3QS UC-NRLF K r-: CO Practical Bibliograp. LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY KIEFFER Practical Bibliographies LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY COMPILED BY GEORGE LINN KIEFFER Assistant Executive Secretary of the New York City Committee for the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation EDITED AND ANNOTATED BY WILLIAM WALKER ROCKWELL, Assistant Professor of Church History in Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York AND OTTO HERMANN PANNKOKE Secretary of the Concordia School of Commerce and Accountancy Executive Secretary of the New York City Committee for the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation. THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. AND NEW YORK CITY 1917 COPYRIGHT 1917 BY O. H. PANNKOKE INTRODUCTION The approaching four hundredth anniversary of the post- ing of Luther's Theses on the 3ist of October, 1517, has aroused a great deal of interest in the United States. To facilitate the study of the German Reformation the present annotated list has been prepared. It does not aim at com- pleteness such as has been the goal of great works like the "Quellenkunde" of Dahlmann-Waitz. The eighth edition of that indispensable bibliography carries the literature down through the year 1910 and contains many titles as late as 1912. The present list may be used in connection with Dahl- mann-Waitz in such a way as readily to open up extensive ramifications of the literature which limited space has com- pelled us to omit Thus among the books we mention on Luther's Table Talk is a monograph by Preserved Smith which is listed in the index to Dahlmann-Waitz under number 7403. Looking up that number in the body of the reference work we find mentioned thirteen other editions or mono- graphs bearing on the Table Talk. Probably three-fourths of the titles in our bibliography are contained in Dahlmann.-Waitz, but a surprisingly large fraction has either been overlooked by the compilers of that work or has appeared since it went to press. Therefore we have made a special effort to include publications since 1910 as well as some of the older material in English which it has omitted. The table of contents furnishes a detailed guide to subjects. Titles of books have been entered but once, though many might have been classified under several headings; hence the only way to be sure one has found all the needed information here con- tained, is to look under more than one heading. This process would have been greatly facilitated had it been practicable to make an index ; but the delay involved seemed prohibitive. To the libraries of Columbia LTniversity and of the Union Theological Seminary, as well as to the New York Public Library, we are indebted for valuable advice and most cour- 364425 4 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES teous assistance. It has been possible to check up a large proportion of the titles on the actual works listed; but chiefly owing to the blockade, which for the year past has practi- cally prohibited the importation of books from Germany, it has been impossible to carry out the principle that nothing shall be included which has not been seen. Those titles not inspected by one of the editors have been drawn from stan- dard publications such as the "Theologische Rundschau" or current trade bibliographies. The present work has grown out of the bibliographies pre- pared by Rev. George Linn Kieffer, A.M., B.D., in the semi- nar on the History of the Protestant Reformation, conducted at the Union Theological Seminary in 1915-1916 by the un- dersigned. In compiling it Mr. Kieffer made use of data col- lected by other members of the seminar. The annotations have been made by the undersigned in constant consultation with Reverend Otto H. Pannkoke, B.D., Executive Secretary of the Reformation Quadricentenary Committee of New York City. The editors believe that in spite of the care exercised errors have probably crept in ; and they feel certain that the titles of many valuable books and articles by foreign and especially by American scholars have been overlooked. It is hoped that it may be possible to print a revised edition in 1917 or 1918 in which a special effort would be made to include many more titles, par- ticularly in the English language, and to list the chief books and addresses published during the anniversary year. Authors will therefore confer a favor by sending in prompt notice of their publications. Anyone who discovers errors or important omis- sions is urged to send the fullest possible data to Mr. Kieffer, at the headquarters of the Reformation Quadricentenary Committee of New York City, Room 413, 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City. WILLIAM WALKER ROCKWELL. New York City, December 29, 1916. NOTE: This Bibliography is gotten out by the Reformation Quadricentenary Committee of New York City. Headquarters : 200 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. It is recommended by the Quadricentennial Sub-Committee on Literature and Publicity of the Joint Lutheran Committee on Celebration of The Quadricen- tennial of the Reformation 1517-1917, Headquarters; 925 Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CONTENTS I. GENERAL r. BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 2. ENCYCLOPEDIAS 10 3. GENERAL HISTORIES 10 a Church II b Dogma 12 c Economics 12 d Education 12 e Monastic Orders 13 / Philanthropy 13 g Politics 13 4. ATLASES 13 II. ANTECEDENTS OF THE REFORMATION TO 1517 i. PAPAL EMPIRE a History of Papacy 15 b Lives of Popes 15 c German Church in the Middle Ages 16 d Councils 17 CONTENTS 2. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE a General and Political 17 b Social and Economic 18 c Intellectual aa Education and Schools 19 bb Renaissance 20 3. PRECURSORS OF LUTHER 20 III. REFORMATION 1. SOURCE COLLECTIONS ON THE REFORMATION PERIOD... 23 2. HISTORIES OF THE REFORMATION 27 3. SPECIAL TOPICS IN REFORMATION HISTORY. a Political 30 b Social and Economic 31 c Intellectual 33 d Religious 34 e Toleration 35 / Principles and Value of the Reformation 35 g Influence of the Reformation 36 4. MARTIN LUTHER a Bibliography 38 b Works 38 c Letters 40 d Table Talk 41 e Lives of Luther 42 / Luther and Ecclesiastical Reorganization 45 ; CONTENTS 7 g Luther and his Household 46 h Luther and the Papacy 46 Luther and the Holy Roman Empire 46 j Luther and the Peasant War 47 k Luther and Intellectual Conditions 47 / Luther and Indulgences 48 m Luther's Theology 49 n Luther's Ethics SO o Luther and Territorial Princes 50 5. CONTEMPORARIES OF LUTHER a Anabaptists 5* b Calvin 52 c Catholic Opponents of Luther 53 d Erasmus 53 e Henry VIII 54 / Melanchthon 55 g Other German Contemporaries Friendly to Luther 55 h Zwingli 57 IV. COUNTER REFORMATION 59" HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY I. GENERAL i. BIBLIOGRAPHY Earth, H. Bibliographic der Schweizer Geschichte. Basel, 3v. Finsler, G., et Vuilleumier, H. Bibliographic de 1'figlise re- formee de la Suisse. Berne, 1896-1911. 2v. (Bibliographic nationale suisse.) Dahlmann-Waitz. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 8. Aufl. Leipzig, 1912. Fullest bibliography of the German Reformation, admirably classi- fied and indexed. Heyd, W., ed. Bibliographic der Wiirtembergischen Ge- schichte, im Auftrage der Wiirtembergischen Kommis- sion fur Landesgeschichte bearb. von W. Heyd. Bd. T-2, Stuttgart, 1895-96. Fortgefiihrt von T. Schon, Bd. 3 und 4, i. Stuttgart, 1907-08. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft, im Auftrage der historischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, hrsg. von G. Schus- ter. Berlin, 1880. Annual, covers publications since 1878. McGiffert, A. C. The Protestant Reformation (Bulletin of the General Theological Library, 53 Mt. Vernon St., Bos- ton. Special Reading List No. 28, 1917). A selected list of titles in English, with brief annotations. Includes countries outside Germany. Theologischer Jahresbericht. Leipzig, 1882-1914. Annual bibliographical review. Covers the years 1881-1913. In- valuable for Reformation history. Has ceased publication. io PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 2. ENCYCLOPEDIAS Catholic encyclopedia. Ed. by C. G. Herbermann, E. A. Pace and others. New York, Appleton, 1907-14. i6v. . Indispensable for the Catholic point of view; specially useful for constitutional and legal questions, and for biography; suggestive bibliographies. Conrad, J., Lexis, W. A. and Loaning, E., editors. Hand- worterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3. Aufl. Jena, 1909-1911. 8v. Standard work of reference for social and economic topics in his- tory of the Reformation. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographic ecclesiastiques. Pub. sous la direction de A. Baudrillart, A. Vogt et U. Rouzies. Paris, 1912- Very full, but has not reached the letter C. Encyclopaedia Britannica. nth ed. Cambridge University Press, 1910-11. 29v. Gunkel, H., Scheel, O., and Schiele, F. M., editors. Die Re- ligion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handworterbuch in gemeinverstandlicher Darstellung. Tubingen, 1909-13. 5v. Brief and incisive articles, usually with good bibliographies. Herzog, J. J., and Hauck, A., editors. Realencyclopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1896-1913. 24v. Contains long articles, often of monographic value. The supple- mentary volumes XXIII and XXIV note literature to igi3. Monroe, P. Cyclopedia of education. New York, Macmillan, 1912-13. 5v. Valuable for Reformation period. Vacant, A., and Mangenot, E., editors. Dictionnaire de la theologie catholique. Paris, 1903- In progress. Long articles, with very full list of books. 3. GENERAL HISTORIES Gaede, U., and Brinkmann, C. Repetitorium der deutschen Geschichte: Mittelalter. Berlin, 1907. 242p. An excellent syllabus. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 11 History of the German people. Edited by Professor Edward S. Ellis and Augustus R. Keller. i2mo. New York, The International Historical Society, 1916. i6v. Comes down to 1914. The sixteenth volume will be issued at the close of the war. Kaemmel, O. Deutsche Geschichte. 3. erganzte Aufl. Leip- zig, 1911. 2v. A very readable work, with good illustrations. Lavisse, E., and Rambaud, A. N. Histoire generate du IV* siecle a nos jours. Paris, 1893-1901. I2v. Ploetz, Karl Julius. Handbook of universal history. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history. Tr. and enl. by W. H. Tillinghast; with additions covering recent events. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, [c. 1915]. xii,624,63p. A handy book for dates. (a) Church Blanckmeister, F. Sachsische Kirchengeschichte. 2. Aufl. Dresden, 1906. Cowan, H. Landmarks of church history to the Reforma- tion. New York, n. d. (The guild text books). Funk, F. X. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 5. Aufl. Pa- derborn, 1907. Funk, F. X. A manual of church history. Authorised trans- lation from the 5th German ed. by L. Cappadelta. St. Louis, Mo., Herder, 1910. 2v. By one of the most favorably known German Catholics. Hergenrother, J. A. G. Handbuch der allgemeinen Kirchen- geschichte. 4. Aufl. neu bearb. yon Dr. J. P. Kirsch. Freiburg i. B., 1902-09. (Theologische Bibliothek.) 3v. Fullest treatment by German Catholic scholars. Heussi, K. Kompendium der Kirchengeschichte. 3. verbes- serte und teilweise umgearbeitete Aufl. Tubingen, 1913. xxxi,6i3p. Best syllabus of church history in any language; helpful in con- structing outlines. Kruger, G., ed. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte fur Stu- dierende. Tubingen, 1909-12. 