depti LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Received / /f A X / Accessions No. K..J. * Book No..-.L. SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS EDITED BY J. S. AMES, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY XIII. THE FOUNDATIONS OF STEREO-CHEMISTRY THE FOUNDATIONS OF STEREO CHEMISTRY MEMOIRS BY PASTEUR, VAN'T HOFF, LEBEL, AND WISLICENUS. TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY GEORGE M. RICHARDSON, PH.D., PROFESSOR OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IN LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. NEW YORK : CINCINNATI -:- CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Entered at Stationers' 1 Hall, London. Stereo-chemistry. W. P. i ^yxk. ~, PREFACE. STEREO-CHEMISTRY, or as it has sometimes been called, Chemistry in space, or Geometrical chemistry, is that branch of chemistry in which the relative position of the atoms in space is taken into consideration. The stereo-chemical theories, like most useful scientific theories, are the result of the necessary expansion of the older views to explain newly discovered facts. The plane structural formulas based upon conceptions of simple atom linking without regard to the actual arrangement of the atoms with respect to one another, were for a time suffi- cient to meet the requirements of the known facts. While chemists recognized that the atoms of the molecule must have some definite arrangement with respect to one another, it was believed by most chemists that an actual knowledge of this arrangement lay wholly outside of the field of experimental study. The first suggestion leading to the views now held came from Pasteur, (See Pasteur's article here given) in 1860 when he stated that the difference between the active tartaric acids must be due to the asymmetric nonsuperposable character of their molecules. In 1873 Wislicenus, after a thorough study of the active lactic acid derived from meat and the inactive lactic acid from milk, announced that the difference between these two acids must be accounted for by a difference in the arrange- ment of their atoms in space. The first definite suggestion as to what this arrangement might be was made by van't Hoff in a Dutch pamphlet (here translated) published in September, 1874. Almost at the same time, in November, 1874, LeBel published a paper (here translated) in which he developed, independently, essentially the same views. A little later, in May, 1875, after some further elaboration of his ideas, van't Hoff published them in French under the title V 222562 PREFACE. "La Chimie dans 1'Espace." In 1877 this pamphlet with further additions was translated into German by F. Herrmann. The theory at first did not meet with a cordial reception at the hands of chemists, but on the contrary received scant recogni- tion. 1 As time went on, however, the necessity for some expansion of the older views became greater and greater and chemists began to turn to the theory of van't Hoff and LeBel as a possible means of relief. The final impetus in this direction was given in 1887 by Wislicenus when he published his paper (here trans- lated) in which he took up this theory and applied it system- atically and with the greatest success to the explanation of a series of extremely puzzling relationships. In consequence of this paper attention was directed anew to the theory and a considerable number of chemists turned their attention to its experimental confirmation. Asa result of this work the stereo-chemical theories are at present quite generally accepted and they stand among the most fruitful working hy- potheses yet introduced into the chemistry of the carbon com- pounds. Considerable progress has already been made toward the understanding of the stereo-chemistry of nitrogen compounds, and a beginning has been made in the stereo-chemistry of a few inorganic compounds. G. M. R. 1 See Kolbe's criticism of the theory. Jour, fiir Prakt. Chem. 1877, [2] 15, 473. vi GENERAL, CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface . . . . v The Asymmetry of Naturally Occurring Organic Com- pounds. By Louis Pasteur 1 Biographical Sketch of Pasteur . 33 Structural Formulas in Space. By J. H. van't Hoff . . 35 Biographical Sketch of van't Hoff 46 Relation between Atomic Formulas of Organic Compounds and the Rotatory Power of their Solutions. By J. A. LeBel 47 Biographical Sketch of LeBel 60 Space Arrangement of the Atoms in Organic Molecules and the Resulting Geometrical Isomerism in Unsaturated Compounds. By Johannes Wislicenus .... 61 Biographical Sketch of Wislicenus 132 Bibliography 133 ON THE ASYMMETRY OF NATURALLY OCCURRING ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. BY LOUIS PASTEUR. Tivo Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society of Paris on the 20th of January and the 3d of February, 1860. CONTENTS. FIRST LECTURE. PAGE. Polarized Light ......... 3 Hemihedrism 6 Crystal form of Tartaric Acid and its Salts ... 8 Mitscherlich's Statement Concerning the Sodium-Ammonium Salts of Tartaric and Racemic Acids . . .11 Historical Reminiscences 13 Racemic Acid a Compound of Dextro- and Lcevo- Tartaric acids ........-, 14 Relationship between Dextro- Tartar ic and Lcevo- Tartaric Acids 17 SECOND LECTURE. All Molecules are either Symmetrical or Asymmetric . ,18 Ttie Molecule of Tartaric Acid is Asymmetric , . .19 Mineral Bodies have Symmetrical Molecules, Organic Bodies Have, for the Most Part, Asymmetric Molecules . 20 Distinction between Crystal Asymmetry and Molecular Asymmetry 20 Asymmetry a Direct Organic Principle not Possessed by Artificial Bodies ....... 21 Four Well Marked Arrangements for the Atom Groups , 26 Transformation of One Active Modification into its Optical Opposite by the Action of Heat 27 Optical Isomers behave Differently toward Other Active Bodies 28 Splitting of Racemic Acid by Active Bases , . . .29 Asymmetric Force Active at the Origin of Natural Organic Compounds . . . . . . . .30 Physiological Action of Asymmetric Compounds . . .31 Biographical Sketch of Pasteur 33 THE ASYMMETRY OF NATURALLY OC- CURRING ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. BY LOUIS PASTEUB. Two lectures delivered before the Chemical Society of Paris, oh January 20, and February 3, 1860. AT the end of the year 1808 Mains discovered that light which was reflected from opaque or transparent bodies pos- sessed new and surprising properties, which distinguished it from the light that proceeded directly from illuminating bodies. Malus called the change which the light suffered by its reflection, polarization. Later the reflection plane itself, i. e., the plane passing through the incident ray and the normal to the reflecting surface, was designated the plane of polariza- tion of the rays. Malus did not, however, limit here his dis- coveries with regard to polarized light. It had been known for a considerable time that a direct ray of light in passing through acalcite rhombohedron was divided into two rays of equal in- tensity. A flame when observed through such a rhombohedron always appeared double and both images were of equal clearness. Huygens and Newton had earlier found that light which had passed through Iceland spar differed from direct light. When one or the other of the two images above mentioned is examined through a new rhombohedron, doubling of the image does not always take place ; and when doubling of the image does occur the two new images no longer possess equal intensity. Light which has passed through a doubly refracting crystal is thus different from natural or direct light. It was proved by Malus that the change which occurs in light by its double refraction is identical with that which is produced by its reflection from the surface of transparent or opaque bodies ; in other words, that both the ordinary and ex- traordinary rays which emerge from a doubly refracting crystal 3 MEMOIRS ON are polarized. This fruitful discovery was made by Malus, and from the first was presented so clearly, and advanced with such moderation and precision in experiment and language, that when the paper is read it appears as though it had been written at the present time. Yet he was not permitted to continue his work ; in the year 1812, he died at the early age of thirty- seven years. Fortunately for the science two celebrated physicists, Biot and Arago, both at that time young and in their prime, took up this heritage; and by means of brilliant discoveries they soon made great advance in this new department of science which had been established by Mains. In the year 1811, Arago found that when a ray of polarized light passes perpendicularly through a quartz plate which has been cut in a direction at right angles to its axis, and is then analyzed by means of a calcite rhombohedron, two images are produced in all positions of the rhombohedron, and the two im- ages appear in complementary colors. If the thickness of the calcite is not sufficient to produce complete separation of the two rays, then the portion of the image covered by both rays is white. This experiment showed a twofold anomaly when compared with the ordinary laws of doubly refracting crystals. Every other uniaxial crystal, when cut perpendicular to the axis, produces two white images instead of colored images; and in two posi- tions of the rhombohedron at right angles from one another, only one image is produced. Arago's conclusions were that the results of the foregoing experiments were exactly the same as would occur if the different colored components of the incident white ray were polarized in different planes as they emerge from the quartz plate. Arago did not return to the investiga- tion of these phenomena. Their physical laws were determined wholly by Biot since 1813 ; while this work is entirely separated from that of Arago, there is danger of its being confounded with it. Biot polarized, one after the other, the simple rays of the spectrum and found that the original plane of polarization was rotated through an angle which was proportional to the thick- ness of the plate; that this angle changed with each of the simple colors, and increased, according to a definite law, with 4 S T E Ji E - C H E M I S T B Y . the refrangibility of the raj. Biot made the farther notewor- thy observation, that, with plates taken from different quartz prisms, some turned the plane of polarization toward the right, while others turned it toward the left; but otherwise according to exactly the same laws. But Biotas greatest discovery in this field is, without doubt^ his observation that certain natural organic substances rotate the plane of polarization; as, oil of turpentine, solutions of sugar, camphor and tartaric acid. The first communication of these facts is found in the proceedings of the " Societe philo- matique " for December, 1815. In order properly to understand this lecture we must call at- tention to the power of rotation which exists in tartaric acid and the lack of this property in paratartaric or racemic acid, one of the isomers of tartaric acid. There are thus organic substances, fluid or soluble in water, which possess the power of rotating the plane of polarization and in this respect resemble quartz. It is, however, important to note that this analogy with quartz is only apparent. In both cases we have to do with the rotation of the plane of polariza- tion, but the phenomena are, nevertheless, entirely different. In order that quartz shall be active it must be crystallized. In the dissolved form or in the solid but nncrystallized condition, it is without action. It must not only be crystallized, but the plates must be cut perpendicular to its axis ; so soon as the plates are turned in the direction of the ray, the rotation be- comes weaker and at last entirely disappears. Sugar is active (and what I say of sugar applies also to the other organic prod- ucts) but the sugar must be dissolved, or solid arid amorphous; as, sugar-candy. In the crystalline condition it is impossible to observe any action. The tube with the sugar solution may be inclined but so long as the layer remains of the same thick- ness there is no change in the amount of the rotation. Even though the solution be actively stirred by clockwork, the phe- nomena remain the same. Hence, from the beginning, Biot drew the conclusion with perfect certainty, that the action of organic bodies was a characteristic of the molecules, and was due to the individual constitution of these smallest particles. But with quartz, the 5 MEMOIRS ON phenomena are due to the manner of arrangement of the crys- talline particles. These are, if I may be allowed to use the expression, the physical preliminaries of the investigations concerning which I wish to speak. We will now proceed with the mineralogical preliminaries. II. HEMIHEDKISM is a crystallographic property which in its outward characteristics is readily recognized. If we take, for example, a mineral species which crystallizes regularly, it may, as is well known, assume different forms which are determined by the law of symmetry; a law which is so universal that it may almost be assumed as a physical axiom. By means of this law from any one form all related forms may be derived by chang- ing or, as Rome de Lisle expressed it, by truncating all identi- cal parts at the same time and in the same manner. Those edges are called identical which are formed by the meeting of identical faces at equal interfacial angles, and identical solid or crystal angles are those which are formed by the meeting of an equal number of identical edges. In the cube, for example, there is but one kind of crystal angle and but one kind of edge. If one of the crystal angles is truncated by a plane equally in- clined to the three faces of the cube, the other seven crystal angles will be modified in the same way, as is seen in crystals of alum and blende, and in general with all crystalline bodies of the regular system. Let us now consider a plane rhombic prism, the eight edges of the end planes are identical. If one of these is truncated, then the other seven will be truncated. The four vertical edges are of another kind and will in general not be modified at the same time with the other eight edges, or, if they are modified, the change may be of a different kind. These examples are enough to illustrate the laws of symmetry and its applications. Now it is easy to give a clear idea of hem- ihedrism. Examples have long been known, even Hauy knew several celebrated cases of this kind, in which only half of the identical parts are changed in the same way at the same time. This is called hemihedrism. The cube which was before 6 STEKEO-CHEMISTKY. changed in all eight of its crystal angles is now changed in but four. A known example of this kind is Boracite. These changes are such that if one imagines the truncating planes to be extended until they intersect one another a regular tetrahe- dron is produced. Had the change been upon the other four corners of the cube, another regular tetrahedron would have been produced identical in form with the first, and differing from it only in its position on the cube. Similarly we find it with our rhombic prism. With some species only half of the edges are truncated and here, too, if the truncating planes which are at opposite edges of each end plane and at dissimilar edges of the two end planes, are suffi- ciently extended, they produce a tetrahedron. Here, as with the cube, two tetrahedrons are possible, which differ in their position with regard to the prism, according as one assumes the extension of one or the other group of truncating planes. But here the two tetrahedrons are not absolutely identical. They are asymmetric tetrahedrons whicli cannot be brought into identical positions, which cannot be superposed. These illus- trations will be sufficient in order to understand hemihedrism and the term hemihedral forms or hemihedral planes. Quartz is one of the few mineral species in which hemihe- drism was early observed by Hauy. The common form of this mineral is well known, it is a large hexagonal prism with hex- agonal pyramids. It is clear that the crystal angles formed by the prism and pyramids are identical with one another and, that when one is truncated, the others should also be truncated. This is, in fact, the case and the planes are in Mineralogy called rhombohedral faces. Hauy first observed that in certain crystals there appeared a plane very different irom these, which he designated x; it had an inclined position, but still, did not as indicated by the law of symmetry, occur twice. There is another characteristic of this crystal which has not escaped crystallographers ; namely, that this face is sometimes inclined in one direction and some- times in the other. Hauy, who loved to give to every variety of a species a name, has called the quartz crystals which have the face x, plagihedral ; and, indeed, called those crystals which had the face x inclined toward the right dextro-plagi- 7 MEMOIRS ON hedral ; while laevo-plagihedral designated those crystals in which this face was inclined in the opposite direction. The occurrence of this face appears almost accidental ; now it is present and now it is not. In the same crystal some corners may have the face x, while other corners where it would he ex- pected do not have it. Frequently dextro- and laevo-plagihedral forms are found on the same crystal. In spite of this fact crys- tallographers are agreed that quartz is hemihedral, but that in such cases the opposite forms of hemihedrism occur at the same time. Here I must introduce a very fruitful idea which was first communicated to the Royal Society of London in the year 1820, by Sir John Herschell. As I have already mentioned, Biot had made the noteworthy observation that some quartz crystals turn the plane of polarized light toward the right, while others turn it toward the left. Herschell made a direct connection between the observation of Biot and Hauy's crystallographic results ; and the thought has been fully confirmed by exper- iment, in that those crystals which had the face x in the same position, as for example the dextroplagihedral forms, would all turn the plane of polarization of light in the same direction. I have now given you the chief facts which lead up to the investigations that I wish to communicate to you. III. WHEN" I began to apply myself to my own work I undertook a thorough study of crystals, assuming that it would bet useful to me in my own investigations. It appeared to me that the simplest method of accomplishing this was to start my studies by a thorough study of crystal forms, to repeat all measure- ments and to compare my results with the original ones. In the year 1841 de La Provostaye, whose thoroughness is well known, published a brilliant work upon the crystal form of tartaric acid, racemic acid, and their salts. I repeated this work. I allowed tartaric acid and its salts to crystallize and then determined their crystal form. But during the work I observed that the learned physicist had overlooked one very important fact. In all the tartaric acid salts which I studied I noted undoubted evidences of hemihedral faces. This char- 8 S T E K E 0-C HEMISTRY. acteristic of the tartrates was not a very prominent one. It can therefore readily be understood that it had never before been observed. If with any given crystal it was doubtful, it could always be rendered apparent by recrystallizing it under slightly different conditions. In many cases, indeed, the crystal had all the faces indicated by the law of symmetry, but hemihedrism was recog- nized by the unequal development of one half of the faces. This is the case for example with the ordinary tartar emetic. The difficulty of recognizing hemihedrism is much increased by the frequent irregularities of crystals which have not been formed entirely free. Such cases result in distortion, interrup- tion of crystallization in one direction or another, accidental arrest of faces, etc. The determination of hemihedrism, especially with crystals which have been formed in the laboratory, requires usually most attentive study. In addition there is the case of hemihe- drism which manifests itself through the inner structure of the body and is not necessarily outwardly visible, all the forms of regular crystals are met with in this group. However it may be, I repeat, I found all tartrates to be hemihedral. This observation without what follows would have remained fruitless. Let a. 5, c be the axes of a crystal of a tartaric acid salt ; a, j3, y tTie angles between the crystal axes. These angles are usually right angles or deviate but little from right angles. Moreover the ratio between two of the axes, for example between a and #, is nearly the same for all tartrates ; c only varies to any extent. Apparently it is a weak kind of isomorphism found in all tartrates. It might be said that the tartaric acid group pre- dominates and forces a common character upon the different forms in spite of the difference in the other element in the compound. It follows, therefore, that the salts of tartaric acid have a common form, and that it is possible to give them similar orientation by placing the axes a and b in like po- sitions. If the crystals are compared after being thus oriented it is found that the arrangement of the hemihedral faces is always the same. These facts, which are the starting point of B 9 MEMOIRS ON. all my later experiments, may be summed up in the words : The tartrates are hemihedral, and always in the same sense. Guided, on the one hand by the observations of Biot, that tartaric acid and all of its compounds possessed molecular rotation, and on the other by the relationship suggested by Herschell, and thirdly, by the learned views of Delafosse, who conceived that hemihedrisrn was a result of crystallographic laws and not a chance phenomenon, I concluded that there was a relation between the hemihedrism of the tartrates and their optical activity. It is important here to follow closely the line of thought. Hauy and Weiss recognized the occurrence of hemihedral faces upon quartz, and that these faces in certain individuals lay to the right and in others to the left. Biot had found that quartz crystals, as regards their optical activity, could be divided into two groups; one turned the plane of polarization toward the right, the other followed the same law, except that it turned the plane of polarization toward the left. Then comes Herschell, with the thought that unites these two isolated facts, it is: Plagihedral forms of one kind all rotate the plane of polarization in the same direction and of the other kind rotate it in the opposite direction. I, for my part, found that all tartrates are plagihedral, if I may so express it, and that they are all of the same kind. I dared to assume, therefore, that here, as with quartz, there was a connection between the hemihedrism and circular polar- ization. In spite of this the striking difference between the circular polarization of quartz and tartaric acid, to which I have already called attention, could not be ignored. It was necessary for us, owing to new facts and their relation to one another which I am about to point out, to form an hypothesis (for it is not more as yet) concerning the connection between hemihedrism and circular polarization in the tartrates. As I very much wished to find some experimental support for these speculations, my first thought was to examine the numerous crystallizable organic substances which possessed optical activity, for hemihedral crystal forms, which, in spite of Herschell's suggestions, had not yet been done. These studies had the wished for result. I investigated the 10 S T E BE 0-0 H E M I S T ft Y. crystal form of racemic acid, which had been shown by Biot to be entirely inactive toward polarized light. None of these crystals showed hemihedrism. In this way the idea of a relation between hemihedrism and the molecular rotation of organic products won new support. Soon I was able through an unexpected discovery to make this clear. IV. IT is necessary that I make you acquainted with an important communication of Mitscherlich's which was laid before the French Academy of Science by Biot. I quote his words : "The racemic acid and the tartaric acid sodium-ammonium- double salts have the same chemical composition, the same crystal form with equal angles, the same specific gravity, the same double refraction and in consequence of this their optical axes form the same angle. Their water solutions have the same refraction. But the dissolved tartaric acid salt rotates the plane of polarization, and the racemic acid salt is indiffer- ent, as has been found by Biot for the whole series of salts." "But," continues Mitscherlich, "the nature and the number of atoms, their arrangement, and their distance from one another are the same in both bodies." This conclusion at the time of its publication especially concerned me. I was at that time a scholar at the Ecole Normale, and was studying during my spare time the interesting investigations upon the molecular constitution of bodies; and was, as I at least believed, begin- ning to understand the generally accepted principles of phys- icists and chemists. The above mentioned communication upset all of my ideas. What similarity in all respects! Are there two bodies the properties of which have been more thor- oughly and carefully compared ? Can there be in the present state of the science two bodies so entirely similar without being identical ? Mitscherlich himself tells us what must fol- low from this similarity: " The nature, the number, the ar- rangement, and the distance of the atoms from one another are the same." In this case what becomes of the clear definition of chemical species, so important for the time, which was given us by Chevreul in the year 1823? " The species of compound bodies are identical when the nature, the proportion, and the 11 MEMOIRS ON arrangement of the atoms are the same," In short, this com- munication of Mitscherlich's remained in my mind as the cinef difficulty in the way of this conception of bodies. It will now be understood by all that I thought of this com- munication of Mitscherlich's in the year 1844 when, for the reasons given above, I was considering a possible connection between the hemihedrism of the tartrates and their optical activity. At once I thought that Mitscherlich had erred in one point. Apparently he had not observed that his double salt of tartaric acid is hemihedral, while the racemic acid salt is not. la case this were the fact his results would have no more importance; moreover, it would furnish the best kind of support for my hypothesis concerning the relation between hemihedrism and optical activity. I undertook, therefore, to study again the crystalline form of both of Mitscherlich's salts. I found that the tartaric acid salt, as in the case of all other tartrates which I had examined, was hemihedral; but unexpectedly the raeemic acid salt was also hemihedral. Only, the hemihedral faces in the tartrates all lay in the same direction, in the racemates some lay toward the right and some toward the left. In spite of the completely unexpected character of these re- sults I, none the less, followed my idea. I separated carefully the right hemihedral crystals from the left, and observed the solution of both, each by itself, in the polariscope. There I saw, with as much surprise as joy, that the right hemihednil crystals turned the plane of polarization toward the right, and the left hemihedral crystals turned it toward the left; and that when I took an equal mass of both crystals their mixed .solu- tions remained inactive toward light through the mutual com- pensation of the two equal but opposite rotations. I proceed thus with the racemic acid: I obtain the sodium-ammonium double salt in the ordinary way, and from this solution crystals separate after some days, which possess so exactly the s-arne angle and the same appearance that the celebrated crystallog- rapher Mitscherlich, in spite of his exact and carefully carried out measurements, did not discover the slightest difference be- tween them. Nevertheless, the arrangement of the molecule in the two 12 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. salts is entirely different. This is shown both by the optical activity and the asymmetry of the crystals. Both kinds of crystals are isomorphous, and isomorphous with the corresponding tartrates. Yet the isomorphism shows a characteristic never before observed. It is the isomorphism of two asymmetric crystals, of an object to its reflected image. This comparison expresses the phenomena in a very