^OF-CALIFO%, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MATHEMATICAL SERIES ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE GENERAL EDITOR SCHOOL OF EDUCATION TEXTS AND MANUALS GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS EDITOR SECOND-YEAR MATHEMATICS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Hgents THE BAKER &. TAYLOR COMPANY NEW YORK CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON AND EDINBURGH Second -Year Mathematics For Secondary Schools By GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy, College of Education of the University of Chicago and WILLIAM R. WICKES ERNEST A. WREIDT ERNST R. BRESLICH ARNOLD DRESDEN Assisted by ERNEST L. CALDWELL and ROBERT M. MATHEWS Instructors in Mathematics in the University High School of the University of Chicago 2 / 2 8 3~ SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MANUALS SECONDARY TEXTS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS All Rights Reserved Published June 1910 Second Impression October 1910 Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois. U.S.A. PREFACE This book carries forward through the second high-school year the combined type of material and the plan of treatment of First-Year Mathematics. The two texts together cover the essentials of what is commonly required of all pupils in the first two years of secondary schools in this country, and include, in addition, the elementary notions of plane trigonometry through the solution of right triangles, as well as an introduc- tion to some topics of formal algebra not usually treated iifc. secondary texts. Each book constitutes a well-balanced and not over-heavy year of work. This material so arranged at the same time opens to the pupil a broader, richer, a more useful and therefore a more alluring field of ideas than do the two subjects of algebra and plane geometry treated separately. It is felt that the material and treatment of these books lays for the beginner a more stable foundation for future work than does the usual order of a year of formal algebra, followed by a year of formal demonstrative geometry, or of these sub- jects in the reverse order. This judgment, founded on our own experience, is confirmed by a recent extended inspection of schools abroad. In England as well as in Germany and France, the best secondary schools were seen to be using the methods of combined mathematics almost exclusively, with seeming advantage to their pupils. Second-Year Mathematics lays chief emphasis on geometry, as did the First-Year Mathematics on algebra. To take up the work of these texts then requires no abrupt departure from the order of subjects now prevailing in secondary curricula. The plan of the books enables the work of the first high-school year to connect smoothly and strongly with eighth-grade work viii . Preface through both mensuration and general number, rather than with one of these subjects in the first year, and the other subject in the second year. First-Year Mathematics thus becomes a continuation and an outgrowth of these two arithmetical topics; and, without losing hold on geometrical notions already begun, it develops the customary topics of first-year algebra well into quadratics. Toward the close of the first year geometrical ideas are revived and considerable preliminary geometrical work is done. The second-year book then begins with some constructive and inductive geometry, and passes rapidly to demonstrative geometry, employing for a time the half-experimental method of superposition. By the employment of algebraic notation and by the continued application of the equation to geo- metrical matters, the hold on algebra is kept firm until the opportunity arises to develop with profit other algebraic topics, such as a completion of methods of solution of the quadratic equation, a discussion of the roots, and the use of inequalities in the solution of indeterminate equations. In the second year, therefore, the algebraic ground already gained is not only held, but is extended at least as far as is customary with the algebra before the third year. The quadratic equation is used from time to time throughout the second year. All of plane geometry is taught with sufficient fulness. Thus, while the first book may be styled algebra with associated arith- metic and geometry, the second may be styled geometry with associated algebra and trigonometry. The plan is continually to command a retrospect and prospect from the field of view of algebra during the first year and a retrospect and prospect from the field of view of geome- try during the second year. Nowhere is the horizon to be needlessly restricted, nowhere are familiar fields to be too soon lost to view, and nowhere is an exhilarating outlook and forecast to be denied. Oftentimes a high-school pupil fails x rightly to esteem a school subject because he cannot discern its bearings on what has preceded and on what is to follow, or even on the demands of the time. These books attempt to bring to the early mathematical subjects the benefits of some knowledge of these bearings. The early and rather full use of the principles of congruency (chap, i), of proportionality (chaps, ii and iv), of measurement (chap, iii), and of inequality (chap, v), is worthy of remark. This sequence of principles will be appreciated by many as giving to the pupil in the order of difficulty a good grasp of the four chief agencies of geometrical reasoning. More than 90 per cent, of the theorems of school geometry are proved by them. The early part of four of the first five chapters thus adds a new geometrical tool to the equipment of the pupil. Furthermore, these new tools are added in close enough proximity to enable each one to be seen in the light of com- parison and contrast with others. It is pedagogically a waste if not an impossibility to try to teach well one and only one idea or method at a time. These principles are not taught explicitly as geometric methods, they are taught by making each one in turn the predominant method in demonstrations long enough to give the pupil a clear idea of its meaning, and a practical control of its use. The authors are convinced that a topical treatment of the theory of limits does not belong to the early years of a high- school course, and in this they are in harmony with the writers of some of the best among recent French and German second- ary texts. What has been attempted here is to pave the way toward a later thorough understanding of this important sub- ject, rather than to induce the pupil to think he has mastered the subject by the memorizing of a theorem. The question of the existence of incommensurable lines and numbers is raised; examples of these are given; their approximations by means to continued fractions as well as by decimal fractions are studied; x Preface whether ratio-theorems can be proved to hold true when such magnitudes are to be compared, is discussed; the error made in using a rational number as an approximation to the common measure of two incommensurable numbers is evaluated and shown to grow less and less as the process of approximation is continued, calling forth intentionally the conviction that there is a definite number toward which these approximations tend. Finally, in the treatment of the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference, the notion of the limit of a sequence is more fully developed, and it is hoped that as a result of the preliminary work done throughout the book, the pupil may now gain some fairly clear notion of that concept. This simple and sane treatment of incommensurables; the concrete or experimental approach to new topics and to the subject as a whole; the careful treatment of similarity and the extension of it into the trigonometry of right triangles; the reduced number of major propositions carefully though not too fully treated, and the basing of other theorems upon them; the uses of the graph, and the chapter on geometric algebra, are some features of this text that will be appreciated by students of the mathematical needs of secondary schools. The critical reader will find in this text many places where rigor is lacking. No one can be more conscious of the exist- ences of these places than are the authors. But this book is for boys and girls, many of whom nowadays reach the second high-school year at fourteen. They are yet only children, and the degree of rigor only has been attempted that is appreciable and attainable by the larger number of them. Scientific rigor is the limit toward which the high-school pupil approaches step by step, but which he cannot reach by means of ideals so far beyond his immature standards that he cannot even appreciate that they are ideals. Criticisms on the point of lack of rigor can then be looked upon only as differences of Preface xi judgment as to what is appreciable and attainable rigor by fourteen-year-old boys and girls. . This text is published primarily for use in the classes of the University High School. This school, however, possesses no features that call for class material in any way different from that needed by all good public high schools. It would seem then that the book must be of interest to all teachers of secondary mathematics who are seeking to improve their work. The authors wish to emphasize that these books are an attempt at finding a form of secondary texts in accord with the pedagogical and mathematical advance of recent years. The application of this advance to secondary problems is as yet in an experimental stage, therefore these texts should not be looked upon as final in the field, but rather as a reflection of the present evolutionary stage of secondary mathematics, to be perfected as the study of the problems of secondary mathematics advances. Criticisms and suggestions looking to the better carrying out of the plan are therefore invited. The problem of getting better texts in mathematics for high schools is quite as much a practical as a theoretical one, and the co-operation of teachers is earnestly sought. In conclusion, the' authors' acknowledgments are due to those in administrative relations with the University High School, especially Charles H. Judd, director of the School of Education, and Franklin W. Johnson, principal of the Univer- sity High School, and also to Eliakim Hastings Moore, pro- fessor and head of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Chicago; for their sympathy and encouragement in the experimental work out of which this book has grown, and for their very substantial help in bringing this publication to the light of day. THE AUTHORS June, 1910 TABLE OF CONTENTS . CHAPTER PAGE I. CONGRUENCY OF RECTILINEAR FIGURES AND CIRCLES I Circles 46 II. RATIO, PROPORTION, SIMILAR TRIANGLES .... 63 Ratio of Numbers and Segments 63 Ratio of Other Magnitudes 64 Commensurable and Incommensurable Segments and Magnitudes 66 Proportion 69 Problems of Construction 81 Method of Analysis 86 Algebraic Exercises 87 Similar Triangles 89 Similar Polygons 99 Similar Right Triangles, Trigonometry .... 102 Problems on Right Angles 108 Relations of Trigonometric Ratios 116 Problems and Exercises 118 III. THE MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES BY ARCS OF THE CIRCLE 124 Inscribed Angles 130 The Method of Common Factors 142 The Method of Successive Division 143 IV. SIMILARITY AND PROPORTIONALITY IN CIRCLES . . . 146 To Draw Common Tangents. Second Method . 157 Solution of Quadratic Equations by the Formula . 161 The General Quadratic Formula 163 Problems in Physics Leading to Complete Quad- ratic Equations 166 V. INEQUALITIES IN TRIANGLES AND CIRCLES . . . 168 xiii xiv Table of Contents CHAPTER PAGE VI. AREAS OF POLYGONS 207 The Area of the Triangle 207 Areas of Polygons 229 Proof by the Method of Analysis 234 Quadratic Equations in Two Unknowns . . . 237 Quadratic Equations Solved by the Graph . . 239 VII. REGULAR POLYGONS INSCRIBED IN, AND CIRCUM- SCRIBED ABOUT, A CIRCLE 246 The Side of a Regular Inscribed Decagon . . . 253 The Side of a Regular Inscribed Pentagon . . . 253 Circles Circumscribed about, and Inscribed in, a Regular Polygon 257 To Find the Circumference of a Circle .... 258 Area of the Circle 267 VIII. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES IN GRAPHIC AND GEOMETRIC ALGEBRA 271 CHAPTER 1 CONGRUENCY OF RECTILINEAR FIGURES AND CIRCLES 2- / 2. >O" 1. A theorem is a statement, the truth of which is to be proved. EXAMPLE: If two angles are equal, their supplements are equal. 2. A problem is a statement of a construction to be made, and to be proved correct. EXAMPLE: To draw a line perpendicular to a given line at a given point upon it. 3. A proposition is either a theorem or a problem. A theorem consists of two parts, the hypothesis and the conclusion. The hypothesis is what is assumed to be true; and the conclusion is what is to be proved to be a consequence of the hypothesis. In the theorem given above, "two angles are equal" is the hypothesis; and "their supplements are equal" is the conclusion. 4. A construction is an exercise to draw some geometrical figure without reference to a proof. CONSTRUCTION I 5. To draw a circle of given center and radius. Let O (Fig. i) be the given center and let the line, r, be the given radius. Spread the compasses until the distance between the tips is r. Place the pin-tip on O and draw the pencil-tip entirely around from A, through B, C, D, to A. Second- Year Mathematics FIG. 2 6. A plane figure bounded by a curve, every point of which is equally distant from a point within the curve, is a circle. The circle is sometimes defined as the curve that bounds the figure (see FYM* p. 200). 7. The point within the curve, as O (Fig. i), is the center. EXERCISES IN CONSTRUCTION i. Draw a circle with any convenient radius. Without changing the distance between the compass- points step around the circle, and mark the steps. Connect the alternate marks and form a trilobe as shown in Fig. 2. 2. Draw a six-lobed figure as shown in Fig. 3- 3. Mark a point on paper and draw a circle about this point as center with a radius of i inch; of inch; of inch; of ij inches. 4. Mark a point on the blackboard, and with crayon and string draw a circle about this point as center with a radius of i foot; of 9 inches; of 6 inches; of 15 inches. 8. The circles of either of the Exercises 3 and 4 are called concentric circles because they have a common center. CONSTRUCTION II 9. Given the three sides of a triangle, to construct the triangle. Let a, b, and c (Fig. 4), be the three sides of the triangle. To draw the triangle. Draw a straight line, as A X, longer than the side to be first laid off, say c. * The abbreviation, FYM, stands for First-Year Mathematics. FIG. 3 Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 3 With A as center and with c as radius, mark an arc across AX,asatB. ThenAB=c. With A as center and with radius a, mark an arc, as i, so that some of its points will look farther from B than the length b, while other points of arc i will look nearer to B than the length of b. IB FIG. 4 With B as center and with b as radius mark an arc, as 2, across arc i. Connect the crossing-point, C, of arcs i and 2 with A and with B by straight lines. Then A B C is the required tri- angle. 10. A portion of a plane completely bounded by three straight lines, is a triangle. EXERCISES IN CONSTRUCTION A triangle having two equal sides is an isosceles triangle; the third side is the base. 1. Draw a triangle having each of its sides i foot long. A triangle having all sides equal is an equilateral triangle. 2. Which side is the base of the triangle in Exercise i ? A triangle, no two of whose sides are equal, is a scalene triangle. Any side of a scalene or of an equilateral triangle may be regarded as the base. Second-Year Mathematics 3. Construct an equilateral triangle on a side 15 inches long. 4. Is an equilateral triangle isosceles? Give reason for answer. 5. Draw a triangle having sides of inch, f inch, and i inch, beginning by laying off the shortest side first. 60' FIG. 5 6. With crayon and string draw on the blackboard a tri- angle having sides 6 inches, 8 inches, and 10 inches. 7. Describe how with a 66-foot chain stakes may be set in the ground at the corners of a triangle of sides 30', 50', and 60'* (see Fig. 5). 8. Draw a triangle having sides 12", 12", and 16". The definite portion of a line included between two points is a line -segment. For example, the sides of a triangle are line-segments. CONSTRUCTION III ii. Given the base and one of the equal sides of an isos- celes triangle, to construct the triangle. Take a line-segment i inch long for the base and another line-segment inch long for the given side, and construct the triangle with compasses on paper, or instead of the "inch" use "foot," and construct the triangle with crayon and string on the blackboard. * The single prime ('), when written beside an arithmetical number, means foot, or ]eet; the double prime (") means inch or inches. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 5 The word "line" here and from now on means straight line, unless some other meaning is expressly stated. A line is supposed to be indefinitely extended in both directions. EXERCISES 1. The span of a roof is 24' and one of the two equal rafters is 15'. Make a drawing to a convenient scale of the end rafters. 2. One of two equal lines is denoted by #+12, and the other by i$x. Find x, and the length of the equal lines. 3. Find the unknown, x, and the length of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle if one of the equal sides is x 3 $x and the other is 5^ + 9. 4. How many isosceles triangles will answer the conditions of Exercise 3 ? Sketch the triangles. 5. Find x, and the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle, the equal sides being denoted by the following pairs of num- bers: (1) x 2 x and $x 8 (6) x a +$x and 4(15 #) (2) x 2 x and x+i$ (7) x 2 7 and 3(273;) (3) x a and 7 6x (8) ^x^+^x and 12(1 x) (4) x(x+4) and 3(2^ + 5) (9) $x(x+8) and 2(20 + 2^) (5) #(#3) and i2(x 3) (10) 3^(10^3) and 20(2* i). CONSTRUCTION IV 12. Given a side, to construct an equilateral triangle, The solution is left to the student. EXERCISES i. The sides of an equilateral triangle may be denoted by 2 (5 x )> 3y~ 2 > an d 2 y- Find x > y> an d tne length of a side of the triangle. Second-Year Mathematics 2. Find x, y, and the length of a side of an equilateral triangle, the sides of one being designated by each of the following sets of numbers: (1) i2X, (2+y), and 3(6^-5) (3) 4*, 2(^+3), and 5(4-?) (2) 3*, 29-5^, and 19 + 5? (5) nx, A.y ' 1C V (4) x, y~3, and , and 11(2^+9). CONSTRUCTION V 13. Given two sides and twice the third side of a triangle, to construct the triangle. _ a _ Let a, b, and 2C be the given line-segments. To construct a triangle having a, b, and c as sides. Let us first find one-half of the line 2c, i. e., let us bisect 2C. Make AB = 2c. With A as a center and with a radius longer than half of A B draw arcs i and 2 (Fig. 6). With B as a center and with the same radius draw the arcs 3 and 4 across the arcs i and 2, respectively. Call the crossing-points C and D. Join C and D and call E the point where the lines C D and A B cross. A E, or E B, is c, for either is one-half of 2c. Now construct a triangle with a, 6, and A E, or E B, as sides as in Construction II. FIG. 6 ,'tf l A >* FIG. 7 Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 7 Is it necessary that arcs 2 and 4 of Fig. 6 have the same radii as arcs i and 3 ? (See Fig. 7.) Is it necessary that the intersections lie on opposite sides of the line to be bisected ? If the radii of the arcs i and 2 of Fig. 7 are equal, what is the only essential for the arcs 3 and 4 ? OBSTRUCTION VI 14. To construct on a line an angle equal to a given angle, and having its vertex at a given point on the line. See Fig. 8 and FYM, p. 148. 15. The figure formed by extending two lines from a point is an angle. Thus O A and O B (Fig. 9) extending from the point O, form the angle A O B, and O'A' and O'B', extending from the point O', form the angle A'O'B'. 8 Second- Year Mathematics The lines that form the angle are the sides, or arms, and the point from which the lines extend is the vertex of the angle. The magnitude, or size, of an angle is the amount of turn- ing necessary to rotate a line around the vertex from one arm to the other. sir A straight angle is an angle whose arms lie in the same straight line on opposite sides of the vertex (Fig rr> ) ' The two straight angles about a point make a perigon. A perigon corresponds to a complete turn of a rotating line (Fig. n). A right angle is one-half of a straight angle (see Fig. 12, I An acute angle is an angle that is less than a right angle (see Fig. 12, angle a). An obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than a right angle and less than a straight angle (see Fig. 12, angle c). __ CONSTRUCTION VII 1 6. Given two sides and the included angle of a triangle, to construct the triangle. Given the sides a and b, and the angle C (Fig. 13). Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 9 To construct the triangle. Make C A = 6, and at one end, as at C, construct an angle equal to the given angle C (see Construction VI). Make C B equal to a. Connect B and A. A B C is the required triangle. EXERCISES 1. With sides i inch and i| inches long, and with the included angle 60, construct a triangle, using a protractor to lay off the given angle, and compasses for the construction. 2. Taking any convenient length for x, as ^ inch, construct a triangle having two sides 3^ and 4X, and an included angle of 45. 3. Construct an isosceles triangle with one of the equal sides i inches, and the vertex-angle 55 (see 27). 4. Construct an isosceles triangle with base 2 inches and base angles 15. 10 Second- Year Mathematics 5. Construct a triangle with base inch and base angles 35 and 50. 17* Geometrical figures that have the same shafie are similar figures. 18. Geometrical figures that have the same size, but not the same shape, are equal or equivalent figures. 19. Geometrical figures, that have both the same size and the same shape are congruent figures. Congruent figures may be made to coincide. 20. There are some geometrical figures, such as straight lines, angles, circles, etc., that can differ only in size. When such figures have the same size they will be said to be equal, rather than congruent; since the question of shape does not arise in connection with them. 21. The sign, or symbol, of similarity is ^. Thus, a ~~ b means a is similar to b. 22. The symbol of equality, or equivalency, is =. Thus, a =b means a is equal to b. 23. The symbol of congruency is ^. Thus, ABC^ A'B'C' means ABC and A'B'C' may be made to coincide. PROPOSITION I 24. Theorem: // two sides and the included angle of one I triangle are equal, respectively, to two sides and the included] angle of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. e FIG. 14 Hypothesis: If the triangles ABC and A'B'C' (Fig. 14) have A B=A'B', A C=A'C', and angle A =angle A'; Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles n Conclusion: Then the triangles ABC and A'B'C' are con- gruent, i. e., they can be made to coincide. Proof Imagine the triangle ABC placed upon the triangle A'B'C' so that angle A shall fit exactly upon its equal angle, A', A B falling upon A'B' and A C upon A'C'. Because A B=A'B' (why?), B will fall upon B'. Because A C=A'C' (why ?), C will fall upon C'. Then B C will fall along and coincide with B'C', else there would be two different straight lines connecting the two points B and C, and this is evidently impossible. Hence, the two triangles are congruent, i. e., they coincide, or fit. Since ABC and A'B'C' are any two triangles having two sides and the included angle of one equal to the corresponding parts of the other, the theorem is true. EXERCISES 1. To find the distance B C across the lake (Fig. 15), C A was extended through A, so that CA=AC' and B A through A so that BA=B / A. B'C' was meas- ured and found to be of a mile long. Assuming the two angles, marked with arcs, to be equal, how long was B C ? Give the reasons for your answer. 2. Prove: If AC=A'C', B C = B'C', and Z* C=ZC' (Fig. 1 6), the two triangles are congruent. 3. If in Fig. 16, a=a', b=b', ZC=ZC', c=8(2*-s), FIG. 15 * Z is the symbol for angle; Z s, for angles. 12 Second-Year Mathematics and ^B f = i4s r + 5, what are the values of x, r, s, Z.A, and Z.B'? FIG. 1 6 4. With sides and angles designated as in Fig. 1 6, assuming a=a', b=b', and Z. C=Z.C', find x, y, and z if .4=ioo y, z(z 20). CONSTRUCTION VIII 25. Given two sides and twice the included angle of a tri- angle, to construct the triangle. Given the sides b and c and the angle 2 A (Fig. 17). b FIG. 17 To construct the triangle. The given angle being the double of the desired angle of the triangle, we must first obtain the desired angle. This is done by bisecting the given angle, Fig. 18 (see FYM, p. 147). Now construct a triangle as in Construction VII, with the sides b and c and the included angle A O E. Congruence of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 13 26. A line that divides an angle into two equal parts is called the bisector of the angle. 27. The angle that lies opposite to the base of an isosceles triangle is the vertex-angle of the triangle. EXERCISES 28. Prove the following exercises: 1. The bisector of the vertex- angle of an isosceles triangle divides the triangle into two congruent parts. 2. The bisector of the vertex-angle of an isosceles triangle bisects the base. 3. In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are equal. 4. All points of the perpendicular bisector of a line-segment are equidistant from the ends of the line. 5. An equilateral triangle is equiangular, i. e., the angles are equal. 29. It is well for the student to become aware that we have in our work, thus far, assumed certain things to be possible and true without having proved them to be so; for example, it has been assumed that a triangle may be picked up and moved about in space without changing its shape or size. It has also been assumed that through any two points only one straight line can be drawn. Such fundamental assumptions form the basis on which geometry is built; they are the axioms and postulates of geometry. 30. An axiom is a statement the truth of which is assumed, i. e., accepted without proof. 31. A postulate is a statement of the possibility of a con- struction. An axiom, like a theorem, has a hypothesis and a con- clusion. How does an axiom differ from a theorem? A 14 Second- Year Mathematics postulate differ from a problem? A theorem differ from a problem ? 32. Since every statement in a proof must be based directly, or indirectly, upon an axiom, a postulate, or a definition, some of the most important axioms and postulates are now stated. AXIOMS 1. Magnitudes that are equal to the same magnitude are equal to each other (comparison axiom). 2. Equals added to equals give equal sums (addition axiom). 3. Equals subtracted from equals give equal differences (sub- traction axiom). 4. Equals multiplied by equal numbers give equal products (multiplication axiom). 5. Equals divided by equal numbers (excluding division by 6} give equal quotients (division axiom). 6. A whole is equal to the sum of all its parts. 7. A whole is greater than any of its parts. 8. The shortest distance Between two points is measured on the straight line joining the points. 9. A figure may be moved about, or turned over in space, without changing its form or size. 10. One and only one straight line can join two points. Other axioms will be stated as they are needed. POSTULATES 1. A straight line can be drawn joining two points. 2. A line-segment can be prolonged. * 3. A circle can be drawn with any point as center and with any radius. 33. The Greek philosopher Plato (429-384 B. c.) taught geometry as a basis for the study of philosophy. He was accord- Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 15 ingly much concerned about its logical purity. He decided to restrict the lines that could be used in plane geometry to the straight line and the circle, and the instruments that could be used to 'the unmarked straight edge and the compasses. Geometers since Plato's time have conformed to these restric- tions, as a convenient means of denning the field of plane geometry. In the logic (deductive) of this book Plato's restrictions are adhered to. Figures and construction lines used in estab- lishing geometrical propositions must be made up of circles and straight lines only, i. e., of such lines as can be drawn with the unmarked ruler and the ungraduated circle. For the deductive proofs neither the markings on a foot-rule or a yard-stick, nor on a protractor can be used. But another important part of geometrical study is to learn how to find out things, how to discover new truths, i. e., how to find out what is likely to be true and to state it in form for logical proof or disproof. In this work of geometrical exploration and discovery any sort of line or instrument that furnishes a clue, affords a hint, or gives any sort of real help, rational or intuitional, will be freely admitted. The graduated measuring-stick, the protractor, cross-lined paper, graph, logarithmic tables, algebraic equations, etc., are all welcomed here as helps to inductive study and research. CONSTRUCTION IX 34. To draw a triangle having given two angles and the side included by the vertices of these angles. Given the angles x and y (Fig. 1 9) and the side a. To construct a triangle having the angles x and y and the side a, included between their vertices. On the indefinite straight line, A X, lay off A B=a. 1 6 Second-Year Mathematics At A make an angle equal to x, and at B an angle equal to y (see Construction VI). Prolong the sides of the constructed angles till they meet, as at C. a A B C is the required triangle. Does it seem possible to construct a triangle of any other shape or size, using the parts a, x, and y of Fig. 19? PROPOSITION II 35. Theorem: // two triangles have two angles and the side included by their vertices in the one, equal, respectively, to the corresponding parts in the other, the triangles are congruent. Hypothesis: If the two triangles ABC and A'B'C' (Fig. 20) have Z=Z', ZC=ZC', and a = a'; Conclusion: The two triangles are congruent. Imagine the triangle A B C so placed upon the triangle A'B'C' (turned over if necessary) that side a coincides with side a', the vertices B and C falling on the vertices B' and C', respectively. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 17 Let A fall on the same side of a' as A'. Because Z-B=Z#' (why?), c will fall along c', and the vertex A will fall somewhere on c' or its extension. Because ZC=ZC' (why?), b will fall along b', and the vertex A will fall somewhere on b' or its extension. Because A falls at the same time upon c' and upon b', it must fall at the only point c' and b' have in common, viz., at their point of intersection, A'. Hence, the triangles ABC and A'B'C' coincide, and are congruent. But ABC and A'B'C' are any two triangles having two angles and the intervening side of the one equal to the corresponding parts of the other. The theorem is therefore true. EXERCISES 1. The perpendicular bisector of the base of an isosceles triangle passes through the opposite vertex (use Proposition II, p. 16). Assume for the present that all right angles are equal. 2. In Fig. 21 the distances S A and S B of a lighthouse, S, from the points A and B are desired. The angle A B S' is made equal to the angle A B S, and B A S' is made equal to B A S. A S' was measured and found i8 Second-Year Mathematics to be 2,680 ft. and B S' was found to be 3,420 ft. How far is S from A and B ? 