Evolution of the Thermometer Dalence's Thermometer 1688. Evolution of the Thermometer ^ 3> BY HENRY CARRINGTON BOLTON Author of Scientific Correspondence of Joseph Priestley EASTON, PA.: THE CHEMICAL PUBLISHING Co. 1900. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY EDWARD HART. CONTENTS. I. The Open Air-thermometer of Galileo, . . 5 II.. Therm oscopes of the Accademia del Cimento, 25 III. Attempts to obtain a scale from Boyle to Newton, 41 IV. Fahrenheit and the first reliable Thermom- eters 61 V. Thermometers of Reaumur, Celsius, and others 79 Table of Thirty-five Thermometer Scales,. . . 88 Chronological Epitome, 90 Authorities, 92 Index, 97 91629 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER I. THE OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER OF GALILEO. Discoveries and inventions are sometimes the product of the genius or of the intelligent in- dustry of a single person and leave his hand in a perfect state, as was the case with the ba- rometer invented by Torricelli, but more often the seed of the invention is planted by one, cultivated by others, and the fruit is gathered only after slow growth by some one who ig- nores the original sower. In studying the ori- gin and tracing the history of certain discov- eries of scientific and practical value one is often perplexed by encountering several claim- ants for priority, this is partly due to the cir- cumstance that " coincidence of independent thought is often the cause of two or more per- sons reaching the same result " about the same time ; and partly to the effort of each nation to secure for its own people credit and renown. Again, the origin of a prime invention is some- i 6 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER, times obscured by the failure of the discoverer to claim definitely the product of his inspira- tion owing to the fact that he himself failed to appreciate its high importance and its utility. The task of sketching the origin of the ther- mometer is fraught with similar difficulties ; the actual inventor is known only at second hand, its development from a crude toy to an instrument of precision occupied more than a century, and its early history is encumbered with erroneous statements that have been reit- erated with such dogmatism that they have received the false stamp of authority. One of the most persistent of these errors is the assertion that the thermometer was in- vented about the year 1608 by a Hollander named Cornelius Drebbel. Wohlwill and Burckhardt have shown how this blunder originated. In 1624 a book was published at Pont-a-Mousson, entitled u La Recreation Math- ematicque," over the pen-name A. van Etten, but written by the Jesuit Father Jean Leure- chon, in which the author describes and figures a " thermometer, an instrument for measuring degrees of heat and cold that are in the air." The book was popular, passed through many editions and was translated into several Ian- GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 7 guages; Casper Ens inserted in his " Thauma- turgus mathematicus," published at Cologne in 1651, a translation of the " ;6th Problem " of Leurechon, containing an account of the thermometer, and added to the word " instru- mentum" the adjective "Drebbelianum." Reyer, Sturm, and others copied the phrase and it was incorporated in an article published in the "Journal des Scavans," 1678, thus be- coming a part of authoritative literature. Ten years later, Dalence, drawing his inspi- ration from the "Journal des S?avans," pub- lished an attractive, illustrated volume entitled "Traittez des barometres, thermometres, et notiometres, ou hygrometres, Amsterdam, 1688;" in this he wrote : "The thermometer was invented by a peasant of North Holland, named Drebbel," and he added that Drebbel was " called to the court of King James where he also invented the microscope." This state- ment was accepted by the Dutch savants Boer- haave and Musschenbroek, the French Abbe Nollet and others, and on their authority has been repeated over and over again, so that un- til very recently all encyclopedias, dictionaries of science and historical essays in natural philos- ophy adopted without reservation the phrase : 8 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. "the thermometer was invented by Drebbel." And yet it is easy to show that the Hollander had no part in the invention and never claimed it, and that the error originated in the misin- terpretation of a simple experiment described by Drebbel in a treatise on the " Elements." Cornelius Drebbel, born in Alkmaar, Hol- land, 1572, was as alchemist who claimed to have discovered perpetual motion, and ac- quired sufficient reputation for learning to be invited to the court of James II, King of Eng- land ; to him he dedicated his treatise on Pri~ mum mobile in 1607. Later in life he visited Prague where Rudolph had gathered famous alchemists, astrologers, and magicians, as well as more reputable astronomers, artists, anti- quarians, and skilled mechanics ; Drebbel, how- ever, was unsuccessful in sustaining his claim to the discovery of perpetual motion, and Em- peror Rudolph threw him into prison, from which he was released 'ere long by the death of the monarch, in 1612. I have in my private library two copies of Drebbel's rare little volume, one in Dutch bear- ing the title : " Van de elementen quinta es- sentia en primum mobile, Amsterdam, 1709," and with a second title-page having the words : GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 9 "Grondige oplossinge van de natuur en eyg- genschappenderelementen, Amsterdam, 1732." The other copy is in German and bears the date 1715. (Poggendorff, the German historian of physics, admits never having seen an edition of this treatise by Drebbel.) The Dutch version contains a full-page wood- cut representing a retort hanging by a chain from a hook in a beam, the mouth of the retort is under water in a basin, and beneath it is a fire ; on the surface of the water are seen bub- bles of air issuing from the retort ; the whole is observed by two men in out-door costume. The text accompanying this picture, when translated, reads as follows : "Heat makes air and water subtle and light ; cold, as the oppo- site of heat, makes them smaller and presses them together and condenses all the air that the heat had made to rise, as may be clearly shown when a glass retort is hung with the mouth in a bucket of water and fire is placed under the belly. We shall then see that as soon as the air in the glass begins to get hot, that air rises out of the mouth of the retort, and the water gets full of bubbles, and this continues so long as the air gets hotter ; but if the firs be removed from beneath the retort io EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. and the air begins to cool, then the air in the retort gets thicker and heavier, so that the re- tort fills with water, and if the glass was made very hot the water will completely fill it." This simple experiment merely shows the expansion of air by heat and its contraction by cold, and there is no question whatever of measuring the amount of heat; besides, Drebbel had been anticipated by Hero of Alexandria, who described essentially the same phenomena 1,750 years before, and by Drebbel's contem- porary del la Porta. Giambattista della Porta of Naples, the pre- cocious author of "Magia Naturalis" (1558), is sometimes credited with the invention of the thermometer, owing to a passage in his book " I tre libri de spiritali," published at Naples in 1606. In this work he describes an experi- ment devised to measure the expansion of air when heated by a fire; the arrangement de- scribed is the same as Drebbel's retort and basin, but the cut accompanying the text shows an inverted matras with its mouth under water; Porta marked on the tube with pen and ink the highest and lowest points of the water- column, but he does not seem to have used the instrument as a heat-measurer. GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER, n The word " thermoscope " first appears in print in the treatise " Sphsera mundi, seu Cos- mographia demonstrate va," written in 1617 by Giuseppe Bianconi and printed at Bologna in 1620. The word "thermometer" is first found in Leurechon's " Recreation mathematicque," (1624) already mentioned; his description of the instrument is the earliest that gives a clear notion of those in current use at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and is markjed by charming simplicity of language. "It is an instrument of glass which has a little bulb above and a long neck below, or better a very slender tube, and it ends beneath in a vase full of water, or it is curved behind and has another little bulb into which water or any other liquid may be poured . . . It is used thus : Put into the vase below some liquid colored blue, or red, or yellow, or other color not too dark, like vinegar, wine, or red- dened water, or aqua fortis which has been used to etch copper. Having done this, I say in the first place that as the air enclosed in the bulb becomes rarefied or condensed the water will plainly ascend or descend in the tube ;, this you can easily test by carrying the instru- 12 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. ment from a very hot place to a very cold one. But without disturbing its position, if you lay your hand gently on the upper bulb, it is so sensitive and the air is so susceptible to every impression, that you will instantly see the water descend, and on removing the hand the water will return to its place. It is still more sensitive if one warms the bulb with his breath, as if one wished to speak a word into its ear to command the water to descend. " The reason of this motion is that the air heated in the tube rarefies and dilates and wishes to have more room, and therefore presses upon the water and makes it descend. On the other hand when the air is cooled and con- denses it begins to occupy less space and fear- ing to leave nothing but a vacuum, the water ascends at once. u I say in the second place that by this means one can know the degrees of heat and of cold that are in the air at each hour of the day, the air that is enclosed in the bulb rarefies or con- denses, ascends or descends. Thus you see in the morning the water stands quite high, and it descends little by little up to midday ; to- wards vespers it remounts. Thus in winter it ascends so high that it nearly fills the tube ; GALILEOS OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 13 but in summer it descends so low that in great heat it can scarcely be seen in the tube. " Those who wish to determine these changes by numbers and degrees draw a line all along the tube and divide it into eight degrees, ac- cording to the philosophers, or into four de- grees according to the physicians, subdividing each of the eight spaces into eight others so as to make sixty-four little ones. And by this means they can determine to what degree the water ascends in the morning, at midday and at every hour. Also one can determine how much colder one day is than another, noting how many degrees the water ascends and de- scends. One can compare the Q greatest heat and cold of one year with those of another year. One can ascertain how much hotter one room is than an- other ; one can maintain a room at an equal temperature by making the water of the thermometer stand always at a certain degree. One can test also the intensity of fevers ; in short, one can know pretty nearly to what extent air is rarefied in the greatest heat, and so forth." Iveurechon's thermometers. 14 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. This interesting account is accompanied by two illustrations, copies of which are here given. Credit for the invention of the primitive form of the thermometer really belongs to the famous Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei, notwithstanding he made no claim to having devised the instrument and his extant writings contain only a casual allusion to it. It must be remembered, however, that most of the manuscripts of Galileo have been lost; many were consigned to the flames by his own grand- son, Cosimo, and those rescued by his pupil, Viviani, were edited only in part, the precious originals being scattered by the ignorant per- sons into whose possession they came. In the voluminous correspondence that Galileo car- ried on with contemporary savants, there is abundant evidence that he was the inventor of the thermometer, that he used it in scientific research and labored to improve its efficiency, as he had done for the pendulum, the compass, the telescope, and the microscope. Viviani, in his Life of Galileo, published in 1718, says that about the time Galileo took possession of the chair of mathematics in Padua, which was at the end of the year 1592, he in- GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 15 vented the thermometer, a glass containing air and water which served to indicate changes and differences in temperature, an instrument afterwards perfected by Ferdinand II, of Tus- cany. This assertion is confirmed in letters addressed to Galileo by his friend Francesco Sagredo, of Venice, and made public by Nelli in his biography of Galileo. The first of these letters is dated 9 May, 1613. Sagredo writes: "The instrument for measuring heat, which you invented, I have made in several conve- nient styles, so that the difference in temperature between one place and another can be deter- mined up to 100 degrees." And he then gives examples of phenomena that he has examined by the aid of the instrument. Two years later, 7 February, 1615, Sagredo wrote to Galileo more fully : u The use of the instrument for measuring heat and cold has been improved by me, and I think there is op- portunity for many observations, but without your cooperation I had hardly succeeded. With this instrument I see clearly that the water of our fountain is colder in winter than in sum- mer, and I imagine that the same is true of springs and subterranean places, although our feelings seem to indicate the contrary. 