satisfactory way. In fact, if I think of the hemihedral faces of each of the kinds of crystals as being extended until they meet, I obtain two asymmetric tetrahedrons which cannot be brought into corresponding positions in spite of the identity of their cor- responding parts. Thereupon I concluded that by the crystalli- zation of the sodium-ammonium double salt of racemic acid I had separated the racemic acid into two asymmetric, iso- morphous groups, which were united with one another in the racemic acid. Nothing is simpler than to prove that the two kinds of crystals represent two different salts, from which the different acids can be prepared. One proceeds as in all such cases. Convert each salt into the lead or barium salt and from this isolate the free acid by means of sulphuric acid. The study of these acids possesses an extraordinary interest; I know of none greater. Yet before I describe it allow me to interpo- late some reminiscences in regard to their discovery. V. THE publication of these facts brought me naturally into communication with Monsieur Biot, who entertained no doubts as to their correctness. Since he wished, however, to discuss them before the Academy, he invited me to come and repeat the different experiments before him. He gave me some racemic acid which he himself had previously examined and found to be entirely inactive toward polarized light. I pre- pared from it, in his presence, the sodium-ammonium double salt, the sodium hydroxide and ammonia for which he also wished to furnish. The solution was then placed in his labora- tory and allowed. slowly to evaporate ; when 30 to 40 grams of the crystals had separated, he again called me to the College de France to collect and distinguish by their crystallographic character the right and left rotating crystals from one another, 13 MEMOIRS ON under his direct observation; he bade me repeat the declaration that the crystals which I placed at his right hand would rotate the plane of polarization to the right and the others would ro- tate it to the left. After this had been done, he declared that he himself would complete the experiments. He prepared the carefully weighed solutions and, when he was ready to make the observations in the polarizing apparatus, he called me again into his laboratory. He first put into the apparatus the most interesting solution, the one which should rotate toward the left. Without making a reading, but upon the instant, he noted a change of color in the two halves of the field of vision, he recognized an important laevorotation. Then the excited old man seized my hand and said: "My dear child, I have all my life so loved this science that I can hear my heart beat for joy." Gentlemen, you will pardon these personal reminiscences, which will never fade from my memory. Following the custom of our times one would avoid such things in a scientific discussion; but it appears to me that perhaps such reminiscences are of sufficient biographical interest, that information of this nature may be brought before the chemical society in an oral communication. However, there is here more than personal reminiscences. Much to the satisfaction of scientists there came to M. Biot the great satisfaction of seeing his assumptions verified. For more than twenty years M. Biot had endeavored in vain to bring chemists to his views that the study of the rotation phenomena was one of the surest means of advancing in the investigations of the molecular constitution of bodies. VI. LET us return to the two acids which are formed from the two kinds of crystals produced when the sodium-ammonium double salt is allowed to evaporate. I have already said that nothing is more interesting than the study of these acids. In fact, the acid, which is obtained from the right hemihedral double salt, rotates the plane of polarization to the right and is identical with ordinary tartaric acid. The other rotates toward the left as does the salt from which 14 STEREO-CHEMISTEY. it is obtained. The amount of the rotation of the plane of polarization is exactly the" same with both acids. The dextro acid follows certain laws in its rotation which are not found with any other active substance. The laevo acid shows the same laws in an opposite sense, not the slightest difference has been observed. Here is the proof that racemic acid is a compound of both acids, equivalent with equivalent. If one mixes concentrated solutions of the two containing equal masses, as I do now before you, a compound is formed with the development of heat. The solution partly solidifies with abundant crystalliza- tion of racemic acid, which is identical with the natural racemic acid. All of the chemical and crystallographic prop- erties of one acid are, under the same conditions, shown in the other; and in all cases identical products are obtained, except that they cannot be brought into corresponding positions ; they are products which are to one another as the right hand is to the left hand. They have the same forms, the same faces, the same angles, and in both cases are hemihedral. The only difference between them is the direction of the hemihedral faces toward the right in one case; and toward the left in the other, and in the direction of their optical rotation. VII. IT is clear from all of these facts that we have to do with two isomeric bodies whose general character of molecular similarity and dissimilarity we know. Do you remember the definition of chemical species which I have given above ? A species is composed of all of the individuals which contain the same elements, in the same proportions, and with the same arrange- ment. All the properties of bodies are functions of these factors and the object of all our investigations is, through a study of these properties, to gain a knowledge of these factors. In the case of isomeric bodies the elements and their propor- tion are the same, the arrangement of the atoms alone is differ- ent. The greatest interest in isomerism comes from its intro- duction of the idea that bodies may be entirely changed in character by a rearrangement of the atoms in the chemical molecule, this is actually the case. Still there are no isomeric 15 MEMOIRS ON bodies in which we know the actual relation of the molecular arrangements to one another. This deficiency will be made good for the first time by the discovery of the constitution of racemic acid and the mutual relation between the dextro- and Isevotartaric acids. We know, in fact, on the one hand, that the molecular arrangement of both tartaric acids is asymmetric; on the other, that they are entirely the same, with the ex- ception that the asymmetry is shown in opposite senses. Are the atoms of the dextro acid arranged in the form of a right- handed spiral, or are they situated at the corners of an irregular tetrahedron, or do they have some other asymmetric grouping? This we do not know. But without doubt the atoms possess an asymmetric arrangement like that of an object and its re- flected image. Quite as certain is it that the atoms of the laevo acid possess exactly the opposite grouping. Finally we know that racemic acid arises from the union of two asymmetric groups whose atoms are arranged in inverse order. From now on, the knowledge of the chemical and physical similarities and differences corresponding to this kind of grouping, the- relationships between which we know, offers especial interest and gives a firm foundation to molecular me- chanics. It permits us to determine the relation between the physical and chemical properties and the molecular arrange- ment which is the cause of these properties ; or conversely, it enables us from the properties to infer their first cause. The general relations between the properties and the cor- responding arrangement may be summed up as follows : (1) If the elementary atoms of an organic substance are asymmetrically grouped, the crystal form shows molecular asymmetry by nonsuperposable hemihedrism. Thus is the cause of hemihedrism recognized. (2) The existence of this molecular asymmetry shows itself farther by optical rotation. Thus is seen the cause of this optical activity.* * Fresnel, with that clearness of insight which he so frequently showed, saw to a certain extent the cause of optical activity. He expressed it in an article in 1823 in volume 28 of the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, as follows: " Quartz crystals show optical phenomena which are not con- sistent with complete parallelism of the molecular lines, and it appears to indicate a regular and progressive deviation of these lines." 16 STEREO-CHEMISTKY. (3) When two forms with nonsuperposable asymmetric mole- cules arise, as in the case of dextro- and laevotartaric acid and all of their derivatives, the chemical properties of these identi- cal but optically opposite bodies are the same; whence it follows that this kind of oppbsiteness of position and similarity does not affect the ordinary action of chemical affinity. I am mis- taken in regard to this latter point. I must make a limita- tion, an important and very instructive limitation. But the time is lacking to-day to develop it with the fullness it deserves. It will therefore be treated in the next lecture. SECOND LECTURE. I. GENTLEMEN": When one investigates bodies with regard to their form and to the recurrence of their identical parts he soon recognizes that they may be divided into two great classes with the following characteristics: One class is mad" up of forms the reflected image of which can be superpose 1 upon the original; with the forms of the other class this cannot be done, although the forms are the same in all their parts. A straight stairway, a twig with oppositely set leaves, a cube, the human body are examples of the first class of bodies, A winding stair- way, a twig with leaves set in the form of a spiral, a screw, a hand, an irregular tetrahedron are forms of the second class. The forms of the second class have no plane of symmetry. On the other hand, we know that compound bodies are aggregates of identical molecules, and that the latter them- selves consist of a collection of elementary atoms, adjusted according to laws which are determined by their nature, their proportion, and their arrangement. The characteristics of every compound body are inherent in its chemical molecule, and this is a group of atoms which do not move about freely among themselves, but which stand in a definite relation to one another. This is the belief of all physicists in regard to the constitution of matter. This once recognized, it certainly would be very remarkable, if nature, which in its results shows such manifold variety and 17 MEMOIRS ON whose laws permit the existence of so many kinds of bodies, did not, in complex molecules, give us atom groups belonging to the two categories into which material things may be divided. It would, in other words, be astonishing if among all chemical substances, natural and artificial, there were not individuals which were superposable with their reflected image, 'and others which were not superposable with their reflected image. It appears to be a fact, as was foreseen, that all chemical com- pounds without exception fall into two classes, one in which the reflected image is superposable with the original and the other in which it is not superposable. II. IT is very easy to prove that this is a logical consequence which must follow from statements in my first lecture. In order to make it entirely clear I shall briefly repeat the main features of the conclusive reasons with which I closed the previous chapter. 1 prepare, with the help of the natural racemic acid, he sodium-ammonium double salt. It separates in beautiful crystals. If one observes the solu- tion of a mass of this double salt in a polarizing apparatus, no sign of optical activity is detected; if the acid is set free from the salt, racemic acid is again obtained, identical with that from which the salt is first prepared. Thus far everything is perfectly simple and natural, and one might believe that he was dealing with the crystallization of an ordinary salt. But this is not the case. If you will take another portion of the same crystals and ex- amine the individual crystals, you will find that half of them have the form of the model which I now show you and which is characterized by nonsuperposable hemihedrism. The other half possess the opposite form identical with the first in all their respective parts, but, in spite of this, nonsuperposable with it. If the two kinds of crystals are separated, and each kind dissolved by itself, it is found that one of the solutions turns the plane of polarization toward the right, and the other turns it toward the left, and both through equal angles. Finally if the acids are prepared from these two kinds of crystals by the ordinary chemical means, it is seen that one is 18 S T E K E - C H E M I S T K Y . identical with ordinary tartaric acid, and that the other is in most respects the same without being identical with it. They stand to one another in the same relations as the salts from which they are prepared. They resemble one another as the right hand resembles the left ; or better still as two irregular asymmetric tetrahedrons ; and the same analogies and the same differences recur in all of their derivatives. Whatever can be done with one can also, under the same conditions, be done with the other, arid the products thus formed have always the same properties with the single difference that one rotates the plane of polarization to- ward the right, while the other rotates it toward the left ; and that the forms of the corresponding substances, although in all particulars identical, are not superposable. All of these clearly demonstrated facts lead us to ascribe the general outer characteristics of these acids and their compounds to their individual chemical molecules. To conclude otherwise would be to bid defiance to the clearest rules of logic. Thus we reach the following conclusions : (1) The molecule of tartaric acid, however else it may be constituted, is asymmetric, and has that kind of asymmetry which is not superposable with its mirrored image. (2) The molecule of the lasvotartaric acid is formed by exactly the opposite grouping of the atoms. By what properties do we recognize molecular asymmetry ? On the one hand by the occurrence of nonsuperposable hemi- hedral forms, and on the other, chiefly, by optical activity as soon as the body is brought into solution. Let us now, this principle being assumed, examine all natural and artificial bodies, we shall easily find that a number of them possess both hemihedral forms and molecular rotatory power, and that all others show neither the one nor the other of these proper- ties. I am therefore justified in saying that the sufficient and necessary consequence of the facts given in my first lecture can be stated as follows : All bodies (I use the term here in its chem- ical sense) are divided into two great classes, into bodies which are superposable with their reflected image, and into those in which the reflected image is not superposable with the original : 19 MEMOIRS OX into bodies with symmetrical atom grouping, and into those with asymmetrical atom grouping. III. HERE we meet with a phenomenon that is well calculated to excite our attention, even when it is considered by itself in- dependently of the whole of the conclusions which come later : All artificial bodies and all minerals have superposable images. Opposed to these are many organic substances (I might say nearly all, if I were to specify only those which play an im- portant role in plant and animal life) all of which are important substances to life, are asymmetric, and indeed have the kind of asymmetry in which the image is not superposable with the object. Before going farther I shall answer some objections which must have presented themselves to you. IV. THERE is, for example, quartz you will say. We have heard in the first lecture that quartz shows both kinds of asymmetry. Its hemihedral crystal form was observed by Hauy, and its opti- cal activity was discovered by Arago. In spite of this, however, it lacks molecular asymmetry. In order to understand this we must proceed a little farther in the knowledge of the phenomena which we are considering. "We shall find thereby an explanation of the similarities and the differences, which we have already noted, between quartz and the natural organic products. Permit me, in a crude but fundamentally correct way, to il- lustrate to you the structure of quartz and the natural organic products. Consider a spiral staircase the steps of which are cubes or other objects superposable with their reflected image. If you destroy the staircase the asymmetry disappears. The asymmetry of the staircase was due to the method of placing together the single steps. So it is with quartz. The quartz crystal is the completed staircase. It is hemihedral, and in consequence it acts upon polarized light. If, however, the crystal is dissolved, fused, or in. any other way has its physical structure destroyed, its asymmetry is no longer present, at the 20 STEBEO-OHEMISTBY. same time all action upon polarized light disappears ; as is the case, for example, with an alum solution. Consider again the same spiral staircase, the steps of which are formed by ir- regular tetrahedrons. You may destroy the staircase, but the asymmetry remains, because you have to deal with a collection of irregular tetrahedrons. They may have any sort of arrangement, but each one of them has its own asymmetry. Thus it is with organic bodies where every molecule has its own asymmetry which finds ex- pression in the crystal form. When the crystals are destroyed by solution there results a fluid which is active toward polar- ized light, because it consists of molecules, which have, indeed, no fixed position with regard to one another, but every one of which has the same asymmetry. V. QUARTZ is thus not molecularly asymmetric, and up to the present we do not have any mineral which possesses molecular asymmetry. I have said that this statement must extend to artificial bodies which are prepared in the laboratory. In re- gard to this point some farther consideration is necessary. One can, it may be objected, artificially convert the natural cam- phor which is asymmetric, into camphoric acid which is also asymmetric ; aspartic acid is produced by chemical processes from asparagine and is asymmetric, as is also the asparagine from which it is prepared, and I could mention many other similar cases. Yet no one doubts that camphoric acid and aspartic acid owe their asymmetry to camphor and asparagine. It was present in the mother substances and is from these passed over to their derivatives, more or less changed by sub- stitution. There is no better proof of the stability of a primary type, than the continuation of the optical properties, in a group of derivatives which are related to one another by having a com- mon origin. When I assert that no artificial substances with molecular asymmetry are known, I speak of artificial substances in the proper sense of the word, which are formed in all their parts from the elements, or are produced from bodies which are not asymmetric. Alcohol, for example, is not asymmetric, 21 MEMOIRS ON its molecule would, could we isolate it and look at it in a mir- ror, give an image which could be superposed upon it. Not a derivative of alcohol is asymmetric. I could vastly increase the number of examples of this kind. It goes even farther; if you take a body which is asymmetric, you may be sure that the asymmetry will disappear as soon as it is subjected to an ener- getic chemical reaction. Thus tartaric acid is asymmetric; pyro- tartaric acid is no longer asymmetric. Malic acid is asymmetric; but the maleic and fumaric acids discovered by Pelouze are not asymmetric. Gum is asymmetric; but mucic acid is not asym- metric. Artificial substances have thus no molecular asymme- try, and I know of no more thorough going difference than just this between the substances which are formed under the influ- ence of life and other substances. Let us tarry here a little, you will see that in the course of these lectures, the physiological side of these studies comes more and more into prominence. We will repeat the chief classes of natural organic substances: Cellulose, starch, gums, sugar, . . . tartaric acid, malic acid, quinic acid, tannic acid, . . .' morphine, codeine, quinine, strychnine, brucine, . . . turpentine oil, citron oil, . . . albu- men, fibrine, gelatine. All of these naturally occurring bodies have molecular asymmetry. All solutions of these bodies pos- sess the power of rotating the plane of polarization, a necessary and all sufficient characteristic for determining their asym- metry, even when, owing to their noncrystalline character, their hemihedral characteristics are lacking. There are many natural substances which are not asymmetric. But can we call them natural with the same right as the others ? Must we not, in such substances as oxalic acid, salicylic aldehyde, fumaric acid, etc., which arise from such reactions as can be carried out in the laboratory, see derivatives of the real natural substances? These products appear to me to be the same for the plant organisms as urea, uric acid, creatine, glycine, are for the animal organism; much more decomposition products, than transition products, if I may so express it. It is very interesting to follow this point of view experimentally. We must still mention that a number of apparently sym- STEREO-CHEMISTKY. metrical bodies have properties like that of racemic acid. There is yet lacking in the chemical nomenclature a word to express the fact that through the compensation of two opposite asymmetries a double asymmetry may result which is itself symmetrical. The knowledge that ordinary asymmetry is a direct organic principle, and the knowledge of the lack of this property in all bodies of dead nature, permits us to extend and render more ex- act our assumptions in regard to this noteworthy molecular property. VI. IN the year 1850 M. Dessaignes, whose inventive skill is known to all chemists, informed the Academy that he had suc- ceeded in converting the acid ammonium salt of malic acid into aspartic acid. This step confirmed the important results which had been obtained by Piria some years earlier. M. Piria had succeeded in converting asparagine and aspartic acid into malic acid. Dessaignes now showed that the as- partic acid could be regenerated from the malic acid. Thus far all of Dessaignes' observations were entirely in accordance with our experience even from an optical standpoint. For I had observed that asparagine, aspartic acid, and malic acid were all active toward polarized light. The chemical transformation of the one body into the other was not surprising. Some months later Dessaignes went a step farther. He announced that, not only the acid ammonium malate, but also the ammonium salt of furnaric acid and maleic acid have the property of changing to aspartic acid when warmed. In this I saw an improbability. For, if it were as Dessaignes had stated, he had made a discovery the importance of which he had never dreamed. I had, in fact, observed that fumaric acid, maleic acid, and all of their salts were inactive toward polarized light. Had M. Dessaignes actually converted their ammonium salts into aspartic acid, he had, for the first time, prepared an asymmetric compound from a nonasymmetric body. To me it appeared more probable that the aspartic acid of Dessaignes 23 MEMOIRS ON differed from the natural aspartic acid by its lack of molecular rotatory power. Dessaignes had, indeed, carefully compared the properties of the artificial acid with the natural acid and had, as he said, found them identical. But I knew better than any one else, through my experience with Mitscherlich's statement, which I have spoken of in the first lecture, the delicate character of the proof of the identity of chemical bodies in which the greatest similarity of proper- ties may conceal a fundamental difference. I did not hesitate, therefore, to believe that the new facts announced by Dessaignes needed confirmation. The clearing up of this point meant so much for the results which I have had the honor to bring before you that I went at once to Vendome and laid my views before M. Dessaignes. He handed me at once a sample of his acid. Upon my re- turn to Paris I actually recognized that the acid of M. Des- saignes' was only an isomer of the natural aspartic acid, that is to say, the acid which is obtained from asparagine, and it differed from this, as I had foreseen, in optical rotatory power, which was entirely absent in the artificial acid, but present in the natural acid. But in all other physical and chemical prop- erties they showed the greatest analogy, so great that Des- saignes, not being placed upon his guard by preconceived ideas, concluded that the two substances were actually identical. That which interested me the most in the study of this new compound (which did not furnish any conspicuous crystalline derivatives) was its transformation into malic acid. It was known that Piria, as I have just mentioned, had some time be- fore given the means of transforming asparagine and aspartic acid into malic acid, and I had convinced myself by the most careful investigations that this malic acid was identical with that obtained from the berries of the mountain ash, apples, grapes, and tobacco. I used, therefore, this process of Piria/s and thereby con- verted this new acid into a new malic acid so similar to the natural malic acid that a chemist would have found the great- est difficulty in distinguishing between them, had he not known beforehand what the real difference was, this malic acid had no action whatever upon polarized light and all of its salts were the same in this respect. 