3. The bisector of the vertex-angle of - an isosceles triangle is perpen- dicular to the base (see Exercise 2, P- 13)- 4. Oblique lines drawn to a line from a point on a per- pendicular to the line and makin FlG - 2I equal angles with the perpendicular are equal. 5. Oblique lines, drawn from a point on a perpendicular to a line and making equal angles with the line, are equal. Assume that the sum of the angles of any triangle is 180 (see p. 31, 3). 6. An equiangular triangle is equilateral. An equiangular triangle is a triangle all of whose angles are equal (see Exercise 5, p. 13). 7. If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite the equal angles are equal, and the triangle is isosceles (see FYM, p. 344, 9)- c c' A c BA c/ FIG. 22 8. In triangles marked as in Fig. 22, supposing b = b', A' r" r' n JT! , \^ \^ , (I i J T M 2 and B' = . Find x, y, n, a, c, and B'. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles ig PROPOSITION III 36. Theorem: If the three sides of one triangle are equal, respectively, to the three sides of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. Given, in Fig. 23, A B=A'B', A C=A'C', and B C=B'C'. A B A B' FIG. 23 To prove: A B C *= A'B'C'. Place A B on A'B' so that A falls upon A' and B upon B'. Let C fall on the same side of A'B' as C'. Then if C does not fall on C' suppose it to fall at C", some other point. But A'C'=A'C" (why?) and B'C'=B'C" (why?). Hence both A'C'C" and B'C'C" are isosceles triangles. A perpendicular to C'C" at its middle point passes through both A' and B' (see Exercise i, p. 17). This is impossible unless the middle point of C'C" lies on A'B' (see Axiom 10). The middle point of C'C" cannot lie on A'B' without destroying the triangles, since C and C' were made to fall on the same side of A'B'. Therefore the supposition that C does not fall on C' is false, and the triangles ABC and A'B'C' are congruent. But ABC and A'B'C' are any two triangles having the three sides of the one equal, each to each, to the three sides of the other, and the theorem is then true. 2o Second-Year Mathematics This is an example of indirect proof. It consists in assum- ing the opposite or the negative of what is to be proved, and showing the assumption to lead to an absurdity. Hence it is called a "reductio ad absurdum." EXERCISES 1. A line drawn from the middle point of the base to the opposite vertex of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base. 2. Oblique line-segments drawn from a point in a perpen- dicular to a line and cutting off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular are equal. 3. Equal oblique line-segments drawn from a point in a perpendicular to a line, meet the line at points equally distant from the foot of the perpendicular (see 28, 3) . 37. The point of intersection of a line with a perpendicular is called the foot of the perpendicular. 38. In congruent triangles, corresponding sides are sides that lie opposite equal angles. Corresponding angles are angles that lie opposite equal sides. 39. The sides and angles of a triangle, or other figure, are called the parts of the triangle, or figure. 0' i . With the parts of two triangles designated as in Fig. 24, and with a=a r , b=b', c=c', find r, s, t, and all the other angles under the following conditions: Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 21 Angle A Angle A' Angle B Angle B' Angle C Angle C' (1) 5(r+s) 2(29-5) 2(5+0 86-/ 4^ + 2/ 2(9+*) (2) lr+$s + t 75-5 ^+5+43 90-5 ^+5+64 195-* 2. Supposing the sizes of the three angles of an equilateral triangle may be represented by the numbers, r + 2s, $t ior, and s+t, respectively, and that the sum of all three is 180, find r, s, and J, and each of the angles. 40. Propositions I, II, and III are the most fundamental, if not the most important, theorems of plane geometry. The proofs of all three as given here furnish examples of the method of establishing congruency by so superposing one figure upon another as to make the figures coincide. The proof of Proposition III is of this superposition type mixed with the "reductio ad absurdum" type. These three proofs should be thoroughly mastered. AXIOM ii All straight angles are equal. PROPOSITION IV 41. Theorem: All right angles are equal. To prove this use Axiom u just given and Axiom 5, p. 14. 42. The supplement of an angle is the difference obtained by subtracting it from a straight angle (180). 43. The complement of an angle is the difference obtained by subtracting it from a right angle (90). PROPOSITION V 44. Theorem : The supplements of equal angles are equal. Use Axioms n and 3. PROPOSITION VI 45. Theorem: The complements of equal angles are equal. The proof is left to the student. 22 Second- Year Mathematics 46. Two angles having a common vertex and a common side between them are adjacent angles. EXERCISES i. The sum of the adjacent angles formed by one line meeting another is a straight angle. This is evident from Axiom 6, p. 14. ^/2?) One of two complementary angles is x and the other is x 2 . Find x and the two angles. 3. One of two complementary angles is 6y and the other is 4(^ + 5)- Find y and the angles. 4. One of two supplementary angles may be designated y 2 and the other 8y. Find y and the angles. (Q The angles x and y are complementary and their differ- ence is 10. Find x and y. 6. The angles r and 35 are supplementary and r 5 = 20. Find r, s, and 35-. 7. The angles that lie opposite the equal sides in an isos- celes triangle are represented in magnitude by 7^+8 and 80 $x, respectively. Find x and the two angles. 8. If one of two adjacent angles formed by one line meeting another is a right angle, the other is also a right angle. Prove. 9. If two straight lines intersect (cross) one another, and one of the angles formed is a right angle, the other three are also right angles. Prove. 10. The sum of all the angles formed about a point on one side of a line is a straight angle. Prove. 11. The sum of all the angles formed about a point is two straight angles, or four right angles. Prove. PROPOSITION VII 47. Theorem: If the sum of two adjacent angles is a straight angle, their exterior sides form a straight line. This follows directly from the definition of straight angle, 15. Congruence of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 23 EXERCISES 1. The bisectors of two supplementary adjacent angles are perpendicular to each other. Prove. When two lines intersect each other at right angles, either line is said to be perpendicular to the other. 2. The angle ABC (Fig. 25) is a right angle. D B E is a straight line. To what is the sum, x+y, equal? The opposite angles, as a and c, or b and d (Fig. 26) formed by two intersecting lines are called vertical angles. 3. Prove that if two lines intersect, the vertical angles are equal. 4. The bisectors of two op- posite, or vertical, angles form a straight line. 5. The bisector of an angle bisects also its vertical angle. PROPOSITION VIII 48. Problem: From a point without a line to draw a per- pendicular to the line. See Fig. 27, and FYM, p. 146. FIG. 26 FIG. 27 Second-Year Mathematics PROPOSITION IX 49. Theorem: Only one perpendicular can be drawn from a point without a line to the line. Let P O be a perpendicular from P to A B (Fig. 28). To prove P O the only perpendicular from P to A B. Proof: If there can be another T-\ perpendicular, let it be P C. Pro- long P O to P 7 , making O P 7 =P O. Join C and P 7 and prove P C O and P 7 C O congruent triangles. ~ P C, being a perpendicular to A B (by supposition), P C P 7 is a straight line (Proposition VII). If then P C could be any other perpendicular than P O, there would be two straight lines connecting P and P'. This is impossible. Why? (See Axiom 10, p. 14.) Hence, there can be no other perpendicular from P to A B than P O. 50. The symbol for perpendicularity is 1. PROPOSITION X 51. Problem: From a point on a line, to draw a perpendicu- lar to the line. See Fig. 29, and FYM, p. 145. o FIG. 28 P FIG. 29 1T23 Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 25 PROPOSITION XI 52. Theorem: If each of two points of one line is equally distant from two points of another line, the lines are per- pendicular. Let P and Q of either Fig. 30 or Fig. 31 be each equally distant from the ends A and B of the line A B. V A" " -v A FIG. 30 \ \ A' ^ N K? \ FIG. 31 To prove the lines P Q and A B perpendicular. Proof: Connect P with A and B, and Q with A and B. Prove triangles P A Q and P B Q congruent. Prove triangle A O Q congruent to triangle B O Q. Then ZQ O A= ZQ O B, and the lines P Q and A B are perpendicular. Why ? PARALLELS AND PARALLELOGRAMS 53. Parallel lines are lines which lie in the same plane and do not intersect however far prolonged in both directions. The symbol for parallelism is || . 26 Second-Year Mathematics AXIOM 12 One and only one parallel to a line can be drawn through a point outside of the line. PROPOSITION XII / 54. Theorem: // each of two lines is parallel to a third \line,Jhcy are parallel to each other. Given A B and C D each parallel to E F. A- C- -F FIG. 32 To prove A B | CD. The lines AB and CD (Fig. 32) are supposed to lie in the plane of the page. Suppose A B could intersec t C D, through some point as P. Then, through P there would be two parallels to E F. Why? This is impossible. Why? (See Axiom 12.) A B and C D are then lines which lie in the same plane and do not intersect. Hence, A B and C D are parallel. This furnishes another example of the "reductio ad absurdum" type of proof. PROPOSITION XIII 55. Theorem: Two lines that are perpendicular to the .same line are parallel to each other. Let AB and CD both be J_ E F (Fig. 33). To prove A B and A. C D parallel. A B and C D are supposed to lie in the C plane of the page. Suppose A B and C D could intersect at some point as P. FIG. 33 Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 27 Then through P there would be two perpendiculars to E F, which is impossible. Why ? /. A B and C D do not intersect. Since A B and C D lie in the same plane and do not inter- sect, they are parallel. Why? 56. A line cutting two or more lines is called a transversal. Thus E F (Fig. 34), is a transversal. The angles a, b, c', and d' are ex- terior angles. The angles c, d, a', and b' are in- terior angles. The angles a and c', b and d', a' and c, d and b' are alternate angles. The angles a and a', b and b', c and c', d and d' are corresponding angles. r FIG. 34 The angles c and a', b' and d are alternate-interior angles. The angles b and d', a and c' are alternate -exterior angles. PROPOSITION XI 1 / 57. Theorem: If two alternate-interior angles, formed by two I Urns and a transversal, are equal, the two lines are parallel. Let the angles a and a' (Fig. 35) , made by A B and C D with the transversal E F, be equal. To prove A B and C D parallel. The lines are all supposed to lie in the plane of the page. A K HX r> f\ L FIG. 35 28 Second- Year Mathematics Through the middle point, M, of G H draw a perpendicular to A B, and prolong it to meet C D at L. What parts of triangles M G L and M H K are equal ? Prove M G L and M H K congruent. M K H is a right angle. Why ? Therefore M L G is a right angle. Why ? A B and C D are both perpendicular to K L. Why ? Therefore A B || C D. Why? EXERCISE i. If one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to a third line, the other is also. Prove. A corollary is a theorem, the proof of which is contained in the proof of other propositions. 58. Corollary: If two lines are cut by a transversal in such a way that the sum of two interior angles on the same side of the transversal is equal to a straight angle, the two lines are parallel. The arrangement of the proof is left to the student. PROPOSITION XV Theorem : If two lines cut by a transversal are parallel, alternate-interior angles are equal. Let A B and C D be two paral- lel lines, cut by the transversal E F (Fig. 36). To prove angle A H G equal to angle HGD. Proof: At H on the line E F, ZHGD. _----N NT r / ~7H & T) Y an angle can FIG. 36 be drawn ' ./ equal to Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 29 If A B does not make angle A H G equal to H G D, suppose some other line, as M H N does. Then M H G =H G D. Then M N and C D are parallel. Why ? But A B is assumed parallel to C D. Hence, through H there would be two parallels to C D, which is impossible. Why? (Axiom 12, p. 26.) Therefore no other line than A B through H can make with E F and C D the alternate-interior angles equal. Hence, AH G=HGD. This is another example of the indirect form of proof, known as " reductio ad absurdum." 60. One theorem is said to be the converse of another, when the hypothesis and the conclusion of the one are, respec- tively, the conclusion and the hypothesis of the other. Give examples of theorems and their converse; of axioms and their converse. The converse of a theorem is not true, simply because the theorem is true. Some converses are true and some are not. A proof is necessary before they can be accepted as true. . Give cases in which the converse of a theorem is not true. ('EXERCISES . Supposing 'A B || ClT(Fig. 37) prove the following: (2) b = V (4) d=d' (6) b=d' (8) b'=d. FIG. 37 30 Second-Year Mathematics 2. Prove also the following: (1) a and b' are supplementary (2) a' and b are supplementary (3) c' and d are supplementary (4) c and d' are supplementary. 3. A perpendicular to one of two parallels is perpendicular to the other also. Prove. 4. The rails of two railroad tracks cross so that one of the 1 6 angles formed is 36. Make a sketch and state the value of each of the other 1 5 angles. 5. If the sum of the interior angles on one side of a trans- versal to two lines is less than a straight angle the lines meet. 61. Suppose an observer standing at the vertex of an angle as at O (Fig. 38), and looking off over the angular space in the direction O D, one side of the angle lies on his right and the other on his left. J> FIG. 38 FIG. 39 An angle may thus be regarded as having a right side and a left side (see Figs. 38 and 39). EXERCISES i . If the sides of two angles are parallel, right to right and left to left (Fig. 40), the angles are equal. Prove. 2. If the sides of two angles are parallel, right to left and left to right (Fig. 41), the angles are supplementary. Prove. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 31 3. The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to a straight angle, or to two right angles. Prove. (See Fig. 42. See also FYM, pp. 54, 55.) 62. A triangle that contains a right angle is a right tri- angle. FIG. 41 63. A triangle that contains an obtuse angle is an obtuse triangle. FIG. 42 64. A triangle, all of whose angles are acute, is an acute triangle. 3 2 Second-Year Mathematics EXERCISES 1. How many obtuse angles, at most, may a triangle have ? How many right angles, at most? How many acute angles; at most? How many acute angles, at least? Give reasons for your answers. 2. The sum of the acute angles of a right triangle is a right angle, i. e., the acute angles of a right triangle are complementary. 3. If the sides of two angles I I FIG. 43 FIG. 44 are perpendicular, right to right and left to left (Fig. 43), the angles are equal. 4. If the sides of two angles are perpendicular, right to left and left to right (Fig. 44), the angles are supplementary. CONSTRUCTION X 65. Problem : To draw a line parallel to a given line through a given point. pi ^ -p Iet P be the given point and A B be the given line (Fig. 45). i \t To draw a parallel to X J3 A B through P. With P as a center \ \ \ FIG. 45 and with a radius longer than the distance from P to A B, draw an arc as C F. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 33 With C as a center and with the same radius, draw the arcPE. With a radius equal to the distance from E to P and with C as a center, draw an arc as at F across arc C F. Join F and P. The line F P is the required parallel. F P will later be proved parallel to A B. 66. A plane figure bounded by four straight lines is a quadrilateral. 67. A quadrilateral having two pairs of parallel sides is a parallelogram. EXERCISES 1. The sum of the four angles of a quadrilateral is two straight angles (see Exercise 3, 61, and Fig. 46). The angles marked with arcs (Fig. 47) are exterior angles (see FYM, p. 55, 39). 2. The sum of the exterior angles of a triangle is four right angles (see FYM, 40, Exercise 4). FIG. 46 FIG. 47 3. The sum of the exterior angles of a quadrilateral is four right angles (see Fig. 47). 34 Second-Year Mathematics PROPOSITION XVI 68. Problem: To construct a parallelogram, having given two adjacent sides and the included angle. Let a and b be the two adjacent sides, and let x be the included angle (Fig. 48). a To construct the parallelogram. I Lay off from the vertex of the angle upon the sides (prolonged if /~ necessary) the sides a and b, ~~f as A Band A B. / Through D draw a parallel to A B and through B draw a parallel to A D. Let C denote the inter- secting point of the parallels. Then A B C D is the required parallelogram. Why ? EXERCISES 1. Prove, that if two adjacent sides and the included angle of one parallelogram are equal, respectively, to the correspond- ing parts of another, the parallelograms are congruent. 2. Prove, the adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supple- mentary. 3. Prove, the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal. PROPOSITION XVII b FIG. 48 69. Theorem: The op- posite sides of a parallelo- gram are equal. p. 334, Problem 7. FYM, FIG. 49 Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 35 PROPOSITION XVIII ^^*"~ . ~^ ' ^^ 70. Theorem: If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. , Converse of Proposition XVII. See p. 19, 36 and Proposition XIV. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral having AB=DC, and AD=BC(Fig. 50). To prove A B C D a 7) /*r ~" |/> 7 O parallelogram. Draw a diagonal, as A C. Prove the triangles A ABC and ADC con- tlG. 50 gruent. Then since y=y' (why?) and since A C is a transversal to A Band DC, AB||DC. Why? Also, since x=x', and A C is also a transversal to A D andBC, A D || B C. Why? The quadrilateral is then a parallelogram. Why ? PROPOSITION XIX 71. Theorem: If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. B FIG. 51 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral having a=c, and bd (Fig- 50- To prove the quadrilateral a parallelogram. 36 Second-Year Mathematics Proof a+b+c+d=4 right angles. Why? But c=a and b=d. Why? Therefore a+d = a straight angle, or two right angles. Why? Regarding A D as a transversal to A B and DC, A B 1 1 D C (see 58). Also d+c=a. straight angle or two right angles. Therefore AD || BC. Why? And A B C D is_a parallelogram. PROPOSITION XX 72 . Theorem : The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect I each other: Given the parallelogram with the diagonals A C and B D (Fig- 52). & FIG. 52 To prove A C and B D bisect each other. Proof Call the point of intersection of the diagonals E. What parts of the triangle A B E are equal to corresponding parts of D C E ? Prove the triangles ABE and D C E congruent. D E then equals E B, and A E equals E C. Why ? See FYM, p. 334, Problem 8. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 37 EXERCISES 1. Prove, conversely, if the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram (use Fig- 5 2 )- 2. Prove, a diagonal divides a parallelogram into two con- gruent triangles (see FYM, p. 345). PROPOSITION XXI 73. Theorem: If two sides of a quadrilateral are equal and parallel, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Given the quadrilateral J) p A B C D with A D equal and parallel to B C (Fig. 53). To prove A B C D a paral- lelogram. Draw the diagonals A C FIG. 53 and B D ; let E be their intersection. Regarding D B as a transversal to A D and C B, x=x f . Why? Regarding A C as a transversal to A D and C B, y=y'. Why? Prove A E=E C and D E=E B. A B C D is then a parallelogram (see Exercise i above), i . 1 ... 74. A rectangle is a parallelogram one of whose angles is a right angle. EXERCISES 1. Prove, that if one of the angles of a parallelogram is a right angle, all the angles are right angles. 2. Prove, the diagonals of a rectangle are equal. 75. A square is a rectangle two of. whose adjacent sides are equal. 38 Second-Year Mathematics EXERCISES 1. Prove, that if two adjacent sides of a rectangle are equal, all the sides are equal. 2. Prove, the diagonals of a square bisect each other perpendicularly. 76. A rhombus is a parallelogram two of whose adjacent sides are equal. EXERCISES 1. Prove, that if two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal, all the sides are equal. 2. Prove, the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other per- pendicularly (see FYM, p. 346, Exercise 6). 77. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral having / \ two parallel sides. L A The parallel sides of a trapezoid are the bases. A trapezoid whose non-parallel sides are equal is an isosceles trapezoid. A , ., , , , . ( two pairs of parallel sides is a parallelogram A quadrilateral having j Qne of J *~^ | s;des fa a apezoid 5 . r. ( one right angle is a rectangle A parallelogram having J ^ J jacen f sides equal | a rhombus A parallelogram that is both a rectangle and a rhombus is a square. , ( parallelogram \ r ctan gle { square Quadrilateral 1 EXERCISES i. Prove, that if the two angles at the ends of one base of a trapezoid are equal, the trape- zoid is isosceles. Draw C E <\ D A. Prove C B = D A (Fig. 54). 2. Prove, conversely, if the FIG. 54 non-parallel sides of a trapezoid, Congmency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 39 that is not a parallelogram, are equal, the angles at the ends of one base are equal. PROBLEMS 1. Given the base and one base angle of an isosceles tri- angle, to construct the triangle. 2. Given one angle, one-half of another angle, and the side included by the vertices of these two angles, to construct the triangle. To solve this it is necessary to construct an angle equal to the double of a given angle. Let a be the given half-angle (Fig. 55). To construct an angle that is the double of a. With a convenient radius draw the arcs M N and B D, the former with O as center and the latter with A as center. With the distance M N as radius and with B as center draw an arc at C. _^____ Then with C as center and with the same *t & * radius,' draw the arc at D. Join A D. FIG. 55 B A D is then the double of a. Why ? Now solve Problem 2. 3. Construct an angle equal to three times a given angle. 4. Construct an angle equal to the sum of two given angles. 5. Construct an angle equal to the difference of two given angles. 6. Given two adjacent sides of a rectangle, to construct the rectangle. 7. Given a side of a square, to construct the square. 8. Given three consecutive sides and the two included angles of a quadrilateral, to construct the quadrilateral. 9. Given a diagonal of a square to construct the square. Second-Year Mathematics 10. Given the diagonals of a rhombus, to construct the rhombus. 11. To construct the complement of a given angle. 12. To construct the supplement of a given angle. 13. Given the two sides including the right angle of a right triangle, to construct the triangle. EXERCISES 78. Prove the following theorems: 1. If the bisector of any angle of a triangle is perpendicular to the opposite side, the triangle is isosceles. 2. If the middle points of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are joined to the opposite vertices, the triangles formed with the bases are congruent. 3. The diagonals of a square are equal. 4. If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal, the figure is a rectangle. 5. Parallels intercepted between parallels are equal. 6. Prove the correctness of the construction of Construc- tion X, p. 32. 7. Suppose c in Fig. 56 to be a right angle. Prove Za = Z. b = Z d = a right angle. a FIG. 56 FIG. 57 8. /f the two parallels A B and C D are cut by the trans- versal E F (Fig. 57), then: J ,\ Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 41 (i) Za=Zc' (3) Z6=Zrf' (5) Z6'+Zc = i8o 7(2) Zc=Za' (4) Z& + Zc' = i8o (6) Zd+Zc'=i8o . g. Prove, that if any one of the six relations of Exercise 8 is not true the lines A B and C D are not parallel. 10. Two of the angles of a triangle have the values indi- cated by the following pairs of numbers. Find the third angle in each case. (1) 40 and 60 (5) 50 and a (9) $x and 2X (2) 65 and 65 (6) r and 70 (10) x and y (3) 12 and 98 . (7) A and B (n) a and b+c (4) 37|andi23i (8) A/$ and B/8 (12) and 2^. o 11. Prove, if two angles of one triangle are equal to two angles of another, the third angles are equal, and the triangles are mutually equiangular. 12. Prove, that an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles of the triangle. 13. One base angle of an isosceles triangle is J of the vertex-angle. Find the angles of the triangle. 14. Find the angle between the bisectors of the acute angles of a right triangle. 15. The bisector of an exterior vertex-angle of an isosceles triangle is parallel to the base. Prove. 1 6. How many diagonals can be drawn from one vertex in a quadrilateral? In a pentagon? In a hexagon? In a heptagon ? In an octagon ? In an w-gon ? In a 2-gon ? 1 7. Into how many triangles do the diagonals of Exercise 16 divide the quadrilateral ? The pentagon ? The hexagon ? The heptagon ? The octagon ? The w-gon ? The 2-gon ? 1 8. Prove, that the sum of the interior angles of an w-gon is 2n 4 right angles, or ( 2) straight angles. 42 Second- Year Mathematics ig. Prove, that any interior angle of a regular w-gon is 2n 4 . . A (n 2\ . right angles, or I straight angles. n \ n / 20. Prove, that the sum of the exterior angles of an w-gon is 4 right angles. The distance between two parallels is measured on a common perpendicular between them. See 60, 3, and 99. 21. Prove, that parallels are everywhere equally distant. 22. Prove, if two points on the same side of a line are equally distant from the line, the line joining the two points is parallel to the given line. 79. Algebraic solutions of equations based on geometrical relations. (i7)The sides of an equiangular triangle are denoted by , 2Xy, and 14. Find x and y. 2. The angles of an equiangular triangle are denoted by , 3(3^ 2^), and 60. Find x and y. 3. The three sides of an equiangular triangle are denoted by > jx+2y, $(x + 2y), and Sx ^y + 2. Find x and y. Solve the quadratics in the following by factoring, being careful to obtain all solutions. 4. One pair of opposite sides of a parallelogram is denoted by x 2 -\-x and 6(3 x}, and the other pair by y 2 y and 3(5 y). Find x and y and the lengths of the sides. 5. Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are denoted by x 2 +6 and 7(^+2). Find x and all angles of the parallelo- gram. 6. The diagonals of a rectangle are denoted by x 2 x and 2(2^+7). Find both values of x and the diagonals. 7. The diagonals of a parallelogram divide each other so that the segments of one are s 2 +s and 2(55 7), and of the Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 43 other, / 2 + 2/ and 8(3 /). Find s, t, and the lengths of the diagonals. Is the parallelogram a rectangle ? Why ? 8. The diagonals of a rhombus divide each other so that the parts of one diagonal are denoted by x 2 and 3(2^+9), and of the other by y 2 and 2(^+4). Find x, y, and both of the diagonals. 9. Two of the four angles that the diagonals of a rhombus make with each other are given by x 2 10 and 10(2^11). Find x and all the four angles. 10. The distances from a point on the perpendicular bisec- tor of a line-segment to the ends of the segment are given by z 2 + 3z and 18(23). Find z and the distances from the point to the ends of the line-segment. 11. The two sides that include the vertex-angle of an isosceles triangle are given by x 2 x and 6(x 2). Find x and the lengths of the sides. 12. The angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are given by x 3 i and 3(^+9). Find x and the lengths of the sides. 13. Two angles of a triangle are equal. The sides oppo- site these two angles are given by x 2 + $ and 3(^ + 5). Find x and the lengths of the sides. Sides and angles of polygons may be denoted by either positive or negative numbers, since the sign of a number only indicates the direction in which the line or angle is conceived as measured. 14. The angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles tri- angle are given by x a i and 8(# + i). Find x and the values of the angles. 15. The lengths of the bisectors of the base angles of an isosceles triangle are given by m 3 and i6(w 4). Find m and the lengths of the bisectors. 44 Second-Year Mathematics 1 6. The lengths of the perpendiculars from the vertices of the base angles of an isosceles triangle to the opposite sides are given by r 2 +4r and 12(2^3). Find r and the lengths of the perpendiculars. 17. The lengths of the two lines drawn from the vertices of the base angles of an isosceles triangle to points of the opposite sides equidistant from the vertex of the vertex-angle are given by c(c + $) and 21 (c 3). Find c and the lengths of the two lines. 1 8. The following pairs of numbers denote the lengths of the sides lying opposite a pair of equal angles of a triangle. Find x and the lengths of the sides in each case. (1) x 2 and 5# 4 (10) 3(5^ + 1) and 14* (2) x 2 + i and 2(#+i8) (n) 4(y^ 2 i) and gx (3) x 2 2 and 3# 4 (12) $x 2 and 2 5^ (4) x 2 4 and x + i6 (13) $x 2 and 57103: (5) x 2 ~4 and 4(2 x) (14) 4X 2 and 3(^ + 9) (6) x 2 i and 2(^ + 7) (15) 4gx 2 i and 5(13 73:) (7) x 2 +x and 4(9 x) (16) iSx 2 and 3(^ + 12) (8) x(x + i) and 2$x* (17) 40 and ^x 2 + ijx (9) Sx 2 and 2^+3 (18) x*gx* and 2(12133;)* The only difficult step in solving the equation of Example (18) is in factoring the first member. We apply here the Remainder or Factor Theorem (see FYM, p. 314, 261). Let us rehearse the reasoning given in the reference. Fac- toring is finding exact divisors. Exact divisors are divisors that give o for the remainder after dividing. The quickest way to discover exact divisors, or factors, is to examine the remainders. But the Remainder Theorem states that the result of substituting any number (say 8 or r) for x in an expression * Example (18) leads to the equation xi gx 2 + 26x 24 = 0. In factored form this is (x z)(x $)(x 4) =o. The values of x are then x = 2, # = 3, and 00 4. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 45 containing x, is the same as the remainder after dividing the expression by x 8, or x r. Hence, to find factors we begin with o and substitute i, 2, 3, etc., then i, 2, 3, etc., until the expression we are trying to factor gives a result o. x minus the number that substituted for x gives o, is then a factor of the expression. The graph of x 3 <)x 2 +26x 24 (Fig. 58), shows that there are 3, and only 3, values of x that will make the expression equal o. These are the three dis- tances from o to the crossing-points of the curve on the horizontal axis. There are no other crossing-points than those shown because above #=4 and below x = i the curve leaves the horizontal axis farther and farther. Similarly the graph shows that there are as many crossing-points, FIG. 58 and hence real values of x where the expression equals o, as there are units in the highest exponent of x in the expres- sion plotted. 19. Solve the following equations by this method of fac- toring: (1) X3&X 3 + I()X 12=0 (4) #3 4X*+X + 6=0 (2) X3 l JX a + I4X-?S=0 (5) X3X' IOX S=0 (3) X3 ~ 3* a #+3=0 (6) x^ T > 46 Second- Year Mathematics (7) x 4 7 (8) x4-$ (9) X 4 I (lo) X 4 -\-2X 3 I^X 8x=o 14^ + 24=0. ___ __ CIRCLES 80. The curve which bounds a circle is the circumference. 8 1. A line-segment drawn through the center and termi- nated both ways by the circumference is a diameter, as B C (Fig. 59)- 82. A line-segment from the center to the circumference Tariff e-nt is the radius, as O A. 83. Any line-segment terminated both ways by the circumference is a chord. 