares F 8749 Marsena, and other Stories of War- time F 3629 Contents: Marsena; The War Widow; The Eve of the Fourth; My Aunt Susan. Mrs. Albert Grundy. F 8750 Seth's Brother's Wife; a Study of Life in the Greater New York . . . F 3560 FREDERICH, B. H. (Go/o Raimund). From Hand to Hand F 6243 104 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY FREDERICH, B. H. (Uo/o Raimund). A Hard Heart F 6248 A New Race F 6044 Sought and Found F Frederick. Walford F 0061 Frederick Hazzleden. Farrie F 7553 Frederick I., Times of. Topelius F 7023,4 Frederick theGreat and hisCourt. MundtF 1205 Frederick the Great and his Family. Mundt F 1206 Free Joe, and other Georgian Sketches. Harris F 3850 Free Lance in a Far Land. Compton.F 8307 Free Prisoners. Bruner F 187 Freeland ;aSocial Anticipation. Hertzka . F 4 1 78 FREEMAN, Mrs. A. M. Somebody's Ned F 3561 FREEMAN, R. M. Steady and Strong; or, a Friend in Need H 1340 FREMONT, J. B. The Will and the Way Stories F 3420 Contents: The Deck-hand; Kit Carson; A Picnic near the Equator; Play and Work; A Long Horror; Miss Milly; The Two Wills; The Hat of the Postmaster; The Good Samaritan. FRENCH, A. {Octave Thane /). Expia- tion [Arkansas in the Civil War]...F 3567 Knitters in the Sun; Stories F 3566 The Missionary Sheriff F 8766 Otto the Knight, and other trans-Mis- sissippi Stories F 3401 Stories of a Western Town F 3403 We All F 3402 FREHCtt,ti.W.(A6a'e/y4rdavan). Ego.F 3570 Colonel Thorndike's Adventures. . . H 3625 The Lance of Kanana; a Story of Arabia F 3412 Nuna; the Bramin Girl F 3571 Our Boys in China H 131 1 Our Boys in India H 1310 Out of the Night F 3572 French Country Family. Witt F 1977 French Exiles of Louisiana. Lindsay.. . F 1045 French Marriage, A. Philips G 1 443 French Pictures in EnglishChalk. 4 v. in 2. Murray G 1006 French Prisoners. The. Bertz H 1028 French Wines and Politics. MartineauF 1151,4 FRERE, M. E. I. Eastern Fairy Leg- ends current in Southern India.. H 380 Freres, The. Hector F 3988 Frescoes. De la Ram£ F 625 1 The same G 1177 Freville Chase. 2 v. Dering F 2940 FREYTAQ, G. Debit and Credit . . . . F 618 Ingo F 616 Ingraban V 617 The lost Manuscript F 3552 Friarswood Post-Office. Yonge H 797 Fridolin'sMystical Marriage. WilbrandtF 7517 Friedemann Bach. Brachvogel F 2660 FRIEDMAN, I. K. The Lucky NumberF 8737 Contents: Chauvinism at Devereux's; Rouge et Noir; A Monger of Ballads; A Coat of one Color; A Pair of Eyes; The Magic Herb; The Return; The Flight of a Night-hawk; A Fair Ex- change; Aaron Pivansky's Picture. FRIEDRICH, F. Lost Despatch F 1945 Friend Fritz. Erckmann and ChatrianF 551 Friend of Death. Alarcon F 7223 Friend of the Family. Dostojewsky.. . F 2972 Friend of the Family. Hook F 857,1 Friend of the People. Rowsell F 6424 Friend Olivia. Barr F 2231 Friends; a Duet. Ward F 5883 Friends and Foes from Fairy Land. Bra- bourne H 1 526 Friends in Exile. Bryce F 8063 Friends of Bohemia. Whitty F 7710 Friends or Foes? Green H 1428 Friendship. De la Rame" G 1037 FRIIS, J. A. Lajla;aTaleof FinmarkF 3573 FRISWELL, J. H. Out and About.. H 1312 FRITH, H. Biography of a Locomotive Engine H 1325 Escaped from Siberia H 1318 For Queen and King; Story of Old London H 1321 In the Brave Days of Old; Story of the Crusades H 1319 King Arthur and his Knights H 1315 Log of the Bombastes H 1323 The Lost Trader H 1326 On the Wings of the Wind H 1317 The Opal Mountain H 1324 Search for the Talisman; Adven- tures in Labrador H 1 322 Under Bayard's Banner [Time of Louis XII.] H 1320 FRITH, W. In Search of Quiet; a Country Journal, May-July F 8788 Frivolous Cupid. Hawkins F 4229 FROISSART, J. The Boys' Froissart.A 261 Stories from; by St. Leger. 3 V A 275 Froler Case, The. Jacolliot F 4488 From an Island. Ritchie G 1060 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 105 From Baltimore to Washington. Dall.H 316,2 From Boston to Baltimore. Dall H 316,1 From Canal Boy to President. Alger. H 169 From Dawn to Dark in Italy; a Tale of the Reformation F 621 From Different Standpoints. Alden and Foster F 2400 From Dreams to Waking. Linton F 1070 From 18 to 20. Sellers F 6546 From Exile. Payn G 1162 From Flax to Linen. Conklin H 1124 From Generation to Generation. Noel.G 1134 From Hand to Hand. Frederich F 6243 From Hand to Mouth. Douglas F 444 From Headquarters. Frye F 3415 From Infancy to Womanhood. White. F 7516 From Jest to Earnest. Roe F 1436 From Keeper to Captain. Drayson...H 1223 From Lake to Lake. Farrar H 1282 From Lands of Exile. Viaud I 8084 From LogCabin to WhiteHouse. ThayerH 2496 From Madge to Margaret. Curtis F 1957 From Middy to Admiral. Macaulay.H 1785 From Monkey to Man. Bierbower F 8002 From Moor Isles. Fothergill F 3544 From my Youth up. Terhune F 6954 From one Generation to another. Scott. F 5522 From out of the Past. Hoppin 1 4287 From Plowshare to Pulpit. Stables... H 2460 From Pole to Pole. Stables H 2393 From Powder Monkey to Admiral. King- ston H 1690 From School-Room to Bar. Moran. . . F 5452 From Shadow to Sunlight. Lome F 3149 From Snowdon to the Sea. Trevelyan . H 25 19 From the Earth to the Moon. Verne. . F 1825 From the Five Rivers. Steel F 6713 From the Hudson to the Neva. Ker. . H 1642 From the Land of the Snow- Pearls. Hig- ginson F 9093 From the Memoirs of a Minister of France. Weyman F 7637 From the other Side. Notley F 5587 From the Ranks. King F 4659 From the Throttle to the President's Chair. Ellis H 1236 From the Wings. Buxton G 869 From Timber to Town down in Egypt; by an Early Settler F 3437 Fromont, Junior & Risler, Senior. Dau- det F 3035 Front Yard, and other Stories. Wool- son F 7406 Frontier Stories. Harte F 3967 The same J 75,6 FROST, W. H. Knights of the Round Table; Arthurand the Holy Grail.H 1313 The Wagner Story Book ; Tales of the Great Music Dramas'. F 3635 FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Stories of the Teacher H 400 FROUDE, J. A. Two Chiefs of Dun- boy; Irish Romance of the 18th Century F 3565 Frowzle the Runaway. Wesselhoeft. .H 2761 Frozen Deep, and other Tales. Collins. F 297 The same G 715 Frozen Dragon, and other Tales. Hol- der H 423 Frozen Hearts. Appleton F 2368 Frozen Pirate. Russell F 6364 FRYE, J. A. Fables of Field and Staff . F 8721 Contents: The March of the Forty Thieves; A Tale of Two Towers; One from the Veteran; Woodleigh, Q. M.; Kerwick Cup; Officially Reported; Special Orders, No. 49. From Headquarters F 3415 Contents: The Pluck of Captain Pen- der, C. S. N.; One Record on Regi- mental Rolls; Our Horse Acme; From Beyond the Pyramids; The Hymn that Helped; The Seventh Major; Concern- ing the Value of Sleep. Fudge Doings. 2 v. Mitchell E 1373 Fugitives, The. Ballantyne H 992 Fugitives, The. Oliphant G 1386 Fulham Lawn.and other Tales. Ritchie. G 825 Full Stature of a Man. Parsons F 7538 FULLER, A. Literary Courtship under the Auspices of Pike's Peak F 3603 Peak and Prairie from a Colorado Sketch-book F 8700 Pratt Portraits sketched in a New England Suburb F 3577 A Venetian June F 8699 FULLER, E. The Complaining Mil- lions of Men F 3619 Fellow Travellers F 3576 Forever and a Day F 3575 FULLER, H.B. {Stanton Page). Chate- laine of La Trinite* F 357a Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani F 5992 The Cliff-Dwellers F 3400 With the Procession F 3399 FULLER, J. G. Bending Willow; Mis- sionary Life in the Northwest F 62s FULLER, M. L. In Poppy Land H 1341- 106 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. FULLERTON, Lady Q. Constance Sher- wood; Tale of the 16th Century.. F 603 The same G 113 Countess de Bonneval G 938 Ellen Middleton G 214 Fire of London; or, Rosemary F 604 Grantley Manor G 216 Lady Bird G 217 Laurentia; a Tale of Japan G 1055 Lilies of the Valley G 939 Mrs. Gerald's Niece G 215 Rose Leblanc F 605 The same G 937 Seven Stories F 606 The same G 936 Contents: Rosemary; Reparation; The Blacksmith of Antwerp; The Beggar of the Steps of St. Roch; Trouvaille; Earth without Heaven; Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. Stormy Life [Margaret of Anjou]..G 218 Too strange not to be True [Indians in Louisiana] G 219 Trouvaille, and other Tales H 401 Will and a Way. 3 v. [French Revo- lution] F 3580 The same and The Handkerchief at the Window G 1057 Fur Country. Verne F 1826 Fur-Seal's Tooth, The. M unroe H 1871 FURMAN, L. S. Stories of a Sanctified Town F 8790 Contents: Brother Rolly's Drawback; Kate Negley's Leadings; An Experi- ence on the Dress Line; Mary Alice's Emancipation; The Ararat Cactus Company; The Cub Run Outpouring; The Band at Smithsboro; A Special Providence; A Shiftless Man; The Grissoms; The Floating Bethel; A Sanctified Girl. Furono Amati. Ellsworth F 3243 FYLES, F., and others. Eleven Pos- sible Cases F 3416 For Contents See Eleven Possible Cases. G. G. New Sporting Stories F 5451 O ABORI AU, E. Clique of Gold F 623 Same as The Gilded Clique. File No. 113 F 637 In Peril of his Life F 622 Same as Within an Inch of his Life. The Lerouge Case F 619 Same as Widow Lerouge. Monsieur Lecoq F 8000 The Slaves of Paris F 3642 Gabriel. Kohn G 220 Gabriel Conroy. Harte J 75,4 Gadfly, The Vovnich 1 | GAETSCHENBERGER, S. Love is Lord of All F 3799 GAGNEBIN, Mme. A Happy Find . . F 3637 GAGNEUR, Mme. L. N. Nihilist Prin cess F 364 1 Gain of a Loss. Piddington G 121 Gala-Days. Dodge E 1054 Galahad of the Greeks. Yeats F 7680 Galama. De Liefde F 38 1 GALDOS, B. P. See PEREZ GALDOS, B. GALE, N. R. A June Romance F 8907 Gallant Fight, A. Terhune F 6955 Gallant Lords of the Bois-Dore\ 2 v. Dudevant F 443 Gallegher, and other Stories. Davis... F 3054 GALLENGA, A. C. N. (/,. Mariotti). Blackgown Papers F 3647 Gallery of a Random Collector. Ross.F 6342 Gallery of Antiquities. Balzac F 7874 GALLETTI di CADILHAC, M. I. C. Prince Peerless H 1 107 Gallia. Norman F 8510 Galloping Dick. Watson F 767 1 Galloway Herd. Crockett F 8335 G ALT, J. Annals of the Parish E 1 1 2 1 The same,and Ayrshire Legatees. F 627 Lawrie Todd F 626 Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk. 2 v.F 8917 Southennan. 3 V F 629 Gambler, The. Dostojewsky F 2972 Game of Chance. Coombs I 2S5 1 GANCONAGH, pseud. See YEATS, W. B. GARBE, R. The Redemption of the Brahman F 8881 Garden behind the Moon. Pyle H 2106 Garden of Eden, U. S. A. Bishop . . . . F 8027 Garden of Women . Keddie F 4642 GARDENER, H. H. Pushed by Unseen Hands F 3715 An Unofficial Patriot F 8885 GARDINER, M. P. See BLESSINGTON. GARDNER, C. E. Broken Dreams. .E 7312 Compensation E 73 1 1 Rich Medway's two Loves F 3712 Stolen W'aters E 164 Terrace Roses F 3710 Tested; or, Hope's Fruition F 628 Twisted Skein E 7313 Woman's Wiles F 37" GARDNER, G. E. A Treasure Found— a Bride Won F 8857 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 107 GARDNER, Mrs. S. M. H. Fortunes of Margaret Weld F Quaker Idyls I F 8886 Contents: Twelfth Street Meeting; A Quaker Wedding; Two Gentlewomen; Our Little Neighbors; Pamelia Tewks- bury's Courtship; Some Ante-Bellum Letters from a Quaker Girl; Uncle Joseph; My Grandame's Secret. GARIBALDI, G. Rule of the Monk; or, Rome in the 19th Century F 620 GARLAND, H. Jason Edwards F 3767 A Little Norsk F 3769 Main-Travelled Roads F 3766 Contents: A Branch Road; Up theCoule; Among the Corn-Rows; The Return of . a Private; Under the Lion's Paw; Mrs. Ripley's Trip. A Member of the Third House . . . . F 3768 Prairie Folks F 3772 Rose of Dutcher's Coolly F 8882 A Spoil of Office; Story ot the Mod- ern West F 3765 Wayside Courtships F 8883 Garland for Girls. Alcott H 99 Garman and Worse. Kielland F 4668 GARNETT, E. The Paradox Club. . .F 3709 Garret and the Garden. Ballantyne. . . H 973 Garret Grain. Lee F 4989 GARRETT, E., pseud. See MAYO, Mrs. I. F. Garrick's Pupil. Filon F 3393 Garrison Tales from Tonquin. O'Neill. F 5761 Garrison Tangle, A. King F 4636 GARRY, A. Out of Bounds F 8855 Garstangs of Garstang Grange. Trol- lope G 620 Garth. Hawthorne F 391 5 GARVER, W. L. Brother of the Third Degree F 8852 Gascoigne's Ghost. Burgin F 81 14 Gascoyne. Ballantyne H 223 GASKELL, A. Widow of Windsor. .F 644 GASKELL, Mrs. E. C. S. Cousin Phil- lis, and other Tales G 224 Cranford F 647 The same G 225 A Dark Night's Work G 226 Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales G 229 Lois, the Witch [Salem Witchcraft]G 228 Contents: Lois the Witch; The Grey Woman; The Doom of the Griffiths; Half-Brothers; Crooked Branch. Mary Barton; Manchester Life G 230 North and South F 648 The same G 231 GASKELL, Mrs. E. C. S. Right at Last, and other Tales F 649 Contents: Right at Last; The Manches- ter Marriage; Lois the Witch; The Crooked Branch. Ruth J G 232 Sylvia's Lovers [Time of the Press- Gang, 1793] G 233 Wives and Daughters. 3 V. in 2.. G 234 GASPARIN, V. B., Comtesse de. Near and Heavenly Horizons F 631 Under French Skies F 3704 GASPE, P. A. de. Candians of Old. .F 3736 Gaston de Latour. Pater E 5991 GATCHELL, C. {Thorold King). Hasch- isch F 4653 Gates Ajar, The. Ward F 1.308 Gates Between. Ward F 5894 GATH, pseud. See TOWNSEND, G. A. Gathering Clouds. Farrar F 3418 GAUTIER,J. The Usurper; an Episode in Japanese History, 161 5 F 3648 GAUTIER, T. Captain Fracasse F 645 The Dead Leman F 4955 Four Destinies F 3734 My Household of Pets H 1401 Romance of a Mummy [Ancient Egypt] F 3646 Gaviota, La. Arrom de Ayala F 2375 GAYARRE, C. E. A. Aubert Dubayet [France and the U. S., 1780-97].. .F 3650 Fernando de L£mos F 650 GAYLORD, Glance, pseud. See BRAD- LEY, W. 1. GAYLORD,L.and others. {Conover Duff). Master Knot and Another Story. F 8496 Gayworthys, The. Whitney F 1931 GEARY, Sir W. N. M. A Lawyer's Wife F 8935 (jEDDIE, J. Beyond the Himalayas; in the Wilds of Thibet H 1410 Geier-Wally. Hillern F 818 GEIGER, H. Lydia; Tale of the Second Century F 65 r GELLIE, M. E. {M. E. B.). Gem of an Aunt H 1415 New Girl; Tale of School Life. . . .H 1416 Stephen, the Schoolmaster H 1417 Gem of an Aunt. Gellie H 1415 Gemini. Fox F 2190 Gemma. Trollope F 1793 Gems without Polish. Douglas F 3063 Gender in Satin. Booth F 4345 ins CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. General, Th«\ Harrows H 254 Generalship. Roy F 1450 Genevieve. Lamartine F 4881 Genghis Khan. Abbott H 28 Genius of Galilee. Hancock F 3821 • GENNEVRAYE, A., pseud. See LEPIC, / 'nam/esse de. GENONE, H., pseud. Bellona's Hus- band F 3652 Inquirendo Island F 3651 Gentianella. Randolph F 1378 Gentle Belle, A. Tiernan F 3586 Gentle Bread Winners. Nitsch K 6413 Gentle Savage. King F 4650 Gentleman and Courtier. Lean G 1319 Gentleman in Debt. Daunt F 371 Gentleman of France, A. Weyman. . . F 7621 Gentleman of Leisure. Fawcett F 3471 Gentleman Upcott's Daughter. Ray- mond F 7238 Gentleman Vagabond, and some others. Smith F 6772 Gentleman's Gentleman, A. Pember- ton F 6062 Genuine Girl, A. Lincoln F 5061 GEOFFREY CRA YON, pseud. See IRV- ING, W. Geoffrey Hampstead. Jarvis F 4387 Geoffrey Stirling. Laffan F 2340 Geoffry Hamlyn, Recollections of. Kings- ley G 311 George at the Fort. Fosdick H 264,3 George at the Wheel. Fosdick H H George Bailey. Bailey I 5660 George Canterbury's Will. Wood ...G 633 GEORGE ELIOT, pseud. See CROSS, M. A. George Geith of Fen Court. RiddelL.G 520 George in Camp. Fosdick H i George Linton. Robinson F 6310 George Mandeville's Husband. RaimondF 6182 George St. George Julian, the Prince. Cockton F 2808 GEORGE SAND, pseud. See DUDEVANT. George Saxon, Reputation of. Roberts F 6405 Georgia, Old Times in. Johnston F 4534 Georgian Folk Tales. Wardrop F 7609 Georgians, The. Hammond F 685 Georgy Sandon. Ogle F 1 278 Gerald Estcourt, Confessions of. LeanF 3124 The same . . v G 84 Gerald Ffrench's Friends. Jessop F 4461 Gerald Fitzgerald, the Chevalier. LeverF 1047 Geraldine Hawthorne. Butt F 2673 GERARD, D. An Arranged MarriageF 8895 Etelka's Vow I 3718 Lady Baby 1 3706 The same G 1 377 Lot U.... f 3753 Orthodox G 1 42 1 A Queen of Curds and Cream F 3716 Recha G 1422 The Rich Miss Riddell F 3752 A Spotless Reputation F 8894 The Wrong Man F 8896 GERARD, E. See LASZOUSKI, E. D. G. v. Gerda;or, Children of Work. SchwarlzF 1707 German Emigrants, Wanderings of. Ger- staecker F 3707 German Evenings. Auerbach 1 2\22 German Novelists, Selections from. 4 v. Roscoe F 1 45 1 German Popular Tales. Grimm F 718 The same I 31 14 German Romance. 4 v. Carlyle E 917 Germany, Traditions of. 3 v. Knox...F GERRARE, W. Phantasms F 8897 Contents: An Interview; The Dark Shadow; Retribution; The Sleepless Man; L'ncle Selwyn; A Good Intention; A New Force; Mysterious Maisie; The Face of Nature; The Actual Appari- tion. GERSTAECKER, F. How a Bride was Won; Chase across the Pampas. F 653 Wanderings ami Fortunes of some German Emigrants F 3707 Wild Sports in the Far West H Gertrude. Sewell F 1528 Gertrude's Diary. Alden H 87 Gertrude's Marriage. Behrens F 100 Gervase Skinner. Hook F 857,8-9 Gesta Romanorum, Moral Stories; trans. by Swan I 2984 Get thee behind me, Satan! Sikes F 1072 Getting Ahead. Alden H 913 Ghetto Tragedies. Zangwill F 7692 Ghost, The. O'Connor F 5641 Ghost-Hunter and his Family. Banim.F 107 Ghost of Charlotte Cray. Lean G 1083 Ghost Stories. Molesworth F 5240 Ghost's Touch, and other Stories. Col- lins F 2819 The same G 1252 Ghosts and Family Legends. Crowe... F 3082 Giant Dwarf, The. Williams H 1618 Giant of the North. Ballantyne H ioio Giant Raft. Verne F 7306 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 109 Giant's Robe. Guthrie F 2412 The same G 1065 GIBB, J. (Ed.). Gudrun, Beowulf, Ro- land and other Mediaeval Tales . . . F 3653 GIBBON, C. Braes of Yarrow F 3741 The Dead Heart; a Tale of the Bastile F 3750 The Flower of the Forest F 3742 For the King [Rebellion of 1715].. .F 656 The Golden Shaft F 3743 A Hard Knot F 3654 A Heart's Problem F 3744 In Honour Bound F 3745 Loving a Dream, and One of his In- ventions F 3746 Margaret Carmichael F 8qo5 Of High Degree F 3747 Queen of the Meadow F 3748 Robin Gray F 655 Was ever Woman in this Humor wooed? F 3751 What will the World say? F 3749 and others. Paying the Penalty, and other Stories F 3708 Contents: Paying the Penalty, by Gib- bon; In Marine Armor, by Fenn; My Soldier Keeper, by Wolley; Golden Feather, by Gould; Saved by the Skin of his Teeth, by Shipton; Gone, by Mac- quoid. GIBERNE, A. Curate's Home G 954 Earls of the Village F 3726 The Girl at the Dower House and afterward F 8931 His Adopted Daughter F 3727 Life Tangles; or, Journal of Rhoda Frith H 1403 Nameless Shadow F 3657 Old Comrades F 8932 Ready, aye Ready F 3728 Sweetbriar F 3656 Through the Linn F 3655 Woo at Last F 3729 Gideon Fleyce. Lucy F 4941 Gideon's Rock. Cooper F 1460 The same G 811 GIFT, Theo., pseud. See BOULGER, Mrs. T. H. H. Gifts of the Child Christ, and other Tales. MacDonald G 1 101 Gil Bias. Le Sage F 1031 The same I 31 13 The same. 3 V *P 356 Gil the Gunner. Fenn H 1374 GILBERT, W. DeProfundis. 2V...F 659 Same as James Duke, Costermonger. Dr. Austin's Guests. 2 v F 658 James Duke, Costermonger F 3691 GILBERT, W. S. Foggerty%'s Fairy, and other Tales F 3733 Gilbert Elgar's Son. Davis F 3053 Gilbert Gurney. Hook F 855 GILCHRIST, A. S. Harcourt F 3669 Rosehurst; or, the Step-Daughter. F 3658 Gilded Age. Clemens and Warner F 244 Gilded Clique, The. Gaboriau F 623 GILDER, J. L. Taken by Siege F 6922 GILES, E. A. Maiden Rachel F 652 Out from the Shadows F 665 Giles's Minority. O'Reilly H 585 GILKES, A. H. Boys and Master; Story of School Life ' H 424 The Thing that hath been F 8030 GILL, J. T. Within and Without F 3730 GILLIAM, C. F. Love and Medicine.F 3668 GILLIAT, E. Forest Outlaws; or, Saint • Hugh and the King [England, 12th Century] F 3667 GILLIES, M. Voyage of the Constance; a Tale of the Arctic Seas H 1430 GILLMORE, P. The Amphibion's Voy- age F 37c Gilly Flower; by the Author of Miss Too- sey's Mission H 14.* GILMAN, A. Kings, Queens and Bar- barians; or, Seven Historic Ages.H 429 Magna Charta Stories H 1432 Tales of the Pathfinders H 1433 GILMAN, Mrs. C. H. Recollections of a Southern Matron F 654 GILMAN, S. That Dakota Girl F 3754 GILMORE,J.R. {Edmund Kirke). Among the Pines; or, the South in Seces- sion Time F 660 Down in Tennessee and back by way of Richmond F 661 My Southern Friends F 663 On the Border F 662 Patriot Boys and Prison Pictures [Am. Civil War] H 428 GILMORE, M. A Son of Esau F 3737 The Women who stood between. . . F 3732 Ginger-Snaps. Parton E 1425 Gingham Bag, The. Lothrop H 2355 Ginx's Baby. Jenkins E 1 269 The same G 277 Giordano Bruno. 2 v. Plumptre F 5096 110 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Giovanni and the Other. Burnett H 1073 Gipsie. Kenney F 967 Gipsy. James G 267 Gipsy's Warning. Dupuy F 503 Giraffe-Hunters. Reid H 622 Giraldi. Dering F 3017 GIRARD, Just, pseud. See ROY, J. J. E. GIRARDIN, D. G. de and others. Cross of Berny F 670 Girl at the Dower House. Giberne F 8931 Girl Diplomatist, A. VVotton F 7676 Girl from the Farm. Dix F 8470 Girl Graduate, A. Woolley F 7603 Girl he Married. Grant F 8817 Girl Neighbours. Keddie H 1647 Girl of the Commune. Henty F 4137 Girl of the People. Smith H 2264 Girl's Book of Famous Queens. Farmer.C 3326 Girl's Own Indoor Book. Peters K 6426 Girl's Own Outdoor Book. Peters K 6455 Girls Room, A K 6422 Girls and I, The. Molesworth H 1886 Girls at Quinnemont. Harris H 1525 Girls, New and Old. Smith H Girls of a Feather. Barr F 8043 Girls of Bredon. Leathes H 1730 Girls Together. Blanchard H Girls who became Famous. Bolton... C 3306 Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. 3 V. Clarke E 670 Girton Girl, A. Edwards G 1196 Gisli, the Outlaw; from the Icelandic. .F 668 GI5SING, G. R. Demos; a Story of English Socialism . G 1253 Denzil Quarner F 3756 The Emancipated F 8942 Eve's Ransom F 8940 In the Year of Jubilee F 8941 A Life's Morning F 3740 v Grub Street G \\2\ The Odd Women F 3755 The Paying Guest F 8943 Sleeping Fires F 8944 The Unclassed F 8945 Giulio Branchi. Elwes F Giulio Malatesta. Trollope F 1799 OIVINS, R. C. The Rich Man's Fool. F 3739 GLADDEN, W. Santa Claus on a Lark. and other Christmas Stories H 1421 Gladiators. Melville F 1 1 70 The same G 440 GLADSTONE, Mrs. J. C. Ups and Downs of an Old Maid E 969 Gladys. Darling F 2962 Gladys, the Reaper. Beale F 2497 GLAISTER.E. A Constant Woman. .F 3692 Glance at Philosophy. Goodrich H 434,5 Glance at the Sciences. Goodrich H 434, 1 GLASGOW, E. The Descendant . . . . F 8561 GLE1G, G. R. Stories of the Veterans of Chelsea Hospital. 3 V F 695 Glimpse of the World. Sewell F 1529 The same G 556 Glimpses of Pleasant Homes. Carroll. H 412 Gloria. 2 v. Perez Galdos F 3645 Gloria Yictis. Kirschner F 6585 Gloriana. Dixie F 3024 Glorinda. Dodd F 441 Glory and Sorrow; or, Consequences of Ambition H 439 Glory of the House of Israel. Strauss. II 1 284 GLOUVET, Jules De, pseud. See QUESNAY de BEAUREPA1RE. Gloverson and his Silent Partners. Keeler F 963 Glow- Worm Tales. Payn G 1271 GLUEMER, C. von. Noble Name. . . F 3659 GLYN, A. L. Fifty Pounds for a Wife. F 3771 A Pearl of the Realm; Story of the Reign of Charles I F 8891 Go- Ahead. Fosdick H 267,2 Go-Ahead Series. See Fosdick, C. A. Go Forth and Find. Jarboe F 7254 Go work; a Book for Girls. Perram. . H 2069 Go's Goings. Clark H 1 1 5 1 Gobi or Shamo. Murray F 5333 GOBINEAU, J. A. Romances of the East F 667 Contents: The Dancing Girl of Shamak- ha; History of Gamber-Aly; The War with the Turkomans; The Illustrious Magician; The Lovers of Kandahar. Goblin Gold. Crommelin F 2869 Gobseck. Balzac F 7876 God and the Man. Buchanan F 2682 God Forsaken. Breton F 8088 God in the Car, The. Hawkins F 4-33 God's Fool. Schwartz F 5363 God's Will, and other Stories. Frapan. F 7247 Gods give my Donkey Wings. Abbott. F 7770 Gods, The, Some Mortals and Lord Wickenham. Craigie F 8362 GODDARD, J. Fairy Tales in other Lands H 1 426 Wonderful Stories from Northern Lands H 430 Goddess of Atvatabar. Bradshaw F 2291 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. Ill Godfrey Brenz. Jones F 4406 Godfrey Morgan. Verne F 7308 Godolphin. Lytton F 5008 The same G 380 Godson of a Marquis. Theuriet F 6961 GODWIN, W. Caleb Williams F 672 Fleetwood; or, the Man of Feeling. F 671 St. Leon ; Tale of the 16th Century . F 675 GOETHE, J. W. Elective Affinities.. F 673 Novels and Tales I 3025,4 Contents: Elective Affinities; The Sor- rows of Werther; German Emigrants; The Good Woman; A Tale. Sorrows of Werther I 2958 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. I 3025,5 The same and Travels; tr. by Car- lyle. 2v F 3660 Wilhelm Meister's Travels I 2957 The same E 917,4 Goethe and Schiller. Mundt F 1207 OOFF, Mrs. H. N. K. Was it an Inher- itance? F 677 Other Fools and their Doings; Life jynong the Freedmen F 5872 GOGOL, N. V. St. John's Eve, and other Stories F 3661 Contents : St. John's Eve; Old Fashioned Farmers; Tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovitch; The Portrait; The Cloak. faras Bulba [Russia, 16th Century]F 3662 Tchitchikoff's Journeys; or, Dead Souls. 2 v F 3671 Going South. Adams : H 1 1 5,4 Going West. Adams H 115,1 Gold and Dross. Mayo F 642 Gold and Name. Schwartz F 1702 Gold Elsie. John F 938 Gold Fish of Gran Chimu. Lummis..F 5048 Gold, Gold, in Cariboo. Wolley H 2777 Gold Hunter's Adventures. Thomes..H 713 Gold Hunters in Europe. Thomes H 714 Gold of Chickaree. Warner F 1877 Gold of Fairnilee, The. Lang H 1728 Gold of Pleasure. Lathrop F 4958 Gold Seekers. Boussenard H 1036 Sequel to Crusoes of Guiana. Gold that did not Glitter. Dabney F 3041 Gold Thread. Macleod H 536 Golden Autumn, A. Hector F 4133 Golden-Beak. Bassett F 7905 Golden Bottle. Donnelly F 3172 Golden Butterfly. Besant and Rice. . .F 112 The same G 853 Golden Calf. Boyesen F 8016 Golden Calf. Maxwell G 1 235 Golden Days of '49. Munroe F 5327 Golden Deeds, Book of. Yonge C 1661 Golden Dream. Ballantyne H 10 14 Golden Fairy Book; Stories by Jokai, George Sand and others H 1 427 Golden Feather. Gould F 3789 Golden Fetters. Lemon G 326 Golden Gossip, A. Whitney F 7564 Golden Hope. Russell F 6367 Golden House. Warner F 7567 Golden Justice, The. Bishop F 2542 Golden Lion of Granpere. Trollopc.F 1790 The same G 604 Golden Lotus, and other Legends of Japan. Greey F 3684 Golden Magnet, The. Fenn F 3483 Golden Mediocrity. Hamerton F 3888 Golden Pilgrimage, A. Lanza F 4848 Golden Rule, The. Mackarness H 545 Golden Shaft. Gibbon F 3743 Golden Sorrow. Hoey F 827 The same G 253 Golden Spike, The. King F 465 1 Golden Thorns. Warner H 753,2 Golden Tress. Du Boisgobey F 2568 Golden Wedding, and other Tales. Stuart F 681 1 Golden West, The. Lothrop H 2342 GOLDSMITH, Chrtetabel, pseiui. See SMITH, F.N. GOLDSMITH, J. C. Himself again. F 3663 GOLDSMITH, O. Vicar of WakefieldG 235 The same H 431 The same I 2921,1 The same I 2958 The same J 63 The same J 64,3 The same J 65,1 The same *F 115,23 Goldsmith's Wife, The. Ainsworth. . .G 692 GOLO RAIMUND, pseud. See BEHRENS, B. GONCOURT, E. and J. Armande . . . . F 8890 Sister Philomene F 3770 Gone. Macquoid F 5537 GOOCH, F. P. Miss Mordeck's Father.F 3761 Good Aunt, The. Edgeworth F 5 18, 1 Good-bye. Stannard F 7478 Good-bye, Sweetheart. Broughton F 190 Good Child's, Library H 416 v. 1. Great Tenabraka. Good for Nothing. Melville G 441 119 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Good French Governess, The. Edge- worth F 518,1 Good Genius. Mayhew H 560 Good Investment. Flagg F 591 Good Luck. Buerstenbinder F 1913 Good Match, A. Perrier F 1303 Good Measure. Erickson H 372 Good Old Times. Ainsworth G 696 Good Old Times. Kellogg H 521 Good Old Times. Rathbone F 2088 Good Ship Barbara. Sadler F 6563 Good Ship Mohock. Russell F 6460 Good Stories. De Quincey and others. F 3450 Contents: The Avenger, byDeQuincy; Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure, by N. Hawthorne; Love and Skates, by W:n- throp; The Defaulter, by Hood; Cold- stream, by Vaughan ; Madonna, by Spicer: The Metempsychosis, by Mac- nish ; The Uninvited ; The Bellows- Mender of Lyons ; The Small-Change Family: The Scotsman's Tale, by Lee; The Blacksmiths of Holsby; A Peni- tent Confession. Good Stories. Reade F 6256 Good Time Coming. Arthur H 175 Good Work. Chellis F 2771 GOODLOE, A. C. College Girls H 1424 GOODMAN, E. J. Too Curious G 1293 GOODRICH, S.Q. (Peter Parity). Wan- derers by Sea and Land, with other Tales H 1446 Youth's Library of Biography H 433 v. 1. Famous Men of Modern Times. 2. Famous Men of Ancient Times. 3. Famous American Indians. 4. Lives of Benefactors. 5. Lives of Celebrated Women. 6. Curiosities of Human Nature. Youtu's Library of History H 432 v. 1. American History. 2. European History. 3. African History. 4. Asiatic History. 5. History of American Indians. 6. Manners and Customs of American Indians. 7. Manners and Customs of Nations. Youth's Library of Literature and Science H 434 v. 1. Glance at the Sciences. 2. Anecdotes of Animal Kingdom. 3. Literature, Ancient and Modern. 4. Wonders of Geology. GOODRICH, S. G. (Peter Parley). Youth's Library of Literature and ScienceH 434 v. 5. Glance at Philosophy. 6. Enterprise, Industry and Art of Man. 7. The World and its Inhabitants. GOODWIN, E. C. How they learned Housework H 1451 GOODWIN,Mrs.H.B..SVvTALCOTT,Mrs.H.B. GOODWIN, M. W. Flint, his Faults, Friendships, and Fortunes F 8949 The Head of a Hundred [Virginia 17th Century] F 8950 White Aprons; Bacon's Rebellion, 1676 F 8951 Gooroo Simple and his Disciples H 411 Goostie. Hyde H 4380 GORDON, Julien, /*wVinter House- Party; The Secret of San Juan; The Stranger within thy Gate; His Lordship. A Son of the Old Dominion F 3826 Sweet Bells out of Tune F 3818 A Virginia Cousin and Bar Harbor Tales F 4217 I tents: A Virginia Cousin; Out of Season; On Frenchman's Bay. (Ed.. Short Stories F 3825 Contents: My Own Story, by Stoddard; In Honor Bound, byChesebro; An Is- lander, by Crosby; A Speakin' Ghost, by Slosson; Monsieur Alcibiade, by Har- rison. HARRISON, E. In Story-Land H 4193 HARRISON, J. The Old Back Room.H | Whose Fault? F HARRISON, L.,fisei«t. See WATSON, L. H. HARRISON, Mrs. M. K. (Lucas Malet) The Carissima; a modern gro- tesque F 4 1 1 3 HARRISON, Mrs. M. K. [Lmcoi M Colonel Enderby's \Vif< 1 5172 The same G 1098 Counsel of Perfection F 4 1 1 1 Little Peter; a Christmas Morality.H 1528 Mrs. Lorimer F 5151 Harry Ambler. Marlow H 1782 Harry and Lucy. 2 v. Edgeworth H 1246 Harry Blount. Hamerton H 447 Harry Bradford's Crusade. Mathews. H 1808 Harry Coverdale's Courtship. SmedleyF 1561 Harry Delaware. Est van F 549 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. TrollopeF 1757 The same G 820 Harry Joscelyn. Oliphant G 1152 Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of. LeverG Harry Marline, Adventures of. PorterF 5893 Harry Ogilvie. Grant F 8818 Harry Raymond. Cameron H 1 1 1 2 Harry Richmond, Adventures of. Mere- dith F 5219 Harry Treverton. Timperley H 2471 Harry's Vacation. Richards H 2160 HARSHA, W. J. Ploughed Under; the »ry of an Indian Chief F 5886 HART, Mrs. F. W. Miss Hitchcock's Wedding Dress F 1 186 Very Young Couple F 1836 HART, M. Two English Girls F 4180 Hartas Maturin. Lester F 4972 HARTE, F. B. Argonauts of North Liberty F 3855 Barker's Luck, and other Stories. . . F 4 1 47 Contents: Barker's Luck; A Yellow Dog; A Mother of Five; Bulger's Rep- utation; IntheTules; A convert to the Mission; Indiscretion of Elsbeth; The Devotion of Enriquez. The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and other Stories F 4143 Contents: The Bell-Ringer of Angel's; Johnnyboy; Young Robin Gray; The Sheriff of Siskyou; A Rose of Glen- bogie; The Mystery of the Hacienda; Chu Chu; My First Book. By Shore and Sedge F 3973 Clarence [Am. Civil War] F 4 1 45 , Sequel to Susy. Colonel Starbottle's Client and some other people F 4 1 40 Condensed Novels and Stores F 750 The same J 75,5 Cressy F 3856 Crusade of the Excelsior F 3886 Drift from two Shores F 3945 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 123 HARTE, F. B. Eastern Sketches. .. .J 75.3 First Family of Tasajara F 3864 Flip, and Found at Blazing Star. . . F 3948 The same J 75,6 Frontier Stories J 75,6 Gabriel Conroy J 75,4 Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and other Tales F 3857 Contents: The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh; A Knight-Errant of the Foot- Hills; A .Secret of Telegraph Hill; Cap- tain Jim's Friend. In a Hollow of the Hills F 4146 In the Carquinez Woods F 3949 rhe same J 75,6 Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches F 751 The same J 75,2 Maruja F 3883 Millionaire of Rough and Ready, and Devil's Ford F 3885 Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, and other Sketches F 752 On the Frontier F 3967 Contents: At the Mission of San Car- me!; A Blue Grass Penelope; Left out on Lone Star Mountain. Phyllis of the Sierras, and A Drift from Redwood Camp F 3887 A Prot£g£e of Jack Hamlin's, and other Stories F 4142 Contents: A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's; An Ingenue of the Sierras; The Refor- mation of James Reddy; The Heir of the McHulishes; An Episode of West Woodlands; The Home-coming of Jim Wilkes. Queen of the Pirate Isle H 4170 Sally Dows and other Stories F 4 1 4 1 Contents: Sally Dows; The Conspiracy of Mrs. Bunker; Transformation of Buckeye Camp; Their Uncle from Cali- fornia. Sappho of Green Springs, and other Stories F 3863 Contents: A Sappho of Green Springs; The Chatelaine of Burnt Ridge; Through the Santa Clara Wheat; A Maecenas of the Pacific Slope . Snow-Bound at Eagle's F 3884 Story of a Mine F 3946 The same J 75^ Susy; a Story of the Plains F 4144 Sequel to A Waif of the Plains. Tales of the Argonauts, and other Sketches F 749 The same J 75,3 HARTE, F. B. Thankful Blossom [New Jersey,i779] F 754 The same J 75,5 Three Partners; or, the Big Strike on Heavy Tree Hill F 4148 Twins of Table Mountain, and other Stories F 3947 Contents: Twins of Table Mountain; Heiress of Red Dog: The Great Dead- wood Mystery; A Legend of Sammt. stadt; Views from a German Spion. A Waif of the Plains F 3858 A Ward of the Golden Gate F 3859 Works J 75 v. 1. Poetical Works. 2. M'liss;LuckofRoanngCamp; Outcasts of Poker Flat; Brown of Calaveras; Bo- hemian Papers; Spanish and American Legends; Tales of the Argonauts. 3. Tales of the Argonauts; East- ern Sketches. 4. Gabriel Conroy. 5. Story of a Mine; Thankful Blossom; Twins of Table Mountain; Jeff Briggs's Love Story; Condensed Novel-. 6. Frontier Stories: Flip; Found at Blazing Star; In the Car- quinez Woods; At the Mis- sion of San Carmel; Blue- Grass Penelope; Left out on Lone Star Mountain; A Ship of '49. Hartland Forest. Bray F 2655 HARTLEY, Mrs. M. L. Flitters, Tat- ters, and the Counsellor G 1 100 Contents: Flitters. Tatters, and the Counsellor; The Game Hen: Baubie Clark. Hogan, M. P F 1012 The Honorable Miss Ferrard F 1029 Ismay's Children [Irish Life.] F 1014 HARTMANN, F. Talking Image of I rur F 3828 HARTNER, E., pseud. See TWAR- DOWSKA, E. v. HARTWELL,M. 5^CATHERWOOD, M.H. Hartwell Farm. Comins F 215 Hartz Boys, The. Hoffmann H 469 Harvest. Stannard F 6894 Harvest of Wild Oats. Lean G 896 124 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. HARVEY, W. H. Tale of Two Na- tions [ Demonetization.] F 4309 Harveys, The. Kingsley F 986 Haschisch. Gatchell F 4653 Hasheesh Eater. Ludlow F 1017 HASSARD, J. R. G. Pickwickian Pil- grimage F 799 HASSAUREK, F. Secret ot the Andes.F 781 Haste and Waste. Adams H 1 10,6 HASTINGS, E., pseud. See SHER- WOOD, M. P. HATCH, A. J. Under the Cedars. . . . F 756 HATCH, M. R. P. The Bank Tragedv.F 4117 HATHAWAY, W. E. Christopher Crook- ed; a Christmas Story F 760 Hatim Tai, Adventures of *V 1255 HATTERSLEY, M. E. Norstone. . . F 3068 HATTON, J. Banishment of Jessop Blythe F 3831 By Order of the Czar F 3867 Captured by Cannibals H 1 550 Christopher Kenflck F 76$ Cruel London F 3869 The Dagger and the Cross F 3830 John Needham's Double F 3890 Old House at Sandwich. 2 v F 7316 Princess Mazaroff F 3866 Three Recruits, and the Girls they left behind them F 3971 When Greek meets Greek; a Tale of Love and War F 3832 HAUFF, W. Arabian Days* Enter- tainments F 766 Contents: The Caravan; The Sheik of Alexandria; The Tavern in Spessart. The Caravan, and Sheik of Alexan- dria I 4108 Tales of theCara van, Inn andPalaceH 1495 Three Tales G 248 Contents: The Beggar Girl of the Pont des Arts; The Emperor's Picture; The Cold Heart. Haunted Adjutant, The. Quincy F 6161 Haunted and the Haunters. Lytton.. . F 5021 Haunted Chamber, The. Hungerford.F 2437 Haunted Fountain. Macquoid F 5533 Haunted Hearts. Cummins F 350 Haunted Hotel. Collins G 927 Haunted Husband. Lewis F 4854 Haunted Life. Grant F 8808 Haunted Man. Dickens G 149 Hauntings. Paget F 6026 HAUSER, I. L. (Aleph Bey). That Eurasian F 7935 HAUSRATH, A. (Geo. Taylor). Antinous [Romance of Ancient Rome] F 6938 Clytia [Heidelberg, 1570] F 6939 Haute Noblesse. Fenn F 3426 HAVEN, A. B. Where there's a Will, there's a Way H 436 Haverholme. Jenkins F 4426 HAVERS, D. See BOULGER, Mrs. T. H. H. Havoc of a Smile. Walford F 745 1 HAW, M. J. The Beechwood Tragedy; Tale of the Chickahominy F 3862 HAWEIS, H. R. Pet; or, Pastimes and Penalties H 462 HAWKER, M. (Lanoe Falconer). Cecilia de Noel F 3421 The Hotel d' Angleterre, and other Stories F 7225 Mademoiselle Ixe * F 7220 HAWKESWORTH, J. Almoran and Hamlet; an Oriental Tale *F 115,26 HAWKINS, A. H. (Anthony Hope). A Change of Air F 4232 Chronicles of Count Antonio F 4240 The Comedies of Courtship F 4228 Contents: The Wheel of Love; The Lady of the Pool; The Curate of Poltons; A Three-Volume Novel; The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard; The Decree of Duke Deodonata. The Dolly Dialogues F 4234 Father Stafford F 4236 Frivolous Cupid F 4229 The God in the Car F 4233 The Heart of Princess Osra F 4226 The Indiscretion of tbe Duchess.. F 4235 A Man and his Model F 4239 Man of Mark F 4237 Mr. Witt's Widow F 4230 Phroso F 4224 Prisoner of Zenda F 4231 Sport Royal, and other Stories F 4238 Contents: Sport Royal; A Tragedy in Outline; A Malapropos Parent; How they stopped the run; A Little Joke; A Guardian of Morality; Not a bad Deal; Middleton's Model; My Astral Body; The Nebraska Loadstone; A Success- ful Rehearsal. Hawks of Hawks-Hollow. 2 v. Bird..F 2509 Haworth's. Burnett F 2669 HAWTHORNE, J. An American Pen- man; Diary of Inspector Byrnes. F 3844 Archibald Malmaison F 3975 Beatrix Randolph F 3974 Bressant F 768 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 125 HAWTHORNE, J. Constance, and Cab- ot's Rival F 3852 David Poindexter's Disappearance, and other Tales F 3845 A Dream and a Forgetting F 3847 Dust F 3951 A Fool of Nature F 421 1 Fortune's Fool F 3954 Garth F 3915 Great Bank Robbery F 3843 Idolatry F 767 John Parmelee's Curse F 3916 Kildhurm's Oak ; Strange Friend . . F 3853 Love — or a Name? [New York City Politics] F 3982 Love is a Spirit F 4209 Noble Blood F 3976 Pauline F 3854 Prince Saroni's Wife F 3977 Professor's Sister F 3849 Sebastian Strome F 3950^ Section 558; from the Diary of Inspector Byrnes F 3846 Sinfire F 3848 Six Cent Sam's F 4210 Tragic Mystery F 3842 Trial of Gideon and Countess Al- mara's Murder F 3917 HAWTHORNE,N. Blithedale Romance [Brook Farm Life] F 764 The same J 83 Doctor Grimshawe's Secret F 3952 Fanshawe.and other Pieces [Bowdoin College] J 77 House of the Seven Gables F 77 1 The same J 82 Marble Faun; or, Romance of Monte Beni F 773 The same J 84 Mosses from an old Manse F 774 The same J 80 Scarlet Letter [Massachusetts, 17th Century] F 769 The same J 81 SeptimiusFelton[ConcordFight,i775]F 770 The same J 92 Snow Image, and other Twice-told Tales J 79 Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys [Ancient Greece] J 88 Contents: The Minotaur; The Pygmies; The Dragon's Teeth; Circe's Palace; The Pomegranate Seeds; The Golden Fleece. HAWTHORNE, N. True Stories from History and Biography F 772 The same J 86 Twice-Told Tales [Mass. Colony]. F 765 The same J 78 Contents: The Gray Champion; Sunday at Home; The Wedding Knell; The Minister's Black Veil; The May-pole of Merry Mount; The Gentle Boy; Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe; Little Annie's Ramble; Wakefield; A Rill from the Town Pump; The Great Carbuncle; The Prophetic Pictures; David Swan; Sights from a Steeple; The Hollow of the Three Hills; The Toll-gatherer's Day; The Vision of the Fountain; Fancy's Show Box; Dr. Heidegger's Experiment; Howe's Mas- querade; Edward Randolph's Portrait; Lady Eleanore's Mantle; Old Esther Dudley; TheHaunted Mind; TheVillage Uncle; The Ambitious Guest; The Sister Years; Snowflakes, The Seven Vagabonds; The White Old Maid; Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure;Chippings with a Chisel; The Shaker Bridal; Night Sketches; Endicott and the Red Cross; The Lily's Quest; Footprints on the Sea Shore; Edward Fane's Rosebud; The Threefold Destiny. Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, and Grandfather's Chair J 87 HAWTREY, L. Brave Dame Mary; or, the Siege of Corfe Castle H 1055 HAY, ELZEY, pseud. See ANDREWS, F. HAY, J. The Bread-Winners [Labor and Capital J F 2650 HAY, M. C. The Arundel Motto F 3060 Brenda Yorke F 805 Hidden Perils F 804 Lester's Secret F 3829 Nora's Love Test F 805 Old Myddelton's Money F 809 Victor and Vanquished F 806 HAY,W.D.ThreeHundredYears hence.F 3065 H A YENS, H. Paris at Bay F 4207 HAYES, A. A. The Jesuit's Ring; Ro- mance of Mt. Desert F 3897 HAYES, HENRY, pseud. See KIRK, E. W. O. HAYES, I. I. Cast Away in the Cold [Arctic Regions] H 451 HAYNES, E.J. A Farm-HouseCobweb.F 4222 None such? There will yet be Thou- sands F 41 16 HAYS, Mrs. H. Aspirations F 3906 City Cousins H 1 532 Village Maid F 3893 HAYWARD, W. S. One in a TbousaudF 3833 126 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hazard of New Fortunes. Howells F 4076 He Cometh Not, she said. Cudlip F 1781 He fell among Thieves. Murray and Herman He fell in Love with his Wife. Roe...F 6317 He knew he was Right. Trollope F 1775 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 609 He that will not when he may. Oliphant.G 1 1 5 1 He With all my Worldly Goods I Thee endow. Moon..: F 5318 He would be a Gentleman. Lover F 1078 He would have me be Brave. Katzen- berger F 4585 HEAD, E. W. V iga Glum's Saga F 3978 Head of a Hundred. Goodwin F 8950 Head of Medusa. Fletcher F 3512 Head of the Family. Craik G 113 Head of the Firm, The. Riddell F 6381 Head Station, The. Praed G 1 276 Headless Horseman. Reid H 623 HEADLEY, P. C. Fight it out on this Line; Life of Gen. Grant. H Fighting Phil; Life and Career of Gen. Sheridan H Miner Boy and his Monitor; Career of John Ericsson H 455 The Patriot Boy; Life and Career of Maj. Gen. Mitchel H Headlong Hall. Peacock F 6041 The same I Headsman. Cooper F 265 HEADY, M. ( Uncle Juvinell). Farmer Boy; Life of Washington H y-\ HEALD, S. E. The Eagle's Plume; Early Days of Vermont F 4175 Healey. Fothergill F 779 HEALY, M. See BIGOT, Mme. M. H. Heaps of Money. Norris F 5420 HEARN, L. Chita; a Memory of Last Island F 4086 Some Chinese Ghosts F 4064 Contents: The Soul of the Great Bell; The Story of Ming-Y; Legend of Tchi- Niu; The Return of Yen-Tchin-King; Tradition of the Tea-plant; The Tale of the Porcelain-God. Stray Leaves from Strange Litera- ture; Stories [Oriental] E 3339 Youma; Story of a West-Indian Slave F 4087 Heart and Science. Collins G 883 Heart-Histories. Arthur H 176 Heart-Hungry. Westmoreland F 1916 Heart of a Mystery. Speight F 6809 Heart of Gold. Smith.... 6782 Heart of it, The-. Stoddard F 6881 Heart of Jane Warner. Lean G 1086 Heart of Life. Mallock F 5541 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott F 2160 The same G 543 Heart of Myrrha Lake. Wood F 1033 Heart of Princess Osra. Hawkins. . . . F 4226 Heart of Steel. Tiernan F 3495 Heart of the World. Haggard F '4189 Heart Regained, A. Elizabeth of Rouma- nia F 3233 Heart Stories. Bartlett F 247 1 Heart's Problem. Gibbon F 3744 Hearts. Murray F 9542 Hearts and Faces. Trowbridge H 736,3 Hearts and Hands. Tiernan F 3587 Hearts in Mortmain . . . F 780 Hearts of Oak. Stables H 2387 Hearts unveiled. Saymore F 6820 Heartsease. Yonge F 2017 The same G 670 Heath- House Stories. Parsons H 452 Heather and Snow. Mac I )onald F HEATON, E. M. The Octagon Club.F 5610 HEAVEN, L. P. ChataandChinita..F 4102 Heaven s Gate. Trotter F 6540 Heavenly Twins. McFall F 3776 Heavy Laden. Frapan F 7267 Heavy Odds. Clarke I 8242 Heavy Yokes. Walworth F 761 Hebrew Heroes. Tucker 1 2133 HECKETHORN, C. W. The Windmill and its S e cr e t! H 1557 Heckington. Gore G 238 HECTOR, Mrs. A. F. T. {Mr*, Al der). The Admiral's Ward F 4091 At Bay F 3987 Barbara; Lady's Maid and Peeress.F 4134 Beaton's Bargain F 3097 Blind Fate F 4ia6 The same G 1127 Broken Links, a Love Story F 4 ' 3° By Woman's Wit F 3998 The same G 1 264 A Crooked Path F 4092 The same G 1330 The Executor F 3985 A Fight with Fate F 4 131 Forging the Fetters F 3999 The Freres F 3988 A Golden Autumn F 4 1 33 Hor I).