24 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. By the comparison of certain derivatives of these two malic acids the relative molecular arrangement in these curious isomers is not apparent, but with other derivatives it is entirely evident. If we consider, for example, the ordinary acid calcium salt of malic acid, and the corresponding inactive compounds, we find their composition just the same, and their crystal form is almost the same, with the difference that the active form shows four small hemihedral faces which are lacking in the inactive form. Whence it follows that the active crystal and its re- flected image are enantimorphous, while the image of the in- active crystal is identical with the original. In regard to all points which do not have to do with hemihedrism the two forms are completely alike. Who can have any doubt concerning the relative molecular arrangement of these two salts ? Is it not clear that we here have to deal with a malic acid identical with the natural acid, except that it has had its asymmetry suppressed ? It is untwisted natural malic acid if I may so express it. If the natural acid as regards its molecular arrangement be com- pared to a spiral staircase, then the artificial acid is the same staircase made np of identical steps but straight, instead of spiral. It might be asked whether the new malic acid was not the racemic form of this group, that is, the compound of the right and left malic acids. This has very slight probability, for in this case not only would one active body be made from an inactive substance, but two active bodies would be produced, a dextro- and laevorota- tory substance. However, I have recognized that just as there is an inactive nonasym metric malic acid, there exists a nonasym metric in- active tartaric acid which is very different fromracemio acid as it cannot be split up into a dextro- and laevo-tartaric acid. It can no longer be doubted, therefore, that here we have to deal with either dextro- or laevo-tartaric acid which has become nonasym- metric. I have also discovered inactive amyl alcohol from which a whole series of inactive products, corresponding to the group of active amyl alcohols, can be derived. We find ourselves then, thanks to the discovery of these in- 25 MEMO IBS ON active bodies in possession of a fruitful idea. A substance is asymmetric dextro- or laevorotatory but by certain processes, which must be sought for and discovered for each case, isomeric changes may cause it to lose its molecular asymmetry, may cause it to be untwisted, to make use of a rough simile, and cause its atoms to become so arranged that they are superpos- able with their reflected image. In this way every asymmetric substance gives four variations or better four important sub- divisions ; the dextro body, the laevo body, the combination of dextro and laevo bodies, and the body which is neither dextro nor laevo nor yet a combination of the two. VII. THE general conclusions drawn from the foregoing studies throw a new light upon our idea of molecular mechanics. We recognize from these that when natural organic bodies arise under the influence of vegetable life they are usually asymmetric in opposition to minerals and synthetical bodies, this arrangement of the elementary atoms is not essential to the existence of the molecule since the spiral organic group can, so to speak, be untwisted and it then assumes the general character of the artificial or mineral bodies. It appears only logical to assume that the artificial bodies have the power to take on the asymmetric arrangement of their atoms and thus become like the natural bodies. The conditions under which such a change can be brought about are yet to be investigated. As a last consideration and to connect the foregoing state- men , we can say : the groups of elementary atoms which form compound bodies may assume two different conditions which correspond to the two general types to which all material bodies can be referred. The form of the group is identical with its reflected image, or it is enantimorphous with it. But the latter type shows two forms, since both enantimorphous forms are produced. Moreover there must be added to this the case of the union of the two opposite types which arise in pairs of identical but enantimorphous forms, reminding one of the pairs of limbs of the higher animals. Thus there are for the atom groups, of which all matter consists, four well marked 26 STEREO-CHEMISTEY. arrangements. In all of our investigations, therefore, we must aim to prepare each substance in its several varieties. All of these deductions are so logically necessary that it ap- pears well-nigh impossible to doubt them. How can one avoid, for example, the assumption that corresponding to a dextro- rotatory body there must be a laevorotatory body, now that we know the cause of the dextro- and laevorotatory character ? That would be to doubt that an irregular tetrahedron had an enantimorphous image, or that for a right-handed screw there could be a corresponding left-handed screw, or that a right hand was matched by a left hand. Therefore the elementary constituents of all living matter will assume one or the other of the opposite asymmetries ac- cording as the mysterious life force, which causes asymmetry in natural bodies, acts in one direction or another. Perhaps this will disclose a new world to us. Who can fore- see the organization that living matter would assume if cellu- lose were laevorotatory instead of being dextrorotatory, or if the Isevorotatory albumens of the blood were to be replaced by dextro-rotatory bodies ? These are mysteries which call for an immense amount of work in the future, and to-day bespeak consideration in the science. VIIL SINCE it has been impossible for chemistry, up to the present time, to prepare an asymmetric body, one might be led to fear that the method of obtaining the antipodes of the natural or- ganic bodies would always remain unknown. Fortunately, this fear is groundless. For I have, in fact, found that by ordinary chemical processes, as by the action of heat, a dextrorotatory body may be transformed into a laevo- rotatory body, and vice versa. Thus dextro-tartaric acid is converted into laevo-tartaric acid, or more properly into racemic acid, by the action of heat under certain conditions which it would lead us too far to elaborate here. Under exactly the same conditions the laevo-acid becomes dextrorotatory. Here are 10-12 grams of entirety pure laevo-tartaric acid 27 MEM OIKS ON which I have obtained in this way. Its preparation has cost me much trouble. As M. Biot wished to investigate the dispersion of the laevo- tartaric acid, he wished himself to bear the high cost of the operation, for this conversion necessitates the use of cinchon- ine tartrate and quinine tartrate and the base is all lost because the salt is heated so high that it is entirely destroyed. By this means I have obtained enough racemic acid to yield 12 grams of laevo-tartaric acid, which shows, in a reverse sense, exactly the same optical properties as the ordinary tartaric acid. We must always consider every analogous transformation of an asymmetric natural body into its opposite form (Antipode) as a step in advance for organic chemistry. IX. AT the close of my first lecture I pointed out some observa- tions to which we must now devote some farther attention. These observations relate to a comparison of the chemical and physical properties of optically isomeric bodies. I have already indicated the complete identity of these properties, with the exception of the turning around of the hemihedral crystal faces, and the direction of optical rotation. Physical condition, crystal lustre, solubility, specific gravity, single or double refraction, all of these are not only very simi- lar, but they are identical in the strictest sense of the word. This identity of behavior is all the more remarkable, since under conditions to be mentioned farther on, each variety may be converted into its exact opposite. We have seen that all artificial or natural chemical com- pounds, mineral or organic, must be divided into two great classes; symmetrical compounds with identical reflected images, and asymmetrical compounds with enantimorphous reflected images. It has been determined that the identity of proper- ties in the case of the two tartaric acids and their derivatives persists so long as they are brought together with bodies of the first category, as, for example, potash, soda, ammonia, Jime, baryta, aniline, alcohol, the ethers, in short with all bodies without asymmetry, without hemihedrism, without action upon polarized light. On the contrary, if they are subjected to the 28 STERJEO-CHEMISTRY. action of bodies of the second class; as, for example, asparagine, quinine, strychnine, brucine, albumens, sugars, etc., or other asymmetric bodies like itself, then entirely different properties appear. The solubility is different. When compounds are formed the products differ in crystal form, in specific gravity, in their amount of water of crystallization, in their action toward heat, and indeed may differ from one another quite as much as the more distant isomers. Thus it appears that the molecular asymmetry of a body is an important agent for changing the affinity. The two tartaric acids do not behave toward quinine as they do toward potash, because quinine is asymmetric and potash is not. Asymmetry shows itself here, as before said, as a property which has the power of altering the chemical affinity. I do not believe that any previous discovery has gone so deep into the mechanics of the problem of the origin of chemical compounds. Let us attempt to make this similarity and dissimilarity clear by means of an illustration. We may think of a right-handed screw and a left-handed screw as being driven into exactly similar, straight grained blocks of wood. All of the mechanical conditions of the two systems are the same; this is instantly changed when the same two screws are driven into a block in which the fibres themselves have a right or left spiral arrangement. X. I SHALL interpolate here an extremely interesting application of these facts. The recognition that the salts of dextro- and laevo-tartaric acids assume very different properties through the rotatory power of the base, gives rise to the hope that since these differences are caused by chemical affinity, the unlike affinities of the two acids thus excited would give a means of splitting racemic acid into its constituents. I have made many fruitless efforts in this direction, and I finally accom- plished my object by the aid of two new isorneric bases, chini- cin and cinchonicin, which I easily prepared from quinine and cinchonin. I prepared the racemic acid salt of cinchonicin by first neutralizing the base and then adding as much more acid. The first crystals to separate were completely pure cinchonicin MEMOIRS ON laevo-tartrate. The whole of the dextro-tartrate remained in the mother-liquor since it is the more soluble. Little by little this also was crystallized out but it had an entirely different form from the laevo-tartrate. One might easily be lead to be- lieve that he had to deal with two entirely different salts of un- equal solubility. XI. I SHALL refer here again to the interest which attaches itself to the different optical isomers on account of this asymmetric force. It leads us to ideas concerning the secret cause which produces the asymmetric arrangement of the atoms in organic substances. Whence comes this asymmetry? Why is one asymmetry produced and not the other? Go back with me to the time at which I recognized the absolute identity of the physical and chemical properties of the correspond- ing right and left rotatory bodies, but still had no idea, not a suspicion, of the difference between these bodies. It was many years later that I first recognized this difference. At that time it was to me inconceivable that nature should produce a dextro- rotatory body without its corresponding laevo-rotatory body, for the same force, the activity of which formed the dextro- rotatory tartaric acid molecule, as it seemed to me, must also produce thelaevo-rnolecule, and thus racemic acid would result. But why right and left molecules, why not only symmetrical molecules like those of the inorganic substances ? There are certainly causes for this remarkable behavior of the molec- ular forces, even though it is difficult for us to get a clear conception of them. I believe that I am not deceived when I assert that we now know one of its most important char- acteristics. Is it not necessary and also sufficient to assume that the instant the plant organism arises an asymmetric force is active? For we have seen above that the dextro-molecule deviates from its laevo-antipode only in those cases in which it is subjected to some kind of an asymmetric action. Do such asymmetric agencies arise from the cosmic influences light, electricity, magnetism, heat? Do they perhaps stand in close relation with the earth movements, with the electric current by means of which physicists explain the earth's magnetic pole? 30 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. We are at present not in a position to offer the slightest suggestions in regard to these points. But I hold the existence of an asymmetric force acting at the origin of natural organic compounds, as proven, while this force is lacking or is without influence in our synthetical prep- aration of the same compounds, either on account of the more rapid course of the reaction or from some other unknown cause. XII. WE now come to the last experiment, which does not fall behind any of the preceding ones in interest, it furnishes us evidence of the influence of asymmetry upon the life processes. We have just seen that asymmetry modifies chemical affinity ; however, these results were obtained in mineral and artificial reactions, and we know with what caution the results obtained in the laboratory can be assumed to hold true in the life proc- esses. Therefor I have held back the general points of view which I wished to present to you until I had more certain evidence that molecular asymmetry had a modifying action upon chemical affinity, not only in the reactions of organic nature, but also in those of a physiological character, as in fermentation. The remarkable phenomena to which I allude are as follows : It has been known for a long time through the observations of the German manufacturers of chemical products that the im- pure calcium tartrate, so long as it contained other organic substances, underwent fermentation upon standing during the summer under water, and thereby furnished different products. These facts I took as my starting point and set up fermenta- tion in the ordinary dextro-ammonium tartrate in the following manner : I took the entirely pure crystallized salt and dis- solved it and added to the solution a very clear solution of al- bumenates. One gram of the dry albumenates was sufficient for a hundred grams of the tartrate. Thereby it frequently happened that the fluid was at once set into fermentation. I said frequently spontaneous fermenta- tion is obtained, but I may add that this is always the case if a small amount of the fluid, in which fermentation has taken place, be added. 31 MEMOIRS ON Thus far the phenomena are not unusual. It is a fermentable tartrate, a fact that is well known. But if we place ammonium racemate under the same con- ditions fermentation also sets in. The same yeast is used and everything appears as though the process were exactly similar to that with the dextro-tartaric acid. If, however, we follow the progress of the operation with the help of the polariscope, we recognize very soon a fundamental difference between the two experiments. The fluid, at first inactive, assumes marked Isevo- rotatory power which increases little by little until a maximum is reached. Then the fermentation is interrupted. There is found now not a trace of the dextro-tartaric acid in the fluid, which when evaporated and mixed with an equal volume of al- cohol gives beautiful crystals of ammonium laevo-tartrate. Two different things are to be observed in these phenomena: In every case by fermentation a substance undergoes chemical change, and at the same time an organism is developed which belongs to the fungi. On the other hand it appears that the yeast which set the dextro-salt into fermentation is without action upon the laevo-salt, in spite of the absolute identity of the physical and chemical properties of both, so long as they are subjected to nonasymmetric influences. Here we have an organic material, possessing molecular asymmetry, acting upon a physiological process in such a way as to show that it has pro- duced a change in the chemical affinity. There cannot be the slightest doubt that the only and exclusive cause of this differ- ence in the fermentation of the two tartaric acids is caused by the opposite molecular arrangement of the laevo-tartaric acid. In this way the idea of the influence of the molecular asym- metry of natural organic products is introduced into physiolog- ical studies, this important characteristic is perhaps the only distinct line of demarkation which we can draw to-day between dead and living nature. XIII. THIS is, Gentlemen, a recapitulation of the work which I was commissioned to bring before you. You will in the course of these lectures understand why I have given them the title "Upon the Asymmetry of Naturally 32 STEKEO-CHEMISTBY. Occurring Organic Compounds." I have in fact set up a theory of molecular asymmetry, one of the most important and wholly surprising chapters of the science, which opens up a new, distant, but definite horizon for physiology. I pronounce this judgment upon the results of my own in- vestigations, without allowing the discoverer's feeling of self satisfaction to influence this expression of my thoughts. Heaven forbid that this rostrum ever be made use of to advance personal ambitions. These lectures are intended to furnish glimpses at the history of chemistry, and we, the lecturers, must therefore be permeated with the spirit of their dignity and with impartiality, as only these can infuse true life into science. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 1 Louis PASTEUR was born at Dole, December 27, 1822, and died near Paris September 28, 1895. In 1843 he entered the Ecole Normale at Paris and attended the chemical lectures of Balard and Dumas. In 1848 he was called as physicist to the Lyceum of Dijon, and a few months later he accepted the chair of chemistry in the University of Strassburg. In 1854 he became Dean of the Faculty ^at Lille, and in 1857 he returned to Paris as Director of the Ecole Normale. In 1862 he became a member of the Institute ; in 1881 he was elected to the French Academy. In 1874 the National Assembly voted him an annual pension of 20,000 francs. In 1889 he gave up all of his public offices in order to devote himself to the management of the famous Pasteur Institute, which was founded by public subscriptions. Pasteur was preeminently a chemist, but all departments of natural science were enriched by his labors. Owing to his work with the chemistry of fermentation and bacteriology and its important results he may justly be called the father of modern scientific medicine. 1 See Pasteur Memorial Lecture Jour.. Chem. Soc. 71,683. (1897). - 33 A SUGGESTION LOOKING TO THE EXTEN- SION INTO SPACE OF THE STRUCTURAL FORMULAS AT PRESENT USED IN CHEM- ISTRY. AND A NOTE UPON THE RELATION BE- TWEEN THE OPTICAL ACTIVITY AND THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. BY J. H. VAN'T HOFF. Utrecht, 1874. 35 CONTENTS. Present theory not in accord ivith the facts . 37 Brought info accord ivith the facts by a new assumption . 38 Relation between the asymmetric carbon atom and the prop- erty of optical activity . . . . . .38 Relation between the asymmetric carbon atom and the number of isomers ......... 41 Hypothesis applied to ethylene compounds . . . .42 Hypothesis applied to acetylene compounds. . . .44 Biographical Sketch .46 36 A SUGGESTION LOOKING TO THE EXTEN- SION INTO SPACE OF THE STRUCTURAL FORMULAS AT PRESENT USED IN CHEM- ISTRY. AND A NOTE UPON THE RELATION BE- TWEEN THE OPTICAL ACTIVITY AND THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. BY J. H. VAN'T HOFF. Utrecht, 1874. I DESIRE to introduce -some remarks which may lead to dis- cussion and hope to avail myself of the discussion to give to my ideas more definiteness and breadth. Since the starting point for the following communication is found in the chem- istry of the carbon compounds, I shall for the present do noth- ing more than state the points having reference to it. It appears more and more that the present constitutional formulas are incapable of explaining certain cases of isomerism; the reason for this is perhaps the fact that we need a more definite statement about the actual positions of the atoms. If we suppose that the atoms lie in a plane, as for example with isobutyl alcohol (Figure I.) where the four affinities are represented by four lines in this plane occupying two directions perpendicular to one another, then methane (CEU) (to start with the simplest case) will give the following isomerie modifi- cations (the different hydrogen atoms being replaced one after the other by univalent groups R' R" etc.): One for CH 3 R' and for CHR' 3 Two for CH^R's (Figures II. and III.), for CHaR'R", and for CHR'oR" Three for CHR'R'R 7 " and for CR'R"R'"R"" (Figures IV., V. and VI.;) 37 MEMOIRS ON numbers that are clearly greater than the numbers actually known thus far. The theory is brought into accord with the facts if we con- sider the affinities of the carbon atom directed toward the corners of a tetrahedron of which the carbon atom itself oc- cupies the center. The number of isomers is then reduced and will be as follows: One for CH 3 R', CH 2 R' 2 , CHaR'R", CHR' 3 , and CHR' 2 R" but Two for CHR'R"R" / or more general for CR'R"R'"R"" If one imagines himself in the line R'R'" in Figures VII. and VIII. with head toward R' and looking toward the line R"R'" then R" may be on the right (Figure VII.) or on the left (Fig- ure VIII.) of the observer ; in other words : When the four af- finities of the carbon atom are satisfied by four univalent groups differing among themselves, two and not more than tivo different tetrahedrons are obtained, one of which is the reflected image of the other, they cannot be superposed; that is, we have here to deal with two structural formulas isomeric in space. According to this hypothesis the combination CR'R^R^R"" presents a con- dition not presented by the combinations CR^R^R'", CR'sR" or CR'4 a condition not expressed by the ordinary mode of repre- sentation. According to the present mode there would be be- tween CR'R^R'^R"" and CR'iR"R'" a difference quite as great as between CR's^'R'" and CR' 3 R", or between CR' 3 R"and CR' 4 . Submitting the first result of this hypothesis to the control of facts, I believe that it has been thoroughly established that some combinations which contain a carbon atom com- bined with four different univalent groups (such carbon atoms will henceforth be called asymmetric carbon atoms) present some anomalies in relation to isomerism and other character- istics which are not indicated by the constitutional formulas thus far used. FIRST PART. I. RELATION* BETWEEN* THE ASYMMETRIC CARBON AND THE PROPERTY OF OPTICAL ACTIVITY. (a) All of the compounds of carbon which in solution rotate the plane of polarized light possess an asymmetric carbon atom. 38 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. In order to convince oneself of the justice of these remarks it is necessary to run through the following list of optically active compounds in the formula of which the asymmetric carbon is indicated by C : Ethylidene lactic acid, CH 3 C.H. OH. COOH. Aspartic acid, COOH C.H. NH2 (CH 2 COOH). Asparagine, COOH C.H. NH 2 . (CH 2 CONH 2 ). Malic acid, COOH C. OH. H. (CH 2 COOH). Glutaric acid [Itamalic acid] CH 2 OH C.H. COOH. (CH 2 COOH). Tartaric acid, COOH C.H OH C.H. OH. COOH. Dextrose, Laevulose, Galactose, Maltose. Sorbin, Eucalyn, etc., CH 2 OH. C.H. OH. (C4H 7 04) Mannite, Quercite, Finite : (C 4 H 4 ). C. H. OH. CH 2 OH. Cane sugar, milk sugar, Melezitose, Melitose, Parasacchrose, and Trehalose ; Starch, Inuline, Glycogen, Dextrine, and Arabin all contain the asymmetric carbon atom that was pres- ent in. the previous compounds inasmuch as they are com- pound ethers of the previous compounds. Camphor, according to KEKULE (Figure XII.). Borneol, according to the same (Figure XIII.). Camphoric acid, according to the same. COOH CH (C 8 H 14 0.). Terpinolene which apparently has the structure shown in Figure XIV. and Menthol which perhaps has the structure shown in Figure XV. Concerning the active alkaloids, albumens, etc., too little is as yet known of their structure to permit of any conclusion being reached in regard to the relation between their structure and the rotatory power. The sole definite exception to this rule that I have been able to find is the active propyl alcohol of Chancell, but, according to a private communication of Henniger, this relatively small rotatory power is due to the presence of an impurity. (b) The derivatives of optically active compounds lose their rotatory power when the asymmetry of all of the carbon atoms disappears ; in the contrary case they do not usually lose this power. A few examples will be sufficient here : 39 MEMOIRS ON Inactive malonic, fumaric, and maleic acids from the active malic acid ; inactive succinic and tartronic acids from the active tartaric acid ; inactive cymene from active camphor, etc. In the contrary case there are, Active malic acid from active tartaric acid ; Active tartaric acid from active lactose ; Active glucose from active glucosides ; Active nitro mannite from active mannite ; Active camphoric acid and Borneol from active camphor ; Active salts and esters from active acids, etc. (c) If one makes a list of compounds which contain an asymmetric carbon atom it is then seen that in many cases the converse of (a) is not true, that is, not every compound with such an atom has ati influence upon polarized light. This may be ascribed to three causes : 1. The compounds consist of an inactive mixture of two isomers with equal but opposite optical power, which owing to their close agreement in all other properties can be separated with great difficulty, and which have not up to the present been separated. 2. The study of the rotatory power has been imperfect, either on account of the slight solubility of the compounds or on account of the slight specific rotatory power of many com- pounds, as for example, in the case of mannite. 3. The asymmetric carbon atom may not in itself be suffi- cient to cause optical activity, the latter may not depend solely upon the mutual diversity of the groups which are in com- bination with the carbon atom, but may also be dependent upon their character. However the case may be the facts noted indicate a probable relation between constitution and active power which may be made use of in the following cases when more convincing arguments fail : 1. A compound which rotates the plane of polarized light probably possesses an asymmetric carbon atom ; which gives a means of choosing between possible structures in the case of compounds where the structure is not completely determined. For example, active amyl alcohol with an asymmetric carbon atom can have only the formula 40 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. CH. CH 2 OH i 2 * a formula which has also been suggested by Erlenmeyer but upon altogether different grounds. 2. A compound which up to the present has shown no physi- cal isomers acting upon polarized light in all probability con- tains no asymmetric carbon atom ; this fact also may be of service in choosing between possible structural formulas; as, for example, citric acid, which on account of its transformation into aconitic and tricarballylic acids must have one of the two formulas : C.H. OH. COOH CH 2 COOH CH. COOH or C. OH. COOH CH 2 COOH CH 2 COOH its inactivity gives preference to the second formula ; the first, however, contains an asymmetric carbon atom for which reason I hope to be able to produce the acid named by following the method of Frankland and Duppa from oxalic acid and iodo acetic acid esters by the aid of zinc. 3. Finally the limits of the rotatory power can be stated with some measure of probability, that is to say, the simplest combi- nations which will show active power can be indicated ; for ex- ample, the simplest active monatomic alcohol will be: CH 3 . C. H. OH. CH 2 CH 3 . The simplest active monobasic acid : CH 3 . C. H. COOH. CH 2 CH 3 . The simplest active diatomic alcohol: CH 3 CHOHCH 2 OH. The simplest active saturated hydrocarbon: J3 n.7 The simplest active aromatic hydrocarbon : ^g 3 CH. C 6 H 5 etc. At the same time it is probable that some series will be ex- cluded from active power, as for example : D 41 MEMOIRS ON The normal hydrocarbons CHa (CH2)n CH 3 The normal alcohols CH 3 (OH 2 )n CHgOH The normal acids OH 3 (CH 8 )n COOH etc. It is more noteworthy that inconsequence of the assumptions made, the compound OH Br 01 I can probably be split up into two isomers which will act upon polarized light. II. RELATION BETWEEN THE ASYMMETRIC CARBON ATOM AND THE NUMBER OF ISOMERS. Since perhaps the asymmetric carbon atom does not cause all compounds in which it is present to be optically active, it ought, according to the fundamental hy- pothesis, to cause an isomerism which will show itself in one way or another ; in consequence the number of isomers foreseen by the present structural formulas will be doubled by the presence of a single asymmetric carbon atom, and is further increased by the presence of several. I believe that there are compounds which show this apparent anomaly which Wislicenus has stamped with the name of geo- metric isomerism, at the same time he pointed. to the unsatis- factory nature of the present ideas without in any way proposing an hypothesis which would be more logical. Among these may be mentioned the ethylidene lactic acid which lias one asymmetric carbon atom ; Tartaric acid, dibro.rn- and isodibrom-succinic acid, citra-, ita- and mesa-brompyrotartaric acid, citra-, ita- and mesa- malic acid, mannite and its isomers, dextrose and its isomers, perhaps also terpinolene, the sugars, etc., with their isomers, in all of which several asymmetric carbon atoms act together to increase the number of the isomers. SECOND PART. Thus far we have considered the influence of the hypothesis upon compounds in which the carbon atoms are united by a single affinity only,(leaving out some aromatic bodies); there remains now to be considered : The influence of the new hypothesis upon compounds containing doubly linked carbon atoms. Double linking is represented by two tetrahedrons with one edge in common (Figure IX.) in which A and B represent the union of the two carbon atoms, and R' R" R' /x R"" represent the univalent groups which saturate the remaining free affinities of the carbon atoms. If R' R" R'" R"" all represent the same group, then but one 42 ST E RE - C H E M I S T R Y . form is conceivable, and the same is true if R' and R" or R'" and R"" are identical, but if R' differs from R" and at the same time R" differs from R"", which does not preclude R and R", R" and R"" from being equal, then two figures become possible shown in Figures IX. and X., which differ from one another in regard to the positions of R and R" with respect to R" and R"" the dissimilar ity of these figures, which are limited to two, indi- cates a case of isomerism not shown by the ordinary formulas. Turning to the facts, I believe that I have met with such cases among organic compounds. 