16 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. During two snowstorms my instrument in a room here showed 1 30 degrees more heat than it indicated two years ago during extreme cold; on plunging the instrument into snow it indi- cated 30 degrees less, therefore only 100, but immersed in snow and salt, it showed a further 100 degrees less, and I believe in reality it marked still less but the snow and salt pre- vented it being seen clearly. In the greatest heat of summer the instrument stood at 360 degrees, and hence it appears that snow and salt increase the cold about one-third of the difference between extreme heat of summer and extreme cold of winter, a remarkable fact the reason for which I cannot determine. I shall learn with pleasure your opinions, espe- cially what you have observed of the cold pro- duced by saltpetre, of which I have heard many things, but have not personally seen. It will be difficult to send the instrument direct to you; it would be easier, I think, to have one made there." A month later (15 March), Sagredo wrote 'to Galileo : "I have daily altered and improved the instrument for measuring temperature ; if I could speak with you in person I could tell you from the beginning the whole history of GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 17 my invention, or rather of my improvements. But since, as you write to me, and as I stead- fastly believe, you are the first to discover and make the instrument, I suppose that those made by you and your excellent workmen are superior to my own ; therefore I beg you at the first opportunity to write to me how you have them made, and I will report to you more or less of what is happening here." In a long letter to Galileo, written 1 1 April same year, Sagredo mentions the use of wine as well as of water in the thermometers, alludes to having them made at the glass works in Murano, near Venice, and describes the con- struction of the best and most perfect of his instruments. This was made of a glass tube a finger wide joined to a bulb having a capacity of "three or four drinking glasses;" having made three of different sizes he watched their behavior during one year, sometimes as often as eight times a day, and he expresses wonder at their close agreement in both the extremes of cold and heat, the difference between them being not more than two or three degrees. He expresses surprise also at the great delicacy of his thermometers, which showed a difference of temperature when moved from the interior i8 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. of a room to the open door, or on approaching them to a person or a lamp. He remarks at the same time that instruments made of thick and of thin glass do not change with equal ra- pidity, the thinnest moving the quickest ; he also surmises that the unequal viscosity of water and of wine makes a difference. This interesting letter concludes with the remark : " Signer Gageo is in my room and disturbs me, and I do not want him to see what I am wri- ting, so my letter will be disconnected for my mind is occupied in several ways." The instrument Galileo used is described in a letter written by Father Castelli to Monsignor Cesarini, dated 2oth September, 1638, in which he says it was used in public lectures thirty- five years before. Recounting what he re- members seeing, he writes: "Galileo took a glass vessel about the size of a hen's egg, fitted to a tube the width of a straw and about two spans long ; he heated the glass bulb in his hands and turned the glass upside down so that the tube dipped in water held in another ves- sel ; as soon as the ball cooled down the water rose in the tube to the height of a span above the level in the vessel ; this instrument he used to investigate degrees of heat and cold." This lecture experiment dates from 1603. GALILEOS OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 19 In Galileo's extant writings there is only one reference to the thermometer and this cor- responds in time with the letters of his friend Sagredo. In this fragment Galileo tries to ex- plain the principle of the thermometer; he says that "when the air in the bulb contracts through cold, .the wine in the stem rises to take the place of the void thus formed, and when the air is warmed it is rarefied and takes up more space so that it drives out and presses down the wine ; "from this," says Galileo, " it follows that cold is nothing but absence of heat." This corres^Jmfenceand this fragment es- tablish several^rrnigsT^Bt. The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei, between the years 1592 and 1597. 2nd. The instrument was an inverted air thermoscope containing either water or wine, and provided with a scale of degrees. 3rd. By its use Galileo determined relative temperatures of different places and of the same place at different seasons. 4th. Gal- ileo made thermometric observations of freez- ing mixtures. Galileo's method of graduating the stem can- not be ascertained, and was undoubtedly arbi- trary, Jjut the fact that he cites "degrees" 20 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. prove that the instrument was of a higher type than some thermoscopes of even a later date. Inverted air thermometers of this construc- tion were, of course, subject to changes in at- mospheric pressure, and were properly speak- ing "baro-thermoscopes," and no two of them were comparable. Sealed thermometers de- pending upon the expansion of liquids and independent of air pressure, were not made until fifty years later, and instruments with fixed points capable of accurate comparison were not devised until a century had elapsed. The savants of Italy contemporary with Galileo naturally becamejj^^nted with the great discoveries and^^m^^^sassociated with his name, and the telescope from its marvel- ous revelations of celestial phenomena con- tributed-th'e most to magnify his reputation; the great importance of the thermometer, on the other hand, was appreciated by compara- tively few. One of the colleagues of Galileo, Sanctorius Sanctorius Justipolitanus, who held the chair of the Theory of Medicine at the University of Padua from 1611 to 1624, applied the new instrument to physiological researches and de- scribed the results in several of his publica- GALILEO'S OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 21 tions. The earliest of these references occur in his " Commentaries on the Medical Art of Galen," published in 1612, but written a year earlier, for the " license " is dated 9 June 1611. Nelli in his life of Galileo cites the following passage : "At last we have among us an instru- ment by which with a bulb we measure the withdrawal of heat from all the external parts of the body and of the air ; by which we dis- cover, very surely, how much more or how much less, daily, we differ from the normal [temperature]." Burckhardt cites this pas- sage at second hand, transcribes the Latin erroneously, and says the sentence does not occur in the copy of Sanctorius' work found in the public library at Basel, and furthermore he satisfied himself that the volume contains no reference to any instrument for measuring heat; both these statements are undoubtedly correct so far as concerns the copy of Sancto- rius which Burckhardt consulted, but I have found the passage in the copy of same date preserved in the United States Army Medical Library, Washington. The paragraph occurs in Part III, column 229, and this third part was probably wanting in the volume at Basel. The -Historians of physics seem to have over- 22 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. looked another passage of still greater interest which I discovered in the copy of Sanctorius at Washington. Translated it reads thus : "We determine the temperature by means of our glass instrument ; we ascertain the high and the low (points) after this manner : we apply snow to the bulb of the glass instrument that the water may ascend to the highest point, then we approach the flame of a candle that the water may descend to the lowest point." This important passage shows that Sancto- rius appreciated the value of fixed points for graduation, and used snow and the heat of a candle to secure extremes. The division of the stem is unknown, but he mentions in one place (to be mentioned presently) " no degrees." One of the most celebrated books of Sanctorius is his "Medicina statica," published at Venice in 1614, and which passed through no less than eighteen Latin editions, besides two French ver- sions, four English, one Italian, and one German. In the first edition occur the following inter- esting paragraphs : u How great the ponder- ousness of the air is, may in the first place be gathered from greater or less weight of the dregs of alum dried before in the sun and after- wards exposed to the air in the night time. GALILEOS OPEN AIR-THERMOMETER. 23 D Secondly, from our feeling a greater cold than what is observable in the weather-glass (instru- mentum temper atoruni). For the moisture or ponderousness of the air is to us the measure of its coldness. Thirdly, from the greater or lesser bending of a very thin board, especially if it be of a pear tree. Fourthly, from the contraction of the strings of a lute, or from hemp." (Section II, Aphorism IV, English trans- lation by J. D., London, 1678.) In this "aphorism" Sanctorius mentions three hygroscopes and one thermoscope. Parenthetic- ally, I call attention to the use of burnt alum and of a balance to de- termine atmospheric moisture quantitatively. The thermoscope used by Sanc- torius is described by him in his " Commentaries on the first sec- tion of the first book of Avi- cenna," printed at Venice in 1646. In the preface to this the author says he has been engaged for A Sanctorius' thermometer. fifteen years in preparing descriptions of his instruments, but the publication has been de- 24 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. layed by his duties as lecturer in the univer- sity. His apparatus resembled closely Galileo's^ being a glass globe attached to a long narrow tube partially filled with water, which stood in a small open vessel of water ; when the air in the globe is warmed the water in the tube sinks, and on cooling it rises. Sanctorius says the instrument "was used by Hero for other purposes, but I have applied it to the determi- nation of the warm and cold temperature of the air and of all parts of the body, as well as for testing the heat of persons in a fever." Sanctorius had the thermometer made in a variety of forms for taking the temperature of different parts of the body; in one style the bulb was inserted in the mouth of the patient and the long S-shaped tube was divided into degrees ; when so applied the bulb was allowed to be in place during a ten pulse-beats." Sanc- torius was the first physician to recognize that the human body has a normal temperature, and to determine variations from it as an aid to di- agnosis. He also attempted to ascertain the heat of the moon, but misinterpreted his re- sults ; we now know that his instruments were not sensitive enough for the purpose. He made an experiment to measure the relation between THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 25 the heat of the sun and of the moon, and re- corded that in sunlight the water in his ther- mometer fell " no degrees in two pulse-beats." Before dismissing the connection of Sancto- rius with the thermometer I note that the Ital- ian physician nowhere claims to have invented it ; on the contrary, he calls it in his u Com- mentaries on Galen " a " most ancient instru- ment." (P. 538, edition 1612.)* II. THERMOSCOPES OF THE ACCADEMIA DEL CIMENTO. Modifications and improvements of the ther- moscope were probably made by many savants interested in their use, both in Italy, the birth- place of the instrument, and in all parts of Eu- rope to which the knowledge of the invention penetrated, but few records of them have sur- vived. There is a manuscript preserved in the library of the Arsenal, Venice, entitled " Matematica meravigliosa," written by Telioux, a Roman engineer, in 1611, that is said by the historian * Prof. Cleveland Abbe suggests that this instrument had doubtless been used to illustrate the expansion of air by heat for a long time previous to Galileo, who simply added a scale for the use of Sanctorius so that the physi- cian could express the intensity of fevers. 