4v. McGlothlin, W. J. Guide to the study of church history. New York, Doran, [c. 1914]. A syllabus. 12 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Nichols, R. H. The growth of the Christian Church, Phila- delphia, Westminster Press, 1914. V. i, Ancient and medieval Christianity; v. 2, Modern Christianity. Published by the Committee on Religious Education of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America for the use of young people of high school age. (b) Dogma Harnack, A. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. 4. Aufl. Tu- bingen, 1909-10. 3v. Harnack, A. History of dogma, tr. from the 3d German ed. by N. Buchanan, v. 7, p. 168-274. Boston, Little, Brown, 1900. Loofs, F. Leitfaden zum Studium der Dogmengeschichte. 4. Aufl. Halle, 1906. Seeberg, R. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1908-13. 3v. Last volume ends with Middle Ages. Seeberg, R. Text-book of the history of doctrines. Revised, 1904, by the author. Tr. by C. E. Hay. Philadelphia, Lutheran Pub. Co., [c. 1905]. 2v. Thomasius, G. Die christliche Dogmengeschichte. Erlangen, 1886-89. 2v. (c) Economics Haney, L. H. History of economic thought. New York, Macmillan, 1911. Oncken, A. Geschichte der Nationalokonomie. Leipzig, 1902. (d) Education Briggs, C. A. History of the study of theology; prepared for publication by his daughter, Emilie Grace Briggs. (Studies in theology.) New York, 1916. 2v. Davidson, T. History of education. New York, Scribner, 1900. Useful formulations. Monroe, P. A textbook in the history of education. New York, Macmillan, 1905. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 13 Paulsen, F. Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1896. 2v. Criticizes effect of Reformation on education. Sandys, J. E. A history of classical scholarship. Cambridge, University Press, 1903-08. 3v. Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der Erziehung vom Anfang an bis auf unsere Zeit. Berlin, 1884-1902. 5v. in 9. A standard work. (e) Monastic Orders Heimbucher, M. Die Orden und Kongregationen der Katho- lischen Kirche. 2. Aufl. Paderborn, 1907. 3v. Most elaborate single work of reference on its topic; careful bib- liographies. (f) Philanthropy Ratzinger, G. Geschichte der kirchlichen Armenpflege. 2. Aufl. Freiburg, 1884. Uhlhorn, G. Die christliche Liebestatigkeit. 2. Aufl. Stutt- gart, 1895. Still the best Protestant work on the history of Christian charities. (g) Politics Dunning, W. A. A history of political theories. New York, Macmillan, 1902-05. 2v. Traces the rise of political theories from their historical back- grounds. Schroeder, R. Lehrbuch der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. 5. Aufl. Leipzig, 1907. 4. ATLASES Heussi, K., and Mulert, H. Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte. Tubingen, 1905. Putzger, F. W. Historischer Schul-Atlas zur alten, mittleren und neuen Geschichte. Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1906. New York, Lemcke & Buechner, 1910. Shepherd, W. R. Historical atlas. New York, Holt, 1911. II. ANTECEDENTS OF THE REFORMATION TO 1517 i. PAPAL EMPIRE (a) History of Papacy Burchard, J. Diary of John Burchard of Strasburg, bp. of Orta. Tr. by A. H. Mathew. v. I. London, F. Griffiths, 1910. Creighton, M. A history of the Papacy during the period of Reformation. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1882. 5v. By an Anglican bishop with special interest in the conciliar move ment. Encyclopedia Britannica. Article: Papacy. Successive periods treated by Duchesne, Luchaire, Castor, Rockwell and F. X. Kraus. Kriiger, G. The papacy; the idea and its exponents. Tr. by F. M. S. Batchelor and C. A. Miles. New York, Putnam, 1909. 277?. Mirbt, C. Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des. romischen Katholizismus. Freiburg, 1895. 3. verb, und verm. Aufl. Tubingen, 1911. Indispensable . Pastor, L. History of the Popes from the close of the Mid- dle ages. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1899, 1 2V. By a leading Catholic scholar, the director of the Austrian His- torical Institute in Rome. Ranke, L. von. Die romischen Papste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. n. Aufl. Leipzig, 1907. ist edition, Berlin, 1834-36. Based on careful use of Venetian and other minor Italian archives. (b) Lives of Popes Individual Popes, cf. Encyclopedias under each name. Boulting, W. Aeneas Silvius (Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini Pius II.) London, Constable, 1904 16 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Kitts, E. J. In the days of the councils. London, Constable. Mathew, A. H. The life and times of Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI. London, Stanley Paul, [1912]. Roscoe, W. The life and pontificate of Leo the tenth. Ed. and rev. by T. Roscoe. London, Chatto & Windus, 1876. 2V. (c) German Church in the Middle Ages Albert, F. R. Die Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland bis Luther. Giitersloh, 1892-96. 3v. Cruel, R. Geschichte der deutschen Predigt im Mittelalter. Detmold, 1879. Picker, G., and Hermelink, H. Das Mittelalter. Tubingen, 1912. (Kriiger, G. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Teil 2.) Most recent German text book, with careful references to litera- ture. Heath, S. The pilgrim life of the Middle Ages. London, Unwin, 1911. Kolde, T. Das religiose Leben in Erfurt beim Ausgange des Mittelalters. Halle, 1898. (Schriften des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte. 63.) Lagarde, A. The Latin church in the Middle Ages, tr. by A. Alexander. Edinburgh, 1915. (International theolog- ical library.) Lohr, J. Methodisch-kritische Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sittlichkeit des Klerus besonders der Erzdiozese Koln am Ausgang des Mittelalters. Miinster, 1910. (Reforma- tionsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte. 17.) A careful study of clerical morality, based on the records of the archdiocese. MacCaffrey, J. History of the Catholic church from the Re- naissance to the French revolution. Dublin, 1915. The most recent scholarly discussion of the subject by an English- speaking Catholic. Schaff, D. S. The Middle Ages, A. D. 1294-1517. (Schaff, P. History of the Christian Church, vol. V, pt. II.) Specially valuable for bibliographies. By a conservative scholar. Fullest treatment in English of the period 1294-1517. Walther, W. Die deutsche Bibelubersetzung des Mittelal- ters. Braunschweig, 1889. Werminghoff, A. Nationalkirchliche Bestrebungen im deut- schen Mittelalter. Stuttgart, 1910. (Stutz, U., Kirchen- rechtliche Abhandlungen, Nr. 61.) THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 17 Werminghoff, A. Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Kirche im Mittelalter. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1913. (Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft, II, 6.) The best study of the constitution of the medieval church. (d) Councils Councils. Constance and Basel. Cf. bibliographies in ency- clopedias. Concilium Basiliense. Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte des Concils von Basel. Hrsg. von J. Haller [u. a.] Bd. I- V, VII. Basel, 1896-1904. Culley, D. E. Konrad von Gelnhausen. Halle a. S., 1913. 104?. Good bibliographies for early conciliar movement. Finke, H. Acta concilii Constantiensis. v. i. Miinster, 1896. Hefele, C. J. A history of the Christian councils from the original documents, tr. from the German and ed. by W. R. Clark. Edinburgh, 1871-96. 5v. Hefele, C. J. Conciliengeschichte. 2. Aufl. Freiburg, 1879- 86. 6v. Hefele, C. J. Histoire des conciles d'apres les documents originaux. Nouvelle traduction frangaise, par H. Le- clercq. Paris, 1907-14. 6v. In progress. This French translation is specially valuable because of its learned notes. Valois, N. Le Pape et la Concile 1408-1450. Paris, 1909. Valois, N. La France et le grand schisme d'Occident. Paris, 1896-1902. 4v. Wylie, J. H. Council of Constance to the death of John Huss. London, Longmans, Green, 1900. I92p. 2. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (a) General and Political See Dahlmann-Waitz, 8th ed., nos. 6334-6428 for terri- torial history to 1519. Cambridge modern history. Planned by the late Lord Acton. Ed. by A. W. Ward, v. i, pt. i: The Middle Ages. New York, Macmillan, 1904. 18 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Fisher, H A. L. The Mediaeval Empire. London, Macmil- lan, 1898. 2v. Fullest work in English on its topic. Gebhardt, B. Die Gravamina der deutschen Nation gegen den romischen Hof. 2. Aufl. Breslau, 1895. Ecclesiastical reforms demanded by the Reichstag. Lodge, R. Close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494. New York, Macmillan, 1901. Loserth, J. Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters 1197-1492. Miinchen, 1903. Pays special attention to Hussite and Wyclifite movements. Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H. A source book for me- diaeval history. New York, Scribner, 1914. 6i9p. Best source book in English on the conflict between Empire and Papacy. (b) Social and Economic Ashley, W. J. Introduction to English economic history and theory. New York, Putnam, 1894-1906. 2v. Discusses economic theories of the canon law, and economic and social activities of the medieval church. Bezold, F. von. Die "armen Leute" und die deutsche Lit- eratur des spateren Mittelalters. (Historische Zcitschrift, 4i, P- I-37-) Draws on popular literature to show sentiments of class toward class. Harvey, A. E. Economic self-interest in the German anti- clericalism of the isth and i6th centuries. (The Ameri- can Journal of Theology, Oct. 1915, p. 509-528.) Henne am Rhyn, O. Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes. Berlin, 1886. 2v. 3. Aufl. 1898. Herre, P. Deutsche Kultur des Mittelalters in Bild und Wort. Leipzig, 1912. (Wissenschaft und Bildung.) Best cheap annotated picture book on medieval German civilization. Janssen, J. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Aus- gang des Mittelalters. Freiburg, 1897-1904. V. i-4, i8th ed.; v. 5-6, i6th ed.; v. 7-8, Mth ed. The chief Catholic indictment of the Reformation. It idealizes the 1 5th century and blames the Reformation for social, political, eco- nomic downfall. Based on contemporary narratives rather than on documentary and statistical evidence. Tends to hasty generalization of individual or local conditions. For discussions of his reliability see Dahlmann-Waitz no. 1463. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 19 Janssen, J. History of the German people after the close of the Middle Ages. London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1896-1910. i6v. Lamprecht, K. Zum Verstandniss der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wandlungen in Deutschland vom i4.-i6. Jahr- hundert. 1893. Lindsay, T. R. History of the Reformation, v. i, chap. IV. Social conditions before the Reformation. Schultz, A. Deutsches Leben im XIV. und XV. Jahrhun- dert. Leipzig, 1892. Illustrated. Ulmann, H. Das Leben des deutschen Volkes beim Beginn der Neuzeit Halle, 1893. (Schriften des Vereins fiir Reformationsgeschichte, 41.) An interesting cross-section of German life, but without references. (c) Intellectual (aa) Education and Schools Abelson, P. The seven liberal arts; a study in mediaeval cul- ture. New York, Teachers' College, Columbia Univer- sity, 1906. Denifle, H. Die Universitaten des Mittelalters bis 1400. Ber- lin, 1885. Graves, F. P. A history of education during the Middle Ages, and the transition to modern times. New York, Macmillan, 1913. Hermelink, H. Die theologische Fakultat in Tubingen vor der Reformation. Tubingen, 1906. Rashdall, H. Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895. 3v. Schmitz, H. J. Das Volksschulwesen im Mittelalter. Frank- furt a. M., 1881. Taylor, H. O. The mediaeval mind: a history of the devel- opment of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages. London, Macmillan, 1911. 2v. Wulf, M. M. C. J. de. History of medieval philosophy. 3d ed., tr. by P. Coffey. London, Longmans, Green, 1909. 20 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES (bb) The Renaissance Brandi, K. Renaissance in Florenz und Rom. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1903. Burckhardt, J. C. The civilization of the period of the Re- naissance in Italy. Translation by S. G. C. Middlemore. London, Kegan Paul, 1878. 2v. The first German edition (Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien) of this work, of great influence on the interpretation of the Renais- sance, appeared at Basel in 1860. Still of value for detail. Hudson, W. H. The story of the Renaissance. London, Cassel, 1914. Good popular account. Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. New York, Holt, 1887. 7v. Still read for its literary charm. 3. PRECURSORS OF LUTHER Hus, J. De ecclesia. The church, tr. by D. S. Schaff. New York, Scribner, 1915. Lechler, G. Johann yon Wiclif und die Vorgeschichte der Reformation. Leipzig, 1873. 2v. Reacts against Ullrnann's conception of the "pre-reformers." Lutzok, F. H. V. The life and times of Master John Hus, London, Dent, 1909. Liitzow, F. H. V. The Hussite wars. New York, Button, 1914. A detailed study. Miller, E. W. [Life and Letters of Wessel Gansfort] New York, Putnam, 1917. Schaff, D. S. John Huss, his life, teachings and death. New York, Scribner, 1915. Villari, P. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2d ed. New York, Scribner, 1889. 2v. The standard biography contains a brilliant discussion of the Re- THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 21 Wiclif, J. John Wiclif's Polemical works in Latin, ed. from the manuscripts by R. Buddensieg. London, Triibner, 1883. 2v. (Wyclif society). Ullmann, C. Reformatoren vor der Reformation. Hamburg, 1866. Overestimates the importance of the forerunners of Luther. 111. REFORMATION i. SOURCE COLLECTIONS ON THE REFORMATION PERIOD A most useful guide to the sources is: Wolf, G. Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsge- schichte. Gotha, 1915-16. i. Bd. Reformation und allge- meine Reformationsgeschichte. 2. Bd., i. Th., Kirchliche Reformationsgeschichte. Elaborate discussions of sources and literature, grouped about topics. Aleandro, G. Die Depeschen des Nuntius Aleander vom Wormser Reichstage 1521, iibers. und erlautert von P. Kalkoff. 2. Aufl. Halle, 1897. Of supreme interest in following Rome's policy against Luther at this crucial period. Aleandro, G. Lettres familieres de Jerome Aleandre, 1510- 1540. Pub. par J. Paquier. Paris, 1909. Augsburg Confession. Die Augsburgische Konfession, la- teinisch und deutsch, kurz erlautert von T. Kolde. Mit fiinf Beilagen: I. Die Marburger Artikel, II. Die Schwa- bacher Artikel, III. Die Torgauer Artikel, IV. Die Confutatio pontincia, V. Die Augustana von 1540 (Vari- ata) 2. verbesserte Aufl. Gotha, 1911. Augsburg Confession. Die unveranderte Augsburgische Kon- fession, deutsch und lateinisch. Kritische Ausg. von P. Tschackert. Leipzig, 1901. Augsburg Confession. Die alteste Redaktion der Augsburg- ischen Konfession mit Melanchthons Einleitung, hrsg. von T. Kolde. Giitersloh, 1906. Balan, P., ed. Monumenta reformationis Lutheranae (1521-- 75). Ratisbonae, 1884. Baumann, F. L. Akten zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges aiis Oberschwaben. Freiburg, 1881. States grievances of German peasants. 24 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bohmer, H. Urkunden zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges und der Wiedertaufer. (Kleine Texte fur theologische Vorlesungen und Ubungen. 50-51.) Bonn, 1910. Calendar of letters, foreign and domestic, relating to the reign of Henry VIII. Ed. by J. S. Brewer and J. Gaird- ner. London, 1862-1910. 2iv. Calendar of letters, despatches, and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain preserved in the archives of Simancas, 1485-1530. Ed. by G. A. Bergenroth, P. de Gayangos and others. London, Long- man & Co., 1862-79. 5v. in 6. Usually referred to as the Spanish Calendar. Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to Eng- lish affairs existing in the archives and collections of Venice, and in other libraries of Northern Italy, 1202- 1557. Ed. by R. Brown. London, 1864-77. 6v. in 7. Cardauns, L. Zur Kirchenpolitik Georgs von Sachsen. (Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven. 16, p. 101-151) Clemen, O. C. Briefe aus der Reformationszeit. (Zeitschrift fiir Kirchengeschichte, XXI.) Clemen, O. C., ed. Flugschriften aus der Reformationszeit. v. 1-4. Halle, 1904- Reprints rare tracts. Corpus Schwenckfeldianorum, pub. under the auspices of the Schwenckfelder Church, Pennsylvania, and the Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecticut. v. 1-4. Leipzig, 1907-14. In progress. Denzinger, H. Enchiridion symbolorum, definitipnum et de- clarationum de rebus fidei et morum. Editio undecima quam paravit (". Banmvart. Freiburg, 1911. Diirer, A. Schriftlicher Nachlass. Hrsg. von E. Heidrich. Berlin, 1910. Epistolae obscurum virorum. The Latin text with an Eng- lish rendering, notes, and an historical introduction by F. G. Stokes. London, Chatto & Windus, 1909. Gess, F. Akten und Briefe zur Kirchenpolitik Herzog Georgs von Sachsen. v. i. Leipzig, 1905. (Schriften der konig- lich Sachsischen Kommission fiir Geschichte. X). Gess, F. Akten und Briefe zur Kirchenpolitik Herzog Georgs von Sachsen. Bd. i. 1517-24. Leipzig, 1905. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 25 Jacobs, H. E. The four hundred and four theses of Dr. John Eck, published in 1530; a contribution to the history of the Augsburg Confession. (Papers of the American Society of Church History, 2d ser., v. 2, 1910, p. 19-81.) Kidd, B. J., ed. Documents illustrative of the continental reformation. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1911. xix,742p. Selected with special interest in constitutional and liturgical points of difference between Lutheranism and Anglicanism. Latin and French sources are given in the original, but German ones are trans- lated. Each section is provided with a very brief introduction. Indexed. Kohler, W. Documente zum Ablassstreit von 1517. Tubin- gen, 1902. Useful source book on the Indulgence controversy. Les sources d 1'histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'en 1815 par MM. A. Molinier, H. Hauser, E. Bourgeois, [et autres]. Paris, 1902-13. I2v. In progress. iptie. Des origines aux guerres d'ltalie (1494) par A. Molinier. 2ptie. Le XVl e siecle (1494-1610) par H. Hauser. 3ptie. Le XVII 6 siecle (1610-1715) par fi. Bourgeois et L. Andre. Lietzmann, H., ed. Die Wittenberger und Leisniger Kas- tenordnungen,' 1522-23. Bonn, 1907. (Kleine Texte fur theologische Vorlesungen und Ubungen. 21.) Excellent and easily available source-material on the early reor- ganization of philanthropy. Lutheran Church. Die symbolischen Biicher der evangelisch- lutherischen Kirche, deutsch und lateinisch, besorgt von J. T. Miiller. 10. Aufl. Giitersloh, 1907. The standard edition of the Lutheran creeds, with a very valuable introduction by the late professor of Church history at Erlangen. Lutheran Church. Book of Concord; or, The symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Ed. by H. E. Jacobs. Phialdelphia, 1882-83. 2v. V. i. Text. v. 2. Historical introduction, notes, appendices and indices; the Articles of Marburg, of Schwabach and of Torgau; notes on the Variata; Zwingli's Reckoning of his Faith, The Tetrapolitan Confession, and the Confutation of the Augsburg Confession, the Book of Concord, the Leipzig Interim, etc., etc. These have been omitted in the popular edition. People's edition, c. 1911. Mentz, G. Handschriften der Reformationszeit. Bonn, 1912. Facsimiles of autograph letters in Latin and German of sixteenth century, usually with transliteration. Excellent and inexpensive. Miiller, E. F. K. Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche. Leipzig, 1903. Prints the original texts of fifty-eight Zwinglian and Calvinistic creeds and declarations of faith put forth in Europe and in America. Most of them are given in full. Historical introductions and subject index render this a work of high value for reference. 26 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Mutianus Rufus, C. Der Briefwechsel des Conradus Muti- anus, bearb. von K. Gillert. Halle, 1890. 2v. Myconius, F. Historia reformationis 1517-42, ed. E. S. Cyp- rian. Leipzig, 1718. Neudrucke deutscher Literaturwerke des 16. und 17. Jahr- hunderts. Halle, 1876-1914. 339V. In progress. Very useful to gain an estimate of the popular ideas and ideals of the Reformation period as well as of the treatment of the Reformation in popular literature. Nichols, F. M., ed. Mirabilia urbis Romae. London, Ellis and Elvey, 1889. A celebrated guide-book to Rome. Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland nebst erganzenden Akten- stiicken. Hrsg. durch das koniglich preussische his- torische Institut in Rom und die koniglich preussische Archivverwaltung. I. Abt. 1533-1559. Bd. 1-6, 8-12. Gotha, 1892-1910. Philip I, landgrave of Hesse. Briefwechsel Landgraf Phi- lipps des Grossmiithigen von Hessen mil Bucer, hrsg. und erlautert von M. Lenz. Leipzig, 1880-91. 3v. Philip I, landgrave of Hesse. Nachtrage zum Briefwechsel des Landgrafen Philipp mit Luther und Melanchthon, von E. Gundlach. (Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir hessische ' Geschichte und Landeskunde. Neue Folge. Bd. 28. 1904.) Philip I., landgrave of Hesse. Nachlese zum Briefwechsel Philipps mit Luther und Melanchthon, hrsg. von M. Lenz. (Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, IV. 1881.) Pijper, F. Primitiae pontificiae theologorum neerlandicorum. Disputationes contra Lutherum inde ab 1519 usque ad 1526 promulgatae. Haag, 1905. Reprints rare tracts against Luther by Roman Catholic theologians in the Netherlands. Planitz, H. von. Berichte aus dem Reichsregiment in Niirn- berg, 1521-1523. Gesammelt von E. Wiilcker. Leipzig, 1899- Hans von Planitz was the representative of Saxony at the Reichs- regiment. His reports give intimate details of the efforts to deal with the Lutheran question. Schade, O. Satiren und Pasquille aus der Reformationszeit. 2. Aufl. Hanover, 1863. 3v. Schaff, P. The creeds of Christendom, v. 3: The Evangelical Protestant creeds, with translations. New York, Harper, 1877. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 27 Schirrmacher, J. W. Briefe und Akten zu der Geschichte des Religionsgespraches zu Marburg 1529 und des Reichs- tages zu Augsburg, 1530. Gotha, 1876. Schmidt, W. Die Kirchen- und Schulvisitationen im sach- sischen Kurkreis vom Jahre 1555. Halle, 1906. Seckendorf, V. L. von. Commentarius historicus et apolo- geticus de Lutheranismo sive de reformatione religionis ductu D. Martini Lutheri in magna Germaniae parte. Francofurti et Lipsiae, 1692. Sehling, E. Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1902-13. 5v. Supersedes the Kirchenordnungen edited in 1846 by Aemilius Lud- wig Richter. Gives source material for the legal aspects of eccle- siastical reconstruction. Sleidanus, J. De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V. Caesare. Francofurti, 1785-86. 