1. Malei'c and fu marie acids, all explanations of the isomer- ism between these have made shipwreck, (I count here also the assumption of a bivalent carbon atom since this can exist alone in the case of carbon monoxide and the carbylamines for evident reasons, without doubling of the molecule) ; as a matter of fact these acids realize the conditions outlined above : Two doubly linked carbon atoms each carrying two unlike univalent groups, Hand CO OH. 2. Brom and isobrom maleic acid, the explanation of the isomerism here is entirely the same as before, one has only to replace an H in the fumaric and maleic acid by a Br. 3. Citra-, ita- and mesaconic acids. With the adoption of CH 3 CH COOH CH 8 COOH for pyrotartaric acid there remains for the acids mentioned only the formulas CH 2 =C. COOH. CH 2 COOH CH 3 C COOH=CH. COOH and if the latter does not contain two isomers (probably ita- and citraconic acids) in accordance with my hypothesis, no plaus- ible explanation can be given. 4. Solid and liquid crotonic acids. The constitution of the solid crotonic acid according to Kekule is without doubt CH 3 CH=CH COOH for the .liquid crotonic acid there remains therefore (thus it is held) only the formula . CH 2 =CH CH 2 COOH to explain their lack of identity. But if we take into consideration the following facts with regard to this acid : 43 MEMOIRS OJST (a) Fused with KOH it gives, according to M. Hemilian, acetic acid only. (b) Oxidizing agents, according to the same authority, convert it into acetic and oxalic acids, and indirectly from the oxalic acid into carbonic acid. (c) At 170 180, also according to Hemilian, it goes over into the solid crotonic acid. Thus there is nothing in favor of the fqrmula CH^CH CH 2 COOH and everything in favor of the isomer CH 3 OH=CH COOH, exactly like fumaric and nialeic acids. The formula CH 3 CH=CH COOH really satisfies the conditions exacted by my hypothesis for the possibility of two isomers : two doubly linked carbon atoms, the free affinities of each of which are saturated by two unlike univalent groups, in this case H and CH 3 , H and COOH. Geuther's chlorcrotonic acid and chlorisocrotonic acid, the isomerism of which has hitherto been expressed by the for- mulas CH 2 = CC1 CH 2 COOH and CH 3 001= CHCOOH, according to Froelich give with nascent hydrogen the acids treated of under (4) whence the constitution of both becomes CH 8 CC1 = CHCOOH and this case of isomerism strengthens my hypothesis. THIRD PART. There remain now to be treated carbon atoms which are united by a triple union as in acetylene ; this combination is represented by two tetrahedrons with three summits in common or with one of their faces in common (Figure XL). ACB is the triple union, R' and R" are the univ- alent groups which saturate the two remaining affinities of the carbon atoms. The new hypothesis does not in this case lead to any discordance with the views previously held. In closing I wish to remark that 1. The new hypothesis leaves nothing unexplained that is clearly set forth by the previous conceptions. 2. Certain properties and isomers not explained by the usual theories receive some light from this point of view. 3. Finally my remarks about active compounds in solution, that is active molecules, are related to the views of Rammels- berg upon active crystals. 44 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. Extending the observations of Herschell and Pasteur, Ramm els berg maintains that the property of acting upon the plane of polarization in the solid state (that is the active con- dition of crystals with inactive molecules as well as the inactive condition of crystals with active molecules) coincides with the appearance of two crystal forms, one of which is the reflected image of the other. It is evident that we have here to deal with an arrangement of the molecules in the active crystal altogether similar to the arrangement of the groups of atoms in the active molecule according to my hypothesis ; an arrangement in which neither the crystal mentioned by Rammelsberg nor the active molecules, represented in a general way by Figures VII. and VIII. have a plane of symmetry. H I. II. R' III. R' H C H H C H H C R' H R' H H C C H IV. R V. H C H VI. "" C R" R"" C R'" R" C R' R'" R" R"" VIII. 45 MEMOIRS ON STEREO-CHEMISTRY. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. J. H. YAN'T HOFF. Utrecht, Sept. 5, '74. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JACOBUS HENRICUS YAN'T HOFF was born in Rotterdam August 30, 1852. In 1869 he entered the Polytechnic In- stitute in Delft, and completed their three year course in two years ; he then went to the University of Leyden ; in 1872 he was at Bonn with Kekule, and in 1873 he was with Wiirtz in Paris, and with Mulder in Utrecht in 1874 where he received his degree of Ph.D. He was made Docent in the veterinary college in Utrecht in 1876. In 1877 he went as lecturer in chemistry to Amsterdam and was made professor in the follow- ing year. He remained in this position until 1894 when he accepted a call to the University of Berlin, where he is at present. While the number of van't HofFs contributions to chemistry is not so very large an extraordinary large proportion of them have been of an epoch making character. Important among these are his Theory of the Asymmetric Carbon Atom. His studies of osmotic pressure and his point- ing out of the analogy between gases and dilute solutions; and his paper on Solid Solutions and the Determination of the Molecular Weights of Solids, have opened up new fields of work. For a complete account of van't Hoff's Life and Work see the "Jubelband" Zeit. fur. Physikalische Chemie, Volume 31. 46 ON THE RELATIONS WHICH EXIST BE TWEEN THE ATOMIC FORMULAS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS AND THE ROTATORY POWER OF THEIR SOLUTIONS. BY J. A. LEBEL. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Paris, 24, 337. November, 1874. 47 CONTENTS. Development of the fundamental idea, . . 49 Its application to saturated bodies, .< . . . .51 Its application to unsaturated bodies, . . 55 Its application to aromatic bodies, . . . 57 Synthetical substances with an asymmetric carbon atom will be inactive, . . ,-.' . . ^ . '. . , . .58 Biographical Sketch . : . . 60 48 ON THE RELATIONS WHICH EXIST BE- TWEEN THE ATOMIC FORMULAS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS AND THE ROTATORY POWER OF THEIR SOLUTIONS. BY J. A. LEBEL. UP to the present time we do not possess any certain rule which enables us to foresee whether or not the solution of a substance has rotatory power. We know only that the deriva- tives of an active substance are in general also active ; neverthe- less we often see the rotatory power suddenly disappear in the most immediate derivatives, while in other cases it persists in very remote derivatives. By considerations, purely geometri- cal, I have been able to formulate a rule of a quite general character. Before giving the reasoning which has led me to this law I shall give the facts upon which it rests, and then shall conclude with a discussion of the confirmation of the law offered by the present state of our chemical knowledge. The labors of Pasteur and others have completely established the correlation which exists between molecular asymmetry and rotatory power. If the asymmetry exists only in the crystal- line molecule, the crystal alone will be active ; if, on the con- trary, it belongs to the chemical molecule the solution will show rotatory power, and often the crystal also if the structure of the crystal allows us to perceive it, as in the case of the sul- phate of strychnine and the alum of amylamine. There are, moreover, mathematical demonstrations of the necessary existence of this correlation, which we may consider a perfectly ascertained fact. In the reasoning which follows, we shall ignore the asym- metries which might arise from the arrangement in space pos- 49 MEMOIRS ON sessed by the atoms and univalent radicals ; but shall consider them as spheres or material points, which will be equal if the atoms or radicals are equal, and different if they are different. This restriction is justified by the fact, that, up to the present time, it has been possible to account for all the cases of iso- merism observed without recourse to such arrangement, and the discussion at the end of the paper will show that the appearance of the rotatory power can be equally well foreseen without the aid of the hypothesis of which we have just spoken. First general principle. Let us consider a molecule of a chemical compound having the formula M A4 ; M being a simple or complex radical combined with four univalent atoms A, capable of being replaced by substitution. Let us replace three of them by simple or complex univalent radicals differing from one another and from M; the body obtained will be asym- metric. Indeed, the group of radicals R, R', R", A when considered as material points differing among themselves form a structure which is enantimorphous with its reflected image, and the resi- due, M, cannot re-establish the symmetry. In general then it may be stated that if a body is derived from the original type M A4 by the substitution of three different atoms or radicals for A, its molecules will be asymmetric, and it will have rotatory power. But there are two exceptional cases, distinct in character. (1) If the molecular type has a plane of symmetry containing the four atoms A, the substitution of these by radicals (which we must consider as not capable of changing their position) can in no way alter the symmetry with respect to this plane, and in such cases the whole series of substitution products will be in- active. (2) The last radical substituted for A may be composed of the same atoms that compose all of the rest of the group into which it enters, and these two equal groups may have a neutra- lizing effect upon polarized light, or they may increase the activity ; when the former is the case the body will be inactive. Now this arrangement may present itself in a derivative of an active asymmetric body where there is but slight difference in constitution, and later we shall see a remarkable instance of this. 50 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. Second general principle. If in our fundamental type we sub- stitute but two radicals R, R', it is possible to have symmetry or asymmetry according to the constitution of the original type M A4. If this molecule originally had a plane of symmetry passing through the two atoms A which have been replaced by R and R', this plane will remain a plane of symmetry after the substitution ; the body obtained will then be inactive. Our knowledge of the constitution of certain simple types will enable us to assert, that certain bodies derived from them by two substitutions will be inactive. Again, if it happens not only that a single substitution fur- nishes but one derivative, but also that two and even three substitutions give only one and the same chemical isomer, we are obliged to admit that the four atoms A occupy the angles of a regular tetrahedron, whose planes of symmetry are.identi- cal with those of the whole molecule M A4 ; in this case also no bisubstitution product can have rotatory power. Application to the saturated bodies of the fatty series. All of the saturated bodies of the fatty series are derived from marsh gas, CH 4 , by the replacement of the hydrogen by differ- ent radicals. Provided that the four atoms of hydrogen are not all in the same plane, a supposition upon which the very existence of active trisubstitution products is based, we are able to apply -the first general principle and assert that the substitution of three different radicals will furnish active bodies. Thus, if in the constitutional formula of a substance, we find a carbon atom combined with three univalent radicals different from each other and from hydrogen, we ought to find it an active body. Further as marsh gas never furnishes more than one deriva- tive by two and three substitutions we can apply to the deriva- tives formed by two substitutions the second general principle and assert that such derivatives are never active ; thus if in a constitutional formula we see a carbon atom combined with two atoms of hydrogen or with two identical radicals, such a body ought not to show rotatory power. Let us now pass in review the active bodies of the fatty series. Lactic group. Lactic acid is derived from marsh gas by the substitution of a part of the hydrogen by the three groups HO, 51 M E M OIKS ON COOH, and CHs differing from one another, for this acid has the formula H CH 3 -C-COOH HO the central carbon atom is in this case one to which the first general principle can be applied, this body ought to be active. Mr. Wislicenus has, in fact, recently announced that he has found an active acid in meat. This acid does not have, as has been believed, the constitution of the ethylene lactic acid ; but it is according to this author a physical isomer of the ordinary lactic acid. Indeed one cannot see that the ethylene lactic acid can be active, for the carbons of the radical are each one combined with two atoms of hydrogen, as the formula shows : Ca 2 OH CH 2 COOH. We see also that the propylene glycol and the iodopropionic acid which are derived from the active lactic acid will preserve the rotatory power, but it will not be the same with the glycerine which one can derive from it, for in that case the central carbon atom is united with the two equal radicals CH 2 OH. Malic group. Malic acid presents a character altogether analogous ; its formula places its rotatory character in evidence. H COOH-CH 2 -C-COOH II It is the same for asparagine which is derived from malic acid by the substitution of NH 2 for two of the hydroxyls of the latter. Indeed, aspartic acid which is still active contains a single NH 2 in the place of the central hydroxyl. If, on the other hand, we replace this hydroxyl by H, we form succinic acid, which, like the ethylene lactic acid, is inactive. Tar taric group. Tartaric acid has the formula : *] COOH-0 I II J C-COOH HO 52 S T E R E - H E M I 8 T JJ Y . It may be considered as derived from marsh gas by the sub- stitution of the hydrogen by the three univalent radicals : H HO COOH, and COOH-6-, consequently it should HO manifest rotatory power, and indeed this is just what it does. Moreover, an examination of the formula shows that the last of the substituted groups is identical with the group- ing of the entire remainder of the compound, we have to deal therefore, with the second class of exceptions to the first gen- eral principle. Two arrangements of an inverse symmetry being possible in this grouping, if the two groups combined with one another are identical and superposable their effect upon the polarized light will be added, this is what takes place with the active acid ; if, on the contrary, the combined groups have an inverse symmetry they will exactly neutralize one another and we will have the inactive tartaric acid. This reasoning applies to the derivatives of tartaric acid, and in particular to erythrite, as yet, however, only the inactive erythrite is known, it may be that the active erythrite is not a stable body. Amylic group. The active amyl alcohol has the formula : OgHs CH 3 -(5-CH 2 OH ft Its rotatory power can be foreseen from its formula in the same manner as that of the preceding bodies. This substance gives a very numerous series of derivatives which show the rotatory power, and this characteristic is shown in their for- mulas. As examples we may cite all of the ethers of amyl alcohol, and the acid derived from it, valeric acid : the valerates, the valeric ethers, amylamine and nearly all of the hydrocarbons containing the radical amyl, such as the ethyl- amyl, diamyl, etc. It is no longer the same with the hydride of amyl : 53 MEMOIKS ON C 8 H 6 CH 3 -C-CH 3 H We see in fact, that it contains two methyl groups united to the same carbon ; this body is, indeed, inactive. This fact proves that the presence of the amyl radical does not necessitate the rotatory power in all of its combinations. Mr. Wiirtz has shown that the caproic acid derived from the active amyl cyanide has rotatory power. If we compare this acid with the active valeric acid, the formula of which has already been given, we see that it is derived from am}d alcohol just as valeric acid is derived from the secondary butyl alcohol of Mr. de Ltiynes. We are able to conclude empirically, therefore, that this last alcohol is active ; we arrive directly at the same result by applying the first general principle to the formula of this secondary alcohol which is : C a H 5 CHs-C-OH H> The author occupies himself with the preparation of many derivatives of this group in order to verify their action upon polarized light. The sugar group. The general constitution of the sugars is known, but their exact formulas have not yet been given ; we must therefore confine ourselves to the prediction of facts based upon the general formulas. In all the sugars we usually find a carbon united with hydro- gen, with hydroxyl, and with two complex radicals ; if the radicals are different, as very generally happens, the sugar in question should be active. It has been observed, in fact, that most sugars possess rotatory power. The sugars are naturally divided into hexatomic alcohols, such as mannite, and into glucoses. Let us consider the nor- mal hexatomic alcohol II CH 2 OH CHOH CHOH CHOH-C-CH 2 OH ; we see that each OH of the four central carbon atoms possesses the characteristics of 54 S T E R E - C H E M 1 S T K Y . rotatory power, although in the formula above given this is indicated with the fifth carbon atom only. If the only cause of the asymmetry of this molecule were the mode of arrangement of the radicals surrounding a single one of these four carbons, we should have a laevo and a dextro body only ; but as four similar groupings exist there will be as many isomers as one can imagine combinations among these group- ings. This is a repetition of the facts which we have already met with in tartaric acid, but in this case all of the isomers are not yet know. It should be observed that the groups immediately surround- ing the central carbon atoms in the above formula are the same, that is to say, the radicals with which they are combined are either identical such as H, and OH, or they differ but slightly in their most remote parts ; if then the similar groupings -give rise to rotatory power in contrary directions, we see that they will compensate one another, or nearly so ; so that the rotatory power of the whole molecule will be nothing, or very slight. This is perhaps the explanation of the fact that the rotatory power of mannite, dulcite, and their hexa-nitrate, and hexa- acetate is so much reduced. This supposition which, however, is independent of the general theory, finds confirmation in the fact that the glucoses have a much greater rotatory power ; now the glucoses have an aldehydic or a ketonic function ; let us consider the normal aldehydic glucose : H CH 8 OH CHOH CHOH CHOH-C-COH : Oli we see that the asymmetric grouping which surrounds the fifth carbon is completely different from all of the others, and there is no longer any reason that its effect upon polarized light should be compensated by that of the neighboring groups. We understand now how the hydrogenation of very active glucoses may give hexatomic alcohols almost destitute of rotatory power. Fatty bodies with tivofree valences. We have not yet consid- ered active un saturated bodies, for we do not include in this class bodies which are formed by the substitution of an active radical 55 MEMOIRS ON in an unsaturated inactive body, such as, for example, allyl valerate. We have but to examine the case where the double linking of the unsaturated body is caused by the disappearance of some of the radicals, the asymmetrical grouping of which caused the rotatory power in the corresponding saturated body. Since all the substances with two free valences are derived from ethylene, it is to this latter we must, if possible, apply the general principles which we have previously employed. We shall put aside the case where the four atoms of hydrogen do not have fixed positions with regard to one another, for it is clear that in such a case their substitution would not furnish asymmetric bodies. If, on the contrary, these relative positions are fixed, we can apply to ethylene the same reasoning that was applied to marsh gas. If the four atoms of hydrogen lie in the same plane, which is a possible case of equilibrium, there will be no active trisubsti- tution derivatives ; however, we do not know examples of well studied bodies derived from ethylene by three different sub- stitutions, and we are therefore unable to solve this question at present. As to the second general principle, it is not- applicable to ethylene, for the formula CH2=CH2 shows that by two different substitutions chemically different isomers are obtained. This is not opposed to the atoms being in the same plane, in which case the derivatives formed by two substitutions will be inac- tive. In any other case, to explain the isomerism of the ethylene derivatives, we must suppose the hydrogen atoms to be at the angles of a hemihedral quadratic pyramid superposa- p ble upon its image-^-, and we should obtain by two substitu- H 2 ,andH 2 ; three of them are different and the two others are not able to re-establish the symmetry ; it has been proved in fact that all of these bodies are active. The case is not the same for the spirit of turpentine ; we know that this is derived, as is also the camphor series, from para-cymene, in which the radicals methyl and propyl occupy positions 1 and 4 of Mr. Kekule's hexagon, that is to say in a plane of symmetry of benzene, and this is the reason why cymene is inactive. E 57 MEMOIRS ON Now the spirit of turpentine is derived from cymene by the substitution of two H 2 groups for two atoms of hydrogen ; if these occupy the positions 2 and 6 or 3 and 5, symmetrical with regard to the plane of symmetry passing through 1 and 4, we shall have inactive isomers ; on the other hand we shall have active isomers (terebenthene and camphene) if they occupy positions not symmetrical to one another, as 2 and 5 or 2 and 3 ; we might apply the same reasoning to the other isomers of terebenthene, (for the formulas of these see the memoir of Mr. Oppenheim, loc. cit. p. 560). It is possible that camphoric acid, the constitution of which is not yet fully established, comes under the preceding case. Quinnic acid which is equally active is derived from benzene by a different but insufficiently understood mode of substitu- tion, we shall not, therefore, discuss it here. We see what interest is attached to the study of active aro- matic compounds, and how necessary it is that chemists who are dealing with bi- and trisubstitution products of benzene capa- ble of being active should attempt the separation of their dex- tro- and laevorotatory isomers. We shall proceed to show that bodies obtained by synthesis consist, in fact, of equal proportions of these isomers. Theorem. When an asymmetric body is formed in a reaction where there are present originally only symmetrical bodies, the two isomers of inverse symmetry will be formed in equal quan- tities. We know that the general principle of the calculation of probabilities consists in this : When any phenomenon whatever can take place in two ways only, and there is no reason why it should take place in one of the ways in preference to the other, if the phenomenon has taken place m times in one manner and m' times in the other manner the ratio 7 approaches unity as the sum m+tri approaches infinity. 58 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. When an asymmetric body has been formed by substitution from a symmetric one, the asymmetry has been introduced by one of the substitutions which has taken place; let us consider this point carefully. The radical or the atom the substitution of which introduced the asymmetry had formerly a homologue which was symmetrical to it by its connection with a point or a plane of symmetry; these radicals being in similar dynamic and geometrical conditions, if m and m' represent the number /YY) of times that each one of them is substituted/ ought to ap- proach unity as the number of these substitutions grows beyond a measurable limit. Now if the substitution of one of these similar radicals pro- duces a dextro-body then the other will produce the laevo-body, both will in consequence be formed in equal proportions. It is the same for asymmetric bodies formed by addition; in- deed the body which destroys the symmetry of a symmetrical molecule by adding itself to it, would be able to occupy an identical place situated on the other side of the point or plane of symmetry; the preceding reasoning therefore can be applied equally well to this case. This is not necessarily true of asymmetric bodies formed in the presence of other active bodies, or traversed by circularly polarized light, or, in short, when submitted to any cause what- ever which favors the formation of one of the asymmetric isomers. Such conditions are exceptional; and generally in the case of bodies prepared synthetically those which are active will escape the observation of the chemist unless he endeavors to separate the mixed isomeric products, the combined action of which upon polarized light is neutral. We have a striking example of this in tartaric acid, for neither the dextro- nor the laevo- tartaric acid has ever been ob- tained directly by synthesis, but the inactive racemic acid which is a combination of equal parts of the dextro and laevo acids, is always obtained. 59 MEMOIRS ON STEREO-CHEMISTRY. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JULES ACHILLE LE BEL was born at Pechelbroun, Alsace, January 21, 1847. He ^studied chemistry and physics at the Lycee Charlemagne, the Ecole Polytechnique and under Wurtz in the Ecole de Medicine. He owned large interests in the oil deposits of Pechelbroun, which he sold ; and since then he has lived privately in Paris for the most part, devoting himself to chemical studies. His first investigations were in connection with the petroleum of Pechelbroun, He soon became interested in optically active compounds and was early led to his theory of the asymmetric carbon atom. Much of his subsequent work has been devoted to the experimental confirmation of this theory, and to the exten- sion of the views to ammonia compounds. 60 THE SPACE ARRANGEMENT OF THE ATOMS IN ORGANIC MOLECULES AND THE RESULTING GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM IN UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. Abh. K. Sachs. Ges. der Wissenschaften, 14. 1. Leipsig, 1887. BY JOHANNES WISLICENUS. 61 CONTENTS. PAGE /. Introduction . ..... 65 //. Necessary extension of the theory concerning the space relation of the elementary atoms in organic com- pounds . . . ... . . 68 Geometric properties of a carbon atom system . f 69 Geometric properties of a double system . . 69 Cases of geometric isomerism between doubly linked double systems . . . . 70 Method of determining positions . " 73 Rotation of singly linked system owing to variation in affinities . _ . . . . . ' . . ' 75 Rotation of the same in consequence of heat impulses 76 TJie formation of asymmetric carbon systems from unsaturated compounds and the reverse processes . 78 Different kinds of symmetrical positions . . 80 Corresponding positions . . . . .82 ///. Special part : Application of the hypothesis to single groups of chemical facts . . .. .-82 A. Relative space relations of the atoms in double systems 83 1. Tlie unsaturated hydrocarbons and their substi- tution products . . . . . . . 83 2. Fumaric and maleic acids and their derivatives . 87 3. TJie pyrocitronic acids and their derivatives . . 96 4. The unsaturated acids of the acrylic acid group . 98 (a) Crotonic acid and methyl acrylic acid . 99 (b) Methyl crotonic acid and its homologues . 103 (c) Cinnamic acid, and its isomers and homologues 105 (d) Coumarin, coumarinic acid and coumaric acid ~. . . . . . . . . 