26 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Libri (Histoire des sciences mathematiques en Italic, Vol. IV, p. 471, notes), to describe a thermoscope independent of atmospheric pres- sure. The instrument is said to consist of a bulb with a neck a foot or more long, nearly filled with water into which a smaller bulb- tube was inverted so that the neck was beneath the surface ; Libri's account is accompanied by a drawing that does not correspond with the description and is obviously incorrect > whether the figure is from Telioux' manuscript does not appear, but if it is of the date 1611, it is the earliest representation of a thermometer with scale known to me. The scale attached to each side of the stem is divided into eight large spaces, and each space into sixty smaller ones, a division probably suggested by the graduation of astronomical instruments into degrees and minutes. According to Poggendorff , Salomon de Caus, whose name is associated with the use of steam as a mechanical power, described a very im- perfect thermometer in the work " Raisons des forces mouvantes," published at Frankfurt in 1615. The eminent Englishman, Lord Chancellor Bacon, is sometimes put forward as the inven- THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 27 tor of the thermometer, but he merely alludes to the instrument as if well known. In the " Novum Organon," 1620, Bacon describes an inverted u heat-glass," styled " Vitrum calen- dare," and says it bore " attached to the stem a long narrow strip of paper marked off with degrees at pleasure." Attempts have been made by Italian authors to secure the credit of inventing the thermom- eter for another Englishman, Robert Fludd de Fluctibus, a physician and mystic whose books show more erudition than common sense. The Jesuit Franciscus de Lanis, in a work dated 1670, named Fludd as the original inventor, and Clemente, in his life of Galileo, 1793, has the contemptible effrontery to claim that Gal- ileo in 1603 used an instrument made by Fludd. The facts are that about the year 1603 Fludd visited many countries of Europe, including Italy, where he may well have seen the Gal- ileo thermoscope known to savants in Padua. Twelve years after Fludd's return to England, in 1617, he published a work (Utriusque cosmi . . . historia) in which he de- scribed an experiment chiefly borrowed from Hero, of Alexandria. In another work (Philo- sophia Moysaica) issued in 1638, a year after 28 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. his death, Fludd describes a " Speculum calen- darium," which was a simple thermoscope of the usual pattern, and says he found it in a manuscript more than 500 years old. This certainly disposes of the pretensions of those who claim Fludd as an originator. The instrument figured in Fludd's book rep- resents the usual inverted air thermoscope in a basin of water, the stem being divided into fourteen degrees, of which seven are below and seven above a central line named u sphaera aequalitis," a curious forerunner of our modern zero with plus and minus degrees. The list of those to whom the invention of the thermometer has been ascribed should in- clude the Servite monk Fra Paolo Sarpi, named by Fulgenzio for the honor; "Father Paul," as he is called, does not seem to have used the instrument before 1617, and does not mention it in his writings. Before the days of academies of science and of periodical literature, communication between European savants was maintained by personal visits and by correspondence. One of the most active intermediaries between scientists in the first half of the seventeenth century was a French theologian, Father Marin Mersenne ; THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 29 he was in constant communication with Gal- ileo, Descartes, Gassendi, Roberval, Hobbes, and others, sending them news of discoveries and inventions in exchange for similar favors. Mersenne was also an experimenter, repeating and verifying the labors of others and thus familiarizing himself with every branch of physical science, but he made no noteworthy discovery ; he was the originator of the custom of propounding prize questions, a scheme for stimulating scientific work afterwards adopted by certain learned societies. His "Recreations des savans" was published in 1634. There lived at that time in Southern France an obscure physician named Jean Rey, who did two things in his lifetime that ought to have brought him renown, but he was in ad- vance of the age and his discoveries were not appreciated by his contemporaries. Rey ap- plied his knowledge of chemistry to the solu- tion of the much vexed problem " why do lead and tin increase in weight when calcined ?" In a book published on this subject in 1638, he gave the correct explanation, recognizing that the metals combined with a constituent of the air, and anticipating the grand truths that made Lavoisier famous 150 years later. 30 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Secondly, Rey was the first to make use of the expansion of a liquid in the construction of a thermometer. In a letter written to Father Mersenne, i January, 1632, he said : u I observe there are diverse kinds of thermoscopes and thermometers ; what you tell me does not agree with mine, which is merely a small round flask having a very long slender neck. To make use of it, I put it in the sun, and some- times in the hands of a fever patient, having filled it quite full of water except the neck ; the heat expanding the water makes it ascend by a greater or less amount according to the great or little heat." This evidently describes a water thermom- eter, or thermoscope, and so far embodied a new principle, yet it was still influenced by the pressure of the air. The instrument did not attract much attention. Mersenne himself devised a modification of the air thermoscope intended to increase its delicacy, and described it in a work published at Paris in 1644, f ur years before his death (Cogitata physico-mathematica). The instru- ment consisted of a narrow tube having a large bulb at one end and a small one at the other, the latter being pierced with a minute hole ; THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS, 31 by warming gently the air in the larger bulb while the smaller was plunged in water and then removing it, a few drops of the liquid rose in the gradu- ated tube forming a short column of water that served as an indicator of changes of temperature. The grad- uation of the stem was peculiar; it was divided into eight degrees and these were numbered on one side from above down ward, and on the other thermometer in reverse order. In 1643, the learned Jesuit Atha- nasius Kircher published a quarto entitled : " Magnes, sive de arte magnetica," in which he mentions several thermoscopes. They have the usual form of the water-air instruments, but one is inverted making it convenient for testing the temperature of liquids. Kir- cher' explains correctly the move- A. Kircher's thermometer, ment ot the column ot water caused by the expansion of the air, and adds the infecrument indicates the goodness, the mild- 32 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. ness, and salubrity of the air in different places, cultivated fields, plains or mountains, as well as the temperature of man in disease. He mentions a thermoscope containing mercury, but does not describe its construction ; the text is accompanied by the figure of a thermoscope of which the stem is twisted into a spiral sev- eral feet in length. No reference is made to a scale. (Magnes, 1643, P- 5 I 5) John Baptist van Helmont, a physician and chemist of Brussels, used in 1648 an air-ther- mometer similar in design to that of Leure- chon, except that the stem had only a large drop of water, as in that of Mersenne. (Opera, 1648, p. 64.) A most important and radical improvement in thermometers was made some time prior to 1654, by Ferdinand II, Grand duke of Tuscany, the liberal patron of literature and art, who de- voted himself also to practical researches in physical science. Ferdinand made a thermom- eter of the usual form, filled it to a certain height with colored alcohol and then sealed it hermetically by melting the glass tip ;* the * Rosenberger in his " Geschichte der Physik, " (Braunschweig, 1 882 , ) misunderstanding the alchem- ical expression "closed with Hermes' seal, " says the tube was closed with sealing-wax. THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 33 closed instrument was then graduated by degrees marked on the stem. This was the first thermometer independent of atmospheric pressure. Torricelli, it will be remembered, had shortly before invented the barometer and demonstrated the weight of the atmosphere. Tuscan savants and Blaise Pascal had applied it to the measurement of eleva- tions. In constructing this new thermometer Ferdinand probably was guided by an experi- ment made by certain Florentine savants to show the influence of atmospheric pressure. The latter took a U-shaped glass tube open at both ends, on one arm of which two bulbs were blown, the uppermost ending in a very small open point ; at the foot of a high tower the U- tube was filled to a certain point with liquid that reached the same height in both arms, and the open point was then closed by melting the glass, care being taken not to warm the air in the bulbs. The whole apparatus was then taken to the top of the tower and the liquid was seen to rise in the open arm and to sink in the closed arm owing to diminished pressure. Ferdinand also applied the principle of the Cartesian divers to the construction of a ther- mometer, devising an entertaining apparatus 34 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. (glass bulbs floating in a vessel of water), that puzzled many philosophers ; in 1649 ne sen t one of these to Athanasius Kircher and one to Raphael Magiotti at Rome, with a challenge to explain the paradox, and both the Roman scientists published correct solutions. These instruments, of both the closed and the open forms, found many imitators, Guericke, Kir- cher, Dalence, and Pasumot, but are not suffi- ciently accurate for thermometrical purposes. In 1657 Ferdinand II, of Tuscany, and his brother, Prince Leopold de Medici, made a most valuable contribution to physical science in promoting the establishment in Florence of a society destined to become famous. The Ac- cademia del Cimento, as its name indicates, was founded for the express purpose of ascer- taining by experiment the facts and laws of nature ; it numbered only nine members, most of them pupils of Galileo (who had died in 1642), besides a few foreign correspondents, and they devoted themselves to experimental research for truth's sake, taking as their motto "Provando e Riprovando." They did not even seek personal renown, for the results of their investigations were published in the name of the academy only, no individual being men- THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 35 tioned. The meetings were held in the palace of Prince Leopold, who also presided. The ecclesiastical authorities did not, however, ap- prove of the enterprise, and the same power that persecuted Galileo caused the academy to be dissolved after ten years of useful activity. The results or the members' joint researches were published in 1667 in a volume fascinating to the his- torian of science; the " Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell' Ac- cademia del Cimento," which was translated into Latin and into Eng- lish, the latter by Richard Waller, F.R.S., and published at London in 1684 ; this edition is the one used in these chapters. Five instruments for measuring heat were described by the academy: I. The first is described as a long tube having a spherical bulb and closed with "Hermes' seal" at the flame of a lamp. The tube is filled Florentine with "spirit of wine up to a certain thermometer - mark on the neck, so that the simple cold of 3 6 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. snow or ice externally applied may not be able to condense it below the 20 degrees of the tube, nor on the contrary the greatest vigor of the sun's rays at midsummer to rarefy it above 80 degrees." The tube is divided into ten equal parts with compasses, each degree being marked with white enamel, and the ten intermediate divisions with green glass or black enamel. The academy preferred alcohol to water because it is " sooner sensible of the least change of heat and cold," and does not freeze in extreme cold. The alcohol is colored with solution of kermes, or of sanguis draconis. II. The second instrument is "but a copy of the former in little " ; the first being divided into 100 degrees and the second into 50. This comparison is then anade : No. i. No. 2. Degrees. Degrees. Greatest cold of winter 17 or 1 8 12 or n Excessive cold one year 8 6 Midday sun 80 40 III. The third thermometer is like the first but much larger, its length being 200 degrees. Of this the " Saggi " say : u We can lay down no certain rule to make it practice, often trials being the only way to effect it ; by increasing and diminishing the size of the bulb or the THERMOSCOPES OF THE ITALIANS. 