- m st Foe F 34 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 127 HECTOR, Mrs. A. F. T. (Mrs. Alexan- der). Heritage of Langdale F 36 A Life Interest " F 4068 The same G 1296 Look before you Leap F 3989 Maid, Wife, or Widow? [Austro- Prussian War,i866] F 3090 Mammon F 4127 Mona's Choice F 4066 The same G 1 -^7 Ralph Wilton's Weird F 35 Second Life F 3986 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1068 The Snare of the Fowler F 4 1 »8 A Ward in Chancery F pag Well .Won F 4O06 What Gold cannot buy F 4094 A Winning Hazard F 4 1 32 A Woman's Heart F 4093 The Wooing o't F 40 Hector. Shaw F 6582 HectorO'Halloran.Fortunesof.MaxwellF 1 171 Hector Servadac. Verne F 1907 Hector's Inheritance. Alger H 97 Hedge Fence, A. Alden H 921 Hedged in. Ward F 1309 Hedgehog Letters. Jerrold K 3775 Hedri. Reeves HEERMANS, F. Thirteen Stories of the Far West F 4067 M tents: Shingles; Widow of the Late Smith; Alanascar and his Uncle cent of Uncompahgre; Descent of I'n- compahgre; Buried under an Avalanche; Wedding at the Puerta da Luna; On Watch with the Night Herd ; Don Quixote de Santa Kosa; The Assayer's Story; Log of a Landsman; Molokai— Death's Valley; Home of Everlasting Fire. Heidelberg. James G 268 Heidenmauer. Cooper F 266 Heidi. Spyri H 2383 Heights and Depths. Hill F 1466 HEIMBURG, W., pseud. See BEHRENS, B. HEINE, C. J. H. Florentine Nights. .F 4241 Contents: Florentine Nights; Memories of Herr von Schnabelewopslci; The Kabbi of Bacharach; Shakespeare's Maidens and Women. Heir of Charlton. Fleming F 3521 HeirofLinne. Buchanan F 2688 Heir of Malreward F 782 Heir of Redely ffe. Yonge F 201 8 The same G 671 Heir of the Ages. Payn G 1272 Heir Presumptive, The. Lean G 1087 Heir Presumptive and the Heir Ap- parent. Oliphant F 5686 Heir to Millions. Fawcett F 3600 Heirs of Bradley House. Douglas F 3005 Heiress, The. Durand F 3129 Heiress of Courtleroy. Beale F 7921 Heiress of Haughton. Marsh G 421 Heiress of Kilorgan. Sadlier F 1471 Hekim Bashi, The. 2 v. Sandwith F 6521 Held Fast for England. Henty H 1568 Held in Bondage; or, Granville de Yigne. Dela Ram A. Cassimir Maremma..F 783 Ivan de Biron; Russian Court, 18th Century F 785 The same G 750 Realmah F 784 HENDERSON, I. Agatha Page F 4100 The Prelate F 3096 HENDERSON, W. J. Afloat with the Flag [Brazilian Revolution] H 4203 Sea Yarns spun for Boys H 4202 Hendricks, the Hunter. Kingston H 1662 HENKEL, F. Mistress of Ibichstein..F 3093 HENNIKER, F. In Scarlet and Grey; Stories of Soldiers and others F 9130 Contents: The Heart of the Color Sergeant; Bad and Worthless; A Suc- cessful Intrusion; A Page from a Vicar's History; At the Sign of the Startled Fawn; In the Infirmary. l-js CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ctta Temple. Beaconsfield G 176 Henriettas Wish. Yonge H 2828 Henriette; or, a Corsfcan Mother. Cop- P^c F 3097 Henry IV. Abbott H 60 HENRY, A. and M. W. The Flight of a Pigeon, and other Stories H 4201 HENRY, Mrs. S.M.I. Voiceof Home.H -400 Henry Courtland. Cline F 242 Henry de Pomeroy. Bray F 2299,9 Henry Dunbar. Maxwell G 38 Henry Esmond. Thackeray G 586 Henry Lyle. Norris F 5239 Henry Milner. Sherwood F 1 545,1 The same, and other Tales F 1545,15 Henry of Guise. James F 913 Henry Powers, Banker. Kimball F 995 Henry St. John. Cooke F 2832 Same as Bonnybel Vane. Henry the Eighth and his Court. Mundt.F 1217 HENTY, G. A. At Agincourt; Tale of the White Hoods of Paris H 4221 Beric the Briton; Story of the Roman Invasion H 1571 Bonnie Prince Charlie; Fontenoy and Culloden H 1467 Boy Knight; Tale of the Crusade. . H 1503 Same as Fighting the Saracens. Bravest of the Brave; Peterborough in Spain, 1705-7 H 1472 By England's Aid; or, Freeing of the Netherlands, 1585- 1604 H 1565 By Pike and Dyke; Rise of the Dutch Republic H i486 By Right of Conquest; or, with Cor- tez in Mexico H 1 567 By Sheer Pluck; a Tale of the Ashanti War, 1874 H 1505 Captain Bayley's Heir; Gold Fields of California H 1463 Cat of Bubastes; Tale of Ancient Egypt H 1464 A Chapter of Adventures; Bombard- ment of Alexandria H 1 566 Condemned as a Nihilist; Story of Escape from Siberia H 1572 Cornet of Horse; Marlborough's Wars H 1477 The Dash for Khartoum; a Tale of the Nile Expedition H 1 570 Dorothy's Double F 4 1 36 Dragon and the Raven; or, the Days of King Alfred H 1 473 I HENTY. G. A. Facing Death; Tale of the Coal Mines H Final Reckoning; Bush Life in Aus- tralia H For Name and Fame; Afghan War, 1885....* H For the Temple; the Fall of Jerusa- lem H 1470 A Girl of the Commune, 1871 F 4137 Held Fast for England; Siege of Gib- raltar, 1779-83 H 1568 A Hidden Foe F 4135 In Freedom's Cause; Story of Wal- lace and Bruce H In Greek Waters; Grecian War of Independence, 1821-27 H In the Heart of the Rockies H In the Reign of Terror, 1793 H Jack Archer; a Tale of the Crimea. H Sameas Fall of Sebastopol. A Jacobite Exile; in Service of Charles XI I. of Sweden H 1553 A Knight of the White Cross; Siege of Rhodes H 1622 Lion of St. Mark; Venice, 14th Cen- tury H 1478 The Lion of the North; Tale of Gus- tavus Adolphus H 1465 Maori and Settler; Story of the New Zealand War H 1564 On the Irrawaddy; the First Bur- mese War, 1824 H 4222 One of the 28th; Story of Water- loo H 1483 Orange and Green; a Tale of the Boyne and Limerick H 1560 Out on the Pampas; or, the Young Settlers [South America] H 1 497 Redskin and Cow-Boy; a Tale of the ern Plains H 1569 St. Bartholomew's Eve; a Tale of the Huguenot Wars H 1537 St. George for England; Tale of Cressy and Poitiers H Stories of History H Stories of Peril and Adventure H Stories of Sea and Land H Through Russian Snows; Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow H Through the Fray; Story of the Lud- dite Riots H Through the Sikh War; Conquest of the Punjaub H ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 12i> HENTY, G. A. The Tiger of Mysore; War with Tippoo Saib H 4220 True to the Old Flag [American Rev- olution] H 1466 Under Drake's Flag; Tale of the Spanish Main H 1498 When London was Burned H 1628 Winning his Spurs H 1503 Same as The Boy Knight. With Clive in India, 1750-60 H 1476 With Cochrane the Dauntless in South American Waters H 4223 With Lee in Virginia; Story of the American Civil War H 1480 With Wolfe in Canada; Winning of a Continent H 1 507 Wulf the Saxon; Story of the Nor- man Conquest H 1629 The Young Carthaginian; Story of the times of Hannibal H 1508 Young Colonists; War with the Zulus and Boers H 1 506 Young Franc-Tireurs; Franco-Prus- sian -War H 1496 HENTZ, Mrs. C. L. W. Aunt Patty's Scrap Bag F 786 Banished Son, and other Stories. . . F 787 Courtship and Marriage F 788 Eoline; or, Magnolia Yale F 789 Ernest Linwood F 790 Helen and Arthur F 791 Linda; or, the Young Pilot of the Belle Creole F 792 Lost Daughter, and other Stories. . V 793 Love after Marriage, and other Stories F 794 Marcus Warland F 795 Planter's Northern Bride F 796 Rena; or, the Snow Bird F 797 Robert Graham F 798 Sequel to Linda. HEPWORTH.G. H. !!! F 3991 They met in Heaven F 4103 Her Associate Members. Alden F 2346 Her Brother Donnard. Yeeder F 7302 Her Crime F 2204 Her Dearest Foe. Hector F 34 Her Face was her Fortune. Robinson. F 1429 Her Fair Fame. Fawcett F 3367 Her Fairy Prince. Jones F 7656 Her Father's Inheritance. Temple.. . .F 6948 Her Father's Name. Lean G 892 Her First Appearance. Hungerford. .G 1397 Her Great Ambition. Earle F 3246 Her Great Idea, and other Stories. Wal- ford F 7449 Her Heart was True. Cuttim F 7240 Her Inheritance. Pratt F 4925 Her Ladyship. Minor F 5210 Her Little Highness.Knobelsdorff-Brenk- enhoff F 3378 Her Lord and Master. Lean G 85 Her Majesty. Tompkins F 71 15 Her Majesty, the Queen. Cooke F 317 Her only Brother. Behrens F 2612 Her only Son. Smith F 1498 Her Picture. Hamerton F 2202 Her Provincial Cousin. Wood F 7248 Her Sailor Love. Macquoid F 5139 Her Title of Honour. Parr G 487 Her Washington Season. Lincoln F 4905 Her Week's Amusement. Hungerford.G 1241 Her World against a Lie. Lean G 889 Herb of Love, The. Drosines F 7266 Herb-Moon, The. Craigie F 8363 HERBERT, H. W. {Frank Forester Y Fair Puritan [Salem \Vitchcraft].F 801 Oliver Cromwell, England's Great Protector F 802 Roman Traitor [Days of Cicero].. F 4001 Wager of Battle; Saxon Slavery in Sherwood Forest F 3983 HERBERT, Mrs. M. C. P. Drifted away H 1210 HERBERT, Lady M. E. Edith F 4002 Wilfulness, and its Consequences.. F 1304 Herbert Carter's Legacy. Alger H 157,4 Herbert Vanlennert. Keary F 4761 Heresy of Mehetabel Clark. Slosson..F 6815 Heretic Priest, and other Tales of Refor- mation Times H 1 558 Hereward, the Wake. Kingsley F 987 The same G 306 HERFORD, O. Artful Antics (Verses)H 1578 HERICAULT, C. J. de R. 1794; a Tale of the Terror F 4000 Hertpts, The. Cunningham F 3120 Heritage of Dedlow Marsh. Harte...F 3857 Heritage of Langdale. Hector F 36 Heritage of the Kurts. Bjornson F 7967 Herman; or, Young Knighthood. 2 v. Pal- frey F 1281 Hermann Agha. Palgrave F 1283 Hermine's Triumphs. Colomb F 8300 Hermit Island. Bates 11 1071 Hermit of the Ro«k. Sadlier F 1473 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Hero, A. Craik . . 337 1 Carthew; or, the Frescotts of Pam- phillon. Parr F 1286 The same G 790 Hrro of our Time. Lermontoff F 4970 Hero of the Pen. Buerstenbinder F 1914 Hero Tales from American Historv. Lodge and Roosevelt H 1 766 Hero-Tales of Ireland. Curtin F 8430 Hero Trevelyan. May G 131 Heroes, The. Kingsley F 988 Heroes of Asgard. Keary F 965 Heroes of the North. Potter H 2093 Heroic Happenings. Brooks H 980 Heroine of '49. Sawtelle F 6486 Heroism of Boyhood. Martin H 1450 Herons, The. Shipton F 6679 Herr Paulus. Besant F 1 404 The same «. 1314 HERRICK, R. The Man who wins... F 9100 Hertha. Bremer 1 Hrrtha. Eckstein F 3290 HERTIO, C. M. {Bmsii Verdendorp). The Yerdendorps F 1949 HERTZ-OARTEN, T. Through the Red- Litten Windows, and Old Riv-r House F 7230 HERTZKA, T. Freeland; a Social An- ticipation F 4178 HERVEY.Mrs.E.L.M. FeastsofCan lot, with the Tales. that were told.H 1500 HERVEY, M. H. Amyas Kgerton, C;t alier [England, 1642] 1 4196 Dartmoor . F 4194 Dead Man's Court F 4 195 Eric, the Archer; a Tale of Chiv- alry H 4260 Hesperus. 2 v. Richter F 141 1 Hester. Oliphant G 1145 Hester, and other Stories. Lothrop. . . F 4928 Hester Howard's Temptation. Warfield.F 1859 Hester Kirton. Macquoid F 11 18 Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. Spofford.H 2380 Hester Tracy. Weber H 2689 HETHERINGTON, Mrs. H. F. and H. D. BURTON. Paul Nugent, Materialist F 3810 Hetty. Kingsley F 996 Hetty's Revenge. Macquoid F 5533 Hetty's Strange History. Jackson F 2212 HETZEL, P. J. (P. J. Stahl). Marous- sia; a Maid of Ukraine [RussiaJF 381 1 HEWLETT, S. S. The Weil-Spring of Immortality [Tale of India] F 4255 HEYSE, J. L. P. LArrabiata, and other Tales ( ', 252 Contents: L'Arrabiata ; Count Ernest's e; Blind; Walton's little Mother. At the Ghost Hour F 4258 v. I. House of the Unbelieving Thomas. 2. The Fair Abigail. 3. The Forest Laugh. 4. Mid-day Magic. The Children of the World F 4256 The Dead Lake, and other Tales. .G 251 Contents: A Fortnight at the Dead Lake; Doomed ; Beatrice ; Beginring and end. A Divided Heart, and other Stories F 4257 Contents: Introduction, Haul Heyse : A Divided Heart; Minka; Kothenburg on the Tauber. In Paradise. 2 v. [Artist Life in Munich] 1 810 The Solitaries F 800 HEYWOOD, J. C. How will it end?. F 803 HEYWOOD, P. D. An ocean Tramp. H 1520 HIBBARD, Q. A. The Governor, and other St. >rit's F 4 199 Contents: The Governor : A Deedless Drama; As the Sparks fly upwa Matter of Fact; A Fresh-Water Ro- mance; The End oi the Beginning. Iduna, and other Stories F 4200 Contents: Iduna; The Woman in the Case; Papoose ; Would Dick do that ; The Dragoness ; In Maiden Medita- tion. Aadays, and other Stories F 4198 Contents: Nowadays; There's nothing half so sweet in Life ; A mad Word, my Masters; Guilty Sir Guy ; In the midst of Life; A Flirt. Hibernian Nights' Entertainments. Fer- guson F 600 HICHENS, R. S. The Folly of Eus- tace, and other Stories F 4308 Contents: The Folly of Eustace; The Return of the Soul; The Collaborators. The Green Carnation F 8910 An Imaginative Man F 4307 Hidden Foe. Henty F 4135 Hidden Path. Terhune F 1764 Hidden Perils. Hay F 804 Hidden Record. Blaisdell F 2567 Hidden Sin. Dupuy F 510 Hidden Treasure, The. Guernsey H 1449 Hidden Workings. Russell F 6350 Hide and Seek. Collins G 99 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 131 HIQGINS, Mrs. E. M. Holidays at the Grange; Games and Stories H 1527 HIGGINSON,E. FromtheLandof theSnou - Pearls; Tales from Puget Sound . F 9093 A Forest Orchid, and other Stories . F 9092 HIGGINSON, Mrs. M. P. T. Room for one more H 1559 HIGGINSON, N. {Moira aNeill). An Easter Vacation F 572 1 The Elf-Errant H 1988 HIGGINSON, S. J. The Bedouin Girl.F 4183 Princess of Java [The Far East]. . . F 4083 HIGGINSON, T. W. The Monarch of Dreams F 4062 Young Folks' Book of American Ex- plorers : B 148 Young Folks' History of the United States B 149 Higgledy-Piggledy. Brabourne H 515 High-Lights. Field F 3994 High Mills, The. Cooper F 1463 The same G 812 High Spirits. Payn G 1031 High Stakes. Cudlip F 1755 Same as Playing for High Stakes. High- Water Mark. Jerome F 928 Higher Law. Maitland F 811 Higher than the Church. Hillern F 4010 Highland Chronicle, A. Dod F 3196 Highland Cousins. Black F 7973 Highland Widow. Scott F 2153 Highway of Sorrow, The.' Smith F 6705 Hilary St. Ives. Ainsworth... G 12 Hilary's Love Story. Craik F 2896 Hilda Strafford. Harraden F 4302 Hildegarde's Holiday. Richards H 2232 Hildegarde's Neighbors. Richards... H 2236 HILDRETH, R. (Ed.). The White Slave; Slave Life in Virginia F 4043 HILL.Mrs.A.L.S. Heights and Depths F 1466 HILL, B. The Story of a Canon F 4213 HILL, F. S. Twenty Years at Sea H 1547 HILL, G. C. Benedict Arnold H 467 Captain John Smith H 465 Daniel Boone H 461 Gen. Israel Putnam (Old Put) H 466 Hill and the Valley. Martineau F 1151,1 Hill Rest. Moulton F 5225 HILLERN, W. B. v. By his own MightF 815 Geier-Wally; a Tale of Tyrol [Ger- many, 151 1] F 818 Graveyard Flower F 3095 Higher than the Church F 4010 HILLERN,W.B.v. The Hour will come; Tale of an Alpine Cloister F 4008 On the Cross; Passion Play at Ober- ammergau F 4009 Only a Girl F 816 Twofold Life F 817 HILLHOUSE, M. L. Iola, the Sena- tor's Daughter [Rome, 24 B. C.]. F 4167 HILLIARD, A. Under the Black Eagle [Russia] H 4241 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner F 1864 Hillside Parish. Dod F 3193 Hilltop Summer, A. Keith F 4603 Hillyars and the Burtons. Kingsley...F 4748 The same G 312 Hilt to Hilt. Cooke F 314 Himself again. Goldsmith F 3663 Himself his Worst Enemy. Brotherhead.F 188 HINKSON, Mrs. K. T. Way of a Maid F 4306 HINMAN, W. N. Under the Maples. F 4099 HINTON, C. H. Stella and An Unfin- ished Communication F 4212 Hippolyte and Golden-Beak. Bassett.F 7905 Hired Baby, The. Corelli (i 14 10 Hirell. Saunders F 1476 His Adopted Daughter. Giberne F 3727 His Broken Sword. Taylor F 6931 His Cuban Sweetheart. Savage and Gunter F 9780 His Excellency. Zola F 7718 His Father. Hocking F 4047 His Father's Son. Matthews F 5638 His First Kangaroo. Ferres H 1389 His Fortunate Grace. Atherton F 7844 His Grace. Norris F 5432 His Great Self. Terhune F 6957 His Heart's Desire. Kirk F 4120 His Helpmate. Barrett F 7904 His Honour, and a Lady. Cotes F 8258 His Last Card. Macquoid F 5538' His Letters. Cruger F 3797 His Level Best, and other Stories. HaleF 726 His Little Mother, and other Tales.CraikF 2891 The same G 950 His Little Royal Highness. Ogden. . .H 1981 His Majesty, Myself. Baker F 2194 His Marriage Vow. Corbin F 328 His Natural Life. Clarke F 320 His One Fault. Trowbridge H 2509 His Own Master. Trowbridge H 710 His Prison Bars. Hopkins F 865 Same as John Bremm; his Prison Bars. His Second Campaign. Thompson F 3992 182 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. mbre Rivals. Roe F 6323 His Triumph. Denison F 2035 His two Wives. Hudson F 2809 His Vanished Star. Murfree F 5571 His Will and Hers. Russell F 6371 His Young Wife. Smith F 1536 Hispaniola Plate, The. Burton F 81 17 H istorical M ystery , An. Balzac F 2240 Historical Tales. Morris: American F 9502 English F 9499 French F 9503 German F 9504 Greek F 9500 Roman F 9501 History of a Bearskin. Marthold F 5466 History of a Crime. Hugo F 888 History of a Week. Walford F 7450 History of American Indians. Goodrich H 432,5 History of David Grieve. Ward F 7552 History of France for Children. Mar- shall A 1620 History of Gutta-Percha Willie. Mac- Donald H 1799 History of Matthew Wald. Lockhart..F 1071 History of my Friends. Achard H 94 History of Nicolas Muss. DuBois-Melly.F 3020 History of Sir Charles Grandison. Rich- ardson *F 115,9-15 The same F 6278 History of the Caliph Yathek. Beckford.F 123 The same *I 3402 The same I 3884 The same I 5982 History of the Forty Vezirs. Sheykh- Zada F 6734 History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Anderson F 4922 History of the Robins. Trimmer 11 HITCHCOCK, E. A. Red Book of Appin ; Story of the M iddle Ages. F 820 Hither and Thither. Brine H 1061 Hithersea Mjere. Noel G 1209 Hitherto. Whitney F 1932 HOARE, E. N. A Brave Fight; Trials of Master Lee, Inventor F 4005 Brave Men of Eyam; Tale of the Great Plague Year F 4007 Paths in Great Waters; Virginia's Early Troubles F 4044 Hoarvhead and M'Donner. Abbott... H 56,4 HOBBES, S.O., pseud. S^CRAIGIE.Mrs. M. edehoy. Greene H 1 406 HOBSON, Mrs. M. A. C. A Farm in the Karoo; Charley in South Africa.. H 1512 HOCKING, J. All Men are Liars F 4265 HOCKING, S. K. Doctor Dick, and other Tales F 4264 Contents:. Doctor Dick; John Silent; Will Vivian's story. His Father F 4047 A Son of Reuben F 4263 HODDER, E. Ephraim and Helah; a Story of the Exodus F 4028 HODGES, S. Among the Gibjigs H 1518 A New Godi va F 823 HODGETTS, J. F. Champion of Odin; Viking Life in Days of Old H 15 19 Edwin, the Boy Outlaw; Dawn of Freedom in England H 1626 HOEY,Mrs.F.S. Blossoming of anAloeF 825 Golden Sorrow F 827 The same G 253 Out of Court G 753 HOFFMANN.E.T.W. Weird Tales. 2vF 4055 Contents: v. I. The Cremona Violin; The Fermata; Signor Formica; The Sand-Man; The Entail; Arthur's Hall, v. 2. The Doge and Dogess; Master Martin, the Cooper, and his Journey- man; Mademoiselle de ScudSri; Gam- bler's Luck; Master Johannes Wacht; Biographical Notes. HOFFMANN, F. The Hartz Boys.. . . H 469 Industry and Laziness H 458 Hogan, M. P. Hartley F 1012 HOGG, J. (Et trick Shepherd). Brownie of Bodsbeck, and other Tales. . . F 819 Tales and Sketches. 6 v 1 4003 Winter evening Tales F 826 Hi'ht'usteins, The. Spielhagen F 1621 HOLBROOK, K. How? Spare Hours made profitable forBoys andGirlsK 1873 HOLCOMBE, W. H. A Mystery of N e w Orleans F 4 1 24 Holden with the Cords. Woodruff 1 \\i I Holdenhurst Hall. Bloomfield F 8003 HOLDER, C. F. A Frozen Dragon; Story-Book of Natural History. . H 423 HOLDING, C. B. Cash! or, Number Nineteen H 1 577 Reuben, a Prince in Disguise F 4121 HOLDSWORTH, A. E. Joanna Traill, Spinster F 43 21 Years that the Locust hath eaten.. F 4322 Holiday in Bed. Barrie E 2018 Holiday Rambles. Grant H \\i Holiday Tasks. Payn G 1273 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 133 Holidays at Roselands. Finley H 383 Holidays at the Grange. Higgins H 1 527 HOLLAND, C. My Japanese Wife. . . F 4227 HOLLAND, D. Donal Dun O'Byrne; Wexford in 1798 F 891 HOLLAND, F. M. Stories from Robert Browning F 4 191 HOLLAND, J. Q. Arthur BonnicastleF 828 Bay-Path [Mass., 1638] F 829 Miss Gilbert's Career F 830 Nicholas Mintum F 824 Sevenoaks F 831 Holland-Tide. Griffin F 709,3 Hollands, The. Townsend H 726 HOLLEY, M. Josiah Allen's Wife as a P. A. and P. I F 4012 Same as Samantha at the Centen- nial. Josiah's Alarm and Abel Perry's Funeral F 4335 Miss Jones' Quilting, and other Stories F 4063 M iss Richards' Boy.and other StoriesF 4004 My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's..F 1226 My Wayward Pardner F 401 1 Samantha among the Brethren F 4085 Samantha among the Colored FolksF 4101 Samantha at Saratoga F 4084 Samantha at the World's Fair F 4098 Samantha in Europe F 4112 Sweet Cicely F 4061 HOLLINQSHEAD, J. Under Bow-Bells [Stories of London] F 4125 HOLLIS, E. B. Cecil's Knight H 1541 HOLLISTER, Q. H. Kinley Hollow [Early Times in Connecticut] V 4006 HOLLOW AY, C. M. I Story of Five.H 1546 Holly and Mistletoe. Rand H 2214 Holly and the Rose. Bartow H 3166 Holmby House. Melville G 442 HOLMES, E. The Price of a Pearl.. F 4251 HOLMES, F. M. Hugh Melville's Quest [Days of the Armada] H 4321 HOLMES, M. Chamber over the GateF 4069 HOLMES, Mrs. M. J. Bessie's Fortune F 401 7 Cameron Pride F 832 Chateaud'Or;Norahand Kitty CraigF 4014 Cousin Maud and Rosamond F 833 Daisy Thornton and Jessie GrahamF 850 Darkness and Daylight F 834 Doctor Hathern's Daughters; Story of Virginia F 4253 Dora Deane and Maggie Miller.. . . F 835 HOLMES, Mrs. M. J. Edith Lyle . . . F 848 Edna Browning F 836 English Orphans F 837 Ethelyn's Mistake F 838 Forrest House F 851 Gretchen F 4071 Homestead on the Hillside, and other Tales F 839 Hugh Worthington F 840 'Lena Rivers F 841 Madeline F 401 5 Marguerite F 4072 Marian Grey F 842 Meadow Brook F 843 Mildred F 849 Millbank; or, Roger Irving's WardF 844 Queenie Hetherton F 4016 Rose Mather [Am. Civil War] F 845 Tempest and Sunshine; Life in Ken- tucky F 846 West Lawn, and The Rector of St. Marks F 847 HOLMES.O. W. Elsie Venner F 853 Guardian Angel F 852 A Mortal Antipathy F 4070 HOLNUT, W. S. Olympia's Journal. F 4249 HOLROYD, D. Within the Shadow. .F 4048 HOLT, E. S. Joyce Morrell's Harvest [Reign of Elizabeth] F 4030 Not for Him F 4033 HOLT, J. S. (A Page). What I know about Ben Eccles F 1279 Holy Cross, and other Tales. Field.. .F 3392 Holy War, The. Bunyan F 2630 Homburg Beauty, A. Kennard F 4740 Home, The. Bremer F 175 The same I 3004,3 Home Again. MacDonald F 5250 Home and School. Bramston H 1053 Home as Found. Cooper F 267 Sequel to Homeward Bound. Home at Greylock. Prentiss F 1 356 Home Chat with Young Folks. MateauxH 1824 Home in the Holy Land. Finn F 3499 Home in the West. Thurston H 722,3 Home Influence. Aguilar F 25 The same G 2 Home Life. Sewell F 1530 Home Nook. Douglas F 431 Home of the Lost Child. Stewart F 813 Home Recreation ; a Collection of TalesH 1 575 Home Recreations and Foreign Travel . H 1 576 Home Scenes. Aguilar,*. F 28 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY v. Arthur H 170 ncs. See Lippincott, S. J. C. Homes abroad. Martmeau F 1 151,4 Homer, Stories from. Church L 2958 nes from, simply told. Hanson. H 1493 Story of the Iliad. Brooks H 1067 Homespun Stories. Moncriefl H 1821 Homespun Yarns. Whitney F 7562 Homestead on the Hillside. Holmes. . . F 839 Homestretch, The. Collins F 2820 Homeward bound. Cooper F 268 Homo sum. Ebers F 3210 The same G 923 Homoselle. Tiernan F 4018 Honda the Samurai. Griffis W 3785 Honest Lawyer, An Kerr. . F 4610 Honest Ned. Ellis H 1232,2 Honeymoon, The. Medinah Poraar.. . F 1123 Honor. Howe F 4 119 Honorable Miss, The. Smith F 6781 Hon. Miss Ferrard Hartley F 1029 Honorable Peter Stirling. Ford F 3405 Hon. Stanbury, and others; by Two.. .F 4341 Contents: The Hon, Stanbury; Poor Miss Skeet; An Indigent Gentlewoman. Honorable Surrender, An. Adams F 2404 Honored in the Breach. Magruder F 1 182 The same F 5369 Honoria; or, Gospel of Life. Porter.. F 5951 Honour of SavellL Yeats F 7686 Honour of the Flag. Russell F 719! Honour of Thieves. Hyne F 9140 Honourable Mrs. Vereker. HungerfordF 2440 HOOD, T. Comic Miscellany J 115,3 Hoods Own. 2v 1 1223 The same E 1220,1 II iscellanies E 1 220, 1 Our Family J 1 15,3 Romances and Extravagances J 1 1 5,2 Tales J 115,1 Up the Rhine J 115,2 The same E 1221 Whims and Oddities J 115,1 The same E 1220,2 HOOD, T., the Younger, and others. Rates and Taxes F 821 HOOK, S. L. Little People and their Homes in Meadows and Waters.H 1534 HOOK, T. E. Gilbert Gurney F 855 Gurney Married F 859 Sequel to Gilbert Gurney. JackBrag F 861 Maxwell F 862 HOOK, T. E. Tbe 1 Precepts and Practice. 3 v Sayings and Doings. 9 V F 857 The Widow and the Marquess F 822 HOOKER, W.. Child's Hook of Xature.K 3068 HOOPER.Mrs.J.M.W. House of RabyF 4034 HOOPER, Mrs. L. H. The Tsars Window [Russia] F 2 198 Under the Tricolor; American Col- ony in Paris F 4013 Hoosier Mosaics. Thompson F 1 749 Hoosier School-Boy. Eggleston H 1255 Hoosier School Master. Eggleston F 531 HOOVER, F. T. Enemies in the Rear.l HOPE, Anthony , pseud. See HAWKINS, A. H. HOPE,A.R.,/^W. See MONCRIEFF.A.R.H. HOPE, E. R. C. Maiden's Work F 4046 Touches of Real Life F 4042 HOPE, Stanley, pseud. See HODGES, S. HOPE, T. Anastasius; Memoirs of a Greek. 1 868 Hope and Have. Adams H 1 10,5 Hope Benham. Perry H 2067 Hope Leslie. 2 v. Sedgwick F 15 10 Hope Mills. Douglas F 2996 Hope on, Hope ever. Howitt H y>\,z Hope Vennard; or, Stephen Dane. Doug- las F 145 Hope's Heart Bells. Oberholtzer F 5606 Hopes and Fears. Yonge F 201 1 The same G 672 Hopeless Case. Fawcett F 3470 HOPKINS, A. A. John Bremm, his Prison Bars; a Temperance Story. F 865 Sinner and Saint; Story of the Wom- an's Crusade F 4019 HOPKINS, E. Rose Turquand F 889 HOPKINS,M.,Jr. The World's Yerdict.F 4088 HOPKINS, S. The Youth of the Old Dominion F 4032 HOPKINS, S. W. In the China Sea. . F 4286 On a False Charge F 4285 Two Gentlemen of Hawaii [Revolu- tion of 1893] F 3805 HOPKINS, T. Lady Bonnie's Experi- ment F 3806 Nell Haffenden F 3807 Nugents of Carriconna F 4080 'Twixt Love and Duty F 4081 HOPPER, N. Ballads in Prose F 4289 HOPPIN, A. (C Auton). Fashionable Sufferer F 4029 Recollections of Auton House H 145 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION 135 HOPPIN, E. H. From out of the Past; a Meeting in Touraine F 4287 Under the Corsican [Time of Na- poleon] F 4288 HOPPUS, M. A. See MARKS, Mrs. M. A. Horace Chase. Woolson F 7594 Horace Templeton, Diary of. Lever. .G 355 HORN, Q. Count Silvius F 4035 HORNADAY, W. T. The Man who became a Savage F 43 ' 8 Horned Cat, The. Cobban F 3 1 1 5 HORNIBROOK, Mrs. E. E. Marvelous in our Eyes F 4082 HORNUNG, E. W. A Bride from the Bush G 1379 Irralie's Bushranger; Australian Ad- venture F 4292 My Lord Duke F 4295 The Rogue's March F 4294 Tiny Luttrell F 4290 The Unbidden Guest F 4291 Horse Fair, The. Baldwin H 3140 Horse-Shoe Robinson. Kennedy F 969 The same *P 276 Horseman's Word. Roy F 6426 HORSLEY.R. The Blue Balloon [Ameri- can Civil War] H 433« Hortense; an Historical Romance H 454 Hortense, History of. Abbott H 70 HORTON, G. Constantine; Greece un- der King Otho F 9136 HORWITZ, C. N. Swanhilde, and other Fairy Tales H 1542 HOSMER, G. W. As we went March- ing on [Am. Civil War] F 4049 HOSMER, J. K. How Thankful was be- witched F 4241 HOSMER, Mrs. M. Blanche Gilroy.. F 866 Hospital Sketches. Alcott H 125 Hostages to Fortune. Maxwell G 707 Hot Corn. Robinson F 6305 Hot Plowshares. Tourg£e F 7044 Hot Swamp. Ballantyne H 974 HOTCHKISS, C. C. A Colonial Free- Lance [American Colonies] F 4298 In Defiance of the King [Am. Revo- lution] F 4297 Hotel d' Angleterre. Falconer F 7225 Hotel du Petit St. Jean. Dempster G 254 HOUGH, E. Singing Mouse Stories. . H 4327 Houp-La. Stannard F 7530 Hour and the Man, The. Martineau. . F 1 149 Hour will come, The. Hillern F 4008 HOUSE, E. H. The Midnight Warning, and other Stories H 1549 Contents: The Midnight Warning; Gracie's Godson; Nattie Barton's Mag- ic; Our Ugly Idol; Try Again; Trescott's Wager; A Friend in Need. Yone Santo, a Child of Japan F 4097 House, The. Field F 8774 House at Crague, The. Sleight F 6603 House at High Bridge, The. Fawcett..F 3466 House-Boat Boys, The. Fosdick H 1 360 House-Boat on the Styx. Bangs F 7914 House by the Medlar-Tree. Verga F 7361 House in Bloomsbury, A. 01iphant...F 5784 House in Town. Warner F 1865 House of a Merchant Prince. Bishop. F 25 11 House of Cards. Wolf F 9982 House of Gentlefolk. Turgenief F 7074 House of Hailiwell. Wood F 1992 House of Hollister. Newberry F 5747 House of Martha. Stockton F 6672 1 1 ouse of Penarvan. Sandeau G 939 House of Pomegranates. Wilde F 7474 House of Raby. Hooper F 4034 House of Ross, and other Tales. RiddellF 6272 House of Surprises. Smith H 1861 House of the Musician. Johnson F 4456 House of the Seven Gables. HawthorneF 771 The same J 82 House of the Wolf. Weyman F 7623 The same G 1371 House of Walderne, The. Crake F 2803 House of Yorke. Tincker F 867 House on the Marsh. James F 7528 House on the Moor. Oliphant F 1263 House on the Scar. Thomas F 6969 House on Wheels. Begon F 1631 House-Party, A. De la Rame* F 6253 The same G 1 277 Houseful of Girls. Keddie H 1646 Household Idol, The. Bernhard F 2252 Household Library. 6 v. Arthur H 171 Household of Bouverie. Warfield F i860 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie H 1 739 Household of McNeil. Barr F 2230 Household of Sir Thomas More. Rath- bone F 1 135 Household Puzzles. Alden F 2384 Household Tales. 2 v. Grimm I 2965 Household Words; ed. by Dickens, 36 v. in 18 G 158 Novels and Tales from. 11 v. in 6. .G 166 HOUSMAN, C. TheWere-Wolf H 4335 HOUSMAN, L. A Farm in Fairyland. H 4330 130 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. HOUSTOUN, M. C. J. F. Recommended to Mercy (i 515 Zoe's Brand ( i 677 HOVENOEN, V. C. Robinson 1 tall How? or, Spare Hours for Boys and Girls. Holbrook K 1873 How a Bride was Won. Gerstacker. . . F 653 How a Husband forgave. Fawcett F 3599 How Billy went up in the World. Noble.H 1927 How came he dead ? Molloy F 5373 How Charley Roberts became a Man. Thurston H 722,1 How could he Help it? Roe F 1441 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whit- ney kept New Year's. Murray.. . F 5338 Howhedidit;or, Was he guilty? DupuyF 504 How Jack Mackenzie won his Epaulettes. Stables H 2453 How John Norton, the Trapper, kept his Christmas. Murray F 5378 How Marjorie helped. Brooks H 262 How Men Propose. Stevens F 6739 How she came into her Kingdom. Clark. F 2805 How Thankful was bewitched. HosmerF 4244 How the Carter Boys lifted the Mortgage. Roberts H 2173 How they learned Housework. GoodwinH 145 1 How they loved him. Lean G 976 How they went to Europe. Lothrop. . H 2341 How they were caught in a Trap. StuartH 241; How to do it. Hale F 727 How Tom and Dorothy made and kept a Christian Home. Lothrop F 4924 How Tommy saved the Barn. Kaler..H 2008 How will it End? Heywood F 803 How Willie became a Hero H 1515 HOWARD,B.W. .SV/TEUFFEL, Mrs.B.W. Howard and his Teacher. Baker H 201,1 HOWE, E. W. A Man Story F 4053 A Moonlight Boy F 4052 Mystery of the Locks F 4051 Story of a Count ry Town [ Kansas] . F 4050 HOWE, M. Honor F 4119 HOWE, Maud. See ELLIOTT, Mrs. M. H. HOWELL, Mrs. J. L. Justine's LoversF 943 HOWELLS, W.D. The Albany DepotE 9348 Annie Kilburn F 4075 Christmas every Day, and other Stories H 1580 Contents: Christmas every Day; Turkeys Turning the Tables; The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express; The Pumpkin Glory; Butterflyflutterby and Flutterby- butterfly. HOWELLS, W. D. April Hopes. ... F 4040 A Boy's Town H 1 579 A Chance Acquaintance F 870 The Coast of Bohemia F 4073 Day of their Wedding F 4325 Doctor Breed's Practice F 4023 The Elevator E 9343 Evening Dress E 9353 A Fearful Responsibility, and other Stories F 4022 Contents: A Fearful Responsibility; At the Sign of the Savage: Tonelli's Mar- riage. Five o'clock Tea E 9356 A Foregone Conclusion F 872 The Garroters E 0344 A Hazard of New Fortunes F 4076 An Imperative Duty F 4078 Indian Summer F 4038 Lady of the Aroostook F 4020 The Landlord at Lion's Head F 4327 A Letter of Introduction E 9349 A Likely Story E 9354 The Minister's Charge F 4039 A Modern Instance F 4024 Mouse-Trap, and other Farces E 9346 Contents: The Garroters; Five o'clock Tea; The Mouse-Trap; Likely Story. The Parlor Car I ^933 A Parting and a Meeting F 4326 A Previous Engagement E 9359 The Quality of Mercy F 4079 The Register E 9342 Rise of Silas Lapham F 4037 A Sea-Change E 9345 The Shadow of a Dream F 4077 The Sleeping Car E 9341 The same, and other Farces E 9347 Contents. The Parlor-Car; The Sleep- ing-Car; The Register; The Elevator. Their Wedding Journey F 871 A Traveler from Altruria F 4330 The Undiscovered Country F 402 1 The Unexpected Guests E 9352 A Woman's Reason F 4026 The World of Chance F 4074 HOWITT, A. M. See WATTS, Mrs. A. M. H. HOWITT, Mrs. M. B. An Angel Una- wares, and other Stories H 1 540 Popular Juvenile Tales H 464 v. 1. Alice Franklin. 2. Hope on, Hope ever 3. Little Coin, much Care. 4 Love and Money. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 137 HOWITT, Mrs. M. B. Popular Juvenile Tales H 464 v. 5. My Uncle, the Clockmaker. 6. My own Story. 7. No Sense like Common Sense. 8. Sowing and Reaping. 9. Story of a Genius. 10. Strive and Thrive. 11. The Two Apprentices. 12. Which is the Wiser? 13. Who shall be Greatest? 14. Work and Wages. Wood Leighton F 874 HOWITT, W. A Boy's Adventures in the Wilds of Australia H 459 The Hall and the Hamlet. 2 v F 4095 Jack of the Mill F 873 Tallangetta; Australian Life. 2 v. .F 876 Traditions of Ancient Times. 2 v . . F 404 1 Woodburn Grange F 890 and Mrs. M. B. Stories of English and Foreign Life I 31 16 Howling Wolf and his Trick-Pony. Champney H 1 1 19 HOWLISTON, M. H. Cat-tails, and other Tales H 1539 Hoyden, The. Hungerford F 2316 HOYNE, Mrs. C. E. Emma Foster, and other Pieces H 1516 HUBBACK, Mrs. C. A. A. May and De- cember; Tale of Wedded Life . . F 877 HUBBARD, E. Forbes of Harvard.. .F 4312 No Enemy (but himself) F 4310 One Day; a Tale of the Prairies. . F 431 1 Hubert Freeth's Prosperity. Crosland.F 329 Huberts Wife. Wood F 1034 Huckleberries gathered from New Eng- land Hills. Cooke F 3075 Huckleberry Finn. Clemens F 2797 HUDSON, Mrs.M.C. A. HisTwoWivesF 2809 HUDSON, W. C. {Barclay North). The Dugdale Millions F 4262 Jack Gordon, Knight Errant, Goth- am, 1883 F 4105 The Man with a Thumb F 4170 Should she have left him? F 4169 HUGESSEN.E.H.K. S^BRABOURNE,#anw. Hugh Bryan; the Autobiography of an Irish Rebel F 814 Hugh Melton King F 983 Hugh Melville s Quest. Holmes H 4321 Hugh Worthington. Holmes F 840 HughWynne.Free Quaker. 2 v. MitchellF 5591 HUGHES, K. E. (Tr.). Little Pearls. H 460 HUGHES, T. The Ashen Fagot, a Christmas Tale F 878 Scouring of the White Horse [King Alfred] : F 878 Tom Brown at Oxford H 1521 Tom Brown's School Days G 255 The same H 468 HUGHES, T. P. {Evan Stanton). Ru- hainah; a Story of Afghan Life. F 6633 HUGHS, Mrs. The Two Schools F 879 HUGO,V. Bug-Jargal [WestIndies,i79i]F 887 Same as Told under Canvas. History of a Crime [Napoleon III.j.F 888 Man who Laughs; Romance of Eng- lish History F 880 Same as By Order of the King. Les Mise>ables, [France 1800-20; Waterloo] F 881 Ninety-Three [French Revolution].F 882 Notre-Dame de Paris [Charles VIII , 1482] F 885 Same as Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Things Seen E 3380 Toilers of the Sea [Channel Islands, 1820] F 883 Under Sentence of Death; Told under Canvas; Claude Gueux. . .F 884 HUGUENIN, A. {T. Combe). Question of Love; a Story of Switzerland F 3109 Huguenot Exiles. Dupuy F 4106 Huguenot Family. Keddie F 7164 Huguenot Lovers. Burgwyn F 2614 Hulda. Stahr F 1052 HULLAH, M. E. In Hot Haste F 4104 Human Document, A. Mallock F 5540 Humble Enterprise, A. Cross F 8377 Humble Romance, and other Stories. Wilkins F 7452 Humbled Pride. Musick F 5509 HUME, F. Aladdin in London F 4270 The Black Carnation F 4271 The Carbuncle Clue F 4275 The Fever of Life F 4272 The Lone Inn F 7253 The Piccadilly Puzzle F 4109 The Third Volume F 4274 Tracked by a Tattoo F 4276 When I Lived in Bohemia F 4273 HUME, J. F. Five Hundred Majority; or, Days of Tammany F 1 238 HUME, R. W. My Lodger's Legacy. F 4065 Humming Top, The. Gross H 1447 138 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. HUMPHREY, Mrs. F. A. Adventures of Early Discoverers H Children of Old Park's Tavern [Mas- sachusetts] H HUMPHREY, F. P., pseud. A New England Cactus, and other TalesF HUMPHREY, M. A Treasury of Stories, Jingles, and Rhymes H HUMPHREY, Mrs. M. A. Squatter Sovereign; or, Kansas in the '50's.F HUMPHREYS. H. N. Stories by an Archaeologist and his Friends. . . F Humphry Clinker Smollett *F 115, The same G Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Hugo F Hundredfold, An. Warner H Hundredth Man, The. Stockton F Hungarian Brothers. Porter F Hungarian Girl. Tenger F Hungarian Sketches. Jokai F HUNQERFORD, Mrs. M. ( The Duchess). Airy Fairy Lilian F April's Lady F Beauty's Daughters F A Born Coquette F The same G Coming of Chloe F Doris F The same G The Duchess The same G Faith and Unfaith F The same G Green Pleasure and Grey Grief... F The same G Her First Appearance, and other Tales G Contents: Her First Appearance; The Pity of it; How Snooks got out of it; Cross-Purposes; Krin; Beatrix; Clar- issa's Choice; What a mad World it is, my Masters; The Baby; The Di- lemma; That last Rehearsal. Her Week's Amusement; Ugly Bar- rington G Honourable Mrs. Vereker F The Hoyden F In Durance Vile, and other Stories. F Contents: In Durance Vile; A Week in Killarney; Moonshine and Mar- guerites; Dr. Ball; A Fit of the Blues. In Durance Vile, and other Stories.G Contents: In Durance Vile; The Haunt- ed Chamber; Jerry; In an Evil Hour; Their Last Resource. 1533 1517 7235 2493 4107 4269 30-3 » 565 885 753.3 6693 »33Q 7133 044 U 2310 2435 231 1 1395 9084 2417 i«35 2439 1396 55 856 2434 1 138 1397 1 24 1 2440 2316 2418 1311 HUNQERFORD, Mrs. M. ( The Duchess). Lady Branksmere G 1 242 Lady Patty F 2314 Lady Valworth's Diamonds G 1 279 The same ;The Haunted Chamber F 2437 Lady Verner's Flight F 2319 A Life's Remorse G A Little Irish Girl F 2312 A Lonely Maid F 9083 Lovice F 0085 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other Tales G 857 Contents: Loys, Lord Berresford; Eric Dering; Sweet is True Love; Lydia; Jocelyne; The Witching Hour. Maiden all Forlorn.and other StoriesF 2419 Contents: A Maiden all Forlorn; A Rose distill'd; A Passive Crime; Zara; Bar- bara; Nurse Eva; One New Year's Eve; Vivienne. Maiden all Forlorn.and other StoriesG 1 1 36 Contents: A Maiden all Forlorn: Monica; A Rose distill'd; Dr. Ball; Barbara; A Fit of the Blues. Marvel G 1280 Mental Struggle F 2436 The same G 1 243 Mrs. Geoffrey F 5292 The same G 858 Modern Circe F 2438 The same G 1281 Molly Bawn G 1 1 19 Molly Darling, and other Stories. . F 4334 Contents: Molly Darling; Good dog, then; Romeo and Juliet ; Was it a Spirit?; A False Conclusion; A Hasty Judgment; Lady Blackmore's Deliver- ance: Nellie's Dilemma. N«»r Wife nor Maid F 2315 Nora Creina F 9081 The O'Connors of Ballinahinch F 2313 O Tender Dolores F 2434 Same as Green Pleasure and Grey Grief. A Passive Crime, and other Stories G 1 137 Contents: A Passive Crime; Zara; Moon- shine and Marguerites; Nurse Eva; One New Year's Eve; Vivienne. Peter's Wife F 2317 Phyllis F 5293 A Point of Conscience F 0082 Portia F 56 The same G 859 The Professor's Experiment F 4333 The Red House F 2320 Rossmoyne F 57 Three Graces F 2318 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 139 HUNGERFORD, Mrs. M. ( The Duchess). A Troublesome Girl, and other Stories G 1312 Contents: A Troublesome Girl; On Trial; None so Blind; That Night in June; Fortune's Wheel: As it fell upon a Day. Under-Currents G 1313 An Unsatisfactory Lover F 9086 HUNT, Helen. See JACKSON, Mrs. H. M. HUNT, L. Stories from Italian Poets.E 1255 The same. 2v E 3372 HUNT, Mrs. M. R. (A. Beaumont). Bar- rington's Fate F 2206 A Leaden Casket F 4060 That other Person F 41 10 Thornicroft's Model G 855 HUNT, V. A Hard Woman F 91 10 Hunt-room Stories and Yachting Yarns F 4059 The Maiden's Progress F 4293 Hunted Down. Dickens F 414 The same G 1 59 HUNTER.E.A. Some Friends of MineH 1573 HUNTER, P. H. James Inwick, Plough- man and Elder F 4280 Hunter and Tom. Abbott H 16,2 Hunter Cats of Connorloa. Jackson.. H 1603 Hunter's Feast. Reid H 624 Hunters of the Ozark. Ellis H 1257,1 Hunters Three. Knox H 1637 HUNTINGTON, Faye, pseud. See FOS- TER. Mrs. 1. H. HUNTINGTON, J. V. Alban; History of a Young Puritan F 892 Rosemary; or, Life and Death F 893 HURD, E. G. Drossy Gold and other Stories H 1 574 HURLBURT, E. C. Mrs. Clift-Crosbys Niece F 4296 Hurricane Harry. Kingston H 511 Hurrish. Lawless F 4883 The same G 1 33 1 HURTADO de MENDOZA, D. Life and Adv. of Lazarillo de Tormes. 2 v.F 5406 Husband of No Importance, A. Booth. F 4343 Husband of One Wife, The. Venn F 7343 Husbands and Homes. Terhune F 1765 HUTCHESON, J. C. On Board the Es- meralda H 1 529 HUTCHISON, G. A. (Ed.). Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games. K 195 1 Outdoor Games and Recreations. . K 6603 HUTTON, B. The Fiery Cross; or, the Vow of Montrose H 1531 Tales of the White Cockade [Old Pretender's Rebellion] H 1 530 Hwa Tsien Ki: The Flowery Scroll; a Chinese Novel, tr. by Bowring. . . F 2582 HYDE, Mrs. A. M. Work, Play and Profit; GardeningforYoungFolksH 470 HYDE, D. Beside the Fire; Irish Gaelic Folk Stories L 5407 HYDE, M.C. Goostie H 4380 Under the Stable Floor; a Christmas Story H 4381 Van and Nochie of Tappan Sea [Am. erican Colonies, 18th Century].. H 4382 HYNE, C. J. C. The Captured CruiserH 4390 Honour of Thieves F 9140 The New Eden F 4281 The Recipe for Diamonds F 4282 Hypatia. Kingsley F 989 The same G 307 Hyperesthesia. Cruger F 2897 Hyperion. Longfellow F 485 1 The same I 3126 The same J 175,2 The same J 176,2 Hypnotic Tales. Ford F 3409 I. D. B. in South Africa. Sheldon F 1632 I Forbid the Banns. Moore F 5575 I have Lived and Loved. Bridges F 3525 The same G 967 I married a Wife. Stannard F 6879 I saw Three Ships. Couch F 8260 I say No. Collins F 2818 The same G 1076 la, a Love Story. Couch F 8261 Ice Queen. Ingersoll H 1 535 Iceland Fisherman, An. Viaud F 7328 Icelandic Legends. Arnason F 2414 Ida May. Pike F 1026 Ida Norman. Phelps F 1313 Ida Vane. Reed F 6260 Idalia. De la Ram^ G 501 Ideal Fanatic, An. Porch F 5891 Ideal Republic, An. Phelps F 6073 Ideala. MacFall F 3779 Idiot, The. Bangs F 7902 Idiot, The. Dostojewsky F 2974 IDLE EXILE, AN. pseud. 5^CUTTIM, E. M. Idol-maker. Sergeant F 6514 Idols. David F 5445 Idolatry. Hawthorne F 767 Iduna, and other Stories. Hibbard F 4200 140 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mwymon. Randle F 6473 Idyll of the White Lotus. Cook F 3108 Iermola. Kraszewski F 4731 lerne of Armorica. Bateman F 113 If, Yes, and Perhaps. Hale E 11 59 Ignoramuses, The. Crowninshield H 1 1 28 Ike Partington. Shillaber H 2330,1 Ike Partington Series. See Shillaber, B. P. Uam-en-Nas. Muhammad Duyabs F 2789 Ildegerte, Queen of Norway. Kotzebue.F 4780 Iliad, Story of the. Brooks H 1067 Ilian; or, Curse of Old South Church. Kane F 101 1 Ilka on the Hill-Top. Boyesen F 2591 Ill-regulated Mind, An. Wylde F 7541 I'll Try. Baker H 200,3 Illustrations of Lying. 2 v. Opie F 5705 Illustrations of Political Economy. Mar- tineau F 1151,1-8 Illustrations of Taxation. Martineau.F 1 151,9-10 Illustrious Dr. Matheus. Erckmann and Chatrian F 3253 ILSLEY.C.P. Forest and Shore; or, Leg- ends of the Pine-Tree State F 4367 Image of his Father. Mayhew F 1162 Imaginative Man. Hichens F 4307 Imaginotions. Jenks H 1588 Immortal, The. Daudet F 2954 Impending Sword. Yates G 1290 Imperative Duty, An. Howells F 4078 Imperial Lover, An. Taylor F 7087 Impostor, The, with other Stories. Talbot F 7178 Impregnable City. Pemberton F 6057 Impressions of a Cousin, The. James. F 4415 ImpressionsofTheophrastusSuch. CrossF 3301 The same G 992 Imprisoned in a Spanish Convent. Mur- ray F 5341 Improvisatore. Andersen F 48 Impudent Comedian and others. MooreF 5574 In a Canadian Canoe, and other Stories. Pain F 6082 In a Cornish Township. Pentreath F 6053 In a Country Town. Noble F 5461 In a Dike Shanty. Pool F 5095 In a Good Cause. Amherst H 943 In a Grass Country. Cameron F 2753 In a Hollow of the Hills. Harte F 4146 In a House-Boat. Craik F 2892 In a New World. Alger H 865 In a North Country Village. Blundell . F 3388 In a Steamer Chair, and other Shipboard Stories. Barr F 2219 In a Winter City. DelaRam£ F 1371 The same G 796 n Amazon Land. Sesselberg F 6520 n Beaver Cove and Elsewhere. Crim.F 3328 n Biscayne Bay. Rockwood F 6410 n Blue Uniform. Putnam F 6006 n Buncombe County. Pool F 5993 n Camp with a Tin Soldier. Bangs. . .H 3150 n Deacon's Orders, and other Stories. Besant F 7952 n Defiance of the King. Hotchkiss. . F 4297 n Direst Peril. Murray F 5342 n Distance and in Dream. Sweetser..F 6919 n Doors and out. Adams H 114 n Durance Vile, and other Stories. Hun- gerford F 2418 The same G 131 1 n Duty Bound. Knox F 896 n Exile, and other Stories. Foote F 3377 n Exitu Israel. Gould F 2490 n Extremis. Greenough H 422 n Far Lochaber. Black F 2560 The same G 1316 n Four Reigns. Marshall F 5 *o6 n Freedom's Cause. Henty H 1514 n Gold and Silver. Ellwanger F 3304 n Great Waters, and other Tales. Max- well G 708 n Greek Waters. Henty H 1551 n her earliest Youth. Couvreur F 7121 n His Name. Hale F 732 n Honour Bound. Gibbon F 3745 n Honour's Cause. Fenn H 1 366 n Hot Haste. Hullah F 4104 n Indian Tents. Alger I n Kedar's Tents. Scott F 5519 n Leisler's Times. Brooks F 2651 n Love with the Czarina, and other Sto- ries. Jokai F 4503 n Low Relief. Roberts F 6341 n Luck's Way. Stannard F 7479 n Maremma. 