107 5. Transformation of unsaturated compounds into geometric isomers by the action of heat . . .111 63 CONTENTS. B. The space relations with three and more carbon atom systems ........ 113 1. The simultaneous elimination of metal haloides and carbonic acid from the salts of halogen sub- stituted acids ..... 113 2. The formation of lactones and the anhydrides of dibasic acids. The behavior of a and (3 oxy acids . 123 IV. Conclusions 129 Biographical Sketch of Wislicenus . 132 64 THE SPACE ARRANGEMENT OF THE ATOMS IN ORGANIC MOLECULES AND THE RESULTING GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM IN UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. 1. Introduction. 1. Since the publication of the theory of the asymmetric carbon atom (1874) by van't Hoff and at the same time by Le Bel, the unavoidable necessity, shortly before recognized, 1 of referring back the difference between structurally identical molecules to a deviation in the arrangement in space of their elementary atoms united in the same order of succession, has made but little advance. The advance consists in the proof of the fact that optically active organic compounds of known structure always contain an asymmetric carbon atom, and that the giving up of asymmetry is at once accompanied with a loss of optical activity; 2 and that bodies which are optically inactive in spite of the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom, are mixtures or compounds of oppositely active modifications 8 . In recent times the theory has received farther extension by BaeyerV clear explanation of the surprising relation between the thermal values, of the single, double, and triple union of two carbon atoms, by the fact that in the case of the multi- unions there is a change in the direction in which the valence acts and a consequent strain takes place; and by WunderlichV successful attempt to give to these views a better mathematical foundation and form. 1 J. Wislicenus, Liebig's Ann. 167, 343. 2 Ibid. 220, 146. 3 LeBel, Compt. rend. 92, 843: Lewkowitsch, Ber. 16, 1568, Ladenberg, Ibid. 19, 2578. 4 Ibid. 18, 2277. 5 Configuration organiscben Molekule, Wiirtzburg, 1886. 65 MEMOIRS ON The idea announced by van't Hoff and LeBel, concerning the isomerism of certain unsaturated compounds, such as fu marie and maleic acids or crotonic and isocrotonic acids, has, on the contrary, remained unfruitful up to the present time. To be sure the facts known at that time did not uncondition- ally necessitate a geometrical explanation, since the possibility of a difference in structure in these cases was not completely excluded. The hope of getting such evidence has apparently been the chief incentive to that important series of investigations carried on by Fittig with the help of his students, which has been published in Liebig's Annalen from the year 1877 onward. Although these investigations have been rich in important and surprising results, they have, nevertheless, so far as their theoretical object was concerned, been essentially without results. Even though many of the peculiar relations existing between fumaric acid and maleic acid may find a satisfactory explana- tion in Kolbe's assumption of a bivalent saturated carbon atom with two of its valences entirely unengaged, there are certain relations known between these two acids which cannot be sat- isfactorily explained by means of the constitutional formulas: CH. CO.OH OHg.CO.OH OH. CO.OH =C. CO.OH. For example, this formula does not give the slightest infor- mation as to why fumaric acid when oxidized by permanganate gives raceinic acid, while maleic acid on the contrary gives inactive tartaric acid. 1 Similar efforts to explain the isomerism in the case of other unsaturated compounds, show even more completely the un- satisfactory nature of this explanation 2 , and in view of Fittig's important series of investigations it must be assumed that there are isomeric compounds, especially unsaturated com- 1 Ber. 13, 2150; 14,713; and Liebig Ann. 226, 191. 2 In connection with this should be especially mentioned the recent revival of the hypothesis of Roser (Ber. 15, 2347.) by Anschutz (Liebig Ann. 239, 170). I shall return to this later in connection with a dis- cussion of some investigations in the fumaric and maleic acid group. 66 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. pounds, whose differences cannot be expressed by differences ih the structural formulas. In recent times, owing to the discovery of a third and appa- rently a fourth monobromcinnamic acid formed by the addition of hydrobromic acid to phenylpropiolic acid, Arthur Michael 1 has reached the same conviction. In his opinion "it is impos- sible to express this kind of isomerism by means of our present theories; " he seeks therefore to designate it at least by a special name, " Alloisomerism." Shortly after this Erlenmeyer2 stated that he had, in com- pany with H. Stockmeier, four years before prepared the two new monobromcinnamic acids, and had considered them as polymeric modifications of the previously known form. The reasons for this assumption he does not mention, but he has also held that other bodies considered as " alloisomeric " by A. Michael were merely polymeric ; thus fumaric acid is for him "certainly composed of two molecules of maleic acid." Erlenmeyer thus succeeds in giving a possible explanation to apparently abnormal cases of isomerism, and has avoided the introduction of any new principle opposed to this explanation ; but he has done this by the aid of a speculation insufficiently supported by the facts or in direct opposition to them. Fumaric acid, at least when it passes over into racemic acid by oxida- tion, is not a polymere of maleic acid ; certainly such a relation does not exist between the esters which have the same vapor density, and that corresponding to the simplest possible molec- ular weight, and still show all of the differences shown by the acids. Neither Michael nor Erlenmeyer have considered the possi- bility of a geometrical cause for this isomerism, or if they have done so they have thought it to be so objectionable that they have made no mention of it. 8 Just as I was convinced formerly of the structural identity of optically different compounds, so 1 Ber. 19, 1378, 1381. a Ibid. 19, 1936. 8 After the manuscript of this paper had gone to the press, there ap- peared (Ber. 20. 550.) a new work of Michael and Browne upon "Isomerism in the cinnamic acid group " in which this question was touched upon, but it was dismissed with the remark that the van't Hoff theory was 67 MEMO IB S Otf now I am led to attempt to find the cause of the deviation in the chemical and physical properties of such compounds in the different arrangements in space of the elementary atoms which are linked together in the same order of succession. This effort will in general be successful if each of the isomers concerned can be assigned, on some plausible grounds, formu- las with different space relations, that are structurally identical, especially if these formulas are in the widest sense rational, that is, if from them all of the otherwise unexplainable chemi- cal and genetic relations follow as a simple consequence. In the present paper I have endeavored first to furnish the proof that our present experimental material is not only com- pletely sufficient to accomplish this result, but that the attempt to introduce geometrical conceptions leads to a theory which en- ables us to explain in a surprisingly simple way all of those facts which have hitherto been considered " abnormal." If this effort is in fact successful I shall in later publications make the attempt to show that the experimental investigations of some of the new problems arising from my theory have confirmed the theoretical assumptions in all essential particulars. II. THE NECESSARY EXTENSION" OF THE THEORY REGARDING THE SPACE ARRANGEMENT OF THE ELEMENTARY ATOMS IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. 2. The conviction that most compound molecules must occupy space of three dimensions is quite general, especially will this be true of carbon compounds, so far as they contain more than three atoms. In the present condition of chemistry the belief that the four valences of carbon are all equivalent, meets with no opposition. The simplest geometrical conception corresponding to this fact is the assumption that the direction from itself in which a carbon atom holds other atoms, cor- not sufficient to distinguish between physical and chemical isomerism. The following sentence ("It appears to me to be a very doubtful as- sumption," etc.) shows that Michael considers the difference between the fermentation lactic acid and the para lactic acid merely a difference in optical properties, the deviation in the chemical properties, as for ex- ample the salts, he entirely forgets. 68 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. responds to the direction of the corners of a regular tetrahedron from its middle point. Four like elementary atoms in combination with a carbon atom are in all probability situated in such directions from the carbon atom. 1 it is also a generally recognized law that when elementary atoms or atom groups are combined with a carbon atom by means of a single valence they cannot, except under special conditions, exchange places one with another ; since the iso- mers which are caused by the asymmetry of the carbon atom do not, except under certain conditions, pass one into the other. To this law formulated and adopted by Baeyer, it is neces- sary, for our purpose, to add something more. 3. When two carbon atoms are combined with one another with but one valence and are combined with other elementary atoms or atom groups, the two resulting systems which are united in only one direction must be capable of rotation about their common axis. The two systems rotate, owing to heat impulses, now in opposite directions and now in the same direc- tion, but in the latter case with different velocities ; unless for some special reason the two systems remain fixed with respect to one another, or unless one position is more favored than all others which would tend to the production of molecular aggre- gates. When there is multi-union between the two carbon atoms the relation of the two systems to one another is entirely dif- ferent. When this is the case the rotation of the two systems in opposite directions or in the same direction with different 1 The configuration of the molecule ought to have a decisive influ- ence upon the crystal form of chemical bodies. The compounds of car- bon with four elementary atoms of the same kind should therefore crystallize in the regular system. Carbon tetra iodide, C 14, crystallizes according to Gustavson (Lie- big's Ann. 172, 175. ) in regular octahedra. Carbon tetra bromide, C Br4, crystallizes according to Bolas and Groves (Liebig's Ann. 156, 64.) in glistening tablets, which have, however, not been measured and may therefore still belong to the regular system. I am at present engaged in the effort to prepare measurable crystals of tetramethylmethane. C (CIl3)4, in order to get further evidence upon this point. 69 MEMOIRS ON velocities is no longer possible; the most that can occur is an independent oscillation about the common axis which must now lie in a direction joining the two valences that hold the carbon atoms together. The valences not occupied in holding the carbon atoms together are thus fixed in their relative positions. A pair of doubly linked carbon atoms have in all four free affinities for other radicals and, as has been pointed out by van't Hoff, so soon as the number of different radicals present is two or greater they must have besides the possible structur- ally different arrangements still two different arrangements in space which are structurally identical. To make clear these relations we may represent the systems by tetrahedrons. Then in the case of single union between the carbon atoms the tetrahedrons are united by means of a single corner, e. g., Figure 1. On the other hand in the case of a double union the two tetrahedrons have an edge in common, and in the case of triple union they have a face in common, as is shown in Figures 2 and 3. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. //^ ^,H H, -71 s H CH 3 CH 8 CH 4. In the latter case isomers are not possible; but in the case of double union the following opportunities for isomerism exist. (1) For C 2 FIG. 6. STEREO-CHEMISTRY. (2) For C 2 a 2 b c. FIG. 7. FIG. 8. FIG. 9. (3) Finally f or C 2 a b c d : Cab n Ccd FIG. 10. and FIG. 11. Cac n Cbd Cad n Cbc" FIG. 14. and and Here the three structurally different molecules eacb give two different arrangements in space, so that in all six isomeric com- pounds must exist. 1 5. It is not necessary to use the picture formulas to express l . For example the two geometrical isomers a-dibrom- and /2-dibrom- crotonic acids, and the brommethylacrylic acids. 71 MEM01ES ON these relations, but they may be replaced by the usual letter formulas if we will agree in the future to interpret by the expres- sions: (1) a.C.a a.C.b a.C.b a.C.b n c.C.d n b.C.b a,C.a n b.C.c a.C.b ii d.C.c n a.C.b u b.C.a a.C.d u c.C.b a.C.b n a.C.c a.C.b n c.C.a a.C,c a.C,c n n b.C.d d.C.b a.C.d n b.C.c (3) not only the structure, that is, the order of succession in which the atoms are united with one another, but that these shall also express in the above sense a different space arrangement of the groups on the two sides of the axis of the carbon atom system, and thereby understand that the expressions bracketed together above are to be recognized as different geometrical forms. The use of the letter symbols in the place of the graphic formulas to represent the single union of two such systems is somewhat less satisfactory, but may be accomplished if in the following expressions the position of the letters be taken to in- dicate the direction of the valences from the common axis of the system. FIG. 16. Thus b a.C.c a.C.c can take the place of and in the case of a rotation of one of the systems with respect FIG. 17. bAa X ic to the other | can replace a.C.c b STEKEO-CHEMISTRY. 6. The number of the stereometric formulas developed in this way is entirely sufficient to indicate constitutional differ- ences in the cases of all of the abnormal isomers ; it remains only to find some means of determining which of the possible symbols corresponds to each of the known modifications. When van't HofE assigned to fumaric acid (Figure 18) and inaleic acid (Figure 19) the formulas X~-V and HO.CO.C.H H.C.COO.OH r\v ^ *\ 11 c\ H.C.CO. OH H.C.CO.OH he was led to the selection by the fact that rnaleic acid when warmed easily passes over into an anhydride, therefore its carboxyl groups must be nearer one another than in the case of fumaric acid which does not form the corresponding anhydride but which when heated sublimes essentially unchanged. In the case of crotonic acid and isocrotonic acid, however, it is not so simple a matter to distinguish between the two space H.C.CH 3 CH 3 .C.H formulas H.C.CO.OH and H.C.CO.OH Thus far we have no means of recognizing with certainty which of the four known monobromcinnamic acids corresponds to each of the four symbols H.C.C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 .C.H Br.C.C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 .C.Br. Br.C.CO.OH Br.C.CO.OH H.C.CO.OH H.C.CO.OH a-bromcinnamic acids /?-bromcinnamic acids These means will be increased, nevertheless, by following with the aid of models all of the processes of formation of the unsaturated geometrically isomeric compounds, as well as their transformations one into another, or by following these changes with close attention to the geometric relations of such changes. 7. When a triple union betiveen two carbon atoms passes over into a double union, if we assume that the process is one of F 73 MEMOIRS ON simple addition and that only one of the three pairs of valences is affected, then it is self evident that the two radicals originally in combination with the carbon atoms must be situated on the same side of the common axis of the two systems, that is, FIG. 20. FIG. 21 . or + 2c 4- 2 c can give only can give only a.C.c " D.vj.C so long as the combinations of the other two pairs of valences is not changed. This method permits, however, of only occa- sional application. 8. It not infrequently happens that unsaturated geometric- ally isomeric bodies are formed from saturated compounds by the withdrawal of univalent radicals from two singly linked carbon atoms the valences of the carbon atoms thus set free uniting to form double union. The remarkable transformation from one to the other of structurally identical but different modifications, which have never before been considered from this point of view may be analogous to this, in that the com- pound at first unsaturated by the addition of two radicals at first passes over into a saturated compound and then by the elimination of the same number of radicals become unsaturated again. Thus for example, the transformation of maleic acid into fu marie acid by the action of the concentrated halogen hydrogen acids may result from the fact that the molecules of the latter may unite with the maleic acid to form a monohal- ogenated snccinic acid and that this, especially in the presence of water, again loses the halogen acid : C ;J H a (C0.01I) 2 -fHBr^C 2 H3Br.(CO.OH 2 )=HBr+C 2 H 2 (CO.OH) 2 maleic acid bromsuccinic acid fumaric acid In this case it can be understood how small quantities of concentrated hydrobromic acid acting as a sort of ferment can transform large quantities of maleic acid into fumaric acid. 9. Among the saturated compounds there is a possible S T E R E - C H E M I S T R Y . change of the relative positions of the radicals in the two systems with respect to one another, by a rotation of one of the systems. But if there is a later decomposition of the compound this rotation must always give rise to the same product, since the rotation is due to the difference in the attraction that the radi- cals combined with the different carbon atoms have for one another. If the six radicals combined with such a pair of carbon atoms are all of the same kind then the independent rotation of the systems proceeds under essentially the influence of the heat impulses alone ; but it is quite different when the two atoms are associated with different radicals. Here, to be sure, it is necessary to make an assumption ; namely, to assume that in a compound molecule the elementary atoms not united with one another do still exert an attractive influence upon one another, not only the influence of gravity but that they exert an actual chemical attraction. 10. On other grounds this assumption cannot be denied; it is quite as necessary as the assumption that chemical action is due to the chemical attraction for one another which the atoms of different molecules exert when they come sufficiently close together. If this attraction did not exist dissociation processes would be impossible ; dependent upon this are also all intermolecular changes, and the entire group of phenomena connected with the variation in the substitutive power of single elementary atoms due to the presence of certain other atoms, such as in all the processes where the first substitution exercises a specific influence upon the chemical position taken in the case of a second substitution. But the cause which produces mutual intermolecular action of elementary atoms not directly connected must be the same as the cause which produces the action of atoms in different molecules upon one another ; it is the action of their specific affinities, tinder the influence of these affinities the rotation of the two singly linked carbon atom systems which are each combined with two different kinds of radicals, must take place so that the elementary atom?! which have the greatest affinity for each other shall approach each other as nearly as possible, and the direction between them will be parallel to the axis of the system. 75 MEMOIRS ON Thus, for example, when ethylene chloride is formed by the action of ethylene and chlorine gases the first configuration of the molecule can be represented : 1 FIG. 23. Cla in consequence of the known relation of the affinities H:H + H:H + C1:C1< H : II + 2( H : 01 ) one system will rotate with respect to the other and must go over FIG. 24. FIG. 25. into or Cl Cl But these two are identical. 11. It should be stated that this position is not an abso- lutely stable one. Heat impulses of small intensity will give rise only to swinging of the systems about the position cor- responding to their most active affinities ; more energetic im- pulses, however, may overcome this direct attraction and as a result one system will rotate with respect to the other. In a molecular aggregate at sufficiently high temperatures, there must always exist some configurations which do not cor respond to the position of greatest attraction. Their number will increase as the mean temperature of the mass increases. But the position assumed as a result of the strongest attractive force is the most favorable position, and even at high temperatures this favorable configuration is pres- ent in greater numbers than any other configuration which may be produced by the heat impulses. 1 This configuration was suggested by Wunderlich. 76 S T E II E - C H E M I S T R i r . 12. One circumstance we must not pass over here in silence, even though it is of no special importance in the ap- plication of the hypothesis above developed to known chemical facts, the form of the molecule may have an important influence in determining the crystal form of organic compounds. If the four radicals combined with a single carbon atom at- tract one another with unequal affinities the position of the valences of this carbon atom must suffer some change. The model of the carbon system is then no longer a regular tetrahedron, as has been pointed out by van't Hoff 1 (see also 58). Such a deviation will also take place when a similar rela- tion of the affinities exists between the radicals combined with two carbon atoms, the carbon atoms being combined with one another, in that the pair of atoms with the strongest affinities will tend to approach a little nearer to each other. Thus FIG. 26. FIG. 27. will tend to assume a form something like 13. In order to avoid needless repetition in the following special part, it is necessary that I should bring forward here one point of general importance. When an unsaturated compound containing a pair of doubly linked carbon atoms passes into a saturated compound, the addition of the two entering radicals may occur through the breaking of either one of the valences in the double union which are geometrically equivalent. This equality is complete when each of the carbon atoms is united with two radicals of the same kind so that by the breaking of either the one (1. V in Figure 28) or the other (2. 2') of the bonds will always give rise to geometrically identical configurations. 1 Die Lagerung derAtome im Raume, translated by Hermann, Braun- schweig, 1877. 77 MEMOIRS ON Thus from FIG. 28. FIG. 29. FIG. 30. 4. 2 b we get FIG. 31. from .4. 2 c we get and and The bodies represented by Figure 29 and Figure 30 are geometrically identical, only that they are observed from different sides, the same is true of Figure 32 and Figure 33. The result is different when at least one of the two doubly linked carbon atoms is combined with two different radicals and it becomes saturated by the addition of a third radical which is unlike either of the other two. It then becomes asymmetric and now there results, since each of the two points of union are equally favorable to the addition, a reverse order in the arrangement of the single radicals, that is, there arise bodies which are not superposable, but one is the reflected im- age of the other : FIG. 35. FIG. 36. + 2 C and In Figure 35 the radicals taken in the order a : b : c are arranged in one direction (toward the left as seen from the center of the system) ; and in Figure 36 they are arranged in an 78 S T E E E 0-C H E M I S T R Y . opposite direction (toward the right when seen from the center of the system). If now the opposite order of arrangement of the same radicals about an asymmetric carbon atom causes op- posite optical activity, we have at once an explanation of the fact that such reactions never give rise to products which will ro- tate the plane of polarized light, for the dextro- and Icevo-rotatory modifications are formed at the same time in equal quantities. 14. If the passage from an unsaturated compound to a saturated compound is followed by the re-formation of an un- saturated compound by the splitting off of two radicals, then the kind of asymmetry is without influence upon the configura- tion of the product ; it, therefore in this case, makes no differ- ence which one of the two unions in the first unsaturated compound is broken by the addition. Optically opposite modi- fications give identical products when they pass over into unsatu- rated compounds, provided that the radicals in combination with the asymmetric carbon atom and which split off are the same in all cases. If there were an especial attraction between the affinities of a and c then Figure 35 would give by rotation FIG. 37. and Figure 36 would give If now a of the asymmetric system and c of the other system are split off and the resulting free valences of the carbon atoms are united, from Figure 37 we should get FIG. 39. FIG. 40. and from Figure 38 we should get 79 MEM OIKS ON On the contrary if the asymmetric system loses the radical c and the other system loses the radical a, then Figure 37 FIG. 42. gives /V\T( and Figure 38 gives In Figures 39 and 40 we can recognize at once the identity of configuration; Figure 41 and Figure 42 appear, indeed at first sight to differ, but they are the images of two geometrically identical bodies seen from opposite sides. 15. Later on, in the discussion of unsaturated compounds which contain doubly linked carbon atoms, will often occur the necessity of referring to the kind of symmetry present. In order not to be compelled to represent this graphically in each case, it is well to make use of a special name for each kind of symmetry ; in selecting these names, I have been aided by the advice of my brother-in-law, Dr. Th. Reye, professor of mathematics at the university of Strassburg. The simplest case of geometrical isomerism among unsatur- ated compounds occurs when each of the two doubly linked carbon atoms is united with similar pairs of unlike radicals. Such a body with the general formula Cab n Cab in distinction from the structural isomer Caa n Cbb has long been called symmetrical. The positions of the four atoms a b in both compounds are in fact geometrically sym- metrical, in different ways, however. In the configuration a.C.b ii b.C.a 'like radicals are symmetrically situated with respect to the common center of gravity and with respect to the common axis 80 STEKEO-CHEMISTRY. of both systems, their positions therefore, are center symmetric or axisymmetric. In the second configuration FIG. 44. a.C.b ii or a.C.b on the other hand a : a and b : b are not symmetric with respect to the middle point or with respect to the common axis, but they are symmetrically situated with respect to a plane pass- ing through the two points of union of the pair of carbon atoms and vertical to the common axis. They are, therefore, designated as plane symmetric. The expressions center symmetric or axisymmetric and plane symmetric may not only be used in speaking of the radicals that occupy these positions, but they are also used for the positions themselves so that, for example, in a compound not only the relation of a': a but also b : c can be designated as center symmetric or axisymmetric. 1 1 I shall use the term center symmetric only, axisymmetry occurs also a-C-a in the case n but this on the other hand is just like those that have b-C-b been previously designated as unsymmetrical. 81 MEMOIRS ON FIG. 46. In on the contrary they are plane symmetric and a': b as well as a : c are axisymmetric. 1 16. Positions which are in a direction from one another which is parallel to the common axis of the two systems, will hereafter be designated corresponding positions. In FIG. 47. THE HYPOTHESIS the positions a and a', b and b', c and c' are correspond- ing positions; in doubly linked systems the plane symmetric positions are at the same time corresponding positions. III. SPECIAL PART. IK ITS APPLICATION" TO SINGLE GROUPS OF CHEMICAL FACTS. 