37 bore of the cane, or the quality of the liquor, till at length it hits it right." IV. The fourth thermometer had a very long tube bent in the form of a spiral, made " rather for fancy and curiosity to see the liquor run the decimals of degrees by the only impulse of a warm breath than for any accurate deduc- tion." This instrument is styled a " very tick- lish thermometer." V. The fifth instrument was a wide tube of glass nearly filled wilh spirit of wine in which floated several little glass bulbs adjusted so as to sink to different points in the tube, as the temperature of the liquid rose. This instru- ment is evidently the same as that of Ferdinand previously noticed. Although the "Saggi " of the academy were not published until 1667, there is abundant proof that many of the experiments and instru- ments therein described were devised many years earlier, some of them even before the birth of the academy. It is certain that the principles on which the thermometers were constructed were known in Florence as early as 1641, sixteen years before the academy was founded, and it is highly probable that ther- mometers Nos. i and 2 were made from the 3 38 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. designs of the Grand Duke Ferdinand himself, for he used them in 1 644 when he was experi- menting on the artificial hatching of eggs, and in meteorological observations. In 1646 Tor- ricelli showed thermometers of this construc- tion to the distinguished French traveler, Monconys. The members of the academy used these thermometers, especially the one of 50 degrees which they found the most convenient and accurate, in a variety of experiments with freezing-mixtures and the reflection of cold by a concave glass. The thermometer scales can be thus compared : ^ Academy thermometers. ^ Fahrenheit. 73 37-5 96 19 13-5 32 8 8.5 o In the year 1829 a number of Florentine thermometers were found in a shop in Flor- ence by Antinori, and Libri ascertained their scales to have the following values : (Ann. chim., 45, 354). Flor. C. Fahr. 13-5 o 32 o 18.7 65.6 50 55 131- The academy's thermometers were a great 7HERMOSCOPES OF 7 HE ITALIANS. 39 advance on the barothermoscopes that had preceded them, but their graduation left much to be desired ; those of different lengths had degrees of unequal value, and individual in- struments of the same pattern gave results only approximately similar. Their agreement de- pended on the skill of the workmen, who sought to get comparable thermometers by taking care to get tubes and bulbs equal in size, but they had no standard of graduation. Florentine thermometers, made by skilful workmen, became famous throughout Europe; together with Torricelli's barometer and Ferdi- nand IPs hygrometer, they were used at me- teorological stations established by the Grand Duke, and conducted in Florence by Raineri, in Pisa by Borelli, as well as in Bologna, Parma, Milan, Warsaw, and Innsbruck ; the instru- ments were observed several times daily and records were kept with great fidelity. One of the Italian day-books containing sixteen years' observations was examined by Libri in 1830, and he obtained evidence that the climate of Tuscany had not materially changed. The meteorological observations made in Florence from December 15, 1654, to March 31, 1670, were published entire in the 40 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. " Archivio Meteorologico Centrale Italiano," Firenze, 1858, introduction. The thermometers were introduced into France by the way of Poland ; the Grand Duke Ferdinand presented some philosophical appa- ratus to the Envoy of the Queen of Poland, and her secretary sent one of the thermometers to the astronomer Ismael Boulliau in Paris, with the statement that Ferdinand always car- ried in his pocket a small one about four inches long. Meteorological observations were carried on in Paris from 1670 with an instrument made for De la Hire by Hubin. The scale was arbi- trary, but the thermometer was preserved until those with reliable scales were manufactured, and its values determined by comparison, thus permitting the records to be adjusted. Florentine thermometers continued to be manufactured for general use in the eighteenth century; G. Reyger records that Hanow, in his observations of the weather in Danzig made in 1741, reported temperatures in degrees of the " usual Florentine scale, the o being in the middle of the tube, indicating temperate air, or 45 Fahrenheit." A. Momber also states that many thermometers made in Danzig as SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 41 late as the middle of the eighteenth century had three scales, Reaumur, Fahrenheit, and Florentine ; one of these is in the possession of the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Danzig. Reaumur, writing in 1730, speaks of Florentine thermometers as in common use. III. ATTEMPTS TO OBTAIN A STANDARD SCALE FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. Through whom knowledge of the thermom- eters devised by the Florentine Academy reached England is not known, but it has been suggested that the French traveler Monconys conveyed it to the Hon. Robert Boyle on the occasion of his visit to London in 1663, and there is circumstantial evidence in favor of this view. Monconys was most politely re- ceived by the scholarly Irishman and attended a meeting of the Royal Society on the 3oth of May ; he had with him in London one of the new instruments and made an entry in his diary on the 3ist May to this effect: "The weather was cold towards evening and the ther- mometer fell to 6.5 degrees." While the Accademia del Cimento was busy experimenting on heat and cold, magnetism and acoustics, and trying to prove the " non- 42 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. existence of positive levity," the British philoso- pher was working in similar fields ; he im- proved the air-pump (invented in 1650 by Otto de Guericke), devised u physico-mechanical ex- periments touching the spring of the air," discovered the fundamental truth known as " Boyle's Law," invented the manometer, and made a great variety of observations in chem- istry and physics of prime importance. All this work qualified him for thermometrical studies, and it is said that he constructed a " sealed weather-glass " before he saw the Ital- ian instrument, but this is improbable. Boyle graduated the stems of thermometers with " little specks of amel " into inches and fractions as small as sixteenths ; in one experi- ment he found that " sal-armoniac " dissolved in water "made it descend to 2-11/16 inches in a quarter of an hour. He observed that ther- mometer stems were not sufficiently even and cylindrical, being often widest near the bulb, and said this was a source of inaccuracy. Boyle felt the need of a standard permitting comparison of effects shown by different ther- mometers, and expressed it thus : " We are greatly at a loss for a standard whereby to measure cold. The common instruments show SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 43 us no more than the relative coldness of the air, but leave us in the dark as to the positive degree thereof; whence we cannot communi- cate the idea of any such degree to another person. For not only the several differences of this quality have no names assigned them, but our sense of feeling cannot therein be de- pended upon ; and thermometers are such very variable things that it seems morally impossi- ble from them to settle such a measure of cold- ness as we have of time, distance, weight, etc." Boyle endeavored to overcome this difficulty ; believing that the melting-point of ice varied with geographical latitude, he proposed using the oil of aniseed for getting a fixed point, placing it around the bulb of an alcohol ther- mometer, allowing the oil to freeze and mark- ing the height of the spirit of wine in the bulb "when the oil begins to curdle." This scheme for getting a fixed point has been wholly misunderstood by some historians who state that Boyle filled his thermometers with aniseed. oil ! While Boyle tried to secure one fixed point he overlooked the advantages of having two ; he strove to compute the absolute expansion 44 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. of alcohol and to divide the scale into ten thousandths, or some aliquot part of the total expansion. Strange notions of natural phenomena were current in Boyle's day and the "Father of Chemistry " was not above crediting absurdi- ties ; he quoted Orthelius who wrote: "The liquor distilled from the ore of magnesia, or of bismuth, will swell considerably in the glass it is kept in at the full moon, and subside at the new." Contemporary with Boyle, another distin- guished British philosopher was occupied with improvements in thermometers. Robert Hooke, afterwards secretary of the Royal Society, pub- lished in 1664 his " Micrographia ;" in this work he says : "I have brought sealed ther- mometers to a great certainty and tenderness, for I have made some with stems above four feet long' in which the expanding liquor would so far vary as to be very neer the top in the heat of summer and preety neer the bottom at the coldest time of winter." Hooke filled his thermometers with " best rectified spirit of wine highly ting'd with the lovely colour of cochineal." To graduate the stem he placed zero at the point which the liquid stood when SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 45 the bulb was placed in freezing distilled water ; he then marked the divisions above and below "according to the degrees of expansion or con- traction of the liquor in proportion to the bulk it had when it indur'd the freezing cold." Edmund Halley, writing in 1700, said that Hooke exhibited at Gresham College, 2nd Jan- uary, 1667-8, a combination of barometer and thermometer in separate tubes, the freezing- point of water being equal to zero, and the stem being graduated from 70 to +130. Hooke made an important step in advance when he took the freezing-point of water as a fixed point in the scale, but the statement made by Brewster that in 1684 Hooke proposed the boiling-point as a second fixed point has been examined by Poggendorfl and not verified. The claim has been made that the two fiduciary points were first proposed by the Dutch mathe- matician Christian Huyghens, in a Letter dated and January, 1665, addressed to Robert Moray. (A. Member, Schr. naturf. Gesch. Danzig, N. F. VII, 108.) Huyghens wrote: "It would be well to have a universal and determinate standard for heat and cold, securing a definite proportion between the capacity of the bulb and tiie tube, and then taking for the com- 46 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. mencement the degree of cold at which water begins to freeze, or better the temperature of boiling water, so that without sending a ther- mometer to a distance, one could communicate the degrees of heat or of cold found in experi- ments and record them for the use of posterity." In this passage Huyghens does indeed sug- gest the two phenomena for fixing a standard, but only as alternatives, and he seems to have had no idea of dividing the space between them. The proposition to divide into equal parts the interval between two points to be ascertained by experiment was made four years later by Honore Fabri, a Jesuit of French birth, who had been one of the corresponding members of the Accademia del Cimento. In his volumi- nous work on physics published in 1669, he describes an experiment with a Florentine ther- mometer for the purpose of constructing such a scale ; he applied snow in very cold weather to the bulb and marked the point at which the liquid stood, then he marked the position of the liquid at the highest heat of summer and di- vided the line drawn between these points into eight equal parts. As we now know, the higher fixed point was ill-chosen, but the method was correct in principle, though not adopted until SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 47 long after. Meteorological observations were made with Hooke's thermometers by John Wallis, professor of mathematics in Oxford University, and he recorded in a certain paper published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1669, (p. 113), that the "liquor" stood at three and one-half inches on December 26, 1669, and at seven inches in " brisk frosts." Several novel forms of thermometers were constructed about 1660-62 by the accomplished experimenter in physics, Otto de Guericke, Burgomaster of Magdeburg ; they all bore im- press of his genius, and one of them was, and still remains, unique in many particulars. It was gigantic in size being above twenty feet long, gorgeous with blue paint and gilt stars, and decorated with the image of a winged angel whose outstretched arm pointed to the temperature at every moment. For conve- nience the immense air-thermoscope was fast- ened to the wall of a house on the shady side ; it was renowned for its power of showing u the coldest and hottest weather throughout an en. tire year." The instrument consisted of a large ^copper globe joined to a long tube one inch wide, of the saine metal ; the tube was bent upon itself 48 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER, Guericke'sthermomet'r. so as to form a very narrow U, in which was placed a certain amount of alcohol. The shorter arm of the U was open at the top ; on the liquid within it floated a tiny in- verted cup of brass foil to which a cord was attached that passed around a wheel, hung upon the underside of the globe, and carried at the other end a little figure of an angel pointing to the scale on the tube; the tube was con- cealed from the observer by a wooden case, and the image hung without. A valve at one side of the large copper sphere permitted enough air to be withdrawn by means of the air-pump, to adjust the height of the image, which hung about half way up the. tube. On the fifteen-foot scale were the words : u Mag- subfrigidus, aer temperatus, aer subcalidus, SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 