3 v. in 2. DelaRame\G 1035 n Marine Armor. Fenn H 1376 11 Market Overt. Payn F 5920 n New Grenada. Kingston H 1661 n No-Man's Land. Brooks H 1063 n Old New England. Butterworth.. .F 8085 n Old Quinnebasset. Clarke H 1174 n Old St. Stephen's. Drake F 3174 n Ole Virginia, and other Stories. PageF 5907 n Paradise. 2 v. Heyse F 810 n Partnership. Matthews and Bunner.F 5175 n Peril of his Life. Gaboriau F 622 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 141 In Poppy Land. Fuller H 1341 In Press-Gang Days. Pickering H 2107 In Pursuit of Happiness. Tolstoi F 7007 In Quarters with the 25th Dragoons. Stannard F 7531 In Quest of Gold. St. Johnston H 2295 In Sancho Panza's Pit. Cunningham.. F 291 1 In Scarlet and Grey. Henniker F 9130 In School, and out. Adams H 110,2 In Search of Quiet. Frith F 8788 In Search of the Castaways. Verne. ..F 1830 In Sight of the Goddess. Davis... i..F 8527 In Silk Attire. Black F 140 The same G 50 In Simpkinsville. Stuart F 6813 In Six Months. Meline F 5190 In Southern Seas. Converse H 1 170 In Story-Land. Harrison H 4193 In Strange Company. Boothby F 8100 In Sunflower Land. Field F 3391 In Sunshine Land. (Poems). Thomas. . H 2492 In Tent and Bungalow. Cuttim F 7232 In that state of Life. Aide" G 7 In the Blue Pike. Ebers F 3308 In the Boyhood of Lincoln. Butter- worth H 977 In the Brave Days of Old. Frith H 1319 In the Bundle of Time. Bates F 7910 In the Bush and on the Trail. Revoil.H 2225 In the Carquinez Woods. Harte F 3949 In the Cheering-up Business. Lee F 4987 In the China Sea. Hopkins F 4286 In the City of Flowers. Marshall G 1334 In the Clouds. Murfree F 2864 In the Crucible. LitchfieJd F 4971 In the Day of Adversity. Burton F 81 18 In the Day of Battle. Steuart F 6767 In the Days of Drake. Fletcher F 8734 In the Days of my Youth. Ed wards.. F 521 The same G 196 In the Days of the Pioneers. Ellis. . . H 1235,3 In the Days of Washington. Graydon.H 1397 In the Distance. Lathrop F 4890 In the Dwellings of Silence. Kennedy.F 4614 In the East Country. Marshall F 5169 The same G 1143 In the Eastern Seas. Kingston H 1696 In the Enemy's Country. Drury F 3059 In the Fire of the Forge. 2 v. Ebers. . .F 3307 In the First Person. Pool F 5976 In the Forest. Kingston H 1663 In the Golden Days. Bayly F 4938 The same G 1350 n the Golden Shell. Villari H 1814 n the Hands of the Enemy. Bursten- binder F 8076 n the Heart of a Hill, and other Stories. Payn G 256 n the Heart of the Rockies. Henty H 1627 n the Heart of the Storm. Truttiett. . F 3781 n the High Valley. Woolsey H 2728 n the King's Country. Douglas F 3061 n the King's Name. Fenn H 1290 n the Land of the Golden Plume. John- stone H 1612 n the Land of the Moose, the Bear and the Beaver. Daunt H 1 195 n the Lion's Mouth. Price H 21 16 n the Marsh. Curteis H 1140 n the Middle Watch. Russell F 6355 n the Midst of Alarms. Barr F 7917 n the Midst of Paris. Daudet F 3036 n the Mist. Porter F 1336 n the Okefenokee. Pendleton H 2074 n the Old Herrick House, and other Stories. Deland H 3610 the Olden Time. Roberts F 6300 n the Pecos Country. Jayne H 1583,3 n the Permanent Way. Steel F 9845 n the Ranks. Douglas H 1205,5 ii the Reign of Terror. Henty H 1471 n the Roar of the Sea. Gould F 3763 n the Rocky Mountains. Kingston.. . H 1695 n the Saddle. Adams H 890,8 n the Schillingscourt. John F 939 n the Service of Rachel, Lady Russell. Marshall F 5386 n the Smoke of War. Raymond F 6185 n the Snow. Anderdon F 59 n the Story Land. Coolidge H 3513 n the Stranger People's Country. Mur- - free F 2867 n the Suntime of her Youth. Whitby . F 7644 n the Tennessee Mountains. Murfree. F 2860 n the Three Zones. Stimson F 6680 n the Tideway. Steel F 0844 n the Time of Roses. Scannell F 6522 n the Toils. Paddock F 1341 n the Valley. Frederic F 3626 n the Valley of Havilah. Clark F 31 12 n the Valley of Tophet. Nevinson...F 5488 n the Veldt. Harley F 4172 n the Vestibule Limited. Matthews. . .F 5413 n the Wilds of Africa. Kingston H 494 n the Wilds of Florida. Kingston. . .H 1679 n the Wire-Grass. Pendleton F 5949 142 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. In the Woods; a Book for the Young. . K 7043 In the Woods and elsewhere. Hill F ~\2\ In the Woods and out Alden H 86 In the World. Darling H 339 Sequel to Battles at Home. In the Wrong Paradise. Lang F 4915 In the Year of Jubilee. Gissing F 8941 In the Year '13. Reuter G 516 In the Yule-Log Glow. 4 v. Morris.. F 5408 In Thoughtland and in Dreamland. Keel- ing G 1380 In three Cities and a State or two. Fraser F 3559 InYrust. Douglas F 432 In Trust. Oliphant G 1153 In Varying Moods. Harraden F 4301 In Verona. Richards F 644 1 In War Time. Mitchell F 5216 In WarTimesat LaRose Blanche. DavisF 2984 In Wild Rose Time. Douglas H 1 188 Ina. Washburn F 1854 INCHBALD, E. Nature and Art *F 1 15,27 The same F 897 Simple Story *F 115,28 The same F 897 INCOGNITO LIBRARY: Booth {Rita). A Gender in Satin.. F 4345 A Husband of No Importance. F Every Day's News F Hon. Stanbury and others; by Two . F 434 1 Mason {Mr. Af.). Shen's Pigtail and other Cues of Anglo-China Life . . F 4340 Sidgwick {Mrs. A. Dean). Lesser's Daughter F Valentine, pseud. Helen F 4344 Inconsequent Lives. Pearce F 5874 Independence. Musick F 5515 India, Our Boys in. French H 1310 Indian Fairy Tales. Jacobs H 1 586 Indian Pilgrim, and other Tales. Sher- wood F 1 545,4 Indian Summer. Howells F 4038 Indian Tales. Kipling F 4684 Indiana. Dudevant F 453 Indiana Man, An. Armstrong F 2358 Indiscretion of the Duchess. Hawkins.F 4235 Industry and Laziness. Hoffmann H 458 Inez. Wilson F i960 Infant's Progress, and other Tales. Sher- wood F 1 545,5 Infelice. Wilson F 1965 1NGELOW.J. Don John F 2197 The same G 965 INOELOW, J. Fated to be Free F 809 The same G 755 John Jerome, his Thoughts and WaysF 4361 A Motto Changed F 4359 Off the Skelligs F 900 The same. 3 v. in 2 G Quite another Story F 4360 Sarah de Berenger G 756 A Sister's Bye-Hours H 472 Stories told to a Child. 2 v H 473 Studies for Stories from Girls' LivesH 695 INGERSOLL, E. Ice Queen H 1535 Silver Caves; a Mining Story H 1 536 Ingham Papers. Hale F 728 Ingleside. Yechton H 2737 Ingo. Freytag F 616 Ingraban. Freytag F 617 INGRAHAM, J. H. Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage M 1 282 Prince of the House of David; Inci- dents in Life of Jesus M 1281 Throne of David; Rebellion of Ab- salom M 1 280 nheritance, An. Spofford F 6779 nhentance. The. Ferrier F 1488 nitial Experience, and other Stories. King F 4627 nitials, The. Tautphoeus G 577 njury and Insult. Dostoj6wsky F 2973 nner House, The. Besant G 131 5 nnocent. Oliphant F 1268 The same G 470 nnocent Impostor, and other Stories. Truttiett F 8870 nnocents Abroad. Clemmens I 1570 NNSLY, Owen, pseud. See JENNISON, L. W. nquirendo Island. Genone F 3651 aside our Gate. Brush F 2644 nside Out. Francis V 611 nsurgent Chief. McHenry F 5136 nterference. Croker F 3154 nterloper, An. Peard F 6025 nterpreter. Melville G 443 nterrupted. Alden F 2403 nterrupted Wedding. Rathbone F 2083 nto an Unknown World. Stannard..F 9831 nto the Highways and Hedges. Mon- tr£sor F 5634 nto Unknown Seas. Ker H 1655 ntriguers, The. Barry F 7068 ntroduced to Society. Aide" G 844 nvaders, and other Stories. Tolstoi.. F 7017 nvasion, The. Griffin F 709,1 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 14:; Invasion, The, 1807-1812. Tolstoi.. .F 7002,3-4 Invasion of France in 1814. Erckmann and Chatrian F 3254 Invasion of Ivylands. Lyster H 1790 Invisible Hands. Zobeltitz F 7720 Invisible Lodge. Richter F 6273 Involuntary Voyage. Biart F 2507 Iola Leroy. Harper F 4150 Iola, the Senator's Daughter. Hill- house F 4 167 lone. Linton G 1429 \OT A, pseud. See CAFFYN, Mrs. M. Iras, a Mystery. Douglas F 8501 IRELAND, M. E. H. Timothy; his Neighbors and his Friends H 1540 Ireland. Martineau F 1:51,3 Ireland, YoungPeople'sHistoryof.TowleA 1337 Irene; or, the Road to Freedom. Fowler.F 3547 Irene Macgillicuddy. Oliphant F 1740,1 The same G 1170,1 Irene, the Missionary. De Forest F 902 Iris. Randolph F 6247 Irish Bulls, Essay on. Edgeworth F 518,4 Irish Ctlts, Legendary Fictions of. Ken- nedy F 1009 Irish Character, Sketches of. Hall F 724 Irish Fairy Legends. Croker F 2900 The same I 3601 Irish Idylls. Barlow F 7907 Irish Legend of M'Donnell and the Nor- man De Borgos. M'Sparran. . .F 5144 Irish Life, Lights and Shadows of. 3 v. Hall F 721 Irish Life, Realities of. Trench F 1786 Irish Peasantry, Traits and Stories of. Carleton F 24 1 Irish Sea Smugglers, Last Struggles of. Campion F 2731 Irish Sketch-Book. Thackeray G 587 Irish Wonders. McAnally F 5244 IRON, Ralph, pseud. See SCHREINER, O. Iron Cousin. Clarke F 239 Iron Crown, An. Denison F 901 Iron Game, The. Keenan F 4662 Iron Horse. Ballantyne H 225 Iron Mask. Dumas F 490 Iron Pirate, The. Pemberton F 6058 Ironmaster, The. Ohnet F 5612 Ironthorpe. Trowbridge H 736,4 Irralie's Bushranger. Hornung F 4292 IRVINQ.F. B. Six Girls H 1545 IRVING, J. T. Van Gelder Papers, and other Sketches E 6202 IRVING, W. (Geoffrey Crayon). The Alhambra Bracebridge Hall Knickerbocker's History of New York [Satirical]. .. The same Sketch Book The same. 2 v . . . Tales of a Traveller Wolfert's Roost, and other Papers.F The same and others. Salmagundi The same s he Popenjoy? s he the Man? 3 v. in 2. Trollopc.G Russell F s it true? Craik H s that all ? Preston F SAACS, A. S.Stories from the Rabbis. F SAACS, J. Maria; a South American Romance [Colombia] F sabeau's Hero. Stuart F sabel of Bavaria. Dumas F sabel's Difficulties. Carey F sabel le de Verneuil. Snell F shmael. 3 v. in 2. Maxwell G sidra. Steell F sla Heron. Richards H sland, The. Whiteing G slandNights'Entertainments. Stevenson F sland Pearl. Farjeon F sland Princess. Boulger F sland Queen. Ballantyne H sland Refuge. Kaler H sle of Feminine, The. Niswonger F sle of Wight. Abbott H sles of the Sea. Adams H smay's Children. Hartley F solina, the Actor's Daughter F srael Mort. Saunders G srael Potter. Melville F t happened this way. Eytingeand FisherF t happened Yesterday. Marshall F t is never too late to mend. Reade . . . F The same G t is Possible. Van-Anderson F t was a Lover and his Lass. 3 v. in 2. Oliphant G talian Girl. Washburn F talian Novelists, Selections from. 4 v. Roscoe F talian Popular Tales. Crane F talians, The. Elliot F The same G 130 133 138 3604 142 3599 1 144 903 146 141 3594 1090 6463 308 2182 4376 4362 6626 478 2732 I540 1238 6665 2237 1307 6865 568 8106 990 1995 5491 17,5 112,6 1014 906 8i3 5197 3271 54ii 1392 510 2334 1154 1853 1453 2871 536 742 1H CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Iva Kildare. Waltord F 9963 Ivan de Biron. Helps F 785 The same G 750 Ivan Ilyitch, and other Stories. Tolstoi. V 7005 Ivan, the Fool. Tolstoi F 7024 Ivanda. Bray F 8087 Ivanhoe. Scott F 2161 The same G 544 Ivar the Viking. Du Chaillu H 357 Ivors. 2 v. Sewell F 1 53 1 Ivory Gate. Besant F 2307 Iza; Story of Russian Poland. O'Meara.F 5690 J. S. of DALE, pseud. See STIMSON. F. J. Jack. Daudet F 2957 Jack Alden. Goss H 1443 Jack and Jill. Alcott H 136 Jack and Rose. Floyd H 394 Jack and Three Jills. Philips F 5915 The same G 1340 Jack Archer. Henty H 1504 Jack Ballister's Fortune, Story of. PyleF 6008 Jack Benson's Log. Norton H 1926,1 Jack Brag. Hook F 861 Jack Brereton's Three Months' Service. Cox H 1 142 Jack Chaloner. Grant F 8819 Jack Chumleigh. Egan H 3745 Jack Doyle's Daughter. Francillon . . . F 8785 Jack Gordon, Knight Errant. Hudson. F 4105 Jack Hall. Grant... H 1461 Jack Hazard. Trowbridge H 738 Jack Hazlitt, A. M. O'Brien F i:;o Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. Lever.. G 342 Jack Hooper. Cameron H 11 14 Jack Horner. Tiernan F 6974 Jack in the Bush. Grant H 1 462 Sequel to Jack Hall. Jack in the Jungle. Barnum H no Jack Locke. Stables H 2388 Jack Manly. Grant F 684 Jack Midwood. Ellis H 3722,1 Jack o' Doon. Beale F 7922 Jack of all Trades. Parker H 599 Jack of the Mill. Hewitt F 873 Jack, the Chimney Sweeper. Baker... H 201,2 Jack, the Fisherman. Ward F 5903 Jack, the Hunchback. Kaler H 2020 Jack Tier. Cooper F 269 Jack's Afire. Campbell F 2698 Jack's Courtship. Russell F 6354 Jack's Father, and other Stories. NorrisF 5431 Jack's Secret. Cameron F 31 16 Jack's Ward. Alger H 158,2 Jackanapes, and other Stories. Ewing.H 1272 The same G 952 JACKSON, D. Alonzo and Melissa... F 910 JACKSON, E. P. A Demigod F JACKSON, Q. A. Son of a Prophet [Time of Solomon] F 44Q4 JACKSON, Mrs. H. M. (//. //.) Bits of Talk for Young Folks H 1604 Cat Stories H 1607 Hetty's Strange History F 2212 Hunter Cats of Connorloa H 1603 Letters from a Cat H 1602 Mercy Philbrick's Choice F 2184 Nelly's Silver Mine H 1601 Ramona [Indian Life in California]F 4401 Zeph [Colorado] F 4402 Jacky Lee. Cheever H 3441 Jacob Faithful. Marryat F 5394 The same G --; Jacob Niemand. Sherard F 6480 Jacob Schuyler's Millions. English F 4403 JACOBI, Mrs. M. P. Found and Lost.F 7189 Jacobite Exile. Henty H 15^3 JACOBS, J. (Ed.). Book of Wonder Voyages H 4450 Celtic Fairy Tales H 1 585 English Fairy Tales H 1 587 Indian Fairy Tales H 1586 More Celtic Fairy Tales H 1 584 More English Fairy Tales H 1 71 5 JACOBUS, R. I\ 1 scape from PhilistiaF 4384 J ACOLLIOT, L. The Froler Case . . . . F 4488 Jacquerie, The. 3 v. in 2. James F 4405 JAK, pUU4L See WILLIAMS, A. B. JAMES, Mrs. F. A. {Florence War- den). Adela's Ordeal F 7473 At the World's Mercy F 7462 Deldee; the Ward of Waringham.F 7527 Doris's Fortune. F 7537 The Fog Princes F 7467 Forge and Furnace F 4544 House on the Marsh F 7528 Kitty's Engagement F 454 1 My Child and I F 7471 Mystery of the Inn by the Shore.. . F 4543 Nurse Revel's Mistake F 7468 Passage through Bohemia F 7472 A Prince of Darkness F 7534 Ralph Ryder of Brent F 7464 St. Cuthbert's Tower F 7465 Scheherazade; a London Nights Entertainment F 7460 Sea Mew Abbey F 7463 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 145 JAMES, Mrs. F. A. {Florence War- den). A Spoilt Girl F 4542 A Terrible Family F 4540 A Vagrant Wife F 7535 A Woman's Face; or, a Lakeland Mystery F 7461 JAMES, Q. P. R. Agincourt [England and France, 1415] G 258 Arabella Stuart [James I.] F 919 The same G 259 Arrah Neil [Charles I., Civil War].G 260 Beauchamp G 261 Castle of Ehrenstein [Germany, 13th Century] G 262 Cavalier [English Civil War] F 911 Charles Tyrrell F 4521 Convict [England, 1838-48] G 263 Corse de Leon; or, the Brigand [France, 16th Century] F 912 Dark Scenes of History F 924 Darnley [Henry VIII., 1520] G 264 De l'Orme [France, 1640] F 4523 Delaware [Time of George 1 1 1 .] . . . F 4522 The Desultory Man F 4510 False Heir G 265 Forest Days [Robin Hood] G 266 Gipsy [Time of George II.] G 267 Gowrie [Scotland, 1600] F 925 Heidelberg, 1618-20 [Beginning of Thirty Years* War] G 268 Henry of Guise. 2 v. [France, I588J.F 913 The Jacquerie. 3 v. in 2 [French Peasant War, 1357] F 4405 Last of the Fairies; a Christmas Tale [Time of the Commonwealth]. . . F 914 Leonora d'Orco, Italy, 1494 F 4524 Lord Montagu's Page [Historical Romance of the 17th Century ]...F 915 The Man at Arms [Charles IX., 1 572]F 4527 Margaret Graham F 4525 Mary of Burgundy; or, the Revolt of Ghent F 4528 Morley Ernstein G 269 Old Dominion; or, Southampton Massacre F 45 1 1 One in a Thousand; or, the Days of Henri Quatre , F 916 Philip Augustus [Crusades] F 917 Richelieu [Time of Louis XIII.].. .F 004 Rose d'Albret [Time of Henry IV. of France] G 061 Russell [Charles II., 1683]. F 918 The same G 270 JAMES, Q. P. R. Sir Theodore Brough- ton [1781] G 271 Smuggler [Time of George III.]...G 272 Stepmother G 273 Whim, and its Consequences G 274 JAMES, H., Jr. The American F 907 The Aspern Papers; Louisa Pallant; The Modern Warning F 4409 Author of Beltraffio F 4416 Contents: Author of Beltraffio; Pandora; Georgina's Reasons; The Path of Duty; Four Meetings. The Bostonians F 4417 Confidence F 4410 Daisy Miller, and An International Episode F 4414 Embarrassments F 4395 Contents: The Figure in the Carpet; Glasses; The Next Time; The Way it came. The Europeans F 931 The Lesson of the Master F 4397 Contents: The Lesson of the Master; The Marriages; The Pupil; Brook- smith; The Solution; Sir Edmund Orme. A London Life, and other Stories. F 4407 Contents: A London Life; The Pata- gonia; The Liar; Mrs. Temperly. The Other House F 4394 Passionate Pilgrim, and other TalesF 908 Portrait of a Lady F 4412 Princess Casamassima F 4418 The Private Life; Lord Beaupr£; The Visits F 4399 The Real Thing, and other Tales. F 4398 The Reverberator F 4408 Roderick Hudson. F 909 Siege of London; .Pension Beaure- pas; Point of View F 4413 The Spoils of Poynton F 4393 Tales of Three Cities F 4415 Contents: The Impressions of a Cousin; Lady Barberina; A New England Win- ter. Terminations, and other Stories. . .F 4306 Contents: Terminations; The Death of the Lion; The Coxon Fund; The Middle Years; The Altar of the Dead. The Tragic Muse. 2 v F 4406 Washington Square F 44 1 1 Watch and Ward F 932 The Wheel of Time; Collaboration; Owen Wingrave F 4400 James Chapman; or, the Way of Common Sense H 291,2 James Duke, Costermonger. Gilbert.. F ^691 146 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. James Inwick, Ploughman and Elder. Hunter F 4280 James Montjoy. Roe F 1 437 JamesVansittart.Vengeanceof. Needell.F 5485 JAMESON, Mrs. A. M. Diary of an Ennuyee I 004 The same I 7008 JAMISON, Mrs. C. V. Crown from the Spear F 737 Lady Jane H 1600 Ropes of Sand, and other Stories. . F 738 Something to do F 1578 Story of an Enthusiast F 4419 Toinette's Philip H 1598 Woven of many Threads F 740 Jan of the Windmill. Ewing H 377 Jan Wdder's Wife. Barr F 2505 Jane, a Social Incident. Corelli F 5089 Jane Eyre. Nicholls 1 1 236 The same G 458 Jane Field. Wilkins F 7584 Jane Lomax. 3 v. Smith F 1564 Jane Seton. Grant F 8820 Jane Sinclair. Carleton F 234 Jane Warner. Heart of. Lean G 1086 Janet; a Poor Heiress. Clarke H 295 Janet's Repentance. Cross G 366,2 JANNEY, L. N. Alton-Thorpe F 4420 JANSON, K. The Spell-bound Fiddler, a Norse Romance F 4424 JANUARY SEARLE, pseud. See PHIL- LIPS, Q. S. JANVIER,M. T. (Margaret Vandegrift). Doris, and Theodora [Life in Santa Cruz] F 7291 Little Helpers H 2602 Queen's Body-Guard F 7290 Rose Raymond's Ward F 7292 Under the Dog-Star H 2601 Ways and Means F 7293 JANVIER, T. A. The Aztec Treasure- House [Mexico] F 4390 Color Studies F 4404 Contents: Rose Madder; Jaune d' Antimoine; Orpinient & Gamboge; Roberson's Medium. Stories of Old New Spain F 4391 The Uncle of an Angel, and other Stories F 4392 Japan, Young Americans in. Greey I 1588 Japanese Fairy World. Griffis H 1448 Japanese Marriage, A. Sladen F 6495 Japhet in Search of a Father. Marryat.F 5398 The same G 425 JARBOE, Mrs. J. R. ( T. If. Brainerd). Go Forth and Find F 7254 Robert Atterbury F 7259 Jargal. Hugo F 887 JARVES, J. J. Kiana; a Tradition of Hawaii F 4386 JARVIS, T. S. Geoffrey Hampstead [Canadian Life] F 4387 Jarwin and Cuffy. Ballantyne H 1012 Jason Edwards. Garland F 3767 Jasper Thorn. Egan H 3744 Jaunt through Java. Ellis H 1249 JAY, H. Queen of Connaught F 5000 JAY, W. M. L., pseud. See WOODRUFF, Mrs. J. L. M. JAYNE, R. H. War Whoop Series.. . H 1583 v. 1. Lost in the Wilderness. 2. Through Apache Land. 3. In the Pecos Country. 4. The Cave in the Mountain. Wild Adventure Series H 1581 v. 1. On the Trail of Geronimo; or, In the Apache Country. 2. The White Mustang; a Tale of the Lone Star State. 3. The Land of Mystery. JEAFFRESON, J. C. Lottie Darling. F 927 man in Spite of Herself G 276 Jealousy; or, Tevenno. Dudevant F 454 Jean. Newman F 1242 Jean Belin, the French Robinson Crusoe. Gu£zenec H 1429 Jean Berny, Sailor. Viaud F 737 1 JeandeKerdren. Schultz F 6802 Jean Jarousseau. Pelletan F 5941 The same E 1430 Jean Monteith. McClelland F 5223 JEAN PAUL, pseud. See RICHTER, J. P. F. Jeanie o'Biggersdale, and other Yorkshire Stories. Simpson F 6714 Jeanne d'Arc, Days of. Catherwood. . . F 8156 Jeannette. Peard H 2047 JEANS, T. Tommiebeg Shootings. . . F 4470 JEBB, Mrs. J. Q. Some Unconventional People F 4557 Jed; a Boy's Adventures in the Army. Goss H 1437 Jeff Benson. Ballantyne H 973 JEFFERIES, R. After London F 44P The Dewy Morn F 45U Wood Magic; a Fable E 3781 JEFFREY, Mrs. R. V. Q. Marah.. . .F 44^8 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 147 JENKIN, Mrs. H. C. Jupiter's Daugh- ters F Q22 The same G 758 Once and Again G 278 Psyche of To-day F 921 Skirmishing G 279 Two French Marriages G 280 v. 1. Psyche of To-day. 2. Madame de Beaupre* . Who Breaks— Pays G 281 Within an Ace F 923 The same G 282 JENKINS, J. E. The Devil's Chain. .E 1273 Ginx's Baby [Satire on English Poor Laws] E 1269 Ginx's Baby; Lord Bantam G 277 Haverholme ; or.Apotheosis of JingoF 4426 Jobson's Enemies F 4433 Little Hodge [Labor and Capital].. E 1270 Lord Bantam E 1271 Paladin of Finance F 4425 Secret of her Life F 4434 JENKS, T. Century World's Fair Book for Boys and Girls H 1 589 Imaginotions, truthless Tales H 1588 JENNER, Mrs. H. (K. Lee). Love or Money ? F 4497 JENNESS, Mrs. T. R. Piokee and her People; a Ranch and Tepee Story H 1597 Two Young Homesteaders H 1606 Jennie of the Prince's. Buxton G 879 JENNINGS, H. One of the Thirty.. . . F 4427 JENNINGS, L. J. The Millionaire... F 4429 JENNISON, L. W. {O.Innsiy). Penel- ope's Web; Episode of Sorrento.. F 4371 Jenny Harlowe, Romance of. Russell. F 6361 Jenny's Ordeal. Tinseau F 7141 JENSEN, W. Runic Rocks; a North- Sea Idyl F 4486 JEPHSON, A. J. M. Stories told in an African Forest H 1 582 JERDON, G. The Keyhole Country.. H 1620 Jericho Road. Habberton F 759 JEROME, F. High-Water-Mark F 928 JEROME, J. K. John Ingerfield, and other Stories F 4477 Contents: In Remembrance of John In- gerfield, and of Anne, his Wife ; The Woman of the Sseter; Variety Patter; Silhouettes; The Lease of the Cross Keys. Novel Notes F 4476 Three Men in a Boat I 6284 Told after Supper F 4475 Jerome, a Poor Man. Wilkins F 7714 JERROLD, D. Men of Character.. . .G 283 Barber's Chair, and Hedgehog Let- ters E 3775 Fireside Saints, Mr. Caudle's Break- fast-Talk, and other Papers E 1272 Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. . ,E 1265 St. Giles and St. James G 284 Works F 4430 v 1. St. Giles and St. James; Punch's Letters to his Son. 2. Story of a Feather; Cakes and Ale. 3. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lec- tures; Men of Character; Punch's Complete Letter Writer. 4. Man made of Money ; Sketches of the English ; Chronicles of Clovernook ; The sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf. JERROLD, W. B. Cent per Cent . . . . F 4431 Cockaynes in Paris F 926 Jerry. Elliot F 3232 Jerry. Simonds H 677,7 Jerry, the Dreamer. Payne F 6123 Jerry's Family. Kaler H 2006 JERSEY, Countess of. Eric, Prince of Lorlonia; Fairy Tales H 4456 Maurice; or, the Red Jar H 1 592 Jerseymen Meeting. Martineau F 1151,9 Jerseymen Parting. Martineau Fi 151,10 Jess. Haggard F 3871 The same G 1262 Jessamine. Terhune F 1766 Jessamy Bride. Moore F 9490 Jessie. Simonds H 677,6 Jessie Graham. Holmes F 850 Jessie Wells. Alden H 910 JESSOP, G. H. Gerald Ffrench's Friends F 4461 Jessop Blythe, Banishment of. Hatton.F 3831 JESSOPP, A. Mr. Dandelow F 4462 Jesuit of To-Day. McNeill F 9434 Jesuit's Ring, The. Hayes F 3897 Jet; her Face or her Fortune. EdwardsG 735 Jew, The. Kraszewski F 4730 Jew, The. Spindler F 1549 Jews of Barnow. Franzos F 3555 Jewel in the Lotus. Tincker F 6991 Jewel Mysteries I have known. Pem- berton F 6054 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jewel of a Girl. Crommelin F 941 Jewel of Ynys Galon. Rhoscomyl F 6404 JEWETT, S. O. Betty Leicester H I$g0 Country By-Ways F 4435 Country Doctor F 4437 Country of the Pointed Firs F 4468 Deephaven F 4463 King of Folly Island and other Peo- ple F 4440 The Life of Nancy F 4467 Contents: The Life of Nancy; Fame's Little Day: A War Debt; The Hilton's Holiday; The only Rose; A Second Spring; Little French Mary; The Guests of Mrs. Timms; A Neighbor's Landmark; All my sad Captains. A Marsh Island F 4438 Mate of the Daylight and Friends ashore F 4436 Native of Winby, and other Tales.F 4466 Old Friends and New F 905 Strangers and Wayfarers F 4465 Tales of New England F 4464 A White Heron, and other Stories. F 4439 Contents: A White Heron; The Gray Man; Farmer Finch; Marsh Rosemary; The Dulham Ladies; A Business Man; Mary and Martha; News from Peter- sham; The Two Browns. Jewish Tales. Sacher-Masoch F 6481 JEWSBURY, G. E. Constance HerbertF 4482 Zoe ; H istory of Two Lives F 4483 Jezebel's Daughter. Collins G 930 Jezebel's Friends. Russell F 6348 Jill. Dillwyn F 2968 Jill and Jack. Dillwyn F 2971 Jim Bentley's Resolve. Rouse H 2219 Jim of Hellas. Richards F 6443 Jimmy Boy. Clarke H 3490,2 Jimmy Brown, Adventures of. Alden.H 93 Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore. AlcottH 124,5 Jimmyjohns, and other Stories. Diaz..H \\ Jinny and his Partners. Kaler H 202 1 Jo-Boat Boys. Cowan H 1 1 72 Jo's Boys. Alcott H 121 Jo's Opportunity. Lillie H 1743 Joachin von Kamern. Nathusius G 454 Joan. Broughton G 711 Joan Haste. Haggard F 4190 Joan Merryweather, and other Tales. Cooper G 810 Joan of Arc, Days of. Catherwood F 8156 Personal Recollections. Clemens.. C 18251 Joan the Maid. Charles F 2741 Joan's Victory F 4495 Joanna Traill, Spinster. Holdsworth . . F 4321 Jobson's Enemies. Jenkins 1 4433 JOCELYN, Mrs. R. A Big Stake.. F 4507 Drawn Blank F 4506 Jocelyn's Mistake. Spender F 1670 Jock o' Dreams. -Lippmann H 1773 Joe Baker; or, the One Church H 291,1 Joe Bentley, Naval Cadet. Clark H 1080 Joe Cummings; or, the Story of a Son in Search of his Mother F 4481 Joe Way ring at Home. Fosdick H 1285,1 Joel, a Boy of Galilee. Johnston H 4470 Johannes Olaf. Wille F 1939 JOHN, E. {Elsie Marlitt). At the Coun- cillor's F 937 Bailiff's Maid F 444 1 Countess Gisela F 933 Gold Elsie F 938 In the Schillingscourt F 939 Lady with the Rubies F 4442 Little Moorland Princess F 934 The same G 287 Old Mam'selle's Secret F 936 Over Yonder F 4444 The Owl's Nest F 4443 Princess of the Moor". G 287 Same as Little Moorland Princess. The Second Wife F 935 John. Oliphant F 1260 John Andross. Davis F 360 John Auburntop, Novelist. Hancock. F 3822 John Barlow's Ward F 4450 John Bodewin's Testimony. Foote F 3543 John Boyd's Adventures. Knox H 1 709 John Bremm. Hopkins F 865 John Brent. Winthrop H 772 John Brownlow's Folks. Allen H 955 John Caldigate. 3 v. in 2. Trollope G 1094 John Charaxes. Curtis F 2629 John Darker. Lee F 4865 John Deane. Kingston H 1689 John Dorrien. Kavanagh F 959 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 761 John Eax. Tourgee F 7043 John Ford, his Faults and Follies. Bar- rett F 7004 John Fordham, Betrayal of. Farjeon..F 8770 John Godfrey's Fortunes. Taylor F 1752 John Godsoe's Legacy. Kellogg H 483,5 John Gray. Allen F 2322 John Halifax, Gentleman. Craik F 2890 The same G 114 John Herring. Gould G 1424 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 149 John Holden, Unionist. De Leon and Ledyard F 3165 John Holdsworth, Chief Mate. Russell. F 6357 Johnlngerfield.and otherStories. JeromeF 4477 John Inglesant. Shorthouse F 65QI The same G 817 John-Jack. Peebles H 610,4 John Jerome. Ingelow F 4361 John Kent, Boyhood of. Allen H 956 John Law. Ainsworth G 13 John Leighton, Jr. Trask F 703 1 John Logan, Penance of. Black F 7972 John Maidment. Sturgis F 6686 John March, Southerner. Cable F 2717 John Marchmont's Legacy. Maxwell.. G 3q John Marten. Sherwood F 1545,16 John Milton and his Times. Ring F 1416 John Needham's Double. Hatton F 3890 John Paget. Elliott F 3239 John Parmelee's Curse. Hawthorne.. F 3916 John Rantoul. Nelson F 5389 John Remington, Martyr. Alden and Livingston F 2354 John Sherman, and Dhoya. Yeats F 7229 John Smith, President. Adams F 7800 John Spicer Lectures. Diaz H 12 12 John Thompson, Blockhead, and other Stories. Parr F 1287 John Thorn's Folks. Teal F 6945 John Trevennick, Story of. Rhoades. . F 6403 John Vale's Guardian. Murray F 9543 John Ward, Preacher. Deland F 2975 John Winter. Mayo F 690 John Worthington's Name. Benedict.. F 138 JOHNES, M. Prince Charley, the Young Chevalier H 476 Johnny Ludlow. Wood F 940 The same G 760 Johnnykin and the Goblins. Leland. . H 1736 JOHNSON, C. The Farmer's Boy .... H 1 591 JOHNSON, E. R. End of a Rainbow. H 161 1 Phaeton Rogers H 1610 (Ed.). Little Classics. 18 v I 3873 For Contents See Little Classics. JOHNSON, Mrs.E.W. TwoLoyal LoversF 4485 JOHNSON, Mrs. H. K. Raleigh West- gate F 4458 Roddy's Ideal H 471 Roddy's Reality H 474 Roddy's Romance H 479 JOHNSON, J. Clever Boys of our Time who became Famous Men H 1608 Clever Girls of our Time H 1609 JOHNSON, R. L. Brilliant Prospects. F 942 JOHNSON, S. Rasselas, Prince of Abys- sinia F 946 The same *F 1 1 5,26 The same I 2958 The same I 3890 The same J 155,1 The same *J 1 56, 1 The same *I 3402 JOHNSON, V. W. Calderwood Secret.F 945 Catskill Fairies H 477 English Daisy Miller F 4451 The Fainalls of Tipton F 4452 Foreign Marriage; or, Buyinga Title F 3528 House of the Musician F 4456 Joseph, the Jew F 950 A Sack of Gold F 947 Tulip Place; a Story of New York . F 4454 JOHNSTON, Mrs. A. C. Miriam's Herit- age; Story of the Delaware River. F 2721 JOHNSTON, A. F. Big Brother H 1599 Joel, a Boy of Galilee H 4470 The Little Colonel H 4471 JOHNSTON, G. K. {Leslie Keith). 'Lis- beth F 4533 A Lost Illusion F 4746 JOHNSTON, H. Doctor Congalton's Legacy F 4556 JOHNSTON, R.M. Dukesborough Tales; Chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. F 4471 Contents: The Goosepond School; How Mr. Bill Williams took the Responsi- bility; Investigations concerning Mr. Jonas Lively; Old Friends and New; The Expensive Treat of Colonel Mo- ses Grice ; King William and his Ar- mies. Little Ike Templin, and other Sto- ries F 4474 Contents: Little Ike Templin; Oby Griffin; Black Spirits and White; The Bee-Hunters; Poor Mr. Brown; Len Cane about Dogs: Buck and Old Billy; The Two Woollys; The Stress of Tobe; The Quick Recovery of Mr. Nathan Swint; The Campaigns of Mr. Potiphar McCray; Careful Pleadings; A Step- son's Recollection. Mr. Absalom Billingslea, and other Georgia Folk F 4447 Mr. Billy Downs and his Likes F 4472 Contents: A Bachelor's Counsellings; Parting from Sailor; Two Administra tions; Almost a Wedding in Dooley District; Something in a Name; The Townses and their Cousins. 150 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. JOHNSTON, R.M. Mr. Former's Marital Claims, and other Stories F 4473 Contents: Mr. Fortner's Marital Claims; Old Gas Lawson; An Adventure of Mr. Joel Bozzle; A Moccasin among the Hobbies; A Surprise to Mr. Thompson Byers. Old Mark Langston F 4453 Old Times in Middle Georgia F 4534 The Primes and their Neighbors ; Ten Tales of Middle Georgia... F 4446 Widow Guthrie F 4448 JOHNSTONE, D. L. In the Land of the Golden Plume H 1612 Rebel Commodore [War of 18 12]. . F 4469 Johnstown Stage, and other Stories. Fletcher F 3385 JOHONNOT, J. Stories of other Lands . H 1 504 JOKAI, M. Black Diamonds F 4490 Eyes like the Sea F 4505 The Green Book; or, Freedom under the Snow F 4498 Hungarian Sketches F 944 In Love with the Czarina, and other Stories F 4503 Modern Midas F The Nameless Castle F 4502 Peter the Priest F 4561 Pretty Michal F 4501 There is no Devil 1 4500 Timar's Two Worlds F 4504 JOLLY, E. Colonel Dacre F ,301 The same G 759 Jolly Fellowship. Stockton H 687 Jolly Good Summer. Smith H 2359 Sequel to Jolly Good Times To-day. Jolly Good Times. Smith 11 JollyGood Times at Hackmatack.SmithH 2348 Jolly Good Times To-Day. Smith H 2358 Jolly Rover. Trowbridge H 720 Jonas as Judge. Abbott H 51,2 Jonas Haggerley. Wray H 2734 Jonas on a Farm— Summer. Abbott.. H 5 1 ,4 Jonas on a Farm— Winter. Abbott... H 51,3 Jonas Stories. See Abbott, J. Jonas's Stories. Abbott. H 51,1 Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, Life and Adventures of. Trollope F 7066 JONES.A.I. Beatrice of Bayou Teche.I JONES, C. A. A Modern Red Riding Hood H 1533 JONES, C. C, Jr. Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast F 4445 JONES, C. H. Davault's Mills F 952 JONES, Mrs. G. W. (G. Warden). Her Fairy Prince Y 7656 JONES, J. B. Wild Southern Scenes.F 949 Wild Western Scenes [ Daniel Boone ] F 948 JONES, S. J. Godfrey Brenz F 4496 Rest or Unrest ;Story of the SabbathH 1 595 Words and Ways H 1 596 Joneses and the Asterisks. Campbell. F 8166 Joost Avelingh. Schwartz F 5361 The same G 1382 JORDAN, K. The Other House F 4490 and others. Ten Notable Stories.. F 4491 For Contents See Ten Notable Stories. Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities. Surtees.F 6710 Jos£ and Benjamin. Delitzsch F 2965 Joseph and his Friend. Taylor F 1753 Joseph Andrews. Fielding I 2983 The same J 60 The same *F 1 15,18 Joseph Balsamo. Dumas F 493 Same as Memoirs of a Physician. Joseph Bonaparte. Abbott H 74 Joseph Noirel's Revenge. Cherbuliez.F Klti Joseph II. and his Court. Mundt F 1208 Joseph, the Dreamer. Bird H 3201 Joseph, the Jew. Johnson F 950 Joseph Zalmonah. King F 4616 Joseph's Coat. II urray F 9547 Josephine, Empress, History of. Ab- bott H 67 Josephine, the Empress. Mundt F 1204 Josephine Crewe. Boulton F 8009 Josh Billings; his Works. Shaw E 837 hiz Sayings. Shaw E 836 on Ice. Shaw E 5735 Joshua. Ebers F 3200 Joshua Davidson, True History of. Lin- ton G 286 Joshua Haggard's Daughter. Maxwell. F 204 The same G 709 Joshua Marvel. Farjeon F 556 Josiah Allen's Wife. Holley E 4012 Josiah's Alarm. Holley F 4335 Journal of Home Life. Sewell F 1530 The same G 557 Journal of a Live Woman. Van-Ander- son F 7360 Journey in other Worlds. Astor F 7830 Journey of Life. Puseley F 3554 Journey to Mars. Pope F 61 21 Journey to the Center of the Earth. Verne F 1827 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 151 Joy of Life, The. Wolf F 7611 JOYCE, P. W. (Tr.). Old Celtic Ro- mances F 954 JOYCE, R. D. Legends of Wars in Ireland F 95 1 Joyce Morrell's Harvest. Holt F 4030 Joyous Story of Toto. Richards H 2227 Juan and Juanita. Baylor H 1025 Juana. Balzac F 7878 Juanita; a Romance of Cuba. Mann..F 5204 Jucklins, The. Read F 6222 Judah's Lion. Tonna J 71,2 The same J 275,2 The same F 1691 JUDD, S. Margaret F 953 Richard Edney and the Governor's Family F 955 Jude, the Obscure. Hardy F 4164 Judge Burnhams Daughters. Alden..F 2393 Judgment Books. Benson F 7948 Judith ; a Chronicle of Old Virginia. Terhune F 6952 Judith Shakespeare. Black F 2556 The same G 1234 Judith Trachtenberg. Franzos F 3634 Juggernaut. Eggleston and Marbourg.F 3281 Juggler, The. Murfree F 9523 JUHANI AHO, pseud. See BROFELDT, J. Jul Jul a and her Romeo. Murray F 9544 a de Roubigne\ Mackenzie J 179,3 The same *F 115,29 a Mandeville. Brooke *F n 5,27 a Ried. Alden F 957 an. Ware F 1856 an Home. Farrar H 389 an Mortimer. Fosdick H 1359 ette; or, Now and Forever. Baker.F 87 ette, Story of. Washington H 2626 us Caesar. Abbott H 21 us, the Street-Boy out West. Alger. H 156,1 us Farley. Tuthill H 743 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 'il Jul Jul Jul JUNCKER, E., pseud. See SCHMIEDEN, E. June. Bridges F 3526 June Romance, A. Gale F 8907 Jungle Book, The. Kipling F 4726 Jungle Jack. Eden H 1226 Jungle, Peak and Plain. Stables H 2396 Jupiter Lights. Woolson F 7551 Jupiter's Daughters. Jenkin F 922 The same G 758 Just as I am. Maxwell G 871 Just his Luck. Adams H 1613 Just Impediment. Pryce F 6017 Just Plain Folks. Doubleday F 3066 Just Sixteen. Woolsey H 2726 Justification of Andrew Lebrun. Barrett. F 7903 Justina. Weitzel F 2213 Justine's Lovers. Howell F 943 Juvenile Plutarch; Lives of Celebrated Children C T08 Kabaosa; or, the Warriors of the West. Snelling F 1 504 Kafir Stories. Scully F 6707 Kalani of Oahu. Newell F 5454 KALER, J. O. {James Otis). Adventures of a Country Boy at a Fair H 2009 Andy's Ward H 2007 At the Siege of Quebec H 4605 Boy Captain; or, from Forecastle to Cabin H 4602 Boys of Fort Schuyler H 4606 Boys of 1 745atCapture of Louisbourg H 2005 Boys' Revolt H 2022 Braganza Diamond H 2019 The Castaways on the FloridaReefsH 2016 Chasing a Yacht H 2023 Ezra Jordan's Escape from the Mas- sacre at Fort Loyall H 1994 How Tommy saved the Barn H 2008 An Island Refuge H 1995 Jack the Hunchback H 2020 Jerry's Family H 2006 Jinny and his Partners H 2021 Left Behind; Ten Days a News- boy H 2014 Little Joe H 2017 Mr. Stubbs's Brother H 201 1 Sequel to Toby Tyler. Neal, the Miller, a Son of Liberty H 1996 Raising the " Pearl." H 2013 A Runaway Brig; or, an Accidental Cruise H 2018 Silent Pete ; or, the Stowaways. . . H 2015 Teddy and Carrots, Two Merchants of Newspaper Row H 4601 Tim and Tip, Adventures of a Boy and a Dog H 2012 Toby Tyler; or, Ten Weeks with a Circus H 2010 With Lafayette at Yorktown H 1998 Wood Island Light H 1999 Wreck of the Circus H 4604 Wrecked on Spider Island H 4603 Kaloolah, Adventures of. Mayo F 1 165 Kam£ham£ha, the Conquering King Newell F 5453 152 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. KANE, J. J. Ilian; or, Curse of Old South Church of Boston F Kangaroo Hunters. Bowman H Kanter Girls. Branch H KARAMSIN, N. M. Tales from the Russian F KARAZIN, N. N.TheTwo-leggedWolfF Karl Kiegler; or, Fortunes of a Found- ling H Karma. Carus F Karma. Sinnett F Kate Beaumont. DeForest F Kate Carnegie. Watson F Kate Coventry. Melville G Kate Danton. Fleming F Kate Weathers. Vaughan . . . Katerfelto. Melville G Katharine Ashton. 2 v. Sewell Katharine Lauderdale. 2 v. Crawford. F Katharine North. Pool F Katharine Regina. Besant G Katharine Walton. Simms Katharine's Experiment. Clark H Katherine Earle. Trafton F Katherine's Trial. Parr G Kathie's Stories. See Douglas, A. M. Kathleen. Burnett Kathleen Mavourneen. Burnett F 2280,2 Same as Kathleen. Katia. Tolstoi KATSCH,G.A.-Under the Stork's v Katy of Catoctin. Townsend KATZENBERQER, F. I. He would have me be brave F KAUFMAN, R. (Ed.). Young Folks' Plutarch ,C I44<> KAV AN AOH, J. Adele. 3 v. in 2 G 288 Beatrice G 289 Bessie F 4647 The same ! 290 Daisy Burns , G 291 Dora G 292 Forget-me-nots G 970 Grace Lee G 301 John Dorrien F 959 The same. 3 v; in 2 G 761 Madeleine; a Tale of Auvergne F 972 Nathalie G 295 Queen Mab F 960 The same G 296 Rachel Gray G 297 Seven Years, and other Tales G 298 Silvia G 971 101 1 104 1 3274 4685 4734 1630 8129 6631 362 5556 444 588 1882 777 1532 8324 5997 1283 2057 3495 1802 488 2279 7004 958 7055 4585 KAVANAGH, J. Sybil's Second Love.G 299 Two Lilies F 956 The same G, 762 Kavanagh. Longfellow F 4850 The same I 3126 The same J 1 The same J 1 76,3 KEARY, A. Castle Daly; Story of an Irish Home [Famine, 1847] F 961 The same G 080 Oldbury G 981 and E. Heroes of Asgard; Tales from Scandinavian Mythology. ..F 965 KEARY, C. F. Herbert Vanlennert...F 4761 KEARY, E. The Magic Valley H 1641 K EDDIE, H. (Sara A Tytler). Beauty and the Beast F 7161 The Bride's Pass . . F 7162 A Bubble Fortune F 4643 Buried Diamonds F 7163 Citoyenne Jacqueline. 3 v. [French Revolution] F 2 1 20 Days of Yore. 2 v F 1818 Diamond Rose [Scotland, 18th Cen- tury] F 1807 Garden of Women F 4642 Girl Neighbours H 1647 A Houseful of Girls H 1646 Huguenot Family in the English Village F 7164 Lady Bell [Mrs. Siddons] F 1816 Noblesse Oblige F 7165 Saint Mungo'sCity F 7166 Summer Snow F 464 1 Three Frights and Beauties H 1645 What she came through F 7167 Keedon Bluffs, Story of. Murfree F 2865 KEELER, R. Gloverson and his Silent Partners F 963 KEELING, E. d»E. In Thoughtland and in Dreamland G 1 380 A Laughing Philosopher G 804 Orchardscroft; Story of an Artist. F 4606 Three Sisters G 803 KEENAN, H. F. The Aliens F 4661 The Iron Game [Am. Civil War]. . F 4662 The Money-Makers ,F 5297 Trajan [Franco- Prussian War] F 4660 KEENE, Mrs. S. F. Guy's Life-LessonH 480 Keenie's To-Morrow. Conklin H 1104 Keeper of the Keys. Robinson F 6200 Keeper of the Salamander's Order. Shattuck H j ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 153 Keeping the Vow. Morgan F 5307 KEIGHTLEY, S. R. The Cavaliers [Charles I. and Cromwell] F 4765 The Crimson Sign [Ireland, 1689].. F 4766 The Last Recruit of Clare's F 4767 KEIGHTLEY, T. Fairy Mythology. .1 3354 KEITH, A. Y., pseud. See MORRIS, E. L. KEITH, Leslie, pseud. See JOHNSTON, G. K. Keith; or, Righted at Last. Scott F 6574 Keith Deramore. Butt F 8083 KELLEY, J. C. J. Desperate ChanceF 4654 KELLOGG, E. Elm Island Stories.. .H 482 v. 1. Lion Ben. 2. Charlie Bell. 3. Ark of Elm Island. 4. Boy Farmers. 5. Young Ship-builders. 6. Hard Scrabble. Forest Glen Series H 481 v. 1. Sowed by the Wind. 2. Wolf Run. 3. Brought to the Front. 4. Mission of Black Rifle. 5. Forest Glen. 6. Burying the Hatchet. Good Old Times Series: v. 1. Live Oak Boys H 1652 2. The Unseen Hand II 165 1 3. Strong Arm and Mother's Blessing H 1650 4. Good Old Times H 521 Pleasant Cove Series H 483 v. 1. Arthur Brown. 2. Young Deliverers. 3. Cruise of the Casco. 4. Child of the Island Glen. 5. John Godsoe's Legacy. 6. Fisher Boy. Whispering Pine Series H 484 v. 1. Spark of Genius. 2. Sophomores of Radcliffe. 3. Whispering Pine. 4. Winning his Spurs. 5. Turning of the Tide. 6. Stout Heart. KELLOGG, Mrs. S. W. The Livelies, and other Stories F 966 Kellys and the O'Kellys. Trollope.. . .F 6997 Kelp. Allen H 940,4 Kelp-Gatherers, The. Trowbridge H 2513 KEMBLE.F.A. FarawayandLongago.F 998 KENDALL, Mrs. E. D. Stanifords of Staniford's Folly H 488 KENDALL, M. Such is Life F 4663 KENEALY,A. Dr. Janet of HarleyStreetF 461 1 KENEALY, E. V. H. Edward Wortley Montagu F 4613 The same C 859 Kenelm Chillingly. Lytton F 501a The same. 4 v. in 2 G 383 Kenilworth. Scott F 2162 The same G 545 KENNARD, M.E.L. Homburg Beauty.F 474° Pretty Kitty Herrick F 474 1 KENNEDY, G. Dunallan F 4615 KENNEDY, J. P. Horse-Shoe Robin- son [South Carolina, 1780] F 969 The same *P 276 Quodilbet [1834] *P 278 Rob of the Bowl [Days of Lord Baltimore] F 970 The same *B 279 Swallow Barn; Sojourn in the Old ' Dominion F 97 1 The same *P 280 KENNEDY, P. Banks of the Boro [Chronicle of County Wexford].. F 1005 Bardic Stories of Ireland F 1004 Evenings in the Duffrey F 1006 Legendary Fiction of the Irish CeltsF 1009 KENNEDY, W. In the Dwellings of Silence [Nihilism in Russia] F 4614 Kenneth. Yonge H 2829 KENNEY, M. E. See PAULL, Mrs. M. E. K. Kensington Palace in the Days of Queen Mary II. Marshall F 5566 Kent Hampden. Davis H 1189 Kentucky Cardinal, A. Allen F 7815 Kentucky Colonel, A. Read F 6268 Kentucky's Love. King F 979 KENYON,C.R. The Young Ranchman.H 1635 KEN YON, E. E. A Lucky Waif F 4649 KEON, M. G. Dion and the Sybils [An- cient Rome] F 973 Kept his Trust. Douglas F 432 Same as In Trust. Kept in the Dark. Tullope G 1185 KER, D. Cossack and Czar [Russia, Time of Mazeppa] H 1644 From the Hudson to the Neva H 1642 Into Unknown Seas H 1655 Lost among the White Africans. ..H 1656 The Lost City; or, the Boy Explor- ers in Central Asia H 1657 The Rajah's Legacy H 1643 Swept out to Sea H 1653 154 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. KER, D. The Wizard King; Last Mos- lem Invasion of Europe H 1654 Keraban, the Inflexible. 