3v. The best edition; the first appeared 1555. Marks an epoch in the writing of history. Still of interest. Spalatin, G. Annales reformationis, hrsg. von E. S. Cyprian. Leipzig, 1718. By one of the chief officials of Electoral Saxony, a close friend of Luther. Spalatin, G. Historischer Nachlass und Briefe. i. Bd.: Das Leben und die Zeitgeschichte Friedrichs des Weisen. Jena, 1851. Out of print. Wrede, A. Deutsche Reichstagsakten unter Karl V. v. 1-4. Gotha, 1893-1905. Critical edition; especially valuable for the Diet of Worms 2. HISTORIES OF THE REFORMATION A list of the older writers on the Reformation is given in Schaff. Church history, vol. vi, p. 89-97. Bezold, F. von. Geschichte der deutschen Reformation. Berlin, 1890. (Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstel- lungen III, i). Lengthy and valuable, good illustrations. Brieger, T. Die Reformation. Berlin, 1914. (Erweiterte Ab- druck der i. Fassung aus : Pflugk-Harttung, J. A. G. von, ed. Weltgeschichte, 4. Bd.) Brief and excellent treatment by the late professor at Leipzig. 28 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Buchwald, G. Reformationsgeschichte der Stadt Leipzig 1 . Leipzig, 1900. Cambridge modern history. Planned by the late Lord Acton. Ed. by A. W. Ward. v. 2: The reformation. New York, Macmillan, 1904. Chapters by various authors. Full bibliographies. Cobbett, W. History of the Protestant Reformation in Eng- land and Ireland. New York, Benziger, 1897. A Catholic work first published 1824-1827. It attacks the corrup- tion and tyranny of the upper classes of the Reformation period. D'Aubigne, Merle J. H. History of the great Reformation of the sixteenth century. Hartford, S. Andrus, 1855. 5 V - By an eminent French Protestant; now out of date. Dollinger, J. von. Die Reformation, ihre innere Entwicklung und ihre Wirkungen im Umfange des Lutherischen Bekenntnisses. Regensburg, 1846-48 3v. Contemporary testimonies against the Lutheran Reformation. After the Vatican Council the author modified his estimate of Luther. Egli, E. Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte. Bd. I. 1519-25. Zurich, 1910. Fisher, G. P. The Reformation. New ed. New York, Scribner, 1906. The original edition, here revised, was issued in 1873. "A list of works on the Reformation," p. 475-502, specially useful for the lands beyond Germany. Hermelink, H. Reformation und Gegenreformation. (Krii- ger, G. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. 3.) Tubingen, 1911. Best recent German text book on the subject. Lists literature with care. Exceedingly brief and compact. Hulme, E. M. The Renaissance, the Protestant Revolution and the Catholic Reformation in continental Europe. New York, Century, 1914. The framevvork of the book is substantially drawn (though not without omissions, additions and other changes) from the Outline printed for the use of his classes by Professor G. L. Burr of Cor- nell, to whom the volume is dedicated. Jacobs, H. E. The Lutheran movement in England. Phila- delphia, 1894. Kidd, B. J. The continental Reformation. 3d ed. New York, Gorham, 1913. Brief sketch by an Anglican at Oxford. Lindsay, T. M. A history of the Reformation. New York, Scribner, 1906-07. V. i. The Reformation in Germany; v. 2. Other lands. Well-written and indispensable to students. Devotes relatively more space to Germany than to other countries. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 29 Moller, W. E. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Bd. 3: Reformation und Gegenreformation, bearb. von G. Ka- werau. 3. verm. Aufl. Tubingen, 1907. Chief recent work on the subject in German; fuller than Herme- link or Miiller. Miiller, K. Kirchengeschichte. 2. Bd., i. Halbband. Tu- bingen und Leipzig, 1902. This volume covers approximately the years 1204-1560. Valuable for clear formulations and for emphasis on the development of religion in minor groups and in different localities. Peter, P. A. History of the Reformation. Lutheran Book Concern, Columbus, Ohio, 1916. A popular discussion. Pflugk-Harttung, I. von, ed. Im Morgenrot der Reforma- tion. Hersfeld, 1912. Best illustrated history of the German Reformation. Text by vari- ous experts. Philippson, Martin. The age of the Reformation. Trans- lated under the supervision of John Henry Wright. Vol. XI of A history of all nations, J. H. Wright, general ed., Philadelphia, Lea Brothers & Company, c. 1905. Translated with slight condensations and additions from Oncken's Weltgeschichte. Plummer, A. The continental Reformation in Germany, France and Switzerland from the birth of Luther to the death of Calvin. London, Scott, 1912; New York, Scrib- ner, 1913. 2i7p. Anglican point of view. Ranke, L. von. History of the Reformation in Germany, Tr. by Sarah Austin. Ed. by R. A. Johnson. New York, Button, 1905. First German ed. (6v.) 1839-47; Sarah Austin's translation, 3v., pub. London, 1845-47, brings work down to 1535. Schaff, P. History of the Christian Church. V. 6. Modern Christianity, the German Reformation, 1517-1530; v. 7. Modern Christianity, the Swiss Reformation. New York, . Scribner, 1888-92. A sympathetic treatment by a Swiss pupil of Neander, who taught in America for half a century, and became the dean of Church his- torians in this country. He believed that "the main current of modern history" is "an onward and progressive movement of Chris- tianity under the guidance of Divine providence and the ever present Spirit of its Founder." (VI. 97.) Schneider, E. Wiirttembergische Reformationsgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1887. 30 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Seidemann, J. K. Die Reformationszeit in Sachsen 1517-1539. Dresden, 1846. Spalding, M. J. The history of the Protestant Reformation. Louisville, 1860. 8th ed., rev. and enl. Baltimore, Murphy, 1875. 2v. A polemic in answer to Merle d'Aubigne. Based largely on Audin and other Catholic secondary works. See Schaff, Church history, Vol. VI, p. 92. Vedder, H. C. The period of the Reformation. Philadelphia, Amer. Baptist Pub. Soc., [c. 1909]. (Church history hand- books, 2.) Intended for study classes, training schools and Bible students. Vedder, H. C. The Reformation in Germany. New York, Macmillan, 1914. By an American Baptist scholar, who aims to emphasize the eco- nomic and social point of view, and considers the Anabaptists the true leaders in progress. Walker, W. The Reformation. New York, Scribner, 1900. A good volume for the popular reader. Whitney, J. R. The Reformation: being an outline of the history of the church from A. D. 1503 to A. D. 1648. (The church universal series. 1907) Anglican. Wotschke, T. Die Reformation im Lande Pose,n. Lissa, 3. SPECIAL TOPICS IN REFORMATION HISTORY (a) Political Armstrong, E. The Emperor Charles V. 2d ed. London, Macmillan, 1910. 2v. Latest life of Charles V in English. Interest chiefly political. Berbig, G. Bilder aus Coburgs Vergangenheit. 2. Aufl. Th. 1-2. Leipzig, 1905-07. Diederichs, E. A. Deutsches Leben der Vergangenheit in Bildern. Jena, 1908. 2v. Egelhaaf, G. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reforma- tion. 3. Aufl. Berlin, 1893. Strongly Protestant. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 31 Gossart, E. Charles V. et Philippe II. Bruxelles, 1910. Gebhardt, B., ed. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte. 5. Aufl. In Verbindung mit R. Loewe [u. a.], neu hrsg. von F. Hirsch. Stuttgart, 1913. 2v. Strong on detail and on bibliography. Hartung, F. Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte vom 15. Jahr- hundert bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1914. Brief treatment. Hill, D. J. A history of diplomacy in the international de- velopment of Europe. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1905-1914- 3v. Vol. 2 covers the period of the Reformation. Hausser, L. Geschichte des Zeitalters der Reformation 1517- 1648. Hrsg. von W. Oncken. Berlin, 1868. 86;p. 3. Aufl., 1903. Hausser, L. The period of the Reformation, 1517 to 1648. Ed. by W. Oncken. Tr. by Mrs. G. Sturge. New York, R. Carter, 1874. Kolde, T. Der Staatsgedanke der Reformation und die romische Kirche. Leipzig, 1903. Mentz, G. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reforma- tion, der Gegenreformation und des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. 1493-1648. Tubingen, 1913. 479p. Best recent brief treatment of the political history. Mignet, F. A. M. A. Rivalite de Frangois I. et de Charles V. 2 ed. Paris, 1875. 2v. A good book on the military side. Ranke, L. von. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Re- formation. 7. Aufl. Leipzig, 1894. 6v. Ritter, M. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Gegen- reformation und des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. 1555-1648. Stuttgart, 1889-1908. 3v. (b) Social and Economic Bax, E. B. The Peasants' war in Germany. 1525-26. London, Sonnenschein, 1899. 2v. Socialistic interpretation. Bezold, F. von. Staat und Gesellschaft des Reformations- zeitalters. Berlin, 1908. The background of the Reformation. 32 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Ehrenberg, R. Das Zeitalter der Fugger. Jena, 1896. 2v. Indispensable for understanding the revolution in commerce and banking in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Ehrhart, P. Die nationalokonomischen Ansichten der Re- formatoren. (Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 81.) Feuchtwanger, L. Geschichte der sozialen Folitik und des Armenwesens im Zeitalter der Reformation. Berlin, 1908. Also published in Jahrbuch fiir Cesetzgebung, Verwaltung, und Volkswirtschaft, vol. XXXIII, IOOQ. Maintains that the views of the Reformers on philanthropy were not original, but arose under the Humanist Vives at Ypres. Habler, K. Die Stellung der Fugger zum Kirchenstreit des i6ten Jahrhunderts. (Historische Vierteljahrsschrift, 1898) The interest of international bankers in upholding the Papacy. Kaser, K. Politische und soziale Bewegungen im deutschen Burgertum zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1899- Adduces evidence on economic and social dissatisfaction with the Church. Kautsky, K. Communism in central Europe in the time of the Reformation. Tr. by J. J. and E. G. Mulliken. Lon- don, Unwin, 1897. A socialistic sketch. Kawerau, W. Die Reformation und die Ehe. Halle, 1892. (Schriften des Vereins fiir Rcformationsgeschichte. 39.) Discusses the changes wrought by the Reformation in the theory and in the .popular conceptions of marriage. Extensive quotations from contemporary literature. Kirch, H. J. Die Fugger und der Schmalkaldische Krieg. (Studien zur Fugger-Geschichte, Heft 5.) Miinchen, 1915, 305P- Kotzschke, R. Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte bis zum 17. Jahrhundert. (Meisters Grundriss der Geschichtswissen- schaft Bd. II, i.) Brief textbook. Riggenbach, B. Das Armenwesen der Reformation. Basel- 1883. Brief exposition of the plans for poor relief contained in the Prot- estant church orders. Schapiro, J. S. Social reform and the reformation. New York. Columbia University. 1909. Summarizes German investigations of conditions and of schemes of reform. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 33 Schmoller, G. Zur Geschichte der nationalokonomischen Ansichten in Deutschland wahrend der Reformations- periode. Tubingen, 1860. (Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Staatswissenschaft. 16.) Most complete discussion of Luther's economic teachings. Schulte, A. Die Fugger in Rom, 1495-1523. Leipzig, 1904. 2V. This history of a firm of German bankers gives insight into the financial policy of the Papacy, especially in regard to indulgences. Sieveking, H. Grundziige der neueren Wirtschaftsgeschichte vom i/ten Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. 