49 aer calidus, magnus calor ;" and the large sphere above the tube was inscribed "Mobile perpetuum." De Guericke constructed a barometer on similar lines, and gave it the legend " Semper vivum ;" he described it in a letter to G. Schott, dated 30 December, 1661. Still more remarkable was the self-register- ing meteorological apparatus devised by the great German physicist ; it recorded every hour the change in temperature, direction of the wind, the rainfall, and amount of snow or hail. Monconys describes this briefly, with a diagram showing the arrangement, in his Journal des Voyages (Vol. Ill, 1663). The differential thermometer was invented by Gaspar Schott, as early as 1657 (Mechan. hydraul-pneumat. II, 231), and afterwards im- proved by Joh. Christ. Sturm, Professor in Altorf, Bavaria, in 1676. It was a U-tube with arms of uneven length, both tubes being closed ; Sturm explained its action quite cor- rectly. In the latter part of the seventeenth century references in scientific literature to the con- struction and use of the ordinary thermoscopes multiplied ; Le Febure in his admirable treat- 50 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOME7ER. ise on chemistry (1669), mentions the ther- mometer as a well-known instrument, and Ga- briel Clauder in the " Miscellanea ctiriosa Acad. nat. curiosa" (Dec. 2, Anno 6, p. 351, 1687), describes a " thermoscopium noviter inven- tum " adapted to immersion in liquids. There was published at Amsterdam, in 1688, an illustrated work entirely devoted to barom- eters, thermometers, and hygrometers, written by Dalence, who concealed his name under the initial D . I have already referred to this interesting book in connection with the Dreb- bel myth, but it deserves emphasizing, for it contains an imperfect summary of thermomet- rical knowledge up to that date ; to avoid repe- tition, however, I shall only notice items not previously given here. Dalence describes the Italian thermoscope as having a bulb the size of a pigeon egg and a tube as big as a quill pen*; he suggests the use of a mixture of three parts of water with one of aqua fortis to prevent the liquid freez- ing, and a flattened bulb to permit heat, or cold, more readily to penetrate the centre of the liquid. He proposed, also, that two points should be marked on the scale, the freezing- point of water, to be marked u cold," and the SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 51 melting-point of butter ; the space between them to be divided equally and the centre to be marked "temperate." Then each space above and below "temperate" to be divided into ten equal degrees, four additional degrees to be placed above the melting-point of butter and four below the freezing-point of water, making a scale of thirty degrees in all. Dal. Fahr. Melting butter . . . 10 86 Medium o Freezing temperature . 10 32 He further proposed another standard scale, the fixed points to be the temperature of a cel- lar and of ice, the space between to be divided into fifteen degrees ; and he added: "all ther- mometers made by the latter method are com- parable." To make instruments easy of trans- portation, and for fancy, the stems were bent into circular, oval, spiral, triangular, and stel- late shapes, and Dalence gives figures of each. He also described the floating glass bulbs of. Kircher, and made them in the shape of turtles to apply to the arms and body of feverish per- sons. "Some curieux" he says, "use mer- cury in thermometers," but the instrument he writes of was an air-thermoscope and the fluid metal was not employed on account of its prop- 52 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. erty of expansion. Dalence praised the skill of Sieur Hubin, glass-blower, whose address was Rue St. Martin, Paris, and says his success is due to the fact that "he knows the reasons for that which he does." The sections in Dalence's work on the ba- rometer and hygrometer are interesting from the historical point of view, but do not fall within the province of these chapters. Dalence seldom gives credit to individuals for their shares in the development of the in- struments he describes, and it is difficult to determine how many of the improvements men- tioned by him were original with him, proba- bly but few. Mention may be here made of a complicated thermometer constructed by the expert Pari- sian glass-blower Hubin, although it was not described in print until 1725 (Reyher, Pneu- matica). Two bulbed tubes were united at a reservoir, and bent in the shape of an U ; both tubes were closed so that the apparatus was independent of air-pressure. The shorter arm of the U was filled with mercury up to the centre of the reservoir, the longer arm half filled with water, the remaining half, inclu- ding the large bulb, containing air. When the SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 53 air in the bulb expanded, it pressed upon the column of water which in turn forced the mer- cury up the shorter and wider tube. Hubin claimed for this instrument greater delicacy than the Florentine in the proportion of 216 to 4, as determined by experiment. The question, who first used quicksilver as the dilating liquid in thermometers, is appar- ently a simple one, to be easily answered, but like many other questions of priority in the history of the thermometer, many claims have been advanced and the problem requires exam- ination ; no less than ten names are mentioned by different authorities as inventors of mercury thermometers. Thermometers containing mer- cury were indeed made at an early date, but the liquid metal was only an accessory to the air-thermoscope and was not used as a heat- measurer. Athanasius Kircher, in 1643, mentions a thermoscope containing mercury, but does not describe the function of the liquid metal. The Accademia del Cimento, as related in the diary of the society, made mercury thermometers in 1657, compared them with water-thermometers of the same size, and observed that the former fell and rose more quickly than the latter when 4 54 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. affected by changes of temperature, although the total amount was less; but this important fact lay dormant and unused. Mercury thermometers were also known in Paris ; Ismael Boulliau is said to have made them in 1659; and a letter dated 28th May, 1684, written in Paris to the Royal Society, London, by Mr. Musgrave, describes one three inches long and five lines in diameter, that was used lor taking the temperature of fever patients. Christian Huyghens, in 1665, and Dalence, in 1668, are also credited with the invention of mercury thermometers. In the same year that Dalence's book appeared, Edmund Halley, the eminent English mathematician and astron- omer, was studying experimentally the rela- tive expansion of water, alcohol and mercury, and he stated that mercury would make a good thermometrical liquid if its coefficient of ex- pansion was greater ; he did not actually rec- ommend the liquid metal, although he per- ceived that its expansion was large enough to influence the readings of the barometer. He observed that mercury heated in boiling water ceased to expand on long continuing the oper- ation, and according to Momber he proposed taking the boiling-point of water as a fixed SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 55 point, but Poggendorff says he made no appli- cation of this fact to thermometry. Halley thought that "spirit of wine" lost part of its expansive force by long keeping, yet he proposed the boiling-point of alcohol as a limit to thermometrical scales. The English scien- tist felt the need of a reliable thermometer scale and expressed himself in somewhat the same way as his countryman Boyle had done, four- teen years before : "I cannot learn that any thermometer of either sort was ever made or adjusted so as it might be concluded what the degrees or divisions of the said instrument did mean; neither were any thermometers ever otherwise graduated but by standards kept by each particular workman without any agree- ment or reference to one another. So that whenever observations of a thermometer are made by any curious person to signify the de- gree of heat in the air or other thing they can- not be understood, unless by those who have by them thermometers of the same make and adjustment." Halley regarded the freezing-points of aniseed oil, and of water, as unreliable, and preferred as a starting point the temperature of a deep cellar* the constancy of which had been de- 56 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. monstrated by De la Hire in the crypt of the Paris observatory. Christian Wolf, of Halle, and Olof Romer, of Copenhagen, both in 1709, are also named as the first to use mercury as a heat measuring liquid, but in spite of these many claimants the fact remains that Fahrenheit, in 1714, was incontestably the first to construct mercury thermometers having reliable scales. But this anticipates. The need of a standard scale, easily made and based on constant phenomena that can be reproduced at will, was felt by all who used thermometers, and an important practical pro- posal to secure this desideratum was made in 1694 by Carlo Renaldini, a former member of the Accademia del Cimento. and professor of mathematics in Padua. At that date, and in the eightieth year of his age, he published a work on natural philosophy , in which he suggested taking the melting-point of ice and the boil- ing-point of water for two fixed points of ther- mometer scales, and dividing the space between them into twelve equal parts. This truly ad- mirable proposition was not appreciated by his contemporaries who did not wholly believe in the constancy of these temperatures, and it was SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 57 forgotten by succeeding philosophers, thus de- laying greatly accurate observations of tem- perature. Dalence had anticipated Renaldini in adopt- ing the principle of the subdivision of the in- terval between two determinable points, but the phenomena chosen by the Frenchman were not so reliable as those proposed^by the Italian, which were afterwards adopted by Celsius. Renaldini devised another method for grad- uating thermometers ; he plunged the ther- mometer to be graduated first in mashed ice, then in a mixture of eleven parts cold water plus one of boiling water, and successively in mixtures of ten cold plus two boiling, nine cold plus three boiling, eight cold plus four boiling, and lastly in boiling water itself, marking on the scale the position of the expanding fluid at each immersion. This sounds plausible, but was shown by Wolff to be deceptive and un- reliable. Sir Isaac Newton was one of those who at- tacked the thermometrical problem of the age, but the scale proposed by this great genius was by no means satisfactory ; he rejected alcohol as the dilating liquid and preferred "lintseed" oil ; for fixed points in the scale he chose the 58 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. temperature of melting snow and of the human body, dividing the interval into twelve equal parts. In his paper "Scala graduum," pub- lished anonymously in the Philosophical Trans- actions, May, 1701, Newton gave his method of graduation ; he assumed that when the in- strument was placed in melting snow the lin- seed oil occupied 10,000 parts, and found that the same oil at the temperature of the human body, which he called one degree of heat, oc- cupied a space of 10,256 parts; in water boil- ing violently 10,725 parts, and in melted tin beginning to cool 11,51 6 parts; from this he computed the degrees of heat corresponding to the phenomena, calling the heat of the human body 12, he found for boiling water 34, and melting tin 72.- His thermometer was three feet long and had a bulb two inches in diameter. Newton also made an experiment with a thick piece of iron as a pyrometer ; he heated it red hot and u put it in a cold place where the wind blew uniformly," then he placed on the bar particles of various metals and other fusible bodies and noted the times of cooling, until all the particles having lost their fluidity grew cold, and the heat of the iron was equal to that of the' human body. Then by assu- SCALES FROM BOYLE TO NEWTON. 59 ming that the excesses of the heats of the iron and of the solidified substances, above the heat of the atmosphere, were in geometrical pro- gression when the times were in arithmetical progression, all the heats were obtained. From this experiment and computation Newton drew up the following scale of degrees of heat. NEWTON'S TABLE. Degrees Equal of parts of Phenomena, heat. heat. f heat of the winter air when water \ begins to freeze. / greatest heat of the surface of the I human body. 2 24 heat of melting wax. 2.5 34 heat of water boiling vehemently, g f lowest heat at which equal parts of I tin and bismuth melt. 4 96 lowest heat at which lead melts. f heat of a small coal fire not urged \ by bellows. Biot, commenting on Newton's paper, notes that it contains three important discoveries : (i) a method of making thermometers compar- able by determining the extreme terms of their graduation from the phenomena of constant temperature ; (2) the determination of the law of cooling in solid bodies at moderate temper- atures ; (3) observation of the constancy of tem- perature in fusion and ebullition. 