2 v. Verne.. F 7311 KERNAHAN, C. A Hook of Strange ! Contents: The Lonely God: A Strange Sin; A Suicide; The Garden of God; The Apples of Sin: A Literary Gent; A Lost Soul. Captain Shannon [Detective Story ].F 4581 A Dead Man's Diary.. . .F 3166 KERR, A. M. An Honest La. KERR.Orpheus Cjtevrf See NEWELL.R.H. Kerrigan's Quality. Bar.'ow F 7006 Kestell of (ireystone. Stuart F 6810 KETTLE, M. R. S. Rose, Shamrock and Thistle F 4745 Keyhole Country, The. Jerdon H 1620 Keys of Fate. Shores F 6913 KB1 SER, H. A. On the Borderland. F 964 Thorns in your Sides F 4646 Khaled; a Tale of Arabia. Crawford. F 3104 Kiana; a Tradition of Hawaii. Jarves. .F 4386 Kibboo Ganey. Wentworth H 2673 Kickleburys Abroad, The. Thackeray. G 588,2 Kidnapped. Stevenson F 6861 The same G 1303 Kidnapped Squatter, The. Robertson.. F 6415 KIEFFER, H. M. Recollections of a Drummer- Boy [Am. Civil War]. ,H 1658 KIELLAND, A. L. Elsie; a Christmas 1 4770 Garman and Worse F 4668 Tales of Two Countries [Norway and Sweden] F 4667 Contents • Pharaoh ; The Parsonage. The Peat Moor; Hopes clad in April Green; At the Fair; Two Friends; A Good Con- science; Romance and Reality; With- ered Leaves; The Battle of Waterloo. Kildhurm's Oak. Hawthorne F 3853 Kilgorman. Reed H Kilmeny. Black F 149 The same G 701 Kilrogan Cottage. Despared F 369 KIMBALL,R.B.HenryPowers(Banker)F 995 Prince of Kashna; a West Indian. Story F 975 Saint Leger F 976 Undercurrents of Wall Street F 977 Kind Hearts. Firth H 1300 KINO, Capt. Chas. An Army Wife. . F 4618 Between the Lines [Am. Civil War]F 4678 By Land and Sea [Short Stories]... F 4672 The same F 4673 KING, Capt. Chas. Cadet Days of West Point Captain Blake I 4669 Captain Close and Serjeant Cn esusF Captain Dreams, and other Stories.F Contents: Captain Drea:us, by King; The Ebb-tide, by Sydenham; White Lilies, by A. K. II 1. union; \ Strange Wound, by the W. H. Hamilton; Story of Alcatraz, by Sydenham; The Other Fellow, by Monckton Dene; But- tons, by Leefe. Colonel's Christmas Dinner [Short Stories] F 4673 Colonel's Daughter F 1001 The Deserter, and From the RanksF 4658 Dunraven Ranch 1 Foes in Ambush F From the Ranks I The same I A Garrison Tale F 4636 An Initial Experience, and other ries F Kitty's Conquest [Ku Klux and the South] F 4648 Laramie; Sioux War, 1876 F 4677 Marion's Faith F 4657 Sequel to Colonel's Daughter. Starlight Ranch, and other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier F 4679 Story of Fort Frayne F 4623 Sunset Pass; or, Running the Gaunt- let through the Apache Land F 4674 A lame Surrender; Story of the Chi- cago Strike F 4617 Trooper Ross and Signal Butte F 462 1 Trumpeter Fred; a Story of the Plains F 4619 Two Soldiers F 4680 The same, and Dunraven Ranch.F 4676 Tnder Fire F 4628 Waring's Peril F 4625 A War-Time Wooing F 4675 A West Point Parallel ; a Cadet Story. F 7661 KING, A. E. Brown's Retreat, and other Stories F 4637 Contents: Brown's Retreat; Odelia Blynn; The Heart Story of Miss Jack; Father ; Story of Agee Sang Long; John Sterling's Courtship; Professor of Dollingen, A Trifle of Information; Mr. Carmichael's Conversion; Jacinth; A Freak of Fate; Monsieur Pampalon's Repentance; A Legend of old New York. Kitwyk Stories F 4638 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 155 KING, Clarence. Democracy; an Ameri- can Novel F yj'j KING, E. Gentle Savage. F 4650 The Golden Spike F 4651 Joseph Zalmonah F 4616 Kentucky's Love [Paris, Franco- Prussian War] F 979 Under the Red Flag [Paris Com- mune, 1871] H 1631 KING, G. Balcony Stories [Louisiana]. F 4631 Monsieur Motte [Louisiana] F 4671 Tales of a Time and Place [Louis- iana] F 4630 Contents: Bayou l'Ombre; Bonne Ma- man; Madrilene: or. The Festival of the Dead; The Christmas Story of a Little Church. KING, K. Ethel Mildmay's Follies. . . F 553 Hugh Melton F 983 Off the Roll F 984 Our Detachment F 4620 Queen of the Regiment [Anglo- Indian Life] F 980 KING, M. E. Round about a Brighton Coach Office F 4592 KING, P. Christine's Career, a Story for Girls H 1633 KING, R. A. Passion's Slave 1 4686 KING, Thorold, pseud. S*rGATCHELL, C. . KING, Toler, pseud. See FOX, E. KING, W.P. Stories of a Country DoctorE 3985 King and a few Dukes, A. Chambers. F 8208 King and the Cloister. Stewart F 978 King Arthur. Craik F 2893 King Arthur. Farrington F 3444 King Arthur. Frith H 131 5 King Arthur. 3 v. Morris F 5409 King Bronde\ Diaz H 1221 King Capital. Sime F 6597 King Grimalkum and Pussyanita. DiazH 347 King in Yellow. Chambers F 8206 King Xoanett. Stimson F 9861 King of Andaman. Cobban F 8294 King of Folly Island. Jewett F 4440 King of Schnorrers. Zangwill F 7694 King of the Bean F 1352 King of the Broncos, The. Lummis.. .F 5049 King of the Mountains. About F 2326 King of the Tigers. Rousselet H 2223 King of Tyre. Ludlow F 4952 King Philip. Abbott H 71 King Solomon's Mines. Haggard F 3882 The same G 1067 King Tom and the Runaways. Pendle- ton H 2073 King Zub. Pollock F 5978 King's Command, The. Blathwayt H 2431 King's Cope. Wallace F 997 King's Daughter, The. Alden F 2385 King's Diary, A. White F 7256 King's Ferry-Boat. Norton H 576 King's Highway. Barr F 7808 King's Marden F 1002 King's Men, The. Grant and others.. . F 3696 King's Own, The. Marryat F 5399 The same G 426 King's Own Borderers. Grant F 8821 King's Revenge, The. Bray F 8086 King's Stockbroker, The. Gunter F 3639 Sequel to A Princess of Paris. King's Stratagem. Weyman F 7627 King's Treasure House, The. Walloth.F 7457 King's Warrant, The. Engelbach H 1265 Kings Beeches. Mackenna F 5 128 Kings in Exile. Daudet F 366 Kings of Capital and Knights of Labor. Leavilt F 4919 Kings of England. Yonge H 2830 Kings, Queens and Barbarians. GilmanH 429 KINGSFORD, Jane, pseud. See BARNARD, C. KINGSLEY, C. Alton Locke [Chartists, 1848] F 094 The same G 304 At Last; a Christmas in the West Indies F 985 The same G 305 Hereward the Wake [Time of Wil- liam the Conqueror] F 987 The same G 306 Heroes, Greek Fairy Tales F 988 Hypatia [Alexandria, 415] F 989 The same G 307 Madam How and Lady Why; First Lessons in Earth Lore H 485 Two Years ago [England and Wales, 1854] F 992 The same G 308 Water- Babies; a Fairy Tale H 489 Westward, Ho ! [Spanish Armada, 1588] F 991 The same G 983 Yeast; a Problem F 993 The same G 309 KINGSLEY, F. M. Prisoners of the Sea; Romance of the 17th Century F 4712 Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross F 4713 156 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. KIViSLEY. F. M. Titus, a Comrade of the Cross KINGSLEY, H. Austin Elliot [Corn Laws, 1839-46] G 310 Boy in Grey, and other Stories and -. etches H 490 Grange Garden 984 The Harveys F 986 Hetty, and other Stories F 996 The Hillyars and the Burtons F 4748 The same G 312 Leighton Court F 990 The same 986 Oakshott Castle ...G 313 Old Margaret [Ghent, 1400] F 4747 Ravenshoe [Crimean War] G 314 Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn . . G 311 Reginald Hetherege G 985 Tales of Old Travel re-narrated. ..H 487 Valentin; a French Boy's Story of Ian G 315 KINGSTON, W. H. G. Adrift in a Boat . H 1691 Adventures in India H 1692 Adventures of Dick Onslow among the Red Indians H 1683 Afar in the Forest H 1663 Antony Weymouth . H 486 At the South Pole . . H 1665 BenHadden.. H 506 Cruise of the Dainty H 1666 Cruise of the Frolic F 1000 Dick Cheveley H 1669 Ernest Bracebridge H 491 Fisher Boy .H 1660 Fortunes of the Ranger and Cru- sader H 1684 Same as Voyages of the Ranger and Crusader. Fred Markham in Russia. H 1687 From Powder Monkey to Admiral. H 1690 Hendricks the Hunter; a Tale of Zu- luland H 1662 Hurricane Hurry H 511 In New Granada H 1661 In the Eastern Seas H 1696 In the Rocky Mountains H 1695 In the Wilds of Africa H 494 In the Wilds of Florida H 1679 John Deane [Time of James II.]. .H 1689 Log House by the Lake H 502 Manco, the Peruvian Chief [Early South America] H 1688 KINGSTON, W. H. G. Midshipman Marmaduke Merry . H 507 Missing Ship H 1670 My first Voyage to Southern Seas. H 505 Ned Garth; .or, made Prisoner in Africa H 1685 Off to Sea H 1667 Old Jack H 510 On the Banks of the Amazon H 501 Owen Hartley H 1686 Paddy Finn H 1693 Peter the Whaler H 503 Peter Trawl H 1682 Rival Crusoes H 1671 Roger Willoughby [Time of James It] H 1680 Saved from the Sea H 1672 Seven Champions of Christendom. H 1698 Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. . H 493 Snow Shoes and Canoes H 517 South Sea Whaler H 1664 Tale of the Shore and Ocean H 1681 Three Admirals H 1673 Three Commanders H 1674 Three Lieutenants H 509 Three M idshipmen H 498 True Blue; Adventures of British Seamen.... H 1675 Twice Lost in the Wilds of Austra- lia 11 1676 vage round the World H 492 ages and Travels of Count Fun- nibos and Baron Stilkin H 1668 Wanderers; or, Adventures in Trin- idad and up the Orinoco H 513 Washed ashore H 504 Will Weatherhelm H 1677 :i from the Waves H 1694 Young Llanero; Wild Life in Vene- zuela H 1678 Young Rajah; a Story of Indian Life H 519 and C. R. LOW. Great African Trav- ellers I 1829 Kinley Hollow. Hollister F 4006 KINROSS, A. The Fearsome Island. F 471 1 KINZIE, Mrs. J. H. Mark Logan, the Bourgeois [Winnebago War,i827]F 4670 Wau-Bun; the Early Day in the Northwest F 1008 KIP, L. Dead Marquise [French Revo- lution, Reign of Terrorl F 1003 Nestlenook [Hudson River] F 099 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 157 KIPLING, R. [Anglo-] Indian Tales. 3 v.: v. 1. Plain Tales from the HillsF 4688 Contents: Lispeth ; Three and— an Ex- tra ; Thrown away ; Miss Youghal's Sais; Yoked with an Unbeliever; False Dawn; The Rescue of Pluffles; Cupid's Arrows; The Three Musketeers; His Chance of Life; Watches of the Night; The other Man; Consequences: The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin ; The Taking of Lungtungpen; A Germ Destroyer; Kidnapped; The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly; In the House of Suddhoo; His Wedded Wife; The Bro- ken-Link Handicap; Beyond the Pale; In Error; A Bank Fraud; Tods' Amend- ment; The Daughter of the Regiment; In the Pride of his Youth ; Pig ; The Rout of the White Hussars; The Bronckhorst Divorce Case; Venus An- nodomini; The Bisara of Pooree; The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows; The Madness of Private Ortheris;The Story of Muhammad Din; On the Strength of a Likeness; Wressley on the Foreign Office; By Word of Mouth; To be filed for Reference. The same G 1 38 1 2. Soldiers Three F 4689 Contents: The God from the Machine; Private Learoyd's Story ; The Big Drunk DraP; The Solid Muldoon; With the Main Guard; In the Matter of a Private ; Black Jack; Only a Sub- altern. 3. The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and other Tales F Contents: The Phantom 'Kickshaw; My Own True Ghost Story ; The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes; The Man who would be King. The Light that Failed F Many Inventions F Contents: The Disturber of Traffic; A Conference of the Powers; My Lord the Elephant; One View of the Question; The Finest Story in the World; His Private Honour; A Matter of Fact; The Lost Legion; In the Rukh; Bruggle- smith; Love-o '- Women ; The Record of Badalia Herodsfoot; Judson and the Empire; The Children of the Zodiac; Envoy. Mine own People F 4721 Contents: Bimi ; Namgay Doola ; The Recrudescence of Imray ; Moti Guj, Mutineer; The Mutiny of the Maver- icks; At the end of the Passage; The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney; The Courting of Dinah Shadd ; The Man who Was; A Conference of the Powers; On Greenhow Hill; Without benefit of Clergy. 4687 4683 4725 KIPLING, R. Captains Courageous; a Story of the Grand Banks F 4728 Indian Tales F 4684 Same as [Anglo-] Indian Tales. The Jungle Book F 4726 Contents: Mowgli's Brothers ; Hunting Song of the Seeonee Pack ; Kaa's Hunting; Road-Song of the Bandar- Log;" Tiger! Tiger!" Mowgli's Song; The White Seal ; Lukannon ; Rikki- tikki-tavi; Darzee's Chaunt; Toomaiof the Elephant; Shiv and the Grasshop- per; Her Majesty's Servant ; Parade- Song of the Camp Animals. Life's Handicap F 4723 Contents: The lang Men o' Larut ; Reingelder and the German flag ; The Wandering Jew ; Through the Fire ; The Finances of the Gods; The Amir's Homily; Jews in Shushan; The Limi- tations of Pambe Serang ; Little To- * brah ; Bubbling Well Road ; The City of Dreadful Night; Georgie Porgie ; Naboth ; The Dream of Duncan Par- renness : The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney ; The Courting of Dinah Shadd; On Greenhow Hill; The Man who Was; The head of the District; Without benefit of Clergy ; At the end of the Passage ; The Meeting of the Mavericks ; The mark of the Beast ; The return of Imray; Namgay Doolah; Bertran and Bimi; Moti Guj, Muti- neer. The Second Jungle Book F 4727 Soldier Stories F 4729 Contents: With the Main Guard; The Drums of the Fore and Aft ; The Man who Was; Courting of Dinah Shadd; Incarnation of Krishna Mulva- vaney; Taking of Lungtungpen ; Mad- ness of Private Ortheris. Story of the Gadsbys, and Under the Deodars F 4722 and BALESTIER. The NaulahkaF 4724 KIRBY, W. The Chien d'Or [Quebec, 1748] F 1010 KIRBY, W. F. (Ed.). New Arabian Nights H 1659 KIRK, E. W. O. {Henry Hayes). Better Times F 4692 Contents: Better Times; One too many; Tragedy at Dale Farm; Story of a Silk Dress; A Bohemian; Miss Ruth; A Pair of Silk Stockings; Aux Serieux; The Young Doctor; The Widow's Mite. Ciphers F 4695 Clare and B<5be" F 2853 Daughter of Eve F 4693 Fairy Gold F 4691 i:>s CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. KIRK, & W . (). {Henry Hayes). li Heart- I 4120 Lesson in Love. . . 1 10 19 Lore in Idleness F 1252 Midsummer Madness 1652 Queen Money F 4600 The Revolt ot a Daughter F 4697 Sons and Daughters [Philadelphia]F 3902 The Story of Lawrence Garth F 4696 Story of Margaret Kent F 3007 Walford F 4604 KIRKE, Edmund, pseud. See GILMORE, J.R. KIRKLAND, Mrs. C. NiAMary' Clavers). w Home; Western Life F 962 KIRKLAND, J. The Captain of Com- pany K [Am. Civil War] F 4601 The McVeys F 4664 Segue/ to Zury. Zury; the Meanest Man in Spring County F 4665 KIRSCHNER, U{0. Se/iubin). Asbein; from the Life of a Virtuoso F 4702 Countess Erika's Apprenticeship. . F 4703 Erlach Court 4700 Felix Lanzberg's Expiation F 4704 Gloria Victis! I 6585 A Leafless Spring 4705 O Thou, My Austria ! F 4701 Our Own Set [Rome, 1870] F 6599 Kirsteen. Oliphant G uv> Kismet. Fletcher V 2183 Kissing the Rod. Yates ...F 2005 Kit; a Memory. Fayn G 1163 Kit and Kitty. Blackmore F 2464 Kit Kelvin's Kernels. Canning E 3980 Kit Wyndham. Barrett 1 KITCHIN, W. C. Paoli, the Last of the M issionaries F 4709 Kith and Kin. Fothergill F 3540 The same G 962 Kitty Alone. Gould F 8921 Kitty the Rag. Booth F 6239 Kitty's Conquest. King 1 Kitty's Engagement. James Kittyleen. Clarke H 1079,5 Kitwyk Stories. King F 4638 Klaus Bewer's Wife. Lindau F 4921 KLINGER, F. M. v. Faustus F 47 10 KNAPP, A. One Thousand Dollars a Day; Practical Economics F 4570 Knnpsack, The. Edgeworth F 518,1 KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, E. H. See BRABOURNE, Baron. Knave of Hearts, The. Grant 3694 Knickerbocker's History of New York. Irving J 138 The same I 3604 KNIGHT, A. L. Basil Woollcombe, Midshipman H 1707 The Mids of the Rattlesnake H 1563 Ronald Hallifax; or, He would be a Sailor H 1706 KNIGHT, E. F. Save me from my Friends f KNIGHT, H. Mystery of Stephen Ca- rton & Co F 4751 Knight-Errant. Bayly The same G 1400 Knight of Faith, A. Farmer F 3445 Knight of Gwynne. 3 v. in 2. Lever.. G 343 Knight of Liberty. Butterworth H 3296 Knight of the Black Forest. Litchfield. F 4912 Knight of the Nets. Ban F 8048 Knight of the Nineteenth Century. RoeF 14 10 Knight of the Sheep. Griffin F 709,3 Knight of the White Cross. Henty . . . H 1622 Knights of the Round Table. Frost. . H M13 Knights of the Round Table. Malory. 1 Knights of the White Shield. Rand..H Knights of To-Day. Barnard I 249) Knighting of the Twins. Fitch H 1361 Knitters in the Sun. French F 3566 KNOBELSDORFF-BRENKENHOFF, N. E. The Erl Queen F 3383 Her Little Highness I 3378 Polish Blood F 3381 A Priestess of Comedy F 3379 A Princess of the Stage F 3384 The Wild Rose of Gross-Staufen . . F 3382 Knockabout Club Alongshore.StephensH 2401 Knockabout Club in North Africa. OberH 1075 Knockabout Club in Search of Treasure. Ober .. H 1977 Knockabout Club in Spain. Ober H 1 «>74 Knockabout Club in the Antilles. Ober.H 1973 Knockabout Club in the Everglades. Ober H 1971 Knockabout Club in the Tropics. Steph- ens II 2403 Knockabout Club in the Wools. Steph- ens H 694 Knockabout Club on the Spanish Main. Ober H 1976 Knots Untied. McWatters F 11 17 KNOWLES, J. T. King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. H 2 [2$ ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 150 KNOWLTON, J. A. Txleama; a Tale of Ancient Mexico F 4735 KNOX, C. Traditions of Western Ger- many. 3v ' F 4755 Contents: v. '. The Black Forest and its Neighbourhood; 2. The Moselle and its Archbishops; 3. The Rhine and its Legends. KNOX, Mrs. I. C. Little Folks' History of England A 375 KNOX, K. Cornertown Chronicles... H 1703 KNOX, T. W. Boy Travellers in Aus- tralasia I 2022 Boy Travellers in Central Europe. . I 6002 Boy Travellers in Great Britain and Ireland I 6201 Boy Travellers in Mexico I 5619 Boy Travellers in Northern Europel 6001 Boy Travellers in South America. . I 501 Boy Travellers in Southern Europe.I 6003 Boy Travellers in the Far East I 1 584 v. 1. Japan and China. 2. Siam and Java. 3. Ceylon and India. 4. Egypt and the Holy Land. 5. Africa. Boy Travellers in the Levant i 5985 Boy Travellers in the Russian Em- pire I 7853 Boy Travellers on the Congo I 8767 Boys' Life of General Grant C 18001 Captain John Crane, 1800- 181 5 H 1638 A Close Shave F 4736 Dog Stories and Dog Lore H 1708 Hunters Three in South Africa. . .H 1637 In Wild Africa I 8677 John Boyd's Adventures H 1709 Land of the Kangaroo (Australia). H 1639 The Lost Army (Am. Civil War). . H 1710 The Siberian Exiles F 4737 The Talking Handkerchief, and other Stones F 4738 Travels of Marco Polo for Boys and Girls I 8083 KOCH, R. V. v. Camilla F 4775 KOENIG, E. A. Wooing a Widow. . .F 4756 KOHN, S. Gabriel; Jews in Prague [Thirty Years' Warl G 220 KOKHANOVSKY, Mme. Rusty Linch- pin, and Luboff Archipovna [Rus- sia] F 4666 KOMPERT, L. Christian and Leah..F 4608 Contents: Christian and Leah; A Ghet- to Violet; Debby and Her Door. Kopal-Kundala; Tale of Bengali Life. Phillips F 5008 Kophetua the Thirteenth. Corbett . . . . F 2868 Korean Tales. Allen F 2373 KOROLENKO, V. The Blind Musician [Russia] F 4682 Makar's Dream, and other Sto- ries F 7265 Contents: Makar's Dream, and Bad Com- pany, by Korolenko; The New Life, a Siberian Story, by Volokhovski. The Saghalien Convict, and other Stories F 7268 Contents: The Saghalien Convict, by Korolenko: Easter Eve, by Korolenko; Vae Victis, by Machtet: Wounded in the Battle, by Garshin. The Vagrant, and other Tales F 468 1 KOTZEBUE, A. F. F. v. Ildegerte, Queen of Norway F 4780 KOUNS, N. C. Arius.the Libyan [Arian Schism, 4th Century] F 2416 Dorcas, Daughter of Faustina [Rome in the 4th Century] F 4656 KOVALEVSKY, Mme. S. K. Vera Berantzova F 4785 KRASZEWSKI, J. I. Iermola F 473* The Jew F 4730 KRAUS, E. Adventures of Count George Albert of Erbach F 4739 KREMNITZ, M. Roumanian Fairy Tales H 1705 Kriegspiel, the War Game. Groome.F 0005 Krilof and his Fables. Ralston E 1464 KROEKER, Mrs. K. F. Alice thro' the Looking-Glass H 1700 Contents : Alice thro' the Looking-Glass; Dame Holle; Princess and White-Wolf; KingThrushbill. Fairy Tales from Brentano H 1701 Germany (History for Young Read- ers) H 4362 KUEHNE, A. (/. van Dewall). Dear Elsie F 3023 Far from Home F 2966 Kyzie Dunlee. Clarke H 3490.3 LABADYE, A. de. Baron of Hertz; a Tale of the Anabaptists F 1013 La Bella and others. Castle F 3334 LABOULAYE, E. R. L. Abdallah; or, the Four-leaved Shamrock I 3892 Fairy Tales of all Nations H 1 726 The same F 102 1 Last Fairy Tales H 1725 160 CHICAGO PUBLIC' LIBRARY. LABOULAYE, E. R. L. old Wives' Fables F 4882 Contents: Won and Finette; Piff-Paff, or, the Art of Government; Bohemian •s, or. a Frenchman's Visit to Prague; The Three Lemons, a Neapol- itan Tale; Thunibkin. a Finnish Tale; The Good Woman, a Norwegian Story; Icelandic Tales; Zerbino, the Bear, a Neapolitan Tale. Paris in America F 1022 LA BRETE, J. de. Story of Reine. . . F 4841 Lace. Lindau F 4918 Lacemakers, The. Meredith F 5319 LACEY, W. J. The Better Way F 4842 Lad s Love, A. Bates F 2533 Lads' Love. Crockett F 8343 Laddie; by the Author of MissTooseys M ission F 7707 Ladies Lindores. Oliphant F 5682 Ladies' Gallery. McCarthy and Praed.F 5245 Ladies' Juggernaut. Gunter I 8971 Lady Adelaide's Oath. Wood G 639 Lady Alice. Marshall G 1123 Lady Anna. Trollope F 1758 The same G 610 Lady Audley's Secret. Maxwell . 40 Lady Baby. Gerard F 3706 The same G 1377 Lady Barberina. Jame- V 441c Lady Bell. Keddie. F 1816 Lady Betty Stair, History of. Sea well . F 6504 Lady-bird. Fullerton G 217 Lady Bonnie's Experiment. Hopkins.. F 3806 Lady Branksmere. Hungerford G 1242 Lady Clara de Vere. Spielhagen F 6660 Lady Ernestine. Warfield F 1901 Lady Green-Satin and her Maid Roset Martineau des Chesnez F 226 Lady Hester. Yonge. . 830 Lady Jane. Jamison H 1600 Lady Judith. McCarthy F 1089 Lady Lisle. Maxwell 0402 Lady Maud, The. Russell F 646s The same G 1 1 7 1 Lady Maude's Mania. Fenn F Lady of Cawnpore. Vincent ami L n- caster 1 7380 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood . . . F 31 19 Lady of Lyndon. Blake F 161 Lady of Quality, A. Burnett F 7866 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells F 4020 Lady of the Forest. Smith H 1866 Lady of the Ice. De Mille F 390 Lady of the Manor. Sherwood F 1 545,9-12 Lady, or the Tiger? Stockton F 6689 Lady Patty. .Hungerford 2314 Lady Silverdale's Sweetheart. Black.. G 702 Lady Superior, The. Pollard F 1327 Lady Val's Elopement. Cook F 7982 Lady Valworth's Diamonds. Hunger- ford . . F 2437 The same G 1279 Lady Yerner's Flight. Hungerford. . .F 2319 Lady Wedderburn's Wish. Grant . . . . F 8822 Lady Willoughby, Diary of. Rathbone.F 6246 Lady with the Rubies. John F 4442 Lady's Mile, The. Maxwell G 41 LAFARGUE, P. New Judgment of Paris F LAFAYETTE, Countess de. Princess of Cleves. 2 v F LAFFAN, Mrs. B. A.Geoffrey Stirling.F 2340 My Land of Beulah I 4844 LAFFAN, MAY. See HARTLEY.Mrs.M.L. Lagardere, the Hunchback. Feral F 3596 . iota— the Sea Gull. Arrom F 2375 Laird o'Cockpen. Booth F 6231 Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant I 1 20 1 Laird's Son, The. Rouse H Lajla; a Tale of Finmark. Fnis F 3573 Lake and Forest Series. See 1 \. J. Lake Breezes. Adams H 115,3 Lake Shore .series. \v Adams, W. T. LAKEMAN, M. Pretty Lucy MerwynH 1722 Ruth Eliot's Dream 11 \f%) Lakeville. Bigot Lakewood, a Story of To-Day. Norris.F 5494 Lai. Hammond F 391 2 LALAVIHARI, De. Bengal PeasantLifeF 3195 k -Tales of Bengal F 2927 LAMARTINE, A. de. < . - vieve, and The Stonemason of Saint Point. . F 4881 Graziella;a Story of Italian Love. . F 4879 Raphael; or, Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty F 4880 LAMB, C. and M. Tales from Shak- speare H 508 LAMB, Mrs. M. J. Spicy F 1018 LAMB, Mrs. R. B. The Experiences of Tom and Sarah Neal F 1028 1 ended Life F 1015 Lamb and Coleridge, Days of. Lord. . F 4818 Lame Jervas. Edge worth F 5 1 8,2 Lament of Dives. Besant F 2640 LAMINGTON, Baron. Florence the Beautiful. 2 v F ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 101 LA MOTTE FOUQUE, F. H. K. Thio- dolf, the Icelander [Crusades]. . .F 4815 Undine, and other Tales F 608 Contents: Undine; The Two Captains; Aslauga's Knight; Sintram and his Companions. The same G 207 Lamplighter. Cummins F 35 1 LANCASTER, A. E.All'sDrossbut LoveF 4048 LANCASTER, W. J. C. {Harry Col- lingwood). The Congo Rovers . . H 1 1 1 3 Cruise of the Esmeralda H 1727 Log of a Privateersman H 1723 Log of the Flying Fish H 1 1 17 The Missing Merchantman H 1 160 Pirate Island; Tale of the South Pa- cific H 1108 The Rover's Secret [Pirates; CubaJH 1161 Secret of the Sands H 1 1 18 Underthe Meteor Flag [French Rev- olution] H 1 109 Lance of Kanana. French F 3412 Lances of Lynwood. Yonge F 2022 Land at Last. Yates G 656 Land Battles. Valentine H 750 Land-Leaguers, The. Trollope F 6998 Land o' the Leal. Reeves G 1012 Land of Darkness. Oliphant F 5685 Land of Fire. Reid H 2209 Land of Mystery. Jayne H 1581,3 Land of Pluck. Dodge H 1 19a Land of Tawny Beasts. Causse H 1968 Land of the Changing Sun. Harben..F 4179 Land of the Hibiscus Blossom. Nisbet.H 191 4 Land of the Kangaroo. Knox H 1639 Land of the Moose and Bear Daunt.. H 1195 Land of the Sky. Tiernan F 582 LANDER,Meta,/te«ulless Singer F 4988 LEE, .Minnie Mary, pseud. See WOOD, Mrs. J. A. S. LEE, Mrs. S. W. B. African CrusoesH 518 Same as African Wanderers. LEE, Vernon, pseud. See PAGET, V. LEECH, S. Thirty years from Home. F 1043 LEFANU, J. S. Checkmate F 1040 v Deverell 323 Tncle Silas F 1041 The same . . . G 324 W ylder's Hand. . . . . F 1042 LEFFINGWELL, A. A Mystery of Bar Harbor F 49-3 LEFFINGWELL, W. B. Manulito; or, a Strange Friendship F 5033 Left Behind ;TenDays aNewsboy.KalerH 2014 Left in the Wilderness. Roe II 2244 Left on Labrador. Stephens H 686,2 Legacy of Cain. Collins G 1321 LE GALLIENNE, R. The Quest of the Golden Girl F 5073 Legend of Montrose. Scott F 21 5 \ The same G 538 Legend of the Rhine. Thackeray G 588,2 Legend of Thomas Didymus. Clarke. F 2761 Legends and Stories of Ireland. Lover.F 1076 Legends and Tales of the Harz Moun- tains. Lauder F 4810 Legends of Fire Island Beach. Shaw. . F 6804 Legends of King Arthur. Knowles H 2428 Legends of Mexico. Lippard *F 4963 Legends of my Bungalow. Boyle. Legends of Number Nip. Lemon F 4896 Legendsof the Lintel and the Ley. Dendy F 3006 Legends of Wars in Ireland. Joyce.. F 951 Legendary Ffctions of the Irish Celts. Kennedy F 1 -09 Legendary Tales of Ancient Britons. Menzies F 5287 LEGGETT, M. D. Dream of a Mod Prophet F 4969 LEGH, M. H. C. My Dog Plato, his Ad- ventures and Impressions H 4742 LEHMAN, R. C. Mr. Punch's Prize vels F 4097 LEHMOS, pseud. Adventures of Ferdi- nand Tomasso F 5070 LEIGHTON, A. Mysterious Legendsof Edinburgh F 4894 LEIGHTON, R. Olaf the Glorious; Story of the Viking Age H 1724 The Pilots of Pomona H 1733 Wreck of the Golden Fleece H 1 738 Leighton Court. Kingsley F 990 The same G 986 Leila. Lytton F 5013 Leila at Home. Tytler H 751,3 Leila Books. See Tytler, A. r . Leila in England. Tytler H 751,2 Leila; or, the Island. Tytler II LEITH- ADAMS, Mrs., pseud. See LAFFAN, Mrs. B. A. LELAND, C. G. Johnnykin and the Gob- lins H 1736 LEMON, I. A Divided Duty F 4852 Matthew Furth F 4853 LEMON, M. Fairy Tales H 1717 Falkner Lyle Golden Fetters G Legends of Number Nip F 4896 Leyton Hall, and other Tales G 327 Loved at Last ( i 328 Wait for the End G 329 Lemon Tree, A. De la Rame F 6224 LEMORE, C. Covenant with the Dead . F 4856 Len Gansett. Read F 6266 'Lena Rivers. Holmes F 841 Lena-Wingo, the Mohawk. Ellis H 1234*3 LENNEP, J. v. Count of Talavera . . . . F 4897 Story of an Abduction in the Seven- teenth Century [Germany] F 4857 LENNOX, Mrs. C. R. Female Quixote [Time of George II.] *F 115, 24-25 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 165 Lenox Dare. Townsend F 7052 LENZEN, M. Not in their Set F 1044 Leo. Cook F 2828 Leola. Carroll F 2704 Leon Pontifex. Greene F 3777 Leon Roch. Perez Galdos F 3649 Leona. Molesworth H 1889 Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi L 1350 Leone. Monti F 4895 Leonora. Edgeworth F 518,8 Leonora d'Orco. James F 4524 Leonora of the Yawmish. Dana F 8556 LEPIC, Vicomtesse de. {A. Gennevraye). L'Ombra F 3775 LEPPERE, A. H. The Rainbow Creed.F 741 LE QUEUX, W. The Eye of Istar, the Land of the No Return F 4867 The Great War in England in 1897.F 4967 Stolen Souls , F 4968 Contents: The Soul of Princess Tehik- hatzoff; The Golden Hand; The Masked Circe; The Man with the Fatal Finger; Santina; The Woman with a Blemish; The Sylph of the Terror; One Woman's Sin; Vogue la galore; Fortune's Fool; Death Kisses; The City in theSky; The Blood-red Band; A Child of the Sun. Strange Tales of a Nihilist F 4866 Zoraida; Romance of- the Harem and Great Saraha F 4974 LERMONTOV,M.Y. Hero of ourTime.F 497© Lerouge Case, The. Gaboriau F 619 LEROW, C. B. Fortunate Failure.. F 4900 LE SAGE, A. R. Asmodeus; or, the Devil upon two Sticks F 4973 Gil Bias of Santillana;tr. by Smollett. I 31 13 The same. 3 V F 1031 The same; tr. by Van Laun. 3 v.*P 356 LESLIE, E. See DIXON, Mrs. E. L. LESLIE, Mrs. Madeline, pseud. See BAKER, Mrs. H. N. Leslie Goldthwaite's Life, A Summer in. Whitney F 1933 Leslie Rossiter. Festetits H 1345 Leslie Tyrrell. May G 132 Less Black than we're painted. Payn. .G 1032 Lesser Bourgeoisie. Balzac F 7877 Lesser's Daughter. Sidgwick F 4342 Lesson in Love. Kirk F 1019 Lesson of the Master. James F 4397 LESTER, H. F. Hartas Maturin F 4972 Lester's Secret. Hay F 3829 Letter of Credit. Warner F 1891 Letters from a Cat. Jackson H 1602 Letters from my Mill. Daudet F 3163 Lettice Lisle. Verney F 1833 Letting down the Bars. Dunning H 1 220 Letty Hyde's Lovers. Grant F 682 LEVER, C. J. Arthur O'Leary F 1049 The same G 3 $i Barrington F 1048 The same G 332 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly F 105 1 The same G 333 Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. 3 v. in 2 [Peninsular War; Water- loo] G 334 Confessions of Con Cregan G 335 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer.. .G 341 The Daltons; or, Three Roads in Life. 4 v. in 2 G 336 Davenport Dunn. 3 v. in 2 G 337 Day's Ride G 338 Diary and Notes of Horace Temple- ton, Esq * G 355 The Dodd Family abroad. 3 v. in 2.G 339 Fortunes of Glencore G 340 Gerald Fitzgerald, the Chevalier [The Pretender in Rome, 1780] F 1047 Jack Hinton, the Guardsman [Ire- land, France and Spain, i8i2-i4].G 342 Knight of Gwynne. 3 v. in 2. [Ireland, Time of the Union] G 343 Lord Kilgobbin; Ireland in our own Time F 1050 The same G 344 Luttrell of Arran * G 345 The Martins of Cro' Martin. 3 v. in 2. [Ireland, 1830] G 346 Maurice Tiernay. the Soldier of For- tune [French Revolution] G 347 The O'Donoghue ; Ireland Fifty Years Ago [1708] G 348 One of Them G 349 Rent in a Cloud G 350 Roland Cashel. 3 v. in 2 G 351 St. Patrick's Eve; Paul Gosslett's Confessions G 352 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke G 353 Sir Jasper Carew [Ireland and France, 1800] G 354 That Boy of Norcott's G 356 TomBurke of Ours[Peninsular War]F 4986 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 357 Tony Butler [Italy, 1859-60] G 358 LEVETUS, Mrs. C. M. and M. MOSS. Romance of Jewish History. 3V..F 5300 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. LEVY, A. Romance of a Shop F 1016 LEWALD, F. S* STAHR, F. L. LEWELLYN, E. L. Piety and Pride. .H 532 LEWES, G. H. Ranthorpe G 360 LEWES, M. A. See CROSS, Mrs. M. A. LEWIS, A. J. (Prof. Hoffmann). Con- juror Dick H 1737 LEWIS, Mrs. H. Edda's Birthright.. F 4949 The Haunted Husband F 4854 Lewis Arundel. Smedley F Leyton Hall. Lemon G 327 Lia; a Tale of Nuremberg. Stuart F 6627 Liar, The. James F 4407 LIBBEY, L. J. Florabel's Lover F 5055 Liberia. Hale F 3899 LICHTENBERG, I. N. The Widows Son; Story of Jewish Life F 4907 LIDDELL, Mrs. C. C. [Fraser-Tytler]. Making or Marring F 7181 Margaret F 615 M istress Judith F 6t4 LIE, J. L. I. The Barque Future; or, Life in the Far North F 1060 The Commodore's Daughters F 4859 The Pilot and his Wife; a Norse Love Story F 1063 LIEFDE, J. B. de. Galama; or, the Beggars [ Dutch Republic, 1 568] . F 381 Life and Adventures of Captain Single- ton. De Foe F 2943 Life and Adventures of Guzman d'Al- farache. 2 v. Aleman F 5406 Life and Adventurers of Jonathan Jeffer- son Whitlaw. Trollope F 7066 Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tonnes. Mendoza F 5406,1 Life and Adventures of Mr. Anderson . F 4922 Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins. 2 v. Paltock F 5929 Life and Alone F 1068 Life at the South. Smith F 1 573 Life for a Life. Craik F 340 The same G 115 Life for a Love, A. Smith... F 6780 Life in a French Village. Strahan F 6576 Life in Arcadia. Fletcher F 8735 Life in the Open Air. Winthrop H 773 Life in the Red Brigade. Ballantyne.H 972 Life in the Wilds. Martineau F 1151,1 Life Interest, A. Hector F 4068 The same G 1 206 Life is worth Living, and other Stories. Tolstoi F 7026 Life of a Prig; by one F 4006 Life of a Sailor. Chamier F 3763 Life of Mansie Wauch. Moir F 5229 Life of Nancy. Jewett F 4 />7 Life on the Mississippi. Clemens 1 64 Life Sentence, A. Sergeant F 6883 Life-Tangles. Giberne H 1403 Life's Aftermath. Marshall G 11 32 Life's Ass ze, A. Riddel 1 F 1397 Life's Atonement, A. Murray 1 Life's Eclipse, A. Fenn F 8692 Life's Handicap, A. Kipling 1 Life's Lessons, A. Gore ( '. _\v; Life's Little Ironies. Hardy. 4163 Life's Long Battle Won. Mayo F 5302 Life's Mistake, A. Cameron F 2708 Life's Morning, A. Gissing 1 Life's Remose, A. Hungerford G 1349 Life's Secret, A. Wood G 640 Lifeboat. Ballantyne H 207 Lifted Veil. Cross E 7044 The same . '. F 3302 The same. . G 991 Light and Shade. 2 v. O'Brien F 5604 Light o'Love. Maclean F 5081 Light of Her Countenance D..F 2594 Same as The Old Adam. Light of other Days. Bridges F 3609 Light that Failed. Kipling. ... 4683 Lights and Shades of Military Life. Vigny and Blaze F 7330 Lights and Shadows of a Life. Dahl- gren F 2929 Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. 3 V. Hall F 7:1 Lights and Shadows of the Soul. Drey 1 3197 Lighthouse, The F 1065 Lighthouse, The. Bal lanty ne H 210 Lightning Express. Adams H 107,2 Like a Gentleman. Denison F 1069 Like and Unlike. Maxwell G 1286 Like Father, like Son. Payn G 368 Like unto Like. McDowell F 2573 Lil; by the Author of MissToosey's Mis- sion F 4860 Lil Lorimer. Boulger F 3918 Lilac Sunbonnet, The. Crockett F 8339 Lilian. Finley F 571 Lilies of the Valley. Fullefton G 939 Lilith; a Romance. MacDonald F 5563 Lillian Morris, and other Stories. Sien- kiewicz F 6737 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 167 LILLIE, Mrs. L. C. W. Alisons Ad- ventures H 1768 The Colonel's Money H 1744 Elinor Belden H 1771 Esther's Fortune H 1746 The Family Dilemma H 1767 For Honor's Sake H 1 749 Sequel to Squire's Daughter. A Girl's Ordeal H 4810 Helen Glenn H 1745 Household of Glen Holly H 1739 Jo's Opportunity H 1 743 Mildred'sBargain and other StoriesH 1 740 My Mother's Enemy H 1745 Same as Helen Glenn. Nan H 1741 Phil andtheBaby.and False WitnessH 1747 Prudence; a Story of Esthetic Lon- don F 4910 Rolf House H 174a Roslyn's Trust I 4861 Ruth Endicott's Way H 1769 The Squire's Daughter II 1748 Lillingstones of Lillingstone. Guyton.F 1908 Lily among Thorns Marshall F 1147 Lily and the Bee. Warren G 627 Lily and the Cross. DeMille F 384 Lily of the Valley. Balzac F 2243 Limerick Gloves, The. Edgeworth . . . F 5 18,2 Limerick Veteran. Stewart F 1671 Limitations. Benson F 7943 LINCOLN, A. Backwoods Boy. Alger. H 930 Boyhood of Lincoln. ButterworthH 977 Pioneer Boy. Thayer H 2497 True Story of. Brooks H 3275 LINCOLN, Mrs. J. Q. A Genuine Girl.F 5061 Her Washington Season F 4905 Marjorie's Quest F 676 An Unwilling Maid [Am. Rev.]. . .F 5062 Lincolnshire Tragedy, The. Rathbone.F 2097 Linda. Hentz F 792 LINDAU, P. Hanging Moss F 5060 Klaus Bewer's Wife F 4921 Lace; a Berlin Romance F 4918 Lindendale Stories. See Wise, D. Lindisfarn Chase. Trollope F 1791 LINDSAY, J. T. French Exiles of Louisiana F 1045 Linked Lives. Douglas F 440 Links in a Chain. Briscoe F 8066 Links in Rebecca's Life. Alden F 2386 Linley Rochford. McCarthy F 1090 Linnaeus, Times of. Topelius F 7023,5 Linnet's Trial. Smedley F 1053 LINSKILL, M. Carl Forrest's Faith. .H 1781 LINTON, Mrs. E. L. Atonement of Learn Dundas F 1066 The same G 995 From Dreams to Waking F 1070 lone G 1429 My Love G 1 107 The New Woman in Haste and at Leisure F 4837 The One too Many F 4836 Patricia Kemball G 996 Sowing the Wind F 4835 Todhunters' at Loanin' Head, and other Stories G 1 108 True History of Joshua Davidson [Communism] G 286 Under which Lord ? G 1 105 With a Silken Thread, and other Stories G 1 106 World Well Lost F 1067 The same G 994 Linwoods, The. 2 v. Sedgwick F 151 1 Lion Ben. Kellogg H 482,1 Lion City of Africa. Allen H 94 1 Lion Jack. Barnum H 214 Lion of Flanders. Conscience F 2856 Lion of St. Mark's. Henty H 1478 Lion of the North, The. Henty H 1465 Lionel Harcourt, the Etonian. Wyatt.H 2736 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper F 271 LIPMANN, R. I. (A' /. Zubof). Viera. . F 2071 LIPPARD, G. 'Bel of Prairie Eden; a Romance of Mexico *F 4962 Blanche of Brandywine; a Romance of Philadelphia *F 4063 Legends of Mexico *F 4963 The Nazarene; or, Last of the Wash- ingtons *F 4963 New York; its Upper Ten and Lower Million *F 4964 Paul Ardenheim, the Monk of Wis- sahikon *F 4965 LIPPINCOTT, Mrs.S.J.C. {Grace Greenwood). Home Stories. 8 v. in 4 H 1760 v. 1. Merrie England; Bonnie Scotland. 2. Travel and History for Chil- dren; About English Chil- dren. 3. Stories of Famous Ballads; My Pets; Recollections of Childhood. 168 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1 IPPINCOTT, Mrs.S.J.C. {Grace Greenwoods. Home Stories. 8 v. in 4 H 1760 Mories for Home-Folks; Sto- ries of France and Italy. nesfrom Famous Ballads H 522 UPPMANN, J. M. Jock o'Dreams. . H 1773 'Lisbeth. Johnston F 4533 'Lisbeth Wilson. Blair F 7985 Lise Fleuron. Ohnet F 561 1 LISLE, A. Faith. Hope and Charity. F 4908 List, ye Landsmen! Russell F 6368 LITCHFIELD, Q. D. Criss-Cross. . . . F 4913 Hard-Won Victory F 4920 In the Crucible F 4971 Knight of the Black Forest F 4912 Little Heand She H 1751 Little Venice, and other Stories F 4975 Only an Incident F 4909 Literary Courtship. Fuller F 3603 Literary Love-Letters. Herrick F 9099 UTERE, pseud. See SOMMERS, L. E. Little Agnes. Baker . . H 200,1 Little Agnes' Library. See Baker, Mrs. H.N. W. Little Arthur's History of England. Cal- cott A 742 Little Arthur's History of France A 1569 Little Arthur's History of Rome. But- terwrtoh H 962 Little Baron Trump and his Dog Bulger. Lockwood H 1754 Little Ben Hadden. Kingston H 506 Little Bobtail. Adams H 113,1 Little Book of Profitable Tales. Field. H 1339 Little Boy who lived on the Hill. LaurieH 1757 Little Boy's Story. Gouraud H 141 Little Brick Church. Falkner 1 Little Brown Girl. Stuart I i Little Brown-Top. Rand H ::iz Little by Little. Adams H 106,4 Little Camp on Eagle Hill. Warner. . F 1866 Little Canary. Osgood H 590,2 Little Canary Series. See Osgood, Mrs. M. A. Little Canary's Black Cato. Osgood. .H 5904 Little Canary's Daisy. Osgood H 590,1 Little Canary's Eugene. Osgood H 590,3 Little Chatelaine. Desart F 3145 LITTLE CLASSICS; ed. by Johnson. . I 3873 Contents: Vol. 1. EXILE; Ethan Brand, by Hawthorne;The Swans of Lir,by Grif- fin; A Night in a Workhouse, by Green- wood; The Outcasts of Poker Flat, by Harte; The Man without a Coun- try, by Hale; Flight of a Tartar Tribe, by De Quincey. LITTLE CLASSICS; ed. by Johnson. . I 3873 v. 2. INTELLECT: TheHouseand the Brain, by Bulwer-Lytton; D'outre Mort, by Spofford; The fall of the House of Usher, by Poe; Chops the Dwarf, by Dickens; Wakefield, by Hawthorne; Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts, by DeQuincey; The Captain's Story, by Davis. 3. TRAOEDY: The Murders in the Rue Morgue, by Poe; The Lawson Tragedy, by De Forest; The Iron Shroud, by M ud- ford;The Bell-Tower, by Melville; The Kathayan Slave, by Judson; The Story of La Roche, by Mackenzie; The Visiun of Sudden Death, by De Quincey. 4. LIFE: Rab and his Friends, by Brown. M. D.; A Romance of Real Life, by Howells; The Luck of Roaring Camp, by Harte; Jerry Jarvis's Wig. by Bar- ham; Beauty and the Beast, by Willis; David Swan, by Hawthorne; Dream- thorp, by Smith; A Bachelor's R< by Mitchell'; The Grammar of Life, by Taylor; My Chateau, by Curtis; Dream- children, by Lamb; The Man in the Res- ervoir, by Hoffman; Westminster Ab- bey, by Addison; The Puritans, by Macaulay; Gettysburg, by Lincoln. 5. LAUGHTER; A Christmas Carol, by Dickens; The Haunted Crust, by Saun- ders; A Dissertation upon Roast Pig, by Lamb; The Total Depravity of In- animate Things, by Walker; The Skel- eton in the Closet, by Hale; Sandy Wood's Sepulchre, by Miller; A Visit to the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Punsters, by Holmes; Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the Curious, by Griffin; Neal M alone, by Carleton. 6. LOVE: Love and Skates, by Winthrop; The Maid of Mallnes.by Bulwer-Lytton; The Story of Ruth, from the Bible; The Rise of Iskander, by Disraeli. 7. ROMANCE : Iris, by Holmes; The Rosicrucian.by Craik;The South break- er, by Spofford; The Snow Storm, by Wilson; The King of the Peak, by Cun- ningham. 8. MYSTERY : The Ghost, by O'Connor; The Four-fifteen Express, by Edwards; The Signal-man, by Dickens; The Haunted Ships, by Cunningham; A Raft that no Man Made, by Lowell; The Invisible Princess, by O'Connor; The Advocate's Wedding Day .by Crowe; The Birthmark, by Hawthorne. 9. COMEDY: Barney O'Reirdon, the Nav- igator.by Lover; Haddad.Ben-Ahab. the Traveller.byGalt : Bluebeard's Ghost.by Thackeray: The Picnic Party, by Smith; Father Tom and the Pope, by Murray; Johnny Darbyshire, by Howitt; The Gridiron, by Lover; The Box Tunnel, by Reade. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 169 LITTLE CLASSICS; ed. by Johnson. . I 3873 10. CHILDHOOD: ADogof Flanders.byDe la Ram6;The King of the Golden River, by Ruskin; The Lady of Shalott, by Phelps; Marjorie Fleming, by Brown, M. D.; Little Jakey, by DeKroyft; The Lost Child, by Kingsley; Goody Gra- cious! and the Forget-me-not, by Neal; A Faded Leaf of History, by Davis; A Child's Dream of a Star, by Dickens. 11. HEROISM. Little Briggs and I.byLud- low; Ray, by Spofford; Three November Days, by Taylor; The Forty-seven ROnins, by Mitford; A Chance Child, by Mayo; A Leaf in the Storm, by De la Ram6. 12. FORTUNE: The Gold-bug. by Poe; The Fairy-finder, by Lover; Murad. the Unlucky, by Edgeworth; The Children of the Public, by Hale; The Rival Dreamers, by Banim; The Three-fold Destiny, by Hawthorne. 13. POEMS NARRATIVE: The Deserted Village, by Goldsmith; The Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge; The Prisoner of Chillon. by Byron; Bingen on the Rhine, by Norton; O'Connor's Child, by Camp, bell; The Culprit Fay. by Drake; The Sensitive Plant, by Shelley ; The Eve of St. Agnes, by Keats; Paradise and the Peri, by Moore; The Raven, by Poe; The Skeleton in Armor, by Longfellow; The Haunted House, by Hood; The Writing on the Image, by Morris; Tam O'Shanter, by Burns; The Forging of the Anchor, by Ferguson; Morted' Ar- thur, by Tennyson; Horatius. by Macau- lay. 14. POEMS LYRICAL. 13. MINOR POEMS. 16. AUTHORS: Biographical Sketches of the Authors Represented in the Series, with a general Index. 17. NATURE: A Hunting of the Deer, by Warner; Dogs, by Hamerton; In the Hemlocks, by Burroughs; A Winter Walk, by Thoreau; Buds and Bird Voices, by Hawthorne; The Fens, by Kingsley; Ascent of the Matterhorn, by Whymper; Ascent of Mount Tyndall, by King; The Firmament, by Ruskin. 18. HUMANITY : Chumming with a Sav- age, by Stoddard; Doctor Marigold, by Dickens; A Brace of Boys, by Ludlow; George the Third, by Thackeray ; J uliet, by Jameson; Is Life Worth Living, by Mallock. Little Coin, much Care. Howitt H 464,3 Little Colonel. Johnston H 447 1 Little Countess. Dincklage-Campe. . .F 3178 Little Country Girl. Woolsey H 2723 Little Cricket. Samuels H 660,4 Little Daughter. LeBaron H 1777 Little Daughter of the Sun. Dabney.. . F 8525 le Dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray.G 588,7 le Doctor. Dale H 1 183 le Dorrit. Dickens F 409 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 160 le Duke. Yonge H 786 le Fishers. A lden H 923 le Folks Astray. Clarke H 288,1 le Folks Bible Gallery. Merrill H 1832 le Folks' Letters. Emerson H 369 le Foxes. Stowe E 11544 le Giant Boab and his Talking Raven Tabib. Lockwood H 1755 le Girl in Old New York. Douglas. H 3631 le-Good-fcy-Nothing. Daudet F 2931 Same as My Brother Jack. le Grandfather. Clarke H 288,5 le Grandmother. Clarke H 288,4 le Guzzy, and other Stories. Hab- berton F 3931 le He and She. Litchfield H 1751 le Helpers. Janvier H 2602 le Henry. Sherwood F 1 545,3 le Hodge. Jenkins E 1270 le Huguenot. Pemberton F 6056 le Ike Templin. Johnston F 4474 le Irish Girl. Hungerford F 2312 le Jarvis. Seawell H 2314 le Joanna. Bellamy F 93 le Joe. Kaler . .H 2017 le Jolliby's Christmas. Cheever H 3442 le Journey in the World. Warner.. . F 7574 lerCateKirby. Robinson F 1432 le Kit. Rowlands F 6422 le Lad Jamie. Brine H 3283 le Ladies of Ellenwood. Connell...H 3506 le Lady of Lavender. Elmslie H 1274 le Lady of the Horse. Raymond.. H 2182 le Lady Valentine. Paull H 2032 le Lame Prince. Craik G 901 le Lays for Little Folks. Watts E 8933 le Learners' Question Book. CapronH 277 le Loo. Russell F 6356 le Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett H 1075 le Lou's Sayings and Doings. Pren- tiss H 2099 le Maid of Acadie. Rodney F 1927 le Maid of Oxbow. Nowell H 577,6 le Marjorie's Love-Story. Bouvet.H 1037 le Master, The. Trowbridge H 2508 le Men. Alcott H 1 26 le Millers, The. Merriman H 1919 le Minister, The. Barrie F 2295 le Minx. Cross F 3324 170 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Little Miss Faith. Le Baron H 1732 Little Miss Muffet. Carey F 8180 Little Miss Peggy. Molesworth H 191 1 Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Brown H 3292 Little Miss Weezy. Clarke H 2335 Little Miss Weezy's Brother. Clarke.. H 2336 Little Miss Weezy's Sister. Clarke... H 2337 Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris H 4175 Little Mrs. Murray. Philips F 6103 The same G 1 34 1 Little Moorland Princess, The. John..F 934 The same G 287 Little Mother Bunch. Molesworth H 1893 Little Norsk, A. Garland F 3769 Little Novels. 