84. A line cutting the circumference in two points is a secant. 85. A line that touches the circumference in but one point, however far the line is prolonged, is a tangent. 86. Any part of the circumference is an arc, as A C (Fig. 59). 87. The parts into which a chord or a secant divides the circle, are circular segments, or simply segments. 88. The portion of the circle included between two radii and the arc they intercept, is a sector. Circles are designated by reading the letter at their centers, as the circle O (Fig. 59). FIG. 59 CONSTRUCTION XI 89. Draw two circles having equal radii. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles PROPOSITION XXII 47 90. Theorem: Tico circles having equal radii are equal, and conversely, equal circles have equaljradj4._ Given the circles whose centers are O and O', and having A = O'A' (Fig. 60). FIG. 60 To prove the circles are equal. Proof: Place the circle O upon the circle O' so that the center O falls on the center O'. The circles then coincide throughout, for if they did not, there would be points of one circumference farther from O and O' than some points of the other, and for such points the distances from O and O' would not be equal. Conversely, since the circles are equal they may be made to coincide, and hence the radii are equal. EXERCISE i. The diameters of equal circles are equal. PROPOSITION XXIII 91. Problem: Given the circumference of a circle, to find the center. Second- Year Mathematics I. Draw any two non-parallel chords in the circle (see DF Fig. 61). Bisect each of the chords with perpendiculars. These perpendiculars will inter- sect (why ?) at some point, as at O. O is the required center. Assume that the perpendicular bi- sector of a line-segment contains every point that is equally distant from the end-points of the line-segment. (Proved on p. 174.) II. Draw a single chord as AB, and bisect it as with E F _L to it. The middle of E F, as O, is the center of the circle. Why ? PROPOSITION XXIV 92. Theorem: A diameter divides the circumference of a circle into two equal parts; and conversely, any chord that divides a circumference into two equal parts, is a diameter. I. Draw a circle with a diameter, and show that if the cir- cle be folded over this diameter as an axis, or hinge, the one part will coincide with the other. II. The proof of the converse is left to the student. PROPOSITION XXV 93. Theorem: In the same circle or in equal circles, radii that form equal angles intercept equal arcs on the circumference, and conversely. I. Given in circle O, the angle A O B made by the radii O A and O B, equal to angle COD made by the radii .O C and O D (Fig. 62). To prove arc A B =arc CD. Proof : Imagine the plane of the circle cut along A O and Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 49 B O and the sector A O B turned round O as a pivot, until O A falls on O C. Then A will fall on C. Why ? O B will fall along, or will take the direction of, O D. Why? B will fall on D. Why ? j FIG. 62 Arc A B will coincide with arc CD, or the points of the given circumference would be unequally distant from O. Hence arc A B=arc C D. II. Given circle O=circle O', and angle A O B, made by the radii O A and O B, equal to angle A'O'B', made by the radii O'A' and O'B'. To prove arc A B=arc A'B'. Proof: Place the circle O upon the circle O' so that O falls on O' and O A along O'A'. Then A will fall on A 7 . Why ? O B will take the direction O'B' (why ?) and B will fall onB'. Why? Hence, arc A B = arc A'B'. III. Converse. Given circles O and O' equal and arc AB = arc CD = arc A'B'. To prove ZA O B = ZC O D = Z A'O'B'. 5o Second-Year Mathematics Proof: Suppose the arc A B to be turned around O as a pivot until arc A B coincides with C D. Prove that the sectors A O B and COD coincide. Next place circle O upon circle O' so that arc A B coincides with arc A'B'. Why can this be done ? Then prove sector A O B to coincide with sector A'O'B'. Hence, in both cases the angles at the centers are equal. 94. Angles whose vertices lie at the center of a circle are called central angles. EXERCISE i. Prove, in the same or in equal circles radii that form unequal angles intercept unequal arcs ori the circumference, and conversely. PROPOSITION XXVI 95. Theorem: In the same circle or in equal circles, equal arcs are subtended by equal chords, and conversely. I. Given circle O, with arc A B=arc CD (Fig. 63). fi C FIG. 63 To prove chord A B=chord C D. This is left as an exercise for the student. II. Given circle O=circle O', and arc A B=arc A'B'. To prove chord A B =chord A'B'. III. Conversely, given circle O, with chord AB=chord CD. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 51 To prove arc A B = arc C D. Join the ends of the equal arcs with the center, or centers, prove the triangles thus formed congruent, the central angles equal, and apply Proposition XXV. Let the student arrange the proof. EXERCISES 1. If a circumference is divided into three equal parts, and the points of division are joined by chords, the polygon formed is an equilateral triangle. Prove. 2. The ends of a pair of perpendicular diameters are joined. What kind of a polygon is formed by the joining lines ? Prove your answer. 3. Draw a circle O= circle O', and a chord A B= chord A'B'. Prove arc A B =arc A'B'. PROPOSITION XXVII 96. Theorem: A radius, drawn perpendicular to a chord, bisects the chord and also the arc subtended by the chord. Given circle O and radius O C drawn perpendicular to the chord A B (Fig. 64), intersecting the chord at D. To prove that chord A B and arc A B are bisected by O C. Join O A and O B. What kind of triangle is A O B ? Prove triangles A O D and BOD congruent. Then apply Proposition XXV, to prove arc A C=B C. EXERCISES 1. The diameter E C_L A B bisects the arc A E B. Prove. 2. A diameter that bisects a chord is perpendicular to the chord, and bisects the subtended arc. Prove. 52 Second- Year Mathematics 3. A line bisecting a chord and the subtended arc passes through the center, and is perpendicular to the chord. Prove. 4. Show how to bisect a given arc. 5. Through a given point within a circle draw a chord that will be bisected by the point. 6. Prove the line-segment connecting the middle point of the two arcs into which a chord divides a circumference, is a diameter perpendicular to the chord. 7. Prove a diameter bisecting an arc is the perpendicular bisector of the chord that subtends the arc. 8. The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the center of the circle and bisects the subtended arc. Prove. 9. Draw a circle through two fixed points. How many such circles may be drawn ? 10. Draw a circle passing through three fixed points not situated on a straight line. How many such circles may be drawn ? n. A line perpendicular to a chord and bisecting the subtended arc passes through the center of the circle and bisects the chord. Prove. 12. From Proposition XXVII and Exercises 2, 3, 7, 8, and ii write down four conditions for a line to fulfil about the center of a circle, a chord and the subtended arc, and show that if a line fulfils any two of the conditions, the remaining two are also fulfilled. PROPOSITION XXVIII 97. Theorem: In the same circle, or in equal circles, equal chords are equally distant from the center, and conversely. Assume that the distance from a point to a line is measured on the perpendicular from the point to the line. (Proved in 99.) Given in the circle O, or in the circles O and O', chord A B equal to chord A'B' (Fig. 65). Congruence of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 53 To prove O C = O C', and O C = O'C'. Draw O A, O A', and O'A'. Prove triangles O A C, O A'C', and O'A'C' congruent. Conversely, given O C = O C' = O'C'. FIG. 65 To prove chord A B=chord A'B' in either circle. Prove triangles O A C, O A'C', and O'A'C' congruent. 98. By the distance from a point to a line is meant the shortest distance. PROPOSITION XXIX 99. Theorem: The distance from a point to a line is meas- ured on a perpendicular from the point to the line. GivenPD_LAB (Fig. 66). To prove P D shorter than any other line drawn from P to A B. Let P E be any other line than P D from P to A B. Prolong P D to P', making P / D=PD. Join E and P'. EP'=EP. Why? P E P' is not a straight line. Why ? P P' is then shorter than P E +E P'. Why ? 54 Second- Year Mathematics Hence, half of P P', or P D, is shorter than half of P E + EP'. Why? P E being any other line than the perpendicular P D, the line P D is the shortest from P to A B. NOTE. See proof of the converse of this proposition in the chapter on Inequalities, 208. State the converse. 100. The point where a tangent to a circle touches the circumference, is called the point of tangency, or the point of contact. PROPOSITION XXX 101. Theorem: A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact; and conversely, a line drawn perpendicular to a radius at its outer end is a tangent to the circle. I. Let A B be tangent to the circle at the point C (Fig. 67). To prove the radius O C_LA B. Let D be any other point of A B than C. Join D with O. Then O D is longer than O C. Why ? Hence, all lines drawn from O to other points of A B than C are longer than O C. Why ? Therefore, O C_LA B. Why? The truth of the converse is here D FIG. 67 See note under 99. assumed. II. Conversely, let A B be _LC O, a radius, at C. To prove A B tangent to the circle. C is a point common to the line A B and the cir- cumference. Why ? Let the student prove any other point of A B, as D, farther Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 55 from O than the circumference, and hence all points of A B other than C to be outside the circle. Therefore A B is tangent to the circle at C. PROPOSITION XXXI 1 02. Theorem: The arcs included between two parallel secants are equal; and conversely, if two secants include equal arcs, and do not intersect within the circle, they are parallel. I. Given circle O and A B || C D, both cutting the circum- ference (Fig. 68) at these points. To prove arcs A C and B D equal. Draw OE through the center _L AB, and prolong it. This line is also _L C D ( 60, Exercise 3, p. 30). A~E = E~B* and E~C = E~D . Why ? Complete the proof. II. Conversely, given A C=B D (Fig. 68), A B and C D not intersecting within the cir- cumference. To prove A B ||CD. Draw O E _L A B and prolong it to F. Prove E~C=ED and CfF=D>. Then refer to p. 52, Exercise 6, and complete the proof. III. Prove the theorem with one of the lines, as A B, tangent to the circle, as in Fig. 69. IV. Prove the theorem with both parallels tangent to the circle, as in Fig. 70. 103. Two circles are said to be tangent to each other if both are tangent to the same line at the same point. This * A E and E B mean are A E and are E B. Second- Year Mathematics point is the point of tangency, or the point of contact of the circles. If the tangent circles lie wholly without each other they are tangent externally (Fig. 71). If one of the tangent circles lies within the other they are tangent internally (Fig. 72). PROPOSITION XXXII 104. Theorem: If two circles are tangent to each other, their centers and the point of tangency lie in a straight line. I. Let O and O' be the centers of two circles tangent externally, T being the point of tangency (Fig. 71). FIG. 71 FIG. 72 To prove O, O', and T lie in a straight line. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 57 Prove that O T O' is a straight angle. Prove that O T and O'T are in a straight line, by Proposition VII, p. 22. II. Prove the proposition for the case shown in Fig. 72. EXERCISES 1. If two circles are tangent to each other externally, the distance between their centers is the sum of their radii. Prove. 2. If the distance between the centers of two circles is equal to the sum of their radii the circles are tangent externally. Prove. 3. If two circles are tangent internally the distance between their centers is equal to the difference between the radii. Prove. 4. Draw a circle of given radius tangent to a given circle (a) externally, (b) internally. How many such circles can be drawn tangent to the same circle ? In what line do the centers lie ? 5. Draw a circle tangent to a given circle at a given point in the circumference. How many such circles can be drawn ? In what line do the centers lie ? 6. Draw a circle through a given point and tangent to a given circle. 7. The distance between the centers of two tangent circles is 2^ inches. The radius of one is f inch. Draw the two circles. 8. Draw a common tangent to two tangent circles. 9. How many circles can be drawn through the same two points ? In what line do the centers lie ? 10. The radii of three circles are i inch, ij inches, and f inch, respectively. Draw the circles tangent to each other externally. 58 Second-Year Mathem-atics PROPOSITION XXXIII 105. Theorem: The line joining the centers of two inter- secting circles bisects the common chord perpendicularly. Let O and O' be the intersecting circles (Fig. 73). The student FIG. 73 To prove O O'_LA B. For proof see Proposition XI, p. 25, for both positions, will supply the proof. EXERCISES 1. ABC is a right triangle, /_A being an acute angle. Let o denote the length of the side opposite Z.A, a, the length of the side adjacent to Z.A, and h, the hypotenuse. Express in these numbers the following ratios: (1) the opposite side to the hypotenuse (2) the adjacent side to the hypotenuse (3) the opposite side to the adjacent side (4) the hypotenuse to the opposite side (5) the hypotenuse to the adjacent side (6) the adjacent side to the opposite side. 2. Denote these six ratios as follows: so/h C=h/o c=a/h S=h/a t o/a T=a/o and express C in terms of s; S in terms of c; T in terms of t. Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 59 3. It has been shown (see FYM, pp. 198, 199). that o*+a 2 =h 2 . Divide both sides of o 2 +a 2 =h 2 by h 2 . and ex- press the resulting equation in terms of .s and c. 4. Solve the equation, s 2 +c 2 = i, for s; for c. 5. Express C in terms of c; 5 in terms of s; T in terms of 5 and c; T in terms of s; T in terms of c. 6. Express c, t, C, S, and T in terms of s. 7. Express 5, t, C, S, and T in terms of c. 8. Express s, c, C, S, and T in terms of /. 9. Express s, c, t, S, and T in terms of C. 10. Express s, c, t, C, and T in terms of S. 1 1 . Express s, c, t, C, and 5 in terms of T. a FIG. 74 12. In a right triangle = 10, and s = %. Find h, C, c, a, S, t, and T. 13. In a right triangle a =8 and c = J. Find h, S, s, o, C, t, and T. 14. In a right triangle ^ = 15 and s=^. Find 0, C, c, S, a, t, and T. 15. Two circles described on the diagonals of a rectangle have areas denoted by x 2 2X and 4(7^ 26). Find x and the areas of the circles. 1 6. Describe a circle that shall pass through two given points and have a given radius. 6o Second- Year Mathematics 17. A diameter that bisects a chord bisects the central angle between radii drawn to the ends of the chord. Prove. 1 8. The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of an inscribed quadrilateral meet at a common point. Prove. 19. If two intersecting chords make equal angles with a line joining their common point to the center, the chords are equal. Prove. 20. Prove Za (Fig. 75) is two times Z#. The vertex of a is the center of the circle. FIG. 75 FIG. 76 21. Draw a pan* of perpendicular diameters in a circle, connect their consecutive ends and prove the figure formed by the connecting lines a square. 22. Draw a circle, step around it using the radius for a step, connect every alternate mark, and prove that the con- necting lines form an equilateral triangle. 23. A B C is an equilateral triangle and C D is perpen- dicular to A B from the vertex C (Fig. 76). Express the six ratios s, c, t, C, S, and T in triangle ADC (see Problem 2, p. 58). 24. Express a and o in terms of h (see Problem 3, p. 58). 25. Calculate the numerical values of all six of the ratios, s, c, t, C, S, and T for angle A, using triangle ADC (Fig. 76). Congruency of Rectilinear Figures and Circles 61 26. What is the numerical value in degrees of Z. A ? Of ? Of one of the parts of ZC made by C D ? 27. Denoting the ratios for a 60 angle by s^o, C6o> *6o> $60, Ceo, and Tt , calculate the six numerical values from triangle A D C of Fig. 76. 28. Denoting the six ratios for a 30 angle similarly, cal- culate the numerical values of s 30 , c 30 , t 30 , C 30 , S 30 , and T 30 , using triangle ADC (Fig. 76). ^ 29. ABC (Fig. 77) is a right triangle having Z.A = /.B=^. Compare a and o. Using a 2 +0 2 =/i 2 express h in terms of o; of a; o in terms of h; of a; a in terms of h. /} Q. C 30. Calculate from triangle ABC FlG ' 77 (Fig. 77) the numerical values of s 4S , c 4S , t 4S , C 4S , S 4S . and T 4S . 31. Given 5 40 =.643. Calculate to three decimal places the numerical values of c 40 , / 40 , C 40 , S 40 , T 40 , using triangle ABC (Fig. 78). Use 105, Exercise 4. 451 FIG. 78 FIG. 79 32. Given s so =.766. Calculate to three decimal places the values of c so , t so , C so , S 50 , and T so , using triangle ABC (Fig. 78). 33. In a regular hexagon (Fig. 79), given the side I = 12 and 5 30 =^. Calculate the radius of the inscribed circle. 62 Second-Year Mathematics 34. In a regular octagon (Fig. 80), given the side I equal to 1 6 and c 32 ^= .924. Calculate the radius of the inscribed circle. FIG. 80 35. In a regular nonagon, given the side = 24 and . 364. Find the radius of the inscribed circle. CHAPTER II RATIO, PROPORTION, SIMILAR TRIANGLES Ratio of Numbers and Segments 1 06. To measure the number a by the number b, a is divided by b. The quotient a/b is the ratio of a to b. Thus, the ratio of a to b indicates how many times b is contained in a, or what fractional part a is of b. The numbers a and b are the terms of the ratio a to b; the first number a is the antecedent, and b the consequent. 107. The portion of a line bounded by two points on the line is a line- segment, or briefly, a segment. 1 08. To measure a segment m, is to lay off on m repeatedly a smaller segment, as n (see Fig. 81). 109. The number of times a segment b is contained, without remainder, in a segment a is called the numerical measure of a in the unit b. b is called a unit of measure. Thus the numerical measure of A B (Fig. 81) is 4. CD is a unit of measure of A B. \(.m) A- 'B (n) -D FIG. 81 no. The ratio of two segments is the ratio of the numerical measures of the segments, both segments being measured with the greatest common unit. But it can be shown that if any other common unit of measure be taken, it will be contained in the greatest common unit an integral number of times. Say it is contained m times. 63 64 Second-Year Mathematics Then both numbers expressing the measures of the magni- tudes will be m times as large as before, but the ratio will be the same, e. g., - = '-^=2 '7 m.'j 7 Ratio of Other Magnitudes ill. The ratio of two angles or of two arcs or areas or of any other two magnitudes of the same kind is, as in the case of segments, the ratio of the numerical measures, both magni- tudes being measured with the same unit. Hence, the ratio of magnitudes is a number. It is the ratio of the numerical measures of the magnitudes which are to be compared. Consequently the ratio of two arcs may be the same as (equal to) the ratio of two angles or the ratio of two segments, etc. EXERCISES i. In Fig. 82, what is the numerical measure of A B ? Of / . p CD? What is the FIG. 82 ratio of A B to C D ? 2. What is the ratio of M N to P Q (Fig. 83)? What is the numerical measure of M N ? Of PQ? 3. In Fig. 84, what is the ratio of htoh'? Of R to R' ? o p. M- FIG. 83 7? FIG. 84 Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 4. Draw, on squared paper, a figure like Fig. 85 with D E || B C. Measure AD, D B, A E, and E C correctly to two decimal places. Find the ratio of AD to D B, of A E to EC. How do these ratios compare? Squared paper may be used in getting the lengths of the segments. 5. Draw a figure like Fig. 85. Using i centimeter as the unit, measure A D and D B and find the ratio AD:DB. Compare this ratio with the ratio of A E to E C, found by using i inch as the unit of measure. 6. What is the ratio of Z A B C to Z A'B'C' (Fig. 86) ? FIG. 85 FIG. 86 7. Cut from cardboard a circle. By rolling this circle along a straight line, determine the length of the circle (cir- cumference). What is the ratio of the circumference to the length of the diameter? 8. Determine the ratio of the perimeter of a polygon to one of m- ~b/_ 'XT FIG. 87 its sides, by using a method like that in Problem 7. 66 Second-Year Mathematics 9. Draw a figure like Fig. 87, making lines I, II, III, etc., parallel. Compare a/a', b/b', c/c f (use squared paper). State the result as a general theorem. 10. Draw a triangle, as A B C (Fig. 88). Draw the bisector AD A B of angle B. Compare the ratio - with =--^ (use squared ^ _L/ V-' -D \^r paper). C FIG. 88 Commensurable and Incommensurable Segments and Magnitudes 112. In the preceding problems, the ratio of two magni- tudes was found by measuring each and finding the ratio of the numerical measures. A common measure of two segments can be found as follows: Let A B and C D be the segments to be measured (Fig. 89). Lay off the smaller segment C D on the larger segment A B, leaving a remainder, as E B, which is less than C D. A & c r D FIG. 89 . Lay off EB on CD leaving a remainder FD ( ^ =-^ = i + approximately. Jo C B C B C AC Again, since B C = 2B I C+B 2 C .'. ^-^ = 2+ B -^ , or ^ i AC = i + v~F , and 15-^ = 1 +i or i .5 approximately. > 2 ^ > U 2+ BTC Again, since B I C = 2 B 2 C+B 3 C, then ^^ = 2+^-.'. D 2 (^ J5 2 V^ AC i i =-^ = iH or iH r or 1.4, and so on to any B C i 2 + 5 desired degree of accuracy not absolute. 1.4 is an approximate value of 1/2, and it will be seen later that the ratio of A C to A B, or B C, is equal to j/2. 114. Two magnitudes which have a common unit of meas- ure are said to be commensurable. Magnitudes which do not have a common measure are incommensurable. EXERCISES 1. Draw three segments p = 12 cm, q= 6 cm, r =4 cm. Find a common unit of measure and check by applying the unit to each segment. 2. Given three segments a, b, and c, such that a can be applied to b m times, leaving a remainder c; c can be applied to a n times leaving a remainder d; d can be applied to c I times exactly. What is the ratio of a to 6, when w=4, n=2, Proportion 115. An equation whose members are equal ratios is a 70 Second-Year Mathematics i. Are the following statements proportions: f = f? f- = f? J=lf? Give reasons. 2. Form several proportions. 116. Four segments are in proportion, or are proportional, if their numerical measures are in proportion. 117. In a proportion, as k/l=m/n, k, I, m, and n are the terms of the proportion. The first and last terms, as k and n, are the extremes. The second and third terms, as I and m, are the means of the proportion. 1 1 8. From a given proportion new proportions can be formed by certain rules. Some of these were studied in First- Year Mathematics, pp. 125-30, which should be reviewed before going on with the next problems. Multiply both sides of the proportion a/b=c/d by bd. Taking the result for the conclusion and the given proportion for the hypothesis, the following theorem is obtained: PROPOSITION I In a proportion, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means.^__ EXERCISES 1. Find the value of x in x/ 2=12/3. 2. Let ad=bc. Prove that the following statements are proportions : (1) a/b=c/d (5) b/a=d/c (2) a/c=b/d (6) b/d=a/c (3) c/a=d/b (7) c/d=a/b (4) d/b=c/a (8) d/c=b/a To prove (i), divide both members of equation ad = bc by bd. 119. In Problem 2, the following theorem is proved: Ratio ^Proportion, Similar Triangles 71 PROPOSITION II Theorem : // the product of two factors is equal to the product of two others, a proportion is formed by taking as means the two factors of either product, and as extremes the two factors of the other product. EXERCISES 1 . Form proportions from p 3 v 3 =x 2 y 2 . 2. Form proportions from pq=m 2 n 2 . 3. Form proportions from x 2 y 2 =m 3 +n 3 . 4. Taking (i) of Problem 2 (118) as hypothesis, prove (2). 5. Taking (3) of Problem 2 (118) as hypothesis, prove (7). Notice that (2) in Problem 2 (118) may be obtained from (i), and (7) from (3), by letting the means interchange places. This process of interchanging the means is called alternation. 6. Point out other proportions in Problem 2 (118), which may be obtained by alternation from a proportion in the same problem. 7. Assuming (i) of Problem 2 (118), prove (5). 8. Assuming (2) of Problem 2 (118), prove (3). Notice that (3) Problem 2 (118), may be obtained from (2) by inverting the ratios of proportion (2). Therefore (3) is said to be obtained from (2) by inversion. 9. What proportion is obtained by inversion from (6) ? from (7) ? PROPOSITION III Theorem: From a given proportion, proportions may be obtained: (i), by interchanging the means (alternation); (2), by interchanging the extremes (alternation); (3) by inverting both ratios (inversion). 72 Second-Year Mathematics . EXERCISES 1 20. Solve the following exercises: i. In Figs. 92 and 93, the segments m, n, a, 6 are in pro- portion. Write the proportion and then form other propor- tions by alternation, and by inversion. a y FIG. 92 FIG. 93 2. Prove the theorem: A line that bisects one side of a tri- angle, and is parallel to a second side, bisects the third side. Hypothesis: A D=D B (Fig. 94). DE||BC; Conclusion : A E = E C . Proof: Draw E F j| A B. Prove that E F=D B =A D. Prove triangle A D E^F E C. ThenAE=EC. 3. Prove A D, D B, A E, and E C (Fig. 94) are proportional. 4. Since E F || A B (Fig. 94), it follows that BF=FC. (Why?) (See Problem 2.) Prove that DE=JBC. jj p (j 5. Prove the theorem: p If three or more parallel lines cut two transversals, and if the segments intercepted on one of the transversals are equal, the segments intercepted on the other are equal also. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 73 x=y (Fig. 95). Why? Then AI = AH. Therefore A'B' = B'C'. Similarly B'C' = C'D'. t 7 t V 7 9- \ FIG. 95 6. Prove that A B, A'B', B C, B'C', etc., are proportional. 7. Prove the following theorem: A line drawn through the middle point of one of the sides of a trapezoid parallel to the bases, bisects the other side. PROPOSITION IV Theorem: // two parallel lines cut two intersecting trans- versals, the segments of one transversal are proportional to the corresponding segments of the other. Hypothesis: A B || AjB, (Fig. 96). AT A and B t B in- tersect at C; bVBUUUUU . W A A, M CA ' CB A./ \ M f \ p A/ vs (2) CA, ( \ CB X BB X / \ CA CB lG -9 Proof of (i): Take A A x as a measure of C A x . It will be contained an integral number of times, say twice, with prob- ably a remainder, A 2 C. 74 Second-Year Mathematics But B B T will measure B Z C twice and leave a remainder, as B 2 C (Problem 5, 120). Use the remainder A 2 C as a measure of the former meas- ure A A!. It will be contained in it an integral number of times + a remainder as A 3 A t . But B 2 C will go into B B r the same number of times as did A 2 C in A A! and leave a remainder. (Why ?) If this process is continued and the successive divisions come to an end because a remainder is found that is con- tained exactly in the preceding measure, this remainder is a common measure of A C and A A x ( 112). But we have also seen that the units of measure of A X C and A A x cut B C by lines || to A^ into units that measured B^ and B B z the same number of times as did the units of measure of A X C and A A z . Consequently the numerical measures of A X C and A A x are the same as those of B^ and B B!, and consequently their ratios are equal. That is, -T-^T- =^-^- . A Aj x> tj I Prove conclusions (2) and (3) in like manner. 121. If the lines A A z and A X C are incommensurable, the successive divisions never come to an end because there is always a remainder. But we have seen ( 113) that the ratios A X C : A X A and B T C : BjB can be found approximately to any desired degree of accuracy, and at every approximation the ratios will be found equal. The two ratios thus formed are then equal, since if they were said to be unequal, differing by d, we could prove them to differ by less than d (see also "Approximation of Values of Irrational Numbers," First-Year Mathematics, p. 295). Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 75 COROLLARY I A line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two sides proportionally. Prove Proposition IV for Fig. 97. Bl \ FIG. 97 PROPOSITION V Theorem: // any number of parallel lines cut two trans- versals, the segments of one transversal are proportional to the corresponding segments of the other. ZtXV ' &/ a/\Qf r \C - FIG. 98 (See Fig. 98.) Prove a=a', b=b'. Use Proposition IV. EXERCISES 1. Prove Proposition V for the case in which D B || E C. 2. Prove: Two lines that cut two given intersecting lines, and make the corresponding segments of the given lines pro- portional, are parallel. (Converse of Proposition IV, p. 73.) 76 Second-Year Mathematics It is assumed that the cutting lines do not intersect each other between the given lines. _ _ . AB AB t Hypothesis: g-Q=g-Q~ ( Fl g- 99); Conclusion: B B t || C C,. YT FIG. 99 Proof (indirect method): Suppose E^ x not parallel to C C T . Then C C 2 can be drawn parallel to B B T . Therefore M = ABi why? But AB = ABl Why? BC B.C/ BC B^/ ^liJ^-li. Why? /.B.C.-B^. Why? rijL.a 5!^! This is impossible (why?) and the assumption that B B, is not parallel to C C t is wrong. Therefore B B T || C C x . 3. Prove (Fig. 99) that, if ^|=^ , then B B, || C C,. 4. Prove Problem 2 for Fig. 100. X / / FIG. 100 Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 77 5. Prove: The line joining the middle points of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side (the converse of Prob- lem 2, 120). 7 7 \ FIG. ioi 6. Prove that the line through the midpoints of the non- parallel sides of a trapezoid is parallel to the bases (Fig. ioi). PROPOSITION VI Theorem: The medians of a triangle meet in a common point. Let two of the medians meet at F (Fig. 102) and prove that the segment A G drawn from A through F is a median. Draw B H || D F. Then A F=F H. Why? Draw H C. Then E F || H C. Why ? Figure B H C F is a parallelogram. Why ? /. B G = G C. Why? Hence, A G is the median of tri- angle A B C to the side B C. EXERCISES i. Prove in Fig. 102 that F is a trisection point of the medians, i.e., FG= JAG, FE = JBE, FD=|DC. The intersection point of the medians of a triangle is its center of gravity, for, if supported under that point, the triangle will be found to balance. Second- Year Mathematics PROPOSITION VII Theorem: The bisector of an interior angle of a triangle divides the opposite side into segments whose ratio is equal to the ratio of the adjoining sides of the triangle, Hypothesis: Z# = Zy (Fig. 103); D FIG. 103 Conclusion : AD AB DC BC' Proof: Draw A E || B D. Prolong C B to meet A E in E. AD EB Then DC BC' (Why?) Prove Zz=Zw. Then E B =A B (why ?) and AD AB DC BC' (Why ?) EXERCISES 1. In a triangle A B C, A B = 5 in., B C=4 in., A C=3 in., A'B' is drawn parallel to A B making A'C= in. Find the lengths of all segments in the figure. 2. Prove that the quadrilateral whose vertices are the mid- points of the sides of a triangle and one vertex of the triangle, is a parallelogram. 3. Prove that the midpoints of the sides of a quadrilateral Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 79 may be taken as vertices of a parallelogram. Prove that this parallelogram is equal to one-half the quadrilateral. 