60 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. From Newton's note-books it appears that he was occupied with these studies in March, 1692-3, although they were not made public until 1701. Newton made no use of the boiling-point of water in constructing his scale of temperatures, as he considered it variable ; he recorded that water begins to boil at 33 of his scale, and boils vehemently at 34 to 34^. We now know that such fluctuations depend upon the position of the thermometer (which must not be immersed in the liquid), on the pressure of the atmosphere, on the chemical purity of the water, and on the shape of the vessel holding it, so it is not surprising that doubts existed as to the constancy of the phenomenon. Mari- otte had laid the foundations of hypsometry, but the experimental proofs were not secured until L,e Monnier tested the matter in the Pyrenees in 1739. In the same year that Newton published his researches, Etienne Francois Geoffrey de- scribed an open air-thermoscope nearly identi- cal with that of Athanasius Kircher, made in the year 1643, an< ^ to which the French savant made no allusion. (Phil. Trans., 1701, p. 951.) FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 61 IV. FAHRENHEIT AND THE FIRST RELIABLE THERMOMETERS. The eminent French physicist, Guillaume Amontons, lost his hearing when a schoolboy, and like the philosopher of old who destroyed his eyesight for fear visual impressions should disturb his speculations, the Frenchman de- clined surgical and medical assistance lest the admission of common noises to his brain should interfere with his profound studies in mathe- matics and mechanics. He became skilled in surveying, able in architecture and distin- guished in pure mathematics, and he made important improvements in the hygrometer, the barometer, and the thermometer. Amontons constructed the first veritable air- thermometer which was not at the same time a barometer ; it consisted of a narrow glass tube four feet long, open above, ending below in a large bulb connected by a U-shaped bend ; in this bulb air was confined by a column of mercury so adjusted that when the apparatus was immersed in boiling water, the barometer standing at 28 inches, the mercury in the tube stood 45 inches above the level in the bulb, thus making the pressure of the heated air 73 inch'es. The tube was graduated from 73 62 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. inches down in inches and lines (pouces and lignes), so that on this scale 51.5 inches were equal to o C., and 73 inches to 100 C. Read- ings were corrected by a barometer. This in- strument registered the changes in the elastic force of air produced by heat, and was styled by Amontons the "universal thermometer;" but its great length, the difficulty of transport- ing it, and the inaccuracy due to friction of mercury in the glass tube, prevented it from being adopted. Amontons is often credited, especially by French authors, with the discovery that the boiling-point of water is constant under like conditions as respects pressure, etc., but this cannot be sustained for it is certain that Ren- aldini anticipated him in proposing the boil- ing-point of water as a fixed point, and that Boyle and Papin demonstrated the influence of pressure long before. The French physicist constructed a mercury thermometer provided with a double scale as- cending from 49 to 59 and descending from 14 to 24 ; in this were the following correspon- dences : 59 = solidification of tallow ; 54 = cellars of the observatory, Paris; 52 freez- ing of water. This instrument had no advan- tages over those in use. FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 63 Commenting on the experiments of Sir Isaac Newton with the iron pyrometer, Amontons devised similar ones. Assuming that the tem- perature increased in arithmetical progression throughout a rod of iron 59 inches long, he obtained the following results. TEMPERATURES OBTAINED WITH AMONTON'S PYROMETER. Thin glass melted at 4 pouces 4 lignes. Lead melted at 8 pouces 6 lignes. Gunpowder ignited at 8 pouces 6 lignes. Tin melted at n pouces Alloy of 3 tin and 2 ) lead melted at j I2 P ouces Water boiled at 22 pouces White wax melted at 30 pouces 8 lignes. Tallow melted at 39 pouces Butter melted at 42 pouces In his paper published in the " Memoirs de Paris " (i 703, p. 50) Amontons makes the oracu- lar statement "heat is the soul of nature, and it is very important for physicists to be able to measure it accurately." Fourteen years later, Jakob Hermann, a mathematical physicist of Basle, seeking to make thermometrical readings independent of corrections for barometric pressure, proposed to close the tubes of Amontons' air thermom- eters * by fusing the upper ends ; this form of 64 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. instrument he described in a work entitled : " Phoronomia," published at Amsterdam in 1716. This instrument showed directly the elasticity of the confined air, and thereby the temperature, a correction being made for the temperature of the column of mercury. Frequent allusions to the thermometer of Philippe de la Hire are met with in works on meteorology, and his instrument was famous not because of its novel construction, but owing to the long series of observations conducted with it and published in the Memoirs 'of the Academy of Sciences, beginning with the year 1670. It was a Florentine thermometer having a scale the value of which has never been ac- curately determined; La Hire considered it sufficient to state that it had two fixed points, the temperature of a deep cellar in the ob- servatory (48) and that of the air in an open room when it was freezing in the vicinity. Amontons sought to compare his standard thermometer with that of La Hire, but could not obtain permission from the authorities to place his instrument alongside of it in the ob- servatory; after his death a superficial com- parison was made. Lambert says the zero of La Hire's scale was the temperature of a mix- FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 65 ture of snow and salt, and the 100 degrees was the temperature of melted tallow about to solidify. It is, of course, inexpedient to attempt to chronicle in this volume every printed note on the thermometer, many of which did not bring their authors much fame, and did little to advance the instrument to perfection. But brief reference may be made to a " Disserta- tion" by Gabriel Philippe de la Hire, (Memoires Acad. Science, Paris, 1706, p. 432), (son of Philippe just named) in which he mentions an instrument invented by Nugent in 1706, re- sembling that of Huyghens, and to a short ar- ticle on the "Construction of Thermometers," by Elias Cammerarius in 1712 (Ephem. Acad. Nat. Curiosa, C. i and 2, p. 370), before we consider the eminent services to thermometry rendered by Fahrenheit. In the year 1714, Christian Freiherr von Wolf, Chancellor of the University of Halle, and professor of mathematics and philosophy in the same, received a visit from Fahrenheit, a maker of philosophical apparatus in Amster- dam, who presented him with two thermom- eters made by himself, which agreed so per- fectly in registering temperatures that the 66 'EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. learned professor was amazed ; he considered the unusual phenomenon so remarkable that he wrote a paper for the Acta Eruditorum in the same year, ascribing the concordance to certain singular properties of the alcohol. Noth- ing can illustrate more cogently the imperfec- tions of the best instruments then in scientific hands, and the character of those in ordinary use can be imagined ; nothing can better demon- strate the immense advance made by Fahren- heit, and even those who deprecate the wide use of his illogical scale must pay tribute to the value of his services in developing reliable thermometers. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was born at Dan- zig, 24th May, 1686, the son of a well-to-do merchant. After receiving private instruction at home he attended the gymnasium, but when fifteen years old he had the misfortune to lose both his parents in one day(i4 Aug., 1701), and w r as then sent to Amsterdam to enter a business house. There he completed his ap- prenticeship of four years, but forsook com- merce in order to follow his inclination to study physical science and to travel ; he became in- terested in meteorology and acquired great skill in constructing thermometers. In 1714 FAHRENHEI7 THERMOMETERS. 67 he visited glass-works in Berlin and Dresden to supervise the manufacture of the tubes for his instruments, and on this journey he called on Professor von Wolf in Halle, as stated. Returning to Amsterdam he established him- self as a maker of philosophical instruments ; at that period three distinguished men of science honored Holland, Dr. Hermann Boerhaave, pro- fessor of medicine and chemistry in Leyden, Pieter van Musschenbroek, professor of mathe- matics and physics in Utrecht, and Willem Jacob van 'sGravesande, astronomer and math- ematician at the Hague, and these refer in their writings to Fahrenheit and his thermometers. When he visited England some time prior to 1724, he was well received and honored by election to membership in the Royal Society. Fahrenheit died unmarried in the land of his adoption i6th September, 1736, at the age of fifty years ; he was buried in the Klosterkirche in the Hague. Fahrenheit's practical work in thermometry began as early as 1 706 ; at first he used alcohol only, but afterwards became famous for his mercury thermometers. In 1709 he sent his instruments to distant places, Iceland and Lap- land", and took them in person to Sweden and / 68 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Denmark. For eighteen years Fahrenheit kept secret his method of manufacture for commer- cial reasons, but between 1724 and 1726 he published five brief papers in the Philosoph- ical Transactions. Many of the experiments date, however, from 1721. In the first of these he gives the specific grav- ity and boiling-points of five liquids, alcohol, rain-water, nitric acid, potash-lye, and sulfuric acid, taken at 48 of his scale ; this tempera- ture, he explains, is half-way between that of the intense cold obtained by a mixture of water, ice and sal-ammoniac, or common salt, and that of the blood of man. The second paper, on the freezing of water in vacuo, contains the interesting observation that water can remain liquid below its freez- ing-point; incidentally Fahrenheit describes his thermometer. The third paper contains the specific gravity of 29 substances, solid and liquid, the deter- mination having been made with the balance and with the new hydrometer described in paper No. 4. This instrument was the first hydrometer of constant volume ; it had a pan for carrying weights like Nicholson's (which FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 69 was patterned after it), and was the first that could be used for all liquids. In the fifth paper Fahrenheit describes his invention of the thermo-barometer, based on the fact that the boiling-boint of water is in- fluenced by barometric pressure. Boyle had observed the lowering of the boiling-point un- der the receiver of the air-pump, but Fahren- heit was the first to discover the principles of hypsometry. Fahrenheit's publications are few in number and very brief, but they show him to have been an original thinker, and his great mechanical skill in working glass enabled him to carry out his designs. His account of the thermometer is of so great interest that I give it entire. "The thermometers constructed by me are chiefly of two kinds, one is filled with alcohol and the other with mercury. Their length varies with the use to which they are put, but all the instruments have this in common : the degrees of their scales agree with one another and their variations are between fixed limits. The scales of thermometers used for meteoro- logical observations begin below with o and go to -96. The division of the scale depends upon three fixed points which are obtained in 5 70 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. the following manner : The first point below, at the beginning of the scale, was found by a mixture of ice, water and sal-ammoniac, or also sea-salt ; when a thermometer is put in such a mixture the liquid falls until it reaches a point designated as zero. This experiment succeeds better in winter than in summer. The second point is obtained when water and ice are mixed without the salts named ; when a thermometer is put into this mixture the liquid stands at 32, and this I call the commencement of freezing, for still water becomes coated with a film of ice in winter when the liquid in the thermom- eter reaches that point. The third point is at 96 ; the alcohol expands to this height when the thermometer is placed in the mouth, or the arm-pit, of a healthy man and held there until it acquires the temperature of the body. If, however, the temperature of a person suffering from fever, or some other disease, is to be taken another thermometer must be used having a scale lengthened to 128 or 132. Whether these degrees are high enough for the hottest fevers I have not examined ; I do not think, however, that the degrees named will ever be exceeded in any fever. "The scales of such thermometers as are FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS, 71 used for determining the boiling-points of liquids begin