3 v. in 2. Collins F 2839 Little Paul and the Frisbie School. Lothrop H 2354 Little Pearls. Hughes H 460 Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians. 2 v. Poole E 1447 Little People and their Homes in Mead- ows, Woods and Waters. Hook . H 1534 Little Peppers Stories. See Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. S. Little Peter. Harrison H 152s Little Pierre, the Pedlar of Alsace H 534 Little Pilgrim in the Unseen. Oliphant.F 491 1 The same G 1 440 Little Pitchers. Clarke H 1079,3 Little Prudy. Clarke H 287,1 Little Prudy Series. See Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy's Captain Horace. Clarke.H 287,3 Little Prudy's Children. See Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. Clarke.H 287,4 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. Clarke.H 287,6 Little Prudy's Flyaway Series. See Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy's Sister Susy. Clarke H 287,2 Little Prudy's Story Book. Clarke H 287,5 J. ttle Pussy Willow. Stowe H 693 l ttle Queenie. Marshall H 1902 Little Ragamuffin. Greenwood F 702 Little Red Shop. Lothrop H 2352 Little Regiment, The, and other Epi- sodes. Crane F 8402 Little Renault, The. Catherwood F 3348 Little Room, and other Stories. WynneF 9994 Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett H 1078 Little Schoolmaster Mark. Shorthouse.F 6592 Little Silver Trumpet. Smith H 1867 Little Sister. Yardley F 2205 Little Sister of Wilifred. Plympton...H 2120 Little Sister to the Wilderness. Bell . . F 794 1 Little Smoke. Stoddard H 2435 Little Spaniard. Nowell H 577,4 Little Step-Daughter. Roberts F 6302 Little Stepson. Lean G 897 Little Sunshine's Holiday. Craik H 1121 Little Upstart. Rideing F 6275 Little Venice. Litchfield F 4975 Little Western Flower. Helmore F 3984 Little Wizard. Weyman F 7403 Little Women. Alcott H 127 Littlepage Series. See Cooper, J. F. Live and Learn. Baker H 202,1 Live Boys in the Black Hills. Pilgrim.H 1820 Live Oak Boys. Kellogg H 1652 Lives of Benefactors. Goodrich H 433,4 Lives of Celebrated Women. Good rich H 433,5 Lives of Famous American Indians. Goodrich H 433.3 Livelies, and other Stories. Kellogg . . . F 966 Lively Fanny, The. Murray F 9536 Living for Appearances. Mayhew F 1 163 Living Link. DeMille F 392 Living or Dead? Fargus F 3457 The same G 1255 Living too Fast. Adams ! 16 LIVINGSTON, Mrs.C.M. Story of Puff.H 1750 LIVINQSTON.Q.ParkerstownDelegateH 1774 Liza. Turgenev F 1813 Lizette and her Mission. Marshall H 1908 Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales. Gaskell.G 229 LLOYD, J. U. Etidorhpa; or, the End of Earth F 5053 Lob-Lie-by-the-Fire. Ewing H 1268 LOCKE, D. R. (P. V. Nasby). The Dem- agogue [American Politics] F 4985 Paper City [Western Real Estate Speculation] F 1054 LOCKE,W.J. At the Gate of Samaria.F 5065 Locke Amsden. Thompson H 718 LOCKHART, J. G. Adam Blair, and Matthew Wald F 1071 Valerius ; a Roman Story. 3 v. IA. D. 100] F 4926 LOCKHART, L. W. M. Mine is ThineG 997 LOCKWOOD, 1. Little Baron Trump and his Dog Bulger H 1754 Little Giant Boab and his Talking Raven Tabib H 1755 Lodebar. Spottswood H 2379 LODGE and ROOSEVELT. Hero Tales from American History H 1766 LOFTIE, W. J. Marchfield; a Story of Commercial Morality F 5145 Log Cabin Series. See Ellis, E. S. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 171 Log House by the Lake. Kingston. . . H 502 Log of a Privateersman. Lancaster. .H 1723 Log of the Bombastes. Frith H 1323 Log of the Flying Fish. Lancaster. .. H 11 17 Log of the Maryland. Frazar H 1365 Log of the Water Lily. Mansfield G 417 Log School-House on the Columbia. Butterworth H 975 LOGAN, Olive. See SIKES, Mrs. O. L. Lois Leggatt. Carr F 2749 Lois, the Witch. Gaskell G 228 Lola. Griffiths F 712 Lolapur Week. Betham F 7960 London Baby, A. Smith H 1827 London Idylls. Dawson F 8521 London Life. James F 4407 London Romance. Ross G 524 London's Heart. Farjeon F 557 Lone Grave of the Shenandoah. Piatt. F 5971 Lone House, The. Barr F 8044 Lone Inn. Hume F 7253 Lone Ranch. Reid H 2206 Lonely Island. Ballantyne H 195 Lonely Maid, A. Hungerford F 9083 LONG, J. L. Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyd F 4977 LONG, Lily A. Apprentices to DestinyF 4979 LONG, Lucy A. Squire of Low DegreeF 4978 Long Exile, The. Tolstoi F 7008 Long Look Ahead. Roe F \\\z Long Look Books. See Abbott, E. Long Look House. Abbott H 1,1 Long Odds. Smart F 6659 Long Run, The. Cleveland F 2791 Long Search, A. Roe : . . F 6313 Long Vacation. Yonge F 2123 Long Walls, The. Brooks and Alden.H 3277 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Hyperion [Travels in Germany] F 485 1 The same I 3126 The same J 1 75,2 The same J 1 76,2 Kavanagh F 4850 The same I 3126 The same J 175,2 The same J 176,3 Look Ahead Series. See Rand, E. A. Look before you Leap. Hector F 3989 Looking Around. Roe F 1443 Looking Backward, 2000-1887. Bellamy. F 2620 Looking further Backward. Vinton... F 7335 Looking further Forward. Michaelis. . F 5284 Loom and the Lugger. Martineau F 1 1 5 1 ,6 Lora, the Major's Daughter. Behrens. .F 2611 LORD, A. E. Days of Lamb and Coler- idge F 4818 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. Wilde. . . F 7660 Lord Bantam. Jenkins E 1271 The same G 277 Lord Beaupre\ James F 4399 Lord Brackenbury. Edwards G 924 Lord Erlistoun. Craik G 116 Lord Hermitage, The. Grant F 8824 Lord John; or, a Search for Gold. Fenn.F 8690 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever F 1050 The same G 344 Lord Mayor of London. Ainsworth . . . G 14 Lord Montagu's Page. James F 915 Lord Oakburn's Daughters. Wood...G 641 Lord of Himself. Underwood F 1817 Lord Ormontand his Aminta. Meredith F 5278 Lord Will by Force and Faithful Ladeen. Mclnnes H 1798 Lord's Pursebearers. Smith F 6614 Lords of the World. Church F 3078 Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini G 529 Lorgnette. 2 v. Mitchell E 1383 LORING, L., pseud. See PRATT, L. L. Loriey and Reinhard. Auerbach F 78 Lorna Doone. Blackmore F 1 59 LORNE, Marquess of. From Shadow to Sunlight F 3149 Lorrimer Littlegood. Smedley F 1 562 Losing to Win. Davies F 358 Loss and Gain. Newman F 5393 Loss of the Swansea. Alden H 901 Lost— a Pearle. Sheldon F 6588 Lost among the White Africans. Ker. H 1656 Lost and Saved. Maxwell G 11 40 Lost and Won. May G 1 33 Lost Army, The. Knox H 1710 Lost Battle. Price G 998 Lost Canyon of the Toltecs. Seeley...F 6491 Lost City, The. Ker H 1657 Lost Colony. Raymond F 6420 Lost Daughter. Hentz F 793 Lost Despatch. Friedrich F 1945 Lost Endeavor. Boothby F 8102 Lost for a Woman. Fleming F 3523 Lost for Love. Maxwell G 870 Lost Gold of the Montezumas. Stoddard H 2289 Lost Hero. Ward H 2033 Lost Ideal. Smith F 6916 Lost Illusion. Johnston F 4746 Lost Illusions. Balzac F 7890 Lost in a Great City. Douglas F 446 172 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lost in Ceylon. Dalton H 324 Lost in Samoa. Ellis H 1238 Lost in the Backwoods. Traill H 2501 Lost in the Fog. De Mille H 330,3 Lost in the Jungle. Du Chaillu H 353 Lost in the Post, and other Tales. Wood G 1209 Lost in the Wilderness. Jayne H 1583,1 Lost in the Wilds. Ellis H 1258,3 Lost Jewel. Spofford H 2378 Lost Lenore. Reid H 625 Lost Links in the Indian Mutiny. MaletF 5280 Lost Manuscript, The. Freytag F 3552 Lost Mountain. Reid H 2207 Lost Name, The. Dahlgren F 2936 Lost on an Island. Phebus H 2035 Lost on Umbagog. Allen H 954, 1 Lost Opportunity, A. Tolstoi . . ^ F 7024 Lost Son V 1075 Lost Tar. Samuels H 660,2 Lost Trader, The. Frith H 1 326 Lost Trail. Ellis H 1263,1 Lot 13. Gerard F 3753 Lothair. Beaconsfield F 416 The same G 177 LOTHIAN, R., pseud. See COULSON, E. K. LOTH ROP, Amy, pseud. See WARNER, A.' B. LOTHROP, Mrs. H. M. S. {M. Sidney). An Adirondack Cabin H 1763 Dilly and the Captain H 2339 The Gingham Bag; Tale of an Heir- loom H 2355 The Golden West as seen by the Ridgway Club H 2342 Half Year at Bronckton H 697 Hester, and other New England Stories F 4928 How they went to Europe H 234 1 How Tom and Dorothy made and kept a Christian Home F 4924 Little Paul and the Frisbie School . H 2354 Little Pepper Series: v. 1. Five Little Pepper sand how they grew H 2340 2. Five Little Peppers MidwayH 2338 3. Five Little Peppers grown up H 2353 4. Phronsie Pepper; Last of the Peppers H 1765 The Little Red Shop H 2352 New Departure for Girls H 2343 Our Town H 1762 Pettibone Name F 4930 Rob; a Story for Boys H 1764 LOTHROP, Mrs. H. M. S. (.)/. Subtey). St George and the Dragon, and Kensington, Junior H So as by Fire F 6594 Two Modern Little Princes, and other Stories H 2344 What the Seven did H Who told it to me H 2350 LOTI, Pierre, pseud. See VIAUD, L. M. J. Lotta Schmidt. Trollope F 6999 Lottery, The. Edgeworth 1 Lottery Ticket. Trowbridge H Lottery Ticket. Verne 1 Lottie Darling. Jeaffreson F 927 Lottie Eames; or, Do your Best I i Lottie of the Mill. Behrens F 3980 Lottie's Wooing. Dale F 3044 LOUOHEAD, F. H. The Abandoned Claim F 4870 Man who was Guilty F 493] Louie's Last Term. Harris 1 Louis XI V. Abbott H 7^ Louis Philippe. Abbott H 76 LOUIS, A. An Exile's Romance F 4927 Louis. Sommers I Louis Lambert. Balzac F 2600 Louis Sinclair. Wise H 2679,3 Louisa. 2 v. Macquoid F 5171 Louisa; or, the Virtuous Villager H 531 Louisa A vondale; or.Two Southern Girls. Carey 1 8178 Louisa Kirkbride. Thebaud F 6960 Louisa of Prussia and herTimes.MundtF 1209 Louisa Pal Ian t. James F 4409 Louise de la Valliere. Dumas F 492 Sequel to The Iron Mask. Louisiana. Burnett F 2671 Loukis Laras. Bikelas F 2506 Lourdes. Zola F 7702 Love Affairs of an old Maid. Bell I Love Afloat. Sheppard F 1 544 Love after Marriage. Hentz F 794 Love and Liberty. Dumas F 471 Love and Life. Yonge G 834 Love and Luck. Roosevelt F 6312 Love and Medicine. Gilliam F 3668 Love and Mesmerism. 3 v. in 2. SmithF 1563 Love and Money. Howitt H 464,4 Love and Quiet Life. Raymond F 6183 Love and Romance. Rowson F 6340 Love and Shawl-Straps. Noble F 5456 Love and Theology. Woolley F 7602 Love for an Hour. B.irr I ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 173 Love in Idleness. Crawford F 8325 Love in Idleness. Kirk F 1252 Love in Old Cloathes, and other Stories. Bunner F 8075 Love in the Tropics. White F 7625 Love is a Spirit. Hawthorne F 4209 Love is Lord of all. Gatschenberger..F 3790. Love Letters of a Violinist. Mackay..G 1431 Love-Letters of a Worldly Woman. Clifford F 4820 Love Match. Cobb F 3146 Love me for ever. Buchanan F 2458 Love me little, Love me long. Reade. F 6202 The same G 511 Love of a Lady, The. Cudlip F 3101 Love of a Lifetime. Curtis F 7504 Love — or a Name? Hawthorne F 3982 Love or Money? Jenner F 4497 Love Story, A. Southey I 4000,22 Love the Avenger. Blaze de Bury G 144 Love's Conflict. Lean G 86 Love's Ladder. Wallace F 7455 Love's Martyr. Tadema F 6923 Loves of a Lawyer. Shuman F 1500 Loved at Last. Lemon G 328 Lovel the Widower. Thackeray G 585 Lovels of Arden. Maxwell Ci 42 Lovely Girl's Fetters. Paige F 5916 Lovely Wang, The. Wingfield F 7590 LOVER, S. Handy Andy F 1077 He would be a Gentleman F 1078 Legends and Stories of Ireland F 1076 RoryO'More[Ireland,i8thCentury]F 1080 Lover from acrossthe Sea. BurstenbinderF 8076 Lover of the Beautiful, A. Carmarthen F 3084 Lover or Friend? Carey F 3091 Lovers Four, Maidens Five. ChambersF 2852 Lovers of Provence; Aucassin and Nico- lette F 2449 Lovers' Saint Ruth's, and other Tales. Guiney F 8989 Lovice. Hungerford F 9085 Loving a Dream. Gibbon F 3746 LOW, C. R. Cyril Hamilton H 1770 LOWELL, R. T. S. Antony Brade [School Life] F 1083 New Priest in Conception Bay F 4980 Story or Two from an old Dutch Town F 1061 LOWNDES, Mrs. C. S. Mr. Orde's Grandchildren H 1772 LOWREY, Mrs. D. M. (Tr.). Ottilie Aster's Silence F 408 1 LOWRY, H. D. Prisoners of the Earth, and other Stories .■ . . . F 4083 Women's Tragedies F 4984 Loyal Ronins. Tamenaga Shunsui F 6930 Loyal Traitor. Barnes H 3182 Loyalty George. Parr F 5910 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other Tales. Hungerford G 857 LUARD, J. Royal Children H 1 779 LUBOMIRSKI, Prince. Ace of Clubs. F 5041 LUCAS, A. Wenzel's Inheritance. . ..F 4940 Lucas Garcia, and other Stories F 1084 Lucia, Hugh, and another. Needell . . . F 5484 LUCIAN. A Traveller's True Tale. . . L 2933 Lucie's Mistake. Behrens F 2248 Same as My Heart's Delight. Lucien de Rubempre\ Balzac F 7889 Lucile. Davison H 1208 Lucius Davoren. 3 v. in 2. Maxwell. .G 705 Luck and Pluck. Alger H 152,1 Luck and Pluck Series. See Alger, H.,Jr. Luck at the Diamond Fields. Belgrave.F 2622 Luck is Everything. Maxwell F 1172 Luck of Roaring Camp. Harte F 751 The same J 75,2 Luck of the Darrells. Payn G 1148 Luck of the House. Sergeant F 6884 Lucky Disappointment. Lean F 334 The same G 726 Lucky Lover, A. Habberton F 3803 Lucky Number, The. Friedman F 8737 Lucky Tom Series. See Fosdick, C. A. Lucky Waif. Kenyon F 4649 Lucky Young Woman, A. Philips G 1304 Lucretia. Lytton F 5014 . The same G 387 LUCY, H. W. GideonFleyce F 4941 Lucy. Smith F 1503 Lucy Crofton. Oliphant F 1266 Lucy Smith, Strange Adventures of. Philips G 1305 Lucy Temple. Rowson F 6340 Lucy Ward; or, Dwellers in the Taber- nacle H 291,1 LUDLOW, F.H. Hasheesh Eater.... F 1017 LUDLOW, J. M. Captain of the Janiza- ries; Fall of Constantinople F 4950 A King of Tyre; Time of Ezra and Nehemiah F 4952 That Angelic Woman F 4953 LUDLUM, J. K. Was he wise? H 1759 Ludovic and Gertrude. Conscience . . . F 293, 1 1 Luke Walton. Alger H 937 174 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ll K I N , J. Boy Engineers K 563 Amongst Machines; Book for BoysK 561 Lulu's Library. 3 v. Alcott H 139 LUMMIS, C. F. The Gold Fish of the Grand Chimu F 5048 The Man who married the Moon; Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories F 5047 King of the Broncos, and other Stories of New Mexico F 5049 A New Mexico David, and other Stories of the Southwest H 1776 LUSH, C. K. The Federal Judge F 5076 LUSKA, Sidney, pseud. See HARLAND, H. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. Drew F 3010 Luttrell of Arran. Lever G 345 LUTZ, E. A. One Woman's Story. . ..F 5045 LYALL, Edna, pseud. See BAYLY, A. E. Lydia. Geiger F 651 Lying Prophets. Phillpotts F 6139 LYNCH, L.L.,^«^. See Van DEVENTER.E. LYNDE, F. A Romance in Transit . . . F 5068 Lyndell Sherburne. Douglas H 1 184 LYNDON, pseud. See BRIGHT, Mrs. M. A. Lynx -Hunting. Stephens H 686,4 LYON, S. For a Mess of Pottage F 5050 Lyon's Den, The. Osborn H 2000 Lyre and Lancet. Guthrie F 8976 LYSAQHT,Mrs.E.J. Over the Border. F 5100 LYSAQHT, S. R. The Marplot F 5101 LYSTER, A. Alone in Crowds F 5113 Bryan and Katie H 1792 Chryssie's Hero H 1791 Invasion of Ivylands H 1790 Leal Light Heart F 51 12 Mrs. Dobbs' Dull Boy H 1793 My Lonely Lassie F 5 1 1 1 North Wind and Sunshine H 1794 Two Old Maids F 51 14 White Gipsy H 1795 LYTTON, E. Bulwer-Lytton, Lord. Alice; or, the Mysteries F 5001 Sequel to Ernest Maltravers. The same G 370 Caxtoniana G 372 The Caxtons F 5002 The same G 373 Coming Race G 374 Coming Race; Falkland; Zicci; Pau- sanias, the Spartan F 5003 Devereux [France, Louis XIV.]. . . F 5004 The same G 375 Disowned [England, George III.]..F 5005 The same G 376 LYTTON, E. Bulwer-Lytton, Ernest Maltravers F The same G Eugene Aram F The same G Eva; Ill-Omened Marriage; Pilgrims of the Rhine G Godolphin F Godolphin and Falkland G Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings [Norman Conquest] F The same G Kenelm Chillingly F The same. 4 v. in 2 G Last Days of Pompeii [A. D. 79] The same G Last of the Barons [Wars of the Roses] I The same G Lei la; or, Siege of Granada, 1492; Cal- deron, the Courtier [Spain, Philip III.]; Pilgrims of the Rhine.... F Lucretia F The same G My Novel. 2 v \ The same. 4 v. in 2 I i Night and Morning 1 The same G The Parisians. 2 v. [Napoleon III., Siege of Paris, 1871] F The same. 4 v. in 2 G Paul Clifford F The same G Pausanias, the Spartan [Greece, 470 B.C.] F The same G Pelham; or, Adventures of a Gentle- man F The same G Rienzi; The Last of the Tribunes [Rome, 1350] F The same G Strange Story G Strange Story; Haunted and the Haunters F What will he do with it? 2v F The same. 4 v. in 2 G Zanoni [French Revolution] F The same G LYTTON, E. R., Earl. {Owen Meredith). Ring of Amasis F M., C. J. Alice Sherwin; a Tale of the Days of Sir Thomas More F 5006 377 5007 378 379 5008 380 5009 381 5010 383 5011 394 5012 385 5013 5014 387 5015 389 5016 391 5017 763 5018 392 5003 1000 5019 393 5020 395 397 5021 5022 398 5023 399 5030 10 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 175 M., L. H. Biscuits and Dried Beef; a Panacea F 5526 M., T. Frank O'Meara; or, the Artist of Collingwood F 3550 M. or N; Maud or Nina. Melville F 1923 The same G 445 MAARTENS, Maartens, pseud. See SCHWARTZ, J. v. d. P. Mabel Lee. Tiernan F 578 Mabel Stanhope. O'Meara F 5692 Mabel Vaughan. Cummins F 2905 Mabel's Step-Mother. Robbins H 2217 MABIE, H. W. Norse Stories from the Eddas F 5 124 Mabinogion, The; tr. by Guest. 3v..*P 188 Mabinogion, The Boy's. Lanier F 4885 MACALPINE, A. A Man's ConscienceF 5366 McANALLY, D. R., Jr. Irish Won- ders; Popular Tales F 5244 Macaria. Wilson F 1961 MACAULAY, J. From Middy to Ad- miral of the Fleet H 1785 MACAULEY,E.W. TalesoftheDramaE 9462 McCABE.J.D. OurYoung FolksAbroad.I 587 Our Young Folks in Africa I 1657 M'CALEB, T Anthony Melgrave . . . . F 5084 McCALLUM.Mrs.M.C. ATrueMan.G 910 MCCARTHY, J. Camiola; a Girl with a Fortune F 5261 The Comet of a Season F 5262 Dear Lady Disdain F 5125 The same G 767 The Dictator F 5561 Donna Quixote G 1 1 13 A Fair Saxon [Fenianism] F 5263 Lady Judith F 1089 Linley Rochford F 1090 Maid of Athens F 5264 Miss Misanthrope F 5126 The same G 766 Paul Massie F 1091 Red Diamonds F 5562 The Riddle Ring F 5560 Roland Oliver F 5265 Waterdale Neighbours G 630 andMrs.R.M.P.PRAED. The La- dies' Gallery F 5245 The Right Honourable F 5243 The Rival Princess F 5247 MCCARTHY, J. H. Doom; an Atlantic Episode F 5187 Our Sensational Novel F 5186 A Woman of Impulse F 5567 MacCarthy More. Sadlier F 1637 MACCHETTA,;Mrs. B. Stage-Struck; or, She would be an Opera-SingerF 631 1 McCLELLAN, Mrs. H. H. {Harford Flemming). Broken Chords F 5507 A Carpet Knight F 3506 Cupid and the Sphinx F 5246 McCLELLAND, M. O. Jean MonteithF 5223 Mammy Mystic F 5503 Manitou Island F 5385 Oblivion; an Episode F 5160 The Old Post-Road F 5329^ Princess F 5 1 59 St. John's Wooing F 5802 M'CONAUGHY, J. E. Capital for Work- ing Boys H 1835 McCONNELL, A. B. Half Married. .F 5195 McCOOK, H. C. Old Farm Fairies . . . H 1946 MacCRAY, F. T. and E. L. SMITH. Wheels and Whims F 7515 MacDermots of Ballycloran. TrollopeF 1759 McDERMOTT, P. L., pseud. The Last King of Yewle F 7241 MACDONALD, F. Nathaniel Vaughan, Priest and Man F 1094 MacDON ALD, Q. Adela Cathcart . . . . F 1095 Alec Forbes of Howglen G 406 Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. F 1096 The same G 407 At the Back of the North Wind . . . F 1097 David Elginbrod F 1098 The same G 408 Donal Grant F 5157 Double Story H 533 The Elect Lady F 5251 The Flight of the Shadow F 5254 Gifts of the Child Christ, and other Tales G 1101 Contents: Gifts of the Child Christ; The History of Photogen and Nycteris; The Butcher's Bills; Stephen Archer; Port in a Storm; If I had a Father. Guild Court. 3 v. [A London Story] F 1 104 Heather and Snow F 5255 History of Gutta-Percha Willie. . . H 1799 Home Again F 5250 Lilith; a Romance F 5563 Malcolm F 1 106 The same G 768 Marquis of Lossie F 5132 The same.. G 1001 Sequel to Malcolm. Mary Marston F 5 130 The same G 1102 17G CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. MacDON ALD, Q. Paul Faber, Surgeon.F 5131 Phantastes; a Faerie Romance. 2 v.F 1 105 The Portent 1 F 1009 Princess and Curdie G 1 103 The same H 1802 Princess and the Goblin H 535 Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood F 1 100 Robert Falconer F 5133 A Rough Shaking H 528 St. George and St. Michael [Charles L] F 1107 The same G 769 Salted with Fire; or, a Story of a Min- ister F 95 1 1 Seaboard Parish F 1 101 Sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neigh- bourhood. Sir Gibbie F 5134 There and Back F Thomas Wingfold, Curate F 1 1 1 1 Vicar's Daughter F 1 102 The same G 409 Warlock o* Glenwarlock F 5253 Weighed and Wanting F 5123 What's mine's mine F 5 1 58 Wilfrid Cumbermede F 1 103 M'Donnell and the Norman De Borgos. M'Sparran F 5144 McDOWELL, Mrs. K. S. B. {Sherwood Bonner). Dialect Tales F Contents: The Gentleman of Sarsar; On the Nine-Mile; Hieronymus Pop and the Baby; Sister Weeden's Prayer; Aunt Anniky's Teeth; Dr. Jex's Predicament; In Aunt Mely's Cabin; The Case of Eliza Breylock; The Bran Dance at the Apple Settlement: Lame Jerry; Jack and the Mountain Pink. Like unto Like F 2573 Suwanee River Tales F 2575 MACE, Q. My First Crime F 5232 MACE, J. Fairy Book H 538 McELGUN, J. Annie Reilly F 5140 McELROY, J. Red Acorn [American Civil War] F 5138 McFADDEN,C. Sibylla H 1783 MacFALL,Mrs. F. E. C. {SayahGrand). The Beth Book F 6756 The Heavenly Twins F 3776 Ideala F 3779 Our Manifold Nature; Stories from Life F 6758 Contents: Eugenia; The Yellow Leaf; Janey. a Humble Administrator; Boom- ellen; Kane, a Soldier Servant; Ah Man. MACFARLANE, A. R. Children of the Earth 1 MACFARLANE, C. Camp of Refuge. F MACFARLANE, M. R. Magic of a Voice F McGLASSON, E. W. See BRODHEAD, Mrs. E. W. McGLOIN, F. Norodom, King of Cam- bodia F McGOVERN, J. Daniel Trentworthy [Chicago Fire] F MACHAR, A. M. Marjorie's Canadian Winter H Roland Graeme, Knight F MACHTET, O. A. \ 'x victis F MaclLVAIN, C. L. Ebon and Gold. .F MclNNES, J. C. Lord Will by Force, and Faithful Ladeen H McINTOSH, B. W. Football and LoveF MclNTOSH, M. J. Aunt Kitty's TalesF Charms and Counter-Charms F Two Lives F Year with Maergie and Emma H MACKARNESS, Mrs. M. A. P. The Golden Rule; Stories of the Ten Commandments H A Mingled Yarn. G Onlv.... ..H Peerless W.fe G Sunbeam Stories ...G Contents: A Trap to catch a Sunbeam; The Cloud with a Silver Lining; Old Jolliffe; The Sequel to Old Jolliffe ; The Star in the Desert; Only; A Mer- ry Christmas. A Trap to catch a Sunbeam H McKAY, F. E. (Ed.). Vignettes; Sto- ries by American Authors F For contents. See Vignettes. McKEEN, P. F. Thornton Hall F McKEEVER, H. B. Crown Jewels . . . H Twice Crowned [England, Mary I., 1550] F MacKENNA, S. J. At School with an old Dragoon F Brave Men in Action F 5127 Kings Beeches F 5128 MacKENZIE, Mrs. A. S. Aureola. . . F 1541 McKENZIE, C, pseud. See DUFFELL, A. MACKENZIE, H. Julia de Roubigne\J 179,3 The same *F 115,29 Man of Feeling F 1 1 1 2 The same J 179,1 The same *F 115,29 518! 5 2c-: 5178 5141 5119 1789 7268 1108 1109 mo 540 545 765 1784 410 4M 1784 5117 1113 1797 1221 5129 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 177 MACKENZIE, H. Man of the World. J 179, 1-2 MACKENZIE, K. R. H. (Tr). Adven- tures of Master Tyll Owlglass. ..F 5156 McKEY, A. J. Silopaen F 5256 MacKIE, C. P. With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea [Columbus] F 5370 MACKIE, J. The Devil's Playground; a Story of the Wild Northwest. .F 5626 Sinners Twain F 5627 McKNIQHT, C. Captain Jack, the Scout; Indian Wars about Old Fort Du- quesne F 1 114 M ACKOWER, S. V. Mirror of Music . F 5573 McLAIN, M. W. Daisy Ward's Work.F 11 16 McLANDBURGH, F. The Automaton Ear, and other Sketches E 1368 MACLAREN, A. The Fairy Family. H 1804 MACLAREN, Ian, pseud. See WATSON.J.M. MACLAY, A. C. Mito Vashiki; Tale of Japan, 1853 F 5248 M'LEAN, A. Paul Heriot's Pictures. F 5555 Quiet Stories from an Old Woman's Garden F 5554 MACLEAN, C. D. L'Rht o' Love F 5081 McLEAN, S. P. See GREENE, Mrs. S. P. M. MACLEOD, Mrs. A. The Silent Sea.F 5547 MACLEOD, F. The Mountain Lovers..F 5546 The Sin-Eater, and other Tales F 5544 McLEOD, G. D. Stories of the Land of Evangeline F 5367 Contents: Hunchback of Port Royal ; Kaduskak Giant; Fugitives of French Cross; Cow-Bells of Grand Pre; Indian Guardian; Privateer of Hall's Harbor; Story of Bloody Creek; The Wild Post- man ; Scarlet Specter of Sandy Ridge; Boy Blue of Grand Pre ; Messenger Maiden of Minas ; Light on Black Ledge; Incident of the Siege of Louis- burg. McLEOD, I. Westfield; Home Life dur- ing American Civil War F 7575 MACLEOD, N. Gold Thread H 536 The Starling. 2v F 1092 Macleod of Dare. Black F 2466 The same G 865 McLeod of the Camerons. Hamilton. F 9069 MacMAHON, E. A Modern Man . . . . F 5506 McMANUS, L. The Red Star F 7192 MACMILLAN, M. K. Dagonet, the Jester F 5504 McMILLAN, W. F. MyraMordaunt.F 5501 McMINN, E. Breaker-Boy of Lans- ford H 1805 MacNAB, F. Relics F 5332 McNEILL, O. A Jesuit of To-Day... F 9434 McNULTY, E. MistherCTRyan F 5502 MACQUOID, Mrs. K. S. Appledore Farm F 5535 At the Red Glove [Switzerland, 19th Century] F 2433 Bern's F 5530 Beside the River G 1 1 10 Cosette F 5531 Diane G 772 Elizabeth Morley F 5532 Esau Runswick F 5258 Faithful Lover G 1111 Forgotten by the World F 587 Gone; a Story of Some Years Ago.F 5537 The Haunted Fountain; Hetty's Re- venge F 5533 Her Sailor Love F 5 139 Hester Kirton F 1 1 18 His Last Card F 5538 Louisa. 2v F 5171 Maisie Derrick F 5536 Miriam's Marriage G 412 Miss Eyon of Eyon Court F 5534 My Story G 773 Patty F 1 1 19 The same G 413 Pictures across the Channel G 770 Too Soon G 771 Wild as a Hawk F 1121 M'SPARRAN, A. Legend of M'Don- • nell and the Norman De Borgos.F 5144 McVeys, The. Kirkland F 4664 McVICKAR, H. G. The Purple Light of Love F 5548 McWATTERS, G. S. Knots Untied. F 1117 Mad Dumaresq. Lean .G 725 Mad Madonna, and other Stories. White- lock F 7408 Mad Marriage. Fleming F 597 Mad Sir Uchtred of the Hills. Crockett F 8338 Madam. Oliphant F 5683 Madam How and Lady Why. KingsleyH 485 Madame. Benedict F 128 Madame Agnes. Dubois F 439 Madame Bovary. Flaubert f..*F 3505 Madame Chrysantheme. Viaud F 7325 Madame d' Orgevaut's Husband. Ra- busson F 6204 Madame de Beaupre\ Jenkin G 280,2 Madame d Fleury. Edgeworth F 518,6 Madame de Presnel. Poynter F 5899 The same G 1174 178 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Madame Delphine. Cable F 2723 Madame Fontenoy . Roberts G 414 Madame la Marquise. De la Rame\ . .G 503 Madame La Tour, Fate of. Paddock.. F 5924 Madame Lucas F 5122 Madame Roland. Abbott H 75 Madame Rosily. Monniot F 5326 Madame Sans-Gene.Sardou and Moreau F 6498 Madame Th£rese. Erckmann and Cha- trian F 552 Madame's Grand-Daughter. Peard...G 1310 Madcap Violet. Black F 127 The same G 703 Maddalena, the Orphan of Via Appia. F 5121 Made in France. Bunner F 8073 Made Man, A. Wright H 2693 Made or Marred. Fothergill F 3539 The same G 963 Madeira Party. M itchell F 5592 Madeleine. Kavanagh F 972 Madeleine. Sandeau F 6561 Madeleine's Rescue. Schultz H Madeleine's Tnal,and other Stories. Pres- sense" H 606 Madeline. Holmes F 4015 Madelon. Wilkins 1- 7717 Madelon Hawley. Binder F 154 Mademoiselle Blanche. Berry F 7969 Mademoiselle I xe. Hawker Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts G 415 Mademoiselle Panache\ Edgeworth..F 518,1 Mademoiselle Res6da. Cruger F 3795 Madman and the Pirate. Ballantyne.H icco MADOC, Fayr, pseud. Margaret Je - mine F 5188 Story of Melicent F 5165 Madonna Mary. Oliphant G 472 Madonna of the Alps. Schulze-Smidt.F 6775 Madonna of the Tubs. Ward F 5902 Madrigal, and other Stories. Peard...G 786 Mae Madden. Mason F 1 143 MAEL, Pierre, pseud. See CAUSSE, C Maelcho. Lawless F 4875 Magdalen's Fortunes. Behrens F 2476 Magellan. Towle C 1610,3 Maggie Bradford's Club. Mathews.. H 1838 Maggie Miller. Holmes F 835 Magic Ink, The. Black F 2461 Magic Oak Tree. Brabourne H 3266 Magic of a Voice. Macfarlane F 5178 Magic of Kindness. Mayhew H 561 Magic Skin. Balzac F 2598 Magic Valley. Keary H 1641 Magicians, Stories of the. Church H 11 26 MAGILL, M. T. Women; or, Chroni- cles of the War [Am. Civil \Yar].F Magna Charta Stories. Gilman H 1432 Magnet Stories. y See Peebles, Mrs. If. L. Magnhild. Bjoernson The same F 7901,3 Magnificent Plebeian. Magruder F $242 Magnificent Young Man. Stannard...F 6877 Magnum Bonum. Yonge F 2024 The same G 836 MAGRUDER, J. Across the Chasm . 1 2439 At Anchor, and Honored in the Breach F 5369 The Child Amy H 1959 Dead Selves I 9440 Honored in the Breach F 1182 Magnificent Plebeian F 5242 Mi 3 s Ayr of Virginia, and other Stories F 9442 Contents: Miss Ayr of Virginia; A New Thing under the Sun; The Thirst and the Draught ; A Battered Birthright ; His Heart's Desire; The Masked Sing- 1 he Story of an Old Soul ; Once More. The Princess Sonia F 5622 • Violet I 9441 MAGUIRE, J. F. Young Prince Mari- gold, and other Fairy Stories H 1807 Marian. Seawell... F 6505 Marian and Robin Hood. Mud- dock F 5094 ■ f Athens. McCarthy F 5264 Mai.l of Killeena. Black F 139 The same G 704 I " Skir. Blackmore F 7987 Maid, Wife, or Widow? Hector F 3990 Maiden all Forlorn, A. Hungerford. . F 2410 The same G 1136 Maiden and Married Life of Mary Pow- ell. Rathbone F 2101 Maiden Fair to see. Philips and Wills. G 1445 Maiden Rachel. Giles F 652 Maid«n Sisters. Paul G 416 Maiden's. Progress. The. Hunt F 4293 Maiden's Work, A. Hope F 4046 Maidenhood Series. See Clarke, R. S. Mail Carrier. Fosdick H 269,3 Mailcoich, The, and other Tales. Sher- wood FI545.I3 MAILLARD,A.M. MilesTremenhere.F 1126 Main Travelled Roads. Garland F 3766 MAINE, E. S. Scarscliff Rocks G 774 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 179 Mainestone's Housekeeper. MeteyardF 1125 M A I RET, Jeanne, pseud. See BIGOT, Mme.M. Maisie Derrick. Macquoid F 5536 MAITLAND, C. V. A Women's WebF 5162 MAITLAND, E. {H. Ainslie). Higher Law F 811 Pilgrim and the Shrine F 1316 MAITLAND, J. A. Diary of an Old Doctor F 1 128 Lawyer's Story F 1 129 Old Patroon [ New York Manorial System] F 1 130 Sartaroe; a Tale of Norway F 1 131 Three Cousins \ F 1 132 Wanderer F 1 133 Watchman F 1 134 Maitre d' Armes, Memoirs of a. DumasF 499 Maiwa's Revenge. Haggard F 3873 The same G 1 294 MAJENDIE, M. E. Dita F 5150 Majesty. Couperus F 3342 Major and Minor. Norris G 1300 The same. 2 v F 5424 Major Gahagan. Thackeray G 588,3 Major Joshua. Forster F 3364 Major Lawrence, F. L. S. Lawless F 4917 Major Mendax, Hairbreadth Escapes of. Crofton H 1147 Major Monk's Motto. Langbridge . . .H 1729 Major's Christmas, The. Stapleton. . ,F 6848 Major's Favourite, The. Stannard F 6876 Makar's Dream, and other Stories. Ko- rolenko F 7265 Make or Break. Adams H 108,5 Make your Game. Sala F 6534 Maker of Moons, The. Chambers F 8209 Making Fate. Alden F 7851 Making of a Man. Baker F 2483 Making of a Man. Wright H 2692 Making of Mary, The. Forsyth F 7258 Making or Marring. Liddell F 7181 Making the Best of it. Rand H 2190,1 Mai Moulge. Wilcox F 7542 Malady of the Century, The. Nordau. F 5474 MALAN,A. N. Ernest Fairfield H 1067 MALCOLM, D. A Fiend Incarnate. .F 5623 Malcolm. MacDonald F 1106 The same G 768 MALET, H. P. Lost Links in the In- dian Mutiny F 5280 MALET, Lucas, pseud. See HARRISON, Mrs. M. K. Malleville. Abbott H 57,1 MALLOCK, W. H. The Heart of Life.F 5541 A Human Document F 5540 New Paul and Virginia E 4524 The New Republic E 4525 The Old Order Changes F 5212 Romance of the Nineteenth Cen- tury F 5 166 MALORY, Sir T. Boy's King Arthur. F 5146 History of King Arthur. 3 V F 5241 Morte d' Arthur F 1 142 MALOT, H. H. The Boy Wanderer. . H 1836 Romain Kalbris; or, Sea and Shore H 541 Mamelon. Tourg6e F 7043 Mamelons and Ungava. Murray F 5377 Mammon. Elliott F 4058 Mammon. Gore G 240 Mammon. Hector F 4127 Mammon of Unrighteousness. BoyesenF 2276 Mammoth Hunters. Allen H 954,2 Mammy Mystic. McClelland F 5503 Mam'zelle Eugenie. Durand F 3133 Man and a Woman, A. Waterloo F 7658 Man and his Model, A. Hawkins F 4239 Man and his Womankind. Vynne* F 7387 Man and Wife. Collins F 298 . The same. 3 V. in 2 G 100 Man as he is not. Bage *F 1 15,48 Man at Arms. James F 4527 Man behind, The. Denison F 2947 Man-Eaters,and other odd People. Reid H 628 Man every inch of him. Wray H 2600 Man from Blankley's. Guthrie F 3794 Man in Black, The. Weyman F 7617 Man in Possession, The. Booth F 6237 Man made of Money. Jerrold F 4430,4 Man of Feeling. Mackenzie *F 115,29 The same F 1 1 12 The same J 179,1 Man of Honor. Eggleston F 532 Man of Honor. Stannard F 7536 Man of many Friends. Hook F8574-5 Man of Mark. Hawkins F 4237 Man of the Family, The. Tiernan F 0908 Man of the Family. Williams H 1617 Man of the House. Alden H 91 Man of the World. Mackenzie Ji79,i-2 Man of To-day. Reeves F 6191 Man of two Minds. Buck F 81 15 Man-of-War Life. Nordhoff F 1921 Man on the Ocean. Ballantyne H 229 Man Proposes [Am. Civil War] F 5149 Man Story, A. Howe F 4053 Man who became a Savage. Hornaday.F 4318 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Man who Laughs. Hugo F 880 Man who Married the Moon. Lummis.F 5047 Man who was Guilty. Loughead F 4931 Man who was like Shakespeare. Black . G 702 Man who was not a Colonel. Quincy . . F 1 1 22 Man who wins, The. Herrick F 9100 Man with a Thumb, The. Hudson F 4170 Man with the Broken Ear. About F 12 Man with the White Hat. Parsons. . . H 2038 Man without a Country. Hale F 3925 The same E 1 1 59 Man without a Memory ,and other Stories. Shelton F 6729 Man-Wolf. E rck man n and Chat rian. .F 3371 Man's a Man for a' that, A F 5375 Man's Conscience, A. Macalpine F 5366 Man's Foes, A. Strain F 6764 Manch. Bryan F 2663 Manchester Strike. Martineau F 1151,3 Manco, the Peruvian Chief. Kingston.H 1688 Manfred. Guerrazzi F 714 Manitou Island. McClelland F 5385 MANLEY.R.M. The Queen of EcuadorF 5387 MANN, M. E. Susannah 1 9443 A Winter's Tale G 1432 MANN, Mrs. M. T. P. Juanita; a Ro- ■MMB of Cuba F 5204 MANNER1NG, May, pseud. See NOWELL, Mrs. H. P. H. Manners and Customs of American In- dians. Goodrich H 432,6 Manners and Customs of Nations. Good- rich H 432,7 MANNING, A. See RATHBONE, Mrs. A.M. Manoeuvring. Edgeworth F 518,5 Mansfield Humphreys, Fate of. WhiteF 7522 Mansfield Park. Austen G Mansie Wauch. Moir \ Mantel-Piece Minstrels and other Stories. Bangs H 3151 MANTEUFFEL, U. Z.von. ViolettaF 5189 Manuel Pereira. Adams F 2406 Manuela Parades. Chamberlain F 2199 Manufacturers, The. Edgeworth F 518,2 Manulito. Leffingwell F 5033 Manxman, The Caine F 8122 Many Inventions. Kipling F MANZONI, A. The Betrothed (I pro- messi sposi) [Milan, 1628] F 1 160 The same I 2090 Maori and Settler. Henty H 1564 Maple Range. Barnard F Marah. Jeffrey F 4428 Marahuna. Watson 1 Marble Faun. Hawthorne F 773 The same. 2 v J 84 Marcel, Story of, and other Stories F 1672 Marcel's Duty. Palgrave II 2050 Marcella. 2 v. Ward F 7600 MARCH, K. M. My Father and I MARCH, Walter, pseud. See WILLCOX,0. B. March Hares. Frederick F 8749 March in the Ranks, A. Fothergill . . . F 3602 March on London, A. Henty H 4226 Marchfield ; a Story of Commercial Moral- ity. Loftie F MARCHMONT, A. W. By Right of Sword F Marcia. Norris Marco Paul at the Springfield Armory. Abbott H Marco Paul in Boston. Abbott H Marco Paul in Maine. Abbott H 52,3 Marco Paul in New York. Abbott H 51,1 Marco Paul in Vermont. Abbott H 52,4 Marco Paul on the Erie Canal. Abbott.H 51,2 Marco Polo. Towle C 1610,4 Marco Polo, Travels of. Knox I 8083 Marco Visconti. Grossi I 2962 Marcus. Simonds H 677,5 Marcus Warland. Hentz F 795 MARCY, R. B. Border ReminiscencesF 1 146 Marcy, the Blockade-Runner. FosdickH 1287,3 Marcy, the Refugee. Fosdick H 1287,4 Mardi. 2 v. Melville F 11 79 Margaret. Judd I 953 Margaret. Liddell f 615 Margaret and her Bridesmaids. Marsh. F 1675 Margaret Arnold's Christmas. Brine. .H 3281 Margaret Bellarmine, Surrender of. Ser- geant F 6887 Margaret Byng. Philips and Fendall.G 1389 Margaret Carmichael. Gibbon F 8905 Margaret Chetwynd. Morley F 5308 Margaret Davis, Tutor. Ray H 2198 Margaret Ellison. Grayham H 1396 Margaret Graham. James F 4525 Margaret Jermine. Madoc F 5188 Margaret Kent. Story of. Kirk F 3907 Margaret Lyndsay, Trials of. Wilson.. .J 292,11 Margaret Maitland. Oliphant G 478 Margaret Moncrieff. Burdett F 2658 Margaret of Anjou. Abbott H 35 Margaret Percival. Sewell F 1534 Margaret Regis and other Girls. RyderH Margaret Roper. Stewart 1 1669 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 181 Margaret Smith's Journal. Whittier J 290.1 Margaret Weld, Fortunes of. Gardner. F 8887 Margarethe. Schmieden F 4460 Margery (Gred). 2 v. Ebers F 3203 Margery Keith. Townsend H 729 Margery of Quether. Gould F 3764 Margr£del, Story of. Meldrum F 6766 Marguerite. Holmes F 4072 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas F 476 Marguerite Kent. Wayne F 1890 Marguerite's Journal. Harris H 449 Maria. Isaacs F 4362 Maria Monk's Daughter. Eckel F 517 MARIAGER, P. Pictures of Hellas; Tales of Ancient Greece F 5266 Mariam;or, Twenty-One Days. Victor. F 7376 Marian. Hall G 749 Marian El wood. Brownson F 191 Marian Grey. Holmes F 842 Marianela. Pe>ez Gold6s F 3644 Marie. Pushkin F 1360 Marie. Richards 1 Marie Antoinette. Abbott H 72 Marie Antoinette and her Son. Mundt. F 1210 Marietta. Trollope F 1794 Marietta's Marriage. Norris F 5444 Marigold. Conklin H 1 1 52 Marion Berkley. Comins V 218 Marion Darche. Crawford F 8323 Marion Fay. Trollope G 1 186 Marion Graham. Lawrence F 4966 MARION HARLAND, pseud. See TERHUNE. Marion Scatterthwaite. Blathwayt F 6882 Marion's Faith. King F 4657 Sequel to The Colonel's Daughter. Marionettes. Cruger F 3796 MARIOTTI, L., pseud. See QALLENGA. Mariposilla. Daggett F 3070 Marius, the Epicurean. 2 v. Pater... F 5932 Marjorie Daw and other People. Aid- rich H 142 Marjorie Fleming. Brown I 3921 Marjorie Huntingdon. Belt F 2478 Marjorie's Canadian Winter. Machar..H 1789 Marjorie's Quest. Lincoln F 676 Marjory Graham. Gray F 5148 Marjory Moore. Sergeant F 6513 Mark Heffron. Bailey F 7959 Mark Logan, the Bourgeois. Kinzie.. .F 4670 Mark Marksen's Secret. Armstrong.. H 953 Mark o' the Deil. Pease F 6046 Mark of Cain. Lang F 4902 Mark Rowland. Sleeper F 1547 Mark Rutherford, Autobiography of. White F 6579 The same, and Mark Rutherford's Deliverance. White F 6643 Mark, the Match-Boy. Alger H 1 54,3 MARK TWAIN, pseud. See CLEMENS, S. C. Marked Man, A. Cross F 3323 Marked Personal. Rohlfs F 3788 Market for an Impulse, A. Tufts F 7104 MARKHAM, Sir C. R. The Paladins of Edwin the Great H 5001 MARKHAM, R. Aboard the Mavis. .H 1810 Chronicle of the Cid H 1812 Colonial Days H 546 Contents: Around the Yule Log: Aboard the Mavis; On the Edge of Winter. On the Edge of Winter H 181 1 Marking the Boundary. Billings F 7949 MARKOE, E. My Lady's Heart F 5564 Markof, the Russian Violinist. Durand.F 705 MARKS, Mrs. M. A. M. H. A Great Treason [Andre" and Arnold] F 4045 A Story of Carnival F 403 1 MARLITT, E., pseud. See JOHN, E. M ARLOW, S. Harry Ambler H 1 782 Mann Lisa. Riggs F 7391 Marmaduke Herbert. Blessington G 222 Marmaduke Merry. Kingston H 507 Marmorne. Hamerton ', F 2 191 The same G 953 Maroon, The. Reid H 626 Marooned. Russell F 6363 Marooner's Island. Gouiding H 437 Maroussia; a Maid of Ukraine. Hetzel.F 381 1 Marplot, The. Lysaght F 5 101 Marplot Cupid. Simpson F 5170 Marquis deVillemer. Dudevant F 461 Marquis of Carabas. Spofford F 6671 Marquis of Lossie. MacDonald F $132 The same G 100I Segue/ to Malcolm. Marquis of Pefialta. Palacio Valdes. .F 7287 Marriage. 3 v. Ferrier F 565 Marriage Ceremony, A. Cross F 3325 Marriage Contract, The. Balzac F 7870 Marriage in High Life. Feuillet F 592 Marriage of Elinor. Oliphant..." F 5781 Marriage of Esther. Boothby F 8101 Marriage of Moira Fergus. Black F 130 The same G 702 Married Belle. Smith F 1566 Married beneath him. Payn F 1296 Married by Proxy. Dupree F 3027 182 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Married for both Worlds. Porter F 1331 Married for Fun F 5179 Married Life, Two Tales of. Craik and Sterling G 910 Married or Single? 2 v. Sedgwick... F 1513 MARRY AT, E. See NORRIS, Mrs. E. M. MARRY AT.FIorenc*. See LEAN.Mrs.F.M.C. MARRY AT, Frederick. Children of the New Forest [Time of Charles I.]G \z\ The Dog Fiend; or, Snarleyyow ISmuggling, 1700] F 1 164 Frank Mildmay F 5238 Jacob Faithful F 5394 The same G 775 Japhet in Search of a Father F 5398 The same G The King's Own [ II otiny of the Nore. 1797] - F 5399 The same G 426 Masterman Ready; or, Wreck of the Pacific I 3'28 The same F 5234 The Mission; or, Scenes in Africa.G 428 The same .1 3*29 Mr. Midshipman Easy. . .F 5306 The same G 776 The same .1 2959 Ifontfotf Violet in California, Sonora and Texas . •. G 429 Newton Forster 5236 The Pacha of many Tales F 5153 Percival Keene.. ..G 430 Peter Simple . . F 5397 The same.. G The same.. .1 2960 The Phantom Ship 5168 The Pirate and The Three Cutters . F 1 1 52 The same I 3130 The Poacher 5235 Poor Jack The Privateersman [100 years ago].F The same . G The same Rattlin, the Reefer Robinson Ready • lis Masterman Ready. tiers in Canada G The same I irleyyow, the Dog Fiend F Same as The Dog Fiend. Valerie G tc.Sprightly Romance of. Seawell.F Marsena, and other Stories. Frederic. F 1159 >»54 3131 5395 433 3132 1 164 6508 3629 MARSH, Mrs. A. C. Aubrey G 41R Castle Avon G 419 Emilia Wyndham G 728 Evelyn Marston. . G 420 Heiress of Haughton G |2J Margaretand her Bridesmaids F 1675 Ravenscliffe G Rose of Ashurst G 423 MARSH, C. L. Opening the Oyster MARSH, J. B. Life and Adventures of Robin Hood H >\z MARSH,M.M. Vic; the Autobiography of a Fox-Terrier H 1879 MARSH, R. Mrs. Musgrave and her Husband F 5528 MARSH-CALDWELL, Mrs. A. See MARSH, Mrs. A. C. Marsh Island, A. Jewett F 443X MARSHALL, Mrs. E. M. Abigail Templeton H 5020 Alma; the Story of a Little Music Mistress. G 1333 Benvenuta. . 1121 Brothers and Sisu I 1148 Castle Meadow; Norwich 100 Years ago F 5597 The Close of St. Christophers H 1904 The Court and the Cottage H 1803 Dayspring (Tyndale, 16th Century }G 1 122 Dorothy's Daughters 5163 Eaglehurst Towers H 1903 The End Crowns all . . . G 1 383 Eventide Light( England, 1 590- i637]G History of France for Children A 1620 In Four Reigns, 1785-1842 F 5206 In the Choir of Westminster Abbey F 5600 In the City of Flowers G 1334 In the East Country with Sir Thomas Browne [Time of Charles II.). ... F 5169 The same ...G 1143 In the Service of Rachel, Lady Rus- sell [Time of Charles II.] I 5386 Kensington Palace in the Days of leeo Mary II. 5566 Lady Alice Life's Aftermath. . I - 1 132 Lily among Thorns I 11 47 Little Queenie H 1002 Lizette and her Mission H 1908 The Master of the Musicians, a Story of Handel's Days I 5599 Miss Mainwaring's Journal G 1 1 - 4 Mistress Matchett's Mistake I 5260 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 1 s:\ MARSHALL, Mrs. E. M. Mistress of Tayne Court F 5 183 M rs. Willoughby's Octave H 1829 No.XIII.; Story of the Lost Vestal . F 5184 The same G 1 144 On the Banks of the Ouse [Cowperl.G 1298 Rex and Regina H 1806 Ruby and Pearl H 537 Silver Chimes H 1828 Stellafont Abbey H 543 Under Salisbury Spire in the Days of George Herbert G 1364 The White King's Daughter[ Princess Elizabeth, Civil War] F 5598 Winchester Meads F 5259 The same G 1434 Winif rede's Journal in the Days of Bishop Hall F 5384 MARSHALL, F. It happened Yester- day F 54 1 1 MARSHALL, L. Thomas Boobig . . . F 5569 MARSTON, P. B. For a Song's Sake, and other Stun- - F 5233 Marston Lynch. Brough F 8080 Marstons, The. Aide" G 8 Martha Brown, the Heiress. Paul G 435 Martha Corey. DuBois F 3019 Marthas Mistakes. Bradley H 3270 MARTHOLD, J. de. History of a Bear- skin F 5466 Martian, The. Du Maurier F 8497 MARTIN, Mrs. A. A. Our Uncle and Aunt F 5231 MARTIN, E. Q. Whom God hath Joined F 5191 MARTIN, K. B. Belgian Days F 5 1 52 MARTIN, M. Yellow Beauty [Cat Story] H 1788 MARTIN, Mrs. M. E. L. lor a Dream's Sake F 9391 MARTIN, Mrs. M. F. Sunset on lit Blanc F 5164 MARTIN, W. Heroism of Boy hood.. H 1450 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens G 161 The same ". F 410 Manin Hewitt. Morrison F 5580 Martin Hewitt, Investigator. Morrison. F 5581 Martin Luther, Boyhood of. Mayhew.H 558 Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge F 7070 Martin Rattler. Ballantyne H 234 Martin, the Skipper. Cobb H 1098 Martin's Vineyard. Harrison G 752 Martins of Cro' Martin, The. Lever. . .G 346 MARTINE AU, H. Deerbrook F 1 1 56 Feats on the Fiord F 5298 The Hour and the Man [Toussaint 1* Ouverture, 1800] F 1149 Illustrations of Political Economy.F 1 151 v.i. Life in the Wilds; Hill and the Valley ; Brooke and Brooke Farm. 2. Demerara; Ella of Garve- loch; Weal and Woe in Garveloch. 3. Manchester Strike; Cousin Marshall; Ireland. 4. Homes Abroad; For each and for All; French Wines and Politics. 5. Charmed Sea; Berkeley the Banker. 6. Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek ; Loom and the Lugger. 7. Sowers not Reapers; Cin- namon and Pearls; Tale of the Tyne. 8. Briery Creek; Three Ages; Farrers of Budge-Row ; Moral of many Fables. Illustrations of Taxation: 9. Park and the Paddock ; Tenth Haycock ; Jersey- men Meeting. 10. Jerseymen Parting; Schol- ars of Arneside. The Playfellow F 1150 MARTINEAU des CHESNEZ, E. L. Lady Green-Satin and her Maid Rosette F 226 MARTINGALE, Hawser, pseud. See SLEEPER, J. S. Martyn Ware's Temptation. Wood...G 637 Martyr of Golgotha. 