17. This extension of the theory concerning the space re- lation of the elementary atoms which was developed in the previous chapter was a result of following the forms in single cases of geometrically isomeric unsaturated compounds by the aid of models. In what follows an attempt will be made to show, not only, how completely this theory explains, from a single point of view, many analogous changes hitherto not un- derstood, but that it also throws a clear light upon another group of chemical processes which have thus far remained entirely in the dark. In the first place will be taken up the simpler processes in which will be considered the relative positions and the chemi- cal nature of the simple or compound radicals attached to two directly united carbon atom systems; this will be followed by 1 Here it is better to use the term center symmetric instead of axisym- metric. 82 STEKEO-CHEMISTRY. a consideration of processes in which the relation existing be- tween three or more systems have an important significance. A. THE RELATIVE POSITIONS IN SPACE OF THE ATOMS IN DOUBLE SYSTEMS. 1. THE UNSATURATED HYDROCARBONS AND THEIR SUBSTITUTION PRODUCTS. 18. The tivo Tolandichlorides and Tolandibromides. The two isomeric tolandichlorides were made at about the same time in the year 1871 by Zinin 1 and by Limpricht and Schwanert, 2 the former obtained the tolandichlorides by boiling an alcoholic solution of tolantetrachloride, formed by the action of phosphorus pentachloride upon benzil, with zinc; the latter two, on the other hand, obtained the tolandichloride by heat- ing stilbene with phosphorus pentachloride to 170. The re- sulting compound which is formed in by far the greater pro- portions is very easily soluble in alcohol and crytallizes in needles which melt at 63, while the isomeric compound formed in much smaller amounts is soluble with much greater diffi- culty in alcohol and forms tablets which melt at 153. Liebermann and Homeyer 8 reached the same results by boiling with alcohol and zinc dust the tetrachlortolan which they had obtained in large quantities by conducting chlorine into boiling toluene. Both of the dichlorides were farther obtained by Hanhart 4 by heating undiluted benzotrichloride with copper powder, and by Onufrowicz 5 when he brought the tolantetra- chloride which is first formed by the action of copper upon benzotrichloride into reaction with iron powder and acetic acid. In this way he obtained for every 1 part of the tablets which melt at 153, 5 parts of the more easily soluble needles which melt at 63. On the other hand when Liebermann and Homeyer 6 conducted chlorine gas through a chloroform solution of tolan they obtained only the high melting tolandichloride for which they gave the melting point 143. 1 Ber. 4, 288. 4 Ber. 15, 898. 2 Ber. 4, 379. 6 Ber. 17, 833. 8 Ber. 12, 1971. 6 Ber. 12, 1974. 83 MEMOIRS ON All of these facts which cannot be explained by the present theories, will from the considerations above given be under- stood as necessary consequences of the new hypothesis., According to 7 if the tolandichloride which melts at 143 is a simple chlor addition product of tolan it must be plane symmetric FIG. 49. + 01 2= Tolan CeHs.O^O.CeHs Tolandichloride melting point 143 The isomer which results from the withdrawal of chlorine from the tolantetrachloride must therefore be considered as axisymmetric. "We are led to the same conclusion in regard to this point by the application of the principle of 10 to tolantet- rachloride. The possible configurations for tolantetrachloride are FIG. 50. FIG. 51. FIG. 52. C R H, of which those corresponding to Figure 51 and Figure 52 are more favorable positions than that represented in Figure 50. Both contain two chlorine atoms in corresponding positions, whicli by the coming together of these positions can be given up to metals. In this case FIG. 53. FIG. 54. Fig. 51 must give and Fig. 52 gives STEKEO-CHEM1STKY. that is, from both, one and the same center symmetric tolandi- chloride (melting point 68) results as the chief product. But at the same time there will be with rising temperature an increasing number of molecules with the less favorable con- figuration Figure 50, (according to 11) so that there are formed also small amounts of the plane symmetric dichloride, which melts at 143 . 1 19. The tolandibromides have thus far not been prepared from the tetrabromide, on the other hand, Limpricht and Schwanert 2 have obtained two dibromides by mixing an ethereal solution of tolan with bromine, namely : (1) difficultly soluble scales which melt at 200-205o in large quantities and (2) easily soluble needles which melt at 64 in much smaller quantities. Liebermann and Homeyer 3 obtained the same results by the use of a carbon bisulphide solution instead of an ethereal solution. The difficultly soluble high melting dibromide is, here also, plane symmetric resulting from the direct addition of the bromine. The formation at the same time of the axisymmetric dibromide (melting point 64), is due to the temporary exist- ence of tolantetrabrornide which is formed by the addition of bromine to the plane symmetric dibromide, and which after assuming the most favorable position again gives up two of its bromine atoms to the tolan present : FIG. 55. FIG. 56. C K H K Melting point 205 1 The work of Blank, since published by me in Liebi^'s Annalen, 248 1., gives complete experimental confirmation of this law. 2 Ber. 4, 379. 8 Ber. 12, 1974. 85 MEMOIRS ON FIG. 57. FIG. 58. by rotation Br ; melts at 64 In the beginning of the addition of bromine to tolan only the direct addition product is formed, later, when the un- changed tolan molecules become rarer, a part of them are car- ried over to the tetrabromide and this by giving up half of its bromine atoms to tolan. molecules with which it comes in con- tact is transformed into the axisymmetric isomer. 1 20. Geometrical isomerism among the unsaturated hydro- carbons of the fatty group has thus far never been observed. The same is also true thus far for the halogen substitution products, with the exception of the disubstituted ethylene. 2 If the observations of Tawildaroif 8 were correct, that the de- composition of bromethylenedibromide with alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution gives besides the unsymmetric dibromethy- lene boiling at 91, an isomeric compound boiling at 157, then this compound must be a geometric isomer of the symmetric dibromethylene formed from acetylene which boils at 108-110. 4 But without doubt, according to my observations which are to be published in another place, this compound boiling at 157 is essentially nothing else but bromacetylbromide, which is formed from the unsymmetrical dibromethylene by the direct addition of oxygen. 6 . The vapor density, 6.97 found by Sabanejew also indicates this, the vapor density of dibromethylene is only 6.43, 1 I have succeeded in getting complete experimental proof of this as- sumption. The observations in opposition to it are not entirely correct. The publication of these results will follow in Liebig's Annalen. 2 The work of Otto Holz, Liebig's Annalen, 250, 230; and Puckert, Ibid, page 240, makes this statement no longer true. 8 Liebig's Ann. 176, 22. 4 Sabanejew, Liebig's Ann. 178, 116 and 216, 252. 5 Demole, Ber. 11, 316. 86 STEREO-CHEMISTKY. while the vapor density of bromacetylbromide has almost exactly the observed value, namely : 6.98. On the other hand there exist without doubt two different symmetrical diiodoethylenes, both the products of the action of acetylene upon iodine. Sabanejew 1 observed in this reaction the formation of a fluid as well as a solid body. The latter melts at 73 and boils unchanged at 192, while the fluid isomer is solid only below , and is not volatile even with water vapor without decomposition. Hence the latter compound is proba- bly the plane symmetric acetylenediiodide, the product formed by the direct addition of two iodine atoms to acetylene, for, ac- cording to the general behavior of compounds which have iodine attached to neighboring carbon atoms, such a compound would be very unstable. The solid acetylenediiodide, which can be distilled un- changed, must be considered to be the center symmetric com- pound with greater stability, it is formed from the fluid diiodide by the temporary formation of the tetraiodide in a manner similar to the formation of center symmetric tolandibromide (previ- ous ). A thorough investigation of these relations is now under way in my laboratory. 2. FUMARIC ACID, MALEIC ACID AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. 21. THE extraordinary and thusfarunexplainable relations existing between fumaric and maleic acids, are in the light of this new theory no longer puzzling. The majority of the phenomena follow from the theory at once ; only a few of the known facts require the assumption of intermediate processes, for the actual occurrence of which I shall, in a special communi- cation, soon give the experimental proof. 22. a The formation of fumaric acid and maleic acid from malic acid, and the change in the relative yields of each according to the temperature at which the decomposition of the malic acid takes place is completely explained by geometrical considerations alone. If malic acid is heated on an oil bath not higher than 150, 1 Liebig's Ann. 178, 118. 87 M E M I E S ON nearly the whole product is fu marie acid ; the most favorable configuration ( 11) corresponding to malic acid is : FIG. 60. FIG. 61. ill CO. OH Maleic acid or its anhydride can, on the other hand, result only when the two systems assume the less favorable position shown in Figure 62, with respect to one another : FIG. 63. CO. Off CO. OH in which it is a matter of no consequence whether first malei'c acid and then its anhydride are formed, or first malic anhydride is formed and then transformed into maleic anhydride. FIG. 64. OH CO. OH From the second possible less favorable pos- ition (Figure 64) no unsaturated dibasic acid can be derived. In agreement with the point of view developed in 11 is further the fact that, since at higher temperatures the number of molecules present in the less favorable con- dition must be considerable greater than at low temperatures, the greater the heat at which the reaction is carried on the more there is of the maleic anhydride in the product. When malic acid is heated up to 170 180, the yield of maleic acid anhydride is considerable, but the yield is essentially increased if the temperature of the oil bath is brought rapidly up to 200 and held at that point. It never, however, reaches half of the theoretical amount, but there always remains be- 88 STEKEO-CHEMISTKY. hind a considerable quantity of fu marie acid, provided the tem- perature has not been high enough to volatilize the fu marie acid unchanged or to decompose it. 1 If for any reason malic anhydride is formed, which can oc- cur only in the case of the less favorable configuration shown iii Figure 62, the relative position of the systems becomes fixed and by farther decomposition only malei'c anhydride can result. Thus, for example, the latter alone is formed from the anhydrides of acetyl malic acid ; 2 and for the same reasons the anhydrides of the halogen substitution products of succinic acid yield the anhydride of maleic acid and its substitution products. 8 23. b By the addition of strong acids most rapidly with the halogen hydrogen acids maleic acid is converted almost quantitatively intofumaric acid, 4 the latter, on the other hand, under the same conditions, remains unchanged, or forms with fuming hydrochloric or hydrobromic acids monosubstitu- tion products of succinic acid. In this case the mineral acids act as a sort of ferment, and small amounts of the mineral acid are sufficient for the transformation of large quantities of maleic acid. In a similar manner the esters of maleic acid are trans- formed into the esters of fumaric acid. 5 Owing to the greater facility with which maleic acid, as com- pared with fumaric acid, forms addition products, it will first take up the elements of the mineral acid and pass over into a substitution product of succinic acid : for example, Y\/ + H Br CO. Off >.OIf 1 See my article Liebig's Ann. 246, 91. 2 Anschiitz, Ber. 14,2791. 3 Anschutz and Bennert, Ber. 15, 643. 4 Kekule, Liebig's Ann. Supplement Bd. 1, 134 ; Kekule and Strecker, Liebig's Ann. 223, 186. 5 Ossipoff, Ber. 12, 2095. G 89 MEMO IRS ON in which one of the systems under the direction of the stronger affinities rotates with respect to the other and assumes the most favorable position shown in Figure 67 ; and now owing partly to the influence of the water present and partly to the greater insolubility of fumaric acid, hydrobromic acid is split off and fu marie acid must result : FIG. 67. FIG. 68. EO.CO =HBr+ CO. Off Fumaric acid, on the contrary, by the addition of hydro- bromic acid would pass over directly into the monobromsuccinic acid with the most favorable position shown in Figure 67. In this case there is no cause for rotation so that from this addition product only fumaric will be re-formed. 24. c When the ester of maleic acid passes over smoothly into the ester of fumaric acid, 1 there is probably first an addi- tion of the iodine, then a rotation of the systems and a splitting off of hydroiodic acid, which is followed by a reduction of the resulting iodofumaric acid : FIG. 69. FIG. 70. after rotating^ +HI=I 2 + C 2 H & .O.CO Just as in the conversion of maleic acid into fumaric acid by iAnschutz, Ber. 12, 2282. 90 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. hydrobromic acid, the splitting off of the latter enables it to act upon new amounts of maleic acid through the entire course of the reaction, so here will the regenerated iodine again enter into the reaction thus converting large amounts of the plane symmetric maleic acid ester into the axisymmetric fumaric acid ester. Just this fermentlike action of iodine and the halogen hydrogen acids is, moreover, an essential support to the ideas above developed. 25. d The dibromsuccinic acid, which is formed by the addition of two bromine atoms to fumaric acid, is completely decomposed, after boiling some time with much water, into hydrobromic acid and brommaleic acid, 1 because after the addi- tion (Figure 75) rotation must follow (Figure 76) and then by the elimination of either of the hydrobromic acid molecules only the maleic acid derivative can result (Figure 77). FIG. 74. FIG. 75. FIG. 76. FIG. 77. C0.03 JLO.C CO. OH HBr+ 10.OH , ' ~~ CO.OH Dibromsuccinic acid. Brommaleic acid. 70.0H- Fumaric acid. 26, e In a similar manner the brom addition product of malei'c acid, isodibromsuccinic acid, passes over into brom- f u marie acid. 2 FIG. 78. FIG. 79. FIG. 80. FIG. 81. CO.OH rr CO.OH Br H "" 1H OH ^ CO.OH Malei'c acid. Isodibromsuccinic acid. Bromfumaric acid. 27. f By reversing the process dibromsuccinic acid is ob- 1 Petri, Liebig's Ann. 195, 62. 2 Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 2, 91 ; Ann. 130, 1. 91 MEMOIRS ON tained from brommaleic acid and fuming hydrobromic acid, since Figure 77 + HBr leads to Figure >76. In -the same man- ner bromfumaric acid passes over into isodibromsuccinic acid 1 (Figure 81 + HBr=Figure 80). In addition to the symmetrical addition products mentioned there are formed from the brommaleic acid certain amounts of bromfumaric acid and from the latter some dibromsuccinic acid. This reaction which has to be sure not been studied with care in all its phases (for from the brommaleic acid some isodi- bromsuccinic acid would have been obtained) leads one to sup- pose that besides the symmetrical addition of hydrobromic acid there would be under certain conditions at the same time an unsymmetrical addition. The unstable unsymmetrical dibromsuccinic acids resulting in this way from brommaleic acid and from tnromf umaric acid are identical and in its three possible configurations there seems to be none that is markedly more favorable than the others. Brommaleic acid gives directly the configuration shown in Figure 82, bromfumaric acid on the contrary gives directly the configuration shown in Figure 84. But both of these can by rotation take on the configuration shown in Figure 83. FIG. 83. FIG. 84. By the elimination of hydrobromic acid Figure 82 will always give brommaleic acid, while Figure 83 and Figure 84 will give rise to bromfumaric acid. Each of the two unsaturated brom acids will give, rise to the other, and hence by the symmetrical addition both of the dibromsuccinic acids will be formed. 28. g The surprising fact that when brommaleic acid is treated with insufficient amounts of sodium amalgam it does not yield maleic acid, but first gives fumaricacid 2 and then goes over into succinic acid, is without doubt due to the fact that this reaction does not directly replace the bromine with 1 Petri, Annalen 195, 67. 2 Ibid, Annalen 195, 64. 92 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. hydrogen, but first the hydrogen is added and a bromsuccinic acid is formed and this after rotation eliminates hydrobromic acid : FIG. 85. FIG. 86. FIG. 87. FIG. 88. CO. OH n CO. OH H CO. Off *" 29. h When brommale'ic acid and bromfumaric acid take up two atoms of bromine they are converted into the same tribromsuc- cinic acid. 1 Since the latter contains an asymmetric carbon atom in the group CHBr.CO.OH it must exist in two geometric isomers which are optically opposites, and both of which must be formed in equal quantities from each of the brom unsaturated acids, because each one of the two valences of the double union has the same tendency to take up the bromine. Thus : FIG. 89. FIG. 90. FIG. 91. OR CO. OH Brommale'ic acid. FIG. 92. HO. CO HO. CO +Br CO. OH Bromfumaric acid. VO.OH CO. Off and O.OB. and CO. OH But Figure 91 is identical with Figure 93 and Figure 90 with Figure 94 since one of each two is converted directly into the other by the rotation of one of the systems. 30. i The fact that malei'c acid when oxidized with po- 1 Petri, Annalen 195, 93 MEMOIRS ON tassium permanganate solution gives inactive tartaric acid, 1 and fu marie acid on the other hand gives racemic acid, 2 is quite as strong proof of the correctness of the geometrical formulas as- sumed for f umaric acid and maleic acid as was the passage of the latter into the former ( 23). In both cases the two carbon atom systems CH.CO.OH by the addition of hydroxyl pass over into the asymmetric system CH(OH) (CO. OH). When formed from maleic acid the radicals attached to the carbon atoms possess opposite orders of arrangement: FIG. 95. FIG. 96. CO. OH and OH CO. OH OH The order of arrangement of CO. OH : OH : H in Figure 96 is for the upper tetrahedron a lej:t handed one and for the lower tetrahedron on the other hand it is a right handed one, so soon as the latter is brought into a corresponding position with the first ; in Figure 97 on the contrary the upper one is right handed and the lower one is left handed. There must therefore be in each of the molecules formed the two. optically opposite asymmetric systems so that only the op- tically inactive tartaric acid can result. Fumaric acid on the other hand acts geometrically quite differently. By the addi- tion of 2. OH to the pair of valences 2. 2' both systems give a right handed arrangement, by the addition to the pair of valences 1. 1' they give a left handed arrangement. There thus arise from fumaric acid only molecules in which the two systems are alike in their action upon the plane of pol- arized liglft, they are dextro-rotatory and laevo-rotatory, and are formed in equal amounts, that is, racemic acid which is capable of being decomposed into the optically opposite modifications is formed. 1 Kekule and Anschiitz, Ber. 14, 713. 2 Kekule and Anschiitz, Ber. 13, 2150; and Anschiitz, Annalen, 226, 191. 94 8TEKEO-CHEM1STRY. Fio. 98. FIG. 99. FIG. 100. HO. CO..OH Evidently the behavior of isodibromsuccinic acid and di- bromsuccinic acid must be entirely analogous. 31. Of the known transformations of bodies belonging to the fumaric and maleic acid groups, there are two facts, so far as our present observations appear to show, that are not in ac- cordance with the theory as developed. They are the transfor- mation of a part of the maleic acid in contact with bromine into fumaric acid 1 (26), which at first appears to be without explanation, and on the other hand the formation of dibrom- fumaric acid by the addition of bromine to acetylene dicarboxy- lic acid,2 which is in direct opposition to the theory ( 7). In an extended series of investigations concerning which I shall give a full report in another place, 8 it has been shown that in these transformations the processes are not by any means so simple as has hitherto been assumed ; in both cases quantities of hydrobromic acid are formed which are sufficient to convert maleic acid into fumaric acid, and brommaleic acid into bromfumaric acid (compare 23 and 27). My experiments have shown farther that the acetylene dicarboxylic acid forms dibromfumaric acid only under previously specified conditions, but on the contrary, in complete accord with the theory it gives dibrommaleic acid when the action of the hydrobromic acid, produced as a by-product, upon the acetylene dicarboxy- lic acid is prevented (and indeed the larger the quantities the better this succeeds). There exists at present, so far as I know, not a single fact in the genetic relations between fumaric acid and maleic acid which is not clearly explained by these geometrical considerations, not one which does not serve as a support for the new hypothesis. 1 Petri, Armalen 195, 59. 2 Bandrowski, Ber. 12, 2212. 3 Annalen, 246, 61-91. 95 MEMOIRS ON 3. THE PYKOCITRIC ACIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. 32. Of the isomeric unsaturated acids which arise by the dry distillation of citric acid only citraconic acid and mesa- conic acid are geometrically isomeric (I.), while the itaconic acid has its elements combined in a different order (II.). CH 3 CH 2 I. C. CO. OH II. C. CO. OH OH. CO. OH CHa. CO. OH The latter kind of structure does not permit of different ar- rangements in space, but the former does. Citraconic acid is easily recognized as the analogue of malei'c acid as it readily forms an anhydride, that is, it has its two carboxyl groups in the plane symmetric position, while in mesaconic acid correspond- ing to fumaric acid they are in the center symmetric positions. 33. Citraconic acid when treated with mineral acids is transformed into mesaconic acid. When the elements of hydrobromic acid are added, a mutual rotation of the two singly linked carbon atom systems takes place, so that the nega- tive radicals of one system will assume corresponding positions with respect to the positive radicals of the other system. The splitting off of hydrobromic acid under the influence of water will always lead to the formation of mesaconic acid : FIG. 101. FIG. 102. FIG. 103. CO. OH CO. OH .CO. OH en. . OH Citraconic acid. Monobrompyro- tartaric acid. FIG. 105. by rotation to the more favorable positions S T E R E - C H E M I S T R Y . but by the splitting off of hydrobromic acid mesaconic acid is formed in both cases : FIG. 107. AYIT_ MO.CO, CO. OB 1 Mesaconic acid. On the contrary if citraconic acid or better its anhydride is covered with hydrobromic acid which has been saturated at 0, the splitting off of the latter does not occur, since there is no unsaturated water present, and monobrompyrotartaric acid is obtained. In this case two opposite asymmetric modifica- tions will result according as the acid breaks one or the other of the pair of carbon valences, and indeed both will be formed in equal quantities. The monobrompyrotartaric acid obtained is therefore inactive but it may be decomposed into a dextro- and a laevo-modification. The same two monobrompyrotar- taric acids are formed by the addition of hydrobromic acid to mesaconic acid, and in this case the most favorable position results at once. Corresponding to this is the fact that citraconic anhydride and mesaconic acid are found to give identical prod- uct when treated with fuming hydrobromic acid. 34. If instead of hydrobromic acid bromine is added to citraconic acid and mesaconic acid two different dibrompyro- tartaric acids must result; of these the citradibrompyrotartaric acid corresponds to the isodibromsuccinic acid and inactive tartaric acid the addition products of malei'c acid, and 'the mesodibrompyrotartaric acid corresponds to the similar deriva- tives of fumaric acid, dibromsuccinic acid and racemic acid (compare 25, 26, and 30). Just as dibromsuccinic acid by boiling with water passes over into bromnialeic acid, so mesodibrompyrotartaric acid gives bromcitraconic acid and by heating the latter its anhydride is obtained. Boiling water decomposes citradibrompyrotartaric acid in an entirely different manner, besides propionicaldehyde, 97 MEMOIRS ON carbonic acid and hydrobromic acid, brommethylacrylic acid is obtained. By heating alone it gives bromcitraconic acid anhydride ; here the heating causes the anhydride formation (citradibrompyrotartaric acid anhydride) first, and after the positions of the systems have thus become fixed hydrobromic acid splits off. 35. The passage of citradibrompyrotartaric acid into brom- methylacrylic acid belongs to a group of phenomena which likewise find their complete explanation only by geometrical considerations. It is that very common class of decomposi- tions, in which the alkali salts of the halogen substituted acids split off the metal bromides and carbon dioxide and form an unsaturated compound, be it a hydrocarbon, a halogen sub- stitution product of a hydrocarbon, or an unsaturated acid of less basicity. Since these processes all have something in com- mon, and since following out the space arrangement of the atoms in their case necessitates the consideration of three, carbon atom systems, it seems advisable to postpone their consideration to a special chapter. 4. THE UNSATURATED ACIDS OF THE ACRYLIC ACID GROUP. 36. In the group of acids which have a constitution ana- logous to that of acrylic acid there are numerous cases of iso- merism which must be due to a difference in the arrangement in space of the elementary atoms which are combined with one another in the same order of succession. Acrylic acid itself as well as its substitution products is not capable of forming geometrical isomers, since in the structure H.C.H. H.O.CO.OH there is only one possible arrangement and the formulas H-O-H H-C-H ii an( i ii K-C-CO.OH HO.CO-C-R represent identical arrangements. The /?- and ^-substitution products of acrylic acid must, on the contrary, exist in two geometrical isomeric modifications, and they are known in great numbers among the homologues of acrylic acid and their analogous aromatic compounds. 98 S T E K E - H E M I S T K Y . For some time it appeared as though the space isomer of rnouochloracrylic acid had also been prepared, ior Otto and Beckurts 1 obtained from a-dichlorpropionic acid a liquid boil- ing at 176-180 which appeared to be, without doubt a-chlor- acrylic acid, so that the acid melting at 64 -65 obtained by Werigo and Werner 2 from a-/3-ehlorpropionic acid appeared to be a geometrical isomer of the undoubted /3-chloracrylic acid melting at 84 -85, and first obtained by Pinner and Bischoft' 3 by the reduction of chloralide with zinc and hydrochloric acid. But later Otto and Beckurts 4 recognized that their supposed a-chloracrylic acid was really a mixture of equal molecules of a-dichlorpropionic acid and pyrotartaric acid, and that from the former, by means of dilute potassium hydroxide solution, they prepared the acid obtained by Werigo, and this is believed to be the a-chloracrylic acid. Since /3-chloracrylic acid may be formed by the addition of hydrochloric acid to propiolic acid it probably has a constitu- tion corresponding to the formula : Cl-C-H H-C-CO.OH The geometric isomer of this is still lacking, (a) TJie Crotonic acids and Methylacrylic acid. 37. Since it has been shown by R. Friedrich 5 that /3-chlor- isocrotonic acid and chlorcrotonic acid by the action of alkalis and also by the action of heat at temperatures which lie far be- low the transformation temperature of isocrotonic acid into crotonic acid, give exactly the same transformation product, the assumption of a difference in the structure of the two chlor acids must be given up. Crotonic acid and isocrotonic acid both have the formula CH 3 . CH:CH.CO.OH, and their /?-chlor substitution products are CH 3 .CC1:CH.CO.OH. For each of these structural formu- las there exist two arrangements in space : 1 Ber. 9, 1879; and 10, 1948. 2 Liebig's Annalen 170, 168. 3 Ibid. 179, 85, 4 Ber. 18, 240. 