2. Aufl. Ber- lin, 1915. Stolze, W. Der deutsche Bauernkrieg. Halle, 1908. Stolze, W. Zur Vorgeschichte des Bauernkriegs. Leipzig, 1900 Vogt, W. Die Vorgeschichte des Bauernkriegs. Halle, 1887. One of th-e many excellent investigations into the social and eco- nomic conditions preceding the Reformation, it shows that the great Peasant war was the result of a half century of growing oppression and hardship. Ward, F. G. Darstellung und Wiirdigung der Ansichten Luthers vom Staat und der Gesellschaft. Jena, 1898. (Sammlung national-okonomischer und statistischer Ab- handlungen des staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars in Halle, 21.) An appreciation of Luther's economic and social ideals with special reference to his doctrine of the state. Wiskemann, H. Darstellung der in Deutschland zur Zeit der Reformation herrschenden nationalokonomischen An- sichten. Leipzig, 1861. Still useful for its quotations. (c) Intellectual Bauch, G. Wittenberg und die Scholastik. (Neues Archiv fur sachsische Geschichte. 1897, p. 295ff.) Buchwald, G. Zur wittenberger Stadt- und Universitats- geschichte in der Reformationszeit. Leipzig, 1893. A collection of letters to Stephan Roth at Zwickau. For other titles on the University of Wittenberg see Dahlmann- Waitz, Nos. 3023, 7308, 9113. Fueter, E. Geschichte der neueren Historiographie. Miinchen und Berlin, 1911. Discusses the historians of the Reformation. 34 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Haupt, E. Was unsere Universitaten der Griindung der Uni- versitat Wittenberg danken. Halle, 1902. Haussleiter, J. Die Universitat Wittenberg vor dem Eintritt Luthers. Leipzig, 1903. Joachimsen, P. Geschichtsauffassung und Geschichtschrei- bung in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss des Humanismus. Teil I. Leipzig, 1910. Should be controlled by the use of Fueter. Menke-Gliickert, E. Die Geschichtschreibung der Reforma- tion und Gegenreformation. Bodin und die Begriind- ung der Geschichtsmethodologie durch Bartholomaus Keckermann. Osterwieck am Harz, 1912. Shows wherein the Protestant historians improved methods. Mertz, G. Das Schulwesen der deutschen Reformation. Heidelberg, 1902. Chief monograph on the primary and secondary schools. Rockwell, W. W. The Reformation and religious education. (Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools, New York, 1916.) Schumann, G., and Sperber, E. Geschichte des Religions- unterrichts in der evangelischen Volksschule. Gotha, 1890. (In Kehr, C. Geschichte der Methodik des deut- schen Volksschulunterrichts, VI, A.) (d) Religious Cardauns, L. Zur Geschichte der kirchlichen Reunionsbe- strebungen 1538 bis 1542. Rom, 1910. Eubel, K. Hierarchia catholica Medii Aevi. v. 3: Saeculum XVI ab anno 1503 complectens. Monasterii, 1910. Chronological list of Roman Catholic bishops in the i6th century, ar- ranged by dioceses. Fischer, E. Zur Geschichte der evangelischen Beichte. Leipzig, 1902-03. 2v. Hase, K. von. Handbook to the controversy with Rome. Tr. from the 7th ed. of the "Handbuch der Protestant- ischen Polemik gegen die romisch-katholische Kirche" and ed. with notes by A. W. Streane. London, Religious Tract Soc., 1906. 2v. Jourdan, C. V. Movement towards Catholic reform in the early XVI. century. London, Murray, 1914. Rieker, K. Die rechtliche Stellung der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands. Leipzig, 1893. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 35 (e) Toleration Faulkner, J. A. Luther and toleration. (Papers of the American Society of Church History, 2d ser., vol. IV, 1914, 129-155.) Lewin, R. Luthers Stellung zu den Juden. Berlin, 1911. Paulus, N. Luther und die Gewissensfreiheit. (Glaube und Wissen. Hft. 4.) Paulus, N. Protestantismus und Toleranz im 16. Jahr- hundert. Freiburg, i. B., 1911. By a leading Roman Catholic scholar. Ruffini, F. Religious liberty. New York, Putnam, 1912. Volker, K. Toleranz und Intoleranz im Zeitalter der Re- formation. Leipzig, 1912. Wappler, P. Inquisition und Ketzerprozesse in Zwickau zur Reformationszeit. Dargestellt im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung der Ansichten Luthers und Melanchthons iiber Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit. Leipzig, 1908. (f) Principles and Value of the Reformation Brown, W. A. Is our Protestantism still Protestant? (In Harvard Theological Review, Jan. 1908, p. 28-47.) Jiilicher, A. Der religiose Wert der Reformation. Marburg, 23?. Krauth, C. P. The conservative reformation and its theol- ogy. Philadelphia, 1871. Kropatscheck, F. Das Schriftprinzip der lutherischen Kirche. Leipzig, 1903. McGiffert, A. C. Protestant thought before Kant. New York, Scribner, 1911. A compact and suggestive outline. . 3 6 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Ritschl, O. Dogmengeschichte des Protestantismus. Grund- lagen und Grundziige der theologischen Gedanken- und Lehrbildung in den protestantischen Kirchen. Leipzig, 1908-12. I. Bd. Prolegomena, Biblicismus und Traditionalismus in der alt- protestantischen Theologie. II. Bd. Orthpdoxie und Synkretismus der altprotestantischen Theologie. i. Halfte. Die Theologie der deutschen Reformation und die Entwicklung der lutherischen Orthodoxie in den philippistischen Streitigkeiten. Tschackert, P. Die Entstehung der lutherischen und re- formierten Kirchenlehre. Gottingen, 1910. Wace, H. Principles of the Reformation, practical and his- torical. New York, American Tract Soc. [1911]. Walther, W. Zur Wertung der deutschen Reformation. Leipzig, 1908. (g) Influence of the Reformation Beard, C. Reformation of the sixteenth century in its rela- tion to modern thought and knowledge. London, Wil- liams & Norgate, 1883. By an English Unitarian, died 1888. Berger, A. E. Die Kulturaufgaben der Reformation. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1909. A philosophical discussion of Reformation principles and their ef- fects on modern life. Bruchmiiller, W. Die Folgen der Reformation und des 30- jahrigen Krieges fur den Bauernstand im ostlichen Deutschland, besonders in Brandenburg und P'ommern. Crossen, 1897. Grimke, T. S. The influence of the Reformation on the science and literature of Protestant countries. 1827. Of antiquarian interest solely. Harnack, A. Martin Luther in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Geschichte der Wissenschaft und der Bildung. 4. Aufl. Giessen, 1911. Humbert, A. Les origines de la theologie moderne, v. I. Paris, 1911. Kawerau, G. Der Einfluss der Reformation auf das religiose und sittliche Leben in Deutschland. Leipzig, 1899. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 3? Laveleye, . de. Protestantism and Catholicism in their bear- ing upon the liberty and prosperity of nations. London, Murray, 1875. By a professor of political economy at Liege, who concluded that Catholicism ruins the intellectual, economic, and political power ot nations. Three years after publishing this pamphlet he joined the Belgian (Protestant) Missionary Church. McGiffert, A. C. Rise of modern religious ideas. New York r . Macmillan, 1915. Magaveney, E. A. The Reformation and education. New York, Cathedral Library Assoc., 1903. A Catholic critique. Roussell, N. Catholic and Protestant nations compared iu. their threefold relations to wealth, knowledge and moral- ity. Boston, Jewett, 1855. By a zealous French Protestant clergyman. Sell, K. Der Zusammenhang von Reformation und politischt Freiheit. (Theologische Arbeiten aus dem rheinisch- wissenschaftlichen P'redigerseminar. Neue Folge. Hft. 12.) A short sketch deriving political and civil liberty out of the practical conditions arising from the Reformation. Sommerlad, T. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Bedeutung der Reformation. (Deutsch-evangelische Blatter, 20.) Treitschke, H. von. Luther und die deutsche Nation. (Preussische Jahrbiicher, 1883.) Troeltsch, E. Die Bedeutung des Protestantismus fur die Entstehung der modernen Welt. (Historische Zeit- schrift, xcvii 1906, 1-66.) Reprinted separately in 1911. (Historische Bibliothek, v. 24.) Troeltsch, E. Protestantism and progress. New York, Put- nam, 1912. A translation of an expansion of the preceding address. Troeltsch, E. Protestantisches Christentum und Kirche in der Neuzeit. (Hinneberg, P. Die Kultur der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1906. Teil I., Abt. 4, I.) 2d ed., 1009. Troeltsch, E. Renaissance und Reformation. (Historische Zeitschrift, ex, 1913, 519-536.) Weber, M. Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Ka- pitalismus. (Archiv fur Socialwissenschaft. XX-XXI.) It deduces the restlessness of capitalistic production from the strenuous spirit of Calvinism. 38 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 4. MARTIN LUTHER (a) Bibliography Bibliographic der Luther-Litteratur des Jahres 1883 nebsi kritischem Bericht, hrsg. von der Redaktion des Christ- lichen Biicherschatzes. Frankfurt a. M., 1887. Bibliotheca Lutherana. Eine Sammlung von Autotypen Luthers nebst den Gesamtausgaben von Luthers Werken und einer reichen Auswahl von Schriften der Freunde und Gegner der Reformation iiber Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Nordlingen, C. B. Beck, 1883. i85p. British Museum Catalogue. See article under Luther. Cambridge modern history. V. 2, p. 728-764. London, Mac- millan, 1904. Bibliography of Luther and the Reformation in Germany. [Crawford, J. L. L.] Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Catalogue of a collection of fifteen hundred tracts by Martin Luther and his contemporaries, 1511-1598. [Aberdeen], privately printed, 1903. Reu, M. Thirty-five years of Luther research (Lutheran Church Review, Nov. 1916-.) With full bibliography. To be concluded in the special number for February, 1917. (b) Works For a complete chronological list of Luther's writings see: Kostlin, J. Martin Luther, sein Leben und seine Schriften, II. 718-727. Koffmanne, G. Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung von Werken D. M. Luthers; kritische Untersuchungen. Lieg- nitz, 1907. Kolde, T. Analecta Lutherana. Gotha, 1883. Presents material till then unpublished. Contains minor errors in text. Knoke, K. Ausgaben des Lutherschen Enchiridions bis zu Luthers Tode und Neudruck der Wittenberger Ausgabe von 1535. Stuttgart, 1904. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 39 Luther, M. Samtliche Schriften, herausg. von. Dr. J. G. Walch. Neue revidierte Stereotypausgabe. St. Louis, Mo., 1880-1910. 23v. Contains new translation of the Latin works. Indexed. Luther, M. Samtliche Werke, hrsg. von J. G. Walch. Halle, 1739-53- 24v. A second set has publication date 1740-53. German works, with a translation of some Latin works. Indices . Indispensable to a library, because it is cited so constantly in the older literature. Luther, M. Sammtliche Werke. Erlangen, 1826-57. 67v. The German works, with subject index. Luther, M. Commentarium in Epistolam S. Pauli ad Gala- tos curavit J. C. Irmischer. Erlangen, 1843-44. 3v. Luther, M. Exegetica opera Latina. Erlangae, 1829-86. 28v. Luther, M. Opera latina varii argumenti ad Reformationis historian! imprimis pertinentia, curavit H. Schmidt. Frankfurti et Erlangae, 1865-73. 7v. Luther, M. Werke. 1884-1914. Weimar, 1884-1915. In progress; vol. 51 appeared 1014. A monumental edition with a great quantity of hitherto unpub- lished material. It keeps the original orthography, and is therefore of value to Germanists. Reprints many contemporary narratives con- cerning occasions in which Luther participated. Prior to the con- clusion of the work the best guide to its contents is the following pamphlet, distributed free by the publishers to all subscribers: In- haltsverzeichnis der bis zum i. April 1914 erschienenen Bande von Dr. Martin Luthers Werken. Luther, M. Werke, hrsg. von G. Buchwald [and others]. 