2 v. Perez EscrichF 3380 Martyrs, The. Chateaubriand M 491 Martyrdom of Madeline. Buchanan.. F 2459 Martyred Fool. Murray F 5542 Maruja. Harte F 3883 MARVEL, Ik, pseud. See MITCHELL, D. G. Marvel. Hungerford G 1280 Marvellous Adventures of Master Tyll Owlglass; tr. by Mackenzie F 5156 Marvelous in our Eyes. Hornibrook. .F 4082 MARY, J. Shadow of Roger Laroque.F 5368 Mary, Queen of Scots. Abbott H 36 Mary. Molesworth H 1885 184 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mary and Florence. Tytler H 751,4 Mary and Florence at Sixteen. TytkrH 751,5 Mary Anerley. Blackmore F 2564 The same G 863 Mary Barton. Gaskell G 230 Mary Bell. Abbott... H 57,4 Mary Burton abroad. Alden H 90 Mary Erskine. Abbott H 57,3 Mary Fenwick, Awakening of. WhiibyF 7578 Mary Fenwick's Daughter. Whitby. ..F 7645 Mary Jane Papers. Plympton H 2052 Mary Lee. Boyce F 1 305 Mary Marston. MacDonald F 5 1 30 The same G 1 102 Mary of Burgundy. James F Mary of Lorraine. Grant F 8825 Mary Powell. Rathbone F 2101 Mary St. John. Carey F 3092 Mary Smith, Courting of. Robinson.. . F 6294 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Dumas. F 8480 Mary, Star of the Sea. Thompson F 5147 Marzio's Crucifix. Crawford F 2877 Mask of Beauty, The. Stahr F 6776 MASKELL, Mrs. A. E. A. Four Feet, Wings, and Fins [Nat. Historyl.K 7952 Masollam. Oliphant G 1437 MASON, A. E. W. The Courtship of Morrice Buckler F 9415 Lawrence Clavenng F 9417 The Philanderers F 94 16 MASON, C. A. A Minister of the World F 5593 MASON, C. W. (Mr. M.). The Shen's Pigtail, and other Cues of Anglo- China Life F 4340 MASON, F. Story of a Working Man's Life F 1155 MASON, M. L. All about Edith H 544 MASON, M. M. Mae Madden F 1143 Masque at Ludlow. Rathbone F 1127 Mass' George. Fenn H 1308 Massacre of the Innocents; tr. by RinderF 6399 Massaniello. 3 v. in 2. Smith F 6607 Massarenes, The. De la Ram£ F 6176 Master, The. Zangwill F 7695 Master and Man. Tolstoi F 7029 Master Ardick, Buccaneer. Costello..F 8413 Master Barthlemy. Crompton H 11 79 Master- Beggars, The. Cornford F 8275 Master Bieland. Auerbach F 2424 Master Craftsman. Besant F 7953 Master Humphrey's Clock. Dickens.. G 162,1 Master-Knot, The. Duff F 8496 Master Mosaic-Workers. Dudevant . . F 8544 Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson F 6674 The same G 1370 Master of Kttersburg. Burstenbinder. F 7401 Master of Fortune, A. Sturgis F 6825 Master of Greylands. Wood G 642 Master of his Fate. Barr 1 Master of l'Ktrange. Hall F 3889 Master of Rathkelly. Smart F 6651 Master of Silence. Bacheller F 2217 Master of the Ceremonies. Fenn F 3491 Master of the Magicians. Ward F 5904 Master of the Mine. Buchanan F 2687 Master of the Musicians, The. Mar- shall F 5599 Master Passion, The. Lean G 124.) Master Skylark. Bennett F 7929 Master Spirit, A. Spofford F 6778 Master Tyll Owlglass, Adventures cf. .F 5156 Master Wilberforce. Bseuter F 3614 rn Fishers of Men. Raymond.. . F 6262 : 1 Ghosts. Maupassant F 5274 Modern Griselda. Edge worth *F 1 15,50 The same F 518,6 Modern Hagar, The. 2 v. Clark F 2807 Modern Instance. Howells F 4024 Modern Love Story. Orcutt F 5706 Modern Magdalene," A. Woods F 7651 Modern Man. MacMahon F 5506 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott F 2186 Modern M idas. Jokai F 4449 Modern Pagan. Dubois F 8505 Modern Prophets. Alden and Foster.. F 2399 Modern Red Riding Hood. Jones H 1593 Modern St. Christopher. Porter F 5952 Modern Society. Sinclair F Modern Telemachus, A. Yonge F 2038 Modern Vikings. Boyesen II 1040 Modern Warning, The. James F 4409 Modern Wizard, A. Ottolengui F 5857 Modeste Mignon. Balzac F 2597 Mohammed Ali and his House. Mundt.F 1219 Mohammed Benani, Case of F 5304 Mohawks. Maxwell F 9404 Mohun; or, the Last Days of Lee. CookeF 2844 MOIR, D. M. Life of Mansie Wauch. 1 MOISTER, W. Missionary Stories. . . F 1193 MOLESWORTH.Mrs.M.L. {EnnisGra- hani). Adventures of Herr Baby. 1 1 1847 Blanche II The Boys and I H 1816 Carrots: Just a Little Boy H 184 1 The Carved Lions II 5081 Children of the Castle H 1895 A Christmas Child H 1842 A Christmas Posy H 1849 Christmas-Tree Land H 1909 The Cuckoo Clock H 1843 Four Ghost Stories F 5240 Contents- Lady Farquhar's Old Lady; Witnessed by Two; Unexplained; Story of the Rippling Train. Four Winds Farm H 1910 The Girls and I H 1886 Grandmother Dear II 1844 Leona H 1889 Little Miss Peggy H 191 1 Little Mother Bunch H 1893 Mary H 1885 My New Home H 1918 Neighbours H 1839 The Next-Door House H 1888 MOLESWORTH, Mrs. M. L. (En> Graham). Nut without Thorns. Nurse Heatherdale's Story H 1887 The Old Pincushion H Olivia H Philippa H 5082 The Rectory Children H 1840 Rosy H Sheila's Mystery H 1883 Story of a Spring Morning H 1892 Summer Stories for Boys and Girls.H 1818 Sweet Content H 1913 The Tapestry Room H 1817 Tell me a Story H 1846 Thirteen Little Black Pigs, and other Stories H 1915 Two Little Waifs H 1912 Us; an Old-Fashioned Story H 1848 White Turrets H 1898 Mollie Miller. Merriman H ig24 Sequel to The Little Millers. Molly Bawn. Hungerford G 1119 Molly Bishop's Family. Nitsch K 6416 Mollie Darling, and other Stories. Hun- gerford F 4334 MOLLOY, J. F. An Excellent Knave.F 5371 How came he Dead ? I 5373 Moloch; a Story of Sacrifice. Praed. . F 5965 Moment of Madness. Lean (', 1082 Mona Maclean, Medical Student. Tra- vers F 7147 Mona, the Vestal. Dorsey I 424 Mona's Choice. Hector I 4066 The same ( \ 1 297 Monaldi. Allston F 39 Monarch of Dreams, The. Higginson.F 4062 Monarch of Mincing-Lane. Black.... F 2562 Monastery, The. Scott F 2163 The same G 546 MONCREIFF, F. The X Jewel [James VI. of Scotland]... F 9487 MONCRIEFF, A. R. H. (A. R. Hope). Boys' own Stories H 1852 Homespun Stories H 1821 Round about the Minster Green.. . H 18 19 Stories of French School Life H 463 Contents: The New Master; The New Boy; The New Book. Stories of Old Renown H 1853 Visit to my Discontented Cousin.. .F 184 1 Wigwam and War- Path H 1851 Young Travellers' Tales H 1899 Money and Music. Barnard V nS ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 195 Money God. Quinton F 1373 Money- Maker. Adams H 113,3 Money-Makers. Keenan F 5207 Moneyed Man. 3 v. Smith F 2 1 1 1 Monfort Hall. Warfield F 1902 Monikins. Cooper F 274 MONK, T. An Altar of Earth F 5360 Monk and Knight. 2 v. Gunsaulus. ..F 3790 Monk and the Hangman's Daughter. Bierce and Danziger F 2297 Monk of Cimi£s, and other Tales. Sher- wood Fi545,i4 Monk of Fife. Lang F 4954 Monk of the Aventine, A. Eckstein.. F 3291 Monk of the Monastery of Yuste; Last Days of Charles V F 5296 Monk's Wedding, The. Meyer F 5224 Monks of Thelema. Besant and Rice. F 260s MONNIOT, V. Madame Rosily F 5326 Monochromes. D' Arcy F 8446 MONROE, Mrs. L. B. Story of our Country [United States] H 565 MONROE, Mrs. M. C. (Tr.). The Priest of Auvrigny.and King of the BeanF 1352 Monsieur Lecoq Gaboriau F 8900 Monsieur Maurice. Edwards G 198 Monsieur Motte. King F 4671 Monsieur Sylvestre. Dudevant F 463 Monsieur Violet. Marryat G 429 MONTAGUE, C. H. Two Strokes of the Bell F 5228 Monteagle. Alden H 1355 Montezuma and Cortes. Pratt H 21 11 Montezuma's Daughter. Haggard F 4 187 Montezuma's Gold Mines. Ober H 1972 MONTGOMERY, F. Blue Veil; Moral Tales G 1133 Colonel Norton F 5635 The Fisherman's Daughter, and A Very Simple Story G 1335 Seaforth G 101 1 Thrown Together F 1 197 The same G 450 Thwarted; or, Ducks' Eggs in a Hen's Nest H 567 The same G 783 Transformed F 5299 Wild Mike and his Victim G 784 MONTGOMERY, W. Boys of the Sier- ras; California in '49 H 1850 MONTI, L. Leone F 4895 MONTORGUEIL, G. Three Appren- tices of Moon Street H 1944 MONTRESOR, F. F. False Coin or True? F 5636 Into the Highways and Hedges F 5634 The One who looked on F 5633 MONZAYEMON, C. Chiushingura; a Japanese Romance F 5570 MOODEY, M. L. Alan Thome F 5306 Tragedy of Brink water F 5305 Moods. Alcott H 132 Moody's Lodging House. Sanborn . . . F 9770 MOON, G. W. He— With all my Worldly Goods I thee Endow. . . F 5318 Moon Prince. Munkittrick F 5095 Moonblight and Six Feet of Romance. Beard F 2303 Moondyne. O'Reilly F 5871 Moonfolk. Austin H 190 Moonlight Boy, A. Howe F 4052 Moonshine. Brabourne H 496 Moonstone. Collins G 101 MOORE, A. A. {Auber Fores tier). Echoes from Mistland F 3529 MOORE, Mrs. C. J. On Dangerous Ground F 1220 MOORE, F. F. Fta>-Flies and Mos- quitoes H 1875 A Gray Eye or So F 5576 I Forbid the Banns! F 5575 ThelmpudentComedian and others. F 5574 Contents: The Impudent Comedian; Kitty Clive; A Question of Art; The Muse of Tragedy; The^Way to keep him; The Capture of the Duke. The Jessamy Bride F 9490 Sailing and Sealing; Tale of the North Pacific H 1877 The Secret of the Court F 5578 They Call it Love F 5577 The Two Clippers H 1882 Under Hatches H 1876 MOORE, G. Vain Fortune F 5441 MOORE, H.H. Sickness as a ProfessionF 5374 MOORE, Mrs. H. J. Over the Way.H 1825 MOORE, J. Zeluco. 2v F 1189 The same *Fi 15,34-35 MOORE, S. T. Ryle's Open Gate . . . . F 5358 MOORE, T. The Epicurean [Egypt, 3d Century] F 1198 MOOREHEAD,W.K. Wanneta.tneS oux [Gen. Custer and the Sioux] H 1900 Moors and Christians. Alarcon F 2343 Mopsie, the Story of a London Waif. Walrond H 2646 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. MORAES, F. de. Palmerin of Eng- land. 4 v \ Moral Dilemma, A. Thompson. F 6978 Moral of Fables. Martineau F 1 1 ; 1 ,8 Moral Pirates. Alden H Moral Sinner, A. Daly F Tales. Edgeworth F Morals and Mysteries. Aide" G MORAN, W. H. W. From School- Room to Bar F MORE, H. Repository Tales J Ccelebs in Search of a Wife J MORE, Sir T. Utopia; the Happy Re- public F 1 196 The same C 1 1329 raj 2937 518,1 4 5452 195.1 »95.2 More Bed-time Stories. Moulton H More Bed-time Tales. Paull H More Bywords. Yonge F More Celtic Fairy Tales. Jacobs H More English Fairy Tales. Jacobs H MoreGoodTimes at Hackmatack. SmithH More Short Sixes. Bunner F MORECAMP.Arthur,^//,/. 5W-PILGRIM.T MORELAND, M. L. Which: Rii:ht or Wrong H MORFORD, H. Shoulder-Straps The Spur of Monmouth; or, Wash- ington in Arms F MORGAN, E. M. The Flight of the Sn Ulow ! MORGAN,Mrs.Q.S. Keeping the \ MORGAN, Mrs. L. Baron Bruno, and other Stories H MORGAN, N. L. A Slumber Song. .. H MORGAN, Lady S. O. Wild Irish Girl.F Morgan and his Men. Ford Morgan's Horror. Fenn F Morgesons, The. Stoddard F 674 1 Morial the Mahatma. Cook F 3330 MORIER, J. Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 3 V I MORLEY, H. Oberon's Horn; Fairy Tales H MORLEY, S. Margaret Chetwynd . . . F Throstlethwaite 1 Morley Ashton. Grant F 8827 Morley Ernstein. James ( i *5q Morrice Buckler, Courtship of. Mason. F 9415 Morrina (Homesickness). Bazdn 1 MORRIS, C. Historical Tales, Romance of Reality: American V 9502 English I 57i 2027 2043 1584 1715 2349 8074 1826 1188 6669 5585 5307 1823 1872 1 194 585 3489 5309 1822 5308 53io MORRIS, C. Historical Tales, Romance of Reality: French I German F Greek... 1 Roman r King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 3 V F Tales from the Dramatists. 4 v. ..F MORRIS, E. L. (A. V. Keith). Aunt Billy and other Sketches F Contents: Aunt Billy ; A Limited An- gel ; A Wayside Character ; A Day of Days ; Miss Hetty ; A Desultory Club. A Hilltop Summer F MORRIS, H. S. (Ed.). In the Yule- Log Glow. 4 v F v. 1-2. Christmas Tales. Christmas Poems. Tales from ten Poets. 3 v \ MORRIS, W. Dream of John Ball, and A King's Lesson [Time of Matthias Corvinus] 1 News from Nowhere F Roots of the Mountains F A Tale of the House of the Wolf- ings [Ancient Rome] F The Water of the Wondrous Isles. F The Well at the World's End. 2 v.F The Wood beyond the World. . (Tr.). Old French Romances J MORRISON, A. Chronicles of Martin Hewitt F Martin Hewitt; Investigator Tales of Mean Streets I MORRISON,M.W.(/ ioys. Finn H 9503 9504 9500 9501 5409 5405 4604 4603 54o8 5407 53" 53'6 53'7 5549 5322 5527 2239 5580 558i 5630 1956 1900 1958 1878 5582 4070 I I \2 806 580 95 1768 774 80 1380 • ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 197 Mostly Marjorie Day. Townsend F 7081 Moth-Mullein. Gould F 7479 Moths. DelaRame* F 1362 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1038 Mother at Home. Abbott H 60 Mother Goose; Old Friends with New Faces H 19S5 Mother Goose set to M usic K 3828 Mother Goose's Melodies; ill.byKappesH 1880 Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales H 1945 Mother Molly. Peard F 5878 The same G 1157 Mother of the King's Children. Cowan.H 1 171 Mother's Recompense, The. Aguilar..F 31 The same G 3 Motherless. Witt F 198c Motherless Children. Baker H 201,3 Motley Book, The; a Series of Tales and Sketches. Mathews F 5314 MOTT, E. The Old Settler, the Squire, and Little Peleg F 5633 Motto Changed, A. Ingelow F 4359 MOULE, A. E. (Ed.). Chinese Stories for Boys and Girls H 1966 MOULTON.Mrs. L.C. Bed-time StoriesH 568 Firelight Stories H 1831 Miss Eyre from Boston, andothers.F 5312 More Bed-time Stores H 571 New Bed-time Stories H 1830 Some Women's Hearts F 5404 Stories told at Twilight H 1884 MOULTON, S. M. Hill Rest I Mount Desolation. Dawe. F 3164 Mount Despair. Murray F 9550 Mount Eden. Lean G 1358 Mount Royal. Maxwell G 1236 Mountain Lovers. Macleod F 5546 Mountain Woman, A. Peattie F 6032 Mountcashel's Brigade. Halpine F 894 Mouse-trap, The. Howells E 9346 Mozart. Rau C 1 145 Mozart and Mendelssohn. Barnard.. K 307 MUDDOCK, J. E. Basile, the Jester [Days of Mary, Queen of Scots].. F 5096 Maid Marian and Robin Hood F 5094 Mudfog Papers. Dickens F 393 The same G 914 MUDFORD.W.. Tales and Trifles... F 5330 MUEGGE, T. Afraja; Life in NorwayF 5336 MUEHLBACH, L„ pseud. .S>* MUNDT, C. M. MUELLER, F. M. Memories; a Story of German Love F 5335 MUHAMMAD DIYAB (Al-Atlidi). 'Ilam- en-nas; Tales from the Arabic. . .F 2789 MUIR, O. B. Thy Name is Woman. .F 5584 MULHOLLAND, R. A Fair EmigrantF 5321 Prince and Saviour H 554 MULOCK, D. M. See CRAIK, Mrs. D. M. MULTATULI, pseud. See DEKKER, E. D. M umu. Turgenev f F 7076 Munchausen, Baron, Travels and Ad- ventures of; ed. by Raspe H 608 The same: illus. by Dore* F 6249 MUNDT, C. M. (L. Muhlbach). An- dreas Hofer F 1200 Berlin and Sans-Souci; or, Frederick the Great and his Friends F 1201 Daughter of an Empress [Russia, 18th Century] F 1203 Empress Josephine F 1204 Frederick the Great and his Court. 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Edgeworth F 518,2 Muramasa Blade, A. Wertheimber . . . F 7459 Murder of Delicia, The. Corelli F 5092 Murder or Manslaughter? Reeves.... G 1 131 MURDOCK, W. N. Third Hand High.F 5097 MURFREE, F. N. D. Felicia F 5323 MURFREE, M. N. (Chas. Egbert Crad- «xW£).DespotofBroomsedgeCoveF 2866 Down the Ravine F 2862 His Vanished Star F 5571 In the Clouds F 2864 1 n the Stranger People's Country . . F 2867 In the Tennessee Mountains F 2860 Contents: Drifting Down Lost Creek; Old Sledge at the Settlemint; The Star in the Valley; Electioneerin* on Big In- jun Mounting; Romance of Sunrise Rock; Dancin' Party at Harrison's Cove; Over on t'other Mounting; The Harnt that walks Chilhowee. The Juggler F 9523 Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain, and other Stories F 9521 Contents: Mystery of Witch-Face Moun- tain; Taking the Blue Ribbon at the County Fair; The Casting Vote. MURFREE, M. N. ( Chas. Egbert < dock). 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Aunt Rachel F 5339 A Bit of Human Nature, and Tin- Lively Fanny F 9536 Bob Martin's Little Girl F 9537 By the Gate of the Sea F 9538 Coals of Fire, and other Stories. . . F 9539 Cynic Fortune F 9540 First Person Singular Y 9541 Hearts F 9542 In Direst Peril [Italy, 1847-8] F 5342 John Vale's Guardian F 9543 Joseph's Coat F 9547 A Life's Atonement F 9548 The Martyred Fool F 5542 A Model Father, and other Stones. F 9549 Mount Despair, and other Stories. . F 9550 Old Blazer's Hero F 955 1 Rainbow Gold G 1 142 Schwartz F 9544 Contents: Schwartz; Young Mr. Bar- ker's Repentance; Bulldog and But- terfly; Julia and her Romeo. Time's Revenges F 9545 Yal Strange F 9546 The Way of the World F 9552 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION L99 MURRAY, D. C. The Weaker Vessel. F 5343 and H. Dangerous Catspaw F 5345 and H. HERMAN. The Bishop's Bible F 9553 He fell among Thieves F 5346 One Traveller Returns F 5344 Paul Jones's Alias, etc F 9554 MURRAY, E. C. G. ( Trois-e'toiles). 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Adams . ..F 2335 My Marriage F 5355 My Married life at Hillside. Coffin. ..F 245 My Mother and I. Craik F 338 The same G 902 My M other's Diamonds. Greer H 1455 My Mother's Enemy. Lil'ie H 1745 My Motber-in-Law F 5356 My New Home. Molesworth H 1918 My Novel. 2 v. Lytton F 5015 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 389 My Odd Little Folk; Rhymes. DouglasH 1200 MyOpinions and Betsy Bobbet's. HolleyF 1236 My Own Child. Lean G 893 My Own Fairy Book. Lang H 1712 My Own Story. Howitt H 464,6 My Pets; Recollections of Childhood. Lippincott H 1760,3 My Pretty Jane. Rowlands F 6419 My Run Home. Browne F 8040 My Sister Jeannie. Dudevant F 466 My Sister Kitty. Bates F 5357 My Sister the Actress. Lean G 977 My Sister's Confession. Maxwell F 189 My Sister's Husband. Stapleton F 6744 My Soldier Keeper. Wolley F 7634 n's Wife. Porter F 5954 My Southern Friends. Gilmore F 663 My Story. Macquoid G 773 My Strange Rescue. Oxley H 1969 My Summer on a Farm. Warner K 1049 My Trivial Life and Misfortune. 2 v. . F 5354 v. 1. Spinsterhood. 2. Meum and Teum. My Two Wives; by one of their Hus- bands F - ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 201 My Uncle Benjamin. Tillier F 7140 My Uncle Florimond. Harland H 1543 My Uncle, the Clockmaker. Howitt.. . H 464,5 My Uncle, the Curate. 3 v. Savage.... F 1480 My Uncle Toby. Sterne. I 3897 My Watch below. Russell F 5353 My Wayward Pardner. Holley F 401 1 My Wife and I. Stowe F 1733 My Wife and My Wife's Sister F 2201 My Young Alcides. Yonge F 2021 The same G 831 Myddleton Pomfret. Ainsworth G 27 MYERS, P. H. The First of the Knick- erbockers [Tale of 1673] F 3300 Mynn's Mystery, The. Fenn F 3425 Myra Mordaunt. McMillan F 5501 Myrtis, and other Sketches. Sigourney.F 6647 Myself; a Romance of New England Life. Emery F 1225 Myself and My Relatives. Robertson. F 143a Mysteries of Paris. Sue F 1714 The same. 3 v *F 6701 Mysteries of St. Petersburg. Gortscha- kov F 3665 Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne. Ainsworth F 19 Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe F 6296 The same * F 1 1 5,45-47 Mysterious Disappearance of Helen St. Vincent. Flinn F 3362 Mysterious Guest. Dupuy F 506 Mysterious Island. Verne F 1821 Mysterious Legends of Edinburgh. Leigh- ton F 4894 Mysterious Voyage of the Daphne. Whit- marsh and others H 2716 Mystery, A. Durand F 3139 Mystery Evans. Baker \- iz^. Mystery of a Diamond. Converse H 1 167 Mystery of Abel Forefinger. Drysdale. H 1229 Mystery of Bar Harbor. Leffingwell. . F 4923 Mystery of Beechey Grange. Adams. H 85 Mystery of Cloomber. Doyle F 8457 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dckens...F 414 The same G 163 Mystery of Hotel Brichet. VachettcF 7347 Mystery of Jessy Page. Wood G 1215 Mystery of Lost River Canyon. FosdickH 1358 Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston.F 533 Mystery of Mirbridge. Payn G 1301 Mystery of New Orleans. Holcombc.F 4124 Mystery of Stephen Claverton & Co. Knight F 4751 Mystery of the Campagna. Von Degen.F 7222 Mystery of the Inn by the Shore. JamesF 4543 Mystery of the Locks. Howe F 405 1 Mystery of the Ocean Star. Russell.. .F 6360 Mystery of the Patrician Club. VandamF 7350 Mystery of the Rue Soly. Balzac F 7873 Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain. Mur- free F 9521 Myth of Hiawatha, and other Legends. Schoolcraft F 6570 N„ L. M. The Family of the Black Forest F 3453 Xabob. Daudet F 375 Nacoochee; or, Boy Life from Home. Goulding H 1440,2 Xada, the Lily. Haggard F 4186 NADAL, E. S. Notes of a Professional • Exile F 5472 Nadya, a Tale of the Steppes. Norris.F 5478 Nsera; a Tale of Ancient Rome. Gra- ham F 3701 NAILLEN, A. v. d. 5^ Van der NAILLEN, A. Name and Fame. Sergeant and Lester. F 6544 Name this Child. Chesson F 8201 Nameless Castle, The. Jokai .' . F 4502 Nameless Nobleman. Austin F 5450 Nameless Shadow. Giberne F 3657 Nameless Wrestler, A. Bates F 2616 Nan. Lillie H 1741 Nancy. Broughton G 710 Nannette and her Lovers. Gwynne...F 716 Nanon. Dudevant F 3126 N ANTEUIL, C. J. P. de. Captain . . . H 1901 NAPIER, C. J. William the ConquerorF 1229 NAPIER, C. O. G. Tommy Try and what he did in Science H 575 Napoleon and Blucher. Mundt F 1212 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. Mundt F 1213 Narcissa; or, the Road to Rome. Rich- ards F 6441 NARES, E. Thinks-I-to-myself F 1748 Narka, the Nihilist. O'Meara F 5693 Narrow Escape. Cudlip F 352 The same G" 1070 NASBY, P. V., pseud. See LOCKE, D. R. NASH, W. Q. Century of Gossip; New England Life F 5380 Nat, the Naturalist. Fenn H 1305 Natasqua. Davis F 2950 Natchez, The. 3 v. Chateaubriand F 2765 Nathalie. Kavanagh G 295 Nathaniel Vaughan. MacDonald F 1094 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. NATHUSIUS, M. S. v. Elizabeth... .F 5470 Joachim von Kamern, and Diary of a Poor Young Lady G 454 rial Pictures [Spain]. Arrom de Ayala F 241? Native of Winby. Jewett . . F 4466 Nature and Art. Inchbald. The same F 897 Nature's Serial Story. Roe F 6325 Naulahka, The. Kipling and Balestier NAUMAN, M. D. Enchanted Princess.H 572 Nautilus. Richards H al Cadet, The. Stables H 2331 NAVERY,R.de,/^W. Sm DAVID.M.deS. Nazarene, The. Lippard *F 4963 MEAL, J. Great Mysteries and Little Plagues F 1228 Neal the Miller. Kaler H 1006 Near and Heavenly Horizons Gasparin.F 631 Near Neighbors. Peard « I r to Happiness F 5382 Near to Nature's Heart. Roe F 1423 Necklace of Stories. Conway H 1102 Ned Garth. Kingston H 1685 Ned in the Block-House. Ellis H 1261,1 Ned in the Woods. Ellis H 1261,2 Ned on the River. Ellis... II 1261,3 NEEDELL, Mrs. J. H. Lucia, Hugh, and Another F 5484 Passing the Love of Women F 5483 Stephen Ellicott's Daughter F 5481 Story of Philip Methuen F 5482 Vengeance of James Vansittart. . .F 5485 NEELY, K. J. Actions Speak louder than Words H 574,5 Fine Feathers do not make Fine Birds.. . H 574.2 e Good Turn deserves another. . H 574,6 NEENAH./toW. S* FINN, F. J. Negro M yths from Georgia Coast. Jones. F 4445 Neighbor Jack wood. Trowbridg* ! 1806 Neighbors, The. Bremer.. 177 The same I 3004,1 Neighbors of Ours. Nevinson, F 5489 Neighbors' Wives. Trowbridge F 1803 Neighbours. Molesworth H 1839 Neighbours on the Green. OHphant..G 1338 Neila Sen. Connelly 3095 Nell Hafienden. Hopkins F 3807 Nell— on and off the Stage. Buxton. .G 877 Nellie Netterville. Caddell 1235 Nellie Warren. Wise H 2679,2 Nellie's Memories. Carey I 2735 434 1937 553.1 1601 5389 5490 1769 656 657 37 5390 2684 999 1 166 2269 5488 Nelly Brooke. Lea: Nelly Kinnard's Kingdom. Doug! Nelly Marlow in Washington. Nelly Milton's Housekeeping. M.< Nelly's Silver Mine. Jackson H NELSON, H. L. John Rantoul . . NEMEC, B. The Grandmother; I try Life in Bohemia | Nemesis. Terhune I Neptune afloat. Rover ... H Neptune outward bound. Rover Nero. Abbott H Nero. 2 v. Eckstein .1 Nesbits, The, and other Tales I Nest of Sparrows. Whathani \ \ Nestlenook. Kip I Never again. Mayo 1 Nevermore. Browne F NEVINSON, H. W. In the Valley of Tophet I Contents: A Vicarious Sacrifice; An Undcsired Victory; The Tale of Shadow; On the Road to Parnassus; His Ewe Lamb; An Anti-Social Offend- er; The Old Adam; An Autumn Cro- cus; Miss RachehTbe Tragedy of K stead; Geordie's Marrow; An Old Red Rag. ^hbors of Ours; Slum Stories of London 5489 Contents: Old Parky; An Aristocrat of Labor; The St. George of Rochester: Mrs. Simon's Baby; Sissero's Return; Little Scotty; A Man of Genius; In the Spring. Father Chris mas; Only an Accident. New Abelard, The. Buchanan New Age of Gold. Payson F 6401 New Alice in the Old Wonderland H 1047 New and True. Staver 1 1 New Antigone, The. Barry I 5388 New Arab an Nights. Kirby H 1659 New Arabian Nights. Stevenson F 6681 New Aristocracy, A. Arnold . 1 2360 New Atlantis. Bacon F 1196 The same J 11,1 New Bed-Time Stories. Moulton H 1830 New Boy at Southcott. Baldwin H 986 New Continent, The. Worthey F 7640 New Departure for Girls. Lothrop . . .H len, The. Hyne F 4281 New England Cactus. Humphrey F 7235 New England Conscience, A. GreeneF 3693 New England Legends. Spofford. I ngland Life. Nash F 5380 New England Nun, A. Wilkins F 7583 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. L>o:t New England Winter, A. James F 4415 New Girl, The. Gellie H 1416 NewGodiva. Hodges F 823 New Graft on the Family Tree. Alden.F 2304 New Grab Street Gissing G 1423 New Harry and Lucy. Hale F 3836 New History of Sanford and Merton. Hurnand H 255 New Home— who'll follow? Kirkland.F 962 New Hope; or, the Rescue F 1230 New Judgment of Paris. Lafargue F 4951 New Lights. Sadlier F 1630, New Magdalen. Collins 1 257 The same G 103 New Man at Rossmere. Walworth F 7458 New Mexico David, A. Lummis H 1776 New Mexico, Great-Grandmother's Girls in. Champney . H 1120 New Minister. Paul.. I 6016 New Mistress, The. Fenn F 3504 New Nobility. Forney . F 3531 Paul and Virginia. Mallock E 4524 New Priest in Conception Bay. Lowell.F 4980 New Prince Fortunatus. Black G 1353 New Purchase. 2 v. Hall. I 3937 Race. Frederich I 6244 New Rector, The. Weyman F 7622 New Republic, The. Mallock 1 4525 v Robinson Crusoe. Alden H 98 w Sporting Stories. . F 5451 Virginians, The. 2v F 5391 New Waggings of Old Tales. Bangs.. E 1972 New Way to win a Fortune. Dupuy. .F 469 New Woman. Linton. 4837 New World Series. See Alger, H., Jr. New-Year*! Bargain. Woolsey H 301 New Year's Tangles. Alden H 88 New York Family, A. Fawcett F 3597 New York; its Upper Ten and Lower Million. Lippard *F 4964 New York, Knickerbocker's History of. Irving J 138 NEWBERRY, F. E. Houseof Hollister.F 5747 Not for Profit F 5447 NEWBY, Mrs. E. Common Sense. . .G 455 Newcomes, The. 4 v. in 2. Thackeray. G 589 NEWELL, C. M. Kalani of Oahu; His- torical Romance of Hawaii F 5454 Kameham£ha,the ConqueringKingF 5453 Voyage of the Fleetwing F 5383 NEWELL, R. H. {Orpheus C. Kerr). Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. 3V...F 1232 Smoked Glass F 1233 NEWELL, R. H. {Orpheus C. Kerr). There was once a Man F 5392 Walking Doll F 1234 Newell Boys. Whipple H 579 NEWKIRK, G. Rhymes of the States [United States] H 1934 NEWMAN, J. H. Callista; Sketch of the Third Century G 456 Loss and Gain ; Story of a ConvertF 5393 NEWMAN, Mrs. M. W. Jean F 1242 Newport. Lathrop F 4892 Newport Aquarelle. Elliott F 5455 News from Nowhere. Morris F 5316 NEWTON, W. W. Philip MacGregor. F 5492 st and Man; or, Abelard and Heloisa F 5970 Newton Forster. Marry at F 5236 Next Door. Burnham F 2678 Next- Door House. Molesworth H 1888 Next 0< Kin Wanted. Edwards G 1291 Next Things. Alden H 918 NIBELUNOEN LIED: Baldwin. Story of Siegfried H 1015 Frost. The Wagner Story Book.. F 3635 Moore. Echoes from Mist- Land. .E 4234 Nibsy's Christmas. Riis H 2169 NICHOLAS, Q. A., pseud. See WORTH- INOTON, Mrs. E. S. ...lasMinturn. Holland F 824 Nicholas Nick leby. Dickens F 402 The same G 164 MCHOLLS, Mrs. C. (Charlotte Bronte). Jane Eyre F 1236 The same G 458 The Professor F 1237 The same G 459 Shirley F 1240 The same G 460 Villette F 1239 The same G 461 NICHOLS, I. P. Princess Girlikin, and other Fairy Tales H 1957 NICHOLS, L. D. Nelly Marlow in Wash- ington H 1937 Up Hill and down Dale H 1936 NICHOLSON.J.H.AdventuresofHalekF 5459 NICHOLSON, J. S. Dreamer of DreamsF 3008 Thoth G 1346 Toxar F 7063 Nick of the Woods. Bird F 155 Nicolas Muss. Du Bois-Melly F 3020 Nidworth. Prentiss F 1353 NIEBUHR, B. Q. Greek Hero-StoriesH 570 204 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. NIETSCHMANN.H.O. Count Erbach; a Story of the Reformation F 6S44 Night and Morning. Lytton F 5016 The same G 391 Night at Sea. Griffin F 709,5 Night of the 3d ult. Wood F 7636 Night on the Borders of the Black Forest. Edwards G 734 Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris F 3958 Nihilist Princess. Gagneur F 3641 Nikanor. Durand F 3137 NILES, Willys, pseud. See HUME, J. F. Nim and Cum and the Wonder-Head Stories. Yale H 2757 Nimble Dollar,and other Stories. Thomp- son F 6979 Nimrod & Co. Ohnet F 5617 Nimrod of the Sea. Davis F 359 Nina. Bremer I 3004,2 Nina Balatka. Trollope G 462 Nina Gordon; or, Dred. Stowe V 1726 Nina's Atonement. Tiernan F 3497 Nina's Peril. Miller F 5207 Nine Blessings, The. Norris F 5493 Nine Days' Wonder. AId6 F 32 The same G 691 Nine Little Goslings. Woolsey H 792 Nine Men's Morrice. Pollock F 5979 Nine Years Old. Stephenson H 581 Ninette. Dempster F 2981 The same G 1 324 Ninety-Three. Hugo F 882 NISBET, H. The Divers, a Romance of Oceania H 1925 Land of the Hibiscus Blossom; Yarn of the Papuan Gulf H 1914 Nisida ; or, Two Winters in Madeira. Crane F 2887 NISWONGER, C. E. The Isle of Fem- inine F 5491 NITSCH, H. A. {Catherine Owen). Gen- tle Breadwinners K 6413 Molly Bishop's Family K 64 16 Ten Dollars enough K 6398 Nix's Mate. 2 v. Dawes F 2949 No. Cooke H 1 1 44 No Alternative. Cudlip F 1779 No Ambition. Sergeant F 6515 No Church. Robinson G 463 No Enemy (but himself). Hubbard... F 4310 No Gentlemen. Burnham F 5401 No Heroes. Teufifel H 2475 No Intentions. Lean G 894 No Man's Friend. Robinson 1 1431 No Moss. Fosdick H 267,3 NO Name. 3 v. in 2. Collins G 714 NO NAME SERIES: Alcott. Modern Mephistopheles.and A Whisper in the Dark F 2186 Almost a Duchess F 2210 Austin. Mrs. Beauchamp Brown.. F 2195 Baker. His Majesty, Myself F 2194 Boyesen.Daughter of the PhilistinesF 2207 Brush. Colonel's Opera Cloak F 2193 Carrington. Aschenbroedel F 2203 Chamberlain. Manuela Parades. . F 2199 Clark. Baby Rue F 2200 Cracker Joe F 2215 Craik. Will Denbigh F 2187 Diane Coryval F 2209 Dodge. Question of Identity F 221; Fletcher. Kismet F Mirage F 2189 Fox. Gemini F 2i<>o Hamerton. Her Picture F 2202 Marmorne F 2 iqi Her Crime F 2204 Hooper. The Tsar's Window F 2 108 Hunt. Barrington's Fate F 2206 Ingelow. Don John F 2197 Jackson. Hetty's Strange History. F 2212 Mercy Philbrick's Choice F 2184 Joyce. Dierdre (a Poem) E 7090 Lathrop. Afterglow F (Ed.). Masque of Poets E 7939 My Wife and my Wife's Sister F 2231 Preston. Is that all? F Princess AmeMie F Salvage F 2196 Smith. The Great Match, and other Matches F 2181 Tincker. Signor Monaldini's Weitzel. Justina F 2213 Wolf at the Door F 2188 Yardley. Little Sister F 2205 A Superior Woman F 22 1 1 No New Thing. Norris F $429 No Saint. Sergeant F 6541 No Sense like Common Sense. Howitt. H 464,7 No Thoroughfare. Dickens and Collins.G 165 NOBLE, A. L. How Billy went up in the World H 1027 In a Country Town F 5461 M iss Janet s Old House H 1928 Miss Roberts' Lodgers F 5457 The Professor's D. lemma F 5465 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 205 NOBLE, A. L. Rachel's Farm F $458 Uncle Jack's Executors F 5460 and P. C. CO ANN. Love and Shawl- Straps F 545 6 NOBLE, L. Reverend Idol F 5462 Noble Blood. Hawthorne F 3976 Noble Blood. Wildenbruch F 7661 Noble Deeds of our Fathers. Watson.. H 2661 Noble Life. Craik G 118 Noble Name. Glumer F 3659 Noble Purpose nobly Won. Rathbone.F 2096 Noble Wife. Saunders G 815 Nobleman of '89. Quinton F 1372 Nobler Sex, The. Lean F 5400 Noblesse Oblige. Keddie F 7165 Noblesse Oblige. Roberts F 324 Nobody. Warner F 7483 Nobody's Fault. Syrett F 9877 Nobody's Fortune. Yates F 2007 The same G 657 NODIER, J. C. E. Trilby, the Fairy of Argyle F 5730 NOEL, Lady A. From Generation to Generation G 1134 Hithersea Mere G 1299 Owen G Wynne's great Work F 1253 No£mi. Gould F 8922 NOLAN, A. Byrnes of Glengoulah. . . F 1245 None Such? Haynes F 41 16 Nonsense Songs. Lear H 516 Nor Wife nor Maid. Hungerford F 2315 Nora. Brackel F 1064 Nora and Archibald Lee. Blagden F 1248 Nora Brady's Vow. Dorsey F 424 Nora Creina. Hungerford F 9081 Nora's Love Test. Hay F 805 NORDAU, M. S. The Comedy of Sen- timent F 5473 The Malady of the Century F 5474 NORDHOFF, C. Cape Cod and all along Shore F 1 24 1 Man-of-War Life; a Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy H 192 1 The Merchant Vessel H 1922 Politics for Young Americans L 99 Whaling and Fishing H 1923 Norica. Hagen F 723 Norine's Revenge. Fleming F 593 NORMAN, Mrs. M. M. (M. M. Uowie). Gallia F 8510 Some Whims of Fate F 85 1 1 Contents: Wladislaw's Advent; The Hint o'Hairst; A Man I Met; An Idyll in Millinery; A Cowl in Cracow. NORMAN, H. (Ed.). The Broken Shaft; Tales in Mid-Ocean F Contents : On Board the Bavaria, by Nor- man; The Upper Berth, by Crawford; Markheim, by Stevenson; Marjory, by Anstey; The Action to the Word, by Pollock; My Fascinating Friend, by Archer;Riley, M. P., by Hopkins; Love and Lightning, by Norman. The Witching Time F For Contents, See Witching Time. Norman Leslie. Hamilton F Norodom, King of Cambodia. McGloin . F NORRIS, Mrs. E. M. (E. Marryat). Alda Graham and her Brother Philip. H Early Start in Life H Theodora; Tale for Girls H Henry Lyle; or, Life and ExistenceF NORRIS, M. H. A Damsel of the Eighteenth Century H Dorothy Delafield H Lakewood, a Story of To- Day F The Nine Blessings F NORRIS, O. M. Nadya, a Tale of the Steppes V NORRtS, W. E. Bachelor's Blunder.G The Baffled Conspirators F Billy Bellew 1 Clarissa Furiosa F The Countess Radna F The Dancer in Yellow F The Despotic Lady F Heaps of Money F H is Grace F Jack's Father, and other Stories. ..F Contents: Jack's Father; Romance of Paulilatino;The Wingham Case. Major and Minor G The same. 2 v F Marcia F Marietta's Marriage F Matrimony F Matthew Austin . F Misadventure G Miss Shafto F The same G M iss Wentworth's Idea F Mrs. Fenton F The same G My Friend Jim G No New Thing F That Terrible Man F The Rogue F The same G St. Ann's F A Victim of Good Luck F 5464 206 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Norse Love Story, A. Lie F 1063 Norse Stories from the Eddas. Mabie.F 5124 Norseland Tales. Boyesen F 8017 Norseman's Pilgrimage. Boyesen F 165 Norsemen in the West. Ballantyne.. .H 226 Norstone. Hattersley F 3968 NORTH, Barclay, pseud. See HUDSON, W. C. NORTH, Christopher,/*?*^. See WLSON, J. NORTH, W. Slave of the Lamp F 1254 North against South; or, Texar's Re- venge. Verne F 7317 North and South. Gaskell F 648 The same G 23 1 North Country Comedy, A. Edwards.. F 3264 North Pole; Charlie Wilson's Adventures in Search of it H 1935 North Wall, The. Davidson F 8554 North Wind and Sunshine. Lyster. . . H 1794 Northanger Abbey. Austen G 31 Northern Cross. Allen H 940,3 Northern Lands. Adams H 1 1 2,2 Northern Lands, Wonderful Stories from. Goddard H 430 Northern Light. Buerstenbinder F 2469 Northern Lights; Stories from Swedish and Finnish Authors F 1244 NORTHRUP,S. Twelve Years a Slave. F 1246 North wood. Hale F 3934 NORTON,C.E.S. See MAXWELL, Lady C. NORTON, C. L. Fighting for the Flag Series H 1926 1. Jack Benson's Log. and J. HABBERTON. Canoeing in Kanuckia F 3932 NORTON, F.M. The Stalwarts; or, Who were to Blame? [Am. Politics].. .F 1320 NORTON, J. N. King's Ferry- Boat. . H 576 Nortons, The. Altgeld F 2329 Norwood. Beecher F 2496 Not aUin Vain. Cross F 3321 Not Angels quite. Dole F 3028 Not Counting the Cost. Couvreur V 8263 Not easily Jealous. Hardy F 1240 The same G 466 Not for Him. Holt F 4033 Not for Profit. Newberry F 5447 Not in the Prospectus. Talbot F 2960 Not in their Set. Lenzen 1 F 1044 Not like other Girls. Carey F 2745 The same G 1407 Not quite Eighteen. Woolsey H 2730 Not to the Swift. Watson F 41 15 Not wanted. Pollard H 2x18 Not wisely, but too well. Broughton.G 54 Not without Thorns. Molesworth F 679 Not Wooed, but Won. Payn G 467 Notary's Daughter. Biart G 746 Notary's Nose, The. About F 2327 Notes of a Professional Exile. Nadal. . F 5472 Nothing but Leaves. Doudney F 2987 Nothing but Money. Arthur H 178 NOTLEY, Mrs. F. E. M. From the other Side F 5587 Noughts and Crosses. Couch G 1412 Novel Notes. Jerome F 4476 Novels and Tales from Household Words. 36 v.in 18 G 158 Novels by Eminent Hands. Thackeray.G 588,5 Now and Then. Warren G 628 Now or Never. Adams H 106,3 Nowadays, and other Stories. HibbardF 4198 NOWELL, Mrs. H. P. H. (May Man- nering). Helping Hand Series.. .H 577 v.i. Climbing the Rope. 2. Billy Grimes' Favorite. 3. Cruise of the Dashaway. 4. Little Spaniard. 5. Salt-water Dick. 6. Little Maid of Oxbow. Nugents of Carriconna. Hopkins F 4080 Nuggets in the Devil's Punch Bowl, and other Tales. Robertson F 6416 Nulma. Praed F 6156 Numa Roumestan. Daudet F 2958 Number 49 Tinkham Street. Cheney.. H 3470 No. 747; Autobiography of a Gipsy. Carew F 3347 No. XIII.; Story of the Lost Vestal. Mar- shall F 5184 The same G n 44 Nun, The, and other Tales. Sherwood . F 1 545,7 Nuna, the Bramin Girl. French F 3571 Nurse Elisia. Fenn F 3428 Nurse Heatherdale's Story. Molesworth H 1887 Nurse Revel's Mistake. James F 7468 Nursery Noonings. Dodge E 1061 Nursery Songs and Rhymes. Gould. . H 4010 Nutshell Novels. Sterry F 6899 NUTT, J. A. For King and Country . F 5740 Nuttie's Father. Yonge F 2036 The same . . G 837 NUTTING, M. O. (M. Barrett). Wil- liam the Silent, and Netherland War, 1555-1584 H 1003 NYE, E. W. {Bill Nye). Baled Hay.. F 5495 Bill Nye's Chestnuts F 5497 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. •207 NYE, E. W. (Bill Nye). Forty Liars and other Lies F Sparks from the Pen of Bill Nye.. .F Nymph of the West. Seely F NYNE, Atey, pseud. See PARKER J. O. T.; a Danish Romance. Andersen. F O Tender Dolores. Hungerford F The same G Same as Green Pleasure and Grey O Thou, My Austria! Kirschner F Oak Openings. Cooper F Oakleigh. Deland F Oakridge. Smith F Oakshott Castle. Kingsley G OBER, F. A. Knockabout Club in North Africa H Knockabout Club in search of Treas- ure f I Knockabout Club in Spain H Knockabout Club in the Antilles and thereabouts H Knockabout Club in the Ever- glades H Knockabout Club on the Spanish Main H Montezuma's Gold Mines [Central America] H Silver City; Adventures in MexicoH Young Folks' History of Mexico. .B OBERHOLTZER, Mrs. S. L. V. Hope's Heart-Bells [Quakers] F Oberon's Horn. Morley H Object of Life F Oblivion; an Episode. McClelland. .F O'BRIEN, C. G. Light and Shade 2 v.F O'BRIEN, F. J. The Diamond Lens, and other Stories F Contents: The Diamond Lens ; The Wondersmith ; Tommatoo ; Mother of Pearl; The Bohemian; The Lost Room The Pot of Tulips; The Golden Ingot My Wife's Tempter; What was It Duke Humphrey's Dinner; Milly Dove The Dragon Fang. O'BRIEN, R. B. Jack Hazlitt, A. M..F O'BRIEN, W. When we were Boys [Modern Ireland] F O'BYRNE, M. L. The Baron of Bel- gard; or, the Pale and the Septs. F Ocala Boy. Thompson H Occasional Holiday, An. Potapeeko..F Occupations of a Retired Life. Mayo.F Ocean Born. Adams H Ocean Free Lance. Russell * . . F 5498 5406 6538 5o 2434 1 138 Grief. 4701 275 8474 1552 313 1975 '977 1974 1973 1971 1976 1972 1970 4801 5606 1822 5605 5160 5604 5601 1250 5602 2750 2558 7245 640 1 13.6 6467 Ocean Star, Mystery of. Russell F 6360- Ocean Tragedy, An. Russell F 6362 Ocean Tramp, An. Hey wood H 1 520 Ocean Waifs. Reid H 627 O'CONNOR, W. D. Three Tales F 5641 Contents: The Ghost; The Brazen An- droid; The Carpenter. O'Connors of Ballinahinch. Hunger- ford F 2313 Octagon Club. Heaton F 5610 OCTAVE THANET, pseud. See FRENCH, A, Odd Couple. Oliphant F 1257 Odd Folks at Home. MatSaux H 1809 Odd Number, The. Maupassant F 5267 Odd or Even ? Whitney F 194 1 Odd People Reid H 62$ Same as The Man-Eaters. Odd Situation. Waterloo. F 7659 Odd Women, The. Gissing F 3755 Oddities in Southern Life and Character. Watterson E 6410 Odds against him. Alger H 948 ODELL, S. W. Atlanteans; Adam Lore's Choice H 1986 Odette's Marriage. Delpit F 367 O'Donoghue, The. Lever G 348 OERTEL.P. F. W.The Scissor-Grinder, and other Stories F 125 1 Contents: The Scissor-Grinder; The School-Master of Abbach; The Asylum ; The May-Qeeen. Of High Degree. Gibbon F 3747 Of the World, Worldly. Bridges F 3607 Off Lynnport Light. Watson F 7674 Off the Rocks. Fox F 982 Off the Roll. King F 984 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow F 000 The same G 754 Off the Track. Denison H 336 Off to Sea. Kingston H 1667 Off to the Geysers. Stephens H 686,3 OGDEN, A.( Tr.). Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Authors ..H 1993 Contents : A Bird in the Snow, by Valdes ; A Christmas in the Forest, by Theuriet; The Louis-d'or, by Coppe6; A Christ- mas Supper in the Marais, by Daudet; The Princess and the Ragamuffin, by Galdos; A Tragedy, by Mare; The Three Low Masses, by Daudet; The Poet's Christmas Eve, by Alarcon; I take Sup- per with my Wife, by Droz; The Yule Log, by Simon; The Mule and the Ox, by Galdos; Solange, the Wolf-girl, by Prevost; Salvette and Bernadon, by Daudet; Maese Pe>ez, the Organist, by Becquer; The Torn Cloak, by DuCamp. CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, OGDEN, H. Dr. Barringford's School . H 1980 OGDEN, R. Courage; a Story H 1982 His Little Royal Highness H 1981 Ogilvie Whittlechurch. Stannard F 6870 Ogil vies, the. Craik G 119 OGLE, A. :csn). Georgy SandonF 1278 O'ORADY, S. H. The Chain of Gold; Adventure on Coast of Ireland..H 1987 Ulrick, the Ready [Ireland under Elizabeth] F 5766 OHNET, G. Antoinette; or, the Marl- Pit Mystery F 5614 I v . Rameau F 5613 1 he Ironmaster F 5612 A Last Love F 5615 Lise Fleuron F 561 1 Nimrod & Co F 5617 Peter's Soul F 5616 OHORN,L.M. The Angel of the VillageF 5620 Olaf the Glorious. Leighton H Old Abbott's Road. Alldridge F 2407 Old Adam, The. Boyesen F 1319 Old and New Friends. Brown H 1990 Old Bachelor in the Old Scottish Village. Aird E 1821 Old Back Room. Harrison H Old Battle Ground. Trowbridge H 736, i Old Beau, and other Stories. \Vood....F 7588 Old Blazer's Hero. Murray F 9551 Old Boniface. Picard F Old Caravan Days. Catherwood H 1086 Old Celtic Romances. Joyce . . F 054 Old Chelsea Bun-House. Rathbone. ..F 2086 Old Christie's Cabin. Brodie H 1046 Old Chronicle of Leighton. Hamer...F 3819 Old Church Door. Warner H - Old Comrades. Giberne F 8932 Old Country Idylls. Stafford F 6487 Old Court. Ainsworth G 2: Old Court Life in France. Elliot F 539 The same G 74 1 Old Court Life in Spain. 2 v. Elliot.. F 3247 Old Creole Days. Cable F 2719 Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens F 411 The same G 162,1-2 Old Dacres' Darling. Cudlip F 7036 Old Doctor, The. Cheney F 2764 Old Doctor's Son. Chellis H 278 Old Dominion. James F 45 11 Old Ebenezer. Read F 6171 Old English Baron. Reeve F 1889 The same *F 115,22 The same *I 3407 Old English Fairy Tales. Gould H 401 1 Old Factory, The. Westall F 7533 Old Farm Fairies. McCook H 1946 Old-Fashioned Boy. Finley H 386 Old-Fashioned Folk. Frapan F 7267 Old-Fashioned Girl. Alcott H 129 Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving. Alcott.H 124,6 Old Father Time. Francillon F 3615 Old-Field School Girl, An. Terhune...F 6943 Old Fogy. Walworth F 7440 Old Fort Duquesne. McKnight F in; Old Friends and New. Jewett F 905 Old Friends with New Faces; Mother Goose Melodies H 1985 Old Fritz. Mundt F 1214 Old Fulkerson's Clerk. Walworth F 7442 Old Gentleman of the Black Stock. Page.F 6 Old Haun, the Pawnbroker H 1984 Old Helmet. Warner F 1869 Old House at Sandwich. 2 v. Hatton.F 7316 Old House by the Boyne. Sadlier F 1638 Old House by the River. Prime F 1361 Old House in the Square. Weber F ~ : Old Jack. Kingston H 510 Old Judge. Haliburton F 3905 Old Kaskaskia. Catherwood F 3356 Old Kensington. Ritchie F 1745 The same G 827 Old Lady Mary. Oliphant F 5659 The same F 1724 Old Maid's Love. Schwartz F 5362 The same G 1430 Old Maid's Paradise, An. Ward F 5897 Old Maids' Club. Zangwill F 7699 Old Mam'selle's Secret. John F 936 Old Man Savarin, and other Stories. Thomson F 6984 Old Man's Love, An. Trollope G 1 188 Old Man'f Romance. Craigie F 8366 Old Manor House. Smith *F 115,36-37 Old Margaret. Kingsley F 4747 Old Mark Langston. Johnston F 4453 Old Miscellany Days; Stories from Bent- ley's Miscellany F 5650 Old Mr. Tredgold. Oliphant F 5786 Old Mortality. Scott F 2164 The same G 547 Old Myddleton's Money. Hay F 809 Old New-England Days. Damon F 2944 Old, Old Fairy Tales. Valentine H 261 1 Old, Old Story, The. Carey F 8181 Old Order Changes, The. Mallock F 5212 Old Patroon. Maitland F up ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 209 Old Pincushion. Molesworth H 1894 Old Post-Road, The. McClelland F 5329 Old River House. Hertz-Garten F 7230 Old Rough, the Miser. Wesselhoeft . . H 758 Old Sailor's Yarns. Coffin F 2814 Old St. Paul's. Ainsworth F 21 Old Settler, the Squire and Little Peleg. Mott F 5632 Old Sir Douglas. Maxwell F 1 247 The same G 464 Old Stone House. Rohlfs F 3786 Old Tales from Grecian Mythology. Lamed H 17 13 Old Times in the Colonies. Coffin B 761 ( >ld Times in Middle Georgia. Johnston. F 4534 Old Ways and New. Roseboro' F 64 1 1 Old Wives' Fables. Laboulaye F 4882 Old Woman who lived in a Shoe.DouglasF 2992 Old Woman's Outlook in a Hampshire Village. Yonge F 2048 Old World Japan. Rinder F 6396 OLDBOY, O., pwud. See BAILEY, O. Oldbury. Keary G 981 Oldtown Folks. Stowe 1 1729 Olga's Crime. Barrett V 2290 OLIPHANT, L. Altiora Peto F 5670 Irene Macgillicuddy 1 1740,1 The same G 1170,1 Masollam .' G 1 437 Piccadilly F $671 Traits and Travesties F 5672 OLIPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. Agnes. G 468 At his Gates F 1 259 Carita G 1020 Chronicles of Carlingford: Miss Majoribanks G 473 Perpetual Curate G 479 The Rector, and The Doctor's Family G 469 Salem Chapel G 480 Qountry Gentleman, and his FamilyG 1270 Th<* Cuckoo in the Nest F 5782 Curate in Charge G 1013 Days of my Life F 1262 Diana, the History of a Great Mis- take F 5788 The Duke's Daughter G 1385 Effie Ogilvie F 5658 For Love and Life F 1269 The same G 1014 The Fugitives G 1386 Greatest Heiress in England G 11 49 Harry Joscelyn G 1152 OLIPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. He that will not when he may G 1 15 1 The Heir Presumptive and the Heir Apparent F 5686 Hester. 