6 Liebig's Annalen 219, 322. M E M I II S ON FIG. 108. FIG. 109. CO. OH CO. OH Crotonic acid. Isocrotonic acid, FIG. 110. FIG. ill. CO. OH CO. OH /3-Chlorcrotonic acid /2-Chlorisocrotonic acid melting point 94.5 . melting point 59.5 . and similarly there will be two a-chlorcrotonic acids : FIG. 112. FIG. 113. CII. co. OH CO - OH Which of these methods of arrangement corresponds to each of the known compounds has been determined only with some degree of probability by their relation to tetrolic acid, the transformation of one of the isomers into the other as in the case of maleic acid and fu marie acid has not been accomplished. Both /3-chlorcrotonic acids when treated with potassium hy- droxide solution pass over into tetrolic acid, the /?-chlorcrotonic acid undergoes this transformation in the shortest time with the smoothest reaction with dilute caustic potash and at a tem- perature of 70 01 , while the chlorisocrotonic acid requires a tem- perature considerably over 100 02 and gives a much smaller yield of tetrolic acid. The configuration of /?-chlorcrotonic acid must Liebig's Annalen, 219, 347, 349. 2 Ibid. 341-345. 100 S T E R EO - H therefore be better adapted to the formation of tetrolic acid ; that is it corresponds to Figure 110. For the #-chlorisocrotonic acid there remains the space formula Figure 111, for isocro- tonic acid Figure 109, and for crotonic acid Figure 108. The observation that /3-chlorcrotonic acid melting at 94.5 and not chlorisocrotonic acid results from the addition of hydrochloric acid to tetrolic acid, leads to the same result. Which of the two configurations Figures 112 and 113 corre- sponds to the known a-chlorcr*otomc acid, with a melting point of 97.5, cannot be determined by means of the facts at hand. In consequence of this difficulty I have undertaken the rein- vestigation of the halogen substitution products of the cro- tonic acids, and have found that the a-chlorcrotonic acid is formed from the isocrotonic acid dichloride by the action of alkalis. The a-chlorcrotonic acid must therefore be the one that has the OHa and CO. OH in corresponding positions since by the addition of two chlorine atoms to isocrotonic acid a rota- tion of the systems with respect to one another must follow : cn : FIG. 114. FIG. 115. FIG. 116. FIG. 117. Ctfar^ ^JT Cl^ =^CH8 V CO. OS Jscrotonic acid. Iscrotonic acid dichloride. a-Chlorcrotonic acid. In the same manner the chlor addition product of ordinary crotonic acid gives a new, fourth chlorcrotonic acid, which melts at a much lower temperature (66. OQ), and which for similar reasons is considered the a-chlorisocrotonic acid. CH 3 .C.H Ol.O.CQ.OH The results of- this work as well as the results of another work carried on at the same time upon the derivatives of the a-/?-dibrombutyric acid resulting from the isomeric crotonic acids, will be first published in another place. [Ann. 248. 281.] 101 38. Up to the present time only two brominated crotonic acids were known. One melting at 106.5 was obtained by Bis- choff and Guthzeit 1 from propenyltricarboxylic acid, also by Michael and Norton 2 from the -dibrombutyric acid by treat- ment with alcoholic potash solution ; the second was obtained in a similar manner from the a-/3-dibrombutyric acid, and from the crotonic acid dibrornide, as a mass melting at 92. The latter was obtained in the same way by Korner 3 as early as 1866, but in spite of its high melting point it was considered by him to be identical with brommethylacrylic acid. Erlen- meyer and Muller 4 obtained it later together witli a-bromcro- tonic acid by the same process. Finally it was investigated by C. Kolbe 5 and its melting point found to be 90 and he believed it to be /3-bromcrotonic acid. The only ground for this assumption is that it is different from the a-bromcrotonic acid. It is, however, without doubt only the geometrical isomer of the latter, for according to my observations it results from the isocrotonic acid dibromide. Quite recently Michael and Browne 6 have concluded that it is " allo "-a-bromcrotonic acid, since the /? -bromcrotonic acid prepared by them from tetrolic acid and hydrobromic acid melts at 94.5-95 and has quite different properties. Upon the grounds explained in the previous paragraph that one of the a-bromcrotonic acids which melts at 106.5 is the real a-bromcrotonic acid, while that one which melts at 90, on the other hand, is the a-bromisocrotonic acid : H-C-CHs CHa-C-H Br-C-CO. OH Br-C. CO.OH a-bromcrotonic acid a-bromisocrotonic acid (melts at 106.5) (melts at 90) Isomeric with crotonic acid is methylacrylic acid, which is a-methylacrylic acid and hence can exist in but one form ; its 1 Ber. 14, 616. 2 Ibid. p. 1202. 3 Ann. 137, 233. 4 Ber. 15, 49. 5 Journ. f. prakt.Chem. [2] 25, 394. e Ibid. 35, 257. S T E II E - C H E M I S T R Y . halogen substitution products, however, must show geometrical isomerism. Such is apparently the case with the brornmethyl- acrylic acid, melting at 62-63, obtained from citradibrompyro- tartaric acid ; and the isobrornmethylacrylic acid, melting at 66, obtained along with the former from mesadibrompyro- tartaric acid 1 . New investigations of these acids are now in progress (compare 53). (b) The Methylcrotonic Acids and their Homologues. 39. According to our present knowledge of tiglic acid and Me acid, which has been recently much increased by the thorough investigations of Fittig and his pupils 2 , they bear the same relation to one another that crotonic acid bears to isocro- tonic acid ; i. e., they are geometrically isorneric. Thus, for example, by boiling for forty hours angelic acid is completely converted into tiglic acid. Indeed our present knowledge of these striking relations is very meagre, so that a new experimental investigation which is now under way is much to be desired. 3 40. Similar phenomena have been observed with the higher homologues of the acrylic acid series. Thus, for example, the structural relations between the dibromcaproic acid resulting from the addition of hydrobromic acid to sorbic acid and the isodibromcaproic acid formed by the action of bromine upon hydrosorbic acid is not yet sufficiently clear to permit of definite conclusions in regard to the configuration of the unsatu- rated compounds derived from them. The bromcaproic acid formed by the addition of hydrobromic acid to hydrosorbic acid, by splitting off hydrobromic acid yields isohydrosorbic acid 4 along with caprolactone, a transformation that belongs to this class of phenomena. In hydrosorbic acid CH 3 . CH 2 . CH 2 . OH : CH. CO. OH if the propyl and carboxyl groups have center symmetric positions (Figure 118), then when it is transformed into the saturated bromcaproic acid (Figures 119 and 120) a rotation will take 1 Fittig and Krusemark, Ann. 206, 16. 2 Ann. 195, 79, 92, 108. 3 M. Puckert, Ann. 250, 240. 4 Landsberg, Ann. 200, 51 ; and Hjelt, Ber. 15, 618. 103 M E M I K S ON place so that these two groups will assume corresponding posi- tions with respect to one another,, (Figures 121 and 122) and by the elimination of bromine and hydrogen the geometrically isomeric acid with the plane symmetric position is formed (Figure 123): FIG. 118. FIG. 119. ->.OH Hydrosorbic acid (?) FIG. 121. CTO.OS FIG. 122. FIG. 123. by. rotation Fig. H9 becomes : Fig. 120 /\ becomes <4L4, era . OH both give by /\ elimination / \ of HBr. CO. OH Isohydrosorbic acid(?) 40 a. The higher members of the acrylic acid series, as is known, when treated with mineral acids, especially with a trace of nitrous acid, pass over into isomers with a somewhat higher melting point, and so far as their decomposition by alkalis is concerned with the same structure. These are hypo- gaeic acid, olei'c acid and erucic acid, and they become gaei'd- inic acid, elai'dic acid and brassidic ;icid. Provisionally there is ground for considering this process analogous to the change of maleic acid into fumaric acid ( 23) and the change of hydrosorbic acid into isohydrosorbic acid, since the nitrous acid always acts here as a sort of ferment, and is therefore split off again from its first combinations, and so may continue the process with a new molecule. But in this case the oleic acid from the fats would have the space formula. E-C-H H-C-CO.OH and the artificial isomer would have the formula 104 S T E H E - C H E M I S T R Y . H-C-R H-C-CO.OH in which E stands for the alcohol radicals : Cis H2? ; Cis Hai ; Cl9 H 3 9. (c) Cinnamic acid, Us Isomers and Homologues. 1 41. The literature upon this subject was briefly referred to in the introduction. The bromcinnamic acids formed by the addition of hydrobromic acid to phenylpropiolic acid, the one signalized by Michael and Norton and the other known earlier, which had some years before been prepared by Erlen- meyer and Stockmeier although they did not publish their observations, must, according to 7, assuming that only a simple addition of a bromine atom and a hydrogen atom has taken place give rise to a- and /3-bromcinnamic acids in which the phenyl group and the carboxyl groups are in plane symmet- ric positions : C 6 II 5 H-C-C 6 H 5 BrC-C 6 H 5 m + *HBr= I Br fi_ 0(XOH + <-*) H C-CO.OH CO.OH Hence the already known bromcinnamic acid formed by the action of alcoholic caustic potash solution upon ciunamic acid dibromide will have the space formula : Cells-C-H CcHs-C-Br 11 and I' Br-C-CO.OH H-C-CO.OH a-bromcinnamic acid. /?-bromcinnamic acid. Which of the two possible configurations for the cinnamic acid formula C 6 H 5 . CH : CIL CO. OH , H-C-C 6 H 5 , TT C 6 H 5 -C-H 1. ii and 11. ii II-C-CO.OH H-C-CO.OH 1 Since the first publication of this paper the assumptions made here in regard to structural isomerism of the halogen substitution products of cinnamic acid have been greatly shaken. Compounds held to be structural isomers now appear to be geometri- cally isomeric with the same structure. The results of Michael's work on this point are in the meantime to be still farther examined. A number of my pupils are now engaged with these investigations. H 105 MEMOIKS ON corresponds to the known cinnamic acid is indeed not yet de- termined with absolute certainty, but it appears to be space formula I., since this formula alone will give the long known bromcinnamic acid. If cinnamic acid is, FIG. 124. the dibromide will then be : FIG. 125. FIG. 126. FIG. 127. which by /P. rotation * /\ gives /\ or lir CO. OH c 6 // 6 CO.OH Br CO.OH and these by the splitting off of hydrobromic acid give the bromcinnamic acids : FIG. 128. FIG. 129. CO.OH If it were possible to replace the single halogen atom of the bromcinnamic acids with hydrogen, without forming by addition the phenylpropionic acid, then the bromcinnamic acid pre- pared from cinnamic acid would without doubt give an iso- cinnamic acid and the bromcinnamic acid obtained from phenylpropiolic acid would, on the contrary, give the ordinary cinnamic acid. Upon these points also new experiments have already been begun in my laboratory. 106 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. 42. Atropic acid the structural isomer of cinnamic acid C 6 H 5 . C=CH 2 H-C-H i or ii CO. OH C 6 H 5 .C.CO.OH does not permit of geometrical isomerism. In fact the a-isatropic acid first discovered by Losseni and the /Msatropic acid discovered by Fittig 2 along with the for- mer are undoubtedly polymers of atropic acid and are struc- turally isomeric with one another, so that they need not be considered here. 43. The homologues of cinnamic acid, namely the phenylcrotonic acids should give geometrical isomers, but the investigations of Fittig and his pupils 3 did not extend in this direction ; they were concerned rather with the resulting lac- tones. (d) Coumarin, Coumarinic acid and Coumaric acid. 44. Conmarin and its homologues, as is known, dissolve in alkalis with the formation of highly unstable metal com- pounds, from which by the action of acids, indeed even by the action of carbonic acid, the unchanged coumarin is again separated. R. Williamson* who has prepared these metallic compounds found that in composition they corresponded to the formula CH. C 6 H 4 .OM CH.CO.OM It is therefore a phenol salt, in which not only the metal in the place of the hydrogen of the phenol hydroxyl, but, as is frequently the case with the y- and d-oxyacids also the metal in the caboxyl group can be withdrawn by the action of car- bonic acid, with the formation of lactones : CH.C 6 H 4 .ONa CH.C 6 H 4 .OH CH. CO.ONa OH.CO.OH CH.C 6 H 4 2NaHC0 3 + > By long heating of coumaric acid with very concentrated alkali solutions or by fusing it with caustic alkalis this basic metal salt goes over into an isomeric compound from which 1 Ann. 138, 237. 2 Ann. 206, 35. 8 Ann. 216, 97. 4 Journ. of the Chem. Soc. 1875, 850. 107 M E M I K S ON only the strong mineral acids can set free the orthocoumaric acid. 1 The latter does not give the expected coumarin when heated, but is transformed into this only when the addition product formed by the action of fuming hydrobromic acid is decomposed with water. a Upon this observation Fittig 3 remarked : "This reaction is the more remarkable since the retransformation of orthocou- maric acid into coumarin has hitherto been accomplished in but one way ; namely by heating the acetyl coumaric acid to high temperatures." " It is difficult to account for the change in this instance by the dehydrating action of the hydrobromic acid, since it is scarcely to be assumed that the phenol hydroxyl in the coumaric acid will be exchanged for bromine." These relations, as well as the isomerism first observed by Perkin* and confirmed by Fittig and Ebert 5 between the methyl ether of orthocoumaric acid made from the methyl ether of salicylic aldehyde and corresponding derivative of coumaric acid made by treating the metallic derivatives of coumarin with the alkyl iodide, can be understood only by the help of geomet- rical considerations. 45. The extreme ease with which coumaric acid forms its anhydride coumarin indicates that in its space formula the two groups that acting upon one another give the anhydride for- mation must be on the same side of the common axis of the double system, CH ii , that is, must be plain symmetric as is the CH case with the carboxyl groups in male'ic acid and citronic acid : FIG. 130. FIG. 131. 4- 2 KOH = Y^J 4- H 2 Coumarin. Coumarinic acid salt. 1 Delalande, Ann. 45, 334; Bleibtreu, Ann. 59, 183; Fittig, Ann. 226, 351. 2 Fittig Ibid. 3 Ibid, page 352. 4 Journ. Chem. Soc. 1877 I. 414 and 418. 5 Ann. 216, 142 (Compare also Ibid 226, 353). 108 S T E EE - H E MIS T ft Y . The orthocoumaric acid on the other hand, the salts of which will not yield coumarin by the action of acids will have the two groups in the center symmetric positions. Its formation from coumarin by heating with an excess of caustic alkali is due either to an intermolecular change or to the addition of the elements of the alkali just as fumaric acid 1 and malei'cacid 2 do when heated with alkalis for a long time with the formation of malic acid, or as the ester of fumaric acid and the ester of malei'c acid unite with sodium ethylate to form the ethylether of malic acid. 3 By the addition of KOH to Figure 131 there results : FIG. 132. or CO. OK from which by the splitting off of KOH again after the rotation the salts of coumaric acid will result : FIG. 134. FIG. 135. CO. OS 46. That the oxyphenyl group and the carboxyl group occupy center symmetric positions in coumaric acid is fully confirmed by the fact that coumaric acid is converted into cou- marin by the addition of hydrobromic acid which is split off again. The addition is shown thus: 1 Linneman and Loydl. Ann. 192, 81. 2 van't Hoff. Ber. 18, 2713. . 8 Purdie, Journ. Chem. Soc. 1881 I, 344 and Ber. 18 Ref. 536. 109 MEMOIRS ON FIG. 137. Coumaric acid. under the influence of the tendency to form lactoues a rotation of the systems with respect to one another takes place. FIG. 139. FIG. 140. After this occurs the positions are fixed and by the splitting off of hydrobromic acid coumarin results: FIG. 141. The result is the same when the bromine is added to the a-carbon atom. 47. The a-alkyl ether coumaric acids formed by the action of alkyl iodides upon the basic sodium salt of coumarinic acid (44) are evidently coumarinic acid derivatives FIG. 142 FIG. 143. CO.ONa, CO.ONa Sodium salt of a-methyl ether coumaric acid, or better sodium salt of methyl ether coumarinic acid, 110 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. on the other hand by the condensation of methyl salicyl alde- hyde with sodium acetate and acetic anhydride the /3-methyl ether coumaric acid, or simply the methyl ether coumaric acid, results: FIG. 144. FIG. 145. ^CO.OII II"- CO. OH Methyl ether coumaric acid. 5 THE TRANSFORMATION OF UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS INTO GEOMETRICAL ISOMERS BY HEAT. 48. A large number of unsaturated compounds which have geometric isomers corresponding to them, are converted into these by heating to a certain point for a sufficient length of time, without the presence of any other chemical compound, and the same change takes place in small quantities by a sort of ferment action. 1 To this class belong, for example, the partial transformation of fumaric acid into maleic acid anhydride, of mesaconic acid into citraconic acid anhydride, and the halogen substitution products of fumaric acid into the anhydride of the correspond- ing derivatives of maleic acid. Analogous processes are the transformation of isocrotonic acid into crotonic acid at 180 190, of angelic acid into tiglic acid at the same temperature, and the /?-chlorcrotonic acid into the /3-chlorisocrotonic acid by heating for twenty hours at 150 160 . Also the transforma- tion of methyl ether coumarinic acid into methyl ether cou- maric acid takes place in a similar manner. These transformations are due to intermolecular changes, which may be the result of the loosening of the unions by the 1 Such a change of position appears to be the rule at sufficiently high temperatures. Thus each of the geometric isomers of tolandichloride and tolandibromide are partly converted into the other. Each of the /?-brom and the /?-chlor as well as the a- and /3-halogen substitute cro-' tonic acids behave in a similar manner. In another place I shall discuss these interesting relations in greater detail. Ill MEMO IBS ON action of heat so that there is an exchange of positions of the radicals concerned and directly in combination with the group C n so as to form more stable compounds, or at times the double union of the two carbon atoms may be so far loosened that under the action of energetic affinities a rotation of the systems may take place without the addition of radicals to these nascent affinities and at last the double union is again es- tablished. When, for example, the isocrotonic acid goes over to the crotonic acid this change would in the first instance be repre- sented by the scheme : FIG. 146. FIG. 147. cn. CO. OH' CO.Off in which the methyl and hydrogen exchange their places; in the second case the following figures will express the inter- mediate stages of the transformation : FIG. 148. FIG. 149. FIG. 150. CH. OIL Loosening of the union by heat CH.OH after rotating CO.Off CO.OH FIG. 151. Change of position of the H. re-establishment of the double unions CO.OH CO. OR As a cause for this change we have the great affinity of the methyl for the negative carboxyl group. In the transforma- tion of /3-chlorcrotonic acid into isochlorcrotonic acid the STEKEO-CHEMISTKY. negative chlorine atom to be sure approaches as near as pos- sible to the CO. OH perhaps under the influence of the hy- droxyl hydrogen atom which, when one considers the space relations of the carboxyl group itself in its relation to the re- mainder of the compound, approaches quite near to the po- sition 3. The transformation of the acids with the fumaric acid con- figuration into those of the maleic acid group, is due to re- lations entirely analogous to those in the /?-chlorcrotonic acid and lies in the tendency toward anhydride formation which is possible only with acids that have their carboxyl groups in the plane symmetric positions. The reaction first takes place in these cases at temperatures lying above 200 which is a tem- perature above that required for the formation of maleic acid anhydride from maleic acid, If by the action of heat the double union is so loosened that rotation can take place, when the carboxyl groups come into corresponding positions and it matters not whether they come into this position through the greater affinities of these groups for one another or only as a result of the heat impulses as soon as the anhydride is formed the two systems are fixed in corresponding positions. This change of the configuration at high temperatures must be considered as entirely analogous to the undeniable change in the constitution of chemical compounds by intermolecular transformations ; as, for example, the change of an optically active modification of an organic compound into its optical opposite, or into the inactive modification. B. THE SPACE RELATIONS OF THE ATOMS WITH THREE AND MORE CARBON SYSTEMS. 1. The simultaneous elimination of metal halides and carbon dioxide from the salts of the halogen substitution products of organic acids. 49. We owe to the work of Fittig and his pupils a proof of the great frequency and a thorough study of a reaction which was first discovered by Kekule 1 when he discovered the decomposition of the neutral salt of citradibrompyrotartaric 1 Liebig's Ann., Supplem. Bd. 2, 98. 113 MEMOIRS ON acid into metal bromide, carbon dioxide and brommethyl acrylic acid, in the course of his investigations upon the un- saturated acids. Fittig saw to his surprise numerous other analogous decom- positions of the neutral salts of monobasic brom-acids, and be- lieved that this reaction must be dependent upon the position of the eliminated bromine atom with respect to the carboxyl group. His assumption that both of them were attached to the same carbon atom, or in other words that the bromine was in the a-position with respect to the carboxy], was due to the theoretical probability that two radicals, which strongly influ- enced one another, would occupy positions in the molecule as close together as possible, opposed to this, however, was the generally accepted belief that the bromhydrocinnamic acid which melts at 137 was the a-acid. This view, to be sure, makes it necessary in many cases to assume an intermolecular shifting of the hydrogen atoms along the carbon chain; as, for example, the formation of styrene from the brom-hydrocinnamic acid. , C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 CH 2 = NaBr+C0 2 + CH CHBr CH 2 CO.ONa Bromhydrocinnamic Styrene. acid. Erlenmeyer 1 was the first to introduce important testimony against this interpretation, which, however, Fittig 2 did not con- sider decisive although he admitted that Erlenmeyer's views in so far as the formation of styrene was concerned had great ad- vantage as they made unnecessary the shifting of the hydrogen: C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 CHBr =Na Br + C0 2 + CH i ii CH 2 CHs CO.ONa 1 Ber. 12, 1607. 2 Ann. 200, 87. 114 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. He declared the question of the constitution of the other acids which underwent similar decompositions was still an open one, and turns in his criticism of Erlenmeyer's real reasons to one of the least strong proofs the fact of the forma- tion of the supposed a, but in fact the /3-chlorstyrene from the dichloracetophenone and holds that it is not valid. Now this process is exactly similar to the conversion of acetone into /3-chlorpropylene. CH 3 CH 3 CH a CH 3 CO + PC1 5 = POC1 3 + COlj and CC1 2 = HC1 + CC1 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 The supposed a-chlorstyrene must therefore be the /3-chlor- styrene : C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 CO + PC1 5 =POC1 -h CC1 2 and CC1 2 = HC1 + CC1 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 Since that .time some other facts have become known which decidedly prove that the metals of neutral salts are eliminated with halogen atoms in the /3-position. Wallach 1 next found that the salts of the /5-dichloracrylic acid formed by the reduction of chloralide with zinc and hydro- chloric acid when warmed develop carbon dioxide, and are decomposed into metal chlorides and chloracetylene CC1 2 CC1 ii in CH = NaCl+C0 2 +CH. CO.ONa and according to Otto and Beckurts 2 chlortiglic acid is formed from dichlordimethylsuccinnic acid by boiling its salts. But this can occur only when the eliminated chlorine atom occupies the /3-position with respect to the eliminated carbon dioxide : 1 Ann. 203, 88. 2 Ber. 18, 853-856. 115 MEMOIKS ON CO.OK C.Cl CHa.C.01 CH 3 . 6. 01 KCl+COa+CIIs. CO.OK CO.OK Before this, however, and indeed in Fittig's own laboratory, Petri 1 had found facts which lead to similar conclusions. According to these tribrom succinic acid is converted, even by boiling its water solution, into a dibrom acrylic acid, which can only be the a-/?-dibrom acrylic acid since it is also formed from mucobromic acid. Here also, then, the carboxyl and the bromine which are eliminated must stand in the /3-position with respect to one another: CO.OH CHBr CBr 2 =HBr+ CO.OH The firm establishment of the idea that in this kind of re- action it is the a-halogen atom that takes part is shown by the work of 0. Kolbe 2 already mentioned, in which the brompro- pylene boiling at 59 and formed by the decomposition of the sodium salt of crotonic acid dibromide, was designated the /?-brompropylene. But now it cannot be doubted that the longest known isomer boiling at 47-48 and formed from brom acetone (CHaCBrgOHs) is the real /?-brompropylene, and the one boiling at 59-60 is the a-brompropylene. So that Kolbe's work also speaks in favor of the view that it is the /3-halogen atom that takes part in these reactions : CH 3 CHBr CH 3 CHBr =NaBr+C02+ OH CO.ONa CHBr 1 Ann. 195, 70. 2 Journ. of prackt. Cliem. [2] 25, 392. 110 STEREO-CHEMISTKY. There is in fact, so far as I know, not a single existing case which on grounds at present plausible gives support to Fittig's views, so it must be assumed that it is entirely general that it is the /3-position which renders possible the reaction in question. 50. This process which goes on without the shifting of the hydrogen atom completely loses its surprising features when it is followed by the aid of the geometric theory; it is only necessary to consider the space relations of the third carbon atom. If a /3-halogen substituted acid ; as for example the phenyl- Fia. 153. /3-brompropionic acid is converted into its alkali salt, then under the influence of the especially strong chemical affinity between the halogen and the metal these elements will approach one another as nearly as possi- ble, and the arrangement shown in Figure 153 would result. The distance between the two valence positions 4 arid V, which are the ones most in question, is, when the common axes of the two double systems I. II and II. Ill and the two valence positions all lie in the same plane, only slightly greater than that of the corresponding positions in a double system, the ratio being 1.023:1. On the other hand, should the affinity between the halogen and the metal cause a bending of the axes as mentioned in 12 or change the direction of the attraction the approach of 4 to 1" might be much nearer. Since, however, the metal atom is not directly combined with the carbon atom, but is combined with it through the oxygen atom the distance between it and the halogen atom will in any case be much reduced, and this will aid their chemical action upon one another and their elimination from the molecule. At the instant this occurs the nascent valence of the oxygen previously held by the metal saturates itself with the fourth valence of the carbon atom III set free by the breaking of the union be- tween the valences 4' and 4", so that carbonic acid is set free, and at the same time a uniting of the free valences 4' and 4" the unsaturated compound in this case styrene is formed. Fig- ure 153 therefore gives: 117 FIG. 154. MEMOIRS ON NaBr. 51 The case with which such decompositions take place is extremely variable. Thus in the case of the salts of the phenyl-/?-brompropionic acid, phenyl-a-/?-dibrompropionic acid, the hydrobromic acid and bromine addition products of tiglic acid, ethylcrotonic acid and citraconic acid this occurs even at the ordinary temperatures, while in the case of the salts of the a-/?