4. State and prove the converse of Proposition VII. 122. A point P on a segment A B, divides A B into the parts A P and P B. A B P FIG. 104 The segment A B may be thought of as described by a moving point, for example, by letting A move to B or by letting B move to A. The segment thus has two directions. If one of the two directions of a segment is considered positive, the other direction is negative. Thus, if A B is positive (+), B A is negative ( ). Taking a point P on a segment A B, then (+AP) + (+PB) = (+AB), expresses the fact that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts. If P is on the extension of A B, as in Fig. 104 (+AP) + (PB) = + (AB), since P B is negative, being in direction opposite to that of A P. Thus the equa- tion holds in both cases. Because the sum of A P and P B is A B, A P and P B are called parts of A B, and A B is said to be divided into two parts externally by P. Here the two parts are measured one from A to P, and the other from P to B, the same as when P is between A and B. 123. Theorem: The bisector of an exterior angle of a tri- angle divides the opposite side externally into segments whose ratio is equal to the ratio of the adjoining sides of the triangle. Using Fig. 105, follow the proof of Proposition VII. State and prove the A converse of this theorem. 8o Second-Year Mathematics PROPOSITION VIII If two or more ratios are equal, the sum of the antecedents is to the sum of the consequents as any antecedent is to its conse- quent. Hypothesis: a/b=c/d=e/f=g/h=. . . . ; Conclusion: " ..... =a/b=c/d = . . b+d+f+h+ ..... Proof: a/b=a/b c/d=a/b(?) e/f=a/b(?) g/h=a/b(?) ..... Therefore, ab=ba(?) cb=da(?) <*-/*(?) gb=ha(?) ..... Adding (a-\-c+e+g+ . .)b = (b+d+f+h + . .)a. (?) a+c+e+g+ . . . a EXERCISES 1. If a/b=c/d, prove that r-r^ = ^/^- ~j~(t 2. Prove that, if a/b=c/d, z=a/c=b/d. 3. If a/b=c/d, prove that ab cd ab cd or in words: In a proportion the sum (or difference) of the terms of one ratio is to the antecedent or consequent as the sum (or difference} of the terms of the other ratio is to its antecedent or consequent. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 81 The resulting proportion is said to be obtained from the given proportion by addition if the sum is taken, and by subtraction if the difference is taken. The names composition and division are sometimes given to these processes. T , ., , , ., . a + b c+d 4. If a b=c d, prove that r= -. . ab ca xa+b abx 5. Apply addition and subtraction to x+a b a+b+x ' ix 6. Apply addition and subtraction to - =3. V i+x V i x 7. Solve for x: - ^== - - . (Ans. x= i.) 2 V x VX+S YX FIG. 1 06 8. In triangle ABC, - (Fig- 106). , BA BC , BA BC Prove that = ; and . Problems of Construction 124. In a proportion, as a/b=c/d, d is the fourth propor- tional to a, b, and c; and a is the fourth proportional to d, c, and b. i . To construct the fourth proportional to three given seg- ments. Given: the segments A B, CD, and E F. 82 Second- Year Mathematics Required: to construct the fourth proportional to A B, C D, and E F. a) Algebraic solution: Let x be the fourth proportional. Measure A B, C D, E F, and substitute these numbers in the AB EF proportion . Solve this equation for x. Construct a segment whose measure is x. This is the re- quired fourth proportional. b) Geometric solution : On one of two intersecting lines, as P Q, lay off P S=A B, S T = C D (Fig. 107). o On the other, as PR, lay off PU=EF. Draw SU. Draw T X || S U. Then U X is the required fourth propor- U FIG. 107 X tional. Prove by Proposition IV. 2. To construct the product of two numbers m and n. Notice that i : m = n : mn. 3. To construct the ratio of two numbers m and n. Observe that n : i = m : m/n. 4. Find the fourth proportional to i, 2, and 8; to pq, pr, and p. 5. Solve for *: ^57=4/13. /c c i c P~Q P+Q P~Q 6. Solve for x: x : - - =- * : * . pr p-q p-q 125. In a proportion, as a/b=b/c, c is called the third proportional to a and b, and a is the third proportional to c and b. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 1. Construct the third proportional to two segments (a) Algebraically (see 124). (6) Geometrically. 2 . To divide a segment A B internally and externally in the ratio of m/n, i. e., (i) to find a point, P, on A B so that A P/P B=w/, and (2) to find a point, P', on the extension A P' of A B so that ^T^-^W/W (see 122). I. To divide A B internally in the ratio m/n. Let A B (Fig. 108) be the given segment. Draw a line A C through A and lay off A D = m and D E =n. Draw E B. Through D draw D P || E B. Then P divides A B internally in the ratio of m/n. II. To divide A B externally in the ratio m/n. Draw as before A D =m (Fig. 109) but D E=w. Join E to AP' m B and draw D P' II E B. Then P'B Prove. FIG. 109 3. A segment AB = i8 is divided internally or externally A P at a point P. What is the ratio =r= for A P = 2 ? 3? 6? 9? r D 12? 2O? 24? 84 Second-Year Mathematics 4. Given a segment AB = i8. To find points P on the AP 2 AP . AP AP 3 line AB so that --; ^=6, ^4, 5. The sum of two unknown segments is s and the ratio is the same as the ratio of two given segments m and n. Con- struct the unknown segments. 126. If a segment is divided internally and externally in the same ratio, it is said to be divided harmonically. The endpoints of the segment and the two points of division are called four harmonic points. If four harmonic points, as A, B, C, D (Fig. no) are joined to a point P outside of line A B, the lines P A, P B, P C, and and P D form an harmonic pencil. FIG. no EXERCISES 1 . Prove that the bisector of an angle of a triangle and the bisector of the external angle having the same vertex divide the opposite side harmonically. 2. Prove that if the segment A B is divided harmonically by points C and D, the segment C D is divided harmonically by the points A and B. 3. To divide a given segment, A B, into segments propor- tional to several given segments, x, y, and z. On a ray,* as A C (Fig. in) lay off x, y, z successively and * A line extending in one direction from a point, is a ray. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 85 join B to the last point of division D. Draw parallels to B D at the points of division. Use Proposition V, p. 75. B FIG. in 4. To divide a segment into equal parts (Fig. 112). Construction is the same as in Problem 3, using equal seg- ments instead of x, y, and z in Problem 3. 5. A segment A B =30 cm. A point P is 10 cm from A. Determine a point P' so that A, FIG. 112 P, B, P 7 , are harmonic points. 6. The segment XY is divided harmonically by the points i /i i \ A and B. Prove that =i ^FT + ^5 ( Fi S- IJ 3)- Proof: XA XB X A y B AY BY FIG. 113 AY BY (Why?) XY-XA XB -XY the "XA XB' XA XB ^ figure). XY XY XY XY -1=1 '' 2= XA + "XA XB' XB = + ' dividin S both sides ' 86 Second-Year Mathematics 7. The segment XY is divided harmonically by the points A and B. Prove that i , / i i \ BY/ ' Method of Analysis 127. When no obvious solution of a problem presents itself, the following method may be used to discover the solu- tion: (1) Assume that the problem is true, and consider results which might follow. Continue deducing other results from these results, until a known proposition or statement is reached (analysis) . (2) Then reverse the process, thus obtaining the solution (proof). This method, called the method of analysis, is often useful in attacking problems and original propositions. 1. Prove that if a : b=c : d, then (a+b) : b = (c+d) : d. Analysis: a+b c+d (1) Assume ~~r~ = ~j~ CL (2) Then ad+bd = bc + bd. (3) ad=cb. (4) a:b=c:d. Proof: (1) a:b=c:d. (2) ad=cb. (3) ad+bd=cb+bd. (?) (4) d(a+V)=b(c+d), (?) (5) (a+b):b = (c+d):d. (?) Q. E. D. 2. If a/b=c/d, prove the four following relations: (i) c 2 /d 2 =ca/bd. (2) Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 87 a + c a 2 d b+d b*c a a +c a == ab+cd w> a-c*~ab-cd' . a+b+c+d b+d W.^THT : -^~ 3. If a/b=b/c prove that a 2 +6 2 6 2 +c 2 (2) (3) a c a+c _a c b a +c a ~~b a -c*' a a +ab b a +bc a c 4. If a/b=c/d=e/f, prove that . a 2 b a (2) lame+nc_a (3) lb-tnf+nd = b' Algebraic Exercises Solve the following exercises algebraically: 1. The segments of the lines of a pencil, or ray of lines, from P made by a pair of parallels may be designated as shown in Fig. 114. Find x, y, and the lengths of the segments included by the parallels. 2. A pencil like that of Fig. 114 is cut by two parallels, so that PA=4, PB = 3, PC=s, PD = 7, and AA' = i-;y, B W=x i, C C'=2X 3, and D D / = 2^+i3. Find x, y, and the last four segments named. 88 Second- Year Mathematics 3. As in Fig. 114, if PA=3, PB=PC = i, PD = n, and y-x, EW=x+y-2, CC'=3-y~3X, and D D' = 2y x, find x, y, and the last four segments. FIG. 114 4. Two intersecting lines are cut by a pair of parallels so that segments may be designated as shown in Fig. 115. Find x and the designated segments. Can you give any geometrical meaning to the negative value of x ? FIG. 115 5. If the parallels cut so that PA =9 4*, A A 7 =34^, PB = 2o# 3, and BB / =3 4X, find x and the segments of the non-parallels. Draw a figure to illustrate for both values oi x. 6. With the segments in the same order as in Exercise 5 denoted by 3^1, Jx, 8 + 2X, and 2X + i, find x and the four segments. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 89 Similar Triangles 128. Similar triangles have been denned (see 82-84, First-Year Mathematics) as follows: Two triangles having the corresponding angles equal and the ratios of the corresponding sides equal, are similar. 129. Similar polygons are denned in the same way. Then to prove that two polygons are similar, we must show that the corresponding angles are equal and that the corresponding sides are in proportion. Corresponding angles, sides, or other lines are often called homologous angles, sides, or lines. To prove that two triangles are similar, however, it is sufficient to prove that only some of these conditions are satisfied. It will be shown that two triangles are similar under any one of the following three conditions: (1) If two angles of one triangle are equal each to each to two angles of the other. (2) If the ratio of two sides of one triangle equals the ratio of two sides of the other and the angles included by these sides are equal. (3) If the corresponding sides are in proportion. 130. Many problems can be solved by the aid of similar triangles. PROBLEMS i. Surveyors use similar triangles to lay off parallel lines. Let A C be a given line. /^^ rC To construct a line parallel Zh ~I^u to AC. Lay off a triangle, as A B C (Fig. 1 1 6). FIG. 116 9 o Second- Year Mathematics On A B mark a point, as D. Determine a point E on A B C B C B, so that =-rjr =:prw Draw D E. This is the required D B Jb r> parallel. Triangles D B E and A B C are then similar to each other by case (2), 129. Therefore Z.x= Z.y by definition of similar triangles and D E || A C. 2. A perpendicular to a line from a remote point may be located by similar triangles. Let A be the point and B C the line to which the perpen- dicular from A is to be drawn (Fig. 117). Draw AB. From a convenient point D on A B draw D EJ_B C. If A F represents the required perpendicular it is seen that triangle B E D^ triangle B F A case (i), 129. Therefore F can be located by the fourth DB EB proportional in ^~g=p-g . PROPOSITION IX Theorem: Two triangles are similar if two angles of one are equal to two angles of the other. Hypothesis: x=x'. y=/(Fig. 118); Conclusion: A ABC w~ AA'B'C'. Proof: Prove C=C'. Lay off CD=C'A', andCE = C'B'. FIG. 118 Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles Draw D E. Prove AD E C Prove x"=x. Then D E || AB,, . = and C/A ' C/B/ Similarly prove CA CB C'B' B'A j - and = CA"CB C'A' (Why?) i . Problem : To find the height of a chimney. Let A'B' be a vertical stick and A'C' its shadow (Fig. 119). C A' FIG. 119 Let A C be the shadow of the chimney. Prove that A B = A'B' ^ . A (^ What is the height of the chimney if A'B' =4 ft., A'C' = 9ft., AC = io8ft.? EXERCISES 1. Triangles having the corresponding sides parallel, or perpendicular, are similar. Prove. 2. If lines are drawn joining the midpoints of the sides of a triangle, another triangle is formed which is similar to the first triangle. AB .AB 3. In triangle ABC (Fig. 120) j ^ Jjj .V . CF P rovethat ED = ' Second- Year Mathematics 4. The bases of a trapezoid are 18 and 24, and the altitude is 12. Find the area. Produce the non-parallel sides until they meet and compare the altitudes of the similar triangles. 5. The shadow cast by a 4-ft. vertical rod is 5^ ft., and the shadow cast by a spire is 220 ft. How high is the spire ? FIG. 120 6. A man at a window sees a point on the ground in line with the top of a post 2 ft. 8 in. from the foot of the post and finds that the post is 3 ft. high, and 24^ ft. from a point just under the window. How high is the window from the ground ? 7. A boy wishes to know how far it is from the shore of a lake to an island, and makes the measurements shown in Fig. 121, also D B = io rd. Find the required distance. 8. The boy now wishes to lay off a half-mile course having the island A as one end. How long must D E be made that the line of vision from B to E shall cut a line parallel to D E through A at a point J mile from A ? 9. Make a drawing which shall represent two stakes in a lake or river, and lines measured on the land by which to find the distance between the stakes. 10. Make a similar drawing and show how to locate the stakes a given distance apart. 11. The non-parallel sides of a trapezoid of bases 60 and 1 8 and of altitude 6, are produced until they meet. What B FIG. 121 Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 93 are the altitudes of the triangles formed on the bases of the trapezoid ? 12. The base of a triangle is 72 in., and its altitude is 12 in. Find the upper base of the trapezoid cut off by a line parallel to the base of the triangle and 8 in. from it. 13. The bases of a trapezoid are nj and 5, and the non- parallel sides are 5^ and 3. Find the sides of the smaller tri- angle formed by producing the sides of the trapezoid. PROPOSITION X Theorem: Two triangles are similar if the ratio of two sides of one equals the ratio of two sides of the other, and the angles included between these sides are equal. AC C B Hypothesis: x=x' and = '' FIG. 122 Conclusion: A A B C^ AA'B'C'. Proof: Lay off C'D-C A, C'E = C B. Draw D E. I C'. (Why ?) DC' EC' AfC'^Cm' (Why?) .'. D E || A'B'. Prove AD E C^ AA'B'C'. C^ AA'B'C'. 94 Second-Year Mathematics EXERCISES i. To determine the distance across a river. Sighting across the river with telescope A (Fig. 123), place rods at B and C in the line of sight. Take readings of rods at E and D. Depress the telescope sighting at C and take a reading at F. From the rod readings find D F and E C. FIG. 123 Since EC || DF, /^DAF-AEAC, and F P ,.AE-AD.|f. E D can be found by subtracting A D from A E. 2. Two isosceles triangles are similar, if an angle in one is equal to the corresponding angle in the other. Prove. 3. Two right triangles are similar if the ratio of the sides including the right angle in one, is equal to the ratio of the corresponding sides in the other. Prove. 4. Two sides of a triangle are 14 and 3.5 in. and the in- cluded angle is 75. Two sides of another triangle are 20 and 5 and the included angle is 75. Are the triangles similar? Give reason for your answer. 5. Prove that two parallelograms are similar if they have two corresponding angles equal, and the including sides in proportion. 6. Two rectangles are similar if the ratio of two adjacent sides of one is equal to the ratio of the corresponding sides of the other. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 95 PROPOSITION XI Theorem: Two triangles are similar if the corresponding sides are in proportion. AB BC CA Hypothesis: _-_ = _ (Fig. 124); FIG. 124 Conclusion: A A B C^ AA'B'C 7 . Proof: Layoff CD = C'A' andCE = C'B'. DrawDE. Prove AD C E^AA C B, 129. (i) A B B C : =7=TF (Similar triangles have their sides in proportion.) AB BC A 7 !"' = B 7 c > * ( y h yp thesls -) , f A B _ A B (Magnitudes equal to equal things A'B' D E ' are equal to each other.) Prove AD C E^ AA'B'C'. (2) Therefore AA B C^ AA'B'C' (from (i) and (2)). PROPOSITION XII Theorem: The perimeters of similar triangles are to each other as any two homologous sides. Denoting the sides of two similar triangles by a, b, c and Second-Year Mathematics a', b', c', respectively; we have a/a'=b/b'=c/c f . Then by a+b+c a b c Proposition VIII, p. 80, , = = 7- = -. a'+b'+c' a' b' c' EXERCISES 1. The perimeter of a triangle is 15 cm., and the sides of a similar triangle are 4. 5 cm., 6. 4 cm., and 7.1 cm. Find the lengths of the sides of the first triangle. 2. A race course in the shape of an equilateral triangle is \ mile long. Find the sides of a similar course 80 ft. long; 1,760 ft. long; i mile long. 3. The perimeters of two similar triangles are # 2 +3# + a and 1 6, and a pair of homologous sides are respectively yx and 8. Find the value of x. 4. The perimeters P and P' of two similar triangles, and a pair of homologous sides a and a' may be expressed in the fol- lowing table. Find the values of x, y, and k. 0=35 a=x 2 a=x+i a' = 2 a' =4 a' =6 ' 0'=3 FIG. 125 = 5 a =40 a' = 2X b 5. The homologous alti- tudes of two similar tri- angles are to each other as their homologous sides, or as their perimeters. Show that the triangles T and T' (Fig. 125) are similar. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 97 6. The homologous medians of two similar triangles are to each other as any two homologous sides, and as the perim- eters. See Fig. 126. (amx^a'm'x'.} Prove. c' FIG. 126 PROPOSITION XIII The perpendicular to the hypotenuse from the vertex of a right triangle divides the triangle into triangles similar to each other, and to the given triangle. x=x' (?) (Fig. 127) z=z' y % z' FIG. 127 .'. AA D C^ AB D C^ AA B C. 131. In the proportion a/b=b/c, b is called a mean pro- portional between a and c. EXERCISES 1 . What is a mean proportional between 4 and 9 ? Denoting a mean proportional by x, we have ^/x=x/g. (?) x 1 = 4 9 ( ?), x= 6. Prove both values correct. 2. What are mean proportionals between 2 and 18? 10 and 90? 8 and 200? 20 and 180? 3. Find a mean proportional between a 3 and b 2 ; between c 2 and d 2 . 4. Find a mean proportional between x 2 + 2xy-\-y 2 and x 2 2xy+y 2 . 9 8 Second- Year Mathematics 132. Since triangle ADC (Fig. 127), is similar to triangle DEC, it follows that ? ^=^- E . That is JJ U D r> In a right triangle, the perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse is a mean proportional between the segments of the hypotenuse. This affords a way of finding geometrically a mean pro- portional between two numbers. PROBLEMS i. Construct a mean proportional between any two segments. Let a and b be the given segments. Required to construct a mean proportional, x (Fig. 128). X* ' *" v. x / \ I/ \ \ / a b \ A C L FIG. 128 On any line, as A L, lay off A E=a and B C=b. At B draw B DA C. Draw a circle on A C as a diameter, meeting B D at D. Then B D is the required mean proportional. Proof: Assume any angle inscribed in a semicircle to be a R. A. (proved in 163, 2) .'. Z A D C = i R. A., then see 132. 2. Construct a mean proportional between 25 and 16. 3. The mean proportional between a and b is the square root of the product of a and b. Prove. Problems 3 and i suggest a way of finding the square root of a number geometrically. 4. Construct the square root of 6 to two decimal places. On squared paper lay off in the same way as a and b Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 99 (Problem i) two factors of 6, as 3 and 2, to the scale of i =sum of the sides of 10 small squares. Erect a perpendicular as x in Problem i, and measure this perpendicular. 5. Find geometrically to two decimal places the square root of 8. 6. Find geometrically to two decimal places the square root of 5. 7. In a right-angled triangle either side including the right angle is a mean proportional between the hypotenuse and the adjacent segment of the hypotenuse, made by the perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse. Proof follows from similarity of the triangles ABC and A C D and of triangles A B C and D B C (Proposition XIII). 8. In triangle ABC ZC = i R. A., C DA B. A D = 2, D B =30. Find the lengths of A C and C B (Fig. 129). The segment of the hypotenuse adjacent to either side is called the projection of that side. 9. The radius of circle O is 12.5 and a chord, as AC, equals 15. Find the projection of A C upon the diameter through A (Fig. 130). C 30 AD -B FIG. 129 Similar Polygons PROPOSITION XIV Theorem: Homologous diagonals divide similar polygons into similar triangles. Hypothesis: AB C D . . . . ^A'B'C'D' .... (Fig. 131); Conclusion: \I^AI 100 Second- Year Mathematics CD DE '.?=/(?) CE EF , DE ^Er,=^r^f as both ratios equal . Therefore AH A IF, etc EXERCISES 133. Solve the following exercises: i. The perimeters of similar polygons are to each other as any two homologous sides. Denoting the sides of the polygons by a, b, c, . . . . and a', b', c' a b c . . . . then , = = = Why? a b c a+b+c .... a b c a' + b' + c' a' b' c'' 2. State and prove the converse of Proposition XIV. The ZBCA (Fig. 132) being a right angle, show the following : 3. c : a=a : m or that a 2 =m c. Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 101 4. c : b=b : n and b*=n c. 5. a a -\-b a = (m+n)cc a (Add Ax. applied to Exercises 3 and 4). 6. And a 2 /b 2 =m/n. (Div. Ax.). 7. Also a a =c a -b 3 and b 2 =c*-a 2 . (?) 8. It has been shown that m:h=h:n or h = -\/mn. (?) 9. From Exercise 5 and Exercise 7 it follows that in a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, and the square of either side about the right angle is equal to the square of the hypote- nuse less the square of the other side. 10. a = i2and& = 5. Find C c, m, n, and h (Fig. 132). 11. a=8andc = io. Find b, m, n, and h. 12. w=9| and = 5l- Find a, b, c, and h. Solve Exercise 12 first for h by Exercise 8, then for a by Exercise 5, a a =m a +h a , and check results in Exercises 3, 4, and 6. 13. Find geometrically a line-segment whose length squared shall be f of the square of the length of a given segment (i.e., the ratio of their squares shall be 5 : 3). Draw a line as A B, and divide it into A segments = 5 to 3 (Fig. 133). 8 FIG. 133 Draw semicircle, and perpendicular. Lay off C D the length of the given line. 102 Second- Year Mathematics Draw D E || A B. C E is the required line. Proof: CE : CD = CB : C A. (?) CE 2 : CD 2 =CB 2 : C A 2 . (?) But C B 2 : C A 2 =w : n = $ : 3 (see Exercise 6). CE 2 :CD 2 = 5:s. Hence C E 2 =f C D 2 . 14. Solve Exercise 13 when C D is longer than C A. 15. Solve Exercise 13 when the ratio is 7 : 4. Similar Right Triangles, Trigonometry 134. Solve the following problems: 1. All right triangles having an angle of 30 are similar. Why? 2. On squared paper draw a right triangle having an angle of 30. Measure the sides, and find the ratio of the side opposite the angle 30 to the hypotenuse. Prove that this ratio is the same for all right triangles having an angle of 30. 3. In the triangle of Problem 2, find the ratio of the side opposite the angle 60 to the hypotenuse. Prove that this ratio is constant for all right triangles having an angle of 60. 4. In a right triangle having an angle of 45, find the ratio of the side opposite the angle 45 to the hypotenuse. Prove that this Mr ratio is constant for all right triangles having an angle of 45. 5. Draw with a protractor an angle of 40. From any points, as A x , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 . . . . (Fig. 134) Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 103 on either side of the angle, draw perpendiculars to the other side. Measure A^, and A t O and find their ratio. 6. Prove that the ratio of the side opposite the angle 40 to the hypotenuse is the same for all triangles of Fig. 1 34. 135. The constant ratio of the opposite side to the hypote- nuse as in Fig. 1 34, is called the sine of angle 40. 1. Find the sine of 70; of 50; of 20. 2. On square-ruled paper, draw an acute angle whose sine is . Find the number of degrees in the angle. 3. Find the number of degrees in an acute angle whose sine is |; .2; .75. 136. Many problems in science, and in surveying and other branches of engineering, are solved by the aid of the ratios of the sides of right triangles. Let AOD (Fig. 135) represent any acute angle. Construct a right triangle containing the angle AOD, by drawing from any point P, on either side, a line ^ PM perpendicular to the ft P D other side. FlG - J 35 The ratio of M P to O P is called the sine of angle O (written sin O). The ratio of M O to O P is called the cosine of angle O (written cos O). The ratio of M P to O M is called the tangent of angle O (written tan O). EXERCISES i . Prove that the sine of a given acute angle O is the same for all right triangles that have the angle O, i. e., that the sine of O does not depend upon the size of the right triangle that contains the angle O. IO4 Second-Year Mathematics 2. Prove that the cosine of a given acute angle is constant. 3. Prove that the tangent of a given acute angle is constant. 137. It is customary to denote the angles of a triangle by capital letters, and the sides opposite by the corresponding small letters. Let ABC (Fig. 1 36) be any right triangle (C being the right angle), and let a, b, c denote the lengths of the sides opposite the angles A, B, C, respectively. The definitions of 136 may then be stated briefly as follows: a opposite side sin A=-=-p- c hypotenuse b adjacent side cos A =- = -T^- . c hypotenuse a opposite side tan A=T=-^T 7-r- . b adjacent side 138. It is important to note that the sine, cosine, and tan- gent of an angle are numbers, the ratios or quotients of certain lengths. The ratios have definite, fixed values for any given angle, i. e., they are constant numbers for a given angle. The sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle, as defined in 137, for acute angles cannot be negative, since no one of the numbers a, b, c (Fig. 136) is negative. i. Give the sine, cosine (Fig. 136). PROBLEMS :, and tangent of the acute angle B Ratio, Proportion, Similar Triangles 2. In Fig. 136, show that (1) sin A=cos B (2) cos A=sin B (3) tanA = i tan B sm A (4) tan A = . cos A 3. Show that the sine of an angle is less than (or at most equal to) i. In Fig. 136, c*=a*+b 2 (133, Problem 9, and 142, First-Year Mathematics). Hence, a 1/2 times. But 1/2 times as we have just seen is not an exact integral or fractional number of times. Hence 3 and j/ig have no rational common measure. Such numbers are said to be incommensurable. * A rational number is a number that can be expressed exactly as an integer or a fraction without the use of the radical sign or the equiva- lent of the radical sign. Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 127 155. We shall see how incommensurable numbers may arise. 1 . What is the length of the diagonal A B of a rectangle 5 by 7 (Fig. 153)? (See 133, 9.) Is there a common divisor for 5 and 1/74 ? for 7 and 1/74 ? 2. Find the length of the diagonal of a square whose side is 6; 7; 8; 9; 10, a; b; c. 3. Is there a common unit of measure for the side and diagonal of any square ? What num- ber, incommensurable with unity, or i, does the diagonal always seem to con- tain as a factor (see -113) ? We have seen that two numbers and two line-segments may be incom- mensurable. FlG It is shown by higher mathematics that the angles of a scalene triangle are cut by the medians into angles that are incommensurable, i. e., angles for which there is no common angle-unit of measure. If then two central angles are drawn equal to two such parts of an angle of a scalene triangle, would they have the same ratio as their intercepted arcs? If so, how can it be proved, since they have no common unit of measure by which to express the ratio ? Does the theorem proved for commensurable angles ( 153) hold good for incommensurable angles ? 156. Suppose ZC A D and ZE B H (Fig. 154) to be two incommensurable angles. If Z C A D, the smaller of the two angles, be used as a unit of measure of ZE B H, it will measure it an integral number of times, say n, with a remainder, say Z F B H. It will intercept the same number n of equal arcs in E H with remainder H F (see 1 53) . 128 Second- Year Mathematics Use the remainder, Z. F B H, as a measure of the first measure, Z C A D. It is contained in it an integral number of times, say m, with a remainder, if the angles are incom- mensurable, but the remainder must be smaller than ZF B H; but the number of angles measured off in Z C A D is the same as the number of equal arcs of arc C D intercepted by the sides of ZFBH. FIG. 154 Continue this process indefinitely, and the remainders be- come less each time the process is repeated, and the numerical measures of the angles CAD and E B H are found to equal the numerical measures of the arcs C D and E H to an error as small as may be desired. The ratio then of the angles is equal to the ratio of the arcs. For if it be said the ratios differ by any amount, d, we could by carrying the process sufficiently far prove they differ by less than d (see 121). 157. A rigorous treatment of incommensurable cases is beyond the bounds of a secondary text. Hereafter we will give proofs for commensurable cases only, assuming the theorems to be true for incommensurable magnitudes also. We are now prepared by proof for commensurable angles, and discussion for incommensurable angles, to recognize the truth of the following theorem: Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 129 PROPOSITION I 158. Theorem: In the same circle or in equal circles, two central angles have the same ratio as the arcs intercepted by their sides. Let ABC (Fig. 155) be any central angle. By the pre- ceding theorem it may be compared with the perigon ABA. ZABC arc AC .... Then = ...... Why? ZABA arcAMA Expressing ZA B A and arc A M A by the number of units (degrees of angle and degrees of arc) they contain, respectively, we have ZABC = arc AC 360 360 Multiplying through by 360, ZABC=arc AC, in the sense that the number of angle degrees in Z A B C is the same as the number of arc degrees in the arc A C. As A B C is any central angle, the number of degrees in any central angle is the same as the number of degrees in the arc intercepted by its sides. This is more technically stated thus: PROPOSITION II 159. Theorem: A central angle is measured by the arc intercepted by its sides. EXERCISES 1 60. Solve the following exercises: i. By Proposition II, using rule and compasses only, divide a circle (a) into 4 equal arcs; (b) into 2 equal arcs. FIG. 155 1 3 o Second-Year Mathematics 2. Divide a circle into three arcs in the ratio of i : 2 : 3. 3. Find an arc of 45; 75; 105; 165; 15. 4. If a circle is divided into 4 arcs in the ratio of i : 4 : 6 : 7 what is the number of degrees in each arc ? 5. The area of a circle is 616 sq. in. How many degrees are there in an angle at the center that intercepts an arc 1 1 in. long? Assume area of circle = ?rR 2 and circumference = 27rR. Use ir=-f. 6. In Fig. 1 56, A B is a diameter. The number of degrees in angle A O C and B O C are represented by x 2 -\-$x and 3# 2 + 1 2X. Find the values of x and the number of degrees in arcs A C and B C. A FIG. 156 FIG. 157 7. In Fig. 157, ZABC is a right angle. ZABD = 2X 2 3, and ZD B C = iox 2 -15. Find the values of x and the number of degrees in arcs A D and D C. Inscribed Angles 161. Let us next consider what relation a central angle bears to an angle intercepting the same arc but whose vertex is on the circumference. An angle whose sides are chords and whose vertex is on the circumference is called an inscribed angle. Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 131 CASE I. One side of the inscribed angle is a diameter. In Fig. 158, ABC is a central angle. Extend A B to meet the circumference as at D, and join D and C. Then Z A D C is an inscribed angle intercepting the same arc A C as does the central angle ABC. Compare angle ABC with the sum of Z> and ZC of the triangle B D C ( 78, 12). How do Z> and ZC compare in size ? Why ( 28, 3) ? Then how does Z.D compare with ZABC? What arc measures ZA B C? Then what measures the inscribed angle ZA D C? CASE II. The center of the circle lies between the sides of the inscribed angle. FIG. 159 As in Fig. 159, draw an inscribed angle A B C so that the center of the circle lies between the sides of the angle. Draw the diameter B D. By Case I what arcs measure ZA B D and ZD B C? What then measures their sum, or ZABC? 132 Second- Year Mathematics CASE III. The center of the circle lies outside of the in- scribed angle. As in Fig. 160, draw an inscribed angle A B C so that the center of the circle lies outside of the angle. Draw the diameter B D. By Case I, the half of what arc measures ZA B D ? ZC B D ? What arc then measures the angle ABC, which is the difference between Z s A B D and C B D ? Are there any positions for an inscribed angle not included by the three cases just considered ? We have now proved: PROPOSITION III 162. Theorem: An inscribed angle is measured by one- half the arc intercepted by its sides. 163. An angle is inscribed in a segment of a circle when the vertex is on the arc of the segment and its sides touch the end-points of the arc. EXERCISES 1 . Prove that all angles inscribed in the same segment of a circle are equal. 2. Prove that all angles inscribed in a semicircle are right angles (see Fig. 161). A 3 C FIG. 161 FIG. 162 3. Prove that all angles inscribed in a segment smaller than a semicircle are greater than a right angle. 4. Prove that all angles inscribed in a segment larger than a semicircle are less than a right angle. Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 133 5. Prove: If two chords intersect within a circle and the end-points of the sides of two vertical angles be joined by two straight lines, the triangles formed are mutually equiangular (see Fig. 162). Two triangles are mutually equiangular when each angle of one triangle is equal to the corresponding angle in the other. 6. If two secants meet without a circle, the angle they form is measured by one- half the difference of the arcs included be- tween them. Suggestion: Show (Fig. 163) that ZB= FIG. 163 ZACD-ZB AC. 7. Prove: If two chords intersect within a circle, either angle they form is measured by one-half the sum of the inter- cepted arcs (see Fig. 164). Prove Z A B C is measured by i (/fC+D~E). Draw EC. A B C is an exterior angle of triangle EEC. To the sum of what two inscribed angles is it equal ? By what arc then is it measured? Give complete proof. In similar manner show by what arc Z D B A is measured. 8. Prove: An angle formed by a tangent and a chord, is measured by one-half the arc included by its sides. Suggestion: Prove by Fig. 165 Z A B C is measured by i B*C. Draw the diameter B D. Z A B D being a right angle (why ?) is measured by one-half the semicircle BCD. Z C B D is measured by ? Then what measures Z A B "C ? FIG. 164 134 Second- Year Mathematics 9. Similarly show by what arc the angle C B E is measured. A_ B io. Prove that an angle formed by a tangent and a secant meeting without the circle, is measured by one-half the differ- ence of the included arcs. Suggestion: In Fig. 166 prove angle B is measured by one-half (AC-A^D). ADC is an exterior angle of triangle A B D. ZB = ZADC-ZBAD. Why? FIG. i 66 1 1 . Prove that the angle formed by two tangents to a circle is measured by one-half the difference of the arcs included by them. In Fig. 167, join the two points of tangency and use angle ADC as in Fig. 166. Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 135 12. In laying a switch on a railway track a "frog" is used at the intersection of two rails to allow the flanges of the wheels moving on one rail to cross the other rail. Prove that the angle of the frog, a (Fig. 168), made by the tangent to 3 FIG. 1 68 the curve and the straight rail D E, is equal to the central angle O, of tfc arc B F. (From "Real Applied Problems," School Science and Mathematics.) PROPOSITION IV 164. Problem: Upon a given line-sect* to construct a seg- ment of a circle in which an angle may be inscribed equal to a given angle. Given a line-sect b; and an angle A (Fig. 169). To construct upon b as a chord, a segment of a circle in which an angle equal to angle A may be inscribed. What lines form an angle measured by the same arc as an inscribed angle (see Exercise 8, 163) ? Draw a line-sect equal to b (see Fig. 169). * Line-sect is the same as line-segment. 136 Second- Year Mathematics FIG. 169 At one end-point A construct an angle equal to the given angle A, as E A C. Then EA is to be made a chord, and A C a tangent of a circle. It is required to find the center of the circle. On what line from point A does it lie ? On what other line from the chord E A does it lie ? Draw the circle and the seg- ment required. Give proof of the proposition in full. EXERCISES 165. Solve the following exercises: 1. Draw any acute angle and a line-sect. Construct the segment required by the method of Proposition IV. Inscribe angles in this segment, and compare them with the given angle by using a protractor. 2. Draw a right angle and a line-sect. Construct the seg- ment according to Proposition IV. Inscribe an angle in it and test its size. 3. Draw an obtuse angle and a line-sect. Construct the segment of a circle according to Proposition IV. Test the result. 4. What is the size of the segment compared with the semicircle in each of Exercises i, 2, and 3 preceding ? Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 137 What previous truths about inscribed angles do these exercises confirm (see Exercises 2, 3, and 4, 163) ? 5. What name may be given to the chord formed by the given line-sect in Exercise 2 ? State more than one reason for your answer. 6. On a given line-sect, construct a segment of a circle that shall contain an inscribed angle of 45; of 22; of 135. Construct the angles with rule and compasses only. 7. On a given line-sect, construct a segment of a circle that shall contain an angle of 60; of 30; of 120; using rule and compasses only. Test your results with a protractor. 8. To draw a tangent to a given circle from a point with- out the circle. Let C be the center of the given circle, and E any given point outside the circle. Connect C and E with a straight line. Draw a semicircle on the line-sect C E as a diameter. At what point will a line from E be tangent to C ? Why ? Are there two such points? Why? See 163, 2. ALGEBRAIC EXERCISES 1 66. Solve the following exercises algebraically: 1. Tf the arc AB (Fig. 170) is 4^8 degrees, how many degrees are there in ZADB? In ZACB? (C is the center of the circle.) 2. If the arc AB (Fig. 170) is 48, find x and the number of degrees in Z A C B and Z A D B. 3. If the arc A D C (Fig. 171) is 190, find the number of de- grees in ZT A C and Z N A C. .r IG. 4. If arc AMC (Fig. 171) is represented by $x 2 +x, find the value of x, arc A D C being 1 90. 138 Second-Year Mathematics 5. The arcs and angle being as marked in Fig. 172, find x and y. FIG. 173 6. Find x and y (Fig. 173), the arcs and angle between the secants being as indicated in the figure. 7. When two tangents to a circle make an angle of 60, into what arcs do they divide the circle ? 8. Into what arcs do two tangents at right angles to each other divide the circle ? 9. Two tangents include two arcs of a circle, one of which is four times the other. How many degrees are in the angle they form ? 10. Two angles of an inscribed triangle are 82 and 76. How many degrees are in each of the three arcs subtended by its sides ? 11. A triangle A B C is inscribed in a circle, Z4=57, Z.B=66. At A, B, and C tangents are drawn forming a cir- cumscribed triangle A'B'C'. Find the three angles, A', B', and C' (Fig. 174). 12. The angle between twb secants intersecting without a Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 139 circle is 76. One of the intercepted arcs is 243. Find the other. 13. Two angles of a circumscribed triangle are 70 and 80. Find the number of degrees in each of the three angles of the inscribed triangle whose vertices are at the points of tangency. 14. The points of tan- gency of a circumscribed quadrilateral divide the circle into arcs in the ratio of 7 : 8 : 9 : 12. Find the angles of the quadrilateral. 15. The vertices of an inscribed quadrilateral divide the circle into arcs in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. Find the angles of the quadrilateral. 1 6. Two tangents to a circle from an outside point form an angle of 70. What part of the circle is the larger arc included by the points of tangency ? 17. If a race track is constructed on the plan of Exercise 1 6, the course being laid out on two tangents at an angle of 70 and the arc of the circle included by them, how much farther than his competitor must a rider go whose path is 4 ft. farther from the rail ? Assume circumference = 2irR. 1 8. The angle between two secants is 30 (Fig. 175). The 6x 2 + 2ox + 30 -- number of degrees in arc D L is represented by ' \) O-v2 _ fj sv* _ T in the arc B C. by - - - - . Find x and the number *-S of degrees in each of the two arcs. Reduce the fractions to lowest terms. 140 Second-Year Mathematics 19. In Fig. 176, ZA E D is 60, arc B C is represented by x 2 + i2x-4$ ; arc A D, by - . Find the number of degrees in each of the two arcs. FIG. 175 167. A method of proof, often valuable, for an exercise or a theorem that involves the comparison or the measurement of angles is that of bringing the given figure into some con- nection with the circle. For example : Prove: The sum of the three angles of a triangle is two right angles. In Fig. 177, let ABC be any triangle; circumscribe a circle about it (see 96, 10). The three inscribed angles are measured by one- half the sum of the three arcs A B, B C, and C A. But the sum of the three arcs A B, B C, and C A is the entire circum- ference. Therefore one-half the circum- ference or 180 (the measure of two right angles) is the measure of the sum of the three angles of the triangle, or AA + Z.B+ /^C = 2 R. A. Q.E.D. EXERCISES 1 68. Verify the following exercises by relating the given figure to the circle : Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 141 1. At a given point in a line one and only one perpen- dicular to the line can be drawn. Let the two lines in Fig. 1 78 be J_ at point A. Draw a circle with A as the center, and prove any other J_ at A impossible. 2. All right angles are equal. 3. The sum of the ad- jacent angles formed by one straight line meeting another is two right angles. 4. The sum of all the angles formed at a point in a line on the same side of the FlG 1?8 line is a straight angle. 5. If the sum of two adjacent angles is a straight angle, their exterior sides form a straight line. 6. In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are equal. 7. If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite them are equal. 8. The sum of the acute angles of a right triangle is a right angle. 9. An equilateral triangle is equiangular. 10. An equiangular triangle is equilateral. 1 1 . If two sides of a triangle are unequal the angles opposite them are unequal, the greater angle lying opposite the greater side. 12. If two angles of a triangle are unequal the sides oppo- site them . Complete the statement of the proposition, and prove it. 13. That by drawing perpendiculars from the mid-points of two adjacent sides, a circle can be circumscribed about any rectangle. 142 Second-Year Mathematics 14. Using the result of Exercise 13, prove that the diagonals of a square: (1) bisect each other; (2) are perpendicular to each other; (3) are equal; (4) bisect the angles of the square. 15. Prove that the diagonals of a rectangle that is not a square : (1) are equal; (2) bisect each other; (3) are not perpendicular to each other; (4) do not bisect the angles of the rectangle. HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR 169. In no it was seen that to find the value of the ratio of two magnitudes, a unit of measure, or a divisor, common to the terms of the ratio, was needed. The largest integral divisor, or the greatest common divisor (G.C.D.), of arithmetical or algebraic numbers is used in reducing ratios, or fractions, to lowest terms, and also to obtain the lowest common mul- tiple (L.C.M.) of the denominators of fractions to be added or subtracted, and to rid equations of fractions. A method employed with arithmetical numbers is as follows: To find the G.C.D. of 348 and 870. The Method of Common Factors Divide each of the given numbers by the 2)348, 870 smallest number that will divide both, and 3)174, 435 repeat the process with the successive quo- 29)58, 145 dents as long as they have a common factor, 2, 5 or divisor. The product of the divisors is 2X3X29 = 174 the G.C.D. In this example, 174 is found to be the G.C.D. of 348 and 870. Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 143 170. Another method applied to line-segments in 112 is here shown with arithmetical numbers. The Method of Successive Division Divide the larger by the smaller, and then divide the divisor by the remainder, and the last divisor by 348)870(2 the last remainder, repeating the process 696 until the division is exact. The last divisor 774)348(2 is the G.C.D. 348 If the last divisor is i, unity is the only common divisor, and it is of no value in reducing fractions, because the quotients obtained by dividing by i are the same as the original numbers. When the last divisor is unity we say the numbers are prime to each other, or that they have no common divisor except unity. For example, find the G.C.D. of 73 and 16. The last divisor being i, we are sure no number larger than i will exactly divide 16 and 73. This can readily be 9) l6 (* tested. - Note the important distinction be- tween prime numbers and incommensur- - . able numbers (see 113). 6 171. The principle on which the pro- 7)2(2 cess is based is: the common divisor of 2 any two numbers is also a common divi- sor of one of them and of the number obtained by adding to, or subtracting from, that one a multiple of the other. Examples Find the G.C.D. of: (1)174 and 273 (4) 350 and 425 (2) 174 and 275 (5) 3542 and 5016 (3) 263 and 765 (6) 3795 and 2865. 144 Second-Year Mathematics 172. This method can be applied to algebraic polynomials. The result is usually called the Highest Common Factor. For example : 2 + 95^+30 4ox 2 + 136^ + 11 2 41) 41^82 The first term of the first remainder, Sx 2 , does not contain $x 2 exactly. So we multiply it by 5, for as 5 is not a factor of either of the given numbers, multiplying a remainder by 5 will not introduce a common factor. Again, 41 is not a factor of either of the original num- bers, so removing it from a remainder will not remove or de- stroy a common factor. With these modifications the process is the same as with arithmetical numbers. In this example the last divisor, # + 2, is the H.C.F. EXERCISES 173. Find the H.C.F. of the following polynomials by the method of successive division: As in ordinary division it is convenient to arrange the given poly- nomials in the ascending or the descending powers of the same letter, if they are not already so arranged. 1. 3a 2 +a 4 + i2a 16 and 2. c 2 + 2c 3 yc 20 and 3. 4c 2 +3c-io and 7c 2 +4c3 -3^-15 Measurement of Angles by Arcs of the Circle 145 4. X 2X*+X 4 and 2X* 2X 3 5. <;* 13<; 2 +36 and c4 c3 6. 4a 3 4a 2 50+3 and ioa 2 190+6. Find the H.C.F. of the following by either method: 7. x 2 2ix+2o and x 2 +6x 7 8. i5(w ri) 3 and iow 2 9. # 2 13^+30 and 5t; 2 10. m*m2 andw 2 +m 6 11. x^ * and x a When three or more numbers are involved, find H.C.F. of two, then the H.C.F. of this result and the next number, and so on. 12. a^ab 2 , 2a4 2a 2 b 2 , and a* 2a 2 b+ab 2 13. c4-^4 j c s+ds, cs+d*, and c 2 + 2cd+d 2 14. I2(m 6 n 6 ), i8(m 4 n 4 ), and 24 (m 3 mn 2 m 2 n+n 3 ) 15. 5^+4063, 7a 3 + 28a 2 6 + 28fl6 2 , and 3 (a 4 4a 2 6 2 ) 16. x 4 6+x 2 , x 4 io^c 2 + i6, and 3(x* + 2X 2 8). CHAPTER IV SIMILARITY AND PROPORTIONALITY IN CIRCLES PROPOSITION I 174. Problem: To construct a square equivalent to a given rectangle. Let a and b be given sides of a rectangle. To construct a square equivalent to the rectangle a by b. Upon a line-segment EF equal to the sum, a+b, as a diameter, draw a circle (Fig. 179). At the point of division C between a and b on the diameter, erect a perpendicular and extend it to the circle as at D. Prove C D to be the side of the required square. Draw ED and F D. ZEDF is a right angle. (Why ?) FlG D C is a mean proportional between the sects* of the hypotenuse of the right triangle A D B. Why? See Proposition XIII, p. 97. COROLLARY 175. Theorem: A perpendicular to a diameter of a circle at any point, extended to the circumference, is a mean propor- tional between the sects of the diameter. EXERCISE Construct a square equal in area to the rectangle with given sides c and d . * The sects are the parts a and b into which the line-segment A B is cut by the foot C of the perpendicular. 146 Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 147 Measure to some scale the sides of the given rectangle and of the constructed square, and note whether the product of the numbers of the first two measures is equal to the square of the third. If there is a difference, to what is it probably due ? Measure each several times and take the average of the products of the numbers expressing the measures of the sides of the rectangle, and the average of the squares of the numbers expressing the measures of the side of the square. How do the two averages compare ? 176. Draw a circle and a chord A B intersecting a chord C D as at E (Fig. 180). Measure the four sects from the point E. See whether E B E A=E C E D. Draw on squared paper several such figures with intersecting chords in various positions. Measure care- fully, and note the approximate equality of the products of the sects of each of the two chords. To what is the difference, if any, probably due ? 177. If in Fig. i8o,AE.EB = E C E D, then A E and E B may be made the means of a proportion of which E C and E D are the extremes (see 119). Draw A C and B D, and prove the triangles ACE and B D E similar. 178. Show the same triangles similar by considering the angles only (Fig. 180). If the triangles are similar, the corre- sponding sides are proportional: CE : AE=EB : ED. Then, AE-EB = CE-ED. Why? Note carefully what sects make the two equal products. These steps give a method of proof for the following: PROPOSITION II 1 79. Theorem : If two chords of a circle intersect, the product of the sects of one is equal to the product of the sects of the other. 148 Second-Year Mathematics Prove the theorem. Problem: Given the sides of a rectangle, to find the side of an equivalent square by using Proposition II.' In any circle large enough, draw a chord equal to the sum of two ad- jacent sides of the rectangle. Draw a radius to the point of division. What chord through this point is bisected at this point ? EXERCISES i. A chord of a circle D C (Fig. 181) cuts the mid-point of chord A B at E, E D is 4 inches longer than E C, and AB = i6 inches. Find the lengths of E D and E C approximately to 2. The sects of two intersecting chords are x+$ and x 6 in the one, x + 2 and # 5 in the other, find x and the length of each chord. 3. The sects of intersecting chords are as given below. Find x and the length of each chord. First Chord Second Chord (1) X-4, X + S # + 3, X-4 (2) x+z, x+6 #4, #+18 (3) x-s, x-2 x->j,x+i4. PROPOSITION III 1 80. Theorem: If from a point without a circle two secants be drawn to the concave arc, the product of one secant and its external sect is equal to the product of the other secant and its external sect. In Fig. 182, what two triangles are similar because mutually equi- angular ? Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 149 What proportion can then be formed of the secants and their exter- nal sects ? Give complete proof of the theorem. FIG. 182 EXERCISES 1 . If two adjacent sides of a rectangle are given, show how other equivalent rectangles may be constructed by Proposi- tion III without finding the numerical measures of the sides of the given rectangle. 2. Given a and b , the sides of a rectangle. By use of Proposition III construct three different rectangles equivalent in area to that with sides a and b. 3. By use of Proposition III can a square be constructed equivalent to a given rectangle ? What must be the relative size of the whole secant and its external sect? If it were drawn so as to make its external sect equal to the whole secant by what name could the "secant" then be called ? 181. Draw from a point P FIG. 183 without a circle, a tangent PD (Fig. 183), and a secant P F, cutting the circle at some point, as C. Draw D C and D F. 150 . Second-Year Mathematics What triangles contain as sides, the tangent, the secant, and its external sect? Show the triangles to be mutually equiangular and there- fore similar. Form a proportion making P D the mean proportional. PROPOSITION IV 182. Theorem: If from a point without a circle a tangent and a secant be drawn, the tangent is a mean proportional be- tween the entire secant (to the concave arc) and its external sect. Prove. EXERCISES 1. A tangent and a secant are drawn from the same point without a circle. The secant measured to the concave arc is three times as long as the tangent, and the length of its external sect is 10 feet. Find the length of the tangent and secant. 2. Two secants to the same circle from an outside point are cut by the circle into chords of the circle and external sects in the ratio of 5 to 3, and 5 to i respectively. The first secant is 8 ft. long. Find the length of the second secant. The following problems relate to two secants from an out- side point as in Exercise 2. Find the length of the second secant, and test by Proposition III. Length of First Secant 28ft. 28ft. 625 ft. 25 ft. 36 ft. 8. How do the tests for the five preceding problems show whether Proposition III is true when the sects of one secant are incommensurable with those of the other ? Ratio of Sects of Ratio of Sects of First Secant Second Secant 3- 5 : : 2 3 : i 4- 3 : : i 5 : 2 5- 4 : i 5 : 4 6. 4 : i 4 : : 3 7- 7 = 2 7 : : 3 Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 9. In Fig. 184, A R = , EB = \/2, Find the value of x, and test by Proposition III. c FIG. 184 Solution of the equation of Exercise 9 : V / I4 1/2 = 1/28 1/ Squaring each member: Hence : Test: x = 2 21/2 + 5 = 114 12 21/7 = 1/2 1/7 1/2 21/7 = 21/7 Remember that the square of the square root of a number, is the number itself, by definition of square root. Thus the square of 1/8, [or 0/8) a ], is 8; (Va + b) 2 is a + b; (l/c'+d*) 2 is c* + d*. 10. In Fig. 185, A 6 = 1/9-3;, BD = I/ac 3. Find x, and test by Proposition IV. Note that the square of VgX is 9 x; that V5C + 3 Vac 3 = V x 3 9; and that the square of is 81 Are the tangents and secants of Exercises 9 and 10 commensurable? FIG. 185 152 Second-Year Mathematics 11. In Fig. 185, AB = 2j/# 2 9; B C=4, DB = Find x, and the tangent and secant. Test by Proposition IV. 12. In Fig. 184, A B = ]/; 3, D B= = , CB = [, E B= . Find x and test by Proposition III. l/X 2 Note that the product of V x 3 by V x2 is x ^Vx + 6. Also 13. In Fig. 184, AB = 2 + |/^+4, D B = 2 B E = 2 + j/#+5, B = 3 1/^+5. Find x and each line- sect. Interpret the result. Solution of Exercise 13: (2 + V *+4~) (2 - 1/ ^+4) = (2 + 1/ ^c Multiplying out 4 # 4=6+ I/ # + 5 # 5 -V Squaring Test: (2 + / The principal square roots do not satisfy the equation. Using the negative roots, 2 2 = i 4, 4 = 4- The "secant" A B is thus shown to be a tangent. The symbol -\/ denotes the positive square root. When the positive and negative roots are desired the symbol i/ is used. 14. In Fig. 184, A~B = s + B C=8 1/^+3 , B =3 + 1/^+3. Find y and each line- sect. 15. In Fig. 184, AB = s-v/5, BC=8+ 3 i/2, EB = 2/2. FindDB. 1 6. In Fig. 184, DB = !/3 : B C = |/6 + 2i/2 : B E = 2]/6~ 31/2. Find A B. 17. In Fig. 184, the secant A B is the square of the external Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 153 sect. B C = 3l/f-2l/f, BE = 2l/J+8l/f. Find the se- cant A B. Let x be the external sect, then x 2 is the secant. #3=6 '-4 ^ + 24 i-i6 1 8. In Fig. 185, the tangent A B is 1/3 + 51/7. The secant B C is 3 + 51/7. Find the external sect B D. Let * = B D. 19. In Fig. 185, A B = 1/21/3 , 6=41/3. Find the sect B D. 20. In Fig. 185, A B = i, B 0=1/2 + 1/3. Show that D B 21. In Fig. 185, AB=\/l/a+l/6, B C = Vab, show that 22. InFig. 185, AE = Vx+y. The secant B C = Vx 2 -y 2 . Find the external sect D B to be equal to l/x 2 y a . xy PROPOSITION V 183. Problem: To draw a common tangent to two circles exterior to each other. Let A and A' (Fig. 186) be the centers of two circles exterior to each other. Connect A and A'. Divide this line into sects proportional to the radii of the circles as at C (see 125, 2). Such a point of division is called a center of similitude of the two circles. From C draw a tangent to circle A'. How can the points of tangency be found ? (See 165, 8.) 154 Second-Year Mathematics Let D' be one point of tangency. Draw D'A'. Draw D'C, and extend it beyond circle A. FIG. 186 Draw A D to line D'C and parallel to D'A'. If A D can be proved to be a radius of circle A, by using the constructions made and the fact of the similarity of the triangles, then D'D is proved to be a tangent to both circles- Why? Similarly prove E F a tangent to both circles. D D' and E F (Fig. 186) are called transverse tangents. 184. Prove C D'D and C E F common tangents to circles ' and A (Fig. 187). C FIG. 187 Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 155 If A A' be divided externally into sects proportional to the radii of the circles, as A D and A'D' (Fig. 187), the constructions and proofs are similar to those in Proposition V. Give full proof. C D'D and C E F (Fig. 187) are called direct tangents. The point C' is called an external center of similitude. 185. As the distance between the centers of the circles is made to decrease, certain interesting changes are produced in the common transverse and direct tangents, as shown in Figs. 188 to 192. FIG. 188 Show how the points C, D, D', E, and F of Figs. 1 86 and 187 change position in Figs. 188 and 189. G When do two or more of such points coincide ? In which figures do they disappear ? 156 Second- Year Mathematics What lines in Figs. 186 and 187 do the lines H G in Figs. 189 and 191 represent? FIG. 190 FIG. 191 FIG. 192 FIG. 193 Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 157 1 86. Prove that all lines from a center of similitude of two circles, are cut proportionally by the circle. Prove by Proposition V that in Figs. 193 and 194. CB CD CE CF CH CB' because each is equal to CA' "CF CH' F' FIG. 194 To Draw Common Tangents. Second Method 187. A second method for drawing common tangents, is here suggested, not based on similar figures. To find by analysis the points of tangency, B and A, of the common tangent to circles C and C' (see 127). -8 A FIG. 195 First, assume a common direct tangent B A to be drawn as in Fig. 195, and C B and C'A, to be radii to the points of con- tact. They are both _]_ to B A (why?), and therefore || to 158 Second-Year Mathematics each other (why?). If C'D is drawn || to A B, it completes a rectangle A C'D B (why?). Then D B=A C', and D C = B C A C'. If a circle be drawn with C as center and radius C D (=B C-A C'), C'D is a tangent to it at D (why?), and the radius of circle C to point of tangency of the common tan- gent passes through D. Second, reverse this process. In the larger given circle draw a concentric circle D m with radius =Rr. From C', center of smaller circle, draw a tangent to O D m, locating point D (see 165, 8). Extend line C D till it meets larger circle as at B. Draw C'A || C B. Join B and A. B A is the common direct tangent required. Tell why. i. In similar manner draw B'A', a second direct tangent. 1 88. Assume a transverse tangent B A to be drawn as in Fig. 196, and the radii C'A and C B, extended, drawn to the FIG. 196 points of tangency. Then draw C'D || A B, meeting C B as at D. D B must equal C'A and be parallel to it, forming a rectangle as in the preceding case ( 187). Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 159 Hence C D = C B + C'A (or R+r), and C'D is tangent to the circle with center C and radius R+r (why?), and CD passes through B, the point of tangency of the common tan- gent on the larger given circle. The radius C'A drawn parallel to C D determines the point of tangency A on the smaller given circle. Then to draw a common transverse tangent to two given circle? C and C', reverse the process just given. Make the construction, and give the proof. i. In similar manner construct a second transverse tan- gent B'A' (Fig. 196). 189. To express the area of a triangle in terms of the sides and the diameter of the circumscribed circle. In Fig. 197 let A B C be any triangle, with sides a, b, and c of known length. Circumscribe a circle about it (see 96, 10). FIG. 197 Draw a diameter from B, as B F. Draw a perpendicular from B to A C, as B E. The area of a triangle A B C = , assuming the area of a tri- angle equals one-half the base times the altitude. (i) To express this area in terms of the sides and the diameter, B E must be expressed in these terms. Show AS B E C and A B F similar. 160 Second-Year Mathematics .-. = , (D = diameter B F.) a D BE-* (,) Hence from (i) and (2) A B C=^=r , and we have thus proved PROPOSITION VI 190. Theorem: The area of any triangle is equal to the product of the three sides divided by twice the diameter of the circumscribed circle. Give a complete proof. EXERCISES 1. The three sides of a triangle are 14, 8, and 12. The diameter of the circumscribed circle is 14.1. Find the area of the triangle. 2. The three sides of a triangle are 12, 10, and 8. The area of the triangle is 39 . 7. Find the diameter of the circumscribed circle. 3. The area of a triangle by Proposition VI is expressed thus: A=-T=T. Express the diameter of the circumscribed 2D circle in terms of the area and the three sides of the triangle. 4. The three sides of a triangle are 8, 12, and 14 and the area is 47 . 66. Find the diameter of the circumscribed circle. 5. Using the facts that the area of a triangle is |& times the altitude, and the area of the triangle is , find a formula 2 \J for the altitude to the side b in terms of the other sides and the diameter of the circumscribed circle. 6. Express in a similar way the altitude to side a; to side c. 7. Test the formulas for the three altitudes of a triangle whose sides are 8, 12, and 14, the area 47.66; the diameter of Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 161 the circumscribed circle 14.1. Multiply each altitude by one- half its base to find the area. 8. Test the formulas for the three altitudes of a triangle with sides 10, 8, 12 and the area 39.7, and the diameter of the circumscribed circle 12.09. Solution of Quadratic Equations by the Formula 191. Two lights, L t and L 2 (Fig. 198), are placed 6 ft. apart and the candlepower of L 2 is twice that of L x . A screen, FIG. 198 S, is slipped along a rod until it is equally illuminated by both lights. Find the distance, x, of the fainter light from the screen. It is 'a law of physics that intensities of illumination from two lights, are directly proportional to the candlepowers of the 162 Second-Year Mathematics lights and inversely proportional to the squares of the dis- tances from the lights to the screen that is illuminated. Calling Ij and I 2 the intensities of illumination of the screen by L x and L 2 , we have I 2 x 2 But as the intensities are equal =^ = i Hence, i = 2X 2 Or, x 2 i2X 36=0 (A) Adding 72 to both sides x 2 1 2^+36 = 72 Or, #-6 = 6i/2 And # = 6 61/2 = 14. 