3 v. in 2 G 1145 A House in Bloomsbury F 5784 House on the Moor F 1263 In Trust G 1153 Innocent F 1268 The same G 470 , It was a Lover and his Lass. 3 v. in 2G 11 54 John ; a Love Story F 1 260 Kirsteen; Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago G 1439 Ladies Lindores F 5682 Laird of Norlaw F 1264 Land of Darkness F 5685 Contents: The Land of Darkness; The Little Pilgrim; On the Dark Mountains. The Last of the Mortimers G 471 Little Pilgrim in the Unseen F 4911 The same G 1 440 Lucy Crofton F 1266 Madam F 5683 Madonna Mary G 472 Marriage of Elinor F 5781 May F 1265 The same G 474 The Minister's Wife G 476 Mrs. Arthur G 1022 Neighbours on the Green G 1338 An Odd Couple F 1257 Old Lady Mary F 1724 The same F 5659 Old Mr. Tredgold F 5786 Ombra G 477 The Open Door; The Portrait F 5859 Passages in the Life of Mrs. Mar- garet Maitland G 478 Phoebe, Junior F 1258 The same G 1016 The Portrait F 5859 Primrose Path F 5681 The same G 1019 Quiet Heart, The F 1374 The Railway Man and hisChildrenF 5687 Rose in June F 1270 The same G 101 5 Sir Robert's Fortune F 5783 Sir Tom F 5684 Son of the Soil F 1267 Squire Arden F 1271 Story of a Governess F 5787 210 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. OLIPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. Story of Valentine and his Brother F 1273 The same G 1017 Two Stories of the Seen and the Unseen: The Open Door; Old Lady Mary F 1724 Two Strangers F 5846 The Unjust Steward; or, the Minis- ter's Debt F 5789 The Ways of Life F 5790 Contents: Mr. Sanford; Wonderful His- tory of Mr. Robert Dalzell. Whiteladies F 1272 The same G 1018 Who was Lost and is Found F 5785 Within the Precincts. 3 V. in 2.... G n$o Wizard's Son. 3 v. in 2 G 1146 Young Musgrave . F 5780 The same G 102 1 and T. B. ALDRICH. The Second Son F 5680 Olive. Craik G 120 Olive Loring's Mission. Lawrence F 1036 Olive Smith. Pemberton H 2056 OLIVER, M., fiseud. See BROWN, C. I . Oliver Bright's Search. Stratemeyer. . H 2 : Oliver Cromwell. Herbert F 802 Oliver Ellis. Grant F 8828 Oliver of the Mill. Charlesworth G 723 Oliver Twist. Dickens F 399 The same G 167 Olivia. Molesworth H 1917 Olivia Delaplaine. Fawcett F 3468 OLNEY, E. W. See KIRK, E. W. O. Olympe de Cleves. 2 v. Dumas F 8485 Olympia's Journal. Holnut F Ombra. Oliphant G 477 Ombra, L.' Lepic F 3775 O f MEARA, K. {Grace Ramsay). Are you my Wife? F 63 Battle of Connemara F 5688 Iza; Story of Russian Poland F 5690 Mabel Stanhope F 5692 Narka, the Nihilist F 5693 Pearl F 5691 Salon of Last Days of the [2d] Em- pire, and other Sketches F 1376 Contents: The Parisienne en deshabille; The Business of Life; Extremes meet; Wanted Three Millions; A Berlin awakening; Excelsior; Mademoiselle Adrienne; Number Thirteen. Omega; the Last Days of the World. Flammarion F 3631 Omnia Vanitas. Bridges G 1059 Omoo. Melville I 1909 On a False Charge. Hopkins F 4285 Iargin. Chambers F 5700 On Board the Esmeralda. H utcheson . H 1 5 29 On both Sides. Baylor F On both Sides of the Sea. Charles G 80 On Circumstantial Evidence. Lean...G 1320 On Cloud Mountain. Clark F 8243 On Dangerous Ground. Moore F 1 220 On Guard. Cudlip . G 139 On many Seas. Hamblen I 9781 wfound River. Page F 5911 On Special Service. Stables H 2394 On the Amazons. Stephens H 686,6 OntheBanksof the Amazon. KingstonH 501 On the Banks of the Ouse. Marsha On the Blockade. Adams H 890,3 On the Border. Gilmore F 662 On the Borderland. Keyser . . . 964 On the Cross. H i 1 lern 4009 On the Edge of the Storm. Roberts. G 481 Onthe Edgeof Winter. Markham...H 181 1 On the Eve. Turgenev F 1814 On the Face of the Waters. Steel. . . . F 6718 ( >n the Fo'k'sle Head. Russell F 6359 On the Frontier. Harte F 3967 On the Heights. 3 v. in 2. Auerbach. G 29 On the Heights of Himalay. Van der Naillen F 5475 On the Irrawaddy. Henty H \222 On the Lake of Lucerne. Whitby I On the Leads. Butson F 2667 On the Offensive. Putnam F 6007 On the Plantation. Harris F 385 1 On the Point. Dole F 8492 On the Red Staircase. Taylor F 7095 On the Staff. Adams H 890,10 On the Susquehanna. Hammond F 3003 On the Trail of Geronimo. Jayne H 1581,1 On the Trail of the Moose. Ellis H 1237,2 On the Wave. Samuels H 660,3 On the Way. Dall H 316,3 On the Wings of the Wind. Frith.... H 1317 On Time. Adams H 107,3 Once Again. Bridges F 3546 The same G 1256 Once and again. Jenkin G 278 One among many. Talcott F 3664 One by One. Francillon F 3615 One Commonplace Day. Alden F 2390 One Day ; Tale of the Prairies. H ubbard F A3 11 One Day's Weaving. Peebles H 6ic,2 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 211 One Good Guest, The. Walford F 7445 One Good Turn deserves another. NeelyH 574,6 One in a Thousand. Hay ward F 3833 One in a Thousand. James F 916 One Life one Love. Maxwell G 1373 One Little Life. Dickinson H 1216 One Maid's Mischief. Fenn F 3591 One Man who was Content, and other Stories. Van Rensselaer F 7381 ,£1,000,000 Bank-Note, and other Stories. Clemens F 7152 One Night's Mystery. Fleming F 589 One of Berrian's Novels. Stone F 6747 One of his Inventions. Gibbon F 3746 One of our Conquerors. Meredith F 5276 One of the Duanes. Hamilton F 3908 One of the Six Hundred. Grant F 8829 One of the Thirty. Jennings F 4427 One of the 28th. Henty H 1483 One of them. Lever G 349 One of Three. Fothergill F 3539 The same G 963 One of the Visconti. Brodhead F 8109 One Reason why. Whitby F 7643 One Summer. Teuffel F 869 One Thing Needful. Maxwell G 1247 One Thousand Dollars a Day. Knapp.F 4570 One too many, The. Linton F 4836 One Traveller Returns. Murray and Her- man F 5344 One who looked on. Montr£sor F 5633 One Woman's Story. Lutz F 5045 One Woman's Way. Pendleton F 6034 One Year. Peard G 491 O'NEILL, J. Garrison Tales from Ton- quin F 5761 Contents: Roebke; Pdre Loraine; Home- sickness; Slovatski; Spiritual Combat; Story of Youp-Youp; Eckermann and Tannemeyer; The Cooly; Le Buif; A Dream; De Perier; Worst of the Bar- gain; The Pagoda. O'NEILL, f\o\r* t pseud. S^HIGQINSON, N. Onesimus. Abbott M 2021 Only. Mackarness H 1784 Only a Butterfly. May G 908 Only a Clod. Maxwell G 43 Only a Commoner. Gould F 8926 Only a Curate. Egomet F 3204 Only a Fiddler. Andersen F 49 Only a Girl. Hillern F 816 Same as Ernestine. Only a Guardroom Dog. Cuthell H 11 37 Only a Pin. Tardieu F 1490 Only a Year. Andrews H 946 Only an Ensign. Grant F 8830 Only an Incident. Litchfield F 4909 Only an Irish Boy. Alger H 866 Only Girls. Townsend H 728 Only Herself. Cudlip G 140 Only Human. Stannard F 7480 Only Ten Cents. Alden H 906 Only the Governess. Carey F 2895 Only Three Weeks F 1274 Only Way out. Willing F 7502 Onoqua. Sparhawk F 6639 Oowikapun. Young F 7684 Opal Mountain, The. Frith H 1 324 Opal Queen, The. Swan F 6838 Open Door. Oliphant F 1724 The same F 5859 Open Door. Teuffel F 4089 Open Question. De Mille F 391 Open, Sesame! Lean F 310 Open Verdict, An. 3 V in. 2. Maxwell.G 874 Opening a Chestnut Burr. Roe F 1438 Opening the Oyster. Marsh F 5268 Operas, Book of the. Pardon F 1291 Operetta in Profile, An. Czeika F 291 5 OPIE, Mrs. A. A. Illustrations of Ly- ing. 2v F 5705 Tales and Novels. 3 V F 1255 Opinions of a Philosopher. Grant F 3738 Opportunities. Warner F 1870 Opportunity. Seemuller F 1520 OPTIC, Oliver, pseud. See ADAMS, W. T. Orange and Green. Henty H 1 560 Orange Blossoms. Arthur F 71 Orchardscroft. Keeling F 4606 ORCUTT, H. E. Modern Love Story which does not end at the Altar.. F 5706 Ordeal for Wives. Edwards F 522 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. MeredithF 5193 The same G 788 O'REILLY, A. J. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius F 5870 O'REILLY, Mrs. E. G. Daisys Compan- ions H 586 Dinglefield H 1091 Doll World H 588 Giles's Minority H 585 Our Hero H 1992 O'REILLY, J. B. Moondyne [Convict Life in Australia] F 5871 O'REILLY, Miles, pseud. See HALPINE.C.G. Orient F 5710 Oriental Pearl. Dorsey F 429 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Original Belle, An. Roe original Fab.- H 2108 jmal Wager, An; by a Vagabond. .F 5844 Oriole's Daughter. Fothergill F 3604 ney Islands. Abbott H 17,3 ORLEBAR, E. E. Sancta Christina.. F 5860 irm. Trollope F 7000 ( >rmond. Edgeworth F 518,9 ORNE, P. Simply a Love-Story F 5858 ORPEN, Mrs. Perfection City (Com- munity Life] F 5773 Orphan of the Old Dominion. Suddoth.F 1553 heus C. Kerr Papers. 3 v. NewellF 1232 Orthodox. Gerard G 1421 ORTOLI, J. B. F. Evening Tales. .H 1997 ORTON, J. R. Camp Fires of the Red Man F 5869 Orville College. Wood G 647 OSBORN, Y. The Lyon's Den, and its eight young Lyons H 2000 OSBORNE, D. Spell of Ashtaroth. . .F 5850 Osborne of Arrochar. Douglas F 2982 ar. Simonds H 677,1 U in Africa. Fosdick H 1279 ola, the Seminole. Reid H 629 OSGOOD, M. A. Little Canary SeriesH 590 v.i. Little Canary's Daisy. _\ Little Canary. 3. Little Canary's Cousin Eugene. 4. Little Canary's Black Cato. O'SHEA, J. A. Military Mosaics; Tales Idierly Themes F 571 1 OSSIP SCHUBIN, pseud. See KIRSCH NER.L. OSWALD, E.,A>/«/ WSCHULZE- SMIDT. B. OSWALD, E. J. The Dragon of the North; Normans in Italy F 5863 Oswald Cray. Wood G 644 Othello's Occupation. Anderson F 7789 Other Folk. Conklin H 1153 Other Fools and their Doings; or, Life among the Freedmen. Goff F 5872 Other Girls. Whitney F 1934 Other House, The. James F 4394 Other House, The. Jordan F 4400 < Hher Man's Wife, The. Stannard. . ..F 7477 Other Things being Equal. Wolf F 7612 Othmar. De la Ram£ F 6252 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1 1 75 OTIS, Mrs. E. H. B. Barclays of Bos- ton F 1275 OTIS, James, pseud. See K ALER, J. O. Ottilie; an 18th Century Idyl. Paget. ..F |goi Ottilie Aster's Silence. Lowrey . F 4981 Otto of the Silver Hand. Pyle H 2103 <>tto, the Knight, and other Stories. French I < >tto's Inspiration. Ford H OTTOLENGCJI, R. An Artist in CrimeF 5855 A Conflict of Evidence F 5856 The Crime of the Century F 5854 A Modern Wizard F 5857 Ought we to visit her? Edwards F 523 The same G 189 OUIDA, pseud. See De la RAME, L. Our Base Hall Club. Brooks H 1065 Our Bessie. Carey F 3094 Our Boys in China. French H 131 1 Our Boys in India. French H 1310 Our Choir. Stockwell F 6746 Our Christmas in a Palace. Hale F 3926 Our Detachment. King F 4620 < >ur Erring Brother. Robinson F 6298 Our Family. Hood J 115,3 Our Fellows. Fosdick H 1286,1 Our Fred. Finley H 1:,; Sequel to Old Fashioned Boy. Our Helen. Clarke H 289,1 Our Hero. O'Reilly H 1992 Our Homes. Chellis H 1090 Our Little Ann; by the Author of Miss Miss Toosey's Mission H 2002 Our Little Men and Women H 2001 Our Manifold Nature. MacFall F 6758 Our Max; Memoir of a Four-footed Friend [Story of a Dog] H 580 Our Mutual Friend. Dickens F 401 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 168 Our New Crusade. Hale F ~]l~s Our Own Set. Kirschner F 6509 ( >ur Phil, and other Stories. Dana F 2919 Our Sensation Novel. McCarthy F 5 186 Our Town. Lothrop H 1762 Our Uncle and Aunt. Martin 1 Our Valley F 5865 ( )ur Week afloat. Stanley H 2398 Our Year. Craik H 2821 Our Young Folks abroad. McCabe I 587 Our Young Folks in Africa. McCabe . I 1657 Out and about. Friswell H 1312 Out at Twinnett's. Habberton F 3801 Out Doors at Long Look. Abbott H 1,2 Out from the Shadows. Giles F 665 Out of Bohemia. Fosdick F 3398 Out of Bounds. Garry F 8855 Out of Court. Hoey G 753 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 213 ( hit of Debt, out of Danger. EdgeworthF 518,2 * hit of Due Season. Sergeant F 6888 ( hit of Eden. Russell F 6349 Out of her Sphere. Harbert F 3961 ( )ut of Law into Gospel. Griswold F 8860 Out of Reach. Stuart H 24 16 Out of Step. Pool F 5999 Sequel to The Two Salomes. Out of the Breakers. Rand H 2192,5 Out of the Cage. Owen F 1277 Out of the Fashion. Smith H 2263 ( hit of the Foam. Cooke F ^15 Out of the Hurly-Burly. Clark E 751 Out of the Jaws of Death. Barrett... F 2289 Out of the Night. French F 3572 Out of the Shadows. Temple F 6949 Out of the Sunset Sea. Tourg£e F 7091 out of the Toils. Spear H 2374 out of the Wilderness. Chaplin H 11 59 Out of the Woods. Fisher F 8704 out of the World. Ritchie G 828 Out of the Wreck. Douglas F 2995 Out of Town F 5772 ' » tents: Out of Town; A (Question of Identity; A Little Music; The Railroad Humorist; Moments with Mechanics; Village Theatricals; The Professor; The Lawn-tennis Match ; The Naph- tha Launch; The Wedding. Out of Town. Coffin F 247 Out of Work. Law F 4961 Out on the Pampas. Henty H 1 407 Out West Adams H 115,-' < hitbreak of the French Revolution. 3 v. I rckmann and Chatrian F 537 Outcasts, The; Passages in the Life of a Clergyman # G 1339 Outlaw and Lawmaker. Praed F 5963 Outlines of Local Color. Matthews. . . F 5640 Outpost. Austin F 243 1 Outrageous Fortune. Fawcett F 3366 Outside the Walls. Payn F 5876 Outward bound. Adams H 11 1,1 Over the Andes. Butterworth H 3298 Over the Border. Lysaght F 5 100 Over the Sea with a Sailor. Besant and Rice F 2634 Over the Way. Moore H 1825 Over Yonder. John F 4444 Overland. DeForest F 380 Ovingdean Grange. Ainsworth G 21 OWEN, Ashford, ptcud. See OGLE, A. OWEN, C. See NITSCH, Mrs. H. A. OWEN, Q. W. Out of the Cage F 1277 OWEN, M. A. (Comp.). Voodoo Tales as told among the Negroes F 5867 OWEN, R. D. Beyond the Breakers. F 1276 Owen:— a Waif. Robinson G 483 Owen Gwynne's Great Work. Noel. . . F 1253 Owen Hartley. Kingston H 1686 Owen Wingrave. James F 4400 Owl's Nest, The. John F 4443 Owney and Owney-na-Peak. Griffin.. F 709,3 OXENFORD, J. and C. A. FEIL1NG (Tr .). Tales from the German F 6926 OXLEY, J. M. My Strange Rescue, and other Stories H 1969 Oxley. Bright F j 53 P.,G. H. The Artificial Mother Y 6021 PABKE, M. and Mrs. M. J. D. PIT- MAN. Wonder-World Stories. H 578 Pacha of many Tales. Marryat F 5153 Pacific Series. See Alger, H. Jr. Pacific Shores. Adams H 891,12 Pacific Tales. Becke F 7932 Pactolus, Quicksands of. \ acheli F 7337 Pactolus Prime. Tourg£e F 7048 Paddling in Florida. Rathborne H 2200 PADDOCK, Mrs. C. Fate of Madame La Tour; Tale of Salt Lake F 5924 In the Toils [Mormonism] F 1341 Paddy Finn. Kingston H 1693 Paddy O'Learey and his Learned Pig. Champney H 3457 Pagan of the Alleghanies. Ryan F 6373 Pagans, The. Bates F 2488 PAOE, A., pseud. See HOLT, J. S. PAGE, Stanton, pseud. See FULLER, H. B. PAGE, T. N. Among the Camps [Ameri- can Civil War] H 2029 The Burial of the Guns F 6010 Contents: My Cousin Fanny; The Burial of the Guns; The Gray Jacket of No 4; Miss Dangerlie's Roses; How the Cap- tain made Christinas; Little Darby. Elsket, and other Stories F 5912 Contents : Elsket; George Washington's last Duel; P'laski's Tunament; Run to Seed; A Soldier of the Empire. In Ole Virginia; or, Marse Chan and other Stories [Slavery] F 5907 Men Lady [Am. Civil War] F 601 1 No Haid Pawn F 6795 Old Gentleman of the Black Stock. F 6135 On Newfound River F 591 1 Pastime Stories F 6012 Polly; a Christmas Recollection. . .F 6013 9 14 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. PAGE, T. N. Two Little Confederates [American Civil War] H 2030 I'nc' Edinburg; a Plantation EchoF 6134 Page of the Duke of Savoy. Dumas.. . F 449 Page, Squire and Knight. Adams... H 82 PAGET, V. ( Vernon Lee). Hauntings.F 6026 Ottilie [Germany, 18th Century]. . . F 4901 A Phantom Lover F 4003 PAIGE, Mrs. S. B. A Lovely Girls Fetters F 5916 PAIN, Mr*. A. Saint Eva F 6077 PAIN, B. E. O. In a Canadian Canoe, and other Stories F 6082 Mories and Interludes F 6081 Two; English School -boy Life H 2031 Pains of Pleasing, The. Ellis F 543,2 Painted Desert, The. Munroe H 5173 PAINTER, W. Palace of Pleasure 2v. in 3 *V 1460 Pair of Blue Eyes. Hardy F 74s The same G 960 Palace and Cottage. Adams H 111,5 PAL ACIO V ALDES, A. Faith F 7284 The Grandee F 7366 Marquis of Penalta I 7287 Maximina F 7286 - r Saint Sulpice F 7285 Paladin and Saracen; Stories from An- osto. Calthrop H 1082 Paladin of Finance. Jenkins F 412: Paladins of Edwin the Great. MarkhamH 5001 Pale and the Septs, The. O'Byrne. . . . F 2750 PALFREY, S. H. Herman; or, Young Knighthood. 2 v 1 1281 PALGRAVE, Sir F. The Merchant and the Friar; Middle Ages F 5955 PALGRAVE, F. T. Five Days' Enter tainments at Wentworth GrangeH 592 PALGRAVE, M. E. Marcel's Duty . . H 2050 Under the Blue Flag F 5925 PALGRAVE, W. G. Hermann Agha.F 1283 Palimpsest, The. Thierry F 7243 Palissy, Madame, Provocations of Rath- bone F 2087 Palissy, the Huguenot Potter. Bright- well , . F 5930 Palladia. Fraser F 8718 Palm Land. Samuels H 660,1 PALMER, J. W. After his Kind . . . . F 2835 PALMER, Lynde,/^«^. See PEEBLES.M.L. PALMER, Mrs. M. T. Doctor of Deane.F 5956 Palmenn of England. 4 v. Moraes..F 5230 Palmetto Boys. Wright H 777 PALTOCK, R. Life and Adventures of l'ct'.r Wilkins. 2 v F 5929 PALUDAN-MUELLER, F. Fountain of Youth F 1205 Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz F 6735 Pandora's Portion. Clare F 3083 Pansies, and other Stories. Alden....H 914 PANSY, pseud. See ALDEN, Mrs. I. M. PANSY, The. At Home and Abroad, and other Stories H 2461 Bobby's Wolf, and other Stories. .H 1039 Young Folks worth Knowing H 2134 Pansy's Scrap Book. Alden H 919 Paoli;theLastof the Missionaries. KitchinF 4709 Paper City. Locke F 1054 Papier Mache\ Allen F 7812 Paquita, the Indian Heroine. Miller. . I Paradox Club. Garnett F 3709 Paragreens on a visit to Paris. RuffiniG 1034 Parasite, The. Doyle F 8456 PARDOE, J. Traits and Traditions of Portugal. 11 F 5960 PARDON, O. F. Book of the Operas.F 1291 Parent's Assistant. F.d.ncworth H 1240 Parents and Children. Witt H 774 Pariah, The. Guthrie I 2442 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1361 Paris at Bay. Hayens F 4207 Paris in America. Laboulaye F 1022 Parisian Family. Witt H 2691 Parisian Points of View. Hal£vy F 4176 Parisians, The. 2 v. Lytton I 5017 The same. \ v. in 2 G 763 Park and Paddock Martineau F 1 1 5 1 ,9 PARKER, Mrs. A. B. Mellicent and her Cousins H 1022 PARKER, 0. An Adventurer of the North F 6093 Continuation of Pierre and his People. The Chief Factor; Tale of Hudson's Bay Company F 6095 M rs. Falchion F 6097 Pierre and his People; Tales of the Far North F 6096 The Pomp of the Lavilettes F 6085 A Romany of the Snows F 6099 2d Series ^/Adventurer of the North. Contents: Three Commandments in the Vulgar Tongue; Little Babiche; At the Point o' Bugles; The Spoil of the Puma; The Trail of the Sun Dogs; The Pilot of Belle Amour; Cruise of the Ninety- Nine; A Romany of the Snows; The Plunderer. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 215 PARKER, G. The Seats of the Mighty [Siege of Quebec, 1763] F 6092 The Trail of the Sword F 6000 The Trepasser F 6094 When Yalmond came to Pontiac ; Story of a lost Napoleon F 6091 and others. Tavistock Tales F 6098 For Contents See Tavistock Tales. PARKER, Mrs. H. F. Constance Ayl- mer; Tale of the 17th Century. ...F 300 PARKER,J.(. IteyXine). Wilmot'sChildF 5754 PARKER, Mrs. P. J. M. The Mid- night Cry F 5901 PARKER, R. A. Alexis, the Runaway.H 591 Jack of all Trades H 599 Finks and Blues; or, the Orphan Asylum H 597 Tommy Hickup H 607 Upside down H 596 Young Detective H 593 Parkerstown Delegate. Livingston. . .H 1774 PARKMAN, F. Yassall Morton I 5926 PARLEY, Peter,/*^. See GOODRICH, S.G. Parlor Amusements. Bartlett H 209 PARR, H. {Holme Ue\ Basil God- f rey's Caprice G 484 Beautiful M iss Barrington G 489 Ben Milner's Wooing F 1282 The same G 792 Echoes of a Famous Year [Franco- Prussian War] G 485 For Richer, for Poorer G 486 Her Title of Honour G 487 Katherine's Trial G 488 M rs. Denys of Cote G 1155 Poor Squire G 1156 Straightforward G 789 Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax F 1284 The same G 791 PARR, Mrs. L. T. Can this be LovePF 6031 Dorothy Fox F 1285 The same G 490 Dumps F 6030 Gosau Smithey, and other Stories.. G 793 Contents: The Gosau Smithey; Little Nan; La bonne Mere Nannette; Sylvia; Madeleine T rower's Fortune; Fair Mar- garet; Saxham Grange. Hero Carthew; or, Prescotts of Pam- phillon F 1286 The same G 790 John Thompson, Blockhead, and oth- er Stories F 1287 PARR, Mrs. L. T. Loyalty George . . . F 5910 Robin F 5931 The same G 807 The Squire F 5873 PARRY, E. G. The Story of Dick . . . H 2040 Parson Jones. Lean F 4830 Parson o'Dumford. Fenn F 3487 The same G 931 Parson's Daughter, The. Hook F 856 Parson's Miracle. Butterworth H 952 Parson's Proxy. Hamilton F 9076 PARSONS, C. R. The Man with the White Hat H 2038 PARSONS, Mrs. G. H. Heath-House Stories H 452 Tales for the Young. 2v H 2042 PARSONS, Mrs. J. W. {Julian ll'artli). Full Stature of a Man F 7538 Part of the Property. Whitby F 7577 Parting and a Meeting, A. Howells. . . F 4326 Parting of the Ways, The. Edwards. . .G 1325 Partisan, The. Simms F 2059 Partisan Leader. Tucker F 1805 Partners, The. Stoddard H 2432 PARTON.Mrs.S.P. {Fanny Fern). Gin- ger-Snaps E 1425 Ruth Hall F 1289 Pascarel. De la Rame* G 504 Passage through Bohemia. James F 7472 Passe Rose. Hardy F 3868 Passenger from Scotland Yard. Wood.G 1308 Passing the Love of Women. NeedellF 5483 Passion and Principle. Hook F 857,5-6 Passion in Tatters. Cudlip F 1784 Passion's Slave. King F 4686 donate Pilgrim, and other Tales. James F 908 Passive Crime, and other Stories. Hun- gerford G 1 137 Past Hours. 2 v. Sartoris F 6565 Paste Jewels. Bangs F 7854 Pastels in Prose (from the French) F 5959 Pastels of Men. 2 v. Bourget F 2298 Pastime Stories. Page F 6012 PASTON, O. A Bread and Butter MissF 6087 The Career of Candida F 6089 A Study in Prejudices F 6088 Pastor's Daughter, The. Behrcns F 2475 Pastor's Fireside, The. 2 v. Porter F 1337 Pastoral Played Out, A. Pcndered . . . F 6052 Pastorals of France. Wedmore F 7497 Patagonia, The. James F 4407 PATCHIN, Mrs. C. H. Dorothea . . . . F 2089 216 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. PATER, W. Marias, the Epicurean. 2 v. [Ancient Rome] F 5932 Gaston de Latour; an unfinished Ro- mance F 5991 PATERSON, A. The Daughter of the Nez Percys F 6100 A Son of the Plains F 6101 Path in the Ravine. Ellis H 1233,2 Paths in Great Waters. Hoare F 4044 Pathfinder. Cooper F 276 Patience. Warner F 7469 Patience Barker. White F 7626 Patience Hathaway. Bradley F 169 Patience Strong's Outings. Whitney. .F 1943 Patience Wins. Fenn H 1368 Patricia Kemball. Linton G 996 Patriot Boy, The. Headley H 149a Patriot Boys and Prison Pictures. Gil- more H 428 Patriot Schoolmaster, The. Butterworth.H 979 Patronage. Edgeworth F5 18,7-8 Patty. Macquoid F 1 119 The same G 413 Patty Gray's Journey. See Dall, Mrs. C W. H. Patty's Perversities. Bates F PAUL, K. The New Minister F 6016 PAUL, Mrs. M. A. C. DeCressy .... G 145 Dorothy G 186 Maiden Sisters G 416 Martha Brown, the Heiress G 435 Still Waters G Uncle Ralph G 623 Vanessa G 1 195 PAUL, Uncle, pseud. The Nesbits, and other Tales I 5390 Paul and Christina. Barr F 2520 Paul and Persis. Brush H 1069 Paul and Virginia. St. Pierre F 1475 The same I 2958 The same I Paul and Virginia, The New. MallockE 4524 Paul and Virginia of a Northern Zone. Drachman F 3175 Paul Ardenheim. Lippard *F 4965 Paul Barton. Baker H 202,3 Paul Clifford. Lytton F 5018 The same G 392 Paul Crew's Story. Carr F 2748 Paul Faber, Surgeon. Mac Donald F 5 131 Paul Ferroll. Clive G 92 Paul Foster's Daughter. Cook F 2829 Paul Gosslett's Confessions. Lever. . .G 352 Paul Hart; or, Love of his Life F 5922 Paul Heriot's Pictures. M'Lean I Paul Jones. Seawell H Paul Jones's Alias. Murray and Herman 1 Paul Massie. McCarthy F 1091 Paul Nugent, .Materialist. Hetheringtun and Burton F 3810 Paul Patoff. Crawford F 2878 Paul Prescptt's Charge. Alger H 1 53,2 Paul Ralston. Holmes 1 Paul, the Peddler. Alger H 1 55,2 Paul Travers' Adventures. Clover... H 3510 Paul's Friend. Austin H 950 Paula Ferris. Sanborn F 6789 Paula Monti; or, Hotel Lambert. Sue F 6702 PAULDING, J. K. Dutchman's Fire side [Colonial New York] F 1294 Tales of the Good Woman F 1 293 Contents: Memoir of the Unknown Au- thor; The Azure Hose; The Dumb Girl; Dyspepsy; The Progress of the Age; The Revenge of Saint Nicholas; Cobus Yerks ; The Ride of Saint Nicho- las; The Politician. Pauline. Hawthorne F 3854 Pauline. Walford F 1910 The same G 1 202 PAULL, M. A. See RIPLEY, Mrs. M. A. P. PAULL, Mrs. M. E. K. AschenbrfxlelH 2024 Dorothy Darling H 2026 Gypsie F 967 Lassie H 2028 Little Lady Valentine H More Bedtime Tales H 2027 Ruby Series H 2025 v. 1. Ruby and Ruthy. 4. Ruby's Vacation. Pausanias, the Spartan. Lytton F 5003 The same G 1000 Pax and Carlino. Beckman H 957 Paying Guest. Gissing F 8943 Paying the Penalty. Gibbon and othersF 3708 PAYN, J. At Her Mercy G 699 Best of Husbands F 1 288 The same G 1029 The Burnt Million F 5917 The same G 1387 By Proxy G 1025 Canon's Ward G 1 167 Cecil's Tryst G 76 Confidential Agent , . G 1 160 Fallen Fortunes F 1299 The same G 781 For Cash only G 1 161 Found Dead G 206 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. •J 17 PAYN, J. From Exile G 1162 Glow-Worm Tales; 1st and 2d Ser.G 1271 Grape from a Thorn G 1 164 Gwendoline's Harvest G 245 Halves F 1297 The same G 1023 Heir of the Ages G 127a High Spirits G 1031 In Market Overt F 5920 In the Heart of a Hill, and other Sto- ries G 256 Kit; a Memory ( '» 1163 Less black than we're painted G 1032 Like Father, like Son G 368 Luck of the Darrells G 1 148 Married beneath him F 1296 Murphy's Master G 780 Mystery of Mirbridge G 1301 Not wooed, but won G 467 Prince of the Blood F 5934 The same G 1302 Sunny Stories and Shady Ones F 5919 The same G 1 44 1 Talk of the Town G 1168 Thicker than Water I 5928 Under one Roof G 1033 Walter's Word 1" 1290 The same ( ; 1024 What he cost her G 1026 Woman's Vengeance G 63 1 The Word and the Will ! 5918 The same G 1388 PAYNE, Mrs. A. M. M. Outside the Walls F 5876 PAYNE, W. Jerry the Dreamer F 6123 PAYNTER, M. M. Caleb, the Irrepres- sible F 5927 Paynton Jacks, Gentleman. Bower... F 8058' PEACOCK, T. L. Crotchet Castle . . .F 6042 Headlong Hall F 6041 Works J 226 v. 1. Headlong Hall; Mellincourt; Night- mareAbbey. 2.Maid Marian; Misfortunes of EJphin; CrotchetCastle;GryllGrange. Peak and Prairie. Fuller F 8700 PEARCE, J. H. Inconsequent Lives. F 5874 Tales of the Masque F 5969 PEARD, F. M. The Abbot's Bridge. . F 6023 Alicia Tennant '.G 1442 Cartouche G 1028 Castle and Town F 5940 The same G 1158 Catherine [Waterloo] F 6024 PEARD, F. M. Contradictions G 1089 An Interloper [Life in France] F 6025 Jeannette; Story of the Huguenots.H 2047 M ulame's Grand-Daughter G 1310 A Madrigal, and other Stories G 786 Contents: A Madrigal; Under the Moun- tains; Sylvia; After the Night— Day; A Story told at Pontresina; My Queen; The Three Flags. The Message, and other Stories. . . H 2046 Mother Molly [Devonshire, 1779]. . F- 5878 The same G 1157 Near Neighbours G 1 1 59 One Year G 491 The Rose-Garden F 1300 The same G 492 Schloss and Town G 1 1 58 Same as Castle and Town. Thorpe Regis G 785 To Horse and Away H 2049 Unawares; Story of an old French Town F 1301 The same G 493 Winter Story. G 1027 Pearl. O'Meara F 5691 Pearl, The. Bernhard F 7887 Pearl of Orr's Island. Stowe F 1730 Pearl of the Realm, A. Glyn F 8891 Pearl- Powder. Edwards F 3226 The same G 1376 Pearia. Edwards F 3265 The same # G 1054 PEARSE, M. G. Simon Jasper H 2070 PEARSON, C. H. Cabin on the PrairieH 2071 PEARSON, Q. C. Flights inside and outside Paradise F 5937 Peasant-Boy Philosopher. Mayhew...H 556 Peasant Life in Glenaldie. 2v F 1280 PEASE, H. The Mark o' the Deil, and other Northumbrian Tales F 6046 PEATTIE, Mrs. E. W. A Mountain Woman F 6032 Contents: A Mountain Woman; Jim Lancy's Waterloo; The Three Johns; A Resuscitation; Two Pioneers: Up the Gulch: A Michigan Man; A Lady of Yesterday. Pippins and Cheese F 6029 Contents: Dinner for Two; Price of a Dinner; At Luncheon; The Princess dines; The Stop Gap; Covers for Twelve; A Diminuendo; The Blood Apple; A Mess of Pottage. With Scrip and Staff; a Tale of the Children's Crusade F 6033 CHICAGO PUBLIC LillRARY. Peccavi. Wendler F 191 1 Peckster Professorship, The. Quincy.F 6165 Peculiar. 3 v. Sargent F 6566 Peculiar People, A. Balch F 2485 PEEBLES, M. L. {Lynde Palmer). Half- Hours in Story Land H 2051 Magnet Stories H 610 v. 1. Drifting and Steering. 2. One Day's Weaving. 3. Archie's Shadow. 4. John-Jack. A Question of Honour H 2044 Where Honour Leads H 2045 Sequel to A Question of Honour. PEEKE, Mrs. M. B. Born of Flame; a Rosicrucian Story F 6047 Zenia, the Vestal F 5973 PEEL, Sir R. An Engagement. F 6127 Peep at Number Five. Phelps H 594,2 Peep o' Day. Banin F 109 Peep of Day; Earliest Religious Instruc- tion H 2076 Peeress and Player. Lean G 1084 Peerless Cathleen. Agnew F 27 Peerless Wife. Mackarness G 410 Peg Woffington. Reade F 1394 The same G 512 Pelham. Lytton F 5019 The same G 393 PELLETAN, P. C. E. Jean Jarousseau, 1'ustor of the Desert [Huguenots]E 1430 The same * F 594 1 PELLETREAU, C. Sylvester RomaineF 6050 Pemaquid. Prentiss F 1357 PEMBER, A. Slipping Away F 5957 PEMBERTON, H. L. C. Fairy Tales of Every Day H 2055 Olive Smith H 2056 PEMBERTON, J. Buffeting F 6055 PEMBERTON,M. Christineof theHillsF 6063 A Gentleman's Gentleman; by his Valet F 6062 The Impregnable City F 6057 The Iron Pirate F 6058 Jewel Mysteries I have known F 6054 A Puritan's Wife F 6061 Queen of the Jesters F 6064 Contents: The Hunger of Ferdinand Dauberval; The Liberty of the little Red Man; A Prison of Swords; At the House of the Scarlet Witch; The Pur- ple Glass; The Kingdom of Bourgo- rieau; The Devil's Bowl and the Strange Affair at Fontenay ; Yerut the Dwarf. PEMBERTON, M. The Little Hugue- not; Romance of Fontaineblrau. !•' 6056 The Sea Wolves I 6059 Pemberton. Peterson I Pembroke. Wilkins F 7716 Pen, a Story for Girls; by the Author of Miss Toosey's Mission H 2059 Pen Harrington, Folly of. Sturgis F 6826 Pen Tamar. Bowdler F 2583 Penance of John Logan, The. Black . . F 7972 Pendennis. 3 v. ip 2. Thackeray G 591 PENDERED, M. L. Dust and LaurelsF 6051 A Pastoral Played Out F 6052 PENDLETON, E. A Complication in Hearts F 6035 A Conventional Bohemian F 5936 One Woman's Way 1 6034 A Virginia Inheritance F 59^5 PENDLETON, L. Corona of the Nanta- halas I 6116 In the Okefenokee[ Am. Civil War] H 2074 In the Wire-Grass F 5949 KingTomand the Runaways; Two Boys in a Georgia Swamp H 2073 Sonsof Ham; Taleof theNewSouth.F 61 15 The Wedding Garment; Tale of the Life to Come t 5948 Penelope Prig, and other Stories. Plymp- ton H 2122 Penelope's English Experiences. RiggsF 7560 Penelope's Web. Jennison F 4371 Penniless Girl. Behrens 1 3981 PENNOT, Peter, pseud. See ROUND.W.M.F. Penny Lancaster, Farmer. Bellamy.. F 2284 Pennycomequicks, The. Gould F 3757 Penruddocke. Aide" I The same G 690 Pension Beaurepas. James F 44 1 3 PENTREATH, D. In a Cornish Town- ship F 6053 People at Pisgah. Sanborn F 6790 People I have met. Murray G 1 125 People of the Mist, The. Haggard . . . . F 4188 People she knew; by an Old Maid F 5942 People we pass. Ralph *F 6199 People's Program. Everett F 3209 Pepita Ximenez. Valera F 7288 PEPLOE, Mrs. J. B. Alypius of Ta- gaste; Tale of the Early ChurchF 1806 Pilgrims of New England; Autobi- ography of a Five Pound Note. .F 7498 Pomponia; or, the Gospel in Caesar's Household F 1897 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, 219 PEPPER, J. H. Boy's Play-book of Science K 2808 The same K 2850 Scientific Amusements for Young People K 2809 The same K 2660 PEPPERGRASS, Paul, pseud. See BOYCE,J. Peppermint Perkins.Familiar Letters of F 3447 Perchance to Dream. Briscoe F 2288 Pcrci val Keene. Marryat G 430 PERCY, Sholto, pseud. See ROBERT- SON, J. C. Percy and the Prophet. Collins G 928 Percy Effingham. 2 v. Cockton F 304 Percy Family, The. See Eddy, D. C. Percy Ravdon. Dixon F 1046 Percy Trevor's Training II 2060 Percy Winn. Finn H 1381 Percys, The. Prentiss H 601 Pere Goriot. Balzac F 2547 Peregrine Pickle. Smollett G 566 PERELAER, M. T. H. Baboe Dalima; or, the Opium Fiend F 5939 Kan Away from the Dutch; Borneo from South to North H 2065 PEREZ ESCRICH, E. Martyr of Gol- gotha. 2 v. [Bible Times) F 3380 PEREZ GALDOS, B. Court of Charles IV.; Romance of the EscoriaL.F 3640 Dona Perfecta I 8867 Gloria. 2 v F 3645 Leon Roch. 2 v F 3649 Marianela F 3644 Trafalgar F 3643 Perfect Adonis. Harris F 747 Perfection City. Orpen F 5773 Perico, the Sad, and other Stories F 1 307 Peril. Fothergill F 3541 The same G 1080 PerilsAfloatand BrigandsAshore. ElwesH 1253 Perils in Polar Seas. Chisholm H 293 Perilous Seas. Sadler H 2292 Perilous Secret. Reade F 6255 PERKINS, F. B. Scrope;or, the lost Library F 1302 Perlycross. Blackmore F 7088 Permanent Husband, The. DostojewskyF 2977 PERONNE. Veil of Liberty; Tale of the Girondins F 6049 Perpetual Curate. Oliphant G 479 PERRAM, A. F. Go Work; a Book for Girls H 2069 PERRIER, A. A Good Match F 1303 PERRY, A. Esther Pennefather F 1315 Schoolmaster's Trial F 5879 PERRY, B. The Broughton House. ..F 5068 The Plated City F 6066 Salem Kittredge, and other Stories.F 6065 Contents: Salem Kittredge, Theologue; The Czar's Diamond; Bv the 111- Lom- bardy Poplars; The Phenix; The Com- monest Possible Story; An Inco-rigible Poet; Number Three; At Sesenheim. PERRY, Q. B. Uncle Peter's Trust; or, Following the Drums H 2061 PERRY, N. Another Flock of Girls . . H 2064 Book of Love Stories F 5882 A Flock of Girls and Boys H 2068 Flock of Girls and their Friends. . H 2062 For a Woman F 5877 Hope Benham H 2067 A Rosebud Garden of Girls H 2066 Tragedy of the Unexpected, and other Stories F 5880 Contents: Tragedy of the Unexpected; Mrs. Stanhope's Last Lodger; A Fool- ish Girl; Our Ice Man; In the Red Room; My Nannie O; In a Street Car; Mrs. F.'s Waiting-Maid; The Ribbon of Honor. The Youngest Miss Lorton, and other Stories H 2063 Perseverance Island. Frazar H 1301 Persis Yorke. Christian F 8229 Persuasion. Austen G 31 PESTALOZZI, J. H. Leonard and Ger- trude [Switzerland, 18th CenturyJL 1350 Pet; Pastimes and Penalties. Haweis.H 462 Peter Budstone. Trowbridge H 2510 Peter Clinton. Wise H 2679,5 Peter GotL Reynolds F 1382 Peter Ibbetson. Du Maurier F 3194 Peter of the Castle. Banim F no Peter Penniless. Da vies. . H 1206 Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso de Boncourt.F 2762 Peter Schlemihl in America Wood.. .F 7514 Peter Simple. Marryat F 5397 The same G 431 The same I 2960 Peter Stirling, The Honorable. Ford..F 3405 Peter the Great. Abbott H 38 Peter the Priest. Jokai F 4561 Peter the Whaler. Kingston H 503 Peter Trawl. Kingston H 1682 Peter Wilkins.LifeandAdventuresof. 2 v. Paltock F 5929 Peter's Journey, and other Tales. AmesF 1304 Peter's Soul. Ohnet F 5616 Peter's Wife. Hungerford F 2317 220 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pcterk in Papers. Hale H 4 i r »5 PETERSEN, M. Will-o'-the-Wisps. . F 5906 PETERSON, H. Pemberton; or, One Hundred Years Ago F 1351 PETRIE, W. M. F. (Ed.). [Ancient] Egyptian Tales. 2 v F 6086 Petrie Estate, The. Brown F 8067 Petronel. Lean G 89 Pettibone Name, The. Lothrop F 40/30 Peveril of the Peak. Scott F 2 165 The same G 548 PEYTON, J. L. Tom Swindel; Adven- tures of a Boomer F 6060 Phaeton Rogers. Johnson H 16 10 Phantasmion. Coleridge H 302 Phantasms. Gerrare F 8897 Phantastes. 2 v. Mac Donald F 1 105 Phantom City, The. Westall F 7556 Phantom Death. Russell F 6461 Phantom Fortune. 3 v. in 2. Maxwell. G 1237 Phantom Lover, A. Paget F 4003 Phantom of the River. Ellis H 1235,2 Phantom Regiment. Grant F 8831 Phantom 'Rickshaw. Kipling F 4687 Phantom Ship. Marryat F 5168 Phantoms of the Foot-Bridge. Murfree. F 5572 Phaulcon, the Adventurer. Dalton F 2923 PHEBUS,V.C. 5^PH(EBUS,Mrs.V.C. PHELPS,Mrs. A. H. L. The Discipline of Life; or, Ida Norman F 1313 PHELPS, C. An Ideal Republic [Labor and Capital ] F 6073 PHELPS, C.E.D. and L. NORTH. Bail- iff of Tewkesbury F 6070 PHELPS, E. S. See WARD, Mrs. E. S. P. PHELPS, Mrs. E. S. (//. Trusta). Sunny Side Series H 594 v. 1. Last Leaf from Sunny Side. 2. Peep at No. 5. 3. Tell-Tale. Phemie's Temptation. Terhune F 1 770 Phil and his Friends. Trowbridge . . . H 2505 Phil and the Baby. Lillie H 1747 Phil Preston. Birdsell H 960 Phil, the Fiddler. Alger H 155,3 Phil Vernon and his School-Masters. Brooks H 1058 Philanderers, The. Mason F 9416 Philip, Adventures of. Thackeray G 581 Philip, Chief of the Wampanoags. Ab- bott H 71 Philip and his Wife. Deland F 3057 Philip Augustus. James F 917 Philip Earnscliffe. Edwards V Philip MacGreg* Philip Methuen. Needell Philip Nolan's Friends. Hale I Philip; or, What may have been. CutlerF 3100 Philip Rollo. Grant F 8832 Philip v T andeleur's Victory. Eden H 1248 Philip Vernon. Mitchell E 7959 Philippa. Ella 1 Philippa. Molesworth H 5082 PHILIPPE, E. {Adoiphe eTEnnery). The Wife's Sacrifice (Martyre) F 6074 PHILIPS, F. C. As in a Looking-GlassG The Dean and his Daughter G 1273 Extenuating Circumstances, and A French Marriage G 1 443 Jack and Three Jills F 5915 The same ( '/ 1 340 Little Mrs. Murray F 6103 The same G 1 34 1 A Lucky Young Woman G 1304 Social Vicissitudes, and More Social Vicissitudes G 1444 Strange Adventures of Lucy SmithG 1305 Young Mr. Ainslie's Courtship G 1365 and P. FENDALL. A Daughter's Sacrifice G 1366 Margaret Byng G 1389 and C.J.WILLS. TheFatal Phryne.F 5914 The same G 1542 A Maiden Fair to see G 1445 The Scudamores F 591 3 The same G 1367 PHILIPS, M. The Devil's Hat [Pennsyl- vania Oil Regions] F Philistia. Allen F Philistines, The. Bates F Phillida. Elliott F Phillip Strong, Crucifixion of. Sheldon. F PHILLIPS, Mrs. A. Benedicta F The Birth of a Soul; a Psychological Study F PHILLIPS, B. A Struggle F PHILLIPS, E. C. Meyrick's Promise. H PHILLIPS, G. S. (January Searle). Gypsies of the Danes' Dike; Eng- land, 1855 F PHILLIPS, H. A. D. (Tr.). Kopal Kun- dala; Tale of Bengali Life F PHILLIPS, S. Caleb Stukely; a Tale of the Last Century F PHILLPOTTS, E. Lying Prophets . . . F Some Every-Day Folks F ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 221 PHILO, fsttut Bluffton Stamp Society; Story for Stamp Collectors H 2085 Philomene's Marriages. Durand F 609 Philosopher Jack. Ballantyne H 247 PHINEAS,/*^/. The Blind Men and the Devil F 6001 Phineas Finn. 3 v. in 2. Trollope G 613 Phineas Redux. Trollope F 1787 PHIPPS, C. M. K. Sword of De Bard- well [Tale of Agincourt] F 1349 Phoebe. Harris F 3966 Phoebe Junior. Oliphant F 1258 The same G 1016 PH(EBUS,Mrs.V.C. Lostonanlsland.H 2035 Young Folks' Nature Studies H 2036 Phra, the Phoenician, Adventures of. Arnold F 2359 Phronsie Pepper. Lothrop H 1 765 Phroso. Hawkins F Phyllida. Lean... G 978 Phyllis. Hungerford F 5293 Phyllis Browne. Shaw H . Phyllis of the Sierras. Harte F 3887 Physician's Wife, The. Spangler F 6761 PIATT, D. Lone Grave of the Shenan- doah, ami Other Tales 5971 Piazza Tales. Melville F 1180 PIAZZI, Mme. A. D. (L. ffanoum). A Tragedy in the Imperial Harem at Constantinople F 3927 PIC ARD, G. H. Matter of Taste F 5945 A Mission Flower 1 5946 Old Boniface F 5947 Piccadilly. Oliphant F 5671 Piccadilly Puzzle. Hume F 4109 Piccino and other Child Stones. BurnettH 3300 Picciola; Prisoner of Fenestrella. Boni- face F 2570 Picked up adrift. De Mille H 330,5 Picked up in the Streets. Schobert F 6535 PICKERING, Edgar. In Press-Gang Days [Time of George III.] H 2107 PICKERING, Ellen. The Grandfather^ 6125 The Grumbler F 6126 PICKERING, S. Margot F 6128 Pickwick Papers. Dickens F 403 The same G 169 Pickwickian Pilgrimage. Hassard F 799 Picture of Dorian Gray. Wilde F 7475 Picture of LasCruces. Tiernan F 6975 Pictures across the Channel. MacquoidG 770 Pictures and Stories of Animals. Ten- ney K 8043 Pictures of Country Life. Cary E 923 Pictures of Hellas. Mariager F 5266 Pictures of Private Life. 3 V. Ellis.. F 543 Pictures of the Olden Time. Sears... F 6575 PIDDINGTON, R. Gain of a Loss.... G 221 Last of the Cavaliers [Time of George II] G 317 PIERCE, G. A. A Dangerous Woman.F 5943 Zachariah, the Congressman F 5884 PIERCE, S. L. Di; a Story F 6014 PIERRE LOTI, pseud. See VIAUD, L. M. J. Pierre. Melville F 5269 Pierre and his People. Parker F 6096 Pierre and Jean. Maupassant F 5272 Pierrette. Balzac F 2238 Pierrette. Bouvet H 3257 Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford F 8322 Piety and Pride. Lewellyn H 532 Pigeon Pie; Roundhead Times. YongeF 2044 PIKE,F.W.A. EveryDay F 1317 PIKE, Mrs. M. H. G. {Mary Langdoh). Ida May [Slavery] F 1026 Pilate's Query. Clark F 8244 PILGRIM, T. (.-/. Morecamp). Live Boys in the Black Hills H 1820 Pilgrim and the Shrine. Maitland F 1316 Pilgrim Sorrow. Elizabeth, Queen of K oilman ia F 3223 Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan F 196 The same G 69 Thesame M 1769 The same, in dialogue F 192 The same, fac-simile of 1st edi- tion *F 2681 Pilgrims, The. Musick F 5552 Pilgrims of New England. Peploe — F 7498 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lytton F 5013 The same G 379 Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. Yonge. F 2124 Pillar of Fire. Ingraham M 1282 Pillars of the House. 2 v. Yonge F 2028 Thesame. 5 v. in 3 G 673 Pilot. Cooper F 277 Pilot and his Wife, The. Lie F 1063 Pilot Fortune. Rodney and Read F 6261 Pilots of Pomona. Leighton H 1733 Pinch of Experience. Walford H 2630 Pinchbeck Goddess, A. Fleming F 8722 Pine and Palm. Conway F 3458 Pine Cone Stories. See Allen, W. B. Pine Cones. Allen H 940,1 Pine Valley. France F 8726 Pink and White Tyranny. Stowe F 1731 222 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fink Fairy Book. Lang H 1702 Pink Marsh. Ade F 7776 Pinks and Blues. Parker H 597 Piokee and her People. Jenness H 1597 Pioneer Boy; Life of Lincoln. Thayer.H 2497 Pioneer Children, Adventures of. Cole- rick H 1 143 Pioneer Church, The. Schuyler F 1695 Pioneers. Cooper F 278 Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury. Riley E 5428 Pippins and Cheese. Peattie F 6029 Pique. Ellis F 1321 Pirate, The. Marryat F 11 52 The same I 3130 Pirate, The. Scott F 2166 The same G 549 Pirate City. Ballantyne H 246 Pirate Gold. Stimson F 9860 Pirate Island. Lancaster H 1 108 Pirate's Creek. Sadl< 1 H 2290 PISE, C. C. Father Rowland F 586 PITMAN, E. R. My Governess Lifc.F 5909 Pizarro. Towle 1 C 1610,2 Plain Tales from the Hills. Kipling.. F 4688 The same G 1381 Plane and Plank. Adams H 109,2 Plant Hunters. Reid H 630 Plants without Roots. Warner H 753,2 Planter's Daughter. Dupuy I 507 Planter's Northern Bride. Hentz F 796 Plated City. Perry F 6066 Platonic Affections. Smith F 6768 Platonics; a Study. Arnold 1 7829 Play arid Study. Baker H 201,4 Play and Study Series. See Baker, Mrs. H. N. Play-Actress, The. Crockett F 8340 Play of Fate. Bjursten F 7900 Played out. Cudlip G 141 Playfellow, The. Martineau F 1 1 50 Playhoursand Half-Holidays. Atkinson H 167 Playing for high Stakes. Cudlip F 1755 Playing the Mischief. De Forest F 365 Playing with Fire. Grant F 8833 Playwright's Daughter, A. Ed wards.. G 1254 Pleasant Cove Series. See Kellogg, E. Pleasant Waters. Claytor F 2704 Plot in Private Life. Collins G 105 Ploughed under. Harsha F 5886 Plucky One, A. Spencer F 6655 PLUMMER, C. S. Leaves from a Drum- mer's Diary F 1332 PLUMPTRE,C.E. GiordanoBruno. 