also at o and run up to 600, for at about this temperature mercury begins to boil. To increase the sensitiveness of ther- mometers they are made with cylinders instead of spheres, so that a larger surface will be more quickly affected." Fahrenheit then gives a full account of his method of filling thermometers with liquids, a practical feature not necessary to detail in this place. The fever thermometers were known as "Pyranthropometers." While these scanty records are all given us by Fahrenheit himself, other details are fur- nished by contemporary writers ; Christian von Wolf describes the instruments given him by Fahrenheit thus : The two thermometers had cylinders in place of spheres and were filled with colored alcohol. The cylinder of one was one and three-eighths inches long (12 inches to a Paris foot), thirteen sixty-fourths inch in diameter, and the lower portion ended in a sphere ; the tube was six and eleven-sixteenths inches long. The scale was six and seven-sixteenths inches long f. nd had 26 degrees, each of which was divided into four. The second degree on the 72 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. cylinder was marked "greatest cold" (o F.), and from this to the upper end were 24 de- grees, some bearing special names; the fourth was u very cold," the eighth "cold," the twelfth "moderate," the sixteenth "warm," the twen- tieth " very hot," and the twenty-fourth " un- bearable heat." The second tube of Wolf dif- fered little in size. Wolf tested the two instru- ments and found the slight difference between them of one-four hundred and sixteenth of the entire scale. Another friendly contemporary of Fahren- heit, Dr. Hermann Boerhaave, has recorded in his " Elements of Chemistry" some particulars of the celebrated thermometers*. Boerhaave, writing in 1731, ascribes the invention of the thermometer to Drebbel, cites Amontons, Mari- otte, and others, and gives an account of a note- worthy experiment made by Fahrenheit, who poured spirit of nitre on ice and got a temper- ature of 29 F., using an instrument gradu- ated to 79. Boerhaave then describes "an elegant thermometer made at his request by the skilled artist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit " thus: " The lower cylinder of this instrument contains 11,124 parts of mercury, which in the utmost cold observed in Iceland reached to the FAHRENHEI7 THERMOMETERS. 73 mark o from whence the further degrees of heat are computed upwards. Now if this be immersed in a vessel of water gradually heated, the mercury will be found to ascend continu- ally till the water comes to boil, at 212 or more ; so that setting aside the dilatation of the glass it now possesses 11,336 spaces of which in the greatest cold it possessed 11,124, so that by this difference of heat the bulk is dilated to i "52"- 25 / 53 In another passage, Boerhaave relates that on comparing two of Fahrenheit's thermom- eters, one of alcohol and one of mercury, he found a slight discrepancy and reported it to the maker, who "ingeniously owned the fail- ing, but did not then see the cause of it, but revolving it in his own mind he at length dis- covered that the. very glass made in Bohemia, England, and Holland expands more or less easily by the same degree of heat," and Fahren- heit suggested that the two instruments ought to be made of one kind of glass. Thereupon the doctor adds this comment : "How circumspect does nature require us to be in order to dis- cover truth in physical matters, and how often are we deceived by following a general rule." 74 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Fahrenheit made his thermometers with dif- ferent scales at different times, commonly known as the large, medium, and small scales, their correspondence and value being shown in the table. i. ii. in. I,arge. Medium. Small. (Centigrade.) 90 24 96 35.5 o 12 48 8.8 90 o o 17.8 In No. I the o was placed at "temperate" as in the Florentine scale ; in No. II each space was divided into four equal parts, and these smaller divisions were afterwards taken as de- grees, thus forming scale No. III. The earliest thermometers were made to in- dicate temperature up to 96 only ; it does not appear that Fahrenheit used the boiling-point of water as a fixed point, although he alludes in his first paper to the fact that Amontons had shown that water boils at a constant tem- perature. The origin of the numbers 32 for the freezing-point and 212 for the boiling-point of water is obscure, they may have arisen in this way: After Fahrenheit abandoned the Florentine scale 90-0-90, he arbitrarily contrived the scale o- 12-24 taken from the familiar foot measure, but the spaces being too FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 75 large for accurate readings each was divided into four, and thus arose the scale 0-48-96. When he made thermometers for higher tem- peratures the scale was merely lengthened by adding more spaces of equal size, and one of the divisions marked 212 accidentally coincided with the level of the liquid at the boiling-point of water ; Fahrenheit never had any intention of dividing the interval between his zero and the boiling-point of water into 212 parts. It is a singular thing, however, that if we adopt the fixed points 32 and 212, the actual temperature of the human body is 98 not 96 ; so the Fahrenheit scale now in use is not ex- actly the original. Moreover the zero of the Florentine thermometer is given by him as equal to 45 F. and by others as 48. Uncertainty also exists as to the exact tem- perature selected by Fahrenheit for his zero; the proportions of ice, water, and salt (or sal- ammoniac) in the mixture he used are un- known. RiidorfT has shown that the temper- ature obtained by mixing 100 parts of snow and 33 of salt equals 21.3 C., and 100 parts snow with 25 of sal-ammoniac gives 15.4 C., whereas the modern Fahrenheit zero is equal to -^7.8 C. Fahrenheit's original mixture 76 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. must have contained the two salts in propor- tions now indeterminable. According to Boerhaave, Fahrenheit's zero coincides with the greatest natural cold ob- served in Iceland in the winter of 1 709, and this is sometimes stated to have been the origin of the lower fixed point in the scale. Surely that winter was remarkably mild in frozen Iceland, for zero is often exceeded in countries not regarded as arctic ; yet Boerhaave remarks that " nature never produced a cold beyond zero." The Meteorological Yearbook for Den- mark shows that the temperature fell in March 1888, at Stykkisholm, Iceland, to 8.5 F. There is another element of uncertainty in Fahrenheit's scale. Both Musschenbroek and Boerhaave state that the bulb of Fahrenheit's thermometer contains 11,124 parts of mercury at zero and that when the bulb is placed in melting ice the metal expands 32 of these parts; but Boerhaave, in another place, says the bulb contains 10,872 parts of mercury, and in still a 'third passage he gives the num- ber of parts as 11,520, which Dr. Martine ap- prehends is nearer the truth. These vaguely named "parts" depend upon the figures~taken for the expansion of mercury; to show their FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. 77 derivation we must bear in mind that the ratio between the capacity of the bulb and of the stem is constant for equal increments of heat. Let x = the quantity of mercury in the bulb at 32, 1 80 = number of degrees between the boiling- point and freezing-point of water, 161.7 = expansion of mercury between these 10,000 two temperatures, then: 161.7 : 10,000 = 180 : x, and x = 11,124. (Fahrenheit's figure 161.7 is, however, erron- eous, it should be 181.53.) A number of Fahrenheit's,original thermom- eters are preserved in European institutions ; two are in the physical cabinet, Leyden, one 653 mm. long is graduated from 4 to 600, the other one is 232 mm. long and has a scale from 4 to 100. Both are filled with mer- cury. Comparison with a modern standard thermometer shows that the freezing-point of water in the larger one is 34.2, and in the smaller 34.1. The Real Gymnasium of St. Peter, in Danzig, treasures one of Fahrenheit's early thermometers; it is filled with alcohol, measures no mm. in length, and has attached in P glass tube a paper scale graduated from 78 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. o to 100. Above the scale is the inscription : " Cilinder termometron Ferneid." Fahrenheit was followed almost immediately by a host of imitators, each devising a scale differing from Fahrenheit's and from one an- other, none of them possessing any special ad- vantage. In 1712 to 1713, Fahrenheit, being in Berlin, communicated his method of con- structing thermometers to his teacher of higher mathematics, Prof. Barnsdorf, and the latter made instruments with a scale of his own, the relation being as follows : Fahrenheit. Barnsdorf. 96 13 18 ii 4-5 o O I Barnsdorf taught the art to Dr. Lange, pro- fessor of mathematics in Halle, and he devised a scale of his own : Fahrenheit. I^ange. 96 24 52.3 12 48 10.8 6.4 o O -1.7 Besides these imitators of Fahrenheit there may be named Christian Kirch, professor of astronomy in Berlin, Chr. Friedr. Ludolff, REAUMUR AND CELSIUS. 79 Sisson, and Bergen, whose scale made 32 Fahrenheit = 6 B., and 212 Fahrenheit 174 B. Michael Christian Hanow, of Dan- zig, adopted a scale in which two degrees Fah- renheit equaled one degree H.; having ob- served in 1740 that the alcohol in a Fahren- heit thermometer fell to ten degrees below zero, he immediately devised a scale in which the zero-point was lowered ten degrees. These objectionable imitations of Fahren- heit's thermometers brought the genuine ones into evil repute, but the latter outlived their rivals and Fahrenheit's scale is the popular one wherever English is spoken. The weakness of Fahrenheit's scale was the three fixed points somewhat vaguely defined. V. THERMOMETERS OF REAUMUR, CELSIUS, AND OTHERS. Thermometers for a special and limited use were manufactiired about 1727 by John Fow- ler, Swithin's alley, near the Royal Exchange, London ; these were adapted to the cultivation of hot-house plants, being graduated to indi- cate degrees most "kindly" to given plants. The instruments varied in length from 18 inches to 4 feet, and the stems were marked 8o EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. from freezing-point of water to 90 a tempera- ture equal to that of warm water capable of being endured by the hand held still, certainly a very vague standard but perhaps sufficiently accurate for vegetable life. The proper temperatures for specified plants were as follows, the degrees being those given by Hales. HALES' TABLE. Melon thistles . . . 31 Ananas . . . .29 Piamento ... 26 Euphorbium . . . .24 Cereus . . . . 21 Aloes .... 19 Indian figs . . . 16 Ficoides . . . . 14 Oranges . . . 12 Mistles .... 9 (Phil. Trans., Apr. -June, 1727.) These instruments were used by the eminent botanist, Rev. Stephen Hales, who describes them in his "Vegetable Statics," 1727 (p. 61). Dr. Hales remarks that "64 of these degrees is nearly equal to the heat of the blood of ani- mals," which he determined by placing the "ball of the thermometer in the blood of an expiring ox." The "temperate" point was about 1 8 of these degrees. REAUMUR AND CELSIUS. Si Reaumur, who next sought to improve the thermometer, was one of the most popular sa- vants in France ; his position in the world of science as well as in that of society, was far more conspicuous than that of the humble ar- tisan Fahrenheit, and his aristocratic station is evidenced by his full name : Rend Antoine Ferchault, Seigneur de Reaumur, des Angles et de la Bermondiere. He early became a member of the French Academy of Sciences, and for more than fifty years assiduously cul- tivated the sciences ; his studies embraced the industrial arts, the physical and the natural sciences, and his publications were very nu- merous. In the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1731 he published a long paper entitled : " Rules for the Construction of Ther- mometers with Comparable Scales," which in its verbosity and prolixity contrasts strongly with Fahrenheit's conciseness. Reaumur, like so many Frenchmen, com- pletely ignored the thermometrical labors of the German, and rejected quicksilver, owing to its small coefficient of expansion ; he sought by means of dilute alcohol to arrange a scale sa that a definite change in volume would cor- respond to a definite rise or fall in temperature. 82 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. He adopted a single fixed point, the freezing- point of water, a constant more difficult to de- termine accurately than the melting-point of ice ; he ascertained that alcohol diluted with one-fifth water expanded from 1000 to 1080 volumes between the freezing- and boiling- points of water, and so he took zero for the lower and 80 for the higher temperature, divi- ding the intervening space into 80 parts. Reaumur showed much ingenuity in his ex- perimental work, but in his theoretical conclu- sions he made serious errors ; he believed er- roneously that he obtained the temperature of boiling water by immersing the unsealed alco- hol tube in boiling water, and he ignored the influence of air-pressure, although Fahrenheit's experiments were generally known. For these and other reasons his thermometers were not satisfactory ; with bulbs three to four inches in diameter the instruments were too large for standardizing smaller ones, and attempts to transfer Reaumur's scale to mercury thermom- eters led to confusion. Lambert, writing in 1779, gives for Reaumur three scales: first, that intended by him, second, the so-called Reaumur scale applied to mercury thermom- eters, and third, the scale actually obtained by REAUMUR AND CELSIUS. 