3. Aufl., Berlin, 1905. lov. Reliable texts in modernized spelling. A careful selection with introductions by well-known scholars. Two supplementary volumes by O. Scheel. Luther, M. Luthers Werke in Auswahl, hrsg. von O. Clemen. Bonn, 1912-1913. 4v. A selection representative of Luther's manifold activities, omitting, however, most of the polemical material. Orthography unaltered. Luther, M. Analecta Lutherana et Melanchthoniana, hrsg. von G. Losche. Gotha, 1892. Luther, M. Luthers 95 Thesen samt seinen Resolutionen sowie den Gegenschriften von Wimpina-Tetzel, Eck und Prierias, und den Antworten Luthers darauf. Kritische Ausg. mit kurzen Erlauterungen von W. Kohler. Leip- zig, 1903. Best edition for seminar use. Luther, M. Disputationen Dr. Martin Luthers in den Jahren 1535-1545 an der Universitat Wittenberg gehalten. Zum ersten Male hrsg. von P. Drews. Gottingen, 1896. 40 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Luther, M. Ungedruckte Predigten, 1537-1540, veroffentlicht von G. Buchwald. Leipzig, 1905. Luther, M. Kleiner Katechismus nach den altesten Aus- aben in hochdeutscher. niederdeutscher und lateinischer prache, hrsg. von K. Knoke. Halle, 1904. Luther, M. Sprichwortersammlung, hrsg. von E. Thiele. Weimar, 1900. Luther, M. Dichtungen, ausgewahlt von W. Vesper. Miin- chen, 1906. Some of the most important works of Luther trans- lated into English are listed by Preserved Smith in Mar- tin Luther, p. 435ff. Luther, M. On the bondage of the will, tr. by H. Cole. London, 1823. Luther, M. Writings, ed. by J. N. Lenker. Minneapolis, 1903-. I3v. In progress. Contains chiefly homiletical material selected with devotional intent. Luther, M. Primary works together with his Shorter and Larger catechism. Ed. by H. Wace and C. A. Buch- heim. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1896. Contents: I. A short catechism; II. The greater catechism; III. Address to the Christian nobility; IV. Concerning Christian liberty; V. On the Babylonish captivity; VI. The ninety-five Theses; Ap- pendix. Luther, M. Works, with introduction and notes, v. 1-2. Philadelphia, Holman, 1915. Translated from the Weimar edition, so far as that is out, by 'a committee of Lutheran scholars. Aims to make accessible the most important writings of Luther to American readers. To be complete in ten volumes. (c) Letters Luther, M. Briefwechsel, hrsg. von C. A. H. Burkhardt. Leipzig, 1866. Luther, M. The letters of Martin Luther, tr. by Margaret A. Currie. London, Macmillan, 1908. Severely criticized. Luther, M. Briefwechsel, bearb. von E. L. Enders. Frank- furt a. M., 1884. In progress; vol. 15 (to March, 1544) appeared 1914. Continued from v. ii on by G. Kawerau. Just as Enders has superseded the earlier editions of the Letters, .so it will be supplanted in turn by the Weimar edition. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 41 Luther, M. Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters, v. I, 1507-1521, tr. and ed. by Preserved Smith. Philadelphia, The Lutheran Pub. Soc., 1913. Vol. II., by Preserved Smith and C. M. Jacobs, will appear during 1917. It will contain some hitherto unpublished letters. Luther, M. Zur Korrespondenz Martin Luthers, von. P. Tschackert. (Zeitschrift fiir Kirchengeschichte. XI, 1890, p. 274ff.) Luther, M. Briefe, Sendschreiben und Bedenken, bearb. von W. M. L. de Wette. Berlin, 1825-56. 6v. V. 6, published 1856, ed. by J. K. Seidemann. The standard edition, till superseded by Enders. (d) Table Talk Up to 1914 three volumes of Tischreden appeared in the Weimar edition of Luther's Works. At least two more are to be expected. The Weimar Edition should be employed in any critical treatment of the Table Talk. The Table Talk must be used with due caution. For the method to be employed see the titles by Preserved Smith. Luther, M. Colloquia mensalia, or Martin Luther's Divine discourses at his table, etc. Tr. by H. Bell. London, 1652. Luther, M. Tischreden und Colloquia, erlautert von C. E. Forstemann und H. E. Bindseil. Berlin, 1844-48. 4v. Luther, M. Table talk, by W. Hazlitt, London, 1848. Uncritical. Luther, M. Colloquia, meditationes, consolationes [etc. [, ed. H. E. Biddseil. Lemgoviae, 1863-66. Lauterbach, A. Lauterbach's Tagebuch auf das Jahr 1538, die Hauptquelle der Tischreden Luthers. Hrsg. von J. K. Seidemann. Dresden, 1872. Cordatus, C. Tagebuch iiber Dr. Martin Luther gefiihrt 1537- Hrsg. von H. Wrampelmeyer. Halle, 1885. Luther, M. Tischreden aus den Jahren 1531 und 1532, nach den Aufzeichnungen von J. Schlaginhaufen, hrsg. von W. Preger. Leipzig, 1888. Luther, M. Tischreden in der Mathesischen Sammlung aus einer Handschrift der Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, hrsg. von E. Kroker. Leipzig, 1903. The best collection in any single manuscript. 42 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Kroker, E. Rorers Handschriftenbande und Luthers Tisch- reden. (Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte, 1907-08, p. 337ff.; 1909-10, p. s6ff.) Luther, M. Conversations with Luther, selections from re- cently published sources of the Table talk, tr. and ed. by Preserved Smith and H. P. Gallinger. Boston, Pilgrim Press, 1915. Smith, Preserved. Luther's table talk, a critical study. New York, Columbia University Press, 1907. (Columbia Uni- versity studies, v. XXVI, no. 2). (e) Lives of Luther Beard, C. Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany until the close of the Diet of Worms. London, Kegan Paul, 1889. To 1521. Benrath, K. Luther im Kloster, 1505-25. Halle, 1905. (Schrift- en des Vereins ftir Reformationsgeschichte, 87.) Berger, A. E. Martin Luther in kulturgeschichtlicher Dar- stellung. 1-2. Bd. Berlin, 1895-98. Boehmer, H. Luther im Lichte der neueren Forschung. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1914. A stimulating summary of recent researches on mooted aspects of Luther's career. Deserves wide circulation. Boehmer, H. Luther in the light of recent research, tr. by C. F. Huth. New York, Christian Herald, 1916. Two editions published, one without illustrations. A twenty-five cent edition is being published for the N. Y. Reformation Quadncentenary Committee. Braun, W. Lutherstudien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Gegen- wart. (Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift, Jahrg. XX, Heft. 5, p. 329-360.) Denifle, H. S. Luther und Lutherthum. Mainz, 1904-09. 2v in 3. i. Bd., i. Abt. : 2. durchgearb. Aufl.; i. Bd., Schluss- Abt.: 2. durchgearb. Aufl. hrsg. von A. M. Weiss; 2. Bd. bearb. von A. M. Weiss. Erganzungen. Mainz, 1905-06. 2v. i. Bd. Quellenbe- lege. Die abendlandischen Schriftausleger bis Luther, von H. Denifle. 2. Bd. Lutherpsychologie als Schlussel zur Lutherlegende, von. A. M. Weiss. The bitter production of a learned Dominican. It called forth a series of replies. See Dahlmann-Waitz no. 7515. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 43 Ebstein, W. Martin Luthers Krankheiten. Stuttgart, 1908. Eckart, R. Luther im Urteile bedeutender Manner. Berlin,. 1905. Evers, G. G. M, Luther. Lebens- und Charakterbild von ihm selbst gezeichnet in seinen eigenen Schriften und Correspondenzen, von G. G. Evers. Mainz, 1883-91. 6v in 5- A discursive Catholic polemic. Freytag, G. Doctor Luther. Tr. by G. C. L. Riemer. Lu- theran Publication Society, Columbia, S. C., 1916. A series of brilliant literary sketches presenting Luther the German. Freytag, Gustav. Martin Luther. Translated by Henry E. O. Heinemann. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Co. c. 1896. Illustrated. Grabinski, B. Wie ist Luther gestorben? Paderborn, 1913. I48p. Grisar, H. Luther. 2. Aufl. Freiburg i. B., 1911-12, 3v. Latest life of Luther by a Jesuit. Provoked detailed discussion, see Dahlmann-Waitz, no. 7515, and Bohmer, Luther in the Light of recent Research (index). Grisar, H. Luther. Authorised translation by E. M. La- mond. London, 1913-16. 5v. In progress. Grisar, H. Lutherstimmungen der Gegenwart. (Sonderab- druck aus den "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach." Jahrg. 1913, Heft. 1-2.) Grisar, H. Lutherstimmung und Kritik; ein Lutherwort als- Schulbeispiel. (Sonderabdruck aus den "Stimmen der Maria-Laach." Jahrg. 1913, Heft. 3.) Grisar, H. Prinzipienfragen moderner Lutherforschung. (Sonderabdruck aus deri "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach." Jahrg. 1912, Heft 10.) Hare, J. C. Vindication of Luther against his recent English assailants. 2d ed. London, Parker, 1855. Replies to Hallam, Newman, Ward and Sir Wm. Hamilton. Hausrath, A. Luthers Leben. Berlin, 1903-04. 2v. Hay, Ch. S. Luther the Reformer. Lutheran Publication Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Copyright 1898. Hegemann, O. Luther im katholischen Urteil. Munchen, 1905. 44 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Jacobs, H. E. Martin Luther: the hero of the Reformation, 1483-1546. New York and London, Putnam, 1899. (He- roes of the Reformation.) Kolde, T. Martin Luther, sein Leben und seine Schriften. Gotha, 1884-1893. 2v. Kostlin, J. Life of Luther. New York, Scribner, 1883. A brief life, not to be confused with the two volume German biography. Kostlin, J. Martin Luther, sein Leben und seine Schriften. Fiinfte neubearbeitete Auflage, nach des Verfassers T'ode fortgesetzt von Dr. G. Kawerau. Berlin, 1903. 2 Bde. A most comprehensive life of Luther by an expert of the last generation. Kutzke, G. Aus Luthers Heimat. Vom Erhalten und Er- neuern. Jena, 1914. I/9P- Lenz, M. Martin Luther. 3. Aufl. Berlin, 1897. Lindsay, T. M. Luther and the German Reformation. New York, Scribner, 1900. A popular sketch by a well-known Scotch Presbyterian professor. McGiffert, A. C. Martin Luther, the man and his work. New York, Century, 1911. Reprints articles from the Century Magazine with many additional chapters. Well illustrated. Perhaps the most readable biography of Luther in English. Represents the modern school of religious thought. Majunke, P. Luthers Lebensende. Eine historische Unter- suchung. 5. Aufl. Mainz, 1891. Majunke revived the ancient slander that Luther had committed suicide. Mathesius, J. Predigten uber Luthers Leben. Hrsg. von G. Buchwald. Stuttgart, 1904. Contemporary source. Meltzer, H. Luther als deutscher Mann. Tubingen, 1905. Oergel, G. Vom jungen Luther. Erfurt, 1899. Paulus, N. Luthers Lebensende. Freiburg, 1897. A Catholic scholar repudiates Majunke's assertion that Luther com- mitted suicide. Scheel, O. Martin Luther. Vom Katholizismus zur Refor- mation, i. Bd. Auf der Schule und Universitat Tu- bingen, 1915. Highly important. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 4 S Seeberg, R. Luther und Luthertum in der neuesten katho- lischen Beleuchtung. Leipzig, 1904. In reply to Denifle. Sinthern, P. Kritiker und Kritisches zu Grisars "Luther." (Zeitschrift fur katholische Theologie. 1912, p. 550-596.) Smith, P. Life and letters of Martin Luther. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1911. Popular edition, 1914. Aims to summarize the results of recent research and to present Luther "as a great character rather than as a great theologian," making him live before the imagination through copious extracts from his table-talk and letters. Has illustrations, chronological tables, and ; a valuable bibliography (p. 433-475). Smith, P. Luther's development in the light of psycho- analysis. (American Journal of Psychology, July, 1913.) Walther, W. Fur Luther wider Rom. Halle, 1906. The chief systematic reply to Roman Catholic criticisms of the reformer. Walther, W. Luther im neuesten romischen Gericht. Halle, 1884-92. 