48 + , or 2.48 + The results mean there are two places, one 14.48+ ft. to the right of L T as shown in the figure and the other, between L! and L 2 and 2.48+ ft. to the left of L,. The fundamental equation of the solution just given is equation (A). This is a particular example of the general type x 2 +px+q=o (B) The solution of (B) solves at once all equations of this form. Add --q to both sides of (B), 4 * 2 * 2 x*+px+^=^-q 144 Or, (*+>)' '-*!= \ 2/ 4 Whence, *=--$l / /> 2 -4? (i) Similarity and Proportionality in Circles 163 Designating one root by # t and the other root by x 2 , P *i = --+il / /> 2 -4? (2) 2 and x, = --iV-4g (3) Calling p the coefficient of the first power of x in the quadratic x*+px+q=o and q the absolute term of the quadratic, give descriptive phrases for the following: ~ Calling a;, the positive root of x 3 +px-{-q=o, and x, the negative root, translate formulas (2) and (3) into words. Calculate the value of x I +x 2 and state the result in words. Calculate the value of x t x 2 and state the result in words. Calculate the value of x t x 2 and state the result in words. Equation (B) is itself a particular case of ax 3 +bx+c=o in which a = i. Hence a more general form of the complete quadratic is ax 3 +bx+c=o. Let us now solve this more general form. The General Quadratic Formula 192. Solve the equation ax 3 +bx+c=o, by completing the square. ax*+bx= c , bx c x*+= a a , b 1 , bx b 3 b 3 c b 3 -4ac Add , x 3 -\ --- -- = --- = 4a 3 a 4 or <, meaning greater than, and less than (see 198). 3. Construct triangles with sides as follows: (1) a=8 6=8 c = 3 (2) a=8 6 = 7 c=3 (3) 0=8 6=6 c=3 (4) a = 8 6 = 5 c=3 (5) =8 6=4 c = 3 What do you notice in constructing parts (4) and (5) ? Is the condition asked for in Exercise 2 fulfilled by the above sets of sides ? Explain. 168 Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 169 4. Was the condition arrived at in Exercise 2 sufficient to make sure that a triangle can be constructed ? What further condition must be fulfilled ? Two of the fundamental truths on which geometry is commonly based are expressed as Axioms 8 and 10, p. 14. Re-read them. The truths arrived at in Problems 1-4 will now be shown to be immediate consequences of Axioms 8 and 10. PROPOSITION I 196. Theorem: The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side, and their difference is less than the third side. Given any triangle ABC. To prove: a+b>c; b+c>a; c+a>b. abc. Why? In a similar way prove b+c>a and c+a>b. Having proved a + b > c and knowing b=b FIG. 202 subtracting obtain a >cb, or cbx+i2: q + x+i2>x+4; x+i2+x+4>g; I3>i2; 2i>4; 2x+i6>g; 2x>-^ *>-3* 6. For what value of x can the following expressions repre- sent the lengths of the sides of a triangle ? (1) a=x 5 b=x-\-'j c = i6 (2) a = 2X+T ) b = 2X + 2 C = 2I (3) a=x+$ b=Sx c=i (4) a = 7 b=x-$ c = g (5) a = 2x 6 = 5 c=4*-7 Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 171 197. Besides Axiom 13, p. 170, the following underlie the solution of inequalities: AXIOMS 14. The sums obtained by adding equal numbers to unequal numbers are unequal in the same order as the unequal addends: e.g., 5 <8 7-45 17. The quotients obtained by dividing unequal numbers by positive equal numbers are unequal in the same order as the dividends: e.g., 2o<3o 2=2 -D io4o 2 - 2 - D 25 < 20 172 Second-Year Mathematics 19. The differences obtained by subtracting unequal numbers from equal numbers are unequal in the order opposite to that of the subtrahends: e.g., 20 = 20 5> 3 198. The symbols for inequality are >, <, and =t=. > means is greater than, < means is less than, and 4= means is not equal to. EXERCISES 1. Give some examples for each of the above axioms. Which of these axioms were used in the solutions of Prob- lem 6, 196 ? 2. Two sides of a triangle are 9 and 24 inches. Between what limits must the third side be ? 3. There is $50 in the treasury of a club. The club wants to buy furniture costing between $80 and $90. How much should be raised at least ? 4. To pass in a certain study the final grade must be above 60. The final grade is obtained by taking the average of the quarterly grade and the examination grade. The quarterly grade being 80, find how much at least the examination grade should be for passing ? 5. Other conditions being as in Exercise 4, how much at least should the examination grade be if the quarterly grade counts for in the final mark ? For ? For ? For \ ? 6. I live at a distance of 2\ miles from school. Leaving home at 7 : 30 o'clock, at what rate must I walk to get to school on time, if school begins at 8 : 20 ? At 8:30? At 8 145? At 9 o'clock ? 7. Solve Problem 6 for a pupil who lives i miles from school. Inequalities ^n Triangles and Circles 173 8. A twentieth-century limited train wants to make the distance between New York and Chicago (1,000 miles) in less than 20 hours. During the first five hours it goes at the rate of 45 miles per hour. During the next 7 hours it goes at the rate of 57 miles per hour. How fast should it go thereafter to cover the distance within the desired time ? 9. A's record average speed on a 2-mile run is 6 miles per hour, and B's is 5! miles. How many feet can A afford to give B as a handicap in a 2-mile race ? 199. By means of the truths discussed in the foregoing articles of this chapter, prove the following geometric exer- cises and propositions: 1. Prove that a diameter of a circle is longer than any other chord of that circle. See Fig. 204; notice that KO + OL = MN. (Why?) 2. Prove that the distance F IG . 204 between the centers of two intersecting circles is less than the sum of the radii, but greater than the difference. PROPOSITION II 200. Theorem: Any point not on the perpendicular bisector of a given line-segment is unequally distant from the extremities of the given line-segment. Given: AC=CB; XY.LAB, passing through C (Fig. 205). Also, P lies outside X Y. To prove P A=(=P B. 174 Second- Ye,ar Mathematics Proof: Join the point D, where PA and XY intersect, with point B. PBo (?) , and;y>o. (?) Hence, the answer is: y= i> 2 > 3. 4, 5> 6 > 7, 8. * = i5 i3 " 9> 7 5. 3, I- ( ? ) 2. Determine what positive integers will satisfy the follow- ing equations: (1) 3*+;y-i5=o (2) y=42-gx (3) h-S=- 3 k. 17 FIG. 217 3. Drawing the graph of the equation # + 2^ = 17, solved in Problem i, it becomes clear (Fig. 217) that in order to have 180 Second-Year Mathematics both x and y positive integers, we must have y<8% and y>o. This agrees with the algebraic solution. Verify graphically the solutions of Problem 2. 4. Determine, both algebraically and graphically, the posi- tive integral roots of the following equations: (1) zx-y = i8 (2) x 5^+21=0 (3) x + >jy=-i5. 5. A pipe-system, 100 ft. long, is to be built from pipes 5 ft. and 15 ft. long. How many pipes of each kind could be used ? 6. If 20 yards of cloth were bought at one price, and 60 yards at another price, and if altogether $42.00 were spent, what was the price of each kind, neither kind costing less than 50 cents a yard ? 7. If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are both increased by 5, the value becomes J. Of what fractions is this possible ? 8. When some boys are arranged four in a row, one boy is left out; if they are arranged 8 in a row, 5 boys are left out. Determine how many boys there may have been, if there can be at most 8 rows. 9. Find what numbers leave a remainder 2 when divided by 3, and also leave a remainder 5 when divided by 9. 10. A sum of $45 is to be paid in five-dollar bills and one- dollar bills. Determine how many bills of either kind should be used, so that the total number of bills used should be least. 11. Determine the positive integral values of x and y which will satisfy the equation Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 181 Solving (i) for x in terms of y and reducing the improper fraction to a mixed number: ~~ x and y will be integers if - - is an integer. i ~\~y Let -=u, u being an integer. 2 Then i+y=2U or y = 2U-i (3) Substituting this in (2) X = $U + 2 (4) We verify by substitution that (3) and (4) satisfy (i) for all values of u. Now, to find the positive integral values of x and y which satisfy (i), we must find what integral values of u will satisfy the inequalities: 2u i >o and3W+2>o we find 2u > i and 3^ > 2 or w>i and > . These values are: w=i, 2, 3, 4 ..... Substituting in (4): x=$, 8, n, 14 ..... Substituting in (5) : y = 1,3, 5, 7 ..... 12. Determine the positive integers that will satisfy the following equations: (1) 4*+5;y = 2i (4) 50 + 246 = 291 (2) 3*+8;y = 25 (5) 7^-13^ = 12 (3) 9^ 2^=17 (6) 2/ 3W = 2O. 13. The amount of $75 is to be paid out in five-dollar and two-dollar bills. How many bills of each kind may be used ? 14. Determine the numbers which will leave a remainder 3 when divided by 5, and also when divided by 7. 1 82 Second-Year Mathematics 15. Two cogwheels with 170 and 130 cogs, respectively, en- gage each other. At a certain moment two marked cogs are opposite each other; after how many revolutions oT each wheel will the same cogs again be opposite each other ? 1 6. At 12 o'clock the cars of two street-car companies leave the same point. Cars of company A leave the same point regularly every 7 minutes thereafter; those of company B leave the same point every 9 minutes thereafter. At what time is the car of company A, 5 minutes ahead of the, car of company B ? 17. Under the same conditions as in Problem 16 find at what time the car of company A is 5 minutes behind that of company B ? At what times then are they 5 minutes apart ? 1 8. Other conditions being unchanged, find at what time the cars will be i minute apart ? When will they leave at the same moment? When will two cars of company A come in succession ? 19. Solve a problem like Problem 16 if the cars start at 8 A. M., those of company A leaving every 13 minutes and those of company B every 8 minutes. When will they be 2 minutes apart ? 20. Ask and answer questions concerning Problem 19 similar to those asked in Problem 18. 21. A group of boys, numbering not more than 50, is ar- ranged in rows of 4, leaving one over. If arranged in rows of 5, there will be 2 over. How many boys are there ? 22. Determine the positive numbers which leave a re- mainder i if divided by 3, and leave a remainder 7 if divided by 8. 23. Into what two parts should 71 be divided so that one part may be divisible by 3 and the other part by 4 ? Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 183 24. Gold alloy of 93 per cent, is to be made from 90 per cent, and 95 per cent, alloy. How many pounds of each kind may be used ? 25. How many pounds of the above kinds of alloy may be used to make a new alloy of 92 percent.? Of 92^ percent.? 26. John says to William: "I divide my age by 5 and have a remainder 2. I divide it by 4 and have a remainder i." What is John's age ? 27. "Tell me the remainder you get when dividing your age by 5; also when dividing it by 4," says a boy to his father, "and I will tell your age." The answers being 3 and 2, re- spectively, find the father's age. 28. Says A to B: "If I had 7 times as many eggs as I have now and if you had 8 times as many eggs as you have now, and you gave me one of your eggs, we would have the same number of eggs." How many has each ? 206. On p. 14 we had Axiom 6, which expresses that a whole is equal to the sum of all its parts. Connected with this is the following: AXIOM 20 A whole is greater than any of its parts* PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES 1. Prove that an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of the opposite interior angles. 2. Prove that the distance between the centers of two cir- cles which lie entirely outside of each other, is greater than the sum of the radii (see Fig. 218). 3. Prove that the distance between the centers of two cir- cles, one of which lies entirely within the other, is less than the difference of the radii (see Fig. 219). * This axiom does not hold if we consider also negative numbers. 1 84 Second- Year Mathematics 4. Draw a diagram representing a triangular field with angles 36, 72, and 72. Measure and compare the sides. Which side is smallest? FIG. 218 5. Draw triangles with angles as follows: (x) 4=35 5=65 C=8o (2) ,4=20 5 = 130 C=3o (3) 4=ioo 5 = 70 C = io. Measure the sides of the triangles and state in each case where the longest side is situated with reference to the angles, and where the shortest side is situated. 6. What connection appears to exist between the relative magnitude of the angles of a triangle and the relative magnitude of the sides ? We shall now show that the truth which can be inferred from the constructions in Problems 4 and 5 is a consequence of the axioms and of propositions previously proved from the axioms. PROPOSITION V 207. Theorem: If two angles of a triangle are unequal, the sides opposite them are unequal, the greater side lying opposite the greater angle. FIG. 219 Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 185 Given: A A B C (Fig. 220). To prove A C>A B. Proof: Through the point B draw a line B D, so that ZDBC=ZC. (How may this construction be made ?) B' FlG. 220 Then DB=DC. Why? Further, A D +D B > A B. Why ? ' AOAB. Q.E.D. EXERCISES 1. Prove that point D (Fig. 220) lies on the perpendicular bisector of B C. 2. Prove the proposition (used in proving the above propo- sition), which says that if a triangle has two equal angles the sides opposite them must be equal. Using these last two propositions, we now prove the con- verse of Proposition V, stated thus.: PROPOSITION VI 208. Theorem: // two sides of a triangle are unequal, the angles opposite them are unequal, the greater angle lying oppo- site the greater side. Given: AA B C. A B< A C (Fig. 221). To prove ZC< Z.B. 1 86 Second- Year Mathematics Proof: Can ZC=Z-6? Give a reason for your answer. Can Z C > Z. B ? Give a reason for your answer. How then must the angles C and B compare in size ? A C FIG. 221 EXERCISES 1. Two sides of a triangle are 15 and 35; the angles oppo- site them are #+5 and 5^ + 2, respectively. How large can these angles be ? 2. Determine x from the data given in Fig. 222. Test to see whether the conditions of Proposition VI are fulfilled. 3. The sides of a triangle are 28, 25, and 23; the angles opposite them are 125 23;, 73 2*, and 4# 18, respectively. Determine between what limits x must lie, and what values the angles may have. 4. A ship S is observed simultaneously from two forts at A and B, respectively. As observed from A, S bears 50 N of E and B bears 10 S of E; as observed from B, S bears 40 N of W, and A bears 10 N of W. From which fort is the ship at the greater distance ? Find the distance from either fort, the distance from A to B being 600 feet. 5. The angle of elevation of a tower from a point on a horizontal plane 185 feet from the base, is 47; from a point FIG. 222 Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 187 215 ft. from the base the angle of elevation is 43. Between what two numbers does the height of the tower lie ? 6. Prove that in a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side. PROPOSITION VII 209. Theorem: The perpendicular from a point to a line is shorter than any other line connecting the point with the line. Given the point A (Fig. 223) and the line X Y of indefinite length ; A ' / K \ N> \ > v\ \ \ c D FIG. 223 E F \ x~ ABiXY. A C, A D, A E, A F, oblique lines. To prove: A B< A C, A D, A E, A F, etc. Suggestion: A B is a side in each of the right triangles A B C, A B D, A B E, A B F, etc. Show how the theorem follows from this. EXERCISES 1. Using Fig. 223, prove that A C=A F, if B C=B F, and conversely. 2. Using Fig. 223, prove that A F >A E, if B F >B E. Show also that angle A E F > angle A F E. 3. Using the same figure, prove that AF>AD, if BF>BD. Apply Exercises i and 2. 1 88 Second- Year Mathematics PROPOSITION VIII 210. Theorem: If two sides of one triangle are equal to two sides of another triangle, but the angle included between the two sides in the first is greater than the angle included by the corresponding sides in the second; then the third side in the first triangle is greater than the third side in the second. Given A's A B C and D E F (Fig. 224) : AB=DE; BC=EF; To prove A C>D F. \ >^T D ~F \ X FIG. 224 Proof: There are three possibilities: II. III. I. Z.D> Z_A. In this case place AD E F on AA B C so that D E falls on A B, D on A, E on B, and E F on the same side of A B as B C. The point F therefore falls below A C, as at F'. Then draw F'C. We have then: B F'=B C (?) therefore ZBF'C = ZBCF' (?) Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 189 Further and therefore therefore ZAF'C >ZBF'C (?) ZBCF'>ZACF' (?) ZAF'C >ZACF' (?) A C> A F' (?) AC>DF (?) . Q.E.D. Another important truth has here been used for the first time, namely: AXIOM 21 If a>b and b>c, then a>c. II. ZD= Z4. Again place AD E F on A A B C (Fig. 225), so that D E falls on A B, D on A, E on B, and E F on the same side of A B as B C. Now, the point F falls on A C, as at F". Why cannot F fall on A C produced ( 36; Exercise 3) ? We have consequently, AF"DF (?) Q.E.D. III. Z>< Z4 (Fig. 226). In this case, ZF>ZC. (?) Place AD E F on AA B C so that E F falls on B C, E on B, and F on C, and E D on the same side of B C as B A. Repeat the form of proof given under I. 190 Second-Year Mathematics i. Prove Case III of the foregoing proposition by placing ADEF on AABC, so that DE falls on A B. (See Fig. 227. Use Proposition IV.) F FIG. 226 PROPOSITION IX 211. Theorem: If two sides of one triangle are equal to two sides of another triangle, the third side of the -first triangle being greater than the third side of the second; then the angle opposite the third side of the first triangle is greater than the angle opposite the third side of the second triangle. Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 191 Given A's P Q R and X Y Z (Fig. 228): PQ=XY; QR=YZ; PR>XZ. To prove Z<2>ZF. P 7? X z FIG. 228 Suggestions : What do we know about the triangle if Q = Y ? Then, can Q = Y if P R>X Z, as here given ? What do we know about P R and X Z if Q< Y ? Why ? Then, is Q< Y, if P R>X Z, as here given ? How, then, must angles Q and Y compare, if P R>X Z ? Give full proof. PROPOSITION X 212. Theorem: Any point not on the bisector of an angle is unequally distant*- from the sides of the angle. Given ZAB C (Fig. 229); B D bisects ZAB C; a point P not on B D ; PFJLBA; PExBC. To prove P F^P E.f Proof: As P F or P E must intersect B D, assume that PF intersects it at some point, as G. Fie. 229 * For distance of a point to a line, see 99, p. 53. fFor symbol ^ see 198. 192 Second-Year Mathematics From G draw a line G H perpendicular to B C. Draw H P. Then PEchord E F. To prove arc C D > arc E F. FIG. 233 Proof: Draw radii A C, A D, B E, and B F. Using Proposition IX, show that ZCAD>ZEBF. Place Q B* on A, so that E B falls on A C, E on C, and B on A, and F on the same side of C as D. Then B F must come between A D and A C, as in position A F'. ( ?) Hence E F comes in the position C F', and F' falls on the circumference between C and D. Then arc C F'< arc C D (?) also arc C F' = arc E F (?) .'. arc E F< arc C D ( ?) Q.E.D. * The symbol OB means the circle whose center is at B. 196 Second-Year Mathematics Converse. Given O A = B (Fig. 233) : Arc CD>arcEF. To prove chord C D > chord E F. Proof: Draw radii AC, AD, B F, and B E, and place O B on O A so that E B falls on C A, as above. Since arc C D>arc E F, the point F will fall between C and D, as at F', and the line B F will come on the same side of A D as A C, as in position A F'. Then we have: ZCAF'ZEBF (?) Finally, use Proposition VIII to show that chord C D > chord E F. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIV 216. Theorem: In the same circle or in equal circles, un- equal chords are unequally distant from the center of the circle, the shorter chord lying at the greater distance; and, conversely, chords unequally distant from the center are unequal, the chord at the greater distance being the shorter chord. Given P = oQ (Fig. 234): Chord A B > chord D E. To prove P P'< Q Q'. Proof: PP'JLAB, QQ'_LDE. Place Q on P, so that Q falls on P, D on B, and chord D E in the position B C; then Q' will fall on Q", and PQ"_LBC. Why? DrawP'Q". Inequalities in Triangles and Circles Then: P'B>Q"B. (?) Hence Z B Q"P' > Z B P'Q" (?) 197 Observe that P P'J_A B, P Q"J_B C, and use Axiom 19 (p. 172). FIG. 234 Hence P P' < P Q" ( ?) also since PQ"=QQ' (?) PP' DE. Suggestion: Proceed with the steps of the foregoing demonstration in the opposite order. EXERCISES 1. Prove that a side of a regular inscribed decagon is less than a side of a regular inscribed pentagon, inscribed in the same circle, but that the side of the decagon is greater than half the side of the regular pentagon. 2. Show that the greater the number of sides of a regular inscribed polygon, the less is the length of one of its sides. 198 Second-Year Mathematics 3. Prove that the distance from the center of a circle to a side of a regular inscribed polygon is greater, the greater the number of sides of the polygon. 4. The length of the chords AB and B C being 6# 14 and 4^ + 20, respectively (Fig. 235), and the lines P P' and P P' 7 being 16 and 10, determine x and the chords. We have: P'B = 3^-7 (?) P"B = Then: (3#-7)2 + i6* = Pl (?) (see Problem 9, p. 101). and (2# + io) 2 + io 2 = PlB 2 (?) = (2* + 10)2 or : gx 2 42X + 49 + 256 = ^x 2 + 403; +100+100 5^ 82^+105 =o. 82T/82*-4 5 105 . ' * = Ip - (see 192 (C), p. 163). 82 68 x = - = i 1 5) or if 10 Then AB = y6, or -5! CB=8o, or 25! How is the truth of Proposition XIV illustrated by these answers ? 5. The length of the lines A B and B C, P P', and P P" (Fig. 235) being denoted by 1 I} 1 2 , d 1} and d 2 , respectively, Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 199 determine the unknown number in each of the following cases. In every case test by Proposition XIV. /, /, d, rf, (l).. 2a 7 43 14 2 i (2).., 6 12 U-\- II 3M + 4 (3).. x+* *+5 6 4 (4).. 4/+ 14 IO/ 2 6 7 217. The formula for the solution of the general quadratic equation: ax 2 +bx+c=o, 30 (Compare 192 (C).) Calling the first root x^ and the second root x 2 , we have: By addition, we find: - 2 b -b b x I +x,= = or 2 / 5 b / i 2\ the sum of the roots. a x t x a =-= -, the product of the roots. v) Knowing the sum and the product of the roots, we can determine something about the sign of each of the roots, viz.: I. If x j x 2 is positive, the roots must have like signs; i. e., they are both positive, or both negative. Why ? And if. Xi+x a also is positive, each of the roots is positive; but if X-L +x 2 is negative, each of the roots is negative. Why ? II. If x^Xz is negative, the roots must have unlike signs; i. e., one is positive and the other one is negative. Why? And if Xi+x a is positive, the positive root is greater in numerical value; but if x I +x a is negative, the negative root is greater in numerical value. Why ? EXERCISES 218. By means of the above discussion, determine in each of the following equations the sum and the product of the roots, without solving the equations (but clearing of fractions when necessary). Discuss also the signs of the roots: i. sx z + i2X 18=0 3. 4# 2 I2X 8=O 4- T.X 2 4 2X 5. ox = V * X Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 201 219. From the formula for the solution of the general quad- ratic equation, may be derived a way of testing whether the answers of a given quadratic equation have a meaning or not in our ordinary number-system, which is called the system of real numbers. Thus, if b 2 4ac is negative, the expressions for the roots of the equation contain the square root of a negative number. But the square root of a negative number does not exist among the numbers which we have thus far dealt with; i. e., it is not a real number. Why not ? So that we have the following conclusions: If b 2 4oco, the equation has two unequal roots. What can be said about the roots of the equation in case b 2 40c=o? EXERCISES 1. State without solving the equations, whether the roots of the equations 1-5, 218, are real. 2. Determine the value of m for which the chords in Fig. 236 actually exist. FIG. 236 We have: (w*) 2 +4 2 = (3*-4) 2 + 5 2 . Why? i. e., w 2 # 2 + i6=9# 2 24^+16 + 25 (m* o i.e., 576 + ioofw 2 9oo>o or if w 2 >if i. e., if w>f or w< -. Why? 3. The meaning of 1 I} 1 2 , d x , and d 2 being as in Exercise 5, p. 198, determine the value of m for which the chords have real existence: /i 1, d, d, (l).. 2 1/ x m 6x 4 e 4 (2).. 8 i2m * 5* (3) 6x-S 2X+6 2m i (4).. 2X8 IO#+ 2 j/ 2x-\- yn -j/ m x * In this equation b is o. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES 220. Solve the following problems and exercises: i . Construct a triangle ABC, the sides a and b and the angle A, opposite one of them, being given (Fig. 237). A' C FIG. 237 FIG. 238 Draw a line A C equal in length to b (Fig. 238). At the extremity A of A C construct an angle equal to the given Inequalities in Triangles and Circles 203 angle A . Now, with C as a center and a as a radius, strike an arc meeting the second side of Z.A at two points B and B'. Both of the triangles A C B and A C B' have the required parts. 2. Draw the perpendicular C B" from C to A B (Fig. 238). How many triangles would have been formed in case a- 2 (2) a-y 2 = (ia)y (6) y 3 +py+q=o (3) 2i6 2 = 23&j 6y 2 (7) aj 2 +&^+c=o (4) 28m 2 = -i7&j+3>' 2 (8) xy*+zy=s. 224. Determine by inspection the nature of the roots of the following quadratics: (1) * 2 +6* + 5=o (6) 2$p 2 + i=o (2) 4y 2 -gy + 2=o (7) / 2 ~ (3) 4W 2 8w+4=o (8) s 2 (4) 3y 2 + 7? + 2=o (9) ^ (5) r 2 -i=o (10) 8/ 2 - CHAPTER VI AREAS OF POLYGONS 225. To measure the size of a plane surface is to compare that surface with a standard surface, a unit of measurement. A square is used as the unit of measurement for plane sur- faces. The number of such units contained in a given sur- face expresses the area of the surface in terms of that unit. Thus, if a rectangle has sides of 4 in. and 6 in., it is easily seen that a square inch may be laid off on it 24 times. We say that 24 expresses the area of the rectangle, in terms of square inches. 226. The areas of polygons may be found by dividing the polygons into triangles, as in Figs. 243 and 244, and then adding the areas of the triangles. FIG. 243 FIG. 244 The Area of the Triangle 227. Thus it is seen that it is important to know how to compute the area of a triangle. Several formulas will be worked out by which the area of a triangle can be found. The parts of the triangle that are known will enable the pupil to decide which formula can be used. 207 208 Second-Year Mathematics Fig. 245 shows two triangles each one-half of a parallelo- gram. Thus if we are able to find the area of a parallelogram, the area of the triangle is found. FIG. 245 FIG. 246 Fig. 246 shows how the area of a parallelogram can easily be compared with the area of a rectangle. The question arises, whether the rectangle and the parallelogram of Fig. 246 are equal to each other, and, more generally, under what con- ditions such figures are equal to each other. This question is answered by Exercise i, 229. If we know how to compare parallelograms, we can com- pare parallelograms with rectangles because a rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram. 228. We have thus the following chain of problems leading to the problem of computing the area of the triangle: (1) to compare parallelograms (2) to compare a parallelogram and a rectangle (3) to compute the area of a rectangle (4) to compute the area of a parallelogram (5) to compare a parallelogram and a triangle (6) to compute the area of a triangle. PROPOSITION I 229. Theorem: Parallelograms having equal bases and equal altitudes are equal. Hypothesis: In parallelograms ABCD and EFGH (Fig. 247, (i)), h=h'. AB=HG; Areas of Polygons 209 Conclusion: ABCD=EFGH. Proof: Place ABCDonEFGH making A B coincide with H G. Then D C must fall in line E F, in position D'C', for the altitudes of the parallelograms are equal. XL (2) Prove AED'H^AFC'G. If triangle E D'H is sub- tracted from the.quadrilateral H E C'G, H D'C'G ( = A B C D) remains. If triangle F C'G is subtracted from the quadri- lateral H E C'G, E F G H remains. .'. Parallelogram A B CD=parallelogram E F G H. Prove the theorem for Fig. 247 (2). Hence, parallelograms having equal bases and equal alti- tudes are equal. Q.E.D. EXERCISES 1. Prove that the area of a parallelogram equals that of a rectangle having the same base and altitude (see Fig. 248). 2. To find the number of surface units (area) in a rectangle, when the number of linear units in the base and in the altitude are known. Second- Year Mathematics On squared paper draw a rectangle with corners at the points (*> !) (5> !). (5, 3). C 1 , 3) ( see FJ g- 2 49)- By counting the squares in A B C D (Fig. 249) find the area in terms of the squares of the paper. FIG. 248 3. On squared paper draw rectangles having the following dimensions: Base i 7 I? 10 "LA. Altitude c 4 } 2 7 4. Using as surface unit a square whose side is the linear unit, find the area of the rectangles in Exercise 3. 230. How can the number of surface units in a rectangle be obtained from the number of linear units in the base and altitude ? 3) '5,3) A 2 D C | I ^/^ i 4 l i 4^ i > 6 FIG. 249 b-. FIG. 250 Let & denote the length of the base and h the length of the altitude of a rectangle A B C D (Fig. 250). Then the linear unit can be laid off b times on A B and h times on A D. Areas of Polygons 211 Through the points of division of A B draw lines parallel to A D, as E E', F F', etc. (Fig. 251) Then rectangle A B C D is divided into b congruent rec- tangles R. Through the points of division of 'A D, draw lines parallel to A B, as K K', L L', etc Then each rectangle R is divided into h congruent squares. Denoting the num- *-* .' / m 1 C 1 1 1 A, R /' 1 L !* K' i A E F _'_ t FIG. 251 her of squares in A B C D by S, it follows that S = b-h. (a) This equation may be stated in words thus: PROPOSITION II 231. Theorem: The area of a rectangle equals the product of the base by the altitude. EXERCISES i. Verify formula (a) for 6=4, h = i .4. Lay off A 6=4 cm. and A D = i .4 cm. (Fig. 252). M f i % . j i / A - 4 4 FIG. 252 Then A B C D = A B F E +E F C D. (What axiom ?) (i) Counting squares, we find A B F =4 sq. cm., E F C D=4X 1 4 (r sq. cm. ABC D=4 sq. cm. +4X1*0 sq. cm. =4(1 + T 4 ff ) sq. cm. = 5. 6 sq. cm. 212 Second- Year Mathematics (2) By formula (a) we find S=b ^=4X1 .4 = 5.6. 2. Verify formula (a) for 6=3.8, /z = 5; for 6=6, h = 2.6; for 6=3, A =4. 2. 3. Verify formula (a) for 6=4.6, ^ = 2.4 (see Fig. 253). FIG. 253 . cm. = (8 + 1.2+1.6+. 24) sq. cm., etc. 4. Verify formula (a) for 6 = 1 .4, ^=0.32. 232. Exercises i, 2, 3, and 4, 229, show that formula (a) holds when 6 and h are integers (whole numbers).. Exercises i, 2, 3, and 4, 231, show that formula (a) holds also when 6 and & are decimal fractions. 233. Now let 6 and h be irrational numbers, such as 6 = 1/12=3.464101 . . . . , and ^ = 1/27 = 5.196152 ..... If the theorem holds in this case, we should find: lr2Xl27 = l2 2 3 3 3 =i8. (?) Taking for 6 and h the values given in I, II, III, and IV below, we find the corresponding values of 5 by multiplying. Areas of Polygons 213 6 h 5-6XA I ? .464 <. . 106 17.008044 II 3 .4641 ? .1061 17.00081001 Ill 3 .46410 <; . 10611; 1 7. 00008 32 1 <; rv ? .464101 s . 1061^2 17 QQQQQS^Q? 1 ^ We see that by taking: I, b and h accurate to within , 5 differs from 18 by less I,OOO 7 , -S 1 differs from 18 by S differs from 18 differs from 18 II, b and h accurate to within less than i III, & and /& accurate to within 1,0 by less than . 