2 v.F 5996 Plunge into Space. Cromie F 3144 Plucky Boys. Craik and others H 11 23 Contents: Facing the World, by Craik; Joe, by Clark; A Winter Moonrise, by Densil; A Young Alligator Catcher, by Kaler ; Isaac Lcimnon, by Ambrose ; Mother's Round Table, by Starr ; A Boy Sculptor, by Harris; Bobby's He- ro, by Robinson; Joe Lambert's Ferry, by Eggleston; The Church Mouse, by Jewett; The Basket Business, by Power; How Philip Sullivan did an Errand, by Densil; Granny, by Clark; A Young Antiquarian, by Harris; A Brave Boy, by Fisher ; The President's Page, by Ledyard; Camp Hamperford, by Chee- ver. Plunger, The. Smart F 6653 Plutarch, Boys' and Girls'. White C 1 526 Plutarch, Young Folks'. Kaufman C 1440 PLYMPTON, A. G. Betty, a ButterflyH 2054 A Bud of Promise H 2124 Dear Daughter Dorothy H 20^3 Dorothy and Anton H 2125 Sequel to Dear Daughter Dorothy. The Little Sister of Wilifred H 2 1 20 Mary Jane Papers H 2052 Penelope Prig, and other Stories. . H 2122 Contents: Penelope Prig; A Brave Cow- ard ; The Girl without a Conscience; Little Olive, the Heiress. Rags and V el vet Gowns H 2123 Robin's Recruit H 2121 A Willing Transgressor, and other Stork's F 61 31 Contents: A Willing Transgressor; The Scandal of Scarborough; A Case of Con- science; A Question of Ethics; Hardly Guilty; A Strange Bargain. Poacher, The. Marryat F J Pocahontas. Musick F 5551 Pocket Measure. Alden F 42 Pocket-Rifle. Trowbridge H 723 POE, E. A. Adventures of A. G. Pym.J 236,4 The same J 240,4 Tales J 236,3 Tales 1 239, 1 -2 Tales J24C 1-2 Poems in Prose. Turgenev F 7075 Poet and Merchant. Auerbach F 80 Poet and Peer. Aide* G 843 Poet's Audience, The. Clarke F 3338 Poets, Tales from Ten. 3 v. Morris. .F 5407 Poganuc People. Stowe F 1 7^7 Point of Conscience. Hunijerford F 9082 Point of Honor. Edwards F 529 Point of View. James F 4413 Poison of Asps. Lean G 895 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 223 Poison Tree. Chandra Chatterjee. ... F 3337 POLEVOI, P. N. Russian Fairy TalesH 2129 Pohkushka. Tolstoi F 7024 Polish Blood. Knobelsdorff - Brenken- ho£f F 3381 Polish Jew. Erckmann and Chatrian.F 3373 Politics for Young Americans. Nordhoff L 99 POLLARD, E. F. The Lady Superior.F 1327 Not Wanted H 2118 Roger the Ranger [Montcalm and Wolfe] H 2117 POLLARD, J. P. and others. Figaro Fiction F 6022 POLLARD, M. M. Aunt Hetty's Will.F 5950 POLLOCK, W. H. KingZub F 5978 Nine Men's Mornce F 5979 Contents: Lilith; Knurr and Spell; Mr. Morton's Butler; La iy Volant; The Green Lady ; Edged Tools, written in collaboration with Brander Matthews; The Thought-Reader; One of Charles Mainwaring's Lies; Dreams. Polly; a Christmas Recollection. Page.F 6013 Polly, a New Fashioned Girl, Smith. . H 1868 Polly Button's New Year. Wilder... .H 2637 Polly Cologne. Diaz H 349 Polly Oliver's Problem. Wiggin II 2635 Pomeroy Abbey. Wood . I I 1 206 Pomona; by the Author of Miss Tuosey's Mission F 7708 Pomona's Travels. Stockton F 6723 Pomp of the Lavilettes. Parker F 6085 Pompey, the Little. Coventry *F 115,23 Pomponia. Peploe F 1897 Ponkaty Branch Road, and other Sto- ries. Swett H 2466 PONTMARTIN, A. de. Clotilde F 1325 PONTOPP1DAN, H. Kmanuel; or, Chil- dren of the Soil [Denmark] F 61 12 The Promised Land F 61 1 1 POOL, M. L. Against Human Nature.F 6000 Dally F 5981 In a Dike Shanty F 5995 In Buncombe County F 5093 In the First Person F 5976 Katharine North F 5997 Mrs. Gerald F 5994 Mrs. Keats Bradford F 5983 Sequel to Roweny in Boston. Out of Step F 5099 Sequel to The Two Salomes. Roweny in Boston F 5982 Tenting on Stony Beach F 5980 The Two Salomes F 5098 POOLE, J. Christmas Festivities; Tales, Sketches and Characters E 5094 Comic Sketches. 2v E 1450 Little Pedlington and the Pedling- tonians. 2v E 1 447 POOR, A. B. {Dorothy Prescott). Broth- ers and Strangers F 61 10 Poor and Plain. Seymour H 2077 Poor and Proud. Adams H 106,6 Poor Boy and Merchant Prince. ThayerH 2495 Poor Boys who became Famous. BoltonC 1929 Poor Folk. Dostojewsky F 3032 Poor Gentleman. Conscience F 293,2 Poor Girl. Behrens F 3981 Same as A Penniless Girl. Poor Jack. Marryat F 11 59 Poor Miss Finch. Collins F 258 The same G 104 Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man. Sedgwick H 672 Poor Scholar, and other Tales. Carle- ton F 295 Poor Squire. Parr G 1 1 56 Poor Theophilus and the City of Fin.. . F 1326 POPE, G. W. Journey to Mars F 6121 Poplar House Academy. Rathbonc.F 2099 Poppsea. Cruger F 8391 Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. Cox and Jones F 333 Popular Tales. See Howitt, Mrs. M. B. Popular Tales and Fictions. 2 v. Clous- ton L 2530 Popular Tales of the West Highlands. 4 v. Campbell F 8146 PORCH, H. E. An Ideal Fanatic F 5891 Port of Missing Ships. Spears F 9824 Port Salvation. Daudet F 3037 Port Tarascon; Last Adventures of Tar- tarin. Daudet F 2959 Portent, The. MacDonald F 1099 PORTER, Mrs. A. E. Cousin Pollys Gold Mine F 1343 Married for both Worlds F 1331 My Hero F 1335 This one Thing I do F 1342 PORTER, A.M. Barony.2v F 1328 Don Sebastian; or, House of Bra- ganza. 4 v. in 2 F 1329 Hungarian Brothers F 1330 PORTER, D. D. Adventures of Harry Marline V 5S93 A 1 Ian Dare and Robert le Diable. 2 v F 5892 2 2 i CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. PORTF.R.J. Duke Christian of Lune- burg. 3 v. [The Reformation] F 1 350 Pastor's Fireside. 2 v. [Time of George II.] F 1337 Scottish Chiefs [Bruce and Wallace]F 1338 Sir Edward Sea ward's Shipwreck. 3 v. [West Indies] I 381 The same I 4000,2 1 Thaddeus of \Varsaw[ Poland, 1702-5]! PORTER, J. A. A Prince of Anahuac, before the Aztec Empire I 6130 PORTER, M. W. Five Little South- erners F 5889 PORTER, R. Honoria . . . . . . F 595 1 In the Mist F 1336 A Modern St. Christopher F 5952 My Son's Wife F 5954 St. Martin's Summer F 5953 Summer Driftwood for the Winter Fire F 1340 Winter Fire F 1344 Sequel to Summer Driftwood. Portia. Hungerford I 56 The same G 859 Portrait, The. Oliphant F 5859 Portrait of a Lady. James F 4412 Portugal, Traits and Traditions of. 2 v. Pardoe F 5960 Posie. Cochran F 8285 Post Haste. Ballantyne \\ POSTEL, K. (C. Sealsfield). Cabin Book [Mexican War] F Pot of Gold, and other Stories. WilkinsH 2640 POTAPEEKO, N. E. A Father of Six, and An Occasional Holiday.... F 7245 POTTER.F.H. (Tr.). NeartoHappinessF 5382 POTTER, F. S. Ambrose Oran ; or, with the Buccaneers H 2000 Cringlewood Court H 2091 Erling: or, Days of St. Olaf H 2092 Heroes of the North; Stories from Norwegian Chronicles H 2093 POTTER, T.J. Farleyes of Farlev Rupert Aubrey of Aubrey Chase [1681] F 1346 Sir Humphrey's Trial; Talcs, Leg- ends and Sketches H 582 Two Victories H 583 Potter's Thumb, The. Steel F 6903 Pottleton Legacy. Smith F 1 560 POTWIN, Mrs. H. K. Ruby Duke... F 1345 What Girls can do H 2 109 Pound of Cure. Bishop F 8025 POUV1LLON, E. C^sette [Peasant Life in the South of France] F 5923 Poverty Corner. Fenn 3478 Poverty Grass. Wyman I POWELL, T. M. An English Girl in America F 6106 POYNTER, E. F. Among the Hills. . . F 5890 The same ( ; 808 Ersilia ( / 1030 Madame de Presnel F 5899 The same (i 1 174 My Little Lady F 1 227 The same G 453 Poynton, Spoils of. James F 4393 Practice of a New York Surgeon. DixonF 3187 Practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell F 8170 PRAED, Mrs. R. M. P. Affinities. .. .G 1169 Christina Chard F 5964 December Roses F 5067 The Head Station; Australian Life(i 1276 Mrs. Tregaskiss; Anglo-Australian Life F 6155 Moloch; a Story of Sacrifice I 5965 Nulma; Anglo-Australian RomanceF 6156 Outlaw and Lawmaker F 5963 Romance of a Chalet F 5966 Ze>o; a Story of Monte Carlo G 1088 Prairie. Cooper I 279 Prairie Chief. Balla: H 993 Prairie Folks. Garland . . . .F 3772 PRATT, C. A. A Book of Martyrs. . . 1 Contents: Wither le's Freedom; Serene's Religious Experience, an inland Story; An instance of Chivalry; A Consuming Fire; An unearned Reward; Hardesty's Cowardice; The Honor of a Gentleman; Rivals; At the end of the World. The Daughter of Stoic F 6143 PRATT.F.L. Agnes and I > >rsH 598 PRATT, L. L. {Laurie Loring). Her Inheritance F 4925 PRATT, M. E. Rhoda Thornton's Girl- hood H 603 PRATT, M. L. American History Sto- ries. 4v H 2110 Cortes and Montezuma H 2 1 1 1 The Great West H 21 12 Pratt Portraits. Fuller F 3577 Preacher's Daughter. Barr 1 23l8 Precaution. Cooper F 280 Precepts and Practice. 3 v. Hook F 854 Prelate, The. Henderson F 3096 Premier and the Painter. Zangwill . . F 2467 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION 225 Premiums paid to Experience. Mayo.F 646 PRENTICE, H. Ben Burton, the Slate Picker H 2098 BoyExplorers;AdventuresinAlaskaH 2097 PRENTISS, Mrs. E. P. Aunt Jane's Hero F 1348 Flower of the Family H 600 Fred, Maria, and Me H 602 Home at Grey lock F 1 356 Little Lou's Sayings and Doings . . H 2099 N id worth, and his Three Magic Wands F 1353 Pemaquid; Old Times in New Eng- land F 1357 The Percys H 601 Stepping Heavenward 1 1354 Urbane" and his Friends F 1355 PRESCOTT, E. L. The Apotheosis of Mr. Tyrawley F 6159 PRESCOTT, H. E. See SPOFFORD, H. E. PRESCOTT, M. N. Matt's Follies, and other Stories H 605 Prescotts of Pamphillon, The. Parr..G 790 Same as Hero Carthew. Present Problem, The. Bolton F 2569 President John Smith. Adams F 7800 President's Daughters, The. Bremer. . I 3004,2 PRESSENSE, Mme. E. Madeleines Trial, and other Stories H 606 PRESTON, H. W. Aspendale 1 1358 Isthat All? I 2182 A Year in Eden 1- 5961 and L. DODOE. The Guardians. F 5962 PRESTON, Mrs. M. J. Aunt Dorothy; an Old Virginia Story F 5974 Preston Fight. Ainsworth G 24 Pretension. Ellis F 543,3 Pretty Kitty Herrick. Kennard F 4741 Pretty Lucy Merwyn. Lakeman H 1722 Pretty Michal. Jokai F 4501 Pretty Miss Bellew. Boulger F 666 "Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Cooke F 316 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett F 2648 The same F228o,2 Pretty Sister of Jose\ Burnett F 2649 Pretty Widow. Ross G 525 Prey of the Gods. Lean G 90 PRICE, Miss. A Lost Battle G 098 PRICE, E. Sick Calls E 1451 PRICE, E. C. In the Lion's Mouth [French Revolution! H 21 16 Story of a Demoiselle [Franco-Prus- sian War] F 6845 Price of a Coronet. Sales F 6500 Price of a Life. Sturgis F 6860 Price of a Pearl. Holmes F 4251 Price of Peace, The. Ackerman F 7740 Price she paid, The. Benedict F 2501 PRICHARD, J. V. An unlaid Ghost; a Study in Metempsychosis F 7205 Pride and Passion. Fleming V 3518 Pride and Prejudice. Austen G 32 Priest and Man. Newton F 5970 Priest of Auvrigny F 1352 Priestess of Comedy, A. Knobelsdorff- Rrenkenhoff F 3379 PRIME,W.C. Old House by the River.F 1361 Prime Minister. Trollope F 1719 The same. 4 v. in 2 G 822 Primes and their Neighbors. Johnston.F 4446 Primrose Path. Oliphant F 5681 The same G 1019 Primus in Indus. Colquhoun F 2812 PRINCE, H. C. The Story of Christine Rochefort F 6150 Princ* and Saviour. Mulholland H 554 Prince and the Page. Yonge H 787 Prince and the Pauper. Clemens F 2800 Prince Charlie. Johnes H 476 Prince Dusty. Munroe H 1950 Prince Eugene. Mundt V 1215 Prince Fort unatus. Black F 2463 Prince Hugo. Grant .G 947 Prince Little Boy. Mitchell H 1870 Prince of Anahuac, A. Porter F 6130 Prince of Balkistan. Upward F 7216 Prince of Breffny. May F 5182 Prince of Darkness. James F 7534 Prince of Good Fellows. Wilmer H 2683 Prince of India. 2 v. Wallace F 7400 Prince of Kashna. Kimball F 975 Prince of the Blood. Payn F 5934 The same G 1302 Prince of the House of David. Ingra- ham M 1281 Prince Otto. Stevenson F 6675 Prince Peerless. Galletti di Cadilhac.H 1107 Prince Saroni's Wife. Hawthorne F 3977 Prince Serebryani. Tolstoi F 7027 Prince Tip-Top. Bouvet H 1043 Prince Vance. Bates H 2101 Prince Zaleski. Shiel F 6806 Princes of Peele, The. Westall F 771 1 Princess. McClelland F 5159 Princess Aline. Davis F 3048 Princess Am61ie F 2208 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Princess and Curdie. MacDonald G 1 103 The same H 1802 Princess and the Goblin. MacDonald. H 535 Princess Casamassima. James F 4418 Princess D£sir£e, The. Black F 7979 Princess Girlikin. Nichols H 1957 Princess Liliwinkins, and other Stories. Wright H 2696 Princess Mazaroff. Hatton F 3866 Princess Napraxine. De la Rame\ 3 v. in 2 G 1178 Princess Osra, Heart of. Hawkins F Princess of Brunswick - Wolfenbuettel . Zschokke G 678 Princess of Fiji. Churchill F 3326 Princess of Java. Higginson F 4083 Princess of Montserrat. Drysdale F 3060 Princess of Paris. Gunter F 3638 Princess of the Gutter. Smith 6785 Princess of the Moor. John G 287 Same as Little Moorland Princess. Princess of the Stage. Knobelsdorff-Bren- kenhoff F 3384 Princess of Thule. Black , . . F 2561 The same G 700 Princess Ogh^rof. Durand i 3130 Princess Sonia. Magruder F 5622 Princess Sunshine. Riddell F 6382 Princess Tarakanova. Danilevski F 3189 Princeton Stories. Williams F 7423 Printer and the Goldite. Vickers F 7379 PRIOR, H. L. Behind the Veil F 125 Expiated F 525 The same G 203 Pris; by the Author of Miss Toosey's Mission H 2004 Prisons of Air. Conway F 31 18 Prisoner of Zenda. Hawkins F 4231 Prisoners and Captives. Scott G 1435 Prisoners of Conscience. Barr F 8049 Prisoners of the Earth. Lowry F 4983 Prisoners of the Sea. Kingsley F 4712 Private Life. James F 4399 Private Life of an Eminent Politician. Rod F 6206 Private Tinker. Stannard/ F 6878 Privateersman, The. Marryat F 1 1 54 The same G 432 The same I 31 31 Prize Cup. Trowbridge H Probation. Fothergil 1 F 3537 The same G 964 Problematic Characters. Spielhagen. . F 1623 Probus. 2 v. Ware F 1855 Same as Aurelian. Prodigal in Love, A. Wolf F 7613 Prodigious Fool. Wallis F 7493 Professor, The. Nicholls F 1237 The same G 459 Professor Johnny. Williams H 1616 Professor's Daughter, The. Evans F 3431 Professor's Dilemma, The. Noble F 5465 'Professor's Experiment. Hungerford.. F 4333 Professor's Sister, The. Hawthorne. . . F 3849 Profiles. Alden and Livingston F 2389 Progress and Prejudice. Gore F 3774 The same G 241 Progressionists and Angela. Bischoff.F 99 Progressive Petticoats. Roosevelt F 1454 Promised Land. Pontoppidan F 61 1 1 Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain. M urf ree F 2863 Prose Tales. Pushkin F 6148 Prosper. Cherbuliez F 230 PROSSER, Mrs. Original Fables.. . . H 2108 Prot£g£e of Jack Hamlin's, and other Stories. Harte F 4142 Protestant, The. Bray F 2209,3 Proverb Series H 574 v. 1. Bradley, Mrs. M. E. Birds of a Feather. 2. Necly, K. J. Fine Feathers do not make fine Birds. 3. Bradley, Mrs. M. E;. Hand- someisthat handsomedoes. 4. A Wrong confessed is half redressed. 5. Neely, K. J. Actions speak loud«r than words. 6. One good turn deserves another. Proverb Stoiies. Alcott H 1 30 Provocations of Madame Palissy. Rath- bone F 2087 Prudence. Lillie F 4910 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich H 141 Prudence Winterburn. Doudney F 2986 Prudy keeping House. Clarke H 288,2 Prue and I. Curtis F 355 Prusias. 2 v. Eckstein F 3207 Prussian Vase. Edgeworth F 518,1 PRYCE, R. Just Impediment F 6017 Miss Maxwell's Affections F 6018 PSEUDONYM LIBRARY: Craigie. A Bundle of Life F 7270 Drosines. The Herb of Love F 7266 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 227 PSEUDONYM LIBRARY: Frapan. Heavy Laden, and Old- Fashioned Folk F 7267 Korolenko. Makar's Dream, and other Stories F 7265 Saghalien Convict, and other StoriesF 7268 Snow. The School of Art F 7269 Stannard. The Stranger Woman.. F 7271 Psyche of to-day. Jenkin F 921 The same G 280 Psychologist, The. Bishop F 2541 P'tit Matinic'. Edwards F 3261 Publicans and Sinners. Maxwell F 197 Same as Lucius Davoren. Puck. DelaRame" G 505 Puddleford Papers. Riley E 1471 Pudd'nhead Wilson. Clemens F 7154 Pudney and Walp. Bean F 2281 PUGH, E. W. A Street in Suburbia. . F 6147 Pullmantown, a Story from. Meyer. . . F 5328 Pulpit and Easel. Sleight F 6601 Punch's Complete Letter Writer. Jer- rold F 4430.3 Punch's Letters to his Son. Jerrold. ...F 4430,1 Pupil of Aurelius, The. Black G 1231 Puppet, The. Ross F 6437 Purchase of the North Pole. Verne.. ..F 7319 Pure Gold. Cameron F 2756 Puritan and the Quaker. Beach F 5888 Puritan Pagan, A. Cruger F 3156 Puritan's Wife, A. Pemberton F 6061 Purple and Fine Linen. Fawcett F 560 Purple Hyacinth. Salsbury H 2312 Purple Light of Love, The. McVickarF 5548 Pursuit of the House-Boat. Bangs F 7916 PUSELEY, D. {Frank Foster). A Journey of Life F 3554 Pushed by Unseen Hands. Gardener. F 3715 PUSHKIN, A. S. Marie [Russia, Time of Catherine II.] F 1360 Prose Tales F 6148 Contents: The Captain's Daughter; Dou- broslcy ; The Queen of Spades; An Ama- teur Peasant Girl; The Shot; The Snow- storm; The Post Master; The Cofhn- maker; Kirdjali; The Egyptian Nights; Peter the Great's Negro. Put yourself in his Place. Reade F 1389 The same G 513 PUTNAM, E., pseud. See BATES, H. L. V. PUTNAM, Q. I. In Blue Uniform; an Army Novel F 6006 On the Offensive; an Army Story. . F 6007 Putnam, Gen. Israel, Life of. Hill H 466 PYLE.H. Garden behind the Moon.. H 2106 Men of Iron [England, 1400] F 5989 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.F 5987 A Modern Aladdin F 6009 Otto of the Silver hand H 2103 Rose of Paradise [Pirates, 1720]. .F 5986 Story of Jack Ballister's Fortune.. F 6008 Twilight Land H 2102 Within the Capes [American Priva- teering, 1812] F 5985 The Wonder Clock; or, Four and Twenty Marvelous Tales F 5988 and others. School and PlaygroundH 2104 PYNE, W. H. (E. Hardcastle). 29th of May. 2 v. [Time of theRestorationjF 1318 Pyrna; a Commune. Davis F 5990 PYRNELLE, Mrs. L. C. Diddie, Dumps and Tot [Plantation Child Life]. H 2105 Pyrrhus. Abbott H 39 Q, pseud. See COUCH, A. T. Q. Quabbin. Underwood F 7217 Quadroon. Reid H 631 Quaint Crippen, Commercial Traveler. Thurber F 7137 Quaint Spinster. Russell F 6466 Quaker Girl of Nantucket. Lee F 1035 Quaker Idyls. Gardner F 8886 Quality of Mercy. Howells F 4079 Quarterdeck and Fok'sle. Seawell H 2318 Quartet. Stoddard'. H 701 Sequel to Dab Kinzer. Queechy. Warner F 1871 Queen Anne's Hospital. Schofield F 6557 Queen Bess. Shaw F 6586 Queen Cophetua. Francillon F 3616 Queen Elfrida. Williams H 2682 Queen Hildegarde. Richards H 2231 Queen Hortense. Mundt F 1216 Queen Mab. Kavanagh F 960 The same G 296 Queen Money. Kirk F 4600 Queen of Connaught. Jay F 5900 Queen of Curds and Cream. Gerard.. F 3716 Queen of Ecquador, The. Manley F 5387 Queen of Hearts. Train F 7159 Queen of Love. Gould F 3760 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich F 4 Queen of Spades. Roe F 1417 Queen of the Isle. Fleming F 3514 Queen of the Jesters. Pemberton F 6064 Queen of the Meadow. Gibbon F 3748 Queen of the Pirate Isle. Harte H 4170 Queen of the Regiment. King F 980 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Queen Titania. Boyesen F 2592 ens Body Guard. Janvier F 7200 Queen's Cadet, The. Grant F 8834 Queen's Maries, The. Melville G 446 Queen's Necklace. Dumas F 496 Sequel to Memoirs of a Physician. Qu en's Scarlet. Fenn F 8694 us. Emery II 370 Queens and Princesses of France.WhiteH 764 Queens of England. 3 v. Strickland. .H Queenie Hetherton. Holmes F 4016 Queenie's Whim. Carey F 2703 Queer Folk. Brabourne H 497 Queer Little People. Stowe H 683 Queer Little Princess. Eaton II 1 230 Queer Stories. Eggleston H 1256 QUEIROS, E. de. Dragon's Teeth. . .F 6162 Quentin Durward. Scott F 2167 The same G 551 QUESNAY de BEAUREPAIRE, J. (/. de Glouvet). The Woodman V 2216 Quest of the Golden Girl. LeGallienneF 5073 Question of Faith. Dougall F 8517 Question of Honor. Tiernan F 581 Question of Honour. Peebles H 2044 Question of Identity. Dodge F 2214 Question of Love. Huguenin F 3109 Question of Time. Atherton i 2367 Quick, or the Dead ? Chanler F 6287 Quickening of Caliban. Rickett F 6392 Quicksands. Streckf uss F 6856 Quicksands of Pactolus. Vachell F 7337 Quicksilver. Fenn H 1303 Quiet Heart. Oliphant F 1 374 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mayo F 636 Quiet Nook in the Jura. Ruffini G 530 Quiet Stories from an old Woman's Gar- den. M'Lean F 5554 QUIGG, L. E. Tin-Types taken in the Streets of New York F 6170 QUIGLEY, H. Cross and Shamrock; an Irish American Tale F 2902 QUINCY, E. The Haunted Adjutant, and other Stories F 6161 Contents: An Octogenary; The Haunted Adjutant; Lewis Herbert; Two Nights in St. Domingo; Phoebe Mallory; Old Houses; Dinah Rollins. Wensley, and other Stories [New England Manners] F 1359 QUINCY, J. P. The Peckster Professor- ship ; Psychical Research F 6165 QUINCY, S. M. Man who was not a Colonel F 1 1 22 Quinnebasset Girls. Clarke II 284 QU1NTON, A. Money God; the Empire and the Papacy [3d Century) F 1 leman of '89 [French Rev.] F 1372 Quintus Claudius. 2 v. Eckstein F 3209 Quisisana. Spielhagen F 6661 Quite another Story. Ingelow Y Quits. Tautphoeus G 578 Quixstar. Taylor F 1375 Quo Vadis. Sienkiewicz F 6743 Quodlibet. Kei *P 278 RAABE, V/. Abufelfan F 6242 Rab and his Friends. Brown G 58 The same I 3921 The same E 877 Rabbi's Spell, The. Cumberland F 2870 RABELAIS, F. Three Good Giants. . F 6269 RABUSSON, H. Madame d'Orgevaut's Husband F 6204 Race for Wealth. Riddell G Rachel Armstrong. Woolley F 7602 Same as Love and Theology. Rachel Dene. Buchanan F 8 1 1 1 Rachel Gray. Kavanagh G 297 Rachel Ray. Trollope G 1095 Rachel Stanwood. Morse F 5582 Rachel's Farm. Noble F 5458 Rachel's Share of the Road. HamiltonF RADCLFFFE, Mrs. A. W. Romance of the Forest F 1380 The same *F 115, 43-44 Mysteries of Udolpho *F 115,45-47 The same F 6296 RAE, W. F. Miss Bayle's Romance. F 5205 The same G 1309 Raftmates. Munroe H 1953 Ragged Dick. Alger H 154,1 Ragged Dick Series. See Alger, H., Jr. Rag-Picker of Paris. Pyat F 6020 Rags and Velvet Gowns. Plympton . . H 2123 RAGSDALE, L. A Shadow's Shadow.F 6219 Raid from Beaus^jour, The. Roberts. H 2173 Raiders. The. Crockett F 8337 Rail and Water Series. See Munroe, K. Railway Man and his Children. Oli- phant F 5687 RAIMOND, C. E. George Mandeville's Husband F 6182 RAIMUND,Golo,/te™/..S>«seud. See KIRSCHNER. L. SCHUECKINQ,C.B.L. Fire and Flame.F 1604 SCHULTZ, J. Jean de Kerdren F 6802 Madeleine's Rescue H 2451 The Story of Colette F 6801 Straight on H 2447 SCHULZE SMIDT, B. (E. Oswald). A Madonna of the Alps F 6775 Vain Forebodings F 5861 SCHUYLER, M. The Pioneer ChurchF 1695 SCHWARTZ.J. v.d. P. (Maarten Afaar- tens). God's Fool ; Koopstad StoryF 5363 The Greater Glory; a Story of High Life F 5364 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 245 SCHWARTZ, J. v.d. P. {Maarten Maar- tens). Joost Avelingh; a Dutch Story F 5361 Same as Sin of Joost Avelingh. My Lady Nobody F 5365 An Old Maid's Love; a Dutch Tale told in English F 5362 The same G 1430 Sin of Joost Avelingh G 1382 SCHWARTZ, M. S. B. Birth and Edu- cationjTrench Revolution 1789-92^ 1700 Gerda; or, the Children of Work . . F 1707 Gold and Name F 1 702 Guilt and Innocence F 1 703 The Right One F 1704 Son of the Organ-Grinder F 1706 Two Family Mothers F 1701 Wife of a Vain Man..; F 1705 Schwartz. Murray F 9544 SCHWATKA, F. Children of the Cold [Eskimo] I 2083 Scientific Amusements for the Young. Pepper K 2809 The same.... K 2660 Scissor-Grinder, The, and other Stories. Oertel F 1251 Scots Brigade. Grant F 8838 SCOTT, F. G. Elton Hazlewood F 6501 SCOTT, H. (//. S. Merriman). Flotsam F 5518 From One Generation to Another. . F 5522 The Grey Lady F 5520 In Kedar's Tents F 5519 Prisoners and Captives G 1435 The Slave of the Lamp [the Jour- nalist] F 5521 The Sowers F 5524 With Edged Tools F 5523 Young Mistley G 1372 SCOTT, M. Tom Cringle's Log F 6502 SCOTT, M. E. Keith; or, Righted at . Last F 6574 SCOTT, Sir W. The Abbot [Mary, Queen of Scots, 1568] F 2150 The same G 535 Sequel to The Monastery. Anne of Geierstein [Switzerland, 1474-77] F 2151 The same G 536 The Antiquary [Scottish Manners, 1798] F 2152 The same G 537 The Betrothed [Wales, 1187]; High- land Widow F 2153 SCOTT, 6YrW. The Black Dwarf [Scot- land, 1708] F 2154 The same G 538 The Bride of Lammermoor [Scot- land, 1700] F 2155 The same G 539 Castle Dangerous [Time of Bruce, 1306-7] F 2171 Count Robert of Paris [first Crusade, 1090] F 2156 The Fair Maid of Perth [Robert III. of Scotland, 1402] F 2157 The same G 540 Fortunes of Nigel [James I., 1620] F 215S The same G 541 Guy Mannering [Scotland, 1750 7o]F 2159 The same G 542 Heart of Midlothian [Edinburgh, I736-5 1 ] F 2I 6o The same G 543 Ivanhoe [Cceur-de-Lion and Tem- plars, 1 194] F 2161 The same G 544. Kenilworth [Queen Elizabeth, I575]F 2162 The same G 545 Legend of Montrose [Scotland, 1645-46] F 2154 The Monastery [Scotland, 1559-68]. F 2163 The same G 546 Old Mortality [Scotch Covenanters, 1679-90] F 2164 The same G 547 Peveril of the Peak [Charles II., 1660- 1680] F 2165 The same G 54S The Pirate [Orkney Islands, 1700]. F 2166 The same G 549 Quertin Durward [Louis XI. of France, 1470] F 2167 The same G 551 Redgauntlet [The Pretender, 1770LF 216& Rob Roy [Highland Life, 1715] F 2169 The same G 552 St. Ronan's Well [Scotland, 1800]. .F 217a Surgeon's Daughter F 2171 Tales of a Grandfather; Stories from Scottish History. 3 V A 1 1 56 Talisman[3rd Crusade, 1 193]; Chroni- cles of the Canongate F 2172 Waverley [Young Pretender's Rebel- lion, 1745] F 2173 The same G 553 346 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SCOTT, Sir W. Waverley Novel botsford Ed.). 12 v *P Woodstock [Cromwell and Charles II., 1652-60] F The same G Sco'tish Cavalier. Grant Scottish Chiefs. Porter Scottish Life, Lights and Shadows of. Wilson Scottish Sketches. Barr F Scottish Soldiers of Fortune. Grant . . . F Scouring of the White Horse. HughesF Scout. Simms F Scrope; or, the Lost Library. Perkins.F Scruples. Walworth F Scudamores, The. Philips and Wills . . F The same G SCUDDER, H. E. Bodley Grandchil- dren and their Journey in Holland H Bodleys afoot . . . H Bodleyson Wheels II Bodleys telling Stories H Book of Folk Stories re-written H Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country H Dwellers in Five-Sisters Court. English Bodley Family H Mr. Bodley abroad H Seven Little People and their Friends H Stories and Romances F Contents: Left over frotn the last Cen- tury; A House of Entertainment; Acci- dentally Overheard; A Hard Bargain; A Story of the Siege of Boston; Matthew, Mark. Luke, and John; Do not even the Publicans the same: Nobody's Busi- ness. Stories from my Attic I Viking Bodleys H SCUDDER, M. L, Jr. Brief Honors; Romance of the Great DividableF SCULLY, W. C. Kafir Stories I Contents: The Eumenides in Kafirland; The Fundamental Axiom ; Kellson's Nemesis; The Quest of the Copper; Ghamba; Ukushwama; Umtagati. Scylla or Charybdis? Broughton F Sea and Shore. Adams H Sea and Shore. Malot H Same as Romain Kalbris. Sea and Shore. Warfield F Sequel to Miriam's Memoirs. Sea Change. Shaw F 630 2174 554 8839 t 33 8 8046 8840 878 2061 1302 7456 5913 1367 2301 662 659 661 2304 664 1710 2302 670 2300 1509 1508 2303 101 6707 8071 109,6 54i 1904 6583 Sea-Kings and Naval Heroes. Edgar. H 366 Sea Lions. Cooper I 284 Sea Mew Abbey. James I 7463 Sea Queen, A. Russell F 6352 The same G 1 1 73 Sea-Spray. Wickham F 1955 Sea Wolves, The. Pemberton F 6059 Sea Yarns for Boys. Henderson H 4202 Seaboard Parish. Mac Donald F 1 101 Sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neigh- bourhood. Seaforth. Montgomery G 101 1 Sealed Orders. Ward F 5881 SEALSFIELD, Cftseud. See POSTEL, K. Sealskin Cloak, The. Browne F 8039 SEAMER, M. See SEYMOUR, Mrs. M. Seamy Side, The. Besant and Rice. . . F 2637 Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson . H 2537,1 Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey F 3343 Search for the Mountain of Gold. Murphy H 1865 Search for the Star, The. Willett H 2717 Search for the Talisman. Frith H 1322 SEARING, Mrs. A. E. P. A Social Ex- periment F 6572 SEARLE, January, pseud. See PHIL- LIPS, G. S. SEARS, E. H. Pictures of the Olden Time [Plymouth Colony] F 6575 Seaside and Fireside Fairies. Blum and Wahl H 235 Seats of the M ighty. Parker F 6092 SEAWELL, M. E. The Berkeleys and their Neighbors F 6506 Decatur and Somers H 2317 History of the Lady Betty Stair. . . F 6504 Little Jarvis. H 2314 Maid Marian, and other Stories F 6505 Contents: Maid Marian; Little Missy; The Sea Fortunes of Dicky Carew; The Kourasofts; The Virginian Colonel; The Valbella Brothers; Theodora; Tu- bal the Fiddler; Priscilla; Kaintuck. Paul Jones H 2316 Quarterdeck and Fok'sle H 2318 The Rock of the Lion [Siege of Gib- raltar, 1779-83] H 2 3i9 The Sprightly Romance of MarsacF 6508 A Strange, Sad Comedy F 6507 Throckmorton [Virginia] F 6536 Through Thick and Thin, and The Midshipmen's Mess H 2315 A Virginia Cavalier (George Wash- ington) F 6509 i:\GLISH PROSE FICTION. 2 17 Sebastian. Cooper G 809 Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne F 3950 Sebastopol. Tolstoi F 7006 Second Best. Conklin H 1154 Second Book of Tales. Field F 8775 Second-Cousin Sarah. Robinson F 1433 Second Jungle Book. Kipling F 4727 Second Life. Hector F 3986 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 1068 Second Opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. Ridge F 6388 Second Sight. Evans F 3432 Second Son, The. Oliphant and AldrichF 5680 Second Thoughts. Broughton F 2661 The same G 860 Second to none. Grant F 8841 Second Wife. John F 935 Secret Chamber at Chad. Green H 1445 Secret of Fontaine-La-Croix. Field. . .F 3564 Secret of her Life. Jenkins F 1434 Secret of Narcisse. Gosse P 3800 Secret'of Saint Florel. Berwick F 7925 Secret of the Andes. Hassaurek 781 Secret of the Black Butte. Shattuck . . H 2326 Secret of the Court. Moore F 5578 Secret of the Desert. Fawcett H 1394 Secret of the Sands. Lancaster H 1 1 18 Secret of the Sea. Matthews F 5155 Secret of Victory. Winslow F 7507 Secret Passion. Williams F 1946,1 Secret Rose, The. Yeats I 7732 Secrets at Roseladies. Catherwood. . . H 1084 Secretary to Bayne, M. P. Ridge F 6391 Section 558. Hawthorne F 3846 SEDGWICK, C. M. Hope Leslie; or, Early Times in Massachusetts. 2 v F 1 5 10 The Linwoods. 2 v. [America, !77o]F 1511 Married or Single? 2v F 15 13 The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man H 672 Stories for Young Persons F 15 14 Tales and Sketches. 2nd Series.. . F 15 16 and others. Tales of Glauber-Spa. F 151 5 SEDGWICK, Mrs. S. R. Walter Thorn- ley [American Revolution, 1780J.F 6577 Seed-Time and Harvest. Reuter F 1408 Seek and Find. Adams H 108,4 SEELEY, C. S. Lost Canyon of the Toltecs; Adventures in Central America V 6491 The Spanish Galleon; Search for Sunken Treasure in the Caribbean Sea F 6490 SEELY, H. Nymph of the West F 6538 A Ranchman's Stories F 6632 Contents: A Lone Star Bo- Peep; The Mystery of San Saba; Three Screphons of Concho; An Episode of Paint Rock; A Stage-Coach Enchantress; A Wander- ing Melibceus; A Frontier Bohemian; The Temperance Ball at Brady; The Tiger Lily of Llano Post; Christmas Day at Centerfitt. SEEMULLER, Mrs. A. M. C. Oppor- tunity F 1520 Reginald Archer F 1522 Seen and Unseen. Algatchie F 1492 SEGERSTEDT, A. My Lady Legend; Folk Tales from the North H 2280 SEGUIN, L. G. See STRAHAN, Mrs. L. G. SEGUR, S. R. de. Adventures of a Donkey H 671 Selected Stories. Read F 6264 Selections from German Novelists. 4 v. Roscoe F 145 1 Selections from Italian Novelists. 4 v. Roscoe F 1453 Self. Springer F 6841 Self -Conquered. Heldmann... H 151 1 Self-Control. Brunton F 2259 Self-Denying Ordinance. Hamilton... F 9070 Self-Justification, Essay on. EdgeworthF 518,4 Selim, the Pasha of Salonica H 439 SELLERS, E.J. From 18 to 20 F 6546 Selling Lucky. Abbott H 53.4 Selvaggio. Rathbone F 2090 Semi-Attached Couple. 2 v. Eden F 514 Semi-Detached House. Eden F 516 Senator Intrigue and Inspector Noseby. Sparhawk F 6808 Seftora Yillena. Wilcox F 6642 Sense and Sensibility. Austen G 33 Sensitive Plant. Laszouski and Gerard F 3717 Sentimental Calendar, The. Stimson. . F 6525 Sentimental Journey. See Sterne, L. Sentimental Tommy. Barrie F 8031 Seola. Brainerd F 1477 Septimius Felton. Hawthorne F 770 The same J 92 SERAO, M. See SCARFOGLIO, M. S. Seraphita. Balzac F 2595 Serapis. Ebers F 3215 SERGEANT, A. Beyond Recall [Egyp- tian War of 1882] F 6578 Brooke's Daughter F 6545 Dr. Endicott's Experiment F 7257 Esther Denison F 6543 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SERGEANT, A. Great Mill Street Mys- tery F 6510 The Idol-maker F 6514 A Life Sentence F 6883 The Luck of the House F 6884 Marjory Moore F 6513 The Mistress of Quest F 6512 No Ambition F 65 1 5 No Saint F 6541 Out of Due Season F 6888 Roy's Repentance F 6542 Sir Anthony's Secret F 65 1 1 Story of a Penitent Soul F 6886 Surrender of Margaret Bellarmine.F 6887 A True Friend F 6539 Under False Pretences F 6885 and E. LESTER. Name and FameF 6544 Sergeant Croesus. King F 4629 Sermon at Notre Dame, A. Jacobi F 7189 Serpent-Charmer, The. Rousselet F 1413 SERRANO, M. J. (Tr.). War under Water F 7430 SERRAO, T. Brushes and Chisels.... F 6533 SESSELBERG, M. F. In Amazon Land (Adaptations from Brazilian Writ- ers) F 6520 Set of Rogues. Barrett F 8053 Seth's Brother's Wife. Frederic F 3560 SETON, W. Romance of the Charter Oak [Connecticut] F 15 18 SETOUN, G. Barncraig; Life in a Scot- tish Village F 6519 Robert Urquhart F 65 1 7 Sunshine and Haar, Glimpses of Life at Barncraig F 65 18 Settlers in Canada. Marryat G 433 The same I 3 1 32 Seven Champions of Christendom, The. Kingston H 1698 Seven Daughters. Douglas H 319 Seven Days in a Pullman Car. TownerF 7010 Seven Dreamers. Slosson F 6755 Seven Frozen Sailors. Fenn and othersF 8689 Seven Hills. DeMille H 331,2 Seven Historic Ages. Gilman H 420 Seven Little Australians. Turner H 2550 Seven Little People and their Friends. Scudder H 2300 Seven Little Sisters. Andrews H 951 Seven on the Highway. Teuffel F 4193 Seven Sons of Mammon. Sala G 532 Seven Stories. Fullerton F 606 The same G 936 Seven Stories with Basement and Attic. Mitchell F iiqt 7 to 12. Rohlfs F 3679 The same F 3682 Seven Xmas Eves. Graves and othersF 8865 Contents: Testimony of Mrs. Mary Cheevers, by Graves; Opinion of David Dix, Night Watchman, by Farjeon; Stray Recollections of P. C. Challice. 999X, by Lean; Statement of Arthur Rowan. Warder, by Fenn; Some Evi- dence of Alfred Curran, Reporter, by Praed: Remarks of Charles Turrill,Esq., M. P., by McCarthy; Old Memories by a lonely Clergyman, by Scott. Seven Years, and other Tales. Kava- nagh G 298 Sevenfold Trouble, A. Alden and othersH 903 Sevenoaks. Holland F 831 1794; Tale of the Terror. Hericault. . . F 4000 Seventh Child, A. Stannard F 6875 Severa. Twardowska F 3970 SEVERANCE, M. S. Hammersmith; his Harvard Days F 1 537 SEVERN, L., pseud. See TROTTER, A. M. SEVERNE, H. Chums; a Tale for the Youngsters H 2306 SEWELL, A. Black Beauty, his Grooms and Companions [Story of a Horse] H 2308 SEWELL, E. M. After Life G 555 Sequel to Journal of a Home Life. Amy Herbert G .1045 Child's History of Rome A no CleveHall F 1526 Earl's Daughter F 1 527 Experience of Life G 104 1 First History of Greece A 50 Gertrude F 1528 Glimpse of the World F 1529 The same G 556 Ivors. 2v F 1 531 Journal of a Home Life F 1 530 The same G 557 Katharine Ashton. 2 v F 1 532 Laneton Parsonage. 3 v F 1 533 Margaret Percival. 2v F 1534 Ursula G 558 The same. 2 v. F 1535 SEYMOUR, Mrs. M. Chaucer's Stories simply told H 2310 Shakespeare's Stories simply told . H 676 v. 1. Comedies. 2. Tragedies and Histories. SEYMOUR,Mrs.M.H. Poor and PlainH 2077 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 249 SEYMOUR, R. (A.Crowquill). Seymour's Humorous Sketches E 2242 The same E 5733 Sforza; a Story of Milan. Astor F 2454 Shabby Genteel Story. Thackeray G 588,7 Shadow of a Crime. Caine F 2916 Shadow of a Dream. Howells F 4077 Shadow of Ashlydyat. 3 v. in 2. WoodG 1207 Shadow of John Wallace. Clarkson. . . F 2790 Shadow of Moloch Mountain. Austin. F 83 Shadow of Roger Laroque. Mary F 5368 Shadow of the Guillotine. Cobb F 8281 Shadow of the Sword. Buchanan F 176 Shadow of the War. Robinson F 6581 Shadow on a Wave. Von Degen F 7222 Shadow on the Blind, and other Stories. Baldwin F 7995 Shadow's Shadow, A. Ragsdale F 6219 Shadows of Shasta. Miller F 5291 Shadowed by Three. Van Deventer. . F 51 10 Shadowland in Elian Vannin. Russell. F 6389 Shahmah in Pursuit of Freedom; or, the Branded Hand [Slavery] F 6648 SH AIKHZADAH. History of the Forty Vezirs F 6734 SHAKSPERE, W.: and his Friends. Williams F 1946 Master Skylark. Bennett F 7729 Secret Passion. Williams F 1946 Shakspere's Stories simply told. 2 v. Seymour H 676 Tales from. Lamb H 508 The same J 169,6 Talk of the Town. Payn G Will Shakespeare'sLittleLad. ClarkF Youth of Shakspere. Williams. . .F Shall I win her? Grant F Shamrock and Thistle. Adams H Shandon Bells. Black F The same G Shandy M'Guire. Boyce F SHAPCOTT, R., pseud. See WHITE, W. H. SHAPLEY, R. E. Solid for Mulhooley [Municipal Politics] F Sharing her Crime. Fleming F SHARP, E. At the Relton Arms F SHARP, W. Children of To-Morrow.F The Gypsy Christ, and other Tales.F Wives in Exile F SHATTUCK, W. Keeper of the Sala- mander's Order H The Secret of the Black Butte; Tale of the Big Horn H 2326 1 168 8252 1946 8842 111,2 2565 1232 1306 6547 35i6 6853 6725 9806 9807 2325 I Shaving of Shagpat. Meredith F 5220 SHAW, E. R. Legends of Fire Island Beach, and the South Side ».F 6804 Contents: The Pot of Gold; The Bogy of the Beach; The Mower's Phantom; En- chanted Treasure; The Money Ship; Widow Molly; The Mineral rod; Notes. SHAW, F. L. Castle Blair H 665 Colonel Cheswick's Campaign F 6584 Hector F 6582 Phyllis Browne H 2321 Sea Change F 6583 SHAW, H. W. (Josh Billings). Josh Bil- lings, his Works E 837 On Ice, and other Things E 5735 SHAW, M. Queen Bess F 6586 SHAW, W.J. Solomon's Story F 6580 Shawl-Straps. Alcott H 124,2 She; a History of Adventure. HaggardF 3875 The same G 1 263 She loved a Sailor. Barr F 2233 She loved him madly. Berthoud F 166 She's all the World to me. Caine F 2699 She-Wolves of Machecoul. 2 v. DumasF 8483 Same as Last Vendue. Sheba. Booth F 6233 Sheila. Smith F 6837 Sheila's Mystery. Molesworth H 1883 SHELDON, C. M. The Crucifixion of Phillip Strong F 6727 SHELDON, Mrs.O. Brownie's Triumph F 6590 Lost, a Pearle F 6588 Stella Rosevelt F 6641 Wedded by Fate; or, Sister AngelaF 6728 SHELDON, L. V. An I. D. B. in South Africa F 1632 SHELLEY, M. W. Frankenstein; the Modern Prometheus F 1 542 SHELTON, W. H. The Last Three Soldiers [American Civil War]..F 9815 A Man without a Memory, and other Stories F 6729 Shen's Pigtail, The. Mason F 4340 Shepherd of Ardmuir. Chambers H 1088 Shepherd of Bethlehem. Tucker H 734 SHEPPARD, E. S. {E. Berger). Charles Auchester [Musical Story] F 1 543 Counterparts. 2 v. [Musical Story]. F 1546 Rumour. 2 v. [Napoleon III.] F 1427 SHEPPARD, F. H. Love Afloat; Am- erican Navy [Buccaneers, 1829].. F 1544 SHEPPARD, N. Shut up in Paris [Franco-Prussian War] G 562 250 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SHERARD, R. H. Jacob Niemand.. .F 6480 Sherburne Cousins. Douglas H 1187 Sherburn* House. Douglas H 1 1 85 Sherburne Romance. Douglas H 1 198 Sheridan, Fighting Phil. Headley H 457 Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of. DoyleF 3014 Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of. Doyle. F 3177 SHERMAN, F. D. and J. K. BANGS. New Waggings of Old Tales E 1972 SHERWOOD BONNER, pseud. See M'DOWELL, K. S. B. SHERWOOD, Mrs. M. E. W. Sweet- Brier F 7057 A Transplanted Rose [Story of New York Society] F 7059 SHERWOOD, Mrs. M. M. B. Works. F 1545 v. 1. Henry Milner; 2. The Fairchild Family, and other Tales; 3. Little Henry, and other Tales; 4. The Indian Pilgrim, and other Tales; 5. The In- fant's Progress, and otl.er Tales; 6. The Governess, and other Tales; 7. The Nun. and other Tales; 8. Victoria, and other Tales; 9-12. The Lady of the Manor, 13. The Mailcoach, and other Tales; 14. The Monk of Cimi6s, and other Tales; 15. Henry Milner, and other Tales; 16. John Marten. Stories of the Church Catechism.. . F 6730 SHERWOOD, M. P. (E. Hastings). An Experiment in Altruism F 4299 SHEYKH-ZADA. See Shaikhzadah. SHIEL, M.P. Prince Zaleski F 6806 Shield of Love. Farjeon F 3623 Shield of the Fleur-de-lis. Du Bois. . . F 8506 Shifting for Himself. Alger H 158,3 Shifting Winds. Ballantyne H 227 Shiftless Folks. Smith F 1554 SH1LLABER, B. P. (Mrs. Partington). Ike Partington Series H 2330 v. 1. Ike Partington. 2. Cruises with Captain Bob. 3. Double-Runner Club. Shiloh; or, Without and Within. Wood- ruff F 4422 Ship and Shore Series. See Stratemeyer, E. Ships that pass in the Night. Har- raden F 4300 Shipowner's Daughter. Saunders G 814 SHIPPEN, E. A Christmas at Sea. . ..F 6805 SHIPTON, H. Christopher F 6589 The Herons F 6679 Saved by the Skin of his Teeth F 6678 Shipwrecks at Sea. Kingston H 493 SHIRLEY, Penn, pseud. See CLARKE, S. J. Shirley. Nicholls F 1240 The same G 460 Shocking Example, and other Sketches. Baylor F 2472 Shod with Silence. Ellis H 1235,1 Shoepac Recollections. Willcox F 5167 SHORES, H. The Keys of Fate F 6913 Short Sixes. Bunner F 2286 Short Stories, 1895-97. 8 v S 74 Short Stories. Barr F 2236 Short Stories. Davis F 3190 Short Stories ; ed. by Harrison F 3825 Contents: My own Story, by Stoddard; In HonorBound.byChesebro'; An Islander, by Crosby; ASpeakin' Ghost, by Slosson; Monsieur Alcibiade, by Harrison. SHORTHOUSE, J. H. Blanche, Lady Falaise F 6550 Countess Eve [Burgundy, 1785] F 6549 John Inglesant [Time of Charles I.]F 6591 The same G 817 Little Schoolmaster Mark F 6592 Sir Percival F 6593 Teacher of the Violin, and other Tales F 6548 Should she have left him? Hudson... F 4169 Shoulder Arms. True H 2516 Shoulder-Straps. Morford F 11 88 Shoulder to Shoulder. Stables H 2332 SHUMAN, A. Loves of a Lawyer F 1500 Shut in. Green F 891 1 Shut up in Paris. Sheppard G 562 Siberian Exiles. Knox F 4737 Sibyl Huntington. Dorr F 422 Sibylla. Cunningham F 8420 Sibylla. McFadden . . . H 1783 Sibylle, The Story of. Feuillet F 599 Sick Calls. Price E 1451 Sick Giant, and the Doctor Dwarf. Jer- rold F 4430.4 SICKERT, O. (O. Valentine). Helen.. F Sickness as a Profession. Moore F 5374 Side by Side. Alden H 89 SIDQW1CK, Mrs. A. (Mrs. A. Dean). The Grasshoppers F 8448 Lesser's Daughter F 4342 A Splendid Cousin F 7237 SIDNEY, Margaret, pseud. See LOTHROP, Mrs. H. M. S. SIDNEY, Sir P. Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia E 1503 Sidney. Deland F 2976 Sidney De Grey. Wise ^679,1 ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. 251 Sidney Martin's Christmas. Alden H 912 Sidonie. Daudet F 374 Same as Fromont, Junior and Ris- ler, Senior. Siege of London. James F 44 1 3 Siege of Norwich Castle. Blake F 2306 Siege of Washington for Little People. Adams H 878 Siegfried, The Story of. Baldwin H 101 5 SIENKIEWICZ, H. Children of the Soil [Modern Poland] F 6742 The Deluge. 2 v. [Poland, Sweden, Russia] F 6645 Sequel to With Fire and Sword. Hania F 9809 Contents: The Old Servant; Hania; Tar- tar Captivity; Let us follow Him; Be thou Blessed; At the Source; Charcoal Sketches; Organist of Ponikla; Lux in Tenebris Lucet; On the Bright Shore; That Third Woman. Let us follow Him [Christ], and other Stories F 9810 Contents: Let us follow Him; Sielanka; Be Blessed; Light in Darkness; Orso; Memories of Mariposa. Lillian Morris, and other Stories.. . F 6737 Contents: Lilian Morris; Sachem; Yam- yol; The Bull-fight. Pan Michael [Poland] F 6735 Sequel to The Deluge. Quo Vadis [Time of Nero] F 6743 With Fire and Sword (Poland, 1647-5O F 6646 Without Dogma [Modern Poland]. F 6732 Yanko, the Musician, and other Sto- ries F 6733 Contents: Yanko, the Musician; The Light-house Keeper of Aspinwall; From the Diary of a Tutor in Polznan; Com- edy of Errors; Bartek, the Victor. Sights and Insights. 2 v. Whitney F 1938 Sign of Four, The. Doyle F 3181 The same G 1416 Sign of the Cross. Barrett F 8054 Sign of the Wooden Shoon. Mather. . . F 9428 Signa. DelaRame" F 1370 The same. 3 v. in 2 G 797 Signal Boys. Eggleston H 358 Signal Butte. King F 4621 Signe's History. Thoresen F 7 1 38 Signing the Contract. Finley F 3500 Signor I. Farina F 3569 Signor Monaldini's Niece. Tincker...F 2291 SIGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Myitis, and other Sketches F 6647 Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years since F 6901 Sigrid. Thoroddsen F 6986 SIKES, Mrs. O. (Olive Logan). Cha- teau Frissac F 6608 Get thee behind me, Satan! F 1072" Silas Barnstarke. Gwynne F 710 Silas Lapham, Rise of. Howells F 4037 Silas Marner. Cross F 3302 The same G 367 Silence of Dean Maitland. Truttiett. . .G 1258 Silence of the Maharajah. Corelli F 8248 Silent and True. Fleming F 590 Silent Partner. Ward F 131 1 Silent Pete; or, the Stowaways. Kaler. H 2015 Silent Sea. Macleod F 5547 Silent Witness. Yates F 2003 The same G 1221 Silent Workman, The. Ross F 6307 Silhouettes trom Life on the Prairie. Hancock F 4220 Silhouettes of American Life. Davis.. . F 3051 Silken Threads. Williams F 2450 SILLOBY, L. Which is right? F 1696 Silopaen. McKey F 5256 Silver Canon. Fenn H 1292 Silver Casket. Tucker H 741 Silver Caves. Ingersoll H 1536 Silver Chimes. Marshall H 1828 Silver Christ. De la Rame* F 6224 Silver City. Ober H 1970 Silver Cord. 3 v. in 2. Brooks G 61 Silver Fairy Book. The H 2327 Silver Gate Series. See Clarke, S. J. Silver Lake. Ballantyne H 1013 Silver Linings. Bray H 1056 Silver Medal. Trowbridge H 705 Silver Pitchers. Alcott H 135 Silver Rags. Allen H 940,2 SILVERVALE, Lumina, pseud. See SUDDOTH, Mrs. H. A. B. Silvia. Kavanagh G 971 SIMCOX, E. Episodes in the Lives of Men, Women and Lovers F 6595 SIME, W. Haco the Dreamer; Scotch University Life. 2 v F 6649 King Capital F 6597 The Red Route [Fenianism] F 6600 SIMMONS, V. S. A Village Drama.. F 7260 252 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SIMMS, W. G. Beauchampe; or, the Kentucky Tragedy F 2050 Sequel to Charlemont. rder Beagles; Tale of MississippiF 2051 Charlemont; Tale of Kentucky F 2052 Confession; or, the Blind Heart F 2053 Eutaw; Tale of the Revolution F 2054 Sequel to The Forayers. The Forayers [Am. Revolution] F -2055 Sequel to Katharine Walton. Guy Rivers [Georgia] F 2056 Katharine Walton[Am. RevolutionJF 2057 Sequel to Mellichampe. Mellichampe; X