-dibrombutyric acid it takes place only slowly even when heated on the waterbath. Without doubt the radicals in combination with the carbon atoms and their influence upon relative position of the atoms has a great importance here. In some cases the theory here developed can account for this. Thus, for example, the difference in the behavior of the cinna- mic acid dibromide and the crotonic acid dibromide may be ascribed to the fact that the configuration best adapted to their decomposition as shown in Figure 155 is also undoubtedly the most favorable configuration, while in the similar figure corresponding to the crotonic acid dibromide Figure 156 in consequence of the strong positive nature of the methyl group and its action upon the bromine atom in the ^-position it will tend to rotate to position shown in Figure 157 which is not so well adopted for their decomposition Fig. 155. Fig. 156. Fig. 157. 52. Besides the splitting off of halogen acids or halogen metals and carbon dioxide from the molecule the p-substituted 118 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. acids and their salts very frequently undergo other changes parallel processes which are worthy of special mention, since they also find an explanation in their space relationships. Often by changing the outer or chemical conditions one of the sirnultaneou processes may be greatly retarded and the other increased so that occasionally an exact reverse of the pro- portions will result. It has been quite generally observed that the elimination of carbonic acid takes place easiest or perhaps only in a neutral solution or at most in a solution containing the carbonates of the alkalis while the free /3-halogen sub- stituted acids, or their salts in the presence of an excess of caustic alkalis for the most part break down in other ways. While, for example, a solution of /?-bromhydrocinnamic acid in the presence of weak solutions of sodium carbonate gives a pre- ponderating amount (65$) of styreue 1 CHBr = NaBr+C0 2 + CH CH 2 . CO.ONa CH 2 and only about 5$ cinnamic acid. C 6 H 5 C 6 H 5 2CHBr -f Na a C0 3 = 2NaBr + C0 2 + H 2 +2CH CH 2 .CO.ONa CH:CO.ONa and the rest was converted into phenyl lactic acid. CG HS CeHs SCHBr + H 2 4- Na 2 C0 3 = 2NaBr + C0 2 + 2CH.OH CH 2 .CO.ONa CH 2 .CO.ONa if the free acid be heated with water 38-40$ of it is converted into cinnamic acid and about 60$ forms phenyl lactic acid, and by heating the salts of the acid with alcoholic potash solution about half of it forms cinnamic acid and the rest forms styrene. This is wholly due to the entire difference between the most favorable configurations of the free acid and of its salts. Among the three positions of the systems in the free acid 1 Fittig and Binder, Ann. 195, 136. 137. 119 MEMOIRS ON FIG. 159. FIG. 160. CO. OH the most favorable positions certainly are those represented by Figures 158 and 159 which by the splitting off of hydrobromic acid will give cinnamic acid. Figure 160, which alone is the one that would permit- of the simultaneous splitting off of hydrobromic acid and carbondioxide 'with the formation of styrene, is far less favorable. These relations are exactly re- versed in the case of the sodium salt. Finally if there are still free molecules of caustic alkalis present, then the bromine will be frequently eliminated by them, and the hydrogen atom in the ^-position will split off with the hydroxyl group of the alkali, before the bromine can react with the metal of the salt, and double union is established between the residues with the formation of cinnamic acid. If the halogen is once replaced by hydroxyl and it matters not whether the replacement is effected by water or by alkalies (in the latter case Figure 160 represents the configuration) the formation of an unsatu- rated compound is prevented. The parallel decomposition of dibromhydrocinnamic acid rests on a complete analogy in the relations. The configuration of the molecule first formed by the addition of bromine to cinnamic acid (compare 41) as shown in Figure 161 is especially an unfavorable configuration, on the other hand Figure 162 and Figure 163 differ but little, but are both more favorable than Figure 161 they differ less in their relative sta- bility than Figure 159 differs from Figure 160. FIG. 161. FIG. 162. FIG. 163 CO. OH 'O.OH STEKEO-CHEMISTRY. In consequence of this much a-bromstyrenc is formed even from the free dibromhydrocinnamic acid. After its conver- sion into the neutral salt the latter is the only product because then Figure 163 represents a configuration decidedly more favor- able than Figure 162. On the other hand if a bromine atom is removed by an excess of caustic potash and simultaneously the corresponding hydrogen goes out with the hydroxyl then Fig- ure 162 will result in a-bromcinnamic acid and Figure 163 will yield #-bromcinnamic acid. 1 According to C. Kolbe there is a general similarity in regard to the yield of the products in the parallel process of decompo- sition of the a-/3-dibromabutyric acid formed from crotonic acid when its solution is heated in the free condition, or in the form of its neutral suits or finally in the presence of free alkali. It has one difference from the cinnamic acid derivatives in that in this case no brompropylene is formed. This is apparently due to the fact that the alkali causes the formation of bromisocrotonic acid before the slower splitting off of carbon dioxide can occur to any measurable extent. (Compare 38 and 51.) 53. The salts of geometrically isomeric p-halogen substi- tuted acids will in general by the splitting off of metal chlorides and carbon dioxide give rise to geometrically isomeric unsatur- ated compounds. Although I am at present engaged in a systematic experi- mental proof of this law 2 , there are, however, now known facts in accordance with it. The halogen addition products of citraconic and mesaconic acids, which belong to the class of compounds that easily de- compose with the development of carbon dioxide, when boiled with water or even at the ordinary temperature when neutra- lized with soda, give the halogen substituted methylacrylic aci-d. From the citradibrompyrotartaric acid only that brommethyl acrylic acid melting 62 63 is obtained, from the mesadi- brompyrotartaric acid in addition to this, some of the isobrom- methyl acrylic acid (melting point 65 66) is also obtained. The change of citraconic acid and citradibrompyrotartaric acid respectively takes place in the following phases : 1 See foot-note pa.ONa CO.OH Citraconic acid. Citradibrompyrotartaric Brommethylacrylic acid. acid. The formation of isobrommetliylacrylic acid follows an entirely analogous process : FIG. 168. FIG. 169. FIG. 170. FIG. 171. Mesaconic acid. Mesadibrompyrotartaric Isobrommetliylacrylic acid. acid. If in the case of the latter decomposition some brommethyl- acrylic acid results, this is perhaps due to its greater stability, that is, to the preponderating affinity of the bromine for the methyl which causes an intermolecular exchange of position as shown in the following figures. From Figure 170 at the instant of the elimination of Na Br + C0 2 FIG. 172, FIG. 173. FIG. 174. OIL by exchange of position Br 11 11" The propyl aldehyde which arises in considerable quantities in both of these decompositions is due to the elimination of an additional molecule of Na Br 4- C0 2 and at the same time taking up the elements of water, without the latter allylene would re- 122 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. suit, which has been proven by Friedrich 1 to be present among the products of the action of alkalis upon brommethyl acrylic acid. Figure 172 by eliminating Na Br 4- COg becomes : FIG. 175 CII. FIG. 177. FIG. 178. CII CII. H H V o Allylene Propylaldehyde 2 The Formation of Lactones and the Anhydrides of Bibasic Acids. 54. Among the reactions which are to be ascribed to geo- metrical causes belong without doubt the characteristic action between elements which occupy the so called y-position with respect to one another in a saturated carbon nucleus. 2 When such elements exert a strong chemical attraction for one an- other the four carbon atom systems by rotation will eventually assume the configuration shown in Figure 179 : FIG. 179. Sodium salt of y-brombutyric acid. The positions in question approach one another quite closely, indeed the distance between them is only 0.667 of the distance 1 Ann. 203, 359. 2 Compare Hjelt, Ber. 15, 630. 123 MEMOIRS ON between corresponding positions in a double system. The energetic chemical action between the radicals occupying these positions can therefore be readily understood. Thus for ex- ample the salts of the y-halogen substituted acids decompose even at the ordinary temperatures, the configuration shown in Figure 179 is by far the most favorable for these. The halogen atom unites with the metal standing near it and the second valence of the oxygen atom unites with the valence which formerly held the halogen atom. The free y-hydroxyl acids on the other hand do not all at once decompose into water and lactones. For the y-oxybutyric acid for example the most favorable configuration would be that shown in Figure 180. Only in consequence of the heat impulses and this occurs rapidly when the solution is boiled does the hydroxyl group of system IV. approach the side nearest the acid hydroxyl of system III. and when this occurs water is eliminated and the position becomes fixed. If one of the hydrogen atoms in sys- tem I. is replaced by a negative radical, as, for example, by carboxyl as in the case of itamalic acid, the configuration that leads to the formation of lactones ji\ will result much easier since the car- boxyl will cause the hydrogen atom of system IV. to approach as near to itself as possible. Such y-oxyacids decompose at the ordinary temperature into water and lactones, or lactone acids; itamalic acid for example even by acidifying its solution gives at once para- conic acid: FIG. 180. 077 CO.OH I /H H C C II NDH /on H c c= o i H CO.OII I /n H C C II H C C 124 STEKEO-CHEMISTKY. thus by the action of heat would be /\ partly converted / \ into Diaterebic acid in like manner yields terebic acid. 55. Analogous to the lactone formation is the anhydride formation of such polybasic acids as have two carboxyls attached to neighboring carbon atoms, the hydroxyl groups of these then stand in the y-position with respect to one another. The configuration leading to the formation of anhydride in this case, is, to be sure, not the most favorable, but is the tem- porary result of the action of the heat impulses. (Compare 22.) Thus for example succinic acid at the ordinary temperature would certainly be: FIG. 181. or When this position is once assumed and the anhydride formed the system cannot return to its most favorable configuration but remains fixed, and can be again C>H changed by rotation only after the break- ing of the ring by rehydration. OH. 56. The circumstances surrounding the formation of the d-lactones also find their explanation in the geometrical relations. When five carbon atom systems are simply linked in a chain and each of the two end carbon atoms holds a radial that is attracted by the other then the corresponding valence positions are almost in direct contact. In the changes of configuration as a result of the rotation of the systems due to the heat impulses, this configuration will occasionally be formed even though it is not the most favorable configuration, at higher temperatures there- fore the reaction which is dependent upon this particular con- figuration will take place, for example the ester anhydride 125 MEMOIRS ON formation of the d-lactones will occur. This configuration is made clear by Figure 184. FIG. 184. It is assumed here as in all the other figures that the four valence positions bear the same relation to the middle point of the carbon atom. In this case all of the points of union be- tween the carbon atoms and the two valence positions of the end carbon atoms concerned in lactone formation lie in a circle, where radius is to the distance of the middle point from the valence position (Oi, :d) as 1,414:1. The other distances which will come under consideration have the following values: DISTANCE OF Valence position to middle point of car- bon atom The valences in a single system Between middle points of the carbon atoms Corresponding valences in double system " " " triple " quadruple " " " " pentuple " e. g. line A B c D Ci.a 1,000 0,612 0,500 0,375 a.b 1,633 1,000 0,817 0,612 Ci.Cii 2,000 1,225 1,000 0,750 b.d 2,667 1,633 1,333 1,000 c.d 2,724 1,661 1,361 1,022 c.e 1,779 1,089 0,890 0,667 c.f 0,181 0,111 0,091 0,068 The two valence positions under consideration are in fact so near together there then would be no room in the intermediate space cffor an oxygen atom united to the two valence positions. The distance of the valence position of a carbon atom from its middle point in the construction of the figure must not be thought of as the distance to the middle point of atoms united S T E R E - C H E M I S T R Y . with it, but is only the distance to the surface of such a carbon atom. The actual distance between the middle points of two directly united carbon atoms is in fact twice as great (CiCn). Even if the size of the elementary atoms is not in all cases the same it is not probable that the carbon atom and the oxygen atom differ so much from one another as c f from b c. It follows therefore, that the positions of the five carbon atoms of a (5-lactone cannot retain the position shown in Figure 184, but when enters between the position c and f either the circle is forcibly opened or the positions a, b, c, d, and /, leave the plane of the circle partly in one direction and partly in the other. In the formation of the y-lactone thus shown within the molecule accompanied by an increase in the curvature of line joining the valence position does not occur. Since the in- termediate space, c e, into which the oxygen enters, is only slightly greater than that between the valence positions of a single carbon atom so that the entrance causes a very slight disturbance of the ring. Perhaps the fact that the complete conversion of the rf-oxyfatty acids into the J-lactones is considerably more diffi- cult than the conversion of the y-oxyacids into the y-lactones 1 is dependent upon these relations. 57. The entire difference in the behavior of the ft- and a-oxyacids can also be readily understood by the aid of these geometrical considerations. The /3-oxyfatty acids do not decompose 'at 100 but at higher temperatures they decompose with the formation of un- saturated acids provided the a-carbon atom is in combination with a hydrogen atom. The most favorable configuration will be, for example, in the case of the /3-lactic acid that is shown in Figure 185 ; un- der the influence of heat. Configurations corresponding to Figure 186 will also be produced. Even though the distance between the hydroxyl positions of systems I. and III. in Figure 186 is not much greater than that 1 Ann. 216, 135. 127 MEM OIKS ON FIG. 185. FIG. 186. 0/7 between the hydroxyl of system I. and the corresponding hy- drogen atoms of system II. Figure 185. (1,022:1,000). Neverthe- less it acts to prevent the lactone formation with its consequent ring closing, since the uniting of the two systems by means of an oxygen atom would result in a considerable contraction of the ring and the condition of strain thus introduced would con- siderably decrease the stability of the molecule. The passage of the /3-lactic acid into the acrylic acid is favored by the greater nearness of the corresponding positions (OH in system I. and H in system II. Figure 185) and by the undeniable tendency to react, that is, a loosening of the union of the hydrogen atom which occupies an a-position with respect to a carboxyl group. The fact that the a-oxyacids do not in a similar manner give rise to unsaturated acids is due to their structure; the fact that the formation of lactones and the consequent ring closing is impossible has the same cause as with the /?-oxyacids but the cause is even more potent in this case. Although in the double system the distance between corresponding positions is only a little less than in a triple system, the entrance of an oxygen atom attached to both of these positions would produce greater bending of the axes or direction of the valence directions, and a consequent intermolecular strain because the bending is dis- tributed between but two carbon atoms instead of three. Ester- ification between two or more molecules, as in the formation of lactide, can just as readily take place as esterification between separate acid and alcohol molecules. 128 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. IV. CONCLUSIONS. 58. Geometrical considerations as to the molecular consti- tution can be applied with good results to still other groups of changes just as they have been used to explain phenomena in the preceding chapters. I pass over the consideration of these for the time so that the present paper shall not grow to too great proportions. For this reason I have found it impos- sible to discuss exhaustively all the facts at hand, more of this can be done later, here have been developed only the chief features of the theory and their application to the explana- tion of phenomena which have not been previously understood. Later opportunity will be found, especially in the communica- tion of the results of experimental investigations, to make good this deficiency. The space relations in ring formation I have considered only so far as was necessary in the formation of lac- tones and in the formation of anhydrides of bibasic acids, and have purposely neglected to follow them farther since A. von Baeyer is at present engaged with their study. The statement of von Baeyer 1 that : "ring formation is appa- rently the phenomena which will give the most information con- cerning the space arrangement of the atoms," seems not to be en- tirely true. I believe it to be of far greater importance to consider, as I have done in the preceding pages, the simplest changes in the transformation of a saturated into an uusatu- rated body and an unsaturated into a saturated body, in which only two or three carbon atom systems need be considered, and in which the question of strain and the consequent change in the direction of the valences does not enter. So valuable an idea as this one put forth by von Baeyer has already been fruit- ful and will be more so in the future, but still great care must be exercised in its application. It is also much in need of some extensions. Forcible alterations in the valence directions may occur for example in the case of a simple carbon atom system, if it holds two different kinds of radicals. The agreement of the four valence positions with the four corners of a regular inscribed tetrahedron is possible only when l Ber. 18, 2277. 129 MEMOIRS ON the four attached simple or complex radicals are completely alike, the chemical attraction which they have for one another must be exactly the same, as in the case of marsh gas CEU or perchlormethane CCU. But if the carbon atom is in combina- tion with three atoms of one element (a.a.a.) and one atom of another element(^) then in consequence of the difference be- tween the affinity of b for each of the atoms a and the affinity of the atom a for one another, the valence positions will cor- respond to the corner of an equilateral three sided pyramid which will be blunt if the affinity of b :a>a:a and on the other hand will be sharp if the relations are reversed. When a carbon atom is combined with a a and ft b, if the affinity of a : a equals the affinity of b : b and the affinity of a : b is greater or less than the affinity of a : a or the affinity of b : b, then the valence positions are to one another as the corners of a quadratic sphenoid. Every other relation in the relative strengths of the affinities as well as every increase in the number of kinds of atoms in combination must lead to forms which are farther and farther removed from the form of the regular tetrahedron as the number of different relations among the affinities increases. With every such change in the valence position there must be a deviation in the direction of attraction from the middle point of the carbon as compared with the normal direction, and thereby there is not only a change in the form of the system, but there enters into the compound a condition of strain. The influence of the geometric relations upon the properties of organic molecules is therefore extremely complicated, and for the most part cannot at present be de- termined. This statement of von BaeyerV, as is the case with all such attempts, cannot have the value of a theory which has been confirmed by experience. 59. It is, as I believe, quite different with those discussions which have been given in the second part of this paper. They have, in their limitation to the simplest space relations, in spite of the existing uncertainty in their application to many special cases, the value of an actual theory which not only gives a l Ber. 18, 2281. 130 STEKEO-OHEMISTRY. simple explanation to a large number of facts that have before been wholly without explanation, but it is also capable of farther experimental proof. Of the numerous problems arising from this theory a con- siderable number I have undertaken to solve and many more have been undertaken by my pupils. Up to the present so far as definite results have been obtained they correspond to the theoretical assumptions in all respects. I have succeeded, as already mentioned ( 31) not only in removing the apparent contradiction which was offered by the behavior of fumaric and imilei'c acid and their substitution products in some of their transformations, but I have obtained from the chlor addition product of crotonic acid the second a- chlorpropylene and the fourth chlorcrotonic acid exactly as my theory had indicated, and have prepared from the isocro- tonic acid dichloride in addition to the ordinary a-chlor- propylene the already known a-chlorcrotonic acid. My pupils have already proved that isocrotonic acid dibromide by splitting oif hydrobromic acid yields the a-bromcrotonic acid melting between 106-107 as was assumed, and that the bromcrotonic acid melting at 90 -92 formed from crotonic acid dibromide is actually the a-bromisocrotonic acid. Further the second geometric isomer brompseudobutylene and crotonylenedi- bromide have been obtained by the method foreseen from the theory, etc. In consequence of this I dare even now assert that the theory has been confirmed by experiment, and I shall have numerous opportunities later and in other places to give the facts leading to this conclusion. 60. The most important result of the theory is the com- plete clearing up of the cases of so called, " abnormal " isomer- ism, and the proof that the isomeric unsaturated compounds may have their relative space relations determined as the result of actual experimented investigations. 1 For the present there exist practically no facts referring to isomerism that are not theoretically understandable. If in the future the name " alloisomerism " is still used we will understand by it structural identity with a different order l Compare especially 18, 19, 23, 30, 33, 36, 41. 131 MEMOIRS ON S T E II E - H E M I S T R Y . of arrangement in space of the atoms in the molecule. I have already in the year 1873 suggested for this the name " geomet- ric isomerism " * and believe it to be better because it is more significant. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JOHANNES WISLICENUS was born at Kleineichstadt June 24, 1835. He studied chemistry at Halle and Zurich. He was professor at the Polytechnikum in Zurich from 1860-1872, and at the University at Wiirtzburg from 1872-1885 ; since 1885 he nas been professor of chemistry at the University at Leipzig. His work has been mainly devoted to organic chemistry and has been very instrumental in the development of this branch of the science. His work on para lactic acid convinced him that its structure was the same as the ordinary lactic acid, and he believed the difference between them to be due to a difference in the arrangement of the atoms in space. This work led van't Hoff to his theory of the asymmetric carbon atom. The work of Wislicenus has done more than that of any other one man to bring stereo-chemistry into the prominent position it now occupies. As a teacher of chemistry Wislicenus has always been one of the most inspiring and at the same time one of the most love- able of all the great German masters of chemistry. l Ann. 167, 345. 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY. (a) Stereo-chemistry of Carbon. PASTEUR, Louis. 1848-58. On the relations between composition, optical activity and crystalline form. The tartrates. Ann. Chim. phys. [3] 24, 442; 28, 56; 31, 67; 38, 437; Comptes. rend. 28, 477; 31, 480 ; 35, 176 ; 37, 110, 162 ; 46, 615. 1860. " Doubling " by means of organisms. Comptes rend. 51, 298. 1861. " Le9ons de chimie. Eecherches sur la dissymetrie moleculaire des produits organiques." VAN'THOFF, J. H. September, 1874. "Voorstel tot uitbreiding der tegen- woordig in de schieikunde gebruikte strnctuur-formules in de ruiinte ; benevens een daarmee sarnenhangende opmerking omtrent het verband tusschen optisich actief vermogen en chemische constitutie van organische ver- bindingen." Utrecht. 8vo. pp. 14. March, 1875. A republication of the theories given in the Dutch pamphlet with slight unimportant changes. Bull Soc. Chim. (Paris) [2] 23, 295. May, 1875. " La Chimie dans 1'Espace," 1877. " Die Lagerung der Atome im Raume." Nach des Verfassers Broschilre La Chimie dans 1'espace " deutsch bearbeitet von F. Herr- mann. Nebst einem Vorwort von J. Wisclice-nus. 1887. " Dix annees dans 1'historie d'une theorie (Deuxieme edition 'de La chimie dans Fespace.)" 1891. "Chemistry in space." Translated and edited by J. E. Marsh, 1892. " Stereo-chemie. Nach van't Hoff's ' Dix annees 133 BIBLIOGRAPHY dans Tliistorie (Tune theorie ' neu bearbeitet von W. Meyer- hoifer. 1894. "Die Lagerung der Atome im Raume," Zweite umgearbeitete und Vermehrte auflage. Mit einem Vor- wort von Dr. Johannes Wislicenus. 1898. "The Arrangement of Atoms in Space/' Second revised and enlarged edition. With a preface by Jo- hannes Wislicenus, and an Appendix, Stereo-chemistry among Inorganic substances by Alfred Werner. Trans- lated and edited by Arnold Eiloart. LEBEL, J. A. November, 1874. Relation between atomic formulas and rotatory power. Bull Soc. chim. (Paris) [2] 22, 337. Derivatives of amyl alcohol. Ibid. 25, 545 ; 31, 104 ; 34-, 129. " Doubling " by means of organisms Comptes rend. 87, 213; 89, 312 ; 92, 532. Emphasizing the difference be- tween his views and those- of van't Hoff. Comptes rend. 114, 175. WISLICENUS, JOHANNES. 1873. The lactic acids. Ann. 167, 302. 1887. " Ueber die raumlicbe Anordnung dcr Atome in organisachen Molekulen und ihre Bestimmung in geo- metrischisomeren ungesattigten Verbindungen" Abh. kgl. Sachs, ges. der Wissench. 14, 1. Atomic arrangement. Verein Deutsch. Naturforsch. Sept., 1889. 1890. Ueber die Umwandlnng stereoisomeren ungesat- tiger Verbindungen ineinander bei hoherer Temperatur Leipzig pp. 32, 4. VON BAEYER, ADOLPH. The " Strain " theory, Ber. 18, 2277. The constitution of Benzene. Ber. 19, 1797; 23, 1272. Ann. 245, 103 ; 251, 257 ; 256, 1 ; 258, 1, 145 ; 266, 169 ; 269, 145. 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY. FISCHER, EMIL. Configuration of Glucose and its isomers. Ber. 24, 1836, 2683. MEYER, VICTOR, Ergebnisse und Ziele der stereo-cheraischen Forschung. Ber. 23, 567. GUYE, P. A. Chemical constitution and optical activity, Comptes rend. 110,714. Effect on optical activity of the position of the center of gravity of the molecule relative to the planes of sym- metry of the active carbon. Ann. Chim. phys. [6] 25, 145. WUNDERLICH, A. 1886 " Configuration organischen Molekule." (b) Stereo-chemistry of Nitrogen. HANTZCH, A. AND WERNER, A. Ueber r'aumliche Anordnnng der Atome in stickstoffhalti- gen Molekiilen. Ber. 23, 11; 1243, 2764. HANTZCH, A. Ber. 23, 2322, 2325, 2332, 2769, 2773, 2776. 24, 13, 31, 36, 51, 495, 1192, 3479, 4018. 26, 705, 1692, 1904, 2164. HANTZSCH, A. AND MIOLATI. % Zeit phys. Chem. 10, 1. WERNER, A. Ber. 23, 2333, 2336; 25, 27. LEBEL, J. A. Cornptes rend. 110, 144; 112, 724, Bull Soc. Chim. (Paris) [3] 2, 305; 3, 244 ; 3, 788; 4, 104 ; 4, 613. VAN'T HOFF, J. H. Ansichtem iiber die organische Chemie, pp. 79-81. BEHREND, R. Ber. 23, 454: (c) Stereo- chemistry of Inorgaii.c Compounds. WERNER, A. - Zeit f. anorg. Chem. 3, 267. WERNER A. and Miolati, A. Zeit f. physik Chem. 12, 35; 13, 506. 135 RETURN TO DEFRol WfflCH BORROWED PHYSICS LIBRARY This publication is due on the LAST DATE stamped below. BB 17-60m-12,'57 (703slO)4188 General Library University of California Berkeley