4v. A series of pamphlets. Weiss, A. M. Lutherpsychologie als Schliissel zur Luther- legende. Mainz, 1906. References on portraits of Luther are given in Pre- served Smith, Martin Luther, p. 453-454. (f) Luther and Ecclesiastical Reorganization Barge, H. Friihprotestantisches Gemeindechristentum in Wittenberg und Orlamiinde. Leipzig, 1909. Burkhardt, C. A. H. Geschichte der sachsischen Kirchen- und Schulvisitationen. Leipzig, 1879. Gives detailed evidence of the internal progress of the Reformation. Drews, P. Beitrage zu Luthers liturgischen Reformen. (Stu- dien zur Geschichte des Gottesdiensts. Heft 4-5.) Gottschick, J. Luthers Anschauungen vom christlichen Got- tesdienst und seine thatsachliche Reform desselben. Freiburg, 1887. Kolde, T. Luthers Stellung zu Concil und Kirche bis zum Wormser Reichstag, 1521. Giitersloh, 1876. 4 6 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Miiller, K. Kirche, Gemeinde und Obrigkeit nach Luther. Tubingen, 1910. Most thorough discussion of this controverted topic. Miiller, N. Die Wittenberger Bewegung 1521 und 1522. (Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte. 22-24, 26-29.) Reply to Barge's claim that Karlstadt was the real hero of the Reformation. (g) Luther and His Household Kroker, E. Katharina von Bora. Leipzig, 1906. (Biographien bedeutender Frauen. VI.) Thoma, A. Katharina von Bora. Berlin, 1900. (h) Luther and the Papacy Boehmer, H. Luthers Romfahrt. Leipzig, 1914. Hausrath, A. Martin Luthers Romfahrt; nach einem gleich- zeitigen Pilgerbuche erlautert. Berlin, 1894. Kalkoff, P. Forschungen zu Luthers romischen Prozess. Rom, 1905. Kalkoff, P. Forschungen zu Luthers romischen Prozess. (Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte. XXXI, p. 48-65, 368- 4I4.) Paulus, N. Die deutschen Dominikaner im Kampfe gegen Luther 1518-1653. (Erlauterungen und Erganzungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, IV, 1-2.) Thieme, K. Luthers Testament wider Rom in seinen schmal- kaldischen Artikeln. Leipzig, 1900. (i) Luther and the Holy Roman Empire Brandenburg, E. Martin Luthers Anschauung vom Staate und der Gesellschaft. Schriften des Vereins fur Re- formationsgeschichte. 70.) Compact and well-proportioned. Brieger, T. Der Speierer Reichstag von 1526 und die re- ligiose Frage der Zeit. Leipzig, 1909. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 4 7 Jager, G. Politische Ideen Luthers und ihr Einfluss auf die innere Entwickelung Deutschlands. (Preussische Jahr- biicher, 1903.) It traces the social emphasis and the leadership of the universities in modern Germany back to the Reformation. Jannasch, W. Luther und die Tiirken. (Die Christliche Welt. 1916, Nr. 8, p. 154-157.) Kalkoff, P. Die Beziehungen der Hohenzollern zur Kurie unter dem Einfluss der lutherischen Frage. Rom, 1905. Kalkoff, P. Die Enstehung des Wormser Edikts. Leipzig, Waring, L. H. The political theories of Martin Luther. New York, Putnam, 1910. 293p. (j) Luther and the Peasant War Much valuable material is noted in Wolf, Quellenkunde. Frotscher, P. Luther und die Bauern. Leipzig, 1899. M5P- (Schriften des sachsischen Volksschriftenverlags. 8. Jahrg., Heft 3.) Luther, M. Against the murdering and robbing band of the peasants. (Translated in Vedder, H. C. History of the Reformation, p. 427-431.) Luther, M. Tracts on the Peasant War are contained in Weimar edition vol. XVIII and Walch edition vol. XVI. Schreckenbach, P. F. Luther und der Bauernkrieg. Leip- zig, 1895- (k) Luther and Intellectual Conditions Florer, W. W. Luther's use of pre-Lutheran versions of the Bible. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr, 1914. Kleinert, P. Luther im Verhaltnis zur Wissenschaft und ihrer Lehre. Berlin, 1883^ Klingner, E. Luther und der deutsche Volksaberglaube. Berlin, 1912 (Palaestra, v. 56). 48 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Kohler, W. E. Luthers Schrift an den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation im Spiegel der Kultur- und Zeitge- schichte. Halle, 1895. Kohler, W. Luther und die Kirchengeschichte. Erlangen, 1900. Lehfeldt, P. Luthers Verhaltnis zu Kunst und Kiinstlern. Berlin, 1892. Loofs, F. Luthers Stellung zum Mittelalter und zur Neuzeit. Halle, 1907. Painter, F. V. N. Luther on Education including a historical introduction and a translation of the Reformer's two most important educational treatises. Philadelphia, Lu- theran Pub. Soc., 1889. Schafer, E. Luther als Kirchenhistoriker. Gutersloh, 1897. Schmidt, O. G. Luthers Bekanntschaft mit den alten Classi- kern. Leipzig, 1883. Walther, W. Luthers Bibeliibersetzung kein Plagiat. Er- langen und Leipzig, 1891. (1) Luther and Indulgences Brieger, T. Das Wesen des Ablasses am Ausgang des Mit- telalters. Leipzig, 1897. Indulgences were not an abuse but a recognized ecclesiastical in- stitution. Kalkoff, P. Ablass und Reliquienverehrung an der Schloss- kirche zu Wittenberg. Gotha, 1909. Deals with the large collection of relics formed by Luther's patron Elector Frederick the Wise. Lea, H. C. A history of auricular confession and indulgences in the Latin church. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1896. 3v. The chief non-Catholic investigation of the topics. One-sided. Lepicier. Indulgences, their origin, nature and development. London, 1895. A Roman Catholic statement. Paulus, N. Johann Tetzel als Ablassprediger. Mainz, 1899. By a Roman Catholic authority. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 49 (m) Luther's Theology Faulkner, J. A. Dies ist mein Leib: a celebrated debate. (Review and Expositor. July, 1915, p. 397-418.) Faulkner, J. A. Luther and the Lord's Supper in the critical years 1517-1522. Reprinted from the Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1915. Ficker, J. Anfange reformatorischer Bibelauslegung. i. Bd., Th. 1-2. Leipzig, 1908. I. Luthers Vorlesung tiber den Romerbrief 1515-16: i. Die Glosse; 2. Die Scholien. Fullerton, K. Luther's doctrine and criticism of scripture. Reprinted from the Bibliotheca sacra, January and April, iqo6. Hasak, V. Dr. M. Luther und die religiose Literatur seiner Zeit bis zum Jahre 1520. Regensburg, 1881. Hering, H. Die Mystik Luthers im Zusammenhange seiner Theologie und in ihrem Verhaltniss zur alteren Mystik. Leipzig, 1879.. Jager, K. Luthers religioses Interesse an seiner Lehre von der Realprasenz. Giessen, 1900. Jundt, A. La developpement de la pensee religieuse de Lu- ther jusq'en 1517. Paris, 1906. Kostlin, J. Luthers Theologie in ihrer geschichtlichen Ent- wickelung und ihrem inneren Zusammenhang. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1901. This revision is later than the English translation. Kostlin, J. Theology of Luther, tr. by C. E. Hay. Philadel- phia, Lutheran Pub. Soc., 1898. 2v. A standard work by a specialist of the last generation. Lipsius, R. A. Luthers Lehre von der Busse. Braunschweig, 1892. Loofs, K. 'lustitia dei passiva' in Luthers Anfangen. (Theo- logische Studien und Kritiken, 1911, p. 464!!) Luther, M. Lehren vom Schliissellamt, Kirchenzucht und Bann in semen eigenen Worten, dargeboten von C. W. Vollert. Greiz, 1883. Mandel, H. Die scholastische Rechtfertigungslehre: ihre Bedeutung fur Luthers Entwickelung. Leipzig, 1907. 50 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Meissinger, K. A. Luthers Exegese in der Fruhzeit. I. Teil. Leipzig, 1910. Miiller, A. V. Luthers theologische Quellen. Seine Verteidi- gung gegen Denifle und Grisar. Giessen, 1912. Scheel, O. Die iustitia dei passiva in Luther's reformato- rischer Rechtfertigungslehre. (In Aus Deutschlands kirchlicher Vergangenheit. Festschrift zum 70. Ge- burtstage von T. Brieger. Leipzig, 1912.) Scheel, O. Luthers Stellung zur heiligen Schrift. Tubingen und Leipzig, 1902. Smith, P. Luther's development of the doctrine of justifica- tion by faith only. (Harvard Theological Review, VI, p. 407-425.) (n) Luther's Ethics Baranowski, S. Luthers Lehre von der Ehe. Miinster, 1913. 2iop. Braun, W. Die Bedeutung der Concupiscenz in Luthers Le- ben und Lehre. Berlin, 1908. Eger, K. Die Anschauungen Luthers vom Beruf. Giessen, 1900. The chief discussion of Luther's attitude toward the ethical value of secular occupations. Faulkner, J. A. Luther and the bigamous marriage of Philip of Hesse. (American Journal of Theology, v. 17, p. 206- 231.) Grisar, H. Walther Kohler iiber Luther und die Luge. (His- torisches Jahrbuch. 34, p. 233-255.) Hartenberger, J. H. Luther's morals. St. Louis, Mo., Con- cordia Pub. House, 1910. Reprinted from Theological Quarterly, July, 1910. Rockwell, W. W. Die Doppelehe des Landgrafen Philipp von Hessen. Marburg, 1904. Based on material in the Archives of Hess and of Saxony. Sum- marizes contemporary opinion of polygamy. Sinthern, P. Luthers Sendungsidee und Harnacks Schema fiir eine katholische Lutherdarstellung. (Historisch- politische Blatter, 1913, p. 18-31, 98-111.) Sodeur. G. Luther nnd die Liige. Leipzig, 1904. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 51 (o) Luther and Territorial Princes Becker, J. Kurfiirst Johann von Sachsen und seine Bezie- hungen zu Luther, 1520-28. Leipzig, 1890-1905. 2v. Kolde, T. Friedrich der Weise und die Anfange der Re- formation. Erlangen, 1881. Krencker, A. Friedrich der Weise beim Beginn der Refor- mation. Heidelberg, 1905. Mentz, G. Johann Friedrich der Grossmiitige. Jena, 1903-08. 3v. Philip I., landgrave of Hesse. Beitrage zur Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Zeit. Marburg, 1904. Schwartz, H. Landgraf Philipp von Hessen und die Pack- ischen Handel. Leipzig, 1884. Welck, H. Georg der Bartige, Herzog von Sachsen. Ber- lin, 1899. 5. CONTEMPORARIES OF LUTHER (a) Anabaptists Bax, E. B. Rise and fall of the Anabaptists. New York, Macmillan, 1903. Jones, R. M. Spiritual reformers in the i6th and i?th cen- turies. London, Macmillan, 1914. Instructive and valuable discussions of the Anabaptists and of Schwenckfeld. By an American Quaker. Keller, L. Geschichte der Wiedertaufer und ihres Reiches zu Miinster. Munster, 1880. By a Catholic archivist who published many investigations bearing on Anabaptist history. Loserth, J. Der Communismus der mahrischen Wiedertau- fer im 1 6. und 17. Jahrhundert, Wien, 1894. (Archiv fur oesterreichische Geschichte. 81.) A learned monograph on Anabaptist communism in Moravia. McGlothlin, W. J. Baptist creeds and confessions of faith. Philadelphia, Amer. Baptist Pub. Soc., 1911. 52 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Newman, A. H. History of anti-pedobaptism. Philadelphia, Amer. Baptist Pub. Soc., 1897. Best brief comprehensive history. Sachsse, C. Balthasar Hubmaier als Theologe. Berlin, 1914. (Neue Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche. 20.) Tumbult, G. Die Wiedertaufer. Leipzig, 1898. Deals chiefly with Minister. Good illustrations. Vedder, H. C. Balthasar Hubmaier: the leader of the Ana- baptists. New York, Putnam, 1905. Probably the best biography of a sixteenth-century Anabaptists. Ap- pendix containing source material. Vos, K. Menno Simons 1496-1561. Zijn leven en werken en sijne reformatorische denkbeelden. Leiden, 1914. Wappler, P. Thomas Miinzer in Zwickau und die Zwickauer Propheten. Zwickau, 1908. Wappler, P. Die Stellung Kursachsens und des Landgrafen Philipp von Hessen zur Tauferbewegung. Miinster i. W., 1910. (b Calvin Calvin, J. Calvini Opera. Ediderunt G. Baum, E. Cunitz et E. Reuss. v. 1-59. Brunsvigae, 1861-1910. (Corpus Re- formatorum, 29-87.) V. 59 (87 of Corpus reformatorum) contains bibliography by Erichson, and index. Choisy, E. L'etat chretien Calviniste a Geneve au XVP siecle. Geneve, 1902. Doumergue, E. Jean Calvin, v. 1-4. Lausanne, 1899-1910. In progress. A sumptuous biography, especially valuable for ar- chaeological details and illustrations. The fourth volume treats of Calvin's theology. Foster, H. B. Calvin's programme for a Puritan state in Geneva. (Harvard Theological Review, Oct. 1908.) Foster, H. D. The political theories of Calvinists before the Puritan exodus to America. (The American Historical Review. XXI, p. 481-503.) Reyburn, H. Y. John Calvin, his life, letters and work. Lon- don, Hodder & Stoughton, 1914. Based largely on French and Latin sources. Neglects German in- vestigations. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 53 Walker, W. Calvin, the organiser of reformed Protestant- ism 1509-1564. New York and London, Putnam 1906. (Heroes of the Reformation.) Best life in English. (c) Catholic Opponents of Luther Brieger, T. Aleander und Luther, 1521. Gotha, 1884. Greving, J. Johann Eck als junger Gelehrter. Eine literar- und dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung iiber seinen Chrysopassus praedestinationis aus dem Jahre 1514. Munster i. W., 1906. I73p. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, Heft i.) Kalkoff, P. Depeschen und Berichte iiber Luther vom Wormser Reichstage 1521. Halle, 1898. Kalkoff, P. Cardinal Cajetan auf dem Augsburger Reichs- tage 1518. (Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven, 1907.) Kalkoff, P. Aleander gegen Luther. Leipzig, 1908. Kawerau, G. Thomas Murner und die deutsche Reforma- tion. Halle, 1891. Kawerau, G. Hieronymus Emser. Halle, 1897. (Schriften des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte. 61.) Lauchert, F. Die italienischen literarischen Gegner Luthers. Freiburg, 1912. (Erlauterungen und Erganzungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. VIII.) Wiedemann, T. Johann Eck. Regensburg, 1865. (d) Erasmus Allen, P. S. The age of Erasmus. Oxford, Clarendon Press,. 1914. Drummond, R. B. Erasmus, his life and character. London,. Smith, Elder and Co., 1873. 2v. Emerton, E. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. New York and London, Putnam, 1899. (Heroes of the Reforma- tion.) 54 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Enthoven, L. K. Briefe an Erasmus. Strassburg, 1906. Erasmus, D. Opus epistolarum, recognitum et auctum P. S. Allen, v. 1-3. Oxford, 1906-14. Annotated critical edition of the original text. Indispensable. Erasmus, D. The praise of folly. Tr. by J. Wilson 1668. Ed. with an introduction by Mrs. P. S. Allen. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1913. Erasmus, D. De libero arbitrio diatribe sive collatio. Leip- zig, 1910. (Quellenschriften zur Geschichte des Protes- tantismus, Heft 8.) Forstemann, J., and Giinther, O. Briefe an Desiderius Eras- mus von Rotterdam. Leipzig, 1904. Froude, J. A. Life and letters of Erasmus. New York, Scribner, 1899. Kalkoff, P. Die Vermittlungspolitik des Erasmus und sein Anteil an den Flugschriften der ersten Reformations Zeit. (Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte, I.) Lindeboom, J. Erasmus, onderzoek naar zijne theologie en zijn godsdienstig gemoedsbestaan. Leiden, 1909. 20op. Nichols, F. M. Epistles of Erasmus. New York, Longmans, Green, 1901-04. 2v. Chronologically arranged in translation. Walter, J. von. Die neueste Beurteilung des Erasmus. Bres- lau, 191 1. Zickendraht, K. Der Streit zwischen Erasmus und Luther iiber die Willensfreiheit. Leipzig, 1909. (e) Henry VIII Brewer, J. S. Reign of Henry VIII from his accession to the death of Wolsey. London, Murray, 1884. 2v. Full of facts. Henry VIII., king of England. Assertio septem sacramen- torum; or, Defence of the seven sacraments, re-edited with an introduction by L. O'Donovan. New York, Ben- ziger, 1908. Pollard, A. F. Henry VIII. London, Longmans, Green, 1905. Best life for the general reader. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 55 Smith, P. German opinion of the divorce of Henry VIII. (English Historical Review, Oct., 1912.) Stephens, W. R. W., and Hunt W. History of the English church. London, Macmillan, 1899-1906. 8v. in 9. The standard work in its field. Walther, W. Heinrich VIII. von England und Luther. Leip- zig, 1908. (f) Melanchthon An adequate biography of Melanchthon is yet to be written. Many articles were published on Melanchthon in 1897, the 4OOth anniversary of his birth. They are accessible through Poole's Index to periodical literature and the Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Ellinger, G. Philipp Melanchthon. Berlin, 1902. Kriiger, G. Philipp Melanchthon. Halle, 1905. (Schriften fur das deutsche Volk. 44.) Mix, G. Luther und Melanchthon in ihrer gegenseitigen Beurteilung. (Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 1901.) Mix, G. Luther und Melanchthon. (Deutsch-evangelische Blatter. 1903.) Richard, J. W. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor of Germany. New York and London, Putnam, 1898. (Heroes of the Reformation.) Inadequate, but the fullest treatment in English. Seeberg, R. Die Stellung Melanchthons in der Geschichte der Kirche und Wissenschaft. Erlangen, 1896. Schmidt, C. Philipp Melanchthon. Elberfeld, 1861. Still the fullest biography. No index. (g) Other German Contemporaries Friendly to Luther Baird, H. M. Theodore Beza: the counsellor of the French Reformation, 1519-1605. New York and London, Putnam, 1899. (Heroes of the Reformation.) By the chief American authority on the Huguenots. Hartmann, J. Johannes Brenz. Elberfeld, 1862. (Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften der Vater und Begriinder der lu- therischen Kirche. 6.) 56 PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Hegler, A. Joh. Brenz. Freiburg, 1899. Kohler, W. Bibliographia Brentiana. Bibliographisches Ver- zeichnis der gedruckten und ungedruckten Schriften und Briefe des Reformators Johannes Brenz. Berlin, 1904 427?. Hering, H. Doktor Pomeranus, Johannes Bugenhagen. Halle, 1888. (Schriften des Vereins fiir Reformationsge- schichte. 22.) Anrich, G. Martin Bucer. Strassburg, 1914. I47P- A sketch; p. 146-147 "Quellen und Literatur." Erichson, A. Martin Butzer, der elsassische Reformator. Strassburg, 1891. Kalkoff, P. W. Capito im Dienste des Erzbischof Albrecht von Mainz. (Neue Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche. I.) Heidrich. E. Diirer und die Reformation. Leipzig, 1909. Bevan, F. William Farel, 5th ed. London, Holness, 1880. Barge, H. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt. Leipzig, 1905. 2v. Makes Karlstadt and not Luther the chief figure in the earlier reforms at Wittenberg. Has produced many discussions. (Dahl- mann-Waitz, No. 7586.) Freys, E., and Barge, H. Die gedruckten Schriften des An- dreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt. (Zentralblatt fiir Bi- bliothekswesen. xxi, 1904.) Miiller, K. Luther und Karlstadt. Tubingen, 1908. Losche, G. Johannes Mathesius. Gotha, 1894-95. 2v. Kawerau, W. Hans Sachs und die Reformation. Halle, 1889. (Schriften des Vereins fiir Reformationsge- schichte. 26.) Hutten, U. von. Opera, edidit E. Bocking. Lipsiae, 1859-70. 7v. Strauss, D. F. Ulrich von Hutten. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1871. Composed during the revival of German spirit before the Franco- Prussian war. It represents Hutten as the national hero of Ger- many. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY 57 (h) Zwingli Baur, A. Zwinglis Theologie, ihr Werden und System. Halle, 1885-89. 2v. Finsler, G. Zwingli-Bibliographie; Verzeichnis der gedruck- ten Schriften von und iiber Zwingli. Zurich, 1897. Jackson, S. M. Ulrich Zwingli: the reformer of German Switzerland. 2d ed. New York, Putnam, 1903. The best life of Zwingli in English. Kreuter, J. Zwinglis Lehre von der Obrigkeit. 1909. (Kir- chenrechtliche Abhandlungen. 57.) Lang, A. Zwingli und Calvin. Bielefeld, 1913. Valuable for its many illustrations . Paulus, N. Zwingli und die Glaubensfreiheit. (Historisch- politische Blatter, v. 143, 1909). Riickert, O. Zwinglis Ideen zur Erziehung und Bildung im Zusammenhang mit seinen reformatorischen Tendenzen. Leipzig, 1900. Schweizer, A. Zwinglis Bedeutung neben Luther. Zurich, 1884. Stahelin, R. Huldreich Zwingli, sein Leben und Wirken nach den Quellen dargestellt. Basel, 1895-97. 2v. Stiller, O. Luther und Zwingli. Vergleich hinsichtlich ihres Entwicklungsganges und der Art ihres Wirkens. Gotha, Wunderli, G. Zwingli und die Reformation in Zurich nach den Tagsetzungsprotokollen und Ziiricherisch obrigkeit- lichen Erlassen. Zurich, 1897. Zwingli, H. Opera completa editio prima curantibus M. Schulero et I. Schulthessio. Turici, 1829-42. - Supplement, 1861. Zwingli, H. Sammtliche Werke, hrsg. von E. Egli und G. Finsler. Berlin, 1905- (Corpus reformatorum, v. 88-) Zwingli, H. The Latin works and correspondence of Huld- reich Zwingli, ed. by S. M. Jackson, v. i-. New York, Putnam, 1912-. Based on the critical text of Egli and Finsler. The second volume will appear in 1917- Zwingliana: Mitteilungen zur Geschichte Zwinglis und der Reformation. Hrsg. von der Vereinigung fur das Zwing- limuseum in Zurich, redigiert von E. Egli. Zurich, 1897- IV. COUNTER-REFORMATION Backer, A. de. Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus, i ptie: Bibliographic par les peres De Backer; 2 ptie par A. Carayon. Nouv. ed. par C. Sommervogel. Bruxelles, 1890-1909. lov. Corrections et additions, par E. M. Riviere. Toulouse, 1911. Brou, A. Les Jesuites de la legende. Paris, 1906-07. 2v. Cambridge modern history, v. 3: Wars of religion, v. 4. The Thirty Years war. Delehaye, H. The legends of the saints. New York, 1907. Duhr, B. Geschichte der Jesuiten in den Landern deutscher Zunge im 16. Jahrhundert. Freiburg, 1907. Duhr, B. Jesuiten-Fabeln. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte. 4. Aufl. Freiburg, 1904. A Catholic apology, widely circulated. Froude, J. A. Lectures on the Council of Trent. New York, Scribner, 1896. Gothein, E. Ignatius von Loyola und die Gegenreformation. Halle, 1895. Hoensbroech, P. K. Fourteen years a Jesuit. New York, Cassell, 1911. 2v. Hughes, T. A. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. New York, Scribner, 1892. A glowing account of the Jesuit contribution to education and science, by a Jesuit. Le Plat, J. Monumentorum ad historiam concilii Tridentini spectantium amplissima collectio. Lovanii, 1781-87. 7v. McCabe, J. Candid history of the Jesuits. New York, Put- nam, 1913. By an ex-Franciscan. Interesting, but to be used with caution. McCabe, J. The decay of the Church of Rome. New York, Button, 1909. 314?. 6o PRACTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Pallavicini, S. Istoria del concilio di Trento. Roma, 1656. 2V. Philippson, Martin. The Religious Wars. Translated under the supervision of John Henry Wright. Vol. xii of A history of All Nations. J. H. Wright, General Editor. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers and Company, c. 1905. Translated from Oncken's Weltffeschichte with slight condensations and additions. Rockwell, W. W. The Jesuits as portrayed by non-Catholic historians. (Harvard Theological Review, July, 1914. P- 358-77.) Reviews books of the past twenty years. Sarpi, P. Historia del concilio Tridentino. London, 1619. [Sarpi, P.] The historic of the Councel of Trent. . . . Written in Italian by Pietro Soaue Polano [pseud.] . . . Second ed., London, 1629. Schwickerath, R. Jesuit education, its history and principles viewed in the light of modern educational problems. 2d ed. St. Louis, Herder, 1904. Thompson, J. W. Wars of religion in France 1559-1576. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1909. FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MAR 6 1956 Q7 RECEIVED FEB17'69-2PM COAN DEPT. LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of Californi Berkeley