10,000 IV, b and h accurate to within ^ , I ,OOO,OOO by less than - . t 100,000 By taking b and h to a sufficiently large number of decimal places, the difference between S and 18 may be made as small as may be wished. To prove from these facts that our theorem holds true when b and h are irrational numbers would require a fuller discussion of such numbers than is desirable here. Sufficient has been shown, however, to make us feel that this conclusion is correct, for the inexactness of the result seems to come from our inability to express exactly, without the root sign, the dimensions of the rectangle, and not because the theorem is untrue. i. Make a similar discussion for 6 = 1/5 an( ^ ^ = 1/7; f r & = j/2 and fc = i/3. EXERCISES i. Prove that any two parallelograms are to each other as the product of their bases and altitudes. 214 Second-Year Mathematics 2. Prove that the areas of parallelograms having equal bases are to each other as their altitudes. 3. Prove that the areas of parallelograms having equal altitudes, are to each other as their bases. 4. Prove that the area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of the base and altitude. (Use Exercise 2.) 5. Prove that the area of a triangle is one-half the product of the base and altitude. (Use Exercise 4 and Fig. 254.) Thus the area of a triangle can be computed if the base and the altitude are known. 6. Show that the area of a triangle can be expressed in terms of any two sides, and the sine of the included angle. In Fig. 254 let a = side D B, 6 = side D A; then ( 137, p. 104) show that h = a sin D. .'. Area A B D = %b h = %b a sin D. 7. Prove that triangles having equal bases and equal alti- tudes are equal. 8. Prove that the areas of triangles are to each other as the products of the bases and altitudes. 9. Prove that the areas of triangles having equal bases are to each other as the altitudes. 10. Prove that the areas of triangles having equal altitudes are to each other as the bases. u. To bisect a triangle by a line drawn from any vertex to the opposite side. See Exercise 7. Areas of Polygons 215 12. To divide a triangle into three equal triangles (trisect) by lines from any vertex to the opposite side. 234. The area of a triangle can be expressed in terms of the perimeter of the triangle and the radius of the inscribed circle, by dividing it into three triangles whose common alti- tude is the radius, and whose bases are the sides. i. Prove that the area of a triangle is equal to one-half the perimeter times the radius of the inscribed circle (see Fig. 255). c FIG. 255 The area of a triangle may i>e expressed in terms of the sides of the triangle and the radius of the circumscribed circle. 2. Prove that the area of a triangle is equal to the product of the three sides divided by four times the radius of the cir- cumscribed circle. (See 189.) The area of a triangle can be expressed in terms of the sides alone, but in the proof of the formula, the following theorem is needed: PROPOSITION III 235. Theorem: The square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides including the right angle. Hypothesis: ABC (Fig. 256) is a triangle having a right angle C; S I} S 3 , and 5" are the squares on the sides a, b, and c, respectively; 2l6 Second-Year Mathematics Conclusion: S=S I +S 2 . Proof: Draw CD_l_AB, dividing 5 into rectangles R T and R 2 . Draw AE and C F. Show that triangle EBA and Sj have equal bases and altitudes. r D FIG. 256 Then triangle E B A = J5,. Similarly, prove that triangle FB C = J But ABE^FB C. For EB=BC (?) AB=BF (?) ZABE=ZFBC (?) From (i), (2), (3) it follows that ^ = 1 Similarly, draw B G and C H, and prove S a =R 3 Therefore S=St+S a . Q.E.D. (i) (2) (3) (4) Areas of Polygons 217 This theorem is called the "theorem of Pythagoras" after the Greek mathematirian Pythagoras, 569-500 B. c., who first proved it. It is one of the most famous propositions of geometry, and numerous proofs are on record. The proof which precedes is due to Euclid. A few other proofs are given later (see 238). EXERCISES 1. The area of a rectangle is i6y 3 4y, and the altitude is 4jy. The diagonal is 10, find y, and the sides of the rectangle. 2. The diagonal of a rectangle is 20 and one side is 16. If x 3 +4* denotes the area, what does x equal ? 3. The area of a rectangle is 300 and one side is 15. Find the perimeter. 4. The perimeter of a rectangle is 84, and the sides are to each other as 3 to 4. Find the diagonal. 5. The area of a rectangle is 48, and the base is 8. Find the diagonal. 6. The altitude of a rectangle is 24 and the area is 768. Find the diagonal. 7. The area of a rectangle is 2C 3 2C, and the base is 20. Find the diagonal. 8. The diagonal of a rectangle is 15 and the altitude is 9. Find the area. 9. One side of a rectangle is 2X. The diagonal is x 2 + 1 , and the area is 12. Find x, and the sides, and the diagonal. Use the factor theorem. PROPOSITION IV 236. Problem: To find the area of a triangle, in terms of its sides, to be 1/5(5 a) (sb) (s c). Hypothesis: In triangle ABC (Fig. 257) the sides a, b, and c are known. 2l8 Second- Year Mathematics To express the area in terms of a, b, and c. Proof: Area A B C = J6 h (?). (i) C This gives the area in terms of one side and the altitude h, which is not known. Therefore we will express h in terms of the sides, to substitute for h < " in equation (i). FIG. 257 h 2 =c 2 -(b-a') 2 (why?). (2) h*=a 2 -a' 2 (why?). (3) We must now eliminate a', which is not one of the three sides. Subtracting, c 2 -a 2 +a' 2 -(b-a') 2 =o. (4) Therefore c 2 a 2 b 2 + 2ba'=o. (5) b 2 -c 2 +a 2 Solving for a', we find a'=- (6) Substituting in (3) the value of a' found in (6), we get (7) Equation (7) expresses A 2 in terms of the sides a, b, and c. We could now substitute the value of h in equation (i) and have a formula for the area of A B C in terms of a, b, and c. But in order to get a more symmetrical result, the value of h in (7) will be changed in form before substituting in (i). b 2 -c 2 +a 2 \/ b 2 -c 2 + From (7) h 2 = \ 2b ;r a* /' +a 2 2ab b 2 +c 2 a 2 2b (a+b) 2 -c 2 2b c 2 -(a-b) 2 2 b 2b , . , (why?) 2b (c+a-b)(c-a+b) 2b _ Why? Areas of Polygons 219 Denote (a + 6+c) by 2s. Then a+bc = 2s 20 = 2(5 c) \ a = 25 2a = 2(i- a) ' (9) b = 2s 2b = 2(sb') / Substituting (9) in (8) 2(sc)- 2s 2(56) 2(3 a)_45 (5 a)(s b)(s c) ~ ~~ Therefore h=jVs(s -a) (s-b) (s -c). Why? (10) Substituting (10) in (i), ABC = $6 \ b Therefore A B C = \s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c). (i i ) Q.E.D. Since a + b + c = 2s, then s = % (a + b + c). Formula (n) expresses the square root of the product of the half- sum of the three sides, and the half-sum diminished by each side in succession. Problems 1. The sides of a triangle are 3, 5, and 6. Find the area. Using the formula (n) of 236, the area = 1/7 (73) (75) (7 6) = 1/7 -4 2 i =21/14, or 7.482 approximately. 2. The sides of a triangle are 34, 20, and 18. Find the area. 3. The sides of a triangle are 10, 6, and 8. Find the area. 4. The sides of a triangle are 90, 80, and 26. Find the area. 5. The sides of a triangle are 70, 58, andi6. Find the area. AREAS AND ALTITUDES 237. The altitudes of the triangle A B C to the sides a, b, and c are h a , hf,, and h c , respectively (Fig. 258). Second- Year Mathematics =^V s(sa}(sb}(sc) (i) (See 236, Formula (10).) h a =-Vs(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) (2) a h c =-Vs(s-a)(s-b}(s-c). (3) G How can (2) and (3) be obtained from (i) by inspection? Problems i. In the triangle ABC, a = io, 6 = 17, c = 2i. Find h a . 2 2 / - h a =-v s(s a)(s b)(s c) 1) =24 s a = i4, sb j, sc=3. Substitute these values in the formula, and 24 14 7 ' 3=4 -3-2. 2- 7- 7- 3 = -9.4- 49=i(2 3 ' 2 7)= = i6f 2. Find the area and the altitudes of each of the following triangles: (0 = 35. 6 = 29, c= 8 (4) a = i5, 6 = 20, ^ = 25 (2) = 70, 6=65, c= 9 (5) a= 8, 6= 8, c= 8 (3) a=45> ^=40, ^ = 13 (6) a = i7, 6 = 10, c= 9 Areas of Polygons 221 3. The sides of a quadrilateral are as follows: A 6=29, B C=8, C D=-28, D A = 2i, and the diagonal A C=3o. Find its area, and the distance from D to A C. 4. The area of a triangle in terms of its sides and the radius of the circumscribed circle is - (see 234, 2). Let T denote the area of the triangle, then T . Solving this equation for r, we get r==.. Using this formula for r, 4* find the radius of the circles circumscribed about the tri- angles of Problem 2. 5. To find the altitude and area of an equilateral triangle in terms of its side. Let each side be a. The altitude h, bisects the base. Why ? & 2 =a 2 -($a) 2 =a 2 -a 2 = a 2 The area S=$a*h -* VI 5=io A =-1/3 or iai/3". S=la a i/3- 6. Find the areas of the following equilateral triangles (a=side): (i) a = i2, (2) a = io, (3) a=4, (4) a=8, (5) a=c+d, (6) a = 2mn. Compare your answer of (4) with 2 (5). 7. Find the altitudes of the triangles of Problem 6. 8. Find the side of an equilateral triangle whose area is (i) ^1/3 (2) 25!/3 (3) i 2 (4) 101/3. 9. Find the altitude of each of the triangles in Problem 8. 10. Find the area of a regular hexagon whose side is (!) 12 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 7 (5) -6. See FYM, p. 360, 6. 222 Second-Year Mathematics 238. Prove the Pythagorean proposition by each of the following figures (see footnote, p. 216). (In each figure C is the vertex of the right angle of the right triangle ABC.) Figs. 259 and 260. From the dimensions given in the figures, find the areas of the triangles, and the square on c by subtraction or addition. Use the algebraic method. b K a f FIG. 260 FIG. 261 Fig. 261. G C is a square on a+&. GE- A E, ED, B D. Prove A B D E a square, two rectangles G O =D F=a Draw Show that the and O C are equivalent to the four right triangles. Subtract each in turn from G C. Fig. 262. Complete the rectangle CJKT. DrawCK. DrawCG||BE. Show that K C G is a straight line. Prolong D A to HJ, and EB to KT. Compare A I K C with the square AHJC, and KB with C S and F E. Fig. 263. Con- struct A B D E a square. Through E draw aline || to AC. Draw JLS as indi- cated. Show that BC=HG, and that D G and C K are squares, and that the p IG right triangles are equal. Fig. 264. Construct E H || B C, DK || BF. Draw C K L and prove it to be || to B E. Compare A C K D with A L, etc. Areas of Polygons 223 Fig. 265. Construct DEF=ABC. Draw CG and CJ. Prove G C J a straight line, and the quadrilaterals G H I J, GABJ, CADF, CBEF equal, etc. FIG. 264 Fig. 266. Find b in terms of a and c applying the law of the secant and tangent. Use the algebraic method. 239. It has now been proved in many ways that the square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares on the sides including the right angle. FIG. 266 FIG. 267 Imagine the angle ABC (Fig. 267) to increase, leaving the lengths of the sides A B and B C unchanged. Then the squares on A B and B C are not changed in size, but as the end-points A and C of A B and B C, are farther apart, the square on AC increases. Therefore in an obtuse- angled triangle, as Fig. 268, 224 Second-Year Matliematics the square on the side opposite the obtuse angle is greater than the sum of the squares on the other two sides. FIG. 268 FIG. 269 240. In a similar way, by decreasing angle ABC, until it becomes acute, as in Fig. 269, we find that the square on the side opposite the acute angle is less than the sum of the squares on the other two sides. EXERCISES i. What is the relation between a 2 , b 2 , and c 2 (Fig. 270) whenZ<9o? when Z-B>9o? 2. How does the Z-6 com- pare with a right angle when c FIG. 270 (2) b 2 a 2 +c 2 ? (3) 6 2 or < 90 when a, &, and c are, respectively, Areas of Polygons 225 (1) 3> 5^4 (5) 9. 14, 12 (2) 5, 13, 12 (6) z 2 -y 2 , z 2 +y 2 , 2zy (3) 5,8,6 (7) x 2 -i,x 2 , 2X (4) 6, 12, 8 (8) 2k*- 3 h 2 , 2 (k 2 +h 2 ), 2^hk? 241. The following two theorems will show by how much the square on one side of a triangle differs from the sum of the squares on the other two sides. Problem : Let /_ B be an acute angle of triangle ABC (Fig. 271). c c Let C D be perpendicular to A B. To prove: b 2 =a 2 +c 2 2ca f . Proof: b 2 =h 2 + (c-a') 2 (why?) a 2 =h 2 +a' 2 . Subtracting b 2 -a 2 = (c-a') 2 -a' 2 =c 2 -2ca'+a' 2 -a f2 . Therefore b 2 a 2 =c 2 2ca'. Solving for b 2 , b 2 =a 2 +c 2 - 2ca'. Q.E.D. This shows that the product 2ca' is the amount by which a a +c* exceeds b 2 . a' (Fig. 271) is called the projection of a upon c. 242. The projection of a given line-segment upon a straight line, is the segment of the line included between the perpen- diculars to the line which pass through the extremities of the given line-segment. 226 Second- Year Mathematics In Fig. 272 A'B' (or A B') is the projection of A B. /!' C A FIG. 272 The problem of 241 may now be stated thus: PROPOSITION V 243. Theorem: In a triangle the square on the side oppo- site an acute angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, diminished by two limes the product of one of these two sides and the projection of the other upon it. EXERCISES i. b is opposite an acute angle, and c' is the projection of c on a (Fig. 273). Test Proposition V with the figures below, i. e., show that b 2 =a 2 +c 2 iac'. h, /oN r , ' 4, 5 Let x, y, z, w, . . . . in Figure 282 each = i, then a, b, c . . . . are equal, respectively, to the 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 See Fig. 282 (2). Is it possible to solve Problems i and 2 when the given figures are not similar? For example, to construct a figure equivalent to the sum of a square and a pentagon. Obviously if the pentagon can be transformed into an equivalent square the problem can be solved. 7. To transform a pentagon into (i) an equivalent triangle, (2) an equivalent square. -A J< ->*r<5 * HE- FIG. 283 Draw A F || E B and D G || E C (Fig. 283). Then AEFB = AEAB, AEGC = AEDC. (?) Hence AE F G=pentagon ABODE. (?) J R L is a semicircle and R K _L J L. The area of Q 1(FG)(HE). (?) The square Q = the pentagon A B C D E. (?) Areas of Polygons 237 From the above it will be seen that a polygon of n sides can be transformed into an equivalent square. Hence, Problem i is possible also when the given figures are not similar. In this case, however, the required polygon can be drawn similar to only one of the given polygons. Quadratic Equations in Two Unknowns 249. In the right triangle ABC (Fig. 284) with sides 3 and 4, to construct a line through C so that the perimeters of the two new triangles formed may be equal. Analysis: Consider the problem solved and let C D be the required line through C. The position of D evidently is determined by determin- ing A D. Solution : Denoting the length of A D by x, and the length of DBby;y, 3 +* + C D= 4 +;y+C D (?) xy = i. (i) 2$. (2) The values of x and y are the solutions of the system of equations (i) and (2). Solving (i) for x and substituting in (2), (i+;y) 2 + 2(i+y)y+y* = 25 (3) y*+y 6=0 (^1 = 2, (y,= -s I #i=3 ( X 2 =-2 x=2, ;y= 3 satisfy equations (i) and (2) but do not satisfy the conditions of the problem. Therefore this solu- tion is disregarded and 3 and 2 are the required values of x and y, respectively. 238 Second-Year Mathematics 250. From the preceding solution it is seen that a system of equations in two unknowns, when one of the equations is of the first and the other of the second degree, may be solved as follows: Solve the linear -equation for one of the unknowns, x or y, and substitute that value in the second-degree equation. This will lead to a second-degree equation in the other unknown, y or x, as (5), which is then to be solved. The values ofy or x, thus found, may then be substituted in the first-degree equation, as (i), to determine the corresponding values of the other unknown. This method of solving a system of equations in two unknowns is called "elimination by substitution." EXERCISES 1. Construct a right triangle whose perimeter is 30 and whose hypotenuse is 13. 2. In the right triangle ABC (Fig. 285), the perimeters of A C D and BCD are equal. C B =4, and D B = 2. Find A C and A D. D FIG. 285 3. In the right triangle of Fig. 286, with sides 53;, 3^, and x +y = 5- Construct the triangle. 4. Solve x*+y 3 = 2$ yx=i. 5. Solve Areas of Polygons 239 6. Solve Quadratic Equations Solved by the Graph 251. Problems which lead to quadratic equations in two unknowns may be solved by means of the graph. i. Solve x 3 +y' = 2$ and y x=i by the graph. By as- suming values for x, and solving x 3 +y 3 = 2$ for y, we have the following solutions of the equation x 2 +y 3 = 2$: y=5 y= y=4 y= '3.4 FIG. 287 Plotting these solutions (Fig. 287) we find that the graph of x 2 +y x = 2$ is a circle whose center is at the origin and whose radius is 1/25, or 5. The equation x a +y* = 2$ expresses the fact that the sum of the squares of the co-ordinates of any point on the graph 240 Second- Year Mathematics of the equation is 25, e.g., O ~P 1 *=x 2 +y 2 = 2$. Hence O P = 5- Moreover, a line every point of which has the same distance from a given point is a circle. Therefore the graph of x 2 +y 2 = 2$ is a circle whose radius is 5. The points of intersection of this circle and the straight line graph of equation y x = i, are Pj(3, 4), and P 2 ( 4, 3). ; =3 j*=; / y=' and Thus and y. 2. In triangle ABC (Fig. 2$ C=9o. Construct the triangle. are the required values of x 18), AB= 5 , CDV-, angle D J3 FIG. 288 FIG. 289 3. The perimeter of the rectangle (Fig. 289) is 34. Find the dimensions. 4. Solve by eliminating by substitution, and verify by , r graphing: (1) x 2 =s8-y 2 y ioy (2) x a +y a =4o x 3;y=o. 5. In triangle ABC (Fig. 290) draw D E parallel to A B FIG. 290 so that D E is the mean pro- portional between A C and D C. 6. Rectangles R, and R 2 have equal perimeters (Fig. 291), /?! and R 3 have equal areas. Find the dimensions of R t . Areas of Polygons 241 7. In the right triangle ABC (Fig. 292), find the lengths of the sides including the right angle. Area=2. y FIG. 291 w 2 + 2 = i7 Why? m n=4 Why? Adding 2 times (2) to (i) Subtracting 2 times (2) from (i): m 2 2 mn + n 2 = 9 (i) (2) (3) (4) FIG. 292 Thus the problem of solving (i) and (2) is reduced to solving (3) and (4), i. e., solving the following system of equations: =~s (5) w = w w= m n= 3 w n= 3 8. Solve Problem 7 by the graph. Equation (i) of Problem 7 is a circle whose radius is -\/rj. Equation (2) expresses the fact that the rectangle formed by the co-ordinates of any point on its graph is constant and equal to 4. This curve is called the rectangular hyperbola (see Fig. 293). Find the points of intersection of the two curves and determine their co-ordinates. 242 Second- Year Mathematics 9. Plot on the same figure equations (3) and (4). Show from the graph why the solutions of the systems (5) are the same as the solution of (i) and (2). -8 -6 I FIG. 293 10. Solve for m and n the following equations: w 2 +w 2 13=0 mn 6=0 u. Verify by graphing the solutions of Problem 10. 12. Solve x 2 -\-y 2 =a and xy = b. 13. In the right triangle ABC (Fig. 294), x and y have 243 the same values as in the right triangle D E F. Find the values of x and y. Suggestion: Eliminate x 1 or y 3 as in the case of a linear equation in x and y. D FIG. 294 14. Verify, by graphing, the solutions of Problem 13. 15. Solve x 2 +y 2 = a, and x 2 y 2 =b. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES FOR REVIEW 1. Draw through a vertex of a triangle lines dividing it (i) into two parts one of which shall be (a) , (6) , (c) ;} of the other; (2) into parts in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. 2. Draw a parallel to one side of a triangle cutting off a triangle which shall be (i) , (2) ?, (3) of the given triangle. M FIG. 295 3. To bisect a triangle by a line through a given point P on the perimeter not the vertex of an angle (see Fig. 295). Draw median B M, also P M, B D || P M, and P D. A? M D - A? M B ( ?). . '. A A D P = quadrilateral D P B C. (?) 244 Second-Year Mathematics 4. To trisect a triangle by lines through a point P on one side not at the vertex. Use the method of Exercise 3. 5. Construct (i) a right triangle, (2) an isosceles triangle, (3) an obtuse-angled triangle each equal to a given triangle. 6. Construct an equilateral triangle equivalent to a given triangle. Transform the given triangle into an equal triangle having one angle 60. Apply the theorem two triangles having an angle in each equal are to each other as the products of the sides including the equal angles (see 248, p. 231). 7. On a given base, construct a triangle equal to a given triangle not having a side equal to the given base. 8. Find a line equivalent to the ]/6 (see p. 236, Problem 6). 9. Construct a triangle equivalent to a given hexagon. 10. Construct a circle equivalent to 6 times a given circle (see Exercise 8). 11. Construct a pentagon equal to -f- of a given pentagon. 12. A line parallel to the base of a triangle cuts off a tri- angle equal to f of it. If one side of the triangle is 12, how far from the vertex does the line cut it ? 13. The diagonals of a rhombus are 2^14 and 2X, and a side is x+i. Find x. 14. The radii of two circles are 25 and 24. Find the radius of a circle equivalent to their difference. Use the law of similar figures. 15. The area of one of three circles is equal to the sum of the other two, and their radii are x, x 7, x+i. Find x. 1 6. The difference of two circles whose diameters are x+2 and x is equivalent to a circle whose diameter is xj. Find x. 17. The area of a rectangle is 60 and its diagonal is 13. Find its dimensions. Areas of Polygons 245 1 8. The perimeter of a rectangle is 46 and its area is 120. Find its dimensions. 19. The perimeter of a rectangle is 62 and its diagonal is 25. Find its area. 20. The sides of a triangle are 17, 10, and 9. The altitude of a similar triangle upon the side homologous to the side 10 in the given triangle is 14^. Find all the sides of the second triangle. 21. Find the side of a square equivalent to an equilateral triangle whose side is 4^/3. 22. The ratio of two similar polygons is (i) 9 : 4, (2) 2 : 5, and the shortest side of the first is 12. Find the shortest side of the second. 23. The base of a triangle is 18 feet. Find the length of a line parallel to the base which bisects the triangle. 24. The side of a square (or of any polygon, or the radius of a circle) is a. Find the side (or radius) of a similar figure K times as large. 25. Compute the altitude upon the hypotenuse of the right triangle A B C in terms of its legs a and b. 26. The altitude and base of a rectangle are in the ratio of 8 to 15 and the diagonal is 34 ft. Find the area. 27. Bisect any parallelogram by a line drawn through any point on its perimeter. 28. To transform any triangle, ABC, into an equivalent right triangle containing one of the acute angles. 29. The dimensions of a rectangle are in the ratio of 2ab to a 2 b 2 , and the diagonal is a 2 c 2 +& 2 c 2 . Find the area. 2d 30. The ratio of the sides of a rectangle is , and the a 2 -i diagonal is 6a 2 + 6. Find the sides. CHAPTER VII REGULAR POLYGONS INSCRIBED IN, AND CIRCUMSCRIBED ABOUT, A CIRCLE 252. A polygon that is equilateral and equiangular is a regular polygon. Show that an equilateral triangle is a regular polygon; that a square is a regular polygon. A polygon whose vertices lie on a circle and whose sides are chords is an inscribed polygon. The circle is said to be circumscribed about the polygon. A polygon whose sides are tangent to a circle is a circum- scribed polygon. The circle is said to be inscribed in the polygon. To determine whether inscribed or circumscribed polygons are regular, the following two theorems may be used: PROPOSITION I 253. Theorem: If a circle is divided into equal parts and if the successive points of division are connected by line-segments, the polygon so formed is a regular inscribed polygon. Hypothesis: A~B=B~C = CfD, etc. (Fig. 296); C Conclusion : ( (a) AB=BC = CD, etc. inn / 246 Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 247 Prove (&) by the method of congruent triangles, using AsB AF, ABC, BCD, etc. PROPOSITION II 254. Theorem: If a circle is divided into equal parts, and if tangents are drawn at the points of division, a regular cir- cumscribed polygon is formed. Prove AM A L^ ALB N^ANCO, etc. (Fig. 297). FIG. 297 Then Z.A = /_B = Z.C, etc., the first condition for a regular polygon. MA=AL=LB=BN=NC, etc. Why? AL=BN and LB=NC. Why? .-. AB=BC. In a similar way, prove B C = C D, etc., the second condi- tion for a regular polygon. EXERCISES 1. Prove that an equiangular circumscribed polygon is regular. 2. Prove that an equilateral polygon inscribed in a circle is a regular polygon. Use 253. 248 Second-Year Mathematics PROPOSITION III 255. Problem: To inscribe a square in a given circle. Construction : Draw the diameter A B _l_ diameter C D (Fig. 298). Join A to D, D to B, etc. To prove that A D B C is a square, Proposition I may be used. A PROPOSITION IV 256. Problem: To circumscribe a square about a circle. Construction: In Fig. 298, draw tangents at A, C, B, D. The proof follows from Proposition II. EXERCISES 1. Denoting the side of the inscribed square by x, and the radius of the circle by r, prove that x=r~\/2. 2. Express the side of the circumscribed square in terms of the radius of the circle. 3. Express in terms of the radius, the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed squares. 4. Express the perimeters of the inscribed and circum- scribed squares in terms of the radius; in terms of the diameter. 5. The radii of two circles are 6 cm. and i cm., respectively. Find the ratio of the areas of the inscribed squares; of the circumscribed squares. How does the ratio of the areas compare with the ratic of the squares of the radii ? Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 249 6. The area of a square is 16 sq. cm. Find the diameters of the inscribed and circumscribed circles. 7. Prove that the point of intersection of the diagonals of a square is the center of the inscribed and circumscribed circles. 8. Show how to construct a regular 8-side, i6-side, 32-side. PROPOSITION V 257. Problem: To inscribe a regiilar hexagon in a circle. Construction: With A as center and radius O A (Fig. 299), strike an arc meeting the circle at B. With B as center and the same radius, strike an arc at C, D, etc. Draw the chords A B, B C, C D, etc. Then A B C D E F is the required hexagon. Proof: Draw O B. Prove ZO=6o=of 360. A~B = of the circle. Why ? B~C = of the circle. Why ? ABCDEFisa regular hexagon. Why ? PROPOSITION VI 258. Problem: To inscribe an equilateral triangle in a circle. Solve the problem and give proof. EXERCISES 1. Inscribe a regular i2-side, 24-side, 48-side, etc. 2. Given the radius r of a circle. Express in terms of r the side of the regular inscribed hexagon (Fig. 300). FIG. 299 250 Second-Year Mathematics 3. Given the radius r of a circle, express in terms of r the side of the regular inscribed triangle. Bisect angle ACB (Fig. 301). .'. x = \ 36o = i2o, /. y = 6o. AE I CD (why?), .'. A E 2 =r*--(why ?), .'. AB=r 1 /3 (why?). 4 4. Prove that the area of the equilateral inscribed triangle s 5. To circumscribe about a circle a regular hexagon, an equilateral triangle, a regular i2-side, 24-side, etc ..... 6. Prove that the side of the circumscribed equilateral triangle is 2r]/3 and the area 3^ 2 v/3- 7. Prove that the side of the circumscribed regular hexagon is n/3~, an d the area 2/- 2 j/3. 8. Express in terms of the radius: the perimeters (a) of the inscribed and circumscribed regular hexagons; (b) of the equilateral inscribed and circumscribed triangles. 9. Find the ratio of the inscribed and circumscribed equi- lateral triangles. 10. Find the distance from the center of a circle to the side of the equilateral inscribed triangle (the apothem). 11. Find the area of a regular hexagon whose side is 6 inches. 12. The radius of a circle is 10. Find the area of the inscribed regular hexagon. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 251 13. The diameter of a circle is 8. Find the area of the regular inscribed hexagon. 14. Prove that in the same circle the area of a regular inscribed hexagon is twice as large as that of the inscribed equilateral triangle. 259. In order to construct a regular lo-side (decagon) in a circle, it is necessary to divide a line-segment in extreme and mean ratio. A line-segment is divided in extreme and mean ratio when the longer part is a mean proportional between the whole segment and the shorter part. Thus a line-segment A B is divided in extreme and mean ratio at C, when A B : A C = A C : B C. 260. Problem: To divide a line-segment in extreme and mean ratio. Let A B be the given line- segment (Fig. 302). To find the point C, such that A B : AC=AC : B C. Construction: Draw B F J.AB, and = A B. With F as center and radius F B draw F. FIG. 302 Draw A F cutting the circle at E and D. Lay off on A B, A C=A E. C is the required point. AD AB Proof: AB AE AD-AB (?) (182, p. 150) AB-AE (i) AB AE (?) (Exercise 3, p. 80). (2) Substituting equal values in (2), noting that A B=E D (?) and A E=A C (?), we obtain - ^=-7-7;, then -r-= A D A \^ A. (^ Q.E.D. AC : BC 252 Second-Year Mathematics EXERCISES 1. Divide a line-segment 5-in. long in extreme and mean ratio. Use compasses. 2. Calculate algebraically the length of the longer segment of the line-segment in Exercise i; of one 6 in. long; of one a in. long; of one b in. long. PROPOSITION VII 261. Problem: To inscribe a regular lo-side (decagon) in a circle. Given O. Required to inscribe a regular decagon (lo-side). Construction: Divide the radius O A (Fig. 303) in extreme and mean ratio at B (see 260), making 77^=^-7- (J x> x> A With A as center and O B as radius, strike an arc at C. With C as center and the same radius, strike an arc at D, E, etc. Draw AC, CD, D E, etc. Then A C D E . . . . is the required decagon. Proof: Draw O C and B C. Since 77^=^-7- and O B = (J D D A OA AC AC ' then AC = BA' and as Z^ = Z^, then AAOC^ABCA (why?). OA CB OA i CB i Then OC = CA (wh y ?) ' OC = ? ' = andCB=CA. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 253 Therefore m=n. Why? Prove: p=o, and n = 2 o, m = 2 o, q+p = 2>o o+w+<7+/> = i8o (Why?) + 20 + 20 = 180 (Why?) .'. 0=36. Therefore A C= T ^ of circle. .'. A C D E . . . . is a regular inscribed lo-side. Q.E.D. PROBLEMS 1. To inscribe a regular 5-side (pentagon) in a given circle. 2. To circumscribe a regular ic-side about a given circle. 3. To circumscribe a regular 5-side, 2o-side, 4o-side, etc about a given circle. The Side of a Regular Inscribed Decagon 262. Given the radius r of a circle, and s the side of the decagon. Compute the side of the regular inscribed decagon (see Fig. 304). (Why?) /. r*-rs=s' (?) Show that only the positive sign before FIG. 304 the radical can be used. The Side of a Regular Inscribed Pentagon 263. Show that the side of a regular inscribed pentagon is equal to ^rl/io 21/5. In Fig. 305 let A C and C B be sides of a regular decagon, then A B is the side of a regular pentagon. Why ? In right triangle AFC, A~F 2 =AC 2 -FC 2 (i) 254 Second-Year Mathematics Use s for A F, for since OF 2 =r 2 -s 2 (from AAFO), " 1 ) f r A C, and r-vV-s 2 for F C, = l/r 2 -i 2 . Substituting these values in (i) Whence $=-l/io 21/5. 4 (3) But A B is 2s, hence A B, the side of the regular pentagon, . r , is -V 10 21/5. 2 EXERCISES 1. Find an approximate value of (1/5 1) to be 1.236 + . 2. Find an approximate value of 1/10 21/5 to be 2 . 351 + 3. Using the approximate value in Exercise 2, find the side of a pentagon inscribed in a circle of radius 8; 10; 15; a. 4. Using the approximate value in Exercise i, find the side of a decagon inscribed in a circle of 'radius 8; 10; 15; a. 5. The side of an inscribed pentagon is 18.8 in. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. 6. The side of an inscribed decagon is 14.83 in. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. 7. A man has a round table top which he wishes to change into a pentagon. The diameter of the top is 2^ ft. What is the length of the cut required ? Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 255 PROPOSITION VIII 264. Problem: To construct a triangle whose sides shall be, respectively, the side of a regular hexagon, the side of a regular decagon, and the side of a regular pentagon, inscribed in a given circle. Given O (Fig. 306). Draw diameter A B, and radius OC_LAB. Bisect O B at M. With M C as radius and M as center, draw arc C E, cutting A B at E. Join C and E. Prove E O C to be the required triangle : (a) C O to be the side of a hexagon (radius). (a) (6) E O to be the side of a decagon [$r(j/5 *)] See 262. (c) EC to be the side of a pentagon [r I/ 10 See 263. FIG. 306 Proof: In right triangle C O M, C M =-+r 2 , .'. C M = 4 p/5. Why? EO = CM-OM = -i/5--=-(l/5-i), the side of a decagon. (b) In right triangle E O C, EC*-r*+|-(>/s-i)T- -l/io 2 j/ 5, the side of a pentagon. (c) EXERCISES i. With radius equal to line-sect _o , construct a triangle with sides equal to the regular hexagon, decagon, and pentagon by Proposition VIII. 256 Second-Year Mathematics With compasses test whether the line E O, used as a chord, cuts the circle into ten equal arcs, and E C, into five equal arcs. 2. The radius of a circle is 8 in. Find the side of a regular inscribed decagon. 3. The radius of a circle is 10 in. Find the side of a regular inscribed pentagon. 4. With radius = 7 in., find the side of the regular inscribed decagon. 5. With radius = 7 in., find the side of the regular inscribed pentagon. 6. The side of a regular pentagon is 5 in. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. 7. The side of a regular decagon is 10 in. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. 8. What part of the area of a circle is the area of the tri- angle drawn in it by Proposition VIII, the area of the circle being -n-R 3 ? Use ir= . 265. Problem: Since 15 is PROPOSITION IX To inscribe a regular ij-side. of 360, the required polygon may be obtained by constructing an angle of 24 with the vertex at O. Notice that 24 =60 -36. Construct A B, the side of a regular hexagon (Fig. 307), making angle AOB=6o. Then construct A C, the side of a FIG. 307 regular decagon, making A O = 36. Then B O C = 2 4 , and B~C is T V of the circle. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 257 EXERCISES 1. Inscribe a regular 3o-side, 6o-side, etc 2. To circumscribe a regular polygon of i5-sides. 3. Show that regular polygons can be inscribed in a circle, having the following number of sides: 2", 3 2", 5 2", 15 2". Exercise 3 shows that a circle can be divided into 2, 3 2, 5 2, 15 2 equal parts. Gauss proved that by the use of a compass and unmarked straight edge, a circle could be divided into 2 >f + i equal parts where n must be a number making 2 n + i a prime number. Explain. Circles Circumscribed about, and Inscribed in, a Regular Polygon PROPOSITION X 266. Theorem: A circle can be circumscribed about any regular polygon. Let A B C D . . . . be a regular polygon (Fig. 308). To construct a circle circum- scribed about A B C D Construction: Draw a circle through three vertices, as A, B, and C (?). This is the required circle. Proof: We are to prove that FIG. 308 circle ABC passes through D, E, etc. Prove A A O B^ AB O C. .'. y=u, z=u (?), y+z = u+p (?). Therefore, u+uu+p, and u=p. Prove AGO D^ AC OB. Then O D = O B (?). Circle ABC passes through D. ( ?) 2 5 8 Second- Year Mathematics In a similar way circle ABC may be proved to pass through E, etc. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XI 267. Theorem: A circle can be inscribed in any regular polygon. Let A B C .... be a regular polygon (Fig. 309). Required to draw the inscribed circle. Construction : Construct as in Pro- position X the center O of the circum- scribed circle. From O draw OKiAB. With O as center and radius O K draw circle H K I. This is the required circle. Proof: Draw the circle circumscribed about ABC.... (266). DrawOL^AE, OM_LB C. O K = O L = O M, etc. Why ? Since O K JL A B, .'. A B is tangent to H K I. (?) Similarly prove that B C, C D, etc., are tangents to H K I. Therefore H K I is inscribed in polygon ABC (?) Q.E.D. To Find the Circumference of a Circle 268. A regular polygon may be inscribed in a circle, by dividing the circle into equal parts and joining the successive points of division by segments. (See Proposition I, p. 246.) 269. A regular polygon may be cir- cumscribed about a circle by drawing tangents at these points of division of the circle. (See Proposition II, p. 247.) 270. A regular polygon may also FIG. 310 Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 259 be circumscribed about a circle by drawing tangents parallel to the sides of the inscribed polygon, as in Fig. 310. To prove this, we will first prove the following theorem: PROPOSITION XII 271. Theorem: If at the midpoint of the arcs subtended by the sides of a given regular inscribed polygon, tangents are drawn to the circle, they are parallel to the sides of the given polygon and form a regular circumscribed polygon. To prove that A B || A'B' (Fig. 311), show that both A B and A'B' are perpendicular to O P. To prove that C'A'B'D' .... is regular, show that arcs Q P, P R, R S, etc., are equal. EXERCISES 1. In Fig. 311, prove that line OB passes through B', and state this exercise as a theorem. Prove that B O bisects angle P O R, and therefore contains point B'. 2. Denoting the side of the circumscribed regular polygon of w-sides, by S n and of the regular inscribed polygon of the same number of sides by s n , prove that S n =^= " . 260 Second- Year Mathematics CD OF Suggestion: In Fig. 312 Therefore ^ = V r*-(ls )> t wh y ? ) Solve this equation for S n - 3. Taking the value of s 3 from 258, Exercise 3, find by means of the formula of Exercise 2 the value of S 3 . C F D FIG. 312 4. In a similar way find the value of S 4 , using s 4 =r}/2, as proved in 256, Exercise i. 5. Find Sf,, using 5 6 =r. PROPOSITION XIII 272. Theorem: If a regular polygon of n-sides is inscribed in a circle and the arcs subtended by the sides are bisected, a regular polygon of 2n-sides may be drawn by joining each point of division to the adjacent corners of the given polygon. Prove. PROPOSITION XIV 273. Theorem: The perimeter of a regular inscribed 2n- side is greater than the perimeter of the regular n-side inscribed in the same circle. Prove. PROPOSITION XV 274. Theorem: The perimeter of a regular circumscribed 2ii-gon is less than the perimeter of the regular n-gon circum- scribed about the same circle. Prove. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 261 275. From Propositions XIV and XV it follows that the perimeter of the regular inscribed polygon increases as the number of sides increases: While the perimeter of the regular circumscribed polygon decreases as the number of sides increases. In the following discussion it will be shown that by in- creasing the number of sides of the inscribed and circumscribed regular polygons, the perimeters approach each other more and more, and that the decimal fractions expressing these two perimeters can be made to agree to a greater and greater number of decimal places. It will be assumed that the cir- cumference of the circle is less than the perimeter of any polygon circumscribed about the circle, and it is easily proved that the circumference is greater than the perimeter of any polygon inscribed in the circle. Hence, the length of the cir- cumference lies between the lengths of the perimeters of any two inscribed and circumscribed polygons. To calculate these lengths, the two following propositions give formulas for determining the perimeters of circumscribed and of inscribed polygons of a greater and greater number of sides. PROPOSITION XVI 276. Problem: To compute the side of the regular circum- scribed 2n-gon in terms of the sides of the regular inscribed and circumscribed n-gon. Let A B be the side of the regular inscribed w-gon, denoted by s n (Fig. 313). Let C D be the side of the regular circumscribed 2-gon, denoted by S 2n . E G the side of the regular circumscribed w-gon denoted by S n . To find S 2n in terms of s n and S n . CD CG 262 Second-Year Mathematics S S n A G S_n S n 2 S S S Therefore - = " " , and S 2n S n =s n (S n S 2n ). Or, 5 2W = FIG. 313 EXERCISE. Denoting the perimeters of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons by P 2n , pn, Pn, prove that j. n (2) PROPOSITION XVII 277. Problem: Find the side of the regular inscribed poly- gon of 2n-sides in terms of the side of the regular circumscribed polygon of 2n-sides, and of the side 0} the regular inscribed polygon of n-sides. Let A B be denoted by s n (Fig. 314). A H be denoted by s 2n . C D be denoted by S 2n . To find s 2n in terms of s n and S 2n . Proof: ACHI^AHAK. Hence, ~ - AH AK (Why?) ' Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 263 Whence, ~ = . (Why ?) Therefore, S 2n =s 2n s 2n . (Why?) and s 2n =- V--7- FIG. 314 (i) EXERCISES 1. Prove that p 2n =vP 2n p n . (2) 2. It was proved in 256, Exercise i, that s 4 =/-j/2, and in 256, Exercise 2, that S 4 d, the diameter of the circle. Prove that P 4 ^d t and p 4 =dX 2. 828427 3. By means of the formula (2) of 276, prove that P&=dX 3. 313780 . . . . , and by formula (2), Exercise i, of this list, that p& =dX 3. 061467 4. It has been proved that P6=dX3-464ioi .... and p 6 = $d. (P. 250, 8.) Prove that/*, 2=^X3. 2 1 5390 . . . . and p l3 =dX$. 105828. 264 Second- Year Mathematics 5. Prove the following: Pi =2-598 . . . . d P 3 =5.196 . . . . d P 4 =2.828 . . . . d P 4 =4.000 . . . . d p 6 =3.000 . . . . d P 6 =3.464 - - . . d ps =3.061 . . . . d PS =3-3i4 - . . d I2 = 3.106 . . . . d P I2 =3.2i5 . . . . d i6=3- 121 . d P l6 = 3.i83 . . d P. = The table above shows how the decimal fractions expressing the perimeters agree more and more closely as the number of sides of the polygon is increased 278. The following table, which gives the decimal frac- tions to six places, shows the approach of the perimeters still better: = 2.828427 =3.000000 =3.061467 =3.105828 P l6 =3.182598 . P*4 =3-159659 ' P 32 =3-I5l725 P 4 8 =3.146086 . P 64 =3.144118 . Pp 6 =3.142714 . = 4.000000 = 3.464121 = 3.313708 d P I92 =3. 141873 p ia p l6 =3.121445 p 24 =3.132623 p 32 =3.136548 d 64 =3.140331 . 96 =3-I4I032 . I28 = 3-i4i277 . 192=3-141452 - 2S 6 = 3- I 4i5 I 4 - 348 = 3 I 4i557 The last two perimeters agree to three decimal places. Thus the circumference of the circle of diameter d, toward which these perimeters approach, is found correct to three decimal places. It equals dX 3. 141 Thus as the perimeters of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons with increasing numbers of sides, approach each Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 265 other in length, both of them approach more and more closely the length of the circumference of the circle. But however close the length of the perimeter of any polygon may come to the length of the circumference, there is always another poly- gon the perimeter of which comes still closer to the length of the circumference; and for every number given as expressing the difference between any perimeter and the circumference, we can find a polygon whose perimeter differs from the cir- cumference by less than that number. This is expressed by saying that the perimeters of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons approach the circumference as a limit. As is seen by the table above, the value of this limit can be expressed more and more exactly by taking polygons of a greater and greater number of sides. It cannot, however, be determined exactly. Continuing to increase the number of sides, we find in the table above ^8192=^X3. 1415928 .... and p$ I92 = From this it is seen that the circumference, being between P 8lg2 and pBi 92 , can be expressed by 0=^X3.141592 .... approximately, with an error less than i millionth. The circumference of the circle is therefore a multiple of the diameter, which may not be exactly expressed in figures, for the number 3.141592 .... by which d is multiplied, is an irrational number, and is commonly denoted by -T (the first letter of -irepufttpeia, meaning circumference). Thus C=tr d, or 2irr, or ir=C/d. TT then expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle. Archimedes (212 B.C.) found the value of it to be such that 3Hy finding the value of P 9 6 and p 9 &. Ptolemaeus (150 A.D.) calculated TT =3. 14166. At the end of the sixteenth century Vieta (1579 A.D.) found the value of IT to 10 decimal places, and Ludolf van Eulen (1540-1610) to 20, 32, and 35 places. The value of ir has since been carried out to more than 700 decimal places. 266 Second- Year Mathematics EXERCISES 1. The circumference of a circle is loocm. Find the radius. 2. The radius of a circle is 10. Find the radius of a circle (i) 4, (2) 9, (3) 25, (4) 3, (5) 17, times as large in area. PROPOSITION XVIII 279. Theorem: The area of a regular inscribed polygon is equal to the product of one-half of the perimeter and the per- pendicular from the center to the side* Proof: Area of A O ~B = Area of B O C = A B (Fig. 315). B C. FIG. 315 Therefore area of A B C D . . . .=$h (A B+B C + C D . . . .) or area of A B C D . . . .=\h - p. PROPOSITION XIX 280. Theorem: The area of a regular circumscribed polygon is the product of one-half the perimeter and the radius. The proof is similar to that of Proposition XVIII, that area ABC.... =\r p. See Fig. 316. *This perpendicular is called the apothem. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 267 Area of the Circle 281. The irrational number TT has now been denned as the limit approached by the series of numbers, 4.000000 2.828427 .... 3.464121 .... 3.000000 3.141662 .... 3.141557 .... They approach each other, and approach TT, more and more closely, the value of TT always lying between any two corresponding numbers. In preceding chapters (pp. 127-212) other irrational num- AC bers, 1/74, l/Tss, 1/27, -~^ = V 2 (p. 126), have been met. j> C Their value also was approximated by rational numbers. But each is, as in the case of TT, the limit approached by its successive approximations. Theorems like "The area of a rectangle equals the product of the base by the altitude" ( 231), can now be more clearly seen to be true, even if the dimensions be irrational numbers. The dimensions can be expressed by rational numbers only to as close a degree of approximation as may be wished, but they are expressed exactly by IT, V 2, 1/12, etc., and the theorem concerned is absolutely true when they are thus used. The logical proof of this, however, would involve a complete study of limits, which is considered beyond the province of secondary-school work, as is plain from 278. The area of a circle lies between that of the circumscribed polygon and that of the inscribed polygon. Why? As the number of sides is increased 5 and s approach the area of the circle and h equals or approaches r, so that S and 5. approach \r c to as great a degree of accuracy as may be desired; or S and s approach \r c as a limit. This leads to the following: 268 Second-Year Mathematics PROPOSITION XIX 282. Theorem: The area of a circle is one-half the product of the circumference and the radius, i. e., area of circle =\c r. n-d 2 Show that the area of a circle =irr 2 , or . 4 EXERCISES 1. Prove that the circumferences of two circles are to each other as the radii, or as the diameters, 2. Prove that the areas of two circles are to each other as the squares of the radii, or as the squares of the diameters. 3. What is the ratio of the areas of two circles whose radii are 5 in. and 10 in. ? 4. The area of a circle is 64. Find the diameter and circumference. 5. What is the area of the ring formed by two concentric circles whose radii are 5 in. and 6 in., respectively ? a in. and & in., respectively ? 6. The areas of two circles are in the ratio of 2 to 4. What is the ratio of the diameters ? 7. The circumference of a circle is 50 in. What is the area? 8. The diameter of a circular table is 3 ft. What is the circumference of the table ? the area ? 9. The radii of two circles are to each other as 3 : 5, and their combined area is 3850. Find the radii of the circles. TT 22 Use ir = . 7 10. The radii of two circles are to each other as 7 : 24, and the radius of a circle equivalent to their sum is 50. Find the radii of the other two circles. Regular Polygons in and about a Circle 269 283. Problem: To find the area of a sector of a circle. Suggestion: The area of AA O C = iA~C O B (Fig. 317). If AC isjbisected at D, the sum. of the areas of the two AsAOD + DOC is}(Al) + DC) OB'. Why? FIG. 317 If the number of divisions of A C be indefinitely increased, and lines be drawn to the points of division, the sum of the bases of the As will approach AC as a limit (?), and the common altitude of the As will approach the radius as a limit (?). Hence the sum of the As will approach the area of the sector as a limit, and will approach AC r (?). Hence the area of the sector A O C=^A C r. This may be stated as a theorem: 284. The area of a sector of a circle is equal to one-half the product of the arc of the sector, and the radius of the circle. EXERCISES 1. The radius of a circle is 100 ft. The length of the arc of a sector is 25 ft. Find the area of the sector. 2. The radius of a sector is 9 in., its area is 72 sq. in. Find the length of the arc. 3. The area of a sector is 96 sq. ft., and the radius is 1 2 ft. How long is the arc ? 4. The area of a sector is a sq. ft., and the radius is r ft. Find the length of the arc. 270 Second-Year Mathematics 5. The radius of a circle is 8 in. Find the area of a sector with arc 36. 6. Find the area of the segment whose arc is 36, in a circle of radius 12 in. Notice that 36 is ^ of the circumference. Thus the base of the triangle is the side of a regular lo-side. 7. Find the area of a segment of arc 72, in a circle of radius 20. 8. The area of a circle is 15,400 sq. in. Find the area of a segment whose arc is 60. CHAPTER VIII PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES IN GRAPHIC AND GEOMETRIC ALGEBRA 285. In the preceding chapters algebraical processes have been frequently used in the solution of geometrical problems. This has been done by working with the numbers representing the lengths of line-segments, the areas of surfaces, and other magnitudes in the geometrical problem. On the other hand, geometrical processes are of value in the treatment of algebraical problems, as has been shown, for instance, in the graphical solution of equations. In a further application of geometry to algebra, the different number expressions occurring in algebraical problems may be represented by straight line-segments. To enable the student to do this will be one of the purposes of this chapter. 286. Graphical problems and exercises. 1. The lengths of the sides of a triangular piece of land are 125 rd., 54 rd., and 112 rd. A drawing is made of it on a sheet of paper, the longest side of which is a little over 3 ft. How long will the sides of the triangle in the drawing be ? 2. The dimensions of a rectangle are 12 and 17. Without computing the length of the shorter side, construct a rectangle similar to the given one and having a length 8 for its longer side. 3. Construct a rectangle as in Problem 2 having a length 8 for its shorter side. 4. The sides of a triangle are 14 in., 10 in., and 19 in., respectively, and are to be reduced to the ratio 1:7. Make an accurate construction with the use of a ruler. In what ratio will the area of the triangle then be reduced ? 271 272 Second-Year Mathematics 5. Of triangle A B C we have given the sides A B, C B, and the segment A D that the bisector of angle B cuts off on the side A C. Construct the triangle. 6. Construct a triangle similar to a given triangle, and having a given line / as one of its sides. How many different triangles are possible, if the given triangle is scalene ? If it is isosceles ? If it is equilateral ? 7. The lines a, b, and c being given, construct a line I such a 287. To construct line-segments of lengths of fractions of an inch not marked on the ruler. 1. To construct accurately a line of ^ of an inch. Calling the required line x, we have x=%, or J= -. OC Hence, we see that the required line is obtained by constructing a fourth proportional to 3 lines of, respectively, 7 inches, 4 inches, and i inch. 2. Construct the lines whose lengths are given by the following expressions, the letters denoting given lines and the unit being chosen arbitrarily: ^ (3)* <5)f (7) (9)? S2J (\ ^p / N 5 i f\ 7 /o\ <; / \ 7^ 2 ) (4) (6) - (8) A ( I0 ) 288. The graphic representation of statistics. i. Make an accurate graph of the following population- data for Chicago, representing a population of one million by a line of 3 inches: 1872 .35 million 1882 .55 million 1892 1.45 million 1874 -4 " 1884 .65 " 1894 1.55 " 1876 .4 " 1886 .7 1896 1.6 1878 .45 " 1888 .8 " 1898 1.85 " 1880 .5 " 1890 1.2 " 1900 2. " Problems in Graphic and Geometric Algebra 273 289. Constructions. 1. To construct a rectangle whose area shall be 24 sq. in., and whose base shall be 7 in. 2. To construct a rectangle whose altitude is given and whose area is equal to that of a given square of known sides. 3. The area of a triangle is 15 sq. in. Construct a line equal to its altitude when the base is 4 in. 4. For a triangle with an area of 17 sq. in. construct lines equal to the altitudes for bases of length 2, 3, 4, 5 .... 13 in., and graph the altitude as a function of the base. How does the altitude change as the base increases? As it decreases? 290. The graphing of literal equations. i. Graph a line whose equation is ax+by=c, where a, b, and c represent given lines. We find the following pairs of values from the given equation: if x=o, then y = - and if yo, then x=- a c , c (0 (2) We construct lines equal to - and -, respectively, and plot & the points (i) and (2) (Fig. 318). FIG. 318 Make graphs of the following equations: 2. 2#+4;y = 7 4. 3. 3^-2^ = 5 5. - 6. 2X ry=s 274 Second-Year Mathematics 291. To find points coney clic with given points. i. Having given 3 points, A, B, and C, to find points which will be concyclic* with A, B, and C (see Fig. 319). Draw the line AB and any line through C meeting A B, as at P. Now, if we determine a point D on C P, such that AP PB = CP PD, the point D will be concyclic with A, B, andC. Why? X / C' FIG. 319 For the construction, draw AC; lay off a line P E, equal to P B, on P X. Then, draw E F || A C, and lay off P D equal to P F on P X. The point D is the required point. f Why? 2. Having given 3 points P, Q, and R, determine a num- ber of points concyclic with those points, without first drawing the circle. 292. To represent areas and volumes by line-segments. i . Represent by a line the area of a rectangle whose dimen- sions are p and q. Denoting the area by A, we have A=p q or ~ = . Why ? P A From this the method of construction is evident. Construct lines whose lengths are represented by the following expressions, taking a convenient unit of length in each problem. * Lying on the same circle. t Admitting the use of a pair of triangles to draw parallel lines, the construction is very rapid. Problems in Graphic and Geometric Algebra 275 2. ab 5. pqr 8. a*bc 3- 3^ 6. ^ 9. *;y 2#Z 4VX 4. - 7. - 10. *abc 5 <* 1 1 . Represent by a straight line the volume of a rectangular block whose dimensions are given lines a, b, and c inches, representing i cubic in. by a line of i in. 12. Represent by a straight line the volume of a cube whose edge is equal to a given line x. 13. Make an accurate graph of the areas of squares whose sides are equal to "; J"; $"; "; i"; i"; i$"; if"; and 2". 14. Make an accurate graph of the volumes of cubes whose edges are equal to \"\ \"\ \"; "; i"; ij"; \\"\ if"; and 2". 15. Compare the two graphs of Problems 13 and 14. Does the volume of a cube increase more or less rapidly than the area of a square, when the sides of each are increased simul- taneously ? 16. Given two triangles ABC and A'B'C', having Z_A = Z.A'. Construct lines representing their areas and the pro- ducts A B - A C and A'B' A'C'. Then verify the proposition that two triangles which have one angle equal are to each other as the products of the sides including that angle. 293. Different methods for constructing a square equal to a given rectangle. i. Construct a square equal in area to a rectangle whose dimensions are a and b. By what relation are the side x of the square and the lines a and b connected ? 276 Second-Year Mathematics 2. Construct a square equal in area to a rectangle of dimensions 5 and 7. 3. Construct a square equal in area to a triangle of area 21. J) FIG. 320 4. To construct a line, x, a mean proportional to two given lines a and b, we may proceed in one of the three following ways (see p. 98, Problem i): (a) On a line X Y, lay off line-segments A B and B C equal, respectively, to a- and b (Fig. 320). Describe a circle on A C as a diameter, and erect line B D perpendicular to AC at B, cutting the circle at D. The line B D is the required line. Prove, using 132, p. 98. FIG. 321 (b) On a line X Y lay off line-segments A B and A C equal to a and b, respectively (Fig. 321). Describe a circle on A B as a diameter and erect a line C D _l_ A B at C meet- Problems in Graphic and Geometric Algebra 277 ing the circle at D. The line A B is the required line. Prove, using Problem 7, p. 99. (c) On a line X Y (Fig. 322) lay off line-segments A B and A C equal to a and b, respectively. Draw any circle passing through C and B, such as circle O. Draw a tangent from A to the circle. The line A D will be the required line. Prove, using Proposition IV, p. 150. FIG. 322 5. Under what conditions would method (6) or (c) have advantage over method (a) ? 294. Construct lines that are mean proportionals to the following pairs of lines: 1. 1 2" and 1 1" 5. 5" and 13" 2. 5" and 15" 6. 9" and 8" 3. 7" and 14" 7. i" and 6" 4. 4" and 9" 8. 10" and 7" Use in .every case the method best suited to the problem. 278 Second-Year Mathematics 9. Using an arbitrary unit of length, construct a line equal to 1/3. Representing the required line by x, we have ^ = 1/3, or x 2 =$; i.e., i : x = x : 3, from which the method of construction becomes evident. 10. Construct lines equal to: (1) 1/7 (4) l/8_ (7) i/H (2) i/6_ (5) 1/iS (8) I/a (3) 1/12 (6) !/ a & (9) !/ 9 . 11. Two lines a and & being given, construct lines equal to ab, I/a, 1/6, and I/ 06. 12. Prove graphically the relation: l/a& = l/a 1/6, i.e., I/a : l/a6 = i : 1/6. 13. Three lines a, 6, and c being given, construct a line x equal in length to: */ . By the methods of 292 and 293, we construct a line y = b* , then construct a line x = yay. 14. Construct lines represented by the following expressions, in which the letters and numbers represent lines that are given in some arbitrary unit of length: (i) 1/| (4) 2 fll/*a (7) (5) 15. Having given the three sides of a triangle, construct a line representing its area. 295. Miscellaneous constructions. Construct lines equal to the roots of the following equa- tions: 1. 4# 2 7=0 4. ax 2 c=o 2. 3# 2 =a 5. 4# 2 33; 1=0 3. 3# 2 2^ 5=0 6. 5 Problems in Graphic and Geometric Algebra 279 7. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 7; the sum of the other two sides is 9. Construct the triangle. 8. Given a triangle ABC whose sides are 4, 7, and 8, it is required to construct a right triangle by decreasing each of the sides of triangle A B C by some fixed amount. First compute the lengths of the sides of the new triangle, then construct it. 9. Construct a line, x, equal to ^L+^L\/^. Then prove, both geometrically and algebraically, that the line x is the greater part of the line L divided in extreme and mean ratio. 10. Construct a circle which shall pass through two given points and be tangent to a given line, not parallel to the line joining the two given points. (Make use of 293, Problem 4 (c). 11. In the right triangle ABC (Fig. 323) the altitude line AD is drawn; then D D' is drawn J_AC; D'D"xCD. Express the lines A D, D D', D'D", etc., in terms of a, b, and c. Similarly, the lines D E', E'E", etc. 12. Three lines, p, q, and r being given (of which r is the greatest), construct lines equal to ^^ , - , * ^ , etc 13. The sides of an isosceles triangle being given, it is required to construct lines equal to the radius of the circum- 280 Second-Year Mathematics scribed and inscribed circles, without constructing the triangle itself. 296. Construction of more complicated irrational literal expressions. 1. Two sides of a right triangle are a and b. Construct the hypotenuse, x, and express the relation which exists be- tween the lines x, a, and b. 2. The hypotenuse and one side of a right triangle being given equal to c and a, respectively, construct the triangle and express the relation, which exists between c, a, and the third side b. 3. Construct a line equal to (i) ~\/p 2 +q 2 , (2) Vp 2 q 2 , p and q being given lines. What relation must hold between p and q in order that the last construction may be possible ? 4. Construct a line, y, equal to I/a 2 x 2 . Give to x different values, and graph the corresponding values of y. 5. Construct a line, y, equal to V / a 2 +x 2 . Give to x different values, and graph the corresponding values of y. 6. Using the constructions of 293 to 296 combined, con- struct a line, x, equal to I/a 2 2bc. Construct a line y equal to V zbc; then x = V a 3 y 3 . 7. Determine lines which may represent the following expressions : (i) I/a 2 -25 (6) x (2) Vt*-rs (7) (3) Va*+bc (8) ia (4) 1/6" 4ac (5) p + 1/pq + lab-pq Problems in Graphic and Geometric Algebra 281 8. Construct lines equal to the solutions of the following equations: (i) x 2 -4X + 2=o (6) x 2 + (a-b)x+c=o (2) # 2 + 3#+a=o (7) x 2 tx+s=o (3) T>x 2 6x + 2=o (8) ax 2 + 2bx+c=o (4) ax 2 +bx+c=o (9) x 2 -(a+b)x+(a-b)=o (5) 2X 2 +6x+3=o (10) 2X 2 + (c-d)x + (c+d)=o. 9. Given a triangle ABC. To determine a line #, such that the sides of the triangle ABC, decreased or increased by x, may form the sides of a right triangle. B 10. On the hypotenuse of the right triangle ABC (Fig. 324), a segment A D is laid off equal to A B. D E is drawn _l_ A C, and A E is drawn. Then A D' is made equal to A E, the per- pendicular D'E' is erected and A E' drawn. It is required to express A E, A E', etc., in terms of the sides of the triangle. 11. Construct a line equal to l x aV ab. 12. Construct a line equal to i/a. Notice that \f a = V i V i a. 297. Construction of various geometrical figures. i. Construct a triangle similar to a given triangle and having an area equal to half the area of the given triangle; having an area equal to J, , of the given triangle. 282 Second-Year Mathematics 2. Construct a square equal in area to a regular triangle inscribed in a circle of radius 2; 3; 4; a. 3. Construct an equilateral triangle equal in area to a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius 2 ; 3; 5; p. 4. A regular triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 3. It is required to construct a rectangle having base 5 and equal in area to the triangle. 5. It is required to construct a circle of such radius that the regular triangle inscribed in this circle shall be equal in area to a given rectangle. 6. Construct a circle of such radius that the square in- scribed in this circle shall be equal in area to the equilateral triangle inscribed in a given circle. 7. Construct a circle of such radius that the area of the inscribed regular hexagon shall be equal to the area of a square inscribed in a given circle. 8. The hypotenuse and one side of a right triangle are given lines. Construct a square equal in area to the triangle. 9. Construct a circle of such radius that the inscribed square shall be equal in area to the area of a given triangle. Let o= altitude and 5 = base of the given triangle. Construct a circle with radius = Jy ab. Why will this be the required circle? 10. Construct a circle of such radius that the inscribed regular triangle shall be equal in area to a given triangle. 11. In a given circle, using a diameter as one of the bases, inscribe a trapezoid such that the altitude shall be one-half of the upper base. co 30 > ;! fllE-UNIVER$//>