83 the savant, which did not, however, agree with that proposed by him. Thermometers made after Reaumur's plans were constructed by the Abbe Nollet (1732), by Tobias Mayer, by Boissier de Sauvages, and by Brisson; the latter proposed quite properly to use the melting-point of ice rather than the freezing-point of water as the lower fixed point, and he took the heat of the human body for a second fixed point making it equal to 32^ degrees Brisson. The Abbe Soumille constructed a thermom- eter like that of Reaumur, but in four sections ; in the first section the temperature of melting ice was placed at the top of the tube, and the tube was graduated downward to 20 at the bottom ; the second section began where the first ended, the temperature of melting ice be- ing at the bottom of the tube and the scale extending to -f- 20 ; the third section ran from 20 to 40 and the fourth to 60. The spaces be- tween degrees were an inch long admitting of fine subdivision. (Hist. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1770, p. 112.) Reaumur's methods were severely criticized by De Luc in his researches on the modifica- tions of the atmosphere ; on the other hand 84 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Lambert makes the caustic remark : " Had De Luc written a work four times as small, he might have said four times as much as he did say." Shortly after Reaumur's publication Joseph Nicolas de 1'Isle, professor of astronomy in St. Petersburg, devised a thermometer on the same principles, but adopted as the point of depar- ture the temperature of boiling water, calling it zero, and adjusting the scale so that the freezing-point of water equaled 150 degrees. This instrument was not much used outside of Russia. In 1741, Jacques Barthele'nii Micheli du Crest, of Switzerland, an army officer, presented many arguments against the scale of Reaumur ; he used mercury only for calibrating tubes and rejected it as a thermometrical liquid, owing to the great difficulty of purifying it, preferring alcohol that had stood the gunpowder test. He took as one fixed point the "temperature of the terrestrial globe," as observed in the cellar of the Paris observatory, 84 feet deep, and as the second fixed point the boiling-point of water; the interval he divided into 100 de- grees. The degrees in this scale nearly coin- cide with those of Reaumur. The thermom- REAUMUR AND CELSIUS. 85 eter of Du Crest was commonly used in north- ern Switzerland, and only a few years ago aged people often cited air-temperatures in Du Crest degrees. In 1 749 Du Crest was condemned for politi- cal reasons to lifelong imprisonment, and dur- ing the seventeen years that he spent in the fortress at Aargau he published several papers on meteorology; he died in 1766. Anders Celsius, professor of astronomy at Upsala, proposed in 1742 a scale with zero at the boiling-point of water (the barometer at 25 inches, 3 lines), and with 100 at the tem- perature of melting ice. Celsius's scale is sometimes confounded with the French cen- tesimal scale now in use, through neglect to remember the inversion. The change to the modern centigrade was made by two scientists independently, Christin, of Lyons, and Marten Stromer, of Upsala. The Lyons savant worked out the same plan as Celsius independently and published his results in the local papers in 1743. He disregarded the barometric pressure but in other respects his thermometer did not differ from the mercury centigrade thermom- eter of France ; Christin's instrument was knoy. T n as the thermometer of Lyons. 6 86 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Seven years later Stromer, a colleague of Celsius, also inverted the scale and his ther- mometer was used in meteorological observa- tions at Upsala from 1750. The centesimal division of the scale between the freezing-point and the boiling-point has been claimed for Linnaeus, the eminent Swe- dish botanist. In 1844, Arago made a commu- nication to the French Academy of Sciences, quoting a private letter of Linnaeus, who wrote that he was the first to construct a thermom- eter with the centesimal division of the scale between the freezing-point and the boiling- point of water, for use in a green-house. Un- fortunately the date of Linnaeus' letter is not given. {Compte rendu, 18, 1063.) I have now completed the task undertaken, viz., to sketch impartially the history of the evolution of the thermometer from its first be- ginnings in Italy, through its crude early forms down to the three standards now commonly used in all civilized lands. It is interesting to note : First, that no nation makes popular use of the thermometer designed by its own citi- zen. The instrument constructed by the Ger- man Fahrenheit in the Netherlands is used almost exclusively in English-speaking lands ; REAUMUR AND CELSIUS. 87 that invented by the Frenchman Reaumer finds no credit in France, but is popular in Germany ; and that of Celsius, the Swede, modified by Christin, of Lyons, is used chiefly in France, Belgium, and Switzerland. Secondly, no one of the thermometers now in use has exactly the scale originally devised by the person whose name is attached to it, later and more perfect methods of manufacture having modified the primary form. The following table of thirty-five thermom- eter scales has been compiled from many sources, including the tables of Dr. Martine and of Van Swinden. 1 (a) Ma : ' ? f : i (a)**' ro O\ fO >O sumbonao tj- 0_ N _U; iO N O ON ^ no 3 BT ' 3 i? !? " JO OT* '. S" ^ M ' JO H tfhn-I : JT : f : CO jaopsiuBg CO ' M " 1 1 ma.oa f 1 ?J : J II ^pquaaiiB^ ^" ^ 5o S cf N II 1 I ^piiuaaiiB^i Q O O O . 5v & &N ^ ? O j! 1 to) iHia "t >- rr\ ^ M | (g) suo}uorav 0 .^ s S 2 f ^ _Q t w "C fa ? J 4 * .5 be ^ cc | t I aupuajotj; * ro 10 00 V. ^ 1 ^ S 1 1 i 55 'O *U *-X , C C CC ^ I a : | : : : n w ri 1 fa' 1 1 8 t e *J ^ ^ c c 2 2 rt ctf rt -J w Q > > N S3 < P9 a Q W (H) uossug . Jiopnl S oo 8 MOUBH 00 ON rO (o) at 29. . 2" 8 1 CO N O B CHRONOLOGICAL EPITOME. T 595 Open air-thermoscope invented by Galileo. 1611 Sanctorius applies Galileo's instrument to the diagnosis of fevers. 1611 Telioux' thermoscope. 1617 The word "thermoscope" used by Giuseppe Bianconi. 1624 The word ' ' thermometer ' ' used by Leurechon. 1632 Water-thermoscope invented by Jean Rey. 1641 Sealed alcohol thermometers of Ferdinand II. 1651 Caspar Ens originates the Drebbel myth. 1643 Kircher's thermoscopes. 1657 Differential thermometer of Caspar Schott. 1660 Giant thermometer of De Guericke, and self- registering thermometer. 1 66 1 Fabri makes a scale by dividing the interval between the temperature of snow and of mid- summer heat. 1664 Freezing-point of water taken as a fixed point on scale by Robert Hooke. 1665 Boyle uses aniseed oil to get fixed point on scale. 1667 Florentine thermometers described in the " Saggi." 1670 Paris thermometer. 1688 Dalenc publishes his "Traitte"" and proposes divers scales. CHRONOLOGICAL EPITOME. 91 1694 Renaldini proposes freezing-point and boiling- point of water as fixed points in scale. 1701 Sir Isaac Newton's linseed oil thermometer. 1702 Amon tons' researches. 1709 Fahrenheit's alcohol thermometers. 1714 Fahrenheit's mercury thermometers. 1727 Fowler's thermometers. 1730 Reaumur's thermometers. 1733 De Lisle 's thermometer. 1740 Scale of Du Crest. 1742 Scale of Celsius. 1743 Christin reverses the scale of Celsius and thereby establishes the ' ' Centigrade ' ' scale. AUTHORITIES. Abbe, Cleveland. Ann. Rep. Chief Signal Officer ; 1887. Part II, p. 13. Accademia del Cimento. Saggi di naturali esperi- enze fatte nell' Accademia del Cimento. 1667. Accademia del Cimento. Essays of Natural Experi- ments made in the Academic del Cimento. Eng- lished by Richard Waller. London, 1684. Arago, Francois. Compte rendue, Vol. VIII, p. 1063. Amontons, Guillaume. Me"moires de 1' Academic des sciences de Paris. 1702 and 1703. Annales de chimie. Paris. Vol. 45, p. 354. (1803). Archivio meteorologico centrale italiano. Firenze, 1858. Bianconi, Giuseppe. Sphaera mundi, seu Cosmo- graphia demonstrativa. Bononiae, 1620. Boerhaave, Hermann. A New Method of Chemis- try, translated by Peter Shaw. London, 1753. 2 vols. Boyle, Robert. Works, by Peter Shaw. London, 1725. 3 vols. Burckhardt, Fritz. Die Erfindung des Thermome- ters und seine Gestaltung im XVII Jahrhundert. Basel, 1867. Burckhardt, Fritz. Die wichtigsten Thermometer des achzehnten Jahrhunderts. Basel, 1871. AUTHORITIES. 93 Cajori, Florian. A History of Physics. New York, 1899. Cammerer, Elias. Operosa thermometri fabrica. Ephem. Acad. Nat. Curiosa. Francof. Cent. I, II. Caus, Salomon de. Raisons des forces mouvantes. Franckfort, 1615. Caverni, R. Intorno all' invenzione del termometro. Boncompagni, Bullettino di bibliografia, XI, 1878. pp. 531-586. Caverni, R. Storia delmetodo sperimentale in Italia. Firenze, 1891. Vol. I. Celsius, Andreas. Vetensk. Akad. Handl. Stock- holm, 1742. Clauder, Gabriel. Thermoscopium noviter inven- tum. Miscell. Acad. Nat. Curiosa, Dec. 2, A. 6. Jense, 1687. Crest, Micheli du. Description d'un thermometre universal. Paris, 1741. Dalence*. Traittez des barometres, thermometres et notiometres ou hygrometres. Amsterdam, 1688. De la Hire, Gabriel Philippe. Me"moires acad. roy. sciences de Paris, 1706. Drebbel, Cornelius. Van de elementen quinta essen- tia en primum mobile. Amsterdam, 1709. Drebbel, Cornelius. Griandliche Aumosung von der Natur und Eigenschaft der Elementen. Franck- furt am Mayn, 1715. Ens, Caspar. Thaumaturgus mathematicus. Co- lonise Agrippse, 1651. Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel. Phil. Trans. Vols. 30 and 33. 1724. 94 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER. Favaro, A. Galileo Galilei e lo studio di Padova. Firenze, 1883. Vol. I. Fludd de Fluctibus, Robertus. Utriusque cosmi . . . historia. Londini, 1617. Fludd de Fluctibus, Robertus. Philosophia Moy- saica. Londini, 1638. Geoffroy, Etienne Francois. Phil. Trans. 1701. Gerland, E. Das Thermometer. Berlin, 1885. Guericke, Otto de. Experimenta nova Magdebur- gica de vacuo spatio. Amstelodami, 1672. Hales, Stephen. Vegetable Statics. London, 1727. Halley, Edmund. Phil. Trans. 1693, p. 650. Hellmann, G. Neudruck No. 7. Accademia del Ci- mento; instrumenti per conoscer 1'alterazioni dell' aria. Berlin, 1897. Helmont, Joh. Bapt. von. Opera. 1648. Hermann, Jakob. Phoronomia. Amstelodami, 1716. Hoefer, Ferdinand. Histoire de la chimie. Deux. e"d. Paris, 1866, 2 vols. Hooke. Robert. Micrographia. Londini, 1664. Lambert, J. H. Pyrometrie. Berlin, 1779. Kircher, Athanasius. Magnes, sive de arte mag- netica. Ed. II. Colon. Agrip. 1643. Le Febure. Nicolas. Traicte* de la chymie. Paris, 1660, 2 vols. Leurechon, Jean. La recreation mathe'maticque. Pont-a-Mousson, 1624. Libri, Guillaume. Histoire des sciences mathe'ma- tiques en Italic. Paris, 1838, 4 vols. Martine, George. Essays Medical and Philosophi- cal. London, 1740. Mersenne, Marin. Cogitata physico-mathematica. Paris, 1644. AUTHORITIES. 95 Member, A. Schriften d. naturf. Gesell. Danzig. N. F. Vol. VII. Monconys, Balthasarde. Journal dcs voyages. Paris, 1665, 3 vols. Nelli, G. B. C. Vita e commercio letterario di Gal- ileo Galilei. Losanne, 1793, 2 vols. Newton, Isaac. Philos. Trans. 1701. Oettingen, A. J. von. Abhandlungen iiber Ther- mometrie. (Ostwald's Klassiker, No. 57). Leip- zig, 1879. Poggendorff, J. C. Geschichte der Physik. Leip- zig, 1879. Porta, Giambattista della. I tre libri di spiritali. Napoli, 1606. Porta, Giambattista della. Pneumaticorum libri tres. 1601. Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de. Construc- tion des thermometres. Memoires Acad. roy. sciences, Paris, 1730, 1731. Renou, E. Annuaire Soc. met. France. Vol. 24, 1876. Reyher, Samuel. Pneumatica. Hamburg, 1725. Rosenberger, Ferd. Die Geschichte der Physik. Braunschweig, 1882, 2 vols. Sanctorius, S. De statica medicina aphorismorum sectiones septem. Venetiis, 1614. Sanctorius, S. Commentaria in primam Fen primi libri Avicennse. Venetiis, 1646. Sanctorius, S. Commentaria in artem medicinalem Galeni. Venetiis, 1612. Schott, Gaspar. Mechanica hydraulico-pneumatica. Herbipoli, 1657. 96 EVOLUTION OF THE THERMOMETER, Soumille, Abbe". Histoire Acad. roy. sciences, Paris, 1770. Swinden, J. H. van. Dissertation sur la comparai- son des thermometres. Amsterdam, 1778. . Verulam, Francis de. The Novum Organon, trans- lated by G. W. Kitchin, Oxford, 1855. Verulam, Francis de. Instauratio inagna. Londini, 1620. Viviani, Vine. Vita di Galileo Galilei, in Opere di Galileo. Firenze, 1718. Wallis, John. Phil. Trans., 1669, p. 1113. Wohlwill, Ed. Pogg. Ann. Vol. 124, p. 163. (1865). OF T: INDEX. Accademia del Citnento 34 Amontons 61 Amontons' pyrometer 63 Antinori's find , 38 Authorities, I,ist of 92 Bacon, Chancellor 26 Baro-thermoscopes 20 Barnsdorff 's scale 78 Bergen's scale 79 Boerhaave, Hermann 72 Brisson's scale 83 Boyle, Robert 41 Caus, Salomon de 26 Cartesian divers. 33 Castelli 18 Celsius, Andreas 85 Centigrade thermometer 86 Christin of I^yons 85 Crest, Micheli du 84 Dalenc 50 De la Hire's thermometer 64 De 1'Isle, Jos. Nicolas 84 De I